ROMA SOTTERRANEA OR OME ACCOUNT OF THE ROMAN CATACOMBS ESPECIALLY OF THE CEMETERY OF SAN CALLISTO COMPILED FROM THE WORKS OF COMMEND A TORE DE ROSSI WITH THE CONSENT OF THE A UTHOR BY REV. J. SPENCER NORTHCOTE, D. D. PRESIDENT OF ST MARY'S COLLEGE, OSCOTT AND REV. W. R. BROWNLOW, M.A. TRTNITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, READER, AND DYE 1869 \^All rights of Translation reserved^ EDINBURGH PKINTKD I;Y BALLANTYNE AND COMPANY, Paul's work. THE GOTY CE?JTtfc PREFACE ^ I ^HE interest which the Roman Catacombs have excited in the minds of our countrymen, espe- cially of those who have visited the Eternal City, has long made us wish to present them with that most full and accurate information upon the subject w^hich is contained in the ROMA SOTTERRANEA of De Rossi. Two courses were open to us ; either to bring out a translation from the Italian original, or to embody in a work of our own the most interesting and important facts which those volumes contain. The first would have been incomparably the easier, and in some respects the more satisfactory course. But the size and cost of such a work would have put it entirely beyond the reach of many whom we were most anxious to benefit. We therefore decided on the plan adopted in the volume which we now introduce to our readers, and which, we believe, will be found to contain as fair a summary as its dimensions would allow — not only of De Rossi's two volumes of Roma Sotterranea, published in 1864 and 1867,— but also of many articles in his bi-monthly Biillettino di Archeologia Cristiana, of papers read by him before learned societies in Rome and elsewhere, and of his occasional contributions to IV Pi^eface. works published by others, such as the Spicilcgiuvi Solesinense of Cardinal Pitra, &c. It was our intention at one time to have drawn up a tabulated statement, showing the exact portion of De Rossi's works from which each part of this had been compiled ; but as those works are unhappily without indices, and the intention referred to was not enter- tained when first this volume was taken in hand, some three or four years ago, it was found that the benefit to be derived from such a statement would not be likely to repay the labour of drawing it out. Nevertheless, it has been thought worth while to retain a number of refer- ences in the notes, wherever they happened to have been preserved in our MSS., and either related to some mere obitci' dicta which might easily have been overlooked even by persons who had studied the original, or belonged to some of those minor works which we have enumerated, and which are not so generally known as the larger works of our author. A more important omission, which will be regretted by many of our readers, requires a word of explanation. We allude to the Inscriptions on the grave-stones of the Catacombs. But this was too large a subject to be disposed of satisfactorily at the end of a volume already longer than was desired. Moreover, it would hardly be fair, either to the subject or to our author, to handle this question until the second volume of Inscriptioncs Christiance, on which he is at present engaged, shall have been published. That volume will contain all the Christian inscriptions of Rome which bear upon Chris- tian doctrine and practice ; and should the present attempt to put the fruit of De Rossi's wonderful dis- coveries in the Catacombs within the reach of English readers meet with sufficient encouragement, a similar Preface, V epitome — already begun — of his labours in the fields of Christian epigraphy will soon follow. In the arrangement of this volume, we have followed, in the main, the order of De Rossi himself; but to those to whom the subject is altogether new, we should re- commend a certain departure from this order. They would do well to postpone the perusal of the Introduc- tion, or Literary History of the Catacombs, until they have first read Books I. and II., which contain an account of their origin and real history. Then the Introduction would form a suitable link between the general treatment of the subject in Books I. and II., and the more minute examination of one particular cemetery (San Callisto), which forms the subject of Book III. Book IV., on Christian Art, is, of course, complete in itself. The last two chapters of it are, in great part, taken from the works of Bosio and of Padre Garrucci. Even here, however, we are indebted for many important additions and corrections to the works of De Rossi. Book V. is compiled from that part of the Commendatore's volumes which was contributed by his brother. It is a development, partly of the last chapter in Book I., and partly of the second chapter in Book III., of this volume. We suspect that to many of our readers this Book will seem dry and tedious, in spite of the assistance of the numerous plans and sections by which we have illustrated it ; yet, the study of it is certainly indispensable to those who would go thoroughly into the matter, and satisfy themselves as to the solidity of the foundation on which De Rossi's conclusions rest. Its special value lies in the fact of its being an examination of the subterranean excava- tions themselves, which are made to bear testimony to the successive periods of their own construction, a;id VI Pi^efacc. thus its conclusions are drawn from a source quite independent of those historical documents which have been the main guide of Gio. Battista de Rossi in all his labours in this field of Christian archaeology. We have prefixed a chronological table and a list of the Catacombs according to their ancient appella- tions and their position on the various roads out of Rome, which we hope may assist our readers in forming a clearer notion both of the history and geography of the cemeteries referred to in the course of the work. Finally, it may be well to add that, although both Editors are jointly responsible for the whole volume, the first portion, to the fifth chapter of Book IV., is mainly the work of Dr Northcote ; the remainder of the text, and Note C in the Appendix (on St Peter's Chair), is the work of Mr Brownlow. Easter Tuesday, 1869. LIST OF PLATES AT THE END OF THE VOLUME. — The pages refer to the passages where they are described or alluded to. Plate. Page L Damasine Inscription found in Papal Crypt (See Plan L' Atlas 4), . . . , . .147 IL Copy (probably by Pope Vigilius) of Damasine Inscription to St Eusebius, found in his Crypt (Atlas, T>e i), . 170 III, The same, as originally set up by St Damasus, . .170 IV. Fresco of Moses, from a ctibicuhmi near to Area VI., . 248 V, Fi-esco of Saints Cornelius and Cyprian in the Crypt of St Lucina (Atlas V>h 3), . . . . .181 VI. Ceiling of citbicuhim near the above ; painting of Second Century ; representing in the centre Daniel between the lions, and in the corners the Good Shepherd alternately with a female orante, which is probably the Blessed ^Virgin (on the walls of this same chamber are painted Plate XIV. I, and Figs. 14 and 19), . . .255 VII. Fresco of Jonas, ...... 244 Vni. Frescoes from Bosio : (i) Good Shepherd and the Blessed Virgin with Birds (Bosio, p. 387) from ciibicuhim in Cemetery of Saints Peter and Marcellinus, . .255 (2) Noe, from Cemetery of St Agnes (Bosio, p. 449), 241 IX. Do. : (i) Lazarus from Cemetery of Saints Peter and Mar- cellinus (Bosio, p. 359), . . . .247 (2) Three Children from Cemetery of St Hermes (Bosio, p. 565), . . . . .245 X. (i) The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Prophet Isaias, Fresco of Second Century in a czibiciihim of St Priscilla, . 258 (2) The Adoration of the Magi, from Cemetery of Saints Peter and Marcellinus, a Fresco of the Third Century, . 257 viii L ist of Plates. Plate. Page XI. (i) Sacrifice of Isaac, from aibicuhim A3, Fresco of Second Century, . , . . . .270 (2) Our Lord under the symbol of Orpheus, from ceiling of ciibiculicm same age, . . . -199 (3, 4) Fossors painted on either side of the doorway of cubi- cuhim A4, Third Century, . . . .272 XII. (i) The Smitten Rock and the Fisher of Souls, from ciibi- culuvi A2, Second Century, .... 265 (2) The same subjects, from atbiculutn A3, . . . ib. (3) Paralytic carrying his Bed on the same wall with 2, . ib. XIIL The Eucharistic Feast, from aibicnlum A3, where it is painted between XI. i and XIV. 3, forming one com- position with them, ..... 269 XIV. (i) Symbol of Holy Eucharist, from the same atbicnhuii in Cemetery of St Lucina as Plate VI., . . . 224 (2) Eucharistic Symbols, from cubicitlum A2, . .214 (3) Sacrifice of the Mass symbolically depicted in acbiciilmn A3 (see XIIL), . . . . .266 XV. Papal Crypt, as it must have appeared in the time of St Damasus, restored by De Rossi from fragments found in the Crypt itself, . . . . -147 XVI. Christ and the Apostles under symbol of Good Shepherd, painted in the lunette of an arcosoliiim, probably to- wards end of Third Century, in the same aibiculutn with Plate IV. (see Atlas, Area VII. 3), . . 237 XVII. (i) Bronze Medal of Saints Peter and Paul, of First or Second Century, found in Cemetery of St Domitilla, . 284 (2) Gilded Glass of St Peter as Moses, in Vatican Library, 287 XVIIL Gilded Glasses from the Catacombs : — (1) Blessed Virgin between Saints Peter and Paul, in Pro- paganda Museum, ..... 285 (2) St Agnes with two Doves, in Vatican Library, . . 286 XIX. Sarcophagus found at St Paul's on Via Ostiensis, now in 'Lateran Museum, ..... 300 XX. Sarcophagi with Pagan Sculptures used by Christians in ages of persecution : — (1) Dolphins, Epitaph of Longliamis, buried on the dth of April, ....... 297 (2) Orpheus and Fisherman ; viy stveet Furia, holy soul, . 300 Atlas — A description will be found at the end of the Volume. LIST OF WOODCUTS. Fig. Page Ueneral view of the Gallery of a Catacomb with Graves, 26 2. Plan of arenaria immediately above the Catacomb of St Agnes, 28 3- Plan of part of that Catacomb from Padre Marchi, 29 4- General appearance of an arcosoliiuii, .... 30 5- Table-tomb, called also sepolcro or loailo a mensa. 30 o. i^namoer m Catacomb or bt Agnes, with Chairs and Bench cut out of the solid tufa, ..... 31 7- A lu7fiinare giving light to two Chambers in Catacomb of Saints Marcellinus and Peter, ..... 34 Q O. Sepulchral Stone lound in a Catacomb on Via Latina, having engraved upon it the Monogram, the Fish, and Good Shep- herd, — explained in page 213, .... 55 9- View of entrance to Cemetery of St Domitilla, Via Ardeatina, . 71 lO. Fresco of Vine on Ceiling of Cemetery of St Domitilla, First Century, ....... 72 II, Remains of Fresco of Daniel in Cemetery of St Domitilla, First Century, ....... 73 12. Painted Chamber in Cemetery of St Pretextatus, Second Century, 79 Epitaph of St Januarius by Pope Damasus, 80 13- Stone (having a Lamb, Dove, and Anchor engraved on it) which still closes a locithis in a very ancient part of the Lower Gal- lery of Area of St Lucina, ..... 82 14. Two Sheep with Milk-pail, in cnbiculuvi of St Lucina, (described in p. 225), . . . . . 103 15- Sarcophagus, with inscription, 0 Blastiainis, peace with thee ! a form of Epitaph similar to the very ancient ones in St Pris- cilla, found in very ancient cubiaihim of St Lucina, adjoin- ing that described in p. 225, .... 109 Epitaph of Pope Cornelius, . . . • • 118 16. Fresco of the Baptism of our Lord in the cubiculuni described under l-'ig- I5> 119 Epitaphs of Popcb St Anlhcrus, St Fal^ian, St Lucius, and St Eutycliianus, 137 X List of Woodcuts, 17. Statue of St Cecilia, by Maderna, who had seen her body incor- rupt in 1599, . . . . . -157 18. Inscription (with Monogram and Doves) on an arcosoliitni in the Cemetery of St Soteris, . . . . .166 19. Fresco of Doves from the aibiculum in which is Fig. 14, First or Second Century, . . . . . .185 20. Fresco of Good Shepherd in centre of Ceihng of the adjoining Chamber, . . . . . . .201 21. Epitaph from very ancient part of Catacomb of St Priscilla, . 207 22. Another Epitaph from the same, . . . . -213 23. Frescoes of Gospel Stories illustrating the Holy Eucharist, from Catacombs of Alexandria, . . . . .221 24. Sepulchral Stone from ancient Christian Cemetery at Modena, . 223 25. Fresco of Lamb with Palm and Milk-pail, being one of those in each of the four corners of a cubiculum in Saints Peter and Marcellinus, ...... 225 26. Fresco of Lamb with Shepherd's Crook and Milk-pail, from very ancient part of Catacomb of St Domitilla, . . . 225 27. Different forms of the Cross and Monogram of Christ, . . 230 28. Sarcophagus found in Crypt of St Lucina, with Monogram of Tyranio, and Sculpture representing Ulysses and the Syrens, ........ 232 29. Inscription found in Crypt of St Lucina, with Doves plucking at Grapes. There is an error towards the end, of N for II, as the original runs SABBATIAOVEVIXI lANNIIIAENSV, evidently the work of a stone-cutter ignorant of letters, and intended for Sahbatia qticB vixit aim. iii., mens, v.; " Sabbatia, who lived three years and five months," ....... 238 30. Sculpture of Elias being taken up into Heaven, in Lateran Mu- seum, ....... 250 31. Fresco of the Madonna and Child in Catacomb of St Agnes., early part of Fourth Century, . . . . -257 32. Sarcophagus with Pagan Good Shepherd, and Cupid and Psyche found beneath the floor of atbiailum (Atlas, 7), in San Callisto, described in p. 298, . . . .261 33. Gilded Glass, with Saint Peter as Moses, in Vatican Museum, . 287 34. Fragments of Glass Paten found at Cologne, a.d. 1864, . . 290 35. Sarcophagus, still containing the body of a man, ornamented with unfinished figure of the deceased, veiled and clothed in tunic and pallium, with a roll of a book in his hand, and a box of books at his feet — described in p. 299. At either end is a shepherd with a dog. This and two other sarcophagi, like- wise containing bodies, A\'ere found in the CTtbiculum, where tliey now are, close to the staircase in Area VII. (Atlas, Cr 2), ..... . 294 List of Woodcicts. xi Fig- Page 36. Sarcophagus representing the Passion, in Lateran Museum, of Fourth or Fifth Century, ..... 307 37. Spandrils of arches on Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, a.d, 359, . 312 38, Glass in the Vatican Library, representing Christ between Sts. Peter and Paul ; also Christ as the Lamb, and the Faithful as Lambs — Jews and Gentiles coming from Jerusalem and Bethlehem {Becle) to Mount Sion, whence flow the four Evangelical Streams, united in the Mystical Jordan, . 316 39. Part of Wall of Gallery of St Hermes, .... 323 40. Section of Gallery in St Hermes, .... 323 41. Section of Gallery supported by brickwork, . . . 324 42. Plan of part of Catacomb of St Priscilla, . . . 329 43. Gilded Glass in the Louvre Collection, representing St Callixtus, 332 44. Section of the Cemetery of St Callixtus, .... 336 45. Plan of principal Area of St Callixtus, in the First Period of Excavation, ....... 340 46. Elevation of outer Wall of Ambulacrum C in it, . . 341 47. Elevation of inner Wall of Ambulacrum A, . . . 342 48. Second Period of Excavation, ..... 343 49. Third Period : Connexion with Arenarium, . . . 345 50. Section of Secret Staircase into Arenarium, . . . 347 51. P'ourth Period of Excavation : Union with a second Area, . 349 52. Fifth Period : Galleries made when old ones were filled with earth, . . . . . • -353 53. Section of Galleries, ...... 353 54. Last Period of Excavation : Works of St Damasus, . . 354 55. St Peter's Chair, . . . . . -389 ERRATUM. Tn page 37, Xotc (*),>/- Tacitus Hist. iii. 65, 75, read Dio Cass. Hist. Ixxii. 4. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. The dates of the Popes' accession are given, and the place of their burial according to the Libet PoiitiJicnUs : the dates of the Emperors are only proximately exact. ROMAN EMPERORS. A.D. POPES. PLACE OF BURIAL. NERO. First Persecution, . GALBA, OTHO, VITELLIUS, VESPASIAN. Fall of Jerusa- lem, ... TITUS, DOMITIAN, .... NERVA, .... TRAJAN, .... HADRIAN, ANTONINUS PIUS, M. AURELIUS, . COMMODUS, SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS, CARACALLA, MACRINUS, HELIOGABALUS, ALEXANDER, . MAXIM IN, GORDIAN, PHILIP, DEC I US, GALLUS, VALERIAN, GALLIENUS, CLAUDIUS II., . AURELIAN, . TACITUS, FLORIAN, PRO BUS NUMERIAN CARINUS DIOCLETIAN, . GALERIUS MAXIMFAN. CONSTANTINE MAXEN TIUS, Edict of Milan, CONSTANTINE, 67 235 236 238 1 244 250 253 254 257 259 268 2 JO 274 283 284 290 303 309 3ii 312 PETER, LINUS, CLETUS, CLEMENT ANACLETUS, EVARISTUS, ALEXANDER. SIXTUS I., . TELESPHORUS HYGINUS, . PIUS L, ANICETUS, . SOTER, . ELEUTHERUS, VICTOR, ZEPHYRINUS, CALLIXTU.S, URBAN I.. . PONTIANUS, ANTHEROS, FABIANUS, . CORNELIUS, LUCIUS, STEPHEN. . SIXTUS 11... DIONYSIUS, FELIX, . EUTYCHIANUS, CAIUS, . MARCELLINUS, MARCELLUS, . EUSEBIUS, . MELCHIADES, . Peace given to the CInirch. SYLVESTER, In Vnticayio juxta Palatiiim Neroniannni. fiixta corpus B. Petri in Vaticano. jfitxfa corpus B. Petri in l/'aticano. In Gnecia, {i.e., in the Crimea.) Jiixta corpus B. Petri, fuxta corpus B. Petri in Vaticannin. Via Noj)ientana, 7nilliario VII. Juxta corpus B. Petri i7i Vaticanum. Juxta corpus B. Petri in Vaticano. Juxta corpus B. Petri itt Vaticano. Juxta corpus B. Petri in Vaticano. In coemet rio Callixti (?) see page 141. 1)1 coeineterio Callixti Via Appia (?) see p.ige 141. Juxta corpus B. Petri in Va ticano. Juxta corpus B. Petri in Vaticano. In ccenieterio suo juxta cocin. Callixti Via Appia. hi cocmeierio Calepodii, via Ajirclia, 7nillia7'io III. 1 71 ca'7/n'terio Prcptextati, Via Appia. hi casiiieterio Callixti, after being brought back from Sardinia. hi ccci/ieterio Callixti, J'ia Appia. hi ccpi/u'terio Callixti, Via Appia. hi crypta, jjixta caetnet. Callixti, in pra'dio B. Lucincp. hi c(E/7ieterio Callixti, Via Appia. hi cce/neterio Callixti, Via Appia. In caetneterio Callixti, Via Appia. hi coc77ieterio Callixti. Via Appia. In basilica Via Au7-elia /nilliario II. In ca77ieterio Callixti, Via Appia. hi caeineterio Callixti, Via Appia. hi cestMcterio Priscillce, Via Salaria, i7i cubiculo claro. hi ccenieterio Priscillce, Via Salaria. In co'/neterio Callixti in crypta. hi cccineterio Callixti in crypta. Via Salaria, 7nilliario I II., in caaiie- terio PrisciUcp, [in basilica.} LIST OF CEMETERIES, MENTIONED IN ANCIENT HISTORICAL RECORDS, ON THE VARIOUS ROADS. ROADS. APPIA, ARDEATINA, OSTIENSIS, PORTVENSIS, AURELIA, . CORNELIA, . FLAMINIA, . CLIVUS CU-) CUMERIS, ) SAL ARIA VE-) TUS, 5 SALARIA NOVA, . GREATER CEMETERIES. LESSER CEME- TERIES ; Primitive Names. TLucinse, ; I Callixti jZephyrini, | C Hippolyti, 2. Prsetextati, 3. Ad Catacumb:i 4. Domitiila;, 5. Basilei, 6. Commodillae, Pontiani i pileatimi, Lucina ro. Calepodi Names in 4th Century, Time of peace. 12. Ad Septem Columbas, Basilic, [5. Ma.ximi, S. Xysti. S. Cseciliae. SS. Xj'sti et Cornelii. S. Januarii. SS. Urbani, Felicissimi Agapiti, Januarii, et Quirini. SS. Tiburtii, Valeriani, et Maximi. S. Sebastiani. S. Petronillse. SS. Petronilla;, Nerei, et Achillei. SS. Marci et Marcel- liani. SS. Felicis et Adaucti Or, Isolated Tombs of Martyrs. 27. Soteridi CEMETERIES Constructed after the Peace of the Church. 38. Balbinse sive S. Marci. 39. Damasi. 28. Sepulcrum Pauli Apostoli in prsedio 1 Lucinae. j 29. Cosmeterium Timo- thei in horto Theo- nis. 30. "Ecclesia S. I'hec'se. 31. Ecclesia S. Zenonis SS. Abdon et Sennen. S. Anastasii, pp. S. Innucentii, pp. Mai S. Pancrati bS. Proces tiniani. ! S. Agatha; ad Gii ulum. 1 S. Callisti via Aurelia. j Julii via Aurelia. i S. Valentini. Ad caput S. Joannis. S. Hermetis, SS. Hermetis, Basil's: Proti, et Hyacinthi. S. Pamphyli. S. Felicitatis. Julii via Por- tuensi, mill, iii , S. Feli- cis via Por- tuensis. S. Felicis via Aurelia. 32. Memoria Petri Apos- toli et sepulturaj episcoporum in Va- ticano. 33. Ecclesia S. Hilaria; in horto ejusdem. 34. Crypta SS. Chry santi et Darise. 35. Ccemeterium Novella;. List of Cemeteries, &e. XV List of Cemeteries — Continued. GREATER CEMETERIES. LESSER CEME- CEMETERIES TERIES; ROADS. Constructed after Primitive Names. Names in 4th Century, Or, Isolated Tombs of the Peace of the Time of Peace. Martyrs. Church. 16. Thrasonis, .S. Saturnini. S. Alexandri. Jordanoi uiii, . . \ SS. Alexandri, Vitalis 17- et Martialis et VII. Virginum. Priscillge, . • • | .S. Silvestri. 18. S. Marcelli. NOMENTANA, 19. Oslrianum vel Os- J triani, . • ■ Coemeterium majus. Ad Nymphas .S. Petri. 36. Coemeterium S. Ag- netis in ejusdem Fontis S. Petri. agello. 37. Coemeterium S. Ni- comedis. TIBURTINA, 20. S. Hippoiyti. 21. Cyriacae, . f S. Laurentii. 42. In Comitatu S. Gorgonii. ■ LABICANA, . 22. SS. Petri et Marcellini. sive 23- Ad Duas Laiiros, . | i S. Tiburtii. S. Castuli. S. Gordiani. SS. Gordiani et Epim- SS. Quatuor Coronatorum. LATINA, achi. 2=;. \ SS. Simplicii et Servi Hani, Quarti et Quinti, et Sophiae. S. TertuUini. t 26. Aproniani, S. Eugeniae. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. PART I. Page Modern Authors. — Roma Sotterranea — Its discovery — Visited in fifteenth century by Franciscan friars— and by Pomponio Leto and his companions — In 1578 visited by Baronius — Researches of Ciacconio, De Winghe, and Macarius — Bosio — His life and labours — Immense learning and industry— His labour in the Cata- combs and its danger — Posthumous publication of his Roma Sot- terranea, and its success— Its value and general arrangement — Sad destruction of antiquities in Catacombs — At length prevented by the Popes — Protestant notices of Catacombs — ^John Evelyn — Bur- net and Misson — Fabretti aistode of Catacombs — Succeeded by Boldetti — Works of Boldetti, Buonarrotti, Marangoni, and Bottari in eighteenth century — Christian Museum in the Vatican — D' Agin- court, his work and devastations — Padre Marchi — De Rossi — Follows system of Bosio — His sources of information, . . i PART II. Ancient Records. — The Martyrologium Ilieronymianum— Its value and antiquity — Almanac of Furius Dionysius Filocalus — Inscrip- tions of Pope Damasus — Liber Pontificalis — Martyrologies — Acts of martyrs, their importance even when of doubtful authenticity — Itineraries of pilgrims in seventh century — Papyrus list of olea at Monza in time of St Gregory the Great, . . '17 BOOK I. ORIGIN OF THE CATACOMBS. CHAPTER I. — General Description. — Position and extent of Catacombs — Their number and names — Their origin and purpose, and distinctions from sand-pits or arena ria — Explanation of terms C 071 tents. xvii 1 age — Different kinds of tombs — ^Tlie Catacombs as places of pilgrim- age until the relics were removed — Their abandonment and re- discovery in sixteenth century, . , , . -25 CHAPTER II. — Social and Religious Position of the First Roman Christians. — The Roman Church in Apostolic times comprised among its members persons of noble rank, Greeks and Jews — Scattered notices of them in Pagan authors — The Flavii — Flavius Clemens, the consul and martyr — Flavia Uomitilla — Pomponia Grecina— Their political position — At first confused with the Jews, and protected as a sect of a legalised religion — - Proscribed by Nero — First persecution — Domitian — Nerva — Tra- jan and Pliny — Insecure position of Christians even under tolerant princes, ........ 35 CHAPTER III. — Roman Laws and Cust( ms affecting Burial. — Christian sepulchres protected by the ordinary privileges of Roman tombs — Even in times of persecution — Roman burial- places readily adapted for Christian cemeteries — Their size and appurtenances — Catacombs originally limited by the size of the superincumbent area, as in St Lucina — Funeral confraternities in Rome, their rul'es and dustoms — Might easily have been made use of by Christians as a safeguard — Instance of this having been done — First edict expressly against Christian cemeteries by Emperor Valerian, . . . • • • • '45 CHAPTER IV. — Beginning of the Catacombs. — Roman burial- places, extra-mural — Their character as contrasted with Christian cemeteries— Jewish Catacombs— Christians did not bum their dead, but buried them entire — First Christian cemeteries small nnd pri- vate — Examples of these very early cemeteries, . . ■ 5^ BOOK II. HISTORY OF THE CATACOMBS. CHAPTER I.— The Catacombs in the First Ages.— Apostolic . origin of some of the Catacombs— Papal crypt on the Vatican— St Paul's on the Via Ostiensis— St Priscilla on the Via Salaria— Cemetery of Ostrianus or Eons Petri— Signs of antiquity— Ceme- tery of St Domitilla-Its description— Entrance and arrangement —Character of its paintings— Evidences of Apostolic antiquity- Description of the very ancient cemetery of St Pretextatus on the Via Appia-Its architecture -Tomb of St Januarius-His epitaph in Damasine characters-Tomb of St Quirinus-Catacomb of St Alexander on the Via Nomeulana, • , • • • XVlll Contents. CHAPTER II. — From the beginning of the Third Century TO Constantine's Edict of Peace, a. u. 312. — Public Chmtian cemeteries — Cemetery of St Callixtus — Under the pontificate of St Zephyrinus — -Burial-place of the popes — Other public ceme- teries — Edict of Valerian against the Christian cemeteries — Mar- tyrdom of St Sixtus II. and St Laurence — Cemeteries restored to Pope Dionysius — Necessity of concealment — Christians attacked in cemeteries — Martyrdoms in them — Used as hiding-places — Their condition from Aurelian to Diocletian — Confiscated by the latter, and restored by Maxentius to St Melchiades — Parishes or titles of Rome — Each had its own cemetery — Their ecclesiastical administration — Reflections upon this portion of their history, . 83 CHAPTER III. — From the Edict of Milan to the Sack of Rome by Alaric, a.d. 410. — Gradual disuse of subterranean cemeteries — Basilicas of the martyrs— Care of St Damasus for the Catacombs — His labours and inscriptions — Catacombs as places of pilgrimage — Described by St Jerome — Also by Prudentius — Scene on the festa of a saint — Damage caused by indiscreet devo- tion and private interment — Rapid disuse of Catacombs as burial- places — Total cessation after A.D. 410, . . . -95 CHAPTER IV. — ^From a.d. 410 until their Final Abandon- ment. — The Catacombs abandoned as burial-places — Still fre- quented as shrines — Profaned by the Goths under Vitiges, a.d. 537 — Repaired and cared for by the popes — First translation of relics from Catacombs, a.d. 756, by Paul I. — Afterwards by Paschal I. and other Popes — Final abandonment of Catacombs — Origin of the name Catacomb, . . . . .104 BOOK III. CATACOMB OF ST CALLIXTUS. CHAPTER I. — Its Discovery and Identification. — Pre-emi- nence of the Via Appia, both in Pagan and Christian Rome- Its cemeteries and shrines described by ancient writers — ^Those in or near the Catacomb of St Callixtus — Basilica of St Sebastian — The temporary resting-place of the bodies of St Peter and St Paul — Their translation — Erroneous medieval inscriptions in the Catacomb beneath this basilica — Proof that the Catacomb of St Callixtus is not there— Discoveiy of the crypt of St Cornelius— And of the Papal crypt, . . . . . .110 CHAPTER II.— Distinction of the several parts of the Catacomb of St Callixtus.— Difficulties of mapping the Cata- Contents. XIX combs — Overcome by Michele de Rossi — Several different arec£ of cemeteries originally independent— Crypt of St Lucina — Belonged originally to the Gens Crecilia— Who was St Lucina? — Charac- teristics of this area —The central area of St Callixtus — Another area subsequently added to it — Cemeteries of St Soteris and of , St Balbina, . . . . . . .120 CHAPTER III. — The Papal Crypt. — Its entrance— 6^n7^// on the plaster — Of three kinds — Mere names — Prayers and pious ejacu- lations — Invocations of saints — Their antiquity — Examination of the crypt itself — Ancient altar — Original epitaphs of popes of third century — Burial of bishops at that period — Rarely, but sometimes away from their own churches — Popes buried in this cemetery— Zephyrinus — Urban I. — Pontianus — Anteros — Fabian — Lucius — Eutychianus — Sixtus II. martyred in Catacomb of St Pretextatus — Inscription of Pope Damasus concerning it — Has been erro- neously applied to St Stephen — Caius — Traces of Diocletian per- secution in this cemetery — Tomb of St Melchiades — Inscription by Pope Damasus in Papal crypt — Vast number of martyrs men- tioned in itineraries not improbable, . . . .130 CHAPTER IV. — Crypt of St Cecilia.— General appearance of this chamber —Plistory of St Cecilia — Iler martyrdom and burial — Her body discovered and translated by Paschal I. — Found in- corrupt, A.D. 1590 — Examined by Cardinals Baronius and Sfron- drati — Statue by Maderna from the body itself —Critical examina- tion of the crypt — Its discovery and excavation — Its paintings and other decorations— Identification of the tomb of St Cecilia, by in- scriptions and graffiti — Verification and correction of the Acts of St Cecilia— Alterations made in the crypt— Saints depicted on \i?> l/iiiii//ari', . . . . - . • ^S'^ CtlAPTER v.— Epitaph of St Euskpi us.— Crypt of St Eusebius — Fragments of a Damasinc inscription found there — Which had been restored in the sixth or seventh century— Inscription explained — Its importance as supi)lying a lost page of history of the ponti- ficate of St Eusebius, . . . . . .166 CT.IAPTER VI.— The Sepulchre of St Cornelius.— Inscription to Saints Parthenius and Calocerus — Labyrinth connecting the cemetery of St Callixtus with the crypts of St Lucina— Family of St Cornelius— How his epitaph came to be in Latin instead of (ji-eek- His sepulchre described— Damasine inscription there, and also one by Pope Siricius, restored by De Rossi— Fresco of St Cornelius and St Cyprian, its date and peculiarities— Another of St Sixtus and St Optatus— Pillar near tomb of St Cornelius- Cm^// on the plaster, . . . • • -175 XX C07ltC7ltS. BOOK IV. CHRISTIAN ART. Page CI^PTER I. — Antiquity and Original Types of Christian Art. — Opinions of D'Agincoui t, Raoul Roclaette, and others on the antiquity of Christian paintings — De Rossi claims a very high and even apostolic antiquity for many of the frescoes in the Cata- combs—Protestant testimony to the same effect — The birth of Christian art— Its progress checked by persecution — Explanation of the canon of the Council of Elvira against pictures in churches — Means of distinguishing the dates of paintings — The nimbus^ its introduction and pi-evalence — Letters on garments — The mono- gram — Evidence from style, and choice of subject, locality, &c. — Sketch of early history of Christian art— In apostolic times — Christian artists by no means confined themselves to Pagan models, as was supposed, from the discovery of two Gnostic ceme- teries — Christ represented as Orpheus and the Good Shepherd — Division of our subject, ...... i86 CHAPTER II.— Symbolical Paintings. — Symbolism explained — Rules for interpreting symbolical representations and their abuse — The anchor a symbol of hope — Sheep and dove of living and deceased Christians — Dove joined with other symbols — The fish : its symbolical use confined to ages of persecution — A symbol both of Christ and of a Christian — Origin of its use as symbol of Christ • — Instances of its use by the Fathers in this sense and in monu- ments of art — Used with a ship, a dove, or an anchor — Fish and bread (St John xxi.) explained of the Holy Eucharist by St Au- gustine and the rest of the Fathers — Confirmed by epitaphs of St Abercius and of Autun, and by monuments of art — Similar paint- ings in a Catacomb of Alexandria — Summary of evidence on this subject, and importance of conclusion — Holy Eucharist symbolised by milk in very ancient frescoes, as in acts of St Perpetua and by St Augustine — The cross : its different forms and disguises — The monogram : its successive modifications, .... 202 CHAPTER III. — Allegorical Paintings — Parables of our Lord give the key to many of these paintings — e.g.. The vine — The wise and foolish virgins — The Good Shepherd : its frequency and va- rious forms^Explanation of Plate XVI., . . . 233 CHAPTER IV. — Biblical Paintings. — Subjects taken from holy Scripture are ljut few in number, and confined in mode of treat- ment ; being, in fact, symbolical rather than historical— Noe in the ark typical of baptism, not copied from Pagan type — ^Jonas and the fish a type of the resurrection — The ivy or gourd — Daniel Contents, XXI in the den of lions, and the tliree children— Adoration of the Magi— Moses striking the rock, and the resiu'rection of Lazarus — Moses taking off his shoes— These subjects probably chosen Ijy ecclesiastical authority, ...... 239 CHAPTER V. — Paintings of Christ, His Holy Mother, and THE Saints. — Historical paintings extremely rare in Catacombs — No real portrait of Christ, or of the Blessed Virgin— A bust of our Lord described by Kiigler— The saints generally represented pray- ing — The Blessed Virgin as an orante in Catacomb paintings, sculp- tures, and glasses — Sometimes, perhaps, as a figure of the Church — Remarkable fresco of her in Catacomb of St Agnes — She is fre- quently represented with the adoration of the Magi, who are nearly always three — Very ancient painting of the Blessed Virgin and Child with Isaias, in Catacomb of St Priscilla — Its date of the second century— Other paintings of Our Lady, St Joseph, &c., . 251 CHAPTER VI.— Liturgical Paintings.— Liturgical paintings are necessarily very rare — Remarkable series of them in acbicula near the papal crypt — Made in second and third century — Description of them — ^Explained by TertuUian — Baptism under figures of smitten rock, a fisherman, and the paralytic carrying his bed — Holy Eucharist — Consecrating priest clothed in palUnni only — Church represented by a woman praying — Answers to objections — Sacrifice of Isaac explains the companion scene — Resurrection of Lazarus forms a conclusion to the series — ^Jonas — Painting of teachers and of fossors — Series probably drawn out by authority — Other liturgical paintings in Catacomb of St Priscilla, . . 262 CHAPTER VII. — Gilded Glasses found in the Catacombs. — Various articles found in the Catacombs — Gilded glasses in Vatican Museum— In England and elsewhere — Description of these glasses — Their discovery by Bosio and others — Two found recently at Cologne — The art of making them known only in Rome, and practised there only in the third and fourth centuries — Subjects depicted on them — Pagan — Social and domestic— Jewish — But most frequently Christian — Description of some of these — Bibli- cal subjects — Figures of saints — Most favourite subject is Saints Peter and Paul— Probably used at the feast of these apostles, which was very solemnly observed at Rome in the fourth century Eighty glasses have these apostles on them— Inscriptions round them— Ancient portraits of the apostles— Valuable bronze medal of them found in cemetery of St Domitilla— They are variously represented on glasses — Sometimes to symbolise the Roman Church with St Agnes and other saints— St Peter under the type of Moses, illustrated by sarcophagi and fresco paintings— Large XXI 1 Contents. patevuv, with small medallions let into the glass — Whether these glasses have been used for chalices ? — Glass patens and their use in the third century, ...... 27-, CHAPTER VIII. — Christian Sarcophagi. — Christian use of sar- cophagi dates from apostolic times — Tomb of St Petronilla and of St Linus — It was not a common mode of burial — During the ages of persecution, Christian subjects were not sculptured on sarcophagi, for obvious reasons — But Christians selected from Pagan shops those subjects which suited them — Pastoral scenes — The Good Shepherd — Instances of such subjects as Cupid and Psyche, and Ulysses and the Syrens--Orpheus, &c. — The sarcophagi in the Lateran INIuseuni — Large one from St Paul's described and explained : re- presentation of the Holy Trinity^ — The fall — The adoration of tlie Magi — Christ giving sight to the blind — Eucharistic symbols — Resurrection of Lazarus — St Peter in three scenes — Daniel among the lions, and the prophet Habacuc — Small statues of the Good Shepherd — Sarcophagus, with history of Jonas, Noe, and other subjects — Sarcophagi, with Cain and Abel, the fall, and St Mary Magdalene — Cover with sheep carrying ciavibellc — Sarcophagus which once contained the relics of the Holy Innocents, having figures of Mary nnd Lazarus, St Peter's denial, Moses receiving the law, the sacrifice of Isaac, St Peter as Moses, Daniel, heal- ing of the blind and paralytic, and Zaccheus — Sarcophagus with labaniin, and scenes from the Passion — Sculpture of the Agape — • Sarcophagus under a canopy, representing Christ in glory, sur- rounded by the apostles, St Peter's denial, the smitten rock, and Noli me tangere — Sculpture of Elias ascending into heaven — The pallium — The Nativity — Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, its date, and the subjects on it, especially the lambs in the spandrils of the arches — Statue of St Hippolytus — Of the third century — His canon paschalis — Note on the comparative frequency of the various subjects sculptured, . . . . . .29 BOOK V. THE TESTIMONY OF THE CATACOMBS THEMSELVES. CHAPTER I. — Testimony of the Catacombs to their Chris- tian Origin. — Scope of this part of the work— Catacombs used as burial-places by none but Christians — Pagan inscriptions in them accounted for — Their Christian origin first vindicated by Padre Marchi — First proof : the nature of the rock in which the Cata- combs aie excavated — The various volcanic strata of the Roman Contents, xxiu Campagna — Second proof: the form of the Catacombs as con- trasted with that of pozzolana quarries — Instance of arenarmm converted into the Catacomb of St Hermes— Grounds of the theory of their Pagan origin stated and examined — Meaning of tlie term cryptce arenarm — Examination of passages in ancient records which seem to identify the arenaruv with the Catacombs, viz., in the case of— I. St Cornelius — 2. The Quattro Coronati — 3. Saints Chrysanthus and Daria — 4. St Crescentianus in cemetery of Pris- cilla — 5. St Hippolytus, &c., on Via Appia. — These apparent exceptions prove the rule, . . . . . '317 CHAPTER II. — Testimony of the C.vtacombs to the mode OF THEIR Construction and Development. — Scope of this chapter — ^Locality of Christian cemeteries, and distance from the city — On high ground — Excavated in hifa gramilai'e — Systems of galleries, each horizontal, though in different flats, one below another — Section of geological strata — Mode of excavation — Dif- ferent periods to be distinguished in the area in which are the crypts of the Popes and of St Cecilia — First period — Second period: level of galleries lowered — ^Third period : a deeper piano tried, signs of necessity for concealment, connexion with arenarimn — Union with a second area previously distinct — Fourth period : ar- cosoUa — Fifth period: earthing up of galleries during the Diocletian persecution — Sixth period : formation of small galleries upon this earth — Last period : works of St Damasus — Recapitulation and application to development of catacombs generally, . . 333 CHAPTER III. — Analytical Description of the Plan of the most important Area of the Catacomh of St Callixtus, 360 APPENDIX. Note A. — The finding of the body of St Hyacinth (p. 15), . . 379 Note B.— The Acts of St Cecilia (p. 22), . . . .387 Note C— St Peter's Chair (p. 68), . . . . .388 • I. Description of the Chair in the Vatican. 2. Historical Notices of it. 3. Another Chair of St Peter in the Cemetery of Ostri- anus. 4. The two Feasts of St Peter's Chair. Note D. — Burial near the sepulchres of saints (p. 102), . . 399 Note E. — Altars in the primitive church (p. 184), . . .401 Note F.— The origin of the pallium (p. 310), . • • 4^4 Note G.— Description of the Atlas accompanying this volume, . 406 INDEX, 409 INTRODUCTION TO ROMA SOTTERRANEA ITS LITERARY HISTORY. PART I. MODERN A UTHORS. ON the last day of May, a.d. 1578, some labourers, Discovery, who were digging pozzolana in a vineyard (now the property of the Irish College) on the Via Salaria, about two miles out of Rome, came unexpectedly on an old subterra- nean cemetery, ornamented with Christian paintings, Greek and Latin inscriptions, and two or three sculptured sarco- phagi. The discovery at once attracted universal attention, and persons of all classes flocked to see it. " Rome was amazed," writes a contemporary author, " at finding that she had other cities, unknown to her, concealed beneath her own suburbs, beginning now to understand what she had before only heard or read of:" and "in that day," says De Rossi, "was born the name and the knowledge of i?^';^^.^ Of Roma Sot- Sotterraiieay ^ It is true that the man who was destined to be the first thoroughly to explore and describe this city of the dead, was as yet only three years old but even then there were not want- ing men whose learning and industry sufficed to keep alive the * Bosio, Rom. Sott., p. 511. A 2 Literary Histoiy of Rojna Sotterranea. liarlier visits _)f friars. and Roman Academicians, fruitless. Pomponio Leto, newly enkindled flame of love for Christian antiquities. Nearly one hundred and fifty years before, and at various intervals during half a century, the same, or at least precisely similar, objects had been seen in another vineyard on the opposite side of the city; but those who saw them were either men of reli- gion, attracted by motives of piety, or men of learning, with enthusiasm only for what was Pagan. Among the first class must be reckoned certain Franciscan friars, whose visits to the Catacomb of St Callixtus between the years 1432 and 1482 are recorded by scribblings on the walls of two or three cuhicula in one quarter of that cemetery. " Came here to visit this holy place," {fiiit hie ad visitandiDii sanctiivi locum istiun,) writes Brother Lawrence of Sicily, with twenty brethren of the order of Friars Minor, January 17th, 1451. Another visit was made in 1455, " in the week in which Pope Nicholas V. died," {Jiebdomada qua defuntus est pp. N. V.) An abbot of St Sebas- tian's entered with a large party, {cum viagna coudtiva,) May 19th, 1469; some Scotchmen in 1467, [MCCCCLXVII. quidem Seoti hie fuerufit,) &c. &c. Not one, however, of these numerous visitors seems to have thought of making any his torical or antiquarian examination of the precious monuments of the past which were before them. The other class of visitors to whom we have alluded belonged to the same period, but were men of a very different character. The names of Pomponio Leto and other littei'ati^ his associates in the famous Roman Academy, may still be read in several places of the same quarter of the Catacombs, written there by themselves, with the addition of their title as Uiianimes antiquitatis Amatores, or Perscrutato7^es ; yet not even one of these seems ever to have made any study of what he saw, certainly none ever wrote about it. Those who are familiar with the literary history of the fif- teenth century, will remember how these men fell into disgrace with the Sovereign Pontiff, Paul II., on suspicion both of being infected with heresy and of conspiring against the Government. One of the grounds for the first of these charges was their pedantic conceit of taking old Pagan classical names m place of their Christian ones ; but it has always been a matter of controversy how far the charge of conspiracy was really sup- ported by evidence; and Tiraboschi hardly mentions any Modern Authors. 3 appreciable ground for it at all* We are not here concerned with the rehgious or political integrity of the Academy ; yet, in elucidation of an obscure point in history, it may be worth while to mention that the name of Pomponio Leto is found in these newly-discovered memorials of him, with the title of Fon- tifex Maxhjms, and even Font: Max: regtians ; and that other titles are added to some of the names, showing the dissolute habits of the Academicians, and that they were not ashamed to perpetuate their own memories as lovers, not only of ancient names, but of ancient manners. We must also express both our regret and surprise, that men whose lives were devoted to the revival of learning, and of whose chief it is particularly recorded that he applied himself to the elucidation of Roman antiquities " which were then being disinterred," should have been familiar with these earliest monuments of the heroic age of Christianity, and yet never have felt sufficient interest to excite them to investigate their history, or to publish anything at all about them. Whatever, therefore, they may really have believed, we cannot wonder at the charge brought against them by their contemporaries, and which we find addressed to one of them by a bishop even after their acquittal, that they were more Pagans than Christians. We fear, indeed, that this charge might at that time have been justly urged against many more than the members of the Roman Academy. Now, however, in the year of which we first spoke, a.d. 1578, Christian learning and Christian morality were in a far more hopeful condition in the Eternal City. It was the age of St Ignatius Loyola, St Charles Borromeo, and St Philip Neri. Baron ius, the friend and disciple of the latter, Baionius. was already engaged on his immortal work, the " Ecclesiastical Annals," in more than one page of which he shows the warmth of his interest in the new discovery, and his just appreciation of its importance. He was among the first to visit it ; and . had not his time been fully absorbed by his own gigantic work, he might, perhaps, have become its first explorer and historian. As it was, this labour and honour seems rather to have fallen to the lot of foreigners resident in Rome, than to Romans themselves. They were Alfonso Ciacconio, a Spanish Domini- can, and two young Flemish laymen, Philip de Winghe, and * Stovia della Litteratura Italiana, torn. vi. part i. pp. 93-97- 4 Literary History of Roma Sotterranea. Joannes Macarius, (the Grecised form of Jean I'Heureux ;) and the labours, even of these, were not destined to be of much service in spreading a knowledge of the Catacombs among their contemporaries. Researches of Ciacconio was a man who delighted in investigating and ' collecting curiosities of every kind, and possessed a valuable museum of Christian and Pagan antiquities. He also em- ployed artists to copy for him some of the more remarkable paintings in the Catacombs. Their skill, however, appears hardly to have been equal to their good intentions, since we are told that Noe in the Ark, with the dove bringing him the olive-branch, was represented and explained as " Marcellus, Pope and Martyr, instructed by an angel whilst he is preach- De Winghe, ing." De Winghe, not unnaturally, was dissatisfied with his friend's performance, and had the paintings more faithfully re-copied for himself These copies were seen and used both by Macarius and Bosio. All traces of them, however, have now been lost, unless De Rossi be correct in supposing that he has discovered a few in the Imperial Library at Paris ; any- how, they were never made public. Had De Winghe lived, he would, doubtless, have been the first author on Roma Sotter- ranea ; Baronius, Frederic Borromeo, and other good and learned men set their hopes upon him, and his talents and in- dustry seem to have been in every way worthy of their expecta- tions. He died, however, at a very early age at Florence, in the summer of 1592 ; and his MSS., after having formed part of the famous library of the Bollandists, were sold in 1825, with the rest of that magnificent collection, and now remain unedited in the Royal Library at Brussels. The notes of Ciac- conio, exceedingly voluminous and miscellaneous, appear never to have been prepared for publication, and still lie buried in various public and private libraries of Rome and Naples. The and Macarius. labours of Macarius were scarcely more fruitful ; they were continued during a residence of twenty years in Rome, and the work in which they resulted was prepared for publication, and even licensed for printing on the 2 2d of June 1605. The author, however, although he lived until 16 14, left his work still in MS. to a public library in Louvain. It was afterwards annotated by Bollandus, who announced its publication, but died before redeeming his promise ; and it is only in our own Modern Authors. 