%tiM| < W • • MM)* \ | V-. / 3 m n hi ^ \ c t '‘■'C-jr ' n f y / •-' ■ h..h ■ ' : -' h L / 1 !'.| | I ml !] !|| |i iijiHii i !i;lil!j!l! |!! ! . ! ',i| I! |l il[i •■> .» f \ a f 4 | j: l'i|l|ii '-I: -IS.}. hit r ^/ v iC 5 i DeauT-m fro '.; oricinai Fietea. ✓ # h * CO ZAP i LSD AND PUBLISHER BY Ho?/ie Life 'Publishing Cq. v HEW YORK.U.S.A, U* unb 5Catl 0tv. WALL .Street, from William Street to Trinity Church. The Chamber of Commerce-65 Liberty Street. Tic . < oanbcl‘5:.Qaunucr — 65 Vibcvtu @tr. Broadway— Looking North -from* John Street. SBroafrinotys jficrfcli&e ftnfttfyt foil Str. Qiifl. Broad Street, from Corner Wall and Broad. ‘2?rcnt 0tr., ten tecfe SBatt unt> SSreafc. ■ b WE Clearing House Building— Cedar Street, between Broadway and Nassau St. 9d'Vfd)nunjjIiaii«5@(l!l\ite— ISetar £tv., jitnitfocn SPventn'm' n nt Siaffau £tr. I Trinity Church, Protestant Episcopal— Broadway, at the Head of Wall St. CtrlmPi fiivrf'f, ^rdcflantUctpSvnltrpaHld;— Trcatiran, am ?tnfang tor 'Hall Str. ’***•& Interior View or Trinity Church. Statue of Nathan Hale, the Martyr Spy of the Revolution. City Hall Park, near Broadway and Mail St. Statue ucn 'JJatfyan .vale, tein ffl&vtvrcrsSpion ter Dici'clution. Washington Statue, Entrance to Sub-Tkeasuuy Building in Wall St. Present Building is on site of Federal Hall, where Washington took oath of office as first President of United States. Statue ffijajfiingtpnf, Gingang jum Sd;a(;amte-=©ct’aut'C in ‘Eall Str. I Pa k k KoW Hu I LDl N( j — T hirty Stories — Park Row, between Ann and Heekman Sts. fH’l'.uitc— Tvcivu) Sti'dircvfo— *^«rf :)um\ jU'ticbcn “.’Inn unt ^eofman 3 1 r. I [l*; PER flip fc'tpj DIAMONQS S^ic h i s. ftirti ,c. .• •■ • The Bowery— F rom (irand Street, looking North. Tic 23orccn; — 9icrUtd)C 2ln[id;t non ©rant) Ctr. au6. I* Grace Church, Protestant Episcopal — Broadway, near iotli 1st. (Since SSivdje, ^rolcftantitd)4tp\|tc)jaltfif)— ®roafrii>ai), nolle 10. £lv. (* race Church Rectory— Adjoining Grace Church. $favrel ter Gh*ace-$Uvd;e— 5luftov,cnt> fccv Gkaces&irdje. The Fuller Building— Junction of Broadway and 5 U 1 Ave. at 2 .|d St. Dai gutter ©cbaute— ©voatneao uttj) 5. ?lre. ail 23. Stv. LINCOLN BUILDING IN REAR. BROADWAY. 2 ‘: BROADWAY. DECKER BUILDING. "THE CENTURY.” EVERETT hOub . FOURTH AVENUE. Union Square and Washington Equestrian Statue. Union Square unb OieiteisStatue 2BaiI;tngton3. Temple Bar Building— 44 Court St., Borough of Brooklyn Semple 33 a v ffieMutv — 44 Court Sir., 33oroii$t) veil SSroot-ltyn. Fifth Ave. Hotel. Albemarle Hotel. Hoffmann House. Madison Square— From Twenty-third Street and Madison Avenue. fOfatijon Square— Son