'Msoo - *^*'-*'7 ' fix /S £r /'CcJ' , ■dJ', j2e^ c £s *^a^_ y. 'i 63 '. CATALOGUS LIB RO RUM MANUSCRIPTORUM BIBLIOTHECA P. THOMjE PHILLIPPS, Ba A. D. 1837. 1MPRESSUS T Y P I S MED I O'M O N T A K I 8 M E N S E MAIO, 18 . 37 . INDEX BIBLIOTHECARUM E quibus congesta est bibliotheca manuscriptorum medio-montana. 1837 . Miscellanea Van Ess Chardin, Celotti, Yarnold, &c. Varrentrap, Berne, Engel, Verbeyss, Lammens, Derschau, Paris, Meerman, Baron Tournay, Abbey Rivington, Payne, Rodd, Taylor, Longman, Baynes, Bohn, Thorpe, Monteil, Royez Bruxelles, Howell & Stewart General Marriott, Jncerti , Cochrane, Denley, Lawford, Pickering;, 35, 102 Sir G. P. Turner, 35 Muschenbroek, 37, 45 Drury, Rev. H. 39 Williams, (Theodore) 42 Stewart&Wheatly, 43, 49, 64, 80 Bondeynaz, 43 Castiaux, 43 Gillaboz, 45 Praroman, 45 Miscellanea , 45, 103 Lloyd, 47 Lang-, 47 B. 48,72 Allard, 48 Pages Rennie, J. Arm. 49 Ord, Craven Arm. 49, 50, 51, 52, 59 Hibbert, .. Ann . 53 Barret, 53 Guildford, Lord 53, 82,100 Parr, Rev. Sami. B.D. 53, Roche, 54 Mignan, Captain 54 Newling, Rev. J. 55 Williams, Cheltra. 55, 72 Knibb, 56 Lamy, 57, 72 Burn, 58 Yriarte, 60 Duke of Marlbro’ 69 Debure, 69, 70, 80 Jeffery, 71 Bryant, 71 Levy, 72 Nichols, 72 Arras, 73 Wilson, 73 Black, 75 Aina, Monastery 75 Phillipps, 78, 96, 98, 103 Harbin, Rev. Geo. 80 Cooper, 95 Broadley, 96 Townsend, 97 Petrucci, 97 S. Marci de Milan, 97 Haselwood, 97 RatcUffe, 97 Gage, J. Arm . 93 Birkenhead, 98 Furney, Archdeacon 98 Ignoti , 99 Southwell, Lord 99 Incledon, 99 Amici , 99 Hutton, General 100 Caley, J. Arm. 101 Hutchinson, 102 Evans. J03 Dillon, 103 Rebdorf, Abbey 103 Carew, G. Arm. 103 Pages 1 to 4 5, 72,102 9, 32* 11, 33* 13 14, 72 14, 72, 80 15, 40 15 15, 73 15 16, 32*, 33, 55, 58, 70 17, 35,101 23 26 26, 34, 54, 57, 64, 73, 79, 99,100 26, 43, 49, 56, 58, 65, 96 26, 56, 57, 63, 71 26, 43, 58, 64, 71,72 27, 56, 63 27 ( 27, 33*, 33, 42, 45, 49, 54, ( 56, 58, 63, 65, 99,102 33* 33* 69 33* 57 bis, 58, 63, 102 33*, 99 33* 33*, 54, 57, 59, 70, 80 34, 42, 64, 72 35 35 HEIGHT of SHELVES, A Inches 23-2 H Inches 14 P Incln 8 B 15 l 12 R 7 C 19-2 K 16 S 6 D E 13 L 17 1 ' 5 20 M 18 V 4 F 11-2 N 10 w 3 G 19 O 9 z 2 Index Bibliothecarum E QUIHI’S CONGEST A EST BIBLIOTHECA PIIILLIPPICA. (Vol. 1848. Allard, Revd. Monsr. 47, 8,107 Ainu Monastery , 75 Amicus , 1)9 Arras, 73 Astorga. Marquis de.60 Aungier, 113,30 Baker, Geo. Arm. 208 l)o. Mr. 130 Barret, 53 Do. Sir T. Bart. 167 Baynes, 27,56,03,172 Bedford, A. 164 Bello Prato, Abb. de, 4 Benson, Bob. Arm. 3, 48.72 Bemham, . . Arm. 113 Berne, 14,72,80,167 Berwick, Lord, 186, 1 ) 1 , 4, 201 Bingley, Revd. Win, 3 Bird, Mr. 172 Birkenhead, C. M. 98 Black, Mr. 75 Bourn Spei Abbatia, 47 Bohn, Henry, 27,178 Bohn, James, 113,78 Bowles, Chas. Arm. 173 Bright, B. H. Arm. 199 202 Britton, J. Arm. 1,174 Broad ley, .. Arm. 98 Brodie, 1 Burn, 35,58 Bruxelles, 4, 33*, 57 bis. 8,63,102 Bryant, 71,179 Caley, J. Arm. 101,157 Camberone, Abbatia de, 4,79 Carew, G. Arm. 103,71, 73 Carte, Thos. 46 Casliaux, 43 Celotti, Abbe, 11,33* Chalmers.Geo. A rm. 192, 200 Chardin, Monsr. 3,9,32* Charrier, 192,202 Clarke, Rev. Adam, 166 Cochrane, 34,42, 64,72, 202 Coltman, Revd. J. 207 Coningsby, Lord 194 Cooper,Austin, Arm. 95 Debure, 2,3,48.69,70,80 D'Eon, Chevalier, 47 Dcnley, 35,164,172 Berschau, Monsr. 15 Dillon, J. Arm. 103 Dodsvvorth, Roger, 212 Doudeynaz, Monsr. 43 Drury, Revd. II. 39,103 Dryden, Sir H. Bart. 201 Duffielcl, Revd. R. 173 Dukes, T. F. Ann. 201 Engel, Monsr. 15,40 Evans, 103 Fairfax, Chas. Arm. 1G5, 168,73,83 Fennell, James, 201 Fletcher, 192 Flotewode, Serjeant, 46 Fosbroke, Revd. T. 107 Fox,Chas.James^rw.3 Furney, Archdeacon,i)8 Gage, J. Arm. 98 -Gillaboz, .Monsr. 45 S. Gisleni Abbatia, 3, 4, 10j70 Glenbcrvie, Lord, 46 Glynn, 17 1 Goodeiiough, Revd. . . 212 Grey, Earl of Stamford, 46,103,68 Guilford, Lord , 53, 82, 100,7,13,7,8,67,73 Hamper, W. Arm. 164 liar bin, Rev. Geo. 80, 173 Harding. 99 Haselwood, J. Arm. 97 Hasted, Read. .. 204 Heard, Sir Isaac, 2 Heber, Kie. Arm. 121 Hi'bbert, . . . Arm. 53 Hind ley, J. Arm. 204 Hinton, Mr. I Ho are, Sir Riclid. 168 Iloweli, k Stewart, 33*, 99 Hunt, Mr. 1,168 Hutchinson, 102 Hutton, General , 100 Incerti, 33*,45,51,54, 7, 9,70,9,80, 103, 36,63, 7,8,9, 72, bis. SO, 94, 200,2,5 Incledon, Benj. Arm.99, 168 Jackson, Geo. Arm. 169 Jeffery. 7 l Jones, David, Arm. 167 Do. Sir \\ m. 106,69 kingsborough, Ld. 200, 201,4 Kloss, Rev. Monsr. 202 Kuibb, 56 Lammens, Monsr. 15,73 Lamy, Monsr. 57,72 Lang, Arm. 47 Law ford, 35 Leeds Castle, 165,8 Le Neve, Peter, Arm .40 Levy,72 Lloyd, .... Arm. 47 Long, (Paul) 178 Longman, 26,43,58,64, 71,2,202 Lukis, Revd. Wm. 200 Macarthy,G’o&?2f,2,4,47, 80 Macpherson, 167 Madden, Sir F. 106,64 Marlborough, Duke of, 69,165 Marriott, General, 33* Mason, 107 Maunoir, Monsr. de Ge¬ neve, 3 Meerman, Baron, 17,35, 53,99,101,4,204 Align an, Captain, 54 Milan, S. Marei de, Ab¬ batia, 97,167 Monteil, Monsr. A. 2, 33*, 107 MontisAthonis Abbatia, 47 Moore, 181 Muscbeubroek, Monsr 37,45 N anceiano, Ex Collegio, 4 Naylor, Sir Geo. 107, 168,204,5 Newling,ifc?vJ .55 186, 191 Newman, 178,203 Nichols, 2,46,72,171 Noble, Mark, 136 Norfolk, Duchess, 171 Offer, Tiev.Jno. 170,201 Ord, Craven, Arm. 49, O’Reilly, E. Arm. 106, 165 Palmer, .. 46 Paris, 16,32*,3,55,8,70, 113 Parkhurst, Revd. J. 203 Parr,Rewt/.Sami. D. D. 53 Paver. Mr. W. 167,207 Payne, 26, 34, 54, 7, 64, 73,9,99.100,15,36,60, 7,9,72,202,5^.4 Petre, Geo. Arm. 174 Petrucci, 97 Phillipps, Sir T. 78,90, 8,103, 3G, 67, 70. bis. 71 bis. 3,81,94,201,7 Phillipps, WiiiJrw. 173 Pickering, 35,102,36,77, 92.9 Pitt, Win. Morton,Arm. 113,36 Praroman, Madame, 45 Pi attinton, Peter, Arm. 201 Prinn, J. Arm. j 19 Ratcliffe.W. IIerald.9 7, 165 Rebdorf Abbey, 103 Rennie, J. Ann. 49 Rivington, 26 Roche, James. Arm. 54 Rodd, 3,10,26,43, 9,56j 8,65,96,106,67,8, 79, 81.97,9,201,3,4,7,12 Rose, \Y . S. 204 Roxburgh, Duke of, 47 Royez, 1,33*,69,l(j8 de la Rue, Abbe, 166 Russell, Michl. 203 Samms, 163 Santander, 60 Scudamore, Lord, 1,3 Smith, (Russell) 16S Somerset, Henry, Arm. 20 1 Southwell Lord, 99 Speyr, Monsr. 53 Stafford Deeds, 119 Stewart, Wheutlev, 43, 49,64,80,167 Stockdale, 2 Strawberry Hill, 203 Sussex, Duke of, 198,9, 204 Sydney,- Arm. 170 Tanner, Bishop, 168 Taylor, 26,56,7,63,71,9 Do. Revd. .. 190 Do. Sir Herbt. 179 Thompson, Sir Peter, 72 Thorpe. 2, 3,27,33*,33 42,5,9,53,4,6,8,63, 5,’ 99,102, 6, 7,35, 6, 7, 67,8 bis. 9,72,4 de Thou, Monsr. 48 Tournay Abbey, 4,13,23 Townseud,F.2/miW.97, 173 Tross, Monsr. 78 Turner, Sir G. P. 3 , 35. 167 Upcot, Wm. 212 Valliere, Duke de la,46 Van Ess, Revd. L. 5,72, 102 Varrentrap, 14,72 Verbeyss, 1,4,15 Vi I lari Abbatia de, 4 Waldegrave, Earl. 203 Wakeman, '1’. Arm. 119 Welch, 135 White, Rev. Hen. 79 Wilkins, Revd. . 165,8 Williams, Cheltm.bb,TL Williams, Revd* jjjTheo- dore, 42 Williams, SirC. H. 179, 93,200 Wilson, 73 Yarnold, Arm. 8fc. 13 Yi iarte, Don J. 60, 175> 193 Index to the Sources of the MSS. in Part 2. of the Catalogue of Middle Hill MSS. page 213, to 300. Eyton 250 Stanton 256 Manwaring 256 Benthall 257 Ternaux Compans 257 Kerslake 257-77-SI Redfern 257 Lurnley 258 Lord Strangford 258 Quaritck 258-69-77-8-9-81 Rotuli 259 Stavelot 213-S-2L Rodd, T (Stavelot 213-21.) 2!5*220-53-61-4-71. Harley 213-22-50-83 Span toll 214 Bright 215-04 Bayne ic Fosj 215-47-08 N_va Fossa 215 Puttieb 217-90 Libri 218-53 Ilanmer 218 Aterv. David Powell 21S-42-* Dr. Routh 260 3-04 Meerman 260 St. George 219-31-50-7 Fitch 261 - 8-82-92-3 Thorpe Senr.&j Junior 219-57 Do Carted Suffolk 293 Pcvcival 220 __ Ho 3542 264-71 Boone 220- 35 - 42 -6-57-70- Lord Stewart de Rothsay 265 93-4 Warren Hastings 268 Count Ranuz/.i 223 Lambert 268 Gatlin 230-72 Dukes 268 ineerti 235-42 *-43-4-56-81- Lord Egmont 269 9-93 Fosbrooke 269 Royez 235 Sotheby 270 -Prince Talleyrand 235 Paris 270-93 Sir Win. Betbarn 236-8-90-9 Sir Wm< Petty 272 * ^" Fenton 273-81 Montague 274 Sir Robt. K. Porter, 274- 97 „ Dawson Turner 277 Sir Gregory Page Turner 239 p rancej or Belgium 279 ■Sir T. Pnillipps 239 - 46 -55- Dering 280 Lord Kingsborougb 238 - 257-62 -Moran 239-43-52 Ure 239 Count Macartby 239 Mason (Tenby) 283 Carcw, & Martyn 2S9 Baker 290 Sir T. Laurence 290 Cadby 290 Baylcy 292 Mitford 293 Photographs 294-5 Berlandicr 294-7 70-2-94 Richards 240 Lord Macartney 240-41* 243-4-69 Rev. J. Lewis 241-4 li. liodd 242 Andrews 242-44-55 Taylor 242-4 Pickering 242*-61 Lady Blessington 242-4 Kelly 295 Pigot, of Brockley242-4-7-/ 1 gtewart 300 Lilly 243-55 II. Bohn 243 . Chalmers 244 Newman 244 Bigland 244-71 Duse of Sussex 247-61J Steele 247-52 lioscoe 248-71-90 lit. Hon. Chas. Wynne 248 Laugau 249 Duke of Buckingham 250 Misccllanei 252-8-61-2-4-70- 89-95-7-9 Ralph Sheldon 252 Horace Walpole 252 liorc 252 General Thornton 253 lmperiale 253 Allard 253 Devon 253 Dodslcy 253 Lord Guilford, 253 Montcil 253 Thorpe T. 253-7 Yeates 253 Simonides 254 Wilson 255-77-78-89 Toovey 255 Bingley 255 Pizzi 256-61 Bumstead 256 Index to the Sources of the MSS in Part 3. of the Catalogue of Middle Hill MSS. page 300, to ... Sotheby 301-6-7 Sir Hen. Savile 301 Sir Edw. Dering 301-6-11-23 Put tick 303-5 Ci-oker 305-9 Newling 305-8-20-24 Edwards 306 Sainsbury 306 Miscellaneous 306 - 8 - 9-10- 11-18-19-20-2-3-4-9-32- 3-5-6-7-S Willis 307-10 Boone 301-7-10-11-12 Ineerti 307 Arthur 307 Kerslake 307 H. Stevens 308 Sir Wm. Betham 308-11 Sir T. Phillipps, 308-18-22 ZorJKingshorough 308-12-21 Count Ranucci 309-11-20-3 Chalmers 310 Crowningshield 310 Fenton 310 Cap/, Morgan 311 Fitch 311-23 Metz Cartce 312 Bourdeaux Carted 312 ; Libri 314-17 i Berlandier 318 Rodd 320-1-7 Geo. Matcliam, Jlrm. 320 Rev. W. Valentine 320 Rev. T. Price 321 Lloyd 321 Toovey 322 Rotuli 323 Monk Mason 329 Hunter 331 Derham 332 Rodd, T. 333 Index to the Sources of the MSS. in Part 2. of the Catalogue of Middle Hill MSS. page 213, to 300. Allard 253 Pickering 242*-61 Andrews 242-44-55 Bigot, of Brockley242-4-7-7l Baker 290 Pizzi 256-61 Bayley 292 Sir llobt. K. Porter, Src. 274- Benthall 257 97 Berlandier 294-7 Rev. David PoWell 218-42-* Sir Wm. Betharn 236-8-90-9 3-64 Bigland 214-71 Puttick 217-90 Bingley 255 Quanted 25S-69-77-S-9-Sl Lady Blessiugton 242-4 Count llanuzzi 223 H. Bohn 243 Rediern 257 Boone 220-35 - 42 -6-57-70- Richards 240 93-4 H. Rodd 242 Bright 215-64 Rodd, T (Stavelot 213-21.) Duke of Buckingham 250 215-220-53-61-4-7 J. Bumstead 250 Roscoc 24S-71-90 Cadby 290 Poiuli 259 Carevv, & Martyn 289 Dr. Routh 260 Catlin 230-72 Royez 235 Chalmers 244 Ralph Sheldon 252 Dawson Turner 277 Simonides 254 Dering 280 Sotheby 270 Devon 253 Spanish 214 Dodsley 253 Stanton 256 Dukes 268 Slavelot 213-8-21 Lord Egmont 269 Steele 247-52 Eyton 256 Stewart 300 Fenton 273-81 Lord Stewart de Rothsay 265 Fitch 261 - 8-82-92-3 Lord Strangford 258 Do Cartce Suflolk 293 Duke of Sussex 247-61 No. 3542 264-71 Prince Talleyrand 235 France, or Belgium 279 Taylor 242-4 Fosbrooke 269 Ternaux Compans 257 St. George 219-31-50-7 General Thornton 253 Lord. Gull lord) 253 Thorpe Setvr.S;Junior 219-57 Hanmer 218 Thorpe T. 253-7 Harley 213-22-50-83 Toovey 255 Warren Hastings 268 Sir Gregory Page Turner 239 Hore 252 Ure 239 Imperiale 253 Horace Walpole 252 Incerti 235-42 *-43-4-56-81- Wilson 255-77-78-89 9-93 Rt. Hon. Chas. Wynne 248 Kelly 295 Yeates 253 Kerslake 257-77-SI Lord Kingsborougli 238 - 47- 257-62 Lambert 268 Langan 249 Sir T. Laurence 290 Rev. J. Lewis 241-4 Libri 218-53 Lilly 243-55 Luraley 258 Count Macarthy 239 Lord Macartney 240-41* 243-4-69 Manwaring 256 Mason ( Tenlnj) 283 Mecrmau 260 MisccHand 252-8-61-2-4-70- 89-95-7-9 Milford 293 Montague 274 Monteil 253 Moran 239-43-52 Newman 244 Nova Fossa 215 Paris 270-93 Payne & Foss 215-47-68 Percival 220 Sir Wm. Petty 272 Sir T. Phillipps 239 - 46 -55- 70-2-94 Photographs 294-5 Index to the Sources of the MSS in Part 3. the Catalogue of Middle Hill MSS. page 300, to | Arthur 307 ' Berlandier 33S j Sir Wm Betharn 308-1 i j Boone 301-7-10-11-12 Bourdeaux Cartas 312 1 Chalmers 310 j Croker 305-9 Crowuingshield 310 \ Derhasn 332 < Sir Edw. Dering 301-6-11-23 ; Edwards 306 j Fenton 810 ; Fitch 311 -23 \ Hunter 331 $ Incerti 307 | Kerslake 307 ] Lori/Kingsborough 308-12-21 | Libri 314-17 j Lloyd 321 | Monk Mason 329 i Geo. Match am, Arm. 320 < Metz Cartce 312 \ Capt. Morgan 311 J Miscellaneous 306 - 8 - 9-10- 11-18-19-20-2-3-4-9-32- \ S-5-6-7-8 j Newling 305-8-20-24 | Sir T. Phillipps, 308-18-22 \ Jler. T. Price 321 \ Pin tick 303-5 j Count Ranucci 309-11-20-3 Rodd 320-1-7 Rodd, T 333 j Ilotuli 323 | Sainsbury 306 l Sir Hen. Savile 301 \ Sotheby 301-6-7 i| II. Stevens 308 | Toovey 322 \ Per. W. Valentine 320 * Willis 307-10 CATALOG US LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM, IN BIBLIOTHECA MEDIO MONTANA D. THOMiE PHILLIPPS. Ab. Ao. 1824 ad 1837. 3 4 5 6 8 9 ]0 11 12 • 13 14 la IB 17 18 19 20 21 > 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1 Catalogue of American Books. 5 vols. 8 to. ch.hal/bd 2 Antony Wood, Hinton, & Hutton's Collections for Ox¬ fordshire. 4 vols. 4 to. ch. Cartse Antiques. 4 vols. folio, ch. half Id: blue calf Jean de St. Tre Croniques. 4 to. ch. S. xv. [calf Curia Wardotum./. ch. Ex bill. Earl Stamford, rough Stevens’Collectaneado Monasteriis. 3 \oh.fclr. S. xviii. Hinton'S (Oxfordshire Collections. 3 vols, 8vo. ch. Review of Parliaments, fol. ch. Rules of the House of Commons, fol. ch. Judicature in Parliament, fol. ch Journal of the House of Commons in 1640. fol. ch. Cotton's Remonstrance of the House of Commons to James 1. fol. ch. Liber Cartarum. per T. P. fol. ch. rough leather. Hinton’s Collections for Berkshire. 4 vols. 4to. ch. _S: xviii. Order of St. Michael, fol. vel. S. xvi. Pedigreesfrom Visitation of Berks, 1623. f ch. S. xviii Sir John Peshall's Proofs of the Peshall Pedigree from Deeds, Registers, &c. fol. ch. S: xviii History of the Duke of Argyle's Ancestor. 4 to. ch. Account of the Navy. History of the Reign of Edward IV. fol. ch. Parliamentum Pacificum. stn. 4'to. ch. Exactions on the State, or Answer by command of Prince Henry to Propositions of War or Peace, sm. 4to. ch. Proceedings of the Assembly of the Clergy, 1689. 4 to. ch. On the Plantation of the English in Ulster, sm.- 4 to c Le Comte de B: Histoire des Arabes. fol. ch. 1722 Do. de Malte fol. ch. p Brantome's Memoiredes Hommes Illustres./. ch. 3 vols: in Wiltshire Pedigrees by T. P. sm. 4to. bd. in parchment. Oxfordshire Arms, drawn by R. Careless. 4 to. ch. S: xix Valor Beneficiorum. fol. ch. Job, cum Glossis. 4to. vel. S. xiii. Jeffery of Monmouth, fol. vel. S. xiii. bd. in russia. Virgilii Eeloga, Georgica,6cMoretum. sm.A/o: /'.■ S : xiv. Principes de Marine. 1CG9 to 1723, fol. ch. red mar.- St. George’s Grants of Arms. 12mo: S. xvii. Cases of Habeas Corpus, fol. ch. Remarques sur l’Isle de Malte. fol. ch. 1741 Principia Cartesiana pro Tyronibus. 12 mo. ch. J: Andreas in Decretales Paparum. fol.- vel. S. xiv. Deeds of S: Bartholomew Priory. 1 to. vel. S. xvii. 1 Visitation of Devon 1563. Fart only. v iew of the Silver Coinage, fol. ch. S: xviii j! 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 154 •55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 65 166 67 68 69 70 71 72 3 74 75 76 77 78 79 ; 80 ! 81 182 83 84 85 86 S7 Cara Vita's Constitution of Knights of Malta. 2 vols f.ch Burlington and Gainsbro’ Pedigrees. A Poem. 18 mo. Maffei de Republica Venetiae. 12 mo. ch. 1736. Flower's Derby and Leicester Visitation. 1619 tallf ch. Visitations of Berkshire, 1566, 1623. fol: ch: siec: xix Do - Do. 1664. fol: ch: S. xix. (Kirtland J. Do. Bedfordshire. 1566 4 to. ch. Arms emblazoned. Norfolk, 1563. Ylmo. ch. Devon, 1565 4c 1620. (copied by Hensley.) 4to. Do. by Benoit, 1530. (copied by Kirtland) f. ch. Somerset, 1623, (copied by Hensley.) fol. ch. Wilts, 1565. do. do. fol. ch. Do. 1623. (copied by T. P.) York, by Tongc. 1530 .fol. ch. S: xvi russia. Oxford, 1574 & 1634. fol. ch. S- xix Middlesex, 1664. fol. ch. S: xix Leicester, 1629. fol. ch. S: xix Surrey. 4to. ch. Hertford, 1634. fol. ch. Cornwall, 1620. 4 to. (copied by Hensley) S. » Cambridge, 1619. fol. ch. S: xvii Cartularium Collegii de Valle, Sarum. 2 vols. fol. ck. S. xix. (transcript.) Do. Abbatiae de Lanthony. fol. vel. S. xiv. D°- Do. Do. fol. ch. (transcript.) S. xix Do. de Fontevraud. fol. vel. S. xii. Do. de Laon. 4 to. vel. S. xiv. Do. Notre Dame deSauveMajeure. 8 vo. v. S. xiv. blu. mar l)o. S. Florentii de Saumur. fol cel S. xi. red mor. S. Severmi, de Bordeaux, fol. vel. S. xii. de Bradenstoke. ( transcript by Careless) fol. cli de Malmsbury (Do. by Hensley) 4to. ch. S. xix de Wilton, (Do. Do.) 18 mo. S.xix. redmor] de Cokersand, (Do. Da) f ch. 8: xix S. Maria; de Metz. vel. S. xiv. de Laudun, in France, sm.-fol, V. S. xiii. russia l’eterborough. 2 vols. 12 mo. (transcr. by Hensley.) Armandi. fol. vel. S. xiv. See MSS. Chardin. K. Elbe, de Bruxelles. 7 vols. fol. j- c lu S. xvi. linbere Vallis, prope BruxeUas./. v. S. xv. russia. de S. Andre de Bordeaux, f -c. S. xiii. blue mor.- S. Clarae de Bruxelles, fol cel. S. xiv. fl leaf.) S: Johis ad Lacum ad Bruxellas. 4to : ch: S: xviii S. Maria; de Pratis. fol. ch. S. xv. Do. de Belver, Bigarrocque. > Cartse originales Abbatiu Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. CATA LOGVS L1BRORCM MANBSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIP PICA. do. do. do. 88 Thompsons Collections for Poole, fol eh: 89 Endowments of Hampshire Vicarages, fol eh 90 Liber Irrotulatorius de Winton. fol. eh: S. xix. 91 Drawings of Brasses Co. Oxon & Wilts. 4 to. ch: 92 Alphabet of Arms./, ch. S. xix Sir Isaac Heard s MSS. 93 Welch Pedigrees. 4 to. ch: S: xix: transcript 94 Do. do. 8ro. ch.-'S: xvii 95 Irish Pedigrees, large fol ch: saec. xviii. 9G 3 Vols of Pedigrees, from Deeds, felt; S.xvii .blue mar 97 Inquisitiones post Mortem, pro Com. Devon, fol ch. 98 Gibbon's Collections for Kent, fol ch: 99 Arms of Knights of the Bath, ch: 100 Arms of Knights of the Round Table, fol ch; Ipl Pedigree of Oxenbridge, of Kent. Helium Roll 102 Do. Sydenham, of Somerset, do. do. 103 Do. Bullen. do. do. 104 Do. Ancestors of Keyte, of Co: Gloe: do. 105 Do. Gifford, of Chillington. do. 106 Do. Botiller Lord Sudeley. do. 107 Do. Bagge. Paper Roll 108 Wyrley’s Collectanea Oxoniensia. fol ch: l»j hirtlarut 109 Statuta Anglicana. fol. vel. S. xiv. 110 Benoit's Visitation of Devon, fob ch: 111 The Baron Book, script: &#Wm:Ty Hot son, 1008. 4 to. ch 112 Croniques de St. Denis. 1 to: vel. S. xiv. 113 Revenues de 1‘Archcveche de Bordeaux, large fol: vel. 114 Sallust. 4 to: vel. S, xv. blue mor. Script: /tal: 115 Thucydides, f. v. S.xv. (Ex Bibl. McCarthy.) Hue mor. 116 Livy. (Ex Bibl. McCarthy) 3 vols: fol. vel. S: xiv: red mor: ilium: 117 Cicero de Rhetorica. 8 co: ch: S: xv, 118 Eutropius. 8vo: ch: S: xv, 119 Sediditls in Paschale. 12 inn-, rcl. S: xv 120 Terentlus. Bvo: ch: S: xiv 121 Virgilii Ecloga St Georgica. 12 mo: rcl. S: xv 122 Timms Secundus de Viris Illustribus. ch: mb xv 123 Claudianus. rcl. 121 Ovidii Epistol®, sm: \to: rcl: S: xii 125 Ordonnanccs Religieuses. the ‘ De. “'fairs S: Gregorn large f. if. S; xiii. black vine: 126 Antielaudianus. rnrron• 8vo: rcl. S: xiv 127 Berosus. 8uo. vel. S. xvi 128 Christine de Pise. Mo: vel: S: xv 129 Roman de la Rose. Mo. vet. (1375) 130 Lancelot du Lac. large fol. rcl. S. xiit. ilium: 131 Froissart's Chronicles, large fol: rcl. S. xv. 132 Jean de Courcy's Chroniques. largef. «. S. xv. ilium: 133 Table of English Coins, fol: ch: 134 Barthol. Anglicus de Rennn Proprietatihus. fol : vel. 135 Bartholus super Inforciato. large fol. ch. 13.8. 136 Bracton de Legibus. fol. vel. 8. xiv. I 137 Lactantius. fol. vel. S. xv. Script: Ital. red mor: 138 Hampshire Church Notes /. ch: [by Hensley.) S. nr. : 139 Herefotdshire Do. Do. ditto 140 Testa de Neville. Co Wilts, in Tables, by T. P .fol. I ll Cart® Miscellanea? ofTunbridge Priory, f. ch.S. xiv. 142 Liber de Tenuris, temp: R: 3. II: 7. II: 8. /■ ch. do. 143 Transcripts of antient Deedsof Priories,5tc:/Wt: do. 144 Abbey Deeds, pro com: Wig: Eton: Kent./ ch: do. 145 Do. Do. for Oxfordshire. /. eh. do. Ij 146 Home's Collection of Arms. f. ch: S. xiv. ! 147 Deeds relating to Tithes of Stavciy, Co. Derby, f. ch: 148 Gutch's Colleges of Oxford illustrated. MSS notes. Mo. L49 Gutch’s Fasti Oxonienses, with MSS notes. Mo. 1.30 Salaries of Officers Of Government, f.ch: lot Domini Manerioriim, co. Wilts. 2 vols:/. ch: per T. P. 152 Glastonbury Terrier, pro com. Wilts./. ch: 153 Wilts Inquisitiones post Mortem. /, ch: lot Wilts and Suffolk Deeds, f.ch: | -),3 Wilts Collectanea, 4 vols. f. ch: S. xiv. 156 Do. Pedigrees. /. ch: 1-37 North Wilts Collectanea. /. ch: S. xiv. 138 Topographica Miscellanea. /. ch: 159 Wiltshire Monumental Inscriptions. Mo. ch S. ria-, 160 Waitborough Court Rolls 2 vols .f.ch: S. xix transef. 161 Marriages of Wiltshire Wards. /. ch S. xiv. 162 Wilts Inquisitions. /. ch 163 Sarum Cathedral Library Catalogue./, ch S. xix. 1 6 1 Csrtularium Famili® de Tropnel. (Extracts.) J. ch 163 North Wilts Church Notes.*®. oblong Mo. red leather I GO Pedigrees & Wills, &c. limit, ch. red mor. 167 Excerptaex Registris Episcopomm de Sarum. /. ch.S.xxx. ,68 Cart® Abbatia de Stanley, co. M ilts. /. ch do. 169 Durnforf Parish Rcg.ster. f. ch. transcc. do. 170 Stookdale's Hants, Church Notes./oL 171 Book of Heiresses, Flaxley Cartulary, 4to.ch nhi.pchmf. , 7 'V Wiltshire Visitation 1565. 4to. ch. 173 Anns of Wilts' Gentry. Itlmo. ch 171 Gentlemens' Seats, co. Hants, 2 vols. 4to. S. ru 17 3 Wiltshire Inscriptions, 6 copies. 8vo. t nth MSS. notes ,76 Wiltshire Pedigrees. 1 77 Nomina Villarum pro com. M ills. 4to. eh. .« white vel. ,78 Arms of Knights, tempore Hen. 3. fol. ch. ,79 Oxfordshire Amts. 12mo. ch. . - , 8 I, Herefordshire Seats fc Churches. 4to. by Hensley 181 Bedfordshire Arms, by C. Osborn. 4to. ch. emblax. , 82 Hants, Church Notes, by Hensley, fol-. ch. \8:i Parish Register Extracts tor Long of VV ilts, 4to. ch. 181 Osborne's Letters from Milts. 4to. ch. sac .xix ,85 Pedigrees, from Pole's Devon, Ac. 4to. ch white ve . ,86 Wiltshire Monumental Inscriptions, 7 voU.4to. by lA 187 Index Registromm Abbatiarum Anglt®. 4to.ch.-Ay I I. 188 Index to Ducarel's MSS. fol. ch. 189 Mariani Scoti Chronicon. i'lmo. rel. S.xn. 190 Alexandri de Villa Dei Doctrmale. rcl. S. xtn. ,0, Chronicles of England, {old English) v S.xtv.HWno. 102 Journals of the House of Lords, 1B98, tol. ch. ,93 Hinton & IIunfsBcrkshir. Collections, 12mo. M vols. ,04 Proceedings against Lord Clarendon. , <15 Aubrey's Letter to Lechmere 106 Arms of the Nobility, or Cooke's Baron Book. f. blxlX. 107 Hippocratis Opera quiedam. vel. S. xtv, ! ' «| Unnii Montani Inscriptiones Roman®. «i Marii Appti Epistola. ,08 Hollow de Sapience par Jean dcSouhat. Mo. ch. S, tv. too Legentle Dorec par Jean dc Vignay a la requeste de la, ' ' li. yne Jehanne de Bourgogne, rcl. 4to, S. xv 200 Guillaumede Nangis Chronique de France. 4to.lt. S. xiv 201 Lectionarinm S. German!. 4to. ch. S. xvm. ■202 Calendar. Leuciactor. S. Petri de Salmuro.4to if.S. xm. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 3 203 Geffrey of Monmouth. 12mo. vel. S. xiii. 204 Tfesor des Histoires. 4to V. S.xiv initio, ilium. 205 Tfesorerie de la Marine, fol. Vel. S. xvi. (1586) 206 Ndbiliaire de Normandie, fol. ch. 1556 a 1661 207 Christian' de Pisa Mutation de Fortune. 208 Extraits de Seneque & de Ciceron. f. V. S. xv. ilium: Olim Comitis McCarthy. 200 Plato sur PImmortalite de l'Ame. sm. fol. V. S. xv. 210 Mich, de Vouges Collection de Prieres, etc. Vel. 214 Revenues des Abbayes, Prieures, et Eveches./. ch. 212'FCegistre de laChambrcdes Comptes, 1254 a 1431 J. ch. 213 Table des Archives do. do. 1316 ad 1686 /. ch. j 214 Extraits des MSS. de I’Abbaye de S. Victor, de St. ; Germain, et de la Chambre des Comptes, dspuis ! 1080 a 1503. fol. ch. sxc. xviii. j 215 iEsopi Fabulic. 12mo: Vel. S: xiii. 216 Cossa Livre des Temps, sm. f. v. S: xv. ilium: green mor: ! 217 Alex. Saulvage Croniques de Gennes. fol. Vel. S. xvi 210 Loi Salique, et Miroir Historisle de France. 4to, Vel. j 8? ch. S. xiv. 219 Chemin de Paradis, fol, Vel. <$* ch. S. xv. 220 Entrevues des Roys. fol. ch. old red mor. 221 Revenue du Grand Hospital de Strasburg, 1522. f. ch. ! 222 Orso de Beauvais. (Roman) 8vo. Vel. S. xiii. 223 Anciens Pseaulmes in plein Chant. /. Vel. S: xvi 224 Computus Ecclesi® Gebennensis ( Geneva) anno 1438. fol. Vel. S. xv. 225 Obituarium Eccleske de. Constance, fol. vel. S. xvi. 226 Leonaraus Aretinus de Bello Gothico. Ovo. V. S. xv. 227 La Spina Rosa. 4to. ch. S. xv. 228 Pelerinage de la Vie Ilumaine. fol. Vel. S', xv. ilium. 229 Custumale Andegavense. f. Vel. S. xiv. russia 230 1 Vitruvius. f. V. Script, ltal. S, xv. white veil, ilium. 231 Terrier du Captal de Buch. 4to, vel. S. xv. great mor. 232 Computus Monetm Rccepta.in Andegavia. 4tov. S.xv. 233 Rentule Domini de Gastines. sm. f. v. S. xv. russia. 234 Statuta Col legit de Marche. sm.fol. ch, S. xiv russ. 235 Repertorium Chartarum de Champagne./, ch. S. xvii. j 236 Le Debat sur lc Roman de la Rose: par Clir. dc Pisa. sm. fol. vel. S. xv. 237 llistoria Treviroruni. jot. vel. snoc. xiii. 238 Gesta Francorum. Ato. ch. S. xv. 239 I-storia degli lmperadori./. v. S. xv. (Pal. script.) 240 Ciceronis Oratio pro Marcello./’, v. S.xv. ill. jmrp.velv. 241 Augustini Opera. 7voIs.4fo.t>e/.S.xii. Ex Abb.Reading 242 Bodini Hepta|>lomeres. 4 to, ch. S. xvi. 243 Boccacio la Fiamraetta. 244 Ciceronis Oflicia. 12mo. vel. S. xv. 245 Isidovi Synonioia. 8uo. vel. S. xv. 246 Medicina Practica. fol. ch. sees, xv 247 Dante's Inferno./, v. S.xv. red velv. Olim Celebris C. Fox. 248 Do. Do. Commentaria super. 4to. ch. sa*c. xv. 249 Petrarca. Svo. ch. S. xv. 250 Do. Triumphi. 24mo. vel. S.xv. blue mor. [ilium. 251 Coustumcsde Normandie, sm. 4 to.v. S. xv. green velv. 252 Conseils d’Aristote. 18mo. vel. S. xiv. 253 Viridarii Liber Sompnium. f. vel. sxc. xv. ilium. 254 Commentarium de Calend. Romano. /. vel. S. xiv. 255 Bed* Liber Scintillurura. Ovo. v. S.xiii 256' BedadeGestis Anglorum cum Supplemento adan.76G 8vo. v. S. xiv. 257 Bernardus de Humilitate. 18 mo. vel. S. xiv 258 Josephus de Antiquitate Judjeorum. large f. v. S-. xii. Ex Abb. S. Gislen. 259 Registre de la Chambre des Comptes, 02 vols. Svo .ch. 260 Glossaire dc St. Palaye. 05 vols. 4 to. ch. S. xviii. 261 Funerailles d’Anne de Bretagne. 8vo. v. S. xvi. ilium. 262 Bingley’s Hampshire Collections. 12 vols.4fo.r7t. S.rax.- 263 Do. Hants Note Books. 20 vols. 12»to. ch. S. xix, 264 Do. History of Christ Church. Ato. ch. do. 265 Tite Live, par P. Berchoire./.v.S. xiv.[Ex Bibl.Chardin 266 Do. do. S. xv. fol. ilium. 267 Priscian de Constructione Verborum. fol. vel. S. xiii. 268 Do. de Grammatica. vel. S. xiii. 1269 Petri Comestoris Historia Scholastica .fol. vel. S. xiv !270 Reutale Abbati* de HatHigem. fol. vel. S. xv. (271 Aquinatis S. Thom* Opera. 4io. v. ch. ilium. S: xiv ’ 1272 lsidori Etimologia. large.fol vel. S. xii. 1 273 C*sar’s Commentaries. S. xv. 1274 BoccaciodcCasdeNoblesHommes.4/o.v.S,xv. red mor . j 275 Apicius De Re Cibaria.4fo. v. S. ix. Script. Longobard I 276 Litelton Court Rolls, (Wilts) Pergam. ,277 Fox's Alphabet of Arms. Ato. ch. sxc. xviii. 278 Generalites de France. 4 to. ch. 1 279 Interpretatio Nominum Hebraicorum, 4 to. vel. S. xii. 280 De Oculo Morali. 8vo. vel. S. xiv. 201 Raymundi Lully Opera. 12/wo. vel. S. xiv. 282 Life of Christi. sm.fol. vel. S.xiv. white tU)llum.. 283 Marci Evangelium, cum Glossis. 4 to. vel. S. xiii. 284 Petrus de Alliaco. sm.fol. vel. S.xiv. 285 Commcntar. in Apocalypsin. 4 to. vel, S. xiii. 286 P. Gregorii Dialogi. sm.fol. vel. S. xiv. 287 Scudamore Papers, fol. ch. S, xvii. 280 Villare Gallicum. Ato. ch. S. xvi. 289 Pupilla Oculi. Ovo. S. xv. 290 S. Ansclmi Opera. Ovo. vel. S. xii. 291 Statutes of Durham Cathedral. 4 to. ch. & xvii. 292 Juvenal & Persius. Ovo. ch. S.xv. 293 Vita 1 Amici, Alexa.ndri, et Caroli Magni. Svo, v. S. xii.. 294 Confessio Soliloqua. vel. 295 Registium Precedcntiuui Legis Ecclesiast. 12mo vel. S. xiv. 296 Fiefs & Seigneuriesde la VilledeCraon 8vo. ch. S. xvi 297 Ligues de la Suisse. 2 vols. 4 to. vej. S. xvi. 298 Liber Portuum Maris, vel. S. xvi. 299 De Reliquiis ab 11 ierosolyma ablatis. vel. 300 Vita? Sanctorum Servacii, &c. vel. S xiii. 30L Statuta Mantua. Script. Ital. f. v. S. xiv. brown calf.. 302 La Bible Historiale: par Pierre Mangeur. vel. 1303 Statuta Regni Bohemia, sm.fol. vel. S.xiv. 1304 Pauius de Spira super Livium. fol. S.xv. 306 Martyrologium Sanctorum, fol. vel. S. xiii. 306 NotiziasdelCr.nvent.dcAtocha inHispania.Svo.v.S.xv 307 Vita S. Johannis Baptist*, fol. vel. S. xiv. 308 Plutarchi Vit* Romanorum. sm.fol. vel. S.xiv. 309 Chart* quxclam Ecclesi* Bangorensis. S. xv. 310 Traictez des Roys de France, avee les Papes, f. ch~. 311 Histoire de Du Guesclin. Ato. vel. S.xiv. ;}12 liistoiie UnLverselle. 4 CATALOGUS L1BRORUM MANUSCR1PTORRM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 313 3U 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 32*2 5*23 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 Codices ex Abbatia de Villari, in Flandria Robertas Bcrlinctunensisin 12 Prophetas./. v.S.xii. Missalc* large 4 to. Vel. S. xiv Hieronyini Epistola. large fol. vel. S. xiii. Excerpt, ex Cassiodoro S. Hieron. large f. v. S.xiii Opus Theologicum : Incipit * Omnis Doctriua esf de rebus vel de signis.” large fol. v. S. xiii Responsio S. Thomae Aquinatis. fol. v. S. xiii. Expositio in Epistolam ad Corinthios .fol. v. S. xii. Do. Do. Do. fol. Apocalypsis S. Johannis. fol. v. S. xiii De Tentatione Domini, fol. v. S. xiii. Pelagius de Sanctis Patribus. foL v.S.xii. Vit* S. Nicholai & Sanctie Gudilse. fol, v. S. xii. Ambrosius de Otnciis. fol. v. sa?c. xii. QuartusSentcntiar. S.Thoms Aquinatis, 1280 . J. v. Vitse quorundam Sanctorum, fol. v. site. xii. Augustinus de Verbis Domini, fol. v. site. xiii. Huo-o de Quatuor Claustris. fol. v. sa-c. xii. Gesta Salvatons : inventa a Theodosio Magno im- peratore in Jerusalem, in prietorio Pontii Pilati in codicibus pubiicis. f. v. s;ec. xii. Augustini Sermones. fol. v. sa-c. xiii. Gisleberti Sermones de Canticis. 4to. v. sac. xiii. 333 334 335 336 337 Codices ex Abbatia de Camberone. The Nos. affixed axe those of the Abbey Catalogue. * S. Gregorius Papa in Moralia Jobi. [6]/. v. S. xii. Augustinus de Psalmis. [7]/oZ. v. saec. xii. Vincentii Speculum Historiale, 1 pars. fol. [8] MiraculaB. Mariai Virginis. [9] fol. v. sa>c. xii. Vincentius Beluacensis de Morte Amici.[21J /. v. sac. xiii 338 Flores Bernardi: & Jac de Vitriaco Abbrev. His¬ toric de Jerusalem. [25] fol. vel. S. xiii. 339 Bernardus Clareval super Cantica.[28]/. v see. xii 340 Flores Psalmorum. [32] /. v. sac. xii. 341 Hieronymus super Ezechiel, [58] f v. sa-c. xii. 342 Gregorii Sententic, 4ta pars. [<»()] f. v sa-c. xii. 343 Ambrosius Mediolanensis super Lucam. l«47] fol. vel. see. xii. 344 De Eruditiune Religiosorum. (78) f. v. see. xiii 345 Passiones Sanctorum. (75) 346 Eusebii ad Monachos Omelia-. (104) 8vo. v.S. xiii. 347 Epistola Aniani ad Evangelium Piesbyt. (127) 12mo. vel. sicc. xii. 3 IS Stephanus Cantuar. super Genesiro. (129) 12mo. vel. sac. xiii. 349 Anselm: Cantuar: Archiep: ‘CurDeus Homo?’ (130) thick 12 mo. vel. sac. xii. 350 Decreta, puis 2da. (I4u) Ovo. v. sac. xii. 351 Origenes in Cantica. (14*2) «\o. v. sac- xiii. 33*2 Steplr. Cautuar: super Josuam & Judices. (151) Bvo, vel. sac. xii. 353 Ilaymonis Glossa super 11 Epistolas Pauli Apos- toli. fol. 354 lsidorus de Moribus. (154) Ovo. y. sac. xii. 363 364 365 306 367 368 309 !! 370 371 372 p \\*» S. Gregorius Nissenus. (158) 8vo. v. sac. xiii. Gesta Barlaam et Josaphat,—Invexitio Sanctio Cru- cis ab Helena Regina. (N.B. This last was formerly in the Volume, but has since been- taken away. Steph: Cantuar: Archiep: super Numeros. De adventu Domini; seu. Liber de Temporibus. Aurelius August: in Doctriua Christiana. 8vo. vel. sac. xii. Robert Abbas Tusciensis, de Divinis Officiis. ..vel, Petri Comestoris Historia Scholastica/. v. S. xii. Priscian. Bvo. vel: S: xii Codices ex Abbatia S: Gisleni Questiones Augustini. (z z z) sm. fol. v. S. ix.. Passiones Sanctorum, (o o o) sm. fol. vel. S. x. Pascliasius Radbcrtus. oblong 4 to. vel. S. xi. Vita Sanctorum. 2 vols. fol. vel. Smaragdus vel Diadema IMonacborum. (ddd )fol. If Vita S. Eucharii, Valerii, Materni. H Catalogus Episcoporum Trevirorum./. v. S. x. Sermones Guerrici et Roberti, de Victoria verbi Dei. (E e k) fol. vel. S. xii. Ambrosii Hexameron. (Q Q q )sin.f. v. S. xii. Refutatio HeresisSacramentariorum. ( h h)/. v.S.xii. P: Ciregorii Dialogi. (k k k/ sm./. vel. S. xii. Willielmus Durant de Summa Penitentia. (gggc). H Vita Sanctorum. 4/o. vel. S. xii. Johannes Levita in Vitis S: Gregorii Papae, S: Ni f cholai, iV S: Sulpieii. (y y ) Jol. vel. S. xi. Sermones A: Omelia. (k) fol. vel. S. xi. Leontius Episcopus Neapoleos de Vita Johannis Alexandrini Episcopi. (s sj Smaragdus Abbas sup: Regulam S: Benedicts (p) /. v. S. xiii. S BcrnardusClareval super Cantica. Vita S. Gysleni. Cionica ab origine Mundi ad annum 1186.—2 vols. f. vel. S. xiv. Galilee, ilium, (e A: d.) * Theysir Albumeronis inMedicinam./. ch. S.xiv. * Anselmi Archiep. Cantuar.Omelia./. v. S. x(z)^ * Petri Trecensis Historia .Scholastica. Galilee fol . vel. sac. xiii. (v) * Josephus de Autiquitate Judaorum./. v. S'.xii (b) (See No. 258) 385 386 Statuta Collegii Lovanieusis. Nameu en Dood Book van Clooster van Facons. f. eh. S. xvii. Descriptio Destructions Prioratus de Rubea Valle, tempore Revolutions Gallicte. Perquendam Monachum Prioratus ejusdem. Liber de Sucramentis. (Ex Abbatia S: Martini Tornaceus. Willielmus, Abbas S: Theodoriei, de Vita S: Ber¬ nardi Clarevall. (Ex Abbatia de Belloprato, prope Geraldimontem. Bvo. sac. xiii. Suetonius. J. v. S: xii. green inur. (Jilin McCarthy. Hippocrates de Dicta. Ato. vel. S; x. Ex De Bare. CATAJLOGUS BIBLIOTHECAE MANL SCRIPTORl'M 5 LEANURI VAN ESS, s'. T. ti¬ de DARMSTADT, OUM PROFESSORIS IN MAR8CRG Ex Bibliothecis Monasteriurum Allemannits quorundam collectorum, scil. S. Barbara?, in Colonia; S. Jacobi in Monte Specioso, prope Moguntiam; Steinfeldt; &c Nuuc ia BibliothecA PhillippicS translate. N.B. The Numbers in brackets are the Number* in Van Es%' Catalogue. In Pergamennm. 387 Vita Sti. Galli et Sti Magnoaldi. 4 to, 388 S. Gregorii Papas de Virtutibus et Vitiis. fol. H Sulpicius Severus de Sancto Martino. H Passioues Sanctorum. 389 Regula Canonicoruiu. forma quadrata. 4 to* 390 Canone8 Conciliorum; et Decreta Pontificam. fol, 391 S. Hieronymus de Qumationibue Bebruicid. 4 to, 392 S. Ambrosias de fuga 6xcuii. 393 Haymo super Apocalypsin. fol. U S. Anselmua de Peecato Original!. 394 S. Augustinus super Psaimos & 100 ad 150= 395 Rabanus Maorus in Genesin. 390 Do. Do. in Reges. fol. 397 Dionysius Areopagita de Angelica Hierarchia, 4 to, 390 Hieronymi Qumstiones Hebraic®. fol. 399 Eucherius Lugdunensis Episcop. ad Sevetanum, 8vo. 400 Biblia Sacra Latina, fol. 401 Vitie 56 Sanctorum, fol. 402 Eusebii Historia Ecclesiastics. Enchiridion Sixti Pap®. 403 Summa Magistri Peraldi, Episcopl Lngdonen&ig. fol. 404 Lectiouarium Bomiliarum et Legendarnm. f>L 405 S. Hieronymi Presb. in Vitas SS. Patruru. fol. 400 Homiliae SS. Patxurn super Evaogeliu douiiuiculm et festivalia. fol . 407 Do. Do. fol. 408 Petri Comestoris Historia Scholastica. fol. 409 Do. Do. Svo. (26) S, xi. Ex Mon. Steinfeldt. 410 S. Bernardi Clarxvallensis Epistol® ad Fratres de Monte Dei. fol. 411 Psalteriuni. fol t 4’2 S. Hiidegardis de Vitis Meritorum. fol. 413 Hieronymus contra Porphyrium. fol. 414 Augustinus de SermoDe Domini io Monte.4/o,^.xi ( 29 ) 415 S. Augustini Speculum Vivendi. 4 to. 416 Passio S. Plscidi, usoris ejus, et duorum filiorum. 4to *1! Haicno in Apocalypsin. & xi. (31) 417 Psalteriuui. 12mo. 418 Hymnarium. 12mo. 419 S. Pauli Epistoiae, cum GIo9sis. fol. 420 Genesis, cum Glossis. fol. 421 Missaie lEstivale. fol. 422 Missile, large fol. (37) S. xiv. OUm S. Salvaioris Carlhus. prepe Erfurt. 423 Joannis de Abbatis Villa, Sermones. Jol. 424 S. Hieronymi Presb. Epistoiae. fol. 425 Homiimnnm SS. Patrum. fol. 426 De Legibus Hebrasorum. fol. 427 Lectionomim Brcviarii de Sanctis. i'ractatus asceticus. , Sicut Mater consolatur'f.§.xni[S’i 473 Psalterium. 4 to. 471 S. Aurelii Augustini, Sermones. fol. 475 Petri Haientals Collectarium super Psalmos. fol. 176 Casus Autenticorum. fol. 4J7 Allegorise Evangeliorum. fol. 478 Simon de Cassia de Gestis Salvatoris. fol. 479 Constant, Africani Breviariumseu Viaticus./.S.x;ii[94 480 Gaufredi Summa super Decretales. fol. 481 Calendarium cum Necrologio. fol. 48*2 Walteri Burlay Liber Politicorum, 1358 fo. 483 Legenda Sanctorum, S. Thomse. &c. 4/o. S.xi r. xii[98 j 4S4 .lohannis de Saxonia Sermones. 4/o. 485 Psalterium. 4 to. 480 Albertus de Scientia Alchemic. 4 to. 487 Statute Ordinis Carthusiensis. 8vo. 488 Henrici Kalkar Opera quredam. 4fo. 489 Diurnale, seu Psalterium pro horis Divinis. 4/o. 490 Breviarium. 8 to. 491 llistoria Longobardica. 4 to. 492 Bonaventune Breviloquium. 8 r 0 . 493 Psalterium Parvum. l2mo. 491 Psalterium. 12/no. 495 Diumale Parvum. 12mo. 490 Breviarium Parvum. 12mo. 497 Lectionarium, cum Precibus. 12 mo. 498 Breviarium Parvum. 12mo. 499 Liber Precum et Psalmorum. 8 t-o. ,500 Breviarium. ( Germanice.) 12 mo. oOl Btblia Sacra, cum Interpretationibus Bibliae. 810 . S. xiii. ilium. [116] 502 Do. 800 . 503 Do. 8 vo. 504 11 enricus Kalkar de Ortu Ord. Carthusiensis. Rt-o. 1314 « \y m . de Hyporegia de Origine & Defensione Ordinis Carthus. r Jobes. Gerson de Non EsU Carniura. * Bic. S. Victoria Paris.de VisioneNabuchodonosor * *• Super omne caput languidum.’ S'. Barb. O. 151 505 Censuale Abbat'ne de Dettkirchen. fol. 506 Commeutaria in Epistoias Pauli, large folio. S', xiv. Olim S. Barb. No. 15. 507 Jobes.di* Magliniadedictis Alberti Magni./S.xv.[122 ^08 S. Bernardi Epistola ad Fratres de Monte Dei. 4 to. 509 Henrici de Piro Excerptum Malogranati. Aio. Dionys. Areopagitade Coelesti Hierarchia./ &xv[126 511 Hugo de Sancto Victore Expos, in Ecelesiasten. 4/o 512 S. Bernardi Clarrevallensis Sermones Hyemales. fol. Ex Bibl. II. Zurmuhlen. [127] 513 S. Chrysostomi Omelim in Evang. S Johannis. fol. 514 Simonis de Cassia Opera. 3 vols. large folio. S.xiv Olim S. Jacobi in Monte Specioto. [129] 515 Missale. fol 516 Do. large fol. S. xv. [131] 517 Albertus Magnus in Isaiam. fol, 518 S. Ambrosius in Epistoias S. Pauli, fol. 519 Ludolphi Vita Christi. fol . 520 Ludolphi Meditationes de Vita Christi. fol. 521 Hugo de Sacraraentis Ecclesiae. 4 to. 522 De Sex Alis Cherubim. 4 to. 523 S. Bernardi Sermones hiemales et restivales. fol. 524 Jordani de Quedlenberg Postillie. fol. 505 ---Sermones. fol. 526 Leenda Sanctorum, fol. 527 Acta Sanctorum Trevirensium. fol. 528 lleiligen Legenden. (Germanice .) 4to. 529 Statuta Ordinis Carthusiensis. 4/o. 530 S. Ambrosii Epistola ad Gratianum. fol. 53L St. Hilarius snper Matheum. /o/.i £^5 Barb. «i Hieronymus super Marcum. > o. 183(146] *i Hilarius iu Psalm “ Beati.’ j 532 Vitas Sanctorum Patrum Eremitarum. fol. 533 Hugo Cadinalis in Apocalypsin. fol. 534 Do. Speculum Missae. Ato S. xv Olim S. Lauro. Lc odium. [149] 535 Summa Collationuro. 4 to. 536 Breviarium Cisterciense. 4/o. 537 Gersoni Tlieologia. 4/o. 538 S. Bernardus de Psalmo, “ Qui habitat in adjutorio. ( Flandrice .) 4 to. 539 Orationes. 8 vo. 340 Rituale llbenstadiense. 4 to. 541 Warer Geitslichkeit. 800 542 Diurnale parvum. 800 . 543 Breviarium. ( Flandrice .) 8 vo. 544 Psalmi Vespertini, cum Precibus et Calendai;o 12/no. 545 Diurnale. ( Flandrice .) 12 mo. 546 Breviarium. fol. 547 Missale Romanum. fol. Partini ex Pergameno, partim ex Papyro. 548 Jordani Sermones. fol. 549 Wiilielmus, Paris. Episc. de Rhetorica Divina./..S'.xv 550 iEgidius Romanus de Regimine Priucipum. /. 1429. 551 Thos. Aquinas in Isaiam etJeremiam. f.S.x iv. S.Barb. 552 Ludolphus de Vita Christ!, fol. S. xv. [168] 553 Eusebii Historia Ecclesiastic*. (Germanice.)fol. 554 S. Gregorius in Ezechielem. /. S.xv. S. Barb. O. 103 555 Johannis Gersonis Opera quaedam. Jot. 556 Barlholomvi de Trajecto Opuscula. 4/o. 557 Albertus Magnus in Apocalypsin. 4/o. 558 Bonaventurx Opera quajdam. 8 co. 559 Breviarium. 800 . 560 Alphabetum Morale. A ad Q. largef. Olim S. Jacobi. ; 561 S. Gregorii Dialogi. fol. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCR1PTORRM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPTCA. 662 S. Augustini Meditationes. fol. 563 Vincentiide Beauvais Speculum Doctrinale. Ato. In Papyrum. 504 S. Basilii Vita. Ato. 5G5 Raimundi de Sabaudia Opera, fol. 566 Johis. Calderini de Ecclesiastico Interdic.to. f. 1422. 567 Trithemii Catalog. Scriptorum Ecclesiastic, f. 1492. Ex Mon. S. Jac. Mngunt. 568 Vitre 212 Sanctorum, fol 569 Conradi de Susato, de Ethicis Aristotelis. fol. 570 Underwysen mancherley Stuck der Biecht, und zum ersten von den zehn Gebethen underschiedlich von eym jeglichen. fol. S. xiv. 571 S. Augustinus in Johannem. fol. 572 Werner Rovelink in Epist. Pauli ad Hebrgeos & S. Jacobi & S. Petri. 5. xiv. Ex S. Barb. 0 165 573 Albertus Magnus super Quartam Sententiaruro./.52 H-rmannas de Dissen Viridarium in Psalmos, a 76 | ad 108. Alu. 653 Johannes de Gerson super Cantica. Ato. 654 Kvangelia Dominicalia. ( Germanice) Ato. 655 Ordinarium. 4 to. 656 Sermones Festival e«. Ato. 657 Johannes Nyder de Reformat!one Claustralium. Ato | 658 De Secrctis Philosophoruro et Medicoruru, Ato. ; 659 S. Bernardi, Sermonibus Excerpts. Ato. 660 > Chrysostom:, &c. Sermones. 4/o. not Tractatus de Contessione. 4/o. (if VI Hlomendal in 10 Prxcepta. Ato. 663 St-rmones in dedicatione Templi. 4/o. 664 Passio Christi, Ato. 665 Sermones ignoti authoris de aliquibus Sanctis. 4/o. WO Sermones ignoti authoris. 4/o, 667 Do. 4/o. | 668 Do. de Rosario. 4 to, 669 Tractatuli aliqui ascetici. Ato. 670 Quodlibetum cum Hymno. 4to, 671 Menricas de Urimaria de InstitutioniboA, (too. 672 Corisuetudines Domds Carthusian©. 8c»>. 673 Breviarium, cum cantu chorali et calen. 677 Legenda de St. Thomi de Aquino. 8t». 67H S, Augustini Soliloquia. 16mo, 079 Gezflgen von den Lyden Christi. 16 mo. 680 P&alterium Wirceburgense, 1499 conscriptum. veil. t <181 Petri Berthorii Repertorium Morale, vt’U. fol. 682 Zwei Choralbucher. veil. fol. 683 Joliajinis de Ruysbroec, Prioris Viridis Vallis, Opera i queedam. velL fol. 684 Speculum Principum. veil. Ato. 605 Sermones de tempore, veil. 8 vo. 086 G> r>on de Praeceptis, See. velL 4fo. f»H7 Bemardi Sc Eusebii Epistol©, etc, papgr. Ato. 688 Pu.ssio Christi, fol. x 689 Decern Tractatus Morales. Finiti anno 1455. 690 Sermones ad omnes status mundi. 4fo. 691 -de tempore, ab Adventu usque ad Pascha, ignoti autoris. fol. 692 Canones in Miss® Sacrificio. fol, 693 S. Thom® de Aquino, Tertia Summ© Theologl® fol. 694 Sermonen von Sant Bemardus. fol. 695 Par> Biblis a Proverbiis ad Machabieos. fol. 696 Novum Testamentum. fol. 697 (o. 720 Gebetbuch. 8 vo. 721 Passio Christi. 8 vo. 722 Benedictio Salis. 12mo. 723 Jus Civdu Civ,tans Stadensis ; scriptum per Johaniuni Schuvvelhusen anno 1534. Hro. 724 Der Psalm. '• .Miserere mei Deus, et recipe onimam ineam Domine,” ( Germaniee ,) Und Caoticum Canticorum, ( Latine .) Vlmo. |7*25 De Peniteutiis injungendis. 12«o. 726 B. Bernardi Sermones. 8w>. ! 727 Johannes de Jndagine, Prior de Erfuhrt. iu Apocalrp: sin. fol, | 7*28 Johanuis TrevlrensU Commentarias in Psalmos 3 38 ad 133. fol. 7*29 Poetices Artis Compendium. foL 730 Kreitsheimische Kronik. Ato. 731 Hist. von der Wale, und ChronQng Kaiser KoroliV. 732 (ienealogia W irtembergica, ab 1080 ml 1659. foL 733 Georgii Nicomediensis Metropolitan Mtmale. foL 734 Johanuis Damaseeni Mariale. fol. 735 Johanuis Trevirensis Opuscula. fol. 736 Johanuis Dingens Loci Communes, fol. 737 Turris Davidica. 8oo. 738 Prieres pour la Commonion. 8co. 739 Ceremoniale Episcoporum. 1 Onto. 740 Heinrich von Strombeck Ordnuug des Processus im Obergericht zu Braunschweig. Ato. 741 Amts-Muhl-Wald und Puiizei-Ordnung von Bran- deuburg. Ato. 712 Des RathsBuch zu Riga. Ato. 743 Mauritii Chaunucmus Passiones SS. Patruni Carthosi- anorum Angli®. 4/o. 744 P. Quiriui Mcenapfi Commentaria iu Psalmos, Ato. 745 Statuta Ecclesiar Regalis B. Mari® Aquensis. fol. 7W Jacobi Beverlini " Klein Erankreichs vornehmster uraltester Flecken, Dorfer, SchlOsser, Ursprung, Antiquitaten, Gerechtsamen, und Privilegien.— Descripta ex Corpore antiquitatum Jodoci Seba- tovni de Vuysselung, Caroli Magni Constabuli.”/ 747 Propositi Regalis Ecclesix S. Mari® Aquisgranonsis, ab anno 966, ad annum 1799. Jol. 740 Johnnnis Haa^ Pr®monstratum CandidumMascnlinum ! 749 Meditatio de Passione Domini. 750 CordiaJe; sive IJher quatuor Novissimorum. 4/o, 751 Exposilio Symboih Ato. ~i3‘2 Malogranati Liber 1. II III. compilati per Galium AbbatemAul® Regi® in Bohemia Ord. Cisterc. large fol. wl. & eh. S. xv. Ex S. Barb. O. 102. Codices Arabic. 753 Volumen Papyraceurn (Arabice 14 pedes long.) 754 Al-Koran Sectio quinta. Ato. 755 Liber Precuin. Muo. 756 I.iber Precuni. (7 'urcice) 16/no. 757 A1 Bolda. Carmen A rabirum de laude Mohammed is. i 758 Manusenptum Arabicum. 2 ■ 759 Al-Koran, ' Distal ab iwpraso.) Ato. CODICES ( 9 ) M A NUSCR1PTI, Ex BibliothecA M. CHARDIN, PARISHS, IN CATALOGO SUO POSTREMO Quorum. Pars cx Manasteriis de Rebdorf, prop$ F.ystctl, Pars cx Monast. Carthusianorum, Divionensiam, &c. &c. Nuuc in Bibliotheca Phillippica depositi. No. in Cat. Chardin 702 201 S. Hieronymi Epistolre. fol. V. S. xiv. 7G3 202 S. Augustini Retractationes. 8 vo. v. s. xiv. 704 212 Do. Soliloquia. v. s. xv. 705 21G Isidorus de Summo Bono. v. s. xiv. 700 223 Ezechicl. f. v. s. xiv, 70*7 231 S. Bernardus in Laude Virginis. 7G8 232 -■ dc Gratia, &c. 0 vo.v. s. xiv. ( Rebdorf) 709 233 -de Consideratione.y. v. s. xv. ( Rebd .) 770 234 -Epistolts ad Fratres de Monte Dei. sm.f. V. s. xv. 771 237 S. 15. Hieronymi Regula pro Sacris Vir- ginibus. thick Qvo. ch. s. xv {Rebdorf,) 772 240 Thomac de Aquinas3tia pars Siimmaj.u s. xiv 773 241 Do de Articulis Fidei. thinf. v. s. xiii. 774 219 Summa Gaufredi. 12mo. v. s. xiv. Ex Carm. Divion. 775 250 Summa Stephani Cantuar. f, v. s. xiv. 770 251 Ximenes des Saintes Anges. v. s. xv. 777 25G Spechio de C roce. Vlmo. v■ s. xv. 778 2G1 Ordinariura Vitro Religiosic. 4tn. v. & ch. s.xv 779 2G3 Speculum Monachorum. 32mo. v. s. xv. Ohm Jacobi de Mera Abbatis S. Bernardi. 780 208 Summa de Virtulibus et Vitiis. 8uo. v.s. xiv. 781 287 Doctrine Cllretienne. 8uo. ch. (Arabice.) 7S2 292 Dominicale et Festivale. /. v..s. xi [ Rebdorf i] 783 293 Sermones de Saudis. 8uo. r. s. xi. [Rebdorf.] 784 294 Hugonis Sermones. 4to.v. s. xi. [.S' Pancratii in Ranshofu.~\ 785 295 Abbatis Isaac Sermones./. v. s.xv. [ Rebdorf J 780 290 Gilleberti Sermones. s. xiii. 787 304 Speculum Mortalium. s. 4to. v. s. xiv. Ex Valle S. Elizlh. 788 305 De Miseria Horainis. 24 mo. v. s. xvi. 789 30G Marquardi itinerarium Mentis. f. v. s. xiv. 790 312 Chrysostomus k Caprariica de Nomine Dei. s. 4to. v. s. xvii. blue velvet. 791 317 Pierre Dore Lcs Allumettesdu Feu Divin. 8to ch. s.xvii. Arms, O. 2 parrots V. bt.O trefoils 792 319 Le Viat de Salut. 24wo. v. s. xvi. red velvet. 793 322 Les Devoirs de l’Ame fidele. 1079. 24 mo. v. s.xvii. ilium, red. mor. beautifully written. 794 324 Miroir de 1’ Ame./’.vs.xvi. dark purple velvet 1st page ilium. Arms, Gyronny of 8 A. & S quartering G. 3 bars Vaire &c. Supporters 2 lions Or. No. in Cat. Chardin 795 329 Sallinmi Interpretatio Prophetia? Sophonia?. 18mo. v. s. xvii. beautifully written, 790 439 Meslier sur la Vanite. 2 vols. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. 797 440 Peus6es sur la Religion. 798 441 Pierre Cuppe, Le Ciel Ouvert. 4 to. ch. s. xviii 799 442 Les Empires de la Lune. 4to. ch. s. xviii. 800 455 De Legibus Turcoruin. Turcice. 4to. ch. red morocco. 801 450 1 raite des Rites Mussulmans. en Persan. 8vo 802 457 Explication de laformuledePriere. [ Arabice .1 12n?o. 803 458 Livre de Precepts. [Turcice.] 804 471 lloderici Sanctii Episcopi Calagurritani Cly- pens Mona^hi Ecclesim. /. v. & ch. 805 482 Mare Magnum Bullarum. f. v. s. xvi. Ex Carm. Cabiloncnsibus. 800 483 La Main-morte du Blesois 4 rouleaux, v. S07 484 Regie de l’Ordre do Fontevraud [imprime] cum notis MSS. 1G42. ch. green mor. 808 492 Trails des Paix. 3 vols. f. ch. s. xvii .wh.vel. 809 507 Cartularium Armandi. 4/o. v. s. xiv. [idem cum No. 79.] 810 508 Etablissemens du Roy Philippe. 8vo.v.s.xiv while vel. 811 509 Do. Do. Louis. 18mo. v. s. xiv. redm. 812 510 Ordonnances sur les Ventes de Bois par le Roi Philippe 8vo. v. s. xv. white vel. 813 535 Privilege du Vicomte de Turenne. v. s. xvi. 811 552 Commissio Justiniani Ducis Venetia;. v. s, xvi. 815 757 ilericurtius De Triumpho Christi adversus Diemonem, habito Lauduni. f. v. s. xvi. C Bedm Excerpr.a ex Plinio. i oblong 4 to. v. 810 770 ^Tymaeus in Platonem. > s. x. ° E.c Mn- { Excerpta ex Pompeio Festo) nast.Tcgcrnaee 817 877 Enchiridion Modicum. 24mo. v.^s. xvii. 818 882 Bernardus de Gordonio, de Vita Humana, f. v.s.xi v.green mor, Ex CclestiniAmbianorum. 819 91G Modus Fisar.di Mercurium. 4 to. v. s. xv. 820 921 Euclides. v. s. xiv. 821 933 I*. Comestor de Temporibus. 8vo. v. s. xiv. 822 941 L’Alphabet de l’Astrologie: par Mynut.4io.cA Dedice a Marguerite de France, Beiue de Navarre 954 Chinese Music. 8vo. ch. 823 10 CATALOGUS I.IBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORl'M IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPP1CA. No. in Cat. Chardin 824 955 Abrege de Sciences. [Turcice.] \2mo.ch. > s. xvii. 825 998 Musee dti Dauphin a Versailles. 1689. 82G 1006 Gallerie Royale. largef. v. s. xviii. Italian and Latin, red mor. 827 1029 Sur la Fabrication de Salpetre. 4/o. eh s.xvi Arms of Jacques Galliott on Veil. Az. 3 star> 828 1451 Juvenal. 8t>o. v. s. xv. brown calf. 829 1503 Gnfii Conflictus Bracciani. 18mo v. s. xv. green mor. 830 1520 Publ. Faust. Andrelini ForoliviensisdeNea politana expugnatione. 8vo. ch. s. xv, ilium Arms of France on 1st page, oiangc velvet. 831 1523 Marbodius de Natura Lapidura. 18 //o. ch. Arabice “donne a M. Biornthal parLe Grand, 1770.” 852 2030 Lucian de Amicitia. v. s. xv. [o/t'mGrolieri.] No. in Cat. Chardin 853 2033 Lucian de Amicitia v. s. xvi. (French.) 854 2040 Isidori Etimologia. [/-Vag/w.] 8 vo. v. s,-xiii. green mor. 855 2041 Nectcrii Orationes. f. ch. s. xvi. large Mi¬ niatures. 856 2050 Les Contemplations deS. Augustin. 4 lo. v.s.xv 11 Enseignement que lc Roy, St Louis envoya de Carthage ou il estoitau Roy Philippe son tiIs. [different to the printed.'] H Do. do. envoya a la Roy tie de Navarre sa fille. \ pas imprinted.] H La fin le Roy St. Louis a sa mort que les Kvequcs de Thuncs envoya aThibault Roy de Navarre. H Ordonnance de la Comtesse d’Alancon et de Bloys quYlle fist a son trespassement. 857 2057 Apotheose de Philippe le Bon. Uvo. v. s. xv. white Veil. 858 2060 Sermon duPere Protoplaste. 2Amo. ch. 1697. 11 Morini Trespassus. 11 Ad vis pour la conservation de la Sante. H Procession de la Liguc, 1580. 859 2104 Entretiene d’un Francois, et d’un Sauvage d’Ainerique. 18 drawings /. ch. s. xviii, 860 2110 Model es dc Lettres. [e« Turc. 1 Uvo. ch. 861 2111 Do. Do. Do. 862 2128 L. Aretini Epislolir./. v.s.xv. 1st.page ilium. Script. Hal. puce morocco. 863 2392 Premiere Decade de Tite Live, “translate par Pierre Berceure. f. v. s. xiv. ill m. red morocco. 8G4 2448 Zacchius de Republ. Bononiensium. 18/wo. v. s. xv. ilium, yellow mor. 865 2532 Lettres du Temps de Louis XIV. 12wo. ch. s, xviii. green mor. 866 2591 Dix Eloges de Louis le Grande, f. c//.s.xviii. green mor. *67 256G Fiber Fibertatuin pro patria Dalphinatus. /. v. s. xiv. green velvet. 8.68 2578 iMermiires sur la France./.c/*.s. xviii. rednt. F’Anee mil sept cent douze sembloit coin- niencer pour la France.” 0G9 2598 Marriage de Philippe d’Espague & Marie d’Angleterre. thin 4to. ch. s. x\i. ilium, wh.v. 870 2613 L’Ancien Batard, Protecteur du Nouveau, traduit de 1’Anglois. 4/o. ch, s. xviii. 1702. 871 2620 llistoria Gentis Othomanicaj. 4/o. ch. s. xv. 1460. Turcice, Turkish binding. 872 2630 Res Gestae ante regnum Ahmedis Khan.— [ Turcice.] 4to. ch. 873* 265G Traite du Blason. 18mo. v.s.xv. ilium. 874 2661 Genealogie de Madame de Luxembourg.VjS.xv 875 2662 Insignia Nobilium Venetorum. /. ch. s. xvii. Arms emblazoned at the sides of the pages, stamped withJleur de lys. red mor. 876 2093 Staluta Universitatis Parisieusis. 4/o. v.&.xiii. 877 2763 Les CEuvres de Rosny, 3 tomes, 1 imprime, 2 MSS. 18mo. ch. s. xviii. red mor. 878 27G5 La Vye d’Emilio Cabriana, Chevalier.l2wo. v. s. xvi. 1538. Arms emblazoned on page L 879 2767 Fontiusde vita Ghiacceti. I 8 // 10 . V s.xvi .ill, 880 2784 Preces. [Armenice,] thick 1\mo. ch. s. xiv. ilium. 881 2787 S. Bernardi Clareval. Exceptiones. 12mo. v. s. xiv. green mor. Ex bibl. Monast , Vallis S. Martini in Lovanio. 882 2780 Quvestiones iu Porphyrium, &c. Uvo. v. s.xiv green velvet. 883 2709 Dictionarium Ilebraicum. 4 to. ch. s. xiv. Lettered on the back 44 Isaac dc Milland.” (ft CODICES MANUSC R I P T I, Ex Bibliothecti M. CELOTTI, (Vide Catalogum Secundum.) Par tim ex Monasterio S. Justini, de Padua, .Bibliotheca Nani, Veneliis; Jesuitarum, de Tours; Salviati, de lloma; Sti. Georgii, Vcuclianem Mafl'ei, de Verona; Moceuigi, Venctiarum . Nunc in Bibliotheca Phillippica depositi. 883 SS7 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 89G 897 898 890 900 901 90> 9«»& 904 905 903 907 903 909 910 Oil 912 914 915 91G 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 92 G 927 928 929 No. in Gat. Celotti 2 Egesippi Historin. f. v. s. xv. black mor. Ex Monast. S. Justini. 5 Commissio Marini Leoni. srii.f. v. 13G7 .ilium, white Veil. 13 Moliuo ConsiIiariiJuvamcntum.4Zo. l r .159d.r.wj, 21 Autonini Consentini Ponti llhomytyrion. 8vo. ch. s. xv. 24 I. Aretini ad Colucium Epistoke.Svox-A.s.xv 25 -in Pluedon. Platouis. 12mo. V. s.xv. russ. 27 Aristoteiis Opera quajdam. (Greece.) 8 vo. ch. 30 - Politica,/. V. s. xiv. rnssia back. 31 - Physica: notis Pacheco. 8 vo. ch. 1599. 32 - Do. Do. Mendiola. 8«r>. ch. 1G14. 35 Sacrobosco de Sphaera. 12mo. V. s. xv. russ. 3G Tractatusde Sphsera.4^0. c/t.s. xiv. (beg. p. 75) H Albionis Geometria. 39 De Eclipsi. 8 do. V. s. xiii. II De Annia Arabum, &c. 42 Fiore del Signore di S. Francisco. Illuricc. 8 vo. ch. s. xv. 45 S. Augustini Epistol?c. 8 vo. ch. s. xv. ^I S. Iiasil. de Legendis Lihris. Vitae S. Albani Martyris, c’v.’c. &c. 4G S. Augustini Liber Soliloquioram. 12 mo. V. s. xv. half vu'&ia. 43 Francis Barbari de Uxoria. 1 Iran. V. s. xv. 49 Do. Do. Do. 12»«o. K.s.xv. 50 Bedie Omeliac. /’. V. s. xiv. black mor. 55 BoetU.Carm-ina.8uo. V. s. xii. russia. 5G Do. de Consolatione Philosophic. Suo. v. s.xiv 53 Johannes^iliusSerapionis»deMedicina. f.\ .s.xv Gl Torre, Canzonette. 8 vo. ch. s. xvii. 1G17. GG Ceruti Carolina. 8 vo. ch. s. xvii. G7 Liber de Chymrgia. f. V. & ch. brown calf. G8 Nicholai Pharmacopoeia, f. ch. s. xv. calf. G9 De Quinta Essentia, sioe de Faiuulatu Philo sophiai. f. ch. s. xv. 70 De Medicina. 73 Oposcoli Miscellanie. ( Chinese ) 6 vols. in a case. ch. with figures. 79 Ciceroius Rhetorica. f. V.9,xv,‘‘ Elsi negociis” Arms, G. 2bars nebulee A. in chief a grey hd.A. 81 Do. Rhetorica. 8 vo. V. s. xii. red mor. “ Siepe ct multum.” 83 Do. Do. •* Etsi negociis. ”f. V. s. xiv. 87 Do. Do. Do. f. ch. s, xv. black mor. 94 Dc. Epistohe. “ Ego onini olficio” /. K.s.xv. red mor. arms on cover, France impaling Castille. 102 Do. Orationes. 103 Do. Do. Clem. 5, Adrian 6, &c. thick Qvo. V, s. xv. ilium, red mor. 107 Conclave de Pontifici. 4 to. ck. s, xvii. calf. 109 Cuoco Napolitano. 8uo. ch. s. xv. 111 Demosthenis Orationes. 8 vo. V. s. xv. russia. 1 12 VincentinoDialogodi Pene Amorose.Suo.c/t.s.xv 115 Disputatio Contardi Januensis cum Judeo. f. ch. s. xv. 120 Epistola> Dominicales & Apocalypsis./.v.s.xiii. 122 S. Marci Evangelium, 8 vo. V. s.xii. hf. russia. 124 S. Mathsei Evangelium. 8 vo. V. s. xii .rcdvelv. 131 Hippocratis Axiomata. 24wro. V. s. xv. ilium, red velvet. 137 Li Reali di Francia.4. ch. s. xviii. 98G 31G Mantova Viaggio da Venezia alia Cina 4 17 15. /. ch. half russia. red sides. 987 317 Yirgilii .Kiieis cum comment, f. ch. s., xv. rvss. 988 321 Do. Veil. .909 323 Scrvius in Virgil./, ch. s. xv. white vcl. 1 1G7. 990 324 Varehi Uistoria di Firenze. 3 vols. thick tico. ch. s. xvii. 991 32G Bonaventune Vita S. Francisci. sm. 4 to. V. s. xiv. black mor. 992 335 Passeri. Vite di Pittori. sm.fol. ch. s. xvii. 993 33G Vita Scholastica. 12/no. V. s. xiv. “ llic rudi- 11111 primo.” 994 389 Elemeus de Geometric. 12/wo. ch. 1778. 995 391 Annotaiiones in Justiniauum, Tholoza. 1G7G. 10 mo. ch. s. xvii. 99G 392 Barbaras de lie Uxoria. If Aretini Citcro novus, “Otioso mihi” If Ciceronis Paradoxa. “ Animadverti Brute.’’ 12 mio. ch. s. xv. 997 395 Bcdocius de Fructu Penitentuc. 2 \mo. V. s. xv 998 39G Ferrieres InstitutionesJiirisCivilis, printed 1731 MS. votes. Vol. 2. Lettered on side * Jean Roussel. 2 vols. 999 399 Gourgues Institutiones Oratorio;, Burdcgala. sm. 4 to. s. xvii. 1000 402 Donati Vila Virgilii. ( Gallicc.) 1001 405 Boethius de Consol. Philosophic./. V.s.xiv. Ex Coll. A gen. 1002 407 Salustius de bello Catiline. 4 o V. s.xiii .calf 1003 408 Ciceronis Paradoxa,Simmium,Topica A micitia *1 Luciani Dialogi. 4 lo. ch. s. xv. 1004 411 Livii Orationes. 4/o ch. s. xv. Ev Coll. A gen. 1005 412 Dupin Rlietorica, liurdigala, I73G, 4tu. ch. brown ealf. 100G 41G Solinus de Mirabilibus Muudi. 8 vo. ch. s. xv. Ex Coll. A gen. 1007 418 Donatus de Barbarismo. If Victorious dc ratione Metrorum If Metronymus Maximus de Cesuris & partibus Orationis. II Tullii Epitaphia a 12 Sapientibus *i Servius super Donalurn. 1i Do dtSyllubis No. in Cat. Cfclotli 1i Servius de Metrorum gerreribus, II Diomcdes de Compositions H Sergius de Literis If Priscian de liguris Numerorum II Do de Aletris Comicis If Anonymus de Constructione Verborum. II Ciceronis Synonima. II Do. de Differcntiis. 1008 422 Fulgentii Mylhologia. 4/o. ch. s. xv. If Phisica Kmidos. If De Diis Paganisini. If Bernard de Cura liei familiaris. If Genealogiadeorum, <&c. 4/o. ch. s.xv. 1405. 1009 42 4 liecueil de Chansons. 1010 425 De Explications Verborum & Dictionum. 4/o ch. s. xv. 1011 428 Siremondi Annotaiiones in Virgilium, Script. Mich. Reginald Mussiponli, 1582. 1012 429 Fourcade, l’Art de Suigner. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. 1013 431 Lcs Ligucs des Roys de France, transcript Jrom an ancient MS. 4to. ch. s: xviii. green Vellum. 1014 432 Cicero de Senectute. “ O Tite siquid.” If Do do Amicitia. “ Quintus Mutius.” II Do. de Repnblica. “ sen Soniinuin Scipionis” If Do. Epislola ad laudes cujusdam nobilis Romani. “ Cum rebus bellicis.” H Diulogus inter Alexandrine Aimibalcm & Minos If Querela Urbis Roma; erga Civcs. “ Siennas’’ 11 Lentnli Epislola dc Christo. 8vo. ch. s. xv. 1015 433 Meriadis Logicu. 4 to. ch. liurdigala. 1787. 1010 43G Do. Physica. 4/o. ch. 1017 437 Do. Meta physica. 4 to. ch. 1018 438 Dunani Philosophia. 1019 439 Parleonis Laudatio in Valcrium. 1i l occatii 'I’ancredus per E. Aretinum. I Polentonus de repertione ossium TitiLivii,His torici. If Lcniuliis, Judje Prmses, De Cliristi Miraculis forma cV Moribus. I 7 Presbytcri Joaimis India 1 rcgis Epistola. If Roxana; Alcxandri uxoris luctus. If Collucii Declamationcs in Lucretiam, Collatini uxorem. H Isthmus murisjungendus, ex Vaticinio Gricco traductum. 4 to. V, s. xv. 1020 443 Gomes La Culpa del Primeroi Peregrine. Ovo. ch. s. xviii. 1021 1 11 Collections in Prosed Poetry, Gallicc, 1022 44G Capri de Ortographia. Incipit “ Hat via,” H Ovibeni de Scansione “ Pcs in metro,” If Uonoratus Marius de Syllabis. II Donates de Artibus ( decst.) 11 Priscian de 12 Carminibus “ Arma virumq.” If Prisciani Grammaiica ‘‘Omnia.’’ II Do. de Accentibus “ Litera cst nota.” H Donatus de Eiguris “ Barbarismus est.” If Beda de Kiguris “ Solet aliquocicns ” 1023 449 Recueil de Poesie. 1024 45L S Pauli Fpistola;. sm.fol. V. s, xi, 1025 452 Petrarchm 1 tinerarium. 4/o. v. § ch y s, xv. If Boccacius dc Fluviis & Montibus. I02G 45G Cypriani Epistola;. 4 to, V, s. xii. 1027 458 Vergier Poesies. 4/o, ch. s,x viii. Ex Bill, Armandi Chevalier. 10*28 4GG Marculphi Formula;. 4to.ch. s.xv. ExColl.Agcn 1029 478 Macrobii Somnium Scipionis. 8 vo. V. s, xi. at the end is a map of the World and a Diatonic Scale , 1030 488 Vitalis de Fontibus de Ludo Schacehorum. V. 1031 502 D’Eperville’s Maison de St Cyr./tyi/o.s.x vi, 1032 503 Repertoire de M. la Baumelle, et ses dille- avee M. Voltaire. 4to. in a case. \ 1033 507 Fragmenta Manuscriptorum. V, ; 1034 509 Do. Do. V. 1035 510 Do, Ilieronymi Epistola;, etc. Catalogus Librorom Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica 13 Codices MSS. Ex Bibliothecis Yarnold, Longman, Rodd, Taylor , SjC. Nunc in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 1036 Gratiani Decretales. Ex JBibl. Mac Carthy, large f. v. s. xii». green mor. No 865. in the Sale Catalogue. 1037 Abdilasi libellus, “Alchabitius” diclus. II Johes. de Saxonia in Abdilasi Alchabitium. II Maly in Centiloquiuin Ptholemsei. ^f Centiloquia Hermetis Be them, & Almansoris. ^ Zahelis Ysmaelitae Judicia. t Join’s* Angeli Astrolabium. I fol. v. s. xv. with numerous singular illumina¬ tions. 201 leaves hf. grn. cf. No. 894. 1038 Ovidii Metamorphoses, glosat. 8 vo.vell. s.xiii. J\To. 829 [039 Prcuves de la Genealogie du Mareschal Retz. 4to. s. xvi, red mor. well written, page 1. ilium. No 832 .040 Reglemens de la Confrerie de la Devotion a la Mode. A Satire. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. pp. 98. No. 842 041 Aurea Legenda Sanctorum. 8 vo. veil. s. xiii. in the old white Leather, 4 brass Knobs. At the end, The Mar¬ tyrdom of St. Anastatia. No, 8.51 042 Leonardi Colucio Epistolie. Olim Collegii Sti. Jero- nymi de Dola, Cluniacensis. s.f. veil. s. xv. hf. red mor. No. 863 043 Molinet Histoire de l’Europe, ab A.D. 1487, ad 1491. Olim Claudii Rous. 4fo. ch. s. xvi. 180 leaves, 870 044 Boscovich’s Journal d’un voyage de Constantinople en Pologne, fait a la suite de Jaques Porter, Ambas sadeur d’Angleterre en 1762. f. ch. s. xviii, cf.gt. pp. 160. No. 876 045 Roman de Lancelot et San Greal. laigcfol. veil. 1357 Purple velvety ornamental brass corners. In a Case. No. 855 046 Roman de St. Greal, & Mort d’Arthuis. large f. veil. s. xiv. ilium, cf. gt. Numerous Coats of Arms in the margins of the large Miniatures. On the end fly leaf some Medical Receipts. “ R. Opii thebaici oley Mandragora;.” &c. No. 856 i)47 Roman de la Morte du Roi Artus.y. veil. s. xiv. grn. velvet with brass corners, Sf clasps. No. 857 048 Higdon’s Polycronieon./. veil, s.xiv. The first 3 boohs are lost, execpt the end of book 2 the beginning of book 3. No. 544 549 Do. Do. Jol. veil. s. xiv. 25 last chapters lost. 550 Chronicle of Brute, ends in 1272. 32 mo. veil. s. xiv hf. wh. v (French.) )51 Thomas a Becket’s Miracles. Anglice. 4*o. ch s. xvi. imp erf , initio et fine, begins folio 19, 196 leaves, minus the first 18. No. 553 )52 Lyfe of St. Jerome, by Syr N. N. prest of ye Monas¬ tery of Syon, ye which is comynly callyd Shene. 8vo. ch. s. xv. bin. cf. old No. 558 ^ 878. Dedicated to Margaret, Duchess of Clarence. Ex Bibl, Rici. Townley. )53 Manuscriptum JEthiopicum. 32 mo. vet. s. xii. >54 Off ye Venerabull Soper yt our Lorde Jhu made. V2mo. ch. s. xv. hf. pchmt No. 557 >55 Coats of Arms of English Families,& Foreign Princes 1i Names of those who came in with the Conqueror & of the 24 first Knts. of the Toison d’Or. obi. 4 to. ch. s. xvi, hf. red russ. No. 554 1056 Beda de Naturis Rerum, 24 mo. *[[ Proverbia. If Sermo de Dedicatione Ecelesite. ^ Epistola de Affectibus Animae. Scriptura Anglica. H Walteri Mapes Epistola ad Socium uxorari vo-. lentem. H Apocalypsis. 24 mo. veil. s. xii. red russ. Olim J. Strutt. 1057 Collectanea pro Bangor, Merioneth, See. H Ex MSS. Mri. Owen. II Hist, of Owen Glyndwr. IT Exeerpta ex MSS. in Coll. Jesus, f Sheriffs of Merioneth. ^ Bishops, & Deans of Bangor, Sc Merioneth. H Dedications of Caernarvon Churches. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. wh.v. Ex Libris Johls.Thomas,Coll.Jesus. 1058 Edw. Jones’s Collections for Merioneth, H On the History, & Poetry of Wales. If Survey of Harlech Castle. 4to, ch. s. xviii. wh. v. 1059 Herald’s Scrap Book, containing Church notes for Shrewsbury, & mauy interesting Notes, & observa¬ tions from various Authors, f Ancient British Alphabet. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. 1060 Journal of Nathaniel Bonnel. 1688. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. 1061 Voyage d’un Hollaudois dans le Midi de France, Ao. 1804 .fol.ch. 1062 Memoires de Abraham Wicquefort, 1672. 8 Vols. Lf. ch. s. xviii. wh. v. Vol. 1 .pp. 320. Plates. 1063 Catalogue of Touruay Manuscripts, by Sir Thomas Phiihpps, Bart. 12mo. ch. s. xix. H Catalogue of his Books, 4* MSS. bought abroad. 1064 Ricardus Monachus de Situ Britanniae 4 to. ch. s. xviii. brn. cf. Olim Edwdi. Daniel Clarke. 1065 Common-Place Book. (Dutch.) 4to. ch. loO'l* Beckwith’s Yorkshire Collectanea, in large fol. case, now bound in several Vols. 1067 Incommende Brieven den Yare 1664, a Register of Letters written to the States General of the Netherlands, very tnk.fol. ch. (750 leaves.) 1068 Cartm Originates 4U0 pro Com. Suffolk, (to be boun c in *2 Vols.) 1069 Do. Do. 5,000 pour l’Histoire des Abbayes & Villes, de France. Chiefly of the Town of To urn ay. bound in many vols in roan , dk. blue cf. H Bullte Abb. Silvae Majoris de Bourdeaux. f. v. dk. blu. cf. 1070 Do. Do. 50, pro Co n. Southampton. ! Vol. 1071 Sir Wm. Pole’s Collection of Antieut Deeds, copied by Edwin Offer from the Original in Queen’s College, Oxford, with drawings of the Seals, fol, ch. s. xix. pp. 430 10/2 Shah Nameh of Ferdousi, the Persian Poet. Pers. From Paris; in a red mor. case, loose leaves. 8 vo. many illuminations. 1073 Alfonzo de Madrigal’s Tostado del Amistad,sz!>e, Bre- viloquio de Amor et de Amicitia. Dedicated to King Don Juan 2nd. ./• c/t. s. xvii. wh, vel. 135 Sheets 1074 Ram et Loxmati, ( Persice .) with illuminations 418 JJUgeSi 8 vo. ch. bombyc. s. xvi. russ. gilt. 1075 Ecclesiastes, translated by Corneille Coels,l5S7. De¬ dicated “A la Majeste de la Royne d’Augleterre Seule Phenixe sans seconde en terre.” f. ch. s. xvi. brn cf. gt. 1076 Gratiani Decretales, sive Corpus Juris Cauonici. Vol 2nd. l.fol. v. s. xii. cf. gt. 1077 Merrick’s History of Glamorgan, Copied by Ladj P. 14 IvATALOGUS LlBEORCM MaNUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 1S25. 4(0 ch. s. six. hf. red mar. 107S Yorkshire Pedigrees, by Buck./o/io. ch. 1079 Ordinary of Anns ot Kent, by Warbui ton f.ch s xviii. 10SO Arms in Trick. Olim Johis. Holland, fol. ch. s. xvii. 1081 Ligucs des Roys de France, 1082 The Three Cooks of Colebroke, s. Ato. ch. s. xviii. hf. wh, cf. 29 leaves. 1083 Samuel Palmer’s (of Epsom,) Version of the Psalms. s. Ato. ch. s. xviii pp. 306 1084 Cartularium de Billeswyke, prope Bristol. Ato. veil • s. xv. 241 leaves, wh . It hr. uld Monastic binding, 1085 Cartularium S. Augustini, de Canterbury, s Ato veil. s. xiv. rgh. cf. 344 leaves. Olim S. Lchv.Deiing,Bart- with his Anns on the. sides, many leaves tit is placed Alexandri, Prioris de Essebi, Liber Festivalis. Carmen. If Petri Blc-seusis Epistolse ad Henricum R. Anglia:. 1086 Rentale Abbatias S. Martini de Tournay. 1, List of the Abbots, in Verse, fol. veil s. xiii. u h.v. 1087 Sir T. Pbiliipps’s Execrpta cx Cartulariis Abbatbiarum Boscharvill, & Foritevraud, in Normanuja, de Prioratibus de Amesbury, & Avebury, Co. Wilts 1 Umo. ch. s. six. circa 1828-9. loSS Cartae de Ecclesia de Bangor ? an idem cum No. 309. lUb9 Bed® Ilistoria Gentis Anglorum./. veil. s. xii. initio Olim Mouast. S Viti de Gladbach. ivooden boaras. 1090 Lettres ecrites a l’Amiraute de Dunkerque ab Ao. 1620. ad 1659. fol. ch. s. xvii wh. v. 250 leaves. 1091 Boccacio de Casibus lllustrium, cum Prologo. Prologus Boccacii ad Inghuardum de Cavalcan- tibus, de Florencia, Sicilive Marcscallum. (Ohm L. J. Raussinj fol. veil. s. xv. 1092 V. Beda in Luca: Evangeliuin. with 2 letters of Acca to Bede, & Bede to Acca. fol. veil, s xi. in fine. hf. dk. orange cf. Fly leaves of [)th. or 10 th. Century. Olim Monast. Gladbach. 1093 L’Arbie de Batailles. Ato. veil. s. xiv, ilium. Written by Jno. Cathelart, nacione Britannia, in 1397, be¬ fore the Port St. Andrea des Arch is. 1094 Consuetudines Tornacenscs. fol. ch. 8. xvii. 74 leaves• Olim Du Rieu. 1095 S. Augustinus in Johannis Evangel, fol. veil. s. x. 1096 Toison de Jacob, par Guillaume, Eveque de Tournay & Abbe de St. Berlin, fol. ch. s. xvi. runs. 1097 Jacques de Marquais Marlyrologe de Rome. «j Les Vies de Saints des Pa>s Bas. f.ch.s xvi. 1592. old bin. cf. Ex Abb. S. Martini de Tournay, (Press M. No. xix.) 1098 Traite sur les Fiefs de Flundres, 2e.&3eme. centuries. Bruxelles.,/, ch. s. xvii. 1099 Hoccleve’s Translation of ^Egidiusde Roma. In this Hoccleve is a Portrait of Chaucer, drawn apparently by the renter of the Book. H John Watyibeclie’t. Translation of Boetius, 1410. Ato. ch. s. xv. old cf. gilt. 1100 La Reception du Coneile de Trente en Irance. Ex Abb. S. Martini de Tornaco, marked bo. A. jol. ch. s. xvii. pp. 4l4 and Index, wh. v. 1101 Chants Royaux sur fAcademie de l'lmmaculee Con¬ ception a Rouen./, ch. s. xviii. grn. veil, with traced dra wings , other papers loose. 1102 Donations a l’Eglise de Elobecque./o^. eh. s. xvii. 1103 Arrets de Malines, par L. Cuvellier. 1630. fol. ch. s. xvii, pp. 136. 1104 Zuallart s Histoire de 1’Europe a 1574, ad 1579. /. ch. s. xvi. [I 1105 Valincourt sur les Prises en Mer. 1690. sm. Ato. ch. s. xvii. cf.gt. Olim J. B. Loyer. A Note in the hand of the Comte de Toulouse, Amiral de Franee, says “Get Traitte est de la Composition do M. Valincourt ! qtii me l'a donue en 1719-” 1 1106 Claude Du Pont Genealogiede la Maison de Mont- fort. Part '6. fol. ch. s. x'ii. 1667-80 pp. 276. 1107 Chamberland’s Odes on Miss Monkton, LordCarmar- then, &c. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. 1768. 1108 Cartularium Ecclesia: de Landaff. pari only, transcript by Sir T. P .from the Copy oj W. Ormsby Gore, Esq. at Porkington, near Oswestry. Ato. ch. s. xix. ]109 Roger de Baronio de Medicina./td. veil. s. xiv. 1 110 De Medicina. veil, s- xiv. Ex Jac. Tayior. 1111 Ambrosius de Psalmo 118 .fol. v. s. xiv. blk. cf. If Fulgentius de Fide. If S. Augustinus ad Petrurn de Fide. 1112 Genealogia, & Armoviale Alemannicum. Fraymenls beginning p. 494 ending p. 662: from 516 to 625 are also missing, thin fol. ch. s. xviii. 1113 Inventarium Chartarum Mechliuensium , from 1113. Requestes presentees en le Couseil de Brabant parle Roy 1675. Loosepapersbd. separate fch. s.xvii. thinf. ch. s- xviii hr. wh v. 1114 Antiphonale. 4 to. v. s. xiv. old binding, brass knobs. 1115 Miracula S. Benedicu (Ex Abb. 8. liertini apud St. Ouier .) Jol. v. s. xii. 1116 S. Augusiinus de Veibo Domini in Monte. 1i S. Augustin, contra Munieheos. 1i Petri i ieceusis Aurora. This is lost; the Preface only remains. Ex Bibl. Camberoue. s.jul. v. s. x>i. wh. cj. 1117 Rentale Abbatiue de Campenkout. Ato. v. s. xv. lilU Flemish Law Reports, 4 cubs.Jol ch. s. xvi. xvii. ltiy Sententie van den Raede van Flaenderen. Liber Sentenciaruui perJohannein Rodolphi, ala. Flamingi, Othcialem Caiueracensem, in Bruxella latarum 144b. begins with. “Serment ties Eabri- cateurs. It contains the Acta Coneihi Civitatis Bru¬ xelles. 296 leaves J. v. s. xviii. (old No. v 711. fin Haynes's Catalogue.) 1120 Reeueil de Placcarts de Flaudres,& de Brabant. Vol. i Vol. 2. Traite des Charges Pubnques. /. ch. s. xv 111. wh. v. pp. 680. Pul, 3. pp. 536. 1121 Vita: Sanctorum. 2 vols, fol. max. v. s. xiii. 1122 Du. Do. 1123 Interpretatio Nominum Hebraeorum. Chiysostoini “Nemo laedi potesi,” 8tc. \timo. v. s. xi. & xii. hf. red russ. pp. 128. 1124 Collecta pro Festis. 1125 Exceptioues super Cantica. a fragment. 1126 Gregorialis. 1127 Pii 2di Epistulte. 8 vo. ch, s. xv. folia 101. hf. cf, new back. 1128 Bernard Clareval in Cantica. sm. /. v, s. xii. morune cf. 140 leaves. (Jit the end is a Historical Fragment of fourteen lines unly, relating to a Peace between the Emperor of Greece and the Emperor of Ger¬ many.) Verbelen de Bruxelles , 1824 . 1129 Van der Beke Cronyke van Utrecht, Ao. 14J8. fol ch. s. xv. cf. gilt. pp. 310. 1130 Cronica Episcopates Tongrensis. Catalogus Lirrorum Manitscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phili.ippica. 15 1131 Vita S. Clotildse, & Ilermingardie. i Qmo, ch. s. xvii. (1671.) wh. v. pp. 170. 1132 Insignia Yelleris Aurei. (French.) 8 vo, ch. s xvi. red russ. pp. 3S4 arms emblazoned. 1133 Obituariurn Hospit. S. Petri Infirmorum, apud Bru- xellas. s. 4to. ch, s. xv. dk. cf. pp. 114. 1 j34 Obsidio Sylvae Due's, Ao. 1629. s. 4 to. ci.s.xvii.wh.v. 1135 Treaties ol' Peace. 3 Vols. Vol l begins with the “Ac¬ cord betw. Brabant, Sf Flanders, in 1330.” II Vol. 2. Vol, 3. /. ch. s. xvii. lif.grn. ef. 1136 Byse’s Secret Remarks on the Death o! Baruvelt. f. ch. s. xvii. 1137 History of the Foresters of Flanders. 1138 Uhronicon Fundatiouis Monast. Novae Lucis in Valle Floruru prope Ullraject./. ch. s.xvi. hf. wh.o pp. 54. 1139 Revenus da Roi d’Espagne dans les Pays-Bus, /. ch s. xviii. hf. wk. v. pp. 142. 1140 Index Diplomatum de terris dominicis Regis in Belgia./. ch. s. Xvi. boards. Old No. 2042. llll Die Ungelukkige Graviu, a Tale. It appears to be the History of Jacoba Van Beyeren. 4 Vols now bd. in one Vol.pp, 940 ,fol. ch. s. xviii. It. bin. cf. 1142 Charges Publiques dans le Duclie de Brabant thick sm. 4 to. 672 pages ( Olim R. E. S warts.) with Index. Ex Biblioth. Bibliopolce Var rent rap apud Frankfort super Mcenum. 1143 Leben der Martyr./, ch. s. xv. (1476.) folia 375. illu¬ minated. Olim Collegii de YVengen Uilmae. 1144 Hemic. Buiihic super Decretales. Written at Amberge./. ch. s. xv. 1415. in hogskm. on Cover 1 are punted 2 deeds , one dated 1304, 1145 De Cado, & Mundo. /’. ch. s. Xv. 1146 Nicolai de Cecilia Lectura super 10 Decretalium. /. ch. s. xv. old wooden covers. 1147 Bernardus super Guniica. (1476.)/. ch. s. xv. U Sermones in lu Preceptu. Do. de Corpore Christi. on the Covers are pasted some German Docu¬ ments; one relative to the rebellion of the Scholars against their Masters in some School, in 1406 1148 Christiani Comment, in Matheum. 4 to. veil. s. xi. hog- skin Scriptura cursiva. The jig leaves contain Ant>_- Guidonian Music, i.e. before Guido d’Arezzo. The Preface to this Book says. “Venerabilibus in Christo Patribus iu coenobiis S. Petri, &c. cognominibus Stabulaus, & Malmundario, Deo militantibus, et ad feliciora teudentibus, Vir fidelis, Cbristianus, in- dignus Saeerdos, presentis avi pacem ac prosperita- teui, aeternaeque beatitudini in splendoribus Sancto¬ rum, cum Rege Regum, Arbitro seculorum, optat societatem.” Olim ex Abb. S. Michaelis prope By¬ burg. 154 leaves. 1149 Augustinus de Cohabitacione Mulierum. H In Vitam, & Revelationes S. Bright®. «I S. Bernhardi Sermones. 4/o. ch-s. xv. old red Ithr. 1150 Tiactatus de Morborum Curis. f. ch. s. xvii, pp. 340. ^ De Arthritidis Cura. On a loose Paper. 1151 Valerius Maximus. 1152 Vitae Sanctorum Germanise, Teclte; Apollonire, Fidei, &c. At the end “Bitten Got fur die Schryberyn Swester Susanna YVeolyn. Ao.1493. After St.Ursula, iswritten “Geschrieben und geendit an demhaili., gen tag S. Johis. ante Portam Latinam denewirdigen, & geistlichen frowen, zu Sefflingen, anno Dm- MCCCCLXXXXI11. gare Johanes Kursii, Capplan zu Urspringen. thk. 12 mo. eh. s.xv. brass clasps . 1153 Vitte Sanctarum Germaniau thk. 8 vo, ch. s. xv. 1154 Relatio Feudalis Compromissi inter jFerdinandum Arcliiep.Colonice, contra Statum Patria:,&c;referente Wernero Thumnieramuth 1643. pp. 466 besides In¬ dex. Ex Bibl. Ambrosiana , with a Coat of Arms, f. ch. s. xvii. 1155 Leben Christ!. Script. 1460, per Johem. Schnell, Capcllanum de Burlijngen. s, 4to. ch, s. xv. ryh. cf. brass knobs. 1156 Chartie Antique. veil. 1157 Terentius,cum Scholiis; the Andria only. It once con" tained the Eunuchus, Heautontimommenos, Adolp¬ hus, Phormio, Ethera./. ch. s. xY.at the end is. YI Forma participation^ in Majori Domo Carthusiae per Ricardum, Priorem. 1158 Chorale Carthusiense. f v. s. xv. wh. hogskm. 1159 V. Beda in Libr. Tobiie./. veil. s. xii. 7 leaves brn.cf, 11.60 Dictionarium Latino-Germanicum per Johem. Bem- hart, de Ochsenfourt (?Oxford ) 1460. 1161 Petri Comestoris Historia Scolastica. thinf.vell. s.xii. brn, cf. 1162 Vita S. Gregorii Papae, a Johe. Levita./. v. 6. xii. YI YVolfhardi, Presbiteri, Vita Scae. YY'alpurgae, Er- kenbaldo, Episcopo Eys.tettensi, dedicata. YI Vita S. Catharinse. U Historia Scolastica# Beda in Tbobiam. f veil. s. xii. brn. cj. ilium. 1163 Vita S. Catherines. f. veil. s. xii. brn. cf. 1164 Statuta Bremensia. 1165 Psalterium. thk. 4 to, ch, s. xv. 1487. numerous ilium. On J'olio ly are these lines. “Scriptoris anim.1 cor¬ poris ergastuloe xuta Hermanni Tratz hoc solo refec- ti prebenda de Frewdenwerg, Veronica> tuque Chris¬ ti Sponsa, Deum cum cobs corde, sit tibi commen- data.” In the B. of Beatus is a Drawing of a large * building , probably of Seeligenport Abbey. Leaves numbered to 165, Then follow the Lectionarium, & A short Chronicle of the Abbey of Seeligenport, to which this book belonged in the year 1222. The Calendar is ilium. $ in the beginning, before the Psalter, are the portraits of Herman, his wife. In a later hand on p. 1 is written “Ex Bibliotheca Rfiisackiorum.” 1166 Autonius Rampigollis de Virtutibus./. ch. s. xv. Anlonius in Ins Preface thus describes himself\ # ‘Rehgiosis Viris Neapolitani conventus, Ord. Frm. Eremitarum Sti. Augustini,Fr. Antonius Raupelogus de Janua, ejusd. Ordims, in Dno- salutem. Opus, epuod incipit, “Christo coutisus sum.” 5| Opus aliud, i/tcip. “Nota laxanti quorum.” II Fabuiae. bey inning with, The YVolf, ife the Stork* IT Tractatus Anselmi. 1167 Boetius de Consolatione. s. 4to. veil. s. xiv fragment. This formed part of a large Vohmic, of which this contains only folia 166 to 173. ( See No. 1171.) 1168 Drakenborchn Dictata in Ovidii Heroides. 3 Vols. 4to. ch. hf. red cf. 1169 Almeloveen Dictata in Justinum, et Florum. 2 vols. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. //. red cf. 1668. H70 Leibnitz Autograph Letters. 4 to. cli. s. xvii. pp.184. Olim T. de Murr, ex dono Dni. de Duve. 16 Catalogus Lierorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phulippica. 1171 Priscianus de Accentibus, & Donatus de Barbarismis. s. Ato. veil. s. xiv. Ex Abb. S. Jac. Leodiens. Olim F. C. Mathias. It formed, part of a larger Vol. of which, this contains folia 2U6 to 220 , & is the end of the Vol. No. 1167 above mentioned. 1172 Vita S. Elizabeth®, s. 4 to. s. x ii. 1234. red russ. Atfol 19. is The Evidence of C. Bishop of Hilda, as to the Authenticity of the Miracles, 1234. 102 leaves. x 173 De Scriptoribus de Re Nuinmaria. 4/0 ch. s. xvui.pp. 328. Old No 1627- 1174 Odes Philippiques, par La Grange, with explanatory Notes./, ch. s. xviii. 1175 Lcben 8. Bernard, & S. Augustin’s Enchiridion.Sro.c/a. s. xv. hf. wh. v. Ex Bibl. J. B. Nack, de Frankfort. 1176 Honorius Solitariusde Gemma Animae. 1177 Alberti Magni Orationes in Libros Sententiarum. U Mariale, sioe,Sertum B.V. Mari® contextum cum 60 rosis, quarum qu®libet rosa continet lyueatn. thk. 24 to. ch. s. xv. ilium. 1178 Trauriges Scliicksal der Stadt Frankenthal, i/94. Dedicated to Fontanesi 0 / Mauheim. s Ato.ch.cf.gilt. U 70 * . Turcice. Taken at the Siege of Buda in Hungary. MSS. achetes a Berne, en Suisse. Ex Bibl. Engel, Ochs Bibliopolce, 4'C. 1179 Schweitz Reformation Geselschafft, 1713. j.ch. 3 . xviii. cf. gilt. 1 180 Les Alliances de la Suisse./, ch. 1181 Zurich Satzung;/. ch s. xviii. cf. 1182 Register das Veuuer Reglement. 8. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. hf. cf. 1183 Lettres et Memoires d’Etat, sur la Suisse. V Lettres du Due de Choiseul, &c. 1766'. large f. ch. s. xviii. hf. wh. v. 1 104 SamuelisEngel Helvetiorum Bibliotheca Cronologica, to 1743./. ch. s. xviii. wh. v, old No. 10 . 1185 Burger’s Punktcn der Stat Berne, 1727./. ch. s. xviii. Olim J. Rudolfi Fellenberg. pp. 94. wh. v. 1186 De Arte Notarialus. \2mo. ch. s. xviii. pp. 108. 1187 Burger’s Puncten, ad 1741./. ch. s. xviii. pp. 104- wh. v. Olim Burkh. Engel. 1188 Do. Do. ad 1764./. ch. s. xviii. wh. v. p. 114. Old No. 12. 1189 Anemones Lois du Pays de Vaud 1 lgO Handveste von Berne./*, ch. s. xvi. 1598. 316 folia. 1191 Catalogus Pradicatorum Bern®. 4 to. ch. s. xvii wh.v- 1192 Nummi Bracteati Zoflingenses. Ato. ch. s. xviii. 1 193 Instruction fur den Roche Commission, 1731. s. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. H 94 Schweitzer Krieg, 1712. Ato. ch. s. xviii. cf. yt. old No. 67 . 1195 Diarium, seu Rosche Kreiss Buch, 1731, sm. Ato. ch, s. xviii. wh. v. 1196 Gerichts Satzung der Stat Berne. l8mo. ch. s. xviii. 1 L97 Hcimlicher Bcsatzung tier Stadt Berne ad ana. 1782 s. obi. 4 to ch. 1198 Verzeichniss aller Frumdt Kindes des Grossen Spit- taals der Stat Berne. 1199 Lettres et Remarques sur la Suisse in 1767./. ch s. xviii. hf. wh. v. 1200 Vincent Steiger’s Geschlecht Buch der Stadt Berne. 1771 to 3. 1i Steiger’s Verzeichuiss jeniger Regiments nahigen Geslechteren, 4fo. ch. s. xviii. red paper 1201 De Arte Notariatus./. ch. s. xviii. in Dialogue. 1202 Burger's Puncten, 1783./. ch. s. xviii. rvh. v. 1203 Do. Do. 1770. f. ch. s. xviii. p. 130. wh. v. N. B.—All the above MSS. are from the Collection of Samuel Engel, of Berne, author of the “Catalogus Libro~ rum liarioruin .” beside which are many Papers in bundles from the same Library, for which see page 40 hujus Cata¬ log i. 1204 Tigurineren Geschlachter Buch. 6 inches thk. fol.ch. 8. xvii. stamped binding, brn. cf. Old Nos. 5,196,436 1205 Geschlecht Buch von Berne. 3 Vols. fol. ch. a. xviii. Vol,\. pp. 350 VoL'lpp. 344. Vol 3. pp. 32.$* Index , 1206 Fussli’s Leben der Breitingor./. ch. s. xviii. 1721. wh. v. pp. 640. with his Portrait. 1207 Eterlin’s Croueck von Schweitzerlaud. f. ch. 1208 Collectanea de Zurich-/', ch. s. xvii. Old No. 1637* wh. stamped Vel. 1209 Histone von Dry, Schweitz, & Unterwald. injured by damp thk. Ato. ch. bds. s. xviii. pp. goi. beside Index. 1210 Handveste und Satzung zu Berne. 15S7. f. ch. s. xvii. wh. stamped Vel. Old No. 20. 1211 Ohmgelt Rammer Ordnungen ad 1771./. ch. s. xviii. hf. cf. old No. 922 1212 Murten Satzung. f. ch. s. xviii. wh. v. pp. 320 . 1213 Geschlacht Buch der Stat Bern, to 1783. continued to 1796. Vol 2nd. f.ch. wh. v. 1214 Cronica der xiii. Ort, ab A. 1351- ad 1579. a Pencil note says “this Book ought to be deposited in the Bibl. de Berne.” Ex Bibl. de M. le Doyen Grouner, & olim A. R. Tschiffeii. f. ch. s. xvi. pp. 458. wh. stamped Vel. 1215 Handveste zu Bern. ch. 1216 Do. Do. f.ch. 1217 Eydgenossen-Schaft von Ostc-rreich, &c. Pars. Ata. 1218 Schilling’s Kroneck von der Schweitzerlaud./*. ch. 1219 Cronologie des Bernerischen Leben Weaens. /. ch • s. xviii.^3. 102. 1220 Infeudatio regni Sicilia;, f. ch. s. xviii. wh. v. begins with a Latin Poem. “Dux ubi Roggerius Guiscardi clara propago "being a transcript from some older MS. 1i Fragment of a Chronicle. (? inedited.) 1221 Franchises du Pays de Vaud. /'. ch. s. xv. pp. I 26 . 1222 Register der Statuten der Berne. 12wo. ch. s. xviii. 1790. red mor. 1223 Traite de Commission tire de Savoye sur les Droits Feoduux. Ato. ch. s. xviii. hf. wh. v. 1224 Geschworeu Brief den Stat Zurich. ch. s. xvii. wh.v. 1225 Zurich Satzung. site de Legibus Civitatis Zurich 1489. wh. v. 1226 Instruction fur die Post Commission, s. Ato. ch, s. xviii. pp. 50. red cf. 1227 Statistik von Saltzburgh. sm. Ato. ch. s. xviii. part only, beginning p. 256. to 384. some leaves cut out. 1228 Franchises d’Echallens. sm. Ato. ch. s. xviii. cf.gt.p.M, 1229 Municipal Ordnungen der Stadt Freyberg. H B rger Meister Ordnungeu. H Gelts Tag, do. 11 Weltgesetzte, or Constitutiones betreffend den Grossen Rath die 200. 2 Vols.Svo. ch. s.xviii. brn. cf. Vol. 1. pp. 260. Volfl.pp, 261 ad 574. 1230 Ordnungen der Ohm Rammer./, ch. s. xviii. hf.wh.v. 1231 Register uber das Vernier Reglement, 1778. 8vo. ch. s. xviii. hf. cf. Olim Gottlieb Muller. I 1232 Solothurn Gericht Satzung./. ch. s.xviii. hfcf.p.3 06 [I 1233 Das Rotlie Buch fur Bern. Ato. ch. s. xviii. pp. 3?6* Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 13 * 234 Instniction fur die Roche Commission, s, Mo. ch. s. xviii. pp. SO. 235 Coutumes de Fribourg, Sp Pays de Yaud. fol ch. s. xviii, pp. 240. hf. wh. vel* 23G Interlachen Laud Satzung .f.ck. s.xviii. pp.66.kf.wh v. 237 Vereinigung Bischoff Hermans von Constanz mit der Eydgenossenschafl Buhdt./.c/i.s.xvii.pp.l84.A/Ivy&.». 238 The Region buch, sice, Parochiale Pagi Bernensis. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. pp. 2G8. 239 Extraits du Coutumier du Pays de Vaud. /. ch. s. xviii. pp. 246. 240 De Arte Noturiatus. f. ch. s- xviii. wh. v.pp. 65. 241 Coutumier du Pays de Vaud abrege. lSmo.ch.&.xvU. well written. 242 Register das Rotheu Buch. 12 mo. ch. s. xviii. bds. 243 Tbemata Serraonum do Tempore, & de Sanctis. Script. 1439. per Rcctorem “isto tempore sui Rectoris Scolariumin Andelfingen.” ihk. 12 mo* ch. s. xv. wh. hogskin stamped. A Fragment of Antc- Guidonian Music in the binding. 244 Regula S. Benedicti. (Teulonicc.) thk. l2m>. ch. s. xiv. Ex Alb. Otenburea. old Monadic H iding in wh. leather with iron knobs, 245 De Planetis. 12 mo. veil. s. xiii. wh. of. 31 leaves. 246 Orationes site, Sermones. Galilee. H La Passion de Jesu Christ, 8 vo. v. 8. xiv, (1393.) dk. cf.pp. 198. On the 1st. page of the Passion, the author sags “A la requeste de puissante princesse, Dame Ysabelde Bavieres,Royne deprance,J’ay translate ! cette Passiou de latiu en Francois, l’an mil j CCCXIIxx. et XVIII. 247 Psalterium. veil. sacc. .. 248 Antiphonale. s. 4 to. v. s. xiii. wh. stamped Ilogskoi, brass knobs. At the end are 6 fragments on Veil. $• Paper , among which is a liymu to St. Nicholas- with Music, dated 1564. 249 Collectarium. sm. f. veil. s. xiv. wh, stamped hog- skin. — At the end “Officium Defunctorum.” 250 Egidius ltomanus de RegiruinePrincipum./'.ve/Ls.xiv. Scriptura Itahca.bd. in rcdltker. 251 Psalterium, cum Notis Musicis. f. v . s, XV. wh. v . On the Covers are pasted 2 deeds, the first is of .. Borth, burgensis de Friburg. Near 'the end of the MS. is the Eyrie Eleyson, with* these peculiar Saints^ St. Edmund, Malachia, Willerme, Robt. R. 252 Franchises d’Echallens, 1711.' 253 Register das Rotheri Bucli. 8 vo* ch. s. xviii. hf. cf. The Title says. “Register welches das wesentlichste dess Rothcn Buchs und der Burger’s Puukten enthaltet, so wie die wichtigsten Verordnungen in den Policey und Maudateu Buchern bis 1785, nebst vieletf Citationen aus den Raths-Manualeu, Venner Reglement, und Curialien-Buch fast urn die Heiflle Yermehrt, 1792.” 254 Compendium Artis Heraldic*. Arms tricked, thin 4 to. ch. s.xviii. hf. tvh.v. Otim Roderic Stettlerl744* 255 Discourse sur la Bataille de Morat s. llo ch. s. xviii. pp. 44. red mor. 256 Register liber de Ordnungen und Decreta Pubiica in Stadt Berne, in denen Policey und Mandalen Bu- clieren. thk. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xviii hf. wh. x.pp. 712. 257 Burger’s Pundt, Ao. 177 6.fol. cA.s.x viii .hf.wh.v.impft. 258 Decreta Concilii 200 in Slat Berne, fol. ch. s, xvii. At p. .. is a Table of the Degrees of Affinity, in Circles, with the bead of the Pater in the Centre. 259 Burger’s Pundt 1702. fof.c/i.s.xviii.p.84. old No, 201. Olim Herr Ilieronymi Fischer. 1260 Interlaehen Satzung 1737. fol. ch. s. xviii. old No, 19. 44 leaves. Olim Wmi. Sinner. K Register uber der Landt Leuten der Herrschaft Interlacken Landsatnung. 74 leaves. 1261 Justinger’s Chronik von Berue, sixe, Histoire de la Suisse, fol. ch. s. xviii. Incipit. “Von der Anfang der StaU.Bem.- Daiumb an Sant Vincentzen Abend.’ 5 Part l contains 354 pages. Part 2, 164 pages. 1262 Satzung von Berne, f. ch. 3. xvi.^?, 550. in wooden. boards, stamped Hoyskin buck. 12G3 Caubii Chemiae Praxis, 4 to. ch. s. xviii. pp. 08G. some loose leaves at the end. Ex Bibiioth. Bibliopolce Verbegst, de Bruxelles. 1261 Cronicon Brabantiaj, 12 mo. v. Sf ch. s. xv.cf. gilt. Incipit. “Quoniam de Ducibus Brabantiae. Versus de Carolo Magno. De Johe, Duce Burgundi*. Gesta Pontixicam Tungrensium ad Ann. 1340 8 cum continuations mauu heoterica ad 1518. Ex Bill. Grimbergensi, ac in 1638fait Preinonstra- teusibus Lovanii. 1265 Cronicon Gandeuse, van deren Ord meest te Ghent. f.ck. in 2 parts,— pt. 1 144 pages, — pt. 2, 426. pages. 1266 Pieces Antiques sur Bruxelles. I 1267 La Vie de Su Athanase. Tom. v. Livre xi.s/n. Mo. ch. s. xvii. old cf. gilt. 1268 Armoriale ties Roys de France. Alo. ch- 8. xvi. in biazon, hf. grn. mor . 1269 EVenemens remarquables dc Lille depuis 1419 ad aim. 1700. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. cf.gilt . S270 Histoire Clironologique des Gouverneurs des Pays- Bas, depuis Marie de Bourgogne jusqn’a nos jours 175 3.f. ch . s.xvi ii .red mor. gilt. Jn this V-ol. is a short account of some of Q. Anne’s Ministers, i. e. the Duke of Marlborough, &c. 1271 Memoires de la Guerre sur la Religion, depuis 170 jusqu’a I706. Aio. ch. s. xvih. -pp. 392. with plan ,4 Portraits . 12TO Actus sur'la Religion dans lesPuyg Bas. f, ch. s. xvi. ■ circa l¥j0.cf.gt. 336 leaves, 1273 Armorial des Pays Bas. In trick, some on veil, pasted in./, ch. s. xviii. hf. grn, if* 1274 Cart* Caroli 5ti. A ^ > ij Cart* Alberti, Sc Isabelhu./oZ«eA.s. xviii. wh. v . 1275obis. Cara Vita Constitatio. is.de J’Ord re do Malthe. 2 Voh. f. ch. cf. gilt, “dacqt^emm scripsit If e. copied.) 1750. Not. 1 contains 642 pages, 4 Index. Vol% 2. dq. ..638. do. do. 12-76 Titres du Pays-Bas, & . Pieces Historiques pour les Auuees lbGc-9. thk. fol. ch. s. xvii. 625 leases. Ex Bibiioth • M. Lammens, de Ghent 1277 Froissart’s Cronique de Flaiidres. Vol. 2nd. 1. fol. veil. s. xv. hf. cf. from fol. 28 to fol. 145, of Galliot du Pre s edition. 1278 Senee* Epistolae. fol. veil. s. xiv. hf. cf. Ex Abb. Camberone. II Do. de Beneficiis, & dementia. *1 Do. de 4 Virtutibus, sice, Copia Verboruni. f Do. In Troade. 14 ' Catalogus Librorum Maniiscriptorum in Bibliotheca PHiLLirriCA. H Do. Proverbia. .1 If Do. de Mcmoria sua in Scnectute; in which he j! speaks of his wonderful memory when young y ' which was so tenacious, that, if any one related to jj him 2000, (duo milia .)names, he could repeat them ij ail in lhe order in which they mere told to him; Sf if j 200 of his Master’s Scholars should each recite a verse, he could repeat them all, beginning with the j last, Sf going bin kveards to the first. 1279 Roman ue la Heine aux Grandes Douieurs. large f. veil. s. xiv. 12SO Faced Poenia de Moribus. VZmo. tell. s. xii. cf. I2bl Johannes ad Fulgentium dc Musica. 12/vto. veil- s. xii. pp. 32 .rcd rues.At the end in a more modern hand is f ; li Cantus Philippi Canccllarii, set to Music with 0 j( lines in the square headed Notation. Tue examples in the Original MS. being given with 4 lines, the ancient Ante-Guidonian mode of Notation. 1282 Vita S. Remucii. 18 mo. veil, s, xi. bin. cj. 1283 Burmauni Diet ala in Turselini Epilomen Historic. j 4/o. ch. s. xviii. wh, v. pp. 38S 1284 Evangslia, & Ephiolie. Grace. /Inch s. 4 to. veil. s.xii_ j black cf. stamped sides, beautifully written m a very !j small character. The figures of the 4 Ev . .gelisls are || painted on 4 leaves of an old Greek MS. a thm j around of n . U It d, or chalky Jit - laid , without erasing the writing. Ex Bibliotheca Derschau de Nuremberg. j 1285 Geschlecter Buch von Nuremberg ad Au. 1730. With numerous portraits, f. ch, s. xviii. Part 1. 227 Je&veS*. if Index pari 2. 64 pages. 1286 Cronica Mouast.S. Eg dude Nuremberg. l.jol. veil. s. xv. 11 leaves, (12 to 15 indus.)are lost. Atfol. 12 a leaf of some other work is inserted, black mor . stamped* 1287 Macrobius in Somnium Scipionis./o/. v. s. xi. brn. cf. 1i Cicero in Somuium Scipiouis. Old No. 6. 1288 Sallustii Bellum Jugurtlne. 8 vo.v. s. xv. Script, llal. The 1st. Article is ^ Comaedia Lepidissima .Pbiledoxcos. Old .Ab/o. - • 1239 Juvenal et Persius. Sco. veil*- B.JtV. ( Script. etui.) Old No. 10. 1290 Blosseville's Auciennes Poesies Francaisea. 8 vo. v. a. xiv. nh. cf. illuminated. 62 leaves. The 1st. Poem is to Madame l)’Oi leans. Incip. “En la Forest dc L niguo Attcnte.” 1291 Zcqodw, Epi. Veronensis, Sermones. s . 4 to. v. a, xv. ; o.cf. gilt. 118 leaves. On first fly leaf “ Iste liber j studio, & cura D.Timothei Veronensis, habuus dono a quodam sacerdotc.” old No. 17. 1292 Parrhasius in Virgilium./. ch. s. xv. red russ. No.29. Incipit. “Apud Egyptios deorum genus.” 5j8 leaves written by a Venetian hand. 1293 Magontenus, Archiepus. Mityllenarum, Pseilus, & Johes. Philoponus,iuAristotelem de Interpretatione: Bartholomeo Lambeno,Veneto,inlerprete.5cW/>/u/ , a Venetiana, with Diagrams. Script. 1-26, “14 Julii D. Andre re Grid, Venetiar. Principis, Ao. 3, & Anno aetatis Interprets Anno 53.”y. ch. s.xvi. wood, bds 1294 Lecenda S. Francisci per Bonaventurain. f. ch. s. xiv. Old No. 32. 1295 Hieronymus in Evangelistas, Eplas. & Apocalypsin “Expleta est preseus scriptio in die Sci. Trophimi Martyris, per me Johem. Habeas. run in oppi Nuremberg^ nsi. 1473. f. ch. s. xv. or.i Ao. 34. 1290 Cronica di tutti li Dosi Veuetiani ad aim. 1560. w, the Ar>. s ei. 'b n nerf. thinf. ch. s. xvi. No. 42. 1297 R. de Haul de Nancy, Epitome des Gcstes du D de Lorraine et Rois de J.rusalem ad 1679. nithth Arms in jtfaxon. 4/o. ch ..•>. xv iii. cf. gt. No 43. 1298 Ursp.ur.g uer Reichstadt. Nuremberg. 4 Terrier de St. Severn de Eordeaux. 2 .^j*./'.w/£.s.xv. I 1316 Terrier de St. Aodre de Bordeaux. 1. f. veil. s. xv. blue mor. 21 inches Idyl i, 13 1 7 Compte de Tresor Royal, 1384. ito. veil. s. xiv. I mottled cf. git. 47 leaves. 1318 Terrier de Sailve Majeute de Burdeaux. 1. 4to, sell’ s. xv. gm. mor. gt. Olim M. Monteil • from fol . 70 j to 143. 1319 Proces entre I’Archeveque de Bordeaux, et le Chapl- tre de St. Severin, sur l’Exemptiou Ecclesiasuq^. 1. 4 to cell, e, xv. 0 la M. Monteil. 1320 Bentale ct Cartulnire de 1’Abbaye de Fristorf de Metz f. v. s. xiv. 1338. grn. mer. Ok;.i M. Montei.', The 1st. part cf the Cartulary contains 63 leaves except 44, Sc 45. the pt. ts not paged. 1321 Do. des Premontres. 8 vo. v. a. xui. grn. vcllirm. a fragment cf 8 leaves. 1322 Do; de l'Eveehe de Luou./ - . v. s-xbi. fragm. 14 leaves, grn . vellum. Carta 125 to 144. Olim M, Monteil. 1323 Statues de I’Ordre de S:. ILcia-l. sAto. veil. s. xv. last leaf in a Izlcr hand. old urn. covers . Olim C. B- Rousseau. 1324 Denetales de St. Gregcle III. s.f veil, g xiii. blu.mor. imperfect. The Margin of the first xi. pages filled with a gloss, the rest blank. 1325 Sc. Isidorus. narrow/. 0 . a. x. red mor. 93 leaves. begins with the Chapter “Qualiter moncndi sunt Pas tores.” 1326 S. Augustini Oimlia.yi veil. s. x. 1327 Statuts de St. Severin de Bordeaux, s. f. v. a. xv. red mor. 35 leaves . with Allograph Signatures. Olim M. Moeteil. 1328 Compte de l’Apothicaire dc 1’ Abbaye dc St. Denis, 1581. &c./. ch. s. xvi. cf. gt . Olim M. Moateil. 1329 Nouveau Testament {fragment.) 4to.voll.s.V\i. Frag¬ ments of 2 Copies of the New Testament, one in the beautif l small round Uncial, the other in the lai- ger, & coarser Uncial. the 1st. has 5 leaves, the 2nd.' has 2 leaves. 1330 La Passion de Jeaus-Chriat. 4to. v. s. xiv. olive grn. velvet. (J5 leaves. 1331 Proces entre les Cordeliers et les Jacobins de Bor¬ deaux. s. 4lo. v. s. xv. yellow mor.folia 24. Olim M. Monteil. 1332 Terrier de Borriau, en Languedoc, 1460. 4 / 0 . v. s. xv. grn. veil . 41 (euics. 1333 Vingt Chartes Originales des Templiers. veil, s, xiii. * M. Monteil, was a Gentleman of 1’aris, who has deserved well of his Country for preserving so many Records of France during the horrid French Revolution of 1792. & xiv. in a 4to, case, cf. The Order was abolished between 1307, & 1327. 1334 Caitulaire de Sauve M.xjeure. f. v. s. xv. grn. mor. 32 leaves- Olim M. Mon.nl. 1335 Caitulaire dc l’Ab-aye de St. Jean de Laou. 12mo* a s. xiii. blue mar. 124 pages. 1336 Gobe.i Summa Pei fectionis. 12/ho ch. s. xv. hf, cf. 69 lav&s leaves 1 and 6 , lost. 1337 LeJ de It. Beno.l. 12 . 0 . veil. 3 . xli .grn. mor.gilt. I3.;S Roman: Id .lyrologium. in Iambic Verse Sco, v. s. xi, I 37 leaves. 1339 Di ux C artes de St. Martin de Tours, veil, s. xi. N >w bov.zSi with others in a L.je thin folio Vo!. :3aO Tender de St. Seven. de Birueaux, l. f veil. s. xv. . 1 iS folia. 21 inches high. 1341 Do. de I’Hopital dc S>, Jacques, do Bordeaux, f, v% a. x/.. , 1342 Lectionarium ia Ascensione Do.niui, &c. f. & s. xi. redef. On the cover is “Iste Liber est Bti. Jobis* Bapt. in ILb Jorfprope Eysten.” 1343 La Somme du Roi. f a v. s 0 xv. blue mor. gilt, ilium. 1344 S. Gregorii Lectionariuci./. veil. s. xiv. 1345 Viue Suu-.t .rum. 4'o. veil. s. xii. red if. gilt . Ex Bibl % s\.jSdiio3 Slo Ci’OiX tic Vallec Froide. 1346 Petrarcha de Remcdiis Utriusque Fortune, initio, & fine mancus. f veil. s. xiv. 181 folia. 1347 Hisloria Sacra Ia sive, Exp ; anatio Sex Dienim ex dietis S. AugUAtiai, & S, iiuib.nsii. f. veil. s. xii. hf. is. brn. cf. red cities. If Exameron Ecdte, addressed to “dilectissimo. Sc r vc rea tissimo Acca /’ 1348 Co ptes de la C’oatcilanie dc Compiegne, 1537. thick f lit. grn. vel. 586 leaves signed at the end. 1349 Jean de G.dopes, ]\2editacion3 de la Vie de Jbu* Christ, translated from- Bouaventure. At), v. s. xiv* 17$folia. Id. in blue velvet , with two globes in silver gilt embroidery , £ 2 falcons on the bach. Ac the end is a modern notice, of Jean de Gmopes, dit le Galois. It belonged to Babingtoa in 1562, whose Autograph is in d. ? if it belonged to Mary, Q. of Scocs. 1350 Depensos ce Louche tie la Cour ue France, as follows. Francis 2—9. Pj ceg. Catharine de Medicis —13. Cbildren of llen.II.—-20. Clias. IX.—17, Llizth. —10. Kenry £—20. Louis da Loiraino —3. Iiecry 4 — 3 . Margaret do Va.ois —4, Louis XIII. —IS. Gaston, son here —17. Louis XIV. — 12 . Philip d Orleans —42. Due de Bourgogne_1. Louis XV. —10. in all 200 Rolls. 1351 Alclumdrei Pliilosophi Liner de Dtvinaiione. with, an exguisite illumination of the Author pre¬ senting his Booh to the King. It Boetii Aiithmefcica e. Musica. 1. f well . s. xiv. Cowered wdh a case of gold, silver brocade , em¬ broidered wilhfiowers , Rodd, §c. 1332 Constitutibnes de laYglfasia de Salas, f. ve/7, s. xvi. In thx beginning the Coat of Arms of a Bishop quarterly, 1. G. a Tower A. bet,a. 3 escallops 0. out oj the top of the Tower a demi lion rantpl. issuant,O. old black leather coyer. Olim fail Josephi Bcrnaldez, Abogado de los Reales Consejos. 1353 Lir.ageg d’Espana, IIP Uatalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 1354 Statuta de Navibus Venetiarum, ex maudato Reyneri Ceno, Ducis Venetise./. well, s xiii. J355 Magii Oratio. 135G Marbodius de Ge-.nmis. Scriptura Ital. s.4to. v. s.xiv. 1357 Cesare Agolanti Sonne.ti al Smo. G. D. di Toscana < 12 mo, v. s. xvi. on thin vellum, end lost. 11 Erasto, overo, Le Bellezze di Pratolino. in 5 book by C. Agolanti. 1358 Ruiz Propuesta Politico Morale../’, ch. 1789. Santiago Josef Lopez Ruiz mas “Prebendado racion- ero de la Cathedral de Quito." 1359 Guerra de los Guaranies, 1764./. ch. s. xviii. 1 3G0 Historia pnnii belli Puuici. Jtalice.\2mo,ch.s.xv.wh.v. 1361 Poems in praise of Tobacco, &c. \'2mo.ch.»,xv'n.hf. cf t i Medical Receipts, & Charities against Witchcraft. U Poem on Luther. *J Do. on the Compendium of Alchymy by the Chanon of Bridlington. 1i Sayings of various ki.:gs,& Emperors. J 3C2 Geronimo de Zarate Saimeron sobre cl Descubrimiento j di California, S'vo.cA.s.xvii.(l632.) 08 leaves hf.wh.cf j 1363 Schuester’s Linages d’Lspana. thin 4 to. ch. Olim Sir Isaac Heard, Garter hhig. 1364 Origo et lies GesLe in Tievigi ad 1550. with curious drawings , Plans of Towns, &c. sm. Gc o. ch, s. xvi. 116 leaves, wh. cf. II Trattado qninto de Nobilitad. 1 135 On Planting Fruit Trees. 1366 Life of St. Briget. Anylieb. s.J'ul. veil. s. xiv. blk. cf. | stamped, with the Crucifixion on the sides. 1367 Collections for Kent, by E. Steele. • \io. ch. russ. 1368 Gener&lites de lloueu, Caen, Alencon, A Bretagne par M. de la Bourdounaye Ao. 1097. 4 to. ch. cj. yt. j 301 leaves. 1369 Generalite de Lyon, & Dauphii.e par M. Lambert IJ d’Herbigny, 1693. 4 in. ch. s. xvii. cf. gt. Lyon Juis j 167 leaves , Dauphine lyi 1370 ChrysJoric Questiones Grammaticae. Greece. l8mo v. & ch. s. xv. bd. in blue Velvet , striped yellow. i Arms in page 1. Ber.dy of 6, in chief a cross. At ' the end. "Sciiptus per me Gugliclmum Ariminensem Faui, Ano. nono moi cxilii, it linitus d.e 4 Nuv- embris, lioris 14, MCCCCLXXI.” 1371 Nobiliario de linages d’Espaua del To’.edano ino.gnstu, f. ch. 211 leaves* 1372 Monde za’ N brn. cf. Vol. I, 4id leaves. VoL 2. .. leaves Vdl. 3. .. leaves, i'ne J'refccc says “Alonso Tcllea de Mencscs, que en e&tc Lore, eu la 2da. parte, habla de di en la ossa,qnc procedio en Toledo de Doa Juan tie Mcucses, Obispo de Almina, fue el quo recopilo cste trusiaao de la3 obras i tuemorias que dexo el Obispo de Burgos, y Cardcnol Do i Pturo de Mendoca. 1373 Consuetucdines, & Statuta Herefotdensis Ecclesiae. Ato. ch. s. xvii. ht. cf. H Injunction, of Edw. 6. to the De: n, A Chapter. Do. to the Cathedral by Cardinal Pole. 1i Extracts from the Firs. Fruits Offi.v for Co.He.ef. A Note in the beginning stales that this Book teas exhibited in the Exchequer in 17'-?. to which Note are subscribed ihe autograph signatures of \V m. Basham, Fr. YV oodltouse, kc. J374 Xenophon de Rep .Mica. 1375 Ordinances de F Inquisition. 137G Episcopal Acts of St. David's from 1753 to 1761, Ato ch. s. xviii .rgh.cf.Ex Biol. A. Hamilton, 1791, 1377 Novum To s lumen turn. Grceo'.. (fragment.) 1378 Exc. rpta ex Registris Curia: Prerog. Cantuariue. 13, :) P. re Lubin’s Orbis A gu.stir.us, ou, L’Ordre des Augustins dans les deux Mcndcs./. ch. s. xvii. 13S0 j. ’olphi de Snchen Iter ad Hierosolyraam. veil. 1381 Lanfranc de Milan on Chirurgery, in English. 1! The Qualities cf Herbs, x Medicines. sm.f. v. s. xv. hj. cf. 1382 Petri Avulsi Doctrina Clericalis. wh. cf. 8 so. v.s. xiv. 193 leaves. 13S3 “Farrago, 1072 to 1700.” Collection of Letters, & Pa¬ pers of the 17th, Century relating to Religious Affairs in Scotland, by the Scotch Covenanters. Begins “The testymony given at Raglen the 29 May 1G79” Some of the Letters are from Alexr. Sheild, Rotterdam, A others addressed to his brother Mich. Shield. Against the Erastiaus in the Shire of Fyfe. II “Colluetans ac perpessionibus mullifariis pressa Reforinata Ecclesia Scotieana, 1634.” ? Ex Bibl. Bright. JYo. 817. 1384 Ren tale Abb. Carthusiensis de Herne in Belgium, narr.fol. v. s. xiv. pp. 20, hf. dh. roan. Ex Abb. S. Ghislain. 13S5 Vine Sanctorum./, veil. s. xi. I3bli Albumeronis Liber de Medicina./. v. & ch. s. xv. mettled brn. cf. from the Abbey of St. Ghislain. Abbey Press Mark AAA. 1387 S. Anselm in l.ucain./. veil. s. xii. N. B. Of the above MSS. those , which have no descrip¬ tion of date, size, material, could not be found in time to insert them. T. P. ( 17 ) CODICES MANUSCRIPTI EX BIBLIOTHECA M E E R M A N, HAGiE-COMITIS; OLIM EX BIBLIOTHECA COLLEGII SO CI ETA TIS JESU, CLAROMONTAN I, PARISHS. Nunc autem Decus Bibliotheca Phillippicce . 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 139G 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 Codices Orientates. Quatuor Evangelia, Syriace. veil. s*c. xiii. Muhammedis Dicta. Semnidei Grammatica, Coptico Arabica. Lexicon Arabico Turcicum. Cabbal* Tractatus. Expositiones Alcorani. Avicenn* Opera. Do. de Venenis. Historia Timur. Grammatica Arabica. Rituale Armenum. veil. Preces ex Alcorano. Do. Do. Tabulae Astronomicae Arabic*. Grammatica Arabica. Libri Fragmentum Turcice compositi per Mahmoud Effendi, “ Chef des Debuich du Soudan.” Psalterium Armenicum. 1405 1400 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1410 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 Codices Greed. 33 Theodoretus in Octateuchum. 34 Origenes et Chrysostomus in Job. 35 Olympiodorus in Job. 37 Eusebius in Psalmos. 38 Catena in Psalmos, Ac. 39 Commentaria in Psalmos. 40 Procopius in Proverbia, Ac. 41 Expositio in Proverbia, Ecclesiasten, Ac. 42 Theodoretus in Cantica. 43 Basilius in Isaiam. 44 Procopius in Isaiam. 45 Theodoretus in Jeremiam. 47 Theophylactus in tloseam, Ac. 48 Collectio Interpretum in Vetus Testamentum. 50 Chrysostomus in Joan. Evang. Ac. 52 Catena in Evangel. Johannis. 54 Chrysostomus in Epistol. 1. Pauli ad Corinthios. 50 Caten* in Scripturam. 58 Origenis Philocalia. 00 Eusebius de locis Hebraicis. H Palladii fragment, ex HistoriaBrachmanum, Ac. 1425 01 1420 03 1427 04 1428 GO 1429 G7 1430 08 1431 09 1432 71 1433 72 1434 73 1435 74 1430 75 1437 77 1438 78 1439 79 1440 81 1441 82 1442 83 1443 84 1444 85 1445 86 1440 88 1447 90 1448 91 1449 92 1450 94 1451 95 1452 100 1453 10 L 1454 102 1455 103 1450 105 1457 10G 1458 108 1459 110 1400 114 1401 118 14 G2 120 1403 121 14G4 122 1405 124 1400 120 1407 130 Asterii Sermones. Athanasii Vita S. Antonii, Ac, Basilii Magni Epistol*. Gregorii JSazianzeni Orationes. veil. seec. xii. Do. Do. Do. veil. saec. xii. Do. Do. • Gregorius Nyssenus. Chrysostomus in Genesin veil. s*c. xi. Do. Do. veil. s*c. xii. Do. in Math*um. veil. s*c. xii. ,' Do. Do. veil. srec. xi. Do. in S. Joannis Evang. veil. s*c. xii. Do. et Severiani Orationes. Do. contra Jud*os. veil. s*c. xii. Do. de Virginitate. Do. Sermones. Do. Do. xliii. veil. s*c. xi. Do. A aliorum Orationes, Ac. Cyrilli Alexandr. de recta fide, Ac. Theodoreti Epistol*. Basilii Acta S. Thecl*. Johannes Damascenus de in Fide dormientibus. Anastasius Sinaita in Hexameron. Do. Do. Do. Johannis Damasceni Eclog* veil. s*c. xi. Do. Do. Philosophica. iell. seec. xii, Gregorii Ceramei Flomeli* de Festis, Ac. Euthymii Zigabeni Panoplia. Joannis Zonar* Epistol*, Ac. Andronicus Comnenus contra Jud*os. GeorgiiScholarii Gennadii in laudem Milesiorum. Joannis Metropolit* Eucbaitarum Orationes. Acta Martyrum Eustratii Auxentii, Ac, veil. s*c. xiii. Collectanea Theologica. Collectio Opusculorum Sacrorum. Apostolorum Actus, Ac. veil. s*c. xi. Athanasius in Psalmos, Ac. Apollinaris in Psalmos, Ac. Gregorius Nyssenus in Ecclesiasten, Theophylactus in Math, et Marc. Andre* Archiep. Cretensis in Sacra Carmina. Basilii Magni liomili*. 18 1400 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 14/6 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 J487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILL1PPICA. 181 Eustathius Antiochenus de Engastrimutho, &c. 132 Greg. Nazianzenus de Filio et Spiritu Sancto. 133 Do. Do. Epistola. 134 Do. Do. contra Judaos. 135 Chrysostomus in Epist. ad Hebraos. 137 Cyrillus Alexandr. De Sancta Trinitate. 138 Anastasii Sinaita Responsiones. veil. sac. xii. 140 Johannes Damascenus de Heresibus. 141 Do. Philosophies, &c. 142 Do. De Fide, &c. 143 Basilius Imp. ad Leonem, &c. 144 Leonis Sapientis Methodus Prognostica, &c. 146 Euthymii Zigabeni Epistola, &c. 149 Excerpta ex Patribus. veil. sac. xii. 150 Sententia ex Evangelio, &c. 151 Collectanea Theologica ex Patribus. 152 Do. Do. et Ascetica. 153 Lectiones Yariantes Epiphanii Omeliarum. 154 Psalterium Davidis. veil. sac. xv. 155 C’anones Dominici. &c. 156 Nicolai Patriarcha Const. &c. Oda Sacra, &c. 157 Theodora Comnena de Itebus Ecclesiasticis. 158 Gregorii Casariensis de Sanctis Concilii Nicani Patribus et de Constantino Imp. 159 Basilius Magnus de exercitatione Monachi, &c. 161 Greg. Nyssenus in Cantica. 162 Basilii Seleucia Episcopi Sermones. 163 Johannis Climaci Scala Paradisi. veil. sac. xii. 164 J. Damasceni Opusc. Ascetica. veil. sac. xiii. 165 Simeonis Monachi in Symbolum. 172 Const. Harmenopuli Compendium legum. IT Ejusd. Lexicon vocum Latinarum in Legibus exstantium. 177 Acta Synodi Nicana, &c. 178 Theodoreti Constitutiones Pauli et Petri, &c. 180 Pseudo-Synodus Photiana. 181 Anonymus de Synodis Oecumenicis, &c. IT Hippolyti Thebani Cronicorum fragmentum. 184 Leonis Imp. Catalogus Ecclesiarum, &c. 185 Collectio ex Apostolor. Constitutionibus. 186 Pythagora A urea Carmina. 187 Proclus in Platonis Theologiam. 188 Do. Do. Parmenidem, &c. 191 Aristotelis Opera Varia. 192 Do. Iatrica, &c. &c. 194 Sophonias in Aristotelis Categorias, &c. 195 IJerennius Philo in Aristot. Metaphysics. 197 Asclepii Scholia in Do. Do. 199 Philoponi Do. Do. Analytica. 200 Joan. Cantacuzeni in Do. Ethica. 201 Michael Psellus in Do. Physica. 202 Nicephori Blemmida in Do. Logica. 203 Do. Do. Do. et Physica, 204 Do. Do. Physica, &c. 206 Sextus Empiricus Pyrrhoniarum Hypothesewn libri Hi. 208 Boetius de Arte Dialectica. 209 Damascius de Primis Principiis, 210 Geo. Pachymeres de Philosophia, 211 /Eliani Ilistoria Animalium. 213 Const. Porphyrogenitus de Agricultura. 214 Hippocratis Aphorismi, &c, 215 * Palladii Sophista Scholia in Hippocratem, &c. 216 Galeni Introductio. 217 Do. de Usu Partium, &c. &c. 219 Do. de Compositione Medicamentorum. 220 Galenus de Compositione Medicamentorum. 221 Dioscorides de Materia Medica. 223 Aretaus Cappadocis de Morbis Chronicis, 225 Oribasii Medical Collectiones, &c. 226 Do. de fracturis, etc. 229 Aetii Amydeni Therapeutica. 2 vols. 230 Trallianus de Rebus Mediqis. 231 Rufus Ephesius de Purgativis. 233 Raza Mezua Avicenna;, etc, de Rebus Medicis. 234 A psyrtus, Pelagonius , et Hierocles de Re Hip- piatricA. veil. sac. xi. 235 Do. Do. Do. 236 Michael Psellus de Auro ConGciendo, etc. 237 Archiraedis Opera, etc. 238 Euclidis Catoptrica. 239 Do. Do. 240 Do. Geometria, etc. 241 Apollonii Pergai Conicorum libri IV, etc. 242 Geminus Rhodius de Astronomia. 243 Heronis Geometrica, etc. etc. 244 Do. Pneumatica, etc. 248 Philoponus in Nicomachi Arithmetica, etc, 251 Anonymus in Ptolemai Tetrabiblon, etc. 252 Anonymus de Astrologia judiciaria etc. 253 Aristotelis Harmonica, etc. etc. 254 Cl. Ptolemai Harmonica, etc. etc. 255 Do. Do. etc. etc. 256 Aristides Quintilianus de Musica, etc. etc. 258 Plutarchus de Anima tranquillitate. 259 Nemcsius de Natura Hominis, 260 Simeonis Besta Oseth de Reb. Physicis, etc. etc, 261 Pachymera Epitome Logices Aristotelis. 262 Oppiani Halieuticon. 263 Anouymi Comment, in Do. 265 Simeonis Sethi Excerpta, etc. 26G Protasecretes de Proprietatibus Animalium, etc. 267 Heronis Junioris Florilegium. 268 Const. Porphyrogenita de Agricultura, etc. 269 Hippocratis Epistola ad Ptolomaum, etc. 270 Galenus de Ossibus. 271 Oribasius de Aquis Aere, etc. 276 Raza de Pestilentia. 277 J. Damascenus de Medicinis Purgantibus, etc. 279 Anonymus de Diata Medica, etc. etc. 280 Excerpta de Herbis et Remediis. 281 Josephus Rhacendita de Vita quieta. 284 Anonymi Astronomica, etc. 285 Achmetis Oneirocriticon. 286 Polemonis et Adamantii Physiognomonica. 287 Anonymi Dialogus Mortuorum, etc. 288 Ptolemai Harmonica, etc. 289 Epicteti Enchiridion, etc. 290 Aristoteles de Muqdo. 295 Manuel Phile de Proprietate Animalium. 297 Const. Porphyrogenita de Agricultura. 299 Actuarius de Urinis. 300 Compositiones Medicamentorum. 302 Anonymi Lexicon, etc. 307 Homeri Odyssea. veil. sac. xvi. 308 Eustathius in Homerum. 3 vols. fol. 309 Scholia in TEschylum. 310 Sophoclis Tragcedia 5. 311 Lycophronis Alexandra. 313 Alneidos, Liber lmus. Greece . 315 Dialogus Anima et Corporis, etc. 317 Constantinus Lascaris de Grammatics. 319 Constantinus Lascaris de Syntaxi verborum, etc, 320 Syncellus de Syntaxi Orationis, etc. 322 Georgius Corinthius de Dialectis. 323 Herodianus de Dialectis. 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1507 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANU$CRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILJHPPICA, 19 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 >1*30 1631 1632 1633 1631 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 324 Anonymi Grammatica. 330 Libanii Orationes. 331 Aristoteles de Poetica, etc. 333 Theognidis et Phocylidis Sententi®, etc. etc. 334 Do. Eudoxi® Homero-Centones, etc. 337 Theocriti ldyllia, etc. 338 Pindari Olyrapica. 339 Sophoclis Tragcedi® 2, 340 Raphaelis Regii Excerpta ex Histor, Tzetz®. 341 Greg. Nazienzeni Tragcedia, etc. 342 Mich. Apostoli Monodica Epicedica. 345 Eustathii Israenias et lsmenes. 318 S. Maximi Confessoris Sententi®. veil. s®c. xii. 349 Bessarionis Epistol®. 350 Maximi Confess. Hecatontas, etc. ete. 351 Theodorus Prodrom. de Grammatica, etc. 353 Manuel Moschopulus de Oratione. 354 Maximus Planudes tie Syntaxi Verborum. 357 Demosthenis Orationes, etc. 359 Phocylidis Carmina, etc. etc. 365 Anonymi Apophthegmata, etc. 367 Joannis Apostoli et Prochori Peregrinationes. 368 Theodoretj Historia Ecclesiastica. 369 Do. Do. Philothea. 371 Simeonis Metaphrast® Vit® Sanctorum Mensis Octobris. veil. s®c. xi, 372 Gregorii Cyprii Sermo in Georgium Martyrem, etc. veil , s®c. xiii. 373 Anonymi Vitae Sanctorum, etc. veil. s®c. xi. 374 Geronticon seu Vit® Patrum, etc, 378 Flavii Josephi Antiquitat. Jud®orum. 379 Do. de Bello Judaico. () 380 Xenophon de Cyri lnstitut. et Expeditione. 381 Diodorus Siculus. 382 Do. 383 Do. 384 Do. 385 Do. 386 Philostrati Lemnii Imagines. 389 Excerpta ex Syncelli Chronographia, etc. 390 Xiphilini Epitome Dionis Histor. Roman. 391 Zonane Annales a libri 13 ad 18. 393 Jo. Ouropalat® Compend. Histori®. 394 Mich, Glyc® Annales. 395 NicetasChoniatade Imperio Joannis Comueni,etc. 397 G. Gemistii Plethonis Excerpta ex Strabone. 398 Eustathius in Dionysium Periegetem. 400 Anonymus de Urbe Constantinopolews. 402 Xenophon de Cyri Expeditione. 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 Codices Latini, 404 Biblia. 2 vols. veil. s®c. xii. 405 Exodus cum Glossis. veil, saec. xiv, 407 Psalmi. veil. saec. xii. 408 Cantica. veil, saec x. 409 Evangelia Quatuor. veil. saec. ix. 410 Evangel. S. Luc®, veil. s®c. xiv. 411 Pauli Epistola ad Laodicenses. veil. s®c. ix, 412 Augustinus de Genesi. veil. s®c. xii. 413 Analysis vocum Hebraicorum. 414 Roverius in Leviticum. 415 Hieronymus in Paralipomena. veil. s®c. ix. 417 Augustinus in Psalmos, etc. veil. s®c. xiii. 418 Do. Do. veil. s®c. xiii. 419 Do. Do. veil. saec. xi. 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1G86 1687 1*88 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 421 Hervei Expositio in Isaiam. veil- s®c. xiij. 422 Hieronymi Ezechiel, etc. veil. s®c. ix» 426 Sedulius in Math®um. veil. s®c. ix, 427 V. Beda in Marcum, veil. s®c. xi. 429 Augustinus in Joannem. Saxoniee. veil. s?ec. x, 430 Do. Do. veil. s®q. xi. 431 V. Beda in Acta, etc. etc. vell. s®c. xi, 433 Clemens Alexandrin.in Eplas,Canonic. u.s®c.xiii, 434 Rabanum in Math®um Variantes Lectiones. 435 Sacramentarium Rcclesi® Rom, veil. s®c. xi. 437 Dionysius Areopagitade H ierarchia. veil, sapc, xi, 438 Ifen®us contra haereses. veil. s®c. xi, 439 Origenes in Heptateuchum. veil. s®c. xi, 441 Gregorii Neoc®sarieusis Expositio fidei,. etc* veil. s®c, xi. 442 Methodius de Cpnsum. S®culi. veil, s®c, xiii, 443 Chrysostomi Homili®. veil. s®c. x. 446 H ieronymi &c. Epistol®. veil. s®c. ix, 448 Do. Do. veil. s®c. xii. 449 Augustini, Leonis, etc. Sermones. veil. s?ec,viii. 450 Augustini Sermones. veil. s®c. xi. 451 Do. Cpnfessiones, etc. veil. s®c. xi. 452 Do. contra Paganos, etc. veil. snec. xii, 453 Do. de Doctrina Christiana, etc. v. s®c.xii, 455 Do. de Trinitate, etc. veil. s®c. ix. 457 Do. de Diligendo Deo, etc. veil. saec. xij, 459 Do. de Charitate, etc. veil. s®c. xii. 460 Marius Victorinus de Trinitate. veil. s®c. xii. 461 Cassiodori Formul®, etc. veil. s®c. xiii. 463 Isidori Hispalensis Sententi®, etc. veil. s®c. xi, 464 P. Gregorii Homili®, etc. veil. s®c. xii. 465 Do. Do. etc. veil. s®c. xii, 466 Do. Pastorale, etc. veil. s®c. xii. 467 Paulini Forojuliensis Par®nesis, etc. 468 Paschasius Radbertus de Sacram. Altaris, etc. veil. s®c. xv. 469 Adalberti Flores in Job. veil. s®c. xi. 470 Gisleberti Westmonast. Disputatio cum Jud®o, veil. s«c xii, 471 Ivonis Carnotensis Epistol®, etc. veil, s®c. xiii. 472 Guibertus Novigentipus de Incarnatione, etc, veil. s®c. xii. .473 Bernardus Abbas de Pr®cepto, etc. veil, smc.xiii, 474 Petri Blesensis Epistol®. veil. s®c. xiii. 475 Do. Do. Do. veil. s®c. xiii. 477 Hugo de S. Victore de Sacramentis. veil. s®c.xi, 483 ScotiQu®stionessuperPorphyrium,etc. v. s®.xvj. 484 Anonymi Speculum Virginum. veil. s?ec. xiii. 485 Perez Disputationes Theologic®. 486 Roverius de Peccatis. 490vAmbrosius in Cantica, etc. veil. s®c. xi. $ 492 Hieronymus in Danielem, etc. veil. s®c. xi. 494 Augustinus de Consensu Evangelistar. veil. s®c. x, 495 Concordia Evangeliorum. veil. s®c. xiii. 496 Claudius Taurinensis in Math®um. veil. s®c. xi, 498 Eucherius in Testam. Vet. et Nov. veil. s®c. ix. 499 Sedulius in Scripturam Sacr. veil. s®c. xi. 500 Alcuinus de Ritibus Ecclesi®. veil. s®c. xii. 504 Augustini Epistol® et Sermones. veil. s®c. x. 506 Do. de Vera Religione, etc. veil. s®c. xii, 507 Gennadii Sententiade Claudiano, etc. veil. s®c.xiii, 508 Ennodii Opera, veil, s®c. xii. 511 Monita ex S. Ephrem, etc. veil. s®c. ix. 512 Odo Dorobern. de Vita S. Wilfredi, etc, 513 Gerberti Remensis Epistol®. 514 Hildeberti,Symmachi, etc. Epistol®. veil. s. xiii, 520 Petri Blesensis de Perfidia Jud®orum. v. s. xiv, 521 P. Alphonsi Pialogus cum Moze, veil, s, xii. 20 1722 1723 1724 1725 172G 1727 1728 1725) 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1733 1736 1737 1738 173!) 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 523 Ricus. a S. Victore de Trinitate, etc. veil. s. xv. 526 B. Ciesarius Arelatensis Homiliie. veil. s. x. 528 Petri de Rosenliaym Rosarium Biblicum. 538 Evangel. Mathaei. veil. s. xii. 539 Petri de Riga Biblia. Metrice. veil. s. xiii. 544 Sedulius in Mathseum. veil. s. xi. 546 Anselm. Cantuar. in Apocalypsin. veil. s. xii. 547 Allegoriie Biblicie, etc. veil. s. xii. 552 Cypriani Opuscula. veil. s. xv. 553 Hieronymus de Vestib. Sacerdot. etc. veil. s. xi. 555 llildebertus de Sacramentis. veil. s. xiii. 558 Anselm. Cantuar. de Predestinatione,etc.r. s.xiii. 559 ilildeberti Cenoman. Carolina, etc. veil. s. xii. 565 Imagines Juris Theodosiani. veil. s. x. 566 Leges Salicie, etc. veil. s. x. 567 Ansegisi Abbatis Capitularia. veil. s. x. 568 Manumissio Servorum Romanorum. 569 Guadagni Instrumenta Publica veil, s.xiii. 570 Privilegia Reipublicie Wasiauae. veil. s. xvi. 571 Gregorii Papae Rescripts, etc. veil. s. ix. 573 Gratiani Decreta. veil. s. xiii. 576 Collectio Conciliorum Gallia;, veil. s. viii. 577 Dyonisii Exigui Collectio Canonum. veil. s. ix. 578 Collectio Canonum Gallia?, veil. s. viii. 580 Ivonis Carnotensis Panormia. veil. s. xii. 581 Benedicti Anianensis Concordia Ilegularum. veil. s. xi. 582 Concordia Canonum Ecclesia?. veil. s. x. 584 Isidori Dicta, veil. s. x. 585 Bedie Canones Penitentiales. veil. s. ix. 586 Barnes de Autoritate Canonum. 2 vols. 588 Acta Concilii Coustantiensis. If Bulla l i . Alexandri V. contra Wiclef. If Bulla P. .Martini V. contra Hus et Praga. 589 Acta Conciiii Basiliensis. veil. s. xv. 591 Statuta S\ u.>daliaCameiacensia,etc.et Rcmensia. 593 Charta; if •..•lesiarum Senonensium. 594 Acta Synodi Groningre, etc. a 1595 ad 1627. 595 Privilegia, etc. Monasteriorum Gallicanor. 596 Taxa Ecclesiarum Cathedralium et Monaste- teriorum Gallia?. 597 lloverii Histor. Religios. Reipublicie. 598 Do. Collectio Regularum Serapionis Macarii Paphnutii, etc. 2 vols. 599 Codex Theodosianus. veil. s. vii. 605 Ansegisi Capitularia, etc. veil. s. x. 609 Collectio Canonum, etc. veil. s. ix. 610 Excerpta ex Conciliis veil. s. xi. 612 De Utilitate Penitentia?. veil. s. x. 614 Statuta Synodalia Remensia. veil. s. xvi. 615 Acta Synodi in Castro Guntlierii. veil. s. xiv. 616 Statuta Tutelensis Ecclesiie. veil. s. xiv. 617 Canones de Presbyteris, etc. veil. s. ix. 618 Jo. de Bononia Suintna Tabellionatus, etc. veil. s. xv. 619 Gregorii P. Statuta, etc. veil. s. xiv. 620 Stephani Muretensis Regula. veil. s. xiii. 621 Privilegia Rbodiorum Militum. veil. s. xvi. 622 Statuta Eratrum S. Erancisci. 626 Canones Apostolici. veil. s. xiii. 627 Epistolie Romanorum P. P. etc. veil. s. ix. 628 Excerpta ex Canonibus. veil. s. x. 629 Collectio Canonum. veil. s. xii. 630 Boetius de Consol. Philosophia?. veil. s. xiv. 631 Aurelii Augustini Dialectica, etc. veil. s. xii. 632 Anonymi Metaphysices. v. s. xiii. 634 Scioppius in Lipsii Politica. 635 Onosander de Perfecto Imperatore. r. s. xvi. 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 11796 |! 1797 [1798 ! 1799 | 1800 1801 1 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 i 1808 1809 1810 1811 18 ! 2 1813 1814 j 1815 1816 1817 1818 ! 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 18*24 1825 1826 1827 1828 I 1829 | 1830 1 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 j 1837 1838 1839 , 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 636 Anonymi Epistola ad Carol. Magnum, veil. s. ix, 639 Schoberi Memorabilia Russo Asiatica. 646 Boetius de Divisione. veil. s. xi. 648 Ciceronis Somnium Scipionis. veil. s. xi. 649 Ethici Cosmographia. r ell. s. x. 650 Palladius de Agricultura, etc. If Oderici de E’oro Julii Itinerarium in Partibus intidelium 1331. veil. s. xiv. 651 Excerpta ex llippocrate et Galeno. tell. s. ix. 654 G. Sale Alphabetum omnium Linguarum. 658 Salmasii Nota; in Anthologia Gra?ca. 659 I’ons Gra?cus Vocum Latinarum. 660 Ciceronis Philippica, etc. veil. s. xii. 661 Yirgilii Opera, veil. s. xv. 663 Ovidii Amorum Libri, etc. veil. s. xiii. 664 Do. Easti Heroides et Metam. veil. s. xiii. 665 Statii Thebuis. veil. s. xiv. 666 Gualteri Alexandrias. i ell. s. xiii. 667 Terentius. veil. s. xvi. 669 Ciceronis Epistola; Eamiliares. veil. s. xvi. 670 Seneca? Efpistola*. veil. s. xv. 671 Epistola? Autographic ad D. Renesse. 672 Erancisci Patrieii Epitome Prisciani. veil. s. xvi. 674 Anonymi Grammatica, etc. veil. s. xiii. 675 Eestus Pompeius de Verbor. Signific. 676 Nonius Marcellus de Sermone. 677 Eulgentius de Abstrusis Sermonibus. If Ethici Philosophi Eragmentum. 678 Glossarium et Dictionarium. 679 Ciceronis Rhetorica. veil. s. xi. 680 Do. de Inventione. veil. s. xii. 684 Ovidii Metamorphoses, veil. s. xiii. 685 Excerpta ex Virgilio, etc. veil. s. xiii. 687 Anonymi Carmina. veil. s. xi. 688 Optatiani Panegyrica in Constantinum. veil. s. x. 689 Panurgus, Poema. 693 Scotus Erigena in Marcian. Capellam. veil. s. xi. 697 Caselii Epistolie. 698 Do. Do. Autographic. 700 Lomeyeri Epistolie. 701 Voilenhovii Epistola?. 704 Quintiliani Declamationes. veil. s. xvi. 706 Ovidii Heroides. veil. s. xv. 707 Versus Centoni ex Dracontio, etc. veil. s. x. 708 Commodiani lnstructiones. veil. s. xi. 709 Carmina in St. Petrum et S. Martin, etc. v. s. xi. 710 Proverbia ex Ovidio, Horatio, etc. veil. s. xiii. 714 Labbe Pharus Gallia; Antiquae. 715 Eusebii Cronicon. veil. s. viii. 716 Dionysius Exiguus de Cyclis. veil. s. x. 717 Calendarium Vetus, etc. veil. s. xi. 718 Bedie Opera Qua?dam. veil. s. ix. 719 Victorius de Calculo. veil. s. xi. 720 G. Sale Nomina Erbium Orientalium. 721 Chronologia Mundi. 723 Ordericus Vitalis. veil. s. xv. 724 P. Comestoris Hist. Scolastica, etc. 2 vols. veil. s. xiii. 726 Euagius Diaconus de Vitis Patrum. veil. s. xii. 727 Vita; Sanctorum, veil. s. xiv. 728 Sulpic. Severi Vita S. Martini, etc. veil. s. xi. 731 Hiucmar Vita S. Remigii. veil. s. xii. 732 Beuedictus Anglus Miracula B. Thomie Cantuar. veil. s. xii. 733 Bonitacii IX. Bulla Canonizationis B. Bri- gitt*, etc. 734 Hieronymi Martyrologium. 736 Justiui Compendium Trogi Pompei. v. s. xv. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA, 21 1840 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1354 1855 1850 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1976 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 Triveti Annales. Guidonis de Columna Historia Trojana. v. s. xiv. Victoris Chronicon. Caesar de Bello Gallico. vel/, s. xiv. Valerius Maximus, veil. s. xiv. Do. Do. veil. s. xvi. Cronicon Turonense. veil. s. xiii. Anonymi Annales Metenses. veil. s. xii. Dudonis Gesta Ducum Normanniae. veil. s. xi. Cronicon Sabaudiae Altacombanum. Dinteri Chronicon. Processus adversus Joan d’Orleans. Pacificatio Westphalica. 2 vols. cum descrip- tione Ur bis Osnaburg. Collectanea Historia; Gelricm ad annum 1577. llinsmageest Cronica Frisian Wichtii Annales Frisia; ad annum 1602, Craig de Unione Regnorum Britannia;. Vienna; Allobrogum Antiquitates. Duchesne Collectio Epitaphiorum. Catalogus Bibliotheca; Corbeiensis. veil. s. xii. Indices Manuscriptorurn in diversis Bibliothecis. Catalogus Codicum MSS. Bibl. Thuanae. Ludovici Suchensis Iter adl’erram Sanctaml350. Calendarium Vetus. veil. s. ix. Calendarium. I s. xi IF Hugonis Flaviniacensis Cronicon. J Harduinus de Mensibus Graecorum. Eusebii Cronicon. veil. s. ix. V. Beda; Historia Anglorum. veil. s. xi, Vitae Sanctorum, veil. s. xi. Do. veil. s. xij. Grimlaicus de Vita Solitariorum. veil. s. xi. S. Martinus de Trinitate, &c. veil. s. ix. Sulp. Severus de Vita S. Martini, veil. s. xiv. Prosperi Cronicon. Cronicon ad annum 1219. veil, s. xiii. Frasqueti Do. Univevsalead 1268. vell.Sfch. s.xiv. Martini Poloni Cronicon. veil. s. xiii. Compendium Histor. Hierosolynne. veil, s, xiv. Ceesaris Commentaria. veil. s. xv, Isidori Hispal. Historia Gothorum, veil. s. ix. Warnfridi Historia Longobardorum. veil, s, ix. Do. Do, veil. s. xi. Annales et Acta Impp. Maximilian et Caroli 5. Cronica Flandria;, Hfabantiae, Gelriae, et Clivia;. Do. Do. ad 1467. Cronicon Egmundense. veil. s. xiv. Rubcichii Insignia familiarum Imperii Illyrici. De Urnis, Vasibus, Ac, in Museo Vendrameno, 1627. Recensio Codicum MS. Graecorum Theolog. Bibl. Vatican. Beda de Sex TEtatibus Mundi. veil. s. ix. Jornandes de Gestis Romanorum, &c. veil. s. x. Aimonius de S. Vincentio. veil. s. xiii. Historia Praesulum Bisuntinorum. veil. s. xvi. Vitze Abbatuin in Aduwerth in Frisia. Xenophontis Expeditio Cyri. Sallustius. veil, s. xi. Do. veil. s. xii. Sirmondi Notitia Proconsulum. Henrici de Bodenham Cronicon Anglia;, ». s, xiii. Donati Vita Caroli Magni. veil. s. xvi. Codices MSS. Gallici. 832 Pierre le Mangeur la Bible Historiale. 833 Proces contre M. G. Poyet, Chancellier, 1543. 738 739 740 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 753 754 755 757 759 760 762 763 764 767 768 769 770 772 773 777 778 779 780 702 784 785 786 787 790 793 794 795 796 797 800 801 802 812 815 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1014 1915 1910 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 19 ‘. 928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1930 1937 1938 939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 835 839 842 844 845 846 847 848 051 852 853 854 856 861 866 807 868 870 873 879 880 881 885 886 887 892 893 895 890 898 900 901 902 Rageneau sur les Lois coqcernant le Domajne. Gaubil sur 1’Astronomic Chinoise. Poemes en Perigourdin. Roman d’Evast et de Blaquerne, veil. s. xv. Guyon de Sardieve Cartes de tout l’Univers, 1536. veil. Martyrologe des Saints de Gaule. Ordre de la Cont’rerie de la Vierge. veil. 1479, Loisey Histoire d’Anciennetez des Archeveques de Besangon, 1601. Les lnterets des Paj.es, Empereurs, &c. Chroniques de St. Denys, veil. s. xv. Croniques de Jean Molinet, &c. Negociations du President Jeannin. Memoires du temps 1635. ChitHet Inventaire des Charles du Comte Bour* gogne. De la Croix Relation d’Abyssinie. Genealogie des Comtes de Bourgogne depuis 988. Catalogue des MSS.duPresidentdeMesmes,1650. Sermons en Vieux Frangais. veil. Petrarque, 6 Triomphes et Visions, veil. L’Art Hermetique i decouvert. Vaillant PoesiesGalantesenVersRomans.u.s.xvi. Epitaphe d’Hector et d’Achilles. veil. s. xv. Mandeville Voyage en Asie. vvll. s. xiv, Histoire des Benefices. Deux Croniques, l’un finit 1213, 1’autre 1321. veil. s. xv. De la Croix Relation de la Terre Sainte, Do. Journal de l’Ambassade a la Porte. 3 vols. Relation de TAmerique Septentrionale. Dissertation sur les Tombeaux de Quarree. G. Vallee Le Fleo de la Foy. Herberay Electra, traduite de Sophocle. veil. Mace Voyage de l’Empereur Charles V. 1539. v. La Description des douze Cesars. Codices MSS. Italiani, 4'c. 905 Conclusiones de la Destreca de las armas, 906 Cinco Novelas escritas sin las cinco Vogales. 914 Cadiz a las islas Canarias. 915 Cronica de Napoli sul P. de Toledo. 917 Historia di Mogol. 924 La Congiura de Baiamonte TJiiepolo. 925 Aguixxe Successos en la Governazion de} Paraguay, 1721. 927 Vita d’Alphonse d’Este. 929 Enchiridion di Regole di Architettura. veil. 22 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 1960 963 Resolutien van de Stat. Holland, 1642. 1976 1961 964 Verbaal der Vergaderingen, 1651. 1977 1962 965 Resolutien van de Stat van Holland in West 1978 Friesland, 1652. 1979 1963 969 Do. Do. 1726. 1980 1964 970 Notulen van de Vergadering in West Fries¬ 1981 land, 1726. 1982 1965 971 Resolutien in Do. 1790. 1966 973 Do. de Nimweegsche Vredein 1678. 1983 1967 977 Versaraeling van Nederlandsche Ambassaden, 1984 &c. 26 vols. 1985 1968 978 Notulen van den Tresves gebouden, 1608. 1969 980 Legatie aan den Koninck van Vrankrich, 1627. 1970 981 Tractaten met Frankriik ende Spagnien, 1634. 1971 937 Verbaal van de onderhandelingen van Mr. Bevcrningh, 1666. 1972 989 Do. van Heeren Burgersdyck. 1986 1973 992 Verbaelen van M. Willem Boys, 1700. 1987 1974 996 Negotiatien in Paris, 1727. 1988 1975 997 Do. over bet tractaat van Commercie met 1989 Frankriik, 1738. 1990 1011 Verhandeling van de oude regeering van Holland 1046 Stedekeur van Middelburg, Ac. veil. 1047 Ceuren van Drechterland. 1048 Stadregt van Deventer. 1050 Dyckboek van Zallant en Mastebroeck. veil.I 1055 Johan Voet’s reize in het Oosten, 1373. 1056 Jacob Kreyck en Deryck Vogel reize toe Jeru salem, 1479. 1069 Journaal door Jan Sayjer, 1743. 1073 Privilegien van Rotterdam. 1074 Instructie voor de Gecommitteerde raden, &c .: Codices Sinici, Malabarid, Slavonic!, et Javani, fyc. 1091 Fragmenta Sinica Historica, &c. 1092 Historia Slavonica ab anno 853 ad 1436. 1096 Historia Sangdewie Filiie Regis. 1097 Historia Javana. 1100 Folia Malabarica. SchecUe duce. The following Meerman MSS. were bought for me by Luchtman and Bodel, Booksellers, at Leyden; but. by the chicanery of certain Booksellers, I fear they will never come into my hands, 1991 218 Galenus de Causis Symptomatum. 2001 1992 456 Augustini et Marbodi opera quaedam. veil. s. xii. 2002 1993 460 AIarius Victorious de Trinitate. veil. s. xii. 2003 1994 497 Ambrosius super Lucam, Ac. veil. s. xiii. 2004 1995 515 Petu I’iesensis Basiligerunticon. veil. s. xiv. 2005 19.06 517 Bernardus in Cantiea, Ac. veil. s. xiii. 2006 1997 519 Do de Consideratione, Ac. roll. s. xiv. 2007 1998 52 ' Flonnrii Klucidarium. tell. s. xiii. 2008 1.099 524 Dispui.uio contra Judxos. tell. s. xiv. 2009 2000 525 TlioUiU: .‘dauriuiacensis AbbatisScrmones.u.s.xiii. '■ 2010 534 Biblia Sacra, vell. s. xiv. 536 Psalteriura. r el!. s. xv. 537 Novum Testamentum. tell. s. xiv. 557 -Albinos de virtutibus et vitiis. r ell. s. xv. 560 Hildeberti ( enomannensis Epistolae. r ell. s. xii.; 561 S. Thomas Sumime Secunda Pars, &c. *ell. s. xiv.; 563 Electuarium Conformitatum, Arc. veil. s. xiii. 613 Statuta Remensis Ecclesi*. r ell. s. xvi. 624 Gregorii IX. Pap® Decretalia. veil. s. xiii. 625 Scholia in Gratianum. veil. s. xiii. ( 23 ) CODICES MANUSCRIPTI EX ABEATIA S TI . MARTINI DE TOURNAY. NUNC IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. TRANSLATE >-13 PRESS A. 2011 H ieronymi Biblia Sacra. 2 vols. Large folio. 1 2 Contains from Kings to Zacharias* - 5 3 2012 Radiilphus Flaucensis super Leviticum - - 7 2013 Augustinus de Psalmis (query if belonging to this Press) - - _ _ to 2014 Bonifacii Vita S. Livini Archiepiscopi Visiones Elizabeth®. Sermo' de 11,000 Virginibus. Hugo de Sto. Laurentio ad Rainer Cordebenig num Columba deargentata. Translatio S. Mari® Magdalen®. Vita S. Eligii. Passio 7 Martyrum. ^ 47 Gregorius Turonensis de Miraculis S. Martini. 3 2106 Gregorius Florentius Turonensis de Miracolis S. Martini - - - - - 48 2107 Petri Rhemensis Sermones - - - 56 2108 Vit® Sanctorum - - - - 64 2109 Do. Do. - - - - - 65 2110 Do. Do. - - - - - 66 2078 Anselmus Cantuariensis Archiep. de Veritate - 2079 Do. Do. de Canticis 2080 Lectionale et Calendarium Sanctorum Monastery de Tournay. ' ConnrmacioRogisFrancorumPhilippideemptionel 60 Librat. in Nemore Berti Montis A.D. 1271. 2081 Petri Trecensis 4 Libri Sententiar. 2082 Hugonis Postill® in Isaiam - - - 23 2083 Hugo de Sacramentis - - - - 27 2084 Primus Sententiarum - - - - 28 2085 Petrus Cantoris Parisiensis de Verbo abbreviate 29 2086 P. Innocentius 3 tius super Canonem et 7 Psalmos Penitent. - - - - - 30 2087 Concordia Discordantium Canonum - - 31 N. B.—An old number on this, “ CCXXX.” 2088 Gaufridus de Trano de Summa decretalium - 32 2089 Cassianus de Collationibus - - - 33 There is an old number upon this of CCXXVI. PRESS G. 2111 Fossetier de Vita Christi - - - 32 He treats, at page . . . , of the foundation of the toivns of Lyons and Vienna. He calls himself Julian Fossetier, Priest, native and inhabitant of the town of Atli, in Haynoult, and dedi¬ cates his work to Margaret, Archduchess of Austria. PRESS H. None. PRESS I. 2112 Papi® Dictionarium Latinum - - - 1 2113 Boetius de Consolatione Philosophi® - 2 2114 Isidori Ethimologia - - - - 5 This is a Dictionary, not the Etimology. PRESS E. 2090 Hugonis de Sto. Victore Opera - - 1 2391 .de Psalmis - - - - 3 The fly leaf of this volume contains a list of the jewels, plate, reliques, phylacteries, SfC. of the monastery of St. Martin of Tournay. It has been damaged by the binder, who made use of it to paste upon the cover. 2115 Ludolphi Alemanni Vita Christi 2116 Petri Trecensis 4 Lib. Sententiar PRESS K. 23 25 None. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 25 PRESS L. 2117 Missale JEstivale 2L18 Do. Hyemale PRESS M. 2119 Missale - - - - “ 164 2120 Marquais'in Regulam Benedictinorum etSpecu- i lura Prelatorum - - - - ) 2121 Do. Speculum Pastorum vel Officia Abbatum . . . 2122 Do. Commentaria in Regulam S. Benedicti - 11 2123 Do. Do. Do. Do. - . . . PRESS N. 2124 Commentaria in Psalmos 25 ad 50, per Jacob, de Marquais, Abbatem Sti. Martini de Tour- nay. 1 PRESS O. 2125 Commentaria in Psalmos 51 ad 100, per Jac. } de Marquais. J PRESS P. 2126 Commentaria in Psalmos 101 ad 113, per Jac. ] de Marquais. J PRESS Q. 2127 Jacobi de Marquais Explicationessuper Psalmos This is the autograph copy, as appears by this note; “Finis Explicationis libriPsalmorumquam absolui Deifavente bonitate etgracia 3 tia. Augusti , anno 1581, ad ejus gloriam et fratrum meorum vtilitatem .” Sequuntur Jacobi de Marquais Orationes 12. de Hereticis et Catholicis. Politiani Orationes aliorumque. >■ 3 Tournay MSS. whose Presses are unknown, the Letters being rubbed off, but on some of which the numbers still remain. SI28 Isidori Ethimologia - - - - 1 This is a Latin Dictionary, and not the Ethimologia. At the end is a Treatise on Accents. 2129 Isidori Ethimologia - - 10 2130 Commentaria in Prophetas Minores - - 35 2131 Chrysostom in Epist. ad HebraeOs - 34 2132 Liber de Triuitate ex variis auctoribus - - 46 2133 Gregorii Decretales - - 48 2134 Bernard super Evangel. “ Missus est” - - 48 2135 Moralitates in lsaiam - - - 24 2136 Bernardi Breviarium Decretalium - - 60 2137 Jac. de Vitriaco Sermones Vulgaies - * 45 2138 Epistolae Canonic® - - 32 2139 Ambrosius in Psalmum 118. - - 48 2140 Bonifacii Decretales, lib. 6tus. - - - 9 2141 Vita S. Eligii. (An old number, 929.^ - - 2142 Priscian de 8 partibus Orationis - - 2143 Do. de Constructionibus - - - 2144 Senecae Proverbia - De Viciis et Virtutibus - r* 2145 Sermones de Sanctis - - - 2146 Boetii Arithmetica - - Euelidis Geometria M - 2147 Missale Romanum - . 2148 Summa Johannis Belet - _ 2149 Leges Gallic® - - 2150 Flores Bernardi - - 2151 Petri Alphonsi Proverbia - - 2152 Innocentii 4b. Apparatus - - 2153 Tractatus de Sacramentis - - 2154 Petri Trecensis, 4 libri Sententiarum - - 2155 Calendarium Obituariura et Cartularium Abbati® S. Martini de Tournay - _ 2156 Tractatus de Astrologia - 26 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA, MSS. from Rioington. 2157 Collections on Druidism. 2158 Cywyddau ; or, Cronigl Cymru. 2159 Edward Llwydd’s Parochial Collections in Wales. 2160 Welch Poems,by the Bards of the 14th AlS^Centuries. 2161 Welch Poems (imperfect), szec. xvi. 2162 Chundie Paat. (Sanscrit.) From Payne. 2163 Historic Augustae Scriptores. vel. s&*c. xv. 2164 Virgil, ex Biblioth. Macarthy. vel. sac. xiv. — 2165 Evangelia. vel. sac. ix. 2166 Beda de Arte Metrica. vel. sac. xi. 2167 Hebrew-MSS. vel. sac. xiii. 2168 Ezra. vel. sac.-xv. 2169 A eta Episcoporum et Abbatum de Tournay. vel. sac. xvi. 2170 Miscellanea, vel. £ ck. sac. xi v. ( Codex Rescript us.) 2171 Hermes de Secretis. vel. sac. xiv. 2172 Origen in Numeros. vel. sac. xii. 2173 Augustini Episcopi Sermones. vel. sac. xi, 2174 Antiquites Romaines. ck. 2175 Traites de Paix d’Jtalie.- vel. 2176 Appian. vel. sac. xiv. rr Rodd. 2184 Cronica dei Famigli d’Avoli. ck. 2185 Cronica'Sicilia. 2186 Ordenanzas dellnquisicion de Portugal, ch. 2187 Lettere di Gennaro, 1647. ck 2188 Chronicle der Stadt Augsburg, ch. sac. xvi. 2189 Constitutiories Sororum Dominici Confessoris cum Obituario et Martyrologio. vel. sac. xiv. _ 2177 Leyes de el Rey Alonzo el .Noveno. ck. Taylor. 2178 Gregorius super Cantica. vel. 2179 Ilcpi Epptviag Aristotelis. vel. sac. x. 2180 Treatise on Contemplation, vel. sac. xiv. 2181 De Secretis Secretorum ) sac. xiii. H Summula Rumoldi de Casibus. ) 2182 Meditations, ch. 2183 Ambrosius de Virginitate. ck 2190 Brown and Fairfax on the Statute of Edward III. on Children born beyond Sea. ck. 2191 Officium Isabellis Sororis Sti Ludovici. ck. 2192 Bonaventura Centiloquium. ck. 2193 Soliloquium Hugonis. 1 ^ ^ If Gnotosoliton, ejusdera, &c. &c. ) 2194 Lombardi Liber Sententiarum. vel. sac. xiv. 2195 Constitutiones Ottoboni in Anglia, ck. sac. xv. 2196 Memoires d’une Femme de Li6ge. ch. 2197 Statuta Ordinis Fratrura de Windesheim. 2198 Abrege de FHistoire Universelle.. 2 vols. ch. 2199 Simon’s Extraits de l’LIistoire Critique, vol. 4tum. 2200 Abreviadas Curas, eh. 2201 Nic. de Vrise Stammbuch. 2202 Discurso sobre los Consulados. 2203 Faxardo Descriptio de la Russia, 1718. 2204 Dertend sur l’authenticite des Versions Grecques et Hebraiques du Testament. 2205 Della Precedenza fra la Fiancia & la.Spagna, 2206 Laynez sobre la Musica. 2207 Poema ad Alexandrum Sfortia. 2208 An permanendum sit in foedere cum Rege Gallorum? 2209 Memorial in la Noche de los Egipcios. 2210 Kaldenbach’s Stammbuch, 1634. 2211 Promptuarium Juris Hispauici, 2212 Ordeuanza para los Intendentes de Provincial 2213 Pataroli Institutiones Rei Herbarim. 2214 Exilium Conventus Cantuarensis et Translatio B. Thomae Martyris. vel. saec. xiii. 2215 A. A. Nebriscensis de Liberis Educandis. 2216 Vita di Savonarola. Longman . 2217 Guerres de la Terre Sainte, de Flandres, See. &c« vel. srec. xiv. 2218 Tractatus de Astrolabio. 1 ^ 2219 De Mancourt, de Magnete. > 2220 Histoire All^gorique. ch. 2221 Lo Scudo di Santa Fede. 2222 Processo de Fra llieron Savonarolo. 2223 William de Widdendune’s Poems, &c. vel. saec. xiii. 2224 Le Present de Noces. 2225 Beda in Marcum, vel. saec. xii. 2226 Papeles Varios sobre la mueite de Don'Carlos de Spagna. 2227 Discursos Critico Geograficos. 2228 De la Desigualdad personal. 2229 Johis. Sacrobosci NovaCompotiCompilatio. r. s.xiv. 2230 Conferenzia entre Cardiuales Richelieu, Mazarini, 6c. Olivero Cromwell. 2231 Carta Latiua deJuanL.VivesadEnricum8 vum Regem Angliae. 2232 Miscellaneo Manuscrito. 2233 La Margarita de el Moro. 2234 Albertis Magnus de Animalibus. vel. <§• ch. saec. xiv. u 2235 Las tres primeras \'isitas Generales en Sicilia, viz. 1545, 1559, 1562. 2236 Venerabilis Alabiano Vita. (Query?) 2237 Ximenes de Rebus in Hispania gestis. 2238 Petri de Salazar Opera. 2239 Poema Epico “ La Sociedad Anti-Espana.” 2240 Pieces Historiques de 1622 a 1648. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 27 2241 Institution del Principe por Budzeus, traducido por P. Calero de Manzanares. 2242 Noticias Genealogicas de Castilla. 2243 Poesias Varias. 2244 Letras Liricas, 1700. 2245 Acta in Consistorio Secreto Pii 6ti, 1778. 2246 Discursos Politicos sobre la Portugal, &c. 2247 Sonetos Varios. 2248 Zazzera Diarii del Governo del Duca D’Ossuna. 2249 10,000 Chartes originaires pour l’histoire des Abbayes de France. 2250 Oviedo Historia de las Indias. 3 vols. 2251 Scriptores de Re Rustica, vel. szec. xv. 2252 Auli Gellii Noctes Atticze. vel. szec. xv. 2253 Moamin’s Treatise on Falconry, vel. szec. xv. 2254 Statuta Ordinis Przemonstratensis. If Radulphus Presbyter de morte Ricardi l mi - Regis Anglia;. Baynes 2256 Registrum Prioratfts Yiridis Vallis prop£ Bruxellas. ch. 2257 Registrum Prioratfis de Moersa. ch. 2258 LiterzePetri Walsche, Prioris Yiridis Vallis 1566. 2259 Installation de Madame d’Adorne, Abbesse de Bour- -bourg. 2260 Pleadings in the Flemish Court, in the Reign of Al¬ bert and Isabella. 2261 Forerunner of revenge, on the Duke of Buckingham’s poisoning King James the 1st. 2262 Leonis Liber Sermonum. 2263 Modus tenendi Parliamenti. , 2264 Epistolze S. Bernany.^ vel. szec. xiii. 2265 Clemen tisopH&=quodda>m. vel. szec. xiv. 2266 Placita Flandrensia. vel. szec. xvi. •5267 LI dimes Ir^e^tt^Records in the Tower. 2268 Aristotells 6pera quaeclam. vel. szec. xiv. 2269 Ciceronis Epistolze. ch. 2270 Martyfologia. vel. szec. xiii. If Regula S. Benedicti. If Statuta Cisterciensia in Diocesi Cabilonensi. 2271 Cantipratanus de ApibuS- ch. szec. xv. 2272 Extraits des ChfoniqueS de Monstrelet. 2273 Armeniense Spraek Const. 2274 Glossarium. 1 , H Evax de Lapidibus pretiosis. j S *°' X '“’ 2275 Cartularium Ecclesize Remensis. vel. szec. xiii. 2276 Do. Carmelitarum in Haerlem. vel. szec.xvi. 2277 Ordonnantien Politiche van den Ambachte van Cor temarck. vel. szec. xvi. 2278 Notabilia Decretalium. vel. szec. xv. 2279 Forma investiendi Fratres tercii Ordinis S. Francisci in Antwerpia. vel. szec. xv. 2280 Mandagoto de Electionibus. vel. szec. xv. 2281 Sur les troubles en France. 2282 Ceremonies de Gaige de Bataille selon les Constitu¬ tions de Philippe Roy de France, vel. szec. xv. 2283 Sur la Paix de Cambray en l’an 1529, entre Charles V. et Francois I. 2284 Le livre des Anges par Francois Ximenee. 2285 Pedigree of Parham, a Roll. vel. szec. xvii. 2286 Do. of Knoyle. a Roll. vel. szec. xvii. Bolm. 2287 Chronique de Liege, ch. szec. xv. 2288 Songe du Vergier. vel. saec. xv. 2289 Pelerinagedu Corps et de l’Ame. vel. szec. xv. 2290 Yirgilii Opera, vel. szec. xiv. 2291 Sallust, vel. szec. xiii. 2292 Dictys Cretensis. vel. szec. xv. 1499. 2293 Cicero de Rhetorica. vel. szec. xiv. 2294 Florus. ch. (Pefci 2295 Neustria Subterranea. 2296 Leonardi Epistolze. vel. szec. xv. 2297 Xarque Missionaries de Paraguay. No. 916 ex Bibliotheca Mecrman. Thorpe . 2298 Gower’s Confessio Amantis. vel. saec. xv. 2299 Servius in Virgilium. vel. saec. xiv. 2300 Lectiones ex tota BibliA. vel. szec. x. 2301 Biblia versificata. vel. szec. xiv. 2302 lnnocentii IV. Papze Apparatus Decretalium. vel. szec. xiii. 2303 Servii Commentarium in Virgil, vel. saec. xv. 2304 Collection of Alphabets in several Languages. 2305 A Satire upon France, with curious Emblems, vel. 2306 Lectionarium. vel. szec. x. 2307 Chronicle of Brute. [ Anglice. ] vel. szec. xiv. 2308 Excerpta ex Llistoricis Grzecis. [ Grace.] ch. 2309 Literze de Rebus Gestis Europze. ch. 2311 Biblia Versificata. vel. szec. xiii. 2312 Laredo Anno Dhi 1576 Don M. Desisniega difunta livro para la Claridad y jecuzon de su testamento y quentasCuneargoy data Operase por Don Manuel Francisco de la Campa. 2313 Morales Llistoria di Nobleza di Cordova. 2314 Dialoghi S. Gregorii. [qu-Hunyarice.] ch. 2315 Missale. Charactere Slavonico. 2316 Expositio Decalogi. vel. szec. xiv. 2317 Meursii Amatoria. 2318 Raymundi Lullii Theorica. O P r An ■ !/• 28 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 2819 Peratlzonus fie Reparatione Mem or a*. 2320 Ainaseo descrizione dei Eccessi et Crudelta inter- i venute in Udine Anno 1511. 232 L Dt* edificatione Urbis Phatolomi* ad montem Brau- cidanum et ad Montem Rubeuni. 2322 Papadopulo de Unione Ecclesiarum Gr*caeet Latin*. 2323 Christopheri Parisiensis Sumetta de Arte Transmuta- toria. 2324 Gaffridus Monumetensis. vel. s*C. xiii. 2325 Hieronymus contra Jovinianum. vel. s*c. xv. 2326 Charter of St. Martin’s Chapel, London, 1468. vel. 2327 The Speaker’s Speech to the Queen, 1601. 2328 Relacion de los Pueblos de Espana 2329 Sermones in Festo ad Vincula S. Petri. 5 S. Anselmi Sermones. I vel. If Vita Annonis Archiepiscopi. V saec. II Translatio Corporis S.Steph. ad Romani. I x i. IT Damianus de Charitate Clericoruiu. J 2330 Geuealogia de los Keyes d’Espana. 2331 Cronica de los Reyes de Castilla. 2332 Dialogi Gvegorii Papje. vel. s*c. xi. 2333 Trattato della Dalmazia. 2334 S. Thom* Aquingjtis Quaternarius. V If Modus Abbreviations Libri de 9 vel. s*c. Mateolus. ^ xvi. If Concertatio Leporarii et Falconis. j 2335 Soliloquio de Sancto Agostino. 2336 A fifxojvts irtfH AeZetov- [Grace."] 2337 C. Schoneo Gondaho Fabiila Comica in Commenda- tione Editicii egenis Senibus Harlemi extruendi. 2338 Ciceronis Orationes in Antouium. 233f£* Zuccato Cronica de Treviso. 2339 Lettres de Chevalier de Mayenne. 2340 Jean Germaiu Evesque de Chalons, La Tapisseric spirituell See. 2341 Index to Baker’s 39 vols. of Cambridge Collections. 2342 Voyage de Poussin en Sicile et Naples, 1700. 2343 Egesippi Ilistoria. vel. s*c. xiii. 2344 Diario de Don Juan de Austria. 2 vols. 2345 Historia di Nobleza di Cordova. 2 vols. 2346 Riol Ynforme al Key. 2347 De Monsegur Memoires touchant Ie Mexique 1707. 2348 Origen de la Nobleza de Espana. 2349 Cronica di Venetia. 2350 B. Gregorii in Ezechiel Omeli*. vel. saec. xiii. 2351 Ciceronis Epistol*. vel. s*c. xvi. 2352 Relacion di Govierno di Peru, 1667. 2353 1 nscriptiones Antiqua* Roman*. 2354 Viroruin illustrium Epitaphia. 2355 Symeon Protavestarch* Antiochi* de Alimentorum facilitate. [Greece.] Ex Bihlioth. Meerman. 2356 Erotemata. [Grace.] . 2357 Tertulliani Declainationes. vel. 5*c. xv. 2358 Condition of the State of England &c. 2359 Los Evangelios. [ Arabice .] 2360 Le Conte de Soissonset le Cardinal Richelieu rivaux de la Duchesse d’Elbceuf. 2361 Addiciones a las Instrucciones de Juan deVegaporel Conde Porta Legue. 2362 Semanarios Curiosos. 1754, 6 vols. 2363 Champion des Dames. 2;>64 Life and Death of Roger, Earl of Orery. 2365 Joties de Sacro Bosco de Sph*ra. vel. [Italian.] 2366 Aretinode Bello Gothico. vel. 2367 Gesta Ducis Macedum Alexandri. vel. saec. xiii. 2368 Clarendon’s Winchester, with MSS. notes. 2369 Treatise on Metaphysics and Prosody. [Persice.] 2370 Codex MS. Arabice. No. 1. 2371 Do. Do. 2. 2372 Do. Do. 3. 2373 Do. Do. 4. 2374 Do. Do. 5. 2375 Do. Do. 6. 2376 Gibbon’s Notes on Harwood’s Classics. 2377 Principi di Disputazionedella Religion^. [Armenice.] 2378 Welch Poems. [Britannice.] 2379 Reed’s Notes from Dodsley’s papers. Copied by Malone. 2380 Rev. James Verdon’s Journey from Dereham (co. Norfolk) to Dublin 1699. 2381 Christopheri Conteleontis de Immortalitate Animae. No. 294. Ex Bibliotheca Meerman. [Grace.] 2382 Logica Philosophica. [Armenice.] 2383 Chrysostomi Liturgia. [Grace.] 2384 Humphrey Lloyd’s Letter to Ortelius concerning Anglesea. 2385 Epistol* S. Antonii Abbatis. vel. saec. xv. 2386 La Porta della Grammatica. [Armenice.] 2337 Evangelia. [Grace.] vel. saec. xiii. 2388 Preces. [Grace.] ch. saec. xiii. 2389 Genealogy of Perry of co. Somerset and Gloster. 2390 Beckwith’s Yorkshire Collections. 2391 IVill of Sir Charles Hedges of Wilts and other deeds. 2392 Annali di GregorioNIH- 2393 Debates of the House of, Commons 1640. 2 vols. 2394 Deeds and Wills, relating-to A bing/on 2395 Oxford Guide with MSS. additions. 2396 Collectanea Oxoniensia. Hinton’s, small Ato. 2397 Hunt’s Collections for Oxfordshire. [Folio.] 2398 Oxfordshire Letters and Epitaphs. 2399 Gregorius in Jobum. vel. saec. xiv. , 2400 Psalterium Glossalum. vel. saec. xiv. | 2401 Parliamentary Speeches. 1625. I 2402 Do. Do. 5 Jac. 1. 2403 Papeles Curiosos. 8 vols. [vol 2 wanting.] , 2404 Papeles Politicos. ! 2405 Poesias Varias. 4 vols. j 2406 Papeles Curiosos. 2407 Cartas de S. Palafox. 2408 Examen de la Religion. 2409 Gronoves in Epistolam ad Romanos. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 29 2410 Correspondence of Ambassador Scudamore, 1635 to 39. 2 41L Catastrophe'de Portugal. 2412 Poesias de Chagas. 1650. 2413 Do. de Campo. 2414 Musaeo Espanol. 2415 Poesias varias Espanolas. 2416 Gioiello, overo Instruccione Politien. 1661. 2417 Missale. vel. s®c. xv. 2418 Common Place Book. 2419 Lybro de la Vyda di Christo. 2420 Lecciones de Gongora. 2421 Origenes in Vet. Testamentum. vel. s®c. xiv. 2422 Nomenclator8 linguarura, cum notis. 2423 Letters from the Bishop of Chichester, &c. 2 424 Spanish and Arabic Grammar. 4 vols. 2425 Guarini Oratio. 2426 Libro de la destruccion de Jerusalem. 2427 Consejos y Maxim as de A. Perez. 2428 Egidii Abbatis Cronicon vitae S.Henricilmperatoris. 2429 Calliclea. A Tragedy. 2430 Periander. A Tragedy. 2431 Beronice. A Tragedy. 2432 Measurement of Cambridge Streets. 2433 Relazioni della Morte della Signora Vittoria Acco- ramboni. 2434 Catalogue of Dr. Woodward’s Fossils. 2435 II Judice. [Commedia.] 2436 Gillie’s Greece abridged. 2437 Longiani Istoria degli Famiglie de Napoli. 1511. 2438 Spenser’s Prothalamium. 2439 Account of the Temple Church, Bristol. 2440 Historia de lo que occurido en Madrid. 1766. 2441 Historia del Rey D. Sebastian de Portugal. 2442 La Mantuana. 1792. 2443 Romance por D. Ignacib Sanbiase. 2444 Spanish or Italian Coats of Arms. [ From Thomas Martin's Collection.’] 2 445 De Nummiset Antiquitatibus Romanis. 2446 Pizzi Compendio del Grammatico Arabico. 2447 Poeraa Joco-serio de las fachadas en ano 1803. 2448 Megia’s Parnasso Antatico. 1608. 2449 Nidel’s Sermon des A mores. 2450 Grandes Annales de 15 Dias. 1621. 2451 Common Place Book aud Chronology. 2152 The Egyptians Overthrow. 2453 Carta Apologetica a la Historia di Fray Gerundio de Campazas 2154 Carta al Conde Duque de San Lucan. 2455 Orfeo de Don Juan de Juarigui. 2456 Smid’s Tabul® Chronologic®. 2457 La Vida de S. Mari® Maddalen®. 2458 Arte delle Scolpire in Rame. 1711. 2459 Obras de Don Diego Mendoza. 2460 Juan deToledo Descripcion del Sto. Monte de Priego, 1636. 2461 Expedicion de Portugueses contra Moros. 2462 Obras del Padre Domian de Corneso. 2463 Expedicion de Oran. 1732. 2464 El Matrimonio de los Sacerdotes antiguos y el Celiba- to de los Modernos. 1784. 2465 Cathalogo de algunos Libros cuiiosos. 2466 Sonetos de D. Luis de Gonguera. 2467 Vida del Padre Balthazar Alvarez. 2468 Tratadode los Caracteres antiguos de differentes Regi- ones. 2469 Epitome de las Vidas des CondesdeFlandre*. 1599. 2470 Madrid Diaria del Anno 1621. 2471 Ocios de Don Juan Alfonso de Cuerra y Sandoval 1719. 2472 S. Gregorii Regula Pastoralis. 1475. 2473 Virgile traduit en Francais. 2 vols. 2474 Codex Arabians. 2475 Miscellanea Curiosa. 2476 Vida de Sancta Theresa. 2477 Trobas de Jay me de Febrer. 2478 Varios Poemas Humanos. 2479 Carta de B. Arias Montano al Rey Philip 2* 2480 El descubrimiento de la decima Musa. 2481 Memorial de Don Diego deTorrea. 2482 Do. de un Gerundio converso. 2483 Obras de Don Diego de Sylva y Mendoza Conde de Salinas. 2484 Comedia del Cozco del Penon de Luy Velez de Guebara. 2485 Los Negocios de Espana durante el Govierno de Pa¬ tino en 1735-6. 2486 Carta al Licenciado Juan de Teran&c. 2487 Obras Poeticas de Varillas. 2488 Historia de Donna MariaGarciade Asofrinen Toledo. I 2489 Exercitationes Scholastic®. 2 vols. r /•- j 2490 Hippo men es^y Atalanta por Diego di Molina. 2491 V®ni Amorum Emblemata. 2492 Acta del Academia de Lima en Peru. 1709. 2493 Papeles sobra la Expedicion de Argel. 2494 Sonetos varios. 2495 De losGodos y de los Reyes que fueron de sulihage. 2496 Albertus Magnus de Metheoris. 2497 Poesias sacras di Barias. 2498 Oposicion hecha a la Beatification de Palafox. 2499 Smid’s Proscenium Antiquitatis. 2 vols. 2500 Les Enluminures du Jeu de la Constitution. 2501 Despedida, Delidiay Armido, Canto Heroico. 2502 Egidius Romanusde RegiminePrincipum. vel. s®c. xiv. 2503 Artephius de la Piedra Filosofal. 2504 English and Spanish Dictionary. 2 vols 4to. 2505 References to Scotch History, by Lord Glenbervie 2 vols. 2506 Biblion ab Ysaia ad Apocalypsin. s®c. xiv. [Folio.] vel. 30 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 2507 Pelisson H istoire de l’expedition de Louis XIV, a la Franche Corate. 2508 Vernon’s Catalogue of Prints. 4 vols. 2509 Coats of Arras by Randal Holmes, vel. 2510 Cronica di Enrico IV, Rey de Castille. 251L Contracts for Manors and Lands in England. 2512 Expositio Psalmorum. [ Chartac .] 2513 Coronica de Enrico IV. 2514 Anthems &c. set to Music by Dr. Blow. 2515 Demonstration de la Divinite contre les Athees. 2516 Martin Folkes on English Coins. 2517 Sharpe Do. Do. 2518 La Tenues des Etats de Bretagne assembles a Mor- laix. 1772. 2519 Earl of Salisbury’s Speeches. 1609. 2520 Biblia. [Fragment.] vel. saec. xiv. 2521 Interpretatio Nominura Ilebrveorum. vel. saec. xiii. 2522 Pontificalis fragraentum de inunctione Regum. vel. sasc. xv. 2523 Hieronymi Epistolte. [Fragment.] vel. saec. xiii. 2524 ( hronicon van Utrecht, ch. sxc. xiv. 2525 Correspondence of Rev. Mr. Gibert, Rector of Quedgeley. 2526 Gronovii Notae in Petroniura. 1693. 2527 Sir Wm. Pelham's Correspondence. 2528 Le Codicille de Maitre Jeande Meun. vel. saec. xiv. 2529 Regula Sti. Benedicti. vel. saec.xv. 2530 Cose occorse tra Paolo 5, et Signori Venetiani, 1606. 2531 Michault Doctrine du Temps. [The autograph copy.] eh. saec. xiv. 2532 Paulini Petracordia? de Vita S. Martini. [iVo. 729e.r Bibliotheca Mterman. 2533 Isidori Ethimologia. vel. saec. xiii. 2534 Portolano del Adriatico et Mediterraneo. ch. saec. xv. 2535 Prophetia David de Pomi sopra la guerra di Sultan Selim. 2536 Pedigree of Pedro IIortiz. 1680. vel. saec. xvii. [ Hispanice.] 2537 TEsopi Fabulae. vel. saec. xv. 2538 F. Barbarus de Re Uxoria. ch. 2539 La Dame et son Amant. vel. saec. xv. 2540 Preces et Symbolon S. Athanasii. vel. scec. xv. [Beautifully uritten.] 2541 Traite de Longimetrie. 2642 Giuramento della Consigliaria dei Venetia. vel. saec. xvi. 2543 M ilks’ Remarks on Sir John Cust’s Speech. 2544 La Liste des meilleurs Livres Francais par Mon¬ tesquieu. H Pizoli Descriptio de Bologne. 2545 Hugonis de Sancto Victore Soliloquium &c. 2546 Index to Chauncey’s and Salmon’s Hertfordshire. 2547 Darrell’s History of Dover Castle. 2548 The Goldsmith’s Store house, or a treatise on Weights. 2549 Raymond’s Life of Julius Caesar. 2550 Mappa Maris Mediterranei. vel. 1661. 2551 Cunnynghame’s Mathematics and Geometry. Perth Academy. 1786. 2 vols. 2552 Dugdale’s short View of the late Troubles. [Fo/io.] 2553 Catalogue of E. Gibbon’s Library. 2554 Waterland’s Sermons. 2555 On the Importance of Salvation. 2556 Traite de la Philosophie. 2557 Jacobi de Cesulis Libellus de Ludo Schaccorum. 2558 Carillo's Rudimenta Hebraica. 2559 Terra Pacis. 2560 Elements de Geometrie. 2561 Sermons. 2562 Diary of. . . Long, Bishop of Norwich. 2563 Poems Ac. of Edward Natley. 2564 Suggerimento per la Preservation della Veneta. 1736. 2565 Exposition on St. Matthew. 2566 Les A mours du Roy et de M ademoiselle de la Valliere. 2567 Folke’s Table of English Coins. 2568 Catalogue of Pictures in Windsor Castle. 2569 Memoranda of the Mildmay Family. 2570 John Allingham’s Articles of Faith. 2571 Lucretius, tradotto par Marchetti. 2572 Codex Arabicus. 2573 Ceremonias in la Royale Capella. 2574 Malvetii Cronica Brixize. 2575 11 Sinto Moro. [Tragi Comedia.] 2576 Ocios Poeticos de la Pluma. 2577 Origine e Descendenza della Casa de Medici. 2578 Handefulle of plesant delites. 2579 De Adventti Patrum Carthusianorum. 2580 Relation de M. de Robertde Parades Mestrede Camp de 1778 a 1782. 2581 Topographia Christiana. [Greece.] 2582 Roman d’Alexandre le Grande, vel. 2583 Valeiio Maximo. [Hispanice.] ch. saee. xv. 2584 Vita di Virgine Maria, vel. etch. saec. xv. •2585 Rowland’s Antiquitates Parochiales Insulae Mon*. 2586 Welch Poems. 2587 Castellanos Historia de Don Alvaro de Luna. 2588 Missale Roraanum. vel. 2589 Annali de Gregorio XIII. 3 vols. 2590 On the Excellency of Prayer, by a Nun ofCambray. 2591 Descent of Ferrers and Shirley &c. 2592 Poems. [Query by . . . Oldham.] 2593 Codex Arabicus. 2594 Philip Henry’s ExpositionoftheGospel ofSLMatthew. 2595 Dernieres Heures de Mademoiselle d’Heucourt. 2596 Rituale Ecclesiae Augustensis. 2597 Julia Palmer's Poems. 2598 Diary of Sarah A llingham. 2599 Roberti Sotwelli Meditationes. 2600 The Twelve degrees of Pride. 2601 Croiiicon Mundi ad anum 1574. [Hispanice.] 2602 Bishop Long’s Diary of Ordinations. 2603 Maister Collins’ Lectures. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 31 2604 Compendium of the Mutability of Fortune. 2605 La Secchia Rapita. 2606 Life of Nehemiah Wallington. 2607 De la Vita de el Saladino. 2608 Tassoni Annali Eeclesiastici. 4 vols. 2609 F. Ferro Instruzioni Militari. 2610 Letters of Townshend, the Master-General. 2611 Languedoc, par M. de Basville. 2612 Abridgement of Geography. 2613 Catalogue of the Houghton Hall Gallery. 2614 Les Heures, with miniatures, vel. saec. xv. 2615 Musica Politica. 2616 Commentariolum de Vita Christi &c. r el. saec. xiii. 2617 Avertiraenti di Gregorio PP 15, al Cardinale Ludo¬ vico. 26L8 Praelectiones“in Elementa Euclidis. 1651. 2619 Chansons (de la Bibliotheque du Chevalier D’Eon.) 2620 Aviso del Alfonso della Quena Ambasciadore di Ve¬ nezia. 2621 Codex Juris Lubecensis in saeculo XIII mo - 2622 Lettera dal Duca di Fiorenza, al Duca di Savoia. 2623 Enern SylviiEpistola ad Caspar Schlickiura. ch. S xv. 2624 Faber’s Book of Alchemistry. 2625 Defence of Richard Baxter, &c. &c. 2626 Parliamentary Debates. 1685. 2627 On the relief and employment of the Poor. 2628 Coke’s Comments on Lyttleton. 2629 Ciceronis Opera quzedam. ch. smc. xv. 2630 Notes on Ferguson’s, Russell’s, and Blair’s Lectures. 2631 Livre des Vices et Vertues. [Folio.'] vel. saec. xv. 2632 Account of the Colony of Newfoundland. [Folio.] 2633 Ordinaciones Regis Arragoniae. vel. saec. xv. 2634 Insulae Maris Mediterranei. [Folio.] vel. 2635 Psalterium. vel. saec. xiv. 2636 Vite di Santi. vel. saec. xv. 2637 Spiegel Historiael. vel. saec. xiv. 2638 Ceremonie Boek van Holland. 2639 Froissart’s Cronecque. [Belyice.] [Folio.] 2640 De Legibus Canonicis. 2641 History of Images termed Sacred, by T. H. [This Vol. has the Autogrnph of Prideanx.] 2642 Napoli Antica. [176 Celotti.] 2643 Rousseau Institutions au Droit Francois. 2644 Wilhelmii Onomasticon Literarium. 2645 Lettere dal Alfonso d’Este Duca di Ferrara. 2646 Propositione al Benedetto 13 per la diffesa d’ltalie. 2647 De Famulatu Philosophise. 2648 Disputatio inter Contardum Januensem et Judaeos. 1286. 2649 History of Ancient Ceremonies. 2650 Le Soleil de l’Ame. 2651 Beda de Temporum Ratione. [Folio.] vel. saec, xi. 2652 Collection of Arms. 2653 Coronica de el Rey Henriquez. 4 to. 2654 Mauromatti Discorso della Fortificazione. 2655 Catalogue Librorum. 2656 Codices MSS. Hebraici. 2 vols. ch. 2657 Correspondence of Mr. Glasse. 2 vols. 2658 S. Pauli Epistolae. vel. saec. xii. 2659 Quatro Drame del Cardinale Delfino. 2660 Terentii Comediae. [Celotti.] 2661 Castillo Coronica del R. Henrico IV t0 * 2662 De Suilly sur les Finances de France. 2663 Satirae contra Papam, &c. 2664 Cicero de Rhetorica. vel. saec. xiv. 2665 Caesaris Commentaria et Suetonius, vel. saec. xiv. 2666 Lord Macartney on Ireland. [Folio.] 2667 Bevilacqua Trattati di pace di Nimega. 2668 Pace fatta tra Venetia et Theodoro Paleologo Despo- ti di Morea. 1394. 2669 Custumale Hamburgense. 2670 Conclavi di Clemente Papa 5, A 0 1305. 2671 Traite des Proprietes des Pierres. 2672 Catechisme de Calvin. 2673 Horae, vel. saec. xv. 2674 Raimundi Lully de Arte Occulta. 2675 Horae B. Marise ad usum S. Petri Gebennae. vel. saec. xv. 2676 Crispe’s Sermons. 2677 Harman Hood’s Sermons. 3 parts. 2678 Celestial Schemes. 2679 Aquinas de Veritate Theologiae. vel. saec. xiv. 2680 Livii Orationes. 2681 Demosthenes per L. Aretinum. vel. saec. xv. 2682 Longmate’s Church Notes for Surrey. 2683 Annotationes in Justinianum. 2684 A Swanne-like Song of Jesus Christ. 2685 Lives of Ignatius, &c. 2686 Overseer’s Book of Little Houghton. 1726. 2687 The World’s Mistake in Oliver Cromwell. 2688 Traite sur les Globes. 2689 Codex Arabicus. 2690 Tibaldeo Opere Poetiche. 269L Life of Dr. Westmacot. [Autograph.] 2692 Ferrieres Paratitla Juris Civilis, cum Notis MSStis. 2 vols. 2693 Recueil des Poesies. 2694 Historiadel Rey Henriquez. 2695 Chinese or Turkish Paintings. 2696 Ciceronis Rhetorica. vel. smc. xiv. 2697 Lidamarte de Armenia, un Roman. 2698 Diogenes Laertius, vel. saec. xv. 2699 Commissioners for levying an Aid for Knighting the King’s Son. 2700 Ofiizio del Oratore. 2701 Beda de Gestis Anglorum. vel. saec. xiv. 2702 Aiistotelis Liber Politicorum. vel. saec. xiv. 2703 Epistolae Canonicae. vel. s®c. xiv. 2704 Rotulus de Tamworth, &c. tempore Jac. I. 2705 Cicero de Rhetorica et Inventione, 32 CATALOGUS LIRRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 2706 Chronicle of Brute. (In the Noble Land of Syrrye.) ch. saic. xv. 2707 Tractatus de Pacificatione Westphaliae inter Impera- torem Germanize et Gustavum Adolphum, Regem Suecise. 2708 Gregorius Papa in Ezechielem. vel. s?ec. xii. 2709 Ovidii Meta-Morphoseon Liber, vel. saec. xiii. 2710 On the Differences between the Proprietors and the Performers of Covent Garden Theatre. 2711 Chorale. [Cum notis musicis.] vel. szec. xiv. 2712 Catalogue des Empereurs et Rois. 2713 KingJames’ Demonologie. 2714 Valerius Maximus, vel. scec. xiv. 2715 Lewis Morris’s (of Penbryn) Memorandum Book. 2716 State of the Excise Revenue from 1662 to 1674. 2717 Quiedam ex B. Bernardo, &c. vel. seec. xiv. 2718 Treatise on Philosophy and Astronomy. 3 vols. 2719 F. Patricium de Institutione Principis. 2720 Order for Morning Prayer in Short Hand. 2721 Translations from Ntpos, Cicero, &c. 2722 Sermons. 2723 Rules of the House of Lords. 2724 Drelincourt’s Catechism translated from the French by the Countess of Gainsborough. 2725 Treatise on the Sector. 2726 William Fox’s Common Place Book, with Church Notes. 2727 Sarah Allingham’s Meditations, with Genealogical Notices of the Family. 2728 Harman Hood’s Sermons. 2729 William Fox’s Heraldic and Church Notes. 2730 Kal’s Common Place Book. 2731 Tractatus de Astrologia. vel. seec. xv. 2732 Correspondence of Edward Llhwyd and the Bishop of Carlisle, &c. 2733 Fragmentum de Re Rhetorics. 2734 Richard de Harapole’s Prick of Conscience, vel. S. xiv. 2735 Commissio Sebastiano Mauro. vel. seec. xvi. 2736 Philpot’s Visitation of Berkshire. 2737 Terentius. vel. li» ch. thin 4 to. 2884 Rentale Do. 1585 to 1588. fob 2885 Rentale Do. folio, ch. 1601. 2886 Francis Vinchant’s Journey to Rome from Mons in Haynaut, Ao. 1609. folio, ch. S.xvii. 2887 Etat des Troupes de France, 1755. 4to. 2888 Pugna Ranarum & Murium. Carmen. Latin?. \ S. xv. Howell Stewart. 2889 Ramayuna de Vahneek. Sanscrit, folio, ch. General Marriott. 2890 Ferdousi’s Shah Nameh. fob ch. srec. [ilium. It once belonged to the Rajah of Beijapoor, and was purchased by him for £87 10s. It was taken at the storming of Senngapatam, and was given to me by my Friend, General Marriott, ©/'Worcestershire. Incerti. 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 Hugode Folieto de Claustro Animas. fob V. S. xv Reymundi Summa Decretalium. folio. V. S, xiv Chrysostomi Omelise 7 de Laudibus S. Pauli. H S. Bernard de Gratia & Libero Arbitrio. fob V. S. xiii. Van Cockelberghe’s Index van de Leenen bootaende in Antwerpen, fob ch. S. xviii. Cartularium Matildie Comitissw Ar.esive. f'ol. V. S. xiv. [Fragment ] Roman de la Rose, large 4to. X. S. xv. Double Columns. Ni.tie in initio de Vita Auloris. Persius, cum notis Fontii. Printed 1482. H Persii Vita. MS. fob ch. S. xv. Serjeant Fleetwood on the Validity of Bridewell Charter, See. fol. ch. S. xvii. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA, 33 2899 Nancelii Comnientaria ia Scaligerum de Nuni mo Con- stantini. 2900 Pizzi Introducion alconociraiento delaPalaeo Graphia antigua de los Arabes. 2901 Journal of an Englishman’s Residence in Italy. 2902 Relatione de Principle Republiche d’ltalia. " 2903 NegotiationXvitft the States General. 1574. 2904 Memoire du' 176 Do. et Lettres de M. de St. diamond. 2 vols.^, 177 Do. sur la Paix d’italie. 1613. P e/C* * 178 Lettres et iVlemoires d’Italic. 1605. f‘ c ^' 179 Do. de M. de Castille en Suisse. Do. et Depeches de JVI. de Caumartin. 5 vols. folio. 1641. P i ' Pc C Do. du Kov et de la Tleyne. 4 vols. 1601 a 1617. Do. de M. de Leon d’Avaux et de la Tuillerie. 1614. fcr, „ „ Do. de M. Houssai. 16.>8. / a !M. de Candall. 1653. / ^'3217 86 iM. Marescot. 4 vols. 1632. j- C 1 ' 3218 98 et Vie moires du Mairia-ed’Henriette. 5 volsy Do. et Actes, <5tc. 1634. 4 rofs. Do. de Flandres, Holland, Es- pagne et Suisse. 1642. Pc/t 1189 Memoire de Languedoc. ^- 190 Paix de Munster. 8 vols. f PP* [191 Preliminaires de la Paix de Munster. / 1192 Amhassadede Munster. 1646. 2 vols. f-t C* 1193 Traite ile Char.es Puldicjues. f C-L 1194 Resolutions 9.Cartuiarium EcclesiveTrajectensis.^ -vet. stec- xii. 3250 2Li) Chartularium Episcopates Trajectensis ab 090 ad 1587. (- 3251 21 I Mugonis Wustinc Statuta Eccl. Traject. . 2 vols. 3252 212 Donationes Imperatorum Ecclesiie Traject. f 3253 225 Stukken omtrent Leycester’s houden van een tournooi biunen Utiecht. £- 3254 227 Registrum Chartarum Provincial Utrecht. £■ 3255 247 Brieven van de Ministers du Provinc. Utrecht. 1081. f 3256 252 Brieven van de Ministers van Utrecht aan Iloog Mogende Heeren Staaten General, £ 3257 287 Stukken rakende Utrecht. L 3258 300 Register op eenige stukken geschreven door A. Mattha ,us - t , 3259 308 Zegels der ‘"•chepenen van Utrecht../ 3200 320 Stukken rakende het Secretaries Schap der Slat Utrecht, j- 3201 321 Ruysch’s Inventarium Chartarum Arc. in Camera invenlarum prope Camer. Financien. f 3202 32!) Zaak van J. VVachtelaer tegen H. Valckenaer. 1040. £ 3263 344 Rapporteu van de Regt Bank van Utrecht. / 3204 345 Decreta Academiae Traject. 1611. C 1 3205 35 4 Registrum Chartarum et Literarum van het Ca- piltel ten Dom.de Utrecht. 1380. C 3266 335 Do. op de Archiven van het Capittel ten Dom te Utrecht. £ 3267 350 Excerpta ex Registro Bonorum Ecclesiae Major Traject. £ 3208 337 Inventarisaer Archiven van het Capittel van Oude Munster de Utrecht. £- 3209 358 Supplement to Do.^ ' 3270 359 Register op de Archiven van het Capittel S. Pe¬ ter de Utrecht. £ 3271 300 Statuta Ecclesitc S. Petri Traject. f 3272 301 Registrum Chartarum Capituli S. Johannis de Utrecht. / 3273 365 Do. Do. Do. S. Marias de Utrecht, h 3274 367 Statuta Eeclesiae S. Marias Traject. £ 3275 375 Registrum Chartarum S. Maria; Traject. £ 3276 370 Do. Do. et literarum ex libro vo- cato “ Liber Pilot us.* V • Missing. 3277 377 Literae Vicariarnm. f ch. sa?c. xvi. 3278 378 I iber Literarum Patria?. £ch. stec. xvi. 3279 379 Registrum supra dicti Liori. f~ 3280 383 Stukken rakende de Fraternitas Majoris Kalen-i driae in Traject. sa?c. xvi. L 3281 386 Repertorium Chartarum van net Duitsche Huisi te Utrecht, p 3282 387 Origineele Stuxken rakende het Casteel Vreden-i burch. £ 3233 389 Rapellarius Abbatiae S. Pauli Traject. p 3284 391 Papieren omtrent de Conventen van Utrecht.^ , 3285 392 Stukken rakende het Ci th ;rynen Convent binneaJ Utrecht. (L \ 3286 393 Stukken rakende het Clooster van St. Catheryne.: 3287 394 Origineele Bekening \an het Convent van Witte.- Vrouwen. £ 3288 395 Brieven van de fundatie van St. Sebastian’s’. Gasthuis. 1412. (- 3289 39G Stukken van het Elnyen en andere Gasthuysen.i 3290 397 Do. Hiobs Gasthuis. £ 3291 398 Do. rakende Utrechtshe Gildens. f 3292 399 Statnten versameling van het Sineede Glide. £ 3293 400 Ordonnantien vau het Tinnegietiers Gilde te U- trecht. z* 3294 422 Hundeila Magna de Monasteriis Utrecht, r- 3295 423 Stukken rakende het Graven der Bildtsche Vaart ike. £ 3290 442 Register van de Proceduren van den Asperendyk.* 5297 455 Judiciale Rodolphi Episcopi Trajectensis. ' ' j- Site. XV. 3298 456 Bondami excerpta ex Chronicis de ArenttenBo- - ecop. £ 3299 459 Cronicon Frisiie. j- 3300 460 Ex Chronicis Worperii de Rinsmageest. 3301 46l Landtboeck van Vrieslandt. C. * 3302 463 Inventarium Librorum et Chartarum penes Secre- - tarium Reipublica* de Vriesland. £- 3303 406 John Van Lerning Cronyck van Groningen. £ 3304 473 Excerpta ex libro in Bibl. Deventer vocato > “ Boec van 5 mauiereu broederliktr Minnen.” 1 1355. £ 3305 475 Lyst van'oude Netherland. Woorden. £ 3300 47!) Catalngus librorum J. V. I). Water. [Autograph.] J 3307 483 Anonvmi Collectanea Juridica Trajectina. C ' 3308 498 Besehryving van Indische Zee. £ / 3309 ... Excerpta ex Archivis S. Johannis. ~ Quarto. 3310 7 Ritus Moharomedanici. [Arahice.] ffi/O 3311 10 The Dietorv for the 12 months. ^ C- 3312 23 Chronicon Lyvoldi de Noerthoff. Jttc 3313 28 Bondami Analecta llistorica Belgica. 2 vols.^ 3314 29 Oratio de Virtute Hermanni Ruiter in defensione < CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PH1LLTPPICA. 39 335 31 Verclaringhe van die loose practiken van die In- quisitie. ///& 316 33 Iriventarium Privilegiorura &c. in die 10 boeken van Mouflin .hJo 117 53 Hentebrieven bet Oude Mannenhuis ter Goude competerende.^'j;. 0 /. sac. xvi. 318 57 Gesla Dominorum de Egmonda. 3 9 62 Cronyckde Middelburg. 2 vols.>4^ 320 f.3 Jo. de Beke Cronyk van Utrecht FJfvcl. sac. xiv. 321 6t Gosewyn van Weteringeu’s Cronyk van Utrecht en Holland. 322 71 Catalog. Episcoporum Traject. ad 1483. X 323 72 Oude Placaten der Utrecht Bischoppen. vel. sac. ■xv./<7c 324 70 Index omnium diplomatum ab anno 698 ad 1582, in duobus voluminibus Codicis Diplomatic^ C. Burmanni emptis sub liac venditione (1827) per D. Althier. Ji/4 .. 325 96 Cartularium 8. Nicholai de Utrecht, vel. sac. xv. V 326 97 Cronicon Monasterii S. N icholai. j.'Tr 327 98 Manuale vel RentaleSti Pauli de Utrecht. 7 vols. J-iJo sac. xv. • • .28 102 Privilegia Ordinis S. Benedicti in Oostbroeck. Jtlc ve/. sac. xv. 129 103 Do. —Monasterii Sti Laurentiiin Oostbrouck. .. tu ■ S-KV I -> r . 33i) 113 Dykhoek van Mastenbroek en Zallant^sac. xv. 331 147 La Vie de Pierre van Muschenbroek. j/tb 332 1 49 Correspondentie van J. B. Brasseur.X Octavo. 533 11 Itinerarium duorum Priorum de "Ruremonde ad Majorem Garthusiam in Delphinatu. 2 15(31. 34 12 Genealogia^Coyiitun^ Cliy^nsium. (h 63" TheJr are also a out 90 boxes containing papers ffic.ent to form about 90 fol o volumes, all treating of the ttorg and antiquities oj Holland and Flanders, but principal- of Utrecht. Drury Manuscripts. 35 Martyrologium. vel. sac. xi. 36 Anonymi Ethica. flue c-( v . 37 Xenophon. [Fx B bllothrca Meerman.'] 38 Croniques d’Angleterre avec autres nouvelles Cro- nicques. O'/, sac. xiv. 39 Justiuiani fustitutiones. vel. sac. xiv. 10 Aiissa e Nuvioiuense.jC vel. sac. xi. 11 Symonis Geuieticen.ds Synouima. vel. sac. xiv. 12 Tractatus de Arithmetica. c/t. 43 Eusebii Historia Ecclesiastica per Rufiuum. vel. sac. xii. 3344 Job cum Gldssis. vel. sac. xiii. 3315 Boetiue de Musica. v /. sac. xi. 3316 Palladius de Agricul.ura. ch. sac. xv. 3347 Tacitus, ch. sae. xv. 3348 Basilii, Plutarchi Ac. ch. sac. xv. 3349 Aristotelis Ethica. vel. sac. xv. 3350 Cicero de Petitione, I Jyaiuus \e. ch. sac. xv. 3351 Augustinus de Fide. vel. sac. xiii. 3352 lsidori Ethimologia. vel. sac. xii. 3353 Trogus Pompeius [Italice.] vet. sac. xv. 3354 I.ivius. vel. sac. xv. 3355 Gregorii Dialogi. vel. sac. xii. 3356 Chronici Epithoine. vel. sac. xii. 3357 Barthol mans super A rtem Medicina. vel. sac. xii. 3358 Manetti de Terra .Ylotu. vel. sac. xv. 3359 Justinus. vel. sac. xv. 3360 Ovidius de Lbide. ch. sac. xv. 3361 Vitruvius ch. sac. xv. 3362 Macrobius in Somn. Scipionis. vel. sac. xii. 3303 Pomp-.mius Mela. ch. sac. xv. 3364 Catullus, ch. sac xv. 3305 I linius de Viris illustribus. vel. sac. xv. 3306 Basilius, Plutarchus uiclit uolhig dem fernern Abnt-hnien der Regiments tahigen Gesehlechler, wie voiraals durch eine besebeidere annahme neuer Burger zei oegegnen und wie solches auf die beste art geschehen Konnle. 3419 Freymuthige Gedanken uber die Entevolkierung unt serer Vaternstadt. 3420 Absehied gehalteuer Conferenz zwischen Bern unm Freyburg. 18 und 19 Feb. 1649 3421 Aus-ug der Stadt Bern Rreeminenz llecht am Schwarzenburg betreHeud 1069. H Kurze IJntersuchung der Heriiischen Ineminenx Reclite auf die Laudschaft Schwarz uiburg. 3422 Relation Actorum in der streitigen Frage ob Bern oder Sololhurn das jus superioritatis territorialiil auf dem Bucheggberg und zugehorigen Or ten n prietendieren belugt seye. U Gutachten der juristischen facultat zu Slrasbur;i uber diese A ugelegeiiheit. 1G >3. 3423 Vortrag uber dasGeschafte der Lleimathloseu. 1754 3124 Beider lobl. Evangel. Stadte Zurich und Bern, Abge zandter fernere Erinnerung uber ihreir Gegenberichl void 13 Marz IG59. 3425 Priecisum aus den Mnhgh. des Commercien Rathii eingelangten Schreiben und Beiichten utier deii Zustand und die Beschatteuheit des Connnercie it den Stadten und Uorfschaften 'Feutscher Landeu 1753. 342G Gedanken eines ehrw Ministerie zu Bern, betreflena die Beybelialtung der formula consensus. 3427 Rede von Herru Bibliothekar. Engel 23 Jan. 1758 vo* Rath und Burger gehalteu, den augetrageneii Uich terinden Neuenstadter Angelegenheiten betretiend 3428 Verbandlungen mit Solothuin die Landeslierrvolikeit in dero Nidern und der Stadt Bern Floeh r encliten.i 3429 Memoires addiesse au Gouvernement sur les rente. viageres. 3430 Copia des Freyheits Brir-fes Keisev Sigmunds deli VIII. alten Orten gegeben. 1418. H Maximilians Bestatigung. 1487. 3431 Copia Eines Patrioten Ciedanken uber das Memorial vom 20 Feb. 173G ansehend die Fixierung von 8K Geschlechter im Regiments. 3432 Betrachtungen, Gutachten, Vorschlage das Munzi wesen betreft’end von 1756. 3433 Betrachtungen, Vorschlage, Gutachten, das hiesigj VVaysenhaus ansehend. 3434 Suramarische Tabelle des Kostens aufwandes so ini Laufe von 10 Jahren (von 176G—76 ) von Muhg und obern aut die Vivis, Zurteu, Aar_aui>chen, Ne uenegg oder Freyburg und Bipp Strasseu verwere det worden. 3435 Vergleichs Puncten mit F’reyburg wegen Schwarzem burg, wie solche auf der Murtnerischeir Conferen.i 1759 projectiit worden. H Zu No. 18 lit c Basel juridiseber Bedenken we gen Bucheggberg. IG53. 3i3G F’reymuthige Gedanken im A prill und May 178: wegen der Burger Besatzung. 3437 Libri Mauuscripti Bibliotheca; Bernensis. CAT^LOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPRICA. 41 1438 Niclaus Leuenbergers, des Bauern Aufuhrers in ihrer Rebellion Process 1753, mit einem doppelten Bild- niss desselben and demBildnisse desEntlibuchersSchibi IT Officieller Bericht der Berner Regierung uber den Bauern Aufstaud. 2 1439 Copie de la lettre des cinq corps de l’Etat de Neuf- chatel a L. L. E. E. de Berne du 18 Fev. et decelle du Roi de Prusse au Conseil d’Etat, du 28 Janvier le tout de 176L, stir 1’afFaire de Sr. Petitpierre. 3 440 Bundt zwischen dem Herzog aus Savoy und einer Stadt Bern eines dene dem Bischof und Capitel zu Sitten und den Patrioten in Wallis andertheils. 1446. 4 441 Historische Erzalilung und Betrachtung uber Berns Burgerrecht mit der dem Bischof von Basel ange- harigen Neuenstadt Ao, 1388, eingegangen und ( welches seither ununterbrochen beydseitig beobach : tet worden. Aus anlags dess dermal vorwalteuden Missverstandnisses abgefasst. 1757. 5 IT Acte de Combourgeoisie entre la ville de Soleure ct celle du Landeron. 1449, IT Remarques sur les combourgeoisie et en parlie sur celle de Berne avec la Neuveville. 442 Deliberalionen der Bernerischen Regierung ueberden Bund von 1775 mit Frankreich. 6 IT Verschiedene Excerpten uber die Bundnisse mit Frankreich. 443 Gedanken uber die an die loblichen des interessierten Orte der Eidgenossenschaft von Seiten der Lobl. \. Cathol. Orten auarlangte Versprache wegen Resti¬ tution der Ao. 1712 abgenommenen Landc aufgestzt Anfangs. 1777. 7 IT Reflexion sur la (cette) restitution. 444 Idees sur les mouvemens qui ont causes la conduite des compagnies du dit Pays, au service de Fiance contre le Roi de Prusse. S 445 DeclarationdeJoseph Guillaume, Eveque de Bale, sur quelques diftereuds entre lui et la Neuveville. 1748, 9 44G Traite d’Alliance entre le Roy et la Couronne de France et Monsgr le Due de Longueville pour les Etats et Comtes souverains de Neufchatel el Vallen- gin. 1658. 10 ;447 Der V, alt, Cathol. Orte unvergreifliche Bedenken und rationes uber den Badischen Project. Act Baden 3—13 Mars 1659. 11 448 Relation ob der, mit den vier Bundnerischen Geniein den vergebens zu Chur Ao. 1567, gepflogenen ver- meinten Vergleichs handlungen, 12 449 Abschrift der Friedens Artikel. wie zie im Feld zu Cappell gestellt und abgeredt. Yorred und Nach- red der Schiedlautten. 1529. 13 1450 Untersuchung derjenigen Burgerrechtes so Bern mit der Neuenstadt errichtet bat, und der Opposit, des ! Bischofs von Basel und des dasigen' 1 Capitels dage- gen von Herrn Bibl. Engel. 15 3451 Memoriale der Stadt Arauw uber ihre Berechtigung Burger die ihren Einzug nicht bezahlen, auch sonst ihre Ordnungen aus den Augen setzen von Bur¬ gerrecht auszuschliessen. Ara'u 15 Marz 1760. 17 3452 Memoire sur la Rebellion de Fribourg. 1782. 19 3453 Friedens Artikel, (12) von den Cathol. Orten den Stande Zuriche und Bern vergeschlagen nebst Ant- wort. ( Sine dato .) 20 3454 Extrait Schreibens von Lucern vom 19 April 1757. uber die obschwebenden Streitigkeiten mit sargans nebst Anlwort. 21 3455 Anhang und Anmerkungen zu FI. Dr. Rasselets ver- such uber der Schweitzer Schats und Schirmbund- nisse. 22 3156 Memorial der Stadt Zurich wegen Strassburgischen Anforderungen, Sept. 1770. 23 a IT Memoriale von Zurich wegen Ramsen und Dor- flingen. 1768 et 69. b IT Zwey Schreiben,das eine vom StandUri anLuzern das andere von diesem an Muhlhausen bevdes de 1768. c 3457 Geschichte der Regierung desFalles und derHinrich- tung Peters von Hagenbach, 1474. 4/o. 25 3458 Verhaiullung zu Baden, lift" der den 18—28 Martz 1674 gehaltenen Tagsatzung wegen des Neutralge- sclmfts in Burgund und vorder Oestreich, nebst 3 beylagen. a. b. c. 27 3459 Bundniss der 7 Cathol. Orte. 158G. 27 3 ICO Verzeichniss der Puncte so eine Lobl. Stadt Zurich mit ihren Eidgenossen, auch Fursten, Herren und Stadten gemacht durcli Herrn R. Heidegger von 1551. 1GG9. 4/o. 23 3461 Handschriftliche Beleuchtung des gedrukt beyliegen- den Sendschreiben eines Eidsgenossischen Kathol. Rathegliedes an ein Evangeliches Rathsglied von .... die Franzosisclie Bundes Erneuerung betref- feud 177G 3 stuck a. b. c. 29 3402 Schriften diplomatisclieActenstucke mitdem zuZurich 1G53, gedrukten Verlaufe des Bauern Krieges cor¬ respond ierend. 30 34G3 Eine Anzahl Actenstuke aus des Schweizergeschichte vornchml. auf die Reformat, bezughabend von 1521 bis circa 1560. Lit, a—1. 31 3464 Ob. ein Lobl. Eidgenosschaft die zu End geloftene Bundnuss mit der Kron Frankreich erneuern solle. [Sine dato.] 33 a M Obscrvationes uber den Project d’alliance mit Frankreich von 1776. b IT Observationes uber die Obscrvationes. 4/o. c 3465 Satz und Otduung des Waysen und Luchthauses aus Oeterbach. 4/o, 35 3466 Herrn Bibliothecar Engels Rede uber die Toggen- burgischer Ang-elegenheiten 1751 nebst einer meno e Schriften Acten et diese A Rgelegenh citen ansehend. 5 vols. 40 42 CATALOGUE LIBRORUM RIANUSCRIPTORUM IX BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPIOA 3467 Sur la Revolution do Geneve eine Anzahl Actenstuke Sclireiben Verhandlungen darubcr in 2 folio nebst 2 Portl'euilles roll Clmtiers 1756. 4 vols. 41 3463 Zwey Schreiben an Lobl. Stand JLucern, we^en Ab- dankung Kaiserb Schweizerischcr Leibwache samt dessen Antworten. Jan. und Feb. 17G7. 45 3469 Catalogus scriptorum historic patriae fasciculus. 48 3470 Yorlesungen uber Schweizer Geschicbt. 49 3471 Examen si Matthieu a ecrit son Evangile originelle- nieht en Hebreu. fol. 3 a H Lcttre a Panonyme auteur du Dialogue entre Cal¬ vin et Servetus a Francheville. 1756. fol. b 3472 Theosophia fratrum in nuce. 4to. 4 3173 Aufsatz uber die Zeelassigkeit und Nutzen der Eid schwure. 5 3474 Fine Anzahl Manuscripta uber die Sals; als z. b. Patriotisches Bedenken uber die Salt vvcrcke zu Itoschc. 4 to. 1 II UberGetreideVerwaltung-.deutsch und franzosiscli fol. 2 IT Uber Saltpeter fabrication, fol. 3 II Uber den Holzraangel. fol. 4 H Memoriale uberYerbcsserung derLandwirthschaft samt anmerkungen. fol. 5 IT Uber den Missbrauch der Allmenden. G H U nvargreifliche Gedanken wegen besseren Benut- zung.der Allmenden. 5 vols, 7 3475 Uber Erdapfelbau. 3 vols. fol. 4lo. & 12/ho. 3476 Histoire des Samaritains, par Mr. le Bibl. Engel, f. 4 3477 Essai sur la population de l’Araeique par M. Engel das Werk selbst nebst de Collectanen dazu. 4 vols.2 3478 Extrait des reflexions politiques sur le Commerce et les finances de Pouvrage de Dudot. 9 3479 Tractatus de libris rarioribus, ut videtur. 4 3480 Supplement tire dc la derniere Edition dc Miller de 1759. par Monsieur Paul Gussin a Bourdigni. (Descriptiones Plantarum.) 5 3481 Remar pies sur le Meraoire qui a pour de\ iso “ Post tenebras lucem.” 34S2 Remarques sur les ouvrages de Catharinot. 7 3483 Excerpta litteraria varii argumenti. 8 H Do, Do. Do. Do. 8 vo.etjolio. 3483* Dissertation sur l’origine des Xegres et des Ameri cains. 4to. 9 3484 Remarques sur Pouvrage “Histoire des Revolutions de la Haute Allemagne.” 10 3485 Apologie des Epikur. 1 l 3486 Fabula Boccacii de Tancredo Principe Salernitano ejusque filia, latine redditaper Leonardum Aretinuni.12 3487 Sur les Cristaux et sur mon Caillou, 13 3488 Poeme heroiquesur la Campagne de 1712. 14 3489 Ritter Anton Brunus wahrhafte und aufrichtio- e Er- zahlung von seines lieben Freundes und Nachbars Jonas Stumpfen, Ritters, lezter Krankheit und be- trubten Hinscheide. Gedrukt zu Basel 1758, (N.B. Mscrpt. Betrugschrift.) 3490 Leben lleinriclis Grafen vonBunauw, bis circa 173S aus Gabr. 41 ilh, Gonttens jotst lebenden Gelehrte Europa gezogen. 16 3491 Histoire et Lamentations de Prusias, Roi de Bi thyiif e. 17 3492 Extrails sur la guerre entre les Anglais et les Francat 1754. 18 8 193 Betrachtungen uber die wichtige Frage, Wie die F.im kaufte des Staats zu vermehren, “ Mitte Ridcndd dicere verum quis vetat.” 19 3494 Uber die Witterung des Jahres 1755. 20 3495 Quelques observations astronomiques. 20 3496 Reflexions sur le systemc cometique generalement recu 3497 Ivurze Anleitung zur Geomantie A- Astrologie.4/o.l7L 3498 Plan de Memoires d’Artillerie. 24 Ex Bibliotheca Rev. Theodort Williams. 3-195) Biblia Hebraica. 41a. vet. s. xiii. bluemor. 3-300 Evangelia I.alina. Jot. vcl. s.xi. (With liisloricrt illuminations in gold, y outline.) 3501 Do. Do. \2.mo. net, s. ix. green mor. 3-302 Dictys Crctensis. am, 4 to. eel. s. xv. Olim Mac Car thy. (Illuminated en Camaieu bleu.) bluemor . 3503 Orpheus. Sco. vet. s. xvi, olive mor. 3504 Biblia Guudulli Episcopi Roffensis. 2vols. jol. eel s. xii, (Olim in Bibl. Vande 1 Valle) blue mor. 3.115 Josephi ilistoria Judmorum. fol. eel. s. xiv. blue mor , 3506 Virgilius. tiro, vet. s. xv. (BeautifulIn illuminated. Thorpe. 3507 r.enlale Conlratriae Sti. Spiritus Ecclim S. Scvcrin de Bourdeaux. fol, vel. s. xiii. 3500 Concilium Aquis Granense. fol. cel, s, xii. 3509 Excerpta ex Cartulario de Vendome. fol. ch. s. xvii, 3510 Bracton de Legibus Anglia;. H v Cronicon Angli®. * Perambulatio Forest® deFeckenliam, co. Wigorn H Catalogus Regum Christianorum Anglim. H Do. Episcoporum Wiemn nsrmn n.l , piscoporum Wigorn. usque ad GodfridJ Giftord. tall fol. vel. s. xiv, 3511 Petri Blessensis Epistol®. •1512 Abstract of Inquis. post Mortem, Patents, &c., pro com. Berks, ch. s. xvi. Cochre 3513 iEneae Sylvii Ilistoria Bohemia?, f. vel. Bibl. Drury ,J red mor. *v, [Ex 43 C’ATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRlPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA 3514 Quintus Curtius. fol. vel. s. xv. [Ex Bill. Drury.] 3515 Acts of the Reformers of Scotland, 15G5 to 1G20, H Sir James Balfour’s Annals of Scotland. H Episcopi S. Andrea? in ScotiiL fol. ch. s. xvii. Stewart .s.xv.sew53 Isidori Ilistoria Sacr® Legis. sm. thick 12 mo. vel. s. xii. red russ. 554 S. Rernardi Epistol®./ a.s.xii. Ex Abb. Tournay 09. 555 Tratado en loor de la Scientia de los Leyes. 4to. ch s. xvi. 1522. wh. vel. 339 leaves, 556 Cortes de Toledo,&c.i525./ ch.s.x\\ii.wh.v (13 ^in.) >57 Genealogies from Visitations, &c. hy Joseph Barrett, Goldsmith./, ch, s. xviii. wh. v. pp. 100. 3502 Authentica Trajectina. 22 boxes. 3503 Diplomata Dioceseos Trajectin®. 19 boxes. 3504 Do. Autentica Trajectina. 11 boxes A toL. 3505 Do. Miscellanea. A. B. C. 3 boxes. 3506 Miscellanea Trajectina. A. 1). E. F. G. 5 boxes. 3567 Do. Hollandica. 1 box, 3568 Overyssell. A. B. C. D. 4 boxes. S 3569 Miscellanea Zeelandica. I box. 3570 Do. Trans Isalanica. A. B. 2 boxes. 3571* Vriesland. 1 box . 3572* Groningen. 1 box. 3573* Diplomata Hollandica, & Zeelandica, Centuriae, 2 3574* Hollandsche. I box. [boxes, 3575* Proces van den Grave van Hoorne. 1 box. 3576* Miscellanea. 1 box. Ex dono M. Gillaboz, Biblioihecarii de Lille , cum Autographo donantis . 3571 Notes Fiscales de M. Humbert Mathieu,/. ch s.xvii. rgh. wh. cf. (11 in.) Emptus Friburgis in Helvetia, a Domiuct Praromcin. 3572 Historica memorabilia Friburgensia anno 1430, per Nicod. du Chastel, Presbyter. Rectorem Capell® Beat® Marias de Friburgo. Long narrow f. ch, s.xv. red russia. [ Autograph .] (22£ in ) 50 leaves. Miscellanea. 35)3 Purchases of Lord Kimbolton in Huntingdon in the Reign of James I. 1621. It Register of the King’s Writs & Commissions under the Gt. Seal, 1821. large f. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. [Autograph .J (Iof in.) 3o74 Journals oi Parliament. 2 vols thk.f.s.ch.xvii (io ^ in) Vol l, from 5 E. If. to 23 R. II. 524 leaves. * Vol.'2,from 1. 11. IF. to 1 R HI, circa 520 leaves old brn. cf. Olim Sir Peter Thompson. 357 o Palmer’s Collections for Leicestershire, being Copies of Deeds, &c. /./. ch. s. xviii. wh. v. (15 in.) pp. 53 6, some lost. '3576 Collections for Stafford. Leicester, Warwick and Derbyshire, from Camden Dugdalc, other Print- ed Works./, ch. s. xviii. rgh . cf. pp. 590. 3677 Yorkshire Pedigrees. If Tong’s Visitation of Notts. If Harvey’s Visitation North of Trent, with Arms tricked./, ch. s. xvi. red. russ. (14 in.) 45 Catalogus Librorum Manuscrptoruii in Bibliotheca Fhili.ippica. 3578 On the Nobility of England. J. ch. s. xvii. h orange cf. 32 leaves, 3579 Pedigrees.— let. Ped. Freeman of Northampton./.ch. 3580 Risdon’s Description of Devon./, ch. s. xviii. 3581 French Genealogies, large thin folio, half roan. 3582 Carte’s Collections for Leicestershire. 4 Vols. / c&.i s. xviii. blue cloth . Contains little more than Free- j holders Names. 3583 Historia Civitatis Bern®. [ Transcripta per Petrum\ Falck, anno 1512, ex velcri Codice Johannis FcZ- der, scripto anno 1268.] /. ch. s. xvi. wh. v. (13 in.) 3584 Des Vices et des Vertues. ch. s. xv. 3585 Pandect® Locorum Communium./. ch. s. xvu. roh. v (12 f in ) CO leaves; some torn out. 3586 Rotulus Parliamenti, 17 E. IV.J. ch. s. xviii. old cf.gt. (13 in.) 3587 Sketch of Roman Antiquities in Ireland, fol. ah. 3588 Rotulus Curi® de Poole, Ao. 1660, &c./. ch. s. x\i’-. wh. v. (12 in.) 3589 Russo Origine dei Nobili Famiglie de Genoun. /. ch s. xvii. wh. v. 3500 Expositio Biblite. Carta Regis F.dwardi I. de Abbatia Rowley, co j Oxon. 1295. f.vel.s.xin.cf.gt. Olhn Liber Cisti rcii. >| 3591 Quadriga Spiritualis. [Italice.] 92 leaves. H Gesta S. Francisci &c. [Laiine.] [tionein. a De modo cilo perveniendi ad Veritatis Cogni- 93 leaves./, ch. s. xv. (Hi in.) old brn. It hr. i 3592 Discourse of Court and Courtiers. 1633./ ck. s. xvu.; (10£) old dk. cf. 8G leaves. Old Sale 504. Library mark F 19. 3593 Arms emblazoned of the Inspectors of the Medical College of Amsterdam, from 1637 to 1749. 4fo. ch. s. xviii. wh. v. (81 in.) old Sale 99. 3594 Ilistoire du Chevalier Ponthus. 1, A Poem in French, incip. “Mourir fault.’ f. ch. s. XV. cf. gt. (11 T in ) 3595 Recepta proficuorum a Vice-Comitibus diversarum, Coraitatuum in Anglia. 37 H. VIII. f ch. % ora7/.\ 152 pages. 3596 Ambrosius in Psalmum “Beati immaculati. Jol. vel. s. xii. 7 eh. v. (11 i in.) old sale 2224. 3597 Johannis Gualensis Breviloquium de Virtutibus anti¬ quorum Principum, & Philosophorum.^. 1. ilium. 11 Alexaudri Epistola ad Aristotelem. s. 4to. vel. s. xv. (1405.) old No. 777. (9£ in.) 3598 George Walton’s Collections lor Durham. 1626. /. ch. s. xvii. half dk. cf. (lli in.) 3599 Francisci Clerke Procuratorium Curi® Ecclesiastic® de Arcubus Archiepiscopi Cantuar. 1596. fol. ch s. xvi. old brn. cf. (1H in.) 104 leaves Old No. 11 3600 Formulary of Legal Documents, thk.f. (11 \ in.) ch. s. xvii. rgh, cf. 3601 Catalogus Numismatum Musei Chiffletiorum. s f. ch. s. xviii. pp. 150 halj bd. Bookplate of Sir Everard Fawkener. 3602 Booke of the whole Navie. 1585 .first '1^ j/ages lost. If Justices of the Peace in England. 1584. Cum multis aids. f. ch. s. xvi. (11 in.) /oh. v. [Olim Petri Le Neve, Norroy.] 3603 Index Placilorum ab anno 25 C. II. ad annum 1 W III./, ch. s. xvii. rgh. cf. 3604 Arms of Knights of the Garter, according to the Stalls in Windsor Castle. The last is Henry Cary, Lord Hunsdon, 1561./. ch. s. xvi. wh. v (Hiin.) 3605 Speeches in Parliament, tempore C. I. I625.v.’~. The King, Ld Keeper Weston, Coke, Elliot, Carleton Archiep. Canterb. on Priests in the Clink f. ch. s. xvii. 360G Liber Assisarum ab ao. 18 E. III. ad aim. 45 E. Hi¬ ll Formula tenendi Curiam Baronis in Maneriis de t llmereet Aston Sandfordco. Bucks. 16 R II. old Library mark ‘‘8 L 13;” 214 leaves old Sale 18, 2791, or 6 . old brn. cf /.(13Zn) ch. s. xiv. [Olim Fletewjod (he Recorder, Sf Thos. Paterson, junior.] 3GG7 Names, Arms and Titles of the Ambassadors at tliei Peace of L trechl in 1712. [Translated from the French by G. L. 1759.] 4/o ch. s. xviii. wh v.pp. 10.* 360s Summouicio Parliamenti. 4 E. III. ad 45 A. III. f ch. s. xvi. (12 in.) wh,. vel 454 leaves. [Arms of Finch on the Cover.'] 3609 Psalterium. [Fragment.] fol. vel. s. xv. 3610 Hieronymus is Prophetas Minores. fol. vel. s. xii. Monastic binding; apparently from Reading Abbey. ■> Olim Jam< s B.wcn, m 1745. 361L Abridgement of the Laws in old French./ ch. s. xv. old brn. cf. Olim Comitis Grey de Stanford, with ' liis Autogr. in 1693. 12£ in. 3612 Neville, Marquis of Halifax, his Proclamations, &c. &c. (12v in.) thk.f. ch. s. xvi. Old Safe 2 . 3613 Creatio Mari® Fane in Baronissam le Despenser. luquisitio de Couspiratione Oweni Glendwrdy. . 11 leones Cartarum. l.fol. I 65 in. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. old No. 17. 3614 Computus Ldmdi. Peckham, Cusiodis IlegisIIospitii.i A ?tno 24 11. VIII. l.fol. (17 in.) v. s. xvi. wh. v. 36 leaves,—first leaf torn out 3615 Beda iu Actus Apostolorum. lf.( L 6 in.) s. xii. oran. cf. 3610 Gregorii Moralia in Job. /,/. vel. s. xii. apparently ?! from Reading Abbey. Olim Reynolds. Initial letter • in p. 1 cut out. 36L7 Relation de la Campaigne en Flandres Ao. 1658. /. ch. s. xvii. (13 f) pp. 92, old cf. gt. 3618 Augustinus Triumphus, de Ancona, de Potestate £c- clesi®. 1. fol. vel. ch s. xiv. ilhun^lQ.) stamp¬ ed binding. On p.\ a Painting of a Master, Sp his Scholars, in a School. 3619 Account of Church Preferments in the King’s Gift,! from 1760 to 1772. [Olim Lord Glenbervic.] 1. 4 to. ch. red Morocco gilt. s. xviii. (14£ in.) 225 leaves. 3620 Alberici de Rosatis Expositio in Comediam de Dante.? 1. f. 14 £ in. s. xvi, 15G4. [Inedita.] Seethe Colo-, phon. old wooden boards worm eaten. 3621 L’ Effet de Paraboles. 4 to. t>. s. xv. ( \4b\) purple velvet [Ex Bibliotheca Duels de la Valliere ] 3622 Impeachment of Lord Clarendon, Scc./uZ. ch. 11 Richard Onslow’s Collection of Speeches in Par-: liamentad annum 1681 .[Qm. idem cum IVo.155.] 3023 Johannes Andrea in Decretales. 11 Bonifacii VIII. 6 tus Decretalium. H Digni Apparatus de Rcgulis Jur.s. H Guido de Baysio in Gtu.u Decretalium. 11 Johannis Andre® S'pecuium Matrimoniale. j thk.f. vel. s. xiv. old cf. gt. At the end some Documents relating to the Bishop 0 ; Is uric, eh 3624 Catalogus Reiiqitiarum in Ai>bati& de Canterbury i-.l- latarum ab A.ubbate. [Inter alia , Corpus St (- 3680 Rem<4»»trances de I’Assise de la Fleche. folio, vel. saec xiv. f < //.tiUmrr 3681 Rentale Abbatiae de Busendorf. 1466. sm. folio, ch. 3682 Fundatio Collegii de Broc, anno 1546. sm. folio, vel- 3683 Cronicon Ricobaldi de Ferrara. Jolio. ch. saec. xv. 3684 Ovidii Metamorphoses, cum Scholiis./oZ. vel. saec. xiv. 3685 Ciceronis Epistolae. II Literae Fabricii Consulis, et Pyrrhi Regis. folio, vel. saec. xiii. 3686 Vita S. Germani. folio, vel. saec. xiii. 3687 Mariale. IT Vita S^Tbeophili. ^ i^folio. vel. saec. xin^X 3688 Sulpicii Severi Vita S. Martini, folio, vel. saec. xiii. 3689 Passiones SS. Dionysii, Rustici, et Eleutherii. folio. vel. saec. xiii. 3690 Vita B. Sylvestri. folio, vel. saec. xiii. 3691 Tractatus de Avibus, IT Medicin a A nimae. k fjol. ch. saec. xivT* . 3692 Argenterie portae a la Monnoie. 1759 . J~ 3693 Jacobi Magni Sophilogium, seu Flores Auctorum. folio, vel. saec. xv. 3694 M. Laurent de Begon Voyage aux West Indies.^ o* 3695 Tractatus Historici de GalluL&l[.Hz Bibl. de Thou.] 3696 Homage de Jacques Chenu, Escuier, pour le fertd de Putilles. 4to. vel. saec. xv. 3697 Filiations des Officiers du Conseil du Parlement. 4to. ch. 3698 Gramniaire Russe. folio, ch. 3699 Comptes de la Recepte des Finances de Caen. 2 vols. 4to. vel. saec. xvii. 3700 Memoires sur le Differends entre la France et l’Au- triche, folio, ch. 3701 Liber Logicus Octavii Oraciani ad Euporistum. [Inedit.] 4to. ch. 3702 Bibliophylacium. [Carmen.] 4to. ch. 3703 Hugo Panciera de Perfectione. 4to. vel. sasc. xii. 3704 Persius. 8vo. vel. saec. xii. Ex De Bure. 3705 Apocalypsis glosat. sm. folio, vel. saec. xi. Ex DcBure . 3706 Frontinus de Aquae Ductibus. Ex De Bure. IT Do. Sliatagemata. Is^dori Hispalensis Cronicon. *i Abbreviatio Pauli Warnfridi de Bello Longobar- dorum. Petrus Bibliothecarius de Historia Gallorum, ab. anno 715 ad 898. sm. folio, ch. saec. J 3707 Alani Chartier Planctus super Captivitateni Francis*. Jean le Beau de Regno et Morte Ricardi II. Regis Angliae. IT Turpini Vita Caroli Magni. sm.fol. vel. Sf ch. saec. xv. 3708 Johannes Sabadini de Conjugio Lucreciae Borgia cum Alfonso d’Este. 8vo. ch. saec. xvi. 3709 Dom Denis Briant Histoire du Maine, jol. ch. saec. xvii. Query, if not his Autograph? 3710 Dora Lobineau Traite Historique des Barons de Bre¬ tagne. jol. Ch. saec. xviii. Query his Autograph- 3711 Egesippi Historia Judeorum. folio, vel. saec. xii. [Ex Bibliotheca Mac Carthy.] 3712 Tresor de l’Eglise du Chateau de WiKemberg. Jol , ch. saec. xvi. Drawings saidto be done by Albert Durer, . :< • Pc 77 *<*** *3 3 Cft Ex do no R. B. esq. 3713 Le Roman des Eles, i.e. des deux Aileset leur 7 Pennes. IT Do. du Donei des Amans. IT Le Lai de Aveloc. IT Do. del Desirti. ^T Do. de Nabaret. sm. 4 to. V. S. xiv. Ex Bibliotheca M. Allard. 3714 Military Correspondence of the Marquis de Montcalm > during the War in Canada, 1756-57-58. 6 vols. 2 in folio and 4 in quarto, ch. 3715 MappSClavicula. 4to. vel. saec. xiii. Inedited. 3716 M.Gapon Poemes inedites. 4to. ch. 3717 Releve des feuilles du Tresor. 1777. folio, ch. 3718 Gregorius in Cantica. folio, vel. saec. xiii. 3719 Augustinus de 50 Psalmis. fol. vel. saec. xii. 3720 Do. contra Manicheum. fol. vel. saec. xii. | 3721 Quaestiones Hebraicae in Reges. fol. vel. saec. xii. 3722 Leonis Papae Sermones et Epistolae. ''j 3723 Josua, glossat 3724 Rabanus Maurus in Nuraeros. 3725 Do. Do. in Deuteronomium. folio 3726 Do. Do. in Jeremiam. > vel. 3727 Do. Do. in Matheum. 3728 Isidori Soliloquia. j sxc x jjj 3729 Origenes in Nuptiale Carmen. 3730 Guibertus in septem Prophetas minores. 3731 Smaragdus. j 3732 Rufinus in Origenem super Psalmos.yo/. vel. sjec. xii* 3733 Hylarius in Matheura. fol. vel. saec. xiii. 3734 Hayrao in Epistolam Pauli ad Ephesios. folio, vel. saec. xiii. 3735 Prosper de Vitil contemplative, folio, vel. saec. xiy CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBILIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 49 3736 Biblia Hebraica. folio, vel. saec. xiii. 3737 R'emigius in Genesin. folio, vel. saec. xii. 3738 Sermones. 1 [Ex Abbatia Bone- Evangelia versificata. cumbe.] vel. saec. xii. 3739 Prophetae Majores. [G/ossai.] folio, vel. saec. xiii. 3740 Psalierium. [G/ossaG] folio, vel. saec, xiii. 3741 Tresor des Chartes pour l’Angleterre. 2 vols. folio. ch. saec. xviii. 3742 Petri Comestoris Historia Seholastica. folio. vel. saec. xiii. 3743 Decacornon. folio, vel. saec. xiv. 3744 Statuta Cisterciensia. folio, vel. saec. xii. 3745 Ordinaire d’Amboise. 2 vols. Pergam. folio, saec. xvi. 3746 Revenus du Due de Guise. 1532. folio, ch. 3747 Generality de Paris par Phelippeaux. 4to. ch. 1700 374S Do. de Bretagne. 4to. 3749 Do. de Limoges. 4to. 3750 Do. de Alenqon. 4to. 3751 Do. de Bourdeaux. 4 to. 3752 Do. de Caen. 4to. 3753 Do. de La Rochelle. 4 to. 3754 Do. de Orleans et Moulins. 4tO. Wheatly. Quorum pars ex Abb. Tongerloo. 3755 Indian Drawings representing the Trades of India. 2 vols. 4to. 3756 Persian Drawings and Portraits. [36 in number.] folio. 3/57 Letters (original) written by the Florentine Republic in 1529 to Pietro Francisco Portinari, Ambasciatore a Sienna, folio, ch. 3758 Josephi Historia Judaeorum. folio, vel. saec. xii. 3759 Paterii Excerpta ex St. Gregorio, folio, vel. saec. xii. 3760 Drawings on Vellum of Mosaics and other Roman An¬ tiquities. 3 vols. large folio. XV'lff 7 * « ft ' .Q*v < 3761 Eginhardi Vita Caroli Magni. fol. vel. saec. xii. 3762 Carta Aroaldi et Richildae Vigilberti Johanni filio At- tonis de Amazzavacca. [Circa ann. S58.] 3763 Cartae Originales pro Civitate Faenza in Italia. [On vellum.—two taxes.] 3*64 Cortez Quarta Relacio ConquestOis in Hispanic Nova. folio, ch. soec. xviii. Rodd. 3765 Aske’s Genealogical Collections, 18 H. VIII. [15S leaves.'] folio, ch. saec. xvi.— Valuable. 3766 Reports and Cases in Law. 26 vols. folio. ch. saec. xvi et xvii. Rennie Library :— [ Thorpe .] 3777 Croniques de Normendie, jusqu’ a Henri III. 4to. vel. saec. xiv. [Incip. “ Par le division.”] La Lignee du Roy Charlemagne. [Incip. “ Si- come nous trouvons."] Thorpe. 3778 Svvithin Adee, M. D. on Ducarel's Anglo Norman Antiquities. 30 pages. 8vo. ch. saec. xviii. 3779 Exhortations to Virtue and Religion. [Scoiice, Credo.] Svo. vel. saec. xiv. 3780 Cooper’s Collections for Bucks, vol. 1. 4to. ch. saec. xviii. [<267 poges.] 3781 Doomsday pro com. Essex. Inquisitiones post Mortem, and Names of Ma¬ nors co. Essex, ab anno 27 H. III. ad 2 R. III. [122 leaves.] folio, ch. saec. xvi. Given by Mr. Jekyll to (qu?) Erasmus Colly, with 11, 4, or 7 volumes of Patents, called Inquis. post Mortem to 12 Caroli 1. 3782 - - - Pedigree of Carew. A Roll on vellum, saec. xvi. Craven Ord’s MSS. — [ Thorpe .] 3783 511 Gervasii Tilberiensis de Necessariis Scaccarii. [35 leaves.] folio, ch. saec. xvi. 3784 522 Chronicle of England. [178 pages.] Incip. “ In the noble land of Syrrye —” Two leaves — Chronicle in verse of Norman Kings to H. VI .folio, vel. saec. xvi. 3785 545 Liber Garderobae Edwardi II. [63 leaves.] Tf Liberacio Pannorum 7 E. III. folio, vel. saec. xiv. 3786 546 Liber Garderobae 6 E. III. [10 leaves.] folio. vel. saec. xiv. 3787 547 Do. Do. Alianorae sororis E. III. [14 leaves.] folio, vel. saec. xiv. 3788 548 Do. Do. Johannae, Reginae H. V. [22 leaves.] folio, vel. saec. xv. 3789 549 Do. Do. of H. VIII. A° 3tio. [46 leaves.] folio, vel. saec. xvi. 3790 552 Household Expences of Lord Mowbray, by Sir John Howard. 1462. [171 leaves, vel. & ch. and one loose leaf on vellum.] Svo. saec. xv. 3791 556 Cartularium Abbatiae de Ramsay, co. Hunting¬ don. [127 leaves,] folio, vel. saec. xiii. 3792 569 Cartularium Abbatiae S. Salvatoris in Bury. [97 leaves.] 8vo. vel. saec. xiv. 3793 563 Cartularium Priorattis de Hoxne. [Fragment .— 12 leaves .] folio, vel. saec. xiv. 3794 574 Cartularium PrioratCis de Whepstead. This is a fragment of the Liber Cellerarii de Bury, from folio 486 to 513 (A part is in Sir H. Bunbury's possession, and part in Bibl. Publ. Cambridge.) [27 leaves], after which are 5 doubled leaves and 1 single of Inquisitions of Knights' Fees co. Sup'. (Valuable.) folio, vel. saec. xv. O 50 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM IVfANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 3795 618 Cartularium Fraternitatis Sanctae Trinitatis Sanc- ti Botolphi extra Aldersgate apud Londinum. [148 leaves, but the 2 first are lost, and some at the end, also 31 to 44, 89, 93 to 9S, 119 to 132, 134, 137 to 140, 143 to 144, all inclusive.'] 4to. ch. saec. xv. 3796 559 Cartularium Walteri et Johannis de Norvvico, Baronum de Norwich. [109 leaves, toilh some modern extracts on loose leaves by Mr. Ord.] Tall folio, vel. saec. xiv. 3797 566 Liber Hundredorum infra Libertates de Bury St. Edmund. Abbates S. Edmundi, ab anno 1020 ad 1379. Reges Angliae, ab anno 800 ad 1379. «J[ Cartae Regum Anglo-Saxonum et Norman- norum. •Jj Excerpta ex Rotulis Pipae. ^ Iter R. de Lexinton, 25 H. III. Feoda Militum Honoris S. Edmundi, anno 1300. Fines ab 8 Ric. I. Iter Salomonis de Roffe, 14 E. I. Cartae Abbatum, &c. Placita Coronae. Genealogia Gilberti Blund, temp. Conquest. Founder of Ixworth Priory. Liber Allocationum Libertatum. «J[ Excerpta ex Rotulis Curiarum. Liber Cartarum Frauchesiarum et Liberta¬ tum. Quo warranto pro Libertat. de Bury St. Ed¬ mund versus Nicholaam Bacon. 1 Eliz. Sir Nicholas Bacon's Claim of the Liberties and Franchises of Bury St. Edmund- 22 Eliz. Nomina Villarum in com. Suff. 5T Carta 1 H. IV. ex Turre. Abbreviatio Libri Hundredorum et Cartarum Regum de Franchesiis de Bury. Libertates Abbatum St. Edmundi in Had- ligh, &c. Thick folio, ch. saec. xvi. Circa 1582. [620 leaves ; and Index.] 3798 615 Cartularium Miscellanaeum aeri incisum, per Ric. Rawlinson, &c. containing 79 fac-similes of Charters, oblong 4to. 37S9 562 Geo. Burton's Extracts from the Album Regis- trum of St. Edmund, folio, ch. 3SOO 564 Geo. Burton’s Extracts from the Album Regis- trum of St. Saviour. 4to. 3801 565 Chartulary of Bury St. Edmund, abridged by Blomfield. folio, ch. 3802 612 Harvey’s Visitations of Suffolk. [Autograph.] U Arms from Churches and Gentlemen’s Houses in co. Suffolk, with loose Coats of Arms,, coloured and trick, modern. large folio, ch. saec. xvi. 3803 611 Harvey's Visitation of Suffolk. 1561. [ Tran¬ script.] folio, ch. saec. xvi. 3804 607 Suffolk Pedigrees of De Bures, Mannock, Wing¬ field, &c. &c. folio, ch. saec. xvii. 3805 614 Suffolk and Norfolk Pedigrees of Cullum, Drury, Jermyn, Martyn, Wittwrong, Cony, Hervey, with additions by Sir J. Cullum. folio, ch. saec. xviii. 3806 533 Pedigrees and Arms of Lord Mayors to 1719 in Vol. 1. Vol. 2—Arms of Cheshire and Lan¬ cashire. Vol, 3—Pedigrees of Baronets. 3 vols. morocco. 4to. saec. xvii. 3807 534 Pedigrees and Extracts from Records. [206 pages.] folio, ch. saec. xvii. [Valuable.] 3808 532 Arms in trick of Yorkshire, Lancashire, &c. fa¬ milies. Arms in trick of Merchant Taylors’ Com¬ pany. oblong 4to. ch. saec. xvii. 3809 536 Pedigrees of Somersetshire. 1637. folio, ch. 1 saec. xvii. 3310 538 Extracts from Dugdale's Baronage. Arms of Knights temp. 3 Eliz. &c. Tournay at Dunstable 2 E. II. 5f Names of Knights (40) in the Isle of Ely. Creation of the Nobility from the Conquest to Elizabeth. folio, ch. saec. xvii. 3811 --- Bokenham’s Heraldic and Genealogical Collec¬ tions for Suffolk, thin 4to. ch. saec. xviii. 3812 578 Survey of VVysset Manor, co. Suffolk. [Ill leaves.] folio, ch. saec. xvii. 3813 579 Surveys of Lavenham, 1 Jac. I. [27 leaves,] Aid- borough 15'—22 Eliz. [110 leaves,] et Rentale de Gyslingham, 5 H. VII. [5 leaves, vel.] fol. vel. & ch. saec. xvii. 3814 580 Survey of Barking, Nedham, Hecham, Rattleden, 38 Eliz. [1S2 pages.] folio, ch. saec. xvi. 3815 584 Iter Suffolciae per Salomon de Roffe. [59 leaves.] 8 vo. vel. saec. xiv. 3316 585 Placita Suffolciae coram Salomone de Roffe. [5J> leaves.] Svo. vel. saec. xiv. Three Rolls fat the end) of Compendium Finium. 14 E. I. 3817 586 Placita de Juratis et Assisis, per Salomon de Roffe. [80 leaves.] Placita Coronae. [42 leaves.] folio, ch. saec. xvii. 1657. 3818 -Pipe Rolls, by Dodsworth, (transcriptj for Suff. . ab 2 H. II. ad 13 E. 111. [91 pages:] thin folio, ch. saec. xviii. 3819 592 Henrici Elmham Compotus pro Suffolk, 20 E. III. 4to. ch. saec. xviii. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 51 3820 594 Suffolk Inquisitions and Escheats, folio, ch. saec. xvii. 3821 601 Suffolk Collections, containing [ inter a/ia] about 400 original Deeds of Suffolk, on vellum and parchment, besides others on paper, folio. 24 vols. 3822 541 Buckinghamshire Church Notes, by Steele. [66 leaves .] 4to. ch. saec. xvii. 3823 542 Buckinghamshire Church Register Extracts. [109 leaves.'] Terrier for Bisham co. Berks. [15 leaves.] By Steele. 4to. ch. saec. xvii. 3824 531 Church Notes, or a Ramble in various Counties. 1712. [72 folio <5f 12 quarto leaves.] folio, ch. saec. xviii. 3825 515 Collections on Serjeants at Law. folio, ch. 3826 512 Cases and Opinions in the Exchequer. 2 vols. folio, ch. saec. xviii. 3827 589 Index to Suffolk Doomsday. 4to. ch. saec. xviii. 3528 — Bishop Tanner's Suffolk Collections. 4to. ch. saec. xviii. 3529 -On Naval Architecture. [ Manuscript & printed.] Receipts and Payments in the Navy. [103 pages.'] Extracts MSS. relating to the Navy, from Ric. I. to 36 Hen. VIII.—Being Ric. I. Ed. I. Ed. II. Ed. III. Ric. II. Hen. VII. and Hen. VIII. 4io. ch. saec. xviii. 3830 543 History of Lachford, Hasely, and Rycot, co. Oxon. [54 leaves.] folio, ch. Ord MSS. — [Rodd.'] 3831 540 Honor of Cheshire, a Poem in Praise of Lord Stanley. Title of Vernon of Stokesay to the Barony of Powis, folio, ch. saec. xvi. 3832 526 Ives’ Papers and Letters from Hen. VI. to Jac. I. folio, ch. 3833 580 Borrell’s Suffolk Church Notes, folio, ch. saec. xvii. Not Ord MSS. 3834 Stukeley’s Drawings of Castles and Camps. 3835 Genealogies of Welch, Saxon, and English Kings to Hen. VI. [16 leaves.] Thinfolio. vel.sazc.xv. Ord MSS. —[. Payne.\ 3836 521 Martin’s Catalogue of MSS. in Emanuel College, Cambridge. 4to. ch. saec. xviii. 3837 525 Treatise concerning the English Coinage, assay¬ ing Metals, Tryals of the Pix, &c. &c. sm. 4to. ch. saec. xvi. 3S38 529 Four Subsidies granted by the Laity to Charles II. anno regni sui 15. folio, ch. saec. xvii. Subsidia Laicorum concessaA 0 1584. ^[ Annuitates, Corrodia, et Pensiones concessae anno 1555. folio, ch. saec. xviii. 3839 514 Craven Ord’s Collections for a History of the Ba¬ rons of the Exchequer, with some loose papers folio . ch. saec. xviii. 3840 560 Terrarium de Narburgh A" 1461. [28 leaves.] Compotus Maneriorum, Terrarum, &c. in Essex, Norf. et Suff. nuper Domini Johan- nis de Veer, Comitis Oxoniae. 21 H. VIII. [4 leaves.] 5[ Compotus Willielmi Paston, Militis, in Pas- ton, cum membr. et aliis Maneriis, A 0 1 Mariae. [133 leaves.] Compotus plurium Maneriorum in com. Suf¬ folk. A°7 & 8 H. VII. [50 leaves.] Quinque Cartae Elizabethae Ducissae Norfol- ciae, temp. H. VII. [1 leaf.] *** It formerly belonged to Blomefeld, the Historian, folio, ch. saec. xv. et xvi. 3841 553 Household Book of Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, at Stoke by Neyland, co. Suffolk. 15 H. VIII. 1523. [154 leaves.] folio, ch. saec. xvi. Olim Liber Johannis Fenn, 1779. 3842 527 Hawes’ Correspondence on the Topography of Suffolk ; by Bishop Tanner, Samuel Stebbing, Edmund Bass, H. Williams, P. Attwood, and Peter le Neve, with various original documents relating to Suffolk. [ Various dates.] folio, ch. 3843 606 Loder’s History of Framlingham, with MSS. ad¬ ditions, and a Compotus on vellum of Magna Framlingham. 6 E. I. 3844 604 Gardner’s History of Dunwich, with MSS. ad¬ ditions, and several Compotus and Charters on vellum formerly in P. le Neve’s Collections; amongst the MSS. are Autographs of Cole the Antiquary, to whom the Book once belonged. 3845 570 Cartae Originales 8 of Campsey Nunnery. Do. Do. 17 of Alvesborne Priory. Do. Do. 3 of Butley Priory, Do. Do. 13 of Cretynge Priory. With seals attached : among them are two seals of Alvesborne Priory, the only two known to exist, vel. various dates. 3S46 571 Cartae et Rotuli Originales 64 of Rumburgh Pri¬ ory. On V. and ch. with seals to the Char¬ ters. 3847 572 Cartae Originales 4 of Dodnash Priory. f Cartae et Rotuli Originales 36 of Ixworth Priory. With seals attached, vel. 3855 576 3856 577 3857 581 3858 582 An English Psalter, supposed to be YVicliffe’s oi Ham pole's. [61 leaves. ] folio, vel. saec. xiv. The first leaf torn out; hound in black satin. Craven Ord's Table of Festivals of Saints. 4to. ch. saec. xviii. Do. Description of the Attributes of Saints. Letters of the Duke of Newcastle, Earl of Not¬ tingham, C. Whitworth, Cardonnel, Duke of Somerset, Robert Sutton, J. Chetwynd, Duke of Marlborough, Sir Robert Harley, Earl of Shrewsbury, Joseph Addison, James Cresset, Earl Stamford, and Lord Rabv, on affairs of State, from 1701 to 1730. ch. Privy Purse Expences of Henry VIII. ab Oct. A° 35 ad Oct. A° 36. [157 leaves.] folio, ch. Household Book of Thomas Earl of Lancaster, from Michaelmas A° 12 E. II. to Michaelmas Ao 13 E. II. 4to. ch. saec. xviii. [16 pages are printed and 44 in manuscript .] At the end are 4 leaves, two being the beginning of a tran¬ slation of this book; 1 of Notes; and 1 a receipt how to make a Lamprey pie. Two leaves Svo.—Extracts from the Nor¬ thumberland Household Book, 1512. Anecdote of a Porpoise served for dinner at Alnwick Castle. Blomefield’s (or G. Burton s) Abridgement of the 1st Curteys Register of Bury St. Edmund. It contains— 1st. Explanatio Abbreviationum 2nd. Index Cartarum from page 1 to 35. 3rd. Excerpta ex Registro. 4th. Adventus Henrici VI. ad Abb. St. Edmund. 5th. Reparatio Magni Campanilis. 7th. Transcripta Cartarum quarundam Re¬ gum Danorum. [142 pages.'] folio, ch. sxc. xviii. Rentale Manerii de Shipmeadow, pertinentis ad Colleg. de Metyngham. 38 H. VI. [15 leaves.] folio, vel. sac. xvi. At the end a deed of Sir Edmund de Thorp, dated 8 R. II. Rental or Survey of the Hundred of Blackborn, Ao 1569. [67 leaves.] folio, ch. saec. xvi. Survey of Coney Weston Manor, A« 1720. [Ill leaves.] folio, ch. saec. xviii. George Burton's Collections for the History of Elvedon Hundred ; with several original docu¬ ments bound up with it. folio, ch. saec. xviii. 3859 583 Sir William Cooke’s (Attorney-General to James I.) History of Rushworth College. [43 pages.] folio, ch. saec. xviii. 3860 5S7 Peter le Neve’s Abbreviatio PJacitorum ab A° 10 ad annum 52 H. III. coram Rege. [118 pages and index.] folio, ch. saec. xvi. 3861 591 Petri le Neve Abbreviatio Pedum Finium pro com. Suffolk temp. Regum Johannis et Henrici III. ex autographis in le Chapter- House. [161 pages besides index.] folio, ch. saec. xvi. 3862 493 Taxationes Comitatus Suffolk. Continet — 1 Cartas dedecimis Villae Mildenhale. 2 Brevia Regis ad Abbatiam de Bury. 3 Taxalio Spiritualium in co. Suffolk. 28 H. VIII. folio 1 to 3. 4 Do. Decimae et Quindecimae in co. Suf¬ folk. folio 12 to 18. 5 Do. Bonorum temporalium Clericorum A° 1292, per EpLcopos Wynton et Lincoln. folio IS to 32. 6 Do. Bonorum Spiritualium et Tempo¬ ralium Virorum Religiosorum, ipsos in Archid. Sudbyr. et Suffolk contingentium. A° Domini 1200 * folio 33 to 56. 7 Do Bonorum Spiritualium ct Tempora¬ lium Monasteriorum plurium in Anglia. To the first fly leaf is attached an original Re¬ ceipt from the Collectors of the Tithe in the 5th of Edw. IV. on Parchment. folio, vel. saec. xvi. * A Note by Craven Ord observes—“ If this Taxa¬ tion was made in 1200 it is older than any one hitherto known, for Bishop Nicolson observes, that the Taxation made 20 E. I. anno 1292, and called Pope Nicholas’s, was the first Valor of Ec¬ clesiastical Benefices. 3863 595 Letters and Correspondence of Theophilus, Earl of Suffolk, Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk, &c. temp. Jac. I. et Car. I. from 1624 to 1639. [127 leaves.] folio, ch. saec. xvii. 3864 597 Craven Ord's Collections for a History of Suffolk Writers, being 1st, a Catalogue of Writers [46 leaves], and 2nd, the Titles of their Works [24 leaves], with some loose papers. 4to. ch. saec. xviii. 3865 598 Craven Ord's Suffolk Collections. 2 vols. fol. Vol. 1. Extracts from Blomefield’s Norfolk, with Index of Places. Vol. 2. Extracts from Madox’s Works, Blomefield’s Collectanea, Bent ham's Ely, History of Essex, Swinden's Yarmouth. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 53 3866 605 Dowsing’s Destruction of Painted Windows and Images in Suffolk Churches, Ms. The same, printed. Sir J. Cullum's Account of a frost in 17S3. printed. Collections for Elmswell and Campsey Ash. T Ex Bibliothecd Hibbert. 3S73 Le Droit d’Armes. [With Illuminations.'] folio, vel. saec. xv. 3874 Galfridi Vinesauf Historia. folio, vel. printed. Terrier of Woodbridge and Church Notes. J printed. 5[ Report on the House of Industry at Melton. printed. «[f Statutes of Woodbridge Alms Houses. Autograph Letter of Ralph Loder. f Description of Woodbridge. Agricultural View of Suffolk. In this volume are these loose tracts : Collections for Woodbridge,co. Suffolk, 1788, J by R. Loder, MS. ^ Account of Woodbridge Church, with a, drawing, MS. folio. ^ John Henley’s (Rector of Chelmondiston,) j Sermon on the Divine Revelation, 1724. I 4to. ^ Samuel Ward’s (of Ipswich,) Sermon, f£ Woe to drunkards,” 1627* The King’s Majesties Letter to Lord Wil¬ loughby, 1641. 4to. Daniel Featley's League illegal, 1660. 4to. «[f Petitions of the Baillifs of Ipswich, 1641. 4to. Humphry Prideaux’s (Archdeacon of Suf¬ folk) Directions to Churchwardens. 4to. 1704. Observations on the late contested Elections. 4 to. 1790. Erasmus Warren’s (Rector of Worhngton,) Antidote against Arianism. 3867 606 Hawes’s Framlingham, by Loder. 4to. 1798. MSS. additions. [foose.] Compotus de Magna Framlingham. vel. ao. 6 E. 1. 3868 537 Cooke's Grants of Arms, containing 70 Pedigrees, chiefly Lincolnshire, and 525 Coats. Pedigrees in 35 leaves, Coats in 28 leaves. 3 //*£/- ft Thorpe. A-.zir /<■ * '7 * M. Speyer de Bale. 3875 Hesiodi Opera et Dies, cum Scholiis Johannis Tzetzae. [Greece.] 4to. ch. seec. xiv. This contains more than the last printed edition by Professor Gaisford. 3876 Petri de Vineis Epistolae. 4to. ch. seec. xv. (1450.) 3877 Porphyrius in Ptolemaei Harmonica. [Greece.] folio. ch. seec. xv. 3878 Pierre Michault Doctrinal du Temps, folio. ch. (1466.) 3879 Sermones in decern Praecepta. [< Gerrnanice.] folio. ch. seec. xiv. (1303.) 38SO Reformatio OrdinisPraedicatorum in Germania. 8vo. ch. Barret, */*■• Bn' 3SS2 Euclides Trepi TeioppTpias. Heronis A pinj rwv Teioprjrpovpevwv. Pythagorae Me6o6os it epi Tpryovov opOuywmov. IlarpiKi TTpoadtipp deioppparos. [For the rest see the Catalogue of French MSS.] 4to. ch. saec. xiii. 3883 Egesippi Historia Judeorum. [Ex Bibl. Mac Carthy.] folio, vel. saec. xii. 3884 Cicero de Rhetorica Inventione. Lihri 2* Ciceronis Rhetoricorum ad Herennium. Libri6. 4lo. vel. saec. x. 3885 Senecae quaedam. 4to. vel. saec. xii. Payne.—Ex Bibl. Lord Guildford. j 3S86 Evangelium. [Greece.] thick 4to. vel. saec. xi. [Cum fguris.] 3837 Evangelium. [Greece.] thick Svo. vel. sacc. xii. [Cum fguris.] 3S8S Preces. [Greece J A Roll. vet. saec. xi. 3889 Do. Do. Do. Do. Payne.—Ex Bibl. Dr. Parr. 3869 Bios Ni/oj^opov, Apx te7r ‘ 07 ’ :07r0U ^varavrirov iroXeuts, viro Iyj'anou, Aiaxorov. 3870 Inquisitiones post Mortem pro com. Essex, ab anno 1 H. VII. ad 22 Jac. I. Svo. ch. saec. xvii. 3871 Carta Originalis Galfridi, Ducis Aquitaniae, Monasterio Mailliacensi, anno 1076. [Single deed.] 3872 Rentale Confratriae Sti Spirits in Ecclesia S. Severini de Bourdeaux, anno 1300. sm.fol. vel. saec. xiii. P 3890 Glossarium Vocum Obscurorum. 4to. ch. 3891 Camerarius in Suidam. folio, eft. 3892 Nemesius de NatuiA Hominis. 4to, eft. W/ - " “ '. j. — ■<>“’ ■■ *-~ 3S93 Burmanni Dictata in Turscllinifft* ^5 vols. Svo. ch- 3894 Dukeri Do. in Aristophanis Equites. 4to. eft. 3S95 Terenlius. vel. saec. f 3896 Specy Comment, in Aristot]e»»^ 2 vols. 4to. ch.S-if.vn } Ex Bib¬ liotheca Meer- man. 54 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. Payne. 3897 Matth aei Westmonasterii Historia. Liber Stius. folio. vel. saec. xiv. Roche MSS. 3898 O ffice de la Vierge Marie pourtout le Temps de l’an- nee. 4to. vel. saec. xiv. illumin. • 3899 Lex Salic a. 12mo. vel. saec. xv. 1 3900 An ainim de uille comasaice an eagna fire son. [MS. Hibernice.'] 12mo. ch. saec. xviii. • 3901 M editadones S. Bernardi. 18mo. vel. saec. xv. 3932 Kasem’s Poems, li / L 3933 Saadi’s Bostan. 3934 Odes on Amatory Subjects. 3935 A Collection of Prayers. 3936 .. 3937 MS. in the Pehlavi Language, containing 1st, The Vispered ■, 2nd. The Serosch. 3938 A Vocabulary of the Pehlavi Language. IT Tvv0 Treatises on the Religion, Astrology, and Customs of the Parsees. Thorpe. Captain Mignan, Oriental MSS. 8$c. 3902 A Babylonian Cylinder, with arrow-head. Inscriptions. /■[ora stoned] 3903 Fragment of a Babylonian Inscription. ^ 3904 Jafsir i Husaini Comment on the Koran. 3.905 Gulistan of Saadi. 3906 A Treatise ( apparently ) on Cosmogony and Natural History. 3907 Avicennas Isharat non Taubihit. (qu.) 3908 Traditions of Mahomet. if Koojeh Hossein on Astrology. H Nasir ood AuinAhuadid Jhucader on the Astrolabe. If Khoojeh Hossein Michoodee on Numerical Pro- Phecy. IT On the Sispee Sect, by Mahmoud of Resul. Avicenna de Scientific IT On the Doctrines ofthe Soofies. IT Aristotle on the Horse. II Prayers used on the Pilgrimage to Mecca. 3909 Saadi’s Pund Nameh. 3910 Loves of Meinoun and Leila. 3911 Siraj al Mooner, or, the Lamp of Glory. 3912 Treatise on Geometry. 3913 3914 3915 3916 3917 3918 3919 3920 3921 3922 3923 3924 3925 3926 3927 3928 3929 3930 3931 1 19 other Arabic =* and Persian volumes. J ' 3939 Cat alog us Numismatum Thome Russell, D. D. Canon Eccles. Hereford. 4to. ch. ■ 3940 C onstitutio nes Eremitarum S. Romualdi, Ordinis Ca- maldunensis Institutoris. 4to. ch. secc. xviii. Ineerti. 3941 Cicero^ de Officiis. 11 jQuamquam te, Marce fili.” IF D ° de Inventione Rhetorica. ‘‘Saepe et mul- tura.” IT 0° de Partitione Oratoria. ‘ f Studeo, mi patei\” Svo. vel. saec. xv. [red morocco. ] 3942 T asso G erusalemme Liberata, traduit en Francois, et dedi6 fi Bonaparte, Premier Consul, par Le Roux de Neville, Secretaire General de la Prefecture de Forets. “ Pour chanter Bonaparte, il faudrait un Voltaire.’’ II Epitre fi Bonaparte. Dat6 a Luxembourg le .. Frimaire, An. X. fol. ch. russia. 3943 D. D. Souvest re De Mysterio S. Trinitatis. 1745. 12mo. ch. ' 3944 Catalogue of Mason’s Coins and Medals. 4to. ch. 3945 Brende lii Collegium Practicum Medicinae. 3 vols. 4to. 1747-8. 3946 Tarikh Guzerat, or the History of Guzerat. narrow folio, ch. Persiai. 3947 Pat Boec der Troestinge roter heiliger Scriftneren Olim Conventfts St. Ursule in Delft. 1452. 4to. ch. saec. xv. 3948 Viridarium de Naturis et Proprietatibus Rerum. See No. 134 hujus Catalogi. 3949 Liber O bsequialis secund. Old. et Breviar. Constanc. et Benedictio Salis et Aquae, folio, vel. saec. xvi. 3950 Chroniques de Monstrelet abregees. large folio, ch. saec. xv. Olim Engelberti de Cleves, Comte de Nevers, Go- verneur en Bourgogne. 3951 Three Treatises on Alchemy, sm. 4to. vel. saec. xvi. 1 Testament de Maistre Jean Saulnier. 2 Nicholas Grosparmy’s* Secret des anciens Phi- losophes. * Grosparmy is said to have prolonged his life to 120 by means of his elixir. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 55 3 Martin Ortholan’s Explication des Paroles de Hermes Trismegistus. • 3952 H. Thomas’s (Rector of Keyr) Treatise on Religious and Moral Duties. 18mo. ch. saec. xvii. Dedicated to Sir William and Lady Anne Child. • 3953 Ducarel’s Tables of English Coins from the Conquest. thin 4to. ch. saec. xviii. *. 3954 Charters of Dunvvich, eo. Suffolk. 4to. ch. saec. xvi. . 3955 Excerpta ex Libro de Eruditione Religiosorum. (Ex ■ Mon. Bethleem prope Lovanium.) sm. 4to. vel. &; ch. saec. xiv. • 3956 Extracts from John Speed’s Historical Part of Great Britain. ISmo. ch. • 3957 Common-place Book, by Rich. Haynes. 1676. fol. ch. • ■ 395S Tables to the Printed Cases upon Appeals in the House of Lords, since 1/01. fol. ch. saec. xviii. • 3959 Ps alterium . fol. vel. saec. xiv. (Ex Bibl. Monast. S Antonii Burdigalens. Arms in the 1st Letter j Gules, two bars nebule A.) • 3960 P. Gregorii IX Decretales. fol. vel. saec. xiii. {At' the end arc Biographical Notes respecting some of the Lecturers on the Laws at Ferrara and Bologna.) • 3961 Rituale Eeclesiae. fol. vel. saec. xiv. Scriptura Anglica. Olim Thomae Dadford de Wolverhampton. * 39 62 Sermones Dominicales. folio, vel. saec. xiv. (At the end is) Fragmentum. Placita inter Priorem S. Bartholo- maei de Smethefelde et Joh’em de Herpesfeld. [A ivritten scrap pinned in the book says, “ This book was once in K. Charles’s Library. R. Jones.’’ But Query ?] * 3963 C ompendium Theologicae Veritatis. 12mo. vel. saec. xiv. ! , 3964 Stadt's Recht van Deventer. 4to. ch. saec. xvi. , 3965 Genealogie de la Maison de Daillon, Comtes de Lude; depuis 1364. 4to. ch. saec. xviii. Olim Johannis Towneley, esq. * 3966 Armoriale de la Famille de Daillon. sm. 4to. vel. saec. xvii. red morocco. [23 coats.'] . 3967 Tractatus contra Pluralitatem Confessorum, et de Re- gimine Sororum. 12mo. vel. saec. xiv. ■ 3968 Philippi^ue^contre Philipe Due d’ Orleans. 4to. ch. , 3969 Divorce of Robert Earl of Essex and Lady Frances Howard. 1613. 4to. cli. saec. xvii. Arraignment of Richard Weston and others for poisoning Sir Thomas Overbury. * 3970 Gen esis glosat. folio, vel. saec. xii. lncip. “ Notandum.” * 39/1 Bonaventurae Stimulus Amoris. 18mo. vel. saec. xv. OUm T. Marlin. * 3972 Rules of the House of Lords. 18mo. ch. saec. xviii. Olim James Allan, of Darlington. - 3973 Henrici 8 . Assertio Septem Sacramentorum contra Mar¬ tin Luther. A. D. 1522. Articuli Commissionis Generalium Visitatorum Regni Angliae deputatorum. De Morte Thomae Mori, Canccllarii. Kpitaphium Thomae Mori. Passio Sanctor. Martyrum Carthusianor. in An¬ glia trucidatorum. Epilogus eorum quae acta sunt Monasterii (Mun¬ ster) per Catabaptistas. 1535. Written by Eberch, a Carmelite of Cologne. 4to. ch. saec. xvi. 3974 Geographical Description of the Coasts and Islands in the Mediterranean and Archipelago, with 121 Draw¬ ings. folio, ch. saec. xvii. ( Turcice.) Dedicated to Sultan Solyman by the celebrated Cap¬ tain Pizi in 1688 (a<> Hegirae 1099). 3975 Aloysii de Morellis Dialogi Amatorii inter Libisinam et Chifrincasnam, Uplrem et Aniotolam. thin 4to. ch. saec. xv. (1432.) Ex Bibl. Celotti. Ex dono, Rev. J. N. 3976 Genealogia Familiae de Grove de Feme, in com. Wilts, per Robertum Grove, Episcop. Chichester. Carmina et EpigrammataRob’ti Grove, Epise. de Chichester, Swift, Garth. P. C. &c. 18mo. ch. These latter consist of satires against the Mi¬ nisters and others (some probably never printed). Wlluams. 3977 Horae. Well illuminated. [After the Calendar are these arms: V. three roses A. quartering a coat quarterly, and bearing an escutcheon of pretence. Before the “ Domine, Labia mea" is the portrait of the person for whom the book was executed, kneeling under a tent of green drapery, semee de roses of silver.] 3978 L’Art de Metaux, par Albert Alfonso Barba, natif de Lep6 en Andalousie, et Cure de la Paroisse de S. Bernard en la ville de Potosi. a° 1640. (Traduit de l’Espagnol.) 24mo. ch. saec. xviii. [with drawings.) Paris. 3979 Theological Tract, Belgice. (At the end, “ Finitus iste liber p’ me N. Kratz Stiar.) 1434. sm. 4to. ch. saec. xv. 1 3980 Summa_de communi Apostolorum.'x sm. 4to. vel. s. xiv. Excerpta ex Legibus Cano- > Scriptura minu- nicis. ) tissima. 3981 Summa de Septem Vitiis, 1 Gula, 2 Luxuria, 3 Ava- ricia, 5 Accidia (sic pro Desidia), 5 Superbia, 6 Ira, 7 Lingua (sic pro Mendacia, &c.) 1 3982 Sermones. “ Hora est, jam nos de somno surgere.” ■ 39S3 Rituale. sm. 4to. vel. saec. xiv. “ Hac autem D'ni n’ri." 56 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 3984 Lotharius de Yilitate Hominis. 51 Dialogus B. Bernardi de Planctu B. Mariae. 51 Ordo Monachorum et Fundamentum Religionis. rj 51 Libellus Conscientise. 51 Torneamentum Monachorum. 5F B. Bernardi Speculum Monachor’. 5[ Ditto de Honestate Vitae. 51 De Confessione. 51 Schema de Vitiis et Virtutibus. 5f Vita; SS. Sebastiani, Marcellini, Zoe, Tyburti. 5T Evagrius de Vita S. Anthonii. . sm. 4to. vel. saec. xiv. 3985 Tabula^abbreviata super Summam Raymundi. sm. 4to. !j vel. saec. xiv. Taylor. Rodd. 4000 Relacione del Bernardo Navagiere, ritornato Bailo da Solimano Gran Turco, l’anno 1552. 5F Questio, ct Qual fosse la patria della Roisa Sul¬ tana, Moglie de Solimano ? ” 5T Sultan Soliman’s Letters to Pope Clement IX. Knibb. 4001 A Volume of Poems, folio, ch. saec. xvii. by Katharine Phillipps Vjj^ containing (inter alia) H An Elegy upon the best of Kings, Charles I. tf To my worthy Friend A. T. inviteinge him to write something on the Lord Francis Villers, slayne in these uncivill Warrs at Kingston upon Thames.” 3986 Colle ctions for the History of YVaterbeach, co. Cam¬ bridge. 4to. ch. saec. xviii. 3987 Proverbi di Antonio Carnazano. 4to. ch. saec. xviii. 39SS Anthifortuna, sen Dialogus contra Fortuna. 4to. ch. saec. xvii. 3989 Promissio Antonii Venerio, Ducis Venetiarum, quam fecit populo pro Ducatu a° 1382. fol. vel. sxc. xiv. (With the Duke’s portrait in the first letter.) Thorpe. 3990 T. Parkis Collections. 2 parcels. Syo. 3991 Expositio in Cantica Canticorum. sm. 4to. ch. Ad usum W mi Aldenardi, Monachi d'Alost. 3992 Surveys and Rentals relating to the Manor of Sowerby, and to the other Graveships in the Lordship of Wakefield, co. York. ISmo. ch. saec. xvii. 3993 Register of Letters of Oliver Cromwell, and the Com¬ monwealth, to Louis King of France, and to the various Sovereigns of Europe. [156 letters.'] fol. ch. saec. xvii. '-*/ ^ //2 t l [l &-**- 51 The Opinion of J. M. * on the State of Affairs in England on the 20th October 1659. 3994 Emptio Baronia; Montis Fusculi. fol. vel. saec. xvi. 3995 Cronica de Dom. Joam de Castro Visorrey que foy da India. Composta per Leonardo Nunez, a« 1550. Copied by Antonio de Souza from the unique (as he supposes) original. 3996 Collection of Spanish Autograph Letters and Official Papers. 3997 Correspondence of Giacomo Anton. Marcelli, Avocato del Comun de Venezia. 3998 Preces et Orationes Mahometans. 4to. ch. Charac¬ ter Africano vel Mauretanico. 3999 Common-place Book of the Laws. fol. ch. sxc. xviii. • Qu. If this is the Morice who was Monk’s [agent in the Restoration ? or, qu. if they are the initials of John Milton ? fff ll'U't f>>. /. '1 s* 1 * C.-p i S0^c/jftUt 51 The I.ady Kathe Howard’s Voyage and Enter¬ tainment on board the Triumph. 51 Epithalamia on the Marriages of Lady Kath. Egerton to Mr. Wra, Cu|teen, and Mrs. Cecilia Crofts to Mr. Thos. Killigrew. 51 Anti-Felton to the God of Friendship, K. Charles. 5f Epithalamium on the Earl of Barrymore’s mar¬ riage. 51 Elegy on the Death of the Right Hon. Edward Sackville. IT Orinda to Parthenia. Signed, “ Ka. Ph.” 51 To Mrs. K. P. from Mr. J. J. 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 Patent of 36 H. 8. appointing John Bernard Control¬ ler of the King's Pavillions and Tents, and Master of the Revels and Masks (omnium jocorum, revelo- rum, et mascorum). folio, in sheets, ch. Exorcism us Infantium. 12mo. vel. 51 Ordo Visitandi Infirmos. J sxc. xv. Instruction pour M. Guillaume Bourguignon,' Greffier de Finance, de ce quil aura a declarer a I'Empereur tie par la Reyne (douariere de Hongrie), gouver- nante des Pays Bas. a» 1534. 4to. ch. skc. xvi. If Many other Instructions to different Statesmen relating to the Pays Bays at that time. Excerpt a ex Sermonibus Henrici Reyniers, by the Sister 0 vt A° ll . e . a /w a Pj. r . Pych^ ao 1 556. 4to. ch. L e t t er from Mr. Locke to M. Joignard respectinghis new method of a Common-place Book. 4to. ch. Franc ^Oudendorpii Dictata in Florum. 1747. 4to. ch. Acerba Vita S. Cecchi Notarii Exculani, qu® fact’ fuit a ° 1376, die xi Sept, in Eugubio. Ego Joh es Ghabriellus de Flora scripsi.” Ciceronis Epistols. 4to. ch. (Damaged.) stcc. xv. Acta Sanctorum. 5[ Vita Sta; Leuwinae. y / - * 1 s* CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 57 Martyres Provincial de Flandres. Monuments in Cortenberg Church. ^ Cartae quaedam Ecclesiae S. Gudulce de Bruxelles. folio, ch. scbc. xviii. Bruxelles. 4011 Missale. 32mo. vel. saec. xv: Olim Petri de Fossa. 1576. 4012 Van der neder comst ons liefe heeren J’hu X’pe. 32mo. vel. scec. xv. Belgice. 4013 Hier beghint hoc een leechman een Doctor in der Godheit behende. ISmo. ch. scec. xv. Olim Coll. Jesu in Sylva Ducis. 1624. 4014 Miscellaneous Prayers (Belgice). 32mo. ch. scec. xv i. clasped. [Arms of Castile on the cover.'] 4015 Joh’is de Maldere Comment, in Logicam Aristotelis. fol. ch. 1593. In Collegio Lovanii. 4016 Orosii Questiones. ^ Augustini Responsiones. Regula S. Basilii. Paschasius de Spiritu Sancto. Augustinus contra 5 hostium Genera. 12mo. vel. saec. xii. Ex Abb. Camberone. On the 1st page is this note, “ Occidit heus Princeps cum nobilibus ubi Nansi, A° 1477-” On the cover are , “ Fragments of the New Testament” of the 10 th century. 4017 Cartularium Prioratds de Hertoghinnendale prope Ouderghem, apud Antwerp, folio, ch. 1508. 4018 A short Biography and Obituary of Saints, written by the English Nuns at Bornhem, near Bruxelles. 4to ch. saec. xviii. 4019 Poyntes taken out of the Habit. “ The habitte, and first of the smocke; the smocke is y e first garment y c I must put on, it is de¬ livered me to put on myself, and I put it on privately,” &c. &c. Written by the Nuns at Bornhem. l2mo. ch. scec. xviii. 4020 Blyde Inkomst van den Hertogen van Brabant. Printed 1577- ^ Achtervolgende den bevelen ons by onsser Keyser geimponeert. MS. ^ Evaluatie van alderley Ghelt. MS. 402 L Horae Stae Crucis. \_Illum.] 12mo. vel. scec. xv. green mor. The first Miniature is the “Ecce Homo,” painted black. 4022 Vita S. Katherinae. Belgicl. sm. 4to. vel. scec. xiv. ^ Quaedam de S. Francisco et Fratre Egidio. 4023 Psalterium et Horae, thick 12mo. vel. scec. xm. fine. 4024 Histoire de Brabant, fol. ch. scec. xvii. 4025 Recueil de Pieces qui ont servi k la cession des Pays Bas cn 1555, copi^ sur le Nouveau Groenenboeck, dans les Archives de Bruges, fol. ch. scec. xvii. Payne. 4026 Ciceronis Orationes. 8vo. vel. saec. xv. Arms, lo- zengy or and azure on a chief gules, a ram argent. 4027 Drawings of Views on the Thames. 4to. oblong, ch. 4028 Cartularium Saxonicum Abbatiae de Sherborn, co. Dorset, transcript by T. P. Jol. ch. saec. xix. Lamy of Berne. 4029 Sermones Dominicales. sm.fol. scec. xiv. On the cover, Fragments of the Life of Theodora. vel. strc.xii. Incerti. 4030 Forma servanda in recipiendo et induendo Novitio. Beautifully written in imitation of printing. Svo. vel. saec. xvii. 4031 Le Jardin des Armoiries, de France, Allemagne, Es- paigne, ltalie, &c. 4to. ch. xv i. (1594.) Bruxelles. 4032 Conditie Boeck van Godshuys van Hertoginnendal. 4to. ch. saec. xvi. 4033 Rente Boecksken, circa 1530. long fol. ch. 4034 Rentale de la Chartreuse by Heerne. A° 1438. long fol. vel. saec. xv. 4035 Register van de incomelinghen van den Vryen Am- bachte der Becnhanwers binnen deser Stede van Nienhoeve. 4to. vel. & ch. saec. xviii. 4036 Ontfanck van Graen pact, van Leveringhen. 4to. ch. saec. xvii. (1683.) 4037 Copies of Letters, Belgici. 4 to. ch. 4038 Oude Leen Boeck van Lederinghen. 4to. ch. saec. xvi. 4039 Rent end Pacht Boeckske. A° 1357- 4to. vel. sacc. xiv. 4040 Cheyns boek van Maeldere. vel de Lacu, (circa 1630.) 4to. ch. saec. xvii. 4041 Leenbuch van den heerlychede den Leenhove van der prochie van Lede. script. 1577- 4to. ch. saec. xvi. 4042 Boeck van alien die fundatie en van de 63 misse gere- duceert end andere fundatie en lasten die wy Jarelyck schuldick syn to doen. from the year 1716 to 1757- 4to. ch. 4043 Receipts and Expenses of some Monastery in Flanders 4 to. ch. sac. xvii. (circa 1650.) Taylor. 4044 Petrarchi Sonetti “Voi ch’ascultate in rime.” 8vo. vel. saec. xv. 4045 Fragment of an Historian, containing Books 27 to 31, and part of Book 26. 8vo. vel. saec. ivi. Book 27 begins Mortuo Eege Syria:. Do. 28 Olympias Pvrrhi. « i58 CATALOG US LTBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 4046 Liber .... Hebraice ( apparently A treatise on astro¬ nomy). sm, folio, vel. ssec. xv. 4047 Medical Receipts, in Old English. 51 “ Theise ben ye veynes to leten onne a man blod for diverse eveles.” After page 2 3 they are written in Latin. 5 J Nomina Herbarum Medicinalium, with some English and French names. 4to. vel. saec. xiv. Longman. 4048 J. Sacrobosco de Sphera. [ Printed, but more like a manuscript than any printed book which I have ever seen .] *[ De Constitutione Astrolabii. Peregrinus de Mancourt de Magnete. «t De Mensuratione Rerum, ex tractatu Roberti Anglici. ( Idem cum N°2219.) Thorpe. 4049 Diciionarium “ Abbas significat in Latino Pater." Svo. vel saec. xiii. 4050 Charter of Hereford. 4to. ch. saec. xvi. 4051 Forma adjurandi Electrices in Monasterio de (qu.) Butenkiest. Tide 2197 idem liber. 4052 Catalogue des Livres de la Reyne dans sa Bihliotheque du Palais du Buen Retiro, fait par son Libraire Jacques Barthelemy. Madrid, 1735. 4to. ch. s. xviii. 4053 Collection of Spanish (477) Proverbs, with illustrative explanations, fol. ch. saec. xvi. 4054 Actas de las Cories de Valladolid de 1523. “ Sacose del traslado antique que se conserva en el Escurial. ’ fol. ch. saec. xviii. 4055 Quaderno de las Leyes de Los ties Estados del Reyno de Navarro por los Reyes D. Luis 11. et Philipe VII. 4056 Leyes de las Cortes de Madrid el ano 1552, y de Val¬ ladolid en 1555—1558. fol. ch. 4057 Leyes de las Cortes en Cordova en 1570, y de Madrid en 1586. 4058 Persian Stories. A fine Persian MS. thick fol. ch. Burn. 4059 The Laws of the Bards, copied from an old MS. on vel. in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, [a fragment.'] thin 12mo. ch. saec. xviii. Rodd. 4060 Catalogue of Knights of the Bath and Banerets made by H. VIII. A° 1509, collected by J. . .., 1650. 4to. ch. Olim G. Capon. 4061 Memoires du Comte d’Estre^s, A° 1668. fol. ch. 4062 Rules of the House of Lords. Svo. eft. saec. xviii. 4063 Rate of Contracts with Architects I v the Treasury, A° 1750. 18mo. oft. 4064 Petition to Queen Elizabeth in behalf of the Poor. 4to. ch. saec. xvi. 4065 Miscellaneous Collection of Seals, Papers, and Auto¬ graph Letters of Celebrated Persons during the 17th and 18th Centuries. [a portfolio .] vel. & eft. [various dates ] 4066 Liber de Laudi’bus super laudabilis Dei j Prioris Dio- nysii Carthusien. in Ruremunda, many sua propria exaratus ; qui obiit. A 0 Dni 1471, &c. sm. 4to. eft. saec. xv. 4067 Henry Eyre’s Journal of a Tour in North Wales and Ireland, A® 1795. 2 vols. thin 12mo. ch. 4068 VV'ill of John Bignell, of Wilton, co. Wilts. Memoranda of the Life of Queen Elizabeth. Amicorum Descriptio, 1781. U Samuel Ireland’s (Editor of Shakspeariana) Peti¬ tion against Geo. Stevecns, &e. Admiral Freemantle’s Letter to Lord Nelson, &e. &c. &c. in a small portfolio. Paris. 4069 Two Rolls, containing, 1st. Proces entre l’Abbaye de Sauve Majeure de Bordeaux et le Roi d’Ang- leterre pour les Droits Feodaux, circa 1320. 2. Deposition de Temoins, pour l’Abbaye de Sauve Majeure contre le Roi d’Angleterre au sujet d’un champ ou se faisaient le combats judici- aires, versl’an. 1280. both in one case. Bruxelles. 4070 Obituarium Martyrologium et breve Calcndarium Be- nefactorum Monast. Septem Fontium. Orationes S. Brigettae. Inventarium de tempore. 32mo. eft. ssec. xvi. 4071 Die Ghetiden van der ewiger Wysheit. I8mo. vel. ssec. xiv. [ Lettered “ Pieces Pise.”] 4072 Hier Beghint die Ghetide vanonser Vrouvven. (Horse.) The 1st leaf is a Table of the Golden Number. Well illuminated, sm. 4to. vel. scec. xv. 4073 Horse. Ilium, sm. 4to. vel. ssec. xiv. On the cover is stamped Christ’s entry into Jerusalem, and round the border is “ Frater Johannes de Mee- salia ob laudem Xpi. et Matris ejus librum hunc recte legavil.” 4074 Nili Episcopi Sententiae. U Collectura ex Libris 1 , 2, 3. Officiorum S. Am- brosii. H Sententise Catonis. Pasted on the cover are two very old wood-cuts. 40/5 Horse. Ilium, with peacock, goldfinch, and strawberry borders. sm.4to. vel. ssec. xv. 4076 Missale ( Belgice ). sm. 4to. vel. saec. xv. At the end are “ Notes of the burial-places of Walter van Beckesteyn and his family, circa 1572.” CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM LN BIBLIOTHECA PHJLLIPPICA. 59 4077 Psalterium. sm.4to. vel. saec. xiv. At the end are, The births (1493 et post.) of the fourteen children of Anthoine de Jasse, Seigneur de Mastaing, and of June de Flandre his wife ; and the marriage of Gabriel de Jausse with Katherine de Lannoy in 1542, and the births of his children. 4078 Psalterium. sm.4to. vel. saec. xiv. Pertinuit olim ad St. Elizabethans. 4079 Rituale. 32mo. vel. & ch. saec. xv. 4050 Cursus Horarum. 32mo. vel. saec. xv. Olim Fratris Daniel. 4051 Het sin 5 poente, &c. Belgice. sm.4to. vel. saec. xii. 4052 Hier beghint Sante Augustyns Hantboec. 4to. vel. \ saec. xiii. 4083 Horae. Ilium, with historical medallions in the borders. 4to. vel. saec. xiv. Olim C. R. Fardell. 4084 Missale. [ Fragment .] 4to. vel. saec. xii. Incerti. 40S5 Hieronymus de Hebraicis Questionibus ( fragm.). fol. vel. saec. xiii. 4086 Liber ane^aXos ( credo esse Lactantium). fol. vel. \ saec. xv. [much mutilated.'] Scriptura Italica. 4087 Negociation de la Paix de Vervins A° 1598, entre Hen. | IV. et Philippe II. Roy d’Espagne. thick fol. c/i. saec. xviii. 4088 Summons of Parliaments, ab A° 5to. E. II. usque ad Ric. III. with the names of the Barons summoned. Ex Bibl. Craven Ord, Arm. 2d Catalogue, 1830. 4089 972 Huntingdonshire Deeds. 4090 974 Kent Deeds. 4091 975 London Deeds. 4092 97S Wardrobe Accounts a 2 Eliz. fol. ch. sac. xvi. 4093 980 Herefordshire, thirty-four Charters of Lands, in Marcle. vel. sac. varia. 4094 995 Bishop Tanner’s Letter concerning Bury, Suffolk. 4095 1000 Practice of the Court of Exchequer. 2 vols. fol. 4096 1002 Genealogie des Roys d’Angleterre, ab Athelstano ad H. III. a roll. vel. saec. xiii. 4097 1003 Old’s Collections from the Royal Household Books ofE. I.II. III. and R. II. 409S 1007 Recepta in Garderoba, 17 E. II. vel. saec. xiv. [17 leaves.] 4099 100S Compotus Nicholai de Tikhull, pro operationibus Palatii et Mutarum Regis juxta Westminster et Turris London, a 7 Aug. I E. II. ad 23 Feb. px. sequent. [123 leaves.] fol. vel. saec. xiv. 4100 1010 Abstract of Patent and Close Rolls, ab2 E. III. ad 22 E. IV. [329 leaves.] fol. ch. saec.xvii. 4101 1011 Household Book of George Duke of Clarence, 14^6, a transcript temp. Eliz. fol. ch. 4102 1012 Expences and Equipment of the Royal Navy, temp. H. VI. ab a 0 1° ad S 1 * 11 ". fol. vel. saec. xv. [127 leaves.] It begins with the 17 th leaf, ( contains 2 parts misplaced in binding. The 1st part beginning with 1 H. VI. ad an. 5, and a° 9. 4103 1014 List of the Jewels, Armour, and Library of King Richard II. and of Sir Simon Burley, &c. &c. fol. -vel. saec. xiv. & xv. 4104 1017 Privy Purse Expences of Hen. VII. from 1503 to 1506. 4105 1025 Buckinghamshire Church Notes, by C. Ord. (q« ? ) 4106 1026 C. Ord’s Church Notes for various Counties. 4107 1027 Pedigrees from Abbey Cartularies, Escheat Rolls, &c. &c. fol. ch. saec. xvi. 4108 1035 Norfolk and Suffolk Escheat Rolls [original,] 9 H. VII. vel. saec. xv. 4109 1036 Do. Do. 13 & 14 H. VIII. fol. vel. saec. xvi. 4110 1037 Knights’Fees in Norfolk and Suffolk. Compotus de Berton Parva, &c. &c. fol. vel. saec. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. 4111 1040 Blomefield’s Suffolk and Cambridge Collections. fol. ch. saec. xvii. 4112 1042 Do. Liber Extractorum ex Cartis, &c. &c. pro Com. Norf. & Suf. fol. ch. 4113 1046 Le Neve’s Index of Suffolk Records, fol. ch. 4114 1053 Feoda Militum quond. Hugonis Comitis Arundel inventa in Rotulis Clausis. A 0 H. (3 tu ) 28. containing, 1. Pars Roberti de Tateshale (antecessoris Joh'is de Clifton, ch'r, filii Constantii, fil'd Joh’is, filii Adae de Clifton, ch’r,) in com. Norf. et Stiff. Line. Leic. Essex, Norhk Sussex. 2. Pars Joh’is fil. Alani in com. Sussex, Ox. Buk NorhL Warvv. Leyc. Norf. Feoda Adae de Clifton, militis, in co. Sussex, 25 E. III. Feoda Joh’is de Clifton, mil. in Norf. & Suff. 26 E. Ill. [4 rolls, parchment.] saec. xiv. 4115 1050 Succincta de Facinoribus Alex™ Nevylc, Archiepi. Ebor. Roberti de Veer, Ducis Hiberniae, &c. Consiliarioruiu Intimorum R. Rici 2 dl et de eorum puenis. [a roll on parchment.] saec. xiv. 4116 1051 Compotus Edmundi Oldhall Receptoris Denari- orum Regis Ducatus Lancastr. in com. Norf. Suff. Kent. a°3H.V. [a roll.] vel.s&c.xv. 4117 1056 Nomina beneficiorum Ecclesiasticorum in Civi- tate et Dioc. London non taxatorum, valoris annui 10 librar. et ultra. 4118 1059 to -» 1430 Ancient Deeds relating to the County 1073 S of Suffolk, with seals. 4119 1074 2 Deeds of Hugh Bigot Earl of Norfolk, 1136. 1 Do. Margaret Countess of Norf. 1385. 60 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 41'20 1075 Middlesex Deeds for Hillingdon Parish. 4121 10/6 Norfolk Deeds of Bromholm Priory and St. Giles’ Hospital. 4122 1077 Yorkshire Deeds. 30. [ceded to T. S. Esq .j 4123 107S Co. Derby and Lancaster, 7 Deeds. 4124 1079 Co. Cambr. and Bucks, 17 Deeds. 4125 10S0 Berks, 7 Deeds for West Wvtenham and Sth Mor¬ ton, H. Vf. 4126 1082 Kingston on Hull, 6 Deeds, H. VI. 5127 10S3 Norfolk, 6 Deeds. ■ms 1084 12 Deeds, York, Norfolk, Berks, and Hambeye Priory, in Normandy. 4129 1085 8 Deeds for co. Wilts, Pembroke, Berks, Oxon, Dors. Cambr. and Cornw. 4130 1066 8 Deeds Roger Bigot com. Norf. Berks, Cornw. Bella Landa Abbey, Westmoreland, Bridlington Priory. 4131 1087 40 Deeds, Hereford, Norwich, St. Giles, Bella Landa Abbey, Norf. Berks, Derham Priory, Cornw. (a Wilts grantor,) Beauchief Abbey, Monk Bretton Priory, Oxon, Somerset, Cambr. &c. &c. 4132 10SS 50 Deeds, co. Ebor. Norf. Hosp. St. Giles, Middx. Bedf. Sussex, St. Leon. York, Suff. Templars, Bella Land Abbey, Alvesburn Priory, &e. 4133 1089 50 Deeds, co. Beds, Suff. Appelton Priory, Cambr. Lane. St. Trinity, Pontefract, Lenton Priory. 4134 1090 16 Deeds and 3 Seals, Gisburn Priory, St. Giles’ Hospital, Norwich, Bromholm Priory, Rieval Abbey, Wodekirk Priory, &c. Thorpe ex. Bibl. de la Serna Santander , Triarte , I et Astorga. 4135 Papeles Espagnoles. 15 vo/s. fol. ch. saec. xviii. Vol. I. which is entitlei\, “ Huovoscopus Honuras Comedetis,” conlinet, Authorum nomina qui in hoc Catalogo citantur. I IT Catalogus Librorum. Libri MSS. Graeci in medio Voluminum supra- j scriptorum. If Libri MSS. Graeci qui sunt in Indice Cardinalis Niceni. If Libri MSS. Graeci qui habentur Venetiis in Bibl. Sd Antonii. ^f Do. do. in Div. Marci .Ede in Armariis Bibliothecae D’ni Venetiarum. ^f “ In uno magno Volumine Graeco tractatur dc 1 legibus Imperatorum Constantinopolis." I 5f Catalogus Librorum novorum qui nunc tarn ex Germania quam Lutetia Parisiorum et ex Lugduno et Italia recenter venere. (qu. ad Alcantaram ?) 1] Libri Francisci Lopez de Gomara. IT De Mentha pusilla. Carmen per Petr. Barn- bum. If Carmina ad Angelum Andrcam Resendium, &c. &c. If Joh’is Secundi Hyeronimo Suritae. If De Iiepublica Anglorum. Carmen. IT Memoria rerum compositarum Cardinalis Con- tareni. IT Joh'es Paccius Castrensis Hieronymo Suritee. If Prisci de mensurH. Carmen. If Libri comparati pro D’no Benedicto Ugu- choni. If Epistola Francisci de Vargas, 1584. If Catalogus Librorum Graecorum, MSS. 5f Do. do. ex Bibl. Medicaea. IT Do. do. Novorum. If Hieronymus Cardanus de Subtilitate. Printed [. fragment .] IT Latino Juvenali carmen. Incip. “ Magnas regum." 5f Carmen Rainaldo Polo. If Joh ’ is Paez > Coronistae Regis, translalio Odysseae. If Do do. contra los Anales del Reyno de Aragon, por Geronimum Suritam. If Francisci de Zuniga Historia de Carlos V. IT Sexti Chaeroncei Libri tres de Sceptic^ discip- lina et charactere. IT Catalogus eorum qui de Rebus Memorial nos- trte scripserunt. ^f Historica quaedam. 4136 Vol. II. Entitled, “Papeles y Libreria del Escurial:'* conlinet. Indice de libros de Milicia terrestre y Maritima cujos autores o traductores fueron Espanoles per Gregor. Mayansium. If DonSantiago Augustin Riol Relacion Historica de los Papeles universales de la Monarchia de Espana, de sus Archives, de los Consejos y Tribunales, de las Regalias de la Corona, de el real Patronato, difereneias con la Cortc Romana, y otras noticias curiosas, &c. con los medios para el retablecimiento y custodia de tan precioso thesoro, ignorado en gran parte hasta ahora, estableciendo un Archivo real en la mismaCorte de Madrid, 1726. TT Para l a Libreria que el Rey manda levanlar en San Lorenzo el Real. If Index Contentorum in Codice Vigiliano Con- ciliorum. If Joh'is Paez de Castro opus quoddam. ^f Antonio Gracian de Bibliotheca de San Lo¬ renzo. If Juan Paez relaciones de lo sucedido en Europa desde el anno 1510 hasta 1559. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 61 51 Carta de Don Diego de Mendoza al Cardinal Espinosa. IT Index Manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Com- plutensis. 5f Catalogus Manuscriptorum in Bibl. Ecclesiae de Toledo en an’o 1727, per Fr. DiegoMecolacta, & Fr. Wartin Sarmento, Benedictinos, con¬ tinent volumina 748. 5T Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum de Don Juan de Mariana et aliorum, conservatorum in Archivis Collegii Jesuitarum in Civitate Toledo. 4137 Vol. III. Entitled, “ Fueros et Privilegios,” con - tinet , 5[ Alfonsi Regis Legionis Decreta a 0 1050. 5[ Statuta aliorum Regum Hispaniae. 51 Descriptio locorum “ en las Merindades de Castiella.” Incipit, “ Estas son las Behetrias que a en las Merindades de Castiella segun fueron sacadas por el libro, que llaman el Beserro que fue sacado por Pesquisa en tiempo del Rey Don Alonzo. 5T Compulsa de Privilegios Fueros Capitulos y Cortes y otros Ihstrumentos perteniecientes a diferentes asumptos Politicos y de gobierno, sacada en virtud de Real orden de su Mages- tad de los originales hallados en el Archivo de la Cuidad de Murzia y en el de la Santa Yglesia Cathedral de Carthagena, por I). * Ascensio de Morales, de su consejo, Ministro de su Real Audienza de Sevilla, an’o de 1751. 51 Fuero de la Villa Santander an’o de 1187. (qu ?) 51 D. Rafael de Floranes Coleccion de Privilegios y Memorias sobre Behetrias, y el modo de hacerse en ellas las Filiaciones. 5F Anecdota del Caballero Lope Garcia de Salazar en su cronica MSS. de Espana que escribio entre los an’os 1471 & 1475. 5J Privilegia Civitatis Toledo. f Maneria y Behetria de Madagascar. [Shewing the resemblance of some customs in Spain to those of Madagascar.'] f Fuero de Poblacion de la Villa de la Nestora 1287. 5F Forus Arganzonensis a*> 1191. 5T Privilegia novem Villarum data per D’Alonso VII. a« 1168. 5f Brocensis Epigramma laudatorium. 5[ Archivo de la Provincia de Alava. 51 Testamento de D. Martin Alfonso Tellez 1285, reedificador del Monasterio de la Espina en Zamora Viernes. 5[ Fueros de las Villas de la Barquera, Briones, Vergara, &c. &c. 51 Fragment of an inscription on Stone. 5| Leyes publicadas en las Cortes y Consilio de Leon de 1208, trasladados del Tumbo negro de la Yglesia Cathedral de Astorga. 51 Fuero de Cuenca 1268. 51 Privilegia Ecclesiae de Valencia (Palencia). 5T Fuero de los Decafios de los Nobles 1192 5[ De Foro Nobilium de Navarra. 51 Privilegia de Navarrete. 5T Do. de Dona Isabel Motezuma, Hija del Gran Motezuma ultimo Rey de Mexico. [Very curious, being the deed of the daughter of the Emperor Montezuma.] 4138 Vol. IV. Entitled, “ Varios Commercio y Fabricas,” contains, Deputatio Provinciae de Guipuscoa, de jure piscandi 1728. 5f De Visitatione Navium in Bilbao. 5f Sobre la decadencia del Comercio de Nueva Espana. 5 [ Informe del Consulado de Cadiz sobre su Comercio. 51 Extracto del Discurso de D. Franc. Vila leido a Barcelona 1786. 51 Sobre las causas que embarazan el progreso de las Fabricas manejadas de cuenta de S. M. 5f Deputacion de los cinco Gremios mayores. 5f Projecto de D. B. A. Polanco, de Lima, para Asociacion de los 5 Gremios. 5T Recueil des Matures essentielles dans les M6- moires des Deputes des Villes de Commerce. 51 D. Anton, del Campo sobre el commercio de las Indias Orientates. 4139 Vol. V. Entitled, " Varios Comercio y Fabricas," contains, 5[ Observaciones de la Camera de Comercio de Crormandia sobre el tratado con Ynglaterra. 5f Sobre Cosecha de Sedas de Espana. 5[ Sobre restablecimiento de la Junta de Co¬ mercio. 5 Reales Fabricas de Valencia, Talavera, Murcia, Escaray, Cuenca, San Fernando. Sobre Monedas, Cambios, Seguros de Mar, Comercio, causa de la Poblacion. Sobre la grandeza y podera del Ynglaterra. Sobre Navigacion y Comercio. Sobre los intereses de 2£ reales porciento. 4140 Vol. VI. Entitled, “ Varios Politica y Gobierno," contains, 51 De succurrendis Ecclesiis. De Electione Episcoporum. D. Sancho Indlau de Valladolid de Patronatu regali in Astorga 1755. 62 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. De Jure Regis in Ecclesias Sicili®. Ramirez defensio Regis contra Papam. De los Agrabios que reciben estos Reynos en la Conducta del Sumrao Pontifice y la Corte Romana. Consulta hizo al Philipe IV. sobre las Yglesias vacas de Portugal. De Solvendis Decimis. Reflexiones sobre Quindenios. De Lege de Mainmorte. Sobre las facultates del empleo de Commiss. General. Sobre el Reglamento para el Manejo y Distri- bucion de los Caudales procedidas de las tres Gracias de Cruzada. 4141 Vol. VII. Entitled, “ Geographia Antigua y Viscaya," contains, 5[ Division de la Espana por Provincias, Conven- tos, Colonias, Municipios, y otros clases. f Petitio Ministri cujusdam. ( query ?) IfD. Rafael Floranes sobre la exercion y liber- tad de las tres nobles Provincias Vascongadas; Origen del derecho de Diezmos, y el de las Aduanas de Cantabria, escribido en la Cuidad de Vitoria en al an’o 1776. 4142 Vol. VIII. Entitled, “ Varios Manuscriptos," con¬ tains, IT Del Disturbio en el Valle de Pielagos. Cartularium Villse de Laredo. ^ De la Introduccion del Reyno de los Godos en Espana, Coronacion de los Reyes de Castilla y origen del nombre de Infantes. If Descubrimiento de las Islas Canaria, y las dif- ferentias que sobre ellas huvo entre los Cas¬ tellanos y Portuguesas. f Cartas Regis Joliannis II. de Castille ad Alonzo V. Regem Portugalli®. IT Discurso que Beroso, Metasthenes, Manetho, et Philo, son falsos e inventados por Juan Annio de Viterbo. f Descubrimiento de las Santas reliquias del Monte Santo en Granada, f Sobre los provechos de la Historia. Sobre los Historiadores Espanoles. If Sobre la Real Pragmatica de Montes y Plantios del an’o 1748. f The King’s Mandate to the Town of Laredo, to offer up Public Prayers for the success of King James’s Expedition to England, to re¬ cover his throne, in 1708. Privilegia Villae Sevillae. If A. M. Burriel, Ideas literarias y los trabajos hechos en su Comission de Archivos 1752. If Notitia Operum Manuelis A. de Acevedo Ybanez, Comitis de Torres Hermoso. ^f Tractatus de Lingu&, intitulatus “ Autodi- dactus." ^ Apparato de la Historia Universal Ecelesiastico Civil Diplomatico de Espana. De publicatione anuali Bullae Pii V. l mo Aprilis 1569. 4143 Vol. IX. Entitled, " Codice de Cervatos y de F. Juz- go,” containing, f Cartularium Abbati® S. Juliani de Santillana in Asturia ^1 Terrarium Ecclesiae Collegiatae S. Petri de Cer¬ vatos. Cartularium Do. Do. Do. Do. Pithoeus, &c. de Legibus Gothorum, cum ex- planatione Verborum Gotliicorum in eisdem. 4144 Vol. X. Entitled , “ Cantabria y Genealogia,” cow- tains, f Discurso sobre los Cantabros antiguos en Vis¬ caya. f Genealogia de la Serna. 