5 day that Padre Garrucci, S.J., has given this precious manu- script to the public* The labours, however, of these and some others mentioned by De Rossi, great as they may have been, fade into insigni- ficance when compared with those of Antonio Bosio, who has Antonio justly been called the true Columbus of this subterranean world. He was a man worthy to be had in remembrance. De Rossi seems unable to speak of him without a certain feeling of enthusiastic reverence and devotion, in which all lovers of Christian archaeology can scarcely fail to sympathise. • A Maltese by birth, an advocate by profession, Bosio had His life and resided in Rome from his earliest years with his uncle, who was FrocM'atore or Roman agent for the knights of Malta. His attention was drawai to the subject of the Catacombs, while he was yet very young, and when once he had taken up its pursuit he never abandoned it. The earliest date recorded in his book, and found written on the walls of the Catacombs, is December lo, 1593, the year after the death of De Winghe, when Bosio himself was not yet eighteen ; and his labours were continued both in the cemeteries themselves, and in studying the works of authors from whom he expected to derive information on the subject, for the six and thirty years of his subsequent life. His industry was prodigious ; and the Immense volumes of his MSS., still extant in the Bibliotheca Vallicel- liana (the Oratorian Library) at Rome, are a wonderful monu- ment of it. Two of these volumes, containing upwards of two thousand pages folio, besides fifty pages of mdex, all in his own handwriting, show that he had read carefully through all the fathers, Greek, Latin, and Oriental ; all the collections of canons and councils, ecclesiastical histories, lives of the saints, and an immense number of theological treatises, in- cluding those of the schoolmen ; in fact, every work in which he thought there was a chance of finding anything in illustra- tion of his subject. In two other volumes of the same size he transcribed the " Acts of the Martyrs,'' especially of all those who suffered in Rome, together with other ancient records which bore upon the topography of the Christian cemeteries. * Hagioglypta : sivc pictura: ct sciilpfurce sacra antiquiores prcTsertivi qiuc Konuc rcpciinn'ur, cxplicata a Joanne P Ikicreiix {Macario.) Paris. 1856. 6 Literary History of Roma Sottei^ra^iea. These were taken from MSS. in the Vatican and other libraries. And yet it is certain that even these volumes by no means represent the whole of his writings. He himself refers to other commonplace books of his which are now lost. T.aboui s in the Again, in making our estimate of the labours of this truly Catacombs. g^-gat man, we must never forget the anxious, fatiguing, and even dangerous nature of his subterranean researches. When, from his study of ancient records, he had ascertained some- thing as to the probable position of a Christian cemetery on the Appian or other of the Roman roads, Bosio would explore with the utmost diligence all the vineyards of the neighbour- hood, in order to discover, if possible, some entrance into the bowels of the earth ; and often, after returning again and again to the same spot, his labour would be all in vain. At another time he would hear of some opening having been accidentally made into a Catacomb, by the digging of a new cellar or a well, and would hasten to the spot, only to find that the whole place was so buried in ruins that all ingress was impossible. Even when an entrance was once effected, he still had to force a Dangers of passage, often by the labour of his own hands, through the hih work. accumulated rubbish of ages ; or, if the galleries were tolerably clear, there was the danger of being drawn too far in the eagerness of discovery, and of being unable to retrace his steps through the intricate windings of these subterranean labyrinths. In fact, this danger was actually experienced on his very first visit to the Catacombs, in company with Pompeo Ugonio and others, on the loth of December 1593. They had penetrated into a Catacomb about a mile distant from St Sebastian's, and having forced their way into a lower level, by means of an opening in one of the chapels, they incautiously proceeded so far, that, when they wished to return, they could not recognise the path by which they had come. To add to their perplexity, their lights failed them, for they had remained underground longer than they had intended ; and " I began to fear," says Bosio, " that I should defile by my vile corpse the sepulchres of the martyrs." Taught by this experience, he always in future visits took with him a quantity of candles, and other requisites sufficient for two or three days. This indefatigable examination of the Catacombs, and of all ancient documents connected with them, was continued, as we Modern Authors. 7 have said, for six and thirty years, and then Bosio too paid the Publication of debt of nature, without haviner either completed his work, or /vWz Sotterranea, pubhshed any part of it. It seemed as though Roma Sotterranea a.u. 1632. were never to be revealed to the world at large. The work of Bosio was, however, too important to be allowed to lie buried as had those of his predecessors in these researches. He had also powerful friends, who would not suffer the fruit of so much labour to perish. His papers and other property had been bequeathed to the Order of the Knights of Malta, with whom, as we have seen, his uncle had been officially connected. The ambassador of the Order then at Rome, Prince Carlo Aldobrandini, showed the MSS. to Cardinal Francesco Bar- berini, the librarian of the Vatican, the nephew of the reigning Pontiff, the friend of Galileo, and the Maecenas of those days. The cardinal at once recognised their value, and lost no time in engaging Padre Severano, of the Oratory, to put the finish- ing-stroke to the work. An eminent architect and a mathema- tician were employed to draw the plans and maps which were still wanting ; the Knights of Malta undertook the expense ; and in five years' time the magnificent volume which we now possess was produced and dedicated to Pope Urban VHL* It was welcomed by the whole literary and archaeological world Its success, with the utmost eagerness, and the demand for it was such that a Latin translation was begun almost immediately after its appearance. Bosio himself had at one time intended to com- pose the whole work in Latin, and a portion of it, written in that language, may still be seen among his MSS., although through some oversight this portion was not incorporated into Severano's original edition. Something appears to have pre- vented the publication of Severano's translation ; and it was not until fifteen or sixteen years later that a new translation, with considerable alterations and omissions, was published by Aringhi, in 165 i.t Although Bosio's work was never completed according to his Value of own original design, yet the omissions were for the most part ^^^^""'^ * Roma Sotterranea, opera post u ma Ji Antonio Bosio compos ta disposta ed accresciuta da Giovanni di Severano, Sacerdote delta Congre^azione delP Oratorio. Roma, 1632. + Roma Siibtenanea novissima post Ant. Bosinm et Joan. Severanum. Roma-, 1 65 1. 8 Literary History of Roma Sotterranea. such as could be supplied from the works of other authors. Had his life been spared, he intended to have described and illustrated the practice of the earliest ages of the Church with reference to the administration of the sacrament of penance, the viaticum, extreme unction, prayers for the dying and the dead, and other matters connected with the death and burial of Christians. In these particulars his book was deficient, but in its detailed account of each cemetery which he had visited it was most complete ; and the whole was admirably arranged on Its general a very simple principle of topography. He took in order all the great consular roads which led out of Rome, and collected every historical notice he could find concerning the Christian cemeteries on each of them ; their precise position, their names, their founders, and the martyrs or other persons of dis- tinction who had been buried in them. He then by the light of this information examined all the Catacombs he had seen, and endeavoured to assign to each its proper name and history. That his conjectures were often erroneous, is only what might have been expected from the known inaccuracy and sometimes spuriousness of the Acts of the Martyrs and other authorities by which he was led ; but these were the only guides which could then be had ; and the system itself is quite unexception- able, indeed, the only one that can be safely followed in laying a solid foundation for a scientific treatment of the whole subject. Destruction of It is much to be regretted, therefore, that the work so wisely antiqumes m j^eprun should not have been continued on the same plan and Catacombs ° . ^ since their re- with the same diligence. But the re-discovery of the Catacombs covery ^ matter of merely archaeological interest : the devo- tion of the faithful was excited by the report that in those dark recesses might still be lying concealed the remains of saints and martyrs ; and the concessions made to the piety of indivi- duals to search for and extract these relics proved in the end most disastrous to the cemeteries, as authentic records of the early Roman Church. Instead of the ecclesiastical authorities taking this matter into their own hands, as they have since happily done, and proclaiming themselves the watchful and jealous guardians of such precious treasures, they permitted a number of private persons, acting independently of each other, to make excavations. It is true, that rules were laid down, and Modern AzUkors. 9 learned pamphlets were written to prove the value of these rules, for the identification and translation of the relics, and we have no reason to doubt that they were scrupulously observed. But, in the interests of Christian archa3ology, we may justly too long per complain that those engaged in the search had no regard for the preservation of monuments, whether of painting, sculpture, or inscriptions, which came in their way. They did not even care to keep a record of what they had seen, which would at least have provided materials for future litterati to continue the work of Bosio. Many of these permissions to extract relics were given to religious communities ; and all the explorers availed themselves, in their researches, of some of the workmen who had been employed by Bosio. None of them, however, fol- lowed any systematic and comprehensive plan ; and soon after- wards the permissions were all revoked and vigorously repressed stopped at by the Popes. We find traces of them for the last time during p^p^^f ^^howi the pontificate of Urban VIII. ; and under Clement IX., about 1688. A.D. 1668, the arrangements which still prevail were definitely settled. The loss, however, sustained by Christian archaeology in the interval is incalculable ; and all must heartily sympathise with De Rossi, both in his lamentations, and his astonishment that such ravages should have been tolerated in silence under the very eyes, as it were, of such men as Holstenius, Allaccius, and other antiquarians who were then living in Rome. We learn something of the nature and extent of our loss from the Lost treasures, incidental notices which occur in the writings of the archaeolo- gists of the seventeenth century ; thus, we hear of a sepulchre all covered with gold, of a superb cameo, a series of the rarest coins and medals, various ornaments in crystal and metal, &c., besides a multitude of other objects which were secretly sold by the labourers engaged in the excavations ; but we are told nothing as to the precise localities in which any of these things were found. Had but an accurate record been kept of all discoveries, the work of reconstructing the history and topo- graphy of these cemeteries would have been comparatively easy and certain. After the works of Bosio and Aringhi, the literary history of Nothing new the Catacombs remains a blank for nearly half a century. They f^'^Qo/^'^'' had taken their place among the mirabilia of Rome, and as such were an object of curiosity to all intelligent travellers ; but lo Literary Histoiy of Roma Solterranea. those who wrote about them were generally more influenced by religious than by scientific motives. Bosio's work had been the means of recalling some learned Protestants to the bosom of the Church f and thenceforward the subject became an arena for John Evelyn, party Strife. John Evelyn, indeed, who visited Rome in 1645, ^^'45- ^yas content simply to record what he saw or heard, but not so those who came after him. Evelyn was first taken to the sub- terranean cemetery at St Sebastian's, " where the Fulgentine monks have their monastery." They led us down," he says, " into a grotto which they affirmed went divers furlongs under ground. The sides or walls which we passed were filled with bones and dead bodies, laid as it were on shelves, whereof some were shut up with broad stones, and now and then a crosse or a palme cut in them. At the end of some of these subterranean passages were square rooms with altars in them, said to have been the receptacles of primitive Christians in the ( times of persecution, nor seems it improbable." By and by, being detained in Rome longer than he expected, he was per- suaded to visit another Catacomb. He says, " We took coach a little out of towne, to visit the famous Roma Sotterranea, being much like what we had seen at St Sebastian's. Here, in a corn-field, guided by two torches, we crept on our bellies into a little hole, about twenty paces, which delivered us into a large entrie that led us into several streets or allies, a good dei)th in the bowells of the earth, a strange and fearefull pass- age for divers miles, as Bosio has measured and described them in his book. We ever and anon cam.e into pretty square roomes, that seem'd to be chapells with altars, and some adorn'd with very ordinary ancient painting. Many skeletons and bodies are plac'd on the sides one above the other in degrees like shelves, whereof some are shut up with a coarse flat stone, having ingraven on them Pro Christo,t or a crosse and palmes, which are supposed to have been martyrs. Here, in all likelyhood, were the meetings of the primitive Christians during the persecutions, as Pliny the younger describes them. * Bottari, Rom. Sott. t. i. pref. p. v. t It would seem that neither Evelyn nor his guides knew Greek. This is clearly their misinterpretation of the monogram -P, and we are afi-aid the same blunder is even now sometimes repeated by persons showing the Catacombs to strangers. Modern Authors As I was prying about, I found a glasse pbiale, fiU'd as was conjectured with dried blood, and 2 lachrymatories. Many of the bodies, or rather bones, (for there appear'd nothing else,) lay so entire as if plac'd by the art of the chirurgeon, but being only touch'd fell all to dust. Thus after wandering two or three miles in this subterranean mgeander, we returned almost blind when we came into the daylight, and even choked by the smoke of the torches." * A very different tone pervades the letters of Bishop Burnet, t who visited the same scenes Burnet, 1685. forty years later. He reckoned upon his countrymen's reli- gious prejudices, on the one hand, and their ignorance of Rome, on the other, with such confidence, that he hazarded the astounding statement that " those burying-places that are graced with the pompous title of Catacombs are no other than the piiticoli mentioned by Festus Pompeius, where the meanest sort of the Roman slaves were laid, and so without any further care about them were left to rot," and that the Christians did not come into possession of them until the fourth or fifth cen- tury. He was followed by some other writers in the same strain, as for example, Misson, who, being unable to deny that Misson, 1714. Christians had certainly been buried here in very ancient times, only insisted that " this was no reason for excluding others from being interred there also, in those holes that were set apart for the dregs of the people." j The controversies which arose out of ignorant or malicious falsehoods like these, contributed nothing to archaeological science, and are not therefore worthy of any detailed mention in this place. We repeat, therefore, that there is a blank of half a century in the literary history of the Catacombs, from Aringhi to Fabretti, who, in the year 1700, deserves our grati- Fabretti's tude for having preserved the account of two cemeteries un- ^^^dpUong^ known to Bosio, together with the inscriptions which they a.d. 1700. contained. He had been appointed, in 1688, custode of the Catacombs, and it belonged to his ofiice to superintend the Boldetti on removal of any relics that might be discovered. In this post ties" a.d.' he was succeeded by Boldetti, who held it for more than thirty 1720. * Evelyn's Memoirs, edited by Bray, 1819, pp. 153, 164. t Some letters from Italy and Switzerland in the years 1685 and 1686. Rotterdam. P. 209. % A new voyage to Italy, &c. London, 1714. Vol. ii. part i. p. 166. 12 Literacy History of Roma Sotterra7iea. years, but who, unfortunately, did not possess sufficient know- ledge or love of archaeology to enable him to make the most of the great opportunities he enjoyed. During his time, whole regions of Roma Sotter7'anea were brought to light, galleries of tombs that had remained apparently unvisited since the last corpse was buried in them, a vast number of inscriptions, medals, and other treasures came under his notice : and yet it is doubtful whether any account of these things would have come down to us had he not been commanded to write in the defence of religion. Mabillon's anonymous letter de cultu sanctorum ignotoriun had attracted considerable attention, and the unfair use which had been made of it by Misson and other Protestant controversialists seemed to demand an answer. Boldetti was therefore desired to publish an account of the rules which had been followed by himself and his predecessors in the extraction of relics ; and he accompanied this with a description of the discoveries that had been made in the Catacombs generally during his own time.* The object of his work, however, being not scientific, but religious and apologetic, its contents were arranged with this view, and its value as a contribution towards the complete history of the subterranean city of the dead was proportionably diminished. Buonarrotti Buonarrotti, who had assisted Boldetti in the archaeological on the Gilded j.^. j-^-^ ^york, himself wrote a valuable book on the vessels Glasses or the ' Catacombs. or fragments of gilded glass found m the Catacombs, t — a sub- ject which has been handled afresh and with great erudition in our own day by Padre Garrucci, S.J. % Another of Boldetti's Marangoni, assistants, Marangoni, who was officially associated with him A.D. 1740. |;^yg]^^y ycars In the guardianship of the cemeteries, seems to have intended to carry out Bosio's plan of making a minute and faithful report of every new discovery arranged according to the historical and topographical outHne of that great man, and corrected by any new light thrown upon the subject by later discoveries. After he had continued this plan for about * Osservazioni sopra i cemeteri dei SS. Martiri cd antichi cristiani di Roma. Roma, 1720. t Osservazioni sopra alctini frammenti di vasi antichi di vetro ornati di figure trovati nei cimeteri di Roma. Firenze, 1 716. X Vctri ornati di figure in oro trovati nei cimiteri dei cristiani primitivi di Roma raccolti e spiegati da Raffaele Gairiicci, D.C.D.G. Roma, 1858. Modern Authoi^s. 13 sixteen or seventeen years, an accidental fire destroyed all his papers. " Truly/' says De Rossi, " the history which I am relating seems to be but an Iliad of misfortune and irreparable losses." The little that remained from this fire, together with the results of his subsequent labours, Marangoni published in the Acta Saiicti Victor hii in 1740. The Roma Sotten-aiiea of Bottari,* published by command Bottad's A'm.z of Clement XII., was a mere republication of the plates from the work of Bosio, illustrated with great care and learning, but ^ not arranged in any order, nor enriched by any additions, unless we reckon one which we could well have spared, viz., the paintings of a Gnostic sepulchre falsely attributed to the Christians. These have seriously perplexed and misled later authors, especially Raoul Rochette, who founded upon it in great measure his theory as to the origin of Christian art. The learned students of Christian archaeology who flourished Latter part of during the latter half of the last century, such as Mamachi, Jlfuiuy"^'^ Olivieri, Zaccaria, Borgia, &c,, made considerable use of the works of Bosio, Aringhi, Boldetti, and Bottari, in their trea- tises on various points of Christian antiquity, but do not appear to have explored for themselves, or even to have taken any notice of the new discoveries that were being made year by year in some part of the ancient cemeteries. Benedict XIV., by founding the Christian Museum in the Vatican Christian Mu- Library, and collecting there the mscriptions that had hitherto Se[°edict^^ been dispersed among the various churches, relieved antiqua- XIV. rians of the labour of examining the places where these in- scriptions were found, and even such an archaeologist as Marini does not appear to have thought it worth while to visit the Catacombs themselves. D'Agincourt, indeed, penetrated their D'Agincourt, recesses to find materials for his History of the decline of the fine arts ; and, by attempting to detach the pictures from the His devasta- walls of living rock on which they had been painted, taught ^(^^"'com^^^ the modern fossors the last lesson in the art of destruction. The attempt signally failed, and was not long persisted in, but it resulted in the ruin of many precious monuments which can never be replaced. Indeed, it is truly lamentable to see what * Sadture e Pitture Sacre estratte dai Chniteri di Roma, pidiblicate gia dagli autori delta Ko77ia Sottcrranea ed ora nnoi'amente date in luce colle spiegazioiii. Roma, 1 734-1 754. 14 Liter a7y History of Roma Sotterranea. a record of destruction the history of the Catacombs has been, ahuost ever since their re-opening in the sixteenth century. The paintings which were seen at that time in the crypts on the Via Salaria, by Baronius and others, had been destroyed when Bosio revisited the place fifteen years afterwards. Padre Mazzolari, S.J., the pious author of the Vie Sacre^ was only just in time to traverse the gallery accidentally opened near San Lorenzo in 1779, before he saw the work of devas- tation ruthlessly accomplished under his very eyes. The lessons of destruction taught by D'Agincourt have been only too frequently followed even as recently as our own day. The vast extent of subterranean territory that has to be guarded from injury, and the facility with which access may from time to time be gained to the Catacombs in consequence of acci- dental openings in the soil, make it difficult for the authorities to prevent depredations ; still we cannot but regret that there should not have been always a succession of antiquarians, able and willing to transmit to posterity a faithful record of each new discovery as it was made. Padre Marchi, At the begmning of the present century, tokens of a reviving S.J., A.D. 1841. ij^i-gj-ggj- jj^ j-j-^g Catacombs may be traced in some of the pro- ceedings of the Roman Archaeological Society, and in a few other writings. It was reserved, however, for the late Padre Marchi, S.J., to give the first great impulse to that lively interest in the subject which is now so universally felt. In 1 84 1, he commenced his great work on the Monuments of early Christian Art.* It is almost needless to enter upon any detailed examination of the labours of this learned Jesuit, since they were interrupted and finally abandoned, partly in consequence of the political vicissitudes of the times by which his own Order was especially affected ; and also because he was conscious that the work of rehabilitating (so to say) these venerable monuments of antiquity, and setting them forth before the public in their original integrity, was necessarily reserved for one who should come after him. He had begun to publish prematurely ; at most he had but broken the soil. He had, however, imparted his own enthusiasm to one of his scholars, who was at first the frequent companion * Moimnicnti dclle arti ChrUiiane Primitive ndla Metropoli del Cnsiian- esimo. Roma, 1844. Modeim Authors. 15 of his subterranean exploring expeditions, whom he soon recognised as a valuable fellow-labourer, and whom he finally urged in the most pressing manner to undertake the work which he found too great for his own failing strength. This scholar was De Rossi, of whom it were hard to say whether De Rossi, his talent, learning, and industry have done more for the work of discovery in subterranean Rome, or the discoveries he has made done more for the increase of our knowledge of it. At any rate, the fruits of his labour speak for themselves ; for whereas before his time only two or three important historical monuments* had been discovered in the Catacombs during more than two centuries of examination— and all of these the result of accident, — the excavations directed by the Com- mission of Sacred Archaeology, of which De Rossi is one of the most active members, have brought to light within a few years six or seven historical monuments of the utmost value, and in every instance he had announced beforehand with more or less accuracy what was to be expected. We are naturally led to ask after the cause of so great a contrast. From what new sources had De Rossi derived his information ? or what was his new system for extracting ore from His system of old mines ? The answer is soon given, and it is much more research, simple than we might have expected from the magnitude of the effects to be accounted for. He followed the same general plan as had been originally laid down by Bosio ; he studied also the same ancient authorities, but with the addition of two or three more of considerable value which in Bosio's time lay buried in the MSS. of libraries. Father Marchi indeed had known these new authorities ; but he had not adopted Bosio's topographical system. Moreover, the particular object which he had proposed to himself, led him precisely in the opposite direction from that to which these new guides offered to con- duct him. They were, in fact, veritable guides — itineraries or guide-books— written in the seventh and eighth centuries by * The baptistery and paintings of SS. Abdon and Sennen, and other crypts in the cemetery of San Ponziano, on the Via Portuensis, discovered by Bosio ; the crypt of SS. Felix, Adauctus, and Emerita, discovered by Marangoni, behind the Basilica of St Paul's, on the road leading to St Sebastian's; and the tomb, the original epitaph, and the body of St Hyacinth, found in the cemetery of St Hermes, by Padre Marchi. (See Note A. in Appendix.) i6 L iterary History of Roma Sotteri^anea. pilgrims from foreign countries, who carefully put on record all the sacred places which they visited in Rome. Especially they enumerated all the tombs of the martyrs, as they lay each in his first resting-place in the different suburban cemeteries. Now these were the precise spots in the Catacombs where St Damasus and other popes had made many material changes. They had built spacious staircases to conduct the pilgrims immediately to the object of their pious search ; opened more liiminaria to supply light and air; widened the galleries, or added vestibules to the chapels ; or raised small basilicas above ground; and for the support of these, solid substructions of masonry had been sometimes necessary in the crypts them- selves. But when the Catacombs ceased to be used, not only were all these works left to perish by a process of natural decay, they also attracted the greedy hand of the spoiler, so that after the lapse of seven or eight hundred years every centre of his- toric interest had become a mass of ruins. Whereas, then, it was the special desire of Father Marchi to recover, if possible, galleries and chambers of the Catacombs in their primitive condition as first they were hewn out of the rock, any appear- ance of bricks and mortar in the way of his excavation was suf- ficient to turn him aside from that part of the cemetery alto- gether. De Rossi, on the other hand, shrewdly judged that the crypts which had been changed into sanctuaries contained the very key, as it were, to the history of each Catacomb. Wher- ever one of these could be recovered and identified, we had a certain clue to the name and history of the cemetery in which it was found. He hailed, therefore, every token of ruined masonry in the heart of a Catacomb with the keenest delight, as a sure sign that he w^as in the immediate neighbourhood of what he most desired to see ; and the results have abundantly proved that he was not mistaken in his reasoning. His sources cf The importance of these results renders it worth our while information. enumerate and give some short account of the authorities which have furnished the clue to their discovery. They are such as the rash criticism of the last century would have contemp- tuously condemned as worthless,— the old Calendars and Mar- tyrologies, the Acts of the Martyrs, the Lives of the Popes, and the Itineraries of pious pilgrims of the seventh, eighth, and ninth centuries. Doubtless there has been need of great A 7tcieiit Records. 17 patience and ingenuity to disentangle the thread of truth from the web of confusion with which it has been sometimes inter- woven in these documents. Nevertheless, they have proved themselves such efficient guides, that hencefonvard no account of Roma Sotterranea can be considered complete that should pass them over in silence. PART II. ANCIENT RECORDS. PERHAPS the most ancient record of the Roman Church The Martyr- to be found is the so-called Marty rolodum Hieronymi- "^''S'''"^ ^'^r- aimm ; a work which, though not put together in its present form until the end of the sixth or perhaps even the seventh century, certainly contains many portions of far older martyrologies be- longing to the ages of persecution. The exceeding care of the early Church in treasuring up both the acts and the relics of her martyrs, is too well known to require proof. It is sufficient to observe, that it is recorded of St Clement, before the end of the first century, that " he caused the seven regions [of Rome] to be divided among the faithful notaries of the Church, who should, each in his own region, with diligent care and zeal search out the acts of the martyrs and of St Fabian, Pope in the middle of the third century, it is added that " he divided the regions among the deacons, and appointed seven sub- deacons to superintend the seven notaries, that they might collect in all their details {in integrd) the acts of the martyrs.'' t Most of these invaluable records perished in the terrible perse- cution of Diocletian. Still it was impossible but that some few of them should have escaped, and these furn/shed the first ground- work of the martyrology of which we are speaking. The most authentic copies of it, say the Bollandists,:]: make no mention Its antiquity, of a single martyr after the time of the apostate Julian ; not of any, for example, who suffered under the Vandals in Africa. In itself this is no sure criterion of its antiquity; but there are other internal evidences which warrant our assigning one por- tion, or perhaps we should rather say one edition, of it to the * Lib. Pontif. c. iv. + Ibid. X Acta Sanct. Octol). torn. ix. p. 269. 1 8 Literary History of Rojna Sotterranca . earlier part of the third century, another to the beginning of the fourth, and a third to the beginning of the fifth century. An evidence of the first of these dates is, that the anniversary of St Antherus, who was Pope a.d. 235, appears on the 24th November, whereas in all later Martyrologies it is assigned to the 2d of January. Now, the Liber Pontificalis gives as the length of his pontificate " one month and twelve days," which is precisely the interval between the two above-mentioned dates; so that we feel confident that the 24th of November was really the date of his succession to the Chair of St Peter, not of his death. But the anniversary of the accession of a pope, as indeed that of any other bishop, is never celebrated except during his lifetime ; whence it follows that this particular por- tion at least of this ancient Martyrology must have been drawn up during the pontificate of St Antherus. And it is not a little remarkable, that although his pontificate lasted for so short a time, yet the Liber Pouiificalis expressly records of him that " he diligently sought out from the notaries the Acts of the Martyrs, and stored them up in the church;" it goes on also to say, " on account of which he received from the Praefect Maximus the crown of martyrdom." It is by observing similar notes, which only the keenness of modern criticism has taught men to appreciate, that archaeologists have been able to detect the hand of a later compiler or copyist of this Martyrology, who must have lived in the time of Miltiades, or between a.d. 311 and 314; and a third in the time of St Boniface I., or between a.d. 418 and 422, since festivals are noted here of Or din. Mi/tiadis, on July 2d, and Bonifacii Epi de Ordinatione^ on the 29th of December, besides the depositio of each of these pontiffs on the days on which we still commemorate them. But it would occupy us too long to show in each case how the repetitions, and even the errors and contradictions, of these various copyists, have often proved of service in furnishing a clue by means of which the ingenuity and patience of learned antiqua- rians have succeeded in unravelling the truth. We must con- tent ourselves with observing that this Martyrology is of in- estimable value, as having preserved to us much that would otherwise have perished. Almanac of ^^^^ -^^ chronolodcal order comes the Christian Almanac, rur. JJion, ° Filocalus. for we can call it by no more appropriate name,) the first edi- Ancient Records. 19 tion of which appears to have been pubHshed in a.d. 336, and the latest, with highly ornamented illustrations, in a.d. 354, by Furius Dionysius Filocalus. This consists of lists of the deaths or burials of the popes from Lucius to Julius — i.e., a.d. 255 to 352, — of the principal Christian festivals celebrated during the year, especially of martyrs, but including also Christmas-day, Cathedra Petri, and other immovable feasts; finally, a cata- logue of the popes from St Peter to Liberius." In this last catalogue the deaths of the popes begin to be registered from the time of St Antherus, which would seem to show that the earlier portion of the history had been probably compiled from some older work, such as the Chronicon of Hippolytus. But the most important of these documents is undoubtedly the first of the three. It follows immediately upon the list of prefects of the city, and this list, evidently compiled with great accuracy from contemporary registers, begins in like manner from the year 254. Is this synchronism purely accidental ? or were the two lists really derived from state documents, the public regis- ters of the government ? At first sight it might seem an almost extravagant conjecture to suppose that the names of the popes should have been known to the civil governors of pagan Rome, and officially taken cognisance of. Yet it is certain, that even as early as the beginning of the third century, many churches used to pay a tribute to the government that they might escape from persecution, and for this purpose they were enrolled on the registers of the police (so to speak), where they found them- selves, as TertuUiant takes care to remind them, in very strange company. Again, we read that, after the death of Fabian, Decius strictly forbade the election of a successor, and was greatly enraged when he heard of the appointment of Cornelius. In genuine Acts of Martyrdom the question is sometimes asked, to what church the prisoners belong. When the ecclesi- * This catalogue is generally quoted as Liberian, or Bucherian : the latter name being taken from its first editor, T.gidius Bucherus, S.J. De Doctrina temporum. Antwerp, 1634. t Non decet Christum pecunia constare. Quomodo et martyria fieri possent in gloriam Domini, si tributo licentiam sectas compensaremus. . . . . Massaliter totee ecclesije tributum sibi irrogaverunt. Nescio dolen- dum an erubescendum sit, cum in matricibus Beneficiariorum et Curioso- rum, inter tabernarios et lanios et fures balnearum et aleones et lenones Christiani quoque vectigales continentur. De fuga in per sec. cc. xii. xiii. 20 Literary History of Roma Sotterraiiea. astical property is restored after a persecution, it is to the bishops that the surrender is ordered to be made ; from them the sacred books are demanded ; against them and their clerics special edicts are issued. All this seems to indicate a certain knowledge and even recognition of their position in the eccle- siastical hierarchy."' And it is very curious to observe how some of the difficulties in this catalogue are immediately cleared up, if we suppose it to have been derived from civil and official sources. Thus, for instance, it is stated of the year 304, that at this time the episcopacy ceased for seven years, six months, and twenty-five days. This statement cannot be reconciled even with the dates given elsewhere in the same list ; but it is observable that it was precisely during this very time that Dio- cletian confiscated the loca ecdesiasticfl, and that the hierarchy Avas (at least legally) suppressed. Again, we read in the Liber Po?2tijicalis that Maxentius required of St Marcellus that he should deny that he was a bishop, (because he had not been recognised,) and his name accordingly does not appear in this list. However, be this as it may, from whatever source these lists may have been originally procured, it is certain that they have proved to be of the greatest use in fh^ hands of De Rossi, Inscriptions of To these we must next add the numerous inscriptions com- St Damasus. p^^^^ Pope Damasus, engraved by the same Furius Filocalus, and set up by the Holy Pontiff at so many of the martyrs' tombs. Several of these monuments destroyed by the Goths, Lombards, and other sacrilegious barbarians, were restored, more or less correctly, by later popes : many are preserved to us only through the copies that were taken by learned ecclesi- astics or pious pilgrims in the ninth or tenth centuries ; some few yet remain in their original integrity, and some also have been recovered by De Rossi himself These monuments, wherever they are found, are witnesses of the utmost value on questions relating either to the history or the geography of the Catacombs. Liher Pontifi- The Liber Fontificalis, or, as it is sometimes (less correctly) called, the Lives of the Pontiffs by the Librarian Anastasius, is our next authority. It was, from the first, formed out of docu- ments more ancient than itself, like the Martyrologiwn LLierony- * De Rossi does not hesitate to say, that the proofs of this new and unexpected fact are so strong that they amount ahuost to a complete demonstration. R. S. II. 372- Ancient Records, mianim, and there had been at least three versions or editions of it before the days of Anastasius. Two of these had been made at the beginning and about the middle of the eighth century, and another in the beginning of the sixth ; but a por- tion of it may even be traced to the times of St Damasus, if not to a yet earlier period. Its statements are often at variance with those o-f the Almanac and the most ancient Martyrology, especially in the matter of dates ; yet these very variations are sometimes useful, and enable us to detect the truth. Often they are accounted for by the fact that they record some translation of the popes' relics, mstead of the day and place of their original burial. Certainly there could be no object in changing the dates without reason ; the compiler can only have followed some other authority. The Martyrologies of Bede, of Ado, Usuard and others, are Other Martyr- sometimes useful ; but they are inferior in imiDortance to the Acts of the Martyrs, which, even when not authentic, often Acts of the contain most valuable fragments of truth. Tillemont and other ^^^"-y^- critics of his school have dealt with these venerable m.onuments of antiquity too summarily. Disgusted by the flagrant ana- chronisms, or the barbarous diction, or the tone of legendary exaggeration, or the historical difficulties which abound in them, they have found it easier to reject altogether than to criticise and distinguish ; whilst a more learned and cautious examination not unfrequently succeeds in detecting many traces of a true and genuine story. The Acts of St Cecilia, for example, which were so thoroughly set aside by Tillemont that he questioned whether there had ever been such a virgin and martyr in Rome at all, and suspected that her history might perhaps have been a myth imported from Sicily, are certainly not, in their present form, a genuine and original document ; they are not contemporary with the martyrdom itself ; on the contrary, both in the preface and in the body of the Acts there are clear tokens of a writer in the time of peace, between the fourth and fifth centuries;* nevertheless it is equally certain that they must have been composed upon very minute and truthful records, since a number of circumstances which they narrate were most exactly confirmed on the rediscovery of her * The liturgical prayers both of Leo and of Gelasius abound with allu- sions '.o them. 2 2 Litenny History of Roma Sotterranea. relics at the end of the sixteenth century, which reUcs were certainly hid from every human eye at the time of the compila- tion of the Acts. Moreover, on a critical comparison of the various readings even of the MSS. which still exist of these Acts, it is easy to detect the little additions and embellishments introduced by later writers.'^ They are precisely such as we might have anticipated ; and it is probable that .the original compiler did not use greater license in dealing with the mate- rials before him, than his own successors used towards himself In either case, it was not such as to destroy the substance of the story, nor to distort its principal features, historical or geo- graphical ; and as most of these spurious Acts (if they must still be branded by this opprobrious epithet) were written before the sacred deposits in the Catacombs had been translated from their first resting-place, they have been of great service in enabling De Rossi to reconstruct both the history and the geography of sub- terranean Rome. The same may be said also of some incidental notices in the ancient Liturgical Books of the Roman Church. Itineraries of All these documents, however, were accessible to the prede- Ui?seventh cessors of De Rossi, and were freely made use of by them. To century. \{■^^^ belongs the credit of having demonstrated by argument, and still more by actual discovery, the immense importance of the information to be derived from the ancient Itineraries or local guide-books to the sanctuaries bf Rome. One of these descriptions may be sefen in the works of William of Malmes- bury, where he records the visit of the Crusaders to Rome, a.d. 1095 ;t but as this description speaks of the Saints still resting in their subtert-anean s'epulchres, it is manifest that the chro- nicler has copied it from some docuin'ent written four or five centuries before his own tihie : ahd there is internal evidence that it was written between the years a.d. 650 and 680. An- other of these Itineraries, about a century later, was published by Mabillon, in 1685, from a MS. in Einsiedlen ; and a third, belonging to the tenth century, by Eckart, in 1729, from a MS. in the library of Wurtzburg. These, however, are all surpassed in value by two others which Avere discovered about a hundred years ago in the library of Salzburg, and published as an appendix to an edition of the works of Alcuin, with which the * See Note 1). in Appendix. t In the excellent edition of Duffus Hardy, loni. ii. 539 544. A ncient Records. 23 MSS. had been accidentally bound up. It is certain from internal evidence that one of these, and that the most exact, was written between the years 625 and 638, and the other is not many years later. The first is a genuine Itinerary, written on the spot, and abounds with topographical notices of all that the writer saw, abov^e ground or below, on his right hand or his left, to the east or the west. He starts from the centre of Rome, and proceeds northwards tlirough the Flaminian gate ; and in visiting the various roads in order, he does not return to Rome and make a fresh beginning every time, but goes across from one road to another by by-paths, many of which still remain. The second, though following the same general plan and taking each road in succession, is not the real journal or description of what had been seen by the traveller himself ; rather, it bears tokens of being an epitome of some larger work. However, both of tliem were written before the practice of translation of relics had begun^ so that the minute topographical details which they record have reference to the original condition of the Catacombs before their sanctity had been profaned or their traditions obscured. In the same category with these Itineraries may be classed Papyr the list of relics collected by the Abbot John, in the days of St Gregory the Great, and sent to Theodelinda, Queen of the Lombards. This list, written on papyrus, together with many of the relics themselves, and the little parchment labels attached to them, is still to be seen in the cathedral of Monza.''' We must not, however, be misled by the word " relics,'' and picture to ourselves, according to modern custom, the bodies or portions of the bodies of saints. St Gregory hmiself specifies the only kinds of relics that in his day were permitted to be carried away by the faithful. He writes to the Empress Con- stantina : " When the Romans present the relics of the saints, they do not touch the bodies : their custom is only to put a piece of linen in a box, which is placed near the holy body, and which they afterwards take away. ... In the time of the Pope St Leo, some Greeks, doubting of the virtue of these relics, brought scissors and cut the linen, from, whence pro- ceeded blood, as is reported by the ancient inhabitants.'" f * It has been published 1)y Marini, Papir. Diplom., p. 327, No. CXLIII. See also p. 377. t Kpist. lib. iii. ep. 30. The pieces of bnen were called braiidca. 