United States Centennial Commission. W Ali.'' * INTERNATIOML EXHIBITION ' ; * 1876 . Official Catalogue DEPARTMENT OF ART. * THIRD EDITION, PHILADELPHIA : PUBLISHED BY JOHN R. NAGLE AND COMPANY, PRINTED AT THE RIVERSIDE PRESS, CAMBRIDGE, MAS8. 1876. VALUABLE AND STANDARD WORKS K ELATING TO THE FINE ARTS. PAINTERS, SCULPTORS , ARCHITECTS , ENGRAV- ERS , AND THEIR WORKS . A Handbook. By Clara Erskine Clement. With many illustrations and monograms. Crown 8vo, cloth, red edges, $3.25. This book is a multvm in parvo affair. It will tell you all you want to know of hundreds of artiste, and where to find all you want to know of their more important brethren, of whom no brief account will suffice you. It is a complete biographical dictionary of the heroes of brush, and chisel, and graver. — New York Tribune. ■A HANDBOOK OF LEGENDARY AND MYTHO- LOGICAL ART. By Clara Erskine Clement. Profusely illustrated, and with a complete index. Crown 8vo, cloth, red edges, $3.25. All that we need to explain the stories illustrated or the persons represented in the pictures and statues of the churches and galleries of Europe may be found in Mrs. Clement’s book, which ought to be known to a large public. — Eugene Benson in the College Courant. THE GRAMMAR OF PAINTING AND ENGRAVPNG . Translated from the French of Charles Blanc’s Grammaire des Arts du Dessin , by Kate Newell Dogqett. With the original illustrations. In one volume, 4to, cloth, $6.50 ; popular edition, cloth, $4.60. In many respects the most important art publication which has been made in this country. Few books, and scarcely any for popular use, have been published with such solidity and ele- gance, with so much luxury of paper, type, and binding. — Hartford Courant. TALKS ON ART. By William M. Hunt. 8vo, paper, $1.50. It is full of sparkling and epigrammatic sayings ; it abounds in'wise and conscientious pre- cepts, or, if Mr. Hunt objects to the word conscientious, we will say of precepts loyal to recog- nixed principles. — The Atlantic Monthly. A GLIMPSE AT THE ART OF JAPAN. By James Jackson Jarves. With illustrations in photo-lithography from Japanese designs In one volume, crown Svo, cloth, $2.50. In its text it is a delightfully written, instructive, and philosophical survey of art in Japan. .... The result is a book of many attractions, not the least of which is to be found in thirty full-page illustrations, reproduced with all their grotesqueness and all their charm from the originals by the Japanese artists. — Hartford Courant. THE ART IDEA. Including an Account of American Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting; with Critical No- tices of Artists, etc. By James Jackson Jarves. 18mo, red cloth, gilt top, $1.75. ART THOUGHTS: The Observations and Experiences of an American Amateur in Europe. By James Jackson Jarves. Crown Svo, cloth, gilt top, $2.60. ESSAYS ON ART. By Francis Turner Palgravr, late Fellow of Exeter ^oPege, Oxford. 16mo, red cloth, gilt tops, $1.75. CHARCOAL DRAWING. Translated from the French of Auguste Allongfe by S. D. W. With an Introduction by C. C Perkins, Esq., and a heliotype frontispiece. Small 4to, cloth, $1.00. ARCHITECTURE FOR GENERAL STUDENTS. By Caroline W. Horton. With descriptive illustrations. J0ne volume, 16mo, cloth, $1.50. %* For sale by Booksellers. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price by the Publishers, HURD AND HOUGHTON, 13 Astor Place, New York, €ije fitfierjjifcc Cam&ri&gr. OFFICE OF THE CENTENNIAL CATALOGUE COMPANY AND 8. M. PETTENGILL & CO., ADVERTISING AGENTS. Between Machinery Hall and Ollices of the Centennial Board of Finance. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/internationalexh00cent_0 ART GALLERY, OR MEMORIAL HALL. United States Centennial Commission. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION 1876 . Official Catalogue DEPARTMENT OF ART. THIRD EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY JOHN R. NAGLE AND COMPANY, PRINTED AT THE RIVERSIDE PRESS, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 1876. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, by the UNITED STATES CENTENNIAL COMMISSION, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Centennial Catalogue Company Assignees of Copyright. CONTENTS Plan of Exhibition Grounds, * 6 Subject index, National exhibits 8 The Memorial Hall and Annex 9 Synopsis of the Classification, 12 Classification of the Department of Art, 13 Catalogue of the Department of Art, 15 Photographic Exhibition Building, 55 Alphabetical index of Exhibitors in Department IV, 59 South-east Section. . Main Exhibition Building. . Memorial Hall (Art Gallery). . Annex to Art Gallery. . Photographic Gallery. . Annex to Main Building (Carri- ages, Stoves). . Centennial National Bank. . Public Comfort (cloak room). . Swedish School House. , Penn. Educational Departm't. . Singer's Sewing Mach. Build’g. , Lafayette Restaurant. , Hunter's Camp. . Milk Dairy Association. , Bible Society. . Public Comfort. . Phila. Municipal Headquart’s, , Soda Water. Moorish Villa. . German Government Building Brazilian Governm. Building. Kittredge & Co. (Cornices). Soda Water. Phila. “ Times” Building. Klautscheck, Thomas & Stew- art's Glass Factory. Cigar Stand. American Fusee Co. Centennial Photographic Assn. Penna. Railroad Ticket Office. Centennial Medical Dept. Judges' Hall. Department of Public Comfort. Japanese Government. Kindergarten. Soda Water. Public Comfort Station. Cigar Stand. Standpipe. French Government Building. Stained Glass. Vienna Bakery. Bankers’ Exhibit. Empire Transportation Co. Centennial Fire Patrol, No. 2. Portuguese Govt. Building. N.Y. “World” Building. Burial Casket Building. Public Comlort (cloak room). GROUND PLAN OF THE Rowell's Newspaper Building. , Lienard's Rel'f Plans of (cities. West, Virginia State Building. Spanish Governm't Building. Japanese Building. Mississippi State Building. George's Hill Restaurant. California State Building. New York State Building. British Governm't Buildings Public Comfort Station. Tunisian Camp. Centennial Fire Patrol, No. 1. Ohio State Building. Indiana State Building. Illinois State Building. Wisconsin State Building. Michigan State Building. N. Hampshire State Building. Connecticut State Building. Massachusetts State Building. Delaware State Building. Maryland State Building. Tennessee State Building. Iowa State Building. Missouri State Building. Block House. Nokth-east Section. Agricultural Building. Agricult’l Annex (Wagons). “ “ (Pomology). Brewers’ Building. Butter and Cheese Factory. Tea and Coffee Press Buiid'g. American Restaurant. Kansas State Building. Southern Restaui'ant. New Jersey State Building. Horticultural Hall. Women s Pavilion. Gliddon Guano Building. New England Log House. Pop Corn. Cigar Stand. m “T*_ I INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. SUBJECT INDEX, NATIONAL EXHIBITS, NATIONS. Sculpture. Oil Paintings. Water Colors. j Engraving and Litho- graphy. Art Applied. Photography. Industrial and Agricul- tural Designs, etc. Ceramic Decorations, Mosaics, etc. United States 15 i5 25 29 28 55 3i 28 Canada 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 France 34 35 40 40 4i 42 42 Germany 42 42 43 43 Netherlands 43 43 45 45 45 Denmark 46 46 46 46 Sweden 46 46 47 48 48 48 ... Norway 49 •48 48 49 49 Italy „. 5o 90 5o 50 50 50 Mexico 5i 5i 5i Brazil 52 ••• 52 52 52 Argentine Republic 53 53 53 53 53 54 N. B. — The Art exhibit of the following countries is installed in the Main Building anc? catalogued in that volume, viz. : New South Wales .... Victoria South Australia New Zealand Cape of Good Hope, Egypt China Japan Hawaii Switzerland Page . 270 • i54 . 162 . 164 . 168 225 231 238 242 285 Loan Collection. ART GALLERY. No. 2 Size 365 by 210 feet. Architect , H, J. Schwarzman. Contractor , R. J. Dobbins. Iron work furnished by Edgemoor Iron Co., Pencoyd Rolling Mills. Kittredge Cornice Co. Stone work furnished by SARGENT & Co., WESTHAM GRANITE Co., CoNSHO- hocken Stone Co., S. F. Prince & Co., Excelsior Brick Co. Glass furnished by Shoemaker & Co., Ward & Co., and J. M. Albertson. Memorial Hall, built at a cost of $1,500,000, by the State of Pennsylvania and City of Philadelphia, is placed at the disposal of the Centennial Commission, to be used during the Exhibition as an Art Gallery, after which it is designed to make it the receptacle of an Industrial Art Museum, similar to the South Kensington Mu- seum, at London. The design is modern renaissance, and the structure is fire- proof. It covers an acre and a half, and is 365 feet long, 210 feet wide, and 59 feet high, over a basement 12 feet high. A dome, rising 150 feet above the ground, surmounts the centre, capped by a colossal ball, from which rises the figure of Columbia. The main front of this building looks southward, displaying a main entrance in the centre consisting of three arched doorways, a pavilion on each end, and two arcades connecting the pavilions with the centre. The entrance is 70 feet wide, to which there is a rise of 13 steps. Each of the doorways is 40 feet high and 15 feet wide, opening into a hall. In each pavilion there is a window 12 feet by 34 feet, eight in all, which will be used for the display of stained glass, glass paintings, etc. The arcades designed to screen the long walls of the galleries each consist of five groined arches, and form promenades looking outward over the grounds and inward over open gardens extending back to the main wall of the building. These garden-plots are each 90 feet by 36 feet, ornamented in the centre with fountains, and intended to display statuary. The rear or north front of the building is of the same general character as the main front, but, in place of the arcade, has a series of arched windows, twelve in number, with the entrance in the centre. Between the pavilions is the grand balcony, a promenade 275 feet long and 45 feet wide, elevated 40 feet above the ground, and overlooking to the northward the grounds of the Park. On each front of the buildings the entrances open into halls, 82 feet long, 60 feet wide, and 53 feet high. These, in turn, open into the centre hall, 83 feet square, the ceiling rising over it 80 feet in height. From the east and west sides of this central hall extend the galleries, each 98 feet long, 48 feet wide, and 35 feet high. These galleries have temporary divisions for the better display of paintings, and, with the central hall, form a grand hall 287 feet long, and 83 feet vide, capable of comfortably accommodating 8000 persons. From the galleries ( 9 ) TO DESCRIPTION OF THE ART GALLERY. doorways open into two smaller galleries, 89 feet long and 28 feet wide. These open north and south into apartments connecting with the pavilion rooms, and forming two side-galleries 210 feet long. Along the whole length of the north side of the main galleries and central hall extends a corridor 14 feet wide, opening on its north line into a series of rooms, twenty-three in number, designed for studios and smaller exhibition rooms. All the galleries and the central hall are lighted from above ; the pavilions and studios from the sides. The pavilions and central hall are designed especially for the exhibition of sculpture. This building gives 75,000 square feet of wall space for painting, and 20,000 square feet of floor space for statues, etc. The sky- lights throughout are double, the upper being of clear glass and the under of ground- glass. The erection of the building was begun July 4th, 1874, and finished March 1st, 1876. Great as is the space afforded in the Memorial Hall, the applications from American and foreign artists have proved so greatly in excess of its capacity as to require the erection of a much more spacious, building. This, though only of brick, harmo- nizes architecturally with the Memorial Hall, and is to be permanent. It stands just in the rear of the original Art Gallery, and communicates with it. It affords 60,000 square feet of wall space available for paintings, and contains 30 galleries, each 40 feet square, besides 4 galleries, each 100 feet long by 54 feet wide, and two transverse central corridors* 20 feet wide. 44 45 43 42 '40 38 36 37 39 41 26 28 30 I 32 [_34j 35 | 33 31 29 24 22 ~20~ Ts~! 19 [ ~2l ~23~ 25 Hy 10 12. 14 16 1 15 1 13 11 9 8 ’6 4 ' 1 W 3 5 7 L’J MEMORIAL HALL.— Ground Plan. A. Italy. B. United States, Gt. Britain, Germany, France, Italy. C. United States. D. Great Britain. E. France. F. Germany. G. Austria. H. Spain and Sweden. I. France. EXTENSION 1. Italy. 2. Italy. 3. Italy. 4. Italy. 5. Netherlands. 6. Germany. 7. Norway . Denmark. 8. United States. 9. Argentine Republic. Chili. Mexico. 10. United States. 11. Sweden. 12. United States. 13. Netherlands. 14. United States. 15. Netherlands. . Germany. . United States. L. Great Britain. M. Belgium. N. Italy. O. Belgium. P. Great Britain. Q. Great Britain. R . Xlreat Britain. S. Ajreat Britain. TO ART GALLERY 16. United States. Superintendent's Office. 17. Italy. 18. France. 19. Italy. 20. United. States. 21. France. Netherlands. 22. United States. 23. Belgium. Netherlands. 24. United States. 25. Spain. Sweden. 26. Canada. 27. Portugal. Argentine Republic. Brazil. 28-. United States. T. Great Britain. U. Italy. V. Italy. W. Italy. X. United States. Y. United States. Z. Great Britain. Z A . United States. Z B . Germany and France. — Ground Plan. 29. Portugal. Brazil. 30. United States. 31. Spain. 32. France. 33. Belgium. 34. France. 35. France. 36. France. 37. France. 38. France. 39. Belgium. 40. United States. 41. Belgium. 42. United States. 43. France. 44. France. 45. France. SYNOPSIS OF THE CLASSIFICATION LOCATION. DEPARTMENTS. CLASSES. GROUPS. I. Mining and Me- tallurgy. ioo — 109 no — 119 120 — 129 Minerals, Ores, Stone, Mining Products. Metallurgical Products. Mining Engineering. Main Building. II. Manufactures. 200 — 205 206 — 216 217 — 227 228 — 234 235—241 242 — 249 250 — 257 258 — 264 265 — 271 272 — 279 280 — 284 285 — 291 292 — 296 Chemical Manufactures. Ceramics, Pottery, Porcelain, Glass, etc. Furniture, etc. Yarns and Woven Goods of Vegetable or Mineral Materials. Woven and Felted Goods of Wool, etc. Silk and Silk Fabrics. Clothing, Jewelry, etc. Paper, Blank Books, Stationery. Weapons, etc. Medicine. Surgery, Prothesis. Hardware, Edge Tools, Cutlery, and Metallic Products. Fabrics of Vegetable, Animal, or Mineral Materials. Carriages, Vehicles, and Accessories. III. Education and Science 300 — 309 310 — 319 320 — 329 330—339 340—349 Educational Systems, Methods, and Li- braries. Institutions and Organizations. Scientific and Philosophical Instruments and Methods. Engineering, Architecture, Maps, etc. Physical, Social, and Moral Condition of Man. Art Gallery. IV. Art. 400 — 409 410 — 419 420 — 429 430—439 440—449 450—459 Sculpture. Painting. Engraving and Lithography. Photography. Industrial and Architectural Designs, etc. Ceramic Decorations, Mosaics, etc. Machinery Building. V. Machinery. 500 — 509 510—519 520 — 529 530—539 540—549 550—559 560—569 570—579 580 — 589 590—599 Machines, Tools, etc., of Mining, Chem- istry, etc. Machines and Tools for working Metal, Wood, and Stone. Machines and Implements of Spinning, Weaving, etc. Machines, etc., used in Sewing, Making Clothing, etc. Machines for Printing, Making Books, Paper Working, etc. Motors, Power Generators, etc. Hydraulic and Pneumatic Apparatus. Railway Plant, Rolling Stock, etc. Machinery used in Preparing Agricul- tural Products. Aerial, Pneumatic, and Water Trans- portation. Maclftnery, and Apparatus, especially adapted to the requirements of the Exhibition. Agricultural Building. VI. Agriculture. 600 — 609 610 — 619 620 — 629 630 — 639 640 — 649 650 — 662 * 665 — 669 670 — 679 680—689 690 — 699 Arboriculture and Forest Products. Pomology. Agricultural Products. Land Animals. Marine Animals, Fish Culture, and Apparatus. Animal and Vegetable Products. Textile Substances of Vegetable or Animal origin. Machines, Implements, and Processes of Manufacture. Agricultural Engineering and Adminis- tration. Tillage and General Management. Horticultural Building. VIY Horticulture. 700 — 709 710— 719 720 — 729 730—739 Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, and Flowers. Hot Houses, Conservatories, Graperies. Garden Tools, Accessories of Gardening. Gardeij Designing, Construction, and Management. CLASSIFICATION Department IV -Art. SCULPTURE. CLASS 400. — Figures and groups in stone, metal, clay, or plaster. Class 401. — Bas-reliefs, in stone or metal; electrotype copies. Class 402. — Medals, pressed and engraved ; electrotypes of medals. CLASS 403. — Hammered and wrought work — repousse and rehausse work, embossed and engraved relief work. Class 404.- — Cameos, intaglios, engraved stones, dies, seals, etc. Class 405. — Carvings in wood, ivory, and metal. PAINTING. Class 410. — Paintings in oil on canvas, panels, etc. CLASS 411. — Water color pictures ; aquarelles, miniatures, etc. CLASS 412. — Frescoes, cartoons for frescoes, etc. CLASS 413. — Painting with verifiable colors. Pictures on porcelain, enamel, and metal. ENGRAVING AND LITHOGRAPHY. CLASS 420. — Drawings with pen, pencil, or crayons. Class 421. — Line engravings from steel, copper, or stone. Class 422. — Wood engravings. Class 423. — Lithographs, zincographs, etc. Class 424. — Chromo-lithographs. PHOTOGRAPHY. CLASS 430. — Photographs on paper, metal, glass, wood, fabrics, or enamel surfaces. Class 431. — Prints from photo-relief-plates, carbon prints, etc. CLASS 432. — Photo-lithographs, etc. Class 433. — Photographic apparatus and supplies. INDUSTRIAL AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS, MODELS, AND DECORATIONS. Class 440. — Industrial designs. CLASS 441. — Architectural designs; studies and fragments, representations and pro- jects of edifices ; restorations from ruins and from documents. CLASS 442. — Decoration of interiors of buildings. Class 443. — Artistic hardware and trimmings, artistic castings, forged metal work for decoration, etc. DECORATION WITH CERAMIC AND VITREOUS MATERIALS, MOSAIC AND INLAID WORK. CLASS 450. — Mosaic and inlaid work in stone. Class 451. — Mosaic and inlaid work in tiles, tessarae, glass, etc. CLASS 452. — Inlaid work in wood and metal, parquetry, tables, etc. Class 453. — Stained glass. Class 454. — Miscellaneous objects of art. ' ■ ' ■ SHELL BOXES\%\JOHNSON & CO., COTTAGES, Yc&\ Charterhouse Works, TOY FURNITURE,m\LOlTDOlT, CUSHIONS, Etc., Ornamental Bo z Manufacturers, Cheney Brothers, Silk Manufacturers, JAills at Ji art fordM South Jflancfiester GOUITEOTICUT. f 477 BROOME ST., NEW YORK, ( 19 FRANKLIN ST., BOSTON. GROS GRAIN DRESS SILKS in Black and Colors of all Shades. FIGURED AND TWILLED SILKS for the Millinery Trade. FLORENTINES AND MARCELLINES, of all colors, qualities, and widths, for the use of Manufacturers of Parasols, Hats, Caps, and Furs. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS AND MUFFLERS, Plain or with Woven or Printed Borders. SILK FLAGS of various sizes, from 7 x 10 to 30 x 48 inches, hemmed and boxed in dozens for the trade. BONNET RIBBONS, Black and Colored, of all widths and shades. SASH AND BELT RIBBONS. MACHINE TWIST AND SEWING SILK. ORGANZINES, TRAMS, AND FINE PATENT SPUN SILKS, for Silk Mixture, Cassimeres, and for all other fabrics in which Silk is used. Particular attention given to orders for special kinds of Silk used by manufacturers. Specimens of all the above-mentioned fabrics and threads can be seen in the show-case of Cheney Brothers, in the American Silk Department of the Centennial Exhibition in the Main Building. UNITED STATES Sculpture, Oil Paintings. Sculpture. 1 Bavier, F. — Pope Pius IX (Bronze bust). 400 2 Bretchman, Ed., Philadelphia, Pa. — Jas. L. Claghorn (bronze medallion). 401 3 Caverly, C. — John Brown (Bronze bust). 400 4 Cooper, Edw. — Peter Cooper (Mar- ble medallion). 401 5 Cassett, Waugh, Miss Ida, Philadel- phia, Pa. — Medallion. 401 6 Ellis, S., Bridgeport, Conn. — Elias Howe (bronze statue). 400 7 Freeborne, S. M., New York, N. Y. — The Vision of St. Christopher (marble). 400 8 French, Daniel Chester, Concord, Mass. — The Minute Man (plaster cast). 400 9 Freeman, J. E., Boston, Mass. — A Study of an Angel. 400 10 Griffin, Julia.— Dr. Chapin (Bust). 400 11 Gerardin, G., Philadelphia, Pa. a Bouquet of flowers (marble). 400 b Basket of flowers (marble). 400 12 Granger, Pearson E., Lancaster, Pa. — Specimens of monumental lettering. 400 13 Grace, Joseph, New York, N. Y. a First Step (marble statue). 400 b Infant Bacchus (marble statue). 400 c St. Mary (marble medallion). 401 d Model of a monument to Dr. Wales. 400 14 Garrdent, A. — Wm. M. Evarts (bust). 400 15 Hartley, I. S., New York, N. Y.— The Young Samaritan (marble statue). 400 16 Jacquier, Eli, Cincinnati. — New bust of Shakespeare (marble). 400 17 Kretschman, E. A., Philadelphia, Pa. — Portraits in relief (bronze). 401 18 Kemeys, Edward, New York, N. Y. a Coyote and Raven (plaster). 400 b Wild Cat and Possum (plaster). 400 c Under the Wolf Skin (plaster). 400 19 Miller, W., Philadelphia, Pa.— Por- traits of the Signers of tne Declaration of Independence ( 56 bronze medallions). 401 20 Meynen. F., Philadelphia, Pa. — Vir- gin and Child (marble statue). 400 21 , New York, N. Y. — Gottschalk, the American Pianist (bust in marble). 400 22 Mundhenk, A., Cincinnati, Ohio. — Group, life-size, representing Auld Lang Syne ' marble). 400 23 Page, Wm., New York, N. Y. — Bust of bhakespeare (bronze). 400 24 Perkins, G. F. T., New York, N. Y.— Sir Walter Scott (medallion portrait). 401 25 Reniers, P. C., Pittsburg, Pa. Col. Thos. A. Scott (bust in marble). 400 26 Rogers, J., New York, N. Y.— Statu- ettes, groups in stone, designs for the lawn. 400 27 Rogers, R., Rome, Italy. a Ruth (marble statue). 400 b Nydia (marble statue). 400 28 Richards, D., Chicago, 111 . a II Penseroso (marble bust). 400 b The Barber Dentist (plaster group). 400 c Mrs. Laird Colyer (plaster bust). 400 d Disgusted (plaster group). 400 e Satisfaction (plaster group). 400 29 Reinhart, B. F. a Latona and Children (heroic size). 400 b General Lee (medallion). 401 30 St. Gaudens, Aug., New York, N. Y. a Admiral Farragut (bronze bust). 400 b Hiawatha (marble statue). 400 c Hon. Wm. M. Evarts (marble bust). 400 31 Seelig & Co., Williamsburg, N. Y. — Statuary (in spelter). 400 32 Turini, G., New York, N. Y. a Iris (marble). 400 b Angelica and Medora (marble). 400 c The Boy Shakespeare (marble). 400 d Model Emblematic of the Emancipation of Slavery. 400 33 Volk, L. W., Chicago, 111 . a Abraham Lincoln (marble bust). 400 b Stephen A. Douglas (marble bust). 400 34 Whitney, Anne, Boston, Mass. a Roma. 400 b Charles Sumner. 400 35 Warner, Olin L., New York, N.Y. — Edwin Forrest (plaster medallion). 401 36 Pickes, D. M. — Bronze medallion. 401 37 Rowe, Geo. A., Philadelphia, Pa. — Impressions of seals, gems, and medals. 404 Oil Paintings. 38 Armstrong, D. W. , New York, N. Y. a Twilight on the Tiber. 410 b Column of St. Mark. 410 39 Alexander, Francis, Boston, Mass. — F. Alexander (portrait). 410 40 Arnold, Miss Catharine H., New York, N. Y. — The late Dr. Comstock (portrait). 410 i6 ART, Oil Paintings. 41 Anderson, A. A. a Cairo. 410 b Roumanian Peasant Girl. 410 42 Audubon, J. J., Philadelphia, Pa. a Animal painting. 410 b Animal painting. 410 43 Andrews, E. F., Paris, France. a Child’s Portrait. 410 b Portrait of Gentleman. 410 c Portrait of Gentleman. 410 d Portrait of Gentleman. 410 e Portrait of Gentleman. 410 f La petite Leonie. 410 g Portrait of Lady. 410 44 Arnold, Mrs. Esther P., Springport, Mich. — Vicar of Wakefield addressing his Family. 410 45 Alexander, Fanny, Boston, Mass. a Nella Feeding her Doves. 410 b Settembre. 410 c Una Preghiera. 410 d Madonna. 410 46 Adams, Miss, Boston, Mass. — Head of an Old Man. 410 47 Brown, Chas. V., Philadelphia, Pa. — Wm. J. Clark, Jr. (portrait). 410 48 Brown, Harry B., Portland, Me. — On the Coast of Maine. 410 49 Brainerd, Mrs. M. N., Lansing, Mich. — “Indian Telegraph” Sunset in the Gila Country. 410 50 Briscoe, F. D., Philadelphia, Pa. — Breezy Day off Dieppe. 410 51 Bridgman, C. J., Brooklyn, N. Y. — Lady (portrait). 410 52 Brenner, Carl C., Louisville, Ky. — Landscape. -410 53 Bell, John W., New York, N. Y.— View on Lake Champlain (landscape). 4x0 54 Benton, Dwight, Cincinnati, O. — Evening on the Ohio. 410 55 Beeson, Ella L., Pittsburg, Pa. a Ophelia. 410 b The Last Toilet of Cleopatra. 410 56 Bonfield, V. de V., Philadelphia, Pa. — Drifting Snow. 410 57 Bristol, J. B., New York, N. Y.— Mount Oxford from Lake Memphramagog, Canada. 410 58 Bannister, E. M., Providence, R. I. — Under the Oaks (landscape). 410 59 Brooks, A. F., Chicago, 111. — 23d Psalm. 4x0 60 Bruecke, George, New York, N. Y. — The Discovery of America by Columbus. 410 61 Bispham, Henry C., New York, N. Y. a The Stampede. 410 b American Deer. 410 62 Bruss, Geo. De F., New York, N. Y. — Ideal portrait. 410 63 Blashfield, E. H., Brooklyn, N. Y.— “ Treasure Trove.” 410 64 Blackwell, Miss S. E., New York, N. Y. — The Flower’s Name. 4x0 65 Briill, David, New York, N. Y. — Walther von der Vogelweide. 410 66 Bunner, Andrew I., Munich, Bava- ria. — Landscape. 410 67 Bigelow, D. F., Chicago, 111. a American Scenery. 410 b Landscape. 410 68 Burton, William John, Chicago, 111. a The Irish Rocky Glen. 410 b Rafting on the Lower Rhine. 410 c View on the Hudson. 410 69 Brooks, Samuel, San Francisco, Cal. — California Salmon. 410 70 Bierstadt, Albert, New York, N. Y. a The Great Trees, Mariposa Grove, Cal. 410 b Mt. Hood, Oregon. 410 c The Settlement of California, Bay of Monterey, June 3d, 1770. 410 d Spring in California. 410 e Yosemite Valley from Glacier Point Trail. 410 / Western Kansas 410 71 Baldwin, Albert A., New York, N. Y. — Owl and Ducks. 410 72 Benson, Eugene, Rome, Italy. a Interior of St. Mark’s. 410 b The Strayed Maskers. 410 73 Beard, W. H. a Lo, the Poor Indian. 410 b March of Silenus. 410 74 Brucken. — Summer Morning. 410 75 Bridgeman, F. A. a Bringing in the Corn. 410 b Kybelien Women. 410 c Flower of the Amen. 410 d Story-Teller. 410 e Women on the Nile. 410 7 6 Burt, Martha.— Homely Flowers. 410 77 Baker. a Portrait of Elliott. 410 b Portrait of Mrs. Andrew Stuart. 410 78 Bacon, Henry, Boston, Mass. — The Boston Boys and General Gage, 1775. 410 79 Brown, W. Warren, Boston, Mass. — Spurwink River. 410 80 Brackett, W. M., Boston, Mass. a The Rise. 410 b The Leap. 410 c Last Struggle. 410 d Landed. 410 81 Baker, Miss M. K., Boston, Mass. — Azaleas. 410 82 Boot, Elizabeth, Boston, Mass. — Head. 410 83 Brown, G. L., Boston, Mass. — Sun- set, Genoa. 410 84 Boughton, Geo. H., Philadelphia, Pa. — Going to Seek his Fortune. 410 85 Birch, Thomas, Philadelphia, Pa. a North-easter in Mid-ocean. 410 b Coast Scene. 410 c Perry’s Victory. 410 86 Burnes, C. M., Philadelphia, Pa. — The Power Behind the Throne. 410 87 Blois, F. B. de, Boston, Mass. a Winter Morning, Lincola, Italy. 410 b October Day. 410 88 Bartlett, G. H., Boston, Mass, unchurch Door. 410 b Leaf. 410 89 Beard, J. H. a “ Many a slip,” etc. 410 b Attorney and his Client. 410 c Out all Night. 410 90 Billings, E. T., Boston, Mass. a Wendell Phillips. 410 b Wheelwright Shop. 41® 91 Christens en, C. C. A., Ephraim, Utah. — Mormon Emigrants crossing the Plains with Handcarts 410 UNITED STATES J 7 Oil Paintings. 92 Cardozo, Thomas de, New York, N. Y. a Portrait. 410 b Portrait. 410 93 Cole, J. Foxcroft, Boston, Mass. a Pastoral Scene in Normandy. 410 b Landscape and Cattle. 410 c Coast of Normandy. 410 d Midnight in Melrose. 410 94 Craig, Thos. B., Philadelphia, Pa. — Indian Summer. 410 95 Culverhouse, J. M., Philadelphia, Pa. a Excursion by Torch and Moonlight. 410 b Market Scene by Candle and Moonlight. 410 96 Carlin, John, New York, N. Y. — Ig- nis Fatuus, the Symbol of Pleasure. 410 97 Cole, Thomas. a The Cross and the World. 410 1. The Start in Life. 410 b The Cross and the World. 410 2. Adversity. 410 c The Cross and the World. ' 410 3. Triumph of the Cross. 410 98 Cameron, Miss Kate, Paris, France. — Italian Girl. 410 99 Currier, I. F., Munich, Bavaria. — Study of a Head. 410 100 Catlin, George. — Indian Pictures (a collection). 410 101 Casilear,J.W., New York, N.Y. a Twilight, Catskill Mountains. 410 b Lake George, from Sabbath Day Point. 410 c Wooded Stream. 410 102 Colman, Sami., New York, N.Y. a The Merchant of Laghouat. 410 b Twilight on the Western Plains. 410 103 Crano, F. F. de, Philadelphia, Pa. — The Celestial Model. 410 104 Creifelds, Richard, Munich, Bava- ria. — Study. 410 105 Chase, Frank R., Smyrna, Mich. — Gen. U. S. Grant (portrait). 410 106 Cropsey, J. F. a Old Mill. 410 b Church, Isle of Wight. 410 c Italy. 410 107 Collyer, Vincent.— Columbia River, Cascade Mountains. 410 108 Clowes, C. M., New Yoik, N. Y.— Cattle. 410 109 Champney, Benj., Boston, Mass. a Artists’ Brook, North Conway, Mass. 410 b Old Willows at Manchester, Mass. 410 c At Glenora, New York. 410 110 Cabot, Ed. C., Boston, Mass. a Pudding-Stone Boulder. 410 b Baker’s Road. 410 c Woods at Beverly Farm. 410 111 Champney, J. W., Boston, Mass. a Your Good Health. 410 b Grandma's Pet. 410 c “ Speak, Sir.” 410 d “ Don’t Touch.” 410 112 Cobb, Darius, Boston, Mass. — Cyrus Cobb (portrait). 410 113 Chan, Will M., Munich, Bavaria. a Portrait. 4x0 b Study of a Head. 410 114 Couran, Mrs.— French Village. 410 115 Dart, M. — Portrait. 