4145 Vol. XL Entitled, “ Varios Curiosos,” contains, If Del Maravedi Antiguo y su valor en Castilla. H Testamento Politico de Espana. If Persecuciones y Estado de los Jesuitas en Portugal. f 314 Proverbios Espanoles. IT Nicolas de Azara sobre las Virtudes de D. Juan de Palafox. f Persecutio Raymundi Lull'd, Martyris, et de protectione sua in Hispania. If Extracto de un Informe para contener y sugetar los Indios de el Reyno de Chile. If Sobre el Origen de las Voces mas triviales de las cosas mas conocidas. , i 1 4146 Vol. XII. Entitled, “ Latinos raros,” contains, f Joh. Aug. Gonsalis, Silva. IT Do. do. do. de origine et laudibus Poe- seos 1525. % Franc. Decii Valentini Eucharistia 1549. IT Ambrosii Morales de Bello Nautico Lepantii. f Do. do Catholica temporum. 5T De Rhetorica. If Descriptio Codicis Ant. Augustini Archiep’i Tarragon, nunc in Bibl. S. Lorenzo. 4147 Vol. XIII. Entitled, “ Varios del P. Burriel y de An¬ tonio Perez,” contains, Dissertatio de Legibus Hispani®. Processus contra Anton. Perez 1573. 4148 Vol. XIV. Entitled, “Poza sobre la Nobleza y otra antiguedades,” contains, Andrece Poz® Animadversiones ad Novum Pragmatic® Cordubensis Scholiasten, sive, De Nobilitate. Do. de Nobilitate Gentis Vizcaguie. U Cartas de Don Nicolas Antonio. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PIIILLIPPICA. 63 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 f Sobre la Universidad de Cervera. Cartas del P. Hieron. Romano de la Higuera al Arzovispo de Granada, &c. 24 Engravings of very curious Roman In¬ scriptions. Plantini Poema in reedificacionem Eccl’iae de Toledo. De Calendario Romano. De Celebratione Paschae. De Arrianis. La Sexta Relacion de Hernando Cortes quando entro mas de Seizcientas leguas de la Cibdad de Temixtitan. Vol. XV. Entitled, “ Antiguedades de Espana,” contains, •[[ Carta del Doctor F. Albornoz, “ que Talavera se llamo antiguamente Elvora.” Geo. Hemelman de Antiquitate de Malaga. Antiquitates Villa Ulliae, sive “ Charitas Julia," cum Inscriptionibus Romanis. Discursos sobre unos Sepulcros Romanos que se halloran in Cordova, per Pedro Diaz de Ribas, cum Inscriptionibus. Osservazione intorno al Governo Politico della Citta di Genova, del Republicano Andrea Spinola in con- siderazione de quali il Governo ha fatto molte legge che vegliano anche in questo xviii secolo a difesa della Ligure liberta. 4to. ch. sac. xviii. lnstruzione del Illustrissimo Deputato di Scttimana di Signori Censori. In Geneva 1’anno 1707- 4to. ch. [Ex. Bibl. Andrea Imperiale Lercari .] Valuation of the Shire of Fife.' 4to. ch. sac. xviii. Catalogue of Officers of State mentioned in Histories and Ancient Charters of Scotland, 1735. 4to. ch. Croniche di Ferrara all anno 1194. 4to. ch. sac. xviii. Historia Veneta. Note di alcune case di Venetie. 4to. ch. sac. xvii. Thorpe. La Bible Versifi^e. L’Assumption de Notre Dame. “ Seigneurs ore escotez." Petitet l’Avis du Pere h son fils. “ Li Pere sun fiz chastiot.” Genesis Versifi6e. Trebor’s Advice to his Son, selected from Cato, Solomon, St. Eustace, Horace, Homer, and Virgil. “ Trebor raconte sa traitie.” Description des realmes de diverses terres. “ Ora esgarde danz ermils.” Life of St. Eustace the Martyr. “ Jesu Christ par seint Eustace.” ^ Prestre John’s lettre to the Emperor of Constanti¬ nople, describing the “ Miracles del Orient." “ Curteis est Deus ki tut cria.” Le Bestiaire en Franqais, par Gillealme. “ Qui ben commence et ben define.” And in the fifth line thus : Livre de bone comencaile, Qui aura bone definaille, E bon dit e bon matire, Veit Gillealme en romanz escribe De bon Latin: ou il le trove Ceste ouveraigue fu fete nove Al tens ke Philippe tint France, El tens de la grant mesestance, K’ Engleterre fu entredite. Si kil ni avoit messe dite, &c. &c. 5[ Liber Sompniorum et Lunarum. ^Georgii Trapezuntii Rhetorica Libri 5. 4to. ch. seec. xv. 4158 -Arabicb sm. thick 4to. Baynes. 4159 Cronicon Hamburgense. 2 vols. fol. ch. sacc. xviii. 4160 Viglii Epistolae. 3 vols. fol. ch. saec. xviii. [qu. if inedited ?] Vixit 1526. 4161 La Joyeuse entree du Due de Brabant, fol. ch. saec. xviii. 4162 Valuation of the Ancient Coinage of Flanders, folio. ch. saec. xvi. Belgicb. 4163 Pen Drawings of the English Convent of Bornhem, in Flanders, and of the Villages dependant upon it. [21 leaves, obi. fol. vel. saec. xvi. [well executed.'] Bruxelles. 4164 S. Bernardi Sermones de Festis et Sanctis, fol. vel. saec. xiii. [His portrait on the Isi leaf.] Ex. Abb. Tongerloo. (credo.J 4165 Ricardus (de St. Victore) de Trinitate, 8sm. 4to. vel. saec. xv. folio, vel. saec. xii. Possidonii Vita S. Augustini Hipponensis . ve ^' IT De Topographia Hierosolyraae. Collationes Patrum. •[ Sulp. Severi Vita S. Martini. If De Obitu et Miraculis S. Nicolai. Ex Abb. Tongerloo, No. Q. 1. 4174 Phalaridis. Epistolae per Leonard Aretino. Italica.) sm. 4to. vel. saec. xv. 4175 Cicero de Senectute. IF Do. Paradoxa. IF Do. De Consulatu petendo. IT'Do. De Amicitia. IT Do. Invectiva contra Salustium. IT Sallustii Invectiva contra Ciceronem.J 4176 Poeme Frangais, commenpant, “ Naguere ung soir qui le cler jour umbroye Fuz si surpris quil me comunt songer, Que le palais de Lyon remarbroye Trfes richement," 8;c. 8tc. 4to. vel. saec. xv. IF Pokme sur les Rois de France. At the beginning of this latter Poem is written, “ Margarete Contesse de Flandres.” Query if she was not the author of the Poem itself P 4177 Translation into English of the -Welsh Preface to Mr. (E.) Lhuyd’s Glossography, sent to Mr. Anstis, cor¬ rected by his own hand. f Controversy on the Power of the Earl Marshall, by Ralph Brookesmouth (sic) York, and Robert Treswell, Somerset Heralds. IF Anstis on the Propriety of uniting his Son with himself in one Patent. IF Brookes’s second discovery of Errors in Camden. [This is Brookes's Autograph.] IF Diverses remarques sur l’ordre du Croissant. 4178 Breviario. In lingua Dalmatic a. 4to. ch. saec. xvii. 4179 Gerson de Imitazione Christi. Lingua Illyrica. Both the above are from the Celotti Collection. 4to. ch. saec. xvii. 4180 Lamei Effendi. [Ex. Bill. Lungles.] Arabice. 12mo. ch. U tit* rfoa / // h* 41 SI Kholos^t al Ne(ab. or a Genealogical account of the tribe of the Affghans. 8vo. ch. Cl i i-C-t- 4182 Vitae Sanctorum, large fol. vel. saec. xii. (Olim ex Payne.) 41S9 Christobal de Collantes sobre la Muerte de Don Mar¬ tin d’Acuna. 4to. ch. 4190 Expedition de America anno 1780. 4to. ch. 4191 Balthasar Sultanini, Bressan, Le Nouveau Parloir de Nonnains; Satire Comique. 8vo. ch. saec. xviii. 4192 Juan Bta Loustan, Tratado sobre las Minas de Azufrc de la Villa de Hellin en el Reyno de Murcia. 4to. ch. saec. xviii. 4193 Discorso Politico sopra la Muerte dePhilippo 4o Re del Espagna. 4 to. ch. saec. xviii. 4194 4195 4196 4197 4199 4200 Gli Amori di Troilo et Chryseida. 8vo. vel. saec. xv. Senecae Epistolaj [Ex. Celotti No. 66.] thin fol. vel. saec. xiii. Plinii Historia; Naturalis Libri 1 ad 13. fol. vel.s&c. xv. do. Libri 19 ad 37. fol. vil. saec.xiv. Both vols. Olimf Ex. Bibl. S. Mari® de Gratiis prope Montispran. ‘ Historia Universalis, large fol. vel. saec. xiii. [ D. Ex. Abb. S. Gisleni.] With the Autograph opinion of the Historian Petrie. [See No. 379.] Ovidii Epistolae. sm.fol. vel. saec.xiv. [Celotti 101.] Historia Deorum et Heroum, sive “ Mythologia An- tiqua.” Svo. vel. saec. xv. Poggius in Laurentium Vallam. fol. vel. saec. xv. [Ce*of*t 26.] CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 65 202 Chrysolorae E^> WTYifj.a.'Tct . sm. 4to. v. s. xv.— Greece. 203 Aristotelis T 07 riy.cc } 8vo. eh. bomb. s. xiv. Flepi Z/'joS'iccyov. S Greece, ex Celotti, No. 8. 204 Fior Furlano; a Treatise on the Art of using the Sword and Spear on foot and horseback, with draw¬ ings of the several positions in wrestling, in fight¬ ing with a single stick, the dagger, the sword, the lance, and spear. ( Unpublished.) fol. v. s. xv.— 49 leaves. Written about 1420. From Celotti, 113. 205 Promissio Ducalis ; or the Oaths of Installation of the Doge of Venice, fol. v. s. xvi. Red velvet. Celotti 40. 206 Diogenes Laertius; versus Latine per Ambrogio Tra¬ versal fol. v. s. xv. ( Script. Ital.) Olim Caroli d’ Humieres Episcopi Baiocensis. (See JVo. 2608.) 207 Foscarini Dispacci di Vienna. 2 vols.fol. ch. s. xviii. 208 Angelo Maria Arcioni Oda al Principe Mauritio, Car¬ dinal di Savoia. 8vo. v. s. xvii. 209 Oratio Legatorum Florentinorura ad P. Nicholaum 5. 8vo. v. s. xv. 3 / ' c f 210 B. M. Palavicini Epi.Begini, Carmen de Historia Cru- cifixionis J. Christ i ad Eugenium. P.4. 5[ Explicatio Abbreviationum Antiquarum. / r * '■ 5f Francisci Aretini Phalaridis Epistolm. \ 5[ Ranutii Traductio Epistolarum Bruti. Svo.v. s.xv. 511 Oppianus de Piscatu & Venatione. 4to. ch. xv. It begins with a genealogy uf Oppian. 512 Solini Geographia. 8vo. v. s. xii. 513 Meditationes Anonyinte. Charactere Slavonico, [credo). 8vo. ch. s. xv. 514 Cartularium Monasterii de Biborg. 4to. v. s. xii, xiii, & xiv. It contains 330 deeds. 115 Ludolphi de Suchen Itinerarium ad Terram Sanctam in 1336. 8vo. v. &. ch. s. xiv. Olim Carthusian- orum in Co'nfluentia. 16 Horae. With good miniatures, in white veil. 4to.— v. s. xiv. Anns on the cover, A fess. 17 Laurentii Priuli, Ducis Venetiae, commissio Melchiori Salomono. sm. fol. v. s. xvi. 1557. The first leaf has a painting of Christ on the cross supposed to be by Tintoretto. 18 Sacco di Roma nel Secolo xvi. 4to. ch. s. xvii. (Olim Lord North.) 19 Pelerinage de la Vie Humaine. 8vo. v. s. xiv. 20 Antonio Panormita de li ditti et fatti de re Alfonso. 51 Pontanus de Principe. 8vo. v. s. xv. 21 Hildeberti Cenomann. Carmina. Olim Johis. Prioris S. Dyonisii. ■1 UU*- m • Rodd. 22 Joannes Marco Cynico de Morte Virorum Illustrium. ; 8vo. v. s. xv. 4223 Raymundi Lullii Proverbia. sm. 4to. v. s. xiv. russia. 4224 Collection of English Coats of Arms, blazoned alpha¬ betically. 12mo. ch. s. xvi. Olim C. Capon & Chris- toferi Starling. 4225 Arms of Nobility and Gentry of every County in En¬ gland, collected 1674. vol. 1st. fol. ch. s. xvii. Olim Christoferi Starling, posted, G. Capon, 1792. This extends to Leicestershire only. The arms are in trick. 4226 Arms of English Gentry, blazoned alphabetically, fol. ch. s. xvii. Olim Thomae Starling, Wmi. Style, & G. Capon. In this is a short Biography of Arch¬ bishop Spotswood. 4227 Exhortaciones Spirituales ad Populum. 4to. ch. Ciifice $■ Malice. lOfith-L A 7 « 4228 MS. Amtrice=ml Persice. thin $co. ch. 4229 51 MS. Sanscreet, ch. long narrow fol. 4230 MS. Arabice, 12mo. ch. Lettered on the back " Idat XV H V R. 1297.” 4231 Compendio de las Leyes Hispano Africanas por Xalil Ben Isac. Arabice vcl Mauritanice. 4to. ch. There is another copy in the Escurial, but it does not con¬ tain so much. See Dr. Pizzi's note at the end of this MS. 4232 A Letter concerning the Black Box. 4to. ch. s. xviii. 4233 Extracts from De la Mothe le Vayr’s Tropliee d’Armes. 4to. ch. s. xvii. Olim Wmi. Style. Bound in a “Court Roll of Steward’s Accounts of some Manor in Northumberland, (credo). 4234 William Trew’s Collection of Arms, alphabetically ar¬ ranged. long fol. ch. Afterwards G. Capon, 1792. 4235 Obras de Juan Caro sobre las Dias Geniales, 1698, cum afiis operibus. f. ch. s. xvii. 4236 Conradi de Monte Syon Descriptio Terrae Sanctae. sm. 4to. v. s. xiii. Olim S. Trinitatis Neostadii. 51 Anonymi Descriptio Hierosolymee. s. xiv. 5[ Excerpta Sententiarum, &c. 4237 Capon’s Collection of Coats of Arms, beginning with Audley. l8mo. ch. s. xviii. (1792.) 4238 Relatione de Germania per Michel, ritornato Ambas- ciatore dal Re de Romani, anno 1557. thin fol. ch. 4239 Alphabets of Various Languages. 5T Weston’s Short Hand abridged. sm. oblong 4to. ch. s. xvii. 4240 Florilegium Veterum Scriptorum Boetii Sallustii Te- rentii Senecae, Ieronymi, Guillelmi, dogmata Pytha¬ goras ab Jeronymo translata, Rabani, Bedae, Rufini, &c. de B. Dunstano, Visio Malachise, &c. 12mo. v. s. xiii. Thorpe 4241 Salazar Vida de Bartholomeo de Carranza, Arzobispo de Toledo, 1613. 8vo. ch. s. xvii. 66 CATALOG US LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 4242 Conversacion de lo Cura de Fruime en Galicia con unos Padres Benedictinos sobre lo Queria, “Antes le llamasen Judio que Frayle.” 8vo. ch. s. xviii. 4243 Sententia Inquisitorum contra P. Antoniura Vieyra, circa 1668. 8vo. ch. s. xvii. 4244 Rossi Vita di Madalena da Terni. 8vo. ch. s. xvii. c Autograph. 4245 Vida de Alonzo Rodriguez, nacio 1532. Svo. ch. v. s. xvii. Philippi Questiones Chronologic®. 4246 Ilenriquez de Silva, Historia de Roselauro et France- lissa. A romance, fol. ch. s. xvii. 4247 Instructions in Music, fol. ch. s. xvii. At the end is this note. —“This Book was ray grandmother’s, Ann, daughter and co-heiress of Henry Cromwell, Esq. of Upwood, in com. Huntingdon, and was dated 1658, but somebody has torn out the leaf.” 4248 Dr. Ducarel’s Collection of Original Letters and Papers out of the Library at Lambeth, vol. C. fol. ch. s. xviii. 4249 Dr. Ducarel’s Antiquarian Common-place Book. fol. ch. s. xviii. 205 pages. 4250 Sketches of the Political and Commercial History of the Cape of Good Hope. fol. ch. s. xviii. 4251 Journal of the Ship Shrewsbury under Isaac Coffin, Esq. commander. 1782. fol. ch. 4252 Aristoteles de Metheoris, Generatione, Ccelo & Mundo Sensu & Sensato & Memoria. fol. v. s. xiii. Ex Bib. Drury. 4253 Keuren, Ordonnantien, en Ilandvesten van Delft, fol. ch. s. xvi. 4254 Lydgate's Fall of Princes, large fol. v. s. xv. Illu¬ minated “He that whilom did his diligence.” 4255 Ditto, ditto, fol. ch. s. xv. first leaf lost. 4256 Proces contre Jeanne la Pucelle d'Orleans. fol. ch. s. xviii. 4257 Records collected by Sir Robert Cotton on Military Matters, fol. ch. s. xvii. 4258 Names of Popish Recusants and Papists who have re¬ gistered their estates and valuation thereof, fol. ch. s. xviii. 4259 Biblia Hieronymi, 4 vols. large fol. v. s. xiii. yellow morocco. Illuminated on the first page with a more modern Italian border with a cardinal's coat of arms. 0. fess S. betw. 3 trefoils H. G. 4260 Act of Inclosure of Llandiliolen, co. Carnarvon, fol. ch. (1806.) 4261 H. Spelmanni Archaismus Graphicus conscriptus in usum filioriira suor. Anno Dili. 1606. 4to. ch. 4262 Le Neve’s Fasti, with Dr. Zachary Grey’s MSS. addi¬ tions. fol. p* i •-1+2 rjr*- r /- 4263 Transcript of part of the Cartulary of Vendome. From the celebrated Mabillon’s Collections, fol. ch. t xvii. Incorrectly copied , as may be seen on co\ lating it with the original Cartulary , No. 2970, i. this Catalogue. 2 CJV 4264 Bullarium Abbatke S. Trinitatis de Vendome. tall fo ch. s. xvii. Ex Bibl. Mabillon. 4265 Exodus Glossat. fol. v. s. xii. Ex Bibl. Fuliensiun Paris. 4266 Index Instrumentorum, &c. e Libris Yicariorum Ge neralium Episcoporum London, per Hie. Newcourl 1686. ch. s. xvii. 4267 Memoirs of Sir John Hinton, the King’s physiciai 1679. l8mo. ch. s. xvii. - 4268 Ordo Baptismi Parvulorum in lingua Guarani. Incipi “ Pregimtas en la lengue Guarani para baptizar.- Quid petis, &c.” P. Mbaerehe panga ereyerure Sta. Madre Iglesi upe rae vel peyerure. R. Jesu Christ rerobia habarehe. P. Jesu Christ rerobia hababa e panga omee nd< berae vel omee pee mene. R. Teco hore apireyma. This manuscript \ said to have been written by a native Indian, j can scarcely be distinguished from printing. T) volume is bound on the bach with part of the shi of a boa constrictor , (if I may judge from the spots 4269 Hieronymus in Vitas Patrum. 8vo. ch. s. xv. Excerpta ex Vitis S. Francisci, & S. Katherin. de Senis. 4270 Histoire de Bordels Putains de Paris. 4to. ch. s. xvi 4271 Figures Secrettes des Egyptiens, sicut inveniuntur i aula subterranea Regis Psammetichi in Labyrintl Merois. Liber unus vetustissimus. 4to. v. s. xvih 4272 The Chronicle of Brute, [in English ); the first at last leaves wanting. 4to. v. s. xv. ( The fir rubric is “ Howe King Offa was Soverain above al the Kings of England, and howe every King warn upon other. 4273 Cicero de Oratore. “ Cogitante milii.” Scriptur. I tali fol. s. xv. Arms —S. in chief, an estoile G. ir ^ paling S. a lion ramp. G. Initials —B. F. 4274|>.;Dr. Sjfappen’s Correspondence and Oxfordshire Cc * lections, fol. ch. 4275 LaFoy se Complaignant ilium, fol. v. s. xvi. Oil Mad. Marivant. 4276 Respuestos Fiscales del Ano 1766. 4to. ch. s. xviiii 4277 Gerard de Lobo, &c. Poesias, &c. 4to. ch. s. xviii. 4278 Orem’s Account of the Canonry of Aberdeen. 8V ch. 1725. 4279 Testamento de Espana. 8vo. ch. s. xviii. [Satire.] 4280 Instruciones y providencias para los Vireyes del Pel 4to. ch. xvii. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCR1PTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA 67 J81 Bartholome de las Casas, Obispo de Chiapia, Reglas para los Confessores en las Indias. 1598. 4to. ch. s. xv. Olimfuit etiam. “ B. de las Casas de Domi- nio de las Indias.” 282 Historias de los Beyes y Principes de Navarra. ^ Coronica de los Reies de Navarra, compuesta por el Principe Don Carlos hijo del Rey Don Juan de Aragon en el ano 1454. 4to. ch. s. xvii. 283 Collections for the Life of Mr. Baker, by Dr. Zachary Grey, (I believe,) with autographs of Baker, Cole the Antiquary, and Price of the Bodleian, &c. &c.— 2 vols. 4to. ch. s. xviii. 284 Copia de Papeles del Conde de Oropesa al Rey. fol. ch. 1695. 285 Dn. Joseph Morales de Aramburu y Montero Noticia del Estado politico del Peru. 1770. fol. ch. - 286 Demarcation of Limits between Spain and Portugal in South America. 1750. fol. ch. 287 Don Melchor Macanaz Males Danos y periglos que han occasionado a la Espana los extrangeros que han tenido manejo en su ministro espresando sus nom- bres y traiciones desde el ano 1713, hasta el de 1733. Ex historia que escrivio Fr. Nicholas de Jesus, fol. ch. s. xviii. [288 Etiquetas generales que han de observar los Criados rj de la Q asa (j e sa Majestad. fol. ch. s. xviii. >*• [289 Tractatus de Virtutibus & Viciis. Very small thick 4to. veil. s. xiii. Grece. The title is torn out. [290 Miscellaneous Extracts from Newspapers, 5 vols. 8vo. ch. s. xviii. [291 Memoires d’Olivier de la Marche, fol. ch. s. xv.— Eerit de la main de Monsieur le Maistre Dedier Boysot. 1292 Catalogue of Coins, Roman & English, fol. ch. s. xviii. Ofim Wmi. Newnham o/'Farnham. 1293 Index of Appeals brought in and adjudged from 1675 to 1742. fol. ch. s. xviii. 1294 Histoire de Florence ad ann. 1348. traduite de l'lta- lien. 3 vols. 4to. ch. s. xviii. Ex libris Armandi Chevalier. 1295 Ordinary of Arms, neatly tricked in pen and ink, (340 pages) not finished, containing only Crosses, fol. ch. s. xviii. 1296 Commentaries de la Guerra de Espana desde el prin- cipio del Rey Philippe 5to. hasta la Paz General. 2 vols. fol. vol. \. printed, vol. 2. MS. 4297 Instruccion General y particular del estado presente de la Provincia de Venezuela en los anos 1720 y 21, por Dr. Pedro Joseph de Olivariaga Juez, General de Commissos. With drawings,plaits of luirbours, lorvns and fortifications, by'D. Juan Amador Cour¬ ier fol. ch. s. xviii. 4298 Arms of Yorkshire Families, blazoned in colours, on veil. fol. v. s. xvi. 4299 Traite du Renouvellement de l’Alliance des Suisses avec le Roy. 1664. Entretien de Louis XI & Louis XII, aux Champs Elisees. Marriage d’ Henry, Due de Guise avec la Prin- cesse Ann. *f[ Testament de Marie de Medicis, &c. &c. fol. ch. s. xvii. 4300 A. Desgodetz Measurement of Ancient Edifices at Rome. f. ch. s. xviii. 4301 Catalogue of Carter's Cabinet of Coins and of his Spa¬ nish Library. fol. ch. 1780. 4302 Alonzo de Cartagena (Obispo de Burgos anno 1430) Doctriual de Caballeros. 4to. ch. s. xv. 4303 Autographs of French Kings, the Emperor Napoleon, and French Generals, large fol. vel. &ch. stamped with the Eagle of Napoleon. 4304 Rolls of the Plate belonging to the young Mess at Sta¬ ple Inn, and of other matters of the said Inn. fol. ch. s. xviii. 4305 Monita Secreta para el Govierno del Rey Fernando. 6to. fol. ch. 4306 Lettere Autografe dull’ Abbate Giovanni Brunacci al N. Giacomo Marcelli. ch. 4307 Collections ( partly printed ) relating to the Mines and Mint in Mexico, and also to other matters trans¬ acted by the Government in the Spanish Possessions, in North and South America. 8 vols. fol. ch. s. xviii. 4308 Dialogo entre un Senor Ministro de la Consejo de In¬ dias y un pretendiente Chileno, en que se trata de los males que padece el Reyno de Chile y de sus reinedios. 1743. fol. ch. 4309 El Pleyto de Diego y Albafo e Casilha e Ysabel Pardo sobre sus Ydalgias. 1542. fol. ch. 4310 Blomefield's Collectanea Cantabrigiensia. MS. addi¬ tions by Dr. Masters. 4to. 4311 Augustinus de Civitate Dei. s. fol. v. s. xii. 4312 Expences of the Diet of the Lords of the King's Coun¬ sel at Westminster from 20th June to 28th July. 37 II. 8. fol. ch. s. xvi. Die Martis } Imprimis—In breade, 3s.; ale, 2». 20 die C here, 6d.; floure, 12 d.; in bef, 3s. 4d. Ju’iii Jmotton, 2s. 6d.; veale, 2s.; veale, to boy lie, 2s.; oonelegge of veale to bake, 8d.; marybones, lid.; lambe, 2s. lOd. four capons, 9s.; 5 geese, 5s.; four¬ teen quails, 7s.; two herons, 4s. 8d.; twelve chekyns to bake, 3s.; ten co- nyes, 3s.; spices, 6s.; onyons &herbes, 4tL; egges, 2s. ; butter, 2s.; str'a- 68 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. beryes, IGd.; cheryes for tartes, 12d.; cheries to eat, 6d.; salte and sake,* 8d.; cuppes & trenchers, 8d.; cooks’ wages, 2s. 4d.; botehire,f 14d.; sum- ma pagin, 70s. 1 Id. fyc. §-c. 4313 Canones Carthaginenses. very small 4to. vel. sec. x. IF Vita B. Mari® ^Egyptiacee. Ex Abb. S. Maxi¬ mal. de Treveris. 4314 Statutes of the Order of St. Michel, thinfol. v. s. xvi. 4315 Exortacion al comercio Maritimo de los Malaguenos a la America en tempo de D. Carlos 3. sm. 4to. ch. s. xviii. 4316 John Briggs’s Tour to Newcastle. Prepared for the 2nd edition. 4to. ch. s. xviii. 4317 Romances y Sonetos Espanoles. 4to. ch. s. xvii. Incipit “ Los Dias que de auscen cia triste Base. 4318 Sextillas y Sonetos Espanoles. 4to. ch. s. xviii. On the cover is, “ Soy de la Exa. Senora Condesa de Salvatierra .” 4319 Amatory Poems. After the Prologue is “ Lamentos de un Pastor que se mira aborrecido de su Pastora ! por hallarse esta entretenida con otro.’’ 4to. ch. s. xviii. 4320 Coutumier de la Vicomte de l'Eaue de Rouen. 32mo. j v. s. xiv. 4321 Sonnets sur les Mysteres de la Passion, dedies a la Reyne, par Fr. Guill. Delessau Celestin. de Lyon, j obi. 4to. ch. s. xviii. Under a portrait of the | Queen is this anagram : Anne d’Autriche—Anneau | de Christ. Her arms are on the cover, nliicli is stamped with fieur de lys. 4322 Gasparinus de Orthographia & Punctuatione. fol. ch. ! s. xv. Ex bibl. Drury Sf Celotti. 4323 Rituale Ecclesiae. fol. v. s. xv. Bound in blue vel- \ vet, handsomely illuminated. 4324 Vita di Rainaldo Peri, per D. P. Luigi Tatti. 4to. ! ch. s. xvii. 4325 Observaciones Politicas Sobre el Estado presente de ; los Negocios generales de laEuropa. 1757. 15 vols. j thin 4to. 4326 Plutarchus de Nobilitate. 12mo. v. s. xv. with the j iron ring on the cover by which it used to be chained to the desk or the shelf. 4327 Literae Patentes R.Edwardi 3, constituentes Conserva¬ tors Pacis per Angliam. fol. ch. s. xvi. 4328 Collections out of the Close Rolls, Patents, Liberates, | Charters, Fines, Oblates, for the County of Leices- ! ter, from 6 Johis. ad 17 E. 4. fol. ch. s. xvi. 4329 Compendium Sacrae Theologi®. 4to. v. s. xiv. Ex Celotti. * Sauce. f Boai.hire : the Lords then lived in th- city or near Temple Bar, and therefore came in boats to the Palace at Westminster. I 4330 Essex Inquisitiones post Mort. from 1 H. 7. to 28! Jac. 1. sm. 4to. ch. I 4331 Regulations of the House of Lords. l8mo. ch. s. xvii. red morocco. jj 4332 Charter of Hereford. l8mo. ch. s. xvii. i 4333 Cart® Originates Ecclesi® de Cologne, veil. 4334 Magna Carta, & alia Statuta Angli® ( scil.) Statutumr quod vocatur Rageman, Statuta Scaccarii Wynto-: ni®, Exoni®, de Bigamis, de Militibus, de Gavelot ini London, de quo Warranto, ultimum de Berwica, del Conspiratoribus, Sententia lata super Cartas, Dis-i tricciones Scaccarii, sub qua forma laici impetrent prohibicionem, Articuli contra prohibicionem. In the beginning is a decision of Howard. 8vo. v.\ s. xiv. 4335 Journal of an Englishman during his Travels in Hoi-! land and France in 1695. fol. ch. s. xvii. 4336 The 12 Gates of George Ripley, a Treatise on Alchemy.\ sm. 4to. ch. s. xvi. 4337 Vita Sti. Walteri Abbatis. sm. 4to. ch. s. xv. 4338 Las Operas Marches y Progressos de las Catholicasi Armas en la Conquista de los Reynos Napoles y Si-i cilia. 1733. 12mo. ch. s. xviii. 4339 Campion on the Art of English Poetry. 12mo. ch. 4340 Rituale. l8mo. v. s. xiv. (16773 Thorpe.) 4341 Collectanea Chymica. ch. s. xv. sm. 4to. IT Operacio Magri Petri Hispani Cardinalis ad con-i gelandum. 4342 Welch Poems, by John Edwards, Edward Moris, Lewisi Jones, Moris Robert, Ellis Cadwalader, MatheJv Owen, Hugh ’lhomas, Ellis Roberts, Morgan op Hugh Lewis, Thomas Price. 12mo. ch. s. xviii. 4343 Discourses and Sermons. If Mr. Burnett’s Funeral Sermon in Reading, oni the death of Mrs. Martha Still. 1727. 12mo. ch.'i xviii. 4344 Le Reclus de Molens en son Miserere. If Roman de Charite. [qu. fyAlan Chartier.) 8vo. v. s. xiii. 4345 Petrus Blesensis in Job. sm.fol. v. s. xiii. Ex Abb. Camberone. 4346 Logica. 2 vols. 1st 12mo. ch. If Epitome Logices Clementis Scott, audiente Jose- ; pho Hill de Cambridge. 1621. 4347 Ditto, vol. 2nd. 4348 Metaphysica, dictante Francisco Van Viane, audiente u J. B. Brasseur, Montensi. 1647. 12mo. ch. 4349 Townsend’s Chronological Tables. 1727. 12mo. chi 4350 Ricus. de Sto. Victore de Patriarchis. 8vo. v. et ch. i s. xv. Laude de M. Justiniano [carmen.) This MS. con¬ tains a leaf of Palimpsest. CATALOGUE LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA 69 5f T TU'd 0 — M Ti-rfl-rtmm tains, a le'f f -t&m- 352 353 Statutes of the Garter. l8mo. thin fol. ch. s. xvii. Formerly the Earl of Bedford's in 1674. The King's Arms are on the cover. Mappa Mundi per Marcheto Fassi. 1679. Ex. Bill. CelotH. Explanatio Verborum Latinorum & Anglicorum, 2 j parts. fol. ch. s. xviii. Portfolio, containing— 1. A Collection of Arms neatly drawn with a pen. 2. Journal of the Transactions of some Regiment. 3. Collections for Wiltshire Pedigrees of Long & Goddard, &c. (query if these are part, of the collections of Gore of Alderton, Wilts.) I Ex Biblioth. Ducis de Marlborough. Valerius Maximus, translate par Simon de Hesdin.— [It begins with the 2nd book.) f. v. s. xii. [It has the autograph of the Duke.) ipV-J Deb ure. Methaura de Aristotle, cum glossis St. Thomse d'Aqui¬ nas. fol. v. s. xv. Italice. From Mac Carthy Li¬ brary. Roman de la Rose, with 77 miniatures. 4to. v. s. xiv. 1375. Red morocco. Arms in 1st page : Argent, a bend lozengy G. a border S. bezantee. Oiitn Nicolai Gilles Sccretarii Regis, cum autogra- pho ejus. Lotharius de Vilitate Hominis. 5T Chapelet de la Virginitc. 5T Augustini Soliloquia. S. Augustin de la Cite de Dieu, translate par Raoul de Praelles. Beautifully illuminated, [bd. in green morocco.) 4 vols. fol. v. s. xiv. E Bill. Mac Carthy. Petri Chrysoloras Opera, fol. v. Ex Bill. Mac Carthy. Cyprianus de Habitu Virginis. f. v. s. xv. Ital.) Ex Bibl. Mac Carthy. Virgilii AEneis. fol. ch. s. xv. Roman da la Rose. 4to. 4367 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 4373 4374 4375 4377 4378 4379 4380 4382 4383 Green mor. (Scriptura Cartulaire de Notre Dame de Sauve Majeure: continet 56 Chartas. fol. v. s. xv. 165 Compte de la Vennerie de Charles 6. 1395. f. v. 366 Compte des Subsides levcs en Champagne, pour le ranoon du Roi Jean. 1366. Fondations dans l’Eglise de Mans, faites par Cardinal Philippe de Luxemburg, f. v. xvi. Revenues de l’Hopital de S. Jean de Metz. s. f. v. xiii. Rentale Abbatias S. Petri de Metz. s. f. v. s. xiii. Rentale, Abb. S. Glossindis de Metz. f. v. s. xiv. Obituarium Stae. Crucis de Bordeaux. 4to. v. s. xiv. Cartulaire des Chevaliers de St. Jean de Jerusalem, de la Commanderie de Fieffes. Red morocco, fol. v. s. xv. (1409.) Compte de l'Ordre Royal et Militaire de S. Louis, fol. ch. s. xviii. (1759.) S. Anselm de Casu primi Angeli. 8vo. v. s. xii. Ex Abb. S. Dionysii, Remensis. Fundatio Gildae de Jesu de Balseme, scu Gildae Rhe- torices. 4to. v. s. xvi. With illuminations and coats of arms. Informations faites sur la Retraite du Connestable de Bourbon hors de France. 4to. ch. [Copiedfrom a MS. in Bibl. Due. de la Vallicre.) 51 Concordia anno 1217 inter Henr. Regem Angliae &. Ludovic. fil. Regis Franciae. fol. [Ex Cartulario S. Egidii de Ponte Audemer.) Ilistoire d’Arthur et de la Table Rond. Red morocco, fol. v. s. xiii. Arms of Persons of all Countries alphabetically, (the [letter A only.) 8vo. ch. s. xviii. 668 coats em¬ blazoned. Horae. (“Domine labia mea.”) ilium. Incipit 1st leaf “ In illo tempore recumbenti.” Aristotelis Praedicamenta sen Cathegorica. 51 Ditto Periermenias. 51 Comment, sup, Praedicamenta Aristotelis. Horae Stas. Crucis (“ Domine labia mea.”) Incipit “Oratio Gregorih 0 ! Doctor.” sm. 4to. v. s. xiv. Dominicale Matutinum. 8vo. v. s. xiii. L'Hermes Francois, ou , la Cognoissance de la Philo¬ sophic Spargirique. fol. ch. v. s. xvi. (1588.) Regula S. Augustini Ypponensis. f. v. s. xiv. Inc. “ Ante omnia Fratres.” Extrait de l'Histoire Universelle d’une Societe de Gens de Lettres. 4to. ch. 1748. Septem Psalmi Penitentiales, ilium. 8vo. v. s. xv. “Domine ne in furore tuo.” Vita Amici & Amelii “ Temporibus Pipini." 5T Ditto Alexandri Magni “ Sapientissimi.” r 51 Caroli Magni “ Gloriossissimus.” 51 De Septem Artibus in Palatio Karoli depictis. 5i Aimericus Picaudi de Partinyaco. “ Ad honorem Regis.” 51 Vita S. Gulielmi. “ Ad summam Dei gloriam.” Alani Anticlaudianus. 12mo. v. s. xi. Inc. “ Verius hose eadem possunt.” 70 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA TIIILLIPPICA. 4389 Virgilii Eclogae & Bucolica. 8vo. v. & ch. s. xv.' 51" L'Origine des Vents, [loosepaper.) ch. s. xviii. 4390 Mellon (Chanoine de Rouen) Le Lustre des temps. 8vo. v. s. xvi. (1534.) Red Morocco. 4391 Missa & Vita Sti. Romani, Archiepi. Rothomag. «[ Charte de la Conlirmation du Privilege de Mon¬ sieur St. Romain, par Louis 12. 1512. 5T Formulaire du Privilege de M. St. Romain. sm. 4to. v. s. xvii. 4392 Regies de Vertu. sm. 4to. v. s. xvi. Ex Conv. Capu- ciri. Molinensi. 4393 Processionale a 1'usage de l’Ordre de Freres Prescheurs. pour la Chantre du Monastere des Emmurees a Rouen. 8vo. v. s. xvii. (1674.) 4394 Description de la Fortune d’ un favori et de sa dis¬ grace; par M. du Chet. 5T Lettre de Marigny au Due. d’ Orleans. 8vo. ch. s. xvii. 4395 Cartularium Fainiliee de Vernon de Constantin, en Normandie. 8vo. v. s. xvi. 4396 Terentius. 32mo. ch. s. xv. [Not divided into verses.) 4397 Missale. Inc. “ Secund. Johem. In Principio.” 12mo. v. s. xv. 4398 Le Symbole des Apotres qui sont les Articles de la Foy. 5T De Contemplatione Christi. 24mo. v. s. xvi. 4399 Raymundi Summa de Casibus. sm. 4to. v. s. xiv. with clasps. In yellow leather stamped milhfleurde lys. Olim Caroli de Rohan, Ducis de Montbazon. 4400 Codex Arabicus. 4401 Histoire Universelle depuis Adam jusqu' au Regne de Phillippe de Valois. 1335. Imperfect at beginning and end. fol. v. s. xv. Bound in white vellum. 4402 Martyrologium & Obituarium Abbatim Sti. Germani vel Prioratus de Conchis. fol. v. s. xvii. 4403 Recueil des Lettres de Louis XIV depuis 1661 ad 1678. fol. ch. s. xviii. 4404 Jugemens d'Astronomie. par Haly Abenragel. Folio, ch. s. xv. (1491.) 4405 Jean de Meun Translation de Boece sur la Consola¬ tion de Philosophic, fol. ch. s. xv. 4406 Entretenimiento entre Reformado, Catholico, Turco, & Indio, fol. ch. s. xviii. 4407 Relation de Moscovia, escrita 1731. fol. ch. s. xviii. 4408 Depenses des Ecuries du Roi. anno 1597. 4to. vel. 4409 Quinti Curtii Vita Alexandri Magni. translate par Vasque de Luxene, Portungallois, en noeuf livres. fol. v. s. xv. 4410 Compte de recette & depense de 1’ Hopital des Char¬ tres, anno 1333. A roll on veil. 20 feet long in a case. 4411 4412 4413 4 414 4415 4416 4417 4418 4419 4420 4421 4422 4423 4424 Cronicle of the Kings of England from Adam to H. 6. A roll on vellum scec. xv. After the prologue the author says, “ Adam in agro Damascus formatus.” Liber Roberti Chaloner de Stavely. Le Proces entre l'Abbe de Croix, de Bourdeaux, & le Roi d’ Angleterre. 1320. veil. A roll 50 feet long. Olim M. Monteil de Passy, pres de Paris. Les Depenses de Jean, Comte d'Angouleme, Grand Pere de Francois ler arretes & signes de sa main.: anno 1454. 2 rolls , one 10 feet long , the other 15 feet. Olim M. Monteil. De Simplicibus Medicinee. large fol. ch. script. Bono- niac per Johem. Gherinc de Diest. 1453. Dcbure ou Paris. Les Fleurs des Ilistoires. Illuminated. 4 vols. large' fol. v. s. xv. These arc vol. 2, part 1, vol. 3,: parts 1, 2, 3, & vol. 4. Basville’s Histoire de la Province de Languedoc, fol. ch. s. xviii. St. Augustin de la Cite de Dieu. Tome 2de. large fol. ch. s. xi. Pontificale. large fol. v. s. xvi. Handsomely illumm\ nated with a border to every page. Olim Philippi de Levi, Episcopi Mirapiscensis. 1537.! Catalogue des Manuscrits de M. Du Puy. 3 vols. fol.' ch. s. xvi. Bartholus super Inforciato. large fol. v. & ch. s. xv. Paris. Voyage en Engleterre, en 1771. 12mo. ch. Jean de Meun, Translation de Boece sur la Consola-: tion de Philosophie. fol. ch. s. xv. script, p. Fr'., Otto Lamelin, Preceptor Castilionis Hospit. S. Joliis. de Jerusalem, quern incepit circa fest. Omn. Sand; 1447, complevit in fine Decembr . eodem anno. (92 leaves). Relation des Obseques d’ Anne de Bretaigne copice, d'un MS. en velin de M. Boze. 5T Traite de Marriage de Chas. 8. avec Anne de Bretaigne. (Loosepaper.) Ex Bibl. Incertis. Liber Johannidis de Medicina. 5 1 ” Theophilus de Urinis. IT Hippocratis Prognostica. IT Galenus de Signis. 51 Carmen de Medicina. 5T Constantini Viaticum seu de Cura- tione Morborum. 5T Carmen alterum de Medicina. ' 4to. veil.] > s. xiii. | CATALOGUE LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN’ BIBLIOTHECA P1IILL1PPICA. 71 U Isaac de Urinis. Liber Regiminum Acutorum. Ditto, Dietarum Universalium. 5F Ditto, Ditto, Particularium. Ditto, Dierum Criticorum. 15 Raymundi Surama Decretalium. f. v. s. xiv. 16 Jacobi Tromger, Presbyteri Argentinensis, Vocabula- rium Parvulorum. fol. ch. s. xv. (1438.) 17 A1 Moalakat; Poema. Arabice. Carmen de Nabigac. Ditto, de Caabi ben Zoheiri. 4to. ch. s. xviii. 18 Systema Religionis Mohammedanse cum versione Ma- laisca interlineari. 4to. ch. s. xvii. 59 Pedigree of Edgeley of Cheshire ; a roll. vel. s. xvii. 50 S. Marci &St. Johis. Evangel, gloss, sm. fol. v. s. xii. 51 Cabinetto Politico di Roma. 1589 to 1717. 52 Tibulli Elegia. 8vo. v. s. xv. [S. Ital .) ls£ page ilium. 53 Office de 1’ Auditor General. 8vo. ch. s. xvii. Incipit “ Preguntas que hacen un Capitan.” 54 Spanish Romances. 1^ 2 leaves printed. Incipit “Nueva Relacion y verdadero Romance.” 55 Eundatio Monasterii S. Leopoldi Neuburgensis. 8vo. 1 | 4to. veil. [ s. xiii. j ch. s. xv. 56 Aristotle Secret des Secrets. ^ sm. 4to. v. s. [ xv. q. ex ml. Caton Distiques. 3 Chardin ? 57 ^ Gerberti Geometria. l2mo. v. s. xii. 58 MS. Arabice vel Mauritanice. thick 4 to. 50 quaternios of 10 leaves each. 59 Regula Monachorum. [apparently) fragm. f. v. s. xiv. At the end is a fragment of“ Voyage de Jean Mandeville.” 2 leaves. 10 Vita ChristL 4to. v. s. xiv. 1 st illuminated letter is cut out. Arms at the bottom , Barry of 6, Diapre^ & Ga between two men combating. 11 Vita del Cardinale Mazarini. l2mo. ch. s. xvii. [Olim Nic. Pii.) 12 Vitae Sanctorum, fol. v. s. xii. Ex Abb. Camberone. 13 Marci de Molino, Procurators S. Marci Veneziae, Ju- ramentum. 8vo. v. s. xvi. Two ls£ pages ilium. Arms, Az. a Catherine wheel 0. 14 Isla contra Mayino, ou Apologia para la Historia de Fr. Gerundio de Cainpazas. 4to. ch. s. xviii. 15 Garth's Ovid's Metamorphoses, autograph. 4to. ch. 16 Monastic Rules. 8vo. v. s. xiv. Olim Sti. Thomae Martyris juxta Stafford. $7 18 Officiale Missae. 12mo. v. s. xiv. Olim. Abb. Dommartin. 19 . Arabice. l2mo. ch. (6 Cahiers.) 50 De Musica. 8vo. v. s. xiv. (qu. Guidonis d'Arezzo?) Incipit “ Quouiam in ante-lapsis temporibus.” 4151 4452 4453 4154 4455 4156 4457 4458 4459 4460 4461 4462 4463 4464 4465 4466 4467 4468 4469 4470 4171 it u t" Yu f d / 1?? (*1 -A* S LfA fa 3 7 " ^ S7*- c-p Hi _ -_ faP D A H-//J3 Richard de Hampole super Psalterium. f. v. xiv. rus. Le Arme degli Nobili de Venetia. printed 1561. with MS. genealogical notices. 4to. ch. arms coloured. Glossarium Vocurn Latinorum, ex Eilhardi Lubini Antiquario. thick folio, ch. La Logique, dictee par le Rev. Pere Sclosse. 1705. 4to. ch. Wm. Fleetwood's Antiquity and History of the Duchy of Lancaster, written 1595. The Revenues and Fees of the Duchy, its Lords and Earls, by John Hopkinson, ex Orig. penes Ric. Thornton, Arm. 5[ De Statu Blackburnshire. l2mo. ch. s. xviii. Monumenta Virorum illustrium Romcc sepultorum. 4to. ch. xvii. Formulare legnm. f. v. s. xiv. Olim Rogers Ruding. Prosperi Epigrammata in Dicta Augustini. sm. 4to. v. s. xii. Collections of Seals from Deeds relating to Lancashire. Olim Ricardi Townley. l8mo. ch. s. xvii. Longman. Sentences des Anciens. 8vo. v. s. xv. Traite de la Pliysionomie, Chyromancie, Metoscopie, et P Oneirocritique. 4to. ch. s. xviii. Hemsterhusii Dictata in Aristophanjs Plutum. 4to. ch.. Arabian Tale^A r .! Arafjtce. to^*ch^j^crf-u^i. A Cotin le Salomon politique, printed. Les Amours du Palais Royal. MS. Ludovici 13 Heroica. pn'inted. 12mo. ch. Triomphe contre les Lutheriens d’ Alsace, par An¬ toine, Due de Lorraine, red morocco, printed, fol. v. s. xvi. Taylor. Gerard Leigh’s Accedens of Armorie. printed , with numerous additional drawings of arms. Ode.sur Anne de Bretagne, Reine de France. 4to. v. s. xv. ilium, bound in red velvet. Jeffery. Reports of Cases. 5[ Collections for Gloucestershire, Wales, &c. fol. ch. s. xvii. Collections relating to Gloucestershire, fol. ch. s. xviii. Abridgement of Smith’s Lives of the Berkeleys. Copies of Records relating to the Kings of England, &c. fol. ch. s. xvi, xvii. Bryant. Collection of Arms, blazoned in colours. 4to. ch. s. xvii. Olim Jos. Jekyll. 1764, ,/tf 6\ .f /a 'tPji- , V 'x/iv/ H*I 72 CATALOG US LIBRORUM M ANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PI1ILLIPPICA. 4472 Collection of Arms. Olim Wmi. Taylor. 1792. fol. ch. s. xviii. Williams, Cheltenham 4473 Isolario del Mediterraneo. fol. v. s. xv. with draw¬ ings. 4474 Descriptio et Historia Regni Peru. II is panice. f. ch. s. xvii. This may be called the Peruvian Dooms¬ day Book, for I believe it contains a division of the lands among the first conquerors and settlers. 4475 Collection of Acts of Parliament. l2mo. chs. xvii. 4476 Levy of Metz. 4477 Expositio in Evan" S. Johis. ? Q 1 6 > 8vo. v. s. xv. S. Augustini Serrnones. ' 4478 Compendium Theologi®. fol. v. & c. s. xiv. (1372.) 4479 Antiphonale. 12mo. v. s. xiii. Van Ess. 4480 ST* Jfebraice. fol. v. s. xiv. Berne. 4481 Rudolf Samuel Frey’s Transcript of“Offnung and Zwing's Gerechtigkeit des Amts Mury, von 1568.” l8mo. ch. s- xix. Ordnung fur den Rechts-Trieb in der Grafs- chaft. Copied from the original in the Monas¬ tery of Mury, 1812. 4482 Rod. Tscliilleli Repertorium Aroliivarum Bernensium. 1720. 12mo. ch. 4483 Pfrund Buchli: or Appointments of Clergy to their Benefices in Switzerland, with the Income of each Living, and the Stipends. l8mo. ch. s. xvii. 4484 Pfrund Urbar pro Pago Bernensi. 4to. ch s xviii. 4485 Graffschaft-Recht von Lenzberg. fol. ch. s. xvii. 4486 Register uber die Statuten Reglement und Ordnungen, die Policey Regierung anstehend. 1786. 12ino. ch. 4487 Scheuchzeri Repertorium Archivarum Baden. l2mo. ch. s. xviii. 4488 Coats of Arms of Bernese Families, emblazoned in colours, oblong Ho. ch. s. xviii. Lamy cle Berne. 4189 Opus quoddam. Incipit “ Hora est jam nos de sompno surgere ” De Quadripartito Exercitio Celias. Incipit , “ Reverentissimo Dno. & Patri in Christi vis- ceribus dilectissimo B. Priori Pauperum Christi qui * If ihis is IVilham in Somersetshire or Berks, it is singular to find it 300 years afterwards at Berne. in Witham* commanentes, ordinem sunt Carthusi- ensem professi.” IT De adventu Ordinis Carthusiensium. 5! Alani Anticlaudianus. fol. v. s. xiii. Olim Domus Vallonis, Ord. Carthus. Ex dono R. B. Arm. 4490 An Account of the Last Illness of Lady Lucy. 12moi ch. s. xvi Varr entrap. 4491 Lectiones Dominicales. fol. ch. s. xv. 4492 Codex Tureiei+s. Taken at the Siege of If uda. I'tp* Longman from Nuremburg. 4493 S. Gregorii Dialogi. fol. v. s. xi. At the end is a Deal of the Church of Ainicourt. 4494 Inventaire des Chartes du Comte du Charollois dam la Chambre de Comptes de Dijon, de Dole, et It Chateau de Charolles. anno 1718. fol. ch. Nichols ex Bibl. Petri Thomson, Equitis. 4495 Doomsday Book for Dorsetshire. 4to. ch. s. xviii. 17451 4496 Returns to the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the Value of Livings in Dorsetshire. 1650; fol. ch. 4497 Leicestershire Pedigrees from Burton in Tables, fol. ch 4498 Ditto, ditto, ditto, by Beckwith, fol. ch. 4499 Ditto, Visitation, by Vincent. 1619. Copied from th\ original by Beckwith. 1773. fol. ch. 4500 Report of R. Raymond & Philip Yorke, on the Petition of the Corporation of Christ Church, Hants. 1721J fol. ch. 5 -yl FI//. 4501 Close Rolls for Dorsetshire, from 1 E. 3, to 21 E. 4 fol. ch. Cochrane. 4502 Salazar de Mendoza Vida de D. Barth, de Carranza ) Miranda, Arzobispo de Toledo. 4to. ch. 1613. ( Du 1 plicate.) 4503 Life of Sir Henry Suzo. 4to. ch. s. xvi. From thi' Library of the English Nuns of St. Dominick a Bruxelles. 4504 Fundacion del Convento de la Serradilla en Placenzaz 4to. ch. s. xvii. 4505 Vida del Conde Olivares, &c. 4to. ch. s. xvi. 4506 Luis Alvares Barriga Propuesta de recuperando Por; turn de Pernambuco, &c. 4to. ch. s. xviii. " 4507 Diego de Mendoza Historia del Zolevantamento de lol Moros de Granada. 4to. ch. s. xvii. 4508 Recherches sur la Monarchic Autrichienne, 1786. j CATALOG US LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PIIILLIPPICA 73 1509 Vocabulario de los Nombres queusa la Gente delaMar. : 1[ Coelii Symphosii /Enigmata. Elogio de Antonio de Herrero, Coronistadel Rey. !j 51 Epigrarama (ut vulgo fertur) Caroli Stuardi, Walliae Principis, de amore suo pro Maria de ; Austria. l8mo. ch. s. xvii. . . 1510 Michael Ritius de Regibus Galliae, Hispaniae, Pliero- solymae, Siciliae, & Hungariae. 8vo. v. s. xvi. 1523. 1511 Censura de la Satyra contre las Costumbres de esta siglo; por I). Mig. G. Suarez y Nunez. 8vo. ch. s. xviii. With an autograph letter from the author » to Bernard de Yriarte. 1512 Trobes de Mosen Jayme Febrer, a Spanish trou- i badourpoet. 4to. ch. s. xvii. Wide No. 2477. j. :513 Loustan sobre las rentas de Espana. 4to. ch. s. xviii. - 1514 Carta de D. Franc, de Pineda a un Amigo suyo. 4to. |j ch. xviii. 1515 Francisci de Pisa Historia Virginis & Martyris Leo- :: cadise. 4 to. 1586. :516 Yida de D. Ana de Pedruga, Monja descalza Carmeli- j tarum. 4to. ch. s. xvii. A17 Torquemada Yida y Muerte de D. Rodrigo Calderon, jj Marquis de Siete Yglesias, Ministro de Espana. 4to. ; ch. s. xviii. 518 Tizon de Espana sobre los linages de losSenores. 4to. ch. s. xviii. [In red velvet.) 519 Abjuration of Dr. Michel Molinos in the Church of |l Sea. Maria sopra Minerva, with a plate. 4 to. ch. j s. xvii. (1687). 520 Letter to the Conde Olivares on the Galeras (Ships) of Spain. 4to. ch. s. xvii. 521 Majerato, Bombardazio di Genova, in 1684. 8vo. ch. s. xvii. with original papers. 522 Yida di P. Sixto 5. (1752). 8vo. ch. s. xviii. 523 Bartholome Garsia Antiquedades de laYsla del Hierro, i una de las Canarias. 524 Carte Reali Originali. 1671. 2 vo/s. folio, ch. s. xvii. ! 525 Lettres de Cachet depuis 1700jusqu ! a 1709. 2 vols. fol. ch. Signed bg Phelypeaux & Chamillar, the Ministers. 526 Diego de la Serna de Servitutibus Praediorum. 4to. ch. s. xvi. Lam mens of Ghent. 527 Ilpafci? -wv A~vo7o\wv. Grace. lSmo. ch. s. xvi. Wilson. 528 Dictionario de Nombres para la Intelligencia de los Operarios en la construction de Caminos, par Ra- faell Juarez de Castilla. 1773. 1329 Observaciones sobre las Reservas de la Jglesia de Es¬ pana por los Obispos de Dar, Amiens, Blois, y Cay¬ enne, reunidos en Paris. Traducidas por el Conde Lasteyrie. Emprenta 1799, anno 7 de la Republica Francesca. 5f Ilistoria de la Inquisition de Sicilia. 5[ Carta Gregorii, Episc. de Blois, al Inquisidor Genl. Arce. 51 Carta Synodica al Concilio National de Francia. 1797. 51 Declaracion del mismo Consilio. 5J Ecclesia Gallicana celebrans Nationale Concilium Parisiis, Papse Pio vi. 5[ Respuesto al Obispo de Blois por uno Espanol. sm. 4to. ch. s. xviii. 4530 Persian Poems, ch. 8vo. in green boards. Arras. 4531 Forma scribendi Collaciones beneficiorum vacantium situatorum in Diocesi Cameracensi, existencium de Patronatu Abbatis Monast. Sti. Amandi. 8vo. ch. s. xvi. MSS. Payne. 4532 S. Mathaei Evangel, glossat. 8 vo. v. s. x. 4533 Lectionarium. Svo. v. s. xii. 4534 Quintiliani Institutiones Oratoriae. 4 to. v. & ch. s. xv. 4535 Flavii Blondi Roma Triumphans. 4 to. ch. s. xv. 4536 Panormitani Summaria Glosar. Clement 12. (1412.) 4 to. ch. s. xv. 4537 F. de Zarabel, in 4tum Decretalium. 1442. f. ch. 4538 Bartholus in 2dum. Digestorum. 4 to. ch. s. xiv. 4539 Medallas Espanolas. [Printed 1644.) Ylmo. 4540 G. B. Spada Memoria de casi e contese gravi con Car- dinali, &c. in Roma dal anno 1635 al a. 1643. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. 4541 Plistoire de Fredegonde, i.e. the Duchess of Hanover, wife of George 1st. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. 4542 Basilius de Legendis Poetis. 18 mo. ch. s. xvi. 4543 Bernard Navagero, Ambasoiator Yeneto, Giornale de ^ sue lettere. 4544 A L’Arbre de Batailles. f. v. s. xiv. ( t/u 4545 Cronieon Hieronymi Forliviensis. 1435, f. ch. s. xv. 4546 Cronieon Caesennae, &c. Civitatum Romandiolse. f ch. s. xv. 4547 Cronieon Bononim Hieronymi deBursellis. f. ch. s. xv. 4548 Cicero de Finibus. sm.fol. v. s. xv. 4549 Herodian llepi 7rapa~juj~ic pjcvikujp otto cui\iK 7 tL'i\ 8 vo. ch. s. xv. 4550 Entries in Common Pleas. Svo. ch.. s. xvi. 4551 C'hrysostomi Honielioe. Grace. Svo. eh. s. xiv. 74 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MA NUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA THILLIPPICA. 4552 Csesaris Commentaria. Red velvet. 8 vo.v.s.xv. 4553 Servii Vocabularium super Virgiliura. Ulpian, Celsus Papinianus, Paulus, Modestinus, i Caius, Florentinus, Pomponius, Martianus, Julia- i nus, Alphenus, Callistratus, Jabolenus, Proculus, : Yenuleius, Africanus, Marcellus, Herraogenianus, i Cladius, Triphonius, Scaevola, Cecilius, Teratius, Licinius, Ruffinus, Labeo, Terentius, Clemens, Ju- j risconsulti, de Significatione Verborum. 4554 Anecdotes of Pope Gregory 13. Italice. f. ch. s. xvii. 'i Ex Bibl. Colonna. 4555 Bibliae Verborum difficilium expositio. f v. s. xiv. Ex Abb. Regalis Montis. 4556 Lexicon Grascum & Latinum. Ex Bibl. Celotti. 4557 Gregorius in Job. f v. s. xi. Charaetere cursivo. 4558 Evangelia. f. v. s. ix. In'purple velvet. 4559 Vita B. Gregorii Papae. f v. s. xiii. Ex Bibl. Abb. S. Michael de Mortario, ord. Camaldul. Dioc. Tor- telline. ^ Index Operum B. Gregorii. int. alia 680 Epis- tolas. 4560 Senecrn Tragediee 10. f. v. s xiv. f Alberti Musati Tragedia, Ecerinus. “ Quod nam cruentum sidus artibus poiens.” 4561 r vu)fio\o'yia, Av6o\oqia , E7ro\o^ia f 'S.rtxoXoqia. 4 to. ch. s. xvi. Greece. 4562 Vita del P. Savonarola, f. ch. s. xvii. 4563 Narcissus de Verduno de Matrimonio, ad Johem. Epum. Castellanum. 8 vo. v. s xv. 4564 Statuta Terras Collis. f. ch. s. xvi. Statuta Civit. Pistoriensis. f. ch. s. xvi, 4565 Pietro Giannoni del Mare Adriatico. f. ch. s. xvii. 4566 Privilegia Civitatis Brixiae. f v. s. xv. (1470.) 4567 C'roniques de Metz. f. ch. s. xvii. ^ , , • 4568 Ecclesiae Cathedrales in Europe. 1435. s.f. v. s. xv. Tractatus de Camera Papae. 4569 Ludovicus Camaldulensis de Ordine Camaldulensi. Olim Petri de Medicis, cum scuto ejus. 4570 Jac. de Cessulis de Ludo Scacchorum. Ylmo. v. s. xiv. a Palimpsest. 51 Computus Magri. Boni, &c. &c. 4571 Persius cum Commentariis. 8 vo. ch. s. xv. 4572 Senecce Epistolae, de Remediis Fortuitorum, de Bene- ficiis, dementia, 4 Virtutibus, &c. 51 Proverbia ex Claudiano. 5f Wm. Signiacensis de tribus dicendi generibus. f. v. s. xii. 4573 Cieco d’Ascoli, l’Acerba. /. v. s. xv. 4574 Recueil de Pieces Historiques, &c. 5[ Lettres Patentes du Roy H. 3. 1575. sur le don d’une petite portion de la vray Croix. 51 Vita Caroli Noni, &c. &c. f ch. xvi. 4575 Correspondence of Franco Nicolini, vice Legate ot Avignon, from 1677 to 1684. 9 vols.fol. ch. 4576 Ditto, ditto, to Cardinals Cibo, Chigi, &c. 1685. 4577 Ditto, ditto, during his Embassy to Portugal, from 1686 to 1688. 4578 La reconciliatione di Henrico 4to. collaChiesa; dis- pensa di Matrimonio, &c. fol. ch. s. xvi. 4579^Libro d|sp^j di-Philippo Minio, Potesta di Marti*' nenga nel 1565 & 1567. f. ch. s. xvii. 4580 Johis. Masselin Diarium Statuum Gcneralium habito- rum Turonibus. 1483. f. ch. s. xviii. 4581 Vida di Filippo Strozzi de Firenza. f. ch. s. xvii. 4582 Statuta Civitatis Pisanae anno 1186. f. v. s. xii. 4583 Ugolini Verini de Gloria Urbis Florentine, fol. ch. s. xvii. cum Tavola Michaelis Firidolfi. 4584 Diodorus Siculus, per Poggium Latine versus, f. v. s. xv. 4585 Virgilii HCneis, cum Scholiis Servii, Donati, Tiberii, i et Tortelli, partly copied in fac simile, in 1274, from a MS. of the 7th or 8th century, (or query ; from one dated 474) by Pecio Arisio. large fol. ch. • s. xiii. [query.) N.B. The date and name at the < end have been tampered with and altered. 4586 Henry Rommain, Chanoine de Tournay, Histoire des i Romaines. fol. v. s. xv. illuminated. 5f Jehan de Courte Cuisse traduction de Seneque < sur les 4 Vertues. dated at Paris. 1403. 4587 Statuta Florentina. 1324. fol. v. s. xiv. 4588 Ditto, ditto, 1415. fol. v. s. xv. 4589 Ditto, ditto, 1415. fol. ch. s. xv. 4590 Lettere del Re' e Ministri di Francia. a M. Nicolini, i Legato Avignone, dal 1677 al 1688, with the au- : tographs of Louis xiv, Amadeus, Duke of Savoy, ■ the King of Spain, Christina, Duchess of Savoy, Tellico, A. de Pomponne, Colbert. 4591 Monaldi delle Famiglie Florentine, 1607. cum Sup-) plemento M. de Sommai ad 1626. fol. ch. s. xvii. 4592 Gregorii Nazienzeni? Epistole. Greece, fol. ch. s. xv. . ( Olim Eras mi Roterodam.) 4593 llf/n Teveffcois T pix™, &c. fol. ch. s. xv. imperfect, i wants 41 first leaves. 4594 Rinalducci, Prosperita infelici di Francesco, Canonici: di Mascambruni. f. ch. s. xvii. 4595 Concilium Toletanum 731. f. ch. s. xviii. Olim Papae Pii 5. His arms on the cover. 4596 Assembled de St. Germain 1583. f. ch. s. xvii. 4597 Psalterium Glosatum. f. v. s. xi. 4598 Camerarius in Suidam. f ch. s. xvii. Ex Bibl. Meerman. 4599 La Gamine des Tetrachordes des Anciens. f ch. xvii. Ex Bibl. Meerman. Augustin de Civitate Dei. f. v. s. xiii. Ex Bibl. Meerman. 4600 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCR1PTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 75 4601 Notes sur les AuteurSj/du 17 & 18 siecles. fol. ch. 4602 Vida de Domenico Malatesta. f ch. s. xvi. 4603 Memoires & Lettres pour l’Histoire de France de 1614 a 1625. f. ch. s. xvii. 4604 Charter of the Town of Trim, reciting the Charters granted by Henry 4, and Walter de Lascy. fol. veil. s. xvii. 4605 Beda in Actus Apostolorum. f. v. s. x. fragm. 4606 Kepertorium Dublinense, or Collections for a History of the Monasteries and Churches in Dublin. f. ch. s. xvii. 4607 Memoires des Principautes, Duches, Seigneuries, ap- partenant au Boy, tirees des titres dans la Tresor des Chartes du Boy. fol. ch. s. xvii. 4608 Histoire d’Angleterre sous la Beine Anne. f. ch. s. xviii. 4609 Melanges Historiques, &c. f. ch. s. xvi. 1. Discours sur la Majeste & Dignite du Boy. 10. Do sur la Boyne d’Angleterre, & la Beyne d'Escosse, &c. &c. 4G10 Collections pour l’Histoire des Villes de St. Menehoud k de Troyes, in a Portfolio, f. 4 to. ch. xvii. 4611 Histoire de la Begne de Francois 1. pendant 1530 a 1536. f ch. s. xvii. 4612 Vita del P. Savonarola, f. ch. s. xviii. 4613 Miscellanea di Storia Fiorentina. fol. ch. s. xviii. 4611 Galenus n epi (favoucwv Awa/uavv, &c. fol. ch. s. xiv. much mutilated. Greece. 4615 Marco Gentile Notizie di Genova di 1566 in 1569. fol. ch. Ex Bibl. A G. Lercaro. 4616 Bichieri circa l’Universita di S. Bemo. f. ch. s. xviii. 4617 Notizie Antichissime Istoriche di Genova, &c. &c. Ex Bibl. Colonna. f. ch. s. xviii. 4618 Genuensium Nobilium Liber Aureus, f. ch. s. xviii. 4619 Progetto per lo Stabilimento di una Fiera in Genova e per uno Banco Matrimoniale. fol. ch. s. xviii. with plans. Ex Bibl. M ri Black. 4620 The Diagrams of Pappus of Alexandria, fol. ch. s. xvi. Ex Bibl. Monasterii de Aina. 4621 William de Malmesbury, de Gestis Anglorum. 51 Cassiodorus de Institutione divinaruin Scriptu- rarum. De Claustro. 51 De Medicina Animae. 51 Ad Soeium volentem nubere. 51 De tribus Columbis ad Bagnierium Corde be- nigaum. 51 Chrysostom de Laudibus S. Pauli. 51 Alexander Magnus de mirabilibus Indiae. •I Palladius de Agricultura. 12mo. v. s. xii. 4622 Herbertus de Boseham de Vita Sti. Thomae Archiepi. Cantuariensis. 4to. v. s. xii. 4623 Ivonis Carnotensis Epistolae. 12mo. v. s. xiii. 4624 Cantica Versificata. 51 Job, ditto. 51 Lamentationes, ditto. 51 De Missa, ditto. 51 De Trinitate et Sacramentis, ditto. 51 Vita Werrici, Prioris de Aina. 51 De Deo. 5[ De 6 Avibus. 51 Seneca de Virtutibus. 51 Passio S. Eustachii. Carmen. 51 Passio S. Agnetis, ditto. 51 De Contemptu Mundi, ditto. 5f De Veteri Testamento. 51 Ecclesiastes. 51 Sermones 6.—12mo. v. s. xiii. 4625 Apocalypsis. 51 Beges. 51 Paralipomena. 51 Excerpta Historica. Incipit, “ Attila Bex PI un¬ norum.” It is a relation of the battle between Attila and yEtius the Boman General in “ Cam¬ pos Catalaunicos” the plains of Chalons, cum pluribus aliis. l2mo. v. s. xii. 4626 Vocabularium Latinum sive Explicatio Verborum. f. v. s. xii. 4627 Hieronymus in Didimum Paschasium de Spiritu Sancto. 51 Gregorius in Cantica. 51 Vita Aurelii Augustini. 51 -S. Simeonis. 51 -S. Amoris et Gordiani. 5f -S. Alexi. 51 De S. Maria. 51 Passio S. Andreae.—4to. v. s. xii. 4628 Johis. de Abbatis-Villa Sermones. 4to. v. s. xiii. The References in the Index to the Pages are singularly invented fgures instead of numbers , each different as far as 140, thus: 1_ X C- 3- _ A- A- 1 2 3456789 10 4629 S. Bernardi Sermones, cum Prologo Ailredi Hicval- lensis. 4to. v. s. xiii. 51 Fragmentum Actuum Apostolorum. v. s. ix. 4630 S. Pauli Epistolae. sm. fol. v. s. xi. 51 Fragment. Vitce S. Gaugerici. fol. v. s. x. 4631 S. Gregorius in Ezechiel. f. v. s. xiii. 51 Fragmentum Cantus cum Musica. f. v. s. xi. 4632 Vitte Sanctorum Servatii. --Gengulfi. --Mauri. ORU.M IN BIBLIOTHECA PUILLIPPICA. one. fol. v. s. xii. rr^JsL N.li. The Chronicle is now separated and hound by itself. 4633 Euclides cum Comment. Magri. Campani, cumfyuris. fol. v. s. xiii. 4634 Al’istotelis Opera plura. f. v. s. xiii. 4635 Biblia cum Vocabulario. 4to. v. s. xiii. De Elephante. 51 Gilbertus, Abbas Westmonast. ad Anselm Can- tuar. Arcliiep. de disputatione contra Judeum. % Theoderici Abbatis Summa trium Uierarchiarum, &c. 8vo. v. s. xiii. Dialogi de Naturis Animalium. 8vo. v. s. xiii. Historia Bibliic. “Pax sit Ilenrico Dei amico, qui hunc librum scripsit." 51 Bernard de Dulcedine Amoris. 51 Vita S. Salvias. 51 Vita B. dementis, Mettensis Episcopi. 5f Carmina qusedam de Vita Cliristi. sm. fol. v. s. xiii. Statuta Cisterciensia. 51 De Accentibus. 5f Custumale Cisterciense. 51 Cronicon Ordinis Cisterciensis cum Cards & Pri- vilegiis Paparum. 51 Catalogus Abbatiarum Cisterciensium, cum die- bus et Annis Fundationum earum. lol. v. s. xii. Sydonius Epus. in promotiopem Simplicii. 51 De Lapidum Virtutibus. 51 De Trinitate. 51 De Virtutibus Rerum. 5[ De Affectibus Animi. 5! Stephani, Cantuar. Epi. Psalterium seu Mariale sm. fol. v. s. xiii. Cassiodori Historia Tripartita, translat. de Grteco per Epiphanium Scholasticum. 51 Vigilius, nomine Athanasii, contra Arrium, Sa- bellium, et Fotinum. fol. v. s. xiii. 4647 4648 4649 4650 4651 1652 4653 4654 4655 I 4656 4657 4641 Beda de Tabernaculo. fol. v. s. xii. Vincentii de Beauvais Speculum Historiale, pars tercia,! thick fol. v. s. xiii. “ Hunc librum scripsit Rogerus Valencenensis, Mo-: nachus Alnensis. S, Bernardi Epistolte. 51 Odonis Monachi Cantuar. Epistola. 51 Bulla Canonizationis S. Bernardi ab Alexandra Papa. 51 Epitaphium B. Bernardi. 5i De Miraculo quodam in Oriente acto. Origenis Omelite in Genesin, Exodum, Levilicum, et Numeros; cum Prefatione, in qua enumeranturi Opera Marci Terentii Varronis, et Opera Origenis. fol. v. s. xii. (anno 1139.) Exceptions Historiographorum de Statu Judaicter Plebis, 51 Expositio Signorum a Samuele predicta Sauli. 51 Expositio Sacri Canonis. 5l Soliloquia S. Augustini. 51 Officium Fratrum Mortuorum. 5[ Bacharii Liber ad Januarium. fol. v. s. xii. Nonni Caesarii Dialogus de Miraculis. fol. v. s. xiii, , Sermoues. sm. 4 to, v. s. xiii. Isidori Liber DifFerentiarum. 12mo. v. s. xii. 51 Passiones Apostolorum. 1 h (st is a Palimpsest of the 9th century. Cassianus de Institutione Monachorum. f. s. xii. 51 Lectionarii fragmcntum. v. s. x. Jcronymi Epistolre. 51 Radulphi, Episcopi Leodiensis, Deoreta Incendiarios et Depredatores Ecclesia?. fol. v. s. xii. S. Augustinus contra Faustina, f. v. s. xii. Cronicon Richard! de Sto. Victore. f. v. s. xii. S. Augustini Sermones. sm.fol. v. s. xii. 5> Actus Apostolorum. fragment, v. s. x. Senecae Epistol® et Opuscula Minora, f. v. s. xii. \ itae Sanctorum, s. f. v s. xiii. imperfect. Jeronymus de Viris illustribus. 51 Gennadius, ditto, ditto. 5f Sigebertus Gemblacensis, ditto, ditto. 51 Chrysostomi Omeliae.-^J^ 1 U Hngonis ‘de$ou‘ (%£rft i ' i M Li i. ' foi.V s. xii, Cronicon Cisterciense. contri 4659 41 Sermo de Sacramento Altaris. 51 Fragment of an ancient French poem in whit the title of one chapter is “Dou preudome q raaint le fil au Chavalier.” fol. v. s. xii. 51 2 Fragmenta Grammatici cujusdam. 8vo. v. s. j Expositio Vocabulftrum Bibliee. •I Ailredus Abbas ( V t. Eievall.) in librum t Yera et Spirituali Amicitja, fol. v. s. xiii. CATALOG US LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 77 i 4660 i 4661 I 46G2 4663 4664 4665 4666 4667 4668 4669 4670 4671 4672 4673 4674 4675 4676 4677 4678 4679 4680 4681 4682 4683 4684 4685 4686 4687 4688 4689 4690 4691 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 1697 4698 Johannis de Mera Brachilogus, sive Dictionarium. seu Expositio Verborum. fol. v. s. viii. Gregorii Moralia in Job. f. v. s. xiii. ^1 Visio Taionis Epi. Caesaraugustani. De Virtutibus et Vitiis. “ Duplex est Abstinentia.” 5[ Publius Syrus. “ Alienum est quicquid op- tando.” l2mo. v. s. xiii. Gilbertus Abbas super Cantica. f. v. s. xiii. Dionysii Areopagitee Epistolae. Dionysius Areopagita de Divinis Noniinibus. f. v. s. xiii. script. per Nich. de Nastia. Ditto de Ilierarchia Celesti. Nicholai de Guerram Distinctiones. s. f. v. s.xiii. Opus. “Quae estistaquaeprogredituiy’&c. s.f.v. s.xiii. Moralis Explanatio libri Numerorum. s. f. v. s. xiii. S. Math, cum gloss, f. v. s. xiii. Gul. Autissiodorensis deFide. f. v. s.xiii. Liber de Virgine Matre. f. v. s. xiii. St. Johan, gloss, f. v. s. xiii. Jacobi Januensis Legenda. f. v. s. xiii. Gregorii Decretales. f. v. s. xiii. Hugonis Gloss, in Ecclesiasticum. f. v. s. xiii. Gregorius in Job, lib. 9 ad 11. f. v. s. xii. S. Paulas Epistolae. s. f. v. s.xii. Excerpta ex Gregorio de Psalmis. f. v. s. xii. S. Ambrosius de OfTiciis. f. v. s. xii 5[ Ditto Exameron. f. v. s. xii. Sermones Dominicales. f. v. s. xiii. Psalterium Glosat. f. v. s.xiii. Jeronymus in Oseam. Derivationes Verborum. f. v. s. xii. Excerpta ex Gregorio de Nov. Test. f. v. s. xii. Tractatus de Virtutibus. f. v, s. xiii. Glossa in Psalmos, 51 ad 100. ^F Epistolae quorundam Patrum. f. v. s. xii. 4tus. Liber Sententiarum. f. v.s. xiii. Hieronymus super Naum. f. v. s. xii. Liber Hymnorum et Soiiloquiorum. f. v. s. xii. B. Gregorii Ofiaeliae. f. v. s. xii. Augustinus de Civitate Dei, ad lib. 13. f. v. s. xii. IF Ditto in Psalmos 101 ad 150. IF De Doctrina Christiana, Sec. f. v. s. xii. Radulph. Flaviacensis in Leviticum. f. v. s. xii. If Dignitas Sedis Lateranensis. Expositio Verborum sive Dictionarium. 8vo. v. s. xiii. Johannis de Abbatis Villa Sermones. f. v. s. xiii. Prophetce Glossati. s. f. v. s. xii. Haimo super Ecclesiasticum. s. f. v. s. xii. Origines in Cantica. s. f. v. s. xii. Jeronymus in Isaiam. f. v. s. xii. Augustinus in Johannem. f. v. s. xii. Gregorialis, pars. 4ta. f. v. s. xii. 4699 4700 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 4710 4711 4712 4713 4714 4715 4716 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 IF De Vita S. Patricii. *(F Miraculum de Milite Nomine Owen temp. Ste- phani Regis Anglige. 5F Litera B. Ludovici Domini Francorum primo- geniti uxoris, de pugna cum Rege Marrochise. “ B. Dei gratia Regina Legionen. et Galecias &c. Quod Rex Dominus et Pater noster vicit in pugna campestri Regem Ammiramomeli- num, (Regem de Marrochia) &c.” Petri Cantoris Paris, in Isaiam. s. f. v. s. xiii. Nicholai de Lyra in Pentateuch, f. v. s. xiv. Sermones Dominicales. “Notulae.” s. f. v. s. xii. Distinctiones seu Sermones. s. f. v. s. xii. S. Matth. glossat. s. f. v. s. xii. Fratris Mauricii Distinctiones. thick 8vo. v. s. xiii. Sermones. IF Excerpta ex Horatio. 5F Vita S. Patricii. Sermones Dominicales de Angelis, &c. thick 12mo. v. s. xiii. Roberti Iiolcot, Fratris Predicatoris, Doctoris Canta- brigiae de Anglia in Librum Sapientiae. f. v. s. xiv. Regula S. Benedicti. 12mo. v. s. xii. Job Glosat. f. v. s. xi. Johannis Abbatisvillee Sermones. f. v. s. xiii. Augustin de Verbis Domini, f. v. s. xii. Nicholai de Bliard Distinctiones. f. v. s. xiii. Sermones Dominicales. 12mo. v. s. xiii. On the first fly-leaf is this character of women: ( 8. f. V. t “ Femina, res fragilis, res perfida, res puerilis, Mobilis, indocilis, nil in ea nisi lis. Also, “Fragmina verborum Titivillus colligit horum.” Sermones Festivales. s. f. v.xiii. “Stephanus plenus.” Eusebii Caesariensis Omelim. 8vo. v. xii. Summa super Epistolas. “ Hora est jam nos.” 5F Gill. Lugdunensis summa super Evangel, thick 8vo. v. xiv. Nicholai de Lyra Postilla in Psalmos. “Propheta magnus.” s. f. v. s. xiv. (1326.) Genesis Glosat. “ Cum omnes divinos libros.” s. f. v. xii. S. Pauli Epist. ad Romanos et Corinthios. s. f. v. xi. Gulielmi, Monachi S. Martini Tornacen. in Flores B. Bernardi. s. f. v. xiii. Distinctiones, seu Liber de Sententiis. “ Radix Sa- pientiae.” s. f. v. xiii. Liber Regum Glosat. s. f. v.,xii. Apocalypsis Glosat. Augustin in Evang. S. Johannis. f. v. xii. De Naturis Animalium ex dictis Sanctorum, &c. thick 8vo. v. s. xiii. I Wilts Inquis. post Mort. 51 Ditto, Fines. , •I MSS.in Collegio Armorum ) Wilts Church Monuments. 5f Ditto Parish Register Extracts. 4746 Deeds in Chapter House. 5[ Wilts Deeds in Augment Office. 51 Ditto Pedigrees from Inq. p. M. 5[ Ditto Index to Fines. 5[ Pedigrees from Dodsworth. 51 Ex Cartul. Glaston. 5; Ex Cartul. Malmsbury in Scac- 12mo. red leather. ? l2mo. half-Id ! $ red morocco. l2mo. in white parchment. Sermons in Festis cum tribus dictinctionibus. v. s. xii. “ Obiit Francis a Furno, 1578. Yctus Testament, glosat. f. v. s. xii. 2 vols. Ditto, ditto, ditto, f. v. s. xii. Ex Bibliotheca M. Tross. 4735 Evangelium Berthildis. 4to. v. s. ix. (ut dicitur.) “ Gerbrardus (GERXXBRD.) Diaconus, Anno primo ordinationis suee hoc libellum scripsit.” Bound in wooden covers. On the first, are carved the Crucifixion; and in the corners, the four Sym¬ bols of the Evangelists. The figures of the Cruci¬ fixion in gold, on a dark blue ground, studded with gold stars, surrounded by two borders of gold and deep scarlet, the scarlet ornamented with gold sprigs. Boetius de Consol. Philosophise. 12mo. v. s. xi. Ditto, ditto, ditto, fol. ch. 1424 Albertus Magna de Naturis rerum. 5f Boetius de Consol. Philos, s. f. ch. xv. (1473.) Inquisitio super Nicolaum Ilovet de Tremonia, hereti. cum, cum sententia contra eum. fol. ch. s. xv. (1477.) 5f Ditto contra N. Ketteltasche, hereticum, 1478. Yitse S. Patrum Heremitarum. f. v. s. xii. 5[ Grammatica sive Dictionarium Latinum. 4736 4737 4738 51 Ex Feodario Bellocampi de Hache. Pedigrees from Sir N. II. Nicholas Inq. p. Mort. 5| Ditto from Malmsbury Cartulary. 51 Wilts Fines, temp. E. 4. thin Ylmo. red leather. Index Cartarum, pro Com. Wilts, &c. inter Carts Harleianas. 51 Lauds held by Monasteries in Wilts. thin 12 mo. red leather. Excerpta ex Cartis de Swindon. 51 Wilts Pedigrees from Inq, p. Mort. 5[ Ditto Coat of Arms. 51 Copy of Sir Thomas Cotton's Loan-book. Or * Memoranda of Books lent out of his Library. . 12mo. half-bound , red morocco. Vicars and Rectors of North Wilts. 51 Enford Church Notes. 51 Coats in Windows of Sevenhampton (Col. Warn- h ford’s.) 12 mo. half-bound, red morocco. Inquisitio Forestas de Braden. 51 Inq. p. Mort. pro Com. Wilts. 51 List of Knight’s Wills. 18 mo. > half-bound red morocco . Phillipps' MSS. Collections for Wilts. Names of Places where it is necessary to search for Wilts Descents. Pedigrees from Inquis. p. Mort. per Angliam. 51 Sarum Cartulary. 12mo. ch. red morocco. 4743 Wilts Extracts from the Court of Wards and Liveries, in the Chapter-house. 12mo. red morocco. 4742 51 Pedigree of Berkeley. 51 Darell Cartulary Excerpta. References to North Wilts Documents. 51 Malmsbury Cartulary Extracts. 51 Edyngdon ditto, ditto. thin 12 mo. red leather. Fairford Parish Register Extracts, Glouc. 51 Index to some Prerog. Office Wills 51 Buckland Parish Register Extracts | parchment. Co. Gloucester. 18 mo.bound > in white 4754 4755 4756 Collections from Phillipps Wills. 18 mo. half-bound i in brown calf. Life of Lieut-General Sir Thomas Molyheux, Bart, ofc Castle Dillon, Armagh, Ireland, fol. ch. Sarum Cathedral Cartulary. 18 mo. half-bound, red morocco. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 79 4757 Wilts Inquis. post Mort. temp. H. 3. 3 18 mo. Pedigrees from Close Rolls. ' re< ^ morocco. 4758 Hungerford Cartulary Extracts. l8mo- red leather. Payne. 4759 Caesar's Commentaries, translated by Jean du Chesne, at Lisle, in 1473, for Charles, Duke of Burgundy, and this volume was copied from the original by Hellin de Burchgrave in 1476, at the request of Jacques Douche, the Duke’s counsellor, illumina¬ ted. large fol. v. ch. s. xv. 4760 Registrum Epistolarum Papas Innocentii 6ti. fol. v. s. xiv. 4761 A Baronage, alphabetical, beginning with Bretagne, ending with Warwick, 634 pages. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. imp. 4762 Elucidatio initii Legis primae ff. ad Legem Juliam de Ambitu. thin Ato. v. s. xv. Ex Abbatia S. Ghis.'cni. 4763 Miracula S. Jacobi Apostoli. 8 no. v. s. xii. 7 yy "\y marked .$ W W 4764 Anselmus Cantuar. Archiep. ad Gondulf. Epum. Ro¬ chester, de Orationibus Sanctoe Marias, &.c. ■ q q 8vo. v. s. xii. marked .^ Q Q Ex Abb. Camberone. 4765 Augustinus de Sermone Domini in Monte. V Ditto in Genesin contra Manicheos. f. v. s. xii. (Ac olim) Petri de Riga Aurora. 4766 Vita S. Pulgentii et Pachomii. 8 vo. v. s. xii. ( Olimfuit .) Regula S. Basilii. 4767 Johannes Andreas in 4tum. Decretalium. large fol. v. s. xiv. 4768 Vitas S. S. Eustachii, Basilii, Sj-c. f. v. s. xii. Incerli. 4769 Hieronimus in Octateuchum. ilium. U Rentale Abbatiae S. Marise de Walsingham. large fol. v. s. xii. Olim Henr. Spelman, whose autograph is in it. 4770 Lord Bacon's Speeches in Parliament in the first 19 years of Elizabeth. If Letters to Queen Elizabeth, sm. 4to. ch. s. xvi. Ex Bibl. Rev. Henry White de Lichfield. 4771 Alchymical Emblems and Explanations, f. v. and ch. s. xviii. Germanice. Taylor. 4772 Obras de Don Francisco Benecassi Luxan y Monnroy Conde de Luxan. f. ch. s. xviii. 4773 Bernard de Interiore Domo. if Ditto super “ Missus est.” ^ ^ v ‘ s * Arms on 1st page: Barry 6 G. and A. between the initials N. 0. 4774 Vitas S. S. Georgii, Marthae, Silvestri, Pauli Eremitse, et Antonii. f. ch. s. xv. (Olim Abb. S. Remigii prope Rupem fortem in Famenam.) 4775 Coats of Arms emblazoned, (begins with Fitchet). 4to. ch. s. xvi. 140 leaves and index, olim H. Jermyn. 4776 Sir Nicholas Bacon’s Speeches. Ato. ch. s. xvi. 4777 Vita S. Basilii. f. v. s. xiii. If Fragment of a Poem concerning Darius, pro¬ bably the Alexandreis of Walter de Insula. ^f Fragment of an ancient Lectionarium. s. x. 4778 Regulas Observantias bonae Vitae. 8vo. v. s. xiv. 4779 Cronica Venetia. fol. ch. s. xvi. (circa 1556.) Coats of Arms in Margin, character inclining to Illyrian. 4780 Albucasim Chirurgia. translata ex Arabico per Gi- rardum de Cremona, with drawings of surgical instruments. ^f Rolandi Chirurgia. f. veil. s. xv. 4781 Sermones Dominicales. f. ch. s. xv. (1438.) on the lsrf cover is a coeval or older engraving of St. Christofer. On the 2nd cover is a note of the death of Ludwig, Duke of Bavaria in 1479. 4782 Itinerarium Pontificalia Officii per Daniel Episcop. Belin. If Ceremoniale Dedication^ Ecclesiae, with a list and drawings of the utensils and furniture used on the occasion. On the ls£ fly-leaf are the Hebrew and Greek Alphabets, and on the ls£ cover this note: “Nona Maii Anni 35; benedixi tres Prelatos in Monasterio Salem, §-c. At the end is the colophon of the scribe , Petri Lucht, 1489. fol. v. s. xv. 4783 Lanfrancus de Milan de Chirurgie, or “the Lesebook of Lanfranc de Milan, anglici, “ Her begynnythe the prologe of ye Anothomy of Mayster Langfranke of Meleyn, Surgur and Fesycian, compyled and chapyterd in fygurs as folowithe. Of the Sygnes of the Body. Electuaria. “ Here endeth a tretice of powders, pil¬ lules, letwares, emplaystros, rupturies, and oyne- ments, the best yt ever was made. “ This was written from Monpileris to ye Queen Isabel of England at ye prayer of Kyng of Fraunce hir brothyr. This is good for to smell to, &c. f. v. xv. ^f The virtues of Herbes. 4784 Statutes of the Garter. 8 vo. v. s. xvi. 4785 Bastiani Oratione in Morte Cardinalis de Trento. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. 4786 Isidorus de Diis Gentium. 12 mo. v, s. xv. ilium. galli.ee. 80 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 4787 Eusebii Epistol®, italicL 15/ page ilium. 12 mo. v. s. xv. 1788 Abbatis Isaaci Syriaci Sermones. 12 mo. v. s. xv. Debure. Ex Bibl. Macarthy. •1789 Polybii Historia, per Nicholaum Perottum. latinL fol. v. s. xv. 1 st page illuminated. It appears to have belonged to Pope Nicholas 5, to whom Pe- rotti dedicated the work. The Pope's arms are at the bottom of the 1st page. 4790 Liber Precum. fol. blue morocco, v. s. xv. The 15/ page richly illuminated. Scriptura Italica. Wheatley. 4791 Roman de Perceforest. large fol. v. s. xv. red velvet. 141 leaves, the 2nd part illuminated, with half a page miniatures of Tournaments. &c. Berne. 4792 Gruner’s Genealogies of Ganting, Gaudard, Grutert and Von Greyere. 4to. ch. 1752. 4793 German Coats in trick. IT Tract on Mathematics and Optics, obi. 4to. ch. s. xviii. Incerti. 4794 Meditationes (?) charactere Ilhjhco , (credo). 8vo. ch. 4795 Missale: ilium. Arms: A. a lion rampant 0. 4795 Quotidiana Lectio Christiani. 8 vo. v. s. xv. 4797 Galuanus de Levanto de Ludo Schaccorum ad exhor- tandum Philippum Regem Galli® ut pugnaret con¬ tra Saracenos in Terra Sancta. s. 4 to. v. s. xiv. 4798 Missale Ulum. bound in green velvet, gilt clasps. 12 mo. v. s. xv. 4799 Traite des Vertus Morales. 18/wo. v. s. xv. ilium. red mor. 4800 History of the Nizam of Dekkan. Persice. 4 to. ch. Olim Kirkpatrick. Rev. Geo. Harbin's MSS. Collections. 4801 Copies of Ancient Charters at Longleat, Wilts, in 1717. 5 parts. 4to. 4802 Extracts from Hereford Cathedral Cartulary at Long¬ leat in 1718. 2 parts. 4 to. 4803 Ditto, Evesham Cartulary in Bibl. Harl. 2 parts. 4to. 4804 Ditto, Ex Registro Radulphi de Salopia, Epi. Balhon in Bibl, Harl. 6 parts. 4to. 4805 Ditto, ditto Glastonbury penes Lord Weymouth at Longleat. 7 parts. 4to. 4806 Extracts Ex Registro de Ely Priorat. 4807 Ditto, ditto, Hospit. S. Johis. de Bath. 4to. 1 vol, Ditto, ex Libro Domesday Exoniensi pro Com. Somerset. 4808 Ditto, ex Registro Priorat. de Bruton penes Dnm. Berkeley de Stratton. Anno. 1719. H ^ ita Regis Haroldi, ex libro de Fundatione S. Crucis de Waltham, in Bibl. Harl. Gencalogia Famili® de Finch, Comite Win- chelsea. 4809 Index Virorum et Locorum in Regro. Bruton. 4810 Exeerpta ex Registro Monost. Atkelneye penes Sir William Wyndham, Bart. 1735. 3 parts. 1 is missing 4811 Ditto, ex Regro. Priorat. Mavden Bradley penesThos. Lord Foley, anno 1736. 4812 Transcripts of Ancient Deeds of Bampfylde of Polti- more, anno 1736. *[ Transcript of the Exeter Doomesday for Co. Somerset. 4813 Antiquitates Britannic®, Saxonic®, et Anglic®. Col¬ lected by George Harbin. 5 vols. 4to. 4814 Collections for Somersetshire Genealogies. 4to. 4815 Carlularium breve Famili® de Lutterel, de Dunster Castle. 4to. 4816 Genealogy of Talbot, E. of Shrewsbury, extracted from 5 vols. folio, of Genealogies at Longleat, written by Nathaniel Johnston, M.D. 2 parts. 4to. 4817 Genealogical and Historical Collections. 2 parts. 4to. 4818 Bampheld Genealogies. 4to. 4819 Genealogy of Percy, Earl of Northumberland. 2 parts. 4to. 4820 Ditto, Famili® de Sackville. 2 parts. 4to. 4821 Antiquitates Britanni® Roman®. 3 vols. 4to. 4822 Coker's Dorsetshire. 3 parts. 4to. 4823 Extracts from Rolls of Parliament, temp. H. 4 & 7 2 parts. 4to. 4824 Ditto. ditto, Harley and Cotton Libraries. 4 parts. 4to. 4825 Letters from an Ambassador. 1611 to 1615. 2 vols. 4to. 4826 Speculum Regis Edw. 3tii. p. Simon Islep, Archiep. Cantuar. 4to. 4827 Queen Elizabeth’s Visits to the Universities. 4to. 4828 Collections relating to the Clergy. 4to. 4829 Historical Collections from the Cotton and Harlev Libraries. 4to. 4830 Ditto, ditto, tempore Jac. and Car. 4to. 4831 Thomas Brown’s Answer to Stillingfleet. 2 vols. 4to. 4832 Speeches in Parliament. 1640. 4to. 4833 Stemmata Georgii Shirley de Staunton, Co. Leic. 1581. folio. Index Cartarum in Cartul.Glaston. 5f Cart® in ditto ditto. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 81 4834 Collectanea de rebus Britannicis. fol. ch. continet 1. Bulla Bonifacii P.Joh’i Colvylle, Mil. 2. Legitimation of the Children of Sir Ralph Sadler. 3. Attainder of Thos. Lord Howard. 4. Cartae de Eastwell penes Com. Win- chelsea. 5. Cartae Familiae de Ferrars de Chartley. Ex autographis penes L d Weymouth, 1718. 6. Inscriptiones Romanas apud Tarra- gonam in Hispaniam effossae. 1710. Exscripsit Geo. Hay. 7. Excerpta ex Cartulario de Carisbroke. S. Do. Do. Familiae de Stafford ducis de Buckingham penes Com. Stafford circa 1720. 9. Do. ex Codicib. MS 1 ' 5 . N° x. penes Com. Staff, continet descensus ter- rarum in Co. Gloc. 10.. Do. Do. Do. Relevia Debita Comiti Staff. If Et Nomina Villarum in Co. Norf. 11. Anstis on Coronations. 12. Genealogia de Bothby per R. Saun- derson Ep. Line. 13. Genealogia de Paynel et Shirley. 4835 Inquisitiones post Mortem p. Com. Somerset et Dors, ab H. III. ad R. III. 4 vols. fol. 4836 Alienations of Lands in Co. Somerset ab A 0 • . . . H. VI. ad ann. 45 Eliz. 1 vol. 4837 Sir W m Pole's Survey of Devon. 2 vols. fol. 4838 Rotuli Parliamenti, 3, 4, & 7 H. VII. fol. 4839 De Servo Catholico reddente debitum Domino suo in templo hasretico. 12mo. 4840 Index to Conveyances of the Earl of Essex’s Lands in Com. Pembroke, Brecon, Here¬ ford, Huntingdon, Staff. Warr. Leic. Al¬ derney, Ireland. ^f Obitus Dominorum de Ferrars. 18mo. 4841 Extracts from W. Pryn, Ryley, and Fabian Philips. ^f Controversy between Lord Morley and Lord Lovel of Tichmarsh about a Coat of Arms. 4to. 4842 Controversia et Compendium Beccarii. 4to. 4843 A. Tirrell's Recantation from Popery. Letters of Ric. Younge. 4to. 4844 Sir Wm. Parker’s Claim to the Barony of Monteagle. 4845 Jno. Feckenham s Scruples of Conscience on the Othe of Supremacie. 4to. ch. s. xvi. 4846 Poem of Jno. Phillips of Queen’s College, Cambridge, entitled “ The Honor of Fide- litie.” 4to. ch. s. xvi. 4847 Wm. Noy, Attorney General, on the Increase of the King's Revenues, 10. C.I. 4to. ch. 4848 An Apologie for King Richard the Third. 4to. ch. s. xvii. 4849 Proceedings in the House of Commons about Ld. Digby and Sir Richard Temple. 1662. 4to. 4850 On the Antiquity of Scotland, written to Duke Lauderdale. 4to. 4851 Dr. Oldish’s Plea for some Seamen, con¬ demned as Pyrates for fighting under King James 2nd’s Commission. 1692. 4to. 4852 Rev. Chas. Lesley’s Conference with a Quaker. 4to. 4853 Extracts from Francis Thynne’s Lives of the Lord Treasurers, penes J. Anstis. 4to. 4854 Thos. Spenser’s (of Wilton) Genealogical Collections of his own Descent from Burnell. 4to. 4855 Sir Walter Raleigh's Discourse on Spain. 1602. 4fo. 4856 Hunting of the Roman Fox. If Letters from Dr. Nalson's MSS. on the Rebellion. H Do. on Chas. II. from Hill’s Defence of the Zealanders. ^ Letters between King Wm. & Lord Somers. 4*to. 4857 Mr. Moyle’s Letter against the Thundering Legion. 4to. 4858 Extracts from Thynne’s Additions to Holing- shead’s Chronicle. 4to. 4859 Narrative of Col. Blood’s stealing the Crown. 4to. 4860 K. John 3rd’s Order to Eric Anderson to shorten the Life of his Brother. 1577. 4to. 4861 Rev. Thos. Morrice’s Memoirs of the Life and Death of Roger E. of Orrery. 4to. 4862 Sir Thos. Higgins’ Observations on the Court of the Elector of Saxony. ^ Do. Funeral Oration on his Wife. Dr. Basire’s Travels in the East. 4to. 4863 Transcript of Campden’s unpublished Let¬ ters. 4to. 4864 Answer to the pretended Account of the Bishop of Worcester about the Birth of the pretended Prince of Wales. 2 pts. 4to. 4865 Archbp. Wake’s Additions to his History of Synods. If Extracts out of Mr. R. Vaughan’s British Antiquities revived. 4866 Dr. Robt. Grey’s (M.D.) Examination of the 1st Chapter of the Bishop of St. Asaph’s Historical Account of the Church Govern¬ ment of Britain. 4867 Collection of Patent Rolls in the Tower from J. Anstis. 6 Nos. 4868 The Case of Merton College. 4869 De Militibus Anglise de Rege tenentibus. Genealogia Familiae de Trelawney. 4870 Milites tenentes de Rege in Co. Line. 4871 Names of Gentry, 17 H. VII. 4872 Hyde’s Title to the Barony of Lisle, Berks. 5[ Of the Barony of Abergaveny. 4873 Tenentes de Rege in Capite in Co. Wilts & Som. 28 E. I. 4874 Leland s Itinerary excerpta, &c. 4to. 4875 Letters of H. VIII. and Cardinal Wolsey. 4to. 4876 Do. Do. Do. Extracts. 4to. 4877 Do. of Do. to Anne Boleyn. 4to. 4878 Extracts of Letters from H. VIII. to Crom¬ well. 4to. 4879 Notes out of the Privy Council Books, t. H. VIII. E. VI. P. & M. 4 pts. 4to. 4880 Mary Q. of Scotts Right of Succession. Sir Henry Vane’s Letters. 4 parts. 4881 Copy of Original Letters of Jac. 1., Car. I., &c., from Ld. Harley’s Collection. 4882 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. from. 4883 Ld. Hatton’s State of Guernsey, 1680. 2 parts. Catalogue of Greenhouse Plants. 4884 Escheats for Somerset and Dorset. 4 parts. 4to. 4885 Collections for Somerset, Wilts, and Hants. 5 parts. 4to. 4886 Dr. Gregory on Dr. Cheyne’s Principles of Natural Religion. 4to. 4887 Of Parliaments. 4to. 4888 Letters of Killigrew, Sackville, Alessandro Farnese, &c. &c. folio. 4889 Papers relating to Scottish Affairs, &c. fol. 4890 Instructions of Cardinal Sermonetta to Pietro Caetano on his going to Flanders, fol. 4891 Controversia inter Jno. Ep. Oxon. et Tho. Ep. Lincoln. 1676. (said to be the Autograph of Thos. Barlow, Bishop of Lincoln.) fol. 4892 The Earl of Shaftesbury's Case. fol. 4893 Instructions touching the Bill for Free Trade. 4894 Letters of Wm. Lloyd, Bishop of St. Asaph. 4895 Papers on Naval Affairs, &c. tempore Oliver and Car. II. 4896 Sami. Lambe’s seasonable Observations to the Lord Protector, fol. A Printed Order of the Parliament, 1652, that Christmas Day shall not be kept sacred. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 82 4897 Memorials of Monk Duke of Albemarle, written soon after his decease. 4898 Speeches in Parliament held 1627 & 1628. Exhortation of K. Ch. I. The several passages at Edinburgh, 1689. ^ Sir Win. Jones, Knight, on Ship-money. 1638. The Case of Anne Waldron of Lamborn, said to be bewitched. An Enquiry into the Causes of the late Rebellion, fol. 4899 Scottish Papers before the Union. 4900 Bp. Tonstal’s Sermon. Autograph, fol. 4901 Bp. Ridley’s Answer to Bp. Hooper about Vestments, fol. 4902 Jno. Hale’s book about the D. of Somerset, t. E. VI. 4903 Roger Edwards to Queen Elizabeth about the Succession to the Crown. 4904 A Treatise of Treason against Queen Elizth. 1571. 4905 Grounds of the Prohibicions to the High Commission. 4906 Declaration to the Duke de Guise concerning the Queen of Scotland. 4907 Walsingham's letter to persuade the King of Scotland not to revenge his Mother's death. 4908 Queries whether the Marriage of the E. of Westmoreland with the Sister of his de¬ ceased Wife is valid. 4909 Papers concerning the Alteration of the Calendar. 4910 Do. relating to the Duke of Somerset. 4911 Extentus terrarum Annas, filiae & heredis Henrici Comitis Essex. Lord Guildford's MSS. [ The Number at the Top is the Number of each Lot in the Guildford Sale Catalogue , containing so many Volumes in each Lot as are mentioned here . The Titles of many of these Vols. were omitted by Evans in the Sale Catalogue .] 4912. 4913. 4914. 4915. 4916. 4917. 4918. 4919. 4920. 4921. 4922. 4923. 4924. 4925. 4927. 4928. 4929. 4930. 4931. 4932. 4933. 4934. 4935. 4936. 4937. 4938. Box 1, Case 1. (No. 2.—12 Vols.) 1. Relazioni diversi. 2. Varia MS. 3. Fatti in Portogallo. 4. Assassinato contro il Re di Porto¬ gallo. 5. Vita del Mazarino. 6. Recueil de Pieces pour l’Histoire de France. 7. Vita S. Grimoaldi. 8. Ombra del Card. Massarini. 9. Trattati di Pace tra le due Corone. 10. Breviar. Politic. Mazarin. 11. Comissio di Clem. XI. 12. Vita di Veronica Laparelli. (No. 4.—6 Vols.) 1. L’Inghilterra Isaminata. 2. Vita di Anna Bolena. 3. Antiquity of English Parliaments. 4. Metamorphosis Anglorum. 5. Howard on Lazarettos. 6. British Trade in Turkey. (No. 9.— 1 Vol.) Isaias Propheta. Greec6. (No. 10.—8 Vols.) 1. TgXfj/x. IIjaxTiXTi. 2. n§a£i; PnTCfiJOj. 3. AyxfjLir.ei; ra ’ASw. 4. Max. Planudes de Verbis. 5. n £?t Pr,TG£lV.«. 6. Theophili Corydaleos. 7. Alexius tjeji -acivfliKnf. 8. Mvtjfin tu ‘A > Greed. (No. 11.—3 Vols.) 4939. 1. Christoduli Operae. 4940. 2. Didascalia. 4941. 3. rifj» ayavn;. (No. 12.—1 Vol.) 4942. Dictionar. Graccura. (No. 14.—1 Vol.) 4943. Letters from London, &c., 1673, to the Abbe Falconieri. Very thick Vol., 4to. (No. 16.—2 Vols.) 4945* 9*} Correspondence of M. Eustache. (No. 17.—3 Vols.) 4946. 1. Cong. Utr. Viena Amb r Zanetti. 4947. 2. Do. Do. di Parigi. 4948. 3. Lettere di Ruzini. (No. 18.—1 Vol.) 4949. Alcorano. (No. 19.—2 Vols.) 4950. 1. Joseph Ben Gorion Hist. Judaica. 4951. 2. MS. Siriaco. (No. 23.-5 Vols.) 4952. 1. Barclay’s Argenis. Greece. 4953. 2. Theocritus. Greece et Italice. 4954. 3. Poloxene, Tragcedia. 4955. 4. Korakistica. 4956. 5. Ectiotou. (No. 28.-2 Vols.) 4957. I* Carolus Crassus de Ecclesia liberanda ab Hasresibus. 4958. 2. Laurentii Beli Scholia de Judeis. j» Greece. (No. 29.—3 Vols.) 4959. 1. Tancredi Oratio pro Fide Catholica. 4960. 2. Dialogo del Memo al Card. Borello. 4961. 3. Pisanelli Pictura Locorum pugnarun inter Venetos et Turcos. (No. 32.-8 Vols.) 4962. 1. San Canciano Cronica Veneta. 4963. 2. Do. Do. Do. 4964. 3. Cronica Venetia. 4965. 4. Do. Do. 4966. 5. Congiura de Spagnuoli. 4967. 6. Relatione di Venetia. 4968. 7. Annali di Do. 1588. 4969. 8. Regolamento Politico dato alia Rep. Venetiae. (No. 33.—10 Vols.) 4970. 1. Historia Veneza. 4971. 2. Cronica di Venezia. 4972. 3. Cronica Veneta. 4973. 4. Veneta, par Alfons. de la Cueva. 4974. 5. Mag. Sop. Monast. Venetis. 4975. 6. Govern. Repub. Veneta. 4976. 7. Congiura di Spagnuoli. 4977. 8. Relazione del P. Bassadonna. 4978. 9. Blasii Cronicon. 4979. 10. De Imperio Venet. in Adriatico. (No. 36.—10 Vols.) 4980. 1. Genova par Mamini. 4981. 2. Notiz. del S. Ufficio di Genoa. 4982. 3. Relazione del Seguia in G. 4983. 4. Notiz. Istoriographice. 4984. 5. Genova MS. 4985. 6. Tratt. tra Ducit. Genova. 4986. 7. Guerra Civile di Genova. 4987. 8. Rocca tagliata Hist, di Genova. 4988. 9- Leggi di Genova. 4989. 10. Relazione di Genova. (No. 37-—11 Vols.) 4990. 1. Vita di Alfonso Re di Napoli. 4991. 2. Capecelatro Hist, di Napoli. 4992. 3. Tit. del Prim, di Re di Napoli. 4993. 4. Lettere di Napoli. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. S3 4994. 4995. 4996. 4997. 4998. 4999. 5000. 5001. 5002. 5003. 5004. 5005. 5006. 5007. 5008. 5009. 5010. 5011. 5012. 5013. 5014. 5015. 5016. 5017. 5. Hist, di Lupo di Sac. D. Valentian. 6. Donzelli Rivola di Napoli. 7. Istoria di Castaldo. 8. Andata di G. P. Corraggio. 9. Della Rivola di Napoli. 10. Inquisizionc di Napoli. 11. Hist. d’Antonino Castaldo. (No. 39.—11 Vols.) 1. Poesie Sonetti. 2. San Matteo. Tragedia. 3. Comedia. 4. Lucretio. 5. Cento Nodi. 6. Creso. Tragedia. 7. L’Inerme Animosa. 8. Satire di diversi, 1702. 9. Benetti Ardelia. 10. Quatro Novissimi. 11. Ghortacis Carmen ad Tomurmur. (No. 44.—6 Vols.) 1 . | Caroldo Istoria di Venetia. 2 vols. 3/ 4. 6 .- Contarini Hist. Veneziane. 4 vols. (No. 45.-5 Vols.) Caroldo Storia Venetiae. 2 vols. 3. Contarini Hist. Venetiae. 4. Historia di Venetia. 5. Do. Do. ? (No. 47.—2 Vols.) 5023. 1. Suppliche di Nobilta Veneta. 5024. 2. Croniche degli Famiglie di Venetia. (No. 48.—2 Vols.) 5025. 1. f Gradenigo Ambascierie della Re- 5026. 2. i publ. di Venetia. 2 vols. veil. (No. 49.—8 Vols.) 5027. 1- Prime Mosse del Armata Veneta con¬ tra rOttomani, 1684. 5028. 2. Della Guerra tra Venetiani e Tur- chi. Vol. 1. 1537. 5029. 3. Do. Vol. 2. 5030. 4. Guerra tra Veneziane. 5031. 5. Diario dell’ Armata. 5032. 6. Relation de F. Gondola. 5033. 7. Giustificat. Pallavicino. 5034. 8. Giustificazione Veneziane. 5018. 5019. 5020. 5021. 5022. (No. 55.—9 Vols.) 5035. 1. Segne Miser. 5036. 2. Supp. Rit. et Cerem. 5037. 3. Trattato di Cavern Passionei. 5038. 4. Govern, dal Santo Re David. 5039. 5. Apolog. e Profez. 5040. 6. Reginaldi Expositio. 5041. 7. Ciampoli Discorso sopra le Decime. 5042. 8. Confutazione del Catechismo. 5043. 9. Destruzione delle Carmelitane nella Termonda in Flandria. (No. 56.—8 Vols.) 5044. 1. De proposit. proscript. 5045. 2. Do. Do. 5046. 3. Precetti de Leggi di Mose. 5047. 4. Faziel. Opera Moral. 5048. 5. Cossa dissert, dual de Persecutionibus l mi Sasculi et de Apocryphis. 5049. 6. Sur la decadenza di Religion. 5050. 7. Cossae dissertationes. 5051. 8. Istruzione fine al S t0 Retiro. (No. 57.-6 Vols.) 5052. 1. Liturgia. 5053. 2. Do. ex MS. Vallicell. 5054. 3. De Antiq. Offic. Muzarabum. 5055. 4. Liturg. ex MS. Vallicelli. 5056. 5. Chrysostomi Liturgia Slavonica. 5057. 6. Disputationes Joh’is Branca. (No. 61.—10 Vols.) 5058. 1. Capilluti Hist, di Mantova. 5059. 2. Appalti Camerali. 5060. 3. Fioreta Compendio Hist, di Mantoua. 5061. 4. Lago di Mantoua. 5062. 5. Notizie di Castell Gandolfo. 5063. 6. Responsio al Bianchini. 5064. 7- Relazione di Principi d’ltalie. 5065. 8. Jacob Valli notizie del C. Gandolfo. 5066. 9. Benigni Hist, del Appignano. 5067. 10. Hist, di Fiano. (No. 63.—10 Vols.) 5068. 1. Ragioni di Duce di Savoia. 5069. 2. Diarii di Gualdi. 2 vols. 5070. 3. Giornale de Duca di Monteleone. 5071. 4. Morte di Carolo Secundo. 5072. 5. Giovenazzo Annali. 5073. 6. Dialogo tra Polimede. 5074. 7. Calubani Raccolta. 5075. 8. Controvers. del Re di Savoia. 5076. 9. Istoria della Valtellina. 5077. 10. Istoria di Otricoli. (No. 64.—4 Vols.) 5078. 1. Viaggio di Clemente VII. 5079. 2. Viaggio del Card. Aldobrandini. 5080. 3. V. R. di Lon. Chr. di Loretto. 5081. 4. Viaggio di G. P. Corraggio. (No. 69.-8 Vols.) 5082. 1. De Martyrio Archiep’i Polocensis. 5083. 2. Vite di 9 Religiosi. 5084. 3. De Corte de Archiep. Sebastiani. 5085. 4. Festa del Corp. Dionini. 5086. 5. De Martir. S. Lorenzo. 5087. 6. Masucci de Nativ. B. Mariae. 5088. 7. Bartholom. de Sustinenda Cruce. ^089. 8. Beatificacio J. Palafox. (No. 71.—3 Vols.) 5090. 1. P. Pii VI. Defensio Religionis Catho- licae. 5091. 2. Interrogatio Episcoporum. 5092. 3. Do. Do. (No. 75.—1 Vol.) 5093. Famiglie Florentine. Thick folio, red morocco . (No. 81.— 1 Vol.) 5094. Statuta Universitatis Medicinae in Ferraria. (No. 82.-8 Vols.) 5095. 1. Ghioccarelli Investitura di Napoli. 7 vols. 5096. 8. Compend. Operum Ghioccarelli. (No.83.—7 Vols.) 5097. I- Storia di Nestorianismo. 6 vols. 5098. 7- Disputa sul Giansenismo. (No. 85.—12 Vols.) 5099. 1. Istoria degli Ordini. 5100. 2. Scion Relatio. 5101. 3. Fiocca Memorie di Roma. 5102. 4. Rimonstranze dell’ Avito. 5103. 5. Zenonis Relatio. 5104. 6. Relatione della Corte. 5105. 7. Della Corte Rornana. (N° cclxxiv.) 5106. 8. Manzoti. 5107. 9. Notiz. Polit. Istor. di Roma. 5108. 10. Relazioni di Principi d’ltalia. 5109. 11- Pasquinades on Leo XII. 5110. 12. Card. Cacchini affari di 40 anni. (No. 89.-8 Vols.) 5111. 1. Conclave Alexandri VIII. 5112. 2. Do. Julii III. 5113. 3. Do. Urbani VIII. 5114. 4. Do. Leo X. Clem. VII. Paolo III. 5115. 5. Do. diverse. 5116. 6. Do. ed altre. 5117- 7. Do. Pontifici Romani. 5118. 8. Do. osia Apparato ad Elezzioni di dlcuni Papi. (No. 90.—1 Vol.) 5119* Scutrinia post mort. Benedicti XIV. (No. 95.—12 Vols.) 5120. Fatti notabili nel Pontificato di Clem. XI. 12 vols. (No. 97.—12 Vols.) 5121. Vite de’ Pontifici dalla tempo d Ales¬ sandro VI. al Sisto V. 12 vols. N.B — only 10 vols. (No. 98.-10 Vols.) 5122. 1. Donatio Constantini Imperatoris. 5123. 2. Historia della Contessa Matilda. 5124. 3. 5125. 4. 5126. 5. 5127. 6. 5128. 7. 5129. 8. 5130. 9. 5131. 10. (No. 99-—9 Vols.) 5132. 1. Race. Istor. de Dominio della Chiesa. 5133. 2. De Jurisdict. Eccles. 5134. 3. Investitura di Papi. 5135. 4. Sopra l’origine Jacolla e abusi dell Economico Apostol. di Milano. 5136. 5. Ragguaglia Storica. 5137. 6. Registro di Lettere per lo Stato Eclesiast. 5138. 7. Sopra la Pianta delle Valle di Comac- chio. 5139. 8. Gaetano difesa della Liberia Eel. 5140. 9. Piante della confinazione in Valdi- chiane, 1778. (No. 100.—12 Vols.) 5141. 1. Controv. tra Papa e il Re Sardegna. 5142. 2. Macedo pro Setle Romana. 5143. 3. Jura Eccl'iae in Statu Castri. 5144. 4. De Castello di S t0 Marino. 5145. 5. Consulta del Duca d’Argento. 5146. 6. Marcello sopra gli Stati di Eccl. Rom. 5147. 7. Trattato della Regale. 5148. 8. Giurisdiz. di Stato Eccles. 5149. 9. Ragioni sopra Ferrara. 5150. 10. Dominio di Pontifici sopra Parma. 5151. 11. Ferrara ricuperata da Clem. VIII. 5152. 12. Istoria del Marcello. Box 21. (No. 102.—20 Vols.) 5153. Collectiones Historicae. Materie varie coll Indice. 20 vols. (No. 105.—20 Vols.) 5154. Collectiones Historicae. Do. Do. Do. 20 vols. (No. 112.—2 Vols.) 5155. Versi Critici. 2 vols. These are Pasquinades on the Court of Rome. (No. 113.—6 Vols.) 1. Poesie del Ciampo, Autograph. 2. Do. Liriche dell Azzolini. 3. Vincenze Gramigna Ecloga. 4. Epithalamium D. Filip.Ducis di Giove, 1793. 5. Fagidoli, il Cicisbeo, Comedia. 6. Do. Capitoli. (No. 121.—4 Vols.) 1. Regestum Imp. Friderici II. 2. De rebus d’ Imp. et Conradi et Man- fredi filior. ejus. 3. Patritii Vita Federici ABnobarbi. 4. Alex. Zillioli Genealogias Imperiales. (No. 122—10 Vols.) 1. Caraffa della Stato di Germania, 1628. 2. Caraffa Hist, di Do. 3. Capillupi ad Imp. Carlo V. 4. Avertimenti di Do. Do. 5. Geografia di Germania. 6. Istoria di Russia e Prussia. 7. Assedio di Vienna, 1683. 8. Germania. 9. Li Stati di Germania. 10. Sopra le Azzioni di Gramonville. (No. 123-—9 Vols.) 1. Badonari Relaz. di Germania, 1529. 2. De Rebus gestis Federici Imperatoris. 3. Guerra di Ungheria, 1594. 4. Austria. 5. Relaz. del Imp. Carlo V. 6. De Germania. 7. Relazione di Germania. 8. Do. dello Stato della Do. 1628. 9. Olanda. (No. 124.—4 Vols.) 5185. 1. Cronica di tutte le Casi Veneti. 5186. 2. Nobilta Veneta- 5187. 3. Famiglie Venete. 5188. 4. Case di Nobilta Do. (No. 125.—4 Vols ) 5189. 1. Cronica dal Principi di Venezia sino 1446. 5190. 2. Venezia Procuratore di S. Marco. 5191. 3. Vite de Dosi. 5192. 4. Cercmoniale S. Marci Venetiae. (No. 126.—4 Vols.) 5193. 1. Phylippini Cronica Veneta, 1641. 5194. 2. Cronicon Venetum saec. XI. 5195. 3. Do. Do. sino 1687* 5196. 4. Do. Do. (No. 127.—6 Vols.) 5197. 1. Cronica Veneta. 2. Do. Do. 3. Do. Venetum. 4. Do. di Venetia. 5. De Monachis, Cronica di Veneta saec. XV. 6. Cronica Veneta {in boards.) (No. 128.—8 Vols.) 1. Cronica Veneta ad 1483. 2. Do. Do. 3. Do. Do. 4. Do. Do. 5. Do. Do. 6. Conjura Baiomontis Thiepoli, 1510. 7. Cronici Veneti. 8. Storia Universalis e Singularis Veneta. 5198. 5199. 5200. 5201. 5156. 5157. 5158. 5159. 5160. 5161. 5162. 5163. 5164. 5165. 5203. 5204. 5205. 5206. 5207. 5208. 5209. 5210. 5211. 5212. 5213. 5214. 5215. 5216. 5217. 5218. (No. 129—8 Vols.) 1. Cronica Veneta. saec. XV. 2. Do. Do. 3. Do. Venetia. 4. Do. Do. per Tiepolo. 5. Do. Veneta per Zancaruolli. 6. Do. Do. 7. Do. Do. sino 1370. 8. Familie di Dogi. (No. 130.-1 Vol.) Lectionarium. vel. s. xv. (No. 5220. 5221. 5222. 5223. 5224. (No. 141*.—20 Vols.) 1 . ,* Burchardi Ceremoniale. 2 vols. 3. Scriniani Cronicon sive Hist. Rerum Notabil. Romae. 4. Miscellanee Lettere. 5. Controvers. di Francia. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 85 5225. 6. Infessurze et alior. Diaria. 5226. 7. Instruttioni dal Barberino. 5227. 8. Successi in tempo P. Innoc. X. 5228. 9. Instrutt. sopra Germania. 5229. 10. Controversie varie. 5230. 11. Affari de Propaganda Fide. 5231. 12. Diaria del Duca d’Ossuna. 5232. 13. De Governo delle Stato Ecclesiastico. 5233. 14. Diarii e legatione. 5234. 15. Instrutt. del Card. Ludovisio. 5235. 16. Della Corte di Roma. 5236. 17. Vite di Philippo Strozzi. 5237. 18. Amydeni Vita. 5238. 19. Relaz. di Ambasciatori Venezia. 5239. 20. Nunziatura di M. Castyna. (No. 142.—20 Vols.) 2 ^ Relazioni di Ambasciatori. 3. Trattato del Duello. 4. Relazioni ed Istruzioni. 5. Avocatura di Napoli. 6. Inquisit. di Roma refutata in Do. 7. Napoli soggiogato da Francesi. | La Spagna Combattuta. 10. Relazioni diversi. 11. Controversia de Modena. 12. Informazione di Boppolo. 13. Guerre e Paci de Sudditi. 14. Discorso Politico. 15. Scelto di Retorici. 16. Vita di Gio. d’Austria ? 17. Governo di Roma di M. Spadato. 18. De Dominio Papae in Sicilia. 19. Informaz. al Card. Urbino. 20. Relazione diverse. (No. 150.—1 Vol.) 5260. Amidei, Avertimenti al Re Carlo II. di Inghilterra, 1660. (No. 151—4 Vols.) 5261. 1. Trattati Politic!. 5262. 2. Filiarco de Audientia data per Prin- cipi ai loro Vassalli. 5263. 3. Laurentii Grana Oratio. 5264. 4. Do. Do. Do. veil. (No. 152.—7 Vols.) 5265. 1. Malaspinae Epistolas. 5266. 2. Gigli Mazzo di Cose diverse. 5267- 3. Madrutii Epistolae Amicorum. 5268. 4. Do. et Orationes. 5269. 5. Epistole di Alessandro Pagliare. 5270. 6. Do. del Stephonii. 5271. 7. Do. di Joan Barnitius. 5240. 5241. 5242. 5243. 5244. 5245. 5246. 5247. 5248. 5249. 5250. 5251. 5252. 5253. 5254. 5255. 5256. 5257. 5258. 5259. 5290. 5291. 5292. 5293. 5294. 5295. 5296. 5297. 5298. 5299. 5300. 5301. 5302. 5303. 5304. 5305. 5306. 5307. 5308. 5309. 5310. 5311. 5312. 5313. 5314. 5315. 5316. 5317- 5318. 5319. 5320. 5321. 5322. 5323. (No. 158.—2 Vols.) 1. Bullae Pii IV. et V. veil. 2. Varia Indulta ad Card. Albano. veil. (No. 160.—2 Vols.) 1. Index Codicum MSS. in Bibl. Chigi. 2. Catalogus Scriptor. Eccles. S. Augus- tini. 1553. (No. 162.—2 Vols.) 1. Sacrae Liturgias Selecta, 1657. 2. La Messe des Syro-Chaldeens. (No. 163.—4 Vols.) 2. I Lettere Autograft di Lambertini. 3. J 4 vols. 4 J (No. 164.—1 Vol.) Colnaghi Carmina. Autograph. 1602. (No. 166—1 Vol.) Palaeographica Sclavonica. 6 fasciculi. (No. 167—1 Vol.) Duodo Viaggio in Inghilterra. (No. 169.—1 Vol.) S. Gregorii Decretales. veil. (No. 172.—3 Vols.) 1. ■) Viaggio del Card. Alessandrino, 1571. 2. / 2 vols. 3. Do. de Don Lelio Orsino in Ale- magna, 1587. (No. 186—7 Vols.) 1. Aspasia. 2. Perdicari Diomed. 3. IcrlogtKoi /xcyct\diKT>] 4. rfa^ta-ixrj TovgMxn. 5. Nicephori Epistola, &c. 6. Constantinus tteji Acnovoyiu;. 7. AvxTgoQc Ton A\nvaaa-ix. J Greece. (No. 189—6 Vols.) I 5. 6 . ^•Istoria della Santo Officio. Risposta all Hist, del Inq. Do. dell Card. Albizi de 4 parts. Do. (No. 191.—4 Vols.) 1. Istoria del Inquisitione di Napoli. 2. Decreti del Inquisitione. 3. Pratica del modo del S. Officio. 4. Marescotti Istruzzione a suo Succes- sore a Malta. (No. 153—5 Vols.) 5272. 1. Ravoli Opera Postuma. 5273. 2. Poesie ed Altro. 5274. 3. Bernardino Gelosia al AbbateCornaro. 5275. 4. Nomi’s Buda Expugnata, e varie Pnpci 5276. 5. Miscell. P. VII. (No. 192.—6 Vols.) 5324. 1. Voti per la Congregatione de Riti. 5325. 2. Ceremoniale. 5326. 3. De Elect. Pontificum Dubia. 5327. 4. Paris de Grassi Ceremoniale Capella?. 5328. 5. De Electione Pontificum. 5329. 6. Summarium de Do. (No. 154—5 Vols.) 5277. 1 . Statuts de S. Michel. 5278. 2. Ordini di Cavalcar. 5279. 3. Onore Cavallaresco. 5280. 4. Rwykter de Adamidarum Origine. 5281. 5. Descendenza del Signor Riarii Bologna, veil. (No. 1.56.—8 Vols.) 5282. 1 . Relatione della Bohema. 5283. 2. Varie Notizie. 5284. 3. Missio Suetica. 5285. 4. Roma Varie. 5286. 5. 11 Serpente di Zibaldoni. 5287. 6. Muretta de Drusis, 1774. 5288. 7. Materie Varie. 5289. .8. Narratione delle cose di Venezia. (No. 193—7 Vols.) 5330. 1.' 5331. 2. I Per il Clero di Roma agli Cardinali 5332. 3. (’ Yorck, Colonna, e Marefoschi. 5333. 4.- 5334. 5. Statuta Cleri Romani. 5335. 6. Nicolai de Juris et Priv. Do. Do. 5336. 7. Processi nel Tribunali. (No. 194.—15 Vols.) 5337- 1. Acta Consistorialia di P. Clem. XI. 5338. 2. Do. Do. Pii IV. 5339. 3. Do. Do. Greg. XIII., Inn. IX., Clem. VIII. 5340. 4. Do. Do. Card. Caraffas. 5341. 5. Do. Do. Do. S. Severing. 5342. 6. Do. Do. Do. Cesarini. h CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 86 5343. 5344. 5345. 5346. 5347- 5348. 5349. 5350. 5351. 5352. 5353. 5354. 5355. 5356. 5357. 5358. 5359. 5360. 5361. 5362. 5363. 5364. 5365. 5366. 5367. 5368. 5369. 5370. 5371. 5372. 5373. 5374. 5375. 5376. 5377. 5378. 5379. 5380. 5381. 5383. 5384. 5385. 5386. 5387. 5388. 5389. 5390. 5391. 5392. 5393. 5394. 5395. 5396. 5397. 5398. 5399. 5400. 5401. 5402. 5403. 5404. 5405. 7. Decreta S. Rituum Congreg. 8. Do. Do. Do. 9. Do. di diversi Congregations 10. Do. Consistorialiade 1498 al 1644. 11. Do. Do. Do. Do. 12. Vota Do. varia. 13. Positiones S. Congreg. Inn ti8 . 14. Reformatio Capellae. 15. Positiones Congreg. Inn. (No. 195.—11 Vols.) 1. Brevia di Clem. XI. 2. Do. Do. 3. Apologia Antonii Diana. 4. Minute di Bolle di Sisto V. 5. Paulus Ala Leone. 6. Indici di lettere Apostoliche. 7- Capitolazioni tra Pontif. e Principi. 8. Index Brevium P. Julii III. 9. Historic diversi. 10. Registrum Bullarum. 11. Bolle e breve di S. E. Orsini. (No. 196—7 Vols.) 2. > Registrum P. Greg. IX. 3 vols. 3. J 4. Acta Schismatis, 1738. 5. Nicolai Riccobaldi Compend. 6. Cengii Liber Censuum. 7. Dadini Coment. in Clementinas. (No. 204.—7 Vols.) 1. Della Bolla Unigeniti. 2. Lett, dell Duca d'Orleans. 3. Miscell. MS. 4. Apologia sup. Constit. Unigeniti. 5. Storia della Do. Do. 6. Opuscula in Causa Do. Do. 7. Considerationes super Do. Do. (No. 205—5 Vols.) 1. Famil. Nobil. di Roma. 2. Do. Do. Do. 3. Amayden delle Do. Do. 4. Processi per la Nobilta Do. 5. Do. Do. Do. Do. (No. 206.—1 Vol.) Angeli de Aretio in Leges Criminales sive de Gambil. Criminal. 1460. (No. 217—1 Vol.) Statuta Bononiensia, 1377. veil. (No. 223—3 Vols.) . /-Nuovo Mondo, overo le due Ame- ' ' riche, l’Imperio della Cina, e del rimanente del Asie delle sue lsole. 3 vols • (No. 224—4 Vols.) 1. Riti Cinesi. 2. Dello Regno di Cina. 3. Varia Scripta de quibusdam Sinarum usibus. 4. Indie Orientals (No. 239—7 Vols.) 1. Infeudatio Regni Siciliae. 2. Materie div. di Do. 3. Investitura di Do. 4 Descript, del Isola di S. 5. Laurent. Bonincontri Hist, di Do. 6. Infeudatio Siciliae. 7. Sicilia. (No. 240.—8 Vols.) 1. Domin. Sedis Apcstol. in Sicilia. 2. Dissert, de Jure Patronat. 3. Laderchi della Monarchia Sicil. T. 1. 4. Do. Do. T. 2. 5. Monarchia di Sicilia. T. 3. 6. Tribunale della Monarchia. 7. Infeudatio Siciliae. 8. Investitura Regni Sicil. 5406. 5407. 5408. 5409. 5410. 5411. (No. 241.—6 Vols.) 1. Archivium Neapolitanum. 2. Familiae Do. 3. Marchesii de Do. 4. Do. Do. 5. Memorie Antiche de Do. 6. Torto e Dritto del Nobilta Nap. 5412. 5413. 5414. 5415. 5416. 5417. 5418. 5419. 5420. 5422. 5423. (No. 243.—12 Vols.) 1. Fatti di Napoli. 2. Castaldi Storia Do. 1547. 3. Sicilia e Do. 4. Istoria di Do. 5. Giurisdict. Eclesiae Do. 6. Napoli, 1711-12. 7. Pi G. Notizie di Do. 8. Governo di Card. Borgia. 9. Del Tumulto di Napoli. 10. Osservat. sopra la Scrittura. 11. Difesa del Liberta Eccles. 12. Diario segreto di Napoli. Box 4. (No. 244.—9 Vols.) 5424. 1. Governo del Duca d’Alcala. 5425. 2. Aggiunta alii Giorni. 5426. 3. Parlamento di Napoli. 5427. 4. Cronica Scandalosa di Napoli. 5428. 5. Sollevantamento di Massaniello. 5429. 6. Napoli Controversie. 5430. 7. Borelli Apparat. Historicus ex Archi- vis Neapolitans 5431. 8. Vita Regis Manfredi. 5432. 9. Governo di Card. Colonna. (No. 247.—4 Vols.) 5433. 1. Instit. Juris Civilis. 5434. 2. Justiniani Instit. 5435. 3. Pacii Aberiga Erotemata in Pandectas. 5436. 4. Legge Civili Justiniani. (No. 249.—2 Vols.) 5437- 1. Statuta Mediolana, ssec. xv. 5438. 2. Do. Civilia Viquerriae. (No. 250.—5 Vols.) 5439. 1. Legge Salica della Francia. 5440. 2. Testi Legali. 5441. 3. Sopra la Regalia. 5442. • 4. 5443. 5. (No. 251.—5 Vols.) 5444. 1. Causae Matrimoniales. 5445. 2. Discursus sup. Do. 5446. 3. Hist. Juris Canonici. 5447. 4. Bononien. Matrimon. 5448. 5. Liber Censuum. (No. 252.—5 Vols.) 5449. 1. Processus pro Principe Buteri. 5450. 2. Do. contro Vescovo di Valva. 5451. 3. Causa del Sordo e Muto. 5452. 4. Memorie di . . . . Pazzi. 5453. 5. Liber Extensionum. (No. 255—8 Vols.) 5454. 1. Successos de Espana in 1564. 5455. 2. Differenza tra Henr. IV. et . . . . 5456. 3. Camparelli Monar. Spagna. 5457. 4. Vite D. Giovan. d’Austria. 5458. 5. Jurisdict. di Castilla. 5459. 6. Relation del Duca d'Oliveres. 5460. 7. Capi contr. Due. d’Ossuna. 5461. 8. Carlo V. Imp. Recordo al Figlio. 5462. 5463. 5464. 5465. 5466. 5467. 5468. (No. 256—7 Vols.) 1. Servizii d'Onofrio lo Campo. 2. Catalogna. 3. Relaz. di Spagna. 4. Gabinetto Alberoni. 5. Spagna nel tempo del Felipe II. 6. Pretenzi tra Francia et Spagna. 7. Acciones del Conde Duca. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 87 (No. 257.—3 Vols.) 5469. 1. Pleitos de Spagna. 5470. 2. Spagna. 5471. 3. Miscell. di Spagna. (No. 262.-9 Vols.) 5472. 1. Fortificazione. 5473. 2. Di Cose di Guerra. 5474. 3. II Cavallo Amaestrato. 5475. 4. Philosophia Naturale. 5476. 5. Geografia Istorica. 5477- 6. Do. Do. 5478. 7- Pujati Elementa Geografica. 5479. 8. Traite de la Fortificazione. 5480. 9. Exercitatio Anatomica. (No. 264.-3 Vols.) 5482 2 } Giannoni Opere inedile. 5483. 3. Do. Professione di Fede. (No. 266.-3 Vols.) 5484. 1. Malbranche del Infini Cree. 5485. 2. Dissert, sul Vampiri. 5486. 3. Gori sopra il probabilita, &c. 5516. 5517. 5518. 5519. 5520. 5521. 5522. 5523. 5525. 5526. 5527. 5528. 5529. 5530. 5531. 5532. 5533. 5534. (No. 316.—3 Vols.) 1. Vita di Savonarola. 2. Apologia Do. 3. Vita e difesa di Do. (No. 317.—8 Vols.) 1. Vita di Brandano. 2. Do. Mazzarini. 3. Do. Duchessa di Mazzarini. 4. Do. Donna Olimpia Maldacchini. 5. Do. Card. Alberoni. 6. Do. Do. Coscia. 7. Do. lnnocentii de Chiusa. 8. Processo di F. G. Burri. (No. 320.—7 Vols. 1. Filippiche. 2. Mallara Proverbi Spagnoli. 3- Clavidoro y Rosamira. 4. Exemp. contro los Enganos. 5- Gli amori di Sigismundo. w" j- Zaida, Storia Spagnola. 2 vols . (No. 324—1 Vol.) Andrea? Cretensis E^aeia. rov Kavo»o$. Grace. 5487 - 5488. 5489. 5490. 5491. 5492. 5493. 5494. 5495. 5496. 5497. 5498. 5499. 5500. 5501. 5502. 5503. 5504. 5505. 5506. 5507. 5508. * 5509. 5510. 5511. 5512. 5513. 5514. 5515. (No. 268.—5 Vols.) 1. Gratianus de Casibus Illustrium. 2. Trattato di Conversazione. 3. De Dovere dell’ Uomo. 4. Caracciolo del Varieta di Fortuna. 5. Risposta del Conte Bistolf di Creinz. (No. 269.-8 Vols.) 1. Poesie diverse. 2. Oddi Griselda, Tragi-comcedia. 3. Comcedia di Matrimonio Stravagante. 4. Poesie varie. 5. La Laodice, Tragcedia. 6. Valentini's Antiopa, a Tragedy written for Ld. Guilford. 7- Ladonia. Tragcedia. 8. II Cid, Tragi-comcedia dall Abb. Cor- nelio tradotto. (No. 270.—6 Vols.) 1. Viccei Opera. 2- Peresii, il Maggio Romanesi. 3. Poesie Magalote. 4. Moneta Cortona Convertita. 5. Cantate P. Catanei. 6. Canzone. (No. 273.—2 Vols.) 1. Petri Columnae Carmina Miscellanea. 2. Durini Hymenaeus. (No. 274.— 1 Vol.) Della Francia et Inghilterra. Narratione delle Regine di Scotia. 51 Disculpatione Card. Morone Le¬ gato in Inghilterra. (No. .— Vols.) ******* (No. •— Vols.) ******* (No. 282.—4 Vols.) 1. Canonizatio Martyrum de Japon. 2. Do. F. Xavier. 3. Miscell. de Vit. SS tor . 4. Vanslebii Synoda Abyssiniae. Auto¬ graph. (No. 297-—1 Vol.) Augustini Hipponis Suntagmation Ca- nonum. GrcecL (No. 298.—1 Vol.) Istoria Sena, sive Montis Sinai. Greece. (No. 300.—8 Vols.) 8. Letters of P. Benedict XIV., &c. Svols. (No. 327.-1 Vol.) 5535. Damasceni Opera. Greece, ch. 6. xv. (No. 328.—1 Vol.) 5536. J. Damasceni Historia Barlaam et Josaphat. GrcecL. (No. 333.—9 Vols.) 5537. 1. Lettere di Amulio. 1560-2. 5538. 2. Republica Venezia, llelat. d’ Aluizi Mocenigo. 5539. 3. 5540. 4. Navigero Relat. di Roma. 5541. 5. Itelat. della Corte di Do. 5542. 6. Do. di Roma. 1530. 5543. 7. Do. Spagna del Zane. 5544. 8. Do. di divers. Com. e Instruttioni. 5545. 9. Congiura di Marino Falieri. (No. 335.—9 Vols.) 5546. 5547- 1 . 2. | Francia relazione diversi. 5548. 3. Relazioni di Francia. 1564. 5549. 4. Morosini Relaz. Do. 5550. 5. Soriani Relazioni di Roma. 1516. 5551. 6. Lettere del Ambass. di Venezia. 5552. 7. Relaz. di Corti dal Ambasc. 5553. 8. Do. di Foscarini Prov. da Mar. 5554. 9. Vimina Relat. di Moscovia. 1657- (No. 345.—7 Vols.) 5555. 1 . Serie di Conservatori di Roma. 5556• 2. Do. 5557. 3. Do. 5558. 4. Do. Indice. 5559. 5. Li Rege e Consoli di Rep. Rom. 5560. 6. Notizie al Senato Romano. 5561. 7. Do. Spet. al Senato Romani. (No. 346.-8 Vols.) 5562. 8. Venezia Annotazioni. 1675. 8 vols. (No. 349.—1 Vol.) 5563. Priuli Ducis Venetiae Capitularia. (yell.) 5564- 5565. 5566. 5567. 5568. 5569. 5570. 5571. 5572. (No. 350.—9 Vols.) 2.J 3 .1 Regolat. del Comercio Veneto. 4. ( 1735. 6 vols. 5. 6 . ) g’ 1 Scritture Dec. e Terminaz. del Com- g* j mercio Veneto. 3 vols. (No. 351.—3 Vols.) 5573. 1. Origin & Armi Nobil. Venet. A°. 1310. 5574. 2. Due Corone della Nobilta Do. 5575. 3. Cronica di famiglie di Veneta. 88 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTOIIUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. (No. 353—4-1 Vols.) 5576. 41- Nani’s Diplomatic Correspondence relating to the Morea. 1700 to 1705. (No. 354.-6 Vols.) 5577. 6. Antonio Nani’s Correspondence re¬ specting the Morea. (No. 357.-8 Vols.) 5578. 8. Lettere a fsua Serenita da Constan- tinopoli. 1626-29. (No. 359.—32 Vols.) 5579. 32. Letters of Venetian Ambassadors from Constantinople to the Doge. 1668 to 1735. (No. 361—6 Vols.) 5580. 1. Africa Greci Italo Greci Missioni. 5581. 2. Franco Pratica della Missioni. 5582. 3. Processo per la Croce di Malta. 5583. 4. Ind. di Lingua di Relig. Gerosol. 5584. 5. Amato Costumi dei Greci. 5585. 6. Passagio nella Citta Jerusalem. (No. 367—2 Vols.) 5586. 1. Caraffa 2 Epistolas Annor. 1632-3-4. 5587. 2. Do. 1630-31. (No. 370—1 Vol.) 5588. Jeremiae Patriarch. Eclogas ex Suida et Philone Judaeo. Grace. 5589. (No. 376.—5 Vols.) 1. Litterae et Bullae Pontificum. 5590. 5591. 2. 3. So! So! Do! } 1^71 ad 1586. 5592. 4. Do. di P. Gregor. VII. A 0 1074. 5593. 5. Legatio ad Regem Aragonias. 1421. (No. 379—10 Vols.) 5594. 1. Lettere del Nunzio a Card. Monte. 5595. 2. Do. M. Lippomani in Polonia. 5596. 3. Do. M. Emules. 5597. 4. Do. M. Mirto. 5598. 5. Do. Card. Farnese. 1539. 5599. 6. Do. Do. Caraffa. 1555. 5600. 7. Do. Archiv. di Nazaret. 5601. 8. Do. P. Julio III. 1551. 5602. 9. Do. Do. Segretario. 5603. 10. Relazione di Marino Cavalli. (No. 380.—9 Vols.) 5604. 1. Lettere di Santa Croce in Francia. 5605. 2. Do. Do. Do. 5606. 3. Do. del Nunzio di Polonia al Card. Borromeo. 5607. 4. Do. del Card. d’Este. 5608. 5. Do. del Card. Borromeo. 5609. 6. Do. Do. Gambara. 5610. 7. Do. Do. Sisto e Como. 5611. 8. Istruzioni a M. Salviati. 5612. 9. Viaggio del Card. Alessandrino. 1571. Box 8. (No. 381.—10 Vols.) 5613. 1. Lettere di Card. Como. 1572-3. 5614. 2. £°: d°: d"} 15 ™- 81 - 5615. 3. 5616. 4. Do. Gregorio XIII. 1572-9. 5617. 5. Do. Castagno. 5618. 6. Do. al Card. Ilusticus. 5619. 7. Do. di Malaspina. 1592. 5620. 8. Instruttioni di Clem. VIII. 5621. 9. Do. a diversi Nuntii. 5622. 10. Lettere di F. Peranda. (No. 382.—6 Vols.) 5623. 1. 5624. 2. VGraziani Nunziatura. 1596. 5625. 3. J 5626. 5627- 4. 5. | Lettere di M.Minuzi. 1591-8. 5628. 6. Lettere di M. Germonio. 1594-1607* (No. 383.—11 Vols.) 5629. 5630. 5631. 1.- 1 Aldobrandino Legazione in Francia. j 1596. 5632. 4. Do. Diario del Viaggio. 1600. 5633. 5. Informazione per Duca Savoia. 5634. 6. Card. Caetani Legato in Polonia. 1596. 5635. 7. Do. Do. Lettere. 1596. 5636. 8. Do. Do. Do. 1597. 5637. 9. Do. Do. Appointment to his Embassy. 5638. 10. Do. Fiorenze Lettere. 5639. 11. Alessandro di Medici Legaz. in Fran- cia. 1596-8. Box 5. Case 7. (No. 384.-6 Vols.) . Ubaldino Nunziatura. 6 vols. 1607-1616. (No. 385.-32 Vols.) 5641. Lettere della Segretario di Stato di Paolo V. 1606-15. 32 vols. 5642. 5643. 5644. 5645. 5646. 5647. 5648. 5649. (No. 386.-8 Vols.) 1. Bentivoglio Nunziatura. 1 2-1 3. >Corsini Do. 1621. 4. J 5 . ) 6. Vlnstruzioni a div. Nunzii. 8. Lettere di Card. Ludovizio. 1621. 5650. 5651. 5652. 5653. 5654. 5655. 5656. 5657. 5658. 5659. 5660. 5661. (No. 388—12 Vols.) 1. Instrutt. della Corte di Roma. 20 3. > Do. a divers. Nuncii. 1621. 4. J } Do. di Urbano VIII. g’ | Lettere di M. Zacchia. 1621. 2 vols. . ‘ I Do. di M. Aguecchia. li JjJ 3 vols. 12. Do. diversi a diversi. 1621. (No. 389_19 Vols.) 5662. Lettere di M. Vitelli. 1632-43. 19 vols. 5663. 5664. 56 6. 5666. 5667. 5668. 5669. 5670. (No. 391.—8 Vols.) Lettere di M. Bagno. 1644. 4 vols. 1 . 2 . 3. 4.. 5 .1 Nunziatura di M. Delci. 1652. 6. J 2 vols. 7- Negozia tra Alex, VII. et Cristiante. 8. Mem. Istor. tra Corti di Roma e Vienna. (No. 393.—2 Vols.) 5671. 1- Privilegia Acciaiolse. 5672. 2. Registrum Privilegior. (No. .— Vols.) Do. (No. 399.—10 Vols.) ~ Comentar. del Azioni di Francia. lstoria di Francia. Sanctorius de Nece Ducis Guisii. Defectio Gallia? ab Henr. III. Fuga d’Henrico Borbon Princ. Conde. 5673. 1 . 5674. 2. 5675. 3. 5676. 4. 5677- 5. 5678. 6. 5679. 7. 5680. 8. 5681. 9. 5682. 10. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 89 (No. 401.—4 Vols.) 5683. 4. Tassoni Hist. Eccles. al 1500. 4 vols. (No. 403.—4 Vols.) 5684. 1. Assise di Cipro, s. xvi. 5685. 2. Statuta di Trieste. 5686. 3. Do. del Citta di Adriatico, 1532. 5687. 4. Bertrand de Insulis Rhodani. (No. 404.—1 Vol.) 5688. Statuta Civit. Bergomensis. ch. s. XV. (No. 407.—7 Vols.) 5689. 1- \ r oss ; Sacco di Roma. 5690. 2. X 5691. 3- Leon d Santoro Istoria di Sacco di Roma. 5692. 4. Istoria di Roma. 5693. 5. His 1 Roma. 5694. 6. Sacco di Roma. 5695. 7. Leggi degli Accademici Humoristi. (No. 410.—6 Vols.) 5696. 1. Raritas Medallorum. 5697. 2. Dissertazioni di Card. Orsi autograft. 5698. 3. Origo Nobilitatis Hispelli. 5699. 4. 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Schinosi Precedenz. di Fr. et Spagn. 5778. 10. Mazzarini Instruct. Politica. 5779. 11. Ragionamento di Carlo V. al Re Filippo. (No. 432.—12 Vols.) 5780. I- Storia di Geneva e Suizzeri. 5781. 2. Stoppani Storia di Flandra. 5782. 3. Relazione della Germania del Nani. 5783. 4. Governo di Borgogna. 5784. 5. Materia Politica. 5785. 6. Relationi di Vienna. 1684. 5786. 7. Compend. della Flandra. 5787. 8. Germania. 5788. 9- Desc. di P. Bassi. 5789. 10. Baly Ambasciator. Instruttione. 5790. 11. Trattati Istoriche. 5791. 12. Il Spione del Gran Signore. Box 10. (No. 433.—12 Vols.) . . 5792. 12. Nerli (C'ardinale) Annali Ecclesiastics tratti da Baronio e Rinaldi. 12 vols. red morocco• 90 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. (No. 434—6 Vols.) 5793. 6. Recueil de Chansons pour servir a l’Histoire Anecdotique. 6 vols. (No. 439.—8 Vols.) 5794. 8. Beverini Annales Luccenses. 8 vols. (No. 440—1 Vol.) 5795. Croricon S. Blasii. saec. xv. (No. — Vol.) (No. 454—11 Vols.) 5796. l.-| 5797- 2. >Scritture della Casa Feltria. 5798. 3.J 5799. 4. Famil. Italiee Famisii. 5800. 5. Monumenta Malaenoctis. 5801. 6. Famil. Nobil. di Marca. 5802. 7. Do. Rayano. 5803. 8. De Famil. Ursina. 5804. 9. De Do. Panvinio. 5805. 10. Nobilta di Montecchio. 5806. 11. Famil. Pippiniana. (No. 455—3 Vols.) 5807. 1. StabilimentaMilitias Hierosolymitanas. 5808. 2. StatutaOrdinisConstantini, S.Georgii, &c. 5809. 3. Do. Do. Do. (No. 456—7 Vols.) 5810. 1. Geneal. di Saluzzo. 5811. 2. Hist. Caballas Gentis. 5812. 3. Patrizi Veneti. 5813. 4. Famil. Anglona. 5814. 5. Do. Adimari. 5815. 6. Campanus de Famil. Italiae. 5816. 7. Nomina aggreg. in 28 Familiis Gene- vensibus. 1528. 5817. 5818. 5819. 5820. 5821. 5822. 5823. 5824. (No. 457.-8 Vols.) 1. Nobilta Veneta. 2. Genealogia Familias Zabarella. 3. Do. Do. Do. 4. Do. Do. Do. 5. Legitimita di Siracusano. 6. Descriz. di Fam. Nob. Venez. 7. Nicolo de Famil. Alidosii. 8. Summarium pro Albergati. Box 12. -5 Vols.) 5842. 5843. 5844. 5845. 5846. 5847. 5848. 5849. 5850. 5851. 5852. 5853. (No. 468—4 Vols.) 1. Malvetiis Cronicon Urbis Brixi*. 2. Cronicon Barth. Alfeo di Ancona. 3. Do. di Forli. 4. Pajarini Cronicon Vicentinum. s; xv. (No. 469—8 Vols.) 1. Memorie del Card. Bentivoglio. 2. Notizie A° 1656. 3. Gabinetto di Principi. 4. Scritti diversi dal 1695 al 1765. 5. Guerras d’ltalie. 1615. 6. Do. di Castro. 7. Interessi ed Affari di Principi. 8. Avertimenti Politici. 1543. 5854. 5855. 5856. 5857. 5858. 5859. 5860. 5861. 5862. 5863. (No. 470—5 Vols.) 1. Borgia Cronica Nucerina. 9 n , 2. Do. Do. Firmana. / 2 vok 3. Tantaglio Cronica di Salona e Spalato. 4. Zucchi Do. di Castro. 1441. 5. Annali di F. Mugnoni. 1416-1503. 5864. 5865. 5866. 5867. 5868. 5869. 5870. (No. 471.—5 Vols.) 1. Lettere del Card. Pallavicino. 2. Epistolae Cardinal, di Rivera. 3. Tristani Caraccioli Opera. 4. Lettera del Card. Penona. 5. Petri Aloysii Caraffas Epistolae. tom. 2 d0 . (No. 472—7 Vols.) 1. 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Libro d'Oro di Genovo. 2. Liber Nobilitatis Genuae. 3. Mem. delle 28 Famil. de Genoa. 4. Nobilta del Fam. Patrizie di Genoa. 5. Nobilta di Genoa per Giscardi. 6. Famiglie di Genoa. (No. 476.—6 Vols.) 1. Geo. Stellas Cronicon Januense. 2. Annales Genuenses. 3. Senarece de Rebus Genovas. 4. Varagine Cronic. Januae. 5. Caffarii Annales Republ. Genuensis. 6. Senareghe Annales Januenses. (No. 477.—10 Vols.) 1. Casali Storie di Genova. 2. S l Olon Memor. de Do. 3. Relaz. di Do. 1597. 4. Raccolta di Governi di Do. 5. Relaz. di Do. 6. Dialogo tra il Re Catolico e il Duca d’Alva intorno alia Rep. Genova. 7. La Regina Ligure. 8. Pol. Mai. di Gen. 1676. 9. Storie di Genova. 10. Lercaro de Turbolenze di Genova. 5894. 5895. 5896. 5897. (No. 478.—10 Vols.) 1. Miscell. Giscardi del Oratorio di Genova. 2. Varie Notizie di Do. 3. Vacchero Relaz. di Congiura contro la Republica. 4. Salbrigio Politiche Malattie di G. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 91 5898. 5. Discordia Civilis de Genova. 5899. 6. Republ. di Genoa. 5900. 7. Governo di Genoa. 5901. 8. Genova e Corsica. 5902. 9. Congiura di Vacchero, 5903. 10. Lercaro Turbolenze di Genoa. (No. 479.—10 Vols.) 5904. 1. Dialoghi sop. Republ. Gen. 1581-1608. 5905. 2. Cronica di Corsica. 5906. 3. Guerra di Savoia. 5907. 4. Congiura di Ceesar Vachero. 5908. 5. Repub. di Gen. 1575. 5909. 6. Relaz. Istorica di Ginevra. 1597. 5910. 7. Esami di Preem. dalla Rep. Gen. 5911. 8. Congiura di Vacchero. 5912. 9. Roccatagliata Annali di Genoa. 5913. 10. AfFat. L. Re. D. Gen. E. L. Co. (No. 480—1 Vol.) 5914. Relation di Joan Correro Ambascia- tore della Regina Maria d’lngil- terra. 1557- (No. 485—4 Vols.) 5915. 1. Vita di Paolo IV. Tom. 1. 5916. 2. Do. Do. Tom.2. 5917. 3. Memorie di L. Monaldesco. 5918. 4. Guerrm tra Paolo IV. e la Spagna. (No. 487-—5 Vols.) 5919. 1. Amidenii Elogia Pontific. 5920. 2. Vita Alexri. VII. 5921. 3. Diario di Roma. 1494. 59^3' 5" } ^ emor * e ^ Sixt. V. (No. 488.—5 Vols.) 5924. 1. Ceremoniale per fare un Cardinale. 5925. 2. Vite di Cardinali. 5926. 3. Amydeni Vita? Pontificum. 5927. 4. 5928. 5. (No. 4S9.—9 Vols.) 5929. 1. Ritratti delle Vite de Cardinali. 1613. 5930. 2. Caratteri di Cardinali. 5931. S. Do. Do. 5932. 4. Theatro Politico di Do. Viventi 1661. 5933. 5. Processus Card. Caraffas. 5934. 6. Instruttioni. 5935. 7. Bolla del Nepot. 5936. 8. Stato del Seminario Romano. 5937- 9. Summario del Do. Do. (No. 490.—12 Vols.) 5938. 1. Avenimiento dal Em’o. Coscia. 5939. 2. Vite di Cardinali. 5940. 3. Lettere di Card. Nicolini. 5941. 4. Sac. Coll. 1650. 5942. 5. Avertimenti di Greg. XV. 5943. 6. Borgarucci. 5944. 7- Cardinali. 5945. 8. Consigl. per un Assanto. 5946. 9. Vita di Ceesare Borgia. 5947- 10. Processus Cardin. Caraffae. 5948. 11. Vit. Card. Santoro. 5949. 12. Titolario per Cardinali. (No. 491.—6 Vols.) 9550. 1. Ceremon. p’ Elect. Pontif. 5951. 2. De Elect. Pontif. 5952. 3. Nuptii de Elect. Pontif. 5953. 4. Coccini de Do. 5954. 5. Ceremoniale Electionum. 5955. 6. Maneggio cerca Elezzione. (No. 492.—11 Vols.) 9556- Pauli Ala Leonis Diaria ab 1582 ad 1638. 11 vols. (No. 494.—30 Vols.) 5957. M 5958. 2. >Conclave P. Urbani VIII. 3 vols. 5959. 3.J 1 5960. 4. Do. Clem. VIII. 5961. 5. Conclave Innocent X. 5962. 6. Do. Gregorio XIV. 5963. 7. Do. Innoc. IX. 5964. 8 . Do. Alexr. VII. 5965. 9. Do. Clem. XIII. Benedict XIV. 5966. 10. Do. Alexro VIII. 5967. 11. Do. Clem. XII. 5968. 12. Do. Benedict XIV. 1764. 5969. 13. Do. Regolamente per il Conclavi. 5970. 14. Conclavi diversi. 1591-2. 5971. 15. ■ Do. Do. 1775. 5972. 16. 5973. 170 5974. 18. 5975. 19. 5976. 20. 5977. 21. 5978. 22. 5979. 5980. 23. 24. > See under Box 2. 5981. 25. 5982. 26. 5983. 27. 5984. 28. 5985. 29. 5986. 30.J (No. 497.-4 Vols.) 5987. 1 . C’ifre a diversi a Venezia. 5988. 2. Lettere di Ant. Barbaro. 5989. 3. Giornale di G. B. Nani. 5990. 4. Lettere di Ant. Grimani. (No. 499.—10 Vols.) 5991. 1 . Relazione di Venetia. 5992. 2. Hist, di Venetia. 5993. 3. 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Barbaro Relat. d’Inghilterra. f. 6221. 96. Gondomar Papers, f 6222. 107. Memoires d’Angleterre. f. 6223. 17. Liturgia Armenica. 4 to. 6224. 109. Cronique Generale. veil. 1339./ 6225. 74. Donat us. From Guilford MSS. f. 6226. 106. Duchy of Lancaster Leases for Pon¬ tefract. 4 to. 6227- 15. Psalter. Greece. 8 vo. 6228. 108. Lettres Ecrites. f. 6229. 77. Lode di Propaganda Fide. 6230. 120. Morte del Duca di Guisa. ( Drum /.) Mo. 6231. 121. Relatione del Card. Aldobrandini. f. 6232. 112. Geografia Storica. 4 to. 6233. 95. Relatione d’Inghilterra di Benti- voglio. f 6234. 14. Liturgia. Greece. 8 vo. 6235. 64. Vitae Patrum. 12 mo. 6236. 114. Histoire Generale. 4 to. 6237. 118. Francia. A.D. 1556. f 6238. 119. Do. Do. 6239. 90. Do. Do. 6240. 75. Vida di Ripalda. 8 vo. 6241. 41. Hilarius Pictav. contra Constantium. 12 mo. 6242. 123. Histoire Politique. 1631. f. 6243. 69. Bishop Pecok’s Rule. 4 to. 6244. 52. Fulgentii Opera, f. 6245. 90. Ancient Treaties of Peace, f. 6246. 119. 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II Conclave delle Donne. Regola? dell Compagn. Eabror. 6361. 6362. 6363. 6364. 6365. 6366. 6367- 6368. 6369. 6370. 6372. 6373. 6374. 6375. 6376. 6377- 6378. 6379. 6380. 6381. 6382. 6383. 6384. 6385. 195. 159. 186. 182. 154. 181. 167. 187. 16 S. 156. 185. 162. 188. 172. 6386. 169. Welsh Poems. Faenza Deeds, a box. Malay MSS. Annals of Antwerp. Bernardi Summa Decretalium. Plautus. Sobre las Castas de los Cavallos. Platea de Usura. llogerii Baconis Medici tractatus. Rudimentos de la Lingua Turca. Poesias a la Marq. del Castelfort. Cookery and Medicine Receipts. Commonplace book, tvith drawings. Cronica Veneta. 4 to. Pedro de Syria Estratagemas Mili- tares. Bindandi Comment, in Apuleium. Pelerinage de la Vie Humaine. Collect, of Extracts. Baldi Discorsi d'Amore. Poesias de Don Melchior Fonseca. Bartoli Antiq. Franc, et Anglia?. Dionysius de Situ Orbis. MS. vocatus “ Auditus.” Hebraice. Poema Abu Beer. Arabice. Constitutions of Free-masonry. Alcuinus de Categoriis Aristotelis. 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CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 9.0 6367. 166. 6388. 174. 6389. 158. 6390. 161. 6391. 173. 6392. 176. 6393. 175. 6394. 184. 6395. 177. 6396. 180. 6397. 183. Catalogo di Dogi di Genova. Del Granducata di Toscana. 2 vuls. La Tromba Sacra. Arresto del lie di Sardegna. Ingresso del Duca di Baviera in Monaco. Letter of an Ambassador. In Cypher. Bistricci della Casa Strozzi. Universita di Pisa. Vincenzo sulla Toscana. 1561. Del Sacro Eremo di Camaldoli. Giuramento del Podesta di Pisa. Box 22. Imperiali Collection. 22 Vols. 6398. 6399. 6400. 6401. 6402. 6403. 6404. 6405. 6406. 6407. 6408. 6409. 6410. 153.< 6411. 6412. 6413. 6414. 6415. 6416. 6417- 6418. 6419. 6420. 137. 6421. 140. 6422. 127. 6423. 134. 6424. 153. 6425. 138. 6426. 130. 6427. 131. 6428. 133. 6429. 151. 6430. 132. 6431. 136. 6432. 135. 1 . Nunziatura di Napoli. Corcioni Archiv. Do. Provincial Romandiolac. Coccini de Elect. Pontif. Vita Card. Cecchini. Investitura di Napoli. Censurse liborum P. Natalis, &c. Sull Conclave di Pontif. War of Succession, &c. Fatti accaduti in Roma. 10. Liber Censuum Ecclesise Romas. 11. Materie di Santo Officio. 12. Mensa Vescovi di Ostia. 13. Process, di Relig. Agostin. in i Perugia. / Historica di Roma, &c. Scritture sopra Ferrara. Miscell. Civitatis Ferrara. Do. Storica Juridica Politica. IS. Lettere di Uffizio di S. Con -1 greg. di Roma. Leonicus de Dominio Sedis 1 Apost. in Sicilia 1609. Lettere Apostoliche della Giu-» risdicione del Camerlengo. J z Bandi sopra le Monete. only\ no L Voi. i. $ Discours sur le Etat Civil aux Pro¬ testants. Coutumes de Namur. 2 vols. Commiss. de Tailles. 2 vols. 32—2. Etat de la Maison du Roy. 1732. Swizzeri Nunziatura. 1612. Rentes du Seign r de Harnes. 12S5. Memoria sull Affari della Regalia. Do. Do. Do. Courayer’s Correspondence. Articoli tra Paolucci e Prie. Lettera di Beaumanoir. Rapport sur les Jesuits. Lettres de laCour a M. Boutin. 1762. 14 . 15. 16 - 17. -} 19 . 5 } 20 . 6441. 3. 6442. 4. (No. 227.—1 Vol.) 6443. Statuta Candia?. fol. veil. s. xiv, xv. (No. 234—1 Vol.) 6444. Xenophontis Cyropasdia. fol. ch. s. xv. (No. 237—1 Vol.) 6445. Porphyrius in Aristotelem. Ammonii Hermiae in Aristotclis Catc- gorias. ^ Psellus in Do. Do. (No. 460—1 Vol.) 6446. Novum Testamentum. Characlcre Glagoli- tico. fol. v. s. xii. (No. 462—1 Vol.) 6447- Lucani Pharsalia. fol. v. s. xiv. (No. 505—1 Vol.) 6448. Proces contre Jean d'Arc. fol. veil. s. xv. with miniatures. (No. 513—10 Vols.) 6449. 10. Briccolini Documenta Historica ad continuandam Historian! Rerum ltalicarum Antonii Muratori. 10 vols. fol. (No. 577.—1 Vol.) 6450. Rolandini Cronicon Tarvisanum. v. s. xiv ? (No. 593—13 Vols.) 6451. 13. Missionary Correspondence on India with the Propaganda Fide, from 1723 to 1745. 13 vols. (No. 663—20 Vols.) 6452. 20. Lettere Diplomatiche. 1695 to 1729. 20 thick vols. (No. 664.—32 Vols.) 6453. 32. Historical Collections for Europe. 32 portfolios. (No. 671 —1 Vol.) 6454. Fragments of Greek MSS. (No. 672—4 Vols.) 6455. 1. Cronicon S. Vincentii de Vulturno. 6456. 2. Heremperti Historia. 6457- 3. Cronicon Pharphense. 6458. 4. Destructio Monasterii Farfensis. (No. 678—1 Vol.) 6459. Josephus de Bello Judaico. fol. v. s. xi. MSS. ex Bibliotheca Augustini Cooper , Arm., de Dublin, quorum plures olim ex Bill. E. O'Reilly , Arm. Additional Guilford MSS. (No. 8.—1 Vol.) 6433. Propertius, Tibullus, et Catullus, veil. 8 vo. (No. 13—1 Vol.) 6434. Pindari Olimpiaca. Greece, bto. ch. s. xvi. (No. 76—1 Vol.) 6435. Oppiani Halieuticon. Coluthus de Raptu Helenae. Tryphiodori Ilii Excidium. Dionysii Descriptio Orbis. fol. ch. s. xv. (No. 120—2 Vols.) 6436. 1. Edmundi Dintre Annales de Brabant. 6437- 2. Alex’ri Farnesi gesta in Belgio. (No. 182—1 Vol.) 6438. Julii Pollucis Onomasticon. fol. ch. s. xv. (No. 185—4 Vols.) 6439. 1- Phrantzii Cronicon. 6440. 2. Historia Moscovice. [ The Number in the Second Column corresponds with the Number in the Catalogue of the Cooper MSS.] 6460. 2. 6461. 3. 6462. 4. 6463. 5. 6464. 6. 6465. 7- 6466. 10. 6467. 11. Grant to Sir Gerrat Moore of the Lands of Millefont St. Mary s Abbey, Co. Louth, folio, ch. Scathrin Ceating’s History of Ireland, fol. ch. 1696, with Col. Vallancey s autograph notes. Irish Patents, Sec. temp. Eliz., Jas. I. & Ch. I. fol. ch. Do. Do. folio, ch. Placita et Chart® de Rebus Hibernicis temp. E. I. fol. ch. 1665. Ex Bibl. Chandos. Annals of the Four Masters, fol. ch. ( Olim Col. Vallancey.') Distribution of Forfeited Lands in Ire¬ land temp. Cromwell, fol. ch. saec. xvii. History of Ireland to the coming of the Milesians. 96 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 51 An leabhar Muimhneach, i. e .— r J'he Munster Book, or Concovar Og’s Genealogy of Heogan Oilioll Olum. 51 Battle of Feon Traghadli. <[| Do. of Muigh Muchruime. 5 J Warlike Exploits of Cuchullin. 6468- 15. Proceedings in Parliament, June 1661 to April 1662. 5 | Do. against Lord Mt. Norris, 1635, written by himself. 5 | Selden on Personal Liberty. 5[ Historia Thomae a Becket, Ar- chiep. Cantuar. 5 f De Rebus Anglicis. 51 Vita S. Mildreda?. Saxonice. 5 f Sermones Catholici. Saxonice. Ex Bibl. Cotton. 51 Variations & Addit. ex Chronicis Saxonicis. 51 Fragments of Leland’s Itinerary. fol. ch. s. xvii. ( The above are chiefly extracts from Cotton MSS.) 6469. 17- Sir Charles Cornwallis’ MSS. (Ambas¬ sador in Spain) temp. Jac. I. fol. ch. 6470. 21. Charters of Armagh, Cork, Dublin, Drogheda, Holy Cross, Kilkenny, Trim, Waterford. 4 to. ch. 6471. 27. Travels with King James II. after his Abdication. 51 Voyage to the Holy Land. 51 Barclay’s Argenis. 4 to. ch. 6472. 28. Subsidies and Grants to the Kings of England, out of the Records of the Tower, fol. ch. 6473. 30. Original Letters of Vallancey, Beau¬ fort, Ledwich, &c. fol. ch. 6474. 31. On the Antiquities oflreland, its Towers, Castles, Abbeys, &c. 3 vols. 4 to. ch. 6475. 34. Antiquities of Glendaloch. 5 f Excerpta ex Cartulario Archiepis- copi Dublin. 4 to. ch. 6476. 35. Tour through Connaught in 1779, by Direction of the Rt. Hon. Wm. Bur¬ ton, of the Soc. Antiq. 4 to. ch. 6477. 39- Cartularium St. Nicolai de Exeter. 4 to. veil. s. xiv. Olim D. Roberti Cotton Bart. 6478. 42. Cronicon Abbatiae de Melsa, Co. Ebor. fol. ch. s. xiv. Olim credo C. Hild- yard , Arm. vel Wm. Aldford Eg. Aur. 6479. 43. Treatise on Medicine. Hibernice. veil. s. xiv. 6480. 45. Liber Inquisitionum Hibernia? ab 1619 ad 1625. fol. ch. Ex Bibl. Ware Sf Chandos. 6481. 46. Index Rerum in Archbishop King’s Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis. fol. ch. 6482. 48. Forfeited Estates in Co. Louth and Meath. 1700. fol. ch. 6483. 54. Collections for the Life of Selden. 4 to. 6484. 55. Battle of Fontenoy. 1745. 4 to. ch. 6485. 56. Book of Entry of Assessments for East Meath. 1657. ch. 6486. 58 to 75. Sir Wm. Petty’s Correspondence on the Survey of Ireland. 1667 to 1700. fol. ch. 6487- 80. Historical Collections. (A Bundle of loose MSS.) 5 f List of Authors and their Works. folio Sf 4 to. (Query , if by Right Hon. Wm. Burton.) 6488. 81. Irish Herbal. 4 to. ch. 1761. 6489. 82. Warlike Deeds of Connell Gulban. 4 to. Phillipps Collections — continued. 6490. Pedigrees from Peniston Ge-1 nealogy. 51 Collections for North Wilts, f 6491. 6492. 6493. 6494. 6495. 6496. 6497- 6498. 6499. 6500. 6501. 6502. 6503. 6504. 6505. 6506. 6507. 6508. 6509. 6510. 6511. 6512. 6513. 6514. 6515. 6516. 6517. 6518. 12 mo.. • white parchment * 12 mo. red mor. 51 Extracts from Dineley’s MSS. 5[ Ex Cartulario de Southwyk Hants. 5T Patrons of Livings, Co. Gloc. Pedigrees from Wills in P.O. 12 mo. green mor- Wilts Extracts from Originalia") in Exchequer. 5F Do. Do. from Duchy of Lancaster Office. 51 Transcript of Part of St. Laurence Cartulary Can- terb. Wilts Pipe Rolls excerpta. "> 12 mo. 51 Wilts Fines. j red mor. Index of Wilts Wills from 1559. \2mo.redmor. Do. Do. 1648, \2mo.redmor. Phillips descents. 12 mo. red leather. Collections for Pedigree of Tumour, Ld. Winterton. 51 Monuments Co. Wilts, & Collections for Bendry Family. 12 mo. red mor. Pedigrees from Cartulary of Southwick. 12 mo. red mor. Pedigrees from Wills, Co. Wilts, &c. 12 mo. red mor. Descents from Charles II., &c. \2mo. red mor. Wilts Domesday. 4 to. ch. s. xix. Wilts Collectanea, beginning with Roman Pavement at Deane. 4to. ch. s. xix. Stratton St. Marg. Collections Wilts. 4 to. ch. Worcestershire & Gloc. Parish Register Extracts. 12 mo. ch. Pedigrees from Wills and Parish Reg. 4 to. Wilts Collectanea, begins “ Records of Wan- berwe.” folio. Cotterell & Phillips Wills, folio. Wanborough Parish Register, 1582 to 1652. long folio. Clive Pipard Do. Do. long folio. Phillipps Wills, Co. Somerset. Phillipps Escheats and Close Rolls") in Rolls Chapel. 5[ Originalia 11 H. III. & Memo¬ randa 1 R. II. &c. Extracts from Glocestershire Deeds. Do. from Matriculation Books, for Wilts. 5[ Excerpta from Rawlinson MSS. Bodley Library, thin 4to. ch. Mappae Clavicula. Transcrijjt. ( incorrect .) 4 to. Phillipps Pedigrees, arranged in Counties. 4to. half bound red leather. Collections for Phillipps Genealogy. 4/o. 5[ Index of Wills in Sarum Registry. 1600 12 mo. red mor. 4to. Oxon, Pedigrees of Wilts Yeomen matched with Wilts Gentry. 4 to. ch. half bound red leather. Foster Wills, Co. Somerset, fol. Ex Bibl. Broadley. 6519. Survey of Manors, Co. Glo. fol. ch. s. xvi. 6520. Do. Do. Co. Oxon. fol. ch. s. xvi. 6521. Collection of Peers Autographs, fol. Rodd. 6522. Roll of Maidstone College. 6523. Heydon Pedigree. 6524. Walsingham Pedigree. 6525. Lalain’s Chronicle. 6526. On the Preparation of Colours. 6527* Visitatio Monasterii S. Huberti. 6528. MSS. relating to Burgundy. 6529. Flemish State Papers. 6530. Shropshire MSS. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANVSCRiPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PH1LLIPPICA. 97. Townsend MSS. 6531 Pedigree of Bamfield of Severn Stoke Co. Wigorn. 1624. a Roll on Veil, illuminated. 6532. Pedigree of Ratcliffe, a fragment. Veil. Roll. 6533. Do Luxemburg-, a f ragment. Veil. Roll. 6534 Do Grey of Hert9 Essex Sc Somerset. V. Roll. 6535. Do. Richard Fenys Lord Say & Sele. V. Roll, with notes from Inquisitions and Deeds. 6536. Do. Sir David Williams of Gwernyvet 6c the Gare 6c Corndean. 6537 Do Fienles, with extracts from Deeds. Roll. Ch. 6538. Heredes ex Tnquisitionibus post Mor¬ tem, ordine alphabetico, ab Edw. 1. ad Kic 3. 5 vols. folio. 6530. Survey of Wales by Geo. Owen of Henllyss, Anno 1602. If History of Brecon Town. H Survey of the Honor of Launceston. IT Collections for Trematon and Brad- ninch, Co. Cornw. 6540. Pedigrees of Bishops, 4 vols. 4 to. ch. 654!. Pedigrees of Judges. 4 to. 6542. Biographical Memoirs of the Bishops of St. David’s. 4to. By C. G. Young, Esqr. 6543. Do. Do. of Sarum. 2 vols. Mo. 6544. Do. Do. Archbishops of Canterbury. 6545. Collections for Yorkshire, fol. Petrucci MSS, from Rome. 6546. Concilium Aquisgranens e.fol. V. S. IX. 6547. Josephi Historia Judaeorum. fol. V. S. IX. 6548. Do. Antiquitates Judeorum. fol. V.S. IX. 6519. Virgilius. fol. V. S. XIIL. Ex Bibl. S. Marci de Milan. (Payne.) 6550. IJomeri Odyssea. Do. Batrachomyomachia. Greece, fol. Veit. S. XV. No. *233. 6551 Ptolemsei A Imagestus./oZ. V. S.xiv.No. 179. 1 Theorica Planetarum. 51 Johis.de Ilarlebekede Sphera Solida sive Astrolabio, compositus Ao. 1 303 H Tractatus de Lnsirumento quod dicitur Semissa. 51 Abraham Avennare de Judicio As- trorum. 6552. Ptolemsei Cosmographia. fol. Veil. S. XV. No. 186. 6553 Laurentius Valla de Lingua Latina, fol. Ch. S. XV. 181 leaves. Ex bibl. Ascanii Mignini. 6554. Y T storia del Re Karlo Imperatore, e del nascimento et opere di Cavaliero nominato Gueritio 6c prcnpininaio Meschino. Romanza. Mo Ch. S. XIV. 235 leaves. I 6555. Lucan. Jol. V. S. XI11. t 6556. Plauti Comacdiae, Amphitrio, Asinaria, Aulularia, Captivi, Curculio. 51 Notae ex Legibus Ecclesiasticis. jol. Ch. S. XV. Ex Bibl. Ascanii Mignini. 6557. Ordiui da osservarsi nelli Collegii et CasedellaCongregacionedi S. Paolo. 5! Littera*. 6c Boiler pro Societate Jesu. 51 Compendium facultatum 6c gratiarum Soc. Jesu. sm. Mo. Ch. S. X\ 1. i 6558. Ordinationes pro Monast, S. Benedict! de Padolirone prope Mantuam ab Ao. 1550. Mo. Ch. S. XVI. i 6559. Index Cartarum Monasterii S. Crucis de Camposiou. Mo. Ch. S. XY . 6560. Dubia quaedam ex prpeessude Bullis In- nocentii 4, See. fol. Ch. 51 Collections relating to Mantua, Ac. ' 6561. Mauri Mari Codex Diplomaticus Mo- nasterii S. Benedicti de Padolirone sive transcripta cartarum Saculis 10 Sc 11. targe folio Ch. S. XVIII. No. 179. G562. Relazione de la Morte di Beatrice Man- fredi./oZ. Ch. 6563. Vita Sanctorum pro mense Octobris. S. Demetrii, See. Mo. Ch. S. XIV. 6564* Leitourgia Graca. sm. 4to Veil. S. XIII 6c XV. a Palimpsest, bd. in white Veil. 6565. Psalterrum. GrcecS. Mo. Veil. S. X 1 . Incipit Ouroc o xpaXfiog tdioypa(f)og tov AautS, Ao 1144 ad 1*214. II Genealogia Roberli Stewarde, Prioris Eliensis 4 to. ch. S. xix. Too Cerlauie memorable things collected out of the book of Habbakuk Bisset in the Advocate’s librarie such as 1) Ane Account of several of our Kings. '-) The erection of the Col ledge of Justice and pri vileges granted in its favour t»v several Kings. (3) I he erecting of Prelacies, Monasteries, and other religious houses. ( \) Bagimont Roll otthe Rentals of all Bishonricks, benefices, and tenth-parts thereof in Scotland, i “ which Bagimont was a Cardinal and Legal sent by Pope John *23 to Scotland, to make up the said Roll about Ao. Dni. 1406 ” 4.'o. ch. S. xvii. (much damaged.) “ Given to General Hutton by DavidDeneharu, Seal Enyraeer, Edinbuigh.” Supplement ad Bibl. Mcenn.au. Codices MSS. Greed. 756 111 Collectanea ex Palribus. f. ch. S xvii. 311 leaves. 757 145 Simeon Monachus de Virtutibus & Vitiis. transcript. 1606 maun. Sirmondi. 4 to. ch. S. xvii. 100 leaves. 758 148 Anonymi Momilia* in Evang. S. Johannis. 11 Anastasii Sinai tie Qnvcstiones. 1l Chrysostom! Hornilue in Mathieum. II Basiiii Magni Ascetiea. II Do. Do. Si G regbrii Nazianzeni dialogus. II Sentential S'.xix. transcript. 4*2 Do. Inchaffry. fol. ch. S. xix. transcript. •43 Carta) Antiquze Scotia). 5 vols.f. ch. S. xix. transcript. Ex Bibl. Monaslerii Rebdorf. 144 Horace [fragment.] sm.fol. V. S. x. Ex MSS. Carew, transcript a. 45 Discourse to the Duke of Somerset 1594 See. out of the Common Place Book of the old Lord Paulet, Treasurer to Eliz. fol. ch. 146 State Letters, temp. Eliz. fol. ch. Incipit “ Duci Saxonize.” 147 Sir John Perrott’s Government of Ireland, 1534. f. ch. 148 Justices of Peace per Angliam, circa 1510. IF Bampfylde Petition. IF Pedigree of Malet. fol. ch. 149 Cardinal Wolsey’s Negotiations. ( Part printed in Fiddes.) J. ch. S. xix. 150 Lord Deputy of Ireland’s Household Book. fol. ch. 15 L London Pedigrees, fol. ch. 152 Fragments of Wales, fol. ch. 153 Cartae Baronin) de Kemeys. fol. ch. 154 Sir Dudley C'arleton’s State Letters. Somcin Cypher, or Shorthand, fol. ch. 555 Sir Francis Walsingham’s Journal, 1570 to 1583. fol. ch. 556 State Papers, temp. Eliz. fol. ch, B57 Sherlield’s Case at Salisbury, fol. ch. 558 Journal of the Reign of Edward 6. fol. ch. 559 Transactions at Edinburgh, 1647. fol. ch. 560 Excerpta ex Cartulario Bermondesey. fol. ch. Olim St. George. 36 L Catalogue of State Papers and Books in 1702-3 .f.ch. 862 John Vowel 1 alias Hoker’s Life of Sir Peter Carew, 1575. fol. ch. 863 Crown Commissions ah Hen. 7. ad Carol. 2. fol,ch. 564 Pedigrees from Placita in King’s Bench and Com¬ mon Pleas, fol. ch. Transcript pro T. P. 865 Gough’s History of Mvddle Parish, Co. Salop. fol. ch. S. xix. Transcript. 866 Geo. Owen’s Collections for Wales. IF St. Aubyn’s Collections for Cornwall, fol. ch. 867 Lloyd’s Collections for Shropshire. 2 vo/s. fol. Ex MSS. T. Dukes, Esqr., of Shrewsbury. 868 Catalogue of Guilford MSS. Ex MSS. Additional British Museum, fol. ch. 869 Do. Do. transcript of part. fol. ch. 870 Do. of Mr. Upcotl’s .Autographs, fol. ch. 871 Excerpta ex Libro Dimissionum Prioratus de Wig or: nia 1458 to 1535. f ol. ch. 872 Institutions of North Wilts Clergy, in order of Parishes, fol. ch. Script, per Edwin Oiler. Ex Bibl. Miscellaneis. 87-3 Serjeant Bendlovve’s Reports of Cases in Law. Ao. 21 Eliz. f. ch. S. xvi. or xvii. 874 Index to the Abridgements of the Laws by Statham, Ash, Brookes, L'ilzherbert, Roll, Shepherd, H ug-hes, Nelson, Danvers, & Bacon.f olio.ch. S. xviii. 11 Precedents of Proceeding’s upon Writs de Vi Laica removenda. IF Opinions of Judges upon the Case of Gregg, Va- liere, &c. 1707. IF Do Do. on the Case of Sir Jno. Fenwick. IF Account of Writs in the Bag Roll of the Crown Office, B. R. received from Mr. Iiic. Harcourt, Mich. 5 Geo. H Reversal of .Attainder of Algernon Sidney, Esq. 6875 Cases in Law. ab Ao. 1. H. 6. ad An. 20. H. 6. fol. ch. 1598. Olim D. Grey, Comitis Stamford. His Anns on the Cover. 6876 Do. Do. Regnis E. 3. & E. 4. fol. ch. S. xvi. Olim Earl Stamford. His Arms on the Cover. 6877 Rough Drafts of Coats of Arms. fol. ch. Olim credo Joins. Philpot, being marked on the cover “ I.P.” 0878 Rotulus Parliament 5 E. 2. IF Ex Rotul. Statutorum E. 1.2.3. IF De Hospitali S. Thomse de Aeon 8 E. 2. IF De Singulari impregnatura Matildis de Clare Comitissas de Gloucester. IF Processus de Uugonede Courtenay, fol. ch. S.xvi. 6879 ForniuIareLegum,Mve Narracionestemp.JE. 4& H.8. thick folio, ch. S. xvi. Olim Comitis Stamford. Arms of Earl Stamford on the cover 6880 Gregorius in Ezechiel. IF Do. in Cantica. f. V. S. xii. *[ Carmen de Zosima, incipiens , “Sicut ineptis laurum non uritnec rogus Aurum. Sic Jozimam puerum nec opes nec copia rerum.'’ Olim in Bibliotheca Abb. Reading. 6881 Arms in Westminster Abbey, &c. beginning with Brice Fisher. large folio, ch. S. xviii. 37 leaves. 6882 Precedents of Bonds, Conveyances, and other Legal Acts. fol. ch. S. xviii. in rough calf, 6883 Calendarium Astrologicum. IT Ad muniendum Sanguinem. IF Canon & Figura Sphere. IF De Pestilencia. IT The Booke of Aslronomye & Philosophye. 11 Verses, beginning “ The righte pitte of Hello is amydys the erthe withein.” IF Tractatus de virtutibus corei serpentis, secundum Johannem Pallium. IF “Hie incipiunt experimenta secreta,” &c. &c. fol, ch. S. xvi 200 leaves. 6884 Cronicon del Rey Don Enriquez el 4to. Ato. ch. S.xv. 6885 French Genealogies. Incip. “ De la maison de Bre- haut.” fol. ch. S. xviii. 6886 Treatise on the Court of Star Chamber, f ch. »S’. xvii. 6887 Sir Jno. De Blaquiere’s Correspondence. Ato. 1783. 6888 Christian, King of Denmark, his Edicts respecting Marriage, Ao. 1637. 24 mo. ch. S. xvii. 6889 Poutanus de Fortitudine. Ilium, in 1st page. 24 mo. V. S. xv. 6890 Declaration des Cardinaux & Archevesques, Arc. a l’Assemblee general dn Clerge a Paris touchant Libelles contre le Roy A; son Estat. Traduit du Latin de M. l’Evesque de Chartres par le Sieur Pelletier. 12mo. ch. S. xvii. 6891 Ovidius de Ponto. 12mo V. S. xiii. (1296) red mor. 6892 Solinus de Mirabilibus Mundi. 12mo. V. S. xv. Olim. Rev. H. Drury. Scriptura Italica. 6893 Voyage de Paris a Rome vers 1730. 8 vo. ch. S’, xviii. GS94 Bischazza’s Vita di Sto. Orso, ‘ quivixit temp, Caroli Magni.’ 12 mo. V. S. xvi. 6895 Sacra Syntaxis, or Scripture Aphorisms, presented to llis Royal Highness George, Prince of HWc.y. thin Ato. ch. Olim F. Whitfield, 1764. I 6896 A Welsh Poem, transcript exorig. penes A. Haw¬ kins, Arm. M. D. thin Ato. ch. S. xix. ( incorrect.) 6897 Barth. Carrandini de Urbc Cephaledii.Uimo. ch. S. xvi. I 6898 Medina Conde, Canonigo de Malaga, Prevenciones Criticas sobre los Documentos de la Antiguedad. 4, 'o. ch. S. xvi. j 6899 Evangelium S. Mathici. Greece, cum Versione Latina 5. Hicronymi. e S. Hieronvmi Scrniones. CATALOGUES LIBRORUM MAM.SCitIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PH ILLTPPICA. 101 S. Beruardi 1 tpisto la*. 11 A rbor Coiisai ii-uuii :atis. Script, per John. 11. Listi; Lthe Hco. ch. S. xv. Lettered ‘ ‘ iVl i>celliiiiea \ aria." /. r Bibl. Guildford. (fr.»,, - 1*01/110 ) 6900 Petri Bleseusis E [pistol ;e. 12. no. V S xiv. 1; Consecratio I olm ..1 -.Icctl 1:1 Epal imi. sccuud. mo id. An- g 11 c.i n If Saciamentum Davi Idis lal, , F.piscopi rle Him .-or in elections cum ai, toy cap ho so a si dis. 1 ip- Hone. ( ut ci ■c.do ) Idem .\is. cum No. : in-.;. 6901 Virgiiii. 1 *"*p ki a 1i Philem 'l'alliacotia ui Oda. sin. 4 hi. ch . v K XV. 6902 English State Pa per-s L <08 to 1623. 2 1 nm. ch. N xvii. Olim Egidii i. Jlottei ■booke. delude Rnberli 1 Hvde 1678, postca J. Trice 1790 Keeperoj the Bodleian Library. 6903 Acta [VI arty rum SS. Viti, Modesli. & Crescentim Init" In Sicili* Lucana Prpviiieid.” IH///0. FIN. xiv. 6904 Jordani Arithiuetica 18//m. V. S.x iv. 6900 Le Grande Alcaudre 1688, on. Les Conquetes amo- reuses de Louis X IV. 2 vo/s. Quo. 6906 Le Grande Alcaudre, ou Les Vielles amoureuscs de Madame iVlaintenou, et du Dauphin avec Ja Comtesse de Kouvre 1732. S vo. eh S xviii. 6907 Prima pars Lincoln de Cessatione Leealiuin. /. I'. N. xiii. Olim Tetri Le N.e>e Norroy. 6908 A Docket of Patents, Charters, Ac. granted from 1 Ric. 2. to7 Ric.‘2 alsq temp. E. 2. U .-o. iv 12. 1. If A Collection ot Subsidies to the Kings of Finn ! land, granted by Parliament from 1 E, 3. id the end of E. 4. If The first law extant against Religion Ao. 5. Ric. 2 i fol. ch. marked “ Lib. 34. 6909 Alberti, Episcopi Ratisponensis, Politica. f V. S. xiv. 6910 Horatius. 8 vo. ch. N xv. Olim Lord Guilford 3.09. from Thorpe. 6911 Declaratio Fidei in NIicvea. Greece, sm. 4 to ch. S xv. Ex Bibl. Meerman. lid. in while odium. 6912 Ovidii Metamorphoses, cum glossis in margined jntei Iineas. 4/o. V. S. xiii. If Ovidius de Pulice. 11 Do de Mirabilibus Mundi. If Do. de Medicamine Faciei. If Do. de Medicamine Surdi 6913 Interpretation of Latin Words iu English, Alphabeti¬ cally. fol, ch. jSf.'xviu. 6914 Giraldus Cambrensis de Topographia Hyberuue. If Do. Do. de Mirabilibus Hibernia:. IT Do. Do. de Expugnatione Hyberniae If Proemium Secunds: Editiouis «& correctoria? Regi Anglorum Johanni factum. I/lushated with Drawings of some of the Mirabilia 0/ Ireland, <$• others exhibiting the dresses anil customs oft he Irish, and also Portraits of the principal Lead¬ ers of the English Arr.y in the time of Hen. 2. fol. V. S. xii. vel xui. Olim Eccle.iie C'atkc- dralis Hereford, postea Strong, Biblvcp. de Bristol. 6915 Petri de Abano translatio librorum BurgundioiiK Therapeutics facultalis. IT Galienus de Febribus. 11 De diebus Creticis. fol. V. S. xv. 6916 Stafford MSS. Tom X. con tine t If Excerpta ex Recordis pro Comitatu G louc. If De Maritagio Johanna: filue Regis E. 1. cum Comite Glouc. If Abbreviatio lnquis. post mort. pro terris in Corn. Glouc. tends de Gilbertode Clare, Coinite Glouc. If Extenta Honoris de Hereford in Com. Glouc. 6917 Memoire Historique Sc Politique des Pays Has ad annum 1754. /nil. “Introduction. L’Histoiie d’un Pays estsi essentiellement.”/. ch. S. xviii. 6918 Evidence upon the murder of Arthur Capel, Earl ol Essex, fol. ch. S. xvii. 6919 S. Bonaventune Breviloquium Pauperis iu Scriptu- ram. S. xiii. If Johis. Michaelis Postilla super Dauielem. 6'. xiii If Sallustii Conjuratio Caiilinac. V. S. xi. 8 vo. [i r »q20 Act of Parliament for altering the Gavel Kind in the Mann01s of Chilton in Sittiugborn, and ofSeyn- cling Okemcre, in St. Mary, Cray, Kent. foLch. 6.921 Of Man and his Excellencie. 1i OfGlorie. If Of Praise and Glorie in Women, chiefly English Queens. If Oi Glorie in Princes. 1! Of Ensigns of Honour. If What A imes arc of most reputation. If Of Dignities. If Of Precedence among ‘Noble Persons. Of Harraulds and Harrauldie. 1i Of the Antiquitye o; Harraulds fol. ch. 1603. j 692 2 Sermon Euriebre en las Exequias de la Venerable Senora Dona Mar a Folch de Cardona, 1713. Soo. ch. S. xviii. 1 6923 Phalaridis Epistola* trail-la tie per Fraqciscum Areti- mim, cum “ Proemio di Bartholomew Fcntio.” Qro V. S. xv. brown calf. Olim Autouii Bal- drini. 6924 Sulpicius Scverus de Vita S. Martini. If Vita S. BricciiTurvinensis Episeopi. 8ro. V. S.\x. 692.1 Constantini Africani Viaticum. Qoo. V. S. xii. 6926 ilistuire de la Creation du Monde ad an. 1314. Is/ page ilium, with a Coat Chequy O. A az. the shield neid bg two monkeys s. fol. V. S. xv. : 927 Mis Majesties instructions to the Erie of Dorset ,\c. Commissioners for the Treaty of Peace between His Majesty the King of Spain, and the Arch dukes, 1604. 1: Instructions to Sir Charles Cornwallis, Amoassa- dor in Spain, 16u5. * My Lord’s Letters to Sir Chas. Cornwallis, 1605 II Do. Do. Do. concerning the conspiracy of Percy. 1! instructions to Edward, Erie of Hertford, Am¬ bassador to the Archduke Ali»erf, ami Ganoll of Austria. II Instructions, to Sir Thomas Edinouds, Amh::..$a- dor to the Archduke ot Austria, 160.3. II Conics ioiis of Hugh Owen concerning the Gun powder Plot. fol ch. S. xvi. 6928 Dionysius Areopagita de Diviuis Nominibus. II Do. de MKtiea Theoiogia. 1i Do. Epistola:. *! Do. de Jerarchia Ecclesiastics. II Hieronymus supe. Evangebo “ Missus est.” 6929 Alexandra de Villa Dei Doctrinale cum glossis. fol. ch. S. xv. Olim Bomfacii Alipraudi (from Pa.y„e) 6930 Cavendish’s Life of Wols ey.fol. ch. S. xvii. dark calf 6931 Keating’* History of Ireland, ad annum 1216. / liber- nice, folio, ch. Script. 1731 per Franciscum O Reilly. 213 fol.a ct Index. Well written. 6932 S. Gregorii Oraeliie 40. f. V. S. xii. lnit *• Re’ve- reutissimo & Sanctissimo train Secuiidino Epo.” bound with brass border and clasps. 6933 Precedents of Legal Documents. Jol. ch. S. xviii. Bough brown calf. 6931 Inslruttione a M. de Massimi, \ escovo di Hcrtinoro, Nuntio in 'Toscana. /. ch. S xvii. while cedant. 6935 Donald Monro’s (Dean of the Isles,) Description of the Western Isles of Scotland, called Hybride* 1549. ^ Genealogie of the Chief Clans of the Isles. I! Descriptio lnsularum Orchadiar.im per Jo. Ben. Resident there, Ao. 1529 If H. Manus’ Declaration of the trew causes of the great troubles presupposed to be intended against the Realms of England, 1592. fol. ch. S. xviii. 6936 Legal Cases in Lancashire temp. Geo. 2. fol. di Olim. James Clegg of Liverpool. 6937 'Treatise of Forest Law, “ What doth make a Forest” &c. dtc. f. ch. S. xvii. marked O. 17. 6938 Cases in the House of Lords from 1726 to 1767. If Notes of Cases from Mr. Josceiyne in i72S. fol. ch. S. xviii. CATALOG US L1BRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPP1CA. 305 5039 Sermones. Inrip. “ Super omnia fac te mifii ama- bilem.” 4 to. vel. S. xiv. Ex Bill. Aina. *940 Sermones de Angelis. Incip, “ Stella uianeotcs.” 370 leaves, sm. 4 lo. vel. S. xiii. ? Ex bill. Ainu. 3941 Psalteriura glossatum. Incip. “ Singula tie Singulis’* 8 vo. vel. S, xii. ? Ex hibl. Aina. 3942 Exceptiones Canticorura Salomonis. Incip. “ Ilex Josaph misit.” thick 4 lo. v. S. :;ii. ? Ex bihl, Aina 5943 Segar’s Baronagium Genealogicum, abridged.4 to.ch 11C pages, 5944 Gaspar Veronensis. De temporibus P. Pauli 2di.8vo. vel. S. xv. ilium. ( Payne.) 5945 Privilegia Fratrum de Plessyaco. thin fol.vel. S.xs i (1507 ) Payne. 5946 Privilegia Monasterii de Plessiaco. thin oblong Ato. vel. S.xv. 16 pages. (1497) Payne. 6947 Oxfordshire Collections, beginning with Chipping Norton, dec., thin 4to. vet. S. xix. 6948 Do. Do. beginning with Cornwell, &c. thin 4 to. ch. S. xix. 6949 Hants Collections by Craven Ord,&c. beginning with Holt. thinAto. ch. S. xviii. 6950 Citerna Liberata. Ato. ch. S. xvii. (646 Guilford .) (Payne.) 6951 Correspondence of Mr. Baillie ot Kilwinning. 1647. 4 to. ch. S. xviii. 6952 Compendio Apologetico des horroro/os faltosdosfin- gidos apostolos que produzio a Sociedade Jcsui- tica, abolida per Clement 14 en 1773. Lisboa em 1802. 4 lo. ch. S. xix. with a plate. 6953 Introduzione alia Geogratia. small thin folio, ch. S', xvii. Guilford 293. (Payne.) 6954 Laudedel Jacopone daTodi. 18mo. vel. S.xv. ( Thorpe (j955 Welch Poems. Olim “ Edward Jones, of Green St. Grosvenor Square. (574 pipes besides several fly leaves MS.) thick 4 lo. ch. S. xvii & xviii. Incip. “ Y Gicir er Gwacthed( Ex Stewart Wheatley.) fanner numbers upon it 2808, 2891, 2825. 6956 Galieni Liber de Dolore Capitis, &c. Olim Jacobi Christofori de .... t^ui babuit de Sti Jobe. Bon. ( Thorpe.) 0957 Cunseil Secret du Parle.ment (? de Lisle) depuis Novr. 1710 a Oct. 1711, a Diary. 8eo. ch. S. xviii 6958 Eutropius. (old No. 294j '{Guilford. 8 vo ch. S. xv. 11 Vita*. Romanorum. Leonardos Aretinus in Orationcs Ilonieri. * Dictum Romanorum ad Rubiconem lluvium. 11 Roman Inscriptions. It Excerpta ex Posidippo A; Motrodoro. 6959 Akhlak i Nasiri, by Nasireddin ofToos. 16 beautiful illuminations. 8 vo. ch. (Cochrane.) 6960 Cartularium S. I.anrentii Canterbury, long folio, vel. S. xiv. Olim Wrn. Shaw Mj-j 6961 Genealogie de Madeleine de Lu:.i mbuiirg. 1 ; Do. i\r. Marguerite de Baulx. 12;«o vel. S.xv i. with anus emblazoned. (N o. 2661) |p,962 Dlario di Raimi. Sc-o. ch. S. xvi. in white veil. 6363 Rentale Ahbati.e da Bousomille. transcribed from the original in 168 }. sm. )ol. ch. S. xvi. 6964 Jlantschritt tegen Calvin, 1560 1i Calvins reponse a un certain Mollandois, Printed 1562. 24 mo.ch. S. xvi. (Ex Bibl. Mecrman No. 1070.) 6965 Vibins Eqwester de Fluminibus, &c. 12mo. ve/.S.xv (Stewurt § Wheatley.) 696 *; Seneca de Virlulibus. 8uo. vel. S.xv. white veil. (Ex bibt. Drury.) <>9G7 Magister Sf Discipulus. 800 . vel. S. xv. 71 Vetere Catalogo, (804 Ex bibl. Mecrman.) 6963 Croiiiques de France,collationnees par le Sicur Ilau- tin..8vo. ch. S.xv. 148 leaves. 6903 Statuta de Merton cum Kistoriola ejusdera. If Statuta Universitatis Dublin. sm.Ato. ch. S.xv i‘ 6970 Estat du Conseil Prive & d’Etat. 4 to. ch. S. xvii 264 leaves. 6971 Renda, Vita di Ypolita Duchessa di Calabria, car n. i::c script. 8 yo. vel. S. xv. <5972 I ■ y:: mils d.- ."‘ideribus. 8 uo. V. S.xv. ilium. 6973 S. <« ivgenid Di: lexis. Ato. ch. S.xv. Ex bibl. GuUfort 6974 Cooke’s (Rev. Edwd,) Collections for Bucks. Vol. 1 4 to. eh- S. xviii. 6975 Survey of Loug Acre. fol. ch. S. arviii. (Thorpe.) 0976 Woodstock Charter, fol. ch. S. arviii. (Thorpe.) 6977 Catalogues of Books. II Projet pour reunir tous les Cartulaires du Roy- aume dans un seul depot. II Memoires sur la Bibliotheque deSt. Germain de! Pres, cVc. loose paper 0978 Regular Monialium Star Clarac. 24mo. ch. S. xv. 6979 llituale Collegii Regalis Oantabrigiai.sm.4/o. F.N'.xiv. 6980 Heures. 24mo. vel. S. xiv. ilium. Olim Francisci .... 1583. 6981 Coats of Arms, 184. begins with Trapp, ends with Shirley. 4 to. ch. S. xvii. 6982 Frewen’s Epitaphs in Sussex. 12 mo. ch. S. xviii. green parchment. (5983 VidadellaContessaMatildadeCanossa. 8 vo.ch. Sxvi. 6984 Spanish Poems. (? by Abraham Israel) 1761. 12/no. ch. S. xviii. Incip. Hoju 1. “Canla dulche paxarillo.” 6985 Breviaire des Chevaliers de Notre Dame de Mount Carmel, sm. thick 4 to. V. S. xv. 6986 De laManeraque se restauro el Mundo despues del Dilnvioy de ia succession de lasquatro Mouarchiaa y varios successes in varias partes y reynos. sin. 4to. eh. S. xvi. green cloth. 6987 Copy of a Letter conceived to be writ to the late Duke of Buckingham when bee first became a favourite to King James, by Sir Francis Bacon, thin 4 lo. eh. S. Xvii. : 6988 Martini Poloni Chronicon. 800 . ch. S. xv. (Olim ftlonast. S. Martini in Lovanio.) Ex Bibl. Taylor. 0039 Arsenii Monemhasews Archiepiscopi Litera Radul- pho. thin sm. 4to. ch. S. xvii. bound in a frag¬ ment of Greek MS. in Capital or Uncial Letters. Ex Guilford MSS. 453. <5990 Compendium Theologim Veritatis de Natura Divini- tatis. *.[ Hugonis Didascolon, Libvi 6 . 8 wo. ch. S. xiv . brown coif. G991 Sir Richd. Musgrave’s original MSS. on the Irish Rebellion of 1799, 4 to. ch. S. xvii. 6992 S. Vthanasii per a. thick 8 t , ch. S. xiii. (447 Guil- f-rd MSS.). 6993 Lucan i Pharsalia. narrow fol. vel. S.x\i. the lacu- !• ;»•, applied by a later rand. (Payne.) 6994 Cost« ii ( ambi, Mon te, Pesi.d .di E iri a. L 8 mo. vcl. S. xv. Script. ! -18 ., p. Lodov. Bertini. 6995 Pra Egypti D ch. S. xvii. Olim Conveulils dc Luizei pres do Baiie. 6996 Herbin- Traduction du Bum: Namehpar Sady. 18/no. ch. S, xviii. bine paper, (lloycz.) 6997 £• Kidder’s Uecei-rL, in Cookery. V2mo. ch. S. xviii, Olim Amphillis Whitield. <5998 Viage de Sa Majeste desde Madrid in Barcelona y Araojuezen 1502. datealuzJ. R. y L. J. L. 1). 15. sm.fol. ch. S. xvii. <5999 Names of Lord High Admiral and Commissioners for executing that Office in 1673. 4 to. eh. S, xviii. CATALOGU’S LIBRORUM MANUSC.RIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 100 *7000 .M:\ HielduCitoyen. 4 to. ch. S. xviii. 7001 V> . O’s. Treatise on As-. ou-gy. sw. 4/o. cA. S.xvii. EE Elb.. D rd,ey. {No. 2593 in Catalogo cujus- dam.) 7002 Cxocu'i: Hu df-cret de Premier Prir.se sur to us que se .s.ulevront dire & porter heritiers de feu Pierre le Febvre diet Pitta*. thindto. v. S.xvii. 38 leaves. 7003 Edda Smmundi site Siurlonis.4£o.rA.S. xvut.redvelv. 7004 P. ms, beginning with a Letter to the Queen. Incip. “ Madam, if your Majesty had lived,” tie. sm. fol. ck. S. xvii. O’.'ni Gontilis Coite. 7005 Acta Concilii Provincialis Artesise. iivo. veL S.xviii. 7000 Arms of Gentry in various Counties, in order of Coun¬ ties. Script, per meipsum T. P. I>t. Ineip. “ Bcd- , fordshire, Gostwick.” 7007 Missale, well illuminated. Incip. “ De Sea. Cruce cd Matri Domine labia mea.” •I Obituarium familia; de Doignies, svb ealendario. sm. 4to. V. S. xv. red velvet. 7008 Ka’endarium. * *i\ An English Poem on Medicine. Incip. “ These Lechys for soke manuys sake. “ Divers medicynys sur.ityme gun make.” 18mo. V. S. xv. in a blue paper case. 7009 Alphabeti Graici cum interpretatione Notarum Grae- carum cum aliis tractatibus de Rebus Grsecis. ^1 Leonis Ailatii Compendium Measure Temporum. fol. ch. S. xvii;. 7010 Chiffletii Aula Sacra Priucipum Belgii site Com- mentarios H-istoricus de Prineipii* Ritibus ftiinis- tris&c. Capellas Regies in Belgio. 4’o. ch. S. xvii. 7011 Petrarclia sopra la For: urn. La Comcdiadeilo Florentine Nymphe. 8eo. v. S xv .7012 Opus quoddam, InctpL/is ** Dormitnnii mlhi circa meridiem, in first page the portrait of a Pope and the arrhS Az. a lion r. A. debrnis • i by a bend lei A. At the end “Gabriel de Pistoiio transcripsit’’ 8 vo. V. S. xv. ilium. 7013 Liber Fraternitatis S. Wolfgang) Ratisponensis. sm. fol. V. S.xiv. in wooden boards & brass knobs. 7014 1 Maori snrnmulm in Foro penitential). fol. vel. S. xiii. ( Tayhr .) 7015 Catalogus Scriptorum Ecclesiaslicorum Ord. S. Au gustini 8tx>. ck. S. xvi. 7010 Prolegomena in Historian) Patrite. “ Finem huic Historicimponit tristissima Pri;ici ;>is Wilhelm, i M ors . Ao. 1384.’'' 4 lo.-ch. S. xvi . I Ex do,i t T'rf erici madden, Equitis Guefici. / 7017 Bm-tii Geonctria ab Eticlide' traps lata. ISmo.v. S. >:ii TLovb^ '7018 A.Td.uy Wood’s Genealogy of bis own bumily. 4 to. * vet. S.xvii. autograph. {Thorpe.) 7019 Drawings of Greek Statues anil Inscriptions in the R odd. possession of M. Fan vel, at Constantinople, &c 8 co. ch. S. xviii. Ex Bibl. Guilford. 7020 Oxford Club Book. 8 vo. ch. S. .xviii. ( Thorpe.) 7021 Cro.; logy of Irish Kings. 8i>o. V. S. xi. green veil. Et Bibl. Edwdi. O'Reilly, No. 11. .7022 Genealogy from Ad;., i. Lingua Hibernica. Of o. Vel. S. .civ. Ex bibl. Edwdi. O'Reilly, No. 10. 031 C Jlis on Sewers. Borough’s Sovereignty of the Seas. fol. ckr F. Moore's Reports, fol. ch. Hickson’s Readings on Fines, 1577. fol. ch. A nderson’s Reports, temp. Eli/, fol. ch. Cases, temp. Eliz. fol. ch. Reports, 2 to 23 Eliz. fol. ch. E rooks Reports 28, to 32, & 38 Eliz. fol. ch. Reports, 37, 33 Eliz. fol. ch. Reports, 38, to 42 Eliz. fol. ch. Reports, 42, to 45 Eh z.fd. ch. Baskasdale’s Reports, 25 Eliz. 5 Jac. fol. ch. Reports, 35, 38, Eliz. 13, to 15 Jac. fol. ch. Reports, 2, to 22 Jac. fol. ck. Reports, 2, to 11 Jac .fol. oh. Reports, 4, to H) Jac .fol. ch. Reports, 9 Jac .fol. ch. Rolle’s Reports, 13 Jac. fol. ch, Reports, 14 Jac, fol. ch. Reports, 15 Jac. fol. ch. Reports, 18, 17 Jac. fol. ch Reports, 1 i, to 1-8 Jac. fol. ch. Rolle’s Reports, 15, to 22 Jac. fol. ch. Reports, 13, to 21 Jac, fol. ch. Rej.'.jjfts i, to 3 Car, fol. ch. Reports, 3, to 4 Car. fi-l. ch. Reports, 2, to 18 Car. fol. ch. CaUulariwm EccSesiic '6. Gudulae de Bruxellis. thick fol. ch. S. xv. Computus Expensarum MonasteriiS. Augustini lias* scions'.s, 1543. thickfioi. ch. -S. xvi. Li! ; Ci.pitulorum Provincialium A !Visitation-urn L’e . i.’iii is Hasselensis, 1809. fol. ch. S. xvii, • Correspe u! ■ ice of Baldwin de liousta Drier de *].:> ", i lir-loriograplier of the Province of Flan- dro-bci i a, fol. ch. S. xvii. 7081 Visitn-lo Conve.itus llasselensis, 1868. f. ch. 8. xvii. 7082 Reg'emeu.ien veer den Burgh van beimheriicheit. del Siadt Brussel, fol. ch. JS. xv. 7083 Peel;; recs 7032 7033 7034 7035 7038 7037 7038 7039 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 7046 •7047 7043 7019 7050 7051 7052 703-3 7054 7056 7056 7057 7050 7059 70*50 Sir Wm. Jones' MSS. 7033 Parana. Sanscrit No 1. oblong 18 mo. ilium. 7024 Veda. Sanscrit. No. 2. Svo. ch. . . . i*yyrf/ f /rv hi*r 711*25 Kii .liisatiit-l-dughit, No. 4. iivo. ' 70-26 .No. 7. 12mo. ch. 7027 Farhang i Masnavi. No. <3. 7020 Beauties of Nizami, sm. fol. ch. S. xv. ilium. No. 10 7029 Sanscrit Grammar, by Sir Wm. Jones. 4to. ch. .7030 A Printed Work in Persian, jot. ty? ,v 1 ... '\{ .- , *“** r ■■■ -iii- f w • 7061 Carpi. 7 >85 Misc. llanea 7086 Vite. 7067 Irel L 70G8 Corytwn. 7069 Dushwood. 7070 FortciCue. 7071 Galutens. 7072 Wagstaff Let 7.-33 Frewen. 7074 Roberts. 7075 Boyle. 7070 Sherborne. 7077 Marino. 7073 Croniques dc i Croniques des Papes cv Empereurs. *1 De, des Roys Paiens A; des Roys ChresS 7079 tiens jusqu’a Roy Phillippe tils le R,,y Low do France, 1274. Inrye fol. V. S. xr.i. j Alberti Rcpertorium sen Summula Juris Cunoiiic online alphabetico. II Joins. Andr.--.e DistinctionesDecretalium. larsdi ch. S. xv. it 7080 Journal of the Voyage of a Dutchman to A-merica Guadaloupe, 'I obago, St. Domingo, Arc. in 1609-M with drawings, larye fol. ch. S. xvii. Olim Sr Joseph Banks, with his autograph, and given b\ him to Mr. Dalrymple. 107 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM 31 Dandolo’s Cronica di Venetia, ad ann. 1275. large f ch. S. xv. Ex Bibl. Guilford, 230. in while veil. 32 Parabola, Prophet®, Evangelistas, Actus, & Apoca- lypsis. large fol. V. S. xiii. 83 Expeuces of Leopold Wm. Archduke of Austria 1G17 to 1052. large fol. ch. S. xvii. bd. in white vel. 84 Joannis Joviani Pontani Opera . large fol. V. S. xv. beautifully illuminated, bd. in white veil. On the covers are the Anns of Martins Pacccco, Duke oj Caraffu. 85 The Year Book for 21, 38, to 50 Edwd.3. thick fol. V. & ch. Possessores hujus libri priores quorum autograpka Nomina in primam paginam inveni- untur “ Thos. LordJFrowyk, Wm. Fleetwood, Re¬ corder of London, and Sir .... Auderson. ’ Ex Bibl. Georgii Petre. 8G Assisa Nov® Disseissinre. fol. Vel. S.xiv. Olim Georgii Petre, No. 1. 187 Hieronymus in Vitas Patrum. M Catalogus Librorum in Monasterio S. Mari® de Campis. large fol. V. S. xii. Ex Bibl. S. Maria de Campis. >88 S. Pauli Epistol® Glossat®. large fol. V. S. xiii. >88 Philippi de Harvenge (Abbatis lion® Spei propc Binche in Maiuault) Opera, large fol. V. S. xii. Credo autograpka. Ex Bibl. Abb. Bon® Spei. )90 Vendidad Sade J or C scripta 1G70. 11 I zeschne Sade > Zend 2 large folio. If Vispered Saufc j Avesta £ ch. Pur ail account of this Book see Anquetil du Perron. 391 Calendarium & Obituarium Ecclesi-.e de Modoetia. large fol. V. S. xiii. (fprope Milan.) 392 Dissertation sur FAncienne Uistoire J’lrlande. thin J. ch. S. xvii. Ex Bibl. Redd. 393 Descent of British end Saxon Kings, thin fol. ch. S. xvii. Olim F. Bassano. (? 27G3 MSS. Ph ) 384 Nicholas Ruttant Compte des Salines de Moyenvic, Ao. 1626. large 1. ch. S. xvii. 395 Joliis. Delet Compo’ei Granorum Ecelcsirv S. Salva- toris Blesensis Ao. 1417, 1418. fol. mux. V . ' -xv. j 090 Collections out of the Records in the Tower, temp. Joliis, 11. 3, & E. 1, lor the County of Devon. fol. ch. S. xvii. 097 Do- L>o. temp. E. 2, E. 3, 13. 5. fol. ch. S. xvii. 098 Registre aux causes de la T rre Scigneurie & Baron- • iHC-dc Vaalx, 1765 .fol. ch. S. xviii. Autograph MSS. of the Reo. T. D. Fosbroke, 099 Somersetshire Licenses of Alienation, &c. from 3(3 n 11. 8, to 20 Eliz. copied from a MS. in the Libra¬ ry of John Francis Gwynn, Esqr. o/Ford Abbey, ’ Devon, 1806. red leather. 12 mo. 100 Descents of Somersetshire Manors, unbound. 12»io 101 Collections for the History of Bristol. «f List of Mayors. 4to. half bound riissia. 102 Spelman’s Archaismus Giaphicus. transcript. 12 mo 103 Fosbroke’s Notes on his Cli.Ueidiam Tour. 12 mo. 101 Extracts from Newspapers, d.ningthc C.vil Lais, relating to Gloucestershire, ci:titled “ Red Book ” 12»iO. 105 Descents of Manors in Glocestershire, from Alkyns. 12/wo. 106 Customs of Thornbury Manor. .Ho. ch.S. xvi. 1;„X 107 Collections for Glocestershire, c. nl . «[ Xnquis. p. Mortem a 20 li. 3 ad Ric. 3 . from the Stafford MSS. penes Rev. St bbinShc.wo.- if Index to the “ Red Book” aboyeiueutioncd. «r Extracts from Smyth’s Lives- ot the Berkeleys, if Excerpta ex Registro Magno Winchcombc. if Do Do Parvo Winchcombc. IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPP1CA. ^ Smyth’s account of Lands in Berkeley Hernese # Ex Msto. penes the late Mr. Veel. If Excerpta ex Registro S. Augustini Bristol, apud Cast rum do Berkeley, fol. ch. 7108 Collection of Loose Papers,.relating to Glocestershire * Glocestershire Pedigrees. 7109 Pa CIS found in the Library of Ferdinando Gorges, of Ashley, Wilts, fol. 7110 Miseell.meoii . Papers for Glocestershire. fol. & 4/o. autoyra / a and other. 7111 Papers relating to Glocester City. fol. and Mo. au¬ tograph and others. Thorpe MSS .; 1833. From Guilford, Naylor, Show Mason, Allard, MontcvL, and other Collections, 7112 Registres du Conseil Secret du Parlement de Dijon 10 vols. fol. ch. saec. xviii. 7113 T able des monies 10 vols. 2 vols, fol. 7114 Table des Edits Ov Lotties Patentes enregislrees au Parlement de Dijonjusquil 1G80. 7115 Sanii.iiati Compcndio Istorico. 4 vols. fol. Vol. 1— dal!a Crcazione sino al 1199. VoI. 2—dal 1200 al 1500. Vol. 3—dull 1501 al 15G1). Vol. 4—dal 1570 a! 1585. (Guilford.) 7110 Origine della Casa di Medici dal anno 800 all 1723. 2 \ ! -. fol ( : *ibl Guilford 8 :.) 7117 Inventaire des Charles de Chateaux Roux. 2 vol s.fol ch. sac. xvii. Ex Bibl. Wonted de Passy. 7118 Registres de Parlement appelles “ Les Olim” & du Pai lenient do Poitiers, fol. ch. seec. xvii. Ex Bibl. M. Monteil. 7119 Cronaca Veneta, al an 1570. fol. ch. smc. xvi. 410 leaves. Incip. “Segondo Como dixe e nara” &c. In first, page die title is on a blue labelin gold let ters. (Guilford.) 7120 Catalogue de Charles touchant Philippe le Bel <1- Pupe Boniface viii, &c. fol. ch, smc. xvii. Ex bibl. Allard. 7121 Uas-. hi Cronicon von Regenspurg, cum continuatione Donaueri ad 1754, (lingua Germanica) fol. ch. saec. xviii. 458 pages. 7122 Justinian; Codex cum Comment, fol. V. saec. xiii. 7123 Do. Digestion. 3 vols. fol. V. stee. xiv. cum gloss is. 712 4 Uistoire des Comtes de Rhodes, fol. ch. s;ee. xviii. Olim bibl. Chas. dc Baclii Marquis d’Aubais, & de Philippe Laurent de Joubert. 7125 Charles Wyido, Purser of the Bonitto, Journal of a Voyage to the Isle of Assada, &c. in 1649. f. ch. 71 26 E>.trait du Tresor des Chartes. f. ch. s®c. xviii. 34G pages. 7127 Satire sulla morte di Clemente ix. ao. 1089. Incip. “ Le Lagrime d’Eraelito.” fol. ch. (Gut ford.) 7L28 Genucosis ilcipubbc.e Leges, Ao. 1528. fol. ch. sice. xvii. ( Guilford.) 7129 Genesis. Germanica. fol. ch. sac. xiv. ilium. 7130 Lm.ui Ci.mr.'.entar. deila guerra con Turgid, 1537. ch. : - a. xvii. (? Guilford No. 50Q.J_ I 7131 Chromic Von i\ urcmbnrg. fol. ch. sage.’xvi. 7182 Auiog/raj ii of Sir Edwd. Nicholas&.K. Chas. I. 1G43 7io3 Asca n Mursi Leg!..; di Suiz’gori con diversi Piineipi. f '. ch. stcc. xvii. (Guiford No. 473 .) | 7134 l’amiglia Stuart. li Fuga dtlhi Piincipessa Sobieskp./. ch. sicc. xviii. (Guilford.) 7i35 “ Lind ores J 'ca 'ge” £m ing extracts from the Registers of Bonds, W ills, the Great degl^ Writs, Au\ Ac. in Scotland relating to (he Liiul.oies Peerage. 2 vols. fol. ch. saec, xviii ion CATALOGUE LIBRORUM M AN USCRI PTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 7136 David Stolt/.l'm Historic der Stadt Elm. fol. ch. stec. x\iii. Germuuice 7137 Cartnlarium t'ainiir.v de Sutton, Drii. de Dudley de Manerio dc Deythor in Wallia f. V. saec. xvi (N) 7138 Ord’s Church Notes and Arms in Suffolk. Jol. eh. 11 pages. Ex Bibl. Ord. 7131) Vocabularium. lucip. “ ABBAS, ABBATI A” fol. eh. saec. xvi. Guilford. 7140 Louis XIV, Cam pannes de 108!), 1090, 1691, 1692. fol. eh. Morocco, with plan# beautifully drawn in pen and Ink* It formerly belonged to Louis himself, his arms being stamped on the cover, and on the back his initials surmounted by a crown. 7141 Barclaii Panenesis ad Sectaries Capita 9, 10, II, A 12 libit 8vi. quve desunt in omnibus editionibus, with other papers relating to England France and Holland, thickfol. ch. saec. xviii. morocco. Ex Bibl. Broadley, 7142 Casoni e Gritta Annalidi Genoua del secolo xvii. f. ch. sa'C. xvii. Guilford 7 i 43 Ord’s (Craven) Collections for Bury St. Edmund’s! from Sir James Burrough’s MSS. in St. James’s Church, Bury, 1764. 4/o. ch. 126 pages. 7114 Catalogue of a Library unknown, containing some Manuscripts. 4fo. ch. 7145 Brand’s Collections relating to Sion College. 4 to. ch. 7146 Cose piu notabili nel H istoria del Tareaguota. s/n f. eh. stec. xviii. Guilford, 323. 7117 Billies des Papes relatives aux Freres Precheurs./o/. pc.rg. saec. xv. Ex Bibl. Monteil. 7 i 1(3 Pedigree of Mainwaring of Risby, Co. York, a mo¬ dern Roll. 7119 Subsidy Boll for Pcrshore Hundred, Co. Wigorn. 1 5 Car. 2 7150 Computus Ballivorum Caroli Ducis Brandon pro ter- ris Joins Grey. Miiitis, Vice Comitis Lvsle. 7151 Pedigrees of Herbert of Ragland, and Roberts. a Vellum Roll. 7152 MS. on Malabar leaves, sent to Dr Clarke from Mon- 1 tii Itathin. 7153 Court Rolls of Enfield Manor, Middlesex, ior 1097,1 1098, 1728, A 1730 to 1740. X 4 Rolls on Vellum . | 7151 Thirty Charters of the family of Montfort, with fine Seals. 7155 La Vie de la Duchesse de la Valliere.lSwo.c/t.S.xviii | 7156 Letters to and from John Lambert, Master of the I Public School at Beverley, ao. 107*3. i‘2mo. ch. 7157 Clement of Lanthony’s Harmony of the Gospels, bg NVicliff (?) 18mo. V. saec. xiv. 7158 Stain ten der Aimer Susteren binuen Amsterdam. ISmo. V, saec. xv. 7159 Officiom vel Breviarium. Hebraicb. 18mo. V. smc. xv. Guilford* 7100 S.ib.ii i- n Roman Works near Chichester,1798.8ro.c/i 7161 itiiu'iniinm Mentis ad Doum. * Expositio Canticormn. 1 Henrici de Balma Stimulus Amoris. Compendium Hist. Trojanteedifum in Leodio Ao 1373. Ineip. “ Circa occidentales lines Im-1 perii A ling me Grecian,fait regnum, Thessalia j nuncupalmn. 71 ,-•••> P. Urbani Con xiv. Guilford] 7103 Philippi Cyprii Cr.ialccr.s. tiov Harp tap u>v Kwn- (ttuvtivottoXuoc. 4to. clt. saec. xvi. Guilford. | 7161 Dati Istoria di Piatifl'i A Plr.cevoli. Ineip. “ 1 i"i:itlelli hebi-:ro ialoro prima or'gine ftoito bas-j sa” &c. 8co. eh. sa*c. x\ii. Guilford. >165 Historia Tragoebue in Monast. S. Petri de Blandinio juxta Gandavum, 1044. 4 to. ch. saic. xvii. 7166 Epitaphs in Churches and Abbeys of Gand, Ac. 4to.ch , 7167 Letters to Francisco Maria de Turris, Vincenti Pechi and otliers, brj .... who sags, he does not sign i his name because “ his hand is known” dated 179L ' 1792. 12mo. ch. stec. xviii. 7168 Regulm in Monasteriis observandas. from the printed * work, IOCS', with MS. additions. 4to. ch. S. xvii. 7169 Visitatio Collegii Germauici S. Apollinaris, 1696. ,1 fol. ch. stec. xvii. with printed privileges. G. 7170 Donato Mezzafalce Missionario della Cina rapporto degli Cutohci Hiberuesi. fol. ch. stec. xviii. G. 7171 Catalog. Libror. prohibitor. juxta consilium Ducis Albani. fol. ch. 1570. 7172 Navagero Relazione del Gran Turco fatla 1552. J. ch. 7173 Instruzzione diversi ai Nuncii, 1521 ad 1584. G. 7174 Justiniani Digestum " 'Pres Partes” fol. V. stec. xiii. 1 7175 Inveutario de la Bibliotheca del ......de. fol. ch. stec. xviii. 7170 Ragioni par la quali la Regina d’lnghilterra s’indu- cesse a dare ajuto alii ribelli di S. Mta. Catolica nelli Paesi Bassi. fol. ch. stec. xvii. This seems . to have been torn out of one of the Guilford Books, M and bound by Thorpe separately in Russia, and also the Donato Mezzafalce abocemcntioncd, and the following book. 7177 Privy Parse Expences, 1721 to 1725, fol. SGpagcs. j 7178 Historia Clementis, Latin4. fol. V. stec. xii. Ex \ Bibl. S. Maria: de Tribus Fonlibus. 7179 Success! iu Indie Orientali in tempo del Emo. diTour- non, e sua morte in Macao, fol. ch. stec. xviii. G 7180 lnventaire des 'litres du Duche de la Meilleraye./o/. ] ch. saec. xviii. 174 pages and Index. 7181 Losses of the Parish of Lenzie, 164G. fol. ch. 7182 Nether Dutch and Japanese Dictionary of 631 Words 41 o. eh. 7183 Short Extraction of Battels, Sieges, Ac. in Germaine, 1 during the War from 1618 to 1648. Ex Bibl. Jno. 1 Dillon, fol. ch. sac. xvii. 7181 Collections relating to printing in England. Isf leaf | torn out, the 2nd is a Copy of an Indulgence I printed 1447. 4 to. ch. 7185 Wykle’s Account of the Earl of Sutherland, ful. ch, «j stec. xviii. 7186 News from Spain, 1G18, fol. ch. S. zrvii. 7187 Cronica di Bologna. Ineip. “ Questa e una certa suma hover cronica.” 7iSS Assessments in the Hundreds of Stoke, Burnham A 1 Deshorough, co. Bucks, ao. 1(0)5.f. ch. GOG pages \ 7189 Notizie antiche della Republica de Qenova circa Ao. ^ 1600. fol. ch. 7190 Pontificato di Papa Benedetto XIII, Pasquino Po- cta che descrive Pottavo sacco di Roma. If IX Massime del laudi Coaciec. J. ch. stec. xviii. j Guilford, 7191 Resolutien van den Raede van Brabant, fol. ch. J stec. juviii. 7192 Onupbrius Panvinus de BasilicaLateraneusi libri 4. j fol. ch. sv Kavovwv. Grace. (G.) If Harmenopuli irepi mqeeoc opOo^o^ov. (24 Memoire del Cardinal Bentivoglio dal 1594 al 1601 f.ch. s.xvii. (G) (25 Vita B. Josephi Steypyeldensis, fol. 26 Beckwith’s Yorkshire Pedigrees, oblong fol. ch. s. xviii. Ex Bibl. Ord. 7227 Index Scripturarum Archivii Regiic Jurisdictions Civital. Neapolis. /. ch. Ex Bibl.Colonna. (G) 270 leaves. 7228 Grants of Diplomas in Medicine by the University of Oxford ab ao. 1650 ad 1662. H Index LibriCouyocationis ab ao.1647. ad 1741 sm. 4to. ch. s. xviii. 7229 Einhardus do franslatione Martyrum Marcellini & Petri, quorum Corpora ipse de Roma transtu- lil per notariuin suurn nomine Ratblaicum. in locum qui moderno tempore vocatur Seligun- stat. 4fo. ch. s. xvi. 7230 Tractatus de Sub-titutionibus, de evictionibus, de Haredibus instituendis, de servitutibus. Et Acta Universitatis de Pisa. /. ch. s. xvii. 7231 D.osithei Aoiriq Op0o%o%iaq. ^ Ilf pi r s ojpyipv rot Kopecraiov- Greece, f.ch.s.xviii 7232 Liber Assisarum. /. ch. s. xvi. 223 leaves. Ex Bibl. Geo. Pttre, No. 5. 7233 Cara man, Stato Politico dci Moscoviti in 1740. II Borgo, Ragguaglio della Missione di Mosco- via en 1739. /. ch. s. xviii. (G 173-8.) IT Rtdazione delle Missione della Moscovia fatta dal Fra. Carlo da Lucca, a loose paper , 7231 Calendared /. V. s. xii. (11C8) cum obitibus. SI Do. Eccleshu Turoncnsis cum obitibus. f.v.s.xv Ex Bird. Monteil. On the first page of the oldest Calendar is a citation “ Coram Mro. Stephano, Sacrist a Sti Aredii Le- moviceusis Dioc.” of Stephen de la Dunet to answer to the Prior and Friars of Grandimont. 7235 Vita di Alessandro 6. 72 leaves, f. ch. s.xvii. (G. 532-3) 723G Scriptime di Feudo di Taget d’Aquileia, fol. ch. s. xvi. 391 leaves. ( G . 564-11) 7237 Dotlis llisloiia Episcopoium Albanensium. f. ch. s. xvii. Ex Bibl. Cardiualis Josephi Garampi. (G. 667-7) 7233 Relazione del Emo. Erizzo, Ambasciatore Veneto sopra lo stato del Pontif Clem. _\ 1. 50 leaves, f. ch. s, xviii. (G) 7239 F. A. Antibodino, sive contra Bodinum de Re- publica. f. ch. s. xvii. Ex Bibl. Colonna, (G) 7240 Missal, ilium. 3 inches high. 4fo. V. s. xiv, red m. 7241 Origine e Moite di Giacomo c Beatiice Cenci. 12wo, ch. s, xviii, 7242 TLupion-tjq EuSr/o-ft?. Grace, f. ch. s. xviii, 7243 Cronica di Treviso. 4to.ch. s. xv. [G] H Rolaudini de Marchia Tarvisina. If Nomina Episcoporum Padua:. 4fo. V, s. xiii, 7244 Biblion Iatrikon. Greece. 8uo. ch. s. xvii, ( G ) 7245 Balcarras’ Memoirs. 4lo. ch. s. xvii. 7216 N uevos Juguetes de la Fortuna. Oo. ch. s. xviii. 7247 Constilutiones Monachorum Anglorum Ord. S. Benedicti in llospitio Abbatiali S. Gregbrii de Urbe trans Tiberim A,D. 1763.12wo,cA,s.xviii. ( Guilf. ?) 7248 Regula: Monachorum S. Benedicti. Yi Augustinus de Vera Peuitentia. II Liber Sciutillarum. II Federici I mperatorisConstitutiones,s.4/o.v.8.xiii 7249 A Character of England. 1 ‘lino. ch. s. xvii. ( said to be by Sir John Evelyn.) 7250 Barthol. Cayrasco de Figueroa, Prior de Canaria, Esdruxuela de varios Elogios en Alabanca de Christo nostro Signor, &c. 4to. ch. s. xvii. 7251 Instruzzioni a diversi Nunzii 1536 ad 1627. ( G) 7252 Reports des Statutes, f ch. s, xv. Ex Bibl. Geo. Petre. No. 4. CATALOGUS L1BRORUM VIANUSCRIPTQRUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPP1CA. 3 10 7253 Relatione della Presa di Ferrara. /'.cA.s.xvii. (G) .7254 Dello Stato della Religione in diversi Stati e con quali disegni & Arti ella e stata fabricata e maneggiata. f. ch. s. xvii, (G) 7255 Andrew Hornets Speculum Justitiariorum. Tran¬ scribed from an old copy of Francis Tate’s and collated with the MS. in St. Bennet Coll. Li¬ brary. f. ch. s. xvii. 7256 Collectanea ex MSS. Bodley, Oxon, (Iby T.IIcarne 12 mo. ch. s. xviii. 7257 Map of the Town ot Nangasakv. Chinese. 12 mo. 7258 Price’s (?) Notes collected in a Journey from Nor¬ wich to Yarmouth. 12/no. 7259 Price’s (?) Topographical Notes at Besils Lea, Lechlade, Minchinhampton, Bristol, Wales.&c. 7260 Catalogus Codicum MSS. in Bibl. C.C.C.Cam¬ bridge. 2 vols, 4/o. ch. s. xviii. 7261 Registre de Baillees& lieffes&c, en la Forest d’Au- daine. f. V. 1490. 7202 Collection of Charters [Italian] No. 170. Thorpe, 7263 A Hebrew Roll. No. 687. Thorpe . 7261 Do. Do. No. 680. Do. 7265 Roll or Computus of Howell John Lloyd in 1564, for Lands in Wales, viz, Gwestva, Llandussil, Llangynllo, Llandyvriog, Trevigod a Dihewyd, 7266 Reports of Cases, temp. Jac. 1. ab. Ao. 1 ad 13. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. 7237 Memorie rilevati accadute in Portogallo nel anno 1750-9. /'. ch. s. xviii. (G) 7268 Dello Stato Ecclesiastico e del modo di regolarlo. f. ch, s. xviii. 7269 Lettere di Propaganda Fide-a M. Falconieriil In¬ ternuncio apud Brussellas. f. ch. s.xvii.(G279) 7270 Riti Capitolo di S, Pietro Confraternita. fol, ch. s. xviii. ( G) 7271 Scotti, llistoria del Abbatia di Subiaco. fol. ch, s. xvii. [1615] (G) 7172 Historia Controversial de Anxiliis contra Augustin le Blanc, f. ch. s, xviii, (G) 7273 Extracts from the Registers of Saisins and BomL in Scotland, f. ch. s. xviii. 7274 Formula Regiminis site StatutaDucatusCurlandkv 51 Piltnizche Statuten und Land Recht./’.c/r.s.xvii. 7275 Innocenzii 2 [Cenci] Correspondenzia d’Avignone 1686. 2 vols. f. ch. s, xvii. (G) 7276 Scritture sopra la Contea di Carpegna. II Istoria del Contado del Monte Feltro. fol. ch • s. xviii. Ex' Bibl, Imperiali A G. 7277 Juvenal. Sco. V. s, xii, 7278 Trausunti di Iristrumenti nell’ Archivio Roncioni di Pisa. 2 vols. 8 vo. ch. s. xviii. (G) 7279 Translatio Civitatis Janu;e ejusque dominii in Lu- dovicum Regem Francim. 12 mo. V, s. xvi. 7200 Aids granted from 1608 to 1697. II State of the Revenue from 1680 to 1696. 4 to, ch. s. xviii. 7201 Correspondence of theLord Lieutenancy of Ireland 1692, relative to Lord Ranelagh. 7202 Johes Consobrine de Portingalia frater Ord. Carmelit. & Doctor Univ. Oxon. de Usuris. 4 to,ch. s. xv. Scriptura Anglica, Ex Bibl. Wm. Shaw Mason. 7283 Suetonius de Grammaticis. fraymentum. Tncip. “ Grammatica olim Romm.’ 51 Columellee Topiarium—Carmen. Inc. u Hor- torum quoque te cultus, Silvine, docebo.” H Virgilii Carmen de Morte nepotis Mecmnatis. Jncip. *• Deileram juvenis tristimodo car¬ mine fata.” 51 Cicero de Legibus Incip. “ Vetus quidem ille lucus.” ^ Vita Silii Italici ex Plinio Secundo “Modo nuntiatum estmihi.” 5T Martialis Epigrammata ex libro4to. *&dSilium” II De temporibus “ Breve temporum peregrina- tiones et regna primus ex nostris Julius Apbricanus.” H Ex Victorini commentariolo libror. Rhetoricor. Ciceronis. Incip. “ Ars est quae Signifi- cantium.” H Ex Donati Comment, in Rhetorica, 5i Ex Tacito do Lucano. “ Lucanua Attiliam matrem.” 51 Ex Libro 1 mo. Seneca) Divisionum Oratoriarum II Inscriptiones Antique lapulem. II Camilli Oratio ad Ardeates ex Livii Decade 1 II Q, Fabii Max. Oratio ad Emilium Paulum. If Sententia Ilannibalis de Bello Antiocliiie. II Mors Hannibalis. 51 lnterpretatio Abbreviationum Romanarum. II Imperatores usque ad Theodosiuin Catalogus. 51 Excerpta e libro Cornelii Nepotis de Histori- cis Latinis. “Marcus Cato orlus uiunici- pio Tusculo.” 51 Ex Cassiodoro. 5" Origo Romanorum. 51 Laus Oratoris. 51 Cicero ex liGris de Rcpublica. 51 Do. Do. 3tio, Do. 51 Censorinus de Die Natali. ' • red mor. 72S4 1 . Martin’s Index to Suffolk Monasteries, \\imo ch. s. xviii. a French Match. I 8 // 10 . ch. s. xvii. Sermones qui iucipiunt “ Quatuor Attectionum " nn. 4/a. I . s. xiii. Ex Monatt. S. Polri, lie. lordue, 1 IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILL1PP1CA. 122 730 4 Helvetiorum Focdera, f. ch, s. xviii. [G] 7365 Camden’s Grants of Arms, 1G02 to JG22, 4to. ch. Ex Bibl. Ives, 736G CbristoferL Ivanovitsch Sacra Lega contro il Tur- co, ao. 1G06. [? 7 vols.] 4to, ch. s. xvii, 7807 Relatione di Antonio Nuvagiero della Canea. 4/o. ch s. xvii. 7358 Statuta Adurni DucisdeGenoa,1480.8ro.c/t. F.s.xv, 73G9 Gregorii 9, Decretulium Lib. 4. 8uo. V. s. xiv. Ex Bibl. S. Maxim. Treverts. 7370 Register of Apprenticeships in the County of Meath called Chetwood’s Charity, f. ch. s. xviii. Ex Bibl. Shaw Mason. 7371 Selva di Regole, &c. &c.f. ch. s. xvii. [G] 7372 Historia Ecclesrastica Doclrinalis./. ch. s. xvii. [G 7373 Impressions of leaves of Plants, with their names. 2 vols. 4 to. ch. s. xviii, 7374 Nova Collectio Facultatum Majori Penitentiario concessarum, Ao. 1651. 8 vo. ch. s.xvii. [G , 7375 II Principe di Nieolao MachiavelIi.Syo.c/Ls.xvi[G 7370 Catequistica Arabigo, escritta di D. Juan Nepo- mucerio. 2 vols. 8 vo. ch, s. xviii. £G] 7377 Charges and Instructions at the Courts Leet and Baron. Oro. ch. .s xvii. 7378 ViaggidiMarcoPolo con comentarldiG.R. Ramusio IT Sopra i scritti di Givamaria Angiolello. H Del Viaggio di un Mercante in Persia. ^ Do. M. Giosafa Barbaro alia Tana, et in Persia. H Viaggio di Ambrosio Contarini al Re di Persia Ao. 1471. If Albcrtus C.impensis circa le cose di Moscovia. U. Paolo Jovio delle cose delia Moscovia. If Lettera di Arriano all’ Imp. Adriano de navi gazione intorno il Mar Maggiore. ^ Georgio Interiano della Vita di Zythi chiamati i Circassia in Sarmazia. H Parte del Traltato di Ippocrate dove parla dei Scylhi. % Viaggio di Pietro Ferino. If Chrisloforo Foravantc descrizziodel Naufragio 8t'o. ch. s.xvii. 7379 Natura Brevium. 8 vo. V. s. xiv. 7380 Vite S. Francisci Patritii Senensis. 12>no. V. s. xv. 7381 Origine dello Scisma del Regno del Inghilterra e dellamorte del Card. Roffense e di Tomaso Moro. 7382 Vocabularium Sinico Latinum 1700 verborura. 4to. ch s. six. [1810] 7383 Strandman’s Collections. 5 vols. 8 vo. s. xix. 1 Relations entre la Ste. Siege et la Russie. 2 Cobencelii Pertgrinatio in Moscovia. 3 Itineraire Pittoresque de l'Angleterre, Ecosse, la France, la Suisse, & Italie. 4 Informatione sulla Georgia.' 5 .. 7334 Vita: Sanctorum, sm. 4to. [5 inches high! V. & ch. s. xv. Ex Cclestinorum Paris, script, p. Fr Odo Tiberti Ao. 1427. 7385 Bon Relazione di Costantinopoli. 4 to. ch. s. xvi. Incip. •* 11 Seraglio dove habita il Gran Tur co ! 73SG Storia di quelli Re che regnavono nella Gran Bre- tagna inanzi all'Incarn. di Christo. 4/o.cA.s.xvii, 7387 Itineraria Collectanea or Instructions for a Tra¬ veller, by Sir Philip Sydney, Sir FulkeGreville Secretary Davison, Sir Francis Bacon, Sc Earl of Essex. 7383 Procuratioues Synodalia & PensionesArchidiacono Northampton debits?. 4to. ch. s. xviii. 7389 Rime del Politiano et Cecaria. 8 vo. ch. s. xvi. 7390 A Herald Painter’s Work Book. 1730. 4to. ch. Ex Bibl. Nuyler. 7391 Serraglio del Gran Turco in Constantinopoli de- scritto dal Bon, Bailo Veneto. f. ch. s. xviii. ,7392 Joanneti Dcfensio Sedis Apostolicae ltomana:. fol. ch. s. xviii. : 7393 Ragione al Re di Spagna per ajutare il Papa uel impresa di Ferrara, f. ch. 7394 Hudson’s Treatise on the Court of Starr Chambre. f. ch. s. xvii. Olim Edwardi Winnington, of the Middle Temple, 1703. 7395 G recordm Armenorum Missionum Seminarii et Visitalionis ac Collegii Scotici et Hiberniei. 428 leaves. J ch. s. xvii. 739G Guerra di Turehi contro li Venetiani. J. ch. s. xvii. [G. No. 483] 7397 Sepolcro di Priucipessa Carlotta Augusta di Gallea f. ch. s. xix. [G] 7393 Relatione di Genova, 1597. f.ch. [G] 7399 Spottiswoode’s Practice of Law. f. ch .s. xvii. Ex Bibl. Johis. Clerk, et Ex Bibl. Lord Eldin. 7400 Extracts from “ Relazione delle missione in Roma¬ nia ot Moldavia, 17G0. f, ch. s. xviii. 7401 Secreta Noinmis lehoras Rabbi. ^f Menachem Recanati coment. in Dialogum Se¬ creta. Tractatus Ilaratnban. Ilebraice. J. V. s. xiv, Ex Bibl. Palmeriana, 1747. \ 740 2 Reymundi Summa de Casibus. If Summa Sacerdotalis M. Ric. de Witheringsath Cancellarii de Kantebrug, seu Speculum Ecclesiasticorum. Roberii Grossi Capitis Episcopi Lincoln. Dis- tinctiones. f. V. s. xiii. 7403 Coach Painter’s Book of Arms and Crests, f. ch. s. xviii. At page 102 is the Pedigree of Sir Lyonel Lyde, Bart, of Ayot, Co. Hertford. Wm. Lyde, of =p Susanna Stanton Wick j d. & coh. of co. Somerset, f Cornelius Sage of J Clutton, co. Sum. =p .. Mortimer of Chippenham, co. Wilts. Cornelius T" Mary =j= Benjamin Payne, of 3. &b. | Chippenham, Wilts, M.D d.Sffa. Sir Lionel, 1st Bart. 1778, of Ayot, co. Herts. CATALOG US LIERCRUM MAN USCR.IPTORUM IN BIBLIO'I HKCA PH1LLIPPICA. 3 Fi'om Paris , 1038. 7404 Cartul. S. Quintini de I eauvais. f.r.s.y't.palcrussia 7405 Cartul.Cathedralis de Besancon^u.s.xiii. (fragment.) red russia. 74PG Cartul. Abbatia; de Noirmoustier,(U24j3a ) thick f v. s. xvii. 7407 BullariuraOrclinis deMonleCarmeli.sm/'.i;.s.xvi.r«/rws&- 7408 Exceptiones Decretoium Pontificum.y.v.s.xi. redruss 7400 Originc, Fondatiou, Inventaire, & Terrier, Cathedralis de Ecouis. 2 cols, thick fol.ch.s.x\iii.{20l0 pages.) 7410 Cartul. S. Mauricii Silvauecteusis (Seuliz.) f. u.s.xiii. & xiv. 7411 Privilegia Civitatis de Hamburgh, f.v.s. xvi .(Ex bill. D- Roemer 18L8J On the fist leaf is “ Dyt boeck horet Hans Kalenberch tho Burger i:i Hamburch, Ao. Dni. M.D.XXXI11.” 7412 A Collection of Vows and Professions of 99 Nuns of St- NicolasdeCeans in France, from 1574 to 1770 on vellum, autograph signatures. 7413 Vestures & Professions des Religieuses de S-Antoine Ao. 1702 to 1737- f. ch. on while veil, with auto¬ graph signatures. Ex Bibl. Beutha , IV. Morton Pitt, &c. 7414 Petitions & Papers of the time of the Commonwealth &c. from Conway, Thimelby, Herbert, iviiii-grew, Rutland, Clevelande, Blagge, Antrim,YVi ioughby \\ est, Cotterell, Elsynge, V\ illiams, Pye, Coi ke, &c. also a Paper relating to the Hamburgh Merchants, signed m 1028 by Lords Conway, Arundel,Surrey, Pembroke & Montgomery, Dor¬ set, Holland, Dauby, Dorchester, Robt- Xauu- ton, & J. Coke, f- ch. s. xvii. ( Benlhum.) 7415 Journal of a Tour through Belgium to Ypres- 12 mo. ch. s. xviii. ( Benlham.) 1416 Journal of a Tour through France. 18 mo. ch- s.xviii. 7417 Arms of the Chancellors of England from 1068 to Sir Thos. Coventre 1628, emblazoned. smAto.(4 inch ) vel • s. xvii. 7418 Registrum Brevium. 8 vo- v. s• xiv. br. cf. Leaf 7 be¬ gins “ De Recto. Edwardus Dei Gra.’’ At the bot¬ tom of this Page are stamped the Arms of Cole (?) a bull passant in a border. '419 Treaties with Indians by Lord Howard in Virginia, 1684, and Treaties with the 5 Nations, at Albany in 1687. 15 in.fol. ch. s. xvii. 1420 Visitations of Devon, Suffolk,Dorset, alltcmpEWz. 14 in.fol. ch. s. xvi. Ex Bibl. W. Morton Pitt. r 421 P. le Neve’s Abbreviatio Rot. de Quo Wairanto pro Com- Glouc. 15 E. 1. Autograph, f. ch. s. xviii. 1 422 Collection of Arms. Olim Thornse Beckwith, with Beckwith & Bentham’s Book Plates. 1st Coat Buckton, a Goat saliant; last Coats, Peters and Yarborough- fol. ch. s. xviii. 7423 Jenning’s Book of Arms, copied from the original of Hen. 6. lime. “ Ex dono Thorn®, iiaronis Dacre, Georgius de Ferrariis, Baro de Churtiey, 177n.” fol. ch. s. xvii. ;_l*24 Correspondence of W-Bishop of Carlisle,1703 tol724 when he signs VV. Dublin, ( having been Bishop of Derry.) 2 vols. 4to. s. xviii. ?425 Acts of Parliament granted 1703. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. 7426 Chartulaire des Villes de Beaucaire & Beziers, tran¬ script. fol. ch. s, xvi. olim M. Monteil. 7427 Bede Roll of the Benefactors of Magdalen Hospital in Gaywood.nearLynn, Co.Norf.ab anno 1174 to the Dis¬ solution. f. v. s. xiv. with continuations. (Bentham) 7428 Visitation of Wilts, 1565- f.ch s.xvi- in wh.vel.red title 7429 Abridgement of Lord Chief Baron Willes! Account of Ireland, 1768-60 f. ch. s. xviii. 7430 Collections relating to the Church of Ely. large folio, rough calf. (said to be by Bishop Tanner .) 7431 Beckwith’s Pedigrees-of the Gentry of the Bishop- rick of Durham and Northumberland, 1766. large fol. ( 19zw.)cA.s.xviii. 7432 Visitation of Cambridgeshire, 1575, by Cooke. 11 Visitation of Sussex, 1565. fol. ch. s. xvii. 7433 Sir Dudley Carleton’s Correspondence 1614 to 1615. f. ch. s. xvii. 7434 Patent of the Manor of Villars, Queen’s Co. Ireland. thin fol. ch. s. xvii. 7435 Leases granted by the Crown 1770. thinfol.ch. s.xviii. 7436 Heraldry—1, List of Names. 2, Alphabetical List of A rms, beginning “ Anyboir’e?id », i Systeina del-Mondo ‘* 107” 6 Geometria practica *‘ Nobilta della Scultura.” 7 Mecanica. “ 40” 8 Spiegazione della Meridiana. 9 Mathematica—Galileo della Linea. lo. 285—21 Vols.fol.) 1 Allegat. divers. 2 Scritturc Varie, ccn indice. Tom. D. 3 Volume di Materie diverse, con suo repertorio 4 Miscellanea. Tom. XXXI. B. 5 Scritture Varie. Tom. XXXII. 6 Materie diverse, con suo Repertorio. S. 7 Miscellanea. Tom. XXIX. B. 8 Miscellanea Ecclesiastica Singularia. 7530 7531 7532 7533 9 Do. Politico. CXVIII. 10 Do. 102. 11 Do. 60. 12 Do. 127 F. ix. 25. 13 Do. C. Tom. 44. LXXXV1. 14 Do. CCLXX. 15 Do. 71 R. vi. 16 Do. ... C. Tom. 40. 17 Do. CLXXIII. 18 Do. Tom. XXL 19 Do. 1 “ Angelorum & Dacmonum” green cot 20 Do. di Materie diversi Istorice e Littera.ie.y/*^ • This mode of Cataloguing these MSS. will not give tnucl 1 information, but the Catalogue is intended only as an Index that so many Books exist in my Library. A detailed Catalogue I hope to give at some future time. The Titles here given are chiefly written on the backs of the Books, but nearly all relate to Italian History. OATALOGUS LIBRORGM MANUSCRIPTORUM JN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA ns 7545 21 Do. “xiii” (No. 286—25 Vols .fol.) 7546 1 Mis cello. CCXVIII. 7547 2 Do. CLXXXVII. 7548 3 Materie diverse CCLXI. 7549 4 Do. do. CCCII. 1 7550 5 Do. do. 208 7551 6 Miscell. .varie. 209 7552 7 Materie diverse. 61. 7553 8 Miscell. di Materie varie. green. 7554 9 Vaticinia Urbani 8. XXVI. 7555 10 Affari di Portogal, Francia, Venetia, Napoli.XXI, 7556 11 Relatione e Lettere diverse “xxi” 7557 12 Miscellanea “ Parallelo” i 7558 13 Do. “ P. VI.” 7559 14 Materie Ecclesiastiche. “ CXIX” 7-560 15 Miscell. diversa “ 49” 7561 16 Do “ Voto di Verita” 7562 17 Do. “51” 7563 18 Scvitture di diverse Materie. LII. Sonnetti di Montevecchio. 7564 19 Miscellan. Tom. XXIV. B. Ex Bill. Colonna. 7565 20 Lettere Brevi, ed aitre. “ CCVII” 7566 21 Moti proprii diverse e Costitutione Apl. “84” 7567 22 fculle Erezzione dciie Statue ai viventi. “ 25” 7568 23 Scntti re del Conte Palatino diNeoburgo. 7569 24 7570 25 (No. 287—25 Vols. fol.) 7571 1 Miscello. di cose diverse. XX. 7572 2 Manifesto della morte cli Cav. Sampieri. 7573 3 Miscell. divers. Tom. V. (No. 112) 1 7574 4 Oratione in Iaude Andrcae Cornaro. 124 | 7575 5 Sommario dellaCongiura conuo la Citta di Venezia 7576 6 Carestia in Napoli 1764. ^ 7577 7 Acta Epi. Maigret, Epi. Conor.u sis. 7578 8 Fatti Curiosi, sc. Congiura <• no Capponi. 7579 9 Miscellaneo lstorico. CLXX ill. 7580 10 Miscellanea “48” 7581 11 Do. “11” 7582 12 Do. di Memor. Antiquar. “80” 7583 13 Memor. dive. “66” 7584 1 4 Miscell. CCLXIX. 7585 15 Do. “ 139” i 7586 16 Scritture eNotizie diverse del’Mondo ‘Miscell.’ 7587 17 Do. Do. 108 Do, 109 Torn. 1 2 7588 18 Do. Do. Do. 110 3 7589 19 Do. Do. Do. Ill 4 7590 20 Antonio Rapparelli. “39” red mor. 7591 21 Miscell. MS. “22” Riti Cinesi. . 7592 22 Materie diversi. CXI. 7593 23 Do. do. CCLXXI. 7594 24 Positiones S. Cong. Inn. Ecclce. P. D. Merlin. 7595 25 Fatti Curiosi‘Manifestodi AlessandroMaria Orsini (No. 288—25 Vols./o/.) 7596 1 Narratio Rerum Germanicarum, 1630. “I” 7597 2 Miscell. “I. Conclavista” 7598 3 De Componendis Datarice debitis. “ CCX” [ 7599 4 Segret. di veferi e Smalti Giochi &c. 7600 5 Miscell. “ Contributioni per la guerra contro il Turco. CXXX1V. : 7601 6 Varia Politica. 7602 7 Miscell. CXXXVIL 7603 8 Infessura Diarii. CLXXVI. 7604 9 Relazioni diversi,. CXXXI. 7605 10 Varie Satire Politiche. 7606 11 Miscellaneo Politico. CXVII 7607 12 Prose Volgari. da diverse Autori. XLIV. 7608 13 Miscellaneo di.cose diverse. XXII 7609 14 Do. do. do. CXXJII. 7610 15 Lettere diverse ed altro. CXC 7611 16 Miscellanea MS. CCIII 7612 17 Miscello lstorico. CLXXXIX. 7613 18 MS. XXVI. 7.614 19 Miscellaneo Politico. CLXX. 7615 20 Do. do. XXXIII, 7616 21 Miscellanea. 54 7517 22 Do, CCXIX, 7618 23 Do. 56 7619 24 Do. Tom. XXV. 7620 25 Do. 24 (No. 289—25 Vols.jfoZ.) Ex Bibl. Colonna. 7621 1 Abbozzo del Moto Proprio. Tom. XXXIV.. 7622 2 Miscell. Tom. 30. 7623 3 Do. 140 7624 4 Miscellaneo lstorico 90. 7625 5 Miscellanea “ Ricor. alle sue grazie, 7626 6 Do. diversa. “46” 7627 7 Do. do. “47” 7628 8 Do. Tom. XXII. B 7629 9 Do, XXIII.' B. 7630 10 Ilistoria Suezia. “21” 7631 11 Miscell. P. II. 7632 12 Do. P. IH. 7633 13 Do. P. V. 7634 14 Relazioni diverse, ed altro. XX. 7635 15 Porto di Fano 20 7636 16 Paludi Ponti, Visita delie Strade di Roma. 142. 7637 17 Miscell. “X” 7638 18 Do. CLXXIV 7639 19 Do. “50” 7640 20 Do. “48” C. 7641 21 Do. “36” C. 7642 22 Do CCXLV. 7643 25 ..Jiv .anea Varia “ 64” XXXXV, 7644 24 Do. do. CCXLV. 764, 25 190. do. XLV. ■\j., 339—SVols./ttf.) 7646 1 Broc cardi Diana Innocent. 8. 1484 al 1487. 156. 2 Do. do. do. 1488 al 4490. 157 3 Do. do. Alexandra VI. 1492 al 1496. 15» 7 G-iJ 4 Do. do. do. 1407 al 1499. 159 7650 5 Do. do. do. 1500 al 1502. 160 (No. 348- —4 Vols. 'large fol) 7651 1 Donato Storia di Venezia. 7652 2 Vite e Successi di Prencipi di 'Venezia, vol. I. 7653 3 Do. do. do. do. 2. 7654 4 Cr u sica dei Dogi di Venetia. 1147 al 1413.“ 574 r ’ (No . 395 —4 Vols. large fol.) 7655 1 Discorso della Cometa contro li Astrologi, 400 7656 2 Di Giuliano, di Piero, di Cosimo. 7657 3 ViL diFran.Maria dellaRover.eDuca d’UTbin.o.9" 765S 4 Vita di F. Stiozzi, red mor. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCR1PTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILL1PPIOA. J If) (No. 397—1 Vol. fol.) 7659 Reginaldi Poli, Cardinalis, Epistuia; 88. (No. 398—2 Vols. fol- ) 7660 1 Legazioni del Cardinale Polo in Inghilterra ed in Francia, 1553. “343’ 7661 2 Miscellanea diversa. XXIX. (No. 402—1 Vol .fol.) 7662 1 Cronaca di Giacomo Va!ares;.o. large fol (No. 444—4 Vols. fol. Sf 4 to. 7663 1 Theoph , lacti Simocatta; Dialogus. Grace, yrren. 7664 2 De Synodo Constan t. Grace. II Gregor. Nyssen. de Anitna. Grace. 7665 3 Peri tees en Christoo Zooees. Grace 7666 4 (No. 496—1 Vol. fol.) 7667 1 Menologion. Grace, fol. vel. s. xii. (No. 548—6 Vols. fol.) 7668 1 Sunoptikai uponmeeseis. \ 7669 2 Prognostika. J 7670 3 Biblion upomneeraata. f 7671 4 Peri toon Protheoon. / Grace. 7672 5 Platonis Dialogi. i 7673 6 . " J (No. 514—4 Volsj 4 to. red mor. 7674 1 Archivio de Castello S. Angelo. Pars 1 7675 2 Ditto ditto ditto Do. 2 7676 3 Ditto ditto ditto Index Pars 1 7677 4 Ditto ditto ditto ditto Do. 2 (No. 5l5—3 Vols.yb/.) 7678 1 SeriesScripturaruminArchivisArcisS.Angeli.1610 7679 2 Cartularium Monast. S. Gregor, in Clivo Scauro. 7J60 3 IndicediScritture nel Archivio Vatieano Segreto. (No. 518—1 Vol .thick folio.) 7681 1 npa^ttg h :ai ETTtfoXat tujv AttoqoXwv. j. r,S.xiii [No. 6- 6—1 vols sm. 4/o.J 7682 Test&mentum Graecuin. V. s. xiii. (No 524—2 Vols ; 1 Already inserted, See No. 6063 7683 2 Defensiones Magistratuum Neapoli. fol. (No. 599—4 Vols. 4 to.) 7684 1 Pucci di Sacco di Roma. 7685 2 Alberino ditto ditto. 7686 3 De Rosri ditto ditto. 7687 4 Santoro ditto, e Assedio di Napoli. (No. 626—1 Vol./o/.) 7688 Lettera della Republica Fiorentina, in cifra. (No. 637—3 Vols ) 7689 1 Slavonian Grammar- 7690 2 Graraniat- Lingua; Persies. 7691 3 Vocabulary, Persian and English- (No- 638—1 Vol. pi ) 7692 Pacco di Lettere diverse, sc- Montagnana, Rota, Speroni, Pigna, Mussato, Carlo Sigomo, &.c-&c (No- 645—4 Vols ) 7693 1 Summarium Legum- 7694 2 Senatores Urbis.ex Statuto Mercatorum Pannorum- 7695 3 Statuta Politica di Savona. 7696 4 Do. del S- Stefano feudo del Prencipe Doria. (No. 646—9 Vols. 4/o.) 7697 1 Umbria, red mor. 7698 2 Historia di Paulo Vergeuo. 7699 3 Govemo di M. Spada 7700 4 Discordia tra il Duca d’Urbino e il Marcl della Rovere. 7701 5 Battaglia di Lepanto. 7702 6 Chiesa dr SS- Severino e Sosio. 7703 7 Conference in Parnasso tra I’Arciduca Carlo( seppe u'Austria ed il Cardinale Sacchetti 161 7704 8 Spada Relaz. de Case & Delitti seg. in Rom 1638-43. 7/05 9 Lamento di Costantinopoli. 4/o 1822. (No. 188—1 Vol.) 7706 Tou osiou Ephraim tou Earou, or The History Joseph. Grace, ilium, ch. bombyc. [No. 310—1 Vol. 8ro.] 7707 Andreas Daccius Cosmo Paccio Archiepo.Florent 8oo. s. xv. No. 586—4 Vols) 7708 1 Lettere Istoriali di Pietro Nores, 1597-8. 221 7709 2 Pietro Nores Istoria de Caralii. Ex Bibl. Ma\ fnschi. CXCI. 7710 3 Lettere cli Pietro Nores. 124 7711 4 Notizie diverse occorse sinoall’ anno 1636. [No.1 vol. sm. 4to.] 7712 Evangelia Gneca. V. s. xiir. (From Payne) [No. 450—1 vol. sm. 4 to.\ 7713 Psalmorum Liber, & Piymui ex Prophetis, cum Pi logo et Commeutariis Cosma;, V. s. xi. Puyi [No. 6G2—I vol. fol.) 7714 Rodrigues Parafrasi da Eneida. [Xo. 560—1 vol. J'ol] 7715 Athanasii Monachi Phisiologia. Grace, with dra\ ings of Animals. 8 vo. ch. [No. 676—1 vol. fol.) 7716 Greek Ecclesiastical Tracts, red mor. Vel. [No. 679—1 vol. fol.) 7/17 Aristoteles peri Psuches Plotinos. [No. 898—l vol. fol.) 7718 Monarchia Regni Siciliae. (No. 359—32 Vols. fol.)* ‘ Till s-' are entered under No. 5569 in one Number, but are here- again inserted iu detail. /719 1 Soranzo Ambascieria a Costantinopoli 1699 al 17C Vol. 1. No. 4! 7720 2 Do. do. do. Vol. 2. 7721 3 Do. do. do. 3. 7722 4 Molini Ambascieriaa Costantinopoli. 1668 al 167 Vol. 1 No. 6! 7*23 5 Do. do. do. Vol. 2. 7724 6 Do. do. do. 3. 7 725 7 Bailo C. Ambascieria a Costantinopoli 1679 al 1681. Vol. 1. No. 44) 7726 8 Do, do. do. do. Vol. 2. 7727 9 Donado (Giu.Batta-) Bailo in Costantinopoli 108 al 16S3. No. 45. Vol. 1- 7728 10 Do. do. do. do- Vol. 2. 7729 11 Donado, Trimestre, dal 1681 al 1684. No. 45. 7730 12 Mocenigo Ambascieria 1713—14. 7731 13 Ruzzini, Bailo a Costantinopoli,Lettere; 1719-2 No. 51. CATALOpUS L1BORRUM MANUSCRIPTORUm in BIBLIOTHECA PH1LLIPPICA. 117 ! 14 Ruzzini,Incerte Dispacci da Costantinopoli. 1719 1720. No. 62. i 15 Do. Bailo, Lettere da Constantinopoli, 1719 No. 103. : 10 Ruzzini Bailo diConstantinopoli, 1705—6. No.85. i 17 Do. do. Miscellanea de Constantinopoli. 1705 —C. No. 86. i 18 Aluise Molini Relazione della Pace tra la Porte Ottomana e la RepublicaVenezia, 1669. No.87 19 Memoiie per servire all* Istorica dei Turclii 1720 al 1724. No. 88 . 20 Lettere dell’ Ambasciatori di Vinezia alia Re- publica. 1 21 Volume spettante al Corpo delli 46 sopra Cos- tantinopoli. No. 122. 1 22 Dispacci Emo.Constantin. 1720-24. Tom. 1. ' 68 ’ 23 Ditto ditto ditto. 1720-24. 2 . 1 24 Ditto ditto ditto 3. I 25 Ditto ditto ditto 4. : 26 Ditto Angelo Eino.Bailo. 1730 to 1735.vol.I, ‘69’ 1 27 Ditto ditto ditto 2. I 28 Ditto ditto ditto 3. 29 Ditto ditto ditto 4 ; 30 Ditto ditto ditto 1733—34. 5. No, 84. 1 31 Giornale di Letteredelle Ambasciatore alia Santa Sede. 1 32 Instruction! Corfu. “113” (No. 1 —1 vol.) Alcinous in Platonem. thick !2 mo. Greece % Xenophontis Memorabilia. If Laertius de Vitis Philosophorum. (No. 21—4 vols. sm. 4to.) : l Morte di Christo, i 2 Gedeon Encaemcus. r 3 Theodori Opera. Greeee. , 4 Prayers, with Musical Chants. Greece. 1 Sulla Capitolazioni di Siena 509.—10 Guilford [No. 547—1 vol.] Evangelia Graeea. thick sm. 4 lo. vel. s. xi. (No. 549—4 vols. 18 mo. S: 12?no.) 1 1 Euchai suntomoi ^ 1 2 Sunopsis Mikra. 1 3 Patriarchou Partheniou. 4 Enchciridion tees Pisteoos. J (No. 604—17 vols.) Millini MSS. in detail . (See No. 5183-4-5 in this Catalogue.) 1 Minute di Supl. di M.Millini al Re di Spagnal675 al 1685. “89” 2 Do. di Lettere di M. Millini alia Segretaria di Stato di Roma. “ 82” 3 Do. ditto ditto alle Congr. e Mi- nistri del Papa 1674 al 1685. “ 86 ” 4 Lettere di Avvisi. P. 1. ‘184’' 5 Do. ditto P. 2. “ 185” 6 Do. ditto P. 3. “ 186” 7 Minute di Lettere della Nunziatura di Spagna. P. 1. “83” 8 Minute diLettere della N unziaturadiSpagna.P. 11 “83” 9 Restrict. Position. Hispan. Resignat. & Absolut. Petri Millini Liber extraordiuarius Ilegi. anno MDXCl. Greece. 7771 10 Decifrati di Lettere della segretaria di Stato di- rette a’ M. Savo IViillini Nunzie a Madrid. Tom. 1. “79” 7772 11 Minute di Lettere di M. Millini scritte a diverse. ‘81 7773 12 Millini Interesse. 7774 13 Memorie sopra la Nunziatura Millini. “91” 7775 14 Lettere della Segretaria di Stato. P. 1. “87” 7776 15 Ditto ditto ditto. P. 2. “88” 7777 16 Co. Borrom. Mad. de Don. “134” 7778 17 Copie di Decifrati di Letteri spedite dalla Segreta ria di Stato a M. Millini e delleminute di qnella da lui spedite in cifra alia Segretaria suddetta. Tom. II. “80” Guilford, MSS. from Thorpe, fyc. 7779 Dispute intorno alia Regalia in Francia. “660” 7780 Index Scripturarum Archivii Regia; JurisdictionsCi- vitat. Neapolis. “ 86” 7781 Relazione del Impero dc Moscoviti. “ 63” 406 7782 Nunziatura de Suizzeri “ XLVIII.” “1013” (No. 484—4 Vols ,fol.) 7783 Ivanovich Sacra Lega. Vol. 2. pars 1 7784 Ditto ditto ditto 2 7785 Ditto ditto ditto 3 7786 Ditto ditto ditto 5 7787 Dotti Hist. Episcopor. Albanens. “353” “667” 7788 Relazione della Presa di Ferrara. “ 875.” 7789 Passaro Annali di Napoli. 788 7790 Gregorii IX. Decretali urn Liber 4tus de Sponsalibus. 800 . t>. s. xiii. Ex Bibl. Imp. Mon. Maximini. 7791 Miscell. “ Profeziadi Sta. Brigida” &c. “635” 7792 Secreta Nomiiiia Ichora; Rabbi Menachem. 1l Recanati Comment, in Dialogi Secreta. If Tractatus Harambam. fol. v. s. xv. Ex Bibl. Pal- meriana 1747, o. vel. s. xiv. (No. 54—8 vols.) 6 vols. only. 7806 1 Materie Teologica. 51 “569” 7807 2 Tract. Theolog. 52 7808 3 Concord. Angel. 54 7809 4 Concordia; Catholic. Scholarum. 65 7810 5 Concordia Gratiae & Lib. Arbitrii. 50 7811 6 Concordia Cath. Scholarum. 57 7812 Catalogue of Earl of Lauderdale’s Library at Hatton 4fo. “613” (No. 406—5 vols .fol.) 7813 1 Sulla morle del Emo di Turno. “237” CATALOG I'-S L1BUGRUM M A N V SCI? I l'TO R U M IS BIBLIOTHECA PUlLLlfMOA- ns 7-M4 2 Romania, et Moldavia “CCXXII.” “456' 7815 3 Politico, di Jesuiti. 4 to. *‘ 822” TRIG 4 Memorie diCardin.Bentivoglio 1574 al 1601.”423” 7317 5 Ponti^cum Epistolar. Svo. vel. s. xii. 7318 Popes’ Hulls, See. “ Rinuozio di Scipione Pasi del Jus Patronatus di Reda” Arc. a bundle. “178” 7319 TYROS EIKOMKOS. K.T.A. fol. “319” [No. 43—4 vols] 1 rol. only. 7820 Crorrica Venetiana Pojrpolare, sino 1477. “291” 7821 Leghe latte da Cantoni Suizzeri con diversi Principi dal 1315 al 1552. ‘‘418” 988 T. 473 G. 7 vols. 7822 Hclvetiorum I’oedera. 400 T■ 473 G. 7823 Risposta al Libello contro il Papa e Re di Francia. ! “424” 1057 7824 Ovidio dell’ Arte d'Amore. 8ro.. vel s. xiv- 7825 Lord Dormer’s Papers & Wills, large fol. var.seec. 782G Stato della Religione Catolicain tutto delMondo/ 13’ 7827 Turpin’s Charlemagne A his 12 Peers, translated into German verse by Andrew Endras Kusslin. f. ch. s. xv. Anno 1419. blue velvet. •Guilford MSS. §c. Ex Bill. Incerta. 7828 Vita di Dominico Malatesta. -‘119” 1181 7829 Suetonius de 12 Caesaribus. fol. vel. s. xiv. 7830 MemoriediUrbanoVlll.edeNepoti F.C, MDCCXX Arms, 3 Bees. [No. 208—1 vol.] 7831 Cronica Veneta “ inNoie Dm. J. CX. X niense’ Ac. 7832 Abbate Innocenzo Mattei, Geografo Pontilicio, De- scrizione del Territorio di Roma 1G74. “ 212” 7833 Lettere Originali diverse. “ 573” 7834 State of Records in Scotland 1758. 4/o. mor. 7835 Chronica di Ferrara. 8ro. white veil. “ Ci dove hehbe principio la Casa d‘Este” '7836 Relazione degli Ambasciatori dalla Costantiuopoli tornati. .783/ Relazioni diversi sopra la Candia. 7838 Relazione di Leonardo More, Am,base. 1627, “ 4 379 ' 7839 Relazione del Vescovo di Venafro Nunzio ai Suizzer* da Paolo V nel 16 iO 7840 Scritture e Risoluzioni diverse 11 CXL\ 11 7841 Trattenimenti erudili, della Lettera A ad F- *• 12” 7842 Memorie Istoriche e Politicize “ CXLI.11” Guilford MSS. from Ilodd. 7813 Girolamo Moccia Vite di Personaggi Illustri di suoi tempi, sc. Don John di Braganza, Andrea Dona, Giulia Gonzaga. 1712 Guilford MSS. from Payne. [No. 395—4 vols.] 1 vol. only 7844 Cyrilli Alexandrensis EpLtolae 1580 ad 1630. Guilford MSS. from Cochrane. 7845 Statuta Mercatoinm Florentia:. “173” 7846 Grants of Parliament 1688 to 1097. 4/o. red mor. (No. .. ’6 vols. fol.) 7847 1 Corsi Evangelista Ac. Vol. 1. 7848 2 Do. 2 .7849 3 Do. 3. 7850 4 Do. 4. 7851 5 Do. 5. 7852 6 Do. 6. (No. 657—2 vols./o/.) 7853 1 Martinelli Istoria della Casa di Medici, vol. 1. 7851 2 Do. Do. Do. Do. 2. I 7855 Sovrani di Europa. fol. 7856 Diary (apparently of J. Skene, Author of the Regi am Magestatis,) 1572. 32 mo. ch. 7857 Liber /F.thi'pica Lingua. 48 mo. vel. s. xv. (582—2) (No. 673—8 vols. fol. The Works of Tasso, a large portion of his “ Opcre inedii edite ” (fn m Payne.) viz. 7858 1 11 Forno—11 Nifo—11 Cataneo. 7859 2 Poesie Varie, 7360 3 Lettere Raccolte da Zoppa. 7861 4 Do. Do. Do. 7862 5 Lettere diverse, Ac. 7863 6 Do. Familiari. 7864 7 Do, de Tasso, liembo, Casa, Arc. 7865 8 Correttioni delle Poesie di Tasso. 7866 Lettere di Propaganda, thick 4to. (Thorpe.) (No. 73—3 vols.J 7807 1 Tractat. Theol. “49” ?Relatione del Navagero della Canea 1645. 4to. i 7869 Bon, Bailo Veueto, relazione di Costantinopoli. 44 seraglio, dove habita.” 7870 Spada relazione de Case e delittc seguite in Roma/ 7871 Recueil de Fragmens Genealogiques. 4 to. 1814. j Ex Bibl. Lord Strangford de doto Grim J. ThorkelM 7872 Egerhardi Olavi Theologia Gentilis Populmrum Aql lonariun. i.ed Nai ra Deorum. Supplemental Ao; - ■ <1 Corrections to Guilfot MSS. l\.Vi.The ’■!' S' wuk Roman Numbers appear to tUl.Si wuo rugged to the Marefuschi, those un Arabic, io the tei, Libraries. The great mass them ar ; b c .darefuschi, Colonna, Marini, I Ponte. Falc 'i.ieii. 2 nd uattei Collections. No. 4943 The Pal onieri Correspondence, being an ji li ens Volume o 2100 pages, is now divided io nine V co< lui, ing, News from London, Par Lome, Lins els, Cologne, Warsaw, Madrid, Li*® Gratz, t Ex bibl. Guilford. 8160 635 Conclavi di Pio 4. & Julio 3. II Relatione di Marino di Cavalli tomato da Carlo. V. ^ Do. di Bern.Navagero Railo de Costantino- poli. 81G1 642 Gestes de la Maison de Courtenay, f. v. s. xv. 8162 644 Petrus de CrescentiisdeReRustica,/\t>.s.xv.n/M. 8163 645 Cronica Venera del 321 ul 1452. Arms coloured. 140 leaves. Ex bibl. Guilford. Olim Antonii de Ponte. 8164 65i» Da Porto Lettere inedite osffia StoTia degli anni 1509 a 1513. /. ch. s. xvi. Ex bibl. Cadore. 8165 656 Dilphini Ejiistolm. /’. s. xv. 8168 657 Do. do. f s . xvi. ‘3 vols. 8167 659 Diario di Paoio di Benedetto di Coiadello Mas- tro dello Rima di Poute. *i Do. uella Citta di Roma di Lelio Petronio. 1i Do. di Bianca de Talmi del 1485 al 1517. ^ Historic Volgare di Lingua Romaim Aiitica. f. ch. Ex bibl. Guilford. 8168 660 Sir Kenelm Digby’s Letters to his Children and Friends 1630-5. (transcript) 8169 G66 Downmun Juo. Indenture of'Foundation of Pok Iyngton Guild. 8170 667 Discurso de el Capitnn Fraucesco Draque- de la Ilistoria deCarthagena por Joan-deCastellanos 8171 668 Dlido de S.Quintini ActaDucaumNormanndVum. f. v. s. xv. SI72 669 Liber Id Awara sivede Re Rustics. 8173 673 Secretary Cecil’s Negotiations-in France. 8174 675 Thoma* Monachi Historia-Eliensis. *11 Vita SS. Etheldredm, Ethehvoldi. If Chronicon Abbatum A Epor. Elyensium 8175 680 Molino Relatione di Inghilterra J607. 8176 681 Relatione di Michel lornalod’inghilterra 1562. 1i Do* Sagredo do. do. M Do. Mocenigo do. do. Ac. Ex Bibl. Guilford. 8177 C92 Knippenburgh de rebns Iter per Italiam facienti- bus neccssariis. 1i Collectanea de Roma ad Genuam 1591 . H Ej.igrammata Antique Urbis Roma. *i Ncapolitanum Iter ex Urbe Rom®. II Epitafi scelti ex Petri -de Stepbano Descript, de Napoli 1560 cum addit. ad 1591. 817S 706 Kalendarium Diocesis Paderbornehsis. II Fasti Sanctorum Westphalia. 1i Catalog. Reliquiurum in Oollegio Monaste- rii Westphalia?. B179 712 Landino Capitolo della Fiera alia Colfsorli'. 4 M- s. xvi. ■CATALOG US llBKOKUl M ANU SCR11'TOllU M IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPTCA lii-4 8480 713 Landini Epistohe. f. ch. s. xvi. y 181 721 R. Parsons Jesuit, Copie of a Letter concerning iRoht.-Dudley, Earl of Leicester’s Government. 8182 7*23 l.c-laml's Itinerary for Lancashire and Yorkshire. transcript by Nath Greenwood, 1658. 8183 753 Marti nelli Istoria dei Cicishei, scritta al Signor Holies G-enuluoino Inglese. 8184 754 Martinez Discurso cle la Coivquistadelos Regnos de Argel & Bugia. ito. ch. s. xvi. 0163 755 Mayans (J.A.) Noticia de Autores y oberas Es- panolas y Poetas Valencianos. autograph. 8186 758 Medical Receipts. 8187 765 Juan de Tovar Historia de la Renida de los In- dios apobar a Mexico de Ins partes rernotas de Occid-ente, Idolos v Templos, Ritas Cerernonios Sacriticios Sacerdotes Fiestas Hayles Meses, Calendarios, y los Reyes, con otras cosas curi- osas Saoadas de los Archives y Tradiciones an- tiguas dellos. Autograph, with drawings of ■/dots, Ac. In red JUor. -ito. 4ST80 771 Ortogralia secundum Usuni Beverlacensiuro. ^f De .Speciebus Constructionum. ^f Relationes per Thomam. * Elucidarium. If Thomie Grammatics. * Liber Dictaminum. *1 De Artafieio Lampade. * French Poem , entitled “ Femme." If Tietisede Doulz Francais. 4 to. v. s. xiv. ■8109 785 Euripidis FlecuDa in Modern Greek, by Chris- todoulo Songdoura. /. ch. Ex Bibl. Guilford. 8190 798 Cronica di Firenze. /. v. s. xiv. Olim Roger Twysden & J. Sebright. 8191 804 Fuero de la Villa de Carrion. /. t;. s. xv. 8192 815 Gower’s Confessio A mantis,/. v. s. xv. 8193 819 Cuvelier Roman de Bertrand du Guesclin/n.s.xv 22000 lines. 8194 820 Do. do. do. “ escript Lundy 28 Jour de May 1464. 8195 823 Arms of Earls & Knights with Hen. V. at the siege of Rouen in 1420. f. ch. 8196 928 Pedigrees written circa 1600. II Baronies descended to Females, Arc. 819-7 839 Hobbes of Malmsbury’s Elements of Lawe Na¬ tural and Politique, autograph, f. ch. Ex Bibl. Sebright. 8198 841 Hortez Vocabulario Tagalo Espanol 1726. Ex Bibl. Dalrymple. 8190 844 Stefani Infessura Diarii dal 1294 al 1494. Ex Bibl. Guilford. 8200 845 Pietro Sarpi sopra la Inquisition, autogr. Ex Bibl. Twysden A: Sebright. ■8201 848 Istrazione ai Cardinal Farnese legato al Carlo 5ti. dopo il Sacco di Roma. H Michele Relatione d’Ingliilterra 1557. T Piero Strozzi sopra la giornata di Toscana. T Relatione della Germania e di Ferdinando d'Austria 1547. r Modo di governo di Sultan Solimano 1538, e descrittione della sua cortc.f. ch. s.xvi. ibXfolia 8202 849 A rnbascieria da Genova alia Porta 1557. II Xunziatura di VeneziaFranciaNapoli Tosca If Nuntio Rinuccino dello Stato d’lrlanda, 16 If Memoriale del Poete Campanella carceri in Napoli al Re Catolieo. fol. ch. s. x’ 306 folia. 8203 866 Arms of Middlesex Gentry 1593. Bt'O. 8204 882 Moreno, Reglas por Juezcs y Ministros de Justizia de las lndiasl696.8t'0.£a 6i7>/.Dolrym| 8205 884 Pedro de Alcantara, Dottrina que Muley Cid Rev de Marruecos, Fez Arc. inaudo hazera sabios, Granada 1647. 8206 902 Nodal’s Voyage aux Detroit*: de Magellan 16 4/o. ch. Ex Bibl. Colbert, red mor. 8207 914 Descrizione di Orvieto in Toscana. Xto.ch.s. %' 8208 923 Arms in Trick from College Windows Oxfn 4/o. ch. Ex Bibl. Brand. 8209 924 Nomina Doctorum &c. apud Oxford, being a py of the Vice Chancellor's Book 1813. 8210 9 5 Events at Magdalen College, Oxford, 1687. 8211 927 Influence of Climate on National Character; Manners 1797. '( if Hcbcr's oum Prize Esst 8212 932 Sobre la Muerledel Principe Don Carlos I di Felipe 2do. If Origen de la Casa di Velasco. If Vida di Fernando di Talavera. •f Vita di S. Hiscio, Patrono di Tarifa. itc Ex Bibl. Iriarte. 8213 939 Beckwith’s Pedigrees of Yorkshire Gentry. 107 pages. 8214 941 Ancient Irish MS. 8215 942 Do. do. do. 1564-76. 821G 913 Description of Ireland temp. Eliz. If Cause of Decaie of the English Governn in Ireland. If Present state of the Country. 1! English Gentry of Descent, mere Irish, > ordered Persons, Good Townes, Arc., in 8217 946 Defence of the Settlement of Ireland, 1687* 8218 917 Compendium of Palles, or The Wars and Lc of Irish Heroes. /'. ch. 8219 948 Isidori Etymologia. /. v. s. xii. 8220 949 lsioriadegli antecessori de Vincilago Re di 1 Minore del Principe d’lndia detto il Caval di Leone, f. ch. s. xvi, 8221 950 Freigius on the Discovery of the New Wo autvyrapli. with 3 Maps. f. ch. 8222 951 Jacobi Acconensis llistoiia Hierosolymitai /. v. s. xiv. 8223 955 Tormentos y Martyrios de los Padres Alonzc Nabare-te y Hermando de' S. Joseph er Reyue de Xapon en 1621./. ch. Japonican Bibl. Dalrymple. 8224 956 Narratio de Rebus Japouicis. 1626 8225 959 Memorale di Giesuiti alia S. Cungregazione, ch. Ex Bibl. Guilf. Sc lmperiali. 8226 960 Gomez Yanes Crunica del Rey Joao. prin di Portugal. 3 large vols, fol. ch. s. xvi. II 8227 966 Thomas a Kempis de lmitaticnc Cbristi. GV f ch. (Guilford.) 8228 967 keyser Inventories Mechanics 1496./. ch. 8229 969 Lactantius de lustitutioue Rerum Divinaruil ch, s. xv. OATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA 125 1230 070 Lancelot du Lac .Incip.“ A la Marche de Gales” /. v. s. xiii. red velvet. Ex bill. Utterson. 231 973 Robert Langland Vision of Piers Plowman. In- cip. “In a somer seyson.” li Explicit Peeres Plouheman, scriptum per Thom. Dankastre.” f. v. s. xiv. Ex bibl. Sir R. Smyth. 232 980 MS. Memoranda for the Life of Leland the Anti¬ quary ./. eh. 4 leaves. Ex bibl. Burton, Dublin. 233 983 Edward Llliwyd’s Memoranda on the Irish and Welch Languages. /. ch. Ex bibl. Sebright. 234 984 Libellus inscriptus “ Venus ”f.ch. s.xvi. 10 leaves. 235 985 Constantini Viaticum. /. v. s. xiii. russia. 236 989 Lombardi Petri, Primatis Hibernia;, Quivstiones 12 ad Presbyteros incarceratos in Castro Wis- bicensi propositae. If Sacco di Roma. II Stato del Diocesi di Canaria, &c. Sec. f. ch. Ec bibl.GuiU. 800 pages. “CLXXVIIT. 237 990 Vindickc Britannicaj, or Antiquity of I 1 .>n. ihinf. ch. s. xvii. Olim Johis. Niclm! 238 1005 Macchiavelli Letti tori. 3 vuls f. ch. 1513-22. “ X<>i f’-seel 239 1006 Wm. Malmesburiei glia?. “ Res Angloruiri teslas.” If Do. Novella;, ab anno 1120. ad Ann. 1142 “ Domino amanti "imo.’'y'. v. s. iv. 240 1012 Martini Poloni Cronic .i /. v. s. xiii. 241 1015 Matrimonium inter Ladislaum Regem & Bea- tricem de Aragonia Reginam Ungarias. 1492 f. v. Original Deed ._ 242 1016 Mathrni Paris Historia minor, transcript per Roger Twysden, \G4Sf.ch.Exbibl. Sebright. 243 1017 Depeches de Cardinal Mazarine a M. Tellier sur la Negotiation de la Paix desPyreueesl659 “Jay receu vos deux.”/, ch. s. xvii. 214 1020 Medulla Grammatics, sive Dictionarium Lati- num et Anglicanum. “ Hsec est regula.” in u ood and red leather./, ch. s. xv. 245 1025 Proceedings in the Divorce of Lady F. Howard ami Robert Earl of Essex. If Murder of Sir Thomas Overbury. Ex bibl. Dr. Parmer. ISjwo. ch. s. xvii. wh. veil. 24G 1031 Palladius de Agricultura. lOfflO.u.s.xv, (1460.) Scriptura Italica. 247 1032 Strabo de Civitate Patavii. If Cronicon Patavinum a 11J4 ad 1347. ^f Rhetorices Precepta. If Glossje in Lib. 2 Horatii Sermonum. 12 mo. v. Sf ch. s. xvi. 248 1017 Poesias Espanolas 1515. 12mo. ch. s. xvi. 219 1060 Fundacio de S. Nicholao de Tolentino en las lslas Philippiuas, tAc. 1635. on Indian paper ch. 4 to. >50 1061 Don Juan Gran y Monfalcon Memorial por la Ciudad Manila, 1638. 4 to. .251 1070 Procli Comment, in Platonis Cratylum. GVtece. f. ch. s. xvi. Ex bibl. Askew, russip. i252 1088 Piers Plowman. “ In a somer seson.” M Mandeville’s Travels. •* For as myche” If Susanne&Danyel. *■ Thare was inBabyloyne” If Joseph. “ After tyme.” If Chaucer’s Troilus & Cressida. “ The dowble sorow” If Lucifer, Lord of Darknesse. thick Qvo. v. & ch. s. xv. Ex bibl. Sir II. Spelman , Askew, & Gough. 8253 1089 Lives of 62 Saints in EnglishVerse.4/o.v.s.xiv. “ Teus day ye holi feste heyedav ys & god” 8254 1090 The Sunday Lessons in English Verse, imper¬ fect beginning and end. 2nd leaf begins “ That ware borne in Ynglande.” 8 vo. ch. s. xv. russ. 8255 1096 George Cartwright’s, of Fulham, Poem on the Civil Wars, &c. from 1639. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. “ Ah me! must 1 this tragick story tell.” 8256 1097 Christofer Angel’s Persecution by the Turks, and Praise of England, 1617. 4to. ch. s. xvii. 8257 1111 Mendozfe Proverbios./■ v. s. xv. 8258 1112 Mendoza Guerra yLevantamiento de los Moris- cos del Reyno de Granada. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. 8259 11 i7 Millin I!ist. do la Literature Latine e Grqcque. f. ch. s. xviii. 8260 1121 Tracis : <>:n Sir P. Thomson’s MSS. 1th Vol. * Extraeta de Actis Curia; Consistorii Episc. -If. ab 1436 ad 1640. \ Sir Gawayn. a Romance, ex MSto. penes Niehols, nunc 1839 inter MSS. Douce in Bibl. Bodley. r i‘ pprentict.'s. " 4 ' men that come to this citee An 1 ; 'ursclf Apprentices to be” li On I'l' iJere begynnyih a litell short trclis *.i: - tellith ho we that there tors of Divinite assemblid togedir.’ T IV, i St. iiilary. “ This Seynt Hillarie :- . drove those Psalmes folovvvng.” On 1 .. ... 1 ... .. i\-x is «• Ego Wyliiams - • riiar ii,'-!'. in..” At ihe end of the Vo- • . < v ‘‘ 1 i io Master Turnar’s Bokc. testes John Dolman, Jamys Crock,and Mas-: to - llarrevvoou gentillman.” . t the end of the Life of St. Alien is this Colo- phon , “ Fiore endith the glorious lyfe and pagsyone of the blessid martir Seint AI bone 1 and Seint Amphibale, whiche glorious lyvis' were translatid oute ot Frenshe it Latyueby Dane Johne Lydgate, Moucke of Bury, at ye request & | rayer of MasterJno.Whethamstcdd] the yere of cure Lord MCCCCXXXIX, and of the said Master Johne Whethamstede of his Abisse XIX. 8300 1340 Political Poems, 1641 to Car. 2. f. ch. s. xvii. russia. being Vol. 10 of some collection. Incip. “Xow Fleetwood sincke and General Moncke.” CATALOGUS L1BO.RHUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN JRIBLIOIHECA PH1LLIPPICA. 127 1 1342 Do. do. do. from Car. 2 to Anne. f. ch. s. xvii. & xviii. begins “ A Postscript to the Golden Age.” 2 134G Political and Personal Poems, f.ch. s.xviii. be¬ gins “ The opening- of the Session in the House of Commons.” 3 1348 Poems from 1719 to 1734, by Pope, Swift, Dryden, &c. some inedited, f. ch. s. xviii. viz. “ Poems on several occasions” A New Bal¬ lad, to the tune of Chevy Chace. *' God prosper long- our noble King, His Turks and Germans all, A wofull christening- late there did In James’s house befall.” &c. 4 1351 Terra Regia, or Registrura bonorum Regalium in Polonia 1758 . f. ch. s. xviii. 5 1359 Prize Poems at Oxford, 1780 to 1805, printed and MSS. 8uo. 4/o. et fol. ch. 2 vols. G 1360 Promptorium Parvulorum, secundum vulga- rem moduin loquendiOrientalium Anglorum.” or English & Latin, and Latin & English Dic¬ tionary. “ Brooke cwytyis Moke, hoso wyssly loke.” f. ch. s. XV. 7 1364 Poesies Francaises. Jneip. “ Parfaicte cn tout - ’ 18 mo. v , s. xvi. yellow mor. Ex bibl. Me Carthy. 8 1369 Rossi, Poesie in Lingua Zeneise. A Vols oblong 32 mo. ch. s. xviii. Ex bibl. Guilford. No. 88 in quodam catalogo, 9 1371 Sag-undini de Morte Conjugis & infantum & de Naufragio. narrow Guo. v. s. xv. (1460) 0 1385 Robert the Devyle. “ Lyslen Lordinges that of mer.veyles lyke to heare.” with drawings, thin Ato. ch. s. xvii. Ex bibl. Brand.(smc£ to be unique.) Olim Wmi. Herbert. 1 1387 Rode’s Old German Poem, on Chastity. “ Ach wy. gar suberlichen unnd Zurt.” etc. Ato. ch. transcribed by C. A. Schmid, 17S4. 2 1391 Burmanni Dictata in Antiquitates Rom anas, 4/o. ci. s.xviii. russia — Ex-bibi. Askew. 3 1392 Geronimo Roman, Antiquudari dc Metropoii de Braga. Copied in 1750 from the original I’dS, in Coimbra College, dated 1592. Ato. ch. s. xviii. ich. vel. 4 1395 Roman; Les Voeux du Paon. “ Apres ce que Alixandres ot de Desur conquis.” ilium. 138 leaves. If Le Restcr du Paon. 8 vo.v. s. xiv. gr. mor. Arms on cover, A Ship sailing, on a chief G. 3 Stars O. “ En statt hiesTroye.” 5 1396 Romans de Helene “ VVie Troye zerstorct ware.’’ 4-'o. ch. s. xv. 6 1397 Roman der Ritter Johan “ Wollen ir horen abentura.” &c. a Poem. Ato. ch. s. xv, 7 1399 Arngrim Jonas in Eddam Snorronis. 11 Biornonis de Skardsae Explicatio Carmiuis Egilli Skallagrimif, H Voluspa & Rijmbegla, cum Biornonis Para- phrasi. Ato. ch. s. xviii. Islandice. P 1404 Salvucci Novel le. /. ch. s. xviii, Copia del MS. No. 2809 nella Bibl. Vaticana. d 1405 Sanctariim Vitae, sc. Elizabeths, Waldetrudis, Madalbertce.Oda?, Gudilx, Christinx, Affrx, Dymnx, Cataiinx. 4/o. ch. s. xv. 8320 1 107 Santillana Cancionero y Proverbios. “ Vias contra For tuna. * f Ques lo que piensas Fortuna.” Svo.c/r.s.xvii 8321 1409 Table des Troupes du Roy de Sardaigne. 1751 roy. 8 vo. ch. 8322 1411 Bibliotheca del Sarmiento. 8 vo. ch. s.xviii. 8323 1416 Scheffcri Suecia Literata (printed) cum MSS. Notis Eriei Benzclii. Ato. ch. s. xviii. 8324 1417 On the Provincial Dialect of Scotland. Ex bibl. Lord Glenbervie. 2 vols. sm.thickAto.s.xvlii. 8325 1418 A Treatise on Do. Alo. 8326 1419 Emanuelis Martini Satyromastix contra Secta- num. 8 vo. ch. s. xvii. 1694. Ex bibl. Meerman. 8327 1421 Sir Walter Scott’s Novel, The Monastery, en¬ tirely in Ins own autograph Ato. ch.s.xw.gr. mor. 8328 1422 Artedi Icthyologia Sebana, 1773. Ato. ch. cf. 8329 1427 Ric. Serli Grammatica. mctrice. Ato. ch. s.xv. ,£ Scribere Grammatica doceris proferre le- gepda.” 8330 1450 Spence’s Anecdoii s of Books and Men. (Pope, kc.) 2 is. do. Copied by Malone in 1794 from tii, ... ;i..nl , penes Ducem. de Newcastle. 8331 1453 Entries , n gs and Ballads in Stationers Books, from a Copy by Wm. Herbert. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. Olim Ducis Roxburgh. 8332 1457 Stoeven’s Extracts from theSowdan of Babylon. Ato. ch. s. xviii. 8333 1460 Strozzx Libri ErOticon. 1479 8 vo. ch. s.xv. Ex bibl. Guilford. 8334 1465 Burchicllo, Dati &c. Sonnetti. “Ave Maria che fu del cielo.” This Palimpsest seems to be wriitm on ihe leaves of two different works, one the Statutes of some Italian Town, the other, some Historical Work. f. v. s.xv. russia. 8335 1468 Recueil de Poesies des Troubadours, sell. Ar- natid de Marueil, Vidal de Bezaudun, Comte • • Ppiti.;r, Comtesse de Die, Z. de Porcarai- gues, P. Ra'itnond de Toulouse, Pierre d’ Auvergne, Elias Cleirel,Mareabrus, Arnauld Daniel, Bernard Laventador, Bertram del J5or. >i-. -- Racons es un es ura.’’ 4to, v. s. xiv. (1855) 290 leaves, red mor. Ex bibl. McCarthy. 8336 1470 Traite de Gautier de Biblesworth pur fyz de Gentylshome enfourmer de Langagel2feaue* “ Femme ke aproche soun tens De enfaunter moustre sens.” H Le Chastel de Leal Amour. c ‘ Du chastel d’amour vous demauos.” 1 leaf. H Guyllame Twici, Venour leRoy d’Engleterre l’Art de Venerie. “ Tous cens qe voelent de venerye aprendre.” 21 leaves. IT Nicole Boiouu tretys do la Passion &c. “ Un Rey esteit jadis ke aveit une amye.” 48 leaves. "T Hue de Tabarie, Description de la Cheva- lerie. (< Jadis estoit en Paienye Un Roy de mout graunt Signourye.” 5 leaves. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCR1PTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PH1LLIPPICA. 128 If Dytees de Syre Gauter de Bybesworth. “ Amours mount si enchaunte Qe jeo dy tut dys deschauntee.” 4 leaves. •I French Proverbs. “ A besoyn veyt len qui amis est. 9 leaves. If Romant, par Simoncl de Freine. “ Selaz donne & tout ire Icest romans ki est lire.” 13 leaves. If Fables, Contes, et Histories. “ En ceo petit liveret.” 33 leaves. *1 Willi. Herbert Sermones in Ecclesia B MariaeV. Oxon. “ Dixit Mr. Jhu. ad eum , Vinum non habent,” etc. 9 leaves. If Do. do. in do. 24 leaves. If Questiones Regis Papini ab AlbinoPhiloso- pho “ Quid est homo.” If Do. do. Hyinnos & Antiphonas. autogr. “ Ha troe yat art so vayr y kud.” 7 leaves 8 vo. v. s. xiii. & xiv. russ. Ex bibl. Wm. Fermour de Tusmore, Oxon. 8337 1471 George de Esclavoine S.T.D. Chanoine de Tours, Reglements & Avis pour sa filiole Ysabeau de Ville Blanche, Religieuse du Convent de Beaumont erapres Tours, qui prend la Voile. Hvo. v. s. xv. (1411) red mor. Ex bibl. McCarthy. 8338 1472 Geuealogie des Roys de France depuis St. Louis jusques a Louis XI. et les raisons comment les Anglois nontnul droit a la cou- ronne de France, ne es duchies de Guyenne Normandie et autres terres. If Traite entre Louis XI. & le Due de Bour- gonne a Peronne 14G8. If Les Quinze Joyesde Marriage. If Matheolus, contre les Bigames. Poeme. “ Les siens que denfer les jecta,” . 4 to. ch. s. xv. 8339 1473 Recueil de 13 pieces sur l’Empire d’Autriche, Espagne, France, 6c d’Angleterre, depuis 1717 a 1747./. ch. s. xviii. 8340 1476 Manarini, Registro di Beni di quanto ha potuto rilevare dai Libri del Monastero dei Prcdi- catori a Treviso dal 1221 al 1725. 8341 1480 Molino Stato di Mantova 1638. If Della Corte de Francia. 5f Ubaldini Relatione d’lnghilterra. If Contarini do. do. *; Do do. dalii Principi d’llalia. f. ch. s xvii. [1440] Ex bibl. Guilford. S342 1481 Reports in Star Chamber, 1. 2. X 3. C;.r. 1. “Remington versus Allen.” 8343 1486 Hampole’sPrick of Conscience. 1st leaf cut out, 2nd begins “ And no quyk creature bot yay As in yis booke is wele conteude”. Finit “ To ye whiche place he us alie bryng Yat for owre heele on rode con hyng.” MCDI. (Credo hand esse Paraphrasin per TI 10 - mam, Comitem de Arundel. T. P. 1839.2 8 vo. v. s. xv. (1401) Ex bibl. Ives, Beau- clerk and Webb. I 8344 1489 Roman de Brut. “ Au comencement du dit traictie.” ^f Do. Mcliadus de Leonnoys. *i Do. Giron le Courtois. translated pt Rusticien. 2 Vo/s. green mor. thickf. s. xiv. Ex bibl. Duels de la Vallicr Ducisde Roxburgh, & Goldsmid. 8345 1492 Roman du Roi Waldef. 22000 lines. The first 6 lines of this MS. are much rubbt line 7 begins “ .Engleterre clamee Julius Cesar le conquist .mult sent remist j Julius de Rome eit emperere Suvent ivint ove gent here. 1 If Do. de Gui de Warewik. 12500 lines. Pus cel tens ke deus fu ne Establiz fu la cristiente.” If Do. de Otuel. “ Ki volt oir chancun de beau semblant Dunt bien sunt fait les vers par consonanl 8uo. v. s. xiii. russ. 8346 1495 Francis Russell 4th Earl of Bedford, Memoi of his Family from 1605 to 1630. f.ch, s.xvi 8347 1502 Salisburiensis (Johis.) Policratica. f. v. s. xi Olim Abbatiaj de Bello, “ Ex dono Rican Abbatis.” He was elected in 1218, and die 1235.) Postea Johis. Tovvneley. S348 1504 Johes. Fererrius, Pedemontanus, de Origine f milire Gordonia?, apud Kinloss, Anno 1548. If R. Gordonii a Stralock Origo et Progrei sus Familirc Gordoniorum cum col tinuatione a Theodoro Gordon. If Burning of Frendraught Castle from Spa ding. If Account of Alexander Gordon, Bishop [ Galloway. If Sir J. Balfour of Denmill, Lyon King 1 Arms, his Genealogy of Huntley. T Scots Titles which have passed into othi families. *f Border History. If History of Mary Stewart, unfavourabl toher. fN.B. This is entered in tl Index, but is not. transcribed into tl Book, nor / «the next article.) If Execution of Gordon of Haddo. f. ch .s. xviii. 8349 1507 Lays LJozeda s Infelice Jornada del Rey I Sebastian en Africa en el anno setenta y ocfc thin f. ch. s. xviii. !50 1508 S Firenze dal 1521 1530. /. ch. s.wi. 340 leaves. 8351 1518 History of the Actions of George and Franl Earls of Shrewsbury, from 1 H. 7- to 2 Quei Elizabeth, 1485 to 1562. written by Nathi niel Johnson, M.D., of York/, eh. s. xvi.l Ex bibl. Gough. 8352 1520 Sidracho delle Cose che domandava II Re Bi tuso a Levante, Rede una Provincia tra Ind e Persia che si chiama Boluensia./. ch. s.x Ilalice. green velvet back. 129 CATALOGUS L1BORRUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PH1LLIPPICA. 1522 Sidrach. (ut supra.)4to.v. s.xiii. Gallice. ilium. Olim JaquesChabaut,SeigneurdeLeschereyne. 1524 Silius Italicus de Bello Punico. f. ch. s. xv. Scriptura Italica. 1526 Guidonis Walteri Ephemerides Papa Sixti 5ti. f ch. s. xvii. Arms, France, and G. a Car¬ buncle O. Num. Vetus XLIX. 1328 William Smith’s (Rouge Dragon) Alphabet of Arms. 1594-7- autograph, f. ch. s. xvi. some Arms coloured. On 1st page a Herald in his Tabard, painted. Olim John Nickoll, 1739 1533 Romance of the Sowdon of Babyloyne and Fe- rumbras his Sonne. Incip. '• God in glorye of myghteste moost That al thinge made in sapience While yat Rome was in excellence Listinythe awhile and ye shal see H owe it was wonen and brente Of a Sowdon that hethen was As Kinge Lowes witnesseth yat cas As it is wryten in Romaunce And founden in bokesof Antiquyte At Seinte Denyse Abbey in Fraunce There as Cronycles remembrede be Floyve Laban the Kinge of hie degre And Syre and Sowdon of hie Babilone Conquerede grete parte of Cristiante That was born in Askalone And in the Cite of Agremare Uppone the Rivereof Flagote At yat tvme he soiorned there, etc. &c. . f- s. xv. Ex bibl. Dr. Farmer and Geo. Stevens, (unpublished ) 1541 De Generibus Aquarum & Vinorum. K Excerpta ex Libro Palladii. 12 mo. v. s xiv. bound in 2 pieces of Vellum, one containing a fragment of some Grammarian, the other of an Italian Deed. 1544 Sir Thos. Tyrwhitt’s Glossary of Words in Ancient Charters, 12mo. ch. s. xix. 1552 Sir C. Winlingham’s Conversations and Bon Mots since 1740,18/no.c/t.s. xviii. rough cf. autograph. 1554 Woodward’s [Dr.J Iter Cantabrigiense 1722 & 33. with many Monumental Inscriptions. 13/mo. ch. s. xviii. autograph. 1553 Susanna, and other Poems in the Sclavonic Dialect. 4/o. ch. s. xvii. 1561 D. Francisci Riquet, Prioris S. Deodati in Vo- sages, Chronologie des Eveques de Toul.4fo. ch. s, xviii. 1562 Tabulae Chronologic®. Greece. 4to. ch. Copied from a MS. in Bibl. Laurent.Florentiai,Plut. 28, No. 12. 1566 Arabsiah Vida di Taraerlano. translated into Spanish. 4to. ch. 1568 Taubman Purgatorium Hibernicura, or The 6th Book of Virgil’s iEneid travestied There was a Prince of autieot fame,” 4/o. ch s.xvi. 8367 1589 W. Lithgow's Barbarity of the Spanish In¬ quisition 1609-10. IF Jesuit in Disguise. iM corrections. 8uo. ch. s. xviii. It belonged to Geo. Louis Pigeot in 1765. 8376 1G18 Taliesin’s Poems, ivith translations by E. Jones, the Welch Bard. IF Prophecy of Rhys Nanmor. 4/o.cA.s.xviii. 8377 1622 William and the Werwolf, Extracts by G.Stee- vens from the Romance in King's College, Cambridge. 4to. ch. s. xviii. Ex bibl. Isaac Reed. 8378 1625 Works of the Learned in Verse, 1767. being Poems by Pope and others. 4to. ch. s. xviii. 8379 1628 Zeno Relatione di Roma, thin 4to. ch. s. xvi. Olim Basilii Fielding, Earl of Denbigh 1703 8380 1636 George Owen’s Taylor’s Cussion, being Collec¬ tors for Pembrokeshire and other Miscellanea for all Wales ‘Ivols.f cA.s.xvii. Ex bibl. Gough. 838L 1645 Ralph Thoresby’s Correspondence, 244 letter's in 2 Vols. fol. IF Autograph Petition of Thos. Hobbes, of Malmesbury, f. ch. s. xvii. 8382 1647 Geronimo Torquemada Conipendio de losReycs de Espana desde Adam hasta Philip 4. f. ch. s. xvii. 8383 1653 Roman de Tristan de Leonois. large f o. s. xiii. 387 leaves k 89 Miniatures. Ex bibl. Guyon de Sardiere, Due de la Valiiere, No. 4015 Duke of Roxburgh, and Mr. Utterson. The Arms oj the Duke of Roxburgh stamped on the cover. 8384 1654 Siege de Troie. f. v. s. xiii. cf. 8385 1655 Recueii des Histoires de Troie. 4 to. ch. s. xv. blue mor. ExecutedJor Philip, Duke of Bur¬ gundy. Ex bibl. Towneley. 8386 1656 Turpin’s Chronicle de Charlemagne 1419. f. ch. s.xv. (query if mine.) 8387 1660 Jean de Vandenesse,Contreroleur du Roi,Voy¬ ages de Charles 5, depuis 1514 jusqu’al551. Ineditet. f. ch.. s. xviii. no CATALOGUS LIERORUM MANUSCR1PTORDM IN BIBLIOTHEGA PHILLIPI’ICA. B388 l(5fi6 Victorias’ 8 Letters to Macchiavelli large Ato. wilii the Copies , {5389 1 607 Do. Correspondence. 4 to. ch. 8890 1G72 Petri de Vincis Epistoke. f. v. s. xiii. 350 of these letters inedited. Ex Bibl. Guilford. 8391 1676 Vitse S.S. Christofori. Lamberti, Gaugeriei, Be- nedicta’, Gregorii, Nicostrati, Claudii, Cas- torii, Simplicii, Gengulfi, llieronymi, Au- o-ustini, Christinas, Syrophoriani, Carlomanni, Luciie, Autherti, Aychadri, &c. J'. v. s. xi. Ex bibl. S. Gysleni. 8392 1683 Welch History, *• Petvar ugeijit tnlyned a whechant oed oet Crist pan vu y narvolgaeth vaur drvy holl ynys Prydein.” H Taliesin's Poems. “ Llyma Drioedd Talie¬ sin.— In anwiw Byd.” f. ch. s. xviii. No. 41 Ex bibl. Edvvardi Jones, ( the Bard.) 8393 1684 Gwaith Beirdd Cymru, neu, Casgliad o Gania- dau sev Moliant, Murwnad, Anianawl, An- nerch, Cariad. Darogan, Digriv, Erchi, Ac., 2 vols. 1300 pages. Incip. “Cowydd i Dduw Un Duw uchaf nod iechyd.” Olim Edwardi Jones. No. 59. narrow f.ch. s. xviii. gr. mor. 8394 1687 Trussell’s Mayors of Winchester, and other Miscellanea relating to that Town. large 4 to. v. s. xvii. 8395 1689 Cardinal Wolsey’s Negotiations, part inedited f. ch. s. xvii. Ex bibl. Farmer. 8396 1694 Yorkshire and Lancashire Petitions Ac. temp. Car. 1 & 2. /. ch. s xvii. (? si penes me.) 8397 1696 Yriarte's Correspondence with Antonio, San¬ tander, &c. in 5 large parcels. 8398 1697 Do. Colleccion de Refranes Castellanos, or 25000 Spanish Proverbs. If Indice de los MSS. de la Bibl. del Escu- rial. in 4 thick pasteboard boxes. 8399 1698 Account of the Family of Gale. 12/no.c/i.s.xvii. cf. with drawings and a specimen oj the In¬ dian Language of New England. If Gale's account of Kighley Parish. 8400 1701 Gregorii Omelue. f. v. s, viii. Scriptura Me- rovingica. 33 quatern os. 8 141 Extrait general du MS. de l’Abbaye de S. Ger¬ main des Pres, du xiii siecle. No. 1830 % Extraits des Fabliaux de la Bibl. du Roi. 4 to. ch. gr. veil. Olim ex Bibl. dc M. Marin, Censeur de la Police de Paris. 8402 1708 Servantois, ou Anciens Vaudevilles inedites, copies par Barbazau du MS. de la Bibl. du Roi , corriges par Mr. Roquefort, with his Autograph Note. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. 8403 1710 Guichonis Derivationes, sm.fol. v. s. xiv. Ex bibl. S. Maria; de Bonecumbe, Supplement to Heber MSS. 8404 100 Elizth. Burgoyne’s Receipts in Cookery. smAto ch. s.xvii. [1641] russ. 8405 173 Carvajal’s Addicion a los Illustres \ arones de Flernan Perez de Guzman, sacada de la Li- 8106 8407 8409 8410 breria de S. Lorenzo el Real Ao. 1620. Tomo 3 2do. 12mo. ch. s. xvii. The autograph trans¬ cript of Manana. (see Vol. 1. below.) 244 Joins, Hartoge, Leydani, Chronicon Belgicum ab Ao. 1500 ail 1580. autograph. Mo. ch. 516 Cenion I • >.>; •!ario del Bachiller Fenian Gomez .j al Rei Don Juau2do. Estampado en el anno j 1499. A transcript in the autograpn of P. 4 Mariana. 12 mo. ch. s.xvii. s tOB 575 Hermogenis Progymnasmata, ad Exemplar MS. j in Bibl. Reg. Paris, transcribed by John Jonas Eleutherius, a Greek, thin 4 to. ch. s. xviii.? Olim A. Askew. 648 L’arte della Cucina, or The Art of Cookery, j 8 vo. v. s. xiv. 772 'S.vppacTu. utanea exPatribus/Theodoro Proilom- 1.macho,Cyrillo,Demetrio,Ni- ceplioro. \c. Greece. sm.Ato. ch. s. xiv. russ. Ex bibl. f. '. If rd. 8411 781 Liberr.u 1 m urn, & Condictionum & Infirmitatum eor. cum remediis. Morando Falconer de la generatione deli Oselli de rapina. /. v. s. xv. ilium. 8412 905 Placido Reyna’s Notitia Historica Urbis Messa¬ ge ad A.M. 4052 translated into Latin by Jo.I Laur. Mosheim. 4 to. ch. s.xvii. (apparently ] the autograph Copy of Mosheim.) ct f,r 8ab of Estates of Hon. Geo. Hobart ini (' *■ cestcr, 10 Geo.3 .f.ch. s. xviii. 134 folinsM Da Lugo’s Siracusa Aolxqua.large f.ch.I ., ,.ro de Luna Historia di Mastre de St. 'ago. 117 leaves, f. ch. s. xvi. ndii EpistoLe. 12»io. v. s. xv. beautifully il -1 luminaled, with 20 full page Miniatures. Arms in lst A '2nd page, G. a pale A. Crest,i a Wyvern segreant S. all under a black Car-1 dinal's Hat. (two illuminations are wanting) 1 1002 Ludicra, or Facetious Poems. thinMo. cA.s.xvii. I 1 07 Satires temp. Car. 2. beyinning -The present state of Matrimony.” 4 / 0 . ch. s.xvii. AlbpagesX 8413 979 8414 8415 1003 100 1 8416 8417 8418 8119 1128 l 8420 *2 8421 S 3 8422 4 8423 5 8424 6 8425 7 8426 8 8427 9 I fond. Mo.. 1758. Arms on coicr, 3 Hands,! a quarter cheeky. Carolina Wiccamica. Latin and EnglisnM by Howard, Davison, Christofer Words-! worth, l! Stephens, B. Smith. F. Hall 180.), an.I G. Baker 1793. 2 vols. Mo. ch. Olim ii. i'll. Eliott. Prize Essays, probably at Winchester, by Whishaw, 1786, and others. Mo. , Earl of E;iston A Wm. Pitt. Mo. ch. Experimental Philosophy. Mo. ch. s.xvii Oliiii Reginald! Heber 1754. 4 to. ch s. xviii. 63 MSS leaves. Jssay. “The Effect of Climate on National Character.” 4 to. ch. s. xviii. iotes on Various Authors, viz. Gibbon’s Decline and Fall, Newton on Prophecies* OATALOGUS IIUKORVM MANUSCIilPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA 131 Annals of Tacitus, War ton’s Virgil, &c., thin 4to. ch. s. xviii. 10 The Golden Litany revealed to St. Mawdlen copied from the original MS. of Dr. Far¬ mer thinAto. ch. 1000. 11 Arte de Putear, compuesto por Don Nicolas Fernandez de Moratin. thin Mo. ch. s.xvii. 12 On Chivalry. 4£o. ch. s. xviii. 13 Oxford Poems. 4fo. ch. s. xviii. 14 ArsMusica.PWzePoem,5t/Jer.Milles.l773.4£o 15 Collectanea Gra*ca. 8uo. ch. s. xviii. 16 Catalogueof Antwerp Printers to 1700 Ato.ch. 17 Mysteries. II A Songe “ Cowardyce dysplayed, or The Bather’s Girlonde.” 4to ch. 18 A Poem, beginning Walked Innocent”&c. thin 4 to. ch. s. xviii. 19 Debure’s Catalogue of Girardotde Prefwi -.’n Library. 4/o. ch. 1755 0. entirely auto¬ graph of Deb'ure. 20 Danner’s Poem dedicated to i. i • i m; 1777. 4£o. ch. s. \ i 21 A MiscellaneousColi-, ;> ■>. in. R. Smith’s Catalogue of his L> The Title and Preface only. H A Poem, Inci ■ “ Go mighty Prince. If Thos. Rogers' Letter to M.D.Bownde, Parson of Norton. II K. James 2nd, Appointment to Win. Archbishop of Cant. ifcc. II Proceedings in the caseof Henry, Bishop of London, H Receipts forCookery.OZiroRicardiOwen H Panegyricum Edwdi. Rigbie, Arm.1674 H Byzantium,aPrizePoem, signed P.N.S. 1003. A Tragedy, beginning “ Enter Homicide solus.” by Robert Yarington. II Catalogue of Books at Marion, 1748 tk. 1752. H Robt. Abbot, Vicar of Cranebroke, Kent, FuneralSermon on Win. Rogers. II An Account of the Life of. a fragment, autograph of Dr. Entick. 4fo. ch. s. xvii. & xviii. 0 22 Miscellanea, inter alia. % Letter of M. St. Gervais. ^1 Panthea, a Tragedy, 1777. % On the nigh Price of Provisions. *11 Entick’s Sermon at Greenwich, before the Anti Gallicans. II Autograph Note of Richard Feber. On making Bethnal Green, a Parish. II Harding’s Letter toRichd.Heber, with a ProofSheet uf“ Palestine.”4£o.c/i.s.xviii ;r 23 Ancient Forms of Letters. H Letters of C. Faber. H Acta Eruditor. Lipsize 170G. H Libri appartenenti alia Storia di Napo¬ li e Sicilia. H Catalogue of Books. /. ch. 8442 24 Miscellanea containing H Receipts to Pickle Walnuts andOnions. H Axjuatov SavOoc. In obitum celeberrimae Principissae Carolettx, &c. fol. ch. 8143 25 Mrs. Chaundler’s Wish. H Status Elizabethan Stonor. H Catalogue of Books, autogr.of R.Heber If Poem “ While you, great Monarch of this Isle.” H Conclave nclla Morte di Paulo 4. H Ex 1 mo. Candida Libello. /. ch. 8444 2G Catalogue of Part of Dr. Douglas’s Editions of Horace. If Anatomy, or Description of the \ essells of the Body, large fol. ch. 8445 27 M^S.Critical Notes on Classical Authors by ' Gilbert W akefield, copied from the margin of various boohs purchased at his Sale. ' Catalogue of Books, autograph of Ric. Heber. 12wo. ch > l A Few Notes on Logic and Optic?. thinAto.cli. \ Thin Blank 4mnediPonte.4to.s.xvii. red mor. C60 add, with his autograph corrections, 6GG lege, Dowman. add f„ v. s.xvi. (1525) 607 add, 1587 with the autograph of J.Castellanos.a Poem. f. ch. s. xvi. Ex bibl. Palmer. 6G8 lege. Ducum Normannorum. s.xii. 669 add, 2 vols. f. ch. s. xvii. Arabict*. 673 add, 1597- f. ch. s. xvi, 675 add, f. ch. s. xvi. 680 add, f. ch. s.xvii. 681 add, f. ch. s.xvii. 692 lege, de rebus. add, % Iter a Francofurdia ad Patavium. 24mo. ch. s. xvi. 706 lege, Johis. Ganians Kulendarium. add, 4to. ch. 712 lege, thin 4to.ch. 718 lege, thin 4to. 73L add , called Leicester’s Commonwealth, with ad ditions not printed, 4to. ch. s. xvi. 723 add, 4to. ch. (753, 754.755 ? an empti per T. P.) 758 add, sm. 4to. ch. s. xv. 765 lege, sacados archives— add, ch.s.xvi. russia. This is the MS. from which Acosta drew his informa¬ tion, & concerning which Pinelo in his Biblioteca says, there is some doubt about its existence, 771 lege, 8v<>. 785 lege, Sougdoura. add 1780. 79S add, ad 1325. 804 add, granted by Alfonso, K. of Castile, lege., s.xiv 815 lege, s. xiv. add, “ Of hem yat wryten us to fore,” ilium, wh. veil. 819 lege, large 4to. add, wh. veil, ilium. 820 add, f. ch. s. xv. 828 add, " Pedigrees of Barons, f.ch.s.xvi. Olim Lord Somers and Sir Joseph Jckyll. 839 add, dedicated tnWni. E.of Newcastle.MayO, 1640. S4L add, russ. f.ch.Indica.s.xviii. I’hishasbeen printed 844 add, f. ch. s.xvii. 845 lege, Inquisitione. add, f. ch. s. xvii. 848 add. No. C LX XVI I. 849 add, No. 384. 866 lege, thin 12mo. ch. s.xviii. 882 lege, thin 8vo. add, ch. Indica. s. xvii. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCR1PTORUM IN BIBLIOTHEGA PHILL1PPICA* 135 SS4 lege , hazer a los sabios. 8?c. add, thin 4lo.ch.s.xvii. 902 add, s. xvii. Arms of Colbert on the cover. 914 add, wh. veil. 923 lege, Brand 8f Fox. add s. xvii. 924 add, 4to. ch. s.xix. 925 add, on the Death of Dr. Clarke. 4to. ch. s.xvii. 927 add, Spoken in the Theatre at Oxford. 4to. ch. 932 add , s. xviii. 939 add, ch. s. xviii. 941 add, Incip,' e Odarnacht ad ar mic miled”f.v.s.xiii. bound in aMapofpartofMissisippilliver.f.ch.s. xviii. 942 add, IT Ex Placitis C ommunis Banci, Memorandis Scaccarii, Council Books, &c. in Dublin. IT Military Expences for Ireland, temp. Eliz. IT Instructions to Ratcliffe, E. of Sussex, Deputy of Ireland. IT Varirn Lectiones exscripto ex Codice de Bal- lymount (well written) f. ch. s. xvii. 913 add, with 5 Maps. f. ch. s.xvi. 946 add, f. ch. 947 add, s. xviii. Olim A.C. Ducarel, exdono Arthuri Blenerhassett. transcribed for Edward Denny by Thos. O’Sullivan. 948 lege, s.xi. 949 lege, Minore e del Principe—Cavaliere. sm. f. s.xv. 950 add, and whether it was known to the Ancients. )5l lege, 8vo. s. xiii. add, with curious drawings illus¬ trating- the Dresses, Customs, and Animals of the Country. )55 lege, Hernando. Reyno. >56 add, I. ch. 102G. ►59 add, f. blue mor. lege, Memonale. ►60 add, written in the Hispano-Morisco Character. ►66 add, IT Vita Georgii Coresii. Greece. ^T Peri Aggelois. Greece. ►67 add, s. xv. Ex bibl. Stanley. ►69 add, Scriptura Hispauica. Thorpe , 1839 . ! Transactions between France .rws.T.891 8641 Life & Works of Lady Eliz. Southwell, by Wm.Byrd 1718. 12 mo. p. rus. T. 787 8642 Sir Robt.SouthweH'sNote Book in Rome 1725.127?ir>. p. rus. T. 1210 8643 Ditto Common Place Book. 12mo. hr. cf. T. 8644 Ditto Poems. 12 mo. p. rus. T. 936 864 Fraser’s Letters 16S5. ful. p. rus. T. 708 8646 Capt. Sincock's Letters on the Rendition of Ireland 1690. folp. rus. T. 675 8647 Muster Rolls of France, (Lettered “Autographs of Military Captains 1610-77. fol. p.rus. T. 481 8648 Baron Schwerin’s Letiers. H Morgan’s Monmouthshire Estates 1695. f. p.rus T. 864 8649 Leveson Family Papers 1684. fol. p. ms. T. 785 8650 Wm. Keeling’s 3rd East Indian Voyage 1617/.® ms T. 739 8651 James 2nd’s Letters 1689. fol. p. rus. T. 709 8652 Duke of Schomberg’s Letters 1692. fol. p. rus. T.780 8653 Medway Papers 1689. fol. p. ms. T. 747 8654 Heinsius’, (Pensionary of Holland,) Letters 1692 /o/.t\ rus. T. 613 8655 Bruge Tracts on Ireland, 1 signed by Ce trft&dhin fp. rus. T. 697 8656 Case of Ireland, thin fol. p. rus. T. 692 8657 Miscellaneous State Papers, thin fol. p. rlis. T. 683 8658 Remonstrance for Grievances, Ireland, 1642. thin f. p. ms. T. 614 8659 Trial of Lord Mac Guire 1641-2. thinf. p.rus. T.690 8660 Speeches of Lord Keeper 1599. thin fol. p. rus. T.688 8661 Revenue of Ireland 1677. thin fol p. rus. T. 691 8662 IncorporatedSociety of Education instituted 1743.605 8663 Lord Carteret’s Letters, Dublin 1725-30/. p.rus.T.662 8661 Domaines du Roi Hen. VI. 1422. parchment, thin f. p. j us. T. 544 8665 Armorial de Macedoine, thin 4to. p. ms. T. 582 8666 Papers on Searaill Dock, Gloucestershire, thin fol. p. rUs. T. 517 8667 Poems of S. Dunn, Sic. thin 4to. p. rus. T. 530 8668 Smith’s Lives of the Berkeleys. (Read at the Society of Antiquaries 1803.) fol. p. rus. T. 512 8669 Arras of Spain, Portugal, Arragon, & Navarre, fol. p. rus. T. 581 8670 French Charters 1325-99. fol. p, rus. T. 475 8671 Letters of the Pe’rcival Family 1646-1705. fol. p rus T. 404 8672 State Papers, Flanders, 1531 &g> fol. p. rus. T. 4 8673 Denzill Lord Holles’s Letters 1676. fol. p.rus. T. 8674 Courtenay Documents 1207- 11^1. Jol.p. rus. T. 3 ' 8675 Stepney's Letters 1694-1709. fol. p. rjis. T. 381 8676 Extracts on Hawking, etc., from Wardrobe Accra temp E. I. fol. p. rus. T. 399 8677 Prior’s Diplomatic Correspondence 1694-8./. p. j T. 379 (The celebrated Poet, Matthew Prior.] 8678 Shelburne Papers 1508-3G. fol. p. rus. T. 240 8079 Catharine of Braganza’s Marriage Portion 1668. j p. rus. T. 216 8680 On Church Government 1630, &c. fol. p. rus. T. S 8681 Chas. 2 —Appointment of E. of Carlisle as Goveri of Jamaica 1678. fol. p. rus. T. 161 8682 Earl of Manchester’s Letters 1691-1701/. p. rws.T.l 8683 BrydalPs Collections on War and Camp Discipi 1543. fol. p. ms. T. 153 8684 La Hontan’s Memoirs addressed to Lord Nottin^hs f. p. rus. T. 32 8685 Prussian State Papers 1680. folp. ms. T. 128 868 G Benson’s Letters on Lord Kinsale l6l6fol.p.rus.T. 8687 Pierre Bayle’s Letters l670-1706./oZ. p, rus. T. 9 - 8688 Wogan on the Baptismal Vow 1721 ./ 0 /. p.rus.T.lt 8689 Monuments de l’Hist.de France, being li Extraiis < Chartes de la Ste. Chapelle.” fol. p. rus. T. 1104 8690 Sotheron Pedigree, fol. p. rus. T. 1197 8691 Shelly Ditto, fol. p. rus. T. 1163 8692 Secretary Vernon’s Correspondence 1692. fol.p. r T. 1305 8693 London Buildings &c. fol. p. rus. T. 846 8694 Life of Pope Gregory the Great, fol. p. rus. T. 13 8695 Post Office Papers 1 697. fol. p. rus. T. 1418 8696 Lord Fairfax’s Letters 1614. jol. p. rus. T. 455 8697 Lord Roche’s Family Papers 1607-57 fol. p.rus, T, 8698 Thomas’s Construction d’Ecluses. (with drawings') fol. p.rus. T. 1277 8699 Case of the Earl of Bath 1693. fol. p. rJis. T. 90 \ 8700 Spelman’s Remarks, fol. p. ms. T. 1215 8701 Colman’s Letters 1674. fol. p. ms. T. 1279 8702 D. Clarke’s Ditto 1721. fol. p. rus. T. 1209 8703 Taxes from 1690 to 1709. fol. p. rus. T. 1257 8704 Dean Fairfax’s Common PlaceBook./b/,p rus. T 12! 8705 Rights of the Jewell House 168 O.Jol. p, rus. T. 126 8706 Remarks on Excise, fol. p. rus. T. 1256 8707 Sir W. Temple’s Essays, fol. p. rks. 1. 1250 8708 Papers relating to Wm. 3rd. fol. p. rus. T. 1112 8709 Selden de Diis Syris. fol. p. rus. T. 1151 8710 Expenseof JeanN emond’s Voyage a l’Escosse, IJJO with tke Autograph of Charles, King of France. Jo p.ms. T. 1146. 8711 Nomina Hundredorum in Co.Rutland/.p.rus-.T. I U 8712 Privy Council 1600-7 . J'ol. p.ms. T. 1071 8713 Brydall’s State Officers, fol. p. rus. T. J077 8714 Vindication of the Duke of Ormond./®/, p.rus. T.91 8715 Clarke’s Letters 1685. fol.p. rus. T. 924 8716 Norfolk County Collections 1672. If Letters of Dr. Owen Hughes. fol.p. ms. T. 900 8717 Privy Council Warrants I 678 ./ 0 /. p. rus. T. Iu72 8718 Ditto Ditto Office Papers 1678-1703./. p.rus.T. 107 8719 Welch Ambassador, a Play. fol. p. rus. T. 1011 8720 Randolph on New England 1683 .fol.p.rus. T. 10.92 8721 Frobisher’s Voyage 157 ii.fol. p.ms. T. 906 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PH1LLIPPICA. 139 8£22 Meadows on the British Flag- 1693 . fol. p.rus. T.885 8723 Dickenson on the Customs, fol. p. rus. T. 847 8724 Earl of Sandwich’s Attack of Bergen 16G5.fol.p.rus. T. 884 8725 Sir Geo. Rooke’s Papers 1700. fol. p. rus. T. 887 8726 Coinage of England and Ireland 1666.fol.p.rus. T.S54 8727 Papers on Tuscany 1660-1704. fol. p rus. T. 835 8728 Ditto Diplomatic on the Barbary States I663f.jj.rus, T. 871 8729 Letters to Secretary Blathwayt \69\. fol.p.rus. T.859 8730 Bishop Malony’s Letters to Bishop Tyrrell 1689. ful> p.rus. T. 818 8731 Lord Caermarthen’s Letters 1692. fol.p. rus. T 883 8732 Heraldique Collection for Switzerland. f.p.rus.T.577 8733 Heraldic MSS. French Arms, in pencil. f.p.rus.T.56 8734 Collections for Oxfordshire 1678. U Letters of John, Bishop of Oxford./, p.rus. T.937 8735 Dr. Coghill against repealing the Test Act 1733. fol. p. rus. T. 693 8736 Papers relating to Devonshire during the Civil War. 1747 &c. fol.p. rus. T. 353 8737 Collections relating to Suffolk. 4 to. p. rus. T. 1239 8738 Petition of Bristol Merchants to House of Commons 1730. 4fo. p. rus. T. 132 8739 Collections on the Drama 1813. 4*o. p. rus, T. 7-10 8740 Sir Robert Southwells Negotiations in Portugal, 1665 to 1669. 3 vols. large 4 to. rough calf. T. 421 8741 Letters relating to Switzerland 1654. f, p.rus. T. 1250 8742 Swiss Guards 1630 Sec. parchment, fol. p. rus. T.493 8743 Bishop Robinson’s Letter from Sweden 1.093. 2 vols. fol- p. rus. T. 1248 8744 Holland State Papers 1668-99. 2 vols. fnl.p.rus.T.611 8745 Ditto Ditto Ditto IG91-3 .fol. p. rus. T. 612 8746 Sweden State Papers. 1634-1700./o/. p. rus. T. 227 8747 Correspondence of Oliver Cromwell and others re¬ lating to the Siege of Pontefract 1645-8. fol. p. rus. T. 158 8748 Nobiliaive de Bourgogne. 3 vols.fol.ch.boards.T.1414 8/49 Ditto Provence. 2 vols. fol. eh. T. 450 8750 St. Palaye & Secousse Antiquites de France. 6 vols. 4 to. ch. 1768. T. 43 8751 Barrier’s Armoriale Genealogique de Bretagne.2yo/.$. fol. ch. 1700. T. 553 8752 Trades de Paix jusqu’a 1693. 7vols. 4to.ch. red mor. T. 710 8753 Vincentii de Beauvais Speculum Naturale & Ilisto- riale. 4 vols. fol. V. s. xiii. T. 473 8754 Inventaire des Charles de Maison d’Albret. 2 vols.f. ch. T. 229 8755 Ditto de Perigord & Limoges. 2 vols. fol. ch. 8756 Ditto du Tresor. fol. 8757 Ditto de domaius de Navarre, fol. ch. 8758 Arms in'Various Counties. 2 vols. fol.Olim. J. Broad- ley. T. 571 8759 Epitaphs of Paris. \3vols.(lmissing.)f.French cf.T. 479 8760 Duke of Ormond’s Entry Book of Letters 1702.3 vols. fol. T. 651 8761 Boecalini Tacitus. 4 vols. fol. wh.vell. T.1252 8762 “ Regno Terreno” del Origine del Mondo. 2 vols. fol, ch T. 1266 8763 Vito di Gran Duchi de Toscana. ( Guilford) 8 vols. fol. ch. T. 1434 ) 8764 Anderson’s Papers. 2 vols.fol. ch. T. 34 8765 Scotland and Ireland, Arms and Pedigrees of Peers* fol. ch. (Naylor .) T. 289 8766 Irelaud Warrants 1707. fol ch. T* 314 8767 Ireland, Queen’s Letters 1703-7 ,fol. ch. T. 657 8768 Precedents of Veer age.fol. (Naylor.) T. 341 8769 Incip. Grievances presented to his Majesty 1624 'fol. ch. T. 2i9 8770 Catalogue of Edmund Waller’s, (the Poet) Books. 2 vols.fol . T. 177 8771 Cartulario di Mali Piero./. V. s. xvi. T. 799. 8772 Yandevelde, Catalogue of his Books k MSS. 32 vols. thin fol. T. 187 8773 Diplomatic Papers on the Peace ofNimcguen. 2voU. fol. ch. 1677. T. 377 8774 Thorpe’s Catalogue of Battle Abbey MSS. 2vols.fol. T. 8775 Claudiani Opera, fol. V, s, xiv. red velv. T. 282 8776 Ditto de Raptu Proserpina?./ s. xiv red velv. T. 283 8777 Etat de la Noblesse de Paris, fol. ch. T.896 8778 Sir Wm. Dugdale’s Collections, part autograph. 2 vols.fol. s. xvii. T. 8779 Boullainviller’s Ancieu Noblesse de France. 2 vols. fol. T. 897 8780 Names & Armes des Bannerets d’Angleterre. U Tournay at Dunstaple. II Siege of Caerlaverock. ^1 Assault of ditto. IT Anns in Mr. Glover Somerset’s Old Book. If Ditto of Benefactors of Westminster Abbev. II Ditto at the Siege of Roan /. Olim Thorax Gore. T* 54 8781 Epigrammata Grxca. fol. ch. s. xv. T. 18 8782 Hist, of Army and Navy from 1200 to 1400 /.cA.T.64 8783 Aristotelis Rhetorica. /. in green case. Latine.T. 48 8784 Anderson’s Royal Genealogies- fol. printed with MS. notes. T. 16 8785 Blathwayte’s Account of America, large fol. ch. rus • T. 31 8786 Avicennee Medicina./oL V. s. xiv. T 80 8787 Revenues d’Arras, large fol. V. s. xvi. T- 68 8788 Ordinary of Arms, large fol. T. 57 8789 Arpentage de la Domaine de Tallan. large fol. ch. s. xviii. T. 67 8790 Copy of the Baron’s Book in 1592. largefof.ch. s.xvi T. 83. 8791 Journal of the Office of Trade and Plautations. I fol. ch. s. xvii. 1682. T. 28 8792 Rcmarques sur les Coutumes d’Artois. l.fol. ch. T.71 8793 Beckwith’s Pedigrees of Yorkshire. L/bLs.xviii.T .60 8794 Treaty with the French respecting the American Possessions, l.fol.ch. T. 30 8795 L’Art Heraldique. l.fol. ch. s. xv. T. 51 8796 Della Virtu dell’ Acqua Piulosophica. fol. ch. in¬ dorsed Miscell. No. 42. T. 5 8797 State of Barbadoes. thin fol. T. 29 8798 Arguments on the Abdication of Jae. 2. fol. cli. T. 45 8799 Coats of Arms in Beds. Berks. Buc. Chesh. Cam. Cumb. Cornw. & Lord Mayors, fol. ch. T. 30 8800 Bellamy’s KewLady’s MS. Museum !774.4*o.cA.T.97 8801 Biography of the Royal Academy./, ch. s. xviii. T.40 8802 Genealogy of Benard f /oL ch. T. 70 t JO CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA FHILL1PPICA, R803 ITpmsterhusii Dictata in Historian) Patri*. 4to. ch. Ex bill. I)r. Adam Clarke. CXX V. T. 6« 8804 Rhvnland, Delftland, & Schieland Coats of A mis /. ch. emblazoned. T. 61 8805 La Morte d’Arthur, a tragedy, thinfol. ch. T. 70 8800 Proceedings of Commissioners of Prizes 1G64. l.fol. ch. T. 1 8807 Miscellany of Arms. fol. ch. T. 20 8808 Baronies by Writ .fol. ch. Er bill. Naylor. T. 57 8009 Aristoteles de Mori bus. fol. V.s xv. Script.Ital. T.47 g8l0 Pedigrees of English Barons, copied from a MS. of Geo. Harrison, Esqr., 1780. fol. ch. T. 53 8811 Acts of the Admiralty 1600 . fol. ch. T. 2 8812 Statutes of the Garter, sm. fol. ch. A Poem on a leaf of vellum, inserted. T. 97 Olim P. Le Neve. 8813 Poemata MSS. well written, with Vignettes. If De Digamma A£olico. 4 to. ch. s. xix. rus. T. 91 8814 Arms of Nobility and Gentry 1690. fol. ch. T. 31 8815 Amies de la Noblesse de Bretagne, thin 4 to. ch. emblazoned. T. 59 8816 The Blue Book of the Order of the Garter, from Mary to 19 Jac. 1. fol. ch. T. 88 8817 Armoriale & Nobiliairede Lorraine, fol. ch, T. 58 8818 Egidius de Regimine Principum. H Aristotelis Secreta Secretorum. 