24 Litej^ary History of Roma S otter j^aiiea. But besides these, drops of the oil from the lamps which burned before the tombs of the saints were frequently carried away as relics ; and St Gregory often sent these olea in little glass phials to persons at a distance. These latter were the relics collected by John the Abbot ; and in the list of them he carefully records every shrine which he visited, and this (as was natural) in the order of his visits. By comparing this local order with the topographical notices in the Itineraries, De Rossi has been enabled to decide with accuracy many important ques- tions concerning the localities of particular tombs. To follow him into these details would require us to transcribe many entire pages of his work, and would weary the unscientific reader. It is sufficient to say, that a careful study of them will amply repay all who are capable of appreciating the keenness of his criticisms, and the happy boldness with which he fre- quently seizes upon some fact, or hint about a fact, before unnoticed, but which eventually leads to valuable discoveries. This work an These are the principal sources of information of which De De^Rossi's Rossi has made use in his Roma Sotterranea; and by the help of them he has constructed a very full and life-like narrative of its history. The labdur which it has cost him to do this can only be appreciated by those who take the pains to follow him through the slow, deliberate, sometimes almost wearisome method of his operations, and examine in detail the mass of minute criticisms by which he insists upon justifying every step which he takes ; and for this it is indispensable that the whole work should be read exactly as he has himself written it. Many threads of his argument are so subtle, yet so strong and so necessary to the establishment of his conclusions, that they can neither be omitted nor reproduced in any compressed form, without injury to their substance. These, therefore, we must perforce leave untouched ; nevertheless, we hope to be able to extract from his pages sufficient matter to set before our readers an intelligible account of the history of the Cata- combs, sufficiently supported both by the language of ancient documents, and by the remains which his researches have enabled us to see and examine for ourselves. * This custom may even now be observed in the Church of Sant' Agostino, where people take oil from the lamp that burns before the statue of tlie Madonna del Parto, and from other shrines. BOOK I. OR /GIN OF THE CATACOMBS. CHAPTER L GENERAL DESCRIPTION. THE daily-increasing celebrity of the Roman Catacombs General de- . , , , , , . . - scription of might almost seem to render a general description oi ^ata- them unnecessary ; for who does not know, if not by per- ^o"^'^^- sonal observation, at least from the accounts of friends or from popular literature, the leading features of that marvellous city of the dead which has received the appropriate name of Jiojjia Softer ranea, subterranean Rome ? Nevertheless, so many errors are often mixed up with these popular accounts, and our know- ledge of the subject has been so much improved of late, both in point of accuracy and of extent, that it will conduce to clearness, and the general convenience of our readers, if we set before them at once some outline at least of what is con- tained in the following pages. We shall make our statement as concise as possible, not strengthening it at present by any proofs or arguments, but leaving these to be supplied when we come to fill in the several parts of the picture in detail. The Roman Catacombs— a name consecrated by long usage. Their position and extent. but having no etymological meaning, and not a very determinate geographical one— are a vast labyrinth of galleries excavated in the bowels of the earth in the hills around the Eternal City ; 26 Roma Sotter7^anea. not in the hills on which the city itself was built, but in those beyond the walls. Their extent is enormous, not as to the amount of superficial soil which they underlie, for they rarely, if ever, pass beyond the third milestone from the city, but in the actual length of their galleries ; for these are often excavated on various levels, or piaiii^ three, four, or even live, one above Fig. I. — Gallery with Tombs. the other; and they cross and recross one another, sometimes at short intervals, on each of these levels ; so that, on the whole, there are certainly not less than 350 miles of them; that is to say, if stretched out in one continuous line, they would extend the whole length of Italy itself. The galleries are from two to four feet in width, and vary in height according to the nature of the rock in which they are dug. The walls on both sides are pierced with horizontal niches, like shelves in a book-case or berths in a steamer, and every niche once Ge uera I Description . 2 7 contained one or more dead bodies. At various intervals this succession of shelves is interrupted for a moment, that room may be made for a doorway opening into a small chamber; and the walls of these chambers are generally pierced with graves in the same way as the galleries. I'hese vast excavations once formed the ancient Christian Their number ^ . ^ -p- ^, , . . T and names, cemeteries 01 Rome ; they were begun in apostolic times, and continued to be used as burial-places of the faithful till the capture of the city by Alaric in the year 410. In the third century, the Roman Church numbered twenty-five or twenty-six of them, corresponding to the number of her titles, or parishes, within the city ; and besides these, there are about twenty others, of smaller dimensions, isolated monuments of special martyrs, or belonging to this or that private family. Originally they all belonged to private families or individuals, the villas or gardens in which they were dug being the property of wealthy citizens who had embraced the faith of Christ, and devoted of their substance to His service. Hence their most ancient titles were taken merely from the names of their lawful owners, many of which still survive ; Lucina, for example, who lived in the days of the Apostles, and others of the same family, or at least of the same name, who lived at various periods in the next two centuries ; Priscilla, also a cotemporary of the Apostles ; Flavia Domitilla, niece of Vespasian ; Commodilla, whose property lay on the Via Ostiensis ; Cyriaca, on the Via Tiburtina ; Praitextatus, on the Via Appia ; Pontian, on the Via Portuensis; and the Jordani, Maximus and Thraso, all on the Via Salaria Nova. These names are still attached to various catacombs, because they were originally begun upon the land of those who bore them. Other Catacombs are known by the names of those who presided over their formation, as that of St Callixtus, on the Via Appia; or St Mark, on the Via Ardeatina; or of the principal martyrs who were buried in them, as SS. Hermes, Basilla, Protus and Hyacinthus, on the Via Salaria Vetus ; or, lastly, by some peculiarity of their 28 Roma Sotterranea. position, as ad Catacunibas on the Via Appia, and ad diias Laiiros on the Via Labicana. Their origin It has always been agreed among men of learning who have an purpose. ^^^^ opportunity of examining these excavations, that they were used exclusively by the Christians as places of burial and of holding religious assemblies. Modern research has now placed it beyond a doubt, that they were also originally de- signed for this purpose and for no other ; that they were not deserted sand-pits {arenaria;) or quarries, adapted to Christian uses, but a development, with important modifications, of a form of sepulchre not altogether unknown even among the heathen families of Rome, and in common use among the Fig. 2. — Plan of Arenaria at St Agnes. Jews both in Rome and elsewhere. Our readers may judge for themselves, even from the miniature specimen here set before them, how easy it is to distinguish the galleries of an arenaria from those of a Catacomb. These plans represent a portion of the cemetery, commonly called of St Agnes, in the Via Nomentana, and of a sand-pit which lies over it, (both drawn to the same scale ;) and the greater width of the passages excavated in the sand-pit, and the greater regularity of those in the Catacomb, are characteristics which at once arrest the attention, and suffice to impress upon our minds the essential difference between them. At first, the work of making the Catacombs was done openly, without let or hindrance, by the Christians ; the entrances to General Descj^iption. 29 them were public on the high-road or on the hill-side, and the galleries and chambers were freely decorated with paintings of a sacred character. But early in the third century, it became necessary to withdraw them as much as possible from the public eye ; new and often difficult entrances were now effected F'iG. 3. — Part 0/ Catncoinh of St Agties. in the recesses of deserted arcnarice^ and even the liberty of Christian art was cramped and fettered, lest what was holy should fall under the profane gaze of the unbaptized. Each of these burial-places was called in ancient times either hypogceiun^ i.e., generically, a subterranean place, ox cceineteruim, Explanation a sleepmg-place, a new name of Christian origin, which the Pagans could only repeat, probably without understanding;--' sometimes also martyriii;n, or confessio,i (its Latin equivalent,) to signify that it was the burial-place of martyrs or confessors of the faith. An ordinary grave was called locus or loculus, if * Euseb. U.K. vii. 1 1. t Hence the crypt under the high altar of the Vatican Basilica is called the Confcss.'on, i.e., the tomb, of St Peter. 30 Roma Sotteri'a nea . it contained a single body ; or bisoniuni^ trisomum^ or quadriso- 7num, if it contained two, three, or four. The graves were dug by fossores, and burial in them was called depositio. The galleries do not seem to have had any specific name ; but the chambers were called ciibicula. In most of these chambers, and sometimes also in the galleries themselves, one or more tombs are to be seen of a more elaborate kind ; a long oblong c/iasse, like a sarcophagus, either hollowed out in the rock or built FiG. 4. — Arcosoliiun. up of masonry, and closed by a heavy slab of marble lying horizontally on the top. The niche over tombs of this kind was of the same length as the grave, and generally vaulted in a semi-circular form, whence they were called arcosolia."' - ---^ Fig. 5.— Sepolcro a mensa or Table-tomb. Sometimes, however, the niche retained the rectangular form, in which case there was no special name for it, but for dis- tinction's sake we may be allowed to call it a table-tomb.t * Solium was used to denote the urn of marble or terra cotta, in which the Pagans sometimes buried their dead. + De Rossi calls it sepolcro a mensa. General Description. -x t Those of the arcosolia which were also the tombs of martyrs were used on the anniversaries of their deaths {Natalitia, or birthdays) as altars whereon the holy mysteries were cele- brated ; hence, whilst some of the cubicula were only family- vaults, others were chapels, or places of public assembly. It IS probable that the holy mysteries were celebrated also in the private vaults, on the anniversaries of the deaths of their occu- pants ; and each one was sufficiently large in itself for use on these private occasions ; but in order that as many as possible Fig. 6. — Interior of a Cnbicichim in St Agnes, with chairs and betich hc%v7i out oj the rock. might assist at the public celebrations, two, three, or even four of the cubicula were often made close together, all receiving light and ventilation through one shaft or air-hole, {Iumi7iai'e^ pierced through the superincumbent soil up to the open air. In this way as many as a hundred persons might be collected in some parts of the Catacombs to assist at the same act of public worship ; whilst a still larger number might have been dispersed in the cubicula of neighbouring galleries, and received 32 Roma Sottcrranca. there the Bread of hfe, brought to them by the assistant priests and deacons. Indications of this arrangement are not only to be found in ancient ecclesiastical writings; they may still be seen in the very walls of the Catacombs themselves, episcopal chairs, chairs for the presiding deacon or deaconess, and benches for the faithful, having formed part, of the original design when the chambers were hewn out of the living rock, and still remaining where they were first made. Catacombs By and by, when peace was restored to the Church, the slmner^^*^ Catacombs were constantly visited as objects of pious interest, and of course the graves of the Popes and other principal martyrs became special centres of attraction. The number of the faithful who flocked to these shrines on the annual recurrence of their respective festivals was immense ; so that it became necessary to provide more commodious means of entrance and exit, and in other ways to enlarge and improve the chapels within. Pope Damasus distinguished himself above others in his devotion to this work : he also set up a number of inscriptions at various places, generally written in verse, and all engraved by the same artist, in which he some- times commemorates the triumphs of the martyrs, and some- times his own M^ork of restoration or decoration at the tomb. The festivals continued to be celebrated here as long as the bodies of the martyrs remained in their original resting-places, till the transla- But these having been desecrated, and sometimes plundered, A.D. 750 ; ' by the Lombards and other invaders of Rome, all the principal ecf ancf for^^" ^^^^^^^ y^^xt removed into the city-churches by the care of succes- gotten. sive Popes, during a period of sixty or seventy years, beginning from the middle of the eighth century; and when this had been done, the catacombs were naturally neglected, and by degrees forgotten. They remained in oblivion for nearly seven cen- turies and a half, so that when Onuphrius Panvinius, an Augustinian friar, considered the marvel of his age for learn- ing and industry, published a work in 1578 on the " Ceremonies of Christian Burial and the Ancient Christian Cemeteries," he Genera I Description . 3 3 could only gather their names from the Acts of the martyrs and other ancient documents. He expressly states that only three of them were at all accessible —that at St Sebastian's, that at San Lorenzo, meaning (as is clear from his description) the single gallery which may yet be seen from the window of the chapel of St Cyriaca in the Basilica itself, and that of St Valentine on the Via Flaminia, which lay under property belonging to his own order. It happened, however, that in this same year, 1578, an accident brought to light another of Re-discovcred 1 • ■ r . . , . in 1578. the ancient cemeteries, far more interesting than either of these ; and a desire was soon enkindled, both in the interests of religion and of learning, to know something more about such venerable monuments of antiquity. But this could only be the fruit of much time and labour; it was impossible to reconstruct their history, which had been lost, except by a careful examination of them, and a comparison of their con- tents with the notices to be discovered in ancient books. It has been already shown in our sketch of the Literary History of the Catacombs, how this work has been attempted by many authors, during the last two hundred years, with various degrees of success ; and how, in our own day, the Commen- datore de Rossi, having had his interest awakened to the subject from his earliest youth, having devoted to its study great natural abilities and untiring industry for more than twenty years, and having, moreover, enjoyed some advantages beyond most of his predecessors, has far outstripped them all both in the extent and importance of his discoveries. Hence the opportunity and the necessity for the present volume, which aims only at putting within the reach of English readers the fruit of De Rossi's labours. Treading faithfully in his foot- steps, we propose first to trace the history of the Catacombs from their beginning, and then to describe the cemetery of St Callixtus in particular; after which we shall consider the light which they throw upon early Christian art and doctrine. But in order that this work may be done well, and that we may 34 Roma Sottei^ranea satisfy our readers that the history we shall give rests on a sure foundation, it is necessary that we should go back to the first introduction of Christianity into Rome, and make a brief review of the legal and social position of its professors even from the days of the Apostles. Fig. 7.- Section of CJiniiibcs in Caiacomh 0/ Sniiits Alarcelliito and Fictro, sJio7viiig lower C7id of the sliaft of the htininnrc, ivith do7'e painted on it. CHAPTER II. THE SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS POSITION OF THE FIRST ROMAN CHRISTIANS. THE first sowing of the seed of the gospel in the metro- Among the ^ .... ... first Christians polls of the ancient Pagan world is involved m some in Rome obscurity. It is certain, however, that it must have been almost simultaneous with the birth of Christianity. For we know that among the witnesses of the miracle of Pentecost were "strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes;"'"' and on the return of these strangers to their homes, the wonderful sight they had witnessed would be at once communicated to others, and the solemn tidings they had heard would be circu- lated from mouth to mouth among the Jews of the capital. Moreover, the Gentile converts in " the Italian band," f of which Cornelius was a centurion, probably returned to their native city soon after the appointment of Herod Agrippa to the kingdom of Judea, at the accession of Caligula, and these too would have given a fresh impulse to the movement : and if St Peter, who had been about the same time miraculously released from prison, accompanied them from Caesarea, this would agree with the tradition which assigns a.d. 42 as the date of the coming of the Prince of the Apostles to Rome. At any rate, the faith of the Roman Christians was " spoken of in the whole world "J as early as a.d. 57; and it is the opinion of learned and impartial judges that, even from the were native first, there were several of noble blood and high rank who Greeks, and made profession of this faith. " From the time of Caesar J^^^^- * Acts ii. 10, II. + Tb. X. i. t Rom. i. 8. 36 Roma Sotterranea. downwards," says Mr Merivale, " Jews had thrust themselves into every Roman society, and not least into the highest. . . Many citizens of every rank had more or less openly addicted themselves to Jewish usages and tenets ; and when a Jewish sect ventured to transfer its obedience from the law of Moses to the gospel of Jesus Christ, the number of its adherents in the capital of the empire would seem to have embraced Jews, Greeks, and Romans in nearly equal proportions." Scattered We are not unmindful of the Apostle's testimony relative to themr ^ ^^-^ Church at Corinth — viz., that " there were not amongst them many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble ;"t nevertheless everything combines to show that the spread of Christianity among the higher classes, and even among the imperial families at Rome, was more exten- sive, from the very earliest times, than either the records of ecclesiastical history or the pious legends of the Church would have led us to expect. Indeed, it is easy to see how scanty and imperfect these are. Thus no memorial has reached us of the names or condition of those " of Caesar's household " to whom St Paul sent a special salutation • of Flavins Clemens, the consul and relative of Domitian, we know little beyond the fact of his martyrdom ; of Apollonius, the senator and martyr under Commodus, we only know that little which Eusebius has told us, writing so long after the event, and at so great a distance from the scene of it. Ancient metrical inscriptions have been found, celebrating the praises of another noble patrician, named Liberalis, holding the highest office in the State, and laying down his life for the faith, whose memory in all other respects is buried in oblivion. Other inscriptions also have been found, in more recent times, recording the burial, by their husbands, of noble Roman ladies of senatorial rank (clarissimcE), in the common graves of the galleries in the most ancient parts of the Roman cemeteries. It was only * History of the Romans under the Empire, vii. 380. See also vi. 436, et seq. \ I Cor. i. 26. Positio7i of the First Rommi Cln^istiaiis. 3 7 from the pages of a Pagan historian* that we knew of the pro- fession of Christianity, or at least of a great interest in it and partiaUty towards it, by Marcia, concubine of Commodus, until, in our own day, this intelligence has been confirmed and enlarged by the newly-discovered Philosophumena. Ter- tullian,t again, writing at the beginning of the third century, tells us that Septimius Severus protected Christian senators and their wives, but says nothing as to their names or number, excepting indeed that in another place he says boldly, before the whole Pagan world, that not only were the cities of the Roman empire full of Christian people, but even the senate and the palace. One cause of the extreme scantiness of our information as chiefly to the early Christians in Rome is doubtless the destruction of ^^'^'^^^ all ecclesiastical records during the last terrible persecution by Diocletian ; and there was nothing in the temper or practices of Christianity to commend it as a special theme for Pagan writers. Nevertheless it was not altogether overlooked by them ; and we know, from the testimony of Eusebius, % that some at least wrote about it whose histories have not reached us. Indeed it is to Pagan rather than to Christian writers that we are indebted for our knowledge of some of the most interesting and remarkable facts in the annals of the early Church. One of these it will be well for us to dwell upon at some length in this place, as the history of a Catacomb depends upon it : we allude to the early conversion of some of the e.g., of family of the Flavii Augusti, that is, of the family which gave Vespasian to the throne. His elder brother, Titus Flavius Sabinus, had been Prefect of the city in the year in which the Princes of the Apostles, Sts Peter and Paul, suffered martyrdom ; and it is certain, therefore, thai he must have been brought into contact with them, and heard something of the Christian faith. He is described by the great historian of the empire as a ♦ Tacitus Hist. iii. 65, 75. t Ad Scapul. c. 4. Roma Sotterrmiea. man whose innocence and justice were unimpeachable;* a mild man, who had a horror of all unnecessary shedding of blood and violence. Towards the close of his life, he was accused by some of great inactivity and want of interest in public affairs ; others thought him only a man of moderation, anxious to spare the lives of his fellow-citizens ; others again spoke of his retiring habits as the natural result of the infirmi- ties of old age. Whilst we hsten to all these conjectures as to the cause of a certain change which seems to have come over him in his declining years, the question naturally occurs to us, whether it is possible that he can have had some lean- ings towards the Christian faith, or even been actually con- verted to it ? It is a question which cannot now be answered ; but at least it is certain that charges of this kind were com- monly urged against Christians ; t and the fact that some of his descendants in the next generation were undoubtedly of this faith, gives a certain degree of probability to the conjecture. Flavins Sabinus seems to have had four children, of whom the most conspicuous was Titus Flavins Clemens, the consul and martyr. He married the daughter of his cousin, who was sister to the Emperor Domitian, and called by the same name as her mother, Flavia Domitilla. Flavia Domitilla the younger bore her husband, the consul, two sons, who were named respectively, Vespasian junior, and Domitian junior, having been intended to succeed to the throne ; and the famous QuinctilianJ was appointed by the Emperor himself to be their tutor. At what time their parents became Chris- tians, and what was the history of their conversion, we do not Flavins know ; but the facts of Clement's martyrdom and Domitilla's Clemens. banishment are attested by Dio Cassius.§ His words are, that " Domitian put to death several persons, and amongst them Flavins Clemens, the consul, although lie was his nephew, and * Tacitus Hist. iii. 65, 75. t " Infructuosi in negotiis dicimur." — TertuU. ApoL, § 42. + Instit. iv. f, >j 2. § Hist. Ixvii. 13. Position of the Fii'st Roman Christians. 39 although he had Flavia Domitilla for his wife, who also was a relation of the Emperor's. The charge of atheism was brought against them both, on which charge many others also had been condemned, going after the manners and customs of the Jews ; and some of them were put to death, and others had their goods confiscated ; but Domitilla was only banished to Pandatereia," an island opposite the Gulf of Gaeta, half-way between Ponza and Ischia, now known by the name of Sta. Maria. Learned critics are agreed that the atheism and adop- tion of Jewish manners, here urged against Flavius Clemens and his wife, were in reality nothing else than a profession of Christianity, the charge of atheism never having been brought specifically against the Jews,* Both Christian and Pagan writers alike testify to the persecution which Domitian insti- tuted against Christians towards the end of his life ; and we cannot understand the motives which have led some modern writers to call it in question. However, we are not at present concerned with this fact. We only care to insist upon the Christianity of this branch of the imperial family, and the martyrdom of the consul, facts whose importance will soon be recognised. Had it been handed down in any Acts of the Martyrs that, immediately after the death of the apostles, Chris- tianity was within an ace of mounting the imperial throne, that a cousin and niece of the Emperor not only professed the new religion, but also suffered exile, and even death itself, on its account, we can imagine with what vehemence the pious legend would have been laughed to scorn by many modern critics ; but the testimony of Dio Cassius, to which we may add per- haps that of Suetonius also, is received with greater respect. t There was yet a third lady of the same noble family, bearing st Domitilla. the same name of Flavia Domitilla, who was a granddaughter (on the mother's side) of Titus Flavius Sabinus, and conse- quently a niece of the consul. She, too, suffered banishment, like her aunt, and for the same cause— profession of the * Merivalc, vii. 381. t Me accuses the consul conkmptissimtv inertitcy 40 Roma Sotterranea. Christian faith. It is in speaking of this lady that Eusebius has that striking passage to which we have already referred, and which testifies so clearly to the marvellous spread of the Christian religion, even before the expiration of the first century. He has just had occasion to mention the latter part of Domitian's reign, and he says : " The teaching of our faith had by this time shone so far and wide, that even Pagan historians did not refuse to insert in their narratives some account of tiie persecution and the martyrdoms that were suffered in it. Some, too, have marked the time accurately, mentioning, amongst many others, in the fifteenth year of Domitian, (a.d. 97,) Flavia Domitilla, the daughter of a sister of Flavins Clemens, one of the Roman consuls of those days, who, for her testimony for Christ, was punished by exile to the island of Pontia." The same writer, in his " Chronicon," gives the name of one of the authors to whom he refers, and that name is Bruttius. It is worth remembering, for w^e shall meet it again in the cemetery of the very same St Domitilla whose exile he had recorded. He was a friend of the younger Pliny, and the grandfather of Crispina, wife of the Emperor Commodus. It is generally supposed that there is another still more ancient notice, by a Pagan writer, of the conversion to Christianity of a Roman lady of rank, which ought not, therefore, to be altogether omitted ; we mean that by Tacitus, of Pomponia Grecina, the wife of Plautius, who conquered Britain under Claudius. We read that, in the year 58, this lady was accused of having embraced the rites of " a foreign superstition ;" that the matter was referred to the judgment of her husband, in the presence of a number of her relations, who pronounced her innocent ; that she lived afterwards to a great age, but " in continual sadness ;" no one, however, interfered with her in this matter any more, and in the end * St Hieronym. Inlerp. Chron. Eus. Pani]:)li., 98, Ojiera, toni. viii., p. 605, ed. Migne. Position of the First Roman Christians. 4 1 it Avas considered the glory of her character * It must be • confessed that the language in which this history is recorded is not so precise as what we have read from Dio about the Flavii, neither has the history itself so intimate a connexion with the Catacombs ; nevertheless it has its point of contact with them, and the ordinary interpretation of the " foreign superstition," as having been intended for Christianity, has lately received considerable confirmation from an inscription found in the Catacomb of St Callixtus, showing that a person of the same name and family was certainly a Christian in the next generation, and buried in that cemetery. These glimpses at the social condition of the first Roman The political „, . . . ^ . ^ position of the Christians, slight and imperfect as they are, are valuable ; and fi,-st Chris- when we come to study the first period in the history of the Catacombs, they will be found to furnish some very interesting examples of "undesigned coincidences." A still more im- portant subject, however, and one on which it is happily much more easy to throw sufficient light, is the political or religious position of Christians in the eye of the law, and consequently their freedom with reference to the rites and usages of burial. It is certain that, at first, the Imperial Government looked They were re- upon the Christians as only a sect of the Jews. Gallio, the fect^of tlie^ proconsul of Achaia, drove both Paul and his accusers from J^^'^- his tribunal, refusing to adjudicate upon " questions of a word and of names, and of your law."t Claudius Lysias wrote to Felix, procurator of Judea, saying that Paul had been accused before him " concerning questions of the Jewish law and Festus explained to Agrippa that the clamours of the Jews against the Apostle were about " certain questions of their * own superstition, and of one Jesus, deceased, whom Paul affirmed to be alive."§ The very terms in which Suetonius || * *' Mox in gloriam vertit." — Annal. xiii. 32. X Tb. xxiii. 29. II " Imi)uls()rc C'hrcsto."— -W/, /// Claud, xx^• + Acts xviii. 12-17. § lb. XXV. 19. 42 Roma Sotterranea. mentions the expulsion of the Jews from Rome under Claudius, and which we know included the Christians Aquila and Priscilla,'^ while they indicate a disturbance raised by the Jews against the faith, show at the same time that, in the eyes of Romans, both the Jews and the Christians were regarded as belonging to one and the same religion. Indeed it is not easy to see how the Romans could take any other view of the matter, since it was notorious that the Christians worship- ped the God of Moses and the Prophets, and claimed that their religion was the fulfilment of all the promises, types, and figures of Judaism, and thus enjoyed the protection afforded to Judaism. Now Judaism, both in its national customs and its distinctive religious rites, " even in Rome itself," was expressly recognised and protected by the Roman laws from the days of Julius Csesar;t and though under Tiberius, J and (as we have just seen) under Claudius, the Jews were banished from the city, yet this was merely a temporary suspension of the decree of the same emperor, which permitted " the Jews, who are in all the world under us, to keep their ancient customs without being hindered so to do."§ This is proved by the fact of St Paul, a few years afterwards, finding at Rome very many Jews, and being allowed to assemble them at his lodgings, and preach to them without prohibition. || From inscrip- tions on Jewish Catacombs, and from incidental expressions in Suetonius, it is evident that this protection extended to both classes of proselytes. As long, therefore, as the Christian Church continued to be confounded with the Jewish rehgion, the Christians would enjoy the protection of the law both in their assembUes and in the burial of their dead. They were akin to the Jewish religion, as Tertullian says,ir "and lived * Acts xviii. 2. t Joseph. Ant. xiv. lo, 8. J lb. xviii. 3, 5. § lb. xix. 5, 3. II Acts xxviii. 17-31. H " Nosquoque ut Judaicoe religionis propiuqiios, sub unil^raculo insignis- f^imnc religionis certe licitar — Tertiill. Ad Ahitioncs, i. 11. Position of the First Roman Christians. 43 under the shadow of that most famous religion, about whose lawfuhiess there was no question." The Jews, however, vigorously denounced their supposed Christian reli- . . ^ . ^ gion proscribed co-religionists, and became, m Rome, as elsewhere, the first by the Roman cause of the persecution of the Church. * Thenceforward it ^"^^ ^"^^ became necessary that the Roman Government should either legally recognise the Christian religion as well as the Jewish, or else proscribe it.t The burning of Rome by Nero, and his First persecu- false accusations and unjust punishment of the Christians, decided between these alternatives. " This," says Sulpicius Severus, speaking probably with exact historical accuracy, " was the beginning of cruelties against Christians ; afterwards, the religion was forbidden even by express laws, and decrees were published declaring it to be illegal to be a Christian." j It does not appear, however, that there was any further open persecution of Christians for a period of thirty years after Nero, Domitian, as we have seen, renewed it, banishing Domitian. and putting to death even members of his own family. The same Emperor also persecuted the Jews and their proselytes for matters connected with the fiscal regulations. § Both Jews and Christians, however, were protected by his successor, Nerva,|| so that Lactantius, or whoever else may have been Nerva.. the author of the work " De Mortibus Pe7^seaitoru7)i" even goes so far as to say (c. 3) that the Church was then restored to her former condition of Uberty. This, however, must not be inter- preted too strictly, for the statutes which created the distinc- tion between the impiety or " atheism " of the Christians, and the " religion " of the Jews and proselytes, had never been repealed ; and their operation, though for awhile suspended, could be revived at any time, as in fact it was on the death of Nerva. Pliny's famous letter to Trajan distinctly says that Pliny's letter to Trajan, a.d. * Merivale, vi. p. 449, note viii. p. 361 ; Mamachi Orig., torn. i. lib. vi. 5. 104. t " As soon as the Christians established their independence of Judaism, they fell under the ban of an illicit religion." — Merivale, vii. 381. X Sulp. Sev. Hist. ii. 41. § Sueton. in Domit. xii. II Tertull. Apolog. 5. 44 Roma Sotterranea. the Christians worshipped Christ as God; and the Emperor's reply leaves no doubt as to the state of the law, for while he counsels Pliny not to originate active measures against them, nor to seek for them, yet he tells him that if they were denounced, and brought before the tribunal, the laws required that they should be punished, unless they consented to renounce their faith. Non licet esse vos I ^ was the cruel but plain letter of the Roman law against the very existence of the Christians, and their only means of escape were to be found in the hindrances put in the way of accusers by benevolent and tolerant princes. And even this did not always prove a sufficient protection, when the malevolence of individuals insisted on pressing the execution of the law. Thus, when the Senator Apollonius, in the reign of Commodus, was accused of Christianity, the informer w^as condemned to be broken on the wheel ; but Apollonius was required to defend himself before the Senate, and suffered martyrdom by decapitation, " as there was a law of long standing with them, that those who had been once led to trial, and would by no means change their purpose, should not be dismissed." f From the time of Nero, then, the sword was always suspended over the Church. "Sometimes it descended, and the disciples, always insecure, were made to suffer ; for, whenever the jealousy of the State was awakened, no special edict was required to drag them before the altar of Jupiter, and invite them to sprinkle it with incense, and con- ceive a vow to the genius of the Emperor," J which, if they refused, they were at once liable to capital punishment as traitors and rebels. It is no part of our present purpose to pursue the history of the Church's fortunes through all its vicissitudes during the first three centuries. It is enough to have given this general outline, and to have pointed out the principle on which they depended. How this affected the origin and development of the Roman Catacombs will appear more clearly in the sequel. * Tertull. Apolog. vi. 4. f Euseb. II. E. v. 21. + Merivale, vi. 451. CHAPTER III. I ROMAN LAWS AND CUSTOMS AFFECTING BURIAL. T does not follow, from the refusal of the Roman law to Christian se- , . . . , , , pulchres pro- protect, or even to tolerate Christianity, that the sepul- tected bv ordl- chres of those who professed it would be interfered with. "^T J^^^'^ ^ burial. Neither the correspondence of Pliny and Trajan, nor any other cotemporary document of the first two centuries, can be alleged in proof ot any difficulty attending Christian burial, or any necessity for concealment. In fact, it required a special decree against the Christian cemeteries, such as we first meet with in A.D. 203, to exclude them from the protection ex- tended by law over all burial-places. No classical scholar need be reminded of the sacred character which attached to such places among the civilised peoples of antiquity. In Athens it entered into the preliminary examination of men chosen to fill the highest offices of the State, whether they had been negligent in the care of their father's sepulchre.""' In Privileges of Roman tombs. Rome, land which had been once used for purposes of burial was protected by special privileges of the law. It did not, indeed, iJ>so facto become sacer^ for this could only be effected by all the ceremonies of a ritual consecration ; but it became, in the technical language of the time, i-eligiosus ;\ and one of the chief consequences of this religious character, which hence- forth attached to it, was its exemption from many of the laws which regulated the tenure or transfer of property. It could * Xen, Mem. ii. 2, § 13. t " Religiosum locum unusquisque sua voluntate facit, dum mortuum infert in locum '^^wxww — Marcian. Digest, i. 8, 6, § 4. 46 Ro7na Sotterranea. not become the lawful property of a man by usiicapio, or pre- scription and it was inalienable, belonging exclusively and for ever to the famiUes of those who had been buried in it. In times of war, and during any prolonged period of civil disturbance, those rights were probably not always strictly observed ; but the law, at least, remained always the same. Hence the frequent recurrence on ancient Roman monu- ments of these letters, or something equivalent to them — H.M.H.EX.T.N.S., {Hoc monuinentiun hceredes ex testamento ne sequatur •) in other words, " This tomb and all that belongs to it is sacred : henceforth it can neither be bought nor sold ; it does not descend to my heirs with the rest of my property ; but must ever remain inviolate for the purpose to which I have destined it, viz., as a place of sepulture for myself and my family," or certain specified members only of the family \ or, in some rare instances, others also, not of the same family. Thus, without any desire on his part, the Christian, by the mere fact of burying his dead, put his sepulchre under the pro- tection of the Roman laws, and though he himself might be an outlaw, yet his burial-place was secure from disturbance, and under the guardianship of the Pontifices^ who from time to time inspected the tombs, and without whose permission no serious alteration could be made.t Christian mar- The Roman Government also permitted the bodies of those tyrs allowed , , the honours of who had forfeited their lives to the law to be delivered up for burial. burial to any who asked for them. J Diocletian and Maximin distinctly confirmed, by a new edict, this merciful provision ; * Cic. De Legibus, ii. 24. t De Rossi {Btdleltino, 1865, pp. 89, 90] shows that this permission was only necessary as far as the portion of the sepulchre above ground was concerned, and that there was a regular system of fees which removed all difficulties. In fact, so insignificant were these, that the Christian Emperor Constans confirmed the Pagan Pontifices in their authority over Roman sepulchres. X " Corpora animadversorum quibttslibct petentibiis ad sepulturam danda sunt." — Digest, xlviii. 24, 2. This law illustrates the fact of ''Joseph of Arimathea going in to Pilate and begging the Body of Jesus." Roman Laws and Customs affecting Burial. 47 and it was only under very special ciicumstances, says Ulpian, that this permission was ever refused. Of course, we know from ecclesiastical history that some of the Christian martyrs were precisely among the few who were excepted, and the reason of the exception is expressly mentioned, viz., that the faithful who survived might not have the consolation they so highly prized, of preserving and honouring the sacred reHcs. Still there is no trace in the first two centuries of such prohibi- tion ; and, as a matter of fact, some of the most ancient Catacombs had their origin from this very circumstance, that a pious Christian, generally a Roman matron of noble rank, buried the remains of some famous martyr on her own pro- perty. The extent to which the private burial-places of Roman Size of Roman Christians could be made available for the necessities of their adapted^for ^ brethren in the faith, will appear more clearly if we consider Christian ^ ^ ■' cemeteries. that not only was the sepulchre itself invested with a sacred character, but the Roman law included in its protection also the area in which the monument stood, the hypogeiim, or sub- terranean chamber, which not unfrequently was formed beneath it, and perhaps even the buildings, gardens, and other pos- sessions attached to it. Letters inscribed upon most of the sepulchral monuments which line the pubHc roads leading into Rome tell us how many feet of frontage, and how many feet backwards into the field, belonged to the monument. IN • FR • P. [so many] ; IN • AG • P. [so many] : /;/ frojite, pedes — / In agi'o, pedes — . From these inscriptions it ap- pears that quite a moderate-sized area for a Roman sepulchre might have extended 125 Roman feet, more or less, each way. The classical example in Horace* gives us 1000 feet by 300. Sometimes of course it was very much less, e.g., 16 feet square, 24 feet by 15, &c. Sometimes also it was very Ancient plan 1 , - . o r . 1 • ^1 of sepulchral much larger; for mstance, 1800 feet by 500 is the measure- ^rea. ment given on a marble slab, once a part of the monument * I Sat. viii. 12. 48 Roman Lazus and Customs affecting Burial. itself, which was dug up many years ago on the Via Labicana, and given to the museum at Urbino. On this slab, not only are the usual measurements of frontage and depth carefully recorded, but also the private or public roads which crossed the property, the gardens and vineyards of which it consisted, the swampy land on which grew nothing but reeds, (it is called Harimdi7ietii7n^) and the ditch by which, on one side at least, it was bounded. Unfortunately the slab is not perfect, so that we cannot tell the exact measurements of the whole. Enough, however, remains to show that the property altogether was not less than twelve Roman y>/c^^r^7,or nearly35o,ooo square feet; and other inscriptions are extant, specifying an amount of property almost equal to this, as belonging to a single monument {e.g.^ Huic monumeiito cedtini agri pari jugera decern)/^ The necessity for so large an assignment of property to a single tomb was not so much the vastness of the mausoleum to be erected, as because certain funeral-rites were to be celebrated there year by year, sacrifices to be offered, feasts to be given, &c. ; and for these purposes semicircular recesses {exedrce) were provided, with sofas, and all things necessary for the convenience of guests. A house also {custodid) was often added, in Avhich the person lived who looked after the monument, and provided the requi- sites for the annual festivals, and for his support the gardens, vineyards, &c., were set apart as a perpetual endowment. Plan of Cata- The Catacombs themselves not only illustrate these remarks, combs shows , . , , i i 1 i the mode and by showmg the care that was taken lest the subterranean exca- vations should transgress the limits assigned above ground to the area of the sepulchre ; but also show how a comparatively small ai'ca might be made available for the burial of a great number of bodies. The crypt of St Lucina, for example, which now forms part of the Catacomb of St Callixtus, and in which St Cornelius was buried in the middle of the third century, was originally confined within an area the dimensions of which can be exactly determined — 100 feet in f route, 180 in agro ; * Glutei", Inscript. p. cccxcix. I. limits of the excavations. Roman Lazvs a7id CtLstoms affecting Burial. 49 and there was a building of some kind above it, which in the beginning of the fourth century, (prior to the conversion of Constantine,) if not at a much earher period, was certainly in the possession of the Christians. Now in this crypt M. de Rossi has counted upwards of 700 loculi., and considers that, allowing for galleries destroyed, and others not yet thoroughly explored, 2000 would be a very moderate figure at which to estimate the number of persons buried within this area, which forms a very small and by no means crowded part of the cemetery of St Callixtus. Hitherto we have considered the facilities afforded by the Funeral con- Roman laws relating to private mausoleums, under cover of Rome^^^'^^ ^" which individual Christians, possessing property, might, by observing the requisite formalities, secure to themselves and to their poorer brethren an inalienable resting-place for their dead. But though the charity of the more wealthy Christians was in the early ages proverbial, and we may be sure that they took heed to the burial of the poor, and even of the slaves, whose bodies were laid side by side with their masters in the Christian cemeteries,* yet as, from apostolic example, we find that the Church, in its corporate capacity, provided for the maintenance of those Christians who were unable to main- tain themselves, t it is worth while to inquire whether there were any provisions under the Roman laws whereby a society of men might hold a place of burial in the name and for the use of the members of that society. Now, a multitude of tes- timonies have come down to us of the existence, both in republican and imperial Rome, of a number of collegia, as they w^ere called, — corporations, confraternities, guilds or clubs, as we should rather call them, — whose members were associated with a view to the due performance of the funeral-rites. In- * " Apud nos inter pauperes et divites, servos et dominos interest nihil." —Lactant. Div. Inst. v. 14, 15. t Acts ii. 44, 45 ; iv. 34 37 ; vi. i ; i Tim. v. 16. D 50 Roma Sotterranea. scnptions, which .are still extant, testify to nearly eighty of these collegia^ each consisting of the members of a different trade or profession. There are the masons and carpenters, soldiers and sailors, bakers and cooks, corn-merchants and wine-merchants, hunters and fishermen, goldsmiths and black- smiths, dealers in drugs and carders of wool, boatmen and divers, doctors and bankers, scribes and musicians ; in a word, it would be hard to say what trade or employment had not its collegium. Nor was this the only bond of fellowship upon which such confraternities were built. Sometimes (gene- rally, indeed) the members were united in the worship of some deity. They were cultores Jovis, or Herculis, or Apollinis et Diance. Sometimes they merely took the title of some deceased benefactor whose memory they desired to honour, e.g.., culto7'es statuarum et dipeorum. L. Ahulli Dextri ; and sometimes the only bond of union appears to have been service in the same house or family.