410 116 Dahlgreen, Carl, Salt Lake City, Utah. — Early Morning View of Ophir Mining Camp, East Canyon, Utah. 410 117 De Voe, W. M., Urbana, O.- Hon. Rufus P. Spalding (portrait). 410 118 Durand, A. B., New York, N. Y. a Gouverneur Kemble (portrait). 410 b il Pappagallo, ideal head. 410 c Declaration of Independence. 410 d Ariadne. 410 e Musidora. 410 f Three portraits. 410 g Studies from nature. 410 h Kaaterskill Clove. 410 119 Deming, Miss Charlotte, New York, N. Y. — Salutation of 1876. 410 120 Dougherty, Edw. D., Philadelphia, Pa. — Tennessee. 410 121 Dielman, Frederick, Munich, Ba- varia. — Study. 410 122 Dolph, I. H., New York, N. Y. a The Antiquarian. 410 b Returning from Pasture. 410 123 Drexler. A., New York, N. Y. — Scene from “ King Lear.” 410 . 124 Doolittle, Edwin S., New York, N. Y. a Prayer to the Virgin. 410 b Soliloquy. 410 125 DeGolier, Miss K. E., New York, N. Y. a Glimpse of the Meadow. 410 b Fleur-de-lis.- 410 126 DeHaas, William F., New York, N. Y. a On Conception Bay, Newfoundland. 410 b Off Guidi-Vidi near St. Johns, New- foundland. 410 c St. Mathew. 410 127 DeHaas, M. F. H., New York, N. Y. a Brig Hove-to for a Pilot. 410 b Drifted Ashore in a Fog. 410 c Moonrise at Sunset. 410 128 Du Bois, Charles E., New York, N.Y. — Willows at East Hampton. 410 129 Dirkson, Frank, Peoria, Ills. a City of Peoria, Ills. 410 b City of Galesburg, Ills. 410 c City of Burlington, Iowa. 410 130 De Luce. — A Dish for my Lord’s Supper. 410 131 Darrah, S. T., Boston, Mass. a Sundown. 410 b Lake Champlain. 410 132 Daniels, G. F., Boston, Mass. — Crown Point and the Narrows, Lake Champlain. 4x0 133 Earle, John, Pittsburg, Pa. — Mag- dalene. 4 IO 134 Elliott, Charles L. — Edwin Forrest (portrait). 4IO 135pEakins, Thomas, Philadelphia, a Lady’s Portrait. 410 b Dr. Rand. 41c c Chess Players. 410 136 Evans, De Scott, Cleveland, Ohio. — Miss Effie E. Ellsler (portrait). 410 137 Elkins, Henry A., Chicago, 111. — Shasta, an extinct Volcano in Cali- fornia. 410 138 Evans, B. R., Philadelphia, Pa. — Temple of Horror. 410 i8 ART Oil Paintings. 139 Ewell, D. Jerome, Boston, Mass. a Port of Antwerp. 410 b Downs near Ostend. 410 140 Enneking, Jno. E., Boston, Mass. — Moonlight on the Canal della Guidecca, Venice. 4x0 141 Fitch, John L., New York, N. Y.— In the Woods. 410 142 Fisher, F. J., Washington, D. C. — Christ Lamenting over Jerusalem. 410 143 Feldman, Chas., Philadelphia, Pa. — Natural Birds. 410 144 Fassitt, Mrs. C. A., Washington, D.C. — Chief-Justice Waite (portrait). 4x0 145 Furness, Horace Howard, Phila- delphia, Pa. a Rev. Dr. Furness (portrait) 410 b Portrait. 410 c Portrait. 410 d Portrait. 410 e Portrait. 410 f El Majo. 410 146 Frenchard, Edw., New York, N. Y. — “ The stormy waves dashed high on a rock-bound coast.” 410 147 Fletcher, Vincent. — Washington’s Triumphant Entry into New York. 410 148 Farris, W. A., Oil City, Pa. — Even- ing (landscape). 410 149 Ford, Henry C., Chicago, 111. — Forest Interior. 410 159 Flagg, Jared B., New York. a Commodore Vanderbilt (portrait). 410 b Ideal Figure Picture. 410 c Picture of a Lady. 410 151 Flug, Anton, Chicago, 111. — Flight of Aurora. 410 152 Flagg, Henry C., Millburn, N.J. — Evening before the Deluge. 410 153 Farrer, Henry, New York, N. Y. a The Old House on the Hill at Twilight. 410 b The Highlands of the Hudson. 410 c A Windy Day, L. I. 410 d Sunrise on the East River. 410 e White Head Cliff, Coast of Maine. 410 f Afternoon on the Staten Island Shore. 410 154 Fowler, Trevor T., Philadelphia, Pa. — A Young Friend. 410 155 , New York, N. Y. — Evange- line. 410 156 Fenn, S. H. a Old Convent Gate. 410 b Old Fireplace. 410 c Study of Boats. 410 157 Fisher, Ellen. — Am. Velvet Leaf. 410 158 Fabronius, D. C., Boston, Mass. a Artist (portrait). 410 b Duchess of Edinburgh (portrait). 410 c Baby (portrait). 410 159 Guthers, Carl, St. Louis, Mo. a Awakening Spring. 410 b Ecce Homo. 410 160 Guy, S. J., New York, N. Y.— Sup- plication. 410 161 Gay, W. Allen, Boston, Mass.— Wind Mills of Deft Haven, Holland. 410 162 Gay, Walter, Boston, Mass. — Fall Flowers. 410 163 Gunnison, Miss Maria D., New York, N. Y. — Waiting for her Play- mates. 410 164 Gignoux, R. — Landscape. 410 165 Galvan, I. Ernest, Philadelphia, Pa. a Red Riding Hood. 410 b Portrait. 410 166^ Galvan, Mrs. S. M., Philadelphia, a Study of Flowers. 4x0 b Study of Flowers. 410 167 Granbey, Miss Henrietta A., New York, N. Y. — Autumn Flowers. 410 168 Granbey, Miss Virginia, New York, N. Y. — Spring Flowers. 410 169 Gookins, J. F., Chicago, Ills. a Seeing the Bogies. 410 b Fete Day in Fairyland. 410 c A New Dynasty. 410 d Nemesis — An Episode of the Desert. 410 170 Gregori, Luigi, Chicago, 111.— Mon- tezuma, a Young Apache. 410 171 Grdene, E. D. E., New York, N. Y. — Repose. 410 172 Guerber, S. L., New York, N. Y. — Pilgrims on their Way to Rome. 410 173 Galland, A. Hawley, New York, N. Y. — The Trio in Mischief. 410 174 Greatorex, Mrs. Eliza, New York, N. Y. — Five Studies of the Old Churches and Houses of Old New York. 410 175 Gogler, Louis, New York, N. Y. a Peacock from Life. 410 b Fruits and Flowers. 410 176 Granger, Florence, New York, N. Y. — Oil Painting. 410 177 Grayon, C. P., Philadelphia, Pa.— Sunset, Block Island, Hauling the Seine. 410 178 Gifford, R. S., New York, N. Y. a A Twilight in the Adirondacks. 410 b Sunrise on the Seashore. 410 c Shrewsbury River, Sandy Hook. 410 d Brown River. 410 e San Giorgio, Venice. 410 f Pallanza, Lago Maggiore. 410 g Fishing-boats of the Adriatic. 410 h Sta Maria delle Salute. 410 £ Monte Ferro, Lago Maggiore. 410 k On the Nile. 410 l Lake Geneva. 410 m The Golden Hour. 410 179 Graham, Wm., Rome, Italy. a Column of St. Mark’s, Venice, Morning effect. 410 b View of Lone Mountain, near San Fran cisco, Cal. 410 c Campo S. Giovanni, Venice. 410 180 Graves, Miss L. P., New Haven, Conn. — Flowers. 181 Gray, Henry Peters, New N. Y. a Evening. b Solitaire. c The Wages of War. d The Apple of Discord. e Models from Cadore. 182 Gunnington, Miss 410 York, 410 410 410 410 410 Philadelphia, Pa. — Captain Gunnington (portrait). 410 183 Gardener, E. J., Philadelphia, Pa.— Mignon. 410 184 Gay, Edw. — Late afternoon near Albany. 410 185 Green, F. W., Cleveland, Ohio. — The Poor Relations. 410 186 Galinde, R. E., Philadelphia, Pa. — Arabesque Design. 410 * BEAUTIFUL GOODS. We apply this design to Cups and Saucers, Vases, Goblets, Pitchers, Tea Sets, etc., etc. Mugs, 45 cts. to $1.00 each. Cups and Saucers 50 cts. to $1.50. Literal discounts o the trade. FOR S-A-IiE ZEB'Y' See also our “Centennial Eagle Pitcher/' designed ex- pressly for us by the well known house of Cope- land Sc Sons, of Staffordshire, which we have in Majolica, Pa- rian, Stone, and Ivory bodies. James M. Shaw S Co., (OF NEW YORK,) jSt 81 ore under TJniied Binies JBoiel, Adjoining Centennial Grounds, IFIEaiXIli iLDELPHIil, BAILEY’S CELEBRATED PURE RYE WHISKEY. lEHTTIE'H' & CHRIST, SOLE PROPRIETORS, 121 Jiorth Third St, Philadelphia. Dealers are cordially invited to call or write for price-list. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE is Celebrated Venetian Liniment TWENTY-NINE YEARS BEFORE THE PUBLIC. Warranted to cure Colic, Diarrhoea, Spasms, and Vomiting, taken internally, and Croup, Chronic Rheumatism, Cuts, Bruises, Insect Stings, Sore Throats, Toothache, Old Sores, and Pains in the Back, Chest, and Limbs, externally. IT HAS NEVER FAILED, NOE HAS ONE BOTTLE BEEN RETURNED, ALTHOUGH MILLIONS ARE SOLD ANNUALLY. No one once using it is ever without it. $1000 REWARD Has for years been offered for any certificate which he has published in the news papers or on his circulars proving false ! ! No one should go to sea without it. It cures sea-sickness ; and a few drops put in a tumbler of water entirely corrects the impurities, and makes it invaluable on land as on the sea. Thousands of certificates can be seen at the Depot, 10 PARK PLACE, NEW YORK. Sold by all Druggists. Price, SO Cents and One Dollar. UNITED STATES 19 Oil Paintings. 187 Goodes, Edward A., Philadelphia, Pa. a Loch Katrine. 410 b “ It still waves,” One Country and One Flag. 410 c “Sons of Freedom.” Rising of the Colonies. 410 188 Gerry, Samuel L., Boston, Mass.— American Tourists. 410 189 Gudin, T. — Marine view. 410 190 Horn, Harriet E. Van V., Jersey City, N. J. — On the Boquet River, Essex Co., N. Y. 410 191 Harrison, Miss Harriet N., Sage College, N. Y. a Water Lilies. 410 b Drake on a Log. 410 c Pride. 410 d “ ’Twas ever thus from childhood’s hour.” — Moore. 410 e We’re all Free. 410 192 Homer, Winslow, New York, N. Y. a Snap the Whip. 410 b The American Type. 410 193 Hoesslin, George, Munich, Ba- varia. a Portrait head. 410 b Portrait head. 410 194 Haight, Henry J., New York, N. Y. a Tekaharawa Glen, Cherry Valley, N. Y. 410 b Assassination of Lieut. Wormwood by Brandt. 410 195 Harnett, Wm., New York, N. Y.— Fruit. 410 196 Harrison, Henry, Jersey City, N. J. a Governor Bedle (portrait). 410 b Miss Belle Dodd (portrait). 410 197 Henning, H. D. A., Baltimore, Md. — Happy Days in the Valley of Nysa. 410 198 Hope, James, Watkins, N. Y. — Rainbow Falls, Watkins’ Glen. 4x0 199 Herzog, H., Philadelphia, Pa. a Norwegian Waterfall. 410 b Sentinel Rock and Union Point, Yosem- ite, California. 410 200 Hall, Cyrenius, Chicago, 111 .— Beg- gar Children. 410 201 Holmer, Phil. H., Gardiner, Maine. — Early Summer in New England. 410 202 Hepburn, William, Brooklyn, N. Y. a Peace and Felicity. 410 b Reposing. 410 203 Hayward, H. D., Waukegan, 111 . — Portrait. 410 204 Heade, M. I., New York, N. Y. a Off the California Coast. 410 b Flowers. 410 205 Hirst, Miss Claude R., Cincin- nati, Ohio.- — The Rival Lovers. 410 206 Howell, Mrs. J. R., Buffalo, N. Y. . a Portrait. 410 b Flower Piece. 410 207 Hamilton, H., Buffalo, N. Y.— The Valley of Fountains. 410 208 Hopkins, Robert, Detroit, Mich. — Loch Katrine. 410 209 Hetzel, Geo., Pittsburg, Pa.— For- est Scene in Pennsylvania. 410 210 Hynemann, Herman N., Philadel- phia, Pa. — In the Lauterbrunnen Val- ley. 410 211 Hackett, Clara C., Jamaica, N. Y. — Hackett in the Character of Rip Van Winkle (portrait). 410 212 Haseltine, Wm. S., Rome, Italy. a Natural Arch at Capri. 410 b Moonrise, Ruins of a Roman Theatre at Taormina, in Sicily. 410 213 Hill, Thomas, San Francisco, Cal. a Donner Lake, from Western Summit of Sierras. 410 b Yosemite Valley. 410 c Home of the Eagle. 410 214 Hillyer, H. L., Washington, D. C. — Clearing up the Homestead. 410 215 Heaton, A. G., New York, N. Y. — Washington as Ambassador. 410 216 Harris, Philip S., Brooklyn, N. a Wm. M. Evarts (portrait). 410 b Miss Ada F. Harris (portrait). 4x0 217 Healy, George P. A., Paris, France. a Portrait. 410 b Portrait. 410 c Portrait. 410 d Portrait. 410 218 Haskell, Sarah E., Syracuse. N. Y. a Rufus Choate (portrait). 410 b Horace Greeley (portrait). 410 c Charles Sumner (portrait). 410 219 Hopps, H. H. H., Sedalia, Mo.— St.Orgueil Castle, Old Jersey, France. 410 220 Holbrook. — Portrait. 410 221 Hunt. — Portrait. 410 222 Hart, Jas. M.— Cattle and Land- scape. 4.T0 223 Huntington, Danl., New York, N.Y. a Portrait. 410 b Philosophy and Art. 410 c Sowing the Word. 410 d Lake George. 410 e Lady (portrait). 410 f Titian and Charles V. 410 g Geo. F. Trimble (portrait). 410 224 Hubbard. a Coming Storm. 410 b Adirondacks. 410 c Early afternoon. 410 225 Harterick, H.— American Cedar Forest. 410 226 Henshelwood, C. B. & R. — Pet Lamb. 410 227 Henry, E. L. a Taking a Night-cap. 410 b Old Clock. 410 c Morning Call in 1800. 410 228 Hicks, Thos., New York, N. Y. a Portrait. 410 b Jno. F. Gray, M. D. (portrait). 410 c General Meade (portrait). 410 229 Hicks, Thomas.— Mrs. MacDaniel (portrait). 410 230 Hinckley, T. H., Boston, Mass. — End of Chase. 410 231 Higgins, Geo. F., Boston, Mass. — Forest Interior, Adirondacks. 4x0 232 Hale, Ellen D., Boston, Mass. — Boy Reading. 410 20 ART Oil Paintings. 233 Handy.— Young Samaritan. 410 234 Horton, E. W., Boston, Mass.- Double Poppies and Oats. 410 235 Hyatt, Miss D., Boston, Mass.— “ Stocks down.” 410 236 Hunt, Wm. M., Boston, Mass. a Drummer Boy. 410 b The Boot Black. 410 237 Inman, Henry. — Portrait of the late Jas. H. Hackett in the character of Rip Van Winkle. 410 238 Insley, Albert, New York, N. Y. a Castle William. 410 b On the Hudson. 410 239 Irving, J. B. a Cardinal Wc olsey. b Bookworm. c The End of the Game. 410 410 410 240 Johnson, David, New York, N. Y. a Old Man of the Mountain. Franconia Notch, N. H. 410 b Brook Study. Warv/ick, Orange Co., N. Y. 410 c Night on the Housatonic. 410 241 Jones, H. Bolton, Baltimore, Md. — Tne Ferry Inn (landscape). 410 242 Jerome, E. G., Hartford, Ct.— “ Honor the Brave.” 410 243 Johns, Clarence M., Pittsburg, Pa. “To Tubal Cain came many a one. And each one prayed For a strong steel blade.” — Mackay. 410 244 John, Joseph, Philadelphia, Pa. — Awaiting a Cnance. . 410 245 James, Fred., Philadelphia, Pa.— Interior of American Smoking-Car. 410 246 Julio, E. B. D., New Orleans, Da. — Sugar-Cane Cutting and Loading. 410 247 Jarvis, M., Boston, Mass. — Por- trait. 410 248 Johnson, Frost, New York, N. a Street Scene — “A Thirsty Party. ” 410 b Good-night. 410 249 Johnson, Eastman, New York, N. Y. a Catching the Bee. 4x0 b Milton and his Daughters. 410 c Bo-Peep. 410 d What the Sea says. 410 e The Husking Bee. 410 f Kentucky Home. 410 g Sabbath Morning. 410 250 Jones, A. — Feeding Dolly. 410 251 Johnson, J. L. — String of Onions. 410 252 Kollock, M., New York, N. Y. a Early Morning in the Mountains. 410 b Midsummer’s Day in the Mountains.. 410 253 Kensett, J. F. — New Hampshire Scenery, Conway Valley. 410 254 Knocke, Wm. C>, Chicago, 111. a The Captive brought into, an Indian Vil- lage. 4x0 b Falling Springs, Va. 410 c Portraits. 410 255 Kappes, Alfred, New York, N. Y. — Waiting. 410 256 King, Geo. W., Philadelphia, Pa. — Our Country “ Peace.” 4x0 257 Kendrick, D. T., Boston, Mass.— Foggy Day at the Beach. 410 258 Kester, H., Mount Vernon, Ohio. a Farragut at Mobile. 410 b Blind Piper. 410 c Chief-Justice Chase (portrait). 410 259 Kelley, Mrs. I. W., Adrian, Mich. a Portrait. 410 b An Unexpected Meeting. 410 260 Kaufmann, Theodore, Washing- ton, D. C. a First Chapter of American History, a series of ten paintings. 410 b Electricity an Object of Superstition. 410 c Admiral Farragut. 410 261 Kunath, Oscar, Munich, Bavaria. a “ He won’t bite you.” 410 b Still Life. 4x0 262 Knight, D. R., Philadelphia, Pa. — Painting. 410 263 Lippincott, Wm. H., Philadelphia, Pa. — “ The Duck’s Breakfast.” 410 264 Lewis, Edmund D., Philadelphia, Pa. — Exhibition Buildings from the East Park. 410 265 Loop, Henry A., New York, N. Y. a Aphrodite. 410 b Admiral Farragut (portrait). 410 266 Loop, Mrs. H. A., New York, N. Y. — Portrait. 410 267 Lazarus, J. H., New York, N. Y. a Mrs. Eleanor F. Bishop, the Florence Nightingale of America. 410 b Fanny Hunt in “Midsummer Night’s Dream.” 410 268 Lindemann, Carl F., Philadelphia, Pa. a Gentleman (portrait). 410 b Lady (portrait). 410 c Girl (portrait). 410 269 Lambdin, J. R., Philadelphia, Pa.— Portrait. 410 270 Lea, Anna M., Philadelphia, Pa. a Portrait. 410 b Portrait. 410 c Patrician Mother. 410 d St. Genevieve in the Forest.' 410 271 Lang, Louis, Florence, Italy. — Re- turn of the Market Boat, Capri. 410 272 Lawrie, Alexander, New York, N. Y. a Autumn in the Hudson Highlands. 410 b A Monk playing a Violoncello. 410 273 Leuce, Percival De, New York, N. Y. — Interior Norristown, N. J. 410 274 Leland, Henry, Boston, Mass. — Portrait. 410 275 LaFarge, John, New York, N. Y. a St. Paul Preaching. 410 b Portrait. • 410 c Wreath of Flowers. 4 10 d Hollyhocks. 410 s Water Lilies. 410 / Study of Fog. 4 10 g Bishop Berkeley’s Rock, Newport. 410 276 Lydston, F. A., Milwaukee, Wis. a Portrait. 4 IQ b Portrait. 4 10 277 Lambdin, Geo. C., Philadelphia, Pa. a On a Summer Sea. 410 b Roses near a Wall. 4x0 c Roses in a Vase. 410 278 Le Clair. — Parke Godwin (Portraits 410 279 Longfellow, E. W., Boston, Mass. — Old Mill at Manchester, Mass. 410 UNITED STATES 21 Oil Paintings. 280 Marshall, Wm. E., New York, . N. Y. — Head of Christ. 410 281 Mulvaney, John, New York, N. Y. — Trial of a Horse Thief before a West- ern Justice. 4 10 282 Mayer, Frank B., Baltimore, Md. a The Attic Philosopher. 4x0 b The Continentals. 4 10 283 Macy, W. E., Munich, Bavaria. — Landscape. 410 284 Miller, Chas. H., New York, N. Y. a Returning to the Fold. 410 b Old Mill at Springfield, L. I. 410 c High Bridge from Hudson River, N. Y. 410 d Old Oaks at Creedmoor, N. Y. 410 e Sunset on Jamaica Bay, N. Y. 410 f A Long Island Homestead, N. Y. 410 g The Road to the Mill. 410 h Sunset at Queens, N. Y. 410 285 Maerz, A. J., Buffalo, N. Y.— Char- ity. 410 286 Montalant, J. O. de, Rome, Italy. a Constantinople. 410 b Acropolis, Athens. 410 287 Machen, Wm. H., Toledo, Ohio. a Dead Game, Ruffled Grouse. 410 b Dead Game, Prairie Chickens. 410 288 Moran, Edward, New York, N. Y. a Coming Storm over New York Bay. 410 b Minot Ledge Light. 410 c The Hawk’s Nest. 410 289 Melrose, Andrew, NewYork, N. Y. 301 Moran, Thomas, Newark, N. J. a The Mountain of the Holy Cross. 410 b “ Fiercely the red sun descending burned his way along the heavens.” 410 c Hot Springs of the Yellowstone. 410 d Hiawatha. 410 e Dream of the Orient. 410 302 MacKnight, S. R. a When the Cat’s away, etc. 410 b Child (portrait). 410 303 Mayer, F. B. — Love and Melan- choly. 410 304 Meyer, H.— Past and Present of the U. S. 410 305 McEntee, Jervis, New York, N. Y. a Woods of Ashokan. 410 b Winter. 410 c Frosty Morning. 410 d Virginia. 410 e Saturday Afternoon. 4x0 f October Afternoon. 410 g Mill. 410 h November. 410 i Autumn. 410 306 Mathews, Wm. — Globe of Fishes. 410 307 Mathews, W. F. — Dahlias. 410 308 Moore, H. K.— A Moorish Mer- chant. 41° 309 Markham, C. C.-My Grand- mother. 4x0 310 Magrath, W. a The Mussel Gatherers. 410 b On the Hillside. 410 q Past and Present 1609-1876. View of New York. 410 b Tower Hill, Guttenberg, N. J. 410 290 Morrell, Mrs. I. Robinson, Wash- ington, D. C. a Washington Welcoming Provision Train, 1778. 410 b First Battle Won by the Puritans. 410 291 Moran, P., Philadelphia, Pa. a The Return of the Herd. 410 b Settled Rain. 410 292 Minor, Robt.C., NewYork, N. Y. a Evening. 410 b Daybreak. 410 293 Morand, Aug., Germantown, Pa., — Washington (portrait). 410 294 Moore, H. H., New York, N. Y. — Almeh, a Dream of the Alhambra. 410 295 Mlister, W., Newport, R. I. — Stol- zenfels Castle on the Rhine. 410 296 Maynard, Geo. W., New York, N. Y. a “ Vespers.” 410 b “ 1776.” 410 297 Maynicke, Miss Emma, New York, N. Y. a Flower Girl. 410 b Head of St. Paul. 410 298 Marchant, E. D., Philadelphia, a Hon. Henry C. Carey (portrait). 410 b Hon. Wm. H. Allen (portrait). 410 c William J. Mullen (portrait). 410 299 Mifflin, Lloyd, Columbia, Pa. a Scene from “ Macbeth.” 410 b Rome from Marino. 410 300 McDonald, M. J. — Head of Shep- herd Dog. 410 311 Martin, H. — Lake. a Little Girl. 410 b Little Boy. 410 c Irjsh Thatched Cottage. 410 312 Monks, J. A., Boston, Mass. — Apple Trees in Blossom. 410 313 Martin, Miss E., Boston, Mass. a Flowers on Panel. 410 b Flowers on Panel. 410 314 Millet, Frank D., Boston, Mass. a Lady in Costume of 1740. 410 b In the Bay of Naples. 410 c Turkish Water Seller. 410 315 McMurtrie, L. G., Boston , Mass. a Rhododendron. 410 b Geranium. 410 316 Murtland, M. M., Philadelphia, Pa. a Autumn Leaves. 410 b Grandfather’s Bible. 410 317 Magrath, New York, N. Y.— Irish Thatched Cottage. 410 318 Noble, Thomas S., Cincinnati, Ohio. — Hard Times. 410 319 Niffen, Paul, Adams, N. Y. — Boy’s Dream. 410 320 Newberg, Rose. — Tuberose, etc. 410 321 Nicol, J. C., New York, N. Y.— Moonrise. 410 322 Newell, Hugh, Philadelphia, Pa. a Picture. 4x0 b Picture. 410 323 Norton, W. E., Boston, Mass. — Fog on the Grand Banks. 410 324 Oertel, Rev. Johannes A., Lenoir, N. C. a The Shadow of the Rock. 410 b Christ, the Rock of our Salvation. 410 325 Ogelvie, — In the Woods. 410 CONNECTICUT general |(nsuranc^o. OF HARTFORD, CONN., Issues all approved forms of LIFE and ENDOWMENT POLICIES, but especially recommends its As the best and most popular form of Life Insurance. THE NEW YORK DAILY BULLETIN IS THE Leading Commercial Paper of the United States, NON-POLITICAL, AND DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO TRADE AND FINANCE. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $11 PER ANNUM. 187G- ASK FOR OUR BEST BELTING- PRICE-LIST % OF THE New York Belting and Packing Co., The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers in the United States of VULCANIZED RUBBER FABRICS, adapted to MECHANICAL FURFOSES. D. P. DIETERICH, Agent, ZbTo- 30© 01a.estma.-u-t Street, I?la.ila,cLelpla.ia,. GOODYEAR’S OLD STAND. ESTABLISHED 1850. BROOKE HALL FEJULLE BEMIMAZIY, MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA., Institution of tla.e la.igfla.est order in. all points. For Catalogues, apply to M. L. EASTMAN, Principal, MEDIA, PA. UNITED STATES 23 Oil Paintings. 377 Spang, William, Philadelphia, Pa. — The Dawn of the New Era. 410 378 Sel igman, Mrs. Emma, Tarry- town, N. Y. a Love and Pride. 410 b On the Alert. 410 379 Smith, Mary, Philadelphia, Pa. — “ Chick and Chicks.” 410 380 Smith, Xanthus, Philadelphia, Pa. — “ Kearsarge ” and “ Alabama.” 410 381 Shaw, Annie C. — Illinois Prairie. 410 382 Smith, T. Henry, Philadelphia, Pa. a “ Mind and Matter.” 416 b “Origin of Sculpture.” 410 c Portrait. 4x0 383 Schussele, C., Philadelphia, Pa. a Zeisberger preaching to the Indians. 410 b The Iron Worker. 410 c The Soldier’s last Will. 410 d Clear the Track. 410 e The Man of Progress of America. 410 / Alsatian Fair. 410 g Sunday Morning in Alsace. 410 h Prince Arthur and Hubert. 410 i Queen Esther. 410 384 Smith, Thomas L., New York, N. Y. a Deserted House. 410 b Eve of St. Agnes. 410 385 Schaerff, I. W., Philadelphia, Pa. a Poesy and Love. 410 b Cassandra. 410 c Judith. 410 386 Shearer, C. H., Tuckerton, Pa. — Head Water of the Ontelaunee. 410 387 Sword, James B., Philadelphia, Pa. — Trenton Falls. 410 388 Smillie, Geo. H., New York, N. Y. — A Lake in the Woods. 410 389 Sharps, Isaac S., New Hampton, N. J. — Sunlight at the Delaware Water Gap in August. 410 390 Simon, Herman, Philadelphia, Pa. — Steady. 410 391 Shirlau, Walter, Munich, Bavaria. a Sheepshearing in the Southern part of Bavaria. 410 b Tone Test. 410 c Good-morning. 4x0 392 Strong, Jas. D., Jr., Munich, Bava- ria. a Monk (portrait). 410 b Study Head. 410 c Young Man Smoking (portrait). 410 393 Stevenson, Bella F., Peoria, 111. — Pharaoh’s Horses. 410 394 Skirmunt, Simon de, Brindisi, Italy. a A Festival in Palace Colonna, Rome. 410 b A Member of the Council of Ten, Venice. c Reflection. 410 395 Shade. — Tantalizing. 410 396 Sillstedt. — Portrait. 4 J 0 397 Shattuck, New York, N. Y. a White Hills. 410 b Lake Champlain. 410 c Sheep and Cattle. 410 398 Scott, W. W. a Marguerita Moore. 410 b Daughter of Columbia. 410 c Getting Dry after the Bath. 410 d An Old Salt. 410 399 Silva, F. A. a New York Harbor. 410 b Brass Rock. 410 400 Stewart, J. L., Philadelphia, Pa. a Miguel. 410 b Marie. 410 401 Smith, T. H., Philadelphia, Pa. a M. Drinker (portrait). 410 b Henry C. Carey (portrait). 410 c Late Jos. Harrison, Jr. (portrait). 410 d Mind and Matter. 410 402 Spieler, Chas. H., Philadelphia, Pa. — First City Troop. 410 403 Sartain, Emily, Philadelphia, Pa. — The Reproof. 410 404 Shapleigh, F. H., Boston, Mass. a On the Seine. 410 b At Kenilworth, England. 410 405 Stokes, John, Boston, Mass. — Blue Jay. 410 406 Smith F. Hill, Boston, Mass. a Sunset on the Guidecca, Venice. 410 b Morning on the Lagoon, Venice. 410 407 Story, Annie B., Boston, Mass. a Cherokee Rose. 410 b Carnation. 410 408 Snowe, Francis, Boston, Mass. — Cloudy Day. 410 409 Staigg, R. M., Boston, Mass. a Chestnut Gathering. 410 b Empty Nest. 410 c Cornice Road, Italy. 410 d Young Lady. 410 410 Strain, D. J., Boston, Mass.— Ideal Head. 410 411 Tensfeld, John, Brooklyn, R. I.— “Good-night.” 410 412 Trego, J. R., Detroit, Mich. a In the Pasture. 410 b First Lesson. 410 413 Taft, Richard, New Hampshire.— Old Man of the Mountain. 410 414 Treat, O. C., Orian, Mich. a The Young Mother. 410 b Winter’s Evening Twilight. 410 415 Thompson, A. W., New York, N. Y. a Desolation, St. Cloud. 410 b The Sands. 410 c Virginia in Olden Time. 410 416 Thorp, A. C., Madison, Wis. a Legends of the Lakes, 1. 410 b Legends of the Lakes, 2. 410 c Legends of the Lakes, 3. 410 d Legends of the Lakes, 4. 410 417 Tompkins, Miss Clementina, Paris, France. a II Picolo Musico. 410 b Un Debut Artistique. 410 418 Thompson, Harry I., New Haven, Conn. a Col. Juan Lewis (portrait). 410 b Erastus Cutler (portrait). 410 c A lady (portrait). 410 d Portrait. 410 419 Tait, John R., Philadelphia, Pa. a Summer (landscape). 410 b Autumn (landscape). 410 c After the Rain (landscape). 410 420 Trumbull, G., Hartford, Conn. — A Critical Moment. 410 421 Trotter, Newbold H., Philadelphia, Pa. — Wounded Buffaloes pursued by Prairie Wolves. 410 24 ART Oil Paintings. 422 Thomas, Jos. Stirling, Philadel- phia, Pa. — Still Life. 410 423 Tiers, M. C., New York, N. Y.— American Centennial Progress. 410 424 Tenney, U. D., New Haven, Conn. — Gen. John Stark (memorial portrait). 410 425 Tuttle, C. F., Chicago, 111.— Miss Wright (portrait). 410 426 Thomson, Henry, Paris, France. — Charlotte Corday writing on the eve of her execution. 410 427 Thurlow, Mrs. S. W., Philadelphia, Pa. — Harbor of Rhodes (landscape). 410 428 Thorpe, T. B. — “Westward the course of Empire takes its way” (land- scape). 410 429^Tiffany, Louis C., New York, N. a Snake Charmer at Tangiers, Africa. 410 b A Guard at the Prison Gate, Tangiers. 410 c A Booth in Cairo. 410 430 Thompson, Jerome. — The Old Oaken Bucket. 410 431 Townsend, Chas. E.— Lion and Lioness. 410 432 Thomas, Mrs. a Phlox and Larkspur. 410 b Flowering Almond. 410 433 Tait, A. F. — In the Adirondacks. 4 x 0 434 Thorn. a Going to Church. 410 b Panel Decoration. 410 c Panel Decoration. 410 435 Thompson; Albert, Boston, Mass. — View near Honfieur, Normandy. . 410 436 Tuckerman, S. Salsbury, Boston, Mass. a U. S. Frigate Constitution escaping from the British, July, 1812. 410 b Beach at Hastings, England. 410 437 Ulke, Henry, Washington, D. C. — Charles Sumner (portrait). 410 438 Volk, Douglas, Chicago, 111. a Vanity. 410 b View in Brittany, France. 410 439 Volkmar, Chas., Jr., Baltimore, Md. — A Passing Shower. 410 440 Vollmering, Josep.i, New York. a View of New York 410 b View on the Hudson. 410 441 Venino, Franz, New York, N. Y. a King Lear and Cordelia in Prison. 410 b The Last Moment of Carthage. 410 442 Vedder, Miss Elihu, Rome, Italy.— Greek Actor’s Daughter. 410 443 Van Etten, Kruseman, New York, N. Y. a Scene on the Upper Ausable River. 410 b The Grove in the Heath. 410 c Solitude. 4 IO d Clearing off. 4 IO 444 Weir, Robert W., West Point, N. Y. — Embarkation of the Pilgrims from Delft Haven, Holland, in 1620. 410 445 Wilson, Oregon, New York, N. Y. Woman’s Devotion, Battle of Winches- ter- 410 446 Witmar, C. F., Philadelphia, Pa.— Under the Gaslights. 4 IO 447 Waters, Geo. W., Elmira, N. Y.— Franciona Notch, White Mountains, New Hampshire. 4 IO 448 Weber, Philip, Philadelphia, Pa. — Twilight (landscape). 410 449 Waterman, M ., Providence, R. I. — Lemuel Gulliver in Liiliput. 410 450 Williams, Mrs. E. F., Philadel- phia, Pa. — Girl (portrait in pearletta). 410 451 West, Peter B., Cleveland, Ohio. — Game Piece from Nature. 410 452 Wiggeland, D., Salt Lake City, Utah. — The Gipsy Camp, Salt Lake City. 410 453 Whiteman, Mary Hettie, Philadel- phia, Pa. a Samuel G. Ruggles (portrait). 410 b Grand Duke Alexis (crayon portrait). 410 454 Weber, Carl. a Morning in the Alleghany Mountains. 410 b The Reichenbach in Switzerland. 410 455 Way, A. J. H., Baltimore, Md. a Bunch of Muscat Grapes. 410 b Damascus Grapes. 410 456 Woodwell, Jos. R., Pittsburg, Pa. — Venice. 410 457 Wyant, A. H., New York, N. Y. a A Midsummer’s Retreat. 410 b Looking Seaward, near Killarney. 410 458 Way, Agnes C., Pittsburg, Pa. — Apples. 410 459 Way, C. Granville, Paris, France. — Horses’ heads and stable. 410 460 Wall, Wm. A., New Bedford, Mass. a On the Accushnett, Massachusetts. 410 b Brook, Dartmouth, Massachusetts. 410 c Clarke’s Cove, Buzzards' Bay, Mass. 410 461 Winner, W. E., Philadelphia, Pa. a Portrait. 410 b Portrait. 4x0 462 Wood, Geo. B., Jr., Germantown, Philadelphia. a Freddy Flechenstein’s Shop, German- town. 410 b John Krider’s Shop, Second and Walnut, Philadelphia. 410 c Civil Rights. 410 d The Lucky Sportsman. 410 463 Winters, Mrs. David, Philadel- phia, Pa. a Autumnal Wood Scene. 410 b The Hibiscus. 410 c Daisies and Cardinal Flowers. 410 d Roadside View at Kennett, Pennsyl- vania. 410 464 Weir, John F., West Point, N. Y. a The Gun Foundry. 410 b Column of St. Mark, Venice. 410 c The Confessional. 410 d Portrait. 410 e Lago Maggiore, Italy. 410 465 Willard, Wm., Sturbridge, Mass. — • Charles Sumner (portrait). 410 466 Webb, Francis R., Philadelphia, Pa. — Expectancy. 410 467 Winter, I., Flushing, L. I. — In- spiration of Music. 410 468 Willard, A. M., Cleveland, Ohio. — Yankee Doodle. 410 469 Waller, Frank, New York, N. Y. — Tombs of the Caliphs, near Cairo. 410 470 Wiles, L. M., New York, N. Y.— American Scenery. 410 UNITED STATES 25 Oil Paintings, Water Colors. 471 White, Edwin, New York, N. Y. a Signing of the Compact on Board the Mayflower. 410 b The New England Cider-Mill. 410 c The Barjello. 410 d Sabbath of the Emigrant. 