4 to. V. s. xi v.red rus. T. 4 8819 University Degrees by John Anstis. T. 37 8820 Speculum Vitee Christiana 1 ./. V. s. xiv. Anglice. T.91 8821 Survey of Foxley Manor, Co. Berks. 1623. T. 99 8822 Nobiliaire de Lorraine. 4 to. ch T. 55 8B23 Balfour’s Office of Heraultrie 1661. thinfol. ch. T. 4g 8824 Statuta Anglize. l2mo. V. s. xiv. T. 42 8825 Bullze Paparum Innocent. 8, &c. f. V. s. xv. Ex bibl. Guilford. T. 139 8826 Boccacio Philostrato. fol. ch. s. xv. T. 106 8827 Bourne’s New Castle, with MSS. notes, f. 1736.T.120 8828 Charter of Chipping Wycomb, Bucks, fol. ch T. 137 8829 Catalogue of Library of A.P .fol. ch. redmor. T. 181 8830 Egid. Romanus De Gradibus Formarum f. V. s.xiv. Olim M. Monteil de Paris. 8831 Meditaciones Vitae Christi. fol. V. s. xiv. calf T. 115 8832 Ebrardi Grzecismus. fol. V. s. xiv, bound in striped satin. Ex bibl. Adaini Clarke. T. 154 8833 Catalogue of MSS. olim Sir R. Southwell./.cA.T 178 8834 Statuta Coll. Trin. Cambridge, fol. ch. s. xvi* T. 146 8835 Traduccione di Proserpina di Claudiano. largefol.ch. s xvii. T. 114 8836 Processus contra Bohemos, 1469. T. 114 8837 Catalogue of Lord lnwood’s Library, fo. ch. T. 194 8838 Ditto Bibl. Convent. Antwerp 1737. fol. ch. T. 183 8839 Cartularium Abbatize de Leciis .fol. U. s. xiii. T. 164 8840 Ditto Ditto de Treves, fol V. s.xv.T. 167 8841 Catalogue of English Writers, largefch. s. xvii. T.104 8842 Bracton de Legibus. large fol. V, s. xiv. Ex bibl. Se¬ bright. T. 125 8843 Capitolare Concil. Ducis Contareno. If. F.s.xv.T.156 8844 Catalogue of the Library of Harburton fol. ch. T. 173 8845 J. Cornish’s Collections for Barnstaple, Devon. H Arms of Knights of the Garter, large fol.ch. T.167 8846 Catal. Librorum Ducis dc Cassano. U Angeli Illycini Catal. Librorum/.cA 2/?arfs.T.19l 3847 Bulla P. AlexandriVI proRegula S.Francisci dePaul thin fol. V. s. xvi T. 140 8848 Ilistoire du Monde jusq’ a la Naissance de J. Christ. f.V.s.xiv.Gallice.(Suppl.T.133) Ex MSS. A.Clarke XLV. 8819 Queen Mary’s Charter to Aylesbury, Bucks, fol. ch. s. xvi. T. 136 8850 Catal. Bibl. Abb. S. Martini Lovanii. fol. ch. T. 176 8851 Boecio Consolacion de la Philosophie/.cA.s.xv.T.l 17 8852 Duraoulyn’s Advice to a Knight of the Shire for Lan¬ cashire on Episcopacy, thin fol. ch. T. 215 8853 Queen Elizabeth’s Wardrobe \> arrants, Anno 10. large fol. ch. T. 217 8854 Tracts & MSS. on theCoinage.print&MSS. f ch. T.289 8855 On the Court of Chancery, fol. ch. Ex. bibl. W.Sbaw Mason. T. 209 8856 Cronicle of England. “ In the Noble Land” fol. V. s. xv. p. rus. T. 253 8857 Cronicie of England, imperfect. Incip. “That they wolde” (“In the Noble Land” torn out) f. V. s. xv. p. rus. T. 250 8858 Cronycle of England, “In the Noble Lond "fol. V. s. xv. T. 252 8859 Cronycle of England “This Realme of Bretau.” thin fol. ch. s^ xv. red rus. T. 254 8860 Abdy’s Medals, 1719 .fol. ch. T. 288 8861 Lord Conway’s Letters 1681. l.f. ch. rough calf ’.T.22 L 8862 Marriage of Chas, 2 to Catharine of Portugal 166L, large fol. ch. rough calf. T. 217 8863 Eleccion of Don Carlos 5. thin fol. ch. T. 225 8864 Diego de Castilla Cronica del Rey Henr.4 d’Espana. fol. ch. T. 246 8865 Sir Win. Cavendish’s Household Book 1550. thin fol. ch. T. 200 8866 Ciceronis Epistolze. If Petrarch* Rime. fol. ch. s. xv. T. 269 8867 Voyage to Calais 1625. thin fol.ch. T. 213 8868 Daniel Barbaro Relacioue d’Inghilterra 1551. thinf.. ch. T. 222 8869 Genealogia di Nobili di Venetia. obi. 4to. ch, T. 240 8870 Suvo/tc QtoXoyiag.fch.s.xv.Ex Ai’6?-Guilford.T.27j6 8871 Proclamation for raising Price of Silver Bullion, fol. cloth, temp. E. 4. T. 286 8872 Computus Magna; Camerze Eccles. Trecensis, 1393 fol. V. 8. xiv. O/im M. Monteil. T. 209 8873 Johis Gotfridi de Oppenheim Traductio Ciceronis de Providentia,Anno \4S\,Gcrmanice. /.e/i.s.xv.T.279 8874 Cecco d’Ascoli, de Stabili, &c. fol. ch- s. xv. T. 202 8875 Ciceronis Epistolze. fol. V. s. xv. (or ? xii.J T- 270 8876 P. Gregorii Omeli® in Ezechiel./o/. V. s. xii. T.253 8877 Miscellanea. On the Jurisdiction of the Court of Constable and Marshall in Capital Causes, fol. ch. s. xvii. Olim Sir Thomas Brudenell of Deen, & Sir G. Naylor. T. 220 8878 Extracts from Decrees in the RollsOffice./.c/t.s xviii. T. 210 8879 Qualities of Medecines “of Temperate Heate” &c, fol. ch. s. xv. T. 327 8880 Durham Poll Book 1675. large obi. 4 to. ch. Ex bibl. llic. Towneley. T. 393 8381 Dante’s Purgatorium k Paradisum, cum glossa./oL ch. s. xiv. T. 329 8882 Cassiodori Historia Tripartita./. V. s. xiii. T. 171. • 8883 Expenses of Sir Willoughby Duse (Dewes) 1676. fol ch. T. 359 CATALOGUS L1BRORLM M ANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 141 3884 Liber Psalmorum, Latine, cum Versione Scotica & Paraphrasi. fol. V. s. xv. red rus. T. 526. Exbibl. Adami Clarke. 3885 Frederick Clifford, a novel, fol. ch. s. xviii. T. 398 3886 Sur l’Origine des Douze Ancicns Pairs de France. fol. ch. s xvii. T. 383 3887 Incledon’s (?) Arms in Devon Churches, f.ch.9 xviii. T. 348 3888 Chancery of the Duchy of Cornwall under Sir Robert Eyre 1715. 1. fol. ch. s. xviii. rough calf. T. 315 B889 Bartholide Saxo-ferrato Questiones legates, thick f. ch. s. xv T. 306 8890 Diario di Papa Alessandro 6. f. ch. T. 362 B89i Comptes de la Chatellanie d’Aignac le Due 1525. fol % V. s. xvi. Olim M. Monteil. T. 304 8892 Ordinance for christening Prince Edward at Hampton Cort, 29 H. 8 11 Household Expences of Q. Eliz./cA. s.xvi.T.308 8893 Orazione contro Antonio'Corraro, &c. 11 Rilazione de M. Foscari, Ambasciatore a Firen¬ ze, ritornato a Vienna, fol. ch. s. xvi. T. 317 8894 Franc. Nicolini Relazione di Legazionedi Avignone. fol. ch. s. xvi. T. 384 8895 Chapman's Drawings of Wanstead House, &c. obi. 4 to. s. xvii. T. 390 8896 Sir Robt.* Cotton on the Lord Stewardship of England fol. ch. s. xvii Ex bibl. Naylor. T. 302 8897 Charter of London City, 14 Cut. fol. ch. s. xvii. T.393 8898 S. Augustin, *• de LiberoArbitrio” & “ Unde Malum’’ f. V. s. xv. T. 42 8899 Index Prohibitorius 1735. fol. ch. s. xviii. T. 310 8900 Siege of Chester in 1645. 4 to. ch. T. 337 8901 Andr. Dominici, Florentini, de § RomanisPotestatibus. U Matheus Palmerius de Temporibus. 1l Boccacio de Mulieribus. H De Nobilitate. Ato. ch. s. xv. T. 385 8902 Petition of the Charitable*Corporation for the Relief of the Poor. fol. ch. s. xviii. T. 316 8903 Thos. Walls’(Windsor Herald) Compendium Histo- rial 1528/.cA.s.xvi. Olim Josephi Haslewood.T.303 8904 Lewis’ Collections for Kent 1728. f. ch. autogr.T. 383 8905 Collections for Kirkby Bellers./. ch. a bundle. T. 473 8906 89 Charters, &c. (in French ) relating to “ Messages” from 1420 to 1470. Ato. in a case. T. 442 8907 Genealogie de St. Alban & Du Puget, thin fol. ch. s. xvii. T. 498 8908 Wardrobe Accounts 9 & 17 EWz.thinf. V.s.xvi.T.407 8909 Forest's History of Joseph, a Pocm.f.chAbGD. T.472 8910 Fragmenta Regalia, temp. Eliz .fol. ch. s. xvi. T.412 8911 Speeches to herMajesty,l6Nov. 1595. thinf. ch. T.4I0 8912 Observations sur 1’ Erection des Fiefs & Dignites. thick fol. ch. T. 460 R913 Terrier de la Seignourye d’ Estiolle. l.fol. ch. T. 436 3914 Francis Parry’s Diplomatic Correspondence with Lord Arlington, Sir Wm.Godolphin, &c., from Portugal, 1668-80. 2 vols.fol. ch. T. 423 8015 Caley’s Escheats or Inq. p. Mort. for Chesh.* Cornw. Derby, fol. ch. s. xix. calf. T. 431 See No. 8567 8916 Recepte Genera le du (Merge de France 1639. 1. Ato. V. T. 484 8917 Fairfax's Barlaani A Josaphat../? ch. s. xvii, T. 453 8918 Arms of Cheshire out of Dugdale's MSS. 1 657.thinf. ch. Exbibl. Naylor. T. 409 8919 Memoranda Scaccarii 1 & 9 Johis. f.ch. s.xviii. T.444 8920 Tailles de Nivernois & Noes 1343 &c.f. V. Olim M. Monteil. T. 477 8921 Ordinary ofArms. Index begins “Argentine” the Work “ Dernforde, an Eagle displayed” fol. cloth. T.451 8922 Medulla Parliamentalis from 10 H. 2 to 1 R. 3. f.ch, 1622.0/imEdri.Gwynn, His Arms in\st page.T.AIG 8923 Ancient and Modern Poetry, l.fol. ch. OlimJ osephi Haslewood. T. 425 8924 Ordinary of Arms. f. ch. Olim SirG. Naylor. T.430 8925 Inscriptiones 8c Vocabula Arabic*, fol. ch. T. 455 8926 Rules of the House of Lords. U Sir Ric. Temple’s Speech against the Triennial Bill, 8ic. fol. ch. s. xvii. T. 466 8927 The Shepheard’s Logic. J. ch. Olim J. Bindley.T.487 8928 Ancient Pedigrees of English Barons./, ch. Olim Sir G. Naylor. T. 466 8929 Speeches of Sir Nich. Bacon 1620. sm. fol. ch. T. 406 8930 Creation of Nobility since the Conquest to Eliz. fol. ch. T. 493 8931 Q- Anne Boleyn’s Letter to Squire Josseliu on the birth of Q. Elizth .fol. ch. Olim Lord Stamford, pot _ tea J. Towneley, of Towneley. T. 470 8932 Grants passed to the Earl of Thomond./. ch T. 416 8933 Homeli* Johis. Epi. Constantinopolis in Matheum. fol. V s. xii. T. 438 8934 Etatdcs Maisons de Reines et Princes de Bourgogne &c. &c. l.fol. ch. T. 476 8935 Recueil de Lettres Autographes de Destrees, Thierry de 1’ Hopital,Scc. 1557. thick fol. ch. T. 480 8936 On theState of Ireland Anno 1600, to Lord Mountjoy. II Proposals for reducing Ireland, f.ch.s. xvi T.411 8937 Genealogies of the Counts of Spain, f.ch.s xvi.T.50l 8938 The Lord Chamberlaine’s Services at Court, writ in K. Hen. 8 time, thin fol. ch. T. 548 8939 Doddridge on Advowsons. H Judges Opinions on Ship Money .folch. s. xvii. Olim Lord Stamford \()93.HisArmsoncove/T.5A9 8940 Entries of Patents/Commissions, &c. Inside the co¬ ver is a Pedigree of Gibbon the Historian , by Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. f. ch. T. 525 8941 Roll of Carlaverock. beautifully copied and embla¬ zoned by Philip Absalom. Ato. ch. rus. T. 580 8942 Gower’s Poems. /./. F.s.xv. Olim J.Towneley. T.522 6943 Genealogies of Paris. J'ol. ch. s.xviii. marked D. T.570 8944 Flemish Pedigrees.em6/azon^d. Incip. “Glymes” fch. T. 595 8945 Arms of Flemish Families, fol. ch. T. 592 8946 Noms & Armes de la Noblesse de Bretagne 1668. l.fol. ch. T. 519 8947 Dictionaire desAnnoblisseroens enFrance/.cA.s.xviii. T. 574 8948 Statuta de Rovigno 1618. fol. ch. T. 542 8949 Sale of Collingham Manor and Advowson, Co. York. 1738. fol. ch. T. 536 8950 German Coats of Arms, emblazoned, l.fol.ch. T. 591 8951 Ancient Writs of Scotland \ b'2'A.f.ch.hpchmt. T.552 8952 Documents for Dysart Boiough \bQA.lfol.ch.T. 550 8953 RalphHrooke’sHeraldicCollections. f.ch. s.xvii.T.559 8954 Cens d’Aumonerie de St. Denis 1396. fol. V. %. xiv. Olim M. Monteil. T. 58 GSuppl. CATALOGUS L1BRORUM MANUSCRIPTOHUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLrPFICA. 1 12 8955 Nobleza dc Espana. fol. ch. s. xvii. green cf. T. 558 ' 8956 Dr. Adam Clarke’s Report on Rymer’s Foedera. fl chi s. xix. rus. T. 546 8957 Pedigree of Cahideuc, with emblazoned Tree of 1G yuarte'rings. l.fol. ch. T. 588 8958 Upton (Nicholas) de Arte Heraldica./.c/t.s.xv. T.557 8959 Arms and Origin of the Earls of Teisterbandt, &c. in Flemish, thin fol. ch. T. 590 8960 Gildas de Gestis Britonum. Incip. A principio’/cA. Olim Sir H. Spelinan. T. 510 8961 La Vraye 6z parfaite Science des Armoiries, par Lou- van Geliot, fol. ch. s. xvii. T. 552 8962 Cartier des Families Nobles, or, Arms and Pedigrees of French Families but 1st is, LaMaison d’Autriche. l.fol. ch. s'. xviii. T. 583 89G3 The Baron Book. emblazoned.4to.ch.s.w\.rus. T.560 896-1 Geronimo Roman Historiade la Orden deS.Augustin, y vida de S.‘ Clara di Montefalcone. f. ch. s. xv. or s. xvi. T. 540 8965 Barret’s Pedigrees, fol. ch. s. xviii. T. 505 #966 Collections relating to Precedency, fol. ch. Ex bibl. Naylor. T. 517 8967 Armoiries de Dauphine./. ch. printed & MSS. T. 573 8968 Genealogical & Historical Collections for Fiance. fol. ch. s. xvii. T. 585 8969 Privy Seal Entries, Aug. 1713 to Sep. 1717./c/i.T.522 8970 Heraldic Antiquities & Pedigrees for • o. Yoik 166'- fol. ch. s. xvii, T. 555 (? if a copy of Hopkinsonf 8971 Preuves de Noblesse des Chevaiiers du St Esprit, de 1578-1675. obi. fol. Ex bibl. Lainoignon. T. 500 8972 Sir R. Southwell’s Entries of State Letters relating to the War in Ireland, 1690. l.Jol.ch. T. 652 8973 Iriarte’s Extracts from Oriental MSS. in the Escurial with Inscriptions in Greek and Runic Characters. AVith a summary of the labours of the Author, con¬ cerning the Escurial Liorary, either by order of, or in conjunction with D. Juan Santander 1790. autogr. long fol. ch. T. 648 8974 Caley’s Index to the Originalia 1 H. 8 to 39 Eliz. fol. ch. s. xix. T. 634 8975 Index to Acts of Parliament./, ch. s. xvii. Olim Lord Longueville, postea J. Caley. T. 633 8976 Rev. Hen. FairfaxVCommon Place Book of the Bi¬ ble. fol. ch s. xvii. T. 608 8977 Fees in Secretary’s Office,Ireland 1703-7 f.ch. T.C86 8978 Petitions to the Duke of Ormond, Governor of Ire¬ land. Jol. ch.s. xviii. T. 672 8979 Thinne (Lancaster Herald) on Precedency of Knights of the Bath. fol. ch. Ex bibl Sir. G. Naylor. T. 629 8980 Occleve’s Poims, “ Musyng upon” f.ch. s.xv. T.6I0 8981 Craven Ord’s Collections for a List of Abbots, Priors, and Bishops. 1. fol. ch. s. xix. half rus. T. 606 8982 Thomas Imber's Collection of Poems, Songs, News¬ papers, &c. circa 1715 .fol. ch. T. 631 8983 Piiv) Signet Account from 1690-1737. fol. ch. T.6G8 8984 Ipswich Domesday Book (*fcj Jncip. “ The days of Great Pleas which are called Purimatineiuotes.” &c. fol. ch. s. xviii. T. G29 8985 Entries of Notifications,‘Commissions, Passes 1710 , fol. ch. T. 670 8986 Privy Seals and Entiics in Ireland 1702-13. fol. ch. rough calf. T. 660 8987 Answer to the Earl of Anglesea’s Objections to tlx Duke of Ormond 1682. fol. ch. T. 663 8988 Irish'Common Pleas 1697-1736. fol. ch. T. 698 8989 Account of Dudley, Earl of Leicester 1592/. cA.T. 776 8990 Poems, thin. fol. ch. Olim Isaac Reed. 1779. T. 777 8991 Juvenalis. fol.V.s.xiv. Olim Pauli de Coliariis.T,732 8992 Titsingh’s Correspondence/. cA.s.xviii. bluemor. T. 7 I 4 8993 Orders in the Treasurer’s Office 1557. fol. ch. T- 766 8994 Lane’s Reports 1670. fol. ch. rough calf. T. 760 8995 Kyriaci Rudimenta Arithmetica.Gr#cc./o?.cA. T. 753 8996 St. Antholin’s Poore Booke 1638 fol. ch. T. 793 ‘8997 Arguments on the Quo Warranto against the'Corpo- ration of London 1682. fol. ch. T. 794 8998 Rules of His Majesty’s Household 1662./. ch. T .707 8999 Historia Controversy Jansenianee 1645./.cA.T.712 9000 St. Antholin’s Account Book for Preaching, long nar¬ row fol. 1675. T. 792 9001 Copie des Lettres de la Co'ur. 1699-170!./. ch. T .799 Mention is made of the passage of Religionaires into England. 9002 Lord Chancellor Ellesmere’s Notes on Magna Carta. 16l5./o/. ch. T. 767 9003 Exchequer Practice, f.ch. Ex bibl. Craven Ord.T.768 9u04 Ordenamiento de Alcala, por el Rey D. Alfonso. Jol. ch. s.xv. T. 790 M °5 Foi mules du Secretaire d’Etat en Lorraine, fol. ch. s. xvi. T. 797 d. Southwell's Copies of Letters./.cA.s.xvii.T.784 . * mi Historia./.e/i.s.xv. rus. Ex bibl. Askew.T.728 900c; Titsmgh’s Livre des Fleurs, traduit du Japonai 9 . fol. ch. s. xviii. T. 713 9009 Catalogue of Books, printed by various Printers, i.e. Aldus, Ac. Ac. thick fol. ch. s xviii. T 730 9010 D’Aguesseau, sur la Noblesse de France 1666-9. 4/o. ch, T. 895 9011 Memoires de la Banque d’Angleterrc. fol. ch T. 840 9012 Lucani Pharsalia. cumglossis. fol. ch. s. xv. T. 806 9013 Bishop ot Ely A- Montagu’s Journey to Rome in 1556 thin fol. ch. green mur. T. 832 9014 Miscellanies relating to Cambridge, printed Sc MSS. Jol. ch Olim J. TowneJey. T. »<55 9015 Lucaui Pharsalia, cum scholiis. fol. ch. s.xv. Is/ letter ilium, wtth a Man in red cap and dress, reading at a desk , on a blue ground. Script. Ital. T. 805 9016 Lucan .fol. V. s. xiv. at the end is a Map of Europe. T. 802 9017 Lucaui Pharsalia, cum notis. fol. ch. s.xiv. Ex bibl. Jldssiame Alexandria®. T. 803 9018 I\ ocher dies de lu Noblesse d’Alencon par Hector de Marie 1666. Jot. ch' 'I'. 894 9019 MandeviHe’s Voyages, fol. V. s. xi \.wh,vell. T. 819 9020 Wotton’s Collectanea Historica & Genealogiea. /• ch. s. xvi. rus. T 847 9021 Astronoinia, Medicina, A Physica, Hispanice. printed & MSS. fol. ch. T. 850 ; **. 9022 Aspilogia. Some drawn but chiefly engraved.l.f.T 002 9023 Miscellaneous Papers 1597-1737.'%™* with a char¬ ter of James, King of Scotland 1597./. ch. T. 873 9024 Catalogue of Nobility 1623. thinfol. ch. T. 893 9025 Recettes de Jehanne de Bretagne. 4 to. V. s. xiv. red rus. T. 899 fl 9026 Percival s Spanish and English Dictionary, printed CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PH1LLIPPICA. ) 1023. with MSS. notes. T. 853 9027 Alabastri Elis*is (on Q.EIizabeth) f.ch. s.xvii. T.8. 9028 Pithsani Perspectiva. (printed.) II Melancthon de Supputatione Motus Solis MS. autograph, fol. ch. s. xvi Exbibl. Kloss.T. 838 9029 Lucan. f.ch. s.xiv. fragment ofUlpian at the end.T.801 9030 Iolerpretationes Cardinalium Sacr* Congregationis Concilii Tridentini. f. ch. s. xvii, T. 813 9081 Menioires sur la Province de Languedoc. /.cA.s.xviii. old French red vior. T. 841 $032 Modern Glossary, or, a Dictionary of Fashion, by an old Beau, thin Ato. ch, T. 860 9033 Ovidii Metamorphoseos, qui dicitur Ovidius Major. narrow f V.s.mW.rus .41 ines supplied at the end.T.928 9034 Cronique de Normandie. 4 to.ch. s.xv. 1st page ilium. Incip. Prolog. “ Pource que ceulx de bonne Volen- te” Incip. Cronica “ Combien que les Croniques de Normandie.” T. 903 red rus. 9085 Ovidii Metamorph. fol. ch. s. xiv. At the end is, " Bis sex millenos versus in Codice scriptos Sed ter quinque minus continet Ovidius” T. 935 9036 Papers relating: to the Duke of Ormoud Sc Ireland. fol ch. s. xvii. T. 918 9037 Sir Robt. Southwell's Letters to the Duke of Ormond 1688. fol. ch. T. 925 9038 Sir John Braraston, J.K.B. on Ship Money 1638. fol. ch. red rus. T. 95 L 9039 Ducali Possarovitz. fol. ch. s. xviii. Exbibl. Guilford. Some of the Letters are in Cypher. T. 909 9040 Rules of the* House of Commons, fol.ch. s.xvii. T. 945 9041 Proceedings in Impeachment of the Earl of Claren- don f.ch. 1667. “ UrsulaNormanby,her booke. ’T.949 9042 Parliamentary Proceedings, temp. J.ic 2. 1685 .fol.ch. p. rus. T. 950 9043 Ditto ditto do. Car. 1.1627/.cA.T.948 9044 Delli Horologi Solari di Orontio. f.ch, s. xvii, Book l T. 926 9045 Ovidii Epistol*. thick fol. V, &c ch. s. xv. some, pages ilium. T. 929 9046 Queries on the Present Condition of Ireland, fol. ch. s. xvii. T. 921 9047 OvidiFFasti./o/.cA. s. xv. (1481) Script.per Raphael Pedranigra. T. 933 90 18 A Particular State of the Receipts and Issues of the Public Revenue, Taxes, Loans, &c. temp. Wm. 3. 1688 to 1702. fol. ch. red mor. T. 953 9049 Prosecutions and Warrants. Jol. ch. s. xvi. T. 1080 9050 Regolamento per la Casa di Correzionede Fiorenza 5c Letter from Horace Mann./. ch. s. xviii, T. 1068 9051 Lettere del Cardinale Borrorneo & di M. Gallio a M. Santa Croce Sc Negotiate di questo col Re Cattolico 1560. Ato.ch. T. 1007 9052 A. Oldfield’s Pleadings, Cases, and Opinions. 1633. fol. ch. autograph. T. 1055. 9053 Poems by Chaucer and Lydgate, Ato. ch. s. xv. calf. Er bibl. Heber. pp. 232. T. 1022 9054 Dcpenses de la Prison de Vire 1580. obi. fol. perg s xvi. Olim M. Monteil. T. 1069 9055 Trifles, by Weeden, Butler, &c. 1794. 4 to. ch. gr.vel, T. 1045 9056 Piers Plowman’s Vision./. V. s.xv. red rus. 91 leaves T. 1003 14$ 9057 Francisci PoggioObituario della Compagnia del’Con. falone di Roma./. F.s.xvi.(1505) 104 leaves. T.1051 9058 Abbe Lallemaut Memoire des Deputes du ‘Clerge Sc de la Noblesse de la Province de Normandie. Ato. ch. s. xviii. pp. 188 cf. T. 1059 9059 J.P.P. Aretini Epistolae./o/. ch. s. xv. T. 1052 9060 Mustapha, a tragedy. L Buchanan de Jure Regni. thin f. ch s.xvi. T. 1009 9061 Wmi. Greene Registrum Fratrum Gildse S. Joh. Bapt. Bedford, ab anno 1506 ad an. 32 H. 8. l.fol. E. s. xvi. ilium, red rus. T. 1101 9062 Newes from Gravesend 1604, with a Post from Win¬ chester. thin fol. ch s. xvii. red rus. T. 1187 9063 Senecas Tragaedias./o/. ch. s. xv. black cf T. 1154 9064 Registrum Presentationum Curia; Superioris Civitatis Pictaviae. 1. Ato. V, s. xv. (1418) gr. vel. T. 1102 9065 Romances. Der Trojanische Krieg. II DieThaten Alexanders des Groschen. fol. ch. s. xv, wh. vel. T. 1126 9066 Account of the Revolution 1688. printed & MSS. f.ch. T. 1113 9067 Risdon’s Devon, fol. ch. s. xvii. T. 1121 9068 Rent Rolls of the Downe Estate 1743-6. thinfol.ch. Ex bibl. Southwell. T. 1108 9069 Rolandini Aurora, sive, Summa Artis Notariae./ol. F* s. xiv. (1339) Olim Comitis Benedicti Rosetti de Foroliv. Anno 1785. T. 1124 9070 Songs. Incip. “ Not, Chloris, that I juster am.’fol.ch. k. xvii. T- 1181 9071 Reports, fol. ch. s. xv. ef xvi. T. 1109 9072 Seneca; Bpistol*./.cA.s.xv..£ , x6i6Z.ColIeg.Agen.T. 1156 9073 Satirical Poems “The Second Advice to a Painter” “ Now, Painter, if thou durst designe that fight” &c. fol. ch. s. xvii. wh, vel. T. 1190 9074 Songs and Poems, “To the Brook and the Willow” fol. ch. s. xviii. Exbibl. Bindley, T. 1186 9075 Haselvvood’s Catalogue of Ballads and Broadsides. fol. ch. s. xviii. Ex bibl. Haselwood. T. 1182 9076 State of the Revenue from 1662 to 1781. fol. ch. red mor. T. 1110 9077 Sir Robert Southwell’s Advice to his Son./.cA^.xviii T. 1207 9078 Terentius. fol. ch. s. xv. Olim J. Bapt. Secchi J. C. Mediolan. T. 1263 9079 Geo. Trapezuntii Comparatio inter Platonem et Aris- totelem. 8. fol. ch. s. xv. T. 1292 9080 Treatise on the Star Chamber, “ I cannot but with Admiracion.” fol. ch. s. xvii.T. 1223 9081 Gesta Trevirorum. J'ol ch. s. xv. Ex bibl. S. Maximini de Treves. T. 1295 9082 Henry Moor’s Suit against the Borough of Hastings, 1736. fol. ch. green vel. T. 1297 9083 Rents of the King of Spain 1577. T. 1212 9084 Ord’s Suffolk Collections, fol. ch. s. xviii T. 1237 9085 Addenda vel Delenda in Historia Thuana. II Sur le Catholico Conclave d’ Alexander VII. fol. ch. s. xviiif yel. mor. T. 1282 9086 Hugh Grove’s Travels in England Flanders, 1698 Ato. ch. cf. T. 1293 9087 Statuta’Collegii Notariorum Genu* 1691. f.ch. s.xvii. T. 1230 9088 Statii Thebais. fol. eh. s. xr. red rus, T. 1225 l 1 I 144 CATALOGLS L1BRORUM MAN ll SCR1PTO RUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILL1PP1CA, JtrtXi, etc J 9089 jitte r (jfitecum glossis. fol ch. s. xv. red rus. A Calendar on 1 st leaf has a Schema Coeli, the 2nd leaf a Calendar. T. 1226 9090 BoccaliniVConcetti Politici di Tacito. f. ch. wh. vel. T. 1253 9091 Theatrical Expences 1591-1602. T. 1267 9092 Charles Towneley’s Funeral of Queen Caroline 1737. l.f.ch.Ex bibl. F. Townsend, Windsor Herald.T.128l 9093 Violet’s Disco\ery of the Conspiracy 1652 ; with the Warrants to him. printed & MSS.f.ch. s xvii.T.1320 9094 Fairfax'9 Arithmetic & Astronomical Calculations. fol.ch. s* xvii. T. 1390 9095 Poems, by a Banished Priest/.cA.s.xvi.p. rus. T.1311 9096 Brian Fairfax’s Poems, Stc. fol. ch. s. xvii. p. rus. “ TheGrecian Muse has all their Gods survived”T,1312 9097 Vocabularium Germanicum./.cA.s.xv.i?x bibl. Kloss. T. 1330 9098 Valerius Maximus, fol. ch. s. xv. wh. vel. T. 1302 9099 Wilkes’s North Briton, printed&iMSSAto.ch.T. 1363 9100 Turner’s Heraldic Collections, fol. ch. s.xvii. T. 1300 9101 lnventaire des Ceremonies & Fetes de France, fol.ch. T. 1398 9102 Vocabularium Latino-Germanicum, (sedverba Germa- nicapauca./.cA.s.xv.l426.U7A.t?ei. on 1st page “ Hen- ricus Velkener est Possessor hujus Libri.” T. 1329 9103 Vincentii de Beauvais Speculum Historiale. Vol 1. thick fol. V. et ch. s. xv. T. 1318 9104 Anecdotes and Political Remarks on Sir Robert Walpole, the Duke of Newcastle, and Mr, Pitt, by Mr. J.C. and Lord H. fol. ch. s. xviii. T. 1344 9105 “ Love Verses.” thin f. ch. s. xviii. Incip. “ The Va¬ lentine.” T. 1308 9106 Rules of the Ordnance Office 1683/ ch.wh.vel.T. 1391 9107 Widmore’sNotes on Antiquities &c. f cA.s.xviii.T.13G0 9108 Dr. David Wilkins’ Common Place Book. 1. fol. ch. s. xviii. wh. vel. autograph. T. 1364 9109 Privilegia Vill* de Salva Tierra de Abba por Don Carlos, Imperador, 1521. fol. V. ilium, with the signature of the Emperor (?) on every page. T. 1452 9110 Philippi Galtheri Alexandreis./. ch. s. xviii. red mor. T. 1421 9111 Sir Julius Caesar's MSS. 3 vols. f ch. s. xvi. T. 1429 9112 Pedigree and Arms of the Seigneurs of Borcelle, Boslock, (of England)Savage,&c./.cA.r.rus.T.l404 9113 Justiniani Codex, glosat. vol. 1. “ Humanum Genus” l-fol. V. s. xiii. T. 1401 9114 Amnestia Regalis pro Johe. Vice-Comite Mordant, Rogero,Comite Orrery, Edwardo,Comite Sandwich* Thoma, Dno.'Clifford,1673. H Papers relating to America .fol.ch. s.xvii. T. 1423 9115 Les six Thoysons d’Or. l.fol. V. s.xv. Olim M. Moo¬ ted, who has stamped these words on the cover, " Manuscrit echappe a l’lncendie deWestminster” meaning probably the Fire among Sir Robert Cot¬ ton's MSS in 1731. T. 1453 9116 Cartulaire de PAbbaye de St. Vincent de Senliz 1502 If Eoqueste de Terres du Chateau de Blancraesnil. 1. 4 to. perg. s. xri. Olim M. Monteil. T. 1426 9117 Wardrobe and Tapestry of Charles 2nd. 18mo. ch. s.xvii , red mor. T. 115 9118 Statuta Ecclesiae Cantuariae 1636. thin smAto. T.158 9119 Statuta Univ.Cantabrig. thin4to.ch.vx\\.wh.vel.T .147 9120 Ex Concordia Concordat®. (Olim Dr. A. Clarke.) * If Some Observations concerning the Turkes. IT History of Physic. 18 rno.ch. s. xvii T. 160 9121 Chart® Univ. Cantabrig. 18mo. ch. s. xvii. T. 150 9122 List of Portraits in Brand’s Copy of Granger. 12 m* ch. s. xviii. red rus. T. 185 9123 Poetry, “ Whoso triumphes the world in pomp and glory vane.” thin. 4to. ch. s. xvi. T. 102 9124 Catalogo de’Comedias Espanolas. 12mo. ch. with 3 autograph leaves , by R. Heber. T. 196 9125'Claudian de Raptu Proserpin®. thin 4 to. ch. s.xv. 30 leaves. T 139 9126 Heber’s Book of Expences forDarbyHall Estate 1813 8vo. ch. T. 164 9127 Anacreon. 1 8mo. V. s.xvi .red mor. stamped covers. T .9 9128 Degrees of Nobility. If Order of the Coronation in !727.12mo. ch. s. xviii. gr.vei.JSa:6t6i.Sirl.Heard& Sir G.Naylor.T 153 9129 Statuta, E. 3, R. 2, H. 4, H. 5. thick smAto. V. s.xv. Is/ page ilium. T. 585 9130 Books lent out of the Earl of Rothes Library, at Leslie 4/o. ch. T. 1262 9131 Edward SouthwelPs’Commentson Books read by him 1690. thin 4to. ch. T. 1208 9:32 ScholaSalernitana translated. thin4to.ch.s.x\\. T. 1309 k ‘ The *alern School doth by theis lynes impart/’ 9133 lnventaire desChartes.ou Godet’s Annoblissemens de- pu, 1349 a 1660. thick 12mo.cA.s.xvii. (1675) T.226 9134 Giannoue Pietro circa Storia Civile di Napoli. 12/no. ch. s. xviii. i ch. vel. T. 791 9135 Thomas Wilson’s Doomsday Book pro Com. York. 2 vols. 12 mo. ch. 1748. T. 1387 9136 Rules for the Ordnance Office, Ireland. 12mo. ck. s. xvii. red mor. T. 222 9137 Horatius. sm. 12 /no. ch. s.xv. (1467) Venetiis. with a drawing of Horace's (?) Tomb. T. 303 9138 Juvenal. sm,\2mo. ch. s. xv. cum notis. (imperfect .) lucip. “ Tam paciens.” T. 343 9139 De Synooimis. 18mo. V. s.xiv. “ Inter polliceri Scpro- mittere.” Olim Vincentii Lilio. T. 384 9140 Genealogies of Knightsof Romance in Orlando,Ama- dis de Gaule, &c. 18 /// 0 . ch. s. xviii. gr.stlk, T 342 9141 Ratcliffe’s Genealogical Collections for Yorkshire. 12 /wo. ch. s. xix. T. 319 9142 Doddridge’s Principality of Wales and Cornwall. sm 4 to. ch. s. xvii. T. 314 9143 Jac.de CessolisdeLudoScacchorum.4/o.cA.s.xv.T.131 9144 Dukeri Dictata in Commdiaru “H1I1EI2.” 4 to.ch. wh.vel. T. 395 9145 Drawings of Shakespeare’s House atStratford; of the Boar's Head in East Cheap, and others. If Medical Receipts, A necdotes,&c.l2///o.r.mor.T.388 9146 List of Payments for Civil Affairs, 1684. 1 Umo. ck. red mor. T. 223 9147 Exercitium Passionis Dominic®. 18mo. ch. s.|xvii. wh. vel. T. 230 9148 J. Wilkins on Prayer. 12 mo. ch. s. xvii. T. 238 9149 Lord Clarendon’s Prayers and Meditations. l 2 mo. ch, s. xvii. (1648.) T. 278 9150 A. Savorgnano’s Descrittione delle Cose di Cipro. thin sm. 4 to. ch. T. 235 9151 Register of Authors, thin 12 mo. ch. red rus. T. 207 CATALOGUS L1BRORUM MANUSCRIPT6RUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA, Sl-52 Alexander Chancel’s Travels in Europe. 12 mo. ch. 1712. (“they are going to send them” This was written while the Editor was dreaming*) Olim J. r i'owneley. red tnor. T. 208 9153 Cicero de Oratoribus. “ Cum e Cilicia.” ^ Cornelii Severi Carmen de Morte Ciceronis. Incip. •* lraque magnanimum” 8 vo. V. s. xv. T.273 1154 Cicero de Amieitia “ Scriptus Venetiis a Rizaro.” sm. 12mo. V. s. xv. T. 275 0155 Claudian de Laudibus Stilichonis, narrow f. F.s.xii. rus . T. 281 )15G Itinerarium Cujusdam a Paris ad Raustetleiu, Frank¬ fort, &c. royal 8 vo. ch. T. 241 1157 Projet du Nouveau Ceremoniale Francois, printed with MSS. notes. 4 to. 1746 T. 205 1158 Fuller's Worthies. 18/no. ch. s. xvii. T. 491 >159 Extracts from Sermons. lhin4to.ch.s.x\\i.xvh.vel.TAl7 1160 Catalogue of Bishops who have been Chancellors. thin 4 to. ch. s. xvii. T. 401 1161 Eutropius Sc Paulus Diaconus. 81 jo. V. s. xv. ilium. Arms, A. a cliev. G. betw.3 bunches of grapes, pro¬ per. Initials I.V. T. 441 1162 R. Glanville de Legibus. If Galfridi de Monmouth Hist. Britanniae. sm. 4 to. V, s. xii. gr. mor. T. 414 463 Missal (?) Incip. “ De Sancto Stephano” If Fragment of the Life of some Saint, Anno 537 l 8 mo. green velvet back T. 419 ►164 Formulare Brevium. 18/no. ch. s. xvi. T. 471 465 Epistolae Obscurorum Virorura. printed, 1556 % Pasquilli, MSS. 1 Zmo. ch. s.xvi. T. 428 166 Duty ofForbear»ng&Forgiving.l8/no.cA wh.vel. T.3J6 167 Samuel Garey’s Donum Dei, dedicated to Sir Robert Nanton. 18/no. ch. wh. vet. T. 493 168 Medulla Poetarum, with 2 rare portraits of Philip Stubbs. 12/no. ch. T. 426 169 Johis. de GarlandiaCarmen, “de Contemptu Mundi.” 18/no. V. s. xiii. T. 492 170 Orders of the Exchequer, obi . 18zzzo. V. s. xvi. T. 445 171 Ordinationes Congregationis S. Justinide Padua. 24/no. V. s. xv. T. 454 172 Andrew Kippis’s Notes on Dr. Ward’s Lectures on Oratory 1772. 8 do. ch. T. 751 173 Rentes of Assise of Middleton & Merden Co. Kent, 1574. 800 . V. rus. T. 744 174 Juvenal, cum gloss, sm. 4 to. V. s. xv. (1462) Script. Ital. Ex bibl. Billiaua. Arms, a Saltire. T. 735 175 J. Browne’s Letters. 12 mo. ch. s. xviii. T. 781 176 Lyfe of Sir Thus. More. 4 to. ch. s. xvi. brown calf. Preface , “As I have much” Life «• Sir Thomas j More was the onlie sonne” T. 789 177 John Kemble’s Catalogue of Stage Tracts. 4 to. ch. 1 s. xix wh. vel. T. 741 178 Juvenal, translated into English Verse by Huet and j Billinge. 18/no. ch. s. xvii. br. cf. T. 738 179 L’Oratore Instrutto l8mo. ch. s. xvii. wh. vel. T. 790 j 180 Juvenal Sc Peraius. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xv. br. cf. T. 731 181 Les Loisirs d’Esprit, 1712. 2 vols. 18 mo. ch. T. 791 Arms of (Montagu ?) with a border. 182 Caxton’s Virgil. 12/no. ch. s. xvii. br. calf T. 1323 183 Statuta Ecclesiie Cathedr. Hereford. 18w/o. ch. 1583, blue cf. T. 601 9184 Paulus Vergerius de Moribus lngenuis. If Basilius de modo Studendi Poetas, versus a Leo¬ nardo Aretino. 18/no. V. s.xv. 1st page ilium. T. 632 9185 Hubert’s Lyfe of Edward 2. a Poem. 1 Qmo.ch. s.vii,. red mor. T. 623 9186 Hubert’s Lyfe of Edward 2. 4 to. ch. s. xvi. T. 624 9187 Ollicers inlrelaud 1688-1727.4/o.cA.s.xviii.6r,c/T..660 9188 Summa de Viciis. If DeSS.Stephano&Barnaba.4fo. F.s.xiii.&r.c/'.T.63i 9189 Herald Painters Sketch Book of Arms 1804. Ato.ch s. xix. Is/ coat, Pfeiffer of Rotterdam. T. 627 9190 “ DeFamiliaHowardorum” being “Extracts of Char¬ ters and Records to prove the descent of that family. Believed to be Lord Wm. Howard’s autograph. 4to. ch. s.xvi wh. vel. Ex bibl. J. Anstis, No. 201.T. 621 9191 Wm. Hyde’s Trial of Philip, E. of Arundel, 14 Apr. 1589. 4/o. ch. s. xvi. p. rus. T. 622 9192 Nivardi, Remensis Archiepi. Homeliae. sm. thick 4to m V. s. xii. On the back , an Imperial Eagle displayed Or. T. 618 9193 Etat d’irlande “ Depuis que la Licence” 12/no. ch. s. xvii. T. 676 9194 Irish MSS. “ Fer amter aibin.” Title, “ Bennas for ana an ti ro sgrib.”$/n,4fo. V. s.xiii. marked N 0 . 2 .A. bound in a MS. Map of the Mississippi. T. 640 9195 Irish MSS. Part of the History of Ireland in 1 151-2 sm. 4 to. V. s. xii. & xiii, marked No 1. B. T. 639 N.B. These two last seem to be two different parts of two Works bound up intermixedly 9196 A Coptic Book with Arabic Interpretation. 4 to. ch, bombycina. ssec. T. 696 9197 Revenue of Ireland 1612. Qvo.ch.blue mor.gilt. T. 678 9198 P. Litera infausta, Priest, Prelate, Primate, Patri¬ arch, Pope, a Poem, thin narrow S vo. T. 512 9199 Hephzestionis Enchiridion. l8mo. ch. s. xviii. Olim T. Gaisford, iEdis Christi Oxon. ( the celebrated Greek Professor, Oxford) T. 550 9200 Armoriale de Portugal. 187 /jo. ch. s.xviii. p.rns.T.593 9201 Ditto Espagna. I 8 /// 0 . ch. s. xviii. p rus. T.594 9202 Catalogue of PlaysExtantl7l»). \2rno.ch.oldmor.T.504 9203 Sommario del Historia diSpagna,Francia,Danimarca Suezia, e Polonia. 18/no. ch. s. xvii. T. 575. 9204 Ives’s Collection of Arms. 12/no. ch. s. xviii. T. 587 9205 Rateliffe’s Index to Various Matters in Herald's College. 12mo. ch. s. xviii. xix. red leather. T. 596 9206 Chilian Rossi Poesic in Lingua Zeneize. 4to. ch. Ex bibl. Lord Glenhervie. T. 594 9207 Genealogies des Families de Paris. 4to. ch. s. xvi br. calf. T. 503 9208 Grose’s Original Drawings. 4 to.ch. s. xviii. T. 528 (/See No. .. in tnis Catalogue .) 9209 Heraldry, on \st page 2 Coats Si 2 Banner8.thin 4to. ch. s. xviii. T, 529. Incip “ No accounts before ” 9210 Hemsterhusii Dictata in Aristophanem.4/o. ch. T.542 9211 Armes Si blazons des Chevaliers du St. Esprit, creez par Louis 14, 1G62. 4 to. ch. T. 589 9212 P. Vergerius de lngenuis Puerorum Moribus, &c. sm. 4to. V. s. xv. wh.vel. T. 825 9213 L. B. Alberti Epistola Francisco Mariscalco Do. Fabellse. 12/no. V. s. xv. (1437) T, 10 9214 Church Notes in Suffolk, olim Craven Ord, 1794 18/no. ch. s. xviii. T. 595 iVo/e It is well known that persons perform the acts of walking and speaking in their sleep, but I have never heard of any one, except myself, writi- $ down, while they slept, the very words which they were saying in a dream. It has occurred to me several times.— T. PMWppt. 146 CATALOGUS LIBEORUM M A N USCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILL1PPICA. 9215 Orderinge of all Estates according to their Degrees. thin 4 to. ch. s. xvi. Olim Sir G. Naylor. T. 518 9216 Roma Piangente, o, Dialoghi tra il Teyere © Roma. 4/o. ch. s. xvii. T. 539 9*217 Les Livres de Sidrak. sm. 4 to. V. s. xiv. T. 568 9218 Petri de Riga Aurora. l2mo. V.s.xiii. E.Co/leg. Agen. T. 997 9219 Pawlfreyman's Prayers, dedicated to the E. of War¬ wick. ! 8 wo. ch % s.xvi. T. 957 9220 Ordinariuni secundum cunsuetud. S Petri in Lovanio. ^ Statuta Adulphi Episcopi Lcodiensis. l* 2 ;«o V. s. xiv. T. 916 9221 Guide to Oxford, with Chalmer’s MSS. Notes, 1807 4/o. ch. T. 941 9222 Persius. fol. V. s. xv. “Ego Thomasius fil. Laur. de Leve de Mozaincba Brusata scripsi 1451” T.989 9223 Jura Ducatus Normanniae.4/o c/i.s.xv. Istp.illu/n.T ... 9224 Thos. Martin of Palgrave’s Journey from Eton to Oxford and Wales 1724. 4Zo. ch. autograph. T. 831 9225 Tractatus de Arte Cabalistica. 4/o. ch wh. vel. T.812 9226 C. Cremomnusde Memorial Reminiscentia, See. 4 to. ch. s. xvii, wh. vel. T. 811 9227 Lyfe of St. Margaret, 4/o. V. s. xv. T. 808 9228 List of Ships, circa lJOO. 4/o. ch. brown calf. T. 886 9229 Martial. 8 no. V. s. xv. 1’. 827 9230 Expences of Office of Works 1726, 4/o. ch. brown cf. autograph of Sir James Thornhill, the celebrated Painter. T. 848 9231 Le Pere Martin, Jesuit, Missions dans la Madure 1702. autograph. 4to. ch. s. xviii. T. 811 9232 Herraetis Distinctio 3tia de Alteratione & Cura Me- tallorum in compositione Lapidis Philosophi. ^1 Testaraento di Raimondo Chaioricano, dedicato al Re Carlo. 4/o. ch. s. xvii. T. 810 9233 Demetrius Moschopolites “ Peri ton Sungrapheoos.” Greece A2mo.ch.s.xxi. Ex bibl.Lord Guilford. T. 815 923 I ' agna Carta et Statuta Angliae. 24 7 / 10 , V. s. xiv. Olim Wmi. Tailor. T. 813 9235 Letters, Miscellaneous Verses, &c. 12mo.ch.blue mor. gib, in yellow calf case. T. 856 9236 Statuta Anglia? temp. H. 4. 5. 6 . sm. 4to. V. s. xv. Glim Thomae Martin, with his autograph. T. 1821 9 klifle’s Sermon, “ Omnis Plantacio.” 18wo. V. s xv. red mor. T. 1359 92 ntius. in Prrseform. 12 mo. ch. s. xv. Ex bibl. ngart* • I 60 O. T. ... 9 Pisanel'.a. imo V. s. xiii. T. 1419 9 Da..... . j < tpera “ Deum nemo vidit” 12 mo, r. s. xiii. T. 1409 9 v o‘ Gosling’s Gooas 1617. 4to. ch, Olim P. Neve. T. 1403 9242 Juo. Reynold’s Love’s Laurell Garland 1031. 4to.ch. s. xvii. brown calf. T. 1115 9243 Customs of the Vicounties of Britaine, or, Laws of the Sea. 4/o. ch. T. 1774 9244 Antonini Castaldo Historiadi Napoli. smf. ch. s.xvi. wh. vel. Ex bibl. Cassano. T. 2629 ? 9245 Southwell’s Collections relating to Ireland. 18wo. ch. s. xvii. T. 1204 9246 Novum Testamentum. 12mo.^ r .s.xiii. yelmor. T.1268 9247 Memoranda on Wilkes’ Trial, obi. \2mu. ch. s. xviii p.rus. T. 1211 9248 Epistolm Illri. Mathei Vindocinensis. 12 mo, V. s. xiv. br. calf. Olim P. le Neve, cum notis suis. T. 1283 9249 Terentius. l 8 ;«o. V. s.xv. red mor. Olim .... Singer. T. 1261 9250 Statii Thebais. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xv. red paper. T. 1227 9251 John Taylor's Life and Travels 1656-8.(3 volsfvolA. 4 to. ch. T. 1258 9252 Sedulius, cum gloss, sm. 4 to. V. s. xiv. olive mor. Ex bibl. Drury. T. 1294 9253 Succession des Royaumes & Partages, apanages des Fils de France. 4to. ch. s. xviii. with Portrait oj Chancellor Seguicr. The cover stamped full offleur de lys. T. 1242 9254 Songs and Poems by Carew, &c,— one on Shakes¬ peare begins, “ Renowned Spencer lie a thought more near.” 18wo. ch. T. 1183 9255 Corbet's & Carew’s &c. Poems. 12/wo.c/t.s.xvii.T.l 193 9256 Carols on Christmas Day.thinl2nw.ch s.xvii. wh.vel. supposed lobe Sternhold’s or Salmon’s. (Note JT.1138 9257 Dr. Corbet’s Journey, and other Poems. Incip. *• Fou r Clerkes of Oxford, Doctors two and two.” 12 mo. ch. s. xvii. T. 1185 9258 Tracts relating to theRevolution 1688. printed & MSS. Trial and Execution of Henry Garnet. 4/o. ch. broivn calf. T. 1114 9259 Excerpla ex Pompeio Festo de Verbor. Signif. If Extract from Aulus Gellius. “ Quod sit Fatum” 800 . V. s. xv. Ex bibl. Drury. T. 1132 9260 Poggii Fpistolae. 800 . ch. s.xv. wh.vel. Ex bibl. Cas¬ sano. T. 1131 9261 Skelton’s Image of Hypocrysy. 4/o. ch s. xviii. Olim Thomas Martin & Dr. R. Farmer. T. 1173 9262 Alba of F.Besson I 660 . 1 st.Coat of Arms 0 / Gonel, Per bend sinister O. G.a demi bear S. It contains chiefly Armsk Pedigrees of Besson, oblAUmo. T.1'2 9263 Ditto of John Mezolaki. obi. 18mo. ch. T 13 9264 Statuta Heugham, &c. 18wo, V. s. xv. T. 41 9265 Autographs ol'Ortelius, kc. If Stephani Parodiae. 12 mo. ch T. 4 9266 F. Antony’s Alphabet of all Languages 1685. obl.\2mo. ch. T. 22 9267 Table du Maitre de Requeles. 800 . ch. s. xviii, T. 24 9268 Stricturae de Clypeo Woodwardiano.y.c/i.s.xvii. T.38 9269 Francis Barbari de Re Uxoria sm.fol. V. s. xv. 1 st page ilium. T. 8 L 9270 Augustini Sermones & Confessiones. > fol. E.s.xxv. ^1 EpistulaB.Valeiii adAugustinum. $ wh. vel.T.76 9271 Historia del Re di India. 4to. ch. green mor. T. (22 ?} 9272 Aristotelis Organon, sm. 4 to. ch. s.xvii. wh. vel. T. 22 9273 Of Religion. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. T, 73 9274 De Arte Grammatica, Incip. “ Partes Grammatical” sm. 4 to. V. s. xv. T 69 9*275 Notes on the Gospel. Olim E. Bentham, C.C.C. 4/o. ch. s. xviii* T. 74 9276 Ditto on Physicks. Olim E. Bentham 4 to. ch. T. 72 9277 Valerii Historia Alexaudri Magni. thick 4lo. ch. s. xv. wh vel. T. 20 9278 Catalogue of Ships, 800 . ch. s- xviii. T. 33 If Ditto of Officers of the Army. 9279 Petri Blesensis Vita Jobi. 800 . ch. s. xv. 36 leaves. “Script, per manum Frat. Hugonis Tagravesaide 1443.” T. 89 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MAN USCRIPTORUM N BIBLIOTHECA PHILL1PP1CA 147 9280 Of Pardons in Impeachments, thin -1 to. ch. s. xvii. red mor. curiously stamped. OZimLordGlenbervie.T.1058 9281 Poems, 1643. “ Suspirium” Arc. sin. 4to. ch. s. xvii. If “ Life of my Soule.” T. 1048 9282 Poems and Song’s, 1625. sm. 4to. ch. s. xvii. T. 1031 “ In Anguem qui Lycorin dormientem amplexus est” 9283 Songs “ Pamphilia to Amphilanthus.” 4to. ch. blue mor. T. 1026 u When night’s black mantle.” 9284 Poetical Obituary from 1639 to 1797, 4fo. ch. s. xviii. wh. xel. T. 1050 9285 PhilelfiConvivia. sm fol. V. s. xv. p. 1 ilium. T. 1001 Arms, Az. 2 li. r. adosses A. “Cum gravioribus” 9286 W. Penn’s No Cross No Crown-Truth Exalted-San¬ dy Foundation Shaken—People’s Just Rights As¬ serted/4fo.cA.s.xvii. olive mor. autograph MS. T.1087 9287 Septem Psalmi Penitentiales./oL V. s. xv, 1st page • ilium, with the figure of a Pope in 1st letter, beau¬ tifully written 1’. 1085 9288 Clepsiraoginon, aPoem.f.V.s.xv.page 1 i7f?]m.T.1049 9289 Poemata Latina Italorum inedita, sc. Dampetri, Sec. fol. ch. s xvi, T. 10IS 9290 Sir Walter Raleigh’s Prayers found at Fardel, Co. Levon. 18wa:. \ ita S. Bernard]'. If S. Bernardi Vita &. Gesta S. Malachisc.sm.4fo. V. s. xv. Script ital. T. 528 9301 Rcgistrum Brevium, Hengham, Westmoster primer Gloucestre, Rageman, Religion, LaGraunt Chartre, de la Forest, Merton, Marleberge, Acton Burnell, Ceo fet asaver, Les Reulles sein Robert Eveque de Nichole (Lincoln), Caernarvon, Westmonaster 2d Sc Wyncester, Sec. &c. sm 4to. V. s. xiv. Olim Ray- uold Mohun of Co. Cornwall. T. 1852 9302 Wickliffe’s New Testament, smfol. F.s.xiv. Olim Wmi. Herbert 1766, with his autograph. The upper corner eaten by Mice.rough cf. blue mor. back.T. 1094 9s03 Vita S. llildegardis. f. V. s. xiii. 5l Vocabulary of Words in German, Latin, & .... Exempt. “Goth, Deus, Aigonz ; Engel, Angelus Alegonz ; Heilich, Sanctus, Zivienz” *r Prophetia S, Hildegardis, script, per Guill. de Valle, fol. V. s. xiv. T. 528 9304 Nobiliaire de Normandie. 2 vols. thick 4to. ch. vol. I printed. } 2mo. interleaved in 4to; vol. 2 MS. T. 586 9305 Concilium Toletanum xiii, Ao.721. Ao. Regis Ervigii 4to. Olim P. Pii 5. fol. ch. s. xvi. oldred mor. rich - ly gilt- Arms on the cover, Bendy of 6 O. & G. T. .. 930G Recettes et Mises de L’Eglise de Troyes Anno 142Q. 4to. pchmnt. blue mor. Olim M. Monteil, T. .. 9307 S. Bernardi Epistolae. IT Vita S. Malachite, thick fol. V. s. xii. p. rus. on a fly leaf in the beginning *• De Reliquiis quas Romae sunt.” Olim S. Martini deTornaco.T.100 9308 Somner’s Saxon Dictionary printed k interleaved with MSS. notes, fol.ch. s. xvii. p. rus. T. 1141 9309 Paston Family Papers, fch. s.xv, r. rus. Inter alia, queedam de celeberrimo Johanne Fastolf, Milite 9310 Omeliaj Bedse, l. fol. V. s. xii. T. 9311 Poems by Francis Wyrley, Carew, Dr. Corbet, 1630. “ Amongst the Myrtills as l walked.” sm. 4to.br cf. T. 1034 9312 Isaac Reed’s and Dr. Lort’s Biographical Anecdotes. 3 vols. 12mo. ch. T. 1395 9313 Arms in Co. Dorset. 12mo. ch. s. xviii. br. calf. T.387 9314 Statuta Cantabrigim et Aulse Regina* ibidem. 12mo. ch. s. xviii. Olim J. Bindley. T. 148 9315 Psalteriuiu ab Athauasio. Greece. sm.4to. ch. s. xvii. br. cf. T. 1086 9316 De 12 Virtutibus. If Van Tondeles Visione. Qvo. V. & ch. s. xv. Olim Der Brueder Refenter-inCollen. T. 681 9317 Parkynne’s Lyfe of Christ. (He was Curate of A ithe- wicke, super Strat. 1548.) 8ro. ch. br. cf. T. 1353 9318 Dr. Wilkinson the English Tongue, t kin 4 to. ch. p, rus. autograph. T. 1366 9319 Trade of Ireland. 4 to.ch. p. rus. T. 1290 9320 Arms of the Barons of Magna Cliarta. If Arms of Witnesses to the Will of King John. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xix. red rus. T. 814 9321 Iter Lecalense. “ Deus bone.” thin 4to. ch. s. xvii. red rus. T. 689 9322 Augustini Exortaciones. 8 vo. V. s. xv. br. cf. T. 78 9323 tloratius de Arte Poetica cum scholiis. 8 vo. V s.xii. red rus. T. 619 9324 Ditto Sermones. 4to. V. s. xiv. old rus. O/i'mHenrici Drury. T. 620 9325 Collection of Poems. smAto. blue mor. s.xvii. T.1028 If The Woes of Esay *' Woe to the Worldly Men.” 9326 Marquis of Worcester’s Century of Inventions. If Poems by James Rollock, &c. De Re Medica. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. T. 1381 9327 Formulare Brevium. sin. 4 to V. s. xiv. p. rus. T. 468 9328 Bonaventurse Opus. “ Flecte genua” &c. If Prophesies of Merlyn. Gallice. sm. 4to. V. s.xiii. p. nis. T. 1396 9329 Arnoldi Buderici Opus. “ Majori difficultate.”8i;o.c/i. s. xv. 1424 br. cf. T. 66 9330 Celestini Vocabularium Latinum, 8vo. ch. s.xv.wh.vel- T.1331 148 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRJPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PH1LLIPPICA. S331 Cartularium Prioratus de Longo Ponte. V. s.xiii. 8 vo. T. 166 9332 Tancreti Ordinarius Legalis, &c. II De Bono Accursio de Civitate Mutina Rxceptiones. 8co. V.s.xiii.O/iw W. Shaw Mason. T. 1107 9333 W'no. Radclyffe’s (The Herald) ChurchNotes ^Cam¬ bridgeshire, Lincoln, and Extracts from Parish Re¬ gisters, Sec. l‘2mo. ck. s. xviii. & xix. br. cf. T. 435 9334 Reed's Glossary &c. Y2mo. ck. s. xviii. p. rus. T.1097 9335 William Smith's New Year’s Gift on Flowers, to the Countess of Pembroke, thin 4 to. ch. br. cf. T. 1176 9336 Craven Ord’s Church Notes, Co. Bucks, vol. 2nd. thin 4 to. ck. br. cf. s. xviii. T. 9337 Wm. Radclyffe’s Church Notes for Derbyshire, Che¬ shire, &c, 12»?o. ch. s. xviii. & xix. br. cf. T. 867 9338 Giraldi Cambrensis Hibernia. H Ditto Itinerarium per Walliam. H Ditto Descriptio Baldewini Cantuariae Archiep. 51 Ditto Epistola Hugoni Lincoln. Epo. 24 mo, V. s. xiii. initio, vel fine s.xii. r.rus. T.656 9339 Formulare Breviuru. Incip. “ de te per liberum servi- ciurn.” 8 vo. V. s. xiv. red rus . imperfect. T. 469 9340 Radclyffe's Family Evidences “ ExCartisGeorgii Ar- mytage de Kirklees 1809. 12 mo. ch. s.xix. br.cf. T.458 9341 De NaturaRerum. 8vo. V. s .xv.gr. mor.Script.Ital m Olim Henry Drury. T. 911 9342 Priscian de Arte Grammatica. sm. 4 lo. V. s. xv. br.cf # T. 1067 9343 StatutaAcadem.Cantabrig.swi.4Jo.cAs.xvii.£>r.c/'.T.l51 9344 Statutes of the Garter. sm. 4/o. V. s. xvi. Olim Co- mitis Derwentwater. stamped on the side with the Royal Arms. T. 238 9345 Hadrianus de Ecclesiae Romanic Potestate. thinSvo V. s. xv. 1 st page ilium. Arms, A. on cross engr. Az. 5 crescents O’ T. 256 9346 Alexandri Magui Historia. Carmen. Incip. “ Dum Rex pugnaret devicit protinus hostes.” 8vo. ch. s.xv. Exbibl. Georgii Kloss de Frankfort. T. 1128 9347 Juvenal. 8t>o. V. s.xv. Script. Ital. lsf. page ilium. br.cf. T. 733 9348 Ireland’s Confessions 1805. printed with MSS. notes. 8 vo. ch. br. cf. T. 1160 9349 Radclyffe’s Beaumont Pedigree. 8 vo. ch. s.xix. T.968 9350 Egidius Romanus de Regimine. 8 vo. V. s. xiv. br. cf. 9351 The Valued Rent of the Shyre of Perth 1655. obi. 24 mo. ch. s. xvii. T. 800 9352 Ovidii Fasti, narrow 8 vo. V. s. xii. Stamped cover br. cf. T. 930 9353 Rentale Prioratus de Langle. 8eo. ck. s. xv. T. 762 9354 Edward Southwell's Diary of a Journey to Strasburgh and Luneville &c. circa 1723. 4to. ch. s.xviii. T. 367 9355 Journey of Edward Southwell in 1724 to Cambridge, &c. describing the Curiosities. Incip “Set out with my cosin, W. Knatchbull.” thin l8w*o, ck. T. 725 9356 Ditto ditto to Holland. 1723. thin 4 to. T. 364 9357 Ditto ditto in Flanders, circa 1721. Incip. “ Sunday 1 July, 1696. Mr. Maynard preacht.” 2 vols. narrow 8 vo. ch. s. xviii. T 360 9358 Irish MS “ Az so leabai Proin Siais r. Labraide an Sectinad la Fiotad do ar na ced arhiosa agas an blia- dain Dais an Tigearna” &c. "Incip. “ Doneh. o Muirgiosa, c.c. ’ 4 4£o.c/i.OZt/nFrancisci Cheney. marked H . No 0 . T 640 9359 Irish MS. “ Roibert Me Arthuir bratair bos dord S. Francis & Doctur Sar Diadas, &c. “ F'lorentius ConeyArchiepiscopus Tuamensis hoc Poema scripsit fictitio nomine adversus Bruodinum de Cahertv.’’ apparently a valuable collection •I Pars Psalterii na Rann. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. marked F. No. 2. T. 641 9360 No. i—scathan Shacrarauinte na haitride —Emanuel Tehiph, Anno 1618. (transcript) Ato. ch. s. xvii. or xviii. marked 1. No. 3. T. 646 93G1 No. 2—Irish Grammar. 12mo. ch. s. xviii. marked. C. T. 645 9362 Irish MS. Catalogue of Irish Bishops, divided into Months .Apparently dates of their Obits,or years when they flourished, sm. 4 to. ch. s. xvi. marked G. No. 1, (I observe no date so late as 800) T. 643 9363 Irish MS. Comments on parts of the New Testament. 18 mo. ch. s. xvii. 70 pages. T. 647. marked D. 9364 Ditto marked E.No.l.lncip." Muyc tuzzoo.”(?) T.644 9365 Radclyffe’s Notes out of the Arch Deaconry Office Norfolk, Brit. Mus. &c. 12 mo ch. s.xix. T. 902 9366 Index Biographicus. 12wo.cA.s.xviii. r.rus.back. T.207 9367 Fragment of a Formulare Brevium, entitled “ De Fe- offamentis.” sm.thinAto. ) r . s.xiv. T. 1284 9368 Lady Brydges Entries ot Births of the F'amily of her husband. Sir James Brydges, LordChandos &C.1642 to 1719. 4/o. ch. s. xvii, & xviii. br. cf. in the auto¬ graph of Lady Brydges, &c. T. 212 9369 An Extract of Mignatura, or, the Compendious Dis course concerning Limning. smAto. ch. s. xvi. T.462 9370 Thomas Strattoue’s 387 Coats of Arms, begins “ Nor- cliffe of Great Somersall.” 4/o, ch. s. xviii. X. 590 9371 Mary Pennington’s Account of her Exercises, left with her daughter Gulielma Maria Penn, written by Ed¬ ward Pennington, 1680. 4Zo. ch. H William Penn’s Advice to his Wife & Children. H Elizth.FIanson’sCaptivity amongthelndians 1724. II Transcript of a Letter of Thomas Savage of Clif¬ ton, concerning the Rebels in 1745. T. 988 9372 Radclyffe’s Collections from Chesterfield Parish Re¬ gisters. thinAto. ch. s. xix. T. 978 9373 Petition of the Catholics to Q. Elizth. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xvi .r.rus. T. 409 9374 Turgoti Cronicon, sive, Simeon Dunelmensis. ( parth/ printed in Simeon 0 / Durham) “ Regnante apud Northanymbros.” sm. 4to. V. s. xiii. initio. T. 242 As this differs in some places from that published by Twysden in his X. Scriptores, and contains a long addition, it is worth while to give here a page of this MS. continued from the word “committe- rent” in column 63 of Twysden, where the general identity of both MSS. ends .—“ Committcrent. To- tura autem consilium suum tarn Priori quam Archi- diaconibus Eccliie. sunimo celabat, et maturato rur- sus itinere ad regem Scotia revertitur, quasi ipsiu* adjumento Episcopatum Dunelmensem adepturus. Defunctus est autem, eo absente, episcopus, die Ro- gationum 2da, feria scil. tercia, & nocte sequente, quia cadaver ejus aliter teneri non potuit.cxinteratus 11 Contra Bruodinum. II Defensio Momonia. 1i De Palatiis Hibernise catalogus' librorum manuscRiptorum in bibliotheca PHILLIPMCA. atque sale conditus est: Statimque procelanda mor- te ipsius, Castelli introitus etiam ipsis archidiaconi- bus et Priori, juxta solitum, eum visitare volentibus, interclusus est,et mors ejus celata usque ad sextam fe- riam. Cum vero versaretur in ore omnium sermo mor¬ tis ijiis, tradidejmnt sepeliendum feria sexta, quasi ' . 1 . : recenter mortuum l & Sabbato sepultUs. Dominica sequente rediit Willelmuav.in Castellum, & quasi auctoritate Regis Scotiae munitus, quern ad, suam factioncm jam inclinaverat, cepit quasi sua omnia disponere, singulisque et sepe coinmuniter omnibus verba faciens, quosdam alliciens promissis; alios at- trahens blanditiis; omnes autem exquisitis circum- veniens astutiis, amnia pro posse'et supra posse age- bat, ut presumpta sibi permaneret potestas. Nec mu It us erat labor ut sibi barones adjungeret, quia prius pene expetitus est ab eis quam expeteret, turn timore ejus preventis tufn calliditate circumvenientis. Infecit autem et unum Archidiaconum malicire sure vencnis, .ut sibi assientiret. Hrec autem omnia in abscondito, in tenebris,et in umbra mortis,donec,ad- vjeniente Regc Scotiie, palam sermo de his iieret a baronibus qui Regem comitabantur; Eustachio, sci¬ licet; Rodberto de Brus, Bernardo de Baliol, Hu- gonc de Morevile.” 9375 Lord Morley.’s Translation of Plutarch’s Life of Age- silaus. fol. ch. s. xvi. blue mor. T. 1010 9376 Ceremoniale Ecclesire. 4 to. V. s. xi. blue mor. Olim M Monteil. T. 204 9^7.7 Jac, de Voragine Legenda Sanctorum./oL V. s. xiv. Sirript. Ital. wh. vel. T. 646 9370 Talon s History of Roman Law 1678, narrow fol. ch. s. xvii, hr. cf: T. 277 0379 Davies’s Athenae I$ritm\n\cde.volA.printcd, withMSS. notes. 4 to ch. s.xviii. br. cf. T. 334 93.50 Le Missions dans le Madure, et Journaux des Voy¬ ages dans L’Inde par les Peres Jesuiles, Martin, Lalaune, Barbier, de Bourses, Si de Abrevjlle 1699 a 1740. fol. ch. s. xviii. gr. mor. T. 636 9301 Terentius , prosaicd. fol. V. s.xv. 1408. br.cf.T. 1262 9382 Prudentius. f. V. s.xiv. wh. vel. Script. Ilal. T.1002 H Carmen. Incip. “ Per quinquennia jam decennos. 9383 Petri de Riga Aurora. Boo. V. s. xiii. Ex bibl. G. Kloss. Olim Domus Probations Soc. Jesu Mogun- tiae, Si Collegii Soc. Jesu, Heidelberg. T. 102 9304 OrtUoepeia, or, Rayner’s Greek and English Gram¬ mar. 4£o, cA. s.xviii. T. 1094 93.05 W. B’s Common Place Book of Roman Antiquities, " A. de Auguribus.” 4 to. ch. s. xvii. br. cf. T. 298 9386 Craven Ord’s Collections on the Coinage. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. br. cf. T. 291 9387 Worcestershire Church Notes. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. br. cf. T. 138.5 9388 Charters of Newcastle-on-Tyne temp. Eliz. Sc J. 1. 4 to. ch. s.xvii. hr. cf. T. 889 9389 Barak Longmate’s Arms of Families, arranged in Counties from Visitations. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. T. 398 9390 Sjiqtch, Book of Arms: begins with “NVinston of Northampton.” 4 to. ch. s. xviii. T. 294 9391 Hugode Uperibus 3 Dierum. 8vo. V. s.xii.r.ri/s.T.626 M Apophtltegmata Alphabeti.ca, apparently from the Scriptorium of Redding, or Abingdon Abbey. 9392 Poetria Novell^ Gujllelmi Anglici, “missi ab ipso' Rege.Angliae ad Innocent. P, 4tum ad sui congratu. lacionem " Papa, Stupor mundi.” 4 to. F.s.xiv.T.49(J 9393 Maurice o Ferral’s Vocabulary 1735. Hibemice. 4 to. ch. T. 529 9394 Judicature in Parliament. 4to ch.'s, xvii. br. cf. T727 9395 Craven Ord’s Bury St. Edmund’s Church Notes. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. red rus. T. 265 19396 B. Mombritii Epithalamiurn de Nuptiis Comitis Petri et Eliztbas/Vicomereati. “Otia nudus Amor” thin 4 to. V. s..xv. Script . Ital. Portraits' of Peter Elizth. T. 861 ;9397 Accounts of H. Owen, Bursar of Jesus Coll. Oxon. sm-fol. ch. s. xviii. br. cf. T/939 9398 Practice of the Temporal Courts of the County Pala¬ tine of Durham. 4to. ch. s. xviii. T. 397 9399 Liber Celeidos, in 13 Books, of, The Life of Christ in Heroic Vers e.Latine.sm.fol. V. s. xiv. Scrip.Ital. r. rus. T. 203 « ‘ • ‘ 9400 A ugustinus de Spirilu Sc Anima. Incip. “ Electioni- bus k Consiliis” 4to. ch.'s, xv. T, 79 IT G iarini Veronensis in Platonem, ad Physicum, Philippum Mediolanensom. If Anthonius Audens Mediolanensis de Claris Viris & Locis Antiquis. IT Descriptio, ct de Hftbilatione Italive. ‘ 9401 Josephus de Vetustate Judreorum./. V. s. xv. Script. Ital. page. 1 ilium, br. cf. T.723 9402 Human Longevity, Instances of. 8uo. ch. s.xviii. T.36 9403 Dictionariuni Grreco-Latinum ^AicABeo.cA.s.xv.T.369 “ usque ad Litera T imperfect In.it. Fine. 9404 Psalmi & Preces varire. thick 8co. V. s. xii. p. rus. The Calendar has been illuminated but the ilium, are cut out. Scriplura Anglica. T. 1084 9405 Extracts from'the Aubrey Papers, with Characters and Anecdotes of celebrated Men, e.gi J\ Selden,H, Martin, Admiral Blake, Geo. Monkey WitW'Pryune, Sir Win. Petty, Fabian Phillips, Robt. Boyle, Seth Ward, Wm. Penn' Jno. Willis, Thos.' Hobbes 1 4 to. clt. s. xviii. br. cf. T. 816- ’ •’ ' 9406 J. lloadley’s Verses aud Plays. 4 vofoi 4 to. th. Part inedite.d. T. 1307 , . . 9407 Evangeiia S. Joins, glossata. Svo. V s.-xir . Exb&t. Parcensi. Olim cujusdam Episcopi, vel Archiepis- copl. T. 439 • r: “ •'* x ■ 9408 Aiusica Lcclcsiastica. ‘De imitatione Cbristi. •* Qui se- quitur me, non ambulat.” 8ro. Yi s.xiii. T. 875 9409 Guidonis de Cdluhma HistoriaTrojana. 8 mf.F'.s xi*. brown calf. T. 293 9110 Burtnanni Dictata ad Antiq. Romanas. 4vcls.Ato.chP s. xviii. red leather T. 102 9411 Cartulaire de 1*Hotel Dieu de l’Eveche de Coutancei. 4to. F. s. xv. St ^vi. p. run. T. 168 • ■ i :• |)412 Early English Poetry, t e. Richard de Hampole. ** The rayztcof ye Fader Almyzty,” f. cA,/s. xv. br* calf. T. 1023 <- ■ • .«• v ■ 9413 Registre desLetttes. Chartes^&c., concernant la Jus¬ tice de la Ville, Prevoste, Chatellany de Corbeil compiler par Jehan de la Barren Prevostde.CorbiUji en 1608. with his autographrfol. cA.'s. x«vii;iT. 231 9414 Pietro Grimani’s Dipfotnatic Correspandenoe l7lli , Atdijchi tf.'xwri. E'x'bibl. Guilford. T. 5'27 CATALOGUE LIBRORUM M ANU.SCRI.PTeRUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 150 9415 J.ulich Clevische's Htrold und Waapenbucb. Jol. ch. s. xv. Ezbifyl. G. Kloss. T. 729 9416 Plinius de Viris Illustribus & Epistolae. ( collated) Jol. V.s. xv. Script. Ital. Ariys, A A. de lys in chief & a bugle in base. T. 605 •417 Ttespr des Armes Genealogiques.rfAtcA 4*o. ch. s.xvii. Arms engraved,with MS descriptions. Coat of Arms on the cover, on a chief 3 estoiles. T. 578 9418 Marshall on Surgery. f.V. s.xv.Anglice.cJ.gilt.T.82A 9419 Jobis. Bromyard Summa Predicantium. “Abstinen- cia suurn inimicura.”y. V. s. xi v.page 1 t"//ii»».T.133 9120 Incledon’s Devonshire Monumental Inscriptions. 4 vols, Ato. ch, s. xviii. r. rus. T. 347 9421 Ditto Devon Gazetteer, or, Statistics of Devonshire. Ato. ch.s. xviii. 1788 .br.cj, T. 357 9422 Ditto Ditto Occurrences, i. e. Births, Marriages, Deaths, Promotions, &c. in Co. Devon. Alphabetic . cally. Ato, ch. s. xviii. br. cj. T. 354 9123 Ditto Epitaphs of Devon Families. Alo.ch. s. xviii. br. calf. T. 355 9424 Ditto Drawings of Devon Seals and Arms. 8qo. ch. " s. xviii. r. rus. T. 349 •425 Ditto Devon Parish Register Extracts. Ato. ch. s.xviii br. cf. T. 351 9426 Ditto Devon Clergy 1788. Ato.ch. s.xviii. br.cf. T.358 9427 Magna Carta & Statuta. thick Ato. V. s. xiv. T. 584 9428,Beda de Gestis Anglorum. If Cuthbertus de transitu Bedae. “ Dilect.- Cutwino” If VitaS. Mariae iEgyptiacae. “ Secretum Regis” If Bede Epistola ad Notelinum. Hortatur nos” If Ditto de Teraplo Salomonis. “ Domus Domini” Ditto de Sex TEtatibus. ‘‘ Fratri—Plegwino” If Ditto contra Julianura. sm. f. V. s. xiv. T. 93 9429 Cicero de Officiis. 8co. V. s.xv. Script. Ital. red rus , Arms, Az. on a bend O. a Hedgehog & Harp or Lyre . impaling, G. a li. r. O. all on a red ground and sur¬ rounded by a chaplet of green leaves. “ Manu Jo. Marii Phileifi correctus 1470. 14 Kal. Maias.” T .. ©430 Apocalypsis. 8 oo. V. s. xi. T. 2 9431 Consideraciones y Maximas Religiosas, &c. “Perte- nece a la Libreria de este Convento de San Pablo de Manila. 8 vo. ch. Ex bibl. Heber. T. 305 9432 Johis.Rusbroec, Prioris de Groenendael,propeBrux- ellas, Expositie van den Tabernakel. If Ex Libro Gratis Spirituals dicto Mechtildis. thick foL h s. xiv. p. rus. Ex bibl. Carthus. S. Barbaras, Colonize. T. 1135 •433 Giovanni Climaci Scala Perfectionis. sm. f. V. s. xv. 1447. Script. Ital. red rus. T. 142 9434 Extracts from Records of Augmentation Office. Ato. ch. s. xviii. T. 1098 9436: Kemp’s Nine Days Wonder. ( transcript .) Ato. ch. s. xviii. r. rus. Oli/n Ducis de Roxburgh. His arms on the cover. T. 869 9436 L’Intendant Chamillart, Recherches sur la Noblesse de Normandie. Ato. ch, s. xviii. gr. vel. T. 504 | 9437 Tretys of Hawkyqge. Anglice. 8 vo^. V. s. xiv. r. rus. ilium _ T. 537 9438 Dr. Musgrave’s Anthologia Graeca. 4*o. ,ch. s. xviii. ! rough cf. T. 423 9439 Rome's Plea for her Popes. f Modes how Queen.Mary brought in popery. thinfol. ch. s. xvii. T. 1347 9440 Squier’s Collection of Devonshire Arms.y. eh. ». xvii. p. rus. T. 1218 9441 Herbert's Typographical Antiquities. 6 vols. Ato. ch. 8. varia. T. .... 9442 Troubles about the Parish Church & Hospital of St. Jno. Bapt. at Bedford 1732. Ato.ck.s.x\x.%r. cf. T.64 9443 Craven Ord’s Church Notes,in Bucks." 2 volt. Jol. ch. s. xviii. hr cj. T. 138 —* 9444 Burmanni Dictata in Historiam Patriae. 3 vols. k Ato.ch. s. xviii. br. cj. Ex bibl. Heber. T. 101 9445 Plautus. Ato. ch. s. xv. br. cj. T. 1008 9446 Medlycot’s Letters to Edwd. Southwell, Dublin,1703- 27. 4 fol. ch. s.xvii. marked F. Ex A1S. Sir G. Naylor 738. in wK. paper. T.5t 9458 Collection of Arms. 1 st Coat , Sir Robert Beningfield & his 2 Wives. J. ch. s. xviii. marked, PI. Ex MSS. Naylor 740. Olim Thomze Powell in 1734. in white paper. T. 53 9459 Ordre de Malthe, ou. Catalogue des ChevaliersdeSt. Jean de Jerusalem, 5 vols. Ato ch. s. xviii. T. 720 vol. 1 & 2—Prieures de St. Gilles & de Toulouze, de la Venerable Langue de Pr.ivence vol. 3—Prieures de France (tie la Langue de France) ml. A —Ditto de Ditto. vol. 5—Ditto de Aquitaine. vol. 6—Ditto de Champagne. 9460 S. Augustini Confessiones,/. /^.s.xii. cf. (erroneously dated. 1381.) '1'. 75 9161 Ditto Sermoues.V. s. \i. br. cf. T. 73 Miracula B. Maria;. ^ Vitae Sanctarum Afrae, Gertrudis, &c. 9462 Parliamentary Affairs 1627 . fol. ch. s xvii. T. 947 9463 Seneca; Tragediae./. ch. s. xv. 1432 ?/. cf. gt. T.1153 9464 Diogenis Laertii Vitae Philosophorum, traducta; per Ambrosium.y. s. xv. Script. Hal. dedicated CATALOGUE MBRORVM HANUSCRIPTORUM IK BIBLIOTHECA PHILL1PP1CA 151 MS? M66 >467 'tO.! 9468 1469 1170 9471 9472 >473 >474 >475 ►476 ►477 ►478 479 4190 1181 482 483 484 485 486 Cosmo de Medicis. page 1 ilium, with arms, Az. on a fess O. 3 hurts, in chief a li. p. g. O., in base 3 be¬ zants. T. 372 Jobes. Sarisberienais de Curialibus Nugis & Vestigiis Philoaophorum. thick f. ch. s. xv. (printed in Bibl. Patrum.) ,T. 1140 BibliothecadegliAutori Ecclesiastici del Secolo 17mo 4 vols.f. ch. wh. vel. s. xviii. T. 796 ivioney Bills' temp. Wm. 3, Anne, & Geo. 1, 1638- ItiO. 2 vofs. oil. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. T. 952 Edward Southwells Tour to the North of England. 12mo. ch. 3 . xviii. p. rus. T. 724 Registrum Officials Curiae Metensis circa 1577. obi. 12 mo. ch. s. xvi ..Entitled “ Formul” 1..... (Historia Indorum Beriedictorum. Syriace & Latine. thin8vo.ch.i.xv\\:Ex #t6f.G‘ui)ford.(Thorpe in 1830)) frasilii EpistoIaj./oL ch. s. xiv. p. rus. T. 88 II Johis. Chrysosfoini Sermones. Arms on cover, on a bend 3 chessrooks, quartering 3 Coats. Boetius’ Boke of Comfort.^of. V. s. xv. p. rus. T. 111 Descrittione del Governo d' Orleans, thick sm.fol. ch. dark cf. T. 456 Poems by the Earl of Surrey, SirT. Wyatt, Sic.f.ch. 3 . xvii. 'diiin Rev. W. Sayle& Thos. Park. T. 1244 Rabanus Maurus in Libros Regum. II Dis; utatio Alexandri cum Dindymo Rege Indite* fol, V. s. xii. Olim Abbatiae S. Mariae de Tribus Fontibus. T. 18 Senecie Epistolaj./b/. ch. s. xv. black cf. T. 1155 Petrarchse Rime “ Quando fra laltre Donne.” fol. ch. s. xv. gr. mor. T. 993 Collections for the Hist, of France. (? by Dorn Bou¬ quet.) fol. ch. in a case. T. 225 Constitutiones Generales Fratrum Minorum. sm.f.V- s. xiv. T. 215 Dionysii Areopagitae, & Gregorii Constantini Opera. *1 Ex Dionysio Haliearnasseo deStructura Orationis. Greece, thick X'lmo. ch. s. xv. T. 330 Notizie Istoriche delle Poete. thick 8 vo, ch. s. xviii. Tom. 1. T. 1130 BullariumOrdinisFratrumMinorum.Gvo. V s.xv.T.706 Vocabulario Italico-l.atino.8vo.cA.s.xv.?oA.ue/ T.l530 Formulare Brevium, temp. Henr. Regis Angl. f. V. s. xv. p. I ilium. On the last cover, “ Thys ys John lialys boke witnesseth.” T 470 Aristotelis Opera Philosophica, Latine. VI Expositio Verborum. thick fol. V. s. xiii. T. 46 Cronicle ofEnglond. Incip. *• Here begynneth a boke in Fnsly&she tunge, called Brute.” imperfect, ends with the Rubric of The Birth of Henry the oih at Moor noutli. 4 o. /•'. A ch. s.xv.o/cf rus. Crest on the back, a rie/ni li. regardt. in his paw a pheon. T.251 Apuleius’ Gohlener Kacl. thick 4to ch. s. xv. (1500) wh. vel. Arms on 1st leaf of Vellum , Az 6 fl. de hs A. a chief indented O. Ex bibl. Geo. Kloss. M. D. de Frankfort. T. 4 t Geo. North’s Catalogue of Andr. Ducarel’s British, Saxon, & English Coins, with ah aulogr. Letter of North, dated 1747. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. T. 290 Conclavi pro Julio 11. Leo X. Adrian VI. Clem. VI1 Pio V. & Gregorio XHL 4to. ch. s.xvii. ich v.'V.l'W Hudson on the Star Chamber. f.ch.s .xvii br,cf.T .Crib M-~4 do/#. Q) H N—l Rf i 90l, O - 1 §—2 P—4, but T—1 9491 Scenaei Leges “ Regiam Majestatem.”/oL ch. s. xvii. rough cf. “Scripsit Jacobus Merschall,1607”T.l 175 9492 French Genealogies, alphabetically. 36 8 vo. ch. 8. xviii, old br. cf. Ex bibl. Lamoniana. T. 502 (a few vols. are wanting.) A —2 voit. F—2 vols. B—6 G—2 C—4 H—2 D—wanting ’ I—I E— wanting L—3 vol 3. missing V-—1 Sir Robert Southwell's Negotiations in' Portugal and Spain, 1665 to 1G09. 3 vols. 'll fol. ch. i. ivii.' ro'ilgh tf. injured by damp. T.‘42r ' Negotiatio facta Bloesji, nomine Imperii. 1560. H Description of Ireland, cum aliis r . l.f. ch, a. xvi. T.221 Regula S. Benedicti. l.f. V. s. xii. T. 71 U Snlaragdi Abbatis Diadema. H Isidori Yspalensis Synonima. Olim Sororum Mo- nasterii de ... o . . .; . • Hieronymus in Proverbia. l.f. V. s. xiii. T. 87 Vallaiicey’s Gaelic <& English Dictionary. 2 vols. I. f. ch. s.xviii. Ex bibl. Adami Clarke, LiL.D. Ntf; XLE bought by him at General Vallancey's Sale. 'T. 637 Divine Meditations. 2ro/s-.247??o.c/r.s.xvi.JE , x bibl.Co- mitisdeSussex kpostea Ada'rni Clarke. No.OCXLII T. 615 Phrases and Sentences in French, Anno 1614, with lion Mots St Witticisms in English and Frenbh. 24mo. ch. 6. xvii. T. 999 ‘ ; Poetry. 4/o. ch. s. xvii. br. cf. T. 1046 “ The Meditation. ** It must be done.” Alsopi Fabuke.GVieceAfo.cA.s xv. Verona. 1491. T.6 Dryden’s Common Place Book. 4 to.ch. br.cf. T. 391 “ Provehimur Pelago.” ‘ '* Near the Ceraunian Rocks our course we bore.” Mark Noble on the Church of Ireland 1817. 4fo. ch. br.cf. T. 264 ‘ - ,yj Theatrical Duplicity, or. The Conduct of David Gar¬ rick to Joseph Reed. 4 to.ch s. xviii. br. cf. T. 494 Philip, Duke of Wharton’s Life and Poems. 4 / 0 . ch. s. xviii. br. cj. printed, with MS. notes. T. 1357 Michael O’ Clery’s Vocabulary. 4*o. ch. br.cf. s.fcviii. (1728) T. 680 Donatelli Flores Grammaticae. 8ua. ch. b. xv. 1445. ' Septem sunt partes Orationis.” 'I'. 386 ' * Pauurgi Philo-Caballi Scot! Poemata 1688-91 4 to. ch. s. xVii. br. cf. T. 1020 Robt.Menzie’sAlbum. obl.4to.ch.».xv)i\.br. cf. T.li-J8 Poems by Dr. Corbet, &c., ** Epistle to Thos. Lord VI indsor.” “My Lorde, to you, in whose heroick rajnde.” 4 tb. ch. s. xvii. T. 1038 Omnibonus Vieenlinus de Arte Metrica. 8vo. eh. s. xv. T. 910 9493 9195 9496 9497 9g99 9501 9502 9503 9504 9505 9506 9507 9508 9509 9510 9511 9512 9513 9514 9515 95 16 riept A 9X it P Ewv.8vo.ch.s xv\.Exbibl.Go\](oTd.rAM5 F.xcerpta Biblica. 4fo; ch. s. xvii. ft. Ties. T.‘ 1201 Phil. Ruhigius de Lingua Lithuanica. thin 4to. ch. 8. xviii. p. rus. addressed to Dr. Wilkins'. T;1142 Noble’s Progresses of Jae. 1. iivo.'ch!. s. xviii.4’. 788 A I'reatise of the Forms and Discipline of the GHeek Church. Incip. ** Ap^ TTiq: 1 ' \lvio. e/v. s.xiii. Olim A'dami Clavkej CCL11; T. 252’ •» ;f CATALCT6U5 LlBKORUJi MASUSCRIPTORUM IN BfBtl6TH , ECA BHifcii>f"iCA.‘ !&t7 CbncidOes Vkriaf. 12 mo V. s. xiv. T. 301 0518 Chronology & Obituary. 3 vols. 8 vo. ch. s. xviii. grey elolh: t. 256 9519 BosWoUh Field, d Poem, thin 4lo.ch,s.Xbi.r.rus.back. “ The winter’* storme of Civil War I singe.” T.111(5 9520 Prosper de “Verbis A ugOstini. 12mo. V. s. xiv. p. run. Olim C. Fairfax. T. 163 9521 Arnaldi de Villa Nova Opera de Alchimia. 4to. ch. ‘ s. xv, T. 827 9522 Erotemata. (? Chrysolora:)G ; rA.pc/tw/.T... 9538 Speeches in Parliament, 1625./. ch. s. xvii. T. 946 9539 Jacobus .... de Statu Sc Officio Prelatorum./oL ch. s. xv. Olim G. Kloss. T, 701 9540 Prologue of John Purney to his Translation of the Bible, [called also John Wicliffe’s) copied from the printed Book of 1550. •I Duke of Northumberland’s Execution 1553. •IF Statuta Cantabrigiensia- 4 to. ch. s. xvii. T. 9541 Collections relating toChristoferPlantin.Printer.cA.s.xvi H VitaeStephanorum.O/im A Clarke,CX X VII.T.7 9542 Constitution of the Exchequer in Ireland, thin 12 wo ch. s. xvii. half red rus. T. 443 9543 T.Keayngton’s “ Collection of all Infirmyties from the Crown of the Hed to the Sole of the Foote.” 18wo ch. s. xvi. Olim A. Clarice, CCVll. T. 345 9544 Dolman’s Conference. ? \to.ch. s.xvi. Olim Radi. TI 10 - fesby, Geo. Ste’evens, Sc Isaac Reed. " N ot long be¬ fore the last Christmasse.” T. ^5 9545 Ethic® Systemata. 4/o. ch. s. xvi, wh.vel. T. 437 9546 Discourses on the Lord’s Prayer. 4fo. ch. a.xvi. h/.cf. 1\ 796 9547 Specchio de la Croce. Italice.thick\8mo.\. 8t Ch.a.nr. wh. vel. T. 577 9548 Alba of Frederick, Duke of WirtemVerg 15^2. The autographs are entered into a copy of Alciatus’s Em¬ blems. 12mo. ch. s. xvi. red vetv. T. 9 9549 Poems 1630. Olim Roberti Bishop. 4 to. cA.s.xvii. hr «/.T.1033 tC Epistle to his F’riend D.S.” “ Muse goe” On Man’s Life, “ What is our life t a play of Passion” 9550 Sumraonitiones Parliamenti. fol ch. s.xvii. 11 Historye del Isle Sc del Eglise de Elye. IT Nomina Comitum Sc Baronum summonit. ad Par- liamentum temp. E 1. Sc E. 2. T. 145 9551 Orationes Variae & Symbolon S. Athanasii. Grace. thick 18mo. ch. s. xiv. T. 912 9552 Milonis P&jlosophi Vita S. Amandi. 12mo. ch. s. xvi. hf.redrus. T. 851 9553 Edward Southwell’s (?) Journey from Paris to Lon¬ don. thin 12 mo. hf. red rus. s. xviii. T. 1410 9554 Langbaine’s Dramatic Poets. 2 vols. 12wo. ch. 1691. printed with MS. notes. T. 761 9555 Vid® Hymni de Rebus Divinis. printed . 4to.ch.s.xv. U Exornologesis de Vitis Sanctorum. T. 1314 9556 Dymoke’s Compendium Artis Oratori®. 4 / 0 . cA.s xvi. br. cf. T. 396 9557 L’Art de Naviger. well written on vellum. 4to. s.xvii* 1630 T. 425 9558 Breviarium Romanum. l2wd.V.s.xiii.l247.r.ru».T... 9559 French Grammar and Exercises. Olim VereCrbrawsll IF Medicinal Receipts. 4/o. ch. s.xvii. r. rus. T.1095 95G0 Index to some Record Office eitherinI533-8 or 1633- 8. (apparently Grants after the Dissolution) 4to. ih. s. xviii. br. cf. T. 261 9561 Randolph’s Poems. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. br. cf. T. 1044 “ On the praise of Verse above Prose.” 9562 Sermones T. Gosselyni, Prioris S. Barthi. de London. 8wo. V. s. xii. wh.vel. Olim ...... Ward of Long- bridge, Co. Warw. postea Thom® Sharp of Coventry, qui dedit Wmo. Hamper de Deritend, with an auto¬ graph note of Mr. Hamper. T. 795 9563 Rust’s Discourse on Truth 1655. thih'IZmo. ch s. xvii. hf. p.rus. T. 1417 ( * 9564 Poems. “ A Description bf Flora” " Her Head’s en¬ twined.” 4/o. ch. s. xvii. Wr, tu'Z. T. 1037 9565 Scott’s (of Scots Tarbet) Staggering State of Scottish Statesmen from 1550 to t050.'4Ao. cli. s xvii. T.1150 9566 Juvenal ifc Persius 1102. 4/o. c/t. s. xv. wh. vel. tran scribed by Paul Botini. His arms, Parti per bend G. <& S. a bend wavy A. II Oratio Pii 2‘di, Pap*. “ Advcrmti.'’ T. 736 9567 Emblems. (? by Chr. Br.) 1700. \8mo.ch.wh.vel. T. 13 9568 Poems. Begin with “ A Prose Letter to Hawley. Olim K«fri Champernhun. I 8 //. 0 . ch. s. xvii. The cover stamped with the Hoynl Arms of Chas or Jag. T. 1030 9569 Songs iv Poems 1625: beyirib with Provefbial Cha¬ racters of Nations, Towns, Ac,, in prose. 12 mo.ck. s. x\ii. br. cf. “ Clias. the 5th was wont to say, the King of Spaine ruled 0 vet Asses/' &c.‘ Among ike CATALOGUE LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PH1LLIPPICA. Poems is “ Basse’s Epitaph on Shakespeare” and at the end, several signed “ W.S.” query if by Wm. Shakespeare. T. 1184 •570 Prayers it Meditations. 12 /no cA.s.xvii hj.p rus.T. 1058 9571 Carmina Latina in Artiraesiam, Aviolam, Antigonen, Ac. “ A urea Sanctorum poterant.” Ac. obl.i8mo.ch. s. xvii. hf. p. rus. T. 1274 9572 Ric.Bruarnus in Pauli Epistolam ad Hebraeos,cum de- dicatione ad Henr. 8 . Hebraice. \2mo.ch.s.x\\.p.rus . Olim Sir Thus. Fairfax, Baron of Cameron. T. 956 •578 Theology—“ In the History of the PrimitiveChurch”, 12mo. ch s. xvii. hf. p. rus. T. 1061 \ 9574 Poems, begin “A Riddle—Nor Form, nor Sub¬ stance.” thin \2mo. ch. s. xviii. cloth. T. 1120 •575 List of Early Printed Books, not mentioned ir Ames, in the possession of T.Martin of Palgrave. Sever il of them (or Copies) were afterwards in the hands of Wm. Herbert. 8 co. ch. s. xviii. hf. r. rus. T 830 9570 Al>clardi Carmen. “Abstralabi, lilt, via: Dulcedo paterna;” thin Ato. V. s. xv. Script. Ital. T. 10 1 9 9577 Creations of Peers, Baronets, Ac. 12/no. ch. s xvii. rough cf. Olim Thos. Martin, Sir G. Naylor, A Thos. St. George, Somerset Herald. T. 626 9578 Swan Marks, thin 4 to. V. s. xvti. Olim Sir Clement TrafTord. 1779, A Sigismund Traflord. I'. 616 9579 Johannis Philips Poema * V num Pomaceum.” La. tine vedditum, by Richd. Phelps, &. dedicated to Stephen Philips, Esqr. 4 to ch. s. xviii. T. 50i 9580 Coats of Arms, alphabetically. l2///o.c/t.s.xviii. T.45 9581 Dionysius de Mistica Theologia. 8 vo. V s. xiv, hr. c, H Provinciale per Pr vincias. •T Vit«e S.S. Gregorii, Ainorosii, Pauli Erpniita*. H Vitas Patrum & Epitaphia Romanorum. T. 874 9582 Statuta Coll. Trinit. Cambridge. sin. Ato. ch. s. xvii. Olim Jacobi Scott, ex dono Joins Pi-cti, Socii, A 1 postea Janies Bindley. T 149 9583 Nicephori Epitome Historic Ecclesiastic®. Ato. ch. 1 s xvi. dark ef. with numerous drawings. It appears to have been made, for Q Mary, or her husband Phi- j lip, King of Spain. T, 892 §584 Cicero de Finibus. 8 t>o. V. s. xv. blue mor. T. 272 9585 S. Bernardi Epistola?. 8 co. ch. s. xv. T. 101 •586 Platonis Epistolte,per Leon.Aretin. 8 uo. K.s.xv.T. 1005 •587 Eusebii S. Hieronymi. Do. 4/o. V. s. xv. Olim Sir H. Bunbury. Bouykt at Genoa. T. 433 9588 Codrington’s Memoirs of Q Margt. \\ ife of Hen. 4 of France. 4 to. rus. T. 285 95«9 Dante./. P'.s.xiv. redpaper. Ex bibl. flui!ford.T330 9590 Propertius “ C\nthia prima suis.” 8 t '0 cA.s.xv.T 1078 9591 Catullus, Tibullus, & Sappho 1453 . f.ch. s.xiv. T. 198 •592 Barth. Anglicus de proprietate Kerum. F.s xiv.T.513 9598 Genealogie de la Famille de Thibault. thick \2mo.ch. 9 . xviii. br. cf, T. 499 9594 Leonardi Aretini A Bapt. Guarini Compendium Ovi- dii Metamorph seon. 8 vo. ch. s. xv. red mor. T. 932 9595 Statuta Angli-.e. Incip, “Edwardus Dei Gratia.” 8 to < V. s. xiv. wh. vel. 1. 1229 9596 Nichi. Montani Opera. 8 vo. V. Sf ch. s. xv. br.cf. T.865 9507 Serruo de Lap.dibus 1466. 8 uo. ch. s.xv. T. 763 9598 Stephi.Clerjci Pradectiones in llesiodum, Pindarum, ATheocritum. Gr. St Lat.sm thickAto.ch s.x v.i. i .284 9599 John Felton’s (Vicar ot Magdaleu Coll* Oxon.) Sun- 163 day Sermons 1460. \2mo. F.s.xv. old stamped bind¬ ing, T. 233 9600 Alexandri H istoria. a Poem in German.Svo.ch.s.vf. “Got Vater Her Jesu Christ’’ Olim Ursulas.... T. 1127 9601 Arms of Peers, emblazoned, thick sm. 4 to. ch. 9. xvii. Olim Thorme Gore deAlderton in Coin. Wilts. T. 2 H 6 9602 Eustachius de Bononia de S. Trinitate. “Glorios* Trinitatis.” sm. 4 to. V. s. xv. wh. vel. T. 228 9603 Magna Charta. Carta Forestae, &c. 4/o. V. •. xiv. Olim Rogers Ruding. Incip. “ Edwardus.” T. 280 9604 Win. Browne’s (of St, Peter College .) Miscellanies 4 to. ch. s. xviii. (170S) T. 134 9605 V irgilius Delphini 1722. 2 vols. 8v 0 . printed, with MSS. notes. T. 1321 9606 Maimburg Prerogativa da Chiesa di Roma, sin its. ch. s. xvii. wh. vel. T. 8 i 7 9607 Dausqiiii, Canonici Tornacensis, Orthographia Latii. 2 vols. Ato. old rus. Greece, A Latine. T. 159 9608 D. Pncob Phiiosophia Naiuralis. 800 .c/t.s.xvii.u/A.u*/. 'I'. 7H6 9609 Statuti e legge di Mimate. 4/o. V. s. xv. T. 641 9610 Sidney’s Arcadia. 4/o. cli s. xvi. wh. vet. T. 1171 9611 I*. Burmamii 2di Dictata in Ovidii Epistolas. Ato. ch. s. xviii. p. rus. I 775. T. I 41 9612 Statuta Cistercien&ia. 8 ro. ch. s.xv. br.cf. Ex bibl. B.M. de Cheminione T. 169 9613 Ancient Poetry. 8 u >. ch. s. xv. A xvi. old rus. T. 424 9614 Poems. Eeclesiasticus, Chap. 43. paraphrased in Verse. “ l li<- >uu lhai rouU his beamy Orb on high.” 11 W alter Wagstafle’s No Cure for the Gout like Patience A a Fiddle. Ato.ill s.xviii .wh pcbt.T. \ 043 9615 Obra> de Quevedo Ato. ch. s. xvii. wh. vel. T. 527 9616 Collection o| Poetry circa 1710. •* Letter from a Gen¬ tlewoman to a Irieud about her health,” 1735. 2 vols. Ato. eh. s.xviii. T. 507 9617 Statuia Autiqua. 800 . V. s. xiv. black cf. Ex bibl. W. Shaw Mason de Dublin. T. 7 61 9618 Peisius. 0uo. ch. s. xv. T. 991 9b 19 Julies. Gerson De Mystica Tlieologia. fol. V. b. xv. wh. vel. T. 858 9620 Notices »ur 1’interpret de 1’ Argent, du Papier, A de Core. Ato. ch, s. xvi red mor. T. 14U0 9621 Sir J 110 . Suckling’s Discourse to the E of Dorset,Ac- 11 Poems on General Monke, Ac. 8ro. ch. b. xvii. black leather. 'J 1 . 51L 9622 Vincent.de Beauvais, 4tum Speculi DoctrinaIis.“Ab- stiueiicia.” 12 /no. V. 1430. Script, in London.T.13l» 96*23 Pike’s Bieofe Instructions for using the Pike A Mua_ ket. Ato. eh s. xvii 1'he Royal Arms of Chas. nr Jas. stamped on the cover. T. 1004 96*24 Instructions to Justices of the Peace. II Poems. 8 co. eh. s. xvii. br. cf. T. 1231 9625 Les Obras de Mosseri Ausias March. “ Axi com cell” 8 i’ 0 , ch. s. xvi. 1542. T. 822 9626 Church Notes in Beddington, Croydon, Ac. 8 vo. ch. s.xix. (1805.) br. cf, T. 266 9627 Orationes Aretini, Poggii, Vergerii, Boccacii, Ac. ch. s. xv. br. cf. Arms on p. 1. A. a bend embat¬ tled A counterembuttlcd Az. T. 913 9628 Joliis. Rossi Parerga Poemata (fo Andrew Melvin, Ac.) 1582 ad 1605- thin Ato. ch. s. xvi, xvii. T.1I32 CATALOGUS LIB RO RUM MANL'SCRIPTO SUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLll* PICA. 154 •629 Cornazano Poemata ad Cichum Simonetam “ Ciclie, milii iu longo spes sola relicta labore.” tivo. ch. s.xv. black paper. T. 308 fc >030 N.T.C.’s Caveate befoie Christmas, or. Discourse of Sport, Play, Ac Recreation 1622. 4 to. ch. hf. r. mor. Olim Josephi Haselwood. 1'. 199 »531 Sir Geo. Ripley’s(Chanon of Bridlington,) Compound. Dedicated to K. Edw. 4. 4 to. ch. s.xvii. Olim J.Ha- selwood. T. 16 f632 Marcaldi Storia della Regina di Scotia, dedicated to Francesco Qufrini. thin 4 to. ch. s. xvi. T. 883 0633 Topographical Notes through England, begin, Berk¬ shire, ** Reading had anciently” Sec. 4 to. ch. s. xviii wh. vel. Olim Johis. Broadley. T. 320 9634 Lord Fairfax’s Thoughts of Eternity. 4 to ch. s. xvii. p. nil. T. 454 9636 Lady Southwell’s Poems 1727. autogrAto. ch.wh.vel. T. 1041 3636 Valkenaerii Dictata in Antiquitates Gr®cas 1776. 4 to. ch s. xviii. T. 35 •637 Eucharistia Corporis Christ! Collegii, or, Congratu- latoryPoemsto Jas.Montagu, Bishop of Winchester. with his arms emblazoned, thin Ato.ch wh.vi /.T.n35 9638 Mariale, sive. Carmen in Laudem B. V. Mari®. Sou. ch. s. xv. Olim G. Kloss. T. 1017 9639 C.Ord’sCollections for Suffolk,&c.4fo.cA.s.xviii.T.447 9640 BurmanniDictatadeStylo. 4/o.e/i.s. xviii./t/ - p.rusT. L42 9641 Notes on Shakespeare’s Plays. Qvo.ch. s. xviii. p.rus. T. 1159 9042 Festurn Magdalenense Oxonii.f/iin4/o c/i.s.xvii.T.405 9043 English Historical Papers, begin with Placitum in Civitate Dublin. —end with U Statutes of Queen’s Coll.Cambridge. 4/o.cA.s.xvi. xvii.-xviii. wh. vel. Olim A.Clarke, C XXII l T.317 9644 Boetius de Suramo Bono. H De Nobilitate. 1i Proverbia Senecae. U Ex Libro Flavii Vegetii. 8 vo. V. s xiv.Ar.c/.T. 110 9645 G. Cavendish’s Life of Wolsey. 4to. ch. s.xvi. wh.vel T.1383 9646 Whitlocke Bulstrode’s Observations on Plants, ad¬ dressed lo Sir. Robt. Southwell, Pres.Roy Hoc. 1692 4to. ch. br. cf. T. 879 9647 Genealogical Collections for Fiance. 2 vols. 4to. ch s. xviii. T. 575 9648 Leland’s Account of Devonshire. 4 / 0 . ch. s.xviii. br.cf. H Extracts from Devon Pipe Rolls, &c. T. 356 9619 Minnelieder A Gestleichen.y. ch. s xv. br. cf 'I'. I 129 9650 Treatise on the Star Chamber. J. ch. s. xvii. Ex bibl. G. Kloss “ I cannot but with admiracion.” T. 1223 9G51 Posse.«siones Abbati® de Revesby in Co.I.inc. inDe- canatu rurali de Bolyngbroke. 4 to. ch. s. xix. Olim J. Caley. T. 338 9652 Bernardi GuidnuisFlores Cronicorum, sen, Catalogns Pontilicum Romanorum &. de Origine prima Fran- corum 6c Reges eorum ad 1330 2 vols. 4 lo. V s.xiv. Olim Hyacinli Serroni, Episcopi Mimatensis. T. 135 9653 Leges \ Juramentum Magistri Monet® vel Aurifa- brorum Venetiarum 4/o. V. -s. xv. 1375. with addi¬ tions to 1635. T. 1228 *•654 Memoiresde Mr. D(e) L(a) R(ocbe) F(oucault). 4to. ch. s. xviii. T. 830 9655 S. Augustini Ypponensis Epistol®. f. V. s. xv.T. 77 U S. Bernardi A - S Hieronyroi Episto®} w\lha curi- H S. Bemardus de Vita Solitaria. > ously stamp- Olim iMouast. S. Justin® de Padua, ) erf cover. 9656 Petrarcha “ Voi ch’ascoltate.” fol. V. s. xv. T. 992 at the end “ Di Amerigo Tiburto.” ? former possessor. 9657 Collections for Embleton Vicarage, Co. Northumber land. fol. ch. s. xviii. T. 905 9658 Philelphi Carmina. thin f ch. s. xv. T. 1000 9659 Parliamentary Proceedings Ao. I Jac. 1. ‘‘The Com¬ mon* Protestation.” fol. ch. s. xvii. Olim Algernon Capel, Cnmitis Essex. T 944 9660 Interpretation of Hebrew M ords Sc Explanations of Obscure Passages in the Psalms 4/o.cAs.xviii. T.76 9661 Tlios. Jordan’s Divine Poesie. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. wh.vel. T 722 9GG2 Arraignments of Riohd. Weston, Anne Turner, Sir Gervas Elwes, Janus Frmklmge, Sir Thos. Moun- son, Countess of 80 , r.M i, & Robt. E,irl of Somer¬ set 4/o. ch s xvii. wh. vel. T. 1029 9663 Capitula Coinmissionis pro Piocuraloribus D. Marci, Venetiis. fol V. s. xvi .jim 3 chapters gone T. 110 9664 StatUTo Veneto pci Pode.*ta e Be! tori di 1’erra Firuia 4 / 0 . V. s. xvi. rcl mor. 1st leaf gone. T. 640 9G65 Ciceroni* Epistol® cum gh-ssis. ( 75 leaves torn out.') begins , “ i icero sal. d Appm Pulcbro Imperatori.” 8eo. ch s. xv. T. 1 35 9660 Arms o! Ancient English Fauiidea.4 o.ch. s xvii.T.‘29l Is/ Coat is of Jane Seymour, Queen of England. 9667 The Blue Book of Statutes of the Garter. 4/o. ch. s. x' iii. Given to Philip, Earl of Chesterfield, on his Creation in i730— with the Arms of Stanhope em¬ blazoned. tied with blue silk ribbands & gold lassells, & the. Royal Anns stamped on the cover. Ohm Sir Geo. Najler. T. 586 9668 llaccolta di Pasquinate in diverse Lingue. 4/o. ch. s. xvii. wh.vel. T. 50 9669 Jacob, de Cessolis de Ludo Schaccorum. 8t?o. F.s.xiv. wh. vel. T. ‘/39 9670 Titsingh’s DialoguesHollaridais & Japonais. obi.\2mo. ch. s. xviii. hf. yel. mor. on Japanese Paper. T.715 9671 De Etfigie Virtutis. Hey. V. s. xv. (Him Anthonii Bo. zenet, Prepositi Heduensis. T. 1288 9672 De Arte Rhetorica. “ Utaii Petronius” etc. “ Circa Artem Rhetoricam decern consideranda 9unt’ 7 8 vo. V. s. xi. br. calf. T, 1119 9673 Queen Anne’s Treaties of Peace with France & Spain 8ro. eh. s. xvii. br. cf. T. 40 9674 B.'s Geographie Ilistorique dcs Etats de TAlleraagne with Pedigrees. Svo. ch. s. xviii. 1753. T. 507 9675 Cardin. Aug. Valerius de Laudibvs de Venecia a670 DeOrtu Gram malic® “Sciendus, sicut in inechanicis.” H iEne* Sylvii Carmen Sapphicum de Passione Christi “ Quid tibi tandem, Scelerate, qusris” % Tractatus Grammaticus.” thinAto. ch. 1480 I 5 9680 Les Coustumes & Usages de 1’ Isle de Guernsey, re¬ digees par Sire Thus. Leighton 1582. 4 lo. ch. s. xvi. ? Loix &c. de V Isle de Guernsey, copiees sur le livre du feu Chevalr. Ilobt.Colton, fameux An- tiquaire,par JeanPoingdestre 1665.wA.ve/.T.321 9681 Offices & Fees in the Courts of Westminster. 4/o ch. b. xvii. t ch. vel. T. 706 9682 S. Chrysostomi Liturgia. Greece. 4 to. ch. s.xiv. T.257 9683 Statuta Ecclesiai Cantuariae. 4to.ch.s.xv'\i. br.cf.T.T45 9084 Edw. Southwell’s Extracts from Echard’s List. of England. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. ich.vel. T. 419 9685 John Cusacke’s Discourse “ De Lunatico inquirendo’’ thin 4 to. ch. s. xvii. vsh. vel. Arms ot Chas. or Jas. on the cover. T. 807 9680 Mark Noble’s Catalogue of Provincial Tokens in his Possession, thin 4 to. ch, s. xix. 1808. T 143 9687 Capitulare Consiliariae Venetiarum. 4 to. V. s. xvi. Olim Lord Guiliord. T. 1303 9688 Description of an Engine for Raising Water. smAto. ch. s. xvii. hf p. rus T 1386 9689 Malone’sExtracts from Household Books inss.xv.xvi. MSS. Cot. Vesp. F. X VI.4/o.c/i.s.xviii. 6r.r/.T.8i7 9690 Statutes of the Garter. 4 to. V. s. xvi. dark cf. T. 448 9691 Contracts for Sale of Lands between particular Per. eons in Italy 1492. 8ro. V. s. xv. hf.p. ms T. 307 j 9692 M. Stephani de Soncio, (Rectore Studii Civitatis Ra- j gusii) Supiascriptiones Literarum. 8to. K.s.xv.T.57 1 j 9693 Regulve Oraudi Ac Loquendi.Suo.c/i.s xv.UliinG kloss I T.1103 9691 Barak Longmate's Arms of the London Companies, Lord Mayors, Peers, Knights ol the Garter, Sec., ( Ex MSS.in Emanuel Coll. Cambridge), Arms from Vellum Pedigree of Stanley. Arms from Ancient Seals on Original Deeds in Record Odice, '. e-r- minster. 4to. ch. s.xviii. Olim Sir Geo. Nr> : : 3H 9695 Deraosthenis Oratio contraLeptinen: jam primumLa- tine facta a Johe. Christopherson. 4 to. ch. s.xv Olim Thom® Corbet. T 163 9696 Notes on Cadency. 4fo. ch. s. xvii. Olim Sir G. Nay- ler. ( many Scotch cases) T. 155 9697 Orford Charter, Co. Suffolk. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. Olim Craven Ord. T. 232 961)8 Addresse to some Non-Conforming Ministers in 1661 thinAto. ch. s. xvii. T. 433 9699 Morlini Novell«e.4fo.cfc.s.xviii. Exbibl. Heber.T.870 97U0 Edward Southwell’s Travels through Flanders and France 1725. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. wh. vel. T. 371 9701 Gunpowder Plott, and other Poems. “ Enter PopeSo- lus.” 127710. ch. s. xvii. 1. 1188 9702 Of the Lands of Ireland, A of the Union of England and Ireland, thin f. (loin.) ch. s. xvii. 1672.T 1406 9703 Monies issued on Account of the Privy Purse, Secret Service, Pensions, Bounties, Ac. 1752-69. 2 vui* l.fol. ch. s. xviii. (15inch.) T. 1076 9704 E. H.’t» Epieikeia, or, Discourse on Equity of Com¬ mon Law, A 01 Chancery, and the Antiquity of the Chauncery. l.fol. ch. s. xvii. wh. vel. (14in.) T. 774 9705 De la Succession a la Couronne des Francois. If. ch. s.xviii (I5inch.) T. 1241 9706 Johannis Brandonis Chrono-Dromon Antiquitatifl. 3 vols.f. max. (20inchj V. s xv. 1414. r.rux. Olim in Bibl. Colleeii Atrebatensis, Lovanii, A posted Dr. A.Clarke XVI I. vol. 1,19in. vol. 2 & 3, 21in. T.94 9707 Armes and Creations of Nobility from Wm. Conq. to \5*6. f ch.s. xvi. Olim {credo) T. Beckwith. T. 562 9708 Radcl)ff/s Yorkshire Pedigrees of Rhodes, Lees, M lines, Waterhouse, Riche, Hea'hcote, Sager, Ray Hawkesworth, Lapidge, Wilkinson, Morton, Pegge Brograve, Columbell, Mason, Priestley, W'rigbt, Smithson, Boothby, Gregson, Gell, Nightingale, Lamb. Thornton, Bentinck, Torre, Cuniiffe.Gaskell, Bullock, Burton, Mower. Sykes, Poole, Cotton, Wildbore, ScTarleton f.ch. s xsiii. red leather. T... 9709 AHairs of Ireland 1670. l. fol. (i6inch) ch. s. xvii. rough, cf. Lx MSS. Southwell. '1'. 653 97 i0 FrenchPedign es. 1 siPed.‘‘ Acquet.”/.c/<.s.xvii.T.1416 9711 Armoiries des Maveurs de Abbeville. I, thick fol. cA. s. xvi. Arms emblazoned. (IGiuch.) T. 954 9712 Precedents in Conveyancing, l.fol. ch. s. xviii. (I7in.^ T. 1050 9713 Lorenzo Valiet’s Cronica Veneta l.thick f. (I7inch.^ “ In questo trattado e la Cronaca.” s. xvii. T. 822 9714 Orders A: Rules in the Remembrancer of Exchequer’s Ollice. l.f»l ( 1 oil;eh.J ch. s. xviii. wh. vel. T. 769 9715 Registrum Brevium, or, Formul.ire Legum. 1. thickf. (I7inchj ch. «. xv. On the Jig leaf is an account of the Chamber of Gabriel transported to Loretta by Angels. T. 1424. 9716 Missale. after the Kalendarium. Incip. “Omnibus Dnicis. per Annum fiat post Capitulum Benedictio Salis&c Aqua*. 1. thick f. ( 17 inch F'. s. xiv. T. 857 9717 Dielionaire des Annoblisseiuens in 1818. 3 vols. l.fol, (tfxnch.) ch. s. xviii. I T 1415 9718 Ter ier de la COufierie du St. Esprit de Bourdtaux. /. /* (I Tin ) V. s. xv. gr. cf. Olim M.Monteil.T. 1207 9719 Correspondence of the Earl of Ornumd. fol. ch. s.xvii. 1078 ch. v. 1. [tonal Arms on cover. T. 920 9720 T s Account for 1698 of the Province of Mus- Bav. thin l. f. ch. MS <$• printed. T. 890 9721 /' : u ■ < • ; ed v the Duchess of Beaufort as Guard¬ ian i.vdy id :/.tn Complon. thin If ch. s.xviii. T. 92 9722 Isaac Reed's Ubitudry. 4 to. ch s.xviii. T. 108 9723 Compendium of Duties of the Officers of the Court of Exchequer. 1. fol. (16inch.) ch. T. 765 •724 Autograph Letters of Peers & others. 1#/ Kingston 1093, Leeds 1711, &c. l.f.ch. v.s. rough, cf. T.872 9725 Memoirs of British Painters, Engravers, & Architect* since Edwards, Bryan, S: Pilkirigton’s Dictionaries, f. ch. s. xix. T. 4L 9726 Compte de la Fabrique de St.Etienne de Troyes 1432 l. f. (\9\nc\\.)ch.s.xv.gr.cf.()lim M. Monteil. T. 229 9727 Admiralty Papers, 1699. f.ch. rough cf. part printed T. 881 9720 An Essay on Barbadoes. thin f. ch. s. xvii. T. 637 9729 Matu - des Apothicairesde T« urs, & de la Tourainc. I l/o. V. s xvi . gr paper. Olim M.Monteil. T.123A 9730 De Sacramento Eucharistia*, Ac. l. thickf. V. 9 , xiv» ^1 Tractatus Roberti de Leycestria. P 16 0 CATALOGUS L1RRORUM MANUSCRTPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. (‘' Thos. Du field, Cancellarius Ecliae.Lincoln.Novae Librariae ibidem legavit 14 22.”) T. 775 9731 Catalogus Librorum Incunabuloruni. 2 vols. l.f. ch. (lyinch )s.xviii.OZ»m G. Kloss. 1 at. “ DeAbano Pe- Iri Conciliator &c. 1504 T. 752 973*2 Sir It. Sadler’s State Papers, l.f. ( 17inchJcA s.xvii. red mor. T. 547 9733 Journal de la Derniere Guerre de Hongrie 1737-9. 1. f. (15in ) rh. s. xviii. cf. gt. T. 309 9734 A Copy of Tbos. Gore’s [of Alderton] Arms of Wilt¬ shire Families. He was High Sheriff of Wilts, 1680. / .max. c/i.s.xix. beautifully emblazoned. T. 1377 9735 Collection of Paston Papers, and Original Deeds and Letters of Sir John Fastolf, with Plan of Sir John’s House, and the commencement of a Printed Lite ol Sir John in 14 pages. Jol. max. (22inch.) ch. b. xv.- xvi. &c. T. 954 9736 Civil Affairs ” Correspondence of Edwd. Southwell Secretary of Ireland. 2 vote lf.( L8inch.) ch s xvii- xviii. wh.vel, T. 655 9737 Ditto Ditto Ditto //. (18in.) cA.s.xviii. wh.vel.T.669 9738 “ Martial Affairs" Ditto Ditto on Military Matter* in Ireland. l.J. fl8inch.) ch. s xviii. wh. vet. T. 065 9739 '* Country Letters” Ditto Ditto 1703, &c. H Petitions. I J. (19ineh.) cA. s.xviii. wh. vet T. .. 0740 Petitions in Ireland, l.f. (I8in.) ch. s. xviii. T. 661 0741 Welch Histoiical Tracts. 4/o ch. s.xviii. wh.vel. T.653 1 On the Literature of die Druids. 2 Origin and Nature of Lordships Marchers, s. xvi. ©742 Arms in Co. Lincoln, Cumberland, and W ilts. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. Olim Sir Geo. Nayler. T. 385 £743 Monumental Inscriptions ertctedby Charles Harris, Statuary, 162 Strand. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. T. 264 9744 Life of St. Kevin of Glendalough. Hibernice, Sec. 4/o ch. s. xviii. Part of this MS. was written by Cor¬ nelius Concannon in 1766. and part by John Gillum of Co. Clare. Olim Adarai Clarke, CL VI. T. 728 9745 Michael O’Clerigh’s Irish Vocabulary, printed 1643 12mo. ch. Olim A. Clarke. CIV II Words added by E. O'Reilly out of the Brehon Laws und Old Books. MS. s. xix. T. 734 9746 Gleanings of Literature from Lord Buchan’s Letter Books, or, Commercium Epistolare with Foulis, Val- lancey, Bryant. Macqueen, Sir Geo. Young. 4lo. ch % s. xviii. red leather. Exbibl. Comitisde Buchan.T.95 9747 Expositor Verborum. Hibernice. l2mo cA.s.xvii.T.731 9748 History of Ireland. Hibernice. a fragment, thin 4 to. V. s- xiii. Olim Adami Clarke. CLXV T. 725 9749 Short Pieces of Irish History, Irish Poems, & Gram¬ mar. Hibernice. 12 mo. ch. s. xviii. Ex bibl. Adami Clarke, CLIV. T. 736 9750 Treatise ou Medicine. 4 to. V. & ch. s. xiv. Olim A. Clarke. CLXI. T, 732 9751 Joyce’s Repentance, &c. Hibernice § Anglice. H An Ogham Inscription. 4to.ch. s.xviii. Exbibl. A. Clarke, CLXXI. T. 729 9752 “ Sum an leaz/eora” As truairf. 12 mo. ch. s.xviii. Olim Wni. Cherry, deinde Joseph Kennedy 1730, & postea Wm. Shaw Mason. T. 733 9753 Moral Poems. H O’Connuil’sPoem on the Hist, of Ireland to Chas. I If O’Bala Cairtney Duffy’s Poems, V O’Mahony’s Poems 11 Ossian’s Chace. 4 to. ch s. xvii. A.Clarke, CL In quodam alio Catalogo 523. T.726 9754 MS. Hibernice. 12 mo. F.s.xi. vel.xii.1 Incip. ** S bound in yr .figured silk. A. Clarke, CLXII. T 9755 Beckwith’s Obituary of Yorkshire.. 1747-65. Olim Sir Geo. Naylor. T 675 9756 StatutaColl.Chrisli, Cambridg. fundati perH.6.&l garetam, Richmondia; Comitissam. am. f. ch. s. 9757 Diary of SamuelTennuy/(?) of Deventer, beaufre Gronovius, with Letters of Introduction for him Learned Men to others. With Notes Sc Collat from Greek MSS. thick I 'tno. ch. s. xvii. T. 381 9758 Sir Robt. Southwell’s Register of Persons to w he seutLettersduring his Residence at Berlin in i long narr. f. ch. T 782 9759 Court Roll of Stycheford, Co.Warw. ISOl.cA.T.l 9760 Sir Eger ton Brydges’ Common Place Book, Copies and Notes of Letters. IF Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials of Englishme Geneva, etc. If Evidence on the Chandos Peerage, Arc.— auto vol. 2 d 22 April, 1823./. ch. s. xix. T. 364 9761 Duke of Oimoud’s Journal ol the Expedition to S 1707. 1. jol, ch. s. xviii. T. 9762 Claims at the Coronation of Geo. 2 in l7*27/.cA.r.i Ol m D. rselFellowes. the gift of Sir 1. Heard. T. 97G3 lsioria di Anna Bole) 11 , Regina o’lnghiherra.u’tf/t Portrait , (Si one of Q Elizth f. ch. s xvii.T. 95 The following are Sir G. Aayler’n MSS. from Thor) 9764 Monumental Inscriptions in the British Factory Tying Ground at Lisbon, wiih an autograph Lette Chambers Kendal, the Collector, 3 drawings of Chapel und Cemetery, by S. Swallow. /. ch. s.: 139 pages. [T. 22] 9765 Gascoigne’s (theAntiquary) Genealogical Collecti for Newmarch, Neville, himself, ^Cj/.cA.s.xvii.T. (I think it autograph ) 9766 Arms of Families in Counties/.c/i.s.xviii. ryh.cf[T, 9767 Richd. Mundy’s Copy of Clarencieux Cooke’s G of Arms— autograph. If.oh. s.xvii. rough cf [T.- 9768 Ai ms of Gentry in Various Counties, marked E .f. wh.paper. 1st Coat, TheArmes of the Lo: Wm. Hi ard. Olim fait Sylvaui Morgan, old No. 737 [T.i 9769 Monumental Inscriptions, with Index. But Abf rcromby, ofTillibody. Co. Stirling, marked II Collections for East Bed font, Middx. Sic, f. wh vel. various yrs. [T. 24] former A o. 1 16. 9770 Beckwith’s Yorkshire Pedigrees, pasted in a Copi the “ Opera Stephani Curcellaei." thick f. ch. s.xi old No. 158 & 102 [T. *21] 9771 King’s Ordinary of Arms. I. f. ch. s. xvi. Olim Thm Sharpe. [T. 61] 977*2 \ imitation of Essex, 1614 ^* 1634. copied by Baj Longmate. fol. ch. s. xviii. [T. 36] 9773 Ditto ol Surrey 1623. copied by Barak Longmate, thick, fol. ch. s. xviii. [T. 34] 9774 Harvey’s Ditto of Norfolk 1563, London 161 copied by Barak Longmate. fol. ch. s. xviii. [T. 4; 9775 Arms and Quartering:* of several Families. 11 Pedigrees and Arms of Gloucestershire Famili- CATALOGS LIBRORVM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTItECA PHIULlPPiCA 167 & Extracts from their Evidences fi>l. eh. s.xvii. Olim Johis, Holland, No. 3*2 247 ! Barret’s Collection of Pedigr< es <\. Arms. be.mix fully trickedf.ch. s.xviii. (marLed E ) 2500 Coats. [T. 5 ■] Copies of and Extracts from Parish Registers, fol ch Ex MSS. Naylor 114. (marked H).[T. 29] wh.pap. > Sir Geo. Naylor’s Peers of Hayti f ch. s.xix. ( 1822 ) A curious volume. When St. Domingo teas erected into an independent Island. Sir Geo. was (I ■m- derstand,) requested to design som< Coals of A nr for the new Nobles and Gentry created by l'(/us saint: this is the Vo'um , contain.ng Sir G Original Sketches. I 83) 1 HistoricMatters.relhtin - to FrancesV‘iscountessPurbeck If lllegitimation t>f ihe t. hildren of Lady Ann Roos. IT Ex Lelando de VitaS. Winifredae. If Ex Vita 8. Gndlaci per Felicem. If Ex Libro de Gratis Abbatum Croylamlensium. If Epitaphiuin Waldevi Comitis cV de Pusteris ejus. If Origin of W m. of Wickham. If Exequiae Nobiliuni in Abb. .'.Edmundi sepultnr. If Principes & Proceres in BelloLboiac. A Lancastr. perempti. If Ex Johe. Rowse de \ntiq. Oxonire, J\f.B. The above from MS. Leland. penes Henry St. George, 1667- Transcript fol. ch. s. xix. If Petitions in Heraldry, f. ch. s. xvi. [T. 32] > Somerset Arms from Visitation of 1623. with some Pedigrees, f. ch. s. xvii. rough, cf. T. 571 . Pedigrees from Visitations of Kent, Beds. Hunt. Ac. Shields engraved, f. ch. s.xviii. (N ay lor 99) ano¬ ther old No. 172 [ T. 47] ; The Baron Book of England to 39 Eliz .fol. ch. s.xvi. Olim Danielis B»nh6te of Bungay, who preserved it from destruction in a Baker’s Shop, and gave it to J. Ives of Suffolk. T. 563 1 Richard Belling’s Hist, of Ireland, in 4 books. 3 vols. f. ch. s. xvii. (2 former Nos. 31 & 14-3 ) T. 09 1 Star Chamber Reporls. C. 1. f.ch.s.xvu.wh.vel.T. 1222 ) Brydall’s List of the Dukedf Ormond’sPapertl 2 vols fol. ch. s. xvii. T. 179 ) Flemish Genealogies, with engraved Portraits of the Dukes of Brabant, thick f. ch. s. xvii. T. 507 L Petrarchai Epistola?./.V.s.xv.t/io. redpaper caseY. 990 > S. Ambrosius in Lucurn .fol. V. s. xii. wh. vel. T. 20 3 Offices in the Exchequer, ch. s. xvi. 'If 1 Goldsborough en Amendment of Writs, ch. s xvii. IT Offices A Fees in the King’s Courts, ch. s,.;xvii. If Collections out <.f Dyer, Ac. cA. s. xvi. *1 Formulare Brevium. vel, s. xv. l.f.br.cf. Olim .. Grey, Comitis de Stamford. [T v 23] 9794 Guarini Aristides Sc Cato, ex Plutarcho. “Animad- verti, Zacharia.” /. ch. s. xv. hfgr. mor. T*, 1015 9795 Guarini Vila Alexandriex Plutarcho./.cA.s.xv. hf.br, cf l. 1014 9796 Cavendish's (Sir Wm.) Life of Wolsey." Of whom l might for my boldnes/ybL ch. s. xvi. "imperfect.cover stamped with “ Henrie Farleigh.” T. 201 9797 Cicero de Officiis./, V s. xv. Script. Ital. olivemor. 1st p. ilium. Arms, Az. a bend A. (or S.) on a chief A. a Cardinal's Hat, proper. Exbibl. Henr. Drury, with his Arms on the cover. T. 267 9793 Do. DisputationesTusculanze.410. F.s.xv.recf ZMr.T.274 9799 Vincemii de Beauvais Speculum Historiale. If Septem Sapientes Romae. If Romant de la Rose.— all in Flemish Verse. Incip “ Derste boec nemt hier beghin.” fol.V. s. xiv. wh. vel. Olim A Clarke. XCVI1I.T.541 9300 RadclyHe’s Surtees Pedigree, l.f. cA.s.xix. p.rus.with orig. letters of Robt.Surtees, the Historian. T.1246 9801 Legal Cases & Opinions. 1 st case, “ Stevens & Keel¬ ing,’' others are, “ Advovvson of St. Mary Somerset, L .ndon,’’—“Francis Towers”—“Mrs. Strode,”— “ Wm. Fold,” cVc. &c. /'. ch. s. xviii T. .. 9802 Recueil d’Epitaphes Ghoisies 1671. Tom. 1 .thickAto. ch. s.xvii. Ex bibl. Robt. Fardel Bracy—Suess(ronens.) 9303 Lile Sc Miracles of the Virgin, Anglice. Bvo. V, s. xiv. old rus. T. 510 9804 Nallustius. 8ro. V. s. xiii. r. rus. T. .. 9805 Lucani Pharsalia. 8 co. V. s. xii. r. rus. T. 800 9806 Ar- tin us in Phalaridis Epistolas. 12/71 0 . V. s. xv. Olim Liber Catonis Saehi. T. 21 9807 Claude de Tesserant’s Translation des Histoires des Vertueuses Femmes de Plutarque. 12mo. ch. s. xvi. old r. mor. covers stamped withJleurs de lys. T. 506 Caley’s Tithe Cases, 78 vols. Sc I dex.f. ch. s. xix. Vot. I contains —Alciston, Algarkirk, A ns ley, Ac. 9809 Vol. 2—Armtreeand AJfarthing, 9810 —3 Alciston, A ppulby, Adisham, Ac. 9811 —4 A ppelby, Co. Westmorl. 9812 —5 Alderton, Co. Glouc. 9813 —6 Aldborough, Aldham, Alderton, 9314 —7 Aldborough, Alvaston, Alderbury, Ac. 9815 —8 Abergavenny, Allerton Mauleverer, Aldgate,Ac. 1)810 —9 Abergavenny, Ampleford Prebend. 9817 —10 Ashchurch, Aston Carrant, Aylesford, Ac. 9818 —II Alciston. A Iwardbury, Ashchurch, Sc Auckland. 9819 - 12 Ashdon, Attenborough, and Axmouth. 9820 —13 Abbots Belton and Aldham. 9821 —14 Aldham, Albrighton, Attingham, &c. 9 y 22 —15 Abington Magna, AbergIasney,Aberglaslyn,Ae. 9823 —16 Abington Magna, Adingham, Aldsworth, Sec. 9824 —17 Atterclifiwith Darnell Sheffield, Attingden,&c. 9825 —18 Albourne, Alton, Almonsbury, Sec. 9826 —19 Ascot, A veley, and Axe River. 9827 —20 Albrighton. Anderby,afo'asSteepleAuderby,Ac, 9828 —21 Acton in Swinnerton, Ainderby Steeple, Ac. 9829 —22 (none in Letter A entered in this volume,) CATALOGUE L1BRORCM M ANUSCRIPT^RUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILUPPICA, 0830 Vol. 23 Albrighton, Almeshoebury, Almershoe, &c. | §631 —24 Allnham, Albrightun Huse, Alverstoke, &c. 9832 —25 Aston Somerville, Ashey, Aberdron, &c. 0833 —26 Ashburnliam. 0834 —27 Ardleigh, Ascot, North Allerton, &c. 9835 —28 Ashey & Ride (Isle of Wight). Affpiddle, &c. 9836 —29 Ashey & Ride, and Abdon. 9837 —30 Aston Torald, Appledore, &c. 9830 _31 Awlescombe and Aston Canteloe. 9889 —32 4scot, Ashey, and Ankerwicke 9840 —33 Ayshcot, Ascot, Aldingbonrne, &c. 9841 —34 Ashborne and Ashburn. 9842 —35 Ashey, Anthony, Abernio, &c. 0843 —36 Abrighton, Astley, and Alvington. 9844 —37 Aylburton, Ashby Folville, and .axlob. 9845 —38 Astey Ashton, Alfreton. &c. 9840 —39 Alfreton, Andleby, Adderbury, &c. 9847 —40 Alvington, Ai>erustwitb, Amp oJ«.4Smo. old French cf. T.551 0050 Expose dnConduitedeM.Titzingh./.cA. s.xviii. II Lattres de Creaneede Macartney,deTitsingh,A*c. V Carte de Jedo. bln -in or. T. 1303 9951 Fairfax’s Highway to lledelburgh. 4/o. ch.s. xviiT.456 9052 Ranelagh Papers, on Paying the Troops, 1693-7. 4to. ch. s. xvii. hf. p. rvs. T. 0953 Lo B njclier Augustal Si Royal. 4/o. V. s. xv. ilium, hf. gr. mor. stamped calf aides. T. 92 9954 Rev. Ur. Sherlock’s Correspondence with Mr. Brown, his Steward, respecting: Birmingham, thick sm. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. wh. vel. T. 1351 9955 Poems. •* The City Painter. ‘ If any doe the Author’s name inquire.* ” 4 to. ch. s. xvii. hr. cf. T.i 1040 995G Elections of Normandie, vol. '2d. 4 to. ch. s.xviii. T... 9957 Redd it ii s Capellanige S. Servacii in Eccles. S. Joins. (iandensis. a Loll. V. s. xiv. vel. xv. T. 1093 9950 King's Norton'Court Rolls, Co. Worcester. lOp/cces. temp. Eliz. Ac. pchmt. o. ch. T. 1304 9959 Sir Edvvd. Atkins’s Orders Si Cases in the Office of King’s Remembrancer of the Exchequer, with Index which begins, “ Aydc versus Flower.” /./. ch. s.xviii- wh. vcl. T. 769 9900 Arist«»teIisRhetorica.£af Dugdale’s Visitation of Yorkshire. T. 681 9994 Southwell MSS. 248. Order to the Duke of Ormond to command the Forces, (icith autograph of Q. Anne) &c. Ac. f. ch. s. xviii. T. 087 9995 Do. Do. 10.'Correspondence of Jones, Trelawney, St. George, Ax, with Sir R. Southwell. T. 683 9994 Do. 262. Ad miralty ’Correspondence from Burchet, &c. damaged. J. ch. T. 694 9937 D<>. 463,‘Correspondence of Mr. Brown, Consul at Venice; Mr. Stanhope, Consul at Madrid, <5kc. &c. with Mr. Blathwayte. fol. of 4 to. ch. s. xvii. T. 699 9995 Do. 463.’Correspondence of Lambert Blackwell,&c. with Mr Blathwayte. T. 700 9999 Do 136. Mr. 11 ill's Letters from Antwerp. T. 701 10000 Do. 130. Capt. du lYlarcts d’ Autigny’s Letters from Holland, 1704. 4 / 0 . ch. T. 702 10001 Do. 305. Rebellion in Ireland in 1653, by Sir Ed¬ ward Hide, Ac. f. ch. T. 704 10002 Do. 266. Robt. Southwell’s (Cnstomer of Kinsale) ’Correspondence, Ac. fol. ch. T. 705 10002 Do. 250.’ Letters from Sir II. Every to the Earl of Ardglass. Jol. ch. T. 707 10004 Do. 509. Papers relating to the Revenue 1689 to 1713. fol. ch. T. 700 10005 Do, 362. Copies of Treaties between Chas. 2. and ICO CATALOGUS L1BRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. Algiers, Morocco, &c. ICSl. fol. ch. T. 709 10003 Do. 310 1 - 2 - 3 .'Correspondence of Sir R. Southwell with the Earl of Abcrcorn, Sir Robt. Adair, Briga¬ dier Conyngham, &c. fol. ch. 4 parcels. 1.710 10C07 Do. 355, Papers relating to Ireland. & a Memorial signed by the Earl of Meath, 1703. fol. ch. 1-711 10008 Do. 345. ‘Correspondence of the D. of Ormond with the Earl ofDanby. f.ch.T, 712 10009 Do.. 168.'Do. with Ld. Nottingham, 1703.4/O.cA.713 10010 Do. 38G. 'Letters of the D. of Wirtembergr.Ac.T.714 10011 Do. 374. Copies of Letters from Sir R. Southwell to the Earl of Nottingham, from the Camp before Ly- merick, 1090. fol. ch. T. 715 10012 Do. 385. Order from Jas. 2. to the Duke of Tyrcon- nel, 5tc. fol. ch. T. 716 10013 Do. 600. Journal of his Majesty’s Progress in Ire¬ land in 1690. “June 14. The King landed at Car- iickfergus,” Ac. T. 718 10014 Do. 401.'Letters from Capel, Lord Deputy of Ire¬ land, Copies of Warrants. 1695. T. 719 10015 Do. 354. 'Leters from tiie Captains of Ships at Cork to Sir It. Southwell. T. 720 1001G Do. 390/ Letters relating; to the Earl of Bellamont. fol. ch. T. 721 10017 l)o. 34S.TheL'l:Chanco]Inr’sLetters,l7l 1-11 T.722 10018 Do. 313. Proclamation relating to Woods ^ Brass ‘Coinage, 8cc. T. 724 10019 Do. 501/ Letters from SirTheoph.Jones.IGG4.T.739 10020 Do. 62.' Letters from M. Jussieu to W. Blathwayte, 1692. 4 to. T. 740 10021 Lisbon*Letters, 16G7. fol. T. 713 10022 Precedents in Law. Olim Lord Chancellor Hatton, thick Jol. ch. s. xvi. Gallice T. 74 1 10023 Southwell MSS. 473. The E. of Manchester’s Cor¬ respondence with Ld-.Jerscy,Ac.1700 4/o.(/».T.745 10024 Do. 490. Annuity to the E. of Meath. II Petitions. T. 746 10025 Do. 11 1. Blathwayte’s Letters to Robt. Southwell. 4 to. T. 749 1002G Do. 208. Authority to Administer Oaths to Officers of Ships, A other Navy Matters, fol. ch. T. 753 10027 Do. 232.* Admiralty Correspondence. 1GU0 Sic .J. ch. T. 754 10028 Do. 231/ Letters of Benhow, Ac. fol. T. 755 • 10029 Do. 220.* Letters of Lord Nottingham,Burchett,Ac. relating to the Fleet. T. 757 10030 Do. 218.' Letters of the Lords of the Admiralty, Sir Cloudesley Shovel, Lord Berkeley, Ac. 1694 T.758 10031 Do. 262. Papers relating to Lord Ardglass, and the Barony of Lecale, 1610, Ac. T 759 10032 Do. 247- Sir Win.Phippard,Governor of Newfound¬ land, and the E. of Bellarnont’s Letters. 4/o. T. 760 10033 Do. 462. ‘Correspondence of John Usher, relating to New England. Jol. & 4/o. ch. 1718. T. 761 10034 Decreto, come si deve restituire la Nobilta di Vene¬ zia, Anno 1640. fol. ch s xvii.T. 7C3 10035 Southwell MSS. 170.'Letters from LordNottingham to R.Soutbwell Sf the D.of Ormond. 4/o. 1703 T.705 10033 Animadveisiones ad Librum, cui titnlus est, u Nova Davidis Lyra/' fol. ch. s. xvii T. 7G6 10037 Paoli Pergulensis QuestionesLogicx. Uro. ch. s. xvi T. 775 10033 Do. Do. Logica. 8ro. cA.s.xv.T.770 10039 Southwell MSS. 5lu Wm. Lambert's Order* of th« *H ousc of Commons. 1 E. G. to 31 Eliz. II Bill for Uniting Protestants. Jol. ch. V Papers relating to the Dukes of Lauderdale and Bucking-ham, See. fol. ch. s. xvii. T. 777 10040 Do. 494. Petitions of Mr. Suntoo 1G80, and Lord * Colepcpprr 1GS8 fol.ch. T. 779 10041 Do. 487. Papers of the Privy'Council, relating to Titus Oates, &c. fol. ch. T. 782 10042 Do. 489. Trial of Wm. Chaloner, Ac. f. ch. T.783 10043 Do. 009. Papers relating to Spain & Lisbon! T. 785 f Sir It. Southwell’s Letters. kc'f.SfAto. ch. s. xvii. 10044 Do. 366. Letters from the Archbishop of Dublin A the Lords Justices of Ireland, 1712 .fol. ch. T. 787 10045 Do. 53. Letters from Mr. Hughes to Mr.Blalhwayts about the l)h t of Ratisbonne, 1692 .fol. ch. T.' 783 1004G Do. 285. Memoranda of Sir R.Si>uthwell./ cA.T.789> 10047 Do. 195. Letters from the E. of Rochester. Ac. fol. Sf 4Zo. T. 792 10048 F. Paolo Sarpi Opus quoddam, “ Dovendo la Ser- nia. Republica armarsi.” T. 793 10049 Southwell MSS. 530. Instructions fur Negotiations with the Elector. J.ch.T.ll) 4 10050 Do. 472. Letters to and from the Duke of Shrews¬ bury. fol. 4 to. 1697, Sic. T. 800 10051 Do. 42 Letters from Mr. Stepney at Vienna; Mr. Poley at Turin ; Lord Pagett, Ac. 4/o. T. SOI 10052 Do. 275. Copies of Sir Robt. Southwell’s Letters, 5s of M. .luster’s, fol. ch. T. 802 10053 Do. 286 . Papers on Agriculture. fol. T. 803 10054 Do. Letters of Mr. Stanhope Ac. to Mr. Blathwayte. fol. 1693-9. \ Draft* of Mr. Blathwayte’s Letters, 1701. T.805 10055 De ReGrammatica. Constructio est unio construc- tibilium.” >2 mo. V. s. xv. T. 806 10056 Bernardo Trevisan, Lez/ioni Filosolicbe (/cc/u diffi¬ cult me.) fol. ch. s.xv.T. 809 10G57 Southwell MSS. 467- Papers on Trade, f c/i.T.814 10058 Do. 4UG. Papers relating to Jamaica, the South Sea Scheme, Ac. fol. ch. ». xvii-xviii. T. 815 10059 Do. 335. Letters of Mr. Mich. Tisdall, 1674. Ac .f. T. St 16 100G0 Do. 277» Do. of Lords Oxford,ConingSby.Romncy, W. Paulett, Macclesiield, and Scarborough, to W. Blathwayt and Sir R. Southwell. 4 to. T. 818 10061 Do. 65. Letteis from Lord Galway. Vandcr Meer, Ac. to Mr. Blathwayt.Jo/. 4 / 0 . T. 823 100G2 Do. 70. Do. of the 1). of Schomberg. 4 / 0 . T. .... 10063 Do. 74. Do. from the Duke of Savoy to Wm.Blath¬ wayt. A Letters of Catinat, 1692/. Sf 4/o. T. .... 10061 Do. 79. Do. from Mr. Poley at Turin, to Mr. Blath¬ wayt, 1692. 4 / 0 . T. 10065 Do. 109. Do. from Mr. Van dor Meer atTurin./.T.. 100GG Do. 244. Secretary Vernon’s Correspondence, 1699. 4/o. T. 824 10067 Do. 34. Letters from Augustus 2nd.King of Poland, Duke of Tuscany, 1697 Ac. fol. T. 828 100G8 Do. 139. Warrants A Papers relating to Holland. fol. T. 829 100G9 Do. 394. Address of the Presbyterian Ministers .Ac. fol. T. 830 10070 Do. 3G2. Papers relating to Denmark, Ireland, "th* CATALOGUS L BRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILL1PP1CA 161 Attack on Dunkirk, &c. fol. T. 831 0071 Do. 99. Letters of Lords Roscommon, Goodrickc, &c. Papers relating to Kinsale, \'C. fol. T. 832 0072 Do. 397. Declarations of Wm. 3rd in Ireland. If Persons Outlawed in Ireland for Rebellion. 1689. fol. T. J 33 0073 Do. 202. Lt Iters from Lord Ranelagh toWm.BIath- wayt. 4to. IG94. 1’. 034 >0074 Do. 97. LordGodoI|)hin’sCorrespondencc,lC95.4Io. T. 835 0075 Do. 108. Robt. Wolseley’s Correspondence, 1693. 4to. etfol. T. 836 .0070 Do. 128. News from Paris, 1694. etc. 4fo. T. 837 [0077 Do. 103, Lord Gallway’s Letters fromTurin to Mr. Rlathwayte, 1694 4/o. T. 838 10078 Do. 478. Correspondence of the Commissioners of the Bank with W. Blathwayte. T. 839 10079 Do 102. Letters from the Landgrave of Hesse Cas- sel to the Count Prise, etc. fol. T. 340 10080 Do. 95. Memorials and Instructions relating to Spain Denmark, Holland, etc. fol. T. 84L 10031 Do, 213. Letters from Sir Chas. Hedges, Ellis, etc. fol.et 4to. T. 842 ,0082 Do. 101 .Count Irise’sCorrcspondence,!697.4fo.T.843 [0033 Do. 315. Correspondence of Mr.‘Craulbrd,- Clarke, etc. with Mr. Blathwayte. 1698 fol. et 4 to T 844 0084 Do. 169. Letters from Atkinson, ’Craulbrd. Frank- land, etc. to \V. Rlathwayte. fol. et 4 to. T 8to 0085 Do. 164. Do. from Lord Gallway to Mr, Blath¬ wayte, 1700. fol. T. 840 10086 Do. 72. Letters of the D. of Schomberg 1692.T.795 10087 Cronica hreve di Vicenza. fol. eh. s. xv T. 819 L0088 Grain mat ici Orthographia, “ Quauqiiain tua, Uiti Lucane, voluntas.” 12/no. V. s. xv. T. 808 0009 Patent of Creation of Sir Henry Pickering, of Wh ad¬ don, Co. Cambridge, by Chas. 2. in which are de¬ scribed the Rules of Precedency. /. eh. s. xvii. T.54 10090 Arms and Ensigns of the Modern Knights Templars, Chas. Tennyson. Henry Smedley, Uichd. Forester, Geo. Lord Torrington, Henry, Martpiis of Worces¬ ter, Lord Durham, Duke of Sussex, D. of Leinster etc. 1824, etc. T. 375 10091 Genealogy of Sir Robt. Southwell, drawn vp and signed by Sir Win. Dethick. Arms emblazoned , a paper Roll on Canvas. T. 47 L I0092*Court Roll of Okcs Manor, Co. Salop. Hen. 5 & C. V. 2 Rolls. T. 565 I00D3 Rentale Manerii de Ercall, Co. Salop. 35 Hen. 6. Wm.N ewporte, A rmig.tunc domino. V.aRoll.'V. 561 L0094 On the Practice of the Common Pleas. “ Gratwicke against Rambridge.” fol. ch. s. xviii. T. 770 10095 Discours pour instruire le Rove d’Armes,ou,Heraud nouvellenient recu en sa charge. l2mo.^ r .s.xvi.T.5C 10096 Hugonis Cardinalis Liber Confessionum. 12/no. cA_ s. xv. T. 627 10097 Gay’s Tragi-Gomi-Pastoral Farce. “ What dye call it ” fol. ck. s. xviii. T. 497 10C98 A New Enterlued.namedJackeJugelar ( transcript.) 4 to.ch. s. xviii. T. 700 10099 Reasons for establishing 3 Light Houses at theNorth and South Forlands. T. 743 0190 The Gypsies changed ^by Ben. Jonson? Olim P. le Neve. 4/o. ck. s. xvii. (Sale. No G03) T. 721 1010L A Book of Emblems. “Gulielmo 1 .amonio, Sen, Princ. Ren. Rapinus, Soc. Jesu.” ilium.on vellum 4to. 1666. T. 754 10102 TMNOS EIS IAEFMON AAMQNION. Evo. V. s.xvi.illum. Arms PalyChccky A. and S. a canton Erin. Anno a\vr} T.755 10103 Joy 0 ter by Edwd. Hyde, to his wife Anne, of £50 per ann. payable out of Wakeley Manor* Co.Herts. 25 Fliz. fol. ch. s. xvi. T. 628 10104 Catalog, of Jno, Smith’s MezzofintoEngravings, with years when they were done. 4/o. ch. s, xviii T. 189 H Do. of MacAideii’s Mezzotinto Engravingsl7G3 10105 Alphabetical Index of Authors in* Clavel's List of ' Rooks from 1666 to 1695./. c/t. s, xviii. written in pencil. T. 180 10106 Lyle of St. Dorythe. a fragment. 8t?o. F.s.xv.T.009 10107 Euclid ( apparently .) “ Ad declaraciouem istius” a fragment. 4 to.- V. s. xiv. T, 836 10108 Do. ( Do.) Incip. “ vi sunt, et ede. superf. ronales, ex xv cum tota linea.” jragmqnt. fol. V. s. xiii. cum Jiguris. T. 830 10109 Francisci Patricii, Civis Senensis. A chilli Pelrucio, Civi Senensi, Epistola,de gerendoMagistiatu.sm/* V. s. xv. T. 958 J0110 Poems by Cominius, Allablaster, Freeman, Francis * Viscount St. Alban’s, Dr. King, Thos. Randolph, Robt. Thompson, Ger. Wermestrie, Dr.*Corbett> * Dr. Henn. King, Ben. Johnson. Incip. “Clarameis Rupella, maliS, qua sola tot busies.” imperfect. 4to. eh. s. xvii. 'I’. 1035 10111 On the Doctrine of •‘Nullum tempus occurrit Re- gi.” by Granville Shacpe.. 4 to. ch. s. xvi i. In it is a Letter from Granville to the Duke of Grafton dated Old Jewry, 1771. T. 1162 10112 Skelton’s 1*00111 on Cardinal Wolsey’s dissolving the * Convocation at St. Paul’s 1524./. ch. s.xviii.T.l 174 ' 10113 Message from.the (Commons tp. the Lords, delivered by Mr. Prino,.concerning die Lord Deputie ll^or. 1640. fol. c/t. s. xvii. T. 1210 II Heads of the Articles against the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1640. U Further Impeachment of Thos. K. of Strafford. 10114 Thoughts ou the Circumstances of Eurppe, a/ ths times of making the Two Declarations concerning ■ theConstitution of France, to the several Potentates: written Deer. 1791. “ In all our transactions with France.” /. 4/o. eh. T. 1278 10115 Proceedings against Wm. Burleigh and Geo. Mason for the murder of Capt. Jno.Paine,lG9l f.ch. T.129G 10116 Virgilii Siinilitudiues. 4/o. ch. s. xvi. T. 1324 H Comparatioui dell’ Ariosto. 10117 Act of Wm. and Mary for settling a Free School in Virginia. Anno Regni 4. /./of. T. 1326 10118*CourtRollsofTeyretreffe 14 H. 8,/. ch. s.xvi. T.133 10119 Title of Windsor College to North Church, Berk hamstead, Co. Herts, fol. ch. s. xviii. T. 1370 10L20 Robt. Davenport’s Tract and Poems, entitled 4 * A Valiant Martyr, n Spiritual Coward, a Weeping Convert, an AcceptableSacrifice, & a House on Fire by R.D.” Dedicated to Win. Earl of Newcastle. apparently autogr. thin4to. ch. s.*vji. T,1450 V 1G2 CATALOGUS L1BBORUM MANUSCRIPT©RUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PfilLLlPPICA. 101*21 Liot of Papers relating to Now England as tar as Letter C. only. T. 1*2 10122 The Receipt of Her Majesty’s Customs of 4\ p.cent, alsoe the Duty arising from the Act for securing the Plantation Trade, 1708. l.fol. ch. s. xviii. T. 14 101*23 Ancien Ceremonial Francois du Prince du Sang fait au temps de 1* Education de M. le Comte de Tou¬ louse, pour I ui servir de Regie—approuve par Louis XW.fol.ch. T. 15 10124 F. of A *s Devotions. “A Form of Worshipping^* od” thin 1 ttmo. ch. s. xvii. T. 30 101*25 Avicenna; Lnyca. (sw) 4 to. V. s. xiv. T. 43 10120 Maximes of Common Law out of my Lord Bacon’s Fundamentals. 4 to. ch. s. xvii* T. 10127 Articles accordes entre les Commissaires des Roys de la G. Bretagne et de France pour le Marriage du Prince de Galleset IIenriette Marie de France. I fol, ch. s. xvii. T. 110 10128 'I reaty of Peace between the King of England and Abunazer Muley Ismael, Emperor of Morocco, broadfol. ch. T. 119 10120 Remaiques touchans le Papier de la Chine, “Tchi ” fol. ch. s. xviii. T. 132 10130 Motions for Reformoing of the Church of England this Present Parliament. Dec. 1G40. T. 131 IF Objections against the Hierarchic answered in Parliament. IF The Bishop of Armagh’s Direction to the Mouse ol Parliament concerning the I.ithurgie and Epis¬ copal Government, being thereunto requested by the Commons, 1610. fol. ch s. xvii. TO 131 Radc I s lie’s Genealogical Collections, a volume com- pn*ed of Nos. 35. 3 1,47,81,00,94,105.10S 121,125, 12 i, 130,141,140,148-9,150, in Cat ul. Thorpe, 183. # fol. co. T. 10132 Sur le Celibat des Prestres. Ato.ch. s. xvii. T. 174 10133 Creation Money claimed to be due to hi,s Majesty as I). of Lancaster, fol. ch. s. xviii. T 180 *0134 Naunten’s Fragmeuta Regalia, with Answer to the Norfolk Gentry, concerning the Scotch Business, 103**. 12/ho. ch. s. xvii. T. 210 10135 Estates sur Condicion. T Disceuts que tole entries, fol ch. s.xvii. T. *227 10130 Thos. Kirkc’s Correspondence from Genoa, with Mr. Rlathwayt, I GOG. fol. el 4 to. T. *243 10137 Dr. George’s Ecelesiastes. in Latin Verse. ** Audi- te, O Miseri, dictisque advertite mentes f.ch. s.xviii. (He was Provost of Eaton, and afterwards Pro¬ vost of King’s College, Cambridge. T. 245 10138 Catalogue of the Books and Writings of Sir Math. Male, thin 4to. ch. s. xvii. T. 257 10139 Treatise on Heraldry. “ In Armes there are Nine Feldes.” thin 4 to. ch. s xvi. T. 287 10140 Establishment of His Majesty's Land Forces in Ire¬ land, 1690. l.fol. ch. s. xvii. T. 322 10141 Capt.Hen.Bell’s “ Paradiceof theDelight3 of Italy” fol. ch. s. xvii. T. 338 1014*2 Particulars of Sale of the Advowson of Denton,Co. Kent, in 170G. printed, with Sir EgcrtonBrydges’s MSS. notes. 4to. T. 301 10143 Memoires sur lesControverses,! 680. ito.eh. s.xvii. 410 10L44 Logica* Quesliones : et Libellus Proportionum etc. Incip “ est coior.” 4to. ch. s.xv. isn perfect, be git with fo'io 340. T. 415 10145 Minute Book of Prizes at the Admiralty, 167*2. fo ch. s. xvii. T. 427 10110 Poems. On a Lady’s dropping a Curl at an Assen blv, 1775. “ With anxious breast each bloomin Fair.’’ 4 to. ch. T. 439 10147 Discourse touching Provision for the Poor. 4 to.c, s. xvii. T. 513 10148 Sir W.‘Cope’s Apollogie of the Earle of Salisbury Lord Treasurer. *• 11 di Loda la Sera.” •* It was a imprease.” T. 548 10149 On Wisdom. Out of a MS. called, “ The Discouri of Mr. Selden.” lent by the Earl of Abingdon to S Robt. Jehkinson. 4Zo. ch. s. xvii. T. 550 10150 Trj KVpiaKTi twv ayuov Ilponarfpwv. 4/o. ch s.xvii T.557 10151 Craven Ord’s Catalogue of Coins and Tradesmen Tokens, minted in Suffolk, \2mo.ch. s.x\iii. T. 60 1015*2 xpic rrjc *1*1/ JJC 0 twpiac- 4 In. ch. s.xvi. 01 10153 Joseph Harris’s (aged 75) Elegy on the Deathofth Earl ofThanet, dedicated to his Daughters, tb Countess of .Salisbury, Lady Sonds, Laoy liarrolc Lady Lo\ell,and Lady Isabel a .Jol.cli. I’. 024 10154 Liber Statutorum et Legtfm Vi nct>>rum Jacobi Tel puli, Ducis Venetorum, 1250 .sm.f F.s xiii T 03 10155 Survey of the Fortresses in It Iv. ** Della Fortifies tione Capitole—Essendo eosu eeitiss.m.i.’’ fol. ch s. xv. imperfect, begins folio 11. 1i “ Scrittuia data all’ li.ni.>. Sigr. Capo.di Verona della visita latta nel m:<> arrive al Governo i delta ( itta, a di x. Gcrnao, 1597. T. 042 10150 Oblit;i de le Donne.osiu.l: Or lun e Rili delle (re pre cetti, dell’ menslrr, della pasta, e deli’ accender i lume. liebruice. 4 to. ch. s. xv. beyins fol. 307. (• former An. 102. J T 000 10157 Southwell MSS. etc. Nos. 11,17 40.58,62,(3,G7,7 93, 90, 113,117-*, 127,137-58, 150, in Thorpe o Cochrane Catalogue^ 10158 No. 2. Do. Do. Do. 151,1 .1,105,170-1.17-5,181 ‘218.220,237. in the same Catalogue, f el 4to. va rious years. 10159 3. Do Do. Do. Do. 240,248,*254.*202,268,284,29; 316,3 1 8-9,*220-,323.S2G 7-8 S ;: t - i-3-4-5-C- 347,35*2,300,373. in the same Catalogue. 101 GO 4. Do. Do. Do. Do. 378,380,390,397,403-4,40 108,412-3,424.432,430-7.158-9. in thesameCata 1C1G1 5. Do. Do Do. Do. 498,510,521,533,535537,594 598,000,619. in the same Catalogue 10102 0. Do. Do. Do. Do. f<21,633-4,645,G47-8,059-0(3 GG1,G72,078-9,082-3-4.086,088.690, in the same 10103 7. Do. Do. Do. Do. 091 -2-3,097-8,700,717, 73 74*2,747,751,75(5,702,701,778,79507.m // ie same. 10104 8. Do. Do. Do. Do. 39.84,119,235,402,408, 704 750. in the same Catalogue. 10165 9. Do. Do. Do. Do. 803,800,1131,1139,1238,133! 1341,1349A431,1433.1448-9,1455. in the same. 10100 Law Suit relating to the Charter of ... IF Lord Russel’s Speech to the Sheriffs 21.Tuly.10B IF Algernon Sidney’s Paper delivered to the Sheiifl at his Execution, 7 Dec. 1083. IF Speech of Richd. Langhorue, Esqr., 14 July,lG7! at his Execution. 4 / 0 . ch.s. xvii. T. .. CATALOGUS Ll-BRORUM MANUSORIPTORU'M IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILL1PP1CA. 0167 Inventario de la Bibliotheca de.(a j Spaniard.) f. ch. s. xviii. blue mar. T. 767 fee y/Jfr 0168 Carmen, de Arte Rhetorica. thin 12 mo. V. s. xii. *• Versificaturo qusedam tibi tradere euro.’' T. 524 >0169 Observations relating to the Charter of.1683 “ Mr. Recorder, haveing.” 4 to. ch. s. xvii. T. 395 .0170 Wiclif’s Commentaries on Mathew & the Revela¬ tions, f. ch. s. xvi. br. cf. Olim Wm. Herbert and Thos. Montfort. T. 1095 See y ? 10171 Extraits du Tresor des Chartes. “Paris." Ex bibl. Lamoignon. f. ch. s. xvii. old French cf. T. 208 .0172 Wmi. de Herle,&c. Iter Derbyense et Bedfordiense. 4 E. 3. f. V s. xiv. T. 813 10173 Muratori Origine di Franc-Masons, fol. ch. s. xviii. hf. redmor. Ex bibl. Guildford. T. 407 10174 Original Letters to Horace Walpole. Ato. ch. s.xviii T. 1343 L0175 Raselii Cronicon de Regenspurg ad annum 1600 cum continuatione Donaueri ad Annum 1654. large/.ch. s.xvii. T. 240 See J / 2 . / 10176 Alani Chartier Opus. Incip. “A la treshaulte" IT Guillaume,Evesq.deTournay,Traictie deConseil fol. V. s. xv. ilium. Arms on Ast page Bendy of 6 A. G. wooden covers with brass bosses. T. 122 10177 Traictee de Blasons. “ A la louenge de Dieu.” fol. ch- s. xvi. br. cf. T. 52 10178 Galfridi leScrope,&c. Iter Northamptoniense, 3 E.3. f, V. s. xiv. Olim T. Martin of Palgrave, with his autograph. T. 949 10179 Decreti della Congregatione dei Vescovi dell’ An¬ no 1582. fino 1619. thick 4 to. ch. s. xvii. T. 10180 K. Jas. 1. Letters Patent granted to the Levant Com¬ pany, 16. . f.ch. s.xvii. RoyulArms on the cover. T.783 10181 Novum Testamentum. f. V. s. xiv. Olim Adami Clarke XCVJI. T. 623 1018 2 Mar e Clausum.4fo.cA.s.xvii.O/.W.ShawMasonT,845 10183 Office lees in Ireland 1616, 1623 .f.ch. s.xvii.T.545 IT Orders & Instructions concerning the State of the v \iChurch of Ireland. ^? if Selden's writingS) 10184 Leonardo de Aretino della Etica di Aristotele. f.V. s.xv. gr.mor. lsf/>.i//MHi.T.23A.CIarke,LXXX 1V. 10185 Palladius de Agricultura./. V. s. xiv. br. cf. 1st p. ilium. Arms, A. a cross G. T. 942 Payne, ex Bibliotheca Samms, Qc. 10186 Storia Cronologica dei Dogi di Venezia, con le loro Elezioni, e con tutto quello e accaduto alia Repub- lica, nel tempo del loro Dogado. 13 Vols. Ato.ch. s. xvii. with pen Sf ink Drawings of their Portraits. 10187 Roma e Corte sua./. ch, s. xvii. r.mor. Arms of ^Le¬ on Castille on the Cover. 10188 Marculphi Formula, thin f. ch. s. xvii. cf. gilt. 10189 Galuani de Flamma Cronica Mediolani, appellata “ Manipulus Florum"/./^. s.xv. the 1st letter con¬ tains an illumination, representing the building the City Walls with red bricks 10190 Ansegisi Capitularia Regum Francorum. obi. 4 to.V s. ix. ilium. 210 pages. 10191 MSS. 7 vols uniform. Ato. ch. s. xvii. Yol. I 11 Conte Difensore delle ragione de Prencipi. 11 Gabinetto d’Apollo. Arms on cover, a fess between Shelldrakes. 163 10192 2—Battista Nani della Corte di Francia. 11 Gio. Cavalieri della Corte Cesarea. U Spagna sotto il Governo del Confessore. II Del Padre Nitardi Partenza da Madrid. H Della Corte di Roma dal Duca di Chaune. II Emergenze di Stato del Duca di Lorena. 10193 3 - II Cabinetto de Prencipi. 10194 4 —Conclave di Iunocenti X. Alessandro 7, & Cle¬ ment 9. 10195 5—Cardinale Commendone Relazione della Corte di Roma. H Famiglie di Roma. 10196 6—Forma del Governo Gesuitico. H Monita Privati della Compagnia. IT Lettere Amlibologica d’un Gesuita a un suo dis- cepulo. II La Monarchia dei Solipsi. 10197 7—Nullita della Rinuntia della ReginaMariaTeresa di Austria. IT Renuntia fatta dal Re Casimiro. II Congiura contro i Venetiani. IT Carceratione e Processo del Cardin. Caraffa del Duca di Palliano e altri Nepoti di Papa Paolo. H Navigazione di Fra Viucenzo Rospigliosi 1668. Ex Bibl. Incerti&jb-cs 10198 Voyage d’Alexandrie, d’Egipte, & de Barbarie, et la Negociation faite Brouwer aux Royaumes de Thuniz et Alger. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. Olim Chardon de la Rochette. 10199 Extentus terrarum Annee Marchienissae Northamp ton. /. ch. s. xvi. 10200 Household Book of Chas. 2. Anno31-2 .l.f.V .s.xvii. 10201 Copies ofRic.St.George’sGrants ofArms.Z./.cA.s.xviii 10202 Biographia Britannica post Taunerum. 4 Vols. f. ch. s. xviii. Ex bibl. Lleber.? 10203 Rolle generate de tous les Villages de la Province d’Artois. fol. ch. 10204 Fragments of MSS. fol. V. 10205 Various Works of the Rev. Wm. Bingley. autogr. 4 to. ch. s. xix. 10206 Censuale Ecclesiae Trecensis, 1316. f.V.%. xiv. dk.cj. 10207 Do. Do. Do. 1346/. F.s. xiv. dkef. 10208 Dora Brequigny’s Collections for the Hist.of France (a portion ) /. ch. s. xviii. 10209 Fines. Mogerhanger, &c. long f. pchmt. orig. s.xvii. 10210 LibriSapientiales cum prefat. Hierony mi. lAto. F.s.ix. 10211 Tresor des Chartes. Melanges. Vol 1. Different entrePhilip le Bel, et Boniface 8. hf. yellow cf. stamped with bees. 10212 Do. Do. Do.Vol.2.Angleterre/.cA.s.xviii. 10213 Salmon’s Hist, of Essex, with Craven Ord’s MSS. Additions./.c/i. s. xviii. endsp. 460. old No. 1035 10214 Letters of Count Mansfelt to the Duke of Parma, 1592. f. ch, s. xvii. green-back case, lettered “ Lettres de Philippe 2, du Due. d’Alva & autres." 10215 Pedigrees of Bulkeley, Constable, Leigh, Cholmon- deley, Brocas, &c.f.ch. s.xviii. hf.wh.vel.Exbibl. Naylor. ( Rodd) 10216 Peers Pedigrees 1654, Bertie, Lord Willoughby d* Eresby; Holies; Saunderson, &c. l.f. ch.s.xA wh.vel. Ex bibl. Naylor. {Rodd) ; P 104 CATALOGUS L1BR6RUM MANUSCR1PTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPJCA. 10217 Case between AVm. Mann and Joseph Hooper. thin/. ch. s. xviii. H List of Jewellery, signed, by Q. Elizth. frag¬ ment. V. s. xvi. ,' N VJ0218 1 uventaruun Cartaruro de Coltltngham.'l/o.e/i.s.xviii. 10219 Revenus de l’Abbaye de St. Denys en France, 1394 1393-6. Avals. 4/o. V. s.xiv. hf. maroon cf. 10220 Catalogue de Chartes. EntrePhilippe ieBel et Boni¬ face R. f. ch. s. xvii. hf. maroon cf. Are r / / ^2- O 10221 Proces tenu a laVille deDole,l628.&/n.fAt7i/'. F.s.xvii 10222 Lord Clarendon’s Letters to the Earl of Abingdon, 1689. autograph. Alo. ch. 10223 Speeches in Parliament, 1625.^1 ch. s. xvii. hf. cf. 10224 Meibumius’sAutograph Notes “ inProcli Positiones Astronomicas.” 8 vo. printed 1540, & MS. s. xvi. 10225 Boetius de Consol. Philosophise, with a copious gloss. &vo. ch. s. xv. 1473. Olim Henr. Lafford 1474. 10226 Flistoria Indorum Benedictorum & eor adventus in Urbem Gazaream Zebedeam. Syriace ct Latine. “Anno itaque Alexandri 1801.'’ Olim Jacobi Ca- valli. Hvo. ch. s. xviii. Ex bibl. Guilford. 10227 Passio S. Thomee Cantuar. i.e. Miracula;/. F.s.xii. Ex bibl. Allard. Olim Abbatiae de Pontigniaco. 10228 “ Germania.” Missione di Grimaldi, Negotiati di Francfort.etc.d/o.cA.s.xvii.Zir bibl. Cardin. Rasponi. 10229 Boetius “ Carmina qui.” f. ch. s. xv. U Inquisitio Hereticorum Nichi. Houet et Kettel- tasche, 1477-8. 10230 Hildeberti Cenomanensis Epistol®. 8 vo. V. s.xiii. 10231 Vita S. Petri Celestini. 12/wo. V. s.xiii. olive cf. On the sides these arms, Per Saltire, Ermine & Er- minois, on a chief G.a Falcon between 2 Roses.— Crest , a demi Lion r. holding a bundle of Arrows. 10232 “ Cron. Gen. 1480.” sive, Acta Adutni, Ducis Janu- ensis, 1489. /. V. s.xv. Ex bibl. Guilford. (T.432) 10233 Hermandi de VerbustoAstronomia.1488.fAin Qvo.ch. 10234 S. Ambrosii Episcopi de BonoMortis etFugaSeculi H Petrus Cluniacensis contra Objectiones Albo- rum Monacborum. 12/no. V. s. xi-xii. 10235 Memoriale Sacrorum Bibliorum. If A bstracta exGhronicisPontificum etlmperatorum If Hugonis de Follieto, Canonici S. Petri Corbien- sis, Flores de Claustro Animae. lAmo. V. s.xiv. 10236 Prayer Book in the Rhenish Dialect. 18/no.cA.s.xv. Ex bibl. Tross, vel Kloss ? 10237 Acolouthia. Epimneestra Basileoon. 4fo. cA. s. xiv. Ex bibl. Guilford. 10238 “ Tu>avTionwL k. e. o svaytXiQpoQ” Ato. ch. s. xiii 10239 Henry 7, Anno 13, Grant of Naturalization to Hen- ry Lyeke de Ducatu de Cleve in Alemaunia. I Inquisition against Thos. Burdett, of Arrow, Co. Warw. a Traitor. If Do. contra AVm. Stanley & Robt. Clifford, for sup¬ porting Perkin Warbeke, of Turnay. J'. ch. s. xv. (old No. 61) Thorpe H47 102 40 Southwell MSS. ... Keating’s History of Ireland. translated, f. ch. s. xvii. T. 344 10241 Langley’s Alphabet of Arms. f ch. s. xvii. two leaves lost, begins fol. 3. “ A. ante D.” old Sale No. 2539 (Rodd.) 10242 Heraldry. “ Crestes of Earle, Ridge, Coghill.” &c. begins p. 2i.emblazoned f.ch.s.xxm.SalcNo 253 i 10243 Vauvillier’sBibliandrothequedeCoibeil.4fo.cA.s.xvii Ex dono D. Frederici Madden, K.H. 10244 Mawson’s (the Herald) Collection of Arms & Pedi¬ grees. fol. eh. s. xviii. Ex bibl. Naylor. No. 85 Ex bibl. Wmi. Hamper, Arm. 10245 Sir Simon Archer's Correspondence with Dugdalo. E. Gwilym, Gwynne, Win. Brfrton, (? Author of Leicestershire) Elly, Hereford, Dingley, Palmer, E. Ferrers, 11 umfry Colics, Randall. Fuhvood, Thos. Habingtort of Henlip, Lynolde, Sir Chris¬ topher Hatton, Win. Dausey, J. Smithe, Simon Clarke, Thos.Windesor, Parsons, Prescott,Wol 1 - ferston, Hyde, Golledge, being chiefly Letters to Sir Simon, with rough drafts of his answers, circa 1630. l.f.ch.s.xy'n.hf.niss. No. 38 in Hamper Sale 10246 Missale. ilium. Incip. *• Genuier.” 12 mo. V. s. xiv. in a mss. case. 10247 MS. Hebraice, lettered on back “ Boet. xii Mens.” 12 mo. V.in a russ. case. Ex dono A.Bedford. 10248 Collection of Old Dances. “Joe’s Jig-’» <« The Mil¬ ler & Clothier” /fee. sm.obl.1Amo ,, ch. s.xviii. Olim Michaelis Russell, 1J44. 10249 Psalm Tunes. 1st “ Ps. 146, Stroudwater NewTutie' sm. obi. 24wo. fw. bibl. Henley. 10250 Portraits des Rois Moguls jusq’a 1’an 1700. Copie du MS. de la Bibl. S. Marc. Ato. ch. s. xvii. bd. in light blue. 10251 Collections relating-to Lord Chancellors. II Index of MSS thinf. ch. s. xviii. 10252 Notes of the Convention or Parliament, held22Jan. 1688-9, called by the Prince of Orange’s Letter, with Abstract of the Speeches—by an Eye Wit¬ ness. Ato. ch. s. xvii. 10253 (Balcarres’s) Memorial (presented to Jas.7th.) of the State of Affairs in Scotland, since the beginning of the Revolution. Ato. ch. s. xvii. (said to be un¬ published .) sec yz 4 g~ 10254 Index of Collections of Pictures at Houghton, Lord Folkestone’s, Mrs. Dunch, Anno 1762, Hampton Court, Windsor, Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Langford, Mr. Sargents, May Place, Kent; Hitcham, Mr. Dumrner, Sir J. Colebrook, Dr. Bearcroft, Mr. Wilkinson, Eton College, Sir Gregory Page, Mereworth, Penshurst, Knowle, Mr. Methuen, Mr. Penton, Mr. Pelham at Stamer, Sussex; Sir Geo. Colebxook’s at Gatton, Surrey ; Devonshire House, Lord Temple at Stowe, Wroxton House, Up Park, Cowdray Piace, Edge HiII,Pelwortb, Stourton, Pilewell, Mr.Trevor Hampden. Lord Waldegrave, Roger Harenc, Duke of St. Alban’s, Wimbledon,Dr.Thomlinson, Higley.4/o*cA.s.xviii 102o5 Federico Badouro Relatione, retornato dalla sua le- gatione a Carlo 5to Imp, 1559. Ato. ch. s. xvi. 10256 On Hermetic Philosophy. 4/o. ch. s. xix. 10257 Journal of a Chymist in 1797. (name of Author cut out.) Ato. ch, s. xviii. Sale No. 2019 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCR1PTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PH1LLIPPICA. 16-5 Irish MSS. Ex bibl. Edwdi. O'Reilly. 10258 Edw. O’Reilly’s Extracts from Annals of the 4 Mas¬ ters respecting the Family of O’Neil./.cA. s.xviii. 10259 Do. List of Early Irish Writers still extant. /. ch. s. xviii. gr. paper. No. 828 10260 Repertorium Viride Johis. Archiepi. Dublin. /. ch. s. xviii. bin. paper. Ex bibl. Bradish. 10261 4 vols. uniform. 1 Leabhar Gabhal, or, The Book of Conquests,from the Liber Lecanus. f.ch.NoAl 10262 2 Extracts from theTopography of Ireland in theLi- ber Lecanus. f. ch. No. 42 0263 3 St. Beininn’s Leabhar na Cceart, or, The Book of Rights, j. ch. No. 43 0264 4 Liber Lecanus, pars 4ta, vel 5ta .J. ch. No. 44 The above. 4 vols. appear to have been transcribed by O'Reilly himself. (pars4ta. seems to be missing.) 0265 Translation of Part of the Brehon Laws, vol. 2d. fol. ch. s. xviii. green paper. No. 813 0266 The Felire, or, Festiology of Aongus. f. V. s. xi. No. 1 $-,59. blue cover. 0267 Leges Howelis Dda. copied from a MS. in Marsh’s Library, Dublin. 4to.ch. s. xix. 0268 Historical Account of the O’Connors, copied6y Ed. O’Reilly, f. ch. s. xix. green cov. No. 804. 0269 Edw. O’Reilly on Ossian’s Poems. f.cTi.s, xix. 1829. green cov. No. 812 0270 “Clar den Leabhar so” old. Nos. 97 $*24. IF Fragmentum deMetempsychosi./.cA.s.xviii.gr.cor. 3271 Agallain Patrig agus Oisin.y. ch. s.xviii. At the end in English, “ The last Poem was written by Hugh McCurtin,as an Address to Irishmen, recommend¬ ing the study of the Irish Language to them.” No. 20 or 28. )272 Nennii Historia Britonum, ex Libro de Balliraote. 4 to. ch. s. xix. (1807) blue cov. No. 79 >273 Cormac’s Glossary. 4 to. ch. s. xix. gr.cov. No. 100 >274 Patrick O’Reilly’s Translations from the Irish An¬ nals 1520. 4/o. ch. s. xix. blue cover. No. 274 IF Address of MacCurtin. •275 Jeffery Keating’s Defence of the Mass. f. ch. s.xvii. 1657. old No. 254 >276 Dalian Forgaill’s Poems. 1, Amkra Coluim Cille. 2, Amhra Seonan, or, Elegies on Colum Kill ^ S. Senanus. 4/o. ch. s. xvii. No. 14 277. Sanas Corraaic, or, Interpretatio Verborum. No. 123 onparchment. written probably by Mr.O’Reilly, 8uo. s. xix. 278 Expulsion of MacConn. It Battle of Magh Mocroimhe.4/o.eA.s.xviii.A'o.149 279 Irish Grammar circa s;ec. xv, vel. x\\,4lo.ch.No.\40. in an old black leather cover, without pasteboard 280 Forus Feasa ar. Eirinn, or, Keating’s Hist.of Ireland, copied by John McSoliy itil712 or \3.thick 4to. ch. No. 116 281 Dialogue of Patric & Oisin, See. copied 1730. IF Tracts on Ecclesiastical Subjects ( chief part of the Book) Script.per Dan. (or, Dav.) Molire, Anno 1730. thick sin. 4to. ch. No. 102 or 1102 282 Edw. O’Reilly’s Account of Irish Writers, printed, with additional MS. notes by himself. 4 to. s.xix. 283 Keating’s Hist, of Ireland. Hibcrnice.f. ch. s. xvii. 10284 Francis Molloy’s Lucerna Fidelium.l2»jo.cA.s.xviii. ( This has been printed at Rome, 1726.) No. 38 10285 Liottain Josa. Hibernice. 18mo. ch. s. xviii. IF Catechisms. ( This has been printed at Bruxelles) 10286 Michel O’Cleirige’s Vocabulary. 18mo. ch. s. xviii. 10287 O’Reilly’s Extracts from the Annals of Ulster. &c. & Miscellanea. 4fo. ch. s. xix., blue cover. 10288 Extracts from a very Ancient Vellum MS. on the Palace of Tara. 18mo. ch. s. xvii. No. 181 IF Genealogical Tables of Milesian Families. 10289 Jno. O’Neachtaiu’s Voyage of the 5 Heroes. IF Goll’s Courtship, &o. 12 mo. ch. s. xvii. No. 17o older No. 113 10290 Leabhar Leasa Mhoir—an chead all, or, Extracts from the Book of Lismore, Svo.ch.s.xix.containing 1 History of the Lombards. 2 Acts of Callaghan Cashel, King of Munster. , 3 Poem on Fin MacCarthy Reagh. Nu. 67 10291 Michael O Clerig s Vocabulary 1643. transcribed by M, O’Gopmon. 18wio. ch. s. xviii. No. 165 10292 John Mac Solly’s Leabhar Riosdard Tuibear. 18/reZ,Cronicon ab initioMundi ad 1447. ‘I Historia der Heiligen 3 Konyngge./. ch. s. xv. Olimfuit M. Zurmuhlen, whose book plate of Arms is inside the cover, G. 3 bends wavy Az. Ex Bibl. Comitis Stamford , 1693 . 10401 De Articulis Fidei.—De Mandatis Decalogi. II De Consiliis Evangelii, & multis aliis. f, V. s.xiv. Lord Stamford’s arms on the cover . Royez. 10402 Hozier’s Origin of the Members of Parliament of Paris, Anno 1706, and of Officers of the French Guards, 1707. 4 to. ch. s. xviii, maroon cf. Ex Bibl. Incert. 10403 Regimen Sanitatis. Hibernice.f.V.s.xw.r.rus.pp.SS 10404 Correspondence of M. Breteuil 1737-8. Ato.ch. s.xviii. 10405 S. Chrysostomi Omelim 7 de Laudibus S. Pauli. “ Nichil prorsus.” sm.f. V. s. xiv. 10406 Laws concerning Justices of the Peace, H Marriage Contract of Edward, son of Jno. Osbal- distone, of Co. Lane, 32 Eliz./. ch. s. xvi. 10407 Computus Ecclesiae Trecensis 1373-4. l.f. V ■ s.xiv. 10408 Ditto ditto ditto. 1327-8, 1363-4,1413-4. l.f. V. s. xiv. Sf xv. 10409 Documenti del Capitolo di S.Antonino per laCausa della Salina di Piacenza, 1769. 10410 Nicolai de Belfort Acta Sanctorum./, ch. s. xvi. 1 Index Manuscriptorum in Bibliothecis ejusdem Nichi. B. ac etiam Abbatiarum et Ecclesiarum Cathedral, de Soisssons, Celestinorum de Sois- sons, Branensis, S. Petri in Carcere prope Pe- trafontem, Celestinorum de Paris, Longpontis, Resbach, Jotrensis, Castro Theoderici, (Cha¬ teau Thierry) Rheims, S. Remigii et S. Diony- sii, S. Symphoriani, & Refectorii S. Remigii. autograph of M. Belfort. 10411 Recueil de Fragmens Genealogiques des Pays Bas> 1814. 4to. ch. s. xix. 10412 Letters of Admirals Hood, Rodney, & the Earl of Sandwich. 4to.ch. s.xviii. (Ex Bibl. G. Jackson.) 10413 Lettere di M. Santa Croce, Nuntio di P.Pio 4, 1561 1565. 3 vols. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. wh. vel. 10414 Rentale Manerii de Caine, Co. Wilts, 1 H. 8. 8 vo. ch. s. xvi. wh. vel. (Bryant .) 10415 Fortunatiani Rhetorica./. ch. s.xv. wh.vel.(Thorpe.) 10416 Lord Morley's Translation of Boccacio de preeclaris Mulieribus. 4to. ch. s. xvi. blue mor. Thorpe 10417 Drawings of Roman Deities, painted. II Heads of Popes, painted, l.f. V, s.xiv. & cA.s.xvii Arms on the cover, quarterly, 1 4.2 & 3, a li.r. on escutcheon of Pretence, an unicorn saliant. Arms on 1 st leaf, Az. on bend O. betw. 3 mullets S. a wing S. Russell Smith. 10418 Outlines of theTopography of Northumberland, 1822 obi. 12 mo. 3 vols. & Index 8 vo. ch. s. xix. 10419 Biography of Northumberland. 4 to. ch. s. xix. 10420 BiographicalDictionary of Northumberland, obi. 4to. ch. s. xix. pp. 466 10421 D. A... .’s Office of Coroner, obi 4 to. ch. s.xix. 10422 Tables of Various Matters, viz. 1 Height of Snowdon. 2 Of the Price of Grain 1794 to 1821. 3 A Norfolk Farmer’s Yearly Expences. 4 Of Rain fallen 1817 to 1820. 5 King’s Ships & Tonnage, Anno 13 H. 8. 6 Cost of Government of England from Wm. Conq. to Geo. 3, &c. &c. 7 Robert Rutter, or, The Letter R. 8 Purchases of Marbles, Books, Minerals, &c, in Brit. Mus. Ex dono 1). Rici. Iloare , Bart. 10423 Orders and Regulations of Corsham Almshouses, founded by Margaret Halliday. (autograph of 8 ir Richd. Lloare. thin l.f. ch. s. xix. Thorpe. 10424 Incledon’s Devon Pedigrees. oblAto. ch. s. xviii.xix. folia 47 Leeds Castle MSS. 10425 Tanner’s Collections for a Bibliotheca Britanuica. f. ch. s. xviii. 10426 Adami Murimuthensis Cronicon, (maim Tanneri ?) I thin f. ch. s. xviii. 10427 Thom, de Elmham de Vita Henrici 5ti./. ch. s.xviii. 10426 Boston de Bury de Libris inventis in Anglia; Monas- teriis. f. ch. s. xviii. 10429 Cronicon Johis. Malvern. /. ch. s. xviii. (? omnes supra scripti rnanu Tanneri.) 10430 C.D.M....’s Notes on Horace, Virgil, Homer, I Seneca, in pasteboard box. ch. Thorpe No. 475 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM N BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA, 169 10131 Epistolae Fulvii Orsini, Sylburgii, &c., ad Ortelium #c. transcripts, in pasteboard box.ch,( Thorpe) Ex Bibl. G. Jackson , Arm. 10432 Admiral Goodall’s Services, f. ch. s. xviii. 10433 Correspondence from Paris on the Movements of the French Navy. /. ch. s. xviii. Payne. 10434 Bartholus super l.part.Digestorum./.cA.s.xv.Ao.l88 10435 Ditto ditto ‘2. ditto ditto. /. ch. s. xv. No,189 10430 Ditto ditto l.PartemDigestiVeteris./.c/i.s.xv.l92 10437 F. de Zarabellis super 5tum Decretalium No. .. 10438 Ditto ditto lOmum ditto No. 179 10439 Frederici de Senis Consilia, 1438./. ch. s. xv. 170 10440 Dinus Mugellanus super RegulasJuris in 6to Decre¬ talium./. ch. s. xv. No. 213 10411 Juristarum diversor. diversi Tractatus./. c/i.s.xv.121 Thorpe , 1836. 10442 Evangelia. Islandice f. V. s. xiii. 10443 Ber (nardi) Compost(e^a) in Gregorii Decretales. */.. f. V. s xiv, Olim cujusdam Epicopi. Sir Will. Jones' MSS. more detailed (See No. 7023, Sfc. in this Catalogue.) . JJ. Maha vacyartha,—A Work on Theology & Phi¬ losophy, chiefly on the Unity of God. Sanscrit.Svo. ch. with Sir W. Jones’ notes. 7024 hoc Catalogo. 10444 5, Letters of Abulfazl, First Minister to the Emperor of Hindostan, Acbar Padshah, fnl.ch. black lea¬ ther. marked No. 41 & 27 10445 6. Laus Ganeso. with a Latin Translation by Sir W. Jones, interlined,in his autograph. II Chanacya, or, Wisdom of the Ancient Indians. II The Vrihat cat’ha, or, Sarit sagara, by Bhatta Sri Somadeva , a large Collection of Indian Tales, in verse, in Cashmirian letters on Bhurja leaves. 900 years old. (?) II On Men & Women./, ch. red leather. 7 . Poems by Khosrau, one partly translated by Sir Wm. Jones. 12mo. c/i. 7026 hoc Catalogo. 10440 8. Farhang i Masnavi, or, p. Dictionary of the diffi¬ cult words in the famous Poem by Jelaljud_din Rurai , emphatically stiied “Masnavi” or, “The Poem.”/, ch. marked No. 33 & 29. half bd. in red leather. The covers are made of Persian or Hindoo MSS. pasted together, 7027 hoc Catal. 9. /iA/clU • i ■ pi 7*oS ]27/io. c/i. marked No. 14. Date at the end, 1110 oj the Hejira. See 7026 hoc Cataloyo. 10. Beauties of Nizami, mounted on pink & blue paper alternately, S: illuminated with two large Paintings & ornamental Title Page in deep blue and red on a gold ground. 70-23 hoc Catal. Ex Bibl. Incertis. 10447 Accompte of Roger Calcott, gent., Receiver, for the Year 1648, of the Revenues in London, Middx. Kent, Essex, & Cambridge, assigned in 1645 for settling £8000 per annum on the Prince Elector, Count Palatine of the Rhine./, ch. s. xvii. 10448 Precedents of Legal Deeds, beginning with Nathan Jackson of Stamford, Co. Line. 169 5f.ch. s. xviii: 10449 Index to Marriage Licenses, 1646 to 1710. /. ch.f‘Y t ' ,,f 10450 Booke of Entries of all such Recusants as have been graunted by his Majesties Letters under the Sig¬ net from 1606 to 1611. f.ch. s. xvii. 10451 Arms of Lord Mayors of London to 1746, ending with Sir Richd. Hoare: by Joseph Barret. /. ch. 10452 Polyceni Strategemata. Greece.f.ch.s.xv. Olim Johis Pricaei, Venetiis, 1637. 10453 Michl.Patm.Catalog.Ecclesiasticor.Scriptoruin Ord. S. Augustini 1553. 8 vo. ch. s.xvi. Ea:6f6/.Guildtbrd. 10454 Memoires pour servir a l’Histoire des Provinces de BourbonnoisNivernois etHauteMarche/.c/i.s.xviii. 10455 Cartularium S. Claree de Bruxellis. f.V. s.xv. frag¬ ment of 8 leaves. 10456 Cartularium S. Symphoriani (deBurdegalar') 4 lo.V. s.xiv. “ Conue chose soitatous ke li sireWairin9.’‘ 10457 Jackson Papers on Navy Affairs. Svols.f.ch, s.xviii. 10458 Trial of Admiral Keppel/,c/i.s.xviii.(.Ziu;G.Jackson ,) 10459 Papers relating to the Election for Caine, Wilts. H Valuation of Box. ( Ex Bibl. G. Jackson.) 10460 Gulielmi filii Stephani Vita S. Thorns Archiepi. H Epistolte S. Thoms, Johis, Sarisburiensis,Alexri. Papac, Viviani, &c. Arc./. ch. s. xvii. Ex bibl. Cotton. Claud. B. II. 10461 Genealogia Familis de Natta. printed 1710 II Passagio in Genoa 1765. II Missione del Vescovo diSegno nellaisola diCorsiea IT Benedicti PapaeX IV, Litters, quibusFranciscus, Diaconns Cardin, de Saldanha constituitur in Visitatorem Clericorum Soc. Jesu in Portugal- iia et in Indis Orient, et Occidental.— Ulissi- pone 1758 IT Litters P. Clementis XIII. 1760 cum multis aliis impressis et MSStis.f.ch. s.xviii 10462 Geraldus de Solo super Almansorem de Medicina, computus in Studio Montis Pessulani 1346. from Stewart and Wheatley. H Bernard, de Gordonio de Urinis. U Arnold, de Villa Nova de Pulsibus. H Johes. de Bourgundia de Epi.nia- 640 Progetto per lo Stabilimento di una Fiera in Genova. /. ch. s. xvii. Ex dono Rogeri D. Duffield, Arm. 1641 Arms of the Donors of Plate belonging to Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. 4 to. ch. s. xix. auto¬ graph of R.D.D. MSS. Phillipps. 3642 Morris Deeds. /. ch. s. xix. green paper. )643 Testamenta in P.O.C. /. ch. s. xix. gr. paper. )644 Collections for the Genealogy of Phillipps./.cA .s.xix. green paper 10646 Wilts Visitation, 1565. begins with two printed sheets of Wiltshire Articles in Harl. MSS.”/.cA. s.xix. 10647 Salop Visitation, 156S. fol. ch. s, xix. transcript by M. Cotterell. 10648 Settlers in America, from Broadway and the neigh¬ bourhood, with their Pedigrees : begins with the sons of Job Stanley, thin 4 to. ch. s. xix. 10649 Pedigrees of Broadway &the Neighbourhood, thin 4 to. ch. s. xix. begins “ Bonnor Shakel, of Pebworth.” 10650 Do. of Murcot and Wickham Families, 1833. thin4to ch ch. s. xix. begins “ Wood of Broadway.” 10651 Do. Tenants in Buckland and Wickham, begins with “ Thos. Crump, of Lenchwick.” thin 4to.cli. s.xix. 10652 Oxfordshire Visitation, 1634. 4 to. ch. s. xix. ivh. vel. 10653 Warwickshire Pedigrees from Dugdale. with addi¬ tions. f. ch. s. xix. autograph, inter alia , the Pe¬ digree of Shakespeare. 10654 Stanway Parish Register, Co. Glouc. 1573 to 1712. /. ch. s. xix. 10655 A few Inscriptions in Broadway & Saintbury Church¬ yards. 4to. ch. s. xix. 10656 Arms & Inscriptions in Magdalen College Sc Christ Church, Oxford. /. ch. s. xix. Ex Bibl. F. Townsend , Fecialis. 10657 Berkshire Visitation 1664. f. ch. s.xix. wh. vel. Ex Bibl. Rev. Georgii Harbin , fy postea Dni. Alexandri Malet , Bart. 10658 Papers relating to theFamily of Bampfield/.cA.s,xviii Fairfax MSS. 10659 Glossary of Hebrew Words, by Rev. Henry Fairfax. of Yorkshire. 24 mo ch. s. xvii. 10660 Hen. Fairfax’s Do. Do. Do. 24mo. ch. s. xvii. 10661 Physicorum Librorum Series. 24mo ch. s. xvii. 10662 Abstracts of Inspector General’s Accounts of Imports & Exports. 12/flO. ch. s. xviii. wh. vel. with clasps. 10663 List of Records, Parliament Rolls, Journals of the Houses of Lords and Commons. 12mo. ch. s. xvii. 10664 List of Treatises composed by Thos. Lord Fairfax. (They were 10 in number , as follow .) 12wo.cA.s.xvii. black leather. 1. Memorials of his own Actions in the Northern War from 1642 to 1645, and something in his vindi¬ cation after hee was General. 2. The Abridgement of War. 3. Flavius Vegetius Renus, his 5 Books of the Ro¬ man Discipline, Englished by T. Lord Fairfax. 4. The Psalms of David paraphrased in Verse, with several other parts of Scripture, as Solomon’s Song, Proverbs, Moses’ Song, &c., which he calls the Recreations of his Solitude, with other Poetry on several subjects. 5. History of the Church from Our Saviour’s tyme to the Reformation, large f. (all his own hand.) 6. Systeme of Divinity by way of Question & Answer. 7. MercuriusTrismegistes, with a Commentary, trans¬ lated out of French. (This note is added . “ The author lived in the 2nd Century sup¬ posed to be a Christian counterfeit .”) 174 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PH1LL1PPICA. 9. The Thoughts of Eternity. 10. Fairfax’s Genealogie 10665 Sir Philip Sydney's Letters. 8 m. obi. 4 to. ch. s. xvi. or xvii. 10666 Edvvd. Fairfax, of Fuystone, Co. York, Discourse on the Witchcraft which was acted in his Family Ao. 1621. 12j?io. ch. s. xv. black leather. 10667 Parliament of Oxford 1625. H J. M.’s Letters to his Mother. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. 1066S Orator Henley’s Heads of Subjects for his Orations (“secured by Bills.” written inmy sleep.) 4 fo.ch.s.xviii. 10669 Catalogue of English Authors 1747. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. wh. vel. (? by Wilkins.) 10670 Rigby’s Sermon on 1 John,verse5,7. ISroo.cfc.s.xvrii. at the end is ‘‘Chirk Church, May, 1676/’ 10671 Notes taken out of Hikewcll, on the Providence of God. 18/no. ch. 10672 Miscellanea by Henry Fairfax. 18»»o. ch. s.xvii. 10673 Catalogue of Books. ISmo. ch. s. xviii. marble cover. incip. “Anacreon. Greece ^ Latine.” 10674 Establishment of the Office of Ordnance temp. C. 2. & Jas. 2. with the Salaries of each Officer. 12mo. ch. s. xvii. marble cover. 10675 A Bundle of Papers, incip. “ Hanc Epistolam scrip- tam.” being a Poem in Latin sent to Thos. Arun¬ del, Archbishop of Canterbury, kc.&c.fch. s.xvii. 10676 Sinceri Germani Epistola ad Ludovicum Selden de Bello Gallo-Belgico. 4 to ch. s. xvii. 10677 Index of Classic Authors. 4lo. ch. s. xvii. 10678 T. SJs Confession of Faith. 4to ch. s. xvii. 10679 Lyndwood on the superiority of the Archbishop over his Suffragans. 4*o. ch. s. xvii. 10680 Books sent to Mr. Bonner at Cambridge, \2.4to.ch. 10681 Military Tactics. 4 to. ch. s. xvi. “ On your backe 10682 Pictures of Bishops, at Canterbury Deanery. U List of Prebendaries,collated froml540tol738. 4/o. ch. s.xviii/ credo autographum esse Dr. Wilkins) 106S3 Euston’s Remembrancer, 1657. IT Henry Fairfax’s Visions, in which some of his Friends are alluded to ; scil. Richd. Cholmeley, Buckell, Dr. Wickham, Sec. fragmAto.ch.s. xvii. 10684 Survey of Bolton Percy Manor. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. 10685 Henry Fairfax’s Observations on Luke, cap. 7. H Bishop Ridley de Ceena Dominica. 4to.ch. s.xvii. 106S6 Oratio Panegyrica ad Annara, Reginam Angliae. cum multis aliis. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. & xviii, 10687 Lettre de St Bernard a son Neveu: & multa alia 4to. ch. s. xvii. Sc xviii. 10688 Notes on the Erection of the Cathedral of Down, Jac. 1. etc Sec 4/o. ch. s. xvii. 106S9 Henry Fairfax’s Notes & Collections out of the Title Deeds of his Family. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. 10690 Do. Do. Collections relating to the Fairfax Family. Will of Thomas, Lord Fairfax, “ Proprietor of the Northern Neck of Virginia.” &c. f. ch. s.xvii. 10691 Dr. W ilkins’ MSS. begin, “ De Liturgiis Copticis.’ &c. 0Zs.4Zo.raHMr 51 N oticias de laFrancia.Turquia, 1 ndias Oecidentales 51 Pontifices de Espana. 51 Gusto de la Casa de Espana V Rentas de el Key. 5f Description de algunas Giudades de el Reyno. Vol. 1. pp. 148. Vol. 2. pp. 394. 10868 Gardner Peerage Case, from the Notes of the Short Hand Writer, very thick fol. pp. 1370. ch. 10869 BishopSanderson’sOrdinary of Arms/.cA.s.xvii hr.cf. 10S70 Relazioni Diversi de Roma, Venezia, Avignone, kc. fatte in Senato Veneto. fol. ch. s. xviii. 10871 Reigns of King James and Queen Marie. 51 A List of the Dukes and Earls of Scotland, 5! Index de Feudis. Scotice. f. ch. s. xvii. 10872 Votes of the Freeholders of the County of Durham in 1675—Candidates, Sir John Clavering, Thomas Vane, John Tempest, obi.fol. ch. s. xvii. 10873 Numbers of 20,000 Tickets on the Adventure of Two Millions. /. V. s. xviii. Ex JBibl. Sir Herbert Taylor. 10874 Establishment & Dormant Warrantsof Queen Mary, King Wm., Q. Anne, and George, Prince of Den¬ mark. fol. ch. s. xviii. rough calf. Bryant. 10875 Copie di Lettere scritti da tutti i Potentati al Sacro Collegio de Cardinali,vacante la Sede Apostolica per la Morte di Urbano. l’anno 1634./. ch. s.xvii. Sir Charles Hanbury Williams MSS. 10876 Letters from Foreign Ministers, 1747-48, bk. 10877 Lettres recu dans l’Annee 1752. bk. 10878 Letters to his Excellency, Sir C. Hanbury Williams, from English Ministers at Foreign Courts, received at St. Petersburg, 1755-6-7. bk. 10879 Papers of no sort of consequence, bound up,1753.6£. 10880 Various Papers of Mr. Woodward’s,of no great con¬ sequence. bk. 10881 Lettres et Papiers touchant la Barriere, et Papiers touchant la Negotiation entre la Cour de Vienne, et 1’ Electeur Palatin. recu a Vienne. 10S82 Correspondence with his Majesty’s Ministers at Fo¬ reign Courts,Berlin & Dresden, 1750 to 1753. bk. 10883 Letters from the Secretary of State to Sir C.II.Wil¬ liams, 1747-8-9. bk. 10884 Letters received from Colonel Guy-Dickens, at St. Petersburg, 1755. bk. 10885 Letters from his Excellency Sir C. H. Williams to English Ministers at Foreign Courts, 1755-6-7.6L 10886 Mr. Littleton’s Argument on the behalf of Mr. Ste¬ phens, respecting Knighthood, sheets. 10887 Publick Letters to Mr. Woodward, and foul draughts of his Private and Publick Letters, sheets. 10888 Treatys, & Papers, of no great consequence, sheets. 10889 Letters received from his Majesty’s Ministers in Fo¬ reign Courts, in the jear 1752. bk. 10890 Private & Publick Correspondence with Mr. Wood¬ ward, 1729. bk. 10891 Various Papers of Mr. Woodward’s, of no great con¬ sequence. bk. 10892 Private French Letters, received in 1755-6-7. bk. 10893 Letters from Sir C. Williams to Sir John Hanbury, of various dates, bk. 10894 Zaida, a Theatrical Composition, sheets. 10895 Private French Letters received in 1755-6-7. bk. 10896 Correspondence with the Secretary of State, begun at Dresden, March 10, N.s. 1751-2. bk. No. 1. 10897 Papers relating to my Legation at Berlin, and Dres¬ den. (being Letters from the Secretary of State to Sir C. H. W. from 1751 to 1753.) 10898 Letters received from his Majesty’s Ministers in Fo¬ reign Courts, while Minister at Berlin, and Dres¬ den, in the years 1750-1. bk. 10899 Letters from English Ministers at different Foreign Courts, 1747. bk. 180 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM IIANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA 10900 Questions and Responses, in French, a sheet. 10901 Correspondence with the Secretary of State, Berlin 17') 0-1. bk. 10902 Private Letters, 1751—1755. bk . 10903 Private Letters received in 1755. bk. 10904 Private Correspondence, bk. 10905 Various Papers of consequence, English and French &c. bk. 10906 Letters to the Earl of Chesterfield, and others, bk. 1 10907 Private Correspondence, bk. 10908 Do. Do. bk. 10909 Do. Do. bk. 10910 Private Letters received in the months of Sept. Oct. Nov. and Dec. 1751, and in the months of Jan. & Feb. 1752. bk. 10911 Private English Letters, received in 1755-6-7. bk. 10912 Do. Do. Do. Do. 1755-6-7. bk. 10913 Private Letters received in 1756. bk. 10914 Letters from Mr. Fox, 1739, 1741-2-3-4. bk. 10915 English and Russian Projects, a sheet. 10916 A large book, containing. Letters from C.Guy-Dickens to the Duke of New¬ castle, 1754, inclosing, Pro Memoria, signed by Genl. Ch. Bestouchen—Count YVoronzow. Reflections, &c. The Opinion and • • • • of the Senate of Russia. Letters from Colonel .... to the Duke of Newcas¬ tle, 1753, containing an Agreement between Prussia and Saxony upon .Fund, re¬ ceived at London, 1754. 10917 Instructions and Letters from the Secretary of State, received at Berlin, and Dresden, in the years 1750 and 1751. bk. 10918 Private Correspondence in French, 1748-49-50. bk. 10919 Letters from the Earl of Holdernesse on America, 1755. bk. 10920 Letters from different Secretaries of State, viz. Lord Townshend, the Duke of Newcastle, & Lord Har¬ rington, to Mr. Woodward. bk. 10921 A Packet of old Papers of consequence—State Af¬ fairs. a bundle. 10922 Several Papers of consequence, in English, a bundle. 10923 Do. Do. in French, See., of consequence, bundle. MSS. lent to Mr. Bohn. 10924 Papers of consequence, bundle. 1 book. 10925 Do. Do. bound up in 1755. folio, bk. 10926 Private Correspondence of Lady Essex, Sec. 4 to.bk. 10927 Letters from English Ministers at Foreign Courts, of the years 1752-3-4-5. folio, bk. 10928 Letters from Lord Hinton 1741. Letters from Lord Egremont, and Rigby, of various dates, and many from Winnington. 4 to. bk. 10929 English Letters received in the year 1752. 4 to. bk. 10930 Two Vols of Poems, & some loose leaves,cA.s.xviii. MSS. 8f Letters, merely as to the number in each Packet. 10931 10 Parcels of 20 in each. 10932 2 Do. of 12 „ 10933 1 Do.. 10934 1 Do. 10935 1 Do. 10936 1 Do. of 42, and 15 Pieces of Poetry 10937 1 Do, ... 10938 1 Do. 64 10939 1 Do. ....... 58 10940 1 Packet of Letters, & Copies of Agree- 176 ments, intermixed. 10941 1 Do. and Extracts . . . . .218 10942 1 Packet of Sundries, being Bills, Inven- -- tories, Agreements, Abstracts, & also 982 several Pieces of Poetry, &c. - 10943 1 Packet of Abstracts, also Copies of Agreements Copies of Letters—Treaties—Various Pieces o Poetry—The Review of a Book in MS. whicl appears to have been edited by some Catholic Priest—and four Catalogues. 10944 Foul Draughts of Mr. Woodward’s Private & Public Letters, sheets. Ex Bibl. Ignoti. 10945 On Mary,Queen of Scotts. H Miscellanea Gallica. Ato. ch. s. xviii. 10946 Barbier surlaBibl. cle St. Genevieve. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. 10947 Trattati sopra li Papi, &c. f. ch. s. xvii. 10948 Pieces de Theatre Francaise. f. ch. s. xviii. 10949 Flemish State Papers, &c. f. ch. v. y. 10950 Monsure’s Extraits sur l’Histoire Profane. 7 vols. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. ( These vols. contain a large mass of intelligent remarks, and anecdotes ,— some, of the French Revolution. 10951 Do. Do. Do. Sacree. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. 10952 Do. Reflexions sur la Politiqne pendant la Revolu¬ tion Francaise. Ato. ch. s. xviii. 10953 Do. Remarks for a new Edition of Thomas a Kem- pis de Iraitatione Christi. 4fo. ch.. s. xviii. 10954 Pizzi de Grammatica Arabica. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. 10955 Pizzi Obras Varias. Ato. ch. s. xviii. 10956 Do. sobre las Voces Filosoficas Arabes.4fo.cA.s.xviii 10957 Do. de Oracionibus Arabicis. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. 10958 Do. Estudio de la Lingua Arabica. 4fo. ch. s. xviii. 10959 Do. Compendio di Van Swieten,&,Boerhaave.4/o.cA< 10900 Do. sobre las Medallas Cuficas. If Vida di Tamerlane. Ato. ch. 10961 Do. Elementa de la Lingua Turca. Ato. ch. 10962 Do, Traductio de la Vida di Tamerlan. Ato. ch. 10963 Do. sobre la Lengua Turca, 12mo. ch. 10964 Pizzi sobre la Lengua Arabica. 4fo. ch. s. xviii. 10965 Asensio sobre la Lengua Arabica. 4 to. ch. 10986 Of Man. If, Miscellaneons Tracts in French. 4/o. ch. 10967 Observations sur la Musique Persanne. PersicS. obi. 8 vo. ch. 10968 French Plays, “ La Charaquis” &c. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. If M. Mentelles’ Divertissement. 10969 Toland’s Doubts on Revealed Religion. Ato. ch. 10970 Poesies Francaises, “ Les Etrennes” &c. 4fo. ch. 10971 Burgundy Wapen Buch (i.e. Coats of Arms.) Olim Emanuel Curtis, 1781. 10972 Industrie Parisienne,or, Essays on different subjects. 12mo. ch, s. xviii. 10973 Observations on Swabia. Ato. ch. s. xviii. 10974 Marriage of Chas. I. k Henrietta, Ato. ch. s. xvii. 10975 Lettere di Philippo Argelati. Ato. ch. s. xviii. with his autograph signatures. 10976 Merry Wives of Cambridge, a Play. 4fo.cA..s.xvii. 10977 Desmalets Scriptores Oratorii Congregatiouis.4fo.cA, . 200 . 24 . 51 . 50 23 57 . ' 61 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHlLLlPPlCA 181 10978 Monsure’s Extraits de Jean le Fevresur la Religion. Vlmo. ch. 109,79 Notes for Sermons. Gallice. with a Portrait of Cle¬ ment Marot. 18»?o. ch. s. xvii. a fragment. 10980 Index to Baker of Cambridge’s MSS.18/no.cA.s.xviii. 10981 Coats of Arms Alphabetically/' Aston, &c.” embla¬ zoned. sm. 4to. eh. s. xvii. 10982 Du Puget’s ReconnoitringLetters to General Grimaldi Commandant at the Siege of Mons.l2mo.c/i,s.xvu 10983 Monsure’s Qualitbs de Plantes, et Oiseaux, alpha- phabetically. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. imperfect. 10984 Poems. Epitaph on Sir Wm.Jones,&c.41o.cA.s.xvii. ^ Copies of Papers taken with the Lord Preston. 10985 On a New Translation of the Bible. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. 10986 Reponse de M. Boucher, et M. Pigeon de S.Paterne &c. 1779. 4 to. ch. 10987 Essai sur 1’ Economie Politique. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. 10988 Comediens Francaises, &c. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. 10989 Fragment of a Welch Poem, thin 4 to. ch. s. xv. 10990 Index Cartarum in 3 Registris Episcopi Tornacensis, pro Dioces. Gandensi. 4 to. ch. s. xvi. 10991 Memoires de M.de laR. sur les Brigues,a laMortde Louis Treize, &c. 4/o. ch. s. xvii. 10992 Method to enrich the Public,or, “ a Flea in the Mi¬ ser’s Ear”, &.c. 4 to. ch. 10993 Priucipia Grammatica. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. 10994 Life of Sir Nich. Throckmorton, a PoemAto.ch. s.xix 10995 Van Ess Catalogus Editionumlncunabulorum in Bi¬ bliotheca sua. obi. 4 to. ch. s. xix. autograph. 10996 Revolutions de 1’ Europe. 8 vo. ch. s. xviii. 10997 Autograph Letters of Burke, Sheridan, Drake, Ba¬ ker, Berkeley, Wallis, Warner, (Jesuit,) Jas. 2d. (dated Bruxelles, 1779,) Griesbach, Danby,Bishop Tanner, Montagu, Hutchinson, Kiunoul, Buchan, Tracy, Meibomius, Drummoud, Erskine,Anquetil, Cardonnel, Ballard, Aubrey, Bannerman, Ben- tham, Grose, Niehaus, Beaumont, Howard, Sir Stephen Fo, Gough, Snell, S. Lysons, Adam Clarke, Graham, Samuel Johnson, Harris, D.Gar¬ rick, Cobbett, Maurice, Lord Bute, Banks, Wal¬ ker, Kirtland, Sir G. P. Turner, J. C. Buckler, T. Rodd, W. N. Clarke. 4 to. ch. s. xviii, & xix. 10998 Collectanea by Sir T. Phillipps. 12mo. ch. s. xix. 10999 Do. by Do. Do. Sir R. Hoare, & others. 4/o.c/r.s.xix. 1 1000 Index of Melfort Charters, thinf. ch. s. xviii. 11001 Cartaj de terris Wmi. de Harcurt, &c. 4/o.F.s.xv. 11002 Fragments on Veil, and Ch. \ ^ Breve de Recto. $ ■ 11003 Ord’s Suffolk Arms .Jol. ch. s. xviii. 11004 Miscellanies Francaises, “ Pour faire des Hosties” ^ Rapport de la Commission des Travaux Publics au Comile de Salut Public, 1794./.c/t.s.xvi,&.c. 11005 Judge Davenport’s Speech, 1638. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. 11006 Propos de Table, or, Fables in French,&c.4/o.cA.s.xviii 11007 Observationssur l’Egypte&MehemedAli.4/o.cA.s.xix 11008 Phillipps’s Oxon Collections. 3 vols. f. ch. s. xix. 11009 Blathwayt’s Jamaica State Papers. /. ch. s.xvii. 11010 Do. Virginia Do. Do. /. ch. s. xvii. 11011 Clarke Pedigree, &c. /. ch. v.y. 11012 Extraits du Registre du Grand Conseil./c/i s.xvi. 11013 Tamworth Castle Papers. 6 vols.fol. &• 4 to. ch. s.xvii. 11014 Flemish Heraldry and Pedigrees, fed. ch. 11015 Colonel Robert Bennet’s Correspondence during the Civil Wars. 2 vols.f.ch. s.xvii. Letters of Cromwell . 11016 Letters of Q.Elizth.,Walsingham,Burleigh,1584/.c/i. 11017 Letters of Macchiavelli, Guicciardini,&c./. c/i.s.xvi. 11018 Abbe Sicard sur la Literature Romane. /. ch. 11019 De la Fosse Poemes inedites. f. ch. 11020 Sir F. Bacon’s Speech against Carr, Earl of Somer¬ set, &c. f. ch. 11021 Scanderi Gesta contra Turcos. /. ch. 11022 Molino et Mocenigo llelationi di Inghilterra. /. ch. 11023 Sir T. Phillipps’ Miscellanea, f. ch. 11024 Autograph Letters of Wm.3. Geo.3. Cecyl. &c .f.ch. 11025 Ord’s Suffolk Church Notes. /. ch. 11026 Letters to Paolo Vittorio, f. ch. 11027 Actes de Philippe de Valois, f. ch. 11028 Epistole de Italiani Eruditi: Litcrce R.S. 4 to. ch. 11029 Sir T. Phillipps’ Gloucestershire Collections, f. ch. 11030 Yriarte Index Locorum in Hispania. f. ch. 11031 Flemish Wills. /. ch. 11032 Paulus in Festi Pompei Librum de Nominibus Lo¬ corum. 4/o. ch. s. xv. 11033 Household Expences, temp. Eliz. f. ch. 11034 Beruard’s Compte des Terres du Comte Dunois./. V. 11035 French Grammar. 12 mo, ch. Ex Bibl. Moore. 11036 Sermon on “ Jesus Wept.” IQmo. ch. s. xviii. 11037 Iter Norvicense,or,aTour to Norwich, 1727. \Smo.ch. 11038 Boulanvilliers Etat de la France. 12mo. ch. s.xviii. 11039 Sir J. Birkenhead’s Two Centuries of St. Paul’s Churchyard. 12mo.c/i.s. xvii. 11040 Rape of the Clog, &c. 12/«o. ch. s, xviii. 11041 Collection de Prieres Catholiques. 12mo. Rodd. 11042 Inducements to Emigrate to W.Indies. /. ch. s.xviii. 11043 Papers relative to the Discovery of a Gold Mine in Peru. fol. ch. s. xviii. 11044 Bishop Barlow’s Letters, fol. ch. s. xvii. 11045 Colliiische Gedicht, transcribed in 1823 from a MS of 1462. fol. ch. s. xix. Ex Bibl. Kloss. 11046 Descendenzia de los Reies dc Francia. f. ch. s. xvii. 11047 Arbol de Castejones de Agreda, 1585 fol. ch. s. xvi. 11048 Parrafos del 4to. Concilio Mexicano, 1775. ck.s. xviii 11049 Der aiuem Wolff, &c. Carmina Teulonica. f. ch. s. xv. ExBibl. G. Kloss. 11050 Eiu lustiger Sprach von der Bulschaft inn Yagens- weiss gestellet.— Carmen Teutonicuma. fol. ch. s. xix. Ex Bibl. G. Kloss. 11051 Cassiani Instituta Sanctorum Patrum II De Viciis. <1 Obitus Hieronymi. fol. ch. s. xv. 1421. 11052 J. Van Heeles’ Slach Van Woeronc, Ao.1188. Olim P. Van Muschenbroek. fol. ch. s. xviii. 11053 Dissertationes Criticas— dedicated to J no. Joseph Cal¬ lous. fol. ch. s. xvii. 11054 Repertorium Nominum, et Cognominum. « r Explanation of Monograms .f.ch. s.xviii. wh. vel. 11055 Roman derKindenenVanLimborg.4/o.cA.s.xix.^/>.656 11056 Petri de Faria e Sousa Carmen, dictum, “ Justa Ac j clamacion.” 8 vo. ch. s.xvii. 11057 Papers of General Carleton, Lord Mulgrave, Lord Do vor,&c.,relating to theAmericanWar f.ch. s.xviii CATALOGUE LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA 382 11U5S Psalter, illuminated with Arms of the Barons of England. sm.f. V. s, xiii. Ex Bibl. .riiom® Mar¬ tin, de Palgrave. 11059 Figur® Veteris et Novi Testamenti, seu, Versus La- tini ad depingendum in Ecclesiarura Muros. fol. V. s. xiii. This is a curious Preface , describing the mode in which the Walls of Churches were or¬ namented in the reign of Hen. 3. and preciously. The Author begins , “ Dolens in Sanctuario Dei fieri picturarum incptias, et deformra que- dam, portenta inagis quaiu ornamenta, optabam, si fieri posset, mentes oculosque fidelium hones- tius, et utilius occupare. Cum enim nostri tempo- ris oculi non soluin vana sed etiam profana, se- pius voluptate capiantur, nec facile putaverim ina- nesecclesiepicturas,hoc tempore posse penitus ab- rogari, presertim in cathedralibus, et baplisraalibus ecclesiis ubi publice fiunt stationes,excusabilem ar- bitror indulgcntiam, si, vel ejusmodi picturis delec- tentur, que, tanquam libri laicorum,simplicibus di- vina suggerant, et litteratos ad amorem excitent scripturarum. Siquidero,ut pauca tangamusde plu- rimis. Quid-nam decentius est, quid fructuosius, speculari circa Dei altarium, aquilas bicipites unius ejusdemque capitis leones quatuor ; centauros pha- retratos; frementes acephalos; chimeram, ut fin- gunt logici; fabulosa vulpis, et galli diludia; simias tibicines ; et onos liras boetii: vel certe contem- plari gesta patriarcharum; legis ceremonias; presi- diajudicum ; typicosregum actus; certamiua pro- phetarum; Machabeorum triumphos; operaDni.sal- vatoris; etiam choruscantis evangelii revelatamis- teria. Num adeo augusta est Veteris ac Novi tes¬ tamenti series ; quatinus honestum, et utile post- ponentes, in adinventionum turpitudine, numeros, ut aiunt, jocosos effundamus. Sed hec fantasma- tum ludibria paulatim introduxit pictorum nefanda presumptio, quam utique tanto tempore non debuit ecclesiastica gravitas acceptasse. Nam acceptare visa est, quod reprehensibili non desinit sustinentia tolerare.Ad moderandam itaque pictorum licentiam, immo ad iuformandam eorum operam in ecclesiis, ubi pingi permittitur, digeiit presens calamus adap- tationes quasdam rerum gestarum ex Veteri,et Novo testamento cum superscriptioue binorum versuum, qui rein gestam Veteris testamenti breviter eluci- dant, et rem Novi convenienter adaptant quorum- dam postulatione capitulatim ad manum conscripti. Ideo verd per singula capitula plures positi sunt bi- narii versuum, ut, quod circa unum non sulBcit ex- primere brevitas,suppleat circa idem alterata diver- sitas,placitam datura legentibusoptionem. Qui, vi¬ delicet, bini versus circa rem gestam Veteris testa¬ menti scribendi sunt, vel circa aliud quid mistic® seu tropical adaptationis. Nam circa rem gestam evangelii, eo quod usitatior, et notoria sit, sufficit scribere tantummodo nomina personarum. Cete- rum hiis, qui talia curant, non erat raeum pingenda queque disponere,sed disponant ipsi,prout trahit sua quemque voluptas,vel prout unusquisque in suo sen- su abundat,dum modo gloriam Christi querant, non suam; nec solum ex ore infantiura, et lactentium perficiat ipse laudem ; sed etiam,si bii tacuerint,la!, pides clament,et Dei magnalia pictus quodam modi paries eloquatur. Michi propositum fuit in pleria que jam ecclesiis,ceptam honestatis ampliare matt riam, et delictum nimiae vanitatis prestantiori cc pia temperare.” Written in the end of the I22i century, or beginning of the 1 3th. Specimen of the Verses, which the Author propose as substitutes for the Paintings : Rubric : PromittiturAbrah.se,qd.Sara pariet ei filhiE Text : Partus ignar® nova fit promissio Sar® Christi natalis typus est promissio talis Heres ridenti promissus utrique parenti Christum promisit quo seclum flebile risit 11060 Gereimte Welt Chronik, or, History of the Bible, i: Flemish Verse. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. (transcript) Incipi “ Godde,Marien,undc alien hilgen te eren wil ik d leygen lerer.” Finit. “ wente ik byn ut den Pop; pendyke, me fecit Johan Statwech, eyn Poppendi kesch Man.” 11061 The Life and Actions of W. S. transported for fiV' years, written by himself, during his confinemen i in the Tower, at Liverpool. Poem. 4to.ch.s. xviii. ii 11062 Longmate’s Genealogical Collections. 4 to. eh. s.xviii II Extracts of Doyley from Stadham Register,O xob 11063 Historia Chlodoaldi, Regis Dacorum. 4 to. ch. s.xvii: 11064 Speculum Human® Salvationis, script. 1377. II Manuale Sacerdotis. H Johis. de Brydlyngton Prophetiae. 8 no. V. s. xiv. • 11065 Cartularium, sive Ordonnantien boeck van het Vel teweering Ambacht binnen dese Stadt Brussel! 1439. with additions to 1773. 4 to.V. s.xviii. bouna with brass knobs. 11366 Rt.Hon. Geo. Canning’s Iter ad Meccam.” Oxfora Prize Poem, with his autograph 4to. ch. s. xix 11067 Sigism. Pandulfi Malatest® Liber, dictus, Isottalus. . 4 to. V. s. xv. wh. rel. 11068 Glossa in Ovidii Tristia. thin 4to. V. s. xii or xiii. 11069 Biographia Auctorum. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. red Ithr. 11070 Juan Hidalgo, Romances de Germania.4ro.cA.s.xviiij; authorised to be printed in 1623 11071 Sermons in English. 4 to. ch. s. xv. damaged. 11072 Rentale des Beghynhoefs binnen Bruess^els, 1464. 42o. ch. s. xv. 11073 Life of Ambrose Barlow, of St. Benedict's Order,with his Conversions in England. 4*0. ch. s. xviii. 11074 Advice from a Father to his Son, going on a Voyage; [ of Trade to the Levant. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. 11075 Brunckii Index Graseitatis. 420. ch. s. xviii. autogv. 11076 Raphael de Pornasio de Potestate Concilii. If De flagellis Christianorum ad Fratres Orientales. II Chronicon breve. 42o, V. s. xv. 11077 Medicinal qualities of Herbes. sm. 4to. V. s. xv. 11078 Catalogue of Gray’s Inn Library. 12wo. ch. s. xviii. . Ex Bibl. Caley. 11079 Meister Ingold’sBuch,“ dasGuIdenSpil.” 145O.420.cAj 11080 Miracula St®. Dimn®. 12 mo. ch. s. xiv. H Legende von S. Adelbricht, natus in Anglia. 11081 Leven van Joseph Anchieta, der Soc. Jesu in Brasil.! with his Portrait. 8i>o. ch. s. xviii. 11082 Van de Leen llechten van Brabant. <1 Serrarius de 31 Articulos. If Rici. Armachani Archiepi.Defensorium Curatorum: H Sermoncs de 4 Novissimis. 8 vo. ch. s. xv. CATALOGUS LIBRORl'M MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILL1PPICA. 183 The 2nd. 11083. 11084. 11085. 11086. 11087. 11088. 11089. 11090. 11091. 11092. 11093. 11094. 11095. 11096. 11097. 11098. 11099. 29. Missing 11100. 30. Notes of Mr. Rawlinson’s Sermons, at York, 14th Nov. 1641, &c. 4fo. ch. s. xvii. 11101. 31. Precedents of Law. Incip." Abbe, Prior." thick l'2mo. ch. s. xvii. H Seizure of Contraband Goods, by Ro. Reinger, Arm. Contra Rotulator. Oust, in l’orlu Villae Suthant. 11102. 32. References to Law Cases, alphabeti¬ cally. Ato. ch. s. xvii. Incip. ‘Abatement.” IT “Table to my large Abridgement E. 4.” (Nee No. 5. in this catalogue) 11103. 33. Orders ot (he Magistrates respecting’ the Plague at Leeds, 1645 Ato. ch. s. xvii. 15 leaves. 11410. 34. Formulare Brevium, 4to. v. s. xiv. (OLim C. Fairfax ) 11105. 35. “Liber L.” Incip. Acquitanccs,Ability, Baron et Feme, kc. sm. Ato. ch. s. xvii. 84 leaves. 11106. 36. Bowyer de Sylva Coedua. 8uo. ch. s. xvii. (Olim C. Fairfax) 11107. 37. Notes of Sermons of Mr. Preston. Gouge, Sibbs, Bruges, obi. 8?;o. ch. s. x vii. 11108. 38. Abstract of Letters of John Mann, 1692-3 4, 4/o. ch. s. xvii. 11109. 39. Reports from 5 to 9 Jac. 1. 12mo. ch. s. xvii. 40. Missing 11110. 41. Abridgement of Reports, temp. H. 4 & 5. 4/o. ch. s. xvii. 180 leaves, in brown leather. Autograph of C. Fairfax. 11111. 42. 43. .Missing 11112. 44. " Liber Apell. Sam. Brown,” being an 11118. Index to Cases in Law. Incip. “Abbe, Prior. Si Abbe soil disseise.” thick 4 to. ch. s. xvii. 519 leaves. Autograph of C. Fairfax. 11113. 45. 46. 47. 48 Missing 11114. 49. Plovvden’s Queries. Ato. ch. s. xvi. Autogra ph of C. Fairfax, prec. x. s. 11115. 50. Comments oil the Psalm *2l, v. 23. , kc. obi Mo. 3 inc. Autograph of" Tlios. Fail tax.' ’ black leather. 11116. 51. Ditto 011 J no. 3. 3. Ac. obi. 4to. 3 in. “Thomas Fairfax.” ch.s. xvii. wh . vel. 11117. 52. “ Liber K. Chas. Fairfax.” Contain - ing Cases in Law. Index begins “Acceptances, Accon Sur le Case, &c.” Vlmo. ch. s. xvii. wh. vel. 126 leaves. 53 to 69. Missing 70. Decisions on Law Cases, with refer¬ ences. Ato. ch. s. xviii. wh. vel. 114 leaves. Autograph , C. Fairfax. Fairfax MSS. 1843. Numbers are the Nos. in the Fairfax or Pullcyn Library. 1. Cases from Estcourt’s, Bellingham's, Gastrell’s, and Corbett’s Reports, in Star Chamber, vol. 2nd, from folio 371 to 862. Ato. ch. Autograph of Ckas. Fairfax 2. Letters from the Lord Lieutenant and Magistrates, &c. relating to Military matters, in Co. York. temp. H. 8 . and Eliz. fol. ch. s. xvi. 3 . (This was an old Quarter Sessions Book, for Co. York, but the late owner , a Lady , tore it up as use¬ less ! folio.) 4. Pedigrees of Peers, alphabetically. sm. Ato ch. s. xvi. 5. Precedents,or Reports of Cases, temp. E. 4. in French. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. 1616. Autograph of Chas. Fairfax. 6 . Johannes Rastel in Laudem Legum Com. It has the Autograph (ap¬ parently) of “Jno Rastell.” If Explanations of Maxims Legal. On the cover is this :—■' This is a Manuscript of the famous Plowden, who lived in E. 6 th’s time.” 12 mo. ch. 8 . xvii. 7. Notes of Mr. Charnock’s Sermons, &c. obi. Ato. 3 inch. ch. s. xvii. 8 Peribologia, oder 9 Bericht Wilhelmi Dilichii Hist, von Vestungsgebewen, mit sambt der geburenden grundt und auft’risseu versehen. Obi. 3 in. Ato. ch. On the fly leaf is written : “ Old Fairfax’s Counting Book.” 9. Missing 10. Lectures of the Middle Temple Readers, soil. Anthony Brown, Munson, Edw. Coke, Tredwaie, Cowper, Davis, Radclifl', Heale, Wroth, Hugh Hare, Price, Coventree, Frehern. jo. ch. s. xvii. Autogi'aph of C. Fairfax. 11, 12, 13, 14. Missing 15. Mercutius dulcis deTemporibus. 24 mo. ch. s. xvii. Incipit. “ Sales k ioci Milesii quondam legali ” being enter¬ taining extracts from ancient writers 16. On the Marriage of Cousin Germans, i. e. Children of Brothers and Sisters. H Baptisms of the Children of .... (name erased) N.B. His daughter Mary married George Ramsden, of York,/lug. 20 , 1661.) 24 mo. ch.s. xvii 17. Notes of Sermons by Segeswick, Dr. Preston, Harris, Gibbs, Gouge, &c., narrow 8 vo. ch. s. xvii.— A note on the fly leaf, “ Robert Sugden, Over¬ seer of the Parish of Llkley.” 18. Notes of Sermons by Dr. Preston, Gibbs, Dr. Gouge, Mr. Currell, Gates, Segeswick, Culverwell, Dow¬ ner, Sims, Stack, Holmes, Brown, &c. narrow 8 vo. ch. s. xvii. 19. Ditto ditto, Mr. Winter’s Sermons, at St. Michael’s, York, and others. 4 to. ch. 8 . xvii. 20. Missing 21. Transactions of the Quarter Sessions of the West Riding, Co. York, 16103 4 / 0 . ch. s. xvii. Autograph of C. Fairfax 22 & 27. Notes of Mr. Bowie’s Sermons, at Ottley, 1st June, 1647. Ato ch. 2 vols. 23, 4, 5, 6. Missing 28. Thus far the numbers are in a modern hand. The following are Books not numbered. 11119 *• Liber Gaslrell,’’ or Cases in Law. Begins “Fuller’s Argument in Edward Darcie, Esq. versus Thomas Alleyn, of London, Haoerdusher, in an Action on the Case.” Ato. ch. s. xvii. Autograph, “C. Fairfax.” U Cases in Eavv, continued from fo. 1001 to 1083 Abstract of Letters Patent, given to the Dean and Chapter of York. If Ordinances lor the Sergeant at Arms H Union of Divers Churches in York, by Archbp Edwin. Valuation of Bishoprics. Homage of King of Scotland to Ric. 1st. T86 CATALOGUS LIBRORUBT MA NUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. Elizabeth Fairfax to her Cousin, Thos.Pul- leyn, in 1751.(Mr Pulleyn states the origi- nal of Kirkhv's Inquest to he in the Chap¬ ter House, Westminster Abbey, in 1754 11138. 158. “ Liber B" A Miscellaneous Collection containing ,Collectanea de lamiliade Aske, &c , out of Mr. Dodsworth’s MSS. D 8c G h Ex Rot. Claus. <[f The King's Letter, and also the Duke of Buckingham's, 1626, relative to Cam¬ bridge Chancellorship ^ Ex Cartis de Nun Appleton, penes Sir Thomas Fairfax, of Denton. If Ex Rotulo Thomae Pickering de Whitby, 1454. Objections against the Stile of England and Scotland ^ Memoranda of Debates in the House of Commons, 1625. •[f Ex Historia Dunelm. ab ao. 635. ad 1199, penes C. Fairfax, in 1627. *[f Ex Libro Rogeri Dodsworth G. ^ Valuation of Bishopricks T Ex Cartul. S. Leonardi, pro Bramhope. IT Nomina Militum et Burgensium Parlia- menti. 1614. If The King's Instructions to Lord Scrope, President of the Councell in the North. 1614. U Do. to Edmund Sheffield, Ld. President. IT The Custom of the Youle at York. If King James’s Speech, ao. 21. If De Maneriis de Flamboro’ and Holme If The King's Propositions on the match of the Prince of Wales with the Infanta. If The Lord Keeper’s Letter to the Judges, 1622. If The King's Letter to the Archbishop of York, on Preachers. If Lord Treasurer Suffolk's Charge in the Star Chamber. 11 Sir R. Cotton's Danger of the Kingdom. If Do. View of H. 3 rd's Reign. If Sir Dudley Digges on the Liberty of the Subject. H On the Limitacion of the Succession to the French Queen,Sc the House of Suffolk. If Dr. Ede’s Iter Boreale, 1596, when he came down with Dr. Toby Mathew. If Sir Walter Raleigh's Letter. “Those that are suppressed and hopeles.” IT Do. Dialogue between a Councellor of State and a Justice of the Peace. 11 Commission for Compositions for Knight¬ hood. 6 Car. 1 If Directions concerning Preachers, t. Car. 1 If Col. Fleetwood’s Relation of the Battle of Lutzen, and the King of Sweden’s Death. If Sir Francis Drake’s Last Voyage. If A Prophecie found in the fonndation of a Church lately fallen in St. Dionis, in Fraunce ; written in the Hebrew Tongue, written on parchment and wrapped upp in leade in the forme of a hearte, sent by the Pope's Nuncio to the Cardinal of Burge. Vis o rr.'.abilis, “entered in my ould MS. of GeoiYy of Monmouth. C. Fx.” If Couchej Books (in whose hands) ao. Dni 1642. 1654. ihiclc Ato.pp. 524. ch. s. xvii. 159 to PIE. Mis.yt.ng 11139. 176. B. Do637/j: Is Collections for the Genealogy of Brerehagh, from Ancient Charters, &c. the Cartularies of Kirk- stall, St.Leonard"sYork, & Bolton, (given by Dodsworth to C. Fairfax, in 1644,) Transcript of some of Lord Fairfax's Evi¬ dences to prove the Fairfax Pedigree, fol. ch. s. xvii. green vel. About 70 rvrilten pages. It has the Autograph entry of Dodsworth, acknowledging the gift to C. F. 11140. Procter on Benefices. 4 to. ch. s, xvii. Olim C Fairfax. 11141. Poems by Lord Lansdown, Andrew Marvel, and others 4 to. ch. s. xvii. 11142. Arms of Gentry of England. Obi. 4to. ch. s. xvii. Olim Thomae Fairfax, Peregrin! Gastrell, et Caroli Fairfax, cum Auto- graphis eorum. 11143. Yorkshire Church Notes, by T Pulleyn. 4to. ch. s. xviii. 11144. Pulleyn Correspondence, he. fol. ch. s. xvii. and xviii. 154 pages. 11145. Do. Do. fol. ch. s. xviii. 172 pages 11146, Accounts between Thos. Pulleyn and Edwd. Hawke, Esq. 1738. fol. 11147. Pulleyn Correspondence, 1725 to 17 . . 4to. ch. pp. 210. s. xviii. 11148. Do. Do. 1740-1. 4to. ch. pp. 426. s. xviii. 11149. Yorkshire Inquisitions, Sec. fol. ch. s. xvii. pp. 134. 11150. Hawke’s Raby Hunt, a Poem. 12 mo. ch. s. xviii 11151. Index to Cases in Law. thick 4 to. ch. s. xvii. 493 leaves. Autograph of C. Fairfax. 11152. Formulare Brevium. 4to. v. s xiv. Olim C. Fairfax. 11153. Thos. Pullevn's Collections for the Pedigree of Fairfax and Pnlleyn, containing 1 Fairfax Baptisms, in Fewston Register 2 Pulleyn Births, Deaths, and Marriages. 3 Obits of some of Mr. Pulleyn’s Neighbours. fol. on parchment, s. xviii. rgh. cf. 11154. Pulleyn’s Papers, relative to his Genealogy. thin folio, ch. s. xvii. 11155. Letters and Papers from the original MSS. of Lord Fairfax. Begins 7vith “ Rentale de Lupton,” on parchment, fol. ch. $. xvi. & xvii. 276 pages. 11156. Summary of Ancient Families in England. sm. 4to. ch. s. xvii. Olim T. Fairfax, cum Autographo. 11157. Xetters from Sir George Nayler, and other Genealogical Collections of Fairfax, he. fo. t. xviii. & xix. 11158. Letters and Papers from the Original Paper* of Lord Fairfax. If Lord Fairfax’s Commission from Parlia¬ ment, &c. Rev. J. Mewling's , and Lord Berwick's MRS. Heralds Visitations. 11159. Buckinghamshire Visitation, 1634, by Phil- pot, with Church Notes and Arms in Windows, with additional Pedigrees and Arms, to 1661. /. ch. s. xvii. rgh. cf. v>arked C.C. (Berwick. 313.) 11160. Bucks Visit. 1634, with additional Arms to 1669, Samuel Waker, with some Church Notes, and some Peds. to 1745. hf. bd. red mor. old catalogue , No. 64. Bg. f. ch. s. xvii. 1116i. Cambridgeshire Visitation, 1619, copied by Longmate, with some additional Peds. to 1737, from VVarburton's MS. fol. ch. s. xviii. some loose papers. B. 369. 11162 Do. Do. Do. copied bv Sylvanus Morgan, with his monogram on the back. Jol. ch. s. xvii. rgh. cf. B.368. 11163. Durham Visitation, 1615. fol. ch. s. xvii. rgh. cf. marked C.C. B. 784. 5 Arms of Scotch Gentry 11164. 11165. 11166. 11167 11168. 11169. 11170. 1117.1. 11172. 11173. 11174. 11175, 11176 11177. 11178 11179. ,11180. 41161 11182 11183 CATALOGVS LIBRORUM HftN'VSflllPro.R.V Durham Visitation, 1575. copied by Gregory King. fol. ch. ». xviii. B. (83. Gloucestershire Visitation, 1623, with “Lis*, ot' Disclaimers, cf. ch. s. r»u. thick fol. Arms on the side, quarterly on a bend three roses. Initials U.C. (1 Henry Clnt. ting.)193 leaves. B. 1958. f Berks. Do. 1623. from fol. 197 to 289. Arms mil tricked throughout. Hants Visitation, 1015 .fol. eft. *. xvii. B.10J1 Hants Visitation, ... IJ ■ ch.s. x\m. rgh cf. marked C.C. “Thos. Duiglor, then Mayor of Suthampfqu.’’ full of transcribers errors B. 1090. , Hereford Do. 1017. Arms in pencil inch. Olim Johis. Tosyneley de Towneley.immre calf, f ch. s. xvii. .. , 7 Arms of Herefordshire Families m punted shields. .. * '* Herefoid Do. 1586. fol. ch. s. wu. arms w trick, {ohl catal. Mr 68. B. lOl .) 7 0X011. Do. 1531, in narrative. Arms m trick, half bd. red mor. B. Ilb8. Hereford Do. 1616 or 1575- If ch. s.xvu. rah. cf. Olim George,LorJCarpentei, with his lookpfate.Arms well blazoned in good colours. B. 11 Gl). .. 77 Hereford Do. 1615. f. cli s. ««&£- 9 zonedroughly. hf.M.redmar. OhmKw. J. Nowling.fOM Cat. 62. B. 12.; B 11/0. 7 Durham Do. 1615, with list of disclaimers 7 Arms of the old Visitation H Heath of Emperor Charles ,5th, 1 . Hertfordshire Visitation, 16 o 4, ? en ’ George./, ch. s. xvii. half bd. red mor.iin old.ca.tal. No. 65. B. 14.) B1H4. Huntingdon Visitation, 1613, by Nicholas Charles,with Extracts from AntuentDeeds, Drawings of Seals, Church Notes, .nd Arms in Houses, half hi. red mar. f. ch. s xvii. B. 1267. Do. Do. Copy by Longmate. f ch. s. x\ m. KeM Visitation, 1619, copied by Longmate, with some additions. ,M, J id. hr. cf. Arms described. B. 15 (7 Leic.esterVisitntioii, 1619, (part only) l.f. ch. s. xviii. marked C.C. 7 Do. Do. Arms. „ u48 ‘ 7 Camden’s Grants from 1603 to 1615, 7 Dicdale’s Sketches of Arms. Autograph. Lincoln Visitation, 1563, with Extracts trom Deeds, and Church Notes, &c. Ohm Syl- vani Morgan, with his Autograph and his Monograph, f. ch. s. xvii. B. 1-H9. Norfolk' Visitation’, 1563 & 16 . . 1. fol. ch. s. xviii. Olim C. Capon, 1792, § emtea Thom® Starling. B. 1855. Northampton Do. 1616. Ohm Johis Holland No. 30. postea W. Saunders. It appears to he an Autograph of S. Morgan, fo. ■ch. s. xvii. B.l8d0. - , Staffordshire Visitation, 15S3_& 1614. /. ch. s. xviii. rgh. cf. B. 244o. 7 Arms in Dugdalc’s Visit, ol Stafford, 1664 7 Arms of Staffordshire Gentry, temp E. 1. V Arms from Visit. Stafford, 1583. 7 Gentlemen Sc Disclaimers in Co.Stah. Iac3. WanVick Visitation. 1622. Ohm ( sic credo). Sir Thos. Shirley IFdl written and arm, well emblazoned, thick fol. ch. s. xvn. some learns tarn nut. B. 104. Wilts Visitation, 1565, with some additions to 1650, See. Olim Sylvam Morgan, with his Monogram on the back. f. ch. s. xvn. rgh. cf. B. 2859. Wilts Do. 1565, copied by Longmate. 7 Excerpta ex Cartulano de Langeley, Co. ' Norf. penes J. Baldwin, Rector de Qmd- enham, Co. Norf M IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILI.IPPICA. 187 7 P. Le Neve’s Notes for Crudwell, Wilts. 7! Will of Nicholas Daniel of Sutton Ben- ger, Wilts, 1714. f.xh. s. xviii. B. 2860. 11184 Wilts Visit. 1565, part only. Olim Rev. J. Newling. T Oxon Visitation, 1634, by Philpot. Arms, in trick, l. fol. ch. s. xviii. B. 2861. 11185 Worcestershire Visit. 1569, copy by Long- mate. Arms tricked , or described , with additions to 1683 & 1179. Olim J. Towne- ley./. ch. s. xviii. 1118d. Pedigreed of the North, by R. Glover, viz. If Yorkshire Visitation, 15 .. , in narrative. \ Stafford J)u. 1516-9, in tables. 7 Lancashire Do. 15 . ■ , narrative. 7 ? Derby l)o. 1584, in tallies, f. ch. s. xvii. green vellum sides with yellow cf. back. Ohm Eadulphi Sheldon de Weston, et postea Miss Nonas of Liverpool, sister and heir to HenryNorris, cut. 39,1809; she gave it to Mathew Gregson, the Historian of Lancashire,whose Autogr is in it.U. 1040 11187 Welch Visitation, by Lewis Dwnn, in 1586, containing the Pedigrees of Shropshire and Montgomeryshire. Transcribed in part by John Roderick, in 1711-12. Olim Rev. J . Newling. fol. ch. s. xviii. rgh. cf. On the fly leaf is this, “Mr. John Pritchard, Prys, Poet/ acknowledged Deputy Herald for the 3 Counties of Anglesey, Carnar¬ von and Merionethshire,living at Llan Gad- walader in Anglesey.’’ At p. 91, is the following account of Welch Heralds and Historians, beginning “ A Book of the Pedegrees of Shropshire and Mont¬ gomeryshire, together with the Pedegree of Queen “Elizabeth late of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, “Defender of the Faith, &c. The Queen’s Pedegrees “ is warranted per the Records inWhite Hall, and per “the Books of the King’s Herauld at Amies, who “ keeps all the Records of the whole Isle. Further- “ more it’s warranted per the ancient llrittish Bookes “ and the famous Brittish Poets who kept umlefiled “ the Pedegrees of Kings, Princes, and the Nobility “and Gentlemen, throughout the whole Nation, and “ most of Christendome. ,, r , Richard Broughton, one of the Colincell of the Marches, writt concerning all England, and partes hevond the seas : who had a commission to search the ancient’ Records in White Hall, that were lost {i.C. could not befoundby) per the Gentlemen and Poets. George Owen, Lord of Kcnimcs, in Penbrookshire, hath write concerning all Brittain. John Lewis, a Lawyer, hath write concerning al B. Evan Lewis ap David ap John, Esqr. hath written concerning all England and W ales. Thomas Jones of Tregaron, gent, hath written con- cernin* 1- Great Brittain. J/ohn Mil, of Tre’r Delyn, gent, hath written con- remintr Great Brittain. _ , Thomas ap Llywelyn ap Ithel of Bodvary, m Flint, hath written concerning all Brittain John ap William ap John, of the same Country,hath written concerning all Brittain. Sir Edward Mansel, ofGlamorgan, Knt. hath writ¬ ten concerning Great Brittain. Sir Edward .Stradling, Kt. hath written concerning all Brittain. Rees ap Meyrick, of Cottrel, gent, who was Author of one ofthe fairest midmost inquisitive Books in all Wales and he hath wWtfen'cdncemihg all England. Anthony Powel, ofTir yr Earle, hath written con- ceriiing Great Brittain. The names of the Authorized Poets n-ho hath writ- ten concerning England and Wales-. ' •• _ Iolo Gucli, Master of Arts, Poet I.awrell or Cheif Poet who hath written concerning the 3 provinces of Wales, and he was the cheilest of Poets. Howel Swrdwal, Master of , Arts, Poet Lawrel, of 188 CATALOGUS LIBRORUM M AN USCR1PTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIP PIC A Chcif Poet, who hath written concerning the three provinces of Wales, and made a fair Choionology, in Latin, from Adam to Edward the 1st. and write the Welch Coronickle, which was with Owen Gwynedd, the Poet. Guttun Owen, Poet Lawrcl, of Maelor, hath written concerning the three provinces, and his Books be very fa ire. Evan Brechva, of South Wales, hath written con¬ cerning the three provinces of Wales. David ap Edmond, Poet Lawrel, or Cheif Musician, who win d the Gold Chair, at the Excellent Convoca¬ tion or Sitting, Southwales. lie lived at Haumer, anil hath written concerning the three provinces of Wales. Gutto r Glynn, Poet Lawrel, or Cheif Musician, one of the Bards orPoets that belong’d to Wm.Herbert,sen. Earl ol Pembrook, and he hath written concerning the three provinces. David ap Howel ap Howel ap Evan Vaughan, Poet Lawrel, or Cheif Musician, hath written concerning the three Provinces. Howel ap Sir Mathew, Poet Lawrcl, hath written concerning the three provinces. Griffith Hiraethog, Poet Lwrel, or Cheif Musician, and Deputy at Aimes overall Wales, under the Garter; he hath written concerning all Brittain, and his Dis¬ ciples had his Books, viz.- Wm. Llyn, Poet Lawrel; Owen Gwvnedd. Po^t Lawrel; Simon Vaughan, Cheif Poet; John Tudor Cheif Poet; Wm. Cynwai, Poet; and John Philm) Poet. And tney all writt very iudiistriousiv concernin'* Wales, as appeareth pi r their Bookes, to this very day. Lewis Morgantvg, Poet Lawrel,or Ch< il'e Musician ■ he hath written concerning the three provinces, and Mevmg David, and David Ileuwyii, Glamorganshire Poets, had his Books, and tiler were fairly wriiieu ' John Brwjwnog, Poet Lawrel, or Cbeii'Musieian, of Anglesey, hath written concerning the 3 provinces' John Wynn ap I). David apGridri, of M.mraoniory. shlie, gent, halh wrilten concerning ail Wales. Robyn Acliwr, oi Northwales, halh written concern¬ ing the 3 provinces. Maurice ap Dackin ap PierceTreven, of Betas Cado- wen. 111 Powis, gent, lulh wiiltcn concernin'- all Wales Rees Cain, of Oswcstree. who was Wm. Li en s Dis¬ ciple and a pcrlect mail, and lie hath written concern¬ ing all Wales. Lewis Dwnn, Poet, who hath wi ilten the Ori -ina] Book ol these Pedegrees, who was iormerly Howe: !, an Sir Math ewe's Disciple; and since a Disciple to Owen Gwynedd and W,Lynn, a „] had a great many of their Bookes. And then he had a Commission over all Wales granted h:m per Clsrmsmix Eoht. Co x alias Clareoseux Roe do Arms, and Richard Glover, alia, Somerset, Marsinl to Norev King of Amies. He had that Commission granted him overall Wales, to keep and preserve the Pedegrees of the Ancient Brittaines and to give them their Bight Claim and Title of Arms’ and so he travdled ove. all the Marches of Wales’ And the cheif of the Nobility and Gentry had shewed him their Ancient Records, their writlings and Char¬ ters, and he write a roppy of all those Writlings Charters, and Records, and I have incerlcd the B,y and the year when they were first written per Lewis Dwnn, and the year of Queen Elizabeth’s Re I'm \„d he mentions yt. there was then a coppy of an his in- diistnous f raves, with Mr. Bronghlon, one o, (he Cornice]] of the Marches, and with one George Owen Esqr., and with Mr. llieiiard Glover, „H, S Somerset’ m London, and he hadoftheir Books in return of his’ Besides, lie saithyt.all the Nobility andGentrv hath •ettheir hands to theirP.degrees when he writt'em lii st yt. “ might plainly appear yt. there was nothing add nor diminish therein. ° He hath taken likewise great care to preserve the oi'Z% Br r d l alld the most famous works of the Poets. And he is sure yt. no one before him never had such warrants for Pedegrees and Coal of Aimes norsueh worthy attestations to his Books per several oi the Gentry, and he testifies further whether they nrc truth or untruth, yt. they must be beliv'd unavoidably, p>cr reason of the numerous authorities and attestations he had of the same. There is within this Book the Pedegrees of Kino- James the (st. and Queen Elizabeth, according as they were published in print, to Adam. Here is- like¬ wise the Pedegrees of some of the Nobility and Gentry of the Ancient Brittains to Adam, the first man yt God created, originally written per Lewis Dwnn, De- pufy Herald at Amis, in the 2Sth year of Queen Eliza¬ beth’s Reign, of Blessed memory, and in the year of our Lord Anno Domini, 1586.” The above Book belonged also to Rich. Chandels, whose name is on the fly leaf pp. 355. B. 2738.’ 11188 •• Flintshire Pedigrees, 1630.” .small folia on vellum, s. xvii, Qian (1800) R-icardi W right, N urgeon . 294 payee, beside the index. B. 2744. 11189 A large Collection of Welch and Cheshire Pedigrees, written about 1625. folio, ch. 5. xvii. bound into a large wooden case. -d very valuable MS. B. 2737. 11190 “Fedigrees by Mr. Sheldon.” in the same hand and binding as A b. 1004 large 4to. ch. s. xvii, written by Mr. Sheldon himself .) and are probably tran¬ scripts from Vincent's MSS. before he (Mr. S.) gave them La the Herald's Coltoo- e 198 pages. B. 2337. ° 11191 Beckwith’s Collections for Essex, to 1768«?^Z S2. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. rusma. Glim Sir Mark Sykes, whose arms are on the cover, B.842 11192 Sami. Dale’s Genealogia, Monument a. Ini si gnia Va ri a,conta in i r/,Wni • ofWiekkam’s Consanguinity and otherPedigrpes,brought down to 1733. ful. ch. s. xvii. russia.oli/n J Towneley de Towneley. B. 953. 11193 Sami. Dale’s Miscellanea Cantiaua, or Ex- tracts from MSS. in Lambeth Library relating to Kent. fol. ch. s. xviii. russia. Ohm J. Towneley of Towneley. B 1378. 11194 Ralph Bigland (Somerset Herald,) Geiiealbgil c ti Collections in 1759, for the families°of Tiehborne, Green, Beckman, Stewart, As- tough, Monk, Mottrana, Osborn, Fiennes, Ludwell, Harvey, Constantine, Corthine, 1 hrogmorton, Billingsley, Browne, Kil- vinutjir.Fruwen, Hull, Button,fytehe.Dy- mnvk. Will.., Shipman,Green, Brown Gunman, Gpdolphin, Curson, Gilford, Bil- liiig.PoiiltoiiAYickham.Flindell, Pembroke Beaufort, Howard, Vere, Vernon, He¬ reford,Berkeley, Hungerford, Byng,Cotes, Ilohy, Ciopton, Comber, Benson, Cary Cai lose. Stubbing, D,uel,Cook, St.Georae’ Fisher,Elliott, Grose, Toms, Ashby,Browne’ Hesse, Southwell, Cromwell Baronv, Hel- louin, Hemker, More.Plevdell, Dod',Elliott of Peebles, Massey, Ac. Grants of Arms to various persons, IT Facsimile of the Warrants for beheadin- Chas. 1st. f ch. a.xviii, half ruse. Olhn J° Bi n alley. It formed Cat 3. of Bigland's Collections, the rest are said to he in the Herald's College. B. I960. l]19o “ Pedigrees or Dukes,” he, containing all the Nobility, and some Gentry, fol. ch. s. xvii e/. yoV. B. 1959. 11 r96 Arms ol London,Worcester, Glouc. Hereford, Devon, Wills, temp. II. 8. f. ch. s xvi’ r . '/h. ef. marked C C. B. 101. Ili97 “ Holm ham's Gatherings,” containing. Grants or Arms. temp. Car. J. Sc Jac. 2.. fol: ch. s. xvii ef.e/itt. B. 1259. 1198 Longinate s (Barak Monumental Inscriptions “ Eenl Line. Wane. Middx. York, Wore. Gnash. Budl. Gloc. Hants. Stiff Sussex. & Ireland, Ac. AExiracts fromUpminster Re¬ gister, Essex. oblAto. ch. s. xviii.r».B.1554 CATALOGUS LIBRORCJM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. 187 11187 Welch Visitation, by Lewis Dwnn, in 15SC, [j containing the Pedigrees of Shropshire |] and Montgomeryshire. Transcribed in part j bv John Roderick, in 1711-12. Olim Rev. i J. Newling. fol. ch. s. xviii. rgh. cf. On the fig leaf is this, “Mr. John Pritchard, Prys, Poet,A acknowledged Deputy Herald for the 3 Counties of Anglesey, Carnar¬ von and Merionethshire,living at Llan Gad- walader in Anglesey.” At p. 91, is the following account of Welch Heralds and Historians, beginning “ A Book of the Pedegrees of Shropshire and Mont¬ gomeryshire, together with the Pedegree of Queen “ Elizabeth, late of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, “Defender of the Faith, &c. The Queen's Pedegrees “ is warranted per the Records in White Hall, and per ‘•the Books of the King’s Herauld at Armes, who “ keeps all the Records of the whole Isle. Further- “ more it's warranted per the ancient Brittish Bookes “ and the famous Brittish Poets who kept undefiled “ the Pedegrees of Kings, Princes, and the Nobility “and Gentlemen, throughout the whole Nation, aud “ most of Christcndome. Richard Broughton, one of the Councell of the Marches, writt concerning all England, and partes beyond the seas : who had a commission to search the ancient Records in White Hall, that were lost ( i.c . could not be founding) per the Gentlemen and Poets. George Owen, Lord of Kemmes, in Penbrookshire, hath write concerning all Brittain. John Lewis, a Lawyer, hath write concerning all B. Evan Lewis ap David a]) John, Esqr. hath written concerning all England and Wales. Thomas Jones of Tregaron, gent, hath written con¬ cerning Great Brittain. John Mil, of Tre’r Delyn, gent, hath written con¬ cerning Great Brittain. Thomas ap Llywelyn ap Ithel, of Bodvary, in Flint, hath written concerning all Brittain. John ap William ap John, of the same Country,hath written concerning all Brittain. Sir Edward Mausel, of Glamorgan, Knt. hath writ¬ ten concerning Great Brittain. Sir Edward Stradling, Kt. hath written concerning all Brittain. Rees ap Meyrick, of Cottrel, gent, who was Author of one of the fairest and most inquisitive Books in all Wales, and be hath written concerning all England. Anthony Powel, of Tir yr Earle, hath written con¬ cerning Great Brittain. The names of the Authorized Poets who hath writ¬ ten concerning England and Wales. Iolo Goch, Master of Arts, Poet Lawrell or Cheif Poet, who hath written concerning the 3 provinces of Wales, and he was the cheifest of Poets. Howel Swrdwal, Master of Arts, Poet Lawrel,.or Cheif Poet, who hath written concerning the three provinces of Wales, aud made a fair Choronology, in Latin, from Adam to Edward the 1st. and write the Welch Coronickle, which was with Owen Gwynedd, the Poet. Guttun Owen, Poet Lawrel, of Maelor, hath written concerning the three provinces, and his Books be very fa ire. Evan Brechva, of South'Wales, hath written con¬ cerning the three provinces of Wales. David ap Edmond, Poet Lawrel, or Cheif Musician, who win’d the Gold Chair, at the Excellent Convoca¬ tion or Sitting, Southwales. He lived at Hanmer, and hath written concerning the three provinces of Wales. Gutto’r Glynn, Poet Lawrel, or Cheif Musician, one of the Bards or Poets that belong'd to Wm. Herbert,sen. Earl of Pembrook, and he hath written concerning the three provinces. David ap Howel ap Howel ap Evan Vaughan, Poet Lawrel, or Cheif Musician, hath written concerning the three Provinces. Howel ap Sir Mathew, Poet Lawrel, hath written concerning the three provinces. Griffith Hiraethog, Poet Lawrel, or Cheif Musician, aud Deputy at Armes over all Wales, under the Garter; he hath written concerning all Brittain, and his Dis¬ ciples had his Books, viz: Wm. Llyn, Poet Lawrel; Owen Gwynedd, Poet Lawrel: Simon Vaughan, Cheif Poet; JohnTudur, C.n ii Poet; Wm. Cynwal, Poet; and John Philip, Poet. And they ail writt very industriously concerning Wales, as appeareth per their Bookes, to this very day. Lewis Morganwg, Poet Lawrel,or Cheife Musician ; he hath written concerning the three provinces, and Meving David, and David Benwyn, Glamorganshire, Poets, had his Books, and they were fairly written. John Brwywnog, Poet Lawrel, or Cheif Musician, of Anglesey, hath written concerning the 3 provinces. John Wynnap 1). David ap Griftri, of Montgomery¬ shire, gent. hath written concerning all Wales. Robyn Achwr, of Northwales, hath written concern¬ ing the 3 provinces. Maurice ap Dackin ap PierceTreven, ofBetus Cade- wen, in Powis, gent, hath written concerning all Wales Rees Cain, of Oswestree, who was Wm. Llyn's Dis¬ ciple, and a perfect man, and he hath written concern¬ ing all Wales. Lewis Dwnn, Poet, who hath written the Original Book of these Pedegrees, who was formerly Howell, ap Sir Mathewe's Disciple, and since a Disciple to Owen Gwynedd and Wm. Lynn, and had a great many of their Bookes. And then he had a Commission over all Wales granted him per Clarenseux Robt. Cox alias Clarenseux Roe de Arms, and Richard Glover, alias Somerset, Marsial to Norey King of Armes. He had that Commission granted him overall Wales, to keep, and preserve the Pedegrees of the Ancient Brittaines, and to give them their Right Claim and Title of Arms, and so he travelled over all the Marches of Wales. And the cheif of the Nobility and Gentry baa shewed him their Ancient Records, their writtings and Char¬ ters, and he write a coppy of all those Writtings, Charters, and Records, and I have incertcd the day and the year when they were first written per Lewis Dwnn, and the year of Queen Elizabeth’s Reign. Aud he mentions yt. there was then a coppy of all his in¬ dustrious Travels, with Mr. Broughton, one of the Councell of the Marches, and with one George Owen, Esqr., and with Mr. Richard Glover, alias Somerset, in London, and he had of their Books in return of his. Besides, be saithyt. all the Nobility andGentry hath settheir hands to theirPedcgrees when he writt’em first, yt. it might plainly appear yt. there was nothing add nor diminish therein. He hath taken likewise great care to preserve the Ancient Brittish Tongue, and the most famous works of the Poets. And he is sureyt. noofic before him never had such warrants for Pedegrees and Coat of Armes, nor such worthy attestations to his Books per several of the Gentry, and he testifies further whether they are truth or untruth, yt. they must be beliv'd unavoidably, per reason of the numerous authorities and attestations he had of the same. There is within this Book the Pedegrees of King James the 1st. and Queen Elizabeth, according as they were published in print, to Adam. Here is like¬ wise the Pedegrees of some of the Nobility and Gentry of the Ancient Brittains to Adam, the first man yt. God created, originally written per Lewis Dwnn. De¬ puty Herald at Arms, in the 28th year of Queen Eliza¬ beth’s Reign, of Blessed memory, and in the year of our Lord Anno Domini, 1586.’’ The above Book belonged also to Rich.Chandless, whose name is on the fig leaf pp. 355. B. 2738. 11188 “Flintshire Pedigrees, 1630.” small folio , on vellum, s. xvii, Olim (1800) Ricardi Wright, Surgeon. 294 pages , beside the Index. B. 2744. 11189 A large Collection of Welch and Cheshire Pedigrees, written about 1625. folio, ch. s. xvii. bound into a large wooden case. A very valuable MS. B. 2737. CATALOGUS LIliRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPLCA. 1 89 11199 Do. Do. Do. 2 vols. Vol. 1, in Ely, Oxford. arul Peterboro’ Cathedrals, Newcastle-on- Tyne, and Co. Norfolk, with Index. 11200 Vol. 2, Index to Le Neve's Monumenta, Thoresby’s Leeds ( 8 i> 0 .),Aubrey’s Surrey. Hereford Antiquities, Salisbury and Bath Do. Abington’sWorcester, Willis's Bucks, Salmon’s Herts, PeshaH’sOxford, Bridge’s Northampton, Seymour's London, 2 vols., Weaver’s Funeral Monuments,Bath Monu¬ ments. obi. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. .russ. B. 1555. 11201 Lohgmate's ( Barak) Collections, 2 vols. Vol. 1, in Co. York, Middx. Surry, Kent, Essex, Oxon. Gloc. B. 11202 Vol. 2, Collection of Arms, Impalements, and Quarterings, from Carriages of Noblemen and Gentlemen, in 1762. Book-plates, Hatchments, &c. obi. 4 lo ch. s. xviii. russ. 11203 Do. 2 Vols.Vol.l,Inscriptions inCo.Middx. 1 774, Chelsea. Pancras, Marylebone, Padding¬ ton, Holborne St. Andrew, St. James, St. Ann's, St. Paul's Covent Garden, St. Giles in Fields, Do. the Martyr. Hendon and , Wilsdon. 8 i*o. ch. s. xviii. russia. 11204 Vol. 2, Church Notes in Uxbridge, Midi. Great Berchamstead, Watford, Herts. El- lesborough, Waddesdon, Wotton-under- Wood. Amersham, Little Missenden, and Wendover, Co. Bucks. Ylmo.ch. s. xviii. russia. B. 1558 11205 Do Do. Obituary of Persons who died 1775. 24/«o. obi. ch. s. xviii. 1I20G Thomas Starling's Collection of Suffolk. Nor¬ folk, and other County Pedigrees, with Index, 1689. damaged by met. large <4to. ch. s. xvii. O/im C. Fairfax. These are leaves and scraps of all sizes pasted upon atlas 4to. sheets, but should be taken to pieces and bound up in a smaller size. 11207 Views of Shropshire Churches, by the Rev. E.Williams, coloured according to the ma¬ terial then tire built with, drawn 1791. 3 vols. oblong 4to. ch. s. xviii. Vol. 3. contains 105 Churches See.—Kem- berton, Albrighton, Donington, Tong, Chetwjnd, Ilinstock, Cheswardine, Bur- warton, Longhton, Boterel's Aston, Bold, Claverlcy, Bonigal, Ruyion, Chesterton, Clungonford, Bedeston, Bucknall, Hopton, Hopton Castle, Clunbury, Lidbury North, Church Mainston, Bettus, Llanvair, Stow, Cluu. Ciun Castle, Coid Weston, Stoke St. Mjlburgh, Hopton in the Hole, Bitter- ley, Middleton, Ashford, Cainham, Sib- don, Hope-Say, Edgton, Mindiown, Mid¬ dleton Scriven, Sidbury, Stoltesdon, Far- low, Hopton Waive, Neen Savage, Cor¬ ley, HopeBagotyGreet,Whitton, Buri'ord, Nash, BurrasLon,Cleobury Mortimer, Mil- son, Neen-Solers, Woodhouse, Silvington, Whealhill, Minsterley, Chirbury, Trelus- ton, Creggiori, (NOi 63 is t'ornout,) Jack- field, Leighton, Petton, Newton, Welch. Hampton, Cock shut, W cm. Edstaston.W hix- hall,Tilstock, Whitchurch. Ightfield, Col- verhall. Prees, Boynton, W hire Ladies Pri¬ ory .North Vie a-, D i. North East,, Wood- cote, Newport, Preston, Bickton, Aston, Penley, Bowles, Aslifotd Rowdier, Lud¬ low, Wellington (Old Ch "reh ,) Wellington {New,) Woor, Shrewsbmy St. Mary, Do. St. Nicholas. Hales Owen, St. Kenelm's, Olbury, Si. Alkmund's Shrewsbury, Aston in Edgmund, Pomesbury, Harley,Doning¬ ton Wood, Dawley. 11208 Vol 2, contains 81 Churches. 11209 Vol. 1, contains 134 Churches. B. 2349 11210 Craven Orde’s Church Notes for Suffolk. 6 Vols. 4 to. viz. 5 in lif russ. 1 in bds. ch.s. xvii. B.497. 11211 Rev. Jno. Newling’s (Canon of Lichfield), Anns, Genealogical Notes, and Parish Re¬ gister Extracts for Shropshire and other Counties, in 20 Vols. half bd. viz. B. 1971. Salop Pedigrees, 6 Vols. 4 to 11212 Do. Do. and Arms, 4 Vols. 4/o. 11213 Anns in Fowke Pedigree, 1 Vol. 4/0. 11214 Do. Yelverton Do. 1 Vol. 11215 Myddle Pcd.grees, 1 Vol. 11216 Pedigrees from Lloyd’s Salop, 1 Vol. 11217 Salop Monuments, 2 Vols. 11218 Staffordshire Do. I Vol. 11219 Salop Exchequer Book, 1 Vol. 11220 Extracts from Lyson’s, 1 Vol. 11221 Boundary of Ditchingham, Co. Norf. 1 Vol. 11222 Rev. J. Newling’sSalop Collections, in 41 Vols. stitched Copy Books. 4to. ch. s. xv iii. B. 1971. 11223 “Armorial Bearings,” being Grants of Arms, beaut fully tricked, from various Heralds, temp H.5. H. 6. II. 7. E. 4. ltic. 3. II. 8. Edw. 6. Eliz. J. 1. G. 1. & C. 2. 2 Vo/s. fob ch. s. xvii. russia elegant. O/im Sir Mark Sykes, with his arms on the covers. One of them once belonged to Jno. : Holland, and has his Book plate Arms. B. 2898 11224 Cartulary of Haghmond Abbey; copied from the Original at Sundorn, by the Rev. E. Williams, {not quite complete), large fol. ch. s. xviii. pp. 22S, besides Index. B.2363 11225 Cartulary of St. Peter’s, Shrewsbury ; copied by Rev. E. Williams, from the Original now 1843, in the possession of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Burt, (very incomplete) l. fob ch. s. xviii .pp. 210, besides Index. B 2352 11226 Rev. Edw. Williams's Collection of Ancient Charters^: Documents. 4 vols.f. cA.s.xvi-ii. 3 Vols. hf. bd. 1 Vol. bds. viz. Vol 1. Extracts for Salop,from Dodswortb’s TanhieEs,Hatton’s,Willis's,Carte's, & Raw- linson’s MSS. in the Bodleian Oxford, and from theMatriculatiOuBooks,Oxford, p. 532 11227 Vol. 2, Salop Extracts from Ashmole’s, Dugdale’s, & Wood's MSS. in the Ash- molean. 512 pages. B. 28-16. 11228 Vol 3. Extracts of Deeds from the Salop Ex¬ chequer Book. Do. Do of Mr. Hamage ^ Nomina Villarum pro Com Salop ‘jf Notes of Salop Abbies *11 Ex Cartulario Prioratus dc Alberbury 'll Provincial words pp. 276. B. 2846. 11229 Vol. 4. Salop Pedigrees and Church Notes from Hail. MSS. *2 Extracts from Deeds of Ld Berwick, Mr. Buckeridge, Be ring-ton Church, the Now- ling Papers, an Account of Ralston, &c. \ Ex Cartulario Familiae de Puleston, Uffington Church-Warden Accounts. Account of Ralston, pp. 89. B. 2846. £ Rev. E. Williams's Salop Collections. 3 vols. 11230 < sm.J'ol.ch. s. xviii. B. 2377. f Vol. I. NominaVillarum,^/;. 57. Millington’s Will. 11231 Vol. 2. Ex Chart is Sti. Johis. Charlton, p 114 Ex Do. Kevdi E. Williams. fol. 22-28 Ex Do. Andros® Corbett, fol. 94-6 e ,j Ex Do. Rici.Hill, de Hawkstqno. /'. 68-86. L.llcsliull Abbey Charters, f. **6-92 Ex MSS. 0;t.lcy. f 138. I'lvnaOoii Deeds * Ex ('ha itis Sir "A, Smiih, B . f 141 Ex Cronieis deSlnewsburyJii Bibl.Scholae Poblicas ibm. L -1•- r.s. innp. (' J . G ant of Ilaidwick Manor. Co Salop, to Jno.Leveson,Merchant, ao. 37. II. 8./'.31 This last paper is loose and also a Pedigree 0 £ Lyster. 203 leaves. » B. 2377. IDO CATALOGUS LIBRORl’M MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHIL 1.1 I'KA. 11232 Vol. 3. Copies of Wills of Robt. Eyton, Sir Philip Eyton, and Margt, his Widow, Sir Thos. Eyton, &c. 142 leaves. Perambulatio Forestarum Salopiee 29.E. 1. 5[ Ex Cartul. S. Petri. Salop pro familia de Eyton. Feodarium Comitatus Salop. Clergy instituted to Eyton. II Ex Chartis Johis. Mytton, Sir John Charlton, Josephi Loxdale, Johis. Cotes, Johis. Corbet de Sundorn, Thomae Kyn- nersley, Rici. Hill de Hawkstone. C Ex Registr. Paroch. S. Juliani, Salop. ^ Ex Rot. Pipae.— The yreater part of this vol. consists of Eyton Records. B. 233. 11233 Rev. E. Williams's Shropshire Collections. 4 vols. large thick folio, ch. s. xvii. Vol. 1. Collections for Co. Salop, from Papers of Sir E. Smythe, Sir Jno. Charlton, Joh. Loxdale, Jno.Kynaston,T.Oaley, J.Cotes, T. Eyton, Cresset, Davenport,Kynnerslcy, Hawkins, Smith eman, I-Iolchkin, Corbet, Smythe Owen, Bowen, Skrimshire, Jobbe, Lyster, Sir T. Edwards, and Sir Ric. Hill, 4S1 leaves. 11234 Vol. 2, Collections for Salop, from printed Books, viz. Domesday,Dug-dale’s Monasti- con and Baronage, Liber Niger, Lei and. Tanner, Willis, Fuller, Gough, Prynne, Year Books, Rymer, Madox, Plowden, Reyner, Sandford, Bacon, Fox, Collins, Camden,PhilosophicalTransactions, Nash, Roy, Rolls of Parliament,Civil War News¬ papers, Blount. &c. 1 f*235 Vol. 3, Shropshire Visitation 1623. 11236 Vol.4, Pedigrees of Steven ton, Briggs, Chand¬ ler,Brooke,Charlton of Apley,T( rn.Ludford, Powel, Forster, Piuott, Corbett, Edwards, More,Plowden of Plowden. B. 2350. 1123-7 T. F. Duke’s Collection of Salop Original Papers and Transcripts relating to Ber¬ wick Chapel, Sutton, Lythwood, Wrock- wardine, -Chinn, Ness, and Shelvocke. folio . letters. 11238 T F. Duke’s Records of Salop, a Collection of Ancient Charters relating to Salop, on pehmnt. veil,ifol. Vol 1, 12 Charters Transcribed, 182 Original with Index. 11239 Vol. 2. 12G OriginalDeods.rciV/i Index. B.2345 11240 T. F. Duke’s Drawings & Prints, Co. Salop, Vil 1, 345 Churches and Antiquities. 11241 Vol. 2, 135 Mansions and Portraits, 2 Vols. folio. B. 2390. 11242 Rev.E.Williams’sExtracts from Salop Parish Registers. f. ch. s. xviii .pp. 400 B. 2361 11243 ‘‘Tabula Nobilium in Anglia,” or Pedigrees of the Nobility in England, “ transcribed by Wm. Bur well, Schoolmaster, of Fish- arton, from the Copy of Christofer Roe, Esq. of Normanton Turville, Co. Leic. my wife’s Uncle, which said Book, in the troublesome times of King Charles & O. Cromwell, was copied out by J. Rooe, Esq. from an Original belonging to Wm. Camden, Esq. Clarencieux,” (or Sir. Wm. Dugdale.) l.fol. ch. s. xviii. 143 leaves. II On some inserted leaves are Pedigrees of Russell, & of Edm. Bonnor, Bishop of London, which last states him to have been the natural son of Sir Geo. Savage, Parson of Denham, Co. Leic. by Eliz. Frodsham, of Cheshire. B. 773 11244 R. Walwyn’s “Compendium Baronite Du°-- dalianee,” in 2 Vols. large fol. ch. rgh. cj • s. xviii. Vol. 1, ah ao.l(J6G, ad aim. 1648. Vol. 2, ab ao. 1648, adann. 1741, with the Bookplate of James Walwyn of Long- worth, Co. Heref. B. 772. 11245 Thos. Starling’sOrdinary ofArms.A.D. 1690. postea C. Capon, in 1792. 102 leaves, besides Index, f. ch. s. xvii. rgh cf. B -1878 11246 Herefordshire A rms&Quartering* with some Pedigrees. fol. ch s. xvii. 57 /. B. 116‘7. 11217 Court Roll Book of l.ongdon Manor, Co. Salop, temp E. 1. or E. 3. ad 1672. f. ch. s. xvi. written tew /;. Eliz. with contempo¬ rary additions to 1(>7 2. f.ch.cf.gt. B.2359 11248 Sandtord's Genealogies of Beers. Autograph. large 4to. ch. s. xvii. (1654) Oliin JEliztliie Marston, postea. Thoma; Eyton, of Wel¬ lington, Co. Salop, russia, gilt. B. 2263. 11249 Coats of Arms from Coffin Plates, large 4 to. ch. s. xviii. B.535. 11250 Grants of Arms. Pedigrees, See. in the Covers of a MSS. formtrly Jno. Wtpburion’s, the Herald, marked li. 36.— The original leaves have been all torn out, and those now inserted are loose or /lasted in since, but the original leaves seem to have been Grants of Arms, as appears by the fragments, f. ch. s. xviii .—It appears to have belonged to Longmate, since, 11251 RadclifPsCoHections lor Pedigrees of Ryder, Baxter, Oharnhre, Charlton, Talbot of Salebury, Flemyng, Buckley, Fairfax, Courtney, Holland of Denton. IT Shropshire Letters and Papers, temp C. 1. O. C. &c. large fol. s. xvii. xviii. pp. -140. B. 2905. 11252 Rad cliff’s Collections for Pedigrees of Ryder, Talbot,Cranmrr, Holland Watson, Houij fray, Solby, Thorp, &,c. If Killing no Murder. II Radcliff’s Obituary from 1791 to 1808. 11 References to Royal Charters of Scot¬ land, MSS. & printed. This last is apparently from General -Hutton’s, or Lord Buchan’s Collections. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. pp. 366. B. 2906. 11253 -Craven Orde’s Suffolk Collections, begins with Bulstrode Pedigrees, small 4 to. eh. 8. xviii. pp 162. B. 2907. 11254 Do. Do. Do. Do. begins with ‘‘AspalP Church Notes. 4/o. eh. s. xviii. pp. 144 . 11255 Collections for Pedigrees of Carne ol Evven- ny, Picton, Rad c fifth, Davenport, Man¬ se 1 ot Margaio, Lovvther, Drake, Hunter, Prothero, Iluysh of Sand, Webb, Blorner, Pa I grave, Paget, Parr, Sutch, &c. 4/o. ch s. xviii. pp. 266. B. 2906. 11256 Liber Nobiliiatis Genevensis, 1782. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. in white vel. B. 1509, Ex Bibl. Rev . Taylor , D.D. de Cath. Hereford , 11257 Cronica Martini de Papis et lmperatoribus et aliis Conternporaneis H Extracta deCronicisWmi. de Malmesbury de Gestis Poutiticum. H Leges Sci.Edmundi perW. Conquestorem approbate et contirmate. TI Extracta de Cronicis Galfridi de historia Britonnm. V, De Bruto, et Hildigarde, breviter. UDe commeudatione el niirabilibus Britannia; U De fundatioue et fundatoribus quarundam ecclesiarum et monasteriorum Anglia;. II Privilegiaregis Anglia; bullata. H Liber Saricti Methodii Murlyris de Prin¬ ciple et Fine inundi. ^1 Prognosticatio de futuris temporibus secundum fratrem Vipcentium Beluacens. II De Antichristo et fine Mundi. 51 Cronica que vocatur Flores Histpriarum. t Extracta de Cronicis Magistri Auae de Wiriuiuth. C ATALOG US LLBRQRITM MANUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPFfcA. Lord Berwick s and Rev. J. Newling's JUiSS. continued. 11258 Rev. J. New ling's Copy of Rohert‘Owen's Book of Arms of Salop & \\ elch Gentry, and Mayor* of Shrewsbury, in the School Library there, f. ch. s. xviii. 11.690. A 1S&9 Y in. Styles s Anns of Lord Mayors of Lon¬ don, & of Gentry of Kent, Derby, Notts, Dorset, Somerset, Duiham.Glouc. Hants, Hereford, Rutland, Cornwall.' Norfolk, Suffolk, (this last is very copious) V Life, and Death of Edward the Confessor. H Knights ot \Vm. Comp joined by him with the Monks of Ely, and their Anns. °f Marriages of Modern Nobility, IfiOS. ^ -Arms of Judges SiSengeanls at Lawe,1640 H Arms of Irish Nubility. /’. ch. s. xvii. redrussia. ] 3 . 1794 , 11260 Orde’s Institutions of Clergy in Suffolk fch. s. xviii. pale russ. B. 2492. 11*261 Sugar's Grants of Arms. f. ch. s. xviii. B.1031 I 11262 Part of anOld Book of Arms, well emblazoned j from D. to R begins with Dacre Dalison 1 Danzie, ends with Radcliffe. 9 leaves thin / ch. s. xvii. B .99 11263 Arms and Quarterings of Welch Families. begins uit.h Llandrinio Parish—Vaughan of Tredderwen,.Evans, Davis, & Clapton, of Llandrinio, &c. thin f. ch. s. xvii. 29 leaves. B. J742. 11264 Copy of some Parish Register, 1654 to 1659, 16 leaves, f. ch. s. xvii. 1 ? List of Freeholders qualified to serve on Juries, in Co. Salop. Bradford, Brimstree, Cliinne, Condover, &c. B 2375 . 11265 Fornmlare Legum, or Decisions on Cases, with Index of Places, temp. Eliz. f. ch. s. xvi. in small court hand, rgh. elf. marked I. B. 88 (» 112C6 J. C-aley’s Copy of a MS. Abstract of Inq. post Mort. Grants of Monastic Lands and Licences of Alienation pro Corn. Berks, in my Library, No,_ fch. s. xviii. If. elf ' B.IS3. 11267 Beckwith’s Quarterings of Peers. f.ch. s. xviii. with his Book Plate: begins with “ Edgar Duke of Cambridge, ouely son of the Duke of Y orke.” 70 leaves. If Quarterings of Henry < »rey, E. of Stam¬ ford, Robt. Darcy E. of Holderness, Eliz. Duchess of Northumberland, (these last are loose.) B. 164. 11*268 Court Book of the Manor of Eyton, 1652 to 1672./, ch. s. xvii. wh. vel. B. 2371. 11269 Poll forShrewsbury.in 1676. SirRichard Cor¬ bett versus Kynaston. thin f. ch.s. xvii. 13. 11*270 1 reatise 'ol Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen. and Yeomen, thinf. ch. s. xvii. B. ]4S*2 11*271 Arms with the Matches, Escutcheons pamted at Funerals, by John Withie, the Herald Painter, whose booh this appears to have been. f. ch.s. xvii. entitled on the back “ An Ornary. C.C.” ' B. ]yo4. 11272 Sir Henry St. George’s (?) Arms of Lord Mayors, Sheriffs, and Gentry of London, who entered their Pedigrees in the Visita¬ tion of London in 1634, carried down to 1778. Ohm P. le Neve, pcstea JosephBar- ret of London, Goldsmith, in 1736. /. ch. s. xviii. rgh. elf. 1 64 pages . B. 1 7 13. 112/3 Arms ot Lord Mayors, emblazoned, pp. 2i3 /. ch. 1744. B 17l.il *1 Aldermen who have not been Ld.Mayors *1 .Catalogue of theSheritls ofLondon,to 1743 11274 “A Collection of Coats&Crests, C.C.’‘ neatly tricked, begins with Harwood, contain* Grants by Segar, St. George, &.c. f. eh. s. xvii. 151 leaves. B. 9 J. 3 1275 Arms tricked in printed Shields, entitled “Au Ordinary ot the North of England,” begins With Sir Gabriel Roberts, Dashwood of London, Lnwen, Phillips of Berkshiie. 39 leaves with Arms, the rest blank except Index. f. ch. s. xvii. wh. vel. B. 184. 11276 “Heraldry” Grants of Arms,from 1534 to 1643 begins with “ Thomas Fleming of Sulh- ampton, Esq. a Patent, 3, June, 1584.” ncatlg tricked./, eh. s. xvii. B. S9* 11277 Arms of Baronets & Date of Creation, in Al¬ phabetical order of Counties to Co. Oxon. pp. 204./. ch. s. xviii. B. 98 11278 Rev. Wm. Dade’s (Rector of Barmston.) Ex¬ tracts from Parish Registers, in York¬ shire, viz Gilling, Kilburn, Skipwilh. Be¬ verley St. Mary, Do. St. John’s, Stone- grave, Rillingfton, Hull St. Trinity Brid¬ lington, Dunriington, Bempton, Whar- ram.Rudston.Kilvington, Malton St.Mich- Do. St. Leond. Escrick, Coxwold, Scaw- ton, Lysset, Thormanby, Bransburton, Fulfonl, Aldbrough.Hollym, Burlington, G t. Driffield, Little Do. Sesay, H uiirrianby, Knaresboro’, Heslarton, Topclift’, Thiisk, Scraignam, Felix-Church, Fiambro’.Bird- forth, Gilling Ridale, Whitchurch, Norih. Popleton, West Do. Kirby D isk, Bossale, Leeds St. Peter’s, Husthwaite, Lasington, Bc-eforth, Thorganby, llolniton, Sutton- on-the-Forest, Appleton,Lockingtoii,M id- dleham, Cundale, Holderness, Addle, M hitchurchj/Old Biland, Raskeif, Thur- kleby, Gariton, Kilham sin. Ato. ch. s. xviii.— This is Vol. 2nd only. B.2S99. 11279 Inscriptions on Coffin Plates. Otim S.r Geo. JSayler. sm. Ato. eh. s. xviii. uh.vel. B.I308 11280 Jones's Inscriptions inSt.Mary, Lambeth, 17 jy H Arms ol Bishops, 1605, and Archbishops, from, Parker’s Hist, de Antiq.Britannieai Ecclesia?. Olim Sir Geo. Naylor, sin. Ato. ch. s. xviii. wh. vel. B. *2501 1120L Monumeutal Inscriptions in various Counties. Olim Sir Geo. Naylor. 2 Vols. sm. Ato. wh. vel. B. 1757, 11282 Arms of Bishops, emblazoned by Jos. Smith, .1686. Olim J 110 . Holland, No. 59, with his Booh Plates. Ato. ch. s. xvii. B. 2739. 11283 Arms in trick, roughly done .■ on p. 1 is “ To John Seynor, Painter at Ormon’s Key, in Dublin. *i\ Arms emblazoned, begins with Lizours. sm. Ato. ch. s. xvii. hj. cf. B. 190S. 11284 Bishop Rowlands’ Will. sin, Ato. ch. s. xvii. Knights temp. H 7 - ? by Dugdale J3. >*217 112S5 Rev. \\ m. Dade’s Yorkshire Pedigrees, some continued to 1770. sm. Ato. ch. pf. gilt., s. xviii. B. 0734 11286 Braddon's (Lawr.) Reflexions on the Vindi¬ cation of the Countess of Essex, and on the Murder of Arthur L. of Essex, 1690. Olim K. Heber. thin sm. Ato. ch. s. xvii. blue mor. B. 27*2. 11287 Grants of Arms by Burrougli, Barker, Cam¬ den, Segar, Dethick,Walker, St. George, thin 4to. eh. s. xvii. 1 . k. vel Olim P. le Neve, A T. Marlin. 20 leuees. B. lO.'A, 112S8 Salop Law Cases, with theNames of Parties. marked D. 1 2 mo eh. s. xviii. br. cf. Olim • Godolphin Ldwardes. B. 806 . 11289 “Ancient Heraldry,” being Arms emk'azon- ed ; roughly done : begins with Brampton. sm. obi. Ato. ch. s. xviii. B, A OP lip CATAtOOUS LIBRORUM MASUSClUeTORVM IN B1BI.10THF.CA PH11.1.IPPICA. 11291 11292 11294 1129.) 11296 11238 11300 Monumental Inscriptions in Hendon Sc V. na¬ tion Churches, iivo. ch. s. xviii. *23 written pages. B. 1 7 1' • Char, dless" Alphabet of Arms,of Montgomery, G loc. Merioneth, Hereford, Salop. «[ Poems. 12 mo cli. s. xviii. cf. gt. B 455, JS'olile’s (Mmk)Account of the Masters of the Bolls, 1823, Uci>. ch.s. xix. yet..ip or. gt. ineditid, H. Chas. Montague’s Extracts from the Book of Customs of the Manuors.Sc Lands oi the Bishopric: k of W inchester, 1G17 & 1644. continued to 1675. 12 mo. ch. s. xvii. black v. nr. B. 1093- Arms of i Vvks.Gentry.12:,■'>. ch. *.xviii. i•••!:-5 Church N< '- s in \t ixlinc .'osliimloid, 2• usi— don, and Stoke by C .are. thniSco. .ch. s. xviii. Ex. Bibl. Craven Old L.2 190-1 Berkshire Aims described (_? by L nguiate.) tin'll A to. ch. -s\ x\ id. B. •••••• 11297 RadcliirsCeneuJrj^i.'al Topographical C ol- lections for Yorkshire, 1803. 12 mo. p. rims. ch. s. xix. pp. 2G2. i>. 2126. Collecti ns for Shrewsbury Corporation and Schools, thick 12 -mo. h;.bd. russ. ch. 8. xviii. dim T. 1*'. Dukes. !'• -383. Knights made by K James 1, till 1616 rlmo. ch. 8. xvii. B. 1393 H Baronets made at the 3 first Seals. Knights ui the Bath made at the Corona¬ tion of Jac. 1. «J Do. l>o. Creation of pt ince Henrv, 1610 % Do. Do. Do. of Chas Duke oi \ ork. H Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Knt. • tli Garter Simon Perrot's (Steward to Lady Llizabein Paw lei.; Survey ot the Manner ol North Leigh,Co.Ox m. IS.j.-o. ah. s. >.vi i:h rcl. Clim liev. Jno. Price, Ue Tim. Coll. Oxford, 1807. B. 1944. Fletcher. 11301 Jobannis (Tij toft),Com!!:sWie'grni:’e,Cronicje II. ;:mn Anglia*. Jncijiif “Crotiimi’ Begum An^'liae d- di.vprsis . HEtpripg^iphis per Dam. JukiV.'E.orn. Comitt tu, spnr.sim collect®— SheMvvyeh.” tivo vet. 8. xv. Ex Fill. Ceo. Chalmers. 11302 IndexCartarnm de Cnldingham inter Archivas Dec. Sc Capit. Dime !m. Abstract cl' Kelso Cartulary. SI Do. Metros Do. H Do Soltre Do. f.rh. s. xviii. 11303 Abstract of Scone Cartulary, A. 5. 4. in Bibl. Jurid. Edinburgh M Do. Do. Do. "W.3. 8. in Do. Do. InchColm Do. H Do. Liudores Do. W. 7. 20. in Do. H Do. Cupar. U Do. Balnterinoch 11304 Index to Scotch Cartularies, viz, Aberdeen, Moray, Coldingdiam, Kelso. Melros, Sol¬ tre, Newbottle, Dryburgh,Paisley, Cam buskeneth. Scone, Inch Colm,Cupar, Lin- dores, Balrnerinach, Arbroath. 1i Index to Cha!mer’s(?)Mouasticon Scotiae, f. ch. s. xviii. 11305 Cartularium de Elgin, in Bibl. Jurid. Edinb. 1740. transcript, thin 4 to. ch. cf. gt. s. xviii. Pickering. 11306 Rotuli Claus. 31 ad 38. R. 3. I 7 Rotuli Patent. 42 ad 50 H. 3, f. ch. s. xvii. rgh. cf. Ex Bibl. Lysons. pp. 590. ] 1308 J)c la Bibiothcque de Mr .* 11307 Vol.l. Correspondence of Berthier & Talley¬ rand With Mr.Hirsinger. f. eh. s. xvii. pp ... Vul. 2. Letlres du Due de Bassauo, a M. iiir- sin»er, et aux ComtesFeuelcju Germain & Montholnn, in 1812 13 J'.ch. s. xix. pp.. 11309 Vol. 3. Lettres de M. M. Lacepede, Hedou- ville.Marescalchi, M. Olaparede, Dumas, LaTour.Maubourg,Daru,Bucs de Rovigo, I'ehre, and Massa/rom 180S to 1813, f. ch. s. xix. 11310 Vcl. 4. Correspondence de M. Champagny, Due de Cndore, avee M Hirsinger. f. ch. s. xix. pp. . 11311 Vol. 5. Lettres de M. M, Seuffert <& Wolken- stem, Minders du Grand Due de \\ urtz- burg, fiom 1806 to IHiO. f. ch. s. xix. pp. 11312 Vol. 6.. I.el ires do M. '• ngner, Conseiller d‘ EtalduGrandDttc de.Wurtzburgh,181Q, IS 13. f.ch.&.nrx.pp . 11313 Vol. 7. Lettres dm M. i undid, Commissaire Ordonatenr du Grand Roche du \> urtz- huBgh, 13J2. /. ch. s. xix. pp. .. 11314 Vol. S. Deities de M. Ritter, Commandant du Genie, a Wurtzbnrgli, DL3. % Do. M. Tondel, Comnnssuire Ordonateur a Wurtzburg, i313. II Do.de .Vi Trombert,Secretaire de la Place, a Wurtzburg, 1813. H Do. ale JVL Rey, Comissaire Ordonnateur H Do. M.F.\laear,au Comte Germain 1813 1i Do. :d. Grillou, Commissnire, 1813. H Do. 1M. le.Colonel Joiiardct, Command¬ ant deWurtzburg, auComte Get main, 1813 Do General M.-nard, au D-> Do. 15113. % Pa piers d i verses (enchant W urtzbtirg. II LeLties ii. Papiers touchant Wurtzbiirg. f. ch. 8. xix 11315 Vol. 9. Papiefcs diverses tooehant Wurtzburg. f. ch s. xix. pp.... 1 1316 Vcl. 10. Papiers touchant la Guerre en Alieti- aane m '.813. f. ch. s. xix. Vol. I 1. A Vol. of Printed Papers relating to Napoleon's Measures i:i the Grand Duclty \\ urtzbui g. /'. ch. s. xix. 11317 Letters of the Emperor Napoleon,while First Consul, An. It. de la liepubl.'que. 5[ Letters of D >. in 1811. II Letters of the Emperor in 1813; being his Instructions to the Prince of Moskwa, as to the disposition of his Army, previous toftheBattle of Lutzen ; r.ll signed by him¬ self. 4/o. ch. s. xix. pp. 311. 11318 Minutes de Depeches de M. Hirsinger, 1806 a 1812 /. ch. s. xix. pp. 2S0 Sigimiemens des Couscrits de la Premiere Classe des Comimutes du Canton Thiau- court, Department de la Meurthe. Mo.ch. 8. xviii. 11320 Copies of the Emperor Napoleon’s Letters to to Count Mol lien, .Minister of War, in March, April, & May, 1815. A to. ch. s. xix 11321 Diatribe contre les Jesuites. thick 12 mo. ch. s. xix. pp. 692. 11322 De la Generation deMineranx. Table d' Emeiaude d’Hermees.witliDraw- ings of Emblems. 4/n. ch. s xviii 11323 Pratique de laVegetation iMiner de.4/o.3. H Do. Liscriptionps Antiguas. ^1 Do Titi.l s v Noticias de Libros. /. ch ». xviii. pp. 34 f. 11330 List of IYJamiseiipts saved from th3 Fire in the Muourial. /'. x. w iii. 5S leaves. 14331 Sobre la Biblia cone-Ida pur Ins Saocrdotes "H Boo’s bought by iriarte for '.he Eseurial , . \v. 1739,-44. * If eferences (Litera 13.) thin/, ch. #■ xviii. . pp. 144. f 11332 Iriarte‘s Catalogue of 044 MSS. in the Eseu¬ rial. I ' ch. s. X' iii. 11333 ’ Letters of liottenibour... de la Saute. Tour- immine, tVc. tlcn f. ch. s wiii. pp. 38. 11334 Epistohv ad D. J. Iriar.c. thing, ch s xviii. VP- <<»- 11333 Ei.Npensatian for the Marriage of Maria Theresa v.i h the Dauphin, in 1744, and oilier State Papers. /. ch. s. xviii. pp. 153. 11336 Sobre la l.iherlad de Espana para Havener par el Cabo de Don E peranza. / . ch. s. xviii. pp. 8S. MS. <5j* Printed 11337 Fdesias Franceses .Jucosas y Satyricas./. ch. s. X'-’iii. pp ‘224 11338 Obrasde DJuauYriarle,(77tc leaves arc bound vp without ardor and out oj place, for t cant of tune ) inter alia A Lisl oflns Works, drawn up bp himself thick sm. 4to. ch. x. xviii. pp I 14 11339 iriiv te’s Notices de Libros sobre el R ynado de Pbehpc ‘2 & 3. sm. Mo. ch. s. xv iw.pp 216 11340 Do. Do. sobre el Reynado de Phelipe 5 • *ni. 4 to. ch. s win. pp. 7Id. 11241 Do. Titulos y Noticias de I ibros. thick sm. Mo, ch. s. xviii. pp. 1316. 11342 Do. Indices y Noticias de LiOios. sm. Ato.ch. s. xviii. pp 1 18. 11343 Do. Do. de Libros Impre.-os y MSStos. thick sm. Mo. .s. xviii pp. 1030. 11344 Novella- Literariie MSS. et impress;*. sm. 4 to. ch s. xviii pp. 104. 11345 Iriarte’s Antlmlooia Latina site Epigraroma- tum Delectus. 17 3. sin. 4to. 11346 Dd. Index Aulorum de Re Rhetorica. sm. Mo. ch.pp■ ls6. ^ Aucb res a M. Vairone ab Aulo G. Ilio, Onsorino, H.gino, iYJacrobiu, Fulgeuti, Isidoro. el Grammaticus laudati. 11347 Lettras de Garcia pendant la Revolution Francaise 1790.-3. 4/o. ch. pp. 40,). MSS. find Print d. 11348 D >ii Migiu | de Yriarte Obras Poeticas. 1758 II Do Do. de R.idice, dicta Vexuquillo, remedium Dysenterice ? Bouts-Rimes par Voltaire, &c. &c. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. p. 222. 11349 Yriarte Aunotata in Autores Classicos, i.e. Platonis Timamm, Mar.iammi Capellam, Stalium, etc. 4/o. ch. p. 416. 11350 Do. Do. ex PI all I", sm Mo. ch p. -28S 11351 Do. Do. ex Lueretio, O'idio, Poiedro, Silio. sm. 4 to. ch. pp. 300. 11352 El Marques de Yranda sobre el Coinercio de las ludias .MS.dyPrin ed. sm. 4 to. ch. p v. 16 11353 Yriarte Catalogus MSS. Girecorum in Bibl. Eseurial. sm 4/o. ch. p. 5 13. -Vincotiiii Mariuerii Carinimi. (/ Autographs) I pp. 422. sm. Mo. s. xviii. '] 11355 J. Yriarte Critica del Isidro de Lope ? sm. Ati ch- p. 70 11353 Bernardo Yriarte sobre la Sociedad Econo- mica de Guatemala. MsS. and Print. 4 to. ck p. 298. 1 1357 J. Yriarte de Arte Grammatica. 11 (h) written 12 mo. ch. p. i02. 11360 Quevedo s Vula de DonAiitonio Xerlei- (i.e. Shirley) of England. «jj Qiieveilu’sEspana defendidade lasCalum- nias de lus Novelcros, p. 160, sm. 4 to,ch. ■blue covers, transcribed in J. Yriate’s far Autograph. 113C1 J. Yriarte Annotaia in. Finit, “Et ims el Rev D hi Saoeho qne ferimos estc Libro lo acabainus nqtii en este capiltilo • ul a era 13 51.’ s. Ito.eh. p.2 44. bin. coo. 113C2 Do Index Operum S. liieronyini. Mo. A in. p. 544. 11:003 Index Verborum Greecorum. Mo. 4m. p. 403. 1)364 Do. de Orthographic Espagnolu. 4//. in purple velvet. 11371 Meazz* Epigrarnmata, well transcribed by .1. Yriarte. 12 mo. ch p. 32. 1 1372 Email.Martini D squishio de Anthore Antbo- l/'g’iue : printed, with the Greek Verses translated by Iriarte, and beautifully written by him on insert'd leaves. / . 48. 12///0. ch. 1736. The Title is also.MS. by him. bd. in uh. vel. 11373 J. Iriarte’s Contemporary Obituary, with his Literary Notices of those who died, sm. Ato. ch. wh. veil. Supplement to Sir C. H. William’s MSS, 11374 Letters to Sir C. II. Williams, during his Embassy to Poland, 1749. S. Letters in Cypher./. ch. (Vol. 30J 1 i3?5 Hanbury Family Letters from Jno., Cape!, it OsgoodHanbury,&c./. ch. pp- 240. V.3L 11:576 Hanbury Family Letters./', ch. pp. 210. (V.32) 11377 Life of Frederic the Great, King of Prussia. f. ch.pp. 140. (Vol. 35.) 11375 Expose sur le partage des Bums de l'Ordma- tion d'Ostrog. /. cl 1 . s. xviii. pp. 228. \ .36 11379 Precis Militaire des Ati'aiiesen Saxe, 1745. Letters ot Lord Essex, &c. lull thin J pp. 34. (Vol.89) 11330 Orders given by Commission of the Lord High Admiral, since 1 737./. ch. p. 28. V.44. I13S1 Report of the Commissinm-is relative to thi Murines. ch.p, 48. (Vol. 45.) 11354 194 CATALOG US LlfiRORl'M MANUS'CRIPTORUffi IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPFICA- 11382 Letters to Sir C. FT. Williams, &c. begins with An Annuity of £150 to R. Herbert. 4/u. eh. p. 82. Vol. 53. 11353 Hanbuiv Family Letters. 4to. ch. s. xviii. p. 334. Vol.: 1. 11354 Letter* of John, Du ke of Marl borough Lord Coningsby, Jno. Hunl»ury,H. F<>\, Hard¬ wick, Pelham, &;c. kc. 4ro. ch. s. xvii. p. 45*2. Vol 7-. 11385 Letters ofWm. Fortune. Birt.Richardson,&c. 4/o ch. &. xviii. p. 258. Vol. 73. 113SG Foffii.ii Correspondence with Sir C. H. Wil- Iiai.-is, in Frencli and German. 4to. ch. p- 154. Vol. 74. 113S7 Sir C . li. V Cnrres ndence, 175*5, 4to ch. p. ;.-io. Vol. 7.;. 11383 Foreign & Eng..-!, Letters to : ir C. Williams. 4/o. ch. p. 523. Vol. 77. 11389 Letter* m Pad;, --g-soy, !M iss Williams, L >id Hard«ickf\ Pl.lox, Mrs.Townsend, Lord i*t I. idy l,sse.\, &c. &e. 4to. ch. p. 288. Vol. 78. 11390 Letters of Do. Do. 4to r». ICS, V. 79. 11391 Letters of Sir C. FI. Williams 1747. If Account o| the Icings and Government of Poland by Sir C. 11. Williams. 4 to. ch p. 308. Vol. 81. 11392 Letters from Lord Abprgavenny,Ducie,E**re- mont, Essex, txc 4fn. p. 5>)G. Vol b2? 11393 Letters liom Sir C. II. Williams, 1734, t y c> tmt. Xto. ch. p. 192 Vol. v:j. 11394 Poems by Hr C. H. \\ illiams, and others. thin i to. p. 82 Vol. 85.— Begin* All Folks who pretend,'’ &c. 11395 Jno. Joseph Gro*ma de Blirgsfein Liber de Vamtate Consiliorum. thin 4 to. p iG. V. H7 11306 Censure of a 1-iier.uv Clergyman (fragment ) 4 /0./). CO. Vol. 88. ; 11397 Tin* Snk .Monkey, a Fable addressed to DavidHari h k,E*qr. thin 4to. ch.p.’H. V. 92 - 11333 Letters ol Lady Essex, (.'li. \\ illianis, &c. &c thin 12 .01. ch. p 40. Vol. s«J. 11399 Poll for-Leomui*trr Borough, June 30, 1747. thin i'lmo. ch.p. 20. Vol. 91. The following . ,.SS. appear to be Lord boninc-sby’s and came probed !;, by accent to Sir C. H.Vv'ilbams • but some of Sir C. H. Williams's MSS, are bound up with some of the,n. 11100 11401 11402 11403 11404 11405 11400 Daily Mary \.ortley*s Poem, written in th Cliiosk at Pera overlooking Constantino P e, Deo. 2(J, 1717. thin \2ino. ch.p.Vl. V.9i Diaiium IG.47 in German ^ ih' tle , ,S ot Lord ( 'oiiingsby,& the Duke o Marlborough, with Cyphers, 1710. 1J. 12 4to. ch. s xviii. p. 242. Vol. 80. Book of Lxpences of Lord Coniuseshy o Hampton Court, Co. Heref. circa 1714 li Poems ; copied apparently by Lord Con ingesby. thin 4 to. ch. p. 5t». Vol. 84 Catalogue of Books, apparently at ILunptoi Court, thin 4 to. ch. p. 24. Vol. 85. Eudoxus Stirenins, a Dialogue on tin; preseu state ot Ireland, ao. 1584. Transcribe 1 apparent!,, i„ 1U00. f. ch. s. xvi. ich. vet (Ao 730, 23rrf Bay. in some Auction. 82 leaves. VoP... > Lord Coni,Irby's Historical Collection. f,„ iderefordsbire.&c imperfect in beginnino ana end. A curious work, abound,„- at 11407 11403 114C9 11410 11411 11412 11413 11414 11415 11416 11117 11418 11119 11420 11421 11422 11423 11424 IT Books bought by Sir C. FT. Williams, from Wallh'er, the Prussian Bookseller of Voltaire, with Walther’s Autoqrank /.p. 88. Vol. 37. - ' Lord Coningsby’s State Letters, with names in Cypher. ? Fxpenees of Sir C. II. Williams durin^his Embassy. ^ List of his Plate. A c .f ch. p. 74. V. 40 Passport ol Sir C. H. Williams, as Am- luissador to Poland, with Ant .graphs of George 2, and Lord Chesterfield, on veil. Lord Con in*; shy’s Historical Collections for I-Iereioidshire, apparently the rough copy fp. 128. Vol. 41. A Project for Sen ice in Ulster, 159b. by -Ralph Lane. *F Declaration of the Present State of the La-h-he P**ale of Ire!atide,and the causes which have brought the same to myserye and extreme distresse. A.i). 1600, ^ The Prologue of Chaucer, reciting the Books he had written. % The Parliament of Ireland, 1634. f.ch. s. xvii. p. (18. Vol. 42. The True Account of John Harley’s Pedigree and Rise. f. ch.s. xviii. p.bO. Vol.^43. Lord Berwick* MSS. omitted. Townsend’s Collections for the Genealogy of Littleton of Ilagley. /. ch. s. xviii. B.2594 Arms of Bishops. Ex Bill, ignota. The Visitation of Dorset 1574, with some ad¬ ditions. Arms well tricked. /. ch. s. xvii. h . blue mar. Glim J.Holland, the Herald. On the buck are 2 Crests: I, a tree j- suw f r Hamilton. 2 ,a Pelicans head eras, holding a fish in its mouth. m nnupp.'s ^nijecitons. Tnde\ to Caius College Visitations. J C.imbsvell Cartulary: transcript of pari 11 Godstow Do. English Do. 'lira*, red It/i. ch. s. xix. Graves’ (Riclid.) Worcester, and Gloucester Collections, copied from 578. Lausdown ivlSS. 12 wo. green mor. t Index l„ Worcester Wills, f. ch s.k ix'. f "l ■2. 1575 to I «00 Index to Worcester Wills. V.\. I4p3tol573 1 '-mo. ch. s. xix. red mor. Liht r Irroiularius Consuetudinarius Prio- laios \Vigor 11 . transcript, per Dnam. 1 - 1 • 12mo. ch. s. xix. green mor. Liber Ruber S. MariseWigorn. 2 Vols. tran- script. 12 wo. ch s. xix. green mor. Harvington Parish Register Extracts. 12mo. ch. s xix. green mor. Harward vMorri*Inquisitions post Mori. See. /. ch. sxix. green bds T. F. Duke’s Salop Deeds, transcript. 12 nio ch s. xix. b k mor. 2 Vols. Fountain's Abbey Caituiary. G Vols. 12 mo., ch.;;. xix. red war. tranverijt from MS. J. I in Uuiv. Coll. Oxoa. Bruton Cartul.il v. transcript of part , from Lord ilchcster's original. ^ Index to Herald's V i >itatioi;s. II irl. MS. I 0 . 0 . ch.s. xi green wi r. Ce.r.e Cartulary, fragment ; transcript. CATALOGUS Z/IBROti'Uta MANUSCfUPTORHM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA, 195 51 Index to Cains OoM. Visitations. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. red mor. 11'25 Index to Pedigrees in County Histories. 12 mo. ch. x. xix. areen mor . IJ420 Excerpta ex Cartul.Evesham 1! Ex Visitatione ieorn. Harl. MS. 1566 Si Itiueraiium Godfiidi Gifiard, Episcopi * Wigorn. ST Marriages in Gt.Hampton & Bengeworth. thin 12 iiiO.ch. a. xix. red mar. Autograph. 11427 Excerpta ex Libro Sacri-t® I an I lionise, thin 12/wo. ch. x. xix. rrd via. Autogr. 11428 Excelpta ex Cartnlarin de Fountains, notato J. 4. in Pniv ( oil. Ox on. thin 1 2mo. ch. s. xix. red mor % Autogr. 11429 Matches of links Yeomen with Berks Gen¬ try. 2 Vols. (hin 1 'imo. ch. s xix. r. mor.Ant 11430 Founder’s Kin at Now Coll.Oxon [commenced) thin \2nw. ch.x. xix. red mor. ! 1431 Index t>» Wi is in P.O.C. SI WillsgFmes temp P. & M. thin 12 mo. eh.s. xix red mor. Autogr. 11432 Extracts liom Bisln p's C-leve Register. thin 12wo. ch. x. xix. Antogr. 11433 Reteienoe? to Parish Register for Wilts Gen¬ try. Vo!. 1 11434 References to Parish Registers forWiltsGen- trv. Vo/. 2. thin l- inn. cli. s. xix. Antor. SI Continuation ot Rev. W. Jones's Welch Book, fsrript per M.P. ted mor 11435 Pedigrees from Bivcon Wills, thin 12mo. ch. s. xix. red mor A ntogr. 11436 Pedigrees of Aikell,Mr<.tford, &c. from Gloc. ills. SI Extracts from Gloc.Sevenliampton.Havles )>idhrook,& M hittingtori Registers, thin 12/770. eh. s. xix red mor. Autogr. 11437 Wilts Inq. p. Tvl rt. temp. E 3. thin 12 mo. ch. s. xix red mor. Autogr. 11433 Extract a ex Rot. Clnusar.pro com. Wilts, ah 1. E. 3 ex lihro Grafton, thm 12 mo. ch. s. xix. red. mor. Autogr. 11439 Index to Pedigrees in G unty Histories thin 12/5/0. ch x. xix. md mor. script.per K. P 11440 Perligice ol St. Jno. of Worcester Avle.gr. SI A lislract of Proceedings against Rehells in the W ost, 1(580 script, per II P. thin 1 mo.ch s xix. bluemor. df red silk. 114 41 Life of v t. Wolj.diade. ( scripI. per IT.P ) SI Histona & Landes Miliccntue Scrope. % Ex erp a ex l.ihro IVotioii. / red mor. Do. Ex Cm tularin de Lodes \ Autograph Si Dos EliZtli®. I t riers. 12///0. ch s. xix. 11442 Intltx MS tor. Bibl. I nbl. Cambridge *' Excerpta ex Cartul. Dunhroile. Autogr. SI Index Carttilarii S. Maria* de Portu. SI l)e Pi hernia S. I eriani Cornwall S: List of >ir C. 5 i. Williams’ MSS. SI I foreword excerpta ex Visit. Wigorn. in Cains College. Ex Visit. Hunt. Cornw. Berks. Dors, 1023 Si Ex Cartul. notato J. 4. in Univ. Coll. I'lmo. ch s. xix. red mor. Autogr. 11443 Warwickshire Ancient P> digrees lium Dugd. 12 o. ch. s. xix greyJ/ds Art gr. SI Ex Regisiro Parocli. Edrington. 11444 WillemundsleyCaitulary. 2 VoisA'hno. green mor. x. mx. /ravxiriptper M P. 11415 Pembroke Collections 11 elch Pedigrees of Pliiiifpjis, &c. from theGoklen Grove MSS. S! W n s of Phillips atBrecou. i2nto. red Ithr. A utorrcq.il. 11446 JEx. rails tiom Parish Register of-St. Peter’s at Caermanhen SI Pedigrees of Phillips of Pieton. SI Extracts from Lain wt. nr Register. 12 mo. eh.s. xix. green mor. Autogr. 11447 Extracts from St. Mary’s Parish Register, Pembroke, script-per H. P. thin 18 mo. ch. s. xix. red mor. 11448 Do. Do. Do. from 1711. 18 tt/o ch. s. xix. r.mor 11449 Do. Do. from Monkton Register, from 1797. script.per M.P. S’” Pedigree of Adams of Ilolyland. thin 18 mo. ch. s. xix. Autograph. 11450 Pedigrees from CoIe’sEscheats. Vol. 7- SI Inq. p. Mort. of Owen, temp. P. M. Eliz. J. 1. b. Car. 1. SI Do. Do. of Grcville. thin 12 mo. ch. s . xix green mor. 11451 Index to Persons in the 7 Vols. of Cole's Es¬ cheats in Brit. Mus. 12 mo. ch. *. xix, red. !lh. .Autogr. 11452 Carta? familiae de Game de Nash. Welch Pedigrees ex MSS. Rev.J.Traheme *1] Ex Libro Autiquo Legurn penes Hen, Howard de Corby, Arm. [House. % Ex Inq p. Mort. temp. H. 8. in Chapter Index to Gloc. Wills, 1645 to 1659. 12///0. ch. s. xix. green mor. Autogr. 11453 Cart® familiae deCarne deNash.sm/tf.^er M.P *51 Copy of Lanbadock Parish Register from 1582. script, per II.P. I '2mo. ch. s. xix. g. mor , 11454 Mrs. Molyneux's Notes ofBirths& Marriages, from i825 ^ol832. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. red ■mor. script, per E M 11455 Extracts from the Chancellor's Pipe Rolls for Wilts. Autogr. Excerpta cx Egmont MSS. 12 mo. ch. s.x it. half green mor. Autogr. 11456 Catalogue of Carew MSS ^ Ejiistola Fulconis ad Alfredum Begem. IT Ex Cards de Saveu.ake. ill n 12 mo* ch* s. xix. red mor. Autogr. 11457 References to Proofs to Dugdale's Baronage.’ 2 Vols. 12///0 ch s. xix. red mor. Auto^n, ( commenced.) 1 1453 Crono.og a Baronum Angli®. 2 vols.ch. s.xis. red Ithr. {commenced.) Autogr. 11459 Domesday Tenentcs Terrarum. then 1 2mo. ch. s.x ix red Ithr. Autogr. 11460 Index toVisitations oi Cam. Derb.Chest.Lane, Neon. II mts. I)urh Lin. Hunt. Notts. Wcstmd. Nthbld. I8///0. ch. s. xix, hf roan.per M.P. 11401 Pedigrees fiom Wills at Sarum. thin I'lmo. ch. x xix. green mor. Autogr , 11462 ‘‘Miscellanea” containing Pedigree of Benet of Sarum. Excerpta from Quinton Parish Register. Do. from Longmarstow Do. \ Peds. from Cole's Escheats. It Names of Registers in P.O.C/. 5i Extracts from Vol 2. of Warburton's Col¬ lections in Herald’s College. H Sketch of Adminton House. I'lmo.ch. s.xi x.green mar. Autogr. Sf a/ior. 11463 Extracts from BJocklcy Parish Register, Mar¬ riages 1539 to 1752. Autogr. f Do. Campden Do. 1745 to 1686. H Do. Morton in Marsh. 1 2mo. ch. red mor. 11464 Extracts from Parish Registers of Stoughton, Bishampton, Kington, Ebrington, Wyre, Shipston, Tredington, Butler’s Mars ton. New bold Pacy, Todenham. ^[ Pedigree of Cameron ol Worcester.’ ® r Marteley Deeds, co. Hereford. Excerpta ex Cards deFoster de Buckland, 12/770. ch. s. xix. red mor. Autogr. 11165 Extracts from Campden Parish Register 1717 to 1788. 12 mo.ch. s. xix, red Ithr. script' M per Rev. W-. Lukis. 198 CATALOGUS LTERORUM MANU5CR1PTORC7M IN B1BHOTHF.CA PHILLIPPICA, I14GG Extracts from Parish Registers of Hjonington. Charlton Kiugs.Aldeini.nster,Whiicbuich» PiC-ston on Stour, Bristol. Pucklechu.ch, Abson,Ashton under IIid,Wiilersey,'Beck- ford, Micldeton, Tewkesbury, Sanufrury. IT Peels, from GloucesteishireAViils. red mor. 12 ii.o. ch. s. xix. Autogr. 11467 Extracts from Palish Registers of Cami'den, Saintbury, Willersty, Charlton Kings, F.lm- ston-Hardwick Alder., n, Gt. \\ ushborn, Temple-Guiting, F Lower Gutting. H Peds. from P.0 C. Wills. II Marriage Licences atU ig. 1CS2-99. 1708- 14. 1728-30. f Petls. of Tracy of Campden. 12/no. ch. s. xix. red mor. Autugt. 11468 Wills in P.O.C 1555 to Idl'd. 12.' o. ch. s. xix. red Ilk. Autogr. 11469 Wills in P.O.C. lroin Dodsworth. 4i ExCollecran. Ilevtii. Rict- Paisons pro cgm. G.oc.l’2/.7o. ch. s xix. green mor. Autoyr . 11470 On Miniature Painting and Colours. 4i Welch Peels, from Rev. W. Jones's Book. 41 Ex Registro Paroeh. Febwoiih. 12m#. ch. s. xix. red mor. Autogr. \ M.P. 11471 Extracts from War button's Miscellaneous Pedigrees, now iti Herald’s Coll. 12 mo ch. s. xix. green mor. Autegr. 11472 Excelpla ex Caitis Anuquis pro com-Ileref. 12 wo. ch. s. xx. hf. it tie mor. Autegr. 11473 Pedigrees from Herefordshire AA ills. 1 lino ch. ■ s. xix hf. red mor. Autoyr. 11474 Hereloidshire Collections from Bird s MSS. SI Exuacts lion:llongeworth Parish Register. 1530 to 1565. 1 *2)110. ch. s. xix. red mor.Auto. 11475 Queen Elizabeth's Guts. \ rzmo. ch. 4 1 Knight's l ees in co. Keief. 1 hf. hf -mor. 11476 Pedigiees ex Cartis {commenced). I'ol. 2nd. 1 'Into. ch. s. xix. red mor. Autogr. 11-477 Pedigiees ex Caitul. Heading, Cltikenwell, Liuithony, Oseney, Gcdstow, Shahon, Ab¬ ingdon. Westminster, S. Aug. CanuiHiitB, Tewkesbuiy, Bath, Vol l. V2mo„ ch. s. xix. red mor. Autoyr. 11478 Carla? de Terris Ducis de Somerset, 38 H. 8. 4 A ols. 1 ’hno. ch.s. xix green mor. script, per HP. 11479 Pedigiees trom WorcesterWi'.Js. Vol ], begins rcith Ric. Brantley of Evesham, 1609. 12 wo. ch. s. x.x red Uh. Autoyr. 11460 Do. Vol. 2, legits Holt. Fulwcou of L. Alne, 1576 1 < 2mo. ch. s. mx. red. Uh. Avtegr. 11481 Do. Vol. 3, begins with Hair iiEailesoi Broad¬ way, 1595 Notes trom St. Andrew’s Register, Wore. * Notes of Harward. 41 Mairiages from Campden Parish Register, 1754 to 1771. ^1 Index of Wills from F. to W. 1600 to 1623 4i Do. from B. to G. 1 023 to 1650. r Ex Registro Giti'aid 12 mo. ch. s. xix. r.lth. 11482 Vol. 4, Do. Index to Wig. Wills, 11. to.... 1623 to 1650. 4* Ex vjonsuetudinali et Rentali Priorat. Wig. 4i Pedigrees from Worcester Wills. 1624, kc. 1 2mo. ch. s. xix. red uh. Autegr. 11483 Vol 5, Index to Wigorn.A\'ills. 1551 to 1600. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. red Ith. Autoyr. 11484 Vol. O'. Index oi Wigoin.'Wills, 1558 to 1583. 41 Do. 16(10 to 164j with Places. 4i Do. I600/O1623, A to 1651 13. to E. A?16S3 4i Sketch of the Commandery,Worcester and the Townsend Wood .House. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. green mor Aulog. 11485 Worcester Collections, containing Synodals Peter Pence and Pentecostais nr com.Gloc. C Ex Libro Rubro Priorat. Wigorn. 12wo. ch. s. xix red Uh. Autoyr. 11436 Note's from St Andrew’s Register Worcester. 41 Fragment of a Roll of the Household Ex pences of Godfrey Giffard, Bp.of Worcester 41 Notes oi Hastings from Daylsford Register 4i C.owcher. Biggs, and Woriieid Pedigrees. 12 mo. ch. s. x x. blue mor. Autoyr. 1 1487 Fx Careul. S. Petri G.oc. apd. London. Customs of Buckland and Gutinge. 1.2mo. ch. s. xix. green mor. Autoyr. 11483 Ex Registro Feretri S. Oswaldi Wigorn 12wo ch.s xix. red Uh. Autegr. [to 1567. 1 1489 Index to Gloucestershire V/ills, Vol.l. 1541 ^ Notes from Clifford Chambers, Weston Si;be.’ge,Pobworth, & Long.natslon Parisli Registers. 41 M miage Licences at Gloc. 1665 to 1075. 12 mo ch. s. x x. green mor. Autoyr , 11400 Xiv.fr x o: Gloc. Wuis, Vol. 2nd. 1557 to 1613. 'll Pedigrees from Do. Do. i 2mo, ch. s. x.x. red tlh. Autot, >. 11491 Pedigrees fromG.oaeestor Wills, Vol. 2 begins v'lth Antony • oiler, i557 41 Notes from Parish Register of Charlton Kings, 1538 to i700& liom Aston Sul)edge 12 mo. ch s. xix. green mm. Autoyr. 11492 Phillips P digrees per AngUam. 12 mo.ch. s. xix. red Uh. Autoyr. 11493 Parish RegisterNotes,from Stanton,Bucklaod, Childswicl.l’.arr., Snowshiil. 12 mo. ch.s.*. ix. grey Ids. Autoyr. I i434 Catalogue of'Books at Middle FI ill. 41 MSS. b i ghi by So T. P. 18 >G. 4" List oi.P.use: ved Birds. atMidtfre Ilill. 11495 1m: x to Herald s Visitation of llic. Dor, Heref. B .k.s. V.fr rwick. thin. i2mo. ch. o, x x /■, d mor.scipl. per M. P. Autegr. 41 Beringer Pedigree. 11438 Notes t r MSS. at the li guc. Paris, Bruxelles, Meeiman Sale, Nc. 1824. 18 mo. ch.s.s. n:. hf. red. Autoyr. 1 1497 Exeerpta ex Cai tulaiiis Normanniec. 4i Catalogue ol Rouen MSS. 41 Cartularies at Amiens. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. hf.yrten mor. Autoyr. 11498 Excerj ta ox Cartel. Broniholm. *4! Do Obiluario Priorat.Kington St. Michael 41 Index to Cams Coll. Visitations, of Luo, 1619, Cornw. 1620, part, Nthbkl. 1615, Dun.am 16 - 5, Nton. 1 588.Notts. 1630. It Ex Caitul. S. Malice, Dublin. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. red Ith. script.per H.P. 11499 Index ot Ballard’s Letters in Bibl. Bodl. 4f Index of MSS. in Bibl. Bodl. 41 Index to Visitations in Rawl. MSS, 4 I Dan s of Pmish Registers in Wilts. Gloc. and Wigoin. 12 mo. ch. s. xi s..green mor. script, per K.P. Autogr. 11500 Loan Book of Middle Hill MSS. with Auto¬ graphs of Borrowers names. 11501 Do. Do. Do. 4 Donations of Sir T. P’s. Printed Works, to whom given. 11502 Account of MSS. bound at Middle Hill, Vol. I. 11503 Do. Vol. 2. 12 mo. red Uh. Autoyr. 11504 List ol Portraits &. Paintings at StanvvayFIouse, Gloc. 1842. f Sketch of Gt. Tew House. 11*505 AbbieviatioFragmentiCartularii de Thelesford 4l Index to Wer.lock Cartulary, ih.n 12 mo. ch. s xix. htf. Hue mor. Autogr. 11506 Cartularium de Ewias ex Regro. S.Petri,Gloc. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. green more Autograph* K.P ft II P'. Catalogus Manuscriptorum in Bihliothf.ca Phillippica 197 11507 11503 11509 11510 11511 11512 11513 I 11514 11515 11516 11517 31518 11519 11520 11521 11522 11523 Cartul. Glouc. S Petri Registr. A. 4 Vols 12 mo. 3 green 1 red. Mor. Autogr. H. P. & M. P. do. do. Registr. B. J' r ols. 2. & 3.12wo, ch. s. xix. red Ithr Autogr. M. P. Cronicon Abbatis Wri. de Froucester. 12 mo. oh. s. xix. red Ithr. K. P. Registrum Priorat. Wigorn. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. red mor II. P. Cartulary of Godstow in English (a part) 12 mo ch. s. xix. Script, p. M. P. Index of Glastonbury Cartulary. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. green mor. (p. H, P.) Banda: Forestae de Selewode, &c. Vol. 2. Excerpta ex Cartulario de Wherwell ( scr. p. K. P. U Ex Registro Albo Dee- & Cap. Wigorn. ( Autogr. T. P.) 12wo. ch. s. xix. red Ith Abbreviatio Cartularii de Godstow. ( nearly complete ) 12 mo. ch. s. xix. rd. Ithr. Autogr. T. P. Cartularium Abb. de Fontanis, contincns Cartfe Re¬ gum, Bullae, & Car tee Episcoporum. 6 Vols. 12 mo. ch. s- xix. red Ithr. K. P. Index Cartarum Scuti Amoris. 4 Vols. ch. s. xix. rd. It hr. K. P. Visitation of Co. Bucks 1634. script, p. M P. 11 Notes of Wills to be examined. Autogr. T. P. 18mo. ch. s. xix. hf.grn.mor. Index & Extracts from Warwick Visitation. 1G19 Autogr. «I do from Godstow Cartulary. {English') per M. P. 11 List of Visitations in Queen's Coll. 12wo. ch. s. xx. h blu. mor. Buckland Parish Register, Co. Gloc./. ch. s. xix. pp. 78. brown pap. Rodd MSS 1845 Regimcnto da Inquisicio de Goa 1778./". ch. s. xviii hr. cf. No 214 Rodd MSS Correspondence of a French Ambassador to Rome Sc Venice, abridged, circa 1590 1600 Hist, of England, books 5. Sc 6. temp. Steph. & Job* ! ^1 Manner of holding a Parliament Journey into France .f ch. s. xvi. I bddark cf. Historical Collections, temp. II. 5. soil. *| Monstratio Ilominum ad Arma, capta apd. le Heth inter Rum ley & Chilworth 4. II. 5. Apud Wallopforth, le Ilcthe, Tichebowrne, le Thre Mvnnes, Portsdown, Sc Candever, in Co. Hants. «[ Petition of James Berkeley, Esq. «} Indenture of Thos. Chaucer, temp. H. 2. Rot. Claus 1. H. 6] m. 2. De Lollardis Endenture d’Edward, due de York, 2. H. 5. *j do de Gilbt. Umfreville,touchantle ViagedeFrance 11 Catalogue of Gentry in various Counties, ex Rot. Fin. 3. H. 5. m. 17. H Rot. Claus. 1. II. 5. m. 12. II Ordinances of the Warre, ex Julio C. 4. II Ex ltegro. Clyfl'ord, Epi. London, fol. 45. II Loan to the King, 6. H. 5. II Ex Caligula D. 5. & Tiberio B. G.fol. 64 & Cleop- F. 3. II Monstres. prises a Evrcux, 7. H. 5. 1i I)e Grdinatione Monetae SI Letters of R. Priour H Petitio Alianorse, uxis. Johis. Mortymer, Chr. % De eertis personis Vice-Comitibus deliberandis 1j Claus. 