* A long and curious Description of ^'^^^^^P^^^^^' ^^^^^^gi^g ^ collegium which consisted mainly a funeral con- of slaves, and was erected "in honour of Diana and An- fraternity. tinous, and for the burial of the dead,'' in the year a.d. 133, reveals a number of most interesting particulars as to its inter- nal organisation, which it will not be altogether beside our purpose to repeat. A certain fixed sum was to be paid on entrance, with a keg of good wine besides, and then so much a month afterwards. For every member who had regularly paid up his contribution, so much was to be allowed for his funeral, a certain proportion of which was to be distributed amongst those who assisted. If a member died at a distance of more than twenty miles from Rome, three of the confrater- nity were to be sent to fetch the body, and so much was to be * One collegmm was '■^ convictortivi qui tma epido vcsci solent!'' Can this vague and ambiguous phraseology have been adopted by some con- gregation of Christians for the purpose of concealment ? See Bulleitino^ 1864, 62. A colleghim quod est in dofno Sergice Pmdincv, reminds us of "the Church which is in their house," (Rom. xvi. 5.) It is also worthy of notice that the ancient privileges of these collegia were confirmed by an edict of Septimius Severus about A D. 200. Ronia7i Laws and Cicstoms affecting Burial. 5 i allowed them for travelling expenses. If the master of the slave would not give up the body, the deceased member was nevertheless to receive all the funeral-rites. He was to be buried in effigy. If any of the members, being a slave, received his freedom, he owed the collcgiuni an amphora of good wine. The newly-elected president {inagister) must inaugurate his accession to office by giving a supper to all the members. Six times a year the members dine together in honour of Diana, Antinous, and the patron of the collegium ; and the allowance of bread and wine on these occasions was specified, — so much to every mess of four. No complaints or disputed questions might be mooted at these festivals, " to the end that our feasts may be merry and glad." Finally, who- ever wished to enter this confraternity, was requested to study all the rules before he entered, that he might not grumble afterwards, or leave a dispute as a legacy to his heir. In connection with these collegia^ it is to be remarked that. Christians though the ordinary assemblies of the Christians were for- Jhen^seWes of bidden by the edicts of Trajan against clubs Uietoirue), as ^1^^ legal sane ^ JO \ ^jQj^ these appears from Pliny's letter, yet an exception was expressly societies, made in favour of associations which consisted of "poorer members of society, who met together every month to make a small contribution towards the expenses of their funerals." t To understand how Christians might shelter their funeral- rites under this exception, we have only to recall the words in which Tertullian describes to a heathen ruler the habits of Christians at the end of the second century: "Every one makes a small contribution, o)i a certain day in the month, or when he chooses, provided he is only willing and able ; for no one is compelled, all is voluntary. The amount is, as it were, a common fund of piety ; since it is expended, not in feasting * " Les Antonins," par le Cte. de Champagny, torn, iii., Append. 399. t " Permittitur tenuioribus stipein menslruam conferre, dum tamen semel in mense coeant." — Digest, xlvii. 22, I. 52 Roma Sotter7'anea. or in drinking, or in indecent excesses, but in feeding and burying the poor','' &c.* and even of This subject has lately received still further important illus- iii^connS;don^ trations from a Pagan will, which had once been engraved in with funeral- marble on a Roman sepulchre in Langres ; was copied thence by some disciple of the school of Alcuin in the eighth or ninth century ; and now two pages of his copy have been discovered in the binding of a MS. of the tenth century in the library at Basle. This curious document begins by ordering the com- pletion of the cella memorice which the testator had already commenced. It was to be finished in exact accordance with the plan he should leave behind him ; in it were to be set up two statues of himself of a certain size — the one in bronze, the other in marble — and in front of it, an altar of the finest Carrara marble, in which his bones should be laid. Provision was to be made for the easy opening and shutting of this cdla ; couches and benches also were to be provided for those days on which it was to be opened, and even garments for the guests. t Orchards and other property were assigned for the maintenance of the sepulchre, which was left in charge of two freedmen, who are named, and certain fines imposed upon the heirs if they should allow this duty to be neglected. Finally, all the testator's freedmen were to make a yearly contribution, * " Modicam nnusquisque stipcDi Jiicnstnia die, vel quum velit, et si modo velit, et si modo possit, apponit .... Nam inde non epulis . . . . sed egenis alendis Jmmandisqite,''' Scc—Tcrt. Apol. 39. + This reminds us of the history of the man in the gospel who "had not on a wedding-garment." In the legal inventory of the goods which were confiscated under Diocletian in Cista, "in the house where the Christians used to meet," besides two chalices of gold, and six of silver, and six cruets, and seven candlesticks, all of the same metal, small brazen candlesticks and lamps with their chains, there were found also eighty-two garments for women, six- teen for men, thirteen pairs of men's shoes, forty-seven of women's, &c. — Acta Purgat: Coccil: post Optati Opera, ed. Dupin, 168. Nor is this the only feature in this description whereby the reader will be reminded of the agapa, or Christian love-feasts, which, before they had degenerated into the scenes of excess and superstition so feelingly deplored and condemned by the Fathers of the fifth century, were held at the tombs of the martyrs and others of the faithful. Roman Laws ajid Cnsto77is affectijig Biirial. 5 out of which a feast was to be provided on a certain day, and duly consumed by them on the spot. The constitution of the coliegiwn, of which we have already said so much, gives a long ordo ccenan/m, or list of days on which convivial entertainments were to be celebrated ; and in this ordo there are such entries as the following : — viii Idus ^-S-^ Ordo coe- Martias iiatali CcBseimi pair is . . . xiii k. Sept. natali Ccesevni Silvani fratris . . . xix /an. 7iatali Casenni Rufi patroiii rntijiicipi. Even the anniversary of the dedication, or first Anniversaries, &c. opening of the monument itself, seems sometimes to have been celebrated : Natalis uionumenti v. Id. Maias was lately found on a pagan inscription. The eye-witnesses of St Ignatius' martyrdom testify to the Christian practice of observing the natalitia of the martyrs, for they make known " the day and the time, that being assembled together at the season of his martyrdom, we may communicate with the combatant and noble martyr of Christ and it must be obvious to all what an admirable cover for this and other pious practices of Christianity was provided by the existence of such institutions as we have described. That they were actually so used by instance of Christians seems almost certain when we compare with the foregoing inscriptions the following Christian monument, dis- covered recently in the ruins of Cresarea, one of the Roman towns in Africa : — ARKAM AT [AD] SEPVLCHRA CVLTOR VEREI CONTVLIT ET CELLAM STRVXIT SVIS CVNCTIS SVMPTIBVS ECCLESI^ SANCTTE HANC RELIQVIT MEMORIAM SALVETE FRATRES PVRO CORDE ET SIMPLICI EVELPIVS VOS SATOS SANCTO SPIRITV HCCLKSIA FRATRVM HVN'C RESTITVIT TITVLVM. MA. I. SEVERIAXI . C. V EX ING . ASTERI.t " Euelpius, a worshipper of the Word, has given this area for sepulchres, * Mart. vS. Ignat., 9, A.D. 107. t Ex Jnovnio Asteri denotes tliat Asterius was the poet who composed this epitaph. Cf. Tertull. Apol., c. 39. 54 Roma Sotterranea. First express edict against Christian cemeteries, A.D. 257. and has built a cella entirely at his own cost. He left this mcmoria to the Holy Church. Hail, brethren ! Euelpius with a pure and simple heart salutes you, born of the Holy Spirit." The identity of the expressions adtor verbi, aream^ cellam^ memoria7n^ with the corresponding terms used by the collegia, can hardly be the result of accident. It is true that this in- scription, as we now have it, is not the original stone ; it is expressly added at the foot of the tablet, that Ecclesia frati'unv' has restored this titnli(s, at a period subsequent to the perse- cution, during which the original had been destroyed; but both the sense and the words forbid us to suppose that any change had been made in the language of the epitaph, to which we cannot assign a date later than the middle of the third cen- tury. It may have been destroyed either in the persecution of A.D. 257 or of 304. From all that we have said, then, it appears certain that in the earliest ages there was no special interference with Christians in their burial of the dead, and therefore no special necessity for secresy and concealment. In fact, the assemblies of the Christians would be less liable to interruption at the buildings erected over the burial-places than anywhere else. And it seems that the fact of these assemblies being frequently held there was the cause of the invasion of the sanctity of Christian graves by popular violence and express legal enact- ments. The first historical notice of such an invasion which has come down to us, belongs to Africa in the year a.d. 203. We are then told by Tertullian, that at Carthage there was a popular outcry raised de areis sepulturaf'um nosti'arum, and a demand for their destruction.t These, however, were not subterranean cemeteries, and probably differed externally in little or nothing from the burial-places of the heathen which surrounded them ; still they were known to belong to the Christians as their exclusive property. The first general edict * This very term, unknown to theology, savours of being adopted for sake of concealment and its similarity to collegium couvictortim, &c. t Arece non sint !" — Tertull. ad Scapula ?n, c. 3. Roman Lazvs and Ctistoms affecting Bnrial. 55 by which the Roman Catacombs were affected was published by the Emperor Valerian, ad. 257, and was aimed rather at their use as places of worship, or at least of secret assembly, than as mere places of burial. After this, they enter expressly into most, if not all, of the imperial edicts concerning the Christians, so that the relations between the Roman laws and the Christian cemeteries will henceforward be most conve- niently considered in our direct chronological account of the Catacombs themselves. VNI FfO. Sepulchral Stove found iii a ccntcicry on the Via Lntinn. CHAPTER IV. BEGINNING OF THE CATACOMBS. Roman burial- T T has been shown that there was nothmg, either in the mural.' ^^^^^ social or religious position of the first Christians in Rome to interfere with their freedom of action in the mode of dis- posing of their dead. The law left them entire liberty, and there were not wanting to them either the means or the will to discharge this duty in the most becoming way. There was indeed one limit set to their liberty, viz., as to the choice of place ; but this attached to all Roman sepulchres alike,* and was not peculiar to the Christians. It was strictly forbidden by the ancient laws to bury within the walls of the city ] and, excepting in one or two instances w^here the pressure of per- secution forced them for a while to unusual secrecy, the Christians seem never to have disregarded this prohibition. The law was really restricted in its application to the old walls of Servius Tullius ; but with the exception of the burial of Saints John and Paul in their own house on the Cselian, and the bodies secretly buried by St Pudentiana, we do not find any trace of a Christian cemetery within the circuit of the walls of Aurelian and Honorius. Beyond these limits they were free to consult their own convenience, laws, or tastes, in this matter; and being a mixed company of Greeks, Romans, and Jews, they had the examples of various nations from w^hich to choose. Among the Greeks, the corpse was either buried or burnt ; both practices appear to have been always used ■* Even the few privileged families who had a legal right of burial within the walls did not avail themselves of it. — Cic. de Leg. ii. 23. Beginning of the Catacombs. 5 7 to a greater or less extent at different periods. In Rome, the ordinary custom, at least from the later times of the Republic, was not to bury, but to burn, the bodies of the dead, and to enclose the ashes in an urn. The urn was then placed in a recess in the family sepulchre, which, from its containing Pagan coinm- a number of these litde niches, like so many pigeon-holes, was other\oml)s called a columbarium or dove-cot. This, however general, and latterly almost universal, was not the primitive custom.* Warriors, lying at full length in their armour, have been found in Etruscan tombs, and outside the ancient Porta Capena (though within the present walls of Rome) may still be seen the sepulchre of the Scipios, with its full-sized sarcophagi, showing that that great family followed the ancient practice. Fabretti gives another example, which he saw four miles out of Rome, on the Via Flaminia, on which road are also the sepul- chres of the Nasones, described by Bartoli. These latter, and some others that might be named, resemble the plan which was adopted by the Christians more closely than do the tombs of the Scipios, inasmuch as they have chambers cut in the tufa^ with horizontal niches for bodies ; whereas the tombs of the Scipios are both irregular in form, as though the place had been a deserted quarry, and have no graves cut in the wall, but only recesses for sarcophagi, which are half-buried, as it were, in the living rock.t The principal marks which distinguish these Pagan sepulchres from the Christian ceme- contrasted with Christian teries are — their comparatively small size ; their exclusiveness cemeteries, in containing only the remains of a single family, as contrasted with the all-embracing catholicity of the Christian cemetery ; and that the loculi of the Pagan sepulchre were often left open, because it was their custom to close the chamber for ever when it had once received its destined occupants, while the Christian loadi were always hermetically sealed, since the chambers in which they were situated were frequently visited by the faithful. ^ Plin. Hist. Nat. vii. 55. f OiKTC (li Ennio Yisconti, i. 10, Milano. 58 Roma Sotterranca. These particulars, however, are not of the essence of this mode of burial ; and the examples referred to are abundantly suffi- cient for the purpose for which they have been alleged, viz., to show that the practice of burying in sepulchres hewn out of the rock was not altogether unknown even to the Pagans Jewish cata- of Rome. To the Jews it had always been familiar, and combs numerous examples are to be found m every part of the world, wherever they have settled themselves and the nature of the soil permitted it— in Palestine, in Southern Italy, and in Rome in Vigna Ran- itself. One was discovered not long since on the opposite danini, o 1 i side of the Via Appia from the Church of St Sebastian, and somewhat nearer to Rome, in the Vigna Randanini. Here the galleries resemble those of the Christian cemeteries very closely, except that they are not quite so regular. The loculi are closed with stone and terra-cotta, hke those in the Cata- combs ; but the lowest range are sunk beneath the floor, and the stone closing these leans against the wall in a slanting, instead of an upright position. There are no cubictila^ properly so called, but sometimes an opening leads to a small recess where two or three graves are sunk behind the ordinary range of loaili. The inscriptions are in Greek, with unmistakeable Jewish expressions and symbols, amongst which the seven- branched candlestick hplds the first place. From the variety of names, and the absence of the usual exclusive occupation of the tombs by one family which characterises most Jewish sepulchres of a similar kind, it has been conjectured that here the Jews rather imitated than set an example to the Christians. t Bosio,J however, describes a Jewish Catacomb which he saw and at Monte on Monte Verde, outside the Porta Portese, which was far more ^^'^ ^' ancient, and seems certainly to have been of an earlier date than the Christian cemetery of San Ponziano on the same hill. How- ever, it is not worth while to discuss minutely the chronology " See Murray's Handbook for Southern Italy, 361. f Cimitero degli Antichi Ebrei, &c., per P. Garrucci, Roma, 1862. ^ Bosio, Rom. Sott. 142. Beginning of the Catacornbs. 59 of the specimens of Jewish Catacombs to be seen in Rome. We need only refer to the language of the prophets when speaking of places of burial in the Old Testament,"'' or quote the instance of the Father of the F'aithful himself, whose only possession in the land of promase was " the field wherein was the double cave, which Abraham bought for a possession of a burying- place."t It is, of course, still more to the purpose to name the new sepulchre hewn out in a rock in which Joseph of Arimathea laid the Body of our Lord — an example which was not likely to be without effect on His earliest disciples. A modern writer, indeed, has ventured to say of the first Christians in Rome, that as they continued to dwell in the midst of their unconverted countrymen, so they continued also their ordinary usages of daily social life ; in particular, " that they burnt their dead after the Roman fashion, gathered their Chrisiians did . . , , , r 1 • 1 • -1 T "ot^ buin, Inil ashes mto the sepulchres 01 their patrons, and mscribed over buried, their them the customary dedication to the Divine Spirits^ % The only authority given for this statement is " the frequent occur- rence of the letters D. M. on the tombs of the early Christians," which is certainly quite inadequate to support the weight of so new and startling a theory. We do not for a moment doubt that wherever these letters were used, they were intended to stand for Dis Manibiis, and not (as Pjoldetti, Fabretti, and others have tried to maintain) for JDco Maximo. But it is one of the discoveries for which we are indebted to the skill and diligence of De Rossi, in attempting a chronological arrange- ment of the Christian inscriptions of Rome, that we are able to fix the date of the Christian epitaphs on which these letters have been found— and they are extremely rare,§ not frequent- to the end of the third century, by which time they may per- haps have been almost accounted a characteristic of mortuary inscriptions, and so have been used thoughtlessly, without any * Isaias xxii. i6. t Gen. xxiii. 17-20. % Merivale, vi. 444. § Quam rarissimc, ])artim oscitantia, partim aliis de causis, Christianis adhibitam epitaph! is fuisse satis constat," says De Rossi. — .S"//r. Solesiii. iii. 55'- 6o Roma Sotterraiica. advertence to their real meaning,"' e.g.^ they are found, in one instance, coupled with the sacred monogram itself, D. M. ^ S. Or the tombstone may have been bought with the letters already inscribed ; the surviving relatives who put it up may have been ill-instructed in the faith ; or many other explanations might be given, any one of which seems to us more easily admis- sible than that suggested by Mr Merivale. For whilst, on the one hand, it is not pretended that among the innumerable cinerary urns of the Roman colimibaria,-\ a single specimen has yet been found with Christian emblems or inscriptions, we have very distinct testimony, on the other hand, that the Christians con- demned the destruction of dead bodies by fire, and insisted on restoring them to the earth, whence they came. J We conclude, then, that there was nothing strange or un- natural in the mode of burial adopted by the early Christians of Rome, although the spirit of Christianity soon made itself felt in the characteristics which distinguish its cemeteries from the sepulchres both of Jews and of Pagans, just as the Christian Church itself grew up, men knew not how, in the midst of * They only came into use among the heathen themselves mider the first Caesars. f Mr Merivale, indeed, in another place, refers to the insci iptions in the columbaria of Claudius, recently discovered, as containing several of the same names as occur in the salutations of St Paul to his fellow-countrymen in Rome, and he considers that one at least, Sentia Renata, bespeaks a Christian baptism. The whole of the inscription referred to stands thus — Senti'je RenatiC q. V. Ann. iiii. vi. xi. d. 7'iii. Seniius Fclicissivuis Et Amabilis Filicc Dulcissinuc. We do not know of any Christian inscription in which the title ainabilis is assumed by the survivor ; it is, of course, often given to the deceased. The instances of identity of name are only seven or eight out of 250, and seem to prove nothing but that such names were not uncommon in Rome. — Di due Sepolcri Romani del Secolo di AJtgusto, &^c., da Gio. Pietro Cam- pona, ed. 2da., Rotna, 1852. X Execrantur rogos et damn ant ignium sepulturas. — Minuc Felix- Octav. c. ii. 451, ed. 1838. Vetcrum et meliorum consuetudinem humandj frequentamus. — IIj., c. x. 468. Beginning of the Catacombs. 6 1 Judaism and Paganism, claimed as its own all that was good and true in the religions around it, and, at the same time, preserved intact its own identity as a " holy nation," the kingdom of God which shall stand for ever. But in the beginning of the Christian Catacombs, there was absolutely First cata- - . . . , . ^ r • -K r combs, siTiall nothmg extraordmary or requirmg explanation ; the faithful and private. did but use their liberty in the way that suited them best, burying their dead according to a fashion to Avhich many of them had been long accustomed, and which enabled them at the same time to follow in death the example of Him who was also their model in life. Accordingly, they began cemeteries here and there on different sides of the city, as occasion required and opportunity served, not at all foreseeing the enormous proportions which their work would ultimately attain, nor the manifold uses it would serve. It is quite pos- sible that some of these cemeteries may always have remained the burial-place of single families, as in point of fact Christian subterranean sepulchres have really been found in the neigh- bourhood of Rome, consisting each of a single chamber only. Others again, begun Avith the same intent, may have been afterwards indefinitely enlarged, and particular portions only appropriated to private use by means of inscriptions, such as that recently discovered in the Catacomb of St Nicomedes, F:xamples. in the garden of the Villa Patrizi, just outside the Porta Pia;'"' MONVMENTVINI - VALERI - M ERCVRI - ET - JVLITTES - JVLIAN I - ET - QVINTILIES - VERECVNDES LIBERTIS-LIBERTABVSQUE-POSTE RISQUE - EORVM - AT - RELIGIONE M - PERTINENTES - ME A - M - HOC - A MFLIVS - IN - CIRCVITVM - CIRCA - MONVMENTVM - LATI - LONGI - PER - PEDES - BINOS -QUOD-PERTIN ET - AT - IPSVM - MONVMENT - * It i.s btated in liis Acts that he was buried " in the garden of Justus, 62 Roma Sotterranea, or this other, which may yet be seen in a most ancient part of the Catacomb of Sts Nereus and Achilles, at no great distance from the sepulchre of those saints. M ANTONI VS - RESTVTV S - FECIT - YPO GEV - SIBI - ET - SVIS - FIDENTI BVS- IN-DOMINO. Both of these monuments are very ancient. Neither of them seems to have contemplated the existence of penal laws, proscribing the free exercise of the Christian religion, or inter- fering with the privacy and sacredness of their graves. They merely announce with simplicity and candour, as an inscription on a pagan monument might have done, for whose benefit that place of burial had been provided. Each desires to include those only who belong to his own religion, and it is attempted to secure the fulfilment of this desire, in the one case by limiting the use of the hypogeuin to those relatives " who believe in the Lord," in the other, by declaring that the monument is for the use only of those of my dependents " who belong to my religion." No precedent can be found for such a phrase as this amid the tens of thousands of pagan epitaphs which are still extant. It is doubtful whether it would have conveyed any meaning at all to a pagan mind ; it could have been used by a Jew or a Christian, but by no one else, and even a Christian could not have used it in public when once his religion had been condemned and declared unlawful by the state. It might have been used, therefore, before persecution was begun by Nero, or, again, between his death and the accession ot Domitian, or under Nerva and in the earlier part of the reign of Trajan, and it is very possible that to one of these periods this inscription really belongs. near the city -walls.'" The author quoted by William of Malmesbury also places his tomb very near this gate of the city. BOOK II. HIS TOR Y OF THE CA TA COMBS. CHAPTER I. THE CATACOMBS IN THE FIRST AGES. WE now enter upon a most interesting portion of our Apostolic origin of son subject; on which, however, Httle rehable information of the Cata- could be obtained until the archaeological genius of De Rossi ^""^^^ succeeded in reducing to order the fragments of tradition scattered through the writings of antiquity, so laboriously collected by Bosio and others, and verifying these by the monuments found in the Catacombs themselves. By these means we have at length the outlines at least of a chrono- logical history of Roma Softer ra?iea, which we may hope that future discoveries will correct and enlarge. Our readers will not expect us to produce the testimony of cotemporaneous, or nearly cotemporaneous authors, for the history of the Catacombs during the first ages. So terrible was the tenth and last persecution under Diocletian, that hardly any of the ancient records of the Roman Church escaped destruction. We have already enumerated the principal documents from which the early history of that Church is to be reconstructed ; and all that can now^ be done is briefly to collect the informa- Roma Sotterra7iea. tion we derive from those sources, and then to examine the Catacombs themselves for whatever confirmation of it they may be able to give. It has been said or implied that the history of the Cata- combs probably dates from the burial of the first Roman Christian. Are there, then, to be found in any of the exist- ing Catacombs traces of apostolical antiquity? De Rossi replies : — " Precisely in those cemeteries to which history or tradition assigns apostolic origin, I see, in the light of the most searching archaeological criticism, the cradle of Christian art and of Christian inscriptions; there I find memorials of persons who appear to belong to the times of the Flavii and of Trajan ; and finally, I discover precise dates of those times."* This is a bold statement, and we purpose in the present chapter to bring together some at least of the proofs upon which it is based. Papal crypt on Among the cemeteries ascribed by tradition to apostolic the Vatican. tunes, the crypts of the Vatican would have the first claun on our attention, had they not been almost destroyed by the foundations of the vast basilica which guards the tomb of St Peter. We cannot, however, pass them by altogether, especially as the most ancient notice of them that we have confirms in some degree what has been said as to the perfect liberty of the first Christians in the burial even of their martyrs. The Libel' Pontificalis states that Anacletus, the successor of Clement in the Apostolic See, built and adorned the sepul- chral monument {construxit memoriam) of blessed Peter, since he had been ordained priest by St Peter, and other burial- places where the bishops might be laid." It is added that he himself was buried there; and the same is recorded of Linus and Cletus, and of Evaristus, Sixtus I., Telesphorus, Hyginus, Pius I., Eleutherius, and Victor, the last of whom was buried A.D. 203 ; and, after St Victor, no other Pontiff is recorded to * R. S. i. 185. The Catacombs in the First Ages. 65 have been buried at the Vatican until St Leo the Great was laid in St Peter's, a.d. 461. The idea conveyed by the words constj'uxit memoriam is that of a monument above ground according to the usual Roman custom ; and we have seen that such a monument, even though it covered the tombs of Chris- tian bishops, would not be likely to be disturbed at any time during the first or second century. For the reason we have already stated, it is impossible to confront these ancient notices with any existing monuments. It is worth mentioning, however, that De Rossi believes that the sepulchre of St Linus was discovered in this very place early in the seven- teenth century, bearing simply the name of LINUS.* From St Peter's on the Vatican the mind passes naturally St Paul's on to the resting-place of the apostle of the Gentiles on the other g^^i^^''^ ^^^^ side of the river and of Rome. But here, too, the hill has been cut away to make room for the Basilica of St Paul extra nuiros ; and hence the greater part of the Catacomb of St Lucina, or of St Commodilla, as it is sometimes called in ancient records, has been destroyed, and what galleries yet remain are so choked with earth and ruins of various kincls as to be almost impassable. Nevertheless, it must not be for- gotten that Boldetti read within this Catacomb the most ancient inscription with a consular date that has come down to us.f It was scratched on the mortar of one of the loculi, and the consulate of Sura et Senecio marks the year a.d. 107. A second was also found in the same place, in marble, recording the names of Piso et Bolano, consuls a.d. no. The same explorer discovered here also yet a third inscrip- * BuUcttitio, 1864, p. 50. t There is, indeed, a more ancient dated Christian inscription of the third year of Vespasian, i.e., A.D. 72; but, unfortunately, it is no longer possible to ascertain to what cemetery this inscription belonged. It must be remembered that a very small proportion of the inscriptions have the date of the year upon them. The day of the month was sufficient to mark the anniversary ; the particular year was regarded as of less import- ance. E 66 Roma Sottcin-anca. tion, which De Rossi considers one of the most ancient in Rome : — DORMITIONI T . FLA . EVTY CHIO . QVI . VT XIT . ANN . XVIIII MES.XI.D.III HVNC . LOCVM DONABIT . M ORBIVS HELI VS . AMICVS KARISSIMVS KARE BALE " As a resting-place for Titus Flavins Eutychius, who lived nineteen years, eleven months, three days. His dearest friend, Marcus Oibius, gave this spot. Farewell, beloved." The place where it was found, and certain symbols rudely carved at the bottom (apparently intended to represent loaves and fishes), show this inscription to be Christian ; while the style, the ancient nomenclature differing from the usual Chris- tian epitaphs, and the prsenomen, T. Flavius, point to the age of the Flavian emperors, the end of the first century. It can hardly be a mere accident that these rare and cotem- poraneous dates should have been discovered in the same place, and precisely in the cemetery where less than forty years before had been deposited the body of the aposde Paul. They may be taken as certain proofs that a Catacomb was begun here not long after his martyrdom. St I'risci lla on The cemetery of St Priscilla^ on the Via Salaria Nova, is said theViaSalana. |^^^^ dug in the property of the family of Pudens, con- verted by the apostles ; and a particular chapel in it, known, from the language of its inscriptions, as the Cappella Greca^ is supposed to have been the burial-place of St Pudentiana, St Praxedes, and other members of the family. The classical style of the frescoes, the scenes depicted in most of them differing widely from the usual well-known subjects which in after-times repeat themselves so frequently, when Christian symbolism had assumed a more fixed and stereotyped charac- The Catacombs in the First Ages. 67 ter; the beautiful ornaments in stucco, like those in the baths of Titus ; a special family of mscriptions traced in vermUion on the tiles, and unlike later Christian epigraphs in their language (being sometimes bare names, sometimes the apos- toHc salutation PAX TECVM, very often the symbol of the anchor) ; the classic forms of the characters of the inscriptions on marble ; the name TITO FLAVIO FELICTSSIMO ; the construction of the principal crypt, which is not excavated in the Uifa^ but regularly built, and, without any loculiis in the walls, was evidently intended for the reception of sarcophagi ; — all these variations from the uniformity of Christian subter- ranean cemeteries, such as we find them in the third century, point to a date anterior to any such systematic arrangement, and confirm in a remarkable manner the high antiquity assigned to this cemetery by tradition. In certain acts of Pope Liberius mention is made of the Cemetery of - ^ . , • r r 1 Ostrianus or cemetery of Ostrianus as bemg not far from the cemetery Yow^ Petri, of Novella, which was on the third mile of the Via Salaria." When Panvinius compiled his catalogue of the cemeteries,* he set down this as having been the oldest of all, " because it was in use when St Peter preached the faith to the Romans." Bosio, however, and all other antiquarians have failed in any attempt to identify it ; whilst De Rossi's more scientific mode of procedure seems to have been more successful. He ob- served that the Abbot John, in the papyrus MS.t at Monza, in which he gives a list of oils from the lamps before the cele- brated shrines of Rome which he visited, after " the oil of St Agnes and many others" on the Via Nomentana and before " the oil of St Vitalis, St Alexander, and others on the Via Salaria," mentions " oil from the chair where Peter the apostle was first enthroned {prius scdit)," as though this were situated somewhere between the roads that have been named. In like manner, in the index of the cemeteries in the Liber Mirabiliiim^ between that of St Agnes and that of St Priscilla, that is, be- * See iiage 32. t See page 23. 68 Roma Sotterranea. tweeii the same two roads, is placed the cemetery of the font of St Peter {foutis S. Petri — in other copies Ad Nyinphas S. Fet?'i), near the basihca of St Emerentiana. Now, this situation ex- actly corresponds with that of the cemetery upon which Father Marchi bestowed all his labours, and which has therefore be- come so familiar to all Roman visitors under the name of the Catacomb of St Agnes ; but the galleries and chambers which are at present accessible there do not bear marks of greater antiquity than the third century. Bosio, however, tells us that he went down by a square hole (which is at present undis- covered), and found a crypt, also unknown to us, evidently of an historical character, from the frequency of the huniiuwia and the beauty of the ornamentation. Near one of these light-holes, which he found still open, " without the light of a candle," he writes, " one sees a large niche like a tribune, with leaves in stucco-work, and within the niche are seen some red letters, which, being almost all obliterated, are illegible, but some few whicli remain are beautifully formed ; under that niche must anciently have been the altar, the place being sufficiently spacious."* De Rossi observes that it is now well ascertained that the ancient custom was to place in the tribune, not the altar, but the pontifical chair; and this passage from Eosio seems to him to read like an account of the crypt where was formerly venerated on the i8th of January, " the chair in which Peter was first enthroned " — scdes iibi prius sedit — and which was also known in the martyrologies of Ado and Bede as the Ca^nietcrium ad Nyniphas uhi Petri is baptizabat.^ The extreme antic^uity of some cemetery in this neighbour- hood is still further confirmed by the inscriptions which have been found here ; their classical and laconic style, form, and nomenclature, all betoken a most ancient date. In nearly a hundred instances the names are of Claudii, Flavii, Ulpii, Aurelii, and others of the same class ; once the deceased is stated to have been the freedwoman (iiberta) of Lucius Clo- * Roma Sotl. 438. t See Note C in Appendix. The Catacombs in the First Ages. 69 (lius Crescens ; often nothing whatever is added to the names, or only the relationship between the deceased and the person setting up the tablet, with perhaps the epithet of affection, dulcissimo or diilcissimce. In fact, these epitaphs vary so little from the old classical type, that had they not been seen by Marini and other competent witnesses in their original posi- tion, and some of them been marked with the Christian sym- bol of the anchor, we might have hesitated whether they ought not rather to be classed among pagan monuments. The Cemetery of St Domitilla, or of her chamberlains, Saints St Domitilla Nereus and Achilles, on the Via Ardeatina, claims to be of the same age, and its claim deserves a more detailed examination, as it is connected with what has been already mentioned as one of the most remarkable facts in tlie annals of the early Church, the profession of the Christian faith by some of tlie Imperial family. For this Domitilla was the same of whom we have spoken in a former chapter as having been banished " to the island of Ponza. St Jeromef tells us that in his days this island was frequented by pious Christian i)ilgrims, " who delighted to visit with devotion the cells in which Flavia Domitilla had suffered a life-long martyrdom." Whether she really shed her blood at the last for the faith is uncertain, the acts of Saints Nereus and Achilles being of doubtful authen- ticity. They state, however, that she and two of her female companions were buried in a sarcophagus at Terracina, but that her chamberlains suffered death by the sword, and were buried in a cemetery about a mile and a half out of Rome, on the Via Ardeatina, in a farm belonging to their mistress. The farm, now known by the name of Tor Marancia, is situated just at this distance from Rome, and on the road named ; and inscriptions which have been found there show clearly that it once belonged to this very person, Flavia Domitilla. One of them gives the measurements of a sepulchral area of 35 feet in front and 40 into the field, whether for a pagan or a Chris- ■■■ See.jiagc 39. f Kp. ad Eustoch. 86. 70 Roma Sot terra nea . tian monument we cannot say ; but at all events the ground had been granted ex indidgentiCi Flavice Doinitillce^ iieptis Ves- pasiani ; another is ex beneficio of the same, and the others also are equally unequivocal. Moreover, within the cemetery which underlies this farm, or at least in its immediate neigh- bourhood, two or three other inscriptions have been found of a Bruttia Crispina and others of the Gens Bruttia, from which we may infer that there was some sort of connexion between the two families, and that this was the reason which induced Bruttius the historian to make special men- tion of the exile of Domitilla in his narrative of the public events of his day.* Although, therefore, no historical monu- ments have been found within the cemetery itself, which like those in the cemetery of St Callixtus, declare its iden- tity beyond all power of reclamation, yet nobody now doubts but that at Tor Marancia we have certainly recovered that cemetery which, in ancient times, was sometimes called by the name of St Domitilla, and sometimes of Saints Nereus and Achilles. One of the chapels, in the second story, at the left-hand side after you have descended a very handsome flight of steps from the open air, is pointed out as the probable scene of the burial of the two saints. This, however, does not now concern us ; a recent discovery on the outer surface of the hill, and at no great distance from this part of the cemetery, claims all our attention. Ue Rossi unhesitatingly introduces it to us as a monument of some member or special friend of the Flavian family, who lived and died in the days of Domitian. It is certainly one of the most ancient and remarkable Christian monuments yet discovered. Its position, close to the highway; its front of fine brick- work, with a cornice of terra-cotta, with the usual space for an inscription (which has now, alas ! perished) ; the spaciousness of its gallery, with only four or five separate * See page 39. TJic Catacombs in the First Ages. 71 niches prepared for as many sarcophagi ; the fine stucco on the wall ; the eminently classical character of its decorations ; all these things make it perfectly clear that it was the monu- ment of a Christian family of distinction, excavated at great cost, and without the slightest attempt at concealment. On each side of the entrance there was a small chamber; the one on the right {c) was probably for the sc/iota, as it was called, or place of meeting for those of the ge?is or religio, whose duty it was to assemble here on the anniversaries, to do honour to the deceased ; that on the left {I)) bears evident tokens of having Fig. 9. — Entrance to a most cmcieut Christian Sepulchre at Tor Marancia. been a place of residence, probably for the guardian of the monument, just as we find attached to so many pagan monu- ments of the same period. After descending two steps from the portico, the pathway slopes gradually for a short distance, leaving, as we have said, only a few recesses, capable of receiving each a large V sarcophagus, all of which however have long since been re- moved. One of these recesses was enlarged at a subsequent period, and a tomb m the form of an arcosolium made in it; and the whole Jiypoga'.tiin was ultimately united by addi- tional galleries to the adjacent catacomb. Before this was 72 Roma So tt err a nea . done, however, the vestibule had been filled with sarcophagi of various sizes, of which numerous fragments may still be seen lying about ; we find them also (of terra-cotta) buried underneath the ground ; and the date even of the last of these seems not to come below the middle of the second century. Fig. io. — Painting on 7-oof of most ancient />m~t af Cemetejy of St Doiiiitilla. In passing from the vestibule into the catacomb, we recognise the transition from the use of the sarcophagus to that of the common lociihts ; for the first two or three graves on either side, though really mere shelves in the wall, are so disguised The Catacombs in the First Ages. 73 by painting on the outside as to present to passers-by the complete outward appearance of a sarcophagus. Some few of these graves are marked with the names of the dead, written in black on the largest tiles— just like those which we have seen in the most ancient part of the Catacomb of St Priscilla; and the inscriptions on the other graves are all of the simplest and oldest form. Lastly, the whole of the vaulted Fig. \\.