410 e The Antiquary. 410 472 Weilenbeck, Frederick R., Phila- delphia, Pa. a The Wild Hunter. 410 b Brazil Swamps. 410 473 Whitefield, E., Lowell, Mass.— Views of Massachusetts cities. 410 474 Whittredge, Worthington, New York, N. Y. a The Window. 410 b Old Hunting-Ground. 410 c One Hundred Years Ago. 410 d Platte River. 410 e Home by the Sea. 410 f Woods of Ashakar. 410 475 Waitz, Richard, Boston, Mass. a Miles Standish’s Courtship, 1. 410 b Miles Standish's Courtship, 2. 410 c Portrait. 410 d Portrait. 410 e America. • 410 / Portrait miniature. 410 g Figures in miniature. 410 476 Wharton, Philip F., Philadelphia, Pa. a Perdita. 410 b A Pastoral from Winter’s Tale. 410 477 Welch, Thaddeus, Munich, Ba- varia. — Landscape, with figures. 410 478 West, Caroline, Philadelphia, Pa. — Rocks at Nahant. 410 479 Ward, E. M. — Washing Clothes. 410 480 Warners. — Lilies. 410 481 Wild, Hamilton, G., Boston, Mass. — Banks of the Nile. 410 482 Weeks, E. L., Boston, Mass. — Arab Story Teller. 410 483 Waterman, M., Boston, Mass. — Gulliver in Lilliput. 410 484 Waters, S. C., Philadelphia, Pa. — Game. 410 485 Waugh, T. B., Philadelphia, Pa. a Lost Jewels Found. 410 b An Egyptian. 410 c Girl (portrait). 410 d Gen. Grant (portrait). 410 e Portrait. 4x0 486 Wild, H., Boston, Mass. — A Dandy of Grenada. 410 487 Wiesman, W. H., Philadelphia, Pa.— Cape Ann Rocks. 410 488 Williams, J. L., Philadelphia, Pa. — Near May Field, England. 410 489 Wright, Geo., Philadelphia, Pa.— One Too Many. 410 Water Colors. 490 Bliss, Lucia S., Jamaica Plain, Mass. a Painting of Flowers. 411 b Painting of Flowers. 411 c Painting of Flowers. 411 d Painting of Flowers. 411 e Painting of Flowers. 411 491 Bridges, Miss F., Brooklyn, L. I. a Summer. 411 b Winter. 411 c King-Fisher among the Reeds. 411 492 Brown, J. Henry, Philadelphia, Pa. a Gov. Henry Bohlen (ivory miniature). 411 b Charles Macalester (ivory miniature). 41 1 c Picture of a Lady (ivory miniature). 41 1 d Hon. Jas. Buchanan (ivory miniature). 411 e Picture of a Lady (ivory miniature). 41 1 f Rev. John Chambers (ivory miniature). 41 1 g Cbm. R. F. Stockton (ivory miniature). 411 h Picture of Gentleman (ivory miniature). 41 1 493 Baldwin, A. H., New York, N. Y. a An Unskilful Gardener. 41 1 b Desdemona’s House at Venice. 41 1 494 Bellows, A. F., New York, N. Y. a Study of a Head 411 b Autumn Wood. 411 c Safely Landed. 41 1 d Sunday in New England. 41 1 e Sunday in Devonshire. 41 1 495 Bricher, A. I. a Summer Morning. 41 1 b Foggy Morning. 41 1 c Gathering Water Lilies. 41 1 d Cliffs at Cape Ann. 41 1 496 Brown, J. G., New York, N. Y. a The Rustic Milliner. 41 1 b Watering-Place Pleasures. 411 c Got a Nibble. 411 d Curling in the Central Park, New York. 41 1 497 Burling, Gilbert, New York, N. Y. — Owl and Ducks. 41 1 498 Boughton, G. H. — Normandy Caught in a Shower. 41 1 499 Binling, G. — Study of Birds. 411 500 Brown, G. S., Boston, Mass. a Trees. 41 1 b Anicia. 411 c Venice. 411 501 Burdick, H. R., Boston, Mass. — Head. 411 502 Brunn, Geo. L., Boston, Mass. — Water color paintings. 41 1 503 Brown, W. — Putting His Foot into it. 411 504 Brucken, A. F. a Water Lilies. 41 1 b Cape Ann. 41 1 c Grand Menan. 41 1 505 Colman, S. a Rome, Looking Down the Tiber. 41 1 b Corpus Christi Day. 411 c The Mosque of Sidi Haloni, Algeria. 411 d Twilight, Gilead, Maine. 411 e Street Scene, Gaen, Spain. 41T / Street Scene, Morlaix, Brittany. 41 1 g The Arch of Constantine, Rome. 41 1 k Distant View of Rome. 41 1 i Street Scene, Dinan. 411 506 Carson, Mrs. Caroline, Rome, Italy. — Group of flowers. 41 1 507 Cortelyou, G. V., New Brunswick, N. J. — Soliloquy of Friar Pacificus, from Longfellow’s Golden Legend. 41 1 508 Derrick, E. I. M., Paterson, N. J. — Design for a monument. 41 1 509 Darley, F. O. C., New York, N. Y. — Street Scene in Rome. 4x1 510 Durand, F. I., New York, N. Y.— Falls on the Ausable, Keene, N. Y. 411 26 ART Water Colors. * 511 Darrah, S. T., Boston, Mass. — After the Storm. 411 512 Elten, Kruseman, Van, New York, N. Y ; a Evening, Long Island Sound. 41 1 b Autumn in the White Mountains. 41 1 513 Eaton, J. O. 411 514 Elton, R. Van. a Autumn. 41 1 b Evening 41 1 515 Faber, Hermann, Philadelphia, Pa. — Daniel in the Lion’s Den. 411 516 Falconer, J., Brooklyn, L. I. a Cross Street, Boston, April, 1864. 41 1 b Chatham Street, New York, April, 1855. 411 c South Second Street, Philadelphia, April, 1862. 41 1 d House where Jefferson wrote the Declara- tion of Independence, Philadelphia, 1854. e Gov. Wm. Penn’s Mansion, South Sec- ond Street, Philadelphia, 1864. 41 1 517 Fredericks, Alf., New York, N. Y. a Romeo and Juliet. 411 b The Scarecrow. 41 1 518 Gilbert, Sarah D., Brooklyn, N. Y. a Leaves and flowers. 41 1 b Flowers of the poets. 41 1 519 Graham, Wm., Rome, Italy. — An- gle of the Ducal Palace, Venice. 411 520 Gifford, R. S., New York, N. Y. a Venetian Companion. 411 b The Roc’s Egg. 41 1 c Early Morning in Morocco. 41 1 d Egyptian Fountain. 411 e Cairo. 41 1 521 Herrick, H. W., Manchester, N. H. a Gen. Stark as Trapper Captured by In- dians. 411 b Gen. Stark’s Last Charge at Bennington. c Gen. Stark at Trenton. 411 d Gen. Stark at Bunker Hill. 411 522 Homer, W. a A Flower for the Teacher. 41 1 b In the Garden. 41 1 c The Busy Bee. 411 d The Trysting Place. 411 e “How Many Eggs.” 411 523 Hart, William, Brooklyn, N. Y. — Mount Madison. 411 524 Hobbs, Isaac M., & Son a Ravensville Seminary. 411 b Capital of Illinois. 411 c Mead Memorial Monument. 41 x 525 Hill, J. W., New York, N. Y. a Quail. 411 b Hollyhocks. 411 c The Leader’s Call. 411 New England Autumn. 411 e An Old Connecticut Bridge. 41 1 f A Fresh Water Sailor. 411 526 Hyatt, Mrs. Delia, Boston, Mass. — Stork Tower, Rutlingen, Germany. 41 1 527 Hill. a Landscape (water color). 41 1 b Blackberries. 411 528 Harnron, A. — Violets. 411 529 McDonald, Miss M. J., New York, N. Y. a Roses. 41 1 b The Art Student. 41 1 c Head of a Shepherd Dog. 411 d Portrait. 41 1 e Primroses. 41 x / Fruit. 4 11 530 Magrath, W., New York, N. Y. a. Nora. 411 b The Galway Girl. 41 1 ^ Gran’dad’s Visit. 411 531 Moran, Thomas, Newark, N. J. a The Hot Spring of the Yellowstone River. b A Pah-Ute Encampment. 41 1 c Tower Falls from above Yellowstone. 411 d Illustrations in India ink. 41 1 e Solitude. 41 1 532 Mungoe, George, Philadelphia, Pa. — Painting. 41 1 533 Miller, E. F., Philadelphia, Pa. a Evening. 411 b Winter. 411 534 Nicoll, I. C., New York, N. Y. a On the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 41 1 b Rising Fog. 411 c The Deserted Farm. -411 d Moonrise. 411 e A Calm Morning. 41 1 535 Robertson, Archibald, New York, N. Y. a Sketch of Gen. George Washington. 411 b Sketches in and around New York. 4x1 536 Richards, William T., Philadel- phia, Pa. a Paradise, Newport. 41 1 b Sand-hills, Atlantic City. 411' 537 Robbins. a Autumn. 41 1 b Old Bridge. 41 1 538 Satterlee, Walter, New York, N. Y. a One Hundred Years Ago. 41 1 b Far-away Thoughts. 41 1 c Marguerite. 41 1 539 Stoppel, H., New York, N. Y a Female Resting After Bath. 41 1 b The Three Sisters. 41 1 540 Scott, William Wallace, New York. a Getting Dry after the Bath. 411 b An Old Salt. 41 1 541 Spieler, Chas. H., Philadelphia, Pa. — The First City Troop of Philadel- phia. 411 542 Sterling, Miss Charlotte H., Gam- bier, Ohio. a Oak Leaves. 41 1 b Maple Leaves. 41 1 543 Smillie, J. D., New York, N. Y. a On the Ausable River, Adirondacks. 411 b A Scene, Race on the Western Plains. 411 544 Silva, F. A., New York. Brace’s Rock. 411 545 Schumaker, J. G., Brooklyn, N. Y. — French Views. 411 546 Scott, William Wallace, New York, N. Y. a A Fair Daughter of Columbia. 41 1 b Margaretta B. Moore (miniature). 411 547 Symington, James, New York, N. Y. — Dolly’s Breakfast. 411 548 Smith, F. H., New York, N. Y. a Outdoor Study. 4 11 b Brook Study. 4 11 c In the Darkening Hour. 4 11 549 Tiffany, L. C., New York, N. Y. a As Good as New. 4 11 b Lazy Life in Morocco. 4 11 c The Old and New Mosques, Cairo. 411 d Street Scene, Cairo. 4 11 e Dignity in Servitude. 4 11 * / Street Scene, Dinan. 411 THE GREAT JL RT WOf OF /MERIC/L The Most Magnificent Illnstrated Work ever produced in this country. ficturesq uejlrn erica; THE LAND WE LIVE IN. The Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Forests, Waterfalls, Shores, Canyons, Valleys, Cities, and other Pictur- esque Features of our Country. This magnificent production — the greatest work of the kind ever produced in the world — which has been in course of publication in numbers for nearly three years past, is now completed, and is offered to subscribers bound in two large and splendid volumes. Price, in Half Morocco , $38.00 ; in Full Morocco An- tique , $44.00. Edited by WILLIAM CULLEN BR YANT. A PICTORIAL DELINEATION OF Appleton PUBLISHERS, Nos. 549 and 551 Broadway, MEW TORE. 1'HE American Newspaper Union. A. J. AIKENS, President. New York Newspaper Union, 148 and 150 Worth St., New York. Chicago Newspaper Union, 1 14 Monroe St., Chicago. Milwaukee Newspaper Union, 365 East Water St., Milwaukee. Aikens Newspaper Union, 143 Race St., Cincinnati. Southern Newspaper Union, 227 Second St., Memphis, Tenn. St. Paul Newspaper Union, 17 Wabashaw St., St. Paul, Minn. THE ORIGIN OF CO-OPERATIVE NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. Co-operative newspaper printing, as now practised, originated in Wisconsin twelve years ago. It is termed co-operative for the reason that one side of each of the newspapers is printed at a central office, and the paper sent in its half-printed state to the home office, where it is completed with editorials, local news, and other matter prepared by the editor or publisher. In December, 1846, the idea of co-operation, with advertisements , occurred to Mr. Aikens, while yet serving his time as an apprentice, in printing the message of President Polk on one side of a country newspaper of New England at Boston, and the other half being printed at the local office. Mr. A. J. Aikens, a practical printer and business man, conceived the idea of reducing the cost of ready-printed paper, as it is now termed, to country publishers, by making an agreement with them to use a certain space in each of their papers for advertisements that he might procure. This plan of co-operation he put into practice twelve years ago, at the office of Cramer, Aikens & Cramer, Milwaukee. It at once became successful, leading to the establishment of co-operative newspaper printing-offices in Chicago, New York, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Memphis, St. Paul, and other places. There are now over two thousand newspapers printed upon the co-operative plan in the United States and Canadas, and the number is constantly increasing, it having more than doubled in the last five years. The enterprise is no longer an experiment, but an established suc- cess, and the system is one yielding manifold advantages to advertisers as well as to local pub- lishers. The American Newspaper Union Is essentially national. The papers represented in it are located in all the States of the Union and in nearly five hundred county seats. They circulate over the whole area of the country from Maine to Colorado, distributing at least one hundred copies every year to each square mile of the settled portions of the United States. Although, as a whole, the Union List is national, covering all sections, it is so made up of different members as to be susceptible of easy division into sections — East, Middle, West, South. The distribution of the papers is as follows : | 315 Newspapers, $3.00 per line, per week. 350 u $3.50 a 120 tt $1.25 a 200 a $2.00 u 145 a $1.50 a 73 a $ .75 a New England .... . 78 Illinois . . . 117 Nebraska .... New York Michigan .... ... 86 Missouri . . . 17 New Jersey . 27 Wisconsin .... Georgia Pennsylvania .... - 65 Tennessee .... • • • 2 9 Alabama . . . 32 Virginia Kentucky .... ... 29 Louisiana .... No. and So. Carolina . • 24 Minnesota .... ... 79 Mississippi . . . . Ohio Iowa ... 85 Other States . . . Indiana . 81 AGGREGATE CIRCULATION. The circulation of these papers is large and constantly increasing. It is larger than the cir- culation of any o|her lists or combinations of country papers in the United States — the last aggregate weekly circulation being seven hundred thousand seven hundred and thirty copies (700,730). SEND TO EITHER OFFICE FOR A CIRCULAR. UNITED STATES 27 Water Colors. 550 Tompkins, Abigail B., Newark, N. J. — Snow Scene in Woodside, Newark, N. J. 411 551 Wood, Geo. B., jr. , Philadelphia, Pa. a The Old Tinker. 411 b Rittenhouse Town. 411 552 Wood, T. W. a Contraband. 41 1 b The Leader’s Call. 41 1 c The Village Post-office. 411 553 Hoefel, Ferdinand, St. Louis, Mo. — Oil Painting on glass. 413 554 Martin, Mrs. L. E., Boston, Mass. a Flowers on black panel. 413 b Paintings on porcelain. 413 555 Bressan, Giovanni, Philadelphia, Pa. a Lady (portrait). 420 b Gentleman (crayon drawing portrait). 420 556 Bartlett, G. H., Boston, Mass. — Pen and ink drawings. 420 557 Darley, F. O. C., Claymont, Del. d Puritans barricading their house against a sudden attack by Indians. 420 b A merciful man is merciful to his beast. 420 558 Edgar, Miss Lydia, Philadelphia, Pa. a Portrait on photographic vase (crayon). 420 b Portrait on photographicvase(crayon). 420 c Portrait on photographic vase (crayon) . 420 d Portraits in crayon. 420 559 Ellis, S. A.— Portrait of a child (crayon). 420 560 Fowle, Alonzo H., Grand Rapids, Mich — Pictures (pencil drawings). 420 561 Greatorex, Mrs. Eliza,. New York. d Drawings of Old New York buildings of 1776. 420 b Drawings of Colorado scenery in 1872 (pen and ink). 420 562 HemmUller, Wm., New York, N. Y. a Pegasus (crayon drawings). 420 b Cats at Play (crayon drawings). 420 c Horse’s Head (crayon drawing). 420 563 Kurtz, William, New York, N. Y. — Portraits in crayon. 420 564 Munzig, G. C., Boston, Mass. — Ideal head. 420 565 Reed, H., Boston, Mass. — Ideal head. 420 566 Riiger, Julius, Brooklyn. — Horace Greeley f crayon drawing portrait). 420 567 Robertson, Archibald, New York, N. Y. — Pen studies, in and around New York. 420 568 Stencil, G. A., Boston, Mass. — Washington. 420 569 Stanhouse, Wm. — Pen and ink drawings. 420 570 Vasseud, L., Boston, Mass.— A Lady (crayon portrait). 420 571 Venine. — Fall of Carthage (cray- on). 420 572 Andrews, J., Boston, Mass.— Pil- grims Landing. 421 573 Brum, Geo. L., Boston, Mass. — Copper-plate etchings. 421 574 Burt, C., and Hinshlewood, R., New York, N. Y. — The Pet Lamb, after Eastman Johnson. 421 575 Durand, A. B., New York, N. Y. 421 576 Edgar, Miss Lydia, Philadelphia, Pa. a Three Studies from Nature — II Papagalo, Musidora, Ariadne. 421 b Chas. Carroll. 421 c J. Trumbull. 421 d Chief Justice Marshall. 421 577 Forbes, Colonel. — Etchings. 421 578 Foreign Artists. — Engravings. 421 579 Graphic Company, New York, N. Y. — Portraits, views, landscapes, buildings, etc., engraved by the Graphic process. 421 580 Hollyer, Samuel, Guttenburg, N.J. a Charles Dickens in his Study. 421 b The Gleaner. 421 c Flaw in the Title. 421 d Portraits. . 421 581 Marshall, W. E. a Engraving, Abraham Lincoln. 421 b Engravings. 421 582 Moran, P., Philadelphia, Pa. a Winter (etching on copper). 421 b Summer (etching on copper). 421 c Return of the Herd (etching on copper). 421 d A Study (etching on copper). 421 583 McRae, John C., New York, N. Y. a First in Peace. 421 b Raising the Liberty Pole, 1776. 421 c The Day we celebrate, 1876. 421 584 Mifflin, Lloyd, Columbia, Pa. — Etchings from original designs. 421 585 Ritchie, A. H., Brooklyn. a Preparing Moses for the Fair. 421 b Lady Washington’s Reception, (Eng.). 421 586 Muller. — Wood engravings. 422 537 Ferris, Stephen J., Philadelphia, Pa. — Retreat from Lexington (etching on copper). 423 588 Camp, J. H., Philadelphia, Pa. — Lithographic drawing of Main Exhibition Building and Machinery Hall. 424 589 GrafF, Bros., Philadelphia, Pa. — Floral cards. 424 590 American Photo-Relief Printing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. — Transparencies on glass by Woodbury process. 431 591 Carbutt, John, Philadelphia, Pa. — Photo-lithographic reproductions of line engravings and mechanical drawings. 432 592 Richards, P. D., Cambridge, Mass. — -Industrial drawing. 440 593 Hobbs. a Design of the Capitol of Illinois. 441 b Architectural Design. 441 594 Petit, Henry & Wilson, J. M., Phila- delphia, Pa. — Adopted design for Ma- chinery Hall, International Exhibition (architectural). 441 595 Petit, Henry, Philadelphia, Pa. — Adopted design for Main Exhibition Building (architectural). 441 596 Schwartzmann & Kafha, Philadel- phia, Pa. — Adopted plans and designs of Memorial Hall, Judges' Hall, Horticultu- ral Hall, and various other buildings. 441 597 Pope, Alexander, jr., Boston, Mass. — An English Pheasant. 452 598 Griot, A., Paterson, N.J. —Portraits of George Washington and Grant, worked with human hair. 454 28 ART, Art Applied. 599 Carson, Mrs. Caroline, Rome, Italy. a Screen. 454 b Banner flowers on silk. 454 Art Applied. 1 Doty Bros., Elkhart, Indiana. — Child’s monument (vermont marble). 400 2 Hoffman, F., & Sons, Sheboygan, Wis. — Animals, birds, fruits, flowers (cen- tre table). 400 3 Holmes, Joseph. —Plaster models. 400 4 Spalding, Alma E., Philadelphia, Pa. a La Nuit (French bronze). 400 b Tourist (bronze). 400 c Bacchus and Ariadne. 400 d American Cattle (bronze). 400 e Monkey and Bell (bronze). 400 f Ajax (bronze). 400 g Cream and Sugar. 400 h Chinese vases. 454 5 Seelig, M. J., & Co., Williamsburg, N. Y. a Venus of Milo (spelter statue). 400 b Achilles (spelter statue). 400 c Esculape (spelter statue). 400 d Mercury (spelter statue). 400 e Nymph (spelter statue). 400 f Hydria (spelter statue). 400 6 Spalding, Hugh M., Philadelphia, Pa. a Mercury (bronze). 400 b Besieged (dog group, bronze). 400 c Hound and Glove (bronze). ' 400 d Meditation, Reynard (bronze). 400 e Beethoven (bronze). 400 f Con Amore, Maid (bronze). 400 g Card Receiver (bronze). 400 h Hound, Passant (brass). 400 7 Fick, Frederick, Philadelphia, Pa. — Monumental tablet. 401 8 Haas, A., New York, N. Y.— Electro- type re-productions. 401 9 Libarty, J. C. Z., Newark, N. J. — A metallic picture — Relievo of the Death of Warren at Bunker Hill. 401 10 Lockwood, W. H., Hartford, Conn. — Electrotype plates and cuts. 401 11 Barber, William, Philadelphia, Pa. — Medals. 402 12 Fry’s Engraving Office, Philadel- phia, Pa.— Engraved brass dies. 403 13 Baumgarten, Julius, Philadelphia, Pa.— Seal presses, die models, drawings and designs. 404 14 Kendall, T. A., Reading, Pa. — Col- lection of U. S. State seals. 404 15 Lebrethon, Jules, New York, N. Y. — Cameos and medallions. 404 16 Mitchell, Henry, Boston, Mass. — Specimens of stone gems and impressions of seals, etc. 4°4 17 Patterson, Joseph S., Philadelphia, Pa. — Intaglio. 4°4 18 Rowe, G. A., Philadelphia, Pa. — a Lathe engraving on precious stones. 404 b Frames of seals, etc. 404 19 Giddings, Thomas, Williamsport, Pa. — Picture frame (hand work). 405 20 Holmes, Jos. — Wood carvings. 405 21 Knox, George W., Cleveland, Ohio. — Bunker Hill Monument, etc. (specimen of whittling). 405 22 Lindner, Richard, New York, N. Y. — Marriage of Emperor Maximilian with Maria of Burgundy, after Canova (wood carving). 405 23 Meyer, Conrad, Cleveland, Ohio. — William Tell and Gesler (specimen of carving in wood). 405 24 Pope, Alex., jr., Boston, Mass. — Wood-carving. 405 25 Priestman, James, Boston, Mass. — Wood-carvings and ornamental stucco. 405 26 Stehlin, Joseph, New York, N. Y. a Fragment of an Altar (bas-relief in wood, very old). 405 b Henry IV. at Canosa (bas-relief in wood, very old). 405 c The Last Supper (bas-relief in wood, very old). 405 d Birth of Christ (bas-relief in wood, very old). - 405 e Death of Mary (bas-relief in wood, very old). 405 27 Snowdon, Thos. W., Philadelphia, Pa. — Christian Schlagel (group of wood sculpture). 405 28 Weiss, Noah, Philadelphia, Pa. — Carving in wood done with a pocket- knife. 405 29 Benson, Eugene. — Picture of Inte- rior of St. Mark’s Church, Venice. 410 30 Fitzpatrick, Arthur, & Co. — Oil paint- ing. 410 31 MacGrath, T. J. Hyland, New York, N. Y.— Coats of arms, crests, etc. 410 32 Rice, G. S., New Haven, Conn. — Specimens of heraldry, crests, etc. 410 33 Schillberg & Coleman, Germania, Ala. — Picture. • 410 34 Volkmar, Chas., sr., Baltimore, Md. a Lining and restoring oil paintings. 410 b Specimens of new process of painting with oil. 4 IQ 35 Volkmar, Chas., jr., Baltimore, Md. — Oil painting. 410 36 Condit, Israel D,, jr., Milburn, N. J. — Illumination in water color. 411 37 Manners, Miss A. F., New York,' N. Y. — Monograms and minature paint- ing. 4 11 38 Rogers, Thomas Mellon, Philadel- phia, Pa. — American locomotive (water color). 4 11 39 American Enamel Decorating Co., New Haven, Conn. — Decoration of pottery and porcelain. 4 J 3 40 Bevington, S., Philadelphia, Pa. — Painted porcelain. 4*3 41 Gray, George, Philadelphia, Pa. — Decorated china, glass, etc. 413 42 Hirrlinger, C. W., New York, N. Y. — Enamels and enamel paintings. 413 43 Steele Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa.— Decorated china and engraved glass. 413 44 Salt, James, Philadelphia, Pa. — Flowers painted on glass. 4*3 45 Sulzbacher, Louis, Alleghany City, Pa. — Process of decorating vases, glass, china, etc. 4 J 3 UNITED STATES 29 Art Applied. 46 Walter, Theodore, Boston, Mass. — Decorated china. 413 47 Walter, Theodore, Boston, Mass. — Decorated china-ware. 413 48 Baumgarten, Julius, Philadelphia, Pa. — Seals, presses, dies, models, etc. Drawings, etc. 420 & 421 49 Becker, Geo. J., Philadelphia, Pa. — Drawings by pupils of Girard College. 420 50 Bensell, E. B., Philadelphia, Pa. — Drawings on wood. 420 51 Cohen, T. T., Philadelphia, Pa. — Overthrow of Jupiter (crayon drawing). 420 52 Cox, W. B., Brooklyn, N. Y. — Crayon portrait. 420 53 Cooper Union School, New York, N. Y. — Drawings. 420 54 Carpenter, D. H., Collinsville, Conn. — Daniel in the Den of Lions, Cartoon. 420 55 Cooper Union Woman’s Art School, New York, N. Y. — Drawings. 420 56 Darley, F. O. C., Claymont, Del. a Puritans barricading their house against Indians. 420 b A Merciful Man is Merciful to his Beast (drawings in black and white). 420 57 Ellis, S. A., New York, N. Y.— Crayon portrait. 420 58 Fletcher, Thomas S., Delanco, N. J. — Portrait of a Child (pencil drawing). 420 59 Fenety, Andrew C., Newark, N. J. — Portrait in crayon. 420 60 Frick, Frederick, New York, N. Y. — Crayon picture. 420 61 Girardi, Felice, New York, N. Y. — America, Liberty, Justice, etc. (pen draw- ing). 420 62 Hendrickson, Samuel, Brooklyn, N. Y. a Crucifixion of Christ. 420 b Washington crossing the Delaware (crayon drawings). 420 63 Jordan, Andrew W., New York, N. Y. — Pastel crayon and India ink portraits. 420 64 Koevorts, Cornelius G., New York, N. Y. — Crayon drawings. 420 65 Keyser, J. G., Bridgeton, N. J. — Por- trait in crayon. 420 66 Murphy, MissEliza, Detroit, Mich. — Monochromatic drawings (landscapes). 420 67 Metzner, Henry, New York, N. Y. — Drawings by the pupils of the free school of the New York Turnverein. 420 68 Pertz, Annejulia, Berlin, Prussia. a Mrs. Nicholas Fish (crayon portrait). 420 b Miss Lillie Fish (crayon portrait). 420 c Italy (crayon head). 420 d Germany (crayon head). 420 69 Rawson, R. F., Worcester, Mass. — Ink paintings. 420 70 Reich, J., Philadelphia, Pa. — Life size portraits (crayon). 420 71 School of Design, Cincinnati, Ohio. — Work by Students of the School of De- sign. 420 72 Sanders, Woodford, Bristol. a Ink Portrait of A. G. Thurman, Senator from Ohio. 420 b Christ's coming Kingdom and Final Judg- ment (pen picture). 420 73 Sanborn, Jos. A., Madison, Wis.— Pen picture. 420 74 Steinhaus, W., New York, N. Y. — Pen and ink drawings. 420 75 Schell, Fred. B., Philadelphia, Pa. — Landscape drawing. 420 76 Tobias, W. Roth., Cleveland, Ohio. — Crayon portrait from life. 420 77 Whiteman, Mary Hettie, Philadel- phia, Pa. a S. G. Ruggles, Chief of Police (crayon portrait). 420 b Grand Duke Alexis (crayon portrait). 420 78 Wilson, Miss Lennie R., Philadel- phia, Pa. — Romulus (crayon). 420 79 Winner, W. E., Philadelphia, Pa. — Figure subjects (crayon). 420 80 Wiles, L. M., Ingham University, Le Roy, N. Y. — Staunton, P. P., Paint- ings and Crayons. 420 81 American Bank Note Company, New York, N. Y. — Specimens of bank note engraving. 421 82 Brett, W. H., & Co., Boston, Mass. — Steel engravings and cards. 421 83 Bien, Julius, New York, N. Y. — Maps, illustrations and engravings. 421 84 Continental Bank Note Co., New York, N. Y. — Engravings. 421 85 Cooper Union Woman’s Art School, New York, N. Y. — Engraving work by scholars. 421 86 Dreka, Louis, Philadelphia, Pa. — Specimens of steel and copper plate en- gravings. 421 87 Forbes, Edwin, Brooklyn, N. Y. — Reminiscences of the Great Army (copper plate etchings). 421 88 Homer, Lee, & Co., New York, N. Y. — Specimens of steel and copper plate en- graving. 421 89 Hollyer, Samuel, Guttenburg, N. J. — Engravings. 421 90 Kimmey, John D., New York, N. Y. — Solomon’s Temple (engraving). 421 91 Lowell, J. A., & Co., Boston, Mass. — Specimen steel plate engravings, etc. 421 92 McLees, A., New York, N. Y.— Specimens of lettering and letter engrav- ing. 421 93 Meyer, James, jr., New York, N. Y. — Engraving. 421 94 Moore, R. E., New York, N. Y. a Evening, the Pet Lamb (engraving). 421 b New Hampshire Scenery. 421 95 McRae, John C., New York, N. Y. a First in Peace (engraving). 421 b Raising Liberty Pole, 1776 (engraving). 421 c The Day we Celebrate, 1876 (engrav- ing). 421 96 Nichols, H. H., Washington, D. C. a Frame of surgical engravings. 421 b Frame of zoological engravings. 421 97 National Bank Note Co., New York, N. Y. — Specimens of steel plate bank note engravings. 421 98 Overbaugh, A. W., New York, N. Y. a Engraved crests, monograms, etc. 421 b Engraving on coins. 421 99 Patten, George D., jr., Philadelphia, Pa — Engraving of Lincoln. 421 30 ART Art Applied. 100 Perine, Geo. E., New York, N. Y. — Engravings. 421 101 Pease, Joseph Ives, Canaan, Conn. a Specimens of £ank note engraving. 421 b Old ’76 and Young '86 (engraving). 421 102 Photo-engraving Co., New York, N. Y. — Engravings from relief plates pro- duced by the “ Moss process,” specimens of the Plates. 421 103 Sartain, Samuel, Philadelphia, Pa. a Clear the Track, from C. Schussele (en- graving. 421 b The Song of the Angels, from T. Moran (engraving). 421 c One of the Chosen, from Guy (engrav- ing). _ 421 d Portraits (engraving). 421 e Evangeline, after Faed (engraving). 421 104 Volkmar, Chas., jr. , Baltimore, Md. — Etching on copper. 421 105 Whitechurch, Percy, Philadelphia, Pa. — Capture of the “ Serapis ” by the “ Bon Homme Richard ; ” India proof of a steel engraving, after the painting by James Hamilton, Esq. 421 106 Bolden, Robert H., New York, N. Y. — A Golden Sermon replete with Living Texts, published 4th of July, 1776 (wood letter engraving. 422 107 Crosscup & West, Philadelphia, Pa. — Wood engravings. 422 108 Cohn, Louis H., & Co. New York, N. Y. — Natural wood prints. 422 109 Ehlers, J. D., & Co., Baltimore, Md. — Electrotypes and proofs. 422 110 Harley, J. S., New York, N. Y. — Wood engraving. ’ 422 HI Hamner, G. D., New York, N. Y.— Specimen wood engravings. 422 112 Johnson & Dyer, Boston, Mass. — Wood engravings. 422 113 Lockwood & Randolph, New York, N. Y. — Compressed wood, a substitute for box wood for engraving purposes. 422 114 Lauderbach, Jas. W., Philadelphia, Pa. a Wood engravings. 422 b Illustrated books. 422 115 Muller, R. A., Brooklyn, N. Y.— Engraving on wood. 422 116 Mayer, Charles, Jersey City, N. J. — Engraving on wood. 422 117 Redman & Kenney. New York, N. Y. — Engraving on wood. 422 118 Smart, F. L. & R. M., New York, N. Y. — Engraving on wood. 422 119 Thompson, J. C., Providence, R. I. — Wood engraving. 422 120 Bressler & Kressler, Philadelphia, Pa. — Specimens of lithography in frames. 423 121 Camp, J. H., Philadelphia, Pa. a Lithographic and photo-lithographic printings. 4 2 3 b Reproduction of engravings. 423 122 Gibson, John, New York, N. Y. — Lithographic work. 423 123 Keyser, J. G., Bridgeton, N. J. a Colored lithographs. 423 b Campaign sketches of 24 th Reg’t N. J. Vols. 423 124 Leonhardt, Theo., & Son, Philadel- phia, Pa. — Specimens of lithographic work. 423 1 25 Longacre & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. a Specimen of wood engravings. 423 b Specimen of engraving on stone. 423 c Lithographic printing. 423 d Automatic engine. 423 126 Meyer, Ferd., New York, N. Y.— Lithographs. 423 127 Potsdamer& Co., Philadelphia, Pa. — Commercial lithographs, engravings, etc. 423 128 Rice & Co., St. Paul Lithographic Co., St. Paul, Minn. — Lithographs, maps, etc. 423 129 Bateman, Horatio, New York, N. Y. — Lithographic engraving of “ Recon- struction.” 423 130 Graf Bro., Philadelphia, Pa. — Lithographic printing and engraving in colors. 423 131 Leggo Bros., New York, N. Y. a Specimens photo-lithographic. 423 b Specimens photo-engravings. 423 132 Muntz Bros. & Co., Boston, Mass. Assortment of iron lithograph prints. 423 133 McLellan, D. M., Boston, Mass. — Lithographic work. 423 134 Schauer, George W., Baltimore, Md. — Colored lithographs and key -plates. 423 135 Vandusen, Robt., Weedsport, N. Y. a Cattle group (lithograph from life). 423 b Horse group (lithograph from life). 423 c Trotting Horse (lithograph from life). 