1. II. 5. m. 6. IT De Villa Wightlock 1i Titus, A. 3. Letter ofOwin, Prince of Wales H Bull of P. Eugenius 1425 11 List of Rolls delivered by Wm. Burstall nup. Cus- tos Rotulorum. to John Waltham, now Custos. *1 Pat. 2. II. 5. pars 3. m. 5. U Letter from R. S. to Mr Molineux, 1719 IT Indenture 1651 of Trustees for the sale of Fee Farm Rents to Foxcroft./. ch. s. xvii. xviii. (A r . B. rebind, to put the leaves in order ) ' 11524 Padilla Historiade Vizcaya./, ch. s. xvii. cf. gl. 11525 Nomologia Anglicana, or English Names of Persons derived from Trades, Qualities, with their Residence./, ch. s. xviii. red cl. 11526 Essays. 1. Christian Warfare compared with Soldier’s Life. 2. Innocence defended (written at Wimble¬ don 1691) — 3. On the Monthly Fast — 4. Of the Choice of Husband or Wife — 5 Of Pedigrees —* Letters to Romana./ ch. s. xvii. old br. cf. 1 1527 Sir_Stewart on Hume’s account of Elizth. Sc Mary, Q. of Scotts. f. ch. s. xviii. £ bd. red llher 11528 (Geo.) Chalmers Number of Polls & Value of Ratea¬ ble Estates in Massachuetts 1771 ihinf. ch. s xviii 11529 Strictures on Sir Wm. Howe’s Mischianza. 4 to. £ bd russ. ch. s. xviii. Ex Bibl. Israel Mauduit. 1 1530 Money paid for Maintenance of the Settlement of Nova Scotia in 1768. thin f ch. s. xviii. 11531 Constitutiones Synodales de Yucatan 1722./. ch. s. xviii. 2 leaves. Ex bibl. Dni de Kingsborough. 11532 Cartularium Prioratus de Caresbroc. sm. 4to. V. s. xiii. 88 leaves. 11533 Warburton’s Vallum Roman urn, with Drawings. Autograph, f. ch. s. xviii. 11534 Sir Heneage Finch’s Law Lectures 1661/ ch. s. xvii. br. cf. 11535 F. G’s Reports in King’s Bench from Hilary Term l Car 1 to 5 Car 1 ( Deficit Hil. Term 5 C 1 ) H Reports in the Exchequer. 4. &5. C. 1. H Do. Miscellaneous in K* B. Sc Excheq. ab Ao. 1 ad 4tum Car. 1. with Index. 11536 Malcolm Hamilton, Arclibp. of Cashel, on the Grie¬ vances Sc Religion of Ireland If Sir Henr. Docwra's Services at Lough Foyle H Richd. Belling's History of the War in Ireland tall fol. ch. s. xviii. red cloth 11537 Mac Farlane’s Collections for the Scotch Families of Agnew, Anstruther, Abercorn, Ayton, Came¬ ron, Dolt, Dalzel, Eccles, Fraser, Galloway, Hume, Ogilvy, Seton, Sempill, Weems. 2 Vols.f. ch. s. xviii. 2 bd 11538 Life of Marina de Escobar, a Spanish Nun. sm. 4to. s. xviii. 84 pages ( No 1495-2 in a former Sale) 11539 Letters Sc Plans of Battles of the D. of Marlborough in 1706, hc.fol.ch. s. xviii. 11540 B. Nani Relatione delle cose di Francia temp. Louis 14. sm. 4to. ch. s. xviii. Olim Alberti Floncel, Ad- vocati de Paris 11541 Proceedings in Norfolk County Court 1752/ ch. s. xviii. O/iwRev. Francisci Biomefield, the His¬ torian, with his Book Elate of Arms. 11542 On England's Jurisdiction over Ireland, ex placitis Parliamentariis. 12wo. ch. s. xvii. wh. vel. 11543 Report on the Grievances of English Merchants trading to Portugal 1767./. ch. s. xviii. yell.cf.gt. 11544 Statistics of Trade between England, Portugal Sc Madeira 1772-90./. c.h. s. xviii. wh. veil. 11545 Riira Cronyk of Germany from about the year 1000 to about 1240. 8 vo. cotton paper s. xv. or xvi. It contains allusions to England Sc the English, Sc Captivity of Richd the 1st under Leopold, Duke of Austria - Some leaves torn at the out end. Water mark, a Bull’s head with a star between the horns The 1st lines now existing are 198 Gatalogus Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippjoa 11546 11547 11548 11549 11550 11551 11552 11553 11554 11555 11556 11557 11558 Damacli uber mange iar Ward ein Stat furbar Erpawen die hiez faviana Semb ward sy schon umbmawrt sa Und ward Wienna genan t Als sy noch hewe ist bechant. See. De la Roehette's Historical Collections & Corres¬ pondence. 2 Vols.fol. 5 bd. ch. s. xviii. Francisci Diodi,Veneti, jurisconsulti, Brixiaeprsefccti, de Vita S. Rochi Aloysius Lipomanus, Epus. Veronensis, deSancti s If Vita S. Archadii Martyris. Ex Surio Vol. 1 If Ex Libro quinto Hieronymi Perboni Incisse mar- chionisque Oviliarum Domini, ad serenisimumHen- ricum Angliau Regem- .Yota de Cuncdagio Sc Dun- waldo, Rcgibus Britonum. If Excerpta ex Bedse Cionicis. If Vita S Rocci, ex Cronicis J. Philippi de Bergamo. If ’ ’ Epitome, site Breviarium totius precedents Ilistoriae Anglorumper etmdem Venerabilem Bedam, Anglo Saxonem. ” If Oratio Bed. ch, 8. xix. Sir T. Phillipps 's Collection 11689 Miscellaneous Collection; begins with “ Abstract of the Register of Hoxne” ends with “ Letter of General Penhouet”/. ch. s. xix. blue, pap. Ex dono Amici, Sir H. Dry den, Bart. 11690 Plans & Sections of Roman Camps in Gloucester¬ shire, by Sir Henry Dry den. tall fol. ch, s. xix. Autogr. pp. 28. Lord Kingsborough’s MSS. 11691 Historia de Indias. ( ? de Diego Lope* de Zuniga ) 11692 Cronica de Mechoacan. Vol. l.f.ch. 11693 do. do. Vol 2.f. ch. 11694 do. do. Vol 3./. ch. 11695 Cronica de Nueva Espana Libri 1, 2. 3.J. ch. 11096 do. do. do. Liber. 4./. ch, 11697 do. do. do. do. 5.f.ch. 11698 Las Casas Historia Apologetica. 4 Vols fol. 11699 Simon, Noticias de las Conquistas de Tierra Firma. Ira. parte 1. 2. 3. 4. f. ch. blue mar. 11700 do. do. 2 da parte 5. 6. 7. f. ch. blue mor. 11701 do. do. 3 ra parte 1. 2. 3. 4. f. ch. blue mor. 11702 do. do. 4 ta parte 5. 0. 7. f. ch. blue mor. 11703 Alonzo de Gongora Marmolejo, Historia de Chile 11704 Aguado Historia de Sta Marta y Nueva Granada 11705 do. do. f. ch. 11706 Luis Trivaldos de Toledo, Historia de Chile./o/.c/t. 11707 Ocaris Historia de Tierra Firma y Nueva Granada (unique) fol. cli. 11708 Informe Instructivo del Visitador General de Nueva Espana/. ch. 11709 Pedro de Cieza de Leon las Guerras Civiles del Peru, Ilamada la guerra de Quito f. ch. 11710 Motolinia sobre los Ritos Ydolatrias y Sacrifices de los Indios de la Nueva Espana.y. ch. Rodd 1843 11711 Descripcaode Fortalezasdc India, Sofala, &e. folio ch. s. xvii. rgh. cf. Olitn Sir Robt. Southwell. 11712 Copies of Letters to Q. Anne, thin f. ch. s. xviii. rd. clth. 11713 Pollock’s Letters to the Bishop of Dromore, 8cc. about Kilcoo & Kilmegao Advowson. t/iinf ch. s. xviii. rd. cl. 11714 Jno. Carpenter’s Irish Poems. & Essays. 1744-5. 4 to. ck. s. xviii. brown cf. Hibernice, Catalougs Manuscriptorum iN Bibliotheca Phillippica 202 11715 31716 11717 11718 11710 11720 11721 11722 .11723 11724 11725 11720 11727 11720 11729 11730 11731 11732 11733 11734 11735 Ex Bibl. Charrier. M. Constant's ( Valet de Chambre do I’Empereur Napoleon ) Depenses de l’Etnpereur, pendant le Voyage d’ltalie 1807 .fol.pp. 36, f. ch. s. xix. Memoires de Dr. Gall, Phrenologiste. fol. ch. s. xix. Lettres, Autographes, & signees, des Generaux Fraucais, Kleber, Dela Motte, Darapier, Dumas 5 Juuot, kc.fol. pp. 130. Lettres de Generaux Francais du regnede. fol. ck.pp. 502. Payne MSS 1838 Muhamel ben Abdallah de los.? Anincdes de Caza. f. V. s. xviii. in wh. vll. Hispanice. Index of Patent Rolls from 1. Ric. 2. to 23 ? 34. calf thick/, ch. s. xvii. 524 leaves. Oli/n Jonathani Rogers, 1670. Oviedo delle Indie Occidentali. fol. ch. s. xvi. (1540) in Vellum Antoiue Galland’s Morts de Seavans depuis 1500. 1701. large f ch. s. xviii. pp. 429. in calf. Hesiodi Theogonia & Aspis m Homeri Balrachomyoraachia. sm. 4to. ch. s. xv. Olim Sebastiani M. A. de ? Bras. Sale’s Succession of Khalifs, Imams, & Sultans of Persia, with a Map of Persia. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. (Ex Bibl. Mecrman 884.) another Catalogue number 9070. Philippi Vadi Liber de Arte Gladiatoria dimicandi. Dedicated to Guido Fcretrano, Duke of Urbino. with the Duke's Arms emblazoned on the 1st leaf 8 vo. V. s. xv. Old No. 9111. Ucgistrum Litcrarura Paparum Alexandri 3, Lucii 3, Eugenii, kc.sm.fol. V. s. xvi. (circa 1583; Sale Catalogue No. 9014. Longman 1838 Beda de Scientia Computandi * Franco de Quadratura Circuli./, ch. s. xvi. Ex Bibl. Kloss Ciccronis Ars Memoraliva. 8to. ch. s. xv. Ost Frisisches Rares Medieiu Bnch. f. ch. s. xviii. Hints towards a Natural, & Topographical History of the Counties of Sligo, Donegal, Fermanagh, & Lough Erne, by Revd. Wm. Henry, Rector of Killasher iu Fermanagh, Chaplain to the Bishop of Kilmorc ; dat. 1739. " Acta Capituli S, Patricii dc Dublin./, ch. s. xvii. Cochrane A Batta Book. i. e. a Book in the Batta Language of Java, or Sumatra. 4/o. Written on one (appa¬ rently) leaf of some tree, k foldedup like a Mex¬ ican Manuscript. Payne, 1845 Cartularium de Shaftesbury, sin. fol. v. s xiv. some leaves lost. Bright MSS. 1844 10. Memoirs of J. Archer, from 1641 to 1700. 12 mo- ch. s. xviii. 12. Rcgistre de Chartes au Chateau de Lisle. fol. ch. s. xvii 200 leaves 23. Berry, Roy d’ Aimes, Recouvrement de la Duche de Normandie fy partie de Guienne. sAto-ch.s.xv m 11736 24. Letters of Thos. Bird, &c. 12 mo. ch. s. xvii. 11737 26. Memoires de Jean Boeniicrs, Prevost de Va¬ lenciennes in 1330. f. ch. s. xvi. 11738 29. Lorenzo Borghcse Vita di Chiappino Vitelli. f. ch. s. xvi. 11739 31. Memoirs of Mr Brand from 1669 to 1727. 12wo. ch- s. xvii. 11740 34. Copy of Pope's Bulls Letters relating to St. Austin, Bristol. 4/o. ch. s. xix- 11741 36. Barbati Historia JacobiUrum, vel Cophitorum in Egypto, Lybia, ke. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. 11742 40. Diary from 1661 to 1667 supposed by Mr B. II, Bright, to have been written by . . lSwo.cA.s.xvii. 11743 90. Voyage d’Angleterre in .1641. 4lo. ch. s. xvii. olive mor. 11744 92. Memoires d'un Voyage en Angleterr e, with priii ted plates of Greenwich, London Ifc. 4/o. ch. s. xvii. (1685) 11745 111. A Month’s Journey into Fraunce. hf bd. cf. s. 4 to. ch. s- xvii. ? by J. Earle, 11716 131. History of the Isle of Man. fol. ch.%. xviii. 244 pages , with an Autograph Letter from the Bishop of Sodor & Man to James, Earl of Derby, in 1643 11747 155. Liber Penitentialis. Tncipit. Quando Sacerdos debet injungere Penitentiam, kc. *5j Argumentum de bello inter Gallos & Brittannos temp Edwardi. Incip. Quod me rogasti &c. Liber quintus. 12 mo. V. s. xv. 71 leaves ( “ Book to read ” written in a doze ) 11748 .Molan's Leipsanographia, or, Relics belonging to the Elector of Brunswick Lunenburg, after¬ wards taken to Hanover. 12 mo. b/k- cf. c^.s.xviii. n Plate taken from St. Thomas a BecketYShrine in Canterbury. 12010. ch. s. xviii. blk. Ithr. 11749 .... J. Burton’s Index of Tower Records for York¬ shire, contains the Cartae, & Escheats only. 12mo. ch. s. xviii. (1746) rgh. cf. 11750 168 .... Nicholas, (son of Sir Edward Nicholas, ) Memoranda of a Court Baron, or Leet, held at W. Horsele, Co. Surrey ^ Do. Diary of Events at West Horseley, in 1668, including Public Events of that Year. 24 mo. ch. s. xvii. 11751 191 Catalogue of MSS. at Ilolkham Hall, Co. Nor¬ folk. fol. ch. s. xv. copied from that made 1773. 17 pages 11752 120 An Irish English Dictionary, A to Ca. all the rest cut out f ch. s. xviii. 11753 153 Petri Cantoris Verbum Abbreviatum U Vita S. Thomae Cantuar. in verse. Rubric “ In- cipit Vita Sci. Thomae Cant. “ Ante chaos jurgium indigeste raolis. Adhuc yle grayide fetu magne prolis. Nondura orto lumine lunae neque solis. Nec discretis aere, terra, mari, polis. Ttvolines appear to haveb een written before the Rubric, the first of wich is closed; the 2nd is “ Symon ei nomen, cui felix det Deus omen ” /. veil. s. xiii. 140 folia. 11754 133 Peter Manwood’s Historical Collections.5egin s with the Letter of Ld. Monijoye to the Councel, 5 Maye, sent by Sir Oliver St John, from Ierland f. ch. s. xviii. wh. v. II Accusation k Execution of Marshall Biron ? Letter from the Soldan of Babilon. ( Guidon is a corruption of Guidhome, the banner being used to guide the soldiers in battle. A Knt. Bachelor is corrupted from Knt. Basteler, i. c. a Catalolgs Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica 203 11155 11T 5G 111751 11758 11759 11760 11*101 11762 11763 11764 11765 11766 11767 11768 2G9 Archbishop Wake’s Account of his Family, < '" Memoirs of his Time. In the beginning is the Wake Pedigree IT Archbishop Wake’s Journey to Paris as Chaplain to Lord Preston, the Ambassador, f ch . s. xvii. 11769 274. Star Chamber Proceedings against Henry Shcr- field, for breaking the Window in St Edmund’s Salisbury, 1632. 4 toch. s. xvii. 11770 275. Antiquities of Malvern, chiefly describing the Painted Window. 12 mo. ch. s. xviii. 11771 289. Johes. Germain, Cabilloniorum Episcopus, et Velleris Aurei Cancellarius, de Vita et Gestis Philippi, Burgundi?e et Brabantiae Ducis, dedi- cata Carolo, Dno. Burgundiae et Cadrelesii Comiti, filio died Philippi, sm. 4to. V. s. xv. 1452. Olim Johis. Keck, ex dono Nicholai ab Heu, 11772 Royal Foreign Letters to Queen Ann, translated. 1707. etf. ch. s. xviii. rd. cl. 11773 Papers et Letters relating to the Churches of Kilcow et Kilmegan, with Grant to Sir Nicholas Bagnal. folio, ch. r. cl. s. xviii. or xix. 11774 Sir Henry Unton’s State Letters, f. ch. s. xvi. Olim Oliveri Luke, 1679 11775 A Collection of Poems beginning at the Restoration. 2 Vols. wh. vel. large fol. ch. s. xviii. Knight of that valour, k merit, to whom a Basteb or Fortress, might be entrusted.) H On the Union of Scotland H On Uniformity of the Church 1 Names of those having 40 librates of land, not being Knights, n Kent If Names of M. P. s in England in 1604 If Liber Pacis, or, Names of Justices of Peace in 1601 in England & Wales H Fees of the Queen’s Household 1604 Extent of Liberty, k Franchise of the City of Canterbury & of Fordwich 11 List of Knts. of the Garter in 1605 11 List of Tillers at the Tournament in 1605 II Letter on the Arraignment of Sir Wr. Rawleigh^ II Ceremony of the Coronation jV. 11. the whole MS seems to have been Walter Drurye's. see p. 237 * Value of Peers lands. * The Earl of Arundel’s Letter “ King James first Speech to the Parliament 19 March 1603 “ Agreement to make a Roodloft at Ilackington, Kent, 11. H. 8. 2 Nobility of Scotland living 1585 2 Letter to the Mayster of Gray 181. Nicholas Pithou, Troubles dans l’EgUse de Troyes au sujet de la Religion Reformee 1539 a 1594./. ch. s. xvii. (Old Mo. 409; 167. Wrn. Nelson's (of Ililborough) Memoirs of his Brother, Admiral Lord Nelson, dated 15 Feb. 1799. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. 212. J.speeches 8c Prayers of Major General Harrison the Regicide, Jno. Carew, J. Cook, Hugh Teters, Thos. Scot, Adrian Scroop, Jno. Jones Col. Axtell, k Col. Hacker; Prisoners in the Tower k Newgate. Dated Tavystoke 30 Jany. 1674 in the 24th Year of his (the writer’s) age. 18 mo. ch. s. xvii. 211. Relationes dei Ambasciatori Venetiani, Soriano, Lconi, 1583, Barbaro 1573, & Pemisten 1579, ^c. Olim plura quam 195 folia luibuil , sed BibHopega quidamde Lyons omnia, 117 foliis exceptis, des- truxit. 4to. ch. s. xvii. 226. Journey of Jno. Ernest, junior, Duke of Saxony, in England, France, &c. 1613-14. Written by J. W. Ncumayr, von Ramzla. //. cf, 4 to. ch. s. xviii, ( Copy ) 220. Pedro Ronquillo’s Negotiation en Ynglaterra Ao. 1671 to 1691.4 Vols fol. ch. cf. s. xvii. 228. “ Miscellaneous Passages ” relating to the " Scotch Nobility &c. 4 to. ch. hi cf. s. xviii. 243. Letters from Foreign Correspondents to Sir Phi¬ lip Sydney, 1574-5-6. /. ch. s. xvi. 244. Letters to from Sir Wm. Simpson, Knt. 4 to.fyjolio.ch. s. xviii. 248. S. Stanley’s Isle of Man. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. with a Painting of the Eagle Sc Child in a 'Irce. Arms (/Stanley, & their Matches, in the top of the Tree The Eagle gilded. An Ivy Tree twining round the. Oak. On the Ivy stem this Motto ‘ Testaute virebo. ” Olim Radi. Thoresby, Leodiensis. & pos- tca Ducis de Roxburghe 250. Histoire Amoureuse d’Henriette Pnucesse d’An. gleterre. l2wo. ch. s. xviii. 251. Memoircs del Conde de Lucano, Fils du Due de Fitz James./, ch. wh. v. s. xviii. 256. Precedents in Pailiamcnt, or, a Journal of Parliament in Eliztlx s. Reign, to 1601. J. cl.. xvii. Rudd 11776 Paradise of Dainty Devices, 1577 H Book of Nurture, copied by Wm, Herbert, H Stans Puer ad Mensam. 4to. ch. wh. v. 8. xviii. Transcript by Jno. Brand. 11777 Collection of Singular Epitaphs. 4 to. br. cf. ch.s. xviii. begins with the Laird of Minto's at Glasgow. 11778 Samuel Bave, Coloniensis, Commentarii in Hip- pocratis Aphorismos, Ao. 1624. thick 18 mo. ch . 11779 Alexandri Massariae, Vicentini, Practica Medica. thick 18 / 00 . ch. 11780 Anthonii Bave Consultationes Medic®. 2 Vols thick 18 mo. ch. 1629. Newman 11781 Collections for the family of Oates, fol. ch. xv. v. y. Ex dono Mich. Russell, Epwell Hunt, a Poem. 4to. ch. s. xix. Ex llibl. Rev. . . . Parkliurst de Ripple 1845 11783 Poll Book for Co. Bucks. Ao. 1700./. ch. s. xvii. 11784 Fortescue’s Legal Cases,/, ch. s. xvii. 11785 Licences of Alienation pro Com. Essex, f. ch. s. xvii. 11786 Remarks on the Hist, of Great Britain till 1066 rdia de Vita S. Martini,/, ch. s. xvii. 729 in }> feerra .an Catalogus. Ilastei i’s M SS (Historian of Kent ) 11815 Vol 1. 11816 Vol. 2. 1 lector es de Chartham. tall f ch. s. xviii. blu. bd s. 11817 Vol. 3. < Jase c .f Barrow’s Charity to Borden Parish. It Appo' jitmei it ( Copy ) of Jno. Vanburgh Esq. to be Su. 'veyoi • and Architect of the Duke of Marl- borou jh’s l louse at Woodstock. It Catal .ogue of Jno. Burton’s MSS(U. D. of York¬ shire) prm ted ( N. B. He had 1868 Charters col¬ lected . fron 1 the Ruins of St Mary's Tower, York. f. ch. s. xv iii. 95 leaves,grn. bds. 11818 Vol. A. Viev v of Sutton Church. ) Ato. ch. s. xviii. It Lett' 3rs t <) and from Hasted. ) gn. bds. 65 leaves. 11819 Vol. 5.. Seusonable Argument to persuade all the Gran d J uries in England to petition for a New Parli ament 1677 sm. Ato. ch. s. xviii. grn. bds. 130] yp. E x Bill. Sir Geo. JYaylcr, 11820 Sir Th os.' Wriothesley’s ( Garter King) Collection of Knig ;hts made by Edwd. 4. Hen. 7. and Hen. 8- with th eir Arms emblazoned. ^ Ac< :ou nt of the Marriage of Margaret, dau of Ed\ v. <1. to the Duke of Burgundy. T Ac cownt of Wriothesley descent from Dunstanville H Ch larters, Sfc. of Castlecombe. brn. cf. Ato. cA.s.xvi. Payne 1840 11821 Maci \)bii Saturnalia, f. v. s. xv. (1461) Scriptura It< ilica. 11822 Statuiti de la Schuola de li Ligadore de Balle, thick At 0 . v. s. xv. with continuations to sac. xi x.onpa- V tr, bound in red Velvet with brass Knobs, and oj r /laments, and 2 illuminations. 11823 Ba rthol. de Scala’s Letters on the Affairs of Flo- i.’ence, 1484. Ato, ch. s. xv. 11824 St&tuti del la Mariegola de i Becheri. / v . St xv j # usque sccc. xviii. ilium • redvelv. Silver ornaments torn of. 11825 J3eda in Actus Apostolorum. 'll Do. in SexprimasEpistolas. IT do. in Apocalypsin. largef. v. Scec. xi. 11826 La Sainte Bible, illuminated. 2.vols.fol. max. v 8. xiv. Ex Bibl. J. H. Hindley, 11827 Adh Gerunth, or, the Sikh Bible in Sanscrit by Guru Nanic, Founder of the Sikhs. 2 Vols thick Ato. ch. s- Vol 1. in purple silk cover, spotted with daisies ; Vol. 2. in green silk ( JVo. 108. 3d, days sale in some Auction.) 11828 Tushirutoos Soolateen, by Mohammed Hali Kam- urchan. Persice. thin 4 to. cf. (Old No. 5207) 11829 Singaassun Buttressee. withrude drawings. Sanscrit Ato. black clth. white stripe 11S30 History of some Indian Deity. Negri character thin Ato. ch. 11 S31 .. Sanscrit, thin 8vo. ch. 11832 Bahrnt Baladsup. do. thinSvo.ch. 11833 Vakeelut Henert. 8uo. ch. 100 leaves 11834 History of Ram, et Seetah his wife. 8co. ch. 46 leaves ^35 .. Sanscrit G. vols. thin small Ato, {the last 12 vols. were Hindlej’s.) Catalogus Manuscriptokum in Bibliotheca Phillipimca. 205 Ex Bib/. Sir George Naylor. 11837 Daniel Molyneux’s (Ulster King of Arras) Collections trom the Irish Records, f. c/i. s. xvii. 11838 Escheats. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. ^ tvh. veil, bound oblong. 11839 Collections for Berks, of Epitaphs and Arras in Churches and Houses, f ch. s. xviii. i russ. 11840 Ric. St George’s Collections for Pomeroy, Fortibus, Heron, Furmval, &c. (J/im Marquis Townshend, and St Loe Kniveton. l.f. ch. s. xvii. i wh. veil. 11841 Henry Hill’s Collection of Arms of Knights of the Bath, 1768. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. ^ cf. printed fy tricked. 11842 Wiltshire Visitation, 1623. f. ch. s. xviii. rgh. cf. 11843 London do. copied by Sylvanus Morgan, with addi¬ tions by him, 1634. f ch. s. xvii. i red mor. Olim Sir William Burrell. 11844 Glover’s Collections for Co. York and Lane . f. ch. s. xvi. cf. lettered on green It hr. 11845 Nottingham Visitation, 1674, copied by B. Long- mate,/. c/i. s. xviii. | wh. veil. 11846 Surrey Visitation Excerpta, p. B. Longmate. /. ch. s. xviii. ^ wh. veil. Ex Bibl. Variis. 11847 Ferdosi’s Shah Nameh, 16 paintings, thick fol. inter¬ leaved, ch. i russ. 11848 A. A. G. F. D. R. Oprecht Verhael ofte seer schoone Chronycke des Weireldts, from the Birth of Christ to 1725. thick f. ch. s. xviii. cf. gt. 11849 Treatise on Alchymy, 2 Vo/s. thick Ato. ch. s. xviii. | red It hr. Olim Henrie White de Lichfield. 11850 John Francis Vander Huwera’s (Monk of Rood Klooster and Pastor of St.Giles, Brussells,) descrip¬ tion of the Destruction of Rood Klooster in 1790-1, and of the events which took place the eight follow¬ ing years, f. ch. s. xviii. brn. cf. old No. 14. A bd. idem cam No. 382, in hoc Cutalogo. 11851 “Various MSS. regardant les Pays Bas.” f. ch. s. xviii. i bd. old Mo. 42. 11852 Locatio Bonorum in Bisaugia et Alba Ecclesia ab Anno 1512, pro 12 annis per Thomam, Abbatem S. Maximini de Treves, f. ch. s. xvi 11853 Hollandtsche Riim Chronik. printed. 5F Dancker’s Drawings of Roman Altars to the God¬ dess Nehellenia, Roman Coins, &c. found on the sea shore at Domburch, in the Isle of Walcheren, K’47. f. ch. s. xvii. wh. veil. This Vol. belonged I to Peter Scriverius, whose Autograph is on the title page of the Cronik. It is interleaved and has Notes and Commentaries apparently by Scriverius. 11854 “ Hie hebt sicb an Sandt Stephanus Leben,” or Life of St. Stephen, in German Verse, f. ch. s. xv. 11855 Charters granted to Vienna, Hamburgh, &c. by Frederic, King of the Romans; Albrecht, Duke of Austria, &c. to 1321. f. ch. s. xv. 11856 Algorismus, in German, f. ch. s. xv. 11857 Charter of William, Duke of Austria, 1396. f. ch. s. xv. These 4 last Vo/s. appear to have once formed 1 Volume. 11858 “ Questo Libro parla de la Vita di Apostoli e de la Sancta Passion e de altri senti e de li miraculi che Deo a fati per elli.” thick Ato. veil. s. xiv. A russ. illuminated. 298 leaves , but one is now lorn out at the end. Old No. 23S0. 11859 “ Storia dell Italia et Inghillerra dalla 1500 fino 1670.” Incip Ludovico 12 e Ferdinando. —Old Nos. 19, 54, 56, 506. 11860 Catalogo de Manoscritti ( Credo dei Foscarini. T. P.J Ex Bibl. Guilford, f. ch. s. xviii. The title is cut out and the lettering on the back carefully erased, f ch. s. xviii. yell. cf. 11861 Vite di Pontefici Cardinali, &c. Vol. 1. f ch. s. xvii. wh. veil, ends with Francis Philelpho and Malraso Ciciliano. 345 leaves. (? Ex Bibl. Guilf.) 11862 Maxims and Economy of the Jesuits, thick Ato. ch. s. xvii. wh. veil. 11863 Lettere de Portinari./. ch. s. xvi. Vol. 2. wh. veil. old Nos. 16, 120. 11864 Lettera sopra le Materie di Cancellaria. 5T Vite dei Cardinali, usque ad Franc. Albano, 1690. 4) f. ch. s. xvii. iv h. veil. 11875 Pascual de Iriarte’s Diary of his Voyage to discover the Coasts of Peru, from Chili to the Straits of Magellan, in 1675-6, with Drawings of the Coasts. The Autograph Signahne of Pascual de Iriarte at the end. f ch. s. xvii. red. velvet. 11876 Genealogy and Arms of Geronimo Olimaers, with the Confirmation of the Arms by Don Pedro Alberto de Launay, Principal King of Arms in Flanders. The Confirmation on vellum is loose at the end, ivith a fragment on vellum of the Creation of Wm. Jean Verdonck to be a Chevalier, with his Arms painted on it. f. Vel. fy ch. s. xvii. green velvet. 206 11877 11878 11879 11SSO 11881 11882 11883 11884 11885 11886 11887 11888 11889 11890 11891 11892 11893 11894 11895 11896 11897 11898 11899 11900 11901 Catalogus Manusckiptokum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. Commentaria de la Guerra de Espana, lom. 2nd. f. ch. s. xviii. 1712, br. cf. gt. Incip. “ Encarada contra Malbrucb (Duke of Marlborough) la fortuna le quitto la Reyna.” Mahiu de Coucy Croniques. 17S leaves. 5( Genealogies des Grandes Maisons de France, de Roys D’Anglelerre, depuis 1444. 51 Histoire de la Ville et Comtes D’Angoulesme. 38 leaves. 51 Do. des Comtes D’Armagnac, D’Albret. 38 leaves. 5 f Do. Dreux, &c. Incip “ Pource que selon 1’advis.” f ch. s. xvii. cf. gt. No. 674 Guilfd. CEconomie de Domaine Royale. f. ch. s. xvi. wh. j veil. (Rodd.) Anciens Comptes des Chateaux, &c. de Bischoflsheim, 1597. f. ch. s. xvi. j oh.veil. [No. 2717 in a former Owner's Catalogue.) Christiani Huygenii Horologium Oscillatorium, sive de Motu Pendulorum. printed 1673. 5f Do. do. do. Pars Sexta. MS. 5[ Do. do. Horloges a Rome, Horloges Solaires. MS. 5f Do. do. Jaques Alexandre Traill du Flux and Reflux de la Mer. 1705, MS. f. ch. s. xviii. Census de Eschevilli receptus per Jacobum de Baaton, Canonicum Trecensem, Ao. (12)94. f. 4to. v. s. xiii. Sir John Malcolm’s History of Persia, translated into French. 4 Vols.fol. ch. s. xviii. green paper. Genealogies of French Kings and Nobility. “ Acheptea Paris ce 5 November, 1584. Forner.” Much damaged at the fore edge. f. ch. s. xvi. Incip. “ Depuis nagueres.” Instructions du Comte de Mansfeldl pour le Gouverne- ment du Pays Basin 1590. f. ch. s. xvii. grn. mor. Carta? originales Fratrum Predicatorum de Bordeaux et aliorum Conventuum, Annis 1428, et 1361. obi. 4 to. pergam. s. xiv. xv. dark cf. Sterthuys Vaader Steven Phenix, 4 Jan. 1703-4 (? Transcribed by Te Water, the Historian of Zeeland), f ch. s. xviii. wh. veil. Frowyk’s Lecturae de Prerogativa Regis, in j Autumpno, Anno 10, II. 7mi. f. ch. s. xv. ^ cf. L’Abb4 Rive’s Correspondence on the Valuation of the Due de la Valliere’s Library, in 1777. f. ch. s. xviii. green ch. On the Commandments and 7 Mortal Sins, imperfect beginning and end. f. ch. s. xv. Catalogue des Religieux de la Congregation de St. Maur, in 1760. Negociation de la Paix de Vervins entre Hen. 4 de France, Philip 2, d’ Espaigne, and Charles, Ducde Savoye, in 1598. imperfect at end. 902 pages, f. ch. s. xv. dark cf. (See No .in hoc Catal.y Enguerran de Coucy, sur le Lignage de Coucy, Dreux, j Bourbon, et Courtenay, extrait du Grand Livre ; de Cronicques que M. Baudoin d’ Avenne, Sire de Beaumont, avoit. ivith additions by Enguerran j de Coucy. f. ch. s. xvi. 272 pages, dark cf. Instruction sur le faict de la Chambre des Comptes. f. ch. s. xvi. 161 leaves, rgh. cf. Recepte des Finances de la Generalite de Caen, 1655. , 4 to. pergam. s. xvii. br. paper. Vossiusde Historicis Greeds. f. ch. s. xix. Autograph j of M. Fauchison, of Arras, author of some Gram- ' matical Works. Statuta Communitatis de Bassani, Anno 1259-67. j Copy. f v. s. xviii. 5 yell. cf. Valor Ecclesiarum in variis Dioc. f. ch. s. xvi. dark cf. (Mihi datum per Carolum Bowles, Arm.) Boetius de Philosophia, glosatus. f. v. s. xiii. Olim S. Martini Tornac. Old oaken covers. Seruiones Calholicorum Doctorum. 4 to. v. s. xii. 5T De Miraculo Resurrectionis in Britannia, facto tem¬ pore Sergii Papae. 5T Quaedam de St. Furseo. Old Library mark B. 23. S. Augustinus de Pastoribus et Ovibus. 51 S. Ambros. de Laude Viduitatis. 5T 8 . Augustin ad Orosium contra Priscillianistas. 5T Orosius ad S. Augustin de Priscillianistis et i Origenis Errore. 5T S. Augustin Responsio ad Orosium. 5[ Do. de Correctione Donatistarum. *T Bo. de Fide et Operibus et Dialectica. 51 Do. de Manicheis Conversis. 51 Do. Collatio Trinitatis. 5T Johes. Papa de Fide contra Eutychianistas. 51 Catalogus Operum Aurelii Augustini. sm.f. veil. s. xii. (? Ex Bibl. Aina.) 11902 Hugonis Farsiti de Soissons Mariale 51 De Helsino Abbate, ubi quaedam de| Willielmo Conquestore. 11 De Mundi Philosophia. 51 DeMorte Caroli, Comitis Flandriae. 51 Beda in laudem Etheldridae Reginae. 51 Vita S. Marlhae. s.f. v. s. xii. dark cf.\Ex Bibl. Aina. 11903 Vita Mahumeti. 5T Cronica Saracenorum. 5T Alcoran, f v. s. xv. wh. rgh. cf. 11904 Julii Celsi Commentaria de Beilis et Victoriis Julii Caesaris in Galliis Liber primus incipit. At the end of the 1st Book it says “ Julii Celsi Con- stan. VI Legi. G. Caesaris Belli Gallici [Liber primus explicit.” The 3rd Book ends “ Julii Celsi Constantini G. Caesaris Belli Gallici Liber tertius explicit.” The 4th Book ends “ Julii Celsi Constantini VC Legi. G. Julii Caesaris de Bello Gallico Liber 4tus explicit.” The 7th ends “ Julii Celsi de Bello Gallico Julii Caesaris Liber Septimus explicit.” The 8th Book begins with a Preface and Apology for undertaking to be the Editor of Caesar’s Com¬ mentaries, and ends thus “ Explicit Liber Octavus et ultimus Belli Gallici a Julio Caesare confecti et a Suetonio Tranquillo scriptus. Incipit Bellorum Civilium Liber primus ab eodem Suetonio Tranquillo compositus. The following Books also of the Civil Wars are all attributed to Suetonius, f. veil. s. xv. Scriplura Italica. 11905 Statuta Capituli de Breda in Dioc. Leodiensi. 22 fol. 1 51 Antiqua Statuta Decani et Capituli de Breda extracta ex quodam Antiquo Registro. 51 Declaratio Capituli Leodiensis super absentiis Canonicorum de Breda, Anno Dni. MCCCLXVI.I 5T Fundatio Capituli B. Mariee de Breda, sm.f. Eel., s. xiv. ^ dark cf. 11906 De Mirabilibus Mundi, compositus per B. Paulum P.... super. injured by corrosive ink.' Scriplura Italica. f. Eel. s. xiv. wh. veil. In this and other Italian vellum MSS. it is retnark-, able that on the inner side of the skin the writing perishes or becomes evanescent, white on the outer side it remains perfectly legible; and yet some¬ times the inner is as clearly legible as the outer.) 11907 Pauli Vergerii Epistolse. f. veil. Sf ch.s.xv. The 1 vellum leaves appear to have been exit out; the / first has certainly. Bound in beech boards. 11908 Statuta Neapol. sive Casus Breviati super tenore- Constitutionum Regni. 51 Constitutiones et Statuta Regis Caroli, Hierusalemi et Sicilite Regis. 4/o. E. s. xiv. 1324, russ. 11909 Abbreviatio Lectionum et Evangeliorum in Nata-i liciis Sanctorum per Circulum Anni. thick 4 to.. E. s. xi. wh. veil. Some of the original leaves' being lost were supplied by others in the 15 tht Century. After the Index, the Psalm Caeli enarrant gloriatn Dei, set to music of the ll//t Cen-i tury. Much music is interspersed throughout .1 11910 Intrationes Declarationum per quendam admissum ad Officium Filaciarii Com. Cornub. Heref. Glouc.: et Villse Bristoll, Anno 1503. Ao. Regis H. 7, 19.J thick 4/o. ch. s, xvi. 250 leaves. 11911 Statuta Regum Angliee ad Ann. 7. E. 4. thick f.i E. s. xv. 492 leaves. 11912 Placita tempore Rici 2 di. 4/o. ch. s xiv. 170 leaves 11913 Ciceronis Epistolae. 4/o. E. s. xv. 1444. O/imi Antonii de Coradis, Civis Mediolanensis, in bind-i ing of the \-ith Century. 11914 Legenda de Sto Cyriaco. 4/o. ch. s. xv. Ex Bibl., Guilford. IT Walafridus, Angrensis Ceenobii Abbas, de Vital B. Galli Confessoris. 51 Vita S. Mauri. 51 Wandelbertus, Monachus Prumiensis, de Vita B.i Goaris, dedicat. ad Marcuardum, abbatem Pru-i raiensem. Catalogus Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica, 207 Ex Bibl. Rev. J. Coltman. 1915 Cartularium Cantarias S. Catharinas de Beverley. sm.f. Vcl. s. xv. 78 leaves. Rodd, fyc. 1916 Freheri Corpus Francicae Historiae. /. printed 1613. IT Wmi. Haeda Chronicon Trajectense. MS. f. ch. s. xvi, 1917 Freheri do. do. do. 1613. with innumerable MS. notes, additions, and emendations, appended to the History of Gregory of Tours , by Rev. Gilles Bouchier, of Liege, f. ch. s. xvii. 1918 Recognitions Johis. Puelli, Domini de Cayllario, Anno 1514. large f. ch. s. xvi. brn. bds. 1919 Psalterium Glosatum. imperfect beginning and end, large f. Vel. s. xvi. blue bds. 1920 Gesta Abbatum S. Alhalberti in Egmond. 8vo. ch. cf. gilt, s. xv. 1921 Revelationes S. Brigittae. 8vo. Vel. s. xiv. ilium. | cf. gilt. Armson Is* page, G. a Cross O. between A... . on each side the shield an Angel blowing a Trumpet, at pug . a half page Miniature of St. Brigit, between two persons kneeling. 11922 Letter from a Dissenter to the Divines of the Church of England, in order to an Union. Ato. ch. s. xviii. [1923 Rev. P. Seraphini de S. B. Genealogia Deorura, &c. written extremely small, scarcely legible without a glass, thick 18/wo. ch. s. xvii. [1924 Kirby’s Suffolk Traveller, printed with MS. notes. j 12 mo. ch. s. xviii. 11925 Notes of Sermons by Mr. Carter, &c. at St. Helens, 1639. 12/no. ch. s. xvii. L1926 Sir James Balfour’s Noble Families in Scotland, col¬ lated with the original, 1647. 18?no. ch. s. xvii. ! brown calf. 11927 Vita B. Arnikii, Canonici Abbatias de Averbode. 18/no. ch. s. xvii. 11928 De Emendatione Vitae. 18/no. Vel. s. xv. Olim. “ R. Wolston ex dono Johis. Knyght, Rectoris de Plumsted, Norwic. Doc. quond. Cancellar. Dni. Johis. de Chelmsford, Anno 1527.” 11929 Sermons in English. Incip. “ Redde racionem Villi- cacionis tuae. My dere frendis, ze schullen under- ; stande.” 24/wo. Vel. s. xv. br. cf 11930 Treatise against the Subscription and Conformitie required. Incip. “ Having first professed.” 18/no. ch. s. xvii. 11931 An English Ambassador’s (? Sir Henry Norris) Description of France. IT Copies of Letters written by Sir Wm. Cecil, Knt. : to Sir Henry Norris, Ambassador in France, circa | 1578. IT A Note of the Earl of Sussex’s Journey into Tivi- dale, Anno 1570. 11932 Diary of .... Mainwaring, of (?) Cheshire, in 1687-8. 2 Vo/s. 18/no. ch. s. xviii. wh. veil, with clasps, 352 Old No. 11933 Letters to Scipio Gentilis, of Basle, from Ritterhusius and others, circa 1580-90. f ch. s. xvi. 11934 Coats of Arms of Earls and Barons of England, from the Conquest, f. ch. s. xvi. By the large Shield of Quarterings of Mohun in the beginning, I con¬ jecture , it belonged to Mohun, the Antiquary, temp. Elizabeth, or earlier. The stile of the Blazon is that of Philip and Mary, or Hen. 8. 11935 Precedents of Bonds and Obligations and other Deeds, f. ch. s. xviii. rgh. cf. 1st leaf wanting. IT Cases with Opinions of J. Holliday and others. 1781. 11936 Queen Elizabeth’s Speech to her last 1/. ch.s. xvii. | Parliament. r red Ithr. IT Litera Jacobi 1 ad Acad. Cantab. J Old No. 3. 11 Sir Ric. Weston’s Negotiations, &c. with many others, the Index of which is di awn up by Browne Willis, and signed by him in 1709. 11937 Court Roll Book of Pinnor. f. ch. s. xvii. wh. veil. Olim Johis. Winchester. 11938 Wm. Lord Burleigh’s Discourse touching the Low Countries, Spain, Scotland, France, and England. Incip. “ Lodwick Sforza houldinge by tyrannous usurpation.” f. ch. s. xvi. wh. veil. Old Nos. 426, 3004, 5882. 11939 Definition and description of Obligations. IT No. of Churches in every Shire. }f ch. s. xvii. cf. IT Valuation of Bishopricks andf gilt, lettered Deaneries. C “ Lib. 46, 11 Fees in various Offices. ; MSS.” 11940 Atkinson’s History of Mines in Scotland./, ch. s. xviii. cf. git. Ex Bibl. Earl Morton, Old No. 17. 11941 F. Townsend’s Catalogue of Knights, with his Autograph Additions and Notes, fol. interleaved, ch. s. xix. green veil. 11942 “ The Boke of Reknyng for my Master Sir Gilbert Talbot, Knight,” Anno 1503; being the Steivard's Account Book for that year. Other irregular years are in the Vol. to 1600. Ex Bibl. Hamper, f. ch. s. xvi. ^ russ. 11943 Pleadings of Serjeant Skinner, Anno 2 Geo. 2, &c. Inter alia. The Act for divorce of the Duke of Beaufort and Frances Scudamore, for Adultery with Lord Talbot, f. ch. s. xviii. rgh. cf. 11944 Autograph letter of J. Ferrers to Sir Wm. Dugdale, giving him an account of his descent from F'errers ofTamworth. f. ch. s. xvii. \ green Ithr. 11945 Description of Jurisprudence, by some Scotch Author. Incip. “JurisprudenceistheKnowledgeofRights,” See. f. ch. s. xvii. br. veil. (? Ex Bibl. Ch. Baron Thompson, in 1817.) 11946 A Wine Merchant’s Ledger, 1790. /. ch. s. xviii. white vellum. 11947 Sir Robert Sibbald’s Original Drawings for his Natural History of Scotland, part only published. (Those who know how indifferently Engravings were executed 150 years since , arc always glad to have recourse to the Original Drawings.J In this Vol. is the Drawing of a horn, cut off from the head of a woman, f. ch. s. xvii. -g cf. It. brn. 11948 Hopkinson’s Pedigrees of Yorkshire Families. 2 Vols. f ch. s. xviii. ^ cf. “ The gift of the Right Hon. the Earl of Holderness.” 11949 Sir F. Walsingham’s Negotiations in France, 1570. f eh. s. xvi. rgh. cf. A painted border round the Title Puge. Old No. 800. 11950 Proceedings of the House of Commons on the Liberty of Freemen, 1628. f. ch. s. xvii. dk. cf. 11951 Statutes of Romney Marsh./, ch. s. xvii. dk. cf. stained by damp. 11952 Act for the Encouragement of Seamen, printed 31 Geo. 2, with MS. Additions and Notes, f. ch. red Ithr. 11953 Drawings of Churches, &c. by David Parkes, of Shrewsbury. 4/o. ch. red mor. s. xix. (1831.) The Churches are Llanderfel, Corwen, Llangollen, Valle Crucis Abbey, Nerquis, and Llandrinio, with Nerquis House, Castle Dinas Bran, and Eliseg Pillar. 11954 J. Caley’s Index Locorum in Bibliotheca Harleiana, arranged in Counties. Ato. ch. s. xix. ^ rgh. cf. 11955 Peregrinus Manicurtensis de Magnete. If Chaucer on the Astrolabe. Incip. “ Lytil Lowys, my sone.” sin. Vol. s. xiv. wh. veil. 31 leaves. 11956 Journal of (? Lady Scott,) 1809-10. 4to. ch. s. xix. 1 Vol. only. 11957 Catalogue of English Translations of Classic Authors. Ato. ch. s. xix. It. prple. bds. Phillipps Collections. 11958 Wilts Collections, scil. e Memoranda, Originalia, Pleadings in Ducat Lane, MSS. Lansd. Cotton Rot. Pat. Quo Waranto, Inq. p. M. f ch. s. xix. green cloth. 11959 Index to Worcester Wills, Autog. 1650. /. ch. s. xix. ^ maroon cloth. 11960 Custumale S. Swithini, Wynton. 2 Vols. 12/wo. ch. s. xix. dark blue. Ex Dono Wmi. Paver, Armig. 11961 Paver’s Pedigrees of Yorkshire Families, from various sources. Well written Autograph of Win. Paver of York, ft ch. s. xix. 208 Catalogus Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. Ex Bibl. Georgii Baker, Armig. Historici pro Com. Northampt. 11962 Vol. A. 1 folio, 106 pp. Analysis of Domesday, so far as relates to the County of Northampton. Tenants in Capite in “ Nortbantscire” .. p. 1 to 3. Plan of Analysis and remarks . p 4 & 5. "Every local entry in Domesday arranged alphabetically in a tabular form, shewing— 1. Domesday orthography of the Place. 2. Reference to name and page in Bridges’s Northamp¬ tonshire, or “ not Entd. Br.” 3. Domesday Hundred, and reference to the folio. 4. Reference to name and page in Baker’s Northampton¬ shire. 5. Modern name. 6 . Modern name of Domesday Hundred. 7. Hundred in which the Place is now situated. 8 . Domesday Tenant in Capite. 9. Domesday Mesne Lord. p. 1 to 36. At the end of the Volume, Indexes of Domesday Hundreds and corresponding Modern Hundreds.. p. 87. Modern Hundreds, with Index to the corresponding Domesday Hundreds, and the frst Place named after each Heading . p. 88 to 90. Modern names of Places, with Index to the Domesday entries relating thereto . p. 91 to 106. 11963 2 folio, 634 pp. B. Lettered “ Feudal Index.” Alphabetical Digest of all the Tenants in Capite and the Mesne Lords throughout the County of Northampton, from Domesday, (temp. Will. I.) Liber Niger (temp. Hen. II.) and Testa de Nevill (temp. Hen. III.) &c. p. 7 to 350. Extracts relating to the County of Northampton, from Pipe Rolls, 5 Steph. (31 Hen. I.) to 28 Hen. II. p. 400 to 407. Scutage temp. Rich. I. and John . p. 408 & 409. Tenants in Capite, in County Northampton, their posses¬ sions and tenures, 12 and 13 John_ p. 410 to 415. Names of Persons holding Lands or Rents, in County Northampton, worth £20 per Annum and upwards, 25 Edw. I. ... . p. 416 to 419. Names of Persons, in County Northampton, summoned by Military Writ, 29 Edw. I . p. 420 to 422. Extracts relating to County Northampton, from Pipe Rolls (temp. Rich. L, John, and Hen. III.) p. 430 to 464. Names of Nobility, Gentry, and others, in County Nor¬ thampton, who contributed to the defence of this Country at the time of the Spanish Invasion, in 1588, XT p, 500 & 501. Names of the Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen, in County Northampton, that have compounded for their Estates, , 165 ?.-. p. 502 to 506. List of Persons named, in County Northampton, who were fit and qualified to be made Knights of the Royal Oak, with the annual value of their Estates, 1660, _. . p. 507 & 508. Names of the Roman Catholics, Non-jurors, and others, in County Northampton, who refused to take the Oaths to King George I., and the annual value of their Lands, p. 509 & 510. Index of Places . p. 610 to 634. 11964 3 folio , 393 pp. C. 1. Inquisitions post mortem, in County Northampton, Hen. III. to Rich. III. Names of each Pei son on whose decease the Inquisitio was taken; date of his or her death; name and age c the heir; his or her possessions ; where situated ; b what tenure held; and annual value .. p. 1 to 362. Index of Places (2 columns) . p. 363 to 377 Index of Persons (2 columns) . p # 379 ( 0 393 11965 4 folio, 430 pp. C. 2. Inquisitions, post mortem, in County Northampton, 1 Hen. VII. to 6 Car. I. Names of each Person, &c., as in C. 1. .. p. 1 to 406. Index of Places (1st column) . p. 407 to 43( Index of Persons (2nd column) . p. 407 to 43( 11966 5 4 to. 405 pp. D. Hydarium Comitatus Northampton, (temp. Hen. II Number of Hides in each Place, in County Northamptor arranged according to the Hundreds, and in whos possession . p. 1 to 58. Liber Feod. Milit. 24 Edw. I. (1295.) Knight’s fees and portions of fees in each Place, in Count Northampton, arranged according to the Hundreds ; b whom, and of whom held . p. 59 to 169. “ Nomina Villarum,” 9 Edw. II. (1315.) Names of all the Vills or Places, in County Northamptor arranged according to the Hundreds, and their Lords p. 170 to 228. Computus Walteri Paries, 20 Edw. III. (1346.) Names of all the Vills or Places, in County Northamptor arranged according to the Hundreds, and the araoun accounted for to Walt. Paries, by their respective Lords towards the Aid of 40,s. levied on each Knight’s fee fo knighting the King’s eldest son _ p. 229 to 309. Index of Hundreds . p. 310 to 314. Index of Places . p. 315 to 339. Index of Persons . p. 341 to 405. 11967-8 ® ^ 4 to. 906 pp. E. 1 & 2. Fines levied on Manors and Lands, in County Northamp ton, from 7 Rich. I. to 43 Eliz. p. 1 to 674. Index of Places . p. 813 to 843. Index of Persons . p. 847 to 906. 11969 8 mils. 4to. 273 pp. F. 1. Genealogical Mem. from early Wills . . p. 1 to 10. References to Wills in C. C. 2. p. 11 and 14. References to Wills in K. E. p. 12. References to Wills in W. 1, W. 2, and W. 3, blank . p. 15 to 17. References to Wills in X. p. 18. References to Wills in E. A. p. 20 to 24, 28 References to Wills in A. A. .. p. 25 to 26, & 44 to 41 References to Wills in Law Reports .. p. 27. References to Wills in C. 2 . p. 30. References to Wills in F. 4 . p. 32. References to Wills in F. 5. p. 36. Abstracts of Wills . p. 94 to 241. . Index of Places . p. 242 to 256. Index of Persons (Testators) . p. 260 to 272., 11970 9 mils. 4 to. 372 pp. F. 2. Abstracts of Wills . p. 1 to 126. Index of Places . p. 325 to 344. Index of Persons (Testators) . p. 348 to 368. ; 11971 10 mils. 4to. 360 pp. F. 3. Abstracts of Wills. p. 1 to 70. Index of Testators and Persons to F. 1, ( p. 237 to 269 F. 2, and F. 3, carried back .{ p. 270 to 343 Index of Places to F. 3 . p. 344 to 357. Index to Incumbents, Abbots, &c . p. 358 to 360i 11972 11 Wills, folio case, 162 pp. F. 4. Copies. Copies of Wills . p. 1 to 162. Index of Testators. See F. 1, . p. 32. 11973 12 Wills, large 4to. case, 161 pp. F. 5. Copies of Wills. p. 1 to 161. Index of Testators. See F. 1, . p. 36. 11974 13 folio, 154 pp. G. Proposals, Advertisements, and Proceedings, relative t Bridges’s History of Northamptonshire, from 1721 t 179 . 28 pp Catalogus Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica, 209 Introduction to Bridges’s History of Nor¬ thamptonshire . 12 pp. Norden’s Northamptonshire, (MS. copy) p. 1 to 3. Sheriffs of County Northampton, various lists . p. 7 to 22. Northamptonshire from Fuller’s Worthies, 4/o. Ed. p. 157 to 186 . p. 22, See. Knights of County Northampton, (temp. Erlw. I.) . p. 23. Justices of the Peace, County Northamp¬ ton, 1680 ... p. 27. Lord Lieutenants, County Northampton, (imperfect and unarranged) . p. 30 Sc 31. ( Nobility, ancient and modern, deriving their titles from or resident in County Northampton. Barons by tenure or writ . p. 32 to 34. Peers by patent. (not entered.) . p. 35 to .. Baronets of Co. Northampton, [not entd.) p. 38 & 39. Knights of the Royal Oak. See B. p. 507. HeraldicVisitations, County Northampton p. 41. Gentry, County Northampton, in Hun¬ dreds (temp. Eliz.) . p. 42 Sc 43. Commissioners,Co. Nton.l‘2Scl9 Hen.VII. p. 46. Commissioners, Co. Nton. (temp. Car. 1.) p. 46 Sc 47. Compounders and Delinquents. Commissioners of Array (temp. Car. I.) p. 49. Catholics and Nonjurors, Co. Nton. 1715 p. 50. Grand Jury of Co. Nton. 1683 . p. 51. Land Tax of Co. Nton. and Rutland, arranged in Hundreds, imperfect .... p. 80 to 86. Governorsof Northampton Castle, Hen. II. to Edw. Ill . p. 108 to 111. Index .. p. 112 to .. 1975 4/o. 270 pp. II. Local Mem. relating to different Places in Co. Nton, by Archdeacon Churton.. p. 1 to 132. Collections relating to Middleton Cheney, and more particularly to the Rectors, by Archdeacon Churton . p. 133 to 190. Genealogical Mem. relating to the fami¬ lies of Lyons, Chetwode, and Wodhull of Warkworth, See., by Archdeacon Churton . p. 191 to 270. Index, blank at the end. 1976 Svo. 493 pp. I. 1. Parish Registers. Extracts from Parish Registers of Spelho, Newbottle Grove, Fawsley, Wardon, and Sutton Hundreds . Index of Persons . Index of Places ... p. 1 to 380. p. 381 to 489. p. 490 to 493. 1977 8uo. .. pp. 1.2. Parish Registers. Extracts from Parish Registers of Norton, Cleley, and Tow- cester Hundreds . p. 1 to 151. Index of Persons, } . / . , . .. n . ’ > not entered. Index of Places, j 1978 8uo. .. pp. 1. 3. Parish Registers. Extracts from Parish Registers of All Saints, St. Giles, St. Sepulchre, and St. Peters, Northampton. 94 pp. Index of Persons,! . , , . . c ... (nut entered. Index of Places, J 1979 8uo. .. pp. I. 4. Parish Registers. Extracts from Miscellaneous Parish Index of Persons,) . . , . , ,■ n , c not entered. Index of Places, J Registers. 19S0 8 vo. case, .. pp. K. 1. Catalogue of the Cardigan MSS. with Northamptonshire References to some of the Volumes. Catalogue of the Hatton MSS. with Northamptonshire References. Northamptonshire References to Private Libraries, viz. : lsham MSS. Hungerford MSS. &c. &c. Northamptonshire References to Bodleian Library, Oxford, viz.: in Browne Willis’s MSS. Gough’s MSS. &c. Catalogue of Bridges’s Northamptonshire MSS. 11981 8vo. 205 pp. K. 2. Northamptonshire References to MSS. and Deeds in the British Museum .. p. 1 to 158. Index of Places . p. 159 to 200. 11982 8 vo. case. L. Northamptonshire References to County Histories, Nicholas’s Leicestershire, &c. &c. Northamptonshire References to Topographical, aud other Works, waste. 11983 8 vo. case. M. 1. Mem. from Ledger of Henr. de Bray, (temp. Edw. II.) 26 pp. Northamptonshire References to Rot. Pat. from Hen. VII. to 8 Jac. 1. 87 pp. Index of Places Northamptonshire Deeds of Purchase and Exchange by Hen. VIII. and Edw. VI. 13 pp. Northamptonshire Sale of Crown and Sequestered Lands, 1650-4 13 pp. 11984 303 pp. M. 2. (Northamptonshire References to Record Report 8 pp. \ Rot. Orig. Rot. Cart. Inq. ad. q. d. Tax. P. Nich. Rot. Pat. ( &c. 35 pp. Abstracts of Inq. ad. q. d. Edw. II. and Hen IV. relating to Northamptonshire, with Index of Places 120 pp. Abstract of Northamptonshire Cases in the Parliamentary Rolls, with Index of References .... 120 pp. Northamptonshire References to Journal of House of Commons, 1641 to 1660 20 pp. 11985 8uo. 28S pp. N. 1. Translated Abstract of Cartulary of Daventry Priory (Cott. MSS. Claud. D. 12.) . p. 1. to 211. Norwich Taxation, 1254 . p. 214. P. Nicholas’s Ditto, 1291. p. 216. Survey in Cardinal’s Bundles, 1524-5 .. p. 218 to 221. Another Survey, (temp. Hen. VIII.) .. p. 223 to 233. Grants of the Sute, See. 16 Hen. Vlll. to 38 Hen. Vlll . p. 247 & 248. Indexes . p. 251 to 288. 11986 8vo. .. pp. N. 2. Translated Abstract of Cartulary of St. Andrew’s Priory, Northampton (Cotton MSS. Vesp. E. 17) p. .. Indexes. 11987 8vo. .. pp. N. 3. Translated Abstract of Cartulary of St. James’s Abbey, near Northampton (Bridges’s MSS. E.) p. .. Indexes. 11988 Svo. 251 pp. N. 4. Translated Abstract of Cartulary of Pipewell Abbey (Hatton MSS. 3 vo/s. 4/o.) . p. 1 to 227. Indexes . p. 228 to 251. 119S9 8vo. 137 pp. N. 5. Translated Abstract of Cartulary of Canons Ashby Priory, (penes R. Orlebar) . p. 1 to 100. Indexes . p. Ill to 137. 11990 8oo. 212 pp. N. 6. Translated Abstract of Cartulary of Bittlesden Abbey, County Bucks, so far as relates to Northamptonshire (Harl. MSS. 4714) .. p. 1 to 90. Indexes . p. 191 to 212. 11991 8«o. 158 pp. N. 7. Translated Abstract of Cartulary of Luffield Priory (penes Dec. and Cap. Westmr.) . p. 1 to 40. Indexes . p. 141 to 158. 11992 8oo. case, .. pp. N. 8. Miscellaneous References to, and Extracts from Cartularies. Indexes. 11993 Svo. case, .. pp. O. Ecclesiastical Grants, See. j Incumbents, Mem. pr. * Ecclesiastical Mem. unarranged. Tithe Causes Mem. 2. Norwich Taxation, County Northampton, 1254 (38 Hen. III.) . 38 pp. 3. Index to Ordinations of Vicarages .. 8 pp. 210 Catalogus Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 4. Extracts from Chauntry Roll, 38 Hen. VIII. 5. Extracts from Chauntry Roll, 2 Edw. VI. G. Extracts from Fee Farm Roll, 1G50. 7. Parliamentary Survey of Benefices, 1655 . 11994 8 vo. case, .. pp. P. 1. Local Mem. unarranged. 2. Chronological List of Inclosure Acts. 13 pp. 3. Chronological List of Local and Estate Acts. 71 pp. N.B—The Acts ticked off with red ink are in my Collection. 4. Northamptonshire Cases in Law Reports. 11995 4*o. 184 pp. Q. Index of Northamptonshire Arms. 11996 folio. 286 pp. R. Institutions of Incumbents, chronologically arranged, from the Creation of Peterborough See, 1541 to ... Index of Parishes .. p. 243 to 284. 11997 folio, 368 pp. S. Index to Incumbents . p. 1 to 341. 11998 folio, 378 pp. T. 1. Genealogical Mem. from Public Records, Cardigan MSS. &c. alphabetically arranged . p. 1 to 259. Indexes . p. 341 to 378. 11999 folio, 374 pp. T. 2. Genealogical Mem. and Pedigrees, with proofs from Public Records, Cardigan MSS. &c. alphabetically arranged. Index . p. 358 to 372. 12000 folio, 382 pp. T. 3. Genealogical Mem. and Pedigrees, with proofs from Public Records, Cardigan MSS. &c. blank. 12001 folio , 340 pp. T. 4. Pedigrees, with full proofs, from Public Records, Cardigan MSS. and other Authorities, p. 1 to 217. Inde: N.B.—Ped. The basis of the Ped. in black ink ; the varia¬ tions, corrections, and additions, with the authority for each, in red ink. 12002 folio, 369 pp. U. Births, Marriages, and Deaths of Gentry, from Parish Registers, &c. &c. &c. p. 1 to 218. Index . p. 362 to 369. Partly cancelled. 12003 \ 2 Vols. folio, 719 pp. U. 1 k 2. 12004 ) Births, Marriages, and Deaths, of Gentry from Parish Registers, Northampton Mercury, &c. arranged alpha¬ betically. p. 1 to 334 p. 334 to 524. Vol. 1, A. to P. p. Vol. 2, Q. to Z. p. 12005 folio, 366 pp. U. P. Births, Marriages, and Deaths of Peers, from various Authorities, alphabetically arranged . p. 1 to 362 Index of Titles and Names . p. 363 to 366. 12006 4fo. 286 pp. V. 1. Manorial and Local Mem. principally from Cardigan MSS. Hatton MSS. &c. p. I to 97. Index . p. 268 to 285. 12007 4*o. 462 pp. V. 2. Manorial and Local Mem. from Isharn MSS. p. 1 to 205. Index . p. 446 to 462. 12008 4*o. 282 pp. VV. 1. Manorial and Local Mem. from Evidences of Sir Charles Knightley, Bart. Earl Spencer, &c. .. p. 1 to 232. Indexes . p. 234 to 282. 12009 4*o. 364 pp. W. 2. Manorial and Local Mem. from Evidences of II. H. H. Hungerford, Esq. T. P. Maunsell, Esq. See. p. 1 to 253. Indexes . p. 26S to 349. 12010 4*o. 351 pp. VV. 3. Manorial and Local Mem. from Hatton MSS. Cardigan MSS. Evidences of Magdalen College, Oxford, &c. p. 1 to 234. . p. 270 to 351. Indexes 12011 4?3. 12137 do. do, do, Vol 2< No. 245-3.; 12138 do, do. do. Vol' 3, No. 245-3. 12189 Affairs at Bantam,between the Dutch, E. India C. 1685./. ch. No. 246. 12140 Revenues,.& Disbursements of the Kingdom./.* ch, rgh. cf. s. xvii. No. 249-2. 12141 Lord Conway-s Memoranda of Warrants, 1680-1. t /. ch. toll. v. s. xvii- A r o. 249-2. 12142 The Irish Book, or John Brice’s State Papers relating to Ireland, 1684. f.ch.rghxJN.w'ii. 251. 12143' Customs of Taunton Manor, 1603. J, ch. rgh. cf. s. xvii. Ao. 253. 12144a Belicions, 1681 ./i dL s. xvii Ao. 255. 12145 Guido de Musica. a. xi. U De Abaeo,fic {sue Index on fly leaf.) Jncip. “ Phitagoraa Pllilosophu&P’ 12140 Lord Guilford on.the Power of Pardoning. 8. 4 to. ch. toh. v. 8. xviii. No. 259- 12147 Receipts, 4* Payments of State 1689. 1. f - ch. s.xvii. No. 261-12. 12140' Law Reports ; beginning with Richd. Clanriekard Esq, ve.rsus Robt. Sidney., J. ch. s. xvii. 261-12, 12149 Depositions in the Exchequer m the Case ol Edind. Pfideaox, Esq. against Johai Whiltey. 7 Skins paerhment relating to Siuuiouth Alan nor, Co. Dev* Ao. 13. C. 2. No. 161-12. 12150 Notes out of Fennor’s Alarm. 11 Catalogue of Books. '4ihq. eft.n. xvii- 261-12. 12151 Jno. Andrew's Converted Man’s new Birth. 18»/o. ch. g. xvii- No. *261-12. 12152 How the Kinge of England maie raise monies. thin 4 to. ch. s. xvii. No. 26LI2. 12153 Collections for Herbert Pedigree. 4 to. ch. s, xvu. Copies of Records, 12 pages except the 1st. lent. No. 261-12. 12154 Revenues of the King, 1688-91.4to.cA.s.xvii.261-12. 12155' Gwynn’8 Army Commissions Bent out of England, 1702. thin f. ch. s. xviii. 261-12. 12156 CaseofRobt. Ayleway, Comptroller of Artillery. Ireland, thin f. ch. s. xvii. No. 261-12- 12157 Collections of several thousand Proverbs. J. ch. s.xvii. No. 261-1*2. 12158 do. do. do. do. /. ch. s. xvii. No. 261-12. 12159 Coats of Anns, beginning with St. George, Aragon, it Anstrygge, in blazon. 4 to. ch. s.xvi. AW261-12. Mr. Geo. Baker's MSS. Continued from p. 212. 12160 8uo. case . K. 3. Northamptonshire References to M SS. and Deeds in llic British Museum. ( unarranged .) 12161 8c&. Vol. ... K. 4. Northamptonshire References to T^ISS. and Deeds in the British Mus -um. N. B. K. 2. 3r K. 3. intended to have been in¬ cluded and incorporated in this Volume. 12162 4to. 440 pp. I. 1.1. General Index of Baronets in the Baronetages of Colliiis,( 1*720 ) Wotton (1727. 1741.) Almon (l76J.) Kitnber (1771.) Bethani (1801—1805. Playfair (1811.) and Debrett (1815 — 1828.) p. 1. to 400. 1*2163 folio, .. pp. K. K. K. Chronological List of the Mayors and Bailiff’s of Northampton from I. Kic. 2. (1377—1830) with Local Incidents and Occurrences. The foliowiny are labelled but not numbered. L. L. L. Miscellaneous unarrangodjj Memoranda; princi¬ pally Cuttings from the •‘ Northampton Mer¬ cury,” intenued to have been entered in K.K-K.K. M. M. M. 1. ‘‘Collection for Northampton Fire 1675.” con¬ tains Autographs of the Earl of Northampton, Sir Edmond Bray, ami the oilier Commissioners for. rebuilding the Town. M. M M. 2. Papers relating to. the “Great Election,” at Northampton, in 1768. 12167 folio , ertse. N. N. N. Miscellaneous Sketches of Pedigrees and Ge¬ nealogical Memoranda. 12.168 sm. vellum Roll. O. O.O. Pedigiy.e of Andrew, of Harleston. P. P. P. 1. Six Tantield Deeds, relating to the manor of Harpofe, &<*. P. P. P. 2. Four Vans Deeds, relating to Harpole. N. B. Vaux is stiled, not Lord Vuux, but Lord Hummed n. P P. P.3. Two old Leases of Green's -Norton Park; one Lease of the Manner of Pury, Ac. P. P. P. 4. Five Deeds, relating to Lands in Cosgrave. P. P.'P. 5. Grant to Robt. de Daventre, of Free Warren, in Daventry, Griinscote Ac. Deed relating to Lands in Kislingbury. Q Q- Q. Lease from Master of St. John’s Hospital, North¬ ampton, Deed relating to Linds in Gars ton, Deed relating to Lands in Spratton. R. R. R. Eleven Episcopal Institutions to Benefices in N ortham ptonshire. 8. S. S. Three Probates with Episcopal seals. T. T. T. Two Deeds relating to Grinlow, Co. Derby. 121J8 S'n. folio, *24 pp. U- U. U. Abstrac t of Title to Atherstone Manor, &c. Co. Waiw. Gavton Manor, &c. Co. Northampton, and Messuages in London. 12179 V. V.V. Thirteen Abstracts of Title to Manors and Lands in Alderto.ii, A Risingtmi, Co.Gloc.; Gt. Bourlon, Oxon.; Daventry, Sc Bugby, Co. Nton.; Siuke Poges, Sc Cublington, Bucks.; Pavenham, Beds.; Law ford, Wolphaineote, & Tysoe, Co. Warw.; Calver, Co. Dei by.; & Soulderne, ?. Co. Oxon.; Ac. in two parcels. 12130 thin \to. W. W. W. References to Northamptonshire, in Brit. Museum, Record Offices, Ac. 12169 12170 12171 12172 12173 12174 1-2175 12176 12177 12164 12165 12166 2 U Catalogus Manuscrjptokum in Bibliotheca Phillippica 12181 1*2103 12181 12185 12186 12187 1*2100 12100 12190 12101 1219*2 12103 12104 12195 Nutt, 1847. Bullinger's History of Zurich, from the Birth of Christ, to 1568.2. Vols. f.ch-s.xv i. wh.v. ? if Autograph. Vol. 1. 405 leaves beside Index. Vol. 2, 307 leaves ; no Index. Poullaiu’s Cour ties Monnoies, or Collections on the French Mint, & Coinage. 12 Vols. f. ch. s. xvii. Vol- 1. ( Old No. xiv.) contains. Extraitsdes Registres des Annees, 1400-1.to 1500. Vol. 2. xxiv. do. Vol. 3. 26. do. Vol. 4. 27-- do. Vol. 5. 28. do. Vol. 0.29. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1500—57. 1574—83. 1583—99. 1600—60. 1661—99. Vol. 7. xv. Aflineurs. Vol 8. xx Jurisdiction de la Cour. Vol. 9. 3i>. Tiiears d’Or. Vol. 10. .. Balaneiers,Doreurs, Fondeurs, Graveurs., Vol. 11... Marque Conlrolle. Vol. 12. .. Essayeurs, Balaneiers, Tailleur9. Charters, & Rolls of the family ol'Omnibeni, in Italy. (several hundred.) Vellum. S cec. xiv. xv. xvi. Sermones a die Palniaruro usqUe ad t'estum 5tae Do¬ minica; post Pa^pha. 8t ut. V. §• ch. s.xv. i oh.lthr. 1445. Script, per Pangracium, professura in Wal- tliansum, Mqnastcrio Sci. Johis.Evangelistic,Ord. S. Aug. Canonicor. Regular.**Pangracius Hales.” It appears to be Vol. 2nd. from folio 94 to 177. 12196 Libri tres; 1. I'ber die uns Can. 2. Die drew wesen der menseheu. 3. Das erst wedewt uns Lazarus. Script, per uianus Pauli Sbeinfurter, Ao. 140U. s. 4 to. ch. s. xv. 1*2197 Sentence of Divorce of the Baron of Creilsheim, n'J y ).lAto.veLs.w\[\.bound in wh.cf.by Brether ton. 12198 Appointment of Jacob Butter, to be His Mujestys’ Printer at Munich, 1744./. V. s. xviii. red. velvet. 12199 Lcgenda S. S. Cassiani Epi. T ; Gesta Henrici Imper- ' atoris, & Elizabethae, Vidua:., Turingorum Lant- gravia•/. V. s. xiv. wh. veil, stamped Arms on the Cover, 4 tcrly, 1. per bend nebulee.-'2. per jess, in chief Pay of 6, in base a fl. de lys. Rodd. 12200 Beda de Temphrjbus. Beda de Naiura Rerum. If Diony^ii Epistolax. If Mariani Scoti Crouicou. If llugonis Liber Qrouicarum. If Cronieon Abbatire de Dor v.f. V. blue Mor. s, xiii. 1243. with continuations to 1362. 12201 Horsley’s Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmore¬ land. it Durham Arms, 1673. -Uo. ch. s. xvii. £ cf. Ex Bibl. J. Townley, Wmi. Laing, it Alexri. Deuchar. 12202 Euvvdi. Jones {the Hard,) Edicta Bardorum, & Mu- sicoruin. oil. 4 to. ch. s. xvui. ^ o. veil. 12203 Bird’s Indexto Herefordshire Places, it Persons in Gents. Magazine, to i825. 4 to. ch. h slip, si xix. 1*2*204 Hist, of St. Michael's Mount, cum appendice Char- taruni./. ch. s. xviii. (1758.) 12205 Collections for Llantilio Cresseuy from 1009, to 1727. f.ch.halfcf. s.xviii. Lettered. “ Monmouthshire. ” 12206 Poirson, luvcntaire des Titres, Registres, Papiors, & Mcables de la Commune de Flavigny. thinf. ch. s. xix. (An douze de la Revolution Francaise.) 1*2207 Bigland’s Genealogical Papers for Gloucestershire, &c. l.f. ch. half cf. s. xviii. 1*2*2013 Carla: Antique. (60.) pasted into a Vol. 1. f. V. Pcluiit. brn. cf. S. S. E. I .to 1789. Ex liibl. Ducis Sussex 12209 Memoires de Jac. 2nd. Roy de la Grand Bretagne in 165*2-5. f. red mor. gilt ch. s. xviii. 1704. Arms on sides, quarterly. 1. a Tower within an orle of fl■ de lys, quartering 2nd. 3 round, Is-'ird. 4 . bendlets-A. as t. an escutcheon of pretence a .. .. in chief 3 roundels, impaling a fess. Trans¬ lated from the King's Autograph at the. Scotch College, in Paris. No. 254 in Bibl. Ducis. 12210 Dialogue of Obadiah Ben Israel, &c Andres Antonio “ sobre lafalcedad delos Evangelios ” compueste en Maruecos,8tcopiadol741./a# /.cA.emprin°ham. Ato. bds . ch.s. xix. copied from No. "2689 ill Bibl. Barberini. 70. 12252 Letters of Dr. Bliss, Dr. Nott, Dibdin, Brydges, Hasehvood. to John Fry, of Bristol. 4 to. ch. s. xix. cf. (102.) 12253 Fr. Wrangham’s Letters to Mr. Fry, of Bristol. 4 to. ch s. xix. half cf. (102.) 12254 B iss, Dibdin, Gilchrist, & Brydge’s Letters to Mr. Fry. 4 to. ch. s xix. halfgrn. cf. (102 ) 12255 Q. Elizth’s Confirmation to Arthur Basset of Dev¬ on,of the Manors of Heanton Puucherdon, Bulk¬ worthy, Rydlecombe, Heanton Forum, Beauford, & Mersh, Devon. Frampton Cotterell, Weston Biit, Ablington, & Sandhurst, Co. Gloc. Asser- ton, Co. Wilts. Yate, Co. G!"C. & Withycomb, Co. Som. Ao. 27 Eliz. The Head & Margin of this Deed finely illuminated Sc Portrait of Q. JElizth. in the beginning. On Vellum. The Arms k quarlerings of Basset on the sides. .. . 12256 State Letters to Mr. Wynn, Secretary to. Sir Leo- line Jenkins, f ch. s. xvii. (123.) 12257 Sebastiani Chiesa II Capitolo de Frati thick\\2mo. ch.s. xviii. Lx Bibl. Guilford. 12258 Origine della famiglia de Medici. 2 Vols. Ato. ch. s . xviii. 1788 12259 Regula S. Benedicti.4/o. v. s. xvii. Olirn Abb. S. Bernardi ad Scaldim. Obituariuni dictae Abbatire. [Veil written in imitation of print, with a Mead of St. Benedict, in Pen Sp Ink. Payne fy Foss. 1848 . Ex Abb. S. Stephani, de Nova Fossa. 12260.J1 Epistola Daciani, Fortunati, Boethii, Victoris Scolastici, Horontii, Vindiciani, Victoris, Janua- rii. Victoriani, Fontii. Episcoporum, ad Johaunem Presbyterum & Archiniandritam, & Venenuoi Di- aconum. H Fulgontius Epus. de Veritate Pradcstinalionis & Gratiae. ^ Petri Diaconi, Johannis, Leontii, Johannis, &c, Epistolee Daciano, Fortunato, Januario, Albano, Oroutio, Boethio, Fulgentio & Cieteris lipiscopis. It Kescriptuin Eporum. predictoium ad Petrum Dia- conum, k predcos. H B. Augustini Epistola ad Petrum Diaconum, Ilier- osolymara proficiscenti (6'ic.)qualiter debeut verm fidei recte tenere. sm. fol' v. s. viii. Scriptura Langobardica* {folia 513.) 12261. 2 S Augustinus de Vera Eeligione. if Do. de Utilitate Credeudi. ^ Do. Epistola: tres, if Do* Soliloquia. 11 Do. De Diviuitate Dsemonum. if S- Hieronymus de Resurrectione Carnis. ^ Do. de Melchisedec. 71 Anonymi opus cum Cassiaui Carmine. If S. Augustini Epistola ad Alypium, Episcopum Thagastensium, de Natali Leontii, Episcopi Hip- ponensis. Incipit , “De Negotio”. sm.J\ v s . vui. Scriptura La/tgobardica, (folia 197 .) 12262. 3 B.eda in Epistolas Catholicas. 1 Po. >" Apocalypsin. sm.fol. v. s. viii. (folia 208.) Scriptura Langobardica. ’ 12263.4 Eugippii Thesauras Ea-cerptoram ex S. Au!i : onibus. *[j S. Align.- tisi'is do Gratia ct Libcro Arbitral 5f Do. he Correptione et Gratia. !i Le Custom-, rui sc. 'psit Mille et Sexes* utos Li- bros. *'-•//. f. V 8. bL.fOi'r 5 I Go. 8 Exorcism; in tnt r.uuitiios. 51 IY !; ‘ 0 - a - t - aie Fa pa: A. ad Abbatem S. Benedict Supra Pad inn 51 Sermoi.es S. Maxi mi, Taurinensis Episcopi. 51 Hjmnus ad maims impositionem super Infirmos. 5f S. Ambrosius de Sacramentis, de Offieiis, de V'uga Secnli, et de Paradiso. \ Abxandri Pao.e Dec return, “qaot »n!:;sao in die cek-brare licet.” _yb/. v. s. xi. (Julia 2il4.) 12268 9 S. Augustmus in £ pistol am S. Joliis. Eva ig. 51 Do. de Fide et Opcribus, de L'isciplina Christiana, de Adallerinis Conjugiis, Epistola; de \ irpinitate, 'tde botio Viduttutis 5f Vita S. Heniigii Remen&is,ab Huicmaroscript .-.\ 51 Confectio pilluiarum ad usom Cculoruai et ad > omnem sanitutem. J 51 i)e Frocessione Spiritus Sancti. fuL V. s. xi. ( folia 13? ) 12269 10 S. Auguitinus de Civftr.te Dc-i large fol. with large illuminated Letters, v. s. xi. ( folia 293 ) 12270 11 Aimonis Omelive. large fol. v. s. xi. in Jine inu- tilus. (folia 199 ) 12271 12 S. Cypviani Epistola*. 51 S. Augustinus di Gratia et Libero Arbitrio 8 vo. v. s. xi. (folia 119 ) (Another work on VcUu/n and Paper, Scec . 1 xiii. was bound up Milk this, but it is sepa¬ rated and forms No. 12313.) 12272 13 S. Hieronymus in Psal.nos. l.Joi v . s. xii. (folia 235.) 12273 14 Cassiani Collationes Patrum./. v. 8. x\i.Jolial5ti 12274 10 do* do. do. sm* fol. v. 8. xii. folia 187. 12275 16 Sexta Synod us Constantinopolitana, tempore Imp. Constant ! ni et Agatkonis Pa par. If Hyinnus de Maria Magdalena. I,fol. v. s. xi. (folia 207.) 12276 17 Cassianus in Instiluta Monachomm. If Do. Collationes Patrum. f v. s. xii, (folia 19S.) 12277 18 Caesaris Commentaria. Soo. v, s. xv. To the Title of every Book is added this, “Julius Celsus ConstantinuSj Quintus Consul, emendavit’k 12278 19 Ciccronis Officia. 8r;o. v. s.xv. in a Case . Olim Q. Bernardini Ciroclii. 12279 20 Cornelii Celsi, Medici, Opera. 2 vols . sm. fol. v. 8. xv. interleaved. Script. Bononiee 1451. Olim Gaspari Zacchii* 12280 21 Juvenci Carmen in Evangelia. 51 Versus in Laudem Laurentii dc Medicis, nepo- tis Cosini de Medicis, per Christ. Val. sm. f, v. s. xvi. white veil. 12281 22 Virgilii Lneidos pars. f. ch. s. xiv. 12282 23 Melivetani Episcopi, Libri xv. Celeidos, sive De Gestis Dei. 8uo. v. s. xv. ineditum. old Stamped binding. 12283 24 Lactautius de DivinisInstitulionibus,cum Notis de Erratis Luctautii per Antonium Raudensem 12287 12288 21 ■ Xiv. 13 sm. fol. v. s. xv. wh. vel. 1*2284 25 Evangelistarium. sin. fol. v. s ■ xi. wh. xcl. 122bo 26 Psalteriura glosatum. sm. fol.v. s. xii. wh. v. I22S6 27 St. Bernaruus de Couscieutia. Italiee. s. xiv. 5f In nntio Corporis S» Antonivei. Eusebii Epistola de IVlorte S. Hieronymi. 5i S. Augustini .Epistola ad Ciriiiusu de do. 5i S. Ciriili do. ad S. Augustiuum de Mil raeuiis S. Hieronymi. Svo. v. s. xvi. dim Jut iib.-llus/oci ‘Stce. Agnetis. Brevia.-ium Fr.itrum Minorum, secund. consue. tau. Roman as Curiaj./. v. s. xiv. ha/J oil. .spot led sides. lo do. do. fol. v. 89 30 Missale Fratrum Minorum, secundum d.. thick fol. V. s. xiv. Jut a o.%‘) jd 31 Ib'gula jj. 1 rancisoi, i-t Iratruiu Miuorum 5f ’vitrt.et Miraeula S. Fram i-ei 5i Pftn Aurioli Postilla sup.ir Apocalypsiia. 51 PassioG. Marcelliui, per Fr. Lauren.iuimde A reche 5f Alb'ioi Quiestiones in Genesin. 5i De Liuro Nuiuerorum. •• Fr.L urent. do K .-.who. Mi list r in Pro.iocia Fei AatOnii, lecit :ne sc. i 5l Vern-i rb. Lg dn Layci, (Jidiuis Mmorum, d.t Virtutibus. 51 Testumei.tum B Fraucisei. /. v. s. xiv.IsC Page ilium. 12291 32 Autiphoiiale in Die PaOnarum qnaudo fit Pro^ cessio. ilium. 8 oo. v. s. xiv. (foliu 208.) 12293 33 Jacobi de Vuragiue Aurea Lugenda. 8 so. v. s. x : i i. red silk. 1*2293 37 Testamenmni Camilii Capiauici, Ao. 1550. l\vu. v s. xvi. Ar„.s on the Cover , 3 Cypress Trees' encircled u ith 3 Bings, and m base an Anchor, above the Cout is, Carotus, below U, Caprauica. J2294 38 Le Pus de la Moi t, muU h iinimin.. 1 ion 4 ,, after tlic manner of the Dance of Death, half p, If Mysteres de la Me»se. bi o. u s. xv. 12295 39 Provincials omnium FcJesiaru.n Christianarumj 51 De Expectativis (i. c Fees) 1 Imo wh. v. s. xv 1 *’f °f v ‘ i.x./o/ia .; . mutilus U initio. 122S7 41 Cautiei folium mulilum, 51 MissaJe. If Glossa Hyniuorura. 51 S. pros peri Epigram mala. 51 Catonis Senlentne. Y Cantica glossuta. 8uo. eh. s. xv. script^ 1418. Watermark like a Spear head, Src. 122 8 42 Libel* Judith & Apocaiypsis. 5f Passiones S^. Petri & Pauli, Laurentii, Andrea c Martini, Feiicis Marlyris, Agatha;, Blasii.Sevet l'i, Clementis, Mathei Apts:. Simonis, Judaa, Marci, Joannis, Pauli, Thumtu, St Bartholomei.i If OmeliiB S3. Hieronymi, Gregorii. * 51 Hist. Assumptions 13. V. M. 51 Sermones Bedae in f st. O* SS. do. in Natali Marty rum. f do. .S. Maxiini, & S. Augus'ini, &c. f. v. s. x. 12293 43 Missale secuad. consuetud. Roaiana: Curia:. /. v. s. xiv. ilium, initials. jJnn.i 3 trees Ijountl round with the Cable of an Anchor Inina mi uasc, Arms of Capranica. pp. 594. .2700 44 Missale Romauum. thick f v. s. xiii, 12301 45 Libro chiamato “Punge Liuguu”. 5f Cavalca del ordine di S. Domenico. 51 Carmina Italica. — f. v's. x;vr Olim Sororum Pauperum de Fabriano; scriplura cursiva. 1 12302 45 Li Fioriii del S. Francescho. IF Legenda de S. Clara. — -f. v. s. xiv. i 9 ., nQ in r ^^Soroiumde Fabriano. Scriptura cursiva. . I*.J03 ^6 a ouch mi Abbas in Apoealypsin, cum figuris in- • solltls. L Schemata Villarum Italim, Gallia, 8cc. &c. (?Fro- • vinciale.) v 51 Virtutes Morales, f. v . s. xiii. —304 47 Specchio de la Croce, cum figuris. ilium f v s. xiv. (1384.; J ' 12305 48 Seneca de Beneficio & de Ira (jja< 5J Do. ad Neronem de Clementia. . 1. ilium.) Catalogus Libborum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca I’hillippica. 217 If I)o. de 4 Yirtutibus. II Do. Proverbia, &c. f. v. s. xiv. Scriptur. Jtal. 2306 49 Senecae Opera queedam, cum Vita ejus /. v. s. xiv. (a leaf of Palimpsest loose.) 2307 50 Horatii Satyr®, Carolina, Epod.De Arte Poelica pay. !. ilium, iivo. v. s. xv. >Script. Pal. 2300 51 l i . <4. Lritonis, Ord. Fratrum, Vocabularium super tolaiu BibJiam. 8ro, v. s. xiv. 2309 52 Loci ScHptune, k index Librurum Biblire. If Regular Gla-iaturue. *11 Dies Egypt ; ac.i. I Protouotiirii, kc. Ecclise. Florentiav f.v.s. xvi, 2310 53 Brevianu u secundum eouMietuiimem Roman® Curia;, thick f.-v. a. xv man/' pages finely illu¬ minated in tjold , ft colours , in rick old binding with bra - s /no bs Script. 1471. 2311 54 Josephi Autiquitates Judeeoruro., Do. de Hello Judaico. Do. Qoiitra Maueiiiouem. l.fol. v. s. xiii. Oliui Fns. Jeronymi Fiauciseide Sienis,Os$. Frm. Heie.niiaruui, emptus in Verona 1393 aNScho¬ lar) de Dolcetiis. “Ego Julies. Coniario ipsum li- biumemi a p.edicto Fie. Jeronymo pro ducatis 21 auri “Questo libro era de la Libreria de Messer Juan Cornar, & tocco poi ala libreria de Messer Fan tin Curnar, in la division fatta d’ accordo, fra Messer Benedetto Cornar, <& mi, Francesco Cornar, a di ii. Junio, 1502. 2312 55 Hieronymus de \ita is Anthonii. Vi tie SS. Pauli, Simplieis, Hilarionis, Frontonis, Petagii, Mari® Egyptiacee, Euphrosinse., Mari¬ na. IF S. Athanasius de Vita Antiochi Monachi. If Vita •**'. Thaidis Meretiicis. If Doctrina Abbatis Siivani. I I l>e Monacho aDeemone decepto. If De 1’euitentia Theoplnli. II Visio S. Carpi. I Doctrina S. Athanasii. £ Charactere If \ ita S. Fursaei Abbatis j Longubardico Vila S. Helen®. II Visiones qua;dam. do. Aiatarii Abbatis. do. Moysis do. If De Coprt-s Presbytero, &: Pateriuusio. thick sm. it red rims. v. s. x. folia 434. Z313 Sermones. 4/o. ch. s. xiv. half morone cf- (This is divided from 12271.) Putlick , fyc. 2314 Law Precedents (1st, Agreement between G. T. & A. P. page 2 ) (837.) ful. ch J315 Le Merite i. fortune, ou L’ Histoire du grand Comte de Strafford, en verse lrancois, in 6 Books. IF 2 Pages of Cburch Wardens Accounts for St. Martin’s in 1763. fol. ch. s. xviii. (1207.) 2316 Ou Nobility, and Gentry according to the Laws of. England *f Knights, Esqrs. Gents, and Yeomen, according to the Laws. IF Sir Eobt. Cotton on Precedency between Eng¬ land, and Spain, f. ch. rgh. cf. s. xvii. (1187.) It belonged to Ames , of Norfolk. 2317 Genealogy of the Stewarts of Kirkfield, $-c. f.ch.half Id. cf. s. xvi. (Olim Georgii Chalmers.) 57L. 2318 Ogilivy’s Description of 9 Parishes in Scotland, 1724, sell. Cullen, Deskford, Fordyce, 8fc. f. ch. s. xviii. II Gariock’s Parish of Fetleresso in Mearns 1122 Ac. 2319 Warner's (Henry of Mildeu.hall,J Eevolution of England. IF Poem on the Dispensing Power awarded to K. James 2nd. pp. 159 2 Pols- fol. ch. s. xviii. 601. 2320 Alonzo de Palencia Historia del Rei Henrique, y adiccionada y corregida por Don Francisco de Trillo, et Figueroa, natural de Corunna, nel scino de Gallicia, Ao. 1647 .j. ch. redcf.gt. scec. xvii* folia 239. (599,) If Estarupa rostrio (?) y condiciones del Rei Don Henr. 4 to. (folia 47 •) If Libro 1 de la Istoria de Guicciardini (_ folia 31. If Segunda parte des Reiaciones del Mundo de) Juan Bottero. (folia II .J 12321 SirRobt. Southwell’s Case of Caius Hostilius Man- ciuus pp. 37. f. ch. s. xvii. with a letter to his (Sir P's) sou ('Ciutograph ) (297. ) 12322 Do. Translation of Cicero de Oratore, in 1700 f- ch. s. xvii. pp. 60‘. 290. •2323 Inventary of ’tVri.mgs in the Charter House of Hamilton. Ato. ch. s. xix (215.J 12324 fNouvelle UrduHii.iiice du Roy 1561 sur les Lois, et Coutum. s de Namur. /. ch s. xvi. (845) 12325 Regionamento di Carlo 5. al Re Philippo, suo figli- olo. (I Z2.) ^ Acuerdus del Carlo 5 para su Hizo en 1548. .IT Test.oueiito dal Re Don Phelipe 2. Antonio Perez sob re su causa. H Cartel il> 1 Ray de Francia a Carlos 5. IF Stico del Buy de Spagna. If Disco.so de: !)ui|ued' Ossuna, <&c. ^F Ei Cotide Ruanda de ius Cosas de Napoles. If Carta dot Marques no ihscaru al Carlo 5. IF Gustos ordinaries del Rey. IF Memorial tie ia Republica di Genova. IF Origen de los empegcos de la Corona de Spagna. *11 Caria de su Magestad al Cardenal Borja. ° IF Marques de Monte Claros subre la concession de los Millones que hizo al Cavildo de Sevilla. IF Carta del Rey Philip a los de Portugal. IF Los Titulos de cstos lleynos de Castilla y Leon. IF Pnsion del Arzobispo de Toledo por la S. Inqui* sition 1559. IF Car tie del Rey Maluco a Don Sevastian de Portu- IF Do. del Duque de Alba al Papa* If Sobre la consiitucion en que se hallan las cosas del Mundo,en 1630. II Razionamiento di Clemente a los Jesuytas 1594 11 Carta al Sen ado de Lisboa sobre la Sncession del Regno de Portugal, 1579. f Consults.sobre las Coscpanias on Espana. *FI lustruccion por lajornada del Cardinal Infante en Fiaudes. * % Carta del Emperr.dor contra los Beveldes. If Do. del Deque de Alcala al Conde Duque. II Memorial contra el Conde Duque. {Here an article has been torn out ) IF Carta de la Coudesa de Bedu al Rey 1629. H Sentimientos del Rey ea la correspondencia del Papa Urbano 8. 1632. f. ch. s. xvii. 12326 Marriage Settlement of Henr, Doughty, with Miss Bryne, f ch. s. xviii. IT Agreement for sale of Gussage St. MichL Manor Dors. Ashburnham, (837.) 12327 CrenoFogy of Scotish Kings* f ch. s. xviii. 293. 12328 Rev. J no. Morris, D. D. his Pieces Sacred, Moral, Satirical, th/c. 4 to. ch. half cf - s. xviii. contains IF On the Deity. IF Hymn to the Messiah. IF Lines on the Death of Rev. Philip Oliver. If On Rev. Mr. Nicholson’s Arrival at Bou&hton. ^F Atticus & Maria. II To i'hos. Paine. IF A Song written in 1798. On the Jacobins- IF The Chester Hudibras. IF Golden Scraps, or Dr. Morris’s Political Senti¬ ments. Ii Short Grammar of the English Language. IF Comprehensive English Latin,Greek, & Hebrew Dictionary. IF i he Scourge, or, “more of Dr. Morris’s Politics.” If Alexander, an Epic Poem; [The plan only.) II J he Sun, the Moon, and the Stars, being a Col¬ lection ol Bon Mots, some by Dr. Morris. % Eoyal Bruciiygraphy, or, Short Hand, by Dr. Morris, ( this is a strange Composition ) 777. 12329 Stonehenge, a Poem. 1815. 4Jo. ch. red . mar-s. xix 12330 Papers & Letter of Lord Moira, relative to the Murder oi Spencer Percival. 4 to. ch. s. xix. half cf 12331 Survey oi Aspeden Churcti ,june 1793, with draw¬ ings of the Church k Painted Glass & the Manor 818 Catalogus Librorum Manitscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. House, roy. 8 vo. ch• half grn. cf. s, xviii. 12332 Minutes of the Northampton Poll Book 1768 Very valuable foi tracing the existence # con¬ dition of the Inhabitants 231. 12333 Agreements h Judgements in Ecclesiastical Law /. ch. nh. vel s. xvii .frst two leaves wanting. 830. 12334 Wm. Sanderson’s Treatise of Statute Marchant. f. ch. s. xvii. 1186. 12333 Imperatores £c Pontifices post Fodericum 2. f. ch. s. xv. old cf. end /caviling] also the 2nd Book- Incipit ,,Si cito labimur ant repente delicimus”. 600. 12336 Professione di Fedc, scrilta da P. G al F . Giusep¬ pe San Felice, Gesuita, diraorante in 1'. Mia 1746. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. with the Autograph. 824 12337 Precedents of Criminal Law; beginning with an In¬ dictment for refusing to serve ihe uffice of a Jury¬ man of the Wardmote Inquest, London. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. 839. 12338 Pol! Book tor Mam stone, Kent. 4 to. ch. half red in or. Candidates F. A. «9f D. 740. 12339 Pocock s Collections from various Authors, relative to Greece and Home. 4/.o. ch wh. vel. s • xviii. 815. H A Poem by “Ric. Cambridge.” «! I. , ( ter ( Copyj from Q. Mary cf France, to Charles 1st. dated Amiens 16. Juue 1625. 1*2340 Pin & Ink Drawings of Scenes in Italy. From the Library at Stowe, most spiritedly 4' beautifully executed, fol. ch. s. xviii or xix 1409. 12341 Fcsbroke’s, (Rev. T. DA English Topographical Antiquities. Original MS. unfortunately much written in short hand. 1093. 12341*' Vox Popali, or “News from Spayce”. 15S. H Vox Spiritus, or, Sir Walter Raleigh's Ghost. 1i Senatus coU 'iiilum? x.lusarum Cantabrigiensium. H V< rses on the EJutder of Chas, 1st, Incipit 7 “When Peers Si Judges had by doome appointed. % Foen on Emigration to Virginia, incipit “Now Ireland i» pasta!! grace and neere to be reclaimed Virginia is the only place whence geld is to be gained” &c. ^ Epigrams. Various Political Poems of the time of Eliz. & Jac. i&t. ?by 1’ichd. Corbet, of Cambridge. s/n. 4 to.ch s* xvii pp. 352. 12342 Lord Grenville’s instructions to Lord Elgin, Am¬ bassador at Berlin. 4to-rgh. cf. s. xviii. 12343 Instruction cur la Langue Micknaoue. thin 4 to. ch. s. x x. ( i.diriJ) half red mor. 123:-; Statutes of St. John’s College, Cambridge. 4to. ch. 8. xvii. 'written by F. litres, whose name is at the end ( flodd.) 12345 Cartulary of Ely, copied from that in Cambridge Public Library. Svn. ch. s. xix. liafruss. ( Puttick) 12346 Cartularium de Rochester, fragmentum Copy Ex original* penes Rev. Tlios. Streatfield, {Puttick ) IyISS. Libri, ex Monas ter to de Siavelot. 12347 Josephi Antiquitatcs Judteoruns. H Do. De Bello Judaico At the end is this Note: “Suscipe, Sea. Trinitas Oblationem hujus Codicis quern e^o, peccator Goderannus, scribendo, & Frater Cuno, Per^a- meuam sumrcinistrando, turn delegavimus servitu- ii. ad honorem Sei. Petri & fcioi. Kemacli, in Ecclesia Stabulensi. §c. thick fol, v. s. xii. Inside the Isi. Cover is this “Iste Liber pertinet Ecclse. Sci. Kemacli in Stabulaus. 12348 Evangclia. thick 4to. ilium, pari or purple Veil. « i'h Gold 2; Silver Letters. One page in gold let¬ ters , but the figures of all the Evangelists , who were, no doubt, onee in the Vol have been cut out,it is otherwise much mutilated. scec, x. or xi. Ex Abhl. Stabulensi. ' 12349 Gregcrii Nazianzeni Opera. Latine. fol. v. s. x or xi In the beginning are two fly leaves of ike Life of tfl. Katharine , Sac. si. 12350 12351 12352 12353 12354 12355 12356 12357 12358 12359 12360 12361 Cassiodorus in Psalmos./. v. s. x. A. D. 975. Dated DCCCCLXXV Ex Abb. Stabulensi, , Gregorius in Job.y. v. s x Eugippius in S. Augustinum.y. t>. s. x. Hammer MSS. 1850. Coote Correspondence. 3 Yds. 4to. ch. s. xv; half grn. cl. Placita Adjudicatatemp. Joh. FI. 3. E. 1. 2.1 R.c. 2. FI 4. 5. f ch. s. xvii folia 125 No. bik. cf. gilt . Arms on sides, a Cliev. belw. roses 6 Sc 4 quartering a li. r. Oli/n Thomte Asi & Joh is. 'lop ham. 219. Feoda Militum, or Knights Fees, pro Com. No 24 H. 3. /'. ch. s. xvii. Otim Joins. Topham, tw\ his Book-plate of Arms 223. ?if oli/n Peiri Ee Neve. Abridgement of Parliamt. Rolls from 1. R. 2 . to H. 5. Cartes qiuedam ejusd. temp. ^1 De Clerico Parliament. II Boroughs which sent Members 11. Ric. 2.f. c n. xvii. Oli/n Guillmi Brander, et Johrs.Topha.i with Book Plates of J. Topham, and Job 11 d mer, 217. S. Gregorii Omelue, cam Epistola Gregor ii ad S. cundum, Kpiscopum Tauromitanae civitatis f.t *• xiii. initio . In the beginning on a fly leaf/ this Note in a large hand of Ike time of Hen. “Anno Domini MCCXLVIII. dedit Dompnti Abbas et Conventus de Kayrlion Conventui i Ileyles, ad instanciam Domini Ricatdi, Comii Cornubise, eg-regii fundatoris illius domus, et frJ dni. Henrici, Regis Anglia;, tercii, hunclibrum On the fly leaf at die end , in a hand apparently i the beginning of H. 3. is ibis Note est el pensa quam Prater JewafTalrein in fodiendoc ca pratum q- ipse tenet a filiis Meurihc tilii R,i allan aptul Lan Leclieu expendidit, qnam etit lilii Meurihc, in hoe conventionis sute, ipsi Ira J. vel alteri, qui in loco ejus in grangia Abbafc successerit,sicut in ingressu couvencois. habit* t tereos perspicue declaratum est, restituti sunt, autera xxx et iid. Et si quid adhuc in cousin; opere de cetcro expendendum est, supradictis x et iid. addatur, et totum simul liliis M. in lii convencionis, ut dictu,n cst,computetur. , ’ < 4?id u dcr this is the following Note “Kedivor filius Johis. tilii Edwi, accommodav Fratri Fhilippo, filio Seisil 30 solidos ad tacien molendinum de Mais tyr Kanvuur, Anno ab incn natione MCCiiii. quos ipse Kedivor til, Johis. a sponsa ipsius, Angharatt,filia Waited, cumnecesi habuerinl,ab ipso IValre Philippo, vel a successes ejus, in grangiamde Mais tir ixanvaur percipiem On the last fly leaf is the word “Lanternan” 2i Cotton’s Abridgement of the Records by Prymn with MSS. Notes and MSS. additions. 224. fol. 3689 a Marginal Note in the Title , oppog) the Words “Coliected by Sit Ilobt. Cotton.^ sa “This is not true; it v. as collected by Mr. Bowy the Father, who was Keeper of the Records a the Tower, temp. Q. Eliz. and being found by ^ Prynne, among Sir Robt. Cotton’s MSS. was su posed to have been collected by him.” David Dowell's MSS. some families among the Nobilily of En^-Iar 4fo. ch. s. xviii. grn vel. David Powell’s Drawings of Westminster C House Seals. 5 Y cla. fol. half red mor. Vol. 1. ’96 pages. Vol. 2, 132 pa°- e s* Vol. 216 do. Vol. 4. 212 p. Vol. 5. 156 p David Powell s Narrative of his Campaio- n8 i land, Flanders, and Spain, 1792. ^-c. ° 12wo. ch, s. xviii. xix. red russ . Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Piiillippica. 219 St. George, fyc. MSS. 1852. 12362 Book of Fees to the King’s Officers, f ch. wli. v. 1618 12363 Calendar (General) of Visitations in the Heralds College,^ ch. unbound 12364 Index of Ancient Families, f ch. s. xvii. 8 leaves 12365 Slatyer’s Genethliacon, printed 1613, thin f with the Author's Autograph 12366 History of the Butler Family, of Ireland, thin f. ch. unbound 12367 Ditto ditto, Duplicate, with drawings of seals, thin f. ch. bd. in a Deed of Sir Nicholas Bacon to Sir H. St. George 12368 Index to Gentry and Knights of the Garter, tallf. ch. unbound, s. xvii. begins 202, ends 865 12369 Fragments of Heraldic Papers and Sketches of Arms, &c. thin f begins p. 180, ends p. 214 12370 Richard St. George’s Collections from Records, (first leaf lost,) 179 leaves and Index, f. ch. s. xvii unbound 12371 Ordinary of Arms, beginning with Crosses en¬ grailed, (first Holcroft,) ends with Fesses. 55 leaves, f. ch. in parchment cover 12372 Italian Coats in printed shields, to folio 7, the rest blank,/, ch. unbound 12373 Nobilitie of England, from W 1 to 22 E. 4, ap¬ parently George Owen’s MS. folio, ch. s. xvii. unbound 12374 Grants of Arms to Edward Boughton, of Kent, &c. thin f. ch. lettered “ Hantshire,” unbound, p. 49> more or less : ends with Ped. and Irose 12375 Jno. Guillim, de Aldermanis, thin f unbd. p. 24 12376 Sir Thomas Overbury on the 17 Provinces, and on France, thin f. not bound,/ ch. p. 40 12377 Lord Chancellor Ellesmere’s Breviate, 17 Jac. 5, thinf. ch. not bound 12378 Abuses of Officers of the Exchequer, thin f. not bound, 24 leaves 12379 Genealogia deZouch, f. ch. unbound, 75 leaves 12380 George Owen’s “Issue of Sir Harry Wogan, of Boulston, and of Thomas Wyrriolt,”/’, ch. unbd. 12381 A Militarie Discourse touching an Invader, f ch. s. xvii. unbound, 38 leaves 12382 Excerpta ex Recordis per ? Ric. St. George, f. ch. s. xvii. unbound, 97 leaves, beside Index 12383 Collection of Pedigrees from Records by ? Ric. St. George, from folio 74 to 142, on slips of paper, f. ch. s. xvii. unbound. N.B. An early Pedigree of Bertie 12384 Armesof Nobles and Knights at the Siege of Calais, 20 E. 3, 1345, l.fi ch. s. xvii. unbound 12385 Pedigrees of Norman Earls, &c. temp. Conq. &c. IT Blank printed Shields without Arms, f. ch. un¬ bound. Begins with Ric. fil. Gisleberti 12386 Question by Judges concerning Forests If How Gaolers ought to keep Prisoners, thin f. ch. 12 leaves, unbound 12387 A Treatise of Wills and Executors,^ ch. s. xvii. unbound, 96 leaves 12388 Burridge (Dr.) on the Present State of Ireland, and the Difficulties a Chief Governor there will have in holding a Parliament IT Antiquites Romanies IT On the Woollen Manufacture in 1697 If On the Trade of Ireland, 1697 If John Lord Berkeley on Government If Sir H. Shore on the Building Lord Notting¬ ham’s House If Denzill Lord Holies to Mr. Van B. de M. on the Government of England in 1676 If Sir William Coventry on the Decay of Rents in 1670 If Sir Henry Spelman on the Balance of Govern¬ ment If Heneage Finch on theTryal of Lord MacGuire, 1641 If Speeches at the Council Board, in 1599, about Tyrones Rebellion If Sir Robert Southwell’s Advice to his Nephew, Sir John Percyvale, on his going into Ireland IT Boswortli Field, a Poem, beginning “ The Winter’s Storm of Civil Wars I sing,” &c. ends “ So loth he was to lose his right pretence.” If Mons. Gailhard’s Advice concerning Travel. Mr. G. was Governor abroad to Sir Philip Percival in 1676 If Mr. John Gailhard on the present Wars in Flanders, with England’s Interest in it «ff The Duke of Buckingham and Normanby’s Short Character of Charles II. King of Eng¬ land, “Lent me by Lord Dorset, 1710.” ^f Mr.Veasey’s (since Archbishop of Tuam) Fune¬ ral Sermon of Robert Southwell, Esq. 1677 The Earl of Melfort’s Negotiations at the Court of Rome in 1689-90 If Lord Strafford’s Trial, 1641 If Philo-Britannus on the Constitution of the King¬ dom of Ireland and the Management of the War there, 1641-2 ^f Anthony Sanbery on the Power over the Militia If Coroner’s Inquest on the death of Mr. Robert Percival, slain in the Street If Beck’s Notes on Lord Mac Guire’s Rebellion If Modus tenendi Parliament urn ^f Payments for Civil Affairs in Ireland in 1684, or the Irish Civil List If Ditto for Military Affairs, 1684 If Of Wolves in England ^f Lord Chancellor Bacon on the Parliament of James I. in 1621 Constitution of the Exchequer in Ireland If Of the Commission for receiving and disbursing of Charity to Converts from the Church of Rome, begun 24th April, 1717, dissolved in A. D. 1729 If Lawrence Casotti’s Letter to Roman Catholics of high rank, to justify his separation from the Romish Church Thorpe, junior , 8fc. 1851-2. 12389 Chalmers’s Glossary of Scottish Words, 4 to. cf s. xviii. Jncipit, “Ancrum called Alnicromb.” (No. 63 T.) 12390 Risdon’s Survey of Devon, f ch. s. xvii. hf. rgh. cf. interleaved, p. 173. (169 T.) If Sheriffs of Devon to 9 Car. 1 Captains of Hundreds in Co.Devon, temp. Ric. 3 12391 Julia, a Novel composed in 1803 for the Marchio¬ ness of Bath, 4 to.grn. mor. p. 274. (95 T.) s. xix. Incip. “Chapter I a Candlestick.” 12392 Leveland’s Coats of Arms of Knights, temp. FI. 2, emblazoned thin f. halfbrn. mor. (No. 178 T.) 12393 Livings in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, thin f. cf. s. xviii (161 T.) 12394 Arms of Lincolnshire Gentry, emblazoned thinf. hf. rgh. cf. ch. s. xvi. Old Press mark, E. xi. vol... Ex Bibl. Rev J. Newling. (175 T.) p.76 *|] Arms of Peers 12395 George Nedham on the Traffic with the House of Burgundy, addressed to Q. Elizabeth, thin f. vel. s. xvi. Old Press mark, E. \7. five last leaves damaged by mice. (203 T.) 12396 Instructions for Captain Lyttleton, Deputy Governor of Guernsey, f. ch. s. xviii. vel. (\73 T.) ^f Answer of Chas. Lord Hatton to the Guernsey Address Sir Thos. Browne, of Norwich, on an old Pro¬ phecy 12397 Copies of Papers relating to Cromwell and the Regicides, tallfol. cf. s. xvi. (166 T.) 12398 Papers relating to the Manor of Southwark,^ ch. s. xviii. cf. interleaved. ( ... T.) 2 vols. 1771-88 12399 Poems on Various Subjects, thin fol. vel. s. xviii. initio, damaged at the top by water. (I 59 T.) 220 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Biiillutica. 12400 Arms of Welsh Families, begins with “ Bmchwell, Prince of Powys,” fyc. <®fc., “ Montgomeryshire,” under which is the coat of arms of six quarterings, f. ch. s. xv ii. bound in a fragment of a vellum pedi- gree of Wycherley of W ycherley. (227 T.) 12401 Meynell Pedigree, down to 1824, thin f ch. half dk. cf. (No 589 Mnule), p. 74, s. xix. 12402 Copy of the Dering Roll of Arms, emblazoned. Olirn Radulphi Starkey, 1597, “ now belonging to Rev. Mr. David Powell.” 324 coats Copy ofLcland’s Roll of Arms in Trick, thin f ch. s. xviii. vel, cover, lettered on back “ Baronies and Arms," p. 36. (171 T.) 12403 List of Mayors of Waterford, to 1732, and Grants to the Town, f. ch. s. xviii. wh. v.Olim Jeremies Mills, D.D. Vl 81 T.J 12404 Leges deCuriisEcclesiasticisquiu celebrantnr anctori- tate Archicpi.Cantnar infraCiv it.London, soil. Curia de Arehubns, / the Guavas family. At the end is A Dissertation on the Cornish language, and an interpretation of Cornish Names of Places and Persons. (6\ T.J 12410 Tephilloth Nihachanunim, or Prayers and Suppli¬ cations for the Day of Atonement, according to the custom of the Portuguese Jews, 4 to. V. s. xv. old brown cf. Ex. Bib'. Ducis Sussex vi. 1. c. 2. (107 T.) 12411 A Politique Dispute about the happiest Marriage for the Noble Prince Charles, thin sm. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. Of the Inferior Germany .which they call Neider Deutschlaude, we, the Low Countries. (64 T.) 12412 Legenda Matron® Anna?, genetricLVergiuis Mariae. et Jesu Christi Aviae a ij De Digito S.Annse deCivitate Parnsiensi Civitate Italiac ad Coloniam Agrippinam delato, ao.1478 Carmina in Crucem S. Anne, thin 8 vo. ch. s. xv. fine wh. r. (104 T.) 12413 Juvenal, collated with MSS. 2 vols. thin 4 to. ch. s. xviii. sewed (96 T.J 12414 Liber Niger Dotnus Regis Edw. IV. Transcribed by William Lambert,with Index, sm. Ato.ch.s. xvii. p. 294, beside Index, blk. cf. (76 T.) damaged by water 12415 Ludovici, MonachiCamaldulensis, quondamHermolai Donati filii, Oratio ad germanum suum Domiderun Petrum De Rerum Grmcarum Mutatione Incipit, Animadverti nonnunquam,0. Angele, te admirari solere meam, ut ita dixeriin, cuncta- tionem Ex Libro Laertii Diogenis de Vita Philosopho- rum, quern traduxit Frater Ambrosius, Gene- ralis Camaldulensium. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xv. wh. v. Ex. Bibl. Ducis Sussex VI. s. vi. ix. (106 T.J 12416 Sir John Nisbet’s Legal Observations, 1666-76, sm. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. old brn. cf. “Bought at David Grceme's sale, 1788.” p. 298. (115 T.J Percival MSS. 12417 Conclavi dei Papi, 4 vols. 4 to. ch old cf.gt. s. xvii. scil. usque ad 1655, scil. P. Nichi 5 Pauli 4 Calixti 3. Pii 4 Pii 2 Pii 5 Pauli 2 Gregorii 13 Sixti 4 Sixti 5 Innocent 8 Urbani 7 Alexri 6 Gregor 14 Pii 3 Innocent 9 Julii 2 Clement 8 Leonis 10 Leonis 11 Adriani 6 Pauli 5 Clement 7 Gregorii 15 Pauli 3 Urbani 8 Julii 3 Innocent lU Marcelli 2 Alexri 7 12418 Conclavi dei Papi, another copy of the following, but lettered 11 V ol. V.” and bound uniform, 4to. containing Pauli 3, 1523 Julii 3, 1555 Marcelli 2, 1555 Pauli 4 Pii 4 Pii 5 Greg. 13 Sixti 5 Urbani 7 Greporii 14 Innocent 9 Clement 8 Leoiiis 11 Pauli 5 Gregorii 15 Urbani 8 Bonne. 12419 Lettere di Cardinali Chigi, 5 vols. marked X. XI. XIII. XVI. XNIll. from 1659 to 1664. old press mark, “ C. 9, No. 1,” 4 to. ch. s. xvii. wh. vel. Rodd MSS. 1849, or 50. 12420 Medical and Culinary Receipts, fol. ch. s. xviii. Begins with “ Dr. YVhalle^’s Directions for Lady- Grace Talmach, aged 4 years, in a consumptive illness,” and it contains “Prescriptions by Sir Hans Sloane, Ac.” p. 556, besides Index, rgh. cf. 12421 Wasia; or Coats of Arms of the Bailiffs, and Eschevins of Waes, and the years when they served. 300 Coats emblazoned, f. ch. s. xviii. hf cf gt. 12422 Collections for History of English Bishops, f. ch. s. xviii. wh. v. The Author says, “ Incepi 16 Junii, Trinity Monday, 1712.” p. 400, a few leaves torn 12423 Speculum Humanaa Salvationis, with 182 Pen and Ink Drawings, painted, f. ch. s. xv. red mor. gt. A Note says, this is “ Fac-simile of the rare Book attributed to Lawrence Coster, which sold for upwards of £300. 12424 Felix Marte de Ircania, a Spanish Romance,^. ch. s. xv i. wh. vel. folia 500. The Colophon says, “ Acavose el presente libro en la mui noble y leal Billa de Vallid (Pincia olro tiempo llamada) en la Oficina de Francisco Fernandes de Cordova ynpresor de la Magestad real a veinte dias del mes de Agosto ano de mil y quinienlos y cinquenta y seis anos.” 12425 Besclireibung des Reichstat Nuremberg, with Arms and Paintings, f. ch. s. xvii. Ex Bibl. Zahnii 12426 Nicholas de Nenvill de Villeroi Memoires de Charles IX. Iloi de France, f. ch. s. xvi. wh. v. 12427 A Javanese INIS- subject unknown, f ch. bombycina , 1 }j inch thick, richly stamped covers, brown leather, about 200 or 300 pages CaTALOGUS LiBROKUM MaNUSCRIPTORUM IN BlBLIOTHECA Phlllippica. 221 12428 Suit of Chudleigh against Hervey, Lord Bristol, re¬ specting his marriage, \T78, thin fch. j.xviii.jo.20 12429 Francisci de Gurrea y Aragon, Duque de Villa Hermosa, Compondio Ilistorial de lo sucidido en el reyno de Aragon in 1591-2. It begins with a description of the MS. from which it was taken , which teas a folio on vellum , f ch. s. xviiii. hf. Spanish cf. 12430 Extinct Nobility, with their Matches. On p. 1 is this —“ The Memoirs of Henry Longueville de Civitate Londini Mercatorum Scissorum in parochia St. Brigettae et in.vulgo dicto Ludgate Hill, in aedibus .Dolphin.” f ch. s. x\iii. red cl. imperfect 12431 Officium Mortuorum, with Music, f. v. s. xiv. thick wooden boards. Incip. “ Incipiunt Vigil, de- functorum.” 12432 Bishop Guthrie’s Troubles of Charles I. f hf cf. ch. Graham's Account of the Earl of Glencairn’s Expedition Sir Archibald Primrose’s Papers Lauderdale’s Mode of Restoring the Govern¬ ment, 16G0 Literal a Scotia, with other State Papers, f. ch. s. xviii. p. 104 12433 Tarikh Tabari, narrow folio, ch. s. xvi. light brown cnlfOlim Wini. Gladwin , Wmi. More, of Had- jeepoor , p. 492. Ex Bibl. 12434 Constitutions de la Diete general ordinaire tenne aVarsovie,6 Oct. 1764 to 1768, 2 vols.f. hf.brn.cf. 12435 Storia di Gran Duca do Toscana, 2 vols.f ch. russia, 180 leaves. Vol. 1 missing 12436 Estatz de Tours soubz Charles VIII. 1483, f ch. s. xviii. old red French mor. gilt, gilt edges, stamped on the sid/'s with these arms, A chev. bt. 3 mullets, in nombril point a crown. Inside is this book plate, O a bend G. quartering, O. on a pale G. 3 chevronels, A. over all an inescutcheon of pretence Az. 3 f. de lys A. in fess point, a baton coupe, and in chief a label of 3- Numbered 1697 in one of the two possessors whose arms are above. 12437 Estatz de Blois soubz Henry III. f ch. s. xviii. bound to match the last vol. and same book-plate. No. 1699, in the library of one of the possessors 12438 Hon. Philip Yorke’s Journal of Remarkable Pas¬ sages and Debates in the Third Session of the Third Parliament of George III. 1743, with Characters and Anecdotes of some of the Speakers, 4 to. ch. s. xviii. o. wh. v.pp. 214 Minutes of Private Letters from Lord Sand¬ wich to Lord Chesterfield and others, 1747-8 Inquiry (1753) into the Charge of Disaffection to the King against Johnson, Bishop of Glou¬ cester in 1732 12439 Hugh Scott’s Voyage to St. Helena, Bencoolen, and China in the Ceres, 1813, written in Verse, f. ch. s. xix. p. 128 12440 Laws and Charters of the Town of Montgomery. The Arms and Seal emblazoned in the Title, f. ch. s. xix. cf 12441 Restauracion de la Ciudad de Tarragona en 1392, por Diego Raymundo Segui, y Casanova in 1770, f. ch. s. xviii. sewed 12442 Tansii Historia Monast. S. Michael. Arch. Montis Caveasi Casinensi ab ao 1065 ad 1484, ex ejusd. caenobii Tabulario; cum Genealogia Principum Benefactorum. f. ch. s. xvii. p. 224. Ex Bibl. Comitis Guildford, L. 16 D. 12443 Customs, Services, and Royalties, of the Manors in the Richmond Lands in Kendall Barony, West¬ moreland, 1574, f. ch. s. xvi. Ex Bill. Johis. Gibson et AlaniChambre, p. 236. old brown vel. 12444 Santes deArdoynis dePensauro deVenetiis(aol412.) contra Sterilitatem Mulierum, thick f. ch. s. xv. 376 leaves 12445 Michaelis Hsebereri, (Brettani Archi-Palatini,) His¬ toria Servitutis Egyptiac®, tribus libris exposita. This is an account of his own captivity in Egypt in 1582 Narratio Legationisin Bohemia, Polonica,Suecia, & Dania, et Urbibus Hanseaticis. Olim Germanice ab Authore scripta, nunc Latine versa per Daniel. Pareum. f. ch. s. xvii. (? an sit in fine perfectum) hf. red leather 12446 Petitions to the Senate of Venice from various persons,/.’ ch. s. xvii. wh. v. not paged 12447 Primeiras Cortes del Hey D. Aff’onso Henriques fillio de Conde Henrique, nas quaes se establecem Leys, e se trate de negocios de grande penderacam, e momento,/! ch. s. xvii and xviii. Portuguese cf. gilt. Being a Collection of various Original Papers, printed and MS. 12448 Bennetti Venieri Teatro del Dominio sovra l’Ad- riatico, dated “ Venetia, 1st Sep. 1703.” thick f ch. s. xviii. with Appendix lo 1705, under Antonio Nani. 270 leaves, besides 43 leaves of Index and 2 leaves of Dedication, fyc. 12449 Istoria Del Origenismo Dissertation on the Condemnation of Origen in the GEcumenical Council,/! ch. s. xviii. wh. v. Ex. Bibl. Guilford. No paging 12450 Francisci Gaetani Pucci Lettere, 4 to. ch. s. xviii. wh.v.Arms of Pucci, Per fess Az. and A. in chief 2 mullets between a label of three points; in base, a Moor's head, coup. 12451 Dramas in the Slavonic Language, scil. 1 Elena od Paridda Vgrabien 2 Deidamia and Achilles, 8 vo. ch. s. xviii. hf. blue marbled vel. 147 leaves. Ex. Bibl. Guildford. 12452 Origen de la Casa de Lecca, 84 leaves, sm. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. Spanish cf. gt. 12453 English and Welsh Poems, sm. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. Among the Poets are Gruffth Phillip, Row¬ land Vaughan, Ric. Roberts, of Trawsfynydd, Cadwaladr, Cisel, Hugh Morris , Owen Jones, Ric. Kynwall, Watkin Clywchwr, Wm. Phillip, Robt. Hughes, Thomas Hughes, Jno. Vaughan, Maurice Powell, Thos. Prys, of Plas lolyn, John Griff th, of Llandyjfnan, Jno. Owen, John Roger. Inter alia, “A Prophesie, found in the Abbey of St. Benedict, in Norfolke.” “ The Winning of Calais.” The book appears to have belonged to Owen Wynne, in 1680, and Wm. Elias in 1728 and 1763. There are some al¬ lusions to the Civil Wars of Charles I. Wm. Elias writes in p. “ Wm. Elias, his book, the gift of Owen Griffyth, Poet, 1728.” The Matches of Howel ap Meredyth, and of his Descendants Marwnad John Bodwrda. The latter part of the book is much damaged. 12454 Welsh Grammar, 18mo. ch. s. xvii. p. 288 or 90, vel. 12455 Rent Books of the Doughty Estates, co. Middlesex, 2 vols.fol. ch. xviii. and xix. (1750 to 1818), vol. 2nd. p. 188 12456 Court Rolls of Thingden, Gippewic, Alvard Pipe Roll Extract, temp. C. 2. for Daniel Tyas, of Worcester ^ Billa Placitorum Thom® Ken, pro com. Mon¬ mouth, 12 Car. 2 12457 Rotulus de Reddilibus, or. Terrier of Rents, in. near Cheshunt, Herts, (a roll on vellum.) (Ao. 12 11. 4,) belonging to John de Levethorp. Some of the places names are, Oldburyfeld, Rolondes- feld, Aldrichcroft, Billesmorefeld, Bollewellfeld, Halfhidefeld, Mershcroft, Catelynfeldes. With a continuation to 5 H. 5 T. Rodd. Ex Abb. Stavelot. 12458 Liber de Diversis Questiunculis, cum Responsioni- bus suis, quern jussit Domnus Rex Carolus tran- scribere ex autentico Petri Archidiaconi (de) Arte Grammatica Priscianus •} Diomedes de Arte Grammatica, old oak bds. ivith clasp , s.f v. s. ix. CaTALOGUS LlBKORUM MaNUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PlIILLIlTICA. 12459 Vita et Miracula S. Remacli^ v. s. xi. imperfect in beginning , in oak boards 12460 Vitae Sanctorum, soil. Cvpriaui, Justina?, Amandi, Eleazari, Afra?, (imperfect) Otiliap, (imperfect) S. Marci, Remigii ab Hincmaro, (imperfect) with verses at the end, Tiburtii, Benedicti. f v. s. xi. old monastic binding. / ch. s. .(249) 12485 20 Azione Bellica in Campagna, e intornoalla For- tezza, /! ch. s. xviii. (...) 12486 21 Baltazar Ristretti di Cose nelle Memorie Re¬ condite di Vittorio Siri, dal 1600 al 1640. f. wh. v. ch. s. ... (207) 12487 22 Tractatus de Bannitis, f. ch. s .(162) 12488 23 Baraldi (J.) Li Medaglie di Csesari e di Provincie Vaillanti Numismata, f ch. s. xviii. (332) 12489 24 Barbazzi (Conte Andrea) Poesie, 4 to. ch. s. ... pp. 396 (150) 12490 25 Barrufaldi Storia di S. Caterina di Bologna, 2 vols.f ch s. ... autogr. (341) 12491 26 Bartolini (Pier. Dom.) da Empoli, Bacco in Boemia, f. ch. s. ... (84) 12492 27 Do. Jesseida, tradotta dal Latino del Padre Vicich,/. ch. s. xviii. in 1713 (136) 12493 28 Do. della Politica di Giuslo Lipsio, f. ch. s. ... pp. 408 (172) 12494 29 Beccadelli (Ludov. Arcivescovo di Ragusa) Vita del Cardinal lieginaldo Polo Marino de Cavalli, Relazione della sua Am- bascieria al Imp. Carlo, 1560, f. ch. s.. (300?) 12495 30 Benazzi (Giorg.) Discorsi del Iberico f ch. s. xvii. pp. 1341 (...) 12496 31 Beni (Girolamo) L’Arte Simbolica. 1672 , f. ch. s. xvii Autogr. (57 ?) 12497 32 Bentivoglio (Cardin.) Memorie del, f. ch. s. .. . (123) 12498 33 Do. do. do . f. ch. s. ■ .. (358) 12499 34 Do. Oirigine della Famiglia dei Bentivogli di Bologna,/ ch. s. xvii. pp. 153 12500 35 Benucci (Lattanzio) di Siena, Rime, f ch. s. xvii. pp, 502 ? inedite (...) 12501 36 Bertini (Romolo) Poesie, f ch. s. xvii. pp. 130 12502 37 Boccalini (Trajano) Pietra del Paragone Poli¬ tico; con aggiunta. Printed in 1615, but not the additions, f. ch. s. ... Autogr. Ghiselli (\3\) 12503 38 Do. sulla Vita di Agricola egli Annali diTacito, 4 vols.f. ch. s. . .. Carattere Ghiselli (197) 12504 39 Do. do. do. 2 vols.f.ch. s. ... (197) 12505 40 Boissin (Robt.) Li belle Carattere e Cifre, or, Specimens of Calligraphy, 1630 ,f.ch. s. xvii. (86) 12506 41 Bolle raccolte da Ranuzzi, printed fy MSS. f. v. fy ch. s. ... (63) 12507 42 Bolognese Raccolta sul Acque del Bolognese, 8 vols.f. ch. s, ... (366) 12508 43 Bologna Scritture attinente del governo di. f. ch. s. ... (354) 12509 44 Istruzione di un vecchio Senatore di Bologna al Senatore Novello, 4 vols.f. ch, s. ... (357) 12510 45 Ordine Senatorii di Bologna, 4 to. ch. 1630 (...) 12511 46 Bolognetti (Alb.) Nunzio a Venezia, delle Cose Ecclesiastiche di Venezia,/ ch. s. ... (5) 12512 47 Do. do. do. /, ch. s. ... (5) 12513 48 Bolognini (Girol.) Successi in Bologna, Italia, e fuori, dal 1498 al 1513,jDjD. 524,/! ch. s. ... (360) 12514 49 Bordino (Gian.Franc) Arcivescovo d’Avignone, Summorum Pontificum Gesta,/ ch. wh. vel. s.. . . 2 vols. (...) 12515 50 Borromeo (Cardin.) Lettere sidle azioni di D. Santo nel togliere gli abusi introdotti in Milano da Ministri Spagnoli nel 1597, /! ch. s. ... (27) 12516 51 Bottini (Prospero) Arcivescovo di Mira, Sopra le Regalia pretesa, vacando le Catedrali di Francia, pp. 231,/.' ch. wh. v. s. xvii. (58) 12517 52 Bratti (Ingrano da Carpi) Cronica della Miran- dola, e delle famiglie Manfredi sino al 1536, f ch. s. xvii. Autogr. (...) 12518 53 Burlamaqui (Geo ) Le Droit Naturel, 2 vols . /: ch. s. ... (...) 12519 54 Busetti (Parmegiano) Comedia “ un Politico A more non ha buon fine,”/! ch. s. ... (122) 12520 55 Busini (G. B.) Lettere a Benedetto Varchi sulle cose in Firenze dal 1527 al 1530,/! ch. s.... pp. 396, red mor. (.••) 12521 56 Cabala Alchemica in Manipolazione di Metalli, 4 to. ch. s. ... (39*) 12522 57 Catnbi (Giov.) Memorie di Firenze sino al 1535, 2 vols.f. ch. s. ... (311) 12523 58 Canobi (Giulio) Milanese, Difese e Suppliche, carcerato nel Turone di Bologna,/ ch. s. ... (310) Loose papers inserted 12524 59 Capponi (Neri di Gino) Commentari dTtalia dal 1419 al 1456, e cacciata dal Conte di Poppi ed acquisto diquello stato per ilPopoloFiorentino, f.ch. s. ... (23b) 12525 60 Do. do do. all’ 1432,/. ch. s. ... (235) 12520 61 Do. (Cardinal) sulla Controversia de S. Ignazio e S. Gaetano, Jesuita,/. ch. s.... (69) 12527 62 Do. (Pelegrino) sulla Acque delle Porretta, pp. 461, f. ch. s. ... (363) 63 Probably sold to Panizzi, ajler the Catalogue was made. 12528 64 Dal Cardinalismo di S. Chiesa. 3 vols. f. ch. s. ... Autogr. Ghiselli (20) 12529 65 Carlo V. Imp. Viaggi da Barcelona a Milano Francfort per ricevere la Corona If Galleotti Picchi della Mirandola, Memoriale per la successione al feudo del ducato di Mirandola, f.ch. s. ... (242) 12530 66 Carlo V. Scritture attenenti al .pp. 1200 , f.ch. s. xvii. (...) If Bullse Papales 12531 67 Casali (Andrea) Processo,/ ch. s. ... (T63) 12532 68 Cavalcanti (Rinaldo, di Passero) Notizie di Firenze, 1427 al I4b0,pp. 671, f. ch. s. xvii. (...) 12533 69 Cavallerius de Sphera, 4to. ch. s. xvii. (333) 12534 70 Arte del Cavalcare,/! ch. s. xviii. hf. bd. wh.cf. 12535 71 Cerretani (Bartol.) Storie Florentine dall494 al 1513, pp. 961,/ ch. s. xvii. (...) •224 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptobum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 12536 72 Do. Compendio di do. 1498 al 1513, pp. 338, f ch. s. xvii. (...) 12537 73 Cronica di Cesena al 1547, f. ch. s. ... (298) 12538 74 Cerri, Segretario di Propaganda, Stato della lleligione Catolica per tutto il Mondo, ridotto per ordine d’lnnocenzo XI. l’anno 1677, f. ch. s. ... Autogr. Ghiselli (19) 12539 75 Do, do. duplicate , f ch. (72 ) 12540 76 Cesano (Gabriele) di Pisa, Ethica Aristotelis, 4 to. ch. s. ... ("385 ) 12541 77 Cliiesa (Ludov.) Preghiera, 4/o. ch. s. ... (155) 12542 78 Do. do. Preghiere, 1631, 4/o. ch. s. xvii. 408^ 12543 79 Do. do. La Musa Tiberina, in Lode di Donna Maria Pepoli, Coutesa di Casliglione, Ato.ch. s.... CUOJ 12544 80 China. Scritture sopra 1'Impero della China, 3 thick vols.f. ch. wh. v. s. ... (208) 12545 81 Cibo (Giov.) delle cose di Genova in aggiunta agli Annali del Bonfadio con Notizie de 28 fa- miglie di Genova, pp. 225, ch. s.... (...) 12546 82 Cinquino (Lclio) II Cavallo Ammaestrato, / ch. pp. 777, s. ... (170) 12547 83 La Perdita del Regno di Cipro nel 1570, pp 172./. ch. 8. ... 12548 84 Relatione de Storia in Compendio del Regno di Cipro, Autore incerto, / ch. s. ... (214) 12549 85 Della Perdita di Cipro ^ Lettere di Bascia *1F Anecdoti Singolari ^ Morte d’Euriro 3 di Francia "F Morte di Troilo Savello *1 Morte del Duca di Birone *l[ Prigiona del Conte d’Overnia 4/o. ch. s xvi. (...) 12550 86 Constitutione di Clemente V. 1. f vel. s. xiv. hf. wh. cf. (4) 12551 8/ Colombier Prediche, tradotte dal Conte Anni¬ bale Ilanuzzi, Autogr. f ch. s. .. . (80) 12552 8S Scritture Sopra l'Elezione del Electore di Colonia, raccolte di Ghiselli pp. 155, f. ch. s. (216) 12553 89 Cardinal Commendone, Instruzione per uno che si voglia impiegari nella Corte di Roma, f. ch. s. xvii. (...) 12554 90 Do. sulla Corte di Roma *i Morte di Troilo Savello If Istruzioni di Roma ai Prelati e Nunzi If Scrittura intorno all’ Elezione di un Pontefice del Cardin. Lodovisio IF Esortazioni ai Potentati ad aiutare il Duca di Mantova contro li Spagnuoli IF Della Valle (Andr.) Iuvettivo contro Amore, f ch. s. ... (2) 12555 91 Compagni (Dino) Cronaca Fiorentina dal 1300 al 1312, f. ch. s. ... (...) 12556 92 Ragionamenti sopra i Concili, e l’autorita dci Papi sopra di essi, 4*o. ch. s. xvi. (79) 12557 93 Concilio Lateranense o Romano, avanti Be¬ nedetto XIII. 4/o. 1725 ch. s. xriii (45) 12558 94 Trattato de Conclavi, al Cardinali Lodovisio, f. ch. s. xvii, 12559 95 Conclavi della Creazione d'Innocentio XI. IF Lottini su l’Azione del Conclave 2 vols. pp. 1217 12l60 96 Congressi Civili,/ ch. s. ... (178) 12561 97 Sopra un curioso quesito aritmetico, f ch. s. . . (336) 12562 98 Conventii (Stefauo) Canon, del Salvatore di Bologna, de Anima intellectuali, f. ch. s. xvi. pp. 313 (333) 12563 99 Corsini (Bartolomeo) Il Torrachione desolato. Poema, pp. 597,/ ch. s. xvii. (...) 12564 100 Cospi (Vicenzo) Regole, e Precetti Politici, 4/o. 2 vols. ch. s. . . . (187) 12565 101 Crequi (Ducadi) Entrata en Rome nel 1662 IF f rattatocol Re di Francia nel 1664. f ch. s. (52) 12566 102 Do. do. do. /, ch. s.. Autogr . di Ghiselli (52) 1256? 103 Croci (Guilio C’aesare) di Bologna, Poesie, Facetie, Ac. 4 vols.f. ch. s. .. part, inedit. (91) 12568 104 Cresci (Migliore, Fiorentino,) Istoria d’ltalia dal 1525 al 1546 IF Lettere del Re di Francia al Pontifice e del Duca Cosimo de Medici ai Cardinali, pp. 295, f. ch. s. xvii. (...) 12569 105 Dati Goro de Stagio, Libri X. di Storie circa l’Anno 1410, relative alia Casa Visconti di Milano, Guerra dei Fiorentini, e Stato di Firenze, pp. 251, / ch. s. xvii. ( . .) 12570 106 Dati (Giulio) Istoria de Piacevoli e Piatelli de Firenze che sono due Compagni di Caceiatori, pp. 127. f. ch. s. xvii. (...) 12571 107 De Castro (Scipione) dei fondamenti dello Stato e delle parte essenziali che formano il Principe, / ch. s -(184) 12572 108 Deichman, Articoli di Guerra, with the Au¬ thors Signature,f. ch. s. ... (...) 12573 109 Delfino (Card.) Giov. 4 Tragedie, pp. 700, f. ch. s. ... (85) L2574 110 Gcrardi (Giacomo) Diario Istorico de Roma, &c. e di Sisto IV. dal 1479 al 1484,/ brown vel. ch. s. ... (...) 12575 111 Brucardi (Giov. Maestro di Cerimonie) Diario Istorico di Roma, &c. e di Alessandro 6 dal 1492 al 1500, 2 vols.J. ch. s. .. . brown vel. (...) 12576 112 Diario Istorico di Roma, &c. di Alessandro 6, Pio 3, Guilio 2, Leo 10, Clemente 7, Paulo 3, el Giulio 3, dal 1495 al 1505, dal 1517 al 1521, dal 1529 al 1550, 4 vols. brown vel.f. ch. s..(. .) 12577 113 Diario del Conclave dalla morte dTnnocenzo X. alFelezione di Alessandro VII. 1655, 2 vols. f.ch. s. ... (81) 12578 114 D’lschia (Giov.) La Casa d’Austria, pp. 293, / ch. s. xvii. (...) 12579 115 Discorsi Panegyrici, Sermoni, Ac. pp. 259, f. ch. s. ... (106) 12580 116 Discorsi Politic-lie di cose di Stato, f.ch.s. (177) 12581 117 Discorso sopra la difesa dei Rei fatto da tre Personaggi, avanti S. Carlo Borromeo,/ ch.s.xv ii. 12582 118 Dondini (Bart.) Capiloli de Dazi di Bologna compilato da Galeazzo Bovio nel 1583, f. ch. s. . . (352) 12583 119 Dondini (Carl Antonio) Memorie degli in- teressi ed impieghi di Dondini, . . cli.s. ■ . (347) 12584 120 Doria (Gian. Andr.) sulla Pace dai Venetiani col Turco per la perfida degli Spagnuoli nel 1573 IF Lettera al Duca di Genova nel 1575, 4/o ch. s xvi. (205) 12585 121 Dotti (Bartol.) Bresciano, Poesie Satiriche, pp. 432,/c/j. s. ... (..9) 125S6 122 Dubitazioni aggiunte al Libro delle mentile credesi opera di Catnillo Baldi,/ ch.s. .. . (...) 12586 123 d’Elci (Conte Orazo) Vitae Ritratti de Cardi¬ nali viventi nel 1700 IF Relazione de Roma IF Esculpazione dell’ Autore su cio che ha scritto in queste Vite II Conclave di Clemente 2, f. ch.s. xviii. Autogr. Ghiselli (73) 12587 124 d’Elci (Conte Orazo) Vite di detti, nel 1700, f. ch s xviii. with portraits (73) 12588 i 25 De Electricitate, 4 to. ch. s. .. . (23) 12589 126 Relazione degli Editti emanati in Francia al tempo di Enrico di Borbone, sopra la Religione, /. ch. s. xvii. (54) 12590 127 Entrate e Spese di tutti i Conventi della Citta e diocesi di Bolonga, pp. 377,/ ch. s.. . . (340) 12591 128 Essersizi Spirituali,/*/?. 52 3, 4to. ch.s. ..(..) 12592 129 Este. Affari con Roma dei Duchi d’Este. in gran parte inedit i. Printed § MSS.f. ch. s ...(...) 12593 130 Scritture concernenti i Stati e Principi d’ Europa, 3 vols. f. ch. s ... (217) 12594 131 Discorsi Satirici e Politici sopra gli azioni di Principi d’Europa,/ ch. s ... ( 299 ) 12595 132 Europeo, (Lucio Cornelio,) ad Leon. Allatium de Monarchia Solipsorum, 4to. ch. s. ... (404) 12596 133 Istoria di Faenza sino al Anno 1604, pp. 253, f. ch. s. xvii. (...) 13597 134 Faggioli (Giov. Batt.) sue Comedie e Poesie, Catalogue Libroeum Manusceiptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 3 vols.J. ch. s. ... (133) 12598 135 Farnesio fra Calisto Piacentino, Cronaca uni¬ versale sino al 1493, /. ch. s. ... Autograph (192) 12599 136 Ferdinando 2 di Toscana sul modo di educare il picolo, 18«io. ch. s. ... (399) 12600 137 Cronaca di Ferrara, e dei Marchesi Estensi dal 412 al 1590, 4/o. ch. s. xvii. (400) 12601 138 Relatione dell’ accaduto in Ferrara nel reunira alia santa sede il Ducato di Ferrara nel 1598, per la morte di Alfonso 2, f ch. s. . . . Autogr. Ghiselli (70) 12602 139 Sulla Ricupera del Ducato di Ferrara, f. ch. s- ... (7°) 12603 140 Ferrari (Francesco) Dictata a suoi Scolari nel Seniinario di Bologna, 2 vols. 4 to. ch. s.... (147) 12604 141 Ferri (Vicenzo) La Marescalcia Toscana,/. ch s. xvii . pp. 184 (...) 12605 142 Feste fatte in Bologna nel 1712, per la Sancti- ficatione di Pio V. If Spese per la Beatificazione di Philippo Beni f Cosesulla Cotnpagnia della Madonna di S. Luca f. ch. s. ... (48) 12606 143 Filicaia (Vincenzo) Poesie,/ ch. s. ...pp. 400 (113) 12607 144 Della Filosofia Morale, 4/o. ch. s. xviii. (388) 12608 145 Fiorentino, Guirisdizione di varie Luoghe, 4 to. ch. s xv. (398) 12609 146 Calendario di Festivita e Sacre della Chiesa di Firenze If Imposizioni di Glero, 4to. ch. s .. (78) 12610 147 Casi Tragici occorsi nella citta di Firenze, pp. 290, f. ch. s. xvii. (...) 12611 148 Fontana de Physicis, 4/o. ch. s. ...(...) 12612 149 Forti (Tommaso) Notizie di Firenze, f. ch. xvii. (...) 12613 150 Forzoni (Pier. Andr.) Prose e Sonnetti del figlio, Avocato Francesco, 1719, f ch. s. xviii. 026) 12614 151 Fosconi (Archilante) Canzoni per Musica, 4/o. ch. s. ... (96) 12615 152 Franchigia, ossiano, Prelese degli Ambasciatori delle Corone con Lettere origiuali,/ ch. s. ... (64) 12616 153 Scritture sullo Regno di Francia. ( Carattere di Ghiselli.) 8 vols. wh. vel.f ch. s. xviii. (...) 12617 154 Deliberazioni del Clero di Francia sopra la Coslituzione e il Breve di Innocenzo X. If Risposta di Verdadiere ad un Libello infamante contro il Papa e Luigi XIII. di Francia, f. ch. s. ... (...) 12618 155 Istoria dell’ Aflare sopra i quatieri pretesi Franchi in Roma degli Ambasciatori Francesi If Ingresso in Roma dell’ Ambasciatore March. Lavardini If Interessante avenule al’ tempo d’ Innocenzo 2, Autogr. Ghiselli. 8 vols. f. ch. s. ... (47) 12619 156 Du Fresnoy (Carlo) De Regalia con dedica al Innocenzo XL The Pope's Anns on the sides. Portraits of Innocent XI. and Du Fresnoy. f ch. s. ... l ed mor. gilt (206?) 12620 157 Modo per far li Fuoclii artificiali. Many Draw¬ ings. f. ch. s. xvi (377) 12621 158 P. Galtrucchi, Gesuita, Istoria Poetica,/ ch. s. xvii. (146) 12622 159 Gambarini (Baldasare) Lectiones sopra la Mechanica, / ch. s. xvi. (338) 12623 1 GO Geografia Antica e Moderna,4/o.c^.s. xviii.(392) 12624 161 Scritture sul’ Impero di Germania, 4 vols. f. I ch. s. ...(...) 12625 162 Ghiselli Traduzione di Tragedie di Racine, Comeille.Ac.5 ihk. vols.f ch. s.. . Autogr. (138) 12626 163 Do. Cose nelle M emorie di Vittorio Siri dal 1600 al 1640 ^f Cose Notabile nelle Relazioni di 4 Ambascia- lori Veneziani, f. ch. s. ... Autograph (207) 12627 164 Do. Notizie Storiehe dal, vol. 1, del gran Dictionario Istorico Francese, Autogr. /. ch. s. xvii. 1689 (209) 12628 165 Do. Interessi dei Principi d’ Europa nel governo di loro Stati, Autogr. f. ch. s. ... (173) 225 12629 166 Do. Oposcoli tradotte dal Francese, Autogr. / ch. s. ... (...) 12630 167 Do. Storia del Matrimonio del Filiberto di Savoia con Maria d’Esta, 1684,/. ch. s. xvii. (321) 12631 168 Do. La Cadutadel Impero dopo Carlo Magno, pp. 908,/. ch. s. ... Autogr. (190) 12632 169 Gigli (Girol.) Sanese, Operi, colie Note di Tondelli, cf. gilt,/ ch. s. ... (326) 12633 170 Giostre fatta in Bologna dal 1147, con Dis- corso sulla Lancia, di Girolamo Napolitano, detto Momo di S. Paolina, with Pen Drawings and Engravhigs, /. ch. s. ... (164) 12634 171 Giovanni di S. Alberto traduzione della Genesi 1424,/ ch. s. xv. (67) 12635 172 Giraffi (Alessandro) delle Revoluzioni di Na¬ poli, ed ogni successo, e trattati secreti, e palesi, divisa in 10 giornate,/ ch. s. ... (. .6) 12636 173 S Girolamo Ristretto dei Salm dettati da un Angelo, 4 to. ch. s. xiv. (44) 12637 174 Istruzioni date ai Nunzi dal Papa Guilio 3, sulla guerra di Lombardia, 1551 al 1554, pp. 374, /’. ch. s. xvii. (18) 12638 175 Incoronizacion di Giuseppe Arciduca d’Austria Eletto Re dei Romani, col Paralello delle in- coronazioni di Luigi XIV. e Ferdinando 3, f. ch. s. ...(215) 12539 176 Gornia (G. B.) Medico di Cosimo 3, Viaggio di detto Cosimo per la Spagna Inghilterra e Fran¬ cia nel 1668 e 1669, pp. 438, 4/o. ch. s... (309) 12640 177 Do. do. duplicate,/ ch.s. (217) 1264 L 178 Gozzadini (Cardin.) Il Spozalizia di FilippoV. di Spagna col Principessa Farnese,/ ch. s.. (413) 12642 179 Grimaldi (Robio) Discorsi su cio che denno fare i Gentiluomini nel servizio dei loro Signori onde acquistar la loro grazia, / ch. s. ... (180) 12643 180 Gualtieri (Guido) Sixti V. Ephemerides con sue Vite, pp. 887,/. ch. s. xvi. 1589 (41) 12644 181 Do. do. duplic.pp. 393, f ch. s. ... (41) 12645 182 Guarini (Marc. Ant.) Annali di Ferrara dal 1597 al 1634, pp. 787, 4/o. ch. s. xvii. inediti? 12646 183 Historia della Guerra in Italia del 1733, 4/o. ch. s. xviii. (405) 12647 184 Guidotti (Fr.) Bolognese, Hypomneses in Symbola Imperatorum Germanorum, 4/o. ch. s. ... (295) 12648 185 La Incoronizacion di Guiseppe, Archiduc d Austria ( duplic. of 175),/ ch. s. .. . (215) 12649 186 Haesterno (Bened.) La Via Regia della Croce, pp. 527, 4/o. ch. s. xvi. (77) 12650 187 Hyacinto (Fra.) Quaresma de Almada morto in Concetto di Santo sua Vita, scritta en Porto- ghese ^f The Life printed, red mor./ ch. s. ... (...) 12651 188 Do. Incarnatioe J. Christi, 4/o. ch. s.xvi. (83) 12652 189 Inghilterra, Scritture concernenti, 1554 al 1686, 2 vols./ ch. s. xvii. (218) 12653 190 Conclave del Elezione d’ Innocenzo XIII. 3 vols.J. ch. s. .. . with Engravings (12) 12654 191 Inscrizione Poetiche sopra Deita favolese, /. ch. s. ... (124) 12655 192 Instilutione del Jure Civile, 4/o. ch. s.... (391) 12656 193 Instruzioni per Monsr. Marescotti, Nunzio di Polonia circa 1670, f. ch. s. xvii. (16) 12657 194 Instruzioni di Urbano 8. al Cardin. Marzio Ginetti, Legato al Congresso di Colonia, 1635, / ch. s. xvii. (26) 12658 195 Istruzioni per Regola dei Prelati, per qua- lunque Prelatura, e per varie Nunziature, 2 vols. f. ch. s... . (28) 12659 196 Istruzioni della Segretaria di Stato Pontificio ai Nunzi che spedisce alle Corti. 3 vols.pp. 2504, / ch. s.... (29) 126G0 197 Istruzioni date dalla Segretaria del Gran Duca di Toscana agli Ambasciatori ed altri Ministri che spedisce alle Potenze d’Europa nel 1661, pp, 194, / ch. s.xvii. (...) 12661 198 Coinpendio d’lstoria d’ltalia dal 1464 al 1567, pp. 337, / ch. s. xvii. (284) 12662 199 Stat 0 presente dellTtalia, 4/o. ch. s. xviii. (407) Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 220 12663 200 Explanationes in 4 Libr. Institutionum Justi- niani, 4/o. ch. s. .. . 12664 201 Lamberti (D. Marco) Poesie, 1620-40, /. ch. s. xvii. (102) 12665 202 Lanria (Cardinal) II Nepotisrno non deve sop- primersi, anzi deve usarsi dai Papi ^f Relationi della Corte di Roma, fatta al Senato di Venezia nel 1676 IT Relatione delle due Avanie fatte da Turchi nel Anno 1681, Ac. 7 articles, f. ch. s. xvii. (6l) 12666 203 Le Noble (Eustachio di Trois) Pietra del Paragone Politica sugli Affari dal 1688, al 1694, cioe 30 Pasquinate, 3 vols.). ch. s. xvii. (260) 12667 204 Do. do. do. per l’Anno 1705, tradolta da Ghiselli, 2 vols. f. ch. s. xviii. Autogr. (26) 12668 205 Lettere, di Regi, Principi, e Pontifici relativi alia Chiesa Gallicana, la Guerra del 1 urco, Con- cilio di Trento, il Sacco di Roma, ed altri Stati, Qualita di Pio V. Prediga dei Panigarola per S. Gregorio, Mcmorie attinenti a Rologna. pp. 796, f. ch. s. xvii. (...) 12669 206 Lettere di diverse genere, p. 314, f ch.s.. (330; 12670 207 Do. famigliari di Camillo Vizzaui, di Pompeo, di Costanzo Macio, Anibale Aldegati, ed altri, f. ch. s ... Autogr. (93) 12671 208 Lippi (Lorenzo) 11 Malmantile racquistato con le Note di Paolo Minucci If Bellini Osservazioni, 2 vols. f. ch. s. xvii. (108) 12672 209 Do. do. (the Text only),/, ch. s. xvii. (...) 12673 210 Lori (Giov.) La Fortuna abaltuta dalla dis- grazia Ottave del 1648, in cui nacque al 1696, Autogr. with a Drawing, 4 to. ch. s. xvii. (154 ; 12674 211 Affari e Glorie di Ludovico XIV. pp. 288, f. ch. s. ... (261) 12675 212 Satire sulla Vita di Ludovico XIV. ossia Verita Cristiana a lui diretta, 4 to. ch. s. . . (153) 12676 213 La Incoronizacion di Ludovico XV.a Rheims, Ao. 1722, f. ch. s. xviii. (196) 12677 214 Madonna di S. Lucca, Viaggi fatli in Bologna in diverse circonstanze relative. / ch... 344 R. \ 12678 215 Maffei (Giov.Pietro) Gesuita, Annali di Gre¬ gorio XIII. della nobil. famiglia Boncompagui, Bolognese, 3 vols. wh. vel. /. ch. s. ... (10) 12679 216 Do. do. do. 3 vols. duplic. (10) 12680 217 Magalotti (Lorenzo) La Bucchereide, cioe Lettere erudite su certe Terre delte “ Buccheri.” If Do. Poesie varie, with the Author s corrections, 2 vols. u-h. vet. f. ch. 1695 f 2 L 7) 12681 218 Do. do. Lettere sulla Religione. 3 vols. wh. vel.f ch. s. xvii. ? inedite, (35) 12682 219 Maggi Francesco) Difesa di Paolo IV. dalle Calumnie di un moderno Scrittore,/! ch. s. (24) 12683 220 Mainetti (Andrea) Zibaldone, di Poesie Prose ed Erudizione, Autograph, 7 vols. f. ch. s. ...(109 ; 12684 221 Malatesti (Antonio) Enimmi, 4to. ch. s. xvii. partim inediti (...) 12685 222 Vita di Olimpia Maldacchini ^ Do. del Cardin. Mazarini, 2 vols. in 1, Autogr. Ghiselli, f. ch. s. .. . (62) 12686 223 Religione e Statuti dei Cavalieri di Malta ^f Compendio di essi Privileggi ed Oblighi della Religione e Particolarila dellTsole di Malta, 3 vols. f. ch. s. ... (175) 12687 224 Manfredi (Giov. Bat.) Cronaca della Miran- dola, e della Progenie delli figliuoli Manfredi della Corte di Guarantola, thick f ch. s. ... (234 ) 12688 225 Historia della Casa di Manfredi di Ferrara, / ch. s. ... (320) 12689 226 Marcaldi Narrazione delleCose del Re diiSpagna 1594, Autograph, thin sm. 4to. ch.s... (406) 12690 227 Maretti ^Lelio) di Siena, Ricordi Politici, pp. 2180, 3 vols /. ch. green vel. s. ... (174) 12691 228 Origine e progressi della Miracolosa Immagine di S* Maria della Vita 1724./ ch. s. xviii. (363) 12692 229 S. Maria Egizziaca in Bologna. Costitutione delli Penitenti nel Convento di S. Maria, / ch. s. ... ^342) 93 *230 Hegola e Costifuzione del’ Arci-Confraternita di S. Maria della Vita, in Bologna,/, ch.s. .(343) 12694 231 Marsigli (Conte Luigi Fernando) Relazione dell’accadutogli nel’Assedio di Brisaco, with plans, f. ch. s. ... (...) 12695 232 Do. Descrizione del accampamento Ottomano sotto Vienna, e Notizie della Fortificazione di Buda, Pest, e Ponte d’Osbeck, nel 1683, with drawings, pp. 82,/ ch. s. xvii. (240) 233 Sold to some other person. It was “ Marsilio /'Nicoloy Disciplina Militate,” 4 to. s.xiv. 12696 234 Mazarini /'Cardin/ Documenti lasciati al Re di Francia,/ ch. s. ... (\79) 12697 235 Do. do. Ristretto del suo Testamento, 4to. ch. s. ... ()86) 12698 236 Do. do. Lettere,/?/). 1318, 2 vols.f. ch.s...(...) 12699 237 Metaphysicorum Libri XII./ ch. s. xvii. ( 337) 12700 238 Meloposcopia, ossia, Arte di predire che e la piu secrete, e piu nobil parte della Phisionomia, with drawings, 12mo. ch. s. ... (402) 12701 239 Militari Avertimenti e Notizie, 4to.ch. s... (...) 12702 240 II Miuistro dei Principi instrutto: ossia, Trat- tato sul modo da tenersi da un Ministto dovendo trattar con Principe per affari, 4to. dk. cf. ch. s... (\88?J 12703 241 Minutoli /'Paoloy Relazione Istorica delle cose mirabili della citta di Lucca dell’ origine al 1660, pp. 435, /. ch. s. ... (244) 12704 242 Do. do. duplic. / ch. s. ... (244) 12705 243 Conte Hanuzzi Raccolte di Scritture Miscel- lanee, 44 vols. continente inter alia, (f. ch.s xviii. (152), numbered also 343 to 386/ Articles. Vol. 1 Mascardi ( Agost/ al Card. F. Batberini, &c 40 12706 2 Simeoni supra li Poemi delle Sibille, &c. 33 12707 3 Pontificum Electio ab Urbano 6, &c. 29 12708 4 Bolla d’Oro della Cbiesa Latina, Ac. 26 12709 5 PreccdenzatraiDuchidiFerraraeFirenza,&c.l6 12710 6 Montecalvi Cronica di Bologna, &c. 30 12711 7 Teoely Kemnia Greco dell’ imagine dell Vergine dipinto da S. Luca, &c. 24 12712 8 Card. Caraffa Lettere al Pio 4, &c. 23 12713 9 Instruzione al Duca di Terra Not a, &c. 9 12714 10 Machizelli Istoria di Famiglie Imolesi, &c. 19 1.715 11 Citta di Brescia al Senato Veneziano, Ac 244 127J6 12 Notizie ditutto lo Stato Ecclesiastico, &c. 32 12717 13 Navagero Relatione di Roma 1558, Ac. 17 12718 14 Inventario di Libri di Bologna, &c. 14 18719 15 Memoriali Sepolcbrali nell Eccl. di S. Do¬ menico, &c. 21 12720 16 Della donazione di Constantino Imp. Ac. 19 12721 17 Cicalata sopra Luccello, &c. 22 12722 18 Sopra il Fatto d’Armi di Cartel Vecch. 1672, 36 12723 19 Marescotti Legazione di Ferrara, Ac. 22 12724 20 Dicorso di Alamana Isolani, &c. 35 12725 21 Compendio del Istoria di Bologna, See. 12726 22 ChegPEcclesiastiei non soggiacino a pesi publici &c 12727 23 Renatides Cartes Philosophica, Ac. 12728 24 Sentenza contro Paolo di Gio. Batta, &c. 12729 25 De Donatione Constantini Magni, &c. 12730 26 Ricetta far Conserva di Semi di Poppone, Ac. 12731 27 Compendio del Istoria Romana, &c. 12732 28 De Pilone, Comedia, Ac. 12733 29 Breve Pii IV. della Casa Pia, Ac. 12734 30 Discorsi Accademici, Ac. 12735 3J Pasquino parla nell’ Elezione di Clem. XL Ac. 12736 32 Lettera del Card. Ruffo contro il Senato di Bologna, &c. 12737 33 Conte Angelo Ranuzzi al Papa Benedict. 13, &c. 12738 34 Dearie Loquendi A Tacendi, Ac. 12739 35") 12740 36 1 12741 37/ 12742 38f 12743 39/ To be entered later. 12744 40( 12745 41V 12746 421 12747 43/ Catalogus Libeorum Mandsgelptouum in Bibliotheca Piiilliptica. 227 12743 44 12749 244 Scritture sopra Modena, Parma, e Turchia. f ch. s. xvii. (232) 12750 245 Do. sopra Modena, Mantova, e Parma, pp. 820. f ch. s. xvii. (231) 12751 246 Molini e Vallati di Pesaro Trattati di Toscana colla Legazione d’ Urbino e trattati con Modena per la pertnuta di Varano in altre Toscane, ivith numerous Autograph Letters, f ch. s... (316) 12752 247 Moratti (Pietro) Raccouto degl’ ordini e pro¬ vision! fatte nel Lazaretto a Bologna nel 1G30 ; e sulla Peste di quel anno If Codronco, Cura per che e morso da Cane ar- rabialo, 2 vois. in 1 . f. ch. s... (353) 12753 248 Morelli (Giov. di Pagolo) Origine della famiglia di Morelli, pp. 174, with Pedigree, f ch. s. xvii. (262 or 3) 12754 249 Moris (Pietro) Storia di P. Paolo IV. Caraflfa, e del Cardinale Carlo, e Duca Giov. Caraffa suoi Nepoti fatti morire per mano del Carnefice sotto Pio IV. dal 1555 al 1501. pp. 690. f. ch. s... (75) 12755 250 Morosiui (Antonio) Ebreo Veronese, conver- tito per mezzo di Gian. F. Morosini, nobil Veneto, die nomiuavasi in anagramma anclie “ Amorisio Tonini.” If Ilaguagli di Parnaso Lettere al Conte Cospi Ranuzzi, Prose e Rime, 5 vols.f. ch. s...(139) 12756 251 Mucantio Mucantis Diariorum Ceremonia- liuin Volume, che risguarda soltanto il Viaggin a Ferrara e suo ritorno a Roma di Clemente VIII. pp 615. f. ch. s... (...) 12757 252 Opere, Comtnedie, Intermezzi, Sercnate, e Dialoglii per Musica, pp. 341. f. ch. s... (118) 12758 253 Nanni (Floriano) Bolognese, Annali delle cose del Mundo dal 1623 al 1033, Auto. f. ch. s...(203) 12759 254 Do do. do. Copia di mano delConte Ranuzzi. f. ch. s... (203) 12760 255 Memorie intorno ai Re di Napoli, f. ch. s.. . (312) 12761 256 Scritture concernenti il Regno di Napoli e Sicilia, pp. 456. /. ch. s. xvii. (22 L) 12762 257 Narrazione di diversi deplorabili morti, di Paolo IV. Pepoli, Malaspina, Sic.f. ch. s... (297) 12763 258 Natali, Tractates Aristotelicus de Generatione et Corruptione—l)e Anima, de Logica, Pliysica, Ce!o et Mundo. Autogr. 5 vols. 4 to. ch. s xvii. 1651. Dedicated to Count Ranuzzi. (388) 12764 259 Neri (G. B.) Critica alia Tragedia If La Diodone da G. P. Zanotti Lettere del Abbate Andr. Amadesi al Zanotti, &c. wh. v.f. ch. s... (128) 12765 260 Neri (Ippolito) La Sorpresa di Saminiato ; Po- ema in 12 Canti./.' ch. s... (130) 12766 26L Nerli (Filippo) Comentarii di Fatti Civili occor si nella Citta di Firenze dal 1215 al 1537, pp.7^5, old r. mor. f ch. s... 12767 262 Olivio (Fabio) Vita di Catarina Sforza, Signora d’lmola e Forli, pp. 142. f. ch. s. xvii. (256) 12768 263 Omodci (Giulio Filote) Isloria della Sicilia, 2 vols. thick folio, ch. s... (194) 12769 264 Oposcoli varie, scil. Comedie, Orazioni, Disser tazioni, Ac. a large parcel. Alo. ch. 12770 2 io Orazioni Academiche, Funebri, Panegyrici.&c. Printed § MSS. f. ch. s. xvii. 1671, Ac. (87) 12771 266 Orlando (Pellegrino Antonio) di Bologna, Abe cedario Pittorico, Autogr. f. ch. s... (191) 12772 267 Pagnini (Gulielmo) Abate, Il Tape'.o alia Finestra, o, Dialoghi Critici e Morali su i Costumi di Roma ai tempi di Alessandro VII. del 1660. f. ch. s... (135) 12773 268 Do. do. do. f. ch. s... (89) 12774 269 Palladio (Andr.) l’Antichita di Roma 1600. f. ch. s- xvi. (206) 12775 270 Paradisi (Agostino) Abate, Discorsi, eTradu- zionedal Francese,/)/>4l5. Autogr. f.ch.s...( 117) 12776 271 Sopra l’Allontanarsi che fanno TUomini dalla Via della Salute. Autogr. di Ghiselli. f. ch. $...(66) 12777 272 Su la Discendenza della Famiglia Bolomiese di Pepoli./)/). 424./J ch. s... (346) 12778 273 Prove autentiche della distinzione sempre goduta dalla casa Pepoli sopra tutte le altre fa- miglie di Bologna 1330 al 1705. f ch. s. xviii. (362) 12779 274 Peroni (Donnisio) di S. Geminiano Cationico di Pisa, Relazione delle operate da Ferdinando 1 Gran Duca di Toscana 3. ppA63. f. ch. s. xvii. (...) 12780 275 Pietrobelli Geografia Politica Istorica per Istruzione del Principe Odoardo di Parma. 4 to. cf. gilt. Autogr. s... (...) 12781 276 Do. do. do. 4 to. pp. 616. ch. s... (392) 12782 277 Pignatelli Cesarc e Fabricio Nobili Napolitane. Scritture attinenti alia loro diffida e duello nel 1547./)/). 556./.’ ch. s... (169) 12783 278 Piles (Barth.) de Conformitate Vitae S. Fran- cisci ad Vitam D. Jesu Christi. /’. ch.s. xiv. 1381 12784 279 Planese (Barth.) Vita Nerii Capponi, Floren- tiui, prescriptaadGinum Capponium /.’c/i.s...(317) 12785 280 La Pluralita dei Mondi, tradotta da C. Ghiselli dalla Francese It Letteradi Galileo Galilei. Autogr. f.ch.s. ..(...) 12786 281 Do. do. e Cinque Veglie Autumnali, tradotte da Ghiselli. Autograph, f. ch. s... (335) 12787 282 Poesie varie di M. A. Buonarotti, Fr. Boc- cacio, Malaberti, Ricciardi, Cosimo Villafrancha, Salvator Rosa, Fr. Itedi, Federigo IX. &c.2vols. sm. f. ch. vol. 1, pp. 672, vol. 2,/>/). 891 (l 10) 12783 283 Raccolla di Poesie, in 3 vols. numbered 3, 4, 5, (the others are missing) containing Madrigals and Sonnets ,f. ch. s .. (90) 12789 284 Do. do. Sonnetti, Tragedie, &c. 5 vols. f. ch. s... (134) 12700 285 Poesie che capilano alia giornata, ed insieme raccolte dal Conte Ranuzzi. f. ch. s... (131) 12791 286 Raccolta di Poesie e Comedie, 7 vols. sm. 4 to. 4' 24?no. s... (156) 12792 287 Politica del Tempo, ossia, Lo Stato presente della Christianita. f.ch.s... Autogr. Ghiselli (262) 12793 288 Do. do. Autogr. Ranuzzi.f. ch. s... (262) 12794 289 Polonia. Genova, e Venezia, f. ch. s. xvii. 1656-97. (227) 12795 290 Scritture sopra Polonia Riunione dei Greci Scismalici alia Religione Catohca H Ribenedizione del Papa del Re di Navarra If Guerra col Turco./i ch. s. xvi . pp. 175 dk. cf. (220 ?) 12796 291 Pompei (Alberto) Il Onore Cavaleresco. ine¬ dit, pp. 293. f ch. s... (168) 12797 292 Popolazione di tulti le Citta delo Stato Ponti- ficio. f. ch. s. xviii. (...) 12798 293 Sopra il Regno di Portogallo. pp. 61 6.f. ch. s. xvii. (2209 12799 294 Precetti Morali ^1 De Arte Loquendi 11 Sulla Morte di Troilo Savello. 8vo. ch. s... (409/ 12800 295 Prisciani (Pellegrino^) di Ferrara, de Rebus Ferrariae. 4 to. ch. s... Autograph (204) 12801 296 Prose di Diversi Antori (partirn Flistorica) 3 vols. 4 to. ch. s... (95) 12802 297 Editti sopra il Mai Contagioso nella Provenza 1721-2. thin f. ch. s. xviii. f243) 12803 298 Leggi della Unione di Quaranta, congregati in onore de 40 giorni di Christo dopo la llisure- zione. f. ch. s... (372) 12804 299 Quaresimale, o Ristratto di Prediche in S. Pietro di Bologna, f. ch. s... (65) 12805 300 La Controversia di Comacchio con il Papa, 1711./: ch. s. xviii. (7\) 12806 301 Quietismo, ossia, Orazione de Quiete, per Bartoli, Verneuil, &c. Autogr. Ghiselli. pp. 610. f. ch. s... (68) 12807 302 Raccolta Historica, 83 vols. folio. Vol. 1 Ant. de Parma Hist, di Bologna. /.’ ch. s. xiv. Berti Cronaca di Cento, f s. xvii. 12808 2 Oratio di Cavalcanti, &c. f. ch. 12809 3 Todi Annali di Bologna, Ac. ^f Vita di Rienzo 12810 4 Pace tra Carlo 5 & Francis 1, Ac. 12811 5 Landeriani Avertimenti, &c. •228 Catalogos Librorum Manuscriptoruji in Bibliotheca Piiilliphoa. 12312 6 Relazione dell’ Isola di Malta, &c. 12813 7 Cavalli Relazione di Germania, &c. 12814 8 Vincenzio Fideli Relazione di Firenze, &c. 1*2815 9 Relazione del Re di Persia, &c. 12816 10 Tiepolo Relazione di Nizza, ^ Order of Funerals, Sc Drawings of Catafalques ji of Q. Eliz. & Prince Henry. H Armorialia. H Catalog. Mariscallorum Anglia; ad 1608. Qtim, Hen. St. George. 18mt>. ch. s. xvii. 13094 60 Extracts of Wills from Prerug. Court. H Norfolk Visitation. 11 Notes of Escheats. H Abbreviatio Gartularii S. Neoti. Do. do. Abbatiae de Colcestria. H Steinmata Baronum. g 13095 61 Uobt. Southwell’s Common Place Book 1653. h s. Mo. ch. s. xvii. 13096 62 “Degrees of all Estates, according to a Note 13117 written A.D. 1474.” marked “B. 47.” U Bannerets, & Knights made by my Lord of Gloucester in Hoton Fyelde besyde Bar wicke, 22 Aug. 20 Edw. 4.” ^ Creation of Lord Darcy of Chiche, & others 5. E. 6. % Order of all Estates. Ato. ch. s. xvii. 13097 63 Speculum Gentile, or, Observations on 10 Ro¬ man Emperors, from Trajan to Alex. Se- « verus dedicated by D. F. to his friend Hen. j W atts of Lyucoln’s Inn, 1683. Ato. ch. s.xvii. 13098 64 Jno.Higford’s family History s.Ato.ch.b.cf.sxvii. 13099 65 AssionnPoiitici della GranMonarchia diSpagna s. Mo. ch. o. cj. gilt. s. xvii. 13100 66 Star Chamber Proceedings against Francis, E. of Bedford, Robt. E. of Somerset, Sir Robt. Cotton, Jno. aelden, &c. with their De¬ murrers. 5 Car. 1. 1629. Mo. ch dk. cj. 13101 67 Prayers, & Religious Discourses by William Leighton from i040 to 1643. t Lamentation for the heavy Distresses befallen the 3 kingdoms of England, Scotland, & Ire¬ land. H Against Anabaptists* 13102 68 Catalogue of W orks upon the Fortresses, Cities, Towns, Monasteries, &c. of Europe. obi. Ato.gm. vel. ch s. xviii. \3103 C9 Pedigrees, & Extracts from Escheats, & other Records, by St. George. 97 leaves Vlmo.w/i. v. ch. s. xvii. begins “Galfrid. Lewknor,Jus- tic. in Comit. Ebor. 47 LI . 3.” 13104 70 Richd. St. George’s Collection of Pedigrees,& Extracts from Close Rolls, Cartularies &c. s. 4/o. ch. wh. v. 95 leaves s. xvii. stamped on sides with St. George’s Arms y fy quarter- wgs.Leyend“Sig\\\um Ricardi Sti. Georgii.” 71 St. George’s Excerpta ex Rot. Patent.Original. Eschrel. Claus. &c. &c. marked ‘‘B 50. on the side; “A 50 ” on the dorse ” Ato.ch. s.xvii. wh. vcl. 119 leaves, beside Index. 72 Nobility of England ; beginning with “ Dukes: Edmund Plautagenet ” &c. 92 written pages 4 pp. at the end. Ato. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. marked “A. 53” 73 Richd. St. George’s Case of Edwd. Nevillof Abergavenny. If “ Presidents of RecorJe, provinge that heires males have by their Baronyes, & Entayles of their Lands, enjoyed the Tytles of dignite against the heires general* 4 viz.Ferrers ofGroby Walerou of Kilpec, Deincourt of lilankeney, Burnell of Holgate, Beauchamp of Warwick, Berkeley of Berkeley, La Warre, Dacres of Gdlesland, Latymer, Pagett of Beaudesert, Ogle of Bothall. thin Ato. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. 74 Coates, Crests, . \> 92 Copy of Sir Wm. Fairfax’s Book of Yorkshire ! Arms. ji 51 Arms of Peers in 1608. 51 All the Arms of the name of Browne, fol. ch. » s. xvii. wh. v. 93 Sir Geo. Carew’s State of France in 1606. | /. ch. s. xvii. cf. Oli/n Regis Jacobi 1. Thel Royal Arms on the side 94 Philo-Britannus, or, “Historical Animadver-| sions upon the Institution of the Kingdom off! Ireland, & the management of the war there, I 1641-2.”./. law cf. marbled aides ch. s. xvii. j; II Transactions relating to Henry, Bp. ofLond. | 51 The Quantity, Situation, & Strength of France.! 51 T. B’s (I). I>.) Original of Kingly, & Ec-| clesiastical Government. 51 Epistle to Q Elizth. by Henry Howard. | 5f Discourse of Charles, 5. on resigning his Go- ■> vernment to his son Philip. | 95 Coronacion of Ric. 2. k H. 7. 51 Form of Fighting within Lists. 5T Challenges of Philip Boyle, & Pierce de Mas- j; so, & the E. of Warwick, &the Lord Scales, ti 51 Meeting of the French, k English Kings at Canterbury. 5T Manner of giving the Prize at Justes. 1 13134 51 Power of the Provost Marshall 51 Ordinance of Mourning Apparel for Ladies, | 13135 k Gentlemen. 51 Succession of the Kings of Portugal. | 13130 *1 Chapter of Westminster. 51 Do. of Roan by W m. Burgess, Garter, in 1420. 13137 5" Orders for placing Lords, k Ladies 5. Statutes of the Heralds Coliege by Thus, of Lancaster. 51 Do. do. of Richd. Duke of Gloucester. | 51 Descent of the Barony of Dacres to Mary, \ wife of Sampson Lennard. % Of Ileirs Females, k Barons who have enjoy- Noles by St. George, &c. kc. /'. ch. s. xvii. 1 51 Lord Falkland’s Letter to the E. of Cork. | 51 Thos. Thynne, on Honour, & Arms. 51 Creation of Richd.St. George, Clarenceux ; k § Mr. Borough, Norroy./. ch. s. xviii. * I 96 Camdeni Annales, 1603 to 1623. 51 Notes from Camden’s Britannia, &c. 51 References to MSS. of Heralds Coll. & of l Richd. St. George, f.di. s. xvii. wh. v.674 97 Testa de Neville./, ch. s. xvii. wh. v. $ 96 Sir H. Shere’s Directions for Lord Netting-1 ham’s Buildings 1695. 6 | 51 Sir Henry Spelman, on the Balance of Go-1 vernmeut. ; 51 Denzell, Lord Holies, on the Government of» 13142 England, written to Mr. Van B. de M. at Amsterdam, 1676. j 5T Sir Wm, Coventry on the Decay of Rents. ; 51 John, Ld, Berkeley on Government. 5T Heneage Finch ou the Tryal of Lord Mac i Guire, 4642. « 5T Characters of Mac Guire’s Rebels. j 51 Roll of Baronets 1611 to 1627. 5T Knts. of the Bath at K. James’s Coronation. I 13145 51 Knts. made by K. James, k Chas. I, to 1641. « 51 Index. f. ch. s . xvii. halfbrn , ef. « Catalogue of Baronets, 1725. 51 Promotions temp. Car. I, to 1648. ? List of M. P's. from 1727 to 1734^ 13138 13139 13140 \\ 13141 5 13143 I 13144 18146 51 Lords created by Cromwell, in 1657. 51 M. P’s. summoned to meet 3 November 1640. showing the former iVl.P’s. in April, k who signed the Vow to defend with life, & for¬ tune the Protestant Religion, & the Rights of Parliament. Who were Royalists, who Parliamentarians. M.P’s. who were origiuall, & who recruiting members. Do. who were dead, or not duly elected. Do. who voted to save Lord Strafford. Do.who vowed never to lay down their Arms, till the King laid down his, 6 June 1643. Do. who took the Covenant, Dc. who were Parliarnt. Commissioners to raise Men, or Money,& sequester Royalists. Do. who were imprisoned by the Army,& In¬ dependent Faction 5, & G, Dec. 1648, for vot¬ ing the King’s Conci ssious a ground forPeace Al. P's. who declined to try the King. Do. who declined to sit as Judges. Do. who sat as Judges hut absented them¬ selves on the day of Sentence. Do. who sat, & gave Sentence. Do. who signed the Warrant. Do.who deserted the Purliamt. at Westmins¬ ter,& sat at the Oxford Parliarnt. 1643-4. Do. who were employed by the Kin", tho. they sat not at Oxford Do.who were the Rump Parliament ill 1659. Do. who were Compounders. 51 Promotions in the Law, temp. H. 8. E. 6. Mary, Eliz. Jnc. 1, & C. 1. S List of Commons, 1741. 51 Intended Knights of the Royal Oak, 1660. 100 Pedigrees ol Kings, Princes, Dukes, kc. of Europe, large f. ch. s, xvii. 101 Richd. St. George’s Book of Receipts for Rent 1601. s. Mo. ch. s. xvii. 102 Arms of tho Visitation of London in 1687. s. d/o. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. 103 Richd. St George’s Extracts from Records. begins with “In quadam ligula Breviuin mis- sorum per Regcm H. 6, diversis Vice-Com- itibus ad ceftificanda nomina illorum qui poriant anna antiqua, & ad illos pre-munien- dos ad serviendum Regi pro defensione Regni Becundum gradussuos, Ao. regni sui 1428, & uriacum respousionibus dicturum Vice-coini- tum de nmuinibus eorum. 51 Summons ol Barons, kc. thin 4to. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. marked “ B. 61.” Quarterings of St. George on the Cover. 104 Liber vocatus “Secretum Proborum.” 11 Medical Receipts. 51 Scola Salernitana.— 8 vo. ch. s. xv. 105 Judicature in Parliament. 4 to. ch. s.xvii .brn.cf. 106 Armcs of the Cities of England. •51 Do- of Gentry of every Shire. 51 Do. of Corporations. 5l Do. of Companies of London, Collected by Alban Owen, wilh his Signature. Arms prin¬ ted, cut off, & pasted in. s. 4to. ch. ivh. v. 107 Life of Sir Thos. More, 4 to. ch. s. xvii.brn. cf. Book Plate of Sir Jno. Perceval, Bart, of Burton, in Co. Cork, Ireland. 108 Richd. St. George’s Grants of Arms, Co, Durham, in 1615 4 to. ch. 1615. No. 7. 109 L’Art Militaire pour J’lufunterie, ou le Ma- niement du Mousquet, & de la Pique. 51 Les Evolutions Militaires, conformes a celles du Prince Maurice. 4lo.ch. s. xvii. o. brn. cf. 110 Instructions Politiques, ou Les Vertus neces- saires a un Prince pour bien gouverner. 8. Mo. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. 63 leave s. 111 Catalogue of Books in the Heralds College. 51 Divine Quotations out of divers Autliors.o«/y a Jew Pages written, s . 4/0. ch. s. xvii wh.v. 122 Pauli Veridici Answer to James Usher’s (Bp. of Meath,) Letter to Sir Christofer Sibthorp, on the ancient Religion of the Irish, e. 4 to. 233 147 148 140 1150 3151 3152 ch. s. xvii. o. brn. cf. ( Old Sale A7o. 834.) $ 113 St. George MSS. “A 56" Baronagium, Al-| phahetice, to letter R.Rutland beginning with $ Albemarle, s. 4to. ch. s. xvii. ivk. v. 8 114 St George MSS. “A. 51.” *2 Vote. An ent| Pedigreis by Nicholas Charles, Lancaster. | 91 tcritten pages, fy Index. Yo\.‘2nd. marked “O.” i{ 52 leaves s. 4 to. ell. s. xvii. wh. v jj 115 St. George MSS. “B. 51 ” Extracts from Re- § cords, Copies,& Extracts from AncientDeeds, & tricks of the Seals, s. 4 to. ch. s.xvii. wh.v.j 77 leaves besides Index. 51 Arms of Sir Thos. Maunsel, of Margam, Co.o Glam, as used at his Funeral, tricked on 28 loose pieces of Velluui. 116 H eraldic Customs, & Ceremonies. | II Tricks of lloyal Arms. 51 Order of Precedence of all Estates before his! Majestic through London from the Tower to! Whitehall, 15 March 1603. j? 51 Proceeding to Parliament, 10 March. %. Styles, k Tytles of the King, k Kilts, of Gar-;| ter at the feast of St. George, 23 Ap. 1604. » 51 Noblessummonedby writte to Parlimt.43Eliz. k 51 Order of Funeral Processions for Earls,Coun-jt tesses, Barons, Baronesses, Knights, Es-| quires, & Cytizens j> 51 Figure of the Hearse of Edmd. Bridges, Lord ! Chan dog. « 51 Lyvery of Apparel for Noble Women. sj 51 Authority of Officers of Arms within their| Province. | '51 Dyet appoynted for the Herehawghts al St.« George's feast held at White Halle, the 231 April 1604. j ^ Portraits of a Duke, & Marquis, Earl, k Ba> < ron, in their Robes. 51 Some Rules of the Tournament. 51 Of Banners, Standards, Penons, Guy do ns, !; Penoucells, & Stremers. 51 Of Making a Knt. Banneret in the Field. |> 51 Copy of my Oath taken at my creation by the name of Portesmouth Pursevant at Armes. 51 Names ot the Heralds, 26 March 1604. 51 Proportion of the Cupboard of Plate at| Hampton Court, 26 Dec. 16U3. 51 Figures of 2 Kuts. one in Brightwell Church j Cliurch Window, Oxon. the other in Coddes-jj broke Church Window, Co. Nton. § 51 Do. of all the Knts. in the Middle Temple! Church. 51 Arras of the 8 Palatine Barons of Chester, j Crew, Halton,MaIpas, Lacy, Stockport, Ven¬ ables, Vernon, Massey. j 51 Serjeantry Nobles at the Coronation of E. 6. jj 51 Monuments in Kuebworth Church, Herts. | 51 Figure of a Woman in Goldington Church, f. Co. Beds. | 5f Funeral Fees due to Heralds. | 51 To make Colours for the art of Lymning. < 1 A good Colour of Orpiment. 2 To make a good Colour of Vermilion that shall never fade. j 3 A faire yellow Orpiment like Goulde in colour. j 4 A Fair Colour of Red Lead. 5 To make burnysshing Gold size, 117 An Alphabet of Arms, marked “63’' thick y. 12 mo. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. Olim Thom® Savile, j 6 Henry Savile. At the end are. 5T Some Rules of Armes, signed by Henry St. | George. ^ _ j 118 Arms in Kettelberia Hall, Co. Lincoln, the Seat of.Terwhitte. j 51 51 Extracts from Historians, i. e. Knighton, | Camden,&c. ? if it is not Camden's Autograph » There is a copy of a Letter not signed, which j complains of Brookes mouth the Herald. The is MS. is dated at the end 1589, | 5T Arms at Ancaster, Co Line, 13153 13154 13155 13156 13157 13158 13159 13160 13161 13162 13163 13164 13165 13166 51 A leaf of Expences, pasted on the Cover. (? if during the Visitation of Lincoln.) 51 On loose sheets were. “Wax Impressions of 70 Seals.” but the IsA 9 are missing. 119 Visitation {apparently) of London, 1596-7. 4 leaves being lost,on the first leaf paged 5. is a Pedigree of Beauchamp, E of Warwick, 6l written pages, Index, s. 4lo, ch.s.wi.wh.v. bound in a Pedigree emblazoned of .... ( the greatest part turn off.) At the end is a leaf of a MS. of the 10th. Century, apparently of The life of some Saint. 120 Arms, Quarterings, & Mottos of Scotch No¬ bility. s. 4to. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. 121 Inquis. p. Mort. & their heirs, & ages of the heirs. 169 leaves, besides Iudex. 4 to. cA.s.xvii. apparently by Richd. St. George. 122 Anns of Nobles, Knights, Gentry, k Bishops, temp. Eliz. with quarterings. 5" How to make various Inks. sAto.ch.s.xvi.ioh.v. 123 De nupera Catholicorum in Anglia conspira- tione Epistolaris dissertatio, (viz. “Oates’s Plot.”; s. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. 124 George Owen’s Instructions for divers At- chivements for Gentlemen of Pembrokshire, 1601. 31 leaves , besides Index. *. 4/o. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. 125 Rice Lewis’s Abreviatwith Notes, containing all the Lordsliippes, k Mannors, in Co. Gla¬ morgan, shewing the Patrons of the Advow- sons. Pedigree of every Lord, with what Houses they matched, Stofwhomihey hold the Lordship according to old Records. Dat¬ ed 1596. s. 4to. ch. s. xvi. wh v. pp. 125 besides Index. 126 Inq. p. Mort. with the heirs, & their ages from 1 H. 4. to 10. H. 5. 51 Creations of Peers 3. H. 3. to Eliz. 51 Attainders, A Restitutions, 1. 11.4. to 14.E.4. 51 House of Peers temp. H. 8. 51 Catalogue of Earls a Coiiquestu. 51 Do. of Chief Justices. 51 Masters of the Rolls. 51 Precedents of Baronies, 1598. 51 That Dignities conferred by Writ of Summon* descend to Females where there is a Sole Heir, k not to Coheirs. 51 Decision of the Judges in the Case of the Abergavenny Barony. 51 Nomina Principum, & Procerum qui (fuer- unt) in hello Civili inter Eboracensem, & Lancustrcnsem familias, ab.Ao. 28. H. 6. ad 15. H. 7. k where buried. 51 Meeting at Essex House, 1598, on the ques¬ tion about Heirs male, & Heirs general. 51 Peers summoned to Parliament from 43. H. 3. to 1615. 51 The Barons who wrote the Letter to Pope Innocent, 1354 s. 4to. ch. s. xvi. wh. v. This formerly belonged to Wm. Camden, whose name is written in it several times. 127 (? Geo Owen’s MSS.) Llyma wehelyth Llyr Brenin y Bryttanied. Pedigrees in Welsh with the Arms blazoned. The first leaf lost. 51 Arms of Co. Pembroke, Glamorgan, Gluuc. Salop. Chesh. & Herefordshire. 4to.dks.xvii. T28 The Life of Sir Juo. Hawkwood./. ch. s.xviiL cl. gt. 129 Arms of Knights of each County who served K. Edw. 1. in Scotland, Emblazoned from a Jloll.f.ch, s xvW.wh.v. 36 leaves. Marked “20” 130 Mohun, Cortne, & Segrave Pedigrees: con¬ taining copies of Charters from Newenham Cartulary, Chacombe Chronicles, Records, the Mohun book of Boconnock, &c. in proof of the Descents.f.ch s.x\u.wh.v.MarkcdC.\4. 131 Visitation of Somerset, 1573. 51 a loose Pedigree of Speke./ 1 , ch. s. xvi. wh.v. It has Additions in a later handy 2 loDg Pedigrees of Percival, & Coker. 132 The Original Visitation of Nottinghamshire, 234 in 1614. Marked ££ B.29." with Autography Signatures of the Heads of the Families, & with copies of Charters, & references to Re¬ cords in proof. (Ped. of Maunsell)/.c/i s.xvii. rvh. v. It has a sale Number on it “201.’’ 13167 133 Index to Grants by several Kings of Arms in Vols. Marked B 26 —B. C. No. 4.—A Paper book marked with 3 Annulets on the Cover.- k Sir Edw.Walker’sGrants.—Sir Edw. Bysshe’s j Grants. — Dugdale’s — Cooke’s (See more of 8 his in Vincent’s Books, 169, & 161.)— Sir jj Gilbert Dethick’s No. 162. parts 1 , & 2 — J Vincent’s thick book of Grants bouncLin Vel- :j lum No 157.—Vincent’s Guifts No. 176.— :> Grants 3rd. Office of Armes.—The last Book 8 of Grants marked Vol. 4.—I. 5 & H. 6 . Gifts jj of Arms.—2. 11 1).—2 G. 4 —Cook’sGrants il T.13.—F. 12 .— 2 . H. 10.—2. H. 11 .—2.0.6.— : Seagar’s Grants. jj IT Deed betw. Sir Jno. Meyrick, of London,&c. | & Gen. Owen, of London, Si Jno. Wingfield, • of Pembroke, f. ch. s. xvii. mh. v. 13168 134 List of Disclaimers at the Visitations of Devon, i] 1620,Cornwall 16:20, Surry 1623, Derby 161 1 , 8 Berks. 1666,Glo. 1 623,Berks. 1623,Salop. 1623. 8 Essex 1634, Wilts. Dorset, pot’s Books are collected, by Mr. Joseph : Holland.'/’, ch. s. xvii. wh. v. 13171 137 Miscellanea Francisci 'I'hinne.“beginning with j “Apophthegmata, or Extracts from English ! Historians, to fol. 28, f. 30, A Note of Mar- j shalls, f. 31 to 54, Pedigrees.—f. 56 Abbrev- 1 iations of lnq. postMort. of Handlo, Burnell j &c. f. 89, Carta S. Edwardi, filii Etheldredi jj Regis.—f. 92, Carta lina. Wmi. Conq. 1067 . • f. 96,Ex Cartul. de Waverleia.—f. 97 , E x j Recordis, Finibus, Placitis, fyc. H fol. 132, Strategemata ex Historia Anglise. 5 T Index Libri. | fch. a. xvii wh. v. stamped on the sides with 13174 the Arms,&Quarterings of Richd.St. George, ; Marked 1 * A. 30.” 0 113175 13172 138 State Correspondence of Sir Henry Unton, | from 1591, Ambassador to France, pp . 604 ! f f. ch. s. xvii. mh. perg . * ». a Triangle* The above extend through all the letters of the Alphabet, giving, first, all that are in the letter a. in the abuve 44 Vols, then all the B*s, then the C’s, Sc so on./', ch. s.xvii ,wh.t\ 144 List of Members of Parliament from 3 Nov. 1640 to *2J, Jan. 1638 with notes on their conduct during the Revolution, &e. f. cli. s. xvii Im. cf. 145 Notes for ihe Biography of Romans, Sc Danes, beginning with Co.nclius Nep&s. /'. cA.s.xviii. o. bin. cf. pp. 80. 140 Descent of Medhope from Edw*. 3rd. & from Sir Thus. Phillip^, of Pictou Castle. 9 Statuia, Ordin..tioues, Acta, & Provisiones, in Parliamento apud Casirum Dublin coram Artlmro Chichester de Belfast, Deputato Regis uenerali ltcgni sui Hiberniae 11 Jac. 1 to ‘24 Oct. 1615. ^ List of Members, 1613. *[ Speech of Sir Jno. Davies, the Speaker. /'. ch . s. xvii. rgh. cf. 147 Knights of ihe Garter of the first foundation. ^ Arms of Dorsetshire families /'ch s xvii. wh.v.t 148 Giovan. Ball. Spada, Lucchese, Memona delii Comcse gravi cmi Cardinal: Ambaseiatori e Prmcipi delli delilti seguiti in Roma dalli IS Gen. 1635, alii IS bept.l643/',cA.s.xvii.uA.tJ 149 Genealugia, & \rma Regum, & Principum Auglist. The Arms emblazoned. % Genealogy of the Plant.'geneis. Order of the Garter iu their btall*. 9 Their Order according to Mr. Thompson, Windsor, Mr. Holland, & Mr. Milles. H Arms of various persons, fl Annales ah Ao. 10S4 ad 1335. Lxcerpta ex Cartis de Bestou, «fc Worabwell, &c. &c. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. rch. v 150 The Reign, & Death of Edw. 2 /. ch. a. xvii.; toll. v. 151 A Herald's first Drawing Book, containing: Heads of Animals done (< apparently) by Jno. j Cooper, 1626. > ^ Names which have been proclaimed in the* County C^urt. «T Church Notes in Ash near Sandwich, Kent, 1613. Aims of Yorkshire Gentry. Jno. Cooper’s Expeneeg. <5 MSS. Copied by Jno. Cooper, for Sir Chrr. Hatton, begun Oct. 1638. end* 1642. Poem on the Rumour of the K. of Sweden’s death 1632. A Latin Poem by Alexr. Gill, de Gestis Regis Suecise in Germania. ^ : •Jj Ben. Johnson, against Gill, begins “Doth"the prosperity of a Pardon still.’’ <$c f ch. s.xvii. 152 Wm. Richardson’s (Professor of Humanity in Glasgow University) Lectures on Pine Writ¬ ing. Young’s Lectures on the Greek Grammar. 4/o. ch s. xviii. rgh. cf. 153 Poems, beginning “Deare, throwe that flatter¬ ing Glasse awaie.” Ufby Anthony St. John, of Bletso, 1640; or, by Anne St. John,rrA^M names are written on the fiy leaf. Some of them are by Thos. Randolph, fol. ch. s. xvii, o brn. cf. .13183 154 List of Parliament Men from 3 Nov. 1640, to 22 Jan. 1688. being the rough sketch of No. 144. /’. ch. s. xvii, wh. v. 131S9 155 Arms in Churches taken by James Strangman viz. Plcsshy, Willingalc, Hatfield Brodoke,&c, Essex, y*‘iy neatly drawn , but unfortunately ray iero.f. ch. s xvii. nh. v. Notes of Homan History. 13190 156 Boise’s Pharaoh’s Tyrannie. a Poem, a Note on the Jly leaf says “This was composed by . JJeise, a Scotchman, about the time of the Reformation. He was couuted in those times a learned man. He left an Estate con¬ ditional l that they should see this book print¬ ed, which not being performed, a law suit is commencing to recover the same, 1713.’' pp. 230./. ch. s. xviii. o. cf. yl. \ 13191 157 Collection of Lives, English, & Foreign. The 1st. is Philip Chabot, Admiral of France, /. ch. s. xviii. bds. pp. 42 I. 13192 158 Lives of Painters: begins with Hannibal Car- acci./’. cli. »■ xvii pp. 574, or 425. Hist, of Modern Italian Painters, written in Dutch by Cbas. Van Mander, & rendred into English by A. E. pp. 96. it appears to bo imperfect, f. ch. 8. xvii. Ex Bibl. inccrta . 13193 Sir Ecerton Brydges on the Peerage. 4lo ch.a. x«x. l s 3l. Y Do. do. Journal at Geneva 1831. 13194 Ames’s Topographical Notes on a Tour in England in 1747. l/o. ch. «. xviii. Sale Wo, 859* Boone. 13195 Ivory Roll of the Book cf Esther, in Hebrew, on Vellum,backed with Crimson Silk; with illustra¬ tive Drawings. Beautifully uritten... feet long. Roycz , Paris, 1S24- (omitted inp. 33. No. 2983J 13190 Compte de Uecctte, & Depense du Chapitre de Langres, Anno 12S1. thinJ'. v. % xiii. grn. bds . 19 leaves 1 Hitches by 10. 13197 Do. do. d>> do. Auno 1282./Abi f.v.s.xin.gm.bds, 18 ,eaccs. 13198 Do. do. do. do. Anno 1238. thin f.v s.xiii.grn.Acfr. 10 leaves from 47 to 5G of the Original Volume* Ex Bibl. Principis Talleyrand . 13199 Nicolas Vallard’s Atlas d’Anciennes Cartes, 1547. large fol. 10^ in. red. mor. illuminated with paintings, in proper colours, of the Inhabitants, & Animals, & representations of Customs in all parts of the World then known. It is the best contemporary pictorial description of those countries existing. It contains the fir-stMap made ofAustralia.The Drawings are executed with ex. traordiuary accuracy, & fidelity. On the first 9 pages are illuminated borders taken from sub¬ jects in Greek, & Roman Mythology. Oh the leaves 27, 23, are two more borders, contain¬ ing representations of Pomona with Fruits, & Flowers, & in the centre of each of these two borders is this Goat of Arms, probably of the Person for whom the MS. was executed. “Ar¬ gent, on a Saltire Sable 5 Bezants, in chief a Mullet S. pierced of 1 he field. On the Title is an Arinillary Sphere, 6c under it is ‘‘Nicolas Valiard de Dieppe, 1547,’’ m 13200 13201 13202 13203 X3204 13205 13200 13210 13211 13212 13213 13214 13215 13216 13217 13218 13219 13220 13221 13222 13223 13224 Sir H'm. Rethan.'s MSS. 1854. 13225 (Records of Ireland, fc.) M. P’s. for Ireland from 1559. to 1769. with List of Charters, & Grants to the Boroughs. /. ch. 8. xix. 300 leaves; half black cf. with Betham Crest, an Elephant’s head issuing out of a Du¬ cal Coronet. 1- Sir Wra. Bedlam's Collections from the Records for a History of the Counties Palatine of Ire¬ land. f ch- s xix. 1-15 leaves Index £ dk.cf. 2. j Do. Collections from the Records ol Ireland, in- titled “Deeds, Leases. &c. in the Reign of K. Geo. 1, & 2 /. eh. s, xix. £ light cf. gilt. 338 j Rages, At the end. 1 ‘Finished this Book 12 Fib. j 1S35. Alfred Betham.” JV". B. It is brought | down to the end of George, 2. 3. : Do. Abstract of Patent Rolls from E. 2. to Elizlh.j wih the Number of Rolls for each Reign exist¬ ing in 1555.from 20 E. 2. to 34 Geo. 2 [written | unfortunately in English.) f eh. s. xix. bound) uniform with the lust. 531 pages. II Index of Latin Words found in Charters, with : a translation. 4. Do. Grants of Lands, Fairs, Markets, Leases, Deeds, temp. Car. 2. pp.5t56f.ch s.xix.£ ry, for tlie lleV. Clias. James O Connor, thin 4/o. ch- s. xix. 98 . A Discourse on Fidelity, addressed to K. Chas. I. being An Appeal to him on behalf of his Sister JElizth. Princess Palatine of the Rhiue. 97. 13241 13242 13243 13244 13245 13246 13247 13243 13249 11250 13251 13252 13253 13254 13255 13256 13257 V Denial of the Pope’s Supremacy. V Address to the Kings of Spain, & Sweden, & the Emperor. H Tears on the Death of Gustavui.K.of Sweden. 8m. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. pp. 19S dk. brn. mor.gilt . The King’s Arms on the sides. 231. : Original Book of Accounts of (Jacket's Estate ini; 1708./. ch. s. xviii. £ dk cf. I :$B leaves. 69. \ ' Revd. Mervyn Archdall’s Collections for Irish j Topography. 1. 4 to. ch. s. xviii ryh.cf. I 368 Column*, with Additions. 7. j Collectanea de Rebus llibernieis ab Ao. 1173. ad \ An. 1624. oxcerpta ex Recordis. It begins with j the King’s Letter for the purchase of Lodge's! Collection of Records for Ireland. l.ful. ch.s. xi x.£ cf. 430 pa yes. 7^*1 The Rook of Postings, & Sab of the Forfeited j Estates, & Interests in Ireland, vested in Sir j Cyril Wyche, <& others, Trustees appointed by j. Act of Parliament in II 12. Win. 3, sol I j in 1703, at Chichester House. With Index of Places, la'e Proprietors, & Purchasers. j "very large f. (near 2 feel square) ch. s. xix. j ■5 russ. 133 leaves. Inserted is a Facsimile! of Cromwell's Map of Crumlin made 1653.1 coloured on Parchment. 91. j Vaughan's (? Charles,) Discourses. j: H The Psalms printed by Slcruhold. 12 mo. ch. s. xvii. o. cf. clasps. 184/ Letters to Sir Win. Iietham, 3 b Vols. 4to. They are alphabetically marked thus, A. I. j B 8 . C 2. D 1 . E I. F I, G 1 . II 2. K 1. L 3. j M 3. O l. P \. R L. S I. T L. W 2 . D E P G, I Vol. OPQB. 1 . STVWY.l. Of this set it seems that A B C, tv H I KL.UN | are wanting. t Letters tViiscellan. 1 Vol. < Do. Original, on the Peerage, 2 Vols. I Do. do. C. L. Jonsoii, Vol. 3. Do. Vol. 1 . & 2 . 1808. : 4 to. ch. s. xix. -j dk. cf 155. Leabhar o Cleirigh, or, the Book of O'Cleiry.mi- ; tainvig Genealogical, & Historical Notices of Ireland./, ch. s. xix. £ cf. pp. 284 1 10. Sir Wm. Betham’s Miscellaneous Enrollments. tall j. ch. s. xix. cj. yl. “Finished 20 May i 183!i,” 121 leaves. 25. The Book of Ballymote, translated into English. large fol ch. 8 . xix, \ rgh. cf. 176 pages. 1 if perfect at the end. 29. A Rental of Lands and Houses in Dublin, & vari¬ ous Counties of Ireland ^ A General Hist, of the World. l.f. ch. s. xvii. wit. v. At the end arc many loose broadsides relating to Ireland, & Irish Politics, (to be bound separately.) 89. Battcly’s (Arcliidiaconi de Canterbury) Anti- q-uitates Burghi Sti. Edmundi, in Co. Suffolk. /. ch. s. xviii wh. v. 43 Sheets. 62. A Particular Description of all the Sheares of Ireland, in I 08 U. (1 Copy.) thin f. ch. s. xix. I %dk. cf. yt. pp: 124. 70. j Robert Ware’s Collection of Irish State Papers! from 1075 to 10S6. thin f. ch. s. xvii. russ. ! gt. (Notpayed.)- 101.j Edwd. O’Reilly’s Translation of the Annals of Inisfalleu from A.D.250 to 1165./. ch. s. xviii J \icf. imperfect. 74. Sir W m. Beiham’s Historical, & Genealogical Extracts from the Amient Recognisances in the Irish Chancery temp. Eliz. to Car. 2. thin f. ch s. xix. £ cf. pp. 50, Index. 18. Sir \1 m. Betham’s Abstract of the Tower Rolls for Ireland, temp Ki Joh. pp. 222. II Cartulary of St. Thomas, Dublin, p.225 to 319. V Placita of Ireland, Ao. 1 E. 2. 11 Notes of Irish Correspondence in the State Paper Ollice, in Vol. 92. p. 473, f ch. s. xix. j dk. cf. gt. 16. Translation (* by Sir Wm. Betham.) of Antient Irish Poems. Begins with one ‘‘On Tara;” ends\ 13258 13259 122G0 13261 13262 : 13283 13264 13265 13266 13267 13269 13269 13270 13271 12272 13273 13274 13275 13270 fwf/&/‘The Chase of Tore." fch.s.xix.grn.cl. 27 . Walter Butler's Remarks on St. Malachi’s Pro¬ phecy on the Popes thk.fch, s.xix. grn. cl. 67. Poems, ascribed to Ossian, literally translated. thick f. eh. s. xix. \ dk cf. 143 , Annals of Ireland, from 1559 to 1686. II The Papists Rebellion in Ireland, in 1611-2-3* f. ch. s xvii. \ russ. gilt. 77 , Household Expenees, & Rental in Ireland, in 1740, & to 1779./ ch s. xviii. wh. v. J 94 , Heraldic Miscellanies by Ralph Brook, York He¬ rald. Autograph, f. ch. s. xvii. £ russ. gilt. 179 pages. 33 . Knights made in Ireland from lbGj, to 1839. with the Arms emblazoned, thick f. ch. s. xix, £ cf. 312 leaves. 24 . Ancient Irish MS. discovered at Stockholm by Geo. Stephens, Esq. thin f. ch. s. xix. 99 . Cases on the Popery Acts, stated by Riclid. Ma¬ lone, 1739./. ch. s xviii. pp. 53. ( not id ) 160. Description of Irish Abides, Churches & Castles. 4 to. ch. s xviii. £ Uhr.pp. 198 (7 if by Mervyn Archdall.) 92 , Ware’s Irish Writers, royl. 8 vo. ch. s. xvii. \ cf. ? Autograph. 187. Lodge’s Collections, containing. 1 Isaac Butler's Journey to Lough Dearg. • 2 .Rio. O’Phelan’s Epitaphs in St. Canice, Kilkenny. 3 Uo. do, in St. Mary’s. _. . 4 Do. do. in St. John’s Abbey, 5 Calendariurn Sanctorum Hibernia. 6 Ralph Ousley’s Description of KilmacDuagh 7 Do. Inscriptions at Dunmore. 8 Obituary of the Dominicans of Athenry, 9 Earl of Cork’s Remembrances. 10 Catalogue of Bishop Sterne’s Works iuTrin. Coll. Library. 11 Erie’s Notes of Irish Customs. 12 Cooper's Journey from Dublin to Munster. 13 An Obituary, iv Chronicle, or. Annals from A. D. 423, to 1346. 4/o. ch. a. xvii. o. cf. gt. pp. 193. 117. Itossi 41 Lcttere dulla Mar dies a dt M. *•* al Come
  • f.ch.s.xix grn.cl pp. . . 112. Sanasan Clionnaic, or, Cormae's Glossary of An¬ cient Irish Words: with a Translation, pp. 17(1. | f.ch s.xix.-j dk.cf. and interleaved 1 7 * \ David Roih’s (Bishop"of Ossory, 1615.) Softer-1 ings of the Catholics of Ireland, divided into 0 \ Parts. 1 A Relation of 6 months Oppression. j 2 Exhortation to those marked out to suffer Mar- j tyrdum. 3 Martyrlike Proceedings ofcerlayne Champions j ol the Faith./, ch. s', xvi. £ /uss. gilt. IC-1J. i W. Taylor's Letters to"Earl of Lgmont, from 1737. j f. ch. s. xviii. wh. r. pp. 100 . lie appears io j hare been Lord Egmout’s Steward. Hound in 5 a fragment of a Lease from Lord Egmout. 6 J. j Brigadier Genl. rloht Stearnc’s Account of the Transactions which he lias been engaged in, < with the Royal Regiment 1717. Autograph. 4 to. ch. s.xviii. 17*26. pp. 1S4. wh. v. 178. , Origin of the Mac Namara Family, in Thomoml. ] (now Co. Clare) He cf their Branches, their j ancient Patrimonies, & Territories, He the Ca>- | ties built by them. &c. thin. 4 to. ch. s. xviii.^c/'. gt. 50 pages. 127. Juliani Episcopi Pronostica de Futuro Seculo. 1 itm. thin J. vet. s xii. £ russ. gt. 103. Mac Mahon’s (of Thomond,.) Chronicle of Ireland I *. 4 to. ch. s xviii. halt russ. gt. Not paged, ft j coarsely written. 126. j Lodge’s Parochiale Hibernicum, or An Account of Churches in lieland. H Parishes, Chapelrii s, Dignifies, kc. in Ireland, < by Rev. Mervyn Archdall. with 4/te Valor Lenelicioruiu, printed 1741. 8. Ato, ch.s. xviii. o, brn cf. 176 leaves , beside Index. l to. The Valor has been corrected by Lodge from the Records. It has the name of liev . M. Archdall, in his Autograph. Mervyn Archdall’s Collectanea Monastica Hiber- nica (? Autograph .) from the Collections ol Wm. King, Archbp. of Dublin; Collected from various Cartularies, &c. of lreland.p/).330 7 Annales Monasterii B. V. Maria Dublin; Ex MS. Clogherenbii No. 10. pp. 62. Three more leaves, ft fragments at the end, sAto.ch. t. xviii. half cf, g. 13291 Michael O’Loogan’s Translation ofthe Anna!* of innisfallen. s. Ato. ch. s. xix. half flue cf. If Fragments, with an original Letter.of Aliqjiael O’Lowgan, relative tq this Translation. If Adventures of 4 (lorlis Mac blariin, Si his ne¬ phew Mac Deurbreathar, King of Lochlip, (fragment.) If The Annals of In.pisvalleq. If The Battle qf Mucliruime, See. &c. ^f Tributes paid to the Kings of Ireland. List of Irish Mbb. in the bauds of Michael O’ Langau. The above are in loose leaves s. Ato. FTo be bound separately.) 3 13292 Death of Coulach son of Cuciiulliu,& other Poem* translated l*y Michael O’Lungan. $.4/o.cA.s.x,ix. ,half blue cf. 105 leaves. 44. 13293 History uf I ennanagh County, & the Ancient Families there, s. Ato. ch. s. xviii. half russ. 165 pages. 63. ? 18294 Vossii (GVrurdi Joins.) Oraloriarum Institulionum ( Libri sex. If On Theseus, Romulus, & Lvcurgus. II Logic... ‘ s. Ato. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. pp. 80. 2Q, 113295 Sir Wm. I\ uy’s Survey of the County of Dublin, < Celled the Down purvey, &. Copy. \2mo. ch f. s. xix. hqtf cf. 166. \ i329G Lieut. Oc.il. \\ ade's Military Regulations. If Lord Siiannun’s Oplers relating to Deserters | io Ireland. U Lord Cart crops Order for Recruiting Beating Order, : 735. 12;.' o. ih. s. xviii./ 1 /) 28 sd. 105. 13297 Letters, & Pa u rs ivlatiig ij the Rebellion qf 174 >,pp. ItM 12mo. ch. s. xviii. gru. tel. Begins with a Letter from King Jam; s, to the Duke <_ t A rgv e. The 2nd. j art is nutp tged. At the end ; "Verses or* Am Deulii ol Dr. John Murphy, by K. gui doore. 164. 13298 Memorandum IL.o cf Richd. Synnot, & Mark >yuimi. small obi Ato. 181, 113299 Morris's U.\ wm_s of lr'sli Antiquities, Castles, Bound lowers, Ab >ies, Grave otoaes, kc. &cc. iSmo. ch. s. xvx. g>n. mor. 1805. 131. j The following appear to have been Lord K ingsboro ugh's j MSS. Ig were probably bought by Sir H m. Bet ham, at the Sale of his Lordship's MSS. in Dublin in 181.. i i 13300 Juan Antonio de Archimband’s Catalogue of Hou¬ ses of the Jesuits hi bpain, before they were \ expelled. /. red mor. ch. *. xvii. Arms of the King of s-paiu on the sides. 10/ leaven- 100 . 113301 Original Letter ( 4 leaves) from Domingo deYraia “a los inuy poderosos el Presidente, y el Con- seyo real de las Vndias.” 1548. thin f. cA.s.xvi. f edmor.Incipit, ‘ Per Abril de 43 con Albar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca lii?£ relation., a V. Al. de las cosas succdidas, &c.&c. 952. 113302 Document relating to the Marriage of Don Alva¬ rado of the City ofSo.uto in Guatemala Dated 1626. Signed. “Douarie Navarra.” thinf of ch. s. xvii. 2 leaves. 26. 13303 Original Letter of (?) Espinosa, to the Emperor, dated 153(1 .?)beginning ‘'Despues de escrita sopra que va eu este me>mo Navio, por la qual hago ltelacion a V. Magt. del estado en que e staio dcstas partes, especial lo de la culata del Golfo de Urava, y de la provision que hizo el Governador Francisco de Barrio, nucunado, en JulianGutierrez.” &c./. ch. s. xvi. 2 leaves. 366. 13304 Don Pedro Moya de Contrerac, Arzobispo de Mexico, Letter to the Clergy of Mexico, dated 157 d.fol. ch, s. xvi. 2 leaves . 685. 13305 Hernando Cortes Relacio quinta al Rey deEspana Copied by Don Francisco de Rivera, 1672. (not paged. J sAto.ch, a.xviii, half blue mor ,289 239 1330G 13307 1330S 13309 13310 13311 13312 13313 13314 13315 1331G \ Copy- of the King's Instructions td Gaptn: Barth u^|< lomew'Garcia-de Nodai, charged with a Voyage || ■ of Discovery to the Srraito oi Magellan y May re | (t circa 1610.) 5 written.' iedv i. e. Gomes Guilford. Ex 'ISibl. Comitis Guil-j ford r with kis Book-plate. 109.1 : Letter a de ia Nobil Citta, noxnroata Zliaval, nuova-| inente ritrovata alle Indie, eon iii guoi;Gcstumi,| & modi del suo Ite, et soi popoli, ii modi del suo j adorare, con la bellu usanza deile iiohneToro.j lit de due persone Erruafroditc,donate da quelj Re al Capitano dellaAruiata. original. This Letter is “Data in Zhaval a di 25 di Set-j tembTo MDXXXV. 4 leaves Bvo. morone mor. j In thetitle is a Vignette of the ship approach-j ing the Town, & in the foreground is tbe Cap-jj tain (apparently) Conversing with an aged in-1 habitant with a heard, his -bead covered with? i a hood, holding in ;his right hand a stick, ini his left a string, probably, oi Pearls, or he may| be a Monk with his liv-sary.. 595.] fBullario de.las lndias, or, Popes Hulls relating to< the "West Indies, & America, f. ch. s. xvii.j wh.v. 255 leaves- 130. Pudscy’s (Guthbert) Journal of a Residence in the j Brazil, thin f.ch.. s.xvn. cf.gilt. 33 leaves. S13. J Lord Conwaie’s Relation, concerning the Passages j in the date .Northern Expedition, thin foL ch. j s. xvii. of. gt. 30 leaves. • Yourih's Journal in the Arctic Voyage of thej Ship Charles, under Captain Luke Fox,inlG31.j thin f. cit. s, xvii. . 594. . f 13319 Do. du, do. dqi Jtio,‘. liascjev, 6. 9l;38. pp. 512. . 13320 , Do.. (1), ( dq.do. CaJ'-vaU^di-r H : a«idy, l54U.^»,4t‘2. ,lh>. do. d-dj. Admiral Ch;/.s Nanvrc, J->32. n.G37 13322 Do. do. do. d. )» Gql'oii: i H/. jivo/ 1033 . . Ii Queen Isa^elA Lcttgr io iijm, .&c. 13323 Do. do. do. d;>-Sami. G rddn, 25 .fun* 1841. ■Uo, ch. 6. xix. pp. 212. 13324 Do. do...do. do.. WnV ii.arrisoji Ainsworth, with the Notice of tie; Periorlnaacq hf Jack Shep- . herd. kaf /rn. cf. >^^4 12. 13325 Do. do. do.do- V<'. Hohnej. lfc.o. l::mo pp. 148. 1332G Do. do. .•/. J. v. aOpei - , L;>oD,12iuo. half nr, efi pp. 116. ... 13327 Do. . xix. red mor. War,vickshiro Manors; Extracts from Deeds. a ,i Testes ex Wauborough Cards, 12/ho. ch. Extracts from Campden Register, 1730 to 1741. 12 mo. ch. 0. xix half roan^ Settlers n America from England, in the 19th. Century. 12 mo. ch. 3. xix. red mor. Excerpta cx Bishqptqft Register, nr.Stratford,from 1603. by K. P. \?.rtio % ch. s. xix’ red mor. (In Pencil. George Baylis’s Inscriptions in Worcestershire Church yards. Qvo.ch. s.xix. red mor. in Pencil. Excerpta ex Bretforton Register. *"i Eveslxum Peculiar Testamenta. ^ Ex Westwood Registro, Wilts. 12 mo.ch. s.xix. grn. mor. Copy 01 a Filazer's Roil, 2 Vols. 12 mo. ch. s. xix, grn. mor.. Index of IVills. P. O, C. If Sale of Estates of Car. 1. H Inquis. p. Mort. temp. Car. 1. V Pedes Finium, Co. Gloc. 13333 13334 13335 13336 13337 13358 13389 13340 13341 13342 13343 1.133*4 !13345 I 13346 240 Richards , Oxford, 1853 13347 Cartularium Eccl. S. Trinitatis de Utrecht, fal. V. s. xvii. Olim P. Bondam, with his Autograph, This Vol. is a modern Copy of the Charters ol Utrecht of the 10, & 11th. & 12th. Centuries. 100 leaves, bound in 1555. in black stamped cf. 13348 Letters of Nobility granted to the Family of Gom¬ ez del Molino, hated 1710. /. V. s. xviii. Arms. A. a lion rampt. Az. and a border G. oharged with 10 Saltires O. impaling G. abend sinister between a Tower in Chief, & a roundel in base A. Bound in red cf. yt. 2 13349 Leveland’s Seals from Ancient Charters with a Portrait (? of himself, or of Goo. Townsend, Lord Ferrers, of Chartley, to vvir m the Work is dedicated.) The Seals are drawn in Colours. fol. ch. bd. in wh. v. gilt. 8 13350 Charles Palmer’s Tour in Italy, 1739-40. 3 Vols. 4to. ch. Vol. 1. contains his Observations on the Paintings, Statues, Roman Inscriptions,$*c. which he saw. At the end is “An Extract from II. Swinbum’s Journey from Naples to PaRstum” H The Speech of the EmperorCluu with Warburtou’s Middlesex Arms inserted. j Old printed No. 1746. Sale No. 1020. j Wiltshire do. 1565. part in tables, part narrative, j II Somersetshire do. 1637. j f. ch, s. svi'ii. \brn.cf. Sale No. 1023. > Miscellaneous Papers relating to the Nobility; be -1 ing Copies of Records, &e. in various Hand-1 writings, thk. f. ch'. s. xvii. Roger Kcinys’s Collection of Glocestershire,Som 9 r-j set, Devon. Cornwall, & Monmouthshire Pedi I grees; assisted by John Smith, ^ofNibley.) Gyles Danvers, John Gwyllym, & others. j II Arms of Gentry in trick. /. ch. s. xvii.j brn. cf. Sale No. 1026., Gregory King’s Copy of the 4th. Book of Patents j of Arms, in the Heralds 0mde; begins with} Burlhogge, Co. Devon, pp. 172. ^ Index of Earl Marshall’s Warrants A. 5.ppA2.\ *jf Patents of Arms. pp. 54. ? /. ch. s. xviii. ( Sale No. 1027.) j Ralph Brooke’s Account of the Seymour Family j with Augustine Vincent’s Corrections. I f ch. s. xviii. brn. cf. {Sale No. lOi-fj.) Slemmata, & List of Crests- Begins with Alderney j Pedigree. It contains Pedigree-, ii-ra vari.-osj is italic ns including" the London 1687, St Ad- * dilions to 1700. j j ®5i L st -t Crests, copied from Ralph Thoresby’s! 113422 w i ; t Library of Geo. /dan, of j13423 Darlingt j: , Durham. L /. s. xviii. brn. cf. ( Su/e No. 1035.) Short Notes of Cotemporary Pedigrees, & of his i! own, by {as 1 presumef Lord’Macartney, the!I Mac Ar'.isy P.o-yee being nv>re copiously detai'cd, 6c br ught down t. id own Creation as a Peer. 4*0. ch. s. xviii. rgh. if They are chiefly Irish Peuigrees. Sale 1037 old printed No. 299. (These old Printed Num¬ bers seem to bs the Numbers 'when in the Macartney Library.) Aspidora Segariana, or, S r Wm. Segar’s Grants of Arms, in alphabet order. Collected by Simon Segar, his great grandson, pp. 470. Copied, b Dale, with Additions. * V 4to. o. brn. cf pp. 470. (Sale No. 1032 ) MSS. on China, 7 Vo!s. fol. £ red morSiniform.viz. Queries put by the Court of Directors to Persons now in En: in China - —J - “ 1 — , , . J, u^i 1.' / 1 n L' 1 X CiOUll., England,who have served the Company . with the Answers thereto. 1I39S 2 Extracts of China Diaries, & Consultations from / .>une 1757, to 13 Jan. 1785. 3 Proceedings relative to the Chinese debts. 4 Extracts from Canton Diaries, & Consultations, frwin D o. I74J. to Oct. 1753. lo/JI 5 Lxtia-’ts, & Gonitis of Let! ore to Canton, from 10 May J 790, to 25 April 17.98, I,j 102 G extracts from Ca-utn. Mathew Court’s Journal in the Slap, Lari of Holdern^ss, from 12 April to Y W>. & 1 June ; j 18 Ju ; v 1 i55, & from 30 Jan. to ?0 IG 1756. Copies oi Letters from Can •.on from 8 Jan 1791 to 11 Jan. 1792. * * Vols 2. 3. 4. 6 . S. 9. 11 . 14. 13. arc missing. I ro-eedi; gs : i i-he Chancer., Couit of. Grenada tro.n W/.J, to i/l'J.f. ch. a. xviii. x A ^ u !‘^. t,u;1 of Paintings of Indian Tumblers at Irich.nopoh, num. ered 36 t.: 65 inclusive ^ l.f. ch.s. xvm. (Sale No 1407.) governor.-; ke-vrle, & Ley borne's Grenada Island Commnuou Book to 1776. thk. f. ch. s. xviii. (gh. cf Very little written. r rSite 0f rf Northern Sircars by .lame., Giant, 1785 l.f. ch. s. xvm. g rn . mor. One of 3 Copies, pp. 102. Old printed No. 60. c , 0 (Style No, 1059.4 Grenada Commission Book 1736 to 1772 . I. fol. ch B. xviii. wh. v . m 242. MarkedNo.3. Governor Meiville s Commission Book, to 1771 . l./.ch. s. xviii. r S h. cf. About a quarter of the hook is written. Lord Macartney’s Proclamations at the Cape of Uood Hope, from 1791, May 5, to 10 Nov. 1798. (..bout , the Vol. is MS. about 178 vanes. J. eh. s. xvm. cf. A Volume of Chinese Drawings of Towns,& Seen- nb m ■ C L na a/° / ’ «*• s - xviil - i grn. mor. Oldprmed.Wo.n. Sale No. WS. Genealogical. & Heraldic Extracts. 4 to. ch. 1037. tU ™™*" 8 Go ' vel '’ s . Journal of the Ship Lion in lie Chinese Seas 1703-4./. ch. s. Tib. 10 . 33 . Earl Macartney s Memoranda from London to China, in 1792-3./ cA. s. xviii. 1039 Do. Journal of the Embassy to China, in 1792-4 3 Vols.f. ch. s. xviii. I040 Reports, ib Correspondence relating to China. 19 v ols.f ch- s. xv.iii, 10 41. Sir Geo. Macartney's Embassy to Russia, Corre-- pondence, Sec. 1764-7./ ch. s. xviii. 1044 Do Correspondence with Lord Geo. Germaine, flora Grenada, 1 / 7C-99. /. ch.. s. xviii. 1049 . Lora Macartney s Correspondence with Sir Joint Geodrieke, Ambassador at Stockholm, 2 Cols Account of Ireland in 1773, &c. 4 Vols. 1 1047 4fo. ef/oi. ch s. xviii. L i 0(i0 ' •DlplomaticCorrespoudence wilii Russia.&c 13VoU. Jot. (if the above 8 Numbers have not been i n N ed, ,y° re Ui a mare detailed manner.) 1064 71 f S ’n la “ s ’* c -‘" tlle E.Indies. 1300. 71 \\ aC.-Colonr Drawings of Coasts, Islands, Src m E. India, ke. folio. Rev. J. Lewis MSS. Diaries of Rev._Jno.Lewis, of Holt, Co. Wilts, from ■ 718 to 1724 . inclus. cxccjjt 1720. 172 ,i r 0 1 <33, are missing,- 1730 to 1709, appear not to have been regularly kept. 18 thin Vols. Vimo. G eographrcal Description of Wiltshire, in Alphabet¬ ical order of Parishes, thin Vol. 24 mo. H ants all after Teffont. (It appears to be on the flan of the Magna Britannia. Uf he was a contributor to that work. T- P.) An Appendix to Pechey’s CompIeatHerbal: beiu* a Herbal of Medical Plants. ° 18r?io. ch. s.xviii. pp. |}J 6 . Collections from Dr. Muffct, & 16 other Authors ou Air, Diet, Physic, & Diseases. 18 mo. ch. s. xviii. brn. cf.pp. 186. Self Examination. On Vices, & Virtues. 18wo. ch. s. xviii. pp. 250. 13408 13410 13411 '.3412 13113 13114 13415 i13416 :13417 13418 I 13419 j13420 13421 13424 13425 13426 13427 13428 242 13429 13430 13431 13432 13433 13434 Remedies for various Disorders. The Disorder.* j| 13441 are arranged Alphabetic&Uy. l3mo, ch. a. xviii. pp. 124. Vires PI ant a rum Medicinalium, ex Jolie Ruio. 8 ro. ch. s. xviii. half rch. v. u Rcvd. J. Lewis’s Collections from Sir Ric, Baker pj. Chronicle.. Mu. ch. s. xviii. ich.’c. On the 1st. | page arc the Arms’of Families who held laiidsH in his Parish of Holt. jl 13442 ^ Parish Rates, & Officers of Hylt, from 1707, to | 1723. s. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. w/i. V. Extracts from Hobbes’s Leviathan. tj 13443 m Memoirs of Q. Eiiz. JamcS 1; Sir-. Mathew] Hale; Bishop Ker;, ; James 2. Chas. XII. oi?| Sweden. > 13444 13446 OVI'UCII. . /> Characters of English Poets* & Dramatic Poets. ;j % Mr. Lewis’s Catalogue of his Books. ft. Mo. ch. s. xviii. xch. v.pp. 92. Collections from various Authors, Pascal, Turkish|| 134,45 Spy, Sir Wm. Temple, Dampier, < 5 c. jj Physiological Observations. On Dreams, &c. s. Mo. ch. b. xviii. 0 . brn. rf. pp. 108. Extracts from Claude’s Sermons, &: Taylor’s Ductor: Dubitaotium. . j V Astronomical Observations, with drawings ofj the Moon, &c. ^ Sir Clouclesley Shovel’s Fleet, the French. If Extracts from Bacon’s Natural History. The French Fleet in 1744. On ike last cover is a?i admirable specimen of \ , a flourished Lion.* Mo.ch.s. xviii, 0 , bm.fif.\ pp. 164. .Y.B. In one of the above Vols. Mr. Lewis, j gives a short Summary of his own Life. > Mr. Lewis wrote at least 36 Vols of MSS.< of which I have only Vols I. 2. 5. 27. 34. 35J, Sp 36. These arc all numbered in Mr. Lewis’s ji own hand. Two Vols are not number ed,nqr\ are the 8 thin Vols. of Diaries, nor, the IVilts-i shire: therefore I presume these are super-]] 13440 numeraries. 13147 5 13448 13435 13436. Boone 1854. 13450 13451 Cardinal Chigi’s Correspondence 5 V 0 I 9 . being j Vols xii. xiv. xv. xvii. xix. 4 to. ch. 8 xviii. tch. v. {For 5 other Vols , sec No .) Savage’s Hist, of VVilliton, 6t Free Manors IIun-| 13452 dreds, Co.Som.y. ch. s, xix. unbound. H. Rodd 1850. 13437 Keppel, Lord Albemarle’s Correspondence, 2 Vplsi fol. G Vols Mo. Letters of Queen Charlotte., Alra. .C^ter/v & .- Auto¬ graphs of tlie Royal faindy, .& Peeresses, ,ut a Banner sent to Edw. 61. Odoms: apparently the rough notes for entering, in the folio YoJs. Svo. ch. s. xviii. Lyls. Formulare Legum. with examples from Charters, .with names of Persons, & Places. It commences with the proper-forms of Addressing the King, or Nobility, after \ylpqh .follows p.n account of the Rattle of • Agin court, anu ;\;i imaginary Conversation .with 4he ly.ug, o,n hjs return to England,.between Royer, & London, & at Lon¬ don, in wbicji he , aJiudes to the, Robbers, or > Highwaymen ,at Blaf/idicatR. .8 to ch. s. ,xv..Wa. v.gitt. Arms. & Pedigrees of ^Nobility, with various differ¬ ences of Coats of the same Name, by D. Powel. emblazoned. 4 to.ch.-,H.-x\\il. yrn. zcl. 330 pp. ‘‘Livre tie Montjoye.”, or B.QQk $f Foreign Arms. Copied by R,, P .9 well from the MS. Livre du Boy d’Arme.s Moujoye, ip the Botileian Hy- per.op 7.8. Atp.,ch. mqrofie pior. 140, pp. D. Powell’s Copies of Seals, Aufograplis,&Extract9 of Letters in the Burleigh State Papers,belong- ing-to the Martpuis of Rausdown, 1808-10. 8 vo. russ. case. .Sir Bevil Granville's Army Accounts from 1692, to 1608 f. ch. s. .xvii ..ich. v. Wright’s Sketcjlies, & Designs, for Builiiings.2Vol8 Among them nrcyStoke Gifford,Gloc.Ickworth, Budmiiigton, C^spiGlmry,,&c. Mo. Chapitres de ia Toison d'Or, to 18QS. l Comitissce dc Blessinyton. 13466 Count D'Orsay’s 221 Portraits of Friends and Celebrated Characters, in 2 large folio Cases, richly bound in blue mor.gilt• 2 \inch. by 16. Ex Bill. Pigotiana dc Broqkky. 13157 Cartce, & llentalia, & Statuta Eccles. Cathedralis de Chichester, s. Mo. vcl. s. xvii, 112 pp. 24 L 13377 13378 13379 13360 1338L 13382 13383 13384 13385 13386 13387 13388 13389 13390 13391 13392 13393 13394 Vol. 2. Written in French, Sale No , 1060,: 1 Des EcoleB d’lrJande, dites Charter Schools. 2 On the Schools at Moscow. 1773. S. 2. 9. Vol. 3. Duplicate of Vol.l. Old Printed No. 1871. pp, 272. red Uhr. Ld. Mae-Artncy MSS. — Grenada. 13395 13396 13397 13398 Super-Cargoe at Canton 4 Dec. 1777# to 15 Dec. 1791. A. G. 10. 4 Fott St. George, Proceedings relative to the Chinese debts; from 23 Dec. 1778. A. 6. 11. 6 Extracts from China Diaries, & Consultations, from 7 Jun. 1757. to 13 Jan. 1785. A. 6. 12. 0 China Diaries, &■ Consultations relative to the Chinese Debts. A, 6. 13. 7 Proceedings relative to the Chinese Debts. A. 6. 14. Grenada Commission Book 1736 to 1772. being chiefly only the Forms of Commissions. bey via with “A Commission for an English Flag of Truce.” At p. 118. is, The Method of Proceeding in the Court of Chancery in Bar-' badoes. 4' at P- 123. The Chancery Fees there. 1. fol. eh. s. xviii-. wh. v. pp. 242. MarkedNo. 3. Number in Ld. Macartney's Library. D. G. 14. Governor William Ley-borne’s Proclamations in Grenada from 13 Nov. 1771, to 1 May 1776. with d loose leaf. 1. f. ch. s. xviii. wh. v. pp. 133 D. 0. 15. Governors Melviile, & Ley borne’s Grenada Island Commission Book, to 20 March, 1776. Begins (at the wrong end) with a Proclamation of Geo. 3 dated 19 Dec. 1764. 88 pages written, thk. f. ch. s. xviii. xgh. cf. Lettered on the back “R. M. Grenada Island Commission Book.” D 6.9. Governor Melville’s Commission Book, to 1771. begins with the King’s Patent to K. Meiville to be Governor, dated 9 Ap. 1764. ends with the Appointment of Sir Hugh Dalrymple to be Solicitor General dated 20 Ap. 1771. signed j by “Hillsborough.” /./ ch. s. xviii. rgh. cf. 192 pages. Entitled “R. M. P. Commission Book.” D. 6. 11. Robert Melville’s “Grenada Pateftt Book.” beginning with the Patent to James Rrebner, Esqr. .as Chief Justice of the Southern Islands dated 9 Jan. 1765. 66 Pages, including a loose sheet relating to Sedgwick./. -c/i.sixviii. rgh. cf. Entitled “R.M. Grenada Patent’ Book.” D.6.10. Description of the Isle of Grenada, pp. 22. State of Carriacou, &. the other Grenadine Islands 1776. U Queries relating to the Islands of America 1775. (Answered for Tbbago.) pp. 38. 4*o. ch. s. xviii. wh. pchmt. Ld. Macartney’s Grenada Correspondence, 5. Hols. 4 to. Vol. 1. 1st. Letter dated St. George’s Feb. 5, 1777. ending 28 July 1777. pp. 236. Sf Index. old cf. (Sale J\To. 1071.) Vol. 2. Dated “Grenada,Government House 4Aug. 1777,to 24 July 1778. rgh. cf. pp. 292. 4r Index Vol. 3. Dated “St. George’s 28 July,, 1778. ends 27 Nov. 1778. pgn 226, Sf- Index, rgh. cf. Vol. 4. Dated l Dec. 177 k,ends 29 June 1778. PP . rgh. cf. Vol. 5. Dated 16 Feb. 1779. ends 1 July, 1779. not paged, grn. vellum , Orders of Wm. Ley borne, Governor of Grenada in 1772. 4*o. ch. s. xviii. £ bd . brn. Ithr. D. 6. 8. Proceedings in the Chancery Court of Grenada, from 21 May 1776, to 1779./. eh. s. xviii. tj brn. Ithr. marbled sides, pp. 272. Ld. Mac-Artney MSS. — China. MSS. on China, 19 Vols fol.\ red mor.uniform.viz. 1 Queries put by the Court of Directors to Persons now in England, who have served the Company in China, with the Answers thereto. S.No, 1041. Marked in Ld. Mac-Artney’s Library. A. 6. 8. 2 Extracts respecting the Trade withChina,Ty wan, Borneo, Japan, Mindanao,Manilha, Cambodia, Tonquin,.& Siam. A. 6. 9. 3 Extracts of the Company’s Instructions to the 13399 8 Extracts of China Diaries, & Consultations from 22 Ap. 1727, to 17 Aug. 1740. pp.6 48. A.6.15. 13400 9 Papers relative to seizing unlicensed persons in China. ' A. 6. 16. 13401 10 Extracts of Canton Diaries, & Consaltations from Dec. 1741, to Oct. 1755. A. 6. 17. 13402 11 Chinese Edicts communicated by Thos. F’tz- hugh. Esq. A. 6. 18. 13403 12 Extracts, & Copies of Letters to Canton, from 10 May 1790, to 25 April 1792. A.6. 19. 13404 13 Extracts from Captn. Mathew Court’sJournal in the Ship, Earl of Holderness, from 12 April to 17 May, & 1 June to 18 July 1755, & from 30 Jan. to 10 F. 1756. A. 6. 20. 13405 14 Intercourse with the Chinese. A. 6* 21 . 13406 15 Chinese Edicts, Chops,4c. from 1755, to 1777. A. 6. 22. 13407 16 Copies'of Letters from Canton from 8 Jan. 1791, to 11 Jan. 1792. A. 6. 23. 13408 17 First Report of the Select Committee on the Export Trade from Gt. Britain to East India. > A. 6. 24. 13409 18 Embassies to China. A. 6>25. 13410 19 Embassies to China. In this is 'the name of “George Stauntbu.” covered partly by Lord Macartney’s Book Plate, 1 by which it would seem that these 2 last Vt)ls‘are the Original MSS of Sir George Staunton* the Editor of Lord M’s Embassy to China. A. 6. 28. 13411 A Volume of Chinese Drawings of Towns,& Scen¬ ery in China fol. max, ch : . s. xviii. % grn. rnor. ~ Old printed JVo. 17. Sale No. 268. 13412 Sir Erasmus Gower’s Journal of the Ship Liottdn the Chinese Seas in 1793-4./. ch: 8. xviii. 1038. 13413 Earl Macartney’s Memoranda from London to China, in 1792-3./ ch. s. xviii. 1039. 13414 Do. Journal of the Embassy to China, inl792-4 3 Hols.f. ch, s. xviii. 1040. Ld. Mac-Artney MSS.-—East India. 13115 Macartney’s Correspondence with Bengal, from 10 Oct. 1780, to 24 June 1781./. ch. s. xviii. sd. marbled paper, pp. 268. 13416 A Collection of Paintings of Indian Tumblers at Trichinopoli, numbered 36, to 65 inclusive l.f. ch. s. xviii. • (Sale JVo. 1407.) 13417 Political Survey of the Northern Cirears by James Grant, 1785 l.f. ch. s. xviii. grn. mor. One of 3 Copies. Not intended for publication, pp. 162. Old printed No. 60. (Sale JVo. 1039.J 13418 104 Maps,Charts,Plans,&c. in the E.Indies. 1366. 13419 71 Water-Colour Drawings of Coasts, Islands, &c. in E. India, 8cc. folio. 1367. 13420 Correspondence with Col. Owen, about the Trea¬ sure from Bengal. 1. f. ch. s. xviii. 13421 Ld. Macartney’s Private Notes from Fort St. George, 1781. thin f. ch. s. xviii. wh. ppr. 7 written leaves. 13422 Do. Abstract of Correspondence with Bengal from Fort St. George, beginning 22 Jun. 1781. f. ch, s. xviii. marble covers 279 written pages . Ld. Mac-Artney's MSS.—Cape of Good Hope. 13423 Lord Macartney's Day-book, or Memoranda of Letters from the Cape of Good Hope, from 4 May 1797, to 20 Nov. 1798. a fair copy. /. ch, 3 . xviii. % brn, Uhr. not paged. 24‘2 13424 Lord Macartney’s Proclamations at the C^.ne of Good Hope, from 1797, May 5, to 19 Nov.1793. (About £ the Vol . is MS. about 176 pages, f. ch. s. xviii. cf. 1343d' Ld. Mac-Artney MSS, — Russia, omitted. 13-140 13425 13420 13427 Sir Geo. Macartney’s Embassy to Russia, Corres¬ pondence, lie. 1/64-7./ ch. s, xviii 10 jL Lari o{ Back . dura’s Letter 22 Aug.- 1703, tt. Lrb Halifax with Treaty b.iov en Russia, Sc Gt. Britani. 1. 4 to. ch. s. x\iii. pp. 181. | wh. v. Xurkck No.'2. Miscellaneous Letters, begin with Adam Ca-I-j onr.el’s to the Duke of Marlborough, 1709. i i. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. pp. 134. 1 tvh. v. Marked No. 4 \ 13441 13142 13143 Ld. Mac-Artney's Heraldic MSS. continued, 13428 13429 13430 13431 13432 13433 13434 13435 13436 13437 13438 Cambridge Visitation 1619./. ch- s. xvii £ red me r. gt. oid printed No. 1734. Sale No.oi 1 £5 i, 1013. Lancashire Oo. lad/, & I5i$. 4<:(lf. ch. s. xv.{reJ tnor.yt. old printed No 1734. Sale No. 1019. Middlesex do- 1663./. ch. s. xviii. ^ urn. cf. with Warburton’s Middlesex Arms inserted. Old printed No. 1746. Sale No. 1020, Wiltshire do. 1563, part i.i tables, part narrative. : %. Somersetshire do. 1637. f. ch, e. xviii. \bf%.lf. Sale No 1623. Mieceijat-eous Papers relating to the No.il tty ; Le-, InB Copies ol Records, &c. in various Hand-; writings. thk. f. ch. u. xvii. evidently one oj the St. George MSS. Begins with a Co^y of 862 Ashmoie MSS. ‘‘Dugdale on Errors in , Creation of Nobles.” Old printed No. 290. Sale No. 1024. V. 2. B. in Macartney'}. Library. Roger Kemys’s Collection ofGloceetershiro^oui.iw 6 et, Devon, Co.nwali, & Monmouthshire Pedi¬ grees; assisted by John Smith, *cfNhbley.) Gyles Danvers, John Gwyiiym, & others. H Ai res of Gentry in tri k. f.ck.h xvii £ brn. cf. Sale No. 1026, Gregory King’s Copy of the 4th. Bo. k ot Patent:- of Arms, iu the Heralds Office ; begins with Burthogg -, Co. Devon, pp, 17*2. % Index jf Eriri Marshall's Warruuts A. S.pp 42 Talents of Arms. pp. 54. f. ch. t . xviii. (Sale JVb. 1027.) Ralph Brooke’s Account of the hey uj.. nr Fi.ir.hy with Augustine Vincent’s Corrections. /• ch. s. xviii. Lrn. cf. (Sale No. 102 ft.') Steuuuata, Sc List of Crest?. Begins with Aidtrcey Pedigree. It contains Pcdigr. cs from varh iio Visitations including the London 1687* &; Ad¬ ditions to 1700. List of Crcst 3 , copied from Ralph Tb :re 3 by’s MS. now in the Library c-f Geo. Allan, ci Darlington, I>urham. f. ch. s. xviii. \ bn;, cf. (Sale No. 1035.) Short Notes cf C'ctempt my Peu .gives, & of his own, by (as 1 preen me,) Lord Macartney, the Mac A rtney Pedigree being core copiously detailed, & brought down to ins own Creation j &9 a Peer. 4to. ch. s. xvi i. rgh. cf. They arc chiefly Irish Pedigrees. Sale 1037. i old printed No. *299. (These old Printed JX'um- If es seem to ha the Numbers when iu the Macartney Library.) Aspidora Scgariaua, cr, S.r \\ m. Segar’s Grants cf Arms, in alphabet order. Collected by Simon Segar, Ins great grandson, rp. 4. 0 , Copied by Dale, with Additions. 410 ' °' brn > . xviu. cf. ffilt. Butkcii’s Estate, U iteglcmcwf. uca Vivrcs, 1628. with Dr wing 3 of Arms, PI-as of Towns, & Maps of the Country. i i; FLcder*. l.J. ch. s. xvii. 73 leaves. Pieces tov.chaut le Codcuo de Trcute. 210 leaves. % Piaydoyer du MaiquE dc Laugey,l677.3l/ £ m*Cs l. f. cA. s. xvii. Boone 1854. Cardinal Chigi’s Correspondence 5 Vols* being i Vois xi«, xiv. xv, xvii- xix. 4to. ch. s xviii. v.h: v. (For 5 other Vo le, zee N-. 12419.) Sava v.-’s iirst. ...f Wibitcn, A if-, e Manors Hun- • dreds, Co, Som./ ch, s. xix. 'unbound, II, Redd 1850 . Kcpp J, Lord Albemgrle’s Correspcndence, 2 Vols t ~fol, (j Vols 4to. Ex BiU. BigotM.no. dc Brockley. Carta?, & Rentalia, & Statuta Eccles. Cathedralis I do Chichester, e, 4 to, tel, a, xvii, 112 pp. 24$ 13457 Medical Receipts. *1 Sir Francis Fust’s Book-Plate's, with quarter- inge, & Marriages in the Male, & Female line. Prayers, & Meditations. 24mo. ch. s.xv:i.u>A.z?„ 13458 Pedigrees, &. Descent of Fust from Temple of Sicwe, in a small Pocket Book . vih. v. ch. s, x. 13459 Sir Francis Fust’s Rents, & Domestic Memoranda. 18‘rto. ch. toh. r. 13460 Do. Obituary cf his Family. *t Loose Pedigrees of Fust Connect! nrs. 13461 Extracts from Cole’s MSS. Brit. Mue. & other MSS. 2 Vols. obi. %m. 4 to. 3 inch, red lifts, ap¬ parently copied by A. C. in 1803-4. A3 462 Hardt’s Historia Literaria Reformation is. Vois 1, & 3./. ch. s. xviii. (1728.) 13463 1 Visitation of Somerset; \ 323. copied by Bon/. Inele- dcu, Esqr. (ut credo) Arms drawn by V/m.Tay- lor, of Gittisham, in 1773. Witii Continuations of some Pedigrees, Extracts of Ancient Char¬ ters, xvii. pale russ. 13479 Warburtons, ?(Jno.) Ordinary of Armes. /. ch, 3 . xvin. cf. git. 13480 Sir Jno. Doddridge’s Autograph Hist, of Wales, & Cornwall. 4 to. ch. s. xvi, $ r. russ.imperjcct. 13481 Savage’s Collections for Somersetshire, s. xix. vis». 1 Somerset Doomsday, 3 Vols./. ch. 13482 2 Collections for Taunton. 7"Vols. f, ch. 13483 13484 13485 13486 13487 13433 13439 13490 .3492 L3493 13494 13495 3 Somerset Geology,/, ch. } or.cf, 4 Do. Ceitic,& Roman./, ch. J- orange cf. 5 Do. Inquis. post Mor l.f ch. -J- orange cf. 6 Do. Dictionary. 10 Vols,. f ch. 7 Do. Pedigrees. 5 Vols. feck. 8 Do. Hundred of "Williton. 4 to. ch. % or. cf. 9 Do. Pedigrees of Portnian, &c. 4 to.ch ,%or.cf. .Theophdus Jones’s Note Book fur Brecon. f. ch. s. xviii. Stukeky on the Celtic Religion./, ch. s. xviii. w%. v. pp. 174, Sir Eciwd. Rodney’s Account of his. Family ablidgeu from the larger History. f. ch' 8c x /sii, £ pah: rues. Duke of Orroouds Narrative of Transactions in. Ireland, / ch. s. xvii. \isimti .D of Devon 1561. 4 to, ch. s. xvu red russ. Walker’s Cornwall./. ch. -s. xviii. red rues . Lilly. 13496 Reciteil des Histoires do Troye. J. v. £f ch. 3 . xiv. red Velvet. Ex Bibl. igrtola. 13197 Taitkh Fereshti./. ch. Persice. Old No. 62,& 1469 . Hen. Bohn. 13490 Cart* Antique originates 190 Oastri de Dovor, pasted in u large folio. Vel. saec. xiii. ad xvi. Stephen dc Penchester, & \Y m. Brook, Lord Cob!.uni, Castellans of Dover. O/im, ( credo ,) Dni. Edwdi. Dering, Bart. Edntdi. Moran MS& IS 199 Autograph Letters- -of Actors, Ssc, beginning with A. Bunn* thk. i2,mo. ch, s. xix„ grn. cl. 13500 Do. Politicians, Sic. beginning with Spring Rice. thk. l2mo , ch. s. xix.purge cl. 13501 Do. Actors, &c. beginning with Welsh. 12 ruo. cu, s. xix. i cf. 13502 Do, beginning with T. Jolley. Retirement, a Poem. Ato. ch. s. xix, £ grn. cf. 43503 Do. beginning with a Frank of J. Mackenzie. tkk -i to. ids. ch. s. xix. pp, 634. ; 13504 Do. beginning with Cadwallader Headdy. Ato. ch. e.x\x, pp. ii'k.bds. 13505 Do. beginning with ,W. Marsden. 47o. ids. ck. s. xix. pp. 504. 13506 Do. beginning with J. Hanby, &c, 4 to. Ids. ck. 8, xix. pg?. 512. 13507 Do. beginning with H. P. Parker, &c. 4 to. Id3. ch. s. xi x. pp. 136. 13508 Do. .beginning with Colonel Pizarro. ch. s. xix. purple el, pp . 13509 Do. beginning with Admiral Napier, &c„ 4fc*. ch. s. xix, \ cf.pp . 13510 Edv.d Moraa’s Origin.d Poatry-Xrora 1825,tol 832, 12 mo. ck. s. xix. grn. ppr.pp. 118. 13511 Michaoiis ScottL Liber Philosophise. 4to. ch , e. xiv. o. cf, 13512 Gianaone Rimedi contro Ic Scomuniche, & Pro- ibizione dc Libri. (1723.) sm.f. ch. s. xviii. ^ brn, cf. 13513 Townsend’s Debates in H. of Commons. 1601. (printed in 1680.)/. ch. s. x j ni.v?h.v,10bleaves, 13514 Francisci de Brun, Regulae Graraxnaticoe, Qvo. ch. s. xv. Zncipit, “Ne rudiuiu verba Scolaritim vago de- flttcentur errore.” Ex Bibl. Ducis Sussex. 13515 Drawings of Shells, beautifully executed 011 rice paper, oil. 4to, blue Ms, Ex Bill. Geo. Chalmers. Rev. J. Lewis MSS. 214 13516 13517 13510 13519 13520 13521 13522 13523 13524 13525 13526 13527 13528 13529 13530 n Ware de Prcesulibus Hibern'iEC. printed 1665. || MSS. Notm Archiepi Hatton. _ % Index Codicum ex quibus Ware compilavit'5 onus. f ch. s.xvii. Cum Autographs “Fra t:- j Petri Valcsii (Peter Walsh.) ex Ord. Minor. S. Theolog. Lectoris pro Conventu de j Kilkenia-” ac etiam Jacobi West, President \ of the Royal Society. Newman 1849. j Vol. 1. Extracts from Domesday. «i Placita 51 H. 3, & 53-54-5. H. 3. If On Danegeld. II Comission of Presidency in Co. York, to Ld. Wentworth. T On the Chancellor, & Chancery. f. ch. s. xvii. (script. 1632/ Vol. 2. Account of Hides of Land in England. H Gale’s Extracts from Domesday. j Domesday for Berks. j If Knights Fees in Berks. 11 H. 12. ex tibroj Nigro. ' { If Extracts from Baga de Rageman sive Inquisi-j tionnm pro Com. Berks. 1276. c Possessors of Land in Co. Berks. \ Bigland MSS. (Brockley.) Bigland’s Original Note Books of his History of °Gloucestershire being Books 3. 6. 7. 9. 10. 5 Vols. 4 to ch. s. xviii. Do. his Topographical, & Miscellaneous Anec- j dotes, Accounts of Longevity,&c 4yilt< V. s«.xvi. •13546 Tablas Geogf ilicus relativas & Eapana, toinadas de i los autores Arabes, apuntamientos para lu traducciou do. la Geogralia del Nubiense, 4/o. c/f. i yell, cf, II Apuntamientos para el .-tratado de los Guaris- mos que tfabitje, y se entrego de orden de Doii Juan de Sautauder al Ministro Don Ma- . nuei de Roda. ; "If" Lettre de M. L’AbbS Bartliclemy sur quelques Medailles Piieuioiennes','1760. printed, with- - , a Plate . 13547 Doctrina facietidi diversa cibaria. In English. ; H Le'Tretys de AL Gaultier de Biblesworth. Copied from MS. Ph. No. 8336. Olim ex Dill. , Heber. 4• *'-iii. unbound. Dommic Tagliaboscln Notizia delie ‘Nobile Fam- Jglie di Roma. 8ro. ch. s. xrii. bds. ( 1700 ) Marsh on Fossils. 3 Vols. fol. ito.^Sro.ch. s.xviii. ■3 Jk. blue cf. Journal of Parliament 1713./. ch. s. xviii. Statutes of Merton, 8c Westminster. (Modern Copy.) 4 to. ch. s. xviii. 54 leaves^ Receipts signed by Abbesses, Generals, &c. for Pensions, &c. Salaries from the Government of France in the 17th. & I 8 ih. Centuries. pp. 341. s . 4 to. V. s. xvi. xvii. & xviii. Among them are Colbert, Maupcou, Langlois, Raynal. Le Camus, Marie Rochefoucault, & c ! with Arms to some Seals. Miss Everett Wood’s rough draft of the Index to the Catalogue of MSS. at Middle Hill. 4to. ch. s. xix. pp. 74. bds. Vita S. Edmundi .fragment, s. 4 to. V. s. xiv. 6 leaves, grn. cloth. Xenophon de Republica. Latine. 4to. ch. s. xv, 16 leaves, grn. bds. Lord Keeper Coventry’s Ordinances, s. 4 to. ch. 8. xvii. 8 leaves, grey bds. On the Laws of Rome: begins “The written Laws ol Rome,” Sic. lf«. eh. s. xviii. pp. 52. bds. 246 13590 Letters of Blacklock, the blind Poet, fich. s. xviii pp. 102. bds. 13591 Description of a Runic Calendar, thinf. ch. s. xviii. with a Plate of a Runic Ahnauac. 13592 Catalogue of Thos. Madox, the Historiographer's Collections from Records, thinf. ch a. xviii. sewed pp. 44. 13593 Census de Maulembais. f. ch s. xviii. grn. bds. ■ 40 vositten pages. The Title is “Cartnlaire et Cbasscreaudes heritages doyants rentes seig- norialles a la Seignone le Maulembais, scitues au Petit, Quevy, se comprenaiit en haute jus- | tice moienne et basse, sc relevant 4 I 9 la terre et pairie d’Avesnes, les abouts, & tenances d»s dits heritages ayantes etez renouvellez, pres¬ ent' Nicolas Francais Decrucq, Baillie do la dito Scigneurie, par les Mayeur et Echevins ddeelli s, a ^intervention des plus anciens, cen- siers dudit lieu, du quels ils out bonne connois- sance,et e’estensuite du billet affichoaudit lieu surle portal de 1 'Eglise, comme s’ensuit,eu for¬ me ordinaire*" The latest date is 1741. ? If some of the above do not belong to former numbers. Phillipps Collections. See No- 13334. 13594 Gloucestershire Visitation of 1569./, ch. s. ,xix. brn. bds. pp. 16. 13595 Alborne Survey. Copied by Richd. Sims, from^the Original in the Lancaster Duchy Office. f. ch. s xix. 14 leaves. 13596 Salmon's Cart* spectantes ad Celias AbbatiteMar- moustier in Anglia. Copied by Mr. Salmon, of Angers in France, for Sir T. P. 4 to, ch. s. xix. brn. bds. 13597 "Wiltshire Pedigrees chiefly Modern, thk.fol. ch. s. xix brn. bds. pp. 380. 13598 iElfrici Grammatica Saxonica. Transcript from the Original Fragments discovered by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart, in Worcester Cathedral in the cover cf an old Church Book. /'. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. pp. 90. 13599 Ossian’s Poems, Sc Michael o Clery’s Vocabulary. H Prosodia. Hibcrnice. If Irish Poems, f.ch. red russ. H A Latin Poem on James, Earl of Barrymore, by Cmelius Mac-Curtain. Copied for Sir Thos.Phillipps.Bart. by Joseph Langan from the foil MS. in 2 Tuls, in this Library. Id. m red russia No. 13 .". f. ch. s xviii. pp. jrom 207 to 472. 13600 Testamenta Yetusta Vigorniensia, ab Ao. 1545, ad Annum 1551. Copied for Sir Thos. Phillipps. thk.f ch. s.xix. mil. cf. pp. 728. 13601 Do. do. do. Copied for Sir T. P. ab A0.1554. ad 1384./1 ch. s. xix. Tvh. cf. pp. 5LO. I36‘.-2 Monumental Inscriptions iu Gloucester Church¬ yards. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. red It hr. 13G03 Graft in’s Abridgement of the Close Rolls. Transcript, of No . in this Catalogue. 5 Vns.f. ch. s. xix. Vcl. 1 . 1 . E. 3,i>40. E. 3.—Vol. 2 . 7 . E. 3 ,to 13. h. 4 —Vui. 3 1, to 11, & 16, 17 K. 2.— Vui. 4 15, to 23. R. 2—Vol. G. 1 . H. 6 , to 30. 11.*'—V i. 7 . l. H. G, to 2. E. 4 . 13C04 Derbyshire Visitation 1663-4. 1i Stadordahii't Violation, 1662. 12 mo ch. s. xix. ^ biuc mor. pp, 220. 13605 Indexes to Visitations f. ch. s. xix. pp. 102 . J3606 Bitteriey Parish Register from 1650. 12 r/io. ch. s. xix. blue mor. by >1. P. 13607 Index to Gloucestershire \\ ills, Vol. 2 nd. 1645. to 1637. 12 o.o.ch. s. xix. die. blue mor. Autogr. 1360S Index, & Pedigrees from Wills in P. O. C. 12mo. ch. s. xix. £ roan. Autograph. 13609 Index to \\ orcester Wills, 1609, to 1613. 12 mo. ch. 8. xix. dk. blue mor. Autogr. 13610 Weston Subedge Register, I 2 m 0 .c/i.s.xix grn.mor. Autograph. 1361L. Index P. O. C. Wills Excerpta 1648, to 53 , & 1620, to 16.. 12 mo. ch. s, xvii.red tnor.Autogr. 13012 13013 13614 13615 I3GT6 13617 136 ! 8 13619 13620 13621 13622 13623 13624 13625 13G2G 13627 13G28 13G29 13630 13631 13632 13G33 ! 8634 13635 13636 List of MSS. in Augmentation Office. I 2 ;«o. ch. > £ red mor. Autogr. Index to Phillipps Wills P. O C. & Pedigrees, thin ISmo.cA.s.xix sewed marbled pap. A uto Index P.O.C. Wills 1597, to 1600. 18 mo.ch. s. xl brn. bds.pp. 84. with Peds. Autogr. Excerpta ex P. O. C. Wills, Sc Peds. \2mo. ch. s\ ix. brn. bds pp. 136, Autogr. P. O. C. Collections of the Longs, pp. 162. 12/wo. ch s.xix. Tphite bds. Autogr. P. O. C. Wills Index. V&mo. ch. ». xix, brn, bds. pp. 1S4. Autogr. P. O. C. Index, ec Peds. l 8 w?o. ch. s. xix. brn. bds pp . Autogr. Scraps of Genealogical Notes 24/wo. ch, s. xix. . brn. bds. pp . Aulogr . Copy of Excerpta ex P. O. C. Testamenta, Rou.-i icc. in Ashmole MS. 1115. 12 mo. ch. s xix. dk. puce mor. Genealogical Notes, Sc Scraps. 12mo. ch s. xix. brn. bds. Autogr. Excerpta ex Curtis Wanborough. Autogr. II Warwickshire Peds. \‘2mo, ch. s. xix. grn.mon Addresses of'1'. P. Correspondents 12/wo.c/t.s.xi:. red Ithr. Autogr. MS- 8 , returned to Thorpe. 12wo-?A.s.xix. red llhi Autogr. Boone MSS, 1853. Bonifacii P. Decretales. f. V. e. xiv. 117 leaves . , 18 £ inc. Script. Hal. ilium. Fosbroke’s Collections for his History of Gloucej* ter .fol. ch. s. xviii. & xix. £ brn cf. Ritso’s (G. F.) Description of the Isle of Be)i Icisle, 1761 . thin f. ch. s. xviii. Crouica di Signori Bolognetti dalla Mercanzh ad an. 1443. L’Originali si ritrova presso g Eredi del Sign. Co. Bolognetti in Roma. f. ch. s. xvii. ich, v. Fr. Jordan! Jordain, Prioris S. Augustini llusseii leusis, Registrum Lrumentorum, Pactuumqu) hereditariorum circa Ann. 1535 ,j\ ch. s. xvi. 163 leaves, original binding dk. brn. cf. List of Monasteries in Gt. Britain. ^ List of Cartularies by Sir T. Phillipps, Bart. 1 List of Castiesih Gt. Britain. 1 List of Churches ,do. The 1 .ist of Monasteries contains the Ordeit date of foundation, & near what Place. 4, Collection of Monumental Inscriptions in Middlesex Churches, chiefly in Shoreditch, 4 lo. ch. s. xviii. pp. 134. 240 13098 13698 13700 13701 13702 13703 13704 13705 13706 13707 13708 13709 13710 13711 13712 13713 13714 13715 13716 13717 13718 13719 Rev. Robt. Walker’s Collections for Exeter, Devonshire. 4 to.ch. s. xvili .pp. llQ.begins with j a Pedigree of Walker. (Thi6 Mr. Walker, liv¬ ed at Lawhitton.) In this Voi. is A letter of) Richd. Bampfylde, of Poltimore. I Rev. Robt. Walkers &, Rev. Edwd. Steele’s Col-J lections. Begin with “Deans of Cathedrals/’ j 8vo, ch . s. xviii. pp. 184. Roscoe MSS. 1855. Letters of Ld. Liverpool, Canning, &c. 4 to. ch. s. xix. pp. 64. Copies of Letters, begin 13 Jan. 1824. end 5 Ap. 1825. thk. 4to,ch. s.xix. tvh. pchmt. brass clasp, pp. .... Do. do. of Wm. Roscoe. begin 8 Apr. 1825. end 24 Jan/I 62£ 4 to. ch. s. xix. \ grn. r/. brass clasp, pp . Letters to Mr. Roscoe. begin with B. Harvey, from Kensington Palace, end with Inscription to Henry the Great of France. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. brn. bds.pp. 58. Letters of the Duke of Wellington, Lord Liver¬ pool, & Canning. 12/??o.cA.s.xix. brn.bds.pp. 98. Mr. Roscoe's Letters; begin 20 July 1796 end 31 March 1825. 1 H Letters to Mr. R. from Thorkeliu of Copen¬ hagen, the Duke of Gloucester, Charles Lucicn Bonaparte, &c. 4 to. ch. s.xi x.brn.bds. pp 140. Letter s to & from Dr. Marshall: begin with a cert fificatejrom Alext.' Ball, of Malta, end with printed Remarks on Q. Caroline. 4fo. ch. s, xix. brn . bds. pp • 52. Letters from B. of London, from 17 Aug. 1817, to 21 Oct. 1817. 4to. ch. s. xix. brn, bds. pp. 94. Letters to Mr. Roscoe: begin with one from Henry Brougham, (now Lord Brougham,) with others from him, k Lords Holland, & Charlemont, D. of Gloucester, Sismondi, See, k some of his own. 4 to. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. pp. 200. Rcmarques sur une Jouruee dans le Sud de la France, &c. f, ch. s. xix. pp. 44. Memo ire sur les Finances, &c. 4 to. cA.s.xix. pp.38, Wm. Roscoe’s (of Liverpool,)Letters to Dr, Parr, Sir R. Clayton, H. Mac Neil,ProfessorSmythe, The Duke of Gloucester, Chas. Lucicn Buona¬ parte. f. ch. s. xix. pp. 36, Letter’s of.to Mr. J. Marshall, at Paris, 1816. 2 Vols./’. ch. s. xix. 1, to 8G tetters. Do. do. do. in 1817. 2. Vols.y'. c/s.s.xix. 51, 34. Do. do. do, in 1818. 2. Vols. f.ch. s.xix. 53, & 25. Do. do. do. in 1819. 1. Vol -f. ch. s. xix.76 letters. Do. do. do. in 1S20, 2-. Vols./. ch. s. xix.5l,& 50. Do. do. do. in 1821. 2. Vols./’. ch.s. xix.5l,&33. Payments on Mr. Jno. Marshall’s Account (?for Secret Service Money.) sm. narrow f.ch. s.xix. 74 leaves. Ex Bibl. Caroli Wynne, Arm. &1. P. Lewis Dwnn’s Genealogical Collections for Wales sm. 4 to. russ. ty V. fy-ch. s, xvi. & s. xrii. This is a remarkable Volume, written , part on Vellum, part on Paper, in a vile scrawling hand , which does no credit to the “Chief Ilcrald cf all Wales.” The Is*. 15 leaves arc Vellum; then, as far as fol. 202, arc piper; af¬ ter which fellow 16 leaves of Vellum, then 7 leaves paper, to which succeed 3 leaves of l T el- him, which end (he Book. Most of the Pedigrees are written in Circlos, but some are in squares, others in the shape of trees, & others arc- given in narrative only. In some cases the 1G Ancestors are given in the shape of a Quadrant; in others, the Father is in a Circle-in the Centre, & his Children, in Circles like Planets, revol¬ ving round him, or, like the Knights of the j Round Table. Sometimes the Circles afe in Perpendicular, sometimes in Horizontal Co- lumus. The Book is full of these Nugse Iler- alduue. The first Page begins, in red letters “Hyna henwab y i r-ndefigion addablhonl, the next line is in chick letters* gida Wdhem gwukwerwr i ynys Brycain. Then follows a succession of names alternately in red, & black, which aj>- pear to Le names of these who came in with Win. the Conqueror. The 7th. page of this list i> signed apparently by Lewys Dwnn. The first Pedigree is that of St. Edward, the Confessor, whom he traces up to Noah. Then Wm. the C mqueror, & the Kings of England down to Ekzlh. after whom come the Welch Kings,& Princes, beginning with “Rodri Maur, towysaog boll Gymiu.” Then follow the rest to Gwaithvocd. After these the Pedigree of Adam Salsbri, Esgwier, downwards, Edqowaiu Bendew, Madog ap Ednowain, Jerworth ap Rir:d, Gwrgaint ap Elidir, & Eiliibn ap Owain. Here follow 3 pages written upside down , con¬ taining Prognostications, (in English,) for the ye; rs 1594, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 1600, -the first of which , as a Curiosity, I transcribe. “The Relevasion (sic.) of this yeer doth port¬ ed (sic ) new and straens bereses to a reis, and tii r for it induseth subversions and chaunges in the t>!*w'religion unto ecclesiastical 1 per- sons nn::ib ihos wich arr in the lieiclicsl eSiadf. It cieaowsyth unvreri, and most likli des- trucksion i:i sbiritual eledsion asembl of prlns- sys and peers. - Ther sail kraffey- and sybtiten- t<-i.d.ncntrs,libr;dl scien3usj and honest studuens, bring Ittkfe and gain. Yt stall by daengerus traveling,and letters interkepted,perhaps thinck the exqw rsions of sowidiers pre-paratur tfor wars Mor over traps sia.vl by layd by poyson to de- stree a sertene nobl in army or woman riwler, awiso sertain anssiants sittis siall by thretnyd, and swm violens donne unto them. To coukLwd e say ther is ffor siewyd korwpssion, or scarciti of graen through excess off moeslur.” On the last page of these first Vellum leaves are the names of the Conquerors of Brecknock, & Glamorgan, beginning with Sir Bernard Newmarch, & Sir Wm. de Londres, alias London, the first list, (of Brecon,) being taken from the “Lyfr Ed, Gams esgwier, ai duwad:” & the 2nd. from the “Lly/r Sir Edw. Mansel, ni dovvad.” - The let. page of the paper portionis dated 4597, 8c begins “O duw nad gamwedd.” “y dyina Gopi o lien lyfr Morns Lnkync ap Pyrs Trefor, or isetws.” 4 Ac or gynn y lleidva houno panik” &c. At fol. 31. the first Pedigrees in Circles begin, d ted 1573. being Marchudd ap Kyiiaii’s issue, & Wm. the Conqueror's in parallel lines untill th-'y meet in Henry 7th. £c Eiizlh. d. of Edw 4 . & then continue thro 1 the Scotch line to J: uh? 3- Lt. & Hen^y hbsms. Prince of Wales. At fol. 39. is the Royal C’uat ot France, &Eug- Jand quartering -Set tia.r.1, & Ireland, very neat¬ ly tricked, Si therefore I suspect not done by Lewis Dwnn. At fob 45 6. are die 16 Ancestors of Edwd. Langford in the shape of a Quadrahl, & on fol.-4f). the Ancestors of Thos. Langford, branching like a tree, but on the right side ouly, in which e.icii wife's Ancestors are carriedup. At fol. 49. is the 1st. Pcd. i.i vh ch the Father io the centre circle has all his Children round kirn, each in a circle. At fol. 52. begin the Pc Js. cf Johns, Salsb; y.H:mmer,Thomas,Strad- liiig, Wogan, Vychau, Aubre, Williams, Gaius, Herbert, Mans el, Bulkely, Croft, Mostyn,Brere- ton, Wogan, Lewys, Cornwall, Pe’rott, all dated 1604, or 5. At fol. 62. Ped. of Powys, 1536,&c. At fol. 70. are Herefordshire Pedigrees in nar- rative,:part in red ink, part in black,Win rather better writing. At fol. 76. begiu Pedigrees of S-t'3 Gaernlerddinsir, & Maesyfedd, signed "p. rfte^ 13732 Lewys Dwnn, debyt herhocht at arms drosi Gymru.” Peds. of Sir Aberteivi signed “p. mo Lewys Dwnn, 1583.” At fol. 84 b, Jones ofl 13733 Aber Marlais. f. 85 b, Titles of Officers of the? Heralds Coll, signed “p me LewysDwnn,1585.”l f. 86, the Peds. iu Circles commence again. | 13734 f. 90, “Plant brennin Boem,” in a circle, in the! centre of which is Llowarch hfen, & round him! are 27 persons—f. 100, Ped. of Herbert*—fol. \ 102, Pedigree of Mansel, (written Mansfelt,)! beginning with Robert Mansfelt Who married j Burga, verch Langton. f.103, Gamage ofCoity,j & the Earl of Worcester, f. 110, Broclnvell! 13J35 Ysgithrog. f. 123, Conwy of Potryddan. f. 125,| Thos.Mostyn. f. 148, Jestynap Gwrgan.f, 161 6,! Mortimer, f. 172, Lord Stafford. f. 205, The \ Conquerors of Brecknock, dated loSO.f. 205 Ped. of Sir Wm. Couiers. f.212 6,The Signature! of Lewys Dwnn. f. 213 b, Thos. Came. f. 214 6,d Gunter, f. 215 b, Gruffith. f 216, \\ albyffj 13736 f. 217, Baudrip, & J no. Butler, f. 219 b, Ped. of j Brutus, f. 224, PlantGrien Reged. f.234. Bour-> chier, E. of Bath. The book ends with a short! Ped. of Sir Gelli Meurig. 13720 Wfclsli Genealogies, with British, Saxon, Norman,! in English History. Begins with An Alphabet oil Secret Writing. Then follows A letter from! Hligh Grutfith to Captain Jno. Salusbury. | The History begins a.d.470 .Apparently some 5 leaves are lost, sifter the History, are the Pedigrees, & then this “Wm. Salbury yu dan j on anercli ar Gruffydd Hiraethog a ar era:l! t>ei geifyddyd; after which; A Stheme of thfe? Figures of Speech, explained in Welsh. sin. thick 4 to. ch. s. xvii. not paged £ dk. cf. ! 13737 Pauli, vel Josephi , Longan MSS. Autograph, ? 13721 S. Fiecus de Vita S. Patricii. s. 4to.ch. s.xix.^ russ. \ 13722 Vitifc S. Finnani, S. Breunani, S. Canoci, ColumbiJ Jordan i. ; Mirror of Justice, s. 4to. ch. s. xix. £ jrn. cf. ) 13723 History of the Irish Language with the Ogham[ Characters. Transcribed by Paul Long for >irj T. P. iMYl.sAto.bh. \grn,mor. red clothsides.x 13738 'Michaelis Longdn MSS. (Patris Pauli , 8f Josephi.) 13724 13725 13726 13727 13728 13729 13730 13731 Conuall Gulban ; transcribed by Michl. O'Longan, Of Carrig na Var. With other Pieces in Prose, & Poetry. 1816-17. s. 4 to.ch. s. xix; bd. in blk. Itker. pp. 382. Tuitim an Mac Coin moir mac Rrg na Kaisbame le liastur an so. Written 1816. s. 4 to. pp. 233. 30 pp. not marked, dk. cf. Book of Invasions, pp. JO. % Book of Munster.^?. 68 . ^1 Do. of Leinster. •i Battle of Moylenfa. not paged. 1 ! Do. of the Fenians. Do. of Gabhra. It Callaghan Gashell. s. Mo. ch. s. xviii. £ drh cf. Miscellanea by Mich. O Longan, Begins -with ‘‘Parreitas an Anma” Jhberuice. 4 to. eh. s. xix. £ grn. cf.pp. 310 , Langan’s Fragments of Irish MSS. H Vols. VoL L begins with “Dr. Coyle's Poem on the! Passion, translated by Michl Longan, &e. ! tf. 4 to eh. s. xix. 4 drh. cf. pp. 214 . ’ \ Vol. 2 . Jno. Condon’s Farewell to O’Keeffe of Cul-i len, °r Dromagh, 1646, &c. s. 4 to. ch. s. xix. \ 1 red russ. pp . i; 2 . Vol. 3. Grasagn Aboe, with a Translation ( printed )! If Verses by Michl. O’Longan on Mr. Macarty’s! leaving Carrignavar, bic. s. 4 to ch. s. xix. ! i red russ. pp. 82. if Vol. 4. Cormac Mac Art’s Advice to Kings, &c. s s. 4 to. ch. s. xix. 5 red russ, pp » 136, ! Written by Mac Curtain, in 1 J 02 . 13739 13740 13741 13742 13743 13744 Vol 5. Poems composed for the once illustrious family of the O’Sullivans, &c. s. 4 to. ch. s. xix £ red russ. pp. 90. VohG. The Coming of the Danes to Ireland, & the Capture of Callaghan, King of Cashel, lino. ch. s. xix. 5 red russ. pp. 140. Vol. 7 . Verse, by Michl. O’Longan of Glin, Co.' Limeric. beginning , 1 lie Storm was laid the winds retired Obedient to thy will The Sea that raged ut thy command* At thy command was still.” &e. 8. 4 to. ch. s. xix. i red russ. pp. 96. Vol. 8 . Alphabetum Runicum. If A Poem sung by Ossian, when St. Patrick asked! him, “how he liked the singing of the Psalms,’’? (it being the 1 st, Mass he ever was present at.) Said Ossian “I had rather listen to young Damsels singing of the times of old,than you, & your Bells.’’ 8vo.ch.s.x\x \red russ.pp. 120 ! Vol. 9. Prayers on rising from sleep. *[ Advice to Princes,’&c. tl Copies of Irish Poems, by Patrick Twohig, 24 Feb. 1838, Puuladuffe, Cork. "Patiick Twohig, Master of the Golden Pen, Greatly beloved by the best of Men,” !! At p. 83. are these clever verses; “Arctoo divisa mari jacet insula triplex Divisam Brito, Scutus, Ilybernus, habent. Brito necat reges; prajponit regibus aurum Scotus egens; Reges solus Hybernus ainat. Solus m ad vers b comitatur casibus; ergo, Solus erit ltegis dignus amore sui. Probably written by a follower of James 2 . or Charles 2, j perhaps by Wra.MacCurtuin. Vlmo. oh. s. xix. % red russ. pp. 114. Vol. 10. Keniarks on the Poems composed for the autient, once illustrious family of theO’Keef- fes, by Callaghan Cashell, King of Munster. IT A Letter from Michael Longan, &c. deseri- biug the MSS. which he had copied for Dr. Heard, in which he also states, that Dr. Murphy employed him for 6 years in tran¬ scribing, and that Dr. Murphy has 70 Irish MSS. of 400 pages each. 4 to ch. s'. xix. a red russ. pp. 78. Vol. 11. Various Pieces in the Irish language. inter alia. ° II Explanation of the Ogham Character, p. 42. 11 Gssian’s Poem, beginning “Is seiiu na bi aire pad rear leat,” containing 683 Stanzas of 4 lines, but there appears to be a hiatus be¬ tween 446, 507, 4 to. ch. s. xviii. or xix. £ red russ. pp. 102 . Book oi Prayers,& Psalms: well written: imperfect . lbmo. ch. s. xviii. £ red russ. paged from 43 f to 103. the 1st. 42 pages are lost. The Story of Cormac Mac Art. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. i red russ. 136 leaves. Connui Gulban. from p 11 l0 p. 200. Imperfect. 4to. ch. s. xviii. ^ red russ. Brian Curtain, or Tbo Mountain Ash Mansion. V renian Story. H Life of St. Margaret. ?written by Scadzta mie CairtaAo.l82o.s.4io^/i.s.xix4»'^t2 russ.pp 82 . AnnaleS de Inisfail. H Catli C'nuca. II Catli Muige Mocruime. II Muige Leaua. II Ceallagan Caisil. Cluain Tairb. *' Leabhar na Naos. H Copy, & Translation, of sornt: Brehon laws. written by Seayan o Murclia, & Easboy Cor- caide: copied by Thady O’Connell, 1820. 8 i’ 0 . ch. s. xix, % red russ. pp. 142. Adventures of Lomnaclane Slicve Rifle. A Fenian Tale. If Fate of the Children of Lir. II Adventures of Derrmuid, & Grana. s. 4to< ch; s. xix. brn. bds. pp. 114 . !oO 13745 13746 13747 13748 13749 13750 13751 13752 13753 13754 13755 13756 13757 Forus Feasa, or Keating’s Hist, of Ireland. i tkk. sm. 4to. ch. 8. xviii, or xix. | dk. cj. Ex Bibl. Duds Buckingham. Foreigners who have visited England. J.ch. s. xviii. Old No. 210. Stone Catal. 2120. Seeley’s Description of Stowe: printed, with the Original Drawings interleaved. 4 to. ch. s. xviii red mor. [No. 5101.) Nattes's Original Drawings of Views of Stow e, & its Gardens, in 1805-7, the Seat of the Mar¬ quis of Buckingham. 2 Vols. large obi. folio russia gilt. ch. s. xix. Sale No. 5197. Do. do. 13 Additional Views. 1. fol. unbound, ch. s. xix. A General Plan, & Prospects of Ld. Viscount Cob- ham’s Gardens at Stowe. 14 Drawings. h obi. fol. red mor. gilt, with an engraved Plan of them. Olim Bt. Hon. Thos. Grenville. J. Buckler’s Drawings of Sudeley Castle. 17 Draw-1 ings. l.fol ch. s. xix. purp. tnor . gilt. Harley MSS. (See No. 12462.) IF Afallenau Myrddin. 1[ Gwasgarged Vyrdin yn y bed. ^ Canny gwynt. U Kann y Medd. *1 Preidden Annwn. «[[ Yr v mes dydd brawd. 1i Addfynnau Taliessyn. 11 Kann y Cwrwf. IT Marwnad Uther Pendragon. IF Marwnad Aeddon o Fon. H Ary rues Brydain fawr. 11 Cyfoeseu Myrddin a Gwendyd ei.chwaer. IF Englynion y C'lywed—A gleiweisti, &c. *F Dy gynghor a*th gyssul yw. IF Kvssul Adaonyntyr Englynion ftyrm. Extracts from the Record of Caernarvon. T Extracts ex MSto “Fluci'darius.” in JesusColl. Oxf. containing 17 tracts. IF Contents of a book in Jesus Coll. H Index of Tracts in Llyfr Coch o Hergest. *T Syllabus contentorum in MSto. membranac. in 4to. scriplo a Joanne Powell, Brechoniensi, nUpef penes Moses Williams qui constat foliis 192. IF Adagia Camhro-Britaonica, ex cod. codice- Cart® 24 Originales de familia de Whitney de Boughroyd, Co. Radnor. Burial Eees appointed for Marylabonfle in 1732. Vellum Roll. Treasury Quietus of Michl. Newton, Esqr. Sherift of Lincolnshire in 1774. Vellum Roll. Voces Cambro-Britannic® ex variis Authoribus explicat®, cum uuctoritatibus. 4/o. ch s. xv. ? 76 leaves r (Valuable.)yb/to 2 bound up wrong , after fol. 3. Welch Poems, & Tracts. 4 to. ch. 9 . xviii. pp. 550. besides the Index of the Poets, & the iEras in which they flourished. 10 pages. H At the end a little book in 24 mo. is pasted in. of \ 4 pages and Title containing the Elegy; on Mr. Edwd. Morgan, who died 1635. A Note 8ays “Writ by my Unkle John Mor¬ gan, Vicar of Conway. Vol. 2. (of No. 12466 ) contains. IF The Gospel of Nicodeinus, out of Didrefnyn. H Diawl a briodes enwired, IF Un post prif wedi yw. IF Ymdidan y corf ar eneit. Nyt nwethus der heb dat. H Proffwydolyaetli. Ef adaw byt. IF Gaue ef dyn cam dyn arall. H Ypothu ny thalant dim. ^ Description des Villes de France. H Arwydyon kyn dyd brawt. Enveu Ynys Prydain. 11 Hyn a dywavt St. Austin. ^ Crouicon. IF Rif y Vlyneddei rwng, &c. IF “Hie jacet Turpinus Remis Metropolitans.’’ ^ Llyma’r mod y treythir o ach Kynavi Sant. IF Llyma weithon ach Cattoc Sant. IF Llyma enwen Brenhined y Britanyeit. IF Historia Bown o Hamlwn. IF Ystoria Geraint vab Erbin. Yean erith hwng Merddin a Thaliessyn. IF Englynion y Beddau. ^ Maen yr Hensor. IF Maes Maur.—Maen Meirion. IF Maes Garmon. IF Adversaria ex Mangofion. IT Proffwydoliaeth yr Eryr ygkaer Seplon. IF Duv Dewin brenin breiniawl neirthyat. IF Marchog a gyrch i’r ddinas 11 Cyt carwyfi morva cassaf y mor. IF Ymddiddan rhwng Ugnach al Mydno o Guer Sion a Thaliessyn o gaer Doganwy. ^ Marw nad Madog ab Mredydd. 7 Cyfarchaf i’m Rhi rhad Tobaith. IF Can Cantre ’r Gwaelod. 11 Enwan meib Llywarch Hen. Gwyu ei byd hi y Fedwen yu Nyffryn Gwy. St. George , Owen MSS', 'corztinued. 13758 Henry Ferrers, (of Baddesley,) Collections for the Ferrers Genealogy. Autograph, thin f ch. s xvi. 13759 Alphabet of Arms in Blazon, f. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. 211 written leaves , besides Index. 13760 Reference Book to Families, beginning with Fulk l'itzwarin. %/:it the end , Peds. of Say, Caineto,& Nevill.y. ch. s. xvi. wh. v. 13761 Irish Civil List in 1684. IF O 11 the Trade betw. the English Plantations, & Barbadoes, & Irelaud. IF Sir Jnb. Rushout’s Report on the Merchant’s Petition, trading to the Sugar Plantations. IF Mr. Scrope’s Report on the W eavers of Bristol; IF King’s Officers, & Fees in the Westminster Courts. IT Precedency of the Nobility. IF Ou destroying Wolves in Ireland. H Eudoxus, & Irene’s Dialogue on the present state of Ireland. Count Gondamor’s Report of his Services as Ambassador in England. H A Letter on Blood, & things strangled. Capt.Jno. Ribault’s Journal of his Discoveries on the Coast of Florida, Ao. 1562. IF Valuation of Abbeys. IF Testaments of H. 8, & H. 6. IF j. Leslie’s, (Bp. of Rosse,) Hist, of Scotland, from 1436 to 1561. H Extract from a Latin Chronicle. Begins*' Anno 1264. In Bello de I.ewys, Barones.’’ f. ch. s. xvi. 13762 Patents, Funerals, & Arms. Begins “Reason of Precedencie of Maislers of Chancery before Sergeants. 1 Forma Coronacionia Regum, & Reginaruin Angli®. U Creation of Peers. IF Droits of the Officers at Arms at the Inter¬ ment of Nobles. 1i Creation of Walter, E. of Essex, 1572, IF F'igure of au Earl, in his robes. IF On Armes of the Chief Lord of the Fee borne by the Tenant, with a difference. • IF Names of those who enjoyed Baronies in right of their Wives. % Philpot’s Address to Chas. Duke of Bavaria. IF Funeral of Henry, Prince of Wales. 1 Funerals of Margt. Duchess of Norfolk, & Elinor Nevill. • This is constantly met with in painted Glass in the Church IVindows of Westmoreland , Cumberland , Lanca¬ shire, in which, dither the chief Lord's, or the Tenant's awn Arms are placed in a Canton, T. P. 25 ) 13763 13764 13705 1376C 13767 137GS 13709 13770 13771 13772 13773 13774 13775 13776 13777 13770 13779 13780 137«1 13702 13703 T Grants of Arms to Rowse, Aylwin, Sir Thos. i Roe, &e. | If The King's Servants. Fees. 51 Rules for quartering Arms. Lord Keeper's Speech, 1-627. j /. ch. s. xvii. wk. v.. 193 leaves-. > Arms iir. trick, beginning with Sir Martyn For- \ b usher. IT Letter from Andrew T reswell. 11 John Theophilus’s Germane Divinity. thin f ck; s. xviii. wk. v. Index of Parishes in England! thin f. ch. 9. xvii. \ Somerset Visitation.,/, ch. s. xvii. o. brn. cf. On the Sides is a Fess bt. 3 lioncels & a border bezantee quartering 1 On 2 bars 3 cross pateees fitche.-2 On a chev bt. 3 Cranes 3 Kscalops. 3. Fess betw. 2 bars gemelles It has also Copies of Seals, & Charters. Arms, & Quarterings in Trick.iegiras with Corner, Gifford, &c. f ch. s. xvi. rgh. cf. with Index. Whitlock's Embassy to Sweden, 1653. /. ch. s. xvii. pp. 26. Supplication of Scotch Covenanters. 11 A Distinction between Ecclesiastical, & Com¬ mon Law./, ch. s xvii. pp. 46. Sir Richd. St. George’s Collections on Duels. If On the Barony of Abergavenny. On Grants of Baronies from tlig direct line. 11 On the Office of Arines. IT Billaa Signatse, & Cartse; If On the E, Marshall’s Court. 11 The King’s Prerogative in conferring Honors. If Sir Win. Dugdale's or Dodswortli's Excerpta ex Rot. Pat. k Claus, f. ch. a. xvii. pp. 72. Peerage Rolls./, eh ; s. xvii. pp. 112. Placita, St Records; f*c Av s. xvii. pp. 154. Dispute betweeu Garter, k Clareucieux. /. ch. s. xvii. pp. 60; Sir. Hen. St. George's Summons to the Gentry to appear at the Hants. Visitation* 1636, f. ch. s. xvii. pp. 454. Do. Grants of Arms./, ch. sr. .xvii. pp. 1*28. Funerals of Prince Rupert, & Prince George of; Denmark./. ch. s. xviii. pp. 74. Peerage Rolls, tall narrow fol . ch. s» xvii. pp. 24.5 On the Office of Sheriff, f. ch. s* xvii. pp. 36. | Arms of Knts. of the Garter. j H Arms of Families in Counties, 8f Alphabet or- I del* (A. to K. wanting.)/, ch. s. xvii. pp. 108. Catalogue of some MSS. in the Heralds College. If Catalogus Dominorum de Vere./. ch. s. xvii. pp. 34. Names of Nobility, & Gentry. The first part is wanting, f. ch* s. xvii. pp. 310, Letters of Sir H. St. George, k Fcis. Negus. 4*o. ch. s. xviii. pp. 110. Ordinary of Arms. Begins with Eagles. First name Morys. thin f. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. Not paged. ; Richd.St. George’s Work on Ceremonies, & Crea- j tion of Peers, 1605. Such is the substance of : the Title Page. The 1st. Article is the account : of the decease of James I, in 1625. It Articles of Marriage between Prince Charles, & the Iufanta. If Proceedings betvv. Visct. Montagu, & Sir Edw. Montagu, about the Arms of Monthermer. If Confutation of those who hold H on urs,rfc Titles to be hereditaments, k to pass as Lands, k Chattels. H Petition fur abolishing the Title of Baronets lately created. c Question of Precedency between Viscounts of Scotland. & Ireland, k Barons of England. 1i Sir J. Fortescue’s Defence of the Title of the House of Lancaster. If Creation of Cooke to be Clarehcieux. If On Antiquity of Courts Marshall. If The King’s Letter concerning Ulster King. If Commission of Peace, Co. Cambridge, 1617. II Excerpta ex Rot. Patent. II List of Irish Peers 40 E. 3. If Fees due to Hefalds. If What preparation is to be made against the Dely veraunce of the Queene. 11 Coronation of Henry 8th. If Ch.istenynge of Prince Arthur. If Mode of Creating Knts. of the Bath. If John Earl of \v orcester’s Orders of Prece¬ dency. If On the Lyveries for the Kings, k Heralds. If Challenge of Earl Rivers* If Privileges of Peers* 8c hi.night9. H Of Esquires, & Gentlemen U Articles to be observed by Knights. U Peers at the Coronations of Hie. 3, &Q.Anne. If Coronation of Ric. 3. If Claim of the Earl of Kildare, & Sir Robt. Dig* by, for the Barony of Offaly. If Patents of Kings ot Amis. H Challenge of Henry* Prince of Gl, Britain. U Milites de Corpore Regis; If Ex il istoria Otfue Regis. If The Quarrel betweeu Aiity. Fbllon,& Edmd. Withy pole. H Whether the Maior’s wife of St Alban’s sh’d take precedence of Esquires wives within the Borough of St. Albuns* H Peace with Spain, 1604, Creation of Villers, Earl of Buckingham. Do. ot Robt. >ydueyj & Wm, Compton. II Precedency of Knights Sons. If Petition of Lady H Ao. Dni. 1799. Ces sount les grauuts Seigniors a Bannere queux le Roy Edward primier avoit pardonere E'seuce l’an de son reigne 26 a la Battaile de Fawkirke, &c. Then follows the list with their Arms. IT Petition of the Lord Mayor, &c, for Preced¬ ency of the Name-, Office, & Authority of Aldermen, With the answer. IT On the Precedency of Baronets. If Creation of Marchioness of Pembroke. If Fundatio Abb. de Haverholme. If Petitions of Heralds. IT Rokesby against Detractors of Dignities. If The Earl Marshall’s Office in Peace, & War. f. eh. s xvii. o. brn. cf. 72 leaves , Sf many others. Arms of Ric.St Geo. stamped on sides. 13764 Memoirs of the Earl of Claniicarde l.fich. s.xviii. yvn. vel. pp. 5J6. 13735 Arms in trick with Iudex Begin with Whitmore, of London. 1. /. ch. s-.xvii. 92 teaves.wh.v.Mark¬ ed on Cox cr 3*2-16. 13786 Recueil des Principaux Seigneurs qui passerent la iner avec Guillaume Coiiquereur,par J. Benard. f. ch. s. xviii. 1st. page ilium, with a border, § the Covers painted with medallions in the centre, pp. 440, At the end “De Nicholas Moreau, Sin*. D’Auteuil.” %drms painted, fy vignettes oj fiowers. 18787 Ex Cronicis Abb. de Dunmawe.—Ped. of Clare. If Arms in trick ex Rotulo Antiquo: being an Ordinary in printed Shields. 1st. Coat, Richd. E. of Cornwall. V Names of those who attended H. 8. to Calais, in 1520./. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. I 13738 A Vol. marked with an AnchoT./. ch s. xvi.&xvii. continet Arms, & Pedigrees: begin with France k England impaling Henault.—Arms emblaz¬ oned iu colours. H Cartas de C'arew, AdmiraTli Angfiae. > If Butler of Coed Kenles. (This Vol. to be bound in 2, or more Vols ) ! 13789 Miscellanea Heraldica. Continet, The Funerals of Wm. Cecil, Lord Burleigh; Thos. Ld. Coventry; Ralph Freman, Ld .May¬ or, 1634; Geo. Abbot, Archiep. Canterb. 1G33 ; Ld. Grandison; Stewart, Ld. Albini U Procession of Jac. 1. to Parliamt. 1614. I II Fees to Heralds. IT Dispute between Burnell, & Morley, for the j Coat of Arms. * IT Baroues extiucti. 252 13790 13791 13792 13793 13794 13795 13796 13767 13798 13799 13800 13801 13802 13003 13S04 13505 13506 13007 13808 13009 13810 13811 ii n ir s it Sale of his Coat of Arms from Wm, St, Leger to Thos. de Hoo. Challenge of Earl Rivers, Precedency of Knights. The King’s Letter to the Lords, 162 1 . On the Office of Earl Marshall. Ex Rot. Claus. IT Summons to Parliarat. /, ch. s. xvii. o. brn. cf. Steele MSS. continued. See No. 13695. i \ § 13812 13S13 13814 13815 13816 13817 Revd. Edwd. Steele’s Topographical Collections j for Middlesex,from Monuments, Parish Regis-j 13818 ters, &c./. ch s. xviii. pp. 280. The City Remembrancer of London, s. Ato. ch. \ s. xviii. pp. 154. j 13319 Steele’s Collections for Shoreditch, London. \ 4fo. ch. s. xviii./)/?. 112. \ 13820 Do. Institutions of Clergy throughout England, j Ato.ch. s. xviii. brn. cl. pp. 138. j 13821 “Carolus incarceratus.” An account of the Iin- j prisonment of Charles T, at Carisbrook. 4 s. thk. Ato, ch. s. xix brn. bds. pp. 722. Franks, & Prints. The 1st. Frank is 11. Darn ley.? i the last “S. C. Hall.” s. 4 to. ch. s. xi x.brn. bds. j pp. 102, l Notes to Moran, thk. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. j pp. 498. begins with J. Bewshir, ends with \ *3827 E. R. Moran. | Do. to do. begins with C. V. Johuston,mfc with Eliza Bredin. 4*o. binch. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. j pp. 166. Historic Sonnets-by Edwd. Raleigh Moran, on ' Napoleon at Areola, &c. Autograph, narr. 8 vo. ch. s. xix. brn. bds.pp . 76. |13828 Ex Bibl. Miscellane'is. St. Lucas, & St. Johannes, glossati. fragment I f. V. s. xiii. orange cf. Stanislai Bornbach’s Chronick der Stadt Dantzhr. ; thk. f. ch. s. xvi. brn. cf. pp. 5 S 2 . Pictures, & Rarities of King Chas. 1 . removed ; from St. James’s to White Hall. ... f- ch - s - , x .viii. rgh. cf. 13820 Worcestershire Administrations from 1546, to; 1573. being Printed Forms with names filled i up in MS./', ch. s. xix brn.ppr. pp. 98. Nourse s Booksellers Correspondence from 1765. > 1 st. Letter “To Thos. Bucket, at Tully’s Head \ Strand.”/, ch. s. xviii. yell. cf. pp. 180. Ex I Bibl. Upcot. y J w Jno. Evelyn’s Notes on Coke upon Littleton. \ 13830 /. ch. s. xviii. a wh. cf. pp. 170. \ Pembrokeshire Poll Book in 1785. with Freehold-) ers names, & residences, thk. f. ch. s. xviii.^c/ { Suit concerning the Parish Rates of Ware. If recites the great Storm in 1703. thih fell s.xviii.^ yell.cfAQ leaves.(first 2 . lost.) Survey, & Maps, & Rental of Norton, & Ucking- ton in Atcham, Co. Salop. 1777. 4 tOi Veil. s. xviii. red mor. gilt. Cartx 52 Originales de Bourdeaux. 4/o. V. s. xiv. grn. cloth. 53 leaves. Titles of the King of Poland, thin f. ch. s. xiv. 4 red russ. dk blue sides. Liber de Scriptoribus. 2 Vols. fch. s xviii. rgh. cf. Sobre el Rio Mauzanares, with 4 Views of Toledo' Madrid./, ch, s. xviii. ^ wh. cf West India Papers, L758. begins with an Order of Col. James Abercromby. /. ch s. xviii. £ blue cl.pp. 150. Bodd 381. Case ol Francis Griffith, thin f ch. s. xvii. i wh. v. pp. 16. Ashby’s Suffolk Collections, 3 Vols./o/, 4to.k8vo. ch. s. xviii. wh. cf. Galland’s Necrologe de la Mort dts Scavans, from 1500, to 1701. J ch. s. xvii. xviii. o. cf. git. pp. 43J. Olim J. 13. Durey de Ncinville. Prince’s Worthies of Devon. 2 Vols. be.ny the un¬ published Portion of the work.f. ch. s. xviii. red russ. (1716.) Ex Bibl. Fcisci Gwynn 'de Ford Abbey. Cartularium Abbatiae de Ford./. V. s. xiv. pp. red 1 uss. Copies of Letters of the Royal Family, of England kc. and of Foreign Kings, Princes to them. 2 Vols. /. ch. s. xviii. wh. v. 1 horpe’s (the Bookseller,) Autograph Copy of one of his Sale Catalogues,compiled for the Printer, written on slips, & pasted on the leaves of an old book of Acts of Parliament of 3 Geo. 1 . & of a work on Roman Catholic Law. The Act of Parliament contains a list of the Gentry of Scotland./, ch. s. xix. brn. bds. , Wm. Mae-Curtain’s Copy of the Poems of Ossian, Vol. 2nd. beginning at page 207 only. Tins 2nd. Vol. is now divided into 2 . Vol. I contain - ing from page 207, to 292. (In this Vol. one Cover of the old Book is bound in, to shew the shameful neglect of the Irish in not properly binding their most valuable I forks, by which neglect it is probable that more oj their books have been destroyed, than by their Civil Wars. Vol.2. ends pArXf.ck.s.xvui red ru.-s. A Copy e, J the above 2 Vols. pp. 207 lo API.was made bn Joseph Langan/or me, T. P. tSce No. 13599. Miscellaneous Arms, Quarter.ugs. beginning with Tomer, & Ins quarterings./, ch. s. xvi. ° rgh. cf lu two Parts, part I. 36 leaves. Part 2 . 38 leaves, except 31, to 36. which are lost . Ex Bibl. Radi. Sheldon de Bcoley, Arm. Ralph Sheldon’s Copy of the Visitation of Berks, in l (523. P os tea fui t Ldwdi, Rowe .Vlores, 1779- deinde Baruchi Longmute- It contains Long- mate’s Additions, & some by Sir I’. i'iriliipps,itf some by a small neat hand, perhaps Rowe M— res’s. /. ch. s xvii. £ cj grn. cel sides;pp 3 12. <$ index. Book mailt X. Ex Bibl. Ho rati i Walpole , Arm. Norfolk Visitation, 1563; part narrative, part ta¬ bular. Oiimfuit Petri lc Neve; poslea, in 1777 , .... Ives, /.c/i.s.xvii rgh. cf. 1-B4 leaves. Arms of Horace Walpole in a Bookplate. Ex Dono Henriei Ilore, Arm. de Com. Wexford, Hibernia, London Visitation, 1590, or 1618./. ch. s. xvi. tW,xvii red russ. 177 leaves,minus fol I.&I 74 . missing,- 10, 11 torn, ( 86 , .112. Ex Bibl. Guilford. 13835 13836 13837 13838 13839 13840 13841 13842 Aleir. Nequam de bene diS^orienda Familia. ! 13854 II JohiSt de Garlandia Vocabularium. If Summa Mri. Adai Balsamiensis. If Carmen Mysticuin de Mysteriis Ecl'IeSite. If Tobias. Me trice. \ If Nova Poesis Johis; de Garlandia. \ 13855 It Mri. Alexri. de Hale§ Carmen. f 5 Equivoca. Metrics. If Ysopus. Me trice. If De Contemptu Muudi. Metricd. 1. f. V. s. xiii. vel xiv. Caro’s Journal in Bougainville’s Voyage, 1768, to the Molufccas. 4to. ch. s. xviii. £ cf. | 13856 Rerum Academicarum de Pisa Col lectio, thkf. ch. > s. xv. ^ wh. v. (To be separated , bound ' again in 3, or 4 Vote.) 125 Rudd Cat. A Libra- I ry Mark mside of Is/. Cover 11 MSS. A. 3.” j Poirson’s Inventaire des Titres, Begistres, Pa-1 piers, & Meubles de la Commune de Flavigny; j containing amongst others, the Parish Registers, j thinf. ch. s. xix. sd. 21 leaves. Lives of St.Katharine, Barbara, Dorothy, Mo’dwen, I Ursula, John of Beverley, St Erasmus. | 11 Religious Tracts. 4to. ch. s. xvii. bd. in a leaj \ of an old Missal. A leaf or 2 missing at the j end. It may have been written by one of \ the Nuns at Brussels. Anns from the Visitation of Cornwall, olim Johis. ! Towniey of Town ley,- Arm. postea W mi. Laing \ 13S57 de Edinburgh; deinde A lexri. Deuchar in 1815.; thin 4 to. ch. s. xvii. i cf.pp. 40 besides Index. It seems that Deuchar, who was an Engraver! at Edinburgh,engraved Plates of blank Shields which he has inserted in the Vol; fit tricked the > Arms in them from the older MS. of the | XVll th. Century which is bound in with them. Numismata Bodteiana, with the Donors Names. 4/o ch. s. Xviii. yrn. ppr. pp. 44. 13858 Ex Bibl. Rev. .... Allard ,■ de Paris. LeCtionarium. If Sermo de B. Maria Egyptiaca.. If Historia Zosimae, & S. Maris JEgyptiaeae. \ ^ Passio beati Marci Evangelist®. ; 1" Passio S. Johis, Sc S. Pauli. Sermo S. Petri Apostoli. •JJ Revelatio facta Luciano, Presbytero, de Reli- quiis S. Stephani, primi Martyris, & Ni- ciiodemi et Gainalielis, teraporibus Honorii, & Theodosii. Olim full Abbatiae Sti Illidii, Claromontensis. 1. f. V. s. xi. $ tfuce cf. Lettered “Omeliae Anonym®.” 13859 13860 13861 13862 13843 Ex Bibl. C. D. Arm. Cartularium de Bella Landa alias Byland in Com. Ebor. l.f. V. s. xiv. Imperfect. All the Par¬ ishes are lost after the letter S. Sf several in A, 8c B.// was perfect (apparently) in Dugdale’s time. 13863 | 1 La Banca di Genova, thin s.f ch. s. xviii. wh cf’. Taken from No. 4017 in this Catalogue. " The Bibl , M. Monteil dc Pussy, a Paris. “Charte a Lettres rouges/' or, La Pel, ou Cons¬ titution du Chapitre de St. Etienne tie Troyes en 1374. ei Roll on Vellum, in „ red mor. case 14m. by 13m. Thorpe 1838. Welsh Genealogies Olim Mereditlii Wynne de Nant Glyu, ex dono Juliis. Lloyd de Cwm Pen- anner A. D. 1000. The Title is “Llyma De- ctirau ystoria o iachoedd bretihinocdd a thywy- sogion Arglwyddi a Marci.ogion Ysquieriaid a Boneddigion Cymru a Llawer o Genedlaethau y tair Talailh.”/7 begins with Me** Plant Cuned- da \\ ledic.” On one side are stamped the let¬ ters F. O. s. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. Uk. cf. The ori¬ ginal MS. ts well written, but it has Additions in a later hand, down to 1722. The Sheriffs of Denbigh are brought down to 1683, Thou. Ycatcs’s MSS. Lessons fron the Old Testament, & Acts of the Apostles, appointed to be read in the Syrian churches, on Fusts, Festivals, & Holy-days! S»- riace. \> litten in 11130 according to the Greek Computation, in the days of Mar Simon Cath- olicon. Patriarch of the East. Bought at Caina- lisk Gawercok, a poor Town, inhabited by Christians. (See Ives’s Voyage from England to India in ITU.page 319.) *. f. ch. lombyci s, xvi. i russ. pp. 378. No. 595, in some Sale. Yeates on the Sound, k Powers of the Hebrew Tetters. ch. s. xix bds. pp. 132. Do. Sacred Chronology restored, & the Chro¬ nology of Josephus examined, f. ch. s. xix. bds. pp. 140. Do. Rudiments of a Grammar of Universal Lan¬ guage: p. 116. If Do. Agriculture the Source of Wealth to Nations, p. 26. H Do. Collation of St. John’s Gospel, in Ethio- pic. p. 34. f. ch. s. xix, bds. Do. On the Life, & Writings of Isaiah. 1. Do.Gospel of St. Mathew, feh.s. xix. hds.p.lUj Do. Sacred Chronology restored, & divided into 5 Ages./, ch. s. xix. i red mor. Do. do. divided into 5 Periods to the Birth of Christ. II Do. Chinese Chronology to the Birth ofChlist 11 Egyptian Chronology. U Assyrian, St Babylonian Chronology. f. chi s. xix. 254 13864 13865 13S66 13867 1386S 13S69 13870 13871 13872 13873 13874 13875 I3S76 138/7 C. Simonides Greek MSS. J. Chrysostomus de B. Virgine, Maria. Greece, thk. f. ck. s. xv. % sobre la dignidad, &c. de la Lengua Arabica, j 1787. s. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. pp. 44. Liber de .- • • Arabice. s. thin 4fo. ch. s. xviii. blue bds. pp - 128. Do do. ... do. s. 4to. ch.s. xviii. blue bds. pp. 152. Pizzi sobre Medallas Cuficas. II Do. Traduccion de los 21 Capitulos de la His- > toria del Timur, site Tamerlan, escrita por j Arabsiah* with Notes by Dr. Pizzi, Ao.1786. 8 . 4 to. ch. s. xviii. blue bds. pp. 18S. Do. Elementa de la Lingua Turca, (1790.) $,4to. ch. s. xviii. blue bds. pp. 194. Do. Traduccion de la Vida de Tamerlan escrita por Arabsiad. s. 4to. ch.s. xviii. blue bds.‘S2fol. \ Do-TradaccionCastellanade los Voces Pilosoficas Arabes. H Letters from Dr. Pizzi, to Robt. Waddilove. thin 4to. ch. s. xviii. It. brn. bds. pp. 108. Traduccion de un inslrumento Arabigo-Afri- cano, que espresa la Venta de las posessiones j dela Villa de Neblas, a favor del Sr. DonYnigo j Lopez de Mendoza, Senor de Mondejar, y > Conde de Tordilla, Alcayde, y Capitan de 1 Granada, y de su Alambra. 1. f. ch. s xviii. j pinkbds. pp. 32. Pizzi’s Arabic Names of Plants, with the expla- j nation of them, & their Medicinal Virtues, in Spanish./, ch, s. xviii .pp. 128. blue bds. begitis “Acacales Isaak ben Emran.” Do. Arabic Words with a Spanish Interpretation > f.ch. s. xviii. pp. 118. Begins “Ala. Cortina, \ Operimentum contra pluviam.” H Voces, & Erases de la Tabla de Cebes. j H Nomina Vulgaria aliquarum Plantarum. Do. Sobre la construccion de los verbos Arabes. \ If A Collection of engraved Roman, & Cufic In- : scriptions. Among them is a most remarkable j Map of Spain. f. ch. s. xviii. pp. 254. £ blue clth. Do. On the Arabic Grammar. At y?.183 is the Fable of the Nightingale, & the \ Hawk./, ch. s. xviii. pp. 190. Do. Notas de los Annales de Abulfeda, till the year 710 of the Hegira. If Names corrupted in the History of the Arabs by Archbishop Rodrigo, with their correc- ! tion by M. Pizzi. c Copy of an Arabic MS. in the Eseurial, No. 975. If Diary of the Attack on St. Domingo in 1762. j at JBarlovento. Cartas del Ministro Selagui a Salmon, y otros: ■ dated 1803. These appear to be the State < correspondence of Spain with the Emperor j of Morocco, Muley Soliman, f. ch. s. xix. £ blue clth. pp. 140. \ The Koran. Copied in red Ink, mth-fhc points \ $ headings of the Chapters , $ Catchwords 6 the pages, in blue. Most probdbly a Copy o some MS. in the Eseurial. /. ch. s. xix. pp. 82 13927 Translation of the 2nd. Part of some Historica Work. (? the Life, & Acts of Mahomet.) Tin Title is “Declaracion, o Exibicion de los aci cidentes de sufortuna, y de sus Victorias, segur el orden de su Chronologia. ° “Capitulo 1. Men cion de la prilfaera marcha t Egypto eu compania de su tio, Asedino.” f. ch. s. xviii. bds. pp. 84. Bum stead 1S48. 13928 Vita B. Francisci. 8m. 4 to. V. s. xiv. 147 leaves wh. v. 13929 Cartae Prioratus de Tuttebury. 4td. ch. s:xix. Ex Bibl. Josephi G. King Eyton , Arm. 13930 Life of St. Robert, the Hermit of Kna res borough! Copied front the original MS. in the possession of Rev. Henry Drury, of Harrow, by Josepl Haslewood. s: 4 to. ch. s. xix. 84 written pagei red mor. richly gilt, by Iluyday. The Origina is said to be now in the Library of the Duke o Newcastle. Ex dono Wmi. Stanton, Arm. de Lonybridge, Co. Warcai 13931 Extracts from Locke on Understanding 12/«o. ch. s. xviii. 55 leaves, bds. ° Ex Dibl. Ph. Mannaring of Peover , Aim. 13932 Sir Charles Somerset’s Book ofOffice, as Chamber* layne to King Hen. 7. After the 'Fable, is the Coat of Sir Charles, France, & England entire-, led by the Garter Ribband, on a,ground like £ Pennon, G 5 Pallets Az.cotized A .At the foot) in a Scroll, is “Charles de Somerset,Chevallyer. Seigneur de Harbert et de Gower, Chambellan du Roy Henry le V11.e." The words in italics appear to be added later, in a paler ink, &• am probably the Autograph ofSirCharles. The Work begins thus “For as muche as there is nowe bat litflleKnowledge of the Sittyngein Estate of thfe Dukes, Erles, and Barons of this Royame of Englande in the presens of dure Souverayn lorde the Kyng,' he beinge in his Estate,& howe he shulde be served, and with what persons or Lstates; Thees articles here f.dowinge be com-i pile de, in manor and the forme "that folowethe> whicftie been necessary to be hadde in the re- ( membraunctfof the Kynge’s Chamberlcvne, and to his Huiahers of his Chambrt?, & apparteynn unto theire Offices.” The first rule laid down ts, “As for the day of Estate in the Hall ?l (rubr.)' \V hen the Kyng comythe frome Evyrii souge.” &c. At the end, in more modern hand' ‘•Liber Kanulpht Manwaringede Pevor, 1580.” After which are some Latin, oc English Verses.- I he Cover is black leatlier.deeply stamped in 2 compartments on each side: 1. St.George, slay-) ing the dragon; 2nd. John the baptist baptising Christ, with the Almighty, Sc the Dove, or Holy-Ghost, looking down upon them; both with Inscriptions On the other fcover the saine), repeated. The Arms of Sir Charles are blazoned! in Colours* 4to. ch. s. xvi. Ndt paged. Ex Btffl iriccrtis. 13933 19 Carta 1 Originates de Medmenham, Co. Backs, j 1 fol. blue cl. V. s. xvi. x\ii. xviii. 13934 Visitatio Episcopalis Saloj im, circa 1776-9.3 Vols.i thinf. ch.. s. xviii. brn bds. 13935 Fragment of some ancient Author" L)e Fortitudine’: &c- fctim Glossis,” in which Glosses the Historians of Greece arc often quoted, anc CATALOGUS LlBRORtJM M ANUSCRIPTORt’M IN BlBLIoTHECA PHll.LI PPicA 25 ? 13930 13937 13938 13939 13940 13941 13942 13943 13944 13945 13940 13947 13948 13949 . 13950 & among others the author says “Historizant de belio hoc Kisissodurus in duodecimo d • Sacro Bello, et Anaximenes in quarto de Phy- lippo; et Euforus in tricesiino.” The Fragment appears to have once formed the Cover of a Uook.y. V. s. xiii. 4 leaven. Index to the History of the Works of the Learned s. 4 to, ch. s. xviii. old brn cf. A Sale A’o, 89. Owen OTeirioti on Welch Antiquities, collected from the Gents. Magazine, with MSS. Notes Suo ch. s.'xviii. Travels through France in 1729. 4 to eft. s. xviii. imperfect: beginning with p. 31 continuing tu p. 493. brn. bds. Le Neve’s Fasti, with extensive additions by White Kennett, Bishop of Peterborough. fol ch. s. xviii. russ'ia gilt. (This Volume has been made me of by T.Hardy, Esq. in his new Edition in 8i> o. 1854.) Lord Kingsborouglfa MS'S. ' Christoval Nunez de Leon de Peculiaribus Curiar- um Novi Ofbis. /. ch. s. xvii. ffrri. cf. gill. A fair Copy by a Scribe with numerous additions 4 corrections in the Author’s own hand, <$• every leaf signed at the fool by the Author’s peculiar Mark, or Flourish, signed at the end by the Author. An old SaleNo. 751. Dr. Pedro de Guemcs Description" geheral del Nuovo Orbe de las Iudias. srii. 4to. ch. s. xviii. crimson Turkey v, or. rich gilt: pp. 306. old Sale No. 457. Carta del Ft\ Vincente de Valverde, Obispo de Cuzco, ai imperador Carlos 5. Copied from Utc Royal Library, Madrid. #.4 lo ch s. xviii. crimson Turkey mor. rich gill, not payed, but i it has 300 pages. Sale No. 960. j Don Martin Delgar, Cirujaho, Tratad > de la ealidad de las Yervas, Auirnales, y Piedras, y lo saca a la publica luz el D. Phelipc Loayz.i ; de la Vega, Arcediauo de la Cathedral de la > Ciudad de la Paz, en el Petfu. pp. 252 besides Preface, & Table, s. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. crimson Turkey mor. richly gilt. Dr. Francesco Diaz Diccionario de la Lengua Mandarina. 8to. ch. s. x.\'u.ru88gilt. 202 leans, on Chinese paper. Ex Bibl. F. Benthallf Arm. 1855. Extracts from Records for Devon, & Cornwall soil. Rot. Cart. Aiitiq. Oblat. Patent. Fin. Nor¬ man. Claus, a t Joh. ad 33 H. 3./. ch. 8. xvi. toh.v. pp. 294. 2 fly leaves in the beginning with Notes. Notes also on the Cover. Sale 283. “Essex Rental" Book.” with Index of Tenants, beginning with Edwd. t>0rehalu, 1713. ( ap¬ parently for an Estate called Couparsale, t in liorcham.) tallf. ch. s. xviii. -J dk. cf. Copies of Deeds for Boreham, Essex. ~b&jin with A Deed dated i057. between Lien. Ward, of London, Grocer, Cozen, Sc hair of Win. Ward, of Boreham. jT. ch. s. xvii. wh.v: paged as far as p. 226. Salop Laud Tax Assessment 1822. with the names. f. ch. s. x.i v £ cf. Olim T. F. Dukes, pp, 654. Ratciiife’s Collection of Pedigrees. begins with (he l'esi. of Biddie, alias Sauncur- sou. No. 1907. in Lord Berwick’s Sale. 1. f. ch. s. xix. $ red russ. pp. 183. 10^ incites. Ex Bibl. //, Ternau.>:»Compans, dc Paris. Carta de Juan de Palafox, Obispo de la Puebla de Jos Angeles, a Don Chris leva! Ciespi do daura, U.dgontc del Conscyo do Aragon, 1348. thin sm. fio. eh. a• xvii; \ grn. cl. ft has been torn out o) a larger book,being payed from 113 to 148. The Crest of M. Terhaux-Compaas vn the side. A Rain’s head Kerslake, of Bristol. 1855. 13951 Vita? Abbatura Sti. Iluberti in Ardennes. f.ch. 8. xvii. o. brn. cf. minus the first lj leaves,which had been tom out by Miss K in,the owner, to make her Curl Papers, ft w a sfound tn the Granary of Madame Kin, Sr is supposed to have been deposited there by Dorn Casimir, Archivist of the Abbey,wj/io resided at Madame Kin’s after Revolution ot 1792. pp. 1 10 *. 11 llistoire de Nicolas Fanson, Abbe 5Jer, du Monastere de St.Hubert en Ardennes,& pre¬ mier de la Reforme; qui natus crat Ao. 1576. 6 c ob. 1652. pp. 242. Redfern of Warwick, 18311. 13I»* Traito des Pouvoirs dca Concilcs Nationals et Provinciates, 11 De la Jurisdiction Ecolesiastique. Memoire touchant rinfallibilite du Pape. f. ch. s. xvii. dk.french cf. On the sides are the Arms of.... {? Colbert) Bishop of .... • * a Serpent erect. 340 leaves. 13953 Bishop Sanderson’s Ordinary of Arms. 1i Nich Upton de Arm is. thk.f. ch. s. xvii, dk. cf. 2/9 leaves. Thorpe 1853. 13954 “Pedigrees of various Families” begin with Des* ccndants of Fulk d’Anjou, Father of Geoffrey 1 Jantagenet, & Ancestor of the Kings of Eng¬ land. large fol. \ bds. 1395a Robt. of Gloucester’s Chronicle. Supposed to be T. Hearne’s Copy. Library mark “B. 69.” t fol. russ. p. 39S. 13956 Conrad Von Arnmenhusen’s Schachzabelbuch, r 1331 c/t * s - xviii - PP' 872. Sale Jd5. 1395i Guac Lorry, cv. T. Pakenham’s Report on the Office of Ordnance, 1783. No. 1./. ch. s. xviii. red mor. rich gill. Sale 184. 113958 Papers relating tu Ireland, 1626 to 1739. , „ /■ cA - ?• xv “- mh ; «/• et- Sale 102. 133.j 9 Papers relating to Southwark Manor, to 1771 . 2 VoU.fl ch. s. xviii. cf. Sale 219. 13960 Grenville MSS.-Receipts, & Payments by Rt. Hon. Geo. Grenville, Treasurer of the Navv* 4 JJ 54 : ® V ? 13 * f■ f- ch > s. xviii. rflt. cf. Ex Bibl. Uucis de Buckingham , de Stowe. 13961 Speed’s Maps (printed) with numerous MSS. Notes on the Counties, large f. ch. a. xviii. Boone, 1855. 13902 Cardinal^ Chigi Epistoke, 1004-5. Vo!. 20. 4/o. ch. s, xvii. wh. v. See No. 13453. St. George MSS. 13963 Wm, Camden’s Annalcs Jacobi i. U Notes out of Camden’s Britannia. Do. Selden’s Titles of Honor, Daniel, Hall, & oill:*r printed Historians. \ Treatise of the Barons of this Realm, p. 257. "i NVtes out of 4 Vols. of Partition Books. p. 261 . ‘i Do.out of Sir Ric St. George’s Book, mark.. . ^ Do. out of Sir ltic. St. George MSS. marked A 1 - 3- 1-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14&c.toA66. *F. Do. do. B. 1. to ]j. 40. II Do, Book marked w.ih a red Heart. If Do. do. do. with a red Trefoil. If Do. do. large fol. mark ad with 5 Seals of St, George’s Coat, & Quarterings, If Do do. maiked with a Heart m trick. H Do. do, do. with au Anchor. -IT Do. do. do. with a Fleurde Liya. ^ Dq. do. do. A. 5.2, & a Mullet. Catalogs Librorum MANUSCRiPTORtM in Bibliotheca PhillippIca. 253 f Do. Sir Edw. Walker's Hooks of Ceremonies marked A. B. C. G. H. V. K. W. f Do. out of the Great Book of Pedigrees bound in russia. T Elsing on Haldifig Parliaments, f Out of Feme's Blazon of Gentry.Burnet,Lacy, Somnur, Camden’s Remains, & his Elizth. Martyn’s Chronicle, &c. II Lib. W. P. from A. to 8. % Lib. W. Q. H Life of Archbp. Williams, I Interment of Chas. 1. in St. Geo. Chape! W indsor. f Ex Libro MS. Actorum Ricardi 3f. f Ex Lib. Dotat. W. J. 1i Ex Libro notatcr With a Martlet, U Notes out of the Book of Orders of Chapters If Do. out of Tdwnsends Collections. H Orders by Thos. Duke of Lancaster. U "Out of a little Book in Velome marked A 58. with my Graudfather's Arms upon the Cover.” U Index to B. IS. U "Do. to a Book of Miscellanea bound in Leather with my Grandfather's Arms upon it.” f eft. s. xvii. wh. r. pp. G74. 