~l''ragincitt of l^anicl in the Lions' Den, from most ancient fart of Cemetery of St Domitilla. roof is covered with the most exquisitely graceful designs, of branches of the vine (with birds and winged genii among them) trailing with all the freedom of nature over the whole walls, not fearing any interruption by graves, nor confined by any of those lines of geometrical symmetry which characterise similar productions in the next century. Traces also of landscapes may be seen here and there, which are of rare occurrence 74 Roma Sotterr, anea. General con- clusions from an examina- tion of these cemeteries. anywhere in the Catacombs, though another specimen may be seen in the chamber assigned by De Rossi to Sts Nereus and Achilles. The Good Shepherd, an Agape, or the hea- venly feast, a man fishing, and Daniel in the Hons' den,'"' are the chief historical or allegorical representations of Christian mysteries which were painted here. Unfortimately they have been almost destroyed by persons attempting to detach them from the wall ; a process which, while it effectually ruined them for those who should come after, can never have yielded anything but a handful of mortar and broken tufa to the plunderers themselves. Would that we could have seen this chamber or vestibule in its original condition ! Perhaps we should have found, as De Rossi conjectures, that it was the very ineuwi'ia of Flavius Clemens himself, the martyred consul, whose remains were afterwards translated to the Basilica of St Clement within the walls. At any rate we are quite sure that we have been here brought face to face with one of the earliest specimens of Christian subterranean burial In Rome. We have now visited tlie principal Catacombs for which a claim is made to apostolic antiquity ; and it will be well for us to take a brief review of the results that may be gathered from our visits. They may be stated thus : — The local traditions of ancient Christian Rome have come down to us, partly embodied in the Acts of the Martyrs; partly in the stories that were told to foreigners visiting the city in the seventh and eighth centuries, and by them committed to writing in itineraries; partly in the " Books of Indulgences" and in the " Book of the Wonders of Rome," compiled both for the use of strangers and of citizens ; partly also, but more sparingly, in the scattered notices of a few mediaeval writers. From a diligent comparison of all these various authorities, it is * The fragment which remains of this picture, and which is given on the preceding page, small as it is, displays a much higher skill in execution than any other representation of the same su])ject tliat we have seen throughout the Catacombs. The Catacombs in the First Ages. 75 gathered that some five or six of the subterranean cemeteries of Rome were beheved to have had their origin in apostolic times; and in every one of these instances, so far as we have an opportunity of examining tliem, something pecuhar has been either noted by our predecessors, or seen by ourselves, which gives countenance to the tradition. When these peculiarities are brought together, they are found to be in perfect harmony, not only with one another, but also with what we should have been led to expect from a careful consideration of the period to which they are supposed to belong. The peculiarities are such as these : — paintings in the most classical style, and scarcely inferior in execution to the best specimens of cotem- porary pagan art ; a system of ornamentation in fine stucco such as has not yet been found in any Christian subterranean work later than the second century ; crypts of considerable dimensions, not hewn out of the bare rock, but carefully, and even elegantly, built with pilasters and cornices of bricks or terra-cotta ; no narrow galleries with shelf-like graves thickly pierced in their walls, but s})acious a//ibii/acra, with painted walls, and recesses provided only for the reception of sarco- phagi ; whole families of inscriptions, with classical names, and without any distinctly Christian forms of speech ; and lastly, actual dates of the first or second century. It is impossible that such a marvellous uniformity of phenomena, collected with most patient accuracy from different and distant ceme- teries on all sides of the city, and from authors writing at so many different periods, should be the result of accident or of preconceived ojjinion. There never was any opinion precon- ceived on the subject ; or rather, the opinion that was in general vogue a few years ago was diametrically opposed to this. But the opinion which has now been enunciated by De Rossi, and is gaining universal acceptance among those who have an opportunity of examining the monuments for them- selves, has been the result of careful observation ; it is the fruit of the phenomena, not their cause. Whereas then former 76 Roma Sotten^anea. writers have always taken it for granted that the first beginnings of Ro7na Sotter7^anea must have been poor and mean and insig- nificant, and that any appearance of subterranean works on a large scale, or richly decorated, must necessarily belong to a later and more peaceful age, it is now certain that this state- ment cannot be reconciled with the monuments and facts that modern discovery has brought to light. All who have any knowledge of the history of the fine arts are agreed that the decorations of the many remarkable crypts lately discovered are much more ancient than those which form the great bulk of the paintings in the catacombs with which we were familiar before, and which have been always justly regarded as the work of the third century. Nor can any thoughtful and impartial judge fail to recognise in the social and political condition of the first Roman Christians, and in the laws and usages of Roman burial, an adequate cause for all that is thus thrown back on the first and second centuries. On the subject of Christian art we shall have to speak more fully hereafter, and the architectural analysis which we propose to give of . a part of the cemetery of St Callixtus will furnish a convenient occasion for distinguishing the various features which characterise the work of successive periods in the construction of subterranean Rome. Our present chapter will be fittingly concluded by some account of another cemetery, which, though we have no authentic record of the precise date of its commencement, was certainly in use in the middle or before the end of the second century ; that is to say, it was made whilst yet there had been no legal interference, and (so far as we know) no outbreak of popular violence against the liberty of Christian burials. We have a right, therefore, to look for some, at least, of the same characteristics which we have already seen in the first and most ancient of the cemeteries, nor will this expectation be disappointed. The Catacomb to which we refer is that of St Prsetextatus, on The Catacombs in the First Ages. 77 the Via Appia, nearly ojjposite to the Catacomb of St Callixtus. St Prjetexta- It has only lately been recovered. An accidental opening App^" ^^^^ ^' into it was effected in 1848, and as a painting of St Sixtus (identified by the legend SVSTVS) was found on one of the sepulchres, it was conjectured that this must be the cemetery of that martyr. In 1850 another crypt in it was brought to light, ornamented with some of the oldest and most classical paintings that had yet been seen; and in 1852, De Rossi read a paper to the Fontificia Acadania di Arc/ieoiogia, in which he argued, solely on topographical grounds — i.e., on arguments derived from the position of the cemetery, as com- ])ared with other cemeteries, and with the descriptions given in the old itineraries — that this must certainly have been a part of the cemetery anciently known by the name of St PriEtextatus, and which was famous as the scene of St Sixtus's martyrdom, and as the place of burial of St Januarius, the eldest of the seven sons of St Felicitas, who laid down their lives for Christ on July 10, a.d. 162 ; also of St FeHcissimus and Agapitus, deacons of St Sixtus, and many others. At the same time, he insisted upon identifying the ruins of two buildings, the one round, the other rectangular, which still remain in the vineyard above ground, as having once been the basiliac dedicated to Saints Tiburtius, Valerian, and Maximus, companions of the martyrdom of St Cecilia, and to St Zeno. Later discoveries completely established the truth of his reasoning. In 1857 the labourers employed in the Catacombs came here to seek for stones, tiles, or other mate- rials for repairs which were being executed in St Callixtus', and in the course of their quest they opened a way to the ruins of a very large and beautiful crypt. As soon as De Rossi had scrambled through the opening, he looked about for the usual arcosoUiim ; but of this there was no sign. Nevertheless, it was clear that the absence of this ordinary feature of a chapel in the Catacombs in no way detracted from its value, nor indicated that this was a chamber without a history. On the 78 Roma Soiter7'a7iea. contrary, further and more careful examination revealed the fact that this crypt was not -hewn out of the living rock, but that, though underground, it had been all built with solid masonry, and that its three sides had been originally intended only for three sarcophagi. It had once been lined throughout with Greek marble, and its internal face (towards the cemetery) was a piece of excellent yellow brickwork, ornamented with pilasters of the same material in red, and cornices of terra- cotta. The workmanship points clearly to an early date, and specimens of pagan architecture in the same neighbourhood enable us to fix the middle of the latter half of the second century (a.d. 175) as a very probable date for its erection. The Acts of the Saints explain to us why it was built with bricks, and not hewn out of the rock — viz., because the Chris- tian who made it (St Marmenia) had caused it to be excavated immediately below her own house ; and now that we see it, we understand the precise meaning of the words used by the itineraries describing it — viz., " a large square cavern, most firmly built " {ingens miti'um qiLad7'atum^ et firiiiissimcE fabricce). The vault of the chapel is most elaborately painted, in a style by no means inferior to the best classical productions of the age. It is divided into four bands of wreaths, one of roses, another of corn-sheaves, a third of vine-leaves and grapes (and in all these, birds are introduced visiting their young in nests), and the last or highest, of leaves of laurel or the bay-tree. Of course these represent severally the seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The last is a well-known figure or symbol of death ; and probably the laurel, as the token of victory, was intended to represent the new and Christian idea of the ever- lasting reward of a blessed immortality. Below these bands is another border, more indistinct, in which reapers are gathering in the corn ; and at the back of the arch is a rural scene, of which the central figure is the Good Shepherd carrying a sheep upon his shoulders. This, however, has been destroyed by graves pierced through the wall and the rock behind it, The Catacombs in the First Ages. 79 from that eager desire, of which we shall have occasion to speak elsewhere, to bury the dead of a later generation as near as possible to the tombs of the martyrs. As De Rossi pro- St Jan ceeded to examine these graves in detail, he could hardly Fig. 12. — Pai)iti)ig on. I'ault of an AnosoliiDU in Cemetery of St Prcetextatns. beiieve his eyes when he read around the edge of one of them these words and fragments of words: — . . . mi Rcfri^cri Jajmarius Agatopus Fdicissivi inartyrcs — " Januarius, Agapetus, Felicis- simus, martyrs, refresh the soui of . . ." The words had been scratched upon the mortar whilst yet it was fresh, fifteen centuries ago, as the prayer of some bereaved relative for the soul of him whom he was burying here, and now they revealed to the antiquarian of the nineteenth century the secret he was in quest of — viz., the place of burial of the saints whose aid is here invoked ; for the numerous examples to be seen in other cemeteries warrant us in concluding that the bodies of 8o Roma Sotterranea. the saints, to whose intercession the soul of the deceased is here recommended, were at the time of his burial lying at no great distance, and the reader will have observed that they are three of the very martyrs whose relics once rendered famous the cemetery of St Pr^textatus. De Rossi, therefore, really needed no further evidence in corroboration of the topo- graphical outline which he had sketched five years before to the Roman archaeologists ; yet further evidence was in store for him, though it did not come to light until six years later, when the commission of Sacred Archeology were persuaded to take this cemetery as the special scene of their labours. Then, amid the soil which encumbered the entrance to this crypt, three or four fragments were discovered of a large marble slab, Damasine in- marked by a few letters of most certain Damasine form, but of sciiption. unusual size. More fragments* have been discovered since, so that we are able to say with certainty that the whole inscrip- tion once stood thus : — St Quirinus, The excavations of the commission revealed the existence A.D. 130. of another crypt on the opposite side of the gallery, which is still older than that of St Januarius ; so that, whereas the martyrdom of St Januarius belongs to the year a.d. 162, De * Only those letters, or parts of letters, which are in darker tints, have been found ; but in inscriptions executed with such mathematical precision as these, they are quite enough to enable us to restore the whole. The Cataco}7ibs in the First Ao-cs. 8r o Rossi does not fear to designate this second crypt as the pro- bable burial-place of St Quirinus, somewhere about a.d. 130. We have no detailed account as yet of its contents or even its principal characteristics ; nor has it been possible, for want of funds, to continue the work of excavation in this cemetery. Most heartily do we repeat the wish, so modestly expressed by De Rossi,* that some generous souls could be found who would do for the advancement of Christian archaeology in Rome what so many— and some of our own country, as the Duchess of Devonshire — have done there at various times in the interests of Pagan antiquity, viz., place funds at the dis- posal of the proper authorities to enable them to resume their suspended labours both here and elsewhere, and to begin them de novo in those many other places which our present improved knowledge, both of books and of the locality, enable us to point out as promising a plentiful harvest. There is yet another catacomb belonging to the second StAlexander's, century which deserves to be mentioned, though the particular JJigntaiia^^' portion of it which was of that date has undergone so much alteration since that time as to be no longer capable of recog- nition. It is recorded in the Liber Pontificalis that St Alex- ander, Bishop of Rome, who suffered martyrdom a.d. 132, was buried on the Via Nomentana, where he was beheaded, not far from the seventh milestone ; and there, accordingly, an ancient Christian cemetery was discovered some twelve or fourteen years since ; and amid its ruins a portion of an epitaph, or rather of an inscription set up in honour of St x\lexander, in very ancient times, in a basilica which was then built over his grave, and has lately been restored. In the small subterranean galleries round this basilica, many of the lociili have remamed undisturbed to the present day ; but these scarcely belong to the oldest part of the cemetery. Moreover, this whole cemetery lay beyond the limit we have assigned to the Roman Catacombs proper ; and therefore we * BnUcltiiio, 1865, 99. 82 Roma Sotterrtmea. do not at present care to examine it. We only mention it at all as an additional instance of the trustworthiness of the ancient documents whose guidance we have been following. We have seen how, in six several instances, an examination of the actual condition of a Catacomb most singularly confirms what the language of these old authorities taught us. There yet remain two or three others which are attributed by the same writers to the apostolic, or immediately post-apostolic times, but as these have not yet been identified, there is no occasion to enumerate them. Fig. XL — Tombstone from the -very ancient Cryj>t of St Lucijta, now united 'with the Catacomb of St Callixtus. CHAPTER II. HISTORY OF THE CATACOMBS FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE THIRD CENTURY TO CONSTANTINE.'s EDICT OF PEACE, A.D. 312. JYj have now brought our history of the Catacombs down Public Chris to the period when, as w^e said before, they first |eries^™^' come under the express notice of the Roman law. The popular violence against the Christian burial-grounds in Africa, at the beginning of the third century,* reveals the fact of the Christians there possessing a common burial-place ; and it is impossible to suppose that so great a Church as that of Rome should not also by this time have possessed some common cemetery. The memoria of St Peter must have been known to be the common burial-place of his successors ; and, in fact, Caius, a priest of this same period, disputing with a heretic, Proclus, says, " I can show the trophies of the Apostles. For if you go to the Vatican, or to the Via Ostiensis, you will find the tj'ophies of those who have laid the foundation of this Church." t It is a remarkable coincidence that the date of Tertullian's mention of the popular outbreak against the African Christian cemeteries, a.d. 202, should synchronise so exactly with the death of St Victor, the last Pope who was buried in the public vicmoria on the Vatican. Victor's sue- Cemetery of cessor, Zephyrinus, as we are informed by the author of the '^^^ 200 Philosophiunena^ " intrusted Callixtus with the government of the clergy, and set him over the cejneteryT % These words naturally excite our curiosity, and require comment. What * See page 54. t I'Aiscb. Mist. Kccl. ii. 25. % Philosoph. ix. 1 1. 84 Rovia Sotterranca. was the cemetery of Rome ? Rome had already many ceme- teries on all sides — of St Priscilla on the Via Salaria, of St Lucina on the Via Ostiensis, of St Praetextatus on the Via Appia, of St Domitilla on the Via Ardeatina, and several others. What was the distinction between them ? and what was there so special and singular about any that it should have been put under the charge of one of the highest eccle- siastical authorities after the Pope, the same as was entrusted also with " the government of the clergy " ? We shall have no difficulty in solving these questions, if we call to mind what was said in a former chapter * about the burial-confraternities in Rome, and the solemn renewal, or at least renewed publi- cation of their rights and privileges, precisely at this time, by Septimius Severus. Let us set side by side with this fact the words of Tertullian, also written about the same time, in which he describes the Christian society as it might have appeared, and as he wished to make it appear, to their heathen neigh- bours and rulers. " There preside over us," he says, " certain approved elders, who have attained that honour, not by pur- chase, but by the good testimony of others. . . . And if there be any kind of treasury {arcce) among us, ii is made up, not of fees paid by these presidents or others on their appointment,! as if religion were bought and sold among us, but each person contributes a small sum once a month, or whenever he likes, and if he likes, and has the means. . . . All these contribu- tions are, as it were, pious deposits ; for they are spent, not on feasting, but on feedmg the hungry, on burying the poor, on orphans, old men confined to their houses, and shipwrecked persons, and if any are condemned to the mines, or exiled, or in prison, provided only that it be on account of God's sect, these also become the foster-children of their confession," i.e.^ * See page 49. t This has now been clearly ascertained from ancient inscriptions found in Africa and elsewhere, to be the true meaning of TertuUian's words, de honoraria sumyna, which have been the cause of so much perplexity to earlier commentators. — Bullett., 1866, 11. The Catacombs in the Third CentiLry. 85 provided they suffer these punishments for the profession of Christianity, they are supported by the Church, It is clear from this passage, and from all that has been said elsewhere, that it would have been easy for the Roman Chris- tians of the third century, under cover of a mere burial-con- fraternity, to make collections for other charitable purposes, and even to meet together for purposes of religious worship ; and we can hardly doubt that they did so. Moreover, we know, from the history of St Laurence and many other sources, that the care of the poor and distribution of alms was the special province of one of the deacons. Indeed, the very office of deacon had been originally instituted for this purpose. But not the poor only, the clergy also received what was necessary for their sustenance out of this common chest, and the deacon kept the register [viatricula) of their numbers and offices. By and by, in obedience to that law whereby the moral and the material life of any society are so intimately linked together, that he who provides for the one is sure to gain a powerful influence over the other, the first deacon grew into an archdeacon ; that is to say, he became, in some sense, the guardian and judge of the other clergy, and his authority was inferior to none, save only the bishops. Hence it came to be almost a law in Rome, that on the death of the Pope, not a priest, but the first deacon, succeeded to the vacant see ; and to promote this deacon to the priesthood was sometimes resented, because it seemed to shut the door against his attain- ment of the highest rank in the hierarchy. These considerations will enable us to appreciate more justly the import of the words we have quoted from the author of the PJiilosopJiuincna, viz., that St Zephyrinus " in- trusted Callixtus with the government of the clergy, and set him over the cemetery." The Christian community in Rome was entering at this time upon a new phase of its existence ; it availed itself of the ])rotection which tlie laws afforded to * ApoL, c. 39. 86 Roma Sotteri^anea. certain corporate bodies, and, as those laws required,* one of its members was appointed as the agent, or syndic, in whose name the common property should be held, and by whom its business should be transacted. The cemetery, therefore, en- trusted to Callixtus was one common to the Christians as a body ; and it was " the cemetery on the Via Appia," which the Liher Pontijicalis states that Callixtus " made, where many priests and martyrs repose, and which is called, even to the present day, the cosmeternim Callixti!^ This also explains to us Popes buried why henceforward the Popes were buried here, and no longer at the Vatican ; out of the eighteen, from Zephyrinus to Sylvester, thirteen having certainly been laid in this cemetery, according to the testimony of the same Liber Pontificalis. And it is a striking confirmation of De Rossi's conjecture that this was the first common cemetery given to the Pope by some noble Other ceme- family for the whole Christian community, when we find that mm?ure'"of°the Fabian, A.D. 238, " divided the regions among the Deacons, Church. .... and ordered numerous buildings [fabricas) to be con- structed in the cemeteries.'' ] It seems to imply that other wealthy Christians soon followed the example of those who had given the cemetery of Callixtus to the Church ; and these fabricce were probably little oratories constructed above the cemeteries, either for purposes of worship, or the celebration of the agaj)ce., or of mere guardianship of the tombs, according to the common practice of the Romans, of which we have probably seen an instance in the more ancient fabricce attached to the Catacomb of St Domitilla. % The long peace from the * " Quibus permissum est corpus habere collegii, societatis sive ciijiisquc altcrius eoritni nomine, proprium est . . . liabere res communes, arcam communem, et actorem sive syndicum, per quern, quod communiter agi fierique oporteat, agatur, fiat." — Digest, iii. 4, I, § i. Compare with this the words of the letter of Licinius and Constantine, {apiid Lactant., De Mort. Persec, § 48, andEuseb., Hist. Eccl, x. 5) : — " Quoniam Christian! non ea loca tantum, ad quae convenire consueverunt, sed alia etiam habuisse nos- cuntur, ad jus corporis eorujh, id est, EcclcsiarJivi, non hoininum singiilorum pertinentia,''' &c. Also the words, used in the case of Paul of Samosata, " Tov rrjs eKKK-qaias olkov." — Eiiscb. Iltsf. Eccl. vii. 30. t Lib. Pont., EabiaitHs. % !^c<^ ^S- ^, at page 71. The Catacombs in the Third Century. 87 reign of Caracalla to that of Deciiis might well have encour- aged the Christians to erect such buildings, and allowed them to make frequent use of them, notwithstanding occasional dis- turbances from popular violence, the short persecution of Maximin, and other similar interruptions. In January a.d. 250, St. Fabian fell a victim to the persecu- a.d. 250. tion of Decius \ but it does not appear either from the edicts Dedus^^'^" ^'^ of that Emperor, from ecclesiastical history, or from the Acts of the Martyrs, that Decius made any special decree against the cemeteries. Not so, however, in the persecution of Valerian, which broke out in a.d. 257. Although the edict a.d. 257. , - , , - 11, Edict of Valer- itsell has not come down to us, yet, irom words spoken by ian forbidding Emilianus, Prefect of Alexandria,* and by Aspasius Paternus, ^^^'^J ceme- Pro-consul of Africa, we learn that it forbade the .sacred assem- blies, and all visits to the sepulchres in the cemeteries. In fact. Pope Sixtus 11. was, with his deacons and sacred ministers, (St Laurence was the chief of them, and we have seen the tombs of two others, t) hunted out, surprised, and beheaded in the cemetery of Pr3etextatus,:j: " because he had set at nought the commands of Valerian.'' § In A.D. 260, Gallienus revoked the edicts of persecution, and sent throughout the empire a rescript by virtue of which the possessors of loca rcligiosa belonging to the Christians and confiscated by Valerian, were to make restitution to the bishops of each church. By loca rcligiosa seem to have been meant all churches or places of assembly ; for besides this general order, he directed rescripts to particular bishops by which they might recover the free use of " what they call their cemeteries.'''' \\ And both the one and the otlier enter into the account which has reached us of the acts ofDionysius, the successor of Sixtus II., * "Neither you nor any others shall in anywise be permitted either to hold assemblies or to enter 7vhat you call your cemeteries.''' (These ex- pressions prove the exclusively Christian origin of the word "cemetery.") — Letter of St Dionyshis of Alexandria in Euseb. Hist. Eccl. vii. c. ii. t See page 80. X -St Cypr. Ep. 82. § Lib. Pout. II P^uscb. Hist. Eccl., vii. c. H- 88 Ronia Sotterra nea . of whom it is recorded/" tiiat " he divided the churches and cemeteries among the priests, and constituted parishes and dioceses." It was, however, only too evident to the Christians that henceforward they could not reckon upon the inviolability of their graves ; and it is from this period that we must date those studious efforts to conceal the entrance to the cemeteries which are visible even now in the staircases leading from the arenaj'icE, and in other ways. Even at a much earlier period, TertuUian testifies to the occasional interruption of Christian worship by a sudden invasion of the heathen. " We are daily besieged," he says, " and betrayed and caught unawares in our very assemblies and congregations and again, in another place, still addressing the heathen, J he says, "You know the days of our meetings ; hence we are besieged, entrapped, and often detained in our most secret congregations." But it is specially to the latter half of the third century that those accounts belong which have come down to us of Christians being pursued and overtaken and sometimes martyred in the ai-enarice. Thus, in an account preserved by St Gregory of Tours, we are told that, under Numerianus, the martyrs Chry- santhus and Daria were put to death in an arenaria, and that a great number of the faithful having been seen entering the subterranean crypt on the Via Salaria to visit their tombs, the heathen Emperor ordered the entrance to be hastily built up, and a vast mound of sand and stones to be heaped in front of it, so that they might be all buried alive, even as the martyrs whom they had come to venerate. St Gregory adds, that when the tombs of these martyrs were re-discovered, after the ages of persecution had ceased, there were found with them, not only the relics of those worshippers who had been thus cruelly put to death, skeletons of men, women, and children lying on the floor, but also the silver cruets {itrcci argcntei) which they had taken down with them for the celebration of the sacred mys- * ^.^\^. Pont., Dionysiiis. f A]X)1., \'\\. X -^<^ Naliones, i. 7. The Catacombs in the Third Centtuy. 89 teries.'" St Damasas was unwilling to destroy so touching a memorial of past ages. He abstained from making any of those changes by which he usually decorated the martyrs' tombs, but contented himself with setting up one of his in- valuable historical inscriptions, and opening a window in the adjacent wall or rock, that all might see, without disturbing, this monument so unique in its kind — this Christian Pompeii in miniature. These things might still be seen in St Gregory's time, in the sixth century ; and Ue Rossi holds out hopes that some traces of them may be restored even to our own genera- tion,! some fragments of the inscription perhaps, or even the window itself through which our ancestors once saw so moving a spectacle, assisting, as it were, at a mass celebrated in the third century. Instances like these explain the common re- Catacom])s proach of the Pagans at this time, that the Christians were ^J^^^^^ "a skulking, darkness-loving race;"J and the numerous tra- ditions of the same period, even though the authenticity of many of them may be doubtful, of Christians and even Popes § taking refuge in the crypts, testify the importance attached by the faithful to their cemeteries, and the jealousy with which they were now regarded by their enemies. The edicts of Aurelian, a little before his death, against the From Aurel- Church which he had legally recognised, even to the length c^"tiaii^^^" of ordering the buildings occupied by Paul of Samosata at Antioch " to be given up into the hands of those in communion with Christian bishops of Italy and Rome,"|| show how pre- carious a security for the cemeteries was even that legal re- cognition ; still we find the Christians taking courage, at the commencement of the reign of Diocletian, to pull down the * St Greg., Turon., De Gloria Mart., i. c. 28. t " Cette esperance est fondle ; j'oserais presque dire, elle sera remplie," are De Rossi's words in " Rome dans sa Grandeur,'' part 2me, p. 6, Cliar- pentier, Nantes. X Latebrosa et lucifugax natio." — Mimic. Felix. 55 " Caius . . . fr.giens persecutionem Diocletiani in cryj^tis habitando, martyrio coronatur." Lib. Pont. II luiseb. Hist; Eccl., vii. c. ;o. 90 Roma Sottej^ranea. Cemeteries confiscated, A.D. 303. Restored to Church, A.D. 311- Testimony of St AuGfustine, old churches and to build new ones, and we shall presently see the deacon Severus about the same time constructing a large double sepulchral chamber, with its open light-hole, in the cemetery of St Callixtus. The storm of the tenth persecution, under Diocletian, burst upon the Church with frightful violence in a.d. 303. The churches erected during the peace were burned and demolished, the farms or gardens under which the cemeteries lay were con- fiscated ; and though the acts of confiscation in Rome have perished, yet a significant trace of them is left in the fact that Pope Marcellinus, and his successor Marcellus, were neither of them buried in the Papal crypt of St Callixtus, but the former reposed in " a ciibiculum which he himself had prepared in the cemetery of Priscilla : " and the latter " requested leave from a matron named Priscilla, and made a c(Emetei'iitni on the Via Salaria." And a vast region of the deepest level of that cemetery, of a lineal regularity hitherto unique in Roma Sotter- ranea^ bears witness to the efforts of the Pope, while persecu- tion was raging, to provide for the necessities of the faithful in some other place than that which had been discovered and forfeited to the Government, on the Via Appia. At the close of a.d. 306, Maxentius put a stop to the per- secution, but the property of the Church was not restored until the Pontificate of Melchiades, a.d. 311. St Augustine tells us that the Donatists recited the Acts in which it was read how Melchiades sent deacons with the letters of the Emperor Maxentius and the letters of the Prasfect of the praetorium to the Praefect of the city, that they might receive the property which the aforesaid Emperor had commanded to be restored to the Christians, as having been taken from them in time of persecution. . . . The Donatists said that the deacon Strato, whom Melchiades had sent with the rest to receive the Joca ccdesiasfica, was declared in the above acts to be a traditor and . . . the Donatists also calumniated Melchiades on account of Cassian. because this name is found also amonjr the The Catacombs hi the Thii^d Century, g i deacons whom Melchiades sent to the Praefect," (Sec* In fact, this Pontiff having recovered the cemetery of St Calhxtus through his deacons, two of whom were named Strato and Cassian, buried there the body of his predecessor Eusebius, who had died in exile in Sicily, and placed him in one of the largest crypts in the Catacomb. But even while the persecu- tion w^as raging, Marcellus had provided, as best he could, for the re-organisation of the parishes and their cemeteries ; for we readt that " he constituted the twenty-five ///?/// in the city of Rome as parishes {dioeceses) for the reception by baptism and penance of the multitudes who were converted from among the Pagans, and for the burial-places of the mar- tyrs." Titles were, of course, of much older date than the time of 7" //^-j-. or parish Marcellus, though their number might have varied according ^^^"^^-'^^^s, to the increase in the number of the faithful. Thus, it is recorded in the Liber Poniificalis, that Evaristus, the sixth from St Peter, divided the titles in the city of Rome among the priests, and appointed seven deacons. St Fabian, nearly a century and a half later, is said by the same authority to have divided the fourteen regions of Rome among the deacons ; and now Marcellus constitutes (or more probably restores) twenty five, which is the number most frequently met with in all the most ancient notices on the subject.:j: The objects which are contemplated in this arrangement are stated to be the admin- istration of the sacraments and the burial of the dead ; and this is not the only occasion on which we learn from authentic records that the care of the cemeteries entered into the details of ecclesiastical management. It seems probable that, at least ^"^^^ each its own cemcttry. from the time of St Fabian, each within the city had its corresponding cemetery or cemeteries, outside the walls, and the priest or priests of the title had jurisdiction over the cemetery also. In the time of St Damasus, each church had * St Aug-. I'rcv. Cull, cum llonat., iii. 34-3^. X IMancliiiiii, Anasl. X'it. I'oiit., ii. .^7. t Lib. Tout. 92 Roma Sotterranea. two priests,* and even in the days of St Cypriant we find two priests attached to the same church, one as a subordinate to the other. If we might suppose the number of titles in the time of St CorneHus to have been twenty-three, (or, if more, that some of them were vacant,) this would account for the number of Roman priests, which he sets down at forty-six,J two for each title, one of whom might well have ministered at the cella or oratory (in later times basilica §) above the ceme- tery, whilst the other ministered in the city. It is not difficult to understand, after what has been said upon the Roman law respecting burials and burial-confraternities, how this system of administration might, under ordinary circumstances, have been carried on without any interference from the Government, even during the ages of persecution. And perhaps the following inscription on a grave-stone, in the cemetery of St Domitilla, may be quoted in illustration and confirmation of the theory that is here suggested, ///x^// being the official expression in use among the heathen magistrates of that time for a command or permission given by one having jurisdiction, and Archelaus and Dulcitus being the two priests of the title to which that cemetery belonged. ALEXIVS ET CAPRTOLA FECERVNT SE VIVI IVSSV ARCHELAI ET DVLCITI PRESBB Moreover, if we suppose, as we very reasonably may, that the * " Nunc aiitem septem diaconos esse oportet et aliquantos presbyteros, ut bini sint per Ecclesias." — Ainbros. [Hilar.], in i Tim. iii. f Ep. xviii., " Felix qui presbyteriuni subministrabat sub Decimo." % " There were forty-six priests, seven deacons, seven sub-deacons, forty- two acolytes, exorcists, lectors, and ostiarii, in all fifty-two ; widows, with the afflicted and needy, more than 1 500, all of v^diich the goodness and love of God doth nourish." — Cornelius to Fabius of Antioch, apud Euseb., H. T'".., vi. 43. See also the qziadragijtfa et quod cxciirrit basilicas,^'' men- tioned by Optatus, c. Don. ii. 4. ^ This name seems to have been in occasional use from the days of Diocletian. — A'. .S'. i. 205. The Catacombs in the Third Centu7y. 93 Popes who succeeded Zephyrinus continued to retain the cemetery of St Callixtus under their own immediate jurisdic- Cemetery of tion, administered by their chief deacon (or archdeacon, as he under the'"^ was afterwards called), we have another illustration of the same ^V*^^^^ ^^^^ .... . the Pope, system in the following inscription, belonging to the time of Marcellinus, which records that Severus, his deacon, made, by the perinissio7i of his Pope^ {jiissic papce sui,) a double chamber, with arched tombs and light-hole, for himself and his relations : — CVBICVLVM DVPLEX CVM ARCISOLIIS ET LVMINARE IVSSV PP SVI MARCELLINI DIACONVS ISTE SEVERVS FECIT MANSIONEM IN PACE QVIETAM SIBI SVISQVE. . . . It would be easy to show, from a multitude of testimonies Reflections on belonging to the fifth and sixth centuries, that each suburban [lie ifistory' of cemetery was at that time dependent on some particular parish theCatacombs. within the walls. But about this there can be no dispute. It is only when we seek to penetrate the thick, darkness which envelopes the history of the earlier ages, that it is difficult to find clear and abundant proofs ; and the precise province of an archaeologist is to supply these deficiencies, not out of his own imagination, but by acute and cautious induction, based on a most careful examination of every fragment that remains. If we set before a skilful professor of comparative anatomy a few bones dug out of the bowels of the earth, he will recon- struct the whole form of the animal to which they belonged ; and it often happens that these theoretical constructions are singularly justified by later discoveries. The work of an archaeologist is much of the same kind. An historian only rearranges, transcribes, or interprets annals already composed and faithfully transmitted by his predecessors. He may have to gather his materials from various sources ; must be able to distinguish the true from the false, and give form, consistency, and life to the whole ; but, for the most part at least, he has little to supply that is new from his own resources. An archae- ologist, on the contrary, if he be really a man of learning and 94 Roma Sottcrranea. science, and not a mere collector of old curiosities, aims at discovering and restoring annals that are lost, by means of a careful and intelligent use of every fragment, often of hetero- geneous materials, that the most unwearied diligence has been able to bring together. This remark seems not uncalled for, at the end of a chapter in which we have professed to set before our readers a con- tinuous history of the subterranean cemeteries of Rome during the ages of persecution, and even to unfold the system of their ecclesiastical administration. Such a history has never been written before, and some readers may be disposed to think that even now the materials for it are too scanty. De Rossi frankly acknowledges that each fact that he has been able to collect, if taken alone, throws but a faint and uncertain light upon the obscurity of the subject ; but he justly argues that the wonderful harmony which he has been able to establish between facts and documents, so unlike one another, and separated so far asunder, both in point of time and place, are a very strong presumption of truth. The " Lives of the Popes," compiled in the seventh or eighth century ; the Philosophii- viena^ written in a spirit of bitter personal hatred against a Pope of the third century, and only brought to light in the nine- teenth j sepulchral inscriptions also, of the third century, in like manner unknown before our own time ; ecclesiastical historians and learned commentators of different times and countries ; each of these has been made by De Rossi to contribute its quota to this chapter of history as it stands in his own volumin- ous work ; and even in this imperfect abridgment of it, the readers will have been struck with the number and variety of fragments out of which so complete a skeleton, if we ought not rather to say so full and life-like a body, has been com- posed. CHAPTER III. FROM THE EDICT OF MILAN, A.D. 3 1 2, TO THE SACK OF KOME BY THE GOTHS, A.D. 41O. W TITH the conversion of Constantine and the Edict of (iradual disuse combs. Melchiades, the first Pope who sat in the Lateran, ^f^^^ P^^^f was the last who was buried in the subterranean cemetery of Church. St CalHxtus — /;/ coemeterio Callixti in crypta. Sylvester, his successor, had his sepulchre in conmeterio Friscil/ce, not, how- ever, in crypta, but in a basilica, which, having always pre- served his name, had probably been built by him. The next Pontiff, Mark, was in like manner buried i?i ccenietei'io Balbince, explained by the Liber Pontificalis to be a basilica qiiain coeme- teriiim consUtuit ; that is to say, he probably built a small basilica or cella ?nemorice, near the entrance of a subterranean cemetery already existing, to which he now assigned its own priest and guardian, as the other principal cemeteries had already had. Other instances might be given to show that the cemeteries in which succeeding Pontiffs are said to have been buried were really basilicas above ground ; and though subterranean burial continued to be practised, yet the example set by the Pontiffs was not long in being followed, and graves within and around the basilicas gradually superseded the /ocn/i of the Catacombs, The inscriptions with consular dates probably furnish us with a sufficiently accurate guide to the relative proportions of the two modes of burial. From a.d. 338 to a.d. 360 two out of three burials appear to have taken place in the subterranean portion of the cemeteries, while from a.d. 364 to a.d. 369 the proportions are equal. During the next two years hardly any Milan a new era opens in the history of the Cata- of subterran- ean cemeteries given to the 96 Roma Softer? a?iea. Basilicas erected over tombs of mar tyrs, caused much damage to Catacombs, Devotion of St Damasus to Catacombs ; notices of burials aboTC ground appear, but after that the sub- terranean crypts fall rapidly into disuse. This marked and sudden change demands an explanation, and history at once supplies it. The first care of the Christians, when peace and liberty had been secured to the Church by the conversion of Constantine, was to honour those illustrious martyrs whose bodies lay con- cealed in the recesses of the various Catacombs. Basilicas more or less sumptuous began to be erected over their sepulchres, and as the faithful shrank from disturbing their original resting- places, it became the ordinary custom to cut away the surface of the ground on the side of the hill in which the galleries had been excavated, and thus gain access to the martyr's tomb. The Vatican hill behind St Peters, the hill opposite to St Paul's outside the walls, the galleries and chambers still visible in the hill cut away for the site of San Lorenzo in Agro Verano, are witnesses to this practice. Sometimes, as in St Agnese fiwri le miu^a^ it was necessary to go down to a great depth ; for the martyrs had perhaps been buried in the second floor of the Catacomb ; and hence the long flight of steps by which we descend to that church at the present day. Such a wholesale sacrificing of hundreds of graves for the sake of one illustrious sepulchre must have been dis- pleasing to many ; and St Damasus in particular, ardently as he laboured in the search for the bodies and the furthering of the devotion to the remains of the martyrs, yet found means to encourage that devotion without destroying the character of the subterranean cemeteries. When the cemeteries had been taken from the Christians, and made over to other hands by Diocletian, there is evidence to show that the Church pro- vided for the inviolability of the tombs of her more venerated heroes by blocking up the galleries which led to them ; and it was a labour of love in after-years to re-discover* these tombs, * " ( )uceritur, inventus colitur" is the language of St Damasus' inscrip- tions. The Catacombs in the Foitrth Century. 97 the precise situation of which was only known by tradition. St Damasus then removed the earth, widened the passages so his labours as to make them more serviceable for the crowd of pilgrims, dom"^^"^' constructed flights of stairs leading to the more illustrious shrines, and adorned the chambers with marbles, opening shafts to admit air and light where practicable, and supporting the friable iu-fa walls and galleries, wherever it was necessary, with arches of brick and stone work. Almost all the cata- combs bear traces of his labours, and modern discovery is continually bringing to light fragments of the inscriptions which he composed in honour of the martyrs, and caused to be engraved on marble slabs, in a peculiarly beautiful charac- ter, by a very able artist, Furius Dionysius Filocalus. It is a singular fact that no original inscription of Pope Damasus has ever yet been found executed by any other hand, nor have any inscriptions been found, excepting those of Damasus, in precisely the same form of letters. Hence the type is well known to students of Christian epigraphy as the Damasine characters.'^ Now, the sudden return to the subterranean mode of burial Catacombs as in the years a.d. 370, 371, exactly corresponds with the time gj-jj^f^^^l^ ^^'^ of the labours of St Damasus, and it is obvious to conjecture, that the faithful who visited the tombs of the martyrs, came away with a desire to lay their own bones beside theirs. Some, as the priest St Barbazianus, even made little cells underground, and led the lives of hermits in their immediate neighbourhood, and all were assiduous in visiting them. St st Jerome, Jerome gives a vivid description of a devout Roman youth's feelings on such a visit ; but his words seem more immediately applicable to the ordinary condition of the common galleries, than to any that had been specially decorated by the Pope. " When I was a boy," he writes, " being educated at Rome, I used every Sunday, in company with other boys of my own age and tastes, to visit the tombs of the apostles and martyrs, * Specimens may be seen in Plates I. and III. al the end of the volume. Roma Sottci^ranea. and to go into the crypts excavated there in the bowels of the earth. The walls on either side as you enter are full of the bodies of the dead, and the whole place is so dark, that one seems almost to see the fulfilment of those words of the pro" phet, ' Let them go down alive into Hades.' Here and there a little light, admitted from above, suffices to give a momentary relief to the horror of the darkness ; but as you go forwards, and find yourself again immersed in the utter blackness of night, the words of the poet come spontaneously to your mind : ' The very silence fills the soul with dread.' " ''^ On the Prudentius on contrary, the words of the poet Prudentius, written about the cemetery of ... ^ ^ r i StHippolytus. same time, clearly commemorate the results oi some such labours as we have been describing those of St Damasus to have been. He is writing of the tomb of St Hippolytus, and his description runs thus : — " Not far from the city walls, among the well-trimmed orchards, there lies a crypt buried in darksome pits. Into its secret recesses a steep path with winding stairs directs one, even though the turnings shut out the light. The light of day, indeed, comes in through the doorway, as far as the surface of the opening, and illuminates the threshold of the portico ; and when, as you advance further, the dark- ness as of night seems to get more and more obscure through- out the mazes of the cavern, there occur at intervals aper- tures cut in the roof which convey the bright rays of the sun upon the cave. Although the recesses^ twisting at ran- dom this way and that, form narrow chambers with dark- some galleries, yet a considerable quantity of light finds its way through the pierced vaulting down into the hollow bowels of the mountain. And thus throughout the subterranean crypt it is possible to perceive the brightness and enjoy the light of the absent sun. To such secret places is the body of Hip- polytus conveyed, near to the spot where now stands the altar dedicated to God. That same altar-slab {//ic/isa) gives the * St Tlicion. in ]"",zech. c. Ix. The Catacombs in the Fourth Century. 99 sacrament, and is the faithful guardian of its martyr's bones, which it keeps laid up there in expectation of the eternal Judge, while it feeds the dwellers of the Tiber with holy food. Wondrous is the sanctity of the place ! the altar is at hand for those who pray, and it assists the hopes of men by mercifully granting what they need. Here have I, when sick with ills both of soul and body, oftentimes prostrated myself in prayer and found relief Yes, O glorious priest ! I will tell with what joy I return to enjoy the privilege of embracing thee, and that I know that I owe all this to Hippolytus, to whom Christ, our God, has granted power to obtain whatever any one asks of him. That little chapel {cEdicida) which contains the cast-off garments of his soul [his relics] is bright with solid silver. Wealthy Shrine richly hands have put up tablets glistening with a smooth surface fievoutly^^' [of silver], bright as a concave mirror ; and, not content with visited. overlaying the entrance with Parian marble, they have lavished large sums of money on the ornamentation of the work." He goes on to describe the pilgrimages to the shrine, and with somewhat of poetic licence continues : " Early in the morning they come to salute [the saint] : all the youth of the place worship there : they come and go until the setting of the sun. Love of religion collects together into one dense crowd both Latins and foreigners ; they imprint their kisses on the shining silver ; they pour out their sweet balsams ; they bedew their faces with tears." His description of the scene on the festa of the martyr, his dies iiatalis, reminds one forcibly of the way in which the modern Romans stream out to San Lorenzo, or to San Paolo fuori le mura, or to any other of the old churches, when a festival or a station is held there. " The imperial city ^^cene on the festa of the vomits forth her stream of Romans, and the plebeian crowd, saint, animated by one and the same desire, jostle on equal terms their patrician neighbours, faith hurrying them forward to the shrine. Albano's gates, too, send forth their white-robed host in a long-drawn line. The noise on the various roads on all sides waxes loud : the native of the Abruzzi and the Etruscan lOO Roma Sotterranea. peasant come, the tierce Samnite, the countryman of lofty Capua and of Nola, is there ; each with his wife and children delights to hasten on his road. The broad fields scarcely suffice to contain the joyful people, and even where the space is wide, the crowd is so great as to cause delay. No doubt, then, that that cavern, wide though its mouth be stretched, is too narrow for such crowds ; but hard by is another church {iemphi?n), enriched with royal magnificence, which this great gathering may visit ; " * and then follows the description of a basilica, supposed by many to be the basilica of San Lorenzo in Agro Verano. Damage done This devotion to the cemeteries, which, as we have seen, to Catacombs by indiscreet caused them to be used again as burial-places so frequently devotion. ^j^^ t\xnQ of St Damasus, was not always regulated by prud- ence. In the anxiety of Christians to be buried as near as possible to the saints, they excavated loadi at the back of the arcosoHa, not sparing even the most beautiful paintings with which their forefathers had adorned them. They destroyed the symmetry of the chapels with new monuments and sarcophagi, and often endangered the safety of the constructions by indis- Examples. creet excavations. One ancient inscription speaks of a new crypt behind the saints," in which two ladies bought a bisommn for themselves during their lifetime from two fossores. IN CRYPTA NOBA RETRO SAN CTYS EMERVM SE VIVAS BALER RA ET SABINA MERVM LOG V BISOM AB APRONE ET A BIATORE Here is another inscription which testifies to a similar pur- chase " from Quintus the fossor^' of a single grave near St Cornelius. SEREPENTIV S EMIT LOG M A QUINTO FOSSORE AD SANTVM G RNELIVM * I'rudent. Peiistei)h. xi. 11. 