423 d Single Horse (lithograph from life). 423 e Sheep group (lithograph from life). 423 136 Centennial Chromo Co., Wm. H., Kelly, Philadelphia, Pa. — Chromos. 424 137 Crosbey, C. H., & Co., Boston, Mass. — Chromos. 424 138 Demorest, W. Jennings, New York, N. Y. — Chromo-lithographs. 424 139 Foerster, Edward, New J"'rk, N. Y. — Chromos. 424 140 Graff Bros., Philadelphia, Pa. — Lithographic press and table for printing chromos. 424 141 Hunter, Thos., Philadelphia, Pa. — Chromos and lithographic work. 424 142 Hoover, Jos., Philadelphia, Pa. — ■ Chromos and oil paintings framed. 424 143 Prang, L., & Co., Boston, Mass. — Chromos. 424 144 Wittemann & Bros., New York, N. Y. — Centennial memorial, by M. Di- ffers (chromo-lithograph). 424 145 Cooper Union Woman’s Art School, New York, N. Y. — Photographs. 430 146 Fitzgibbon, John H., St. Louis, Mo. — Daguerreotypes. 430 147 Jordon, A. W. — Plain Photographs. 43 o 148 Restein, E. P. & L., Philadelphia. Pa. — Chromos and lithographic prints. 432 149 Collins, M. G., Huntingdon, Pa. — Two gold and silver devices tor perfuming buildings. 440 150 Dwyer, Edward J., Philadelphia, Pa. — Inlaid pearl on glass picture (de- sign). , 440 151 Held, Charles, New York, N. Y.— Engraving and designs on gold. 440 JOHN CLARK, JR. & CO.’S MILE END, GLASGOW, BEST Six- cord Spool Cotton ON BLACK SPOOLS, IS TJ IT IR, I ’VXA. I_i l_> IE ID FOR HAND AND MACHINE USE. BRANCH AGENCIES: 58 Summer St., Boston, 535 Market St., San Francisco, 31 Bank St., Philadelphia. THOMAS RUSSELL, SOLE AGENT FOR THE U. S. JUo. 19 JWercer Street , Jlew York. AGENCY IN CANADA: BIRKS & WILSON, 1 ST. HELEN ST., BLOOD, WOLFE & CO.’S XXX DUBLIN STOUT AND PALE ALES, LIVERPOOL AND LONDON, ENGLAND. Agents in all principal cities in the United States. UNITED STATES 3i Architectural Designs and Decorations. 152 Heath & McKendrick, Philadel- phia, Pa. a Plaster-Paris ornamental work. 440 b Scagliola marble pedestals, etc. 440 153 Holin, G. R., Poflghkeepsie, N. Y. — Specimens of designs. 440 154 Kaehler, George, New York, N. Y. — The Four Seasons. 440 155 Loebnitz, Charles, New York, N. Y. — Jewelry designs. 440 156 Roos, Peter, Boston, Mass. — Draw- ings and designs. 440 157 Benton, J. Dean, Philadelphia, Pa. — Metal model of the State House. 441 158 Bary, Pahl & Cafrade, Philadel- phia, Pa. a Design for Exhibition Building. 441 b Model of roof construction. 441 159 Boston Society of Architects, Bos- ton, Mass. — Architectural drawings. 441 160 Croff & Camp, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. — Architectural perspectives in color. 441 161 Commissioners Illinois State Peni- tentiary, Joliet, 111 ., Southworth, John, Secretary. — Drawings of the Illinois State Penitentiary.. 441 162 Croft, G. B., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. — Architectural drawings. 441 163 Fairfax, I. S., Wheeling, W. Va. — Architectural designs. 441 164 Hartwell, H. E., Boston, Mass. — Architectural drawings. 441 165 Hess, Julius, Detroit, Mich. a Perspective of Michigan State Centen- nial Building. 441 b Private residence of J. Hess. 441 166 Hobbs, Isaac H., & Son, Philadel- phia, Pa. a Suburban residences. 441 b Ravensburg Seminary. 441 167 Hunt, R. H., President, New York Chapter A. I. A., New York, N. Y.— Architectural designs of the New York Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. 441 168 Levy, Thomas S., Philadelphia, Pa. — Architectural designs. 441 169 Moeller, F. G,. Nannet, Rockland Co., N. Y. — Plan for country-seat. 441 170 New England Granite Works, Hartford, Conn. a The American Soldier. 400 & 441 b Five monuments with statues. # 441 c Specimens of artistic monumental work. 441 I 171 Pettit, Henry, Philadelphia, Pa. — The design adopted by the U. S. Centen- nial Commission and Centennial Board of Finance for the Machinery Hall for the International Exhibition, 1876. 441 172 Pettit, Henry, Philadelphia, Pa. — The design adopted by the U. S. Centen- nial Commission and Centennial Board of Finance for the Main Exhibitiion Building for the International Exhibition, 1876. 441 173 State of Michigan. a Architectural designs, E. E. Meyers. 441 b Architectural designs, Martin L. Smith. 441 174 Schulze, Paul, New York, N. Y. a Frame of architectural drawing. 441 b Model of a building. 441 | 175 Schulze & Steinmetz, New York, N. Y. — Architectural design. 441 176 West & Anderson, New York, N. Y. — Architectural elevations and plans of public and private buildings. 441 177 Bedean, Paul, Springfield, 111 . — Designs for decoration of buildings. 442 178 Beeler, John C., New York, N. Y. a Writing and painting on glass. 442 b Ceiling decoration. 441 179 Beckwith, Arthur, New York, N. Y. — Designs, paintings on tiles. 442 180 French, W. H., Philadelphia, Pa. — Models of plaster ornaments ior interior decoration. 442 181 Finn, J. C., & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. — Paper hangings. 442 182 Hazzard, R. T., Philadelphia, Pa. — Panelling and decoration for ceilings and walls in original fresco ornamentation. 442 183 Hopson, Wm., Everett, Mass. — a Specimens of grained wood and mar- ble. 442 b Grained tables. 441 184 Hobbs, Robt. S., & Co., New York, N. Y. — Decorative paper hangings. 442 185 Judge, E. S., & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. — Carton-pierre pedestals, statues, fig- ures, ornaments, etc., papier-mache work. 442 186 McGregor, Geo. S., Cleveland, Ohio. — Graining on wood. 442 187 Nagle, Cooke & Ewing, Philadel- phia, Pa. — Decorative paper-hanging. 442 188 Oil Painted Wall Paper Manufac- turing Co., Bethlehem, Pa. — Wall paper. 442 189 Perdicaris, I., Trenton, N. J. — Arabesque ornaments. 442 190 Piquenard, A. H., Springfield, 111 . a Basso relievos. 442 b Architectural drawings. 441 191 Rumbold, G. W., New York, N. Y. — Imitation of marble. 442 192 Sheldon & Slasons, Rutland, Vt.— Marble pedestals. 442 193 Cliver & Elway, Altoona, Pa. — Mosaic picture frame. 452 194 Fisher, Mrs. J. F., Philadelphia, Pa. — Mosaic table. 452 195 Hoar, Wm., Philadelphia, Pa. — « Inlaid book-case and work-boxes. 452 196 Hoffman, F., & Son, Sheboygan, Wis. — Mosaic table. 452 197 Lange & Bro., St. Louis, Mo. — In- laid show-case. 452 198 McCracken, Samuel, Philadelphia, Pa. — Inlaid tables. 452 199 Baker, James, & Son, New York, N. Y. — Stained glass window. 453 200 Frederick, A., & Bro., Brooklyn, N. Y. — Stained glass windows. 453 201 Fitzpatrick, Arthur, & Co., Staten Island, N. Y. — Stained glass. 453 202 Lynch, A. K., & Co., New York, N. Y. — Stained and embossed glass. 453 203 Marshall, S. S., & Bro., Allegheny City, Pa. — Stained glass. 453 204 Mittermaier, M., Brooklyn, N. Y. — Stained glass window. 453 32 ART, Miscellaneous Art Objects. 205 McPherson, W. J., & Co., Boston, Mass. — Stained glass windows. 453 206 Slack, S. &, Co., Orange, N. J. — Stained glass. 453 207 West, Samuel, Boston, Mass. — Stained glass. 453 208 Batten, Downing & Co., Newark, N. J. — Figured and ornamental glass for doors and windows. 454 209 Bureau, Edward, Philadelphia, Pa. — Bronze card receiver, sphynx. 454 210 Brooks, John, Lemont, 111. — Holy Bible in Lemont marble. 454 211 Ball, Jos. S., Washington, D. C. — Cross and vases ; perforated paper cutter with penknife. 454 212 Benham, J. N., jr., Philadelphia, Pa. — The Nubian Girl burnt in wood. 454 213 Barlow, Joel H., Hudson City, N. J.- — Drawings, lithographs, photo- graphs, engravings, and ornamental pen- manship. 454 214 Corkill, Edmund, York, Pa. — Imi- tation of marble, etc. 454 215 Caldwell, Solomon, Monroe, N. Y. — Battle of the Horatii and Curatii Gobe- lin tapestry. 454 216 Cartisser, J., New York, N. Y. — Embossed glass. 454 217 Clarke, Chas. H., Milwaukee, Wis. — Ornamental presiding chair made of wood from the Washington Elm, Cam- bridge, Mass. 454 218 Cramer, Aug. S., Green Bank, N.J. — Tapestry work. • 454 219 Dole, C. B., Cleveland, Ohio. — Declaration of Independence, pen speci- men. 454 220 Fraser, Christian, Philadelphia, Pa. — Gilt frames, Norman design. 454 221 Fischer, Adolph, New York, N. Y. — Marbleized glass. 454 222 Freeman, Augusta. — Bronze vase. 454 223 Gruger, P. E., Lancaster, Pa. — Specimen letters. 454 224 Gardner, D. W., Brooklyn, N. Y. — Canvass stretchers. 454 225 Halliday, N. H., Boston, Mass. — Autumn-leaf panels. 454 226 Horning, F. L. B., New York, N. Y. — A picture of tokens, etc. 454 227 Kennedy, W. E., Tarentum, Pa. — Game, squirrel and two partridges on pine board. 454 228 Kinder, Edward, Philadelphia, Pa. — Two pictures worked with zephyr wool — Little Girl, John Anderson, my Joe. 454 229 Kelly, Wm. J., New York, N. Y.— Specimens of typographic art. 454 230 Kappeler, Tobias, New Haven, Conn. a Imitation of fossils. 454 b Imitation of India rubber. 454 c Imitation of wood, ivory, terra cotta, etc. 454 231 Kirkpatrick, C. & W., Anna, 111. a. Stone jar with Declaration of Independ- ence. 454 b Snake jug. 454 c Iron ore. • 454 d Porcelain clay and plastic fire-clay. 454 e Clay model of stone image. 454 232 Kreutzberg, Chas., Philadelphia, Pa. — Model in wax. 454 233 Kraft, Frank, St. Louis, Mo.— Il- luminated copy of the Declaration of Independence. 454 234 Levi, Henry, New York, N. Y- Penmanship. 454 235 Macy, R. H., & Co., New York, N. Y. — Glass table ware. 454 236 Maningstern, Peter, Newark, N.J. — Precious stones and Agate specimens. 454 237 Morris, Wm. V., Salt Lake City, Utah Territory. — Ornamental sign on plate glass. 454 238 Matthews & Warren, Buffalo, N. Y. — Illuminated Printing. 454 239 O’Halloran, A. G., New York, N. Y. — Worsted embroidery. 454 240 Sandberg, Mrs. C., New York, N. Y. — Bird of Paradise, painted on silk. 454 241 Spooner, Mary C., Madison, Wis. — Spatter-work pictures. 454 242 Smith, J. B., Jersey City, N. J. — The American Shield of Liberty. 454 243 Steinhaus & Frickerhaus, New York, N. Y. — Crochet and embroidery. 454 244 Seawell, Charles H., St. Louis, Mo. — Illuminated design. 454 245 Stubenbord, C., New York, N. Y. — Venus, worked on silk with human hair. 454 246 Schmidt, Geo., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. — Frame of pictures in black paper. 454 247 Sell, Edgar Emerick, Charleston, S. C. — Needle work, Henry VIII., Act III., Scene I. 454 248 Stroefer & Kirchner, New York, N. Y. a Paintings, drawings, cartoons, steel plates, etc. 454 b Photographs. 454 c Fine art books. 454 249 Stoll, J. A., Williamsburg, N. Y. a Columbia (relievo painted). 454 b Gersiania (relievo painted). 454 c Goddess of Fruit (relievo painted). 454 d Goddess of Wine (relievo painted). 454 250 The Decorative Wood Co., Rah- way, N. J. — Signs in imitation of embossed leather. 454 251 Wiesehahn, F. W. H., St. Louis, Mo.— Penmanship, pen drawing, lettering, etc. • 454 252 Whiton, H., & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. — Artistic sign painting. 454 CANADA 33 CANADA. Sculpture, Paintings, Photographs. 1 Forsyth, Robert, Montreal. — Gran- ite Monument. 400 2 Luppen, F. Van, Montreal. — Busts. 400 3 Owen, J. G., Toronto. — Illuminated engravings. 403 4 Smith, R. & Co., Toronto. — Emboss- ing. 403 5 Woodward, Grant & Co., Toronto. — Embossing, relief, gold and siiver. 403 6 Smith, R. & Co., Toronto.— Die sink- ing. 404 7 Woodward, Grant & Co., Toronto. — Embossing cameo. 404 8 Bennett, Geo., London. — Carved wood. 405 9 Cote, J. B., Quebec. — Ship’s figure head. 405 10 Villeneuve, T., New Liverpool. — Paintings Church altar and statue. 405 11 Harrison, Miss S. W., Quebec. — Oil paintings. 410 12 Merritt, J. P., St. Catherine’s. — Battle of Queenstown. 410 13 Notman, W., Montreal. a Portraits. 410 b Landscapes. 410 14 Robinson, H. S., Kingston. — Ban- ners. 410 15 Sewell, E. W., Levis. — Oil paint- ings. 410 16 Stephenson, Miss J., St. John. — Baru and hair pictures. 410 17 St. Joseph Convent, Levis. — Oil paintings. 410 18 Barrell, A. T., Halifax. — Oil paint- ings. 410 1 9 Bertrand, E. — A street in Algiers. 4:0 20 Burne, Miss M., Paradise. — Old Country Inn. 410 21 Convent of Good Shepherd, Quebec. — Oil paintings. 410 22 Day, Farshaw, Halifax. — Nova Scotia scenery. 410 23 Fine Arts Association, Toronto. — Oil paintings. 410 24 Hazen, Mrs. E. M., Fredericton. — Oil aintings. 410 Water Colors. 25 Burne, Miss, Paradise.— Resting. 411 26 Fine Arts Association, Toronto. — Water colors. 41 1 27 Hazen, Mrs., Fredericton, N. B. — Wild flowers. 41 1 28 Tames, Mrs. I. A., Richibucto. — Water colors. 41 1 29 Morrison, J. C., St. John. — Water Colors. 41 1 30 Sanderson, Miss, Halifax. — Two Water color paintings. 41 1 '3 31 Sewell, E. W., Lewis. a Portraits. 41 1 b Landscape. 41 1 32 Sillery Convent, Quebec. — Water color. 411 33 Beckwith, A. G., Fredericton.— Pen and ink drawings. 420 34 Gray, F. Wood, Quebec. — Colored crayon drawing. 420 35 Moore, A. W., Kingston. — Canadian scenery. 420 36 Pauli, H. G., Toronto.— Architec- tural drawings. 420 37 B. A. Bank Note Co., Montreal. — Bank-notes, bonds, engraved on steel. 421 38 Bishop, Geo. & Co., Montreal. — Crests, monograms, cards, etc. 420 39 Smith, R. & Co., Toronto.— Engrav- ings from copper-plate. 421 40 Woodward, Grant & Co., Toronto. — Engravings from copper-plate. 421 41 Flourselling, C. H., St.John. — Wood engraving. 422 42 Bishop, Geo. & Co., Montreal. — Lith- ographs. 423 43 Ralph, Smith & Co., Toronto. — Lith- ographs. 423 44 Woodward, Grant & Co., Toronto. — Lithographs. 423 45 Smith, R. & Co., Toronto. — Litho- graphs. 423 46 Merritt, J. P., St. Ca t h er i n e ’ s . — Chromo, Battle of Queenstown. 424 47 Woodward, Grant & Co., Toronto. — Chromo-lithographs. 424 48 Anderson, W., Toronto.— Canadian scenery, photographs. 430 49 Burrow, R. W., Kingston. — Canadian scenery, photographs. 430 50 Bruce, 1. & Co., Toronto. — Photo- graphs, plain and colored. 430 51 Clino, I. S., St.John. — Photographs. 43 ° 52 Farmer Bros., London. — Photo- graphs. 430 53 Grenier, H. N., Montreal.— Photo- graphs on wood for engraving. 430 54 Henderson, A., Montreal.— La n d - scape photographs. 430 55 Johnson, E. L., Goderich. — Views of Goderich, photographs. 430 56 Maynard. — Photographs, Indian villages, etc. 430 57 Maynard. — Photographs, Indian villages, etc. 430 58 Morton, J. D., St. John. — Photo- graphs. 430 59 Middlemiss & Hunter, Toronto. — Photographs, plain and colored. 430 60 Notman, Wm., Montreal. — Photo- graphs, varieties, etc. 430 34 ART Water Colors. 61 Shakspeare. — Cartes de visites of Indians. 430 62 Evans, O. C., Hamilton. — Window shades, signs, etc. 440 63 Halon, Alphonse, Quebec. — Models of fire-places. 440 64 Grant & Holliwell, Toronto. — Ar- chitectural Designs. 441 65 Sterling & Dewar, Halifax, Nova Scotia. — Architectural Designs. 441 66 Greig, A. N., Montreal. — Imitation of wood, marble, etc. 442 67 Oliver, R., Toronto. — Imitation of wood, marble, etc. 442 68 Bevis, W., Hamilton. — Inlaid cen- tre-table. 452 69 Bouchard, Jos., Montreal. a Chess-board. 452 b Inlaid wood. 452 70 Harmann, J. H. R., Hull. — Inlaid table. 452 71 Lardham, Ottawa. — Inlaid work. 452 72 Lee, W., Toronto. a Inlaid table. 452 b Inlaid table. 452 73 Stuart, Hamilton. — Inlaid centre- table. 452 74 White, J., Ingersoll.— Inlaid box and frame. 452 75 Wright, Jas., Montreal.— Parquettry flooring. 452 76 Hobendan & Mildrum, Toronto. — Painting on glass. 453 77 Convent, Sillery, Quebec. — Picture in hair. 454 78 Marven, Miss E. G., St. John. — Bark picture. 454 79 Stephenson, Miss J., St. John. — Oriental chess-table. 454 80 Walker, A., Halifax. — Designs in gold on glass. 454 FRANCE. Sculpture. 1 Arson, Alphonse, Paris. a Partridge (silvered bronze group). 400 b Island Birds (old silver group). 400 2 Bartholdi, Frederic Auguste, Paris. a The Young Vine Grower. 400 b Funeral Genius. 400 c The Enjoyment of Peace. 400 d Genius in the Grasp of Misery. 400 3 Blanchard, Jules, Paris. — A Young Equilibrist (bronze statue). 400 4 Berteaux, Mme. Leon, Paris. a Young Girl Bathing (bronze statue). 400 b Bust of Female (marble statue). 400 5 Barrias, Ernest Louis, Paris. — “The Spinning Girl of Megare" (silvered bronze statue). 400 6 Blot, Eugene, Bologne Sur-mer. — Groups, statuetts, busts, etc. 400 7 Cordier, Charles, Paris. — Priestess of Isis (enamelled bronze statue). 400 8 Chatrousse, Emile, Paris.— Heloise and Abelard’s last Farewell (bronze). 400 9 Crauk, Gustave, Paris. — Marshal MacMahon (statuette silvered bronze). 400 10 Cecioni, Paris. — “Child with Chick- en ” (statuette). 400 11 Cambos, Jules, Paris. a The Grasshopper (bronze statue). 400 b The Erring Wife (bronze statue). 400 12 Cain, Auguste, Paris. a Pheasant's Nest (bronze group). 400 b Cock-Fighting (bronze group). 400 13 Caille, Joseph Michel, Paris. — Bac- chante playing with a Panther (bronze group). 400 14 Durst, Marius Puteaux, Paris, — “ The Laugher” (bronze bust). 400 15 Dubucand, Alfred, Paris. a Sahara Hunting (bronze group). 400 b Ostrich Hunting (bronze group). 400 16 Doublemard, Amedee Ponatin, Paris. a Education of Bacchus (bronze group). 400 b Scapin of Moliere (bronze statue). 400 17 Devaux, Franijois Alexandre, Rouen. — Louis Bouillet, deceased actor (marble bust). 400 18 Dalon, Jules, Paris. — The Needle Woman (silvered bronze statuette). 400 19 Froc, Robert & Son, Paris.— Relig- ious statues. 400 20 Gabineau, Joseph Arthur Comte de, Stockholm, Sweden. asValkgrie after the Victory (marble bust). 400 b Queen Mab (marble bust). 400 21 Girard, Noel Jules, Paris. — Iphigenia Sacrificed (marble statue). 400 22 Gautherin, Jean, Paris. — Two Good Friends (marble group). 400 23 Itasse, Adolphe, Paris. a The Christmas Shoe. 400 b Birth of Love. 400 c Day and Night. 400 d L’amour au Pantin. 400 e John Crying and John Laughing. 400 f Marble Busts. 400 g Rest and Sorrows of the World. 400 h Child and Dove. 400 7 Child and Snail. 400 k Love Sleeping. 400 l Last Light. 400 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD The celebrity attained by the scenic and historic attractions along the Main Line and various branches of this Railroad, has led to the publication, by. the Company, of a volume entitled HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE, Embracing Historical, Descriptive, and Statistical Notices of Cities, Towns, Villages, Stations, Industries, and objects of Interest on its various Lines in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. This book contains two Steel-plate Portraits and one hundred and nine Wood Engravings, executed in the highest style from original designs by eminent artists. The design of the work is to faithfully portray the origin, pro- gress, and present condition of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and to give such information of a historical, personal, and statistical character as will interest travelers and the general public. The book contains three hundred pages, is printed in large, clear type, on heavy, tinted paper, and will compare favorably with any emanation from the American press. It is now for sale on all trains and at all principal ticket stations on the Pennsylvania Railroad and Branches, and at the book stores of J. B. Lippincott & Co. and Porter & Coates, Philadelphia. VISITORS TO THE CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION Will find this volume an interesting and valuable souvenir of Philadelphia and the great route connecting the East and West, as every station between, and including, New York and Pittsburg is illustrated and described in it. The HARDMAN PIANO FRANCE 35 Sculpture, Paintings. 24 Loison, Pierre, Paris. — The Young Convalescent (marble group). 400 25 Lechesne, Aug. Jean Bap., Paris. — Parrots (bronze groups). 400 26 Lanson, Ernest, Pari s . — B i an ca (marble bust). 400 27 Moulin, Hippolyte, Paris. a A Discovery at Pompeii (bronze statue). 400 b A Secret from Above (bronze group). 400 28 Moreau, Vauthier Augustin, Paris. — Young Walien Shepherd (bronze). 400 29 Megret, Louis Nicolas Adolphe, Paris. — David’s Child (bronze statue). 400 30 Mene, Pierre Jules, Paris. a Valet and his Couple (bronze group). 400 b Hunting in Scotland (bronze group). 400 c Falconer on Horseback (bronze group). 400 31 Martin, Felix, Paris. a Louis XI. at Peronne (bronze statue). 400 b Negro Hunting (bronze group). 400 32 Marcellin, Jean Espret, Paris. — Cypris Nursing Love (bronze). 400 33 Pautrot, Jules, Paris. — Falcons’ Fight (bronze group). 400 34 Perrey, Napoleon, Aine Paris.— Young Goatherd playing with a Squirrel (marble group). 400 35 Ringel, E. P. T. Desire, Paris. — A Florist (silvered bronze statuette). 400 36 Roubaud, Louis Auguste, Paris. a Winter (bronze statue). 400 b Young Maid (marble bust). 400 c Child (marble bust). 400 37 Ross, Alfred, Paris. — Bohemians at the Spring (bronze statue). 400 38 Raffl & Co., Paris. — Religious stat- ues . 400 39 Schrceder, Louis, Paris. — Etruscan Art (marble statue). 400 40 Telon, Joseph, Paris. 400 a Oceany (stone statue).' 400 b Resting Hour (marble statue). 400 c Navigation (bronze bust). 400 41 Vasselot, Anatole Marquet de, Paris. a Chloe (bronze statue). 400 b Portrait of Mr. Auzon (bronze statue). 400 42 Waagen, Paris.— Kabyle Hunting (bronze group). 400 43 Cordier, Charles, Paris. a Young Greek Women. 401 b Fellah Women. 401 c Christopher Columbus. 401 44 Keller, Florent, Antoine, Paris. a Family. 401 b Betrothings. 401 c Car Race. 401 d Shooting School. 401 e The Gods of the Waves. 401 f Nautical Pleasures. 401 45 Le Cointe, Aime, Joachim, Leon, Paris. a The Adieu. 401 b Vase of Peace. 401 c Sciences, Letters, Arts, Industry and Commerce. 401 46 Gabineau, Joseph, Arthur, Comte de, Stockholm, Sweden. — Evening Star (mar- ble medallion) 402 47 Keller, Florent, Antoine, Paris. a The Time and the Seasons. 402 b Alsace Slave. 402 c In Memory of the American Centen- nial. 402 d To the Saviors of the United States. 402 e Hercules’ Child. 402 f Neptune. 402 g Portrait. 402 h Portrait. 402 48 Le Cointe, Aime, Joachim Leon, Paris. — Pericles, Auguste, Leon X., Louis XIV. 402 49 Cordier, Charles, Paris.— Arabian Women (onyx and bronze). 404 50 Fromont, H., Paris. — Engravings on crystal. . 404 51 Martin, Georges, Paris. a Portrait of the Empress Josephine (cameo on onyx). 404 b Portrait of Benjamin Franklin (cameo on onyx). 404 52 Chovet, L., Paris. — Way of the Cross and religious paintings. 410 53 Accard, Eugene, Paris. — The Two Sisters. 410 54 Allemand, Gustave, Lyons — Young Girl with Fruits. 410 55 Adan, Louis Emile, Paris. a Inquisition Scene. 410 b Conspiracy under Catharine Medicis. 410 56 Autigna, Jean Pierre Alex’dre, Paris. a First Step in Crime. 410 b Fascination. 410 c Wreck. 410 57 Beliard, Edouard, Paris. a Interior of a Studio. 410 b Banks of the Oise, snow scene. 410 58 Bellange, Eugene, Paris. — Evening after the Battle (Italy). 410 59 Berthelemy, Pierre Emile, Paris. — Preparing to Fish. 410 60 Bar, Pierre Alexandre de, Paris, Autenil. a View taken at Boulak, Egypt. 410 b Death of Virginia. 410 61 Bartholdi, Frederic Auguste, Paris. a Old California. 410 b New California. 410 62 Bellel, Jean Joseph, Paris. a The Valley of Allevar. 410 b Saw-Mill on the shores of Sillett. 410 c Neighborhood of Constantine, Algeria. 410 d Bazaar, street in Constantine. 410 63 Bidan, Eugene, Paris. — The Little Quarrellers. 4x0 64 Blanc, Celestin Joseph, Paris. — A Feast to the Madonna (Naples). 410 65 Blum, Maurice, Paris. a A Painful Operation. 410 b A Grave Consultation. 410 66 Brest, Tabius, Paris. a Court of the Grand Mosque at Trebi- zonde. 410 b Kief on the Road from Kerrassunde to Amassia. 410 67 Brissot de Warville, Felix Sat- urnin, Compiegne. — Sheep Yard. 410 68 Breton, Emile, Courrieres, Rasde, Calais. a A Village of Artois in Winter. 410 b The Canal of Courrieres in Autumn. 410 69 Brunet, Houard (Pierre Auguste), Fontainebleau. a Interior of a Menagerie. 410 b Learned Dogs and Monkeys at the Cas- tle. 410 c Horse Fair in the East of France. 410 ART Oil Paintings. 70 Brueille, Gaston, Paris. — Fishing- Boat Surprised by a Gale. 410 71 Busson, Charles, Montoire (Lois et Ches). — After the Rain. 410 72 Bonne foy, Henry, Paris. — This- tles. 410 73 Beauce, Jean Adolphe, Paris. — In- terior of aSheepcote. 410 74 Ballavoine, Jules Frederic, Paris. — The Bouquet. 410 75 Barrias, Felix Joseph, Electre, V. Hugo. 410 76 Bellee, Leon Le Goaesbe de, Paris. a The Pillars of Scornee at Belle le en Mer. 410 b Inn on the Border of a Forest. 410 c Snow Scene. 410 77 Benouville, Achile, Paris. a The Banks of La Nive. 410 b Souvenirs of Palestrina, Italy. 410 78 Ballot, Mme. Adelaide, Paris. — Meditation. 410 79 Becker, Georges, Paris. — Rizpah Protecting the Bodies of her Sons trom the Birds of Prey. 410 80 Berchere, Narcisse, Paris. — After the Simoom, Gale on the Nile during the flood. 410 81 Baron, Stephane, Paris. — Faust and Marguerite. 410 82 Cabaillot, Lassalle, Paris. — Sculp- ture Exhibition of the Salon of 1874. 410 83 Clairval, Mrs. Marie Therese, Paris. — France in Mourning for Alsace and Lorraine. 410 84 Clement, Felix Auguste, Paris. a Before the Bath. 410 b Fellah Girl. 410 c Death of Caesar. 410 85 Collette, Alexandre, Paris. a Alighting from the Railway Car. 410 b The Reader. 410 c A French Country Girl. 410 86 Comerre, Leon, Lille. — Cassandre. 410 87 Cossmann, Maurice, Paris. — An Old History. 410 88 Couder, Emile Gustave, Paris. — Alone at Home. 410 89 Courdouan, Vincent, Toulon. — Cannes, Morning Scene. 410 90 Cheret, Louis, Paris. — The Cours du Veneon, in the Bourg d’Oisan. 410 91 Chaillon, Narcisse, Lagny Lesec. a Public Assistance in Paris. 410 b Little Watermelon Eater. 410 92 Castiglione, Joseph, Paris. a Haddon Hall Castle, Derbyshire. 410 b A Call on L’Oncle Cardinal. 410 c Frascati, near Rome. 410 93 Castelnau, Pierre de, Paris.— Gal- lery of Apollo, Louvre. 410 94 Comte Pierre, Charles, Paris. a Bohemians before the Invalid Louis XI. 410 b Sewermen Catching Rats. 410 95 Curzon, Paul Alfred de, Paris. a Tryptic, History of Ruth, Morning, Har- vest, Evening, Old Testament. 410 b Serenade in the Abruzz. 410 c View taken from Fort Napoleon, Harbor of Toulon. 410 96 Coroenne, Henri, Paris. — Salva- tion. 410 97 Courdouan, Vincent, Toulon. — Moustiers St. Marie. 410 98 Cassinelli, Henri-Louis, Nice. — Decatur leaving the Port of Tripoli, after having set fire to the Frigate Philadelphia, in 1804. 410 99 Cabuzel, Aug. Hector, Paris.— A Visit to the Louvre. 410 100 Callias, Horace de, Paris.— A Con- cert, Period of Charles le Temeraire. 410 101 Carrier, Belleuse, Pierre, Paris. a The Baptismal Plate. 410 b Sleeping Child. 410 102 Cetner, Alexandre, Albert de, Paris. a Salambo. 410* b Faith. 410 103 Chartran, Theobald, Paris. -Roger and Angelica, Ariosto. 4x0 104 Cassagne, Armand, Paris. a Allee de Sully, Etang des Carpes, Fon- tainebleau Palace. 410 b Through the Rocks, Morning Scene, Fon- tainebleau Forest. 410 c The Road of La Croix d’Anges, Fontain- bleau Forest. 410 105 Chagot, Edmond, Paris. a The Beach of St. Briac. 410 b Wreck of a Sloop. 410 106 Chevrier, Jules, Place de Beaune, Saone. a A Mouse at an Antiquary’s. 410 b Gothic Hall, Rats. 410 c Rat at an Engraver’s. 410 d The Captured Mice. 410 107 Dameron, Emile Charles, Paris. a The Oaks of Grand Moulin, Cernay-la- ville. 410 b The Pyramids (Belle lie en mer). 410 108 Duran, Carolus, Paris. — At the Sea- shore. 4x0 109 Duverger, Theophile Emmanuel, Ecouen. a The End of the Harvest. 410 b The School. 410 110 De N Coninck, Pierre, Paris. — Pas- torella. 410 111 Doux, Mad. Lucile, Paris. a Salonique Woman. 410 b Revery. 410 112 Dubos, Mile. Angele, Paris. a The Barber’s Daughter. 410 b A Big Sister. 410 113 Daubigny, Karl Pierre, Paris. a The Valley of Portville, Normandy. 410 b The Oyster Shipping at Cancale. 410 c Banks of the Seine. Landscape. 410 114 Debat-Ponsan, Edouard, Paris. — The First Mourning, Death of Abel. 410 115 Douillard, Alexis - Marie, Louis, Paris. — Hope. 410 116 Delobbe, Francois Alfred, Paris. — Return from the Fields at St. Briac. 410 117 Dubouchet, Henri Joseph, Auteuil, Paris. — Saint Antonio, patron of the mariners of Porto d’Angio, Italy. 410 118 Duez, Ernest Ange, Paris. — Splen- dor and Misery. 410 119 Dupre, Leon Victor, Paris. a Willows on the Banks of the Maine. 410 b Animals at the Watering Place. 