13964 Copies of Patents by Jac 1. for Angier, Annesley, Antrim, Armagh, Archbp. AylmeT, See, II Letters to, & from Sir F. Bacon. ^ The Catholics Letters to Jac. I. 11 Trial of Sir F. Bacon. H Mod«i9 tenendi Parliament-um. H Arraignment of Robt. E. of Essex. H The Captive Lady; a Tragi-Comedy. H Journal of Parliament. 1628, U The Lords Petition to the King on the Nobility of England, &c. 16*28, H On the Duke of Buckingham. H Proceedings at Cork against Papists. f . ch. s. xviii. k brn. cf. Lumky, 1853 . 13365 Forus Feasa, or Keating's Hist, of Ireland. 4 to.ch. 8. xvii. o. hrn. cf.p. 25S. Is/, leaf uant- j irujy some at the end. Fairly written. Ex Bibl. Miscellancis. 13966 Century Book, or 100 Pasquinades on the Courl of Charles. Said to be printed at Oxford. (? By Wm. Weed on, & Juov V*tpys.)ihin/.ch. s. xvii. brn. bds. pp. 16. 13967 Old Copies of Wilis, vU. Ann Bull, of Hallow, Robt. Walwcyn of Newland, Sam. Mico of London, Lady Ann Lee, Ric. Caste!, Mary Blunt of Richards Castle, Co. Ileref., Row¬ land Bradshaw, Sir Thos. Rows of Rous Lendi, Juo. Hcoke of Pauntley Co. Giouc., John Walw yn of Brockbcrie, Co. Hcref. Fragments of a Chancery Petition of Dr.Thos. Yates, d. D. & Jno. Cary, in answer to Ric. Derham, & Jno. Edwards, &c. concerning the Manors of Radborn, Bradenstoke,Clack, Malmsbury, Lea, Claverton, Whitchurch, Milborn, Se. Rushall,& a farm called Clapcot, formerly the property of HenryDauvers,Earl of Dauby./, ch. s. i\ii. & xviii. £ blue cl, 13968 Depee.ses de la Yille d’Arras. 1. 4 to. V. s. xviii. bine cl-pp. 182. imperfect. Begins with No. 4b. A Gillts Faucquombci'gue, menuiskr, la som- me de 42 livres, 8. s. pour ouvrages fa its auii.i Hotel de M. Delaeombe,” Sfc . 13969 Liber Hospitu Regis Edw. 1 Ao. 34.L4/o. F.s. x .. pp. 26, $ 4 leaves cf R U. % red ruse. b>ue cl. 13970 Bulla pro Eoclesia S. Petri ad Vincula ac Abb. S.M. de Waestenc, Old. S An j .LyncopenDioc. in Swecia. 4/o. V. s. xv. pp. 32. 13971 Irish Arms emblazoned A to W. beginning with Anybolle. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. o. bin. cj. 73 leaves, marked ..... 13972 W T m. Hack's Appendix to tire South Sea Wag¬ goner, translated out of the original Spanish SlS. Dedicated to K. James 2nd. with the Royal Arms emblazoned. 1. f. eh.a. xvii r.rvss. 06 leaves of text. §*17 leases of Drawings of the Coast from Acapulco to California. 11 Instructions for sayling from Callao in Chili to Chiloe. from fol. 67 to 77- From LordKings- berough’s Library. 18973 Correspondence of Jo. Child, Zinzan, & others, Governors of Bombay, to Captain Jonathan Andrews, of the Ship Charles 2. in 1087. with Bills of the Ship’s lading, l.f.ch. s xvii.o brn.if. 13974 Don Marzdo Dan tiny “Dialogos de la Agricultura Indiana entre un Irlandes Calholico, y uu Eseoees Protostante. 2 Vols in 1 . Tom. 1 conti- cne los Principios del Coraereio de Flspana v Yudias, su estado, fraudes,ex’cesos,perjuiciosy desordeneS de la actual p’ractica.” Dated 1746 f. ch s. xviii. o. brn, cf. Toni. 1. 127 leaves. Tom. 2. not paged beyond fol, 50. On the fly leuj is “Fernando de ia Serna Santander.” Ex Bibl. V'ice Com it is Strangford. 13975 Ciuatuor Evangelia. cum Glos&is uberrimis. Greece f. V. s. xi. 196 leaves, russia gilt. Arms of Ld. Strangford on the side, gold clasps, 13970 Rudbeck’s Atlantica. 5 Volumes, fol.'.i Vols printed, the 4th in MS. which Ld. Strangford caused to be copied from the Original MS. in Sweden, when he was Ambassador at Stockholm. Bound in green mor. with Lord Strangford’s Arms on the sides. The 4th • Vo/. MS. in a clear legible hand, has 453 pages, sit the end is the follow-- ing attestation. “Copiara hanc celeberrirai Rudbeckii raris- sirai operis exemplariy manibus nuctoris trito* in Bibliotheca Regia Stockholmiensi asservato* conformera esse tes'.or, Hohniae, Pridie Id. Octobris MDCCCXVIJI. VI aunark, Bibiiothe- carius Regius, R< g. Cancellariae Consiharms. Of the printed books, Vol. 1. was printed at Up>al in 1675. Vol. 2. ni 1689, by Hen. Curio Vol.3. was printed at Upsal.“Typis, & impensia Anthoris, Anno 1(398.” The A laps, & large Plates of this Copy arc bound in an Alias by themselves, forming a 5th. Volume. There is a Duplicate of Vol. I by Hon. Curio at Dpsal sine Anno. Q'larilth, 1855* 139J7 Hisfcoiria del Paraguay, Rio dc !a Plata, y Tucu- mair. s. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. wh. v. pp. 313 At p. 184, is a Lise of Plants with the Native names. The Prelaco aft he Work begins “La Hi Aon a del Paraguay, $-c. es obra verdadoranioute di* ficil,superior a esiudio ordiufino, y poeo menos quo insuperabje a tod a huinana diiigencie.” There are some sensible remarks in the Preface. The Index is only partly made, y is asfollows* 1 Materia de ia Obra. 2 Geogralia del Pais. 3 ,Sus jprimeros haviladorea, y fabula9 que sobve csto corren. 4 Variedad do Nae nes que poblaron eatas Proviiieias. 5 Nacioncs monslrunsas. 6 Su Monurquia y Caz ques. 7 Sus Guerras. 8 Sus Vestidus, y Pintums. 9 Sus Bni'ies, lierraeneiTts, y Fiestas. 10 Sus Casamientas, y Crianza de H jos. 11 Naciones labmdores y bagauiundas. 12 Su Reli gion supersticiesa. 13 Sus Hcchichems. 14 Sus Medicos v Curanderos. 15 Sus Entierros. 16 Conocieron ia Imortalidad de Alma. 17 Su corta Curk.sidad para las Facultades. Cnthe Cover is the Bookplate of T. Kiudeiy viz. Arms. O. a column bt. 3 haw ks dost .- Crest, a Hawk close*. CJatalogus LIbrorum >f ani)Scri1»torum in BfbudfHECA Phillipi*icA. 13978 13979 13980 13981 ' 13982 13983 13984 13985 13986 113987 13988 139S9 13990 13991 13992 13993 13994 13995 13996 13997 13998 13999 14000 14001 14002 14003 14004 14005 14006 14007 253 11009 14010 14011 14019 Vida Prisiou y Fuga do! Duende. Incip. “ En el f 11003 Exereito tie trnpas PortugueSas que a prin¬ ciples de estc Siglo, diez y oehe,” ye bco. ch. s. x\iii. \ cf gt not paged; written about 1730. Shekaik il Nainania 6 Uiema i doulat il Atlimania or, A Biography of Learned men duriiij- the Dynasty ot the Othraans 18 mo ch, s xvii .blk. cf. Roluli; ex Bill. MikcelldneLa. Pedigrees. Pedigree of Thos. Evans of Yscodd* Go. Denbigh, from Owen Gwynedd, to 1096. Veil. Anns emblazoned A long Roll. Pedigree of Tliiraolby of Co. Line. Part only; one Sheet. Veil. Anns emblazoned , Do. Carletou of Cumberland from 5H. 8. tol 771. by Ralph Bigland with the Coat ^quartering* emblazoned Veil. 1 Sheet, Paper. Do. Gill of Norton, Co. Derby, St of Carhome. a Paper Roll. So Arms. Sale No 511. Do. Skerne.&Rolfe of Driffield.3 Sheets only, out of 5, or more. Veil. Arms emblazoned. Sa,e 967. Do. Wentworth, Fitz- William. Daper. Sale 981. Do. Stanley. Paper Roll. Arms emblazoned. Do. Howard, D. of Ndrf. Sc the Branches, to Chas in 1777- Do. Coke of Norfolk. V\ill. Arms emblazoned. Sale 960. Do. Shoiswell of Sussex. Veil. Ann-.emblazoned Do. Pope of Wroxtou, or Roixton, Kclton, St Fin- cliam- Vell. Coat , dp Qwiricrings emblazoned. Sale 966. Do. Byllesby. Veil. Arms emblazoned. Do. Chamberlaine of ThorwolJby. one Sheet only Veil. Anns cnbkizoncd. Sale 973. Rotuli Mantriorum, S,c. Computus Williiii. ap John Ali$aunder,&c. 32 H.6. pro Maneriis dt Brechonia, Haya, & Huntyn^- don. 8 Shins about 2 feet 7 in. long 12 \ fii wide. Veil. Sale bio. Rentale Manerii de Doythur in Wallia, Ao. 1057. 2 Skins Veil, circa 2 feet G in. long. Sale 511. Rotulus de Burbach (?Co Leic.) 17 E. 1. Veil. 2 membranes circa 3 feet 5 in. long. Compotus Gawini Carewe de terris Prioratus de Launceston. Co. Cornwall, temp. H. 3. Sufe3 11 “Hot. Curiae Manerii de Sadlcy ? in Co. Salop, pro Abbate de Haghmond, 21 II. 8. U Do. Castruin 'Epi. (Bishop’s Castle.) 25 H. 8. •jf Do.Aslwodej & Teirelief. Veil, circa 2 ft . 9 in. Sale 1163. Assignatin Dotis EliztliaTYiduie Wmi. dc Ferraras de Chartley, Militis, in Com. Oxuu. 29 H. 6. Veil, circa 19 inches long. Sale 910. Rentale de Dcuthor, 1593. narrow f. ch. s. xvi, (This is a Volume,) Sale 13 |, Rentale, kcustumale Manerii do Haye,Co.Brecon. ME. 3. Veil. ’ Sale 600. Rentale de Cayo, Glineothy, &c. in Stb. V ales. Veil. Top part torn off. Sale 1334. Do, de Lahsadorne, Go. Cacrmartlien, 1076, Veil , Sale 1339. Do. de Landilo, 1672. belonging to Sir ircis. Cornwallis. Veil. Sale 1340. Rotu us Cartarum Joliis. Fcryby, dnnantis Iseldon Domui Salutarionis Curllmsior.si i.i London. Anno 9 Yi.Q.Vell.b Jt loin/ Qin.wide.Sate 1100. Inqiiisitio Ftodoium in Com. O .Aa.Sc Berks.Anois 28, & 31 E, i. Veil. Sale 5 86. Externa Maneiinruni in Insula VectisjW^.Brightcs- ton, Sweyno.-i. n, \V hitef. id, Ercmue, Neuton, V) r \h Ji, lh'./’.’ie, B»necoinbe, per Johrm. Kyikeby, *28 L. 1. Veil# Skins, the ibugest G jt. the shortest 19 in. Sale 579. Subsidy Roil pro C m.Glouc. 19 Jac, 1. pro Hun¬ dred is de We>tn«a.»sfc*f, Slaughter, Cheltenham, K’.itsgHte, Derhurst, Tyb't >ton, C'oevejTevvkes- bury. 6 Sh --s pch.nt- Roll. ( Mihi Donum ded'd \ Dims. J, Maxwell Stevie, Bait.- Ao, 1844, T.P ) 14013 14014 M015 11016 Subsidy Roll pro Hundredis de Ciceter, White tonej & BisLy, Com. Glouc. 30 Eliz. 11 Shins pchmt. $ ale 57 g_ Computus M inericmm Comitissas He Insula, & 0 . in Co Devon. Ad. 51.2. H. 3. Veil. Sale 575 * Taxatio Eeciesiaruni in Dioc.Kathoi.per Riciim. dj Wyleby, ArcIrd.Karliol. Velt,(?l292.)Sa/e 565. Nova Taxacio in Dioc. Ebor. Ao. 2. E. 3. Breve 10 Rici. 2. direct. Johi. Pr : ori de sf Fridet* w '«la»*c. ad extendi faeiead. oiat Maneria, Si terras, &c. iu Cora. Oxon. Berks. Beds. Bucks. Ntou. with the returns for the Manors of Knklyntoti, Codesford. Shipton, Chadlyuton, Chadlynglmi Hundred, Milton molend. Bronte ton, Cogges, et Oxford Castrum, in Co. OxCn Wolveley, Walyngford et Wyudesore, Co. Berks. 9 Car lm per (jam. Sa (e 587. Computus Joins; W aleway n,Escaetoris citraTrentam 9 E. 1. Incip. Idem red. comp, de 53 s. 4 d de quibusdam tenemeutis in Estbourne & Suthaye in Com. Sussex,” &c. Veil. Sale 574 Rotulus .;av } B a nor ay. Ileiskcr, 14‘.'•'town, Chant, Gias, Er:.s:a,B.cr). Landlera, Parr y. Bavruer?. Buiy, Handy, Summer, Table,* Oario i. Rona, RearseV Cr nlin, jti-rt-p, I. ghacb, Benbeeu’.a, Cana, Rum, Egg, Mu .li, Desk r, C -:, Terry, Calfe,' Comera, Kemibu:y, Live. Cuhim-KiU, Iona, Muck, CUalin:-:) CM naa nb, Overs, Gigay, Smdo. ch. lined with cloth. Salt’ 1149. ] A Paper Roll in French; containing the Petition of Rernot de C:me^ Y.guier de Mont Auban, Commission- Depute duRoy es Sent schaussees de Quercy,Pienvgort,etAgennois, to the Cham- \jy: des Comptes at PaPis, reciting K. Charles’s Commissi in to him, in which the King com- plai is of the damage he has suffered in Langue¬ doc, & Guienue, in liis wars with his Adversary of EngiAnd, & that certain persons had taken possession of his Fiefs lands, rents, & rights in the said Q.P.&A .reciting also the Letter of the Sereschall ofQuercv **Amalricus de Severato, Miie-s,l)nus. de BelloCadTo,Cambel^aIlUsRegts. , ’ Afterwards follow. The Articles against Martin Ou.er, Ac. Pieceptor of St Antony extra muros de Montalban, ic Joan Rogerie, his Chamber¬ maid, & c. 1i Commissio Eliae de Yinliavier, reciting a Deed of John King of l ranee, son of the Duke of Brttany. About 20 feet long , 1 foot wide Sale 478. Chronological Tables, to esplaiu the Prophecies ,in Daniel, beginning A. M 3001, ending A. M. 4000. Veil, s xvii. tel init. xtii*. Sale 1251. MSS. Venerabilia Martini Routh, D. D. Ann'o'dteitis sues centesirno, 1854, S. M Magdalena; Collcgii Praesiais. Arms, & Pedigrees of Devon Families, s. 4 to. ch. ; s xvii. grn. mor. riekgilt. 160 haves. Bought oj T. Ro id. No. 86. in ha> Catalog, of 1847. In a is ,) Note by Dr. llonih. 7. Puter Bnc-ff. ’a(a Ca. ihudan Prior) History of the i Leg is:, Caithlisiaiisi s. 4(6. cA. s. xviii. bm. cf.' gilt. 31 .: Apology oi 'ho Erghsh Cath >hcs. tkm 4 to. ch. i\i . sd. pi>, 1 2 ti lth Autograph Copy of Y'e.sc i by Dr. Routh on the Cover. 49. Joixcs. C .et cuzenua contra Judaw's. Greece. He v vote under the nan e of Christoduli Monachi. * . . lamat.donos Lagos,On the Nature ofMan,&c. IF Fhilolhr: Pareiga. \ IVtl of toe K ran, in Greek./, ch. a. xviii. i dlt cf. ic iin a N it cl Dr. Routh. 53. . Bi ■nops of Ely, l43i to 1 j!5. Ch S'. \' ii c/. yt. 57. :a. G .xcie M’liucvi-. ;. .a . iluxg.ca. . lioiui Ej- scopi A"u ndtr-v. ^ Pro Theovn: Kepiialaiu'dvrcs peri Orn en tee them lerourgia. ghioir.t jiui ‘uxnbohcn ee mustc. crtnm'poneetlii » i,Th ouo a Episcopw andiditn t.\ axiwsews tou theophilestaton ' Epncopou Pnattiiav. v Me.ei.uee! v a Paellou «. xoegeesis suntomos pen lees theias Leitcurgias. IF Tim >vi .tou kai • O.koumfcmkou Patri&r- eiiou Km-u Mieltafccl L’c.lwsis pros tou L;.-:k-a, S.e. * D.eegc.-isis peri tees tessaris kai dekatees tou Pai-cha, Ac. Ex Btbl. Uucis Sussex, f i U s. xviii. wh. v. with a Nute ofDr.R.78. Cron eun Edwdi. 3. fragment 10 leaves. Begins “Hoc Anno Regina Angbie cum primoge.,ii. 0 *Uo Edwardo, «c Reger, tic Ivioi"uoniari,nuper elas ..... eve sm.f. V. s. xiv. bn i. cf, holed. "Ci.r oYv-m Edwaidi HI. M8.” on the side MO. Francisci, Dutis EsUusisy'lter Hispanicum, 1630. ISmo. ch. s. xvu. rvh, v. S3, 1403 1 S. Cypriaui Ep : st : ;c. 4/0. V. s. xvii. SalefAA." •A ov- y Dr. Rou-.h says the MS. came from the Jesuits Library. / think not , for -it wants the ‘ Puraphe” Insert, -'by ike i rench in all the Jesuits Books At the end is “Lx hbris P. Fci. Gosnn advocati 1780,” a proof it was not a Meerman MS. then. Qi, 14035 Th • whole 1‘ruv dii gs in the House of Lords upon the Bi.-l of Attainder against Sir John Fenwick, with the Letters, & Depositions on the Correspondence between the Earl of Mon¬ mouth, D. of Norfolk, S: Lady Mary Fenwick. 11 Sir Jno- Fenwick’s Confession, A Private Ex¬ amination, I69( : . /. ch. s. xvii. I dk. cf. yt pp. 195. 94. 14036 Florus Diaconus “lucipiunt Seutenti® ex B. Pauli Apli.ad Romanos a Beato,& glorioso Cypriano Epo. ic Martyiv, expositaj, atque ex opuscuha ejus iii ordiuem digests.” At the end is, ‘■Ex dietis Patrum diversis Cathoiicorum H a:c Lugduncnsis Florus collegit in unura.” TbeFathers areSt.Cypriau,S. Ambrose,S.Theo* nhilus Epus-S. Ephrern diaconus, S. Leo Papa, S. Fulgentius, S. Paulinus Nolani Epus. S. Avitus, Viennensis Epus. /. thkAto. V s.x\.mh.v 4 At the end are these Autograph Notes uj Dr. Routh, “Hujus Commentarn in S. Pauli Epis- tolas, hue usque inediti, quern ex Cypriano aliisqneocto (? novem) Patribus collegit Florus Diaconus Lugdunciisis. Dr. Rotitli discovered Excerpta from another Father, as is certified by this2. Note in his Autograph “Post Cyprianum omissus est R. iiiiarius Pictuviensis.” Opus tneditam. The Press Mark of the Monastery on the side of the Cover is “H.H. . .’’(the No. is partly er ased. Out seems to have been either 3 or 5. Underneath, on a bit of paper, or vellum pasted on, is B. 9. the 15. red, the 9. black. 95. The No. of leaves , are 25 quaternions ofti leaves each. After the Work of Florus, was an addition of 4 leaves, but the first, with an ac¬ count of Helena’s finding the Cross, is cut out. 14037 Jno. Gwyn’s Personal Narrative, Begins with His Letters to the King,D of York,D.ui Albemarle, E, of Pembroke, Sir Jno. Salusbury, &e. The Table begins “Now the King with his Army at ‘Bxaiueford could not advance anyf urther’”l 11. The Narrative begins “The very iirstday that 5 Comrades of us repaired from the Court at Richmond to the King’s Royal Army which we mot uc olden La ly that morning upon Houns¬ low Heath.” l‘2mo. ch. s. xvii. o. brn.cf.p. 172. 14030 Nicetae Conmientaria in Gregorii Nazianzeni Car¬ olina, .Sc Orationes. Greece. 12/no. c/*.s.xvii, 152. 14039 Olympiodorus in Platonis Phmtionem. •! Do. in do. Gorgiam. U In Thcocriti hymigam, Ex Btbl, Askew. 1 . 4 to. en. s. xvi. old mss. Note on fly leaf, (This MS. loom Uhe,- Pulim..scst. 'i'.P.) Jjti, 14040 Math.i I’aimitv: Histona de Captivitate Pisaruin Inctp. “Inter humanze Vitx Praecepta.” H Mys.t^ ria Poi.aca, site Ej istolae Arcance Viro- rum li.ustr uai s.bi mutuo contitlencinm Dno. JVi.aroo B.-gr.iJino, ecc. “Dated” Venetias.!’ . H Sec ct onina Instractio Gailo-Britanno-Batava ire derm o, b. C. m;ti PuiaLno, Eleclori, data. U Litoiae Balemi Tabor ad Veze.riu.u Nakas Hassanem Bussan. 1! Regni Bohemia li.-atio, initia Rebellionum. IF P. Aicxvij Gotoiredi Or.«tio de Pussione Domini. 12 mo. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. 238 leaves. Ex Biol . Mscrman, 4' AZ. Routh, D. D. 14041 Oli tnpiodon Cat nr in Jo*b, f, ch, bombyc. s, xvi. wh. v. folia 217. Incip. “Poluclivoiiiou Pro- logos ris ton Jon.” “En tais theiais graphais” This was bought in 1842, by Dr. R jutb, I he- line from He.:. Bohn. (It h one of the MS. which the booksellers at Moorman Sale promised / should have, but they sold it to another. T.P.) Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca PH'llippica. •26 i MSS. Wmi. Fitch , A rm. de Ipswich, ( MSS. Ex Bill. Duds Sussex. 1404*2 14043 14044 14045 1 1046 14047 14043 14049 14050 14051 14052 14053 14054 14055 14050 14057 14058 14059 140G0 14001 14062 Extracts from Suffolk Wills. 6 Vols. 4 to. eh. s. xix. icf. Suffolk Inquis. p. Mort. abridged 1 E, 1, to 6E.4. from a MS. at Worlingham Hall,penes R.Spar¬ row, Arm 4 to.ch. s xix. i russ.pp. 58. If A View of Worlingham Hall. Tanner’s Notitia,Edition of 1095. with MS. Notes by Wm. Oldys Librarian to the E. of Oxford. 12 mo. ch. s. xvii. Olim fuit Genl. Nicholson. Court Boll Book of Rcndlesham. thin * to. ch ‘ cf. s. xviii. or xix. Pizzi continued. See No. 13927. Pedigrees of Arabs, or {probably) Moors of Spain. : f. ch. s. xviii. pink bus. pp. 132. minus pp. 15 j to 40, which, as they related to Coins,we taken out , fyform the Vol. below , No. 14047. Macrizi .sobre la Moneda Arabiga. Copiado sobre el Codice original de la Bibl. de S. Loreuzodel Escorial f. ch, s.xviii. pp. 26. Pickering. Vita Eusebii Vercellensis Episcopi. Portrait of the ? Bishop in the 1st. Letter. Copied in 1459. 1~ Vita S. Gotardi Epi. thin 4to, ch. s. xv. Ex Bibl, Ducis Sussex. ; Ex Bibl. Miscellaneis. Rlac-kinlay’s Letters on the Antiquities of Bute, & Arran, thinf. ch. s. xix. ivith a Map of the is- j lands, pp. 103. Cartas Regias, Avisos, e Ordens do Capilania de Minas Geraes a Villa liica, 1 774. z’/z Portuguese, j f. ch. s. xviii. cf. gt. { Francisco Angelo Leitao Methodo do Superinten- j dente das lerras e AguasMineraes de Comarca j de VillaRica para se formal* o llegiinento geral | f. ch. s. xviii. cf. gt. Portug. \ Scotch Correspondence on State Affairs /. ch. I s. xix. £ cf. Ex Bibl, Geo. Chalmers. Affairs of Scotland from 1701, to 1707. 2 Vols. j /. ch. s. xviii. dk. mor. Ex BiRGeo.Chalmers. Sir John Danver’s Book of Sheriff’s Precepts for : Wilts. 9 Eliz This is a curious Volume /or Wilts. History but unfortunately the Initials only of the Names are given. Ato.ch.a xvi.blk.cf., Speech ot Sir Jno. Culpeper in the House, 1640, Nov. 9. thin f. ch. s. xvii. gry bds. Acts concerning Decrees of Adjudications in Scot¬ land from the Books of Sederunt, beyinning 1553. H 1 ndex Alphabeticus Craigii de Feudis. /. ch. s. xvii. o. brn. cf. Burlreus in Libros Politicorum Aristotelis Com- | mentaria, composita in A venioue Ao, 1342. ch. s. xv. o. brn. cf. 106 leaves. Arms emblazoned, beginning with Aston, ends with Turberville. With a short account of the Families. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. blue bds. Ex MSS. Fcisei. Moore, de Paris. Codicum MSStorum fragmenta. f.V. s.xi. xii.xiii. x\\.white bds One with Ante* Guidonian Music. Fragments ex No. 2295, of this Catalogue. Sur I’A vocal du Parlemenl de Llouen by Dar- manouville, kc, MSS. ^ Printed Pedigrees de Marquetel, & Esnault, Ac. l.'f. ch. s. xvii. I gr?i. cf. pp. 40 Sir W m. Dugdale’s Pedigree of Marshall of Dur- | ham. Ex MS. Pliillipps 7431 Beckwith MSS. 1 Printed. St. Patterns Poor Amendment Bill ISIS, thinf. ch. s.xvii. £ orange cf.pp. 23. Rodd. Somerset Visitation 1623./. ch. s. xvii. rgh, cf, P 2 >* 92. Olim Sylvaui Morgan. 140G3 140G4 11065 14066 140G7 HOGS 14069 14070 14071 14072 14073 14074 14075 14070 14077 14078 14079 14000 14051 14052 14083 14054 14055 14086 14087 14088 14089 14090 14091 14092 14093 Lardier, Les vcritables idees de I’ordre de Fonte- vraud 1659, \2mo. ch. s.xvii.WA.»2or.3GO leaves. Castillo Coronica del Key Don Enriques. 4to. t 5. Ato. ch. s. xvii. Spanish l ’el. 220 leaves. D’Aranda on the Colours of Gems 1672. ^ T. H s. Lectures to Bachelors, & Virgins, If Portraiture of Ramyrrabek. 1 English Proverbs If Mr John Dod’s Sayings. ^ Of Meekness. M Cato’s Distichs. s. 4 to ch. B.xvi\.rgh.cfpp.l6Q . Paul D’Aranda’s Cases of Justice in Kent 1707,&c, s 4 to. ch. s. xviii grn. vel. Robert, Earl of Lindsey's Copy of the Statutes of the Garter with his Arms emblazoued. sAto.ch . s. xvii. 39 leaves. ....... ...... Hebraice. s. thin 4 to. ch s.xviii. in a red mor. cover. No. 145. in Thorpe, it 6.1. 6. 12 m the Duke’s Library. La Coronica del Don Henrique -ilo. Rey de Cas¬ tilla. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. Spanish Vcl. 240 leaves. Henriques, Poema en la muerte do Donna Fran¬ cesca T. J. Infante de Portugal. sAto.ch. s xvii. cf gt. Ex Bibl. R. Southey. The Science of Campaign Service. (1765 ) 4 to.ch. s. xviii.. £ cf. gilt. II. Guthrie, Bp. of Dunkeld’s Troubles inScotland from 1637, to 1649. s. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. brn cf. pp. 256. Apocalypse, Slavonic^, s. 4to. ch. s. xviii. Sambuti Epitheta Gr®ca. s. 4 to. ch. s. xvi. cf. gt. Affection’s Victim. A Poem. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. vel. Life of Richard Trevor, Bishop of Durham. 4/o ch. s.xviii.Title printed at Darlington 1775. Poems in honor of Horace Walpole, 3 parts. s. Ato. ch. s. xviii. MarriageConlract of Giovanna,d. of Carlo Spinola, Duca di Sesto.with Francisco de Sabaudia./FtV/i emblazoned Title of Arms. iivo. V. s. xviii. russ. or mor. gilt. 14 pages. Piivilegia Ereinitarum S. Augustini. Ato. V. s.xv. vellum cover. Petrarcha de Rebus memorandis. 8 vo. V. s. xv. russ. [apparently Ex Bibl. Celotti.) EIKQN Si NOAIKH, or Representation of the Clergy’s W rongs from Bp. Wake, by Sami. Hill, Rector of Kilmington, 1710. 12mo. ch. s. xviii. red mor. gilt. Silveiro Itelacao de hum Caso succedido naCibda*- de de Evora,na mes de Setembre de 1792. 12mo. ch. s. xviii. cf. Ex Bibl. Southey. Campagnes d’Hannovre 1757. 18 mo. ch. s. xviii. cj gt. Ex Bibl. Marquis d’Evry, & Rubti. Sou¬ they, Poet®, cum Autographo Poctce. pp. 448. Monuments in Wells Cathedral. ^ Letters in Short Hand. ISmo. ch. s.xviii. gr.ni. Cronicon Angli® a Bruto ad Hen. 8. lSwo. Veil. s. xvi. red mor. gt. T. Bobart’s Book of Accounts with the 1st. Duke of Marlborough 171G. 12 mo. ch s, xviii russ.gt. Inscriptions in the Abbey Church, Shrewsbury. yimo.ch. s. xviii. sd. (1791.) apparently by Dev.J. Newliiig. J J Odes by.who, being at the Siege ofVien- nain 1683, abandon^' War to fallow Love. The lst.Ode is dedicated to Filippo Buonaparte. 18 mo. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. Robt. Mylne’s Excerpta from Sir James Balfour, of Denmill’s Collections, with additions. David PowePs Arms of the Knights of the Garter. 12 mo. ch. s. xviii. The Cover is a specimen of David Powel’s binding, gilding , fy lettering. John Stapleton’s Petition to Lady Walpole. thin \2mo. ch. s. xviii. in a Pocket Book Cover. Chirurgia Gulielmi. Hebraice. 8 vo. ch, s.xv.brn.cf. Salman on Surgery. IT Galen de Remediis. If Hanglamoth Kitomim. Hebraice. 8 vo, ch. s, xv. bds. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. or.o Ex Bibl. Miscellanas. 14094 Abstract of Deeds relating to Wales MS. The 1st. Deed is by Thos. ap Gronu ap l\ or. 11 Robt Dixon’s answer to Mr. Anuesley. f[ Manrice Connell’s Case. The first leaf contains ‘A Diet for Cocks, approved by Sir John terris.” thin /. ch. s. xvii. £ pale cf. pp. 24. 14095 Gloucestershire \ isitation 1509. fi. ch. 8. xvi. 1i Glouc. Pedigrees Collected by Sir T. P. in Pencil, f. ch. s. .xix. i Hue clth.pp. 56. 14096 Leonardo Moro, Ambasciatore Veueto, Relatione dclle cose di Spagna. Incip. Tutte le cose the pertano.” H Relatione dello stato e forze della Germania, e di Principi dessa. 1i Alfonso de la Cueva, Ambasciatore di Spagna, haggi Cardinale, Relatione dclle Cose di Veneiia. 1? Instruzione a Monsr. Massimi, Vescovo diBet- tinoro, Nunzio Papse ne rogni di Spagna, per trattare con el Re Catolieo sopra la Dispensa del Matrimonio di sua Sorella col Principe d’Inghilterra. i; Do. a Matteo Baglioni, Pagatore delle gente del Papa, per andarc a Milano. H Do. a Panfilio, Auditoredi Kola, Nunzio nel Rearne di Ncapoli. Do. al Vescovo a’Anglone,Nunzio inToscana U Do. a M. Massimi, Vescovo de Bertinoro, Nunzio in Toscana, 1 i Do. al Archivescovo di Patrasso, Nunzio in Fiandra. H Do. a M. Corsini,Archivescovo di Tarsi,Nun¬ zio in Francia. It Do. dal Marchese di Bedmar, Ambasciatore in Venetia, a D. Luigi Bravo, suo success re, circa il modo col qual si doveva governare nella sua Ambascic-ria. « Instvutlioue al Duca di Fiano,mandato dalPapa a pigliare il depositode Forti della Valtellina It Rclazione dello Stato e Governo‘dt-1 Granduca di Toscana, fatta dal Ambasc, Veneto. U Do. dal Ambassiatore di Spagna del Governo di Venetia, sue Emirate e Spese, e quanti Vas- celli mettoao in acqua, con loro Governatori. H Do. del Entrr.U , Spese, Forze, e modo del Governo di laity li Principi d’ltalia. 4/.o. ch. s. xviii. o. hrn. cf. gt. 14097 Richard HackluytV (of Oxford) Discourse on the manifolde Coinodityes that are like to grow to this Rialmc of England by the Western dis¬ coveries lately attempted; written in 15S4. at the request, cV direction ofAlr. Y\ alter Raghly, now knighte,before tire coming home of his two Barkes; & is devided into 26 Chapiters,” /. f.cli. S. s xvi. o. brn. cf. 14098 Transcripta Gariuruni R. Joins. VVmo.-Briwer pro Manerio do Chesterfield, Co. Derby. If' Revencioniisde MbJdridge Grange, in Bradborn Co Derby, ptin. Prioratui de Duustapie. •j Particulars-of Knyveton Maior. Do Manerio de Wirksworth,- Co. Derby. If Survey of High Peake Manor, Co. Derby, 1630.; late the possessions of Cli nics Stewart, late: King of England, with Tenants Names. large thin Ato.ck.s. xvii. % oliv.tHor.2[)leaves.] 14099 Lands belonging to Gloucester Poor. Abridgement of llu> Act for Gteucester Poor. thin 4/o. ch. s. xviii. wk. cf. pp. 30. 14100 Radcli fife’s Collect!.-ns out of the Court Rolls cf Wakefield Manor, 1. -E. 4. &c. (hin8vo.ch.a.x.\iu. or xix. brn. ppr.pp. 50. 14101 Catalogue of Brown Willis’s MSS. given by Win, Spencer, Esqr. to Rev. Mark Noble, 1S22. thin 4 to. ch. e. xix. 4 .eh. cf. pp. 20. 1-1102 Letters of French Generals, -Ac. viz. Millard, Roger Ducus, Barthelemy, Lavalletle,Beithior, See. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. & xix I orange cf.pp. 130. 14103 Do. do. do. Ac. Sebastiuui, Bextkiei'jIVilk-feqGrou- chy, Ac. s. thin 4 to. ch. s. xix. £ or. cf. pp. SO. 14101 1 rusler’s Memoirs, Part 2. 4tu*ch. s.xviii bred mor> PP 414- 14105 Medical Receipts. li Carta; pro Com. Somerset. II The Mo rye of Susanna; in Verse. Incip. “There dwelt a man in Babilone.” If Other Songs from the Bible, in verse. li Commission to Jno. Cottrell. Archid. Dors. *! A Deed of Thus. Champneis, Esq. 8fo. ch s. xvi. j ru&s.pp . 206. 14106 Sir Gavvain. Hibernice. ch. s. xviii. II Dialogue of Pal rick, & Ossian. ^ Fragments of other works. ^ redruss.pp. 130. : ? Copied by Michael Longan. 14107 Collections from the Cartulary of St. Denis, South¬ ampton. thin 4 to.ch, s. xix pp.jrom 241 to 290. Ex Bibl. Rev. Wmi. Bingley. 14108 Catalogue of the Library of Riclid. Williams,Esq. of Penbedw, 1759. thin 4/o.ch s.xviii. ^ red mss. pp.36. with Thos. Payne’s (the Bookseller, cal- led“IIonest,ToniPayne,”)Va!uatiun of it. Donum niih't dedit C'oZ.T.MolyneuxWilliams, Arw.T.P. 14109 Lettres du Marques de Torcy. s.4h?. ch.. s. xviii. yrn. cf. pp. 154. 14110 Pedigrees of the Families of Adams, of P.arbadoes, from Wills, & other documents, thin tivo. ch. s. xix* gm. cf. 14111 Wills of Adams in P O.C.Ac thinAto ch.s.xw,\g cf. 14112 Sebastiaui Brant Respoiisio Ollimanidis. thin 8 to. ch. s. xv. 4 red russ. 14113 Letters of Lord Byron, (the Poet,) G. Ilotham, 4 he Royal Dukes, Ld. Cornwallis, &c. 4 to. ch,. s. xviii. xix. red mor. pp. 228. 14114 Sketches of Ludlow Castle by Miss A. Molyneux. H Do. of Mr. Higgin’s Mouse,Bucknell, iir Brom¬ yard,Co. Ilorcf. by W. Hensley. 4to,c/i.s,six. brn. bds. 11 leaves. 11115 Correspondence of the Rt. Hon. T. Pelham, Earl Spencer, the Hon. Wm Pitt, respecting the Secretaryship of Ireland, 1795. 4 to. eh. s. xviii. richly gilt. pp. 42. 14116 Sermon by the Rev. Win. Bingley. 4 to. ch. s, xviii. or xix. brn. bds.pp. 32. 14117 Catalogue of Taliessm Williams ab Iolo MSS. Ato. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. pp. IS. 14110 Catalogue of Pamphiuls, part only, from p. 77 to 120. Ato. ch. s. xviii. 14119 Conclave P. Pauli 2. Transcript by T. P. Ato. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. ; r • A Lord Kingsborony/ts MSS . 14120 Pajiel quo dio D. Diego de Ibarra al Conde de Me- delhn. que refiere el V-iajo quehazen Gallones y Fiotas hasta bolver en Espana. folio I to 7. If Derrotero desde San Lucar de Barrameda a las Felippmas, 1 yen-lo por los Estrcchos de Mag.dlanes, y San Vizeule; hecho por los C.ipp. Gonsaiez de Nodal, y Barlhol. Garzia de Nodal,y Diego Ramirez de Avellana.Cos- mesgiupho eu Madrid 30 Sep. 16I0/.8 lu. II Ruzon de ia Ciudad de Cartagena de las Indias y sns Fortificacioncs por el Marques de Mauzcra, Virrey al Peru./’, it to 16. II Coni. I’. dro de Leussara 23 Henero 1627 al Rial Consili > de Indias sobre el buen gov- ierno de las Islas Phelippinas,' y su coin- mere ; o eon Peru y Nu.. va Espana./. L7 al 27. II Sobre hi armada, a cargo de Lorenzo de Zua- zoia para soecorrer las Islas Phelippinas. J. 28/o 31. U Letter from Count Santistevan about his family & Fatale, [printed.) f. 32 to 39. If P. Juan de Audusilla sobre las Controversias on 1660. en ia Isla de S. Gabriel, See. que motivo las 2 Coronas a nomLrar Juezes para que difmieron los termixos de la America entre las dos Coronas, f. 40 to 59. H Consulto del Conseio de Indias a la Reyna 1667. f, 60 al 69. Catalog us Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 263 *j On the Naturalization of Foreigners, {printed.) i /. 70 to 74. IT Rcspuesta a los Filippicas. 8 . 4to.,-(printed,) /. 15 to S8. «[[ Fcis. Nunez Melian, (Tesorero en las Islasde j Barlovenlo,) made Governor of Havana. j f 89 to 95. ^ j If Relacion del descubrimiento por Fernandez de \ Quiros, Poriugues, en la Mar del 9ur en las j j uries Australes, asla 4a isla de Y renei por el j deha. la Grande Astrialia del Spirilu Sancto, i y le acabo el Capitan Don Diego de Prado, ; que al presente es Monje de No. Pu. Sanct. ; Basilio magno» de Madrid, con assistencia del Capitan Luis Bales de Torres, con la nao San. Po. el Anno 160S. asta lu cmdad de Manila a 20 de Mayo de deho. a«o. Incip. •‘El Key Don Felippe nro Senor, &c. mando a.el Conde Monle-Rey que ala sazon hera : Virrey de los ferules y estendidos Reynos del j Piru p Chile, que aprcntase dos nabios en el ; puerto de Callao de Lima, &c. los entreg'ase i al Capitan, y cavo por Fernandes de Quiros, ; de uacion Portugues, para que hiciese el des- i cubrimiento de las tierras incognitas y A us- | trales. /. 96 <0 111. 1) El Coste que tiene el Azogue que se remitte a Nueva Espaoa desde Castilla./. 1 12 to 113. If Voto de separar las met a lias de Oro, y Plata ; en Potossy. 114 to 125. If P. P. Alonso _Doza, Juan Azov, y Alonzo de : Montoya, Jesuitas del Collegio de Alcala, I- contro uti Religioso de la orden de S. Dom¬ ingo, 1575./. 12G to 135.. : If “Estas-tres hojas y media hasta donde esta la : mano sc sncaron de linos scripts,que elPadre Maestro de la leyo en Alcala de ludias. (These 3 leaves appear to relate to.the dis- : pute with Barthol. de las Casas, Bishop of Chiapa.) f. 136 to 140. If Lo que se paga a su Magestud de derechos de la platade la Ciudad de los Reyes/. 141-2 U Relacion del subcesoe yinbasion del Castillo de Chagre, y Ciudad de Panama, por Heu- rique Morgan./. 143 to 146. If Relacion sobre el comercio entre el Peru, i N. Espana. {printed.) /. 147 to 153. IT Dccrcto de la Reyna al Conde de Penaraudc sobro las Indias. 1611./.-154 to 160. If Del Puerto Belo, y sus Castillos del de Chagre y de la Costa, with plans of the 2 Castles o. Santiago, & San Phelipe./. 161 to 163. Declaration de Carlos Plenr. Clerque, de Na- cion A leman, en la ciudad de Baldivia,en qut refiere diferentes disignios de Carlos 2do Rey de Gran Bretagna, 28 Henero 1671. /; 164 to 181. •1 Discurso sobre el embiar socorros a las Indian f. 182 to 208. -11 El Conseyo de Indias representa lo que se le ofreee sobre los Capitulos B. 7, & 17 de luslruzion para el General de la Armada dt Barlovento./. 20S to 220. 1[ Sobre lo resolution do los Ilollandescs dt passar a las Indias./. 221 to 5. IT Sobre la Armada dc Barlovento 1664/226-33 Rodrigo de Aguiar, del Couseio de Indias, so- brr una esquadra de la Armada para tracr la Plata do las Indias./. 234 to 260. IT Sobre les Conseit-ros del Rea! do Indias. j. 2GI to 281. IT Sobre la Mudanza dc la Moneda de Bollon dt la Isla Espanola. {printed.) f. 282 lo285. If Sobre los (Linos de su .Magtad. en la fundicior de la Artillem, y Minas del Cobre de Cubi /. 286 to 291. IT Description de- 1038 leguas de tierra del Brazi 1639. Dedicated to Don Carlos de Aragon, \ Duque de Villa Hermosa./. 292 al 304. i 14121 If Carta tie Gerouiuio Franchi en la segunda \ ynipresion de la Historia de Portugai,buelta cn Castellano por el Conde Portalegre. /. 305 to 312. IT De juribiis Regum de Portugal. /. 313 to 318. U P. Gregorio Gracian a sii berinano Thomas Glacial*, sobre Cifras./. 319 to 325. H Fray Alonzo Munoz sobre cl trato de Comer- cio entre el Emperador de Japon,y la Nueva Espana. f. 326 to 327. IT On the Renunciation of the Crown ofPortugal. /. 328 to 343. U Carta que me eserrvio el Padre, Matheo Rizzi, Italiano Jesuita, que reside con el P. Miguel Ruggiero en la Ciudad de Jauquin, Cabeza de esta Provincia de los Oantones en los Reynos de la China, y donde reside el Vir- re.y desta dcha. Provincia, la qual recebi en Macau, 20 leguasde Canton.y 50 de Jauquin (well written, on Chinese Paper J/. 844-348. ^1 Account- of the War in Spain, describing the Attacks of the Enemy near Bhdajos, <& Villa Viciosa. It is endorsed with the name of Francesco Bobadilla./. 31.9 to 352. U Carta del Conde Duque Olivares, y D. Luis Mendez de Haro, escrita del otro Mundo. / 353 to 374. IT Carta del Duque de Medina./. 375 la 376. If Carta del Gran Capitan a Don Pedro Fernan¬ dez del Campo 1663. IT La forma de Govierno que ai en la Justicia de mas cosas deste Reyna de Portugal f403-8. If Apuntamieutos sobre el Fratado de Paz 1666. f 409-12. If Prueba, por Historia, de la superioridad de Castillo en las guerras contra Portugal/. 413 to 421. H Sobre no fiar3e de IngJeses, par ajustar por su medi < tratado con Portugal./. 425 - 6 . IT Carta del Marques Caracoua sobre lo que des- seaban cn Portugal la Paz./ 427-8. IT Carta que el Becior des Jesuiias de Velves es- cribioal Conde del Cast ell Melhor./. 429-32. II Voto en 1666, que dio el P. Juan Everardo Nidhardo, Jesuita, confessor dc la Reyna, sobre que no convieue haeer paz con Por¬ tuguese's, dando tilulo de Rey al Duque de Berganza./. 433 to 4G0. IT Carta de D. Ricardo Fanshaw, Embaxador de Inglaterra escribida al Duqite de Medina de las Torres, f. 461-2. IT Papel que confirmaron D. Ric. Fanshaw, y D. Robt. Southwell con el Conde del Castel Melhor,sobre las condiciones von quepreten- dian los Portugueses ajustarse con el Rey, Nro. Snr.- f. 463-67. -Reparos sumarios sobre el Papel firmado, y s< llado, en Portugal, 2 l Feb. 16GG. con el Conde de Casiel Melhor. /'. 469-70. II Cousulta del Duque de Medina de las Torres 1 Ap. 1666. daudo quenta de la Session que tubo con el embiado dc Inglalerra. /. 471-4. If Capitulos de Trcgua de Portugal./. 475-SI. If Papel que 1). Ric. Fanshaw. die al Duque de Medina del as Torres, 15 Agusto, 1665. sobre el Tratado de Paz./ 482-3. IT Varias exernplares de Mediaeion eh los Trata- dos entre Principes y Varones en favor de la de Inglaterra, en el ajustamiento entre esta Corona, y la de la Portugal. /. 484-7. If Puntos de Historia en Trat adds de Paz/.4S8-9. 11 Las Rentes que el Rey Catolico tieue en Por¬ tugal, 1 y lo que vale. f. 490-9. • IT Prodi^ioso Volcan de Fuego, que exhala en medio del mar Oceana, en frenta de la Isla SanMiguel, unade las Terccras, y nueva Isla que ha formado, 3 Julio 1638. ihk. f ch. s, xvii. Spanish Vellum . This should be bound in several Vols. lvelacion que escribe el Conde Superunda, Virrey de cl Peru, de los principals sucessos de su Govierno dc Real orden, eomunicado por el 264 Catalogus Librorum Manlscribtorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 14122 14123 14124 Marques de la Eucenada, su Secretario del | Despacho Universal, con fecha do 23 Ag'osto ; de 1751. In 2 parts,- l st.. from 9 July 1745 to : July 1756. 2nd. from 1 Aug. 1756 to 12 Oct. ■ 1761. thk.f ch. s. xviii. Part 1. 275 leaves , : Part 2. 56 leaves. Spanish. Vellum. Ex Bibl. MisccUancis. 1 by the Pope in both the Americas. They "'ere allowed to do any thing they pleased, except wilful murder.) Tratado de los Limites de las Conquistas entro D. Juan 5, Bey de Portugal, y Fernando 0 , Rey de Espana, en 1750. Sobre la e.vploracion de la costa de Escuinta por descuhrir cl antiguo puerto de Guatemala en 1793. (Original Document.) Sobre cl rt cuiiocimiento de las Barras de Ax- tapan v Michatoye para descubrir el Puerto antiguo de Guatemala, en la Costa del Su?. Sobre las Yslas de S. Domingo y PuertoRico. Eslado de productos de la Havana en 1«04. [Originalprinted.) f. ch. s. xviii. $ xix. Fragments. Four leaves of u fine illuminated MS. of the Gospels of the IXth. Century, withhold \ letters on a purple ground. They are folia£73—4, '> & 137-8, of the original MSS, & are the < Initials, & first words of S. Luke, & S. John. j l. 4 to. V. s. ix. j A Diptych Table of the Electors of the Council at ! Berne. JV’o date. I bought it at Berne about j 1821./. ch. sac. xviii. or xix. \ Papers relating to Vera Cruz, & Florida. >«. j ( Thefollowb,t, are Part of No. 3542 , of this Catalogue 1. On the Establishment of a Committee for detaiii lemg a Collection of French Letters, i- Paper. composing a new Code of Laws for the i , 0 / MU , keen swept out of the Finance, or War.Otfice Indies, dated 179~. . . \in Paris, at the time of the restoration of Louis Id, or of H Discourse on the Provinces of S. Augustin in Uu , Ahdication of Nupulcon t/lc Great } 7 Ex Ninnero 3542 hvjus Cataldgi. Florida. IT Reglamento para el Presidio de S. Augustin ! 14125 : 14126 1412S 14129 de las Provincias de la Florida Oriental. 1i Expedicion de D. Bernard de Galvez, desde su salidade la Havana contra Pensacola, circa 1781. H On the Wines suitable for Luisiana. H Expedicion para la possession de Luisiana, que el Key de Francia a cede al Rey de Espana. IT Suggestions for theColonization of Florida 1766 H Don Alexr. O'Reilly sobre la Disciplina necessaria en las Plazas de America. IT Diario de los que vinieron a la Nucva Orleans en la Goleta, el S. Joaquin, j Memorias de D. Jose Quiros,Secretario a Vera ;i 4)07 Cruz, 1806, hasta 1814. "1 Sobre la Vaynilla, 1810. H Sobre la Gobernacion de Vera Cruz, 1780. H D. Matius de Armona sobre las Provincias j del Seno Mexicano. II Sobre el Commercio de Vera Cruz 1801, y la j influencia que hatenido la Guerra. | ^ El Comercio clandestine qui haeen los Ex- trangeros con las Americas Espanoles. II Sobre el Comercio de las Americas. 11 Sobre el Consulado de Vera Cruz. H Sobre las Provincias de San LuisPotosi.Leon, Puebla, Amoxoque, Cholula, Huexotzinco, Atlixco, Tochimilco, Yzucar, Chietla, Chi- uulla, Tepexi, Jecali, Tehuacan, St. Juan de los Llanos, Teuzitlan, Zacatlan, Huauchin- ango, Huayacocotla, y Hualapam. II Intendencia de Valladolid de Mechoacan. If Listade las Ciudades, Villas, y Pueblos; inter alias , Valadolid, capital de la Provincia, Pasquaro,Zamora,Laguna,Cocupao,Zitaguaro - Charo,Ario,Hasasalca,Puruandiro,Xiquilpan *'14131 Paracho, Urecho, StaClara, Erongariquaro, Huetamo, Zinapequaru, Motines del Oro, Apacingan, Taretan, Uruapan, Huanjo-ueo, Tlalpujahua, Tiripitio, '1’acamburo, Angam- acutiro, &c. &c. % Intendencia de Zacatecas, Ciudades, &c. Tres- nillo, Sombrerete, Marapil, Nieves, Sierra de Pinos. H Representaciones del Virrev de Mexico sobre los honores que hacia a esta, y al Arzobispo j II Ordeuanzas dela Grana. j II Sobre la graduaeion y privileges concedidos a | 14133 los Religiosos Missioneros del Francisco en j las dos Americas; y la falta de observancia que se experimenta en su cumplimento. H Facultades,que,con nombre de Solitas, concede S. Santitad a los Obispos de Yndias, y se les remiten de Roma con sus Bulas. (This is a very curious paper, shewing the laxity with which the Priests were governed 14134 Lettres de Bossuet sur sa mission de Metz, 1660. (Copies.) H The Grand Duke of Tuscany’s 2 letters to Bos¬ suet in 1704. H Bossuet’s Memoir on the Trevoux Version of the New Testament. Oratio Acr-ostica ad Bossuet. 11 Proces Verbal de la Reception de Bossuet comrae Docteur de la Sorbonne, with his Autograph Notes. /. ch. s. xvii .pp. 100 . A Letter of Hippocrates, ‘‘traduit, par le Dauphin, , l’Eleve de Bossuet.” tT.nnie "YlVt f .1, c v..;; l’Eleve de Bossuet” (Louis X IV) f. ch. s. xvii. i grn. cf. Siege of Barcelona in 1704. with a Map. f. ch. s. xviii. i grn. cf. pp. 126. Commissions au Marechal Saxe, 1730. f.ch. s.xviii. , \grn.cf.pp. 104. Rev. David Rowells MSS. U4130 Sir Seals of England. Copied by David Powell out of ' the 169 Vols of Dodswortli in the Bodleian, , 1805. Begins with The Seals of W r m. Earl of l Sussex, Sc Henry de Lacy, & the strange Seal 1 of Wm. Fossard. They are, mostly, neatly • drawn, Sc coloured. At folio 38 is A Drawing of a i Castle, or walled Town,with banners,apparent- • ly copied from the Registrant Honoris de Rich- • mond. 4 to. ch. s. xix. 46 leaves , in a russ a case gilt. Sale 773. . Wm. Dugdale’s Copies of Seals. Copied by , David Powell in 1807-8. from AshmoIeMSS. Mr. Powell calls this his “Oxford Book of Seals. . 4 to. ch. s. xix. pp. 44 with Index: Sale 774. Dd. Powell's Extracts from the Hist, of the House • of Lynden. Arms in Folheringay College windows. II Notes of the Priory of Cokesford, Co. Nk. H Carta Ludouici,RegisFrancim,PrioratQi Lewes. . Ato. ch. s. xix. pp. 52. in a russia case, yt. llodd ? 14132 Receipt Book of the Rents of the Estates of Sir Andrew Fountayne, Co. Norf. 1754. 1. thinJul. . ch. s. xviii. Do. do. do. of the Harrington Estates in London i 1770. 1. thin f. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. do. of the Dow. Countess of Gower, , 1769-74. 1. thin f ch. s. xviii. Ex Bibl . Bright, Ar <14135 Papers relating to the English Hospital at Rome. thinf, ch, s, xviii. £ rvh, cf pp. 36. ATALOGUS LlBRORUM M ANUSCRi P TORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PHIl.UPPrCA Lord Stuart de Rothsay's MSS. 1835. j (All have the Stuart Arms on the Sides.) Ill 36 Bartholomei de las Cusiis Historia general is de | Inventione Novae Orbis per Columbum, & de Actis Hispanorum in Nova Hispauia, ^Mexico I ac Iiisulis Americauis. thick f. ch. s xvi vet xvii. hrn. cf. gilt. 941 leaves, besides the Index : of 21 leaves. Sate AO \1 \ (As this is a History by a Man who dared to 5 speak the truth in those tyrannical times, and as the Copies of it are very rare, I will give the Index in extenso in this Catalogue.This Volume contains only the first 3 Books of the 6 which Las Casas wrote, or intended to write. He lived < to a great age,&. was witness to the cruel acts of j theSpaniards,& Roman Catholic Priests against j the Mexicans for 60 years, the History of which he purposed to write in 6 decades of years. This Volume therefore is the History of the first 30 years. It is written in 3 dif¬ ferent hands, each Hook having been given | to a different scribe. It varies in some unimpor- ; taut word* from the Copy (which is also in my : Library) made for my friend, the late lament- i ed Lord Kingsborough. who, I feel it an hon- j our to say, may be deemed to have under- : taken his grand Work of Mexican Antiquities i in this House of Middle Hill. (For, when he i was here, he consulted me about the work, j in which 1 strongly encouraged him, 5c I i gave him his first letter of introduction to : Dr. Handinel of the Bodleian Library, in order : to see the Mexican Manuscripts there.) Hut although the words are unimportant,they suffice | to show that there are copies with varicc - : lions. Where his Lordship obtained his Copy, l I am not aware, nor am I likely to learn, l-’or I his correspondence seems to have perished in \ the course of that atrocious Action, which consigned him to a prison, & broke his heart,— j the heart of one, who, if ever man merited an } houorary Column, deserved to have the loftiest j erected to his praise, instead of being subject I to the persecutions which he suffered. Hut, hap- j pily, Men who perform great actions, cannot have their glory destroyed by the petty ran- i cour, & malignity, of those living around them, : the name of Edward, Lord Kingsborough i will belauded by the world, when the names of his persecutors are utterly forgotten.) For the Index see page .... ^4137 2640 Papeles Historicos, soil. Ramon de Sosana j Arzobispo de Sevilla, Fundacion cle Memorial en 6u Yglesia. fol. II Alonzo el Sab to de consecrazione quorundam Prelatoium in Sevilla, fol. *1 Instruction para el Obispo de Cuenca contra Pedro Sunnier,to, &c. sobre la Zizania que vertieren en Toledo contra lea ilebraeoB en 1449. fol. 11 Capitulazion y Ordinazion Primordial hecha en ei ano. 1512. entre ios Rcies Fernando, y Juan de Castilla y Aragon, y Ios primeros Obispos de la America,con las Bullas deAIex- audre VI. sacado de ios Archives de Siman- cas, Ao. 1 Too. fol, •I La Regia Antigua de la Ilermandad de N. Senora de la Soledad.jfa/ ^ Fundacioff del Convento de S. Pablo de Sevilla (in which Diego Calahorra is mentioned..)fol. Carta del Condestable Juan Fernandez al Papa Clemt. 8 .fol. f Breve di V. Gregorio XV. al Principe de Gales, 1623. (jprinted.) fol. H Bulla P. Urbani 8. de la Institucion de la Milicia de !a lmmaculata Concepcion, with an engraving of the Star of the Order, 1623. (printed.) fol. Lulls, cV Grants respecting the order ofSt.lago, & Copies of Deeds. ( printed ) I Carta de Piccolomini s'»bre Ios progressos de ,a Rel, * ion en China, (printed.) sm. 4to II Breve P. Clemcntis 9 ad Carolum, Regem His¬ panic (printed.)fol. Decretodel Key alConseio de Castilla sobre Id reformation del EstadoEcclesiastico.MS 4/o I , Pm .onaI de la yglesia de Astorga. (printed) "I lnstrucciou para Ios Visilatores del Arzobis- pado. (printed.) s. f. il Sobre la Yglesia de i arragona. (MS.) f IT Lett ere du Cardinal Alberoni, & Pasquinades upon him. (printed.) Ato. tl Race on to della Canonizacione de S. Luigi Gon- zaga, et S.Stanislao Kostka,l726 (print) 8 vo. T Catalogo dei Santi canonizati privatamente da Sommi Pontrfici, a Damaso Papa ad I 1 . Be¬ nedict 13 (printed.) Ato. If Canonizatio Joliis.Nepomuceni, 1729 (MS )Ato II El Arte, de hablar, dec. (MS.) ^ Concordato del Key con el Papa. 1737, (nr V It Jiull of Clem. XU. announcing the Concordat to tlie Clergy of bpaiu. (printed.) f. ' p°r el Convento- de Ciudad Rodrigo II Sobre la yglesia de Toledo. (MS.)f. H Carta de do. do. '(MS. I " II On the Disputes, & Separation of the Church of Seville from the Church of Toledo (nr )f 11 Petition of the Mendicant friars against Juan L retel. (printed.) jol. II Confirmatio Constitutions P. Clem. XI. in causa Rituum, sive Caeremoniarum Sinen- siunijac damnatio permissionum super iisdem Kitibus in Pastorali Epistola Curoli Medio- barbi, I a triarchy Alexandrini, Visitatoris Apostolici in Sinarum imperio, 1742. print.t\ J Carta escrita de Roma al P.Norberto, 1745 .yH/ 5 ' H Joseph Garzon Proclamation of the Concordat (printed.) II Plenipoteneia del P- Clemt. XII. al Cardinal rurao. (printed) *1 Petition of Dr. Jos. Olazaval. II Do. of Don Juan Sanchez Froyle. H Edict of Fcisco. Perez de Prado on the licence to eat flesh. 'I Peticion Of the Church of Toledo. (MS ) f. 1i Peticion of the Churches of Arason.rALS ) f II The King to the Clergy. (MS.J JJ ' IT Hull of P. Benedict, 1753 . (printed.) V Lettera del Arzobispo de Colonia de la certeza de las Reliquias de las Virgines Marty re’s, S. Jll8ta / Ru fina, naturales y Patronas ’ de oevilla, & on transferring the head of St. Ru¬ fina from Wittelaer in Germany to Seville in Spain, (printed.) H Respuesta de Quintano, Inquisidor General al Rey. (MS.) * erai al Fcis. Cardinal de Solis to the Dean, & Chapter of Seville, (printed.) r U Royal Letter on Art. 8. of the Concordat, in which is shewn the oppression of the people by the Clergy, through the acquisition of Property by tlie Clergy from the People, by means of grants, inheritances, Si purchases, so that the People cannot pay their Taxes. ’ II Comissario geral de Cruzadn sobre las iriegu- [alidades en su Administraeion. IMS) 1 Ufandato dei Rey sobre la dicha Administra- cion. II Constitucion Apostolica di P. Clemt. XIII. en la qua] se aprueba de nuevo el Instituto de la Compama de Jesus in 1765. (printed ) II Milagrosa samdad en Roma 1765, por interces¬ sion de ban Luis Gonzaga de la Compania de Jesus. (printed.) 8vo. v I Eeatificaeion di Simon de Roxas f. (minted 1 II Royal Letter in favor of the Order for the Redemption of Captives. II Do. relative to the Trinitarios CaIzados,& the Augustin Recollets, pr. f. $66 C'ATAtOGUS LlBROKUto M ANUSCRIPtORl^l IN BlBLIOTIf-EC A PHILLIPPICA. •{ Relacion del Succe so en Barcelona en 1771. (MS.)f. 11 Sobre la Batalla y Victoria de Clavijo.y la visi¬ ble aparicion del A postol Santiago. ( MS.f. 5 Real Cedilla sobre las Actas de Reduction de Religiosos del Real y Militar Order de Mer- cenarios Calzados, 1774. Sevilla, printed, f. 5 Letter of the Lnquisidor General to the King 1755. (MS.) fob 11 Letters from the Correo d’Europa a Londres, & sobre el extinction de 1 osJes i/ifas,l 778. MS,8vo X Sobre el as tablicimiento delos Jesuitas expuls- os en Lithuania, 1779 MS’. U Juan, Obispo Myriophotino en el Arzobispado de Treveris, a cl Clero' deTreveris, 1771).il/S f. IF Proclamation de D. Carlos, 1780. MS. 5{ Law Suit of the Countess Aleudia. MS. 11 Complaint of Franc, Xavier de Fresneda. pr. 1[ Parecer que al Rey D. Phelipe 4 dio ai Gar- ceran Alvarez, stf Maestro Arzobispo de Granada sobre el Breve del P. UrGano 8 para la residencia de los Obispos en sus y- glesias. MS. f IF Sobre los Freyles del Orden Militar dcSt.Jago, MS./. IF De Electione Papre. MS. 5J Votto del Card. Azzolino sobre la Beatifica- cion del Cardinal Bellarmino. IF Demonstracion de la Proviacia de Andaluzia a su Magestad. printed../. IF Letter to the Pope. ( almost obliterated.) MS./. U MS. Incipit. “El Maestro (or Ministro) dize.” IF On the Mismanagement of the Province of Estremadura. MS. 5j MS. beginning “Misericordia.” IF Bi'eve P. Clementis XI. MS. IF Apologia pro Papa. If. “Que el Bey en lo temporal no reconoce otro superior que solo Dios 5J,~ On the reduction of Monks, & Convents in Spain. MS. 11 Memorial de D. Alonzo Perez de Guzman sobre la yglesia de Calaliorra. printed H Sobre el Convento de S. Francis de Sevrlla.p-. 4 to. (printed.) IF Modo de rezar el Rosario por las Calles pAto. 5J lndulgencias. \ Carta de Lorenzo de M edicts a Juan, su hijo, quando se le dio el Capelo deCardenal.il/ Sf. IF Sobre las 4 Ordenes Militares de Santiago, Alcantara, Calatrava, y Montesa'F MS.s. 4 to. IF Memorial de; la Religion de los Garmelitos Descalzos. printed f. ^ Memorial de el FiscalEcclesiastico de Badajos. printed.fob 11 Satisfaction al dicbo Memorial .printed./, thickJ'ol. red Spanish cf. v. y. 14138 2641. Papeles Historicos—Balthasar de San Pedro ( apparently ) on the Populaoioii of Spain. I 1 Ll Vccindario de las 22 Ptovincias de los Rey- nos de Andalucia, y Caatilla la Vieja enl7l7 U El dano que ha hecha el Volcan di Mongibelo en Cicilia in 1679. 8 vo. printed. H Rekizion de un Sondeo, liecho desde los Pozos de Chipiona por el Canal de la Barra, por el Capitan Alonzo Lopez,y Marcos Blauco.MS. II Description of Burgos. - V Do. of Gibraltar. IF Do. Puerto de Sta Maria. 5] Do. de San Lucar de Barrameda. II Pesca de Villa de Huelva. 11 Do, en Ayamonte. 51 Andres Famauri, Escrivano del Rey. 5| Sobre la Villa tie Monasterio. ll La Valor des Encoinieiulas de las Ordenes Militares de Santiago, Caialrava,- Alcantara, ; & Montesa. U Descripcion de la Sieiliav II De la Villa de Xe*ez, U Testatnento de D, Perez de Guzman. 14140 14141 14142 14143 14144 14145 14146 14147 14148 14149 14150 51. El Cortijo de Tojxealva^Mantijoj&c. ,14151 |14152 \ 5[ Sobre el estado de Arcos, 51 Sobre el Marques,de Veiamazan. 5i Pedro de Medina Libro de grandezas y cosas' memorables de Espana. Sevilla l549.pr.4/o. impVrf. folio 186 minus f. 1.2. 3. 6.8. 9; 32. 49. 58. 61. 74. tom. 80. 113. 4. 5. 6. 7. 152. 168. 1/6 to 181. incl. 183-4-6./. 48, &• 56-7. 64. 96. 130. 1-2. 159. are MS. at p. 63. b. a Map of the Straits of Magellan,k S.America. f. 63. An account of Coiumb&’s Voyage. IF Dela Reyno de Portugal. 51 Number of Marriages, & Births,1763.&Popiila- tion of Spain, 1763. 5[ Dcscriptio ac Delineatio Geographica detec- tionis Fretr ab Henrico Hudson. 5f Exegesis super tractu recens detecto in 5ta. parte Orbis cui nomen, Australis incognita 1613. 5T XJIloa accrca del Temperamento de la Ciudad de S. Fernandez, Ao. 1749. 5T Xavier y Aguirre description del Monte Ve- 8uvio A. D. 1750. 51 Sobre las Islas de Falkland. 5F The Duke of Manchester’s Speech on the Falkland Isles’. 5f Pedro Fernandez de Quiroz Memoriales a Sa Magestad sobre sus Descubrimientos. /. e/i. s. xvii. xviii. red Spanish cf.Sate 2641. Extracto do Mapa do Governo de S. Paulo de Minas 17 18 . Dedicated to the King Jono. 5. 8ro. eh. s. xviii. o. red- mor. richly gilt on the sides. Well written, evidently the Copy pre¬ sented to the King. 3935. Turpiui Historia Caroli Magni. s. 4/o. V. s. xiv. thk. bds. in russia stamped sides. 3701 . Vaena Coronica del Rey D. Sebustiao primero de Portugal, s. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. o. cf. gt. folio 180, & 175 double. 3708. Papeles Historicos, containing Vida de ia Monja, Alferez de Guipuscoa, escrita por ella misma", 1646. s. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. red cf. not paged.3929. Ribeiro (Joao.) Fatalide Estorica de Him de Ceil- am. Dedicada al Rey Dom Pedro 2, de Por¬ tugal. 1685. s 4/o. ch. s. xvii. yell. mor. 105 leaves, $ 2 of Table. Apparently the Autograph (/Captain Ribeiro. 3096. Vieira (P. Antonio) Annua da Provincm dt/Brazil do Ao. 1624-5. a que descreve a Cibdad de Bahia, entrada dos Holandeses ne la, e sua ex- pulsam. s. 4/o, ch s. xyiii. old Portuguese cf. gilt, not paged. 4003. Vera y Figueroa (Juan Ant.) Fragments histo¬ ricos de la Vida de D. Caspar Guzmau,Cnnde de Olivares, dirigida al Bty Phelipe 4, por J. A. de Vera, & F. Condo de la Roea, Embas¬ sador de Venecia en Madrid, li»2S. s. 4to,ch. s. xVii. dk. mottled cf. not payed. 3734. Discursos Historicos Espamdes de 1600 , y 1650. Begins with/ Piedra del parangon politico.” s. 4 lo ch. s. xviii. yellow mor. 231 leaves-. Arms stamped on side. 3412. Decada Historica de la ultima Guerra de Espana desde 1740, al 1719. The Author gives an in- dependent Dedication,“al Olvido y Desprecio. . s. 4/0. ch. s. xvjii. cf. gt. not paged. 341 U Memorias sobre a Navigacao Lspanolaen America 1743 .fitfol. 35 is the printed “Description of the Windward Passage, 1759.” 4 to. ch s. xviii. yell. mor. 245 leaves. 3977. Papeles Historicos Espanoles desde 1590; al IC 50 /. c/t. s. xvii. yell , mor. 480 leaves , The foot margin at the end is injured by damp. 3524. Papeles toccaiites la Curie de Roma. The 1 st. is, “Relatione della Corte di Roma fatta dal Marches® Bigliore de Lucerna. f\ ch. a. xy. yell. mor. not pagtd. 3228. Ruiz de Pyna, Chronica de Alfonso 4. f. cli. s. xv. & xvi. yell. mor. 9 5 leaves. 3199 . Rezende descripcoes das Cidades e Fortalezas da India, 1635. 3 Vols,/. ch. s..xviii. o cf. giU. Vol. 1. 163 leaves. VqI, 2, 210 leaves. Vol. 3. 531 leaves. 3215. 14153 14154 14155 14156 14157 14158 Catalocus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 26)' Salvador Tabor da Portugal, memorias dos succes-1 sos em Franza no tempo de Inviado do Pedro 2 \ ate Luis XIV. 3 Vols. f. ch• s xvii. o' cf.'l gilt. 167S, a 1682. Vol. 1. pp. 670. besides | 11159 Index. Vol. 2.pp.616. 1683 to 1605. Vol. 3.'i 1G83 to 1685. Tom. 3. 1687-9, 446 leaves. 3557 £ Noticia do Biazil, y dos prinleiros descubndoics. /'. ch. s xv. o. cf. gilt, pp . G14. 4011. Sublevazao\lu America Inglesa; mitk a Map. If ch. s, xviii. o. bra cf. not paged,. 4009. Sopca La Corte do Roma, ilis ersos Papeles y Let- teras- 4 to. cA.s.xviii. | yell, mor. grn, sides not paged Incip. A suaEecellenza Uddicioni all. Signori Cardinali Cino. 3227 Chronica di Valencia, el 4to. libro. thh.f.ch. s. xvi. cf. gilt, not paged, imperfect at the beginning also the Table at the end. It is much damag¬ ed through-out by the I/ikpohich teas made with Vitriol. 3828. Papules Historicos. 2 Vols. Vol. I .continct. IT Memoria de los Reyes' Don Fernando, y Donna Isabella, Catholicos, desde 1468. If Conjuracion de Zaragoza, contra Pedro de Arbues, Inquisidor Apostolico de Zaragoza Ao. 1485. If Orden del Rey de tener al gran Capitulo. •jf Relacion de la Entrega de D. Isabella, ftf Carta de Pedro Geronihio. La Muerte de U. Carlos. ■[f Sobre el Duca d’Ossuna ( printed .) •jf Entrada de Phelipe 4 en Madrid, 1G2I. ijf La Muerte de Phelipe 3. 1621. \ •jf Mercedes que el Key. ........ $ 11 Las Fiestas del Marques del Carpio. If Traicion del Duque de Fridtlandt. (printed.) 11 Muerte del Principe, Don Balta 2 ar. ft, Sentencia contfro el Marques de Ayton. ft Carta del Duque de Medina Ceii, 1652. U Epitaphia en la Capilla de los Reyes, 1665. ft Ao.- 1677. Conelderacion de Don Juan de Aus¬ tria contra la Reyna Goveruadore, y 1). Fern. Valenzuela. ft Teuipestaldes'ert Madrid, 1680. 11 Tuoiulto en Madrid, 1699. f Memorial del Recto, que D. Juan de Cliuma- cero y Sotomayor trata con el Duque de Vreda. ft Sobre el Olden de Calatrava. II Letters to Cardinal Ferroni, &c. 14160 ft Cartas de 1). Mig. Mauara de Sevilla, ft Carta del P. Tirso Gonzalez, ft Copiado delGat Jogo de -Sevillanos inemotables por D. J. Miinauo. H La Beatificaci'b'n del P Miguel Mauara. Gasto heeho en la Casa de la Sauta Charidad de Sevilla en 1757. ft Jusiificacion de IJ. Josef Patino, 1720. ft Do, do. 1717. ft Carta Confidencial de D. Pedro Fi*. de Goyene- cb6, Intendente de Aragon, a Don J, A. If). A. C. de Madrid, sobre la Persona, Genio, &c. de D.Juan dePatfnO,Ministro de Estado 1783. ft Relacion del ceiebrada dia, el 10 de Diciembre 1738. (printed.) ■ft Appcrt CordovaAno. 1746. a Nedal in honor of l). Juan de Avila. ft Basco de Aponte Blazones, Calssas. y Familias j de los Primordiales So I ares de Galicia, viz. \ Cagsas de Meyra, Soto-Mayor; Figueroas, j Parraga, Saavedra, Churricanes - de jfeza 'Y Andrada, l.*s Marinas,Mesia, Ulloa, Moscoso > Sotomaior. ^1 Casa de Ouis en Asturia. . " ft Carta de Alvar Gomez al Ant. Gracian. If Sobre el Rey Recaredo. f Muestra de la Gente de Guerra en Lisboa,1639. j fprinted. 1649.) ft Don Gaapar al l’erez de Guzman, el biieno Duque de Medina Sidonia. H Jusiificacion del desafiadeel Duque dc Medi¬ na Sidonia al liranno Juan de Verganza. (printed 1612 in Seville .) II Tratado de una muger gelosa. II Address to the King. Torlnguese binding, thk.fch. s xvii. & xviii. cf. not paged. 3525. Vol. 2 contiene . II La Coronacion del Rey Josef primero, Rey de Ungria. {printed.) ft Remarks on the Person, & .Character of Vol¬ taire. Beginning “La statura de Monsr. de Voltaire es uii pocomaior, &c. ft Revolucion at S. Pelersburgh, & Murder of Peter 3. ft Resurreccion de D. Miguel de Pois, en Zara- gosa. {printed at Seville.) ft Respuesta del Rey sobre la Sentenoia contra D. Carlos Pacheco. ft Desceudencia de D Andrea Tebei. ft Risposta della Citta di Napoli, 1734 .. ft Relacion de los Re^ulares extranados de Espana que se han conducido a Corcega Ao. 1757 . ( 1 . e. the ^ banishment of the Jesuits from Spain) This is a list ot their names in 23 leaves or 46 pages. The Number banished altogether from Aragon, Toledo, Castilla, & Andalusia, was 2320. H Breve Relacion de cl Alburoto, que hubo en I a Ciudad de Malta, en que fueron expulsados de aquella Isla trece Padres, y algunos Her- ,a Gompania do Jesus, en el ano 1639. Lscripta por el Padre Francisco de Mesina, que fue -unu de los que en aquel ano se hall a van en aquella Ysla,y expuLo de ella. (It appears that the Governor of Malta oh- jeeted to the Jesuits,APriests having Women.) 11 O 11 the conduct of a certain Cardinal {?Albe- roui) porlu Casa deGallio,Duque de Arbitto 1, I.OS Servtcios hechos a los Reges Catholicos ft Vida del Caidenale Orsini. 1i Correspondeucia del Rey Phelip 4 , C on la Sor- el la, Maria de Agreda 1S43. 105 leaves. II Monstruosa Vida del Rey Don Pedro cl Cruel por Antonio Perea. 04 leaves. ’ ’ U Carta de el Secr'etario,Antonio Perez,alDunue de Lerma, de la mauera que se havia de governar en la Pribanze. 109 Haves. V Causa contra Antonio Perez. 39 leaves I Canonizacion dc Michl. de Maguaw Thin ex tends loth* end the $ ao %., the last date is 1 i oj. thk.f. ch. s. xviii. cf, 3525 Papeles Historicus de Portugal, Pedro 2 . Joao.^i ft 1 /x. Atticle. Reflexoass sobre a una Pitora el Bispo do Porto, tizada ua Igregia da Miseri- cordia. IT Paper found in the Cabinet of James 2, King of England. 6 ft Carta do Secrelario de Estado. U Tratado entre. Espana y Fiaucia, 1660)32 leaves printed. ft Treslado des lapcos que selancaron, &c. U Relacion of the Mines of Ethiopia Oriental do Impcrio do Munomotopa por el Padre Fran cesco Avellaiv ft Papers reluti g to Ships, ft Decreto sobre as cusas de Roma. c Bull of Innocent XI. ft Carta a el Arz obispo de-Braga. ft Bull ofT*ope Innocent. H A Letter concerning a Journey to England V Carla da Albad.ssa de Sta. Clara d? Coimbra II Relacam del sitio del Cibdud dc Silvcs Reean de Algarve. b H Sentencta en faver dc D.Anlouio, el Infante & sobre le coze de Brazil. * If Breve Notizia. «la s guerras como Olandes des-' de 1621, ein que nos lomaron muchas terras do America, Africa, e Asia, ft Guerra do Brazil. If 1 , de l, C “ nde - Eticeira, Virrey de India, ft Vida do P. Anton Vieyra. *1 Carta del Cardinal Cibo.a a Arccbiepo de Braea' II Sentencta coutre el Marshal de Becqn. ° II Ponce de Leon sobre o cstadio da C»«» de Aveyoe, 2168 C.4TALOODS LlBRORUM USCRMaNIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PhILLIPPICA. r Catechismo Imperial Politico. H Memorial del Conde Oropesa al Rev, 1699. 1; Autos da fee en Lisboa desde 1513 ate 1732. If Ao Ventura Parta da Reyuha, Oracio Fanegy- rica./l ch. s. xvii. yell. mor. not payed. 2926. 14161 La Corte de Roma, or Diversos Papeles e Letteras concementi. 4to. ch. s. Xviii . \ yell, mor. grn. sides, not paged. Incip . ‘L’Ambasciatore di Spagna in Koraa.” 3227. 1416*2 Canzionero Portustaezo: from a MS. in theLibrary of the Royal College of Nobles at Lisbon, of the ISth.Century. Transcript.with a Facsimile u-hich begins “Guer vos me tolle de este poder, que eu.” The Preface begins “Notizia de hum Manuscripto antigo.” The Title “Cancion- eiro inedito, em Portuguez Galleziano,que par- ece ser obra do seculo XII At the end of this Copy is written, “Copiado e conferfdo por mim, Bernardo Jose de Figueiredo e Silva,com faculdade Regia para authenticar Documentos de Letra antiga; Lisboa, 19 de Mayo de 18L0. Bernardo Jose Figdo e Sa.” l.f.ch, s. xix. \ cf. 11S pages, besides 3 leaves of Preface, fy Title. 14163 The Book of Donough o Fiinn. % Poetical, & Prose Pieces of Hugh Boyd Mac Curtain. If Genealogies of Irish Kings. Do. Gabala Eiriotr ria, &c. 1l Dialogue of Patrick, & Ossian. f. ch. s. xviii. | bd. o. cj. gt. Arms on Sides. 370 pp. Sale 4318. 14164 Gaspar Correa Cronicas des Keys de Portugal e Summarios das suas Vidas, com a Historia de India e Armadas que se mandaram athe o anno 1533. Aqui em junta a Carta de Don Juan de Mascarenhas, Capitan doscdC Cerco de Dio, escrita a o Infante Dom Luis ;• com a noticia de Indo, o que se obram no dichocerco. If Ovidio Epistolas - , traducidas de Latin em Rom¬ ance por Fernando Silveira, que militava na India, thk. f. ch. s. xVi. Citron Mor. 456 leaves. Sale 2911. Ex Bibl. Warren Hastings, Arm. Indice Orientalis Gubernatoris, de Daylesford , in Com. Wigorn. ( Vendita 1853 j 14165 The Life of Sultan Acber. Per sice. thk. Svo. ch. s. Oriental binding. Sale 87G. 1-4166 Collection of Portraits, Persian, or Hindoostanee alternately with specimens of Elegant Writing. !. f. ch. s. black Oriental binding , sides gilt, 4 silvered. 22 leaves. Sale 783. 14167 A short Account of Camdoo,the Cupid of the Hin¬ doos. 21 pages folio, with a Painting of him, with his flowery Row, & Arrow, seated before two Women. II A Hymn to Camdeo, pages 4to. beginning “W hat potent God from Agra’s orient bowers Fl oats through the Crystal air, while living Flbwers With sunny twine the vocal arbours wreathe And gales enamoured heavenly fragrance breathe. Hail ! Power unknown, for at thy beck, Vales, & Groves, their bosoms deck. And every laughing blossom dresses With Gems of Dew his musky tresses. This Hymn is signed at the end “W.J.” Sale SGI. Ml68 Seven Oriental Paintings. 1 A Feast under a Tree. 2 A Man, & Woman seated under a ? Banyan Tree. In front, a Man presenting a Letter written in Sanscrit. 3 A Woman, seated, with a glory round her head, & a child on the ground by her side. 4 A Sultan seated on an Ottoman, smelling a ; rose, & talking to a person standing before \ him. An Inscription below. 5 The Sultan on a white Horse, in a green field, talking with his ? Pursebearer. \ 6 The Sultan receiving a Cup from a ? Sultan a seated before him. 7 A Person (? Christ, or Joseph) with a Glory round his head, on an ass. All on Cardboard, f. ch s. Sale 861. 14169 Indian Tumblers,being “Paintings exhibiting a great variety of Attitudes, Feats of Activity, & j Strength, Tumbling, #c. performed by Sets of Mendicant People, a remarkably expert com¬ pany of which, atTrichinopoli, the Proprietor hired to remain with his Painters,for some weeks to enable them to take Sketches of all their at¬ titudes,” &c. This is Vol. 2nd. containing only 30 Drawings, from No. 36 to 65. On Card board. 1. f.ch. s. xviii. (.? If this is not from Lord Macartney’s Library.) No. I 407 . 14170 A Collection of Indian Paintings. The chief are*. * J An Army in battle array, with cannon point¬ ed, & fired,with 4Batallions of Soldiers en¬ circling 4 Elephants, which carry the Gene¬ rals, or Emperors. 2 Dancing Girls before the Emperor. 3 A Man in a Tree with a Falcon on his wrist. 4 A Wrestling Match before the Sultan. 5 A Female, prostrate before the Sultan, 6 A Harem. 7 A Pacha, with a long tail which is supported by 5 men, the end of it lying on a dish. 8 Sultan on his throne. 9 An Elephant in a fury, throwing down a Horse, & Rider, 10 A Chase. 11 Hawking. 12 Fable {apparently.) of a Lion & other Ani¬ mals, during a Famine. 13 Sultan on his Musnud ?, Musicians round him', 14 Two Persons conversing on Horseback, 15 Lady at the Bath. 16 Lady alarmed at Lightning. 17 Sultan at Dinner. with several other paintings, 38,in all, on Cur'd board. In a beautiful case, enamelled in gold , & floors, f. dh. s. In a scarlet Cloth bag. Sale 879 : 14171 Catalogue of King’s Scholars at Westminster, from 1561 to .1784. 1. List of Deans of Westminster. H Do. of do. of Christchurch, Oxford. If Do. of Masters of Trinity Coll. Cambridge. Do. of Head Masters of Westminster School:* 4to.ch.cf.yt. Sale 610 . Payne, & Foss. 14172 Statii Thebais, Lib. xii. T Do. Achilleis. Lib. 11. minus the 231 last lines /. V. s. x iv. stamped dk. brn. binding, leaves much damaged by wet. It seems to have once belonged to Mr C ... Z.... Ex Bibl. Wmi. Fitch, from No . 14173 Cart® Originates pro Hundredo de Saraford in Co. Suffolk. Vol. 1./. V. s. xiii. xiv. Sale 447*. 14174 Do. do. do. Vol. 2nd. f. V. s.xiii,xiv.Sale 448. Ex Bibl , A. Lambert , Arm. de Boy ton, in Com. Wilts. 14175 Catalogue of his Botanical Library at Boyton. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. \ cf. Ex Bibl. T. E. Dukes, de Shrewsbury, Notarii.- 14176 Monasticon Salopiense, by T. E. Dukes. 1 . 4 to, ch. s. xix. 4 cf. Catalogus Librorum Mahuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 26 ’ Lord Macartney's MSS. omitted. See Mo. 13415. East India , 4' China. 14199 14171 14118 14179 14180 14181 14182 14183 14184 14185 14186 14181 14188 14189 14190 14191 14192 14193 14194 14195 14196 14191 14198 Letters to, & from Bengal to Warren Hastings,&c dated from Fort St. George 25 May 1783. marked Vol. 11, (or 2.) Purl 3ch. s. xviii. brn. bds. pp. 302. Copies of Letters from Genl. Hector Munro to the Commanding Officers to the Southward, from 24 Oct. 1181, to 13 Jan. 1182 l.f. ch. s. xviii. brn. bds. not paged. Letters from Genl. Coote, to Lord Macartney,from 26 June i!81, to 25 June 1782. l.f. ch. s. xviii.! brn. bds. not payed . Do. from General Braithwaite, to Sir Heelor j Munro from Tanjore, Ac. 31 Oct. 1781, to 31 | Dec. 1181* l.f. ch. s. xviii. brn. bds. not paged. Copies of Letters from Officers commanding to the Southward to Genl. Munro, from 1 Oct. 1781, to 12 Jan. 1782. l.f ch. s. xviii. bni.bds not p. Do. do. from General Coote, to Ld. Macartney, from Feb. 23,1182, to 25 June 1782. /. J. ch. s. xviii. brn. bds. not paged. Lord Macartney's Correspondence with the Coun- : try Powers on the Coast of Coromand« 1 4 Vols. Vol. 1. from 2 July to 2S Dec. 1181. Do. Vol. 2. from 1 Jan. to 31 Dec. 1182. Do. Vol. 3. from 23 Oct. 1182, to 28 Dec. 1783. | Do. Vol. 4. from 1 Jan. 1784, to 30 Dec. 1784. ; 17inch. 1 . f. ch. s. xviii. russia, not paged. \ Proceedings of Messr Sadleir, Stanton, & Hudles- ton, deputed to Tippoo Saib, Sultaun, to nego- ciate a Peace. 2 Vols .l.f. 17 in. ch. s. xviii. Vol 1. from 12 Nov, to 20 Dec. 1783. pp. 492. i Do. Vol 2. pp. 493, to 1116. Proceedings of the Government of Madras, in their Political, & Military Department, for 1785. Vol l. Marked No. 2 cf 4 ... B. C 9. Embassy to TippooSultan,l783.2Vols./.MA./.17;Vitt. Vol. i. Oct. 1783, to Feb. 1784 p. 642. 13.6. i. Do. Vol.2.Feb. to May 1784. pp.643.to 1094.B 6.2. H Addenda. ( not paged) dated from Mangalore 1784. ch. s. xviii. bazane. Copies ot Lord Macartney’s Letters written dur- I ing the Voyage to China; marked No. 1 ,8p JVo. I 5, on the Cover. 1st.Dated “Lion,Torbay,Satur- j day, Sep. 29. 1792. pp. 150. At the end , verso, Letters, 1st. dated Whitehall 8 Sep. 1192, being j the King’s Instructions to Lord Macartney, j signed Henry Dundas,^. ... 15 inch. L.f ch. b. xviii. ryh. cf. Do. do. marked No. 1, 3? No. 4. lst.Letter dated at Spithead, Lion, Wednesday, Sep. 26 1792* f. clt s. xviii. rgh. cf. pp. 80. Do. do. written from the Cape of Good Hope, in 1791-8. 1st. dated Plymouth, Feb 9, 1797. begins “My Dear Sir, Whatever pleasure, &c, 15 inch.f. ch. s. xviii. rgh. cf. pp. 160* Do. do. to II. Dundas, 1st. dated from Ply- ' mouth, 9 Feb. 1197. begins “Sir, I am to acknowledge,” &c./. 15 inch. cA.s.xviii. rgh.cf. (Minutes of) Correspondence with Bengal since General Coote’s arrival, from 10 Oct 1780, to 24 June 1181. 13 inch. f. ch. s. xviii. ich. v. PP- 280. Sate 1063. Lord Macartney’s Journal in 1792-3. entitled “Memoranda from London, to China, folcli. s. xviii. | wh. v.pp. 230. A Note on the fly leaf says “This Journal was written by Lord Mac¬ artney, on board the Lion, merely for his own amusement, & to pass away a few heavy honrs on a very long sea-voyage. J. B.” ? if this J.B. is John Barrow of the Admiralty, Sale 1039. Copies of Lord Macartney’s Letters at the Cape of Good Hope. 1st. dated 8 May 1797. Note in Cover “No. 14 in Supplement.” J/.l7i inch.ch. s. xviii. ryh. cf. pp. 432. 14200 14201 14202 14203 14204 14205 14200 14207 14208 14209 14210 14211 14212 14213 14214 14215 1421G 14217 14218 14219 14220 14221 14222 A Volume of Chinese Drawings of Towns, & Scenery in China, fol. max. ch. 8. xviii. £ grn. mar. Old printed No. 17. Sale 268. Egmont MSS. Letters, Papers, k Accounts to, & from Georgia from 1732, to 1742. 21 Vols. viz. 7 Vols. from Vol. I. From Georgia, from 9 June 1732, to 9 Juue 1735 p. 63G Vol. 2. Do. 9 June 1735, to 9 June 173 6,p. 548. This contains a Talk with Indian warriors whose uames are given. ( N.B. to print them.) Vol. 3. Do.du. 9 June 1736, to 9 June 1737.^.238. Vol. 4. Do.do. 9 June IJ37, to 9 June l739.p. 414 . with same additions not paged. Vol. 5. Do.do. 9 June 1739, to 9 June 1740.^.420. Vol. G. Do. do.9 June 1740, to 9 June 1741.^.522. Vol. 7 Do do.9 June 1741, to 30 Dec. 1742./?.300. Letters, Papers, k Accounts sent to Georgia, or passed in England. 7 Vols. Vol. 1. from 9 June 173*2, to 9 June 1735. with a Map of Carolina, p. 42G. Do. Vol.2. from 9 June 1735,to 9 Junel737.jo,518. Do. Vol. 3. do. 1737, do. 1739, pA7\. Do. Vol. 4. 2 Apr 1739, do. 1740. p. 548. Do. Vol. 5. 9 June 1740, do. 1741, p. 180. V An Account of the Progress of Georgia tol741 printed, p. 72. If Thos. Christie’s Description of Georgia. printed, p. 8. Do. Vol G from 9 June 1741, to 9 June 1742.p.212 Do. Vol. 7. from do. 17-12, to 9 June 1743. not paged , but about 230. Do. Journals, & Letters of Col. Wm Stephens, Secretary for the Affairs of the Trust in the Province of Georgia. G Vols. Vol. 1. from 8 Apr. 1736 to 2 Jan. 1739. not paged. Do. do. Vol 2. from 2 Jan. 1738-9, to 13 Muyl740 p 43G. besides a copious Index. Du. do Vol. 3. from 14 May 1740, to 13 Mayl741 p. 386. besides Index. Do- Vol. 4. from 13 May 1741, to 9 June 1742. p. 424. besides Index. Do Vol. 5. from 9 June 1742, to 18 June 1743. p. 286. No Index. Do. Vol. G. from 20 June 1743, to 31 Dec. 1743. p. 550. Index not made. Account of the Settlers, k Inhabitants of Georgia scheduled under the heads of, 1 Who went over, or joined the Colony at their own Expence, or were born in it. 2 Their Occupations. 3 When embarked. 4 W hen arrived. 5 Lots granted to them in Savannah. 6 Lots granted to them in Frederica. 7 What became of some of those who went at the Trust Charge. 8 Who went on the Poor Account, 9 Their Occupations. 10 When embarked, 11 W hen arrived. 12 Lots granted to those in Savannah. 13 Lots gran led to those in Frederica. 14 What became of some of them. U Lands granted by the Trustees of Georgia to persons who went ut their own expellee 9 May 1739. Fosbrooke’s MSS. Fosbrooke’s Rev. T. MSS. 18 Vols. 4 to. 4* 12 mo. being chiefly his Note Books for his Dictionary of Antiquities, ch. s. xix. Quaritch. La Corona de Hespana, que trata de los Reinos, Senorios, Sec. de el Rei de Hespana, con sub blasones, 1677. f. ch. a. xvii, wh. v. 114 leaves. 270 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. Paris. Depenses des Rois de France, in Rolls, viz. 14223 Louis XV. 10. Rolls. 14224 Due de Bourgogne. 1 . do. 14225 Philip D'Orleans. 42. do. 14226 Louis XIV. 12. do. 14227 Gaston freredeLouisXIlI 17 do. 14228 Louis XIII- 18. do. 14229 Margt. de Valois. 4. do. 14230 Henry 4. 3. do. 14231 Louis de Lorraine. 3. do. 14232 Henry 3. 20. do. 14233 Elizth. 10. do. 14234 Chas. XI. 17. do. 14235 Children of Henry 2. 20. do. 14236 Cath- de Medicis. 13. do. 14237 Fcis.2. 9. do. pieces. 199 Rolls,or Membranes Phillipps Collections. 14238 Excerpta ex Cartis de Kerapsey in Co. Wore. per D. T. Phillipps, Bart. 18 mo.ch. s.xix.^.24. brn. bds. Aaiogr. 14239 Letter coucerning the poisoning of Sir Thos. Over¬ bury. H The Reule of Governance of the Duke of Nor¬ folk, in ward to the King, temp. H. 6, 12mo. eh. s. xix- brn. bds. p. 20. Autogr. CopiedJrom MSS. at Porkington, Co. Salop. 14240 Sir T. Phillipps’s Collections for the Osbaldestone Pedigree. V2moAh sjux.brn.bds. p. 28. Autogr. 14241 Do. rough Copy of the Catalogue of his MSS.° 8r o. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. p. 84. 14242 Collections relating to Ld. Kingsborough’s MSS. narrow 8t*o. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. p. 20. 14243 MSS. of C. Devon. ^1 Matriculations at Oxford. 4 to. ch. s. xix. bm. bds.p. 50. 14244 Collections relating to the MSS. at Middle Hill. Ato. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. p. 38. 14245 Cart® de Poden, & Aston Subedge, Co. Glouc. transcript. Ato. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. p. 84. 14246 Wills, & Pedigrees ex P. O.C. &c. Alo. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. p. 50. Autogr. begins with Tame. 14247 Do. do. beginning with Will of Ferdinando Osbaldeston.y. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. p. 86. 14248 Collections ex Registro Giffard, Epi. \\ igorn, II Catalogue of the Earl of Buchan’s letters. IT Index to Lloyd’s Salop. ^ Domesday Possessors of Lands for Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Hants. IT Gentlemen proposed for Sheriffs in 181t>. T Sheriffs in 1840. U Sir F. Palgrave’s Letter. II Carta R. Johis. Abbi. de Beaulieu. H Habingdon’s Gloucestershire Collections from Worcester Cathedral Cartularies. IT Do. Notes from Ancient Deeds. IT Hants. Church Notes. IT Nativi Abba the de Cockersand, Co. Lane. f. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. 34249 Sims’s C°py of Wilts. Court Roll Books for North Standen, Temple Close, Everley, Colingburn, Bradford, Trowbridge, Staverton, Studley. /. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. p. 22. Ex Bibl. Miscellaneis. 14250 Ratdolt’s (Erhard,) Fasciculus Temporura, or Chronology . printed./, wh. v. Venetiis. 1485. IT A MS. Anecdote at the end says, ('in French.) Ao. 9 Jan. 1495, the Wiud drove back the River Rhone with such force to £ of a league above Geneva that the Waters stood up like a Moun¬ tain for a whole hour.” ( This is a perfect ex¬ planation o/'The Miracle m the Passage of the Red Sea. T.P.) 14251 Psalms, & Anthems set to Music, as sun°- at Broadway,Co. Wore, in the 18th.Century. 1764. 4^ inch. obi. Ato. ch . s. xviii. rgh. cf. 14252 Nanfan, & Bellamont Correspondence. fol, ch s. xviii. brn. bds. p. 186. 14253 Letters to Lord Bellamont, 1764-9. /. ch. s. xviii. brn. bds. p. 230 14254 Nanfan Letters of the Family of Birts-Morton Co. Wore. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. brn. bds. pp 66. * 14255 Letters to Lord Bellamont, 1724-61. sm. Ato ch s. xviii. brn, bds. p. 282, 14256 Collections relating to Wales from Giraldusi Cambrensis, Ac./ ch. s. xviik 14257 Comptes, & Mises de la Ville* & Abbaie, de S.i Vaast, d’Arras. § fragments, in 1 Vol. 1. fol, 1 pour l’an 1535. 2 1534. p. 108. 3 1512. p. 62. 4 15 .. p. 72. 5 1526, & 1683 p. 108. 6 1533. p. 32. 14258 Cartae Burdigalenses 44. The 2nd. Deed is of, Helias Andraud; the last of Amand Cumpie. ' large Ato. V. s. xv. blue cl. Solheby. 14259 Luther’s Funeral, Transcript. 4/o. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. 10 leaves. Copied by E. L. B* 1836. Sale 787< 14260 Collectanea ad Historiam Reforinationis ex Bibli-• othecis Romanis soil. Collegii Romani, &c. IT Ex Actis iEgidii Viterbiensis, 1507-18. IT Ex Liieris Hierouymi Aleandri, 1521. IT Do de Mornay Duplessis. IT Ex Mandate Gregorii XV. IT Sopra le Cosedi Germania, 1531. If Ex Literis Cardinalis Campegii. IT Ex Sehedis Cardinal is Seripandi. II Excerpta ex Bibl. Fuldensi. IT De Antonii Milledonna Hisloria Concilii Tri- dentini. Codex rarissimus. IT Lettere de Consilio Tridentino. IT Do. de H. 2. de Francia. IT Ex Instructione pro Epo. Aversano. IT Vidas (Hieron.) Epistoke ad Legates Concilii Tridentini. IT Eplae. Frederick, Regis Bohemias, ad Regem i 11 ungarize IT Ex Instructione Pauli 3 Epo. Montispoliciani data 1539. H Ex Relatione Nuncii cujusdam de Aula Ru- dolphi Imperatujis. Sa e 305. 14261 Aceompt of Sir Edmd. Thomas, Bart. & Samuel’ i Martin, Esqr, Receivers General to H. R. H..I Augusta, Princess Dowager of Wales. With 5 the Princess’s autograph. Ik n l. J. ch s. xviii.- J green vellum gilt sides. Boone. 14262 A Packet of Tracings from Mexican MSS {now bound into a large folio Vol beginning with \ folio 482, ending folio 583. dated 1 5J8. '1 his curious M>. appears to contain a list of I Mexicans, whose heads are drawn m the Mexi- • can manner, with tl.eir symbolical names pro- • ceeding from their mouths, and the Spanish i interpretation of the names, attached to them. , The work seems to be a Register of Mexi- . cans living in the parishes of St. Juan de : Vexozinco; St. Diego Chaltepetlapan; Sta. Maria Assumptio Almoyavacan; Fecacallanco; Nepopovalco; S.Fran.TianquctencojSt.Estevan i Tepetzicun, St. Antonio Tlateuco, & St. Luys J Coyotzinco. At the commencement of each ! Parish is a Drawing of the Church, except the :i • first, St. Juan Vexozinco, in the Title Page 1 ,- J which has only a Tree on a Hill: on the left :! side of the Tree is an Eagle, on the right an : CAtALOGUS LlBRORUM JM ANtJSCRIPTORUM IN BlBUOTHEC.V PhILLIPPH’A. Ocelot. Above the Tree, & across part of it, is a statement, in Spanish writing; of the lime, describing the subject of the Chapter. The Original was imperfect in some parts, & pro¬ bably all prior to folio 482 were lost. The fol¬ lowing are specimens of the names. A Head, witli a deer’s head issuing from the nioutb, is Juan Mazatl, therefore Mazatl sig¬ nifies a Deer. A Head, with a Column on 3 Steps without a capital, is Juan Tamillo, therefore Tamillo signifies a Colun.n on 3 Steps. A Head, with a Diamond shaped object on the tip of the middle finger of an Open Hand held upright, is Francis Matlacmani. A Head, with an Eagle’s foot cut off, is Thomas Quauhtetepo, therefore Quauhtetepo is an Eagle’s foot cut off. A Head, with a Lizard on the top of it (not coming from the mouth) is Pedro Quatopi. A Head, with a bird’s skeleton head, & beak is Loys Vitziutl. A Head, with a Rattle snake from the mouthj isToribio CouatJ: therefore Couatl is a lialtle- snake. (From this I infer that the real name of this Snake, is not Rattle, but Couatl Snake, and that those who first heard the natives pronounce the name, heard it indistinctly, and thought it had been Rattle.) A Head, with a Bee, is Diego Xicon. Some of the Names are formed from com, ound Images, as, a Bird’s head above an open' Jaw* shewing the teeth, is Quauhtlatova, & a Head with the same Bird’s head (apparently a Par¬ rot’s) with a tongue, or word coming out of its mouth, is Quauhtlistas, therefore Quauhtl is probably a Parrot. A Head, with the head of an Ocelot, is Pedro Ocelotl, therefoie Ocelotl is the Ocelot. A Head, with a Rattle Snake twisted in only one knot is JYlixcouatl: there¬ fore Mix probably signifies a Knot, or twist. At fol. 425) is a List of Women, whose names are chiefly symbolised by plants, & flowers. In some places there are sentences in the Mexican language written in Spanish letters. 1 14272 11273 I 14274 14275 j 14276 | 14277 \ 14278 j 14279 14280 j14281 114282 i14283 14284 114285 14286 14287 ■ 14288 114289 i14290 |14291 14292 114293 14294 1 14295 \14290 i14297 i14298 14299 • 14300 ;14301 14302 14303 14304 2 Arabic Correspondence in Egypt. foLpp. 206. 3 Flat de l’Armee d'Espagne, Aug. 1813. 1. fol. pp. 213. • ‘J • 4 Armiie Allemagne 50 RegUnfanterieduLioiie l fol. pp. 193. ° * 5 Empire Francais Ministere de la Guerre.®-lo* 6 Autographs df Marie Teresd, Louis XIV XV Scc.pp. 148 > • 7 Armee de la Republique en Egypte. f.pp . 133 . 8 Two papers of Visconti, f p. 12 . ' 9 Letters de Carnot, & others, f. ». 60. 10 Motieye Concierge IV Frimaire inf. last letter M. Mantuan. /. p. ISO. 11 Dept, de L'llerault (An 5.) Brillurd. f „ 235 ? ““Cange a Provinces Illyrieunes./. chip. 104. 13 Tribunal Correctionelle.yi ch. p. 220. 14 l»< Mmistre de l'lnterieur.Moutanu, last Baron Uusseux./ p, | 34. 15 l^Arrondissement de Cliiavari, last Dujardin. 16 Emp Francais last Etienne Pille. f. n. 96. 17 Addresse au Cardinal lluchefuiicault. f. p. 120 18 llichot./. p. 176. J e I® OffioW Papers No.30 Fr.Bapt.Asserets./n. 62 . 20 bur Voltaire, ou de Voltaire, f p. 34 . 21 Christophe, Empereur de Haytn f. v.SO. 22 Signatures Autographes xix Siec.'l.». 68 . 29 Do. Ouelaut Correspondence No 38. 4 to p 78 30 Do. Borniesson, & Quetant do. 4 to. p. 106. ' 31 Do.(lst.not sipned)2nd.Cousin last Dr.Devos<*e 12 mo. 4 to. p. SO. 0 32 Do lsf De Pradt, last Berton. Wmo.fr 4to p.82 33 X oltaire s Poems Epigrams, & Letters. 800 P 52. o 4 Lt-iters Uf. CIorache1736. last Breget. 12mo.p.L0d racquets of Correspondence with Bossuct, frc. from j\b. 3542. • 14305 Rodd 1836. 14306 |14307 14263 Win. Paver’s Transcript of part of the Yorkshire j 14308 Visitation of 1612. /. 4 to. ch. s. xix i puce cf. j l“1309 well written. j 14310 j 14311 Win Roscoe's MSS. See No. 13700. 1 Madame Guy on, to Bossuet. 4 to. 10 letters. 2 Do. do. to Madame Maintenon.4fo.l3T. 3 Bossuet himself to Abbe Nicaise. 4 to. 1 letter. 4 Madame Guyon, to Bossuet. 4 to. 5 Archbishop of Kheims* to do. 4to. 19 letters 6 St. Andre’s Letters. 4to. 10 letters. 7 Archbp. of Sens, &c. to Bossuet’s Nephew. 4 to. 9 letters. 14264 Explanation of Cyphers used in the 1st. quarter of the 19th. Century. lSwo. ch. s. xix. -j red mor. Bigland’s MSS. more detailed See No. 13519. 14265 Bigland’s Collections for Gloucestershire; begin with Miserden, end with Twining. Marked by Bigland as Book 3. being Monumental Inscrip¬ tions, &c. for about 40 Barishes. < 14312 \14313 |14314 114315 \14316 |14317 j14318 14319 14320 14321 14322 14266 Do. do. marked Book 6 . for 27 Parishes. 14323 19 14267 Do. do. do. do. n.for 11 do \ 14268 Do. do. do. do. 9 .for 32 do. | 14324 20 14269 Do. do. do. do. 10. for 5 do. 14270 Do. Institutions, & Patrons of Glouc. Livings from about 1500, or 1540, 4 / 0 . cAs.xviii. These begin with Campden Deanery, are more full, than in the printed Vols. Idll the above arc in 4lu. t fr chiefly in Copy Books. Ex Numero 3542 hujus Catalogi. 14271 French Correspondence, viz. *14331 Vol. 1 Letter 1st. Boyelleau, last Le Suisse, & { Vergennes. 4 to. pp. 142. Marked Vol. 12. i 14325 114326 j14327 14328 14329 114330 o 1 wo .Letters by Bossuet. 4to. 2 letters. 9 Memoire by Bossuet. fol. 10 1* eneion, to Bossuet. 4 to. 3 letters, 11 St. Vincent de Paul. 4 / 0 . 1 letter. }o If 1 ? U * V ’ to Bossuet » 4to. 16 letters. 13 Cardinal Janson, to Bossuet, 4to. 17 letters. 14 Cardinal Ottoboni, &c. to do. 4 to. 8 letters 10 Bossuet, 6c others. 4 to. 8 letters- 16 Phelippeaux, &c. to Bossuet. 4 to. 4 letters 1 1 On 1 TJmon ot Catholic, &: Protestant Churches. ^ Jol. t $ 4 to, 12 tetters ? a . l,ieu » to Bossuet. 12 mo , ,5 4 lo 9 letters, a met, Ac. to Bossuet’s Nephew, l2mo.fr Ato 16 letters . -rmaml, Abbe de la Trappe, a St.Andre.l 2 m< 7 . 2 letters. 21 Le Maitre de Sacy a Boileau, &c. 4 fo. 6 letters. 22 Abbe Lnrnyere, to Bossuet. 4 to. 6 letters. 23 bister Cornuan, to do. 4 lo. 8 letters. * 24 Neville, &c. to do. 4 to. 14 letter 's. 25 St. Paul, Evesque de Charlies, to do. 4 / 0.7 let, 26 Pilot, to Madame Guyon, Sic fol. Sy 4to. * Potiere,Petit Neveu du Grand Pascal./o/.^/n 4 letters . J 3 27 Eveque de Senez a Dora deIaPorte. 4 / 0 . 4 /<>f/ 6 r* (T/itf above MSS. of Bossuet, §c. have passed throuyh the hands of Mr. Singer.) Catalogus Librorvm Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Philliptmca 272 14332 14333 14334 14335 14336 14337 14338 14339 14340 14341 14342 14343 14344 14345 14346 14347 14348 14349 Sir Wm. Petty's MSS. 1 Account Book from 1654, to 1657. 73 pages one way , § fly leaf in leginning, <5j 1 leaf of “Contract with Dr. Petty fur the Survey.” 18 pages the other way. Also a loose leaf of Accounts. In same Vol. Receipts by Sir Wm. Petty, from 1655. 18 pages. § fly leaf. At p.12 a paper , pasted in, “Account of Barony of Clanwilliani.” 2 Sir Wm. Petty’s Letters, from 10 Sep. 1666,to 3 Mar. 1667. 94 pages, §- Title page.f.ch. s xvii. 3 Do. do. do. do. from 9 March 1667, to 21 March 1670-1. 190 pages. 1st. leaf mis sing one lea f inserted. 4 Jno. Petty’s Letters (in Sir Wm’s. absence) from 29 March 1671, to 15 Aug.1671.48 leaves 5 Sir Wm. Petty’s Letters from 27 May 1671. to 5 March 1671-2. 86 pages, Sf 3 sheets not numbered. 6 Sir Wm. Petty’s Letters from 2 April 1672, to 20 Nov. 1675. 426, or 428 ,pages, marked No.'l 7 Do, do, do. from 29 July 1676, to 2UFeb. 1676- 7. 86 pages, § fly leaf in begituiing. 8 Do. do. do.from 3 Mar. 1676-7, to 13 Nov. 1677. 100 pages. 9 Do. do. do. From 8 Sep. 1677, to 19 March 1677- 8. 30 pages, and Title. 10 Do. do, do. from .. March 1683, to 4 Aug. 1683. some leaves missing. 11 Vol. A. Thos. Waller’s Letters from 23 Dec. 1671, to 29 June 1675. 48 leaves. 12 Vol. B. Do. do. do. 40 leaves. 13 Vol. C. Do. do. do. 4 leaves.f. ch. 14 Vol. D.JohnRutter’s Letters from 17 Ju y 1672 to 6 Jan. 1673-4. 20 leaves. 15 Vol. E. Do. do. do. 39 leaves. 16 Thos. Dance’s Letters from 1 Jan. 1685, to 31 Dec, 1686. 130 pages besides Index. 17 Do. do. from 1 Jan. 1687, to 13 Aug. 1700. Pages numbered to 113 but p. 55 omitted. 18 Register of J. Bayley’s Correspondence from 29 Nov,1735. to 18 Aug. 1744. 132 pages.f.ch. 14373 14374 14375 14376 14.377 j 14378 14379 j14380 J1438l j 14382 14383 14384 14385 14386 I43S7 14388 14389 14390 14391 14392 14393 14394 14395 14396 Catliu's Indian Gallery at Middle Hill, 1853, Nov. 7. painted expressly for Sir Thos. Phillipps, Bart. Size 16 in. by 13 in. as far as No. 14407. 14350 1 Portrait of Say-say-gon, an Ojibbeway Chief. 1435L 2 Herds of Buffaloes crossing the lliver Missouri I 1 4401 14352 3 Sioux Indians setting out on a War Party. j 14353 4 Sioux Indians in pursuit of Buffaloes over Hills, j 14402 14354 5 American Regiment broken thro’by Buffaloes, j 14355 6 Indian W ig-wam of the Pawnee Piets. I 14403 14356 7 Painted Tent of a Crow Indian. | 14357 8 Ojibbeway Indians catching xMusk Rats. ] 14404 14358 9 Indian Village of the Minatarrees, on the Bank j of Knife River. 14359 10 Sham Attack upou an Indian Village by the 14405 Comanches. j 14360 11 Sioux Indian Women dressing Ruffalo Skins. 1 1436L 12 A W’aterfall, called the Little Fall. I 1440 G 14362 13 Herds of Buffaloes in the Prairie, & Swamp oft the Salt Meadows j 14363 14 Ojibbeway Indians fishing with Landing Nets. \ 14364 15 Buffaloes, in crossing a narrow Valley iu the j Snow, slain by Mr. Catlin, & his men, 14365 16 Ojibbeway Indians gathering wild Rice. 14366 17 Remarkable Bluffs near the River Missouri. j 14367 18 A Family of Mandan Warriors. ? 14368 19 Figure of the Giant on the Hill Top, formed of '14407 Stones placed there by the Indians. 14369 20 Chasms in the Earth, near the Mammelles, called the 3 Domes, on the Missouri. 14408 14370 21 The Pine Grove Savannah in Florida. 14371 22 Indians practising at the Target at au Ojibbe- 14409 way Village. 14372 23 Snags in the River Missisippi. } 14397 14398 14399 14400 24 Burrows of the Prairie Dog, or Marmot, 0 the Missouri. 25 Assineboin Indians cooking their food at tht foot of a Hill, at Sunset. 26 Prairie on Fire, on the Missouri. Indians ga, r lopping from it. 27 Prairie Bluffs onP'ire, with Deer rushing thro’ i 28 Buffalo, A Bear fighting. Wo!ves waiting fi the death of one- of them. 29 Indian women gathering Grapes, being Caddl Indians in Texas. 80 Indians ascending a Hill by the edge of a clif to Black Bird’s Grave; 011 the UpperMissou> 3L Sioux Indians shooting Deer by Night. 32 M r. Catlin shooting Deer as they run througi the long grass. Flock of Yellow headel Parrots settling on a Tree, in,Texas. 33 White Buffalo attacked by Bears, after it hai been wounded by the Mandans. 34 Indians defeated on the Banks of the Rive Missisippi, by Genl. Scott. 35 Camanchee Indians catching Wild Horse wilh the Lasso. 36 Mr. Catlin, & his 2 men in danger of beini trampled to death by a Herd of Buffaloes, i, Upper Missouri. 37 Ojibbeway Indians catching Salmon at NigL by Torch light. 38 Grassy Bluffs near the Falls of St. Anthony. . 39 Sioux Indians discovering an Enemy in pursu of them.by their Shadows on the opposite Hil 40 Elk, Deer crossing the River Missouri. 41 Flowers, & Buffalo Bush on the Bank of tl River.near Cedar Island. 42 An Indian scalping his Enemy. 43 Four remarkable Table-headed Hills, callt “The Square Hills;’’ on the Missouri. 44 Missisippi River,full of Islands, with Steambo t passing the Prairie du Chien Village. 45 Indian Village of the Pawnee Piets, at the foii of a Hill in Texas. 46 Burial Place of the Mandan Indians. 47 Singular Geology of Rocks, & Chasms, ca led the Brick Kilns. The land seems to ha slipped down perpendicularly. 48 Remarkable Promontory, & Land Slips on tl Banks of the Upper M ssouri River. 49 Knisteneux Indians in Snow Shoes, pursuii Moose Deer in the Snow. 50 Meeting of the Rivers Platte, &. 51 Herd of Buffaloes crossing the River Missoun when frozen over., . 52 Meeting of 2 Rivers, showing a line of rour. Hills cut through by the River Missouri. 53 Singular Hills called Samlford’s Bluffs, on tl River Missouri, like turretted CastleJj. , 54 1 own of Cassvil.e. A Steamer just arrived f Lead Ore. 55 Fort Sm iling, on the hank of the River ‘ Peter, near the l abs of St. Anthony, on Ul per Missisippi. 56 The Rattlesnakes Den, in the Valley of Wyon ing, North America, not far from the Resii ence of Mr. Catlin’s Father. 28m. by 18m./ 57 The Indian Pipe Rock, where the Indians c« lect the Stone to make the Bowls of tlW Pipes. 28m. by 18m. Sir T. Phillipps's Collections. Index to Wilts. Fines for Hen. 8. pp. 62. Edw. pp. 22. & Mary 1. pp. 16. 1509, to 1558. /. ch. s. xix. Do. do. temp. Car, I. 1625 ad 1649. pp. 16 f. ch s. xix. Do. do. temp. Car. 2. 1649 ad 1685. pp. 274 f. ch, s. xix. MSS. of Richd. Fenton , Historian of Pembrokeshire , purchased from . his Son the Revd. Sami. Fenton , of Sandown • Park , Wavertree , wear Liverpool , 16 Z). 1858. j 14410 A Volume of Welsh Cywvddau, logins “Araith j wgan.” Zong narrow fol ch s. xviii. 250 pages. < Jll the ntd a smaller narrow Vol. is bound in, of\ an older Character probably of the 17 Scec. be¬ ginning with “Dyn gwanu amna chafanerch” The \ pages not numbered . fy imperfect at the. end but \ has 45 leaves. ( No. 1 ) 14411 A Vol .containing 220 Cowydds of Davydd, ap Gwylim. The Index contains 251 Titles'but the MS. only 220; probably the Original MS. was de¬ ficient in the latter leaves, long narrow fol. of 344 pages ch. s. xviii. bd. in wh. pchmt. (No. 2.; 14412 Extracts from Dugdale on Welsh Monasteries l. fol. ch. s. xviii. unbound 24 leaves. (A/'o. 3 .) 14413 Mr. Richd. Fenton’s Tour in Carnarvonshire. large fol. ch- s. xix. 32 pages. (A/'o. 4.) 14414 Letters, and Correspondence of Richd. Fenton in¬ closed in A/'o. 4. 4/o. ch. s. xix. ( No. 5 j 14415 Historical Collections relating to the Civil Wars j chielly concerning Scotland, l.fol. ch. s. xvii. wli. v. not paged; with Mr. Fenton’s Book Plate. iV.6. Begins “Great were the fears,” See. 14416 Miscellaneous Collections. In a portfolio thk. / ch. I wh. tel. entitled “Collectanea Wailensia” be- \ ginning with a Copy of Haverford West Charter. 1 k List of Deeds in a Box, &c. 1. fol. ch. v. y N.6. ! 14417 A Vol. marked “Collectanea” beginning with a j Paper “ about 23 Jac ” l.f eh. v. y. wh. vel. N .7 j 14418 A Vol. marked “Tyderiana.” Richd. Sadlier “De ! Vera Nobilitate. ,, &c.or“l)reame ofTrueNobilitie” \ Latin, & English. If. ch. v. y. wh v.(No.8.) 14419 Miscellanea, beginning with “The Earls of Pem¬ broke large 4to ch. v. y. with some Autograph Papers of Sir Richd. Hoare, Bart. (No. 9 J Printed in the Cambrian Register. 14420 Miscellanea, marked “4” on the back , begins with “No. 4. Sheeres of Wales,” &c .fol. eh. s. xviii. k v. y. wh. vel. (No. 10.J See No. 63, tyc. Printed in the Cambrian Register. 14421 Richd. Sadleir's Collections from Polydore Vergil. l.fol. ch s. xvii. rgh. cf, (No. 1 L; 14422 A Vol. of Glamorganshire Pedigrees, formerly be¬ longing to Herbert Evans, fol. ch. s. xvii. wh. vel. 266 pages,or leaves. (No. 12 .) now bd. in hr. bds. 14423 A Portfolio entitled , “Farrago of Advertisements, Hand Bills,” Sac. fol. ch. v. y. wh. vel. (No. 13*; 14424 Miscellanea, a Vol. beginning with “Anecdotes of Boswell, by Mr. Fenton, &c .f. ch. v.y. wh. v. ^14 14425 Account of Richd. Sadleir thinf. ch. s, xviii. 615. 14426 Tract on Marl by Geo. Owen, of Henllyss. thin fol ch. s. xix. (No. 16^ 14427 Geo. Owen’s Description of Pembrokeshire, 1599. called the “Taylor’s Cushion.” thin f. ch. s. xviii. (No. 17 j L4428 Sir John Prise’s Description of England, thinf. ch. s. xvii. (No. 18.J 14429 Miscellanea, beginning with “Directions for Sail¬ ing by the Milford Lights, fol. ch. s. .. (No. 19.; 14430 Geo. Owen’s History of Pembrokeshire, begins with “No. 5. And yet is there noe place”/, ch. s. xix. (No. 20.) (bound with No. 14420, & 14432.) 14431 Answer to the Bishop of (St. David’s) Charge. 1. 4to. ch. s. xix. (No. 21.) 14432 A Vol. marked “Pembrokeshire No. 1.” being the 1st. Part of Geo. Owen’s Hist, of Pembrokeshire, fol. ch. s. xix. (No. 22.) Printed in the Cambrian Register. 4433 Dodderidge’s True Presentation of Forepast Par¬ liaments. fol. ch. s. xvii. brn. cf. (No. 23.; 4434 Reports of Gases in the King’s Bench in 1685-6., k in 1689 (? by Jno. Baggs.)/b/. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. (No. 24.; 4435 A Collection of Poems, Odes, &c. (? by R. Fenton, j or by Charles Symmons.J/b/. ch. s. xviii. No. 25. 14436 Letters to Revd. Evan Lloyd, of Vron, near Bala Co. Merioneth. 4to. ch. s. xviii. (No. 26 ; 14437 Anecdotes of the Learned Pisr, (i.e. Dr. Johnson ) &c. 4/o. ch. $. xviii. (Ex No. 26.J 14438 R. Fenton’s Pembrokeshire Notes. 8 vo. ch. s. x x (No. 28.) 14439 Gwaith Meddygon Myddfei. 4to. ch. s. xviii. ( No. 29.; 14440 Leland’s Wales, from his Itinerary. 4/o ch. s, xix. wh. vel. (No 30 . ) 14441 H. Rowland’s Antiquitatum Parochialium Mon® Libellus, ad ealeem perductus. sin. 4to.ch. s.xviii. gin vel (No 3 1 ) 14442 Richd. Fenton’s Tour in Pembrokeshire, obi. 4to. s. xix. red leather. Nome leaves in the beginning cut out. (No. 32.) 14443 Rhetorica 1 732, I From some Jesuit’s School.) 5 . 4 / 0 . ch. s. xviii. wh. pchmeut (No. 33J 14444 Translation into Verse of the 6‘ih Canto of La Pu- ceile 4/o. ch. s. xix (No. 34.; 14445 Geo. Owen’s Autograph Copy of his Description of Milford Haven, 1595. sm. 4 to. ch s xvi. Title page illuminated wh. veil, damaged by wet. No. 36. 14446 Papers relating to Carew, Laugharne, Sir John Perrott, and the Earl of Essex, a bundle.eh. N. 37. (J\iav bound in folio 132 pages.) 14447 Letters to Richd. Fenton from Stephen Lewis, Canon of St. David’s. 12 mo. ch. s. xviii. or xix (No. 38.) 14448 Richd. Fenton’s Collections out of Williams’s A 11 - glesea. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. (No. 39.) 14449 Richd. Fenton’s Tour in Carnarvonshire with Sir 1th hd. Hoare, in 1S10. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. (No. 40.) 14450 Do. do. do. do. l2mo. ch. s. xix. (No. 41.) 14451 Do. do. do. do. \2rno. ch. s. xix. (NoA2. ) M452 Fenton s Notes out nf Williams’s Carnarvon. 12mo. ch. s xix (ho. 43.) 14453 Do. Tour in Angle-sea. \2mo. ch. s. xix. (No. 44,) 14454 Do. do. Denbighshire, l‘2mo. ch. s. xix. (No. 454 14455 Do* do. Carnarvon. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. (No. 46.) 14456 Do. do. Montgomery. 12/no. ch. s. xix. (No. 47.» 14457 Do. do. Sth Wales. l2mo. ch. s. xix. (No 48) 14458 Notes out of Ray MSS. l'2mo. ch. s. xix. (No '. 49.) 14459 Miscellaneous Memoranda of Wales, outofEdwd. Llhwyd’s MSS. and the Pauton Collection &c. 12 mo. cli s. xix. (No 50.) 14460 Catalogue of the Hengwrt Library, \2mo.ch, s.xix- (N°. 51 ) (Printed in the Cambrian Register.) 14461 Richd. Fenton's & sir Richd. Hoare’s Extracts from Camden. M Do. Remarks on Neath Abbey, & Everley by Sir Richd. Hoare, Bart. H New Discoveries near Kidwelly. 12mo. ch. , (No. 52.) \ 14462 Fenton’s Extracts from Records at St. David’s. \ 12 mo. ch. s. xix. (No. 53 ) >14463 Do. Tour in Pembrokeshire; part only. 12 mo. ch. (No 54.) 114464 Excursions with Sir Eichd. Hoare, (continued from the folding Book No. 32.) -thro' Radnorshire, Brecknock to Hereford, by Dore Abbey, Ken- chester, Bridgnorth, Caractacus Camp, Wigmore, Kerry, Meifod, Llanilling, Bath, Tan y bwlch’ Llyn, Barmouth, Towyn, through Cardiganshire’ J Teite side, so home,” \2mu. ch. s. (No. 55.) 14465 Do. Tour through Pembrokeshire. 12?>?o. ch. N.5 6. 14466 Works of Henry Parry, viz. Oratio de Principe.* IT Do. de Furoribus Galliae, k horrenda Pari- sina clade Admiralli Castilionah, & Regis perfidia. Poema. 12 mo ch. s. xvii. (No. 57.) : 14467 On Welsh Grammar, l&wo. ch. s. xviii. o. brn < f (No. 58.) ’ 14468 Memoranda for Haverford West, Carnarvon &c. obi. 24mo. ch. s. (No. 59.) 14469 A Bundle of Charters, & Papers./oh’o. (No. 60 ) 14470 Symmon’s Collections out of Poncherston, & Llan- ychaeth Registers, temp. O. Cromwell. If List of Sheriffs of Co. Pembroke- narr.fol. vellum, s. xvii. (No. 61.) 274 14471 14472 14473 14474 14475 14476 14477 14478 14479 14480 14481 14482 14483 14484 14485 14486 144S7 14488 14489 14490 14491 14492 14493 14494 14495 14496 14497 14498 14499 14500 14501 14502 14505 ; 145C6 14507 Notes of Marriages, & Burials, probably by some; 14503 Cunon of St. David’s./o/. ch . s. xvii. ( No. 62.) ) 145U4 A. Small Box of Old Deeds. Richd. Sadleir’s Treatise on the Management Horses, Latin, & English, 1587. f. ch- s. xvi. Do. a modern transcript./o/. ch. s. xix. Letters, & Papers of Sir Jno. Wynne, of Gwydir. /. ch. s. xvii. George Owen's Description of Milford Haven. a transcript of No. 36. in this List./, ch. s. xviii. Genealogical Notes, & Memoranda. From an old \ 14508 fragment of a Pedigree Book printed in 1737. 12 mo. ch. s. xviii. Historia Belio-Marisci. site Beaumaris, thinf. ch. s. xviii. vel xix. (Ex No. 10.) Gleanings of Welsh History, & Antiquities. fol. ch. s, xviii. or xix. Ystoriaethol Olygied ar y GenedI Juddewig. /. ch. s. xviii. or xix. Sir Jno. Perrott’s Rental in Pembrokeshire>in1595. j 11 Philip Buckhurst’s Letter. 4/o. ch. s. xvi. and 14513 xvii. pp- 58. (Ex No. 7.) Act for the Restitution of Robert, the Son, & Fran¬ ces, & Dorothy, Daughters of Robert Devercux, Earl of Essex!/, ch. s. xvii. 1 5 folia. (Ex No. 7.) { 14509 \14519 ; 14511 14512 Basil Montague's MSS. Editor of Bacon's Works. 14514 14515 14516 14517 14518 14-520 On the Punishment of Death, with Original Letters. fol. ch. s. xix. half red mor. Common Place Book, Indexed. 3 Yols .fol. ch. s. xix. bm. Ither. i List of Bacon’s Works. In the beginning is the 5 14519 printed “Apology of Sir Fcis. Bacon, fol. ch. \ s. xix. half cf. 5 On the different Motives for acquiring Knowledge. Vol. 2nd. fol. ch. s. xix. half grn. cj. { Basil Montagu’s Remarks on various Subjects. Cut¬ tings from News-Papers, Letters of his Corres- j pondents. Sketch in Pencil of a Negro’s head. fol. ch. bd. in veil. On Reform; a Printed Pamphlet, with a few MSS. Notes, fol. ch. half cf. “Wit” being a Collection of Anecdotes,apparently j occurring to Mr. Montague him self, or his friends, j or in his own time, thin f. ch. half red mor. “Wit.” 2nd. Vol. narrow fol. ch. s. xix. mottled] 14521 14522 On Law. thick obi. 4 lo ch. s. xix. On the Barrister, thick obi. fol. eh. | orn. phs _ On I he Beauties of Christianity, sm. obi. 4 to. ch 7 s xix. sd. mottled, at fol. 94. is a Sketch of Wa wick Prison as seen by Howard, & at 96 anotlu of 3 men at work. Anecdotes of Dogs. sm. obi. 18 mo. ch. s. xix. hal, red mor. Tnmighls on the Conduct of the Uoderstandin lettered “Text V obi. 1 8mo. ch. s. xix jrn. cf. On Rhetoric, obi. 1 8mo. ch. s. xix. ^ red Oazane. lettered “Preliminary.” Bas.i Montagu, on the Catholic Question, in 182! obi. 4 to. ch. s xix. halt red cf. On Memory, & on Knowledge, obi. 4to. c/t s xi- half ef. Leges Legum, or Justitia Universalis, obt. 4th. a s. xix. half brn. cf. Richd Bligh’s Letters to Basil Montagu, on ii Reports of Cases, obi. 4 to. ch. s. xix. -J- brn. cf. A Speech ?by Basil Montagu, obi. 4to, ch. s. xix. half brn- cf. Extracts from Newspapers, & Bo .ks on Prisom cVc. printed , A' MSS. obi. 4to. ch. s. xix. cf. Law \\ oiks, 6c Arguments, printed, ty MSS. obi. 4/o. ch s. xix. half cf. Tracts, 1S30-5. relating to Law, being probahli the communcations of Basil Montagu to the Lfi gal Observer, and other Papers. Printed,MS it obi. 4 to. ch. s. xix. cf. Questions in Law, on Punishment, 6cc, obi. 4to. ch t s - xix. 43 14544 14545 14546 14547 14548 14549 14550 14551 14552 14553 14554 14555 14556 14557 14558 14559 14560 14561 14562 14563 14564 14565 14566 14567 14568 14569 14570 14571 14572 14573 14574 14575 14576 14577 14578 14579 14580 14581 14582 14583 14584 14585 14586 14587 14588 14589 14590 14591 Ministers of Stat e.fol. eft. Ids. 14592 Sir Robt. Kerr Porter’s Letters Sc Mrs. Porter’s •' 14593 letters, fol. Ida. Letters of'Jane, Anna Maria, Robert, Sc Mrs. Porter, \ 14594 from 1803, to 1824. Vol. 1. 1. fol. ch t>ds. < 11595 Do. of do. do. do. Letters from 1801, to 1829. : 14596 Vol . 2. 1. fol. ch. Ids. 14597 Anna Maria Porters, Letters, 1801-2. 1 . /. hd. f 14598 Do. do. do. l& c 2Q.f.ch.bds. i' 14599 Do. do. do. 5 Vols.f. cli. Ids. > 1-tO'OO Mrs. Porter’s Letters. / ul. 1./. eft. Ids. i 14601 Letters of Jane, A. M. c* 11. K. P./. ch Ids. Sir Robt. P’s Housliold Expences in the Caraccas, i 14C02 1834, to 40. /. eft. hafskp. | Do. Register, or Index of Letters, written, and : 1 4603 received in Caraccas, 1836, to 41. f. ch. 1 shp. ,■ Do. Journal of his Tour in Persia, &c./ ch. - 14604 half shp. with Drawings, and loose papers of l Memoranda. Jane Porter’s Defence of N. P. Willis f ch. Ids. j i4605 Letters of Jane Porter, Lady Macdonald, Mr. James, & Princess Scherbatoff. 1. ch. Ids. 5 14606 Do. of Jane P. to Sir Robt. in Caraccas, 1835- \ 36-37. fol. ch. lids. i' 14607 Do. do- to Sir Robt. 1828-33. f. ch. hds. ' 14608 l)o. do. do. do. 1801-8. /'. ch. bds. ] 14609 Do* do. do. do. 1811-28. f. ch. bds. ] 14610 Do. do. do. do. 1816—26. /. ch. bds. \ 14611 Do. do. do. do. 1826-29*/. ch. bds. Do. do. do. prior to 1800. f. ch. bds. ; 14612 Do. of Mirzah Saulih, Prince Royal of Persia. \ 14613 Jol. ch. bds. j 14614 Do. of 13. Ansley, 1801. f. ch. bds. : 14615 l)o. of Rev. Percival Stockdale. Vol. 2 . f. eft. bds. \ 14616 Vol. 1 in 4 to. [Vide post.) 14617 Do. of Mrs. Jordan, & Mrs. Robinson, (Pcrdita.) i 14618 fol. ch. bds. | 14619 Shipwreck of Lieut. Brice, &c Allan./', ch. bds. \ 146*20 Princess Scherbatolf's (Lady Porter,) Letters be- < fore her marriage, in 1806. 4 to. ch. Ids. Do. do. do. 1805.4/«. ch. bds. ; 14621 Do. do. do. 1806. 4/o. ch. bds. Do. Letters from 1813, to 1826./. ch. bds. f 14622 Do. do. from 1816, to 1826. f. ch. bds. ! 14623 Madame Kikini’s Letters (Sir Robt. Porter's \ 14624 Daughter//, ch. bds \ 14625 A Play by Sir Kobt. K. P. No Title. The Charac - : 14626 lets are, Elric the Knight Crusader, Richard his ( 14627 Esqr. Margaret,. The Baroness Orliff. i 14628 Written in what seems to have been the Students \ 14629 book of Sir Robt. when learning Perspective, & i Geometry. 4 to.ch. rvh.pckmt. No 19. j 14630 Account of Large Pictures painted by Sir Robert, 14631 with Receipts, &. Expences in Exhibitions of them j 14632 from 1801 to 1803. 4 to. ch, grn. veil. No. 6. ! 14633 H Copies of Sir Sidney Smith’s Letters from St. 14634 Jean d’Acre, &c. I 14635 Sir R. K. P’s Collections relating to Britain; with a \ 14636 Vignette Sketch by him in the Frontispiece, with Drawings of British Coins. Ato.ch. clasps grn.vel. j 14637 No. 14. 14638 Do. Letters from 1793, to 1800, Mo. ch bds. \ 14639 Do. do* from the Caraccas, i826-38.4/o.cA.6cfa. 14640 Do. do. do. 1826-41. 4*o ch. bds. 14641 Do. do. do. 1827. 4*o. ch. bds‘ Do. do. do. 1827. Ato. ch. bds. 14642 Do. do. do. 1827-41, 4/o. ch. bds‘ 14643 Do. do. do. 1828. 4/o. ch. bds. 14644 Do. do. do. 1829. Ato. ch. bds. 14645 Do. do. do. 1829. 4/o. ch. bds. 14646 Do. do. do. 1830. 4/o. ch. bds. 14647 Do. do. do. 1830. 4/o. ch. bds. 14648 Do. do. do. 1831. 4/o. ch. bds. 14649 Do. do. do. 1831. 4/o. ch. bds. 14650 Do. do. do. 1832. 4/o. ch. bds. 14651 Do. do. do. 1833. 4/o. ch. bds. 14652 Do. do. do. 1833. 4/o. ch. bds. 14653 Do. do. do. 1834. 4/o. ch. bds. 14654 Do. do. do. 1836. 4/o. ch. bds. 14655 Do. do. do. 1838. Ato. ch bds. 14656 Do. do. do. 1839. 4/o. ch. bds , 14657 Do. do. do. 1840. 4 to. ch. Ids. Letters to Sir Robert Porter at Caraccas, 1830, to 41.2 Vols. Mo. ch. bds. Do. to do. & Jane Porter, 1830, to 33.4toch.bds, Do. to do. & Jane Porter. 1823-44. Mo ch.bds. Do. to Sir Robert Porter, 1802-39. 4 to. ch. bds. Do. to do. 1813-41. 4 to ch. bds. Do. to do. at Caraccas, 1820-30. Ato. ch. bds. Do. to do. do. 1826-42. 4 to. ch. bds. Do. to do, do. 1803-29. Vol.\. Mo. ch. hds. Do. to do. from La Guayra, & Bogota, 1826-41, 4/o. ch bits. Letters of Campbell, to Sir R. Porter, from Bogota, 1827-8. 4to. ch. bds. Do. do. to do. & Jane Porter, 1S28-43. ^ Do. of Lady Mac Donald. 4 to. ch. bds. Do. of the Emperor Alexander, & others from St. Petersburg!! to Sir Robert K, Porter, 1823. 4 to. ch. bds. Sir Robert K. Porter’s Expences in various years. 3 Vols. 4to. ch, bds. Sir Robt. K. Porter’s Medical Expences,^Receipts Mo. ch. bds. Papers of Maracaibo. 4 to. ch. bds. Letters to Sir Robt K. Porter, 1 S 21 - 40 . 4 /o.c/ 4 . 6 c/s. Do. to tlie Porter Family, 1800-1843. 4 to. ch. bds. Do, of W. O. Porter, m. d. 2 Vols. Ato ch. bds. Do. of Mrs. Porter, Vols 2-3-4. 3 Vols. See Vol. 1. among the J olios. 4 to. ch. bds. Foreign Office Letters to Jane Porter. 4 to. ch. bds. Rev, Percival Stockdale’s Letters. 3 VolsAto.ch.b. Sir Herbert Taylors Letters. 4/o. ch. bds. Duke of Kent’s Letters. Ato. ch. bds. Duke ot York’s Letters. Mo ch. bds. Duke of Hamilton’s Letters. 4Zo. ch. bds. Madame Belzoni’s Letters. Mo. ch. bds. Mrs. Roche’s Letters. 3 Vols. 4to. ch. bds. Drummond's Letters. M Jane Porter, cV Sir Robt. Porter’s Letters. ^ Letters from the Caraccas. Mo. ch. bds. Dr. Wm. Hamilton’s Letters on the Botany of Sth. America. 2 Vols. 4to. ch. bds. Lady Clarke’s Letters, 1835-6. 4 to. ch. bds. Margravine of Anspach’s Letters, 1804-10. 4 to. ch. N . P. VV illis’s Letters. Vol. 1. 4/o. ch. bds. Miss Pardoe’s Letters. Vol. 1. 4/o. ch. bds. Miss Clitherow’s Letters 1826-37. 4to. ch. bds. Sir Sydney Smith’s Letters 1802. Mo. ch. bds. Miss Benger’s and Bishop of Bath’s Letters.4/o.c/*. Miss Pardoe’s Poems. II Hebei’s Palestine (Original MS.) Ato. ch. bds. Lord Radstock’s Letters. 4 to ch. bds. General Jose de Paez’s Letters 1831. Mo. ch. Ids. Robt. Jackson’s Letters 1804-5. Ato. ch. bds. Count Krasinski’s Letters 1844, & 46. 4/o. ch. bds. Mrs. Siddons’s Letters, 4/o. ch. bds. On the Guaco Plant. Ato. ch. bds. On the Death of the Emperor Alexander, (unpub¬ lished.) Ato. ch. bds. II. Street’s Sermons, 4/o. ch. bds. A Comedy by A. M, Porter, a fragment. Ato. ch, b. On Colours. Ato. ch. bds. Jane Porter’s Extracts from Authors. 4/o. ch. bds. Anna Maria Porter's Letters, undated. 2 Vols. Ato. ch. bds. Do. do. 1797- -8-9. 4/o. ch. bds. Do. do. 1799. small Ato. ck. bds. Do. do. 1800- •10. 4/o. ck. bds. Do. do. 1810- ■19. Ato. ch. bds. Do. do. 1820- •31. 4/o. ch. bds. Do. do. 1803- •32. 4/o. ch. bds. Do. do. 1812-30. 4/o. ch. bds. Do. Poems, & Miscellanea. Ato.ch. bds. Do. Miscellaneous Prose Collections. Ato.ch.b. Sir Robt. K. Porter’s Letters, undated. Ato. ch. bds. Do. do. do. do. 1800-8. 4/o. ch. bds. Do. do. do. do. 1801-8. 4/o. ch. bds. Do. do. do. do. 1808-10. 4/o. ch. bds. Do. do. do. do. 1806-27. 4/o. ch. bds. Do. do. do. do, 1811-14. 4/o. ch. bds. Do. do. do. do. 1811-40. 4/o. ch, bds. 1 4658 Do, do. do. do. 1815-20. 4/o. ch. bds 14659 Do. do. do. do. 1S15-41.4/o. ch. bds. | 14723 14660 Do. do. do. do. 1821 41. 4/o. ch. bds. 14661 Do. do. do. to Pic; ird. 1828. 4/o ch. bds. ■ 14724 Jane Porter, to Sir Robert Porter at Caraccas. 1830 4/o. ch bds. 14663 Do. to do. at do. 1 S31 2 Vols. 4/o. ch. bds. j 14725 14664 Do. to do. at do. 1832. 2 Vols. 4/o. ch. bds i 14665 Do. to do. at do. 1833. 4/o. ch. bds. ! 14726 14666 Do. to do. at do. 1834. 4/o ch. bds. 14667 Do. to do. at do. 1835. 4/o. ch. bds. 14668' Do. to do. at do. 1836. 4/o. ch. bds. 14727 14669 Do. to do. at do. 1837. 4 to. ch. bus. 14670 Do. to do. at do. 1838-9. 2 Vols. 4/o ch bds. j ; 14728 14671 Do. to do. at do. 1839. 4/o. ch. bds. 14672 Do. to do. at do. 1840. 4/0. ch. bds. i 14729 14673 Jane Porter's Letters from Lesbury 1804-5. 14730 4/o. ch. bds. ; U73i leather thin Vol. 4 to. ch. L)o. do. do. South America Journal, 1825-1 3 Vols. 4to. ch. half cf. D do. do. Persian Journal, 6 Aug. 1S17. Probably the Volume A. but not so marked. 4 to. ch bds. Do. do. do. South American Letters in 1840 .j 4 to. ch. half dk. green cf. I\o. 23. Do. do. do. Letter Rook in Russia, and th Caraccas, 1824, to 1829. 4/o. ch. halfbazan. No. 22. Do. do. do. Journal in Russia, 15 Apr. 1806. i obi. small 4 to. ch. red mor. with flap. Letters to Jane Porter of Persons whose namti begin with A. 12 m 0 . ch. bds. 14674 14675 14676 14677 14678 14679 14680 J46S1 14682 14683 14684 14G85 14686 14687 14688 14689 14690 14691 14692 14693 14694 14C95 14696 14697 14698 14699 14700 14701 14702 14703 14704 14705 14706 14707 14708 14709 J 4710 14711 14712 14713 14714 14715 14716 14717 14718 14719 14720 14721 14722 Do. do. Defence of Bolivar, Sc Paez. 4 to. ch. j Do, do. Correspondence with Levet Hanson, j relative to conferring the Order of St. Joachim on Sir Robt. Porter. 4/o. ch. bds. Do. do. Journal at St. Petersburgh, 1842. \ 4/o. ch. bds. Do. do. Inventory, 1833. 4/o. ch. bds. Do. do. Poems, <& of others 4/o. ch. bds. Do. do. do. do. 4/o. ch. bds. Do. do. & Anna Maria Porter’s Miscellaneous | Collections. 4/*'. ch. bds. Do. do. Fragments of a Novel. 4/o. ch. bds \ Charles Kelsall’s Letters to Jane Poller, 1836, to j 1845. 4/o. ch. bds. Moyle Sherer’s Letters to Jane Porter. 4to.ch. bds. Letters from Ministers of State, Peel, Russell, j Aberdeen, k Palmerston, to Jane Porter 4/o. ch. \ Letters to Jane Porter, undated. 4to. ch. bds. 1796, to 1809. 4 to.\ch.bds. \ 1801, to 1809. 4/o. ch. bds. < 1802-7. 4/o. ch. bds. 1807- 4 6. 4to. ch. bds. 1808- 28. 4/o ch. bds. 1811-20. 4?o. ch, bds. 1816-7. 4/o. ch. bds. 1821-6. 4/o. ch. bds, 1826-9. 4/o. ch. bds. 1830-43. 4/o. ch. bds. 1834-8. 4/o. ch. bds. 183-1-9. 4/o. ch. bds. 1839- 46. 4/o. ch. bds. 1840- 9. 4/o, ch..bds. 12 mo. ch. bds. >12mo. ch. bds. r Supplemental Do to do. do. Do. to do. do. Do. to do. do. Do. to do. do. Do. to do. do. Do. to do. do. Do. to do. do. Do. to do. do. Do. to do. do. Do. to do. do. Do. to do. do. Do. to do. do. Do. to do. do. Do. to do. do. Jane Porter's Letters. Do. do. d o. 1 Do. do. do. 1 Do. do. do. 1 Do. do. d> o. It Do. do. d 0 . li M. N-O.P.R.' S. ( T U. V. 1 w. ( . 4 _ A. to w. ^ Jane Porter’s Letters. 1831, to 1837. 12 mo ch.bdt. Do - d o* l| o. 1844, to 50. 12mo. ch. bds 14743 Do. do. do. &c. 1823-40. 12wo. ch. bds.i 4/44 Do. to S; from do. do. 1812-43. 12//.0. ch. bds. 14715 Do. to do. do. from J. Emerson Tenant 1811-50. V2mo.ch. bds. 14746 Do. to do. from Ministers of State, 1823-48. 12wo. ch. bds. U7j7 June Porter’s Letters, 1806-39 12 mo. ch.bdt 19718 Do. do. do. 1829-44. 12mo. ch. bds. 14749 Do. do. do. on Business. 12mo. c/i Ids. 14750 Do. do. Tour in* Wiltshire, 1835-9. II Account of Claremont House. 12mo. ch. Ids 14751 Poetry of Jane Porter, St others. 12mo. ch Ids.’ 14752 Notes written to Jane Porter. 2 Vols. 18mo c/i bds 14753 Fragment of a Play called Marmion, by Sir Kober Porter. 4to. ch. sewed. If Catalogue of Jane Porter’s MSS. by Sir T. P Note Books, Memoranda Books, of Sir Robert Kerr Porter , viz. \ 14754 807-13. >•4/0. ch. bds. >4/o. ch. bds. 1831-40. 1841-49. 7/o date. 1800-30. 1806-44. ) 1822-46. 4/o. ch. bds. 1826-34. 4/o. ch. bds. Jane Porter Letters to Longman, on publishing her Works, 1842-50. 4/o. ch. bds. Do. do. to Louisa Mackinnon, 1846 4t. ch. b. Sir Robert Porter’s Bills, & Cheques. 4/o. ch. bds. Do. do. do. Russian Tour. 4/o. ch. bds. Do. do. do. Journal ot bis Campaign in Spain, 1808. 4/o. ch. s. xix. wli. veil. Do. do. do. Journal in Persia, 1818 2 Vols. marked C. H. D. Sep. & No v . 4/o. ch. pchmt. Do. do. do. in do. August 1819. Persian Paper, <$- Binding, in red Ithr. Do. do. do. in do. Sep. 1819. in Persia. 4/o. ch. gm. vcl. Do. do. do. Journey to St. Petersburgh, 1805. 4 to. ch.. half cf. Do. do. do. ( Journal of his Travels from Peters- Lurgh, to Persia, marked B. Persian binding blk. red mor. 14755 Do. do. do. do. 14756 Do. do. do. do. 14757 Do. do. do. do. 14758 Do. do. do. do. 14769 Do. do. do. do. 14760 Do. do. do. do. 14761 Do. do. do. do. 14762 Do. do. do. do. 14763 Do. do. do. do. 14764 Do. do. do. do. 14765 Do. do. do. do. 14766 Do. do. do. do. 14767 Do. do. do. in En> 14768 Do. do. do. on lea 1831. A 1832. / 1833 . Vl2 mo. ch. red mo 18.34. I 1835 . J 1836. 127710. ch. blue mor. 1837. 12/7/0. ch. russia. 1838 . 12 mo. ch. blue mor. 1839 . 12 / 7 / 0 . ch. red mor. 1840 . missing. 1841. 12 mo, ch. russia. 1842 . 12 * 770 . c/i. russia. 14769 14770 14771 14772 14773 14774 14774 red leather. Muster Roll, of Royal Grenadiers of Westminst Militia, 1810. 127//0. ch. red leather. Sir Robt. K. Porter’s Notes in Russia. 12 mo.ch. redlthr. Do. do. Notes out of Persian MSS. Suo- ch. red Persian Ithr, or russ. Do. do. Diary at Szarsko Selo, 1824. obi. 8vo. ch. red russ. Do. do. do. in Persia. 3 Vols. 12 mo. ch. r.rus Do. do. Notes on Russia. II Do. do. Diary on leaving Stockholm. 12 mo. ch. cf. Sir Robt. K. Porter’s Continuation of his Journ in the Caraccas obi. 18 mo ch. red It hr. s ITiS Do. do. do. Banking - Book at Hammersley's / 1800, to 11123. J 4 7 7 <» Do. do. do. 3 Cheque Books at Wright’s Bank.) 1777 Do. do. do. Memorandum Book with 2 Sketch -\ es by Sir Robert K. Porter. / 17J8 Marmion, a Play, by Sir liobert Kerr Porter. ( 4 to c/i.s.xix.(H Catalogue of the Porter MSS. added.)) Wilson of Yorkshire's MSS. 1?79 Wilson’s Extracts from the Parish Register of? Kirkburton, Co. York, 1541, to Uioi.f.ch. s.xvii». S 4700 Do, do. of Hop, 1599, &c. ihinf.ch s. xviii ? 4781 Do. Sheffield Scliool Cliarter, 2 Jac. 1 . thinf.ch s s. xviii. ? 4782 Do. Sheffield Castle Demolition, 1048. fol. ch. \ s. xviii. > 4783 Do. do. Court Rolls, 1599./. ch. s. xviii. £ 4784 Countess of Shrewsbury’s Accounts, 1589. f ch. > s. xviii. . ( 4785 Traves’s Ordnance Accounts, 1541. f. ch. s. xvi. / 4786 Rockley Pedigree./, ch. s. xv. 1 4787 Yorkshire Pedigrees. / ch s. xviii. / 4788 Cavendish’s Expences at Eton, 1541./. ch. s. xvi.? 4789 Do. Inventory, 1540./. ch. s. xvi. S 4790 Survey of Sheffield Manor. 1611. t. ch. s. xvii. / 4791 Extracts from Jakes’s MSS. f. ch. s. xviii. S 4792 Carta; Capellee de Bradfield./. ch. s. xviii. 4793 William Kay’s Accounts of YYoodham. bds. f. ch. ( s. xvi. ) Kerslake of Bristol, 1858. \ 4791 Arms of the Companies of London, emblazoned [ 8 vo ch. s. xviii. wh. vel. \ 4795 City Law of London, printed 1647 .interleaved with > MSS. Additions-, sm. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. rgh cj. r •Arms* of Win. Pollard, of Middle Temple. ( 4790 Mary Lewis’s Memoranda of her life 1686. 4/o. ch. / s. xvii., & xviii. brn. Ithr. (Old No. 124.) \ Quaritch, 1859. 4797 Mould's (Bernard! Journey in Asia Minor, Begins r “July 6 , 1710, We set out from Sedecui atH.< 9 m. for Tyria” &c. 12 mo* ch. s. xviii. 0 . brn. Ithr.) 0 teaves. 4798 Jacopin contra Herrera en los Comentos de Gar- ? eilasso. stti. Mo. ch. s. xvi. wh. v. s 4799 Abstract of John do Castro’s Voyage up the Red ? Sea. with the Book Plate of Dalrymple. ( 1 r Abstract of the Travels of John Steel, and j others Travellers into the East. sm. 4tu. ch. ( s. xviii. ha'f brn. cf. ( 48U0 Morery’s Genealogies des Marechaux de France c circa 1691. thin 4 to ch. s xvii. 4801 Nobiliario, vel Historia del Conde Don Pedro < hizo del Key D. Dionis de Portigal. with MS. ( Note of Diego Ramadoru .? 4 lo. ch. s. xvii. cf gt , , 4802 Jacob Van Merlaut Levtn van den H. Franciscus. 1 4 to. ch. s. xvii. veil. 4803 Expedition of the Army into West Connaught in 1 1645./ ch. s. Old No. 150. 4804 Original Documents relating to Essex, 2 Vols. 1 4 to. ch. s. xvii. & xviii. half dk. cf. 4805 Pleadings in the Case before the King of Spain, 1 in the Suit ofGonzalo Vcgopozos en lo Vail de j Anduxar, with the Depositions of Witnesses, in 1 1587. f. v. s. xvii. brn. Ithr . gt stamped sides ' gilt. 64 leaves, 4806 Kenardington Wood Account, Co. Kent .fol, ch. s. xix, wh. v. MSS. of Dawson Turner , Esq. 4807 Revd. Norton Nichol’s Correspondence, 1750-71. 8 Vols, 4 to. ch. s. half bd. dk, olive. 4ISOS Marquis of Hertford’s Letters, 1760-93. Ato. ch, s. xviii. -5 dark roan. 14509 llornemaiTs Letters to Dr. Wallich. 4 to.,ch. s. xix. half dark mar. 14510 I eiters of Foreign Ministers, 1794, to 18*27. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. xix. 1481 1 Pules of the Order of Jesuits, thin sm. f. ch s.xvii. half mor. Italice. 14812 Dawson Turner's Catalogue of his Books,Sc Macro MSS. sm.fol. ch. s. xix. dark green cl. 14813 Do. of his MSS. sm.fol. ch. s. xix. half red Ithr. 14814 Robinson’s Corrections, & Additions to his Hist, cf Tottenham, 1823. 4/o. ch. s. xix. redpaper. 1 4815 Marquis de la Verne's Letters to Mr. Vanden Bergh 1706-35. 4/o. ch . s. xviii. half red Ithr. 14816 Caesare Caliuo’s (Jesuit) Letters, thin sin. fol. ch. s. xviii. brn. paper. 14817 Dawson Turner’s Antiquities of T vexes. Auto graph the first 20 pages destroyed. Ato. ch. s. xix. haf dk. grn. mor. 1IS18 Brewer’s (Sami ) Journey from Docwra, Co.Cumh. to London, 1691. Richardson’s Welsh Plants 1726. *' Dillenius’s Journey, 1720. «[ Brewer's Diary, 1726. thin Ato. ch. s. xix. half dark green mor. 14,819 Percy, Bishop ot Dromore’s Letters, 1782-1811. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. half dark roan. 14820 Dawson 1 tuner’s Plates to Normandy. 8 xo. 14S21 The Captuie of Seringapatam, 1799. in a Letter from.dated Gariahgannelley Camp. thin Ato. ch. s. xviii. JVu 446. 14822 Davyson Turner’s Catalogue of his MSS. thick 8 vo. ch. s. xix in a Case. 14823 Manby’s Journal of the Ship, Discovery, sm. f ch. s. xviii. half dk mor. 1795. 14824 Jenning’s Lectures, tall thin /. ch. dlc.grn.cl. 1825. 14825 William Leathe’s Correspondence, 1704 - 22 . /. ch. s. xviii half wh. tel. {Copy.) 14826 Charles Turner, the Engraver’s Book of Acta, and Agenda./, ch. s. xix. wh. vel. 14827 American Biography. Ato unbound. 14828 Sir Edwd. Hyde East's Memoir of himself, and Eumi\ Autograph, l.jol. in Ato ch. s. xviii dark blue Silk. 14829 .Sir George Downing’s Diary, 1658./. ch. s. xix. half dark roan. (Copy.) 14830 Dawson Turner’s Gallery, 49 Plates with Letter Priss./o/ ch s. xix. unbound. 14831 Mrs. Phillips’s Etchings of the Ruins of S. Clar- ens, Doune Castle, Acle Do/m? & Shipping. 14832 Precedents of Legal Cases. 2 Vols.fol. ch, s. half legal cf. 14S33 Pleadings, Vul 1-2-3. of Part 3. thick /. ch, s.xvii. rgh. cf. 14834 Bocenlini Osservationi sopra Tacito. thick 8 vo. ch. s. xviii bds. 14835 Robinson’s (Win.) Antiquities of Great Britain derived from the Pheniciaus. 2 Vols. 8 vo. ch. s. xix. half cf. with Maps. &c. 18436 Robinson’s (V\ in.) Glustonbnry Abbey in 1844. Printed 8 uo ch. dk. grn. mor. case, interleaved with additi ns many Plates, and Druivings. 14837 Cirencester Hundred Highway Rate, 1824. s. Ato ch s. xix. half brn. cf. 14838 Janu s Cobbe’s Life of Phalaris. 1i Alexander the False Prophet, translated out < f Lucian by j. Cobbe. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. half dk. roan. 14839 Lady Daere’s Translation of Petrarch’s Canzoni. s. Ato ch. s. xix. 14S40 Thomas J. \Y hitby’s Poems. Qto. ch . s.xviii, brn.cf (‘792.) 14841 Cases of Special Pleading in 1773 large fol. ch. s. xviii. wh. vel Glim Jonis. Sylvester of Middle Temple: with his Book Plate of Arms. 14842 Letters to Win. Upcot the Collector, in a Port- tail folio 1 Sin. half cf. inter-leaved with blue pap. 14843 Letters to Dawson Turner, Esqr. in a large Port¬ folio , interleaved, half mor one morocco . Lettered “Architecture.” 278 14844 14845 14846 34847 14548 14549 14850 14831 14852 14853 14854 14855 14856 14857 14858 14859 14860 14561 14562 14863 14864 14665 14866 14867 14868 14869 14670 “Legal Cases” in Co. Suffolk, with names of Par¬ ties large square f. ch. s. xviii.. Sc six- kalj dark blue mor. on brief Sheets. Do. do. proof Sheets, 1773. 1836. /. square f. ch. s. xviii half dark blue mor Grants from the Crown, of Wymondham, and E. Dereham. fol ch. s. half dark blue mor. If Act for Marriage Settlement of Lord Byron, with Eliztli. Shaw, ( Printed) 1747. Documents from 1513, to 1656. large f'. ch. s. xvii. half dark roan. Hope, of Craighall, on Kirks, & Ber.efices, &c. 187 »o. ch. s. xvii. o. dark brown cloth. Declaration, Sc Plea Book, or Precedents of Cases (a few with names )fol.ch. s. xvii. mh. vel. King’s Bench Reports, 13 Anne, to 10 Geo. 1. fol. ch. s. xvii. vj- brown cf. Letters of Sir Joseph Banks, on Botany, to Sir Everard Home, Sir George Staunton, Wra. Mars den, &c in a Portfolio. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. (No. 447- Turner Sale.) (To be bound in Vos.) Yarmouth, Middlesex, Ac. Legal Cases. Names of Parties f ch. s. xviii. Lady Sale’s Journal 12)720. ch. s. xix. unbound. Papers of the Howard Family. M The Duke of Norfolk’s W ill, Sec. Lucas’s Auto-biography. 4 to. ch. Barron’s Auto-biography, folio, ch. 2 Portraits etched, viz. Sir Antony Carlisle, and Rev. Wm Holwell Carr, No. 342. Mrs. Turner's Private Etchings. 121 in number. Miss Dalton’s 5 Etchings of Fountain’s Abbey, Croft Church, Melton, in Co. Norf, (?Sir Jacob Astley’s House,) Sc two more of Abbeys, without name , but one seems to be another of Fountains. Illustrations of Randworth Church, Co. Norfolk. Hales Church, Sec. Etchings, 9 (on soft ground) ConwayCastle, Round Towers, Ireland, Sec. T. Crofton Crokei’s Sketches of Irish Churches, Kilmallock, Ac lithographed by Engelman. fol. Hon. Augustus Keppellbs Will .fol. ch. Correspondence of Mr. Jno. Mac Arthur, Scc.with Cadell, Sc Co. relative to printing Mac-Artlmr’s Life of Lord Nelson, fol. 4/o. in a red Hilk Portfolio, ch. s. xix. Dawson Turner’s Catalogue of his MSS. made 1838. sm.J. ch, s. xix. dk. g rn. cl. (first leaves printed.) Do. do. of Printed Books, Sc MSS. made 1857 sm. fol. ch, s. xix. dark green cl. Quaritch , 1859 . Solinus de Situ Orbis. 8 t)o.».s.xv. wh. v. 114 leaves. Flori Historia Romana. II Plinius de Viris I Hus tribus. Cornelius Nepos de Vita Pomponii Attici. If Index. 8 t’ 0 . ch s. xv. 600 SententiasEspanoles por Francisco de Guzman. If Lettera a la Donna Leonora de Guzman, Ab- batissa de S. Clara de Sevilla, por Bonifacio Camesequi. If Do. a la Se'nora Florentina Botti. If Do. do. in 27 Anno Bonifacii aetatis, en 1572. Indulgence of 11000 years of Pardon to every one in Seville saying this prayer given by P. Sixtus 4, in 1567. Indulgence of 4000 years grauted by Pope Innocent. If Oratio Sci. Augustini, sumpta ex Tabula magna Lateranensis Ecclesi®, quam dicens habebit 80000 years of pardon, & he, who says it 40 days, shall have fullremission of Sins; granted by Boniface 8 , & confirmed by Benedict XI. s. 4to ch. s. xvii. £ wh. v. Liber vocatus, Via Salutis, vel, Dieta. 8 uo. ch. s. xv. oak Ids. pp. 188. The Colophon rubric sags , “Iste liber est mei Fris. Stephani Bilicich, Ab- batis Mon.Sci. Nicolai Portus Sibenicensis, quem scripsi manu propria sub Millo. CCCC XL VIII1 die veto 4to. mensis Junii. Then follows a shor) Chronicle of the Consecration of Churches, &cc from 1421, to 1458. & of Acts of the Abbey o St. Stephen de Pinis in Diocesi Spalatensi. At th) end are Medical Receipts, & an Alphabetic Secret Writing. If Sayings of Diogenes. If Extracts from Valerius Maximus, A othen Authors. Proverbs. If Ad faciendum bonum incaustrum. (i.e. Ink.) 14871 Scholia eis to Prognosticon llippociatous Ape Phonees Stephauou Philosophou. Greece, fol. ch s. xvi. v. wh. v. 14872 Gregorii Pastorale. 8 vo. v. s. xii. initio, green mor rich gilt. 14873 Marsilins de Pulsibus. ch. s. xvi. 11 Canon Avicenme, & Antidotarium. fol. v. s. xv. -i- wh. vel. Couex LXXV ex quadam Bibl.; XXXIII: ex alia; & 624 ex alia. 14S74 Horsburgh’s Chinese-Latin Dictionary, thick foh red oriental llhr. 14875 La Contestaziurie fra la S. Sede, A il Governo Fran-r cese in 1805. thick 4 to. ch s. xix. ht, cf.rich gi/t.t 14876 Historiae Selectaj, A Genesis Ethnica. srn.fol. chj s. xvii. wh. vel. 14877 Zeni (Rainicro) Relatione di Roma. s. 4/o. ch. s. xvii. paper 14878 Savonarola, de Balneis. sm. 4 to. v. s. xv. Lalint. . 115 leaves, o. brn. cf Old Library mark 9 37. Script. 1412. 14879 Three Spanish Romances, 1 Monteria del Gram Sophi. 2 Maravillosa Caza de boletaria del gram Turco. 3 Mors Sancton de Granada, (a Copy.) 4to. ch. s. xix. It. grn. bds. pp. 212. 14880 Receipts for making Pastry, Ac. begins “To make; Plum Cake.” sm. 4 to. ch. s xvii. parchment. 14881 Leonardi de Zecchiis Relatione della Zecca di Napoli 1555. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xvi. sd.pp, 64. 14882 Regnes des Hois de France jusqu a Chas. 1307. It contains The Chroniques de S. Jerome, A dt Sigebert. 4/o. v. s. xv. o cf. rich gilt.pp. 416. 14883 Corelli (Jacobi) Cronica usque ad P. Johein. 22' Anno XV. 1330. T Emblematic Drawings of Popes. At the end of the Chronicle is, “Confessie Anti-Papas, Data Avinione 1330. 4 to.v. s. xv. o. brn. cf. 1 14884 Ziegltri (Jacobi) Palestina. cum Mappa Palestiure; If Do. Itinerarium Apostolorum, cum Mappij y If Do. Europae Geographia, cum Mappa. ) 4/o. ch. s. xvi. rgh. cf. pp. 380. 14885 Extraits d’Aristoxene, Gaudence, Bacchias, Theon ) de Smyrna, Aristide, Quintilian, Ac.4/o.oA.s.xviiii [14886 II Bombardiere Veneto del Baron ue Sciaban. ( s. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. wh v. (14887 Narraciones, Miracula, Exeropla multa de Viciisi ) AVirtutibus; intabulata super ordinem Alphabetil ) Inciptt. “Romani miserunt quendam Versnin illiil de Carthagine.” Ac. 8 vo. v. dy ch. s. xv. folia 127: Pasted on the Cmers are 2 leaves of the XI Cent ( If Expositio Noininum llebraicoruuj. Alphabe t tice. At the end of this is the Colophon ) “8cripta sunt in lliutlinga per iSic.1 Jolieir > Sintram,lectorem ibidem, sub Anno 1415, & I finita in die qua; fuit iestuni Vivis , seif ) festum B. Virginis, . marked O. 116 . & 160 in a Sale. Saec.... Tarikh Tabari, or , Chronicle of Tabari, to A. D. 1030. Fersice. sin. fol. ch. s. blk. cf. See Morley’s Catalogue of Historical MSS. p. 17-21. 1st. page ilium. “Zeej Moolnimmud Shnhee,” or Astronomical Cal¬ culations./^. ch. s. pp. 288. Ex liibl. Sir T. Stamford Raffles, with his Book Plate. Also, Olim , VV mi Hunter. (Sale Jl'o. 1071. Tarikh Melahi Miser, or, a History of the Kings of Egypt, & the Caliph. S. Written in verse sAto. ch. s. . .. Cufice.pp. 146. Marked O. 9. Tarikh Timuri, by Sheriff ud Din Ali yezdi, or Zufur Nauieh. Fersice . 8ro. cli. black mor.cl . Is/, p. ilium, beautifully written, pp. 390. Shereh il Abdooniah, or, Conquest of Seleucia, & Description of Ctesiphon. sm. 4 to. ch. red mor. Cufice. pp. 336. Hatasat il-Fenoun, or, The Perfection of Under¬ standing containing History, Geography, & Astro¬ nomy. sm. fol. ch. s. red Ithr. Version bind- ing pp. 860. Marked O. 86. Gesser Khan A l‘oem Mongolice, or Russice. i«i. canvas binding pp. 300, The Dabistau, or, bchool of Manners, by Mohsan Tanc.fol. ch. s. Fersian binding black mor. gilt. Fersice. pp- 434. bcautijully written . Tarikh i Fatah Ali Khan, or, History of Fatah Ali, Shah of Persia. (1819.) f ch. s. xix. Fersian bind¬ ing. block mor. pp 306 Symeonis, Episcopi Thessaloniae, Dialog!. Greece. If Do. Peri Iereown kai Diaeonicn kai Ar- chierewn. thick 8vo. ch. Greek mnding. old brn. cf. 401 leaves, chart, bombycina. Persian MS. marked 0. 58./^. 756. Containing thick Svo. newly bound in a red mor, gilt Cover in a Case. Persian MS. marked 0. 10. sm. 4to. in brn. cltli. Cover in a Case. pp. 394. Contains .. Arabic MS. marked 0. 26. 4tu. ch, s. .... pp. 412. in old half cf. Contains Muhammnd? Persian MS. marked O. 41. 8yo. ch. s. : .... Ilk. cf. Sanscrit Writing on first fly leaf. Contains .. I 14911 i 14912 14913 14914 14915 14916 14917 14918 14919 Persian MS. marked O. 30 4/o. ch. in a loose Cover, half brn. cloth, pp. 286. Contains Ibu Ishal? . Persian MS marked 0. 60. Svo. ch. dark if. gilt. pp. 352. Contains . Arabic MS marked 0. 32. sm. 4to. ch. brn. covers. pp. 452. Contains .... Persian MS. onarlied 0. 66. sm, narrow fol ch. o. red mor. gilt. pp. 760. Contains . Arabic MS. sm. 4 to. ch. half cf. cllh. pp. 146. Contains . (entered before tmder\4898) Arabic MS. inarked 0. 29. sm. 4to. ch. red mor. covers in a Case, pp 494. Contains ... Arabic MS. marked 0. 71. sni. fol. ch. o. red mor. covers made of old MSS. leaves pasted together. Contains . Arabic MS. marked 0.91. sm. fol. ch,pp. 314. chequered sides yellow, <$f green. Contains ...... MSS. bought in France , or Belgium , inter J 827-30. Passiones Sanctorum, & Sanctarum Anastasias Eugenife, S. Stephani, S.Johis S. Silvestri, Co¬ lumbia, Basilii, Genovtfse, Symeonis Monachi, Gregorii Epi. Lingon. Luciani, Juliani,& Maximi, Juliani Martyris, Hylarii, Feliois, Mauri, 3 Gem- inorum, Sebastiaui, Agnetis./oA'o V. s. xii. Excerpta ex libro 2do, Retractationum Sci. Augus- tini. II Versus Ilustici, defensoris Sci. Augustini (incipil.) “Ter quinos auimo suadente per ardua libros.” II S. Augustini Oratio Catholic® Fidei, & Bon- orum Operum. If Do. De Tnnitate. f. v. s. xii. “Liber S. Mariie de Balerna.” Clenientis 5 Pupae C'onstitutiones, cum Apparatu Johannis Andreas. I fol. v. s. xiii. Concilia, &. Decrcta Pontificum./o/. max. v. s. xii. fine illuminated Letters, but the first is cut out. This MS. was commenced in the Pontificate of Adrian 4 , 1154-9. & finished in the reign of the Emperor Frederic 1st. if we may judge from the Lists ol Popes, Sc Eiffperors on the 2nd. leaf. The first 5 leaves contan preliminary matter, viz. 1. Nomina Provinciarum Romani Imperii. 2. Do. Provinciarum, Sc Civitatum Gallic. 3. Catalogus Imperatorum Romauorum a Julio Cvcsare ud Fredericum 1. 4. Do. Paparum ad Adrian 4. 5. History of the Origin of General Councils.Ther began in the reign of Constantine. A List of the first 21 Councils. 6. A Letter of Aurelius, Bishop of’Carthage to Pope Damasus with the Pope’s Answer. 7. Jorus Mercator’s ( the Compiler, or Writer of this MS.) Preface to the Reader, in which he says “Compellor a multis tarn Episcopis quam reliquis servis Dei Canoi.um Sententias colli- gere, et in urn. Volumine ledigere, et de multiis unum facere. Sed hoc oppide conturbat, quod divers* iuterpretationes varias sententias faci- ant, &. licet unus sit seusus, divers® longiores, ac breviores. Ea vero Concilia quee Graeco sunt edita stilo, amplius quam tripliciter aut qnadrupliciter interpretata atque conscriptu reperimus, See. See. 8. Index Decretorum,& Conciliorum in hocLibro 9. (Here begins the /fork itself,ofwhich th first letter, being a large illumination probably, is cut out.) The Index is as Jo/loivs. “Ordo de celebrando Concilio. Canones Apostolorum [which, the Compiler says, are doubtful.) Decreta dementis Papae, & Martyris. These Decretacf Clement are Letters written James the brother of Christ, in the first of which 230 14920 Letters Clement says, that lie was present with Peter in his latter days, that Peter then appointed Clement to be the next Bishop after him. This does not tally with the story of the Popes, mho say, that Linns was the next to Peter, ]. There is no .rubric to the 1st. Letter. 2nd.Letter. Epistola dementis Papae ad Jacobum fratrem Dni. de Sacratis Vestibus, vel Vasis. 3rd. Do. de .Duobus? Co-episcopis, &c. de Officio Sacerdutii, & Clericorum. 4th. Do, de Discipulis suis 5th. Do. de Communi Vita. (The Carers ore off.) Hieronymi Biblia. 2 Vais large fol. eh. vel. s. xii ; The writer, Frater Henricus, dedicates his work' to the Virgin. He began it in 1132, & finished iti in 3 years, in the Abbey of Bonne Esperance, (i. e.j de Bona Spe,)in Flanders, in the 3rd. year of Odu the 1st. Abbot. It was finished in 1135, & cor¬ rected 1140. Vol. 1 contains from Genesis to the 4th. Book of Kings. Vol. 2. from Job, to Malachi. It has the Triple Psalter. Vol. 3. is missing. 14931 14932 14933 14934 14935 14936 14923 MSS. Dering, 1858. with the Sale No. 14921 Boll of Arms, temp. Hen. 7, or, 8. 40 feet long with 715 Coats. Veil. s. xv. No. 1657 14922 Starkey’s Copies of old Deeds from various Per¬ sons written in printed forms of Charters, l.f. ch. s.xvi. mss. gilt, with Seals drawn (1595 )No 1661 Arms, & Quarterings of Dering stamped on the sides. 1 Dering. A Saltire. 2 Gyronny of 10 on an Esc. of Pretence, a bend btw. 6 leop. hds. cabos. 3. 2. 1.— 4. Erm. a Fess betw 2 bars gemelles. 5. a Cross engrailed, in fess point a Crescent. 6. Berkeley,AChev. bt. 10 cross pattees. a border. “Coats of Arms,” being an Ordinary of Arms with the Names. 1. fol. cf. gilt. Arms of 16 quarter¬ ings stamped on the sides, ch. s. xvii. No. 1615 1 Dering a Saltire. 9 A Fleurdelys. 2 Ermine a Cinquefoil. 10 Cheeky. 3 a Fess bet. 2 bars 11 Fess cotised. gemelles. 12 Berkeley, as before. 4 Fess bt. 6 billets. 13 Limi ramp. 5 Two bars. 14 Saltire engrailed. 6 Lion rampant. 15 Cinquefoil Erm. 7 a Cross engrailed; in 16 10 lloundels4 3 2 1. fess point a Cresct. The Arms supported by 8 a Bend flory, & counterflory. a YVyvern. An Ordinary. Some with names, large fol. ch. bound § stamped uniform with No. 1015. No. 1616 Dering Family Papers, from 1664, to 1716. 4 Vo/s. Pale russ. These were bound up, § interleaved by old Thorpe, to make them appear extensive MSS. but the whole of the MSi>. Papers might have been bound in 1 Vol. No. 1606 Sir Edward Dering’s abridged Copies of Ancient Charters of Kent, chiefly of his own family. Executed in 16*26. with Drawings of the Seals. \ Having been in the damp , it is much obliterated j l.fol. ch. s. xvii. rgh. cf. No. 1614 i Sir Edwd. Dering’s Rental, A Memorandum Book. In the beginning are the Births, Marriages, and Obituary of his family. 1. fol. ch. s. xvii. dark cf. some leaves are cut out . No. 1605 Sir Edward Dering’s Drawings of Monuments, & Arms in Kent, fol.ch. singularly bound in russia. with 8 coats at the comers of the Covers. 1 On a chev. 3 crosses, in base a Crown, 2-A Cross between 2 roses in 1, 3c 4, & 2 Crowns iu 2, & 3. 3. On a bend 3 Cross pattees. 4 a Fess bt.3 roses.—5. 3 Bendlets sinister.—6 On a chev. 3 crosses, in base a crown.—7 a Fess,in chief 3 Crowns, in base a Pale,—8 On a Fess 3 Crosses pattees. In the centre of each cover is stamped a Sarcophagus. No. 1642 14929 Sir Edward Dering's Arms, & Pedigrees of Ancient Barons, & Gentry, f. eh. s. xvii. p. russia. gilt. Arms emblasoned. No. 1612 14930 Catalogue of Kentish Arms “ordinatus per Edw. 14937 14938 14939 14924 14925 14926 14927 14928 14940 14941 14942 14943 Dering, Miles, & Bart. 162 Q. 'f.ch. s. xvii. hu/j russia. 1261 Coats drawn in printed Shields. M A o. 1614 Compositions for Knighthood in Kent, 1631. fol. eh. s. xvii. o. brn. cf. No. 1640 Dering Letter Book of Correspondence with Mr*. Phillips, his Cousins Lenthal, Smyth, & Finch Mrs Mountague, his Sister Hardy, the Countess Roscommon, Lady Gifford, his Cousin Brereton, Lady Dungannon,from 1661, to 1665. f. ch. s.xvii, ich. vel. No. 1628 Sir Edward Dering’s Letters to the Mayor of the Cinque Ports from 1630, to 35. f. ch. s. xvii. 1621 Sir Edward Dering’s Gardening Book, 1633. II Index to Arms, & Quarterings. *? thin fol. eh s. xvii. No. 1623 “A Bookc of diverse necessarye remembrances.” by llichd. Dering, being Notes of Deeds, Pur¬ chases, Births, &cc. of Children, ke. &e. fol. ch. s. xvii. brown stamped covers with flap. No. 1610 A Rejoinder to the Reply of a pretended Catho- like who desired satisfaction in 3 Particulars, k promised thereupon to become a Protestant, f. ch, s.xvii .sd. No. 1655 Mrs. Phili ppa’s (Orinda,) Poems./. c/i.s.xvii,wA.J No. 1654 Catalogue < f Knights of tho Bath, & of Knights temp. Eiiz. & of Bannerets, Sc all Knights made by King Janies I. to 1622. fol. ch. s. xvii. 7 vh. v. No. 1602 Georgii Trapezuntii Traductio Autographa Operum S. Cyrilli, Sc S. Basilii, Sc Transcriptio Egypti Alexandrini Philosophi Theologiae, & Ethic® M.D.XI1L mouse Deccmbri. Arms on the first page , Per fess S. Sc A. a c. cross counter-changed It is a query whether it is the Autograph of Tra- pezuntius, for at the Colophon of S. Cyrillus is this “Absolvit banc Scripturam Ludovicus Mareg- calcus, Bononiensis, die 28 Martii M. D. XUII. Legationis me® Anno secundo, agens Budge hj gatus apud Sum. Wladislaum Regem.” Therefore J think it is a Copy of Trapezuntius's Autograph in the Royal Library at Buda, made by Mares- calchi, Ambassador to the King of Hungary, (? Mmhtus Curvinus.) The last work in the Vol, has no Title, but begins “Quoniam dictum est mihi,” ends “aliud non sit quam ratio.” II Aniphiloohius de Spiritu Sancto, adversus Euuomiuin,/ ch s. xvi. No. 1662 Dering’s Diary from 1656, to 1662. Do. Verses, viz. 1 To God Eternal. 2 Upon a Conference in Religion between John Reynolds, then a Papist, Sc his brother William Reynolds, then a Protestant. 3 A'l Cloriudam. 4 Elegy by Sir Geo. Rodney. 5 Elegy by the Countess of Hertford. 4tu. ch. s. xvii. o. brn. cf No. 1629 List of Pictures of the Southwell Family, at King’s Weston, 1695. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. p. russia. No. 1660 Schweighardt’s Speculum Sophicum, Ilnodo l Stau- roticum, Germanics, printed , with a MS. Latin translation interleaved, thin 4/o. ch, wh. v. 1618. iVo. 1475 Miscellanea Hispanica, Vol. 1. continet. L Exequius de la Lingua CasteBana, Satira Me- nipea. 2. Letter of a Mexican Gentleman describing his misfoitunes. He speaks of Don Diego de Soteia, & the Marques de Truxilloa. 3 Aviso al Publico (? Satirical.) 4 Extracta de una Carta de M. Burke. 5 Casas de D. Juan de Ribera, Obispo; et Indice de sus Cartas. 6 Royal Lctiers of Spain, 1570. 7 Character of Bonaparte. S Noticia Historica de D. Manuel de Godoy Alvarez de Faria. 9 Cartas de Julietta Catesbi. H Origo, & Suppressio Jesuitissarum, Ao. 1631. sm. 4 to. ha f Spanish cf» Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 281 Do. Vol 2. 1 Lettere al P. Paschasio Galindo. 2 Divus Thomas (Aquinas) de Regicidio. 3 A Fragment. 4 Oratio in D. J. Gaschi, Panormo„ 5 Poesias en las Exequias de la Mariana de Neo- s borg, 2da del Rey Carolus 2; compuso Re-5 bollida. i C De S. Petro Damiano. 7 De la Libreria Benedictina. 8 Papel que no promete nada. 9 Censura del Sermon de S. Anton de Padua. \ 10 Zaragoza fuudada por Cesar Augusto. ] 1 Poesias. j 12 Vida del Hermano Vicente. Poema. 13 Quaderno de Casas Notables, Preguntas, y Respuestas, Carmen. 14 Nombres {de los Autores de la Latinidad del Siglo d'Oro. 15 Goios del Senor Don Chocolate. 16 Indice de Papeles Mstos de Auto. Perez, &c. sjh. 4to. \ ^punish cf s. xviii. Miscellanea Ecclesiastica. am. 4to. ck. s. xviii. half Spanish cf. No. 1649 Thos. Bathurst’s Common Place Book of Greek, & Latin Authors, sm. 4 to. s. xvii. hlk. cf. If His Letters. If Do. Ann A. in Zenophon. No. 1663 Sir Edward Dering’s Drawings of Monumental Brasses in Kent. 8 vo.ch. s. xvii yrn. mor No 1646 Cornelius Nepos. Svo. V. s. xv. red russia. Scrip- tura Jlalica: imperfect beginning, end. No. 1603 6 Buckinghamshire Deeds, viz. 1 Mascail, of Farneham, to Fiton, of Baylies, Bucks, a bond 25 Eliz. 2 John, son, & heir, of Simon Cheynnour, of Farnham, to Wm. de Chaddesle, &c. 48.E. 3. 3 Richd. Tredway, of Inner Temple, to Walter, his son, & heir the Manor of Farneham Royall, 45 Eliz. 4 Walter, son of Richd. Tredway, Esq.of Becotis- tield, to Edmund Waller, the said Manor, 40 Eliz. 5 Eustace Mascail, of Farneham, Yeom. to John Noke, lands in Farneham, a lease 1580.23 E 6 Do, do. do. to Wm. Frinde, lands in Farneham, 31. Eliz. No. 1604 Pedigree of Hale, Founder’s Kin at Peter House Cambridge. Vellum Noll. No. 1638 Dering Family Letters, fol. ch. s. xvii. No. 1607 Roxburgh Club Letters./. <$ 4 to. s. xviii. xix. 1607 14959 14060 14961 14962 Quaritch. Canones Ecclesiastici glosati. thick fol. V. s. xiv. j old wood boards. On the fly leaf is “II Decreto | sopra i Leggi Canonici.’’ j Ex Bibl. ignota. Henricus ce Hassia super Prologus Biblice. > II Stanislai de Scarbinneia Sermones. j Augustinus de Fide, & Vita Christiana. j If Thos. Aquinas de 2 Preceptis . If Do. de Libris B. Dionysii. *,[ Vita S. Edmumli Cantuar. Archiepi. If T. Aquinas de 4 Instinctibus. If Thos. Aquinas contra Wmum. de Sto.Amore. | M Do. pro Religiosis contra Seculares. j white Flog skin f. ah. s. xiv. Ex Bibl. Sci. \ Salvatoris Carthusie de Erfurdt. The Fly } leaves consist of u Bull of Pope Martin | to the Abbey of Claracumba, as to the j right of patronage of the Churches of| Prandoczin,& Wozewik,in Dioc.of Cracow i circa 1430. i Kerslalte 18 - 59 . Cambridgeshire Visitation 1619 . with some addi¬ tions to 1096, Si 1732. 4 to. ch. s. xviii . hf. russia Bristol Burials, 1707, to 1711. 4 to. ch. old veil s. xviii. Do. do. 1718, lo 1780. 4to. ch. s. xviii, rlk cf Cicero de Sencctute, Amicitia, Somnium Scipiouis Sallustms contra Ciceronem,Cicero contra Sallus- tiun*. Paradox., & Do Legibus. sm.Jol. ». s . X v. half russia gilt. Depositions of Witnesses against Witches, and Sorcerers at Furstenberg in 1701. thick tol.ch s. xviii. wh. v. J Cart® Ebovacenses. parchment. Cart® pro Com. Sussex parchment. Fenton MSS. continued. A Collection of Miscellanea, Welsh Poems. * ^ ^* real ’ a M elsh Magazine, printed on blue paper. It contains a List of Poems by nu- merous Welsh Poets, Sr the 1st. line of each Poem. ir Poems by Sion Philip, &c. 1 A Vocabulary of Old Welsh Words with their interpretation in Welsh. V Sheriffs of Merioneth, from 33. Hen 8. to 1060. from 1560, to 1658 cut out, A- 'bound in at p . If Sheriffs of Denbigh, from 33 H. 8. to IC42. I Dosparth i achau Risiart Fychan o Cors v gedol, J *lf Arms of Welsh Gentry. II Sheriffs of Caernarvon, from 11, 8. to 1641. If Kywyddau, by David Nanmor, &c. Tudyr Aled, Sion Philip, Dnvydd Ddu, David ab Edmund, Jevan l uder Penllyn, lolo • 780 . is this ) “Willm. Phyllips, is the true honour (i.eX owner’) of this Hooke, Y\ ittnes by me UicO Poole.”)Thos.Sion Rati, Davyd ap Edmwnt ( Intermixed with these Poems are several) Forms of Summons to General Sessions,&c ( thich 4 to. c/t. o. hr7i. cf. Old No. 21. On the ) 1st. Cover are the Arms of Fen ton, A. aCrossc betw. 4 fldelys S. Crest. Out of a Ducal) Coronet a Mailed Arm, embowed holding', a Sword. Ato. eh. pp. 790. Grievances of the People in the Courts of the Lords' Marchers. 672 pages. If Statute of Q, Elizth. relativcto the Lords Mar-' chers. thick 4to. ch. rgh. cf. folio L. of Index\ lost. Copy of Leland’s Itinerary in Wales. 4fo.c7LS.xvni. \ rch. vel. Extracts from Plas Gwyn Collection of MSS. viz. Gwydir Letters, &c. sin. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. or xix. grn. vel. not paged. Memoirs of Owen Glendwr, out of Win. Morris, of Llansilin’s MSS. sm. 4to. eh. s. xix. huflthr. 1! 'Flic 15 Tribes of North Wales, Out of MS. of Rev. L. Owen. Ruck’s Account of Abbeys, k Castles of N. J Wales. The Lords of Kemeys. A Copy probably from Geo. Owen, of Henllys’s MSS. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xix. sd. with various Memoranda relating to Wales. Translation of Ancient Welsh Prophecies, alluding ( to present times, sm. 4 to. ch. s. xix. Richardi Poheli de Edenhope, Cambro-Britanni, Salopiensis, “Cambrim Pentarchia, sive Quinque Regales Tribus Walliaj.” neatly written , with neatly drawn Portraits of the Founders. Arms of' Fenton in Bookplate on Cover, thin sm. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. cf. Epitaphs, Puns, Epigrams, & Lampoons, chiefly in Welsh, thin 4 to. ch. s. xviii. Poems The Swan, k the Goose, by Curre. H Kenrick’s Pen, 1st. V Poems sent to the St James’s Magazine. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. or xix. Yratado del Matrimonio entre Carlo 1. et la In¬ fanta d'Espana, por el Fray Francisco dc Jesus, Predicador del Rey. sm. 4 to. ch, s.xxii. o. brn. cf. Old No. 19. II Dominio temporale de Papa, dove se trata del Governo di Roma, e tutto lo Stato Ecclesiastico. sm. 4/o. ch. s. xvii. Ids. Old No. 22. The Comedy of Philander. 1i Do. Ihe Gardener’s Daughter. 4/o.c/i.s.xvii. Hunter’s Lectures on Anatomy. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. half cf. 1778. Fordyce’s Lectures on the Materia Medica. 4fo. ch. s. xviii. half cf. 3778. Hunter’s Lectures on Surgery. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. half cf. Do. ? do. on the Practice of Physic. 4/o. ch, s. xviii. half cf. 14997 14998 14999 15000 15001 15002 15003 15004 15005 15006 15007 15008 Fitch MSS. 1859 . Ives’ Garianonuiu, with MSS. Additions, & inter¬ leaved. 12///0. ch. half cf. No. 32. Dibilin'sT. F. Exiling, tiro. ch. interleaved, with MSS. Notes by W. S. Fitch. No 120. Page's Suffolk Monuments, sm. 4 to. ch. 4- dk. cf. ‘ No 154. . Lady Stanhope's Accounts, 15G9. thin 4 to. ch. in¬ terleaved. No. 97. Sale Catalogue of Jermyn’s Suffolk Collections, in 1S21. With Prices in MS. thin 4 to. ch. No. 102. Smith’s Travels to Venice, «\c. 1786. 4/o. ch. Y cf. No. 107. W autisdeu Court Roll Book Extracts, by W. S. Fitch. 4/o. ch. half dark cf. No. 144. Compotus of Ilclniinghatn Reclory. thin 4to. ch s xvi. No 147. Index to Inq. post Mort. pro Com. Suffolk, by W. S. Fitch. 4 to. ch. s. xix. A’o. 150. ' Catalogue ofThos. Martin’s Library, Lynn, 1772. Some Autograph Notes of T. Martin pasted on the cover. 12/no. ch. half russ. No. 36.. Rental of Christ Church, 38 Men. 8. Copied by W. S. Fitch, 4/o. ch. half cf. No. 159. Index to Suffolk Wills, 1481, to 1498. 4to. ch. s. xix. No. 149. Crayon Ord’s transcripts from Howard’s Accounts -1 to. ch. s. xviii. half red ch. No. 80. W.S. Fitch's transcript of the Earl of Surrey’s Houshold Book, 1523. 4/o. ch. half dk. cj. No 79. W. S. Fitch’s History of Long Melford. 4/o. ch. s. xix. half cf. No. 69. ■ Liber Feodoruin pro Com. Suffolk, temp. 11.5. , part only. fol. ch. s. xv. red cf. No. 179, i Testamenta Vctusta extracta Suffolciensia, by IV. S. Fitch, fol. ch. half dark cf. gt. 124 leaves. 1531, to 1547. No. 191. Ipswich Itentale temp. H. 3. or E. 1. Copied by W. S. Fitch, thin fol. ch. s. xix. Printed Title, j No. 195.3 Long’s Summary of Prices given by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. for Craven Ord’s Suffolk MSS. with the rare printed sheets of Sir Thomas Phillipps^ Catalogue of his MSS. and a Letter of William Long, (Mr. John Gage’s Amanuensis,) to Mr. Fitch, on giving him those duplicate Sheets, in which lie says, “if they are of no use to you, you may put them in the fire !! (N. B. There are only about 20 perfect Copies of the Catalogue existing How useless it is to give away Rooks, if sucli is their estimation. T. P.) No. 201. > Inventories of the Earl of Essex’s Furniture, and Pictures, thin fol. ch. s. xvii. half cf. No. 220. List of Suffolk Recusants, thin fvl.ch. s. xvii. \ cf. No. 223. Monumental Inscriptions, in Western Suffolk, by Augustin Page, and Wm. S. Fitch, 1823 fol. ch. half cf. No. 190. Ashbocking Award, made by Lionel Talmachc. 11 Survey of Booking Hall. Court Roll of Ashbocking, 32. II, 8. Sale of Ashbocking, to Samuel Cockerell, in 1763. fol. ch s. xvi. No. 181. Wm. S. Fitch’s Suffolk Church Notes, Vol. I. fol ch. s. xix half dk. No. 189. Ford’s Index to Suffolk MSS.interHarl.MSS.Brit. Mus. 1. 4to. ch. s. xix. half dk. grn. Turkey mor. No. 1G5. Revd. James Ford’s Hist, of Long Melford,2 Vols. I. 4 to. ch. s. xix half morone mor. gt. No. 164, Do. Hist, of Ipswich, 3 Vols. thick 4to. ch. half cf. gt. No. 166. MS. Monumental Inscriptions of Dissenters in Debenham Chapel, 1847. 8 vo. ch. £ dk.cf. N. 122 Hollingsworth’s Stow Market, Printed 1844. with MSS. Additions, & some Original Documents in¬ serted. 4 to. ch half red mor. No. 156. W. S. Fitch’s MSS. Notes of Tournaments in Suf¬ folk, Copies of Charters, & other Suffolk Mem¬ oranda. 4/o. ch, s. xix. half grn, cf. No. 350. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Pp.^Lippica. 283 Harley MSS. continued Jrom No , 1J . .. . [5000 A Pentaglol, & Octaglot Dictionary, i‘D quota- tions from old Authors. Imperfect. IV antingfrom Cit. to Lab. Sf all after Mancus.(?by Dr.Thomas ) Jnl. eh. s. xviii. half wh veil. Welsh, Latin, See. 15010 Catalogue of Books of Thomas Thomas, D.l). (? Secretary to Lord llarley,) taken by the Revd- Joseph Guest, junior, fol. eh. s. xviii. 1501 i Act of Parliament for making the Precincts of Cov- ent Garden Parochial, 1660. 11 Draught of a Letter from Q. Anne to the King . of (? Denmark.) in return to his Compliment \ upon the Union. c % Copy of a Letter from the Duke of Marlbo- s rough to Mr. Secry. Harley, touching the Bill j asraiust Occasional Conformity, 10 Dec.1704. S It heyins “Mon Frere ” < 11 A Conference in Writing between Lord Godol- S phin, (TreasQ & Mr. Secry. Harley, at the) Council Table. S 11 A Letter of Intelligence from Mr. Ad. Franco,) Ainst. 12 Aug. 1704. N. S. to MivSecry, < Harley. ) 11 Another, 23 July 1704. from Harwich. < II Another, Amst. 15 Aug. 1704. N. S. S 1i A Letter from M. Wilson, to Mr. Secry. Har- j ley, IS) July 17.05. ) H Another, 13Juuel704. < 11 A Private Letter from Mr Stepney, to Mr. i Secry. Harley, Vienna, 10 July 1704. I 11 A Letter from J. H. to Mr. Secry. Harley, ) Rolt. 15 Aug. 1704 .TNo. 4.) c Copy of a Letter from the Queen, to the King ) of Sweden, 3 Nov. 1707. ) H Another, 24 Oct 1707. (Not sent.) < H Draught of Lord Manchester’s Credentials to < the King of Sweden. ' 11 Copy of a Letter from the Queen, to the same \ 30 May 1707. 11 Draught of a Speech about the Officers of the Rhine, by Mr. Secry. Llarley, at the Open¬ ing of a Conference. 11 Draught of a Letter to the Czar of Muscovy. 1i Draught of a Letter de Cachet to the Emperor, &. King of Prussia. Mr. Palmer’s Credentials. 11 The like to the Elector of Hanover. II Draught of a Commission to the Lords of the Couucel, Sec. to treat with the Russian Ambr. 11 Draught of a Letter from Mr. Secry. Harley, to the Muscovite Ambr. 27 Jan. 1707-3. If Draught of a Letter to the King of Prussia, on the birth of a young Prince, & Accession to the Principality of Neufchatel. II Draught of an Answer to a Letter of M. Hoff¬ man, to Mr. >ecry. Harley, about D. M. 11 Draught of a Letter to the Czar of Moscovy, 25 Nov. 1707. H 'I'lie same in Latin. 11 Draught cf another, 14 Sept. 1707. 11 Draught of a Letter to the Empress upon Mr. Stepney’s being recalled, 18 Aug. 1703. Another to the Empress Dowager, on the same occasion. 11 Draught of M r.Stepuey’s Letters of Revocation. 11 Draught of Letters of Revocation for Lord Raby. ^ Draught of lle-Credentials for M. Spanheim, 13 Aug. 1706. If Draught of a Letter from the Queen, to the King of Denmark, June 1706. 1i Li tier from the Queen, to the Directors of the Circle of Upper Saxony, Jan. 1706. 5f Draught of a Letter de Cachet to the Einpr. against sending Troops to Naples, 6 May 1707. 1' Draught of Sir Philip Meadows’s Credentials to the Emperor, 20 April 1707. 11 Draught of Instructions for Major-General Palmes, 3 Feb. 1707. Mason, Tenby, 1860, 15012 Norris’s Drawings in Wales, Devon, Cornwall, & Somerset. &c. 15 Vols. Vol. 1. Views in Pembrokeshire, viz. 1 Penaly Marsh. 2 Pembroke Castle. 3 St. Gowan’s Chapel, Interior. 4-5 Pembroke, 2 Views. G Tenby, from the Reservoir. 7 Do. from the Sands. 3 Do. from the Waterwynch Lane. 9 Entrance to St. David’s Palace, lu ? Kilgerran Castle. I 1 Norton Sands, Ship on a Rock. 12 Raglan Castle. 13 Tenby, from the Reservoir. 1 4 Pembroke Castle, from the River. 15 Approach to Treffloyn. 10 Gateway to St. David’s. 17 Lady Chapel, St. David’s. 13 St. David's Palace. 19 Do. Corner View of, 2 Sides. 20 St. Mary’s College at St David’s, with the Bridge. 21 Narberth Castle. large fol. ch. in M. II. bds. sa?c. xix. 15013 Do. Vol. 2. Views in Pembrokeshire, viz. 1 Milford Haven, Iroin Hubberstone. 2 Launch of the SurprizeFrigate,atMilfordHaven. 3 Penaley, from the Burrowes. 4 Milford Haven, from Dale Castle¬ 'S Pembroke, from Barnard’s Tower. f> Repairing a Sloop, at Hubberstone. 7 Part of Dale, Milford Haven. 8 Old buildings, at Narberth. 9 St. Florence Village, & Church Tower. 10 Penaley Marsh, before the Embankment was made. A strong Tide coming in. 11 Pembroke Castle Gateway. 12 Do. do. from over the River. 13 Kilgerran Castle, looking ... 14 Do. do. looking .... 15 Do. do. from the Teivi. 16? Do. do. 17 St. Daniel’s Chapel, Penaly. IS Milford Haven, from Pembroke Ferry. 19 2 Ancient Cottages in Penaly, with very large Chimneys. 20 An Old Cottage in Penaly. 21 Ruins (? Llawhaden.) 22 Pembroke Castle from a distance. 23 Do. do. from the River. 24 Do. do. from the River. 25 Entrance to Saundersfoot Harbour. 26 Saundersfoot Harbour, from the beach. 27 Ruins (? Llawhaden.) 23 Milford Haven, from the Blockhouse. 29 Old Cottages ,near Franklynston. 30 Tenby Castle, Sc Harbour. 31 Carew Castle. 32 St. Dogmael’s Priory, Cardigan. 33 Milford Haven, from the Castle Inn. 34 North, Si West fronts, Carew Castle. 35 Confluence of the Honddu, & the Usk Rivers at Brecon, shewing the Bridge, and Castle, 36 Entrance to Stack pole Quay. 37 A Church, (Square Tower,) ? in Co, Devon. (no name .) 38 A Castle, & Bridge. ( no name.) 39 St. Michael’s Mount, Cornwall. 40 Do. do. near View. 41 Castle on a Hill, & a River, (no name.) 42 A Church Tower, & Bridge, (no name*) 43 A Bridge. (no name.) 44 Conway Castle, 45 Porchester Castle Gateway, Co. Hants. 46 Winchester Town. 47 Carrick Abbey, Ireland. (Interior.) 48 Do. do. do. (Exterior.) 281 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 15014 ) 50 J 5 Do. Vol. 3. Tenby Views, viz, 1 Building on the Woolocks.? \ 2 A Church, Sc Tower. (no name ) 3 White’s House, in Ruins, in Tenby. 4 Pembroke Castle, Sc River. 5 South Gate, Tenby, from Jail Street. 6 Fishguard. 7 TretHoyne, No. 1. ! 8 Do. No, 2. 9 Do. No. 3. from the Road. 10 Do. No. 4. Court Yurd. 11 ?ifTreffloyn, No. 5. (no name.) 12 ? if Do. No. 6. do. 13 Castle Mill, & St. Catharine’s Tenby, Pen, \ & Ink Sketch. 14 Stack Rock, from the Cliff. 15 St. Daniel’s Chapel, Penalv. 1G View of a Tower through a Wood, (no name , but ■probably Bristol.) 17 Tenby, from the Harbour. 18 Tenby, St. Catharine’s, Sc Castle Hill, from Waterwynch. 19 Bowman point, from Waterwynch. 20 Tenby Pier, from Whitsand Gate. 21 Whitsand Gate, Tenby. 22 Tenby, from South Sands. 23 Whitewell Ruins, near Tenby. 24 Tenby, from Castle Mill. 25 Tenby, from near Whitesand Gate* 20 Tenby Harbour, from near Southsand Gate. 27 Do. from Castle Mill, since building the New Baths. 28 Gateway to Castle Hill. 29 Gumfreston Church. 30 St. Mary’s Church, Tenby. 3 i Double Pier head, at Sauudersfoot. 32 Second Embankment of Tenby Marsh. 33 Embankment at Tenby Marsh, shortly before the 2nd. Inclosure- 34 Tenby Harbour, 35 Pembroke Dock. 36 Sauudersfoot Pier head. 37 Tenby, from Waterwynch, at low Water. 38 Jail Street, Tenby. 39 Dutch Schooner, in Tenby Harbour. 40 Tenby, from the North Side of Castle Hill. 4 L Tenby II arbour, from the Sluice Wall. 42 Tenby Old Walls, in the Norton. 43 Llawhaden Castle. 44 Tenby, from Castle Hill, Caldy Island in the distance. 45 The Mayor’s Seat in the Town Hall, Tenby. 45 Tenby Town Mall. Interior. 40 Tenby W ind Mill, looking over the Marsh. 47 Llawhaden Castle, & Church, distant View. Vol. 4. Views at Bristol, viz. 1 Bristol, from the Avon Bank, 2 Bristol, from the Avon Bank. 3 Do. from above Cumberland Basin. 4 A Gateway, at Bristol.? (no name.) 5 Gateway, from Lower College Green. 8 Tombs in Cathedral Yard. 7 Mouth of the Avon, from above Pill. 8 Tower for the Suspension Bridge, at Clifton. 9 St. John’s Gate, Bristol. Id The Mayor's Chapel, Bristol. 11 Entrance to College Green, Bristol. 12 St. John’s Crypt, Bristol. 13 Do. do. 14 The Mayor’s Chapel, (interior.) 15 The Severn, from the Look-Out, at King’s Weston. 10 Old Pump Room, Mot Wells, Bristol. 17 St. John’s Crypt, with the Tombs. 18 Preparations fur building the Suspension Bridge, at Clifton, 19 St. John’s Crypt with the Tombs. 20 Do. do. do. do. (duplic) 21 Entrance to the Chapter House, from the Cloister, Bristol, 22 Do. do. do. (duplic.) 23 Pont Neath Vechan. 24 The Avon, at Clifton Rocks. 25 Shirehampton Church. 2G King’s W eston Lodge, near Bristol. 27 Kenilworth Castle. 28 Clifton. 29 Cloister, & Entrance to Chapter House, Bristol. 30 St. Mary’s Redcliffe, from the mouth of the Frome, Bristol. 31 Entrance to Bristol Chapter House. 32 Bristol Bridge. 33 Steps leading to . in Bristol. 34 St. Mary’s Redcliffe, Bristol. 35 Bristol Cathedral, from the College Green. 36 Part of Clifton. 37 St. John’s Crypt, looking. 38 Do. do. 39 Princes ? Street, Bristol. 40 A Bridge. (no name) 41 A Mansion. (no name.) probably King's Weston. 42 A distant View of a Castellated Mansion. (no name.) probably in Devonshire. 43 Bristol River, from the Tea Gardens. 44 Lodge, at Leigh Court, Mr. Miles’s House, near Bristol. 45 Weston Church, on the road to Clevedon, from Pill. 4G Shipway Church, near Pill. 47 Part of St. Maiy’s Redcliffe- 48 Steps, & Balustrade, at Redcliffe. 49 Monument to Edward Bird. 50 Fr<-m a Garden in Lower College Green. 1 501G Vol. 5. Pembrokeshire Views, viz. 1 Scotsborough Ruins. 2 Kilgerran Castle* 3 Scotsborough Ruins, General View. 4 Hubberston Priory. 5 Wreck of the Leda. in Milford Haven. 6 The Royal William, in Pembroke Dock. 7 Old Canaston Bridge, in 1S37. 8 Llawhaden Church, from the Banks of the Cleddy. 9 St. Anne’s Light House, Milford Haven. 10 Gateway, to Llawhaden Castle. 11 Part of Harohlston Mansion. J2 llaverford West Priory. 13 Higgon’s Well, Haverford West, interior. 14 Do. do. do. exterior. 15 Part of Pembroke Castle. 1G Gateway of Pembroke Castle, j 17 Pembroke Castle, & the River. 18 Wreck of the Wheat Sheaf, at Sandersfoot. 19 View of Peualy. 20 View to Pembroke Castle, looking up the River; Monkton Church on the left. | 21 Haverford West Castle. 5 22 Pembroke Castle, looking across the River. 23 Old Canaston Bridge, looking down stream. 24 Burton Castle, from Lawrenny. 25 Distant View of Dale Castle. 26 Pembroke Castle, across the River. 27 Do. do. do. do. 28 Do. do. nearly the same View. 29 (Number missed) 30 St. Daniel’s Chapel, Penaly. 31 Pembroke Castle, 2 Churches on the left, \ 32 Old Farm House, at St. Florence. 33 Old Building at Gumfreston. 34 Conduit, & St. Mary’s, Tenby. 35 Ancient Gateway, in Tenby Harbour. | 3G ? Warwick Castle, & Mill. 37 Brecon Castle, looking through the Arch of the Bridge. 38 Old Mill, at Pembroke. < 39 Ruins of Paterchurch. 40 Ruins at White Well. > 41 Ancient Mansion, at Ludstep. Catalogiis Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 285 42 Hubberston Pill. 43 Do. do. a Smuggler broken up. 44 Old Buildings in Co. Brecon. 45 Brecon Bridge, & ? Castle. Vol. 6. Views of Carew Castle, &c. viz. 1-2 Carved Chimney Pieces in the Castle. 3 Pembroke Castle, Gateway. 4 Sir Thomas Pictan's Monument. 5 Carew Castle, (Pencil Drawings.) G Do. do. (in Colours.) 7 Part of Carew Castle. (8 Frontispiece to Norris’s St. David's.) 9 Stack Rock. 10 Bonv [He’s Court. 11 Carew Castle... Side lookiu 'g 12 Do. do. _ do. do. 13 Do. do. .... do. do. . 14 Do. do. .... do. do. . 5 15 Do. do. .... do. do. across the Bridge, j 16 Do. do. ' The Grand Front. 17 Do. do. up from the i foot of tin 3 Hill. 18 Carew Ca 1 slle, duplicate of 1 5 on blue Paper. \ 19 Do. do. Entrance Side. j 20 Do. do. do. do. 21 Do. do. Interior of ? the Dini n g Room. | 22 Do. do. do. of another part. , 15019 23 Narberth Castle. 24 Carew Castle, Grand Front. 25 Milford Haven, from St. Anne’s Light House, j 26 Carew Castle, & Bridge 27 Do. do. Entrance Side, with the Grand \ front fore-shortened. 28 Carew Castle, Entrance front. 29 Building, near Carew Church; probably the { present School, 1859. j 30 Tenby New Baths, from Castle Hill. 31 Carew Castle, Interior of the N. Front. 31* Do. do. First Gateway,from the CastleYard. \ 32 Do. do. Entrance to the Hall. 33 Do. do. The Winding Staircase. 34 Do. do. Interior of the Hall. 35 Do. do, Catharine Wheel Window, near j the entrance to the Hall. (now destroyed.) j 36 Do. do. Stone Pannels with 3 Coats of Arms \ 1 England with the Label of 3. j 2 England. > 3 .quartering a Saltire. 37 Carew Castle, Interior of a Corner ltoom \ with a quater-foiled Chimney piece. 38 Carew Castle, Interior of a Room with a ; Chimney Piece carved with trefoil headed | Pannells; the Arms of England in the center. > 39 Do. do. Entrance to the Hall from the j Court Yard. 40 Do. do. Windows in the N. E. angle, from } the Court Yard. 41 Old Mill, at Carew. 42 Carew Castle, from the Old Mill. Vol. 7. Pembrokeshire Views, viz. 1 Castle Pill Creek, looking towards the Flappy j Retreat. 2 Do. from the Ruins of Castle Pill Castle. £ 3 Jeffreston Church, & Cross. 4 Llawhaden Church. 5 Old Mansion, with crenellated Gateway ? if in Wales. 6 Ruins of an Abbey, ? if of Llantoniu prima. 7 W reck of the Durham, in Sandersfoot Bay. 8 Ruins of Ludstep. 9 Pembroke, from a Lane leading to the Dock Yard* 10 Carvings of the Arms of England, with the Portcullis, & Rose, at Whitland Abbey. 11 ? Monk ton. 12 Flaverford West Priory. 13 Do. do. 14 The Old Bridge, (? at Tenby.) 15 St. David’s Chapel. 16 Pembroke Gateway. 1 7 Cottage at St. Florence. 18 Monkton ruined Chnrch. 19 Pembroke Street, looking to the Castle. 20 Old Building, at Monkton. 21 Entrance to the Square Tower, in the Castle Yard, at Llawhaden Castle. 22 Llawhaden Castle, & Church, (distant View.) 23 Do. do. Gateway, in 1823. 24 Mauorbeer Church, seen thro’ an Archway, 25 Priory at fiaverford West. 26 Ruins of Whitland Abbey. 27 A Dungeon, (no name.) 28 A Mining M heel, at Kilgelty near Sanders- fool. 29 Remains of tile Keep at Uslc Castle, Moll- mouth. 30 Milford Haven, from St. Anne’s Light House. 31 St. Florence Village. 32 St. Go wan’s Chapel. 33 Worm’s Head Hock. 34 St. Gowan’s Chapel. 35 Nangle Point, looking towards St. Anne's Light-house. 36 Pembroke Castle. 37 Do. do. Vol. 8. Tenby Town, viz. 1 fl’reffloyiie, or Pembroke Castle. 2 Treffloyne. 3 Remains of Houses in Crackwell Street. 4 A Sireet in Tenby, now removed. 5 Old Chimney in Frog St. now destroyed. 6 Removing Old Houses in High St. & the old Butter shop of St. Mary s 7 White s House in ruins, looking down. 8 Do. do. looking up Street. 9 White’s Tomb in St. Mary’s. 10 Ancient Conduit in High Street by Moonlight. 11 lenby, from the Ridgeway on the Pembroke Hoad. 12 Gateway from the Harbour. 13 Archway to the Ancient School Room. 14 Gateway to St. Mary’s College. 15 lenby, from the etui of the Sluice Wall. 16 White’s I'omb. 17 Duplicate of No. 14. 18 Window of a House in Tenby, now removed. 19 A House taken down 1807. 20 Castle Hill, from South Sands. 21 Old Houses in the Norton. 22 Site ot Mr. Edwards's House. 23 Ruins of Maudlyn Chapel. 24 Do. do. 25 ? Price's Monument in St. Mary’s. 26 A Carved Cross- Beam. 27 ?St. Mary’s College. 28 Old House in Crackwell Street. 29 Old building in Tenby Harbour, 30 White Sand Gate* 31 Town Hall, from South Porch. 32 'File Dungeon, Tenby jail. 33 Tomb of an Ecclesiastic in the Church. 34 Apprice’s 'I’omb. 35 Harbour Gateway, from the foot of Crack* well Street, removed above 1811. 36 Doorway, Tenby Church. 37 Do. or Gateway do. 38 Tomb in do. 39 Do. do, 40 Interior of an Ancient Window. 41 Old buildings on the Site of Mr. Walking- ham’s House. 42 Court Yard to a House in High Street. 43 Castle Hill Gateway. 44 Near the Rock House. 45 A Passage. 46 Cellar under an Ancient Cottage. 47 Cottage near the Old Market place. 48 Tomb near the North Porch St. Mary’s. 49 White’s Tomb. f,86 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibi.iothf.ca Phillippica. 15020 50 Tomb of Moore of Moore Hayes, Co. Devon, j 51 Do. Do. Do. | 52 Old Building. 53 St. John’s W ell. j 54 Preparations for Building new lit uses. 55 View of Bridge St. 5(3 Mercer’s Tomb, in St. Mary’s. 57 Embossed Carvings in the Church. 58 Inscriptions mi W bite’s Tomb 51) Do. Henry Iones. 60 Ancient Latin Inscri, tions in St. Mary’s. j (31 Tenby, from Old Narberlh Bond. \ 62 Back of the National School. 63 Front of the Ancient School Room- 64 House in High Street, removed 1839. 65 Out-side of Tenby Pier-head 66 Ancient Gateway, from the Harbour; destroy- { ed about 1812. 67 The Sluice, before building the Stone House > 63 Tenby, fiom Castle Square. 69 The Old Sluice. 70 Wind Mill Hill, from die breach in the Wall, < 1836. i 17 Old Walls, near Dnwlish. 18 Buildwas Abbey, Co. Salop. 19 Exeter Cathedral, interior. 20 South Molton Church, Devon. Transept. 1 21 Worm's Head with a Jet of Water. 22 Bury Pomeroy Castle. 2.3 Port Tenant, from [he Cenal Bridge. 24 . Cliurch, ( no name ) 25 Toml-s in Exeter Catiiedial. 26 Do do. 27 Old House at Barnstaple, Devon. 28 Sir Thomas Pieton’s Monument. 29 Torr Abbey, Gateway. 30 Farnborough Church Porch.? 31 Gateway of Tewkesbury At»Uey. 32 View from the Cavern, under the Wow Bridge, near ? Dawlish. 33 South Molton Church, Devon. 34 Tomb of a Skeleton, Exeter Cathedral, j 35 Old t huicii, ( no name.) 30 D.square, (Pat Dawlish.) 37 Oxton Church, ( ? the Crypt.) 38 Ruins at Oxton. 71 The Sluice V all, Tenbv. 72 Fuller’s Bridge, near St David's. 73 The Old Sluice. 5 74 Tenby, from Godescale Bock. 75 Do. from the Croft. 76 Do. from near the Sluice Wall. [ 77 Old Lime Kiln. 78 Tenby Town Walls, from the point of St. Catharine’s Island. 79 Tenby, from South Sands before building | modern Houses. SO Devil’s Hospital. 81 Tenby, from the Sluice Wall. 82 High Street, Tenby. 83 Crackwell Street in 1836, 84 Tenby Pier, & Old Chapel- (?St. J 85 Panell of Christina Res, on White' 86 Do. of Margery Phe. on do. 87 Compartment on d' S8 Do. do. with date. 89 St. Florence, distant View. 90 Compartments in White’s Tomb. 91 Do. do. 92 Do. do. 93 Do. do. 94 Old State of the Pier where the Assembly < Room is now. j 95 Archway from the Harbour, removed about ' 1808. 96 Front of St. Mary’s College, now lowered to \ about the top of the Arch. 97 Dungeon in Tenby. 98 Old building in Market Street,destroyed circa 180S. 99 Marsh Farm, Tenby. 100 Entrance to Capt. Willis’s. 101 Conduit m Frog Street, Tenby. 102 Throwing a line to the Durham Wreck, from a Mortar by Capt. Manby’s method. 103 Old Building at Ludstep. Vol 9. Devon, & Cornwall, Views, S;c. viz • 1 Ecclesiastical Ruins, (no name ) 2 Do. do. do. 3 Near Dawlish. 4 At Barnstaple. j 5 Monument (?) at Stoke Gifford, Co. Glouc. j 6 Farnborough Church, Hants. 7 At Bury Pomeroy, Devon, 8 Old Mill, at ? do. j 9 ? Bury Pomeroy Castle. 10 Do. do. | 11 Tombs of Knights in ? Salisbury Cath. 12 Do. do. 13 Gateway at Exeter. 14 Old House at Tiverton, Devon. | 15 Archway, (no name.) \ 16 Old Wooden Bridge, at. j 39 Cofton, near Dawlish. 40 Do. Chancel, in ruins. 4 1 Very Ancient carved Pillar Cross nearTrw Cornwall. 42 Gateway at ? Pongersie/i. 43 Tombs in Salisbury Cathedral, 44 Do. Do. Ho. 45 Gateway at Cothele ? 46 Large Church {no nun c) 47 A Castle ? Bruy Pomeroy, 48 Priory Gateway, Beading, Brks. 49 Do Do. Do. 50 Fambnrough Church, Hants. 51 Godolphiu House, Cornwall. 52 St George’s Church near Pill. 53 Tower at St. B(ennett’s)F) nunnery. 54 Shirehampton Bead. 55 Rucks at Dawlish. 56 Bossiuey, Cornwall. 57 Lodge at King’s W eston. 58 Christ Church Coll. Oxford, 59 Restormel Castle in 1810. 60 Roche Chapel, Cornwall. 61 Do. Do. Do. 62 Restormel Castle. 63 Pengers. 64 ? Build was. (name obliterated.) 65 ?A Church. ( name cut off'in mounting it,. 66 ? Farnborough Church Porch. 67 Ancient Archway, {name cut off in mount 68 Old Castle, ? Bury Pomeroy. 69 Gateway, near Tavistock. 70 Chamber Court, near Ilfracombe. 71 Wooden Gallery in the Rocks, Dawlish. 72 Old building with Pinnacles at Tavistock. 73 Wooden Bridge, near Dawlish. 74 Compton Castle, Devon. 75 Barracks Entrance, Exeter. 76 Gateway. 77 Bridge broken down, near Exeter. 78 Do, do. 79 Hous e in Tavistock. 80 Mill, near Totness. Si Compton Castle, interior. 82 Do. do. Chapel. S3 Old Tower, at Tavistock. 84 Ilfracombe Light House. 85 Old Mrnicor, near Tavistock. 86 Alms-House Barnstaple. 87 St. Bennett’s Nunnery, Bodmin. 88 Cambre, Cornwall. 89 Dawlish Church. 90 Do. do. 91 Berry Pomeroy Castle. 92 The Hall, at do. ruined. 93 Gateway, Bromfield Priory, Salop. 94 Do. at Bridgeuorth, Salop. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillitpica. 2B7 ! 502 l 15022 15023 95 Norman Arch, Ludlow Castle. 90 Far n borough Church Porch. 97 Build was Abbey, Sulop. 9S Do. do. 9!) Carnbre, Cornwa'l. 100 Godolphin House Colonnade. 101 The Hocking Stone, Cornwall. 10*2 Redruth Church, do. 1<>3 Bridge over the Lym. 101 Old building, (name obliterated.) 105 A Bridge, (name cut of in mounting.) 106 Do. (do. do. do.) thick 4 to. ch. siec. xix. l\l. H. bds. Vo! lo. Views at Si. David's, &c. viz. 1 Part of the Bishop's Palace. 2 The Cross. :1 Tombs in the Cathedral. 4 Do. do. 5 A Niche. 6 A Vault. 7 A Shrine. 0 A Side Aisle. U The Cross. 10 St. Justinian's Chapel, interior . (I l Mill at St. Florence.) 12 The Bishop’s Palace, (13 St. Go wall’s \\ ell.) 14 Shrine in >t. David’s. «15 .Nangle Point, looking over Milford Haven.) 16 St. Nun’s Chapel, near .St David’s. 17 Old Mansion, (no name ) 18 Skreen in St. David’s. ]9 The Palace: distant View. 20 King John’s Hall, in 1 lie Palace. 2L The Lady Chapel in the Cathedral. 22 Gateway, St. David’s. 23 Chapel at the Palace. 24 St. Margaret’s College, St. David’s. thin 4 to. ch. M. H. bds. Vol 11 . Pembrokeshire Views, viz. 1 Upton Castle. 2 St. Bride’s, or St. Bude. 3 St. Anne’s Light-House. 4 Du. do. do. looking toward Lenny. 5 Castle Pill Creek, Low water, 6 Do. do. do. 7 Old Cottage, near Milford. 8 M llford LI aven. 9 Old Tower at St. Anne’s Head. 10 The first Sheds built at Pembroke Dock. 11 Cottage at Castle Pill Creek. 12 Castle Pill Creek. 13 Mill at do. 14 Fisherman’s Cottage, at do. 15 View from above Castle Pill Creek, 16 Ferry at Castle Pill Creek. 17 Old Mill, at do. 18 View across the Ferry. 19 St. Anne’s Light House. 20 Do. do. 21 Paterchurch Ruins. 22 Ships laid up for the Winter at Castle Pill Creek 23 Milford Haven, from Dale Castle. 24 Fishing in Castle Pill Creek. 25 First Shed built in Pater Dock. 26 Pembroke Castle. 27 Castle Pill Creek, fromCastlePill CastleRuins. 28 Haverford West Castle, and Bridge. folio, ch. M. II. bds. Vol. 12. Tenby Views, viz. 1 'Tenby Town Walls, the Rope Walk. 2 Do. White’s House. 3 (Uncertain, no name.) 4 (?io name; doubtful if Tenby.) 5 Tenby Tower, near South Sands.) 6 Old LTouse. 7 St. John’s Well. 8 High Street. 9 North side of Tenby Church. I ■ i 10 Tenby Baths, before building the Public Room. 11 St. Florence Village. 12 A ruined Church, or Chapel, ? if at Tenby 13 Stack IL ck. 14 Do. do ('duplicate.) 15 White’s House 16 Court House, Tenby. 17 St. Margaret’s Island. IS Corporation Seal, 'Tenby. 19 '! enby, from the Ridgeway. *20 St Mary’s College 21 s ower, on Castle 11 ill. 22 The tloss. 23 'Tenby, from the Fields. 24 Tenby Gun Fort, looking to St, Catharine’s *25 The Keep, 'Tenby Castle. 26 ? St. Julian's Chapel on the Pier. 27 Old Si bool Room. 28 T he Harbour Gateway. 29 'The Harbour, and Castle Hill. 30 W hite's House. 31 The Maiket House. 32 Breach in the Embankment made by the Sea, 1837. 33 South Gate, from S. Pool. 34 T enby, Town Wails. 35 Buttress supporting the North Side of the Church, taken down 1836. 36 Near W hitesr.nd Gate. 37 Gumfreston Church, and Mill. (31$ Carew Castle, (interior.) 39 Ancient Cottage, near Tenby. 40 Do. do. do 41 Landing Passengers, in S. Sands. 42 Firing a M mby 8 hell, io the Durham Wreck. 43 Gumfreston Farm House. 44 Buildings at Hubberston Priory. 45 St. Florence Village, & Church. 46 Do. do. do. 47 Mumbles Light House. 48 Gothic Building, {no name ) 49 Entrance to the Council Room, from the Church Yard. 50 Old House, at the Corner of Market Street, now taken down. 51 St. Julian’s Chapel, on the Pier, 1810. 52 Upper Gateway, from the Harbour. 53 Tenby, from Gillam Point, 54 Tenby Town Walls, before the New' Houses were built. 55 Ruins of Maudlin Hospital Chapel. v56 Tenby'Town Walls, Rope Walk. 57 Old Wind-Mill, on the Narberth Road. 58 Town Walls of Tenby. 59 Tenby Pier, before building the New Baths. 60 Wind-Mill Hill, & Marsh, from Pembroke road, near Tenby. 62 Inner Wall of Mary’s College. 62 'Town Hall, from the Church yard. 63 White’s Mouse, Tenby. 64 Rope Walk, from the Soulh'Gate, now called South Parade. 65 'Tenby Marsh, from the Embankment. 66 View from the Embankment. 67 Cottage on Norton Cliff edge. 68 Door Way, of St. Mary’s College. 69 St. Florence Church. 70 Scotsborough. 71 Penaley, from the Burrows. 72 Penaley Vicarage. 73 Ruins in the Norton, Tenby. 74 Court Yard, in High Street. 75 Old buildings opposite the Cobaugh.? 7G Ruins in Tenby Harbour, near the S. Gate. 77 Tenby, from the Marsh Bridge. 78 Tenby Walls, & Church from South Sands. 79 Old Chapel at Penaly, ?St. Daniel’s. 80 White’s House, Tenby. 81 S. E. End of the Town Wall, Tenby. Steps to a Door. Passage through the House. Dining Hoorn,or Drawing Room,with Carved Chimney Piece. Entrance Door. 7 Do. do. from Court Yard. 8 Do. Gateway. 9 Do. Gateway, & Chimney. 10 Picton Castle, Entrance with tiie Bridge over the Moat, drawn in 1822. (the Bridge now taken away.) 1 1 Do. distant View, looking aero ss the Lake, j 12 Do. from the Park. 13 Do. from the Lawn on the Noi til Side. 14 Do. from Landshipping, lot •kins ' a cross the Hav en. 4/o. ch M. H. ids. Vol. 15 Ruins in Pembrokeshire, viz. 33 Do. Cottages in South Cliff. 34 Do. 35 Do. Doorway, St. Mary’s College. 36 Do. Sluice Wall. 37 Do. from Narberth road. 38 Do. Old House in the Norton, destroyed. 39 Do. from Ridgeway. 40 Do. Town W alls. 41 Do. the W ooll Cross, removed about 1812. 42 Do. Corner of Castle Street, taken down .j 43 Do. the Marsh, from the Embankment. 44 Do. End of Town Wall, on the South Cliff. 45 l)o. Second Gateway, from the Harbour. 46 Do. Rope Walk. 47 Do. Tower, in Rope Walk. End of Town Wall, at South Cliff. 48 Do. 49 Do. Old House, in Market Place. 50 Archway, ? if at Tenby. 51 Tenby, Wkitesand Gate. 52 Do. Part of High Street, from the Church yard, taken down 1836. 53 Do, Gateway to Castle Hill. 54 Do. Interior ot St. Mary’s College. Castle Hill, & St. Catharine’s from Wa- 55 Do. ter wynch. 56 Do. South Gate, from Rope Walk. 57 Do. Old Hospital, in Market Street. 58 Do. Castle Hill, from the road to South Sands. 59 Do. The Marsh, from the Embankment- 60 Do. from out side the Pier. 61 Do. Limekiln, & Old Walls, near Whit- sand Gate. 62 Do. The Wooll Cross. 63 Do. Tower over South Sands. 64 Do. from the Path to the Castle Hill. A Modern House now, where the Thornbush is. 65 Do. Old House, in the Norton. 66 Do. Front of St. Mary’s College. 67 Do. The Marsh, from the Embankment. 68 Do. Castle Hill. 15020 69 (? if Tenby,) an Eutrance Lodge. 70 Chepstow Castle. Vol. 14. Picton Castle, & Trefloyn, Views, viz. L Treffloyn. Interior of the Hall. 2 Do. Gateway, from the Court Yard. Title Page, for the Work. Title Page, for another Work entitled “Etch¬ ings of Manorheer Castle. Haverford West Priory Foundation of a Beacon on the Woo/ocksd Haverford West, from the Hope Walk. The Hustings at Haverford West, in 1631. 7 Ruins of Old Boulston. 8 Sandersfoot Beach. 9 Cottage at (. arew. 10 Burton Castle, Milford Haven. 11 Llanstephan Beach. 12 Luugharne. 13 ? Haverford West Church. 14 Canaston Old Bridge. 15 A Cromlech. IG Amroth Church. 17 Gateway at Castle Pil 18 Gateway, Chimney in St. Margaret's Island. 1 19 Part of Hubberston Priory. 20 Interior of Manorheer Castle. 2 L Haverford West Castle. 21 * Tenby. 22 Priory Haverford West. 23 Do. do. do. 24 Marsh Road, Tenby. 25 Gumfreston Farm House. 26 Haverford West, distant View. 27 Do. do. Castle. 28 Munor Church, {?Matiorbcer.) 29 Bubbleton Farm. 30 Narberth Castle. 31 Llawrenny Church. 32 Carew Village. 33 Haverford West Castle. 34 Penaley Church. 35 Stone Pillar, in Fishgard Church yard. 36 Haverford West Castle, from the.Road. 37 Haverford West Priory. 38 St. Thomas’s Church, Haverford West. 39 Haverford West Town, & Castle. 40 Do. do. do. 41 St. Florence Church. 42 Old Windmills, on Narberth Road. 43 St. Florence Village. 44 Do. do. & Church. 45 Jeffreston Church. 46 St. Florence Church. 47 Jeffreston Cross. 48 Haverford West Castls. 49 Amroth Castle. 50 Turning the Course of the River at Tenby, • from Penaley. 51 Cottages called “The Place,” at Penalev. 52 Bonville’s Court. 53 Proud Giltar. 54 Skir Rocks, St. Catharine’s, 55 Stackpole. 56 Stackpole Head. 57 St. Margaret's Island. 58 Do. do. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Piiillippica. 289 i027 i 02 8 1029 3030 3031 3032 5033 6034 5035 5036 6037 503S 5039 5040 5041 5042 5043 5044 504o 5046 5047 5048 5049 5050 5051 5052 .5053 15054 15055 5056 15057 15058 .5059 15060 15061 150(52 15063 15064 15065 15006 Wilson A ISS. (of Bradford.) s Bradford Lifeholds, Co. York, with the names of? the Lives, kc. narrow thin fol. ch. s, xvii. Darnham Inventories, kc. / arrow thinfol.c/t.s.xxU./ Rental of (? Woodsora Co, York.) thin narrow j.ch. > s. xviii. _ s Hatiield College Boundaries, 1607. _ f If Hud worth, kc. Rentals, thin J. ch. s. xvi-vii./ Berwick on Twede Account, 5 Edw. 6. ; 11 Miscellanea Anti qua. Carta He;ds, 21 E. 3. pro fiSio suo Edimmdo, de* Latigele. It Barones Parliamenti temp. Edw. 1. 11 Cartas, t'c Sig'iila. fol. clt. s. xvi. Sc xvii. / Birthwaite Rental. ) If Yorkshire Deeds. If Kirk stall Abbey Cart®. H Anne of Cloves Divorce, /. ch. s. xvi. & xvii. Liber Quadragesimal is de Durton. /. ch. s. xvi. Almondbury Survey, 1584*/. ch. s. xvi. Bury Abbey Collections. Co. Sufi. Carta Baronum ad Papam. •f Giossop Survey. 11 Kay MSS. If Derby Villas Cartas, kc. If Petrs from Q. Eiiz. to Chas. 2. inclusive. f. ch. s. xvi. k xvii. Miscellaneous Antiquities. If Imp p. Mori, pro Com. Ebor. If Cartas de Furuival, kc.f. ch. s. xviii. Hal lam shire Rentals,1604,to 16^3. thick J .ch. s.xvii., Sheffield Rentals, 1613, to 1672. 11 VVodsom Rental, 29 Hen. 8. fol. ch. s. xvn Copy of part of a Parish Register, 1730, to 1740.’ ? if in Yorkshire. 22 pages Jol. ch. s. xviii. "Wilson’s (John) Extracts from Percy’s Ancient^ Reliques, & Granger’s Biography. o. ch. s. xvii. Miscellaneous. 15098 Revenue Receipts, temp. Car.2. 4Zo. pergam. s.xvii, 15099 Do. do. 15100 Do. do. 15101 Do, do. 15102 Documents relating to Weights, k Measures, folio 15103 Do. do. folio pergam. s.xviii. 15104 Do* do. do. do. 15105 3 Fragments of MSS. 1 Relating to the History of France, ssec. xvi. 2 a Medical Tract, stec. ix. 3 A Moral Tract, in old French, being folioYl'l. f. Vellum, stec. xiii. 15106 Chuncery Cases, /. ch. s. xviii. 15107 Do. do. /. ch. s. xviii. 15108 Do. do. Ato. ch. s. xviii. 15109 Wilkes’s (John) Trial,/, ch. s. xviii. 15110 Do. do. do. /', ch. s. xviii. 15111 Do. do. do. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. 290 Catalogs Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 15112 15113 J5114 15115 15116 15117 151 IS 15119 15120 15121 Walpole of Houghton Papers. 2 V oh\ J v!. 1. fhi narrow fat. s. xvii. \ xviii. Do. do'. Vol. 2. 12 mo. Newton Papers./, ch. s. xviii. Genealogia Vallis Eveshamiie. 3 Vols.j ch. s.xvi Probationes do. do. do. /. fol. ch. {jar tie V'. 11 is dc Evesham. *2 Vols. t fol. ch. Exchequer Receipts, lorn; John / . s. xviii. Correspondence of Sir V. m. Phdipps. 4 to ch. s.xi Sir Win. Philippa's Papers. 4 to. ch. s. xix. Sandys MSS. Car tie Saxon icae (copies) Ac. f c s. xix Caclbij, 10.39-00. 1 15130 15137 15153 15122 Cotterell MSS. Relating t0 Stratford on Avon, &c 2 Vols. fol. ch. s. xviii. Baker MSS. 15130 15140 ! 15141 15123 Papers relating to Corpus Christ! College/, ch. Puttich 1800. 5142 15125 15126 New ling’s (Canon) Extracts from Salop. Parish J 10113 Registers of Monford, Shrawardioe, AY oiling- ' ton Stanton, Baschurcb, Atcham, St.Mary’s > Fitz. I *ii Pedigrees in Co. Salop, fol. ch. s xix. King’s Bench Cases, temp. Car. 2 .fol. ch. s. xix. ) Receipts, S; Payments to the Farmer of the Cus- $ toms./, ch. s. xvi. or xvii. “M atson.” Fines in Scaceario, 1613, See. fol. ch. s. xviii. M. H. Ids. Law IV';.- -rts, begin with A Suit against M. F. Executrix of the \\ ill of Thomas Felton, Esqr. of Pleyfnvd, Co. Suff/b/. ch. s. xvii, rgh. tf. j Oil - .' rings to i ho Rector of Doddington, West bo* rr.ugh, Sec. Co. Northampton, 1672. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. o. Wn, cf. Conyln -iro, o: Phillips’s Geology, printed, & inter- ' • umi rous MSS. Notes by Dr. Wi!k4 iusou, of F.ith, with Drawings of Fossil Fishes. half ilk. cf. thick Sro. ch. s. xix. Dian of Expeuces by r The Rector of Doddingi toil. 1078. I’ivio ch. s. xvii. h'k cf. Mr. t- l i.'v/i.;-. r's Letters 1769-7G. J'ol. ch. s. xviii. half In own calf. Di'C -ii.se on the lligli Court of Parliament, fol. ch. s -hi. okl bru'icn cf. Olitn M. Bay ley, with his Autograph. \\ iiham l.ambart, on Courts of Justice in England, Sc particularly of Chancery, f. ch. s. xvii. old bin, calf. OHm ;»!. Bay by, with his Autograph. On tile Office of the Lord High Steward, Constable, & Marhail. fol.ih. s. xvii. o. brn. cf. Olim. M- Bayley, cum Autographo ejus. Sir 15144 Roscoe. 15128 15129 15130 15131 15132 15133 Letters of B. St. A. to John Marshall, 6 Vols. 4/o. ) tiro. Vol 1. Begins with a Letter dated “Lon- < don 17 Jan. 1823.’’ 8 co. ch. s. xix. Vol. 2. begins with a Letter dated Paris 3 Jan. < 1 25. Ends with a Letter dated Jan. 16 1820'. all \ signed “B.” sm. 4 to. ch. Vol. 3. B. St. A.s Letters to John Marshall, last Letter dated Paris Aug. 23 1S24. 4/o. ch. Vol. 4. Kiusela’s Letters to John Marshall, 1824. 4fo. ch. Vol. 5. Do. to Do. 1825. 4/o ch. Vol. 6. Letters to Do. 1822. 4/o. ch. 15146 15147 15148 15149 )15150 From the Collection of Sir Thos. Lawrence of the Royal Academy. 15134 Drawings, & Designs of Giulio Romano, or Ra¬ phael. fol. ch. s. xvi. citron morocco richly gilt . 15135 Drawings of Taddeo, *C Federico Zuccbero, com¬ mencing with Drawings descriptive of Events in the Life of Taddeo Zucchero. “How he left his Parents, S; offered himself to a Painter who re¬ jected him. Ho then offered hiuiself to a Colour- grinder, who received him, & set him to grind colours, Sc do all the menial offices in his House. He is sent on a message by his Mistress,sees a fine H ouse beautifully painted on the out-side, which he admires, & tries to draw it. His master em¬ ploying him in grinding all day, he has no oppor¬ tunity of Drawing, except by Moonlight. Tired of grinding colours, he runs away to his Father. Afterwards he sets up as an Artist himself, and acquires reputation, & wealth.” These Sketches of h.is Life by himself extend to near the middle of the Volume the remainder being Miscellaneous Designs by himself, Sc liis Brother Federico. In the Paintings of his Life, he has written his own name “Taddeo Zucchero” on the hem of his garment in every scene, large thick 4to. ch. s. xvi. red mor. richly gilt. 15154 (16155 )15156 115157 15158 i 15665 ) 15166 Wm. Bci/iams MSS. at Sotheby's 1860. (/See the Sale Catalogue.) )15159 j15160 )15161 < 15162 )15163 515164 Names of Adventurers who had Grants of Land in Ireland, temp. Cromwell, Sc Cbas. 2. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. J\To. 1. Decrees of Innocent Papists, *,( Connaught Certificate List. *[[ Reduction ot Quit Rents. Vlmo.ch.s.wx.N.2, Coats of Arms, 593, in trick. 3 Arms 355 Coats with Pedigrees of Hansard,Kemeys, IF arte, See. fol. ch. 6 Engraved Coats of Arms mounted; 100 drawn in colours. 4/o. ch. 7 If French Heraldic Cards. II Victory Cards. Collections of Arms, 10 Vols. Vol. 1. A Collection of Engraved Arms w ith some in MS. begins with the Coats of Oxfordshire. 4/o. ch. s. xviii, 8-1G Do.Vol. 2. A Herald Painter’s Work Book, marked Vol. 1. half old cf. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. 1st. Coal is the Duke of Beaufort’s. 8-1C Do. Vol. 3. Do. do. marked Vol. 2nd. half o. cf. 1st. Coat “Selby.” (See No., .for the othcrs.)8-\Q Arms of English, Sc Irish families, in trick, fol. ch. unbound. 9 A theory Peerage with Pedigree of Bermingham. fol. ch. s. xix. JVo. 10 . Do. do. Copies of Deeds, &c. pp. 258. rgh. cf. fol. ch. s. xix. No. 11 . Do. (a Handle of Papers.) f- ch. s. xix. JVo. 12. Talbot Pedigrees, Baronies by Tenure, cV Writ fol. ch. s. xviii. 14 Baronage of Ireland, 3 Vols. fol. ch. rgh. cf. 15-3 Collections for the Blennerhasset Family. fol. ch. half cf. pp. 126. 20 Index to Deereta iiiberniae. half ef. f. ch. 22 Delvin Barony Papers./?/. Sc 4tu. ch. 31 Dcring’s Knights from 1550, lo 1660. j'. ch. 32 List of the King’s Inns Society Dublin, half cf. fol. ch. oii Ireland Adventurers Certificates, hf.green it'll, fol. ch. s. xix. 34-6 Do. Presentations to Churches from Hen. 8. tc Geo. 2. half green cf. fol , ch. s. xix. 34-6 Do. Settlement, Connaught Certificates, hf. gr cf. fol. ch. s. xix. 34-1 Do. do. Decrees of Innocence, hf. green cf /. ch. s. xix. 34-£ Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Fhillippica. 291 ch. s. xix. half cf i 1 S3 Inquisitions post Mort. of Gernons, &c . largefol.\ eh. s. xviii. yreen cl. 52> >184 Dockets of Grants of Arms. nil. vell.f. ch. s.xviii.) Olim Joins. Wavburton. 54 , >185 Pedigree of Hamilton, fol eh. 55) 3186 “Hamilton.” Collections by Hamilton Rowan for, the family of Hamilton of Ireland, half cf. f. ch.} s. xvii'. 57 ( >187 John Holland's Work Book, 1G71. nId brn. cf. ) srn. 4to. ch s. xvii. 59 ( >188 Wills in P. 0. C. of Ireland, 2 Vols. l.fol. ch. 1951 3189 Car tie 15 familia; de Husscv, BaronumdeGaltrym,( Vellum. 60) 3190 Inquisitions post Mortem, 14 Yds. \2>rio. ’ch. s.xix ' Vol. 1 . for Co. Tipperary. 61-1 3191 Vol. 2. for Galway, ic Mayo. 3192 Vol. 3. for Cork. 3193 Vol. 4. for Limerick, & Waterford. 5194 Vol. 5. for Wexford. 5195 Vol. 6 . for Queen’s, King's, & Kildare. 5196 Vol. 7. for Antrim, Armagh, Tyrone,&. Donegal. 5197 Vol. 8 . for Meath. 5198 Vol 9. for Dublin, & Wicklow. 5119 Vol 10. for Kilkenny, Kerry, Roscommon, Carlow. 5200 Voi. 11. Louth, Longford, Leitrim, Clare, Ros¬ common. 5201 Vol. 12, Westmeath, Clare, & Sligo. 5202 Vol- 13. Monaghan, Cavan, Fermanagh, & Down 5203 Vol 14. Miscellaneous. 5204 Inquisitions post Mort, for Ireland. 5 Vols. ! 2 mo. ch. s. xix. Vol. 1. Hen, 8 , Edw. 6 . Mary 1. &. Elizlh. 62-5 5205 Vol. 2. E izth. 5206 Vol. 3. Elizth. & James I. 5207 Vol. 4. James I. 5208 Vol. 5. James I, &, Charles 1. 5209 Repertory to Inquis. post Mort. on Attainders, 4 Vols. half green cj. fol. ch. s. xix. 63-4 5210 Administrations in Will Office, Dublin, 60 Vols. half slip. \2mo. ch. s. xix. 64-60 521 L Administrations in Prerog, Off. Dublin, 5 Vols, f. rgh cf. ch. 65-5 5212 \\ arburton's MSS. Irish Knights 1580, to 1614,Stc. wh. vell.f. ch. s, xviii. 66 5213 Killeen Barony Papers, fol. ch. 71 5214 Lodge’s Peerage of Ireland, sin. 4 to. ch. grn. veil. 1l Copy of the Red Book of Kildare. 74 5215 Index to Lodge's Ordinary 2 Vols. I missing half rgh. cf. f. ch. 77-2 5216 History of the Family of Nugent, Earls of West¬ meath, & of Dillon, Earls of Roscommon. 57 leaves. 1 2 . 1110 . fol ch. s.xviii 78 Fragment of another Vol. of Nugent, Earls of Westmeath, ftom folio 178, to 184. 5217 Lodge’s Lexicon Armorum. rgh. cf. f. ch. 79 5218 Belham’s (Sir Win.; Stemmata Loftusiana, Loft us Pedigree.,/* ch. JT. II. bds. 81 Madden’s (Samuel) Pedigrees of IrishFamiliesi & half rgh. cf. fol. ch. s. 'xix.pp. 360. 80 English families settled in Ireland. Copied from the original MS in Trim Coll. Library Dublin.83 hf. wh. cf fol ch. s. xix. Marriage Licences in Consistory Court, Dublin, 16 Vols. 12mm ch. s xix. half cf. 84-16 A. 1 Vol. ISOO.tn 1823. 4 Vols. 1660, to 1805. 5 Vols. 1G30, to 1823, 3 Vols. 1666, to 1806. 2 Vols. 1660, to 1S23, Do. Miscellaneous. Vol. 1 ab Anno 1?28, ad 1732. Voi. 2. ab Anno 1728, ad 1732. Vol. 3. ah Anno 1741, ad 1749. Vol. 4. ab Anno 1767, ad 1779, Vol. 5. ab Anno 1773, ad 1775. Vol. 6 . ab Anno 1789, ad 1791. Vol. 7. ab Anno 1795, ad 1798. Vol. 8 . ab Anno 1800, ad 1802. Vol. 9. ab Anno 1806, ad 1807. Vol. 10. ab Anno 1811, ad 1812. Vol. 11 . ab Anno 1812, ad I 8 I 4 . Indexes to Marriage Licences in the Consistorial Office Dublin, 3 Vols. hf. rgh. cf.fch. s.xix. 86-3 Index to Marriage Licences in Dublin, G. to W. half rgh. cf. fol. ch. s. xix. 87 Marriages in 1802-3-4. 18»?o. ch. s. xix. half slip, a Note on Jhj leaf. ‘‘This Book was given to me by Gabriel Stokes, Esqr. Nephew of Rev. Mr. Marritt, 27 April 1849. P. B. Kinvan. 90 Copies of Deeds relating to Dublin, half rgh. cf. /'. ch. s. xvii, & xviii. 92 Monuments Eblana, or Dublin, fol. ch. half hd. 93 Marisco Pedigree, half cf. gt.fol. ch. 94 O'Donnell Pedigree 100 Papers relating to the Office of Arms, Mottoes by John Warburton. (« bundle.) 102 List of Papist Proprietors of Lands, 1656. 2 Vols. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. half cj. 103-2 Parish Registers in Dublin, half cf. gt.f. ch. 104 Do. Drogheda, half'cf. gt. f. ch. green title. 106 Peers Patents, half rgh. cf.f. ch. ' 108 Coke, Purdon, Tucker, Maiir.scl,ScColc Pedigrees. hf. rgh cf. f. c/j. s.xix. 119 Jones, Carew, Maunsel, &c. Peds. nh. cf.f. ch. 122 Smyth, Sandys, Ducket, &c. Peds. hf.bd. f. ch. 124 De Kupe, Nangle, Ware, Sa\age,Sic.hf.bd.f.ch. 129 Penrose, Percy, Foster,Mathew,&c. hf.bdf.cli 130 Index of Noble, & Titled Wills in Prerog. Office Loudon, half cf. gilt f. ch. s xviii. or xix. 131 15255 Ker, Usher, Rice, Croft, &c. hf. cf. f. ch. s xix. 132 15256 Collections for Pedigrees of Mallet, Morgan, Monkey &c. large bundle of Papers in a Portfolio, t'ol. ch. s. xix. 133 15257 Index to Sir William Betham’s Collection of Pe¬ digrees. large 4 to. ch. s. xix. rgh. cf. 134 15258 Blount, &c. Pedigrees of English, & Irish, hf. cf, f. ch. s.xix. 135 15259 Sir W’m, Betham’s Extracts of English Pedigrees from the British Museum, 9 Vols. l2mo. ch. s.xix. Vol. 1 . begins with “Knighthood” Pedigrees of Cope, Foster, Drew, Beaupre, Peyton o Hselham, 81 Sandhurst , Co. Glouc . Barnard, Drew of Wilts . liickes of Campden, Mansell, of Co. Son?., See. half slip. 138-9 15260 Vol. 2. begins with Scriven contains Copies of Peds; out of the Wore. Visitation 1634, & of Gloc.1682, & 1623. Walcot of Walcot, with many Extracts from Visitations of 1664. Mounteney, Colvile of Newton, Lacy, alias Hedges, of Wilts, Morgan, of Tredegar, &c. 138-9 15261 Vol. 3. Pedigrees from Devon. Visitations,of whom branches are in Ireland, red skp. 138-9 15262 Vol. 4. Pedigrees from Visitations in 1664, &c. begins with Co. Northampton, hf.grn.mor. 138-9 15203 Voi. 5. Sir Wm. Betham’s General Note Book of Pedigrees: inter alia , Abarrow, out of Vincent’s Hants. Molyns of Oxon. half red tnor. 138-9 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 474 475 476 477 478 >179 >180 481 .182 Do. Ecclesiastical Appointments 1616, to 16C3J 15219 half green cf.f. ch. s. xix. 34-615220 Do. Unpublished Statutes, half green cf.f. ch. > s.xix. 34-6 ( Genealogy of Loftus Tottenham, large fol. ch /> s. xix. purple in or. rich gill. 36 Repertory t<> the Records in the Exchequer, Dub¬ lin. 9 Vols./. ch. Vol. 1. 42 E. 3. to 51 E. 3.41-9 Do. Vol. 2. 1 Lie. 2. to 10 R. 2. Do. Vol. 3. 10 It. 2 . to 21 R. 2 . Do. Vol. 4 temp. H. 4 Do. Vol. 5. 1 H 5. to 39 H. 6 . Dm Vol. 6 . 6 E. 4. to 6 K 6 . Do. Vol. 7. 1 Mary 1. to 1 Jac. 1 . Do. Vol. 8. 1 Jac.’l to 1 Clms.2. ? Do. Vol. 9 1 Car. 2 to 12 Anne. half green cf.f. ch s.xviii w xix. Abstract of Placita Rolls, & Memoranda, half (Ik. cf.fch. s.xix. 42' Alfred Betham’s Index to Exchequer Decrees from! 1624, to 1781. 43; Founders Kin to William, of Wykeham, for Ire-, * 52 land fol. ch. ^ 200 ; 15234 Pedigrees of Irish Norman Barons, Vol. l.sm. 410.] 1523.0 15236 15237 15221 15222 152*3 15224 15225 , 15226 ! 15227 15228 15229 15230 15231 15232 15238 15239 15240 15241 15242 15243 15244 15245 15246 15247 16248 s 15249 \ 15250 < 15251 ! 15252 ’ 15253 ; 15254 292 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca PiiiLLirpicA. 15264 Vol. 6 . Miscellaneous Memoranda, & Pedigrees. 15203 half dark blue nor. 138-9' 15265 Vol. 7. Collections for Barry, Lull, Pepper, Quin ) O’Neill, Vigors, Smith, half slip. loS-9 , 15304 15266 Vol. 8 . Ex Visitatione Midi® bv Geo. Montgomery,.' 15305 1616. “ 138-9 15306 *' Carta de Rectoria do Kathvvire, 1474, 8 15318 15271 Collections for Pedigrees of Waldegrave, O’Con- j 15319 ncll, O’Cahari, O'Donnell, O’Neill, fol, ch. s. xix,) 15320 loose Papers. 146^ 15321 15272 Collections for Madden, Morns, See. Pedigrees. («j 15322 bundle of loose Papers,) fol. cli. s. xix. 149'; 15323 15*273 Pedigrees of Hiller&don,llyves,Roberts, Roche, &c.. 15324 fol ch. s. xix. loose Papers. 153 15325 15271 Pedigrees of Philipps, Lord Milford, Stanihurst, 15326 8 cc. (a Bundle of loose papers,) folio. 155 ) 15327 15275 Blount, Ac. Pedigrees, half cf. f. ch. 157' 15328 11 Ancient Irish MS. 2 leaves. Schedule of Deeds of John Rent in Loudon. (154.10 a Vellum Roll. ? II Carta; 6 pro. Cora. Norfork. 239 ( Roiuli Pipm pro Civitate Norwich, 1265-87. 242 ) 15420 Rot. Curiee dc Civ. Norwich, 1319. ( Vellum Roll. 243 15421 Pediurce of Jcrncgan. a lamjc Paper Roll. 247 ( 15422 Fitch Cartm pi o Com. Suffolk. 15423 Cartse 23 dc Ashhocking, 1342-1610 Veil.. ( 15424 Sc ch. 248-49-50 > Inquisition pro Abhate de Syheton. 251 ( 15425 Cartse 10 de Bently, 1283 to 1596 Vell. ch. ( II Rut. Curia; de do. 16o3-ll. 252, ad 256 j 15426 CaTtm 18 do Dram ford, 1303 to 1517. 257-8 > 15427 Cartse 4 de Bungay. 259 j Rotnli Curia; ue Butlcy 6 : Tangham, 1383, to M 5428 1665. 60-1-2 j 15429 Cartse 19 de Butlcy. peryam. 16o3-1779. 203 j Cartse de Cavendish, Houghton, 6 tc. 264 ( Cartse 8 de Codenham, 6 c Creting 1377-1712, 265 ) 15430 Cartse 9 do Cretingham, 1291 to I486. 266 Cartse 30 de Crowheld, 1380 to 1592. 207 to 70 Depositions in the Cause <>f Martha, Lady CliedVv. the Marches, wh. vcl. thinf. ch. s. xix. > A “Hortus Amicorum.” or Album, containing) Roman Inscriptions, & other Antiquities, Views? in Paris, & France, 159G, Ac. I8wo, ch. s. xvb obL wh. veil. ) P/iil/ipps Collections. 15457 15458 15459 15460 15438 15439 1 5440 15442 15413 15444 ] 5445 15446 15447 15448 15449 15150 15451 i 5452 Carkc Prioratus de Monmouth. 4 to. ch. s. xix. ///«<■ sewed. CopiedJbr Sir T.P. by M. Marchegay. Collection of Miscellaneous Pedigrees, &Topogra¬ ph y by Sir T. Phillipps, beginning with Tewkes¬ bury Marriages. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. M. 11. Ids. Collections for W orcesleishive,bcginningwith Lady Cockerell’s Li tier, canvassing for Sir Chas. Cock-! er e 11, the Candidate for Evesham. l2mo. ch. s. xix. M. H- bds Collections for Wilts beginning with Hensley’s measurement of the Altar Tomb in St. Thomas's Church, Salisbury. 12 wo ch. s. xix. Letters ot'Sir John Philipps, of Picton Castle 1760 4 /o. ch s. xviii. M. H. bds. Bought of . Davies, of Green Street, Leicester Square. Description of Athens, IJol. thinfol.ch.s. xviii. Life of Sir John Fitz, of Devonshire. Ato. ch. s. xix Copied from the rare printed Tract (Given to me by Rev. Wm. Valentine of Broadway,late ofStep- r.ey.) (Mr. Valentine is copying the unpublished Volumes of Princes’ VI orthies of Devon.) Collection of Pedigrees for Worcestershire. & Gloucestershire, begins with Sheldon of Rowley Beoley, Weston, & Childs Wickham, & the Ped, of Tomes of South Littleton./o/. ch. s. xix Rouhart, Miuistere de France, 1828- begins with Secours accorde in Malliaire. large, fol. ch. s.xix. T P. Collections for Worcestershire, & Glou- cestershire, begin with Ped. of Griffiths of Maes- y Groes; the Mortgage ot Jno. Throgmorton, de Over Lyppiat./. ch. s. xix. Hancock's Suit. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. Mortgage of Canning to Cotterell. 4/o ch. s. xviii, Precipes, large fol. Per gam. s. xviii, inquisitiones post Mortem Baronum de Tateshale, f, ch. s. xix. Glouo. Court Rolls./, ch. s. xviii. Manuscripts l>y the hand of Nature. ( Photographs.) 15461 15462 15463 15464 15465 15466 15467 154G8 15469 15470 15471 15472 15473 > 15474 : 1.453 Views of Picton Castle, Dyncvor Castle, & Golden Grove (’The 2 last photographed by Viscount Emlvn, who gave them to me) Haverford West Castle; the oldest House in H. West, in 1S59: Sir Jno. Philipps’ Monument in St. Mary's H. West: st. Thos. Church in H. West. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xix. 1^154 Views of Middle Ilill, by Mr. Charles Phillipps. sm. Ato. M.H. bds. ch s.xix. \ . .55 Views of Middle Hill from the Eracb; Do. from the Entrance Gate during the Snow; Do. S.E. Front; Buckland Parsonage; Blaen Pant House in Co. Cardigan, the Seat of Win. Brigstocke, Esq. 4to. ch. s. xix. 15476 15477 15478 15479 Chas. Phillipps’ \ iews of Middle Hill; The Kites Nest; Middle Hill from the top ot the Great Cl round; The Oaks in Burhill: Buckland Manor House, N Church; The Great Oak in Henacre; Broadway Church; U illerscy Church; Old Dur¬ ham House in W illersey; New do, in do; Middle Hill from the Brueii; Views of Oaks felled; Vievvj in Snow looking to Brockhumpton, over Conigreq Lane from Stokes’s Batinghunger; The School House: Miss Jane Phillip(>s's Portrait; Cotterell*^ old House in Bioadwu\; The Grove of Oaks lead¬ ing from Buckland 10 Laverton; Child’s Wick-1 ham. sm. Ato ch. s. xix. Berlandier MSS. Berlandier’s Correspondents in Mexico. thin Ato ch. s. xix white bds. General Teran’s Correspondents in Mexico thin Ato. ch. s. xix. yd low bds. __ Map of Matamoros thin f. ch. s. xix. Calculos Astronomicos de Obsorvaciones Iieclia9 a Matamoros desde 16, hasta el 31 Oct. 1832. ikinf. ch. s. xix. 1i Maps of the Route of M. Berlandier. Description of Matamoros. 1" Correspondence of M. Berlandier./. ch. s.xix. General Teran’s Voyage aux Populations des rives du Rio Bravo del Norte, ecrit par lui mcme. i II Correspondance du GeneralTeran f.ch.s.xix. Testimouio de Autos fechos in virtud de la supe^ riores ordines del virey, Bevillagigedo, in 1753. thin f. ch. s. xix. Observations Barometrical de Mexico. Tj Apunta para la Historia de las Minas de Balleeello por Valencia. IT Tabula de la disgracia en Ocotlan por el tein* blor del dia 2nd. Octubre, 1847. V Correspondence with M. Aguado, &c. 4 to. ch. s, xix. Diario del General Teran en Mexico en 1827. f. ch. s. xix. Berlandier’s Calculations Astronomiques, A Geo- grapliiques of Mexico, 2 Vols. s)u. 4 to. hat)green veil. s. xix. Diario di General Teran sur la Comission des Limites de la Republique Mexicaine en 1827 sm. Ato. half green cl. ch. s. xix. Berlandier’s (Louis,) Geographique Statistique de Mexico, 1826 . 2 Vols sm. 4 to. hf. grn. cl. ch. s.xix, Berlandier sur les Moeurs, & Coutumes des Indi¬ genes Nomadcs de Nouveau Mexique,Aides deu* Californies. 1830-2. Vols. sm. Alu. f ol. 1 hf.grn, cl. Vol 2 half veil. ch. s. xix. Do. Voyage au Mexique en 1826. 7 Vols. sm. 4 to. half green cl. M. II. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. Notes diverses Geographiques, k: Geologiquei from Voyages sm. Ato. s. xix JI. 11. bds. Do. Recherches Physiques, & Chymiques, thin 12 mo. ch, s xix.. I/. II. bds. Do. Extraits d. Astronomic, thin 12wo. ch. s. xix M. H. bds. Cartas del General Orbegoso. in perfect. 12 wo. ch S. xix. bds. Berlandier Voyage au Mexique Vol. 1 duplicat sm Ato. ch. s. xix. JI. II. bds. Do. Extraits de Chirurgie.l2wo.cA.s.xix.J/.ZT. bd>\ Do. Note des Observations afaire dans les Voy ages, 12 mo. ch. s. xix. M. II. bds. Do. Notes Mathematiques. 4/o. ch. s. xis M. II. bds. General Teran’s Voyage aux Limites N. E. de 1 Republique Mexicaine par ordre du Congres d 1’Union. 4 Vols. Vol. 1. missing, sm. Ato. cJ s. xix. cf. gilt. Exposition en Cumplimento de la Real Orden d( Aug. 1820 a la Diputation Provincial El Ayur tamiento Constitutionel de la Villa de Altamin Provincia del Nuevo Santander./, ch's. xix. i] Catalogs Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 295 5481 548*2 54b 3 5484 5485 5486 [5487 [5488 15489 15490 15401 1540*2 15493 15494 15495 15496 15497 15498 15499 15500 1 5501 1550*2 15503 15504 15505 15506 15507 15 OS ] 5509 15510 15511 15512 15513 15514 15515 15516 15517 15518 15519 Berlandier? Sobre las Vctas ,f ch. s. xix. Noticiadelas Tribus de Salvages conocidos, 7- que havitan en Texas, f. ch. s. xix. If Sobre los Arabes. 11 Noticios del a Patria de Malamoros. ( printed) If El Gejen de Sta. Aima de Tamaulipas. (pi inted) Do. Journey to Mexico, 1826, to 1831. sm. 4to. ch. s. xix. Berlandier s Gazetteer of Mexico, 16 Vols s. 4 to ch. s xix, ill. II. lids. Vol LA. 1. containing p. L to 300. The Towns & Villages in Oaxaca, & Valladolid. Vol. 2. A. 2. Do. in Oaxaca, Mexico, Vera Cruz Valladolid, p. 301, to (.0<. Vol. 3. A. 3. Do in Vera Cruz, Oaxaca, Zacatecas, Valladolid, p. 607, to 920. Vol. 4. B. 1. page 1, to 40*2. Towns, &c. in Oaxaca, Valladolid,VeraCruz,Texas, Tamaulipas,Morelia Vol. 5. B. 2. p. 403, to 700. Do in Oaxaca, Valla¬ dolid, Tamaulipas, Durango, Morelia, Vera Cruz, Chiapas. Vol. 6. B. 3. p. 701, to 1000. Do. in Valladolid, Texas, Oaxaca Vera Cruz, Murelia, Durango. V(.l 7. C. \.p. 1, /o 300-Do. inValladoliti,Oaxaca, 'Li x.is. Vol. 8. C- 2. p. 301, to 602. Do. in Morelia, Oax¬ aca, Chihuahua. Vol. 9. U. 3. p. 603, to 826. Do. in Vera Cruz, Tamaulipas, Oaxaca, Morelia. Vol. 10. A, to L. p- 1, to 300. Eveche de G dalaxara (?) y Provincias de Sinaloa, Sonura, Nueva Mexico, Copala, Cuiiacan, &c. Vol. 11. L. to S. p. 301, to 600. Eveche de Guadalaxara, Sinaloa, Senora. Vol. 12. S. to Z p. 601, to 830. Eveche de Guada- laxara, Sinaloa, Oslimuri, Sonora, Nuevo Mexico Vol. 13, A. to F. {missing.) Vol. 14. F. to M. p. 1, to 299. Texas, Oaxaca Valladolid, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Vol 15. M. to R. p. 300 , to 618. Vera Cruz, Meclioacan, Oaxaca, Valladolid, Texas. Vol- 16. Miscellanea, A. to Z. Berlandier’s SLalistiques de Mexico. s.4to.ch . s.xix. Do. Astronomical, S: Barometrical Observ- tiona in Mexico, in 1827. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xix. Do. from Mexico, to Kio Colorado, 18*27-8. S7ii. thin 4 to. ch. s. xix BeudantL Journey to Mexico, in 1827. sm. thin 4 to. ch. s. xix. Bevlanuier, kc. Hutoria de Mexico, et de Nova Hispania, in Siecuiis XVI, XVII, XVIII. sm.4to. ch s. xix . i: 0 . Description des Iudiens de Mexiciue. Sm. 4lu ch. s. xix. Do. Itineraries de Tampico, et Bezar, Sic. sm. thin 4to. ch. s. xix. Do. Botany of Mexico, thin 8 vo. ch. s. xix. Do. Tour in Tamaulipas, in 1831. tlun 4to. ch s. xix. Do. Geography of Mexico, 2 \o\s.sm.4to.ch.s.x\x. Do. Gazetteer de Mexico. Miscellaneous Entries. sm. 4to. *h. s. xix. begins with “Xochonuxio.” Do. Mexican Devolution, in 1830. sm. thin 4to. ch. s. xix. D -. Observations on iiis banishment by Col. Tay¬ lor, from Mexico. 1847. sm. 4to. ch. s. xix. Do. Astronomy of Mexico, srn. 4to. ch. s. xix. Do. Mineralogy of Mexico, sm. 4 to. ch. s.xix. Do. Gazetteer of Mexico, sm. 4 to. ch. s. xix. Vol. i. A, to S. Do. Do. Vol. 2. S, to Z. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xix. Do. Sketch of his Mexican Gazetteer, A, to C. sm. 4to. ch. s. xix. Do.Sketch of the Mexican Gazetteer, /oLl,to2 05. Do. of Gazetteer of Chiapas. fol l,to29. Do. Apuntos sobre el Viage desde Goliad a Mat- amoros, pasando por Bejar, Kio Grande, y las Villas del Norte, 1834. sm. 4to. ch. s. xix. M. H bds. 15520 Do. Gcograpbia de Mexico, cx, Theatre Ameri¬ cano, Parte 2. Lib. 6. bey ins with “De los Pob- laciones, Presidios y Missiones del Obispado de Durango, Cap. 1. Provincia de Tepequana” sm. thin 4to. ch s. xix. yellow.pp. 674. 15521 Observaciones Astronomicas por Berlandier y Chowell: dated at “Goliad, Diciembre, 1832.” sm 4to. ch. s. xix. yellow bds- 15522 Do. Gcograpbia Antiqua y Moderna di Mexico. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xix. half straw bds. Begins with ‘ Viage de los Aztcques al pais de Anahuac.” Tableaux Statistiques. II Religions du Monde. If Index del Diurio del Gobierno, 1840. '15523 Thenard on Analysis of Mineral Waters, sm. 4to. ch. s xix. straw bds. ) 15524 Chowell's Diario en Mexico, 1827-9, s. Aio.ch. s.xix. j 15525 Berlandier’s Agricultura del Estado de Tamaulipas. ) If Do. Botanica del do. do. IF lloute de Cortes. If Sobre el Volcati del Cerro Partido. \ If Bruits Souterrains y Tremblemens de Terre, If Erupcion de Jiirnllo. If Tremblemens de Terre de Oaxaca, &c. Sic. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xix. 15526 Do. on the American Invasion of Matamoros. thin 4 to. ch. s. xix. straw bds. \ 15527 Catalogue des Plantes Medicinales. thin 4to. ch. s. xix. ( 15528 Berlandier’s Voyage au Mexique aux Annees,1826. 1830. 8 vo. ch. s. xix, yellow bds. 15529 Do. Extracts from Humboldt’s New Spain. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xix. straw bds. 15530 Do. Journey through Mexico. Begins with “The 3 Feorier le General Mejia eutreprit sa Marche pour la villa de Oedral,” &c. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xix. yellow M. II. bds . Kelly MSS.from Dublin. 15531 English Families. So entitled, but it is a Copy of the “Liber Heredum” in the Cotton MSS. Claud¬ ius C. VIII, extracted from the Originalia, & other Records in the Tower of London, fol. ch. s. xix. green cl. -15532 Presentations by the Crown to Livings in Ireland, from 1530, to 1800. fol. ch. s. xi x. green cl. 15533 Ferguson’s Collection of the Names of Religious Houses, in Ireland, The Benefices, or Livings be¬ longing to them, & the Patentees, or Grantees. thick Jol. ch. s. xix. half red russ. 15534 Population of Ireland. It Baronies, Parishes, & Townlands, of Ireland. beginning with Co. Clare, as divided in the County Book returned in 1814. obi. l‘2mo. ch. s. xix. % veil. Miscellanea. >15535 Placita in Comuni Banco, Paseh. Ao. 3. Car, 1. begins with Ralph March, v. John Culpeper, and Anne, his wife, widow of Goddard, thick fol. ch. s. xviii. o. brn cf. Sale 1014. 15536 Specimens of Water Marks, in Paper from 1377, to 1840. Some of these Papers are Original Let¬ ters, & other MSS. From the Library of Daw¬ son Turner, Esqr. thick fol. ch. sac. xiv, ad xviii. cf. gilt. Photographs of Lord Northmens Gallery of Paintings, 1859. 15537 Vol. 1. containing No. 1174 ? Savoyards. 1537 Portrait of the Sultan.? \ 1209 Ward. Dismissal of Lord Clarendon, s 551 Virgin, A: Child. \ 411 P. da Cortona. Parting of Jacob, & Laban < (In the Frame.) 996 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 1161 Cooper, Cows in a Meadow. i 1112 River Scene. 1176 Lance. Portrait of his Laughter bearing! 15542 a Dish of Fruit. 15538 Vol. 2. containing. 555 St. Cathanne,&hor Wheel. .... Portrait of. 132 Portrait of. 905 Virgin,&Child in tL- midst ol an Assembly.; 1207 Sea Piece. 568 P. Perugino. Christ, & St. Thomas. 456 Murillo. Jacob, •'fe the peJcd ltods. 1090 Meugs. The Madunna of Foligno. 1591 Raffaelle. Portrait of Bianchini. 1201 Frost. Diana, 5 c Aetseon. 1680 Guido Reni. Lucrctia. .... lironzes. The Horses of Marli. 578 Dirth of P ljucchus. 1584, or 181 Bruges. Louis XI. 1153 Parker. Halt of the Smugglers. 101 Titian. Venus reclining. 1151 Raffaelle. St. Cathaiine, of Alexandria. her Whcv-l. (now in Sir T. Phillipps’s Gal-j I cry at Middle Hill.) 12^1 Frost. Diana. (duplicate o/T'201.) 1533 Carlo Dolce. La Pocsia. 1583 Portrait of. 15539 Vol. 3. 4/a. 6£ inch, containing. 1694 Giorgione 3S6 Mulrcady. The Convalescent. 1672 . 415 Countess Spenucchi, & her Children. . Statuary. Apollo, Venus, & Hercules. \ 51 Duke of Hamilton, Sec. 1189 TJwins. Taking the Veil. 1582 Leonardo da Vinci. The Virgin, & Child,; in the Jessamine Lower. (Now in Sir Thos.j 15543 Phillipps’s Gallery at Middle Ilill.) 836 H"ly Family. 99, or 97 Carlo Maratti. Virgin, & Child. \ 96 Raffaelle School. Vision of Ezekiel. IS Landscape. 1529 Virgin. /? Assumption.) 411 P. da Cortoua. Parting of Jacob, & Laban .' 351 P. Nasmyth. Leigh Woods. 109 Donkey, & Sheep. 91 Alonzo Cano. Christ bearing the Cross. ! 1645 Virgin, & Child with Cherries. 15540 Vol. 4. 4/o. 6 inches, containing. 437 Elizth. of Bohemia. 1690 Teniers. A Chymist's Shop. 94 Artemisia. j 442 General Ireton. 1121 Virgin, & Child, Christ asleep. 264 General Leslie. 371 Pitt, by Sir T. Lawrence. .... Bronzes. The Horses of Marli. 558 Virgin, Child, & Joseph. : 15544 380 Duke of Wellington, & Col. Gurwood. 5 . Bronzes. Mercury, £cc. 1083 Rothenhaimer. Murder of the Innocents. > 8lo Hen. 8, & family. 10 miniatures in 1 frame 1616 Lady Jane Gray. 15541 Vol. 5. 4/o. 5 inch, containing. 240 Raffaelle. St. Sebastian. 889 Vision of St. Gregory. 1188 H. Vcrnet. Bivouac of Troopers. 52 Claude. 1°20 Geurgione. Virgin, & Child, & Joseph. \ .... {Hast.) Clytia. 1679 Schidoue. Girl with Horne Book. 1709 Lozcnzn di Crcdi. Virgin, 5c Child, 1138 Etty. Rape of Proserpine. 841 . 115S Crcswick. The Mountain Stream. 17S9 Nymphs Bathing. 431 Fletcher, the Poet. 567 Fraucia. The Annunciation. 574 Virgin, 5c Child, lull J. Bellini. Do. & do. II Reposo. 12'>7 G. Hexing. Monterone Lake. 1849 Vol. 6. 4 to. 5 inch. high, containing. 1184 Howard. Sabrina, & Nymphs. 893 Ilemmelinck. Marriage of St. Agnes. 445 Backhuysou. View- on the Texel. 1620 Lady Hamilton, as Magdalen. 379 . 483 Landscape. 558 Virgin, Child, Joseph. I0u2 Mahomet, & Gcnnadius, the Patriarch of Constantinople, 1102 River Scene, North Wales. 1094 Giorgione. Music Party. 1592 Portrait of a Lady. 257 Vauder Capelin, A Calm. 1166 Fraser. The Village Sign Painter. 155 Nain. Cottage Interior. 657 Shield of Achilles. 1612 The 3 Brothers Culigny. 1197 Goodall. Norman Conscript. 1149 Scln ndcl. Candle-light in a Market Place. .... Mosaic. Table with Pliny’s Doves. 1160 Christ on the Waters. 436 Van Somer. Henry, Prince of Wales. 1691 Samson.? 1179 Hoppncr.“Iufancy,” a Child, with a Puppv. 264 . 138 Quintyn Matsys. Bis Mother. 547 Gnudenzio di Ferrara. Virgin, & Child. 474 .. .. . 97 Virgin,.Child, & Joseph. 287 A Party. 175 The Creation. 890 Virgin, with Dead Christ in her lap. 119b Columbus, Sc the Egg. Vol. 7. 4 In. 4 inches, containing. 1193 Gilbert. Highland Loch. 62 Raffaelle. The Flagellation. 482 J. Veruet. River Scene. 896 . ?418 Landscape Horseman going over a bridge in the distance. 106 Callot. The Fair. 1692 Guerino. Christ at the Well. (Bought by Mr. Michael Bedford, of Broadway.) 1674 Ecce Homo. 537 The Crucifixion. 863 Gentile Fabriano. Virgin, & 2 Children. 473 Watteau. Return from the Chase. 1157 Leu. Scene in Norway. 1672 Carlo Maratti. Virgin with a Book. 1127 Masaccio. Portrait'of himself. 31 Horsemen at an Inn. 152S Raffaelle School. Virgin, & Child. 441 Claude. Apollo, S: the Sibyl. 991 Nic. Poussin. Venus appearing to g£neas. Vol. j8. 4 to. 4 inch, containing. 1114 G. Terburg. a Portrait. 1711 Ci.. Christ appearing to the Disciples. 60 .Virgin, & Child. 1580 A Dance. 1691 Samson, Sc the Honeycomb. 971 5 Angels, dancing. 3;9 Webster. The Dunce punished. 1150 Christ appearing to Peter, 881 Botticelli. Virgin kneeling before Christ. 1.164 Edward the Confessor’s Shrine in Wes train-, ster Abbey. 1067 John, the Baptist, baptising Christ. 1165 D. Roberts. Church of S. Jacques, atDieppe. 1525 Virgin, 5c Child. 1530 The Ascension. 1529 The Virgin in Heaven. 1758 Murillo. Virgin, & Child. 216 Alonzo Cano. Joseph, & the Virgin lead¬ ing Christ. .... (Bronzes.) The Horses of Marli. 112 Raffaelle. La Fornarina. 3G Nieulandt. Flight into Egypt. 2.97 Catalog os Librorum Manuscriptoruii in Bibliotheca 1’nn.i.irincA. )545 18 173 916 im 1593 1060 Vol.’9. 174 351 1695 1594 1615 ‘.58 130 326 1136 235 417 1480 Vander Necr. River Scene, Holland. Schoen. Christ bearing his Cross. Veuanzi. Abraham's Dream. Muller. View of Athens. Van Oss^ Flowers. 15546 15547 15548 15549 15550 15551 15552 15553 15554 1 oo 55 15556 15557 15558 J 5559 15560 1556L 15562 15563 15564 15565 15566 15567 15568 15569 15570 15571 15572 15573 15574 sm. 4 to. 3 inches, containing. St. Cosmo, & Damian, Ly Angelica d Fiesole. P. Nasmyth. Leigh 'Woods. Carlo Dolce. St. John the Baptist. Van Oss. Flowers, & Bird’s Nest, Vandyke. The Karls of Bedford. & Bristol Poelemberg. Glorification of the Virgin. Portrait. Boddingtori, Sea Beach. Nash. Milton dictatin ’; to his Daughters. A. Cuvp A Boy holding 3 Horses. C/riiiiphuysen. Dairy Farm in Holland. Virgin, & Child, St. Dominic, .y St. Catha rine of Sienna. Porter MSS. 15580 15581 15582 155153 5584 ,15585 ’15586 Peter Moore's Letters to Jane Porter, 1317, to 1819. marked M. 12 wo c/i. s. xix. ftl II bits. M m. O. Porter's Letters to do. do. 18*29, to 46. marked P. \2nu> ch. s xix. ftl II bds. Mrs. Porter’s Letters to her family, 18.. to 1830. marked P. 12 mo. ch. s xix. ftl. II. Ids. Anna Maria Porter’s Letters, marked P. 12wo. c/i. s. xix. ftl. II. bds. Mrs. Roche’s Letters to Sir Robt. K. Porter, 1845, &c. marked li l2wo ch. s xix. ftl. H. bds. Sir Martin A. Shee’s, & Lord Dudley Stewart’s. Letters, to Jane Porter, 1836, to 48. marked S, 1 2wo. ch. s. xix. ftl. II. bds. Sir Robt. Wilson’s, & Sir Gardner Wilkinson’s Letters, to Jane Porter, 1828, to 42. marked W 12 ;//o. ch. s. xix. M. H. bds. Sir Robt. K. Porter’s Letters, 1806. and without date. 1 ‘inib. ch. s’, xix. ftl. II. bds. Do. do. to Jane Porter,'from Caraccas. 12/nd. ch. s. xix. 'ftl. II. bds. l etters to Sir Robt. Iv. Porter, 1800, to 1853. 12 wo. ch. s. xix. ftl. H. bds, Do, to Do. 1826, to 36. \2moch s xix. II.M.bds. Do. to Do. at Caraccas, 1827, to 40. \2ino. ch. s. xix. ftl. H. bds. Do. to Do. 1825, to 1841. Vlmo. ch. ftl. II.bds. Do. K. K. Princess ScherbatofPs Letters to Sir It. K. Por¬ ter, before marriage, 1805-6. !2wo. ch. s. xix. ftl. 11. bds. W. O. Porter’s Letters, 1831, to 1846. 12/wo. ch. s. xix. ftI. II. bds Miss Mary Porter’s fMadam Kikini,) Letters. 8 vo. ch. s xix. ftl. H. bds. (She was married to Mr. Kikini in 1835.) Letters of Lady Porter, & her Daughter, 1808, to 1829. 12 mo. ch. s, xix. ftl. II. bds. Count Krasinski’s Letters, 1840, to 1849. 12 wo ch. ftl. II. bds. Anna Maria Porter’s Miscellanea. 12 /no. ch. s xix. ftl. II. bds. Do. do. Poetry, thin 12mo. ch. s.xix. ftl.H.bds. Mrs. Belzoui's Letters. 12 wo. ch. s. xix. ftl. II. bds Porter Correspondences, & Miscellaneous Papers. 12 wo. ch. s. xix. ftl. 11. bds. Chambers, & Campbell’s Letters, from Bogota. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. ftl. H. bds. James Hamilton’s Letters, 1838. 12wo. ch. s. xix. ftl. II. bds. Lady Mac-Donald’s Letters, 1838, to 1843. to Jane Porter. 12 mo. ch. s. xix, M. H. bds. N. P. Willis’s Letters, Vol. 2. 1835-45. 12wo. ch. 4 /. H. bds. ( For Hoi. 1 . See 4 tos.) Ministers Letters, 1836-40. 12 wo. ch. s. xix. Miss Pardoe’s Letters, 1832-41.12mo.< h.ftl.H.bds. r 15575 Mrs. Roche's Letters, 1842, &c. 12wo. ftl. II bds. ) I 557 (j Letters from Plai.ta, Rolleston, Lord Aberdeen, Lord Dunglas, &c. 12wo. ch. ftl■ II. bds. ) 15577 Sir R. K- Porter's Itinerary in Russia. l*2///o. ch. J M. II. ids. > 15578 .'aue Porter's Poems. 12//.-0 ch ftT. II bds. <’ 15579 La Par-tie de Cliasse du Roi. In French : a printed ;l S Hook, with the following Autograph Note of Sir Robert Kerr Porter, ‘‘Very rare, not to be pur¬ chased now a day,*. A curious Dramatic produc¬ tion. Printed, & performed in liayti, before King Henry, the Nigger.” 12wo. ch ft'l.II. bds■ Narrative of the loss of the Leinster Diamonds, Written by Lady M. 1838.1 'Imu.ch s.xix. ftl.U bds. Porter Domestic Papers, Accounts, beginning with 1820. Uoo. ch. s. xix. ftl. II. bds. Do. Miscellaneous Papers. Sou. ch • ftl. II. bds. Do Medical Prescriptions, $vo. ch. ftl. II. bds. Porter Addresses. 18wo. ch. s xix. ft 1. II bds. These contains Autographs of Peers, Ministers of State, A in hors, &e. fitc. with their Seals, »& Coats of Ar.i.s. Lady Porter’s Billetdoux, to Sir Robert K. Porter. 1 8wo. square, ftl■ II. bds. Notes of friends, to Jane Porter. 24 mo. square, ftl. li. bds. Berlanilier MSS. 155S7 Berlandier’s Account of the Mexican War, 1846. sm. 4 to. ch., s xix. yellow ftl. II. bds. 15588 Do. Yocabiilares ludiens. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xix. yellow ft 1. II. bds. 15589 Do. Excursion in Nouveau Leon. 'sm, 4 to. ch. s. xix yellow ftl. II. bds. 15590 Do. Mexico, containing'. 1 Itineraire de Tampico a Ileal del Monte. 2 Description delos Antiques Edificios que se fpiyan.en el l’ueblo de Mitla en el Estado de Oaxaca, with pencil drawings. II Duirio de Tainaulipas. with a ftlap. *jj Sybre.el Volcan del Cerro Partido. II Salvages del 1 jepartemenfo de Tfjas. If Decouverle de lu Baia du St. Esprit par terre, en 1665. flu this is quoted the “Cronica tie los Cullegios.” If Expedition de Mr. de la Sale ala Bahia del Espiriiu Sane to in 1684-5. If Sobre.la expedition de Gutierez. If Journal de Voyage de Mr. Sanchez, 1828. If Sepulcyos do Yucatan. If S.obre, los Indies Salvages. ^f Origin de los Indies Mexicanos. \ Musique, I)anse ? et Chants des Iudiens, At the.end are printed ld.vtracts relating to the, Indians; & the battle of Mihigale. sm, 4/o. ch, s. xix. yellow ftl. II. bds. 15591 General Pedro Rivera’s Journal de sa Visite des Provinces de Mexiqutgpar ordre du Viceroi, Mar¬ quis de Casa Fuerte. Description de los Antiqu’os Edificios de Mitla. sm. thin 4 to. ch. s. xix. yellow ftl. II. bds. .Berlandjer on Yellow Fever, sm. 4to. eh. s. xix. yellow M. H. bds. Do, Considerations generales suf le Departemeat de Texas, narrow 8 vo. ch. s xix. yellow MII.bds. Dp. Diaria pendente la Comission de Limites, i 831-2. a Matamoros. obi. 24 mo. ch. s. xix. yell, ft 1. II. b/is. 15596 l)o. Extracts from Cuvier’s Anatomy, thick \2mo. ch. s. xix. brn. ftl. II. bds. Miscellanea ex J3ibl . variis. 15597 Letters to Dyer the Poet. 8 vo. ch. s. xix. yellow ftl.H.bds. 15598 Do. do. 2 Vols. 4 to. ch. s.xix. yell. M.II.bds. 1 15599 Johnson’s Letters to Bradley. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. yel. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillipimca. 298 15600 15601 15602 15603 15604 15605 15606 15607 15608 15609 15610 15611 15612 15613 15614 15615 15616 15617 15618 15619 15620 15621 15622 15623 15624 15625 15626 15627 Charles Butler’s (of Lincoln’s Inn/) Corespondence. 4 to. ch 8. xix. yellow M. H. bds. > Bediv Historia Anglorum. Jol. ch. s. xiv, half dark < ef. marbled sides. Olvnfnit Ecclcsia Lathed,. Lin¬ coln. ex cl olio Wmi. Dadyngum, / warn r/d Barton super Humhre, Fasten ,u,t Tlioimc ,dno Fair ax,} delude Johi.Thoresby, de Leedes. (PideCouUig < MSS. Anglia.*, p. ISO. No. 3S92. CcwM. Fau lax.) J Collins’s English Peerage m Tables, b\ -amue.v Beacon, who finished the 9 Volumes in 3 yearsS in 1828. Legibly written. B ith a copious Index oil Names, loose, fol. half red russia. He gave it to ( . Katli. Rawlins Howes, 15 Bee. 1835. Towcester Inelosure Award, 2 Geo. 3. H Various Heceipts to make Blacking, ac olhei Domestic Articles. 1. fol. ch. s. xvin .grn. veil. Biography of Sebastian Cabot, Geo. Calvert, Lar- thol. Las Casas, Cortes, Sir Wm. V\ aad, Colum¬ bus, Champlain, Pizarro, G» bert, Hugh Peters, Sir F. Drake, Bassano, Hakluyt, Lord North. large fill. eh. s. xix. M. M. Ode. Ex Bill. Daw- son Turner, Arm. ...... Michael Jones’s Pedigrees of Roman Catholic Peers, &c. viz. Arundel of Wardour, Jerumg- ham, Lord Stafford, Wolseley, Meynell, Fiizher- bert of Norbury, & Swinuertoii. large J ch. s. xix. M.H.bds. Athenry Peerage Claim, large Jol. cli. s. xix. M. II. bds. Betham JM8X Betham MSS. Pedigrees of Bermingham, Craufurd Loftus, Dclvin, Dineley, Canning, large]ut. ch. s. xix. M. H bds. . Lord Kingsborough’s Proof Sheets of his Mexico with his MSS. Corrections, l.fol.ch s.xix.JI.H.bds. If Lord Kingsborongh's Answer against his Persecutors in Chancery, l.f. veil. s. x;x. Lord Kingsborough’s Mexico, being the MSS. Copy with his Marginal Notes, Additions, & Cor¬ rections for the 2 last \ols. 8 , o. ch. s. xix. j\I. H.bds, Pedigrees of Worcester, Wilts. South Wales, and Salop, by Sir T. P. 4 to. ch. s. xix. J/. ll. bus. Old Receipts, Sec. with Autographs. 4to. ch. s. xvii. xviii. k xix- M H. bds. If Survey of Busshey Parke, 1611. Letters of Sir John Guise, ^ Sir William Guise,- some daied from Nismes, 1753, &c. 4/o. ch. s.xvn.i M. II bds. Bradshaigh’s Military History of Lancashire, 1G60,; Sc 1670. fol. eh, a. xvii. dark blue T. mor , tooled gilt edges Hensley’s (Wm.) Hampshire Brasses, thin fol. eh. s. xix. M. H. Biglaiid's Explanation of Ancient Words. thin Jol. ch. s. xviii. half wit, cf. M. II. bds. Autographs of Lawyers: begat with Wintie, c. Stafford, thin fol. ch, s. xix. iff. h. bds. List of Nisi Pnus Cases, Ao. 6 . Geo. 1. fol. ch. s. xviii. iff. H. bds. Q Charlotte’s Expenses, 1792. thin fol. ch.s. x\iii„ half slip. Keniaiia Maneriorurn de Sheffield, ice. 1646-7. fol. ch s. xvii. Catalogue of Books printed by Aldus, thin Jul. ch. s. xviii. half red cf. Ebrtificactones Vi 1 lse de Tours, thick narr.jol. F. s. xv. da/k blue cf. Household Expences, for one year, of Geo. 1.1722-3. thin Jol. ch. s. xviii. wh. veil, imperfect . Pembrokeshire Pedigrees, by Sir T. P H Sol\a Letters. 4 to. ch. s. xix M. LI. lids. Charles*Townsend’s Letters. 4 to. ch. s. xvoi.i)/.// plowlett’s Worcestershire Monastic Seals, drawn for Mr. Caley, for the New Dugdale. thin 4to.ch, s. xix. Ushers Rolls of the Exchequer, 1723. obi. 4 to. V. s. xviii. 6 inches M. II. bds. Betham MSS. Genealogical Notes for Buiier, Flem¬ ing, Wesley, Mac Carthy, Costello, Pedigrees. sm. 4 to. ch s. xix. A/. II. bds. .atalogus Lirrorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 299 Chalmers’sMSS. Extracts from Scotch Cartularies, j 4 to. ch. s xix. A/. H. Ids. $ 15663 Drawings of Bedfordshire Fossils. 4 to. ch. s.xviii. / green mor. Artist unknown. ' 15664 Laughurne Phillipps's Receipts. 12mo. ch s. xix ; 15665 Leek Wotton Parish Register Extracts, by Sir T.P. j 16666 in pencil. Ato. ch. s. xix. / Kxcerpta ex Rot. Patent. Hibernise, by J.MumfordA 18 mo ch. s. xix. (1860.) j 156G7 Do- Ex Rot. Piacitorum Hibernise, by J. Mum-) ford. 8 vo- ch. s. xix. marked Pol. 2. ^ 15668 Do. Ex do. by Sir T. P. marked Fol. 1. \ 12 mo. ch s. xix. ) 15669 Codicum Manuscriptorum Frag men ta. large thickl fol. ch. s apparently an lnterpretatio Apocalypseos, with, 15672 references to events in the World. ‘if A Medical Work. > 15673 ^1 Justinian. 11 Bracton ? 11 Liter* Papales Gregorii ix, 3 c. ad Decan- um, & Pnorem Colonienses, sivc, de Legi-) 15674 bus Canonic is. > II De Godefrido Boleyn in Terra Sancta. I 1l De Pytagoricis. > 1‘ De Matnmomo. ) H Expositiones Verborum Biblise. \ Explanalio Verborum. ) 11 De Jure Patrouatus. [ 15675 i; De Moribus. II Tractatus Magri. Wmi. de Aliveruia Peccatis, & Viciis. \ 15676 II Regul* Monachorum. H Liter* Papales. \ 15677 H Ex Vitis S. Primi, & S. Feliciaiii, & S. Frides wid*. Ex Vita S. Albini Episcopi. 1 i Ex Vita S. Ceaddae, 6 Nonas Marcii- ) 15678 1 | Ex Epistolis Gregorii. De Viciis II pMissale Sarisberiense. ( 15679 II Apocalypsis. H Quomodo captandi Pisces sunt. \ 15680 H De Volatilibus. II De Cibariis. ^ 15681 c lnterpretatio Verborum. II De Luxuria, cum exemplis. If l)e Historia Naturali. $15682 II De Philippo, prime inter Romanos lmper- atores Christian* Fidei Professos. H Carmen, incipil. /15683 “Consule (orConfido) re quot|uam longius ire paret.” Finis, Fortuiiam auxilii si pres- tite renuis eisdem *\ Part of(?a Filazer's) Roll,for Co. Montgom¬ ery, & other pans of Wales, & Salop, & Devon. 4 leaves. Inter alia Fulke Mydle- ) 15684 ton, j olo suo C. versus Johem. ap Robert nuper de London, Yeoman, &.c. ap.in Co. Denbigh .... de placito debiti. Some of these fragments are from Merton College Library. Olim fait, (credo) Revdi. Philippi Bliss, D. D. 5660 5661 5662 Sir Wm. Bet ham’s MSS. 18(j0. Letters of Sir Wm. Beiham. Begins with Sir Chichester Fortescu. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. M.H. bds. From the Newcomen Lot. Do. do do. begins with Ped. of Lloyd. 4to. ch. s. xix. M. H. bds. Do. do. do. begins about the Forester Arms. 15685 15686 15687 4 to. ch. s. xix. M. H. bds■ A theory Peerage Papers. 4 Vols. Vol. 1. fol ch. s, xix. M. II. bds. Do. Vol 2 .fol eh. s. xix. M II. bds * Do. Vol, 3. fol. ch. s. xix M H. bds. Do. Vol. 4. begins with a Notice on the Slane Peerage Claim, by George Bryan, of Jenkinstown. large f . eh. s. xix. M. H. bds. Dozier’s ?) French Pedigrees of Irish Families. f. ch. s. xix. M. JLI. bds. Botham's Irish Pedigrees, f. ch. s. xix. M. II. bds. begins with Letter from Cole. Do. do. do. large fol. ch. s. xix. M. II. bds. begins with Geo. 3. Patent of Arms to Philip d’Auvergue, Bermingham Pedigree, tall thin fol. ch. s. xix. M.H. bds. Litibid Peerage, &c. large fol. ch. s. xix. M. II.bds. Miscellanea ex Bibl. variis , continued. Excerpta ox Actis Capituli Trajectensis. 8 vo. ch. s. xix blue bds. Ex Bibl. Muschenbroek. Montagu’s (of Backhaul,) Arms of Wiltshire Fami¬ lies. beaut fully emblazoned, by Mr. Montagu, nr his Sister (at dicitur.) small 4 to. ch. s. xix. puce morocco rich gilt. T. TV. ('? Dr Tlios. Thomas,) Translation of Epic¬ tetus into English Verse, ‘‘by T. T. sometime Student of Christ Church, Oxford, composed at Presteigne betwixt Feb. 16,1743, & June 24 1744.” sm. Alo. ch. s xviii. old cf. gilt.lfifhe was Libra¬ rian to Lord Oxford, or afterwards Bishop of Worcester.) Memoire de la Maison Boyale de St. Louis, a St. Cyr. 12 mo. ch. s. xviii. M. II. bds. With Auto¬ graph of La Beaumtlle. Lieut. Thomas Graves’s Letters from Sebastopol. 8 vo. ch. s. xix. Letters of Sidney, Dover, Yorke, Vaughan, Mrs, Graves, of Mickletou, (to Shenstone,) Chedworth, Sir Chas Hedges, Sir Leoliu Jenkins, Robert Vaughan. Alo. ch. s. xvii. & xviii. A Fragment of the History of Dido, & ./Eneas, in Flemish Verse. 2 leases fol. V, s. xiv. Ex MSS. Phillipps, No. 2637. Chronicjue d’Angleterre. sm. 4 to. ch. puce cl.(I be¬ lieve this is a forged MS. of the xviii,orxixth.T.P.) Revue de I’Armee Russe pres Vertus, in 1815. obi. 4/o. ch. s. xi x.grn. mor.gilt. OlimG. Murray. Sir Peter Ball’s History of the Courtenays, fol. ch. s. xviii. hf. cf. gt. Ex Bill. Sir Isaac Heard, with his Autograph. Pedigrees of Howard, Arundel, Vere, with some Foreign Pedigrees; all in Circles, fol. ch. s. xviii. Apparently by some Foreigner. Warton’s Description of Winchester City, Colledge, A Cathedrals; printed, with his Autograph Correc¬ tions. 12 mo. ch. half bm. tether. no date, but some former possessor,probably the Author himself has written at the foot of the Title. ‘‘Published 1760, by Mr. Tho. War ton.” Baylis’s Inscriptions iu Worcestershire; & Glouces¬ tershire Churchyards, in the Vale of Evesham, viz. Harvingtou, Bretforton, Honeyboru, 2 Little- tons, Willersey, Saintburv, Weston Subedge, As¬ ton Subedge,Mickleton,Church Honeyborn, Rous Leuch,Dorsington,VVelford,Westonon Avon, Long Marston. Hinton, Ashton under Hill, Sedgeber- row, Wormington, Aston Somerville, Gt. Com- berton, Bricklehamptcn, Elmley Castle, Dumble- ton. 8do. ch. s. xix. half red cf. Principio y progresso de la Poesia, Musica, Pintura yEscultura, por Anton, de Soussa Macedo,en 1102. sin. 4to. ch. s. xviii. wh. veil. On Courts Martial, 1661. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. Preface (? by Geo. Owen,) to a Work, entitled “Short Pedigrees of Divers Noblemen, Knights, Esqrs., Gentlemen, & Women of Pembrokeshire" 300 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 15688 15689 15690 15691 15692 15693 15694 15695 15696 15697 15698 15699 15700 15701 15702 15703 15704 15705 15706 15707 1570S containing all, or most, of the 8 Ancestors from, whom they are descended, together with the- Arms of most of them. London, printed by John; Winter, for the Author, Anno Dorn. 167!.” The Title, & Preface, only are printed.” Copied from, the MS. Arch. 1). 8. 5. in the Chelhain Library, Manchester, by . Jones, the Welsh Baid. , 1 Smo, ch. s. xviii. yellow mor. (The Pedigreed are not copied in this Vol.) \ 15709 D. p. ^David Powell’s) Copy of the Index to the; Collection of Prints, & Drawings relating to Lon-| don, &c. in the Pepysian Library, Magdalen Col- 15710 ledge, Cambridge, taken 23 Oct. 1811. thin 4 to. ch. s. xix. sewed. Customs of London, sm • 4t.o. ch. s. xvii. & xvm i die. cf. Olim fuit Arlhuri Tumour. II A Treatise of the Nobility. H Patent, temp. 1 Eliz. pars.8. on the Jurisdic¬ tion of Chester. \ H The Case of Anne, Widow of Sir Richard: Bulkeley, of Beaumaris, who marriedi 2nd. Thomas Cheadle. _ j Gesta Ducis Ranuccio Farnese nel Pontificato dij Sisto 5to. thin 4to. ch. s xviii. half wh. cf. Letter of Q. Caroline, dated St. James's, 3 March; 1736. thin 4 to. ch 8p pergam. s. xviii. fj Autograph of George 2, Sec. Buckinger's wonderfully minute Writing of the| Lord’s Prayer, The Creed, the 10 Commandments,j the Prayer for the King, & the 2uh. Psalm, all; within the space of a Crown Piece. With his Por¬ trait, and an engraving of his various exploits pei-j formed without hands.? thin 4to. ch. s. xviii. \ Letters to Sbenstone the Poet, thin 4to.ch. s. xviii. ] “Heraldry.” contains , ^ An Ordinary of Arms, j *[1 Index of Surnames. II Battle Abbey Roll. j « r Knights, & Gentlemen slain at the Isle of; Ree, 1627. j H Arms of Gentry, inter a/ttt“Pbyllypps” name? given but not Arms. I H Catalogue of Dukes, &c. temp. Jac. & Car.) 1628. 4lo. ch. s. xvii. half russ. Old Sale 581 \ Index Cartarum de Piccolomini, entitled “Index del Tomo IX.” It seems to be an Index Bui-5 larum in Vols 9. 11. 12. ("10 being missing.) f. ch. j 15712 s. xviii. half cf. dk. blue cloth sides. Welsh Poems of David, ap Guilym, Gutyn Owen, John Philip, Ac. inter-leaved, royal 8 vo. ch. s.xvii. | red russ. Estatutos por la LJuiversitad de Salamanca, print¬ ed, with MSS. Notes, fol. ch. half red cf. 1561. Letters, & Autographs of French Generals, Ney, Aucrereau, Bugeaud, 2cc.kc.Jol. ch. s. xviii, &xtx, half red cf. Carta Regis Edwdi. 6. pro Civitate London. fol. ch. s. xvi. half red russ. < Langan’s Fragmcnta Hibernica. beginning with | “Ye people who laugh at Masons draw near,” Arc. ) but the greater part is in Irish, royal 8r o. ch. \ s. xviii. & xix. half red russ. Langan MSS. Vol. 2. Agallun na Seanoirea, copi- • cd by Joseph Langan, in 1849, from the Book of] Lismore. 4 to. ch. s. xix. half dark cf. j 15713 Bo. Vol. 3. The Death of Cuchullin. Copied by \ Peter Langan, of Carrig na Var, from the Book of * 15714 Ballymote. 4 to. ch. s. xix. half dark cf. Do. Vol. 4. The Book of Battles. Copiedby Peter \ Langan. 4 to. eh. s, xix. half dark cf. Arms of the Knights of the Garter, with their quar- ] 15715 terings. Taken from a Screen, bound into a Vol. i fol. ch. s. xvii. wh. cf. ( There are 2, or 3 other \ Screens from which the Arms should be taken , j bound into Volumes to correspond with this.) ] 15716 Lugi’s Correspondence at Avignon, during the ] French Revolution, 1789-90. f. ch. s. xviii. luilf j 15717 crimson cf. < Drawings of Arms, &. Tournaments, emblazoned. ] large thin 4 to. V. ch. s. xvii. Letters of Remarkable Persons, Lord Cochrane, ' Rowland Stephenson, Wm. Hone, Gully, a Mq hawk Chief, &c. Svc. thin \to. ch. s. xviii. II A Print of the Battle beweeu Gully, & Gre^son L'Abbe Le Laboiueur, Historia de la MaisOu «i Courtenay with a Historical Note respecting hi Work. “Copie sur un MS. preste u M. Le Proas reur General par M, de Baufremont, July 1738' 2 Vols. thick l. f. ch. s. xviii. old French cj ^ gt. Map of Lands called Bossal’s & Stockden’s, belong ing to Rev. Charles Beaumont, Rector of \V iines ham, made 1743. a Vellum Roll , s. xviii. Map of Reydon Manor, Co. Suffolk, belonging t Maurice Barrow, Esqr. made by William ,\| e Vj Gent. 1620. a Roll of stiff Vellum , s*c. xvii. Relalioni diverse dci Ambassiadori latte a mol Potentati da G. B. Grimaldo. Formerly belong in to Lord Bolingbroke, given by H. Luxborouf to the Hon. Henry Knight. Vol. 1. 1 Geneulogia del Duca de Savoia. 2 Relatione di Lippomano pixsso el do- 3 Duca de Hevers al Re di Fraucia. 4 Relatione di Soriano. 5 Du Marriage de la Reyue Eiiz. d’Angleterr 6 Al Re di Fraucia su lTmprese di Fiandria. 7 Soriano Relatione de Spugua. 8 De Venito del Re a Ferrara, 9 Bisogna dela Guerra, 1521. 10 Domighero Relatione di Napoli. 11 La Precedenza di Francia, & Spagnn. J 2 De la Pace, 1598 13 Oratio del Re di Fraucia Henrico, 4 14 Relatione sopra la Ferrara. 15 Do. do. Romagna, Comaccliio. 16 Conclavi di Pio 5. A Gregorii 13. 17 Accordi tra Cwsare D'Este, e il Papa sop il reetiiutione di Ferrara. ' 18 Differentia di Republ. dd Venetiu e la San Chiesa. 19 Oratione del Senatore Veneto. 20 Breve HistoriaJi Differentia. 21 Lettera di Genua a la Republ. de Venetia 22 Tiepolo sulla Poteuza del Xurco. 25 Discurso d’un Legati contrail Turco. 24 Che un Principe dueve castigate sui M gestrati. 25 N. Fioreulino, Modo di far Denarii. Vol. 2. De la Sicilia. 1 De la Uepublica di Venetia. 2 Ragiun del Camini. 3 l)e la S. Chiesa. 4 Lome!lino sul andada del Lagato Gacta: in Francia. 5 Ricordi a sua Beatitudhe per megliore Case dei Catolici nel Regno di Sicilia. 6 De la via che doive premiere I exercito Fra cesi per liuerare il Poutifice strettodal Du D’Alba. 7 Instruclione al Cardinal Gaetano in Franc 8 Relatione de Manolesso, Ambass. di Ferra; 9 De la Kepubli.ca di Genua. 10 Ritratti nella Galleria del Duca di Toscai Stewart, <5yc. i860. Proceedings of the Commissioners of Revem 1626. limp Vell.f. ch. s. xviii. Journall Booke ot the proceedings of his Majest Commissioners for the lessening of his Mujcsti Charge, & Increase of the Revenue, limp Vt fol. ch. s. xvii. Amerigbi’s (Abbate Marco J Romance ofPrin Celidoro di Persia. Firenze, 1666. limp Veltu fol. ch. s. xviii. The Medici Arms stamped gold on the Cover. Letters of a Popish Pervert Lady to her Prol¬ iant Friends. 4to. ch. s. xviii. old brn. cf. gilt. Avenimenti nel Pontificato de Paolo 4. If Processo del Cardinal Caraffa. F. C. on Title, thick fol. ch. s. xviii. o. brn. cf g pp 832, Ex Bibl. Comitis Guilford. FINIS PARTIS 2. Catalogus Libkorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Bhillippica. 301 Sotheby MSS. 1861. j 15118 dhroniques du Hoy Kicliart 2 tl’Ehgletorre. \ 4 in. ch. s. xv. Spanish, or Portuguese cf. Arms of\ Leon,- A Castile, on the sides. ■ (687) 15739 Surrey - Topographical Drawings, 4 Yols fol. ch. j 8. xix -o- dk. cf. blue T mar. rich gill. (965) ’ 15720 Smith’s & Wood’s Drawings of Old Mansions, A j Antiquities in ’Worcestershire, containing ihc\ Bishop's Palace at Worcester, Ac. Ac. and also \ Foasils in Worcester Museum.- A to. ch. s. xix/ half ted russia rich giIt. (917) ; 35721 Cartre Antique, & Letters. On Vellum , fy inlaid: begin with A Letter of Lady Eliztli. Gorges,1043. \ The 1 st. Vellum deed is f rom Thos. de (lerardes- j ton, in Chalk, Co. Wilts. Ao. 25 E. 1. /. V. if ch. 5 v. y. half green mm. Inter alias esl Carta Wni. \ Maunsel, de Lupeyate, & Frampton Maunscl, in \ Com. Glouc. (quem credo Juisse antecessor an ; meum ex parte Muian) Data apud Froinptonn hum-1 sel, 17 B. 3. 1344. (7«0) } 15722 Drawings of Ancient English Fonts, obi. 12?»o. ch. j s xi x. hf.dk. blue T. mor. rich gt. gilt edges.(DAM) | 15723 The Recorder's Entry Book of Suits, & Pleadings; at Evesham, Worcestershire, circa 1664-70. | Note of the Court Baron of Sir Edward Dyncly, \ at Charleton, near Evesham, sm. 4to. ch. s. xviii «[ .Suit of Isabella Collet, against John Free- \ man, of Battestord. o.Trrn. cf. (766) | 15724 Court Boll hook of Denbury, Co. Glouc. Westlmrie, Stoke Epi. Ailmondstre, Twyuing, Co. Glouc j Allesburough, et Droitwich, Co. Wore. l.fol. ch. s. xvii. M.I1. bds. (1617) MSS. Sotheby vel Tutticlc I860. 15725 Inuocentii XI. Epistoko ad Principes. _ j 4 Yols. fol. Vel. s.xvii. red. mor. The Title is : ‘‘Sanctisi-djm domed nostri Innoeentii Pape P. : : XI. Epistol® ad Principes Yiros, A alios Anno Pontifieatus sui primo, Mario Spinula, Secretario. The Aegis of the Pope.on the sides are 1. 6 Tazzas .? botwcen,4 harrulets; in Chief a lion passant On a super-chief an Eagle displayed j crowned, above arc 2 keys, & a Mitre. On the > back arc stamped the Lion passt. A the Eagle, & j Crown The Volume is written on the fi nest Ita- j lia.n Vellum, gilt edges. The. other 3 Vuls.arc] bound uniform with, Vol., i. except some varia- | lions on the backs i, e. Vol. 2 . has the lion, and j eagle as Vol .!. but smaller., Vol. 3. has no lion, or j eagle, Vol. 4. has the lion rampant , & the Eagle \ has no Crown. YoL L. contains Ann. 1. Yol. 2,2-3. j YuL 3. Ann, 4-5. 1 <»1. 4. Atuuj6t7. 35726 Investitures in the City of Ferrara, from 1317, to 1529. L. fol. V. s. ,xiv. xv. A; xvi, original binding j with brass Vnobs^ § Clasps.. 151 leaves, 15.727 Ciceronis .Epistolie, Scriptvra Italiea. Italian j binding, fol. V. s, xv. stamped, Copers. Colophon, \ “Truruscriptus per me, Dominic-uni Cassii de Nar- \ nia, pro D. Angelo Spnletauo, Literarum Aposto- \ licarum Scripture*& absolutus tuit 1442. 5 Ami. j Aprilis Florcntjfo in Edo .Carmelitarum, tpe. Eu- \ genii quarii, tunc Florcntke icsidentis, Sto. Guig- ^ lardo, etc. Then foil ws a Memorandum in Greek j: stating that the book was. finished in June by the \ hand of a Miser (Mr.) Domenico. j J572S Diodorus Siculus,,Latino versus a Poggio Fiorcn- tino. Scrip turn Italiea.-Old bin. stamped Ita- j Han binding. I, # 2 .Initialof each being ilium. > 45729 Liber Anualium de Gemienjdg Bepublica?, ah Anno i 1100. ad an. 1293. a diver.sis Cronistis, scilicet , \ CatfaruSj ah anno 1100, ad 1,163. I Caffavus de Caschifelono seripsit per Ann. 1166. ^ Ohertus Cancellarius.do. ah Ao. 1165, ad 1173. > Ottohonus Scriba ah 1173, ad 1196. Ogcuius Panis, 1197, ml 12(9. \ Marehisius Scriba, 12^0, ad 1226. Bartliolomcus, iilius dci. Marchisii, 1220, ad 1266. | 15730 15731 15732 15733 15734 15735 15736 15737 Jacobus dc Anri a, 1280, ad 1293. Transcribed by Fcis. Bert- ncinus, With a List of the Consuls, fol. ch. s. xvi. Old Italian red mor. Old Library .Marks “MSS. D. 1. Carte 279. 279 leaves. Old Sale No. 41. From Boone, ISfil . Saville , Dering, 31SS. Fabian Phillips, on the Decay of the King’s Fines, &c. fol. ch. s. xvii. Do. do. ? on Fame. On Common Law Reports, Ac. /. ch. s. xvii. Mathei WestmouastoricnsL Ilistoria Anglire. / fol. ch. s. xiv. new bound in dk. cf. Ex I till. Loftusiana. At the end are the:/' lines, Carnarvon natus Prince ps Edwardus aniatus Ingratis grains, - at niorfcegravi criieiatus. #S. 60. “Miscellaneous Papers, A Letters, j. ch. s. xvi. hf. dk. cf. Old No. ! Sale No. 61. liicip. Ex Ausonio io t M ; an. if Fama et llctilibus in Agatheclea Begem.” ^1 Sketch <-! Cicero’s Tomb, & Ifiscription. Disceptai io (uhni. Laud. 4 li. Boyle’;: ? Pliil tments. Catalogue of Sir James Ware’s MSS. ®f[ On the Art Sj argirique. Letter of Thos. C]arges,to Dr. Tcnnison, 1CS5. 8[ Letter of Increase iMather, from Boston, X. England, 16 S3. Y Letter of Bishop of S. Asaj h, 1631. •Jf The Bough Draft of Are'ibp.Tn-isiemsintend¬ ed foundation of his Library at St. Martin’s Church; *11 Letter of Ludov. de Ycil to Arclihp. Tcnison. Tractatus de Matrimonio (Pad I fen. 8. scriptus.) ®i Grant of the lauds of Cantcrhmy Abbey, to Cahterhury Cathedral, (neverfinished) Manors granted by II. 8. to Canterbury. Acta Curia*. Yicarii Gimcralis London, sa?c. xvi. Ai’chiepi Cnntunr, temp. 11. 6. 4to. ch. s. xv. Vel. imperfext. (In this last is slated that Elizabeth Betrcaux, widow of Sir "William Bi-treaux, & Sii* WmnBotreaux, junior, Knt. “quod ipsi Eccliam. do North Cadebury, in Com. Somerset, per diet am Elizabethan! dc novo edilicataw, A constmctam in eadem,col- legiatam commutare, A tir.usferre, dehito i'aeere valeat, A in Eeclia. ilia qm-ddam Col¬ legium piorpetuum de 7 capellauis, quorum uniis aliis puvsit r.d giihemaci -ueniejusd. Col- legii, A curam aiar. ibm. Iiaheat, et gerut, ac Bector Collcgii Sci. Mirhis. Arch angel i de A T orth Cadebury num-upetur, A dc 4 clericis divina servicia iacienl. Ae. ] r-> aiabus ihct(*r. Elizabeths, A Wiiliemi, iiecj">n pro aia. dni. Wmi.quond.chn.al 13 ... j x,i uperviripre- fat® Elizabeth;:-, Ac./, ch. s.xv. A xvi. Nu.33 The Treasure of N’ohilitie, c aupilcd by a Dr. of Laws, A presented to C dories 8. Kin-; of France, translated into English, thin J'. ch s. xvii. wh. v. Orders for the Establishment of the lloushold of the King, A Queen, Prince, A Princesso, A their Officers, A Servants. Y Orders for the Ceremonies of Coronations, Creations, Marriages, Funerals, Entertain- ’ incuts, Ac. <}f ()dices of Ye< mieii of the Crowne, of the Cham¬ ber, of the AFardrobe of the Bobos, A Beds. % Officers of the Household, A of the Bcvcnuo of Prince Henry, 1G10. f. ch.. s. xvii. o.brn.cf . Collections relating to the a (fairs of Borne on tlio death of Clement 9. 1670. 1 Epitaph, (by Pasqidn ?) 2 Yita di Clement 9. dal P. Linceo Buonavista in verse. 3 Bom a Yedova, per la Morte di Clement 9. 4 State dci Cardinali. 5 La Statera dc Porporati ncl Conclave, 1669. 6 A Dialogue. 302 Catalogtts Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 7 Oratione Dominical©. 8 La Confessiono del Conclave. 9 La Congregatione dello Lucerne Cardinality fatta por la Sedo Vacant© di Papa Clemente 9. la Notte delli 31 Gennaro 1670. 10 II Colloquio delie Volpi tra li Cardinali Ot- tobono, & Azzolini la Sera delli 4 Lee. 16G9. 11 Dialogo fra un Passagic ro c Pasquino. 12 Bernini’s II Ritratto del Cardinal Rospiglinsi. 13 Lettera uscita del Conclave coutro PElectione del Cardinal Yidoni, 14 Invectivo contro i Maledici. 15 L’Hospedale de Pazzi. 16 Sogni in Conclave de Cardinali. 17 lb ana Supplicanti avaitijl Tribunal dcSupremi. 18 L’Esclusione di San. Pietro- 19 Le Vilie al Conte Stabile Colonna. 20 Concorso do Cardinali quali dauno Memorial! a San. Pietro per esser nssunti al Pontificate, co li Rescritti da esse San Pietro fatti a cias- cuno. 21 Discurso Politico dalli Cardinali di Bagliono e : Duca di Scionc. _ I 22 Discurso sopra l’Elettiono dei 8 Card. Papabdi. | 23 Do. do. do. de 21 Cardinali Papabili. : 4 to. ch. o. brn. cf. old No. 27. Sale 63 15738 Collections relating to Home, & Italy, viz. 1 Relatione dello Stato Eeclesiastico. 2 Conclave di Gregorio XV. 3 Citta del Sole del Fra Campanula. 4 Sopra i rumori di Francia, Ao. 1031. 5 Sopra il stato della Francia, 1632. 6 llc latione della Corte di Roma, temp.Greg.XV. 7 Proposta di M. Subran. 8 Sopra Piiifclicita de Matrimoidi contratti con dispensa. 9 La Heroiclic qualita de AVnllenstem. 10 Recordi per Atiidstri de Principe. 11 Avertimenti per la Corte del C* nto 12 Discorsi, 1629. 13 Card. Bcmtivoglio Relatione d’lngliiltcrra,1609. 14 Brevis descriptio de Denmark. 15 Discorso di Micbele Loidgo sopra li Titoli di Cardinali, date a li Cardinali Gio. Garzia Alolli.no Romano, Ao. 1628. Olim F. Fane, with, his Arms, §■ Quarterings stamped on the sides. 1 3 gauntlets—Fane. 2 a Saltire, in fess point a rose.—Neville. 3 Pretty, on a Canton 3 pallets. 4 On a le ss betw. 0 c. crosslets; a crescent for difference—Beauchamp. 5 a lion ram.pt. 6 Cheeky of 24. 7 Per Cross a bcndlct; in 2, & 3. a fret. 8 3 Chevroncls.—? Clare. 9 a lion rampt. lu 3 lions rmnpt. 1L 2 erodes pattccs betw. 2 flanclies guttces. 12 Fane as in 1. Great. Out of a Ducal Coronet a bull’s head enuped issuaut. Budge. Xo vile Fano. Motto. A’irtute non vi. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. bound in dk.brn. cf. Library murk P. 1. Sale No. 77 15739 Eelatinne dell Origine di Casa d’Austria, ct delli acquista fatti da I to, et le cause d. .vc sono natc le presente Rivolutione di Germania, (circa 1G20.J Olim F. Fane, with his Arms on the Covers as before, Sf Jl ith his Autograph and Library mark P. 2. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. bound in die. brn. cf. Sale in 15740 Journal of a Journey from Mocha, to Senraar. by Capt, Samuel Wilson, fol. ch. s. xvii. lntlf citron mor. Old Sale No. 1060. Sale JV’o 766 15741 Fabian Philips’s Arguments about the Habeas Corpus Act, & Petition of Right. A Note says “This is the Original whence Rusivworth took his Collections.” Begins with the Petition of Sir Jno. Elliot, concerning the Loan. fol. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. Old No. 18, and 48. Sale No. 70-2 15742 Sir Dudley Digges on the Petition of Right, with the Speeches of Mr. Littleton, & Mr. Selden, with numerous Precedents from Records Sir Edward . Cooke’s Speech 3 April, 4 Car. 1. fol. ch. s. xvii, , t oh. v. Old No. 8. present Sale No. 70-2 ! 15743 A Collection of Speeches, 1623. viz. The King’s on 19 Feb. 1623. The Speaker’s 21 Fob. & The Lord Keepers. H The Effects of the Duke of Buckingham’s re- • lation (? of his Embassy to Spain.) on 24 Feb. 1623. % The King’s Declaration, 8 March 1623. 11 The King’s Explanation, 10 March 1623. If Do. do. Speech on the AVar in the Palatinate. . 11 Do. do. last Speech in Parliament, May1624. II Petition of John, Earl of Bristol. *f The Earle of Bristol’s recall from his embas- • sy tu.Spain, and interview with the Condo i Olivarez, Count Gondomar, on AVednes J 1 day, 14 Jan. 1623. If Sir William Walter’s Speech, 20 March 1626, . 1” Dr. Turner’s Speech. If Sir John Elliott’s Speech, 27 March 1626. ^ Sir Dudley Diggc’s Speech, 1.026. if Sir John Ellyott’s Speech, 1626. If The Vice-Chaniberlain’s Speech, If The Speaker’s answer to the King’s Speech. c The King’s Speech. If Rennmstrance of the Commons. ^f Complaint of the Commons against the Duke : of Buckingham, 15 Jun. 1626. If The Lords Message to the King, 15 Jun. 1626. . If Tin- King’s Letter intended to be sent to the ; Lieutenants of the Counties, 1627. IT The Commons Address to the King. *1f The Lord Keeper’s Answer. If The Speaker’s, 2nd. Speech. If On King’s Speech at the 1st. Meeting 17 f March 1627. If A Breviatc of the Lord Keeper’s Speech. If Substance of Speeches*, 2 April 1 b2S, on the ; Supply, viz. Air. Alford, Sir Robert Mansell, . Sir Francis Seymour, Sir Peter Uamon, Air. . Prince, Secretary Cooke, Sir Dudley Digges, t. Air. Spencer, Sir John Elliot, SirT. Went-- worth, Sir 1 lenry Alartyn, Air. Peyton, Sir i Robert Phillips, Serjeant TIoskyns. Duke of Buck’s Speech to the King at the i Council Table on Frydaio 4 April 162 S. If Alessagc from the King to the Commons, on; 10 April 1628. If The Speaker to the King, on Alunday 14 Ap. * 1628. If The King’s Answer. U Peticion of the Commons, on the Billetting of Soldiers. c - Do. of do. as to their Grievances, if Kalendar of Ships taken by the Enemy, or: lost by Shipwrack within 3 years past 1C2S, i! If Commons Address to the King on the Subsi- i die of Tunnage, & Poundage, fol, ch. s xvii.ii 15744 Ottavian Bon, Bailo A r encto, Relatione del Ser- | raglio del Gran Turco. If Del linpcrio Ottomano. If Relatione del Regno di Persia. Alo. ch. s. xviii. bds. OidNoA], <$• 65. Sole 92: 15745 A Collection of Poems, and Receipts in Cookery, from Tyrrell's Library, begins with If “Verses on the death of the Duke of Buck-, ingham.” If On Lady Arabella Stuart. If On the Countesso of Pembroke. 11 On Prince Henry. If On Richard, Earl of Dorset. T On Air. Boling’ 1/ On Prince Henry, by Dr. Juxon. If On Lady Alary Villars. li On Sir Walter Rawleigh. If On the Duke of Richmond. If On Air. Rice, Alanciplc. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 1574G 15747 15748 15749 15750 10751 15752 15753 15754 15755 1575G 308 If On Ben Stone Barkley’s Epitaph* U On Mrs. Drug. If On Mr. Felton, & his Epitaph. If Dr. Corbett’s Elegy on Sir Thus. Overbmy. If On tho death of Beaumont. If On Lady Markham. If Receipts to make Goosberry Wine, Motheglin Marigold Wine, Mum, Meath, Sack Mead, | Elder Ale. \ 1575 If To make Ink. T Amatory Poems, 1st. To his Mistress, : 1i On a Sigh. Signed “IV. S ” If On Tears. Signed II. K. or F, II. If On a Fountain, & On a Register of a Bible AV. S. 11 On a Ladye’s Booke of Pictures, by J. M. If The Northern "Voyage, begins “Fourc Clarekes of Oxford, Doctors two,&two, That would be Doctors, havcing lesse to doe With Austin than with Galen,” §c. l.y K.C. If On Great Tom, by B. W. If On Mrs. Mallet, by li.C. If On England, by Dr. Corbet. If On Tom Latton, by It. C. If On Lady Digby. If The Nightingale, by J. M. If To his Mistress, by J., D. If Journey of a Gentleman into North Wales. by E. li¬ lt On a Gentlewoman, by T. C. «t To his Mistress, by 11. J- If A Dreame, by It. 13. [Donne. Dialogue between Sir Henry Wotton, & Mr. 11 To Mr. Marshall. 'll Receipts in Cookery, , . sin. ‘I to. ch. s. xvii. o. brn. cf. Stile No. 762 ^ Mathaiou Makariotou pros Plethona. Grace, sm. 4to. eh s. xvii. Paper sewed, pp. 272. Old JVo. 56. Sale No. 58 “Armes drawn out of a Rollc, which was borrowed of Mr. Caple, & returned 1666. They are Arms of Devonshire Families, and it is stated in what • Churches many are found, sim 4 to-, ch. s. xvii. ; o. brn. cf. pp. 74. “Ineipit Liber de Medic-inis Frat. Georgii Fraim- ; cvs.” 8v<>. Pel. s. xiii. Scriptura Itulica. Old No. 54. Sale No. 59 Common Place Book, on Popish Customs. Square l8mo. ch. s. xviii. inito. o. brn. ryh. cf. Old No. 68. Sale A o. 25 Journal of a Second Voyage to the East Indies, & China in the Larch Gaily, Capt. John Roberts, Commander in the Service of the Double. English Company trndeing to the East Indies. Begun the 19 Nov. 1700. Illustrated nilk rough drawings of Fish, and Sea Birds, and Headlands seen on the Voyage, long narrow fid. ch. s. xvii. & xviii. in canvas cl. Sale No. 723 Sueno Politico. (Spanish, printed, & MS.) sm. 4to. ch. s. xviii. blue sewed. Sale No. 632 Relatione de Tutti le State del Pontifice. *[ Do. del Ducato de Parma. If Do. d’Urbino, di Milano, di Mantoua, di Savoia et di Modena, della Republica di Eagusa, d’Inghiltcrra, e di Spagna. sm. 4to. ch. s.xvii. lids. Old No. 64, 42 Sale No. 78 Sungrapha tou Pliilosophou Mcgalou Logothetou < 15761 Cheirothentos Georgiou tou Acropolitou. I Umo.ch. s. xv. vet xvi. cotton paper, brn. vel. 157 leaves, caret fine. Old No. 44. Sale No. 1 Passio Sci- Pancratii. sm. thin4lo , V. s. xi. wh. v. Old Catalogue C. 760. Sale No 728 Ecclesiastical Punishments at Braunton, County of Devon, for Inconthiency, &c. inflicted by Ma¬ thew Sutcliffe, L. l. n. Dean of Exeter Cathedral by his Deputies Win. llutclienson, &c. Annis 1608-9. with Autograph of the Dean. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. sewed. Old Nos. 97, ty 50. 1801 Sale 93. The Log Book of Thomas Coale, Captain of the Ship, Fellowahipp, of Bristol, being employed by his Majesty on the Coast of Ireland. From 2 Feb. 1641, to 31 July 1642. about 5 months. thin 4fo. ch s, xvii. Old No. 1«*0. Sale No. 4" ( In. this arc some incidental Notices if the Siege of Limerick ) Articles to be* enquired into in the Visitation of the Deane of Saruiu, 1613. field at lanirerford, 7 (Jet. thin 4 to. ch. s. x\ii. Old N"S. 102.^50. Sale S. Fragmeiita Codicum jMstornm. large thick f. P. v. siec. dk. cf. Sale No. 38 cunlinet. ! Folium Psaltcrii? srcc. x. vel xi. 2 folium f ’ictionarii '( tel laid- -ri Etii -• login. Per ip turn / ngohnrdica su-e. \iii. ul ix. 3 fol. Leetionarii r ave. x. v el xi. ill ful .. . 6 ful . X. C fol- . Saxon. i Vel. xi Literis i /"i . .,. s. xii. 2nd.. ...... s’ xii. S fol. ... 8. xii. 2nd. ... ... c. xiii. O fol . 10 ful. Psalterii Psahni 135. s. xii. 11 fol. (? a forgery.) 12 fol. Psalmi 1 Beatus, See. s. xiii. 13 fol. De Juramentis. s. xiii. 2nd.s. xii. 14 fol. .. ...s. xii. 2nd. Biblie s. xii. inito s. xii. I Pith many others among which arc some fragments of English, and French Poems, viz. Views of the Coasts, & Headlands on the Voyage of? Lord Valentin, to China, large Port-fol. ch. s. xviii. halfruss. full gill, begins with Cape. St. Anthony, and other Places named are Massowa, Mersa, Moiubaruk, Turzaly, Sha^tero, jJurteit, Giddaimi, Adaribba, Gibil ICohab, Milcbeaat, Dubbernuka, Bai Goobau, Hduakil, or 1 fon.akil Is¬ land, Gibil Dabc sh, Kudaldi, Eakmah, Cape Aboo Gashnah. Elephants llill, Sofajar Hills, Gebrl Zeghyr, Gcbel Arish, Messaru, Cape Eattah, Ge- bel Sarbo, Gebel Morah, Gebel Giddaru, Eakmah, Gebel Zeghyr, Firmali, Said Abaid, Kadahly, Beraium, Cape Eakmah, Surbo Island, The a. ar¬ bour of Aden. Tlius far appear to be the Coasts of tbe Bed Sea. Bar Kusser, Ampliilet Island, Capo Aden, Western Hill of Aden, Sawin; Island of Bomboco, (one of tho Nicobar Isles,) Valentin Is¬ land, Capo Guardefoy, Port Mon lington, Dock off Eas Eupar, Chumnar, the Peak of f fartoo, Ante¬ lope Bay in Valentin Island, Gibbel Tair, Tre- dactylos, Shick ! iarud, Dliarvos, Taranta from tfio Port of Massowafi, View of laud from the highest point of Valentin Island, Si-akin Hill, Massowafi Town, Schick tir.? Gebel 1 'abuish, Aboo Gamins Tomb, Harbour of Nahalac el Kibuf, Ilaggfier, Jaffatur Islands, Sevajar High Mountains, Capo Jehan, Funnel Hill, Cape- Barry. East Coast pf Ceylon, supposed Lyon’s Mount, Elepli'ant head at Ceylon. Sale No. 595 Berry’s (lleraidt, Eoy d’Armes de Frar chois, Livro du liecouremeiit de Normandie, et d’une partic do Guyenne. Ann. 1465. thick f. ch. s. xv. in bin. Jlogskin. The. fly leaves are two fragments of a Court Hull apparently of some English Abbey. It is so much washed that it is almost illegible. The Polume is very strongly bound in Oak boards with thick double bands, j.Indent No. 377* An Account of Ancient Suffolk Families. fol. ch. s. xix. wh. vel. Pitt tick 18G1. Narrationes doPlacitis. fol. ch. s.xvii. wh. v. 1819. Ineipit cum Placito Eioi. Ekins contra Zackariam Shute pro 200 £. Dairy tuple’s Voyage to tho Soo Loo Isles, & N. AV. Coast of Borneo, 1762-3. thin 4to. ch. s. xviii. sd. Diary of Ecv. Thomas Naish, Subdean of Sarum, in 1669. fol. ch. s. xvii. o. brn cf. This MS. was given to Rev. J. B. Storry, Vicar of Great Toy, Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillii-pica, 15/55 i 5766 - 76-7 157 G8 157G9 15770 15771 15772 15773 15774 15775 15776 15777 15778 15779 15760 Essex, by James Lloyd, in 1838. Only half writ¬ ten through. Formula re Lcgnm, or Precedents, with Lectures on the Laws ,f.ch, s xvii. o.rgh.cf. Old No. 91. ^ 749 The Yearly Value of Fines of Lands, and of Slicing Writs, aiid Patents out of Durham Chancery. thin J’ol. cli. s. xvii. wh. v. Sale Ah. 944; El Siglo Illustrado, or Vida de Don Cum do del Zerezo, por Don Justo Vera dcla Venlosa. thin ful. ch. s. xviii. ^ Sale No. 102G Lenal Transactions of the Town of -Northampton. 7^00. 1. fol. ch s. xviii- Sale No. 791 De Succession ad Coronam Anglia?, 1709. thin ful. eh. s. xviii. On the Courte of Chancery./eZ. ch. s. xvii. Incip. “That the Court of Chanccrye cannot be intended within the Statute of 27 E. 3. Sate 797 j Earaldi, Gli Iluomini lllustri de Ferrara Accade- mia, Composta dall Abb. Michele Lavaldi, Profes-j sore di llhetorica ncl Ven. Sem. di Ferrara, e re- citata de Suoi Scolari 24 Luglio 1789. Anns on an j ornamented Title, parti per fess A & ... in Chief, an eagle displayed crowned; in base, parti per bend j loze.ngy, and cheeky a bend. Well written in im- i itation of Print. H A Poem “Viaggio al teDipio della GL-ria.” i Incip. “Dal Ciel screno arvolta in bnuio am- j mante. thin Ato. ch. s. xviii. uranic silk. The Persons named arc Alberto D’Esla, Mar-1 chese di J. Ferrara, Autorc e Padre della Uni-1 versita degli Studii: Leonello D’Esta; Borso j D’Este, primo Duca de Ferrara; Ippolito i j Cardinal D’Esta; Ercole D’Este ; TitusErcoles ; StrozziE, Poetre: Alberto Lollio; Giannnaria \ Riminaldi; Antonio Beecari. Sale 794 ; Diario del ultimo Viaggio Botanico da Pier An- j tonio Micheli ncl 1736 per lo Stato Veneto. fol. ch- s. xviii. half wli. v. Sale No. 844 i; Quest: sobre los Cavalleros de la Orden de > Alca Si son Rcligiosos,” &c. If 8' vigos del Orden de Alcantara son Be- \ In i : Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Piiillippica. 305 15801 15802 15803 15S04 15805 15806 15807 15808 15809 15810 15811 15812 15813 15814 15815 15816 15817 15818 15819 15820 15821 15822 15823 15824 15825 15826 15827 15828 15829 15830 15831 15832 15833 15834 15835 15836 15837 15838 15S39 15840 15S41 Croker MSS. j Letters to T. Croft on Croker, of the Admiralty Yol. 1. Inc. ip. 1st. Letter of T. C. Cioker, com¬ plaining of the infringement of Mr. Croker'sCopy- riglit by li P. AYillis, A Mr. C’s. acceptance cf 25£. given as compensation. 24 Feb. 1841. ends “Letter of James Mac-queen, to Sir C.AYood, Vote. 1, to 24. are all \2rno eh. § in M. H Ids. 2. Letter 1. Geo. Squier (of'the United States) to Mr. Croker, L. last .Beam sh, (signed B.) 3. 1 Sir Geo. Staunton, 1849. ult. “Music of Sir Poplins Ayres*” « 4. Eobt. Fisher^ with Prospectus of “Forde, on the I Music of Ireland. 5 ' > 5. 1 J. E. Lee, 1850. ult. Charlotte Phelan. 6 Lord Londesborough’s Letters, nit. Notes of Books. A Drawing of ?Coin of Ahspasian, 1820. 7. 1 J. Gough Nicholls. ult. Letter, & Notes off the Author of “Verses for the East India Dinner J to the Duke of Wellington, viz. John Croker. j S. 1 Sir Edward Belcher, ult. Lord Strangford. j 9. 1 A. J. K(emp.) on a Coffin Lid in Keston j Church, Kent. 2 Sir AYm.Hooker. m//. Jno.Britton. j 10. 1 J. Lockhart, ult. Lord Londesborough. | 11. 1 Part of a Novel “Mrs. Larigan, was left a Widow.” 2 C. P. Boney (?) Treasurer to thej Literary Fund. 12. 1 Sir Harris Nicolas ult. J. Prior. 13. AY. AYallac-e. ult. Eobt. Lemon. 14. 1 John James.? ult. Samuel liayman. 15. 1-2. Geo. Squier, (of U. S.) ult. Albert Wood, Lancaster Herald 16. Joseph AV r illiams. ult. Daniel Maclise. 17. Albert Denison’s Letters (afterwards Ld. Lon-j desborough.) j IS. 1 More O’Ferrall. ult .Brooke, the Artist. \ 19. 1 Herbert More. ult. Thos Mackinlay. 20. 1 Eobt. Ball, of Dublin, ult. Lady Chatterton. 21. 1 Dawson Turner, ult. James Eoche, of Cork. > 22. 1 Albert Denison, afterwards Ld.Londesboro 5 . ult. Sir AVilliam Hooker. 23. 111. Wickham, of Strood.i/7/.D. Jones Skelton. j 24. 1 E. G. Squier, (of U. S.) ult. E. ldmbault. | 25. Account of Ann Bonney, the Pirate. thin 12 mo. ch. s. xiv. 26. Letters of Eichd. Samthill, the Numismatist. Ylmo. ch. s. xix. M. H. Oils. 27 A Tour in the Moon. A Poem, thinsm. 4to.ch. j s. xiv. Incipit. “Some people say the Moon is made of Cheese, green Cheese, & nothing else.” \ 28. The Irish Insurrection in 1803. sin. 4 to. ch. i s. xix. M. II. bds. 29. The Escape of Nagle, the Eebel, from the Jail j Cork, thin 4to. ch. s xix. 30. Notes to T. C. Croker. 1 M. Keilley ? tilt. I Lieut. Travsyth. thick % 24mo. ch. s. xix. M.H.bds. '> 31. Diary of Dr. Maginn. Begins “Thursday Sept, j 5. In tiie Museum to day I looked over touch’s Life of Isaac Walton.” Owen Pughe’s Mabinogion, or Talcs of Infants, j printed. 11 Letters to T. C. Croker. 1 st. Samuel Mac Skim- i in. ult. Alexr. Jamieson. 4 to. ch. s. xix. 32. 1 Sir AVm. Betham ult. Alfred Kempe. 4/o ch. i 33. 1 IT. O. Newenkara. ult. James Kenderwood. j 4 to. ch. 34. Historical Illustrations of Kilmallock. 4 to. ch. j 35. 1 Chas Stanford, ult. James Prior. 4 to. ch. j 36. 1 Letters of Spencer Hall. ult. Mary Kelley. with lithographs oj Irish Antiqidties. 4 to. ch. 37. Will ol the W isp, by T.Crofton Croker.4io.c7i. 38. The Caves of Cloyno, by T. C. Croker. H Letters. 1 John Kyan. ult. Brooke the Artist. \ 4to. ch. 39. T. C. Croker, ult. Charlotte Phelan. 4to. ch. 40. Letters of Lord Eossc, T. Parsons, &c. 4 to.ch. 41. The Ambitious Primson.'l by Miss Dagley. IT Letters. 1 Eyre Evans Crow. all. Jos. Hum- phrys. 4 to. ch. 16842 15843 15844 15845 15846 15847 15S48 15849 15850 15S51 15852 15S53 15854 15855 1585G 15857 15S5S 15859 15860 158C1 15862 15863 Letters 1 J. Eoby, from Eochdale. ult. AY. B. Dransford. 43. Sketches in Natural History, by MaryHowitt, viz. The Squirrel, in Perse. Letters. 1 \v m. Jordan, ult. F. Mahony. 44. Crulcer’s (T C.) Letter to Lord Londesboro’ on Mermaids, large fol. ch. s. xix. 11 Miss Edgeworth’s Garry Owen, or “Tho AYoman.” Auto graph!fol. ch. s. xviii. Now ling MSS. Newling's (Eev. John, Canon of Lichfield,) Ca- taloguc of English,* Foreign Genealogical Works. Autograph sm. 4 to. ch. s. xix. half red Ithr. Do. Salop. Pedigrees, & Collections. K Institutions of Clergy in Salop, s. 4 to ch. s. xix. Do. Salop. Pedigrees, & Collections. begins with this Menu,rand. “Box of MSS. con¬ taining Heraldic, A Genealogical Papers of Arms, Pedigrees, Monumental Inscriptions principally ol Shropshire, Staffordshire, nearly all in the Au¬ tograph of the late Canon Newling. This Mem. was made by Charles Newling, 10 Aug. 1858.” (N.B. He was son of the Canon.) Do. Collections for the Howard Family. sin. 4 to. ch. s xix. In the Canon’s Autograph. Do Salop; Collections. ®i| List of Sheriffs \'2mo. ch. s. xix. xxviii. Do. Salop. Collections, being Coats of Arms, Memoranda Genealogical, A Index of Names to Phillips’s Shrevsbury. On page 1. is a Cutting of the Marriage of John Stackhouse, the owner of large Mines at Pendarvis, Cornwall, to Miss Ac¬ ton, ot Acton Scott. 12/xo. ch. s xviii. Do. David Parkes’s Collection of Songs, and Eemarkable Occurrences. 1i Tomalin; a Song sin. 4 to ch. s. xviii bds. Do. Salop. Sheriffs. IT Bailiffs of Shrewsbury. I Clergy of Shrewsbury. \b/no. ch. s. xviii. if/. II. bds. Do. Salop. Barons. (Autograph.) 1] Extracts fiv.m Carew’s Cornwall. Autograph. 1i Copy ui the Ely Table. Autograph. H Monumental Inscriptions, sm. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. Do. Heraldic Papers, A Pedigrees. 18nio. ch. s. xix. Autograph. Pultic/c 1861. continued. Owen’s (Hugh,) Benedictine Churches of Eugland. *’ Lx Arnold’s Chronicles of London. II Expences of building the Beauchamp Chapel A\ arwick, 21. H. 6. 6c of Guys Cliff. 4/o. ch. s. xix. puce doth. Sale 793 Arms of Bedfordshire families 4/o. ch, s. xix. per gam. 1st. is de Grey, Barry of 6. A. & Az. in eliief 3 tnrteaux. only a few emblazoned. aS\ 767 Eev. John Bliss’s Sermons at Tethury. sin. 4to. ch. s. xix. a. bru. c /. Ai jh;i cud are the Marriage, & hirtlis ol the children of John Bantings, to w hom the book belong,d hi 1743. He was married at Oksey, Wilts in 1733. Sale 706 G a spark ii Epistefu 164. 8io. ch. s. xv. half xch. v. Old Library No 62. Sale 703 I'lacita in Southvarke, Co. Surrey, sm.4to.ch. s. xvi o. rgh. if.pp. 13s. Sale 916 Tarikh Sind. Persic-4. Persian Binding. 8 vo. ch. seec. ... red Ithr. 1st, leaf, loose , supplied by a more modern hand. Sale 893 Wakiat ul Akbar or The Life of Akbar, the Em- perur. Per sice. tvo. ch. red Ithr. Persian Bind, Anon) mi “Libro 2nd. d’Euclide dcinostrato.” sm. 4to. eh. s. ii, pp. 212. Old No. 207. S. 759 Labbul Tuvarkhi lib id by Bandarain, son of Eai Bahara Flal. a General History of India. It is the same as MS. 1127. of the East India House. With Marginal Notes in English. Svo.ch. dk.cf. gt. 896 306 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 15864 15865 15866 15867 15868 15369 15870 15871 15872 15873 15874 15875 15876 15877 15878 15879 Memoires Historiques, & Politique* sur Valengay, offerts aux Souverains do 1’Europe, 1820. 2 Vols. | with drawings of the Bastille, & Portrait of Ferdi- \ nand VII. ( Bought at Lord Wellesley’s Sale 1848. 12 mo. ch. s. six. red mor. gilt edges. *S'a909 3910 >911 >912 5913 >914 >915 >916 >917 >918 5919 5920 5921 5922 51323 5924 5925 5926 5927 5928 5929 5930 5831 Thompson’s Correspondence. 12mo. ch. s. xix. 1st. Letter of Archbishop of Canterbury, ult. Archbishop of Canterbury. W. j 15932 15933 Willis 1860 . Sir John Newton’s, (of Barr Court,) Account Book, j 12 mo. ch. s. xviii. half dk. cf 1 1701. i15934 15935 Some, 1861 . Trial of Warren Hastings, Esqr._/b/. ch. s. xviii. &c xix. half. die. cf. Lettres, & Memoires of Cardinal Mazarine, 1659. fol. ch. s. xviii. half dk. cf. Bonaparte Gefaealo gy.fol.ch. s. xix. soil. Les De¬ scendants de la Brauche de Conrad Bonaparte. 44 Pieces. Autog raphes. fol ch. s. xvi. £ Do. Lettres des FaiAilles illustres, alliees aveC, celle de Bonaparte. 24 Autographs of Aldobran> diui, Ac. .... Do. Pedigree, thin Ato. ch. a. xix. Do. Letters of Vettorio Bonaparte, 1611. fol. ch. s xvii. Lettere dei Cardinali. fol. ch. s. xvii, & xviii. Do. dei Medici, fol. ch. s. xvii, xviii. 15936 15937 15938 15939 Ex Bill, incerta. 15940 A Collection of 12 Indian Drawings, viz. 1 A Mahratta. 2 A Gentoo Dancing Girl. 3 A Moor Man. 4 A Moor Man, & Woman. 5 A Mogul, & a Lady smoking a Hookah. ‘6 A Malabar Brahmin. In Ins hand a Writing} n v i o 6 ( 15941 upon a Cucljan leat. ' 7 A Bangle, or Bracelet Dealer. 8 A Dolee, or Washerwoman. 9 Grass Cutters* 10 ? A Brahmin. 11 Bachawar. The Fighting Caste. Two Boxers. 12 A Malabar Musician, &,a Wetu Woman, as is ^ supposed, all mounted on Card-board. Sotheby 185$. Fcesco Mendoza y Bobadilla Arcebispo de Burgos, ^15942 Tizon de Espana. Ato ch s.xViii. Spanishcf.pp .226. [ Don Pedro de Gracia Dei, Historia de Don Pedro ) le Cruel, cum N otis de Don Diego de Castilla. sin. Ato ch s. xviii. cf. gilt, ineditd. Suazzo Poesias Sagradas. s. Ato. ch. s. xviii. wh.v. Papeles sobre los Gitanos (Gypsies.) fol.cli. s.xviii. ! Sobre la Medicina de los Arabes in. Espana. thin Ato. ch. s. xviii. with the Stamp of Consul \ 15943 La Gomme. Perez, (Antonio) Obras, Norte de PrinCipes. sm. Ato. ch s. xViii. vvh, v. Cartas de Don Joseph Nicolas de Azara, Ambas¬ sador at Paris, 1798-9. sAto.ch, s.xviii. (Sale 516.) 1 Petition of the Duque de Montalto, on the State j of the Nation. ( from the Yriarte Papers.) with Marginal Notes by PYriarte ) Azara’s ?Dispatch to the Minister fol ch. s. xviii. Azara’s Letters to the Prince of Peace, 1798. 11 Papers relating to Le Maitre, the Conspirator. small Ato. ch. s. xviii. Eabulas de Tomas (Yriarte?) traducidas por elDu- que de Nivernois en 1791. 12mo. eh. s. xviii. ad¬ dressed to Monsr. Yriarte. Otheo a Poem. (? by Yriarte.)’4 leavfsAto.ch.s.wm, Acta del Consistorio Secreto del Papa Benedicto XIII. en el Quirinal, 18 Dec. 1754. ( Transcribed apparently in Yriarte’s hand.) narroio thin 8 vo. ch. s. xviii. Abusos en la iPractica Jiidicial Forense Matritense> y su Bemedio. sm. Ato ch. s. xviii. M. H. bds. Junta de Vivos y Muertos en el Panteon del Es- corial, en tiempo del Beynado de Carlos 2do. por los Annos, 16fc6. sm. thin Ato. ch. s. xvii. Oarta que Un Hidalgo escrive a un Amigo suyo, dandole quenta 'del Auto de Ynquisicion qu’esta solo en la Villa de Madrid, a 4 de Jullio de este presente Anno de 1632. sm.At0.ch. s.xviii .(Copy.) Carta de la Monarcbia de Espana a los Beinos y y Proviiacias y Senorios de Ytalia. sAto.ch. s xviii. (Copy.) Domingo, or Bernardo, Yriarte “Cartas Particu¬ lates resetvadas del Excellentissimo Senr. Duque de Alcudia, y respuestas mias. Importantes para mi Persona.’’ Idem • La de Ofieio mandando me salir de Berlin, signed “D. Yriarte J.” 11 Letters of the Duke of Alcudia, to Yriarte. with Autograph Signature, sm. Ato. *1 Letters from the Prince of Peace, signed “El Principe de la Paz.” ^ Letters of Bernardo Yriarte. sm. Ato. ch. s.xviii* Ambassador Bernardo Yriarte’s Correspondence, from Berlin with the Prince of Peace, & the Duke of Alcudia, 1794. Ato. ch. s. xviii. Cartas y otros Papeles de las Caraccas. 14 Vols. fol. ch. s. xviii, & xix. JI. II. bds. Memdria en que se trata de libertar el Vicendario de Bilboa de los graves males que les causan el mal estado de su Via. large fol. ch. s. half grn. cf. gilt. Maps, & Plans. Traslado de la Eundazione de la Donna Juanna de Austria, Infanta de Castile, Princessa de Portugal y declaraciones del Signor Phelipe 3. large fol. ch. s. xviii* wh. v. Arthur 1861 . Lb Noir’s (Alexr.) Musee des Monumens Fran” cais, Histoire de la Peinture sur Verre, Descrip¬ tion des Vitreaux a Paris, 1803. inlaid in.sm.Jol • for illustrations with the Original Drawings, & Additional MSS. of the Author. The Author’s own Copy, small fol. ch. s. xix. half brn. cf. 4 Vols. *Vol. 3rd. is MSS. (Ato.) Printed. Fol. 4. is “Le Noir on Painted Glass. MSS. additions to the printed Work.” thin fol. ch. s. xviii. Autograph • Kerslake 1861 . Index Cartarum de la Commanderie de Chantraine de S. Johis. de Jersalem. les quels fit ecrire, et dresser Noble seigneur Messire Jackues de Mar¬ tinet des Pisnabeaux, Chevalier de l’Ordre de St. Jean de Jerusalem, et Commandeur de la dite Commanderie cn l’an 1622. Par direction du Sieur Jean le Boy, Arrest du dit Sr. Commandeur, & du dit Grdre 1622. thick fol. ch. s. xvii. half old cf. Inventarium Litterarum, aliarumque rerum utensi- lium, tarn Ecclesiae quam Culinae Conventus nri. Tremoniensis; compilatum per Fratrem Johem. Confluentinum, pro tempore guardianum 1613. fol. ch. s. xvii. i oh, veil. Incipit. “Anno 1297. tota Civitas Tremomensis fuit combusta cum domo Concilii, & cum omnibus copiis, & rebus antiqui- tus gestis, excepta ilia parte civitatis a Sto. Nic- olao usque ad portam Telonariam. Eodem tempore vel.postea ... Fratres Minores . incepe- runt se'dificare suum Monasterium, & Tremoniense Claustrum augmentare. Et ita isto tempore Op- pidani se pro veris Bomanis tenuerunt, auro, et sericis vestiti, et varie se vestierunt.” Auno 1352. Consecratus est Chorus prim® Ecclesiae Minorum Tremoniensium. Amio 1395. Combustum est Monasterium Eratr. Minorum. Anno 1423. Celebratum fuit hie Capitulum. The Copies of the Deeds in this Vol. are authen¬ ticated by John. Phil. Busaus the Notary, 308 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 15944 15945 15946 15847 15948 15949 15950 15951 15952 15953 15954 15955 15956 15957 15958 15959 100 leaves. At the end is “A List of Donations, j and Legacies, given to the Abbey. Cartularium sive Transcripta Carta rum Abbatifc de Dortmund (? Term >nde.) authenticated by J. Bu- \ Bseus the Notary. 60 leaves, $ 7 leaves Supplement ] o/ 1 Bulls, &c. & Index, fol. eh. s xvii. wh. v. The 5 Cover is made of Ancient Documents pasted together. | Liber Armorum. The Anns tricked, 8}C. the quar -j terings added to many of them. fol. ch. s. xvi. & j xvii. Credo auctorem fuisse (Aim . Patten,] Bluomautol. Posted J'uit Edwdi. Dalton, F. S. A. ] whose Bouk Plate is in it. 120 leaves. Damaged j at beginning, § end. Inserted is a Description of i it oy J. Bruce, F. S. A. It begins with Robert: Mayor, of Norwich, 1578. The Arms are /veil tricked in the commencement, there are 1017 Coals numbered. The Old Index reaches only to . But many Coals, which have not the Owner's name to them, are not numbered. H. Stevens's MSS. Letters to the Eyre Family of Jamaica, large f ch. s. xviii. 1/. It. bds. A Collection of German Correspondence. fol. ch. s. xviii. Sir Win. Bethams MSS. Vallancey’s Colb ctinus for his Irish Dictionary in Alphaln tieal Order, f. ch. s. xviii. half . ch. s. xviii. sd. Phillips 31SS. Sir T. P’s. Collections for a History of Pembroke- j shire in alphabetical order of Parishes, fol. ch. ] s, xix. M. II. bds. A utograph. Do. do. Index Cartarum Mancrii de Tregwynt, j Co. Pcmbr. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. Autograph. Abbrcviatio Cartarum Havcrfordiae quarundam, \ 4 to, ch. s. xix. Autograph . Court Roll Book ol Tenby, temp. Jac. 1. 4 to. ch. j p. xix. Co/.icd by M. W. (It requires Collation.) Names of Places in Pembrokeshire Parishes. Catalogue of Fenton MSS. l2»/o. ch. s. xix. M. II. bds. Autograph. Sir T. P’s. Collection of Modern Genealogies of] Pembrokeshire, fol. ch. s. xix. Autgraph. j Do. Do. ot Genealogies of various Branches ) of Phillipps, of Picton Castle. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. j red mar , Autograph. Do. do. Transcript of the oldest Parish Register j of St. Thomas, in Havertord West, \2mo.ch.s xix. j Autograph. j Do. do. Monumental Inscriptions in Pembroke- \ shire, for Usmaston, Huverford West. See. Ac. I. 12m». ch. s. xix. Autograph. 15965 15966 15967 15968 15969 15970 1597 1 15972 15973 15974 15975 15976 15977 15978 15979 15980 15981 15982 15983 15984 15985 15986 159S7 15988 Sarmiento, Origen de los Maragatos- thin sm. 4 1 ch. s. xviii. M. II. brn. bds. (1708.) J2 pliegos. Caracras Papers, 1807. sm. thin Mo. ch. s. xix. ill. H. brn. bds. Act for the Dean of Worcester’s Land at Croi thorn sm. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. M. /{. brn. bds. * Historia di S. Francisco, sm. 4lo. ch. s. xviii. i\l. 11. qds . Catalogue of Sir T. Phillipps’s Books, MSS, 4 to. ch. s xix. ill. II. bds. Cronologia Bibliae, !kc. sm. thin 4 to. ch. s. xviii M. 11. bds. Bibliotheca Economico-Politiea. sm. 4 to. ch. s xvi M, It. ids. Tizou de Espana. II Consulta del Conscijo de 26 Aug. 1809. “Sobr el establicimento de mi Gobierno.” ^ Lettore di Ymarici, &c. IT Spagnuoli Gesuiti distrutti, & le loro opere dop che soiio in Italia, sin. 4 to. ch. s. xw.M.H.bdi Sobre las Sectas Philosoficas, 1789. sm. 4 to ch s xviii. M. U. bds. ' * La Paz con la Porta Ottomana, 1742. sm. Mo ch s. xviii. M. II. bds. Taylor’s Letters to Dr. Drake, Sand. Petrge, Hoi combe at Cambridge, Kynaston, Robt. Cholmele of Easton, Co. Lane. 1726. Ac. thin sm. 4 to. el s. xvfii. M. 11. bds. 7 Drawings of Old Masters, viz. Sir Peter Lely Van Dyke, Parmigiano, A P. Picard, thin 4 to. ch s. xvii. ill. H. bds. Newling 31 SS New ling’s Collection of Pedigrees. 1st. Pedigree Thomas Owen. On 1st. Page is the Printed Coa ot Pudsey. Jol. ch. s. xix. white bk. Do. Salop. Monumental Inscriptions, fol. begim vnth Tong. ful. ch. s. xix. white bk Do. do. Collections. 1st. page. Exaininatioi ot Edward Kinaston, at Ludlow, 22 Eliz. fol. ch. s. xix. wh. bk. Do. do. 1st. Pedigree Alcxr. do Okeston. fol. ch. s. xix. wh. bk. with Drawings of Arms & brasses. Do. page 1. Chancery Suit, Corbet versus Join Walcot, &e. 1742. Do. Arms of Berkshire Gentry. IhinMo.ch.s.xvWv Do. Salop. Obituary, Ac. Mo. ch. s. xix. wh. bk. Do. Salop. Collections, l#*. Entry, Arms of La. tliam. Mu. ch. s. xix. wh. bk. Do. do. do. begins John Iston, 1st. Portion anus de West bury- 4(o. ch. s. xix. wh. bk. Do. do. begins with Obit of Mrs. Lloyd, Relic of Thomas Lloyd, of 1 ho Stone House, Salop. 127 «o. ch. s. xix. wh. bk. Do. do. begins with “Draper, of Bromlow, anc Walton. 12/7/0. eli. s. xix. wh. bk- Do. do. being a Collection of Small Memor¬ andum Books, bound together. 1 bmo ch.x.xix.w bk Lord Kingsborough's MSS. bought of Henry Stevens, of America, 1860. Ex Bibl. 31iscellaneis. 159C0 Mauritii (Caroli Francisci.) Rerum Gestarum Hi- ] bernicarum Epitome ab initio postremi Belli Mil- \ an, 1645.” Dedicated to Pope Innocent X. (A Transcript.) Mo. ch. s. xix. sewed. > i96l Letters to Mis. Newton, of Bromley Hall, in Co. j Stall'. Ac. ful. ch. s. xvii. M. 11. bds. ■962 Journey from Philadelphia to Boston, 1784. > l'lmo. ch. s. xviii. M, H. bds. '■ >963 Cartai de Vcnctia. 6 Vols, sm, 4tn, ch. s. xvi. Ac, \ M. II. wh. bds. V . •964 The Satirist. 3 Vols. 8vo. ch. s. xix, dark blue bds. ; 15989 Las Casas Ilistoria Apologctica. a Part only, being Cap._46, to 56, & 140 141. j.arts of 145, to 155, in 35 Sheets, fol. ch. s. xix. Copied for Lord K 15990 Alonzo Perez, tercer Discnrso sobre ei Jmperio de Culhua. J'ol, ch. s. xvii. wh. v. 15991 Pizarro (Pedro J Desciibrimiuito y ConquHta de] Peru, Anno 1571 .ful. ch. s xix. half dk. dian. Autograph. 4///. ch. s. xix. Letters to T. C. Croker, 1st. Thomas Steele, ult. \ Bowrin. ? 4tn. ch. s. xix. Do. 1st. Richard Sainthill. ult. llyan, & Gurney. \ 4 to. ch. s xix. Tale of the 3 Advisers Will of the Wisp, a Tale. 4 to. ch. s.xix. j Tlic Big, & Little Cakes. 4 to. eh. s. xix. On Kin Croker’s Collections, begin with Miles on Bromp- \ ton New Church, &c. Jol. ch. s. xix. M iscellaneous 31 SS. [6014 Documents to prove 3iography, Genealogy, Chro¬ nology, & Domestic History of Families. Vol. 1, begins with Sam. Foden, Gent, of Co.StaffJ 689. Ralph Williamson, Esq. Co. York, I 6 b 9 . Robert Chaplin, Esq. Co. Suffolk. Thomas Mathews, Esq. Co. LJcref. lurge 4 to. Fell Larch, s. xvii. 16015 Vol. 2. begins, Morgan Whitley, Esq. Co. Sussex, or Essex, 1692. Charles Fox, Esq. John Knight, Esq. ■ P. s. xvii. Vol. 15. begins, Richard Kent, Arm. 10?5. Samuel Ilayne, Gent. Gervasc Bertie, Gt. 1685. obi. 4tu. P. s. xvii. V'd. 16, begins, James Gray, Arm. 1692. Sir Stephen Evance, Knt. Richard, Earl Rane- lagh. Philip Bearcroft, Esq. 1692, Co. Wore. obi. 4/o. P. s. xvii. Vol. 17. begins, Archiep. Ebor. 1679, John Kingdun, Co. Devon. 1682. Bishop of Lou¬ don. Michael YValford, Gent. 1682. obi. 4/o. P. s. xvii. Vol. 18. Thomas Browne, Esq, Co. Ox. & Berks. 1672. Roger Higges, Co. Middx. Sir Francis Popham, Knt. Co. Devon. Richard Browne, Esq. Co. Norf. 1672. obi. 4to. J*. s. xvii. Vol. 19. begins, John Lawrence, Esq. 1682. Bishop i>f Salisbury, Samuel Astry, Esq. Francis Bowes, Esq. Sheriff of Northumberland, 1682. obi. 4to. P . s. xvii. Vol 20. begins, Sebastian Taverner, Gent, of Nor¬ wich. William Spence, Esqr. Co. Kent. 1672. Martin Samiys, Esq. Co. Wore. George William¬ son, Esq. Co. Cumbld. obi. 4to. P. s. xvii. Vol. 21. begins, Stephen Lilly. Gent. 16S6. William Wogan, Esq. Ilaverford West. Bishop of Norwich. Richard Grahnie, Esq. See. Co. Nor¬ thumberland, & Durham, 4to. P. s. xvii. Vol. 22. begins, Michael Ilardcastle, Gent. Co. Durham 1672. Thomas Seaward, Mcrcht. Co. Middx. Robert Foley, Esq. Norwich. Charles Buncombe, Esq. Co. Beds, sm.obl. 4 to. P. s.xviii. Vol. 23. begins, Sir John Wolstenholme, Bt. 1665. Lionel Walden, Esq. Co. Huut. sm. obi. 4 to. P. s. xvii. Vol. 24. begins, Sir John Wolstenholme, Bt.l666. John Harvey, Esq. Co. Line. John Vaughan, Esq. Co. Caermurthen, & Cardigan, 1G66. Roger Whitley, Esq. Co. Montgom. William Bucknall, Co. Middx. 1666. thick 8 vo. Parch, s. xvii. Ranucci MSS. omitted. Vol.l.Pedrusii, I Ctesari in Oro, Argento, e Medag- lioni nel Farnese Museo.Parma 1694. f.ch. s. xviii. Italian Ids. JV’o.332. ExBibl. Ranuzzi 416Payne. Lettered on back. “Medaglie.” Vol . *. 310 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 16039 16040 16041 16042 16043 16044 16045 16046 16047 16048 16049 16050 16051 16052 16053 16054 16055 1605G 16057 16058 16059 Yol. 3. Cameli Nurnmi Autiqui, in Thesauro Chris¬ tinas, Begin® Suecorum, Bom® asservath fol. ch. s. xviii. yell. bds. pp. 274. 1Vo. 332. in Ranucci Bill. Both the above works have been printed, Sj Copies are in the Bodleian. % Chirograto di Clemente XIII. a M. Ignazio Ludovisi Boncompagni, Vice-Legato di Bologna, sopra gli danni che cagione lo sregolamento delle acque nella Bologna, Ferrara, e Born ana. thinjol. eh. (This is a printed Book , “Bolog¬ na 1767.”; Cartas Bononienses, 1505. Pell. s. xvi. Incip. “Antiani Consnles, et Vexillifsr Justiti® Populi, & Communis Boni, &c. Laurentio, & Juliano, fribus. & Camill®, & Magdalen®, Sorori- bus, pupillis, filiis, & filiabus Bernardini. being The distribution of Iris Eifccts to the said Laurence, &c. orphans oi the said Bemardin. Olim Laurentii de Bixellis dicti del Bcccafav®.” Miscellaneous MSS. Boulainvillicrs Lettres Critiques, et Historiqucs. 4 lo. ch. s. xviii, o. brn. cj. rich gt. pp. 448. Arms on tildes, a Bess betw. 3 mullets of 6, round pierced. Supporters, 2 Griffins. Motto. Pro Patria. Crest, a Pelican in her Nest vulning herself, on a Ducal Coronet surmounted by a Mitre on the dexter, & Crosier on sinister sides. (? if the Coat of Count de Bonlahivilliors.) Index Motulorum .Patcntiura, ab. 35. II. 8. ad fin- em regni ejus. l.fol. ch. s. xviii. half o. brn. cf. Olim Petri le Neve, Norroy, & Georgii Harrison, with Book Plate of Geo.Larrison’s Arms O. on a Cross Az. 4 Pkeons A , bearing in pretence A. a chev. Y. betw. 3 doves. Oxfordshire Original Docum nts for Genealogy, & Topography. 2 Pols. fol. Pel. fyperg. s. xvi,xvii,& xviii. red russ. Do. do- pro Com. Sussex, for do. do. ab. Ao.4 E.3. Jol. ch. s. xvi, & xvii. red russ. Vita del Card. Mazzarioo. II Azzioni di Don Yaiano ch Modigliana e della sua Abjura in S. Croce di Firenze,29 Ap.1640. H Congiura di Capponi, 1546. •j[ Yita di Pietro lonaventura de Eiorenza, e di Bianca Capella, 1579. Svo. ch. s. xviii. half vel.full giit. Geo. Chalmers MSS. Chalracr’8 Collections for the History of Co. Kirk- kudbrigbt, Vol. 1. thin fol. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. Do. do. Yol. 2. 4to. ch. s. xix. blue bds. Do. do. for Ayreshire, Yol. 1. fol. c/i.s,xix. blue bds. Do. do. Yol. 2. 4to. ch. s. xix.7/. blue bds. Do. do. Vol. 3- 4/o ch. s. xix. U. blue bds. Do. for Renfrewshire. V. 1. 4 to.ch. s. xi x.wh.lds. Do. do. Vol. 2. 4/o. ch. s. xix. it. blue bds. Do. do. Vol 3, for Peebles, & Lanark. 4 to. ch. s. xix. blue bds. Do. do. for Lanark. 4Zo. ch. s xix. It. white bds. Do. do. for Glasgow, sm. 4 to. ch. s. xix. bin bds. C. owning shield MSS. Memoranda from American State Papers, 1760. lettered on the bach “New York, & Pensylvania Papers 1629.” thin 41». ch. s. xix. half roan. On granting a Charter to Nova Scotia. sm. thin 4 lo. ch. s. xix. half roan. “An Account cf the Insurrection at Boston, New Hants. G. S. 1785-6. written by a G entleman ! who happened to be present.” thin 4lo.ch. s-xviii. or xix. half roan. On. the Dismemberment of America from the Brit¬ ish Empire, & becoming an Independent State. thin 4 to. ch. s, xviii. half roan. IG060 1G0G1 16062 1G0G3 16064 16065 16066 16067 1606S 16069 10070 16071 16072 16073 16074 16075 Fenton MSS. continued. John Gwvnn’s Book of Pedigrees of N. IVales. fol. ch. s. xvi pp 34. The Steward’s accounts with Sir Owen Wynne, Cwydir, 1649. 1650. fol. ch. s xvii. pp. 24. Complaint of the Gentry of Anglesea, against I Bulkeley, for dilapidating the Castle of Bea maris. V Letters of Sir John Wynne, of Gwydir, a] others, fol. ch. s. xvii. pp. 114. Letters of Sir John Wynne, of Gwyder, & others ®;i Household Accounts. If Letters of Bichard, Bishop of St. Asaph. fol. ch. s xvii. pp. 141. Letters of Jiiclmnl, Bishop of St. Asaph, Hem Bishop of Bangor, Sir Owen Wynne, John W liams, Bishop of Lincoln, Custos Sigilli, afte wards Archbishop, &c .fol. ch. s. xvii. pp. 113. Willis 1801. Baronagium Angliae, 1597 . fol. ch. s. xvi. wi Pedigrees, Arms, if QuArterings. S. Aogustini Coufessiones. fol. P. s. xi. o. brn. c Scripture, Anglica. Gugonis in Ecch siasten Expositio. 1i 5$. Ansclnuis Cantuar. in Lucam. ‘Tntrav. Jesus in quoddam Castelluni.” Anthony de Mayues, Sailing Observations for tl M indward Passage from Jamaica, lo Mew Pros donee with correct Latitudes, C Longitudes of tl different, Islands, S'. Keys, IH14. The said A. ( Maytie, was employed to survey the above plac by the Admiralty in tl. iVl. Cutter, Landrail, i Hi4. fol. ck. s. xix. II Extract from the Log Cook of the Uyac'mtl in Bio ile la Plata, ISIS. 54 Original Sketches, by J. U. Steuart, E-sq. f his Ancient Monuments in Lydia, fol. ch. s. xi> Boone 1861. Gradu.de, cum NMtis Musicis. fol. V. s. x. vel. ? red mor. rich. yH. Old No. 7 Ciceronis 7 Orationes in Verrem. fol. P. s- xv. beech bds. o brn. lilir. stamped. Old Bo. I Aries on 1st. page Or, diapered, 3 torteaux. Do. 1 4 Orationes Philippic® in Marcum Ai tonium. fol. P. s. xv. beech bds. o. brn. Ithr. 147 Arms on page I. same as the Inst. O 3 torteaux G. supported by 2 Tritons } Man, } horse,-^Fis holding Caen e Trident. Old No. I' Brtchii (A) iloniniaj liquids, in 5ltim. Libru Oistoriee Patriae, quam struebat libru m Epi tuna Dedicated to Cardinal Cibo “ 13*.noniae Legato, Dated 1520. thinjol. ch. s. xvi. old fk. mor . tooled, nnd (jilt sides. GaSparis Scioppii Machiavelica, “Qua Macbiave li inuocentia ad versus ejus accus.iiores propiq natui.” fol. ch. s. xvii. or xviii. Anus on the. sid Parti [nr Saltire 0 Stars. Mantle of 3 Tassels. , (Flavii (ilnndi?) LJistoria Uispani® cel ituliai. 1l Jacobi Braceli, Cenuensisj ad iilondituu Fla. ium, Apostolicum Secreturiuin, Lescriptio Oi Liguslic®. 11 Liter® Jacobi de Cracelei, 1450, &c. V Uist'Tia de Origine Belli in Gallos, .v Brita: nos. 4-to. ch. s. xv. ivh. vel. Olim fuit Libi Albcrici Cybo, Principis Mass®, A March! nis de Carrara, Conte Girolamo Cnrzio Clementini Descriptio d l)oino if Orvieto. “Opera Posiuma MSS. di Can 112,” On n Book Stump is “Ex MSS. Xav. Can Gentili.” circa 1713. 4 to. ch s. xviii. w/t. vel. Arms on Cover. On a less betw. an imp. Eagi crowned in chief, & a bend cheeky iu basei Catalogus Librorum Manuschiptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. Sit plain cross. Cardinal’s Hat, & Mantle of3Tassells. I 16076 Statistica