153, cK:c. The Catacombs iii the Fourth Century. loi A third records the purchase of a grave for a father and mother and one daughter, " above the arcosoliwn^' at the very tomb of St Hippolytus, of which we have heard so much from Prudentius {at Ippolytv svper aj^cosoliv). A fourth inscription of the year 381 (during the Pontificate of Damasus) tells us of one who obtained the privilege of burial " within the thresholds of the saints, a thmg which many desire and few obtain " {intra limina saiictoriwi^ quod miilti ciipiunt et rari accipiunt). It appears that, at this time, the work of excavation was no Theyaieunder longer continued at the public expense under the special care menTof the of the parish priests, but that it was left as a matter of P^^^'^^c-^^^-^^^^'V^^^"'^ bargain between the deceased's friends and the fossores. No vestige of contracts of this kind with fossors has been found earlier than the last years of the fourth century, and no record of the existence of this body of men has come to light later than the first quarter of the fifth century. But the monuments are very numerous during this short period which testify to their having had in their own hands the disposal of new graves in the Catacombs. It is no longer jussu of the Pope or of the priests that such and such a tomb has been made, but the names of both buyers and sellers are recorded on the tomb- stone, together with the witnesses to the contract, and even the price that was paid ; and the sellers are always fossors. It is generally supposed that the fossors were themselves clerics, the lowest order in the hierarchy. But even though it should be considered that there is not sufticient ground for this opinion, yet, at least, it is obvious, that, in the earHer ages, they must have been on very intimate relations with the clergy, and, no doubt, were supported by the Church, whose most devoted and laborious servants they were. It is not difficult, therefore, to understand how, under the altered circumstances of the times, the whole matter had been allowed to fall more entirely under their management. Nevertheless, we must be * laser. Christ, i. 142. I02 Ro7na Sotterranea. allowed to regret that they should not have used a more whole- some severity in withstanding the pious but indiscreet desires of the faithful. How common those desires were is sufficiently attested, not only by these and other similar inscriptions, but still more by the fact that it forms the subject of a long letter, or short treatise, by the great St Augustine, written at the request of his friend, St Paulinus of Nola, in which he explains and justifies them.* Nevertheless we may easily imagine the displeasure with which so ardent a lover of the cemeteries as St Damasus would regard a system which tended to their destruction. His own example spoke more eloquently than any words could do. No one had a greater right to be buried there than he, and yet he was content to build himself a tomb above the cemetery of St Callixtus, and to write upon a tablet in the papal crypt the reason for his not being buried within it : — HIC FATEOR DAMASVS VOLVI MEA CONDERE MEMBRA, SED TIMYI SANCTOS CINERES VEXARE PIORVM, " Here I, Damasus, wished to bury my limbs, but I was afraid of dis- turbing the holy ashes of the saints." f The archdeacon Sabinus, in his epitaph lately found at San Lorenzo, tells the faithful plainly, that the only way to obtain a place near the saints is to imitate their lives : — NIL JVVAT IMMO GRAVAT TVMVLIS H^RERE PIORVM SANCTORVM MERITIS OPTIMA VITA PROPE EST. CORPORE NON OPVS EST, ANIMA TENDAMVS AD ILLOS QU^ BENE SALVA POTEST CORPORIS ESSE SALVS. "It nothing helps, but rather hinders, [merely] to stick close to the tombs of the saints ; a good life is the best approach to the saints' merits. Not with the body, but with the soul, we must make our way to them ; when that is well saved, it may prove the salvation of the body also." X Rapid disuse Whether in consequence of any direct prohibition, or merely of Catacombs . , , , for burial. from dimculties bemg putm the way, whatever cause may have produced the result, the evidence of the dated inscriptions makes * See Note D. in Appendix. + Rom. Sott. i. 214. + Bullcttino, 1864, 33. The Catacombs in the Fourth Century, 1 03 it clear, that after the brief furore for subterranean interment during the years 370 and 371 there was a rapid disuse of that mode of burial. Between a.d. 373 and 400, the subterranean epitaphs are only one out of three. From a.d. 400 to 409, Rome taken the decrease is still more rapid, until, after a.d, 410, scarcely ^^^^^^1^^' a single certain example is to be found.'"'" In that fatal year, to use the language of St Jerome, " The brightest light of all the world was extinguished ; the Roman empire lost its head ; and, to speak more truly, in one city the whole world perished." t Rome was taken by Alaric ; the citizens were reduced, many by slaughter, some by captivity, all by loss of wealth, and there was neither time nor means to adorn the sepulchres or even to pay the customary honours to the departed. * Inscr. Christ, i. 117, &c. t Hieron. Proleg. in lib. i. Ezech. v. 16, ed. Migne. CHAPTER IV. FROM THE YEAR A.D. 410 UNTIL THEIR FINAL ABANDONMENT, A.D, 410. Catacombs abandoned as burial-places. Still fre- quented as shrines. A.D. 537. Profaned by Goths under Vitiges. SERIOUS as was the ruin and damage done to the Eternal City by the Goths in a.d. 410, yet neither then nor at their second sack of Rome, in a.d. 457, do we find any record of their having destroyed either the cemeteries or the basiHcas of the martyrs. Still the use of the subterranean cemeteries as places of burial was never after this resumed, and the in- scriptions and notices which seem to refer to them will, on closer examination, be found to relate to basilicas and ceme- teries above ground. The fossors' occupation was gone, and after a.d. 426 their name ceases to be mentioned. The liturgical books of the fifth century refer constantly, in the prayers for the dead and benediction of graves, to burials in and around the basilicas, never to the subterranean cemeteries. The Catacombs, however, though they ceased to be used for burial, yet continued to be frequented as shrines and places of pilgrimage. Occasionally, in times of popular tumult, they seem to have been used also as places of refuge. Thus Boni- face 1. was concealed for a time in the Cemetery of St Felicitas, which he afterwards ornamented. " Pope Symmachus, towards the end of the fifth century, is said, in one copy of the Liber Fontijicalis, to have restored and beautified the cemeteries of the martyrs. The irruption of the Goths under Vitiges, in a.d. 537, carried havoc even into the peaceful sanctuaries of the saints.f As soon, however, as the storm passed over. Pope * Lib. Pont. f '* Ecclesiee et corpora Martyrum exterminata sunt a Gothis." — Lib. Font. The Catacombs Rifled and Abandoned. 105 Vigilius repaired the damage which, we are told, saddened him to see, and replaced some of the broken epitaphs of St Damasus by copies, often very imperfect, some of which still remain."^ About this time, when necessity had compelled the citizens to relax the strictness of the ancient laws against bury- ing within the walls, cemeteries began to be formed on the Esquiline and on the site of the old Praetorian camp. It was becoming dangerous to venture far outside the walls. The Pontiffs, however, continued their care for the ancient Repaired by ^r, ,, 1, • the care of cemeteries. John 111., about a.d. 568, "restored the cemeteries popes. of the holy martyrs, and ordered that oblations, cruets, and ^^^^^ ^^^^ ' candles [for the holy sacrifice] should be supplied from the Lateran Palace throughout the cemeteries every Sunday, "f This was after tlie desolation of Rome by Totila. But the re- turn to the old custom of the priests of the city-title serving the extra-mural cemetery every Sunday did not last long. It is re- corded in the seventh century, to the special praise of Sergius I., that, "during the time of his priesthood, he used diligently to celebrate the solemnities of mass through different ceme- teries." X As titular of St Susanna, he would, according to the ancient practice, have been confined to the cemetery belonging to that title. Sixty years later, about a.d. 735, Gregory III., a zealous restorer and builder of churches, " instituted a body of priests to celebrate masses every week, and arranged that in * e.g., The inscription in honour of Eusebius in the cemetery of San Callisto, presently to be seen. A copy of some verses of Pope Vigilius, refer- ring to this practice, may be seen in the third column of the collection in the gallery at the Lateran. It runs thus : — " Dum peritura GetcX posuissent castra sub urbem, Moverunt Sanctis bella nefanda prius. Totaque sacrilege verterunt corde sepulcra, Martyribus quondam rite sacrata piis. Quos monstrante Deo Damasus sibi Papa probatos Affixo monuit carmine jure coli. Sed periit titulns coiifracio marmore sandus, Nec tamen his iterum posse latere fuit. Diruta Vigilius nam posthaec Papa geraiscens, Hostibus expulsis oimie novavit opus." t Lib. Pont. X lb. io6 Roma Sottem^anea. the cemeteries situated all round Rome, the lights for keeping the vigils on the days of their natalitia, and the oblation for the celebration of the masses, should be carried down from the palace by the oblatioiiaiHiis^ through whom the Pontiff would name the priest who should officiate on the occasion."* A.D. 756. There is ground for supposing that some few bodies of d^on of bodks ^^.ints had been in Rome, as we know they were in other of saints from cities.f removed from their original resting-places to churches Catacombs, ' , . ^ ^ ^ prepared for their reception, even as early as the fifth century. J One of the itineraries, which describes the martyrs' shrines, distinctly mentions the bodies of some saints being in basilicas above ground, whom we know to have been originally buried in the subterranean cemeteries. It was, however, with great reluctance, and not until after the devastations and sacrileges committed by the Lombards under Astolphus, a.d. 756, that by Paul I. Paul I., elected in the following year, resolved upon translating on a large scale the relics of the saints, in order to save them from profanation. In a constitution, dated June 2, 761, he complains that, whereas, even before the siege of Rome by Astolphus, some of these subterranean cemeteries had been neglected and ruined, yet by the impious Lombards this ruin had now been made more complete; for they had broken open the graves and carried off some bodies of the saints. " From that time for- ward," he says, " people have been very slothful and negligent in paying due honour to the cemeteries ; animals have been allowed to have access to them ; even folds have been pur- , posely set up in them, so that they have been defiled with all * Lib. Pont. t e.g., Milan in the time of St Ambrose. X Rom. Sott. i. 219. In the " Sacramentary of St Leo," in the Preface for Saints John and Paul, it is said, "Of Thy merciful providence Thou hast vouchsafed to crown not only the circuit of the city with the glorious passions of the martyrs, but also to hide in the very heart of the city itself the victorious limbs of Saints John and Paul." This looks as if these martyrs were then the only saints whose bodies rested within the walls ; and they had never been anywhere else. The Catacombs Rifled and Abandoned. 107 sorts of corruption. Seeing, then, and deeply lamenting this careless indifference to such holy places, I have thought it good, with God's help, to remove the bodies of the martyrs and confessors and virgins of Christ, and with hymns and spiritual songs I have brought them into this city of Rome, and I have placed them in the church which I have lately built, in honour of St Stephen and St Sylvester, on the site of the house in which I was born and bred, which has now descended to me by inheritance from my father." Lists of the saints, whose relics were thus translated, have come down to us,"* and there must have been more than a hundred in all. The example set by Paul was not followed by either of his immediate successors, Stephen III. or Adrian I. ; in fact, the latter strained every nerve to bring back the ancient honour and magnificence of the cemeteries. Nearly all of them bore witness to his zeal ; and his restorations were continued by his successor, Leo ITLt Notwithstanding all the efforts of these Popes to revive the interest in these sacred crypts, Paschal L Paschal T. and others. was constrained to imitate the example of Paul, because the crypts of the martyrs were being destroyed and abandoned. The inscription in Sta Prassede still attests how he translated thither two thousand three hundred bodies on July 20, 817. Sergius II. and Leo IV. continued the same work, for the greater dignity of the churches which they had either built or restored, viz., SS. Silvestro and Martino, and Santi Quattro Coronati ; they also re-translated to these churches relics which had already been removed from the Catacombs and deposited elsewhere in Rome. To these times also doubtless belongs the account of many cart-loads of relics of martyrs being carried to the Pantheon ; a record which has been con- founded with that of the rdiquicE placed there by Boniface IV. long before the tombs in the subterranean cemeteries were touched. * Mai. Script. Vet. v. 56. + See the long enumeration of their works in Lib. Pont, xcvii. xcviii. io8 Roma Sotterraiiea. Final aban- All the documents which mention these translations assign donment of Catacombs. the cause of them to the abandonment and rum of the ceme- teries ; and, of course, the translations, in their turn, still further hurried forward and completed the work of ruin and abandon- ment. The sacred treasures which had caused them to be regarded with so much love and veneration having been removed, there was no longer the same motive for protecting or ornamenting them ; and thus the first half of the ninth century may be said to have ended the history of the Cata- combs as shrines or places of pilgrimage, just as the beginning of the fifth had ended their history as cemeteries. Pope Nicholas I., a.d. 860, is said to have visited them, and to have restored in some of them the celebration of mass {qiiod multos per temporw7i cursus ab eo discesserit) ; and in the eleventh and twelfth centuries we still read of visits to the cemeteries, and of lamps kept burning in some of them which were near to monasteries. But these insignificant exceptions to the general oblivion into which they fell are the last and only records which remain to us of any attempt to keep up the ancient glories of the Catacombs of Rome. Henceforward only those in the vicinity of some church or monastery were visited out of curiosity by occasional travellers, as we find the cemetery of St Valentine, on the Via Flaminia, noticed by a pilgrim of the eleventh, and again by a writer of the twelfth century. Like the cemetery of St Agnes, it lay under property belong- ing to the Augustinian Order, and hence was not utterly lost sight of In a statistical account of the Roman churches and clergy, written in the fourteenth century, only three of the suburban churches attached to the cemeteries are mentioned, viz., those of St Hermes, St Valentine, and St Saturninus. When we come to the fifteeenth century even these disappear, and only one subterranean cemetery remained always open and frequented by pilgrims, the same which may still be seen beneath the Church of St Sebastian, and which was called in all ancient documents, coejneferium ad cataciniibas. The Cataco7nbs Rifled and Abandoned. \ 09 This is an important fact to be noticed, because it accounts Origin of the both for the use of this word, Catacomb^ as applied to the comb." ^^'^^ Roman cemeteries, and also for the very grave topographical error respecting the cemetery of St Callixtus, which has per- plexed and misled all Roman archaeologists until the present day. The earliest document now extant in which the word catacumbas is used as descriptive of the locality of St Sebas- tian's belongs to the sixth century, where we read in a list of the Roman cemeteries cimeteriiiin catecumbas ad St Sebastianum Via Appia. But it was used before this, apparently, as the name of that part of the campagna in which St Sebastian's is situated, for the Roman circus built by Maxentius, and whose ruins in this neighbourhood are so well known, was anciently called the circus ad catacumbas. When, then, the locality of the other Roman cemeteries was forgotten, and this alone remained known, (because it was still open, and always retained its place in the Libri Indulge?itia?'um, composed at various times and in different languages for the use of pilgrims,) the names of all the other cemeteries, occurring so frequently in the Martyrologies and Lives of the Popes, appear to have been ignorantly confused with this particular spot ; a visit to the cemeteries became synonymous with a visit ad catacumbas, and the term Catacomb gradually came to be regarded as the specific name for all subterranean excavations for purposes of burial, not only in the neighbourhood of Rome, but also in Naples, Malta, Paris, Sicily, and wherever else similar excavations have been discovered. BOOK III. CATACOMB OF ST CALLIXTUS. CHAPTER I. ITS DISCOVERY AND IDENTIFICATION. Pre-eminence " T N the history of Pagan Rome," says Father Marchi/"" Appia, both in " ^'^^ Appia bears the proud title of Queen of Pagan and Roman roads ; and it makes this boast with good reason, Christian ^ ° ' Rome. both because of the grander scale on which it was constructed, the greater magnificence of the buildings and sepulchres which adorned it, the greater variety of conquered nations who used it, and the number and celebrity of the events connected with it. The history of Christian Rome gives to this same road titles of glory incomparably more solid, just, and indisputable. We are forced to acknowledge it as the Queen of Christian roads, by reason of the greater number and extent of its cemeteries, and still more for the greater number and celebrity of its martyrs." And in another place + he speaks of one of the cemeteries upon this road as standing to other cemeteries much in the same relation as St Peter's to other churches; he says it is "the colossal region of Roma Sotterranea^ all the others are only small or middling Unfortunately * Monum. Art Crist. Prim. 73. t P. 172. Discovery and Identification of San Callisto. 1 1 1 the plan of his own work was complete, and most of it already executed, before he effected an entrance into the cemeteries which so strongly impressed his imagination ; and the won- ders we have now to narrate have been the discovery of De Rossi. Indeed this has been the especial field of his labours, and the two volumes of his great work already published have not exhausted his narration of them. We shall not be doing justice either to the subject or to our author, unless we enter into the details of the cemeteries on the Via Appia at some length ; and first, we will hear what our ancient guides of the seventh and eighth centuries have to tell us upon the subject, for so we shall be better able to follow the course of De Rossi's investigations, and to appreciate both their ingenuity and im- portance. One of these guides, then, the most ancient and accurate of all, describing what he himself saw and visited at some time between the years 625 and 638, writes as follows: — " After- Testimonies of wards, you arrive by the Via Appia at St Sebastian, martyr, amhors whose body lies in a very low spot ; and there are the sepul- chres of the Apostles Peter and Paul, in which they rested forty years ; and you go down by steps on the western side of the church, where St Cyrinus, Pope and martyr, rests. And on the north side of the same road you come to the holy martyrs, Tiburtius, Valerian, and Maximus. There you will enter into a great cave, and you will find there St Urban, bishop and confessor ; and in another place, Felicissimus and Agapitus, martyrs, and deacons of Sixtus ; and in a third place, Cyrinus, martyr; and in a fourth, Januarius, martyr; and in a third church again, St Zeno, martyr, rests. On the same road, at St Cecilia's, there is an innumerable multitude of martyrs : first, Sixtus, Pope and martyr ; Dionysius, Pope and martyr; Julian, Pope and martyr; Flavianus, martyr; St Cecilia, virgin and martyr. Eighty martyrs rest there below [in the subterranean cemetery] ; Zephyrinus, Pope and confessor, rests [in a church] above. Eusebius, P()i)e and martyr, rests in a I I 2 Roma Sotterrmtea. cave some way off. Cornelius, Pope and martyr, lies in an- otlier cave some way off. After this, you come to the holy virgin and martyr, Soteris, whose body lies towards the north side ; and then you leave the Via Appia, and arrive," &c. The route described by the next witness" proceeds in the opposite direction. He has just described what was to be seen on the Via Ardeatina, and then he continues: — " Near the Via Appia, on the eastern side of the city, is the Church of St Soteris, martyr, where she lies with many other martyrs ; and near the same road is the Church of St Sixtus, Pope, where he sleeps ; there also St Cecilia, virgin, rests ; and there St Tharsicius and St Zephyrinus lie, in one tomb ; and there St Eusebius, and St Calocerus and St Parthenius lie, each apart ; and 800 martyrs rest there. Not far from thence, in the cemetery of St Callixtus, Cornelius and Cyprian sleeps \sic\ in a church. Tliere is also near the same road a church of many martyrs, i.e.^ of Januarius, who was the eldest of the seven sons of Felicitas ; of Urban, of Agapitus, Felicissimus, Cyrinus, Zeno, the brother of Valentine ; Tiburtius and Valerian, and many martyrs rest there. And near the same road is the Church of St Sebastian, martyr, where he himself sleeps ; where are also the burial-places of the Apostles, in which they rested forty years. There also the martyr Cyrinus is buried. By the same road also you go to the city of Albano," &c. Division of Without entering into the minute details of any apparent subject. discrepancies between these two accounts, their substantial agreement is abundantly manifest. Nobody can read them attentively without observing that they describe four distinct groups, or centres, of martyrs' tombs on the Appian road. One, the most distant from Rome, as you go towards Albano, is the Church of St Sebastian, with the cemetery belonging to it. Another, on the north side of the road, contained the graves of St Cecilia's husband and brother-in-law, Valerian and Tiburtius ; of FeUcissimus and .\gapitus, two of St Sixtus's * 'Fhese arc the two itineraries mentioned in p]-). 22, 23. Discovery aiid Identification of Sait Callisto. 1 1 3 deacons ; of Januarius, the eldest of the seven sons of St Felicitas ; and of many other martyrs. The third is described in stili more glowing terms, as containing an innumerable multitude of martyrs;" amongst whom are specified several Popes, St Cecilia, St Tharsycius, and others. Lastly, there is the church and cemetery of the holy virgin and martyr, St Soteris, before you leave this road and cross over to the Via Ardeatina. It is only with the third of these groups that we are more immediately concerned ; nevertheless, it wall be necessary that we should begin by saying a few w^ords about the first." The basilica of St Sebastian, built by Constantine over the St Sebastian's, tomb where the body of this martyr still rests, is well known to every visitor of Rome. It stands on the Appian road, be- tween two and three miles out of the city ; and a friar from the adjoining monastery being always ready to act as guide and descend into the extensive subterranean cemetery, this has been more visited perhaps than any other portion of the Roman Catacombs. He cannot, indeed, show you " the steps on the western side of the church, whereby we descend to the gr-ave of St Cyrinus, Pope and martyr," though De Rossi is of opinion that these also might now be found without much diffi- culty ; but we can still read the inscription with which Pope Damasus adorned his tomb. We can also go round to the back of the high altar and examine the semi-subterranean building in which, according to a very ancient and authentic tradition, the bodies of St Peter and St Paul once found a Temporary temporary resting-place. The form of this building is so of\\\Tre/ics^of irregular that it would never have been selected by any archi- Saints Peter ^ ^ _ ana Paul, tect for its own sake, bat seems manifestly designed to inclose some particular point or points of interest, without interfering more than w^as absolutely necessary with what lay around it. * The second has been already spoken of, under the name of St Prcetex- tatus, in page 77 ; and the fourth will be described, as far as our present knowledge of it extends, in the next chapter, pat^e 128 H 114 Roma Sotterranea. We cannot therefore assent to the theory which would recog- nise in it some ancient heathen temple ; but think it more probable that it was erected merely for the sake of com- memorating a spot endeared to the Church by associations connected with her days of persecution. It seems probable that it was begun by Pope Liberius ; it is certain that Damasus provided a marble pavement for its floor, and otherwise adorned it, at the same time setting up one of his usual metrical and historical inscriptions, which may still be seen there.'" A low step, or seat of stone, runs round the interior, destined (Father Marchi conjectures) for the use of those who recited here in choir the psalms and public offices of the Church. In the middle of the area is a small square aperture, Avidening at the depth of about two feet into a large pit or double grave, measuring between six and seven feet both in length, breadth, and depth. This pit is divided into two equal compartments by a slab of marble ; its sides are also cased with marble to the height of three feet, and its vaulted roof is covered with paintings of our Lord and His apostles. This, then, is the spot where, according to the testimony of both our ancient witnesses, " the bodies of St Peter and St Paul rested for a period of forty years." Their first There is some difficulty in unravelling the true history of this rebLing here, i^xn^oxdjj translation of the bodies of the apostles. We have seen that they were originally buried, each near the scene of * Hie habitasse prius- Sanctos cognoscere debes, Nomina quisque Petri pariter Paulique requiris. Discipulos Oriens misit, quod sponte fatemur, Sanguinis ob meritum Christumque per astra sequuti, Aetherios petiere sinus et regna piorum. Roma suos potius meruit defendere cives. Hcec Damasus vestras referat nova sidera laudes.'' " Here, you must know, that saints once dwelt. If you ask their names, they were Peter and Paul. The East sent disciples, as we willingly acknow- ledge. The saints themselves had, by the merit of their bloodshedding, followed Christ to the stars, and sought the home of heaven and the king- doms of the blest. Rome, hov/ever, obtained to defend her own citizens. May Damasus be allowed to record these things for your praise, (!) new stars [of the heavenly host]." Discovery and Identification of San Callisto. 1 1 5 his own martyrdom, the one on the Vatican Hill, the other on the Ostian Way. But we learn from other equally authentic sources, that as soon as the Oriental Christians had heard of their death, they sent some of the brethren to remove the bodies and bring them back to the East, where they claimed them as their fellow-citizens and countrymen. These mes- sengers so far prospered in their mission as to gain a moment- ary possession of the sacred relics, which they carried off along the Appian Way, as far as this spot which we have been just now examining, adjoining the basilica of St Sebastian. This was probably their appointed place of rendezvous before start- ing on their homeward journey by way of Brundusium ; for just at this point a cross-road, coming directly from St Paul's, joins the Appian and Ostian Ways, by which ways the bodies of St Peter and St Paul respectively must have been brought. What happened to them whilst they rested here we cannot exactly tell. The language of Pope Damasus, which we have given above, while it hints at the claim of the Orientals and the successful opposition of the Romans, bears evident tokens of reserve, and we can easily understand his unwillingness to perpetuate on a public monument, which would be seen by pilgrims from all parts of the world, a history that might here- after become a subject of angry and jealous recrimination between the Eastern and Western Christians. But St Gregory the Great, writing two centuries later, and only in a private letter, had no such motive for reticence. A chapel having been built in the Imperial Palace at Constantinople, to be dedicated to St Paul, the P^mpress Constantina wished to enrich the altar with some considerable relic, and begged' from the Sovereign Pontift' nothing less than the head of the great apostle. St Gregory, in justification of his refusal to comply with her request, relates the story of the attempt of the Oriental Christians to carry off his relics soon after his martyr- dom, and says, — " It is well known that at the time when they suffered, Christians from, the East came to recover their bodies ii6 Roma Sotterranea. as [the relics] of their fellow-citizens, and having carried them as far as the second milestone from the city, laid them in the place which is called ad catacwnbas ; but when the whole mass of them assembled together and attempted to take them up from hence, a storm of thunder and lightning so greatly terrified them and dispersed them, that after that they durst not make any more attempts. The Romans, however, then went out and took up their bodies, having been counted worthy to do this by the goodness of the Lord, and laid them in the places where they are now buried." These last words of St Gregory do not seem to be quite accurate. There is no doubt that the Romans first buried them where they recovered them, in or near the cemetery ad catacurnbas, and there was an old tradition, embodied in one of the lessons formerly used on St Peter's Feast in the French Church, which said that they were restored to their original places of sepulture after the lapse of a year and seven months ; nor is there any reason to suppose that the body of St Paul was ever again removed. Second trans- Of the relics of St Peter there are faint traces of a second Peter's^^refics. translation, which is assigned by some writers to the first half of the third century. They are too indistinct, however, to be depended upon, and we must be content to acknowledge our ignorance as to the authority on which it was believed by the writers of the itineraries in the seventh and eighth centuries, that the bodies of the apostles had lain near the basilica of St Sebastian's for a period of forty years. Erroneous in- "We have now seen all that the writers of those itineraries fifteemh cen- thought worthy of being mentioned in connexion with the t"^y- basilica of St Sebastian. A guide, however, of the present day would certainly press us to descend also into the subterranean cemetery which lies around and underneath the church, and if we are persuaded to accept his invitation, we shall see there inscriptions professing to point out to us other and yet higher objects of interest. An inscription set up by one William, * 0pp. St Greg., torn, ii., Ep. 30. Discovery and Identification of San Callisto. 1 1 7 Archbishop of Bourges, in the year 1409, bids us venerate here the tomb of St CeciHa ; other inscriptions also, of the same or a later date, speak of the tombs of nearly half a hundred Popes, and of several thousands of martyrs. Whence is this ? A glance at the ancient documents which we have quoted is sufficient to arouse our suspicions as to the truth- fulness of these inscriptions, since the two authorities are mani- festly at variance with one another , and we can scarcely hesitate in making our choice between them, when we remember that the one was written whilst yet the bodies of the martyrs lay each in its own sepulchre, and that the other belongs precisely to that very age during which the Catacombs were buried in the most profound darkness and oblivion. We have already ex- plained how it came to pass that whilst the other ancient cemeteries were inaccessible and unknown, this one still remained partially open ; and we can easily understand the religious feeling which prompted the good Archbishop to make an appeal to the devotion of the faithful not to lose the memory of those glorious martyrs who had once been buried in places like this, and even somewhere in this neighbourhood. But whilst we admire his piety, we cannot accept his testimony upon a topographical question, which he had no means of deciding, and in respect to waiich recent discoveries, as well as a more critical examination of ancient documents, have proved to a denionstration that he was certainly wrong. It was in the year 1849 that De Rossi found in the cellar Reasons why of a vineyard on the Via Appia, but much nearer to Rome the cTmetery^ than St Sebastian's is, a large fragment of a marble slab, Calhxtus. having on it the upper part of the letter R, followed by the complete letters NELIUS . MARTYR. He immediately Epitaph of St divined that this fragment was part of the tombstone of St ^o^"^^^"^- Cornelius, Pope in the middle of the third century. He per- suaded Pope Pius IX. to purchase both this and the adjacent vineyard and three years afterwards, during the excavations of 1852, the other half of the same marble slab came to light ii8 Roma Sotte7'raiiea. in the depths of the subterranean cemetery which underlay this vineyard. It was found at the foot of the grave, for which it had evidently been made at the first. It contained the other half of the letter R, preceded by CO, with the letters EP on a lower line, so that De Rossi's happy conjecture was thus crowned with the seal of absohite certainty. Moreover, he had satisfied himself by a diligent study of all ancient documents within his reach, that the tomb of St CorneHus was very near, though not absolutely within the limits of, the famous cemetery of St Callixtus, and that in this cemetery there was a single chapel more famous than the rest, in which had once been laid the bodies of many Popes of the third and fourth centuries, and in another chapel adjoining it, St Cecilia. Excavations having been made in accordance with his sugges- tions, a fragment of marble was at length discovered, bearing on it three letters, or rather the same letter (H) repeated three times, one over the other, as the beginning of three successive Damasine in- lines.* His keen eye recognising the well-known beauty of the scription iu . the Papal Damasine characters, immediately fastened upon this as " a con- cypt. firmation strong as text of Holy Writ," that this was the Papal vault in which Damasus had set up one of his most celebrated inscriptions. As the work of excavation proceeded, a hundred and twenty other fragments of the same inscription were re- * See Plate I. at end of volume. The fragment was the beginning of lines 4-6. Discovery and Identijication of San Callisto. 1 1 9 covered. These all have been put together, and the few missing portions having been supplied in letters of a different colour, the whole may now again be read, just where our forefathers in the faith first read it fifteen hundred years ago. We shall have occasion to examine it more closely by and by, when we meet with it in its own place in the interior of the cemetery. We appeal to it now as a decisive proof, from which it is impos- sible to escape, that the cemetery of St Callixtus has been re-discovered, and that the mediaeval inscriptions underneath the church of St Sebastian were set up in ignorance, and now only help to perpetuate the memory of an error. They con- found the first and third of the cemeteries so carefully distin- guished in the itineraries, and which we ourselves also are now happily able to distinguish again. Fig. 16. — A fresco representing the Bnptistn of our Lord in one 0/ the cuhiciila in the crypt of St Liicina. CHAPTER 11. DISTINCTION OF ITS SEVERAL PARTS. Distinct /^~^N the same side of the Appian Way as the church of ill each Cata- II. comb. St Sebastian's, but about a quarter of a mile nearer to Rome, a doorway, with the words Cmneterium S. Callixti carved above it, leads us to the vineyard beneath which lies this celebrated cemetery. We call it indeed by this name for convenience sake, and because the cemetery which CaUixtus made is really the centre and most important part of the vast subterranean city on which we are about to enter. In truth, however, it is made up of several distinct groups of excavations, each having its own history, and still capable of being distin- guished, at least in outline, from one another, though now, and for many centuries past, actually united. They may be dis- tinguished not only by their contents, certain peculiarities of form, or different families of inscriptions, or other similar tokens, but much more by the disposition of the main gal- leries, which was determined by the size and shape of the area the fossors were at liberty to occupy, and the situation of the roads or buildings which may have been in its imme- diate neighbourhood above ground. Defects of for- This is almost a new branch of study in the subject of mer maps. ^oma Sotterranea, for which, as for so much else, we are in- debted to De Rossi. Indeed it was scarcely possible for earlier writers to gain any clear notion of the manner in which these cemeteries had been constructed, since their knowledge of the plan of any one of them was very incomplete ; and of most Distinction of Ai'ece in San Cat lis to. 121 they never had an opportunity of seeing any plan at all. Bosio himself had not lived to prepare that part of his work ; and of the half-dozen maps which Cardinal Barberini procured at so much labour and expense for the illustration of Bosio's book, not one was really complete. For the main object in their construction had been rather to show the sites of particular monuments than to exhibit the interior arrangement of the whole cemetery, either as designed by its originators or as subsequently modified in execution. The four additional maps supplied by Aringhi are mere fragments, and the only one which is of any size is strangely inexact. To these, D'Agin- court added anotherj but this also was too small to be of much service in a scientific point of view. Finally, Father Marchi produced a very valuable map of what he believed to be about the eighth part of the Catacomb of St Agnes ; and the only portion of his book which he completed was intended to illustrate this particular branch of the subject, the architecture of the first Christians in Rome. He never pretended, how- ever, to observe any chronological order, but pursued a simply eclectic principle in his choice of specimens. 'I'he whole of the Catacombs were for himi a monument of primitive antiquity, and his sphere of observation was too limited to allow of his drawing any general conclusions from nice distinctions that might be observed between one part and another of the exca- vations. Since his time a complete revolution has been effected in this respect, by means of a most ingenious instrument, in- vented by Michele De Rossi, brother of the archaeologist, Important dis- , . , - , . . , . . coveries from which renders the process 01 surveying and mapping these Michele De subterranean crypts far easier, as well as more accurate, than ^°ff ^ ^"^^ J i- ^ ' method of it was before. Under his auspices, we may hope by and by niajiping sub- terraneau gal- to see the maps of the streets of subterranean Rome as com- leries. plete as those of any modern city above ground. Already we have entered into some fruits of his labours, and the value of the light which they throw on the history of the Catacombs can hardly be exaggerated. With his map of the Catacomb 122 Roma Sotterranea. of St Callixtus, for example, lying open before us, we are able to trace with certainty several features in its growth and de- velopment which before it was impossible to detect. We dis- tinguish the boundaries of certain arece^ originally quite inde- pendent of one another, but united at a later period by paths of more or less irregularity. We see the first galleries, follow- ing the form and respecting the limits of these arece with mathematical precision ; we mark others, after proceeding for a considerable distance in one direction, turn abruptly into another, or break off altogether; and a glance at the condi- tion of the external soil at once explains the cause of the digression. There are traces of some building, or the building itself is still there, at that precise spot, which clearly must have existed before the subterranean excavation, and which the Christians dared not undermine ; or there was some cham- ber or gallery in this or an adjoining Christian cemetery, or some Pagan kypogceum, which stayed their further progress. In a future book we will set before our readers as minute an analysis as our space will allow of one at least of the more remarkable groups of galleries in the cemetery of St Callixtus, which will enable them to appreciate the importance of M. De Rossi's invention. At present we will only enumerate and distinguish those groups, as far as we can, not so much by reference to their construction, as by their inscriptions and other contents. Crypt of St The most ancient area included in the Catacomb we are Lucina. ^^^^ examining is that which was once called " the crypt of Lucina, 7iear to the cemetery of Callixtus." The original limits of this area can be determined with the greatest precision, in consequence of its having a small Pagan sepulchre on either side of it. Like the tombs of the Scipios, of Cecilia Metella, and other renowned sepulchres on the Via Appia, it occupied a frontage of loo Roman feet, and it extended 230 feet iji agro. Of these 230 feet, the first fifty appear to have been originally left free, thus forming an area in front of 100 feet Distinctioji of Arece in San Callisto. 123 by 50, in the centre of which stood tlie monument'"' whose vast ruins still form a striking object from the road. Behind this area extended another [area adjeda mojitimento), and it was beneath this that the earUest Christian excavations were made. The property belonged to some members of the Gens Originally be- Caecilia. We know from Cicero that this was one of the Gens CcecSa. families who had their burial-places on this road ; and about the beginning of this century, columbaria and inscriptions be- longing to other Pagan monuments of the Caecilii, were found at no great distance from this precise spot. It cannot, then, be considered a fortuitous circumstance that in the chambers and galleries of this part of the Catacomb there have come to light epitaphs and other memorials of several Caecilii and Caeciliani, and these not mere freedmen who had adopted the name of the gc?is, but real members of the family, as is dis- tinctly marked by the official adjuncts to their names, vir dai'issiimis^ darissinia ftej/iina or pudla, hoiiesta fcmina, &c. Moreover, we note among the " illustrious dead " who lie in this aristocratic cemetery certain descendants of the Antonines, who were clearly connected with Annia Faustina, the grand- daughter of Marcus Aurelius, and the wife of Pomponius Bassus, and afterwards of Heliogabalus. Now, it is known that these Pomponii Bassi, towards the end of the first century, lived on the Quirinal ; and it can be almost proved that they inherited the house of the celebrated Atticus, the friend and corre- spondent of Cicero, of whom every classical scholar knows that he certainly lived on the Quirinal, and that he passed from the Gens Pomponia to the Gens Caecilia, when he was adopted by his maternal uncle, Q. Caecilius. Hence it is easy to account for the number of Christian epitaphs which have been found here, exhibiting these names mixed in various ways, e.g., more than one Ccxcilius Faustus, a Faustinus Atti- * De Rossi considers it probable that even this was originally a Chris- tian monument (R. S. ii. 367), and quotes Tertullian (De Resurrect. Carnis., c. 27) as a witness tliat Christians had mojiunieiita et ji/aiisolra from the first (R. S. i. 210). 124 Roma Sotten^anca. ciis, an Atticianus, a Pompeia Attica, an Attica Casciliana, &:c. We have the gravestones also of some heathen members of the same family, sawn in two or otherwise defaced, and used to close some of the Christian graves. One of these was of a Pomponius Bassus, who had lived in the third century, and had filled some of the highest offices of the state, been twice consul, prefect of Rome, &c., and another of L. Pomponius, proconsul of Gallia Narbonensis. From the union of all these names on the same spot, and under these circumstances, De Rossi ventured to conjecture that the Caecilii, to whom this property belonged and who were certainly Christian, must have been intimately connected with the Pomponii, Attici, and Bassi ; and that possibly the Lucina, in whose property the ecclesiastical records state this catacomb to have been excavated, may have been the very Pomponia Grcecina of whose conversion to Christianity, in the year 58, we have already spoken.* We need not say how St Lucina frequently this name of Lucina occurs in ancient ecclesiastical probably the , . . .... . . . Pomponia history ; it crops up m the history of every persecution, from the apostolic age to the days of Constantine, and has been the occasion of no slight confusion, and the subject of many learned discussions, among students of hagiography. De Rossi suggests that the name was a Christian sobriquet (alluding to the illumination of baptism, &c.) rather than a real family name, and that it may have been borne by many Roman matrons m succession without any real connexion of relation- ship between them, these ladies being of course known in society and among their heathen kinsfolk by their pioper family names. When first he threw out the idea of Pomponia Grascina and the first Lucina having been possibly one and the same person, he spoke with extreme caution and reserve. " It is a mere guess," he said ; t " I don't wish to claim for it any value as an argument; perhaps it hardly even deserves the name of a conjecture. But attempts of this kind, violent * Page 39. t R- S. i. 319. (IiTecina of A.D. 58. Distinction of Area; iit San CalHsto. 