410 POB 1876 . THE ART JOURNAL: AN INTERNATIONAL GALLERY OF ENGRAVINGS, BY DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS OF EUROPE and AMERICA; With Illustrated Papers on various subjects in Art . The Art Journal is a monthly publication, specially devoted to the world of Art — Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Decoration, Engraving, Etching, Enameling, and Designing in all its branches — having in view the double pur- pose of supplying a complete illustrated record of progress in the Arts, and of affording a means for the cultivation of Art taste among the people. Each num- ber is richly and abundantly illustrated on both steel and wood, and no pains are spared to render this “Art Journal” the most valuable publication of the kind in the world. It contains the Steel Plates and Illustrations of the London Art Journal, a publication of world-wide fame (the exclusive right of which, for Canada and the United States, has been purchased by the publishers), with EX- TENSIVE additions devoted principally to American Art and American topics. The Steel Illustrations will continue to justify the reputation of The Art Journal. Each number will contain Three Steel Plates, in many instances a single plate being worth much more than the entire price of the number. The subjects in some cases are derived from the old masters, but more commonly from the paintings of the modern school and from objects in Sculpture. Published Monthly. PRICE, 75 CENTS PER NUMBER. Sold only by Subscription. * Payable on delivery by the carrier, who is not allowed to receive money in advance or to give credit. Among tlie features of the Art Journal for the year 1876 will be the following: I. The Homes of A merica. II. The Far West : Colorado and the Pacific Railway. Ill American Artists and their Works. IV. Household Art. V. American Art Manufactures. VI. New Atnerican Churches and American Architecture. VII. The French Painters and their Works. VIII. British Artists a?id their Works. IX. Art in Japan ; Art in India; Art in Palestine. X. British Art Manufactures. XI. Illustrations of Art Articles in the CENTENNIAL Exhi- bition. XII. Illustrated Papers on Various Productions in Art. XIII. Original Papers from Paris and Rome. D. APPLETON & CO. Publishers, 549 and 551 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. SCHENCK’S BUILDING, Cor. Sixth fjjlrch Sts., Philadelphia. SOHEUCZ: 7 S PULMOlsTIO SYETJP, A POSITIVE CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. SGHEECK ; S S 3S AW 3E3 IE 3D TOIsTIC, FOR DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. SCHEECKE 3VC^3SrZDie,^YCE] IPIULIGS, FOR ALL BILIOUS DISORDERS. FRANCE 37 Oil Paintings. 120 Dumaresq, Armand, Paris. a Declaration of Independence of the U. S. of America, 4th of July, 1776. 410 b Surrender of Yorktown, the 18th of Octo- ber, 1781. 410 c The Geneva Congress in 1873. 410 d Lafayette’s Adieu to Washington. 410 121 Durst, Auguste, Puteaux. a A Kitchen Girl. 410 b Evening Scene at Binot bridge, neighbor- hood of Paris. 410 122 Deshayes, Ch. Felix-Edouard, Paris. a A Meadow at Cerney-la-ville. 410 b The Return from Market, morning scene. 410 123 Eliot, Gabriel, Paris. a The White Hen. 410 b Cock-fighting. 410 124 Fery, Miss Lucie, Paris. a Roses and Fruits. 410 b Object of Art. 410 125 Faivre-Duffer, Louis Stanislas, Paris. — Venus led by Love. 410 126 Ferry, Jean Georges, Paris. — Wor- ship of Bacchus. 410 127 Feyen, Eugene, Paris. — The Re- gattas of Cancale. 410 128 Feyen, Perrin, FranM ■ g H 3 sS 2 CO w M CO o r> co No. CASES. PRICE. 1. With 35 Large Three-drachm Vials, ROSEWOOD CASE, and Humphreys’ Homeopathic Mentor (New Book) $12 00 2. With 35 Large Three-drachm Vials, MOROCCO CASE, and Specific Homeo- pathic Manual (Small Book) 10 00 4. With 20 Large Three-drachm Vials, MOROCCO CASE, and Specific Homeo- pathic Manual 6 00 5. With 20 Large Three-drachm Vials, PAPER CASE, and Specific Homeopathic Manual 5 00 15. With 8 Two-drachm Vials, SINGLE-FLAT (pocket), and Manual 1 75 These Cases and Medicines are sent by express or mail, free on receipt of the price. THE SUN NEWSPAPER Is printed and published every day in the year, at 166, 168, and 170 Nassau Street, New York City. Its regular edition on secular days now (April, 1876) averages about 140,000 $ its weekly edition over 88*000 ; and its Sunday issue is nearly 100*000. It thus prints and sells more than a million copies a week, which are read all over the United States. This is a circulation unprecedented in American journalism, and it is constantly on the increase. In proof of this, let the following figures testify. They show the number of copies of The Sun printed every week during the year ending March 11, 1876. WEEK ENDING COPIES PRINTED. j WEEK ENDING COPIES PRINTED. March 20... 849,382 September 18 860,358 27... 845,802 25 858,778 April 3... 857,956 ! October 2 863,935 10... 863,556 9 870,820 17... 16 878,082 24... 858,270 23 874,625 May 1 ... 869,542 30 876,160 8... 867,550 November 6 908,580 15... 877,450 13 852,372 22... 874,946 20 847,815 29... 866,276 27 836,248 June 5... 873,782 j December 4 845,378 12... 869,769 j 11 1,042,716 19... 880,348 1 18 956,294 26... 883,846 | 25 933,864 July 3... 898,862 ! January 1 933,987 10... 867,574 8 952,202 17... 877,400 ! 15 953,019 24... 876,282 22 969,911 31... 874,216 1 29 967,850 August 7... 865,558 j February 5 993,030 14... 875,982 j 12 1,024,647 21... 880,488 1 19 1,027,209 28... 870,502 1 26 1,014,766 September 4... 872,211 ; March 4 1,014,993 11... 11 1,028,951 Total 46,799,769 In printing these papers, no less than three million four hundred and twenty- six thousand six hundred and ten (3,426,610) pounds of paper were consumed. ADVERTISING RATES. Daily and Sunday, 40 cents a line, ordinary advertising ; large type, 80 cents; and preferred positions, 50 cents to $2.50, according to classification. Weekly, 50 cents a line; no extra charge for large type. Preferred positions, from 75 cents to $2.00. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Daily (4 pages), by mail, 55c. a month, or $6.50 a year, postpaid; with Sunday edition, $7.70. Sunday (8 pages), $1.20 per year, postpaid. Weekly (8 pages), $1.20 per year, postpaid. Address, TBIIED STJ3NT, 2NTe“w "STorik:- SWEDEN 47 Oil Paintings. 17 Berg, Alb., Stockholm. a Marine. 410 b View from Stockholm’s Skargord, Archi- pelago. % 410 c Winter in the Skargord. 410 d Moonlight. • 410 18 Cederstrom, G., Baron, Stockholm, — Dark Moments. 410 19 Cedergren, P. N., Stockholm. — View of Stockholm. 410 20 Cantzler, H. a Northern Landscape. b Reaping in Italy. 410 21 Dietrichson, Mrs. M., Christiania, Norway. — The Recovered Document. 4x0 22 Engstrom, W. O., Dusseldorf, Ger- many. a Good-Morning. 4x0 b Bird of Prey Carrying Off ar Rabbit. 410 23 Ekstrom, P., Stockholm. — Summer Evening. 410 24 Fahlgren, C. A., Stockholm. — Land- scape. 410 25 Fagerlin, F., Dusseldorf, Ger- many. a The Convalescent. 410 b Smoking Boys. 410 c Jealousy. 4x0 26 Holmlund, Miss Josefina, Stock- holm. — Frederika Bremer’s First and Last Home. 410 27 Holst, J. G. von, Stockholm. a Sheep on the Pasture. 410 b A Fruitless Attempt. 410 28 Holm, P. D., Stockholm. a In the Mining Districts of Wermland. 410 b In the Forest. 410 29 Hertzberg, A. G., Dusseldorf, Ger- many. — Young Girl going to the Lord’s Supper. 410 30 Hellquist, H., Paris, France. — Genre. 410 Water Colors. 31 Hafstrom, A. G., Dusseldorf, Ger- many. — A Captured Frenchman. 410 32 Hermelin, Olof, Baron, Commis- sioner of the Swedish Art Department, Stockholm. a Winter Day in the Neighborhood of Stockholm. 410 b Poor People’s Graveyard, near Stock- holm. 410 c The First Snow. 410 d Fishing Harbor near Stockholm. 410 e On Mont Martre, Paris. 410 / In a Stockholm Suburbe. 410 g The Church of St. Pierre, Paris. 410 h. Returning Home. 410 i Landscape in Sodermanland. 410 k Birch Forest. 410 l Autumn Day at Djurgorden, Stockholm. m Fishing-place near Stockholm. 410 33 Jernberg, Olof, Dusseldorf, Ger- many. — Swedish Landscape. 410 34 Jernberg, Aug., Dusseldorf, Ger- many. a Market Day in Dusseldorf 410 b The Broken Pipe. 410 c Preparations to Festivals. 410 d Visitors in the Amsterdam Museum Re- garding Rembrandt’s Night Watch. 410 35 Kallenberg, And., Berlin, Germany. a Cattle in Skone. 410 b Beech Forest. 410 c Farm-house in Skone. 410 36 Koskull, A. G., Baron, Stockholm.— The Boy and Wolves. 4x0 37 Kiorbel, C. F., Dijon, France. — Dogs attacking a Fox. 410 38 Kulle, Jac., Stockholm. — Wedding Attendance in Skone. 410 39 Lonnroth, Fr., Boroo. — Nor- wegian Horses. 410 40 Lofgren, Miss Klara, Stockholm. — Sorrow. 410 41 Lindman, A., Stockholm. — Evening at the West Coast of Sweden. 410 42 Lindegren, Miss Amalia, Stockholm. a Father Returned from Market. 410 b Merriment at Home. 410 c Girl with an Orange. 410 43 Lagerholm, Miss Wilhe.mina, Stockholm. — A Mother’s Grief. 410 44 Malmstrom, J. Aug., Stockholm. — Dance of Elves. 410 45 Nordlander, Miss Anna, Stockholm. — The Toilet of the Favourite. 410 46 Nordgren, Axel, Diisseldorf, Ger- many. a View at the Promontory Kullen in Skone. b Coast Scenery. 410 47 Nordgren, Miss Anna, Paris, France. a Italian Girl. 410 b Genre. 410 48 Nordenberg, B., Dusseldorf, Ger- many. a Dalecarlians put to Flight by a Fire in the Forest. 410 b Wedding in a Swedish Country Church. c Rest in a “Sater,” Alpine Dairy-house. d The Killed Sheep. 410 49 Nilsson, Severin, Paris. a Sigurd Ring, King of Scandinavia and Engl, Burning Himself and his Killed Bride. 410 b The King of the Children. 410 c Brother and Sister. 410 50 Post, Miss Christine, von, Paris, France. — The Five Foolish Virgins at the Locked Door. 410 51 Perseus, Edward, Stockholm. — Parisian Maid. 410 52 Palm, G. W., Stockholm. — View of Stockholm. 410 53 Rydberg, G. F., Stockholm. a Winter Landscape ,410 b Spring Landscape. 410 c Landscape in Blekinge. 410 54 Rosen, Count G. von, Stockholm. — Portrait of E. v. Rosen, the Founder of the Swedish Railroads. 410 55 Ribbing, Miss Sophie, London, Eng- land. a Girl with Grapes. 4x0 b Girl at the Sater. 410 c The Gardener’s Children. 410 d Girl with Eggs. 410 53 Sidwall, Miss Amanda, Paris. — Mulatto woman. 410 57 Sodergren, Miss Sophie, Paris. » — French Coast Landscape. 410 58 Svenson, Fr., Stockholm. — H. M. Frigate “ Vanadies.” 410 59 Salomon, Geskel, Stockholm. a Maid with an Open Letter. 4x0 b At the Letter-box. 410 c Religious Ceremony at the Coast of Al- giers. 410 48 ART Paintings, Engravings, Photographs. 60 Schwerin, Miss, Amelie, von, Diis- seldorf, Germany. a Landscape with Cattle. 410 b Landscape with Cattle. 410 61 Skonberg, C. E., Paris, France.— In- terieur of Beech Forest. 410 62 Torna, O., Diisseldorf, Germany. a Pine Forest, Sweden. 4x0 b Moonrise, Sweden. 410 c Birch Forest, Sweden. 410 63 Virgin, A. J. G., Stockholm. a Letterbox, motive from Rattoik, Dalarne. b On the Meadows, motive from Orsa, Da- larne. 410 64 Winge, Mrs. M., Stockholm. a Sunday Morning at the Church of Rat- toik, Dalarne. 410 b Before Service. 410 65 Winge, M. E., Stockholm. a Signe and Hagbard. 410 b Viking Fleet. 4x0 66 Werner, G., Naples, Italy. — The Salamander. 410 67 Wallander W. & Forslow H., Stock- holm. a Shepherd Making Fire, the Smoke of which keeps off the Mosquitoes from the Cattle. 410 b Saturday Night on the Alpine Pasture. 410 68 Wallander, W., Stockholm. — Forge in the Forest. 410 69 Wahlquist, E., Sigtuna. a Hunting Party. 410 b The Fortress Kronoborg. • 410 c Smugglers. 4x0 70 Wahlberg, H. A. L., Paris, France. — Landscape in Moonlight. 410 71 Zetterstrom, Mrs. M., Paris. — What does she think of? 410 72 Ahrenberg, J., Stockholm. — City Gate of Rouen. 410 73 Blackstadius, J. L., Stockholm. a Miller’s Cottage at Alvastra. 411 b In Stockholm’s Skargord. 411 74 Gardell, Miss Anna, Stockholm. a Views from Skona. 41 1 b A Spring Day. 411 411 411 411 41 1 75 Hagg, J., Stockholm. a In the River at Stockholm. b Man of War. c Sea picture. # d Sea picture. 76 Kylberg, Miss Regina, Stockholm. — The Halsfors in Norway. 411 77 Larson, MissVirginia, Stockholm. a Paysant Girl from Dalarne. 4x1 b Swedish Landscape. 41 1 78 Malstrom, J. A., Stockholm. — Drawings. 411 79 Sandberg, N., Stockholm.— Coal drawings. 411 80 Meyer, W., Stockholm. — Wood en- gravings. 422 81 Cen traltry ckeriets Akticbolag, Stockholm. — Lithographical products. 423 82 Cardon, J., Stockholm .—Litho- graphs. 423 83 H u 1 d ber g , F., Stockholm.— Litho- graphs. 423 84 Litografiska, Aktiebolaget, Norrko- ping. — Lithographical products. 423 85 Reuterdahl, F. R., Jr., Malmo. — Lithographs. 423 86 FI orman, G., Stockholm. — Pho- tographs. 430 87 Huldberg, F., Stockholm.— Photo- graphs. 430 88 Lofstrom, Miss Sophie, Uppsala. — Photographs. 430 89 Lundberg, W. A., Stockholm. a Photographs on paper. 430 b Photographs on glass. 430 90 Lindahl, Axel, Goteborg. — Pho- tographs. 430 91 Osti, Henr., Uppsala.— Photographs. 430 92 Roesler, R., Stockholm. — Photo- graphs on wood, copper, engravings. 430 93 Wiklund, O., Wester os. — Photo- graphs. 43° 94 Carleman, C. G. W., Stockholm. — Photo-engravings. 431 95 Lilijestrom, Ansh., Stockholm.— Project of a Theatre. 441 NORWAY. Paintings. Paintings in Oil. 1 Anker, Herm., Christiania. a Scenery in Romsdalen. b Scenery near Loen in Nordfiord. 2 Askevold, A., Bergen. a Summer Day at the Mountain-tarn. b Evening on the Mountain-pastures (cha- let). 3 Arbo, P. N., Christiania. — “ Day/' Mythological subject. 4 Bergh, Anton, Christiania. — Folge- fonden, glacier in Hardanger. 5 Boe, Frantz, Bergen. a Flowers. b Fruits. c Midnight Sunlight in Norway. NORWAY 49 Paintings, Carving, Photographs, Sculpture. 6 Bennetter, J. J., Paris. a Vikings at Sea. Moonlight and Storm. b Sea-fight between the Frigate “ la Pre- neuse” and the line-of-battle-ship “Jupi- ter” on itit Heights of Le Banc des Aigu- illes, 26 Sept., 1799. 7 Baade, Knud, Munich. — Subject from the Norwegian Coast. 8 Dahl, Hans, Bergen. — Figure-paint- ing, subject from the Western Norway. 9 Diesen, And. E., Carlsruhe.— Moun- tain-scenery. 10 Grimelund, J. M., Paris. — A Sum- mer-morning in the Birch-forest. 11 Gude, Hans, Professor, Carlsruhe. a A Fresh Breeze, Norwegian Coast. b Calm, Christianiafiord. c View from Drobak, near Christiania. 12 v. Hanno, W., Christiania. — Subject from Braunschweig. 13 Hygen, Bernitz, Christiania. a View in the Christianiafiord. b Scenery in Nordmarken, near Christiania. 14 Jacobsen, S., DUsseldorf. — Winter- scenery. 15 Lerche, Vine. St., DUsseldorf. a Studio in a Monastery. b Interieur “ 16 Lorck, Karl J., DUsseldorf. — The Elk-hunters. 17 Moller, Niels B., DUsseldorf. a The Kirkevig near Lysekil, Sweden. b Moonshine, Lysekil. c Waterfall in Telemarken, Norway. d From Fjserland, Sognefiord, Norway. 18 Nicolaysen, L. W., Christiania. — Norwegian Landscape, from the Lake Bandak in Telemarken. 19 Nielssen, Johan, MUnchen. — Ap- proaching Thunder-storm, Lofoten Isl- ands, Norway. 20 Nielsen, Amaldus, Christiania. a. Scenery in the Sognefiord, Norway. b The Vingeraashei, Telemarken. c Towards Evening. 21 Norman, A., DUsseldorf. a. Scenery in the Romsdalsfiord. b Landscape from Laerdal, Sognefiord. c Norwegian Fjord. 22 Rummelhoff, Chr., Arendal. a Morning, Faleidc in Nordfiord. b After Rain, subject from the Sorfiord. 23 Sinding, Otto, Munich. a Ruth and Boas. b Fight at a Christmas-feast. 24 Skari, E. O. R., Christiania.— French Fishermen in the Channel. 25 Schanche, Herm. G., DUsseldorf. — The Folgefonde, glacier in Norway. 26 Smith-Hald, F., DUsseldorf. a Winter Day, Bohuslan, Sweden. b Winter Evening at the Swedish Coast. 27 Schive, Jacob, DUsseldorf.— Norwe- gian Winter Landscape. 28 Thaulow, Fritz, Christiania. a Scene from the Ice-channel, Christiania- fiord. b On the Thames. c Midsummer Night on the Norwegian Coast. 29 Thurman, P., Christiania.— Hardan- gerfiord. 30 Ulfsten, Carlsruhe. — Moonrise on the Norwegian Coast. 31 Wexelsen, Chr., Christiania. — Scen- ery from Sorfiorden, Hardanger. 32 Vigdal, A. G., Bergen. — Waterfall, subject from Vos. Paintings in Water Colors. 33 Lerche, Vine., St., DUsseldorf.— Il- lustrations of popular rhymes and nur- sery tales, 13 aquarelles. Price for the set 300 dollars. Wood Carving. 34 Fladmoe, T. C., Christiania. — Wood- carvings, designs for wood-carvings, and designs for Norwegian domestic industry. 35 Hansen, H., Christiansand. — Carv- ings in wood and ivory. 36 Kaarstad, J. O., Drammen.— Wood- carvings. 37 Simonsen, P., Christiania. — Wood- carvings by Ole Olsen Moene in Opdal. Photography. 38 Aubert, E. E., Christiania. 39 Carstens, B. A., Vossevangen. — Photographs on paper. 40 Klem, Frederic, Christiania. — Pho- tograph portraits. 41 Knudsen, Claus, Christiania. — Pho- tograph portraits. 42 Knudsen, K., Bergen. — Photographs on paper. 43 Petersen, Peter, Christiania. a Photographs of antiquities belonging to the University of Christiania. b Fac-simile of antique Norwegian codices (Kongespeilet and Didrik of Berns Saga). 44 Petersen, Peter Christiania. — Elec- trotype copies of Scandinavian Gold- Bra teates. 45 Szacinski, L., Christiania. — Photo- graph portraits. Sculpture. 46 Borch, Chr., Rome. a Jephtha’s Daughter (Judges xi. 31). Stat- ue of marble, natural size. b Morning and Evening. Two statues of marble, half natural size, with pedestal. c Sulamith, from the Song of Solomon, statue of plaster, natural size. 47 Sinding, Stephan, Christiania. a Hermes, statue of marble, natural size. | b Volund, statue of plaster, natural size. 5 © ART ITALY. Sculpture, Cameos, Carvings, Photographs, Mosaics. 1 Boschetti, Benedetto, Rome. — Copy in bronze. 400 2 Becucci, L. & R. Brothers, Florence. -^-Marble statues, serpentine vases. 400 3 Boni, Andrea, Milan. — Statues for decoration. 400 4 Bellezza, Niccolo Alessandro, Rome. — Bronze statues. 400 5 Chiapparelli, Pietro, Rome. — Copies in bronze. 400 6 Ceriani, Giuseppe, Milan. — Bronzes. 400 7 Cecchi, Carlo, Volterra, Pisa. — Ala- baster works. 400 8 Galli Brothers, Pietro & Leopoldo, Florence. — Copies of bronze statues. 400 9 Leoni, Angelo, Catania. — Statues of baked clay. 400 10 Nelli, Alessandro, Rome. — Copy in bronze. 400 11 Porcinai, Giuseppe, Florence. — Mar- ble figures. 400 12 Romanelli Brothers, Florence. — Al- abaster statues. • 400 13 Capannini Car., Giuseppe, Rome.— Cameos. 404 14 Francati & Santamaria, Rome. — Cameos. 404 15 Siotto, Pio, Rome.— Cameos. 404 16 Baccetti, Andrea, Florence.— Sculp- ture in wood. 405 17 Bazzanti, Pietro & Brothers, Flor- ence. — Sculpture in wood. 405 18 Brogi, F. & Co., Sienna.— Sculpture in wood. 4°5 19 Barb etti, Rinaldus, Florence.— Sculpture in wood. 405 20 Carrara, Pasquale, Bergamo.— Sculpture in wood. 405 21 Chamber of Commerce of Sienna, for Messrs. Guidi, Goti and Querei, Si- enna. — Sculpture in Wood. 405 22 Ducci, Carlo, Florence.— Sculpture in wood and ivory. 405 23 Frullini, Prof. Luigi, Florence.— Sculpture in wood. 405 24 Ferri & Bartolozzo, Florence. — Sculpture in wood. 405 25 Gargini, Cesare, Florence.— Sculp- ture in wood. 4°5 26 Giani, Prof. Egistus, Florence.— Sculpture in wood. 405 27 Mattarelli, Adolfo, Florence.— Sculp- ture in wood. 4°5 28 Morini, Francesco, Florence. — Sculpture in wood. 405 29 Ottajano, Prof. Luigi, Naples.— Sculpture in wood. 405 30 Picchi, Andrea, Florence. — Sculp- ture in wood. 4°5 31 Paneieur, Besarel Valentino & Brothers, Venice. — Sculpture in wood. 405 32 Petralli Brothers, Florence. — Sculp- ture in wood. 405 33 Romanelli, Ferdinando, Florence. — Sculpture in wood. 405 34 Romagnani, Benedetto, Pistoja, Florence. — Ebony work. 405 35 Ravacci, Ferd. & Co., Milan. — Carved wood. 405 36 Ricciarelli, Secondus, Lucca. — Sculpture in wood. . 405 37 Accaristi, Ludovico, Florence. — Copies from Original Paintings. 410 38 Pisani, Luigi, Florence. — Copies of Original Paintings. 410 39 Romoli, Cav.,'Prof. Luigi, Florence. Copies of Paintings. 410 40 Chiari, Pietro, Arezzo. — Pen and Ink design. ' 420 41 Barelli, Pietro, Milan. — Engravings. 421 42 Visconti, Ciro, Palerm o . — Lit h o - graphic Album. 423 43 Frauenfelder, G., Palermo. — Chromo Lithographic Album. 424 44 Libreria, Spitzover, Rome. — Chro- mo-lithography. 424 45 Terzi, Andrea, Palermo. — Chromo- lithographic Album. 424 46 Guidi, Federigo & Billi, Ermegildo, Florence. — Photography. 430 47 Maija, Carlo, Venice. — Photographs. 43° 48 Tagliarino, A. & Co., Palermo. — Photographs . 43° 49 Verzaschi, Enrico, Rome. — Photo- graphs. 43° 50 Cartufi, Luigi, Rome, Architecture. 441 51 Canedi, Eng. Gaetano, Milan. — Ar- chitectural Designs. 44 1 52 Mazzotti, Achille, Rome.— Architec- ture. 44 1 53 Petrucci, Eng. Antonino, Palermo.— Architectural Design. 44 1 54 Preda, Prof. Antonio, Bergam*.— Design for Architectural Works. 441 55 Partini, Cesare, Rome.— Architec- ture. 44 1 56 Bianchini, Telemaco, Florence.— Mosaics. . 45° 57 Betti, Francesco, Florence.— Mo- saics. ■ 45° 58 Bazzanti, Pietro & Brothers.— Flor- ence. — Mosaics. ' 45° 59 Boncinelli, Gio. & Sons, Florence. ■ Mosaics . 45° 60 Brunacci, Pietro Fiesole, Florence. — Mosaics. 45° BRITISH ADVERTISEMENTS. MINTON'S © u c3 QD © O •H U ft 'd © 6f) c 3 £ Q CHINA •n THOMAS GOODE & CO., Artists and Designers in Porcelain , SOUTH AUDLEY ST., GROSVENOR SQ., LONDON. These beautiful new Pottery Galleries comprise 8 Houses, and are the largest in Europe. BLOOD, WOLFE & CO.’S iHUXX DUBLIN STOUT AND mm v y q PALE ALES, giZfdZggr - ■ i-w| LIVERPOOL AND LONDON, ENGLAND, Agents in all principal cities in the United States. EDWARD& JOHN BURKE S CELEBRATED EXTRA FOREIGN STOUT AND ALLSOPP S BURTON ALES To be 'obtained at the Restaurants in the Exhi- bition Buildings, and sold by all first-class Liquor Dealers, Restaurateurs, Hotels, &c., in the whole of the United States. BRITISH ADVERTISEMENT. Established 1801. JONAS BROOK & BROTHERS Meltham Mills, near Huddersfield, MANUFACTURERS OF Sewing, Crochet, and Embroidering Cotton, □DEPOTS = 49, Cannon Street, London, E.C. I 10, Garthland Street, Glasgow. 36, Fountain Street, Manchester. | 93, Boulevard de Sebastopol, Paris. WM. HI. SMITH & CO., 32, Greene Street, New York, Sole Agents for the U.S. BROOK’S PATENT GLACE SPOOL COTTON, BROOK’S SIX CORD SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON, FOR HAND AND MACHINE USE. FOR HAND AND MACHINE USE. BROOK’S PATENT GLACE' THREAD, IN WHITE, BLACK, AND COLORS. , - , n .i ? _ : i.: l The extraordinary strength, smoothness, and durability obtained by this invention have secured for it great popularity, and it is consequently much imitated in inferior qualities. This Cotton is always labelled Brook’s Patent Glace Thread, and without their name and crest (a GOAT’S HEAD), the words “ Glace,” or “ Patent Glace,” do not denote that it is of their manufacture. .... , r BROOK’S PATENT NINE AND SIX CORDS will be found of very superior quality, and are strongly recommended wherever a SOFT COTTON is preferred. EXHIBITION PRIZES. Only Medal London, 1851. Prize Medal London, 1862. OnlyEirst Class Medal, Paris, 1855. Gold Medal Paris, 1867. ONLY DIPLOMA OF HONOUR, VIENNA. 1873. MEXICO 5i Mosaics. 61 Ci vita, Angelo, Florence.— Mo- saics. 450 62 Francati & Santamaria, Rome. — Mosaics. 450 63 Falcini, Andrea, Florence. — Mo- saics. 450 64 Framolini, Titus, Florence.— Mo- saics. 450 65 Gallandz, L. A., Rome. — Mosaics. 450 66 Mattarelli, Adolfo, Florence. — Mo- saics. 450 67 Montelatici, Guiseppe, Florence. — Mosaics. 450 68 Montelatici, A. & Brother, Florence. — Mosaics. 450 69 Moglia, August o, Rome. — Mo- saics. 450 70 Norelli, Luigi & Co., Florence. — Mo- saics. 450 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Olivieri, Luigi, Venice. — Mosaics. 450 Orlandini, Leopoldo, Florence. — Mo- saics. 450 Profili, Ulisse, Rome. — Mosaics. 450 Roccheggiani, C., R o m e.— Mo- saics. 450 Scappini, Giovanni, Florence. — Mo- saics. 450 Sandrini, Antonio, saics. Scarselli, Nicola, saics. Florence. — Mo- 450 Florence. — Mo- 450 Torrini, Giocondo, saics. Ugolini, Giovanni, saics. Vichi, Ferdinando, saics. Florence. — Mo- 450 Florence. — Mo- 450 Florence.— Mo- 450 MEXICO. Sculpture, Paintings. 1 Calvo. a Group. 400 b Figure. 400 2 Dumaine. — The Orphans. 400 3 Fernandez, J. — Sculpture. 400 4 Guerea, Gabriel. — A fisherman. 400 5 Norena. — Group. 400 6 Sojo. — Group of Mercury and Argos. 400 7 Salot, J. — Galatea. 400 8 Valero, Felipe. — St. Sebastian. 400 9 Montenegro, Guadalupe. — Model of artist’s easel. 405 10 Antonio, Jose. — Allegoria. 410 11 Alcivar, Jose. — Portrait of the Pres- byter Manuel Justo Boliva. 410 12 Baltazar de Echave. a Purissima. 410 b At prayer in the Garden. 410 13 Cabrera, Manuel. a Portrait, Virgin of the Apocalepsie. 410 b Portrait St. Juna Tuez of the Cross. 410 14 Correa, Juan. — St. Joseph with the Child Jesus. 410 15 Correa, Nicolas.— St. Catherine of Senna. 410 16 Corral, Jesus. — Spanish Cottage. 410 17 Clave, Pelegrin.— Donna Isabel of Portugal. 410 18 Cordero, J. — Purissima. 410 19 Coto, Luis. — Peasantry of Guada- loupe. 410 20 Calderon, Jose. a Entrance to the labratory. 410 b Palace and cabinet of Senor Terreros. 410 21 Casarrin, Alexandro. — Painting. 410 22 Davila, Daniel.— Rube ns in the study of his master. 410 23 Dumaine. — The road to Chaputtepec. 410 24 Enriquez, Nicolas. — Apparition of the Holy Virgin to different Saints. 410 25 Echave, Baltazar de. — Martyrdom of St. Peter. 410 26 Flores, Rafael. — Dante. 410 27 Figuera, Gregorie.— Adam and Eve. 410 28 Ferrando, Salvador. — Jacob the Father of the Israelites. 410 29 Gutierres, Rodrigo.— Ariande. 410 30 Gutierres, Felipe.— San Sebastian. 410 31 Hernandez, Ignacio. — Portrait of Mina. 410 32 Lopez, de Henera.— Christ. 410 33 Jimenes, Raphael. — Plans and mouldings for the Trescony of the chapel of Minerva. 410 34 Juarez, Luis. — Painting. 410 35 Juarez, J. — Adoration of Holy Kings. 4IO 36 Jimenes, Jose.— Interior of the Court of Loretto. 4 IO 37 Manuel, Father.— The Jesuit. 410 38 Miguel, Mata y Reyes. — Water- Bearer. 4IO 39 Manchola, Juan. — St. Peter. 410 40 Monroy, Petronile.— The Constitu- tion. 4XO 52 ART Paintings. 41 Ma Valasquez, Jose. — Valley of Mexico. 410 42 Monroy, Luis. a Death of Atala. . 410 b The Orphans. 410 43 Mendoza, Francisco. — Painting. 410 44 Ocaranza, Manuel. — The Drooping Flower. 410 45 Olregon, Jose. — Painting. 410 46 Paez,Jose. — St. Rosalia. 410 47 Pina, Salome. — St. Carlos. 410 48 Portu, Luis, Sir. — Portrait of Juarez. 410 49 Pavia, Felix. a Brother Bartholomew de las Casas. 410 b Galileo. 410 50 Ruiz, Morlet, Juan Paricio. — St. Luis Gonzaga. 410 51 Rodriguez, Juan, St. John. 410 52 Rodriguez, Nicolas. a St. Gertrude. 410 b St. Thomas of Vallanueva. 410 53 Ramirez, Augustin. — Noah’s Ark and the Curate Hidalgo. 410 54 Rebull, Santiago.— Death of Marat. 410 55 Sebastian de Arteaga. — The Virgin. 410 56 Saguedo, Ramon. — Castle of Emaus. 410 57 Sanchez, Fiburcio. a Family of the Senor Arce. 410 b Family of the Juan Urriche. 410 58 Villalprando, Carlos. a Interior of the Church of Bethlehem. 410 b St. Francis in Prayer. 410 59 Vega, Ivaquin de la. — Portrait of Caream. 410 60 Vega, Fidenciode la. — Lucifer’s Fall from Grace. 410 61 Vasquez. — Ascension of the Holy Virgin. 410 62 Vargas, Atanacio. — The Prisoner. 410 63 Vallejo, Francisco. — Purisima, Most Holy. 410 64 Vasquez, Mariane. — Portrait. 410 65 Vasquez, Ignacio. — David and Go- liath. 410 66 Harran, Jose. — Sheets, with Pas- sages in the Life of the Holy Virgin. 431 BRAZIL. Sculpture, Paintings, Photographs. 1 Province of Rio Grande de Sul. — Cross of marble. 400 2 Reis Almeida. — Plaster statue repre- senting the late Bishop of Theresopolis. 400 3 Costa Silva. — Brazilian Arms. 405 4 Americo, Pedro. — Brazilian army crossing Passo da Patria, led by Marshal Ozorio, during the Paraguay war. 410 5 Martino, De. — The Moonlight. 410 6 Silveira, Sauza da. — Transparent miniatures. 411 7 Almeida, M. J., d*. — Pen and ink drawings. 420 8 Rocha, Antonio da. — Drawings with pen and ink. 420 9 Bruteus, Jaynie.— Lithograph. 424 10 Carls, Henrique. — Lithographs. 424 11 N. N. — Various Lithographs. 424 12 Brazilian Geological Commission. — Photographs. 430 13 Leuzinger. — Photographic Views. 430 14 Mota, Agastinho da. — Views of Sa- guarema, Brazil. 430 15 N. N.— Photographs. 430 16 Sabino, Thomas.— Photographs. 430 17 The Colony of Itajaky. — Four Views of the Colony of Itajaky. 430 18 The Colony of Blumenau. — Views of the Colony of Blumenau. 430 19 Pommerais, Leao. — Imitation woods and marbles. 442 OPTICIANS, Manufacturers of the most approved SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES, OPERA AND FIELD GLASSES, SPY-GLASSES, TELESCOPES, MICROSCOPES, &c., &c. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. Catalogues on application. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC Sculpture, Paintings, Photographs. 1 Romairone, Camilo, Province of Buenos Ayres. — A chalk bust of Dr. Sars- field. 400 2 Sola, Ramon, Province of Entre- Rios. — Marble medallion representing Jesus and Mary, by Leon Sola. 400 3 Allio,Jose, Province of Cordoba. — a A bust representing the Emperor Nerva. 401 b A bas-relief in transparent marble. The youth ol the Saviour. 401 4 Beaugrand, N., Province of Buenos Ayres. — Medallions in bronze. 402 5 Pibernat, Jose. — Wood carving made by exhibitor at the age of 17. 405 6 Boneo, Martin L. a The Wager of the Gaucho. 410 b The Gaucho in Love. 410 c The Gaucho Horse-breaker. 410 d The Gaucho en su pagu. 410 7 Charton, Ernesto. a The Town and Port of Panama. 410 b View of Guayaquil. 410 c Panorama view of the Port of Valparaiso. d View of Santiago de Chili. 410 8 Charton, Ernesto. a The Cordoba Promenade. 410 b Chilian Farmer. 410 9 Diaz, Josefa. — Oil paintings, repre- senting — a An Argentine Gaucho (peasant). 410 b Indigene of the Chaco. 410 c A Colored Servant. 410 d Fruits. 4x0 10 Del Castillo, Benjamin. a The Burning of the Steamer “America " en route from Buenos Ayres to Monte- video. 410 b Peace. 410 c Fruits, etc. 410 11 Gattinoni, Carlos. a Giovanni Boccacio visiting Beatrixe Ali- ghieri, the daughter of Dante* in the Monastery of Ravennal. 410* b Rustic Yard. 410 c A Boy coming from the Bath. 410 d An Old Man's Head. 410 e A Difficult Answer. 410 12 Marroig, G. Juan, Province of Entre- Rios.— Oil paintings. 410 13 Muratori, Jose. a Destruction of the Corsair “Alabama." b Naval Battle of the Argentine Fleet. 410 d Episodes of the Corsair “ La Argentina." 14 Pasquinelli, Anibal, Province de Santa Fe. — An oil painting executed in Rome. 410 15 Petrazzini, E., Province Buenos Ayres. a Fruits. * 410 b Glass Jar. 410 16 Alvarez, Guillermo, Province of Cordobi. — The Strait of San Roque (water color). 41 1 17 Anza, E. Rafael, Province of Entre- Rios. a Studies on profiles. 