  • zata 7 Octob. 1691. per Papa Bonefacio VUU.) &c. Colophon. Pinisce il septirao ed ultimo libro! 1 delli llivclationi di Christo a 'la sposa Sea, Bri- gida novella.X? Nonessa) de regno de Suecia.” £ covered withbrn. Ithr. / 16079 Registrum Actorum Notarii Publici Civitatis de. Ferrara, ab Ao. 1317, ad Ann. 1529. targe f. V.) s. xiv. xv. xvi. Oak Inis. §■ brass knobs. 151 leaves,) Sf 5 preliminary leaves. \ 16080 Notices of Marriages, & Burials for tire Towns of; Maestricht, Lcuwarden, Kornjum, cVe &c. ini Holland, sent to friends on the decease of any ( Person. 3 Pols, printed, MsS. 170 Ij, to 17U0.J fol ch s. xviii. sewed dk. paper. < Dering MSS. \ 16081 Cholineley Notes oti Aristotle’s Rhetoric. 4 to. ch. s xviii. sewed. 16082 Catalogue of MSS. Bering. 4 to ch. s. xviii. ( loose Slips in a Portfolio.) 160S3 Poll Rook of Kent Freeholders, 1639. Contest Ber¬ ing, & Twisden. sm. Ato ch. s. xvii. i6084i Aloysii Mocenigo Ducis Venetiarum Bucalc, 1727. sm. 4/o. P. s xviii. 16085 Aloysii Pisani, Ducis Venetiarum, Ducale, 1735. sin. 4 to. P. s. xviii. llanucci il/SS. Nd. 12921. in this Cataloyue, a large is Pol. now divided, and made No. 12921,t^/te fullowiny Nos. 16086 Racconto della CittaBi Forli. (Phi. 1 .pars 3.) 16087 Cose di Atfari di Ron fa. (Pol 1. pars 4.) 16088 Yiaggio del Cardinal Rarberiui. (Pol. 1. pars 5.) fol. ys Guietans, Tahcllion. (An 50 is a Palimpsest.) 51 Cartes. 16140 Vol. 6. 1st. Jaceque Lowiar. ult. Nicolle3 de Maig- ney, moine de St. Vi’cent. 44 Cartes. 16141 Vol. 7. Is/. Claude de Gour?mis, Chevalier. ult. Jehan Vincent, Chapellabiede Mouxeul, Tre- : soricr de la Grande Eglise de Metz, 1519. 35 C. 16142 Vol. 8. Is*. Tlowm Ilenaldin, 1531. ult. Jehan Ben- nesson, 1558. ^2 Cartes. 16143 Vol. 9- 1st. Tier Michiel, Abbe de S. Arnoul de Metz. ult. Jehan Cuguin, Charohie. 19 Cartes. 16144 Vol. 10 1st. Nicolas Thore, Tabellion. ult. Gn-ard Munier, Beligieuxde St. Vincent. 19 l artee , 16145 Vol. 11. Is*. Jean de Baudochcs, Dean of Metz. ult. Beynald de Tignomont 15 Cartes. 16146 Vol. 12. 1st. Procuracion pour Madame Goullain- villiers. ult. Charles Magnan, et Nicolas Sazan, re¬ ligieux de S. Vincent. 23 Cartes. 16147 Vol. 13. Is/. Thos. Bichard, Chancine de la Grande Eglise. ult Hanry Murial do. do. 23 Curies. 16148 Vol. 14. 1st. Antoine Nicolay, Seigneur d’Orville. ult. Fragmentum Carta; Vieira de Beauvais. 41 C. 16149 Vol. 15. Is*. Katherine, femiue de feu lc Maire Pierresson. ult. Bernard deu Prat, lo hell hi de Symeon deu Prat. 8vo. 31 Cartes. 16150 Vol. 16. 1*/. Pcrbost Carpentey/Bourdeaux Deed.) ult. Barbc, Femme Droyn Basset. 13 Carla. 16151 Vol. 17. Is*. Seigneurs du Chapitre de la Grande Eglise. ult. Pier Michiel, Ahhe de S. Arnoult.lBC'. 16152 Vol. 18. Is*. Nicolas Buguaiddcn, presbre de Metz. ult. Pere Begucr, Prior lo Joru. 48 Cartes. (Many of the above Charters relate to Plcppeville, and in one of the Vols arc the following ) Cart© Fratemitatis S. Johis. de Jerus, en S. Martin en Curtis, a Metz, 1408. Cart© de l’Hopital S. Jacobi, a Metz. II Cart© Humberti de Beavon, Chr. de Bode, Commaudeur de S» Jehan en Chambre de Metz. 16157 16158 16159 16160 16161 16162 16163 16164 16165 16166 \ 16167 16168 16169 16170 : 10171 i16172 |16173 Vol. 19. Is/. Bernard, senhor de St. Martin de Larmont, ult. Galuarda de Castelhou. large fol. half blue bds. Vol- 20. Is/. De Castro de la Acays ? in Dioc. Sarla tensi, Sencscallum Pctragoricenscm. ult. Juramen turn Petri, Burdimvlensis Arcliiepi. factum Martini V. Pap©, fol. ch. half blue bds. Vol. 21. 1st. Compte (’< rvluivy. ult. Mossan Gram Procurado de Hug. Abbat do Serba Maior, 1387. fol. r. y. brn. bds. 38 Cartes Vol. 2-\ 1 st. Carta II. Virdunensis Episcopi pre Petro, Ah bate Gorziensi. {Sere, xii.) ult. Magis- tri G. de Bemis, Ac. pro Abb. Silvre Majorij Burdigal. 1242. 20 Cartes Carta dc Bourdeaux. Vol. 1. Is/. Guiraud Astert, Clerc. ult. Bonon, deli parropia do Senac. 8co. 42 Cartes Vol. 2. 1st. Jehan de Prat Baden, ult. P. de Bom Molins. sm thick A to. 74 Caries Vol. 3- Is/. P. Barran,—filh q fo dc IIol. Botbert. ult. W. Ay meric, Captadau de Borden, 1303.37 C Vol. 4. I.w. Bamon do Massac, 1352. ult. Bertrai deu Puchs, 1342. sm. Alo. 43 Cartes Vol. 5. Is/ Jarnant Helias, Captadau de Bordeu 1309. nit. G. Abb. Mouast. dc Sorba maior. 1397. Vol. 6 Is/. Conchor de Calasa, molher de Bamoi Dirissan, Captadau de Bordeu, 1339. ult. Nandreu Amaubin, propiau de Sta. Anladn de Bordeu, 1338. 32 Carles Vol. 7. 1st. Pore Fouquaud de St. Aloy de Bor deu, 1370.H. tunc Auiiiepo “Excellentissimo Dnc nro. Duo. Edwardo, illustrissimi Dui. rri. Anglu Begisprimogenito, principatus Aquitanise existen to.” u/t. Bornard de Cos, de la paropia de Seyn Peyre de Bordol obi. IS wo. 26 Carta Vol. 8. 1st. Helias de Gans en Sent Peyre de Cas tet en Bazades ult. Bonafoe dc la Dele ? 6 Carta Vol. 9. ) st. Johan de la Cammada. u/t. Frair Galhartz de Bladin, Prior del Ospital dc St. Jaem de Bordeu, 128 2. J'ol. ch. s. xviii. 16 Carta Vol. 10. Is/. Liger, filh, ct hereteyr de Conchc Marran, sa meyre, 1391. «//. Thomas Goarid, coi durev de Sent Symeon do Bordeu, 1395 33 Carta Vol 11. 1st. Bamonda, filha de Auda Aumelheyn molher de Bernard de Vares Agues, 1352. penult. Mari© de Luxemburg, Duchesse de Vei dosme, 1544. ult. Gilles Chastclain, clerc, “garde de part Madam la Duchesse Dorleans, Contesse de Blois, et ti Beaumont, Dame de Coney, A ayuns la garde < gouvemement dc Charles, Mous. son aisne ill Due d’Orleans et de Valois, et de acs autres ei fans,” Ac. 1408. 20 Carte Vol. 12 1st. Anthoine du Prat, Chr Seigneur t Nantviller, Bozay, Ac. penult. Gualharda, molhi sa en arrere do P. W. do Sen Alars. 28 Carte Vol 13. Is/. Guirard Jordan, Burdel, dc Cadilhi penult. Peyre do Playim >y, mongo deu Monuste: de Sorba Maior, 1391. fol blue bds. 49 Cart- Vol. 14. Is/. Dopimange Cornel. Moine de St. V ucent. ult. P. de Foret, Captadau de Bordeu l. 4/ Lord Kinghboroughs MSS. bought of Henry Stevens, of America, 1800. Explanation of the Deities of Mexico, with Lo Kingsburougli’s Bemarks, in red Ink. f. ch. s.xi Documents rclatiiig to Buenos Ayres, ic VeraCnj Ac. lie gin with The Appointment of Don Et mi*do Saavedra dc Paz, as Oidor de la Audicnt e?i la Ciudad de la Trinidad de Buenos Ayres,167 fol. ch 8. xviii Subre El Bio di San Juan dc Nicaragua. f Memoria sobre elCommcrc-io de Nueva Espai Testimouio de cinco Cartas del Presidente Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Bhillippjca. 3 Jo 16174 16175 16176' 16177 16178 16179 16180 16181 16182 16183 16184 10185 16186 16167 16188 16189 16190 16191 16192 16193 16194 16195 16196 16197 Gnathemala, Don Thomas de Rivera, y de Santa» Cruz, 1745. I ^ Memoria acercade la Seda Silvestra de la Nueva ) Espana. ? Informe sobre todo genero de Agricultura do C Nueva Espana. fol. ch. s, xviii. 5 Relazione de la Republica cbe i Jesuiti di Porto-( gallo i di Spagna hanup stabilita neDomirdi ultra- / marini delledue Monarchic, e della Guerra que inj essi hanno mossa, e sun tenuta contro gli esereitij Spagnuli o Portoghesi, eavata da i Eegistri delle) Segretarie dei due Principali respettivi Com-) niissionarii, e dei altri Autentici Documenti, tras-( latta dalla lingua Guarani, nella quale fue prima) composta, nella Portoghese, e da quosta fedeluiente? transportata uell Italiana. sin. fol. ch. b. xviii. | Expedition de Loaysa. [said to he. in the Autograph) of jSavnrrete.) Part 2./. ch. . ( f Copin del Testamento do Sebastian del Cnno, > Choronica de las Indias. thin Jot. ch. s. xviii. 1526.) On the Mexican Division of Time, thinfol.ch.s.xixj Derrotero al Estfecho Magellanes, thinf.ch.s, xviii,] Viage de Alvaro de Mendana. thin f. ch. b. xviii. ? Letters of Hernando de la Torre. th\n f. ch. e.xviii.) Remarks on Clavigero’s Mexico, thin f. ch. B. xviii.) Echevarria Hist, de Nueva Espana. fol. ch. e. xix. j Historia de Nueva Espana, vel Plorida. in frag-) meats . Cap. 172 to 19 U. (This is part of a fuir' } Copy of one of the Histories which Lord Kings-) borough cut up, to send to his Printer such por-l tin us as suited his immediate purpose, namely ; to) prove the Mexicans were descended from theJews.)? i Those portions were probably destroyed at the ) Vinters.) This Vol. begins with Sheot 502. the 2nd! Sheet is 553. the restare 554-5-6-7-8-9-60. 678-9. SO'599'. Here begins Book 14. 561-2-3. (4 is missing .) 5, on to 77. then come 600- 1-2-3-16-19-20-1-2. 637. 662. 712. 727, to 735. 747. 775-6-7-8. 835. heir several half Sheets occur, but the halves with the Humbert on are tost , then follow 322 to 27. 330. 366. 374. The Sheets in the beginning of this Vol. to 578. are these. 503. 553. 546-7-8. 543. 540. 554-5. 578, &c. ut supra, fol* ch. a. xix. Historia de Florida./o/. ch. s. xix. imperfect) This begins .with Sheet 18-9. These two last arc quires , & contain several Sheets, then follow 37- 8-9. a half Sheet, then 32 with a Dedication to Boturini 81-2. 80, 81-2. again duplicate, 5, 6. then 209. 253. 274, to 300, correct. Do. begins Sheet *2 do. No. 1. ut Capitulo viii. ; then Sheet 2-3-4, to 46. (47 is missing) 48 to 80. I correct, f. ch. ». xix. M. H. bds . j Historia di Mexico, continued. Part 3. begins ( with Sheet 301. The missing sheets arc 335, to 1 340, 343-6, 356-63 392 to 404, 406-7, 409-10,) 412, 415 to 19, 423 to 444 all inclusive, fol.ch. 1 t». xix. c Spieguziune delle Tavole del Codice Mexicano che > si conserva nella Biblia Vaticana. 79 Sheets. < f. ch. s. xix. M. H. bds. j Mexican Codex Telleriano-Remensis. Begins with / Lord Kingsborough’s Notes upon it, l Lord Kingsboroiigh’siVufc'su^onfAe Mendoza Col- / lection. ch. s. xix. M. U . bds . < Copy of Part of Sahagun’s History of Mexico. /. ch. s. xix. M. U. bds. Papers on the Caraccas, 1J9T f. ch. a. xviii. Do. relating to the isthmus ol Panama^ Guate¬ mala./ ch. s. xviii. xix. Sobre el Commercio de Nueva Espana. Cartas del Presidente de Guatemala. /‘. ch. s. xviii. Primera, ltelacion de Nicaragua, f. ch. b. xviii.xix. Historia de Nueva Espana, Libr. 1. Cap. 10. ul Libr. 2. Cap. 2. containing Sheets 20, to 59. com¬ plete, & Ho. 56, Huplic. f. ch. s. xix. M. H. bds.. Bartholomeei de las Casas Historia de las Iudias Fol. 2. Libr, 1 . Cap. 46, to 56, Sc Cap, 145,lol55. f. ch. B. xix. Do. do. Libr, 1 . Cap, 1 - 11 , Vol. Uf % cK 16198 16199 16200 16201 16202 1G203 16204 16203 16206 16207 16208 16209 16210 16211 16213 16213 16214 16215 16216 16217 16218 16219 16220 Royal Letters of Spain, 1573, relating to Plorida. /. ch. b. xvi. Conquista y PobJaeion del Peru, a fragment . f. ch. s. xix. 25 Sheets. Rodrigo Caro sobre la Deecubicrta de las Yndias. f. ch. s. Xviii. Materia Medica de Nueva Espana, f. ch. s, xvii. Historia Natural de Mexico, 1790./. cA.e, xix. Concilium Novo-Grunatonse, 1625. /’. ch. s xvii. Papers relating to Mexico./. ch. e, xvii. Le Gaspi Viage a las Tslas del Ponieuto, 1565. f. ch. s. xviii. J. pitz Gerald’s Letter to Lord Kingsborough on the Ruins of Palenque, I860, thinf. ch. %. xviii. Arellano sobre las Islas del Poniente. thin f. ch. s. xvii. or xviii. On the Commerce of the Uuited States with Eng¬ land. thin f. ch. s* xix. On Elephantiasis in the CaradCas.*Am4*0./?A.9.xviii. Explanation of the Telleriano-Remensis Codex. largef. ch. s, xix. M. //. bds. Simon’s Conquista de Tierra Firma,TerceraNoticia. Part only. f. ch. s. xix. M. II. bds. Lord Kingsborough's Notes to his Mexican Anti¬ quities. Autograph. 2 Pols. Jot. ch. p. xix, Battle of Paraguay against the Jesuits, 1759: thin ito. ch. s. xviii. IT Ignacio Pinver Relacion de una Ciudad grande fentre los Yiulios incognita. thin smAto.ch. s.xviii. Catalogue of LaTour-Allard’s Mexican Antiquities. II Lord Kingsborough's Notes on Mexico. large fol. ch. s. xix. M. II. bds. Description of Yucatan; in French. Begins "Je suis arrive a Campeche le 6 Mai 1834. “Lemot Cam- petche, aiuei prouoned, si guide en langue Maya, Coulenore, et Garnpate , Acdrus Amencanus sin. Ato. ch. 8. xix. Historia del Peru par.* fragment only; begins Sheet *2(>. “De Rauias.” the 1st. Chupter Heading i# “Como los lteycs del Cuzco mandubau que se tubiese cuenta en cada ano, con todas las personas que morian y nacian en todo su lleyno, y como t<>dos truvajahan, y uinguno podia sor pobre con los Depositos ” thin f, ch. s, xix, cam- tains Sheet 26, to 34. 104. then follow fragments of sheets, the remainder having been rut off by Lord Kingsborough to send to the Printer !! Next follows Sheet 154. then Sheets 3. 20.33. 153. then turn Sheets oj some other Spanish His¬ tory. Fragments of Sheets of some Spanish History con¬ cerning Aixtitlan, it Mixtitlan. thin fol. ch. s. xix. Papers relating to Guatemala./, ch. s. xviii. Lord Kingsborough’s Notes on Mexico, begin with a Note on Jericho, thin 12 mo. ch. s. six. Pobluciou de los Ingieses en St. Julian, Costa de Buenos Ayres, II Flores sobre Hacienda el Real de la Nueva Espana. ^ Commercio de las Yndias, 1778./o/,cA. s.sviii, II Sobre los Yndios de Nueva Espana. Ordenanza del ltey 6obre la “Vida Comun" de los Conventos del America, U Lettra de D.Joaquin de Orellana a la Ciudad At Arequipo sobre las Lastimaa en la Provincie. de Chuquito, 1781. II Lo (jue ucaecido en la Proviucia de Chavaotr. 1789. ^ Sobre el Eatato de la Villa de Valladolid en Yucatan. H On the Commerce of the English in the Bay of Honduras, &c, •I Carta de Don Jorge Juan, gefe del Esquadra, H Sobre el ilicito Cuinercio eu tas Costas de Tierre Firme. II Sobre el Comercio de America, 1787. 11 A Merchant’s Letter to a Member of Parlia ment on the English, & Irish Cloth Manufac¬ tures: translated into Spanish. H Statistics of New Spain iu 1784. ■H Carta pur on Minero a ua Aango. endorsed 314 16221 16222 16223 16224 16226 n. d. i 16226 16227 16228 16229 16230 16231 16232 IG233 1C234 16235 16236 16237 10238 16239 Cat.-. : -oo jo Liblja ;>» Mawuschip oroji is Bibliotheca IrHiLurPicA. "Apologia del Baron fit Hum** «1 Estado uel lirnrio . xvii. ^ Jncip, “Exmo.Sor.Securo de la Dignncion deV.E ” ) Alvaro de Meridana’s llclacion del Yiaje que hizo j al descubrimiento de las Islas de Saiamoii, desdc ) su salida del Puerto de Callao T9 Nov. 15n7. \ f. ch. s. xix. Cap.CXL. de la Parte tercera de la Ilislorla de las l Indias. incip. "For todo lo Suso diclm.” . S l! La Parte tercera desta Historia. Jncip. “Re- ? lacion del Modo—que—tenian en Nacinndole. s /. ch. s. xix. ^ Libri MSS. 1859. (See the Sale Catalogue ) Mr Libri puts down ell sizes under Julio as 4 to. c n Sale Catalogue which he drew up himself. J 14 iEsopi Fabulce. A Prudentii Eva Columba. ) II Liber Cartulcc Ecloga, II Theoduli. t A Facetus. < II Chrysostom de 7 Virtu libus, & Vichs. 4 to. V. s. xiv. cf‘ gilt. 44 Ambros. Camaldulensis Itinerarium in 1431-4, > 4*o. ch. s. xv. | 45 Diario do succedido in 1755. as Tropes Portn-i guesas do llio Grande de S. Pedro para o Torre* de S. Gonzallo. 8 vo. ch. s. xviii. 46 Ameer Ivliund Tawarikli al Alain. Pcreice. 5 l2wo. ch. s. xvii. brn. Ithr. 58 Apologues, on Parables. j A De cohabitacione Mulicrum cum Saeerdotihus. j II Boethius de Disciplina. *1 Exorcismi Formula. ^ II Glossarium Latin urn. \ If De Grammatica ex Prisciano. A J. de Garlandia dc /Equivocis. < 11 De Barbarisrao. * A Carmen de do. > II Ars Grammatical. Qvo. V. p. xiii. grn.rgh. cf. < C2 Arati fragmentum, cum Commentario Vida.*. If Arutus a Cicerone, sive Germanico traductus. ) v De Sole, Sc de Mundo. Svo, V. s. xv. blue mor. \ gilt edge. ? 71 Aretini (Thomasii) Cosmographia. Gvo.ch.s.w. i 71* Argcnsola 13. L, Helacion del Torneo de Zara- f gosa eu 1030. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. 72 Aristeneto Epistole, scu Colioqui d’Amanti. / fol. ch. s. xviii. (1722.) 73 Disputationes in 8 libros Physicorum Aristo-j telis. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. * 74 Porphyiii Isagoge. > *[ Aristotelis Predicamenta. ! II Do. Periherraeneias. ( •I Do. Topica. ? ■j Do. Elenchorum. \ «J[ 1)6, Prioruin. * A Do. Postoriorum. 4 to. V. s. xii. 75 Aristotelis Analytica, j A Porphyrii Isagoge ad Categories Aristotelis. } •j Aristotelis Predicamenta. / *1 Coramentarii in do. fol. V. & ch. s. xiv. |> 76 Aristotelis Topica. Latine. 4 to. V. a. xv. } 77 Do. Etliica ab Aretino. V s s. xv. o brn. cj . j 1 with brass knobs. 16249 16241 16212 16243 16244 16245 16240 IG247 16246 16249 16250 10251 16252 78 T) de Anima, a Biiio. Geo. P. s. xv. 66 } i.v( ours stir I’Artillerio, & le Jet dea 1’ombes. r J/LicPption Ilistorique de la Ville de Dunkerk. fro. ch. s. xvii. 92 A: ■ rr.nosuiajKalcr:darimn,cam Tabulis Astrono- micis a.) Ao. 1475, ad 1513. ^ Tabula Regionum. *} Do. Eclipsium. Instrument urn Orarum inequalinin. II Do, Veri Motus Lunas. **,[ De Aureo Numero, C Ciclo Solari. II Tabr.iu Festorum Mcbiliuin. a i C.mjunctionibus Luminarium. De Eclipsibus. II De Magditudine Dierum. •I De 1-Iorologio Ilorizoiitali. % De Die Paschali. V De Qnadrantis Horologii horizontal! 3 J)i- (Quadrate Horario. -De Aspectibus Planetarum. Carmen. Guido Bouaetus de Cognitionibus Natururum M'cuiidum Nativitutes. *J Aseendenlia Civitatum. If Jltsdra* Pronostiea. V Pronostica Nativitatum secundum Mathe- maticos. DeTonitruuin signilicatione. *1 Tabula Salomonis. Galeni Physici Dispositio Inlirmantium.. sin. -1 to. C. if ch. s. xv. rgli ich . Ithr . lo-. S. Augustinus de Caritate. / fol. V % s ni.wh.n. 1UT. Augustinus de Aiuicitia, Ilomilitate, ii Obe- dientia. If Cicero dc Amicitia. 4 to. V. s. xiv 113 Ten Letters Autograph of ?vlattci,Mazauchelli Muratori, ike. 4to. ch. s , xviii. 121 Barthe sur la Ville d’Ugeriio,ColnnieGi’ecqnc, a ia quelle a succcde Beaucaire./. ch. s. xviii. l Q -7 Banufaidi G. Ssnioro “La Suor Uscita.” Giornale Poetico. Al II PassaTempo (Idle S. S. Fantastico e Capric- ciosa. Vi lutermezo, Pasquella, & Lindorina. V Seurcti diversi. Mo. ch. s ; xviii. 135 Barruiraldi, ('Nicolo,) Diurio Ecclesiastico della Citta e Diocesi di Ferrara, continued by his Son, Girolamo./, ch s. xviii. 139 Redo in Marcum, s. f. V. s, viii.green T.rnor. 149 Bed® Historia Ccnlis Angloruin. II Vita, & Translatio S, Neon. /'. C. s. x. or xi. HI Bellaijo, (Nic.) sullo Molestie ap port ate dai Veiioziani nel Polcsine ui Airiuno pel Taglio di Porto Riviero, 1632. ’I Lavori per Argiuatura di Primaro. V Sulli Aiiari Eeclesiastiei di Vienna. *j Fnustiui Elogio del Conte Boari. v i Alphari sur la Comptabilita per la Cassa Du- caledi Ferrara sotto Ercolc i. V\ .Mazzantii D ploma in l.aurea. V Conccssione d’Ercole, I. D’Este al Fr. Marino di Baldo di ccnstruiie la Chiesa dellaConsola- ziotie in Ferrara, 1500. L Formulario di Cnrteggio o di Lettere. Fondazione del Couv onto delleOrsoline d(Fer¬ rara . fol. V. ,y ch. s. xv). ad xix. 143 S. Benedict! Vita a S, Gregorio. ^1 Opuscula 8. Benedict!. II Poemafa Pauli Diaconi Aquilogiensis Lango- bardoruui iSistoriograplu. *1 Do. Bcrtharii Mart.yris,&M. xiv. 147 3. Bernard de Con temp tu Mundi. *|| Prudentii Eva CVlumba. II Theobaldi, Kj>i. de Naturis Animaiium. 11 Flureti Flores Virlutuni. 1| Prudentii Psychoinachin. U Donircini de Uipa . Brandani de Siena, “Cavata dull’ Archivio dela Bicchicma di Siena.’’ 4/o. ch, s. xvii. 189 Count Brandizzo Relatione di ogni Citta e Terre nr-lla Provineia di Cuueo, 1750, &o. f. ch. s. xviii. •94 Philip Bronilield’s Log Book of the Salisbury, in 17881 f. ch. 8. xviii. 196 Brotier sur les Hieroglyphs. 4/o. ch. p, xviii. 197 Burley Wr, de Vita, A Moribus Philosopho- rtim.f. ch. s. xv. 202 Caisaris Commentaria./. V. s.xv, /ch. v. Script. Ital. 203 Do. do. f. ch. s. xv. grey cl. bk. 205 Tristaui Calelii Historic Patna; Libri Xf. 208 Statuta S. Joins. Bapt. de Cambridge. II Statutu Collegii de Southwell, Co. Notts. /. ch. s. xvii. o. brn: cf. 218 Capeeclatro Diario de i Tumultrdi Napoli Parte 2da. 4/o. ch. s. xvii. rvh. v. 221 Cardoino, (Andrea,) Relatione di Geueura. 222 Sopra il Negotio della Pace con Carlo V. 1’ Lega contro Carlo V. II Michel Sorriano della Lega tra Pio V. il Re Catolico e la Signoria di Venetia,/ ch. s. xvii. maVbled Covers. 229 Cassiodori Liber Hunianarum Literarum de Artibus, & Disciplinis Seculariuin Studiorum. Augustinus de Doctrina Christiana. 11 Do. Contra Mendacium. 11 Do. de Musiea. ^ Do. de Ordine. V Do. de Civitate Dei. 11 Do. de Genesi. 4/o. V. s. ix. o. brn. cf. 230 Castaldo llistoria Belle Cose occorse in Na¬ poli, &c. Col. ch. s. xvii ,n'h. v. 235 Ceremoniale delli Cardinal!./, ch. s« xviii. rvh. v. pjj. 92 . 236 Jac. do Cestulis de Ludo Sc&cchoiuni. II llantis Alighieri Liber de Monarchia. 1i Liber Faceti. Il De Astrolabio. 4/o, V. s. xiv, o. brn. cf. j 16282 I 116283 y f j ) ) 162'84 j16285 i |i62S6 j 16287 16*288 16269 16290 16291 1629*2 10293 16294 16295 ! 16*296 1 16*297 16*298 16*299 j16300 jlG301 ( 1 1630*2 16303 16304 16305 16.806 VI6307 ?16308 J16309 239 GaUbil sur Lh-.,u Kieou Isles, Ao 1/52. 1i Characttr s Ciiinois. 1i Lei ires Mongole* do Ouldjaito Souldan. & di? l’Emperour Arkhonn Khan, (written in 1305.) f. ch. s. xviii. 240 Chronica Adefonsi 3 Magtii Regis Asturiarum, i Mir. Cvfic letters. 721 Nicodemi Evangelium. II S. Augustin de Vita Christiana. •[[ Altercatio Ecclesice, & Synagogse. Alcuinus de Virtutibus,«vViuis. so. 18 mo. Vd 725 Tubkat i Akbari, or Hist, of India, to 1593 : /. ch. s, xvii. red Oriental binding gilt. Thai Library Mark is O. 86. 736 Fabii Oliva di Forli, Vila Kathurime Sforri 4 to. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. 746 Sur le Marriage du Due d’Orleunsavec MJi guerite de Lorraine, 1634. 4io. ch. s. xvii. 748 Otloh Mouachus, de Vita S. Wolfgawgi Ep copi. 4fo. V. s. xi. 749 Ovidii Ars Amoris. H Do. Remedium Amoris. H Do. Medicata Facies. H Do. Elegiai, IT Do. Culex. II Do. Nux. 12 t7/o.F.s.xv.o. brn. cf. Script /1 1st.page ilium. Arms at the foot Bendy j bule O. & S, oa a chief A. a Cross G. Cat a. bogus Libkorum Manuscrii*iorum in Bibliotheca Phillippioa. 8] 7 1 2 13 14 !5 6 >7 >8 >9 0 '1 2 3 4 6 7 8 .7 0 1 2 13 4 15 17 750 Ovidii Ars, & Remedium Amoris. If Sappho Phaoni. 4 to. ch «. xv o brn cf. 752 Ovidii Epistol* 4 to. ch. s. xv. beech lids half brn. It hr. 780 Persius, cum Comrnentario l2mo. V. s. xi. I Weights, & Measures- 1! Vita Persii f ragmen turn. II Glossa in Peisium. Olon fuil Apostoli Zeni. 825 Portulano. Mappa Muudi, lohis Oliva, & .1. B. Cavallini deLivonio;. ontains America, New Guinea, Ac 4/o. V s xvi .yell bds. 82G Portulano of II Mai's, with America.& Terra Baconians. 4 to. V. s xvi , red n/or. gill. 83(j Probra Falconi* Centoua* 1! Virgilii Bucolica, Lib. 6-10. ^1 Do. Geofgica. II Cicero de Paradoxis. II Ovidius de Police V Galfridi Anglici Poetria H De Bhetorica. Hvo. V. s. xiv. yell. mor. gilt. Arms on the back a Fess, or Bend dozengy in chief a label of 3 A Marquis Coronet. At the end “limit pro publica Bibliotheca Malliabecchiaua Vincentius Follinius ejus- dem Prad’ectus, a Laurentio Poggiolesio Idib. Novembris 1827 840 Prudeiiims thick s. Ato. F.s x.red Uhr.clasped 94G Solinus tie SuuOibis. \2nw V s xiii. 7 • leaves 1017 Travels in Europe, by a German, 1061-2. Ato. ch. s xvii. cut into the bend line. lO'.’B Vegetius de Be Militari, 4 to V s.xi o.brn.c.f. 1043 Via Salatis. Otim Stephaiii Bilicich. ( Vide No . in hoe Cota logo ) 1053 V.t* Sancturum, & ^anctaruni, viz. S.Ceeilise. Esyclni. Gordiani. Paul*. BaVulae. Martini. Romani. Get gold. Maxiu.ini. Oido Psallendi. sgre sm Ato. V. s. x. u. brn. cf. K)54 Vitae S. Syri, Juvenlii. 1i Deposiiio B. Cunfessuris Satyri. thin s Ato. V. s. x vch v. 1055 Vila S. EurchaHi, Angli. Ce-ta S Kjliani, Scoti. thin Ato. V s x. u-h v. I 103 Erinenrici Vlonachi, Abbatis Llwangen&is in Suevia, Vila S. "olae. Ato. V. s. x. wh. v. Libri MS. bought 1862 . (See Sale Catalogue.) 19 Altdeutsche Gedichte. Ato. ch. s xv. red mor. iuaCu.se. It cun tain s 10 different Articles in Pro>e, and Poetry. The first is Anecdotes from Greek 11 istury. 27 Opeia Theological in the Mexican Language but in Spanish < haraetfcis. 4/o. < k s xvii. 73 La Bible abegee cn ver& Franqais. Hvo. F.s.xii. in the original bmdi-g 124 .Manuei Diaz Libro de Cavalls, e del donula- rm-i.t del Lav alle Jol V eh s xv. e.um jig nr u 128 Vegecius del Mester d’armes, t rna de 1-ran¬ ees en Castilla, fol. ch s xv, ah. V. with Draw¬ ing •>. 2 leaves at end 16393 | 16304 16395 6396 16397 16308 j 16399 16400 I I 6401 |16402 16403 l6p'4 16405 |16400 |16407 I \ 1 6403 |16409 $16410 |16411 6412 j16113 |16414 bound in red Velvet. The Binding is enriched on one Cover with Hock Crystals set in Silver anetve. ^ De Coiiservatione Sanitatis /. V, s. xiv. rgh. bm cf. (1 if 7*> ) 340 Lorenzo de Medici, Le Rime com Commentis. 232 leaves, thick sm. Ato. ch. s xvi. wh v, 356 Meuologion •Samto.'um Lnti e s/i 4 / 0 . s. xi in red Velvet- The Binding is Silver gilt set with engraved Gems, Turquoises, Garnets, c\ Enamels. 440 Nonius lVjarcellus de Pr >prietate Serinonum, a in. f. V. s x 1 v ids ingrn.cl. 12:2 leaves. 431 Coptic Papyri I a le.ires..pasted in fragments between glosses Supposed to be <>t v.ee iv. 4 12 l . o. do K MaS. m 2 small Pasteboard Boxes: not unrolled 432 U 0.6 .\i.s f t a Pasteboard Box, not unrolled **56 Pigiifcil*’ ( ' niomi^,Navi_^ition, ii decoitvre- niem tie 1 ’ L.de >uperi»-ure. A d 's Isles Maluc- que, « u uai>scnt ies Cloux tie Giro tie. hvo. P s xvi. uuth many Drawings of Islands. 47*> Portu aim .Med leiraueo. f , C. s. xvi. brn, cf. 1 2 pages. 405 Kuiirmzi di Lucretia Bella e d’ Astolfo, Pala- dmu di Francn 11 La Regina d’ Onente 4/o ch. s. xv. 512 S dinus de Mirabilibus Muudi. I.iwo ch s xv. ms s. ( 1 1 ■'ep. 1455. pt-r u.anus ti. de Jampis. 515 Statii Tnebais sm. fol. V s. x 52b The tioreti Eplsiol* Gr*ce. ttro. ch. s. xvi. 20 n leaves. Anns of Alexi Farm s-- on Paye I. 5)0 Vice Sanctorum Sebastiam, icc. 4 /«. V s. xi. in Copper gilt Cover set with Rock Ciyatils,6f Enamels 563 William von Orleans, (i dicht von Ruodo'f von Ems./. ch s xv. 122 leaves. 565 Roman de Wy & alays,der Rater m;t tiem Bade. 4/o. ch. s. xv. 602 Michel Peham Gedichte. 4 / 0 . ch. ». xv- oah bds. 8f clasps. Catalogs Librorlm Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica Berlandier MSS. 16446 IG4 17 16448 16440 If) 450 16451 16452 Ricardi de Buri Philohiblon. H- Casparirii Pergamensis Lpistol®. 11 Mirahilia. ds. Do. 1st Ccstadini, 1754./. ch xviii. AJ.Hbds. Do. 1st Fabiici*., toH)./ ch. s xvi. AJ. h bds Historical Puces oi Spain, 8: Jerusalem. f. ch. s. xv.ii H rented. &. M ' Inter alia. ^1 Batalhir de Campo Mayor cn Lstreiuadiira. Rotulus Ptpve Hibernia?, Pars 1 -J ch.s. xix. Al. H bds. Noyes’s Indix to Noy« s M ills ! ch s xix. A. I. 11 bus Ex Bono Aniici mei, H Noyes, Arm. Cariae Otig.de Comitat. Denbigh, & i.eretord. f. peig. & V s. xvi. &c. Velde's Fasti Westphalia: >-&uc\si.thinf.ch s. xvii. Al H bds Carew, & Martin MSS . f. eh. s. xii &c half blue paper fast Letter of John Major, dated Cad- bury, l(» March 1680. Do. uo. do. f. ch s xvii. half blue paper. being Leases i f the Martyn Proj erty. • 6 -4. Suit of Bowes, versus Strathmore f cli. s. xviii St George MSS. Index to Pedigrees. 4/u ch. s xvii. At. H bds. History of Ghazendier Khan, f ch s xviii Al II bds. Lawisi A Javanese MS /. cA.s xvio. At. H bds Quebec Papers, 1761, &c. /. ch s. xviii. Al H. bus. Seamen’s certificates, 1780, ice. /. ch. s. xvui. M. H- bds. Berlandier Views in Mexico fol. ch. s. xix. blue bds Tampico. &c. Do. Vnl -. Vnlean del Cerro Partido, &c. fol. ch s xix blue bds. Do. Autiquites dans les Raines des Cuisillo de Tula de TamaulipaS H Duplicates, or fair Copies. among them is the figure of an Elephant. Do. Drawings of the Indigenes, or Natives c Mexico. Miscellaneous MSS. 16458 16 459 16460 16461 16 462 16463 16464 16*65 1646.V 10 4 0 6 16467 16468 16469 164/0 1647 1 16472 16473 16474 •647® 16476 .647 7 16478 16 479 6 480 6432 . 6483 In 1*4 i 64o5 The B »olvc of Lords Chamberlain, being their A • ms well emblazoned, f. ch s. xix. red mot rich gt. J. T YV . ,’s Yorkshire Collection,/’, ch s. xvi. half blue paper. Ladies Letters, 1768. to 1830. 4 to. ch. Letters to Lord Lonsdale, 1697 ice Atn ch. Military Correspondence, 1790, 4 tu.ch s. xvii begins lath R"bt. Adair. M ilitary * orrespoudence during thcAniericunYVa 4I<> ch s xvi i. Lady Sale’s Journal in India. Original A1S. impel feet 8vo eli. s xviii Peeresses, & Ladies Letters, thick I ‘2mo ch s xvii ■Riulclifie’s Voikshire Collections >co eh s. xviii In pinning with 8 Coats of Arms on Scraps. then folhw the Baptisms of Armitage, i,c. MillofY'm L rake,of Barnohlsvvick / f. ch s xvii Spencer Perceval’s Correspondence f ch. s. xix Obituary. 1731 thin 8 to ch.s. xix. Letters of l.ady Suffolk, &c /' ch s xviii. wii Sn W alter >ci'ti’s Autograph Review of their Do ol Henry Saville, ice. f ch s xvii. Llovd'!*- s alop. Collections / rh s. xviii \green mo Latalegne of Mr. Y\ m. Fitch's Collection ol bu folk Deeds narrow sin. fol eh. s xix. <>n Ip*wich Hospital thin Atu ch s. xix. The Mipposed Mutder at Cum, den. Co. Glou A to. ch s xviii. Fitch’s Vicars. 1 arish Priests, Curates, & Chm try Pi tests, of Co. Suffolk, from the V' ill Buol 13 . & It in the Aichdeaeonry of Suffolk. thin 4 to ch s. x»x Auhgraph. Pedigree < f Johnson, c I Bi.wdn Park Wilts. thin 4 to ch. s. xix M H bds. John Serjeant's Mi»suhi to the New Slockhridj Indians n 18(>9. thin 4 1 >. ch s. xix. Menage’s Letters fioiu Paris. 1661. 1l Antogiaph Letter ol P. Daniel Huet, Evesq;

    847 \ Maps of Parts of America, & Portraits of St I,van, Benj I ranklui, Hancock, 2c Arnold. 4/o. ch. s > vifi. Letters du I tie de ( hoiseul, &e. 4/o eh. s. xviii Ori mal Fetters, Sc Vers oe Gabriel Naude, kc.: fol ch. s xvii. MiFiarv C onespoiidence. begins with Capt. T' ping’s desire to procure a Majority, bigni Geu. I letou 4 to. ch s. xviii. Do do. begins with ' ir He- .Osborn. 4/o. ch. s.xv. I:erlandier Maps of Mexico, lol rti s xix. Do. o. Drawings ot do lot ch. s.xix half blue b Do. t arte Ituit-raire de Mexico. Jul. cIt. s, xi» half blue bds. PUillipps Co/lectious. Inq post 7 ort temp. Eliz viz. Alexander, Mathew. Sheldon. alias Meuske. Turney. Maun8el. Morris. XJudeihill. Catalog us Libkorum -Manitscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. *6487 $6488 16489 lK>4r80 1640* *6492 *6403 16494 16496 . HJ496 *6497 $!D '■Bryndp^r . Clanghton, Coit-erell. Flower. Freeman. H an nvs. Harward, Harward. H ayes lleighes. Hinton. Keblewhite. / c h. s. xix. Aj orris-. Not inghara. Osbaldtston. Parker. Payne. Phillipps, of Voyl.e Wakeman. Walcot. Will rood. W eekes. Wells. Pic tun Castle. W’elLborn. Quinton. Head. Rogers. Sa nders. alias Mylls N' ill is. Wogaa. U h or wood, "ye. W mis ton. - Ballaid. Daston. Phillipps. Banesler. Drews. Do. Banhury. I)e la Mare. Do. Barautine. Freeman Do. Berkeley. George Saye. Bird. Harwell. Sill. Bradwey. 11 ig ford. Tanke. Chambre. H aich. Welsborn. Clare. Isbuiy. G alrond. Cotterell. Juyn. Wilds. Do. King. Yate. Do. Osbaldstou. Cusse. Phillipps. /'. cli. s. xix. M. 11 bds Inq. post Mort. viz —hoggin, Baunfeld, VVhor- wood, \V eekes. Carta " ini. Phelip. Pedes. I-in in in Ballard, Keck, CoitereH, Dasion. H Caitae de Walcot, de Walcot e.Jch s. xix. M. 11. bd s. Inq. post Mort. viz Butler. Durham. Gleede. Gonne. Heighes. Hoitain. IJ uwes. 13a) naid. Bewsliin. Box Bs flete. Crolt. Kecke, of Roper Mur stun. Se\ inour. Mauniel. Tuulirill. Do. ( Cyprian. Tw\ sc lion. Morris V< nour. Phillipps. W'akeinau Ph ti. VV a.ro-id :. M. H bds. W oluch. temp H. 7. viz. De la Mare. Hartland. Da fell.' Harwell. Erley. iioleyu Ferres, liuuiley. Forster. Do. l M. 11. bds. temp. H. 7 .viz. Chokke. Griffith. Dabudgecourt. Horne. Dombeiton. Hnggeford, Ernley. lngaldes- Fay re well. ihoi-pe. Gaweu. i. M. 11 bds. viz. Bi.ran yne. Beaumond. Blount. Brugge. Ca veil. Chayne Ballard. Hughes. Smart. Da-ton. Keck. Viearis. Eden Leech. Willis. Freeman. Bowney. (iawen. Russell. 1\ ch. S. xix. M H. bds. Gloucestershire, Pedes k inium a Car. 2, ad 13 An me./', ck. a. xix M. H. bds Catalogue of his M "S Collections by Sir T. P. 11 bo ola large Collection of Flench MSS. IT List of Derbyshire, Vls< J ch.s xix 11 M bds Sir T. P’s. Mi'scelh .1 ta " tils. 1 euig-ees, Cat¬ alogues of MSS Reflections on Optics. £%.c. M s S. & printed. /’. ch s. xix. Pedigrees of Dabridgccourt, Barry, Wyfln, Still- ingfleet, it Lukis. large fol. ch. s. xviii, &: xix Miscelt net C odices. Martini de Yiciana Croniea de la Ciudad de Val¬ encia, 1564. f. ch. s. xviii. half brn. cj. Ex Bibl■ Uucis Sussex. Lettere di M Far«etti thin 4 to. ch. s xviii. M. H. Drawings of Old M.isteVs'. ' i.olc i large 4 lo. ch. s xiii M 11. bds. Radchtie MSS. Pedigrees. Sc Genealogical Col¬ lections begmi/K/ wah /\rms of t he . Gentry of Cornwall printed $ MSS fid ch s. xviii.'' 1/Estrange Pedigree. / ck s xvn I l3Beihaiu.MS9. Carta- Anliquee viz. 1 Copy of Grant of Philip, son of Lew's, King ot France, to St. Truniy, Canterbury. 2 Do <>i Feis Warren, to *tr Nieh Tam- worth,=Joan, in St " ynuow,Co. Cornwall. toil A the Auioyntph of H Elsy.ge, 1607. 3 Fiagmt ids . 3 leaves of a Cartulary of the Arcln-ishop of Canterbur-, beginning with Wm. Conq his grant of the Subjection of York to Canterbury, this ts fol 13 Carta Johis. quod Eiectiones -int bberae totins Angliae-Carta de Ruuiin.de. 4 Q. Eliz. Grant i f Ou-nt If May no lo Tbos. Lower, de terris in Co. Cornwall 6 Deed of Thomas Lower, of St Wynnow, Co. Cornw. 6 Caita Joliis. de Nortliwood, Cancellarii de Oxford, 22 D 3. 7 Original Grant of Anns to Henry Fisher, by Wm. Hervey, Norroy., in i53u, Autograph of ttervey. 8 Grant to the Hosp. S. Job. tie Jerus, I 11 3. On. the bach o\ this is a Drawing ot he Ship The Elizabeth, large fol. sere vur 31. H. bds. Lexicon Vocuin Leguittr.n / idel\'6u. II Carta’ Legale* m Italia large fol ch. s xix. Acts of the Aposile-: m Icelandic, large f. V. s.xii, or xnt 31 11 bds. Visitatio Episcopalis Salopian 3 Vols large f ch, s. xviii M. H. Oils (1 / ;7 ) Lettere di Ituliani Lrudiii. 1st Vasto a Malktesta 1529. f ch. s xviii. M H. bds > Kent MSS / ch. s.xvii-xvm. M. H bds. Oriental Letters in Hindosiauce. thin natron:fol. ch s. xv.ii. M. 11 bds. Carta' Original de Metz, Paris, & Bourdeaux;• 2 Vols fol V. & pay s xv. half bine paper. Court Book «>f Marshall’s Manor in N'orthweald Bwsset, Co . I»» ) 4 o I6JS. ilim f ch <.xv iii. puce cl Et dono Sami Near.**, Dn^ ‘Vl.iiierii. Mackenzie Papers./' ch s.-'Kviii halt dark if. Itineraiium Ludolfi ad terrain >auctam. 1. Bulla de lnoulg’eneiis ail i remitas* limerarium Joins, ce Mandcvilia Militis, 1355. II Do. Dnctoris FrauktHit 1427. II Col acio Joins, de Frankef-mJiu, coram Fran- ct-co Fosuhaiis, Duce Venetoium. in Veneliis, Ao 1427. H Miiaiolia Roma?. ^1 Indulge.ic4ieCatbedraliuin,& LcclesiarumRomjB. % De Anno Jubiieo. II Cepia Bulla uin 11 DescripUo '•ex Concdioium Aulenticoium. II Excupium Croidcoiuni. Lihet Crunica Crouie.mnri. 11 De Fhetonca Ato.-ch s. xv. flogs kin stamped, with bras• Knobs Ecrerul Art c cs have been torn out ut ihc end. F. Nichols..n. (Aitu-l) I re t:se on the Proverb, “Knowledge I' Bow r ."thin sin. old ch s. xix. L«.rd Kingsi.oroimb’s FraLmert of the Hist'ory of ot Mi-..ico. Ihiii tro ch s.x x Al li bds. On the b Lillian Nations.the Al oglies, Alloud ig< 68 On a*.e>, ( aliugas, «v ^emcas thin sm. 4 lo ch. s. xix A! O bds. Sir " m. Belhaui’s MSS.&. Correspondence. 4/o. ch. » xix 3f H. bds. pp 230. Guild Book of the Cord.vainer's Company at Laverford Vi eot, 1690% U> I 0 i 2 , 6 ii 030 , tuioo4. 389 jG»ia 16519 16520 16521 16522 16523 16524 16525 16526 16527 16528 16529 16530 1G531 16532 16533 16534 16535 16536 16537 16536 16539 16540 16541 16542 36543 16544 16545 16546 16547 J6543 16549 Catalogs Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Philuppica f. ch. e. xvi. & X vi i. M. H. bds. (A Third Vol > is in ’hr pos.-e.-non of Mr Hood, Shoemaker. J Haver.'ord West, i860.) j Do. d<> I67I.m)1788 f rl ». s.xvii.i xvii-. M II bds. with Autograph Signatures. Beckwith’s M>S. Pedigrees ie. Uo. ch. s. xviii. | M II Ids Sir John liurffh's Form of Try-all l»v Bataile. thin /'■ ch s xvii. .17. II bds imprj't. Ilohv A utosiraph* 1 * 4 Vols. 4/o ch. sxix. 1 !.H. bds. | Radciiffe MSS Yo.kshire Pedigrees, ic. other! Collections. ch s. xviii. M .11 bds. begins j with a Schedule of Henry Schley's Deeds. ] State Papers, 1604, &c. begins /nth a Letter of J. j Treuchard, to Admiral Edward Russell. \ JoL ch s xvii ;17. II bd *. Do. do. Vol. 3/. ch s xviii M. // bds. : Letters to Granger, large f ch s xviii M. //. bds. Hugh, Viscount .\L-nigum-n’s Funeral. 1636. long narrowJ'ul. ch. s. xvii. M- II. bds. Yorkshire Antiquities, viz. H De Maneiio de Wakefield. Muster at the Pr< lectors. II Yeoman of K'ng Philip. /. ch s xvi. M. II bds. • Duppa’s ( Richd ) Papers Autograph, f ch. s. xix. M H bds. State Papers of France, with Autograph Signa- ; tnres of Louis XV, Marie Antoinette, French Generals, &c. <1 Miscellanea Aughca* / f ch s. xviii. M.Il.bds. Fitch’s Ipswich, & Suffolk, Cart* Orig. large Ato. pci gn/n. s. xvi. xvii. xviii. U istoria Adbatiae Orlo* icensis in Superiore Silesia J /’ ch s. xviii. hnfich v. Carta* Originates pro Com. Suffolk, largef (2 feet high.) per Irani v. y. Is/ Deed SirUm \\ ithi- poie. v nCh. rlesijros, >ir Richd, Brooke, Sir l-aac Jenny, ic. Lord King-sborough s Proof Sheets with his Auto¬ graph Corrections of his History of Mexico. i large fol. ch s. xix. Sandy’s M^S. Letters of C Roach Smith, Esqr. j & Thomas \\ right, &c. thick l'lino. ch. s. xix, : M. H. bds. Evisham Pod Book IB.. Sir Charles Cockerell, j & L u nl’rv Howorth. Candidaies. I lino ch s xix, j Lloyd on the French Invasion, i779. 4/o.cA.s.xviii, ! M. H bds. Letters to President Henalt. Ato. ch. s xviii. Letters from .Stockholm, 1755. tto. ch. s. xviii. j AL H bds. Carise Orig Domus Dei de Brana, ab Anno 1213, j ad 1540 thin Jol. V. and pet gum. v y. Pedts Fiuium temp Ric. 3. i H. 6. pro Com. \ fssex. Kent, Sussex, &c narr fol. / a x*v xv. ; Papeis relating to the Duke of W ellington's Cain- \ paign m Spain, 1813 f ch. s. xix .6. II bds. Revenue Documents, 9 Vols .Jal.perg s. v. y, M 11 bds Revenue Receipts, 2 Vols fol. per g. s. v. y, 1'. C. Croker Miscellaneous Ms>S. On the 1’ucca j fairies. % Ju.ia, & the Ants Nest. II Letters of Loid Albert Conyngham. II Chart* Hiberniae, temp. H .2, io L.l {printed.) H Plates of Plants (printed.j laigef ch s xix Al. // bds. Berlandier’s Mexican N hws large fol. ch. a. xix, M. Il.bds. 1*7 Rivera riel Rio Bravo, '2nd. Laguna del Pui bio \ iejo. Trtasurei's Accounts of the Princess Augusta, 1767-8. laigejol ch. s xviii. green tell , D«scripti<- Principatus Pransylvaniae, 1750. tall Jol. ch. s xviii. rvh. v ^ Les huit Cartiers de Mademoiselle de Tilly, ] (. hanuintssede Mauheuge. Sinnott’s Maps of the Barony i»t Ida, Co, Kilken- \ ney thinjeh s. xix. M Il.bds. Fragments of Inter alia. I The Hermit, in Old French. i 6550 16551 16552 (6553 16564 ) 6555 16556 16557 IG55S 16559 1G560 16561 16562 16563 16564 16565 16566 16567 16568 16569 16570 16571 I 6572 16573' 16574 11 odd's Guernsey, Jersey Papers. Si.il of .lamps T’ipon. S< Dehorn Duraaresq. f eh. s. x viii. ^ Petition of the Slates of Guernsey, I Jr 6 . f. ch. s xviii Do. (d Richard. Lord Cobham. 1745 f.rh *. xviii Soils in the ( ourls of Alderney, l/ll. Ul . j.;, aza i i e Mercli mt / ch. >. x viii Piiii.p ho C. oyl, & J„U. Du,-ells. Arguments in •Km soy / ch s. xviii. Guernsey Deed inter l > ierre A ntoinc Coutard, Sc Charles De \ ic, Baronet. 1734. /'. eh s, xviii’. Guernsey Tree, dem*. J„l c k. s . x>lii , u . ilh page 5 . 4 Standing orders, 1729 Jersey. 1747 Philip de C.uteiel's [.ist c.f Papers produced in jn Appeal helueen lean Gavey, Aaron Gavey. j ch. s xviii. Pleading, io Jersey Court. 1752 fell s. xviii. UC 1752, Aaron Gavey. v l-dward (,uvev Do. 1762 Suit of Elias l.e Maislre. & jan» I lima]esq Ins wife, with Gist of Papers pro- duced. / ch s. xviii. Do. 1*47, Suit of John Gavey, v. Aaron Gavey with Listed Papers. /. eh s xvii,. . J/. //. fj f / s Do "mt of John Villenenve. v J hn bunny 1740 /. ch s. xv.i.. M H. bds Precedent as to the Rank of the Procurator, Sc \ i-count before the Advocate. &c .f ch b xviii M II bds. Petition ot John Dobrce of (Juernsev, circa 175A. / ch s xviii. J/. JI bdn. Appeal of I leazar le Wmchant. &c. r. ..'arues Pcrdiard, See;, circa 1730. fol ch. s. xviii. A I. II bds. Guernsey, Letter of . 1 . Hubert, 1709 , Sec 1i Letter, ff U Le Mai.stre, 1 752. &o. *i Letters relating to (Guernsey lMaiket, &c J. ch. s. xviii t\l 11. bds. Ex Dono Georyii Dlatchtim, Ann. Terrarium, & Feodarium Dominorum de Muliun de Lunsler. /h/. V. s xiv. A ending MSS. Salop. Collecli. i s. Ato. ch s xviii. & xix /eh. bach. On tlie 3 rd. page ai* the Pedigrees of Revd. John Lloyd, of Lambeth, & Jasper Gr.ffilh, of II Welsh Pedigrees. List of \\ arvvic k sheriffs ic stn. Ato. ch s. xix. Ex Dono llevdi. Wnu. Valentine , Henry Docker’s (of St John’^College,Cambridge. Extracts from Author-, 161 . 4 . II Poems. H Verses on Various Subjects. Luminous on Vlmisteis, iX Government. 4/o. 1 h s. xvii. 0 . brn. ef. Tricks of Mass-Priests thin 8 ro ch s xix. M. //. bds. Autograph oj Rev. \\ m. Valentine. Ranucci MRS. omitted. Snnet’i c- ntro il M< ndo, &c. stn. Ato. ch. s xviii. Ex So 12956 MSS. Eh. Collections lor lf< me, sm. Ato. ch. s. xvii. Ej So. 1 292 1 , MSS Dh. Soneit 1 . per la iiHsciia «iel figiio maschio al Contes- tat'iie 1 oluuna, s/n 4 / 0 . ch. s. xvii. Ex. No 12921, AtSS l J h. Miscellaneous. MSS. Darke s Conespondeots Letters, thin 8to. cA.s.xii. A/- H. bds. Catalogi's Libroru.m Maklscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 321 13 76 77 78 79 SO >81 >82 83 84 85 88 87 88 89 .90 >91 >93 94 Cart® Antiquee Originates Helya*de BelteCampo, | & Constant!® de Bolebee uxoris ejus,& aliornm, \ sin. ito. V. & per, Gregorii in Ecclia S. Martini Le Seui, > thin Mo V, s, xviii, La iVlestairie do Chahaignes en la Paroisse de \ Samblancay uppartenant. a FAbbaye de Mart-: oioustier, thin Mo, P , s, xvi, j Reutale Capel'se 8. Michaelis de Tours, thin Sro, ; P. s, xiv, (1351,) i Rentale Franeisci de Villa Nova, 1 141, thin Sxo, ; V, s. xv, Visitation of Suffolk, large f , ch, s, xix, half lids, dk, cl. Ex MSS, Bet haw Mayo Peerage Claims, large f, ch. s,xix, half light bi n, cf, Betham MSS. Catalogue of Holkham MS>./, ch, s, xix.i oh. clth, j Fragmenta MSStorum. Inter alia. *1 A Poem ‘’Quant li Ermites ia perchut,”J r , s,xiv, ; II De Nominibus, /', s, xi, *![ J)e A more, •[ Decretalia, li Descriptio de Jerusalem, s, xi, ** Ab orieme «est : intioitus Jerusalem per portaui David,” i U De Sto, Petra,/ /', s, xii, II Sermo S,Augustini super“Agite Penitentiani, 5 * , fl De impiorum pena, Ex Bibl. Mouast. Aina, ) II Justiinaiius, II Augustini Epistol® Maximino, large 4to, V, s, ? Lord Kingsborough's MSS. Lord Kingsborough’s Mexico, & Monuments of I -■ New Spain. Proof Sheets with his MSS, i Notes, Sc corrections, long fol. ch, s, xix, half dk, blue mar, red siaes , \ Lord Kingsborough's Notts on Mexico, tall fol, ch, i s, xix. btgins with a Remark on a Verse in the j •24th. Chapter of Ezekiel, Do, do, do, begins with “That the Peruvians $ resembled the jews,” tall f.ch, s.xi x,JU,H,bds. i Bistona, y fundacion de Mexico, tail thin fol.ch, i in dp. “Comienza la Historia, y fundacion de la Cupdad cie Mexico,” In the upper lift corner I is “A.Tbe\eltus 1553,” Price’s Embassy ot Sir Gore Oi.seley to Persia, | fragment, tail thin Jol, ch. s, xviii, II Map of New Mexico, A Note (printed) ot early German Printers, Jacobus Gutenberg, & Fustus, Johes.Mente- j lin, apud Argentmam, Conrad >ueynheym, & J Arnoidus Pannartz, k Udalric Callus, apnd ) Komam. Ex Philippi de LignamineChronica, { impressa apud Itcniam, 1474, II A Letter from Jamaica, II 'i he Case of Israel Sommersaal, & other Ja- maica Papers, Catalogue of MSS, relating to Ireland, (1 he Jamaica Papers are from Sharp's Col¬ lection.) Miscellanea Elispanica, Vol, I, begins with Sheet 20, In the 1st. page it speaks of Pucochof U Capilulacion para la Lntrega de la Isla Tri¬ nidad, II A fragment, which speaks of Hon AntonioGon. I zales, Supermtenueiile de las Provincias an- i nexas a I Ubispado de Puerto Rico en G'uma- j mi 14 Nov, 1791, with many others Pa- I perg of tiie xviii century. * 18395 18598 16597 18398 16599 I 8800 16801 16602 16603 16604 16605 Ex. 16606 16607 16608 16609 16610 16611 16612 16613 16614 16615 16616 16617 16618 16619 16620 16621 * Letter to Antonio Lopez Quintana,datedMara- ‘ iiybo, 1807, -ike. fol, ch. s, xviii, & xix. Miscellanea Hispanica, Vol, 2,fol.ch, s, xviii, begins with Nicolas tie A zara’s Lettera al Prin- Cif.e de Paz, from Barcelona, 27 Nov, 1799, l r. Pedro Simon 2da, parte de sus Noticias His- toriades,/<;L ch, s, vvii. Lord kingsboioiiiih on Mexico, thin fo!, ch. s, .xix, incip, “The Mexicans, & Jews,—be shortly afterward^udds, S:c‘” Do, do, do. Autograph Notes on Mexico, incip. “Note 3, It js almost superfluos,” t, ch, s, xix, Do, do, d<>, Incipit “Speech on the Election of Tizoc,? the 7th. Mexican King, page 192, fol, ch, s, xix. Do, do, d«>, Autograph, Incipit, “green feath¬ ered, ike. in red ink, fid. ch, s, xiz;, Do; do, do. Autograph, Incipit, “page 12. “Called the Almehiute, 6c they say that tins De¬ luge happened in the loth, year.’/, ch, s, xix. Do, do, do, Autograph, Incipit, “It is not from the Writings of Dr, Morrison, 1 ”f,ch,s,iix, Do. do. Autograph. Incip. “No. 31. Don Juan Bautista Munoz, a Spanish Author of the last Century.” f. ch. s- xix. Do. do. Autograph. Incip. ’’Preface. The great scarcity of early Monuments of Americau Civi¬ lization. 4to. ch. s. xix AL H. bds. Rev. James Fraser’s Papers respecting his Claim for losses during the late American Y\ ar, in Orange County, North Carolina, 1 June 178,1. fol. ch. Ifib'. llcvd. T. Price. (Canthuanctuc.) Court Roll Book of Cum Yoye, alias Llanthonia Priuia, Co. Monmouth. 5 Eliz. large f.ch. s.xvi. wh. v-. Do. no, temp. Jacobi 1. 1524./ ch. s. xvi Do. do. do. Aune 1711./. cA. s. xv. Do. do. do. Jac. 1. large J. ch. s. xvi. Original Catalogue of Rev. Mr. Price’s Library. f.ch. s.xvi. Rev. T. Price’s Collections on the Welsh Harp. f. ch. s. xix. gin. cl. De 7 Sacramentis. 4 to. V. s. xiii. xiv. wh.v. Rev. T. Price’s Original Drawings, in a Portfolio. Aneurin’s Gododin, A Poem. It formerly belonged to Gwilym Tew, & David Nanrnor. Their Names are at pages 20, & 22. Part of the binding of the last Lover is lost, 3 leaves cut out at the end. 8m. Mo. o. brn. cf. 38 pages. V, s, xii. Rules for Drawing Figures, obi. 18 mo. ch. A Clergyman’s Sermons (Leonard Price,) at Bris¬ tol. obi. 32 uto. ch. Rodd MSS. Barbadoes Papers. 1760. 1st. Letter of William Assheton. 4 to. ch- s. xviii. Do. do. 1753. 1st. Petition of Wm. Kennedy. f. ch. s. xviii. Jamaica Papers, 1763. 1st. Scheme of Sundry Plots near Yallah Great River, for Wm. Cross, Esqr. f ch. s. xviii. Do. do. 1728. 1st. Thomas King’s (of EastHide, Co. Beds.) Warrant of Attorney to VVm.Crope, for his lands in Jamaica./, ch. s. xviii. Charles Lloyd's MSS. The Boldon Book of Durham, from the Original at Durham. U Liber Feodorum, & Rentalium Epi. Durham, li Catalogue of Spearman’s MSS. relating to Dur¬ ham. /. ch. s. xvii. o. brn. cf. Ex, Bibl. Spearman. Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca -Phillippica. 16649 10650 We raid \ 10651 16628 16629 16630 16631 16632 16633 16634 16635 16626 16637 16638 16639 16640 16641 Athenry Peerage Papers. (Betliam MSS ) large f. cA.s. xix. begins ‘*lst. Baron of Athen- ry. Sir Win. de Birmingham came to Ireland with the Earl of Pembroke, N conquered Con¬ naught, & had for his share-of the-Conquest, Athenry.” Cartulaiium Ecclesiai'S. Nicolai de Bari in Sicilia. f. cli. s xvi. & xvii. tv h. v. •Memoriadi Libertar cl A ecindario de la \ ilia de ) Bilbao de los peligros imminent* s que la eaus&n ( las avenidas de su Ria, 1821. IVith Maps, k S Plans- f. ch. s. xix. half green mar. / Bulla? P. Urbuni, Sc aliorum pro Civitate Jatiueu-p sium. l.fot. V. s. xvi. ( Memoirs of Bold W m. Lenox, St Miss Patou. printed, fy MSS. f. ch. s- xix. 21 Chinese Drawings on the Lee Chec leaf, fol¬ ded up between 2 Boards, sm.fol. Jersey Papers. l>t. Eliz. /?o. ch. s. xix. Vol. 1. 1st. Ambrose Goddard, of Swindon, l&t6. {As the Bee extracts Honey from the most un¬ promising Flowers , so the Antiquary may ex¬ tract tome thing useful from this vile Collection of “Orders for Boots;’’ for instance the actual residence of the Parties at the time , the rank of Military men, their Relations, tyc. \c. Vol. 2. 1st. \Vm. Swaitie, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1812. 4io. ch. r, xviii. Vol, 3. 1st. G. Braddell,cfLiverpoole.4fo.cA;s.xviii, Vol. 4. 1st. .. 4/o. ch i s.-Xviii. 2nd. G. A Moultrie, Lieut. 19 Lt. D. Vol 5. 1st. John Toley, 1837. 4to. ch. s. xviii. Vol. 6. 1st. E. F. Jones. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. Vol. 7. 1st. Edward Jackson. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. Vol. 8. 1st. Count Sommerv. l2mo. ch. s. xviii. Military Correspondence, 1758,-&c. t.f.ch. s. xviii. 1st. Capt. Wm. Picton. Catalogue of the Nobility of England. If Do. of Courtes of Record. •I Do. of tire King’s Household. 1i Do. of Council of Wales, i* the Marches. Do. of the Islands, li Do. of the Townes of Warre. 16653 16654 16655 16G5C 16658 16559 1666*5 16661 16662 16663 1G6G4 10665 16666 16667 1G668 Dering's Freeholders of Kent, in 1639. sm. 4to.i s. xvii. M. H. bds. Sir Geo. Naylor's Monumental Inscriptions rot' Loudon, k in Wilts. Essex, Oxford, kc. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. half brn. Ithr. with Sir Geo Naylor’s Wook Plate. Nicephortis Biemmides in Psalmos. Grace. f. ch s. xv. 7i*A. v. Norris’s Etchings of Tenby, printed. Sheriffs of Pembrokeshire MS 1i Mayors of Tenby, from 1402. MS. 4tO ch. s. xviii. half red russ. Arthur’s Life of Nelson, /’. ch. s. xix. Scott’s Northamptonshire Monuments, f.ch. s.-xt> M. 11. bds. Limllry’s Correspondents Letters on Botany. * Lindley's Letters /. ch. s. xix. M. 11. bds. Aniitis P. di^ree of Montagu f- eA.s.xviii .M.-H.l AVarrcu’s (Wni.j Vows round Brighton, 1839. ‘lto. (A. s. xix. green paper- •Wallis’s (John, Oxford Astronomer,.) Puzzle of ; Tarrying Irons. 1: Mathematical Calculations. 'll Monsr. Fermat’s Negative Theorem .. “thtf Rational Cube Number cannot be divic i. to 2 Rational ’Cubes,” with Dr. Wall I •Demonstration of it. th,n f. ch. s. xviii. A dark oranye cf. . Lecture intended for the Prince of Oram 1670. thin Mo. ch. s xvii. half dark cfmyec j. Barrett’s Coats of Arms of London Gentry. f. ch s. xviii. half brn- It hr. (Naylor MSS.' Old No. 99. 47, Sc 172. Aylesbury, X; Shabhington, Couit Rolls, 1742. Co. Bucks, f. ch s. xviii. blue paper. Hentale de Deuthor, in W ales, 1393. long thin narrow f. ch. s. xvi. M. II bds. Lettres des Savans FraiicaF, 1st. Ai quetil. f. eh. s. xviii. M. Jj. bds r Sims’s Trausciipts ol Pedigrees of Gibbs, HI Bradshaw, Vowel, Tooker, Jenings. f. eh, J s. xvii. M. H. bds.{ Bet ham MSS.) Suit of Rex v. Bowes, Earl" of Strathmore. being part oj DarkePajiers./’. ch s xix. M.1J. John Britton’s Essays, & Letters. Printed , Jli I. ch. s. xix. W. H. bds. Pol. 1. Do. do. do. Vol. -2. f. ch. s. xix. 31. H. bd Darke MSS. I f cli s xix. M. 11. bds. Arms of Gentry of England, emblazoned iu 16 l. f. ch. .s. xvii. well painted. 30'Cliine.se Drawing* of Butterflies,Plants,Slin 4 c. obi. f.'ch. s. xv iii half green mur. Ex 1 T. Dyneley Chambeilamt. PitilUpps Collodions. 1C669 Do. of the Castles, Bulwarkes, & Fortresses. ^ 1C670 16642 16643 16644 16645 16646 Do, of the Houses,Parkes,Forrestes,&Chaces, in 1619. thin j. F. s. xvii. wh. v. Duel of the Duke oi Hamilton, & Lord Mohun. thin 12 mo. ch. s. xix. Nichol’s Hist, of Newtown, Co. Montgomery. thin obi. sm. 4lo. ch. s. xix. John Taylor’s Letters to Samuel Pegge, &c, thin 4to. ch. s. xviii. Fox hunting Poems. &c. 4/o ch. s. xix. M. II. bds. i 1st. The Epwell Hunt, 1807. Copied by Michael' Russell, Esqr. of Broadway, W orcestershire. 2nd. Thomas Buikeley Fretvvell’s Description' of Runs with the Warwickshire Hounds, and! with Lord Segrave’s Pack. 3rd. Melton Hunt, in JS30. 4th. The Petty Cury Fire in Cambridge, 5th. Fragment of.Hunt. Evesham Pell Book, 1780. Candidates SirJno.Rus-^ hout, Mr. Rudge, cS: Mr. llous, fhin Hvo. ch. g. xviii. M. 11. bels. 16672 166 73 16674 16675 16076 16677 16678 16679 16680 16GS1 Sims's Copy of Alborue Survey, Wilts, thinf s. xix. M. 11. bds. ■Hunt’s sketches found Middle Hill. sm. 4to' s. xix. green bds. T'. P. Catalogue of Books, & MSS. at Middle 1 sm. 4 to. ch s. .\ix. M. 11. bds. A Collection of Phillipps Records, sm. 4to. s xix, M. 11. bds. Do. do. do. sin. 4 to. ch. s. xix. lilac b Middle Hill Printed Books, not yet Catalogue sm. 4to. cA. s. xix. JI. II. bds Do. Co. thin sm. 4to. eh. s. xix. M. M. bn T. P. Correspondence, & Miscellanies, sin. 4 to s. xix. M H. bds. T. P. Books, St Pictures bought i860, thin fob s. xix. M. It. bds. T- P. Books, Si ’MSS. h tight 1849, &c. f. ch. s. xix. M. H. bus T. P. Correspondence-with Royez, of Paris. sm. 4to. ch. s. xix. stone bds. Index to Wilts. Fines, H. 8. E. G & M. 1. al 1509, at 1558./. ch. xix. M. 11. bds • Wilts. Subsidy -Hull, 7 E. 3. f. ch. s- xix. H Wilts. Tallage Roll, 32 E. 1. Catalog us Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Bhillippi'ca. 323 T Redemption of Land Tax Acts. Broadway. Probatio ;vtatis Rirhardi Phillipps de South Marston, Wilts, lilii Heftrici Phillipj}s,17Jac.I. U Purchase-of Hidcote Bartram Manor-by Antony, A W illiam. Freeman, from Thomas Hunckes, 44 Elizth. fnl. eh. ». xix, M II. bets Caermavthen Wills, of Phdlipps. Mansell, Bowen, Bryne, Ap Owen, Puttier, Stamp, Burford, Hughes. Mortimer. /. ch. s. xix. M. II. Ids. Caermarthett Register, from 1671, to 1689. j\ ch. s. xix. J/. II bds. Autographs of Correspondents. f. ch. s. xix. M. II Homagium Thomas Bamfyld, iiln Johis. B.&Licvn- tia intranch Maneria sua ui Co. Somerset. f. cli. s. xix. M. II bds. 186S6 T. P. Booksellers Letters, 1826. 1 Letters on the Royez MSS, & Til long f. ch. s. ms. M. II. Ids. 16682 *6683 -16684 16083 il [)C 5 Misceilanei MSS. T. P’.s. Miscellaneous Collections. •JT Pedigrees of Wolrich, Leighton,More, Ibotson, Croti. I f. ch s.xviii, & xix. M. II. bds. Letters of Sir Philip Sydney, sm. 4 to. ch. s. xvi. The Case of Bury Hutchinson, m East India. MSS. l\ Printed, l.f. ch. s. xix. M. //. bds. ■H> 6£0 NVwhng’s Salop. Collection; begin with the Pedi¬ gree of Tottie. Written in Ink , & pencil, large folding Pedigrees, i f. ch. s. xix. 16691 Game Yallis de Evesham. 1i Schedule of Creswicke Deeds relating to More- ton in Marsh. /. f»l. ch s. dark blue bds. 16692 Forfeited Estates, Ireland, 1689. 11 -Book of Postings, l.f. ch. s.xix. half grn. mor. Conslantini African? Viaticum sin fid. V. s, xiv. o. red mor. full gilt, sit the end “Scriptoris mucus sit bos bonus, ant equus unus.” 16694 Indice de la Correspondenza por A, L, Quintana al Don Antonio-Valdez, fol, ch, s, xviii, 16695 Addresses of Englishmen in the French Revolution of 1830. l.f. perg. & ch. s. xix. 16696 Autographs of T. Rowe, George Rose, the Bishop J 1G ~ 09 nf Xm-wirh. Sir Mark Svkefu &e.to Documents. ; 16687 16688 186*89 16693 167U8 Cnspis Vita di Marchese Cospi. 16708* Lo. Appointment as Gonfaloniere of Bologna. f. eh. s xviii. M. stone. 16709 4if» Erizzu’s Catalogue of his Coins, f. ch. s. xviii. M stone. 167 10 4 Hi Amalasunta. Tragedia. •j La Sjredalo — Comedia. *1 La Vera Nohi'ta.— Opera.f cA. s.xviii J/. stone. 16711 Bergerac's Imperio de hi Lima. /'. ch. s xviii. M.st. 16712 Relation della C'-rte tli Roma, dalla Duca de Chantte thin f ch. ?. xviii. M. II. stone. Ex 12921, hujus Catalogi. 16713 Scritture sopra iTnghilterra, temp. Jac. 2, &c. j. eh. is. xvii. M. II. bds. v\o. 12652. Roluli MSS. 1671 4 The Pedigree of Molins, of Mongewell, Oxon. & Sandhall, Hants, emblazoned on Vellum , and brought down to 1635 feet long. V. s. xvii. | 16715 Appointment ol Sir Robert Walpole, 6c others as Lords of the Treasury iu 11 Geo. 2. on Vellum ; i6?m )16717 l 16718 J16719 > 16720 , 167*21 of Norwich, Sir Mark Sykes* &c.to Documents. l.f. perg. & ch. s. xviii-xix. Quebec Papers. Christie versus Knipe. f. ch. s.xvii. M. II. bds. Dr. Powell’s Collections for Wilts. Wigorn. Oxon. Lane. Hunt. Gloc. Warw. York. printed,8c3hS. If Drawings by l)v. Powell. Mis. If Cast* ol Lord Leigh, of Stoneleigh. printed, largeJ'.pcrg . &. eh. s xvi, xvii, i* xviii. 1CG99 Copy of the On! Catalogue of St. Bertin, MSS. per SirT. P. thin f. ch. s.xix. Collections for Cornwall MSS. & Printed . \ Gray’s MSS. Notes on Norfolk Churches. f. ch s. xviii, xix. Collections for Maidstone, Kent .f. ch. s. xix. Maps of East India. MSS, if Printed. I fol. tree ch. s. xviii. 11 a Persian Drawing of an Exhibition of Feats ol'j great Strength before the King, A Court. l.f. ch. s. xviii. Ex Bibl. Warren Hustings. Precedent Book of Writs in Pleas Ollice Exche¬ quer. Copy. Ex Bibl. Ferguson. J. ch. s. xviii. rgh. ch • 16697 16698 16700 •16701 16702 16703 1C723 16724 167*25 10726 16727 16728 16729 16730 Electio PetriBourgois in Abbatem S Bertini.inl403. Concordia inter \6batem Sci. Bertiui de Sto. Au- domaro, A Abbatem Sci. Silvini de Alchiaco, A o 1414./ ’ el hum , s. XV. Part of a Roll on Vellum, concerning Liberties, & Franchises in the Town of St. O mer. On Rollers. Vellum 11 feet long s. xv. Ex Bibl. E. Curling. Pedigree of Iledesdale, et de Kyine. V. s. xvii. Pedigree ot Gibbon of Kent, lig a strange caprice all the Christian names uie omitted through¬ out the Pedigree ilse/f, and occur only in a Memorandum at lop. emblazoned on Vellum, ■on a Roller. Ali.scelianei M US. Military Correspondence, begins icith Captain D. Campbell’s Letter from Airds, 1792. 2nd. Letter Captain Win. de Courcy, of Kin- sale, 1792, &c. dto. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. begins icith a Letter of John Forbes. 4 to. ch. 9. xviii. Do. do, begins with a Letter of Robert Horne Elphinstori of Logie. 4to. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. 1st. Letter from Charles John Cary. f. ch. s xviii. Do. do. begins with “The State of the Garri sons in the Churibbte Islands. /. ch. s. xviii. Cases of Cholera, 1832. tol. ch. s. xix. S. Augustini Confessioii.es. fol. V. s. xvii bached icith while rgh. It hr. Officers Memorials, thin fol. ch s. xviii. Arms of Knights of the Garter drawn in lithograph¬ ed Shields. /'. ch. s.xix. Lithograph bg \V. II. S. Letters ofThos. Campbell the Sculptor, & others. fol. ch. s. xviii. Fitch MSS. 16731 Ranucci JMSS. .Vo. 322, &. 416. Different Articles bound separate. 16704 1670D 16706 2 De Obligationibus./. ch. s. xviii.il/. II. bde. from 332. Nicomedc— Tragi-Comedia. from 332. •Papers on Bologna.. sell, lngiesso in Bologna del Gonfalouiere de la Citta, 1708, &c. f. ch. s. xviii. J/. II. stone. 16707 Papers on Bologna. 1i Army for life Invasion of Naples, 3719. It Capture of Negvoponte, 1623 . f. ch. s. xvi. M- H. stone. 16732 16733 Ipswich Charter, 4 Jac. *2. 1. Receipts, A Payments of the Chamberlains, 1555, to 1755 / f. ch. s. xix. M. II. Ids. Dodcnash Priory Caitie Originales from 1200, to 1 50 Q.thick ful.V 16784 of Old Masters. 4to. ch. s. xvi, xvii. Vol. '2nd. I Satirist. 8 Vols. fol. 4 to & 8 vo. ch. s. xix. 16785 Prop's de Table, (French.) 4 to, ch. s. xviii. blue p. > {? if printed.) < 1678G Dawson Turner’s Collection of Copy-Rights, 3 Vols. I f. ch. s. xviii. Vol. I. Abercromby, to Godwin. Vol. 2. Goldsmith, to Lyons. Vol. 3. Malone, to Years ley. Bolg an Islatbar, or hilly? of Gatherings by Pa- < 16796 trick O’Daly, from Gianworth. Ilibernice. '■ f ch. s. xviii. o. bin. of. with clasps. f 16791 Godwin’s (Bishop,) Annales Rerum Anglicarum, } 1509 to 1559. Printed with his MSS. Notes, & \ Corrections for a new Edition, t.ch. s.xvi. ivh. v. ) Narrationes Placitoium, temp. Eliz./. ch s. xv. 16792 o. Irn. cf. Ex Bibl. Jacobi Ferguson. Lives of Eminent Painters, thick /. ch. s. xvii. \ 16793 mange bm. cf. Glim Johis. Marlines deVVat-} lord, Herts. 1690-6. , 16794 Foreign Aims emblazoned on Vellum: begin with ) De Thou (Christofie,) 1552. 4/o. V. s. xvii. j 16795 French Arms, emblazoned on Paper. 4/o. e/i.s.xvii. 16796 M. H. bds. ' Manchester Monumental Inscriptions. Collected , by Mathew Campbell, for Sir T. P. thin f. ch. \ 16797 s. xix. M. H. bds. ( 16/98 14 Chinese Drawings on rice paper, coloured,' 16799 representing Chii.ese Customs thin f ch. s.xviii ■' 16800 inajiowered (.oxer of green , yellow , blue, 16e01 red silk. Lrom ihc Shop of' Yung Qua, dealer-J in Pictures, Charts, &c. (1090, in tome Sale.) J6802 Satiiical Papers on Government, & Ministers, 7 oA, l.J. ch. s. xviii. Printed, & Mitf. Vol. 2nd. Memoire du Marechale de Tourville. t.f. ch. s. xviii. brn. cf.Jull gilt. 407 pp. Sale A’o.’342. Letters, 8: Autographs of Statesmen, 2 Vols. l.fol. ch. s. xvii, xviii. Autograph Signatures ot Louis XV. to Fragments ‘ { 16803 s 16804 <10805 of a Book of Expences, Arc. thin l.f ch. s.xviii. (Betliam MSS.I Names in Memoranda Roll ot Irel land, 1 E. 2. /. ch s xix. Do. Records of Irish Families, O’Grady, O'Don¬ nell, Arc. /'. ch s. xix. M. H. bds. Do. do. Irish Pedigrees. «fc Imp post Mort. f.ch. s. xvii, xviii. Do. do. Bodge's (?j Irish Collections, Vof. 2nd. begin with Sullivan. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. ■Codex Ethiopicus (rPsalterium,) on Vellum, thick s. obi, 4/o, / , s, xv, old brown oriental cf. Sir Peter Thompson’s & Mr. Lewis’s Correspon¬ dence. ivh. v. f ch. s. xviii Collections for Bermondsey Abbey, larye 4to ch. s. xix. half dk. cf. with Engraving. Precedents in Legal Cases ot Conveyances Lettered “Manuscripts’' 4 Vols. half runs. f. ch. s xix. Mrs. VValcot's Translations from French Authors. thin 4 to. ch. s. xix. Do. Catalogue of Rev. Thomas Wigan’s Library at Bewdley. thin 4 to. ch. s. xix. Do. Sermon on Revd. IMr. Lunn, Vicar of Kemp- sey. Copied by the Rev. John Walcot. thin 47o. ch. s. xix Cartae Antiqute Gallicanse, Cm French.) 4 /o. prg. saec. xv Lettere di Italiani Eruditi. Vol. 1.1st. Letter . Lan- celotti to A Mini, from Macerata, 16 79. (1079.) /. ch , s. xviii. M. H. bds. Do. do. Vol 2. 1st* from Albarn to Tommasi. f. ch. s. xv. Do. do. Vol 3. 1st. from. .. to Montand f. ch. s. xvii Do. do. Vol 4. 1st. SoWerius to Paul Gagliardo. f. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. 1st. from Trombelli, to Ruggieri. f. ch. s, xviii. Dj. do. Vol 6. 1st. from Bandini, to Pione. 4/o. ch. s. xviii Correspondence of Thomas Campbell, the Sculp¬ tor. thick 12 mo. ch. s. xix.M. H. bds. Dawson Turner’s Catalogue of Books, 2 Vols. snt. 4 to. ch. s. xix. M. H. bds. Letters of l ord Brougham, Beau Bruinmell, &c. thick Unto. ch. s. xix M. H. bds. Edward Moran’s Collections for the Life of Thos. Moore, the Poet. Printed, with Moran’s MSS. Notes, sin. 4to. ch. s. xix. Do. do. MSS. & Printed, sm. Ato. ch. s. xix. Do. do. C’oirespondence. 4/o ch. s. xix. Eaton’s Sermon, thin sm. 4 to. ch. s. xvii- De Jure Patronatus. yell. bds. If De Sepulcris Sardine. thin f. ch. s. xviii. Statuta Provineialia Moguntinensiu IF Processus Reformation is facia: in Concilio Pro¬ vincial! Moguntiirensi, A. D. 1451. f. V. s. xv. half ivh. v. •Lettere di Literati Italiani. 1st. Angelo Mai. thin 4/o. s. xix. M. //. Epistole dti Italiani Eruditi. thick 4tu. ch. s. xviii. "blue paper. Letters R, to S. Lettere ui Brunacci, altri Italiani, eon niolti Sonetti. 4/o. ch. s, xviii. Letters of French Literati. 4/o. ch. s. xvii, xviii. Letters ol Peers, 7 Vols. 4 to ch s. xviii. ids. ziz. Vol 1. 1st. Letter Marquis of Bath, as to disaffect¬ ed Persons in Wilts. in 1798 . Vol 2. 1st. Letter Lord Ranelagh, & Ribbesldale. "Vol 3. 1st. l etter Lord Sandvvrch, Vol 4. 1st, Letter Lord Lonsdale, V ol 5, 1st, Letter Marquis of Douglas, V ol 6, Letters of Peers, 4" others, Sir George Naylor, &c. C, to N. /. tall ch, s, xviii, xix, Vol 7 , i eers; ac others. Fiancis Canning, Nc.' thick 4/o, ch xviii, xix, Letters of Bishops, & Archbishops, 4to, ch, s, xviii. xix, Do, of Authors, & Celebrated Meu, 1st, Lord Stewart de Rothsay, 4/o, ch. s, xvii. Minute Book ot the College of Physicians, from 1767, to 1798, 4/o, ch, s, xviii, half russ. Catalog us Librorum M anuscriptoru.vi in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 325 16806 16807 16808 16809 16810 16811 16812 16813 1G814 16815 16816 16817 16S1S 16819 16820 36821 16822 1GS23 16824 16825 16826 16827 16828 16829 16830 16831 16832 16833 16834 16835 16836 16837 16838 Fosbroke’s Collections for the Hist, of Gloucester. (10840 4 to. ch. s. xvii blue paper. / Ormontl Papers in the Irish Rebellion. ( 16841 IT Southwell Letters. 4tu. c.h . s. xvii. II. M. bds. | Letters of Peers; Derhy, Vernon, Fitz-Harding, &e. (16842 4 to. ch. s. xviii, xix. M. II. hds. $ Codex Ethiopicus. Psalterium.? ) 16843 thick sin . obi. 4 to. V. s xv. oldbrn. Oriental if ( Codex Syriacus (? Psalterium rel Nov. Testament. ( 16844 si/. 4(o. V. s. xv. old Oriental Morocco. (. ? ) ( Deficiencies supp led on paper. '} 16845 “Rules St Proceedings of the .Starr Chamber, from J 30 years experience.” 22 Jac. 1. /'. ch. s. xvii. > 16846 why v. ( Piedra del Parangon, dove Trata del Monte } Parnasso doiide so tocan h>s Goviernos de las (16347 Mayores Monarchias del Universe,— \ Per que causa los Espanoles tan extraor- ( dinariamente maltraten a los popolitauos. (lOlMS f. ch. s. xviii. roll. v. £ 16840 H Discurso que hijo al Italia un Cavalleio Itali- < 16S50 ano acerca de las acciones y desinios del ‘16851 Catholico lley de Espana, Philip 2- (16852 Berry’s Lelteis to Cutterell, 2 Vols. 4 to.ch. s.xviii. ' i6853 M.11. Us. }|CB5I Letlere lialiani, alphabetically. 1 st.Letier,Marcello (16855 Acc. lti, 1608./'. cu. s. xvi, xvii. j16856 Topographical Collections for Bromc, Barton, & (161157 Salford, Co. Warw. &c. /'. cn. s. xviii. j Do. do, for Bewdley, Co Wore, f.c/t.s. xix. ( IG858 Do. for Yate, Co. Clouc. & No.iou Len.ch- ? wick, Co. Wore. &c./. ch. s. xix. I 16859 Do. for Yarpole, Co. Heiefuul, &C. ; f. -ch. s. xix. < 16860 Do. Jo. for lnkberrow, & Har- ( vington, Co. Wore. Charringworth, & Grctton, ) 16861 Co. Glouc. /'. ch. s. xviii. (, 16862 Surveys oi' Estates, Lanercost, kc. f. ch. s. xix. Do. Clitheru, Muchlaud, Holy Island, &c. f. ch. s. xix. Do. Jiimerdnle, &c . f ch. s. xix. Do. Skelding Moor Inclo-ure. f. ch. s. xix. Lettres de Cachet de Louis XV. signed by Mont- burey. plusiiurs signees par le Roy. large j. ch. s. xviii. Strutt’s Collections for Essex, thin l. 4 In. ch. s. xix. Correspondence of John Briiion, the Wills. Anti- quaiy, 3 Vols. 4ln. Ji. s, xix. Britton's Notes on Newspapers, &c. Notes on the Present, & Future* If Letter of 13enj Hobhouse, &.c. Mo. ch. s. xix. Collections pour 1 11isAoire du Regiment de Ber¬ wick del Infanlerie lrlandoise, 1748. If Do. foi ihe Republic of Hayti. large/, ch. s. xviii. Lettere dei Medici, Principi di Toscana. j . ch. s. xvi. xvii, xviii. Leilere di Cardinali. /. ch. s. xvi,-xvii,-xviii. Jiritton’s Collections on Ancient Domestic Furni¬ ture, & Architecture. Mo. ch. s. xviii. Sir Richard 8t. George's Heraldic Collections Pedigrees, cc Records. 1st. Pedigree,Langford; aboui 70 Pedigrees, large f. ch. s. xvii. Autographs, cC Letters. 1 st. Letter of Geo. Mac¬ artney, (afterwards Earl.) from St. Petersburgh with a List of Books, f. ch. s. xviii, §" xix. halt blue paper. Correspondence of Mr. Thompson. 1st. Letter, Archbp. of Canterbury, thick 12 -mo. ch. s. xviii. M. B. hds. Wilson MSS. Hallamshire Rental, 1624. f. ch. s. xvii. half blue paper Overbury luclosure Claims, 1811. Co. Wore. ^1 Pedigree of Darke. M Claims ol Atwood, kc.f. ch. s.xix. Iif. blue ppr. Collections for W inchcomb. /.c/i.s.xix. Itj.blue ppr. Radcliffe Coiiespondence. 1st. Letter, Mr. Holt. thin 4/o. ch. s. xix. Letters of Actors. Mo. ch. s, xix. <1GS63 | 16861 j16865 \ 1GS66 |16867 116868 (16SG9 (16870 |l6S7l 16S72 116873 J16S74 110875 1 16876 16877 Calcrafi’s Letters to Almon, 1769. 4/o. ch. s. xviii, blue bds , Britton’s (J.) Lectures, Notes, kc. 8 vo. cli. s. xix. hrn. bds. Davies's Chancery SuitjT739. apparently Worces¬ tershire. nhl. 4to. ch.». xviii. M. II. bds. Letters of D. Plowden, & Genl. Churchill. thin 4to. ch. s. xviii. blue bds. Sonnets to Capt. G. A. Mr. J. Shirley, kc. thin 4/o. ch. xviii. blue paper. Britton's-Criiicisms on Books, thin Mo. ch. s, xix. M. 11 bds. Sale -of Libraries of Hurd, Ritson,Roxburgh,Sc the Pictures of Mr. Meade, with Pric ea.printed, k MSS. 8 a. ch. s. xix. M. II■ bds. Sir John Chardin MSS. Diamond Merchant in East India. 10 Vols, viz. Vol 1. Papers, & Accounts. I. thin f. ch. s. xvii. Vol. 2. Letters, Papers, k Bills, large fol ch- Vol. 3. Correspondence, & Inventories, kc .fol. ch. Vol. 4. Sir John Chardin’s Letters, fol. ch. Vol. 5. Do. do. do. Vol. 6. Do. do. East India Papers, fol. ch. Vol. 7. Bills of Lady Chardin. /'. ch. Vol. 8. Sir John Chardin’s Letters. 4 to. ch. Vol. 9 Chardin's Bills of Lading. 8to. ch. Vol. 10. ))o. Receipts. 8ro. c.h. s. xvii. Letters to Thomas Campbell, the Sculptor. 4/o, ch. s. xix. 4/. H. bds. Ho. do. 1 st. Letter, Lady Burdett. thick 4to. ch. s. xix. Notes to do. 1st. Note, Lady Harrowhy. 1 S/// 0 . ch. s. xix. Radcliffe’s Pedigrees. Sc Correspondence. 4/o ch. s. xiv. M. II. bds. Abbreviatio I'lacitorum, 1705. thin Mo. ch.s. xviii. Letters to Dawson Turner, Esqr. 1st. Letter,Hud¬ son Gurney. Mo. ch. half wh. M. II. bds. Letters to S. Darke, kc. M>r ch. s. xix..' 11. II. bds. John Phillipps, (of Broadway,) Barrister, on the Income Tax. Fragments. Mo. ch. s. xix. Herberti de Boseham Vita S. Thomai Archiepi. Canterbury. Fragments.J. V. s. xii. Ev Bibl. Arras.Furchased from u Bookbinder at Amiens by Sir T. P. Papers of Pupley, of Bristol, 1674, Sec. thin f. ch. s. xvii Smith’s Papers relating to the Chinese* in Letters to Lady Chambers, copied from the Jesuits Letters, thin f. ch. s. xix. M. II bds. Carlularium dc Ursicampu ('Ourscamp,J dans le Diocese de Noyon. 4/o. V. s. xiv. purtlij eaten by mice. Netherwood’s Petition in Chancery, as to Estates in Jamaica. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. M. II. bds. Letters of Foreigners. 1st. Letter, Boettiger.4Zo.c/i. s. xviii. Sf xix. blue paper bhs. Ex Bibl. LJpcott. Bronod Correspondence, 2 Vol. 4to. ch. s. xviii. blue paper bds. Drawings of Old Masters. 4tn. ch. s. xv, xvi, xvii, & xviii. M. II. bds .— begins with F. Molla. Ex Bibl, W'oodburn. Bingley’s Spectacle de la Nature. MS Autograph. 3 Vols. Mo. ch. s. xix. M. H. bds Do, Nature Displayed. 8uo. ch. s. xLx.fl /.H bds Fitch’s Suffolk Deeds. 1 st. Will of Thomas Jeffery of I-j iswich, 1691. kc. 2nd. Deed of Robert Naunton, ofLethering- ham, Esqr. 1G47- large fnl. perg. s. xvii, xviii. Joins. Confiueiitini, lnventarium Literaruin Con- ventus Tremoniensis./. ch. s. xvii. rah. v. Thomas Aquinas, super 4/o. Sententiarum. printed by John de Colonia, k Nicolas Jenson,Venetiis 1481. H Legenda Stie. Kunegundis, Imperatricis & Pa- tronse Bambergensis Ecclesia;,cum VitaHen- rici lmperatons, MS. H De Sto. Hainrico Imperatore, prefatse virginis Conjuge. MS.f.ch. s. xv. 16839 326 Catalogls Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillifpica. 16878 16879 16880 16881 16882 1G883 16S84 16S85 16686 16SS7 1G803 16889 16890 1CS91 16892 10893 16S94 16895 16896 If Vita Sti. Bonifacii, Martyris, Archiepi. M*\gun- tinensis a Sto.W i!ibaldo,Lpo. Evsteteusi scrip¬ ts tempore Gregorii, A. D. 714. >cciit Annis 14 mensibus H—“Fmit felicitcr Le-\ genda Sci.Bomfacii,Moguntia>,per me .lohem. 5 Franciscum de Est Tribach, pr-curatwrem j Monast. Moguntineusis de civ..?M -guiitne in alma ejusdem Universitate. j “Liber Collegii Muguntinensis Sue. Jesu.” J ch. s. xv. Vita S. Thomse de Aquino, & B. Vincentii, cum | Canonizatione amborum. «[ Viige, & Miracula Uaymundi de Pennaf. rti. J. V. s. xv. Reich de Scriptoribus Historicis Germanise, cum scutis Arnmrum in margine depictis. thick 4/o. c h. s. xviii. (1711.) Martha James’s Collection ol Riddles, 1788. 4/o ch. s. xviii. rgh. cf. Sonctos Espanoles cum Musica. am. 4/o.c/i.s.xviii. \ hlk. Spanish llhr. gilt. j Petition of Henry Smith, of Winchcombe. nlo. ch. s. xix. blue ]taper. Mcrlino. 1st. Quest’ of era si credo che sia di Lor¬ enzo Spirito da Perugia, priino staiupato in j Brescia, 1484. 1. I', ch. s. xix. stiffwh. Italian Covers. 1 A Collection of Records: begin with “The Claim of Robert Kytchun, Queen’s Messenger, for riding into Co. Bucks. & Ghatc. l.f. ch. s, xvi, xvii. half green mor. Ferdousi’s Shah Nameh. l.f ch. s xvii, Persian binding No. 10 in quadam Bibliotheca. Manuals Ueligiosoium. 12 mo. V. s. xiv. o.dkA tooled cf. On the last Cover is pasted a leaf of \ “Primum Kegi-trum Spiritualium Exerciliorum \ Retire tertire de lnearnatione, Nativitate, Infan- | tia Cliristi.— Ad usum Regularium in Dumo I juxta Eyndociani.” in 12 H. 4. thinltu.ch. s.xix. | Rent Roll of John Leventhorp in Cheshuut. thin 4/o. ch. s. xvii, nr xviii. The Island of Fools. A Farce in 2 Acts. thin sm. 4 to. ch. s. xix. Old Sale No. 98. 1 Modern Sale 578-3. > Rallotationi delle 60 famiglie tie C'ittadini, dalle | quad 30 furono Eleiti per benc-merito della Guerra di Chioza. Letiera sopia il Sucesso di BaiamontcThicpoli. \ *,! llagguaglia d’un Genovese della Guerra di | Chioza. | If llaggionamenti di Thoma Mocenigo. If Pane del Senato contro gl’Lbrei. Il Lettera al Papa Paulo 5. 77 written leaven, sm. f.ch.s. xvi ii. Italian bds. I Letters to Jordan, Editor of the Literary Gazette, j 4/o. ch. s. xix. Fitch’s Collections. Sparrow, v. Bernard, Mar- | riuge Settlement, Ipswich Heeds, f. ch. s- xviii. Do. Long, v. Parker, for Btnhall, Co. Suifolk. M Copies of Suffolk Deeds f.ch.s. xix. Pizzi MSS. Compendio de l>.s Anales de los gWmsxs Sultanidos. 1 ‘lino ch. s. xviii. half blue cl. Apprentices made in London, 1007-8 thinf. ch. s. xvii. Vestimenta, & Reliquiae S; Amati de Douay. Cromcon Eccle&iae S. Amati. II Vita S. Amati. H Vita S. Maurici. ^1 Lectionariura. H Sibillae Carmen. II List of the Members of S. Amatus de Douay. J. V s. xii, & xiii. russiagilt: William, Lord Burleigh’s Ref lies at the Councill Table, relating to the \l ar in Flanders: the Names in Cypher. If The Lord Keeper’s Speech, 1559, to remove the Queen of Scolts from Scotland. 16897 16898 16899 16900 16901 16902 16903 16904 16005 16906 16907 16908 16909 16010 16911 16912 16913 16914 16915 16916 16917 16918 16919 IC920 16921 16922 16923 1G924 If The Lord Keeper’s Speech for the Queen. If Speech of the French Lord Chancellor on 1 resigning his < )flice. Wise, & grave Precepts. II Speeches of the Lord Keeper. Do. whether the Queen should have ani interview with the Queen of Scolts. If On the Queen’s Marriage, & the Succession to the Crown. Apology of the Earl of Essex, against those J who taxc him to be the hinderer of the peace,,* & quiet of his Country. Addressed tu Mr.rl Antony Bacon. If Speeches, & Letters of Sir Francis Bacon. /. ch. s. xvii. Ex IJibl, Rev. F. L. Colvile,&.J Olim..]. Parkhurst, Lexicographi. Journey from Philadelphia to Boston, in 1784. thin Vlnio. ch. s. xviii. Ascanio Savorguano i. esrrittione di Cipro. 1i If Later of Francesco Marial.h.,1564, to CouutJ Fabio Tie] o| 0 . an. thin 4/jt t Do. do. dt Chateau Neuf, sur L'-ne, 1786.i l. f. ch. s. xviii, cf gt. Commentary on the New Testament by some. Greek Scholar. 3 Vols. 4to. ch s. xviii. Juan Mariana del Govieruo de la Cumpauia dei Jesus. f. ch. s. xviii. Italian Covers. Maudrux de Jure Cathalauni, 179 u. 12 mo. ch. s xviii. Mandagoto de Electionibus. fragment urn. Soo. ch. 8 . xiv. Peers Proxies, Autograph, 1808, &c. begin will J Hampden, end with Douglas. 4 to. ch. s.xix. Seals damaged. Collection of L&cheats in Co. Norfolk.4/o.cA.s.xvii.J half wh. v. folded leaves, pp. 74. Olim D. Geo.:] Naylor. Commissariat Correspondence of the Duke of;| Wellington’s Campaign in Spain, 7 Vols. Vol. 1. 1st. Letter, Rodney. ch. s. xix. Vol. 2. 1st. Letter, Antony Gorden, Fees. Catalogus Libroeum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 327 GO-25 602 G 0027 622S 0020 0030 G03L 6932 6933 0934 G935 6936 oy37 6938 6939 6940 6941 6942 6943 6044 6945 G9-4G 6947 943 6949 6950 [6o5l 16952 [6953 16954 [6055 16956 IC957 1695S [6959 IG960 16061 Vol. 3. 1st. Letter, of Dalrymple. Vnl. 4. 1st. Letter, Dobree. Vol. 5. 1st. Letter, Sparkcs. Vol. ( 1 . 1st. Letter, Ogilvie's Accounts. Vol. 7. 1st. Letter, James Hall. Do. do 3 Vols. 4 1<>. ch. s. xix. Vol. 1. 1st Letter, Kennedy. Do. Vol. 2. 1 st. Letter, Viscouto tie Taravella, 1SIU, at Ciudad Rodrigo. Do. Vol. 3. 1 st. Paper, Receipts for Clothing. MSS. from lludd , Ib4S. Account of llobt. llurnc, Receiver of Peterborough Abbey, 19 H. 7. larye ful. ch. s. xix. (Copy ) Court 11 <.11 of Kensington, Ux«>n. 12 Geo. 2 f. ch. s- xviii. No. 954 Document relating to the Borough of Elgin, Sc< t- land. f, ch. s. xvi. 1 12 j D,,. do. Patrick Lyndesey. f. ch. s... ll3U A Bill of Expcnccs in Sc..tland, & from York, to Loud- n.y. ch. No. b 14-3. 1127 Schedule of Deeds of WinsUmtow, Co. Salop. «| Accounts of Mr. F. Chamhrt, & Jlatnlf Papers, f. ch. S51 Lcttcis on Parliamentary Reform from Mr. Juhnes, of llaiod, ike. 17'-2-92. 4 to. ch. 967 Ft ligroo of Marriott, a broadside. 153>• Lease from Fees. Duchess <4 Somerset, with Auto¬ graph. Veil. 1 • *72. 727 Deed relation to Savoy Hospital, 3-4 Ph. & M. Veil. Goo.,1 man’s Fields Ground Bents, 16vJi, &c. f. ch. 541-4 1501 Act for the W estminster Liberties, 1527. ‘Bo. ch. 730 Survey of Horw< od Magna, Co. Bucks. 4 to. ch. s. xvi. 6 c 3 Letters from Bengal, 1771. 2 Vols. large /.' ch. s. xviii. 44 -2 Ron lulu Margarets do Mylnoy, Jbise. > Pedigiv.es ■ l SacheveixII, &c. f. ch. s. xviii. 7 ol Pesaro Relatione di itama. 4tu. ch. s. xvii. 985 llisl' riettes Veritablos • ^ui so sunt passees a Palis. su>. 4Zu. ch. old red nior. rich titiled. 1089 Six Deeds of Beswiok, &c. Co. York. 35 II. 6 . &c. 965 4 Deeds of Bcs\vick,i .ll'.-rd, Co. Devon. 17'ju, ula< hud it, with others, from his Uncle, Lewis Slukeley, Barrister ul Inner Tem¬ ple,” 867 Vi-.aste Rartur>CodicisW r urmani Ilaatta E} kilSnorra Sturlusi-naig thin 4 to. ch. s. xviii. red cl. 868 Seven Minu-vii de Rebus Spoletinis, dcscriptis ab antitjuo excmplari ipiod ist a,aid S Bene- dictuin neMmium Spnletiuum. thk. IS mo. ch. s. xvii olive T. inor. gilt edges. 844 Vita Ilugoliui, liiii Magalnlti, 1373. thin 4 /u. y. s. xvi.fy. brn. It hr. 9 U 9 Becberche dc la N, blesse d’Alenyon, ifcc. par M. ile Marie, thin j. ch. green paper. 5 6 s Precedents, sin. 4te . no of his Counsel, 7 Jac. 1. ol Roll. Stewards Accounts of Sir Arthur Capel of his lands in Gh-uc. Somerset, & Dorset. 3 Rolls of VcU lum. 342 or 487 Feolfment fr<>m Philip Lloyd, &c. to II iigbBur^, Eliz. his wife of Lan Is in Co. Cardig. 6 H. 5 . Roll. " 934 Court Boll of Eeriest'n C<f Free Warren to Thus, Aspalc, in C->. SufF. The Great Seal in white paste Wax. Simon tunc. Archie^ . ( antuar, 122 1 Rental of West Deed, Herts. Old No. 544. 394-5 2 Marriage Settlement of Samuel Patteshall, and Mrs. Doyle. Old *Y-i. 535. 3 Survey . fNoriliaw, Herts. 1752, oil. IS mo. 4 Deeds of Pauls W alden, Herts. 5 Abstract of Title <4 Newberries Manor, Herts. Lease of Skerpeiibeck Manor, from Edmd.Nevill, ot Latimer, to Aurelia Townsend, and Antony Ra del life, 16"'J. 969-7 2 Barnsley’s jointure to bis wife, in Sheffield, P'97. 3 Colson of Beverley’s bund. 4 Grant ir -m N after t. n, to Bolit. Hilton, York. 5 Recovery of Etherwicke, 46 Eliz. 6 Sheffield «.Curt Roll, 1723. 7 Line from N\ Itliorpe, M Cartwright,to SirMich. Warton, 17 C. l. Long male’s descendants of Edwd. 3 . largefolded Sheet. 545 1 Syiitipas. Notice b’un MS.Grec du Bibl.d-iBoi a Paris. Uo. ch. s. xviii. S9-2 2 Catalogue of Edmund Burke's Library. 4 to. ch. 1 Sale of William Rectory, Co. Cambr. 143-4 2 Duke of Norfolk, ti* R. .lit. ILdmes, ofThoruey Feu. 3 Lands assigned do, do. do do. 17 C. 2. 4 Lord T. Howard’s Bill as t • Staple Morden. Certificates of Burials of Clergy. 4to. 12 //to. 131 A Small Black Charter B-x, containing lo Heeds, cV2 fine Bolls, 1 Deed is of Cheslleto, Kent, 21 II. 7. from Ric. lil Thorate Cousant, to John Atliall, of Herne, relating to Heme, 111 Kent. 495 A Smaller do. do. of about 12 Deeds relating to Herne, in Kent. 495-2 Ee ligreo of Gibbuii, of Kent, on Rollers. emblazoned. 345 Cardi-giia’s Guerra di Carlo 5 contro i Ribelli di Germania 1546, Cardngua was “Capllano del Principe di Sulnmna.” 45 j A Bundle of Parchment Deeds relating to Urud- burue, Kent. 1029 Deeds, Papers relating to the Earl of Limerick, & the family of Wall, Queen’s County,Ireland . 1 600 Correspondenzie Official pel Telegrapho entre o Ealacio de Guelliuz e a Torre S. Juliao 327 Catalogus Librorum Manuscbiptobum in Bibliotheca Piiillippica. 16988 16989 16990 16991 16992 16993 16994 16995 16996 16997 16998 16999 17000 17001 17002 17003 17004 17005 17006 17007 17008 17009 17010 17011 17012 17013 17014 17015 17016 de Barra, por Antonio da Silveira Pinto da Fonseca Tcxeira, 1803, thin 4 to. ch. s. xix. blue silk. Ex Bibl. Ducis Sussex. La Cautiva Espanola cn Argel, A Drama. f. ch. s. xviii. Theologia Affeotiva./. ch. s xvii. xoh. v. Case of Thomas Skinner,&c the E. 1. Company, f.ch. \ Petition of East India Company, /. ch. Impeachment of Edwd. Hydc,E,of Clarendon, f.ch. Of Impositions on Foreign Commodities./, ch. f. ch. s. xvii rgh. cf, covers Comparative Vocabulary in English, Javanese, Sunda, Bali, Lampung, Sumenap, and Madura /. ch. s. xviii. 1026 [ A Collection of Fragments of Javanese,Sanscrit,.. Hindostanee MSS. (See further for the detail.) Jnl. 4/o. & 8 vo. 12 mo. ch. 1026 Fragment of some Hebrew Woik. on Vellum large 4tu. V. s. xv. 1026 Quebec Papers, 1770, ^c. 3 Vols. large 8f smallfol. • • • • Yorkshire Deeds, 10. temp. FI.8. relating to Bever¬ ley, &c. 967 Journal of a Tour through Normandy, to Holland, from Paris, 1720. fs>no. ch. s. xviii. rvh. v. 9(-0-2 A Discourse, begins “My friend, I would have got the start of others.” 18/no, ch. s. xvii. wk.v, 17 01S 17020 17021 I7u22 17023 Court llolls of Bushey, Herts. 543 [ Deeds of Fakenham, Co. N->rf. pergam. 651 Papers of Eastnmnden, Sussex, Suit. f. ch. S77-3 j Tomaso di Lucca 25 Opnscoli MsS. editi. 603 i 1 l)e Magnitudine Aquilejensis Ecclesi®, abOdor- ico Andrea de TJtino, Aquilejensis Lclesi® Can- cellario, Ann. 1386. Ex Cod. MS. Mem bran. | (Jlim fuit Famigl. Lauredano. 2 Serie di Diplomi d’EccIesia d’Aquileia, tratti [ d’un Codice MS. nella puhlica Libreria di S. < Daniele de Friuli; being 37 Cart®, pp. 356, et J Index./", ch. s. xviii. yell. bds. Seals of Welsh Priories. 826-8 1 Pull in Co. Pembr. 2 St. Dogmaels, Pembr- 3 Bp. of St. David’s. 4 Cathedral, St.David’s. 5 Aberconway. 6 Brecon Priory. 7 Seal of St. Asaph. 8 unkuown. Chancery Writs to put in possession of Estates. 162-2; Rentale de Hatherton, Cart® qusedam de.{ Co. Cheshire. 169-2 < Award of Lands ill Budiam, Sussex, 1659. temp. } Uicardi Protectoris. 878 ( 1 List of Sandwich Freemen, 1756. Kent. 499-3 j 2 Abstract of Title to lands in Lvdd, Co. Kent. ! 3 Fragment of a Journal of a Tour, in England. 1 Smo. ch. s. xviii. o. brn. Ithr. 1 Civil List of Ireland, 17U1. 2 Hewson, v. Lord Carbery. 18mo. ch. rvh. v. richly gilt sides. 465-2 i Depositions for Lands in Plough am, late belong ing to the Priory of St Martin’s, Dover. 497 Papers relating to Ireland, &c. The Lureclaim- < ed Lands Act for abolishing Pilgrimages in ( Ireland, &c. &c. f. ch. s. xix. 466 j 1 Bent Boll in Merrion Square, Dublin, 1776. sm. 4 to. 2 Rental of Moyglare Barony./'/. 462-2 \ Papers relating to Wales, thin 4 to, fol. Carta Samsonis, Abbatis S. Edmundi de Bury,) } Roberto Braybroc pro terris in Braybroc, circa/ H. 2. velH.3. 671 Scritture Varie, col Indicc. Printed , # MSS. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. Ex lSibl. Colonna. Begins with ) 1 La Mina Sventata, o li Artiiicii di Francia in ( pace. 2 Manifesto del Marcliese di Lavardino, e il J Bisposto. 476 j Southwell Papers, & Papers relating to King’; 17024 17025 17026 17027 Weston Estate, begin with Edward South-H well’s Petition to the King./;/, ch s. xvii. 857b 1 A Volume of Greek Inscriptions in Arab-t liizar, Eskihizar, Melussu, My las®, Stanchia, Assinkalassi (dim Jassus, Joran, Palatsha,; (Balst,) Sejagick, Bodrovv,Badroan.Severizar, Guzellir, Brake, taken in a Journey, 16 Mayi 1709. 453-2-] 2 Supra una Inscriptione Illyrica, (? Greece.) f. ch. s. xviii. half old llhr, Letters during a Tour in Europe. 8461 “The Introduction” begins , “Whatever fatet may attend the following Letters.” 147 leaves.t f. ch. s. xviii. Papers relating to Binfield, Berks, begins ‘ A Bond from Thomas Bernard, of Binfield, tot Elizabeth Lee, of Binfield, Berks, widow 1678.’’.j f. eh. s. xvii. 768>j Papers relating to Boston, Antigna. Suit Stockman, of Bristol, versus Phipps. f. ch s. xviii. 517! Peerage Cases of Clifford, Despenser, Botetourt.! f. ch. s. xviii. 7041 Papers relating to Lord, & Lady Chedworth,! Estates at Compton Cassey, Withington, andi Chedworth, Co. Glouc. Hilperton, Sc. Co. Wilis. Erwarton, Co. Suff. 6t T hate ham,Co.l Berks./, ch. s. xviii. 440| H Do. Lady Chedworth’s Letters. 4/u.cA.8.xvinjl Du. Abstract of Erwarton Tide. 1 D". wf the Deed of Separation f, ch. s. xviiij| Deuchar’s Col lections for the Tottingham Pedigiee.ti fol. in blue Case. 898tJ Papers relating to Sir John Dineley, of Worcester*:! shire. 958) Criticisms on Herbelot, &c. 1778, June 26. ^ History of the present Ghazeudier Khan hyl Martesa Kuli Khan in Hindostanee. H Hist ry of Mirza Nadzef Khan, by the samel Author. /. ch. s. xviii. 1026l| A Javanese Work in English Characters. 17030 17031 17032 17033 17034 begins 1 Lawisi Null sawiugkingi saking; ap -t parently a translation of part of th c New les-; lament, thin f. ch. s. xviii. 102(2 Hindoo Astronomy. *J Conjugation of Sanscrit Verbs. thin l. f. ch. 9. xviii. 1026 Dialogues in Hindostanee, & English. J. ch. 9. xviii. 10-26 Sentences in Hindostanee. f. ch • s. x . 102(2 “Intelligence, 1704.” being a Collection of Let- ters. 1026 “Javanese Fragments.” f. ch s. xviii. 102(2 17036 17037 17038 17039 17040 17041 The History of Mundang Kamutou, Javanese, English. /’. ch. s. xviii. 1029 A Javanese Primer for teaching the Letters. f.ch. s. xvii 102(2 A Javanese Vocabulary, thin f. ch. s. ... 102t Preamble to the Salbtch Treaty. 1U29 li Do. do. Mangalore, do. II feunund from Delhi, to B ... Treaty of 1766. between the Nizam, & the E. I. C 1 Trial of John Smith, Missionary of Demerara,1824 thin fol. ch. (printed.) Leases of William Dungan, Lord Limerick, . . Deeds on Parchment. 2 bundles, s. xvii. (MSS. 606/ The Judge’s Note Books Crown Sides fur Soubl Wales Assizes at Cacrmarthen, Haverford Wests & Cardigan, for the years DOT, to 1820. Inteu alia, Trial of a Servant for stealing from Lad Mausel, 32 Vols.f. ch. s. xix. 17017 C'aTALOGUS LlP.RORDM MaNUSCRIPTORUM IN BlBLlOTHfiCA PhILLIPPICA. 320 Wm. Monk Masons MSS. (of Dublin.) i nogo 17042 Ecclesiastical Records. 5 Vols fnl.ch. s. xix. half dk. grn. 1\ mot. j Court of Wards, &. Liveries. 2 Vols.f eh. s. xix. j half dk. grn T. mor.l City of Dublin 2 Vols. fol. ch s.xix. hf, grn. l\do, | Grants, & Deeds. 2 Vols. fol. ch. s. xix, Fcedera, Conventiones, &c. fol Irish Poems; thick 18 mo. ch. s xviii. o. brn r/567 j 17105 Pedigrees fiom Irish Wills, obi. 2*47710. ch. s. xviii. j brn. cf. 425 \ Rules ol Court of Pleas, 1757. obi. 24 mo. ch s.xvni. red roan. 450 Promotions in Dublin Diocese, narrow 8 vo. ch. s. xviii. grn. vel. 449 Irish Terriers, narrow 8 vo. ch. s. xviii. o. brn. cf. with Plans of Glebes. 448 Acta Capiiuli S Patricii. 8 vo. ch. s. xviii. half grn T- mor. 447 \ Do. do S. Triuitatis. royal Svo. ch. s. xviii. j green T. mor. 446 Records of Christ Church. S vo. ch. s. xviii. green T. mor. 446 Catalogue of Monk Mason’s MSS. with prices in j MSS. 1858.8ro ch. s. xviii. 446 | 17 Fodoir of Michael O'Clery, 1728. from a Copy of Di43 . sm. <\to ch s. xviii half green mor. Jomarbadh. s. 4*o. ch. s xviii. grn. T. mor.rich gt. \ Mo. 576. | Irish Verse, & Prose. JVo. 55S. 1st A Pneui setting forth the Noble Actions of j Finn Me. Cuill. sm. A 10 . ch. s. xviii. green T. jjji 15 mor. rich gilt. j Jus Primatiale Armachanum. Transcript. obi. 4to. ch. s. xix. brn. cf. No. 445. j 17116 Ancient Irish Prose, & Verse. JVo. 555. $ sm 4 to. eh. s. xvi. green T. mor. rich gilt. F Historical C«»llections in Irish sm, Ato. ch. 565 } s. xviii. wh. v. Leoid na Sealga. sm. 4to ch. s. xviii o. brn.cf. 566 Songs of Carolan. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. cf. gt. 577 Jno. O’Naghten’s Poems, 1739. 564 11 The Punic Speech in Plautus, sm. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. wh. v. Eachtraighe. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. half green 562 T. mor. Comagallain Oisin, agus Padraic. sm. Ain. ch. 561 s. xviii. brn cf gt. Il7122 Bearla Feine. sm. Ato • ch. s. xviii. brn.cf. gt. 09S 117123 i 17106 17107 17108 j17109 \ 17110 : 17111 17112 117113 17114 17117 : 17118 i 17119 |17120 17121 Urai Ceapht Ogam, sm. Ato. ch. s. Xviii. 559 brn. cf, gt Irish MSS. thick 18 mo. ch. s. xviii. M. 11. bds. 571 Antiquities of St. Patrick’s Cathedral. 507 sm. Ato. ch. s. xviii, half wh. perg. 507 Poems. An Clar. 576 I 1 Tureain Eng O’Neill. IF Agallain Oisin, agus Palrig. sm. Ato ch. s.xviii. half old It hr. 576 Dublin City, Parish Records. 2 Vols. f, ch. s. xix. half green T. mor. 31SS. Ex JBibl. variis. Jamaica Papers. 1743. 1st. A Letter of J. Mansfild. /. ch. s. xviii. Barbadoes Papers, 1748, &c. 1st. Proclamation of Henry Grenville, Governor, 24 Oct. 1752 I. ch. s. xvii- Jersey Paper?, 1st. Letter of John Melville, 1752. f. ch. s xviii. Guernsey Papers. 1st A Patent of George Cbolme- ley, as Governor./, ch. s. xviii. Episode from M T. Sadler’s Athelstan, & Lora. f. ch. s. xix. Will of James Lawes, of Jamaica, l733/c7i.s xviii. Jamaica Papers 1st a Petition of Benj.King,against the Governor, W. Mathew, Esq./, ch. s. xviii. West India Papers, 1746,&Guernsey Papers. 1774. 1st. The Meeting of the Council at Basseterre, 22 Jan. 1746-7. f. ch. s. xviii. Barbadoes Papers, 1760, &c. 1st. A Letter of Wm. Ashton. Ho. ch s. xviii. Jersey MSS. lsi. Letter of Elizth. Quetulle. Atj. ch. s. xviii Jamaica Papers, 1763. 1st. Plan of Plots on the Yallah River./, ch. s. xviii. Macartney India Papers. 1st. John Sulivan’s Letter to Lord.(on a narrow slip of Paper*) J. ch. s. xviii. On the Courts of Law. 2 Vols. f. ch, s. xviii. Index to Wilts. Fines, temp. If. 8. copied for Sir T. P. / ch. s xix. Extracts from Jean de Wavrin’s Chronique d’An- gieterre. Copied by M. I', de Witt. If. ch. s.xix. John Warner s Letters 17y2, & Mathew Prior. IF Autograph of John Dryden, the Poet. Ato. ch. s. xviii. half blue cl. Fenton’s Pembrokeshire. Autograph of the Author. f. ch. s. xviii.-xix. Peter Briscoe’s Journal of the Bark Endeavour under Capt. James Cook, 1768. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. o. brn. Uhr. Martini Poloni Cronieon. 4/o. V. s. xiv. M.H. bds. 118 lea res. Ex Bibl. Libri. Ogilvie’s Correspondence in the Spanish Cam¬ paign under the Luke of Wellington, 1814, &c. 1st. Letter, Patrick Gordon. 4*o ck. s. xviii/ Chardin Mercantile Correspondence, 1st. Letter C. Allafiaire.f 2nd. Letter, Joley.?4/o ch s xviii. Lady Chardin, & Daniel Chardin, Letters from" Pondicherry, Paris, La Haye, Ac. 1716. Ato ch. s. xviii. Chardin Correspondence, 1st. Letter, Hochebak, Ato. ch. s. xviii. Hebert’s Letters from Pondicherry, 1708. 4fo. ch. s. xviii. On Courts of Marches. On Sheriffs Accounts. II On Enrollment of Deeds./, ch. s. xviii. wh . v Welsh MS. Begins “Yr lien babisted.” Ato ch. s* xviii. wh. v. Autographs of Literati, Ac. addressed to S.T.P.&c, /. ch. s. xix. Nominees of the Tontine, nS9.Printed,milhMSS. Notes by Dr. bliss, & c . 4 to. ch. s. xviii. l)o, 1808, to 1852. Jol ck. s. xix. Sir Egerton iirydges, on the Poor JUws./.c/U.xix. 330 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca PhIllip pica 17124 17125 17126 17127 17128 17129 17130 17131 17132 17133 17134 17135 17136 17137 17138 17130 17140 17141 17142 17143 17144 17145 17146 17147 17148 17149 17150 17151 17152 17153 17154 17155 17156 17157 17150 17159 17160 17161 17162 17163 17164 17165 17166 17167 17168 Drawings by Catharine Grey, Ac. 4 to ch s. xix. Subsidy Payments, temp. Eliz perg. s. xvi. Letters of Win. Radcliffe, & Sir Egerton Brydges. /• ch s. xix. Sheriffs Payments, temp. Eliz./. perg. s. xvi. Pedigrees of Nangle, Nicholson, Netterville. J. ch. s. xix. Betham MSS, Sir Egerton Brydgea’s Letters from the Continent f. ch. s. xix. Barbados Papers. 1st. Andrew Stone’s Patent as Secretary at Barbados; with Autograph of Hen. Grenville, Governor, l.f.'ch . s. xviii. Bering's Domestic Accounts* 1620. 1. f. ch. s.xvi. Ex Bibl. Bering. Clarke’s Drawings of Bishop’s Cleeve, Co. Glouc. Drawn for J. Britton. /,/, ch, s, xix, Jamaica Papers. 1st. Petition of WilliamKennedy, f. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. 1st. David Hamilton, to Hampson Nedham. f. ch. s. xviii. Adam’s Letters to John Britton./, ch. s. xix. Ogilvie’s Commissariat Papers, 1809./. ch. s. xix. j Oriental MS. Ghulara Husain Khan On the English Government \ of India. Partly translated. J. ch. s. xviii. or xix. \ John Read’s Sheriffs Pipe Roll, & Quietus, Co. Suffolk. I Ato ch. s. xix. Sir Egerton Brydges on the Peerage, f. ch. s- xix. | Do. do. Letters from the Continent, 2 Vols. j 4/o. ch. s. xix. Wilts. Drawings by Mackenzie, & Bartlett. 1. 4 to. Vols. 9 .4to.ftvo.k24mo.ch. s.xvrft.i Welsh Poems, Si History. 1st, line at p. 23, "Ode Krist pan las Rodrii Mawr." sm. Ato- eh. ». xvi. Dr-. Pegge’s Collections, Autograph, thin Ato. ch i s. xviii. Hunter MSS Act to supply life loss of Holman Deeds, Co.Nton 1 From Baker M8S. f ch, s, xviii, * Baker’s Northamptonshire Records, f. ch. g. xvii.i xviii. Ex JYu 12021, Ph, A ISS. lxardinev, v ,1 Lord Man hmimt. Gaubil on Chinese Astronomy,/ cli. s, xviii. Ex JMe.grman MSS, No. ... in hoc Catalogo. 1 Buttevant Peerage, Proofs from Records, “ J ch. t. xviii, Betham MSS Stouham Parish Register Extracts, Co. Suffolk, obi 24 mo. eft. s. xviii. Betham MSS. ■Rennell’s (Major,) Survey of Bengal Hoads. 12 mo. ch s. xviii. Baitings, or Macartney MSS. i Wiltshire. Wotton Basset Inscriptions. Corned fnr T. P. thin Ato. ch. s. xix. F T JohnsoVs Conespondenee with Warren Hastings * &c. in East India. Some Letters in Cypher. ° ’ 4/o. ch. s. xviii. F'osbrooke’s Gloucestershire,'Part of Original MS.? 1st. J. B. Dowels Letter. 4 to. ch, s. xix. *3306 MSS. Muschcbroke. Catalogus Librorum Joins. Van de Water, fol.'ch. s. xviii. See Muschenbrock MSS. Arms of Bayonets in Trick, f. ch s. xviii. Warren Hastings’s Tour from Calcutta, 1789. f. ch. r. xviii. Sharp on the l egislation of India. /, ch, s. xviii. Sir Egerton Brydges’s Notes. 11 D6, Arthur Fitz-Albini, fragment, 1i Do, Letters from the Continent, 1836. 4/o, ch, 6, xix, Parliament Protestation, 1731. Hunter MSS. U Thomas Lung’s Horoscope, 1678,/ ch. s xvii i Astrologid Vitse Thorny Long, 4/o, ch. s xviii ' Ex Hunter MSS, * Harcourt’s Election Expcnces, 1837. 4/0, ch s xix 1 Deed of Elizih. Willis, of Poplar, 4/o, ch, s ’xix * Do. of Bbgster, Ato. ch, s, xviii. Clithero Marriage Settlement, 46 Geo, 3, Ato, ch, s, xviii, Taltrshall Deeds, fol, ch, s, xviii, Drafts of Deeds. Graham to Hill, fol, ch, s xix Lettere di Italian,, 1st Letter Lazero Maunaio'n ? d’Arez-zo, 1716, 1. ch, $, xviii, CaVeye’s Receipts for Payuients,/, j.erg, s, xvii Catalc gue ol Flowers at.. 175Q sm, Ato, ch s xv iii. Mis snug deT Flaclten. Germanicc. sm, Ato, ch\ s. xviii. Johu Beecher’s Will 1678. Ato. ch, s xvii. Anne Clarke s S\ ill 1720, sm,f , ch, s. xviii. Keppell’s Will 1762, thin l.J,ch,s xviii. Marmora Ileracleensia, thin obi. Ato, ch, s xviii. Sale of the ChampionPuper.1741 tiiinAlo.ch,*.xvi\\, Lambert’s Letters to Lord Cornwallis,/,cA,s. xviii. Tour in East India, 1779,/, ch, s xviii. Letters to Warren Hastings, J7&4, /, ch, s. xviii. Grauimaire Persanne,/ ih, s. xviii. Notes from the Debestan on the Religion of East 1 : eru Nations, /, ch, s. xviii. Warren Hastings Disposition of the Armv, 1779 II Do, Memorandum Book,y, c/i, s. xvin. Sagredo Relatione de Francia, 1i Veiiiero do.,,, do, 1689, ii Lettere sopra do. 1569, 1589./, ch, s. xviii. Dara Svheka’s Oupnekhat, or the Unity of God, J, ch, s. xyiii History of East India, a fragment,f, ch, s. xviii. .i Warren Hastings on Events in India, y, ch, s.xviii;! Relacio di China. f,ch, $. xviii. Ex MSS, Ph, 5388 CATALOGUS Li»r6rUM iVlANUSCRIPTORUM IN BI BLIOTH EC A P'HILLIPVlCA. 331 • 21 .) 210 217 (218 r 2l9 ’220 '221 r-222 (223 HU (226 (226 (227 (228 rm mo (231 i*232 7233 7234 (235 7236 7237 7238 7239 7240 7241 7242 7243 7244 7245 7246 7247 7248 7249 7250 7251 Vale of Evesham Proofs of Pedigrees, 2 Volk, /, ch, s. Xviri. Winston’s Theatrical Collections,/, ch, s. xviii, Collections for Kempsey, Co, Wore, 4 to, ch, s, xix, Old Music. Ex Bibl, Mich, Russell, de Broadway, 4 to, ch, s. xviii. Duppu’s (Richard,) Papers, 2 Vols, 8 vo, ch, s. xix De Nutura, Compositione, & Methodo Juris Feu- rialis, 4to, dh, 8 , xviii, hult'russ, Sale 1012 Statuta de Gloucester, 11 Do, de Mercatoribus - ,/, eh,a, xviii, bds. Middle Hill Photographs, fhinf, ch, s. xix. i)e Principiis Rerum, & de Fermentatione, M Thomas Bridges, Histolical View of Gt, Bri¬ tain from the coming of the Romans, 1700, X Particulars of the Mau'Or of Dennis Eia, neur St, Ives, Cornwall, l, f, ch, s, xviii. Ids, Baker MSS, Deed of Gilbert Flesher, of Towcester, Co, Nton, ■ | H Title of Lord Barrymore to Estates in Cork, l,f, ch, y, xviii, Do, Lease Of the Priory Of Northampton,^. ch. Do, Northamptonshire Deeds, 5 Vols, being No. 12020 bound up, Vol, 1, Marriage of Thomas Lewis,&JaneBeecher Vol, 2, Deed of Simon Adams, of Daventry,1720, Vol, 3, Copy of Sir Rot>T. Beville's Settlement, Vol, 4, Settlement of Bryan Janaon, junior 1679, Vol, 5, Marriage of SimOn Adams,& Ann Clarke, 1717. l,f, ch, s xiv. Magna C'harta, & Statuta Autiqua. Printed 1587. with Sir Wm. Ellis’s copious MSS. Notes. He was J. C. P. in 1619. thick I 8 // 10 . ch s xvii. Ex Bibl. Edwd. Umfreville, junior, 1725. Documents to prove Genealogy, & Topography, 3 Vols, l, fol, pery , s, xvii, Original Papers of the Campaign of Napoleon I, in Italy. Nearly all signed by Bonaparte, as General in Chief, l,f, c/t, s', xviii, Munimenta de Kaermerddin, •[ Gloucestershire Subsidy Roll, 19 Jac, 1, transcriptthick f, ch, s, xix. Cart® Antiquae Originates do Bourdeaux, The last | Deed is one of Silva: Majoris de Burdeux, j dated 1242, the 3rd, Deed is of Wm, Archiep, t BurdegaL 1207, V, s, xviii, Letters on Sir Robert Porter’s intended Baronet- j age, thin /, ch, ». xix. Sir Robert Ker Porter’s Letters from 1805, to 1843, 4 to, ch, .8. xix. Do, do, from Caraccas, 1832-3, 4/0', ch,s. xix, Do, do, do, 1 834, to 40, 4to, c/t,s,xix, Letters to Sir Robert Ker Porter, from General Pae/, &c. 1826, &tc, 4 to, ch, s, xix. Bounty Receipts of 112th, Regiment, 1794, sm. 4 to, ch, s, xviii, Teirarium de Hawke Welisland, Co Lincoln, sm, 4 to, Fell, », xiv, Mac A rthy’s Reports oh Courts Martial, 8 vo, ch, s, xix, cf, gt, Jersey, fic Ouernsey Papers, 1st, An Agreemeht of Geo, Earl of Albemarle, the Governor, with Moses Corbett, 1770, /,/, ch, s, xviii, Guernsey Papers, l, fol, ch, s, xviii, 1 st, Remonstrance of ihe Court of Jersey, Middleton’s Letters from Lucknow, 1778-9, l, fol, ch, s, xviii, Minutes of the East India Company’s Board, 1780, l. fol, ch, s, xviii, Remarks on the Southern Coast of Hiudostan, by a iVlussullmHii, A, H, 1196, extracted from p. 76 , to 81 l fol, dt, s, xviii, R, Johnson’s Correspondence on East India af¬ fairs, 1786. l,f, ch, s, xviii. Sir Egerton Brydges’s Letters Irom Paris, &c, Pasted ou blue paper, l, f, ch, s, Xix, Warren llasting’s Police Regulations in Calcutta U Papers on East India Affairs, 1783^ l,fol. ch. s, xviii, 17252 17203 17254 17255 17256 17267 17*268 17259 17260 17261 1726*2 17263 17264 17*265 17266 17267 17268 17269 17*270 17271 17272 17273 17274 17275 17276 17277 17278 17279 172SO 7281 17282 17283 17284 17285 17286 17287 17888 17289 17290 Vows of Nuiis in the Abbey of (St. N icholas ?)frojn 1074, to 1766, with their Autograph Signa¬ tures, & their Obituary, l, 4to, V, a, xvi, xvii, . & xviii, Oriental MS, 4/o, ch, a, .. . Pycroft’s Genealogia Familiarum de Brereton, Lockwood, Co xe, fol. ch. s. xix. red cl, At the enH'-'drc “W illiam PJiillipps’s transcripts of Pedigrees. & Papers of the Nugent family, of Ireland, Anna Maria Porter’s Letters, X Sir Robert Ker Porter’s Papers, /,/, ch, s. xix. Paper's on Military Afl’airs, 1794-5, U Do. of The Dake of Wellington’s Commis¬ sariat in Spain', /, foly'ch, xviii, xix, Broughton’s Modern Deeds , fol. ch. a, xix. Drafts of Deeds, in Co, Ndrf./o/. ch. s, xix, ^6, do, Co, Warwick,/, cA, s, xix, Fenton MSS. Slebecb Papers,/’, ch, a, xix, O id Music, ^‘Sonatas,’’ Ex Bibl, Michael Russell, de Broadway, Co, Whrc, f,'ch. a, xviii, Title to Liniz Garth, Co, Durham, 1i Description of the Scite of Llanercost Priory, /, ch. s, xviii, Hoby Papers, II Lord Clarendon’s Correspondence, f , ch s.xvii Lettere dei Italiani, 1 st. Bellini, 1752, 4to. ch. Abingtun’s Hist, of the Cburch, & City of Worces¬ ter, copied by Robert Dobyns of Easbach, Co, Ueref. ( From Cadby of Birmingham.) f, c h s, xvii, Wh, v. Arms of Spanish Nobility, f, ch. s. xvi, 0 , brn, cf. U Diego Montesinos Coi.quista y Nubleza de la Ciudad de Barca, imperfect, Emblematical Drawings of the Popes, X Pftrt’etie de Merlino,/, ch, s, xviii, mottled bds, 128 Drawings. On the 4th, •written page is “Expliciunt rel.tiones fact® a — JoachinO super Statum Summorum Pontificum qute relat® fuerunt si'br, dum esset in MonasteTio Elorianensi Abbas, in Calabria. Rev. Jos. Hunters MSS. Trlpus Aureus i, e, Tr'es Tractatus Chymici, viz. 1 Basilii Valent ini Practiea. . 2 Thom® Nortoni, Angli, Ordinate, 3 Cremeri, Abbatis VVestmonasterii, Angli, Testamentum; editum a Michuel Majors, > With drawings, 81 0 , 'ch, s. xvii, wh. v, Receipts for Preserves, Ikt.To preserve Apricots, or Peaches in Brandy, sm, 4/o, ch, fy perg, s, xviii, List of Portraits 111 Italy, 4fo, ch, half pery, s,xviii, Hunter's Kettering, printed, with Mj> 8 , Notes. thin 4 to, ch s, xix. Do, Record Correspondence, 4 to, ch, s, xix Do, Derbyshire Collection, 4to, ch, s, xix, Do, Parish Registers of Norton, &c. thin 4to, ch, s, xix, Dcr, Yorkshire R'ecords, /, ch, s, xix, Do, do, Collections,/, ch, s, Xix, Db, do-, do. for Agbrig, a Morley/,cA,s,xix, Do, Yotk Records, /’, ch, s, xix, Do, Copies of Records, f, ch, s, xix, Do, Thought Books, 3 Vols, 12mo, ch, s, xix, Do, Anecdotes', 12mo; ch, s, xix, Do, Hodsoke, Co, Notts, 4 / 0 , ch 8, xix. Do. Notes for Bath, 8ro, ch, s, xix, Do', Yorkshire Notes, thin obi, 4 to, ch, s, xix. Do, Ketringham, 4/o, ch, s. xix, Do, Letter of Edwd. 2 . to William de Anne Constable of Tickhill, sm, 4to, ch, s, xix, Do. Derbyshire Records / ch. 8. xix. Do. Baronaguim Anglicanum. thick large J.eh. s. xi x. half ruse. Sale 91$ Do, On the Records, obi, 4 to, ch, s, xix, Do, Preface to his Three Catalogues, sm,4to,ck. s, xix, Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 332 1729 1 7292 17293 17294 Do. Defence against Charles Builer, 31,P, { sm , Ato, ch, s. xix, Duplicate. j Do, Yorkshire -Notes‘‘Modern Period/’ \ Sro, ch, s, xix, I Hunter’s Tiekhill, & Doncaster, Or o, ch, s, xix. I Po, Yorkshire, viz, Bawtry, Laughton, Wall,} Marr, S, Kirkhy, &o, 4/o, ch, s, xix. 17295 Do. CountyCollections for Bedfordshire,Berks, Derby, Notts, Oxon, Salop, Som, Staff, SufF, Surrey, Sussex, YVarw, Wore, Ato , ch; s, xix, 17296 Do, Yorkshire, viz, Hemwnrth, Badswurth, Burgh-VI ailis, ct: Ham pole, 4un, in Paul's Church Y’ard,” ( 1 think this Henry Phillips was a branch oy my own Family. T. P.) my Phillips's Time’s Surveyor, shewing fon many years by a few plaine breife rules, &, rabies, the day of the Mouth, the times cf tliei yeare, the places of the Sun, cV Mooue, the hower of the Day, fic Night,by the Sun,Mooue, & Stars, \> ith many oilier necessarys, Tables of Interest, purchases buying, ct selling by the Standard, with several presidents for the making of Bills, Bonds, Releasi s, Will dentures, fic many o«her tilings ol dayly usi for most men, By 11, P, Dr, Derham’s Note to this is “This, I doub<| not, was Mr. H, Phillips's, W, D,“ 52 pages, f » ch. s, xvii, N, li, This Portion aves not* contain the 2nd, Division, viz, '1 ables of I 11 -; terest, &c, Henry Phillips’s “Treatise of Astronomy,” In the - same hand as the prior works. Cut has no Title! Page, 60 pages./ ch, s, xvii, Henry Phillips’s “Tract of Arithmetic,” 20 pages ^ sm. thin Ato, ch, s. xvii, To this i>r, Derham 1 sat/S “This I lake to be Mr, Henry Philips’s’ iu his own hand, 1 sln-uld tluuk. W . D,” Below is written, “N, P,' Henry Phillips on Dialling, thin /, ch, s, xvii, Definitiories Mathematical, If Demonslrationes do, pp 70, thin f, ch, s, xviii,i Remarks on the Operations, ot Nature in Vegeta¬ bles, V Animals, thin J, ch, s, xviii. On the. Cover is written “Mr, itarrmgton,” Of the Extraction of Bools, /. ch, s, xviii, marbled sides to Cover. Sturmie’s Mariner’s Magazine of Mathematical,! & Practical Arts, the Art of Dyallmg by thei Gnomical Scale, as also by Calculation. By' Samuel Sturmius The 7th, Booke It begins* page 353,/. ch. s. xvii. with Names, 1772, 2 Vols. /,ch,wh,perg,s, xviii, | x7348 Some thoughts on the Newtonian System of Phi- Collections for the Life of the Duke of Wellington ] 1 <> sophy. Cap, 1 , Upon Attraction, Print, of Persia, translated. /. fol.'di. s. xviii. or xix. rid Pur*inn leather. The ’2nd. Yol of the Trans I at inn of Shumsherc ^ Khana, an Abridgement of the Shah Nameh, } l. /. ch. u. xviii. or xix. red Persian It hr. “S|»o»e

  • 17391 Witt, made, for Sir T. P. f. ch ». xix. Welsh MS. begins ‘‘Ni faddeu iddo.” K Notes of Irish, or Welsh fragments, from the. St. Gall MSS. Ylmo.ch. s. xviii. ba's. Jersey Papers, 1st. 1 Nov. 1719. the Aries 1 ! of Elizth. Godim, for living a scandalous Life. /'. ch. s. xviii bds. Thos. Freeman’s Settlement on Anne Pidgeon. J. eh. s. xviii. Newliug's Pedigrees of Welsh Families. Atlas. f ch. s. xix. jvh. bk. bds. P’acita Anglia*, & Car tie Bnrdegalia*, et Venetiie $e. 4/o V. s. xiv. xv Carta: de Com. Hants. Clone, Worcester. Atlas, f. \ /.’erg. s. xvii-xviii. Came V< neziame. obi /. V. s. xvii. I 17999 Do. do. /. V. s. xvi-xvii. Lord Kingsboruugh’s MSS. Proofs, & Corrections { 1740 O of h:s Antic|"uities of Mexico, large J'olio ch. s. ' xix .tvh bk. > Josephus de Antiquitate Judiccrlim. a fragment \ of 4 leaves huge f. V. s- xVii. (This /rasa very J> jive AS) The bust of the King is ttfatten in the ( ^ 74 Q 4 same style as that oj Henry 2nd. ill the Giruldus > Cambremis in this Library, T. P.) ) 17492 I.ady Chardin’s Papers, & Bills. 1. f.ch. s. xvii. | 17403 Biglaud on Courts of .Request Svo. ch. s. xvii. bds. r Cwm yove, alias Laiithony Court Roll Book. \ 17404 11 Boundaries of tlie Manor./', ch. s xvii Ldb. Marked. C. [. j 7403 Do. do. witn the Boundaries. /. V. s. xVi. bds. ( Marked E. Fsnivel's Collection of Greek Inscriptions. / /• ch. s. xviii. bds. Ex Hibl. Guilford. ^ 17406 O 11 the MexicanWar. f, ch. s. xix. Ex Jiibl. Ber- / landier. I MSS. in Harleian Library Brit. Mus. tending to \ 57497 elucidate British Antiquities./, ch. s: xviii. bds. Hunter on the Heathcote Family 4 to. ch. s. xix. Ami \' ebster, (blind from 8 years old.) of Grims¬ by’s Poems. 4 to. c/t. s. xix. Hunter’s Notes lor Norton, Co. Derby. 12 mo. ch. s. xix bds. El Campidoglio di Roma. sm. 4 to. eh. s. xviii. bds. Counsel’s (Oeorge,) Notes for Gloucester. H Do. Poetry. 4 to. ch. s. xix. Oriental MS. with Sancril marginal Notes. 8 vo. ch. «. Biographical Papers of the Vale of Ev'esham. 4io ch. s. xviii-xix. blue bks.yetl. sides. De \vitts s Index to Rouen, & Boeharville Car- lularies. tkinf. ch. s. xix Lopied for SirT. P. Autograph Letters of M. Ps, with the dates of their Election, 8 : other Memoranda,.2 Vois. 12 mo ch.s xix yellow bds. Moore’s Letters, & Autographs. 12mo. ch. s. xix. yellow bds. Autograph Notes Miscellaneous. 12wo. ch. s.xviii- xix, yellow bds. ;17408 ; 17409 J17410 ) f17411 17412 17413 17414 Letters to Monk Ma«o'i. 4/e, ch. s. x x. l’°- . do. do. 12/«o. ch. s. xix. Cist of Portrait* of French Generals, in some Collection. 4 / 0 . ch. s. xix. De la. Moite’s Pencil Sketches of Views in Jersey the Native place of Dr Bandinet. 4/o. claret T mot. 1836. Pycloft’s Correspondence in the Case of Brercton, & the Barony of Leigh!} 11 , Ireland, ikickf. ch. s. xix. red cloth Do. Report of the Manor of Newham, Co. Cormv. ch. s. xix. red mss. .‘lerst-v, & Alderney Papers. 1 st. A Petition of Persons in Alderney against Anne Andross fol, ch. s. xviii. Jamaica Papers. 1st. Agreement 0 May 1731,betw. Samuel Dunimer, of Kingston, Jamaica, 6c William Cro-se, of Kingston, Jamaica. % Sir Egerton IIridges Letters from the Con¬ tinent / ch. s xviii, & xix'. GahbiPs Eclipses m China large thin 4 to. ch. s. xviii. Ex No. 839. Moorman MSS. Liberate Rolls long narrow fol. V. s. xviii. Car !eg Turnacenscs. I J'ol J r . s. xiii, uits of Para¬ guay, 1564. f. ch. s. xvi. Ex Jiibl. Dni. Kings- borough. Carl a* Autiquse de Co. Salop, h Norfolk Ait. \\ mi. Dui. Lovel, & Holund, 23 II. 6. 1. \ r , perg. s. xv. Pedigree of Phillipps, of Picton Castle, emblazon¬ ed on Vellum, 1747-2 ! 17473 '17474 >17475 j 17476 5 174?7 ) 17478 S \17479 l 17480 s17481 , 174.82 i j 17483 { 17484 \ 17485 |17486 j17487 ■; 17488 \17489 '17490 ) 17491 < 17492 ' 17493 ) > 17494 I 17495 17496 17497 17498 <17499 ‘<17500 17501 Sheriffs Rcceipls, & Payments, f.perg. s.xvi-xvii. Rotuli Wnlliae. Copied by De Witt . f. ch. s. xix. Chancery Suits of Jac. «;cs Muistres, Antony Dis- ton, John Freeman of Butsford, 1595, fol ch. a xix. De Witt’s Letters of Henry 8 ., & Francois I. fol , ch s xix. Capt. George Morgan’s Observalions on Hagiar Chrm in the Island of Malta, with Photographs mounted on Cardboard, thin J. ch. s, xix. Porter MBS Notes to Lady Jersey, Ike. sm. sijuare 24/z/o. ch s. xix. Papiers, 5; Correspondence du Prince de Smibise. fol. ch. s. xviii. bound in an old Cover, Seuu-e de ~fl. de lys; a Bishop's Arms on the Sides, 2 Crust Keys. Abbreviation of Fait 2, of Catalogue of Phillipps M^S. by F. De Witt. sm. Alu. ch s. xix. Case of the Isle of Guernsey. Ato. ch. s. xviii. blue paper. Jersey Papers. Villeneuve’s Appeal. Ato. cA.s.Xviii; blue paper. West India Papers. 1#/. A List ofPaperstobe sent home 22 March 1683, contra Wm. Free¬ man, Esqr. f. ch. s. xvii. Gaubil on the Chinese Cycle. /. ch. s. xviii. On Chinese Roper. Vide 839 Meerman MSS. Thornhill’s Tour, 1711. l.f. ch. s. xviii. hf, dk. cf. Certificates of C ergy of the Sociely for Promot¬ ing Christian Knowledge. 1st. Samson Harris. 12 //I 0 . ch. s xviii. Do! do. 1st.. Ato . ch. s. xviii. Papers relating to Aldwicke Manor, Chichest'-r City, Lord Craven’s, & the Dmgley Families. /. thin Ato. ch s. x\ 11 . half cl, Gloucester Meeting in 1/92, against the French Revolution, with Autograph Signatures of the (•entry who attended, sm. Ato. ch. s xviii. half calf. Sale No. 763 Newling MSS. Notes out of A. Wood’s M:S* Oxon. Is/ page. The Wingfield Cuat. thin 12 mo. ch. s. xviii. W ood's Irish Drawings, or Sketches in Ireland. f. ch. s. xvi i. half olive mor. Dates of Elections of M. P’s. 1st, T. J. Knowles. sm. Ato eh. s, xix. Drafts of Deeds. 1 st. Mr George Osborn. Ato. ch. s. xviii. Newbury’s Burials in Sevein Stoke, Co. Wore. 1670, to 1 GST. 4/o. V. s. xvii. 0 . brn. d\ ?Do. do. 2 Vols. Svo* ch. s xix. Collections from liiumdeun Parish Register# , Hants. f>y Sir T. F. 8 ro. ch. s. xix. Sir T. P’s. List of Porkingtou MSS. \2mo.ch. s.xix. Baker MSS. Drafts of Deeds for \\ arw. & Ntblon. . 4/o. ch. s. xviii. Letiers of Rev. John LewiSj fr< in No. 16770 # . MSS. Phillipps./'. ch. s. xviii. Testamentum Caroli Campbe l, 1725. large Ato,ch. . s. xviii. half cf. Nicolaus Smyrnmus de Supputariis Digitorum ges- • tibus, i. e. Talking with the Fingers. thin 12 mo. ch. s. xvi. with Drawings of the various positions. Monastic Libraries in Palis, 1789. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. Names of all the Mayors, Sheriffs, & Balives of 1 the Cittie of Y’ork, horn the time of Kiclid. I. A lony Roll of 1 e/lum s xvii in white leatherhag. . Alexr. Webster’s Population of bcoUaud, 1755. thin fol. ch. s. xviii ak. grn. mor. gdt. Cronica et Origine delle CaseliAntiqueNobili della i Republica Veneciana. 1. /. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. fix BxbL. Lord Guildioru with his Arms Bnok ; Plate. Greenland W'hale Fishery Papers. 1553-1799. South Sea Papers, 1781,-1809. II Whale Oil Papers. 1. /'. ch. s. xvii .half cf. Actes du Clerge de France assemble u Bloia i Annu 1576, / fol. ch. s. xviii. old red French 1 ■I 7502 17503 17504 17505 17506 17507 17508 17509 175.0 1751 I 47512 17513 17511 175)5 17516 17517 47518 17519 17520 17521 17522 17523 17524 17525 17526 17527 CaTALOGUS LlBRORL'il MAXl' S C RIP T 011l : -M IX SlBLICTHfcCA. PtllLLIPPICA; ivor. gill edge#. Anus of an Archbishop, nr Cardinal on lhe sides. Quarterly 1, 4 t\v Bulls pas>. gat'd. 2, & 3 a lion ranjpt. Orer all on an Escutch. of pretence, a Tree on a chief 3 lozenges. Messrs Hariimak, Co. C ommercial Correspond* once, 1760, &c. large thick foi eh. s. xviii haj red Ithr. 525 Pagc< Sharpe’s South Sea Waggoner dedicated to Cha's. Slid. 111 Per Guillielmum Hafck ad iusignum Magate Britannia;, & Hibernia; juxta Novas gradus de Wapping, ( Wap ping Mem Stairs.) itclineuta annoque Dnl. I6fc3.” large thick. Jot. ch. s. xvii blue mar. gill, gilt sdr.es. Consist¬ ing entirely of Drawings of Headlands, & the Sea Coasts in the South Seas Ex Bibl. Wmi. Burrell, & Rici. Heber A Collection ol Herefordshire Pedigrees. 1st. Contngsby. Inter alia* Baskerville, of Wanboiough. Wilts, l.f. ch s xviii. half if . Lord Macartney’s Last India Pajers, 1779. /'. ch. s. xv ii Saville versus Monkton, 1651 f. eh. s. xviii Jersey Papers, The Petition ol St. Heliers. f. ch. s xviii. Gaines’s Collection of Welsh Pedigrees, & Poetry /' ch. s xviii. Authentic Memoirs of Jno. Edwin, the Comedian 4/o. eh. s. xix. half dark cf. Cart* Abbatae Silva*. Majoiis de Bourdeaux, 1427, A:c. 1st. Philip I’Espinasse. obl.f. F. s. xv. Sir Bobevt P. iter’s Letters from C a race as, 1835-9. 1st dated 5 April 1835 Prefixed are Letters of Mary Kikini, his daughte . Mo. ch. s. xix. Many written on pink Paper. Jane Purler’s Memoranda. 1st. dated 1843, Jan. The Elms, Brixton Hill,” in which she relates a Dream. 4/o. ch. s. xix. Sir T. P's Collections fr >ni Wills. 1 st. Pedigree “Sadler.” 4/o. ch. s. xi'x. Almon Papers, begins with A List of AerialVoyages sm 4lo. ch. s xviii Jane Portei’s Letters, and Accounts, 1827. 4/o. cli. s. xix. Do. do. Expences, 1826. 4 to. oh. s. xix. Sir R. K. Porter’s Letters from Moscow, 1807.&c. 1st. dated Feb. 1 2. 4 to. ch. s. xix. Porter M*S. Letters, & Speeches of Bolivar, Paez, Sir Robt. lv. P. rter, 1826', &c. 1 st. dated “Car ; accas Feb. 26 1826.” A Printed Pr« clamution of General Paez. t. eh. s. xix. Anna Maria Porter’s Letters, 1817- Jane Porter’s Letters on Politics. 1l Letter to Colonel Ouseley, 1827 f. ch. s. xix. Jane Porier’s Letters, 1 823. 1~ Mirza Saulih’s Letters, 182*2. It Sir Robert Poiter’s Letters froinCaraccas.1835. ch. s X.ix. Sir R. K. Poiter’s Letter to Col. Ouseley, from Caraccas, 1828. *1 Jane Porter’s Miscellanea “Christian Life,&c.” f ch. s. xix. Crauford’s Berkshire Papers. 1st. 'Of the Manor of AfLorfielrl. f. ch. s. xviii. East Toddenhum Church Warden’s Accounts. (1564.) /’. ch s. Xvi. 1[ Cheshire Arms. Ileathcot Family Records, f. ch. s. Xviii. Front Hunter’s MSS. Title of Venner’s Lands, Co. Somerset. 2 Vols. Settlement of John Radclifl'e, Esq. f. ch. s. xviii. Bird’s Letters to Skirrow. f. ch. s. xviii. Fragments of MSS. l.Jol. V. xar. sac. ab s. xii. Inter aha Part of the Muster Roll of the Eng¬ lish Army in France in 1431. f Revenues from the Woods of Hara. V Royal Household Expences in France, 1411* 1 7529 Do. 17530 Gau C ; 17531 1 Do. 17532 Do. * 17533 1 Do. 17520 CaubiTs Astronomic Chinoise* f ch. s. xviii. On Chinese Paper. Ftom i\leerman MSS. No. 1909, in hoe Catalog o» Chr.iiiologie Chinoise. thin f. eh. s. xviii, >n Chinese Astronomy. 1 st. A Letter of Ganl.il t<* Pere Souciet, dated Peking, 17 Nov. 1726 f. ch. s. xviii. On < kinese Paper. do. 1 st. Xoms ties Etoiles. f.ch.s xviii. On Chinese Paper. on the Chinese Days, thin f. ch. s. xviii. On Chinese Paper. ur PAstronomic Chinoise. Sent to P. Souciet who remarks on p. 1 .that “Le P. Gaubil marque que “Ce Memoire doit esire envoye hors, tV »ep irement de l’Histoire tie I’Astronomie Chinoise.” 1i Examen et verification de plnsieurs Epoques dc PHistoire Chinoise. f. ch. s. xviii. All these df Gaubil are enterd in one No. 1909. 1753-4 Warren Hastings’s Minutes of Council of E. 1. C. 1779./. ch s. xviii j 17535 Lord Macartney ? oil East India /, ch. s. xviii. ; 17536 Sanderson on Ethics. II Aristotelis Khetorica. Greece.f. ch s. xviii. 1 17537 Caitce Burdigulenses. 1st Testameutum Dni. Ger-- aldi de Sto. Genesio, 1376. / f. V. s. xvi. Bought at Pans > 17538 Journals of the House of Assembly of the Bahama Islands, 1795 l.f. eh. s. xviii. ; 17539 West In !ia Papers, I74'J, &e. 11 Guernsey Papers, 1744, xc./ th. s. xviii. : 17540 Jane Porter’s Anecdotes of Cupt. Lyon, S. V 1thUriel,*' (1798.) thin 4to.ch»s. xviii, 17548 Wilson MSS. Bradfield Chief Rents, i641. 4/o. ch. s. xix. 17549 Military Affairs, 1794-5. 1st. Debts of 112th. Regi¬ ment. /. ch. s. xviii 17550 Do. at Louisburg, in New England, 1747- 1st. A Paper dated 26 Aug. ‘-List of Pioneers” 4/o. ch. s. xviii. 17551 Do. do, 1795. 1st. Lieut. Andrew Kirkwood’s Account with 11‘2th. Regiment, Mo. ch. s xviii. i 17552 Navy Papers of Peter Pett, Sfc. 1673. 1 st, dated 3 Feb./', ch. s. xvii. : 17553 Bond to Thomas Phillipps, Esq. High Sheriff of Worcestershire, 1 801• l 4/o. ch. s. xix. : 17054 Correspondence on Sir Robert Porter’s Petition \ for a Baronetage. Porter MSS.) f. ch. s. xix. Jane Porter’s Letters 1834, 4/o. ch. s. xix. Letters of General Santa Cruz, &c. f. ch. s. xix. Dingley, or Dineley, Papers uf Charlton, Co. Wi- \ gorn. f eh. s. xviii. | 17558 Jane Porter’s Letters, & Memoranda.4/o. ch. s.xix. $ 17559 Poems of Edward Dunn, Esq. of Geelong, in Australia. 4/o. ch. s. xix. Donum Auctoris mihi T. P. I 17555 \ 17556 \ ] 17557 330 CaTALOOUS LiBRORUM M ANUSCRIPTORLX IN BlUL'.OTHEXTA pHILUFPICA. 17560 17561 17562 17563 17564 175C5 17566 17567 175G8 17560 17570 17571 17572 17573 17574 17575 17576 17577 1757S 17579 17580 17581 17582 17583 17584 17585 17586 17587 17588 17589 17590 17591 17592 17593 17594 Sir T. P's. Miscellaneous Pedigrees of Neighbours 1 1 st. Fretwell, of Blockley. 4fo eh. s. Nix. ’ Wilson MSS. A Collection of Sermons. 1st. \> Paraphrase of Leviticus. ISmo. ch. s. xviii. bds.l Do. Brad fit Id Easter Books. 1691, to 1731. tall narrow /’. ch. s xvii-xzni. Do. do. du. 1569, to 1 < 72 G, f. ch. s. xvi-; xvii-xviii Do. Wiison’s Notes from Brad field G’hnYch' Deeds, /'. ch s xviii. Gerard Legh's Accedei.s of Armory,Printed Djfip S IVith numerous MSS. Notes. 4 to.eh. s xvii. blk. rf.^ O/im Tbomai Polkes de Broadway. It;l;». to Mr. Billiard./', ch. s xvii. Baker MSS. Northampton Collections for Ket-) tering. lnc>p. “Jacobus 2ndus.” /. ch. s. xvii. ? Do. do. do. Inc ip. with a Deed of Elizth.\ Steward, 17*26./. ch. s. xviii. Carta; Antique Mancrii de Broctotd. f. V.Sfperg.i v y. Letters to John, Lord de Montford. f. ch. s. xv. s Lord Barrymore’s Marriage Settlement, 35 C. *2.) /. ch. s. xvii. Dates of Elections of M. P’s. 1833, &c. 2 Vols, / 12 mo. ch. s xix. Monk Miiicni MSS. Parochial Notes for Co. Dublin, sm. Ato.ch. s.xviii. j The Bishop of Meath's Visitation of Queen’s Co. I 1 1722 sm. 4to. ch. s- xviii. Notes on the Irish Rebellion of 1641. sm. Ato. ch. > s. xviii. \ The Down Survey, sm. Ato. ch. s. xviii. Dublin Collections from Monuments, & Parish' Registers, sm Ato. ch. s. xviii. Index Libri Rubri Ossoriensis. sm. Ato. ch. s. xviii. / Registrum Archiepiscopi Dublin, dictum ‘*Crede; Mihi.” Pars tantum. Ato. ch. s. xviii. Miscellaneous MSS. ) Baker MSS. Whitworth Deeds./, ch. xviii. Carta Dionysii, Abbatis de ClarvauS en Langres. \ thin Ato. V s. xvii. Abstract of Midgham Title, Co. Berks. } f. ch. s. xviii. Letters of the Porter Family 1760, to 1840. /. ch. s. xviii, & xix. Lettere d> Donato, 1838. Ato. ch. s. xix. $ Diary of a Chaplain to the Duke of Manchester. <[ at Kimholton, 1775. Ato. ch. s. xviii. ) Rentale Ecclesis Collegiatae de Vernon. ( targe thick Ato. V. s. xv. yell. bds. 17595 17596 1759" 17598 17599 17600 17601 17002 17603 17604 17605 I 7606 17607 17 60S 17609 17610 17611 17612 17613 17614 17615 17616 17617 17618 17619 17020 17621 17622 17622 17623 17624 17625 17626 Letters of Clergy. 1st. Guillcroard. thick Mmo.ckj a. xix yellow bds. Do. do. Vol. :l, 1st. Autograph of Thomas, Bishop of Bristol. 12 oto. ch. s, xix. yellow bdsl Win. Purler’s Letters. I He was Uncle to Janci Porter.) Ato ch. s. xix. Sir R. Porter’s Correspondence Irom 1806. to 1832!; f. ch s. xix. Ja'iie Porter’s Visit to Coughton. fol. ch. s. xix. Sir Robt. Kerr Porter's Journal at Caracea8,1832,j thin/, ch. s. xix. Lady Chedworth's Letters, St Papers, fxh s. xviir.il Household Accounts of.from 4 >ept. 1613: /'. ch s. xvii. Alim 11 Papers. 1st. AInaon’s Case, /. ch. s xviii War Papers 180-1 1st. signed “R. M alpole,” 1714 -j./. ch. s. xviii. Johnson's Letters fiom India. 1st. duted "Calcutta! 5 Aug. 177S f. eh. xviii. Tateshall Family Papers. 1st. The Marriage of Rev. John latersall, & Mary Maud./' ch.n. xix Warren Hastings's Papers 1st. Corre-pondericc with Palmer, 1782. /. ch. xviii. Edwards’sCatalogue of hi- Salop. Portraits,Prints, Maps, & Drawings, 1849. Ato cli. s. xix. 'halt fed cf Letter.- of Clergy to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 1st .laints Vincent, 17 19 Ato. ch h. xviii. yellow bds. Index of Arms, begins “The 4th. Book of Coals,; 6 Genealogies.'* ISmo. ch. s. xviii yell. bds. ? Bering MtSS. Rental of ... . .. (? Dering.) in Tenterden and Sandhurst, &tc 24/no. ch. 3 xvii .grn.vf. ? Denny MS **. Notes from the History of Fiance. Vlmo. ch.s. xix lvcip. “1 lie Fiench Monurchs.” P. Ignatius do Voluntate. Ato. ch. s xviii. wh. v. Sermons. 1st. Text But one thing is needful. 2nd. Be ye therefore merciful. 3rd Do all to the Glory of God. 4th. Who can understand his errors 5rh The Sabbath was made for Man. Ato.ch. s.xviiij .'Enigmas in Verse 1st fncip “With youth, and perfect Beauty blest.” 2nd. Copy of a Letter of Kcv. W. MompesSonJ Rector of Eyain, Co. Derby. 1066, Arc. 3rd. Cash Account of the Wi iter ot the above Sermons .Enigmas, &c from 17t0, to 1764. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. ? Miss Jenkm's MSS. Rev. John Philhpps’s Poems, ol Haverford West,: A: Rector of Harolditwn St. Is-ells. ( Copied by Mr. Wm. Pliillipps, /or Sir Thonms Fluhipps from the original in the possession of Mr.. .... of Haver lord West, a thick small quartet in roiiyh ca[f\£f written between 1750, & 1770 ) fol. ch. s. xix. M. U. bds. limiter s MSS. Hunter's Collections for England, 4 Vols. Ato. chj Vol. I. Beils. Berks. Bucks. Vol. 2. Cam. Dev. Dor. Dor. Ess. Glo. ilam.i Here. Ato. ch^8\ xix. yellow bds. Vol. 3. Lair. Lei. Liu. JNorf, Nthamp. Ato. ch s. xix. ydllow bds. Vol. 4 Loudon. 4 / 0 . ch. s. xix. yellow bds. Vol. o. Do. Vlmo. ch. s. xix. Hunter’s Collections on the Battle of Agincourt. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xix. Do. Transcripts of Deeds, Co. Suffolk, &c, Ato. ch. s. xix. ivh v. Do. Copies of Deeds. 1st. Sir Richard Riche’s Foundation of a Chapel at Felsted, Co, Essex .1 Given to Rev Jo.-eph Hunter, by E. 11. Baker. 12 mo. ch. marbled stiff paper I)o. Derbyshire Records, /. ch. xix. yell. bds. . Do. Notes fur London. 12/z/o. ch. s. xix Do. Notes on Robin Hood, St the Battle ot Agincourt, !2mo. ch. s. xix. Catalogus Libkorum Manuscriptorum is Bibliotheca Phillippica. 027 028 ’029 1630 ?63l F632 7033 7634 7635 7030 7037 7638 7639 7040 7641 7642 7643 7644 7645 7646 7647 7648 7649 17050 7651 17652 7653 7654 17055 17656 17657 17618 17059 17660 17661 3H7 llotiili. Compotus terrarum Thom® HovVrtfrRCom. Surrey. 1 II. 8 . V. s. xvi. Olim 1\ le Neve. 17602 17003 Do do. do. 20 H. 7. V. s. xv. Do. do. do 12 H 7. Do. do. do. 9 H. 7. \ i70(>/» 1 \ 17606 17667 Fakenham Court Rolls. s. Xx\i.(8eu 17002.) | Anns of Pawlet, Duke if Holton. Vellum. 16 quar~\ t clings. A Collection of Drawings by Capt. F. Grose. ful ch s xviii. (nou) bound) Court Rolls of Bucklesham, 1657. V. s. xvit. Do. do. Edvv. 0 . ad 1694. Do. do. 1654. Do. 8 Foils ab 18 Edvv. 4. *2*2 Jac. 1. ad 12 C. 1. 18 Court Rolls of Holcombe, Co. Soni. H.4.toR.3. 11 Do. do. do temp. E. 3. 2 Do. of Erpyngham, Sir John Fastolfde Bacons* thorp, &. Oxnede circa E. 3.? The Joynture of Q. Catharine in Norfolk. V .s. xvii. Court Rolls of Framlingham, 25 Eliz. V. s. xvii. Bushey Court Rolls, Co. Herts, of RichardNevyle > Earl of Wnrw. St Sarum. 1 , to 6 Edw.4.FU-xv. [ (Sec 1700 1 .) Gt. Mordon Court Rolls, temp. R 2. Swatiiugton Hall, do. do. 1 Edvv. 6 Moulton ? Court Rolls, 1624. V. Heveryngland, do. do. 15, 16, & 19 E. 1. 2 of 3. Do. Extenta terrarum, 18 E. 1. Do. do. do. 5 llic 2. Do’ Court Rolls, temp. II. 4. Ilevervngland do do. I, to 29 FI - 6 . Thomas Hyme’s Sheriff’s Account for Co. Norf. 18 Jac. 1. Cartularium Famili* de Byliiev,de Heveryngland. ■■ A Ion // Hall. V. s. xv. (A singular fad in this \ Roll is, ‘that the name of the King has been \ erased in most of the Deeds , but the year i>! the reign is left.) KelshallCourt Rolls, 2 Car. I. V. 5 170C8 S17669 17670 17671 Wilson MS V. ; 17(172 i 17673 An Epitome of the Reigns of Charles 2nd. and James 2 nd sin. 4 to. ch s. xviu, A Note says i “Bought out of the Library of Rev. Janies Wilkinson at Bramhall, April 26, 1805.’’ (It j seems to be a valuable MS. The Cursed Family, & The way to a Blessed | Family, sin. 4 to. ch. s xrii. wv. v. Collectanea quaedatn de Romanorum Antiquitati- hus.” sm, 4^o ch. s. xviii. o. brn. cf. H Explanation of Latin terms. | 17674 1i A Letter to a Peer If 2nd. Part i.fLogick. Magislro liarnes. T In liegis ex Hybernia reditura. H The Whig’s Creed. * List. f the Author’s Books. r Account of‘ his Dues, &c. CarManerii de Bradefeld. Transcripts, j 17675 If Court. Rolls ot Sheffield. Transcripts, stn. 4to. ch s. xviii. wh. perg. Extracts from Domesday for the Soke ofCouis-j borough f Tallage Roll for York, 1312. " Appropriacio Rectoriie de Wath- If Collectanea pro Monasterio de Pontefract. \ 17676 sin. 4to. ch. s. xviii. half brn. Uhr. Letters from Q Elizabeth to Godfrey Fo'jambe, borrowing 50 £. against the Spanish Invasion, : 1588. :17677 1! Came Abba the de Crokesden.sm 4/o. ch. s. xviii. ! Extracts from Old Books, & Papers of Bradfield j 17678 Chapelry. j r Liber Quadragesimahs Capellte de Bradfeld, j 17679 Ao. 1502. 17 IL 7. sin, 4 to- c/t. s. xViii. set. > tit'adfeld, Birley, Tytlie Corn, & Hay Book. Cartie Autiquec pro Com. York. 1st. S. p, & f. qtlod ego W ui. Russell, Senior dedi &c. mo Russell, filio mco, k Alicite uxoi i su?e, filim Wmi. Day, omnia, &c. qtue habeo npurl Shore in Thurleaton. Ao. 5 H , 5. am. 4to. ch. s. xviii. The Wise Guide to Heaven. If * Doctor Taylor’s Reproof of the Romish Doctrine of Deposing, oti Murtheriiig Here¬ tical Kinges. sm. \lo. ch s. xviii. wh. v. Three Sermons of Rev. Chaa. Wilson, Rector of Kimboltotl, 1658. with Notes of his Life. sin. 4to ch. s. xviii. wh. v. Extracts from Silkeston, & Ecclesfield Parish Registers, in Co. York. sm. 4to. ch. s. xviii. Ecclesfield Rental. If \i orllcy Easter Book. If Aggbrig, & Morley Rates. If Alniondbury Visitation. If Eccleslieid Chapel Repairs. 1! Extracts fVom the F.ccltsiastical Court at York. sm 4to. ch. s. xviii. Excerpta ex Cartis do Calili rn, hroomhead, Shepley, Midhope, Lepton, Langside, Guuthwait, Peniston. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. Peniston Survey. *Ti Westnall Rate Book II Chimney, & Atlercliffe. If Hallamshire Survey, 1636. 1i Memoirs of Wakefield. If Images at Wakefield, sm. 4 to. c/t. s. xviii. Miscellanea, viz. Rev. Mr. 8haw’s Persecution. If Pastry Cooks Receipts. 4] Curiosities, Coins, & Paintings, if Notes from Dodsvvorth. If Names in Deeds. If Names of Authois. sm. 4lo. ch. s. xviii. List of Payments to or by numerous Persons at ? Bradfel'd Mjll. vanowJol. ch. s. xvi, Bradfield Faster Book, 1502 f. ch s xvi. Court Rolls of Guuthwait, & Oxspring Manors. 1i Suit f<-r Sheffield Church Lands, 1551-4. If Rental, & Survey of Alinonbury, 1425,&1684. Durna 11 Court Baron Verdicts/1674. 1i Cast* »if p aland, & Hallil'ax at out Mortuaries, 1 691•7. 1i Kirk Burton Register, 1573-7. t Brookes’s Account of Wadsley, EcclesGeld, & U orrai Common. II Extracts from Alinonbury Register,1557-1709. /’. ch. s. xvii, & xviii. The Constable of Strafforth, & Tick hill Book for Servants Wages with their Master, Mistress, or Dame. ^1 Rotherham Parish Register, 1539. II Articles for Alinonbury Survey, 1584. 11 St James’s Tytlie Book ? 1622 . II Matters relating io Sheffield Chinch School. 1i Copies ol Old D« eds lor Shepley. f. ch. s.xvii. r l ohe Vt oul, & Lamb in Dallam, Eeclesal, Shef- he.d, k Atterdiff, 1635, to 1665. *5 C ourt Graves, tk Farm Graves for the Soke of Southey in tccleslield, 1537, to 1615. Chief Rents for Upper Hallam in 1733. *1 Lundesborough Register, 1681 — 1630. nairowJ. c'l. s. xvn--xviii. Towns Book of Westnall, A: VV’uldershelf. 11 Disbursements, 1663-4. *f Mahon’s Survey of Whistun, & TreetonManors, 1668. f. ch. s. xviii. Biadfeld Chapel M ai den’s Accounts, 1C20-1712. J. ch. s. xvii-xviii. wh. v. Wilson’s Historical Notes, from Books. 18wio. ch. s. xviii. bds. Sheffield. Memoranda of the School there, 1603, &c. ISmo. ch. s. xvii. bds. Cataloghs -Librorum Mangscrirtorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. ."38 1/680 17«S» ! 7682 17683 176*84 17(585 17686 17687 17688 17609 17690 17691 17692 ] 7693 ] 7694 17695 17696 17697 17698 17699 17700 17701 17702 17703 17704 17705 17706 17707 17708 17709 17710 Durham, Inq. p. Mort. i77il IT Dodsworth Caitic. If Yorkshire Collections, sm. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. ; Nottinghamshire Collecti ns s. thinAtn.ch .s.xwil.' Carlse Antique pro Co:n. York. uni. 4tn. ch.». xviii j Carta* Antiquae |>ro Com. ^ <>rk. Yorkshire Collections of Epitaphs, N Inscrip¬ tions. tm 4to eh. s xviii 17712 Sheffield Parish Register* 1560-1703. 1! Old Accounts of Sheffield j l! Names of Roman Catholics at Sheffield, N ; 17713 Bradfieid, 1767. II Ralph Gosling's Memoirs of Sheffield. sm.4t». eh. >. xviii 1771-1 Collections for Yorkshire, sm. 41j. ah. s. xviii. Miscellanea pro Com. York. sm. 4 to. eh. s. xviii, > M cstnal Dole Book, 17 13. i 17715 H Yorkshire Election, 1710. 'I Extracts from Midhop. Old Deeds. 17716 \ Account of Ecclestield Charities. 11 Waldershelf'e Land Tax Books. 1740. 1i Dungworth Constable Book, 1754. 17717 11 Y indow Bill lor \Vestnall,& Stanington,!750. l 8 ;/m. ch. s. xviii. 17718 A Collection of Yorkshire Epitaphs. /'. ch. s. xviii. bits. JBradfield Land Tax Book, large/, ch. s. xvii. H Do. Chief Rent Book, 1729. John Gate’s Rent Book. H Conundrums. H Suit of Deykin, v. Senior. 12 mo. ch. s. xvii. j Medical Receipts, sm. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. Wright on Navigation, sin 4 to. ch. s. xviii. On Coins & Medals, sm. 4to. ch. s. xviii. Medical Receipts, sin. 4 to ch. s. xviii. A Collection of Poems. DC Directions to a Paint¬ er by Sir John Dei.ham. sm. 4to. ch. s. xviiii. j Poetry. 1st. The 2 nd. advice to a Painter lor the j Drawing the History of onr Naval business. f. ch. s. xvii. bits. 17719 17720 17721 17722 17723 17721 17725 17726 17727 I 7728 Miscellaneous MSS. ! 1 'Ll?® ; 17/o0 Nani sulla Costantmo|)oli, 1603. 4 to. ch. s. xvii. j Diario di Molino, inviato a Constantinopoh, 1668. j If Giacomo Queriui Relazione di do. 1679. H Soranzo do. do. H Pietro Foscarini do. do. 1641. 4to.ch.s. xviii. <17732 Pietro Foscarini do. do. 1637. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. • 17733 17731 Ex Bibl. Dni. Stewart de Rothsay. { > Jean de Wavrin's Chrouiques d’Angleterre. Vol.2. j 17735 containing the reign of Edwd. 3. “Commen- 1 Qant a Edouard d’Angleterre, fils de Roi, J 17736 Edouard de Windsore, ik. d’lsabelledc France, > lille du Roi Philipe.” Illuminated, thick f.vh. : 177 s, xvii. bound in green Velvet. 323 folia. Olim Guycn de Sardiere, with his Autograph, 1*730 737 MSS. Ex Bibl. variis. Bon sul Seraglio di Constantinople. 4to. ch. s. xviii. Veniero sul Imperio di Turchia. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. Guerra del Turco col Persico, 1587.4/0. ch. s.xix. Letters of Authors viz. Chalmers, Cuvier, See. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. with Portraits. Do. of Dowdeswell, See. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. De Mediciua. Fragmenlum . Hibernice. f. V. s.xv. Hatfull’s Correspondence. 4/o ch. s. xix. Chalmers's Collections for Glasgow, Paisley, &c. 4 to. ch. s. xix. Letters on Military Affairs, viz. The Taking of Quebec, &c. thick 4to. ch. s. xviii. Catalogue of Craven Ord's MSS. with MSS. Notes. 8 vo. ch. s. xix. ; 17739 17740 i 17741 <17742 117743 17744 Descr-ptio ("rhi* Romas. 8 vo. ch, s xvi. It cot tains a fist of (he Inhabitants. On the Cava arc Births of'Children of several families fro 1535, to J544. 8 t*t>. ch. s. xix bm. Ithr. stum\ cd sides. Anne on the sides, On a fe»* betwe 3 rose* a rritilfct of 6 , J/ meins to be a Re! Bm-k of pari of Rome.) Old No .' Cai'tuhirium do Veadonu*. a fragment; being fm\ 282, & 285. narrow Uvo. V. s. xii It coat ail \ nrtne S29-33, and 904-5, & a part of 828. j List of Portraits of French Generals, &c. «; Baker's Bailiffs of Shrewsbury, from 1372, ,| 1600. 4to ch. a. xix. Dr. Ch- lMim's Td«r in 1779, through France, Switzer;and, with Notes of Pictures. 18 v,o. ch. a xviii.in. Vellum wrapper. Bulls i f Pope Julius 2, for Koutn. Printed t Vellum. 1510. Soo. V s xvi. Letters of Clergy, Recomnundi»ti«r.s as Membc; ■„f the So rimy for Prom. Christian Knowledp 1 * 7 . bettor ij. S. Waddmgton. 4 to. ch. s, xvr\ Do. do. 1 st. L< tier liicliHid Humfry. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. Topo iruph'cal, A Miscellaneous Anecdotes. 1i Accounts of Human Longevity. 4 to. ch. ». xviii. Ex J.ibl. Pigotde Brocklc Letters of John Richard Baker, kc. \’2nto.ck.s.x Hunter Ms:-. Hunter's Notes on the Bible. In shoit hand 4 to. ch s. xix. Do. Collections for Bucks. 12 mo. eh. s. xix. Sir T. P’s. Notes ex Car dano Abb. S. iiurii de Si. Audoiuaro. Vitim ch. s. x x, Letters of Belcock, &o. sin.4tu.ch.* xix. Spanish Poetry, begins Pus al tiempo que mi nr thin 8 rO. ch. a. xviii. Monk Mason's MSS. Dublin Collections. thick 4to. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. do. Letters to him. 4to. ch. s. xix. Do. do do. do. do. 12 mo. cA. s. xix bn Major James's* Account of Lord Local. sm. 4 to. eh. s. xviii. Colleciions for the Neave family, s. 4lo. ch. s. x* Dr Rabelais’s Famous Pathologist, or Nol. Mountebank, 1687. Dedicated to Sir lieu Bay 11 tou, of Farley Castle. Vlmo ch. s. x blue cf. Kimate’s Catalogue c f Straw berry Hill Prints- • sm. 4 to ch. s. xviii. Stato dell Imperio Oitomanoad 1668 4/o ch.s.xv. Act for reversing Y iht i.u, Lord Strafford’s / taiiuler. II Letters to Thomas Mode. 4 to.ch. s. xviii. Autograph Letters,^&c. cf Authors. 1 */.Receipt; Jane Porter, t&mo. c/t.s. xviii-xix. Sir T. P's. Index t< Inq post Mort. temp. Elis D, to Z. narrow 8 ro. ch. s xix. yell. bds. Cartularium Ecclesim de Rouen. Transcript ! F. de Y UX.Jor Sir I'. P. /. ch. a. xix. Edward Jones on Welsh Music. Is/. Doctor Tr sler’s Axiveriis- iin lit. 4/o. ch. s. xix. bds. Do. ‘do. 1 * 2 . Paper, Simcock’s Advertii intent to the Royal Society ol Musicians. 4 to. ch. s. xix. Do do. Correspondents, k Notes frl Authors on Music, .st. Letter 1 homas H‘ sel, of Bristol, sm. 4/o ch. s. xix. Do. do. on Welsh Music, Is/. Cf tents ol Llyfr Coch o Hergesi. sAlo.ch. s. > Do. do. Collections for a Hist, of We Music. Ut. Cywydd a barorl David, ap Gy. im. l st. line “Y cerd.l or rfattc ir ddueth.” 12 /// 0 . ch. s. xix. Letters of Perdita (Mrs Robinson,) Is/- dated It from Engletiekl Cottage. 4 to.ch. s. xviii. Res Gestae Ecclesite Bisuutioap. 4^o. ch. s. xviii ( Lx No. 6151, in hue Catalogo T. P.) Warren Hastings's Voyage from East Indiai England, 1786. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. entirely At I graph, orange bds. Catalog i-s Ltbrohuji .M.\$tos<:i»PToiuiM in BiHi.ioTHF.rA Philmi'pica. ■339 j 77 - 1 ') Sir Clyomon, & Sir Clamydes. 1599. i / lay. 177"*’ 4 to. eh. s. xix-. 1774G Autograph Letter* on Naval Aliairs. 1 st. Win Hennnh 4 to ‘-ch:. s. xviii. ] 77 |7 Count P’F.utraigtfHs I ettrrs..&.\ A to. eh. s. xviii. 1774*i Croker MSS Letter s from Parsons to Foster. 17770 1 st. dated New years Day. ISIS. 4fo. ch s.xviii. 17741) Do. do. do. 1st. 0 Do. do. to do. do. 1st. from Piiilips- town. 11 Jan. ISIS) 4 to. ch. s. xix. 177*11 Do do. dd. do. lsf. La'ly Fosse, 20 Jan. 1020. 4 to ch. s. xix. 17751* Do. do. do. do. Is/. Lord Rosse, to do. 20 Jan 18*23. 4 to ch.s. xix. 17752 Catalogue of Gibbs's Books giVv'n to the RadHiffe Library. Oxford, 1754. fq'l ill s. xviii hfo.cf. 37753 Stntuta Antiqiia Cnstri Rnbiani. 4/o. V e. xvi. old red m or, gill sides. 1 570. 17754 Testamentn varia, 1594. .sm. 4to. s. xvi. 17755 Do. do. stii. 4to. V. s xvi. old fuss 17780 Arms on sides 4 f. delvs in bend 17750* Index Lihmruni Ecelesiasticorum cum Censuris. tiro. ch. s. xvii. w/i. v. 17757 Collections for the family of Bonaparte, s 4to. ch. s. xix. in a port folio. No. 520. in a Sale. 17 781 177511 De Lege de Mahomet, sin. 4to ch. s. xix. Ctifice. 17750 Paccii Lauras sm. 4to. V-, s. xvi. pink silk binding. 17702 Old, No. 40 17700 Falugi Pyg’meidos Liber, sm. 4ta. ch. s. xvii, 177>3 177<>J Lulla Clementis X. pro Collegio Rnmah& Curiae. 4 to V. s. xvii. cum Sigillo fracto. Old A o. *22 17784 17762 Egloghe del l.asca nelle No/ze del llhistr. C.-si- 17705 mo de Medici Luca de Firenze. Hro. ch. s xvii. ; it'll, v. 177G3 Letnanii Aretini E'pistnlce.. Puo. ch. s. xvi. 0 . hrn : 1778G cf. stamped sides. 1 Guurimis Hieronimo tilio de Vita habenda in ■ Curiis ITincipum. 17*04 Pedigrees of Irish baronets, 1775, to 1799. Ex liibl. Beiiianr. 4t". ch. s. xviii. ivh.perg. • 17765 Anns of Irish Baronets in trick. / mg men t from ; 17787 p. 33, to 40, thin Hvo ch. s. xviii. ' 17788 17766 Vita di Sisto V. f «//. s . xviii. ich, v. folia 430. 17707 Letters to J. T 17705 gioruinque ab antique pertinentiura lllustratio, j 17796 Ex Archivis Regis, in Tuvre Loudon repositis, | petita, & deprompta 17797 Addita: sunt Tabulae Genealogies© Ducum Comitumque predict'-rum, aliarumque familia-j 17798 rum mag is iliustrium, de quibns non solum ge- ; 17 799 nils duxerunt suutu, sel to 800.4/o. 17814 Fol. 3. do. pp. 801 to 1200. 4/o. 17815 Fol 4. do. pp 1201 to 1688.4/6. 17816 Fbl. 5. contains the folio Sheets which mere too long to bind with the 4 to. but were paged with the 4 tos. before they were separated. 17817 Contarini Relatione de Constantinopoli, 1636-40. *J Barbaro do. de do. 1574. *1 Cavalli do. de do. f. ch. s. xviii. 17818 Letters of I.ady Powlett of H inton./o/. ch. s. xix. i 17819 Letters to Lord Lovat, 1745./. ch. s. xviii. From ; 17853 Croker MSS. 17S20 Letters to the Duke of Portland on Military 17854 Affairs./o/. ch. s. xviii. 17821 Admiral Vernon’s Letters, fol. ch s. xviii. j 1/855 17822 Letters on Military Adairs in North America, j 1758, Afc.fol. ch. s. xviii. j 17856 17823 Subsidy Payments temp. Eliz. Jac. 1, & Car. 1 . ' 1st. George, l.ord Goring, & George, his son j William Dickens of M arwick, in 1643. fot. F. j I7S57 s. xvii-xvii. j Sajidgs MSS. ; 17847 1 17848 17849 < I i I 7850 j 1/851 : 17852 17824 17&25 17826 1?827 17828 17829 17830 17831 17832 17833 17834 17835 17836 17837 17838 17839 17840 17841 17842 Charter of Canterbury, by H. 7- /. ch. s. xiX. Do. do. by Jac. 1 /. ch. s. xix. Do. do. by Car. 2 J ch. s. xix. Do. Excerpta ex Libro de Burghmote de Can¬ ter bnry. f. ch s. xix. Placita de Manerio de Caldecot, Co. Kent. f. ch. s. xix. Cartas Regum pro Cantuaria ch. s. xix. Canterbury Perambulation, &c .fol. ch. s. xix. Miscellaneous MSS. Mulierum Latinarum Reliquiae. 8 vo.ch. s. xix. half crimson T.mor. Ex Bibl. Rev. J. Giles ile Bampton, Oxon. Thomas Quiu’s Irish Book 1773. i. e. 'an Irish Dictionary, sm. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. half cf. gill. Letters of M. P’s. 1st. William Congreve,? 8 Dec. 1841. 12 mu. ch. s. xix. marked 270. Do. of Authors. 1 st. Mrs. Sutherland, dated James'? St. Tuesday. l2/no.tWs.xix:war/ted277 Do. of Clergy. Is/. Robt. Winter. Vlmo. ch. s. xix. marked 250 Focloir of Michael O’Clerigh. Transcribed by Jo¬ seph Longain 1849. Vlmo. ch s. xix. blue bds. Black's Lectures on Physiology, & t hemistry. Is/, on Human Bloou 2 Vols. Vlmo. ch.s xviii. half russ. Cartularium,& Feodarium Eeclesiae Noviomensis. If Homines Decani, 3c Capituli Noviomensis Eeclesiae. fragmentum. sm. 4to. V. s. xiv. Arnott on Cretan Medals. Translated from the German by Miss Graces, for her Uncle, Sir T. P. Bart. 4/o. ch. s. xix. Autograph Letters of Authors. 1st. Richard Cumberland. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. Charles des Eaux, et Forets de Normandie. fol. perg. s. xvi yell, bds . 1430. Original Documents relating to Yorkshire.2 Vols f. ch. s. xvi. red russ. Vol. 1 . Lease from Roffe Buck, of Darnebrooke, 44 Eliz. 17858 ( 17859 I I 7 860 : 17861 > |17862 i17863 17864 f17865 17866 1 7868 17869 17870 17&71 Vol. 2 . Mrs. Croft's ease, Diario de Louis Berlandier in Mexico. No. \. oblong 32 mo ch. s. xix. Fragments of Deeds, obi. f. V. s, xviii. Letters of Henry Hai-tings. 1st dated Bury, $0 April 1777 4 to. ch, s, xviii, yell bds. Rose Throckmorton's Autobiography, KJIO, /. ch. s. xviii, Libri MSS f002. Prices, &. Names M8. toyal Hvo. ch. s, xix. Concilia Tolctnna et Gangrensia. sm, 4lo. V. s. ix.t imperfect um initio,# fine: ends with Quatcrnio. x ill. Papers relating to the Scotch College at Paris. 1. f ch s. xviii. Bell s Pedigrees ot Northumberland Families. 1. 4 to. ch. .v xix. half dark mor printed,# MSS Ji j Irish Miscellanea chiefly relating to Ireland. Is/, a Greek Inscription, with an interpretation i in Jlalian. 2 nd. Agreement between the Duke.i of Richmond', & Sir Arthur Sheane, of Kil- niore. J. ch. s. xvii # xviii. yell bds. Knights Fees in Co. Sullotk, 24 11. 8 , /. ch. s. x\ ii. History of Hornsey, & Highgate. With Maps, Set Plates- 2 Vols. 4 to. ch. s. xix. yell. bds. Extracts from Irish StatuL s II Irish Corresp* nder.ee. Ato. ch. s. xix. yell, bds * Note JB< ok of a Flemish Writer, )*/. Offierersi van bet Oorloghe schip Middelburgh, 1660 . 32 mo. eh. s. xvii. ivh v. Journal of u Dutch Voyage to America, Guada-, loupe, labago, Domingo, ,x.c. begins with A Description of the Cape Verde Islands. “ hescluyvinge van de Cabo Veruische offte: Sante E\landen.” not perfect, beginning wit), Jot to 80. f. ch s xvii half wh. cf. uuh Diawi mgs i I Hi-adlui ds, a Maps. Olim fait Sr Joseph Banks whose Stamp is on the I st page Miscellaneous Papers, 3 : Lotto s. I AfliduvitotT Jonville. Is/. Letter, Cecilia Johnston. 4 In. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Is/. Ueceij t of F. Vane. 4/o. ch. s xviii' Dralts ot Deeds. 1 st. (.apt. Sh.veis. 4 to. ch. s. xixi T. I ’s Voyage ot Vetigull Guilher. Do. Notes at St. Oiucr. T Do. Notes on the Libraries of Franco in 1827! 4/0.' ch. s. MX. Moore’s collection of Autographs of Authors, &e: Is/. Letter, Col de Maioitte. 4/o ch. s.xviii-xix: Letters ot Peers, Ac. I«/. Howard. 4 to. ch. s. xix lloby Autographs. Is/ John Chaj man. thick llwo. ch.. s. xix. Do. do. Is/ H 13iown 4 to. ch. s. xix. Do. oo. Is/. Ri>bt. ooston, 12 Nov. 1832. 4/o. ch. s. xix. Autograph Letters. 1 st. Robinson, Archbishop o Armagh. 4 to. ch. s. ,\\. i. llotuli. Pedigree of Lloyd, of Trevach, Co. Pembr. emblazoned on Fellum s. xvii. Rentale Ue Hwlne&ton in Heverynglond, 24 H. t 2 went bran. Liberi tuitnies in Stonlmm Jernvnghani, 20 Eli; 1578. Rotuli Curiec de Wynchester in Mendlesham, Do. do. 1 IS E 4. Do. do. 2 36 H. 8 . Du. do. 3 4 Edw. 6 . Do. do. 4 28 Eliz. 2 membran. Do. do. 5 32 Eliz. 1 membran. Do. do. 6 42 Eliz. Do. do. 7 1 Jac. 1. Do. do. S 3 Jac. 1. Do. do. 9 18 Jac. 1. Do. do. 10 20 Jac. 1. Framlingham Castle 7 Carta;, F. #pcrg. s. xvii. Cataiosm liHnoiitfii insi/seiiiMoKtof is Hmww'&i Pitaumei. m 7813 ’1814 7875 7878 Miscellaneous MS$. Recruits 1703, Do- Carmichael’s Account of Rations (Broad,) to 94th. Regt 24 A|j. 1795. Do- Royal Orders for Recruitings Feb 1705 Do. Dread Allowance for 0-1 Kegiimut ;U Feb. to 24 Ap, 1795. Commissariat. All in folio,ito.tf S vo. on Paper. M. Jl.bds. 7877 7878 7879 7880 7881 J882 7883 7881 Do. 7885 7886 7887 7905 7906 7907 7908 7909 7910 7911 7912 7913 7914 Do. Do* Do. 7888 Do. 7889 7890 7891 7892 .7893 7894 7895 7816 7897 7598 7599 7900 7901 7902 7903 7904 Do. 7915 Do. 791(5 7917 7918 7919 1st. Ogilvie’s Report, 26 Nov. 1827, &e. /. ck. s- Xix. 1 st. The Accountant's Reports, in which are men¬ tioned the Duke’s Orders previous to the Siege of Badajos. 1st. Ross’s l etter from Granja NoVa, 24 Jan. 1813, See. Do. Accounts of 94tli. Regt. 1 Si 1. Do* Supplementary Account of Imprest, 1809-10. Do. State of Supplies with the 2nd. Division under Lt. Genl. Sir Chas. Lolvile at Valen¬ ciennes 1810, -Stc. Do. Josef GonzaleS from Fuente de Cantos, 7 Oct. 1809, kc. Pickering’s Return of Wains. Vizeu,“22Jan 1810. Dohree s Letter from Paris; i9 Dec. 1815. Landseer’s Letter, “Lumcar, 1 Nov 1810. Issu« s hy John Mealy. Ciudad Rodrigo; 8 Nov. to 22 Dec. 1808. Lord Dunn,ore’s Letter dated “Verniaud, 26 June 1815, “The Cumberland IlussarS.” do. do. Paris, 20 Jan. Ibl6. Iloffay’s Letter, ‘ 2 June 1819. Lisbon. Transport Accounts, 1809. Supply to Major Gcnl. Ilulse’s Biigade. “Salamanca, 24 June !812. Jose Gomez Ferreira’s Letter,26July 1810. Supplies. “Almeida, 9 Sept. 1812. Payments to Accountants, 25 Feb. to 24 March 1611. Kennedy’s Letter “l>ourdeau£,l2Aug.l814. Dutimorc’s Letter “Boulogne, 4 Aug.1815. Wm. Dixon's Certificate “Bapaume, 20 F. 1816 . Dobree’s Letter, “Valenciennes, 10 F. 1816. Receipts *v Issues. “Santander, 28 Au.l8l3. Stores at Ciudad Rodrigo, 23 Nov. 1808. Buckham’s Letter. “Ustarilz,2S Dee 1813. James Wood’s Certificate “Cambray,2 Jan. 1816. Lord Keiisinuton’s Letter. “Ciudad Rodrigo, 8 Oct 1812. Wilgress’s Letter, “Longumeau,7 Dec.1815. G. Liaseke’a Letter “S. Domingos,2U6ept. 1810. William Peel’s Letter “Abrantes.” 13 Sept. 1809 S. Belson’o Letter “Gastello Branca, 17 Aug. 1610. Chas. S Adams Letter “LJstaritz,” 17 Feb. 1814. G. W. Wilgress Letter “Neuilly,”22 Aug. 1815. J. Lopez 1 etter “Villa Manca? 3 Juue 1809. Cold’s Letter “B> urdeaux, 22 July 1814. J. Ogilvvs Letter “Santander 9JulylS13.” Miguel Martinez Letter “Arrayoios 22 Dec. 1810. Comesut l Jugc de Paix de Yilleneuve, Letter to Marshall BereM'ord, 7 March Is 14. Dunmore's Letter, Boulogne, 13Aug.l8l5, Harrison’s Letter, 20 Feb. 1817. Do.Geo. Dickson’s Letter“Salamanca,26 Oct.1812. Do. Walker’s Receipt from James Duncan, “Bordeaux, 23 July 1814. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ; 17 m Do* | J 7021 Do* J 17042 Do. ! 17923 j Do, i 17924 Do, > 17925 I Do. 1 17920 Do. i 17927 Do. 17928 Do. >; 17929 Do. \ 17930 Do. \ 17931 j Do. Q. da i 17932 Du. : 17933 Do. V. : 1/934 Do. | 17935 Do. \ 17936 Do | 17937 Do. i 17938 Do. j 17939 Do. 17940 Dd. | 17941 Do. j 17942 Do. 17943 Do. S 17944 Do, |17945 Do. 17940 Do; \ 17947 Do. 1 17048 Do. \ 17949 Do. t 17951) Do. i 17951 Do. j 17952 Do. \ 17953 Do. j 17954 Do, < 17955 Do. j 17956 Do. | 17957 Do. j 17958 Do. 17959 Do, j 17960 Do. | 17061 Do. | 17962 Do. |17063 j Do. j 17064 Do. i17963 Do. J 17066 Do. 17007 Do. \ 17908 Do. \ 17009 Do. \ 17970 Do. i17071 Do. j 17072 Do. ; 17973 Do. (hotga Vk'ksoftt JMtee "ButiVimwtt 2 # 0 tri* l8l2< (to. do. § Oat WI'J, JiobL Kennedy'* Accmmiv lo 1 N* Jwcb S. Helson^ Loiter *'Puu'H (Jc A 0.1 ay a, 28 July 1810 . Kennedy’s! Letter “London, 7 March 1820* EsteVaii MeXia*s Letter,“Salamfllii'a,? Sep* 1 12 . James Wicken’s Leitef“§tflicotift, 23 f l .i 81 (L Dal man’s Account of •'Cni'i'oa, Mulaa, k Carre tan, 17 Feb* 1810 * Mills’s Letter “BoilrdentiS, 13 June 1814* Edvvd. Angcll’s Letter “Canibruy/ijF.ISHL J. Dumaroq’s Letter do. ll Mb. 1816, Guia deMulas, conteniendo Cartas para el Stale of Account with Dalryrnple, 2 Nov. 18U9. omersham’s Letter “Versailles,21 Dec.1815. Ogilvie’s Accounts Letter to Lord Deres- ford, dated 25 Jan. 1828, 1st. dated 2 Nov. 1809. Antonio Joaquin de Goura Pinto’s Letter “Coruche 6 Jan. 1811. La Marques Report of Cattle provided “Marman.le, 10 Aug. 1814. Gregorio Maria MoralesLetter. “Salamanca 15 Sept. 1812. Jose Anton Alexia ? Letter “Braganza, 27 .'lay 1813. Sketches of Cantonments of the 2nd. Division, “Valenciennes, 1 April 1816. Jose Nunez Letter.“Salamanca,7 Nov.1812. Returns of a Detachment of 6th, Foot, 6 Dec. 1808. Luis Sulivan’s Letter, 1 June 1824. Alonzo de Boianos Letter “Fuentes 10 Jan. 1813 Reserve Artillery Supplies.“Valenciennes, 4 May lbllj. Pay List Papers 1810. D. Auvergue’.s Letter “Calle de la Trinidad, No. 10. 27 Oct. ? 1812. Queries in Ogilvy’s Accounts 29 Mh. 1815. Ogilvie’s Accounts, 24 Nov. 1815. Wilgress’s Letter Paris 12 Dec. 1813. C arey’s Lettci 31 May 1815. Transport of Forage at Azuaga, Dec.1809. John Daniel’s Letter “Talavera,21 S.1S09, Baden’s Letter, 16 Dec. 1812. Carey’s Letter “Pesquiera. 19 Jan. 1813. Estado de Armas deSun Joan de Pesquiera 26 Nov. 1612. Payments for Forage at Azuaga,4 N. 1809. Simon de la Mora’s Letter “Reynoza, 23 Feb. 1814. Ogilvie’s Letter “Ustaritz, 29 Jan. 1814. P. Doherty’s Letter “Ardaiz near llonces- valles, 18 Sept. 1813. Ogilvie’s Letier. “Cumbray,ll Marehl816. Kennedy’s Accounts, 11, to 24 June 1810. Wediingen’s? Letter “Reynosa, 13 July Ibl3. 1st W in. Hall, “Bruxelles, *2G Ap. 1315. Ogilvie “Santander, JO July 1S13. V m Condamiue, “Paris, 18 July 1?15, C. Aylmer, “Valada, 12 Dec. 1810. J C. Herries, “16 Aug. 1813. Claims of Spanish Villages for Supplies. 1st. “Villa Cayo, 13 June 1813. N. Thorn, “Cainusca, 9 Dec. 1810. Reiurn of Commissariat Interpreters. blank Forms. Hurker for Hired Transport, 18 May 1814, State of Magazines “Pori Alega, 8 June 1810. J. Carballo, “Munzalbos, 13 Sep. $42 CATAL0Gt3 LlBRORTJil Manuscriptobum in Bibliotheca Phillippica; 1/974 17975 17976 17977 17978 17979 179S0 17981 17982 17983 17984 17985 17986 17987 *7988 17989 17990 17991 3 7992 17993 17994 17995 1799(1 17997 1 7998 17999 18000 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Wellington’s Commissariat, 1st. Gonld“Whitehall : 30 March 1815. Villanueva. “Santander, 14 Aug 1M3. Murrays, List of Surcharges, 2o Mh. to 10 June 1810. Supplies “Ciudad Rodrigo, 24 Nov. 1808. . Kirton, “Hourdeaux, 8 May 1814. > Cash Aecioun with Mr. Erslane, “Ciudad ; Rodrigo, 13 Pee. 1S03. Ant. Proenga, “Villa Franca, 5 1). 1810 g D"bree, “Valeuci> urn s. 16 Ap. 1816. Lord Dumuore, "Pari», 26 N. 181 j. Dairy tuple* “Cclomo U June 1810. Belson, “Chamusea, 31 D. 1810. James Ogilvie’s Journal 1808. 1 bmo.cn. s. xix. bds . Rotuli. I ist of the Tenants of Deckfold, Grafton, Ashton- undcr-H ill. Bcngrovo, & AstonMipon-Gnmuit, 13 Eliz- V. s. xvi. Placita inter liicliard Slany. de London, Merchant. & Thomam Lewis, Gent, de Maneno de buck- ley, Co. Wig. i'J Car. 2. MSS. from Jefferies, saved from Kerslakes Fire at Bristol. Political Discourses. •'Here yonr stanch Tories do appear How they to kings de facto swear How they abuse the Church's name And plead the dancer of the same.” sm. -1 to. c/i. s. xviii. mo rone cl. All Irish Mb. AI most illegible. An Irish Scholar might be altc to decypher some lines, sm. 4to. ch. s. xvii. S-nnmsJl. i\/SS. 18001 18002 18003 18005 18007 \ 1S008 18009 i isuio 18011 j ISU12 Palo mares Descripcinn da la Campana Grande; ; 1S013 fundida on Toledo, 1753./. ch. s. xvui ,Sp. cf.. The original MS. ikith the Author’s Corrections\ 18014 Sale 5o5 j. Acts relating t" the Foundacion of the Royal; }0U15 Chapel of San Isidore. /. ch. s. xvii. uh. v. > 143 leaves. Safe 689 :• Descripciun de seis Anttgm.s Codices de los Con-, cilios cn la Bibliotheca del Escorial, > 18016 f Inventario de los MS. dc f. Andre Maras; Huinol 1762. : IL0I7 11 Chacon Hist, del Hnivcrsidad de Salamanca, ; 1562. f. eh. s. xviii. Spanish cf. Pale 61)5 > jgois Libro di Monte. Muth damaged by the Vitriolic [ Ink. /'■ oh. s xvii, cf- gt. Sale C8(i 1 8019 p| doctor Palacios liuvios Tratado cel Esfucrzo ; bellico heroico. /. ch. s. xvii. mh. v. 18020 Obras drl savio Baron, Gracia dei, sive Tratado de t. dos los Iteyea (jtie cu Espaua hahi.lo, des- j de los Godrs. /. ch. s. xviii. 4 oh. v. 101 leaves. ] £02 | n-ilh Arms illuminated ■ Sale It Alonzo de I’aleneia C< ironies dc Don Hnirique I8Ii22 Quarto. “Se escrivin este Libro Ano. 1574.” f. eh. s. xvi. u:h. V. OldNu.doO 1£ ,o 2 3 Don Santiago Agnstin Kiel sobre los 1 apclos de la Monarehia, causas de au perdido y desorden, 180 24 con Noticias de los Ip 110 existeu en cl Ileal, Archibo de Simancas, y otros, y cl orden con i qae estan colucados. Tocase y tratasc por cl pg025 mismo del Origen de los Tribunates y Con- sejos, sus Facultades y Pre-eminencias, con lf . 02 g oti-as Nolicias curiosas. /. ch ■ s xvii. wh. v. Sale 706 I 18027 MSS. Ex Bibl. variis. Do.do. 1 si. Jehane Vicars,Jeltaue Beriiiers. nit .de Gumans |335, Hit. jperg. yell. lots. Do. do. 1st. Test..' lent Je .l.h.m de Saint Amaut 136.2. ult. "Cc sold les jnrm es a les quiuz-aneJ de ci, s dolt pies Pan 1320. obi. ito.j erg. yeU\ bds v. y. Do. do. 1st. Will, times Qtiai't'.fis 1343. ult. \\ us I Mauteuis, Si rj int d’.irnics do liey 1319. obi. -Ho. perg. yVll. bds. Carla; S. Vincent de Mel2. Ut. ClaudeJacoL de Tree, urtj Altii do S. V, de M. 1567. ufc Claude Jacob dc Trccourt, ALLc de S. \ . dJ Metz 1 507* obi. 4tv. perg. yell, bds* v. y. Car tie dc Tcurnuy. incip. ** V Noel dis Roes. ult, “Cels est Chius Los a Noslre Dame.” obi. 4 ( 0.5 pay. yell bds. v. y. Carise Je T. urnay. Uf. Pierre du Proit pro l’Ah bayo dc Notre Dame de 1'res Purihuis pre dc Tournny I385 j ult. “Au dit Curat pour uoi messo” uH. 4/t>. pery. yell • bds. Famiglie Romm e, '1 m 2 U, L v 21 . 4/o. ch. a. xvii., yell. bds. Ex EM. Cudlyrd vcl iLu.uzzi. Fenton's Notes i»*i" Ins History '1 PcmbrokeshiTfi reialimr to the Liahops. obi. '62mo. ch. s. xii re.d Ithr . Millcdoni Istoria del Concilia a.i p.&M alo The J.iikcs, & 8 c. tlaud. 1st. Coudover Hal. 5iai‘ p. 1832.. thick 4 to. ch. Si xix. If Engraved Views m W ales, mounted. Jenkins of Bristol General Cntahgne of Engraved Portraits. 3 Voi\ f. ch. s- xvui. half eld cf. Crest on the baA 2 mailed Arms In Iding a King. Build's L. tiers < n Hi man History. thinf.c\ a. xviii. half brn. cf. russia title. Dial' guc ihs JV1« ris sur l’Hist. d’Espngne. thin f. ch. s. x\iii Ids. Eu Jlibl. Uubti.Sonthei Downey’s Naval Potr.s. printed. ! Alb. Letter ol Nelson, signed “Bronte.” dat« “Feudroyant, Alalia G Alay 1800. J.ch. daii | ni»r. 1814. Scott’s Collections for the Scott family. 3 Vols.A 4 to. ch. s. xix. gin cl. print, & MS. Autographs from FuMic Fragments, obi. f. <| s, xvii-Aviii half green mor. Vitriarii (Juc.) Noia; in Grotium de Jure Ilelli,i Pacis. 2 Vais 4tv. ch. s. xviii. Boswell’s Life of Johnson, paged for illustration. 4 /o. ch. s. xix. hul/dk. yreen niur. Jones (Sami.) Nota; in Dionysii Periegesin, de Situ Orbis. thick sm. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. //. russ. Ex Bibl. Ducis Sussex The SLep-Walker. A Draiua. thin Mo.ch. s.xv. : half rul rm r. I The Chapeau dc Faille, (a Story of Rubeus.) . thin 4tv. ch. s. xviii. red bds. I Zclida, or Love, & Honour, by Henry Siddorel 4/o. ch. s. xviii. half Slip. Nathl, Butlers, Choice of Medicines, sm. 4to. il s. xviii. dk. brn. cf. Dedicated to Sir \t illUl Bulstrode. Littleton’s 'l’enures.^?'in/e^ with numerous A1S! JNotes thick l 8 ;?io.cA.s.xvi. o. brn. cf. gt.sidi. Alary Barbara Barksdale’s Divine Fancies, 17 li’.mo. ch. s. xviii. die. olive mor. gt. sides, i Miss Maria Jenkins Tour on the Continent, ill! trated with Views. ISmn.ch.s. xix. red cf. r Index to the Inclosure of Over Kellel, Hornby, & ; Halton. Co. Lino, f ch. s. xviii. ; Cart* de Tournay. ist. Laurens de Saux, 1387. > 18028 4 to perg.v. y. : Do. do. 1 st. Bcullaers le Maure 1359.?^/. Manage . de Wicart de Alaubrai avec Annies le tille | Evrart Bruuiel 1286. 4 to. perg. yell. bds. ‘ 18029 Wilkinson Spanish MSS. 1861-2. J. B. Perez (Obispo de Segorbe, Segretarioi Carden a I Caspar de Quiroga 15:2.) Al Concilii de Toledo en 1582-3./ ch. s. xviii. Spanish cf. gt. pp . 421. Dos Cartas de F. Quevedo de Villegas desdes CAfAtOGUs LtttftOlWti MANtSCfllPTOIUlM IN BlflUOTHfeC'A PHILLIP PICA, m Prlsion de S, Marcos de Leofij pllitaodole pur hora$ su IVisJou, y la Vida que eu ella pasa. U Quevedo* Bl Siglo del Cuerno a nil Coruudo* If Do. Memorial, bhu 4/o, ch. «. xviii. Sd. J>030 Cartas de Carlo 5 al Deque del lufaotndo. H Do. del Djiqile de Alva al P. Haulo 4, Sec, JSncado dole Libreria M 8 ta.de San Lorenzo el Real del Escurial, del Libro iiititulado, “Diversos Trntadoa. folio 262. sni. Ato. ch. s» xviii. folia 65. Sainsburya MSS, Co lection of Letters . j PirSt Scries. 8031 English, & Foreign State Papers, Autogfaph, Let* ters, & Portraits, from IGOO, to 1847. *20 Vu/s. 1. f'ol • s. jtvii. red m»r. The Foreign Vols have the sides Seim.es des Abeilles, with the French Eagle in the centre. Vol. I. Letters of the Emperor Napoleon, & his Family. Is/. is a Plate c»ti,tdining Por¬ traits of the Emperor, & his 2 wives, & 1 ) of his Family, set round his own, in circles. The 1 a/. Autograph is Feb. 179f». 803*2 VoU 2 Lett; rs, f this Volume, apparently the Lette rs of Chas. 10 . £033 Vol. 3. I st liaie the Champ tl’Abile.i/lw/o^ra^s torn out. 1 st. note is Du Tremblay. 18034 Vol. 4. 1st. Plate, Le Champ d’Asile. 1 st Portrait < i' Gui ernl Dames, ioilh his Au¬ tograph, Heal, dated K-aire 17 Nirosc Aii, 8 . 18035 Vol 6 . 1 st, Pltuc, It) Medallions of Sovereigns, & Gem rals of the Great V' «r. 1 #/. Portrait, Jean, Hue de Fitz-James* 1 st. Letter do. do. (luted Montpellier, 21 Janvier 1703. 18030 Vol. 0. \st Plate, Champ d’Asile. ]*>/, Autograph dated Bayonne. 2 florertl An. Is/. Letter Li. Loader, dated Paris2l Julyl792 18037 Vol. 7. It/. Plate, “I'm Tragical du Marechal Brunt*. 1 st. Portrait, Geul« Homier, & his Av/ugraph, Jf* Anns. 18030 Vol. 8 . Li. Plate, Soldiers sitting on Laurels, “Le Uepos d.s EniaiiN de la Victoire. I st. Portrj.il, (x, Autograph DeHart. 1&U39 Vol. V 1st. Pinto ns in No. ti. Is/. Letter Joseph T Hi, dated Milan, 1 4 Ger¬ minal An. 0. 18040 Vol. 10. 1 st, us in No. S. 5 next Articles, torn out . 1 st. Portia't de Druot. lit. Letter Droz dated St.Michel {J4.JnIy 1809. 1SU41 Vol. 11. 1 st. Plate, Actions of Eugene Geuu- harnois. 2 vest torn out ]it. Letter Auger, the Translator, & Lditcur dalctl Paris 24 June i825. 180-12 Vol. 12. 1st. Plate, Lonelier Francais. Death of j General *..*.. Acts of Culonel De l.ort. 1st. Letter do.- do k his Coat df Anns. 180-13 Vol. 13. I st. Pl 'ii as 6 . 1st. Letter of Andrea Lcyza de Campos, dated Murcia 2u Juiu 1811. '2nd. Series From Q* Elizth. to Q. Victoria, 1G0U, to 1847. I 18044 Vol. 14 , contains from Abbot, to Dcrcsfoid. 1st. Plate, Foim of the Procession at liie Cnrona- tiou in England. 1st. Portrait, Justice Abbott, lit 1 el lev do. do. ; 18046 Vol 15. Fiizalan, to Giote. lit. Portrait Fitzalan, tail of Arundel, & Surrey, 1 si. Frank, & Signature of E. of Arundel. J804G Vol. 10. Chamberlain, to Curtis. lit. Signature Hugh Chamberlain, Ut. tetter, Marquis of Chandos, dated No.lO, nt T&yttmUth, 18017 Vol 17. Cambridge, to Covvper. Ut* Portrait 1). of Cambridge. 1 st, signature, Si Frank. do, 10040 Vol 10. DetJtliam, to Culthofpfl. Is/. Portrait Jeremy Dentham. iff/. Autograph cU do, duted 17 May 1031, 10040 Vol 10 . Daer, to Flngal. Ut. Letter Duer, 2nd. Dalblac, L8050 Vol 20- Berkley, to Chambers, !«/, Letter. The Counted* of Berkeley* relative to the Trial of her Marriage. 1st. Autograph, Urahtley Berkeley, dated 22 Feb. 1833. j Pul t ick 1804. iSOol Insect Life. Chinese Drawings on Rice Paper, 4/o. ch. s. xviii. or xix. red T. mor, 5 paged in• fired by the cracking cf the Rice Paper. Rut ? if actually diawn by a Chinese . 18062 Views in ? China ? Hong Kong, or ? Calcutta. Drawn on Rice Paper , Sf much injured by cracking, obi Alv. ch. s. xviii. or xix. In a Chinese Silk Cover. 18053 “Maisons et Fleurs Cbirioises.” or Drawings of Country Mansions of Chinese Gentry. On RiCd Paper. 1. thin 4 to. ch , s. xviii, or xix. half dk , cf git. 15054 Drawings of Chinese State Robes, & Ornaments, heightened with Gold, l. Ato. ch. s. Xviii.or xiX* infolding Sheets 10055 Drawings of Chinese Figures (? Donees .) with Descriptions in Chinese on the opposite pages. The leaves are sprinkled with gold. In one, the Person h. Ids Pagoda Model in his hand .Bound in dark Tulip Tree 1 boards , polished. Ato. ch, s. xviii. or xix. 1005(3 Chinese Drawings of Maps of Provinces ? inChina, in a Silk Cover, embroidered with Gold, l. Ato, ch. s. xviii. or xix. 18067 Diary of English Nuns in the Faubourg, 8, An-* toino at Paris 1658, to 1711. If List of Nuns, & Benefactors, half cf. em. 4to , Ch. s. xix. 1S058 Formulaic Prcacedentium in Foro Ecclesiastico llomano Catholic. j. 1 st. Index Literarum Pat- entium, 8c Obedientialium, &c. If Observations on Catholics in the reign of Q. Anne, snh 4 In. eh. s. xviii. Inter alia. Of a Legacy left us by Mrs. Kathe¬ rine Smith, of Leicester, & an odd rencounter with a Jesuit about the same, ** 1713.” If Account of the Nuns of Aire. If Transactions of the Jesuits and Franciscans in England m the reign of Queen Anne. 18059 The Life of l r. Augustine Baker, thick 18mo, ch« 3 . xviii. ivh. v. Miscellaneous MSS. 18000 Carloton’s Extracts from Hogendorp on the Bata¬ vian Pi .-sessions in the Last Indies, blue bds. 4/o.c/i.s.xi' ,i>7 leaves. Ev Biol Lord Macartney, 5100G1 Newlmg MSS. Newlnig’s Salop. Collections. Is/. Pedigree, Kynaston. 12wo. ch. a. xix. 118002 IB-by MS . . st. Vander Zcllen ch. s. xix. ■ U>0G3 lliugioy’s (Bev. Wm.) Account .»f Books,& MSS. relating to Hampshire, obi. '24/no. ch.s.xix.shp . 18064 Nutes lo Molleno, relating to Pictures, &e. Wmo. ch. s. xix. sqre. : 18065 Chalmer’s Forfar* Aberdeen, Banff, & Elgin. 4/0. ch. s. xix. jlbOGG Baku* MSS. Northampton, No. 12018, in this \ Catalogue, now bound in 0 Volumes. 1st. Vo/, entitled ‘‘Heyford.”/. ch . s. xviii, jl80G7 Vol. 2. “Braybroke.”/. ch. s. xviii. ?,u Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca PhillippicA. 18008 18009 18070 18071 18072 18073 18074 10075 18076 18077 18078 18079 18080 18081 18082 180S3 1S084 18003 10080 180S7 18088 18089 18080 18091 18092 18093 18094 Baker M SS. Vol. 3. Charwelton,-Tucker Pedigree. f. ch. s. xviii. s Do. Vol. 4. Buckby. /. eh. s. xviii. Do. Vul. 5. Preston./, ch. s xviii. Do. Vol. 6 . Hartwell./, cli. s. xviii. Do. Vol. 7. Lees of Cold Ashby, f. ch. s. xviii. Do. Vol. 8 . Brampton./, ch. s. xviii. llanuzzi MSS. Part 2, of Vol. 8. No. 47- Supra ! l’Ambasade d’lnghilterra, e la Pace Gettehile. 1st. Letter dated Pariggi, 8 Nov. 1696. f. ch. s. xvii. Vincent against Brooke. Printed, with numerous critical Marginal MSS. Notes by W. D. & S. L. K. versus Vincent, thick fol.ch. s.xviii. 1622. j Olim Petri le Neve, Norroy, & postea Thoma? Martin of Thetford. On the lit. Loca¬ ls this Note by P. le Neve. “Md. 1, Peter le I Neve, Norroy, transcribed some few, & my i Amanuensis the rest, of the Marginal Notes ; which are marked with this Note to them“S.L. : K.”from a Book I borrowed of John Hare,Esq. ! Riclimoud Herald of Arms, which was, before, the book of Henry Dethick, Esqr. & before 1 that of Sir W illiatn Dugdale, Knt. darter King of Arms, & which Notes were transcribed in that Book by Henry Lilly, Gent. Rouge Rose Pursuivant, fivm a book of St. Loe lvn- veton in Derbyshire. Gent. & good Antiquary, whose Collections tor the most part are in the Yelverton Library, but 1 have some 3, or 4 of them. P. Le Neve, Norroy.” Edward Jones’s Collections relative to the Welsh Bards. 13 Vols. Vul. 1. 1 st. page a Drawing of a Triangle, & 2 Circles; with the Motto. “1’uori non cercami.” 12 mo. ch. s. xviii. (See other Vols at No .) Do. do. Vol 2. lsG Discovery of America,by Madoc.” 12wo, ch. s. xviii. •>. brn. cf. Do. do. Vol 3. begins “Now Dol Giog, near Machynlleth,” 4to. ch. s. xviii. yell, bds.' Do. do. / ol. 4. 1 st. entry. “Epitaph in Burial ground of Llanullyu Chapel, North Wales. Do. do. Vol. 5. Ol Minstrels, Ancient Songs, & r lunes.” 4 / 0 . ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Vul. 6 . 1 st. page. The 4 Ancient North W ales Counties, 4iu. ch, s. xviii. yell. bds. Do. do. Vol. 7 . 1st. page. Gaudy Day, Balliol College,Is/, or 2nd. oi Nov. called “EagleNjght ” < Do. do. Vul. S. J st. Letter of D. Ellis, dated > “Amlwch, 29 July 1786. Do. do. Vol 9. Incip. Tudor Trevor, Earl of j Hereford./, ch s. xviii. yell. bds. Do. do. Vol. 10 . 1 st. Prospectus of the Musical I Academy, (print.) f. ch. s. xviii. yell. bds. \ Do. do. Vol. I LHC page. Incip. “See Drayton’s Poly-Olbion.”/. ch, s. xviii. yell. bds. ; Do. do. Vol. 12. 1 st. page. A figure of an Ob¬ elisk, with an Inscription “Musical Remains of :' Handel, Bach, Abel, Giuliani,”&c,/./'.c&.s.xviii. 1 Do - (l °\ VuL ' 1st. MS.page. “Trioed Ynys 1 rydam. /./ ch. s. xviii. yell. bds. begins with ■■ parts of a printed Work entitled “The History ; of Egypt.” J \ Duke ol Kent's Letters. 12mo. ch. 8 . xix. Sermons. 12wo. V. s. xii. ^ lmperatores Romanorum. H Series Paparum ad Lucium 2 , Eugenius 3 . \ U Notes on S. Mathew in German. begins ‘‘Von den geburt unsers Herren.” \ Ex Bibl. Truss. Lady Clarke's Letters, 2 Vols. 4 to. cli. s. xviii. Collection relating lo ^iinouides, the supposed Forger, of Greek MSS, with some Pages of Greek in his Autograph./, ch. s. xix. j Carta; Roman®. l s (. relating to a House in lie- 1 Campi fllartii, retro Monasterium *. Silvestri ! sm. 4(o V. s. xvii. pale russ. gill. Arms on the sides 3 f. de ]ys, bendwise. 1631. > Rufti fcexti Historia Romana. Script, ltalica. square l 8 mo. V. s. xv. 18093 1S096 18097 19098 18099 18100 18101 18102 18103 18104 18105 18106 IS107 18108 18L09 18110 18111 18112 Wilson Allan’s Durham Inq. post MorL Dodswortn Cart* II Yorkshire Collections, smalt 4 to. ch 8 . xvilii Miscellanea pro Com. York. Incip. “The Rev.Mil Watson, of Kipponden.” 6m. thin 4 to ch. s. xvii; Collections for Yorkshire, thin 4to. ch. s. xviii. Extracts from Sheffield Parish Register 15C0, t 1687. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. "H Names of Roman Catholics at Bradfisld I767ii Cart* Antiqu*. Incip. A Release to John Elanc:: Yorkshire Colhctions. 'i Copies of Broomhed do. sm. 4la. ch. s. xviii. ,1 Came Antiqurr Incip. “S p. et f. q. Ego Johes. fit Thom* de Shepley.” sm. 4 to. ch, s. xviii. U ilson's Cullfeetions lor Notts, sm. thin 4to. ch s. xvii. Incip. “Nottingham,” Do. Sheffield Me norarida. l 8 mo. ch. s. xvii. I Historical Notes tor Sheffield. 12wo. ch. s. xviii. j MiscclUwxo us M>SS. Baker’s MSS. Notes lroto Records, thin ISlno ch s. xix. marble stiff, Comptes du Ble, & du Sel de la Ville de Feseam A. D. 1412. sm. narrow f. ch. s. xv. Chalmers’ Dumfries 4 to. ch. s. xix. blue bds. Jane Porter’s Extracts from Chalmers on the Povvo & Goodness of God. 12 tno. ch, s. xix. bds. T. P’s. Collections from Wills. 1st. Ped. Sudlier i thin 4 to. ch. s. xix. Suazo. Poesias 8 agradaS y Devociones Espirittu ales. sm. 4 lo. ch. s xviii. rah. v. ? if Autograp of the Author. Fur his Biography I insert tin following. “El Doctor Don Antonio FrancescJ Suazo, Presbitero, Doctor en Sugrada Theohl gia,Bacbiiler en Sagrados Canones, Missioned Apostulico en la Diocesis de Toledo, Pri triad de las Espanas, y en otras diVersas Cura, Benefieiado que fue in distintos Pueblos de 1 de Sevilla, y Exuxniiiador Sinodal en ella, lie visor General de las Librerias publicas dt Reyno por el Consejo de la Santa Gener.i luqinsitiun, Predicador eti las Reales Yglesiai y Cupillas de su Magestad, Examinador Sinc>| dal y Visitador General del Arzopispacio dl Manila, y Capellano del Ille. Secular Cabildi de la Ciudad del Puerto de Santa Maria, s Patria.’’ Le Gonidec’s Answers to the Remarks of Revd) Thomas Price’s (Carnhuanauc) observation j on M. Le Gonidec's Breton New Testament. ,C MS. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. Le Gonidec’s Breton New Testament. Printel I at Angouleme 1S27. Correspondence of M. Le Gonidec, & JMr, PricJ about the same, thin f. ch. s. xix. Edvvd. Jones’s Collection of Welsh Poems. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. brn. cf. 1 st. Gweledigaeth lolo Goch, or Thte Visior.e of lolo Goch. IF Remarks on the Tradition of Howel y I’wyali( H Cowydd Moliant Evan, ap Einion, apGrufj fydd. IT Do. Einion, ap Gruffydd, brawd Ilowell ’I Fwyall. IF Marwnad Sir Tudur Fychan. •| Do. Gwladys merch Sir David Gam. Do. Gruffsdd, ap Cynan. IF Do. Morgan mab Sir David Gam. *F A Poem, to beg a Horse of the Abbot o; Conway. II David, ap Gwilim’s Address to bis Mistress, g Panegyric of Howel, ap Madog. IF Cowydd ofyn Cymmoa Wm. Gruffydd. IF A Translation of a Latiu Relation of the Mon-! astery of Bardsey. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptoruh in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 345 D 1S14L Ex Bibl. Revcli. Philippi Bliss. D.CL. (iai39 [13 Collections fur Kent. If Bigland’s Collections for Gloucestershire. Part has been printed in his History of G. but the Cases v.f Longevity were omitted. am. 4 to. ch. s. xviii half cf. rich gt. . Bliss's Biographical Notes for Oxford. Autograph. S vo. ch. s. xix half cf. Collections on Bibliography, (. ? by Or. Bliss.) 12 mo. ch. s xviii, »r xix. old bluck mor. clasps Life of Arnold King, 1748. thin 4to. ch. s. xv-. half cf. J . Dr. \\ instanle)’s Extracts from MSS. sm. Mo. ch s xviii, half rvan. 1!alpti Howland’s Berkshire Memoranda. 4tu. ch. s. xviii o bin cf. Psalteriuni, with Memoranda of Hen. 3. sm.f. V. s xiii. iUuminaled with borders , and Coals of Anns of the time, imperfect beginning , if end. Gervasii Otia Jinperiaiia. AM. II Lostructio Trojic per G. de Columna. Printed. S.Ll.l. II Gtsta Kumanorum. Printed, s. a. 1. Ato. ch. s. xv. red russ. Pap< rs ot the Y\ ri^ht, & Curzon families,Co. Oxon fol. ch. s. xvii. half russ. Cana? do Kidliugton, Minster Luvel, Noithleigli 6i.c. C>\ Oxun. 4 l<>. jery.v.y. halt'russ. Nicholas • 'Idiswoitli’s Poems, M*44. J.ch. s. xvii. o. bin. cf. with f r. Bliss s Autos of Oldi: worth, out ol the Oxoii. Matriculation Books. Dr. Bliss’s Excerpt a Antiquum. 4fu. ch. s. xix. half cf rich gilt. Letters on England und« r the Stuarts f. ch. s. xui. red mor. Stamped Sides. Er. Bliss’s Account of Old Ballads, thin fol. ch. s. xix. half dark olive cj. Dr. Bliss’s “Observations, * Extracts on the more celebrated Authors, and Artists, By P.B.177U, to ltstii) ” These must be the Hern arks "J Dr. Bliss’s Father mho ub. 18i>3, Hy icas buried at Franipt, n L'otterell. *i\ Monuments of tin-Bliss Family. If Pedigree of Dr. Bliss, ivu ch. s. xviii. Dr. iiliss’s fth moTanda of VY a mens, A Fellows uf New College, from 17"<>, to 1841, with Note of tln.se who were Founder's Kin, l'2nm ch. s.xix. half cf. Dr. Bliss’s Notes of Herts. & Oxon. Churches. l*2wu. ch. s. xix. half cf. Du. Memoranda of M. John’s College, Oxford. [ivu. ch. s. xix. stiff hrn. covers. Do. Memoranda ui' the lives ot his Father, and Grandfather. II Nutts of Framp ton Cotterell Church. Uvo. ch. s. xviii. half ich. V. Two Poetical Epistles from Drs. Bandinel, and Bliss to each other* on the Gout which each had at the same time, G Feb. ls-1'2. A Vol. ot Vellum Fragments from Bindings, f. V. Regimen ijanitatis. Laiine. *] Carolina quoedam Anglica.Z. /. V. s. xv, &. xvi half hrn. cf. Dr. Bliss; Bibliographical Note Books l) Volumes, wanting 5, ty it. . Vol. 1. Reliquiae Hearni&iefe. ttvo.ch. s.xix. cf.gt- Vol. 1, & *2. bound together. VoI. 1. begins with “Prescriptions fur Sir H. Lee. Vol 2. Peters Sermons. All hough this Vnl. is lettered “MS. Collections, 1. *2.” it consists of A small pocket Note Boohs bound together Vlmo.cli s xviii russ >. Vol. 3. begins “Concerning Historical Language,” Vlmo. ch. s. xix. ef gt. This Note Book appears to have been begun 28 May 1 S 08 . ’ Vol. 4. begins “Seignorage at the Mint.” 12 mo. ch. s. xix. Vol. 5, missing. 41*24 6125 3126 6127 133 ,134 1135 1136 Vol. 6 . begins. ‘ Mem. In Reg. Act. Cur. Cancel. G. G. is a very curious list of Books in the year 1553,'(I think) with their Valuation at that time, 1 ’ 12 mo ch. s. xix. bds. Vol. 7. begins “March II, This Morning Win. Covvderoy, &c.showed me 3 brass Inscriptions (_lu fr up in St. Giles’s Suburb Uxford,” &c. One dafed 1498, the other 1514. 8 vo. ch. s.xix. bds. Vol. 8 . missing (unless another Vol. in similar marbled Cover, but not marked, should be it, con¬ taining “Mem »rand a of Oxford Events in 1822. (lie seems to have had the intention of carrying ■it on, the Vol being an inch thick , but from some cause dropped the design, and most of the leaves are blank. T. P.) Vol. !). begins with A Letter from Henry, Earl of Northampton, about Sir Thomas Overbury’s death, & Sir Gervase Elwaies Apology for him¬ self as to the same. 8 vo. ch. s. xix. stiff marbled covers. Carta? Antiquae. A Collection of Original Charters with Seals, & Silk pads against the Seals to prevent fracture. 1i ](J Joh. to Beaulieu Abbey, Hants. €f 19 F.dw. l to Kyngton Priory, Wilis. If Alani Brutun de Lacok. «y |;j L. 2. M ini, filii VVmi. Gernon Militis. «[ 3 F. 3. Llobt Le Cok, of Leyr Marncey. II Adam de Elcumb, fil Rici. de E. de terris in Boxe vcl Dicherugge, Wilts. 33 E. 3. K Thos. de Berghope, de terris in Chiltenham, 35 E. 3. If Roger Palmer, of Copsted, 41 E. 3. «,i \\ m. Bacon, of Southampton, 41 E. 3. II Win. Fincher, of Leyr Marnv, 15 R. ‘2. Philip Baynard, of Lakham,=Elizth. 8 H. 4. to Thus. Hayward, & Juan, his dau. If W m. Bowyerc", Vakctus Coron®,=Katherine, to Jno. Flemang, of Southampton, 2G H. G. If Jno. Whitokesmede, de Manerio de Allyng- ton, &c. Co. V ills. 35 H. G, If Rubti. Bagwottli, Mayor of Southampton, 15 E - 4 * If Francis Flemyng, son in law of Jno. F. de Sutli- ampton, Armiger pro corpore Dili. 17 H. 8 . an. Vol. 4. Collections for his Encyclopaedia of Antii quities. Hvo. ch. s. xix. bds. Vol. 5. Index to his Encyclopaedia of Antiquities.;! IF Monument, to Wm. Turner, of Cirencester. IF Notes from Hughes’s Travels. sm. Mo. ch. s. xix. brn. Ithr. Vol, 6. Observations on the Cat’s Eye. 1) Lady Berkeley’s Funeral, 1596. IF Notes from Marianus Scotus. Mo.ch.perg.s.xix : Vol. 7. Extracts from Clarke’s Travels. Do. Bugdale’s Warwickshire. • 1 Index to the Collections. IF A Guide to Authors how to correct the Press.i: Mo. ch. s. xix. half red roan. Vol, 8. Origin of the Word “Cant.” Catalogus Librorum Man use r i ptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 18213 18214 1S215 18216 18217 18210 18219 j 18220 | 18221 18222 18223 J 8224 18225 18220 18227 18228 18229 18230 18231 347 IT Notes of iri»h Manners, k of Irish Rebels. Vol. 9. Extracts from Denon’s Travels in Sicily. j 4 to. perg. ch. s. xix. Vol. 10. Extracts from llliger on Animals, and \ Birds. 4/o. perg. Vol. 11 . missing. Vol. 12. Extracts relating to Natural History. ; from Gent. Mag. Vol. AC//. * r Memoranda of the Fosbroke Family, & Ped. Vol. 13. Extracts from Drnkard’s Hist, of Stam¬ ford. 4/o. ch. s. xix. gnu vol. Vol. 14. Extracts from Hoare’s Wilts. Begins with : a Plan of a British Village. Vol. 15. Notes from Higgins’s Celtic Druids. D Do. other Authors. Vol. 10. Notes from Cell, Clarke, Evelyn. 4/o. ch. half red Itlir. Vol. 17. Manners of the Ancient Scots. On Greek Letters used by Ancient Gauls, Britons. \ v Notes for the Hist, of Gloucester. 1 Un Classical M urks of Art. 4 to. ch. sewed. 1 Vol. 18, On >hips, & Navy, Length of Noah’s J Ark, See. 4 to. ch • s. xix. wh. perg. Begins with “Tcfmliue on the 39 Articles.” j Vol. '9. Lec»ure 4th. “On Grecian, & Roman Edi¬ fices of the public kind.” 4/o. ch. s xix. Hue stiffs Walter Rocld. 18232 18234 18235 18230 18237 ls238 18239 1S240 18241 18242 Oriental MSS. in Persian binding. 1 o 3 4 31SS. Ed' Bibl. Guilford. Las Casas’ Tyranny of the Spaniards in the West Indies. In French. Translated by Jacques de Miggrode, a Paris. Printed by Wm. Julian al enseigne d’Amilie pres le College de Carnbray, l’an M. D. LXXXll.” With Drawings of the Cruelties inflicted, sm. Mo. ch. s. xvi. Ex Bibl. Lord Guilford. Polemos Moschobou, or the Russian War in 1G82. If Jstoria tes Sphenias? Ex Bibl. Guilford. 4to. ch. s. xvii. Greece. Discorso di Leonardo Saoli que Geroiamo, olim de Strata sopra l’Abbocamento di Piacenza, 1’An¬ no 1548. 1. 12 mo. ch. s. xvii. wh. vel. H llelazion de Anton. Perez, 1575. 11 Avviso al Re circa le turbolenze d’ltalia, 1628. 11 Manifesto del Duca di Savoia sopra lo Stato di Mantoua, 1631. If Lettera del Re di Suecia alii Signori Pnlacchi 1032. 1* Motivo all’ Armi del Monferrato del Ambas. Arnolfini. Seguita nella Corte di Rama, 1G32. If Discorso del Cardinal Borgia, sopra le pre¬ sente Guerre. 1632. If Protesta del Cardinal di Strigonia, 1G32. If Raffaelle Torre Comment, del fatta dell Arrne Francesi nella Liguria. Lettera del Duca di Savoia all Commita di Oneggia, 1631. II M. di Sabran a quelli che vogliouo conservari la loro libertu 1G32. If Discorso rle rispetto usato dal Duca di Savoia verso la Maesta Caroleta, & del le insodis- fattioni che ne ha ricevute. Sopra le affari del Mnnno, 1034. Statuta Veneta, cum Additione, 12 mo. ch. s. xv. wh. v. Ex Bibl, Guilford. J 18244 ! 18245 |18246 :18247 i \ ) 1824S j 18249 j18250 |18251 I1S252 |18253 \18254 Miscellaneous. Autographs of Peer?, Derby, Vernon, Fitzharding &c. 4/o. ch. s. xix. Sketch of the Antiq. of Wallingford Castle, from MSS. penes Mr. Ives, thin 1‘2/nu. ch. s. xviii. blue bds. Petrardia; Triumfi .imperfect inil. § fine. Begins “II lubrico Sperar.” cnds (l Sacra alma.” Vol. I. 1 bmv. Vel. s. xv. wh. v. Miscellaneous Papers. Vol. 1 . Incipit, “Augustinus Dathi Oratio de Laudibus Juris Civil is. M An Account of Excavations with drawings of Articles found. If Biography of Berti .sm. Mo. ch. s. xiv. stiff. Do. Vol. 2 . Begins with I he Biography of Evan¬ gelista Torricelli./. ch. s. xiv. stif bds. Juki Solini Historia. 18wo. V. s. xv. red ?’uss. Epiousion Agion. On the variation of Words in the Lord’s Prayer, obi. s. 4 to. ch. s. xix.pencil. Adoration of Jesus. Written , and painted by N. Jarry, 1043. 2 Amo. V. s. xvii. dk. mor. Ex Bibl. Libri. Carbe Sufl'olcienses Originales. f. V. s. xv. &c. Ex Bibl. Fitch. Is*. Deed John Choke* to Edmund Jenney, Arm. 3 Hen. 7 . Carmen di Luchrecia e di Astolfo, Paladino di Francia. thin Mo. ch. s. xv. Ex Bibl . Libri. Rotulus Curia.'de Bentley. If Cartae de Suffolk broad 4/o. ch, s. xvi. Abstract of Title to Whittlesey, Co, Canibr. 1. Jul . ch. s. xviii. Testainenlum Martha: Mussendeti. *[ Inventory of Lady Wentworth, l.f, ch. s. xviii. Torquemada lustructiones del Officio de la In¬ quisition, 1G07. printed. II MS. Advertencias generates para el Govierno de la Hacienda remutidas per el Consejo de la lnquisicion, con Caita de lo Julio 1776. The Title of this Book is “Instrucciones del Santo Oficio para la mesa Fiscal.” Barbadoes Hospital Accounts, 1762. H Book of Accounts of a Tanner. l.f. ch. s. xviii. wh. v. A Bill tor the better Government of India. /. ch. s. xviii. half cj. Ex Bibl. Lord Macart¬ ney. Attainted, & Extinct Peers of Ireland, from Hen, 2. to 1787. sm. 4lo, ch. s. xviii. Defensio pro Romano Episcopo adversus Mathia: Flaccii Ulyrici Censuram. sm. 4to. ch. s. xiv. old red mor. The Title written on the edges of the leaves is “De Episcopo llomano Sacri Testes.” Ex Bibl. Lord Guilford. Memoirs of Ireland. In the Autograph oj the Bishop of Down.&Counor, from 172.. to 1739. sm. Mo. ch. s. xviii. Ex Bibl. Monk Mason. If A Dictionary of Irish Words. Gomara (Francisco Lopez de)de la Hechus de los Barburossas, al muy 111/ Senor, Don PeJro Alvarez y Osorio, Marques de Astorga, 1545 . Qvo. ch. s. xviii. half cf. Ex Bibl. Guilford. La Morte del Duca, et del Cardinal Ji Guisa, come poi fu ucciso Henrico di Valois, Re di Franza, 1589. in Ottava Kima da Rafael Tos¬ cana. 4 to. ch s. .. dark cf.Ex Bibl. H. Drury. Liber qui dicitur, Testamentum 12 Patriarcharum. Primum Test. Reuben. 8 vn. ch. s. xiv. Poemas recogidas por D. Joseph Lainez de Ferri Cuenzas. page 16. Estancias de Don Antonio de Sara^ via. printed. page 22 . “En una Ciudad de Flandes se ena- moro un official de Herrero de uua hija un famoso pintor. ? The Story of Quiutyn Matsys. If Many other Poems of Saravia. sm. Mo. ch. s. xvii. 348 Catalogus Libroegm Makuscriptomm in Bibliotheca Philupp.ca. \ 18284 18256 | 1S2S5 111:280 18257 18258 18259 18260 ; IS'290 18261 18291 18292 18262 8294 9295 18263 18264 182G5 18266 18267 18296 18297 18298 18299 18300 18301 18302 i8303 18255 Formulary of the Coronation of Geo. 1.1714. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. o. brn. cf. Petri CaUimacln Opera viz. % Attila Ilex Hunnorum. II Callimachi Oratio ad Innoc. 4 de Bello 1 urcis: inferendo. If Do de Rebus gestis in LIungana contra lur- cas ab Vladislao, liege Polonire, & H uugaria. i 18* Benedict! Brognoli lipistola ad Callimacliura. sm. 4(o. ch. s. xviii. Su- Thomas Gage's Drawings of Scenery at Kil- larney, &c. 1. Ato. ch. s. xix. half ilk. cf, Carta: de Bourdeaux, 1st. De la Marcba. 1 Mo. V. sccc. varia. Oriental MS. Ex DM. frailer j 182S0 lloddAto. ch.s.x.. Ini. Uhr. Powell's Ode on Beauty. Ato. ch. s. xix. Dedicated la the Duchess of Holland. Don Francesco de lialmeda Inveotanii de los I el- trechos de Guerra,&c. del Pae* de Samhuango, Contaclor theniente a Manila in las lslas Phi- lippinas, 17*28. , If Letters relating to the Government of ihe said . 18293 Ides. /. ch. s. xviii. lloby Autographs. 1 st. Letter, Beatson, at Green¬ ock, 1807./. ch. s. xix. Lettcre Vaiie dal Duca de Savoia al Papa in¬ nocent 12, 1695, -Sec. «; Discurso del Principe d'Orcnge alPurliamento, 1696 , &c./. ch. s. xvii. Oralio Capilli in obiium Augustini Barbadico,1501. sm. 4 to. cli. s. xvii. Hunter’s Derbyshiio, & Notts. Collections. ch. s xix. The Taking of Vigo, in 1702. sm. Ato. ch. s xviii. Ossiau's Poems, piinted with MSS. Remarks of l)r. O'Connor, of Stowe, or of Chas. O’Connor of Belinagare. 12 mo. ch. s. xix. cf.yt. 182GS Les Vieilles, ct la Jeuuo Aglae. Conte. sm. Ato: ch. s xviii. Warien Hastings’s Official Correspondence, 1775- 82. f. ch. s. xvii. half pale rvss. gt. Lucian translated. A to. ch. s xviii cj. gt. Notes on Roman Chronology. V On Anatomy— ^f On Logic, sm. Ato. ch. s. xviii. 18272 Hunter's Notes on the New Testament, partly in Shorthand. Catalogue of Collated MSS. If Dates of MSS. New Testaments. Ato ch. s.xviii. Notes from Greek Authors. 1st. On ihe Situation of the Apludme of Paiisanias. Ato. ch. s. xviii, half slip. li e Jenkins MSS. Betbam MSS. Maxims Irom Later Authors, Ato. ch. s. xviii. grn. veil. Rev. Dr. Powell’s Drawings of Seals‘‘collected by him in ihe course of many years.” 8to. ch. s. xviii. 6i xix. red It hr. Illuminations fiom a Book of Prayers, sm. Ato. V, s. xv. red ritss. Webb’s Inscriptions in Malmsbury Abbey Church¬ yard. Copied for Sir T. P. JSmo. ch. s. xix. stiff blue. Dialogus de Trinitate. Litine. begins page 370. 8co. ch s xviii. Ex Jenkins MSS. 18279 Grants of Aims, by various Heralds, W. C. Ilobt. Cooke, Lawrence Dalton, &c. cVe. fol. russia gilt border. Ulim Sir M. M. Sykes, with his Arms on t lie sides./)^ lA-b.much injured by ink. 182S0 Pedigrees of Heathen Deities, f. ch s. xvii. half brn. cf. Hon. Geo. Grenville's Receipts, & Payments 175J-S. If. ch. s. xviii. rg h. if. Chalmcr's MSS. Index Cartarum Abb. Colding- ham, Kelso, Melros and Soltre. With a Letter of Wm. Robertson, to George Chalmers, dated 1793 describing the Colding- ham Charters at Durham./, ch, s. xviii. 182S3 Documents to prove Genealogy, Biography, and Chronology of Families, [st. John Pritchet. >7 De 18269 18270 1S271 18273 18274 1827 18276 1827 18278 Arm. Co. Glouc. Ato pery. v. y. bds. Do. do. do. do. 1*/- Sir Thus Player, Cham- berla'n of London, 1678. Ato. gerg. I . y. bds. Do. do. do. [st. Richd. Beleiison de Kent, 1678. Ato. pery. v. y. Do. do. do. D/. Lionel Walden, Arm. 1669. 4 to. pery. v y. Vaux i>iSS. Hist, du Cap de Bon Esperance, ^c. with a large Map of the Mauritius. I f.c/t. S XVIII. lladclifl'e's “Pedigrees of various Families.” the first are several Herefordshire tamiles. H Pedigree of Chamberlayne, of M augers bury. /. f. ch , s. xix. half brn cf. Depenses do l’Abbave de S. Vast, at Arras, 1521. 1. Ato. ch. V. xvi. Dugdale's Baronage in Tab'es, drawn up by Uev. Joseph- Hunter, but not completed, thick lurye fol. ch s xix. hf. red mss. Subsidy Accounts, li Vols. pery. n. y. Yol. |. Is/. Thomas Richards, geut. Herts. 1691. \ ol. 2. Y>t. Leonard Robinson, iVluldx. 1692. Vol . 3. I*/. Lancelot Burton, 1691. Vol. 4, I st. Henry Paget, Middx. i693. Vol. 5. li/. Edward Harvey, ol Combe Neillel Surrey. Vol. 6. Is/. Charles Brawne, London, 1693. Vi.l.’J. Is/ John Knight, 1693. Vol. 8. Is/. Robt. Chaplin, Arm. 1693. 1 ol. y. 1 st. Morgan W hitley, gent. Chester, IC9.D Vol. 19. Is/. Mill. Raw lee, KOI. Vol. 1 i. Is/. Chas. Pinfold, gent. (693. Sinnot’s Maps of the Barony of Ida in Co. Kill kenny, Ireland, 1833. thin f. ch. s. xix. Hindoo Paintings. Is/. A Soldier, and W omaii. 2nd. a Genloo Dancing Girl, 3rd. a Moorman, and Lady. Ath. An Officer, and Lady. 5 th a Mogul Gentleman, & Lady, the I.udl holding a Hookah. G th. a Malabar J3ralnuin. In his hand a Writinij on a Cadjan leal 7 th. a Bungle, or Bracelet Dealer. 8 th. a Dobee, or Washennao. 9 th. Grass Cutters. 1 0/A. 11/A. Uachawar, or 'I he Boxers. 12/A. Guitar Player. French Miscellaneous Papers /. ch. s. xviii. Maxims, & Extracts of Plays, by John Ellis,Seri, encr. sm Ato. ch. s. xviii. Dissertation on St. Mathew. Saxo nice. *il Coptica quaMani sm. Ato ch s. xviii. 1S307 Stapleton’s Letter to Lady Walpole, sm. Ato. ck 1S30S Carta do tamilia de Priuli. sm. Ato. V. s. xvii. Arabic Vocabulary, sm. Ato. ch. s. xviii. The Black Book of the Prometheus, 18-14. 4/o.w s. xix. Cranmer’s Rights of the People. sm.Ato. ch. s.xv. Stinions. Is/. “I thought on my way. ’ Psalm 1 i 59. sm . Ato. ch. s. xviii. Nathaniel Barnett’s Diary 1795. ISmio. ch. s. xvl brn . Uhr. Obituary 1025, to 1G58. lOwo. ch. s. xviii. wh. .1 Olim Rev. Philip Bliss. 2 Vols. Thos. Machell’s Memorandum Book. oblong 32mo. ch. s. xvii yt. contains Sketc.j Mansions, Roman Inscriptions in Westmoij land, Monuments of Kings from Wm.Conqdl H. 7. with Coats of Arms in Churches. 18304 18305 18306 18309 16310 18311 18312 18313 l S31 4 18315 18281 18282 Eylon MSS. 18316 No. 9. Eyton’s Transcript of ShrewsburyCartuhj 4/y. ch. s. xix. half blue. mor. No. Id. Abstracts of the Cartulary of Haghmoii 4/y. ch. s. xix, half blue mor. No. 11. Cartulary of Wombridge. Ato. ch. s. x half blue mor. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. .3-11) 3319 No. 17. Finales Concordiss pro Com. Salop. 5 10351 4 to, ch. s. xix. half blue mor. 3320 No. IS. Forest Rolls. Placita, Assise Rolls pro< Com. Salop. 4tu 4 cli. s. xix half blue mor. \ 10352 ’3321 Suit of Milbourne of Cumberland, v. Fielding-. { 1. fol. ch. s. xviii. 3322 Harl. MS. 416. Cartii’aiiuni de Hiigliinoml. < I0ao3 a fragment. Mo. ch. s. xix. half It. cf. 10354 Ex Bibl. Revdi. Philippi Bliss. D.C.L. i IS355 8323 832 4 8325 8326 i S327 8328 0320 8330 ,8331 [8332 10333 18334 18335 10330 18337 18330 I 033y Two Sermons, preached by Mr. Newcomen at! Dedham, 1640 obi. 32mo. ch s xviii. Roger lidwurdes’s Biography. Collected by Dr.:! Philip Bliss, with Letters from Rev Jos. Hunter,! Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. J Murk laud, Sir l N. Ellis,&John Hulmes. 4/o.c/i.s.xix. hf. redef. j Vie de Ste. Marguerite. I 'Into V. s. xv. j 18356 Account Book of St. Mary's Priory, Huntingdon,! !> H- 0. A Copy. 4 to. ch. s. xix. bra. llhr. j Cardinal Allen's Letter on the taking of Deventer \ by Sir Win. Stanley. 4 to. ch. s. x v i. blh. Ithr • Rogeri Edvvardes Castra Regis, sm. 4 to. ch. s.xvii. 10357 18358 Miss Jenkins MSS. Collections of Poetry by Ladies, il Vols. 4 to. Sf 1 2mo. ch. s. xix. Vol. I I* 1 /. Veises by Mrs. Tighe, See. IOmo. ch. Vol. 2 1st. A Valentine addressed by G. M. to Maria Jenkins. 10 mo. ch. Vol. 3 lit. 80 Pieces. 1 st. A Soldier’s Life. 12/wo. \ Vol. 4 l.sY. Jebb’s Lines to Mary, Viscountess! Bernard. 12/wo. ch. Vol. 5 1st. 'I'lie Flower of Fenestrella 12 mo. ch. Vol 6 Is* The Maniac, by Bernard Barton.l2mo. Vol. 7 00 Poems, 1st. Dr. Jenner’s Signs of Rain. 12/ho ch Vol 0 1st Captain Long more. On Time, Sc Love. 1 2 win. ch. 10359 1S8G0 18361 10362 10363 10364 1S365 18366 Vol. 9 I st. Mrs. H. Roll’s Legend ol Mona.4fo.cA. Vol. 10 \st. The Plaint of Absence. 4to ch. Vol. 11 Selections from Moore’s Irish Melodies. 12/ho ch. 18307 dialmerfs MSS. 18300 10309 10340 18341 10342 18313 IS344 10345 10310 18347 10340 18349 18350 Chalmer’s Collections for Kirkcudbright, 2 Vols. 4to. ch. s. xix. blue bds. Incip. “Kirkcudbright Stuartry.” Vol. \. pp. 010. Vol. 2. pp. 194, Do. do. for Edinburgh. 4 to. ch. s. xix. blue bcls. Incip. “Etymologies of the Parishes.” Do. do. for Dumbarton, 2 Vols. 4 to. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. Vol. I. Incip. No. 14. “12 Ap. 1571. Capt. Crawford surprised Dumbarton. 5 ’ I ol. 2. incip. “Etymologies of the Names of Parishes ” Do. do. for Wigton. Incip. “ Rinns. The lands of the Rinns in Islay.” 4to. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. Do. do. for do. or West Galloway. 4 to. ch. s. xix. blue bds. Incip. “Roberts Malcolm Fleming ” Do. d<>. for Stirling. 4lo. ch. s. x\x.half blu. bds. incip. ‘"In the Diary of Edw. 1.” Do. do. for Lanark. 4 to. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. Incip. “Lanarkshire Ecclesiastical History.” Do, do. for Roxburgh. 4 to. ch. s. xix. blue bds. Incip. “1460. Flay ol Tullow.”pp. 324. Do. do. for Linlithgow. 4 to. ch. s. xix. blue bds. Incip. “Antiquities of Carriden Parish.” pp. 310. Do. do. for Banff, Perth, Aberdeen, Forfar, Kincardine. 4to. ch. s. xix. blue bds. Incip. “Banff. Our Lady’s Chapel, pp. 240. Do. do. for Kinross, Inch Mahone, Fife, Clack¬ mannan. \lo. ch. s. xix. blue bds. Incip. “Kin¬ ross. This Shire like others obtained its name from the County Town.” 182 leaves. 1S370 10371 10372 18373 103-4 18375 18376 10377 18378 18379 10300 Do. do. for Orkney, & Shetland. Mo. ch. s. xix. blue bds. Incip. “Aith, Aithstown, Aith.” pp. 5G, Orkney, pp. ] 14, Shetland. Do. do. of Drawings of Antiquities of Argyle, Stirling, Dumbarton, Aberdeen, thin 4 to. ch. s. xix. Incip. “The following Copies.” Do. do. Statistics of Scotland. 4 to. ch. s. xix. blue bds. Incip. “Dunse Parishes, 179 \.”pp. 170- Do. do. for do. 4 to. ch. s. xix. brn. bds. Incip. “Caledonia Vol. 4.” pp. 178. Do. do. of Scotland. Mo. ch. s. xix. blue bds. Incip “Canal from Aberdeen to luverarv.” pp. 102. Miscellaneous. Baker MSS. Extracts from the Cartulary of St« Janies, Northampton, 'Fib. E. 5. H Extract from the Survey book, & Rental of St. Andrew’s Priory Northampton. 18 mo. ch. s. xix. stiff bds. Oil Conveyancing. 12 mu. ch. s. xix. wli. v. Thus. Yriarte’s Fables, translated by the Duke de Nivtrnois, in 1791. 18/ho. ch. s. xviii. bds. Sheriffs Payments, &c. 2 Vols. thin 4 to. Sf perg . Speccot. a C Election of Subsidy Payments temp. Eliz. J. l.j& C. 1. fol. perg. v.y. Merry \\ ives of Cambridge.s.4to.cA.s.xviii.i/w.ppr. Marriage Settlement of Rowland Pytt, of Glou¬ cester../’. ch. s. xviii. Lord Kingshorough’s Autograph Remarks on the History of Mexico, l.f ch. s. xix. Return of Resident Papists in London, 1700. l.f. ch. s- xviii, 32 Pencil Sketches of Views in Palermo,Syracuse, Gibraltar, by G. Schouter. large f. ch. s. xviii. half cf. Ex. ■ Bibl. Lord Valentia. Conuubium Bavarico-Austriacum Maximiliani, <£’ Maria?; per Tlnodorum Damaiden, nobilem Bel- gum, >. Maria? de Castro Carirao, Sc S. Mal¬ tha? Lignieensis Abbatcm. With Drawings of Arms, & Vignettes, Venetaj, ao. 1694, pp. 200. Atlas f. ch. s. xvii. brn. cf. gilt. Carta? et Rentulia de Metz. 1st. a Rental. Is£. Name , lehans Bulaw, dated 1382. l.f.V. s.xiv. Carla? Metz “ Hanipmit.” a fragment, f. V. s.xvii.? Do. do. “Romet.”/. V. s. xiv. \st. “Jehan de Romet.” Do. do. “Marsalt.” 4 to. V. s. xiv. 1st. “Fonda- tion d’un Autcl par Henri Marsalt, 1398,” Do. do. “Collatte de FJanville.” narr.f. V. s.xiv. Do. do. “Boemund. 5 ’ narrowf. V. 1 st. “Boe- ntiundi, Arehiepi. Trevirensis, 1355.” Do. do. “Belaimy.” narrowf. V. s. xiv. J st. “Jacontius fils Thiebaut (or Thielant) Bel- aimy, 1840.” Do. do. “Petit Maheu.” long narrow f. F.s.xiv. 1 st. “Thiebalt Petit Maheu.” Do. do. “llergeimont,”/’. V. s.xiv. 1st. “Hnnris de Hergeimont.” Arms from the Visitation of Surry, & some Pedi¬ grees. Olim “John Holland, No. 44.” tlie Herald Painter, with his Book Plate by Ho¬ garth- Old Mark “Q Q” 4to.ch.s.x\ii.o.brn.cf. Grimsby Poor Rate, 1026. Do. Poll Book, 102G./. ch. s. xix. Candidates, Phillipps, Heneage, Wood. Arthur Homer’s (of Magdalen College,)Catalogue of Books, & Pamphlets on the Slave Trade, and African Company trading to the West Indies. 8 vo. ch. s. xviii. half red ntss. Collection of Papers relating to the Union with Scotland. 4to. cli. s. xviii. half o. brn. cf. Sir John Smythe’s Discourse on mistaking the ef¬ fects of the Mosquet, the Caliver, the Long- Bo we, & the wonderful effect of Archers. Com¬ posed 1589. 4 to. ch. s, xvi, wh, v. Cx\t a log us Librorum Manuscri pto rum in Bibliotheca Phillitpica. 350 . 1S381 18302 18383 183S4 18;: 8 3 18380 18387 1838S 18389 J 831)0 i 391 18392 18393 1S394 18395 1S39C 18397 18398 18399 18400 18401 18402 18403 18404 1S405 18400 18407 1840S 18409 18410 18411 18412 Lord Hardwick’s Notes of Parliament Debates, { 1758./. ch. s. xviii. Autograph. ■Almou’s Political Papers, & Poems./, eh. s xviii. ; Catalogue of MSS. Willis, Tanner, 6c Rawiinson in Bodleian, /. eh. s. xix. Copied by Charles { Bullingham, for Sir T. P. Sir 1’. P’s Worcestershire, & Gloucestershirej Collections, fol. eh. s. xix. brn. paper. Begin , with a Deed of King Henry, 3. to Kubt. Dam- i eneville. Inter alia Pedigrees of Families iu { the Vale of Evesham, S; on the CotswoldHills. \ Papers relating- to Honiton, Devon, & the families! of Humfrey, Upcott, Pomeroy, Baron, Ash. fol. 4/o. <$• Svo. eh s. xvii, & xviii. Wistaustnw Papers. /. ch. s xviii. “Webbe.” A Collection of Documents to prove'I Genealogy, and Biography loll f. perg. s xvii, j Papers of Grimsby Election 1826. f. ch s. xix. • Sir T. P’s. Barones Anglia’. Very few Pedigrees ; entejed. f. ch. s. xix. Vol. 2, p, 578, to 942. < Th ese are the commencement of an attempt [ to trace the descendants of all the Landholders ' mentioned in Domesday. There are more en- • tries among the Books, and Papers at M. H. List of Evesham Voters Claims./, ch. s. xix. Summario Estado, Geneial Compendioy resumens de las Cosas notables en Espana, su origen y \ fundacion, el numero rd. Letter, apparently by Junius. Ltd/i “The next News from America will be v eil dreadful,’’ &c 1i An Epitaph, supposed to be by Junius. Jncipi “A Monumental Inscription intended to l engraved in America on the Tomb of a ce tain unworthy Aumirai of the Blue.’’ At theJeol is written 11 Sir, Insert this in vor next. Lex talionis " -I la ch. s. xviii. blue />/>, A Letter of Voltaire Madame de St. Julian, : Mai, 177 0.Signed V. Incip. "J'ose me serviri IT Letter of Bossnet, dated Meaux, 20 Dec, 1691 4 to. ch. s. xviii. blue ppr. Desmolot’s Scriptures Congreg. Oratorii rocensr (an interlineation says “Rest de M. Sonecleve Contains Biographical Particulars of the varion vvi iters, sm. 4 to. ch. a. xviii. blue ppr. Letter? di Philippo Argelati. (Autore della “Bii liolheca Scriptorum Mediolanensium, 1745 ) a Giuseppe Landi, Bibliotecario de Padova. am, 4 to. ch. s. xviii .blue ppr. Observations on Suabia. 4/o. ch. s. xvii. blue pp Pizzi MS. a Fragment of I'he Life of one of tl Caliphs Abassidas. Julio 27 to 41. 4to. c s. xviii half blue cl. “Cheke.” Carttc Suffolcienses./. ch. s. xiv.-xv, bds. 1st. “Julies Cheke,’’ 3 H. 7, Bill for the Government of India, 1785./. ch. s.xviii. Ex Bibl. Dn ; . Macartney. OldAo 2381 MS. Copia concordata de la Carta del Conseio. . II Jnstrucciones al Secretario del Inquisition, p Torquemada. printed 16G7. fch. s.xviii. reh / Braccelli Historia Genuensis. H Braccellus de Vita, & Moribus Philosophoru Veterum. 11 A Collection of Letters, apparently by Brar cellus. If Braccellus de Familiis Genuensibus Libe Incipit. “Inter maxima pluraque literaru beneficia.” 4/o. ch. s. xv. wh. v. On the D fly leaf is written. “Liber Domini Alberi Cybo, Principis Massae, atque Carrari Marchionis. It is entitled on the back “ Braecello.” The last dale is L463. The en of the last letter is lost. Gaspari Scioppii Macliiavelliea contra Machiavo lum. 4/o. ch. s. xvi. wh. v. Anns on the Siai Parti per Saltire 6 Estoiles. The Cash Rook of Mr. Tilgate, Banker at Bal badoes, 1761./. ch. s. xviii. wh. v. M r. Tilgate’s Statement of his Rent, & 1: Receipts of it, for lands in lieaghstown, 1821, whether in Ireland, or in Barb does, is not said; but it seems to be in Irl laud, after his return from Barbadoes. (Th is a curious account of the way in whit Irish Tenants neglect paying their Rent,t the long forbearance of the Landlords. A Historical Common Place Book. On the first Cover is A Character of the celebrei ed Crichtoun. After the Index , in the beginnin Catalogus Librobum Manuscriptoruji in Bibliotheca Fhillifpica. 351 IB 429 18430 IB-131 l 8432 18433 18134 1 8435 1843(1 18437 ]B-B-8 ] 8430 1 8440 J 644 l 3 644*2 3B443 1M 14 1 it4 45 184 -Hi 18447 18445 18449 IB 450 18451 118452 18453 1845 1 18455 118 450 18457 18458 18459 18400 ■is A Note from Wm. Petyt’s Miscellanea Par- t liaraentaria, Sf thcnfollows Dr. Primrose on s Popular Errors in Physick. The Index begins) with “Capt 1 . Saltingston’s Navigation. Interl alia est ‘*Gesta Grayorum,” or a Masque by) 18401 the Gentlemen of Gray's lun. f ch, s.xvii. wh.v X Powell’s Visitation of Wales, &c &c. f. ch. s.xviii.) Missale Romanum. f. V. s. xiv. in Monastic biml-l ing. In this, many portions are written in Latin) 18402 Verse. X Cartce Tornucatses. All bound in roan sffic. xiii, & xiv. X 1 Is/. Carta Johis Dauclenarde. 8ro. V s, xiii. / 2 Do. id. Simon de Lansuoit. 8 vo. V s. xiv. ( 3 Do. \st. b legible, ( 2nd. Gillea de Blandaing./'. V. s xiii. £ 4 Do. Is/. Stephen Cretins. 8r 1L Do. Is/. Everars Dantoing. narr. 8 no. K.s.xiii. ? 12 Do. Is/. Rubiers de Quarte. 8uo. V. s. xiii. ( 13 Do. la/. Jehans Uallms. 4/0. K. s. xiv. 14 Do. Is/ Lambert le Wautiers. 4/o. K.s.xiii. \ 15 Do. Is/. Yerni.ls le tins Pieron de Cambios. > narrow 8wo. V. s. xiii. ( 10 Do. Is/. Jakemes Buridnns. 1 2mu. K.s.xiii. \ 17 Do. Is/. W iUaumes Cobiars. 4/o. V. s. xiii. ( 18 Do. Is/. Peter Le Sages. 4/o V. s. xiii. il) Do, Is/. Romms de Candelier. sm, 4 to. K.s.xiii. ■, 20 Do. Is/, illegible. |> 2nd. Piielippos de Potes. narr.Ylmo. K.s.xiii. ( 21 Do. Is/.Jehans de Teiriplueve. s. 4/o. K.s.xiii.) 22 Do. Is/. Jakemes li Oirs de Borgies. sm. \to. c K. s. xiv. 23 Do. Is/. Monars de le Fontaine. s.4/o. K.s.xiii. ) 24 Do. 1 st. Renectrude lille Yorniehmans. narrow fol. V. s. xiv, 25 Do. Is/. L.e Prevos de Valenchiennes au Pie- ( vos de Touinay. fol. V. s. xiv. > 26 Do. Is/. Gilles de Balluel./o/. V. s. xiii. ( 27 Do. I st. Jakemes de Salines, narr./. V. s xiv. ( 18403 IS464 18405 18400 18467 18408 IS4G9 1S470 18471 18472 18473 18474 1S475 18476 18477 18478 18479 Miscellaneous. Indice de i Pamiglie Romane, in 23 Tomi. thick fol. ch s. xviii. wh. v. A Collection of Monumental Inscriptions, (not stat¬ ed where, but apparently in L'-ndon, or its neighbourhood.) The first is of Sir John Mor- d umt 1780. Inter alias, are those of 1 Ezekiel Wallis. 2 Richmond, son of Peter Moore, by Sarah, (1. of Colonel Richmond Webb. 3 Sarah JVlitford. 4 Oliver Goldsmith. 5 Sir Chas.Kem- ey» Tynte. 0 Mary, Countess of Talbot. 7 Sir John Dashwood King. 8 Thomas Edwards Freeman. ( p . 122 .) 9 Wm. Pitt. 10 Charles Fox.LI.Johan Zoffany, the Painter. 12 General Bennett Noel, &G: Ac. Query, if they are not the inscriptions on the Monuments sculptured hy Nollekens.? There is a loose payer in the Vol.with the Sketch of a Bust, and another with the Address of Nolle¬ kens upon it. sm. Ato perg. ch. s. xviii, xix. A Lawyer’s Memorandum Book. At page 17, is “A Charge at an Assizes” per D.(orC.) 18 mo. ch s. xvii. <>. bin cf. Onp. i. is A Writ of Geo. \V ilinott, Sheriff of Berkshire, in 1628. li Moral Maxims 1 Legal Cases by Walter Dayrell, John Walters, VI m. Noye, & John Bridge-man. The Law of Courts Leet, & Baron. 18480 L848L 18482 18483 18484 18485 1S486 18487 18488 184S9 18490 18491 ^ Case of Corpus Christi College, Oxon. relat¬ ing to lands iu Marston. li The Order of Keeping a Court Bar on,printed. 18 mo. ch. s. xvii. o. brn. cf. Richard Cooper’s Collection of Poems. *i Rudiments of Heraldry, by Jno. Morris Evans of Llunviiliii, Co. Montgomery. Aio.ch. s.xvii. o. brn. cf. Anecdotes de Florence, or IJistoire Secrette de la Maison de Medicis. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. u. brn. cf. Ex Bibl. Dni. Stewart de Ruthsay. {It has been printed.) Kirk White on the Sovereigns of England. royal 8 vo. ch • s. xviii. Rental of Darlington Ward, 1665-8./. ch. s. xiii. Household Expences of the Royal Family of France 1415./ ch, s. xviii. A Collection of Monastic Rules. Incip. “Advis Coromuns. Regies Communes.” On paye 4. “Regies He la Conference de chuque mois tou- chaut l’Observance Reguliere, sm. Ato. perg .ch. s. xviii. Arms of Durham Gentry, 1698. Vlmo.ck s.xviii.c/ Miscellanea Poetica de Sebastiano Zucchetti uel Maggio, 1789. Ala. ch. s. xviii. Astle’s uiplomata Scotia), thin l.f. ch. s. xviii. half cf. Ex Bibl. Geo. Chalmers Admission of Burgesses of Shrewsbury,with names of their Children. No date. f. ch. s. xviii. H Do. do. from 1677, to 1780. 1" Do. do. from 25 Sept. 1702, to. I 1 . B ... Esqr. Topographical Remains of 29 Counties, l.f. ch. s. xviii. wh. perg. Ex. Bibl. John Bruadley. Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s Correspondence. M Poems, Prologues to Plays, &c. 4/o. ch. s.xviii, D.o do. 12mo ch. s xviii. French Letters prior to the Great Revolution of 1789-92 4/o c h. s. xviii. in M. II. bds. Receipts for Nuns Pensions, 1515, to 1549. f. ch. s. xvi. M. H. bds. Oates, A Wortley Correspondence in Yorkshire. 4/o. ch. s. xvii. M. H. bds. Lettres de M. Dumonceaux, &c. Ato. ch. s. xviii, Lettres Autographes Frangaises. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. 1st. De Mailly. French Autographs. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. I st. D.evaiville. Autograph Letters of Bourbon Princes, & Prin¬ cesses. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. M. II. oils. Leander & Hero. A Poem. 4Zo. ch. s. xix. Disputes of the Upper, A Lower Convocation Houses, 1700. sm. Ato. ch. s. xviii. Rt. Hon. Geo. Grenville’s Receipts, A Payments of the Treasury for 1758. l.f. ch. s. xviii .rgh.cf. Do. do. tor 1759. I, fol. ch. s. xviii. rgh.cf. Le Title de Assise en parte, reduce au methode, et digeste per sections, & Subdivision Matters Obsequium,— Sullicit esse meum. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper, (It seems to be one of Geo. Owen’s MSS ) Military Exercises of the Chinese, drawn, & paint¬ ed 011 Rice Paper, bound in dark blue Silk, f. ch. s. xviii, & xix. Olim Wmi. Hobson, with his Book Plate. (This with the 4 following are supposed to have been taken at the Sacking of the Emperor’s Palace in 185 . Dresses of Gentlemen, Sc Ladies of China: In dark blue silk ./. ch. on rice paper. Chinese Flowers, <$• Butterflies, obi. Ato. ch. on rice paper. Olim Wmi. Hobson, with his Book Plate. Arg. a Cinqfoil Erm. a chief che- quy O. & Az. Crest. A leopard’s head erased aftrontee. dk. blue silk. Do. do. do. obi. Ato. ch. on rice paper. Do. Ladies at their Domestic Occupations. f. ch. on rice paper, dark blue silk. Lettres de M. M. Bignon, d’Aguesseau, Damas, 352 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 18102 10493 13494 10495 10496 18497 18498 18499 15500 15501 18502 18503 18504 18505 18506 18507 LS500 10509 18510 1851 L 10512 10513 18514 18515 1S516 18517 10518 18519 18520 Cbastellux, Boufflcrs, &c. 4 to. ch. s. xvii, $ i xviii. ill. 11. bds. | Feodariuin et Rentale Dai. Joliis. do Segrave.j 1310. sm. 4/o. V. s.xiv rod mss (? entd. before ) Statuta Collegii S.Jokis. do Cantubrigia. sin. Uo.ch). s. xvii. black cf. | Horace Walpole’s Autograph Catalogue oi’ l'n-| o 1 isli Portraits in the Vi lium \ olumia in tliej Library at Strawberry Hill, 1774.S. -\to.ch.s xviii | with bis Book Plato of Arms, “Hie faebt sich audio Tale I uber die drew naeh geschrieben puccber die uns lau die drew evisnj dor inenschen un*l das erst ovedewt uns Luz-> arus.” The 2nd. is “Martha.” j ]']k 3rd. Boo/: is “Mad ilena.” sw. 4fo. c/t.s.xv.t red bds. At the end is “Per inanus Pauli 8bcin-: furter. Orate fidditer pro co sub Anno 1464, in> die Seti W ollgangi Episcopii.” “LausDeo, pax vivis, requies eterna defunctis.”; Survey, & Rental ot' the Manours of Whittlesey; St. Andrews, & the Terrier, or Field Book of, the said Manours, 1003. f. ch s xvii. o. bin cf. j Ilenry Stevens's Letters on Spanish Books,StMSS.; Svo. ch. s. xix. | Rentale Mauermrum, A: Terrarum in VVallia, mz.\ Maethebyrut, G astlcgyfavel, Eglwysbhch,Tyro-j fach, y Betws, Abergele, Llanvair, Llandes-j vera, (j\vr they rin,L' ansa nan, Tyrcybengylodors, Arllwyt.Devnant, Tyrenedar, y Forest, Chwib- yrain, Penanalet, Chretucbyrwt, Garthgyfnvel 1493 4-5. sm. 4/o. ch. s. xv. Old Welsh Vellum binding. Cosas mas Notables que an susccdido en la Villa de Potosi entre las naciones Castellanay Vas- congada en 16*20-5. i|tie vino el pardon del Vi- ; sorey, el Marques de Guadalcazar. sm. 4 to. ch. s. xvii i ch. v. Lady Cbedworlh’s Letters.—Poems. R. 1>. Sheridan’s Papers, f. ch. s. xvii. Autographes Lotties de la Noblesse de France. f. ch. s. xvi. Papiers d’Etat avant la Grande Revolution de Prance en 1789 ch. s. xviii. Observations on StateAffairs in France.y.e/i.s.xviii. j Richard Brinsley Sbcridan’sLettors, mo. ch. s. xviii. wh. v. Notes of English History, temp. Jac. 1. 4/o ch. s. xviii. A Book of Divers Receipts, is/. Adrian Gilbert’s Cordial Water*”/, ch. s. xviii. wh. v. On Trigonometry, & Geometry, f. ch. s. xviii. o. brn. It hr. A Collection of Epitaphs. (No/ stated where ) 4/o. ch. s. xix. wh. perg. Copies of Letters 1st. Prater Paulus Venetus to Isaac Casaubon.” /lo. ch. s. xviii. Charta Nord-Walliae per Henr. 7» From a MS. of Edward Jones, thin 4 to. ch. s. xviii. H Letter of Sir Isaac Heard to Sir Eardley Wilmot. 18521 1S522 18523 18524 18525 IS 526 10527 10528 1S529 10530 10531 10532 18533 18534 18535 10536 1S537 10538 1S539 10540 18541 18542 1S543 185 14 1S545 18546 18547 10548 18549 18550 18551 ^ Proceedings in the Matter of the Pedigree oji Pugh. On the Creation of a Poursnivaut of Arms. f. ch. s. xviii. Miscellaneous P.ipi-rs Print, \ MSS. Portraits. Is/. Game of 4 « mis, by Mr. Higginsou. (? If collected hi/ Peter Doiv.) f. ch s. xviii Mary Hooke’s ('. Election < f Cookery Receipt. from Lady \1 hi I >n. Sir i h odore Mayerhl p. 440. Visitatio Archiepiscopi dc Anlivari in Albany Transylvania, IJngheria. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. wh. . lnquisitiones, Citaiiones, Rclaiiones, Ixc. in relnl Claudii de P**lino in Florencia. thin f.ch.s. xk J. Baj t. Frcscobaldi Diatriba “Quse sit optin metliodus reformandi corrupts hominum mor* in Ecclesia. Dedicated lo Peter Aloysius Cu' alia, Neapolitae, Archbp. of Larissa, Domest- Prelate to P. Clement XI. Nuntio to ill Grand Duke of Tuscany, fol. ch. s. xviii. wh. < Northampt- n Petitions from the Wesleyans again, altering the Statute of Wm. & Mary. Date 1011. with Signatures. Parchment, i f Paper j Roderic ChalmePs Copy of the Illuminated Ped gree of the Lords Smcleer, Ao. D. 1590. Copied, & brought down by the said R. C- i 1741. Arms emblazoned, sm. 4to. ch. s. xviii. Durham Ancient Deeds 23, relating to Streatla Castle, Stainton, &c .fol. ch. s. xiii, ad xvii. Cartae Antiquae Villa: de Tournay. inlaid, fol. V. saec. xiii. xi puce cf. 1 st. Carta “Lezars de Bruxelles.” 2nd. Do. “Wicars li Cousturiers*” Schilter’s Vorlesung uber die Gesehichte der Brl ban, of Germany. In cursive German, orange sd. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. pp. 552. Medical Receipts for Maladies of Horses. 1 2mo.c s. xviii. stiff marbled. Copy of the Court Roll Book of the Abbess > Berking for the Manor of Warley, Essex. f. ch. s. xviii. rgh. cf. Clarke’s Letters to Lady Sundoii. 4 to. ch s. xvi, 'Travels in England. \to. ch. s. xviii. cf. git. 1 st Letter dated Barnby Moor, 21 July i76L Wm. Roberts Collections for Exeter. 3 Vols. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. half wh. v. Do. Memorials of Exeter. 4/o.cA.s.xviii. % wh./ This is Izacke’s Exeter interleaved, with mat additions. 353 Catalogus Libkorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 18552 18553 18554 18555 18556 10557 18558 18559 18560 18561 IS562 18563 18564 18565 l‘*566 18567 18568 18569 18578 18571 18572 18573 18574 16575 18576 18577 18o78 1'579 18580 18581 18582 18583 18584 18585 18586 Ex Bibl. Miscellaneis. 18587 Or. Roxburgh’s Correspondence am 4 to.grn.bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. \'2mo brn. bds. th. s xix. Autographs, 4’ Letters of Peers, &c. 1st. Elliott. \'lmo.\brn. bds. ch. s. xix. Welsh Poems, copied incorrectly by J. Rowlands, 4 to. yell. bdtf. ch. s. xix Letters, & Autographs of Peers. &c. j#/. Walpole, 1761. Ato. brn. bds. ch. s. xviii, & xix. Hinton's Oxford Brasses, & Arms, &c. 4 to. brn. bds ch. s. xix. Hill’s Correspondence 1798-1806, Is/. Sandwich. 4 De Witt’s Gloucester Pedes Finium, Ric. 2 ad] H. 6. ful. yel. bds. ch. s. xix. 1 D<». Wigorn, do. do. 1 E. 3. ad I II. 6. j fol. yel. bds. ch. s. xix. Catalogue of Irish Portraits, fol yet.bds. ch. s.xix.j 18588 18589 IS590 18591 18592 18593 18594 18595 18596 18597 18598 18599 18600 18601 18602 i860! 18604 Dering MSS. j Escoeta in Co. Kent. 11. 3. ad Ric. 2. Jot. yel . bds. j ch. s. xvii. > James Fiennes, Lord Say, & Sele, PatentC 011 -; stable of Dover Castle, f. ycl. bda. ch. s. xvii. ) Original Letters of Cardinals, (1*7. Abdobrandini.) • fol. yell . bds. ch. s. xvii. | Kent Domesday, copied by Sir Edwd. Deling. j sn/.fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xvii. Dering’s Cancellarii Angkae, & Vice-Cornites ] Canti*, with Arms of the Chancellors, sm. fol. j yell. bds. ch. s» xvii. I Monastic Burials. 11 Creation of Knights, f. yell. hds. ch. 8 . xvii. j Knighthood Excuses, 1631. Co. Kent fol. yell. I bds. ch. s, xvii. \ Excerpta ex Cartulario de Begham, <1 Do. ex do. Fumiliae de Langley. 11 Do. ex do. S. Trinitatis de Canterbury. fol. yell. bds. ch. s xvii. 18005 18606 IS607 18608 18;;oj 18610 18611 18612 18613 18614 18615 18616 Ex Bill. Mi cellaneis. I 8 C 17 Harrington, & Pinvin Deeds, Co. Wigorn, U Pinvin, & Grafton Fly ford lnclosure, 19 G. 3. fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Cole, of Co. Suffolk, Papers, f . y. bds. ch. s. xix. Letters of Statesmen, William Lenthall, Argyle Holderness, Townshend, &c. A Song on the Duke of Gordon. fol. brn bds. ch. s. xvii.-xviii. De Witt's Rotuli Wall iae. 2 Voh.f.y. bds cA.s.xix. Norfolk Depositions. 2 Vole, thick f. ch. s. xviii. Suffolk, do. thick fol. yel. bds. ch. s. xviii. Peter Le Neve’s Framlingham Collections. f. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Sir Thomas Fairfax’s Army Receipts 1645, to 1649. fol. yell. bds. ch, s. xvii. St. Clement Danes Poor Rate, 12 Eliz. thin 4 / 0 . V. s. xvi. Cart* Thom* Phillips, de Westwick, Co. Norf. thin fol. brn. bds. perg. 4 - ch. s. xvii-xviii. Letters of Mary, Queen of Scots to the Duke de Guyse, &c. thin fol. half brn. cf. ch. s. xvi. 18618 18619 18620 |18621 18622 18623 18624 18625 18626 Copies of Sevenhampton Deeds, Co. Glouc. 11 Totness Charter.^bZ. brn. bds. ch. s xviii-xix. Bingley’s (Rev. W m .) Hants. Pedigrees, & Col¬ lections. fol. brv. bds. ch. s. xvii. Jersey Papers; Is/. Dumaresque, versus the States. fol. brn. Ids. ch. s xvii Colonel Cosby’s Accounts of Payments in East India, large fol. brn. cf. ch. s xviii List of W'ilts. Freeholders circa 1638. with a Map. thin f. 1 ch. bds ch. s xvii. ( This has been printed.) Collections for the Lives of Law Officers, entitled “•'Sketches ot the Professional Characters of the English liar.” fol. brn. rgh cf. ch. s, xviii. (Colonel Cosby,?) Tour in the Hill-Country, iu Madras E India, 1831 . I f. brn . cf. ch. s. xix. Hintlesham Rates, Co. Norf. /, ^ red Itkr.ch. s.xix. Catalogue of Capt. Cullen’s Library, fol. rgh cf. ch. s xix. Chesteifield Account Book, 1713 . I. t wh. v. ch. s. xviii. Londonderry do. do. 1752. fol. tvh.v , ch s, xviii. Catalogue of MSS. Phillipps./h^/te/?/. thin f.ch. s. xix. brn. bds. Lord Warwick’s Will, & Papers. 4 to. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Cart* Vallis Evesham, is/. Long, &c. 4 to yell.bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. Geurgii Cell, I st. Gell, Sic. 4/o. wh bds. ch. ** xviii. Owen Walcot’s Ribbesford Epitaphs, thin 4tu. wh. bds ch s xix. Medical Receipts, thin Ato. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. Hill’s Letters from Bruxelles. 1698 . ( Orig .) thin Ah), wh. bds. ch. s. xvii. 1> trker’s Porsoniana. Vol 1. 4 / 0 . wh. bds. ch. s.xix. Chronicle ol Brute, a fragment, t/un fol. ivh. bds. eh. s. xiv, or xv. Sir Robert Vaughan’s Letters, 1655. {Ex Fenton MS'S) thin fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xvii, Feodarium Manerii de .... in Co. Suf Y.J'ol. wh. bds. ch. s. xvii. Suits A> shcombe, versus Hurlston, & Shirley, v. Smith, Co. U arw fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xvii-xix. Staverlon Court Rolls, Co. Suff. 1688. fol. wh. bdf>. ch. s. xvii. Army Payments with Autographs, 1st. Black. sm. 4 to. yel. bds. ch. s xviii, Life ot Condfe. sm. Mo yel. bds ch. s.xix. Landed Proprietors in Essex, thin $. 4 to. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. De \uux MSS. Regiments Francais a la solde d’Angleterre sm. ALo. ivh. bds. ch. s. xviii. On Copying Drawings. 8.thin 4to.ch.a.xvi[\.wh.bds. Hammond of Scarthingwell’s Letters. 2 Vo/s. 1715-16. sm. 4to. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii Pedigrees of Peers, (1st. Cavendish.) sm. 4to. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. a aies critical Examination of the Hebrew Text of Genesis, with a Defence of the Authorized Translation against the pernicious tendency of spurious Versions, thin 4to. £ red m.ch. s. xviii. Do. Collection of the Hebrew, & Samaritan Pentateuch, thin 4lo. half red mor. ch. s- xviii. Do. Genesis according to the Greek. thin 4 to. half red mor. ch. s. xviii. Do. (Genesis..?) liebraicc. thin 4to. half red mor. ch. s. xviii. Barker’s Porsoniana. Vol, 2. 12mo. wh. bds . ch. 8. xviii. Blathwayte Correspondence, 1697. H Lord Galway’s Letters, s. 4to y. bds. ch. s.xvii. Catalogue des Livres du Cabinet du Roi, 1722. sm. 4lo. red mor. gilt. Arms of France cm the sides, ch. s. xviii. Voltaire’s Lettre a Madame St. Julien, 1776. Autograph, thin 4to. blue bds . ch. a. xviii ride 18417, MSS. Ph. Schomberg Letters, 1773. thin 4to. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. 354 Catalogus Librorlm iMamscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 18627 18628 18620 18630 18631 18632 18633 18634 18635 1BG36 1C 637 18638 18629 18G40 18611 18642 18613 18644 18645 18646 18647 18648 18649 18650 1S651 1865*2 18653 lb 654 Sir T. P’s. Secret Alphabet. ,18655 H Do. Collection of Airs, 8$ Music. >18656 Autograph, thin sm. Mo. yql. ids. ch. s. xvii. ; William Phillipps’s Joists of Broadway Income '18657 Tax Payers, circa 1798. H Do. Broadway Field Steward Levy, 1754. sot. thin Mo - yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Ufford Papers, Co. Suff. 1736. thin Mo. yell. bds. ch s. xviii. Hr William Gell’s Letters, 1803, &c. 18661 I | 186(5 |18666 '18GG7 \ 18668 j 1.866. i18670 Dunningworth Deeds, Co. Suff./ stone bds ch. s.xvi.i Charles de Bourdeaux, (1*/. Arros ) /. 