125 efforts of the mind, which arouses itself at the faintest ghmmer of hght amid the thick darkness of antiquity, and seeks to rush forward to the acquisition of new truth, may at least serve to awaken attention, and to keep it keenly on the alert for every scrap of additional information which future discoveries may bring to light, and out of which prudent study may extract the full knowledge of historical facts, now only guessed at and offered confuso'' De Rossi wrote thus in his first volume, in 1864. In the middle of the second volume, written early in 1867, he says, with reference to the same subject, that " although his guess has been very favourably received by the learned, yet it must not be taken for more than it is worth, until new and more important monumental discoveries shall place it on a more solid foundation." At the end of the volume, however, he is able to explain what was the monu- mental evidence he desired, and to announce that he had found it. He had no positive evidence either of the relation- ship between the Pomponii Bassi and the Pomponii Graecini, or that the profession of Christianity had prevailed in either family. He now publishes inscriptions, or at least sufficient fragments of inscriptions, found in this cemetery, and belong- ing to the end of the second century, two of which testify to the Christian burial here of Pomponii Bassi, and one of a Pomponius Grsecinus ; and although even now the argument has not the force of demonstration, yet it is impossible to deny that it has a great deal of probability in its favour, and im- possible not to admire the modesty, learning, and ingenuity by wliich it has been supported. We shall have occasion to return to these genealogical par- ticulars in a future chapter, as illustrating the fact of Pope Cornelius having been buried here, apart from the other Popes, his immediate predecessors and successors, in the middle of the third century. But before the making of his sepulchre, which involved considerable alterations in its immediate neighbour- hood, two floors of galleries had been already excavated and Roma Sotte7'ranea. Characteris- tics of this area. Cemetery of St Callixtus begun before A. 1). 200. filled. The upper of these floors is not one sixth of the extent of the lower; indeed, it is unusually limited, from the necessity of the case. It had been dug at a depth of not more than twenty feet below the surface ; and as the hill slopes rapidly, the galleries would have run out into the open air, had they continued far upon the same level. The general characteristics of this primitive area of the cemetery are a certain marked uniformity of plan in the form and decoration of the roof, the unusual height of the galleries, and the frequent recurrence of square, narrow chambers, not opposite one another on different sides of the gallery, but opening one out of the other. Most of these chambers are adorned with paintings of a very early style. Only two instances of arcosolia occur, and both of these are in portions of evidently late construction. About the time of Marcus Aurelius, in the second half of the second century, another plot of ground, at no great distance from the crypt of St Lucina, was given (apparently by the same family) for the same purpose. It bordered on a road which joined the Via Appia and Via Ardeatina, and its measurement was 250 feet by 100. We shall not enter now upon any de- tailed description either of this or of the next area, as their con- struction and development will form the subject of the more minute analysis already promised, and several of their chapels are of sufficient importance to claim each one a chapter to itself. It will be sufficient to m.ention here, that in the first area, as in the crypts of St Lucina, there are no aibicida opposite to one another, but five or six in a row, opening out of the same side of a broad spacious ambiilaa-iini^ like so many bed- rooms out of the passage of a private house ; and most of them very richly ornamented with symbolical paintings of the highest antiquity and importance. This was the first area of the cemetery of St Callixtus, properly so called, the crypts of St Lucina having, as we have seen, once formed a cemetery by themselves. It contains many tombs of a very peculiar form, such as are to be seen only in one other part of the whole Distinction of Arece in San Callisto. 127 cemetery ; — graves having no more than the ordinary opening on the outer side, yet so excavated interiorly, at the cost of infinite labour, as to be capable of containing many bodies. In a second area, measuring 150 feet in f route by 125 in agro, and made not long after the first, we find large crypts on op- posite sides of the pathway, lit by the same luminare. Arcosolia are here very abundant, both in the crypts and galleries. There is not much painting in the chambers, but in some of them we find for the first time traces of their having been faced with slabs of marble. A third area, of the same dimen- sions as the last, seems to have belonged to the days of Dio- cletian, or perhaps a few years earlier. If we may conjecture Enlarged from the family names which occur in this third area of St ^ °" ''^'^ Callixtus', we should be disposed to suspect that it had been given to the church by Anatolia, the wealthy daughter of the Consul T^^milianus. It is certain that he had property in this neighbourhood, and we find here epitaphs of an yEmilius Partenius, an yEmilianus, an ^rnil ... a Tulinus, and a Petronia, which names also belonged to the consul. Moreover, Calocerus and Parthenius, whom ^^milianus had apppointed to be his daughter's guardians, were buried here ; and a paint- ing here, which seems to represent two martyrs or confessors standing before the tribunal of the heathen magistrate, pro- bably has reference to their history. One of the peculiarities of this area, which we do not find in either of those we have described before, is a great variety of representations of the cross, all more or less disguised, yet still to the eyes of the initiated sufficiently significant ; but that which was afterwards adopted as the monogram of Christ's name and the cross combined (the well-known Chi and Rho — the Labarum of Constantine) is not amongst them. This also seems exactly to correspond with the age we have attributed to it ; indeed, the question of chronology is clearly settled by the dates of epitaphs found here,* belonging to the end of the third and * The iiKseri])tion of tlie 1 )eaeon Severus, p. 93, ])elongs to this area. 128 Ro7na Sottein^anea. Cemeteries of Sta. Soteris, and of Sta. Balbina, beginning of the fourth century. Once or twice we find here three chambers united instead of two, all receiving light and ventilation from the same luminare ; clearly, for the sake of assemblies, not of burials ; and although we do not see any traces of the seats for the presbytery, or the episcopal chair, hewn out of the rock, as in the somewhat analogous chambers in the so-called cemetery of St Agnes, this is probably because they were made of more costly materials, and moveable from place to place. To the same date belongs also the adjoining cemetery of Sta. Soteris, a virgin of the family to which St Ambrose be- longed in a later generation. She had been buried in her own cemetery {ccemeterio siio) a.d. 304 ; and we have already seen that the itineraries spoke of a separate church erected to her honour somewhere in the neighbourhood of St Callixtus', yet distinct from it. The two cemeteries really adjoined one another ; not perhaps in their first beginnings, but in course of time, as each attained its full development, a communi- cation was established between them.* The same is to be said also of another cemetery in this neighbourhood, that of Sta. Balbina, which is placed by some of the old itineraries on .the Via Appia, by others on the Ardeatina, and really lies between the two. Bosio and Boldetti erroneously fixed its locality as having been where we have now found the Catacomb of St Callixtus, De Rossi, following his usual guides, determined its situation long since,t but was unable to recover it. His brother fixed his eye on the ruins of an ancient building and some suspicious-looking fissures in the soil, in the precise spot indicated by the archae- ologist; but though he managed to effect an entrance, he found nothing to reward his search. At last, not long since, * The several areas of the cemetery of Sta. Soteris have not yet been sufficiently explored to allow of their being described. De Rossi has only mentioned that in the first area everything is on an exceptional scale of grandeur, with double, treble, and even quadruple cii-bicida. t R. S. i. 265. Distinction of Ai^ece in San Cat lis to. 129 some unusually heavy rains revealed a new opening for him into the bowels of the earth, and this time he was able to wander about for an hour and more in the newly-discovered Catacomb. The Commission of Sacred Archaeology are too much crippled by want of means to be able to pursue the investigation far. Enough, however, has been seen to enable De Rossi to say that the size of the necropolis between the Appian and Ardeatine roads is nearly doubled by the dis- covery ; that the proportions of this subterranean labyrinth surpass all his imaginations founded on previous experience, and fill him with amazement. It is not only of immense extent, but it is excavated on several different levels, has many large crypts, and is illuminated by shafts of grander proportions and more highly-developed architectural forms than any he has found before. In particular, he specifies one liiminare^ not square, but hexagonal or nearly so, which opens on the subterranean excavations with not less than eight rays of light. Two serve to illuminate as many large rectangular chambers, each ending in a circular apse ; two others, the adjacent galleries, which here cross one another at right angles ; and the other four descend upon four long and narrow openings at the corners, which are not yet explored, but which he believes will be found to end in an equal number of cidnciila. Should his anticipation be realised, this will be the largest and most regular group of subterranean crypts that has ever yet been seen. We must remember, however, that this cemetery was considerably enlarged by St Mark, who was Pope a.d. 336, and built a basilica here, in which he was himself buried.* * Constantine endowed it with a fundus rosarius, and an adjoining field. The Rosaiio, or strewing with roses, was a rite observed at some pagan tombs on the anniversaries of deaths, and funds were specially set apart for celebrating this dies rosatiouis vel violaiionis, as it was called. This particular fundus rosarius must have been for some reason confiscated to the imperial fiscus, after which Constantine again devoted it to sepul- chral pm-poses, but in a Christian way. I CHAPTER III. THE PAPAL CRYPT. Entrance of /"~^ N entering the vineyard, over whose doorway we read the papal I I crypt. the words Coemeterhim S. CallixU^ we come first to the crypts of St Lucina. It will be more convenient, however, to pass them by for the present, and to go forward to the more modest building which stands before us in the interior of the vineyard. Even of this, however, we do not intend to discuss the history ; we will only remind our readers that whereas it was supposed by Marangoni to have been the basilica which St Damasus provided for the burial of himself, his mother, and sister, and Father Marchi took it to be the Church of St Mark and St Marcellinus (both of which are mentioned in the Itineraries), De Rossi, as we have already had occasion to notice, identifies it as the cella mejnorice, sometimes called of St Sixtus, sometimes of St Cecilia (because built immediately over the tombs of those celebrated martyrs), by St Fabian in the third century,'" Graffiti on the As we descend into the interior, by means of an ancient staircase restored, we are struck, at the bottom of the stairs, and still more at the entrance of the first chapel we come to, by the number of graffiti, as they are called^ which cover the walls. It is comparatively a new thing to pay any attention to these rude scribblings of ancient visitors on the walls of places of public resort, and to take pains to decipher them. But of late years many valuable discoveries have been made by means of them, and they have proved to be a most interesting subject * See page 86. The Papal Crypt. 1 3 1 of study, whether found on the tombs of Egyptian kings in Thebes, on the walls of the barracks and theatres in Pompeii, in the prisons and cellars of Pagan Rome, or, lastly, in the Christian Catacombs. Here especially they have proved to be of immense importance, being, as De Rossi justly calls them, " the faithful echo of history and infallible guides through the labyrinth of subterranean galleries." Those with which we are at present concerned may be divided into three classes. Of three kinds, They are either the mere names of persons, with the occasional adjunct of their titles ; or they are good wishes, prayers, saluta- tions, or acclamations, on behalf of friends and relatives, living or dead; or, lastly, they are invocations of the martyrs on whose tombs they are inscribed. Numerous specimens of all of these may be easily read on the spot of which we are now speaking. Of the names we find two classes ; one, the most ancient i. Names, and most numerous, scribbled in the most convenient and accessible parts of the wall, are names of the old classical type, such as Rufina, Felix, Eustathius, Polyneices, Leo, Maximus, Probinianus, and the like ; the other, belonging manifestly to a somewhat later period, because written high above the first, and in more inaccessible places, are such as Lupo, Ildebrand, Bonizo, Joannes Presb., &:c. &c. Prayers or acclamations for absent or departed friends are 2. Prayers, or 0. C C 1 ill 1 1 tl 1 1 0 11 s mixed among the most ancient names, and generally run in ' the same form as the earliest and most simple Christian epitaphs, e.g.^ Vivas, Vivas in Deo Cristo, Vivas in eterno, ZHC en ©EH, BIBAC IN 0En, Te IN PACE, &c. " Mayest thou live in God Christ, for ever, Thee in peace," &c. The feeling which prompted the pilgrims who visited these shrines thus to inscribe in sacred places the names of those they loved and would fain benefit, is natural to the human heart : instances of it may be found even among the heathen themselves. * These simple forms have never yet been found on any epitaphs which can be shown to be later than the days of Constantine. On rings and articles of domestic furniture they are sometimes found, even as late as the end of the fourth century. 13^ Roma Sotterranea. Thus, one Sarapion, son of Aristomachus, having visited the island of Phyle in Egypt, writes there, that " having come to the great Isis, Goddess of Pliyle, he makes a remembrance there of his parents, for their good." Just so, the Christian pilgrims of the third and fourth centuries visiting all the holy places in this Catacomb of St Callixtus, wrote the names of some dear friend or relative, with some pious ejaculation, "for their good." Example. One of these it is specially interesting to track, after an in- terval probably of fifteen hundred years, along the precise path of his pilgrimage. He had come with his heart full of the most affectionate memory of one Sofronia — whether wife, or mother, or sister, does not appear. Before entering on the vestibule of the principal sanctuary, he wrote, Sofrania, vibas cmn tuis ; then, at the entrance itself, Sofronia^ vivas i?i Domino ; by and by, in larger characters, and almost in the form of a regular epitaph, he scratched on the principal altar-tomb of another chapel, Sofi'onia dulcis, semper vives Deo ; and yet once more he repeats in the same place, Sofronia^ vives^^ where we can hardly doubt but that the change of mood and tense reflected, almost unconsciously perhaps, a corresponding change of inward feeling: the language of fervent love and hope, fed by earnest prayer at the shrines of the saints, had been exchanged at last for the bolder tones of firm, unhesitating confidence. 3 Invocation "^^^ besides mere names and short acclamations, there are of martyrs. also in the same place, and manifestly belonging to the same age, prayers and invocations of the martyrs who lay buried in these chapels. Sometimes the holy souls of all the martyrs are addressed collectively, and petitioned to hold such or such an one in remembra.nce, and sometimes this prayer is addressed to one individually ; generally to St Sixtus II., whose name always enjoyed a special pre-eminence in this Catacomb, e.g,^ * Sophronia, mayest thou live with thine own. Sophronia, mayest thou live in the Lord. Sweet Sophronia, thou shalt ever live in God. Sophronia, thou shalt live. The Papal Crypt. 133 Marcianum Successum Severum Spirita Sancta* in mente HAVETE, ET OMNES FRATRES NOSTROS. PeTITE SpIRITA SaNCTA UT VeRECUNDUS cum SUIS bene NAVIGET. t OtIA petite ET PRO PARENTE ET PRO FRATRIBUS EJUS ; VIBANT CUM BONO. SaNTE SuSTE, in MENTE HABEAS IN HORATIONES AURELIU Repentinu. AIONT2IN EI2 MNIAN EXETAI (for EXETE.) Holy souls, have in remembrance Marcianus Successus Severus and all our brethren. Holy souls, ask that Verecundus and his friends may have a prosperous voyage. Ask for rest both for my parent and his brethren ; may they live with good. Holy Sixtus, have in remembrance in your prayers Aurelius Repentinus. Have ye in remembrance Dionysius." There is a simplicity and a warmth of affection about these Th brief petitions, which savours of the earliest ages ; they are very different from the dry and verbose epitaphs of the fourth or fifth centuries ; indeed, there is something almost classical about the third, reminding us, says De Rossi, of Horace's Otum Divos rogat in patenti prensus yEgceo ; % and the phrase, which is so frequently repeated in them, in mente habere^ points to the same antiquity. It is found on an inscription in Pompeii, on two Christian epitaphs of the third and fourth centuries, and is used by St Cyprian in one of his letters : " have in mind," he says, our brothers and sisters in your prayers ^ f nitres nostras acsorores in mente habeatis i?i oratio?iibns vestris. These nameless pilgrims made the same petition to the saints in heaven that St Cyprian made to the saints on earth, and perhaps about the same time, or not much later. For it is to be observed that many of these graffiti have been spoilt, cut off in the middle, or rendered otherwise illegible, by the enlargement of the doorway, the renewal of the stucco, and other changes which were made in this chapel by St Fabian, perhaps about the year 245, or St Damasus in 370. * In epitaphs of the third century spiritnm, instead of spiritiis, is often used for the soul or spirit of a man. — Insc. Christ., Y. cxii. t Optat sibi lit bene navigd is one of the graffiti at Pompeii, publislied l)y P. Garrucci, S.J. X Od. ii. i6. 134 Roma Sotterranea. One of those that has been thus mutilated is undoubtedly the most ancient of all, for it was written whilst yet the plaster was wet, and it is an apostrophe to one Pontianus, whom De Rossi believes to have been the Pope of this name, brought back from Sardinia, where he had died in exile, and buried in this very chapel by St Fabian. There is yet one other inscription on the entrance of the first chapel, of a somewhat different kind, but too remarkable to be passed over. Unhappily the writer never finished it ; but what he did write is easily legible, and abundantly suffi- cient to show the enthusiastic devotion with which his heart was warmed towards the sanctuary on whose threshold he stood. It runs thus, Gerusale civitas et ornamentum Martyriim Dojnini^ cujus . . . The idea present to the writer's mind was evidently the same as we find both in Holy Scripture and in some of the earliest uninspired Christian writers, who not un- frequently speak of the glory of the Church triumphant under the title of the Holy City, the New Jerusalem." He looked upon the chapel he was about to enter as a type or figure of the future Jerusalem. It was adorned and made venerable by the remains of -many martyrs of the Lord, which should one day arise to receive new life and rejoice in His presence for ever. Examination The inspection of these graffiti, then, is enough to warn us of papal crypt, ^j^^^^ threshold of a very special sanctuary of the ancient Church, and to excite our deepest interest in all that we may find it to contain. Our first impression on entering will probably be one of disappointment. We were led to ex- pect that we were about to visit a Christian burial-place and place of worship of the third or fourth century, but the greater part of the masonry we see around us is manifestly of quite recent construction. The truth is, that when this chamber * See Psalm cxxi., 'Apoc, xxi. 2., Tertullian de Spectac, c. xxx. This same writer speaks also of the M^orld as cxprcssus in onicunentHiii majcstatis Dei. — Apolog., c. Nvii. The Papal Crypt. 1 35 was rediscovered in 1854, it was in a complete state of ruin ; access was gained to it only through the himmare, which, as usual, had served for many centuries as a channel for pouring into it all the adjacent soil, fragments of grave-stones, decaying brickwork, and every kind of rubbish. When this was re- moved, the vault of the chamber, deprived of its usual support, soon gave way; so that, if any portion of it was to be preserved and put in a condition to be visited with safety, it was abso- lutely necessary to build fresh walls, and otherwise strengthen it. This has been done with the utmost care, and so as still to preserve, wherever it was possible, abundant tokens of the more ancient condition of the chapel and of its decoration in succeeding ages. Thus we are able to trace very clearly three Successive . r -1 r ■, T/- periods of Stages or conditions ot ornamentation by means of three dif- decoration, ferent coatings of plaster, each retaining some remnant of its original painting. We can trace also the remains of the marble slabs with which, at a later period, the whole chapel was faced; and even this later period takes us back to the earlier half of the fifth century, when, as the Liber Pontificalis tells us, St Sixtus \\\. platoiiiam fecit in Coemeterio Sti Callixti. The frag- ments of marble columns and other ornamental work, which lie scattered about on the pavement, belong probably to the work of St Leo III., the last pontiff of whom we read that he made restorations here before the translation of the relics by Pope Paschal I. Again, the raised step or dais of marble. Ancient altar, which we see directly opposite to us at the further end of the chapel, having four holes or sockets in it, suggests at once the presence here of an altar in former times, supported on four pillars ; but in the wall behind this platform we can still detect the existence of an older and more simple kind of altar — a sepulchre hewn out of the rock, the flat covering of which was once the viensa whereon the holy mysteries were celebrated. It was not a real arcosoiinni, however, but what we have called a table-tomb; moreover, the front of the sepulchre itself was not a mere wall of the rock, so left in the original process of 136 Roma Sotterranea. excavation, but is an excellent piece of brickwork, precisely such as we find in the crypt of St Januarius in the cemetery of St Praetextatus, and to which we cannot assign a later date than the earliest part of the third century — indeed, it might not im- probably have belonged to the end of the second. The presence of these two"altars seems to tell a tale, which is corroborated by other indications also, too minute to be appreciated without a personal inspection of the locaHty — viz., of some alteration in this or the adjoining chapel made at a very early period, which necessitated the translation of the martyr originally buried in this principal tomb of the cubicnlum ; and De Rossi's conjecture is certainly most ingenious, that this martyr was no other than St Zephyrinus himself, the original designer of the whole ceme- tery, for whom, therefore, the chief place in the first vault might very naturally have been reserved • and that the body of this pope was translated at some early date, before the practice had become common, is proved by what we have already read in one of the old Itineraries, that his body lay /;/ a c/mrch above ground, and (as we learn from another source) St Tharsycius in the same tomb with him. Original epi- Thus, spite of the ruin and the neglect of ages, and spite of onhird^cen?^^ work of restoration which has been thereby made necessary t'-^iy- in our own time, many clear traces still remain both of its original condition and of the reverent care with which succes- sive generations of the ancient Church did their best to adorn this chamber. The cause of this extraordinary and long- continued veneration is revealed to us by a few grave-stones which have been recovered from amid the rubbish, and which are now restored, if not to the j^recise spots they originally occupied (which we cannot tell), yet certainly to the laa/h in which they were first placed. An exact copy of them is given on the opposite page. 138 Roma Sotterranea. We have every reason to believe that these are the original tombstones of St Anteros and St Fabian, who sat in the chair of Peter from a.d. 235 to 250; of St Lucius, who reigned in 252 ; and of St Eutychianus, who died nearly thirty years later. De Rossi says so most unhesitatingly, and his special familiarity with ancient Christian epigraphy renders his verdict almost conclusive. The objection that has been urged against them, from their extreme brevity and simplicity, is itself a strong proof of their great antiquity ; nor do we know a single argu- ment of any weight whatever that has been adduced against the claim which De Rossi makes for them. At any rate, whether originals or later copies, they are the epitaphs of four Bishops of Rome in the third century. Rarity of It is a remarkable fact, the full significance of which has only bishops!' lately been appreciated, that neither Bosio, Fabretti, Boldetti, nor any other of the ancient explorers of subterranean Rome, ever found an inscription bearing the title of Bishop. It is true, indeed, that in the first age this title had not acquired that de- terminate ecclesiastical sense which it subsequently received. The word had been in use among the Pagans in a wider and more general signification. Among the Greeks, for example, it was used for the president of the athletic sports and public games, and this may have been a sufficient reason, perhaps, for omitting the title on the grave-stones of the first bishops.'^ By the middle of the third century, however, its ecclesiastical sense was well defined, and accordingly we find it here on three out of these four grave-stones of the Popes. The tomb- stones of St Cornelius, also, and of St Eusebius, popes and martyrs, which we shall presently see in this cemetery, are similarly marked ; and in the cemetery of St Alexander, dis- covered fifteen or twenty years ago on the Via Nomentana, at least three epitaphs display the same title. The fact that so many have been found in the same place, whereas they have not been found elsewhere, might suggest to * See im^je 65 on the lomljstone of Linus. The Papal Crypt. 139 an intelligent student of archaeology that perhaps it was the practice in the ancient Church to reserve some special place of burial for those who had filled the highest rank in her hierarchy. And this conjecture receives strong confirmation from the fact, which we learn from various sources, that the earliest successors of St Peter (with a very few exceptions, which can generally be accounted for) lay buried each in his own sepulchre, " near Care in tin the body of blessed Peter in the Vatican,"* just as the bishops of Alexandria were buried near the body of St Mark. More- over, it was an object of great jealousy to the several Churches that their bishops should be buried in the midst of them ; their tombs were appealed to as a testimony to the apostolic tradidon and doctrine having come to them through a legiti- mate succession of bishops. Thus Polycrates, Bishop of Ephe- sus, writing to St Victor, carefully enumerates the burial-places in different cities of Asia of the several bishops, " great pillars of the Church " as he calls them, whom he alleges as witnesses in his behalf t Caius, in like manner, disputing against the Cataphrygians at the end of the second century, apj^eals to the tombs of Saints Peter and Paul ; so also Optatus in his con- troversy with the Uonatists. % Hence, if a bishop happened to die at a distance from his own see, his body was ordinarily ^I'heir bod brought home, even at considerable inconvenience; e.g.^ ^^"'^ home'^fiom body of St Eusebius from Sicily; of St Cornelius from Civita Vecchia ; and of St Pontianus from the island of Sardinia. The bodies of all these Popes were brought back to Rome, though two of them at least had died in exile ; for the law dis- tinctly allowed the bodies of exiles to be brought home for interment, provided the Emperor's leave had been first ob- tained, and in the instances here alleged, the translation was * See the Lihcr Pontificalis at the end of each pope's life ; also the testimony of the Itinerary, which, after mentioning St Peter's tomb, imme- diately adds, " YA Pontificalis ordo, excepto numcro pauco, /// eodctn loco in tumbis propriis requiescit/'- R. S. i. 141. t Euseb. IT. \\. V. 24. + Kuseb. II. !-:. ii. 25 ; Opt. lib. ii. c. 5. 140 Ro7na Sotterranea. not made until a change in the imperial policy towards the Church made it possible to obtain such leave. Nor was this translation an honour peculiar to the bodies of deceased Roman Pontiffs. On the contrary, the relics of St Ignatius were restored to Antioch ; the body of Dionysius, Bishop of Milan, was recovered by St Ambrose, and that of St Felix, Bishop of Tiburtium, martyred atVenosa, was returned to Africa. Perhaps, also, this practice furnishes the best explanation which can be given of the attempt made by the Christians of the East to recover the bodies of Saints Peter and Paul. Many foreign There would be always, of course, some exceptions to the in^Rome^"^^^^ practical observance of such a custom as this, and Rome was likely to be the most frequent witness of these exceptions, for bishops were constantly flowing thither from the earliest times, propter potiorem principalitatevi^ as St Irenaeus says, and proofs are not wanting that this was far more common, even in the ages of persecution, than we should have been prepared to expect. Thus we learn from St Cyprian that sixteen bishops from other sees were present in Rome at the election of St Cornelius in the year 251, of whom two at least were from Africa, and two others arrived from the same country not long afterwards; and St Cornelius was able to call together no fewer than sixty to take counsel about the system of discipline to be observed in reconciling apostates. That some foreign bishops, then, should have been overtaken by death during their sojourn in Rome was nothing improbable ; and if their dioceses were unwilling or unable to recover their remains, we may be sure that the Roman Pontiffs would have made honourable provision for their interment.'" Hence we are not sur- prised at finding some traces of bishops, who certainly were not bishops of Rome, even in this very chamber, which we be- * It was a decree of the Council of Aries, a.d. 314, that foreign bishops visiting Rome should have a church assigned them for the celebration of the holy sacrifice. — Cone. ArcL, can. xix., apud Collect. Reg. Max., i. 266. See also Euseb. H. E. v. 24, in Jin., on the respect shown to St Polycarp in Rome bv St Anicetus. The Papal Crypt. 1 4 1 lieve to have been specially prepared as a place of burial for the popes from the date of its first commencement at the beginning of the third century. Bosio, indeed, and some others, following some editions of the Liber Poiitificalis would place the burials of St Anicetus and St Soter, popes of the middle of the second century, in this Catacomb. But this is certainly an error. In all the older recensions of that book they are placed in the Vatican, where at that time all the popes were buried. The mistake, with reference to St Soter, originated very probably from some confusion of the name with that of St Soteris, virgin and martyr, whose cemetery has been already mentioned as being in this neighbourhood. The first pope of whom it is distinctly recorded that he was Popes buried buried in the cemetery of St Callixtus was St Zephyrinus, its "grv!^^ ^^'^^^ chief author. His successor, St Callixtus, who so long pre- Zephyrinus. sided over it, was not buried here, but this was owing to the peculiar circumstances of his death. He did not suffer mar- tyrdom after a judicial sentence and under the penal laws of the government, but privately, and as the result of a popular tumult. He was thrown out of the window of his house in Trastevere, and his body cast into a well, whence it was secretly removed to the nearest cemetery, that of St Calepodius, on the Via Aurelia, which has therefore been sometimes called another cemetery of St Callixtus. Callixtus was succeeded by St Url^an T. Urban, and a broken tombstone was found in this very cham- ber, which had never belonged to a mere ordinary grave in the wall, but had served as the vtensa of an altar-tomb, and bore the letters OVPBANOC E . . .; and although it is com- monly stated that St Urban was buried in the cemetery of St Praetextatus, on the other side of the road, De Rossi be- lieves, as Tillemont, SoUier, and many other men of learning, have believed before him, that there has been a confusion in the old martyrologies, from a very early date, between two bishops of the name of Urban — the one a martyr, who was buried in St Praetextatus, the otiier pope and confessor, buried 142 Roma Sottei'ranea. I'oiitianus. in St Callixtus. The next in order of succession was St Pon- tianus, who, having been banished to Sardinia, there resigned his pontifical dignity," and was succeeded by St Antherus or Anteros. Anteros, whose monument we just now saw. He filled the chair of Peter only for a few weeks, and because he diligently sought out the acts of the martyrs in the official records of the ^ Praetor Urbanus, he suffered martyrdom before the death of his Fabian. predecessor. His successor, St Fabian, brought the body of St Pontianus back to Rome, and buried it in this chapel, where its position, after that of St Anteros, caused some of the early chroniclers to invert the true order of these two popes, and so to introduce an element of endless confusion into the history of those times. The inscription on St Fabian's tomb, besides his name and title, exhibits a monogram, clearly intended to denote the fact of his martyrdom. It will be observed that this monogram is not cut nearly so deep as the earlier part of the inscription, and it would seem as though it had been added after the stone was fixed in its place. This suppression of the title of martyr could hardly have been necessary as an act of prudence, since neither the tombstone of St Cornelius in this cemetery, nor that of St Hyacinth in the cemetery of St Hermes, observed the same reticence. De Rossi conjectures that perhaps already it was not lawful to publish this claim on the veneration of the faith- ful without the sanction of the highest authority, which, in the present instance, was delayed for eighteen months, in conse- quence of the Holy See remaining vacant during that period ; in other words, though actually a martyr, St Fabian was not * Discinct;:s is the N\'ord used used in the Lihcr Poiitificalis. The Papal Crypt. 143 at once a martyr I'indicatus.'^ Between St Fabian and St lAicius. Lucius intervened St Cornelius, of whose burial we shall have to speak in another chapter. Of St Lucius we have seen the grave-stone, where, however, his name is written AOVKIC, omitting the O. This eUiptic form of termination of a Roman name was one which belonged rather to private than public use ; yet it is found on a few Pagan monuments of about this date, on many graves in the Jewish cemetery, and is quite uni- versal in the Catacombs. Another example of it may be seen on a monument, still lying in its place in the pavement of this very chapel, where AHMETPIC stands for Demetrius. The next pope of whom the tombstone has been discovered Eutychianus. among the ^t'^/Wj' of this chapel is St Eutychianus; nevertheless it is recorded of the four who intervened between St Lucius and himself that they also were buried here, and there is no reason to question the truth of the record. Indeed, of one of them, St Sixtus II. Sixtus, we have seen numerous and authentic memorials in the graffiti already examined. He was, par excellence, the martyr of this Catacomb, and of the Catacombs generally; for we have the cotemporary evidence of St Cyprian f that he received the crown of martyrdom in one of them on the 6th of August a.d. 258. Valerian and Gallienus had issued a decree in the pre- ceding year forbidding the Christians to assemble in the cemeteries. In defiance of this prohibition, St Sixtus was celebrating mass in the Catacomb of St Praetextatus — probably His martyr- because it was less known and less narrowly watched than the (-^'ticoi^^ih^ Papal Chapel (so to call it) in St Callixtus' — when he was dis- covered and seized by the heathen soldiery, led into the city, and after judgment, brought back again for execution to the scene of his offence, where he was beheaded in his episcopal chair, or at least so near it that it was besprinkled with his blood. Many memorials of his martyrdom may be recognised " Optat. de Sch. Don. i. i6. t " Xistum incimiterio animadversum sciatis octavo Iduum Augustariim die et cum eo diaconos quatuor." — S. Cyp- Ep. Ixxx., ad Sncccssiim., ed. Leipsic, 1858. 144 Roma Sotter7'anea. in the monuments of the Catacomb of St Prsetextatus — as, for instance, the figure of one sitting in a chair, with a deacon standing by his side, holding a book in his hand, or elsewhere of the chair only; paintings also of St Sixtus, with his name appended. Moreover, a small basilica was built there to mark the spot of his execution. Two of the deacons who suffered with him, Felicissimus and Agapitus, were buried in this ceme- tery; but St Sixtus himself and others of his companions were buried in St Callixtus', where St Damasus afterwards celebrated his memory by the following inscription : — " Tempore quo gladius secuit pia viscera Matris Hie positus vector cselestia jussa docebam ; Adveniunt subito, rapiunt qui forte sedentem ; Militibus missis, populi tunc colla dedere. Mox sibi cognovit senior quis tollere vellet Palmam seque suumque caput prior obtulit ipse, Impatiens feritas posset ne \a:dex^ quemquam. Ostendit Christus reddit quz'/rtemia vita; Pastoris meritum, numerum gregis ipse tuetur." "■'At the time when the sword [of persecution] pierced the tender heart of Mother [Church], I, the Pope buried here, was teaching the laws of heaven. Oa a sudden came [the enemy], seized me seated as I happened to be in my chair ; the soldiers were sent in ; then did the peo| le give their necks [to the slaughter]. Presently the old man saw who wished to bear away the palm from him, and he was the first to offer himself and his own head, that the hasty cruelty [of the Pagans] might injure no one else. Christ, who renders [to the just] the rewards of life [eternal], manifests the merit of the pastor : He Himself defends the mass of the flock." Probably con- This inscription alludes to circumstances of the incident it founded with j-gcords, which were doubtless famiHar to those for whom he that of St ' Stephen. wrote, but the memory of which has now unhappily perished. It does not even mention the name of the Pope whose martyr- dom it celebrates, and hence, the whole history has been trans- ferred in some of the spurious Acts of the Martyrs — for what reason we cannot now determine — from St Sixtus to his predecessor, St Stephen. We cannot doubt, however, that De Rossi is right in reclaiming it for St Sixtus, partly on the strength of the cotemporary testimony of St Cyprian already quoted, partly on that of the graffiti at the doorway and else- The Papal Crypt. 145 where in the neighbourhood of this subterranean sanctuary, showing the marked pre-eminence in which the memory of St Sixtus was held in reverence here from the very earhest times, and still more, perhaps, after following him through a critical examination of all the notices on the subject which have come down to us in the martyrologies, itineraries, and other ancient monii7ne7tta of Church history. These, however, are too minute to be handled in this place. Nor is their testimony really needed ; what has been already alleged, coupled with the fact that this inscription of Pope Damasus was set up in this very chapel, scarcely leaves room for doubt ; and that it was so set up, two small fragments of the stone itself have survived to tell us. It is true that they scarcely contain ten perfect letters out of the three or four hundred which formed the whole inscription — they are the few which we have printed in italics — nevertheless, being of the i)eculiar Damasine type, it is impossible to question their identity. Next to St Eutychianus came St Caius in the list of Popes ; St Caius. and though we have no monument to produce of his burial in this cemetery, the ancient authorities have recorded it. That St MarceUinus had especial charge over this same ceme- tery, and directed excavations that were made in it, we have already seen very interesting proof; nevertheless, neither he nor his successor, St Marcellus, was buried in it ; they were both buried in the cemetery of St Priscilla, on the Via Salara. The cause of this change is at once explained by reference to the history of the times. Diocletian had now confiscated all the cemeteries that were known, and the fisctis had taken possession of them ; access, therefore, to the most public and notorious of all the Catacombs was no longer possible. Not only would the Christians cease to assemble and to bury there, but, it is probable also that precautions would be taken to pro- tect so precious a sanctuary as the sepulchre of the Popes from falling into the hands of the heathen. It would have been * Sec i);ige 93. K 146 Roma ,Soiterra?iea. Traces of the easy to do this either by blocking up the approaches by means persecution. C)f earth taken from the adjacent galleries, or in some other way; and it is at least a curious coincidence, if it be not rather an almost convincing proof of the accuracy of this con- jecture, that Michele De Rossi has been persuaded — merely by an examination of the monuments of the place, from an architectural point of view — that all the galleries in the imme- diate neighbourhood of this sanctum sandoi'iun were actually blocked up in this way, during some time or other in the ages of persecution. He can even point to the staircase in the tufa, whose lower steps were all cut off, thereby rendering the whole inaccessible. Moreover, if we accept this theory, it is at once accounted for why the next two Popes, St Eusebius and St Melchiades, though buried in the cemetery of St Callixtus after its restoration to the Christians, yet did not occupy graves in the Papal vault, but lay each in his own ciibiciilum apart. Maxentius did not indeed restore the loca ecclesiastica until after the death of Eusebius ; but that Pontiff died an exile in Sicily, and his body was only brought back to Rome some years afterwards by his successor, just as Pontian's had been by Fabian, It was then buried in a very fine crypt, especially prepared for it, of which we shall have to speak presently. Melchiades Melchiades, too, we are told by some of the ancient authori- bmied^rthe buried in another separate crypt; and although we Catacomb. cannot now with any certainty identify it, it seems extremely probable that it is the one pointed out by De Rossi, and that the top or cover of the sarcophagus in which he lay is that which may still be seen on the floor of one of the crypts not far from the Papal vault. With St Melchiades, the long succession of martyred Popes comes to a close ; and a new era opens in the history of Chris- tianity from St Sylvester. New customs are now of necessity introduced, or old ones are at least considerably modified. Christian sepulchres are made freely above ground ; small basilicas or mausoleums are erected for the purpose ; and we The Papal Crypt. 147 have already seen that St Sylvester himself, St Mark, St Julius, and even St Damasus, were all buried in oratories of this kind, placed near the entrance of the Catacombs, but not within them. Our history, therefore, of the Papal Crypt, as a place of burial, is now complete, and we shall not attempt to draw out any history of the changes it underwent, either in its form or its decorations, to fit it for its use as a sanctuary. De Rossi has given his readers a beautiful sketch of the chapel, as he believes it to have been after its completion (Plate XV.) ; reminding them, at the same time, that this " restoration " is no mere product of his own fancy, void of all authority. On the contrary, it has been suggested in nearly all its details — in some it is even required — by what may still be recognised amid the wreck of its former splendour, e. g., the bases of the pillars and the monuments at the sides remain in their original places, portions of the columns and of the marble lattice-work were found lying upon the ground, &c. &c. But for these and many other particulars we must refer to De Rossi's own work, which here, as often elsewhere, refuses to be abridged. We must not, however, take our leave of this most interest- Inscription of ing chapel without making a few remarks on one part of the hi^Ji^^is^crypt"^ restoration at least, which is unquestionably correct — the Damasine inscription. We shall find ourselves much better able to appreciate its meaning now than when first we saw it on our entrance into the ciibicuhim. Hie congesta jacet quseris si turba Piorum, Corpora Sanctorum retinent veneranda sepulclira, Sublimes animas rapuit sibi Regia Coeli : Hie comites Xysti portant qui ex hoste tropaea ; Hie numerus procerum servat qui altaria Christi ; Hie positus longa vixit qui in pace Saeerdos ; Hie Confessores saneti quos Grseeia misit ; Hie juvenes, puerique, senes castique nepotes, Quis mage virgineum plaeuit retinere pudorem. Hie fateor Damasus volui mea eondere membra, Sed cineres timui sanetos vexare Piorum. 