420 b Studies on half faces. 420 c Studies on half faces, shaded. 420 d Bust of a child, in crayon. 420 e Foot of a Roman gladiator. 420 f Bust representing the Goddess of Talas. 18 The Commission. — 42 Views of Cor- doba. 421 19 The Commission, Province of Tuc- uman. — Views of Tucuman. 421 20 The Commission, Province of San- tiago del Estero. — Views of Santiago del Estero. 421 21 Pozzo, Antonio, and the Preceptor of the School of Navarro. — An album of views of the campaign of Buenos Ayres. 421 22 Crecco, Juan. — Commemorative medals of the oath of the political consti- tution of the Province of Buenos Ayres. 422 23 Seillan, Luis. — Samples of medals in relief, carved plates, etc. 422 24 Schreiber & Co., Rosario, Province of Santa Fe. — Collection of lithographies. 423 25 Annals of Agriculture. — An album of photographic views of the agricultural exhibition of Buenos Ayres. 430 26 The Commission. — Photographic views of the city of Corrientes. 430 27 The Commission, Province of Salta. — Photograph of the place of Salta. 430 28 Lezcano, Flancisco, Province of Corrientes. — Photographs of the Indians of the mountains of the Province of Cor- rientes, called Yupi, Bugres or Coronados. 43 ° 29 Monzon, Javier, Province of Buenos Ayres. — Collection of Photographs repre- senting all the United States Presidents from Washington to Ulysses Grant. 430 30 Pozzo, Antonio. — Photographs of the Minister of War and other Argentine Officers. 430 31 Tappa, P., Province of Santa Fe. — Photographs made by the exhibitor. 430 32 Sellack, Dr. G., Province of Cordoba. — Photograph of the Moon, taken in the Argentine Astronomical Observatory. 430 33 Sandrot, Jose, Province of Buenos Ayres. — Mosaic plates made with mar- ble of Buenos Ayres and Entre-Rios. Mosaic tiles. 451 34 The Commission, Province of Cor- doba. — A small box carved in cocoanut wood. 452 35 Lacroix, Miguel. — A mosaic table rep- resenting the 14 Argentine provinces, with some of the principal buildings, types, costumes, etc. 452 53 54 ART, Wood Carvings, Mosaics, etc. * 36 Musollino, Salvador. — Wood carved medallion. 452 37 Molinari, Joaquin. — Medallions carved in wood. 452 38 Marroig, Gabriel Juan, Province of Entre-Rios. — A wood-carved crucifix. 452 39 Ribatto, Francisco. — A Mosaic table. 452 40 Storn, N. a A mosaic inkstand made of native wood. b A column of mosaics. 452 41 Yedo, B. — Carved medallion. 452 42 Colodrero, y Pedra Maria, Province of Corrientes. — A palm yatay worked with hair. 454 43 The Commission, Province of San Luis. — A jewel box — cigar case made out of a lion’s paws — cigar case of ostrich skin. 454 44 Geiser, Federico.— Sun dial. 454 LOAN COLLECTION. Sculpture, Paintings. 1 Barcaglia, Milan, Italy. — The Soap Bubble. 400 2 Guarnerio, Milan, Italy. a The Rose Bud. 400 b The Forced Prayer. 400 3 Sooryn Deb, God of the Sun, very ancient Hindoo sculpture, about two thousand years old. 400 4 Ames, Joseph. a President Felton. 410 b Daniel Webster. 410 5 Armitage, E.— Resorge Chicago, 1871 . 4 10 6 Allston, W.— Rosalie. 410 7 Allston, Washington. a Landscape. 4 10 b Isaac of York. 410 c Head of a Jew. 410 8 Bagge, Magnus von, Berlin, Ger- many. — Moonrise over Lake Bygden, Norway. 4 IQ 9 Brekelenkamp.— Painting. 410 10 Boughton, Geo. A.— Going to Seek his Fortune. 410 11 Della Valle, Carl Petro.— Shipwreck off the Coast near Leghorn. 410 12 Cabanel, Alex., Par is.— Fransesci de Remeni. 4 10 13 Chapman.— Harvest Scene on Ro- man Campagna. 410 14 Coply. a Portrait of Samuel Ph. Savage. 410 b Portrait of Mrs. Sarah Savage. 410 15 Copley, J. Singleton. a John Adams. 410 b Thomas Boylston. 410 c Mrs. Thomas Boylston. 410 16 Dunlap, W m .—Portrait, Thomas Eddy. 4 IQ 17 Dow, Gerard.— St. Peter in Prison. 410 18 Duval, V., Paris.— The Salon of Apollo in the Louvre. 410 19 Garret, R., Philadelphia, Pa.— Port- rait. 4 IQ 20 Hondekoeter. — Dead Game. 410 21 Hemsherk.— Cabaret. 410 22 Heist, Vander. — Portrait of a Boy. 410 23 Harding, J. — Portrait of Allston. 410 24 Jtasse, Adolphe, Paris. a Christmas Wooden Shoe. 410 b Birth of Love. 410 c Day and Night. 410 d L’ amour au pantin. 410 e John Crying and John Laughing. 410 f Marble Busts. 410 g Rest and Sorrows of the World. 410 (Statuettes marble). 25 Johnson, Eastman. a The old Stage-coach. 410 b After the Feast. 410 26 Lairesse, Gerard. — Portrait of infant Charles Edward Stuart (the young Pre- tender). 410 27 Lely, Peter, Sir. — Portrait of George Fox. 410 28 Leonardi da Vinci, attributed to. — Mona Lisa. 410 29 Murillo. — St. Francis in his Cloister. a Wouverman, Philip. — War Scene. 410 b Vernet, Joseph. — A Landscape. 410 30 Murillo. — Holy Family. Poussin, N. — Bacchanalian Scene. 410 31 Mayer, Constant. — Portrait. 410 32 Makart, Hans, Vienna, Austria. a Abundance of the Sea. 410 b Abundance of the Earth. 410 33 McEntee, Jervis. — Autumn. 410 34 Netscher, Gaspar. — Portrait of a lady. 410 35 Neagle,John. — Gilbert Stuart. 410 36 Ortman, Miss F. Auguste, Fontain- ebleu, France. — An Opening in the Forest of Fontainbleu. 410 37 Pradez, Mrs. Vouga, Geneva, Swit- zerland. a Pictures of flowers. 410 b Table of marble, (top painted in oil colors.) 410 mmA , LTBI BSAOTTH Strong, Pure, and Rich Blood, Increase of Flesh and Weight, Clear Skin, and Beautiful Com- plexion secured to all through DR. RADWAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT Every drop of the Sarsaparillian Resolvent communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material.. Scrofula, Consumption, Glandular Disease, Ulcers in the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the system, Sore Eyes, Strumous Dis- charges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, RingWorm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, and all Weakening and Painful Discharges and Night Sweats are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days’ use will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease, its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that are continually progressing, succeeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material, made from healthy blood, and this the Sarsaparillian will and does secure, a cure is certain ; for, when once this remedy commences its work of purification and succeeds in diminishing the loss of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel himself growing better and stronger, the food digesting better, appetite improving, and flesh and weight increasing. Not only does the Sarsaparillian Re- solvent excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin Diseases, but it is the only positive cure for Kidney, Bladder, and Urinary Diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright’s Disease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are brickdust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substance like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bonedust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the Small of the Back along the Loins. Tumor of 12 years’ growth cured by Radway’s Resolvent. Beverly, Mass., July 18th, 1869. Dr. Radway : I have had Ovarian Tumor in the ovaries and bowels. All the doctors said “ there was no help for it.” I tried everything that was recommended, but nothing helped me. I saw your Resolvent, and thought I would try it, but had no faith in it, because I had suffered for TWELVE YEARS. I took six bottles of the Resolvent, one box of Radway’s Pills, and used two bottles of your READY RELIEF, and there is not a sign of a tumor to be seen or felt, and I feel BETTER, SMARTER, and happier than I have for twelve years. The worst tumor was in the left side of the bowels, over the groin. I write this to you for the benefit of others. You can publish if you choose. * * * * HANNAH P. KNAPP. RADWAY’S "READY RELIEF Cures the worst pains in from one to twenty minutes. Not one hour after reading this advertise- ment need any one suffer with pain. Radway’s Ready Relief is a cure for every pain. It was the first and is THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays Inflammations, and cures Congestions, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Bov/els, or other glands or organs, by one application, in front one to twenty minutes. No matter how violent or excruciating the pain the Rheumatic, Bedridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or pros- trated with disease may suffer, BADWAY 7 S IRZEUXIEIF 1 Will afford instant ease. Inflammation of the Kidneys, Inflammation of the Bladder, Inflamma- tion of the Bowels, Congestion of the Lungs, Sore Throat, Difficult Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, Croup, Diphtheria, Catarrh, Influenza, Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold Chills, Ague Chills. The application of the READY RELIEF to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in a half tumbler of water will, in a few moments, cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and all Internal Pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of RADWAY’S RELIEF with them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It is better than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE cured for fifty cents. There is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague and all other Malarious, Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by RADWAY’S PILLS) as quick as RADWAY’S READY RELIEF. Fifty cents per bottle. DR. RADWAY’S FILLS, Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated, for the cure of all Disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dys- pepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all Derangements ol the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a Positive Cure. RADWAY’S PILLS will free the system from all the above-named disorders. Price, 25 cents per box. Read FALSE AND TRUE. Send one letter stamp to Radway & Co., No. 32 Warren Strset, New York. Information worth thousands will be sent you. C. B. KEOGH & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, Sashes, JSlinds, JAoul dings, CUT GLASS, ETC., 254 and 256 Canal Street, Our Illustrated Catalogue will be sent to any one on receipt of ten cents for postage. William Wilkens, H. H, Grane. Louis Wilkens, WILLIAM WILKENS & CO. Manufacturerers of Steam Curled Hair AND Prepared American Eristics. Importers of and Dealers in South American Horse Hair Drawn Weaving and Brush Hair. Bristles, Tampico, and other Brush Fibres. SAUSAGE CASINGS, etO. AW HOG HAIR FOR EXPORT. BALTIMORE, NEW YORK, CHICAGO. PHOTOGRAPHY. 55 Paintings, Miscellaneous Objects. 38 Pohle, H., Diisseldorf, Germany. — Landscape, burning castle. 410 39 Peale, Rembrandt, Philadelphia, Pa. a Portrait of R. Peale. 410 b Portrait of Washington. 410 40 Rene, Guido.— Judith with Head of Holofernes. 410 41 Robert, Leopold, Philadelphia, Pa. — Painting. 410 42 Rembrandt, attributed to. a An oil painting. 410 b A head. 410 c Head. 410 d An old man’s head. 410 43 Richards, W. T. — The Wissahickon. 410 44 Rubens, P. P., attributed to. — Su- sannah and the Elders. 410 45 Stewart, Gilbert. — Portrait Chief- Justice Jay. 46 Sarto, Andreo del. a St. Peter’s Call. b Martyrdom of St. Andrew. 47 Schrader, Julius, Berlin, Germany. — Queen Elizabeth signing the death war- rant of Mary Stuart. 410 48 Skirmunt, Simon de, Rome, Italy. a Festival in Calonna Palace, Rome, in the XVI Century. 410 b Council of Ten in Venice. 410 c Reflection. 410 49 Seitz, Otto, Munich, Bavaria. a Nymph and Satyr. 410 b Neptune’s Bridal Tour 410 50 Stone, W. O. a Portrait Gov. King. 410 b Portrait Col. Munroe. 410 51 Smibet, John. — Bishop George Berk- 410 410 410 ley. 410 52 Schidonne. — Charite. 410 53 Stuart, Gilbert. a Mrs. Samuel Eliot. 410 b Mrs. John Gore. 410 c Bishop Chevenus. 410 d Mrs. Nath’l Coffin. 410 54 Stuart, Gilbert. a Fisher Ames. b Judge Story. 55 Stewart, J. L. a Portrait of Miguel Zamacois. b Portrait of Marie Elena Zamacois. 410 410 410 410 56 Truman, Edward. — Gov. Thomas Hutchinson. 410 57 Titian — Venus. Paolo, Veronese — The Family of Darius at the Feet of Alexander the Great. 410 Carletto, Caleari — Marcus Curtius Leap- ing into the Gulf. 410 Gian, Carlo Aliberti — The Maternity of Venus and eight Cupids. 410 Jacopo, d’Empole — Noah and Sons. 410 Bassano — Miracle of Moses. 410 Rembrandt — Head of a Rabbi. 410 58 Unknown. — The Interior of St. Pe- ter’s Cathedral in Rome. 410 59 Unknown. — Portrait Peter Faneuil. 60 Venius, Otho. — Fates. 410 61 VanDyke. — Christ on the Cross. 410 62 Vandael. — Flower piece painted for Josephine. 410 63 Wertmuller. — George Washington, portrait from life, painted in Philadelphia, 1794. 410 64 West, Benj. — Moses Striking the Rock. 410 65 Wilson, Rd. — Struck by Lightning. 410 66 Wolf, Prof. Wilhelm, Berlin, Ger- many. — The Dying Lioness. 410 67 Weltmuller. — Portrait of Washing- ton. 410 68 Weenix. — Dead Game. 410 69 LeDuc, M. Viollet. — Archives of Historical monuments. 454 70 a First daguerreotype taken in Pennsylva- nia. 454 b The first daguerreotype taken of the moon. 454 PHOTOGRAPHY. PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION BUILDING. No. 4. Architect, H. J. SCHWARZMANN. — Size, 242 feet by 77 feet This building is located on the Avenue of the Republic, southeast of the Art Gallery. Its object is indicated by its name. Photographs. 1 Aitken, Wm., Philadelphia, Pa. a Longfellow, (solar worked in crayon). 420 b Wendell Phillips (solar worked in crayon). 420 c Gen. Washington (solar worked in crayon). 420 d Pres. Lincoln (solar worked in crayon). e Sec’y. Stanton (solar worked in crayon). yMrs. A. Stanton (solar worked in crayon). 420 g Emily A. Stanton (solar worked in crayon). 420 2 Anderson, D. H., Richmond, Va. — Photographs . 4 30 56 ART Photographs. 3 Allman & Co., New York, N. Y. — Photographs, views, plain portrait pho- tographs, etc. 430 4 Alexander, A. G., Boston, Mass. — Photographs. 430 5 Black, J. W., Boston, Mass. — Photo- graphs. 430 6 Baech, W., Boston, Mass.— Photo- graphs. 430 7 Bachrach & Bro., Baltimore, Md. — Photographs. 430 8 Berkan, O., Philadelphia, Pa. — Pyro-photography. 430 9 Bigelow, L. G., Detroit, Mich. — Photograph. 430 10 Busey, N. S., Baltimore, Md.— Pho- tographs. 430 11 Bradley & Ruloffson, San Francisco, Cal. — Photograph. 430 12 Bressan, Giovanni, Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographs finished in crayon. 430 13 Burrell, D. T., Brockton, Mass,— Chart showing effect of color in photo- graphy. 430 14 Braich, H., & Co., Milwaukee, Wis, Photograph portraits, 430 15 Broadbent & Phillips, Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographs, crayons and india ink. 430 16 Bierstadt, C., Niagara Falls, N. Y, — Stereographs. 430 17 Boettcher, Edw., Jersey City, N. J, — Photographic portraits. 430 18 Bendann, Daniel, Baltimore, Md. — Photographs. 43Q 19 Bolles, M., Boston, Mass. — Photo- graphs. 430 20 Butterfield, D. W., Boston, Mass. — Landscape photographs. 430 21 Burnham, T. R., Boston, Mass.— Photographs. 430 22 Berkan, O., Philadelphia, Pa. — Pho- tographs on glass, porcelain, etc. 430 23 Capen, M. L. B., Boston, Mass, — Photographs. 430 24 Carvalljo, D. H., New York, N. Y.— Process of photo-engraving photographs, 43 ° 25 Collins, G. W., Urbana, Ohio. — Pho- tographs . 430 26 Centennial Photograph Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. — Photographs. 430 27 Chase, W. M., Baltimore, Md. — Landscape photographs. 430 28 Clayton, W. D., Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographs. 430 29 Clark, W. L., Boston, Mass. — Pho- tographs. 430 30 Chillman, P. E., & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographs. 430 31 Crider & Bro., York, Pa. — Photo- graphs of certificates, etc. 430 32 Copelin & Son, Chicago, 111 . — Photo- graphic views of churches, etc. 430 33 Clinton, J. J., Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographs. 430 34 Dunham, Mrs. F. S., Monticello, Iowa. — Photographs. 430 35 Dotterer, Rev. A. F., Holmesburg, Pa. — Photographs from the East. 430 36 Delan, S. J., Philadelphia, Pa.— Pho- tographs. 430 37 Doremus, J. P., Paterson, N. J.— Photographs. 430 38 Delamantu, R. S., Hartford, Conn.— Photographs. 430 39 Delevan, C. H., New York, N. Y.— Photograph of Delevan monument. 430 40 DeSilva, A., New Haven, Conn.— Photographs. 430 41 Evans, E. D., Corning, N. Y. — Pho- tographs. 430 42 Folsom, J. H., Danville, Conn. a Photographs. 430 b Solar prints, etc. 430 43 French, J. A., Keene, N. H. — Frame of stereoscopic views. 430 44 Fisher, C. P., Philadelphia, Pa. a Photographs. 430 b Centennial Portrait Gallery. 430 45 Frederick, C. D., & Co., New York, N. Y. — Photographs. 430 46 Freeman, A,, Dallas, Texas. — Photo- graphs. 430 47 Graves, J. A., Water Gap, Pa.— Pho- tographic views of mountain and river scenery and waterfalls. 430 48 Guebelman, Theo., Jersey City, N.J. — Photographic portraits. 430 49 Gutekunst, F., Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographs. 430 50 Gutekunst, Fred., Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographs in various styles. 430 51 Gerlach& Fromhagen, Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographs. 4.30 52 Geutill. C,, Chicago, 111 . — Photo- crayon ana photographs. 430 53 Good, Frank M., London, England. — Photographs of Palestine. 430 54 Grant, A. G., Jacksonville, Fla. a Photographs of Florida. 430 b Magic-lantern slides. 430 c Irish views. 430 55 Goldsmith, J. H., New York, N. Y.— Photographs. 430 56 Granges, Baron Paul des, Florence, Italy. — Archoelogical photos. 430 57 Hand, A. N., Boston, Mass. — Photo- graphs. 43° 58 Harding, I. E., Curran, Mo. — Photo- graphs. 43° 59 Haring, J. C., Massillon, Ohio.— Pho- tographs. 430 60 Holber, Henry, Brooklyn, N. Y.— Photographs. 43 ° 61 Hesler, A., Evanstown, 111 . — Framed photographs. 43 ° 62 Hall, Julius, Great Barrington, Mass. — Stereoscopic views and photographs. 430 63 Hart, E. H., Philadelphia, Pa.— Photographs. 43 ° 64 Hovey, E. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. — Heliographs and photographs. 430 65 Howell, J. R., New York, N. Y.— Photograph colored, etc. 430 66 Illingworth, W. H., St. Paul, Minn. — Stereographs of Minnesota, Black Hills and Lake Superior. 430 67 Jenger, H., Paterson, N.J. — Photo- graphs, plain and painted. 430 57 PHOTOGRAPHY. Photographs. 68 Kurtz, W., New York, N. Y.— Artis- tic photography. 430 69 Kihlholz, B., Chicago, 111 . — Photo- graphs. 430 70 Kilburn, B. W., Littleton, N. H.— Landscape photographs. 430 71 Kew, J. H., Rochester, N. Y.— Photo- graphs. 430 72 Levy, A., New York, N. Y. — Archi- tectural Photographs. 430 73 Lawton, L. W., San Francisco, Cal. — Photographs. 430 74 Landy, James, Cincinnati, Ohio. — Photographs. 430 75 Lamson, J. H., Portland, Me. — Pho- tographs. 430 76 Lewis, Thomas, Cambridgeport, Mass. — Stereographs of historic scenes. 430 77 Levy& Co., J., Paris, France. — Glass Transparent pnotographs. 430 78 Marshall, A., Boston, Mass. — Pho- tographs. 430 79 Mosher, C. D., Chicago, 111 .— Pho- tographs. — Crayons, water colors. 430 89 Meyer, James, New York, N. Y. — Photographs. 430 81 Myers, Alex., Philadelphia, Pa.— Photographs of fifty homeopathic physi- cians. 430 82 Mosher, C. S., Baltimore, Md. — Photographs. 430 83 Mason, O. G., New York, N. Y.— Photographs of the Moon and Solar Spec- trum. 430 84 McIntyre, A. C., & Co., Alexandria Bay, N. Y. — Photographs of the Thous- and Islands. 430 85 McCormick, J. L., Boston, Mass. — Photographs. 430 86 Mayo, T. H., Chelsea, Mass. — Pho- tographic views in Florida. 430 87 Mora, J. M., New York, N. Y. — Pho- tographs and drawings. 430 88 Newell, R., & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographs. 430 89 Newton, H. D., New York, N. Y. — Photographic prints. 430 90 Newman, A., Philadelphia, Pa. 430 91 Okerland, E. G., Ishpeming, Mich. — Photographs. 430 92 O’Hara, D., Philadelphia, Pa. — Pho- tographs. 430 93 Portland Co., Portland, Maine, — Photographs of engines. 430 94 Pollock, Chas., Boston, Mass. — S ter eographs . 430 95 Paxon, C., & Son, New York, N. Y. — Photographs. 430 98 Pach, G. W., New York, N. Y.— • Photographs. 430 97 Paullin, W. F., Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographs. 430 98 Pearsall, G. F. E., Brooklyn, N. Y. — Photographs. 430 99 Robbins, F., Oil City, Pa.— Photo- graphic views of the Oil Regions in Penn- sylvania. 430 100 Root, Marcus A., Philadelphia, Pa. — Specimens illustrating the progress of Photography, from August, 1839 to April, 1876. 430 101 Reed, John, Paterson, N.J. — Pho- tographs. 430 102 Reau, Gegor, Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographs. 430 103 Ryder, J. F., Cleveland, Ohio.— Photographs. 430 104 Reimer, B. F., Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographs. 430 105 Rice Bros., Washington, D. C. — Photographs. ' 430 106 Randall, C., Detroit, Mich.— Pho- tographs and Crayons. 430 107 Relvas, Carlos, Gollega, Portugal. — Photographs. 430 108 Reilly, J. J., San Francisco, Cal.— Stereographs. 430 109 Robinson, H. P., Tunbridge Wells, England. — Composition photographs. 430 110 Seavey, L. F. W., New York, N. Y. — Photographic views. 430 111 Spahn, E. P., Newark, N. J.— Photographic groups. 430 112 Sweeney, T. T., Cleveland, Ohio. — Stereographs and landscape photo- graphs. 430 113 Saunders, Irving, Alfred Centre, Pa. — Framed photographs. 430 114 Schlesinger, Leopold, Philadel- phia. — Gallery of physicians and Medical Institutions of Philadelphia. 430 115 Schwind & Krueger, New York, N. Y. — Photographs. 430 116 Schreiber & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographs of animals. 430 117 Stillfned & Anderson, Yokohama, Japan. — Genre photos. 430 118 Schluter, B., Kansas City, Mo. a Solar in India ink. 430 b Solar in Crayon. ' 430 c Solar in Pastills. 430 119 Solomon, Israel, Philadelphia, Pa. Photographs. 430 120 Seiler, C., Dr., Philadelphia, Pa. — Micro-photographs. 430 121 Stoddard, S. R., Glens Falls, N. Y. a Photographs. 430 b Photographic book. 430 122 Sarony, N., New York, N. Y.— Artistic photography. 430 123 Turner, J. W., Boston, Mass. — Photographs. 430 124 Taylor, Wm. Curtis, Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographs. 430 125 Timon, M. P., Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographs . 430 126 Tyson, Isaac G., Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographs. 430 127 Train, H. E., Helena, Montana Ty. — Photographs . 430 128 Thorne, Geo. W., New York, N. Y. — Photographs of American scenery. 430 129 Van Loo, Geo., Cincinnati, Ohio. — Photographs. 430 130 Vance, R. H., San Francisco, Cal. — Photographic portrait. 430 131 Weston, N., San Francisco, Cal. — Photographs. 430 132 Waterman & Hall, New York, N. Y. — Photographs of landscapes and buildings. 430 58 ART, Photographs, Apparatus, Supplies, etc. 133 Waller & Schrader, Brooklyn, N. Y. — Photographs. 430 134 Wood, R. E., Santa Cruz, Cal. — Lantern views. 430 135 Watkins, C. E., San Francisco, Cal. — Landscape photographs. 430 136 Warren, G. K., Boston, Mass. — Photographs framed and in show cases. 430 137 Wilt Bros., Franklin, Pa. — Photo- tograph oil views. 430 138 Waldhaw, Jos., Philadelphia, Pa.— Photographs. 430 139 Weaver, A. K., Salem, Ohio.— Photograph ferns. 430 140 Zimmerman, C. A., St. Paul, Minn. — Photographs. 430 141 Allen & Romell, Boston, Mass. — Photographs in carbon. 431 142 Bierstadt, Edward, New York. — Photographs in printing-ink by the Alber- type process. 4 3I 143 Bierstadt, E., New York, N. Y.— Albertypes or photographs in printing-ink. 43 1 144 Braun, Adolphe, a Dornach, Ht. Rhin, France. — Photographic and helio- graphic work. 431 145 Bonine, E. A., Emporium, Pa. — Stereographs, views in Florida. 431 146 Hirsh, J. M., Chicago, 111.— Photo- type, photo-engraving, photo-lithography, chemical sculpture. 431 147 Jones, Alfred, New York, N. Y. — Framed examples of photo-mechanical engraving. 431 148 Osgood, J. R., & Co., Boston, Mass. — Collections of heliotypes. 413 149 Ornamental Mirror Co., New York, N. Y. — Photo-relievos. 431 150 Wendroth, F. R., Philadelphia, Pa. a Photographs. 431 b Photo-zincographs. 43 1 c Photo-electrotypes. 431 151 Wallace, E., Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographic landscapes. 431 152 American Photo-lithographic Co., New York, N. Y. — Photo-lithograph of ten drawings, etc. 432 153 Alber, M. H., Marlboro, Mass. — Photographic case. 433 1 54 Adams, W. Irving, Montclair, N. J. — Photographers’ materials. 433 155 Anthony, E. & H. T., New York, N. Y. — Photographs and photograph ap- paratus. 433 156 Allen, W. H., & Bro., Detroit, Mich. — One ornamental picture -frame. 433 157 Bachrach & Bro., Baltimore, Md. — Photographic apparatus. 433 158 Bass,J. P., Bangor, Maine. — Photo- graph burnishers. 433 159 Benerman & Wilson, Philadelphia, Pa. a Photographic publications. 433 b Photographic appliances. 433 160 Beckers, Alex., Broadway, N. Y. — Revolving graphoscope and stereoscopes. 433 161 Collins, A. M., Son & Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. — Photographic materials. 433 162 Cremer, James, Philadelphia, Pa.— Improved graphoscopes and stereoscopes. 433 163 Dunham, Mrs. S. F., Monticello, Iowa. — Stereoscopes. 433 164 Evans, G. & W. P., Malden, Mass. —Photographic apparatus. 433 165 Gutekin, W. G., Manayunk, Pa. — Photographic burnishers. 433 166 Harris, Warren, Danville, Vt.— Photographic apparatus. 433 167 Hance, Alfred L., Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographic preparations. 433 168 Haworth, John, Philadelphia, Pa. —Photographic apparatus. 433 169 Hutinet, J. D., Paris, France- Photographic mounts. 433 170 Hearn, C. W., Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographic paper. 433 171 Marcy, L. G., Philadelphia, Pa.— Stereoptician. 433 172 McCollin, Thos. H., Philadelphia, Pa. — Photographic apparatus. 433 173 Muraaur, Fleury, New York, N. Y. — A machine for re-touching negatives. 433 174 Newell, R., & Son, Philadelphia, Pa.— Photographic apparatus. 433 175 Nason Novelty Co., Columbus, Ohio. — Non-ague camera stand 433 176 Peck, Samuel, & Co., New Haven, Conn. — Photographic apparatus. 433 177 Pattberg, Lewis, & Bros., New York, N. Y. — Fancy metal and velvet frames. 433 178 Rice, J. D., Philadelphia, Pa.— Stereoscopic picture -holder. 433 179 Rocher, H., Chicago, 111. — Photo- graphic frames. 433 180 Seavey, L. F. W., New York,— Photographic apparatus. 433 181 Spahn, E. P., Newark, N. J.— Pho- tographic camera and machinery. 433 182 Sibley, S. D., & Co., Vineland, Cum- berland Co., N. J. — Photographic appa- ratus. 433 183 Semmendinger, August, Fort Lee, N. J. — Photographic apparatus. 433 184 Scovill Manufacturing Co., New York,N.Y. — Photographic apparatus. 433 185 Stock, John, & Bro., New York, N. Y. — Photographic camera. 433 186 Therenni, F., Cleveland, Ohio. — Re-touching machine. 433 187 Turner, J. W., Boston, Mass. — Photographic apparatus. 433 188 Volkmar, C., Sr., Baltimore, Md. — Automatic megaloscope and sola camera. 433 189 White, H. C., North Bennington, Vermont. — Photographic apparatus. 433 190 Wilson, J. J., New York, N. Y.— Stereoptician. 433 191 Wilson, Hood & Co., Philadelphia, Photographic apparatus. 433 192 Woodward, D. A., Baltimore, Md. — Photo apparatus. 433 193 Walls, William, Fort Lee, N. J.- Microscopic object-glasses and micro- photographs. 433 194 Wilson, J. J., New York, N. Y.— Magic lantern and stereoptician. 433 H. FRIEDBERGER. H. L. STROUSE. Friedberger & Strouse, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS MILLINERY GOODS, 113 <§- 115 JV. 8th St. 733 ARCH STREET Nature’s Great Remedy FOB Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Diseases of the Pulmonary Organs. A positive Cure for Dyspepsia, Liver Com- plaint, Diseases of the Kid- neys, Nervous Debility, Scrofula, and all Complaints arising from Impurities of the Blood. An Excellent Tonic. SOLD ZBTT DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. % ^Principal HDepot Removed to 916 FILBERT ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. INDEX OF EXHIBITORS DEPARTMENT IV. Accaristi, L., Painting, 50. Accard, E., Painting, 35. Adams, Miss, Paintings, 16. Adams, W. I., Photographs, 58. Adan, L. E., Painting, 35. Adeline, J., Paintings, 40. Adelskald, C., Painting, 46. Ahrenberg, J., Painting, 48. Aitken, W., Crayon drawing, 55. Albert, Louis, Paintings, Photographs, 58. Albert, N. H., Photographs, 58. Albert, J., Photographs, 43. Alcivar, J., Painting, 51. Alexander, Fanny, Paintings, 16. Alexander, Francis, Painting, 15. Alexander, A. G., Photographs, 56. Allebe, A., Painting, 43. Allemand, G., Painting, 35. Allen & Romell, Photographs, 58. Allen, W. H., & Bro., Photographs, 58. Allio, Jose, Sculpture, 53. Allman & Co., Photographs, 56. Allston, W., Painting, 54. Almeida, M. J. d’, Engravings, 52. Altmann, S., Painting, 43. Alvarez, Guillermo, Painting, 53. Amenco, Pedro, Painting, 52. American Photo-lithographic Co.,Phot’gs, 58. American Photo-relief Printing, 27. American Bank Note Co., Engravings, 29. American Enamel Decorating Co., Decora- tions, 28. Ames, Jos., Painting, 54. Andersen, A., Paintings, 46. Anderson, W., Photographs, 33. Anderson, A. A., Paintings, 16. Anderson, D. A., Photographs, 55. Andrews, J., Engraving, 27. Andrews, E. F., Painting, 16. Andrieux, J. H., Painting, 39. Ankarkrona, H., Painting, 46. Anker, H., Painting, 48. Annals of Agriculture, Photographs, 53. Antigna, Y. P. A., Painting. 