40.. Vell.i ssec. xiv, &c. Inqurs. post Mort. Ricei Maunsel, Fdwardi! Maunsel, de Margain. thinf;bm.bds.ch. sxix.i Catalogue of Persian MSS. of Mole Briux ( Bering MSS.) thin fol. brn. bds. ch. s. xvii ‘ Notes sur Siam. Cochin China, Tunqum Charles (h Metz, St. Qneutin, Laon. /. fid. i ch. bds. Veil s xvi. &c. 1 M Bull of Pope * lenient,t Colonel Quaiy’s /Account of Provisione bought all Pennoiy Wania, 1703. large thtnj. eh. ». xiii. Abs tic ft ot Title oi Sir James Dashwood, of W ick- L mbe, Co. Hue. 1st. Man, Settlt. of Robeit Dashwood, with Penelope Chamberlayrm. fol. brn. bds ch. s. xvii. List of W ateringbury School, 1797, with the places- the Boys came from. \2mo,red llhr. ch. s.xviii.n Will ofThonas Guy, founder of Guy’s ID-.-pital. % A CM led ion of Poems, Anecdotes, Epigrams.; sio. A-c. perg. s. xviii, Anthor’s Lei,.er& entitled “Auctorum Autogra-.i phia ” (1 ../. William Saunders.) 4/o. half rtd ruse. ch. s xviii. or x .x. Miss Jeiikin’s Catalogue of Ladies Autographs. sm. 4/o. brn. bds ch. s. xix. Darke Correspondence. 1st Edward RadcIylleY Pictures. l*2mo. brn. bds ch. s. xix. Satirist. Vol . Is/. “Polite Instructor.” 1 *2wo/ stone bds. ch. s xix. Rbtulus Curia; Abb. S. Jacobi, Bristol. T Institutiones S. Beriani, Cornwall. s?n. 4to. brn. ppr. ch. s. xix. St. Paul’s Epistles, sm. Mo. stone bds. ch. s. xviii.i (pood Calligraphy.) Rental of Staverton, Co. Suff- thin 12mo. stona bds. ch s xvii. Da: ke Correspondence. Vol . thick 4lo. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Haiding’s (Geo.) Catalogue of Portraits in Noble-, men’s Houses in England. 4 Vols. 4 to. russ ch. s. xix. G. H , stomped in gold on the sides; Extracts from do. per T,P. $ 4 to. y. bds. ch. s. xix. Catalogue of the Medico-Botanical Society of London, 1828. 4/o half red mor. ch. s. xix. State of the Port of Cherbourg, large thin fol. stone bds. ch. s xviii. Charte de Philippe le Bel, 1204. Do. Radulfi Comitis de Vermandois ad Deca-; num Capituli St. Quintin, Carta Orig. area 1159. large fol. stone bds. Veil, s xiii. Charles de Henri do Fiance, & Louis 1751. with their Autograph Signatures. 1. thin Mo. stunt bds. Veil. s. xvi, & xviii. Rules, & Regulations of the Antiquary Club, with many Autograph Signatures, f. brn. cf. ch. s. xj Charles d’Arras. (Is/. Jacques Benicourt.) thick sm. t'ol. yel. bds. Veil. scec. varia. Little Bytham, & Haconby Railway Reference Book, 1859. thin fol. dark cf. ch. s. xix. Rev. Antony Johnson, (Rector of Swarkston,) Short Account of the State of the Church ini Britain, from the First Preaching to the Nor¬ man Conquest.yoL wh. veil ch. s. xviii. Ex Bibl. Rev. J. Gresley de Over Seile. Lord Conyngham’s Letters 1759, &c. Mo. wh, bds. ch. s xviii. Derbyshire Papers, obi. 4 to. sto?ie bds. ch. s. xix. Charretie’s ImportantSecretCorrespondence, 1797 4Zo. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Picton Castle Estates, sm. Mo. MII.bds. ch. s xix Wall’s Letters on Wotton lnclosure, 1794. sm. 4 to. Dl. H bds. ch. s. ... Extracts from Edward Knipe’s Diary at Imber Court, Surrey, thin s. Mo. M y 11.bds. ch. 8. xix On Reform of Parliament 1761. II Letters of Lt. Col. Robert Philipps. H Letter ut Rev. Edward Phillipps. Lam pete; Weltrey, Co. Pembr. about his Induction It Jordanston Rectory. Catalogs Libhorum Manhscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 355 8689 8690 8691 18692 18693 18694 i «(>:-)•> I8lid9 186 in 1809S 18699 18700 18701 Is 02 18 7 U 3 18704 is; 05 18706 18707 18708 18709 18710 18711 1871*2 18713 18714 18715 18716 18717 18718 18719 18720 Letter to Lord North, against a Popish Bill in ! Parliament, dated 29 Mh. 1776 thin 4 to. M. H. bds.ch. s. xviii Andrew’s on the Divine Glory. 4to. stone ids. j ch. s. xviii. j Italian Letters of Bcrnardi, Mora, CaUici, A-c. j 1i Capitulation of Malta to Nelson. j II Nelson’s Letter to Lady Hamilton, a Copying Italian 11 Foresti’s Letter to Sir William Hamilton. j thin fol. dark bds. ch. s. xviii. or xix. Kent Papers, State of Bromley College, &c. j thin fol. dark bds. ch. s. xviii. French Autographs of Isabella Montolien, & \ others, fol. dark lids. ch. a xviii. Darke Papers. *2 Vols. fol. dark bds. ch s xix. 5 Lord Cathcart’s Correspondence with Berlin. , f. red russ. ch. s xviii. (some torn out at the end ) \ Michael Russell’s Letters 1831-1. s. 4to. u h bds. \ ch. s. xix Thomas Rodd's Letters 1834. */••/. 4 to. wh. bds ; ch, s. xix. ; Letters of Sir John Packington, &c. s/n. \to. wk. ■ bds. ch s. xix. - I Treves d’Anglettrre, d’Escosse, &c. 1472. Ho. wh. j bds ch s. xv. | Johnson's Correspondence in India f. ch. s. xix. ; Monumental Inscriptions. 1: Poems. I Cartse de Metz. {1st. Nowsseville, 1434. narrow fol. M. H. bds. Veil. s. xv. Poison's Prize Poems. Cambridge, &c. 1837. sin . 4 to. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Franks, IS26, to 1834. 4to AI. 11. bds. ch. s. xix. Letters on the Roman Catholic Petition. 4i to. stone bds. ch s- xix Satirist. Vol. .. 4 to. M. 11. bds, ch. s. xix. Honywood’s Letters. | «[ Miscellaneous Letters. (1st. Lord Hawke ) T Franks. Cheek Wills. Vol. 1. fisC John Rawlins.) j fol. wh. veil, ch s. xix. Do. do. Vol. 2. (1st. Thus. Wrist.) fol. wh. veil. ch. s. xix D.<. do. C\st. Yates, of Offenham, Co. Wore.) \ fol. wh. veil. ch. s. xix- Campden Collections, llmington Court Rolls. j f. M. II. bds.ch. s. xviii. Hillingdon Court Rolls, Co. Middx. 1 i l ines Com. W. inter Walter Maye, & Ricura, Phillipps, Querentes, Ft ThomamTrevillian. = Elizabeth, Hem-ic Cordiwen, = Hester, Roger Granger, = Mariam, deforc. de 30 : Mess &c. in St. Olave in Southwark, Co. | Surrey. Et 3 Mess. &c. in Hillingdon. Jus. Wri. Maye, & Rici. Phillipps, pro j 660£. Anno. 16 Car. 1. 1i Polham Manor Papers. /. M. H. bds.ch. s. xvii. Coiham Manor Papers in Hillingdon, i; Will of Hester Meace, mother of Elizabeth TreviIlian, 1637 .fol. M. II bds. ch. s. xvii. Gloucestershire Papers for Iimington, Welford, See. fol. M. 11 bds. ch. s. xviii. Papers relating to East Florida, North America. fol. M. H. bds. ch. s. xviii. Placita inter Francis de Cordova, & Luis de Cor¬ dova, 1604 .Jol. M. U. bds ch. s. xvii. Wills of Hodsoll, Lloyd, Arc. fol. M. H. bds. ch. s. xviii. Letters relating to Malta, 1802. Jol. M. II, bds, ch. s xix. Satirist. Vol. ...Jol. stone bds. ch, s. xix. Incipit. “The abolition of the punishment of Death.” Wellingborough, Co. Nton. Abstract of Title. . . (linker MSS.) fol M. H. bds. ch. s. xix. Alderney Papers, fol. M. I! bds. ch. s. xviii. Incipit. '‘The 6 Day of August 1753/ Do. do. Incipit. “Memorand. T. Terve, in the petition against Le Cocq.” Jol. M. II. bds. ch. s, xviii. 18721 Title to Radburn, Co. Warw. (Baker MSS.) fol. M, H. bds. ch. s. xviii. IS7'2‘2 Chippenham Charter, Co. Wilts, fol. M. H b's ch. s. xviii. 18723 West India Papers. (1st. Wm. Mathew, u Benj. King. fol. M. II. bds. ch. s. xviii 18724 Roman Catholic School Returns, 1849. fol. M H bds ch s xix 18725 German Anecdotes 1780. thin fol. s. bds.ch. s. xviii. 18726 Chariblee Isles Papers. Petition of Wavill Smith, 1i Jersey Papers. Le Geyt, versus Darell. fol. M. H. bds. ch. s. xviii. 18727 Jersey, k Jamaica Papers. (I st. Bond from Ad¬ miral Anson.) 1. fol. M. H. bds. ch. s. xviii. 18728 Tracts on Poland, Mo. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. * 1 Establissement du Conseil Remanent de Pologne in 1775. 2 Of the Government of Poland. 3 Of the Civil Government of Poland. II Of the Courts of Judicature. 4 Of the Diet, Dietines, &c. 5 Discours le 23 Sept. 1776. 6 Notes on Weithorski’s Book. 18729 A gun Vail. Comadia Espanol. sm. 4 to. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. 18730 Jersey State Acts, 1603. 1662, &c ,fol. wh.bds,ch. s. xviii. 18731 Instructions in Musique. 1. thin 4 to. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. 18732 Le Marchant Guernsey Acts, 1757. f. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. 18733 Survey of Tolgullowe M nor, Co. Cornwall, 1790. thin tali narr.fol. sto e bds. ch. s. xviii. 18734 Cartse Gallicse. narrow fol. wh. bds. Veil, perg. s. xviii. Titled “Le Maire.” 18735 Copy of the Wiltshire Freeholders Book, circa 1639. thin fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. 1S736 Guernsey Acts,* Marriage of Le Marchant 1758. thinf. wh.bds. ch. s.xvii. With the Seal attached. 18737 Arms of Yorkshire Gentry, 1633. thin fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xvii. 18738 List Roll of the Inhabitants of Jersey, 1739. obi. Mo. wh bds. ch. S. xviii. 18739 Jersey Rate Papers. 11 Do. Constable Papers, obi. 4to, wh. bds. ch, s. xviii. 18740 New Hampshire Papers, 1758 .fol. wh. bds • ch. s. xviii. 18741 New York Papers, fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii-xix 18742 On the Army, & Revenues, &c. of Poland, 1717. fol. wh. bds. ch. s, xviii. 18743 Admiralty Papers. U New Plymouth Colony Papers. If Pratt’s case of the Kennebeck River Property. large fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. I 18744 Ayshcombe, versus Hurlstone, for the farm at | Broughton in Whitchurch, Co, Warwick. l.fol. wh bds. ch. s. xviii. | 18745 Letters of the Privy Council of Dublin, 1629. 5 fol. half dark cf. ch. s. xvii. ( 18746 Captain.Two Seven Weekes Journeys through England in 1634, & 5. (Ex Marl. A1SS. 213.) f. puce clth. ch. s. xix. Ex Bibl Rev. J. Gresley. \ 1S747 The Roll of Caerlaverock. Copied, Sf emblazoned from MS. Cotton. Caligula, A. xviii. by Philip s Abraham. I, 4 to. russia gilt tooled, s. xviii. | Ex dono Dni. Frederick Abbot, Bart• mihi T. P. 1866. \ 18748 Grunth, or Sikh Bible, obi. 4to, in Hindoo Binding. Ex Bibl. Miscellaneis . 1 18749 Cases in the Star Chamber, s. 4to. wh.v. ch. s. xvi. Incipt. “Anno 40 Eliz.” 18750. Cartse de Gallia.- Vol. 3. (2nd Charte; dela Ser- i riere ) tall narrow j. yell, bds.perg, s. xv,-xvi,- < xvii, &c. \ 18751 Do. do. Vol. 4. f Symon de Solito./) tall narrow fol, yel. bds. perg . s, xv, See. 356 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica, 18752 18753 18754 18755 18750 18757 18758 18759 18760 18761 18762 18763 18764 18765 18766 18767 18768 18769 18770 18771 18772 18778 18774 18775 18776 16777 18778 18779 18780 18781 16782 Curt® de Gallia, Vol. 5.(Is/. Charte, Beauvarlet.) tall narrowfol. fiery, s. xv. Do. do. St. Sympherien de Metz. Vol. .. fFessault.^ tall narrow fol. perg. s. xv. Do. do. St. Andrea di Metz. Vol . (Didier Toussaint Abbe de St. Arnoud.) H Cart® Anglican®, (1st. Rogeri, fil Ada? de Newbold de Cestrefeld, E. 3.) fol. M II. bds. perg. s. xvi. &c, Nanfan Papers, & Letters. H Howorth Deed. f. dk. bds. cli. s. xviii, Lincoln Sheriffs Accounts, 1757- fol. dark bus. eh, s. xviii. Abstract of Title to Cantlowe’s Manor in Higli- gate, Co. Middx. 51 Do. of Nicholas Lechmere Charlton, of Ludford. Co. Salop fol. dark Ids. ch. s.xviii Hawe’s Chancery Suit, See. fol. dark bds ch.s.x ix. Lymington Borough Papers. U Will of Peart, of Lincoln, fdurk bds. ch s.xviii. Foreign Autographs from Dawson Turner's Library, fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Law Cases of Nutcombe, Quick, &c. in Co Dev. fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Philiipps, o: >hepley Uali, Co. Lane. Accounts. fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Chartes d’Artois, & Bourdeaux. sm.fol. wh. bds. perih Notes of Gordon’s Lectures on Chemistry. II Interpretation of Sanscrit Words, thin fol. red mor. ch. s. xix. City of London, Admissions of Freemen, a temp, H. 8. ad temp. Elizth. separate, leaves on Vell-um. Ex Bibl. Joseph Hunter. (These were found in some House in London, curled vp into a Ball by the Action of a Fire , supposed to he that of id 66, This ball fell into the hands of Rev, Joseph Hunter, who, I believe, had them opened, # fattened.') In a folio Case, bin. cf. veil. s. xvi f They should be copied , Sf printed) Chinese Drawings of Butterflies, & Flowers. On Rice Paper, obi. Ato. russ. fullpit. ch. s. xviii. Chartes d’Artois, Vol. I, l. fol. wh. bds. Veil.# perg. s. xiv, &c. 1*/. Deed. Do. do. Vol. 4. 1.f, wh. Ids. Veil. erg s®c. xv. 8/c. Do do. Vol. .. (1st. Lstuves.> fol. M If bd< V. et. perg. s®c. xv. See. Do. do. Vol. ... (\st .-iubuen.) I Carta Rene fils tin Roy de Jerusalem, l 135. large Jol. M If. bds. V el pe'g s®c xv. IV. do. Vo/ ... (Is/. Hacche,) thick /. MI bds. V, et perg. sree. xv (Many oj the ahm < hurters conta n names of the Abbots of S Symphorien de Metz.; Suit Gluey, versus Bye. fol, M H bds. ch.s. xix.) Rev, George Philiipps'* Sermons. 2 Vols sm. 4/1 wh, bds, ch. s, xviii, Dawson Turner’s Correspondence, Vol. I. ( 1 * 7.1 Plumer.J 12 /no. wh. bds. ch. s xix. Do. do. do. Vol. *2 (I st. R. Hensley.) 1 2nu wh. bds. ch. s xix. Do. do. do. Vol 3 (Is/. William Brounke 1617 ?) 12mo. wh bits, ch a. xvij-xviii. S. tirist, Vol, ... ( 1 */. Johnson.?) 4 / 0 , M H, bd< ch. $. xix. “The Roman Catholic Cliureh neither guilty < idolatry, nor Errors. hut undetiled, and in fat lihle. By a Layman ” thick Ato,flowered cover ch. s. xviii Collection of Fines for the Northern Counties t York, Notts. Lane- i urham, 1605. ’I he fir. 26 are lost, and pmt of 27. It ends with'\A‘i but .some leaves are wanting at the end, t,o AU Vellum Cover, ch. s. xvii. JEr Bibl. Libri. Antonii do Dominis, Aichiepi.Spalatensis.Epistolp de Pace Religionis, ad Joseph Hallum, fcpi„| copum Wigorn. H Do Epistol® ad Gondantor, Amb.issaddi Hispanice. H Do, ad .Tacobum llegem Angli®. v Do, Answer to the 12 Propositions of Kim] James. 1i Do, Answers to the King’s Questions of tbt 16 Feb. 1621. H Do, Remarks to Bishop Halle. II Do, A Letter from Thomas, Bishop ( Coventry, & Lichfield, (apparently unpub lished,) (No. 73 in Bibl Libri,) sm. thin Ato, wh. vet. ch, 8 , xvii. Petrarch® Trionfi. II Dante Canzoni, sq, l 8 mo, green mor, V, s, xu (No. 72, in Bibl. JAbri.) Ex Bibl. Miscellaneis. Captain W. Newenham’s Drawings of Antiquitie in Ireland, oblong 2Amo, yell. bds. ch. s. xix. ( The Author died at Cheltenham, 1866, or 7. . He had several MS. of his own Collection.) Owen Walcot’s Oxfordshire Inscriptions, thin 4 U wh, bds, ch, s. xix. Drawings of Figures, Cupids, Ac. by some Artis at Rome, spiritedly executed, sm. Ato, rch, velt ch, s. xviii, or xix, Ex Bibl. .. Gomonde Arm. de Cheltenham, No. 3G3. Satirist. Vol , .. sm, Ato. yell bds. ch. s. xix. Incipit. “The late Lady Mayoress.” Do, Vol. .. Ato. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Incipit, “1 think fiom the heads,” Minute Book of the “Friends of Literature,”, (Booksellers,) 1805, with a List of the Mem; bers .Jol. perg. ch. s. xix. P, Longobard, (Jesuit) on Chinese Theology, 11 Whitefoot on Hell Torments, Catalogus J,iJiaoRUM Manuscripiorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 357 18805 18806 18807 18808 18809 18810 IS- 11 18812 188 IS 18ol4 18815 188 i 6 18817 18818 1 8819 18820 18821 18822 18823 10824 18825 18820 18S27 18828 ^ Seth Ward, on Reforming Ecclesiastical 18829 Jurisdiction, t H Visitation of Religious Houses in Co, Norf,. Derby, Notts, Durham, W estraorland, t um-i 18830 berland, Lancaster, & Chester, f , old brn, cf.\ eh , s, xv ii, j 18831 Thurmaston Inclosure Award in Relgrave Parish,{ 2 Geo, 3, large fol , »'g/t, cf, ch, s, xviii, \ 18832 Satirist, Vol, ...fol, stone colour bds , ch, s, xix, I 18833 Jncipit, “Some years since,” Miscellaneous Pieces in Verse, & Prose, large fol. wh . veil. ch. s. s. xvii Rokeby’s Legal Opinions, without names of Par¬ ties, l67t) 3 thick /• ols fol. rgh cf. ch. s. xvi. Discours, M emoires Plaidoyers et A litres Actes touehant I’Origine des Dues, et Pairs de France jusqu’a 1004. 4 Vols. large o bru. cf. full git- ch. s. xvii. Navy Office Letters of Middleton, Anglesey, Cole- by, Pepy*, 1608 , U Deeds relating to Waltham Abbey Hospital. < fol. yell. bds. eh. s. xvii. ... A Coptic MS. on Vellum J fragments pasted in a folio Book. fol. yell. bds. j Veil s. viii. (. ? ) Baker MSS.-Title to lands in Wappenham, Co. \ Nton. belonging to Valentine Knightley. thin fol. yell, bus c/i s. xviti. | Testamenta of Lanibart, Coward, Vivian, &c. fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii-xix, Ealing Papers, thin fol. yell, bds ch. s. xxiii. Marriage Settlement of Marquis de la Pierre. j thin fol. yell bds. ch. s. xviii. } Sonnets to the Virgin. thin fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Sir Joseph Jekyll’s Letters to Osgood, thick 4to. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Satirist, Vol .12/wo yell bds. ch. s. xix. Incipit. il Dr. Sir, if it is not.” Mangalore Treaty, hi Umdoslanee. thinsm.4to. j oiiental Taper, s. xviii. . . Oriental I\JS. 8vo y. bds.ch. s. xv. • . Do. do, 8 vo. y. bds, ch, s. xv, ... Sanscrit MS. thin 4 to y, bds. s. .. ( Lake on Codicils of W ills. 11 S r John Harper’s \\ ill. s. 4to. y.bds.ch. S.xviii. Sir R< belt Atkins’s Pa| ers. (relating to Waltham i Abbey.) sin. 4to yell, bds. ch. s. xviii. John Pawlett’s Marriage Settlement, ( purt.) sm. 4 to. yell, bds ch. s. xvi. Dillon, &. Malone Papers, fol, ch y. bds. s. xviii. Langau’s Irish MSs. (jragmcnls.) thin f. yell.bds. ch. s. xix. Subsc.ibers to Harper’s “Constitution.” thin fol. yell. bds. s. xix. French Epigrams, & Lam poons,(? by Du Roveravi > 1st. line “Quoisur ma Muse en etourdie.” 12mo. t ch. veil with clasp, ch. s. xviii. Pizzi sur le Grammaire Arabe. thin 4 to. blue bds. ch. s. xviii. Incipit. “Nomhre adjitivo ea bilis.” Do. Aventurado de el modo de Formulas Ora- ciouis Arabicas ac siruul Latinas. thin 4to. blue bds. ch. a, xviii. La Seule Religion Veritable, par Jean le Feure, [ Jesuiie. 1 -imo. blue bds. ch. s. xviii. Industrie Parisienneavant Revolution, &c. 1789. j 127»o. blue bds. ch. s xviii. Case of the Duchy of Rothesay, J791. fol, brn. cf. j c/i, s. xviii Chalmer’s Collections for the Hist, of Scotland, I $: the Chronology of the Kings, fol. hut; dark ct, eh. *. xix. Shea’s Letters 4 to. yell. bds. ch s. xix. Letters of Canova, French Generals, Ike. 4to.yeli. bds. ch. s. xix, fy xviii. Charles W atson’s Principles of Conveyancing transacted by James Boys, of Rochester in 1820. fol. law cf. ch. s xix. Letters of Painters, thm fol. yell, bds ch. s. xix. Guernsey Papers Vol... fol. y. bds. ch. s. xviii. “Is/. Petition of John le IMesurier.” Jamaica Papers. Is/. The Appeal of Lucas Rodri¬ guez, 17 j $. fol. yell, bds ch. s. xviii. Lord Granville’s Papers, thin f. y. bds. ch. s. xvjjj “1«/. Mr. Cuddon’s account with Lord Gran¬ ville, 1763.’ Hudson’s Bay Company Papers, thin f. ch. s. xvii. “Is/. Evidence of Leader, at Labrador.” Fenton MSS. lnspeximus of James I. of former Kings to the Charter of Hen.2, to the Burghers 18807 18898 13699 18900 18901 18902 18903 18904 18905 18906 18907 18908 18909 18910 18911 18212 18913 18914 18916 18916 18917 18918 18919 18920 18921 18922 18923 of Pembroke, & Haverford West thin fol yell, bds. ch. s xviii * Burst,dl lnciosnre Award in Pel grave, (Co. Leic.), ■32 G. 2 fol. warbled covers ch. s, xviii •Satirist, / ol. .... l2n?o. yell bds. ch. s. xix. Incipit. “Reaction, it hath been staled,” Do. Vol . 12 mo yell. bds. ch. xix. incipit. 11 A Con, communicated by Sir Andrew.’ Survey of Napier’s Estate 1672. 1i Catalogue of Broks grants, & others, 1725. 1i Muco ti Italian Letters, 1727. ^ Various C«>m>pui deuce. At the other end H Marriage of George Napier, of Wolvercote/ Co. Oxon. to Margaret Arden, with Arms* & Qnatterings emblazoned, and births ol Children. 11 Receipt to make Manna Christi. H Extracts of Deeds. 1, Conti etionery Receipts. 1i Copies ol Leases of Holywell, Cowley, Lud* well, &c. II Form of Indulgences of Si. Benedict 13. fol. o. brn. cf. (jilt ch s. xvii. M iscelkmec. us Letters. / These (o be separated.) Saliritt, Vol. . .. 4lo ch. s. xix. Incipit, “Private. \\ ith reference to Doctor! Commons.” Franks, ic Photograph. V2mo. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. , ! si. “Morgan O’Connell.” Common Place Book of a Roman Catholic. * Letter from \\ . S. to his son G. S. while unden restraint H Poems, A Paraphrase of 49 Genesis. % Snug of Moses on Pharaoh’s Destruction. Il Song of Deborah, Ike. Ac. 1! Paraphrase on the 187 Psalm, “Written 1 1631, in Exeter Jay le.” It On Duelling, sm. 4 to. black cf. ch. s. xvii. (See Gent. Mag. Jan. 14,.) Tindailhwy Chief Rents, 1649. sm. -ito M II. bds! ch. s. xix. Pylon s (Rev. R ) Institutions of Salop Clergy 1 . from 1298. 4to. ch s. xix. Letters of French Authors, 1789. s. 4to. M H. bite! ch. s. xviii. I*-/, “^ola siorre L>. de Soliqua,” ' Eginharti Metrum Heroicum Exametrum, 1 Catalogus Librorum. It Vocabularium Latmo-Germanicum. 4/o. yell. bds. V. s. tx vel. x. {Ex Bibl. I.ibri.p Extent a de Nant Conway, North Wales. 1 to. M HI bds. V. s. xiv. Suffolk Depositions, 1752, &c. Vol. 2. 4/o, M II] bds. ch s. xviii. Satirist, Vol .4/o. stone bds ch. s, xix. Incipit. “Robert Grant, as we are named ” Satirist, Vol. ...... sm. 4 to stone bds. ch. s. xix. Incipit. “Mr. Sat. \\ bile sitting in my Room.”.! Pic ton Castle Estate Act 1844. sm. 4 to. M ti bds. ch xix. Catholic Encyclopaedia of the xix. Century. thin 4 to. >>. xix. Court Roll Book ofGwennap, Co.Cornw. fol. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. M ilts. Pedes Pinium temp. Geo. 2. 1727, ad 60. fol M II bds. ch. s. xix. Wills of Phillipps of Weston Subedge, thin fob M II bds. ch. xviii. Dore Inclosure, Co. Derby, 1824. 4 to. stone bds! ch. s. xix. Derbyshire Papers, & Letters, fol stone bds. chi s. xix. 1 a / Letter “i . Dowland.” Testamenta Wigoroiensia, s. xviii, xix. Is/ Marvr Tern, of Biuton, Co. War w. thick f. stone bds! ch. s. xix. Burn’s Legal Correspondence./, ivh.bds.ch s.xviiij Pcrison’s Letters to Ashdowne. sm. 4to, wh. bdi.i ch, s. xviii. French Letters. Is/ “The Due de ,... 1755, & c .c sm. 4/o. nh. bds. ch. s xvi Catalogus Librorum Manuscrkptgrum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 359 18924 18925 1S926 18927 18928 18929 18980 18981 18932 18933 18934 18935 18930 18937 18938 18939 189 10 18941 18942 1^943 18944 18945 18946 18947 18948 18949 18950 18951 16952 18953 18954 18955 18956 18957 18958 18959 De Vaux MSS. Alliances of Grant, (printed,) i Svo. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. lncijrit. “Gron, er. Strigonie.” Llaudaff Diocese Book, circa 1759. sm. fol.wh.bds. j ch. s. xviii. Episcopal Acts in Dioc- Hereford, sm.4lo.wh. (ids. j ch. s. xviii. Resolutions of the Dutch Slates, sm. thin 4to. wh. i bds ch. s. xviii. Cartse Orig. S'. Severini de Bourdeaux. /. f. M H. j bds tel. 4 V er 9 • s - x ' v - ^c.. 1 s l .1358, $ Shrievalty of Thomas Phillipps, Esq. 1801. J It Do. ofSii Thomas Phillipps, Bart. 1824. j tallful. 7vh. bds. ch. s. xix. Genealogia Cambri®. Copy of an ancient MS, of Welsh Pedigrees, No. LI 189, MSS. Phillipps A commenced l>y ‘sir T. P. but only a Jew leaves j finished. J'o!. half red cf. ch. s. xix. John Rowland’s Glamorgan Inscriptions, thin sm. j 4to. wh. bds. ch. s. xix Duckett of Hartham’s Letters, &: Poetry. M Thomas Burnett’s Letters, sm. Ato. wh.[bds. ch. I s. xviii Moneglia’s II Ritorno d’Ulysses. Written by order j of the Duchess of Tuscany, thin fol. ck. 8.xviii Ex Bibl Libri. Wilson of Bradford’s Memoranda. 18 mo. wh. bds. ch. s. London Water Supply. 18 mo. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. j Printer’s Letters to T P. 4to. roll. bds. ch. s. xix. Thomas Walton’s Legal Cases, 1/72-4. large fol. wh v. ch. s. xviii. Vale of Evesham Papers, tall narrow folio stone 1 bds. ch. s. xix. Madame Graffiguy Family Papers. II Pedigree d’Issembourg du Buisson. tattf. brn. bds. ch. s. xviii. Documenla ad Genealogiaui, & Topographiam speetantia. Vol.'S. fol. stone bds. V. perg s. xvi.-xvii. Derby Papers Vol. 1. Warwick, fol. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Vol. 2, Is/. “Furniss of Gt. Huck- lowe in Hope, Co. Derby.” j Do. do. Vol. 4. “Dowland.” talljol. stone bds. ch s. xix. j Do. Vat 3 “Wright, Abstract of Title of Worm- hill, Co Derby, tall f stone bds. ch. s. xix. Bluet Genealogy, in French, large thinfol.ch. s.xix Documents for Genealogy, & Topography. “1*7. Maddock, 1668.” large thick Ato. bluccl • ; perg. s. xvii. Derby Cartae hodieru®, Vol. 1. “Shuttleworth.” Do. do. do. Vol. 3. “Dakin.” Do. do. do. Vol. 6. “Bentley Dakin.” Do. do. do. Vol. 7. “Wagstaffc.” Testamenta Wigorniensia, Vol 2. \st. “Lavender.” thick fol, stone bds ih. s. xix. Hale Deeds, Co. Hants. Abstract. •J Schedule of Deeds of Gainsford, Co. Durham | large fol. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Worcester Sessions Papers, 1830, Suits against various persons thick f stone bds. ch s. xix. Darke Correspondence 1829, &c. Vol. .. j Ato. wh. bds ch. s xix. Is/. “Dunning.” Do. do, 1831. &c. Vol.... Ato. wh. bds. ch.\ s> xix. 1st. “Berne.” 5 Do. do. Law Suit, 2 Wm. 4. Ato. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. Viscount de Vaux Papers, Marriage Contract, &c. 1768. Ato wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Draper Correspondence. j It Ranks Correspondence. 4/o. wh,bds , ch. s. xvii, Cadell Correspondence on Books. Ato. wh. bds. ch. j s. xix. | Thomas Burnet’s Letters to George Duckett, Esqr. j of Hartham, Wilts. Ato.wh, bds. ch. s. xviii. j 18960 Cartularium Familial de Keylmers, Co. Nton. fol. rvh bds. Veil. s. xiv. vcl xv. imperfect. ( Vide No. 12026. Baker MSS.) 18961 Lord Macartney’s ( ? ) Orders, & Letters at the Cape of Good Hope, 179S Ato. mss. ch.s. xviii. 18962 Dawson Turner’s Collection of Original Letters. Vol. 1. Ato. wh. bds. ch. s, xviii, lsf.‘ Hawkins.’ 18963 Do. do. do. Vol. 2 4to. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii,-xix. 1st. ‘‘Lord Lansdowne.” 18964 Do. do. do. Vol.’S. Ato wh. bds. ch.s xviii,-xix. Is/. “William Archer. 1718.” 18965 Do. do. do. Vol. A. Ato.wh bds. ch.s xviii,-xix. Is/. “Lord Rcdesdale, 1805.” 1S966 Survey of St. Day Manor in Gwennap, Co. Corn. It Receipts of Tin Dues in Trembetho, Co. C’oru. 4/o. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. I89C7 Dr. Thompson’s ale’s Pedigree, sm. thin 4 to. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. Lord l ortescue’s Letters, 1808. 4to. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. Geneulogie de Grant, Vicomte de Vaux. 4to.wh.bds, ch s.xviii. Drawings, &. Engravings./*,/ ivh. bds. ch. s. xix. Sir II. M utton’s Parallel of L’evereux, & Buc¬ kingham. fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xvii. Papers of the Emily Family, Co. Nton. & .Surrey. J. wh, bds. ch. s. xviii. Darke Papers- Is/. “E. D. Colvile’s Letters.” fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. Hanger, of Driffield Papers, fol.nh. bds. ch. s.xviii. Cornwall County Papers. Precedents. Vol. 1. Jol wh. bds ch. s. xix. Do. do. V i ol. 2. fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Hamsterley Court Rolls, Co. Durham, 1740 . tall narrow Jot. wh bds. ch. s. xviii. Miscellaneous Letters. Iucipit “•'Mr, Havin'.* been tossed up, & down.” L. Hyatt’s Curious Extracts from Books. thin 4 to. marbled stiff covers ch s xix. Admiral Keppel s Inal. Vol.'/.f,wh,bds.ch. s.xviii. Segar’s Northampton Visitation, 1613. large thin fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xvii. Bishop Taiun r’s Scriptures Brilannici. The Auto¬ graph M& with the Bishop’s (Corrections, thick Jol. wh. ids ch. s. xviii. Thomas Bun.ett’s Letters to Duckett, temp. Q. Ann. to Geo. I .Jol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii, H Duckett Correspondence. Cargo Sales ol the Ship Lyon, 1779. fol. wh . bds. ch. s. xviii. Arundel Cabinet. Copied by William Douglas : Author ol “Soldienng, &c.” f. wh. bds.ch. s.xix. Catalogue of some Printed Bocks of Sir T. P, j Copied, by \\ m. Douglas. Jol. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. Chartes d’Artois. Vol. .. 4Zo. wh. bds. perg. s.xvii. ls<. Darke s Legal Papers. \.2mo, wh bds. ch. s. xix. Franks. 4/o. wh. bds.ch. s. xix. 19940 19041 19042 j 19013 19044 19045 |19046 | 19047 ! 19 '48 j 19049 | 19050 ly05l \ 19052 j 19053 19054 19055 19056 19058 119057 |19059 |l9060 j1906L 19062 19063 19064 1190G5 119066 19067 19068 |19069 i19070 19071 19072 19073 Ex Joseph Hunter MS S. thin 4 to. wh. bd ch, s. xviii. On the Consecration of a Church sm. thin 4 to. wh bds ch. s xviii. Sir Alexander Cumming’s Narrative, 17i(). Hunter’s (Rev Joseph,) Pedigrees of Kaye, , Bunney. sm. thin 4 to. wh bds ch. s. xix. Do. do. Notes on Archbishop Seeker. sm. thin 4 to. wh.. bds ch s. xix. Photographs at Middle iiill, much faded, thin sm. 4to. wh. bds. ch s xix, Index to the Bishop of Exeter’s Leases 1762. snt. lhin fol. wh. bds ch s. xviii. Beaufoy’s Ascent of Mont Blanc, 1 7S7. sin thin 4to wh. bds ch s xviii Wilson’s Extracts from Bradlield Parish Ke Msteii thick sm. a to. wh. bds. ch. s.xviii. NarratCones, temp. II. 6. Uo half'russ. ch. s j In the middle of the Book is written. “Robtn i acres, huju- Lilui Dims. & liilenoris Tenu Sonus." Other names are in the book, as, A tonius Cokus. The Isi. part has no title, or year, but / Judges were Paston, Marlin, Stia.ige, Cottt more. Kulfe, &c. Eusehii Historiu Ecclesiaslica. fol. V. s. xvii. Court Bolls of Hamsterley, & \\ ilion l« Wear Co. Durham. fol wh. bus ch. s. xni-xvdi. Giuseppe Malateslie 1 Jistorra d’Italia, 160 ). fol. red back mai ble sides. Antonio Thiepolo Relatione di Coustantinop.| 1576. fol. marble covers ch. s xvi. Melibee, par Christine de Pise, thin fol. half v J s. xiv. 2 leaves cut out in the bey inning, a ,< part of leaf 3. Revenue Documents. 4Zo. M H. bds. s xvii. 167. “Henry Gleson, & Hear, Merrett, Sheri; oi Bristol, i677- Dawson Turner's Autograph Letters ofAuthcJ with Portraits. Vol. I. Is/. ‘‘George Or me rod] fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do Fol.'2. \st. “S. Milton. ’Jot. wh. bit ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Autographs. Is/. “Ja- Perry.” fol. wh. bds ch. s. xix. Warkworth Abstract of Title./, wh, bds. ch. s.xv. Antigua Council Papers, 1749. /. fol. wh. bds. t s xviii* Documents du Concile d’Artois. fol. wh. bds. pen s. xvii. Phillipps Collections. Extracts from Walt Chatters, tyc. fol wh. bds ch. s. xix. Sir John .8t Aubyn’s Suit in Cornwall, fol. wh.bd ch, s xix. Sir Hubert Atkyns’s Papers. 1. thin 4to. wh bd ch. s xvii-xuii. Drawings of Druid Circles, Ruins, & Castles > M ales, (? by Captain Grose.) large thin / wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Military College Maps, large fol. wh bds.ch, s.xi> Second Marriage of CIms. Granville Grant, 3 J7f, large Jol wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Bishopric of London Papers. /. fol, wh. bds. c s. xviii. Testamenta Varia. Is/. “Samuel London.” II Cornwall Papers. H Kent Papers, l.fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. Dawson 'Turner’s Autographs. Vol . 1! List of 'ales of Estates by George Robins. ( printed jfuh.bds ch. s xvii xviii-xix. Emily Papers, Co Lincoln, fol. wh.bds. ch.s. xvr Collections relating to Denmark, fol. ivh. bds . c ch. s. xvii. Dawson Turner’s Autographs. Vol. .... II Legal Cases of John iVlitford, Is/. Lord Rede dale. fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Parliament Papers, viz bkynner’s Case Magna; Cartae Deliquium, <&c. JSir Richard Temple’s Case. fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xvii. CATALOQua Libkokum ManuscriptorUM in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 301 9074 Chartes il’Artois, Vol. 1. mh. bds.perg. a. iv, 1$^. 9075 Do. do. Vol. 2. ‘Mo. wh. bds. perg. & xvi. ^ I*/. “Carta Ludovici, Regis Fianco'rum." 9076 Do. do. d’Arras. Vol. 3. wh. bds perg. s. xvii 1 * 7 . “Philippe des Gardins.” 9077 Letters of Peeresses. 1*2. * Lady Londonderry.’* \'2mo wh. bds■ ch. s. xix. 9078 Franks of Peers, Sc Baronets, 1*2. “Lord Charle- mont.” 24 mo. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. 19079 Franks of Peers, Bishops, &c. 1 st. “J. Lincoln. thin 8 vo. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. 19080 D. Turner’s Foreign, & Engli-h Correspondence, Vol.'ll. 1 si. “W Lincy.” Mo. wh. bds. ch s.xix. t DOB I Cadell Correspondence on Books. Vol 2. 4/o. wh. bds. ch. s xix, 19082 Griffiths’s Oxfordshire Correspondence. Is/. Wood- house. 4 to. wh bds ch. s. xviii. 19083 Marquis of Lothian’s Letters. 4 to wh.bds.ch.s xviii. « 084 Wright Correspondence. 1*2 Sir Waikin Lewes. 1 4/o. wh. bds ch, s. xviii. 19085 Darke Correspondence, Vol. 11. \'lmo. wh. bds. cli. s. xix. 19086 Dawson I tuner’s Autograph Letters. T ol 3. j s t “Bennett.” 4 to. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii-xix. 119087 Do. do do. Is/* “J. Wright.” Vol 4.4/o. rch. bds. ch. s xix. 19088 Suit of Finncis Goddard, of Wotton Bassett,Wilts. 4/o wli bds. ch. s xix. 19U89 D. Turner’s Foreign Correspondence, Vol. 7. \st. White 4/o. wli.bds , ch. s. xix. 49090 llpcut Correspondence, Vol.... 1st .: 4 lo. rch. bds. ch s. xix. 1 19031 Do. do. Vol. 2. J*2. “Rumbold.”42o.w,7i bds.s.x\x 1 iyt'92 Sargcant’s 37 Drawings of Oxford Colleges, & Antiquities. 4/o. half grn. bds. ch. s. xix. .19093 Floby Lonespondence, Vol. 1. 14/ “Sharp. 4/o yell, bds ch. s. xix. 19094 Do. do. 19095 Do do. 19090 Do. do. |J9097 Do. do. 1:098 Do. do. 19099 Do. do. 19 to() Do. do. 19101 Do. do. 19102 1 o. do. 19103 Do. do. 19104 Do. do. I4iu5 Do. do. 19.06 Do. do. 19107 Do. do. 19108 Do. do. ty 109 Do do 19110 Do. do. 19111 Do. do, 19112 Do. do. |9il3 Do. do. 19114 Do. do. 19115 Do. do. 19116 Lo. do. (The alsne arc L.eiicrsjrom feers, uwoneis, Ofkris in the Army , & other Gentlemen Out only important as ascertaining their ex¬ istence, § situation at the time of the dates of the Lelleis $ therefore useful Jor the Biography of the several 11 l iters ) 19117 Fragments ol M^S. 1. 4/o. wh. bds / . scec.vana. Two leaves of an English Lyle ol &t. Silves¬ ter, treating of Marriage, sac. xv. U Sir Thomas Culpeper’s Deed with Autograph (of Hollingburn, Kent ) 19118 Dawson Turner Foreign Autographs, inter leaved. Vol. *20. large 4 to. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. 1 st. “Pallavicini.” I 9 H 9 Do. do. Vol. 18. Foreign Autographs, fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii xix. I*/ “Lesdovault? 1810.” 19120 Battle Abbey Rolls, l.f. wh.Jids, ch. s. xv-xvi. i012l Leigh of ndmgtons \> ill 1577. \ Title to lands in Mongeham, Kent. large thin 4 lo. wh. bds. s. xvi. Vol. 2. do. 3. do. 4. do. 5. do. 6 do 7. do. 8. do. 9. do. 10. do. 11. do. 1 2. do. 13. do. 14 . do. 15. do 16. do. 17. do. 18. do. 19. do. *20. do. 21 . do 22. do 23. do. 24. 1*2. “Shaw.” Is/. “Anderson.” Is/. “Koek.” Buchanan.’ Darell.” l Pym.” Cox ” Hamilton.” 1 */. 1 */. 1*2 1*/. 1 */. do. do. do. do. do do. do. do. do. do. do. do do. do. do do. do do. do, do do do. do. do. do. do. do. Is/. “Crockett. 1 Is/. “Ld Clonmell.”c/o. do. do 1*/ “Itoss.” do. do. do. 1 */. “Horneman.” do. do. do 1*7. “Chambers.” do. do do 1*7. ‘'Hinnian.” do. do. do 1x7.“ Pateshall.”4/o pmk bds.do. 1 >/. “Burrv.” do. do. do. 1*7. “Faulkner.” do. do. do. 1*2. “Jrkeene.” do. do. do. 1st “ H umberston. do. do. do. 1 st. ‘‘Forte-cue.” do. do. do. (s/. “ A fib ck.” do. yel bds. do. 1x7.“Humphry .'do. joink bds do 1*2. “Browne.” do. do. do. 19122 Chancery Suit, Biron, versus Yarde, 1834. fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. 19123 Salop. &, Kent Papers. 1 s2- E. GrineclPs Will. H Lady Fairfax’s Will. fol. wh. bds. ch 3 . .% 191*24 Massachusetts Bay Papers. 1752. fol.ivh.bds.ch. s. xviii. l st. Certilii aie of Samuel Flolbrook, Deputy Secretary of Massachusetts.” 191*25 Jamaica Papers. Vol. .. Is/. Alex. Adair. ^1 North, it s outh Carolina Papers, 1750. fol. wh bds. ch. s. xviii 19126 Baker MS"v Abstracts of Title of Estates, Co. Nion. 1*7. “John Buncombe.” fol. rch bds. ch. s xviii From No. 12... in this Catalogue. 19127 Placita, Peters, versus Pipe, 1831.4/o. wh.bds. ch. s. xix. 19128 Dawson Turner's Autographs. Vol. 6. 1st. “Scar«- dale ” 4/o. wh. bds ck. s. xix. 19129 Do. do. do. Vol 11. 1*2. “llumbolt,” Mmo. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. 19130 Do. do. do. Vol. 12. I*/. “Captain Manby.” 12 mo. rch bds. ch. s. xix. 19131 Do. do. do. Vol. 13. 1*2 “Marquis of Stafford.* 1*2 mo. rch. bds. ch. s, xix. 19132 Do do. do. Vol 14. Is2. “Lewis Sneyd, of All Souls,” 12 »io. wh bds. ch. s xix. 19133 Do. do. do, Vol. 15. 1*2. “Sir Waikin Lewis." 12wo. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. 19134 Do. do. do. Vol. 16. 1*2. “Abraham Salami.*’ 12 o. wh bds. ch. s. xix. 19135 Darke Correspondence. Vol. 8. 1 * 2 . “Evans.” • 2 mo. wh. bds ch. s. xix. 19136 Do. do Vol 4. 1*2 “Evans.” 4to,wh Ids.ch. s.xix. 19137 Do do. Vol. 3, 1*2. “Darke.” 42o. stone bds ch. s. xix 19138 Collections fr the C;esar Family. 1*/. A Plan of Lord Romney’s Estate in - v t John's Westmins¬ ter /. 4/o yell. bds. ch. s. xix. 19139 Cartae de Toun.ay. Vol .4/o y bds. V. s.xix. 1*7. “Marriage Treaty of Roger de Clermaii, with Marie t»argat!i.” 19140 Teslamenta. Vol. I. fol.yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. 1*7. Anne lime, of Iselwurth, 1725. 2nd .Mm Kidgell, of Edlesbur-ugh,Bucks 1687. 19141 Do. Vol 2 1*2 Antony Terry, of'Throwley, Kent. fol. yell. bds. ch s. xvii 19142 Do. Vol. 3 1*7 Margaret Slrahan. 1785, 4 to. yell, bds. ch s. xviii. 19143 Do. Vol. 4 1*7. Richard Northey, of W’oodcote. 4/o. yell, bds ch. s. xix. 19144 Do. Vol. 5. 1*2. Alice Raiidell, of Strood, Kent. 4/o yell, bds ch. s. xix. 19145 Do. Vol . 6 Jane Chambers, of Richmond, 4/o ydt. bds. ch. s xix. 19146 Do. Vol 7. Is/. C'ockin Sole, of Bobbing, Kent. 1750. 4/o yell.bdi.eh s x\iii. 19147 Do. Vol. 8. 1*2 Roger Burges, of London, 1623. i fol. yell. bds. ch. s xv.i. 19148 Do. Vol 9. 1 */. George Thorncton, of London, 1805, 5fc./o/, yell. Lets. ch. s.xix. 19.49 Do. Vol. 10 1*2 John Angel, of Mockwell,1774. fol yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. 19150 Do. 1 ol. 11. 1*7. Janies I nzer, of Buckfastleigh, Devon. 1782. fol yell bds ch. s. xviii 19151 Do. Vol. 12. 1*2. Fj umfry Walcot, of Stanmore, Middx. 1 7 I6. lol. yell, bds ch. s. xviii. 19152 Do. Vol. 13 1*2. Thomas Dawson, of Chatham, Kent. 1842 jol. yell, bds ch. s. xix. 19153 Do. Vol 14. 1st. John Bewley, of London,16J5. fol yell bds. ch. s. xvii. 19154 Do. Vol. 15. 1*7. Siephen Goom, of Southwark, 1 fol. yell. bds. ch s. xvii. 19155 Do. Vol. 16. 1*7 Janies West, of Madras, 1802. fol yeti bds. ch. s. xix. 19156 Do. hoi 17. 1*7. William Grafton, of Worksop, Notts, fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. 19157 Do. Vol. 18 . 1 * 2 . James Flolbrook, of London, 1807. fol. yell bds. ch. s. xix. 19158 Do. Vol. 19 . 1*2. John Saudford, of Wimbledon, Surrey, fol. yell bos. ch. s. xix. 19159 Do. Vol. 20. 1*7. Charles Bennett, of Westleton, Flauts.ybZ. yell, bds . ch, s. xviii. 362 Catalogs Librorum Man uscriptorum in Blbliotheca Phillippica. 19160 19161 19162 19163 19164 19163 19166 19167 19168 19169 19170 19171 19172 19173 19174 19175 19176 30177 19178 19179 19180 19181 19182 19183 19184 19185 19186 19187 19188 19189 19190 19197 19198 19199 19200 19201 19202 19203 19294 19205 19207 1 92i)8 19209 19211 19212 19191 19193 19194 19195 19196 Testamenta. Vol. 21. 1st. Thomas Faunce, of Rochester, 1733 foL yell bds. ch. s xviii. Do. Vol 22. is/. Nathaniel Ewer, of St. Albans. Herts 1660 fol ye'd bds. ch. s. xvii Do Vol. 23. Is/. Robert Taylor, of Little Ealing, Middx |633 .fol. yell, bds. cli. s xvii. Do. Vol. 14, John Addinell, of York, no date, fol. yell bds. ch. Do. Vol. 23 1st. Rebecca O’Beirne, of Heston,: Middx, fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. Vol. 26. Ann Robinson, of Hath, 1810 . fol. yell. bds. ch. s. x x. Do. Vol. 27. Is/. Edward Banister, of London, 1694. fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xvii, Abstracts of Title. Vol. 1. 1 si. Lands in Brighton, Co. Sussex. Ac fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Vol. 2. is/. Ardvvick, Co. Lane. fol yell bds. ch s. xviii. Do. do. Vol. 3. Is/. Kensington, Co. Middx. fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. 1 Do. do. Vol. 4. 1 st. Wilhamsted, Co. Beds. H Broughton, Co. Bucks, fol yell- bds ch. s.xviii. j 19206 Do. do. Vol. 5. Is/. Visct. Montagu, Peerage Claim, fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol. 6. 1st. Armitage, Co. Staff. fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Vol. 7. 1st. Heston, Co. Middx. fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xvi. Do. do. Vol. 8. Is/. Tenham, Co. Kent. &c. Jol. yell bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do, Vol. 9. Is/. Steynton, Co. Salop. &c, fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Vol. 10. Is/. Brighton, Co. Sussex. fol. yell bds. ch. s. xix Do. do. Vol. 11. 1st. Emmetts, Co. Kent. &c. fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Vol. 12. I st. Southwark, Co. Surrey. fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Vol. 13. Is/. Halsall, Co. Lane. Ac. fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xvii-xviii. Do. do. Vol. 1 1. 1st Furendagha, Co. Cork. fol. yell, bds ch. s. xviii. Do. do, Vol. 15. Is/. Lydbury, Co. Salop.1714. 4/o, yell. bds. ch. s, xviii, Dawson Turner’s Autograph. Foreign Letters. V.\. Is/. “De Vaux.’’ 4/o. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. do. do. do. Vol. 2. 1st. De Feltz. 4/o. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Do.do.Ao/... Dalrymple Papers. Vol.2.1st. Durell. Murray Correspondence. *1 Col. Filzroy Somerset. 4/o. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Carta; Anglicanae. Vol. 5. Is/. Roger Hoyle, 2nd. Carolus Griffith de Bexley, Co. Kent. 4 to. yell. bds. V. ^ perg. scec. xviii. Legal Cases, & Opinions, is/. Perryn .fol. yell.bds. ch. s. xviii-xix. The (i uuner’s Book of the Africa at the Battle of \ Trafalgar, in 1805. fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xix 19221 Grenada Papers. Is/. Edward Horne, 1765. fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. j19222 Orby Hunter Papers. 1st George Selwyn, 1764. ; fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. < 19223 Dawson Turner’s Autograph Letters.ls/.Shrapnell, j 1796. (? Inventor of the Shrapuell Shell.) j 19224 Vol. .. fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. j; 19225 Justices of Peace Minute Book, Co. War.1647-53. j 19226 1i Entries of Civil Marriages, fol. yell. bds. ch. '[ s. xvii. >19227 Carta; Anglicana;. Vol.2. t. 4to yell, bds V.&perg. >9228 scec. xvii. is/. Finis inter James Smith, q CharlesScdley,= Katharine def. de Mauerio de 19229 Greys, alias Coltehall, 13 C. 2. j Ecclesiastical Papers ol Co. Glouc.Chester,Wales, Ac. large fol. yell. bds. ch s. xviii. Descent ofCoscomb Manor, Co. Glouc. 1786. fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Garland Estate Accounts, Co. Essex, fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Cart® Fraucescae Baker de Strood, Co.Kent.1783. 1i Marriage of John Harding, = Elizth. Becher, 1742 .Jol. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. I 19213 119214 19-216 19217 19218 19219 J 9220 19230 19231 19232 19233 19234 19235 19236 Case of Giles Risdon’s Descendant**. 1. Scott Papers, fol. yell. bds. ch. s xvii. Stores at Oxford lor Charles 1st. 1642. sm.fol half grn. bds. ch, s. xvii. Hill Correspondence. II Mary Parson’s Letters, 1770. 4/o. hf.grn. b ch s. xvii-xviii. Cadogau Papers, sm. 4 to. half grn. bds. ch. s.xv Is/. Palmer's Letteis. Hill Correspondence with Tickell, 1777. sm. 4t<>. half grn. bds. eh s. xviii Daw-on Turner Autographs. Vol. 5.ForeignLetts Is/. Lully Tolendal. sm. 4to. half grn. bds. t s xviii. Thellusson Letters, A Foreign Autographs. sm 4/o half grn. bds. ch. s. xviii. Letters of Eliab Harvey, 1 7oO Ac. 11 Cases, & Legal Opinions sm. 4to.grn. bds. . s. xviii J. Hill's Letters from Wararave. 1810. 12 mo. h, grn. bds. ch s. xix. Drawings of Hindoo Mythology of Vishnu, thin grn. cl. scec xix Do. do. Printed, fol. grn cl. ch. s. xix. Cartie Anglicanve. Vol. 1. large fol. gm. bds.} fy per*, scec. vria 1st. Testnnientum Job Sheldon, of Packwood, Co. \t arw. 1643. Do. do Vol. 7. large fol 'Ibinch. hf. brn.p v. 4 perg. s. xvii 1 */. \\ m. Gee, of P.urti 1667 Satirist. Vol. .... fol. stone bds ch. s. xix. 1 st. Louis Norton. Edward Jones’s Collections on Welsh Music,c Poetry, Ac. large /ol. stone bds th. s. xviii. 1 st. Letter. \V m. Jones, ot'Llangadfan, 1794 ■ Mr. Jones, Harpmaster, 3 Green St.Grosvea Square. Documents for illustration of Biography, A Tojr graphy large 4to. hall' blue cl. perg'. s xvii. i 1st. John Maddockes, a \\ m. King, of Cam i Rough Drafts of State Letters to Secretary VA nun. Ac. 1692, Ac. fol half pink bds. ch. s. xv Jephsou’s Letters to Secretary Blathwavte, h> 9 (! _ J • pink bits. ch. s. xvii. (damaged ) Sir 1 aul Rycauts Letters, 1692 Jot. pink bds.' s. xvii. (damaged j Do. do do. (damaged.) II James Waller s Will 1700 fpink bds ch.s.xv Testamenta Vaiia temp. Eiiz. Vol. 28 . 1 st. Tow Jol. pink bds. ch. s. xvi-xvii. De Hoze, Ac. Letlres a .M. Powllet. 1787 . thick 4/o. ha f pink bds. ch. s. xviii. Dawson Turner’s Collection of Letters. Vol. 9.1 Is/. Queens bury, (Duke of,) 4/o. half pink bn, ch. s xviii Do. do. do Vol 8. 1st. Procter. 8 vo. ho pink bds ch. s. xvi, Testamenta t. Eliz. & Jac. I. Vol.29. 1st. Skynnn Jol. halj pink bds ch. s. xvii. Ordnance Mores, delivered to Cromwell's Arm in 1646. large fol. roll. veil. ch. s. xvii. Testamenta. Vol. 30. Is/. George Cheseldej 1/36. fol. stone bds. ch. s. xviii-xix. Suit in Israel Case, Ac. f. stone yell. bds. ch. s. x. Copies of Spencer Deeds f. yell bds, ch. s. xviii Rawlin’s Case, A Copies of Dreds./s/one bds < s. xix. Julia Pardoe’s Letters, 1831-2 Ato ye/l.bds.ch.s x Leiiers of Yonge, Ward, \S illiums, VI arwick, & 4/o. yell. bds. ch s. xviii-xix. Lettere di Italiani Eruditi. Vol. ... is/. Cocci' Vol. 1. Liiera C. 4 to. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. \ ol... I st. Cocclii. V. 2./ stone bds ch s xvi Ancient Barons of England. /. slone bds. ch s. x* Testamenta. Vol. 31. J st. Ogden./ y. bds ch .s xr Lo. Vo/. 32. 1 st. Garth. j. stove bds ch. s, xix. Do. Vo/. 33. Is/. Gouid. J. y. Ids. ch. s.xvni.xc Case of St. Catharine Hall, Cambridge, 1846 , a J. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Testamenta. Vo/.. 34 1 st. French, fol. ytU.bds f s. xviii. Catalogus Librorum M a n use rip 1:0 rum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 3(53 19237 19238 19239 19240 19241 19242 19243 )9244 19245 19246 19247 19248 19249 19250 19251 19252 19253 19231 19255 19256 19257 19256 19259 19260 19261 19262 19263 19264 19265 19266 1 9267 19260 19269 19270 19271 i 9272 19*73 19274 19275 Legal Cases. Is/. Marriage of Thomas Wood, & Mary Williams, 1778 Jol. yell, bd v, ch. s. xviii. Trembetho, A- Tolguliow Rentals, thick fol wh.bds. ch s. xviii-xix Drawings of Longford Castle, Wilts. &c. by M. C. 1816, A’ others. oblAto. hf dk.bl-emor. ch s.xix. Do. Vol. 40. 1#Z. Lubbocke, 1694. / wh.bds. ch s. xvii-xviii-xix. Marriage of John Fisher, Bishop of Salisbury,with Dorothy Scrivener, heiress of Sibton Hall, Co. Suffolk, 1707. fol. wh bds. ch s. xviii, Testamenta. Vol. 35. Is/. Barker, fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. Prowse Deeds of Co. Som. f. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Testamenta. Vol 36. Is/. Northey, of Surrey. fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xix Do. Vol. 37. ist. Marsham, 1724 .fol. wh.bds.ch. s. xviii. Letters of Lord Filzroy Somerset, George Murray, in the Campaign in Spain, &c. R Arbulhnot, & aliorum. 12 mo. light gru. bds. ch. s. xix. Francis Freeling Correspondence. 1 'lino, hf y. bds. ch. s. xix. Espionage upon the Duke of Orleans, Philip Kgalite, 1790 12/no. half y. bds, s xviii. Ordnance Office Papers, 1651, to 1796. sm. 4to. half yell. bds. s. xviii. Wr. Hollywood Yate’s Letters, 1814. thin 4 lo. light grn. bds ch. s xix. Pole, S; Bligh Correspondence, 1821. 4/o. yell bds. ch s. xix Catalogue of John (Hover’s Landscape Paintings. Printed with MSS, Additions, by Sir T. P. thin 4/o. yell. bds. s xix. Sir T. Pliillipps s Correction of the Welsh Pedi¬ grees in the Annales Cambria*, as printed by Lord Romilly, the Mastei of the Rolls. thin \‘2mo. wh bds. ch. s. xix. Catalogue of Dering Charters, wtih MSS. prices. thin 4 to ch. s. xix. De Witt’s Copies oflnq, post Mort. temp. H. 7- Vol -.167. f. stone bds, ch, s, xix, Do. do. Vo/. ... Is/. John Flower, Wilts. f stone bds ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol. .. l st. DuveU.f.yell.bds.ch.a.xix. W illiams’s Caermarthen Parish Register, 1731, to 1741. thin fol. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Sir T. P’s Notes on the Natural History of the Caterpillar. ltijwo. half marbled dk. paper ch. s. xix. The Nuns against the Friars. 4Zo. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Arms of Foreign Princes, sm. thin 4/o. half y.bds. ch. s. xvii. On the Biscayan Language, & Nation, sm. Ato . half yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Hacket, A Langford Correspondence, 1703, Ac. 4/o half yell. bds. ch. s. xviii, Jephson’s Letters to secretary Blathwayte, 1691-2. Jol. half yell. bds. ch. s. xvii. Langford Correspondence, 1649 fol. half yell. bds. ch. s. xvii. Testamenta Vol 38.1s/ Pate f.hf.y bds c/ns.xvi-xvii. Do. Vo/ 39. Is/.Motitfoid. f.bf y.bds ch.s.xvi-xvu. Carew of Bedmgton Papers./, hf. y. bds ch s.xvii. M iltshire Papers of Sptke, of Hasilbury, 1679. Testamenta. Vol. 41 1 st. David Petter, I/ll. laige jol. half yell. bds. ch. s. xvii. Gee oi Orpington Papers, li>0». thin 4to. yd. bds. ch. s. xv. ’i huckeray’s Correspondence, Vol.2. 1794. ts/ dated from Hadley. Ato. half yet bds. ch. s. xvii. Williams’s ( Parish Clerk,) Copy of Caermarthen Parish Register, l?3l to 1764. thin fol. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Letters. Arabic^. "Jj On Horses. V Persian Poems. 8 vo. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Preamble to Mangalore Treaty. M Do. to the Salbeh Treaty, sm, 4 to. yell. bds. ch. s, xvni. | 19276 j 19277 I 19278 I 19279 j 1.9280 j 19281 |19282 19283 I 19284 I j 19285 19286 1i9287 i j 1 9288 | ; 19289 |19290 j 19291 !19292 i 19293 j19294 |19295 |19296 j19297 |19298 19299 j19300 j 19301 j | 19302 19303 j 19304 | 10303 j 19306 ( 19307 19308 Dr. Samuel Peck’s Letters, 1787. tto. wh.bds. ch. s xvii. Sotheby MSS 1867. Hugh Thomas’s Collections for Wales. Vols.2,&3. 4 to. red bds. ch s. xix. Vol 9. Copied from 6823. Hurl. MSS. Do. do. Vol. 3 from 6870. do. (Vol. 1 Ilarl. MSS. 68.31. not copied, or else lost.) Lam bard’s Archemn, (? Orig. MS. of the Author with his name signed at the bottom of page 1 in 1591.) fol o. 6/t?. cf. ch. s. xvi. Explanation of Law I erms. 4/o. o brn. cf.gilt ch. s xvii. fncipit. “ Advowson.” SS stamped on the sides. Cole MSS. Sentences of Penance, thin fol half yell. bds. ch. s. xvi, xvii. Westminster School Papers, thin fol. yell. Ids. ch. s. xxiii. Dairy tuple Papers during the War. 1801, &c. fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Carew of Bedyngion Papers. Is/, More of Losely. /. half yell. bds. ch s. xvi xvii. Chartes de la famille de Moelyen en Bretagne, 1562. thin fol. half yell. bds. ch. s. xvi. Letters of Lord Howick, Dundas, Portland, Wel¬ lesley Pole, thin fol yell, bds.-ck. s. xix. Suit Draper, versus Drax. 4 lo. half y. bds. s. xviii. a Copy. Sir F. Maddens MSS. Accounts of Portsmouth Theatre, 1771, Sc 1775. Jol half puce cf. ch. s. xviii. Steele’s Collections for Camberwell, 1715. thin sm. 4 to. half brn. cf. ch. s. xviii. Monumental Drawings illustrated. 4Zo. puce cl, ch. ch. s xviii, Olim 'J' F. Dukes. Aspilogia Engraved Seals with MS. Titles, &c. fol. half brn cf gilt ch. s. Boyes’s History of Aylesford, 1774. sm. thick 4to. wh. bds ch, s. xvii. Sir Fredeiick Madden’s Collections for Alresford, Co. 1 lams. n. d. fol wh. bds. ch s. xix. Survey of New Alresford, 1684,/. wh.bds.ch. s.xvi. Survey of Chinton Manor, Co. Hants. 1534, fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xv. Tytlies of Alresford, n. d. 4 to. wh. bds. ch. s. Ex Bibl. Miscellaneis. Geoigia, & Savannah Papers, 1749. 1*7. Lands foifeitcd by Old Grantees in New (lamp-hire. large thin ful. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Navy Papers 1 st. a List of Names in Letter H. II Canton Papers, & Letters, 1791. Jol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Insolvent Debtor Court Papers, “William Foster Dick,” Ac .Jol wh. bds. ch. s. xix. Jamaica Papers, 175 5. Jol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Is/. “Securities uow out standing at Jamaica.” Bishopric of W inchester Papers. f.\/. “Praecipe to Joseph Wartun,Clerk, &c Charlotte his wife to keep Covenants with John Han bury Beaufoy, of the Manor of Newton Valence.” fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Letters of Judges, Lawyers. &c. 1798. thin Ato. wh. bds ch. s. xvii. Thackeray’s Letters. Vol. 1. 1st .1791. thick 4 to. yell■ bds. ch, s. xvii. Testamenta. >st. Salisbury. 1577. Vol. ... thick fol. yell. bds. ch, s. xv Testamenta. Is/. Jenyngs, 1583. Vol. 52, fol. yel. bds. ch. s. xv. Plumptre Letters, 1845. 12?«o. wh. bds. ch. s.xviu. Letters of Authors, Markland, See, 1850. 12 mo. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Plumptre Letters, 1826. thin 4 to. wh. bds ch, s xviii. 804 Catalogub Librobum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 19309 19310 19311 19312 19313 1931-4 19315 19316 19317 19318 19319 19320 19321 19322 19323 19324 19325 19326 19327 J9328 19329 19330 19331 19332 19333 19334 19335 J9336 19337 19338 19339 19340 Sir Paul Rycaut’s Letters, 1692. 4 to. wh. bds. ch. ! s, xvi. 1 Common Place Book of Literature, n. d.f.rvh. bds. ch. s. . . • Thackeray’s Letters, Vol. 3 ^s^. .Ino Philipps* of Uaudilo. 1780. sm. 4 to. hf. yel. bds. ch. s. xvii. Rental of Walton Manor, & of Lands in Dow tie, Co. Kent. & lands in Co. Sufi. 10-20. 8 Atu.wh. bds. ch. s. xvii. Testaments. Vol. 4'2. 1 st. Tvpschard. 1. f. yell. bis. ch. s. ... Cartae Anglicanee, Vol. 6 inter alias Fine of Peter des Mastres of Pershore,? 1658 .//.m h.bds.chs.xv'i. Perambulation of East Tuderley, 1760. large thin 4 to. yell. bds. ch. s. xvii. Testamenta. Vol 43. Is/. “Bailie,” 1640, S:c. thick f. yell, bds- ch. s xvii. &c. Plukenet papers, \Q\.'l.fol. yell , bds. ch. s. xvi. Ordnance Mores. It Imcntory of Sir Nich. Carew, of Beddington, 1764. tall narrow fol. yell bds. ch. s. xvii. Falconer. &c. East India Papers, 1790-1802. thick fol brn bds. ch s. xvii-xviii. East India Papers. 1793. thin fol.grn.bds ch. s.xvii, Huldrake’s Defence of Surgical Essays. & on Rup¬ tures ch s. xix, 1i Brand's Autograph Letters of Peers, 1 a/.C ann¬ ing, Palmerston, &c J. grn. bds. ch. s xviii. xix. 19341 Rowland's fJohn.f Pembrokeshire Monumental t lt.Scriptions, l«/. Mathias Pedigree < f Fitz- - Martin, sm. 4tn, wh. bds-. ch , 8. xix. 19342 Cheltenham Petition against the Irish Oath Bill, , sm. 4to wh. veil ch. s. xix. 19343 Rowland’s Catalogue of Printed Books at Thir- • lestaine. Is/ BishoPes. 4 to, yell , bds-. ch, s, xix, , 19344 Tovar’s History of Mexico, Transcript by l ady f Phillipps, sm 4 to, /ch. bds. ch.s { xix 19345 Catalogue of Books, «* M-S, in the Numbered] Boxes, made by Sir T, P. preparatory to re- - moving to Thirlestaine. 5 Vols, one in 8 vo.\ hf. brn. (J and two 4 to, hf wh. peig.ch, s,xix, . Vo/. 5, is chiefly in Pencilby Mr. Wm.PhiMippa, . 19346 Copy of the 2 Oldest Parish Registeis of A Ider-■ ton, Co, Olouc, by Sir T, P, Is/. 4/o, half rgh, grn. cl, black sides, ch, s, xix, 19347 Suit of Draper, versus Lady Drax, 17'21. (Copy.) 4 to, half yell, bds, ch, s. xix. 19348 Marriages 1755-8, from Cents. Magazine Is/ Budd i to (jhotry. In a Copy Book, thin 4 to. ch, s, xx, 19349 Sir T, P, Pembroke>hiie Collections, Autograph, \%rno. dark blue cf , ch, Contains a Copy ofiht * oldest Parish Register of St, Thomas in Haverford West, s" far as could be deciphered. 19350 M, Kilby’s Catalogue of Printed Books at 1 ho les- • tainej in Semi-Alphabetical order, with the Boxv References 4 Vols, 4 to, half rgh, y/n. iff blk, sides s, xix. Collections by Sir T. P. Wiltshire Subsidy Rolls, & Inq. post Mort. from Carlton Ride. 1i Kirkby’s Inquest pro Com. Glouc 1 E 3.1327. 1i Wilts. Subsi«ly Roll, pro Com Wilts. 1 E. 3. fol bm. M H bds. ch. s xix. Index to Worcestershire Fines temp. H. 8. Is/. Pakington fol. M II. bds. ch. s. xix. Gloucesit-r-hire Subsidy Roll, l E. 3 Sc 6 E. 2. 1 st. Robt. Pope. foi. M H. bds ch. s. xix. Testamenta Anliqua ex P. O C Sarum. &Glouc. f. blue bds, ch, s. xix ( All hare been printed ) 1st. Will of Thomas Alexander, als. Maunseil, of Buckland, Co Glouc. Sir T. P's. Gloucestershire Collections. Jol. blue bds, ch. s. xix. l*Z. Pedigree of Keck, & Tracy. Testamenta, iutitled “Phillipps Wills,” Is/ ‘‘Mary Maides ” fol. M II bds. ch. s. xix. ( Most of these have been printed ) Testamenta, iutitled “P, O, C, Wills,” /, MH,bds. ch, s. xix. Is/, Will of \N in. Bancks of Milton, Co, Wilts, T, P’s Collection of Modern Pedigrees, Vol. 2. Jol, M H, bds. ch, s, xix, 1st East, of Jamaica. Index to Pedes Finium, Co. Glouc. temp. Geo. 1. f.MH.bds. ch, s, xix, I st, John Heath, querent, T, P’s, Collection of Pedes Finium pro Com.Glouc, ab Anno 1649, ad I70U, Copied in Jull.f.ch.s xix Is/, Francis Cotterell, querent, for lands in Campden, Burington, Saimbury, & \N illersey, Index of Glouc. Pedes Finium temp, Geo,2. 1727, ad 1760, 1 st. Milborue.///fc. fMH,bds,ch,*,x\x, Sims’s Copy of Vol. 2, of Cole’s Escheats,/, MH, bds, ch, s, xix, Sir T, P’s Collections for Gloucestershire Pedi¬ grees, &c, Is/. Acton, partly printed, f M H, bds, ch, s, xix. Fosbroke's Gloucestershire, 2 Vol. 4/o. with MSS. Additions by Sir T, P, eh, s, xix, Biglund’s Gloucestershire Monumental Inscrip¬ tions N, to V. 2 Vols, 4to M H , bds, ch, s.xviii. Sir T, P’s Lists of Printed Books, at M H, not yet Catalogued, 1859, 4to,M H bds, ch, s, xix, Middle Hill MSS, Purchases, 4 lo,blue bds.ch. s,xix, Do.Calalogue of purchases from Gomond’sLibrary. ^ Do, of Printed Books at M H. 4 to. yell, bds, ch. s, xix, Christofer Hensley's Pencil Drawings of Glouces¬ tershire, & Worcestershire Old Manor Houses, ^ Churches, 4/o yell, bds, ch, s, xix, Ex Bibl. Miscellcineis. 19351 Legal Precedents. Vol. 1. Common Form*. thick 4 to. ha/frnss ch. s xviii, or xix. 19352 Do. Vol. 2 Conveyances, do. do. do. do. 19333 Do. Vol. 2. (sic pro 3.) IN ortgages, do.do do do 19354 Do. Vol. 4. Conveyances, do do. do. do. 19353 Do. Vol. 5. Wills, do. do do. do. 19356 Du. Vol. 6. A nullities, do. do. do. do. 19357 Do, Vol. 7. Precedents, do. do. do. do . 19358 Do. Vol 8. Settlements, do. do. do. do. 19359 Do. Vol. 9. Marriage Sett! emeu ts, do do. do. do.) 19360 Do. Vol. 10 Copartnershi j Deeds, do. do do.do.) 19361 Do. Vol 1 1 . Precedents, do. do. do. do. 19362 Do. / ol 12 . Leases, do. do do. do. 19363 Do. Vol. 13 Precedents, do. do. do. do. 19364 Do. Vol 14 Precedents, do. do. do. do. 19365 Do. Vol 15 Refei cnees tc Bristol Record s do.do c Oriental MSS. Puttick 1867. 19366 Makrizi’s History of Egypt, its Towns, & Villages.: 2 Vols. thick 8 vo. in Cases, ch. s xvii. No. 11)30/ ; 19367 Wonders of Cairo, & its Ancient Edifices. Indies paper. 4 to.ch- s. .. No. 1032. 19368 Sclieik Ghirgliis of Mansour on Universal History,' fol. ch. s. .. No 1034. 19369 History of Constantinople from Constantine tot Sultan Murad, fol. ch. s. ... No. 1035. < 19370 Sheik Mousa ibn Isa’s Natural History. No. 103d,i ; 19371 Account of the Countries, Sc Climes ot the Earth! 4/o. ch. s. .. No. 1037. 119372 Makrizi’s History of Egypt- 3 Vols. beautifully written, fol ch s. .. No. 1038. 19373 Nine Homilies for the use of the Copts in Egypty by a Coptic Priest. 4Zo ch. s. .. No. 1040. j 19374 Articles of Christian Faith, Sc Practice, for the (Coptic Christians, imperfect. 4/o.c/t.s.. .No 1046 19375 The Pentateuch in Arabic, according to the Orir ginal Hebrew 4 to.ch. s. .. No. 1047. 19376 A Book of Common Prayer translated from thd Coptic for the use of the Common People, whe do not understand Coptic, allho* the Services o the Church are conducted in that language, 4 to. ch s. •• No. 1050. 19377 Mohamed ibn Mohammed ibn Cadi of Rome, or Natural Philosophy. 19378 Ibn Berakat’s History of the Invasion of Syria bj the Mahometans, in the year of the Hejira 690 fc (A. D. 1202.) 19379 Askimarus on Creation. 4 to. ch, s. .. 11 Some Legends, Catalogue LibroruM MAhcstimtORtM IN fetBLiofHECA Phillippica. 36a 10412 19413 191:4 93*3 938 1 19386 9338 19391 ly 94 Ex Bibl. Miscelland's. j Livre de Poste of France, (printed) with M*S | Notes by Sir T. P. on bis Tour to Switzerland! in 1822, Si with his 3rd. Passeporte on Ins 3rd.{ Tour in 18*29. l*2mo. w di. ids ch. s. xix. | Schweighauser in Stepliihii Thesaurum Oriyiimi- Soles, thin Ato. wli. bds. ch. ». xw:i. or xix. ; Bourdeaux Charles. Vol. ... 1*/. Briton. large tol.\ yell. bds. V ’. scec. xiii, ad xvi. Do. do. Vol. ... Is/. Johan Garin. do.V.do. Deeds, Court Rolls, & Bunds, lor various Counties 1*2. Caishoe Manor, Arthur, Bari ol Essex, 1678 , fol. yell. bds. yerg. sac varin West India Papers, 1766. Bahama Isles. Is/. John! *9A\A Bryant, fol. yell bds. ch . s. xviii. j 19422 Betham MSS. Athenry Peerage Claim l fol. M H, bds. th. s. xix. Do. do entitled Duport, Pedigrees of Duport, j Delvin, Dunbovne, Dillon, Donegal, Deiany,! Dunbar, Nugent. Damer, Drewe, Des Voeux,| Digby. I. 4 to. .1/ // bds ch. s. xix. j Gloueestersbire, & Herefordshire Deeds. I st Ehrington, & Hideote Inclosure. ^ i Pedigrees of Bradford, Damiat, Lyster, Upton, j % Payne Knight's Pedigree. (Print ) % Aldbour.e. k \Vanboruugh, Wilts. Estate; Sale- (Print) <1 Sommcrton, Co. Pembr. Estate Sale. (Print.) \ Johnson’s Wire Frame, tall J- stone bds. c/i.s.xx. Carla Caroii 5 Imperatoris 1526. II Do Philippi, Regis Hispanic, 1559. thin fol yt.ll. bds. E. s. xvi. Martin, rc Carew, of Devon. Papers 1 st. Cole, ol Nether Lxe *21 Car. 2. 1. fol. M 11. bds ch. s.x ■'hatpe’s Jamaica Papers, Eol 1. IsC Lyttelton, 1763. I 4 to M 11. bds. ch. s xviii. Receipts for Covent Garden Rents from John Kemble, £yc. 18 «< 3 -1-5. 2 Vol. obi. sin. Ato. half brn. if. ch. s. xix. Co vent Garden Theatre Life Tontine Receipts for 1794 1800-1-3. 4 Eol. sm. obi ch. s. xix. Birmingham Political Union Reports, 1830. il/A’jS. ,y Printed, thin Ato.grn. cl. ch. s. xix. Metropolitan Trades Union, i83l, & National Union, 1831. 2 Eol#. thin Ato. ch s. xix. Public Meetings ol the National Union of the v\ orbing Classes from 14 Nov. 1831, to 15 Ap. 18.; i 4/o. red cf. ch. s. xix. Bolin’s Catalogue of Dr. Claudius Buchanan’s Oriental Al>-'. & Printed Books given to Cam- budge Uuiversity in 1809. thin Alo. M H. bds. ch. s, xix, Yeate’s (Tlios.) on Christian Missions in China, ih'n Alo. M H. bds ch s. xix. Du. do. on the Chaldceau Cycle, thin Ato. M H. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. on Hebrew Numerals, thin Alo. M 11. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Astronomical, & Hebrew Tracts. thin Alo. M 11. bus. ch. s. xix. Boston, & Halifax Papers. North America, 1752-4. I st. Victualling Account of Otes Little. fol. brn. bds. ch. s. xviii. Do do. Army Payments to Colonel Hopson’s Regiment, Ac, l.fol. brn bds. ch. s. xviii. 19404 Documents for Genealogy, & Biography, &c. 1670, Vol. i. 1 st. Bucknall. Ato.yell. bds. perg.s.xvii. 19405 Do do. do. Eol. 2. 1 si. Crawley. Ato. yell.bds. pery. s. xvii. 19406 Rental of Trembetlio, & St. Day Manors, Co. Cornw. 1760. l.fol. 2i tin. ch. s. xviii. 19407 Carta; Galliue. Vol. 6. 1 st. Guil. de Chien. narrow 8 vo. yell. bds. Vel. s. xvi. 19108 Lipscomb’s Bucks. Collections. Vol. .. Ato.y. bds. ch.'s, xix. 19409 Wolley to A Unut Assignment of Premises in Piccadilly. 4/o. ch. s. x. 19410 Pleadings in the Law Courts of Tanier, or Tavier in France, 1556. 3 Vols. marked D EF, 4 to. yell. bds. ch. s. xvi. Notes on Ovid, Tacitus ZEsehvlus Sophocles Aris¬ tophanes Lucretius, Juvenal, & Pcrsius 4/o yell bds. ch. s. xix. Charter de Sait, & AJosuiiu, 1579. thin Ato. rch.bds. ch. s. xvi Rental - f Danebury, Co Essex. I ftmo.y.bds ch s.wx. Lymington Court Rolls, Co. Hants. Eol. J. 1 st 1731, to 1797 . fol wh. bds. ch. s. xvii.-xviii. J 9415 Do. do Vol. 2. 1745, &c .Jol. do do. 19416 Do do. Vol. 3 175 3, See. fol do do. 19417 Do. do Eol 1. 1755 kc fol. do do. 19418 Do. do. Vol. 5. 1757, &c jol. do do, 19419 Do. do. Vol 6 1758, &c fol. do. do. 19420 D... do. Vol. 7 1759, &c. fol. do. do. 19421 Do. do. E 11 /.S. 1797, &c .Jol do. do. 19422 Do. do. Vol. 9 1788, to 1700. fol do s. xvu. 194*23 Do. do. Vol. 10. 1701, to 1720 - . fol. do do- 19424 Do. do. Eol. 1 l. 1721-30. fol. do. do S. XYlll. 19425 Do. do. Vol. 12. 1731-40. fol. do. do do. 19426 Do. do. Vol. 13. 1741-49. yb/, do. do. do. 19427 Do. do. Vol. 1 4. 1750-60. Jol. do. do. do. 19428 l)o. do. Eol. 15. 1791, to 1800 . fol. do. do. do. 19429 Do. do. Vol lb. 1UB8, & 1743-1 tall J■ do. do. 19400 19403 9432 Do. 9433 Do. 9434 Do. 19435 Do. 9436 Do. 19437 Do. 19438 Do. 1 c 19439 Do. 19440 Do. 19441 Do. 194 4‘z Do. 19443 Do. 19444 Do. 19445 Do. 19446 Do. 19447 Do. 19443 Do. 19-i 19 Do. 19450 Do. 19451 Do. 19452 Do. 19453 Do. 19454 Do, 19455 Do. 19456 Do. 19457 Do. 19458 Do. 19459 Do. .9460 Do. 19461 Do. 19462 Do. 19163 Do. 19464 Do. 19463 Do. 19466 Do. 19467 Do. 19468 Do. 19469 Do. 19470 Do. 1947 1 Do. 19472 Do. 19473 Do. 19474 Do. 19475 Do. 19476 Do. 19477 Do. 19478 Do. Spencer Papers, it Autographs. Is/. l'< rtescue. thin fol. ycl. bds. ch. s. xvi . France—State Papers of the French Revolution of 1792, Sc prior to it, fol.yell bds. ch. s xvii.-xviii. 1 ol. I. From 1632, to 1767* Is/. LuUis XVI. Vol, 2 1646, to 1803. Is/. Royney. do. do. Vol. 3. 16-2, to ! 795. Is/. Lac ore. do. do Eol. 4. 1601, to 1793. I s/.Nettancourt do do. Eol. 5. 1729, to 1797. 1*7. De Berg. do. do Etil. 6. 1745, to 1746. Is/. Gallet. do. do. Eol. 7* 1074, 10 1795. Is/. Neeker. do. do. Eol. 8. 1627, to 1796. is/. Clugny.? do. do. upy of a Deed of 1363. Eol. 9. .669, io 17y6. Is/. Hausun. do. do. Vol. 10. 1651, to 1795. Is/. Duval, do. do. Vol. 1 1. 1640, to 1799. 1 a/. De l uvge.do.du. Vol. 12. 1>.74, to 1817. Is/ Castro, do. do. Vut. 13. 1691, to 1798. Is/. Georges, do do. Vol. 14. 1713, to 1799.1s/.CharsonvTe.do do. Vol. 15. 1626, to 1802.1st Desuiarest. Uo.do. Eol. 16. 1647, to 1798 1 st Wolter Ato,do.do. Vol. 17. 17 14, to 1803, Is/. Duubigne/o/do. Vol. 18. 1645, to 1799 1 st. Las om^y.do.do. Vol. 19. 1616, to 1797. Is/. Choree, do. do. Vol. 20. 1650, to 1796. IsZ.Noi.houet do. do. Vol. 21 . 17 46, to 1797 . 1*7. Na\are.,do. do. Vol. 22. 1662, to 1796. 1*7. Neuichaleau do Vol 23. 1740. to 1797. 1*7. Vilieroy. do. do. Eol. 24. 1709, to 1795. 1*7. Hue. do. do. Vol. 25. 1678, to 1776 1*/ Leshabe(Bronodj Eol. 26. 16/6, 10 1796. 1*Z Giandin. do. do. Eol. 27. 1753, to 1791. Is/ Roucher. do. do. Eol. 28. 1733, to 1799. 1 st. Poinon. Eol. 29. 1?37, to 1796. Is/. Pare. do. do. Eol.'AD. 1730, to 1798 1*7. Barbier. do. do. Eol. 31. 173*2, to 1/96. Is/. Esmaugan. do.do. Vol. 32. 1688, to 17 : 16 . Is/. Valogn) do. do. Vol. 33. 1720, to 1791. 1*7. Nalion. do. do. Eul.3\. 1732. to 1795.1s/.Verderonne. do.do. Vol. 35 , 1703, to 1713 . Is/.Mondenard. do.do. Vol. 36. 1733, to 1792. 1*7. Cuny. do do. Vol. 37 . 1682, to 1796. 1 st L Lvesque d ! Or- leans, do . do. Eol. 38. 1690, to 1794.1s/ Pardaillun. do. do. Vol. 39. 1708, to 1796 l*7.Raynal,(Bronod.) jol. do. do. Vol. 40. 172S, to 1796 Is/. Desjobert. do.do. Eol. 4 1. 1731, to 1?91. 1*7. Anry. do. do. Vol. 42. 1735, to 1806 Is/. Turgot, do. do. Eol. 43. 1592, to 1795. Is/.Grauvelle. do. do. EoL. 44 1692, to 1794. 1 st. Du Luc do. do. Eol. 4b. 16.9, to 1791, Is/. Danes, do. do. Vol. 46. 1679,tol 799. la/.Resaube. (Bronod.) do. do , Eol. AT. 1673, to 1800. 1*7, Praslin. do. do. Vol. 48. 1674, to 1767. Is/. Guibeville. 12 mo. yell. bds. ch. s. xvii-xviii. 306 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 19480 19481 10179 Rev. J. Gresley's Extracts from Cromwell Papers. H Proclamation of Geo. I. against Papists. a Printed Broadside. ^ Vanily of Female Pride, or a Sow with a Litter °f Monstrorus Pig r s, at Highworth Co W iIts. in J698, with I E 4 Tails, & 8 legs with Top-Knots on their heads a printed broad¬ side. thinfol. half roll. bds. ch s xix. B.... C....s Musical Conjectures with Diagrams fol ivh. bds. ch s. xviii. Manuscript Gleanings Incipil. “Texts from the Scripture Sunday May 4, 1834.'’ U On Retirement. The MS. ends 25 Nov. 1 838. 8to bin. mor. ch. s xix. The Lord, & Ladye of Huntingdon's Entertain- nient of their Right Noble Mother A lice, Countess Dowager of Derby, by John Marstun, From the Original MS. m the possession oi the E irl of Ellesmere, thin 4 to, halj grn. cl. ch. s. xix. Acts of ihe Apostles. 4/0. wh. veil. ch. s. xviii J. Gresley's (of Stile,) Collection of Leicestershire i Erases. thin 4 to. nth. beta. ch. s. xix. Sir T I J ’s. Catalogue of I 'ait of his MSS. 1st P or - ter MSS. thin 4 to ich. bds. ch. >, xix. D istoire de la Priucessa d’Hanovee, Epouse de ( ico 1. el l'Assassinat du Comte de Koiligs mark avec la Clef. 4to. of. full 9 t. ch s. xvni. Ml rlalesta Historia dTtalia, IWb.Jol. hf. bm.pvr. ch. s. xvii. i Machiavelli's Discourse on Livy, translated bu John Ls-vytt in 1598, fol. rgh. cf. ch. s. xvii. J. Kenner’s Climnik der Stadl Bremen a 1449 , ad 131 '• jol. halj puce T mor. ch. s, xvi. Coined ? in scec. xviii. Lady Phillipps’s Skelches of Rateliffe Hall, &c. thin obi. jol half grn. roan ch s xix. Questions, 6c Answers on Religious objects. Germanice. thick fol dark blue roan ch. s'. xv. Kalendar of the Journals of the House of Peers* Irom May 1660, to June 1685 with an Account ol Appeals, and Writs of Error when brought in, and adjudged, l.fol. wh. vel ch s. xvii, 3 Du. do. for U m 3rd. &. 1st. of Q. Anne. 1. fol wh. veil. ch. s. xvii (Duckett MSS ) Trowbridge Court Rolls, 35 Eliz. S) C. thin tol. stone colour bds. ch. s. xvi. 1 lu mas 11 orb ck, held the Manor =. House, and Demesnes of Trow- biidge Dai.tesy 19483 19484 19485 19486 19487 19488 194S9 19490 19491 19492 19493 19494 19495 19496 19497 19498 19499 18500 19502 19503 19504 19605 19506 W illiam. Christofer. held the same 42 Eliz. from Lionel Duckett, Lord of the said Manor Carew of Beddingt. n Papers 1662, &c. thinfol. stone bds. ch. s. xvii. How el >urdwall s Puems .(fragment,') II Tho„ Burnett's l.etteis 1722 , to Gen. Due- keit Lx Duckett JV5 thin f stone bds. cA,s.xviii. k et'Icis at liulildx in iS .iva Scotia, 1755 . thin Jot stone bds. ch. s. xviii, Charles de liuurdcaus, entitled, Daubioc, A. D I34G Sc. reguante Eduardo Uege Aniline. thick jol. V. s siv. r ° Do dll. do entitled Capet, 1349 . Stc re-- nanle Eduardo, ire. thick Jol. V. s. xiv. ° ... -a Florentine Protestant's Departure from Florence in search of Happiness, . 6 J 4 . thick 4 to. halj ted roan ch. o. xix. (He was a I friend oj Lord Dinorben. Lettere del Italian! Eruditi, most of them addres- sed to M. bchioppaialba, at Venice, Munsells Kuggieri, loudnn, &c. I'ol. 1. nr. Cavalucci Jol. yell, bds. ch. s. Xviii. Do. do. JA'ol, 2. is/. Gagliardi, Sic. fol. do. do. Do. do. Vol 3. 1st. Bauetti. do. do. do. Do. do. Vul. 4 . 1st Costanza. do. do. do. Do. do. Vol. 5. 1st. Battaglini. do. do. do. Do. do. Pol 6. 1st. Claudiani. do. do. do 19507 Do do. 19508 Do do. 9509 1 0 . do. 19510 Do. do ; 19511 Du. do. v 19512 D.. dt). : 19513 Do. do. : 19514 Do. do. ; 19515 Do. do. j 19516 Do do¬ I 19517 Do do ! 9j 18 Do. do. 19519 Do. do. ; 19520 Do. do. : 9521 Do. do. |19522 Do. do. 19523 Do. do. 19524 Do. d,.. 19523 Do. do. 19526 Do. do. 19527 Do. do. 19528 Do. do. 19529 Do. do. 19580 Do. do. 1 9o3l Do. do. 19532 Do. do. 19533 Do. do. 19534 Do. do. 19585 Do. do. 19536 19537 19533 19539 6 d 0 0 do. d >. do. do. 19510 Do. do. 19541 Do. do. 19542 Do. do. 19543 Do do. 19044 Do. do. 19545 1 *o. do. 19546 Do. do 19547 Do. do. 1 95 r8 D„. do. 19549 Do. do 19550 Do. do. 195 51 Do. d... 1 9552 Do do. 19553 Do. do. I9jo4 Do. do 19555 Do. do. 195 36 Do. do. 19557 Do. do. 19558 Do. do. 19559 Do. do. .9560 Do. do. 19501 Do. do, 9562 Do. do. 9o6 J Do. do. Vol Vol Vol Vol Vol . Vol. Vol 13 7. 1 st Gasparoli. 8. Is/. Alberti 9 I st. Sabbionato. • 0. is/ Bacci. 11. Is/ Bergantini 12 Is/. < apelii. !s/ Liruti. Vol 14. Is/ Sabbion do. do. do. do, do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 19564 Do. 19565 Do. | I9o 66 Do. : 19567 Do. 1 1 9u6S Do. i 19509 Do. 19570 Do. 19571 Do. 19572 Do, 19573 Do. 19574 Do. 19575 Do. 19576 Do. 19577 Do. 1 9578 Do. 19579 Do. I9.8U Do. 19581 Do. 19582 Do. 19583 Do. 19564 Do. do. do. do. do. do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Vol Vol Vol. Vol Vol. Vol Vol Vol Vot. Vol. Vol Vol Vol. 1 ol Vol Vol Vol. Vol Vol Vol Vol Vol. Vol. Vol Vol. Vol Vol Vol. Vol. Vol. V ol Vo l. Mol \ot Vol Vol. Vol Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol Vol. Vol. Vot. Vo. Vol Vol. Vol Vol. Vol Vol Vol Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol Vol. Vol. Vol Vol. Vol. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Vol. Vol. Vol Vol. Vol. Vol Vol. \ol Is/. Amadesi. . 16. Is/., Benigni. 17 I*/. Cnfboiiana. IS. IjZ. Biauconeini •9. Is/. Ceruti. 20 Is/. Sabbionato. fol.uh bds -1. Is/ Bartoluzzi fol yell, bds 22. 1 *■/ Cenedo Ato yeti bds. 23. I st. Meacnzzi._/bL yell bds. 24 i 67 . Renaldis. do. do. 25 I*/. Ligi. Jol wh. bds.do 26. |y/ Chiaramonti. /ol.y. bds. 27. I st. ChicheriOi do. do 2 .. Is/. I neste. Jol, wh. bds 29. I st. Giordani. fol. wh. bds. 30. Is/ C .cell 1 fol yell, bds, 81. I st Tomit.ino. fol. wh. bds 32 1st. Pannelli. fol wh. bds. 33. Is/. Menicucci, i\ c. do. do , 34. is/. T ravasa, do. do, 35 1st Alaieone. do do. i 36 Is/. S ibbionatu. do do. t 3 7. Is/. Azzoni. do. do, / 38. I st. Uicci. 4/o. ioh bds. do i 39. Is/. Ricci Ato wh bds. do. t 40 Is/. Amadesi. fol . wh. bds t 4 1. Is/ Fontanini do. do. t 42. 1st Belgrado . Jol. yell bds c 43. 1 st. Giudu e. fol. wh. bds. c . 44. Is/. Asquaei fol. wh bits.a 45. ; st. Li:utl. fol. yell. bds. a 46 1 st. Giudice./b/ wh Ids. c 47- I /. Ricci. fol. „/i Id .v £ 48. Is/ FrancescoMaria f.y bds c 49 . 1st Boai i. fut wh. bds, c ■A). Is/. Borsctti .fol.yell, bds c 51. Is/ Bencini. i'ol. yeti. bds. t 52. Is/. Tomitano Jot wh. bds. c 53. Is/. Costanzo./b/. yeti, bds a 54. Is/ Caldani. fol yell. bds. ft 55. Is/ Parisi. fol. wh bds, a • 56. I si. Del >ignore. /’. 10/1 bds a >7. Is/. San Luigi fol.wh. bds d 58. Is/. Muzani fol. yell bds. d 59. 1 st- Giudice. fol. wh bds d 60 Is/ Giudice._/<>/. wh. bds. ri, 61. Is/ Guarmi fol wh bds. c/, 62. Is/. Bononii. Jol. wh. bds dt 63. is/. Castig.ione /'. y bds. dt 64. Is/. Brancaduro. J y. bds. d( 65. 1 st. Celeslini. fol. yeti. bds. dt 66 . Is/. Rumualdo. fol. y bds. dt 67. Is/. Biscari. tol. y,ft. bds. bdi 68 . Is/. Leoni. fol. wh. bds. dt 69. \st CecchettiViviani fy bds.dt 70 . Is/. Fontanini- thk. Uvu wh.bdi 71. 1st. Fontanini. do. do. do. dt 72. Is/. Par.sio. VolA.s.Ato.do, dt 73 . Is/ Pari-do,V ol.2Alo.wh.bds.dt 74.1s/ Parisio, V0/.3.4/0. do.do. dt 75. 1st. i iacchi, 4/o. wh.bds. dt 76. Is/. Sabbionato, (Barthol.) Vol. I. 8 ro wh. bds, ch. s. xvii 77. Is/. Do. (do.) Vol. 2. 8 vo dc 78. Is/. Do. (do.) Vol. 3 . Ato dt 1 0. Is/. Do. (do.) Vol. 4. 8 y< 7 , Jo SO. Is/. Do. (do ) V 0 /. 6 . s. 4 to dc .81. Is/ Do. Vol. 6. fol. do. do 82. Is/ Sabbionato./''£>/.. ,f 0 l.do.do 83. 1st. Sabbionato. Vol.... J.d , do 84. 1st. Trieste, fol.slonebds.do. do Catalogus Libuorum Manuscripiorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 367 195S5 19586 19587 19588 ) 9589 1 9590 19591 19592 19593 ly694 19595 19596 1J>5«7 19598 19599 19600 19601 19602 19803 19604 19605 19606 19607 19608 19669 19610 Lettercdi Ttaliani Eruditi. Yol. 85. Is*. Feiri, j Fiacchi, &c sm. 4to. stone,bds. ch. s xviii. Do. do. \'ol 86 1 st. Strozzi, Pasquini, Ac. sm. 4 to. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Gres ley MSS. Forma Absolucionis a Majori Excommunicatione, 1466. Ex Bill. Cartusiana. sq. 2 Amo. old brn. stamped if. ch. s.xv. Tractatus Monastic!. 1 De Spi'ituali Claustro, Arc. Latinit. 2 Instructions to Novices, Ac. (in Flemish.) Incipit. ‘*In fesmm Desponsucionis dicaturj Neviciis de Monastica Vita, square *4mo \ red It hr ch. s.xv. | Kev. Jno. Gres.ley’s (Brother to sir Roger G )Notes \ ou the Bible, 1834. 24 mo. half brn. cf. gilt. j ch. s xix. Do. do. do. Index lo Works on Leicestershire ; History. 8vo. red mor ch. s xix \ Caricature Drawings of Dances, Ac. In Pencil, obi. 12 mo. half red It hr. ch. s. xix. Ex liihl. Miscellaneis 19612 ‘9613 19614 19615 19616 196.7 I96l« i 9619 19620 19621 |19622 Prince’s Worthies of Devon. Vol. 2. Part 1. (inedited ) thin Jol A! H. bds.c/i s. xix. Repotts of Law Cases, temp. Kic. |. II. 7. II. 8. I st. Keatachment. ‘-Si jc-o bail deniers aun bail.” A Fragment of a MS. in the binding, relating to Archbishop Aldheim, King Athelstan, & W orcester, and London Bishoprics, & Glas¬ tonbury Abbey sm 4 to wh. cel. ch. s. xvt. Don Juan de Marits y Aguitai llistoria de los Reyes de Nueva Espana y Conquista de Fer- \ \qq21 nan Cortex, sm. \to. tck. vel ch. s xviii. Wibaiai I. pistol#, >tabulensis Abbatis, eonscriptie a R. D. Andiea Fenay, Religioso Siabulensi deluncto, 22 Martii 1722. sm. 4lo. o. brn. cj. full t Martin’s Haverford \\ e^t. 12 mo. puce mor. ch. s. xix. Do. Monuments in Prendergnsi. Church. | 1i Excerpta ex Kegistro Paroch. Prendergast. | 12m o. puce mor. ch. s xix Do. Lx Lartis Dni. VVmi. Phillipps, Bart. \ II Excerpla ex Rcgistro Paroch. de Tenby. l2mo. dark' blue roan ch. s. xix. Carmina Cambrica, \ ol l.ex Aisto.de Dolgelly. 12 mo. yrn. roan ch. s. xix. Copy by Lady P. T. P's. Pembroke Collections.— Pedigrees out of Parish Registers. II Pedigrees from Cheek Wills. U Cart® Salopienses, ex IMS-. Dukes. l2mo. dark blue mor. ch. s. xix. Do. Index to Inq. post Mort. temp. H. 7.-8. & Eliz. 12 /no. red roan ch. s. xix. Do. List of Books sent to Broadway. 127/to. dark blue roan ch s. xix. Do. Lancashire Collections ex Cbetham Li¬ brary} &e. 127/20. gm roan ch. s. xix. Do. Index to P. O. C. Wills, temp, Jac. 1. Car. 1. Notes ex Registro de Pangbourn. II Long’s Collections. 12/no. .1/ 11. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. Marriages in Vicar Generals Office, Y ol. 1. 187ho. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. d<>. do. do. Yol. 2. 1 Stho. y.bds. ch.s. xix Do Index to V\ ills P. O C. i486, to 1670. 1st. “Ric. butler, 16l2. 14 Capel.” 12mo. red mor. ch. s. xix. Baylis’s All Saints Register, Evesham 12 mo. puce dark blue roan ch. s. xix, T. P’s. Account of Boxes of Books bought of Schuller, &e, 1824. H MSS. examined by Dr. Lappenberg.Sept. 1826, Pii/io. red roan ch. s, xix. Do. P O. C. Wills Index, & Pedigrees. 1st. Richd. Blunt, of Mixbury, Oxon. 12mo. half puce roan ch. s. xix. Kedlesion Parish Register, 1586, to 1812. Copied by ->.rs. Fenwick. H Kings Pyoti Register, Co. Heref. from 1538, to i 600 . and Extracts to 1718. T. P’s. Warwickshire Manors. H Notes of Wanborough Deeds. U Worcestershire Pedigrees from Wills, from Vol. 7. of Test. Vetust. beginning 15S6.with Anthony Sheldon, of Broadway. l2mo. yrn. roan ch. s. xix. Do. Index to Inq. post Mort. temp. E. 6. II Glouc. Pedes, i iuiuni Iudices, 1752. (not completed.) Do. Worcester Wills, Sc Pedigrees 1C02 ad 1606, and temp. Eliz. 19673 19674 19675 19676 19677 19678 19679 i 19680 19681 19682 196S3 19684 19685 19686 19687 19688 19689 19690 |19691 S \ 19G92 19693 19694 19695 II Broad wav Parish Register 1703 - 1 I. II Do Marriages 10/ . Mijceli menus. Bap¬ tisms from 1700 . !8mo. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. j Do. Index to W oiff'ler W ills, 1607, to 16.. II Pedigrees from them, i'b/io. yell, bds ch. s. x ; x. ; Do. Broadw ,y Parish R. gister, Vol. 2nd. from 1641, to 1742. I2///0. red cf. s. xix. Index to P. O. C. Wills. 15 Vbls. \8nw. yell. bds. s. XIX. Vol. 1. Rouse, to Benet, 1383, to loll. Vo/. 2. Feltipiace, lo I’yunvnu, 1511, 10 1543. Vol. 3. Pynnyng, t 1 Lyon, i5-i3, t.» 1 57U. Vo/. 4. Ilolney, ti« Nponcer, 157'*, t" 158 7. Yol-. 5. Rutland, to W a.lop. '5ns, to 1600 . Vol. 6. Wallop, 10 Capell, I60J. to 1613 . Vo/. 7. Lavve, to >oame, 1614, to 1620. Vol. 8. Dale, to Clark, 1621, to 1625. V ol. 9. Ilex', to -crop; , 1626, to 1630. Vol. .. (The Yols 1631, to 1643 arc wanted.) Yol. 10 Fairfax, to Bowyer, 1049, to 1052 . Yol. ! 1 Brent, to Alehin, 1653-4. Yol. 12 Crane, to Rivers 2, l6’43, to IG44 (Pat t only! Vol. 13 Hyde to llene, 1665, to 1665-. Vol. II \ ere, lo Noel, 1690, io 1700. Yol. 15 Fane, to Noel, 1692, lo 1700. Index to the W ills of Fowler, Edwards, Owen, illiams. II Abstracts of Wills of Fowler, S; Freeman. 18 mo. yell .bds ch s. xix. Index to Wills of GoOdaid, Brown, King, Jones-; Ford, Phillips, freeman. 18 mo. y bds.ch s.xix. Extracts from P. O. C. Wilis, Horn Register 1 Hayes, ills in Aylett, 1055, A to P. only. 18 no. yell. bds. ch s. xix. Do. do. W ills Index Rous, to Kidd, and Montague, to Twisse 32 mo. Mil bds, ch.s \ 1 x 0 A Copy of Hamstal! Ridware Parish Register from 1598, to 1812. 1 27/io. dark blue mor. limp covers ch. s. xix. ( Copied by Mrs. Fenwick ) I T. P’s. Index of Inq. post Mort. temp. II. 8,5. EiizJ 1277/0. red roan ch. s xix. Autoyr. ; All printed .) Bo P (J. C. Wilis Index, & Pedigrees. II Transcripta Cartarum Thomas Dukes, Arm. 12 mo. half blue mor. ch s. xix. Bo. Pedigrees from Check’s Worcestershire & Gloucestershire W ills. (Commenced only; thi W ihs in 6 Cols- being purchased afterward™ See i\o. 19....) lS/no. red mor. ch s. xix. T. P’s. W < rcester Wills, & Pedigrees. thin 127//0. yell bds ch. s. xix. Bo. Wills, &■ Ppdigrees of Glouc. Wigorn. P. O. C. Is/. Richard Bayzand. thin 12t71«J M H. bds. ch s. xix. Bo. P O. C. Wills List of Doyley, Lenthall. I 19696 19697 19698 19699 19700 19701 19702 19702 1970 1 19705 197 0C 10707 19708 19709 10710 19711 19712 19713 19714 19715 19716 19717 19718 19719 19720 19721 19722 19723 19724 19725 19726 Catalogus Libkorum M ANI’SCRIPTORUM in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 369 Jamaica Papers, 1768. Is*. “A Council held at St. Jago do la Vega, 16 Mh. 1768.” if. yell. bds. ch. s. xvii. Do. do. 1 st. John Edwards’s Letter from Spa Town, 6 Jan. 1755. II Jamaica Council Journal, 1707. (Printed.) l.fol. yell, bds. ch. s. xviii. Do do. 1 st. Governor Maihew’s Case, 1781, large fol. yell. bus. ch. s. xviii Testamenta. I st. Elwell, 1837 l.fol yell. bds. ch. s. xviii -xix. West India Papers. Antigua, St. Kilts, & c . 1752 . \st. Benj. King’s Demurrer. If. y bds. e/j.s.xviii. Barbadoes Papers. Is/. Exportation ot Sug ir, 109 l, to 16S3. l. fol. M II. bds. ch. s. xvii. Miscellaneous Papers. 1st. Fragment of a Mem¬ orial signed by J. Bindley. H Proclamation of Thanksgiving for the Victory of Trafalgar, 1805. (printed.) 1. Jol.yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Repertorium Viride Dubliriense, 1533. II Money collected for the Irish Protestants. L fol stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Correspondence of the French Army in Egypt. 1799-hOO. l.fol. M H. bds. ch. s xviii. Virginia Papers, 1749. 1st. Case of Charles Le\v ; s. 1.fol yell. bds. ch s. xviii. Navy Papers. 1st Petition of Navy Officers (printed.) H Ships of the Line, 1755 l.f.ch. s xviii. T. P’s. Rough Sketch Book of Mansions in Co. Worcester, Dorset, Wilis. Gloue. in 1818, 8 tc. obi. 18 mo. ch s. xix. Harriott on the Derivation of Words. Vol. .. containing the Letters U to Z. thin fol wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Sec No. 19. •‘Cest cy Ie Temple de Bocace, Mirenirpour tous ai-ans de la terre, auquel la Boyne d’Anglelerre sest venu plaindre a tnste face.” sin. 4(o. half It brn cf.ch s. xv. Abstract of Title to an Estate at Gretton. thick fol. stone bds ch. 1803-4 s. xix. North Littleton Inclosure Award, Co. Wore. 51 Geo. 3. thick Jol stone bds. ch. s. xix. Cartae de Tournay Vol. .. Is*. “Hiestrut.” narrow fol. stone bds. V. s. xiii.-xiv. Do. do. Vol .. 1 st. “Brunfait.” tall nctrr. jol. stone V. s, xiv. Do* do. \ol. Is/. “Panier.” 1. 4to. stone bds. V. s . xiii-xiv. Do. Galliaj. Vol. ... 1 si. Rene, due d’Alen^on, i486 1. 4to.stone bds. V. s. xv. Dowley’s Petition in Chancery. 4/o. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Clarke’s Annuity, 1799. thick 4to. stone bds, ch. s. xviii. Charles 2 nd. Marriage Treaty with Catharine ol Braganza, 1661 . thin 4 to stone bds. c/t,s. xviii. Dawson Turner's Autographs. Vol .. ls/.‘Hone.’ 4 to. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Foreign do. Vol. .. 1st. “Selus ?” sm. 4/o. stone bds. ch. s. xviii.-xix. Do. do. do. & English. Vol. .. Is/. “Dr. Lardner, 1821 . 18mo. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol. .. Is/. “Boydell, 1791.” 4/o. stone ch. s. xviii. j Do. do. Vol. ... 1st. “Rodwell, 1843.” i sm. 4/o. stone bds. ch. s. xix. i Do. do. Vol... \st. oobla. 19728 | 19729 !19730 | 19731 J 19732 I 19733 ! 19734 |19735 19736 19737 19738 19739 19740 19741 19742 19743 j19744 \19745 19746 19747 19748 19749 19750 19751 19752 19753 19754 19755 19756 T. P’s. School Drawing Book at FJadbury, with Additions of Birds, & other Animals, 6c Sket¬ ches of Mansions, viz. Aston Hall.Biimingham. (not finished ) Eaton Hall, &c. &c. 4lo half s/ip. ch. s. xix. John Jones’s Drawings of Roman Antiquities at Namur in Pays Bas, & in Kilcot Wood, at Newent, Co. Gloue., <£ at Kingsholm, Glou¬ cester , & the Buckstone, Co. Giouc. or Mon¬ mouth thin 4 to. stone bds. ch. s. xix Neviil 1 loir. Sale Catalogue 1848. with Prices, i Names thin 4 to. stone bds. ch. s xix. Dawson Turner’s Autographs. Vol... Is/. Eff¬ ingham. 4/<>. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. do. Foreign. Vol. .. Is/ Lampenoy. 1816. 4 to. stone bds. c-h. s. xix. Do. do. Vol .. Is/. Atkyns. 1737. H Fraser Correspondence. 4to stone bas.ch. s xviii. Do. do. Vol. .. 1st. BowyerAto.stoue bds. ch. s. xviii. Abstract of Twyning Title, Co. Gloue fol stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. „ do. do. duplic. f. stone bds. ch. s.xviii, ' Do. do. do. triplicate , fol. do. do do. Do. do. of Money Ash, Co. Derby. 1682. fol. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Gt. Hucklow Papers, Co. Derby. J750. Jol. stone bds. ch. s. xvii Vaughan Papers, 1781. fol. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. H Barling Manor Papers, Co. Essex. Abstract of Title to an Extate in Hampton, 1607. Co. Wore, fol stone bds ch. s. xix. Grinnell’s Bough Sketches of Houses in Broad¬ way. sm. 4 to. stone bds ch. s. xix. Essex, Suffolk, & Lincoln Papers. 1 st. Receipt from John estropp, of Chesterford, Essex, 1682 thin fol. stone bds. ch. s. xvii. Collections by Sir T. P. Broadway Notes. If On the Hot in Sheep. II On Poaching. thin 4to M H, bds. ch. s. xix. T. P’s Collectanea Literaria, or Notes of Sales of Books, thin 4to. J/ II. bds. ch. s. xix. Flax ley Abbey Library, thin 4to.MII. Ods ch.s.x ix. T. P’s. Broadway Pedigrees. 1 st . "sm. 4 to. M It. bds. ch. s. xix. T. P's. Wilts. Church Notts, Churches, & Fonts. If Monuments in >t- Thomas’s Church Salisbury. II Purton Parish Register Extracts, Lydington, do. &c. sm. 4(o. J\I H. bds. ch. s. xix. T. P’s. Wills. Inq. post Mort. Vol. I, <|j- 2. If Pedigrees from Oxford Wills. sm.4to.MH. bds. ch. s. xix. T. P’s. Collection of Extracts from Wiltshire Deeds. II Knights Fees. 11 Pedigrees of Barons. If Liber Heredum. If Pedigrees ex Placitis. IT Descent of Property ex Rotulis Chartarum. sm. 4to. M II. bds. s. xix. Ex JBibl. Miscellaneis, Pyott’s Account Book. 1798. ^Connected with Sir F. Burdett.) sm. 4to. ch. s. xviii. Cheek Correspondence. Vol. 1. 1st. Shuttleworth. 4/o. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol. 2. 1st. Frith. 4 / 0 . wh. bds. ch, 8. xix. Worcestershire Deeds. 1st. Flolland, Timbrill, See. 4 to. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. Alderton Deeds, Co Gloue. fol. stone bds ch.s. xix, Testamenta. (1st. Robinsou.; Co. Derby. fol. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Autographs, lx/. Georgina Molyneux, Author of . thick 24 mo, wh. bds. ch. a. xix. CaTALOGUS LlBRORUM l\J ANUSCR1PTOKUM IN BlIILlOTHECA PhILLIFPU'.A . 370 59757 ] 9758 19739 197G0 10761 19762 197 >8 197.i-i >9765 19766 19797 197C8 19769 19770 19771 1977- 19773 19774 197J5 19776 19777 19778 19779 19780 19781 19782 19783 19784 19785 19786 19787 19788 19789 19790 19791 19792 19793 19794 19795 19796 19797 19798 Autographs. 1st. Rogers, thic'c 24mo. wh. bds. eh . s. xix Eo. 1 st Robt. Steel, 1867. thick 24 mo. do, do. Derby Letters. Is/. Chinn 12m - stone bds.eh. s. xiw Do. Deeds. Vol. 1. 1 U Shuttleworth. 4/o. stone bds ch. s. xix. Do do. Vol. 2 1st. Kirk. 4/o. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol. 3 Is/ Needham. 4to.do do. Do. do Vol. 4. Is/. Si.lebotham. 4/o. do. Do. do. Vol. 5. 1 st. Skrymsher. thk.4to.do. Do. Placita. Is/. Dyneley fol.stone bds do.do. Do. Abstracts. Vol I. Is/. Gisborn thkf.du.do Do do Vol. 2. \xi Duckworth, thick ful . t me bds. ch. s. xix Lancashire, & Derbyshire Carta;. I*/ Lee. fol stone bds. ch. s. xix Tideswell Inclosure Award, thick Jol. stone bds ch. s. xix. Derbyshire Carta;. Vol. 6. Is/. Eyre, thick/. Slone bds. ch s. xix. Do. Abstracts. Vol. 3. 1 st. Tideswell. thick fol. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Do. Testamenta. Vol 4. 1st. Needham.' fol. stone bds. ch s. xix. Do. Shuttleworth Letters, St Papers. 8 vo, half i\I H. bds. ch. s xix. Check Correspondence. Vol. 3. Is/.4 to. hf M II. bds. ch. s. xix. Shaw’s Correspondence Vol. 1. 1st. Alaop. 4/o half M II. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol. 2. Is/ Shuttleworth. 4 to. half M II. bds. ch. s. xix. Cheek Correspondence. Vol. 4. Is/. Chinn. 4 to. ch. s xix. Cart* de Metz Vol. .. Is/. Vaillant. 1. f. It. bds. ch. s. xix. Do do Vol. . . Is/. Belechpin. fol. It. bds. ch. f>. xv.-xvi j Shirley of Staunton Deeds, 1653. /. thick 4to. It. I bds ch. s. xvii. Bassishaw Assessment Loudon, 1730. fol. It. bds. J ch s. xviii. Inclosure Award of Hope, Co. Derby. 1771. large fol It. bcls ch. s. xviii. Chapel in le Frith, Co. Derby. Papers. *' Evesham Papers. Tilled Woodawes. large fol. brn bds. ch. 8. xviii-xix. Hathersage Papers, Co. Derby. Dore boundaries, & Inclosure Titled Shuttle- ; worth, fol. brn. bds. ch. s. xix. Tideswell Papers. Titled Robinson, fol. brn. bds. ' ch- s. xix. On Cromford Moor Lead Mines, Co. Derby. Jol brn. bds. ch s. xix. Tideswell Grammar School Papers. 1. fol. brn. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. Abstract of certain lands, titled Swift. fol- brn. bds. ch s. xix. Abstract of Hathersage Copyholds, fol. brn. i bds. ch. s, xix. j Sandys’s MSS. Suit of Houghton, v. Sandys. fol. brn. bds ch s. xix. Somerville Aston Papers, Co. Glouc. fol brn. ! bds. ch. s. xix. Twyning, & Mythe Hook Papers, Co.Gloc.3 Vols. Vol. 1. titled “English ” Vol. 2. do. “Copenian." Vol. 3. do. Rentale,/'. brn. bds. ch. s. xix. Deeds relating to a House in Worcester, titled “Rawlins. "fol. bin. bits. ch. s. xix. Tideswell Grammar School Papers. Zt’/Zec^Brown.” Jol. brn. bds. ch. s. xix. Badsey Abstract, Co Wore. 1713. fol. brn. bds. ch. s. xix Phelpd Correspondence, titled Copeman. 4/o, brn. bds. ch s. xix. Derbyshire Papers, tilled Bagshawe. fol • bm. j bds. ch. s xix. * j Do. do. titled Eyre. Jol. brn. bds. ch. a. xix. • '9797 I 9800 19801 i 0802 I9SU3 I9S<>4 19805 19806 19S07 19808 19S09 19810 i 9S11 10812 I9S13 19814 1981 5 19816 19817 19818 198(9 19820 19821 19822 19823 19824 19825 19826 19827 19828 19829 19830 19031 19832 19033 19834 19835 19S36 19037 19038 19039 19840 19041 19842 Derbyshire Papers, titled ,f Tarlton./o/. do. do. Beckfoid Inclosure Award, 1773. fol. brn. bds. ch s. xix. Visct. de Vaux. MSS. 1794. Biographical Mem-. oi e« of Emigres, .v tol. wh. bds. ch, s . xviii. Placita Orme, v. Noire*,1793 l6o.wli.bds ch s xvii. Darke MSS. Vol. ... Placita Woodford, v. Slack. 4to wh. bds. ch. s xix Testainci.ta diversa. 1 st Thos. Blunt, of Huntley, Co, Glouc. 1809 .Jol. wh. bds. ch. s. xix- j Carta; varia;. Is/. Lord Spencer’s Settle:: ent 13 Car. 1. fol. wh. bds. ch. s xviii. II Title to a House in Kensington T. P s. Collections for the Baronage. 1 st. Roberfl i de Bellocampo. filius Symonis. thin lul.brn.bdi>. ch s xix. Amos’s Letters 1 st. W'alford, Sco. It brn. bds. ch. i xix Talleuiant de Beaux, Anecdotes of the 17th Cent- - ary. 4/o yell, bds ch. s xix Wright’s Rutland (print/d.) <1 Many Additions of Monumental Inscriptions- in M>S. I fol half russ ch, s. xviii. Fielden's N. 1 rawings of 71 Rutlandshire Chin¬ ches. /. fol halt ted mor. ch. s. xviii- Rabbi Jacob the son of Aba Men, the son c.f Samson, the son of Autulud, his Commentary» on the Books of Moses intitled ‘ The lb.ok i..r i the Teacher of Pupils." thick sin. 4 to Xell. s. xiv. i This Hook was given to me by the - Honble. Charles Murray. T. P.) Theodereti Episcopi Syri, & Nestorii prosphor- akde, Gtcece !2wo. red mor. V. s. xv. Moby’s Correspondents. Is/. Alexander. 4/o. half yell . bds. ch. s xix. Do. ch. do. s. xix. Is/. Me Clintock. thick half y bds.) Do. do. 1st. Pitcairn 12 mo.yell, bds do do.) Do. do. 1*/. Wing. 1 2mo.yel. bds.ch s. xix. Do. do. U/. Wheeler. 12 mo. do. do do*• Do. do. I st. Oakes. 12 mu. do. do. do. i Do. do. \st Smith. \'2mo. do. do. do.' Do. do. 16 /. Strong. V2»to. do. do. do Do. do. Is/. Chapman. 12wo. do. do. do,i Do. do. 1st. Rennie. 12mo. do. do. do. Do. do. 1st. Burn. 12mo. do. do. do. Do. do. 1st. Kemble. i'Zmo. do. do. do.' Do. do. 1 st. Micks. 1 'lino. do. do. do.' Do. do. Is/. Coltman. 1 2/no do. do. do. Do. do. Is/. Smith. 4/o. yell, bds ch. s.xix.i Do. do. Is/. Stacpole. 4/o brn. bds. do.do. Do. do. Is/. Pacy. 4/o. brn. bds. ch. s, xix.* Do. do. Is/. W ane. 4/o bm bds. ch. t. xix.. Do. do. 1st. Barry. 4/o. brn.bds. ch s. xix.: Do. do. Is/. Parker. {In this is the Auto-) graph of Richard Mansel Philipps. 4/o. brn.) bds ch. s. xix. 193 Testamenta varia. lx/. Jacobi King de- Daventry. 1176. Jol. wh. bds. ch. b xviii- Do. diversa. Is/ Sir Geo. Nares, 1783. fol. wh. bds. ch. s xviii. Description del Isle d’Annobon, 1602. U Genealogy of Viscount de Vaux. fol ch. s. xviii. Papers on the Cornwall Mines. 1st. Joshua Rowe.-i fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Testamenta Varia. Vol. .. is/. Fitz Gerald, ofJ Jamaica, Arthur Champernon, J. Wilks, x,c. I • 4/o. wh. bds. ch s. xviii- Cart* Ducis de Leeds l.fol, wh. bds. ch. s. xviii, i Dialectics. 8m, ful. V. seer. xiv. II Petri Hyspani Syuchategoremata. Mirkhond de Regibus Persarum. Turcice, 40S't leaves. Oriental binding, ch. s. xviii. (written] about 1798.) Sandys MSS Royal Charters granted to Canter-iJ bury. 2 Vo/s thin f.stiff marble covers cA.s.xix.i Dawson Turner’s MSS. Vol. ... Miscellaneous! Papers, MSS. «.C Print. 1 st. Carta Christopberif Michell, of Chiltern, &c. Co.Wilts, fol.brn.bds .11 ch. s. xvii-xviii. Catalogus Libk'orum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 19643 19844 [9845 i 9840 19847 19848 19849 19850 19851 19852 19853 19854 19855 19856 19857 19858 19859 19860 19861 19862 19663 19864 19865 19866 19867 19868 19869 198/0 19871 19872 19873 1987 4 371 Court Rolls of Thurnham, Kent, fol. brn. bds. ch. j 19875 s. xvi-xvii. | .MS. Sanscrit . thick obi. 32wo. ’ Oriental Indian binding red runs. De Vaux MSS. Officers of the Regiment of the Duke de la Val. fol wh. bds ch. s. xviii. Cartae Ducum Venetiarum, 1709, See. I Jol. brn. bds Veil, s xviii. Testamenta. Fol. .. Is/. Crossley. Ato. brn. bds. ch. s. xix. Derbyshire Papers. Fol. .. Is/. Ashton Lever. ihuh 4 to. brn. bds. ch. s. xviii-xix. Do. do. Fol. .. Is/. Terry fol. hf brn.bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do, Vol. .. 1 st. Shaw tall fol brn.bds. ch s. xviii. Abstracts, &. Marriages, Cheltenham, kc. Titled Cox fol. brn. bds. ch. xviii. Evesham Papers. Ful ... )st. Thompson, 19944 | 19946 19949 19950 19951 19952 19953 19954 19955 19956 19957 19958 !19959 il9960 19919 10921 Do. do. do. 2 Edw. 6. ad fiuem Mariae 1. 19969 i8fno. JIJ II. bds. ch. s. xix. 19922 Do. do. do. ab A. l Eliz. ad P. 5 Eliz. 19970 l8tno. M II. bds. ch. s. xix. 10023 Do. do. do. a P. 5 Eliz. ad C. 7 Eliz. 19971 IOwjo. M H. bds. ch, s. xix. 19924 Do. do. do. C. 7 Eliz. ad R. 8 Eliz. do.do.do. 10925 Do. do, do. R. 8 Eliz ad Y. 9. Eliz. do.do.do. 19972 19926 Do. do. do. A. 10 Eliz. ad W. 12 Eliz. do. do. 10027 Do. do. do. A. 13 Eliz. ad Y. 16 Eliz. do. do. 10928 Do. do. do. A. 17 Eliz ad C. 21 Eliz. do. do. 19973 10920 Do. do. do. D. 21 Eliz. ad Y, 23 Eliz. do. do. 19961 19961 19963 19964 19965 19966 19967 Do. do. do B 29 El 1Z. ad Z. 30 Eliz. do do. Do. do. do. A 3! El iz ad T. 33 Eliz. do. do.. Do. do. do. T . 33 E liz ad F. 36 Eliz. do. do. Do. do. do. G. 36 El ad H. 3S Eliz. , do. do. Do. do. do. H 3S El 1 iz. ad J. 49 Eliz do.do do., Do do. do K 40 El iz ad E. 42 Eliz. do do .do.. Do do. do. F. 42 El iz. ad Z 45 Eliz. do. do. Do. do do. A 1 Ja< 1. ad V Jac. 1 ,dn. do .. Do. do, do. A. 3 Jac . 1 ad O . 4. Jac. 1 do. do', i Do. do. do P. 4 Jac . 1 .ad M . (i Jac. 1 .do. do., Do. do do. A. 1 Cat •. t l. ad Y 3 Car. 1. do. do .i ludex Cart arum in Bibl. Harleiana. Himo.M H.bds.i ch. s. xix. Do. do. do. Cottoniana 18wo.d7 H. bds cA.s.xix.: Do. do. in Curia Augniemaeionis. do. do no. Homagia. 1 H. 8 ad 10 H. 8. Do. 1 Eliz,. Wilts. 1! Do. 4, & 5 Car. 1. Wihs.\8moy.bds.c.h.e,.x\x. Index to lnq. post Mort. S. 15 Jac. I. to W . 20 . Jac. 1 1 &mo. yell bds ch. s x»x. Rentale dt» Trembntho, Co. Cornw. 1763. /. Jol. wh. bds. ch s xviii. Phillipps Papers, Pedigrees. Incipit. “Preface h to the Pipe Roll 1i Plan of Wanborough Township at Port Wake- - field, near Adelaide in Australia. H Pedigrees ol Phiijipps of Whit ton Bassett, j Baldvvyn, Bayzand, Ashwin, W yrriott. W o- \ gan. Bampfield. i fol. wh. bds. clt. $. xviii. Naval Commissions, 1746, &e. 1st. Sutherland. 1. thin 4 to. Vel. s. xviii. Autobiography of Robert Pyott, of Hull, 1 7**0- impcr/ect 4 to. brn. bds. ch. s. xviii. Derbyshire Papers. Vol. .. \st Evans, 1809, fol. half brn. bds. ch. s. xix. Wigoru Papers, Vol .. Came de Ripple. Is/. Glover, tall fol. brn. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol, .. 1 st. Smith. /. brn. bds. ch. J s. xviii-xix. Evesham Papers. Vol. ... Is/. Ware, f brn. bds ch. s. xix. Overbury Inclosure, 1811. l.fol. brn. bds. ch. s.xix. Wigoru Carlae* Vol. .. 1*/. Mart-hali. 1. f. bm.bd*. ch. s. xix. Derby Papers. Vol. .. Is/. Holden, l.fol. brn.bds. ch. s. xix. Amos’s Papers, Letters. Vol. ... 1 st. Cooper. 12wo. brn bds. ch. s. xix- Do.do. Vol... \st. Amos. \'2mo. brn. bds. eA.s.xix. Derbyshire Papers. Vol. .. 1st. Stember. l2mo. brn. bds. ch s. xix. Hill, & Moor Papers in Fladbury, Co. Wigorn. Is/. Bushell.yb/. brn. bds. ch. s. xix. Overbury Inclosure Papers, 1820./. brn. bds ch. s. xix. Derbyshire Papers. Vol. ... \st. Gell. f. brn. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol ... 1 st. Gregory .fol. do. do. Glouc. Deeds Abstracts. Vol. ... Is/. Whalley. fol. brn. bds. ch. s. xix. Amos Correspondence. Vol. .. 1$/. Alger. 4/o. brn. bds. ch. s>. xix Do. do. Vol.,. Is/ Wright. 4/0. brn. bds. ch. s. xix. Darke MSS. Vol. ... Is/. Colemau. Ato. brn. bds. ch. s. xix. Derbyshire Papers. Vol. ... 1st. Scott. l2mo. brn. i bds. ch. s. xix. Thompson Correspondence. Vol. . Is/. Macauly. j \'2mo. ch. s. xix. Howdtn Parish Register, Co. York. Copy of i Baptisms, 1543, to 1645. fol. M H. bds. ck. I s. xix. Imperfect, requires Correction. Maps of Brunion, Trembethow,^Carue in Lebaoc ; i Co. Cornw. thin Ato. marbled stiff covers. V. ! s. xviii. Gale’s (Samuel,; Testamentary Researches. Print. \ with MSS , Notes, f, hf. wh. bds. ck. s. xix. Catalogus Librorum Manuscrii-torum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 373 , r ;<)74 y,: s t of Charles IMiillipps’s Photographs of Trees j 19IM9 ai Mill.Hi- Hul, &c IK.'.s) \smo. stone bus. ch. s xix j JS‘l7j ssirT P's i .avirl'i rd West Collections Cu.Pemb. j l rt .-,7 ih,u j #,iio sfffmotUed cover ch. s. xix. ^ 19990 •' l, u l t x to Mr. J’.io. Lloyd’s at l>ale Castle, j Book of M ebh Pedigrees of the Three Counties Pembroke, Cardigan, & Carmarthen. 19991 19976 Cartiv Tomaceiises. 27 t olunies Jol bru. bds. Vel ) s \ 1 V. l iz l ill. 1. Is/. Cal Ians, 1313. j 19977 Cavue Ipi>copoium Galbae. Is/, fietirici Epi.) Xanet. 11 d nd. Hugonis, Abbatis Premonstrat. / 1 >U8 }uL bin. bds. V . s x'i. 11*978 T P’s C. lh eiions for Co. (Hone. \st. Cadt.ll. { 19992 Uu». M H bds. ch. s. xviii. 19979 Do. Correspondence, & Collections. 1 st. Letter ) 19993 of Marquis of Bath 4 to. wli. bds. ch, s. xix. J 199U0 List of Deeds m the Hamilton Muniment Room. j 19994 thin 4/0 M 11 bds. ck s xviii. ig981 Ex Li ac a ex Curia \\ ardoruni, -V Liberacionum in J 19995 ciiversis Comitaiibus. foil. wh. veil. ch. s. xvii. j Olem Tlionise Martin, et Petri le Neve, cum j 1999(5 Auloyrapliis suis. 199S2 Radcliffe Collections Is/. 1 rappes Pedigree. ) 11 T. P’s. Bo. 1 si. Thorpe Letters. 2nd . Bed- / 19997 does L'eeds. fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. j 19933 Hinton’s Oxford Collections. l*f. All Hallow’s Church. 1. 4 > 0 . wh. bds ch. s. x\iii-xix. ) 19998 19984 Catalogue of Carte’s MS 5 . in Bodleian, Oxford. ) 8 vo. half red roan ch. s. xviii. S 19985 John Walcoi’s (my Grandson,; Volume of PhotoO graphs of his Ship’s Crew, the Victoria, 102/ 19999 Guns, Scenes at Malta, &c. 4/o. Iiul/morone j T. mor. ch. s. xix ^ j 19986 Placitade la Vilie de Tanier, or Tavier, en France, 1610 /liiii sin fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xvii. ( 20000 19987 Trevisano Ambassaria al ^-4ran Turco, 1551. Vol. 7 ,1 x. 4 lo y bds ch. s. xvii. (See 7346, MSS I*h.)l 19980 Guy's k etiers to Biathwayle, 1690. /. pink bds. ch. i s. xvii. s John Jones’s Drawings of Seals of Gloucester Municipal Deeds. with Notes from the Deeds. 4 Vo s. fol. hah dark blue mor. ch s. xix. T. P’s. Pembrokeshire Collections. 1st. ‘ - CapeI. Tabaris.” doo. wh. bds. ch. s xix. 11 On the Stone-Henge r.t .Malta A Discourse of the Commonwealth of England. A Marginal Note says “l thinke it not fit that this Treatise be primed, except it be auihoiued by some of the Act of the Counsels. r l hos. London.'’ thin fol. vellum cover ch. s. xvi. or xvii Lettres de Marie, Heine d’Ecosse. thin fol. hf. brn. cf. ch s. xvi. 1563. Menologion Grsecum, sire I.ectionale ex Evaogelii* fol. blk. orig. binding . Vellum scec. xi. or xii. 2 Bundles of Old Deeds. One T. C. Banks, Lsq from iuu6, to J82t on the Descent of Dyuvick from Mar* mion, & C ami of the Barony, thin 4 to. M H. bds. ch. s. xu. FINIS, Part 3. ■ . • U - c Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptornm in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 373 * '20001 20002 20003 20004 20005 2000G 20007 20008 2000 !) 2001-0 2001 1 20012 2001 3 20014 200 J 5 20010 200 ./ 200 IB 20019 20020 20021 20022 20023 20024 20025 20020 20027 2002B 2002!) 2».O30 20031 20032 20033 20034 20035 20036 20037 20038 20039 20040 2004 1 20042 20043 20044. 200 15 200-10 2001? 2004 B Pars \ta. Lettere di Malaspina, & Olaro.utn Italoium- j 200 49 fol. 31 H. bds. ch. s. xv -xvii Original Drawings lor Lord Valent ia’s Travels. j 20050 thin fol. .1/ H. bds ch. s xviii. Cartte de Lowdham, k Waniisdene, Co. Suffolk, f -0051 fol. grey bds. ch. s. xvi-xvii. Rental of Francis Carew. Esqr. of Bedington, Co. 20052 Surrey. 5 Edw. 6. fol yet. bds. ch. s. xvi. j 20053 Court Rolls of Thurnham, Co. Keut 1558, ad 1602. fol. yell, bds cfu s. xvi-xvii. | 20054 Ranu/.zi MsS Comedia di Olimpia et Honorio. j 20055 8m. 4lo. toil. bds. ch. s. xviii. Rentals of Tolgullow. 1. thinf MH. bds.ch s.xviii. j 20056 II Survey of St Day in Gwennap. Pedigrees ex I* O. C Wills by T P. | 20057 1* Nomina Villarum in Ducal. Lane, in Com Wilts, thin fol. bm bds. ch.. s. xix. 20058 Williams's Copy of Caennarthen Register from \ 1671, to 1«89. thin fol. stone bds. ch. s. xix | 20059 Copied for Sir T. P. Lord Audley’s Rentals, in Co. Wilts. 1793. thick fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Yriarte, Versus Latinos ‘‘quando yo esiudiaba 20060 en Paris.” s.[18wo. 31 H. bds. ch. s. xvii. H Do Notes of Books. j Lettere di Italiani Celebri. with Index. Is/. I .an -1 20061 franci. fol. 31 U. bds. ch. sac xv. ad xix. j Hensley’s Hants. & Herefonlthire Arms painted j 20002 on Monuments, thin fol. u:h. bds. ch. s. xix. Lease to Michael Russell, of Broadway, of lands \ 20063 in Chatlesley, alias Chaceley, Co. \\ ore.. 1803. i ful. J\J li. Ids. ch.s. xix. j 20064 Evesham Papers, Vol. 4. \st. Tysoe. 11 Holland of Croptboru. ihkA'.o. brn. bds. s.xviii. j 20065 l o. Fol. .. \st . 4Lo. brn. bds.ch. s.xix. | Lo. Col. .. Is/. Altvvood. 4/o. brn.bd&.ch. s.xix. j 20060* Derby Papers. Tol ... is/. Fox. llik.\2mo.ch. s.xix. I Wills from Ashmole MSS, Is/. Margt. Courtenay, 20007 Countess of Devon, ex Registro Rons in P O.C. Scc.&c. Copied by Chas. Bullingham, {who went ! 20068 to America, & turned Papist .) In old French. > 20009 •j Oddmgton Register Extracts, Co Gloc.by T P. | 20070 ^ Barton Church Notes. Co. W aiw. by T. P. 20071 II Pedigrees of Martin, & Ballaid, by T. P. | 20072 II Broadway Register Extracts, by T. P. Vlmo. puce cl, ch- s. xix. j 20073 Carlae Tornaccnses. Fol. 2. 1st. Kagnars, 1309. j 20074 J'. brn.bds. vel. s.xiv. ( For Fol.\. see No. 19995.) \ I ol. 3. I st. Nodiers, 1353. ! ‘20075 Fol. 4. 1 st. Gujllemos, n. d. Le Cauvve, 1279. 20070 Vol. 5. |«/, Flokes, 1287. 20077 Vol. 6, Is/. Vilainne, 1301. Vol. 7. Is/. Peusoize, 1360. Fol. 8. Is/. Megnuessier, A339. Vol. 9. Is/. Huelos, 1288. Vo/. 10. Is/. Leimcourt, 1283. \ ol. 11. 1 st. Li Mus, 1309. Vo/ 12. 1 st. Tunes, 1313. Vo/. 13. Is/. Prevod, 1337. \ol. 14. 1st. Vaine, 1337. Vo/. 15. 1st Ortcvres, 1285. \ol. 16. is/. Nuefvile, 1308. N o/. 17. Is/. Ratine, 1323. Vo/. 18. is/. Muusket, 1309. Vo/. 19. 1st. Bosces, 1373. Vo/ 20. 1st. Vaine, 1342. \ol. 21. Is/, lvatine, 1421. Vo/. 22. is/. Mulis, 1331, Vol. 23. Is/. Rone, 1342. Vo/ 24. Is/. /Ere, 1333, Vo/. 25. Is/. Dassonserve, 1292. Vo/. 20. 1st. Reuber, 1311. Vo/ 2/. Is/. Marke, 9 322. Kensington Court Roll, Co. Oxon. thin fol.wh.bds. ch. *. xviii, Phillipps Collections. I st. .. II Albert Way's transcript of part of Mapptc Clavicula. thin 4 to. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. Will of Leach of Cockbury, Co. G.louc, 4/o. MH . j 2009L bds. s. xviii. 200/8 20079 20080 2008 L 20082 20083 20084 20085 20086 20087 20088 20089 20090 Bontii Diploma pro Doctoris gradu. thin 4 to J1H. ch. s. xviii. I st. 4’ 2nd. page ill-minat. Autographs of Peers. Is/, Capel. 4to. Mil bds. ch. s. xix. Pyott's Papers, v Expences. Vol. I. narrow 8co. M H. bus ch s, xix. I o. do. do. Vol 2. do. do. do. Laugharne Papers, & Expences. narrow S vo. MU. bds. ch. s. xix. Satirist. Fol. .. )st. Brown. 8vo.MH.bds ch, s.xix. Dawson Turner’* Autographs.Lettres de M.Soanen Evesque de Senez. sm./ol, JM If bds. ch. s. xviii. Tideswell Vestry Meeting, 1824. 4/o. stiff marble covers ch. s. xix. George Murray, Bishop of St. David’s Expences, 1800. thin fol. M H. bds. ch. s. xix. Reeve's Correspondence. on Conchology. 1846, thin fol M 11 bds. ch. s. xix- Grievances of the Isle of Anglesea, (? in the Civil Wars.) thin fol. M U. bds. ch. s. xvii. *' Of the Diversity of Weights, k Measures. 11 Of tin. Clergy. Dawson 'lurner’s Autographs.— Bishops Letters & Ponnadieu Correspondence. Vol... 1 st . thin 'ilu, M 11. bds. ch. s. x. Do. do. do. Fol. .. Is/. Tremont, sin, 4/o. M II, bds. ch. s. xviii. Lewes’s i ast. India Correspondence. -4/o. MH bds. ch . s. xvii. List, & Extracts of Middlesex Registry of Deeds. 4/o M hi. bds. ch. s. xviii. Deed of Lord Castlemaine, k Lady Child. thin 4 to. 31 11. bds. ch. s. xviii. Buckland, Broadway, k Childs Wickham, Pro¬ perly Tax Receipts. fol. M 11, bds. ch. s. xix. Satirist. Fol. .. Is/. Lyndhurst. 4/o. M H, bds.ch g. xix. East India Naval Affairs, 1691. fol. 31 H bds. ch. s* xvii-xviii. Traites de Paix, 1014. thin fol 31H. bds. ch.s. xix. Pyott Correspondence Jol. M 11. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. 1799. 4/o. 31 11 bds. ch. s. xviii. Phelps Correspondence, lol. 31 hi. bds. ch. s. xix. Overbury Jnclosure Minute Book, iB11. 4/o ryh. cf. ch. s. xix. Pyott Correspondence, 1801.4 to. ryh,. cf. ch. s xix. Do. Expences, JOOO. Fol. 1. 4/o. 31 H. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. 1800. Fol. 2. obi. 4/o M 11. bds. ch. s.xix. On Courts of Justice, thin 8 vo. 31 hi. bds.ch.s.xv ji. Bronod Correspondence, 1097-1757. 4/o. 31 U.bds. ch. s xvii-xviii- Dawson Turner’s Franks, 1828. Is/. Blount. 4/o. wh, bds. ch s. xix. Dawson Turner’s Autographs. Vol... ls/.Denjoy. 4/o. 31 U. bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Osgood Correspondence. Vol... 1st. Corry. 4/o. 3111. bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Vol. .. 1st. Bird, 1810. 4lo. MU. bds. ch. s. xix. Satirist. Vol. ... 16-/. Duller. 4/o. 31H. bds.ch. s.xix. Abstract of Title to Rodney Stoke, for Hon. Jno. Coventry. 1727 .fol. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Placitu. Shirley of Eatington versus Smith, 1792. fol. wh. bds. cli. s. xviii. Framlingham Papers, Co. SufF. temp. Eliz. &c. thin fol. wh. bds. ch. s xvi. Chator's Letters to Aslle, 17S7. li Bedfordshire Arms. fol. wh. bds. ch, s xviii. MSS. Miscell. Suffolk Papers. Is/. Fuller. On 1 st. leaf A Russian Coat of Arms. fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. Cornwall Papers Is/. Manor of Sloke Climsland. thin fol. wh bds. ch. s. xviii. Fturtt’s Letters from Suratt, East India, 1732. thin fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xvii. Stubbes’s Deeds of Eltham, Co Kent. 1626. 1. thin fol. wh bds. ch. s. xvii. Jepson’s Lunacy Case, Co. Glouc. thinfol.roh. bds, ch. s. xix. 374 20092 80093 20094 20095 20096 20097 20098 20099 20100 20101 20102 20103 20104 20105 20106 20107 20108 20109 201 10 20111 20112 20113 20114 20115 201 16 20117 20118 20'. 19 20120 20121 20122 20123 20124 20125 2012G 20127 20128 Catalogus Librorum ManuscriptorUm in Bibliotheca Phillippica. Drawings & Prints. 1st Castle of Chillon, Geneva j ■ Profile of Sir T. P. iet. 34, in 1826. H View near Matlock. j U View near Sydney, New South " ales 1" Fort Macquarrie, Sydney > H Gateway in Villa Borghesc, drawn by Lady Sandon .fol. bds. ch. s. xix. Princess Olive’s Autograph Pedigree of her family. H Her Letter to the Duke oi Norfolk. j ihinjol. wh. bds. ch. s. xix Aulograjh. Pedigrees of Archer, Gurney, Ac. /. 4 to wh . bds. ch. s xix Cornwall Papers. Vul. .. 1 st. Penrliyn Borough. fol, wh. bds. ch. s. xix. j Schedule of Richard Cumberland's Deeds of Wis¬ bech, & Lemington, Co Cambridge. If Jamaica Papers, of Mullett Hall, Ac. Jul. wh. bds. ch. s. XiX. | Gael, & Pbiilipps Collections pro Com. Glouc. Charlton Kings, Ac .fol. wh. bds. ch. s xix. j Sheriffs Precipes, temp. H. 8. A Elizth J.wh.bds. j V. Sc perg. s. xvi. ; Bible Proofs against Popery, thin fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xix \ Testaments.—Wills of Hood, Nash, Morison, Fynn, | Bryant, &c. tall thin f (/rcy bds. ch. s. wni. j Joyce to Lloyd, >ale of Cockshut, Co. Salop. fol. grey bds. ch. s xix. Skynner’s Case in the House of Loidb. 11 Magna? Cartee Deliquium. Jol.uh. bds, ch.s.x\'u. Rental of Francis Carew, of Beddmgton, Surrey. 4 Edw. 6. fol. lull. bds. ch. s. xvi. Depositions in Standon, v. Totle, 2 F. 6. sin. thin fol. wh. bds. ch. s xvi. Copies of Letters from Parnell, Ac 1752. thin fol. wh. Ids. ch. s. xviii. Schedule of Deeds of Leonard Gale, of ('rabbet in Worth, Co. Sussex, thin jul . wh ids. ch. s.xvii- xviii. Lemon Horse—Toll Book, at Whitsuntide Fair, Co. Notts. 1707. sm fol. yell. Ids ch s. xviii. V aller’s Suit, v. Southwell, 1710. sm.Jol. yell.bds. ch. s. xviii. General Don’s Dividends on U. S. Stock. 4 to.yell, ch. s. xix. Durham Bishopric Papers. Yol. .. Is/. Brooks, thick 4/o. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Lettres du Due de Celle, (damaged ) narrow fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Dodsley’s Letters from Prior Park, 1754. Slit. 4/o, wh bds. ch. s. xviii. Autographs of Lawyers. Is/. Brougham, Ac. H Brown Family, Extracts from Eastbourn Register. 12 mo. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Letters on the Montagu Peerage Case. 4/o. y. bds. c/l. s. xix. The Case of Steel of Hampshire, fol. yell. bds. ch. S. XIX. Darke Correspondence Vol. 1, Is/. Clarke. \'2nw. wh. bds. ch s. xix. T. P’s. Exptnces, 1850. s. 4 (o. yell . bds, ch. s xix. Amos Letters. Vol. .. Is/. Evans. l2mo. yell. bds. ch. s xviii. Darke Receipts, A Legal Papers. Vol. 5. Is/. Darke. 1827. 4/o. wh, bds. ch. s. xviii. Do.do Vul. 6. Is/. Croslby. 4/o. yell- bds ch. s.xix. Do.do. Vol. ?. 1 st. Phelps, \2mo.wh. bds.ch. s.xix. Derbyshire Papers. Vol. .. 1st . obi. 4 to. y. bds. ch s. xix. Satirist. Vol. ... Is/- Begbie. 4/o yel. bds. ch. s.xix. Lo, Vol ... Is/. Jncipit. ‘‘Will you.” 4/o. yell- bds. ch. s. xix. Darke Correspondence. Vol. 2. 1st. Besson. 4/o. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Wellesley Pole Correspondence. Vol. 1. Is/. M. Shawe. 18mo. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vul. 2. is/. Mornington. LSmo yell. bds. ch. s, xix. Cornwall Papers. Vol. .. \st. Daniel, fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. 20142 20t43 •20144 20145 20146 20147 20148 20149 *20150 20151 201 52 0 i 53 0154 20155 20156 20157 20158 20159 20160 20161 *20162 20163 20164 20165 20166 20167 Satirist. Vol. ... 1st. Sneiling. 4 lo.y. bds-. ch. s.xix M ellesley Pole Cortespondence. Vol.'S. \sh Stan hope. 4/o. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Pnpieis de Fiance, 1808-18. bang Letters addres sed to ‘‘Le Directeur de 1’ Enregistremeni du Department de la >eine a Parts.” 4tu.yell.bdsi ch. xiv. Suit of Lawrence* v. Maule for Properly acquirer in North America jul. pink bds. ch. s. xix Marriage of Plainer to Yurton, 1704. f. pink bds. ch. s. xix. Wallace Copies of 1 eeds Is/ W allace ofCailto Hall, Cumbeilaiid. fol. pink bds. ch. s. xix Wellesley Pole Correspondence, 1811. lo/. 4. Is/. V. ilW.ughby- 4 to. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Captain Mignans Letters. 4 to. yell bds. ch. >. xili Newling's Salop. Collection of Notes of Monu mental Inscriptions. I Umo.ycll. bds ch. s.xix. 1 Memorials of the Morris Family of Barbadoes, \i) of Piercefieul, Chepstow, Co. Monm. sin. 4/o brih bds blue sides c It. s. xviii. Miscellaneous Print & MsS. Jamaica Papers Jul. wh. bds. ch s. xviii-xixj MSS. Foreign, A Domestic, fol. half red roan wit interleaved Translation , ch. s. xvi. (some lei lers stem tv have been taken out.) Testan.euta. Vol. 55. Is/ J\lynge. fol. yell* bds.cl S. XVII. L;o Vol, 4 9. is/. Scogall, 1624./'. y. bds. ch. s xv.i Abstract of 1 ltle to bugle lug in Utley, Co. York Jul. wli. bds ch. s. xviii. Dawson Turner's Autographs. Vul 21* Is/. Pigo 11 Copy of Prince Henry’s Letters, 1612. thinJ'ol, y bds ch » s. xviii. Testa men ta. Vol. 54. Is/. Conyngham, JG21. Ac Jul. y. bds. ch. s. xvii. Do. Vol. 56. Is/. M ebbrr. thin fy.bds ch .s xv Do. Vol 44, 1st. Polhill. J'ol. yei. bds,eh.a xr Vol. 45. Is/. Bcst.ful. yet. bds. ch. s xr Vol. 46. Is/, bpi-ucer. fol.yel.bds.ch.s.ln'f J'ol. Si. 1st. X{ ‘dne.Jul y ( l bds ch. b x. Vol. 48. 1st- Shiei’b.yb/. yel. ids. ch s. x Montague Peerage Kt-coids .f. yell bos. ch. s. \ Copies of Deeds. 1*/. Feaiuli. 4 to y. bds. ch.z.x Bosanquet’s Military Letters, 1819. J\ g bds. a s, xix. Suit of Yate, & oil-.ers against Berkeley. fol. yell, bds ch s. xix. Lunacy Case of Philip \v elsli, with the Opinion) Jolin Milford, afterwards Lord Rcdesdule* Vol. I fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Yol 2 - J'ol. yell, bds th s. x buit Marshall, v. Johnson thin j. y. bds ch. s x Dawson Turner’s Autographs . Vol. 10. IS/. Lt nox, 1683. thick fol. pink bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. do. Vol. 19. Is/. Sumlerlai; H Verses on Marriage of V\ m. 3 with Mary. thin fol. yell, bds clt■ s. xvit. Placita. Bennett, v. Diueley, 9 Geo. 4. thick j gr« y bds. ch. s xix. 7 Leeds of Henry 3. of France, signed. 10 Deeds of Dukes of Lorraine, Ac. 14 Deeds of Victor Amadeus of Savoye, Ac. 7 Deeds of Duke of bully, Cardinal Albotii, Ac 8 Deed of Rene, King ot Sicily, Ac. F. P. V....’s Discorso al Doge di Venetia so| la Materia del inquisitione. 32 mo. old red mi full gilt cli. s xvii. Do. Do. Do. Do. Sir T. P's. Pembrokeshire Collections, 20168 Wills P. O. C. Is/. Keck, of Long Marston. H Sale of Charles 1st. Estates. 1i Ex lnq. post Mort. temp. Car. 1. II Peds. Fiuium in Co, (•louc. ISmo. blue mor. ch s. xix. 20169 Copy of the Emblazoned Pedigree of PhilliJ of Kilsant, to 1687, at Picton Castle. 1i Rudbaxton Register Extracts. 18 mo. red m ch. s. xix. Catalogue LiBrorum Man uscrtiPfbRuM iN Bibliotheca Phillippica. 376 •20170 20171 2017-2 20173 20174 20175 20170 20177 20178 20179 201 80 201 b 1 20182 20183 20184 20 HO 20180 20187 20180 20189 20190 2oiyl 2019*2 20193 20 1 94 20196 Pembrokeshire Collections, Is2. A4ms of Nathaniel | 2019b Phillips, of Slebech ISoto ch. a. xix. Pedigrees from Wills P. O C. 11 Notes ex Rotulis Walliee II Pedes Finium pro Com. Pembroke. 1[ Pembroke Churches, & Patrons. 11 Notes from Chancery Rolls. 18///0. tvh, veil ell s. xix. Pedigrees of Gentry in Caermarthen. Isf. Golden Grove. 18/// 0 . puce cl. ch. s. xix (notfinished .) List of Wills at Caermarthen 1 61 1, 10 1023. 11 Do. do. do. 1706, to 1726. H Ex Registro S. Petri de Caermarthen, Vol. 2. 1700 - 16 . 1i Sketch of Kilsant House, {partly rebuilt, and little of the old Manor House left.) 1.8 mo puce mor. ch. s. xix. j Rough Sketch of the Ruins of P‘‘itrice Castle, & Oxwich Castle, drawn on a C>.py of Collin’s Map of S. Wales, thin 1 fmo. red sides ch s.xix. II List of Portraits at Penrice Castle. Copy of the Pentypark MS. of Pedigrees of Wales. 181/10 puce vwr. ch. s. xix. Church Notes at Slebech New Church. II Sketch of the Dungeon, & mined Round Tower, of Wiston Castle. If List of Fenton MSS 11 Pembrokeshire Pedigrees. 18mo. hf. dark blue I o().>()8 •n.or. ch. s xix. Pedigrees of Magistrates in Co. Pembroke, 1858. (Only a few entered.) 18 wo red mor. ch. s. xix. Notes for Pedigrees. 1*2. Griffin Phillips, of Caer- maitheu, & Bloomfield. «[j Aber Cowin Church Notes: also for Mydrim, Narberth.iV Robeston Wathen. II Welsh, & Norman Families settled in Ireland, Ex Placitis Communis Banci in Birmingham Tower, Dublin, A. D. 1297, Ac. H Pedigree of Robliu. 18w?o. urn. cl. ch s. xix. Wood’s (of Worcester,) Pencil Drawings of Chin¬ ches, Seats, Old Houses in and round Broad¬ way. obi, 4 to. limp marbled Ids. ch. s. xix. T. P’s. Debts. 1826 I 8 /// 0 . half 1 cd mor ch. s. xix. Ex Cartulario Llanthonue, A. 7. c Fe« da Militum in Com. Glouc. 11 Ex Registro Lanthouiie, A. 3. 11 Continuation of Cartul. Lanthoniae, A. IX. 11 larticulare Computi Robti. Somerville, Vice Comitis Glouc. 18mo. half red cf. ch s. xix. Tormarton Parish Register, copied by Mrs. Fen¬ wick. 18 mo.dk. blue cf. ch. S. xix- {?No. 13597.^ 20197 -'0198 21)199 20200 !20201 20202 i 20203 : 20204 > 20205 \ 20206 ' ^ 1 2020 ? 20209 202 ! 0 20211 .|20212 ’[ 20213 20214 20215 20216 20217 20218 Petri le Neve 31SS. ex Bibl. Fitch. 20219 20220 Letters of Thomas Martin of Pal grave, Richard Rawlinson, Peter le Neve, ac. 4 to. M 11. bds. ch. s. xvii-xviii. Kirkpatrick’s Letters to Peter Le Neve, &c# 1715- 1721 . s///. 4 to. ch. s. xviii. Oliver Le Neve’s Letters to his Brother Peter Le Neve, 1083. Vol. 1. *. 4to. M 11. bds. ch. s.xvii. I)o. do do. to do. 1697. Vol. 2, sm. 4lo. M H. bds. ch. s. xvii. Do. do. do. Hi9ti.VoL3.sAto.Mil.bds.ch.s.xvu. Do. do. Letters to various Persons, 1684, See. Vol. 4. 1st. To his Brother Peter. Jol. JM 11. bds. ch. s. xvii. Oliver Le Neve’s Letters to his Brother Peter, 1683. Vol b.fol. M II bds. ch. s. xvii. Do. to do. do. 1693 .fol, M H. bds. ch. s. xvii. Thomas Martin of Palgrave’s Papers, thin f. Mil. bds. ch. s. xvii. Lord Townshend’s Letters to Peter Le Neve, 1688, Lo 1701.4/o. l\l H. bds ch. s. xvii. Peter Le Neve’s Letters. Vol. 1. 1692, to 1720. tun 4 to. M H. bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. do. Vol. 2. 1700. i’lmo.MH.bds.ch.s.xv'm. Do. do. do. Vol. 3. 1711. sm. 4to.MH.bds. chi s. xviii. 20221 20222 20223 20224 20225 20226 20227 20228 20229 20230 j 20231 I 20232 20233 Peter le Neve’s Letters. Vol 4. 1689, to 1721. sm. 4(o. M H bds. ch. s. xvii. Do. do. do Vol 5, 1*2. Letter Oliver Le Neve> I6S3. It begins with An Assessment on Mrs. Mary Murcote, in lG03. 4lo. MHbds ch.s xvii. Do. do. do Vol. 6. s. 4 to. M 11 bds s xviii. Ex Bill. Dawson Turner , Arm. Franks of Peers. & M. P’s 1 st. K natch bull, 4to. M 11. bds. ch. s. xix Donnadieu Correspondence, (851. 1*2. Bullock. I 8 /// 0 . M H. bds ch s. xix. Autographs. 1*2. De Wilt A List of Books. 32 mo. square Autograph Notes of Peeresses. J*/. Ashburnham. 1 8 /// 0 . M H bds. ch. ». xix. Dawson Turner’s Autographs, Vol... 2nd. Cres- wick. \'2mo. M 11. bds ch. s. xix. Pb. do do. Vol. .. Is/. E/lettsA limb. M H. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. do Vol. .. ist. Clowes. fol MH bds. eh s. xvin. Do. do. Foreign do. Vol. .. 1 si. Petit.? 4 / 0 . M H. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol. . „ U2. Machiavelli. 4 to. M H. bds, ch s. xviii. Do. do. Vul... 162. N. E. Bratmvfell, thinfol. roll. bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Vol. ... 1*2. Ansell. thinfol. uh. bds ch. s. xviii. Ex Bill. Miscellaneis. Derbyshire Papers. Vol. .. 1 si. Brown, 1820. 4 / 0 . uh. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol ... I st. Farnsworth, 1845. 4/o. nil bds ch. S. xix. Satirist. Vol. .. Is/. Digby. square 24mo. MH.bds, ch, s. xix. Durham Bishopric Papers. Is/ Price. Heston Title, Co- M iddx filivh bds. ch s. xviii. Carta de Evesham. Vo/. .. Is/. Did .jol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Vol. .. I.s2. Bird./. grey bds. o/i.s.xviii. Evesham Papers. Vol... 1*/. Bullock, thick fol. ich. bds. ch. s. xviii. Derbyshire Papers. Vo/. ... 162. Marsden. fol. wh. bds. ch. S xviii. Title to liapton llall, Co; Noif Jol. grey bds. ch. s. xviii. Sandys’s Canterbury Records./, wh bds ch. s xix. Evesham Letters. 1st. VxweuAto.MH.bds ch. s.xix. Carla Gallia Q.Vol... 1 st. Cappcl. thin f.p.scec. xvi, Abstracta Carl arum Vallis Evesham. Vol. .. 162. Lavender, thick fol. grey bds. ch. s. xviii. Title to Lands in Avenbury, Co. Hereford. thick fol. ich. bds. ch. s. xviii. Carta Vallis Evesham. Vol. .. 1st. Merrell. fol. grey bds. ch, s. xviii. Evesham Papers. Vol. .. 1 st. Bennett. 1.thick fol. wh. bds. ch. s, xix. Evesham Papers. VoL .. 1*/. Preedy. thick f. wh. bds ch. a xviii. Do. Placita. Vol. .. Is/. Philpotts- f.wh. bds ch. s. xix. Title to Ueekes’s Lands at Ashton under Hill. thick fol M 11. bds. ch. s. xviii Marriage of Polhill, with .Spooner, 1787./. y, bds. ch. s. xviii. Addresse de la Convention Nationale au Peuple Frangais, An. 3. 1795. In Arabic, thinf. y bds. ch s. xviii. printed. Bannerets of England. Ex J1SS. Dering. Gentry of England, 17 H. 7. thinfiol.yell. bds. ch. s. xvii. Testamenta. Vul. 50. 1st. Booth, 1639, &c. 1. fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xvi. Do. Vo/. 5i. ist, Tyrer, 1637, &c, l.f.yelLbds ch, s. xvii. 376 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 29234 20235 20236 20237 20238 20239 20240 20241 20242 20243 20211 20245 20246 20247 20243 20249 20250 20251 20252 20253 20254 20255 20256 202o 7 20258 20259 20260 2026 1 20262 Documents for Biography, A' Genealogy. Fol. ... t 29276 Is/. Dioc. 8. David. Bemon. 1. jot. yell. bds. [ perg» sate, varia. . \ Marriage of William Watt. 1818. f.y. bd*. tiim. 202,7 Cartai Anglicanre. I ol. 4. 1st. Gary, 1683. fol. yell. bits. ch. s. six. , , i Barker Papers, A Pedigree. thmfal.M H bd , c/i.s.xii. 80478 Testameiita. Vol. . • !$/• Marsh. \ Sale of Land at Bush, from Hichard Marsh.j to Robert Bayzaud, of Edgeware f. MU.bds \ ch. s. xvii!. Geo. Sandys of Canterbury liis Correspondence. j ■ ^ Survey’ of Lands late Sir Richard Sandys,i 1781, ill Bi-hops Field, See. Dawson Turner's Autographs. Vol. .. Is/.Vaughan, ihin/ol. M U.bds. cli.a. xviii. i Do- do. do. Vol. ... Is/. Hatchet. thick fol.\ M U. bds ch. s. xviii-xix. Hoby Correspondence. Vol. .. 1st. Rowley. 12 mo. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol ... 1st. Hudson. 8 ro. y bds.ch. s.xix.j Do. do. Vol. .. 1st. Pratt. llmo.y. bds.ch. s.xix. Do. do. Vol. .. Hicks, ['lino, yell bds. ch. s. xix. Do.do.FoZ. .. 1st. Abc-tbol. ll/no. y.bds c/i.s.xix. Sandys's MSS. Pyott Correspondence. 1st. Triad. Ata. M U. bds. ch. s. xviii-xix T. P’s. Latin Exercises at Rugby, or Fladbury. j thin sm. Mo. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. Evesham Papers Vol. .. 1 st Rushout. 4 /o wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Amos Correspondence. Vo/. .. 1st. Bushell. thick 12 mo. half MU. bds. ch. s. xix. j Evesham Papers. Vol. •• 1st. Cox. 800 , MU. bds.i ch. s. xix. | Do.do.Po/_Is/. Straford. 4/o. MU. bds.ch. s.xix. j Po.do Vol .. 1 si. Bennett. 4/o. MU bds ch. s.xix. 1 Do.do.PbZ, .. 1st. Kirapton. 4/0. Jill bds.ch. s.xix - . Do.do. Vol. .. 1st. Olive. thk.Ato MU bds ch. s.xix. Do.do.J ol. ... Moore, thick 4 to. MH. bds ch. s.xix. 'Idle to Grettou in Winchcomb ^ Do. of William Combe, & Cecilia Drury, to lands in Great, & Little Hampton, from temp. Eliz./oL M H. bds. ch. s. xix. Fenn Estates Valuation in Avenbury, Co. Heref. 1836. Is/, lzod. llik. 4 to. wh. bds. ch. s, xix. Evesham Papers. Vol. .. 1st. Phelps, thick 4/o. wh. bds ch. s. xix. j Do.do. Vol. .. Is/. Ashwin. fol. ivh. bds. ch. s. xix. J Derbyshire Wills. Is/. Hill. f. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. j Evesham Papers. Vol,... Is/. Pardow. thick fol. j wh. bds. ch. s. xix. 20279 20280 26231* 202S2 20283 20284 20235 20286 20287 20288 20289 20290 20291 20263 Derby Papers. Vol. .. 1st. D. of Devonshire. thick l fol. wh. bds ch. s. xix. 20264 Abstract of Haselor in Cropthorn. thickf.wh. bds. ch. s xviii 20265 Do. to blouses in Bengeworth, 1719.ls/.Padget. 4/o. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. 20266 Placita Evesham. 1st. Thompson. 4Zo. wh bds.ch.) 20292 20293 20267 20268 20269 20270 2027 1 20272 20273 20274 20275 s. xix. Title to Admington, Co. Glouc. 1st. Corbet. j f. rah. bds.ch s. xviii. Dawson i uvner’s Foreign Autographs. Vol. . * j Is/. Dea Touches fol MU.bds ch. s. ix. \ Do. do. Vo/. .. 2nd. Key de Baron, 1818.$ 8 vo. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. 1 Evesham Papers. Vo/. .. Is/. Amos. 8t>o. wh.ods. j ch. s. xix. Sandy’s Mc-S. A Book ofExpences. thin 24wio. wh. bds ch. s. xix. Autographs of Lord Inchiquin, &c. Is/. Blagdon. s. 4/o. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. j Bills of Expences 1677. s. 4 to. wh. bds. ch. s-xvii. j Memoranda of the Reign of Janies 2nd. ? by the j Steward Lord Robert Manners. 11 Lord Robert Manners Expences. thin 18 mo. wh. bds. ch. s xviii. Rental of Dawson’s Estate in Heston, Sc Hays, I Co. Middx. 1756. thin 4 to. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. 20294 20295 20296 20297 2029S 20299 20300 20301 20302 20303 20304 20305 20306 Foley’s Parliamentary Notes in 1689 . Addre'Sted to Robert Foley,"of Slourbiidge. thin sm. 4/o, ( M1J bis cli. s. wii 4 , or 5 Scotch Rolls relating to Urquhart 01 - Cromertie, & Anderson of Udall /. thin 4/0.1 ill U. bds.ch. s. xvii. (circa 1662.) now bounttk in l Vol. I Grant ot Hampton Tylhes, te ar Evesham, to Riel Andrewes, of Hailes, 36 11.8. Ex Hot PnteUM fol. M 11 bds. eh- s. xviii H Do. do. 45 Eliz. Grant of (it & Little Hampton Manors to R.obl. Pay lor. Placita in Com. Glouc Tredwell, v. Kendrick 1831. fol. M H. bus ch s. xix. Battersea Rate Book Extract, 1700. Ihinjul. M Hi bds. ch. s. xvii Derbyshire Papers Vo/. .. Is/. Rich. fol. M Hi bds. ch s xix Theophtlus Jones of Brecon's Sale Catalogue, will MS. prices. ir Cart, r Monument at Hampstead. •L Game of Bumble Puppy, or Baffle the Magia trates. 4 to wh bds ch s. xviii. t-atirist. Vo/. .. Is/. Bernard, thin fol. M H. bds ch. s xix Petition of Thomas Shipway, of Woodmaneotet Co. Glouc. tlik. A to wh bds.ch s. xix Durham Bishopric Papers. Xol. I 1st. Placita. tall thm ful. M II. bds cli. s xix € Canning Papers Part 1.1786. c/i.s xviii Do. do. Xol. 2 . 1 a/. Faber. I f. M U bds ch. s xix I 11 Canning Papers Rental. P. 2. 1788. ch s.xviijfl Dan si.n Turner’s Autographs Xol .. 1st. Daverrl ant Memorial. /. th'.n ,ol. M II. bds. ch. s.xviii 1i Reasonable Advice to the Ladies &.c. 1i London Daily Advertiser, 1753. (print ) \\ orcestershire Views Diawnigs, & Print. /. fol. M II. bds cli s xviii-xix. Radcliffe’s ‘-Genealogical Papers" being Pedigree of Piantagenets, Tudors, Ayseoiuh of Skew>t by, Alkyns of Saperton, Co- Glouc. Earnest Caldwell, Chadwick, Colling""od, C<>rdel Edge, Galway, Jones, Meux, Peshall, Rn® clitfe, Vaughan, x\\ Do. do.VoZ .. Is/. Phelps i.J.MH,bds.ch s.xi> Do do Xol ... Is/. Olive, fol. MU. bds.ch.s.xts Cornwall Papers of Trembetho, & Tolgullow. 1st. Edward 3. Charter./. MU. bds. ch. s. xv: (1681.) Derbyshire Papers. Is/. Sheldon large f. MHbo ch. s. xviii. H Sales by Auction, (printed.) Catalo&us Libro&um Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippioa. a H Ex Bill. Mistellaneis. 20307 Eiectibii Canvassing BooA. 4 Vols (/o be bound in ) one.) F. B.T. ( 20308 Dawsoh Turner’s Foreign, Autographs Vo/. ... / Is/. Osgood fol M H. bds ch. s. xvii-xviii. ^ '20309 16 Original Drawings lor Lord Valentia’s Travels .) thin fol M H bds ch s. xviii ^ 20310 Sir George W harton’s Ordnance Payments, 1679.^ large thick jol.puce clth. ch. s xvii. ) Count Archinto’s Milan Collections. j 20311 Count Octavius Archinto’s Genealogies of Milan i Families. 45 Vols. fol. ch. The Collection was < bound in l(i thick Portfolios , but has been now j bound in smaller folio \olumes. ) Is/ Portfolio — Yol. 1. 1 st. Arehinto Pedigree.) MS. & print. 2**312 Dt>. !'<>/. 2 1 »/. Bebu’cus Pedigree. MS Sf pr. { 20313 Do. Vol. 3. 1 st. Busca Pedegree. do. <5 'y do. ^ 20314 Do. Vol 4. 1 st Alidua Pedigree, do. # do. \ 20315 Do. 1 ol. 5 \st Bernjjrdigius do. <&c. do. only. ) 203 Hi 2 Portfolio. Yd 1. I st. Arehinto do do. only. \ 203<7 Do. Vol. 2. Is/. Castro S. Petri do. do. Sf print.) 20318 Do. Vol.'6. 1st. ('ambirgius do. do. if print. ) S031M Do. Fol. 4 1st* Campsiraghi do. do. Sf do. ) 20320 3 Do. Vol. 1. 1st. Osius do. do Sf do. 5 20321 Do. Vol. 2. I st. Piantanida do. MS, cheifiiey. ^ 20322 Do. Vol. 3. 1 st. Litta do. MS. Sf print ) 20323 Do. Vol. 4. 'st. Arehinto do. M S' only. \ 20321 Do. Vol. 5 1st. Osius do. MS. Sf print. < 20325 Do. Folk d. 1st. Gavazzi do. do 6,-do. > 20326 4 Do. Vol. 1. Arehinto do. MS. only. ) 20327 Do. Vol. 1. Is/. Arehinto’s Collection of Roman \ Insciiptious with Drawinus. Ms. only. 20328 Do. i ol. 3. Is/. Arehinto Pedigree. MS, Sf print. 20329 5 Portfolio. Do. Fol. I. 1a/. Trivuhius. do.&cdo. j 20329* Do. Vol. 2. Is/. Gallerani. do. Sf do. j 20330 Do. Ful.'S. 1st. Carissimi Pallavicini. du.SfdoA 20331 Do. Vol. 4. 1 st. Bellini e Belgiojosio. print only ) 20332 6 Portfolio. Fol. 1. De Collegio Jurisperitorum n de Milan. MS. § print. j 20333 Do. Vol. 2. Catalogus Senatorum de Milan, &c. j MS. chiefly. j 20334 Do. Vol. 3. Monumenta Francisci Sfortia, & j aliornm MS. chiefly. ) 20335 7 Portfolio. Vol. 1. 1*7. Castillionwi, &c. pr. only s 20336 Do. Vol. 2. Is/. Lampugnano. MS. § print. ) 20337 8 Portfolio. Vol. 1 . Is/. Sessa. print only. < 20S3S Do. Vol. 2. Is/. Roma. MS. Sf print. ) 20339 Do. Vol. 3. 1*/. Balbus. &c. "do. do. < 20340 Do. Fol. 4. 1st. Solarius. do do. ) 20341 Do. Vol. 5. 1#/. Visconti, print only. ) 20342 9 Portfolio. Vol. !. la/. Landriano. MS. only. \ 20343 Do. Fol. 2. 1a/. Visconti .print only. ) 20344 Do. Fol. 3. 1 st. Visconti. MS. Sf print. / 20345 Do. Fol. 4. 1a/. Quadrio, Sec. MS. only. ) 20346 Do. Vol, 5 1a/. Prcsta, &c .print, JIISS. j 20347 10 Portfolio. Fol 1. la/. Orations of Gaieazzo ) Visconti. MS. chiefly. t 20348 Do. Fol. 2. 1st. Arehinto *s Milan Pedigrees, sive ) Notitia Virorum. MS. only. ) 20349 11 Portfolio. Fol. I. Fusauus. print only. S 20350 Do. Fol. 2. Pusterla. do. do. / 20351 12 Portfolio. Fol. I. Is/. Arehinto Collections l Abdua, &c. MS. original Cover inside. ) 20351* Do. Caballorum Familiae. S 20352 13 Portfolio. Vol. 1. Privilegia Collegii Jurisperi- \ torum de Milan, Bulla) Paparum, &c. / MS, & print. S 20353 14 Portfolio. Do. Fol. 1 Count Arcliinto’s Col- ? lections relating to the College of Milan. S MS. chiefly. Title stamped on Cover. Exem- ) plaria Privilegiorum /’irchintoruin Comitis j Octavii Arehinto.” with the Arms. ) 20854 15 Portfolio. Do. do. relating to his oWnFamily \ fol. brn. clth. MS chiefly. 'Title stamped on ) the Covers. “Exemplaria pro Admissione in ' 20355 20356 20357 203 -8 20359 20360 20361 20362 20363 20364 20365 20366 20367 20368 20369 20370 20371 20372 20373 20374 20375 20376 20377 20378 20379 20380 20381 20382 20383 20384 20385 20386 20387 203fc8 20389 20390 20391 20392 20393 20394 20395 20396 20397 Collegio Comitis Octavii Arehinto.” with the A rms. 16/A. Portfolio Do, do. Collection of Inscriptions. MS. only. fol. stamped Title on the Cover. “Inscriptiones collects) a Comite Octavio Arcb- into.” with his Arms 4 barsnebule. Fix Portfolio 7. Vol. 47. Osius. print. Do. Vol. 48. Ottolini.^?rm/. Do. Vol. 49. Mayni. print. Do Vol. 60. Affari de Kepublicis alfiua.pr. Do. Vol. 51. Mayni. print. Do. 8. Vol. 52. Siton, (Scotch family SetonJ Do. 7. Fol. 53. Offredi. MS. print. Do. 6. Fol. 54. Rovidii. MS. & print. Do. 6. Fol. 55. Ludovici Arehinto Responsio ad Ordines Tomarienses. MS. thin fol. Do. 5 Fol. 66. Bulla Gregoriana, &c. MS. Do \3. Fol. 57. Privilegia Collegii Juris-Con- sultorum de Milan, print, thin fol. from 1410, to 1700. Miscellaneous MSS. Franks of M. P’s. Is/. Rosslyn. sm. \to. M.H.lds. ch. s. xix. Dawson Turner’s Autograph Receipts, temp.Jac.l. Is/. St. Clowes. 8171. 4 to. H. bds. ch. s. xvii. Do. do do. temp. Car. 1. 1 st. Whitaker, s. 4/o. M H. bds. ch. s. xvii. Hope’s ("ThosJ Antiquities found near York, 1848. sm. 4/o. M H. bds. ch. s. xix. Cole’s Autographs ol Peers. Is/. Egremont. 4/o. M H bds. ch. s- xix. Lord Valentia’s Travels Original MS. Vol. 1. fol M H. bds. ch. s. xviii-xix. Do. do.do. Vol. '2. fol, M H. bds. ch, s. xviii-xix. Grant’s, (VicouUe de Vaux) Genealogie de Stewart. 4/o. M H. bds. ch. s. xviii. Grant’s, { Vicomte de Vaux's) Histoire d’Ecosse. Vol. 1. thick 4 / 0 . M H. bds. ch. ch. s. xix. Do. do. do. Fol. 2. thick Mo. M H. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. do. Vol. 3. 4to. M H. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. do. Vol. 4. 4/o. M H. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. do. Vol. 5. thin f. M H. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. do. Fol. 6. 4/0 M H. bds. ch. s. xix. French Revolution Papers, 1793, to 1822. Is/. Hautefort. fol. j\1 H. bds. ch. s. xviii-xix. The Dutchess of Kingston’s Trial, & Papers. thk.fol. M H. bds. ch. s. xviii. Cole Autographs. Vol. .. Is/. Irving. 4/o. M H. bds. ch. s. xviii-xix. Testamenta. Is/ Chappel. talljbl. M H, bds. s.xix. Walcot’s Abstract of Title to Bitterley. fol. M H, bds. s. xviii. Guy’s Treasury Payments, 1687 , thirlf, M H.bds. ch. s. xviii. Guy’s Payments, temp. Car.2.f.MH. bds,ch.s.xyi\. Bishop of Waterford’s Letters 1708, to 1724. thin Jol. M H. bds. ch. s- xix. Pedigree of Wright of Longstone, Co. Derby. thin 4 to. M H. bds. ch. s. xix. written on a large glazed cloth Sheet, a Roll. Testamenta, Vol. . . Is/. Hatred./. M H. bds. ch. s. xviii. Anderson’s Scotch Correspondence, 1698-1703. thin fol M H. bds. ch. s. xvii-xviii. Dawson Turner’s Autographs. Vol. M Is/. Ley. thin fol. M H. bds ch, s. xvii. Do. do. Exchequer Payments, l667./cd. M Tf. bds. ch. s. xvii. Do. do. Autographs. Vol. .. Is/. Townshend, 1716. large thin 4to. M H. bds. ch. s. xviii. Coleman Collections, Vol. 1. 1 st. Thackeray. large fol. M H. bds, ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Vol. 2. Is/. Prater. 11 Montague Peerage Papers, l.fol. M H. bds - ch. s. xviii. Crowland Papers, Co. Line. 1781. thin fol. M Ui bds , ch, s* xviii. Catalogus Librorum Maniiscripto liu m is Bibliotheca Phillippica. 378 20398 20399 20400 20401 20402 20403 20404 20405 20406 20407 20408 20409 20410 20411 20412 20413 20414 20415 20416 20417 20418 20419 20420 20421 20422 20423 20424 20425 20426 20427 20428 20429 20430 20431 20432 20433 20434 20435 Pedigree of Wouife, of Bally Philip, Co.Limerick, 1770. emblazoned on Vellum, a Roll. s. xviii. f20436 j20437 17(0. emukUio-ncu, oil r --— • t • Lettere Italian!. Vol. 1. 1st. Paleotti. 4 ( 0 . MU bds. j 20438 Do! XVI do. Vol. 2. 1st. Bandettini. 4/o. M H. bds ch. s. xviii. Drouly’s Cheques for Payments- nar. 8vo.MH.bds. ch. s. xviii. Cole’s or D Turner’s Autographs Pol .— 1st Lord Do ioughmore, 800 . MHbds cA.s.xix. Franks of M. P’s- Vol. — 1 st. Eawd. Hide East. 8 m. M H. bds. ch. s. xi*. p Turner’s Autographs. Vol. . . 1 st. Mangles, 1823. 4 to. M It bds. ch. s. xix, L) 0 . do. Officers Half Pay Receipts, 17S4. 4 to. M. H. bds. ch. s. xviii Do, do. Foreign Autographs 1 ol. -— 1st. Montgenet 4 to. hi. tl bds. ch. s. xix Do. do. do Vol .— 1st. Rycroft. thin fob M H bds. ch. s. xviii Cole Autographs. Vol. — lsf. Dawson. 4 (o, M B. bds ch. s. xviii. Du. do. Vol. — 1st. Reid. 4 ( 0 . M. H. bds. ck. . 20453 s. xviii. , , , .. Nova ecotia Papers, i 796 .thkf.M.H.bd,.ch.s.xvu\ Sir Robert Dudley’s Daughter’s Complaint, with! Robert, Erie of Leicester’s Answer. ! 2U45U thinfol. M. 11 bds. ch s. xvi, or xvii. i Rent Roll of Northall Manor, Co. Middx. 1756. s 20457 thin lot. sd. blue ch. s. xviii. < 20458 Proceedings of the Creditors of the Prince of 204o9 Wales, 1800. tol. sd. bh. s. xix. j 20400 Survey of Loders S’ Bothenhampton Manors, Co., 20401 Dorset, by B. Price, & W. C orfieid, 1780 . 1 20462 tol marble 1'aperch. s.xviii. beauti/ully written.’ 20463 D. Turner’s Excise Papers, 1752. ful. Si. Id. bds. j 20404 ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Ordnance Papers, 1740. lit. Scrope. fol. M. II. Ids. ch. s. xviii. Testamenta. Vol. — I st. Woodhouse. H Ordnance at Gibraltar, 1710. 1. fol, M. H, bds. | 20445 > j 20146 20447 j 20 148 > 20449 20450 | 20431 [ 20452 Ur 20454 20455 20465 •20466 20467 20468 20169 Toovey. Renlale de Tindailhwy. Co. Anglesea, 1549. sut. 4to. Veil. ch. s. xvi. Registrum de Howden cum Capeilis ejus in Com. Ebor. Ihk. 4 to. Veil, cover ch. s- xvii. Old English Poetry, containing the History of an Archbishop of France, who seduced a Nun, telling the Abbess he should die if he did not have her. thick S vo. original binding of white leather, and oak bds. Vellum, tree, xtv, or xv. 20471 20472 20473 20474 20475 20476 20477 20478 20479 Pul lick 1868. | 20481 Kaccolta di diverse Satire venute alia luce in 20482 Roma in diversi Conciavi, et in varie occasionit ^0483 sm. 4(o. Veil, ch s. xxiii. Lettere dl Ilaliani Literat, continued. 20484 Vol. 94. 1st. Ciadeuigo Vtscovo di Chioggi. j 2 0485 4(o. stone bds. ch s. xviii. Do. do. V ol. 197. 1st. Atnatl, &c. /. wh. do. j . 20J86 Do. do. hot. 151. 1st. Amedasi.&c. y. do. j ., U4S7 Do. do. Vo(. 198. ls(. Avelloui, (?)&c/.«o/i.do. 2 04H8 Do. do. Vol. 162. 1st. Aziani, Stc. 4(o. yelLbds. j 2()489 Do. do. Veil. 193, 1st. Becucci, 8tc./. do. do. | 20400 Do. do. Vol. 156. 1 st. Braschi, Brunacci, &c. 20491 4 to. veil bds. ch. s. xviii. | Do. do. Vol, 206. let Bregoli, Sec./. yell. bds. j ., 049 . 2 li Blathwayte Correspondence. Do. do. Vol. 145. 1st. Borghesi, &c. do. do. „ 04!)3 Do. do. Vol. 146. 1st. Bottari, Stc. do. do. 204fl4 Do. do. Vo(. 194. 1 st. Calistri, Stc.y. do. do. j ~ Do. do. Vol. 192. 1st. Catalani, See./, do. do. j 294 y£ Do.do. Vol.vn.lst. Covi, Stc. 4to red bd. ch. s.xviii. t Do. do. Vol. 203. 1st. Dana, 8tc. fol. wh. do. j Do. do. Xol. 160. is/ . Deodato, &c.4/o wh bds Do. do. Yul. 132. Is/. Dn Verg i. See. stone do. Do. do. Yol. 170. Is/. l’abretti , kcAlo MU bds. no, do. Vol. 173. Is/. Ferri, & e. 4/o. stone bds. ch . s. xviii. Do. do. Yoh 134. Is/. Fiorese, kc. iln. do. Do. do. Yol. i 53. 1 st. Fonts.!''ini, &c. Vol. i .do. Do. do. Yol. 154 Id. Do. Ac . Yol. 2. n'h. do. Do. do. Yol. . 144. . 1 st . Foresti. &e. do. do. Do. do. Yol. 191. i st. Fw.neesr o, Aichivescovo di Venezia, kc./ol. yell bds. eh. s. xviii. Do. do. \ol 142. l.s t. Gagliardi, Ac. Vol. 1. 4/o. yell, bds ch. s. xviii. Do. do. \ol ’43. 1st. Do. &c. Vo/. '2, do. do.< Do. do- Vo/. 123. 1 si. Garampi, Arckiveseovo. 4fo. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Yol LI 4. st. Geortii, &c do. do.* Do. do. Yol. 130. Is/. Gerberli, kc. do. do. i Do. do. Vol. 109 Is/. Giovanetii.&c. do. uo. Do. do. Yol. 1 13. 1 st. Giovanetti, tVc do. do. Do. do. Vol. 175. Is/. Giovanetli, Ac. fol.s tone bds. ch s. x> iii. Do. do. Xol 204. Is/. Giudice, Ac,/. wh do. • Do. do. Vol. 100 . Is/. Gradenigo, &c. stone do. i Do. do. Vol 179. Is/ Grademgo, V L'SCt'V o ui Chioetj la, . Vol 8. f. stone bds. ch. S. XV ii. Do. do Yol. 205. Is/. Gradenigo, Ar ivescovoi di F eline, .Jol. stone bds. ch. s. xvii Do. do. Volk 1 >0. Is/. Granzoiti, &.c. do. do. i Do. do. Yol. 202 . is/. Guidi, Ac. fol. tvh . bds.- Do. do. Yol. 196. is/. Laugier, Ac. wh. bits , > Do. do. Xol. 157. st. Lazzari, &c. 4/o •roll. bds. s Do. do. Xol 147. Is/. Liruti, &c. l ell. flu. Do. do. Xol 169. Is/. Liruti, kc. 4 to. M 11 do. Do. do. Xol. 128. 1 st. Locateili, Ac. stone do. Do. do. Yol. 1 12. 1 st i.orenzi. «> c. do. do.u Do. do. Vol. 95 st. Mereati, kc. dc . do. dor Do. do. Vol. 96. st. iMast-ili, &c dc do it or Do. do. Vol 102 . Is/ Martorelli, &C, do. do Do. do. Vol. 104. Is/. Marigonda, t vc. do do.. Do. do. Vol. 107. Is/. Mauvo Santi, kc. do dor Do. do. Vol. 184. is/. Mazziui, &c J. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Vol 185. 1 st. Mattel, Archiv escov u di: F errar a, &c f. stone bus ch. ». xviii, Do. do. Xol. 199. 1st. Manna, At-.j/*. tone bds.. Do, do. Xol. 207c Is/. iVJandelli, /j c. A 1 oL. i Jol. stone bds. ch. s- xviii. Do. do. Vo/. 133. 1 st. -Nelli, &c. do dor Do. do. Vol . 176. 1a/. Oris, &.c./bZ. stone bds. j Do. do. Vo/. 208. Is/. Parisio, <§ c. Vo/ 4. f. do r Do. do. Vo/. 121. 1st. Pas>eri, ecc. do. do A Do. do. Vol. 101. 1*2. Pecci, &<;. do. Is/. Sabbionato, Ac. do. do I 2041)8 Do. do. Vol. 1II. Is/. Sabbionato, Ac. do. do.\ 20499 Do. d... Mol. 116. Is/. Sabbionato, AC. do. do. 20500 Do. do. Mol. 1 17. 167 . Do. do. do. 20501 Do. do. Mol, 118, Is/. Do. do. do. 20502 Do. do. Mol. 119. 1 st. Do. do. do. 20503 Do. do. Mol. 122. 1 st. Sabbionato, , Ac. 4/o toll. bds. ch. s . xviii. 20504 Do. do. Mol. 135. Is/. Sabbionato, Ac. st. do. 20505 Do. do. Vo/. 141. 1st. Sabbionato, Ac. Vo/. 10. 4 to. roh. bds. ch. s. xviii. 20506 Do* do. Mol. J 52. 1*7. Sabbionato, Ac. Mol. .. 4 to. roh bds eh. s. xviii. 20507 Do. do. Mol. 1 (51. 1 si. Sabbionato, &c. Mol. 15. 4/o. It. grn. bds. eh. s. xviii. 20508 Do. do. Mol 103. Is/. Sabbionato,Ac. Mol. I 3. y.do. 20509 Do. do. Mol. 107. 1*7. Sabbionato, See. Mol. 14. 4/o. stone bds. eh s. xviii. 20510 Letcre di llahani, Mol 171. 1st. Sabbionato, &c. Mol. 1*2. 4/o. red bds. ch. s. xviii. 20511 Do. do. Vol. 1"8. 1a7. Sabbionato, Stc. Vol, .. ful. ■roh - bds. ch. 8. xviii. 20512 Do. do. Vol. 181. Is/. Sabbionato, &c, Vol. .. fol. slone bds. ch. s. xviii. 205'3 Do. do. Mol. J87. Is/. Sabbionato, Ac. Vol. .. fol. stone bds. eh. s. xviii. 20514 Do. do. Vol. 188. Is/. Do. et Gradenigo, &c. Jol. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. 20-515 Do. do. Mol. 195 is/. Sabbionato &c. Mol. .. fol. yell. bds. ch. s i. xviii. 20516 Do. do. Mol 200. Is/. Sabbionato, Ac Mol. fol. stone bdi s. ch. s. xviii. 20517 Do. do Mol. 201. Is/. Do. Mol. 6 .f : do. do. 20518 Do do. V ol. 127. ] st. Sbruglio, See. do do. 20519 Do. do. Vol. 183. 1 st. Sancto Monte, Ac. f. do 20520 Do. do. Mol. 124. 1st. Sandollini, Ac. do. do. 20521 Do. do. Mol. 125. Is/. Scagular, Seine >ppalalba. Ac. do. do. 20522 Do. do. Vol. 1S2. Is/. Scardavi, Ac. t- do. do. 205*23 Do. do. Mol, 149. Is/. Scarlati,&c. 4/o .stone 1 bds. ch . s. xviii. 20524 Do. do. MoL 126. 1st. Scarselli, &c. do. do. 20525 Do. do. Vol. 98. Is/. Schioppalalba, Ac .do. do. 20526 Do. do. MoL 129. Is/. Schioppalalba, Ac .do. do. 20527 Do. do. Mol. 120. is/. Sellari, Ac. do. do. 20528 Do. do. Vol. 103. 1st. Tino»elli,Tiral aoschi. & c. 20529 Do. do. Mol. 138. 1st. Trieste, Ac. do. do. 120530 Do. do. Vol. 108. Is/. Turehi, Ac. do. do. 20531 Do. do. Mol. 115 . 1 st. Vaerihi, Ac. do. , do. 20o 32 Do. do. Vol. 105. Is/. Vanzi, Ac. do. do. 20533 Do. do. Mol. 137. 1 st. Verdani,Verci , Ac .do '.do. 20534 Do. do. Mol. 136, , Is/. Volpi, Ac. do• do. 20535 Do. do. Mol. 158. 1st. Zaecaria, Ac. 4/0. ij. bds. 20536 Do. do. Mol. 166. , Is/, Zampieri, Ac, , d0. do. Paper slaved from the Great French Revolution No. 3542, in ths Catalogue. 20537 Do. do. VoZ. 141. Charrin’s Ode. *i Alexander Le Noir’s Lettre. ^ Raynal (? L’Abbe,} do* &c, sin. 4to. M. H. bds. ch. s. xviii -xix. 20538 Do. do. Mol 142. Is/. Lettre de Felicite de Choiseul. sm. 4 to. M II. bds. ch. s. xviii. 2nd. Lettre de M. Langles de la Bibliotbeque Imperiale, a M. Roqueforte, demandant com¬ ment un MS. Francois prete a Mr. R. eut ete trouve par M. Brial dans les Salles de la Bibliotheque de I'lnstitut.” Dated 15 Ap. lb 15. f This Vol. contains many Letters of French Authors') Miscellaneous MSS. 1868. 20339 T, Yeates’s Laws, & Institutions of the Ancient Hebrews, Civil, and Ecclesiastical, Collected 1822 .fol. brn. bds. ch. s. xix. 20540 Letters to Edwd. Moran, 1 st. J. T. with a Poem called “Tory Cogitations ” thin f half dk. grn, cf. blue cl. sides, ch. s. xix. 20541 Sir Eger ton Brydges’s Paper Is/. A Note of the writings of Sir Peter Heyman, lefthtGreies Inne 161 Q. fol. brn bds. ch. xvii-xviii-xix. pp. 206 20542 Analecta Etymologica, Tom. XIII. Is/. Voces Hybrid*, fol. wh.perg ch. s. xviii. 20543 Projet pour enlever Rebec, & Plaisance. II Abregee instructif des affaires de Canada. thin fol. brn. bds ch. s. xviii. pp 44. 20544 Botta sopra gli Iglese ltomane. thin f. brn. bds.ch, s. xvi. pp. 84. at the end a Brief of Joseph, Archiep. Constantinople, Dat. 1434. 20545 Oxford Poems, (? Prize,) 1696. Is/. In Villain Koborti Southwell, apud Kings Weston, Co. Glouc. thin fol. brn. bds ch. s. xvii. pp. 152. 20546 Wynn Papers, relating to Sir John Wynn, of Gwedir, Sir Roger Mostyn, Ac. Is/, the Mar¬ riages of Leighton of Wuttlesborough. f. yrn. cl. ch. s. xvii. pp. 1 1 6. 20547 Johis. de Burgo Pupilla Oculi. f. wh. veil. v. xiv. vel xx. 20548 Casper Landus Ordaney del Konigereiche Boheime; The Lang, of Bohemiae, written in 1742. thick fol. o. brn cf. ch s xviii. 20519 On the Distempers of America, thin Jol. brn bde. ch. a xviii. pp. 52. 20550 W ilmot’s Collections for Pembrokeshire. thin f haf red cl.dk. blue cl. sides ch, s. xvii. compiled by Wm. Wilmot, Bookseller, Pem¬ broke. pp. 82. 20551 Sir Sidney Smith’s Papers, thin f. half grn cf. dk. blue sides, ch. s. xix. pp. 50. Ex Bill. Parlchurst de Ripple, Co- Wig. 20552 Leges Wmi. Conq. Institutiones Henrici I. *1 Somneri Scholia in Leges Hen. 1. M Do. Glossarinm in Leges, (a/ the end of this Glossary is this Note. “Collatio hujus Glos- sari, Deo favente, fiinita est a me, el Sorore mea Julii die 14, 17* I•) These were pro¬ bably Wm. Elstob, A his bister Elizabeth. If Epistola G. Superioris Christi Eccl*. Cantuar. ad Henr. 2. II De placitis apud Wirenden an inter Lanfran- cum Archicpum. et Odonem, Baioncesem Epum. H List of Archives in Christ Church, Cantuar. jol. old bds. ch. s. xviii. 20553 Letter of States General of Holland to the Kiug of Scotland, 1596. II Advistions dansum de perche du Cardinal Al¬ berti qui estoit en Chi fire, et en Espaignol. It begins Quel Effroi quils eut Anglaterre de la venue de l’Armee d’Espaigue, Ac.” 1596. thin fol. grn. bds. ch. s. xvi. 20554 Account of Thomas Cookes, Sheriff of Worcester¬ shire, (649. U 43 Worcestershire Fines 1570, to 1661. ihinf. stiff blue bds. ch. perg. s. xvi-xvii. Ex JBibl, Miscellaneous . 20555 14 Warwickshire Deeds, A a Will, thin f.stiff bds. ch and perg s. xvi-xvii. 20556 The Talbot Papers. 2 Vols Vol- 1. Is/. Wm. Seyatte, “To my owne good Wyff att Chatsworth, delyvar thys.” f. y. bds. ch. s. xvi. pp. 244. H Cavendish Letters, t Bess of Hardwick’s Letter. ■20557 Do. do. Mol. 2. do. do. Is/. Sarah Gower. Cavendish Letters./, y. bds ch. s. xvi. pp.224. 20558 Do. do. Mol , 3. Slingsby Letters, & Correspon¬ dence. thin fol. y. bds. ch s. xvii. 10559 Rental of the Vernon, Finch am, and Bolingbroke Estate, 1711. fol, slone bds. ch. s, xviii. 380 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica 20560 20561 20562 20563 20564 20565 20566 20667 20568 20569 20570 20571 20572 20573 20574 20575 20576 20577 20578 Bradfield Rental, thin fol. y. bds. ch. a. xvn. Duckett MSS. Caine Court Rolls, Wilts. 1605. < thin f. y. bds. ch. s. xvii. Ex dnno Sir G. Duckett. \ Do. Sir George Duckett’s Papers, thin f. y. bds. j ch. s. xviii. H Letters of Lord Pembroke, 1607. ! % Do. Marquis of Hertford, 1643, being a Safe : conduct for John Duckett, of HaRham. j Arms, and Quarterings of Peers, temp. Llizth. | H Do. Durham, and Northumberland Gentry, H Collections for an Ordinary of Arms J U Catalogue of Bishops to 1589. with additions to 1626 . compiled by Wm. Hilton, sm.fol. j red edges half grn. rnor. full gt. ch. s. xvi, & xvii. Lettered “Coats of Arms.’’ ^ j “Coats of Arms,” iu trick Is*. Coat in MS. is Sir Edwd. Hungerford, of Cawsham, (i e Cors- ham.) Wilts, The first 2 leaves are print: begins < with K. Sigebert. The Coats are MSS & print intermixed. 8m. f. red edges half grn mor . ch. 20579 20580 *20561 20582 U Fragment of 2 leaves of an old Vol. of Coats, beginning with Adam Francis, No. 1352, & ending with Sir Wm. Copinger, No. 1512. Letters of Robert Holmes of New College, Oxon. 1780 .fol. rah. bds. ch s. xviii. T. P's. Collections. Is*. Index of Cartularies. 51* Letters from J. Burton j H Pedigree of James Wood, of Gloucester, the Millionaire, &c. Colours of Regiments. 20583 % Maunsell Records ex Rotulis. j " U Grant of Arms from Stephen Bathori, Duke of j t>05{}4 Transylvania, to Johu Smith, Captain of 250 Soldiers in the Hungarian War, dated l603. viz. Vert, a Chev. G. betw. 3 Saracens heads _ proper, Crined, and Turbaned Or. “ ° Crest, an Ostrich O. holding in his mouth a Horse Shoe A. H Grant of Arms to Admiral Smyth of Bedford, 11 Richard Gibson's claim to be Steward of: Greenwich Hospital. H Sir Charles Cockerell’s Petition against the Evesham Election. 1" Letter in German to Philip, Bishop of Wirtz- burgh./o/. stone bds. ch. s xix. &c. 7 0 pages. Parabola. & Ecclesiasticus Glosati. /. brn.pp. V. s. xviii. At the end is this Note. “Ce livre a este acquis par fre Gille de Roye, Abbe de Royaulmont, de Jehan Guynnez, libraire de Paris, par eschange feit avec lui des 4 liuies des Rois, et de Lucas, et de Johes glosati, les qtielx estes doubles en la librairie de Royaul¬ mont, et nen y avoit pour de pareil a ee pre¬ sent. Fait le moys de Fevrier, lan Mil cccclxiii.” Newling MSS viz. Blakeway’s Papers. Salop. Pedigrees, and Gartae Antique, fol. yel. bds ch. s, xix. Is*. Ped. Newport. 2nd. Pargiter. 3 id, Chetwynd, Buckeridge of Lichfield Correspondence with Ver¬ non, Pedigrees of Longman, 8cc. thin f. y. bds. ch. s. xvii. Rev. J. Newling’s Book of Loans of his Books, and MSS. 'UI6-31. thin f. hf. redmor. ch. s.xix. Maddox of Shrewsbury Deeds, thin f. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Inventory of Henry Every, Esq. of Foston Hall, 1689. thin fol. y. bds. ch. s. xvii. Rental of Richard Vernon’s Estates in Chester. fol. yell, bds- ch. s. xviii. Bailiffs xYccounts for Mere, Burbage, Wexcomh, Monkton, Alcannings, 1684 .f.stone bds.ch, s.xvii. Viscomte de Vaux’s History of Navigation. 4*o. brn. bds. ch. s xviii. Do. do. Voyage et Sejour a I’Jsle Maurice, 17., Mo. brn. bds ch. s xviii. Do. do. History of the Maurilius* and Mad- cagasar. 4 to. brn. bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Expedition a Madagascar, 1772* 4*o. brn. bds. ch. s. xviii, 20586 20587 20588 20589 20590 20591 20592 : 2(.'593 20594 20595 20596 20597 20598 Three Letters of Junius, given to me by Sir Geo. Duckett, Bart, of Hartham, Wilts, who had i them from his Father Sir George Jackson, of i the Admiralty.—Thos. Phillipps. sm thtn 4 to. . blue bds. ch. s. xviii. Chrysolorae Erotemata. 18?wo red Velvet Vel s.xt. At the end, in red ink, is written this. Epigrap- • hum Tauta paronta Erotemata, en Roma, dia . cheiros cnum Joannon Presbuterou. Roson ton Kretos. Etei apo tou Christou gen-■ nesiws Chiliostw tetrak< siost/y ennenek«isttt> t ebdom/ij 1497. menious louniow dodekate.” Gordon’s (Thomas, of ) Colled ions about i Titles of Honor that have gone into other Su- • names, and Families, thin f. half dk. cf. ch. s. xviii. Ex Bibl. Chalmers, with his Book ( Plate, and a biographical Note about T.Gordon. Ex dono J. T. Handy Ann. Capitula Magna Cartaj. De Libertatibus Ecclesi* Anglican®, fyc. Do. Carta de Foresta. Do. do. Merton. Do. do. Marleherge. Do. do. Westmonasterii primum. Do. do. Gloucester. Do. do. Westmonasterii 2nd. Book. Do. do. Prerogatira Regis. 18/?io. dk cf. V. s, xiv. with the Autograph and Book Plate of J T. Hand, Ann. the donor. Hugo de Fullcio de Claustro Amniae. sm. Mo.brn. cf. V. s. xviii. Fine caret (? Entered before. ) Theatrical Records, or Murphy’s Papers relating i to Covent Garden in 1768 12/«o. red paper) back ch. s xviii. Thos. H. Bakewell’s Hist, of the Bible analysed ,\ (He was of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, 1840.) 2 Vols. 12 mo. blk. or dk. blue cl ch. s. xix. Notes for Sermons, beginning with Covetousness, i sm. 4to. dk. brn. ch. s. i84u. Pizzi MSS. Pizzi MSS. A Treatise on Medicinal]Trees, audit Plants, in Arabic, fol. half blue cl. ch. s. xviii.i pages 190. Do. lieytur on Medicinal Plants, pp. 132. Tkisil appears to be a part of the above Vol. No. 20568ij f. half blue cl. ch. s. xviii. Do. Pizzi Codex tertius On Medicinal Plants. thin fol. half blue cl. ch. s. xviii. marked in I pencil No. 21. Do. do. Ebn el Beytar’s Remedios Medicinaleri extracted from Ebn el Beytar’s Natural His-;l tory. Arabice, et Espanol■ sm. 4 to. M. H. bdsA ch s. xviii. Do. do. on an Arabic Inscription de la tratadois de las Aguas de Salam Bir. 130 pages, sm. Mini! Ato. M. II- bds. ch. s. xviii. Do, do. Ybn Bereid, Poema, Part 2. sm.4to.grnji bds. ch. s. xviii. 182 pages. (N. B The whole of Pizzi's MSS. require to bi.i re-examined by a skillful Arabic Scholar, andi the leaves separated, and sorted, and bound vp\ in their proper order, as they are very ketero-A geneously mixed in their present bindings.}' They contains chiefly Copies, Notes,& Extract&ii from the Arabic MsS. in the Escurial. T. P.) j Do. de Alphabeto Arabigo. sm. Ato. brn. bdsA ch. s. xviii. 11>7. leaves. Do. Cherumiat’s Arabic Grammar, sm. thin AtoA M. H. bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. De Idiomate Arabico. sm. Ato. brn. bds. ch) 8. xviii. Do, Events in Spain to 1702. thin s. Ato. gm. bdsl 1 ch. s. xviii. Do. Arabic Vocabulary, pp. 26. obi. Ato. grn. bdsl\ ch. s. xviii. Do. Gospel Truths Poetically pleaded, thin Ato! wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. IData log us Libroruiyt M anhscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica* 38 i 20593 20600 20601 20 GO 2 20603 20004 20(105 ‘20006 20607 20003 20609 200 ; o £1)0! 1 20CI2 20013 2ooi 1 s 20615 2(616 20017 20618 20019 20020 20621 20622 20023 2062 I BO 025 20620 Pizzi’s Arabic Grammar. Formation de las Sen- \ 20627 tentias. )2 mo. M. II. bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. ? de Medicina de los Arabes sm thin Ato. \ 20628 M. H.bds. ch. s. xviii. j Do; Johannes de Sto. Paulo Brevisirium de Medi-j 20629 cina. sm. 4 to. rgh. cf. V.s.xiv Olim T. Martin,! and Fcis. Bloraefield of Ferafield. 120630 Pizii MSS. “Este libro Msto. es un Diccionario j Arabe se intitula “Lanterna resplendeciente” j et le compuso el Sapientissimo Doctor Axed el Fiumi, Natural de Fiuma, ciudad del Lgypto en el ano 73-i de la Hegira, et 1334, do J. Christo i s *£l es una Collecciou de los migliores Diccion- urios Orientales” dice el Autor, “tuvo 70 dif- 20631 ferentes para compor este." fy.bds. ch. s. xviii. ; Pizzi MSS. Traduccion literal del Libro Arabe, in- \ 20632 titulado “Medicina Regia Castellana. thin 8vo. j lial/ blue cl. eh. a . xviii pp. 04. caret fine. j 23633 Do. do. Treatise on the Arabs of Spain. thin 4 to half blue cl. ch. s xviii. 04 pages, but \ 20634 the old paging begins with page 27. Miscellaneous 31SS. Monumental Inscriptions in North Wales. Olim j 20630 \st. Marci Louis, Pedagogi, de Denbigh, 1840. j sm. 4 to. sewed ch. s. xix. Notes on the reign of James, 1. and Car. I. Olim i Geo Ward's 1811, sm. Ato. wh. perg. ch. s. xix. j 2 Vols. Law Cases. 1 si. Captain Browne. 2 S/ols sin. 4 to. 0. bin■ cf. ch. s. xviii. 73 pages. If Table of the Coinage from Wm. 1. Is*, a Lease of Coal Mines lstherton. Yorkshire, and Lancashire Letters. 1st. (, C. Pud-j sey.” thin 8 vo. grn. bds. ch. s. xvi. xvii. 20037 Letters, h/. Bernard, from Amsterdam, 1734. * thin fol. brn ppr ch s. xviii. Execrpta ex Evangeliis. Greece, a Fragment. Incip. j “Ltelsiwsfy.” desinit “Apesteilen.” f. yin. bds. j cliaita bombyc. s xiv. vel, xv. Reece’s (of Cardiff,) Copy of the Duke of North- j nn'berland’s Quarterings. thin fol. half puce j el. ch. S. xix. with u Letter from Ur. Reece, to j P. Duncumb’s Original MSS. of his Hist, of Here¬ ford. 2 Vo/s 4/o, g v n. veil. ch. s. xix. ] - e Vaiix, fViconite ) on the Longitude. fol brn. ppr. ch s. xix. French Papers, and Deeds. \st. Clias. 8. of France j 1 19../. blue bds. ch. s. xviii. 2$6 pages. •j Henriade. in Latin Perse. < 20638 Highgate Charily in Chancery, fol. grey bds. ch. \ s. xix. pp. 110. Foreign Letters. 1st. John Gubion, Anglicns, ■ dated at Florence, 3 May Indict vii. thin fol. 1\1 II. bds. ch. s. xvii. Fratres Predicatoium contra Clerum Florentine. ' thin fol. stone bds ch- s. xiv. 1312. Depenses du Grand Maitre de Ceremonies, 1810. > fol. grn. veil. ch. s. xix. II Depenses du Mariage, 1813. \\ ilts. Parish Register Extracts, Gt. Chalfield,&c. { &c. thin Jol. blue bds. ch. s. xix. Part written i by M. P. (Mrs. Walcot.) >20639 Blathwayt’s Virginia Papers, &. Letters 1 st. from < GrymeS, 1719. 2 nd. Byrd, 1709. 3rd. Lud- j 09640 vvyl, 1710. fol. blue bds. ch. s. xviii. T. P’s. Catalogue of his MSS. 1 st.pagc Ord MSS. j Cart®, thin fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Courts Baron of Ilmington, Broad Campden, and j Ebrington. fol. M II. bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. Campden, Berington, Westington, and j Combe, fol. M II bds. ch. s. xviii. Peers Franks. 1 st. Arden. 4 to. half o. cf. ch. s. xix. \ Books prohibited by the Inquisition of Carthagena >- contra la keretica pravedad y apostasia en las >' Obispados de Carthagena, Orihuela, &c. . I thin Jol. brn bds. ch. s. xviii. I 20641 Bohmische Lands Ordtiung, 1627. thick fol o.brii.\ cf. ch. s. xvii. Greek Fragments, thin narrow S do. half red mss' dark blue cl. sides V. s. xi. Poggii, et Leonardi Aretini Epistol®. s. Ato yell, bds ch. s. xviii. Shrewsbury Peerage Case,1857 .printed, with some J/S\S. Queries. fol. M H. bds. ch. s. xix. Letters of Sir Dudley Carleton, Salisbury, Gif¬ ford, Newcastle, Ormond, Cromwell, Sir R. Peel, Epus. Asaph, H. Vane, D. Bond, St. John, Sigohius, SoUthwfell, Ceeyli, H. Sydney, J. Temple, Toone, Williamson, Townshend, Browne, Willis, Dugdale, Yelverton, &c. J'ol. M II bds. ch. s. xvi-xvii-xviii. Letters of Napoleon the Great. Copies from JIJSS. Ph. thin fol. ch. s. xix. Little Mailow Palish Register, Bucks. Extracts. thin Ato. ch. s. xix Letters to Rev. Lien. Glasse, relative to Sons of Clergy. Ato. half dark blue mor. ch. s. xix. Winn’s, or Sewell’s Political Character of Cicero. thin Ato. copy book 1839, Martinelli iiistoria della Casa Medici, Libro 2do. thick fol. half wh. veil. 8f wh. veil, edges ch, s. xviii. Ex Bibl. Guilford. John Aubrey’s Collections for Wales. Autograph. I st. Arms of Nobility, aod Gentry of Wales. emblazoned. 2nd. Account of the Somersets, Dukes of Beaufort. 3rd. Pedigrees of Mansel, Stradling, Thomas Evans, of Neath, Lochor, Kemeys, Aubrey of Llantrithyd, Basset, Button, Turberville, Mathew Gamage. 11 Account of John Aubrey’s Expences, 16S4, to 1694,/oZ. 0. brn . cf. ch. s. xvii. Placita Adjudicata temp. John, H, 3., Edw. 1. 2. 3 , Ric. 2 , H. 4. 5. 125 leaves, fol. o. blue mor. gilt. ch. s. xvii. or An Abstract ofseveral Judgements on Record in the Rolls of the Kings Bench, and Common Pleas in those Reigns. It belonged to Thomas Aslley, who gave it to John Topbam. It belonged after to Job Hanmer, at whose Sale I bought it. The Look Plate of Topham, & Hanmer are in it, if it has the Presentation Autograph of Thomas Astley. On the sides are stamped in gold the dir ms. a Chevron between 10 roses 6. 4. quar¬ tering a lion rampt. Crest, a Bear’s head muz¬ zled, couped at the neck. Verba obsoleta exposita. If Libellous verses, in old English temp. Ric. 2. Relatione diversi. 1 Navagero, di Roma, 1557. 2 Queva, de Venetia, 1019. 3 Barbarino, de Avignon. 4 Rainieri, di Roma, 1623. 5 Nani, di Venezia. G Do. Nani di Francia, 1663. 7 Sagredo, di Germania, 1664, 8 Mocenigo, di Roma, 1674. 9 Lamburgh, di Savoia, 1704. thick fol light cf. full gilt ch. s. xviii. Olim Comitis Boutourlin, with his Book Plate. Rev. Wm. Bingley’s Letters 1820. 12 mo. M H.bds. ch. s. xix, Gesla Barlaam, & Josaphat, ex Greco sermone editus a Johaune Damasceno Viro Sancto erudito. 8 vo. wh. hog skin stamped E. s. xii. “LiberS. Petri A. in Augia.” At the end are these lines, “Trensat Olor, clingit Anser, crocitat quouue Corvus. Appadus vellit, pulpat Vultur, Leo rugit, Ast Onager mugilat. Bos mugit, Rana coaxat HinnitEqnus,crunnit Porcus, pipilat quoqueNisus Frendit A per, Vulpes ganuit, sed raidit Asellus Anser, et Anseruli dicunt per pascua pipi.’’ Southwell MSS. Letters ofThomas Lawrence, &c. 1695. damaged, 8. Ato. stone bds. ch. s. xvn. 382 Catalogus Librorum ManuschIptorum in Bibliotheca Fhillippica 20642 20643 20644 20645 20646 20647 20648 20649 20650 20651 20652 20653 20654 20655 20656 20657 20658 20659 20660 20661 20662 Ex Bibl. Macartney. Proceedings in the Court of Judicature in Bengal, from Feb. 1779, to Feb. 1780. A very thick Vol 5 inches fol. halfhrn. cf ch. s. xviii. Sketches of the Political, and Commercial His¬ tory of the Cape of Good Hope. J his Copy was made for L.ord Macartney, by John Bruce, 1796. fol. brn. cf. ch. s. xviii. Ex Bibl. B. Bright. Glossarium Latinum, 1445. H Do. Latino-Germanieum, 1445. thick f. half ivk. veil. s. xv. JEx Bibl. Georgii Kloss de Frankfort. Sigismundi Marchesi Storia di Forli. sm. fol hall wh v. ch. s xvii. pp. 266. Cronica di Forli, estratta da una altra Crunica fed- elmente da Carlo Marchesi da Forli. 4to.gni.cf. blue bds. ch. s. xvii. 67 leaves , besides Index. VitjE Sanctorum de Forli. sm.fol. half wh. vel.ch s. xvii. 157 leaves. Croniche di Sebustiano Menzochio da Forli Copiate dal Originate du Carlo Marchesi, Nobile Forlivese, Anno 1668 . S.f. hf. wh. veil • ch s. xvii. 54 leaves. Notizie Genealogiche della famiglia Marchesi da Bonaccorsi. Dedicated “Ai Giovani della fa- milia Marchesi. s.f. half wh. veil, white spotted green sides ch. s. xviii. pp. 243 11 Lettera du Geo. Viviano Marchesi al Papa in cui si scoprono alcuni errori che si trovano nelle Eddizioni del Italia Sacra di Ferdin- ando IJghelli, iutorno Bernardiuo Marchesi Vescovo di Sarsina. 4 pages 1735. Li Fragment! delle Memorie Antiche di Forli di Leone Cobelli, Cronista di Forli.Copiate l’Anno 1570. (V 1670.) dal Originalc. thin sm.fol.gm. sides white spotted ch. s. xviii. imperfect from folio 65, to 74. A more ancient portion follows piobably of 1570.) unpaged, after which the following begins again 103, to 112, after which another portion of the Ancient Copy follows, un¬ paged, beginning “Caterina Sforza.Coruo Papa Martino Gallico raanda il Campo alia Citta Forlivese. Alexaudri Paduani, Physici Foroliviensis, Vitae Sanctorum quorum Corpora quiescunt in Forli Extractaab Original! a Carolo Marchesio. 4 to. wh. veil. ch. s. xvii. Vita Maddalenas, Vice Comitissae Montis Acuti. thin 4 to. wh. cf. ch. Copy >f Edition 1609. Relatione de Inghilterra. 11 Sagredo Relatione de Inghilterra. fol. wh. cf. ch. 3. xviii. Engel MSS. Conspiration a Berne, 4740. thin fol. dark brn. bds. ch. s. xviii. Sur les Jesuites. thin fol. dark bds. ch. s. xviii. Historical Common Place Book, relating to Dis¬ senters fol. half brn. cf. ch. s. xviii. Ex Bibl. Wri. Wilson. Incipit. “Howe’s Considerations on Occasional Conformity of Dissenters.” *20663 Registrum Cuiiarum de Wareley prope Berkingg Essex. A Transcript from the Original in thd Cotton Library, f. half rgh. cf. ch s. xviii. 20664 Yates’s Hebrew Dictionary. 1. f. brn. bds.ch. s.xix.i 20665 Sir Robert Kerr Porter’s Journal of the Campaign, in Spain, 1808. sm. 4 to. yd. wrapper ch s,xix.\ 120666 Sectani Satiric, sm. fol wh. vd ch. s. xvii. Old No.o 84. late 185. It differs from the printed Copy. 20667 Walton Wills in Co. York, thin /’. M H. bds. chh s. xix. 20668 Evesham Papers \ol. 1. l6i. Bilton. 4 to. M H,\ bds. ch. s. xix. 20669 Do. do. Vol 2. Df. Taylor. 4 to. ch. do, do* 20670 Do. do. Vol. 3 \st. Harris. 4to. do. do. 20671 Do. do. Vol. 4. 1st. Dixon. 4 to. do. ddi. I 20672 T. P. Collections for Co. Worc.St (done. Isf, A Sketch of Farmcombe, in Broadway, sm. 4 to. yell. bds. ch s. xix 1*20673 Bigland’s Alphabetical Register of Arms in Gt.tj ! Britain, l.fol. rusS. ch. s. xviii. With the Book Plate of Arms of John Broadley. pp. 372. 20671 Blathwayt’s Letters l7ol. \st. Letter to Van lining righ. s. 4to. yell, bds.ch. s. xvii. 20675 T. P. Collections. Dering MSS. Betham MSS. thin 4 to. stone bds. ch s. xix. ! ' 20676 Drawings of 334 Arms in trick. Di. Nicholson 2 bars Ermine, in chief 3 Suns, thin tall /ole covered with brn canvas ch. s. xix. 20677 Old Masters? A Collection of Female Heads. mounted on blue paper, large thin fol. half d.< brn. cf. ch. s. xv... s 20678 George Hanger’s Letters, damaged. 1st. dated 23 Aug. 1807. thin 4 to. M Li. bds■ ch. s. xix. 20679 Hinton’s Drawings ofOxou. Churches, & Brasses.: Duplicates. Vol. 5. cli. s. xviii. & xix. 1 20680 Sermones Catholicorum Doctorum St. Augusiin|,i Bedte, &c. 1i De Miraculo Resurrectionis in Britaunia in 1 temporibus Sergii Papa;. II Qusedam de S. Furseo. 4to. half brn. cf Veli I s. xiii. Ex Bibl. Abbalice de Abingdon. 20681 Instruments Professionum Rcligiosorum Carthusian Montis Dei Catalogue of the Priors from 1136. The oldest is of Gerard de Metis, about 1375 the last in 1787* Some have illuminated bur-i ders , others are beautifully written, obi A&inchl brown velvet, edged red fringe V. s. xviii. 20682 T. P. Collections. Suit of \\ ilhum Phillipps, o:< Broadway, versus Rev. J. Sarraude, of SuttoiD on Derwent, Co. York, for a Claim of lands! at Wandsworth, sm, thin 4 to. ch. s. xix. Bird MS'S. 20683 Scudamore Pedigrees, and Papers. Di Pedigree of Williams, of Llanfoist.y. y. bds. ch. s. xix. 20684 Chandos, & Scudamore Papers Election Papers. 2nd. A Proclamation from Richard Hoper. Sheriff of Co. Hereford, to the Ma yor of iieit-J ford. fol. pink bds. ch. s. xviii. Ex Bibl. Libri. Collections by Sir T P. Spc. 206S5 Gloucestershire Pedes Finium, temp. Car. 1 1625, ad 1649. fol. M H. bds. ch. s. xviii. Wilts. Pedes Finiuin, temp. Car. 2. fol, brn. bds. ch. s. xix. Glouc. Pedes Finium, a 1 H. 8. ad fin. Marias 1. 1509, ad \bo6.fol . M H. bds. ch. s. xviii Do. do. 18 , to *31 Eliz. 1576-89. thinf.M H. bds ch. s- xix. Glouc. Poll Tax, 4 Ric. 2, 1381. fol. M H. bds. ch. s. xix. Wilts. Subsidy Roll, 7 E. 3 1334. Hildebrand de Londres, Collector, fol.half wh,bds.ch,s.xix,. 20686 20687 20688 20689 Tour from Munich to Prague, Vienna, & Anvers. Part 2nd. only , Incipit, “Bain” describes Piet tures, Statues, &c. s. 4 to. yell. bds. ch. s. xviii Sur I’Amour de Lettres. sm. thin 4 to. yell. bds. ch s. xviii. Thesaurus Pauperum de Medecina. 4fo. M LI.bds V. s. xiv. Latine. Caret fine. H De Medicina. In the Provencal language. Incipit. Aquist libre es bons per aver sanita: del cors.” V. s. xiv. Humani Corporis descriptio. Latine. thin stone bds. V. sa;c. viii. Characters Langobardico Vita S. Leodegarii, et S. Martini. H Versus cum Musica Ante-Guiduniana. Catalogus Libkorum ManuscripTorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 383 20690 *20691 20692 20693 •20694 2009.) •20696 •20697 20693 •20G99 20700 20701 •20702 20703 20704 20705 20706 20707 20708 20709 20710 20711 II Vita de Leon a id i. Caret fine. The fly leaf is P'lrl of a Benedietiouale. s. 4 to wh. hogskiu V. s. xi. Boetu Fragmenta. thin fol M H. bds. P. s. xvi. Ex Bibl. Dai. Scudamore. Proxies of the House of Peers. 13 Vo/s. folio, § ■Uo. red morocco full gilt. perg. s xviii. Tres Oraciones del Estado de Espana, a Don F Sandoval, Ducpie de Lcrma. fol. hu/J grn. nwr. c/i. s. xvii. S. Gregorii Nysseni Liber dc Anima. Greece, fot, dark blue T. Mor. P. s. x. (ut dicitur.) much injured by damp. Novella df Amadio Nicolucci. M Novella di Gio. F. Gruzin a Lazca, If Lettera di Gallileo Gallilei ,f. Iif dk. cf. ch s. xviii. M iscellaneons M SS. The Most Material passages in the '2nd Session of Parliament houlden Ao. Caroli 4 to. A. D. 1628 .Jol. limp wh v. ch. s. xvii. Matheus Herbonus, Presbyter, in Historiam Eb- uronicani, sivt Leodiensem. Carmen. The Title to the Poem is “Mistoria Vastatiouis Lcod- iensis urbis per Carolum, Ducem Burguudiae, Brabantiie, Ac. Incipit , Ab egregio Poela Angelo Viterbiensi condita Homa;.” 1 st. line of Poem. “Aruia Ducis eariiinus Legi- onis clara minis.” fol. o brn. cf stamped sides eh. vel. xvi. Fragments of MSS. on the Coiers. Household luventoiy, Sc Rental of Sir Thomas, and Lady Seylliard, ot' Pewsey, Berks. 1686. fol o. brn. cf, ch. s. xvii Abridgement of History from Hollingshead, See. by Thos.( name blotted ont.J f. half o. brn. cf. ch. s. xvii. '■'Begins Brute the son of Silvius,” &c. On the first fly leaf is the No. of Parishes in each County. Chevaliers de l’Ordre du St. Es prit, depuis 1 Jan. 1623. ad 17 May 1731. with the Arms emblaz¬ oned. thick fol o. french red mor. gilt edges ch. s. xviii. pp. 407. Northumberland Topography, obi. 4 to. slate bds. ch. s. xviii. or xix. Kent’s Banner displayed, or Gwillim abridged. Arms emblazoned. 2 Vols Printed, with MSS. Notes by John Allen, of Hereford. 8 vo.rusi. gilt. Allen’s Crest, a Gray-hound seiant, on the sides. 1i John Allen, junior’s, Arms of the various Families of Allen, emblazoned MS. Bingley’s (Rev. YVrnJ Hants. Collections. tall fol half dark cf. gilt , ch. s. xix. Letters relating to Somersetshire. tall fol. olive mor. ch s. xvii-xviii. Is*. Mri. Jo. de Virgilio Allegoric super Fabulis Ov idii Metamorphoseujn Metrice compilatae. U Albertini Musati, Paduani, super Tragediis Senecae. thin fol. half dark cf. ch. s. xv. Ex bibl. Ducis Sussex, with his Book Plate. Testamentum Nicolai Foschari de Venetia, 1547. stn thin Ato. P. s. xvi. Philip 4, of Spain, Licence of Sale of lands in Otranto, Naples, 166’4. With Ids Autograph “Yo el Rev.” thin fol. V s. xvii. Rotuli Clausi regni H. 3. abbreviati. fol. half, brn . cf. ch s. xvii. Ex Bibl. Johis. Caley. Varie Documenti Storici e Politici di varie Corti di Europa. 3 Vols. fol. hf. wh. v. ch. s. xv.-xvii. Bulls, & Ecclesiastic Deeds relating to Sienna. Vol. 3. 4*o. stone bds. V. s. xiii. xiv. 1363. Salway Family Papers, Letters to Win. Radcliffe, the Herald, &c. 5 Vols. Ato. pale russ. c/i.s.xviii. Relever Alphabetize des Gravures de l’Antiquite Expliqucfc du Pere Montfaucon. thick stn. 4lo. brn. cf.full gill ch. s. xviii. ' > 20712 20713 20714 20715 20716 20717 20713 20719 20720 20721 20722 20724 20725 20726 207*27 20/28 20729 20730 20731 20732 20733 20734 20735 20736 20737 20730 20739 Ranulphi Higden Polycronicon. thick sm. fol. old red leather Monastic binding V. s. xiv. Beda in Marcum. ^ Apocalypsis glosatus. fol. wh. veil. ch. s. xviii. Computus Gerurdi Grainaye, Tresorier des Guerres de3 Estals de Brabant, 1538. thin fol. grn. cl. P. s xvi. 'Collections for Islip, Co. Oxon. tkinf M tl. bds. ch s. xix. Actes de Philippe de Valois, thinf. grn. bds. ch. s. xviii. Dovedale Pedigree, of Co. Derby, by Sir Wm. Bet- ham, & of Molyneux thin f.M II bds.ch. s.xix. Extract des Registres du Grand Conseil de France, fol . blue bds. ch. s. xvii. Cases of Impediments of Speech, &c. Extracts of Pedigree of ’I bellwall, Goodman, Wynn. U Tracts on Poors Rates./’, hf. dk. cf ch. s. xix. Miscellaneous Correspondence. Is* Ogilvie. 2 nd. Lord Oxford, Arc. Aio. stone ch. s. xix. Upcot, Sc Dawson Turner’s Correspondence. 4*o stone ch. s. xix. T. P. Rills, Rents, &. Memoranda. 1st. Warren Vernon. 1* Stewart’s Bills of Books./ 1 . M H. bds.ch. s.xix. Sir Richard lloare’s Letters to Sir T. P. Is-*. 5th. May 1826. Jol. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Gilmour’s Letter 1821. Bentivoglio, Arcivescovo di Rhodi, Relatione delle Provincie Unite de Fiandra, Nuntio di Paulo 5 ad Alberto et Isabella Infanta, stn.Jol. wh. vel. ch. s. xvii. Title to Porters Close in Mickleton. thin fol. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Campden Court Rolls 1779 .f stone bds.ch. s.xviii Gregorii, &. Auselmi Cantuar. Opuscula. 1. Ato. half brn. cf. V. s. xii. Samuel Woodford’s Collections out of Winches^ ter Cathedral Archives./'. 1. ryli. cf. ch. s. xvii. *1 Compositio inter Epum \Y ynton, et Priorem. 1i Carta Epi. Johis. de Poniiasera. *.i Servicia Prioris S. Swithini,debita Epo.Winton. U Ex Historia Minore Thomas Rudborne. Maneria Conventus 8. Swithini. Benefactors to repair the Choir of the Cathe¬ dral, 1633. ^ List of Bishops, Deans, &c. *[[ Winton Domesday. II Ex Libro Cartarum Wintoniae Saxonicarum. Sci. Edwardi, Willielmi 1. et 2. Hen. 1 . Ste- phani, H. 2. John, Hen 3. II Cartas Eporum. Wintou. *11 Fragmentum Mortilogii Ecclirn. S. Swithini. ^1 Ornameuia Ecclesiaa. II Obitus Eporum. Winton II Consuetudines Eccl. S. Swithuni, Winton II Hants. Sussex, A; Surrey Domesday. Liber Legis Longubardorum cum Glossis. fol. wh. veil. V. saec. xi. Lettere del Cardinal Mazzarini. Vol. 1. 1647 4*o. wh. veil. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. do. Pol. 2. , 1648. 4*o. do. do. Do. do. do. Pol. 3. 1649. 4*o. do do. Do. do. do. Vol. 4. 1650-i. 4 * 0 . do do. Lord Abingdon’s Correspondence, 1687. Is*. Clarendon, thin fol. yell, bds • ch. s. xvu. Lord Manchester’s Correspondence, Ambassador to Paris, 1699-1700. Transcript from Originals in the Library o/’Sir Thomas Phillipps, at M i,-• the Turks, 1566. thin f. marbled bds. ch \ Ex Bibl Kloss. Original Tales, a la mode de Fontaine. Vol. fol. half brn. cf. ch. s. xviii. Pedigrees, & Arms of London, by Le Neve. Of r. fuit Thomas Martin de Palgrave, with hi 384 CATAL0GU3 LlBRORUM MaN USCR1PT0RH M 1M BlBLlOTHECA PhILLIpPICA; 20740 20741 20742 20743 20744 20745 20746 20747 20748 20749 20750 20751 20752 20753 20754 20755 20756 20757 20758 tograph. thin fol. o. hrn. cj. ch. s. xviii, In it are the Anns of “Mr. Philips,” being A. a lion rampt. Sable collared & chained Or. with a Crescent in dexter pc ml. These ure believed to be intended for the Aims of Mr. Clifford W il- liam Phillipps, who was afterwards Knighted Ex Bill. Sir George Nayler. Memoires de Leufroy filiation de la Chambre des Comptes. H Lists of Presidents, Avocats, Procureurs <-eu- eral, &c. thk. f. old French cf. f. gilt ch s xviii Cronicon Villae de Padua, thick fol. dark blue cl. ch. s. xvi .folia 312. Ex Bill. Guilford 646-9. Lectionarium. fol. red russ. V. s. xii. Ao. IS). Ea Bibl. Van Ess. Pedigrees of Suffolk, & Cambridgeshire, by Bar¬ uch Longmate, or Thomas .... Jones, brought down to 1767, & later. L 4 to. die. cf. ch. s. xviii. Roger Bacon, de lie Medica. 4 to. half dk. blue bds. cf\ ch. s. xv. Marriages from Gent. Magazine for 1825-6. & 1832, to 37. 18 mo. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Marriages in Gents. Mag. 173i, to 1757. in 24 Copy Books thin 4*o. stiff covers with wood Cuts ch. s. xix. now bound in .. / ols. Berlandier’s Diary at Matamoros in 1831-2, at Tamaulipas. obi. Clinch, stone ch. s. xix. Notes from the Nobility, and Gently of Paris to their Draper, M. Rarbiere, ordering Dresses, &c Cloth for their dresses, before the Gi.Revolu¬ tion, 1781, &c. with Specimens of the Cloth. 24wio. grn. bds. ch. s. xviii. Ex 3542. Excerpta ex Patribus Ecclesif St. Joint’s College. IhinAto. Copy Bvukch. s.xix. 20767 Pontesbury Collections. 2 Vols. sAloJialf reit roan ch s xix. 20768 St. Chad Inscriptions, be. 2 Vols. sm. 4 to. half red roan ch. s. xix. 20769 Treganuon, &c. Collections, sm. Ato. half brn. vf. ch s. xix. 20770 Stockton, Broseley, Lichfield, Edingale, Banbury. sm. 4 to. half red loan ch. s. xix. 20771 St. Mary’s Shrewsbury, Clive. Written nearly all in red ink. s. 4to. half brn. cf. ch. s. xix. 20772 Salop. Pedigrees. \st Lettered on Cover." \ aughuu of Mallwyd.” sm. 4 to. It. brn. cf. ch. s. mx 20773 Do. Fitz, Condover, Stapleton, s. 1 to. had' It. him. cf. ch. s. xix. 20774 Do. Brewood.sw*. 4 to. half red mor. ch. s. xix. “Heraldic.” on the Cover. 20775 Do. Clunn, Lidbury North, & Norbury. s. 4to. marbl. stiff covers. All in pencil, ch. s.mx. 20776 Do. Newport, s. 4 to. marbl. stiff bds. ch. s xix. , 20777 Do. Alberbury. sm Uo. marblea stiff Copy book , ch. s. xix 20778 Do. Is*. Extracts from Leases. HZ. to William Hampton. 2 nd. Pedigrees from Deeds, sm. 4to. marbled Copy book ch. s. xix. 20779 Do. Pedigrees. Eo/l. lsZ.Tonge <>f St. Alkmunds. sm. 4 to. half It.brn. cf. ch. s. xviii. 20780 Do. St. Alkmonds, l ol. 2. Pedigree. Is*. Heath. sin. 4 to. half red roan ch. s. xix 20781 Do. Brace Meole, Gt. Ness, Bishops Castle, Moore, Lydham, Tregynau, Bettws. s. 4 to. half red roan ch. s xix. 20782 T. Jeffreys’s Collections relating to Wales Do. Catalogue ot MSS. in Llanerch Library . in 1787. s. 4*o. u. bru. cf. ch. s. xviii. ( Mr. T. Jeffreys, was a Dissenting Minister at Walsall.) ; 20783 Rev. David Powell's Collection of Foreign Arms 1 st. Coat Pierrepont s. 4 to. M II. bds.ch.s.w \n. 20784 Do. Pedigrees. Is*. Nigel de Albini. 5^ inch. ,q. M H. bds. ch. s xviii. 20785 Jourdan, the Jesuit’s Description «>f Asia, in 1658. sm. 4 to. o. brn. cf. ch. s. xvii. JFith an engraved . Title. 20786 Annie*'* de Lavarinis Epislol®. thin fol. wh. v. ch. s. xvii. 20787 Letters to Dyer the Poet, thin 4to. y. bds. ch. s xix.: 20788 Abstract of Bradley in Wenlock, tiawkhurst.: Stretton, and Bushmore, in Essex, f. y. bds. ch, 8. xvii. Collections by Sir T. P. 20789 Edwin Offer (my Printer, eldest son of the Rev.. John Offer, who assisted Sir Richard lioare ini his Wilts.; his memoranda of the No.of Copies- of my Wilts, works, which he print* d.fol. MI/J bds ch. s. xix. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 386 20790 20791 20792 20793 20794 £0795 20796 20797 20708 20799 20800 ‘,2080 L 20802 2 OH 03 20804 Mariano Pizzi's MSS. j A'o. 1, Alphabeto Arabigo, y sudivision. 1G7 leaves | s. 4 to. M 11. bds. eh. a. xviii. A Oi 2. “Objeciun que un Oculto Impugnador hacej a la Inscripcion Arabica, pag. 22. de la Tratadoi de las Aguas de Salam-Bir. (Pizzi wrote a work on the Mineral Waters ofTrillo.) The In-) tcription appease to be ‘ AI Modhpher ubd ell JMalek, liey de Valencia, hijo de A1 Mansor, Abd el Azid, Abd el Rahman, ben Abi Amer, Key assiraismo de Valencia.” A este Rey al j Modhpher quit*- el Reyno de Valencia,hegira457.’ j *Ii On an Arabic Inscription on the Wall of a | Coment in Toledo. j 11 Part of an Essay ou the Utility of the Arabic! Language, sin. Mo. M H ids. ch. s. xviii. No. 3. Libro del Cherumiat, o Grammatica arabe de Cherumiat. A translation of the Arabic Gram-! mar called “ Ajiumiyyah.” sm. 4 to. M H. bds 1 ch. s. xviii No 4. “I>e los Secretos e Remedios esperiruen-j tados, que trahe Ebn el Beytar, en su yn*| ci mparuble obra de la Historia Natural. (From j jol 75, to 21o, is port of the Arabic Grammar! of Pizzi.) s 4to J/ 11. bds. ch. s. xviii No 0". De idiomate Arabigo.202 pages. s.-lto.AIH. bds ch. s. xviii. No. 7 . Plan de las Fiestas de Fori-Mogigango- Arlequinas, que se han de celebrar en la Plaza extra Muros de la Pueria de Alcala, dirgidas por los Henoies deputados de la Real Junta de Hospitales, cuyo pioducto ha de inveitirse en alivio de los Eniermos del ano de 1782. thin 4 to. half hive cl. ch. s. xviii. *Vo, 8. Vocabulario de las Paites del Cuerpo. *1 Cariilla Arahiga. j thin 8 vo. half blue A Collection of Letters. } cl ch. s. xviii. -Ao 9. Arabic MSS. “Traduccion de la Sura . seguada el Coran segun la mente de Mohamed thin Mo. half bluecl. ch. s. xviii. No. 10. Translation ut the Life of Tiinur by Ibn Shabotali Incipit “Expediciou de Timur por la 4ia. vez, contia Xuarzaui. sm. 4 to. half blued, eh s. xviii. Ydea sueinia de la respuesta que he de dar al Sr. Casyri sobre la Apologia que escrit en de fensa de la Iraduciou que hizo a la Clausula del Prologo del Beythar: Y en contra de la que yo lengo hecha a la niisma Reservando para qnando eya impreso la suya, anadir o quitar a esta lo que paresca mas couducente. sm 4tu. half blue cl- ch. s. xviii. No. 12 . Arabic Grammar par M. Pizzi. thin 8 vo. half blue cl ch. s. xviii. No. 13. Arabic Grammar Syutaxis. 8 ,Mo. half blue cl. ch. s. xviii. No 15. Eragnientos traducidos de Varios Autores Arabes sabios para cotijar los idiotismos. iliin 8 vo. half blue, cl ch. s xviii. No. i 0. Run.auce Joco-Serio, Cornpuesto de repente en ocasion de lcl’erirlos sucesos de su Viage desde Valencia a Canaveruela Don Mariano Pizzi a su Amigo cl Dr. Don Jo*ef Arbugeer. < 1i Lisia de los Cavalleros y Damas dc la Mal- agradabla de la Buena Vision. IS Alguna-’ Lisas, Ceremonias, Bitos, y Leyes de b»s Moros. Escrito por el Faquir >id Muh- amed ben Tahami, en el ano de 1799, para Bon Manuel Bacas Merim. Satira Incip. “Asse Dios te perdone tus pe¬ c-ado.” sm. 4t o. half blue cl. ch. s. xviii No 17 Cabilas Provincias que hay en el Espacio, que posee en el dia Muley Solnuan, las quales ’ coinponen su Imperio 5 y adenias los Pueblos o Ciudailes que hay en ellas, y los noinbres de algunos Rios y otras noticias, Escrito todo por el Faquir Sid Muhamed ben Tsliami en el ano del 1799. para DonManuelBocasMerino. thin Mo. blue cl, ch. s. xviii. 20805 20806 20S07 20808 20809 20310 2081 1 20812 20813 208 i 4 20315 20816 20817 20818 20819 20820 20821 20822 20823 20824 No. 18. Copia en Arabe del Tratado de Paz, Amistad, Navegacion, Comercio, y Pesca establecido, fintre Carlos IV. Rey de Espana, y Muley Suliman, Emperador de Maruecas, siendo la parte constiiuta por S. M. C. su Plenipotentiary el Yntendenle del exercito Don Juan Manuel Gonzales Salmon, y por la u , il me>le beaucoup de Fables. Au ciiiqmeme j siecle il commence celle des Roys de trance j qui fait ensuite la principal partie du livre. 11 ; s’e tend beaucoup sur les Croisades, dont il f-iit l’bistoire fort cn detail. IL y entremesle plus- sieurs genealogies ties Maisons de Dieux, d’Anjt.u, de Naples.de Ruinigni, de Mortngne, d’Anghien, d’Antoing.de Brabangon, 1 1 auues, qu'ii commence an terns de la premiere Croi- sadc, et les continue jusques a son terns, en mar- quant exactement les alliances. La counoissance que Pauteur semble avoir tie l’origiue, et de la foudalion de plusieurs Eglises, et Abbayes de Hainaut, et de la France, et de plusicur famil¬ ies de ces deux provinces, dont iI rapport les genealogies, font soupgonnerqu’d v demeuroit. II s’eiend patticulairement sur les Croisades.” Another hand TP De Thou.) has added this Note to this last entry “Selon P. Ursin Durand, Rel. Keoed. (Rcligieux Benedictin.) On the first page of the led l are two Coals One \ at ilie top, is Ermine, impaling • • a deiui bulls head cabossed O. at the bottom Ermine -1 Lars S. impaling A. a fess S. Vajihi’s Historical Account of the Turkish Empire from Hegira 1047, to 1071. (by Vajihi of Bakchesarai in the Crimea.) He served in the , Turkish Government under Sultan Murad, and Sultan Ibrahim. He died 1071. s Ato. Turkish binding ch s xvii- Dawson Turner’s Autograph Letters of Bishops, : &tc. 1st. Chichester. 4 to. M 11 ids. ch. s. .. Quarter Sessions Book of Forfeiture of Pledges for ■ Co. Glouc. 10 Geo. 3. Ato. halfrvh cf.ch. s.xviii. : Yeates’s Hebrew Dictionary On slijis pasted on Concerts, or Oratorio Programmes. The Hebrew \ Words are written in the English Character. Ato. M H. bds. ch. s. xviii. Yeates’s Hebrew Nomenclature, 1799. thin Ato. M 11. bits, ch s. xviii. James l. Letters to the King of Bohemia. thinSvo. half grn. mor. red sides ch. s. xvii. Ex Bibl. Joseph! llaselwood, with his Arms stamped in gold inside. Marriages from 1744, to 1790,&1B21, to 30. bVols. brn. ppr ch. s. xix. Memoranda Vitas T. P., Armigeri, de M H. 1797- 99. sin. Ato. stone bds. cli. s. xviii George Baker’s MSS. Index to Northamptonshire Celebrities. ‘2Amo. blue bds. ch. s.xviii. A Herald’s Book of Blank Shields partly filled up with Arms circa A. D. 1804. from Monuments, Carriages. Book Plates, fyc \st.Cout Pfeiffer of Rottcnburgh, 1804. s. Ato. hf. brn.llhr.ch, s.xix. Marriage Contract of Chas. 1. with Henrietta of ! France, thin sm. Ato. blue bds. ch. s. xvii. Notes on the Destruction of Books, from various Authors. Gallice . 18 mo. grn. veil. ch.[ s. xviii. Tooti Kama, or Tales of a Parrot, sin. Ato. red Persian leather ch. s x.. Ohm J. Darell,1794. Diploma in Medicine of Stephen Renier, of Padua, 1781. sm. thin Ato. Italian cf. Vel. s. xvi. with Autograph Signatures. At the end is “Ego Augustinus Cavignato, Patav. Scriptor. William Style’s Knights of the Bath made by H.0. 1509, &. also the Knts. Bannereit, & their Arms, Crests, & Quarterings. 200 1 ■> 20843 20841 20043 203 46 20847 20348 20019 20850 20851 20852 20853 20854 20055 20856 20857 20058 20059 20860 20061 20862 20863 20864 20865 2086G 20867 20868 H Coats. Crests Quarterings,& Marriages of divers of the Nobility, and Gentry. If Anns in the Parlour Window at Nevvnham Padox, Co. Warwick. Arms in Coughton, Co, Warwick. If Arms m Chesterton, Co. Waiw. the Peytns. If Arms in Tamworth, arwickCastle, Maxstoke, Epitaphs in Warwickshire. H Arms «.f the Gentry in Co. Nott. thick Ato half bm cf. silver brocade sides ch s xviii. Statutn Kiel. 2 tivo mss gt V. ch s. xiv. At the end is “Iste liber periinet ad me, Fiohardum Buughton, Juan B Perez, Collection of'■panisli Papers, con¬ cerning the Council of Toiedo in 1502-3. (He was Canon of Toledo ar.d 15 shop ■ 1 JSegorbe.y Coined from a AfS in Ah ala Libucnj. pp.AU), fol. Spanish spotted cf. full gilt ch. s w.ii, •/Inns of a Bishop on the bach, Cheeky. Derbyshire Papers. Vol. .. 1st. Thornhill.yn/./W/' stone bds. ch. s. xix. Do. (1 o. Vol..* IsL Skynoer Jnl. hf. stone bds ch. s. xix. 308. Supplemental Title lo Coscomb in Did brook, Co. Glouc. fol. yell bds. ch. s. xviii. Dialogue des Morta concernant l’Histoire d’Espag- na. thin fol. brn. bds. ch. s. xix Oiim hobii. Sc uihey de Keswick, Poeta*, cum Aulogiapho ejus r/r/t, cl. ch. s. xix. Collections for the Pedigree of Scot, by John Gray Bell, 1852. 3 Hols. Ato. elk. blue cl. ch.. s xix. Visitati«> Archiepiscopi di Antivan in Albania, Macedonia, Dalmatia, Servia, Bulgaria, Tran- sylvania,&:Uiigheria. !750,&c / wh v.ch.s xvin. Geschlacht Buch von Nuremberg, Arms c loured and Portraits engraved, fol. wh. veil. ch. s. xvii. John Cole's (of Scarborough,) Autographs of Nobility, Actors, Artists, Musicians, Singers, Engravers, Linguists, &c. 1826. thick Ato. hf'.cf. ch s xix. Collections for a History of Exeter. Incip. “lOSi, Mayor Isaac Mawdit. ” This is only part oj some Collection beginning with page oxu, consists of Extracts from the Municipal Boohs, from 163 1 , to 17*22 thin Ato. half wh vel ch. s. xviii. Sharp-set, or a Dinner Party at the, West-End. thin sm. Ato. yell, bds ch. s. xix. T. P's. School Problems in Longitude, & Latitude. thin sm. Ato. yell. bds. ch. s xix. Hermanni de Colonia Psalterium, 125’. thick Ato. yell. bds. f el. s xiii. Oiim L. Van Ess. Philosophia Acronmatica, sice Disputacio in 51 libro Aristotelis de Audilu. thick sm. Ato o.brn. cf. ch. s. xviii. Martinez de la Rosa Comaedia,“Lo quepuede uu Empleo thin Ato. half red mor. cli. s. xviii. Death of Cuchullin, translated thin Ato , hf.bluc cl. s. xix. Pouncey’s (of Blanford, Dorset.; List of his Pho¬ tographs of Middle Hill, in 1059 size 12 in. by Win. Vlmo. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Memoranda of Riego Nunez the Spanish Patriot, ob. 1816. thin 12 mo wh. bds. ch. s- xix. BeefSteak Club Members. 12/z/o Mil bds.ch s.xix. Satirist. Vol. .. 1st. A Carol of Fakey to Moran. Oro. M 11. bds. ch. s. xix Sermons on St. Paul. obi. Ato. 31 11 bds ch 3 . xix. Atch Lench Assessment 1822. 2 Ato 3111 has. II Kemcrton Award, 1772. > ch. s. xviii- II BlakenhurstAssessments,1822. ) xix. Conyngliam’s Plans of Irish Castles, & Churches. Supposed to be made for Capt. Grose’s Anti¬ quities, as they were found in a Collection of Grose’s Drawings. sm.Jul. M 11 bds. ch. s.xviii. Sandys of Canterbury’s Correspondence. 4=/o. 31H. bds. ch. s. xix. Evesham Papers. Lunn, v. Bonaker./o/.Af 11. bds, ch. s. xix. Lieutenant Thomas Molyneux Graves’s Letters from Sebastopol. He fell at the Redan, Ato.ch. s. xix. Catalogue Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Fhillippica 387 20869 20870 20871 20872 20873 20874 208*5 20870 20877 20.'78 20879 20880 20881 20882 20883 20884 20685 20886 20887 20888 20889 20890 20891 20892 21893 20894 20895 20896 20897 20898 20899 20900 2090 L Rev. David Powel’s (of Tottenham,London.) Copy of a Book on Differences of Arms, dated 1794. sin. • Ho.grn . veil. ch. s. xviii. or xix. Brendelius de iMorbis Mulierum. 2 Vols. fol. hf.roh. vel. ch. s. xviii. A Description of the World. Codex A rah inis. 2 Volt. 8r o. yell. hds. ch. bomb s. xvi. tr./. xvii. The Original Persian, or Arabic Cases /or these 2 Vo/s. are preserved separate. Codex Arabians . . thick n. 4 to Cluzrta Bombycina scec. x.... An old Coptic MS. ha .v bem cut up to make part of the Cover. (? if these 2 have been already entered ) Temporal Acts of John, Bishop of Durham, from 1774. thick 4 to wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Saiidys's M>S. Miss Terrey’s Case, Co. Kent. Ac. 4tu. M tl. hds • ch. s x x Autographs and Letters. 1 st. Autogr. “Montagu.” 1st. Letter “ Manley ” 4 / 0 . M 11. bds eh. s. xviii. Capt Grose’s Oiiginal Drawings of Ruined Abbeys Castles, Churches, Ac. If. M 11. bds ch s.xviii. Longmate’s Descendants of K Edw. 3 On a large Sheet Jolded in large fol M U. bds ch s. xviii. Lord Paget’s Correspondence temp. Wm. 3. in 1695 - 8 . &c damayed. jol. MH bds ch. s. xvii Miller’s Italian Campaign, 1859 Printed. 11 Military Plans MSb. u/. Royal Military Col¬ lege ’2nd. fsle of Elba. 3rd, Part of Devon. &o. large Jol. M H. bds ch. s xix- Mill r, A Michels, Rental of Brentford, Co Middx 1765 thick fol. M H bds. s xviii. Do. & Do. Expences, 1766. tall narrow fol. M H. bds. ch. s xviii. Michel’s Brentford Estate Rental 1774, &c. large fol. M H bds. ch. s, xviii Rev. Joseph Hunter’s Derbyshire Collections, Pedigiees, &c. / fol. M 11 bds.ch s. xviii. xix. Cornwall Papers of St. Aubyn. IfMil bds.ch. s.x x. Dawson Turner’s l-’oreign Autograph Letters. 11 Some lew Papers in the beginning were found in M. Chalotai’s Book. f.MH.bds. ch. s.xviii. Derbyshire Letters Vo/. .. lsz. Williams. 4 to. M 11. bds. ch. s. xix. Do do. Vol....1st \Y hall. 4Zo.il/ H. bds.ch s.xix. Do. Papers. Vol. ... 1 si. Mott. 4 / 0 . do. do. Do. *1 o. Vo/. .. laZ. Hodgkinson. fol do. do. Do. Letters. Vol. -. 1st. Hudson. 4/o. do. do. Sir Frederic Madden’s Collection of Seals, printed with a few MS. Notes 3 Vols. fol. eh s. xix. Testamenta. Vol.... 1st. Betaghe. f. Mil. bds. ch. s. xvi. Parrenin de Neophytis Sinensibus, 1727. thin 4/o. M II. bds. on Chinese Silk Paper, stec. xviii. Sandys MS8. Papers relating to Canterbury, Jol. half M II. bds.ch. s. xix. St. Aubyn Cornwall Papers. 11 Hamsterley Papers, Durham. Do. Court Rolls, 1710, kc .fol. M II. bds. ch. s. xvii-xviii. Medicinal Receipts, sm 4to. o. brn. cf. ch s. xvii. IaZ. ‘G present case for the Stone,F.Tasburgh.” Oiimjuit “Anne Borlase.” 07 ’2 pages, imper¬ fect at the end. In the beginning are Sir John YN inion’s & Sir George Penruddock’s remedies for the “Goute, a; Stone ” Recipes i<» make Preserves, k Pastries. IsZ. “To make Cowslip Wine.” sm 4to o brn.cf.ch.s.wih. John Allen’s Collections for Herefordshire. II List of Mayors of Hereford, 1382, to 1S24. *1 List of Bailiffs. 56 H. 3. to 6 Ric. 2. *1 City Leases from 1699. sm. Mo ch.halfrgh. dark d. ch. s. xviii. pp. 157. with Appendix of... pages. On Clouus. 18 mo. grn. cl. ch s. xix. Extracto de la Historia de los Sucesos mas Mem- orables de los Goviernos de Milan por el A no. 1512, ad ami. 1689. sAto.wh vel. ch. s. xvii. Whewell, of Trinity Coll. Cambridge, on Tides. thick 4 to. stone bds. ch. s. xix. 20902 20903 20904 ; 20905 20906 20907 \ 20903 |20909 |20910 j 20911 j J20912 | 20 !) 13 j20914 20915 20916 J 209i7 20918 20919 |20920 |20921 20922 j 20923 20921 20925 20926 20927 20928 20929 20930 Buchanan’s Letters to Chalmers, 1780, to 1813. 4/o. M II. bds ch. s. xviii. YVrangham's Letters to Sir Eccrton Brydgcs,l816, to 1827. 4/o. M II. bds. ch s. xix. Lidice de todas las Coinredias iinpresas hasta el anode 1716 Copied from the Original MS. in the National Library at MadridAtu. If. red cf. eh s. xix- Letters de Bossuett 15 Holography's, s. Ato.y. bds. ch s. xviii Edward Jones’s Welsh Collections. Iucip “Tuir Cerid ruildol suld ” srn 4to rgh. cf. ch s. xviii. Sir Cuthben Sharp's Bishopric Garland, the Ori¬ ginal M 8 . 4 to half russ. ch s. xix. An Alphabet of Arms 2 Vols. Vol. I. begins “A ante B.Abbot.” sm 4 to yell bds. ch. s. xvii. Do. do. Vol. 2. contains Anns of the Ancient Barons, Arc. sm. Atu. yell, bds ch. s xvii. Cole's Herefordshire Collections, thin jo l slate bds. ch. s xix. Scotch Correspondence. I a/. “1 Pay ” fol. brn.cf. git ch. s. xviii. Ex Bibl Geo. Chalmers, with his Book Plate. Dugdaie’s (Sir Wm ) Original Autograph MSS. relating to Funeral Processions, Nottingham Pedigrees, &c. 2 Vols. fol Tyh t cf. ch. s. xvii. frith clasps Ex Bill. Sir Geo. Nayler, with his Book Plate Fac-Similes of Autographs of Bonaparte, &c. tall thin Jol, M //. bds. ch. s. xix. Catalogue of Bruce’s Etliiopic MSS. Copied by V* m. Miles, Esqr./l M U. bds. ch. s, xix. Charles Isz. Visit to Madrid, when Prince of Wales, 1623. thin 4 to. M tl bds ch. s. xviii. Aldington’s Account to Burnet in Aberdeen. Cardinal D’Estree’s kc. Letters, thin 4to.MII.bds, ch. s. xviii. H. G. O’s. Survey of Aspeden Church, Herts. thin 4 to. I\1 H. bds. ch. s. xviii. Letters of Hervey, Thorkelin, Burghley, kc. thin 4 to. M 11 bds. ch. s. xvi.-xviii. Pedes lynium. IsZ. Sharpe, 5H.7. narrow fol. M It. bds perg. s. xv. Evesham Papers. Vol. ... IsZ. Phelps. 4 to. MH,bds. ch. s. xix. Letters of Bute, Louis Stanislaus Xavier, Mel- motb, Guiscard, Portland, Sami. Rogers, Seyf- farth, Somerset, P. Thompson. Vallancey, YVa- ger, Chas.H.Williams,Scc. 4/0 MH,bds.ch. s.xviii. Pyott’s Accounts, bound up in a Yol. of Ptinted Prospectuses. /. fol. M H. bds . ch. s. xviii. Nourse’s Correspondence. 1st. E. Williams, 1797. 4/o. brn. bds. ch. s. xviii, Sir George Jackson’s Correspondence on Naval affairs; containing Letters of Hood, Chatham, Arbuthnot, Stephens, Woodfall, &e. 4to. slate bds. ch. s. xviii. Correspondence des Homines de Lettres. ( The 1st. letter is an account of Louis XVI. conduct, on being informed of the first Acts of the Rebel¬ lion at Paris in 1789. dated 19 Juillet 1789. Hie ‘2nd. Letter is from M. Le Vaysse, concer¬ ning his Correspondence with the Agent of Petion. President of St. Domingo. 4 to. brn. ppr. ch. s. xviii. Guernsey, & Jersey Papors. Vol. .. IsZ.The Dep¬ uties of Guernsey to the Lord of the Treasury. fol, yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Guernsey Taxation. 1757. thin f. y. bds. ch. s.xviii. West India Trade, 1755, to 176b, 1st. Petition of 8ugar Planters to Parliament, f y bds ch. s.xviii. Llyfr Coch Asaph. Copied by Sir T. P. from the Original MS. in the Library of Wm. Wynne, of Peniarth, Co. Merioneth, fol. yell. bds. chi s.xix. ( Printed in the Collectanea Topographica a work first suggested , and set on foot, by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart, supported by Sir Frederic Madden, Dr. Bandinell, and Mr. Ca- ley of the Augmentation Office, although it 338 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptoruri in Bibliotheca Phillippra, 20931 *20932 23933 20934 20935 20936 20937 20938 20939 20940 20941 20942 20943 20944 20945 20946 20947 20948 20949 20950 20951 20952 20953 20954 20955 20956 20957 20958 20959 20960 2U961 20962 20963 20964 goes by the name of “Niclrols s Collectanea, but . Nichols was merely the Printer. Sandy s’s Canterbury Charters. 4/6*. y.bds. ch s xix. Guernsey, & Jersey Papers. Vnl. ... 1st. Letter ot Thomas Le Cocq, to the Duke of Newcastle, fol.yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Stafford Peerage Case, thin fol. y ■ bds. ch s xix Chatterton, or Savage Papers thin j. yell. bds. ch s. xix. Ex MS.Ph. 12104. West India Papers. Vol. ...1*7. Chamberlain. Ex Rot. Patent 26 Eliz. 11 Guernsey Papers, f. y. bds ch 8. xviii. Do. hef* field, Co Yoik. lx/. Tenison, Archbp. 4/o MH. bds. ch. s. xviii. AVilsnn’s Extracts from Dodsworth MSS. in the Bodleian, made 1772 Ato. MU. bds ch. s. xviii.i Spanish Poems. 1*7. “Eclogas. Fn la Ribera del dorado 'I ago, kc. 12 mo. t ch. vel ch- s. xvii Do. do. Vol. 2 Jncipit. “No mejo de VmdJ en el suelo. sm Ato. half tcdcj-ih. s. xviii.i half full. Glint J. Hill, de Down House,t near Bristol. Do. do. Refranes Castellanos. Inc pit Abad avs ariento. only 3 leave* written, thin Ato. Iif brn: Ithr.ch. s. xix (Him ..eremige lli.l,de Down House, near Bristol. El Viage a Sevilla, thin Ato hj. grn. vuir ch. > xix.' pp. 35. Wm. Stile’s Collections I st Arms « f Gentry • f W arwickshire out of Vol. 2. of Dugdale.- H Do. Arms of Gentry of \' ales. II Do. Aims of Nobiliiy. tic Geutty of England descended from the British, or AA eish Line#; written 1661. 1i Pedigree of *8trad ling of St. Donat’s, to 1661,i II Do. of W illiams, of Llangiby, Do. of Lewis, of the Van I Do. of Morgan, of Tiedegar, & LlaiitHrnamw; II Order of the Round Table. *1 Orders of Duke of Norfolk, & Monk, • tike of Albemarle, sm. Ato hall brn cj.Silver brocadm sides ch. s. xvii Lx Li.bl. l)t uchar ol Scot*' land. It is interteaicd with blank shieldsj Coniinet. “A Collection (of Aims,) of all such Knights, Fsqrs., and Gentry as were late inhabiting in the time of Q. Eli/.—Col¬ lected by Gulielmum Tyllotson, (Cleiicum,) Gippwicetisem, 1659. it seen.s to be chiefly confined to Norfolk, k Suffolk families. H Arms in Prestou Church Windows, Co. Suffi temp. Eliz *246 pages besides a modern Index. Logica. Greece. 8 vo. yeti. bds. ch. s. xvii. pp, o*2. Medical Receipts. 1*7. “For the Stoane.” sm Ato l o. brn cf. s. xxii. O/im Geo. Squibb, with hU\ Hook Plate. Giest. a Mag’s head erased. Cratee pro Com. Kent, Ac. 1*7. King of Dover. large Ato. stone Vel. & perg. s. xvi. kc. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptornm in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 389 209S7 John Allen’s Collections for Herefordshire, 1891. {He appears to have been a Lawyer in Here¬ ford) Mo. half bi n. cf. cli. s. xix. ‘20988 Do. do, with the Autograph of John Allen, jnnr. Entitled “Extracts from various Authors, & Copies of Original Papers relating to the County, & City of Hereford, collected by John Allen, junrThey are chiefly from Printed Books. Mo. half rgh. cf c/t. s. xix. 20989 Index to Close Rolls, 1 to 5 E. 6. Vol 2. A to G. Copied by J. M. thin Mo. stiff marbl. cli. s. xix. 'Ex BibL J. Warre cle Haverford West, 1869. I 20990 Extracts from Records. 3 Vols. Olini 5 Vols. Vols 1, df 2 missinq. Vol, 3. Miseellaneorum, begins with Extracts! out of Charter, Patent, & Close Rolls, &c. The Cariul. are ,— II Ex Glaston, penes Thos. Thynne. IT Ex Chr. nica Wigorn. penes Arth. Agard. If Cartul. Beghain, penes Sir R. Cotton. If Do. Langdon in Scaccario. If Do. Furness. 1029 Derbyshire Collections. 2 Pols, 1st. largeJol. 21 inch. If puce roan ch. s. xviu.-xix. ^ 21030 H. Phillipps’s Views of Castles, Churches, &c. ; obi. 4to. lin. half puce roan ch. s. xix. j oio3L Do. Views of Seats, Castles, &. Churches in ; Wales, &c. obi 10 in. stiff warbled ch. s. xix. 21032 Jane Porter’s Bank Book. l8mo,lin.n>h.v.ch.s xix. 21033 A Relation of a Voyage to the Aimy in letters from a Gentleman in 1707- 1®L Fo Sir Ihos. D'Aeth, of North Cray Place, Kent. s. 4Lo. cf. gt. ch. s. xviii. pp. 106. Arms of Gentlemen of Lancashire, thin sm. 4to. dark cf.ch. s. xvii. pp. 14. ; Todd’s Index Rerum. printed with T. P’s. MSS. t Notes, thin 8 vo. half puce roan ch. s. xix. > 21058 M, A. Wheeler’ Album of Poetry, 1828. Vdmo. roan ch. s. xix. ^ \ Penton MSS. List of celebrated Ancient Britons,; 21059 & their Genealogy. Ex No. ?. Fenton MSS. > thin fol. M H. Ids. ch. s.xviii. Copied from the | ojOGO Hengwrt MsS. pp. 46. j Do. do. Ex No. 7. Act of Restitution of the $ 21057 21034 21036 21037 Son, & 2 Daughters of Robert, Earl of Essex, i thin f. M II. bds. ch. s.xvii. 15 leaves (? ante. ): 210G1 ‘>1039 Papise "Vocabularium. f brn. cf. V . s. xiv. Scrip- ^ tura Italica, Ex Bibl. Hen. Drury de Harrow. > The last tine is “Ergo, fratres, mente pia, pro \ o l0G2 me rogitate, Papia.” j 21040 The Budget, or Comptabilite of France, for the < year 1810. fol. half'grn.vel. ch. s. xix. ,<21063 Index to Worcestershire Wills, 1493, to 1575. 21041 Historia dei Mexicani di Nueva Spagna. J. o. red ; y Q ^ ] Ig mo. led mor. ch. s. xix. ’ On the sides are the Medici ' mor. ch. s. xix. T. P’s. Cumbwcll Cartulary. IT Extracts from Godstow Cartulary, in Old Eng¬ lish, at Oxford. *1 Index to Caius College Visitations at Cambr. 18w/o red mor. ch. s. xix. T. P’s. Denbighshire, & Lancaster Collections. 18mo. red mor. ch. s. xix. On Ancient Cookery. % On Hawking. ' Qmo.grn. nmr. ch. s. xix. Copy of Biddlesden Parish Register. Do. Katclift’e Parish Register. *f Do. Kcmpsey P.Register, ltimo.grn.in.ch. s.xix. T. P’s. Lancashire Collections, 18//1043 Acta Curiae Archidiaconi de Dublin, 1673. thick fol. wh. vel. ch. s. xvii. (? ante.) 21042 21065 21066 21067 21068 21070 T. P’s. Collections at Worcester, Incipit. Synodaliain Co. Glouc. IT Testamenta Vetusta in Co. Wigora. containing lit. John H; II, ofbuckley, 1469. Copies of Wills. Pol. 1 . I 8 /// 0 . red mor. ch. s.xix. Do. Pol. 2. Copies of do. 1512, to 1527. 18 mo.grn. mor. ch s. xix. Do. do. Vol. 3. 1 st. Entry Pedigree of Probyn, of Ncwland. lit. \\ ill Hughes,! 526.18/mo dk.bluc m.ch. s.xix. Do. do. Pol. 1. Neii ; Series. 1514, ad 1642. lit. Antony Sheldon. IS mo. grn. mor. ch. s. xix. Do. do, Vol. 2 . 1.18 !, to 1642. 1 st, 11 ugh Tovye. 18 /mo. grn. mor. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol. 3. 1 st. Will of Wm. Penrice 18 /mo. grn. mor. ch. s. xix. Do- do. Pol. 4. do. do. 1 st. John Ferfax. ISmo. grn. mor. ch. s. xix. M SS. Ph. No. G453. Olitn Guilford HLSS. No. GG4, in 32 Vo Is. now bound in 82 Volunis. Olanda. 1 Belgian Mission f. li. brn. bds. ch. s. xvii. 2 M ocenigo Lettere,/! U brn. bds. ch. s. xvii. 3 Pace di Nimega. sm. 4to. It. brn . bds. cli, s. xvii 21071 21072 21073 Catalogus Lihkorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 391 21074 21075 21076 21077 21078 21079 21080 ‘21081 21082 210S3 21084 21085 21086 21087 21088 21089 21090 21091 21092 21093 21094 21095 21096 21097 21098 21099 21100 21 lOL ■21102 21103 21104 21105 21106 2H07 21108 21109 21110 21111 21112 21113 21114 21115 21116 21117 21118 21119 21120 21121 21122 21123 21124 21125 21126 21127 21128 21129 21130 21131 Germania. 21132 , ,, , 21133 1 Carta Leopoldi ad Cleros ue rraucia .jol.lt. Urn. 5 211 34 bds.ch. s. xvii. 21135 2 Loredani Lettere. f. It. bm. bds. ch. s. xvii. 3 Cart® Leopoldi Imp. Romaui. fol. do. do. 121137 4 Ragioni della TJngheria. sin. thin 4'to. do. do. j 5 On Mines of Gold, & Silver, fol. do. do. do. j 6 La Bohemia, fol. do. do. do. do. 121138 7 Relatione di Germania, 16G8. f. do. do. g Siege of Worms, sm. thin 4/o, do. do. M iscellauea. 1 Della Citta di Lucca, s./, It. brn. bds. ch. s.xvii. Lj 139 2 Rossi Memoria di Firenze, fol. do. do. do. |J I140 3 In Physicam. f. do. do. do. 4 Ovidii Sappho Phaoni. 24 mo. stiff red bds.ch.do , I 5 Clement i4. Epitaphia. 12 mo. do. do. do. S 2 H 4 I 6 Pins, Fol. 1. Satire, e Canzone. 12//ynodalia diversaiuiu Dio- cesarum. do. do. do. 21211 Do, Vol. 22. Histoire Belgique. If Vitae Archicpiscoporum, & Episcoporum. do. > 21212 Do. Vol. 23. TheologieScholastique,Dogmatique, Morale, do. do. do. 21213 Do. Vol. 24. Livres de Droit Jurisprudence A. IT Droit Public. Jurisprudence B. Droit Canonique. 21214 Do. Vol. 25. Bibles, do. do. do. 21215 Do. Vol. 26. Histoire Byzantine. Res Publica Elzeviriana. Varia de Van de Velde. If Journaux, & Livres Periodiques. Livres deposes chez M. van Bilaen a Louvain, 11 Droit Civil, & Romain. do. do. do. 21216 Do. Vol. 27. Histoire Sainte Systematique. No. I, 1 to 238. do. do. do. 21217 Doi Vol. 28. Liturgies, Livres Ecclesiastiques,. Offices dictos Prieres de l’Eglise. do. do. do. 21218 Do. Vol. 29. Histoire Ecclesiastique a Louvain. If Elistoire Profane a Louvain, If Theologie heterodoxe a Louvain, do. do. do.. 21219 Do. Vol. 30. Appendix Liturgiae. do. do. do. 21220 Do. Vol. 31. Liturgie, i. e. Breviaires, Kituels,; Missals, Livres de Prieres, Officia propria, do.. 21221 Do. Vol. 32. Histoire Ecclesiastique Supplement.i do. do. do. 21222 Do. Vol. 33. Droit Public, do. do. do. (all the above arejolios.) 21223 Do. Vol. 34. Catalogus Bibliotheca? Collegii 11 ol-i Iandici Lovanii collects, 1767. dcscriptus manu M. N. Wellcns S. T. P. Collegii Presidis, Si pest, Episcopi Anuers. 21224 Do. Vol. 35. Jno. Lenseei S. T. P. Professorial Lovanii, Libri Controversy Theological ^f De Scriptura. 11 De Justiticatione. 11 DeMeritis Operum dictatmLovanii annislSO 1-2.1 fol. It. brn. bds. ch. s. xvii. 21225 Do. Vol. 36. Recberches historiques sur l’Origine,; et la Constitution de l’Uuiversite dc Louvain: ("Elle a ete imprimee 1788. If P"ragmens de Listes de Livres du Doeteur Van de Velde. 1i Catalogue des Cartes Geographiques. f. It. brn ,i bds. ch. s. xvii. 21139 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica 39* *1220 *1227 31220 *1229 21230 *1231 21232 *12:33 *1234 21235 21236 21237 21238 21239 1240 21241 21242 Do. Vol. 37. Catalogue des MSS. et Imprimes qui Torment la Collection la plus complette de.-i Proces Verbaux des Assemblers du Clergb d. I France, avec lea Rapports des Agnes provenaml du Cabinet du Cardinal iVliuistre de Mesmes. le toutecrit par J. P. Van de Velde, f. It. bds c h s. xvti. Do. Vol 3 i. Liste de MSS. que possedeMr.J P. Van de Velde, soil Tlieologiens — Biblia Sacra S. S. Patres—Breviana, Liturgici.—Libri Pre- cum, Tlieulogici A rguinenti, Historic! Arguments fvl. It bm. bds ch. s. xvii Do. Vol. 39, “ I bis contaynes Mr. Bydull's foule draft of the Contents of the late Duke of Or¬ mond’s Papers, left long since by his Grace with Sir Robert Southwell, 1098. The Matter is reduced, first to general heads the par¬ ticular subjects are therein to be found with reference to the several Bundles whriein they lye.” ( See a Note about Roman ('atholics keep¬ ing faith with Rereticks.) f. It. bds. ch. s.xvui Du. Vol. 40. Liturgies thin A to It. bds ch.s xviii. Do, Vol. 41. Index Opusculornoi 1). Martini Lu¬ ther, quae Autographs vocantur, qua.* possidel J. P. Vander Velde. 4to. It. bds. ch. s. xvti, Mexican .MS.S'. Puttick 1869. Relacion del Estado del Nuevo Revno de Granado i que hace el Arzobi.spo de Cordova a su Subce- sor, cl Exmo. Senor, Frey Don FranciscoGot v 1 Lcmus, Ao 1789. f wh. v ch. s. xviii fol. 00 , Relation del Virey f.zpelata a su Sucesor, el Senor Mendinueta, Item l7o9, to I7i>6 /. wh. veil ch s x\iii 90 haves. Relacion del Vney Don Pedro Mendinueta a su Sucesor, Don Antomo A mar y Borbon from 1*97, to iHi.‘3. f. /eh. veil eh. s. xix 1)8 leases Las Casas On ilie PeruvianCustom ol burying their treasur.s ofGi.lu, & Silver Plate with the dead bodies 1 mipit In Rcgnis qute communi voca- bulo dicuntur ‘‘del Peru” in msiro Iudiarum Orbe, reperti fueruut, et reperiuntur que quo tidie iu Sepu ehris antiquissimis morluorum, qua; “Guacas ” illoruni lingua nominautur, ma.ni, & mirabilcs thesauri diversarum rerum preen.sarum, sell Vasa, seu Phialae variarum figurarum ex auro purissimo, et argento, lapidrs preciosi en.blemata sive supellectilia ex pre- ciosa materie tuiris tnodis fabricata, eonguries q u " l l ue HU ‘», el argenti, et divitiarum unite quantiiatis, et qualttatis, quod videniui non in reruni nalura existere, &c, 11 contains quaternios ab A. usque ad V. 2. it has been printed f. wh. veil, ch s. xviii. Coronica de Don Henrico 4. f. wh. v. ch s. xvi. Sesta Relacion de Hernando Cortes, f. Spanish cf. j ch. s. xviii El Duque de Palata Relacion del Esiado del Peru : ^ JSoticia del Reyno del Peru.490 leaves.Printed ‘20 leaves. At the end is written “ Este libro es de Don Joseph Beieal.”/. wh. xel . ch. s. xvii. Cortes de Castille y Leon. 2 Vols. thick /.red n/or. gill edges ch. s.xvui. Copied from the Archives ofSituancas. \ Algunas Plantas de Yucatan,with drawings of them, j Esc ri I as pur un Frayle Frauciscano de Cam¬ peche thin 4 to. half outage cf. ch. s. xvii. Some leaves damaged. I.y in-set ts. Apuntes Esta'listicos sobre Yucatan paraun Frayle Fianciscan de Campeclie, thin 4to. hj. red cf. ch. s. xvii. Letter ol Barthol. de las Casas. Incipit El obispo que fue de Chiapa beso las manos de V. Al. y supple, &c. 2 full close written pages, fol. un. bound ch. s. xvi. Do. do. Incipit En lo que remedio.” bfull.Sf close written pages, digued “Fiay Brme. de las Casas.” /• ch. 8. xvi. , 21243 2J244 21215 21246 21247 21248 21249 21250 21251 21252 21253 21254 21255 21256 21257 21250 21259 21260 21261 21262 El 4to, Concilio Mexicano, 1771./. half grn t mar. git. ch. s. xix. Regiamento de las Audiencias Publicas. In Span¬ ish, & Mexican, printed. V Mexican Sermons, in the Mexican language Written on printed Broadsides, thin/.half dark blue cf. ch. s. xix. Johes Damaseenus de Fide Orthodoxa. 1! Auselrni Monologium. U Do. quwdara alia./, wh.vell V. ». xix. Martyrdom of the Jesuits in Japoti. Written 1761. f wh. veil. ch. s. xviii. 2»» leaves. Photographic Copy of a Page of a MS. in the Matlazinga I anguage ^ Vocabulary, or Explanation of Words in the Maliuzinga ? Language. \\ A Poem on the Virgin of Guadaloupe, the fines half Spanish, half Mexican, or Matlaz- ingan, in hoc ntudo. Y aquella Divina ichipocthli. Que liable al pobre macehu d.” thin f. mottled bds ch. 8. xix 1S66. Defensa de los Jesuitas de las Phi ippinas, 1735. fol. wh v ch. s. xviii. Juan Fernandez Franco Pemarcacion de la Betioe Antiqua, with many Roman Inscriptions. c Bel is Urbs, sive Otricula, A Latin Poem, fol half o. bm cf.ch s. xviii 174B. Don Carlos Maria Bustamente Supplemento al Historia de los ties >is>los de Mexico,durante el gobieruo Espanol Autograph, fol dk blue If. git tooled sides ch a xviii pp. :i jo Diego Munoz coinary a liagmentos de la Historic de Tuixcala. copiados en 1852, del MS. qu# pc.see D JoaqumGaiciaYcazbalcela,eii Mexico. H Eragmenio de otro M Sto./. hf.rgh\f.ch.s.xix. pp 276 On Measurement of Lands in Mexico supposed to be by General Orbegoso.lSo/o. hr. pucecf. f. ijt. til. s. xix. Plan general 582, “Vi a o e de la Embas- sad.t de Buy Gonzalez de Clavigo. 97 leaves, fol. wh. veil. ch. s. xvi. the Cathedral of Fuebla de Ins Aneeles amiin. the Bishop of Hond las f brn.ct. c/t s xvii-xvii Satisfocim. al Memorial de Ins Jesuitas por 1 dlg-mdad Episcopal de I., Puebla de los Armel, bud. thmj hatj puce cf. ch. s xvii " Exanien de la Besidtocia del Vmey, Don Misti, de Ataoza. IU. iiulj ecu c/. ch. s. x\;u. “ CaTALOGUS LlBRORUM MaNUSCRIPTORNM Ut BliJLIOTfiF.CA Puillippica. 394 •212C3 Pedigree. & Aims emblazoned of Don Antonio . 21288 Ktaies Ordenes sobre los Yndios. de Alvarado, originarios de las Mouta&as de | ^ Sobre los Jesuitns. Burges, fol. grn. velvet V. s xviii. \ Histnrico-Politico sobre la 212S9 21264 Gutierrez Ensayo Nueva (iailicia con Nolas de Gaudalaxura. fol. halfbrn. cf. ch. s. xix. 106 leaves. 21265 Varios Pajieles Historicos del auo 1830, &.c. \st. Noticia del Reyuo de N. Espana, por el ; Virrey, Duque de Linares. 231 leaves, fol. red : ? nor. gt. ch. s- xviii. { Autos acordados en el Officio de D. G. F. de { Castro, Secretario de Camara, 1760. fol. Iif. red {21290 » nor. ch. s. xviii. 109 leaves. Instruction de adeudos de los devechos de Al- {21291 cabalas y Pulques del Reyno de N. Espana. { fol. o mottled cf gt. ch s. xix 31266 21267 21268 Escudo de Annas de los Mendozas, 17*12. The old 121292 paging begins at 18 ad 31 haves. Cither Arti- \ S Account of Maps, & Hieroglyphics of the Mexicans. A Drawing of Cortes, &: bis Mistress Marina, & i'l isoners in chains, &c. thin /. hf puce cl. ch. S- XIX. Usos \ Costumbres que se guardan en este Collegio Ileal y Seminario de 8«n Ildcfonso de Mexico, a 1 do Enero 1750. thin sin. 4to. hf‘. puce mor. ch. s. xviii. Betaucurt’a Derecho de las Yglesias Be lasYndia*. sm 4/o half puce war. ck. s- xviii Fr. Hieronymi Baptists; hormones in Matlazinga, circa 1562. “Fecha id Alidacatepec, 1562.”373 leaves.It. blue Titles iivo hi. citron cf.fi t ch- s.xvi, Metodo facil i breve para aprendre el vdiomaMexi- cano. thin sm. 4 to. o. marbled cf. gt. ch. s. xviii. clcs in the book differently paged , but all lelale {21293 Ochoa y ( adena (Francesco) de Medicina- sm.Ato, 21270 21295 21296 ii„ to the vdrms, &>' Pedigree of Mendoza, thin fol. flowered oil cloth binding ch. s. x viii-xix. {21294 2 269 Laelius de Jure Indiarum Johis.Solorzano Pereyra. j Copy of the l fork printed in 1641. f.hf.morone mor. ch. s. xviii. GcnzalezFaz Histnria tie la Casa de los Ermitanus de Mexico, Vidas y Echos de sus Prelados, su extension in China y Japon, &c. 3 Tols-f. brn. cf. gt. ch s xvii. I ol. 4. >s missing. 21271 Augspurger Chronicke. thick fol. stamped hogskin 121297 ch s. xvi. | 11272 Arbol Gcntalogico de Den Ramonzano y Ortega, 121298 s. xviii \ C; rta Caroli Regis Castillos. f. hf. red mor. ch. j 21299 s. xi in. { 21273 Ixtiilxochitl's Kistoria de It s Chichin:eeas. jT/od-121300 e mi tiam-cript (f has Lein printed ) f hf. brn. j T. n or ch. s. xix. 21274 Dr. F ilirnani z Vingc Botanique en Mexico. I 5! i a dogue ■ I Antiquities in iheMexicoMuseum 21301 1): j id General Dacaia from Guadalaxara to { fcouth Mexico, in 1830. c _ \‘i ars el the Spaniards against the Chichi-i 21302 no cas in 1541 orange m. ch. s.xix.J50/e«ves. | 21275 On the Abolition of Celibacy of the Clergy. thin fol. half pace cl. ch. s. xvii. Acabe en 1824. 21276 Chocho Language. Oracinnes eu Lingua Chocho. thin fol half puce cl ch. s xviii. 10 leaves. 21277 Papcles de! Capstan Juan Adul de Mosquera tie su calidad y servicios. red mor ch s. xix. D. Marcos Kevnel Hernandes Guia eloqnente, sin 1 lingua, de la lengua Matlazinga 30 leaves, sm. 4 to. 0 black cf. ch. s. xviii. Operaeionts del Arzobispo de Manila, Governad r ■ de las Philippinas en tiempo tie l’Asst dio de 1 s 1 Yngleses a la Capital, 17(>;>.s 4 torvh.v.ch s.xviii. . Colloquies de la Paz en lengua Maczahn, 8i'o half puce mor. ch. s. xix. Vida del Pail re Zappa. 148 leaves. sniAto. hf olive i cf. ch. s. xviii. Sermons in Spanish, & Mexican, sm Ato, wh u. ch. : s. xvi -xvii. damaged by damp. Vocabulario Mexieano A. ante 15. sm. Ato hf. dk. cf. full gt. ch. s. xviii, Reflexiones, Preambulus, Entradas, Suceso. y Per¬ secution de los Jesuitas en Portugal, y estado en que se hailaban al tiempo de la expulsion. 21303 {21304 Grammatica y Sertnoncs en Lengua Zapateca y Espanol. sm. Ato. dark red T. mor. ch. s xvii. Incipit, “Tabla de lo que &c ” Don Joseph Miguel Guridi y Alcozcr sobre los danos de el Juego Ao. 1/99. s 4/o marbl.ch s.xviiLi Rivadeneira’s 4 Oraciones Latinas y Castellana* al Concilio 4to. Mexieano. sm. Ato. o. Urn cf. ch. s. xviii. 1771. Salazar de Mendoza Yida di Bartolome de Car-^ ranza Arzobispo de Toledo, sm- Ato. hf.Spanish cf. ch. s. xviii. Proofs made in l adajos of the Nobility of the \ 21305 Sermones en Lengua Mallazinga. s. Ato. hf. citron 21273 i.21307 Mosquera lumily. fol. purple cf. tooled sides) ch. s. xviii-xix. {21300 Apologia del Doctor Mier escrita en la lnquisi- j cion be Mexico, 1819. f. hf. rgh. cf. ch. s, xix. 134 written pages 3 parts of the book blank. | 21270 Ph’yto de lu Cathedral tie Gualheraala de Decimis. 15 leaves.folioed 90 to \Q4.unbound /lcA.3,xviii, 1714. j 21*280 LcUi'S Relacion del estado tie los Chichimccas. j 6 leaves, printed, thin fol . hf. puce cl. ch. s. xv. 1 wi. 1580. \21308 P.dro de Morns Descripcion of Tehuantepec. 43 leaves minus the first 7 leaves, thin fol. half j rgh. cl. ch. s. xix. .21309 21261 21282 cf.gt. ch. s. xvi. 1542. Comedias Espanoles. Inter alias The New World! discovered by Columbus. H Montezuma, Tragedia Quauhanotzin, &c. thick Ato Span cf. ch. s. xviii. Declaration de el Quadrante, Divicion, y Party.' cyon de Rentas Ecclesiasticas, y diezmos de lai. sautas Eglesias de las Yndyas, conforme practyca en el las por sus erecciones. smAto rei< mor ch. s. xviii. Frontuario Cronologico Mexieano. Pol. 1. H Lista de las Conquistadores de Mexico. thin sm. Ato. half rgh. grn. cf. ch. s, xviii. Do. do. Vol. 2 .pp. 98. s. Ato. half rgh. grn • f. ch. s. xix, Ren:po.nla Epazoyuca y Tetlistacn, or Answers to the Kmg on the History, Mythology, & Meteo- {21310 Relation de la Guerra, Siege, y Entrega que ro "Ry of Mexico, in 15-tory '■ of Mexico, fol o. cf ch. s. xix.82 written leaves. | Varios Papeles, viz. Dictameu F’cisco. Guerra. j II Do. Jose de Guerrero. IT Cartne del Aizobispo de Galicia. If Prohibicion de los Mascaras. ‘I Cabildo de Mexico, | It El Matrimonio de la Infanta con el Principe de < Gales, & 20 other Articles, fol. Spanish mar. cf. gt. ch. s. xviii. Ribadeneyra’s Escudo Real, or Iloyal Defence. thin jol. Spanish cf. ch. s. xviii. “Manuscritos” Tracts on .Mexican Affairs. j ^ On Payment of Tithes. j 1i Humboldt’s Geographical Tables of NewSpain. j f.dk. blue cf. gt, tooled sides ch. s. xviii.-xix. j Manuscritos dfvevsos de Mexico, viz. It Sermon in houor of Lorenzo Ricci at Breslau. It Sobre la danse Mexicaine que se dedica a S j Gonzalo de Amirante. Yturriaga Tiernos affectos, II Carta de Don Balthazar de Bassientos, 1598,1 &c. sm. Ato. half crimson mor. c/cs.xvii.-xviii. j Ordenanzas del Baratillo de Mexico, compuestas| por Don Pedro Anselmo Chrestosiache, ■ sm. A to. half pace mor. ch s. xvii. folia 155. j Magos Garcia de Avila Dictionario Otomi. j sm. Ato half dark blue cf. gt. ch. s. xviii. “Representacion del Ano 1820, Yndice de varios \ Diarios, Representaciones, Manifestos, kc. de { M exico de 1808-11-12, y 20. Part MS. #■ Part j Print, thick 8 vo. Spanish cf. ch. s. xix. ; Catechisinus Concilii Provinciulis Mexican! cele * 21341 21342 21313 21344 213-15 21346 21347 21348 21349 21350 brati Anno Dni. 1585. Autographs of the Arch¬ bishops, & Bishops, folia 20, to 32. Torn out of another Book, thin Ato. hf.puce cl. ch.s. xvi. Arte y Cartilla del Ydioina Otomi. folia 45. thin am. Ato. Spanish cf ch. a. xvii. Pcrico Ligero Viage al Pais de Meros, 5 Vols, I Torno. 1. De Mexico a Vera Cruz. Tom 2. Re¬ sidence in Vera Cruz 181G. Tom 3 Residency in Vera Cruz, 1817. Turn 4. Journey from Vera Cruz to the Havana. Tom 5. Return from the Havana to Mexico. 2Amo. Spanish cf, ch. 6. xix, pp. ‘j-JO, Josef Antonio Rosales y Yepes Colleccion de Re- alts Ordenes, Providencias y Instruccioneg para el Exercito de Nueva Espana. 2 /''ofs.Pue¬ bla de los Angeles, 1797. 24///0. wh.v. ch.s. xviii. Vol. I. pp. 380. Fol. 2- pp. 3S2, & Index ; Perez Alonzo soffit, la Auloridad de los Naciones e:i los fiienes Fcetesiasticas, 1847-8. 8»o. Span, marbled cf. gt. ch . s. xix. “Mariuscriios” ls£. Dictamen reservado que cl Condo de Aranda dio al Roy sobre la Ynde¬ pendency. de los Colonius Ynglesas, ctespnes de haver firmado e! Tratado de Paz, ajustado en Paris en 1783.” It Sobre los Missiones de Texas por Fcis Freres, If Catalogos de los Cathedratkos que despues de los Jesuitas, 1767, ban leido Curso de Artes en el Colegio de S. Pedro de Mexico, ad 1821. Tt Carmen eu la dedicacion da uua Piramide en el Colegio di S. Gregorio de Mexico, al Illustmo. Sc n >r, Obispo de los Chiapas, Don F. Bartholoiue do las Casas. It Noticias sobre la Pin turn Moderna, y los me- jores Pin tores : con las mejores obras que bay en el Palacio de Madrid, &c, 8t’o. yrn. cf. gt. ch- s. xviii -xix. Sermonario en lingua Tarasca. s. Ato. hf. citron cf. ch. s. xvi. jvha 286. some leaves lost, well written . Carla por 1). a nan de Palafox escripta al Padre Oracio Charochi de Mexico, sm. Alo. half puce mor. ch. s. xviii. Don Joseph Antonio Ximenes, Frias, Descenso y Humiliacion de Dios. Poema Heroica, 1708. sm. Ato. wh. v. ck. s. xvii. 25 quatemios, besides the Title, k Dedicacions, Innocentii Papae Bulla ad Johem. Episcopum An- gelopolis. 12 leaves. 8vo. vcl. s. xvii. (1653.) bound in grey watered Silk. Doctrina Christiana, in Lingua Totonaca. thin sm. Ato. puce cl. ch. s. xvii, 18 leaves. Bocabulario de la Ydioma Totonaca couforme a el uso de la Cierra Alta, thin s. Ato. If puce cl ch s. xvii. 45 folia. Sermones en Lingua Mexicana. lneipit ‘ Ga yequene.” ends “cenhuelitini ” thin s. Ato. halt hive cf. fullyt. ch s xvii. Vocabulary de le Lingua Espanol y Totonaca. thin sm. Ato. half puce cl. ch. s xviii. Compendio de la Hisioria Mexicana,’escrito p 0 r Don Dcmingode S« n Anton. Munoz Chimal- pain y Quaul'tlehuatlitziri, Indio Cacique Maestro que Cue de EMudios Written in the Mexican Language. “Es Copia de la que saco el Cavstllero Don Lorenzo B< turim, con oiros de varios frag men tos de Histoiia Mexicana de differentes Aulhores Originates que se guaida- bau en la Libreria del Colegio de San Fedro y S.m Paulo de la Compania de Jesus, con la di visa de Est. 48 No. 14. y csta Copia se cita por el mi-'mo Bolurini al S. 8. No. 6 de su Museo, nombrado el Tom 4to. Y es el No 5 del Inventario 2 do. do los papeles que se le e m - barpron, y pasaron a la Real Uuiversidad Y hoy se halla cste Tc mo en poder deDouJuan de. baiilelize.s.qineti me lo preste para sacar esta _ Copia. thin s.Ato.hf.puce mor full gt.ch.s xviii Thessoro dos vezes rico, auuque siri valor aleuno Mro.Genu.no del Elegantissimo ydioniaNalfuatl sm, Hun Ato. half citron cf, ch. s. xviii. 596 Cataloous Librorum Manusqaiptoruai in Bibliotheca Philuppica. 21351 21352 .01863 *1351 Escritos del Dr. M\er. Incipit. “Nota illustrativa eri quc se trata de la Predicacion del EvangelioJ 21360 en America antes de la Conquista. Kn e! tomo[ 2 do. del Dr. Don Jose Guerra, desde el folioj viii. hasta xiv. impreso en Lundres de Guiller-j 21367 mo Glindon, Ao.de .813 Hvo.dk. blu.cfgt.ch Miscellanea Mexicana. Derolero desde la Nueva Ciudad de Guatemala a la de Mexico. 24 mo. yellow rf ch. s. xviii. Clemeutis ix. Bulla.. 166 ^- j H Pruuoslico de el Senor Abade Don Manuel Mansilla 1769. I tmo citron Ithr. ch. a. xviii. signed at th J end, Antonio Venega. Au^ustini, Or sii, S: lsidori Opuscoli. 3 2mo. sqr. hall wh. v ^t. s. xix. Grammatica y Vocabulario de la Lingua Mexi¬ cana. 389 foi'a, minus page 1. 24 mo. Spanish cf gt.ch s. xvii. Sermones en Mexicana Lingua, thk. 2\n>o.Spanish ■1 1368 21369 2 37' 21371 21372 s;357 cf. git. ch. s. xvi. Caret fine, * 24 joins in initio. Well written in imitation of print Itincrario de Fr. Antonio de Salazar, PedroSebas- tiano, F. Vasquez, y F. Diego Marquez, des- pues que llegaron a la grande y heruiosa Ciu¬ dad de Londres, hastaque salieron de su priaion, y llegaron a Hespana. Parte 2 (Part 1, is lost, 4 it seems probable that there u as a Part 3 .) folia 390 24mo. half puce mor. ch, 6 . xvi. 21373 Miscellaneous MSS. Si 358 Collection of Italian Broadsides Print, & MSS i x Ao.6661 in this Catalogue. El Ordine da osser- \ 21374 21375 graphs of Sir T. P. thin fol. stiff bds. ch. s. xix. Recurs ) de la Provmcia del Paraguay. thin'J’ol. tch v. ch. s. xvn. 30 Sheets. 78 leaves, or 156 pages numbered according to sheets. T. P’s. Collections. Testamcnta 1 in P. O. C. 1i Proof ■''he. ts t f Printed VV orks. jul hf ,jreh bds. ch s xix. T. P's Index to P. O. C. Wills, 1383, to 1G06. printed with MSS. Notes -'4 mo.y. bds. eh. o.xix. Autographs of Admirals. IsL “Murry.” thin f\ MIL bds. ch. s xix. Stowe's Cost cf Postage 1823, before the Penny Post Act. IS mo yell. bds. ch. s. xix. T. P's. Haverford West Collections. [Uwo. cheque¬ red stiff'bds. eh s. xix. 1857. Jones's Pembrokeshire Monumental Inscriptions. I st. “liudbaxton.” i8 mo. chequered stiff bds. ch. 8. xix. 1065. Une Boite en Carton, conteuaut 6 rouleaux en Parcheiuin. 1 Compte de la terre d’Ailliac, 1298. 2 Compte d s Aiuendes, 136.1. 3 Censes de N. D. de Soissons, 1380. 4 Censes de S. Martin de Metz, 1382. 5 Inventaire 'de Nt. >ulpice, 1383. 6 Denombremei.t des Celestins. 1499. in a folio Case ym. bds perg. s2ec.xiii-xiv-XT. No. 9830. MSS Ph. dnided into 6 1 o/s. Vol 1. Bernardi Relatione di Coi.stautinopoli, 15H7. thin fol. yell bds ch. >. xvii. Do. Vol. 2 I st. Barbara Relatione di Constants nopoli, 1573. 4/o yell. bds. ch s. xvii. Do. Vol. 3. Mi.ro Relatione di Candia. thin fol. h id ch. s. xvii dalli Fideli di Campidoglio. 4 to hf &/w<’j'J1377 Do. Fol. 4. NaVagero Relatione di Constanti- | 21 378 31359 21379 21360 21380 21381 21382 21383 21384 21385 cl. ch s. xvii. 7 he proper Title is. “Seritiure. Bandi, Editti, Notificazioni, Biglietti, Visile: delle Carct-ri di Campidoglio, 1741.” Drawings ( 1.) of Views in Northumberland. Brief Notice of Rothbury Parish, Co. North-; uml erlaud, »H17. I- thinAto. M H. chs. xix Lady l >u '»l;.y Annesley's Letter. Irish Fragments. thin fol. yell bds. ch. s. xviii. Incip/t. “!*/. Verses by an Irish Prie-t. 2nd Verses on llalbriggan. 213GI P. O. C. Wills of Phillips mi Co. Salop. & Hants. l,v/. Thos. Phillips, of Easton, Co. Hants. thin fol. M U. bds. ch. s. xix. 21362 A Narrative of an Escape from French Captivity in 1798. with a Account of four ante cedent At¬ tempts at Freedom, by a British Subject. Beautifully written, rvith a Pen,ip mk Frontis¬ piece, equal to JanyA'lmo. red mor. tooled sides eh s. xviii. pp. 99. 2!§<33 Marianne Ker’s Poetical Trifles, presented to her friend Harriet Btrgue. Is/. On a Snow Drop, 18<>8. The last is dated dune 1813. l8//zo half *21387 red mor. ch. ». xix. *1.1104 Re' - . Joseph Hunter's MSS. Extracts from 3 Vo]s. \ 213 S 8 of Lancashire Pedigrees now in the hands of: Joseph Pichford Radcliffe, of Milne Bridge, Co. Yoik. copied by Mr. Percival, of R.-ytou. ^ Letteis from the Talbot Papers 111 the Heralds College. •j Memoranda from the MSS. of Pmgo theHerald Extracts from C. 40. in College of Arms <1 Extracts fromBrooke’sGenealogicalCollections. 18mo. red roan ch. 8 xix. 31*65 T. P’s. Gloucestershire Pedigrees from Wills, &c. viz. Ashwin, Crompe, Morris, Washburn. Har¬ vard, Wagstaff, Cartwright, Pates, Stubbe, Powys, Vicaris, Netherton, Wyllis, Durham, Freeman, Ballard, Baldwin, Cotterell, Bussell, 1 01394 21306 21389 21390 21391 21392 21393 Seyntburv, Maunsel, Whitehorn, Southeren, I 21395 Lea, Bowry, Harries, Gunne, Bishop, Fisher, Greaves, Blissard, Roberts, Holder, Banbury *21396 Heekes, Powes, Rutter, Willis, Russell, Over- i bury, Porter, Monmouth, Horne, Osbaldesion, I 21397 Atwood, Buckle, Foster, Yale, Keyte. Auto- j nopoli. thin Jot. u-h bds ch. s. xvii. Do. Fol. 5. Capp lo Relatione tie Constanti- nopoli. thin fol. rvh bds. eh. s. xvii. Do. Pol. 6. Morn Relatione di Candia et Coustanti- riopoli. thin fol. ndt Ids ch. s xvii. Copies of all the Entries of Ibboison, in the Old Parish Register of Bradford, Co. York. thin fol. M U bds. ch. s. xviii. Cole Autographs. Fol. .. \st. Riou. Item. Ruskin. 4 / 0 . AJ H has ch s. xviii-x x Cartae de I’Ahbay* - de Laon, i3i0. I*/, (jurist, if) thin jol M U perg. s x x Phelps Correspondence. Fol, •• 1st. “Church.” 4 to. M //, bds cli. s. xix. Do. do. Pul. .. 1st. -‘Darke.” Ato. M H. bds.\ ch. s xix. French Autographs. 1st. “Bazeute.” fol. M H. bds.. ch. s. xv it-xix. Miliini Nunciaiura. thin fol. M H bds ch. s. xviiE These leaves, bring too long, were taken out of the thick 4/o. Vol. Ao. 6173, in this Catalogues Deeping Manor Court Rolls, Co. Line. 1756. I f. M H bds V. s. xviii. Papeis relating te the Bank, & Finance of E. Indian toll tol. stone bds ch s. xvi Bassano’s Collecti- n of Arms, Er Bibl. Rev.Johm Newling. m. 4/o yell. bds. ch. a xviii. Sir Henry Piers, of Tristernagh's Hist, of Weil Meath. Autograph. 18 mo. blk. Ithr. eh. s xvii.i Espana Poetica; Poesias Espanoles. Ato. half brnj cf. ch. s. xvni. Ex Bill. J.Hiil, de Downtiouui Bristol. Vaillant’s Tour in Normandy, et Bretagne, 1707. Autograph MS. of Vaidant. 4/o. Urn.cf.fuL gl ch. s xviii. John Eld’o Chief Rent Receipts, 1674. S vo. M H bds. ch s. xvii. Darke Papers, u/. “Gabb.” 8t-o. M II. bds.chs xixi Johnson’s Correspondence in E. India, f .Slone bdt ch s. xviii. 1785. Griffiths's (J, It.) Mis-conduct in Law Suits. /. stone bds. ch. s xix. Mac-Arthur’s Papers, & Letters relating to Neli son. thin f. M II. bds. ch. s. xix. pp. 6: Catalogus Libhorl.m Manuscriptornm in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 397 21393 21 399 2 1400 21401 21 402 21403 21404 21405 21406 21407 21408 21409 21410 21411 21412 21413 21414 Mexican INIS*S'. Pultick 18(39. 2 i 4 i*> “Codice en Lengua Mexico.” {sic.) Vocabuiario de \ *21416 la Lengua Mixteco. ‘‘In hoc Codice continentur ( tota verba, el nomina qua.* uccessaria sunt ad Doctvinam mjuslibet qui vuluerit adquirere : primordia idiomatis vulgo dicti Mixteco, incep-j turn hodie qninto nonas Julii Anno Domini j 2 14 1 ~ MDCCC. ad usum Josephi Mariani Bipeusj: nuper Clericus, Subdiaci.nus Domiciliurius An-1 gelopolitanus, 18/no. hf puce mor. ch. s. xviii. \ 214 Francisco de Miranda Catecisrflo breve en lingual Otomi. Imprenta en Mexico, \fbi). Copied. 1 11 Doctrina Christiana en lingua Oiomi. ImprentaJ en Mexico en casa de Pedro Bulli, 1750. \ Uitno. puce cl. ch. s- xix. >, ojjjq Grammar of the Mexican Languages. \ If M cxican Catechism, thin ! iSmo.o brn.cj.ch.z.xv'u. > Passio Christi en lingua Mexican a. imperfect in- 1 ilio. 18 mo. hf. citron mor. ch. s. xvii. Sole 1977. j 21420 Dicciunario Selecio de las Voces Mexicans* mas | usadas y comunes. j 11 Devocionario, en Lengua Mexicana. Printed j in Orizaba in 18-12. Catechismo Breve, pp. 188. Sale No. 1939.1 21421 Confessionario en el idioma Tarr.sco segun le hab-l Ian el dia de oy los Naturales de esta Provincial de Michoucan, y un Vocabuiario en dicho Idio-j ma Ano. de 1765. sin. thin -4 mo. unbound. [ 21422 pp. 28. Caret fine. Fragment of a MS. in the Chiapas language. 29 leaves. Incipit. “Cates haedilia bal.” I 32 mo. ch s. xvii. A Prayer Book in 'he Mexican language. 80 pages j Wants 1 a<. leaf caret fine. 32wo. not bound ch. s. xviii ! 21403 Velasquez de Cardenas y Peon Confessionario de I Indios. Printed 1761. but extremely scarce. j Sermones. Vol. 3 Sermon de S. Francisco Xavier. \ Incipit. “S. Joachim en la Proiase 3o. Dom. ; 014^4 de ken. 1673. 8 vo. hf. puce mor. ch. s. xviii. 5 Methodo breve para confesar a un Vudio en Ydioma Othomi. 18wio. hf. bin cl. ch. s. xix I 01405 {Half is blank ) Sermones en Lingua Mexicana. thick 2 Amo. half * citron mor. gilt ch. s. xvii. 3n0 leaves. Sale 19 4tS. \ “Sermones.” Iwelce Vols. so entitled, Vol. 1 . Descubrimiento echo poi Don Pedro Gal¬ lardo. Incipit Dekorte en quo se da uotisia de la nueva fundacion con sus aguajes seguu a la preste.” En el dia 21 de Jumo de 1758. salide I 2 | 120 esta Mission de S. Gertrudiz entro las 7 y las 8 de manana, Sec. j 21427 % Discurso de Basilio M. Arvillaga, 1813. II Litter® qusedam. II Sermon in lengua Mexicana. j If Carta de Ysaacio al Colleg. Coimbra. If Kegistrum Frauciscanorum Discalceatorum in j Proviucia de San Diego de Mexico,with their | 21423 ages in 1782, & the day, month, & year of >; their Profession, ttc. 8 vo. hf. puce mor. ch. \ 8 . xvii.-xviii.-xix. See Vol 3. in 21407. \ 21429 Sermonario en lengua Tarazca. 8 vo. hf , citron mor. \ gt. ch. s. xvii. Sale No. 2019. j 21430 Fundacion del Convento de Sta Theresa la Antigua en S. Joseph de Senoras Carmelitas, 17i6, urn. 4to. blk. cfi. gt. stamped sides ch. s. xviii. Sale No. 1843. i Don Juan Gonzales Vruena, Contador de Mexieo I y de la Armada de Bailovento* sobre el Longi- 521431 tud, y la causa de las Crecieutes y Menguantes I del Mar, (Rise, & Fall of the Tides.) sm. 4to 121432 crimson clth. ch. s. xvii. 112 leaves, with Dials , j <$• Plans. Sale No 2029. [21433 Don Vicente Gomo. marble (21435 cf. gt. ch. s. xviii. Sale No. 1881. j Vol. 2. Sermon de S. Francisco Xavier. Incipit. ** Esta Gracia con que.” 8t ) 0 . hf. puce mor. ch. s. xviii. Acts of the Visitation of Juao Domingc de Leoz, en la Proviucia de Miclmachan y Tlntelolco in 1736. The Original MS. with Signatures. if 4 to. bin. cf with lappet. 95 leaves ch s xviii. Sale No. 11567. Varies Papeles.— IsLDiscurso sobre la Monarquiu de Espana, &.c Incipit. “Quando recuerdo la Sententia de Seneca. 4/o marbl. cf. gt ch. s.xviii. Algunos de las llepares y Contradicciones que se hallan en la Historia que de au Viage a la America escrivio Don Antonio de Ulloa (In defence of the Indians of the Province olQuito.) thin 4 to. rch. v ch. s. xviii. Sale No. 2028 . Allanimiento de Caminos Estado de los Do* Caminos Beales de Vera Cruz a Mexico, porD. Diego Garcia Panes, Coronel de Artilleria. 4 ^ 0 . wh. v. ch. s. xix. 1S03. Sale No. 1970. MS. lettered Carta Curiosa: a Satirical Work in imitacion of Fray Gerundio. Incipit “Carta que se me Antojo escrita y qualquicra que la quisiere leer. 4/o. half puce mor. ch. s xviii. Sale No. 1844. Documentos para laHisloriaEcclesiasticn de Mexi¬ co Incipit. “Descriptio Proviriciae Mexicans, et Gualemalae, 1633. 4 to- hf. puce mor. ch. s.xix. Sale No. 1924. “Collecion” relating to the Canals, & Water in Mexico in 1803. The first Paper inserted is a Pass to Lorenzo Boturini to go from >innese to Poitugal in 1734. thin fol. half puce cl. ch. s. xix. with other Papers of various Dates, in¬ ter alia a Letter of the King to the Duke of Albuquerque, signed by the King 1755. No. lost, M issiones del Dr. Jb'ianc. Xavier Li/ara Canonico de Zamora y Toledo, y Obispo de Caumana, 179o 4 Vols. 8 co. dark Span. cf. ch. s. xviii. ‘''ale No. 1907. “Colleccion de Papeles.” contains 70 Articles relat¬ ing to murder of their Priors, Sac. by the.Monks. 4io. half puce mor. ch. s xviii Sale Vo. 1853. Vocabuiario y Conference Mexiccno. Title “ Este Bocabulario !e hizo y cordino, (c o-ordino.) de su Original el Maestro Manuel Joseph de Rey¬ na, Ano. de *770, or 79.” This Tide is written in a double Circle of Flowers The book is beau¬ tifully written in imitation of P/int, in red, Jf black ink. thin 24?/. o. hf. citron mor ch s. xviii. Sale No. 20U0. Gazeta dc Mexico, 182 /. June to December, with MS. Index, thick J. hf. Span. cf. ch. s. xix. Do. do. 1826. Jan. to April with MS. Index, thick f. hf. Spanish cf. ch. s. xix Ex Bill. Miscellaneis . Pizzi MSS. Fragment of Arabic Grammar, in Spanish, from p. 50 to 65. ^f Fragments in Arabic, thin f. brn. bds.ch s.xviii. Fragments of a Coptic MS. on Vellum, apparently the Testament, fol yell bus. ch s. x.(i Rules, & Regulations of the Society of Anti¬ quaries Dining Club. No date of foundation but the l si. Names are 1 Jeremiah Milles. 2 Dailies Barringt' n 3 Joseph Ay Ioffe, &c The list ends with admiral W. H. Smyth, thin fol. brn.cf. ch. s. xviii. Rev. Win Belham’s (?) Monumental Inscriptions iu Co Suffolk, tall thin f. hf o brnef.ck. s.xviii. Rev. Stebbing 1 Shaw’s Drawings of Plans, Brasses/ &c. 1. thin 4/o. M H. bds. ch s. xviii Catalogue of Lord Kingston’s MSS. before the Fire at Kingston House./, blue bds. ch. s. xix.’ Carta Johis, Speglin, Prioris de Meiningne, 1496. thin fol. M 11. bds. V. s. xv A Lawyer’s Account Book, ? 1712. tall narr.f. brn. vel. ch. s. xviii. 398 Catalogus Liekorum Manuscbiptoklm in Bibliotheca PHiLLippinA. 2H36 T. P. Catalogue of MSS. from Royez, & Roiid. f thin fol. brn. bds. ch. ». xix. ^ j 21437 Old. Prophecies ofMerlin, found in ihe \1 all ol Holt j House, written in Welsh, in golden Lettres, & brought by John de Kirkby, Lord of llo.t,^ translated by Owen Flood. £ Prophesy of Shipton’s Wife. 11 Relation ofK. Janies 2 embarking for France. \ 21438 Cartee, &c. pro Abbathia de Dorchester, Co. Oxon. j Copies, thin fol. M U bds ch s. xix. 21439 Thompson’s Autographs. Fart l. thick f AL brn.] paper ch. s. xix. (? if entered before.) 21440 Notices des Envois, de Messages, Projets de Lois,;; Discussions. Promulgations, See. do la Session • del An. 10 dela Kepubhque, 1602. thinj. red J mo r. ch. s. xix. 21441 Vitriarii (J. J.) Not® in Hugonem Grotium dej Jure Belli, & Pacis. 4/o. hf. ted Ithr. ch. s xviii j 21442 Bigland’s Gloucestershire, the 13] unpublished! Parishes prepared for the Vress.bepinning with j Newington, (Some Parishes are wanting viz.) Painswick, Pauntley, &c. /'. M U bds ch s.xviii. j 21443 A Herald’s Collections for the Pedigree of Abar- j row, Webb. Borrowe, &c. 18mo hj.red cf.ch.b.xix. | 21444 Fosbroke’s ? Collections reiating to the Britons,; or query by T. Jeffreys. U T. Jeffrey's Catalogue of the Llatierch MSS. in | 1787. s. 4 to. old brn cf. ch , s. xviii. O/d No on the Cover “298.” 21443 Ludolfi Vita Christi. b Vols. sm. fol. brn.cj. F.s.xv. Aims in the Initial Letter of the Vita, are, A. on chev. bt. 3 mullets of 6 G. *2 green parrots ai- frontees.sh.a Cardinal’s Hat. Vol. 1. folia 191. At the end is this Couplet. Be Vita Christi Pasion nomine died. Explicit hie prime tibi sit laus Virgo Maria.’* j 21446 Do. do. Fol. 2. folia 136. At die end of l ol 2. is this “iste liber est Celestinorum b. M. de Columbaria signaiura xii.” j 21447 Do. do. Vol. 3. fol. 203 do. do do. 21448 Do. do. Vol.4 Jol. 177. do. do. do. s 21449 Do. do. Vol. 5. nut paged beyond >20. “Sequitur j de Resurrectione, &c.” I brn. cl. V. s. xiv. j 21430 Lincolnshire Visitation, 1562. by Robt. Cooke. Jol. drab bds. ch s. xvi pp. 238. 21451 Kanones Uvn ptu>sewn tou didascalouKuriou Daniel. \tivio. It. brn. c l.ch. s. xviii. 21452^ Spanish Campaign Compensations, 1809-10 2 l ols. Vol. 1. \s(. “Major Williamson.” sm. 4 to. M H. bds. ch. s. xix. 21463 Do. do. Vol. 2. l«f. “Currie.” sm. 4to. do. do. 21434 Lettera d’Eloiza ad Abelardum. Italic thin 4 to. M 11. bds. ch. s. xviii. 21455 Richard Turpyn’s(Blewmaniel,)Book of Arms.fMw (entered Kadi Brooke, York Herald, 1606. Autograph. j before .) poslea Johis. Gwdlim, llougecrosse, 1620. An to- graph, tall narr.f. A1H. bds. ch. s.xvi damaged. 21436 Suit M llliams, v. Lunn, Sc Foster. f.Al H ch.* xix. 21457 Schedule of Leeds of Cold-Hall, iu Ealing, Co. Middx, fol. At H. bds ch. s. xviii. 21458 Do. of Lands in Fulham, Chelsea, Keusiugton. tol. 31 U. bds. ch. s. xviii. <1439 Lord Egmoni’s Kent Roll, 1774. f.M H. ch. s.xviii. <1460 Ealing Abuttals, 1692, Sfc. ful.M H bds. ch s.xviii, 21461 Private Rent Receipts to t ti08.f.31H bds ch .s xix. »f the Death of Cuchulmn. sm. 4to. It. brn. cf. fullgt ch. s xviii. The Lives, & Actions of Magnus, Sc Gilleta Ma Guire, Kings of Fermanagh. If Death of the Sons of Uisneagh. If Death of the Sons of Lir. II Battle of Clontarf, Sc Death of Brian Borume Monarch of Ireland. If Pursuit alter the Tooth of the King of Greece H Adventures of a Traveller. 1. Dialogue between Oisin, & Patrick. bvo. It. brn. cf .full gt. ch. s xviii. Catalogue of the Hastings Library at Donnington Park, very thick 4 to russia gt ch. s. xix. dra wn up by Ldw. Law ford, 1834. Oriental M>. entitled Kitab Surf anwau. contains 11 Meezan. *' Shurra Miaie Amil. II Moonshuyb. II Chusyut ul Abwab. I 1 SurufMaer. H Zurreeree. H Zoobda. A Book in Surf. U Nohu Meer. II Misbah. U Miate Amil. The Suruf Mus, k Moonshayb From glosses written in singularly diverging lines across the Fages in red ink. Ui o. Oriental Binding ch. s. xviii, much damaged by worms. Exhortaciones ■sS. Patrum ad perfectionem Vitae. sin 4 to cf. gt V. s. xiii Olim Thomae Hearoo, de Oxford, ex dono Thom® Rawlirison, Ann. 30 March 1721. qui Thomas Hearne scripsit tituluin, &c noiiien suum subscri] sit (Autograph) At the end is a List of the Tithes due to the Rector of Creton, Co . Vauban Traite de Sieges, de PAttaqiie, et Defense des Places, fait pour l’usage de Mr. le Due de Bourgogne, par Mr. Le ‘Marechal Vauban, 00 Catalog us Lib&orum Manuscriptorum in .Bibliotheca Phillippica 31476 21477 21478 21479 21480 21481 •21482 21483 21484 2 s 485 *21486 21487 2U8S *41489 *J 1400 21491 21492 21493 31494 on explique tout ce qui s’est pratique de nou-j Yeuu dans les sieges, jusqu en 1’Annee 1714. thick fol. brn. cf. full gt ch. s. xvii. Deuxic-me Registre pour serVir a l’Enregistrenient j des Loix, commence le 6 Nov. 1792. i’an de la | RepUblique.ybZ. wh. o ch. s. xviii. Diary oi' an Embussy at Venice, from the Is/. \ week in June to the 4th. week in Aug. 1614. ? Jncipit. “Venice. The Archbishop ofSpulatro.j having, in token of his devoted affection, pre-j senteu unto my Lord Ambassador, a small j treatise written by him on the subject of the! Oath required of Oatholiques in England, jus-1 ' titled by Ills Majestic, Sf impugned by Caniinal j Bellarmine.” &c s. thin 4 to brn. cf. ch s. xvii \ ' Explication de quelques Pseaumes selon la verite \ Hebraique, avec une Preface ou discours del la Langue 8ainte.” c Traduction des Pseaumes de David, selon la j verite Hebraique. \‘2mo. qrn. vcl ch. s. xvii. > Arms on the sides I at. Two Hulls passant in j pale, quartering a lion rampant. Ou an Es-j cutcheon of Pretence, a free, on a Chief 8 j roundels. pp. 376. Summary of Letters relative to the Government of the Isle of Jersey to the Earl of Hertford, beginning 20 Jan. 1646, and ending 7 June : 1607. thin f. o. brn. cf. ch. s. xvii , pp. 45. Account of Roman Statues in the Vatican. Trans¬ lated /row the Italian of . fol dk. cf. ch. s. xviii. With the Hook Piute of sir ms of Sir John llawdon, Bart, a Fess bt. 3 Piteous. quartering 1 it. O. on a chief S. 3escalops. 2nd. G. a lion rauipt Oriental MS. Kunstui Loogliat. tivo. red Persian rnor. ch. s xv.. ASochtrad an giolla deacar an so. at the end. “Seazan o'C'onall.” 1718. 12wo. u. brn. cf. ch. s. xviii. Written by James O' Duggan, 1718. : Oriental MS. Mukhzum ul Asiard. i.vo. Oriental binding ch. s. xv... A Summary of Roman History in Latin. Incipit. "iEneas a Troja ” A Singular Jury List at Huntington in 1619. 11 Do. do. in the Civil Wars, 4 I Elegy on the Rev. Geo. Payne, of King’s Col-j lege, Cambridge, by .. ..... Chalay. j If Do. do. by J. Upton, sm. 4 to. ted mor.full : gt. gt sides, ch. s. xviii. Notes on Homer. ? by Sir J Rawdon, at Cam-j bridge, sm. 4 to. rgh. cf. ch. s xviii. Poems, (l Prize Poems.) "? by Sir J. llawdon atj Cambridge. 1st. “David’s Lament on Saul. S In Greek verse. Sih. 4to. rgh. cf. ch.s. xviii. Miscellaneous MSS. Autograph Letters of Nobles, . & Gentry. Lettered Hamilton. '2nd. Letter Lady Anne Hamilton. ) 4 to stone Ids. ch. s. xix. Do. of Nobility, &c. is/.“Sir A. Hood.” Theisl .j Paper is d Prospectus of “The Book’for which 50UU£. Was offered 4/o Stone bds. ch. s. xix. j Poll Book of Maidstone, Kent, with Notes. i 4 to. half red roan ch. s. xix. Foreign Loiters. 1st. “Verdier ” II Letters during the Great French Revolution. 1 4 to. stone bds. ch, s. xviii-xix. Richard Johnson’s Letters in E India 3 Vols.Yol. 1.1 1st “To the Nizam ” 4m. Slone bds ch. s. xviii. Do. do. do. Vol. 2. 1 st. “The power, Sc res¬ ponsibility.” 4/o. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. do. Vol. 3. 1st. “C. Hay, to Richard Johnson, Resident at Hyderabad. Dated Fort William, Secret Department, 20 April 1784. 4/o. stone bds. ch. s. xviii Pedigrees of Tenants of Sir T. P., & of Soldiers. \ 1 st Walters, of Childs Wickham.4/o.fi/o?ie bde, i chi s. xix. 21 196 21496 21497 21496 21499 •2 i 500 21501 21502 21503 21504 21505 2150G 21 £07 21608 21509 21510 21511 21512 Daike Correspondence. Vol. ... 1st. “Collins.” 8ro. M H. bds. ch s. xix. Do. do. Vol. .. ist. “Bowiring.” 4 to.M H. bits, ch s. xix. Do. do. Vol. .. 1a/. “Fixtures in Mr, Darke's House, at 30 Red Lion Square. M Suit of Sparkes, v. Reynolds. f.M H ch a. xi.t. Roman Catholic Correspondence on ihe Emau* cipation Act. Is/. “Garston.” 4fo stone ch.s. xix. Dering MSS. Pontani Liters, 1493, &c, ->/. stone French Letters, i 8 1 0, &c. [bds ch. ^ Irish Colonization of Corsica. 3 s. xvii. Sir Cuthbert Sharpe’s Pilgrimage of Grace. Auto¬ graph. thin fol. ch. s. xix. Abstract of Title of \\ iliiam Rees to lands in Clarence St. Gluuc.y stone bds. ch. s xix. Regula Grammaticus. Jt ends “Expliciunt Reguke Artis Dictaminis prosaici, et epistolaris.” Olirn Dvcis Sussex, with his Book Plate. The Royal Crest within the Garter Soo. hf bm.cfch. s.xvi. Sir llichd. Hoarc’s Letters to John Britton, 1804, Sic 1 to M H. bds. ch s xviii. Do. do. do. Letters to John Britton, &e. He speaks of his Hungerfordiaua thin f.M 13. bds. ch s. xix Llorente’s Letters 1817. (?Author of History of the Inquisition.) 4 to M H bds. ch. s. xix. Fretich Deeds of Charles, King <-f Prance, &c. I st. “Perrenat, 1563.” nil perg s xvi. <&«. If English Deeds of Berkhamstede, &c Testament:* Vol. .. I st “John Coilyer, »i>93.’' ^1 Autographs from Record>, Cadogan, writing upon it. 4 to. limp. wh. i. ch s. xviii. j 21519 Do do. Lo/. 3. begins with the Pictures in Juli-j ano’s House, who was a Servant ot the Grand \ Duke. 4/o. limp wh. vd. ch s. xviii. 21520 I)o do. Pol. 4. begins abruptly “Hercules, Nessus.” but not saying where (he Paintings j are. Ato. limp tvh v ch. s. xviii. The above con-} 21540 tain measurements oj the Busts, &c Statues- \ These ought lo be well bound. j 21521 Physiologie tie la Femme. 30 Chapters. Turcice. j 21541 sm.-Uu half red mor. ch. ». x.... 215*22 Czftaloj. ue of Books, & M>S. at Helmingham Hall, I Countess of Dysart’s, 176*2. 4/o. half dark blue ) roan ch. s. xviii. j 21542 *21523 Oswald Moseley’s Lancashire Sessions Hook, for j the 13 Jac. i. fol. old brn. cf. ch. s. xvii. wi.h \ A utugraphs of Justices of the Peace. j 21543 215*24 La Vie de la Soeur Jeanne, connue sous le nom j de La Solitaire des llochers. sin. 4 to. ch. o. \ marbled cf. full yt. ch. s. xvii. 21525 £ Hassain Efendi's Kitabi Chadhidi, ou le Livre de 21544 Chahidi. a Persian, Turkish Vocabulary Script. 1 122, del Hegira. (1710.) s. thin 4 to. hf. It brn. j cf. ch. s. xviii. 215*26 Case of Sir John Hartop, versus Henry Hoare, j 21545 about Diamonds, 1737. thin J.o brn.cf cA.s.xviii. j 21527 Baronaginm Anglia*, 1597. (? Cooke’s) Copied by j John Jones, thin fol. ch. s. xvii. 21528 A Lawyer’s Precedent Book, with names, or Ini- I tials. begins with Geo. Hadley, of East Bar- 121546 net, Co Herts. 12 Win. 3. thin f. ch. s. xvii. \ Ex Bibl. Joseph Hunter, 18*20. In it are loose } haves to make another Pol. j 21529 Do. do. Vol. 2nd. The said leaves bound begins \ with the “Marr. Settl. of John Teacher, of R £ and Mary Lond,'? of Benlington. ? fol. imperfect \ beg. end. 21530 State Letters of France 1706, &c. s.Ato.hf.red russ. : ch. s. xviii. \ 21631 List of Electors in Blakenhurst Hundred, Co. \ Wore. 12 mo yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. 21532 Harriote’s Origin of Words, Index A. W. 1 8 mo. wh. bds. ch e. xix. '21547 21533 Notitia delle Nobili Famigli di Roma, Svo. grey j bds. ch a. xviii. ' 21548 21534 John Engelbert’s (of Brunswick, Devon Vj Vision,& ReveiatioD of the 3 Estates, Ecclesiastic, Civil, k Domestic, “which / saw with mine eyes, and awake, being at Wmgera, in the County of Lux¬ embourg, in 1625 .IVritten the 2nd. lime at Emb- den in 1644, by the Author himself, in German, f afterwards translated into French , now translated into English by Cornelius Cayley. sin. Ato. gr«. cl. ch. s. xviii. Sir Robert Kerr Porter's Journal of his Tour in Persia, in Sept. & Nov. 1818. 2 Pols. sin. 4tu wh Serge . Being Vols. 216, Sc *217, of the Porter MSS. in this Library at Middle Hill. Meerman MS'S. Sale’s Pedigree of the Sultans of Persia. No 884, of Meerman MSS. thin Ato. half red russ dk blue cloth sides ch s. xviii. Miscellaneous MSS. 1868 . Christofori Dissertazione Academica sopra i prin- cipi, la decadenza, e risorgimento, i progress della Filosofia, & Scienze nolle varie parti del Mondo, recitatii nel 1803, in oecasione della acclamazione de Socio Onorario de S R. A . Augusto, Duca di Sussex, thin s. Ato grn. mor. gilt sides ch. s. xix. Ex Bibl. Ducis Sussex. Antiquarian Miscellanies. 4/o. half dk mor. ch. s. xvi-xvii-xviii. Some of the Contents are . An Oriental MS. containing thk. Ato. half M H. bds■ ch. s. x.. .. An An¬ cient Coptic MS. has been cut up to mend this Volume, § also an undent Arabic M s . m the Cufic character It was No 1046, in the. above Sale. Catalogue. N. B. To refer lo the Catalogue for the Title Mohammed abd Abrizak's Historical Essays. Persice- narrow V.vo. red Persian mor. yt. sides ch. s. x.. .. Tawarikh Alumgiry, or History of the first i(j years of Aurungzebe Alumgire, by Maiza Mohammed Casim. sm. thk. 6vo red Persian ch. s x.. .. Ohm in Stewart’s Catalogue. Religious Poems. H7. Dives, & Lazarus, thk. sm. 4/o. o. brn. cf.eh. s. xvii. well writ tin. E.r Bibl . Dr. Adam Clarke. No. CLXX 11, Don Juan de Martos y Aguiiar's Historia le lo> Reyes de Nueva Espana y Conquista a Herr nan Cortes, sm. Ato. uh. v. ch- s. xviii. Ex Put- tick Sale 651. Ahmed Ali’s (Moonshee, or Secretary to an Eng¬ lish Officer.; ltiuerary from Lucknow to .... Ao. Hegira*, 1124. (circa I716j East Indian binding red Uhr. ch. s. xix, Gozos de la Purissima Conception de la Virgen Maria, a Poem in Alexandrine Verses. H Segunda Tertulia. a Dialogue por Tiburein Alonso de Abad. His Autograph, thin 8t*o. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Brevis de Rebus Japonicis Narratio. At the end the Author promises a more copious account. “(Jt multorjim deaideriis satifecerim hac brevi con.peudio de rebus Japoniae collegi. Reliquu quas dici possupt de situ, de fertilise, de re- rum abundantia, S. in hia Library I*/. St. George, A Owen MSS. 4 to. M II bds ch s.xix. Lyrics by J H. I hillips, Esqr. of Williamston, C<> Pembroke. thin -i to. M ll. bds ch. s. xix. Joseph's Caermartheru-hire Shorili'-, with their matches thin Ato. yeti. bds. ch. s. xix. Wm. LlyrPsVV elsh Poems 8 vo. M II. bds c//.s xVi. A Herald Painter’s Book of Arms 1st. "Sir Jacob Downing—27 td .Bowater, Esqr sm . Ato . {Hindi ) puce it ch. s xviii. l .2 leaces but some h(t i e been cut out. Sir David Gam’s Descendants. SAleaves sAlo.(Sin.) red mss. ch. s. xvii, 21589 Solinus de Rebus Memorabilibus. 21590 Vila Alcxandri Magni. II Do. Epistola ad Aristotelem de praeliis suis. 21591 1! Do. do. ad Dindimum, Regem Bragmanorum ll Incipit Via Iherosolomitana, with Drawings ot the Temples of Jerusalem. •[ De Bello Baldwini Regis cum Saiacenis. 1l Arnulfi Narratio de pugna cum Saracenis a pud TJlys>iponem, f Lisbon.) & tie captione Urbis. sih.Jol bru. cf tul/ gilt Pel. s. xii. Duke of Wellington’s Campaign in Spain, Commis¬ sariat Papers. I st. Wilson, from Toulous-e, 20 April 1814. Pol. ... f. M H. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Commissariat. Yol. ... 1 st. Strachan. fol. M ll. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. do. Yol. .. I st. Arriaga /. MB bds. ch. s. xix. Carta; de Metz. Vol .. 1 st. Colluir,’.512. 21593 thick 4 to. half M H. bds. perg. s?ec. xvi. Original Drawings for Lord Valentia’s Travels. 21594 then fol. M H. ch. s xviii. Carla* Vallis de Evesham, Yol. •• Is/- Fisher. tall fol. M 11. bds. ch. s. xviii. Warner’s Hants. Collections, containing an account of Domesday Book, &c. lfitfzo. It blue bds. ch. s. xviii. Essex, Suffolk, and Lincoln Papers Is/. Chapman. 21596 thinjol y. bds ch. s xvii. Catalogue o! MSS. in M LL Library according to their Subjects. Commenced only. sin. 4 to. wh 21597 vel. ch. s. xix Do. do. do. according to their Age. Commen¬ ced only. sm. Ato. wh. vel. s xix. Do. ot Punted Books, according to Alphabet of Authors. (7*0/ filled.) sm. Ato. wli. vel. ch. s. xix. Sandys’s MSS. Pyott Correspondence. Vol. 1. 1 st. “Turner.” Ato. M If. bds. ch. s xviii. Do. do. do. do. Vol. 2. Ia/. “Weston.” Ato . M H- bus. ch. s. xix. Do. do. do. do. Yol. 3. Is/. ‘ Hiort." 4/o. M H- Ids ch. s. xix. RfV. William Bmgley’s Sermon on The Prodigal 21599 Son, ike. Autograph. Sro. yin. bds. ch. s. xix. 2i600 Do. Hants. Collections. 1 a/. “OUerburne.” 8 vo. It blue bds. ch. s. xix. 2*601 Journal of the English Fleet at the r Cales Voyage. 1625, as it was presented to the Counsel under the hands of the Earl of Essex, & others. thinjol. halj brn. cl. ch. s. xviii. Legal Cases from 3 Oct. 1752, Some with Names. «jj Pedigrees from Placita in Cnancery, King’s Bench, and Common Pleas If Founder’s Kin t«» William of Wickham,Fiennes, See. /'. wh. veil, ch s xviii. Pules, and Orders of the House of Commons. f v. brn. cf. qt ch s. xvii. A Note says “This Bo -k was presented to me by Mr. Payne, Ao. 1731 "Geo. Oxenden.” Catalogue of Baker’s Northamptonshire MSS. bought by Sir T P. thin. fol. M H. bds ch- s xix Autograph of Geo. Biker. {It has been pi inted in this M. Hill Catalogue. Joseph Strutt’s Collections for his Chronicle of England. 2 Pols fol. old cf. ch s xviii He ap- p art to hare cut up two Copies of Powell’s black letter Hist of Wales, to past into his bonk. Milles’s Catalogue of Honor, with many MSS. additions by Collins, and Miller, thick fol. old brn. cf ch. xviii Glamorganshire Pedigrees, 1*Z “Y‘orath,apGronw. v l Ato pa/e russ. ch. s. xviii with some frag¬ ments.of tost leaves at the beginning, tf end. Ci llections for the Lite of Wewitzer. thin Ato. half wh. cf. ch s xix. The Sale Numbers of Lord Bei wick’s MSS bought by T. P. sm Ato. (7 inch.) ch. s xix- Sir T. P's. Translation of Part of Gray’s Elegy in a C' mury Churchyard into Latin Verse. Inter¬ lined in the Elegy m a Copy of Enfield's Speaker I '2mo. rylt cf. ch. s. xix. Peeis Let'ers, 1831-5. sm, Ato. A1 If. bds ch. s xix. Letters of Artist-. Painter , Sculptors, Engravers. 120/0 M If bds ch. s. xix. Tarn worth Cattle Papers Yol .. Is/ Letter from John Newdegate to Sir Humphry Ferrers, ot' Tamwonh, directed to him at “Walton in Derbyshire,” li.9s.fol. half blue cj. ch. s. xvi. Do. Papers. Pol ..a Deed between Sir Edw Lyttle- ton, of Piilaton Hall. Co. staff. Knt. &e > Sir Hmnfrey Ferrers, of Walton on Trent, Co. Derby, Ac. reciting a lease iu 1560, of Wvrkes- wortli, and Asliboru Parsonage*, Co. Derby, from Dr. Francis Mallett, Dean of Linco-n, to Sir Thomas Cokay ne, of Ashborne, for 80 years,, the said lands are now to bo settled on the marriage of Thomas Cokayue, son, iv heir of Sir Edward Cokayne, .with Anne, dan. of -ir John Stanhope, 1(502-3./’. hf bluecl. c/i.s xvii. Private Acts ot Parliament, ah Hen 8. ad Car. i. thick lot. half o. brn cf. grn. cl sides ch.-* xvii. Sir T. P's. Collections abroad from Cartularies,5tc. l*27no half dk. grn cf. green sides ch. s xix. in Pencil. (? entered before ) Constantinns Afriranus sive Galenus de Morbii cuiaudis Grcech imperfect, begins at page 83, extending to 145. about half is not paged, fol. bin. cf ch, s. xv. or xvi imperfect at the end. Condari tli Innocenlio XV, &c. Numerous Papers relating to the Papal Affairs of Gregory XV, Paul 111. &e jot wh. vel ch' s. xvii. Acta Cuiiie Archidiaconi de Dublin, begins with the Suit against Thomas Styles. H Map of Dublin City, cut into Parishes, &. each pasted on a separate page. IT Population, & Statistics of several other Coun* ties of Ireland, fol wh vel. ch s xvii. ? if fur- men y Sir Wm. Petty's MS. ( Idem cum So 2l0t3. Dispatches of 1). Luis Ra Ouuha the Portuguese Envoy at Loudon, for the year 1699. fol, o. brn. cf. f ull gilt ch. ». xvii. Ex JFtibl. Lord String* ford, with lus Autograph. The Original MS. begins folio 100, ends folio 2 Id. Bath Rate Book. 1861. obi. Ato. half red mor s.xix. Sir T. Ps Grimsby Election Expences. 2 Pott, 4/o stone bds ch s xix. Method of PI uiting Woods, with the Hessian Dib¬ ble. t/un 4 to grn. bus. ch. s- xviii- Ex Hibl Ducis 8ussex. signed by Baron G. W. de M ldekind. 402 CaTalogus Librorum Manuscriptornm in Bibliotheca Phillippic'a. 21 CO-2 21603 2IC04 21605 21 COO 21607 21608 21609 21610 21611 21612 21613 21 Cl 4 2,615 21016 210.7 il618 2i6:i> 24620 21621 2 162*2 21623 21621 21625 2 1626 21627 21623 21629 21630 T. P’s, Extracts from Wm, de Wanda’s Cartulary j of Sai um Cathedral |>e* es Episcopum, 1824 Ci.vlmvia from the loose Pojir.s in a thin Copy ? look eh. s. xix begins with an Ei tract from ^ the Cn-niclps at Cirencester. Pedes Finium. ten p. R 2., las Revdas, Mad res de | la Ccmpania de Maria,” titb.hf.puce mor.c/i s xix. Vol 6 1 o. Sermon de la Salve en la Cathedral de la Puebla, ano de 1059. 8lo. hf. puce tnor. ch. s. xix. Vol. 7. L)o. Incipit. “Dtl Nomhre de Maria Ssa Oaxaca.’’ Senno incipit. “El honur Virginia Maiia.” 6r 0 half puce tnor. ch. s. xix. Vol. 8. Do. “ Incipit . D. O. M N SS Q O. M.j S. N. E. O. >. Smt lumbi veslii precincti.” 6ro. half puce mor. ch. s. xix. Vol. 9. l/o. T. M y.T.'I. y. A. Incipit “Nisij abuudav it justiiia.’’ bvo. hf.puce tnor ch. s. xix. Vol. 10. Po. Jncipit. “Verbum Caro factum est.’ j t \ o half pme if lull gt ch . s. xViii Vol, II Lo. Jncipit “Dela Sen,est renovation j de Espiritu.” b\o. hf. puce cf Jull gt. ch. s. xix. j Vol 12 Ho. Incipit “Panegynco de Guadaloupe ! paia Quautla-a-milpas. bvo.puce cffull gt.ch. s.xix. I Miss Jenkins MSS. 2IG31 21632 21633 2193-4 21635 21036 21637 21038 21639 21 640 21641 21642 21643 21644 21615 Iiid* x to Granger 4 to stone bds. ch. s. xiz. Index to Lady Authors. 4/o stone bds ch. s xix. > 21646 Catalogue ol her own Library. 4/o. atone ch s xix. \ Catalogue of Portraits ot Artists. bto. stone bds. 21647 ch. s. xix. 21648 Miscellaneous 3JSS. 1868 . Biographical Dictionary of Northumberland, 17*20 J thin obi 4 to. slate c ol. bds. ch s. xiX. pp. 88. Papers relating to Cape of Good Hope. 1 st. Com- 2!o50 mission to Lord MacArtney,as Governor 1797. j 4 to. perg. ch. s, xviii 21651 Drawings by Ilollar, Hogarth, Caracci, &c. ( ut dicitur.) thin lol. j\J 11 Ids ch. s xvii.-xviii. 1*21652 Parochial Register ol St. Giles’s, Noithampton. A > hagment. thinfol. ch ». xvii. ll leaves. Rev. Mcbbing Shaw s 3*2 Drawings of Houses, and j 21653 Churches in Sussex.. thin f. M R hds.ch s.xviii. Historii Judaeorum. in old French. A leaves illu-\ viinated. fol. V. s. xiii. A fragment Contract of David Amot, of Capndiad, & Robert j Authoun, of Craigfundie, 16*23. thin /. yell. bds. t rA.s.xvii. *21054 A Copy ol the Register of Apprentices bound to j the Stationers Company, from 1576, to 1605. \ thin /ol. ch. s. xvni. :21655 Lady Chedworth’s Letters, 1759, kc. Ato.stone bds. j ch. s. .win. 21056 Johnston s Letters, and Correspondence in E India { lb< 0. kc. Ato stone Ida. ch. s. xix. {? before.) i Arms of English Guitry. Is/. “Abbot of Salop. $ (Ex Bil/l Ralph Bigland, Somerset Herald.) \ 21057 fol rgh. cf ch. s. xvii. This MS. seems to have \ been made by Kev. ...Huggdtt/ from the 1 21658 ' A1SS of R. Bigland, and from those in the Herald's College, and from iv.,rburtor/s MSS.! Evancelia large 4/o half ted mor. V. s. x. or xi.i Olnn Guillaume de i en is Ao. 1475 (? before.) Stalins glosatus. S'criptuia Ilnhca Scaieuli xiv. fol old slumped bm leal her V. s. xiv. Modern i Sale No 9 01 uanmged hi) ivalrr. imperfect at i the end The last line is “Kt duie.i chitone, S c.' 1 On the 9th leaf I eYse is a Painting oj a Green . Dragon. Rev. Percival Siockdale’s Letlers. 3 Vols. Ato M 11 bds ch s. xix. (f entered before ) Keppel Correspondence, 17f3. 4 io.y. hds.ch. s.xviii. , Nevvling MSS Blakeway Papers. 1i Newlng’s Letters to Blake\vay.4/o.y.irf*.cA.s.xix. West India Correspondence, 1751. Is/. Extract of Governor Mathew’s Letters to 3 Sic| Imn Blizard. 4Zo. stone has. eh. s xviii. On Sir Hugh Palli-eTs Conduc'. liZ. “Darby." II His Defence of his Conduct. Ti His Letters. Ato stone bds ch. s xviii ? before. J.oid North’s Letters, l7t<3. Ato yell, bds ch.- xviii. i A Collection of Authois with Music. 1*/. TeDt-uin. obi Ato. rgh cf. ch. s.xviii. French Letteis to Ministers ol State 1.?/. “Douiu.” : 1791, &.c. 4/o. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Letteis relating to Guemsty under Lord Amherst, 17/9-84. i *7. **Go»tliug ’ Alo. stone hds.ch. s.xviii Letters de Foiiquet, Jesuite de la Chine Alo. stone t bds. ch. s. x\ it. Vendidad Sade, ) '/end (large f. Oriental *1 Izeschne Sade. > Pahlavi. < binding (•? red II Vispeied Sade ) ( nt\s ) ch. s. xvii. For account of this book, sec Anqireiil do Per- - ron, si Iso Annual Register, 1762. p. 112-21/ ‘ & Guise's Catalogue. Ato. No 42-43-44. (See ; No . it this Catalogue. Sir Erasmus Gower’s Journal <1 the Ship Lion, at China, commencing in the Yallow Sea, 5 Aug. 1793, & ending at M hampoa, in the River t Canton, 9 Jan. i794. With Drawings of Head- • lands, a. Coasts. 15 Drawings. Apparently the ■. Autogr of 8ir Erlm. Gower, /.rgh d ch s.xviii. . Sir Jame.-> ( ra'g’s Proclamations at the Cape oft Good Hope, I7t5.y. mottled brn. cj ch. s.xviii. . Warrants of the Deputy l ay Master General, 1796. . fol . mottl'd brn cf. gt. ch. s. xvni. Lo Cascto Htstoria deiic Guerre Civili di Messina 1 1672-8. jot. dark roan ch. s.xix. Narrative of*the 'Ind. \\ar with llyder Ali Cawn, , 3 Farts f. stiff marbled covers ch. s. xvni, one, , or more, wanting. Testamento de Espana. 11 Pan y Toros. II Tizon d’E-p.tna. s. Ato ndi.v. ch. sa?c. s. xvii. Inq. post Moil. Georg.i Canteiupe, 1 E. 1. pro 1 Manerio de Caine, Co.YV tits. Ato stone ch s.xvii. Admiral Kepptl’s Conespondence 6 Vols. Ato. M it bds. ch. s. xv.ii (. ? entered before.) Edwd. Moran’s Collections for the Lite of Thomas 1 Moore, the Poet, -b mo. bine bds ch. s. xix. Print, 8c MS. (? entered bef ore.) II Domo d’Orvieto descriito dal Conte Giral. , Cur/io Clemeuiini folia 1 i 3. Ato. tvh.vd. at. , ch s. xvii. temp. P. Clement. XI Anns of a Cardinal, or Bishop, stamped on Covers, a less betw. an Imp. Eagle in chief, and 3.m base. A Mantle with 2 Tassels. (? before.) Fairfax MS*. Yorkshire Gentry, and their Seats. II Ancient Houses decayed. & w aste. II Med cal Receipts, thin bvo. brn bds. ch.s. xvii. Michaelis Archiepi. Senoncnsis Distinciioues. Index only, thin Alo brn Ids V. s. xiv. Bigland’s ColRctions for Gloucester, St Nicholas, St. Owen’s, Trinity, Mitchel De.ni, St Biiaveh, Newent, 81 John’s, St. Oswald's, abas St. . Katharine’s. 8ao. brn. bds ch. s. xviii. Jacques de Chenu Awn de Pulilies, 1489. s. thin Ato. brn. bds. C. s xv. (i entered before, j j Roberts’s Collections lor a List « f Exeter. sin. Ato brn. ids. cl . s xviii, pp. 5 7. (J before.) Oa'I'alogus Libkorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 4l)3 21659 21660 21661 21602 21663 21604 21665 2166 6 21607 21668 21609 21070 21071 21072 21073 21074 21675 21076 21077 21070 21679 21660 21081 21682 21083 2 ; 604 21685 21606 Letters of Antiquaries. 1*L “Hasted, Historian \ of Kent, sm ito brn bits ch 3 xviii.< ? before.) j 21687 Tower Alenagery Expences, 1001. 4/o. brn. bds.ch s. xix. 21608 Sheriffs Payments Vol. 1. Is/. Wolstenholme. thick 4 lo M II. bds. F. Jj- perg. s xvii, I 21609 To. do. Vul. 2. Rvf. “Freake, 1 664. of Dorset.’’.' thick 4 10 . M 11 bds. V. perg. s. xvii. Siatistica di Roma nell 1595. Incipit. ‘ La Dogana di Roma se tie cava nelli di l’anno 100.000.” 4/o tvh. v. ch. s xvi. H Description of ihe Caidmals Mansions, Biti Cmesi, or Chinese Customs. Taken out of G9u9, in this Catalogue. Aw.stone bds ch s xvii. Bering MbS. Lords of Manors in Co Kent, with the times ol their acquisition. i8»/o. dk. cf. gilt sides ch. s. xvii. (? entered before ) Les livres des Esloires des c< mmencment du Monde jusqu. au Jesu Christ, fol. oak bds. old pink leather F. s. xiii. On the last page is __ “Pekke water ys ynne yu Oxynford.” and j “Maistler Jamys Selonger,” p. xxx. On thejiy\ leaf la Verses to the Virgin. 1*/. line ‘‘Marie I 2169b tres douce, et de bonnaire.” signed “LyMan-j •.'1096 dele.’’ 4 qualernios appeal lo be missing from j the begining. The Book formed No. XIV, of the Ltbraiy of Dr. Adam Clarke. j 21697 Thoma tuu Mastrou “? Kata alphubeton onomatwni- > 21 GUO 21691 21692 21693 Histoire de la Vie de Monsr. IncipitA “Mon pere, Sir Chalunre, apres avoir porte les \ 2109S armes pendant la pluspart de sa Jeunesse, se j re lira a u Conte de Devonshire, ou il avoitdej tres beaux biens.” s 4 / 0 . half It. cf. ch. s. xix j 21G99 History of the Emperor Akber. Peisice. thk. roy Of :u. half russ. yt. ch. s. xvi. Sale A d. 369. \ Titles of Chiist, from various passages in the Gos- 21700 pels- sm. Ato. stone bds ch. s xix. Index Carlularii S Osmundi Sarum. Cartas Hospital!* S. Nicolai, Sarum I 21701 0 vo. M 11. bd*. ch. s. xix. Principia de la Congregation de San Benito de I E.'pana, clamada de la Observantia. s. 4 tu.w/i.v. 21702 cli. s. xvii. Jhtbbii ItaIin 11 i 48. thin 4 to. stone bds ch. s xviii ' Berlaiidi'-r MSS. Sobre la Revolution de Mexico. obi. 4 inch. yell, bds ch. s. xix. Grelot’s Church of St. Sophia ut Constantinople. thin 4 to. It. brn. bds. ch. s. xviii. Vale of Evesham Papers. 1$/. “Fisher.” thin Ato ttone ch. s. xix. (See 21568, enidem .) Compeitdio Historico «le ia llevolucion Francesca in the Gallery of Sir T. P. 21708 at '1 liiriestaiie House, Cheltenham.) John Hughes, the Amiquarv, hi-> Rents at Quin- \ ton, ^ Mretton-on-the-Foss, in 1700. <21709 II John Hopkins, i f Laverton, Memoranda about '■ Laverton School. 12 mo. Paichmeut Cover \ ch. s xviii, or xix. Honington Inclosure, 1763. s. Ato sewed eh s xviii. Catalogue of Stock, 1810. bound in a Cover on which is stamped ‘ D Guliehnus Chesteruti, Miles, Anno Dni. 1561.” in gold letters. Index of Deeds of Lands at Morton, Sic. I kin 10 mo sewed s. xviii Meim riaux de la Gourde Cnmptes de France. Ineipit Charnbre « lit I i Piiriuuu. linn Aiu.liop F.ch.s xvii. j “j-j q Ycates on Printing St. AJatkew tu liebrew, for thej 2171 o' 21711 21712 \> 1713 [ 2 1714 21703 2.704 Jews, 1799. thiii sm. 4 to. stone bds. ch. s. xviii, Bingiey’s Expences about Hants History, 1803. Sro. It. b ne bds. ch s. xix. T. P s Memoranda of Expences of jhis Swiss Tour in 1823. thin xvo. half blue cl. ch. s xix Ilistoria Chronolugioa de Toulouse, ad 1454. 4/o. 0 . brn cf. ch. s. xviii. Sir Thomas Fairfax’s Discourses. Autograph, with his Autograph name thinf wk v. cli s. xvii. Index to Iui|. p. Mori, temp E. 6. & Mary I. Co/iied by Mr. Chas. Phillipps. thin 4 / 0 . Vin.MH. bds. ch s xix. Ranuzzi MSS. Relatione di Roma al. tempo di Climent IX. et Sede Vacante dopo. Fol. 2. lol half wk. perg. ch. s. xviii. Alphonsu* Guerrenus de Bello justo, & injusto T Consiliarius fuit Regis Neapoleos Dedicated to the Emperor, Chas. 5. sm. Ato. fullgdl b ic/c, f sides ch s. xvi. Catalogue of Lord Macartney’s Library, 1835. Alu. grn. veil ch. s. xviii , t with llie Book Plate of his Arms. Romance of King Horn, thin f. hfbrn.cf ch 3 . xviii. A Treatise of Statute Merchant, or Commerce, &c. upheld by the King’s Royal Exchange Office. thin fol. half cf. gill ch » xvii Four in Italy 2 Vols. Ato o brn. cf ch. s. xviii. It begins with an Extract from the Pastor Fido one from Ariosto. The Tour begins “SirSmce my return in to my own Country,”&c (lbefore.) Carlularium de Malmesbury Copied by Air. Sims, from the Original 111 ihe Lansuowne MSS. No. ..... 215 leaves f.MH bds. ch s xix. [(before.) Meermun M>S No. 6o5 Sale’s Arabic Dictionary a Vocabulary, thin Ato. y. bds ch. s xviii (1 before.J Part 1. of an Italian, anu English Dictionary. Leltere dal Duca di Savoia, 16*6. thin fol yell. bds. cli. s. xvii. Taken from Part 2, of Fol 8, No. 47, 0 /Ranuzzi MSS. Rev Joseph Hunter’s Thought Bock Fol. 2. con¬ taining thoughts, !40i, to 2931. thick Mi mo. stone bds ch s xix. (? before ) Maneschdlcia di Cavalli. 0 vo. 11 h cel F. s. xv. “Questa Opera feci lo Gavalieri Calaurese.” “De I’Autore del !ibro nel tempo de Eroce, Rede In.da, Ipocras lo quale fice, et ordino questo linm, fue doctor in Medec na ” al the end ‘•Johannes de la Tune, Medii lano, scripsit.” Lincolnshire Pedigrees 1*7 “Ascough.” thick Ato. half md nu r. dmk blue cl. sides ih s xviii-xix. Collections relating to Loudon Tower, from News¬ papers, &c. 1752. Printed with MSS. Dales, thin ful half wh cf. ch. s xviii. Ann Catley’s Memoirs MS. Print, thin 4lo.wh.cf. ill s xviii. Lancashire Visitation. 1613. /. hf pucc cf marble sides ch. s. xix. Copied from Hai l. Ms. 1437 . Otim Hon.. with his Book plate of Arms S. 9 c. croHets A 3 o 3 Collections relating to the C.ergy. chiefly printed. thin fol. hull oh. cf. ch 3 xvui. Cariu arium de W rt rdoii, Co. Be«L s Ato redruse, with clasps F s. xv [ Fide, ibidem Geneulugiam Suuoui> ce Billo eampo. ) (f before.) Caruilaiium Decani, & Capitu 1 di baiocis. thin Ato red iuts F. s xm Ex Bibl. del’ Abbi de la Rue de Caen. be, ore ) Cartularimn.rrloratus de Brecon Co Leic. fol red miss F. s. xiv pi before.) T. Ps P O. C. Index, is/ * Ex Regro Horne, T. Andrews ” thru Ato yell, bds eh. s xi\ t? before.) L.venlory of a Saie by Auction, i'lmo. red roan ch s x x Pizzt MSS Arabic, or Moorish Proverbs, & Sen¬ tences .sm Ato. halt blue cl ch s xviii. Autographs ol Military. Officers 10 Affidavits. sm Ato. yell bill xix. 0c‘foie ) Letters to Osg" al Is/ ‘‘R >, Ato.y bds.ch s.xviii. Aides de la on.ire, A l) 1396, Ac. nrnr.j. f bdg, f § perg b. Xu. (•/ before.) Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Philiappica 404 ! 2! 73ft 739 1743 1744 217 15 217 7 Ebrington Court Rolls. 1780. thin f y.bds ch.s xviii.j ’21737 217 1 S How .th F'lmlv Papers, & Pedigree./. yell. bds. c/i. > xvm cl etc ed before.) 21719 Inventory ot Furniture. Portraits &c. of JohnSficol Esqr. of Mmchendeu Hou>e, Co. Middx. 17 19 Inter alia a Portrait of SliEfkespear. /. yell bds cli. s xviii 21720 Jam ica Papers. Is/. “ParoH.” tall l/unjol. stone 21 bds, eh s xviii. 21721 Collections for the Life of Mrs Robinson,( Perdita.) j 21740 thin fol hall wh. cf ch. s xxub 21722 Meerma • MSS. A description of the MSS. Letters | 21741 ot Cardinal Granvelle, in the Library of the <2.742 Benedictines of Besanyon 64 leaves f.blue bds. \ ck s. xv.ii 21723 Do. d Pome-ten aim de Slaton van Friesland, ? 17t2.—G. t.eraie Petilio en M; ateu van Oorlog j jj). 'S'x^.fol. lilac bds ch s xviii. 21724 Letn is of Literati. \*t “Edmd. Lodge.’’ 4/o. M li bds ch s xvni-xix. 21725 Pieces Kisn riqucs. A Politique? du XVII. Siecle 1 M*nioriaie tie iJoinmaitoue Bispamca. 2 8opra de promover d Papato alia Republics] 21748