148 Roma Sottcrranca. " Here, if you would know, lie heaped together a whole crowd of holy ones. These honoured sepulchres inclose the bodies of the saints, Their noble souls the palace of Heaven has taken to itself. Here lie the companions of Xystus, who bear away the trophies from the enemy ; Here a number of elders, who guard the altars of Christ ; Here is buried the Priest, who long lived in peace ; Here the holy Confessors whom Greece sent us ; Here lie youths and boys, old men, and their chaste offspring, Who chose, as the better part, to keep their virgin chastity. Here I, Damasus, confess I wished to lay my bones, But I feared to disturb the holy ashes of the saints." Vast number In the first lines, the poet seems to alkide to a number of of martyrs 1 improbable. of martyrs not laid together in one large tomb, such as we know from Prudentius," were to be seen in some parts of the Roman Catacombs ; and it is a singular fact that whereas both of the old itineraries which we quoted in the beginning of this book speak, the one of 80, the other of 800, martyrs in imme- diate connection with this part of the cemetery, a pit of extra- ordinary depth is still to be seen in the corner of this very chapel, before we pass on to St Cecilia's. Such a number of concurrent testimonies make it worth while to pause and con- sider the subject somewhat more attentively. It is common, indeed, with a certain class of writers, to set these statements on one side as manifest and absurd exaggerations ; and yet the language of Prudentius is precise, and an accurate knowledge of the laws and customs of Pagan Rome predisposes us to accept it as a literal statement of the truth. Prudentius sup- poses his friend to have asked him the names of those who had shed their blood for the faith in Rome, and the epitaphs {iituli) inscribed on their tombs. He replies that it would be very difficult to do this, for that the relics of the saints in Rome are innumerable ; that so long as the city continued to worship their Pagan gods, their wicked rage slew vast multitudes of the just. On many tombs, indeed, he says, you may read the name of the martyr, and some short inscription, but there are * Pcristej)h. xi. 117. The Papal Crypt. 149 also many others which are silent as to the name, and only express the number. " You can ascertain the number which lie heaped up together" {congestis corpora acervis), but nothing more ; and he specifies in particular one grave, in which he learnt that the relics of sixty men had been laid, whose names were known only to Christ as being His special friends. Let us put side by side with this a narrative from the Annals of Tacitus,''' and we shall be satisfied that such wholesale butchery of those whom the law condemned was by no means improb- able. It appears that it had been provided by the ancient law of Rome that, if a master was ever murdered by his slave, all his fellow-slaves were to suffer death together with the culprit. Such a murder happened in the year a.d. 62, of one Pedanius Secundus, who had lately been the Prefect of the city, and who was the master of four hundred slaves. The innocence of the great majority of these slaves was notorious, and this, coupled with the unusual number of the victims, created a considerable excitement among the people. The matter was discussed in the Senate, and some of its members ventured to express compassion, and to deprecate the rigorous execution of the law. It was decided, however, apparently by a very large majority, that the law should take its course {nihil nmtaiiduin)^ and Avhen the people threatened violence, the troops were called out, the whole line of road was guarded by them, and the unhappy four hundred were put to death at once. Tacitus has recorded the speech of one of those who took the chief part in the debate, and his language and argu- ments are precisely those which we can imagine to have been used again and again in the second and third centuries by orators persuading a general persecution of the Christians. " Now that we have nations amongst us," said Cassius, " who have different rites and ceremonies, a foreign religion, or per- haps no religion at all, it is impossible to keep such a rabble {conluviem isfain) under restraint in any other way than by * Tac. An., xiv. 43 -45- Rvma Sotterranea. fear. True, indeed, some innocent persons will perish with the guilty. But, wherever it is necessary to make some striking example of severity for the public good, there will be always incidental injustice to certain individuals." Nor is this the only testimony that could be alleged upon this point. We will only add, however, that of Lactantius, or the author of De Mortibus Persecutoi^um^ who was at least a co- temporary witness of what he describes, and who tells us that when the number of Christians condemned was very great, they were not executed singly, but surrounded by fire on all sides, and thus burnt together [gregatim ambiirebantnry^ This explains to us how it was possible for the relics of so many to have been buried in one grave. On the whole, there- fore, we conclude that there seems to be no solid reason for calling in question the truth of what ancient authorities gener- ally have told us on this subject, however difficult it may be, in this or that particular instance, to verify the number recorded. Of the companions of St Sixtus, and of the many Popes who had been buried in this chapel, and whom the inscription of Damasus next commemorates, we have already given a full account, nor will our readers have any difficulty in recognising St Melchiades in the priest, or bishop {Sacerdos), " who had enjoyed a long life of peace," after the persecutions had ceased. " The confessors sent from Greece," are to be found in the various martyrologies, and the names of some are enumerated by De Rossi as Hippolytus, Adrias, Maria, Neo, and Paulina. Of the remainder, their names are " in the Book of Life," but no distinct memorial of them remains on earth. * C. XV. CHAPTER IV. CRYPT OF ST CECILIA. A NARROW doorway, cut somewhat irregularly through Chapel of St the rock in the corner of the Papal Crypt, introduces us at once into another chamber. As we pass through this doorway we observe that the sides w^ere once covered with slabs of marble, and the arch over our heads adorned with mosaics. The first impression we receive from this chamber is one of strong contrast with what we have just left behind us. The room is much larger : it is nearly 20 feet square (the other had been only 14 by 11); it is irregular in shape, and has a wide luminare over it, completely flooding it with light ; yet we see no altar-tomb, no cotemporary epitaphs of popes or martyrs, nor indeed anything else which at once engages our attention and promises to give us any valuable information. Perhaps a more careful examination may detect objects of interest still remaining on the walls; but if we would understand and enjoy them when they are found, it is necessary that our minds should first be stored with some knowledge of the history of St Cecilia, before whose tomb we are. This confident statement may perhaps provoke a smile in some of our readers, who know that the sceptical criticism of the last century endeavoured to throw a doubt upon the existence of such a martyr ; or would insist, at least, on transferring the scene of her history from Rome to Sicily. Moreover, we have just now seen the announcement of a French archbishop in the fifteenth century, bidding us venerate the grave of St Cecilia in the cemetery at St Sebastian's, more than a quarter of a mile Roma S otter ra7ica. off. What fresh knowledge, then, has been gained since that time, which enables us not only to detect his error, but also to insist with confidence upon the correctness of our own assertion in its stead ? And is there no danger of later critics rising up to set aside our judgment as peremptorily as we are setting aside those of our predecessors? We hope thoroughly to satisfy our readers on these questions before we leave this chapel; but first we must set before them, as we have said, some sketch of the legend of St Cecilia. History of St The Acts of her Martyrdom, as they have come down to us, ^^"^ cannot lay claim to any higher antiquity than the fifth century ; and yet, though their corruption and interpolation be freely admitted, recent discoveries have proved that they are unques- tionably true in all their chief features, and in many even of their minutest details. We shall, therefore, first give as much of the legend as is necessary for our purpose, in its popular form, and then point out the few but important particulars in which sound criticism obliges us to correct them. St Cecilia, then, was a maiden of noble blood, born of parents of senatorial rank ; the language of the Acts is most precise upon this point, using the exact technical words which distinguished her xd.x\\—~Iiigenua^ nobilis, darissima. She had been brought up a Christian from her earliest infancy, having probably a Christian -mother. Her father, however, must have been a pagan, for the saint was given in marriage to a young patrician of very amiable and excellent dispositions, but a pagan, named Valerian. St Cecilia had already consecrated herself by secret vow to the service of her Lord in the state of virginity ; and on the day of her marriage she persuaded her husband to visit Pope Urban, lying hid in a cemetery on the Appian Way, by whom he was instructed and baptized. So also was his brother, Tiburtius. These two were presently martyred for refusing to offer sacrifice to the gods, and Maximus, the officer who presided at their execution, was so moved by their constancy, that he too was brought to the faith, Crypt of St Cecilia. 153 and received the crown of martyrdom with them. These all were buried in the Catacomb of St Praetextatus, where, as we have seen, the ancient pilgrims thought them worthy of special mention. Cecilia still lived, and as Almachius thought it best that her punishment should be as secret as possible, he ordered that she should be shut up in the Caldariuin^ or room of the warm bath in her own palace, and that the pipes with which the walls on all sides were perforated, should be heated to such a degree as to cause suffocation. Instances of this kind of secret execution are very common in Roman history, whenever it was thought desirable, for any reason, to avoid publicity. Cecilia entered the room appointed her; the furnace was heated "seven times more than it was wont to be heated;" she remained there for a whole day and night, yet at the end of the time it was found that, as w-ith the Three Children in the fiery furnace, so now with this virgin, " the fire had no power over her body, nor was a hair of her head singed, neither were her garments changed, nor the smell of fire had passed on her." No sweat stood upon her brow, no lassitude oppressed her limbs, but she was sound and whole as at the beginning. When this unlooked-for intelligence was conveyed to the pre- fect, he sent one of the lictors with orders to strike off her head. He found her in the very room of her victory, and proceeded at once to accomplish his errand. Three times did the axe fall upon her tender neck, inflicting deep and mortal wounds, but, whether it was that the sight of so young and noble a victim unnerved the heart of the executioner, or whether his hand was supernaturally stayed by the hand of God, certain it is that his work was not complete, and as the law did not allow more than three strokes to be given, he went away, leaving her yet alive, though bathed in her own blood. The manner of death having been thus changed, it was no longer necessary, that the door of the chamber in which she lay should be kept' closed ; and as soon, there- fore, as the executioner had withdrawn, the faithful of her 154 Roma Sotterra7iea. house and neighbourhood flocked in to receive the last breath of the dying martyr. They found her stretched upon the marble pavement, calmly awaiting the moment of her release, and as they crowded round her, dipping their handkerchiefs or any other piece of linen they could find in her sacred blood, that they might reverently collect it all as blood that had been spilt for the love of Jesus, and was therefore precious in His sight, she spoke to all according to their several needs. For two days and nights she continued in this state, hovering, as it were, between life and death ; and on the third morning the venerable Pope Urban — it is necessary again to remind our readers that we are only repeating what is written in the Acts — came to bid farewell to his beloved daughter. " I have prayed," she said, " that I might not die during these three days, until I had first had an opportunity of recommending to your Blessedness" — the title by which the popes were then ad- dressed, just as we now address them as "your Holiness" — " the poor, whom I have always nourished, and of giving you this house, to the intent that it may be made a church for ever." The bishop had no sooner signified his assent to her dying requests, and given her his blessing, than, turning her face towards the ground, and letting her arms and hands fall gently together upon her right side, she breathed forth her pure spirit, and passed into the presence of her God. That same evening her body was placed in a rough coffin of cypress- wood,* just in the attitude in which she had died ; and Urban and his deacons bore it out of the city into the cemetery of St Callixtus, where he buried her in a chamber "near his own colleagues, the bishops and martyrs." Body of St Such is the legend of St Cecilia's martyrdom. The history lated^by^Pas- relics is Still more remarkable and equally important to chal I., A.D. Q^^j. narrative. Pope Paschal I. succeeded to the see of Peter * The use of a coffin was very unusual among the early Christians, at least among those who were buried in the Catacombs ; nevertheless, there are arguments which oblige us to believe that one was used on this occa- sion. Crypt of St Cecilia. 1 5 5 in January A.D. 817, and in the following July he translated into different churches in the city the relics of 2300 martyrs, collected from the various suburban cemeteries, which at that time were lying in a deplorable state of ruin. Amongst the relics thus removed were those of the popes from the Papal Crypt we have just described. He had wished to remove at the same time the relics of St Cecilia, but he could not dis- cover her tomb ; so at length he reluctantly acquiesced in the report that her body had been carried off by Astulfus, the Lombard king, by whom Rome had been besieged and these cemeteries plundered.* Some four years afterwards, however, St Cecilia appeared to him in a dream or vision — it is Paschal himself who tells us the story,t as well as his co- temporary biographer, the continuator of the Liber Pontificalis — and told him that when he was translating the bodies of the popes, she was so close to him that they might have conversed together. In consequence of this vision he returned to the search, and found the body where he had been told. It was fresh and perfect as when it was first laid in the tomb, and clad in rich garments mixed with gold, with linen cloths stained with blood rolled up at her feet, lying in a cypress coffin. Paschal himself tells us that he lined the coffin with fringed silk, spread over the body a covering of silk gauze, and then, placing it within a sarcophagus of white marble, deposited it under the high altar of the Church of Sta. Cecilia in Trastevere. Nearly eight hundred years afterwards, Cardinal Sfondrati, Found incor- of the title of St Cecilia, made considerable alterations in the ^^^l'*- ^59! church, and in course of his excavations in the sanctuary, he came upon a wide vault beneath the altar. Two marble sar- cophagi met his eyes. Trustworthy witnesses had been already summoned, and in their presence one of these sarcophagi was opened. It was found to contain a coffin of cypress-wood. The * See page io6. t This vision forms the subject of an old fresco, some fragments of which may still be seen at the end of the Church of Sta. Cecilia in Trastevere. '56 Roma Sottcrranca, cardinal himself drew back the coffin-hd. First appeared the precious lining and silk gauze with which Paschal had covered the body nearly eight centuries before. Its colour had faded, but the fabric was still entire, and through its transparent folds could be seen the shining gold of the robes in which the martyr herself was clothed. After pausing a few moments, the cardinal gently removed this silken covering, and the virgin form of St Cecilia appeared in the very same attitude in which she had breathed her last on the pavement of the house in which the spectators were then standing, and which neither Urban nor Paschal had ventured to disturb. She lay clothed in her robes of golden tissue, on which were still visible the glorious stains of her blood, and at her feet were the linen cloths mentioned by Pop^ Paschal and his biographer. Lying on her right side, with her arms extended in front of her body, she looked like one in a deep sleep. Her head, in a singularly touching manner, was turned round towards the bottom of the coffin ; her knees were slightly bent, and drawn together. The body was perfectly incorrupt, and by a special miracle retained, after more than thirteen hundred years, all its grace and modesty, and recalled with the most truthful exactness Cecilia breathing forth her soul on the pavement of her bath. * A more signal vindication of the Church's traditions; a more consohng spectacle for a devout Catholic, mourning over the schisms and heresies of those miserable times ; a more striking commentary on the Divine promise, " The Lord keepeth all the bones of His servants; He will not lose one of them I"t it would be difficult to conceive. One is not surprised at the profound sensation which the intelligence of this discovery created in the Paternal City. Pope Clement VHL, at that time sick at Frascati, deputed Cardinal Baronius to make a careful examination of the pre- * De Rossi has himself assisted at the translation of a body from the Catacombs to a church two miles distant, lying on the marble slab on which it was found, without the least displacement of a single bone. — R. S. ii. 127. t Psalm xxxiii. 21. Crypt of St Cecilia. 157 cious remains, and both he and Bosio have left accounts of what they witnessed. All Rome came to satisfy its curiosity and devotion for the space of four or hve weeks, during which the virgin martyr lay exposed for veneration \ and when the tomb was again closed, on St Cecilia's day, the Pope himself sang the Mass, Cardinal Sfondrati erected the beautiful high- altar which now stands over the saint's tomb, and beneath it he placed a statue by Maderna, who had frequently seen the body, as the inscription intimates. " EN TIBI SANCTISSLM^ VIRGINIS C^CILI^ IMAGINEM QUAM IPSE INTEGRAM IN SEPULCHRO JACENTEM VIDI, EAMDEM TIBI PRORSUS EODEM CORPORIS SITU HOC MARMORE EXPRESSI." " Behold the image of the most holy Virgin Cecilia, whom I myself saw- lying incorrupt in her tomb. I have in this marble expressed for thee the same Saint in the very same posture of body." Fic;. 17. — MnderiKi' s S fat tee of St Ccciiin. An engraving also was published at the same time — a few copies of which may yet be found in foreign libraries, {e.g.^ at Carpentras, among the MSS. of Peiresc, a cotemporary) — with the inscription, Hoc habitu iiwenta est. It has no special bearing upon our subject, yet we cannot help adding that in the other sarcophagus which we mentioned as having been found by Sfondrati, and which, according to the tradition, ought to have contained the bodies of Saints Tibur- tius, Valerian, and Maxiraus (translated from St Praetextatus'), the remains of three bodies were seen, two of which, ap- parently of tlie same age and size, had manifestly been Roma Sotterranea. beheaded, whilst the skull of the third was broken, and the abundant hair upon it was thickly matted with blood, as though the martyr had been beaten to death by those pbimbaice or leaded scourges of which Prudentius and others tell us, and of which a specimen has been found in the Catacombs even in our own times,'^ and which the Acts of St Cecilia's martyr- dom distinctly state to have been the instrument of the death of St Maximus. Critical exami- And now we must confront the whole of this marvellous nation of the . . . , , ^ , . crypt. narrative with the actual monuments of the cemetery, so lar as they still exist, and can be made to throw any light upon it. We have seen that the Acts assert that Pope Urban had buried the Virgin Martyr near to his own colleagues. Both the itineraries which we quoted at the beginning t mention her grave, immediately before, or immediately after, those of the Popes. Pope Paschal says that he found her body quite close to the place whence he had withdrawn the bodies of his saintly predecessors. Are all these topographical notices true or false ? This is the question which must have agitated the mind of De Rossi when he discovered that there was a second chamber immediately contiguous to that in which the Popes Its discovery had been buried, and we may easily imagine the eagerness by De Rossi, with which he longed to penetrate it. But this could not be done at once. The chapel was full of earth, even to the very top of the liiminare^ and all this soil must first be removed through the luminare itself As the work of excavation pro- ceeded, there came to light, first, on the wall of the luminai'e, the figure of a woman in the usual attitude of p;ayer, but of this both the outlines and colour were too indistinct to enable him to identify it. Below this there appeared a Latin cross between two sheep. These also were much faded. Still Paintings in lower down the wall — the wall, that is, of the lwni7iai'e, not of the iuininaie, chamber itself — he came upon the figures of three saints, executed apparently in the fourth, or perhaps even the fifth * R. S. ii. 164. t See pages iii, 113. Crypt of St Cecilia. 159 century ; but they were all of men, and their names inscribed at the side showed no trace of any connection with the history of St Cecilia. They were Policamus, whose martyrdom was proclaimed by a palm-branch springing up by his side, Sabas- tianus, and Curinus, this last having his head tonsured with the corona usually found on episcopal portraits of that period. De Rossi had never had any reason to expect a representation of either of these saints near the tomb of St Cecilia. It will save us from some embarrassment, therefore, if we postpone what we have to say about them for the present, and proceed with our work of clearance of the whole chamber. As we come nearer to the floor, w e find upon the wall, close and on the wall of the to the entrance from the burial-place of the popes, a painting crypt, which may be attributed, perhaps, to the seventh century, of a woman, richly attired, and ornamented with bracelets and necklaces, such as might be looked for in a high-born and wealthy Roman bride, and might well be intended to repre- sent St Cecilia. Still further down, upon the same wall, we come to a niche such as is found in some other parts of the Catacombs to receive the large shallow vessel of oil, or precious unguents, which, in ancient times, were used to feed the lamps burning before special shrines. At the back of this niche is a large head of our Lord, represented according to the Byzantine type, and with rays of glory behind it in the form of a Greek cross. Side by side with this, but on the flat surface of the wall, is a figure of St Urban, in full pontifical dress, with his name inscribed. Examination of these paintings shows that they were not the Signs of more • • 1 r t • • • ^ ^ ^ . . ancient decor- origmal ornaments of this place. The paintmg of St Cecilia ations. was executed on the surface of ruined mosaic work, portions of which may still be easily detected. The niche in which our Lord's head is painted bears evident traces of having once been encased with marble, and both it and the figure of St Urban can hardly have been executed before the tenth or eleventh century. The continued renewal of ornamentation i6o Roma Sotte7'i^anea. in any part of the Catacombs, especially if prolonged beyond the eighth and ninth centuries, is a sure mark of high religious and historical interest attaching to that particular spot ; and when we add that immediately by the side of these paintings is a deep recess in the wall, capable of receiving a large sarco- phagus, and that between the back of this recess, and the back of one of the papal graves in the adjoining chamber, there is scarcely an inch of rock, we think the most sceptical of critics will confess that we have here certainly recovered a lost thread of tradition, and may claim to have discovered the original resting-place of one of the most ancient and famous of Rome's virgin saints. Here was the It will be asked, however, if this is really the place where original tomb _ of St Cecilia, Cecilia was buried, and if Paschal really visited the adjoin- ing chapel, how is it possible that he could have had any diffi- culty in finding her tomb ? To this we may reply by remind- ing our readers of the condition in which the Catacombs were at that time. These translations of relics were being made, because the cemeteries in which they lay were utterly ruined. Moreover, it is possible that the doorway, or the recess, or both, may have been walled up or otherwise concealed, for the express purpose of baffling the search of the sacrilegious Lombards. Nor is this mere conjecture. Among the debris of this spot De Rossi has found several fragments of a wall, too thin ever to have been used as a means of support, but manifestly serviceable as a curtain of concealment ; and, although, with tliat perfect candour and truthfulness which so enhances all his other merits, he adds that these fragments seem to him to bear tokens of a later date, this does not show that there had not been another wall of the same kind at an earUer period, and he is also able to quote from his own ex- perience the instance of an arcosoliuui in the Catacomb of St Pr^etextatus thus carefully concealed by the erection of a wall. Evidence of However, be the true explanation of this difficulty what this from in- . . ... i n j ^ scriptions. it may, our ignorance on this subject cannot be allowed to Crypt of St Cecilia. 1 6 1 outweigh the expHcit testimony of Paschal, and the abundant corroborations which it receives both from ancient and modern sources. Not the least important among these is the number of epitaphs that have been found here belonging to the Caecilii and other noble families connected with them by ties of blood or marriage. These are so numerous that we cannot doubt that this cemetery was originally the private property of \hdXge7is, and that the Saint herself belonged to it. There is a grave- stone even now lying in the pavement of this chamber, which seems to offer some testimony on the subject. It is to the memory of one Septimus Pretextatus Ceecilianus, a " servant of God, who had lived worthy [of his vocation] for three and thirty years," and exclaims at the end of them, If I have served Thee, I shall not repent of it, and I will bless Thy name." The names on this monument are very suggestive. The Itineraries tell us that the husband and brother-in-law of St Cecilia were buried in the Catacomb of St Praetextatus ; and here we find a Praetextatus Caecilianus privileged to have his place of burial close to that of the Virgin Martyr herself. Does not this denote some connection between the families ? so that, whereas St Cecilia was privy to the movements of Urban, lying hid in the cemetery under her own property on one side of the road, she could also obtain burial for her hus- band and others in the cemetery of St Praetextatus on the other side. Again, De Rossi is of opinion that we have distinct — we From ihe had almost said autlientic and documentary — evidence of^^'^^^ ' '''' the translation on the walls of the chapel itself If we ex- amine closely the picture of St Cecilia, we shall find it covered with a number of graffiti, which are easily divided into two classes ; the one class quite irregular both as to place and style of writing, consisting only of the names of pilgrims who had visited the shrine, and several of these, either by name or express title, confess themselves to be strangers. Thus, one is named Ildebrandus, another is a Bishop Kthelred, and two L l62 Roma Sotterranea. others write themselves down Spaniards. The other class of graffiti is quite regular, arranged in four lines, and containing almost exclusively the names of priests ; the only exceptions to this rule being that one woman appears amongst them, but it is added that she is the mother of the priest who signed be- fore her, and that the last signature of all was of a scrmiarins, or secretary. There is something about this arrangement of names which suggests the idea of an official act ; neither can it be attributed to chance that several of the same names appear on the painting of St Cornelius, presently to be visited, in this same Catacomb, whence his body was translated about the same time as St Cecilia's. Some of them appear also on a painting lately discovered in the subterranean San Clemente ; and others again in the subscriptions to the decrees of a Ro- man Council, held a.d. 826. Of course some of the names are very common, such as Leo, Benedictus, or Joannes, and the mere repetition of these would not suffice to raise a sus- picion of identity ; but when such names as George and Mercury appear, and are signed in both instances with the same peculiarity of writing, some letters having been made square, others written in a running hand, it cannot be rejected as an improbable conjecture that these men were among the leading parochial clergy of Rome, who attended the Pope in some official capacity, attesting the translation of relics in one instance, or signing the decrees of a Council in another. No graffiti of this kind appear on the picture of St Urbanus, which, as we have already seen, is of a much later date than that of St Cecilia, and was, in fact, only added as an ornament to her sepulchre, — Decori Sepvlcri S. C^ecili^ Martyris, says a half obliterated scroll or tablet still remaining by its side, — after her body had been removed ; for the crosses which appear on the shoulders of the pallium were not in use before the tenth or eleventh century. Verification \^ ygj- remains to say a few words about the history of St and correction of the Acts of Cecilia's martyrdom, with which we began. We have already St Cecilia. Ciypt of St Cecilia. 1 63 acknowledged that the Acts are not genuine, and yet we have seen that in substance their accuracy has been marvellously confirmed by all that has since been discovered. The truth is, that the monuments discovered in the Catacombs almost enable us to restore the Acts to their primitive form, by recalling the probable occasion of some of their present errors. For the chief difficulty that has always been urged against them con- cerns chronology. The Acts imply, or indeed directly assert, that a furious persecution was raging at the time of St Cecilia's death, and they speak of the edicts of the reigning piinces as though there were more than one ; yet the mention of Pope Urban fixes the date to a time when Alexander Severus ruled the empire alone, and the Christians enjoyed tranquillity. The martyrology of Ad6, however, whilst still retaining the name of Urban, adds, with apparently unconscious inconsistency, that the saint suffered in the. times of Aurelius and Commodus, i.e.^ Y\x I } seventh cen- has been so placed, in order that we may see both sides of the tury. stone without difficulty. On the one side is an imperial in- scription belonging to pagan times; on the other, a Damasine, in honour of Eusebius. We call it Damasine, because it had been published in the later editions of his works, even before its discovery in this place ; and also because it lays claim to that title itself. But everybody can see at a glance * that it was never executed by the same hand to which we are indebted for so many other beautiful productions of that pope. Whilst De Rossi had only recovered three or four fragments, he was disposed to think that it might have been one of the earliest efforts of the artist who subsequently attained such perfection; but as the number of specimens increased, he became more and more convinced that it was a copy made in a later age — a restoration^ as we should now say, and partaking of the characteristics of many other modern restora- tions, which are not improvements. In his lecture to the Roman antic^uaries in the summer of 1856, he proclaimed his firm persuasion that the stone, which he was then partially recover- ing, was not the original on which the epitaph of St Damasus had been first engraved ; but that it had been set up l)y Pope See Plate II., at end of volume. Roma Sotterranea, Symmachus, or Vigilius, or John III. (a.d. 498-574), of all of whoni we know that they did their best to repair the damage which had been done in the Catacombs by the Lombards and others. We have already quoted * an inscription of Pope Vigiliiis, in which he expressly mentions that he had restored some of the tituli of Damasus, which had perished, or at least the marble tablets on which they were engraved had been broken ; and De Rossi thought it very probable that this might be one of them. He had also, on another occasion, publicly hazarded a conjecture that the artist who had engraved all the Damasine inscriptions was Furius Dionysius Filocalus, the same who had illustrated the civil and ecclesiastical calen- dar, of which we have spoken elsewhere as being one of our most valuable ancient Christian documents. t In course of time, both of these conjectures of De Rossi have been estab- lished by most incontrovertible evidence. When all the fragments that could be found were put together, there appeared at the top and bottom of the tablet the following title — DAMASUS EPISCOPUS FECIT EUSEBIO EPISCOPO ET MARTYRI. "Damasus, Bishop, set up this to Eusebius, Bishop and Martyr." and on either side of the verses, a single file of letters reveals to us FURIUS DIONYSIUS FILOCALUS SCRIBSIT DAMASIS PAPP^ CULTOR ATQUE AMATOT. "Furius Dionysius Filocalus, a worshipper J and lover of Pope Damasus, wrote this." The inscription itself ran thus : — " Heraclius forbad the lapsed to grieve for their sins. Eusebius taught those unhappy ones to weep for their crimes. The people were rent into parties, and with increasing fury began sedition, slaughter, fighting, dis- cord, and strife. Straightway both [the pope and the heretic] were banished by the cruelty of the tyrant, although the pope was preserving * See page 105. t See page 19. % Used, of course, in the old sense of worship, i.e.. honour. De Rossi reads Datnasi sui Paper., which is confirmed by other inscriptions. The Epitaph of St Eusebius. 171 the bonds of peace inviolate. He bore his exile with joy, looking to the Lord as his Judge, and on the shore of Sicily gave up the world and his life." * Moreover, a diligent search among the minute fragments of Fragments of stone and marble lying amid the rubbish of the chamber stm to bTseen. brought to light several bits of the original Damasine inscrip- tion, executed with the same faultlessness as all the other specimens of its class ; and amongst these bits were one or two which had escaped the search of the man who attempted to copy the whole in the sixth or seventh century ; as, for instance, the word in, which the copyist entirely omitted from the third line. He seems to have been an ignorant man, only able to transcribe the letters which were before him, and even leaving, occasionally, a vacant space where he was conscious that a letter was wanting, which, however, he could not supply. Our readers have an opportunity of comparing the original Former inscription with its restoration in Plates II. and III., at the hiscdptlon.^'^'^ end of the volume ; and although the task of correcting the errors and supplying the omissions of the copyist may now seem very easy to any scholar, we must remember that it was much more difficult for those who saw it only on the stone itself, where there is no separation of the letters of one word from those of another. It is curious, therefore, to observe in the MSS. which have come down to us (the writers of which never saw the original stone) the fresh blunders introduced by the ineffectual attempts at correction made in earlier ages. The substitution of sua for sum in the second line, and the insertion of /;/ in the third, were too obvious to be overlooked ; but seditiocaede of the fourth line was dissolved into sed et loca ede in the MS. first adopted by Gruter ; whilst the word omhio, in the penultimate, is changed, in one MS., into /io/ni?ie, and into oninino in another. It is not without reason that De Rossi rejoices in the Importance of recovery of this stone as one of the happiest fruits of his [j^,^^ '"^^"l''- * Tiic orif-iiial can l)c seen in I'lalc III. 1 7 2 Roma Sotterranea. labours in this cemetery. It is, in fact, the recovery of a lost chapter in the history of the Church. The scholars of Alcuin's days, who had transcribed it, omitted its title or dedication ; nor did they give any information as to where they had seen it. Baronius, therefore, as we have said, refused to accept it as belonging to Pope Eusebius. He could not believe that the memory of so important an incident in the history of the Roman Church, and the life of one of its chief pastors, could have so entirely perished, as never to have come to the know- ledge of Eusebius the historian, for example, nor have left a trace behind it in any other cotemporary records. Now, however, that the identity of the person spoken of is put beyond question, we are able to see how admirably it fits into the circumstances of the times it belongs to ; and our readers will be interested in studying this page of ancient history just rescued from the devouring jaws of time. Its interpretr- Every student is familiar with one phase, at least, of the tion. disputes of the second and third centuries, as to the proper discipline to be observed towards those unhappy Christians who had denied the faith and relapsed into the outward pro- fession of paganism, under the pressure of persecution. The schism of Novatian has impressed upon us the existence in those days of a hard, proud, self-satisfied temper in many members of the Christian flock, like that of the elder brother in the parable of the prodigal son, which would fain close the door of reconciliation against these miserable apostates. It has brought out in bold relief to this hateful severity the Mercy of the tender and merciful conduct of our true mother the Church, wards apos- ever ready to follow the teaching and example of her Divine tates, Head, to pour oil and wine into the wounds of bleeding souls, and to welcome the penitent returning to his home. But we had not been so conscious perhaps of another difiiculty which the Church had to encounter, about this same time, on the other side. We had not watched so keenly her prudent firm- ness in imposing conditions upon her grant of forgiveness, The Epitaph of St Etisebhis. 17 3 and exacting wholesome penance from those who would obtain it. Nevertheless, there is not wanting in cotemporary tempered by records very distinct testimony to her exercise of a divinely- ^^'^^"^^^ inspired wisdom in this particular ; and the pontificates, both of Eusebius and of his predecessor Marcellus, illustrate in a most striking way this part of her character. The letters of the Roman clergy to St Cyprian, written at a time when the see of Peter was vacant, speak quite clearly as to the tradition and practice of the Church. They show us the lapsi, armed with letters of recommendation, which they had obtained from martyrs or confessors of the faith, pressing for immediate reconciliation ; and the priests and deacons insisting upon a middle course, between too great severity and sternness, and too easy an acquiescence with their demand {pi'onam nostrani facilitatem et nostravi quasi diirain crudelitatem). They say that the remedy must not be less than the wound, and that if the remedy be applied too hastily, a new and more fatal wound will be created : " Let the groans of the penitents be heard, not once only, but again and again ; let them shed abundant tears, that so those eyes, which have wickedly looked upon idols, may blot out before God, by sufficient tears, the unlaw- ful deeds they have committed : " and they repeat maxims of this kind again and again. St Cyprian, too, in his own letters, Consequent speaks of riots and disturbances having been caused in some towns of Africa by the overweening presumption and violence of apostates, who would fain extort from the rulers of the Church an immediate restoration to her peace and com- munion. After this date, we do not read of any more dis- turbances arising from this cause, until the persecution of Diocletian. That persecution had been preceded by a long term of peace, during which men's minds had somewhat relaxed from their primitive strength and fervour. Many^ therefore, fell away; but w^hen the persecution ceased, they would fain return. Marcellus was firm in upholding the under Mar- Church's discipline. He was resisted with violence, especially ^74 Ro7na Sotterranea. by one who, least of all, had any right to plead for a mitigation of it, as he had denied the faith even in time of peace. Angry passions were roused, and the public tranquilHty was disturbed by the violence of the contending factions, to such an extent that Maxentius, who had no love for Christianity, and whose edict of toleration was dictated by the merest political motives, determined on sending the Pope into exile. This history is contained in the epitaph with which St Damasus adorned his tomb — VERIDICUS RECTOR, LAPSOS QUIA CRIMINA FLERE PR^DIXIT, MISERIS FUIT OMNIBUS HOSTIS AMARUS. HINC FUROR, HINC ODIUM SEQUITUR, DISCORDIA, LITES, SEDITIO, CiEDES, SOLVUNTUR FCEDERA PACIS. CRIMEN OB ALTERIUS CHRISTUM QUI IN PACE NEGAVIT, FINIBUS EXPULSUS PATRI^ EST FERITATE TYRANNI. HiEC BREVITER DAMASUS VOLUIT COMPERTA REFERRE, MARCELLI UT POPULUS MERITUM COGNOSCERE POSSET. *' The truth-speaking Pope, because he preached that the lapsed should weep for their crimes, was bitterly hated by all those vinhappy ones. Hence followed fury, hatred, discord, contentions, sedition, and slaughter, and the bonds of peace were ruptured. For the crime of another, who in [a time of] peace had denied Christ, [the Pontiff] was expelled the shores of his country by the cruelty of the tyrant. These things Damasus having learnt, was desirous to relate briefly, that people might recognise the merit of Marcellus." and Eusebius. compare this epitaph on Marcellus with the recently- discovered one on Eusebius, it is easy to recognise a continua- tion of the same history. Perhaps the Heraclius, named in the later inscription as the leader of the heretical faction, was the very man whose apostacy during a time of peace is com- memorated in the former. Anyhow, the nature of the strife in which Eusebius was engaged is clear ; and we learn with much surprise that a strife of this nature w^as capable of attracting the attention and drawing down one of the heaviest punishments of the civil power, not out of any professed hatred of the Christian name, but merely in the interests of public peace. CHAPTER VL THE SEPULCHRE OF ST CORNELIUS. AS we leave the cubiciilum of St Eusebius we observe how Inscription to the ruined walls around us must once have shut off ^|^gj"[^g^^^[^ every gallery from the visiting of pilgrims, save only that to Calocerus. the left, where we soon come upon another double chamber, half being on either side of the gallery. At the entrance of one of these is a graffito of insignificant appearance, yet really of considerable historical importance. The words are these, te7'tio Idus Fefrna Farteni Martiri Caloceri Martiri. The reader who remembers the testimony of our ancient pilgrims, will not need to be told that he has here a probable, if not a certain, indica- tion of the burial-place of the two martyrs, Parthenius and Calocerus,* who are coupled by them with St Eusebius. If he knows anything, however, of the old Church calendars, he may wonder at the date assigned, since the Passio of these martyrs was always celebrated on the 19th of May. The in- scription which records the translation of their relics to San Silvestro in Capite, in the eighth century, names the same date as is here written in the Catacombs, the nth of Feb- ruary, for their natale. So does the martyrology of Bede, and others also yet earlier. This date, then, did not mark the day of their martyrdom, for the calendars gave another, nor yet of the translation of their relics from the Catacombs to the Roman Churches, for it belonged to them before that transla- tion was made. Can the Bollandists be right in conjecturing * See page 102. Roma Sottcrranea. that it refers to some earlier translation of their relics from one place to another, within the Catacombs themselves, for pur- poses of greater security under some special danger ? * A comparison of the statements by various ancient authors seems to require it. Recent discoveries in the Catacombs give it considerable countenance, and De Rossi does not hesitate to adopt it. He places their martyrdom in the middle of the third century, and believes this first translation to have been made in the earliest years of the fourth, when all the loca Ecdesiastica were confiscated by the persecution of Diocletian. The evidence in support of this theory is certainly very strong, but its details are too minute for insertion in this place. We must be content to have noticed it, and then pass on rapidly in search of the tomb of St Cornelius. Labyrinth con- We need not tarry by the way, for indeed there is nothing nectincT the . . , to attract our attention. We are traversmg that vast network crypts of St Lucina with those of St Callixtus. of galleries which intervenes between the cemetery of St Cal- lixtus and that of St Lucina. These galleries are of later date than either cemetery. They are generally very narrow, cross- ing one another in all directions, and impossible to be reduced to any regular plan. They observe, for the most part, the horizontal level in each of the two stories in which they have been made ; but as they come in contact with portions of different arecR^ their height is very variable. Each flat of this labyrinth has its staircase, and the higher system of galleries spreads over the whole Catacomb without any regard to the ancient limits of the different arece.. The lower flat is chiefly remarkable for the entire absence of every kind of ornament. No paintmg nor slabs of marble, no cubiculuni^ nor even an arcosolnim^ relieves the monotony of its long straight passages, which we may therefore safely conclude belong to an age pos- terior to the regular construction of both the hypogmi. The union of the different groups of independent cemeteries into This conjecture is not found in the Acta of the Bollandists ; but Sollier gives it on the authority of Pa])ebroch in his notes on Usuard's Martyrology. l^hc Sepulchre of St Coi'iiclius. 1 7 7 one vast necropolis was not eftected without difficulty, owing to the very different levels at which their principal galleries had been excavated. The attentive observer who traverses this portion of the labyrinth which lies between the Papal Crypt and the tomb of St Cornelius, w-ill not fail to recognise the point of junction, and will have many opportunities of appreciating the ingenuity with which the fossors accomplished their task. He will, not improbably, also be set on thinking whence it came to pass that St Cornelius should have been Family of St buried at so great a distance from the other occupants of the ^^'"^''"^ ' Holy See ; and if he happens to know that learned men have long since fancied that they could discover grounds for sus- pecting some relationship between Cornelius and the Gens Cornelia^ he will note this separate place of burial as a circum- stance seeming to corroborate that suspicion. At first, perhaps, it may have been suggested by the fact that this is the only Pope, down to the days of St Sylvester, who bore the name of any noble Roman family, and it is certainly a re- markable fact that this relationship, supposing it to have existed, would have connected him with the owners of the very ceme- tery in which, by a singular exception, he was buried, many very ancient epitaphs having been found here of the Cornelli, as well as of the Maximi Ccecilii. Nor can it be considered as altogether an unimportant circumstance that the epitaph of St Cornelius should have been in Latin, whilst all the (#