35. Anthony, E. & H. T., Photographs, 58. Antonio, J., Painting, 51. Anza, E. R., Photographs, 53. Apol, L., Painting, 43. Appert, E., Photographs, 41. Arbo, P. N., Painting, 48. Arborelius, O. P., Painting, 46. Armitage, E., Painting, 54. Armstrong, D. M., Painting, 15. Arnold, Miss C. H., Painting, 15. Arnold, Mrs. E. P., Painting, 16. Arson, A., Sculpture, 34. Askevold, A., Painting, 48. Aubert, E. E., Photographs, 49. Aubry, Lithographs, 41. Audobon, J. J., Painting, 16. Antiqua, J. P., Painting, 35. Baade, K., Painting, 49. Baccetti, A., Sculpture, 50. Bache, O., Painting, 46. Bachrach & Bro., Photographs, 56, 58. Bacon, H., Painting, 16. Balch, J. W., Photograph, 56. Bagge, A. von, Painting, 54. Baker, J., & Son, Glass, 31. Baker, Miss M. K., Painting, 16. Baker, Painting, 16. Baldwin, A. A., Painting, 16. Baldwin, A. H., Painting, 25. Ball, J. S., Vases, etc., 32. Ballavoine, J. F., Painting, 36. Ballot, Mrs. A., Painting, 35. Ballue, A., Engraving, 40. Baltazar, de, Echave, 51. Bannister, E. M., Painting, 16. Bar, P. A., Painting, 39. Bar, P. A. de. Painting, 35. Barber, W., Medals, 28. Barbetti, R., Sculpture, 50. Barcaglia, Sculpture, 54. Baron, S., Painting, 36. Barrell, A. T., Paintings, 33. Barelli, P., Engraving, 50. Barlow, J. H., 32. Barnas, F. J., Painting, 36. Barrias, E. L., Sculpture, 34. Bartholdi, F. A., Sculpture, 34; Painting, 35. Bartlet, G. H., Paintings, 16. Bartlett, G. H., Drawings, 27. Bary, Pahl, & Cafrade, Designs, 31. Bass, J. P., Photographs, 58. Bateman, H., Engraving, 30. Batten, Downing, & Co., 32. Bauer, Sculpture, 45. Baumgarten, J., Medals, 28, 29. Bavarian Technological Museum, Sculpture, 42. Bavier, F., Sculpture, 15. , Baxhuysen, Mrs. G. J. van de S., Painting, 45. Bazzanti, S., & Bros., Mosaics, 50; Sculpture, 50. Beard, J. H., Paintings, 16. Beard, W. H., Painting, 16. Beau chard. Miss A., Painting, 39. Beauce, J. A., Painting, 36. Beaugrand, N., Sculpture, 53. Beccuci, L. & R., Sculpture, 50. Becker, G., Painting, 36. Becker, G. S., Drawings, 29. Beckers, A., Photographs, 58. Beckwith, A. G., Engravings, 33. Beckwith, A., Tiles, 31. Bedeau, P., Designs, 31. Beeson, E. L., Painting, 16. Beeler, J. C., Decorations, 31. Beliard, E., Painting, 35. Bell, J. W., Painting, 16. Bellange, E., Painting, 35. Bellee, L. G., Painting, 36. Bellel, J. J., Paintings, 35; Water color, 39. Bellezza, N. A., Sculpture, 50. Bellows, A. F., Paintings, 25. Bendann, D., Photographs, 56. Bengson, E., Painting. 59 6o ART Benham, J. N., jr., 32. Benerman & Wilson, Photographs, 58. Bennett, G., Sculpture, 33. Bennetter, J. J., Painting, 49. Benouville, A., Painting, 36. Benson, E., Paintings, 16. Bensell, E. B., Drawings, 29. Benton, D., Painting, 16. Benton, J. D., Model, 31. Berchere, N., Painting, 36. Berg, A., Painting, 47. Berg, E., Painting, 46. Berg, O., Sculpture, 46. • Bergh, A., Painting, 48. Bergman, Miss E., Painting, 46. Bergstedt, Miss A., Painting, 46. Berkan, F. G., Photographs, 56. Bernond, A., Photographs, 41. Bernard, Mrs. D., Painting, 39. Berteaux, Mrs. L., Sculpture, 34. Berthelemy, P. E., Painting, 35. Bertrand, E., Painting, 33. Betti, F., Mosaics, 50. Bevington, S., Painting, 28. Bevis, M., Decorations, 34. Beyseno & Beckers, Painting, 39. Bianchini, T., Mosaics, 50. Bidau, E., Painting, 35. Bien, J., Engravings, 29. Bierstadt, A., Painting, 16. Bierstadt, C., Photographs, 56. Bierstadt, E., Photographs, 58. Bigelow, D. F., Painting, 16. Bigelow, L. G., Photographs, 56. Bilders, J. W., Painting, 43. Billing, T., Painting, 46. _ Billings, E. T., Paintings, 16. Binling, G., Painting, 25. Birch, T., Painting, 16. Bishop, G., & Co., Lithographs, 33; Engrav- ings, 33. Bispham, H. C., Painting, 16. - Bisschop, C., Painting, 43. Black, J. W., Photographs, 56. Blackfield, E. H., Painting, 56. Blackstadius, J. L., Painting, 48. Blackwell, Miss S. E., Painting, 16. Blanc, C. J., Painting, 35. Blanchard, J., Sculpture, 34. Blashfiela, E. H., Painting, 16. Bliss, Mrs. L. S., Painting, 25. Blois, F. B. de, Painting, 16. Blot, E., Sculpture, 34. Blum, M., Painting, 35. Boe, F., Painting, 48. Boehme & Frankel, Oil Prints, 42. Boettcher, E., Photographs, 56. Bognard, J., jr., Lithographs, 41. Boklund, J. Ch., Painting, 46. Boks, M., Painting, 43. Bolden, R. H., Engravings, 30. Bolles, M., Photographs, 56. Boncinelli, G., & Sons, Mosaics, 50. Boneo, Martin L., Paintings, 53. Bonfield, V. de V., Painting, 16. Boni, A., Sculpture, 50. Bonine, E. A., Photographs, 58. Bonnefoy, H., Painting, 36. Boott, E., Painting, 16. Borch, C., Sculpture, 49. Borselen, J. W. van, Painting, 43. Bosboom, J., Painting, 43. Boschetti, B., Sculpture, 50. Boston Society of Architects, Designs, 31. Bouasse-Lebel (fils aine), Eng. and lith. , 41. Bouchard, J., Decorations, 34. Boucherat, C., Industrial designs, 42. Boughton, G. H., Painting, 16; Water color, 25- Boughton, G. A., Painting, 54. Boulenger-aine, Mosaics, 42. Bourgerie, Villette A., Lithographs, 41. Borjeson, J., Sculpture, 46. Brackett, W. M., Painting, 16. Bradley & Ruloffson, Photographs, 56. Brandes & Wolff, Oil prints, 42. Brandelius, P., Painting, 46. Braich, H., & Co., Photographs, 56. Brainerd, Mrs. M. N., Painting, 16. Braun, A., Photographs, 43; Drawing, 58. Bray, J. de, Photographs, 41. Brazilian Geological Commission, Photo., 52. Brekelenkamp, Painting, 54. Brenner, C. C., Painting, 16. Breton, E., Painting, 35. Bretchman, E., Sculpture, 15. Bressler & Kressler, Engraving, 30. Bressan, G., 27, 55. Brest, F., Painting, 35. Brett, W. H., & Co., Engravings, 29. Bricher, A. I., Painting, 25. Bridges, Miss F., Painting, 25. Bridgman, C. J., Painting, 16. Bridgeman, F. A., Painting, 16. Briscoe, F. D., Painting, 16. Bristol, J. B., Painting, 16. Brissot de Varville, F. S., Painting, 35. B. A. Bank Note Co., Engravings, 33. Broadbent & Phillips, Photographs, 56. Brocard, P. J., Mosaic, etc., 42. Brogi, F., & Co., Sculpture, 50. Brooks, John, Marble bible, 32. Brooks, A. F., Painting, 16. Brooks, I., Painting, 16. Brown, C. V., Painting, 16. Brown, G. L., Painting, 16; Etching, 16. Brown, H. B., Painting, 16. Brown, W., Water color, 25. Brown, G. S., Water color, 25. Brown, J. G., Paintings, 25. Brown, W. W., Painting, 16. Brown, J. H., Water color, 25. Bruce, J., & Co., Photographs, 33. Brucken, A. F., Paintings, 16. Brucken, A. F., Water color, 25. Bruecke, G., Painting, 16. Brueille, G., Painting, 36. Brukner & Co., Chromo-lithographs, 42. Brunacci, P. F., Mosaics, 50. Brunn, G. L., Water color, 23. Brum, G. S., Drawings, 27. Brunet, Debaines A., Engraving, 40. Brunet, P., Model, 42. Brunet, Howard P. A., Painting, 35. Bruss, G. de F., Painting, 16. Bruteus, J., Lithographs, 52. Briill, D., Painting, 16. Buhot, F. H., Engraving, 40. Bunner, A. F., Painting, 16. Burdick, H. R., Painting, 25. Bureau, E., Card receiver, 32. Burling, G., Painting, 25. Burne, Miss M., Paintings, 33. Burnes, C. M., Painting, 16. Burnham, T. R., Photographs, 56. Burrow, R. W., Photographs, 33. Burrell, D. T., Photographs, 56. Burt, M., Painting, 16; Drawing, 27. Burton, W. J., Painting, 16. Busey, N. S., Photographs, 56. Busson, C., Painting, 36. Butterfield, D. W., Photographs, 56. Cabaillot-Lassalle, C., Painting, 36. Cabanel, A., Painting, 54. Cabot, E. C., Paintings, 17. Cabrera, M., Painting, 51. Cabuzel, A. H., Painting, 36. Caillier, C., Industrial Designs, 42. Caille, J. M., Sculpture, 34. Cain, A., Sculpture, 34. Calderon, J., Painting, 51. Caldwell, S., 32. Callias, H. de, Painting, 36. Calvo, Sculpture, 51. Cambos, J., Sculpture, 34. Cameron, Miss K., Painting, r 7. Camp, J. H., Lithographs, 30, 27. Canedi, E. G., Architecture, 50. INDEX 61 Canta, J. A., Painting, 43. Cantzler, H., Painting, 47. Capannini, C., Sculpture, 50. Capen, M. L. B., Photographs, 56. Carrara, P. B., Sculpture, 50. Carbutt, J., Lithographs, 27. Cardier, C., Painting. Cardan, J., Lithographs, 48. Cardozo, T. de, Painting, 17. Cariss, H. T., Painting. Carleman, C. G. W., Photographs, 48. Carlin, J., Painting, 17. Carpenter, D. H., Drawings, 29. Carrier-Belleuse, P., Painting, 36. Carson, Mrs. C., Painting, 25 ; Miscellaneous, 28. Carstens, B. A., Photographs, 49. Cartufi, L., Architecture, 50. Cartisser, J., Embossed glass, 32. Carvalljo, D. H., Photographs, 56. Casilear, J. W., Painting, 17. Cassagne, A., Painting, 36. Cassagne, A. T., Drawings, 39. Cassarin, A., Painting, 51. Cassett, W. , Sculpture, 15. Cassinelli, H. L., Painting, 36. Castelnau, P. de, Painting, 36. Castiglione, J., Painting, 36. Catlin, G., Painting, 17. Caverly, C., Sculpture, 15. Cecchi, C. V., Sculpture, 50. Cecioni, Sculpture, 34. Cedergren, P. N., Painting, 47. Cederstrom, G., Baron, Painting, 47. Central Aryckeriets Aktibolag, Litho- graphs, 48. Centennial Chromo Co., 30. Centennial Photograph Co., 56. Ceriani, G., Sculpture, 50. Cetner, A. A. de, Painting, 36. Civita, A., Mosaics, 31. Clairval, Miss M., Painting, 36. Clark, W. L., Photographs, 56. Clark, Ch. H., Chair, 32. Clayton, W. L., Photographs, 56. Clement, F. A., Painting, 36. Clinton, J. J., Photographs, 56. Clowes, C. M., Painting, 17. Chabin, H., Painting, 39. Chagot, E., Painting, 39. Chaillon, N., Painting, 36. Chamber of Commerce of Sienna, Sculp- ture, 50. Champney, J. W., Paintings, 17. Champney, B., Paintings, 17. Chan, W. M., Painting, 17. Chapman, Painting, 54. Chargot, E., Painting, 36. Char tran, T., Painting, 36. Charton, Erneste, Paintings, 53. Chase, F. R., Painting, 17. Chase, W. L., Photograph, 56. Chatrousse, E., Sculpture, 34. Chiari, P. A., Drawings, 50. Christensen, C. C. A., Painting, 16. Christofle & Co., Models, 42. Cheret, L., Painting, 36. Chevalier, Lithographs, 41. Chevrier, J., Painting, 36. Chiapparelli, T., Sculpture, 50. Chillman, P. E., & Co., Photographs, 56. Clave, P., Painting, 52. Cliver & Elway, Mosaics, 31. Clino, S. J., Photographs, 33. Cobb, D., Painting, 17. Codezo, T. de, Painting, 26. Cohn, L. H., & Co., 30. Cohen, T. T., Drawing, 29. Coindre, G. J., Engraving, 40. Cole, J. F., Paintings, 77. Cole, T., Painting, 17. Collette, A., Painting, 36. Collins, M. G., Perfumers, 30. Collins, G. W., Photographs, 56. Collins, A. M., Son, & Co., Photographs, 58. Collyer, V., Paintings, 17. Colman, S., Water colors, 25. Colman, Samuel, Painting, 17. Colodrero, P. M., Miscellaneous, 54. Colony of Blumenau, Photographs, 52. Comerre, L., Painting, 36. Commissioners Illinois State Penitentiary, Drawings, 31. Comte, P. C., Painting, 36. Condit, I., Water color, 28. Continental Bank Note Co., Engravings, 29. Convent of Good Shepherd, Paintings, 33. Convent, Sillery, Picture work, 34. Cooper, E., Sculpture, 15. Cooper Union School, Drawings, 29 ; Pho’s, 30. Coply, Paintings, 54. Copelin & Son. Photographs, 56. Cordero, J., Painting, 51. Cordoba, Province of, Sculpture, 53. Cordier, C., Sculpture, 34, 35. Corkill, E., Imitation marble, 32. Cornu, E., & Co., Models, 42. Coroenne, H., Painting, 36. Corral, J., Painting, 51. Correa, J., Painting, 51. Correa, N., Painting, 31. Cortelyou, G. V., Painting, 26. Cortez, V., Painting, 39. Cossmann, M., Painting, 36. Costa-Silva, Sculpture, 52. Cote, J. B., Sculpture, 33. Coto, L., Painting, 51. Couder, E. G., Painting, 36. Courop, Mrs., Painting, 17. Courdouan, V., Paintings, 36, 39. Courtoisnon, Miss B., Painting, 39. Cox, W. B., Painting, 29. Craeyvanger, R., Painting, 44. Craig, T. B., Painting, 17. Cramer, A. S., 32. Crano, F. F. de. Painting, 17. Crank, G., Sculpture, 34. Crecco, J., Photographs, 53. Cropsey, I. F., Paintings, 17. Crosson, Miss E., Painting, 39. Crosscup & West, 30. Crossbey, E. H., & Co., 30. Crouillebert, P. D., Painting, 39. Crehet, Lithographs, 41. Cremer, J., Photographs, 58. Creifelds, R., Painting, 17. Crider & Bros., Photographs, 56. CrofF & Camp, Drawings, 31. Croft, G. B., Drawings, 31. Crupheme, A. J., Painting, 39. Crepinet, A., Architectural designs, 42. Culverhouse, J. M., Painting, 17. Cunaeus, C., Painting, 43. Currier, J. F., Painting, 17. Curzon, P. A. de. Painting, 36. Cuypers, P. J. H., Sculpture, 43. Dahl, H., Painting, 49. Dahlgreen, C., Painting, 17. Dalou, J., Sculpture, 34. Dameron, E. C., Painting, 36. Daniels, G. F., Painting, 17. Darley, F. O. C., Paintings, 25, 27 ; Drawings, 29. Darrah, S. T., Painting, 17; Water color, 26. Dart, M., Painting, 17. Daubigny, K. P., Painting, 36. Dauthendey, Photographs, 43. David, V., Photographs, 41. I Davila, D., Painting, 51. | Day, F., Paintings, 33. j Debat-Ponson, E. B., Painting, 36. Deblois, C. A., Engraving, 40. De Coninck, P., Painting, 36. De Gollier, Miss K. E., Paintings, 17. De Haas, M. F., Paintings, 17. Delamantu, A. S., Photographs, 56. De la Lalande, C. L., Architec. designs, 42. Delau, S. J., Photographs, 56. 62 ART Delauney, A. A., Engraving, 40. Del Castillo, B., Painting, 53. Delabbe, F. A., Painting, 36. Delden, van, Photographs, 43. Delevan, C. H., Photographs, 56. De Luce, Painting, 17. Deming, Miss C., Painting, 17. Demorest, W., Engraving, 30. Derrick, E. I. M., Painting, 26. Deshayes, Ch. F. E., Painting, 37. De Silva, A., Photographs, 56. Destree, J., Painting, 44. Devaux, F. A., Sculpture, 34. Deventer, L. F. van, Painting, 44. Deventer, W. A. van, Painting, 44. De Voe, W. M., Painting, 17. Devrez, D. H. L., Photographs, 41; Archi- tectural designs, 42. Diaz, Josefa, Paintings, 53. Dielman, F., Painting, 17. Diesen, A. E., Painting, 49. Dietrichson, Mrs. M., Painting, 47. Dirkson, F., Painting, 17. Dole, C. B., Pen work, 32. Dolph, I. H., Painting, 17. Doolittle, E. S., Painting, 17. Doremus, J. P., Photographs, 56. Dotterer, A. F., Photographs, 56. Doty Bros., Sculpture, 28. Doublemard, A. P., Sculpture, 34. Dougherty, E. D., Painting, 17. Douillard, A. M. L., Painting, 36. Doux, Miss L., Painting, 36. Dow, G., Painting, 54. Dreka, L., Engravings, 29. Drexler, A., Painting, 17. Du Bois, C. E., Painting, 17. Dubos, Miss A., Painting, 36. Dubouchet, H. J. , Painting, 36 ; Engraving, 40. Dubucand, A., Sculpture, 34. Ducci, C., Sculpture, 50. Duez, E. A., Painting, 36. Dumas, Mrs. E., Painting, 39. Dumaine, Sculpture, 51 ; Painting, 51. Dumaresq, A., Painting, 37. Duncker, A., Engravings, 42. Dunham, Mrs. F. S., Photographs, 56, 58. Dunlap, W., Painting, 54. Dupre, L. V., Painting, 36. Duplain, Mrs. A., Painting, 39. Duran, C., Painting, 36. Durand, A. B., Painting, 17; Drawings, 27. Durand, F. J., Water color, 26. Durst, A., Painting, 37. Durst, M. P., Sculpture, 34. Duval, V., Painting, 54. Duverger, F. J., Painting, 36. Dwyer, E. J., Inlaid picture, 30. Eakins, T., Painting, 17. Earle, J., Painting, 17. Eaton, J. O., Painting, 26. Ebersbach, J. D., Painting, 44. Echave, B. de, Painting, 51. Eckardt, C., Paintings, 46. Edgar, Miss L., Painting, 27. Eerelman, O., Painting, 44. Egenberger, J. H., Painting, 44. Ehlerto, I. D., & Co., Lithograph, 30. Eickelberg, W. H., Painting, 44. Ekstrom, P., Painting, 47. Eliot, G., Painting, 37. Elkins,, H. A. Painting, 17. Elliott, C. L. , Painting, 17. # Ellis, S. A., Statuary, 15 ; Drawing, 29. Elten, K. van. Painting, 26. Engstrom, W. O., Painting, 47. Enneking, J. E., Painting, 18. Enriquez, N., Painting, 51. Entomological Society of New South Wales, Photographs. Epinette, Mrs. M., Painting, 39. Erhard, Engravings, 41. Essen, J. C. van, jr.. Painting, 44. Etex, A., Photographs, 41. Evans, B. R., Painting, 17. Evans, E. D., Photographs, 56. Evans, G. & W. P., Photographs, 58. Evans, De Scott, Painting, 17. Evans, O. C., Decorations, 34. Everdingen, A. van, Painting, 44. Eversen, A., Painting, 44. Ewell, D., Painting, 18. Faber, H., Painting, 26. Fabronius, D. C., Paintings, 18. Fagerlin, F., Painting, 47. Fahlgren, C. A., Painting, 47. Fairfax, I. S., Drawings, 31. Faivre-Duffer, L. S., Paintings, 37. Falcener, J., Painting, 26. Falcini, A., Mosaics, 51. Falk, R., Photographs, 43. Farmer Bros., Photographs, 33. Farrer, H., Painting, 18. Farris, W. A., Painting, 18. Fassitt, Mrs. C. A., Painting, 18. Feldman, C., Painting, 18. Felon, J., Sculpture, 39 ; Engraving, 40. Fenety, A. C., Drawing, 29. Fenn, S. H., Paintings, 18. Fernandez, J., Sculpture, 51. Ferrando, S., Painting, 51. Ferri & Bartolozzo, Sculpture, 50. Ferris, S. J., Engraving, 27. Ferry, J. G., Paintings, 37. Ferstew, C., & Co., Lithographs, 46. Fery, Mrs. L., Painting, 37. Feyen, E., Painting, 37. Feyen-Perrin, F. N. A., Painting, 37. Fick, F., Sculpture, 28. Figuera, G., Painting, 51. Fine Arts Association, Paintings, 33. Firm, J. C., & Co., Paper hangings, 31. Fischer, A., Marbelized glass, 32. Fisher, E., Painting, 18. Fisher, C. P., Photographs, 56. Fisher, F. J., Painting, 18. Fisher, Mrs. J. F., Mosaics, 31. Fitch, J. L., Painting, 18. Fitzpatrick, A., & Co., Painting, 28 ; Window glass, 31. Fitzgibbon, J. H., Daguerreotypes, 30. Fjeldskov, V., Sculpture, 46. Fladmoe, T. C., Engraving, 49. Flagg, H. C., Painting, 18. Flagg, J. B., Painting, 18. Flameng, L., Engraving, 41. Fletcher, T. S., Drawings, 29. Fletcher, V., Painting, 18. Flier, H. R. van der, Painting, 44. Flores, R., Painting, 51. Florman, G., Photographs, 48. • Flourselling, C. H., Engravings, 33. Flug, A., Painting, 18. Faerster, E., 30. Folsom, J. H., Photographs, 56. Forbes, Col., Engravings, 27. Forbes, Edwin, Engravings, 29. Ford, H. C., Painting, 18. Foreign Artists, Engravings, 27. Forsyth, R., Statuary, 33. Fowler, T. T., Painting, 18. Fowle, A. H., Drawings, 27. Framolini, T., Mosaics, 51. Francati & Santamaria, Sculpture, 51. French, W. H., Models, 31. Frederick & Bro., Glass, 31. Francati & Santamaria, Mosaics, 50. Fraser, Chr., Gilt frames, 32. Frauenfelder, G., Lithographs, 50. Frederick, C. D., & Co., Photographs, 56. Fredericks, A., Paintings, 26. Freeborne, S. M., Sculpture, 15. Freeman, A. D., Photographs, 56. Freeman, A., Vase, 32. Freeman, J. E., Sculpture, 15. French, D. C., Statuary, 15. French, J. A., Photographs, 56. Frenchard, E Painting, 18. INDEX 63 Frac-Robert & Fils, Sculpture, 34. Frick, F., Drawing, 29. Frament-Meurice, Models, 42. Frullini, L., Sculpture, 50. Fry’s Engraving Office, Engravings, 28. Furness, H. H., Painting, 18. Gabineau, J. A. C. de. Sculpture, 34; Me- dallion, 35. Gaillard, C. F., Engraving, 41. Gaillard, E., Chromo-lithographs, 42. Galli Brothers, Sculpture, 50. Galinde, R. E., Painting, 18. Galland, A. H., Painting, 18. Gallandz, L. A., Mosaics, 51. Galvan, I. E., Painting, 18. Galvan, Mrs. S. M., Painting, 18. Gardell, Miss A., Painting, 48. Gardener, E. I., Painting, 18. Gardener, D. W., Canvass stretchers, 32. Gargini, C., Sculpture, 50. Gamier, J. A., Painting, 37. Garrdent, A., Sculpture, 15. Garret, R., Painting, 54. Gattinoni, Carlos, Paintings, 53. Gaucherel, L., Engravings, 41. Gaudez, Miss C. D., Painting, 39. Gautherin, J., Sculpture, 34. Gay, W. A., Painting, 18. Gay, E., Painting, 18. Gay, W., Painting, 18. Gazette des Beaux -Arts, Engravings, 41. Geiser, Frederico, Photographs, 54. Gempt, B. H., Painting, 44. Gerardin, G., Sculpture, 15. Gerlach & Fromhagen, Photographs, 56. Gerry, S. L., Painting, 19. Gentill, C., Photographs, 56. Giani, E., Sculpture, 50. Gibson, J., Engraving, 30. Giddings, T., Frame, 28. Gide, T., Painting, 37. Gifford, R. S., Painting, 18; Water color, 26. Gignoux, R., Painting, 18. Gilbert, S. D., Painting, 26. Gillot & Son, Engravings, 41. Girard, N. J., Sculpture, 34. Girard, J., Photographs, 41. Girardi, F., Drawings, 29. Glaize, P. P. L., Painting, 37. Gogler, L., Painting, 18 Goldsmith, J. H., Photographs, 56. Good, F. M., Photographs, 56. Goodes, E. A., Painting, 19. Gookins, J. F., Painting, 18. Goossens, J., & Son, Painting, 43. Goupil & Co., Photographs, 47. Government of New Zealand, Photographs. Grace, J., Sculpture, 15. Graff Bros., Lithographs, 27, 30. Graham, W., Painting, 18; Water color, 26. Granbey, Miss V., Painting, 18. Granbey, Miss H. A., Painting, 18. Grandchamps, L. E. P., Painting, 37. Granger, P. E., Sculpture, 15. Granger, F., Painting, 18. Granges, Baron P. des, 56. Grant, A. G., Photographs, 56; Architectural designs, 34. Graphic Company, Engravings, 27. Gray, H. P., Painting, 18. Gray, G., China, 28. Gray, F. W., Engravings, 53. Grayon, C. P., Painting, 18. Graves, Miss L. P., Painting, 18. Graves, J. A., Photographs, 56. Greatorex, Engravings, 27. Greatorex, Mrs. E., Painting, 18. Green, F. W., Painting, io. Greene, E. D. E., Painting, 18. Gregari, L., Painting, 18. Greig, A. E. N., Decorations, 34. Grenier, H. N., Photographs, 33. Greive, J. C., jr., Painting, 44. Griffin, J., Painting, 15. Grimelund, J. M., Painting, 49. Griot, A., Miscellaneous, 27/ Groiseilliez, M. de, Painting, 37. Groot, J. de, Painting, 44. Gruijter, W., jr., Painting, 44. Gruger, P. E., Letters, 32. Guarnerio, Sculpture, 54. Gude, H., Painting, 49. Gudin, T., Painting, 19, 37. Guebelman, T., Photographs, 56. Gueneux & Normand, E., Lithographs, 41. Guerber, S. L., Painting, 18. Guerea, G., Sculpture, 51. Guidi, Federigo, & Billi, Photographs, 50. Guillois, Mrs. C., Painting, 39. Guillon, A. T., Painting, 37. *Gunnington, Miss, Painting, 18. Gunnison, Miss' M. D., Painting, 18. Gutekin, W. G., Photographs, 58. Gutekunst, F., Photographs, 56. Guthers, C., Painting, 18. Gutierres, F., Painting, 51. Gutierres, R., Painting, 51. Guy, S. J., Paintings, 18. Haanen, A., Painting, 44. Haas, A., Models, 28. Haas, M. F. H. de. Painting. Hackett, C. C., Painting, 19. Hafstrom^A. G., Painting, 47. Hagg, J., Painting, 48. Haight, H. J., Painting, 19. Hale, E. D., Painting, 19. Hall, J., Photographs, 56. Hall, C., Painting, 19. Halliday, N. H., Panels, 32. Halon, A., Decorations, 34. Hamilton, H., Painting, 19. Hammer, W., Painting, 46. Hammer, G. D., Lithographs, 30. Hammer, H. J., Painting, 46. Hance, A. L., Photographs, 58. Hand, A. N., Photographs, 56. Handy, Painting, 20. Hanedoes, L., Painting, 44. Hanno, W., Painting, 49. H.anoteau, N., Painting, 37. Hanrath, F., Painting, 44. Hansen, H., Painting, 46; Carvings, 49. Harding, J. E., Photographs, 59. Harding, J., Painting, 54. Haring, J. C., Photographs, 56. Harley, j. K., Lithographs, 30. Harmann, J. S., Decorations, 34. Harnett, W., Painting, 19. Harnron, A., Painting, 26. Harpignies, H., Painting, 37. Harran, J., Painting, 52. Harris, P. S., Painting, 19. Harris, W., Photographs, 58. Harrison, H., Painting, 19. Harrison, Miss H. N., Painting, 19. Harrison, Miss S. W., Paintings, 33. Hart, E. H., Photographs, 56. Hart, J. M., Paintings, 19. Hart, Wm., Water color, 26. Harterick, H., Painting, 19. Hartwell, H. E., Drawings, 31. Hartley, I. S., Sculpture, 15. Hasselriis, D., Painting, 46. Haseltine, W. S., Painting, 20. Haskell, S. E., Painting, 19. Haworth, J., Photographs, 58. Hayward, H. D., Painting, 19. Hazeu, A. C., Painting, 44. Hazen, Mrs. E. M., Paintings, 33. Hazzard, R. T., Ornaments, 31. Heade, M. T., Painting, 19. Healy, G. P. A., Painting, 19. Hearn, C. W., Photographs, 58. Heaton, A. G., Painting, 19. Heath & McKendrick, Ornamentation, 31. Heerebaart, G., Painting^44. Heemskerk, J. E. van B., Painting. 44. 6 4 ART Held, Ch., Engraving on gold, 30. Heldebran, H. T., Engravings, 41. Hellquist, H., Painting, 47. Heist, V., Painting, 54. Hemsherk, Painting, 54. Hemmiiller, W., Painting, 27. Henderson, A., Photographs, 33. Hendrickson, S., Drawings, 29. Henkes, G., Painting, 44. Henning, H. D. A., Painting, 19. Hennig, R., Photographs, 43. Henry, E. L., Paintings, 19. Henshelwood, C. B. &. R., Paintings, 19. Hepburn, W., Painting, 19. Hermelin, Baron O., Painting, 47. Hernandez, J., Painting, 51. Herpin, L., Painting, 37. Herrick, H. W., Painting, 26. Herst, A. C. J., Painting, 37, 39. Hertzberg, A. G., Painting, 47. Herzog, H., Painting, 19. Herzog, J., Photographs, 43. Hess, J., Designs, 31. Hessler, A., Photographs, 56. Hetzel, G., Painting, 19. Hetsch, C., Designs, 46. Heyl, M., Painting, 44. Hicks, T., Paintings, 19. Higgins, G. F., Painting, 19. Hildebran, H. T., Engraving. * Hildebrand, Miss C., Drawing, 39. Hill, T., Painting, 19. Hill, J. W., Water color, 26. Hillemacher, E. E., Painting, 37. Hillyer, H. L., Painting, 19. Hilverdink, J., Painting, 44. Hilverdink, E. A., Painting, 44. Hinckley, T. H., Painting, 19. Hirsh, J. M., Photographs, 58. Hurlinger, C. W., Enameled works, 28. Hirsch, A., Painting, 37. Hirst, Miss C. R., Painting, 19. Hoar, W., Inlaid work, 31. Hobbs, R. S., & Co., Paper, 31. Hobbs & Son, Painting, 26 ; Drawing, 31. Hobbs, Architectural designs, 27; Painting. Hobendan & Mildrum, Painting, 34. Hoefel, F., Painting on glass, 27. Hoesslin, G., Painting, 19. Hoffman, F., & Sons, Miscellaneous, 28 ; Mo- saics, 31. Hober, H., Photographs, 56. Holbrook, Painting, 19. Holin, G. R., Designs, 31. Holm, P. D., Painting, 47. Holmer, T. H., Painting, 19. Holmes, G. W., Painting. Holmes, J., Sculpture, 28. Hollander, H., Cz., Painting, 44. Hollyer, S., Engravings, 27, 29. Holmlund, Miss J., Painting, 47. Holst, J. G. von, Painting, 49. Homer, W., Painting, 19; Water color, 26. Homer, Lee & Co., Engravings, 29. Hondekoeter, Painting, 54. Hooe, J. H. van, Painting. Hoover, Jas., Chromos, 30. Hope, J., Painting, 19. Hopkins, R., Painting, 19. Hoppe, E.,& Co., Oil prints, 42. Hopps, H. H. H., Painting, 19. Hopson, W., Miscellaneous, 31. Horn, H. E. van, V., Painting, 19. Horning, F. L. B., Tokens, 32. Horton, E. W., Painting, 20. Hosch & Frankenburger, Oil prints, 42. Houten, Mevr. von, Painting. Hovey, E. Y., Photographs, 56. Hove, J. H. van, Painting, 44. Hove, B. J. van, Painting, 44. Howell, Mr. J. R., Painting, 19. Howell, J. R., Photographs, 50. Huas, P. A., Painting, 37. Hubbard, Paintings, 19. Huldberg, F., Lithographs, 48; Photographs. Hulei, F., Photographs, 43. Hugard, C. S., Painting, 37. Hunckel, G., Engravings, 42. Hunt, W. M., Painting, 20. Hunt, Painting, 19. Hunt, R. H., Drawings, 31. Hunter, T., Chromos, 30. Huntington, D., Pointings, 19. Hutinet, J. D., Photographs, 58. Huybers, J. D., Painting, 44. Hyatt, Mrs. D. , Painting, 20 ; Water color, 26. Hygen, B., Painting, 49. Hynemann, H. N., Painting, 19. Illingworth, W. H., Photograph, 56. Inman, H., Painting, 20. Insley, A., Painting, 20. Irving, J. B., Paintings, 20. Israels, J., Painting, 44. Itasse, A., Sculpture, 34; Painting, 84. Itajaky, Colony of, Photographs, 52. J ackta, Miss L. A., Painting, 39. acobi. Photographs, 43. acobsen, S., Painting, 49. acomin, A. L. , Painting, 37. Jacquand, C., Painting, 37. Jacquemart, J. F., Engravings, 41. Jacquier, E., Sculpture, 15. Jadin, E., Painting, 37. Tames, F., Painting, 20. James, Mrs. J. A., Paintings, 33. Japy, L. A., Painting, 37. Jarvis, M., Painting, 20. Jenger, H., Photographs, 56. Jernberg, A., Painting, 47. Jernberg, O., Painting, 47. Jerome, E. G., Painting, 20. Jimenez, J., Painting, 51. Jimenez, R., Painting, 51. Jobbe-Duval, Paintings, 37. John, J., Painting, 20. Johns, C. M., Painting, 20. Johnsen, E., Painting, 54. Johnson, F., Painting, 20. Johnson, E., Painting, 20. Johnson, D., Painting, 20. Johnson, J. L., Painting, 20. Johnson, E. L., Photographs, 33. Johnson & Dyer, Lithographs, 30. Jones, A., Painting, 20; Photographs, 58. Jones, H. B., Painting, 20. Jong, G. de, Photographs, 45. Joosten, D. J. H., Painting, 44. Jordan, A. W., Drawings, 29,30. Juarez, L., Painting* 51. Juarez, J., Painting, 51. Judge, E. S., &. Co., Ornaments, 31. Julio, E. B. D., Painting, 20. Jundt, G., Painting, 37. Kaarstad, J. O., Painting, 49. Kaehler, G., Industrial designs, 31. Kaffel Freres, Sculpture ; Bronzes, 42. Kallenberg, A. B., Painting, 47. Kappes, A., Painting, 20. Kappeler, T., Imitations, 32. Kate, H. F. C., ten, Painting, 44. Kate, J. M. H., ten, Painting, 44. Kaufmann, T., Painting, 20. Kaufman, A. & C., Oil prints, 42. Kellen, D. von dar,jr., Painting, 44. Keller, F. A., Sculpture, 35. Kelly, Mrs. J. W., Painting, 20. Kelly, Wm. J., Typographic art, 32. Kemeys, E., Painting; Sculpture, 15. Kendall, T. A., State seals, 28. Kendrick, D. T., Painting, 20. Kennedy, W. E., Pictures, 32. Kensett, J. F., Painting, 20. Kester, H., Painting, 20. Kever, J. S. H., Painting, 44. Kew, J. H., Photographs, 56. Keyser, J. G., Painting, 29; Lithographs, 30. Kichlholz, B., Photographs, 57. Kienlin, J., Painting, 37. INDEX 65 ICiewning, Photographs, 43. Kilburn, B. W., Photographs, 57. Kinder, E., Wool pictures, 32. Kimney, J. D., Engraving, 29. King, G. W., Painting, 20. Kirkpatrick, C. & W., Painting, 32. Klem, F., Photographs, 49. Kluyoer, P. L. F., Painting, 44. Knight, D. R., Painting, 20. Knocke, W. C., Painting, 20. Knox, G. W., Models, 28. Knudsen, C., Photographs, 49. Knudsen, K., Photographs, 49. Kock, Miss E., Painting, 37. Koekkoek, H. P., Painting, 44. Koekkoek, W., Painting, 44. Kolkow, F. J. von, Photographs, 45. Kollock, M., Painting, 20. Kool, S., Painting, 44. Koskull, A. G., Painting, 47. Kosler, J., Photographs, 43. Koster, E., Painting, 44. Kraft, F., Illuminated work, 32. Kremer, J. M., Photographs, 43. Kretschman, E. A., Sculpture, 15. Kreutzberg, Ch., Wax model, 32. Kruseman, H. D. van Elten, Painting, 44. Kulle, J., Painting, 47. Kunath, O., Painting, 20. Kurtz, W., Painting, 27; Photographs, 57. Kuwassey, C. J., Painting, 37. Kylberg, Miss R., Painting, 48. Lacretelle, J. E., Painting, 37. Lacroix, Miguel, Decorations, 53. La Farge, J., Painting, 20. LafFon, Photographs, 41. Lagerholm, Miss W., Painting, 47. Laguillerimie, F. A., Painting, 41 ; Engraving, 37 - Lairesse, G., Painting, 54. La Kochenoire, C. J., Painting, 37. Lambdin, J. R., Painting, 20. Lambdin, G. C., Painting, 20. Lambert, A. E., Painting, 37. Lami, di, Nozan, C. E., Painting, 39. Lamotte, A., Engraving, 41. Lamson, J. H., Photographs, 57. Lalanne, M., Engraving, 39, 41. Lalande, C. L., Architectural design. Landelle, Ch., Painting, 37. Landy, J., Photographs, 57. Lange & Bro., Mosaics, 31. Lang, L., Painting, 20. Lanson, E., Sculpture, 35. Laplante, C., Engraving, 41. Laporte, M., Painting, 37. Laporte, E. H., Painting, 38. Lardham, T., Decorations, 34. Larson, Miss V., Painting, 48. Lauderbach, J. W., 30. Laurent, H., Painting, 38. Lawrie, A., Painting, 20. Lawton, L. W., Photographs, 57. Lays, J. P., Painting, 37. Lazarus, J. H., Painting, 20. Lea, A. M., Painting, 20. Lebel, E., Painting, 37. Lebrethop, J., Medallions, 28. Lechesne, A. J. B., Sculpture, 35. Le Clair, Painting, 20. Le Coite, A. J. L., Sculpture, 35. Le Due, M. V., Miscellaneous, 55. Lee, W., Decorations, 34. Lefman, Photographs, 41. Legat, L. Painting, 37. Leggo Bros., Engravings, 30. Legras, A., Lithographs, 41. Leland, H., Painting, 20. Lelux, A., Painting, 37. Lely, P., Sir, Painting, 54. Lenz, F., Engravings, 42. Leon, Vidal, Photographs, 42. Leonardo da Vinci, Painting, 54. Leoni, A., Sculpture, 50. Leonhardt, T., & Son, 30. Lepesqueur, H., Paintings, 37. Lerche, V., Painting, 49. Lesrel, A. A., Painting, 38. Lestang Larade, L. de. Painting, 39. Leuce, P. D., Painting, 20. Leuzinger, Photographs, 52. Levasseur, J. G., Engraving, 41. Levi, H., Penmanship, 32. Levy, T. S., Drawings, 31. Levy, G., Engraving, 41. Levy, A., Photographs, 57. Levy, J., & Co., Photographs, 41, 57. Lewis, E. D., Painting, 20. Lewis, T., Photographs, 57. Leyendecker, F. M., Painting, 37. Lezcamo, Francisco A., Photographs, 53. Libarty, J. C. Z., Miscellaneous, 28. Lichtenfelder, Sculpture ; Models, 41. Liebert, A., Photographs, 41. Libert, A., Industrial designs, 42. Libreria, S., Lithographs, 50. Lilijestrom, A., Architectural drawings, 48. Lindahl, A., Photographs, 48. Lindegren, Miss A., Painting, 47. Lindemann, C. F., Painting, 20. Lindman, A., Painting, 47. Lindner, R., Models, 28. Lingeman, L. , Painting, 44. Li thografiska Aktibolaget, Lithographs, 48. Lippencott, W. H., Painting, 20. Lockwood & Randolph, Pressed wood, 30. Lockwood, W. H., Engraving, 28. Loescher, Petsch, Photographs, 43. Loebnitz, C., Designs, 31. Loison, P., Sculpture, 35. Lokhorst, D. van. Painting, 44. Longacre& Co., Engraving, 30. Longfellow, E. W., Painting, 20. Loop, Mrs. H. A., Painting, 20. Loop, Henry A., Painting, 20. Lorck, K. J., Painting, 49. Lorin, A. C., Glass work, 39. Lortet, L. O., Painting, 37. Lofgren, Miss K., Painting, 47. Lofstrom, Miss S., Photographs, 48. Lonnroth, F., Painting, 47. Lowell, J. A., & Co., Engravings, 29. Luminais, E. N., Painting, 37. Lundberg, W. A., Photographs, 48. Lundmark, A., Sculpture, 46. Luppen, F. van, Sculpture, 33. Lydston, F. A., Painting, 20. Lynch, A. K., & Co., Staining, 31. Maaten, J. J. van der, Painting, 44. Machen, W. H., Painting, 21. MacGrath, T. J., Carvings, 28. MacKnight, S. R., Paintings, 21. Macy, W. E., Painting, 21. Macy, R. H., & Co., 32. Makart, H., Painting, 54. Maerz, A. J., Painting, 21. Magrath, W., Water color, 26. Magrath, Paintings, 21. Magrath, W., Painting, 21. Maija, C., Photographs, 50. Maignan, A., Painting, 38. Maillart, D. U. N., Painting, 38. Mallet, J., Painting, 38. Malstrom, J. A., Drawings, 48. Malmstrom, J. A., Painting, 47. Manners, Miss A. F., Monograms, 28. Manchola, J., Painting, 51. Mansuy, Dotin I., Painting, 39. Manuel, Father, Painting, 51. Maningstern, P., Precious stones, 32. Marcellin, J. E., Sculpture, 35. Marchand, L. L. , Models, 41. i Marchant, E. D., Painting, 21. I Marcy, L. G., Photographs, 58. 