ber 23. Str. unb 2Rabt(on Sloenue aug. Madison Square Garden— M adison Ave. and East 27 th St. SD'ablfon 0quare ©avbon ^fatiion 9(we. unb >Ofi 27. £tv. Waldorf Astoria — Fifth Ave., 33rd to 34th Sts. SOalborf Tlftoria— 5. Whe., 33. biS 34. (Sir. Aflac Soldiers 1 and Sailors’ Monument Riverside Drive and 8gth St. ©olbotcns lirb SHlttfrftbe CDiiM unb 89- 6>tr. Hotel Netherland— 5 th Ave. and 59 th St. A>ctcl OMfyorlcmb— 5. ?luc. tint 50. 0tr. Hotel Savoy— 5th Ave. and rgth -St. fpotol Snoot)— 5. ?lvo. unt> 59. ©tv. •*am wmm mm f it ill PI I 0 ' ’XiU'l riliUM 1 1 1 ! '• i j , j VANDERBILT AVE. GRAND CEMRAl STATION. 42 D STREET. Grand Central Station — 42 d St. and 4 th Ave ©rani) Central 93at)nl)of— 42. ©tv. unto 4. Sine. Vanderbilt Residences SSunberfult 2Bol)nii|}. St. Thomas' Church. Fifth Ave. Presbyterian Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, gt. TliotnaS Stivchc. giinfto 9h)t. HSvc3l>»tevtanijd). 9i6mift^silattjoHfdje3 9Bai|'enf)au3. Fifth Avenue, West Side— North from 51 st Street, gunfto 9lcenue, SEBeftfeite — 926rMt($ »on 51. Str. auS. t Thb Union League Club— Filth Ave. and 39 th St. Union Sicnflue (Slub— 5. «oe. unb 39. Sir. St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Roman Catholic— Fifth Ave., 50th to 51st Sts. 8t. ^atricf’d ftajbefcrale, M&niifd^Slatljolnct)— ftttnfte Slue., 50. uut>5l. ©tv. Interior View St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Snnevo Mnficfyt t>cr 0t. ^Satvicf’S SIatl;ctraic. *&.#»■ V ;f, rti-xi-t- .fi-xn- iri,.„,v.-- ?; -4r.y4tx4: ■ H Ml Fli-Br The Ansonia — Broadway and 74th St. Wujouia— SBroatottxrt) u»ib 74. Str. PALISADES IN DISTANCE. HUDSON RIVER. RIVERSIDE DRIVE. General Grant’s Monument and Burial Place— R iverside Drive and 123d Street, (general ©rant’S iU'enument unt> 'fievji&bntfcplafc — Miperfite Drtpe unt 123. ©ti. Bank Rock Bridge, in Central Park — near 77 th St., West. 23anf SHocf 23riicfe, ini GentraB^arf, nalje 77. 0tr. SBcft. Egyptian Obelisk in Central Park. Presented to City through Department of State in ,877, by the Khedive of Egvot, Ismail Pasha. Slegnptifcfye Dbelt^f ini (SentraP^arf. ®cv 6tabt ubermcljt buvd, baS ©t««tt,©ep«tnneiit In 1877 ron 38mail $afta, torn S»(Hm »en ««BWt«u 4 {.n»is.-» r / ^ yrew. a e t* mz r UUl«KU< 4 EAGLES’ 1 — A Piece of Ornamental Work in Central Park. „?lt’lcr"— (5tn 0tucf ^jifrarbeit im Central = 'i>arf. » • • i : 1 1 r* i • • iJ A} 1 ! - J J. V-'iW.-lr-'. V-i ■ Prospect Park— B orough of Brooklyn. 5)?ro4'Cct= t Cavt— 33orougl) ton Srooflt)n. EttMKSRDl Club House, Atlantic Yacht CLUB-Borough of Brooklyn. (ilubsUans, atlantic gjnc^t Club— UJorou^b bon ©rooflgn.