1 Mares, W., Painting, 44. Markham, C. C., Painting, 21. Marroig, Gabriel Juan, Painting, 53 ; Sculp- ture, 54. 66 ART Marshall, A., Photographs, 57. Marshall, W. E., Painting, 21 ; Engraving, 27. Marshall, S. S., Stained glass, 31. Martens, W. J., Painting, 44. Martin, H., Painting, 21. Martin, G., Sculpture, 35. Martin, F., Sculpture, 35. Martin, E., Painting, 38. Martin, Miss E., Painting, 21. Martin, Mrs. L. E., Panels, 27. Martino, de, Painting, 52. Martin, L. E., Painting, Marven, Miss E. G., Bark picture, 34. Mary, Mrs. M., Drawing, 40. Mason, O. G., Photographs, 57. Masson, Miss A., Painting, 38. Masure, S., Painting, 38. Masurel, J. E., Painting, 44. Mathews, W. F., Paintings, 21. Mathews, W., Paintings, 21. Mathieu, O. P., Painting, 38. Mattarelli, A., Sculpture, 50; Mosaics, 51. Matthews & Warren, Printing, 32. Maussion, Miss E. de. Painting, 39 ; Draw- ing, 40. Mauve, A., Painting, 44. MaVelasquez, J., Painting, 52. Mayer, C., Engravings, 30; Paintings, 42, 54. Mayer, F. B., Painting, 21. Maynard, Painting, 33. Maynard, G. W., Painting, 21. Maynicke, Miss E., Painting, 21. Mayo, T. H., Photographs, 57. Mazzotti, A., Architecture, 50. McCollin, T. H., Photographs, 58. McCormick, J. L., Photographs, 57. McCracken, S., Mosaics, 31. McDonald, M. J., Paintings, 26 McEntee, J., Painting, 21. McGregor, G. S., Graining, 31. McEntee, Painting, 54. McIntyre, 7 . L., Photographs, 57. McLellan, D. M., Lithography, 30. McLees, Engraving, 29. McNurtree, L. G., Painting, 21. McPherson, W. J., & Co., Windows, 32. McRea, J. C., Engravings, 27/29. Meckeprang, A., Painting, 46. Megret, L. N. A., Sculpture, 35. Melby, W., Painting, 46. Meile, A. L., Painting, 38. Melrose, A., Painting, 21. Mendoza, F., Painting, 52. Mene, P. J., Sculpture, 45. Menon, Miss M. L., Drawings, 40. Mermet, Mrs. C., Painting, 39. Mery, A. E., Painting, 38. Merritt, J. P., Engraving, 33; Painting. Mesch, J. A., Sculpture, 46. Mesdag, Mrs., Painting, 44. Mesdag, H. W., Painting, 44. Metzner, H., Drawings, 29. Meyer, C., Carvings, 28. Meyer, H., Sculpture. Meyer, J , jr.. Engravings, 29. Meyer, Ferd., Engravings, 30. Meyer, J., Photographs, 57. Meyer, W., Engravings, 48. Meyers, A., Photographs, 57. Meynen, F., Sculpture, 15. Michel, E. B., Painting, 38. Michel, L., Sculpture; Models, 41. Middlemiss & Hunter, Photographs, 33. Mifflin, Lloyd, Painting, 21 ; Engravings, 27. Miguel, M. Y. R., Painting, 51. Miller, C. H., Painting, 21. Miller, E. F., Painting, 26. Miller, W., Sculpture, 15. Millett, F. D., Painting, 21. Minor, R. C , Painting, 21. Mischewsky, R., Photographs, 43. Mitchell, H., Impressions, 28. Mittermaier, M., Glass, 31. Moeller, F. G., Drawing, 31. Moglia, A., Mosaics, 51. Molinari, Joaquin, Sculpture, 54. Molkenboer, W. B. G., Architectural designs, 45 - Moller, N. B., Painting, 49. Monfallet, A. F., Painting, 38. Monginot, C., Painting, 38. Monks, J. A., Painting, 21. Monroy, P., Painting, 51. Montalant, J. O. de, Painting, 21. Montelatici, A., & Bro., Mosaics, 51. Montelatici, G., Mosaics, 51. Moore, H. H., Painting, 21. Moore, H. K., Painting, 21. Moore, A. W., Engravings, 33. Moore, R. E., Engravings, 29. Mora, J. M., Photographs, 57. Moran, T., Painting, 21 ; Water color, 26. Moran, E., Painting, 21. Moran, P., Painting, 21 ; Engravings, 27. Morand, A., Painting, 21. Moreau-Vauthier, Sculpture, 35. Morel, A., Sculpture; Models, 41. Morrell, Mrs. I., Painting, 21. Morini, F., Sculpture, 50. Morrison, J. C., Painting, 33. Morin, E., Painting, 38. Morris, W. V., Glass sign, 32. Morton, J. D., Photographs, 33. Mosher, C. S., Photographs, 57. Mota, A. da. Photographs. 52. Moulin, H., Sculpture, 35. Muller, R. A., Engravings, 40. Muller, E., & Co., Mosaics, etc., 27, 42. Mulvaney, J., Painting, 21. Mundhenk, A., Sculpture, 15. Mungoe, G., Painting, 26. Munier, E., Painting, 38. Munzig, G. C., Drawings, 27. Muntz, Bro., & Co., Engravings, 30. Muratori, Jose, Painting, 53. Muraton, A., Painting, 38. Euraton, Mrs. E., Painting, 38. Muraaeer, T., Photographs, 58. Murillo, Painting, 54. Murphy, Miss E., Drawings, 29. Murtland, M. M., Painting, 21. Musollino, Salvador, Sculpture, 54. Musler, W., Painting, 21. Nagle, Cooke, & Ewing, Paper hangings, 31. Nakken, W. C., Painting, 44. Nasori Novelty Co., Photographs, 58. National Porcelain Manf. Co., Drawings, 40. National Bank Note Co., Engravings, 29. N. N., Lithographs, 52. Neagle, J., Painting, 54. Nelli, A., Sculpture, 50. Netscher, G., Painting, 54. Newberg, R., Painting, 21. Newell, R., & Son, Photographs, 57, 58. Newell, H., Painting, 21. New England Granite Works, Sculpture, 31. Newman, A., Photographs, 57. Newton, H. D., Photographs, 57. Nichols, H. H., Engraving, 29. Nicoll, J. C., Paintings, 21 ; Water color, 26. Nicolas, Mrs. M. J., Painting, 38. Nicolaysen, L. W., Painting, 49. Nielsen, A., Painting, 49. Nielssen, J., Painting, 49. Niffen, P. A., Painting, 21. Nilsson, S., Painting, 47. Noble, T. S., Painting, 21. Nold, Miss H., Painting, 40. Nordenberg, B., Painting, 47. Nordgren, Miss A., Painting, 47. Nordgren, A. D., Painting, 47. Nordlander, Miss A., Painting, 47. Norelli, L., & Co., Mosaics, 51. Norman, A., Painting, 49. Norton, W. E., Painting, 21. Noterman, Z., Painting, 38. Notman, W., Photographs, 33; Paintings, 33. Obernetter, J. B..„ ['holographs, 43. INDEX 67 Ocaranza, M., Painting, 52. Odenheimer, M. B., Painting, 22. Oertel, R. J. A., Painting, 21. Ogelvie, Painting, 21. O’Halloran, A. G., 32. O’Hara, D., Photograph, 57. Oil Painted Wall Paper Works, 31. Okerland, E. G., Photographs, 57. Oliver, R., Decorations, 34. Olivieri, L., Mosaics, 51. Ollendon, Mrs. d’, Painting, 40. Ollive, A., Mosaics, etc., 41. Olregon, J., Painting, 52. Oppenoorth, W. J., Painting, 44. Orlandini, L., Mosaics, 51. Ornamental Mirror Co., Photographs, 58. Ortman, Miss F. A., Paintings, 55. Osgood, J. R., & Co., Photographs, 58. Ostergren, I. P., Sculpture, 46. Osti, H., Photographs, 48. Ottanjano, Prof. L., Sculpture, 50. Ottinjer, G. M., Painting, 22. Oudinot, A., Painting, 38. Overbaugh, A. W., Engravings, 29. Owen, J. G., Engravings, 33. Pabst, C. A., Painting, 38. Pach, G. W., Photographs, 57. Paez, J., Painting, 52. Page, W., Painting, 22; Sculpture, 15. Paling, J. J., Painting, 44. Palliere, J. L., Painting, 38. Palm, G. W., Painting, 47. Paneieur, B. V., & Bros., Sculpture, 50. Parker, E., Painting, 22. Parker, J. A., Painting, 22. Partini, C., Architecture, 50. Pape, A. jr., Painting, 22. Parvel, F., Painting, 22. Pasquinelli, Anibal, Painting, 53. Pattberg, L., & Bros., Photographs, 58. Patten, G. D., Engraving, 29. Patterson, J., Intaglio, 28. Pauli, H. G., Engravings, 33. Paullin, W. F., Photographs, 57. Pautrot, J., Sculpture, 35. Pavia, F., Painting, 52. Paxon, C., & Son, Photographs, 57. Peale, R., Painting, 55. Pearce, C. S., Painting, 22. Pearsall, G. F. E., Photographs, 57. Pease, J. I., Crayon drawing, 30. Peck, S., & Co., Photographs, 58. Penel, J., Architectural designs, 41. Peny, E. W., Water color, 26. Perdicaris, I., Painting, 22; Ornaments, 31. Perine, G. E., Drawing, 30. Perkins, G. F. T., Sculpture, 15. Perrault, L., Painting, 38. Perrey, N., Sculpture, 35. Perry, Ann, Painting, 22. Perry, E., Paintings, 22. Perry, Painting, 22. Perrot, H., Models, 41. Perseus, E., Painting, 47. Pertz, A. J., Drawings, 29. Petersen, P., Photographs, 49. Petralli Bros., Sculpture, 50. Petrazzinl, E., Paintings, 53. Petit, E., Painting, 38. Pettit, H., & Wilson, J. M., Architectural designs, 27, 31. Petit, P., Photographs, 41. Petrucci, E. A., Architecture, 50. Pettit, G. W., Painting, 22. Philippeau, C. F., Painting, 44. Phillips, M., Painting, 22. Phillips, S. H., Painting, 22. Photo-engraving Co., Engravings, 30. Pibernat, Jose, Sculpture. Picchi, A., Sculpture, 50. Picq, H., Architectural designs, 41. Pichot, E., Engravings and lithographs, 41. Pickes, D. M., Sculpture, 15. Pina, S., Painting, 52. Pine, T., Painting, 22. Piquenard, A. H., Medals, etc., 31. Pisani, L., Painting, 50. Plassan, A. E., Painting, 38. Platt, G. W., Painting, 22. Pohle, H., Painting, 22, 55. Pollock, Chas., Photographs, 57. Pommerais, Leao, Painting, 52. Poncet, J. B., Engraving, 38, 41. Pope, A., Drawings, 27; Carvings, 28. Porcinai, G., Sculpture, 50. Porter, B. C., Painting, 22. Porter, S. C., Painting, 22. Portland Co., Photographs, 57. Portu, L., Painting, 52. Post, Miss C. von, Painting, 47. Postma, G., Painting, 44. Potin, Miss E., Painting, 40. Potemont, A. M., Engraving, 41. Potsdamer & Co., Engraving, 30. Pottier, Painting, 40. Poussielgue-Rusand, Sculpture, 42. Pozzo, Antonio, Photographs, 53. Pradez, Mrs. V., Painting, 55. Prang, L., & Co., Chromos, 30. Preda, Prof. A., Architecture, 50. Profili, U., Mosaics, 51. Priestman, J., Carvings, 28. Princeteau, R., Painting, 38. Prion, L., Painting, 38. Prosser, W. F., Painting, 22. Protais, P. A., Painting, 38. Province of Buenos Ayres, Photographs, 53. Province of Cordoba, Photographs, 53. Province of Rio-Grande-do-Sul, Statuary, 52. Province of San Luis, Decorations, 54. Province of Salta, Photographs, 53. Province of Santiago Del Estero, Photog., 53. Province of Tucuman, Photographs, 53. Quartley, A., Painting, 22. Quinet, A., Photographs, 41. Raffl & Co., Sculpture, 35. Rafter, S. L. J., Paintings, 22. Rajon, P. A., Engraving, 41. Ralph, Smith, & Co., Lithographs, 33. Randall, C., Photographs, 57. Randle, F., Painting, 22. Ramirez, A., Painting, 52. Rapin, A., Painting, 38. Rasmussen, J. E. C., Paintings, 46. Rathenow Optical Industrial Establishment, Photographs, 43. Ravacci, Ferd., & Co., Sculpture, 50. Ravenez, Miss A., Painting, 40. Reynaud, F., Painting, 38. Rawson, R. F., Drawings, 29. Ream, M., Painting, 22. Ream, C. P., Paintings, 22. Rebull, S., Painting, 52. Rebecque, W. C. de Constant, Painting, 44. Redman & Kenney, Engravings, 30. Rean, G., Photographs, 57. Reed, H., Painting, drawings, 27. Reed, J., Photographs, 57. Reis, A., Statuary, 52. Relvas, C., Photographs, 57. Rembrandt, Painting, 55. Remele, P., Photographs, 43. Rene, G., Painting, 55. Renie, J. E., Painting, 38. Reniers, T. C., Sculpture, 15. Reich, J., Drawings, 29. Reichardt & Lindner, Photographs, 43. Reilly, J. J., Photographs, 57. Reimer, B. F., Photographs, 57. Reinecke, F., Photographs, 43. Remtzes, H. E., Painting, 44. Reinhart, B. F., Sculpture, 15. Restein, E. P. & L., Photographs, 30. Reuterdahl, F. R., jr.. Lithographs, 48. Revel, C., Painting, 38. Rham, F., Painting, 43. Ribatto, Francisco, Decorations, 54. Ribbing, Miss S., Paintings, 47. 68 ART, Ricciarelli, S., Sculpture, 50. Rice Bros., Photographs, 57. Rice, Miss E. L., Paintings, 22. Rice, G. S., Miscellaneous, 28. Rice & Co., Engraving, 30. Rice, J. D., Photographs, 58. Richards, D., Sculpture, 15. Richards, P. D., Industrial designs, 27. Richards, W. T., Painting, 22, 55; Water color, 26. Richner, L. P., Painting, 38. Ried, H. V., Painting, 22. Riegen, N., Painting, 44. R ingel, E. P. T. D., Sculpture, 35. Ritchie, A. H., Painting, 22 ; Engravings, 27. Ritschel, G. A., Photographs, 43. Rivey, A., Painting, 38. Robbins, Water colors, 26. Robbins, F. L., Painting, 22. Robbins, E., Painting, 22. Robbins, H. W., Paintings, 22. Robbins, F., Photographs, 57. Robert, C. J., Engraving, 41. Robertson, A., Water color, 26; Drawing, 27. Robinson, T., Painting, 22. Robinson, H. T., Photographs, 57. Robinson, H. S., Paintings, 33. Robjohns, F. R., Painting, 22. Rocha, Antonio da. Engravings, 52. Roccheggiani, C., Mosaics, 51. Rocher, H., Photographs, 58. Rochussen, C., Painting, 44. Rodriguez, J., Painting, 52. Rodriguez, N., Painting, 52. Roelofs, W., Painting, 44. Roesler, R., Photographs, 48. Rogers, J., Sculpture, 15 ; Painting, 28. Rogers, R., Sculpture, 15. Romanelli, F., Sculpture, 50. Romagnani, B. P., Sculpture, 50. Romairone, Camilo, Sculpture, 53. Romoli, Prof. L. C., Painting, 50. Romner, Mrs. H., Painting, 44. Roome, W., Paintings, 22. Roos, P., Designs, 31. Root, M. A., Photographs, 57. Ropes, J., Painting. Rose, A. L. de, Painting, 22. Rosen, Count G. von, Painting, 47. Rosenthall, M., Painting, 22. Rosenthall, T. E., Painting, 22. Rosier, A., Painting, 38. Ross, A., Sculpture, 35. Roth, G. A., Painting, 44. Rothermel, P. F., Painting, 22. Roubaud, L. A., Sculpture, 35. Rouffid, S., Painting. Rouffio, P., Painting, 38. Rougeron, J. J., Painting, 38. Rowe, G. A., Sculpture, 15; Engraving, 28. Rubens, P. P., Painting, 55. Ruch, Painting, 22. Ruckwardt, H., Photographs, 43. Rudaux, E. A., Painting, 38. Riiger, J., Drawings, 27. Rumbold, G. W., Statuary, 31. Rummelhoff, C., Painting, 49. Ruiz, M. J. P., Painting, 52. Rust, J. A., Painting, 44. Rydberg, G. F., Painting, 47. Ryder, J. F., Photographs, 57. Sabine, T., Photographs, 52. Sadee, P., Painting, 45. Saguedo, R., Painting, 52. Sain, E. A., Painting, 38. Saintin, J. E., Painting, 39. Salabert, F., Painting, 38. Salanson, Miss E., Painting, 38. Salle, E., Engravings, 41. Salles, J., Painting, 38. Salles-Wagner, Mrs. A., Painting, 38. Salot, J., Sculpture. Salomon, G., Painting, 47. Salt, J., Painting, 28. Sanchez, F., Painting, 52. Sand, M., Painting, 22. Sandberg, Mrs. C., 32. Sandberg, N., Painting, 48. Sanborn, J. A., Drawings, 29. Sanders, W., Drawings, 29. Sande, B., Painting, 45. Sandrot, Jose, Decorations. Sanderson, Miss E., Paintings, 33. Sandrini, A., Mosaics, 51. St. Joseph's Convent, Paintings, 33. St. Gaudens, Aug., Sculpture, 15. Sarony, N., Photographs, 57. Sartain, E., Painting, 23. Sartain, S., Engravings, 30. Sarto, A. del. Painting, 55. Satterlee, W., Paintings, 26. Saunders, J. A., Photographs, 57. Sauvage, F. & R. H., Sculpture, 41. Savoy, H., Painting, 45. Scappini, G. Mosaics, 51. Scarselli, N., Mosaics, 51. Schaarwachter, J. C., Photographs, 43. Schanche, H. G., Painting, 49. Schaerff, J. W., Painting, 23. Schauer, G. W. Engraving, 30. Scheck, A. F. A., Painting, 38. Schenkel, J. J., Painting, 45. Schidonne, Painting, 55. Schillberg & Coleman, Picture, 28. Schipperus, P. A., Painting, 45. Schive, J., Painting, 49. Schlesinger, L., Photographs, 59. Schluter, B., Photographs, 59. Schmidt, Geo., 32. Schell, F. B., Drawing, 29. Scholten, J. H., Painter, 45. Scholz, R., Photographs, 43. School of Design, Designs, 29. Schovelin, A., Painting, 46. Schrader, J., Painting, 55. Schroeder, L., Sculpture, 35. Schreiber & Co., Lithographs. Schreiber & Sons, Photographs, 57. Schultz & Suck, Photographs, 43. Schulze & Steinmetz, Designs, 31. Schulze, P., Designs, 31. ScEumaker, J. G., Painting, 26. Scnussele, C., Painting, 23. Schwartzmann & Kafka, Archi. designs, 27. Schwerin, Miss A. von, Painting, 48. Schreiber & Co., Photographs, 53. Schwier, K., Photographs, 43. Schwind & Krueger, Photographs, 57. Scott, G. B., Photographs. Scott, W. W., Paintings, 23. Scovill Mfg. Co., Photographs, 58. Seavey, L. F. W., Photographs, 57, 58. Seawell, C. H., Design, 32. Sebillot, P., Painting, 38. Sebastian de Anteago, Painting, 52. Sebron, H., Painting, 38. Seelig & Co., Sculpture, 15, 28. Sege, A., Painting, 38. Seggern, F. van, Painting, 45. Seiler, C., Photographs, 57. Seitz, O., Painting, 55. Seligman, Mrs. E., Painting, 23. Selim, Mrs. H., Painting, 38. Sell, E. E., Needle work, 32. Sellack, G., Photographs, 53. Semmendinger, A., Photographs, 58. Seillan, Louis, Sculpture, 53. Sewell, E. W., Paintings, 33. Shade, Painting, 23. Shakspeare, Photographs, 34. Shapleigh, F. H., Painting, 23. Sharps, I. S., Painting, 23. Shattuck, Paintings, 23. Shaw, A. C., Painting, 23. Shearer, C. H., Painting, 23. Sheldon & Slasons, Pedestals, 31. Sherk Brothers, Painting, 22. Sheureux, L. E., Plans, etc., 42. INDEX Shirlau, W., Painting, 23. Siber, C., Oil prints, 43. Sibley, S. D., & Co., Photographs, 58. Sidwall, Miss A., Paintings, 47. Sillery Convent, Picture in hair, 33 ; Painting. Sillstedt, Painting, 23. Silva, F. A., Paintings, 23. Silveira, Souza, da, Painting, 52. Simon, H., Painting, 23. Simons & Co., Mosaics, etc., 42. Simonsen, P., Painting, 49. Sinding, O., Painting, 49. Sinding, S., Sculpture, 49. Siotto, P., Cameos, 50. Sirouy, A. , Painting, 39. Skari, E. O. R., Painting, 49. Skirmunt, S. de. Painting, 23, 55. Skonberg, C. E., Painting, 48. Slack, S., & Co., Photographs, 32. Sluyter, H., Engravings, 45. Smart, F. L. & R. M., Engravings, 30. Smibet, J., Painting, 55. Smillie, J. D., Water color, 26. Smillie, G. H., Paintings, 23 ; Water color, 26. Smith, T. H., Portraits, 23. Smith, R., Painting, 22. Smith, I. H., Painting. Smith, J. B., Shield of liberty, 32. Smith, X., Painting, 23. Smith, H. F., Painting, 49. Smith, M., Painting, 23. Smith, R., & Co., Lithographs, etc., 33. Smith, T. Henry, Paintings, 23. Smith, F. H., Painting, 23; Water color, 26. Smith, T. L., Paintings, 23. Snowe, F., Painting, 23. Snowdon, T. H., Sculpture, 28. Sodergren, Miss S., Painting, 47. Soeterik, T., Painting, 45. Solomon, J., Photographs, 57. Sonntag, W. L., Painting, 22. Sooryn, D., Sculpture, 54. Sorensen, C. F., Painting, 46. Spahn, E. P., Photographs, 58, 57. Spang, W., Painting, 23. Spalding, A. E., Sculpture, 28. Spalding, H. M., Sculpture, 28. Spencer, J. W., Painting, 22. Spieler, C. H., Painting, 23. Spooner, M. C., Spatter work, 32. Springer, C., Painting, 45. Staigg, R. M., Painting, 23. Stancliff, J. W., Painting, 22. Stanhouse, W., Engravings, 27. Stanley, D. M., Painting, 22. State of Michigan, Drawings, 31. Steele Bros., Engravings, 28. Steffelaar, J., Painting, 45. Stehlin, J., Sculpture, 28. Steinbock, R., Chromo-lithographs, 42. Steinhaus, W., Drawings, 29. Steinhaus & Frickerhaus, 32. Stencil, G. A., Drawings, 27. Stephenson, Miss J., Paintings, 33; Oriental table, 34. Sterling, Miss C. H., Painting, 26. Stevenson, B. F., Painting, 23. Stewart, G., Painting, 55. Stewart, J. L., Painting, 23, 55. Stillfried & Anderson, Photographs, 57. Stoddard, S. R., Photographs, 57. Stokes, J., Painting, 23. Stock, J., & Bro., Photographs, 58. Stoll, J. A., Relieves, 32. Stone, W. O., Painting, 55. Stortenbeker, P., Painting, 45. Stoppel, H., Water color, 26. Story, G. H., Paintings, 22. Story, A. B., Painting, 23. Storn, N., Decorations, 54. Strain, D. J., Painting, 23. Stroebel, J. A. B., Painting, 45. Stroefer & Kinchner, 32. Strong, J. D., jr., Painting, 23. 69 Stuart, A. H., Decorations. Stuart, H., Decorated table, 34. Stuart, G., Painting, 55. Stubenbord, C., 33. Sulzbacher, L., Decorations, 28. Susse Freres, Models, 42. Swayne, W. M., Sculpture. Sweeney, T. T., Photographs, 57. Sword, J. B., Painting, 23. Symington, James, Water color, 27. Szacinski, L., Photographs, 49. Taanman, J., Painting, 45. Tacquemart, S. F., Engraving. Tait, A. F., Painting, 24. Tait, J. R., Painting, 23. Taft, R., Painting, 23. Tagliarino, A., & Co., Photographs, 50. Tapestries National Manufactures, Tapes- tries, 40. Tappa, P., Photographs, 53. Taylor, W. C., Photographs, 57. Technico-Typographic Institute, Engravings, 42. Teka, Mrs. E., Painting, 40. Telon, J., Sculpture, 35. Tenney, U. D., Painting, 24. Tensfeld, J., Painting, 23. Terzi, A., Lithographs, 50. Testas, W. de F., Painting, 45. Thaulow, F., Painting, 49. The Decorative Wood Co., 32. The Commission, Argentine Rep., Views, 53. Therenni, F., Photographs, 58. Thomas, E., Engraving, 41. Thomas, Joseph S., Painting, 24. Thomas, Mrs., Painting, 24. Thomson, H., Painting, 24. Thompson, A., Painting, 24. Thompson, A. W., Paintings, 23. Thompson, H. I., Painting, 23. Thompson, J., Painting, 24. Thorn, Paintings, 24. Thorne, G. W., Photographs, 57. Thorp, A. C., Painting, 23. Thorpe, T. B., Painting, 24. Thurlow, Mrs. S. W., Painting, 24. Thurman, P., Painting, 49. Tiffany, L. C. , Paintings, 24 ; Water colors, 26. Tillier, C., Industrial designs. Tiers, M. C., Painting, 24. Tieleman, B., Photographs, 43. Timon, M. P., Photographs, 57. Titian, Painting, 55. Tobias, W., Painting, 29. Tom, J. B., Painting, 45. Tompkins, A. B., Painting, 26. Tompkins, Miss C., Painting, 23. Toma, O., Painting, 47. Torrini, G., Mosaics, 51. Townsend, C. E., Painting, 24. Train, H. E., Photographs, 57. Trapp & Munch, Photographs, 43. Trautmann, J. W., Decorations, 43. Treat, O. C., Painting, 23. Trego, J. R., Painting, 23. Tresling, P. O., Lithographs, 44. Tright, H. A. van, Painting, 45. Troitzsch, O., Oil prints, 43. Trotter, N. H., Painting, 23. Trouble, Industrial designs, 42. Trumbull, G., Painting, 23. Truman, E., Painting, 55. Tuckerman, S. S., Painting, 24. Turner, J. W., Photographs, 57, 58. Turini, G., Sculpture, 15. Tuttle, C. F., Painting, 24. Tyson, I. T., Photographs, 57. Ugolini, G., Mosaics, 51. Ulfsten, C., Painting, 49. Ulke, H., Painting, 24. Ulmann, B., Painting, 39. Union Centrale des Beaux-Arts, Eng., 41. Vacquerel, P. E., Engravings, 41. Valadon, J. E., Painting, 39. 7° ART, Valero, Felipe, Sculpture. Valkenburg, H., Painting, 45. Vallejo, F. A., Painting, 52. Vance, R. H., Photographs, 57. Vandael, Painting, 55. Vandusen, Rab., Engraving, 30. Van Dyke, Painting, 55. Van Etten, K., Painting, 24. Van Elton, Paintings, 27. Van Loo, G., Photographs, 57. Vargas, A., Sculpture, 52. Varin, E. N., Engravings, 41. Vasquez, J., Painting, 52. Vasquez, A., Painting, 52. Vasquez, M., Painting, 52. Vasselot, A. M. de. Sculpture, 35. Vasseud, L., Drawings, 27. Vedder, Miss E., Painting, 24. Vega, F. de la, Painting, 52. Vely, A., Painting, 39. Venine, Painting, 27. Venino, F., Painting, 24. Venius, O., Painting, 55. Veron, A. R., Painting, 39. Verschuur, W.,jr. , Painting, 45. Vester, W., Painting, 45. Verbeer, E., Painting, 45. Verzaschi, E., Photographs, 50. Vichi, F., Mosaics, 51. Vigdal, A. G., Painting, 49. Viger, H. J. L., Painting, 39. Villa, E., Painting, 39. Villalprando, C., Painting, 52. Villebesseyx, G., Painting, 39. Villenuve, T., Sculpture, 33. Virgin, A. J. G., Painting, 48. Visconti, C., Lithograph, 50. Vogel, H., Photographs, 43. Vogel, J. G., Painting, 45. Volk, D., Painting, 24. Volk, L. W., Sculpture, 15. Volkmar, C., sr., Photographs, 58. Volkmar, C., jr., Paintings, 30, 24, 28. Vollmering, J., Painting, 24. Vos, Mrs. M., Painting, 45. Vuagnot, F., Painting, 39. Waagen, Sculpture, 35. Wahlberg, H. A. L., Painting, 48. Wahlquist, E., Painting, 48. Waitz, R., Painting, 25. Waldhaw, J., Photographs, 58. Wallander, W., Painting, 48. Wallander & Forslow, 48. Wallace, E., Photographs, 58. Walery, Photographs. Walker, A., Decoration on Glass, 34. Wall, W. A., Painting, 24. Walls, W., Photographs, 58. Waller & Schrader, Photographs, 58. Waller, F., Painting, 24. Walter, T., Decorations, 29. Ward, E. M., Painting, 25. Warner, O. L., Sculpture, 15. Warners, Painting, 25. Warren, C. K., Photographs, 58. Wastfelt, C. C., Sculpture, 46. Waterman & Hall, Photographs, 57. Waterman, M., Painting, 24, 25. Waters, G. W., Painting, 24. Waters, S. C., Painting, 25. Watkins, C. E., Photographs, 58. Waugh, T. B., Painting, 25. Way, A. J. H., Painting, 24. Way, A. C., Painting, 24. Way, C. G., Painting, 24. Weaver, A. K., Photographs, 58. Webb, Francis R., Painting, 24. Weber, C., Painting, 24. Weber, P., Painting, 24. Weeks, E. L., Painting, 23. Weenix, Painting, 55. Weilenbeck, F. R., Painting, 25. Weir, J. F., Painting, 24. Weir, R. W., Painting, 24. Weiss, N., Carvings, 28. Weissenbruch, J., Painting, 45. Welch, T., Painting, 25. Weltmiiller, Painting, 53. Wendroth, F. R., Photographs, 58. Werner, G., Painting, 48. Wertmuller, Painting, 55. West, B., Painting, 55. West, P. B., Painting, 24. West, C., Painting, 25. West, S., Stained glass, 32. West & Anderson, Designs, 31. Weston, N., Photographs, 57. Wexelsen, C., Painting, 49. Wharton, P. F., Painting, 25. Whittredge, Painting, 25. Whitbridge, Paintings. Whitechurch, P., Engravings, 30. White, E., Paintings, 25. White, H. C., Photographs, 58. White, J., Decorations, 34. Whiteman, M. H., Painting, 24. Whitefield, E., Painting, 25. Whitman, M. H., Drawing, 29. Whitney, Anna, Statuary, 15. Whiton, H., & Co., Signs, 32. Wiesman, W. H., Painting, 25. Wiesenhahn, F. W. H., Penmanship, 32. Wiklund, O., Photographs, 48. Wiggeland, D., Painting, 24. Willard, A. M., Painting, 24. Willard, W., Painting, 24. Wild, H. G., Painting, 25. Wild, H., Painting, 25. Willenich, M., Painting, 39. Wiles, L. M., Drawing, 29. Williams, I. L.., Painting, 25. Williams, Mrs. E. F., Painting, 24. Wiles, L. M., Painting, 24. Wilson, J. J., Photographs, 58. Wilson, R., Painting, 55. Wilson, Hood, & Co., Photographs, 58. Wilson, O., Painting, 24. Wilson, Miss L. R., Drawing, 29. Wilt Bros., Photographs, 58. Windt, P. P., Painting, 45. Winge, M. E., Painting, 48. Winge, Mrs. M., Painting, 48. Winner, W. E., Painting, 24, 29. Winter, I., Painting, 24. Winters, Mrs. D., Painting, 24. Wittemar & Bros., Engraving, 30. Witmar, C. F., Painting, 24. Wolf, G., Photographs, 43. Wolf, W., Painting, 55. Wollrabe, H. W., Photographs, 45. Wood, T. W., Paintings, 27. Wood, R. E., Photographs, 58. Wood, G. B., jr., Painting, 24, 27. Woodward, Grant, & Co., Sculpture, paint- ing, etc., 33. Woodward, D. A., Photographs, 58. Woodwell, J. R., Painting, 24. Worton, W. E., Painting. Wright, G., Painting, 25. Wright, J., Decorations, 34. Wiihrer, L., Engravings, 41. Yedo, B., Sculpture, 53. Yon, E. C., Painting, 39. Yvon, A., Painting, 39. Zetterstrom, Mrs. M., Painting, 48. Zettler, F. X., Chromo-lithographs, 42. Zier, F. E., Painting, 39. Zimmerman, C. A., Photographs, 58. Zuber-Buhler, F., Painting, 39. Zuber, J. H., Painting, 39. CITY OFFICE OF ENTENNIAL CATALOGUE CO., S. W. Cor. Fourth and Library Sts., This Company owns the exclusive right to publish, sell, and distribute the Official Catalogue of the Centennial Exhibition of i8j6. A limited number of advertisements taken on application to S. M. Pettengill & Co., Advertising Agents, at either of their offices. JOHN S. MORTON, President. MORBI. DAWSON EVANS, L. L. HYNEMAN, Treasurer. Secretary . S. 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