  • avoia, lo2H. 6 Lo. Ferdb and 2, de Toscana, 1636. 8 Les Bairn udes de Palis, 1568. ou le Mas¬ sacre des Protestants. 9 Pour en.pecher que les Espagnols obtien- 5 nent la Mouarchm de 1’Europe. 21753 10 bang. A 1 reseance de France. 1 1 De la Charge d’Atlmiral des Mars du Levant 12 Cosies, & Rtv ages de la Comte de Provence. 13 Relation de la Cour de Rome. 14 DiAt tends entre Boniface VIII, & Philip le Bel, I 30 i. 15 8uliy stir les Finances de France. 16 Testament pour nun Heritier. 17 Vna Josephi Capreiui, & Eiitaphium. is Ctmseil ties Est.its du Roy. 4/o half u. brn cf. cli s. xvii. 21726 Survey o! ti e Court t.f Star Chamber. Divided in¬ to 3 J uris, iul. veh. r. ch. s. xvii. “5 Julii 17 Car An Act of Parliament past, whereby the Court of Star Chamber was quite abolished.” 21727 Copies ol Lei levs relating to the Exchequer, and j Treasuiy. “Liber lactus 1667.” fol xvh. v. ch. 21759 li iJi a drawing of the Exchequer Table, like a I Chess Loan! with .Squares 9 vah. by 9 in. snr-j 21760 roil in cd by a Circle ctiviued in two halves, on one ul which aie entered the Receipts, on the j 21761 other Payments. Ex bill. Craven Ord, given to him by Mr Austin, of the King’&BenchOffiee. 21728 Memorihux de la C« ur dts Comptes, I 185, tol51U. 4 to yin. bds ch. s. xviii 21729 Do. do. o. M H. bds. ch. s. xix. 21746 i 21747 \ 21749 21750 21751 21752 \ 21754 2 1755 21756 21757 j21758 Leonis Papse, Sci, Fausti, fyc. Sermones, et Omelite large 4/o. puce cf. V s. x. (? before) Kibblevvhite Pesceudants viz Abington ofDowdes- well, Co Gb’Uc. from an emblazoned Pedigree ol St George, penes Robt. Benson, Arm. de Salisbury, Ib25. thin 4 to. purple bds. ch. s. xix. Cope d by T. P. Suit of Bayne, v. Sir Hugh Palliser. f. stone colour bds ch. s. xviii. Thortnan, versus. Sir Hugh Palliser. f. stone colour bds ch. s xviii The Case of Sir Hugh Palliser. fol stone eh.s. xviii. Westwood, Co Wilts Parish Register Extracts, & Wills, by T. P. thin fol. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Peers, from YVm. I. to Q. Eliz thinf stone ch. s.xv. Papiers d’Estat de la France Is/ ‘ Sur la hubla de M. de Villeneuve f stone bds. ch. s xviii. Colonel Robt. Bennett’s Correspondence in the Civil W ar, 1652. thin f. stone bcls.ch. s-.wii.f ? before.) Marriage Settlement ot John Pawlett, & Frances Cartwright, thinf. stove bds. ch. s. xvi. Guernsey Papers l># “ Do I Ion " f. store cli.s. xviii. Political S ngs. Letters. A Papers. 1st: “Granville.’ thin fol. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Barbadoes Papers. 1st. “Reynolds.’’ thin fol. stone bds. ch s. xviii. l)o. do. 1731. \st. “Y< ung.” stove ch. s.xviii. Miscellaneous Papers of Walpole,, Ac.Is/.“Long.” thin fol. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Alderney Papers. \st. “Mesurier.” f. stone bds. ch. s. xv iii. Jeisey. A Alderney Papers. 1*/. “Sharpe." Jol. stone bds. ch. s. xxiii. Sepher Kushino,— a Rabbinical, A Cabalistical Commentary on the Pentatench by Rabbi Samuel Marcha, commonly cal.ed Ra&hino Ao. M. 5735. A. 1) 1375. thick 12 mo. red russ. V. s xviii Ex Dili/. Meerman. An I I. T. P's. P 0 C. Wills of Cotterell.Freeman, Morris, W inter, from i7U0, to 1802 thin Ivr/.o M 11. bds ch. s. xix. Vita Chnsti in Lingua Ilibernica. L2mo. red russ. V. s xv ['l calc red be I ore ) A classed Catalogue of Books. Jncipit. “Libri Juridicien Lodor. 2 Vols. jol. halt blue cl ch. s. xviii. * Anno 1719.” Extracts from Spence’s Anecdotes. Putt 3 Vol. 2. Alo. vch. 1 el ch. s. s. xviii. Rossi Poesie, en lengtta Zeneise. ft Vols. oblAinch. half green cf. ch. s. xvii. Ex bibl Guilford, Missale. thick I ‘Into 0 . brn cf. V s. xiv. ilium. Ex Bibl E It. Famed. Formuiario de Escrituras, tie Ventns, Cornpras, Particiones, Ac de les Mohametauos. Su Au- t> r Aba Abdallah Mohammed bea Abu Beer ben Atiun Elgefo Ki, carcometlo y Vato, de bueena letra, sin fecha. s. Ato. hull dark n.orone char hi butnbuciua. sjec. xvi. Lettered “Formu- laie Cartarum Main metanum. Cufice.'2bA pages. Thomas Bird's Ii.dex ol Herefordshire MSS in the British Mus- um. - 1/0 half brn. cf ch. s. xix. 112 leaves. (?entered before.) Emanuel Mendez da C 'Sta's Drawings of Birds, Fossils, and other objects of Naiural History. thin j. red mor ch s. xviii. 17 leaves (>ee before.) T.a Vie de Me Ehzih. de Hongrie tn vers Anglo. Normand, par Bosom, Trouvere A glo-Nor-■ mand. Copiee du MS. Cotton Domitian A. IX. par F. de Witt. 8 vo. yell. bds. ch s. xix. Autographs of Chas. Dickens, Ac. 1 st. ‘‘Robert Houdin, the Conjurer, sm. Alo. (6 in ) MU bds. ch. s. xix. Liber Precedentium Ecelesiasticarum with Names. 1 s/n. Ato. 7 inch. ryh. if. ch. s. s* xviii Incipit. I “Johes. Appel tree, Ann. Vice Conies Comitaius (Co. not named.) Wil.iam Hensley’s Copy of Catalogue of MSS. of 1 Peter Le Neve, R>d.t. Morris, Tims. Beckwith. . If Funeral of the Earl of Salisbury. If Names of Noblemen in the Black Book. *f Knights made at the Mairiage 01 (^. Anne, by Heu. 8. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 405 IT Knights made at Greenwich, 23 H. 8. U Do. of the Carpet at the Marriage of Prince : Arthur, *1 T. P’s. Collection of Knights. sm- thin 4ln. (8 inch.) half red mor. ch s.xix A Bookseller’s Ledger. A Fragment, s. 4 to. stone l>ds. ch. s, xix. George Owen, of Henllys’s Dialogue of the present Government of Wales, A. D. 1594. With the Title illuminated. 35 leaves besides Preface, A 21794 index , and at the end, a List of the Cruel Lawes against Welshmen, sin. 4to. Sin. wh. v ch. s. xvi. No 199. in some Sale. 21795 Sir Robert Kerr Porter's Lettersfrom the Caraccas, 1827-40. )st. letter “Del Secretario de la Guer¬ ra ”/o/« M H. bds ch. s xix. 21J9G Do. do Is/. Proclamation of Santa Cruz, as Go¬ vernor of Peru, f einted. Signed “J.de Prado. 5 * Jol. ftl 11. Ids. ch. s. xix. Jane Porter's Tragedy. \sl. “Switzerland.” 21797 fol. M 11. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. do, do. Duplicate, f. ftl Hbds.ch s.xix. 21798 l)c. do. do. do Do. f. 1)1 tl. bds ch. s.xix. Do. do. Letter’s. & Inventory. I si- Dated at 21799 Shirley Park, 23 Aug, 1837, to Mr. Meyers. fol ftl II bds ch. s. xix. j 21800 Do. do Wiltshire Tour, 1837. thinf.MH.bds.ch.l s. xix. 21S01 Sir R K. Porter’s Passports, thin f. M H ch s.xix Do. do. do. Correspondence, 1828. ist. “13. 21802 V i 1 -on.” thin fol. ftl II bds ch. s. xix. Do. do. do Letters 1794. from ? FoweIs- 21803 combe thm fol M II. bds ch s xviii. 1 Do. d . do. Household Expend s, & for his <21804 Diplomatic Dress, See. thin / .ftlII.Ids ch. s xix 21805 Do do. do. Admissions to various Orders, and Soc eties. I*/. “Peebles in 1SI3.” l/iinj 1)1 H. bds. ch. s. xix. 21806 Gazeta de Civraccas, Printed 1829. thin fol. ftl II ch. s, xix. Remaiks on the Plates to Sir R. Porter's Travels. 21007 Sir R. K. Porter’s Instructions to Heath the Engraver of the Plates, thin f .J)/H.bds.ch, s,xix. ; 21808 Anna Maria Porter’s Letters to her Brother Sir R. I K. P. I st. dated “Esher, 15 April.” thin J'ol. 5 21809 ftl II. bds, ch. s. xix. j Jane, &, Anna Maria Porter’s Poems, & Letters. 121810 ls< a fragment “When I come back.” fol. ftl 11. bds. ch. s. xix. j Porter’s Miscellaneous Papers against the Pope. printed. 1st. “Extract Iron a Plymouth Paper.” thin fol. i)l II. bds. ch. s. xix. Evangelia. The 4 Gospels with Portraits of the 4 Evangalists by Byzantine Artists. The )st. Page of each Go'pel entirely in Golden Letters I he Cuncoidance also illuminated Ml the end is a .'luminary of the Chapters, sm. thick 4to. (It> inch.) half red llhr. V. s ix or x. Cue leaf in the Breviarium oj Mathew, is cut out . fy also an illuminated leaf betrveen the Portrait of Mathew, Sf the Golden Faye of his Gospel This last leaf contained the words “Ineipit Evai - gehum secundum Matheum.” on the obverse , $• on the reverse the Is/. Words of the Gospel prior to the words,” generaliones Jhu. X PI. ull in gold; if ice may judge by the perfect leuxcs of the other Gospels. Walsiugham’s Embassy to France, 1570. fol. M II. Ids ch. s* xvii. •21 SI 1 2181*2 21613 21814 21815 21 SI G |2iS17 21818 Celebiium Epistola?. Is/ “Jared Sparks, of Boston, in America, thin 4 to. hu/J orange el. dh. blue cl sides ch s. xviii. George Baker’s MSS. for Braekley Hospital. 12/7/0. M II, bds. s. xix. Historia de los Reyes de la Nueva Espana, y cou- quista de Hernando Cortes, Don Juan de Mar¬ ies y Aguilar. 4/o. ich. v. ch. s xvii. Note Book of the Tour of an Antiquary who set out front Berkeley Square on 16 June 1766, & went into Lincolnshire, visiting remaik^ble ob- 21S19 21820 •21821 21822 21823 jects in his road, obi 4to. rgh. cf. ch. s. xviii. Usuardi Martyrologium. fol. old monastic binding brass knobs V. s. xiv. II On the fly leaves in the beginning is an Account of the Martyrdoms of the Friars Minors, and at the end, a Catalogue of the Library of Jocul, (Youghall.) in Ireland. M Ordo Missalis Fnurum Minorum secundum Consuctud. Rom ante Curia?. Ex Bibl. Betliam. Charles Fairfax's.? Notes out Nicolson’s Historical Library, &c. His Antiquarian Notes. 1 Smo slate bds.ch s xvii. A Memorandum Book of some one in Wilts. 1740. Apparently of Appointments to meet at certain places 1:1 M ilts. 18///o. state bds. ch s. xvii. Fenton MSS. Letters and P etry. Is/. Letters' • ‘Quin never felt half so much pleasure in devour¬ ing John Doreos, his favorite fish.” 4to. hf drab ch. s. xvii Hardimau on the Rolls Office, Dublin./. MIL bds.' ch. s xix Sir Lambert Blackwell’s Letters. Ex ft.1SS, Suuth- well, thin fol M II. bds. eh. s. xvii. Catalogue of >neyd, and Townley MSS. thin fol. ftl 11. bds. ch. s. xix. 1 Bishop Ridley’s Answer to Bishop Hooper on Vestments, thin fol. M 11 bds. ch s.xix aCopy. Somerset Visitation, 1623. Copy (erroneous.) by Gotten II f. light blue bds. ch. s. xix. Index t. D mesday Tenants, Wilts. printed Pedigree of Enias, MS./;/. M 11. bds c/z.s.xviii. Almon’s .MSS. 1 Letter to Pitt. II Britannia, a Poem, thin 4 to stonebds.ch.s xviii. BalliolCollegcStatutcs. s. 4to.6in.blve bds. V.&. xviii; Massinger's Elegy on Charles, Lord Herbert, with Autograph of Thomas Martin, of Palgrave, 1744. thin I to. stone bds. eh. s. xviii. Sir Isaac Newton‘s Genealogy. II Lady IIoll,aid’s Letters to T. P. tliin4to. MR. bds. ch. s. xix. 7 Autographs of Nobility, and Gentry. Tilled. 1#/. “Hart.” 12/z/o. stone bds. ch. s. xix. Letters to II. la Costa. Is/. “Lady Stanhope to the Duke of Sussex. I2///0. ftl 11. bds. ch. s. xix. Yeate's Catechism of Christian Doctrine, sin. 4to. M H. bds. ch. s.xvni. Do Variations in the Fetus. Syriac, and Greek Versions of the Old Testament. If Frequent use of Certain Words in the Bible. : sm. 4to J\111 bds. 'ch. s. xviii. Do History ot the Armenian Church, & List of the Churches, sm. 4 to, ftl 11. eh. s . vviii. Do. Gospel > f St. Mathew, translated from the Syriac, sm. 4 to. ftl II. Ids. ch, s. xviii. Do. Lite ol Band), & Commentary on his Pro¬ phecy ot Christ, sm. Ato. ftl 11 bds. ch. s. xviiil Raiiiuld’s D fence of the Judgement of the Re¬ formed Churches, against Bellurmine. - sm. ~Uu. wh. v ch. s. xviii Common Place Book on the Plan of l.ocke. 1 st. Entry “Bellows, Chinese. 5 ’ sm. 4to. wh ir. ch. s. xix. Index ol' Reference, (1 by Thomas Roscoe .) 8 vu. half red mor. ch. s. xix. Vies des Eveques, et Prifices de Geneve jusqu’w Pierre de la Baume. 2 Vols. wh. prize veil < r lt. ch. s. xviii. Lord Bateman, /I Comedy, by J. II. Phillips, Esq. of Williamston, Co. Pembrok. fwho has since taken the name of Scurfield.) thin 4to.stone bdL ch. s. xix. Carta de Sienna. Min Svo. V. s.xv. Letters various, h/. “Bedford.” 12 mo. M II. bds. ch. s. xix. Savage’s Collections for Co. Somerset. Fragment. thin sm. 4 to. ftl H. bds. ch. s. xviii. Treasurer’s Accounts at (J) Barbadoes.8ro. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Lease to Ricbd. Bayzand of Tewkesbury, 17C8. thin fol. slale bds. ch. s. xviii. 403 Catalogus Librorum -Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Philuppica 21824 21825 •21826 21827 -.21828 .21829 21880 2JB31 .21632 .21633 -.21834 21035 21836 21887 1J838 21839 .21840 .21841 .2184-4 21843 21844 .21845 2184G .21847 -.21843 Stockdale’s Hants. Views, thin f. M II. ch. s. xix. Collections lor Gloucestershire, and Warwickshire, by John Hughes the Antiquary of Quinton. f M U bds. ch s. xix Copied from theOriyinals. Cartas. Fanuliae de Holland de Mickleton, C«» Gloc. (rough draft ) thick 4 to. wh. cf. eh. s. xviii. Lord Rtdesdale’s Letters on Broadway Turnpike \ Road. 4 to M H bds. clt. s. xix. Black’s Langley I edigree. T* P’s Collections lor Co. York. &c. U Baptisms of Cotterell of Saintbury. 4to. M II. j bds. ch s xix. | Arras of French Gentry 1st, “Lanfred ” thin 4to half mange if. eh. s. xviii These leave a werc\ found pasted iogi liter in the Lover of another j French MS. 7 Drawings by Old Masters, inter alia The Sculp- t r chiseling the Female Figure, thin 4 to MU bds. ch. s. xvni. Fiom the Collection of llichd. Goddard, of Broadtown, nr. Tlcutluop, Co.Oxon Fenton MS. Sheriffs Accounts Co. Carnarvon thin tall narrow lot. M H. bds. ch. s. xvii Incipit. “Exitus terrarum de Novo Sect i?) oneraml. in Comp. Vice Com Carnaivon, de Anno liniendo ad Fest. St- Michl. Ao. 14 Caroli ” Liber Garderoba), being the Expences of the Edu¬ cation of Princes Thomas, A; Edmund, son of Edward. 1, Anno 33. thin fohhalf dk. olive nor. V. s. xiv. Old Sale No. 573. Golding’s Song' of Sion, a Poem bv Kev. Goidmg, of.Co. Warwick. ( Whom 1 found digging in his Garden at tO years o) aye.) thin 4 to slate bds. ch. s. xix. (Donum Au’taris mihi T. P j (1 printed it) Suit Cotterell. v Wood. 11 Cartas de Draycot, Co. Wig. 11 Qucedam de Coakhill Nunnery. 4to. stone bds ch. s xvii ; . Reveme Documents of Sir Roger Harsnelt. thick l/o. M II. bds. pery. &. xvii Privy Council Autographs, ik Letters. Is/, temp. Reginm Viet, i si “Privy Council List, 1837.” thick 4 to. At H. bds ch s. xix. Trattate di Pace. 2 Tots \st.in Vol. I. 1a/. in Vol. 2. ? Utrecht, 1712. Cosclanum ? Copies of the Coriespondence relative to the Tieaty, but the Writers names are omitted. Vol. 1. pages ...... Vol 2 payes 710. thick lol. M.ft. bds. ch. s. xviii. Wanborough Assessment:*, Co. Wilts, with Hund¬ red of Kmgsb.idge. Cnjded 1808, from the MSS Oiig. of llichd. Muluns, Arm. de Stretton prope Cirencester, fol M II. bds ch. s. xix. Cotterell M?S. 'I lie Vernon Pedigree. ^1 Papers on Lower Guiiing* Manor. Ato stone bds. ■ ch. s. xviii. Commissariat Papers of Welling Ion’s Campaign in Spain, 1815. ihinfyl M il bds.ch.s xix. Letters to John Wilson, of Bromehead, Sheffield. Co. York. Is/. “Joseph Wilson, 1762 OuYork- shiie Antiquii.es. thin fol M II. bds.ch.s. xviii Copy-Rights of Authors. 3 Vcls. 1. tol. ch. s. xviii. xix. Ex Bill Dawson Turner. Vol. 1. 1 st. “Abercrombie.” Do. do. Vol. 2. 1st. “Goldsmith, to Lyons.” Do. do. Vol. 3 Is/. “Malone, to Yearsly ” Chorale with Music, a Fragment of'll leaves. I f liaij daih roan dk. blue cloth sides V s.xv. Vicomte de Vaux, Letters to him. Vol. 5 4 to. brn. bds. ch. s. xviii -xix. L/ “Colonel de Gassonville.” Collectanea ad Historiam Reformationis; tran»crip- ta ex MSStis. Collegii Romani a I50J, ad 1526. ad l(j 10 thinJol. brn. Ids. ch. s. xviii. lExBibl B. Bright. * Sale No 305. Coroniea del Key Henrico 4to.. Incipit. “Quedamn los Cavallerus. ftnil “de todo sanodo ? ’ ihk. 4 to. limp ivh. tel. ch. s. xviii. Chapters 1,2 , and part of 3 are lost, then follow , with part of Cap. 3. Cap. 4.5,$- the title of Cap. 6 but Cap. '-6*7, 8> fy.part of 9 are lost » Part of Cap. 9, 1850 21851 21852 2S53 21854 21855 2185G :21857 !21658 21859 21 bGu 218GI 218G2 21863 2)864 2 1SG5 21860 21867 218G8 \‘2 86.9 2I8J0 21S 71 21872 21873 21874 21875 21876 21877 21878 21S79 21880 21881 10 are bound up in one leaf in the beginni Fart ot i4p.\U, $ ail to part of Cap. 1 (j are h from C. I G.toC '23') are saved It ends with f.b , Paver’s Pedigrees of ‘.Yorkshire Families. I “Creyk eV- f. hf.mor cl. ch s.xix Wellwriti Bright MSS- Giustiniano Relatione di Inghilleii 1519. thin f l half wh, cf ch s xviii. New. England Papers 1a/. ‘ White Hall, 1661.” largef.l M II bds. ch. s. xvii.-xviii, Memonvs de L- uisXIIl. 1i La Sortie du Due O-leans hors du Royaume 25 I haves, f, o. ah. brn cf. ch. s xviii. Bright M ? S, Cos mo 3 Viaggio in Inghilterra,16 per Dr. Gomia. lhinf.% wk.ch chs.xx\\\.pp.i Cronulogie des Auteurs Grecs, thin Jol. M II. L ch. s xviii. Lettere di Alessandro Farnese, 1586. thin f. Mi bds. ch s. xviii. Eisenmau’s Decouvertes des Espagnols en Am que. thin Jol. M H. bds‘ ch. s. xviii pp. 28. Connie du Salut Public sur la Guerre, An. 3. laige thin f. stone bds. ch s. xviii. pp. 26. .Ralph.Brui k’s Catalogue ot the Nobility, 1722, Printed with many MSS. Additions, sm. f. r cf. ch. s. xvii. Coustumier de Bretagne, thk 8vo. brn cf, ch. s.x George Owen's 8 Ancestor Pedigrees fur Co. Pi broke, sin. Mo. ch. s. xix Commenced o; Copied from the Cbetham MS. Manchester. A Collection of Pedigrees of W elsh Princes beg with Brychan Bryclieimog thin 4to. halfreh blue mottled sides ch. s. xvni. From Jones’s' buy . Bright MS''. Journal of the Siege of Rouen, i Jol. half red rues. ch. s. xviii. Incipit. “Ul Saterday.” V ill i f Francis Duffield. 16)2. 1i Suit ot Smith, r. Duffield.//tin f. lalfnh cf.. Excerpta ex Placitis. 1 st. ‘‘Win. A lister ,f*fo/K wh cf. ch. s. xvii. Fenton MSS. Collections relating to the Bards.: Fenton MSS. No. 10 . thin 4 to. M IJ. bds i s. xviii. Jiu ipit. “Wyr shog.”? Do do. Entaled “Gleanings” Miscellauei Welsh Names of Places, &c. thin f.M H bds s xviii E.vFcnton MSS. No.id.Incip.i . 16 Letters of Johu Drytle.i, the Poet. 4 lu y It. brn cf. ch. s xvii. Duke ot Norfolk’s Trial, thinf. halfwit, cf. am sides eh. s. xvii. Attainder of Edward, Duke of Buckingham,4 Ill thin Jol puce cl. sides ch. s xvni. Articles de lu Foi Chretienne. Initio mancus. I si. head “De quurte Comniaudement ” fol: grey cl. ch s xv. Fine caret. William Watson’s Will, 1816. thin fol, half wh dk. blue cl. sides ch s. xix. Acla Maichionatu- de Lcde, 1718. thin f. hf. cf. It. brn. tooled sides cli. s. xviii. Entrada del Almirantede Ynglaterra, 1605. thin fol half wh cl. dk blue sides ch. s. xvi, A Copy. Apology for the Church, thin fol. half wh. cf s. xv, 11 tight MSS. Court Roils of Langley, & Swinesford Hundrt Co. Glouc I 5 Jae 1 ./. half brn. cf. ch. s. j Marsha.l’s Lorrl’s Prayer in 4y Languages,; Saxon Gospels. Copied by Hum fry Watiley., 1 Jol. crimson cf. clt s. xvni. (? before ) Treasury Orders of the Lords Justices of Irek 1642. 2 Vol. fol. half red mor. dk. blue cl. s ch. s. xvii. With numeroas Autoyraphs. Dimissiones Terrarum Abbatia; S. Maxiir. Trevirorum, in Bisaugia, & Alba, Stc. 1512.. fol. dk. cf. ck. s, xvi. Chalmers MSS. A Calendar of Treaties at W Hall, from 152S, to 1762. fol. brn. cf.ch. s.x Ranuzzi MSS. L'luganno degli Ocehli. Comadii sm. 4to. M H. bds. s. xviii. Do. do, L’Amestrio Opera. ^Ato.MM.ch. s.x 'Catalogue Librobum Manusgriptorgm in Bibliotheca Phillippica. •407 21882 Ranuzzi MSS. A Play in Italian cant lltulo. s. 4to. W H. bds. eh. s. xvii. 21883 Malcolm’s Persia. 3 Vols. f. It, grn. bds. ch. s.xviii. 21084 “Rossianos in Scripturam Sacrum Hebraorum. Uebruice. E.t Bill. D ncis Sussex, with his book Plate, thick 8 vo. russ. Pel. s. xiv. Meerman MS No _ 21805 Welsh Poems A Copy from MSS. Phillipps, No. .... thinAto. ch s. xix. 2 1 88G Poggii Facetiaj. s.At o. If red russ. in old wooden bds; ch. s.'xv. ( I before ) 218S7 Ceremonias de la Capella Rcale d’Espagne, ful, •lirnpwh ch. s. xvii. { ? before.) 21888 Notes on Debates in Parliament from 1734, to j l”/50; thk. 18 wo. red russ. eh. s. xviii (? before) \ 21889 Martyrologium, •& Obilnaritun S. Honorati de ; 1 Paris, tol. icd mss tooled V. s. xix. 21890 ‘ Statutes of! Lincoln College, Oxford. sm.Ato,half\ russ - ch. s. xix. -21891 Irish Poems, difficult-to decypher, s Atu stove bds. eh s. xviii pp 31. -21892 ' Cath Cnuea. Hibernice. Copied by .Langan. 4lo hall red russ ch. s. xix. 21693 Uraicept na -Neigeos Hibernice. 4to. hf. red russ. ch. s xix. 21911 21912 21913 21914 21915 21910 21917 >21918 21919 -21894 -21895 21890 21897 21898 21899 21900 21901 21902 21903 21904 21905 21906 21907 21908 21909 21910 A FiiigaiiainTule,' Hibernice,' Copied by Paul Lan- gan. Ain. half red russ ch . s. xix. Laugah's Fragmenta Hibernica. thin fol. cli.red r. s. xix. I st. ‘‘Michl. Laugan’s Poems ot Hist, of the Irish' Language. 1? before.) Do. do. do. 1*2. '•.Elegy of Denis Me Car- lliy. thh. J'ol. hf. red russ, eh s. xix. ( ? before.) l)o. do. do. I st. “A Testimonial to John \\ indelo, being- a Plate of some of the Antiqui¬ ties of Ireland. *1 'I’ain bo Chuidlgne. 4to.'hf. red russ, ch. s xix Caiihieim Toird albach. thin / hf r rust (// s.xviii Dium sneaclita tInn fol half dk olive mor. ch. s xix. Copied by .Langan. Genealu.y oT the 3 Sons of Milesius, & of O’Reily. thin fol. /wf red mss. ch. s. xviii. State Letters ot Fiance 2 Vols. lol.half red russ. eh. s xviii. I'ul. \. ... Do. / ol. 2. fol. I*/ ‘‘Versailles, 7 Sept. 1602.” Transcript ol Glamorgan Pedigrees, l»y John Fen¬ wick, ex MSto Johis. Traherm de Coedriglan, Co. Glam. 4 to rgh. ef. eh. s. xix. Naylor M'S. Pedigrees of the Nubility carefully drawn up to 16/0, with the Aims, A’. Quarter- ings in Trick, large ful half wh. vel. ch. s. xvii. ‘•with Descents of Ancient Barons merged into later Families ” pp. 292. H Index ot Welsh Arms. Do. do. Eight Ancestor Pedigrees of Baronets from 161), to 1620. ^1 Baronets Pedigrees to 1179. by Sir IsaacHeard. large fol. half wh veil ch. s. xvii. Index to Papers in the Slate Paper Office, relat¬ ing to the Admiialty, pp 3i6‘, large fol. o.brn. ef. g t. eh. s.xviii ? Ohm Robti. Sanderson,Arm. Coats of Arms of Great Potentates, and Kings of Europe, emblazoned, generally 2 on every al¬ ternate Page, obi 4 to. ( 7 \inch.) half dark ef ch s. xviii. Vita ai Rodrigo Borgia, P. Alexander VI. e del Duca Valentino, suo figlio, sAlo.wk.v. c/i.s.xviii. Etat des Sommes payees par le Tresorier de la Commune de Paris pour le Compte du Conseil General snr les Pends attribuee* aux depenses extraordmaires occasiounes per la Revolution du 10 A ut 1792. Le dit Etat arrete au ... Nov. embre suivant. thin large ful. slate ch. s.xviii. Tournois de Lille, in 1453. ou, Voeux du Paon f.red nior.yt. V .s.xvi.-Ott p , l. are the names of the Possessors “A moy Tabouret, & depuis a moy Virey, Et a moi Pierre Revoil de Lyon, 1812.’’ On the fly leaf is this ‘-A Claude Enoch Virey, secretaire du Roy Muison et Commune de France, et Monseigneur le Prince de Conde. premier Prince du Sang.’* Under is a device of of 3 flowers, & the Motto. “Semper in altum.” 21920 21921 21922 21923 21921 2 i9-’5 21926 21927 21928 21929 21930 21931 21932 21933 21934 21935 21936 21937 21938 Carlre de Metz, i st. “Dopimange, 1526.* sm. obi 4to half stone P. s xvi. Oriental MS. said to be from Sir Wm. Jones’s Col¬ lection A Poem, partly translated. On page 1. is a English Quatrain, in tne ■ Persian form* “He was a pearl too pure on earth to dwell. And waste his brightness in this mortal cell, Man prized him not, but his Great Maker prized And mild replaced him in his native Shell.” Book of Rates for Durham County. ' Tax on Papists, 9 Geo. 1. thin fol. ch. ym. tf ch s. xviii. decayed at the bottom. Collections pour i’Hiscoire de Utrecht. Law Suit of Stavclot Abbey, against the payment of a Tax. fol . red marble bds. ch. s. xviii. Analysis des R-gisties OLIM de Paris, 1234, ad 1318. fol hafbrn. cf ch. s. xviii. pp. 286. Diego do Couio Historia da I"dia, Decada x, Ao. 1581. thick 4 to red russ. ch. s. xvii. Salop. Modern Pedigrees by Rev. J. Blakeway, Or llev John New ling, of Lichfield. s. Atoi'ioh: v. ch. s. xvii. Autographs of Generals of France, during the Gt, Revolution. 1 'lino rone U. blue bds. ch. s'Xvih. Leonardo Pruno, de Bello Gothico. s.Ato.halfyeU. bds. P. s. xvi. Injured by Water. Oriental .MS Ex Bib/. Lord KiiigsborOUgh. obi A to 5 inch ch; s.xviii. Theorema kata Alphabeton onomatum Attiktom Ekiogai, Greece sm. Ato.wh veil, ch: s. xvi. V Phrjmkou Ekloge r. tiikum Remaiton kai On¬ omatum. '11 Alexandrou ten exaporreetion Epist6le.'u;*>/i other Tracts Miscellanea llistorica. et Poiitica.2 Vols. sm. 4to. '. in Pul. 1. Is/- ‘bAcerca de las Infermidades,” H Noticias de las Y'ndias Occidentals 147 leaves. Do. Put '2. De Jesuitis, lb56. Jolia 392. red mor, full ch. s. xviii. Father Cuutruefie’s Poetical History. 4/o. half dk. cf ch. s.xviii Translated $ beautifully written by Prince Frederic William, in 1760. Deuchar MSS. Wm. Styles's Collection of all such Knt’s, Esqr's. and Gentry as were late inhabiting (Suffolk,) in the time of Queen Elizabeih, collected bv GuliehmisTyllotsun, Clark, of Ipswich,Suffolk, 1659. sm. ito. ha If ef. brocade sides ch, s, xvii. pp. 246., §' Index. Rev. Joseph Hunter s MSS. York Suits in the Exchequer, obi. 4to. 8 inch y. bds. ch. s. xix. Miscellanea ex Recordis Is/. “Seals to Wardrobe Debentures, &c.” Vol. 1. ubl. 4to. 8 inch. y. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Pol. 2. 1st. “Inventory of Jno. More.” obi. 4 to. Sinch y bds. ch. s.xix. Do. do. Vol 3 1st. ‘‘Persons dying of the Plague in London.” obi. 4ta. ‘cinch yell bds. ch. s. xix. Royal Dinners, temp. Edw. I, to 11. 7. •>bl. 4to. 6 inch yell. bds. ch. s xix, Yorkshire Charities, thin 4 to. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Names ol Ships, temp. H. 4., H. 8., Eliz, & Car.l. obi. 4 to. 9£ inch yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Topographical Notes from Records obi. \to. 9in. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Hunter’s Notes ol'SirEdwd. Stanley, obi. 4lo. 9in. yell. bds. ch s. xix. Wales, & Yorkshire Collections, obi. 4to.lvn.ch. y. bds. ch. s. xix. Hunter's Extracts from Records. Pol. A. marked, “Bishoprics.” on page l. Notes of Abbots,H JL “Shrewsbury, St. Peter ." obl. Ato.V^inchxyelL bds. ch. s. xix. Notes of Knts. of the Garter. 1 18;?zo. , ^.' 6(cf#.’c/5 4 '8'.xitt, 408 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptornm in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 21939 21940 Nobles of Edw. 3. thin l8mo. yell. Ids. ch. s. xix. {21966 Miscellanea ex Recordis. Vol. 5. 1st. Wm. the Prior \ of Dunstaple. thin 12 wo. S in. y.bds. ch. s. xix. < 219G7 Letters of Thomas Seeker, circa 1712-13. sm. 4 to. { Hindi, half bin. cf. ch. s. xviii. j 21968 Coclices M iscellanei. Original Letters to Edward Bellyngham Lord I Deputy of Ireland, thin fol. M 11. ids. s. xvi. The Loves of Sir Amorous Bruin, a grotesque > Poem, thin 4to. Copy book stiff leaves ch.s xviii. Rev. Joseph Hunter, MSS. Yorkshire Letters. Is/. Receipt fur Wm. Hallifeld, for bringing Joan i Bontare to be buried alive, 142!. thin 4 to. yell, bds. ch. xix. 21996 21944 21943 21947 21970 21971 21972 21973 : 21974 21051 51 21942 Guttvn Owen’s Welsh Poems, sm. 4 to. tin. wh. •perg ch. s.xviii. 0 im Richd. Thomas, of Jesus College. Oxon. 1775 pp. 60. 21943 Hunt’s Sketches round Middle Mill, thin4to.lt. grn. bds ch. s. xix. Dr. Robinson’s Stepney Papers, thin 8vo. 9 inch. HI 11. bds. ch. s xix. List of Christ Church Leases, Dublin, sm. 4lo. 9 in. stone bds ch. s. xvii. 21946 Genealogies des Comtes de Truchses. thick fol. old brn. cf full gt. ch. s. xvii. Baker’s MSS. for Co. Nt< n. marked ‘ YV W W” thin 4to 8 inch, blue cl. ch. s. xviii. “Copy Book of Notes, with Ped. of Trusbut.” 21948 Hieronymus in Prophetas Minores, Glosaius. / half orange cf. dk. blue cl. sides P. s xii. At the end j: is a l\ote “Lan de grasse mile cccxx. (? before.) 5 21949 Parabolae ad Ecclesiaslicum, Glosalum. caret initio Incipit. Tartus. “tuc vel addalur.’’ Glossa. Incipit. “Qucmquc fidelem ammonet ” At the end “Parabola' Snlnmonis filii David Regis. I f. half orange cj dk. blue cl sides V s xviii. 21950 John Harvey’s Collection of Poems, Songs, &. A short Notice ot Lines from the Newcastle: Cronicle. He oh. lf-(7. Is/. “a Ballade by i Chaucer.” pa'icd to 244. .In addition of 44 i more pages, fol. halt rgh. cf. ch. s. xviii. Ertzney pouch, or Book "n Medicine 12 mo. wh j rgh. Uhr. old monastic binding ch. s. xv Ex j liibl. Morton, D06. Two leaves of a book on j Medicine, ai epasted on the Coxers „ A Poem, in Flemish, beginning ‘ In den namen ; *>1975 des Yader it sal am behoupnete 1 es Sons des heylighen geistes dur minsyniil. j A '/a d ar. 5i Interpn tatio Verborum. Sate No. 598. 1866. 21952 Exltnia Munciii de \\ heteley in Com. Oxon.1207. C- |i. 5 Vols .. Hvo blk Uhr ch s xv... Meen. MSS. Dutch Letters. Vol. \st. “Extract™ getrocken uyt de Uneven geschreeven in de Haarlemmerhout, 1753. f. blue. bds. ch. s xviii, Affaires do la Meuse, ui les guerres do la Meuse d' puis Verdun a Mmizuii, par ;e Marquis de (? before.) Lisle. Print Sf MSS. f hue bds cli s. xviii. Misee 11aneo us 31SS. 51 \ 21976 11978 Dioscorides de I-Ierh is, & Plantis. Greed. 1. thick fol. 3do leaves, old dark brn. cf. P. s. xi. with Drawings oj Plants, Serpents,& other Reptiles, / Draft of Tliirlestaioe House Lease, from Lord Northwick, fo sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. 1862. thin 4 to. stone bds. ch. s. xix. 21977 Sir Wm Pelham’s Copy of an Irish MS. discover- ed at Stockholm, by Geo. Stevens. thinf.AJ 11. ch. s. xix. Alphabetical Catalogue of the Engravings in Mont- faueon's Autiquites expliquebs. thick 4 to. It.cf. fail yt. ch. s. xviii, 2 Parts in 1 Vol. Part I. 5,6 pages. Part -2. “Pierres Gravees en Creux, et on Relief” pp. 16u. (idem cum 20711 .) Flemish State Papers. 1st, “Don Chidio de la Rolothe, 1 72 1 . thinj • grn. bds. ch. s. xvi-xvii- xviii. 120 pages. Dr. Zachary Grey's Sermons. 12 mo. It. grn. cl. ch. s, xviii. Bigland’s Gloucestershire from Newington to Wit- comb. 4lo. M II. bds. ch s. xix. 21982 Index to Inq. p. Mort. I, to 10 Jac. I. 8 to. M H. bds. ch. s xix. witk some Pedigrees. Rental of Sir Henry Englelield, at White Knigts, • Berks'. 1746. 12/wo. rgh. cf ch. s.xviii. doleaves. Thy line’s History of the House of Cobham. thin /'. uh. vel ch. >1979 21980 21981 21983 >1984 s. Xvii. tUm \ m0t I *2 Deeds loose, of Hen. Brooke, alias Cobham. S y,i ir m // ej °\\\ ^ r- • ^an ^' S Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem “Pueri 5. V lurte. t/nn lltao.7 ,n. j Ilebreoram prosternebant Vestimenta in Sel to Music. 24mo. red Uhr. brass Knobs, and Clasps. P. s. xv. Van Ess .MSS. No. 59. Incipit. “Domine, in fun,re tuo arguas.” 24 mo. M 11. bds V. s . xiii. Psalterium. Ex Convenlu Sororum de Coswold in Upper Klinkinbay. thick Jol. monastic hog- tusjuxta Thom* Aquinatis, et Aristotelis Doc- $21988 John^ILiflniwp” nr' s • , n trinam, 1693. 4ft,. \> in . Imp m h. V. ch.s xvii. of In *1^ ,f A rras : r "' ,t ' Book Plates Charles Clarke's Account of Rochester Castle and i ?. ,,d of Slr Mark S -' k ™- Cathedral thin 4 to, yell. bds. ch, s.xix. 4/o. brn. cf. ch. s. xvii. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca pHiLLipPiCA. 40P $iea9 21990 21991 21992 21993 21994 2199b 21996 21997 21998 21999 42000 22001 22002 22003 22004 2200b 22006 22007 22000 22009 22010 Lord Charlemont's M SS. Saved from the Fire at Sotheby's 1867. Burger's Meyntzueher Chronicle. Printed U Urspung tier BischofFen, und Archbischoffen der Meyntz, with iheir Arms emblazoned in Colours, 16'3. sm. 4 to. voh veil. ch. a xvii Historia A£lii Marchesii Familiae Neapolitans. \'lmo. hf. red russ ch s. xvii. Walkley’s Catalogue of the Nobility ^printed 1630. thin 4 to. half cf. ch. s xvii Arms of Mayors, and Sheriffs of London. Print, 4 MSS. not filed vp. 8 AtoJif\ red mor.ch s.xviii. Ordinary of Arms. 1st “Crosses.” thickltomo. dark 22013 brn. cf. ch. s. xvii Olim Johis Warburton. Herald, with the Book Plate of his Arms. j ‘-2014 Armories de tous les Goverueurs des Pays Bas,? Presidents, Conseillers du Grand Coneeil. i Ex. Bibliotheque de iM. Blitlerswyck, qui obiitl 1682. )fol. half mss. ch. s. xvii. If List of Presidents of Malines,fronil503,tol770J Do. Maistres de Requestes, 15C3, to 1770. \ Armorial des Pays Bas. Is/ “1 lie Coat of Isabella? Clara Eugenia, Infante of Spain. (Her Portrait j is at Thirlestaine House, l&l0.)f. hf. brn. mot-\ tied cf. ch s xviii. (1758 ) Francis Nower’s Painters Work Book./', hf. wh.v.\ ch. s. xviii. (Phitlipps impaling Morris.) Wappenbuch des Ertzbischofeu zu Maientz ad? Ann. 1626. Mr ms emblazoned, thin f. half runs. \ gilt ch. s. xviii. Longmate's Copy of Oxon. Visit. 167-1, & 1634, & Middlesex, 1663./*. half brn. cf. ch. s xvni. II David Powell’s Middlesex Anns. Heraldry, Arms of Flemish Families. ls/.“Van Aa. 174 leaves. Anns emblazoned, f. hf. russ.full gt ch. s. xvii. Armorial des Pays Bas. Arms emblazoned, fol. halt red mor. lull gill ch. s. xviii. Nohiliaire des Pays Bas. fol. half russ. ch. s. xviii. Alphabet of Arms. Supposed to be by Sylvanus Morgan. It belonged to Peter Le Neve, Mr. Latham ofChe»hire, and BaruchLongmate, then | to Rev. Canon Newling, whose MS. Note is in J the beginning, fol. half red mor. ch. s xviii. Le Noble Hoi d’Epinette. Printed Ato. half blue] mor gill. ch. s. xviii. Arms in MS. emblazoned j ul the end. Somersetshire Arms, in trick, sm Ato. 7 in. rgh. cf. j ch. s. xviii. 61 leaves An Alphabet of the Knights of Scotland, being aj Duplicate of that in the Lyon Office,with Index 53 pages, sm. Ato pale russ■ ch s. xvii Robert Stone’s Collection of Arms in Trick. pp.X 14 ! sm. 4 to. half brn. cf. git ch. s. xvii. Heraldic Collection, (so titled.) being Arms of the Barons, and Gentry of England emblazoned on Vellum, but much, damaged by water. 3S leaves. j 4/o pale russ. V. s. xvi. f ( Printed •) Paterson’s Sale of Jno. Jones, Books, 4- Sylvanus Morgan’s 1759, and Anstis MS. 1768. thin Sro. half dk brn■ cf. 1759-60. The Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1574, of Middle-1 sex, 1663 .Jol. MH. bds. ch. s. xvii. ? Copied by \ Baruch Longmate. Arms of the Nobility emblazoned “penned by the hand of Ralph Sheldon, of Beoley, Esqr. who died s. p. Anno 1684. “Given (with 2 olheA. MSS.) 14 Aug. 1799, by William Sheidon, of Grey’s Inn, Esqr. Great Grandson of Ralph Sheldon, E>qr. (who was Cousin, & heir male of the above named Ralph,) to me, Francis Townsend, Windsor Herald.”? ( The above is written on the fly-leaf. T. P.) t Arms of each Baron emblazoned, fol. hf. red\ russ. gilt ch s. xvii. ( stained by Water at the) 22035 Fnc. 22036 2201 > 22016 22017 22018 22019 22020 22021 22022 22023 22024 22025 22027 22028 22029 22030 22032 22033 22034 Miscellaneous MSS. 1870. Schedule of Deeds of Thirlestaine House (Copy.) *' Title to Keyte’s House, and Orchard iu Keyte’s Lane, Broadway If Will of John Slaughter, 1583. II Do. Alexr. Packer of Ham, 1682. If Copy of Gt. Washborne Register, from 1567, to IS 12. 4/o. rgh. yrn. clth. ch s xix. Cartae de Sloughtre Superiorn. •' Do. Sevenhampton. If Notje Cartarum de Ham in Charlton Kings. 4/o. half rgh. grn. cl. marb. sides ch. s. xix. Cartm de Ham. Is/. “Alexr. Packer, 1681.” Alo. half rgh. grn. c/th. mnrbl sides ch. s. xix. De la Bere Pedigree, Copied from the emblazoned Pedigree on Vellum, penes Rev. J. Edwards, de Prestbury. 4/o. half rgh grn. cl- ch, s. xix. Rotuli. Pedigree of Harrison, and Brigge. fol. ch. Do. Woulfe of Limeric. emblazoned on Veil. Do. Wai>h, of Co- Norfolk, emblazoned on V. Do. Sir William Jones, of Castel Marche, Co. Caernarvon, emblazoned on Vellum, shewing his descent from sei’era/WelshKings.&Princes. Do. Howell, of Ashfield, a fragment, emblazon¬ ed on Vellum. Do. Dent, of London, York, & Co. Leicester. on Paper. No Arms. Campbell LordBreadalbane’s Pedigree, emblazoned on Paper on a Roller , with blue silk. Letter’s to, or Bom, Sir Gilbert Elliott.Governor of Bengal, illuminated on Paper. Robl. Egertons Plan ol Tobago 1722. On Vellum, Dedicated to Sir Charles Wager. Plan of Imber Court in Thomas Hilton, Surrey in 1774. belonging to Rt. Hon. Geo. Onslow. Plan of Imber Court, made for Henry Bridges. Esqr. On Vellum. Miscellaneis MSS. Exploits of the Sons of Dairne Hibernici. 8vo. half dk. blue cf. on Vellum tinged yellow with tobacco juice, or smoke s. xviii. or xix. Siatuia Anglise. 65. 1st. “Magna Carta, 2 Carta de Foreslu,” &zc. sm Ato. 9 n,. wh. v. Veil. ch. s. xiv. “Explicit iste liber, sit scriptor crimine liber, Explicit, expliceat, ludere Scriptor eat.” Receipts in Cookery, & Medicine. If Sonnets fol. pink bds ch. vy. Placita, or Year Book of Edw. 2. thick fol. brn cf. V. s. xiv. E.v bibl. Sir Gregory Page Turner Bart. 1827. Rev. Wm. Bingley’s Note Book for Christ Church Hants. No 2. Particulars respecting theChurch. 18/wo. Sin. stiff Covers ch. s. xix. Bigland's MSS. Inscriptions in Com. Gluuc, taken in 1791, & 1795. by G D. viz . Hampnet, Kempsford, West Littleton, Minster worth, New- ent. obi Ato bin brn cf. ch. s. xviii. Edwd. Jones Historical, & Literary Note Book for Wales, particularly on Music , obi. ch. s.xix. Berland er MSS Iulerpretatio Verboruin. French 4’ Spanish 12 mo. ch. s, xix. T. P\ Rough Sketches of Mansions in England. obi Ato. in. half It. brn. cf. ch. s. xix viz. Kelveston.Someiset, Tresh, Hants. Little Park, Hants. Zeals, Wilts. Llangollen, Field House, Sussex, Westwood, Wigorn. Haddon Hall Farm Wilts. View nr, Leeds, Co. York Keswick, Middle Hill, Wigorn. Sesincote. Co. Glouc. S. J- Hunter’s Translations at Trio. Coll. Cambr. 1851. 8 vo. halt red roan ch. a. xix. Index to Reports.^?. 94. & of the Empire. 1 si. “Macdonald ’’ thin fol. half red russ. dk. blue cl. sides ch. 22068 s. xvni.-xix. Giuseppe Malalesta Relatione Venetiana al Puca j di Sora 4/o limp, t ch. V. ch. s. xvii. Ex Bill. j 22069 Colonna. Compotus de Exitu frumenti flur. brasitt, vini, 22070 tabarum, pisarum, avenar & aliorura victualium receptorum apud Barewgbntam per Ricardiim de Bremesgrave gram per dorum Robertum Heroun,Johuem. de Wes4one,& Johem.Sparkes, j Anno. 27. E. 1. thin fol hf. olive mor. P. s.xin, \ 22071 1299. 16 leaves. Collections for Scotland The Successions ofKiugs, j 22072 Bishops, Abbots, ike. tall nar.fol ± brn. cj.ch j warble sides s. xvii. j Lettere di Pietro Pasqualejo, Ambas>adore al Re j 22073 de Unghcria nella Lega di Cambray. H Relatione di Roma del Cardinal Commendone. I Do. do. del Ambassadore Veneto N icoloErizzo \ \ r Gl'Inganni scoperte della Francia nella Sue-I 22074 cession alia Monarchia di Espana in favor < del Principe Electorate di Baviera. thick f. nil v. ch. s. xvi. Bevilacqua Relatione della Pace di Nimegua cum la descriptione di Germania, et del Olanda ., —, Presented to Pope Innocent XI, 1681. thin Mo. nk. limp russ. ch. s. xvii. ■ 2/078 Vita Sci. Martini, a Fragment, thin fol. hf. orange \ r f. V. s. xiii. j 2*20"9 Lady Charlotte Grimston's Gorhambury. Copied) by ... thin fol. ch. 6 xix. Daniel Whittle Harvey’s Request to be called to j 22080 the Barr, 1833. fol. hf. It. cf s. xix Lectures, or . on l aw thick jol. ch. o. brn. 22081 cf. ch. s. xvii. Ex Bill. Lord Stamford. Arms. stamped on the Cover , 4 inside is his Auio- \ 22082 graph ,1693. Childs Wickham Inclosure Act. Printed with < MSB. Rotes thin fol. stone bds. h s xviii. Diego del Castillo Crouiea del Re Enriquez. 22083 jol. limp nh v. cli. s xvii. Carta Ecclesi* Sti. Eliante in Anglesey, thin 4 to.) yell. bds. ch. s. xix. Ex MS* Edwdi Jones j 22084 Paschasii Radberti Expositio in Jeremiae Lamenta- \ tiones. fol. old Oak bds P- s. xii. Ex Bill. 1, 220 5 S. Maria: de Balnu. Papera on the Revolution of I688,&:c. f. M H bds. ) ch. s. xvii. Is/. “Mem. that this Book belong- j ed to Henry St. John, in lt>78 ” Lexicon Novum de Vocibus Hybridis in Lingua j 22086 Latina. (1 erg little entered in it ) / wh o. sax. .. j A Particular of Buckland, 1672. thinAto MH bds ' ch s. xvii. . Baailius de Libris Legeudis. Greed, thin Svo. 9 in. \ ch. s. xv. Ducale Aloysii Contareni de Venetia. 4 to. old red Venetian mor V. s. xvii. Letters of Rt. Hon Geo. Rose, & Lord Malmsbury, to Rev. Wm. Bingley, relative to the History of Hampshire. 12 mo. slate ch, s. xix. 22075 22076 \ 22087 22088 22089 22090 22091 A Collection of Drawings of Thorngrove, Hartle- ■ bury, &c. Co.Wig. obl.4to. stiff overs ch s.xix. - Voltaire's Letter to Admiral Bymr, 175/. thin Mo half wh. tf-ch. s. vviii. Catlin's Original Drawings of North American In- • dians. / obi. fol 18 in stone colour bds ch s.xix. . Pm chased from Mr. Catlin himself by 1. P. Cratiani D»cretales. II ith marginal Notes fol.hf. . old brn. cf. gt. V, s. xiii Ex Bibl Abbatiae de ■ Reading. The last 2 leaves stained Caret initio. . Ohm James Bowen Anno 1745. No. 9. Jncipit. “Num, seu pirediortim urbanorum.” Monumetitos antiquos cxistentes en la Republics i Mexitana “Dirije estos debujos a S. M. el I Rey de la Gran Bretagna, Escocia. e Yrlanda, , El Supremo Poder Executivo de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Mexico 4 rle Septembre du 1824 ’ 133 Drawings. Beautifully drawn in Indian Ink. large Jol. 17 w. by 15 in. red mor. . full gill ch s. xix. Drawings of Flowers, and Fruits. ? by Sir Wm, Hooker, Sc S Edwards, 1S12. Ac 2 Vo Is. large fol. 19 in hf. brn. cf. ch. s. xviii. Rev. R. Evton's, Salop Institutions of Clergy, thin fol stone bds • ch. s xix. Chancery Proceedings. 2 Vols. Pol. 1. 1st “ De¬ positions of Robert Mawl de Bingham, Co. Notts. Pol. 2. Goodwin, versus KIllingworth. Jol. It. brn. cf ch. s xviii. Inter alia" The Case of Eliztli Price, Countess of Banbury. Biglund's Gloucestershire Charities. Pol. 2. M. to Y Jol. M H. bds. ch. s. xviii Hants Wills Is*. “Phillips, 1524, to 1782. % Hayes, Sc Applefoid, of Hants, fol. brn . bds. ch. Copiedfor T P. History of the Scilly Isles, or Mount St. Michael, Cornwall, fol. per gam. ch s xviii. with Extracts i from Scawen’s MS. History of Cornwall, folia 62, & 14 folia of Charters. Sir Geo. Carewe on the State of France, 1609. (? Orig ) pp. 74. thin tol. M H, bds. ch, s xvii. , Twisleton Memoirs thin fol. hf. wh cf, ch. s.xviii. , 47 Drawings of Views in Sussex. (? by Captain i Grose.) cut into oval forms. J M 11. ch. s xviii. . Bird MSS. No. 125. Collet lit ns for the Scudamore ■ Pedigree 4/o stiff marble covers ch- s xix. . Index to MSS. Phillipps. Part 1. by SirT. P. and I Miss Wood thin fol hf. puce cf. ch. s.xix. Duke of Wellington’s Commissariat iu Spain. 1st. “Wilkinson’s Receipt, dated Portalegre, 25 i May 1810 tol. M. H. bds. ch s. xix. Do. do. 1 st. “Aylmer, dated Abrantes, 1 July t 1809.” fol. M. IF bds. ch. s. xix. Do do. Is* “Kennedy, dated Salamanca, 29 ) Nov. 1868 fol. M H. bds ch s xix. Revenues des Dioceses de France, (406 Guilford I MSB ) thick fol. M H. bds ch. s. xvi. I5J6. Begins “Diocese de Paris.” pp. 752. Olim ex- Bibl. Colonna. Mrs. Baker’s Collections for the Genealogy of i Tateshall, with Copies of Seals, thin 4 to. Copy / Book ch. s.xix. Index to Penriant‘s Welsh Tour illustrated. fol. hf. h orn. cf ch. 8 xix Survey of the Poits in the South Coast of England I from Dover, to Lands End, by Edmund lJum- ■ mer. Thomas Wilishaw James Conaway, and 1 W. Cruft, in 1698. Ex Bibl. William Turnbull* , 1837 fol 0 brn. cf gt. ch s. xviii. De la Proibizione del St. Oli'icio eontro il Conte ; di Pio-iioranda. 4/o wh vel. ch s. xvii. Ex Bibl "Xibri. No. 85. Accounts of Geo. Portice, with Geo. Macartney, Esqr. begins 1734, thin \ jol. brn. Ithr.ch.s. xviii. Cartve de Metz U/.“Perroje '’thin nar.Svo, F.s.xiii. Li Nuptiali di Marc Antonio Albaii in tlolorene. fol limp red ch. s. xvii. 124 leaves. Il Polsirato. a Comedy, f. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Libri MSS. Tour from Munich to Prague. «m. 4/o yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. CaI'ALOGUS Lib&ORUM M ANUSCniPTORUM in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 411 22092 22093 22094 22096 2*20 0 22097 22098 22099 *22100 *22101 22102 22103 22104 22105 22106 22107 2210S 22109 22110 22111 5*2112 22113 22114 22115 22110 221 n 2*2118 22119 22120 22121 22122 22123 22124 22125 Do. Sur 1’Amour de Lettres. thin sm. Ato. yell. 5 22126 bds ch. s. xviii. pp. 32. ; T. P’s Book Purchases in 1840-9. 12 mo.M H. ch. i 22127 s. xix. Depositions in Chancery in the Case of Wilkinson. lsf. “,Ino. Kinge.” fol M H ids ch. s. xix. T. P’s. P. -0. ‘C. Collections. 1*7. entry “Thos. Phillipps, of Bolton.” with Pedigrees, si/i. 4lo. yell, ids ch. s xix. Minutes of Dr Wm. Talbot’s Bill, in the House of Lords, 1719. thin am. 4 to. M. H. ch. s. six. Case of Wm. Talbot, Bishop of Salisbury, with a Letter, (original^) ot Richd. Nicholson* 11 Oct 1*56. And Copy of a Will of Lord Shrewsbury. thin fol. M 11 bds. Letters on the Shrewsbury Peerage Case. I*7.“Mr. hand.” thin 12 mo. M H. ids. ch. s. xix. Tournay Carta*. Is/. “Brousiele. 12mo. JS1 H. ids. V. s. xiii. Do. do. 1 at “Borron.” s. 4to 5in Mil. V. s- xiii. Do. do. l'2mo. roan V. s- xiii. Incipit “Cistont fait deffense de leur trots.” Do. do. Is/. “Johans Mialwins " narr. Svo.roan Y. s. xiii. Do. do 1st. “Balluel.” 24mo Mil. V. s.xiii &xiv. j Carta; de Metz. lsf. “J. Epus. ;Vlettei:sis.” sm 4to. M H. ids. V s xii and xiii The last Deed is ‘*Odo, Archipisc. Mettensisi” circa list). Epistola Huinberti Quinn Magistri OrdinisPredica-j torum quarn scripsit de 3 Essentialibus Religi-,1 onis. sm 4 to. bin. 1 el. cover ch. s xv. Hoby MSS. Vul. .. 1st. “Moffat ” 12w/o.s/o?ie ids. ch. s xix Do. do. Vol .. 1st. “Reid.” 12/no. stone ids ch. Do do. Vol. .. 1&7. “Thornton.” 12/no. stono bds ch. s. xix. French Jsographie, or Facsimiles of Letters. tall thin fol. M 1J. ids ch. s. xix. Wilson of Yoikshire MS. “Intelligence (rom Fo¬ reign 1 arts 1555. to 1709.” H Letters of C has. Wilson, Vicar of Sheffield, to. Lionel Revell, a Quaker, 1693. f. M II. ids. j “"*’*** ch. s xviii j Anna Maria Porter's Letters to her Sister (Vol. j 20, of Porter MSS ) fol. M H. bds ch. s. xix. j -*2139 Do. do. do. (Vol. 22 do. doff MH.ch. s.xix. j . Do. do. do. (Vol 23. do doff.MU. ch.s. xix. Do. do. do. (Vul:24,d6.do.jJ.M H.ch. s.xix. < Do. do. do. (Vol 25, do. do.) f. M H.ch.s. xix. Yriarle MSS. Papales tocantes a Don Joseph Mar¬ tinez, 1752. thin f. M H. bds ch s xviii. Do do. Refranes Espanoles Alphabetically pasted in Slips, thin f. M H bds. ch. s xviii. Moore MSS. Is/. “Copy of a Letter from Chas. the Young Pretender to his Father* Dated Perth, 10 Sept. 1745. II Papers relating to the Rebellion of 1/45. j 22143 thin Jol. drab bds ch s xviii. j T. P’s. Notes of P O. C. Wills. 1st. “Simon Brind. j22144 Some with Pedigrees, s. 4 to. M H. ch. s. xix. | Stowe’s Survey of London, 81 Wm. Fitz-Stephen i de 8itu Londonia:. Printed 159S. With nume.r- 22145 ous MS. Notes of the Gibbon Family, & rough j Drawings of Churches, & Bishops Mansions in | London, by John Gibbon, Blew-xMantel, 1670. j sm 4to. o. ini. cf. ch. s. xvii \ T, P’s. Antiquarian & Genealogical Notes, and * Pedigiees from Wills. Titled “Walrond ” Is/. > “ Pedigree of Walrond of Wills.” at page 47 the | Pedigree of John Watson, Bislmp of Winches¬ ter. pp. 80. thin 8 vo. Jl 11. ids. ch. s xix. 22146 Letters ot Artists, i. e Painters, Sculptors &c. \ 1st. “Nash the Architect.” s. 4 to. M H.ch xix. j The Hon. Robert Curzon, on the Libraries in the \ Levant. Autograph . 12m/o. stone bds. ch. s. xix. 1*22147 Gunn on Architecture, pp. 38. thin 8vo. hf. dk olive I tnor. ch.s. xviii. JSi Bibl. Dawson Turner. j T. P’s. List of some Books in Middle Hill, Library j 22148 in l855>8. l«Z. “Letter from John Wilkinson.” j 1 it. “List in 185 7 .” tvo. M H. bds. ch■. s. xix. j 22141 22142 |22134 ■22135 | 22136 22137 22128 22129 22130 22131 22132 T. P’s. Do. do do. 1845, &c. 1st . “Books in Goddard Book Case. 12 mu, M H bds.ch. s xix. Jenkin’s MSS. Literary Biographical Miscellanies. I st. “Richd. de Bury. sm. Ato stone bds. s. xix, Missale with Illuminations. Incipit. “Domine, Labia mea ” s. 4 to. blk. cf. stamped with Christ tiding on an Ass. On a Book Plate A - on u fesg S. 3 plates. V. s. xiv. (See before 21760.; Egertou’s Theatrical Remembrances, interleaved with numerous MSS. Notes. 1 2mo. hf. brn. cf. ch. s. xviii. 1788. Ysiduri Synonima. sm. 4to. white leather V. s. xii. Rev. Joseph Hunter s MSS. Adversaria, marked I. A small oblong Pocket-book so entitled, contains Pedigrees of Wynne, of Ashton, Brookew ho tooke the name of Os- baldstor,,& of Daniel Phillip ps, descended from Picton Castle, &c. red leather s. xix. Do No. 92. A similar Book, marked II. contains Notes in Short Hand, &. also Pedigrees of Kay, Green, Bedford, Carrington, Wheeler,Wolrich, Baker, Crawshaw, Armitage, Green, Otway, Wickham, Fairfax, Constable, Plumtree,Mason, Watson, Smith, Foye. Pickering, Sykes, Ac, red It/ir. ch. s. xix. Do. A similar Hook, marked III - containing Ped¬ igrees of Whituift, Ward, Wyane, Wandsford, Cavendish, Ac. sm Ato, red Ithr. ch s. xix. Do. A similar Book, marked IV. contains “Ped¬ igrees of Prank, Thompson, Cockshut, Bright, Mather. &c. red Ithr. ch s xix A small square Memorandum Book of Poetry Incipit. “They sin who tell us Love can die.” sm. 4to. red Uhr. ch. s xix. A small do oblong , of Notes in Pencil, in short hand sm. 4to. red Ithr ch. s, xix. Do. oblong contains Pedigree of Sir Geo. Bowes, Bellasis, Hutton, &c. s. 4to. red. Ithr. ch. s. xix! A Note Book entitled "Silva.” Incipit. “Imagina¬ tion seems to '* It contains chiefly Poetry. thin 12 mo. red Ithr. ch s xix. An oblong Note Book, begins with a Letter dated 29 August 1/21, obi. Ain. veil, covers ch. s.xviii. Poetry—The Murder of 2 brothers, Lewis, & Edm. West, by the Sons of Lord Darcy. <1 Pedigree of Dodmer, I*wo. hf. r. mor ch.s.xit. S. J. Hunter’s, a School Master, Memoranda of his School Business. 18wo perg s. xix. 184J. Rev. J, Hunter’s Note Book of Expences, 1822. 18»/o. dk. blue Uhr. ch. xix. Miscellaneous MSS. T. P’s. Note Book during his Tour abroad. 24mo. half red mor ch. s. xix. Hou James Drummond’s Book of Expences, cal¬ led “Debt Book, No. .. 1785.” Jol hf. russ. ch. s. xviii. “Relation of my Voiuge into Italy, with my Lord Northumberland,” in 1681. Incipit. The Author returned “On lhvesday the 15-25 St N. Novem¬ ber 1781, which was the Queen’s birth day.” w, 'itten on the recto only of every leaf Olim fuit riioma? Bell, 179/, & also of John Newington Hughes, both of whose Book Plates are inside the Cover. An account is given of the Statues, & Pictures seen, sm Jol. wh. vel. s. xvii. Fundacion de la Religion Real y Mili>ar de Maria de la Misericordia, o Merced. Copiado de un lib to que sobre este se escrivioen Anno de 1764.” sm 4 to. wh. vet. ch s xviii. A Common Piace Book of Notes on Monkish Af« fails, thin sm Ato slijf marble covers ch. s. xviii. or xix. Ex. Bibl. Duels Sussex. Richd. Fursman's “Memorials of a Dear Father ” Partly in Short Hand. 24 mo. brn. cf. full at ch. s. xvii. & U Fursman’s Notes on the Psalms, & Proverbs* 412 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptornm in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 22149 Alexr. Hutchinson's List of Horse Dragoon Regi¬ ments. Taken from the War Office, 2»Junel738. \Smo. perg. ch. s. xviii On the cover is written “The Siege of Gibraltar.’’ 2 2150 Collegii Complutensis Physica. <[ Excerpta ex Variis Auctoribus, \st. “Ex Onu- nhno de Anima. ,, 24wto. blk. cf, ch. s. xvii. 22151 Dering MSS. No. Id 13. Jus. Arithrnetica. II Travels on the Continant. 2Amo. o brn. cf. gt. sides ch. s. xvii. 22152 Do. do. Kent. Placita Index IG',9. ubl. Ainch. o. brn. cf. ch. s. xvii. 22153 Defensa hecha en el Concilio de Basilea por Don Alonza de Carthagena, obispo de Burgos, sobre la propriedad de las Yslas Canarias contra el Lusitano Heyno, 1435. sin. Ato. hf. Spanish dk. brn. cf. ch s• xviii. 22154 Deuiocrito Colerico soi2163 Do. do. do. Vol. 3. Ut. “.” j sm- 4 to. brn. paper ch. s. xviii. pp. 190. •>■2164 Russian Alphabets, (printed ) pp. 14. thmito blue j bds. ch. s. xviii. 22165 T. P’s. Miscellanea. 1st, “Amor Patrice.” a Poem j spoken at Manchester. U Measure of the Foot in different Countries, &c. sm. 4 to. M H. ch. s. xix. 22166 Residences of Nobility, per T. P. Is* “Duke of Norfolk.” sm. Ato. M H ch. s xix. 22167 Naval Letters Vol. 4. Is*. “Dumaresq. 1823.” 12mr>. yet. bds. ch. s. xix. 22168 Suffolk Magna Britannia, inter leaved with numer¬ ous MSS. Notes, s. 4 to. If. bin. cf cli s.xviii.&xix. 22.69 Sir Richd. Musgrave’s Letters during ihe Irish Rebellion, 1798-9. 105 leaves s. 4 to. crab bds ch s. xviii. marked No. 93. on 1st fly leaf. 22170 De Vaux’s Voyage from the Isle of France. 1758. 4/0 M U. ch. s. xviii. 22171 Cambridgeshire Visitation 1619. thin 4 to drab bds ch. s. xix. 22172 Cromwell Revolution Corespondence from 1048. to 1659 Letters by Tin-mas Margetts, Henry Elsynge, J. Meddsworlh, 2f c. Jol stone bds. ch. s xvii. 22173 William Rowley’s Will 1785. stone, bds ch. s.xviii. 22174 Harriott’s Comparative Philology Sanscrit &o Letters B. C. Jol red marbled bds. ch s. xviii See Nos. 18 ... St 19 .. (? before.) 22175 Kempsey Cart* Antiquie, Co. Wigorn. abridged from the Originals by T. P. 18 mo M 11. bds ch. s. xix. (? before.) 22170 Index to State Papers, circa temp Q. Anne. thin fol. stone bds ch. s. xviii 22177 Mrs. Jobault’s (of New Street, Wells, Co, Som.) Miscellanies in Poetry, and Prose, Incipit. : “Say why must youth the lyre forego Why damp the heart’s accustomed glow.” 3 'into. hf. citron inor, full gt. ch « xix. Ths. Book plate of Stamf rth. A. 3 bars A*, on a Canton A. a fess A t. in chief 3 Ma-cles 22170 ‘‘Judicia intrata pro non sum Inform fact abler. Written in Filazer’s Court Hand, being Notes of Placita in Curia. Incipit “Duneliu Jobes. Carrieles.” obi Ain. 0 brn. cf. ch. V A List of Bills of Costs taxed in the Exchequer.r 22179 Collections relating t<> the family of Savage, of- Warwickshiie. thin l Hun. M II bds. ch. s. xix.. 22180 Carr's Letter from Sebastopol, 1835. thin 18//io. M. 11. bds. ch s. ,\ix. 22181 Notes.relating to the Case of Wni Talbot. Bishop; of Oxford, t Q. Anne, thin Ato. M 11 ch s xix.; 22182 Vita Papa Alessandro VI. e ilisui5figliuoli.de-' dieala; el C.-ttolico.” Ato. hf. y. bds. ch. s. xvii. 1 22183 Omcine, cares l initio, If fine l.s* “Humelise lo yell, bds■ ch. s. xix. Michael O’Langau’s Copies of Irish MSS. 1821. II The Irish Alphabet, thin 4 to y. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Copy of Tiar Mac Deoraig’s tfong on the Death ot his Brother, & Sister. thin 4to. yell • bds. ch. s. xix. Winter’s, & Hunt’s & Careless’s Oxfordshire Col¬ lections. Is/. “Turner of Ambrosden.” Vol. 4. fol. M H bds. ch. s xviii, xix. Warner’sHants.Collection, From Itev.VV.Bingley’a Library. Incipit “Church Notes relating to Holy Ghost Chapel, &. Old Basing. No. 7.” l2mo. blue bds. ch s. xviii. “A Letter from London, to a friend in IheCountry concerning the Improvement of the County of Cornwall, written by C. M Cornub.” At the end. “Finnurn, 14 July 1684.” 21 mo. o. brn.cf. gt. new backed ch. s. xvii. “Some Notes of Mr. Fennor, his Alarme to Sayntes.” 24 mo. o brn. cf. ch. s. xvii. Manlio Capitolino. a Tragedy, thin fol. wh. bds, ch s. xviii. De iVI isterio Trinitatis Opus. II De Augustini verbis. “Omnis Doctrina est de Rebus vel de Signis.” 414 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillipimca. 22242 22243 22244 22245 22240 22247 22248 22249 22250 22251 22252 22253 22254 22255 22256 22257 22258 22250 22260 22261 22262 22263 22264 22265 22266 22267 Incipit. ‘‘Cupientes aliquid de penuria, & ten* { uitate nostra cum paupercula in gazofilacium ij domini mutare, SfC. 1. fol. drab Ids P. s. xiii. > illuminated. Calendare Registri Judicial is, temp. Rici. 2. thin 4to M H. bds. V. xiv Generalite de Bourdeaux, Orleans, Champagne, &.c. \ 4 to. hf. grn. cf. ch. s. xviii. County Collections, viz. Norf. Herts. G1"C. Salop, i Sussex. Lane. Nton. 4 /o. hj. yrn. cj . ch. s. xix. j: Acta Curiae Admiralitatis. fol rgh. cf. ch. s x... s Irish Collections in Prose,Sc Veise, Hibernice, well written by Langun. 1 *£. Incipit ‘•Ceairnioinle.’ ’ j pp. 158 fol. brn. cf. gt ch. s. xix. SaleNu.578 I Forus Feasa ar Eirin. Hibernice well written ? by \ Langan. fol. brn■ cf. gt. ch s. xviii. On the l.st j: page is “Written by .lames Quin, 17S5.” Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de Jean Gessner, f thin 4 to. brn. bds ch. s. xviii. Bretforton Marriages. Printed, with MSS.Notes by j T. P. thin 8 vo. M H. bds ch s xix. Yeates on the Pyramids. 4to. M H. bds , ch. s. xvi i. j Sir Egerton Brydges Letters, & Miscellaneous Pa- j pers. Interleaved, fol. loin, hf. red cf murbled \ sides ch. s. xix. Extenta terrarum Thomre Level, Dni. Lovel,Militis j Garterii, temp. H. 8 . fol. yell. bds. ch. s. xix. | A transcript. Collections for the Life of Sir Thos. Lovcl, K. G. 5 temp. H. 8. thin large fol. stone bds. ch. s. xx 1 a Fragiuenta Codicum MSStornm. diversi Argu- menti Inter alia Vincentii de Beauvais. \ H Lcgenda SStorum. II Lexicon. 1 r Sidonius. *1 Hebraica. Grammalica. II Aedica. II Theorica.? fol. wli. Ids. Veil. soec. vans. Fedel Fedeli della Guerra di Turchi coiutra li \ Venetiani, 1570. sm. fol. wh. vel. ch. s. xviii. Ex Bibl. Guildford. Letters of Bishops, and Peers, &c. Is/. “Sir John \ Beckett ” l»???o. M H. bds. ch s. xix. Sopra la Condotto del Mmistro di Portogallo, Ap- j pendice. thin 4to. slate bds. ch. s. xviii. Robert Legard's Notes of Ur. Arrowsmith’s -Ser- \ mons Mathew 28. 24 mo. o. brn. cf ch. s xvii. Michael Russell’s Music Book for the Violin,1743. \ obi. bin. o. brn. cf ch. s. xviii. True Account of the Baptism of Prince Henry \ Frederick, Prince of Scotland. I 8 /// 0 . hf. o.brn cf. ch. s. xviii. Xeirotoetheka ? Greece s. 4to o. blk. cf. ch. s. xvi. | Members of the Red Herring Club, fmn 1694, to \ 1761. 18mo. wh v. ch. s. xvii.-xviii. Route de Paris a Bourdeaux. H Description of Weights, U To make Hippocras. II De Arithmetica. U Thos. de Aquino de Lapide Philosophico, } Wm. Monk Mason MSS. G'ath Cluan Tarbh. 213 pages interfaced, thick 4to hf. grn. mor. $ ch. s. xix. ? if wi ilten by one of the Langans. J T. P’s. \\orcestershire Collections. 1 * 1 . “Questions as to the Highways in Broadway.” f. stone bds ch. s. xix. Pizzi’s Ebn el Beytar Remedios, extracted from Ebn el Beytar’s Work on Natural History. sm. 4lo. dtl H. bds. ch. s. xviii. Benedict XIV. de Patriarchal!] de Aquileia, 1751. j II Relatione di Pesaro, Ambassiatore a Roma, ; 1655. H Do. di Soriano, 1535. Do. di Roma del Conde Bighani de Lucerna j Ambaseiatore de Savoya. \ H Do. di Roma dal Nicolo Erizzo di Venezia j V Do. Soriano, 1535. duplicate. H Do. di Nicolo Tiepolo ritornato dal Convento de Kizza. T Protesta di Alessandro 1664./?/?. 454, 2:268 •22269 22270 •22272 22273 22274 22275 22276 22277 22278 22279 22280 22281 22282 22283 2^286 22287 22288 2*22S9 /. M II. bds ch. s. xvii. ( See No. 7095, or 8 .) Memoires of Affaires of 8 cotland, from Q Anne’s Accession lo the lhrone, to tlie Union in 1707' Pot. 'ind./. dk. blue mor. gilt edges, ch s. xviii,j Ex Bibl. Georgii Chalmers with his Book Plate A. a fes> btw. ademi lion in chief, & a f de lys in base, A z. T. P’s. Purchases of Books, 1S60»9. tall narr. fol) M H. bds. ch. s. xix. UpcotMSS. )st. “Memoir of T. J. Mathias. II Catterick Tythcs 11 Ozias Humlrey’s Uiarv in E India. I Letters of Cfias. 1 about the Infanta. *1 De Legione Thebaida. l.f stone bds. cA.s.xix,; 1. P’s. Collections. J st ‘Index of e. l»Ley Cartu-i laries .fol. M II bds ch. s. xix. On the Court of Chancery. I tut pit. “Chap.2. Thai; by the Constitution of the Court of Chancery. . Of the Office of Vice Chancellor, fol. Ad ll.bdsi ch. s. xviii. On the Office Molyneux, Bait, of Castle Dillon, sm. 4 to. yell.) 22327 bds eh. s. xix. Letters of Nobility. 1st. Lady Chedworth. 1760. \ 22328 sm. 4tu. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Subsidy Payments, temp. Eliz. 1st, Smith, Co. > Glouc. 1624. 22329 II Compositions for Knight»hood, 1630. tall fol. j stone bds perg. s. xvi.-xvii. 122330 Incipit Aureus tracta-us de Bello justo, & injusto | per Alphonsum Guerrierium, Consiliarium, & j Presidentem Regiai Camerae Summarise in Reg- < 22331 no Neapolis ad Carolum Quintum Imperatorem i Excusa, 1542. sm. 4to. rich gilt on sides an j Eagle A the Sun in 4 Compartments.? ch. s. xvi. j Anecuotas Esjtanoles. Incipit. “Un Allerez del re- 5 22332 gimieuto de mi hermano. s. 4 to. half brn. cf. ) ch. s. xviii. Letters from Sc to Bossuet, Is/. Bossuet, thin 4to. 122333 half gm, cf. ch s. xviii. j Thomas Fairfax MS. Is/ leaf cat out. Dissertations j on various subjects, Is/. “This is the time when J 22334 the Godesse Pease. "fol. wh. v. ch. s. xxii. j Catalogue of the Library of Rev. Thus. Price Carn- ) 22335 huanauc, MSS. 186... fol. M II. bds. eh. s. xix, j Pedigree of Sir Brook Boolhby, Bart, thin f. stone 122336 bds. ch s. xix. ^ Book of Addiesr*es. nar. fol. hf.grn, mor. motted i 22337 side ch, s. xix. Bird MSS. Ao. 125, Collections for the Pedigree 122338 of >cudaniore. 4lo. stiff mat bled bds ch. s. xix. j Ci-'i'ise Originates de Laon, Soissons, Yal Secre \ 22339 Noyon. 4 to. M II. bds. I el. S. s. xiii. Letters of the Avoyer de Mulinen, at Berne, to \ SirT. P. 1 22340 II Book Bills at Berne, thin 4 to. J\J II ch. s. xix. | Loose Papers from JVo .inter MSS, Phillipps. j Is/. “Address to Sir John Strange, fromVenice. 122341 Jol. JlJ 11. bds. ch. s. xviii. Letiers (Copies.) of Gustav. King of Sweden. j 22342 11 Dictata in Eplam. Pauli ad Romanos. $ c Car. 2. Speech on Dissolving the Parliament, 122343 1681. j II Do. Speech in 1680./ M II. bds. ch. s. xvii. 122344 Ufford Court Rolls, 1646. tall narrow Jol. wh bds. blue sides ch. s. xvii. j 22345 F. Benson’s Letters from Cambridge, 1754. I tall thin fol. wh. bds. blue sides, ch. b, xviii. j 22346 Rev. T. Price’s Notes on King Arthur, Caradoc, & Merlin. ( very scanty.) 3 Vols. sm. 4 to. half gm . xix. 22396 Tam wort h Papers. Vol . 1st. Letter incipi ‘‘Good >ir, 1 do perceive by your Letters in sister Bfadburn.” 22397 Wm Wilson’s Religious Letters sent to Christiai Friends, sm, 4 to. o. brn. cf. ch. s. xvii Vol. 1 ‘‘He was a Schoolmaster in Partz, iri the Palis of Douglas, Clydesdale.” “ This Vol, con/air, 150 letters .” 22398 22399 22400 22401 22402 22403 22404 22405 22406 22107 22408 22409 22 410 22111 22412 22413 22414 22415 2241 0 I 22417 I 22418 L'atalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. Sale’s Arabic Lexicon, & Vocabulary, thin jol. > yell. Ids. ch. s. xviii. Instructions Spirituelles pour la vie interieure 3500 al anno.” (See J'ol. 2 j ^1 Nome de tulte de Casade della Nohilta deVen-j etin. 18?wo. haj It. brn. mor. ch. s.xvi .folia 108. | Sale 602. j Breviarium. II Coutumier de Normandie. 2 Amo. sq. mottled cf.fnll gl V. s xv. Sale 4i. Description v Nolicia de la Nueva Espanu, ad Ann. 1750. in two Coinn,ns Latin, Spanish. ■ Jucipit “Governahan tiichosatnente.” No jiu- thor's name, but Fray Domingo de Ilorbegoso,' petitions that it may be printed At the end are several Bulls, erecting various Bishoprics 4/4 . leaves large Jol. o. brn. mottled ef. full yiil \ ch.'s,, xviii. 1750. Sale 245.; Evangelistarium, or Lesson s from Gospels. Greece, thick 4to Greek bindiny black llhr. V .; s. xvii st Portrait of an Evangelist in the j beginning. The Is/. Lesson is from John. “Enj archee een o logos.” Al the end is to, trad re¬ lating to St. Mary of Egypt. Sale 341. Chrysostomou logos eis ton Zakcbeon. A Palim¬ psest in Capitals. 4lo. Greek binding brn. cf. V. s. xiii t'ome of the Contents of the Palimpsest were , Marlyrion tou agiou Demetriou. Ii Tou autou eis sunaxin trim Archangelwn ek tees prophetias Daniel. U Basileiou Arc’niepiscopou Kaisarias Kappedo kias parainesis peri apotages biou kai telei- wsews paraiuitikees 1i.Episcopou Ierosolymwm. It contains folia. .. Evangelistarium Grace, begins with St.John, “En aichee een o logos.” thick 8vo. Greek binding black llhr. V. s. xv. Sale 186. Leiturgia, Greece, sm. 4to. bl/t. Ithr. I’, s. xii 1 he first quuternio having been lost, it has been ; supplied with Paper. Sale 2.‘6 1 Vida y Muerte del Principe Don Carlos de Es- j pana jol wh. limp V. ch. s xvii with a Royal Book Plate, an Eagle on a Rock, and also the\ Booh Plate of J. M. Andrade. Sale 295 f Correspondence of Lord Melfort, Ambassador at! Rome, alter the Abdication of Jac. 2. 3 Vols.. Julio, wh, veil, ch s. xvii. viz. Vol. 1. From 13; Dee. 1689, to 4 March 1710. Vol. 2. missing. 5 Vol. 3. From 11 Sept. 1690, to 20 Sep. 1691. | Vol. 4. missing Vol. 5. From 22 June 1692, to 31 Dec. 1692. ; Bachelin de Florenne , Marquis de Astorgas AfSS. 1870. Flat des Gouverneniens Militaires tant generauxi que partieuUers, et Etat* Majors des Places du! Royaume de France, Anno 1773. \8mo. redl French mor. Jail gilt cli. s. xviii. Carta de Ilidalguia de Alvaro Lopes de Canges j 1612. with some Illuminations, f. red velvetV. s.xviiJ Carta de ilidalguia de Juan Barroso. 1566. Illuminated Title, thin f. limp wh. v. V. s.xvi. j A Collection of Autographs, now bound in 3 Vols. Pul. 1. 1st. Suo. 1 Do Vol. 2. 1st. 4 to. Do, Vol. 3. 1st, fol. Astorga MSS. relating to the War in Italy, and the Conquest of Naples, § Sic Up, 1733 - 4 . 1()4 Vols. folio, Sf 4 to. 22419 22420 2-421 22422 22423 22424 22425 22426 2 2427 22428 22429 2-430 22431 22432 22433 22434 22435 22436 2 2437 22433 22439 22440 22441 2244 i 22443 22444 22445 22446 22447 22448 22449 22450 22451 2245 2 22453 22454 22455 22450 22457 22158 22459 22460 22461 22462 22463 22464 ; 22465 i 22466 : 22467 22468 22469 22470 22471 22472 22473 22474 22475 do . do . do . do . do . do . 1. Cartas de Correspondence de la Corte con el Clique de Montemar, con cl Motivo de la Fx- pedizion de Ytalia en el Meso de Deziembre, >733. relating to the War in Naples, f Sicily, folio o. brn. cf.fnll gt. ch. s. xviii. Do. 2. 1st. “Henero, 1734.” fol do. do. do. Do. 3. 1st. “Febrero, 1734.” fol. do. do. do. Do. 4. 1st. “Marzo, 1734 A fol. do. do. do. Do. 5. 1st. “Abril, 1734.” fol. do. do. do. Do. 6 I st, ‘-Main, 1734,” fol. do. do. do. Do. 7. \fft. “Junio, 1734.” Jol. do. do. Do. 8. I st “Julio, fol. do. do. Do. 9 ) st. “Agosto, 1734 f fol. do. do. Do. 10. Is/. “Setiembre, 1734.”yb/. do. Do. I], 1 $/. “Oct. 1734 ” fol. do. clo. Do. 12. I st. “Nov. 1734.” fol. do do. w . Do. 13. I*/ “Deciemlier, 1734.” fol. do. do. Do. 14. Planosde la Plaza de Mantua, y Mapas de sus Ymmediaciones 1735.y‘. o.brn.cf.ch. s.xviii. Do. 15. Cartas solue Mantua. Expedicion de Ytalia de los Mesos de Sep. Octobr. y Nov. 1744. f. o. brn. cf. ch. s. xviii, l)o. 10. del Meso de la Dicieinbre, 1741. v lo toeante el Duca di Modena. Vols 1, 2. Tom. 2. f. o. brn. cf. full gilt ch. s. xviii. Do. 17. 1st. “Enero, Feb. y Marzo, 1542. dodo. Tom. TV. fol. do. do. do. Do. 18. “1st. ‘ April, Maio, Jumo, 1742.” Tom. IV. fol . do. do. do. Do. i9. Is/. “Julio, Aug. Sept. 1742, &c.” Tom. V. fol. do. do. do. Do. 20. Is/, “de Noveinbre. 1733 f. do. do. Do. 21. I st. “de Agosto, 1739.”/; do do. do. Do. 22. Is/. “Marzo, 1/39. ’f. do. do. do. Do. ‘23. 1st. “Novembre. 1736.”/*. do. do. do Do. 24. 1st “April, 1736.” I. do. do. do. Do. 25. 1 st, “Oct. 1739 ”/. do. do. do. Do. 26. 1 st. “Henero. 1736 "/.do. do. do Do. 27. \st. “Julio, 1735.”/*. do. do do Do. 28. 1st. “Maio, 1736 do. do. di Do. 20. I st. “Marzo, 1736.”/ do. do. do. Do. 30. 1st- “Dicieinbre, 173®.”/. do. do. do Do. 31. 1 si. “April, 1739.” /*. do. do. do Do. 32. 1st. “Novembre, 1739.”/. do. do. do Do. 33. ist. “Henero, 1739.” f. do. do do' Do. 34. 1st. “Setiembr, 1736.” f. do. do. do Do. 35. 1st. “Junio, 1736.”/. do. do d 0 ' Do. 36. 1st. “Agosto 1736.” f. do. do do Do. 37. Is7 “Oct. 1736.”/*. do. do. do Do. 38. 1st. “Junio, 1730."/. do. do. do Do. 39. 1st. “Deobr. 1736.”/*. do. do do Do. 40. 1st. “Julio, 173a.”/ do. do. do.' Do. 41 1st. “Henero, 1737 do. do 'do Do. 42. 1st “Febrero, 1739.”/. do, do. do Do 43. 1st-“Maio, 1739." f. do. do do Da. 45. 1st. Oetobre, 1/33.” /*. do, do. do J?°* 4 /;** l f‘- 1739." /*. do. do. do. fUefollowing Po.s. are all in 4lo. Portfolios, bound Toto r Zubledf amj U/ ‘ he Pai>erS '" l ‘ hem are Do. 47 De la Corte de Napoles.Aug.Sep Oet.1736 n l P‘ lo,io of- f»U S t. ch. s.xviii. Do. 48. lot. Jomo.y Juho, 1736.” Mo. do. do. Do. 49 1st. ‘Henero, Febrero, Mazo, 1738. 4to Do. M. 1st. “Novembre, Decimbr. 1736.” 4to. ’ Do. 51. 151.‘‘Agosto. Setembre, 1734." 4 / 0 do. Do. 52. 1st. “Novembre, Diciembr, 1733.’’ 4 / 0 . Do. 53. Is,t “Henero, Feb. Marzo, April, Maio, 17o4. 4/o. do. do. Do. 54. 1st. ‘-Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec 1739.” 4 lo. do. Do. So. 1st. “Junto, Julio, 1734.” 4 to. do. do. Do. 5b. bobre el \ nglaterra. in Portfolio, o. brn. cf.full gt. eh. s. xviii, J Do. 57. Papeles tocanles a los Caraviueros. 4 to. CaTalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 418 22484 22485 22486 22487 22488 22489 22490 22491 22492 22493 22494 22495 22503 22504 22505 22506 22507 22508 22509 22510 22511 22512 22513 22514 22516 22517 22519 22520 22521 22522 22523 22524 22525 225 6 22527 Do, Do, 22497 22498 22499 22500 22501 22502 58. Sobre los Vecindarios y Quintas de Es pana. sm. 4to. 59. Eucomieudas y Pensiones sobre los Obi 122530 Do. 22531 Do. Do. 1 22532 Do. pos .4/o. \ 22533 Do, 22478 Do. 60. Papelo ■s toeantes a la Ca leri; a. Vol 1 .do. 22479 Do. 61. Do. do. do. Vol. 2. do. i'2534 Do. 22480 Do. 62. Do. do. do. Vol. 3. do. 22481 Do. 63. Do. do. do. Vol. 4. do. 22482 Do. 64. Do. do. do. Vol. 5. do. ; 22483 Do. 65. Notizia del Yiage de Don Carl os. 4 to. j Do. 66. Sobre la Guerra de Ynglaterra No. 12. Do. 61 Gomissarios Ordenadores y de Guerra y sii reforma. 4/o. Do. 68. Ynstruir al Ministro de la Guerra. •'Vo. 4. Do. 69. Sobre la Artilleriu y Saludos. 4 to. Do. 70. Papeles de Consequencia. No. 1. 4 to. Do. 71. Sobre la Corona de Napoles. No. 14. Vol. 1,-2. 4 to. Do. 72, Conquista di Napoles en 1734. Tom. 1. Do. 73. Sobre el Exereito de Prevencion, Anno 1739-40 Vol. 1, Sf 2. Ao. 41. Do. 74. Papeles Politicos y Militares. 4to. Do. 75. Sobre Inquisitio wh, v. ch, s. xviii. CATALOGUS 1.1BRORUM MaNUSCRIPTORUM IN BIBLIOTHECA PhILLIPPIGA 419 2549 2550 2551 12552 Do 12553 Do 22571 22555 Do. 22556 Do. 22557 Do. 22558 22559 22582 22583 22584 22568 22569 Do. 131. Do. do. do. Tom 2. fol. do. do. do Do! 132. Do. do. do. Tom*, folwh.vdo Do. 133. Papeles sueltos curiosos. (Jam o vois Vol 1 missing- . . . < y 0 l *>. Incipit. ‘‘La Verdad por si, y ensimis-; mo quia corruit in platea veritas.” “Que < novedad.” &c fol. wh veil. cli. a. xviu- - 25 ' 2 134. Vol- 3. Incipit. “In che modo im nassasse in Casa Appiani. .5 *•Poco tempo pero tu quest’ Isola soggetta at j 22o73 Lucchesi ” 135. Kegistro de las Cartas y Represents-, fumes escritas y hechas por el Coode de j 22o74 Montemar, Theniente-General de los ex- ? ercitos a «. Mageste desde 5 de Julio de 1718.1 2257» en Sicilia. I.ibro primero f wh.v. ek s. xvm. j 225/b The 2nd. Vol. is missing. ! Do 136 Copias de Cartas y Ordenes despachados 22o/7 por le Conde de Montemar, Governador de j 22570 Tarragona y lePartido, y Commandante cn j 22679 ausentia del Principe de Tscrdacs ' de Tilly, j 22580 desde 22 Diziembie 1712. /. ick. n.c/t.s.xvm (22581 37 Rappieseiltaciones hechas a la Corte compresadas en esto I.ibro desde 13 dejumo 1722, basta 1795. 300 pages with a sup¬ plement of - pages, fol. wh v. ek. s. xvm. 1 a. Titled “Conquista di Napoles '3 / ins Tom 1 “Toscana y Lombardia.* Lettered on the side ‘ Mira Montemar.”.* cipit. ‘ Capi- tulo 1. Que expressa losnrotivos de la Guer¬ ra y Oopia de su tratado entra I'rancla y la Cerdcua. 303 pages. fol wh.. v. cli. s. xvm. 139. Vol. 2. entitled “Lombardia.” on the side “Mira Montemar.” Title inside is" Guer¬ ra Lombardia. Tomo Segundo.'’ 90 leaves, thin t°l w i L ‘ veil s xvni. | Do. 140. Vol. 3 entitled “ Lombardia.” and inside . “Guerra de Lombardia, Tomo terccro.” 118 leaves, fol. wh. veil. ch. s xviii. ] 141. The Life, & Character, and Panegyric ! of Count de Monti mar. Marked on fly leaf PI. 7. thin fol. wh. v. ch. s. xviii. 1 JO. Traslado de una Ejecutoria ganada eo la Real Chancilleria de Granada a pedimento de Andres Bias quel sobre el previlejio de Hidalguia, in 1281 .J.wh.v.ch. s. xvii. ( 1640 J 143. Letters of the Spanish Ambassador from Palis, and St. Petersburg, in 1761 Jol.wh. v. Do 144. Ynstruccion para el servizio uniforme que se ha de hazer en tnoas las plazas .... (some words erasid.) It contains 630 Pro¬ positions, fol wh. v ch. s. xvil. 145. Libro de Entradas de Caudales en Area de 3 Llavcs. 1784. fol. wh. V. ch. s. xvm. 146 Libro donde se lleva Cuenta y Kazon del Dinero que entra en e) Arcade 3 Llaves. 73 written leaves, jol. nh. v, ch. s. xviii. 147. Administracion de Napoles, 181b. (July 3 mail's written upon, fol wh. v. ch. s. xix. Do 14b. Libro de Entradas de Caudales en e Area de 3 Llaves [claves.) de la Casa del Marques de Astorga, Conde Luque, &c. y segretero de Estado da principio en 13 de Septembre, 1812. fol. wli. v ch. s. xix. 149. Libro donde se tuma razon de las deudas que se contraen a labor del Marques de As- torga y da principio en primero de Enero de \W.fol, wh. v. ch s. xviii. Do 150. Libro donde se tom a razon de las Cau¬ dales, que entran en el Area de 3 Ciabes des¬ de 1 Enero de 1790 Jol. wh. v cli. s. xviii. Do. 151- Libro donde se les a quenta y razon de los Caudales que salen del Area de 3 Llaves Y se enlregan al Mayor-domo, cujas Parti- das se Imllaran firmadas de suo puno, para que con su virtud se le hagan los Cargos Correspondentes .fol. wh. v ch. s. xvm. 152. Libro donde se toroa la llazon de las Letras y Librarias que se remiten a la Con- taduro in General, por los Administrators 22628 de S. E. v se entregan para su acceptaeion v Cobranza* a Manuel Martinez, Portero de Oficinas, Ao. 1784 /. wh. veil. ch. s xviii. Do. 153. Libro de Entradas general de Caudales de la Casa, desde 1 de Enero, 1812, hasta al Diziembre, IS13. fol. hf. It. brn. cf.cli s.xix. Do 154. Libro de Salida de Caudales de la Casa do09 4 Do. do. 1st. - Beesley. ’ sm.fol. do. do. 22610 5 Do. do. 1st. Bridges.’ sm.fol. do. do. 22611 6 Do. do. 1 st. ‘Bramah, St Gould,” sm Jol do. ■22612 7 Do. do. 1st. Barnes.” sm.fol do. do. 22613 3 Do. do. 1st. ‘Cracroft, & HaseKvood. s.f.do. 2261 4 9 Do. do. 1st. ‘Cornwel sm. fol do. do. •2261 > 10 Do. do. ls^. ‘ Cookes.” sm.fol. do. do. 2-616 11 Do. do. 1st. •Clemens ” sm.fol. do. do. 22617 12 Do. do. 1st. • Dolphin of Eyford.” s.fol.do. 22618 13 Do. do. 1st. “Darke.” sm.fol. do. do. 22619 14 Do. do. 1st. ‘Dineley. ’ sm fol. do. do. 22620 15 Do. do. 1st. ‘Foley, Pedigree, sm.fol. do. 22621 16 Do. do. 1st. ‘ Grove. sm. fol. do. do. 22622 17 Do. do. 1st. “Hall, sm, fol. do. do. 22623 18 Do. do. 1st. “Hancock.” sm.fol. do. do. 22624 19 Do. do. 1st. “Hunter ” sm fol. do. do. 22625 20 Do. do. 1st. “Ireland "sm.fol. do. do. 22626 21 Do do. 1st “Jones.’ sm. fol. do. do. 22627 22 Do. do. 1st. “Jones.” sm.fol do. do. ‘22628 23 Do. do. 1st. “Leonard.” sm.fol. do. do. 420 Catalogus Librorum Maniscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica; 22629 24 Do. do. Is/. “Lawrence.” sm.fol. do. do. | 22630 25 Do. do. lsl. “Lavender.” sm. fol. do. do. 22631 26 Do. do. 1st. “Marshall.” sm fol do do. \ 22632 27 Do. do. 1st. “Mnore.” sm. fol. do. do. ; 22633 28 Do. do. Is/. ‘ Olive.” sm. fol do. do. 22634 29 Do. do. 1st. “Olive,” sm.fol. do. do ’ 22635 30 Do. do. lsl. “Olive.” sm fol do. do. { 22636 31 Do. do. 1st. “Perkes.” s Jot do do. l 22637 32 Do. do. l.y/. “Phillipps, of Whitfield.s f.do | Miscellaneous MSS. 22700 1st. “Arber,1827/ 22608 2203.9 22640 2264 1 22642 22643 22644 22646 22646 22647 22648 22649 22650 22 651 22652 22653 22654 33 Do. 34 Do. 35 Do. 36 Do. 37 Do. 3S Do. 39 Do. 40 Do. 41 Do. 42 Do. 43 Do. 44 Do- 45 Do. 46 Do. 47 Do. 4S Do. 49 Do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1 st. 1st. 1st 1st. 1st. ‘•Preedy ” sm.fol. do. do “Spilsbury.” sin fol do. do. ‘Sproule ” sm. fol. do do. ‘Smith, of Broadway.” s f.do ‘Savage.” sm fol do. do. •22710 2271 1 22712 1st. “Stepli. White ” sm.jol. do.d». 1 st. 1st. ‘ 1 St. ‘ ‘Slatter.” sm.fol. do. do. ‘Sayer f sm.fol. do. do. •Sir Join) Cotterell.” s. fol.do. 1st. “Tidmarsh.” sm. fol. do. do Is/. “Tidmarsh.” sm. fol do. do. Is/. “Tredwell.” sm. fol, do do. j Is/. “T. Holland.'’ sm fol. do. do.\ 1st. “Tracy.’’ sm.jol do do. \ 1st. “Walker.” sm.fol do. do. 1st. “Wall. & D. Holland.’’ s.J do 1st. “White ” sm, fol. uo. do. 22714 22655 22656 22657 22658 22659 22660 22661 22662 22663 2266 4 22665 22666 22667 22668 22669 22670 1 Do. 2 Do. 3 Do. 4 Do, 5 Do. 6 Do. 7 Do. 8 Do. 9 Do. 10 Do. 11 Do. 12 Do. 13 Do. 14 Do. 15 Do. 16 Do. Eevsham Cartce. ‘Uo. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1st. “Acraman.” 4to. .1/ II. eh. 1st. “Aldington.” 4/o. do. do. 1 st. “ArklesS.” 4 / 0 . do. do. 1st. “Brookes.” 4/o. do. do. Is/. “Blackmore.” Ato. do. do. 1st. “Barneby.” 4/6. do. do. 1 si. “Byrch.” 4/o. do, do. 1st. “Court ” Ato. do, do. 1st. “Court.” 4 to. do. do. 1st. “Cotterell. 4 to. do. do. 1st. ‘‘Couraud.” 4 / 0 . do. do. 1st. “Crump ” 4/o do. do. 1st. “Callow.’’ 4/0 do. do. 1st. “Dolphin ” 4 / 0 . do. do. 1st. “Davies.” 4 to. do. do. 1st. “Darke do. ,07 MSS & Hooks bound bv Rretlierton, at Middl H.II.1S50. &c fol. M H. bd>. ch. s S i, Hopkins’s Prize !'«,« at Rugby School, sm. the. lol. M II. bds eh s. xix 22709 Testamenta ex Bib!. Colemaui fol. M II. hds ch. s Do. do l«. "Travis. ] 7!)1 *f.M I], As , xixl Do. do. si "Howard." fol M U s. xi„ Do. do. 1st “Oipwood 1787.” f. M II bdsi ck s. xix. Arms of Oipwood. on the >eol. ' 22/13 Do. do. I st. “Freeman, of London, 1855 ” fol. M II. Irds ch. s. \ix. The Alayor of Shrewsbury’s Law-Suits 1773 . thick /ol M II fas ch s xviii. Certificate «.f biith of Luiterman. "1 1>hel P s fnl. M II bds. ch. s. xix. 22716 11etcher Papers, A Biencowe Panels 17 ,sj fol. M h bds. ch. s. xix. 22717 P»ri-->h Register Extracts of the Steele family, kc 11 Documents relating to Sandbach, Co. Staff.cSc.i fol. M II. bds. ch. s. xix, 22718 N timber of Copies of some of Works, fol MM. bds ch s xix. 2-719 Letters ot’Goronwy Owe.,, Cojdcd by C. Bulling h; m lor Sir T. P. fol M U. bds ch. s. xix. 22720 Lx peaces of C has. Sandys of Canterhurv. fol Mil xix. ‘ 227 1 5 Sir T. P’s. printed 22721 bds. ch. f Payur-s of Newlon of Bromley Hall, to Slaff.l0f/i 22671 17 Do. do. 1st. “Felton.” 4to. do. do. 2267*2 IS Do. do. 1st. “Hemming.” 4 / 0 . do. do. | 22726 22673 19 Do. do. 1st • “Hale, & Tomes.” 4to. do. do. 22727 22674 20 Do. do. 1st. “Hall.” 4/o. do. do. 22675 21 Do. do. 1st. “Hunter.” 4/o. do. do. | 22728 2*2676 22 Do. do. 1 st. “Hickman.” 4 to. do. do. 22677 23 Do. do. 1st. “Howorthe.” Ato. do. do . 226/8 24 Do. do. Is/. “Izod.” 4/o, do. do. 226-9 25 Do. do. 1st. “Latham.” 4 / 0 . do. do. 22680 26 Do. do. Is/. “ Milward.” 4 to. do. do. |22729 226S1 27 Do. do. Is/. “Olive.’ 5 4 / 0 . do do. 22682 28 Do. do. Is/. “Phelps.” Ato. do. do. 2-2730 22663 29 Do. do. Is/. “Ryland.” Ato. do. do. f 22791 22684 30 Do. do. lsl. “Richmond.” Ato. do. do. : 22732 22685 31 Do. do. 1 st. “Rayer.” 4/o do, do. : 22733 22686 32 Do. do. 1st. “Slatter.” 4/o. do. do. 22687 33 Do. do. 1st, “Somers.” 4/o. do. do. 22734 22688 34 Do. do. 1st. ‘‘Sandford.” 4 / 0 . do. do. 22689 35 Do. do. Is/. “Sheaf.” 4 / 0 . do do. 22690 36 Co. do. 1st. “Seymour.” 4 / 0 . do. do. \ 22735 22691 37 Do. do. 1st. “Smith, of Broadway.” 4 / 0 . do. 22736 22692 38 Do. do. 1st. “Shipway ” 4 / 0 . do. do. 22693 39 Do. do. 1st. “Sprowle.” 4 / 0 . do. do. 22694 40 Do. do. 1 st. “T. Holland,” 4/o. do do. 22737 22695 41 Do. do. 1st. “Trotman.” 4 / 0 . do. do. 22696 42 Do. do. 1st. “Welles, &.F. Holland.”4/o.c/o. ' 22738 22697 43 Do. do. 1st. “Watts.” 4 / 0 . do. do. 22698 44 Do. do, 1 st. “Wormiugton.” 4/o. do. do. | 22739 22699 4b Do. do. Is/. “Wright.” 4/o. do. do. Evesham Cartce. 8v 0 . 22740 i-c. thick fui M II bds ck s. xvii. 22722 A Schoolmaster's Diary cfWcmbcr flora Jan. 1767 ; to 17'.5. He was . 1-1 icd at St Philip’s, Bir-r niilighain, 15 Peb 1707, t„ Ann Crailock. The, Aulhor appear, to have b«" „ Clcrgwm,,. at, Chaddeslcy Corbet, Co. Wore, thick lol. JJ U , bds. ch. s. xviii. •22723 Pedigrees of Roman, Richard Russell,Sic, , , r JH . bds. ch. s. xix. J " 22724 Letters to Phelps, & Blayney, 1311. thin tot M u , bds. c/l. s. xix. • ’ 22725 Cart® de Christ church, Cantu ch. s. xvii, Tran-cripl. Suit of Cowan, v. Phillips, 17 / s ( M // The Accounts of William l-billi,,, c,. ... London, 28 Khz. lot (i. thtn / broad ch „ , Win. HadcliHc’s Pidigre.s, & i'npcrs. Tho R, grees ate Fgerton, Saiimlei Strang ways, Sherwood, Tain i. • thin /*. .11 (1 hds.s ■ MJt.i lid. oiner of) xvii dj. . "• Smiilisou, r ... • Cholmelev. f a Copy by 1 aver ) Coinnlt, Aiaihcwman, tv jjher wood. / fol. MM bus ch. s xviii. Correspondence of Win Radcliffe, the IT, 4/o. J\f H. bds ch. s. xix. Darke Correspondence. 4 to. .5/ //. hy Sm c / t s _ • Symes’s l.eiurs to llndel,lie. thinito Mllrk.s.xix Aiiairs of a Gt rnuin Bunk thin 4 to. M // s x . IV m. Porter's CVrlificaics. tl.in stiff bds r \ ll’ s xviii.-xix. y Mrs. Fenwick's Transcripts from the Orio-i, i Charte.^of Bui ley Abbey, ( 0 Suffolk Ato, M II. bds ch. s. xix. Darke’s Suit in Chancery 4lo. M II ch. s xix Gloucesteishire Drawings. & I’riut, „f Views of Churches, & Seals. HI. "Down Ainiinev." sm. 4to. M II. bds. ch. >. xix. T. P s.^ViIts. Pedigrees ex Testa mentis. thin 4 to. M II. bds. ch. s. xix " i,30 ° ^SS. Came Antique de Percy sm 4to M II. bds. ch. s. xviii France, thin 4to. 22700 22701 22702 22703 22704 22705 22706 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. do, do. do. do. do - do. 1st. “Agg.” 8 vo. M U. bds. ch. do. 1st “Battersbee.” 8co. do. do. 1st. “Green.” 8 vo. do. do. 1st. “Howorth.” 8uo. do. do. 1st. “Oldaker.” 8®o. do. do. Is/. “ Pomes.” 8 vo. do. do. 1st. “Workman.” 800 . do. do. 22741 22742 2743 22744 T. P’s; Inscription a t Autun in M U. bds. ch. s xix. T. P’s. Wilts. Collections; Litelton Dru Cartie 1 }y. ilts - Views fro in Sir Thus. Wilmington's! Dineley MSS. &c. 4/u. M U. bds. ch ,. x ,v. Boone a Letters to Sir T. P. on Purchases of Books, ttvo. J I II. bds. ch. s. xix. Bushey Manor Rental, 1825. 4 to. M II ch. s. xix Sutton Holland Court Ilolis, temp. .Jacobi 1. fol. M M. bds. jicrg. s. xvii ijanscript “Lx le Petit Chronique de Holland ” sm, thin 4to. M H. bds. ch. s. xix. Catalogs J.ibr'oruu Mandbcbiptorcm in Bibliotheca Phillifpica. 421 22745 22740 22747 22748 22749 22750 22751 22752 22753 2275 4 22765 22756 22757 22758 22759 22760 22761 •22762 227G3 22764 22765 22766 22767 ‘22768 22769 22770 22771 22772 22773 22774 22775 22776 22777 22778 Derbyshire Papers, lsf. ‘‘Thornhill.” •1 Longstone Ioclosure. 4/0. 31 H.ch. s. xix. j Do. do. Is/. “Nultall ” 4/o. 3'lH.bds ch. s. xix 1 Do do. Is/. “Bozon.” 4/o. il/ //. 6t&. s - x ' x ; Pen, ^ Ink sketches in France. AW naflittf. H Execution of Louis XVI. sin. dun 4to. 31 11 bds. ch. s. xviii.-xix. Artists Autographs, & Conversation. to 4 '00 Dr Peter Piattintoti’s Collection of I ranks, Auto¬ graphs of Peers, § c. -Ho. half It. cf. ch. s. xix. 22801 Do*' do. of Commons. 4to. hf U. cf. ch. s xix. 22802 Lord MountratlTs Letters, 1770. 4/o. drub bds. ch. s. xviii. 22803 Archbishop of Goa’s Letters, &. Original Papers. fol stone bds. ch. s. xviii. 22804 Letters of Bishops. 1st. “Townsou.” fol stone bds. ch. s. xviii -xix. . 02807 Vossms de Historicis Gwecis. a Transcript by M. Fauchisou tils /. stone bds. ch. s. xvm, or xix. 22806 Dream af the Grand Cabal, a Poem, tlun fol.stone bds ch. s. xvii Incipit. “As t’other night in bed I thin kingly.’* 22805 Tournay CartEe. Vol. 4 J S (. “De la Porte, 1358. narrow fol . 31 II. bds. cli. s. xiv. 22808 Sir Daniel Arthur's Papers, 1688, ad I “ifi. Is/ “Robt. Raines, of Loudon, f.y bds ch. s.xvn. rnnnn 4 Quaker s Certificate of Marriage i2. J 9. 1] Irish Act of Parliament, 1774. ihenf. 31H. bds. Pell. ». xviii. „ r . . , . 22810 Sir John Davies on Tenures, tall fol.lt. gray bds. ch s. xvii. 36 leaves. 22793 22794 |22795 j 22796 22797 22798 422 Catalogus Librorum MaNhscrIptorum in Bibliotheca Phili.ippIca. 22511 Sir Richard Hoare’s Registrum Wiltunense. Auto - 122854 graph with Notes, Corrections by Sir Thos i Phillipps.yb^. /(/'. blue cf ch. s. xix. | 2S55 22512 John Aubrey of Wiltshire, his Collection of Welsh j Arms, & Pedigrees. Is?. “Pedigree of Mansell, j‘22856 ofMargam. Arms emblazoned. j 22857 H Account of Farm Expences. at Pemnarke,1680. TJ Servants Wages .f, o. brn. cf. ch. s. xvii. Collections by Sir T. P. fyc. (See No. 21070.J 22858 122850 22814 22815 22861 ?22864 122865 22819 Do. do. 22820 Do. do. 2*821 Do. do. 22822 Do. do. 22823 Do. do. 22824 Do. do. 22825 Do. do. 2-2826 Do. do. 22827 Cartul. S. i22866 22813 Testamenta Velu 3 ta Wigom, 1585. ad 1642. V. 6 . IsL “Will Win. Jenkes.”l 8 ;//o.£r/-« mor ch. s.xix. Do. do. do. Vol. 7. 10/wo. grn. mor. ch. s. xix. i Do. do- do. Vol S. 1545. to 1553. Is* “Will 22S6 ° Agnes Wedowe, of Hanging Aston. U Index to Warwick Visitation, 1619. U Do. to Bedford do. 1586. c Extracts from Godstow English Cartulary. ; 18 /// 0 . half dark blue mor. ch. s, xix. 22816 Thames Swan Marks. H Index Testamentoruni Wigorn. ab 1538. ad 1539. 1 8 / 720 . red roan ch. s. xix. 22817 Index to Do. do. 1600. ad 1623, & the letters B. C. from 1623, to 1650. (See before 11481.) If Campden P. Register Marriages from 1754, to 1770. l 8 w?o. red roan ch. s. xix. 22818 Carlularium S. Svvythini Wynton. 8 Cols. Vol. 1. 1 Wmo. grn.mor. ch. s. xix. Vol. 2. 1 87220 grn. mor. ch. s xix. Vol. 3. 18wto. red mor. ch. s. xix Vol. 4. 18 grn. mor. ch. s. xix. Vol. 5. 18mo. grn. mor. ch. s. xix. Vol. 6 . 187)20 grn. mor. ch. s. xix. Vol. 7. 18 mo. grn. mor. ch. s. xix. Vol. 8 . 1877 / 0 . grn. mor. ch. s. xix. Vol. 9. 18?720. yrn. mor. ch. s. xix lUgnstini in Catituar. 3 Vols. Vol. 1. 187 /( 0 . yrn. mor. ch. s. xix. do. Vol. 2. I 877 . 0 . do. do. 'ol. 3. 187/70 do. do. Custumale Prioratus Wigorn. 2 Vols. 18 / 720 . grn. mor. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol. 2. I 87720 . grn. mor ch. s. xix. Custumale Prioratus S. Svvythini, Wynton. Vol. 1. IS7720. dk. blue mor. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol. 2. 18 // 20 , grn. mor. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol. 3. IS 7720 . yrn. mor. ch. s. xix. Cartul. S. Laureutii de Cantuaria. Vol. 1 . 187 / 20 . grn. mor. ch. s. xix. 22836 Do. do. Vol. 2 1877 / 0 . grn. wor. ch. s. xix. 22837 Blackburgh Cartulary. 7 Vols. Vol. 1 . I 8 // 20 . half \ puce. mor. ch. 6 . xix. j22867 j 22868 22669 22870 C, 22828 22829 22830 Dc Do. 22671 22831 22832 2-2872 22S33 22834 22835 ?22873 ,22874 j: 22875 22838 r Do. do. Vol. 2 . 187720 . grn. mor. ch. s. xix. [22876 22839 Do. do. Vol. 3. I 87 // 0 . do. do. do. 122877 22840 Do. do. Vol. 4 . I 877 / 0 . do, do. do. 22841 Do. do. Vol. 5. I 87 // 0 , do. do. do. 22842 Do. do¬ Vol. 6 . 18 // 20 . red mor. ch. s. xix. 122878 22843 Do. do, Vol. 7. 1S ///0 do. do. do. 22344 General Vial’s Letters. 2 Vols. Vol. 1 . \ 81 no. grn. 22845 22346 mor. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol. 2. 187 / 20 . grn. mor. ch. s. xix. Copy of a Filazer’s Roll in posession of Rodd. I 8 // 20 . grn. mor. ch. s* xix. 22847 Cartx Familiae de Gresley. 18tt?o. puce cl. ch, s.xix. ^ Lancashire Visitation, 1567. 22848 W ardon Cartulary, Co. Beds. 2 Vols. Vol. 1. ISuio. red mor. ch. s. xix. Do. do Pol 2. I 8 t? 20 . red nor, ch. s. xix. T.P.Index to some Somerset Wills, with Pedigrees. 18/7/y. dark blue mor. ch. s. xix. 22851 Evesham All Saints Parish Register. 18///0. puce mor. ch. s- xix. 22852 Matriculations at Oxford, 1564. Extracts from Dolgalley Parish Register. thin I87720. dk. blue mor. ch. s. xix. *2053 Custumate Wmi. de Colerue ofAbb.of Malmesbury. 18mo. grn, mor, ch. s. xix. 122879 •22880 22849 22850 22883 j 22885 22886 22867 Inscriptions in Badsey Church-yard, Co. Wore. thin 2 A mo ied mor ch. s. xix. Do. in OfFenham Church-yard.- thin 24 mo. stiff marble bds. ch. s. xix. Do. in HamptonChurch-yard 24/no rcdmor.ch. s.xix.' T. P. Index to some Winchester Wills. II Ex Custumale S Svvythini Wynton pro Villa de Wroftone, Co. Wilts, II Feoda Militum in Co. Hants. thick I S/ 7 / 0 , red mor ch. s. xix. Visitation of Bucks 1634.l8?//o hfgrn.mor ch.s.xlxi T.P. References to MSS in the Book-Cases at Middle Hill, named after the Saxon, §• Nor-i man, &c Kings of England, to Victoria. Commenced only. 18 mo puce mor. ch. s.xix. Ittigius de Bibliothccis Palrum abbreviutus per; T P. 187 / 20 . half red mor. ch. s. xix. The Index Scnptorum teas ’written by Charles Bulling ham , with his left hand, his right hand < having been crushed in a Cider Mill. IJe least, taught by Mr. Lollard the Schoolmaster , of Broadway , to write with his left hand. Glastonbury Cartulary. 2 Vols. Vol. 1. I 8 // 20 . grn.. mor. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol. 2. 18/770. grn. mor. cli. s. xix. Lhuvd’s Letters on Fossils.6 , .4/o.$A/72e66fe.c//-s.xviiiJ T. Yeate’s Book of Numbers to Old, tx New Tes-; tameut sm. 4lo. brn. bds. ch. s. xviii. Duke of Sussex Letters, 1610, to 1822. pp. 176. 1 87 / 10 . il! 11. bds, ch s. xix. Norton on the Mohawk ^Country. thin 4 to stone bd. ch. s. xviii, or xix. Baibadoes Letters. Is7. “Reynolds, 1769.” thin 4 to. stone bds. ch. s. xviii, Dos Poemas de Cienfuegos. 1st. “Galatea 2 Ode.” thin 4 to. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. pp. 200 . Bronod Correspondence of Marquis Polignac, Ac. , IsL dated “Paris, 29 Sept. 1763.” thick 4 to.) stone bds. ch. s. xviii. Bowles, MSS. Isf, “West Derby Forester-ship.”’ 2nd. “Shaston Abbey Surrender.” 3rd. “Sea-, ford Charter.” 4th. “Dalisou’s Will.” fol. stone bds ch. s. xvii. Cartte de Venetia. Vol. 6 . IsL dated “1653.” obi. 4to. wh. bds. Veil. s. xvii. Revenues of Ireland pro Connaught, & Ulster. Ex MSS. Sir James Ware, a pud Crovvcombe, Co Som. thin fol. It. blue bds. ch. s. xix. Buckland Award, 1779-80. Copied for Sir T.P , 1 from the Original at Gloucester./.s*o 7 /oc 7 i s.xix. Monk Mason MSS. Irish Prosody. pp. 36 . thin fol. ch. s. xviii. Arms of Gentry of England. IsL “de Coucy.” fol. stone bds. ch. s xvi. Cartee Tornacenses. Vol. ... 1st, “Wales.” 1. 4 to. stone bds. ch s. xiv. Do. do. Vol.... 1st. “Loys, Roy de France, a j J ehan de la Driseche Archevesque de Nar- ■ bonne, 1468. thin fol. MU. bds ch. s xv. Documents to prove Genealogy, & Biography. Is*, name “JLichd. Vv oolley, Co. Middx. 1677.” ' fol. M H. bds, ch. s. xvii. Gosport Papers, fol stone bds. ch. s xviii-xix. New England, &c Maryland Papers. Is*. “James i Taylor, 1700.” Jol, MII. bds■ ch. s. xviii. Index Cartularii S. Marias de Dublin, thin f. stone ' bds. ch. s, xvii. Ex Bibl. Monk Mason, Cartularium Ecclesiae de Noiun, 1339 .a Fragment. , 8 leaves thin fol. stone bds. V. s. xiv. Saintbury Court Rolls, 1781. Co. Glouc. thin fol. . yell. bds. ch. s. xviii. Radcliffe’s Index to Pedigrees. A. B, only. thin fol. half dark blue cl. ch. s. xix. Marquis de Nisa’s Letters relating to Lord Nelson, , 1798-9. thin fol. M H. bds. ch. s. xviii. Index Cartarum Manerii de Cleobury Barnes, Co, , Salop. /. thin fol. It. blue bds. ch. s. xvii. If Cartularium Manerii de Cleobury Barnes. Autograph Letters of Leopold, Emperor of Ger- • many, 1681. tall thin fol. wh. v. ch. s. xvii. Catalog^ Librorum Manuscriptorum in BiBLiotttECA pHiLUPPitJA* 4*23 22888 22889 22890 22801 22892 22893 22894 *22895 22896 2289? 22898 22899 22900 22901 22902 22903 22904 22905 22906 22907 22908 22909 22910 22011 22912 22913 22914 Assemani Opera inedita. viz. ArabiaVetus, k Nova seu Arabum Veterum Uistoria. ex probatissimis Seriptoribus excerpta. Vo/. 4.f. drab bds. cA.s.xviii. Rev. 1 horaas Price’s ( Carnhuauauc,) Drawings. fol. stone bds. eh. s. xix. Philiberts OraisonFunebre sur 1’Eveque de Bayeux, 1797. thin fol. wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Cardinal Borromeo’s (Archbishop of Milan,) Con¬ tract of the Soul with God. thin 24 mo. o. brn. John Pope Hennesey’s Synopsis of Agassiz on Natural History, with Notes from Carpenter. •2 mo. half red mor. ch. s. xix. Housekeeping, & Cookery Book. 1^.‘‘A List of such Servants as may probably be occasion for, with their Sallerys. (sic.) II The ordering of a Household. 24 mo. o. brn. cf. ch. s. xvii. Studies in Geometry, and Mathematics, 1850. fol. wh. pery. ch. s. xix. A Kalendar of the Journals of the House of Peers beginning 3 May I860 12 Car. 2, & ending in June 1685. 1 Jac. 2. with an Account of the Appeals, & Writs of Error when brought in, &. adjudged. Fol. I. thin fol. wh. veil., ch. s. xvii. Dering MSS. Titi Vespasiani Strozzae Borgiasi in decern Libris Borgiadis. An Encomium on the family of Boigias. in 5563 verses. A Note at the end says “Copio il Dottoie Geo. Barotti de Ferrara, da uu Codice che tiene il Siahor Francesco Contarini, 1761. sm. 4to. stiff wh. Italian bds. ch. s. xviii. Aglio s Original Drawings for LordKingsborough’s Mexico. 6 Vols• Fol. l. bey ins with the Codex ( lelleriano Remensis, printed by Lord Kings- ■ borough in his Mexican Antiquities. Vol. 1. P. 2. On page 1, is the figure of TecuilVitontl. fol. M II. bds. ch s. xix. Do. do. Vol. 2. Contains the Travels of the Mexicans in 1197, from their Original Country until they settled in Mexico, & the Conquest of them by Cortez. Part 3, £ 4,/. M II ch s xix Do. do. Vol. 3. Explanation of Signs, & Figures of Deities, pp. 56. Jol. HI H bds. ch. s xix. Do; do. tol. 4. pp. 57, to 90. The 1st. Portrait is Atlcaualo./oL do. do. Do. do. Vol. 5. The History of Mexico, and its Conquest by Cortes,;^. 91, ad 149,/o/. do. do. Do. do. Fol. 6. The Codex Telleriano-Remensis of Paris. <1 Part 1. page 1, to 13. Deities. I Part 2. page 1, to 33. Purl 2. page 33 ? to 39. Do. completed. II Putt. 3. page 1, to 8; Migration. M Part 4. page I, to 18. Migration completed. II Part 4. continued from p. 19, to 32. j. do. do. Buache’s Collections on Earthquakes, thin 4th J\1 II. ch. s- xviii. Buckland, Broadway, & Childs-Wiekham, Proper¬ ty Taxes. H Gilmour's Notes, & Letters. f.HIH.bds ch. s.xix. T. P’s. Letters 1824. 4 to. M 11. bds.ch s. xix. Do. do. 1825. 4to. HI U. bds ch. s. Xix. Do. do. 1831-2. 4/o. M H. bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Foreign Tour Papers, 1823. 8 vo. M H. bds. ch. s, xix. Do. Gilmour Letters 1842. 4to. M H. ch. s xix. Do. Catalogues of Ph. MSS. & Books. Incipit. Brayley’s Beauties of England, & Wales, k Scotland. Given to Mrs. Fenwick, 1863. 4/o. HI II.bds. ch. s. xix Wills of Lamb, & Hyde, thin f. stone bds.ch. s.xvii 1656, Sc 1703. Fenton MSS. Charters of Pembroke, & Haverford- West, temp- H. 2. thin f. sewed ch. s.xvi. 1809. Darke Papers, id. ... Isf. “Armstrong.” 4to. yell, bds. ch. s. xix. Gower’s Confessio Amantis. a Fragment of 4 leaves in 2 Columns. Incipit. “Whereof may wel be jusiifyed.” Dcsimt. “I rede how that in his Empire.” size 1 6 inch, by 1 1. 1. f MH.V. s.xv. 22916 22917 22918 22922 2-2923 22924 22925 22926 22927 22929 22930 22932 22934 22935 i*z937 22941 Le Lai de Aveloc. Transcript by Robt, Benson, Esqr. of Sarum. thin 4to SI II. bds. ch. s. xix Burke’s fEdmd.j Letter to the Duke of Portland! thin lino. H SI. bds. ch. s. xviii. Mylhroke Rental, 1586. f. SI H. Ids. ch. s. xvi. Codices MSS. Corbeienses, & Claromontani, ex Bibl. Meermanniana. thin f. HI II bds ch s’xix Sanscrit MS. with Diagrams, & Tables. 1. thin rol ch. s. xv.. J Dormer Wills, & Documents, thin fol. M H. bds. P. s. xvii-xviii. See No .... MSS. Ph. Fortescue Papers. II Letters from Vienna, 1634. H Note of Juan de Mena’s Poems. 4to. M H.bds. ch. s. xvii-xix. Upcott’s Foreign Autographs. 1st. “Du Mitaud the French Grammarian. l2mo. blue bds. bds. ch. s. xi x.pp. 274. John Rowland’s Monumental Inscriptions in Co. Caermartben. pp 46. Incipit. “An Antiquarian Excursion through Caermarihen." sm. thin 4to. HI II bds. s. xix. Notes of Northamptonshire Title Deeds. ls^. “Kings Sutton.”y. stone bds. ch. s. xv’ii. Ex Bibl. Gcorgii Baker, Historiei. Carta familiae de Piccolomini, 1487, thin fol. stone bds. Veil s. xv. Cart® Henrici, Roi de France, 1589. with his Au¬ tograph thin fol. stone bds. ch- s xvi. Charles de Charles de Rohan, Due de Montbazon 1706, &c. H Lettres des Princes de Bourbon, thin fol. stone bds. ch. s. xvii-xviii. Funeral Expences of H I. pp. 200. H Proclamation of the Accession of Edw. 6.to the Throne. “The Officers of Arms, kc. assem¬ bled where there was a stage of horde uppon hoggeshedes, whereon stode Garter Yorke, Rychemounte, & Somerset, & llouge-Crosse’ werynge there Cottes of Arms ."fol.drab bds. ch. s. xvi. Yeate’s Hebrew Lexicon .fHIH. cA.s.xviii .pp 4*6 Do. Description of the Primitive Christian As¬ semblies according to the Apostolical Constitu¬ tions. J. M H. bds. ch. s. xviii. pp. 182. Do. Tables of Eclipses of the Sun, and Moon. thin Jol. M H. bds. ch. s- xviii, Tamworth Castle Papers. Vol. .. 1st. “Letter of Veiney. to Sir John Ferrers, dated 14 Jan. (no H List of Ferrers Deeds. year.) U Lel . ters of Sir Humfry Ferrers. /. It. blue bds. ch. s xvi-xvii. A Book of Irish Oghams,or Virgean Cryptography thin sm 4 to. half red miss . ch. s. xviii. Oaths of the Chinese Missionaries, 1750. thin fol stone bds. ch. s. xviii. J Acta Missionis Jesuitarum in Macao, 1711, thin fol. stone bds. ch. s. xviii. A Tour of “Nine Months in Scotland, in 1795-6. sm. 4to It blue bus ch. s. xviii. Index to Win. Paver's Yorkshire Pedigrees. thin Jol. It blue bds. ch. s. xix. Letters of the Duke of Marlborough, Sir Julius Cmsar, kc thin jol. HI H bds. ch s xviii Collections relating to the Zuuch Family, from Records. 1st. “Parish Register Extract” H Maicli of Thomas Leiglilou with Mary Zouch. thin fol. It, grn. cl ch. s. xix. Orationes. Incipit. “Due. Jhu Christe qui nos per suam passionem. r H Psalterium. at the end is “Psalterium istud tint Beate Elizabeth*, thicks. 3 2mo. oldbrn. monastic binding F. s. xtii. Visiones Tungdali Hyberni. H Petrus de Riga super Cantica. Hletrice. sed more scolastico. H Do. super Evangelicam Historian). II Do. super librura Job. II Do. super Historiam Susannze. % Do. super Genesim. 424 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phii-lippka. , rnntpirmfuMundi I'I29G5 Jaeren’s (the Herald) Patents of Nobility in Bel¬ li Versus Bernardo, Carmen de Contemptu.Mun j .. „i„ in , & Brabant. 160O, to 1786. pp. 121. in tribus libellis. . T , . S Arms emblazoned fol. hf. grn. mor. ch. s. xvii. 11 De Arte Predicandl Alam Insulenbis Pronica dor Stack Nurenbura, 1.148, ad 1619. t Bernard!, Priori. Monaster,, Clun—. de ^2968 C '°™f s ”™l s hi,, burner's, cl, s.xvt-xv.i Contemutu Mnndi ai Petrum Vei.erabi em. Olimfu.it Monasterii S.Johis in Seyts.Ordinls 22901 Carthus. thick 24 mo. in Oak bds in chamois l,hr. V- s. xii, Some initial leaves cut out. J --J68 At the end is a receipt for making Ink, {in- caustum,) with Gulls. ■ r> * Collectai.e.i Georgii Barlow^ de Slebech, jnCo . XVII i. the 22943 •2971 2297 22909 Pembroke. 1686. thick fol. o brn eh (See a long printed List oj the Contents, in Col) 411 leaves,audit) supplementary leaves 5 2--9/II containing Memoranda of the Barlow bnnily, .s: \ other matters. ( See page 421. for a fuller list ) of the Contents of the MS ) j Langani Fragmenta Hibermca. Vol. 10. tlim _4»io. j half red russ. ch. s. xviii. 22944 Do. do. Vol. 11 thin fol. 24mo. hf. red russ. ch. s. xviii. 22945 The Convened Man's New liirth. 2imo.lj.red russ. ch. s. xviii 52 leaves. 22940 Psalterium ‘■Beatus,” &c sm. 4 to. grn. cl. J s.xiv. O/im Mercier de Buffe- At the end are “lne Ages of the Children of Antoine de Jasse, Seigneur de Mastaing, 1493. 2 n 94? Breviarium. Incipit “Domine ne in furore tuo. 32mo. red velvet V . s. xiv. 1 st. page ilium, the initial D. chequered Gules, & Or. 2294S First Part of Arithmetic, £ Astron- my. 24two brn. ppr. ch. s. xviii. Ollm tuit . Court of Pain-! 2-J/b ton, Co. Glouc. who was bred up to the Church, but died young, Postea Johis. Hughes, 1741. >22973 |22974 22975 22977 22970 Wheatley , <§’ Stewart , JIJSS. A Collection of Italian Letters, relating to Orvieto, <& Cameriuo. in 4 Vols. Vol. 1. H7 ‘‘Cardinal Giraud.” fol. hf. red Uhr. cli. s.xviii -OldNu 24. 22950 Do. do. Vol. 2. 1*7. “Giustiniani ”/. do. do. 2G. 22951 Do. do. Vol. 3. ist. dated “Orvieto, 1780./'. 27. \ 22952 Do. do. / ol. 4. 1st “Fantuggi.” / do. do. 29. S 22980 22953 Robinson’s Collections for Stepney. 2 Portfolios half grn. cl. ch. s xix. These were contained in Portfolio 2 A. named above. 22954 Do. do. for Stepney, 2 Vols. hf. grn mor. let¬ tered ABC. 22955 Do. Collections for Co. Essex, in a 4to. Portfolio half gin. mor. ch. s. xix. 22956 Do. do. for Walthamstow, Wansted, & Leyton. in a 4 to. Portfolio half grn. inor. ch. s. xix. {now hound in M 11. bds.) 229b I H. ldohn, JllSS. '22902 :22983 22957 ArchdalPs (Rev. M. Author of Mcnasticon llibcr- nicum,) Genealogies of Nobility of England, &. Ireland. 3 Vols.J. half brn. cf. ch. s xviii 22958 Stephens’s Alphabet of Arms. fol. hf. red mor. ch. s. xviii. , 22959 John Hunter’s Travels in Turkey, &c. illustrated ;02f>7B with Drawings, & Engravings. Unpublished. j pp. 32 6. fol. dark cj. ch s. xviii >2984 22960 Arms of Lancashire, & Cheshire. Olim Francisci < Bassuno, with his Autograph on top of Page 1. thin fol. half olive mor. ch. s. xvii. Camden’s, Lee's & Cooke’s Visitations of Salop. , 1 o64, 1504, & 1632. Apparently iu Dale, the Herald’s handwriting. 2 Vols. fol. rgh. cf - ch. Vol. 1. pp. 4 19. Do. do. Vol. 2 pp. 4C0 f. rgh. cf. ch s. xviii. :o-^OQCi Valera Cronicon Henrici 4. de Espana 1. It. cf. ch. 1“ s xvi. Deficient leaves supplged by later writing • 175 leaves. i Sir John Chardin's Travels, so Uttered on the \ back, but on llie fore-edge is written “Lloyd’; Arts, & Sciences of the Persians. .. Vols. fol. o. brn. cf. full gilt ch. s. xviii. 22961 >229: 22962 22963 22964 *22988 pp. 466. f. hog-skin brass cornel's, c. Alonzo de Paleneia Cronicon Hen. 4. de Espana. pp. 5 4. jo/, wh. limp vel. ch. s. xvii. Scottish Miscellanies, Original Letters, See. «[ Speeches of Rebells, executed 1745. jot hf. brn. cf. l r . Sf ch s. xvii.-xviii. Richard Phelps’s 42 Indian Ink Drawings of Urns, Altars, Tombs in Rome, fc Florence, in 1745. 4 to. half russ. gilt ch. s. xviii. Philip Absolom's Copy of the Visitation of Mid¬ dlesex, 1663. copied from that printed by Sir Thomas Pnillipps, Bart, in 1820. Arms em¬ blazoned. thin /. hf. dk. cf. ch. s. xix. Annas Maria Schurman Epistola 76 Originates. tol. pale russ. ch. s- xviii JEr Bill. Ihorpe. L. Martini’s 110 Pen, & Ink Illustrations of Homer &c. in 3 Port-folios, go be bound in Vols.) hf. grn. cl. red sides. J. ch. s. xviii.-xix. Arms of Sheriffs, Knights, & Gentry of Leicester^ shire to 1622. 04 leaves, damaged by clamp, thin fol. It. cf.gt. ch. s. xvii. Vincent, & Lennurd’s Visitation of Leicestershire^ 1691 & Additions to 1652. pp. 33J. fol. It. brnj cf. ch. s. xvii. Catalogue of the Earl of Essex’s Library, 1681-3, jo/, wh. v. ch. s. xvii. 388 leaves. JUaiked on thd sioes u W. S. Hag. Feb. A, 1687 Alphabetical Catalogue of Visct. Middleton’s Library .fol. It. bm . cf.gt. s. xviii. Classed Catalogue of doAo.f.lt.brn.cfgt.ch.s. xviii Edward Jefferey’s Biographical Memoranda o Painters, Engravers, Sculptors, & Aichitects. thick fol. russ. ch. s. xix. not paged but pro bubly 1000 pages. Letters, & Family Papers of John Symmons, (th> Biographer of Milton) of Anne Barlow of Slebech: 1i A Letter of King Poniare, of Tahiti. ^1 Letters of the Family of Barlow of Slebech. in a Port-iolio, f to be taken out, and buuno in 4/o.; talljol. bin. cj. ch. s.xviii. with Inde a Abstract of Suits at Law from temp, H. 6. to EliJ Written in a Filazer’s hand , b ornamented i the margins with Arms emblazoned, {which seet to have no collection with the MS.) fol. hj. nisi ch. s. xvi. (Query if it belonged to Blomefielt the Historian of Norfolk. Muntz’s Collection de Vases Egyptiens Etrusqua Grecs, & Romains. eu 23 pieces diverses, s exemplifies par 6., planches, Commence aRom 1753, et rei.uit a ce forme a Amsterdam. 177’ par J. 11. Muntz, lngineer, et Architecte.” large fol. unbound ch. s. xviii. The figures hax been taken out 98 pages, but 58 is entered tide i A Biography of.114 leaves, with bla% sides. (?if it has been printed.) Incipit. “In fd mer clays, I resided lor several years in C Britain, & France,” See. unbound /. ch. s. xix.< Alexr. Le Noir’s Explication d'un Papyrus deco: verte a Thebes. With Drawings of tire Papyrn Printed, § MSS.p l half blh. cf. gt. eh. s. xix Sir John Dole’s Drawings of Hindoo Customs; Trades. 1850. fol. hf. russ.gt. ch. s. xix. Benedicti Millim Isagogc in Anastasium de Vi Pont'.fieum, cum variis Lectionibus, et Indice Bound up with it is the Edition of Anastasi of 1602. in 4 to. with numerous Corrections< thick fol. wh. vel. ch. s. xvi Joseph de Morel’s Varies Extract de sus excelten Investigationts Historical,yAnnales deNava 2>p. 237. fol. Spanish wh. vet. ch. s. xviii Amara Cosha’s Sanscrit Dictionary. He lived ah the time of Christ. Tlu= was Sir Wm. Join Copy , and contains his MSS. ftutes, S Ai I gi aph signature. It also belonged to the Di of Sussex. 1. thh.f. russ. full gilt sides.ch.s. T. Horni r's Sketches of the Seat of Rowland phenson, at Marshalls, Co. l.fol. iu bound in red mor. full gt. gilt side s. ch. Catalog us Librorlm Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 42 5 92999 2^990 22991 22992 22993 22994 22995 22990 22997 22998 22999 23000 23001 23002 23003 23004 23005 23006 23007 23003 23009 23010 John Carter's 140 Architectural Ornaments. /. fol. wh. ‘cel. ch. s. xix. Thomas Horner’slllusiratkms of the Vale of Neath. 1. thick ohl fo\. iuss.JuII gt. sides ch. s. xix. Van Goyen’s Sketch Book, in Pencil, thick oblAto. wh, v. ch s. xviii Tour in Holland,ivFlanders,in 1771. with Drawings Beautifully written oblAto It brn cf ch. s xviii. J. H. Muntz’s Drawings of Vases Egyptiennes, Etrusques, Grecques, et Romaines, obi, fol. o. red mor. full gilt, gilt sides ch. s. xviii. Liber de Regno Venetiano &c. 1421. Incipit. “Proverbi Aquesto la maggior che di provincia ” It ■was sold at de la Valliere's,Sa/e/or 16 livres. j 4 In. half red mor ch. s. xv. The Colophon says “Iste liber scriptus fuit in Civitate Castelli, partim per me Nevis de Franchis duni eram j Potestas prefatre Civitatis, et partim perDnum. Bartolomeum de Fulginea, militem socium, | Anno MCCCCXXI die 4 mensis Novembris.” I damaged by wet at the end, <$■ repaired by : modern writing. Sebastiani Manrique Itinerario per Persia, et \ Turchia. Autograph MS. pp. 324. It contains \ passages which mere suppressed in the Edition l printed at Rome in 1649 j Four Rolls of the Household Expences of the < Dauphin, and Mary, Q. of Scots fol. V. s. xvi \ ( These are to be placed with the other portions \ in this Catalogue: see No . ) Thos. Dai.iell’s 48 Sketches of Chinese Costumes, i & Trades. In a gieen cloth Portfolio■ thin .... I 8®o. ch. s. xviii. Henry G Beauckrc’s “National Gallery, its Pic- \ tures, and their Painters, a hel|> to their ap- | preciation, 1841 4tu. unbound ch. s. xix Resumen de la Historia de los JesUitas. pp. 252. Incipit “Don Ygnacio Yanez.” 4/o. dk. blue \ bds. ch. 1825, s. xix. Robert Phill'pps’s Note Book of Law Cases, 1772. • sm. 4 to. half brn. cf. ch- s. xviii. pp 171. Thomas Moule’s (Author of the Heraldry of Fish,) j Heraldry of Trees, and Birds. 4lo. hf die. blue j mor. cli > s. xix Draw ings of Swiss, & Alpine Scenery, circa 1765. : 77 Sketches. With Autograph of J Windham- \ 8vo. half russia ch, s. xviii. lettered on the bach “Germany.” \ Index to the Catalogue of the Library of the Earl \ of Essex, at Cashiobury. in 1682-3. pp. 372. \ (To follow after the Catalogue in 2 Vols under 5 No .... Rental of Maurden, Co. (1 Hereford )u Fragment. \ temp. H. 8. 8uo- perg, s. xvi. Consolazione della Mente di Carlo Quiato, 1606. j pp. 3x4. ; H Opinionedi Paulo Servita, Consultor di Stato de \ Venetia, 16'5 . pp. 85. s. 4 to. rbh. v. ch. s xvii. j Marriage Settlement of the Duke of D. & Lady R. j! C. 1717 pp. 26. With the Autograph of Roht. ■ Phillipps, 1776. (Probably R obt Phillipps, of \ Longwoith, Co. Hereford.; sm. 4 to. hf. o. brn. j c J. ch. s. xviii. half blank. Hierocles in Carmen Pythagoras. II Galeni Historia de Philosophis. H Hermetis vel Mereuni Trismegisli opns Medico- ; Maihematicum Gnecb. 8 vo. brn cf ch. s. xv l Ex Bibl. Guilford. David Powell’s Continuation of Dugdale’s Baron- j age to the end ot Geo. 3. 156 leaves, with the \ Arms emblazoned sAlo.hf red cj ch. s xix, 1830. } Peter Durninger von Stauffenberg. A German Ro¬ mance in verse, Copied f rom the un.que Volume of Francis Douce, Esq printed circa 1480. sm. 4 to half brn cf. ch. s. xix. Montagu’s Arms of those Barons summoned to » Parliament, whose Baroi y ended, or whose pos terity were not summoned. Arms beautifully j emblazoned by Mr. Montagu of Lack ham , Co. Wilts, or by his Sister pp. 120. 4/0 It. cj. gt. < ch. s. xix. ExBibl ReV. David Powell pp.130 23011 Hindoo Paintirigs, in Talc. 1 A Durbar. 2 Dancing Girl. 3 A Sacred Procession 4 Snake Catchers, with the Rock Snake, & Cobra di Capello 5 Toddy Sellers. 6 A Palkee, or Palanquin. 7 A Native Gentleman going to hunt. 8 Cotton Spinners. 9 Carrying Ganges Water. 10 A Native’s Notion of Otium cum Dignitate. 11 Drawing Water. 12 Mussulman Funeral. 13 Tiger Hunt. 14 Hawking Goods. 15 Ploughing. 16 Oil Painting. 17 Dhobee, & his Wife. 18 Irrigation by means of Pacollahs. s. 4to. in a Tin Case (now bound in M H. bds.) -3012 Langara, the 15th. division of the Sadharm, called the Gota Imbara, with the Sanghadatta, the Jataka, or births of Boodha, called Sadarisona Jataka, & the Alina chitta Jataka, and some unconnected leaves written in the Cingalese Language, and Character, on above 130 leaves ol the Talipot, or Palmyra. 16 inches long by 2 wide, between 2 rose-wood Covers. Rotuli , ex eadem Bibl. 23013 Chinese Drawings of Insects, & Flowers. 22 feet long , 11 inches wide 23014 Pedigree of Ritter von Pocksberg, of Bavaria, from 1336, to 1559 Arms emblazoned 94 Coats. 11 feet long, by 2 feet wide 23015 A Chinese Pageant, or Panoramic View of a Mar¬ riage Procession of 74 figures bearing Palan¬ quins, Bades. ? Presents, Banners, & Lanterns, with 4 Columns of description. 18 feet long, by 14 inches broad. Rev. J. H. Todd MSS. ex Trin. Coll. Dublin. (Some of the Tournay MSS. were bought first by me, but a dishonest man with whom I had engaged at Bruxelles,sold them in my absence.) 23016 O’Donovan’s Supplement to O’Reilly’s Irish Dict¬ ionary. 4/o. hf grn. mor. full gl ch s. xix. 23017 O'Reilly’s Irish Writers. Printed with MSS. Ad¬ ditions, 4to. half blue cf. ch s.xix. interleaved. 23018 Catalogus Trin Coll. Dublin Librorum ,1. fol. half It. brn. cf. gt. s xix. 23019 Ugo, de Area Noe sm.fol. V. s. xii. 23020 L’Archeveque de Paris, Keponse a Fenelon, Ar- cheveque de Cambray thin fol. stiff spotted leaves ch. s. xviii 4 quires. 23021 Aurelii Augustini contra Manichaeum. Cassiodorus. 1. Gelasius fol. V. s xii. 23022 Gregorii Papse Decrelales thick fol. V. s. xiii. 23023 S. Bonaventura super 2dum Senteutiarum. fol V. s. xiv wh. hoy skin 23024 Lodoyci Cortoxii de Legibus Repertorium. Copy of the Colophon at the end f wh. v ch s. xix. 1379, ad 1398. ExBibl Abb. 8. Albani, prions Treviros. 23025 Hugo de S. Victor de Sacramentis. I.f.wh v. F.s.xii. 23026 S. Hyeronymus in Jer nuain Piophetam. 1. f.wh. V. s. xii. Ex Abb. Martin, Tornac. 23027 S. Hilani Pietaviensis Opera, contra Arrianos, &c. l.fol. wh. vel V s xii. 23028 Angtlomi Luxoviensis in 4 Libros Regum, Liber l.fol. wh. vel. V. s. xii. Ex Bibl. S. Martiui Tornacensis 2 309 Hegessippus de Bello Jud.ii o, & Excidio Hieroso-' lymse. iol. wh. vel V. s.xii. Ex Bibl . S. Maria? de Pontigniaco. If Gregorialis de Sententiis, - 420 Catalog us Librorum Manuscripto rum in Bibliotheca Fhillippica. 23030 23031 23032 23033 23034 23035 23036 23037 23038 23039 23040 23041 23042 23043 23044 23045 23040 23047 23043 23049 23050 23051 23052 23053 2305 4 23055 23056 2?057 23058 23059 23060 23061 23062 23063 23064 23065 [23072 23077 230y 8 23079 23080 23081 . E T Bibl. S. Martini Tomacensis. '23066 f. rvh. vel l 7 s xii _ ( S. Hieronymus in fcahm l.fol ich tel V s. xn. ; 23067 Ex Bibl. S. Mart.ui Tornac. ' ce in this La - ; talogue No. .... S. Hieronvmus in Ezechiel.ASermunes de Assump- j tione Virginia 4 to. mh vcl V. s. xii. 23069 Beda in S. Marcum, fal. wh. vel. V . s. xiii. j Irish Glossary of O’Clery. Copied by Antony 23070 Curry. 4 to puce cl- ch. s xix. Eugene Curry’s Summary of the Book of Ferraoy. \ 23*>. L thin fol. puce cl. ch s xix S3 leaves. Ulster Visitation Book, containing the Tempor¬ alities of Christofer, Archbp. ot Armagh. fol. rgh cf. ch. s. xix ; Catalogus Librorum, & Manuscriptorum a Col. VaTlancey f. rgh cf ch. s. xix. pp. 266. Mac Congliane’s Vision. An Irish Romance, by >, O’Currv. Transcript. 4lo.MH.ch s.xix pp 64 J Corresp. of Archbishop Marsh, Smith, Dodwell, 4- j Rawlinson, Copied from Bodley. thick fol. hi. j It. brn. cf. ch. s xix. Index to S. Columba's Poems, k to other Works. *1 The Litany of Aengus. 56 written leaies. fol. hf. ryh cf. ch. s. xix. ...... Festiology of Aengus, or Irish Calendar, pp. 292. [ 23075 Index. Ato pace cl ch. s xix. | 23076 Flight of the Earl of Tyrone Tracings of the Ori- j ginal MS. inlaid but bound up wrong. \63 leaves. Ato. dk. red nor gt gilt clasps ch. s. xvii. ^ Donati Mooney Historia Franciscanorum de Hi¬ bernia Ato. half dk. blue vior. full gt ch. s. xix. j Copied from the Original in the Burgundian | Library, Bruxelles. Index Nominum, & Rerum in Vita S Patricii in Libro Armachano thin Ato pace cl. ch. s. xix. I The Annals of Ulster, Copied by O’Sullivan, from the Clarendon MSS. tall narrow fol.hf. brn. cf. | gill ch. s xix. J. H. Todd's Rough Draft MS. of St. Jerome on i the Gospels, fol. half dk. cl. ch. s. xix. Keating’s History of Ireland, in Irish. 3 Vols j Ato. half russ. ch. s.xix. transcribed by Eugene \ Curry Vol. 1. pp. 240. < -3082 Do. do. Col 2. pp 241, to 462. Ato. do do. | Do. do. Vol. 3. 463, to 788. 4/o. do. do. i Book of Lismore. I f half dk. blue mor. ch.± xix. \ Copied from the Duke of Devonshire’s MS. > 2 SOS 3 The Book of Fenagh, or Ancient Irish MsS. of St. Eaillin. 5 23084 H Lile of St. Brendan, l.f puce cl. ch s. xix Leabhar na H Uidhri. /. f hf. russ. ch. s. xix Dalton’s Breviary of the Roman Church, 6: Ri«e j of Popery. i8wo. russ. ch. s. xvii. with Pur- \ trait of Michael Dalton, the Author. With Book Plate of Roberi Whalley Bridgeman. j Beschi’s Grammatica Tamulica, 1728 1 vmo.o.brn cf s h s xviii. pp. 264. first 2 leaves are de- > slroyed by damp. Histoiia Animalium, ex Aristotele. beautifully j drawn in Pen, Ink thk. obi. l8wio wh. vel. ch. s. xvii. i23085 Robt. VVare’s MSS. 4 Pols. Collections relating to Popes. Vol. >. Lives of Popes, folia 174. 4fo. \ Do. do. Vol. 2. On the Reformation /, 154. Do. do. Vol. 3 Catalogue of Popes. Ato. Do. do Vol. 4- Lives of Popes. 4/o. ch. s. xviii. j De Matrimonio Tructaius. sm. Ato. o brn. marbl. j cf. ch. s xviii. or xix j Herimanui Vita S. Bartini de Tournay, or History of Restoration S. Martin Tournay. Translated by ? J. H. Todd. 4/o half wh. vel ch. s. xix. Bedaj Retractiones in Actus Apostoloium. thinful wh. vel. V. s. xiii. Petri Cantoris Parisiensis Verbum Abbreviatum. fol wh vel, V. s. xii. in fine Homilies of St Gregory s f hf.lt. brn. cfV .s.xii. Leabhar Gabhala, or Book of Conquests, by Peregrina O’Clery. Copied by Antony Curry, from the Original in Royal Irish Academy. i fol. rgh. cf. ch. s, xix. pp. 247. 23094 23086 230-'7 •43Ui>8 23089 0’Donovai''s Supplement to O'Reilly’s Irish Glos¬ sary. fol.yrn wor.ch.s xix. 160 leaves. O’Brien's Annals ot InnisfaUen translated. pp. 468 Ato hf. brn. cf. ch. s. xix Leabhar Sil Dalaigh, or Book of the O Donnells. pp 39'. Copied 1 ’27 Ato. blk It hr. V. s xix . O Reilly’s Erse Poems from Scotland, pp. 51. thin Ato stiff" marble cover s. xviii. Win. Molyneux’s Extracts from Close Rolls, and I Records square 24wo. wh. v. ch. s xvii, Clerigh’s Transcript of Leabhar Gabhala. Ato. o bin. cf ch. s. xvii. Felire Oengus 52 pages 8 vo V. s.xix. Given by i Eogan O’Cominaideh, 1845, to Geo. Petrie, . Transcribed in 1806, and then given to John 1 Mac Naiuara, Esq by the Transcriber• Fairfax MSS. Fairfax MSS. Soldiers at the Siege of Calais, $-c. Duke de Rohan’s Interest of Princes translated. by B. F. (Brian Fairfax.) c Memoranda of the Earl of Ormond. thin fol. drab bds. ch. s. xvi. Will of Sir Thos. Fairfax, 1640. thin f drabch.s. xviiii Genealogia Johis. Golden, &c. thin f.drab ch s.xvii.i Fairfax Poems. IsL Crest of Paw let, Marquis of V' inchesier. Crests of Peers, thin f. drab bds. ch. s xvii. Fairfax on the Dangers of Kingdoms. thin fol. drab bds. ch. s. xvii. Collections by Sir T. P. Sfc. Le Lai de Aveloc, transcribed from Phillipps MSS.- on Vellum. No. .... thin s Ato. drub ch. s. xix.i T. P Summary of Cicero de Officiis s. Ato. M H.l ch. s. xix T. P’s. Logic Exercises, s Alo.Al H. Idsch.s , xix.i Miscellaneous MSS. Autographs of Generals of France in the Great Revolution. The 1 st. is dated “A la Citadellel de Strasburg, 13 Nivose An 5, (1797.) roy. 8io. It. blue bds. ch s. xviii Statutes of Archbp. Chichele’s Hospital at High* »m Fcners 1507 s.thin Ato. AJ II. Ids ch. s xvi. Steward's Accounts of Lord. (< l ord Har-i lington.) 1626, kc. delivered to me by Roberti Tollemache. A Mem ‘-Notes, & Papers about my Brother's Estate in Northamptonshire, & a Survey of Harrington,all delivered to me by myi brother Robert Tollemache, the 13 May 1 Ci41 Another Note subjoined says “I found this among the Old Deeds at Ilelmingham, Lionel Tollemache, 1750.’, Sewed up in a Deed of Lionel Tollemache, ot tlelmingham, Esqr. temp. Jac. 1. obi Ato M II. bds. ch s xvii. Adabi Alamgiri, u Collection of Letters in Persian or Hindostani. 3 Vols. Bvo. half russ. c/i.s.xviiii damaged by water. De Jure Civiii Romano thin fol. drab ch. s. xvii. The Sick Widow, sm. Ato M II bds. ch. s. s. xix. . Cicero de Oratore. fol red Velvet V. s. xv. Ex Bibl .Havvtry, D. D. Dublin Papers. 1st “Christ Church Rent Roll. 11 Visitatio Adami (? Lottus,). Archiep, 1664. % Historical Remark* on Trinity Cathedral, Dub-1 lin, & M, Patrick l/un /. y. bds ch s.xvi-xh Cart* Antique Anglican® 13. lsL“Eudo Trayneys, A 1306. lot. stone bds V. s. xvi, kc. Viscount de Vuux’s Correspondence, i. “Salgues.’i lot brn. ppr ch. s. > v ii, Schoutoi ’s Diawings of Views in Sicily Lx Bibl.l Lord Valentin. I Ato half brn. cf. ch s.xviii.i Glouc. Collections Draft of Deed 2 Pots Pol. l.| 1 st. “Cull of Gretton.” 4/o. y. bds. ch. s. xix. 9 Do. do. Vol. 2. 1st Aou Tompson. 4 toy.bds.ch Catalogus Librohum Manuscuiptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. 427 '23096 T. P. Sketches of Scenes, k Notes of Antiquities in his Tour abroad in 1S21-2. obi. Ato. 6 in. hu If pure in or. molt led oh. s. xix. 23096 Prayers, Is/ “Morning Prnyeis.” '2>td. “Thanks¬ giving.*’ thin Alg. half wh v. s xviii Ex Bib:. l)ucis. Sussex. 23097 Miscellaneous Papers Is/. “Baldwin, 1677.” thin fol. stone bds ch. s. xvii. 23098 Madame Graffigny’s Letters, & Poems ? II Letters from Visct. De Vaux, to M. Vriot. thin /. brn. Ids. ch. s. xviii, 23099 Maryland Papers, ]&/. “Revenue of Pottomuc, from 1703, to 1706. thin f- M 11. bds. c/i.s.xviii. 23100 Wellington Campaign in Spain, 1810. 1st. “Da- lmaas. thin fol stone bds ch. s. xviii- 23101 Placita Hibernia. Ex Vol 3. MSS. Sir Wm. Bett- ham. Vol. 1 p I ad 183. l8«zo puce mor ch s xix 23102 Do. do. Ex Vol. 3. Vol.2.pp. 1 84, ad 312. ISwo. puce mar. ch. s. xix. 1 23103 Do. do. Placita- Vol. 3i fol. 270, to 382. 11 Index II Knights made in Ireland, by the Earl of Leices¬ ter, from 1584, to 1599. 18mo. d/t blue mor. ch. s. xix. 23104 Do. do. Ex Vol. 4 p. 1, to 382. 18mo. do. do. 23105 Do. do. Ex Vol. A.fol 1 , to 176 18mo do. do. 23106 Do. do, Ex Vol. 4. f. \76,to 400. 1 877 / 0 . do. do. 23107 Do. do Ex Vol, 4. /, 401, to 441. \8mo. do do. «' Index. H Books from Sainsbury's Sale 1860. 1 [ Do. Crowningshield’sSale of American Books. 1860. II Pedigree of Phillipps, of Picton Castle, from an illuminated Pedigree on Vellum, lent to me by Richard Nugenl, Esqr. of the National Club. ( Mr. Nugent gave this Vellum Roll to me af terwards.) 23108 Exeerpta ex Rotuiis Pip® Hibernian Vol. 1. Part 1. a 50 H. 3. 1266, ad 1 294 Jol. 1, ad 151. lSw/o. dark blue mor. ch. s. xix 23109 Do. do. Vol. I. Part 2. fol. 156, ad 274. lhmo. puce mor. ch. s. xix. 23110 Observations, & Notes on Roman History, inter alias Of the Sybarites, & their dancing Horses, Incipit. “Romulus Martis, & Iliae tilius.” obi. Alo. 5 inch, old brn. cf. ch s. xviii. 23111 Indian Drawings of Trades, Offices, Plants, and Flowers, with the Titles in Tamul, or Telugu, & in English Letters, obi. Ato. hf. russ ch. s.xix. 23112 Carta Originales Cameraceuses, kc. 57. *[] Carta Richeldis Comitissae, matiis Baldwini, filii Magni Baldwini, Comitis Flandriae, Data 1077 l.fol. M H. bds ch. V. s. xiii. 23113 Cartae Metteuses, &c. 35. Is/. “Guillermus dictus Croullars, Armiyer. s. Ato. M H. bds. V. s. xiii. &. xiv. 23114 *Do. do. 30. Henricus, Rex Navarrae. II Carta ad Moniulea de Barpres du Chateau Thierry, sm. Alo M H. bds V. s. xiii. 23115 Do. do. 50. 1st. “Johes. Comes Carnotensis, Carta pro Valle Secreta. s Ato t\l H. V s.xiii. 23116 Sujah ul Dovvlats, kc. Letters, in Hindustani tallJol. M H. bds ch. s. xviii. 23117 T. P’s. Copy of the Marriage of the Duchess of Burgundy, sm Ato. M 11. bds, ch. s. xix. 23118 Letters of Lowndes, See. ^1 Collections lor Lady Harriett Mitchell's Pedi¬ gree. 4/o M H bds. ch- s. xix. 23119 East 1 1 id n Letters, in Hindostani. tall narrow fol. Al H bds. ch s xviii, or xix 23120 Miller, or Mitchell Estate Accounts. sm. Ato. M H. bds ch s xviii. 1774. 23121 Tainworth Castle Papers, Correspondence of Si- •Humfiey Ferrers is/. “Jo. Newdegaie.” pp. 280 Jol. half blue cllh. ch. s x\ i. 23122 Compendio Historico de la Revolution Francesa sm. Ato. half brn. Ithr. ch. s. xviii. u‘3 123 Bird MSS. Scudamore Pedigrees, & Papers. thin fol ch. s. xviii. Ex Evangelio. Greece. Fragmenlum. fol. U. grn. bds. ch. s. xiv. 23;25 Pizzi MSS. A Treatise on Medicinal Herbs and Plants, fol. half blue cl. ch s. xviii. 23126 I)o. Beytar on Medicinal Plants, thin fol. half blue cl ch. 8 xviii. (? entered before ) 23127 Ctesar de Missy’s MSS. 1 */. “Bernard.” thin fol. brn. paper, ch. s. xviii. 23 1 28 B. II. Bright MSS. Relation di Inghil- terra. 0 H Sagredo Relatione di Iughilterra, aTranscrint pp. 176. H Navagero do. do. pp. 86. s.f wh. cf. ch. s xix. 23J29 Rev. Wm. Cole’s Collections from Hereford Cath¬ edral, with Arms coloured, thin f. ch. s. xviii /• x Bird MSS. * * 23130 Leabhar Gabhala, or Book of Conquests. Incipit. “Do Curieassa ” Jol hf grn. veil. ch. s- xviii. 23131 Diario di Roma, dal 1694, al 1740 2 Vo/s. I ul. 1. dul 1694, al 1718. thick 18 mo. wh. veil . ch. s. xviii. 231*12 Do. do. Vol. 2. dal 1719, al 1740. 1 87720 . do. 23133 TJpeot MSS. Autographs. 1st. “Lord Shrewsbury.” 12 mo. stone bds ch s xix. >3134 State Letters. Murked C 1800. 1st. “To William Huskisson Ato. iff II. bds. ch. s. xviii. 23135 Do do. Marked D. Commissariat Letters in Egypt, 1801. 1 st. from “Aboukir.” Ato. ME. bds ch. s xix. 23136 Do. do. Marked D. De Bel’s Commissariat Letters. Is/, from “Rosetta, 1801 V f.MH. bds. 23137 Do. do. do. B. \st. Dated “H M. S. Pegasus*, Mu'inoriu Harbour, 8 Feb. 1801. fol.M H.bds, ch. s xix. 23138 Do. do. do. A. Is/. Dated “Cassel, 24 JunelGOO. thick Jol Af II. bds. ch. s, xviii. 23139 Navy Papers. 1st. “List of Officers of H. M. S. Romney.” Ato. Al H bds. ch s xviii. 23140 Duties of High Marshall, caret initio, thinf.MH. bds. ch. s. xvi 23141 Miscellaneous Papers. Is/. “De Templorum Pro- ianatione.” thin f M H bds. ch. s. xvii. 23142 Bringtou Magna, &. Parva Easier Book. 1586. lull narrow thin Jol. M H. bds. ch. s. xiv.1586. 23143 Linlz Estate Papers, Co. Durham, 1829. M H. bds. ch. s. xix. 23144 Liddell Estate Papers, Co. Durham, 1717. t'ol. M H. bds. ch. s. xviii. 23145 Military Affairs, 1799. 1st. “Letter of M. Essen, to His itoyal Highness f. M II. bds. ch. s. xix, 23146 Thomas Croltoii Croker’s Memoranda, JS38. 4/o. J/ H. bds. ch. s. xix. 23147 Booth Correspondence relating to Books. Is/. ‘‘Stewart.” Ato. M H. bds ch. s xix. 23I4S Autograph Letters, is/. “C. Somerset, 1708.” Ato. M H. bds. ch. s. xviii. 23149 Do. do 1 st “Brookbank, to Lord. 1799. Ato M H. bds. ch. s xviii. 23'50 Do. do. 1st. /‘Lord Clarendon, 1826.” Ato.ME. bds. ch. s, xix. 23151 Do. do. of Foreign Nobility, Letters of Minis¬ ters, Emigrants of the French Revolution, &c. Irani 1685, lo 1840. Ato. ME. ch stec.xvii,Zoxix. 23152 Computus Niclu. de C.-.sieltown de Auxilio de Com. Norfolk, pro maritando filiam suam, Ao. 20 E -i. fol. M E. bds. ck. s. xvi. 23153 Lettie d’un Evt-que au Synod de Blois, 1637. fol. M H. bds. ch. s. xv. 23154 Book ol Rates of Co. Durham, 7 Geo. I. 1 Tax 011 Papists, 9 Geo. 1. f.MH, bds.ch s.xviii. 23155 Fees of Honor in the House of Lords, & paid to Garter King, with other Heraldic Papers. Giant ot Arms to Wm. Clarke of Cork, 1804. on Vellum, thin fol. ME. bds. ch, s* xviii,* 23156 French Prints Is/. “Napoleon I. on his Charter standing on ihe Globe thin /. ME.bds.ch.s x°ix. 23 57 Bayzand Carta; 1st. 1 Gore, v. Bayzand.” fol MH. b<>s ch- s.xix. Exdono Ronti Tomes,Arm. 1869. 23 158 Fermor’s Title lo Childs Wickham. f.M *H. bds.ch, s. xix. Ex dono Robti. Tomes, Arm. I»69. 23:59 Richard Bay zand’s Correspondence. 4 / 0 . ME. bds. ch s. xix. 23124 Cole Autographs \st c/t s XiX Do. Heralds Letters. 1*7. “Woods, 18l5.” fol-. M H bds eh s. xix. Franks I of “Maul e'' square 18 mo MH.ch. s.xix $23202 Va entyne Poltzen van Rufach’s Limpning Book, * or Iiluiuinitr Bo* k. am. thin Atu. halj blue cl. I ch s xvii. ’’ti leaves. Collections from the Papers of Fisher Tomes, ol Stratford on Avon, Esq thin tol Al II ids. ch. ' s. xix. Copied by .Price. Portman Pa- ors temp. Cromwell, & Car. 2. fol AI H bds. ch s xvii Testamenta. Is/. “Singer of Dorney, Co. Bucks. 18-10./o/. M H bds ch s.xix. Stephens Copies of Gluuc Wills, 1625-3P. I*/. “Fcis. Brookes, of Hidcot Boys fol. Al E. Defensa del Gobierno de Palafox, 1649. f.M H.bds. j ch. s. xvii. \ ~ T. P's. Expences at Berne. 1822-3. \'2mo. wh. bds. s _ ch. s. XX. 2320 ' Lctiere Italiane. Vol. 1. 1st. “Farze. 4 to H M\ bds. ch. s. xix. Do. do. Vol. 2 2nd. ‘‘Baldrati.” f.MH.ch.s. xix. | Do. do. Vol. 3. I si “Keicardi.” fol. Al li. do. Mendleshain Court Roll Book, 6 Edw. 6. Lettere Italiane. Vol. 1. 1*1. “Hardi.” 1. MH bds. ch. xix. Letters to Clias. Sandys. 1*1. “E. Birtwhistle. ? ” 8to. M H. bds. ch. s xix. Letters of St.miiorth, in Com. Yoik thin fol. MB. ch. s xviii. Ex Bibl. Wilson of Bradford, Co. York. s 232ll Lanzotii Oposcoli. Medico Ferrarese, 17 l2.raccolta \ da Girolamo Barruflaldi. fol wh. Italian bds. \ ch. s. xviii. Estat de la Perse, 1730. thin fol. mottled cf. gt ch. s. xviii. Salway Faniily Papers, being Correspondence ol J. Salway, ot the Lodge, Co. Salop, with Wm. Radclifl’e the Herald. 5 Vols. 4 to. jiale russ. gt. \ ch. s. xviii. / ol. 1. 23209 23212 232 13 23214 Do. do. Vol 2. 4/o. do. do. do. Do. do. Vol 3. Ato. do. do. do. Do. do. Vol. 4. Ato. do. do. do. Do. do. Vol. 5. Ato do do. do. Desci iplic in of the Assyrian Cartoons < 123215 of the Library at Thirlestaine House, 1898. sm. Ato. M //. bds. ch. s xix. North Gloucestershire Cait*. Vol 1. 1*1. “Long Marston." Ato M H. bds. ch. s. xviii-xix. Do. do. Vol 2. 1*/.‘‘Campden.” Ato M H.bds. ch. s. xviii-xix. 23187 23168 23189 23190 Do. do. Vol. 3. I*/. 1 “Cow Hon; iborn.” Ato. do Do do. Vol. A 1*/. ' “Buckland .” Ato do do Do . do. Vol. 0 . 1*7 ' “Campden, 2 nd. “Wilier sey.” 4/o. do. do. Do. do. Vol 6. 1*1. “Prestbury.” tall fol. Mil. bds ch. s. xviii-xix. Chas. Sandys s MSS. fol. M 11 bds. ch. s. xix. 23192 Do. do. Vol 2. 1st. “Furley. 23193 Do. do Vol. 3. 1st. “E. H 1 23194 Do. do. Vol. .. . Index to p do " s, & Places. 1*1. “Abbott.” toll narrow fol M II. ch. s. xix 23195 Do. do. Vol. ... 1 * 1 . “E. H. Sandys.” 2nd. “8ir Egerton Bridges ” 4 to. MH. ch. s.xix. 23196 Do. do. Vol . 1*1. ^ to.MH.ch. s.xix. 23197 Do. do. Vol,.... 1*1. “Shepuitt.” Ato. do. do. 23I9S Do. do. Vol . '2nd. “Lutusdaine.” Ato. do. 23199 Do. do. Vol . Case of Chas Pandys. fol. M H bds. ch. s xix. 23200 Do. do. Vol .Collection of Pedigrees. 1st. “Roper.” thin fol. M H. bds . ch. s. xviii. 23220 23222 23223 Lord Albemarle’s Warrant Book. pf. 162. fol. wh. v■ ch- S. xviii. Hire of Negroes in Jamaica, f.rgh.bm.cf cA.s.xviii;; Edward Williams's MSS. Statuta Griflini ap Conan, in Welsh, thin Ato. yell.it bds. ch. s. xviii. Vita Griffini ap Conau. sm. 4 to y. bds. ch. 4 . STiii. Mexican MSS. The Viceroy’s Reports at Bogota, 1758-GO. &c. fol. M H. bds ch- s xix. Seimonario en lengua Tarasca. 8 vo. half citron cf. ch. s. xvi. Modo facil y breve para aprendre el Idioma Mexi- cana. 2Amo ha] Spanish cf. yt. ch s. xviii. Mtl the end is “Quudemo de Juan Francisco Reges; Calzado.” Josephi :le Reyna Vocabulario Mexicano, 1770. *i Uesuinen de Confessionario. li Doctrina Christiana. 11 Acto de Contricion. 24 mo hf. citron cf. gt. ch. s. xviii. Miscellanei Sermones en Lengua Mexicana. sij. 24?no. hf citron cf. gt. ch. s xvii 300 leaves .< Methodo breve para confessar a un Indio eni idioma Othomi. thin ISt/io. If. brn cf. ch. s.xix,; Zaramenano Arte del Idioma Totonac o.printed. Last page MS 1752. sm. Ato. hf. olive mor ch.\ s. xviii Diario ? thin Ato. hf rgh. grn. cf. ch. s. xix. Vetancurt, Arte de la lengua Mexicana printed 1073 s 4 1». half citron cf. ch. s. xviii. No MS. 1 Algunos de los Keparos y coutradiciones que se Italian en la Histnria America escrivio Don Antonio de Ulloa. thin Ato. rch. v. ch. s. xviii. Don Diego Garcia Poema sobre el Allanimienio de los Caminos de Vera Cruz a Mexico, Mo. halj'i wh. v ch s. xviii. Documentos para la Hisloria Ecclesiastica de Mexico. 1 Descriptio Proviuciae Mexican*, et Gnrteraber, 1633. Ex Archivis Cosanatensi. 4/o. hull, puce mor. ch. s, xix Cart'* Curiosae. Is/. “Carta quesu Antoja escriviri a qnalquieie que la quisiere leer. 4/o. half puce ■> mor. ch. s. xvii. 17 1 leaves. Fundacion del Convento tie St. Joseph de Mexico,) prophetizado por Santa Theresa. *. Ato. blk. cf. 1 yt. tooled sides ch. s xviii. 1716. Don Juan Gonzales de Uruena el Real Tribunal y Audiencia, Contador de Resultas en de Queij-i las en Mexico, y de las do la Armada de Bar- lovento. Delineacion de lo tocante al con-i ocimiento del punto de Longitud del Giovo dei Tierra y Aqua y de la Caussa de los Ciecienies y Menguanies del Marea las Orillus de Sierra ,1 que cousagra a los Rs. Ps del Rey f)'-n Phclip-i pe 5to. sm. Ato. crimson flowered silk ch. s.xvii.i 112 leaves. Sermones del Dr. Francis Xavier Lizana, Can-: onigo de Zamora, sobre las Verdatk-s qtie se ariuncian a los Pueblos para reducir los al 1 camino del Ciclo. 2 Vols. *. 4/o. Spanish brn.\ cf yt. c/n s. xviii. Coleccion de Papeles. lmo. Los Frailes Dominicos 1 de Lerona que mataron a su Prior. 2do. Los t rades Agostinos que mataron a su Provincial, & other Murders by the Monks, Sfc. sm. Ato. half puce mor. ch. s xviii. The Factious Crew, or Pnsb\terie displayed, by J. R. or T. li. sm. Atu o. brn. cf. ch. s.xv'u.pp.Q 2 .: Autos de Visitacion de la Eclesia del Cunventi de S. Francisco de Mexico, in 1J36.9 8 leaves, s. Ato. red cf. wiih ua.'p, § bud^n ch. s. xvii. i 23224 j 23225 | 23226 23227 23228 23229 23230 23231 23*232 23233 23234 23235 23*236 23237 23238 23*239 23*240 23*241 •23242 23243 Catalogue Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phijllippica. 429 Oriental MSS. Tootie "Nameh. Persice. s. 4 to Persian binding brn. mar ch. s. xvii. Otim J. H. Darell, 1794 Tezkerat Aleuli, or History of the Saints. Persic sm fol. Persian binding ch. s xvi.. Old No. 5260. (? entered before ) Part of a Chronicle extending from A. H. 590, to A. H. 623. apparently a '2nd. Pol. Persice. sm fol old brn. Ithr. stamped sides ch. s xvi.. Old No. 20. Codex Arabicus. A Translation of Isaiah, & Daniel, * Apocryphal Writings, fy Fables, 1 §mo.6\inch. Ithr ch. s. xvi. 1525. Translation of Isaiah, & Daniel, into Arabic, dated 1525. If Fables, sm. 4to. 6% inch, old Oriental binding ch. 8. xviii. Codices M iscellanei. Miscellanea. 1st. “Comite Espanol.” 11 Gloucestershire Collections, &c. l.f. MH. bds A ch. s. xvii-xviii. Badgvvorth Overseer’s Book, 1682, to 1741. long narrowf. rvk. v. ch s. xvii. Hinton’s, & Hunt’s Collections for Berkshire. thick large fol. half russ. ch. s. xix. Vincent’s Fiat Lux, between the Papist, and Pro¬ testant. 4 to. wli. veil % th. s. xvii. Sale Mo. 321 .\ List ot the Royal Navy. i II Do. do of France. > 4t o. wh perg.\ If Do. do. Jof Sweden, 1778.) ch. s. xviii. Valuation of Wapping Brewery, fol. hf. brn cf. ch. s. xix. Common Place Book of Affairs in France, relating! to the Archbishops, & Bishops in 1818. 1. Draft ot a Deed 1751, between Sir Fcis. Has- kin Eyles Styles, Bart, of East Sheen, Co. j Surrey, Sc Wm Cockell. If List ot French Bishoprics, fol. hf.wh. veil, ch, j s. xviii-xtx. Memoranda Vitse, perT.P. being Notes on my I Tour in Switzerland 4to mottled bds. ch. s. xix* G. l hillipps on Baptism by Jno. Morison, He wasj Pastor uf the Baptist Church, Jamaica Row| Rotlieihithe. 4to. M II bds. ch s. xviii. T. P’s. M H. MSS. Memoranda Vita?. tall narr.1ol.\ M H. bds. ch. s. xix. 21 Drawings ot Views in E. India . well painted, mounted on Card board. Mo. A1 U. ch. 8. xix. Dering MSS. Sommaire de 1’Histoire du Monde. If L'Histoire de Troy la Grant. Incipit. ‘‘Avant que Rom me fut fondee mil, et CCC an* fut Ic Roy Ninus. 1. 4 to. yrn. T. mor. tooled, let¬ tered on the side “Historic de Troye la] Grant.” V. s. xvi. Sale 858 : Orationes. Incipit. “Iantum debitor suus amare.” ] If Quiutilianus Causidicus. * Mus.ca. II Carmen do vita Sci. Laurentii. Incipit. “. Decio tenlus gladioque furente peremtus.” I Augustinus de Sea. Viduitate. H Pr« speri Carmina. pp. 236. '24mo. cf full gt. V. s. xii. Ex Bibl. Swauiana. Sole 817. Ccdex Grsecus ex Hibl. Je.'uitarum de Clermont a Pali 1 ;. Caret initio. Inter alia. “Kanona t w theiuj kai agira Ymnodw uiegal w kosmo. Theodon prodromi exeges-is ton kanona tou Christou genne.siws prooimion. If Peri BaptiMna. II Excerpta exJohe Damasceno. 11 Exegesis eis ton Triodion, &c. &c. thick s . 4 to. ’1 in . stiff 7th. vel. Charta bombycina s. xv. With the French Paraphe on page 1, “Col- legii ParisienMS Sue. Gesu ” Sale 68 “Verso laments bile nella morte tlello Signor Duca Alexr. de Medici, Duca di Firenze, alio Revdo. Monsignor Cibo.” II l/uitimo insuinmo della Duchessa. 800. wh. vel. ch. s. xvii. Sale 7“0- 23244 Terentius sm fol. grn. mor. gilt V. s. xiv. ter p- lum Ferraria, 1362. Sale 8 9 23245 W. M. Triuder’s Letters, & Proceedings i t Mt m -J, in 1793-5. fol o. brn. cf. new backed ch s. xviii. Sale 857. 23*246 Churches in Kent, neatly drawn. Apparently the whole County pp 102. sm. 4 to. perg ch. s. x i i. Sale 759. 23247 Sheriffs Precipes in Co. Kent. temp. Geo. II. sm. 4 to. wh. perg. ch. s. xviii. Sale 761. 23248 A Debtor, &. Creditor Account of some Affairs, probably at Venice 4 to. ch. Sale No. 732. There are two pagivgs, the \st. ends at folio 149, the '2nd begins with 109, extends to 172. 23249 Recueil tie Brevets de la Calotte. 800. old French cf. fullgt. ch. s. xviii. Sale 676. 23250 Thubise Veronensis Poet* Liber “Isotteus.” Car¬ men. “Sigismundus Pandulphus Malatesta Iso^ taj Arimineiisi, s. p. d. 58 leaves, s. 4 to. o. brn. cf. s, xviii. dt the end “Consummatum opus Veronae per Christophorum Schioppum 8 Kal Oct. 1451.” Arms on the aides (1.) a Tower in an Orle of flower de lys, quartering ;2.) 3 roundels (3.) 3 beudlets curved—(4.) as 1. On less point an inescutcheon, 3 piles, in chief 3 roundels, impaling a fess. The Mantle of an ^.rchbishop ? with 4 Tassels. Sale J85. 23251 Antoniio Paduano II MasanielIo, overo latori.i della Revoluziorie di Napoli, Ao. 1647. 8 vo. tvh. veil . s. xviii. (1729 ) Sale 805. 23252 Vita di Alexandro il Grande. H Fatti di Hector. 1. thin fol. ch. 69 folios. IT “Ars Notaria, quse Nova Ars appellatur.” i . e . The Art of the Notary. If “iisec'est nota, per quani totius Grammatic* noticia haheri potest.” H Haec est Nota Aritmetricae ( sic,) «' Hec est Nota Geometriae. If Haec est Nota Astronomic. ( These last 4 Tracts hate Diagrams ) a. 4to o. brn. cf veil, s xiii. On the last page of the Paper MS. is a Shield Per less, in chief a Griffin’s head erased.S 825. 23253 La Guerra de Sena en 5 1 bros. Dedicated alSenor Antonio de Montalvo, Camerero del Duque de Florencia, I55U. *225 leaves, s. 4 to. wh. vel. ch. s. xvi. Sale 834. 23254 Ragionamenti di due gentiihuomini, Romano e Veneziano sopra il Governo della Republica Vcnezinna fatti alii 15 di Gennaro, 1580, al modo di Venetia Incipit. “Romano in effetto e miraculosa, 61 folia, sm. Mo. half wh. v. ch. s. xvi. Sale 860. 23255 “Epistola di Messer Francesco Petrarcha, Fioren- tino, mandata al Nichola Acciaioli sopra la Coronacione del. H Oratio pro Stefano de Porcharis, de Roma, Capitaneo, ( This Siej hen was hanged in Jan. 1452. because he wrote a Book against the Pope, and the Roman Court ) If Oratio Francisci Phillipps, facta nel principio della lectione e disposi/ioue di Dante in Sea. Maria del Fiore.” H Lettera da i Veneziani al popolo di Volterra Composta per Messer Lionardo Bruni, dated 1431. The MS. ends with “Picrus S Bon- achusii Notarum” s f. o. brn. cf. stamped V. s. xv. Old No. P. 26. Sale 693. 23256 Calculum Astronomicum, & Mathematicum de Mutu Solis, & Astrorura. 8 vo. sd, brn. ch. s.xiv. vel, xv. Sale 674; 23257 Anecdotes de la Cour de France sous le regne de Charles VIII. .4 Note says, ‘‘Ce MS. est du Chevalier de la Morliere, etn’a pas ete imprim£ Incipit. “Pendant que le Due d’Orleans souf- froit dans la Tour de Bourges.” H Godefroy’s Histoire d’Artus, Due de Bretagne. print. 16*22. s. 4to. £ cf. gt. ch. s xviii. S. 660. 23253 Sir Eiiwd. Dering’s Magistrate’s Petty Sessions Record, or Minute Book, 1635-6. fol. limp vel. ch. s xvii. Sale 776. 430 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorvm in Bibliotheca i*HiLLipi*tcA. 23259 Tran^latio Coneilii ex Tridento Bononiam. I 23290 2320 * 23265 23266 23207 23208 2326P 23270 23271 23272 23273 23274 23275 23276 23278 23279 H Nomina eorum qui interf'uerunt Oectimenico > Concilio Tridenti. } 23291 23260 i23294 23295 2 :. 296 23262 23263 J3297 H De rednctione Coneilii ad Tridentum, &c /ol- runs, richly gilt sides c/t. s. xvi Sale 689. ; 23292 Abrege de 1’Histoire des Roy* Horn- IV. Ludov < XIII, & XIV. Et.graved. 6, Printed Titles, j 23293 Part printed fol. o. brn ef. eh. s xviii. S.657. Girolamo Barruffaldi Raggionamenti Politici. Arms on Book Plate, A. a less bet. a star in Chief, & a Rock in base, thin fol. stiff Italian ids. ch. s. xviii Sale 66.•. Viri Docii qui sub Sixto 4to. Papa floiucrUnt. 1 at. “Triib«*»»iius.’ > 4/o t oh vel. ch s. x\i)i. S. 79J. Staluta Civitatis Lub«?ck. Ends “With the law ol the half brother, r Oman, j 19 Nov. 171 7. fol. o. red French mor. richly 23303 gilt ch. s. xviii. Ex Bib/. Ducis de la Valliere.! 220 leaves. Item ex Bibl. Baronis Tbeoder. \ 23304 Jonghe, whose Arms, Barry of S. A. are in it I 23305 Miscellaneous MSS. 23306 23280 23281 23282 23283 23284 23285 23286 23287 23288 532S9 Evesham Cartas. Pol. 87. 2nd “Cooper.” large thick fol. M A. bds. ch. s. xviii-xix. Do. do Pol. S3. Is/. “Tidmarsh.” 1. thk.fol. M H. bds. ch. s. zviii. Do. do. Pol. 89. 1 si. “Guy.” 1. thk.f do. do. Do. do. Pot. 90. I st. ‘ Abstract of Title of Geo. Penrice.’ / thk fot. Al IJ bds ch. s. xviii. Sales of Estates. I si. V ilhybush, Co. Pembroke. U W illatts Estate ol Kidmore End, in Cavers- ham, Co. Oxon. &c. /. thin f. ch. s xix. Sales of VVilishire Eslate.v at VVauborou>*h. tall thin f 20 in. M II bds. ch. s. xix*! Sir Robt. Howard’s Poems, thin f. JS1 IJ. ch. s-xvii. Patrick 6 Letter on the Gunpowder Plot, dated 11 Nov. 1605. If Letters de M. Gouvernet, &c. &c. f. M H. ch. s. xvii-xviii. Price’s Copy of some Papers of Fisher Tomes, Esqr. fot. A1 U. bds. ch. s six. 1. P’s. V ills. Collections with Drawings of Seats, & Photographs of Churches. ") f. MH. 1! F. Carrington’s List of Magistrates. >bds,ch. 11 Case of Wm. Long, of Sutton Veney.) s. xix. Simpson's Problems in the Ladies Diary. 2 Pols. Pol. 1 .Jol. M H. bds. ch. xviii. Do. do. Vol 2. L. A to hi Ij t,ds. ch. s. xviii, T. P’s. Talbot Collections. 1. Buekland Collections, thin f. M H. ch. s. xix. T. P's. Collections for Pedigree of Chas. Pbillipps ofWotton Basset, thin/. M H. bdx. ch. s. xix T. P’s. Papers, book Bills, Sic. 1st. -Eagle Office Payments, & List of Deeds, thin f M II. bds. ch. s. xix. Miss Bowles’s “Prisonnieis au Temple, fLouis XV I.) thin 4/o yell. bds. ch. s . xix. Ross's Letters from Madias, 1793. thin 4to. M H. bds ch s. xviii. (? entered before.) Geo. Ornierod’s Letters (Historian of Cheshire ) 181 1. thin 4lo. M H bds. s. xix. T. P's. Record Searches, s 4 to. bin. MH. ch. s.xix. C. Phillipps s Middle Hill Photographs, is/, “o Wyeh Elms.” s. 4 to. bin. M H. bds. ch. s. xix." Do. do. 1st. “View in Snow in the Avenue.” s. 4to. Tin. MH. ch. s. xix. Do. do. ]st. “Portrait of Sir T. Phillipps ” 4lo. 8m. hi H. ch s. six. Do do. 1st. * Copy of the MS. Roll of Homer’s Iliad. 4to. 9 in. M H. bds. ch. s, xix. j 23307 ;23308 !23309 23310 j23311 1*23312 The Ancient Method of Parliamentary Proceed: ings fol. old rgh. cf. ch s. xviii pp 332. R. Bet nail’s Recollections of Ehrenbretstein. thin 4 to. M II bds. ch. s. xix. pp. 46. T. P’s. Collections. 1#/. “Licence* of Alienation.” &c. 4/o. M H. bds. ch. s.xix. Sir T I.awrences’s 4 Original Drawings by Leo¬ nardo de Vinci, Francis. (Leda) thin ito.MUch.s xvi; T. P’s. Private Papers, Rents, &e. la/. ‘'Assessed Taxes 1859.” 4to M 11. bds. ch. s. xix. T. P’s. Lists of MeS. s 4hi M II. tide. ch. a. xix Description of Madame de Wolmar’s Mansion. thin 4to. ich bds. ch. s. xviii. Chas Jones’s Law Letter Hooks 4 Cols. Vol. I. 1st. “Lkms. ’f nth. v ch s. xviii Do do. Vol. 2 l«<. -Ld. Craven "fit. doM. Do. do. Col :t. 1st . f ol do.dv. Do. do Vol.4.\st .. f„l. cll ,.,in. Coopers (C. P.) Correspondence on the Irish Records. J. M H. ch. s xix. (Ex Bet ham MU ) Deeds of Sale fioin BesiJs Pettiplnce, &c. to Peter Ynte, <$l Henry Kempstcr, ol 4 yard lands ill Appleton, Co. Berks. 36 Eliz. * Transcript .” thin 4 to. M tl, bds ch. s. xix. Particulars relating to Cargol Manor, &c. thin 4 to. M II. bds. ch. s. xviii. Lord Valeutia’s Letters, 1«07. thin 4 to. ch. s. xix. Copied by the Damp Press. Crovvland Poor Rates, 1775. thin 4 to. MB,bds. ch. s. xviii. The Abbe de Scarlati’s Letters from Cracow, 1697. thin 4to. M H. bds. ch s. xvii. Coals of Arms in narrative, (in pencil.) \st. ‘ Gules 2 swords up, in Saltire.” thin 24 mo, AJ H bds ch s. X'X. Dawson Tuitier's Autographs. Vol ... 1st “F.drfi Head, 184*2.’' thinf Jl II bds. ch. s. xix. Writ Books, or Memoranda of Sheriffs Writs. 8 Vo/s. Vol, 1. begins “1779.” pp. 32b 11 Docquets. 4 to. old dk. bm. rgh cf. ch. s. xviii.i D°- do. Vol. 2. begins “1/S3.” pp. 202. If Dockets. 4/o. do. do. do. Do. do. Pol. 3 begins “1789.” pp. 336. 1! Appearances, 1798. 4 to. do. do. do. Lc Lai du Moigue. thin fol. brn. cf. V. s. xviii. written with biown ink to make it appear old,' 4'C- 1 st. letter ilium. 3 leaves. Cartee Tornacenses. — continued. 23313 Carlae Tornacenses. Pol. 19. 1st. “Ronitliou.” 23314 Do do. Vol. bds, P. s , xiii-? >23315 Do. do. Vol. 4/o. M 11. bds j 23316 Do. do. Vol. M H. bds P. , (23317 Do. do. Vol. \ bds. P. s . xiii-: i23318 Do do. Pol. j bds. P. s. ■ xni. j 23319 Do. do. Pol. bds. V. s. xiii. 23320 Do. do. Pol. j bds. t . s. xiii. 123321 Do. do Vol . 1 bds V. s. xiii. 23322 Do. do. Pol. ' j bds. P. s. xiii. 23323 Do. do. Pol. P. s. xiii. 23324 Do do. Pol. V. s. xiii. •23325 Do. do. Pol. bds. V. s. xiii. >23326 Do. do. Vol. ; bds. P, 8. xiii. 123327 Do. do. Vol. : bds. V. a. xiii. Catalog us Librorum MAnuscbiptorum is Bibliotheca Phillippica. 4.11 23328 23329 23330 23331 23332 23333 23334 23335 23336 23337 23338 23339 23340 23341 23342 23343 23344 23345 23340 “Casteler.” 4 to. 31 II “Loube.” Mo.MH.bds ; “Clias. Hoi do Frauce/'j i. 'Dorke.” 4/y. MH. bds. | “Quurle.” A'to, M 11 j ‘‘Dou Maresc.” narr.f. \ “Borlette.” roy. 8 ao \ “Pouloliere.” fol.M H. \ Do. do. Vol. 34. ls'Z. “Colmers.” /. 4 to.31 H, j bds. V. s. xiii. j Do. do. Vol. 35. Is/. bds. V. s. xiii. Do. do. Vol 36, Is/ V. s. xiii. 1326. Do. do. Vol. 37. Is/. ‘ fol. Af H bds , V. s xiii. Do. do. Vol. 38 ist. V. s xiii. Do. do. Vol. 39. Is/. bds. V. s. xiii. Do. do. Vol 40. Is/. At H. bds. V. s. xi-i. Do. do. Vol. A I. Is/. 31H. bds. V. s xiii. Do. do. Vol. 42. Is/. ' Ids. V. s. xiii. Do. do. Vol. 43. Is/. “Nivelais ”/. 31 11 Ids I V. s. xiii. Do. do. Vol. 44. Is/ “Cassiel.” 8 rd. M H.\ Ids. V. s. xiii. Do. do. Vol 45. 1 st. ‘‘Nicolaus de i Fragments. 4lo. M 11 bds V. s. xiii. Do. do. Vol. 46. 1st “Mancorne. 1. Alo. yell, j bds. V. s. xiii. Do. do. Vol. 47. Is/. “Clincard.” / f y. bds.) V. s. xiii. | Do. do. Vol. 48. 1st. “Hungrk 1 V. s. xiii. Do. . Vol 4. Is/.‘‘Fisher; of Childs "Wick- ham.” 1 fol. do. do. 23351 Do. do. Vol. 5. St. Groves.” /,/. do. do. 23352 Do. do. Vol. 6. 8t. Taylor ” /. fol. do. do. 23353 Do. do. Vol. 7. St. 4 Fletcher ” l j. do. do. 23354 Do. do. Vol. 8. Is/. ‘ ‘Welch.” l.f. do. do. 22.3 55 Do. do. Vol. 9. St. Cole ” /. f. do. do. 23358 Do. do. Vol 10 1st. “Cbther ” I f do. do. 23257 Do. do. Vol. 11 Ut. “Lucas/ 1 /. do. do 23358 Do. do. Vol. 12 1st. “Hall.” f do. do. 23359 Do. do. Vol. 13 1st. “Holland.” /. f. do. ao. 23360 Do. do. Vol. 14 1 St. “Farr.” .j do do. 23361 Do. do. Vol. 15. St. “Prior.” 1 f. do. do. 23362 Do. do. Vol. 16. 1st. “Harvin gton lnclosure AVvaid ” t . fol. do. do 23363 Do. do. Vol. 17. Is/. “Mathcivs.” IS30. 1. f. 23364 Do. do. Vol. 18. Is/. “bridges ” 1 7t5. l.f. 23365 Do. do Vol. 19. 1 St. ‘Mason.’ 1782. l.f. 23306 Do. do. Vol. 20. 1st. ‘Roberts ” 1810././. do. 23307 Do. do. Vol. 21 . 1st. ‘Darrell.’ 1791. l.J.ao. 23368 Do. do. Vol. 2i. Is/. ‘Weleing ”1706. if. do 23369 Do. do. Vol. L3. Is/. ‘ W heler. l.f. 1783. do. 23370 Do. do. Vol. 24 Is/, ‘Bennett, & Plullipps, ?. 0 f Broad fray, 1 '88 t.fol, do. d 2337 l Do. do. Vol. 2b. Is/. “Leckliampton. "folio. 23372 Do. do. Vol .26. Is/. “Cory.”/y/. do. do. 22373 Do. do. Vol.'ll. 1st. ‘-Smart,of Wiuchcomb, Marriage with Colies Hughes.”/, do. do. “Ingles ” f. do. do. “Smith.’’/, do. do. “Jones.” /. do. do. “Heekes” f. do. do. “Hudson.”/, do. do. “Halford.” f. do. do. 23374 Do. do. Vol. 28. 23375 Do. do. Vol. 29. 23376 Do. do. Vol. 30. 23377 Do. do. Vol. 31. 23378 Do. do. Vol 32. 23379 Do. do. Vol 33. 233S0 Do. do. Vol. 34. 2,1381 Do. do. Vol. 35. 23382 Do. do. Vol. 36. Do. do. Vol. 37. 1st. • “Ashwin, ’ / do. do. , Do. do. Vol. 38 1st. * ‘Ballard Title at Mick- leton, 171 17.”/. do. . do. Do. do. Vol. 39. 1st. “ ‘Dean.’’ 1804./. do. do. Do. do. Vol. 40. Is/ ‘ ‘Newman.” l c 24. f. do. Do. do. Vol. 41. Is/. 4 ‘Overbury Inclosure V. Do. do. Vol. 42. Is/. 4 ‘Walter,to Norwood ”/. Do. do. Vol. 43. 1st. ‘ ‘Hackett ” f. do. do. Do. do. Vol 44. Is/. 4 ‘Hampton.” /. do. do. Do. do. Vol. 45. Is/. ' ‘Grinnell.” f. do. do. Do. do. Vol 46. Is/. 41 1 Norton, & Lenchwicfc Land Tax , 1773.” /. do do. Do do. Vol. 47. 1st. ‘ ‘Poiret.”/* do. do. Do. do Vo!. 48 Is/. 4 ‘Poiret.” f do. do. Do. do. Vol 49. 1st. “Callow, Schedule of Deeds.’/ do. do Do. do. Vol. 50. 1st. ‘ •Halford lnclosure.”/*. Do. do. Vol 51. Is/. 4 ‘Gainsborough.” 2nd. “Baj zand ” fol. do • do. Do. do. Vol. 52 1st. ‘ ‘Chantrell.” f. do da. Do. do. Vol. 53. 1st. ' “Stanley.”/ do. da. Do. do. Vol. 54 Is/. ' “Quarrel ” 4Zo. do do. Do. d 0 . Vol. 55. 1 st ' 11 Wells..” 4/o. do. do. H Ch. arch Lench. In closure. 4/o. do. do Do. do. Vol. 56. 1 st, ‘ ‘Til ley Estates.” 4/o. Do. do. Vol 57. Is/. ‘ ‘Prior.” 4/o. do. do. Do. do. Vol. 58. 1st. ' “Grinnell.” 4Zo. do. do. Do. do. Vol 59. l si. * ‘Fcis. Holland.”4/o.c/o. Do. do. Vol 60 . 1st. ' “Mathews ” 4/o. do. do. Do. do. Vol. 61 . Is/ “Prince.” 4/o. do do. Do. do. Vol. 62. 1 St « ‘Partly ” 4Zo. do. do. Do. do. Vol. 63 Is/. “Smith.” 4/o do. do. Do. do. Vol. 64. 1 St. “Burlingham.”4/o. do. Do. do. Vol 65 1st. “Cheney.” 4/o. do. do. Do do. Vol 06. , Is/. “ Horsman.” 4/o. do. do. Do. do. Vol til. Is/ ( “Tredwell.” 4/o. do. do. Do. do. Vol. 68. 1 St. 1 “Day.” 4/o. do. do. Do. do. Vol. 69. . 1st. ‘ Humphreys ” 4/o. do. Do. do. Vol 70. Is/. ' “SandilandA.V 4/o. do. Do. do Vol. 7 1 • 1st. “Foley ” 4/o. do. do. Do. do. Vol. 72. 1st. “Cooper.” 4/o do do. Do. do. Vol. 73 Is/. “Leigh ” 4/o do. do. Do. do. Vol 74 . Is/. “Winnall.” 4/o. do. do. Do- do. Vol. 75. . Is/. ' “Cooper.” 4/o. do. do. Do. do. Vol. 76. 1st .' “Woodward.” 4 to. do. Do. do. Vol. 71. ist. “Last.” 800 . do. do. Do. do. Vol 78. 1st. 4 * U iekens.” 800 . do Do. do. Vol. 79. 1st. 4 ‘Parker.” 8 ro. do. do. Do. do. Vol. 80 . Is/. ‘ ‘Byrch ” 8 ro. do. do. Do. do. Vol. 81. 1st. 4 ‘Woodward.” 8vo. do. Do. do. Vol. 82 1st, 4 ‘Etheiley.” 8 t>o. do do. Do. do Vo . 83 Is/. 4 ‘Ashwin ” 800 . do. do. Do. do. Vol, 84. Is/. 4 ‘AllSaints.Laud l ax do. Lu. do. Vol. 85. 1 St. 1 ‘ ‘1 helps.” 1834. 800 . do. Do. do Fol. *6. 'st. ‘ ‘Church Lench In- clo&ui e.”Jol. M 11. bds. ch. s. xviii-xix. Cotterell MSS. dotterel] Correspondence* Vol. 1 . Is/. “Walker.” 4/o . M 11. bds. ch, . s, xviii. Do. do Vol . 2 . 1st. 1 ‘Best.” 4/o. do. do. Do. do Vol. 3 . 1st. 4 ‘Truby.” 4Zo. do. do. Do. S' . Vol 4 Is/, 4 •Halford.” 4 / 0 . do. do. Do, do. Vol. 5. Is/. 4 ‘Canning ’ ’ 4/o. do. do. Do. do. Vol 6. Is/. * ‘ Ricketts. ” 4/o. do do. Do do. Vul. 7. 1 st. ‘ “Allen.” 4/o. do. do. Do. do. Vol 8.: Is/. ‘ ‘ Phillipps , Trustees of Campden , Laver ton 1 Schools.” 4/o do. do. Do. d.. Vol 9. is/. 4 Bignell.” ■ 4 to do do. Do. do. Vol 10. 1st “Stanley-* 1 ’ 4/o do. do. Do. do. Vol 11 1 st. “Stevens. 1 11 4 to do. do. Do. do. Vol. 12 . 1st. ‘•Smith.” ■ 4to. do. do. Do. do. Vol. 3. 1st. “Bedford. ” 4/o. do. do. Do. do. Vol. 14 1st. “Phelps.” ' Ato. da, do. Do. do. Vol 1 5. 1st. “Herrington.” 8 vo.de. Do. do. Vol. 16 1st “Campden "fol. do. do. Do. do. Vol. 17, 1st. “PreDtiCe ”thin fol. do. Do. do- Vol. 18, , 1st. “Bellamy. f fol. do. 1 432 23451 23452 23463 23454 Cataiogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica. Ex Bibl. Captain Sturt. An Abyssinian Codes, obtained daring the late j Abyssinian War, 1869. JElhiopice. ! IF The Gospel of St. John. (In a double Abys- S Prayers to the Virgin, {sinian case. 8. Ato. thick veil • s. xvi.? 82 leaves. Ex Bibl Guilford. 582 - - 2 . Leiturgia Coptics, am. Ato. 3inch, by 2£ thick veil. | old red mor. stamped. With the Hon. Fredr. North’s Book Plate Az. a lion pass. btw. 3 f.j de lys. A. a Crescent for difference. Boone 1870 . A Collection of Welsh Poems, above 500 leaves. j thick sm. Ato. 8 inch, old brn. cf. ch s. xvii. Olim fuit R. H, Kenrick de Nant Clwyd, Co. Denbigh. Incipit. “Ne ddifyrwch dimweidioc.” A Volume of Welsh Poem9,«n folio old brn. cj. ch. s. xvi, or xvii. It contains many different Ar¬ ticles in addition, viz. ^ 1 8t. a Pedigree shewing the kindred of Gilbert Talbot to Rees Vachao, by which he quar¬ ters the Rees Coat. U Letter from Jno. Wynne of Gwydir, to Thos. Erie of Dorset, &c. relative to the County of Caernarvon. *1 Petition of the Inhabitants of the Marches of Wales in Co. Glouc. Heref. Wore. & Salop, to the King, complaining of the Commis¬ sioners. 11 Inquisition 48 E. 3. po9t mort Llewellini ap Jorwerth Trwendon. 11 Extracts from Placita, kc. of N, Wales. S Q. Elizth. Letters of discharge to N. Wales, on payment of the Prince’s prize. James I. Instructions to the Lord Marchers of Wales, Ao. 1606, 1i Sex Articuli 1539, Comitie Angliae contra Lutherum. ^ The King’3 Letter to the Justices of Carnarvon for the Suppression of Alehouses. U An Extract “Ex libro Jenkyn Gwyn dedicato diversis Nobilibus Angli®. “Quatuor messuagia sive tenementa faciunt unum Randir. Quatuor Randir faciunt unum Gavel. Quatuor Gavel faciunt unam Viliam Quatuor Villas faciunt 1 Dominium. Ducdecim Dominia, & decern vill® faciunt Comotum. Duo Coraota faciunt 1 Cantredum, i. e, centum villas. Unde quatuor Villae in dominico Principis, et 69 tenentes.” ^ Ex Extenta de Anglesey coram Johe de Delves locum tenente Rici. Comitis Arundell, Justic. dni. Principis in North Wallia, Ao. 26 E. 3. Tres Pedes faciunt Ulnam. 5 Uln® et dimid faciunt Perticam terr®. 40 Perticae in lougitud et 4 in latilud. faciunt 1 Acram terr®. 15 Acr® faciunt Toftum. 2 Tofta faciunt 1 Virgatam terr®. 4 Virgata faciunt unam Carucatam. If Owdl posnn las Trahaearn vab Kariadawc a Milwr, vab Rhiwallon ap Kynfyn. 11 Marwnad David, ap Gruffyth, ap Owain, ap Madog, op Meredydd. f Vita Griffini, ap Conan, Regis Vcnedotia. ^ Descendants of Griffin, ap Conan. by John Wynne, of Gwydir.) H Anecdote of the Murder of a Parson. H Poems by, or to SirJno.Wynn of Gwydir, 1605.-/ Pedigree of Wynn, of Gwydyr. 1 H KowyddMoliantHov el Koeimo., o Na iKonwy. IF Poems of Iolo Goc i. U Rules to be observed in translating the Bible with the Names of the Translators. Extracta ex Rotulis Patent, ah Ao. 1 Hen. III. de Negotio Wallia;,per Ricardura Broughton, Justic. Caernarvon,Aiiglesea,Merioneth,l594. IF Carta Griffini, ap Conan pro Abbatia de Hage- mon. IF Cart® pro Abb. Aberconway. et Strata Florida. IF Placita de Quo Waranto Owinus, ap David Dnus. de Kinraer, et Madog Lloyd, ap Grif- filhe, & Angharad, uxor ej. clamant leoere terras suas per Baroniam sbin. & liberas furcas habere Ao. 8 Edvv. 1. IF Rot. Patent.de Cantredis de Ros, Ryvoniok, Sf Dyffrin Clut, 14 Joh. 11 Quo Waranto Symon de Burleye tenet Cas- trum de Llanstephan. IF The Council’s Letter to Sir John Salsbury, Receivour of Nth. Wales. <1 Poems of Iolo G’och, Gutto'r Glyn, &c. II Lord Burleigh’s 10 precepts to his,Son Robt. Cecil. ^ The Extente, & cleare yearlie valew of all the Castles, Lordi-hips. Manors, Lands, & tene¬ ments late of Edwd Gruffith, Esqr. deceased the ... daye of April Ao 31 Hen. s, & descen- . dyd to Jane, Katharine, & Ellyn Gruffith, his daughters, & next heires, Jane 5 yeares oulde, Katharine 3 yeares oulde, Sf Ellyn one year oulde, at the death of their said Father. Total 292 £. 19 s. 6 d. H The makinge of right good Meilieglin, by Doc¬ tor Lobell, a Netherlander, in Ao. 161. . *! Englynion. IF Carta Llewelmi Mugni to Madoc, ap Mailgun. , (Ex Originali ) 11 Medical Receipts../oL o. brn cf. ch s. xvi-xvii. , This Vol. appears to have belonged to Sir John Wynn, of Gwydir. Ex Bibl. Miscellanei. Catalogue of the Marquis of Hastings’s Library. Very little entered f o. brn cf. ch s. xviii. Deuchar’s Collection of Arms, Is 12. 2 Vols. 12 mo. brn. cf. gt. ch. s. xviii. Arithmetic, Algebra, &l Geometry, thick Ato. black : cl. ch. s xviii O’Flaherty’s Irish Grammar, Lector to the Irish i College in Rome. IT The Lamentation of Ireland. *F The Adventures of Connell Gulban, son of I Niell of the Nine Hostages, & Monarch of I Ireland. IF The Adventures of the Knights of the Lions. 496 Bayes, thick 4 to. wh. veil. ch. s. xviii. Well written. Sale No 291. . A Persian MS. containing . .. fol. Ilk. Ithr. Persian binding ch. s xv... Sale No 68—2. Robt. Barker’s Transcript of Wills. IsL ‘‘James i Geldard.” thin f. M H bds. ch. s. xix. Henry Hunt’s Autograph Journal of his imprison¬ ment in Ilchester Jail, 1821./. hf. red roan ch. s. xix. Sir Roger Twysden’s Autograph Journal from 1041, to 1671. 1«1. “The Revenue <>f the whole Kingdom of England considered.” pp. 90. The Diary, thin fol. bound in a Vellum, paged to 112. Fragment on Ecclesiastical Law “De concessione Pre end®.” A Collection of M. P. Franks, in 1»20. 1$L “C. Manners Sutton, Speaker, of House Commons, Geo. IV. A. D. 1820.” last “Drink- water.” fol. hf. olive mor. gt. blue Cartridge < Paptr s xix. Lettered “Autographs.” 23455 23456 23457 23458 23459 23460 23461 23462 23463 Cataloou® I.ibrorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippic.a. 435 23461 23465 23466 23467 23468 23469 23470 23471 23472 234/3 23174 23475 23*76 23477 23478 23479 231*0 *26481 234*2 23483 23484 23485 23480 23487 23488 234'9 234<,0 23491 23492 23493 23494 23495 23496 23497 23498 23499 23500 23501 23502 23503 23504 2j5 05 23506 23507 23508 23509 23510 23511 Miscellaneous MSS. ( Mil, boards .) Laac D'Israeli’s Letters, 1834, thin 4to. MH. bds. ch. s. xviii. Wilson’s Bradford Monuments, and Records, I77S 4/o. 4/ H. bds. s. xviii. Sex Cartae Antique pro Com Cantite, V. 4lo MH. bds. s. xiiv. West's Autograph Letters 1838, U/. Cliavtor, 4to. JJ H. bds. c h s. xix. Mathematical 1’iacts 2 Vols. 1 'hno. MH. s/ec. xviii l)o. do. Yol. 3, 8 vo. M JJ. saec.xviii. Wilson’s Bradford and Yorkshire Colh-clions and Letters, 2 Yols. 4/o. AJ JJ, bds. s. xviii Will Of Bridget Biggs 1733,4/o MU bds ch s.xviii Swiss Coats of Arms, sm. 4to. AJ H. bds ch s. xviii Hannah More and Wright’s Receipts, g vo . Mil bds. ch. s. xix. Moor Correspondence, 800. Al H. bds. ch. s. xix. Bo. do. 18 16, 4/0. AJ JJ. bds ch, s. xix. Arabic Work on Chess, !2//to. .Mil bds.ch.s. xviii. Tax Commissioners Estates 1806, foL. MU bds. ch. s xix. Extracts from Snndford’s Genealogical History to illustrate Mills’s Catalogue of Honour, Jol.AlH bds. ch. s xvii. Testanifiita, Is/. Bateman, fol. M H bds ck.s xvii. Huntingdon Election 3 Yols. 1826-6 .fol. MH. ch Stapleton’s Title to bloke Bogey, Co. Bucks, fol. A1 It. bds. ch • Wright’s Lists of Odd Volumes, nar. 8 vo. AJ JJ bds. ch. 8. xix. Davenport Correspondence, 180G, 1st. Percy, 4/o. AJ H. bds. ch. s x767, 4 to. AIH. ch s. xviii. Expences at Thirlestaine, I -Imo. AIH. bds. ch. xix. Worcestershire Papers 1793 obi.4t0'AlH.ch s.xviii. Capel Lofft’s Correspondence 1809, thin 4to. AIH. bds. ch. s. xix. Letteis to W.S. Walker 1778, 4/o. AlH.ch s. xviii* Sir Peter Thompson’s Letters, thin 4 to. Al H. bds. ch. saec. xviii. Steelt’a Letters 4 to. M H bds. ch. sa>c. xviii. Letters to H. Phillips, &c. 4/o. AIH bds- ch. s.xviii. Do. and Prospectuses, 4/o AJ II. ch. sac. xviii. D.awings. Views of the Dorsetshire Coast, obi. fol. AIH. bds. ch s. xix. Coleman Autographs, I st. “Henley, r ’ 8 vo, AIH. bds. ch. sac. xviii. Do. do. 2nd. *•Burges,” thick 4 to. AIH.bds. ck sac. xviii. Cadell Correspondence 1802, 8 vo. Al H. ch s. xix. Parliamentary Reform 1782, 4Zo. Al //. ck. s. xviii. Title to Croft, Co Hereford 1676, thickjol. ALH. bds. ch. s. xvii. Wygstone Hospital Statutes 1574, thick fol. Al II. bds. ch. s. xvi Sir Archer Croft’s Deeds, 1765 thick fol. AIH.bds. ch. s. xviii. Do. do. do. Defence 1713, fol. AIH. bds. ch. s. xviii. Testamenta, l st. “Byne,” 1723 ,fol. AlH.ch. s-xviii, I'o. Is/. “Benet,” 1830. fol. Al H. ch 3. xix. Sir T. Phillipps’s Correspondence 1837, thick 4 to. AJ H. bds. ch. s xix. McGregor’s Letter’s 1713, 4to.AJH.bds.ch.s. xviii. Sir T. P’s. Pedigree of Carewe. If Record Commission Papers, &c. large fol. AJ H. bds. ch s. xix. Do. do. Bills, 1833 , l.fol. M H. bds.ch.s.xix. Names of Perthshire Electors ? 1534, l, fol. AJ H. bds. ch, s. xix. Holland on the Navy, 1638, l. f. Al H. ch. s. xvii. Testamenta, Is/. “Beard,” 1813, . I fol. Al H bds. ch. s, xix. Irish Papers, (Cole MSS.) thin 4to. Al II. bds Rentale de Barrington, Co. Glouc. 11. H« VIII# thin fol. AJ H. bds ch. xvi. Cole MSS. Is/. “Lady Taylor, 1789,” 4/o. AIH. bds. ch s xviii. Abstract of Mason's Title to Lands inHolbornl7l5, fol. Al H. bds. ch. s xviii. Lord Audley’s Deeds 1719, th.f. Al. H. ch s. xviii. Lady Chedworth’s Letters 1768, 4to.AlH.ch. s.xviii. The Earl of Buchan's Correspondence 1753, &c. 4/o. AJ H. bds. ch s. xviii. Wright MSS. Yol. 4to. 4/ H. bds. ch s.xix. Sharp Correspondence 1752, tk. 4to.AlH c/i.s.xviii. Chaucer of (A Fragment of leaf.Jlf.AIH.ch.s. xv. V\ ilson Collections of Deeds, and MSS. pro Com, York, large thin 4 to. AJ II. bds. ch. s. xviii. Bengal Law Suits 1811, Rex v. Greedhur, fol. M H. bds ch. s. xix. Cartte dc Evesham, Yol. Is/. “Cresswell,” thk.f. Al H. bds ch. s. xviii. Wm. Mort >ri Pitt’s Statistics of the Russian Em¬ pire 766, 2 Yols. fol. Al U. bds. ch. s. xviii. Ex Registro Roffensi Fxverpta, U Lady Chedworth’s Divorce 1740, fol. M H. bds. ch. s. xviii. Suit Nicholson, v, Nicholson 1711,/oL AlH. bds. eh. s. xviii. Testamenta, 1st. “Bayly 1814,”^/*. AJ JI. cli, 8. xix. Do. 1*/. “Hastings 1826,” do. do. do. Do. 1W. “Inns 1831,” do • do. do. 434 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Philliphica. 23564 2356a 23566 23567 23568 23569 23570 23571 23572 23573 23574 23575 28576 23577 23578 23579 -23560 23581 25582 23583 23584 23585 23.'86 23587 23586 23589 23590 23591 23592 23593 23594 23595 23596 23597 235y6 23509 23600 23601 23602 23603 23604 23605 23606 23607 23608 23609 T. P's. C* llecti-ms ; Turnbull, and Tracy./. M //. bds. ch. sac. xix Do. Papers 1>32 Jol, 31 H bds. ch s. xix. Lord Lisburn’s Rental, 1825,/ J'oL do. do. Wentworth Esiates at Kirkby Ma.lory, &c. thick fol . M U. bds ch. s. xu Arlev Rectory Papers Co. Warwick,/)/. Mil. bds. ch • s. xvli. Jocelyn, Earl of Leicester’s Deed L7S2, fol. M // bds. ch. s. xviii. Boston, Co. I incoln Papers, 1st. “Ruse 18'49,” for 31 //. bds ch. s. xix. Legal Suits of Poyntz* ac /• fol. 31 11 bds ch xix. 'Vest Humpnet Co. Sussex, Abstract of Title 626, Jol. M 11. bds. ch. s xvii Law Suits, (Foot &c.) « 7*3 l.J. M II. ch. s. xviii Margetts, v. Crane, Mu. M H. bds ch. sac xviii. Colterell MSS Phillipps,v. Canning 1819,/ jol AJ H bds. ch s. xix. Kent, and Essex Deeds 1704, thin f M H. bds ch. s. xviii. Wills, Court Rolls, Rentals,&c l825,ls/,“S;eptoe ’’ fol. M 11 bds. ch. s. xix. Do. Appeals, and Ren als, 1723, 1st. “Eynion,” ^ H.bds.ch s.xviii. Testaments. ( Yol 1 ) Is/. “Gordon 1852/’ ik fol. M 11. bds. ch. s xix. Do. (VoL.'l.) lx/. “Anderson !83b,” thick fol. M H bds , ch. s. xix. Lord Lisburn Papers, 6f Will DOl,/. M H ch xix. Beuefices & Cleigy in Anglesey, &c. I83S, large thin Jol. M U. bds. ch. s. xix Misce laneous Papers, 1«/. “Pophara 1592/’ fol. M H bds ch s xvii. Wilson MSS Fragment of a Hunting Song Sec Jol. M H bds. 6 Do. do. Cariae Familiae de Wilson, thick fol. MH bds. ch. xvii Hunt of South Mars ton Wilts Papers 1709. H Y\ andsworth Paperr. H Slater Title in Co Oxon f. Mil. cA s.xviii. Jesson, v. Samuel Manse 1 1826. fol. M tick a \ix Miscellaneous Papers viz. Prices ot Land, & Corn li Hogh, and Giiston, C><. Liucoln. ^ Ashton, a.id Oust, Case, thick fol M //. bds West’s Autographs, Vol. 1. \st. “Whewell," Mo 31 U. bds. cfi. s xix. Do. do. Vo/ 2. 167 “Saltown,” do do. Do. do \o/. 3. 1$/. “Herschell,” do. do. Do. do. 16/. Vo/ 4 “tiarne do. do Do. do. I*Z. Vo/. 5. '‘Rose,” do. do. Do. d620 I 23621 23fi>2 i25623 ,'3621 23 26 Ex Bibl. Rev. Henry Drury iEsopi Fabulm. Grace Wiih 131 Illuminations 1 e- presentiny the subjo ts of each Fable, Go/a tooling on the Covers.&co.olive mor.\ ,s.xv .vel.x i. -3o2, E .r Bibl. Captain Sturt. The Gospel of St. John, Codex Abvssinicus in the Amharic Character, sin. 4 to. binch. V. sa?c xv.y I a. wooden boards, with a brown leather Case- Obtained in the Abyssinian War. MSS. Ex Bibl, Charrier Letters du Due de Bassano, Montholon &c. Fol. 13, fol yin. bds. ch s. xix. Do. dc M. Baunach 2tc. Vol. 14. fol yreen bds. ch. s xix. Do. du Baron Seekendlorff, Fol. 16. fol. green bds. ch. s. xix. Do. de M. Walkenstcin. Vol. 17. fol. green bds. ch s xix, Do de Due de Cadore & M. Hirsinger. A D. 1808 Fol. 19. thin Jol yree.n. bd.s. pp, |04 ch $. xix Letters and Autographs of French Kings Louis Henry 4, 1581, Catharine de Medicis 1563 and 8-2, &c. Edmund Bonuor, Bishop of L<»ndon, 1569. diaries King uf Sp on 1093. William Pitt! 1761. Louis 16. 1792, &c. fol. half green bds. ch s x\i •■xvii -xviii. Military Correspondence tempore Napoleon 1. 181)5*15 l#/ Cafiaritte/b/ half green bds ch. s. xix. 528 pages. Libri MSS. Pons de Yeart sobre las Grandesas de la Ciudad de '1 arragona, sin Uo.it Inis. ch. s. xviii. At the foot of the Title is “Vtdit 51. Petrus Salariui pro Inquisitione.*’ Nicolai r*ecundmi liber ad Alfonsum Regem Ara- goiiium lu Onosandri Librum V Frontiai Stratagemaia de Re Militari, 8 vo. blue mo>. F. s. Xv. Ut the end is P. FLp,»esly, to Luneuer’s mauers,” Title and page I , ' illu- vinoled, a d also the Tale to Fmu, in as Old Nos. 5U9 also 2 Hule Nos. 4u? 740. Ovidu Fasti,Tristia, Humus, Ibex. Mus, Pliilotnena Cecums, Pulex, Facies, Bus. Swo wh vel.s xv. Apparently written at Feruna, Old No. 646.* and 751. Ciceronis Liber Rhetoiic<>rurn,s.4/o.o.6r« cf.slamp - cd. ch s. \V. 1463. At the end is written, “Ego Pierus Martini servantis de mo. Severiuo scripsi hunc librum Aim Dni. Miilesimo qua- troceiiiesimo sexagesimo <>ciavo, tern ore Pauli Pi.|iw 2di. in s ulo egr. gii mecepturis, Petri kilipani de circnlo ? de Amen. Old S ate No. 259, Libri Sale 257. Letteie del Sig. Girolamo Magagnati a diversi: de¬ dicate al mote illtr. 8ig. Giulio Melchior* lus. Jol. wh. vel. ch. s. xviii. pp. IwO. U A P»em, beginning “ Penso.si festo, " pp 11. Letters of L- ihuiti i693, kc. sAto. y.bds.cl t.s.xvii. Registrum Piacitorum In Com. Lincoln, &c! temp. Ricardi 3. thk Ato russ.full gt. H’ s .xiv! IF Registrum Brevimn Index ai the*end. Fine muncum. Codices Miscellanei. Original Official Dispatches from the French Aimy in Italy thick, fol. russia gilt, yilt ed^es ch. s. xviii-xiX with Eagle scamped in gold on t/te sides, I87 leaves. Ex Bibl D, Turner Arm. John Rowe’s Historia Haroui* & Bmgi de Lewei Co. Sussex, temp. Elizabeth k Car-ii : / fol red mar. fall gt- 2 j4 leaves, broad border on sid s. ch. s, xviii re or.i Pa-4>>ialp, thick mi f red russ. vel/.sx c.x. Willi Mu-ical An. -UuiJoiiian Notes, or Neu- mes. (/ if entered bejure,) CaTALOGUS LiBRORUM MASOSCRtPTOROK til B(ULlOTtt fcCA PhI LI.lPPlGA. 436 Cartularium, Rentale, Terrarium, & Ciisturaa tie Harlowe Co* Essex, olini perliu. ad Abbas 29 Norihwick, concerning Sicilian Coins numerous Engravings of Coins, and letters of Sir Francis Freeling of tlie Post Norihwick refused tt> pay, and Sir Frauci- Free ling proposes to reduce the charge to orte third, (about 4£, 7s.) 1810. tsui. Ato. hf. brn. cf. Sicilian or Maltese binding, ch s. xix. scriptiuns in Christian Malford Church, Inter alias, Mr. John Phillipps qui duxit ill uxorem Elenoram tiliam Roberli Peacock et o biit 1723 vet. 64, thin IS mo.drub bds c/i.s xviii. srefordshire, Topogranhh-.al Prints, and ings. Large fol. half red ram, ch. s. xix. 33 fol. half brn cf. ch. s.xix. Ibu Sinne i, e. Avicenna; Canon Nea fol. o brn. Cf. F. s. xv. 221 leaves. 37 guese binding, ch. s. xviii. Chas. Wright’s Index to MSS. and Memoranda, /, 1*2 mo. hall brn cf ch. s. xix. Memoranda of an Evesham Lawyer 1833j 18 mo. green roan, ch. s. xix. red covers, ch. s. xviii. Ex Bibl Wai Hastings, cel La. Macartney. Sale No. 105. Copies of Hiiutyngdon Charters, and Records, half re d roan, ch. s. xix. Lancashire Arms, And Peuigrees. large 4t o / dark blue roan, ch. s. xix. From SmillPs George’s Visitartion, and the Heralds Colic 1613, i Very scanty.) An exiensive Collection of Autographs, apparent¬ ly cut from a Petition, and pasted into a small 4/o. Book,.Ato g>een oel. chi s. xviii. or x x. List of the Ships of the Navy in 1705, when, where mor gold tooling on the sides, ch. s. xviii. Irish Vocabulary. Copied .by Michael O'Cuin 180f>, 12/no. o brn. cf.yilt, ch. s', xix. Valpy’s New Testament 1816, Interleaved with numerous MSS Soles.thk.8co hf brn cf ch. s.xix. Bigland’s (Ralph,jList of t lergy in Gloucestershire, from 1524 to 1810, & some entries from I2i8, sin. At<> Inalf brn. cf ch. s. xix. Foshroke's, Collections on Ancient Britons. Ex. Bibl. Rev. J. Newlmg, s. Ain brn. cf. s. xviii. If Catalogue of Davies MSS at Llannerch Li¬ brary. Inter alia’ The Liber Llandavensis Wilson’s Collections lor Bradford. Co. York, tall thin fol. M II. bds. ch. s xviii mor. Ainch. t//.• s xix, Cole Autographs. All bound in M II bds and on. Pupert Cole Autographs. Vol.\.\-sl, “Call »775.4/o.s.xviii Do. do. VoIX ls/."Radstuek,” 1765 4/o xviii. Do. do. Vol, 3, Is/. “Hampton Ccu/t Rent Roll,” 1727, Alo.. s. xviii. Do. do. Vol. 4, 1 si. “N. W. W.” 17*3, 4/o. Do. do. Fol. 5. (si. “N, VV. W.” 1790, 4/o. j23656 Dr* j *23657 Do *23 58 Do. 2365 i Do. 23660 Do ^3601 Do. i m 2 Do. 23663 Do. •23604 Do 23665 Do. •23660 Do. *23667 l)u. 123668 Do. *23669 Do. •2367o Do. 2367* Do. |-'367*2 Do- •28673 Do. *23074 Do. 123675 DO. ,23676 Do. 523677 Do. |23678 Do. | *23679 Do. ! *23680 Do. ! 236.91 Do. j 2368*2 Do. *23663 Do. | 236 14 1)6. j 23665 Do. j 23686 Do. |23687 Do. |23688 Do. !23689 Do. j23690 Do. 23691 Do. \ 23692 Do. I 236*13 Do. '*23694 Do. ;23695 Do. \23696 Do j23697 Do. j23098 Do. 2 699 Do. 23700 Do. 523701 Do. j 3702 Do. 23 7 »3 Do. \ -’370 4 Do. \ 23705 Do. 23706 Do. :23707 Do. \ 23703 Do. 5 "2.*709 Do. 1 23710 Do. 23711 Do, j 23712 Do. 123713 Do. ; 23714 Do. 5 237i5 Do. .23716 Do. 23717 Do. |2371» Do. 23719 Do. 123720 to. 237-21 Do. 23722 Do. 23723 Do. 72324 Do. 2*725 Do.- -‘37*26 Do. 23727 Do. 23728 Do. 237*29 Do. 23730 Do. 23761 Do. t do. do. do. do. do. Morgan, do. fol. do. do. Vol . 6;lsf. Call. 8c Wynch, 1777.4/0. Pol. 7 Is/. “ Whitbread/’ 1765 , fol. Vot.&Ast. ‘ Dalrymple, 1802,/s.xix. Fol. 9, Is/. * Beedle,” . fol. Vol. 10, tst. “Letter to Sir Chas, 1793, fol. Vol. 11 ,ls/. “Ordnance Office,” 1626, Fol. 1*2,Is/. “llonywortd,” 1752, fol. Ko/. 13, l s/.“ 5 Unriay to Lord North,” 1783 .fol do. Fol 14, In/. “Barton, 1833, fol. do. Col 15, Is/. “Collections relating to London,” .... fol. do. Fol 16, Is/. “Vincent,” 1798. fol. do. Fo\. 17, Is/. “Mathison,” 1839, fol. do. Vol 18, Is/. ‘*de la Grange,” l74l,y". do. Fol. ID, Is/. “Britton,'* 1831,4/o. do. Vol. 20. I si. “de Justine,” 17*22, 4/o. do. Vol. 21, is/. “Dalrymple,” 1800, 4/o do. Fol. 22, Is/. “Mansfield,” 1821,4/0. do. Vol. 23. i.v/. “Eaton,” 1826, 4/o. do. Ful.24, Is/. “Rothschild,” 1816.4/0. do. Vol. 25, is/ “Howard,” 1799. 4/o. do. Vol, 26, Is/. “Frohberg,” 1783, 4/0. do. Vol. 27, Is/. “Del'afosse,” 1734, 4/o. do. Vol. 28, Is/ “Morrison,” 1838, 4/0. do. Fol. 29, 1 st. *‘Ross,” 1793, 4/o do. Fol. 30, is/. “Fawcett,” 1780, Ato. do. Vo/ 31, Is/. “Woronzow,” 1785, 4/0. do. Vol 32, 1 st. “Cathcart.” 1809, 4/0. do. Fol 33,Uf. “Rothschild,” 1800, 4/0. do. Fol 3 1, 'St. “Chauguion,” 1742, AtOi do, Vol. 35. Is/. ‘-Hall,” 1798. 4/o. do, Vol. 30, Is/. “Beckwith,” 1814,4/0. do. Vol. 37, 1 st. “VVh'telock.” 1814, 4/o. do. Vol. 38, l st. ‘ Grew,” 1801, 4/o do. Vol. 39, Is/. “Goldsrciid,” 1842, 4/0; do. Fol. 40. Is/. ‘*Bligh,” 1791, 4/0. do. Vol. 41, Is/. “Hasted,” 1793, 4/o. do. Vol 42. lx/. “Lettsom,” 1810, 4/o. do, Vol. 43, Is/ “Dundas.” 1797. 4/o. do. Vol. 44, is/ “Archdale.” 1803, Ato. do. Vol. 45, Is/ “Garrick.” 178'), 4/o. do. Vol. 4 f >, Is/. “Glitch,’ 1812, 4Zo. do, Fol 47, 1st. “ Decker,” 1813, 4/o. do. Fol 48,*sZ •‘Duckworth,’’ 1799, 4/0; do. Vol. 49 Is/. “M -ore,” 1783, 4/0. do. Fol. 50, 1 st ‘‘Hook,” 1829. 4/o. do. Vol 51, I si. ‘ Leritpriere,” 18*33, 4/0; do. Fol 52 Is/. “Htisktsson,” 1810, Huo. do. Vol 53,1s/ “Acton Hunt,” li00,8uo. do, Vol 51, 1*Z. “Auckland,” 1809, 800. do. Vol 55, Is/. “Duncan,” 1820, 800, do. Vol 56. Is/ “Cope,” 1735, 800. do. Vol. 57, 1 st. ‘ Moore,” 1795, 81/0. do, Vol- 5*. Is/ “Hewart,” .... 8uo. do. Vol. 59, Is/. “Fryer,” 1791, Huo. do. Fol 60, 1 st. “Godwin,” 1854, Buo. do. Fol. 01. Is/. “Rolleston,” 1812, 800. do. Fol 62. Is/, “Phillipps, (Sir T .f'tioo. do. Vol. 63, I st. “Whitbread,” 8 vo do. Vol 6 4, Is/. “Bingley,” 1839, 8 vo. do, Vol. 65, Is/ “Lemon,” 185G, 8 vo. do. Vol. 66, 1 st. “Wyon,” 1835, 8 vo, do. Vol. 67, Is/. “Fry,” 1*14, 8i’0. do. Vol 68, Is/. ‘•Decker,*’ 1813, 800 , do. Fol.t>'J,\st. “Lawrence,” 1795,18/7/0; do. Fol. 70,1s/ ‘ Sc -tt,” 1841, narr. 8 vo* do. Vol 71,1s/. “Tooke,” 180 2, narr 8 vo. do. Vol. 7*2 .(st “Foster,” I76.t i narr.8t)0. do. Fol 73,!s/. “Maberley,” (Mrs.)8 jjo. do. Vot.Wst. ‘-Tidd, Pratt,1837.Slot do. Vol. 76, Is/ “Veiettan,” n d 8vo. d.o Vol. 76, 1 st ‘Montagu,” narr. 8 vo. do. Vol. 77, 1 st, “Singer, ’ 1852, 8 vo. do Fol. 7*, 1 si “Rivers,” 181*2, 4/o. do. Vol 79, is/. “Fonblauque,” 1803, AtO. do. Fol. 80, Is/ “Leigh,” 1793, a/o. do. Vol. 81, 1st “Midleton,” 1770, 4/o. 43(1 CaTalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippiac. 23732 23733 23734 23735 23736 23737 *23738 ‘23739 23756 *23757 287oS 237a9 *237o(J 23761 *23762 *23763 23764 23765 23760' 23767 23 / 03 237 6tf 237 70 237 7 l 23772 237 75 23774 23775 23770 237 77 23770 -237 73 *23"fc>u 23781 2378*2 23783 23764 23785 23780 23787 •23708 23789 23790 2379 I 2376*2 23793 *23794 23795 23796 23747 Cole Autographs F«/. 82,1s/.“Midleton,”1747,4/o. , ‘-3798 Do. Do. Do. D->. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Vol. 83, Is/. “Parker,” 1811,4/o Vol. 84, Is/ *• Macartney,” l80l,4/o.j Vol 85,1*7. “Delaroche,” 18U2, 4/o.j I'd 86, I st. “Repton,” IS43, 4/0. I Vol. 87, Is/. ‘ Best>” 1823, 4/0 P'ul.SS, *s/. “Macpherson,” 17*2,4/o.| Vol 89,1*7. “Northwick,” 1830, 4/o.j 23803 23799 23S00 *23801 -2380*2 Miscellaneous Legal Papers, Abstracts of Titlei &c. 1780, fol. di. s. xviii. Sir T Phillipps Collections, and Letters, 1844, 4/c God's House Register Hull.//*/»/ stonebds.ch.s.xii Collection of Franks, tlun 4 to. Mil. bds. ch. s. xi> Sir T. P's Worcestershire Collections printed an MSS 610 . M H bds. ch. s six. 23740 Do. do. Vol. 90, 1 st. “Stanhope, ”.4 to. ch s. xix. 2374 1 Do. do. Vol. 91 , 1 st. “Fitzjames,” 1584,4/0. | 23804 Lettere di Itali: 23742 Do. do. Vol. 92 i Is/. •• LeVasseur,” 1707, 4/o 4/o. half ye 23743 Du. do. Xol. 93, Is/. “Campbell 1801.4/0. 23805 Do do. do. 23744 Du. do. Vol. 94, is/. “Clarke,” 1823, 4/o. > *23806 Do. do. do. 23745 Do. do. Vol. 95, Is/. “Fancourt/ ” 1815, 4/o. i 23807 Do. do. do. 23740 Do. do. Vol 96, (st “Nelson,” 1810, -,/y. ! *23808 Du. do. do, 23747 Du. do. Vol. L 7, Is/, “Flint,” l84l,4/o. j 23809 Do. do. do. 23748 Do. do. Vol. 98, Is/ “Roll'e,” lS4l,4/o, ! 23810 Do. do. do. 23749 Do. do. Xol. 99, Is/. “Exmonth,’ ’ lS23.7i.Kso.; i 2381l Do. do. do. 23750 Do. do. Vol. 106, Is/. “Mai.drill,” 1796, 4/0. 1 2381*2 Do. do. do. 23751 Du. do. Vol 101, is/ “Mazur,” 1794, 4(o. ! ! 23813 Do. do. do. 23752 Do. do. Vol. 102 Is/. ‘‘Corbiniere,” 1783,4/0.1 23SI4 Do. do do. 23 / u3 Do. do. / ol. 103, Is/ “Kemble, ” n. d. 4 to. { 23815 Do. do. do. 23754 Do. do. Vol. 1U4, Is/. “Staines,” 1795,4/0. : 23816 Du. do. do 23/ 0 5 Du. do. Vol. 105, Is/. “Rodes,” 1651, l/o. 28817 Lord Milford’s 1 Xol. 210, 1*/. “Zir&rdini,’’yb/. dc Xol 211, 2 nd. “Fantuzzi,” fol. dc \ol *212, 2 nd. “Colombo,” /'.dc \ 0 / 213, l.\7 “Zanoletti,”j/b/ dc \ al 214, 1*/. “Vertiazza,” \to.dc Xol. 215, 'st. “Doglione/’yb/. dc Vol *216, 2nd. “Colombo/’4 to.do Vol 217, 1*7. “Zanotti,” 4to. do Xol. 219, \st. ' Xol. 220, 1st. ‘ Xol■ 221, I*/. ' ‘ V errio,” Atn. do Colombo,” -Ho.dn ‘Fantuzzi,” 4tu.de Do. Do. Du. Do. Do. l>0. Lo. l)o. Du. Du. Du. Do. Du. Du. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Du Do. Du. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. du. do. do. do. do. do. do. do* do. P'd. 10b, Is/. “Philippe,” 1792, 4 to. \ Vol. 107,1s/. “Jenkmson,” 17G 3,fol. \ Vol. 108, Is/. “Johnson,” .... f u ( t ) Vol. 109, 1st. “Moiz.” MSS./o/. I Vol. 110. Is/. “Wynne,” 1717,ybL I yol. 111, Is/. “Collingwood,” n. d. /', i P'ol. 112, I*/. “Jenkms,” 1825, fol. ! Xol. 113, 1*7. “Motley,” 1709, fol. \ Xol. 114, Is/. “Hastings,” 1785, fol. \ Xol. 115, 1st “Elgin,” 1802, Jot. Xol. 116, -at. “Weeden,” 1703 ,Jol. I Xol. 117* 1st. “Mordaunt,” 1719, tot. ■: Xol. 1 18, 1 st. “IViedebrock,’’ 1748,/ij Xol. 119, 1st ‘‘Sotheby,” 1686, fol. > Xol.r20,\sl. “Marlborough,” i7o'l,/. j Xol. 121, is/. “\V aylet,” \pQQ,fol Xol. 122. 1*7. “Elgin,” l80l,fot. \ Xol. 1*23. Is/. “Watts,” 1791,/u/. I 23818 2)8 19 2382 I 2382*2 23823 *23824 23825 Xol 12-*, Is/. “ Dallymple,” 17o9,/? Xol. 125, is/. ‘‘Fearne,” 1777 fol. j Do. Do. Do. 787 Do. Do. Xol. 126, 1 st. “Curry,” 1822 , fol. Xol. 127, 1*7. “Gabriel,” I815. fol. j Xol. 1*23, is/. “Keats,” 1790, Jol. § Xol. 129, Is/. “Abdy,” IblO , fol. j do. Xol. 130, Is/ “Milles,” i734, l,fol. ] do. A ol. 131, is/* “Elgin,” 171 7,1.fol do. Xol. 132 Is/, “inquiry into Alay- nooth College, Jol. du. Xol. 133, Is/. “The Danger of Enc- land_ ° < du. Xol. 134, is/. ‘‘Court Kalendar for ; France, 1500,” 4/0. do. Xot. 135, Is/. “Summs paid to Enii-j grants at iuulon, 17y4 ,fot. half wh. veil. du. Xol. 136, ist. “Thornton’s Miscella- I neous Pedigrees, Pole fol. halfpucc cl do. Xol. i3 7 , is/. ‘ Stanhope's House of! Stanhope, MS. & Printed, 1855, 4/o brn.bds'l do. Xol. 138. “Scotch Parish Register,) 1 si. “Laing.,” 1&14, 4(o. bra. bds. 23S20 23827 >5830 23S31 23632 Ex Bibl. Miscellaneis. oill bound in M. H. bds. 23833 23834 Henry Shewen’s Suit, 1826. fol. ch. s. xix. Elias Vander Horst's W ill, 1*1 6 ,Jol. ch. 9 xix. hemy Mansel Shewen's Suit, thinf. hf. ch. s. xix. Phillipps Papers, and Pedigrees, fol ch. s. xix Carlularium dc Bradenstuko, Xol. 2f.ch.See No72. Music, toll'd per T P. Portrait of T. P. Esqr \ circa i8‘7, thin 4 to. '23836 T. P a Bonk Bills, 4* Lawyers Rills, 1837, f.ch.* xix Talbot Collections, and Bucklaud Collections, 1819, thin Job Barker’s Catalogue of M H. Printed Books, Xol .2 l870,/o/. ch. s. xix. See JVo. Wentworth Letters &c. 1703, fol. do. do. do. Cronica Veu Beda: Chronicon VValliae, transcript fragmen/a , thin fol half wh. bds. ch. s. xviii. Lord Brougham on the Berkeley Barony Jby Ten lire, 183U }i /'u/. wh. bds. ch. s. xix. Ex Bibl. Fitch. Terrarium dc 1 I Ilord. temp Edw. IV. in Coir Suffolk, fol halfwh. bds ch. 9. xv. Dunningwurth Records, Co. Suffolk, Jot. half wh bds cli. s.rc xvi:-xviii Lowdham Con it Rolls, Co. Suffolk, 22 H. 8. thi fol. half wh. bds. ch. s. xvi. Reniale de Staverton 1602-4, Co. Sufiolk, Ihinfo half wh. bds. ch. ssec xvii. Rotuli Cuiite et Rentahia de Dunningworth, Co Suffolk, fol Juilfwh. bds ch 1600. Uffurd C"urt Hulls. thin fol halfwh bds.ch. s.xvi Wautisdene Terrier, 2. H. 6. thin Svo. half wh bds. ch. s xv. Uffurd. and Lowdham Papers, Co, Suffolk, 1046 4/o half wh. bds. ch. s. xvii, Puttick Sale 1865. Chinese Diawings of Birds, on Rice Paper sm. obi 1 4to.gilded Chinese boards , ch. sice, xviii. o* xix. 8 leaves, Sale 272. Chinese Drawings of Chinese Ships, and Boats, ok Rice Paper, sm. obi 4to grn and yellow silk' ch. s. xviii. or xix. 12 leaves , S ale No. 275. Chin*.se Drawings of 11 Ships, & Boats, obi . 4/o’ gilded bds. ch s. xviii or.xix. Sa/e 274. Chinese Drawings of Butterflies, and Flowers, obi. 4/o. grn. Sf yell. silk,ch. s. xviii-xix. 12 leaves- Sale 273. Chinese Drawings of Punishments, obi. 4 lo. criin-i son silk 2*2 leaves, ch s. xviii-xix. 'Sale No. lost. Chinese Drawings, of Fishes, fol. ye/l silk, red ana blue flowers , ch s. xviii. or xix. 10 leaves. West 1871. Orset Courts Rolls, 15 Bundles from Ric. 2. to 2Q Car. 2. Tamworth Castle Papers. Tamw- rth Castle Papers. 4, E 6. Xol. 6. 1. thin / yell. bds. ch. s. xvi. 1 st “Paper Maperley. 23837 Do. clo. do. Xol ... large fol. half d\ blue cl. ck. s. xvii. temp. Jac. 1. INDEX CATALOG! MANUSCRIPTORUM BIBLIOTHECA MEDIO-MONTANA TYPIS MEDIO - JIONTANIS. 183 . INDEX NOMINUM tOVORVM , VIRORUM, ET RERUM, JN CATAL. MSS. PHlbLIPPS, 1846. No. 1 to 2410. Ablates 1899.2169 Anglia 1904 AtobatixB 187.211.1157,8 Anglesea 2384 Abbatis-Villa 423 Abdilasus 1037 Abington 2394 Abyssinia 1922 Achilles 1929 Achmet 1575 Actiiarius 1532 Acta Aplor. 146I-6G4 Adalbertus 1692 -62 Athenagoras 3081 Athenienses 1424 Atocha 306 Adamantius 1576 A dome 2259 Adriatic 965 Aduwerth 1899 ASgyptii 1424-611 iKIianus 1522 JKneis IU08-590 Aeschylus 1587 VKsop 215.345.1591 ASthiopic MSS. 1053 Africanus 479 Agolanti 1357 Anges 776.2284 Angelomus 2014 Anianensis 1717 Ania nils 347 dc Anima 1591 Animalia 1522,63,80. 2234 Anjou 229-32 Annates 1636,8,846,53, Aubrey 195 61,38 Augsburg 2188 Annuli 974.2392 Augustins 1379 Anno Archiep. 2329 702.1114-248-312 Anonymi 1571,2,7,84 -91-7. 1617-23-42. 1701,81,4.1805,14,53 Ansegisus 1737,62 S. Anselm 290.349-93. 1387-728-33.2329 Anthologia Grceca\7i)'2 Aldus Gellius 2252 Anticlaudianus 126 Austria 1217 S. Bernard 257.338,9, 90,6,8.500,36,43,6 67, 76,7, 84. 410,65. 59.673.1249 508,12.23,38.659,89, St. Briget 1366,843 94, 9.726, 67, 8,9,70. Britannia 1064,862 f 881.1128,47,75.2264 Brixia 953 S. Athanasius 1267-426 Berne 1185,7,8,90,1,6, Brown 2190 7,8.1200,2,3,5,10,1,3 Brunswick 715,40 6,6,9,22,30,1,8,56,7, Brussells80,l,3,4.1133, Astrolabium 2218 Astrologia 2156 Astrology 822.1551 AstronomiaX 401,546, 74-909 8,9,62 266.2256,80,1,2,3,4 Berosus 127 Brute 1050.2307 Berti Mons 2080 Buch 23l Besangon 1915 Buckingham, D. 2261 Bessarion 1610 Budgeus 2241 S. Augustinus 241.328, Beverningh 1971 Bullce 805-1752,843 31,4,59,03,94.414,5, Beverlinus 746 Bullen 103 74 562,71,81.623,78. Bevilacqua 941 Burgersdyck 1972 762-3.856-98-9.1095 Biblia 400,46,7.501,2, Burgo.,280,9 -116-49-75-326.651, 3.609,11,4,34,50,95. Burmannus 1283 5,6,7,62,3,76 to 83, 700. 1644. 2001, 11 hurley 482 06,12,3,80.992.2013 300,1,11. 173,213,335 Aqricullura 1523,65, Antiphonaria 453-4-5. Austria, Juan de 2344 o , ryt.tx 71)2 1(14.248.312 Antentica 476 81,789 Aguirre 1947 Ahmed Khan 872 Aigle 838 Aimonius 1897 Alabiano 2236 S. Alban 898 Albertanus 022 702.11 14,248,312 Antentica 476 Antiquilks Bom. 2174, Auxentius 1458 2353 S. Antonius 1426 Antonius Abb. 2385 Do. Marc. 2338 Antwerp 2279 Apes 2271 Albertus Magnus 428 Apicius 275 A v-ebury 1087 Avicenna 1394-5-537 Avoli 2184 A'Wood 2 Bagge 107 Baiamonte 194 : 5 Balter 2341 Bigarrocque 86 Biileswyke 1084 Bingley 262,3 ,4 Bisuittmi 1898 Blaquerne 1911 Blaaon 873 Blemmidas 1515,6,7 Burlington 44 Bvse 1136 Cabbala 1392 Cabriana 878 Cadiz 1943 Caesar 273.1849-84 Ccesarius 451.1723 Caesars douze 1940 Mesensis Petr. 1697,8, Calculus 1833 - 86. 507 17-57 -73-4 Apocalypse 285.321,93. Bangor 309.1057 .88 533.57.727.925.1056. Barbaras 900,1,96 -99.615-6.1177.2234 Albinus 2004 Albio 895 Albumeron 1386 Alchabitius 1237 720.995 Blesois 806 Blois 856 Blomendal 662 Blosseville 1290 Boccacio 243,74.1025, 91 728 Apollinaris 1463 Apollonius 1545 Apophthcgrnata 1617 Bards, Welch 2160, 1, Bocherville 1087 Xkheiny 486 [1400 Apostoh 1.403,773 Alcoran 754,61.1303,0, Apostolus Mich. 160.7 Alcuin 1711 Do.Johes. 1618 Alexander Magnus ‘293. Appian 2176 458.1014-19.2307 Appius 197 Alexr. P. V, 1752 Apsyrtus 1538,9 Alexander Villa Dei 190 Aqnensis 745 Alexandras 1799 Aquinas271.3l8-26.551 378 Barlaam 356 Barnes 1751 Barnvelt 1136 ‘Baronio 1109 Barons 114,96 :S. Bartholomew 40 IRarr&olus 135 Barth. Anglicus 134 Bodeham 1904 Bodinus 242 Calderini 566 Calecas 1426 Calendaria 202-54.481. 1831,69,70.2080-155 Calerus 2241 California 1362 Cambray 1754.2283 Cambridge 63.2341 de la Campa 2312 Candia 940 Boethius 635. 903, 4. Canarias 1943 1001,99,107,351.51-9, Canones 390.694.1487. 779,86.2113,46. Bohemia 303.710 Bois 812 llois le Due 1134 Bologna 864 Basilius 459. 564. 898. S.Bonaventura492.55S. 1414,27,43,6,67,78,9, 991.1672,8.2192 Alimenta 2355 Alkinaar 1953 Alleyorice 477. 2220 Alliaco 284 Allobroges 1863 Alonzo IX 2177 Alphabets 1791.2304 Alphonsus P. 1721 Alta Combanus 1855 Amaseo 2320 Anibachte 2277 Ambassades 1934 S. Ambrosius 325, 6, 43 - 69-92.518-30.626. 1111 -674-704-994. 2183 America 1.859 America, North 1935 Amesbury 1087 Amicus 293 Ainistad. 1073 Ammonius 2336 Amstelredam 701 Amydenus 1534 S. Anastasius 1424-48 -9-74-7 Andreas 39 456 Andreas Cretensis 1443 Ascclica 621,7 L -7-66-623 Asclepius 1511 Andrelinus 830 Asia 1936 S. Andrew, Apl. 1302 Asterius 1425 <9.1^3 Bonifacius 2014 Basle 674.1753 Bonifacius IX 39 Bassadonna 1301 Bonnel 1060 Batard 870 Bononia 1770 Ba/aille(Caige de)22Q2 Borrian 1332 Bat failles 1093 Bostrensis 1419 Baumelle 1031 Botany 2213 Beauvais 222.563 Botiller 106 Art-tin us 226.862-88-9. a Becket 1051.2214 Bouhic 1144 996.1019.1360.2366 Beckwith 1066,78.2390 Bourbourg 2259 0,001110 a Ar -yle 18 Beda 255,6.460,7.816. Bourdeaux69.71.82.113 Carta:,3,4, Aristides 1555 902.1022, 56, 89, 92, 1314.5,6,8, 9, 27, 31. Aristotle 252. 458. 569. I 59, 661,4. 750, 832, 440, l 96.632-79 93.772-3. 2006-334 1729. Aquis Granum 747 Arabes 25.896 Arabic MSS 370 to 75 Archimedes 1541 Architcltura 1949 Aretaeus 1531 1744-5-8-50-1-63 - 9 -75-7-8 Cantacuzenus 1513 Canterbury 1085,378 Cantica 332,77.575.655 724.1125,8,47.413,92, 647,704,996.2178 Cantipratanus 2271 1843 C(7/?ita/aria445-l 737,62 Capri 1021* Capucinade 839 Cara Vita 43.1275 Don Carlos 2226 Carmina 1814,26 Carolus Magnus 746.1784-905 Carrarientes 784 293. ^90-1-2-3. 1293, 507 73,95.2166,225 Bourgeois 850 toll, 52,0,80,99.2179 Bedforishire 49.131 Bourgogne 1921,3 2G8 Bedocius 997 Boyle 3(i + Arithmelica 1351, 549. Kceu&rSS Boys 1973 • 214 fi Belet 2148 Brabant 1142,264389, Armandus 79.809 Belgium 1140 90 Armas 1941 Benedict. Anian 1747 Bracciam 829 Armenica Lingua 2273 Benedict- Petrol,. 1842 Brachmanes 1424 Do. MSB. 1398,404 S. Benedict 1115,244, Bracton 136 Arms29, 35.92,9.100,11 337.2270 Bradenstoke 72 -46-73-8-0-81-96.277. Benedict XIII 919 Brandenburg 741 1055 - 79 - ao. 1112-32 Benefices 30.596.1931 Brantome 27 -268-73 Benoit 110 Ars Metrica 2166 Berchorius 681 Arthur (King) 10JJ Berengarius 650 Berkshire 14, 6. 47 193 Brasses 91 Braucidamis 2321 Breitinger 1206 8. Bremen 1164 da Breno 985 5,7, 54. 68. 235. 309. 1068,9,70,1,88,113, 40,56, 274,6, 333, 9. 2249,326 Cartes 1912 Carthusienses 487. 504 -29.636-72-4.743 Cartidaria 40.64 to 86. 164,71. 809.1084,5,7, 108,309,10,20,1,2.34 5-2155,256,7,75,6 Casali 601 Caselius 18l8,9 Cassianus 2089 Cassia 478.514 Cassiodorus 316.457, 597.1685 Castilla 2242,331 Castro Guntherii 1767 Berlinctun 3 13 Bretagne(Anne of) 261 Catalogues 163.1865-7 BernardlOOB.696,996,7 Breviaria 429,34,9,42, -924 A INDEX TO MSS. IN EIBLfOTHBCA PIIILLIFPICA.-— 1 to 2410, Catena 1409,20,2 S. Catharina 1163 Cathedrales 1759 Caubii 1263 de Cecilit 1146 Cenfonu8 1824 Ceremoniale 739 Ceruti 907 Chalons 2270-340 Chamberland 1107 Comestor 269. 302,61. Decretales 39.125.350, Episcopatus 2022 -8-49-81-305 408,9.821. 1161-837. 90.480.1036,144,6,324, Epistolce 925, 39, 46. Francis I 2283 906 2009-10-133-27 8-302 Commodianus 1S25 Delft 1951 Commons , House of 9. Demosthenes 922.1615,2.2393 St. Denis 112.1328-917 Common Place Book Derbyshire 147 1065 Dereham 2380 Comnena [Theodora] Dertend 2204 1 489 Des Cartes 38 C hamhre des Comptes Comnenus 1455.89,639 Des'irpmldad 2228 212,3,4,59 Compiegne 1348 Detlkirchen 505 Champagne 235 [21,2 Conception 1101 Deventer 1979 Chansons 835,41.1009, Concilia 390.1743-52-3 Devon 41.51,2.97.110, Espana 1353-63-71-2 Chants 1101 -64 85 Chas. V, 596. 731. 48. Conclave 920 Diamant 848 1274-,888,939.2283 Chat 840 Chaunucaeus 743 Chemistry 1263 Cherubim 522 Chifflet 1921 Children 2190,215 1023,67.127,70,83,99 St.Francis807.991.1294,427,45. -774.2279 80. 610,94.7, 8.718, 9. Francorum Gesta 238 76.84,801.2,3,18,9,20, Frankenthal 1178 1.2005 258,64,96,30.9 Frasquet 1881 Fraternitates 1040 Freyburg 1229-35 Friesland 1956-62-3-4-5 Frisia 1860-1,99 Fristorf 1320 Froissart 131 Fruit Trees 1365 2205,11,37,9, 328, 30, Fulgentius 1008 - 281 48,403,4,5,6 ’ -808 39,85 Epitaphia 1864.2354 Erasmus 849 Erigena 1817 Erotemata 2356 Eschius 716 Confessio 294. 650, 63. Diaries 2248-344 Este 948 Fussli 1206 1477,678 Confluentia 637 Conformitates 2007 Congiura 1946 Conradus 600 Constance 225.1752 China 823-912-86.1909 Constantinople 836, -86 1044-642 Choniata 1639 C horalbueher 634 Christ 282. 322, 30, 58. 1523-6-5-81 463,78.519,20,52,82. Constitulimies 1499 601,66,81,90.713.21, 2189-95 3. 815. 1054,155,241, Consulados 2202 830,49 Contardus 924 Christchurch 264 Conteleon 2381 Christianus 1148 Contemplation 2 180 Christine (de Pise)128. Cooke’s Baron Book Dissen 595.652 207-36 111-96 ' Chronica 4.112*31,2,89, Corbie 1865 91.200-16-7-38. 379. Cordatus 613 448.605 - 30 - 47 - 76. Cordebenignus 2014 714-5-32.953.1129-30 Cordova 2313-45 -8.1207-14-8-9-64-77 Corinthii 319,20 -85-6-96. 1501.1829 Cornwall 62 -48-52-5-6-60-70-2-9 Corteleo 2381 -80-1-2-89 90-1.1904 Cortemarek 2277 - 17-8-32-44.2184,5, c osmoyrapliia 1788 8,272-87,307.31,8.49 Cossa 216 Chronologia 628.1634, Cotton 12 835 Courcy 132 Chrysoloras 1370 Court Rolls 276 S. Chrysostom 431-6 Cracovia 596 -52. 513. 630 60.790. Cracow 596 1406-19-21-33 to 43 Craig 1862 -72-1673.23S3 Craon 296 Chundie Paat 2162 Cr em a 941 Dictionarium 883.1160 d’Este, Alplionse 194S Gainsboro’ 44 Eteri in 1207 [-808 Galen 1462,526 to 29, Ethicus 272. 854. 1788 567,790,991 Elhimologia 272. 854. Galeottus 930 2114 Galienus 982 Elhiopic MSS. 1053 Catteries 826 Euagiua 1838 Gallia 1743-5,57,8,328, Eucbaitee 1457 913.2149-208 793-809 Dictys Cretensis. 2292 Diest 716 Digby 1307 Dh 1008 Dingens 736 Dinter 1856 _ Coustantinus 1490.815 Diodorus Siculus 162S Euch:»rius399.458.170 Callus 752 Constantin. Porphyrog. to 32 Euclides 820.1542 3-4 Galopes 1349 Diomedes 1007 -52.2146 Galterus 1799 Dion 1635 Eudoxias 1601 Gasparmus 959 Dionysius 1641 Europe 1043,104 Gas tines 233 Do. Exiguus 1744.1830 Eusebius 346.402.553. Caubii 1909 Dionys. A reop. 397. 687.14«>8,24.704-829,72 Gaufredus 480.774 510.1477,668 Eustathius 1424- 6- 68 Geberus 931.1336 Dioscoritles 982.1530 58,-608-41 Gebwiler 708 Eustratius 1458 Geistlickheit 541 Diurn ale 489-95.542-5 Euthvmius 1453-80 Gdna 1859,89 Dodsley 2379 Eutr pins ll8 Geminus 1546 Doge 885-6.1296 Evaogelia2>i3.654 .1419 Genealogia 734. 874. Domaine 1908 - 20- 82 - 618 - 9-707 l ° G « 2u0> 4,5,13* S. Dominicus 2189 -926-7.2165-359-87 Donatus 1000-7-22.1171 C)o. Greecu 1284-482 905 Dare 791 (?) Dracontius 1824 Drakenborch 1168 Drechterland 1978 Druids 2157 Dublin 23S0 Ducare 188 Duchesne 1S64 Dunnnus 1018 Dunkerque 1090 Du pin 1005 Durant 372 Do. Sgriaca 1338 Evast 1911 Evax: 2274 Exodus 607.16 15 3o7, 53, 63,71,2, 923. 2242.85,6,330,89 Genesis 395.420.1651 Geneva 224 Gennadius 1456,83,714 Gennaro 2187 Ezechiel 341.766.1659. Cennes 217 Durnford 169 Dyckboek 1980 Ebroco 462 Church Notes 159-65 delaCroi*846.1922.33,4 Durham 291 -70-5-82-4-6 Cromwell, O. 2230 Chyrurgia 908 Croquetrou 847 Cicero 117.208 404.913 Crux 777 to 19-63-96.1003-7-14 Cuoco 92L -787-91-4.2338 Cuppd 798 Cicero Epist. 801.2269 Curas Abbrev. 2200 -351 Curia Crerog. 1378 Do.Rhetorical810.2293 C urialia 582 Cistercienses 2270 Curopalata 1637 Ellipsis 896 Clarendon 194.2368 Cuvellier 1103 Kgmundense 1891 Claudian 123-1714 Cycli 1830 Edward IV r , 20 2350 Ezra 2168 Faoelus 1280 1" aeons 381 Fairfax 2190 Fulco 2334 Falconry 2253 Faxardo 2203 Feoda 1154 Ferdousi 1072 Ferrieres 998 Festa 1124-452 Ecclesia 1056,502,711. Fesms Pomp. 816.964. Geronticon 1624 2322 1S06 Gerson 280- £04-37- Ecclesiastes 1075, 412, Fiefs 1098 -93.602-53-86 64.683 ’ Flanders 1118-9-20-37 Ghiacceki 879 Echallens 1228-52 2217-60-6-77-889-90 Gibbon 98.2376 Geographict 2227 Geometria 994. 1463 -547-66 Georg. Corinthius 1595 Geo. Gemistius 1640 Do. Martyn 1622. Do. Neocaes. 1671 Do. Nicomediensis 735 Gerberius Remens.1718 Germain 2340 S. Germain 201,14 Germania 1152,3 Flavicensis 2012 Flavigny 1»70 Flaxlev 171 1310 Claud. Mamercus 2100 S. Cyprianus 697-1025 Egidius 1099-250-384 Flea de la Fog 1937 Claudius Taurin. 1708 _ 730 Egesippus 884.2343 Ilobecqiie 1102 Clemens Alex. 1665 S - Cyrillus 1444-73 Egyptii 2209 Florence 990 2265 Cyrus Rex 162J ,43.1000 D’Eiboeuf 2 $60 Florus 22.94 Clementis Hist. 2101 Cyroyddau 2158 Electra 1968 Flower AQ Clergy 23.389 2329 Climacus (Joh.) 1494 Clivia 1889 S. Clotilda 1131 Coestfeldia 590 Cohabitacio 1149 Coins 42.133.1173,92 Cokersand 75 Colebroke 1082 Collationes 535 Collucio 1019-42 Columna (G. de) 1847 Dalrnazia 2333 Giliebmus 780 Gislebvrrt 3 32.1693 Glamorgan 93.1077 Glastonbury 152 ( losmria 260-79.2274 Giycas Mich. 1638 Gnotosoliton 2193 iolden Fleece 1132 S. Eh-ius 2D14-141 Fontevraud67.807.1087 Gomes 1020 Damascenus, Joh. 736. S. Elizabeth 1172.2014 Fontibus 1029 1447,50,1,75,6 7,95,570 Elsing 2263 Fontius 879 Damascius 1520 Dames 2363 Damianus 2329 Dante 247-8 Dauphin 825 Dauphine 867 St. David s 1376 Decalogue 2316 Decreta 350 E/nperors 239.1.916 Foro J uI li 1690-799 Empiricus (Sextus)l5l8 Fossetier 2111 England 869 2358 Ennodius 1715 d’Eperville 1030 Ephesius 1536 Ephrem. 171G Gorcheim 580 Gordomo 818 Gothi 1885.2366 Gourgues 999 Fourcade 1012 Gower 2298 Fox 277 Granimatica 932,3,8. Fragments 10.32-3-4 loin, 370, 90,7,402, France 200- 12- 18-78 597.6)2,805.2385 -88 310.748.868. 929. Gratian 125. 530. 1036 1013 61-9-81-10«-g68 -7 12.2010 Epictetus 1579 Epiphanius 1443>B5,674 -313-7-969-70-5.2205 Gravin 1141 N.B. From 583 there is an error of 2 numbers, in some copies, to the end ot Van Ess’s MSS. INDEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA.— 1 to 2410, s Greece 598.1128.2308, 22 Grefgen 629 Greg or ia Lis 112 6 Gregor. Czesar. 1490 Do. Ceraraeus 1452,69, Do. Cyprius 1622 Do. Nazianzen 1428,9, Do. Neo-Czesar. 1671 Do.Nysseuus 355,1432, 43,64,92,527 Do. Turon. 2105-6 S. Gregorius P. 125.286. 333.8,42,55,71,3.388. 448,69.70.554,61,81. 648.934.5,6.1162,687 8-9,741,71. 1824,44. 2178,314,32,50,99 Gregor. IX. 2009 Do. XI11, 2392 Griffi 829 Giimlaicus 1876 Groningen 17-56 Gronovius 2409 Guadagnus 1739 Gualterus 1799 Guaranies 1359 Guarini 938,9 Gudila 324 Gueffier 835 Gueldres 1859,89 Guerre 940.1271.2217 Guerricus 368 Guesclin 311 Guibertus 1695 Gutch 148,9 S. Gyslenus 378.1384 Haas 750 Habeas Corpus 36 Haerlem 641.2276,337 1 laffligem 270 Halie ulicon 1560,1 Hampole 1308 Hampshire 89.138,70, 74.82.262,3,4.1070 Hapsburg 710 Haidninus 187L llarentals 475 Harmenopulus 1497 Harmonica 1552,3 4,78 Harpe 719 Harwood 2376 Haymo 353,93.416 Hebrzei 426.572.1123, 1472 Hebraica2'/ 9-391,8.426. 883. 1123, 424, 652. 2167,204 Hebrew MSS. 2167,8 Hector 1929 Hedges 2391 Heidelberg 627 Heiresses 171 Helvetia 1180,4,94,207, 37 Hen. Ill (Anglia) 637 Hen. 2 and 3 (Trance) 1350 Henry VIII, 2231 Henry ( Prince ) 22 Heptaplomeres 242 Heptateuchum 1670 Heraldry 1055-9-254 Herbce 2213 Herberay 1938 Hereford 1373 Herefordshire 139,80 Herennius 1510 Heresy 370. 596. 1475, 1669 Hericurt 815 Hermes 2171 Ilermetica Ars 1927 S. Iiermingardis 1131 Hero 1547-8-64 Herodian 945.1596 Hertford. Co. 61 Herveus 1658 Hexameron 369.1448,9 Hierarchia 397. 510. 1668 Hierocles 1538 S. Hieronymus 315, 6, 41,91,8,405,13,24.49, 50. 531, 91. 604, 31. 762,71.946. 1035, 52. 295,654,9,74 5,705,8, 21, 31, 844. 2011, 4, 325 Hierosolyma 299.338. 1380, 3,868,83,933, 82.2217 Higden 1048-9 S. Hilarius 531 Iiildebeitus 1719-32-4. 2005 S. Hildegard 412 Hincmar 1841 Hinlon 2, Hippocrates 197. 386. 923. 1462,524, 5, 66, 790 Hippolytus 1424,501 Hispania 2237, 328 } 30, 48 Histoire 204. 312. 402. 553. 1619,20,73,85,6, 7.2198,9,220,40,308,9 Historia Aug us la 2163 Holkot 620 Holland 1950-5 to 63-8 76,85 Hollandois 1061 Holmes 22 >7 Ho me Lice 404,6,7,25,51 648 Homer 1585-6.601 Honoratus 1022 Houorius 448.651.1 176 -717,25,998 Horace 943,4.1827 Horloge 108 Ilosea 1417 H ugo329.5 21-33-4-784 2193 Hugo, Epus. Line. 705 Hunt 193.2397,8 Hus 1752 Hutton 2 Hyninarium 418 Ilyporcgia 504 Idyllia 1602 Ilbenstadt 40 Illyria 1892 Imholf 1303 Immaculee Conception 1101 Immortulitas 2381 Imperatores 239-448 1916 Incur natio 1695 Inrlusi 433 Indagine 619.729 Indexes 187,8.235.1866 India 1019 Indias 2250 Innocentius IV, 2152, 302 Inquisition 1375.2186 Inquis. post Mort. 97. 153,62 Inscript. Horn. 2353 Instilutiones 673 Inter dictum 566 Interlachen 1236,60 Ireland 9o Irenaeus 1669 Isaac 785.1477 Isabella de France 2191 Isaiah 517, 51. 1414,5, 1658 Isidor. Hispal. 1686 S. Isidorus 245.72.354. 765. 854. 1325, 686, 749,885.21 L4,28,9 Ismenias 1608 Isthmus 1019 Italy 2175 I liner aria 1789 Ivo Carnot 1694,746 Jacob 1096 Jac. I, 12.2261 Java 1989 Jeannin 1919 Jeremiah 551.1416 Jerusalem299.338.1803 1961,2,82 Job 31.333.619.1406,7, 1602.2399 S. Joh. Bap. 307 Johes. Damascenusl 4 13 7,50,1,75,6,7,95,570 Johes. Epus. Alexan- drinus 375 St. Johes. i-'.vang. 1095 1419,20,37,662.3 Johes. Patriarcha 1443 Jordanus 548 Jornandes 1896 Josaphat 3-’>G S. Joseph 716 Josephus 258.1625,6 Joshua 352 Journals 192.1060 Jovinianus 2325 Judzei 258. 143& 720, 3 999-1455,71,626,6 Indices 352 Junterbock 592,6 Jus 609, 18. 725. 998. 1076,735.61.2211 Justinian 576,639,995 Justinianus Dux 814 Juslinus 1169,845 Juvenal 292.828.1289 Kaldenbach 2210 Kalkar 488,504 Ivennemerland 1952 Kent 98 1079,367 Kirchenbann 577 Knights 99.100,78 Knoyle 2286 Konigshofen 605 Koran 756,61.1393,9, 1400 Kordenbusdh 1305 Kreitsheim 732 Kreyck 1982 l.abbe 1828 Lacock 87 Lactam ius 137.947 Laken 84 La Lune 799 Laiuad 644 Lancelot 130.1045,6 Lan franc 1704,17 Languedoc 1332 Lain hony 65,6 Laon 68.1322,35 Lapides 831 Laredo 2312 Lascar (Coast.) 1592,3 Laudun 77 Lauduuenses 1690 S. Laurentio,Hugo 2014 S. Laurentius 1694 S. Laurianus 16S3 Lams 218,51,95.389,90, 426,33,64,76. 607,16. 92.710,22,5,42.800,3. 1118,89 Laxcuterius 1551 Layriez 2206 Lecapenus 3087 Lecbmere 195 Lectionaria 404,27,71, 97.782,1342-2396 Legend a A urea 199. 483.526,8.1041 Leges 136.295.426.800. 1118.1497.735 to 77. 2149,77,2115 Leibnitz 117° Leicester 46,59 Lemovicenses 1664 Lentu Ius 1014 Leo706.1476,83,99,502 51,676,741,45.2262 S. Leo 1676,82 Leo Sapiens 1479 Leonard ns 2296 Leoni 885 Leontius 375 Leporarius 2334 Letters 860, 1, 65. 948. 1067.183,99,224.2187 2258,306,9,339 Levita (Johes.) 373 Leviticus 1653.2012 Lexicon 1497,584 Lexicon Arab. 1391 Lex Salica 218,1736 Libanius 1478,598,615 Liege 2196,287 Ligues 297. 858. 1013, 81 Lille 1269 Lingua} 1791,925;2304 Lipsius 1782 Litelton 276 Liturgia Grceca 2383 S, Livinus 2014 Li vyl 10.265,6.304.863. 1004,19 Llandaff 1108 Lloyd 2384 Llwydd 2159 Logica 2382 Loisey 1915 Loksman 1074 Lombardus 2194 Lombard us, Petr. 606. 1655 Lomeyer 1820 London 2326 Long 183 Longobardica 491.1886 -7 Lords, House of 192 Lorraine 1297 Lotharius 437.788 Louis 811 Do, XIV, 865,6 St. Louis 856.2191 Louvain 380 Lucan 951 Lucian 852,3.1003,515 Ludolphus 519,20,52 S. Ludovicus 1762 Lues 1562 S. Luke 343.467.1387 1649,994 Lully 281.2318 Luxemburg 874 Lycophron 1589 Lycurgus 1478 Lyon 1369 Lyra 603,46 Macarius 1760 Mace 1939 Machabtei 697.1617 Macrobius 1029,287 Mzenapius 746 Maffeus 45.983 Magi us 1355 Maglinia 507 Magnes 2219 S. Magnoaldus 387 Magnus Senonensisl7l7 Magontenus 1293 Mahmoud 1403 Mahomet 1694 Main Morte 806 Malabar Leaves 1990 S. Malachi 2039 Malines 1103,13 Malmsbury 73.1309 Malogranatus 509.754 Malone 2379 Malta 26.37.43 Malvetius 953 Mancini 954 Mancourt 2219 Mandagotus 2219.80 Mandeville 1930 Manellis 952 Manfredus 955 Mantova 986 Mantua 301 Manuel Comnene 1454 Manumissio 1738 Manuscripts Cod. 1865, 6,7,94 MSS. Grmci 1894 Mauzanares 2241 Mapes 1056 Maps 298.956,7,65,6, 1381,912 Marbodzeus 831.1356 Marbodus 1694 6is,l992 Marcel Ius 240 Marche 234 Marcianus 1817 Marculphus 1028 Marcus 1502 Marcus Epbesinus 1483 Margarita 2233 B. Maria 336.599,1479, 690,914 Maria vEgyptiaca 1694 Maria Magdalen 2014 Mariale 735,6 Marianus Scotus 189 Marine 34.205 S. Mark 203.926.1465, 1661,725,7.2225 Marquais 1097-2120 to 27 Marquardus 789 P. Martin V, 1752 S. Martin 1877,8.2105,6 S. Martin Turon. 1339, 1659,826,40 St. Martin Abbey 1086 S. Martin's Chapel 2326 Mar tyres 1143,458,622 2014 Martyrius 1499 Martyrologia 305.45,64 1338, 844, 913. 2189, 270 Mastebroeck 1980 Mateolus 2334 S. Matbeus 615.1435,6, 65,660,6,708,25,7 S. Mathew 438.927.1148 660,6,708 S. Mauricius 1694 Maurigny 2000 Maximilian 1888 Maximus 1491,617 Maximus Confess. 1609 -11 B INDEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILUPPICA. — 1 tO 2410. .3. Maximus 1009 Mayenne *2339 Mazarine 2230 Mechlinia 033 Medicamenta 1583 Mundus 833.1145,580, Ordericus Yitalis 1836 Pelagiani 1717 835.95 Ordinarium 655,75.778 Pelagius 323 Muretensis, Steph.177'2 Oribasius 1532,3.68 Pelagonius 1538,9 Musseus J602 Origenes 351.708.1406, Pelerinage 228.2289 Museum 825 23,68,91,070.2172 Medicina 246.660.817 Musica 682.823.1251, d’Orleans, Joan 1857 905,9,11,55.1109.10' 81,351 555,617.2206 Orosius 1732 50,386,508.28,9,30,5,’ Nangis 200 70,1,2,83,672 Naples 375.830,921. de Medicis (Hippolyt.) 1944.2342 Penilentia 372.727.997. Poole 88 Polybius 1563 Pompeius Festus 81 6. 964.1806 Pontus 887 843 Meditations 2182 Mehemet Ali S37 Memoires 1920 Memoria 2319 Mendiola 893 Mendoza 1372 Menses Greeci 1871 JVativitates 1577 Navarre 856 Navy 19 Nebriscensis 2215 Necterius 855 Neraesius 1557,617 Neophytus 1411,570 Nestoriani 1490,671 1750,65 Pentateuch 2014 Peraldus 403 Peranzonus 2319 Perardus 1771 Mercurii Nuptice 1694 Netherlands 1967 Mercury 819 Meriades 1015,6,7 Merioneth 1057,8 Meslier 796 de Mesmes 1924 Metaphrasta 1621 Neustria 2295 New Test. Greek 1377 Oviedo 2250 Orrery 2364 Orso de Beauvais 222 Ortelius 23S4 Orthographia 959.1022 Perez 1702 Osborn 184 Pergaeus 1545 Osnaburg 1858 Periegetes 1641 d’Ossiina 2248 Perigourdin 1910 Osterreich 1217 Perilitus 1572 Othomanni 871 Perla 844 Ottobonus 2195 Perry 2389 Oviheni 1022 Persius 292. 1289 Ovid 124.960, 1. 1038, Peru 2352 168.1796,7,812,23,7 Peshall 17 New Year 834 Niccenum 1490,8,717 Nicephorus 1462.76,7, 87.502,15,6,7,53,74 Pestilentia 1569 Porphyrius 413. 8S2. 1517,50,3,7,700 Porphyrogenetal523,65 81 G. Porretanus 1690 Porta 2386 Portalegre 2361 La Porte 1934 Porter 1044 Portolano 965 6 Portugal 2186,246 Partus Maris 298 Post Commission 1226 Poussin 2342 Poyet 1907 Praga 1752 de Pratis 85 Melaphysica 1781.2369 Nic 'las 1584,639 Metellus 1694 Methodius 1672 Metrica Mrs 2166 Metropolita 733.1457 Metz 76.1320,853 Meun 129.832 Meursius 2317 Mexico 1362.2347 Mevrick 1077 Mezua 1537 Michael Imp. 1640 Middelburg 1977 8 Middle Hill 13H Middlesex 08 Milesii 1456 Nicholaus 909.1694 Nicholaus Patriarcha Payani 1679 Oxfordshire Peterborough 78 91.108,45,8,9,79.2395, Petrarch 249,50. 637. Prayers 210.499.722, 6.7,8 ’ 1025,346.926 40,57.8.802 Pacheco S92 Petrus Antioch. 1477 Precedenza 2205 Pachomius 1617 Petrus Archiep. 1499 Preccs 755,6.880.1399, Pachymeres 1521,59 Petrus C'omestor 289. 400.2388 1488 S. Nicholaus 324.73 Nichomachus 1549,52 Nicolaus, P. I, 1770 Nicomediensis 735 Nilus Senior 1477,87 Nimeguen 941.1966 Nobiliare 206.1371,2 Nobleza 2313,345,8 Noces 2224 Noche 2209 P n<>808.942.1135.2175 906.1161,317 Palajologus 942 Pfeifer 643 Paieephatus 1611 Phalaris 1616 Pal a fox 2407 Phannaca 1478 Paiatii Officia 1502 Pharmacopeia 909 Palladius 1424,525,7S9 Phatolomia 2321 Palmer 1083 Manuel Phile 15S0* Panurgus 1816 Papadopulo 2322 Payee 448.920.1743,76, Philippines 11 74 1916 Philo 1510 302. 61. 108, 9.821,37. Predeslinatio 1733 Philip and Mary 869 Premonstratenses 677. 748.2254 Premontres 1321 Prerogative Court 1378 Presbyter 1769.2254 Piaster John 1019 Pr inceps 550.686.2241 Prindpia 1520 Nomina Villarum 177 Paparum Cronica 448 Philocatin 1423 Nonius Marcellus 1807 Papeles 2403,4,6 MilitesTem\>X\ 1693,721 Norfolk 50.2380 Paphnutius 1760 Miracula 336.1051,842 Normandy206,51.1087 Papias 2112 Miscellanea 912. 2170, 1854 Papinianus 1735 2232 Notariatus 720. 1186, Paradis 219 Missa 428.534.694 1201,40,770 Paradisus 035.1494 Missals 314.421.2.515, Nova Lux 1138 Paraguay 1947.2297 _16,47,958.1158.2315 Novellre 1735.942 Paraliponiena 1654 Philippe 810,2^57.2282 P r >scian267,8.362.1007, ' r “ 22,171,804.2142,3 Prochorus 1618 Proclus 1505,6 Proconsules 1903 Procopius 1411,5,26 Prophetce 313.1659 Prosody 1732.2369 Prosper 1079 Philo Judseus 4(jl Philopomis 1512 49 Phi/osophia 910, 81. 476,521.1779 Philostratus 1591,633 Philotheus 1443, 531, P™tasecrete.s 1563 G. Novigeutinus 1695, Parham 2285 717 Novioduni 1766 de Novo Castro 1700 Numeri 357.2172 Numismatics 42. 133. 1173,92 Missionaries 2297 Moamin 2253 Modestus 1447 Modicus 1717 M.-er.sa 2257 Mogol 1945 Mohammed 757 Molinet 1043,918 Molino 886 Monachi 346.779.1491 1532 Monaclius(Ricus.)1064 Nyder 659 1496 Obituaria 225. 481 Monasteria 1757,8-2022 1133.2155,89 Monasteries 6.187.344 Occleve 1099 Monmouth (Geftr.) 32. Octateuchum 1405 203.2324 Monsegur 2347 Monstrelet 2272 Montanus 197 Nupt'ue 1483,502 Parrhasius 1292 Nuremberg 1285,6,98 Pascha 1570,2 Paschalis, P, 1694 P.iiis 549.837,76.1974 Parisiensis 2323 Paris (Wm.) 549.608 Parliament 8. 10. 21. Pindar 1603 2263,401,2 Piro 509 Parleo 1019 Fitsanu.? ‘280.440,66 6 20 Phoeylides 1600,12,6 Photius 149.9,500,65 Phurnns 1452 Physica 962.1514.6,7 Physiognomia 157G 8 . Monte Dei 410.770 Montfort 1106 Odericus de Foro Julii Patarolus 2213 1789 Odes 1174 Odo 1694 Odo Dorobem. 1717 Odyssea 1585 Protop I aste 858 Prorerbia 1056,1411,2, 607,827.2017 Psalmi 223.334,40,94, 4/5, 99. 544. 726, 30, 46.968. 1083,111,408, 9, lOj 62, 3, 646, 55, 6,7 Psalteria 411,7,30,41. 3, 4,73,85,9, 93, 4, 5, 542.603,82.1165,247, 8,51,486 655.2002 Do. Armenian 1404 Do. Greek 967.1486 Pselius 1424,501,14,40, 58,66,91,GOT ,11,17 1550,3,4,66, Pittura 954,92 Pius, P. II. 1127 Pius VI, 2245 Paschasius Kadbertus S. Placidus 416 365.1601 Placita 2260.6 Passeri 992 Ptanetce 1245 Passio Domini 2022 Planting 1365 Pastorale 1689 Planudes, Maxim. 1614 P l °loma?i Plato 209.816,89.1478, 78,640 NN. Patres 323.465,6, 505,6 Pyrrhonius 1518 25.586.1481,3,90.838 Pletho 1483,607,40 Pythagoras 1504,71,600 Patriarch-* XII, JG95 Pliny II, 122.816 Quarree i9J6 Patricius 1804 Plutarch 30S.963.1556, Quedlenberg 524,5,89 .. . _ . ~ S * Pau:i E P lce - 319,20. 91 Quintiliauus 1555,822 Monumental Inscrip, Officia 325,60 419. 506,18,72. 1024, Poemes 1023,910 28 Quiu.iu (Dudo) 1854 159.75.86 Olympiodorus 1407,540 1409,21,650,65 2015 Poems (Welch) 2160,1 Rabanus toaurus 395,6. Morales 2313 Oneirocritica 1479,574, Paulinus 1690 2378 1666 Paul us 1499 -Po 89 -+ 3 3,64. Si. Denis 112.1328,917 923 2000 10 I'’ 2"»* 35 S. 9 s“; ,0 3 00.,3B2 t,y u ■ bU ' 7i ' »». !'• G «‘‘ l « n 201-14 Sen* , 738 797.1272,7,3. , 8 26!fo n 77 8 88 ' 1086 ' 8, ™“'““-1007.SM9 *^4.7,8.1759 JieliqmcB 209 St. Palaye 200 Kemensis Oodfrid. 1094 St. Stephen 2329 ®- tvemaclus 1282 S. Snipicius S. Remigius 1841 St Ti e 4 Kenesselaoa S. Victor 214.511 Uentaha 233,70.1086, Outlines loo 1 W Salas 1362 /?<•»' Rustic 2231 Salazar 2238 Ketz 1039 Sale 1791,834 Revenues 22. 113. 211, Salic Law 218.1736 21,4.32,3,70.113.9 Sails JJenec/ietio 724 ricyne aux Grandes Salisburiensis Joh Douleurs 1279 Salisbury 64.1(13,7 43, 5,53.8.62,5,7,8,9, Suetonius 385 Thompson 88 70,87,92,3,0 -TO!. 28 , Suffolk 154.1088 Thuanus 1867 83. 4. o t (,. S58. 937. Suisse 297.1179,80 4, Thucydides 115 1006,243,91,441,2,3, 207,9,14,8,37,61 ' TtbeHusII 1499 Sulpie.Severus388.IS40 Tiburtma 081 „ 78 Timur 1306 S. Sul picuis 1683 Tinctor 606 Summa 772,4,5.2008 Tobacco 1361 Summum Bonum 765 Tobias 619.1159 Supper oj ourLordl0b4 Toison 1096 ^lirrott K/l m i . ... Surrey 60 'usato 569 Sydenham 102 Rhacendita 1573 Rhuli 929 Kheims 1694. 754, 66. 288.901,2.2291 2008,275 Salmasius 1792 ■tihetnrica 117.1005 Salmeron 1362 Rliodiorum Midtes 1773 Salomon 46<> ~ Rhodius(Geininua)1646 Salt d'etre 827 S. Sever in 7). 1315, 9 27,40 Severus 1480,84o o JU , Sextus Empiricus 1518 Sylva Ducis 1134 Stortia 2207 Sylvanecti 1766 Shah J/’ameh 1072 Symbolum 753.1496 Sicilia 1220, 770. 2185, Symeon 2355 235,342 Sidonius 1685,714 Signe 851 Silentiarius 1591 Simeon 843 587 Simeon Metaphrastes 162' S^ll!! 1 ? n i 795 , Simeon Protovestal558 I! 4 ; 1 * 1002, 62.2355 Simeon Sethus 1562 Simon 2199 Toledo 1944 Tongres 435.1130 Topographica 158 Tornaco, Simon de 1722 Torre 906 Tours 1339,852 - Tournay 1063, 9, 86 94 Symeon Monach. 1496 2028,80,169 Symmachus 1694, 717, Trajectensis 709 . Trajectum 556.707 Synaxanum 1621 Trallianus 1535 Syncellus 1594.634 Trapezuntius 1607 Synesius 1540,616 Treaties 8081135 Synodi 1477,83.98,500. Treffler 707 8 1,611,1741,954,6,66,7 Trent 1100 ' -- yv. emiiiue Rhomytyrion 887 Ric. 1 Anglia; 2254 Richelieu 2230,360 Richer 2105 Riga 744.1726.2301 Rinsmageest 1H60 Kio1 2348 mu. OJ Ritualia 540.717.1398, Saraceni 443 l71 l Surdiere 1912 RitusEcclesice 801.1711 Saulvage 21/ Saltzburgh 1227,774 Santa Fede 2221 Sancti 2145 Sanctius 1304 Sangdewie 1988 Sanginatus 1524 Sapientia 620 Syon Abbey 1052 Tahellionatus 1770 Tapi&serie 2340 Tarasius 1499 Tassoni 974,5 Taurinensis 1708 Tax a 1758 Templarii 1333,770 Tenuree 142 Saurnur 7o,2u2 Rivallon 1794 Robertus 368 Roche 1193.234 Rogerius 982 Roi 1343 Rois 220.310 Romani 1896 Sayjer 19S3 Romans 129, 94. 222. Scacchi 1030 1045,6,7,279,911 Schilling 1218 Romanus (Egid.) 550, Schober 1785 '78,85.6*86.1099, 250, Scholarius 1456 1384 Schoneus 2337 Rome 197,969.1014,97 Semester 1363 Siuaita 1448,9,74 Sindbad 846 Sirrnondus 1011,903 Sisinius 15U2 Sixtus P. 402 SJavonica Hist. 1987 Smaragdus 367.1771 Swelling 42 Socrates 457.597.1611 Syissons 2360 , a Solilnqnia 764.899.2193 Terlullian 2357 2335 rr Solinus 1006 Tresves 1968 Treves 237.367.527 Trevigi 1364 Trevirensis 713,30,7 Treviso 2338 Trinity 676.1681.4 722 187 7 Trithemius 567.7Q7 Trivetus 1846 o • - Soli tar ii 459-1876 Sauve Majeme 69.1318 Solothurn 1232 Q 1344 , Solon 1600 Savonarola 2216,22 Soltau 596 Savoye 1223 Sun.er.et Co. 53.2389 Wn.a484,5l9,20,1925 Oonetos 2-247 . Sephocles 1588,604.938 Thebanus 1501 bophoums 795.1509 S. Theda 1116 - xtiVCLUS 1«40 lerence 120.642.976,7 Trojana Hist. 1847 8,9.1157,800 Tropi 1591 Terra Saucta 1868.933 Tropnel 164 Terre Sainte 1933.2217 Trullani 1477 Perlullian 2357 Tullius 1007 Tessera (Indies') 1694 Tunbridge 14L 1 esta de Neville 140 Turenne 813 ■testament. Fetus 461. Turselinus 1283 rr, , 3 Turkey 800,1,24,71 Test. Nov . 696. I329. X'usciensis 360 2003,204 Tutelensis 1768 S. Thaw 1992 Tyllotson 111 Thebais 1798 Tymaeus 816 Tzetzcs 1605 Udino 2320 2329 Rosarium 670 Rosche 1195 Rose 129.227,36 Rosenhaym 1724 Rosny 877 Scbuwelhusen 725 Schweitz 1179,94,209 Schweitzerland 1180,4, 1207,14,8,61 Sciences 486 824 — uu; cj, , Scintillce 255 Rothebuch 1233,42,53 Scioppius 1782 Rothomaqensis Fpisco- Scotus 1700,17 pus 637 Scotus Erigena 1817 Rotterdam 1984 Scudamore 287 Rottino 969 Sebatoynus 748 220MO Rouen 637.1368 Seer eta Secret or 2181 8t an i ra \ mi \ n Rovelink572,60 8 ,22.711 Secundint ISw " ' Soranus 1547 Theocritus 1602 Ugol'in,! 985 ituhau 1J8 S.Thuotlericus384.1717 Ulster 24 w Zoniei ‘ l 's 457.597 Theodoretus 457. 597 University 876 •C It 5 ; 1 ', 71 .', 2 ' 97 °- 499,Vil] Unterwald 1209 220.; : l 1 "26^J,9,ai8 ao Uri 1200 S„ , , D Theodortc Rex 1776 Urimaria 468.673 Opamsli Papers 2403, Theodoras 942.1498 Urines 1582 4,5,6,7 rri — J — . , 11 -'-'-uiiumus ion, otatius973 non Rogerius 1653, 703, 59, tedulius 119.1660, 710, Statute (Anglue) 109 Roxana 1019 Rubea Vallis 81.382 Tbeodorus Chumnus Urnce 1893 H7 7 Utietcbt 1129,38 1 heodorus Prod. 1565, Vaillant 1928 1607,12 Valerius 1019 Theodosiani CodexV\3b Valerius Maxim 1151 Ibeodosius 1544,735 1850,1 * 7° 7 , , Theodulphus 1664 Valincourt 1105 Stammbuch 1303,4,5,6. Theognides 16*00,1 Valladolid 985 U, J0 Theotogiu 317.477.570 Vallee 1937 7,84. 624,47,70. 717, Uallibus (Colleg.) 64 9,37,d 0,1,81,92,3,4,7 Vallis Florum 1138 Speculum 787.1701 Spec chin 777 Speeches 2327,401,2 Spina Rosa 227 Spira 304 Stadt 72.5 Rubcichius 1892 Rufinus 1674.2101 Rufus Ephesius 1536 Ruiz 1358 Rumoldus 2181 Russia 1987.2203 Russo-Asia 1785 Ruysbroec 685 27 1,w - 94!. 1459,834. 1702 Vanity 796 SeLnarios 2302 Osyf f 7 ‘ WB - Jur chi lot Semnideus 1390 c,:,,' ,’Z 1 ’ 4 Theophanes 1634 Vasa 1893 Seneca ->08 650 912 Stei 'I’o Theophilus 9S0. 1499, Vatican 1894 imll U 2 U2m °- Xh 52 \ 7 ' 640 , V.»d • lh9,221,39,41 Senoncnsis 1717,32 S Slenhen n-m Theophiastus 1685 Vaudevilles 842 " ' 5 Stephen 2329 Theophylactus 1417,65 Vega 2361 Steph; Cantuar. 348,52, Thessaha 1640 [91 Vetlus Aureum 1132 1182, 616. Sens 1755 Oentcnt'uc 2194 Serapion 905,1760 ---v—Serenus 1545 oabaudia 565.615.1855 Sergius 1007 Strasburn- 221 Sacerdatum Vestesl 731 Sermones 374.462 8,74 Strombeek"742 Sacramcnta 383.428, 84. 512,23,5,48 83 8 Suchen 1380 Sfia 521.1667,91,9,732 94,6.600, i : 13,35,33 4 Sudeley 106' ® 7.775 Stevens 6 Stockdale 170 Strabo 1640 Strasburg 221 Thessalonica Ecclia. Vend ramenus 1*8*93* Iniepolo 1946 Venena I 395 Tbimotheus 1499 Venice 45. 814, 75 85 Thomas 1476 942, 66, 83, 6. 13541 s. Thos. Cantuar. 1051, 2349 1842.2214 Venner 1182.231 lhos. Mauriniacensis Verba 1010 2000 Verdon 2380 Vergerius OS4 Vergier 1026.22>8 Veronensis 938.0 Versailles 825 Viaqgio 985.6 Viat 792 Vicarages 89 Victor 1848 S. Victor 2l4.i.ll.l699, 1722 Yictorinusl084.714.993 Yictorius 1S33 la Vie llumaine 228 Vienna 1803 La Vierge 1914 Villa Dei 190 Villare 288 Villare Gallicum 288 Villarum Nomina 177 Villegiatura 981 Vincent de Beauvais 335,7.563.2074,5,6 Yincentino 923 S. Vincentius 1897 Virgil 121.987,8,9,1000, INDEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA- l tO 2410. 1 1.292,300 590.795, 813.2164,290,99,303 Virgines 707,71.1701 Virginia 2203 J'irginitas 628. 1440. 1701.2183 Virgins (11000) 2014 Viridarium 253.654 Viridis Vallis Abb. 2256,8 Viri i/lustres 2354 Virtutes el Vicia 388. 780.950 Visitations of Counties 16.46 to 63.172 de Vita 415,59.593.778 818.993 Vita Christi 282.519, 20,52.1246,349 Vita 293.308,75.412,6, 26,46,58,33.526,7,8,32 79,81’ 037,8,40,79.703 5,18,45,87,8. 818,789, 963-92,3. 1000,4U55 206, 46, 75, 82, 94. 7> , 458,621,3,4,948.2216 Vitce Pat rum 405.532. 1624,838 Vitce SS. 300,7,24,7,66 72.3,8,84,7- 401,5,49. 564,8.608,29.709.991 1121,2,31,52,3,62,3, 72,267,345,00,82,4,5, 426,40,621,2, 3,717, 839,40,1,74, 5. 8, 97. 2108,9,10 Vitalis i0b0.836 Vitriaco 338 Vitruvius 230 Vives 2231 Vlissingen 1954 Voet 1981 Vogel 1982 Vullenhovius 1821 de Voragine 588,94.612 Vouges 210 Voij8, 9, 60, 1, 37 S Walsche 2258 Wanborough 160 Wards 5.161 Warnfridus 1886,7 Wasiana 1740 Watyrbeche 1099 Welch Pedigrees 93,4 Do. Poems 2378 Westminster 1693 Westphalia 1858 Wichtius 1861 Wiclef 1762 Wicquefort 1062 Widdendune 2223 Widdrington 2263 S. Wilfrid. 1717 W'illielmus 384 Wills 2394 Wilton 74.745 Wilts 28.54,5.140,51 to 57,59 to 62,5,6,72,3,5 6.7,83,4,6.2391 Winchester 90,2368 Windesheim 2197 Wirceburgense 682 Wirtemberg 734 Wyrley 108 Xarque 2297 Xenophon 1374,627,43 1900 Ximenes 776.2237,84 Xiphilinus 1635 Yorkshire 56. Iu66, 78. 2390 Zacchius 864 Zallant 1980 Zassera 2248 Zeno 1291 Zigabenus 1453,8o Zonuras 1454,636 Zoffingen 1192 Zuallart 1104.2024 Zuccato 2338* Zurich 1181.204,8,225 Zutphania 607 INDEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTHECA PIIILLIPPICA. 3 2410—2999. Abella 908 Bushmead 876 Drama 659 Gregorii Omelire 774 S. Luke 842 Accoramboni 2433 Caesar 549.665 Drayton 955 S. Gregorius 472.801 Lully 674 Aisop 537.749.869 Calliclea 2429 Drelincourt 724 P. Gregorius 708 Luna 587 Agro 766 Calvin 672 Droit Civile 851 Gronovius 2526 Luvando 782 Albertus Magnus 496 Cambray 590 Dugdale 552 Guarini 425 Macartney 666 A iburn 794 Cambridge 432.935 Duhalle 836 Guebara 4S4 Macrobius 948 Alchemy 624 Campazas 453 Dupin 849 Gustavus Adolph. 707 Madrid '440.470 Alet 818 Campo 2413 Ecclesia 919, 931 Hamburgh 669 Mayician 9S0 Alexander Magnus 2582 Canterbury S70 Egidii Cronicon 2428 H amp ole 734 Magna Carta 952 Allinghatn S70.a98.727 Carrillo 5S8.053 Egid. Roman. 502.653 Hants S76 Malta 84S Alulfus 801 Carlisle, Bp. of 732 -61.830.925 Hariri 813, S15 Malvetius 574 Alvarez 467 Cartce 975-6 Egyptians 452 Haynau 780 Mandevie 849 Ame 650 Carthusiani 579 Q. Elizth. 753 1 lebrew Names 521 Manfredus 937 Amyot 807 Cartiifaria 876-82-95. Emj.crors 712-89 Do. MSS. 658 Manors 2511 Anglo Saxon Kings 970 1-2-3 91-9 Enchiridion 875 Henri 11. 995 Mantuana 442 Anima 891 Castellanos 587 England 511 Henri IV. 661 S. Marceau 9Sl Annales 450.589.608 Castillo 661 Enaravinq 458 Henriquez 111. 914 Marchetti 571 Anthems 514 Catalocri 465.655-6.712 Enluminurcs 2500 Henriquez Rey 694 Marseilles 968 St. Anthony 824 Cellensis Peter 833 Enrico IV 2510-13 Henry 594 St. Martin 532 Antwerp 894 Ceremonies 573-638-49 Enistolce 800-17 Henry VIII. 910 Martyrologe 934 Aquinas 679 Cesulis 557 Epistotce Canon. 703 Hinton 751 St. Mary 584 Arabes 789.900 Chagas 2412 Erasmus 803 Herts 546 Mary Magdalen 457 Arabic 2424.46/74.572 \ Chalons 840 Espagna 953 Heucourt 595 S. Mathams Illyrice 739 •93.6S9 Chancellors 932 Essex Co. 748 S. Hieronymus 523.843 S. Matthew 565-94-842 Arbores 946 Chancery 752, 785 Essex, E. of 911 -4-5 Matilda 895 Archiepiscorii 870 La Charite 962 D'Este 645 Holland 638.903.06 Matrimony 2464 A returns 681.938-41.05 Charles 1st. 771 Estrepigni 972 Hollandois 781 Mauro 735 Argel 493 Chauncev 546 Ethimologia 533.812 Holmes, Kandal 509 Mauromattei 654 Anstoteles 672.702.967 Chaydi 816 Euclid 618 Hongrie 819 Maximus Taurin. 922 A rms{ Coats of, 444.509. , Chess 557 Evagrius 824 Hood 676,728 Medici 577 652.7U8-97 Chichester 2423 Excise 716 Horace 766 Mediterranean 534-50 Arragon 633 Chinese 695 Exodus 844 Doras 614-5-73-5, 923 634 Artephius 50.3 Chorale 711 Ezechiel 708 Hortiz 536 Megia 448 Artois 895 Christ 419.616-84.740. Faber 024 Houghton 613-86 Melisso 916 Asolrin 488 T60 Howel Dha 743 Mendoza 459.83 Astrology 678 731 Chronica 428.510-3.601 Ferdousi 890 Hurricane 956 Merlin 873 A stronomy 71S -53-61.787-96.821. Ferrara 645 lb ret 827 Metz 986 S. Athanasius 2540 .870.906-8-14 Ferrers 591 Ignatius 685 Meun 528 Athees 515 Chronology 451.789 Ferrieres G92 Images 641 Michel 980 S. Audoenus 877 Chrysostom 893 Ferro 609 Dnmortalitas 744 Michault 2531 Augst 596 Church Notes 726-48 Finance 755 Indias 867 Mildmay 569 S. Augustin 799.847 -51 Flanders 2469 Inscriptions' 761 Miscellanea 475 Aunay 982 Cicero 629-64-96.700-5 Fleetwood 898 Ireland 666 Missale 24L7-588.7-17. Baluze 834 -21-38-62, 803 14 Florence 622 Isidorus 533, 812 839.920 Barbaro 538 -79-80-SI.947-8 Folieto 891 Italy 901.902 Misterton 871 Barias 497 P. Clement V. 670 Folkes 2516.67 Jacobins 854 Molina 490 Bassano 763-97 Clerkenwell 907 Fontaine 841 Jac. I. 713 Mona Insula 585 Basville 61L Cockelbergh 894 Fontainebleau 098 Jerusalem 2426.934 Mons 8S6 Baxter 2625 Coins 445.510-7-07.8D9 Fontevraud 861 Jesuits 907 Monsnye'r 834 Bazoches 994 Coke 2628 Fontius 897 Journals 901-30 Montaignone 846 Beauvais 841 Collins 2603 Formillet 809 Joyeuse 9S9 Montano 479 Beda 851.701-51 Conuedia 575 Fortification 654 Juarigui 455 Montesquieu 54 4 Benedict XIII. 6IG.B23 Common Place 1look Fortune 604 Jiidpei 648 Morando 808 s. Benedict 529 2418.51 Fourmis 809 Judice 435 Morea 6G8 Berenice 2431 Compeigne 838 Fox 726-0.958 Justinian 683 Moret 9S8 Berkshire 733 Comp/es 835 France 781.887 Kal 730 Moros 461.574 S.Bernard 717.799.893 Confessionals 91S Fraud 913 Kington 927 Morris 715 Bevilacqua 667 Constantine 899 S. Francis 770 Knights 2699.876.931 Mures 888 litblia 506-20.829 Con tardus 648 Froissart 639 Lancelot 818 Musa decim'a 480 Bibliography 465 Corneso 462 Gainsbro’ 724 Langres 983-90-91-6 Musica 2615 Biom 783 Covent Garden 710 Garter 798 Languages 2422 Nancelius 899 Blair 630 Crispc 076 Gebennae 675 I.anguedoc Gil Naples 437, 6J2, 7S8 Blow 514 Cromwell 687 Genesis 837.44 Ha Plata '791 Nat ley 5'63 Bocace 862 Cruzamonte 913 . Genova 754 Law G92.933 Naun’ton 912 Boccalini 791 Cueba 916 Geography 468.612 Legehia 779.804-50 Navarre 787 Boecius 805 Cunningham 551 Get)metria 551.60 Leges 640 Nepos, Gomel. 721 Bologna 544 Cust 2.543 Gerundio 453-82 Leo, Pope 875 Newloundland 652 Bonaventura 770 La Dame 539 Gibbon 553 Lhlwyd 732 Nidel 449 Borgia 822 Darrel 547 Gibert 525 Libri 544 655 Nimega 667 Borsa 791 GilUa 955 Bidaniarte 697 NoailJe 856 Bouillon 004 Delfino 659 Gillie 436 Lima 492 Nobility 788 Bourdeaux 854-5 7-0. I)clites 578 Gioiello 2416 Lincoln 876 Noblesse 864 997 Demonology 713 Glasse 657 Bivy 680-924 Nucturnale 917 Brandenburg 794 Demosthenes G8I-.738 Globes 688 Bong 562.602 North, Ld. 928 Bretagne 618 St. Denis 978 Gloucester Go. 927 Lohgiani 437 Northampton, Go. 771 Bridewell SOU Desailleurs 819 Goldsmiths 548 Longmate 682 Norwich 562 Bristol 439 Despedidd 2501 Gongofa 420 l.ongimetria 541 Notre Dame 999 BritUh K mgs 789 Diary 562.602 Gonguera 2466 Lords, House of, 723 Obsejues 995 Brixia 574 Dictionary 504.816 Goths 495 Lorraine S32 Oran 463 Brute 700, 1170 Diogenes Laertius 698 Grammar 424.789 Lotharius 866 Orange 790 Buell 853 Dionys. Aieop. 2800 Gregor. XIII. 589 Louis XIV. 507 de Oratore 700.814 Budveus H02 Donatus 943-51 -R XV. 017 Lubeck 621 Origen 2421,844 Burnian 761 Dover 547 Gregorialis 801 Lucretius 571 Orleans 981 B 4 INDEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. Orosius 029 Othea 96-1 Ouderghem 882-3-4-5 Ovid 709^67.817 Oxford 751 Pacense 908 Paintings 613-95.908 Palceographia 960 Palamlogus 668 Palafox 498 Palmer 597 Panes S33 Paolo V. 530 Papa 663.811 Papeles 909 Parades 580 Paradis 840 Paris 851-52-63.962-87 -93-99 Parliament 2626, 7o9 Passions 831 Patagonians 868 Paterius 829 Patino 485 Patrieius 719 S. Paul 658 Pedigrees 727 Pelham 527 Pelisson 507 Pennant 868 Pentateuch 860 Perez 427.789 Periander 430 Persius 897 Peru 492 Petracordia 532 Petrarch 963 Petronius 2526 Peuple S53 7’hilip II. 479 Philosophia 556.647-77 718-77.805-6 Philpot 736 Picardie 832.977 Pierres 671 Pisa 64 P- Pius V. 753 Aarburg 408 Aargau 434 S. Abbo 3119 Academia 264 Acars 050 Actus Aplor. 615 Aelst 237 /Esehylus 30S6 2Esop 3121 Agreda 3039 Ac/ricultura 340 S.' Alban 3011 Albert Durer 712 Albertus 676 Albumasar 3013 Alexander Magn. 597 Alexander VI. 539 Allemagne 484 Allmenden 474 S. Amandus 529-30-2 Ambassadors 607 S. Ambrose 596 America 3023-35.477 83* Amsterdam 593 Amter 405-0-8 Ancona OlS Andrea 023 Andreossi 542 **• Andrews 515 Angleterre 206.338.510 Anglois 492 A non a 091 Pizoli 544 Pizzi 446.900 Planting 946* Plato 941 Piessis 979 Plutarch 802.07-938 Poems 745, 5G3-S6-92 Poetry Espagnol, a c. 2414-15-47-78-80 -94-7.576 Do. French 019-93.960 Poetoe Lalini 828 Poggius 750.905 Poitiers 056 Polin 956 Politica 615.702 Politics 957 Pologne 773-5 Pomi 535 Pompadonne 820 Pomponatius 744 Pomp. Festns 764 Pontificale 522 Pontifices 949 Poor 627 Porter 773 Portolano 534.634 Portugal 2411-41-61 Prayer 590, 720 Preces 919-21 Pride 2600 Priego 2460 Princes 719.811 Prints 508 Priscian 951-74 Psalmi 512.741.8 15 Psalter 635 Quedgeley 2525 Quena 620 Quevedo 915 S. Quintin 865 Bamayuna 889 ltance 888 Raymond 2549 Raymundus 892.931 lieges Anglo Sax. 870 Revenue 755 Rhetoric 733 Rhetorica 880.942-4 Rituale 596 Roman Antiq. 445 Rome 886 Rose 838-96 Rouen 877, 923 Rousseau 643 Rowland 5S5 Saints 786.827.836 Saladitio 007 Salinas 483 Salisberi (Job.) 833 Salisbury, E. of 519 Sallust 939-45 Salmon 546 Salvation 555 San Biase 443 Sandoval 471 San Lucar 454 Sauve Majeure 857-59 Savoy 622 Saxony 985 Scaliger 899 Sell lick 623 Scholastica 489.793 Scotland 505.909 Scotns 901 Scudamore 2110 S. Sebald 825 Sebastian, Don 441 Seechia 2604 Sector 7 25 Selim 535 Seneca 763.803 Sermons 488.922-40-68 554-61.722-86-99 Servius 776.943 Shah Namth 890 Sharpe 517 Shirley 2591 Sicilia 826 Signa Pomona 8J2 Stind 456-99 Smyth S7G Soillet 810 Sommereux 973 Sorbonne 975 Sotwell 599 Souhan 840 South 959 Southampton 921 Spain 791 Spain 485.789-92.909- 53 Speeches 626 Spencer43S Spiegel 637 Spratlin 928 States General 903 Statius 765 Statuta Amgl. 784.952 Statutes of Garter 798 Suetonius 665 Suilly 662 Suisse 984 Surrey 632 Si van Marks 795 Sweden 707.820 Sylv ins /Lineas 623 Tabernacillum 833 Tafnworth 701 Tasso 605 Tassoni 608 Theolngia 079.920 Theresa 476 Templiers 976 To ran 430 Terence C60,737-4(1.950 Terra Mol ns 758 Terra Puds 559 Tibaldeo 690 Toledo 2460-88 Topograph ia 581 Torrea 481 Townsend 610 Troy 964 Troyes 836 Turonis S34 University 852 - C3 - 4, 993 Utrecht 2524 Vceni 491 Valerius Max. 583.714 Valla 966 Valladolid 782 La Valliere 566 Valerius Probus 872 Valmeek SS9 Varillas 487 Varinas 867 Vendome 970-1 Venetia 542-64.620-68 Venetiani 530.783 Venice 930 Vernon 2«>0d Vesuvius 756-7 S. Victor 745 Viennois 992 Vinchant S56 Virgil *742-76-878 Virgi'le 2473 Virtues 681.808-74 Viscaya 796 Vitas Sanctorum 2G3G, 2779 Voyages 820 Vriesland 906 Wallington 606 Water land 55 1 IVeights 548 Welch MSS. 936 Welch Pedigrees 763 Welch Poems 586.745 954 Weluen 92 l WjSBtmacot 691 Westphalia 707 WigOTais 772 Wiihelmus 644 Wilks 2543 H ills 790 910 Windsor 568 Woodward 2434 Xenophon 738.810 Zealand 906 Annibal 3110 Anquetil 542 Antoninus 3142 Antonins 3S9-92-4 Aoste 520 A\pocalypse2026 .70.05 4 .570 Apollinaris 671 Apostles 008 Apothecaires 521 Apparitio 419 Apuleius 547 Aquis Granum 508 Aragon 3031 Arauw 451 Arbre .053 At chiepiscopi 547-61 Archives 413 A rcuius, Curia de 599 Arent ten Boecop 298 Aretino 382.486 jirgenterie 692 Aruuathee 643 Aristoteles30S5.349-83. 597 Arithmetica 342 Arms 16-30.91.115-36 40 593-604 Arnauld 006 Arras 214.626-32 Artilleric 49S Artus (Petit) 033 Asperendyk 256 3000—3712. Assisai 606 Aston Sandford 606 Astrologia 3074.497 Astronomia 122.495 Atkins 3076 Aube 640 Augspurg 527 S. Augustin 351-75.324 Aulum Geer 3068 A ulus Gellius 308 D'Aumale 157-8 Autriche 700 D'Avaux 182 Aves 691 Baden 447-58 Bail ly 542 Balfour 515 Barber 3091 Barchinone 3071 Baronets 136 Barzitius 203 Rat tallies 653 Battle 120 Barrett 557 Bartholomaeus 357 Basel 435-41-5-50 Basil 348-06 Bath 510 Pattern Krug 438-62 Bavarice Dux 3211 Bavsio 623 Le Beau 707 Beauharnois 5-12 Beda 3069 Beda 131.615 Bedfordshire 101-2-24 Begun 094 Beke 243-4-5, 320 Belgium 313 Belloisle 542 S. Benedict 537 Benefices 3091 Berkshire 512 Bermudez 3057 Berne 405-8-20-1-2-4-6 -8-9,36-7-8-40-1-2 -50-3, 583 S. Bernard 554 Berifcollet 542 St..Bertin 3210 Bertrand 5-12 Berwick on Tweed 3120 Besantjon 3002 Besatzmg 430 Bethune 160-7-9-70-1-2 Bible 202 Biblio. 590.672 Biblia Ilebraica 499 Bibliophy/a c i u m 702 Bibliothecarius 706 Bildtsche Vaart 295 Bipp Strass 434 Birun 542 Bithyuee 491 Biography 163 Bishops 3(39 Blesensis (Petr.) 511 Boccaccio 379.4S6 Boccace 3111.648-09 Boderie 155 Boetius 345.547.607 Bohcniia 513 Boisgelin 542 Bois le Due 228-9 Bondam 221 - 38 - 98. 313 Boniface P. VIII. 023 Bonnor653 Borgia 71H But run 643 Botany Bay 3076 Boutllers 512 Boulogne 059 Bourdeaux 3003.507 Brabant 133.194-5-S-9, 225 Bracton 3097.510 Bradwaidyn 5 17 Brasseur332 Bretagne 7 o Breton 3058 Bretteul 542 Breves I OS Breda 3118 Briant 709 Uneven 255-6 Bifenne 153 Broc 082 Broglie 542 INDEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. Brunus 489 Brutus 3119 377 Bruxelles 197,552 Bucheggberg 422-35 Buchsee 408 JlucksCo.3103-4-5.606 Bullet 531-42 Bunuuw 490 Bundniss 459-04 Buonaparte, Luc-ien 542 Ditto Joseph 542 Ditto Louis 512 Ditto Napoleon 542 Buren 408-12 Bu rgen si us 649 Burgos 3018 Bnrguudia 453.532 Burman 324 Button 142 Busendorf 681 Buuren 24*2 Buzenval 160 Caen 6'99 Ca.-sar.us 3082 Calvin 471 Cambridge 301-2 L'ampctyne of 1712, 483 Ditto of 1658, 617 Campilio 3035 C'andall 184 Capistrano 372 Cappell 449 Captivi 3071 Cuptivitz 666 Barmina 3061-2 t artan dc Estado 3017 -21 Carte 582 Car tularin 238-19-50- 54-65-6-72-3-5 -6. 325.516-7-8.626-7 Calilina 376 Catharinot 482 Cato 11 ‘2 Castello 3053 Casiilie 179 Castillo 3045 Catullus 364, 400 Caumartin 3130 Cessolis 652 Ghaaliz 655 St. diamond 176 < kancellors 133 98.932 Chansons 643-50 Charges Publiques 193 Charlemagne 707 (Jhas. V. 3215-36 Chas. VI 3004 Charles 1 X. 677 Char tee 219-21-9-30-8- 40 1-9-50-4-61- 5- 6-7-8-9-70-2-3-5-6 -81.302-9-24 5.613 Chattier (Alan) 707 Chartres 120 C'liastel 572 ('bateaux 1 J erilleux 6 40 Chaiissetiers 3000 Chenu 696 ChifHet 601 Chretiens 664 Chirurqia 3013 Christ 643-57 Chronicles 3052-120 Chronique 651-83-706 Chrysostom 3079 Churchill 141 Church Licings 619 Cin.r 44S < -icero 350-87.547 Cite run is EjAcb. 685 Cistercians 550 Cite Je Dieu 40* Clarendon 622 Claudian 390 Clement P. XI. 3048 Cleomadds 629 Cleriadus 635 Clerke 599 Clive 334 Clopton 3100 Caelum 383 Coeuvre 162 Cans 601 Cologne 636 P. Comestor i 19 Carnets 496 Commerce 425-7S Commercio 3013* Computus 614 Concilium 508 Constantinople 119.662 Eydgerioschaft 443 Cooper 3102-3 4.5 Ezechiel 673 Erdapfelbau 475 G rati an us 625 Erizzo 3048 Grave 218 Erlach 412 Gregorius 3006.355-71 Espagne 188 -3.534.016-73-4 Espagna 3017-34-44-49 Grenada 3038 -50-51*-63 d'Este 7^8 Kston Priory 3095 Ethica 336-49 Ethimologia 352.523 Enporistus 701 Euripides 3086 Europe 3055-90 Eusebius 343.99 Eutropius 30J5 Grimberg 227 Griselda 668 Groenlo 234 Groningen 303.569 Grosteste 3119 Guaiensis 597 Guancavelica 3029 Guarini 384 Gueffier 173-5 Guerre 392 Eoangelia 3007-15.471. Guggisberg 411-14 500-1 Evax 3122 Coope Coronation 120 Cortes 556 Courtiers 592 Court Rolls 588 Creation of Peers 120 Cresccntius 659 Crista ux 487 Croniea 3015-88 87 ' 119-326-56.510 Cuyienberg 242 Cyrillus 3110 Dames 64S Danse 647 Dante 620 Deere tales 623-5 Delphinatus 333 Derby 124 Derbyshire 576 Le Despencer 013 D’EstreeS 163 I Jeventer 304 Devon 580 DHerbault 171 Dictionary (Russe) 541 Dictys Cretensis 502 Dietory 311 Digni 623 Dintre 225-6 Dio 3066 S Dionysius 689 Dioscorides 3084 Diplornata 556-70 Donatus 402 Dondeynaz 520 Dorflingen 156 Don Juan 3050 Dudot 478 Duitsche Huis 281 Du pi 11 630 Durham 598 Earl Marshall 120 Guigneville 655 Guillaume 445 De Guise 157 Gultbriefe 407 Gundult 504 Gussen 480 Habspurg 416 Dagenbuch 457 llainaut 525 Haimo 3070 Halifax 612 Hamburgh 3073 Hampole 126 Jlarvey 577 Ilayino 119 Hayuin 212 Heidegger 4C0 Fabricius 685 Fa I eke 5.83’ Failed 457 Fane 613 Faustina 391 Feckenbam 510 Fernando Rex 3021 Fenara 683 Test us 369 F’iametta 379 Filiations 697 Finances 099 Flamands 233,646 Flanders 3036.188.646. Heimaihlosen 423 617 Helena 389 Flecbe 680 llennenburg 224 Fleuiy 3119 Henriette 186 Florus 381 Hen. III. 119.677 Formulare Legum 600 Herbce 392 Fossela 3043 Herbarium 395 Fay 657 Hermes 547 France 206.441-6.581. Hermite 203 677 7uo Franeheville 471 2C Francis 591 Frankrtieh 412-61-64 Fraubruunen 409-12 Freeman 579 F'liburg 4.i2, 572 Frienisberg 408 12 Frisia 299-568 Froissart 651 Frontinus 7U6 Frutigen 412 Hesdiu 656 Hierocles 397 Hierosolyma 519 lliobs 290 llistoria 668-95 J/istoria Romana 119 llistoire 313.523-26 Historiographi 370.547 Holland 188 Hoi land 238-9-40-1.544 -66 Ilalzmangel 474 Fryburg4l0-12-20 34-5 Homage 696 F'uigontius 547 Hou.inium 134 Horloge 640 Huulliu 316 Household Rook 614 Houssai 183 Hove 239 Huntingdon 573 Gallia 695-706 Garter 120 Gascony 120 Gaza 896 Gelria 232-3 Ecclesia 3064.398 618 Geraeticeimis? 341 Ech'ecs 652 Genecdogice l65.2o5.334 Hussites 3030 Echo 11-123 -557-81 Hygmus 350 Edvvd. Black Prince 120 Genesis 380 Egesippus 711 Geneva 467 Egniond 318 Genoa 589 Eidschuure 473 Geograph, a 3061 Einhauft desStaats49'3 Geunutnlia 4 >7 S. Eleutherius 089 S- Germanus 686 Eloyen 289 Gerson 519 Emperours 20b Gesehlechler 418-31 Emanuel 404 [ 4 Giftard 5iu Engel 427-o0.65.69.76- Glendwrdwy 613 8-9 Gloria 676 England 578-95 Gonttens 490 Entevolkierung 419 Gotistatt 4u8 Entlibucher 438 Gouda 317 Epacta 367 St. Graai 643 Epikur 4 *5 Grafnmxn 121 Episcopi 322-3 47.510 Grammar Russe COS -15 Grammaiica 396-401-2 Jtinehiffija 124, 546 Episto/cvCanonicic'SOGQ Grande Chartreuse 333 Dinerarmm 333 Iconomachi 3083 11 mere 606 Lupera tores 252 India 3067 Lidias 3041-67 Lidische Zee 303 Innocent XII 3048 inquisition 315 inquis. p. Mart. 512 t^enus 210 Ipswich 3099 Ireland 587 lsauella 3021 isidor. llispal. 706 lsidorns 352.553 Italy 3016.177-8 iter 62 Japon 3064-5 S. Jerome 610 Jerusalem 657 Jesuits 542 Joachim 119 Job 344 Josephine 542 Josephus 505 Jovita 391 Judgei 7i 1 Jul. Africanus 558 Justices of Peace 602 Justiciarii 124 Justin 359 Justinian 339 Justin Martyr 30SI Juvenal 378 Kalendria 280 S. Katherine 3148.286. 643-9 Kent 3089-124 Kimboltori 573 Knights of the Garter 604 Koniuslelden 412 KyrsaJis 3119 Lancashire 130 Lancaster 560 Lancelot tin Lac 630-7 Landeron 441 Landrvirthschaft 474 Languedoc 189 Larruga 3013* Lectionarium 535.624 Leges b 10-55-71.600-11 Leicestershire 575-6-82 Van Leming 303 Leonnoys 632 Leriano 631 Lettres 160.542 Letlres French (State Papers) 144 to 52- 4-6-9 Leuenberger 3438 Lexicon 384 Leycesier 253 Libanius 3087 Libri Rari y MSS. 437 -79 Lille 533-40 Liucolniensis 517 Lindesay 107 Li rid is tarn 547 Literce 277-8 Lileraria 483 Livy 3010-364 Lobineau. 710 Loci Communes 585 Loherans 628 Logic 701 London 108-24-38.561 Longubuidi 796 Longueville 416 Louis XI. 532 Louis XIV. 154 Lucan 388 Lucern 454-6-68 Luce mu 545 Luchthausen 465 St. Ludger 548 Luna 3131 Luxemburg 231 Lydgate 113 Mpciobms 131.362 Magnus 093 Maine 7U8 Major 3085* Mamies 559 Malta 3037 Mainerani 3019 Mandeville 546 Mandevie 639 Manescalchia .3012 INDEX TO MSS. IN' ElELlOTHECA PHILLIPPICA- Manetti 358 Noviomense 340 Proplietce Minores 610 Seals 223-59 Troie 658 MSS. Berne 437 Nton. Co. 124 Proserpina 390 Seneca 122 Trov 3113 Mappe Monde -655 Nvj/nsniata 601 Provincialis 522 Sententice 28 Tschiffeli 413 Marca 164 Nydau 40J-12 Prusias 491 Servetus 471 Tuillerie 182 Marescot 3185 Oestreich 458 Prusse 439-44 Servius 675 Turkish Poem 3077 Mariale 6S7 Officio, 536 Pseudo Tkeologi 119 St. Severin 507 Turpin 707 S. Mark 3079 Officiers 637 Psalter 609 Severus Sulp. 688 Unicer site 3092 Mark de Rome 679 Olanda 217 Putilles 696 Sherborn 626 11 ri 456 Marques de .. . 3051 Onslow 622 Pyrrhus 685 Sheriffs 595 Utrecht 3253-54-5-6-7 S. Martial 119 Oostbrouck 32S-9 Pythagoras 397 Shrewsbury 116.516 -9-60-3-4-5-6-68-9 Martial 5 49 Oracianus 701 Quadriga 591 Sibilla 547 -70-2-3-84-5-0 7-8 S. Martin 688 0raisons 534 Quintilian 3009 Sidonius 671 -9-90- 13 - 4-309 MartinusPolonus087* Orations 204 Quintus Curtius 514 Sis round VIII. 430 -20-1-3-5.607 Martyrologium 33-5 Or feci 661 Racio 641 Signau 40S Valckenaer 262 Mastenbroeck 330 Orosius 376 Ramirez 3014 Sit.ten 440 Val de Lirios 3022 Maternus junior 374 Orpheus 503 Ranisen 456 Sixtus V. 3054 Valence 678 Mathspus 258 Oe ter bach 465 Rapellariue 2S3 Skene 108 Valenciennes 521-38 Mathesis 374 Ost-Friesche 209 Rasselets 455 Smeede Glide 292 Valesius 3030 St. Mathew 471 Overyssell 5G5 Rathes Grossen 415 Smith 101 Yalignano 3065 Mathieu 571 Ovid 360-85-93 Reformation 463 515 Socrates 547 Vallee 664 Matrimonhnn 372. 623 Ovid Metam. 684 Reges Angl. 510 Soleure 441 des Vallees 663 Mauricius 558 Oxford 3119 Reine dc France 181 Solinus 403 Vallengin 446 Maximilian 430 Painted Glass 3091 Reliquiae 624 Solis 3059 Valois 651 Mayors, Lord 3138 Palladius 346 Remensis Petr. 27 Sololhurn 422-28 Van Hulthem 219 Medicina 132.357-091 Palmer 575 Kenart 634 Sophilogium 693 Velder 583 Mediterranean 3020 Panciera 703 Ren tale 125 Soura 3053 Vendome 509 Meliadice 635 Paon 638 Rentes Viageres 429 Speculum Stultor. 119 Venezia 3028-32-S3 52 Meliadus G32 Papa 654 Revolution French 542 Speeches 605-22-6 -86*-83 Memoires 187-9.481 Papeles 3040 670 Staffordshire 576 Vergerius 3S6 Mendoza 3038 Papes 206 Rewley Abbey 590 Star Chamber 200 Vic-arite 277 Merlin 643 Paraboles 621 -86 RhetorWa 387 Statuta 3071-661 Vices cy Virtues 584 Mesmes 3042 Paraguay 3063 Hicahombria 3043 S/atuta Cisteic. 550-1 Vies 660-3-86-7-8-90 Meun 667 Paris 3000-1-165.532 R*. c * Rex Angl. 707 Statuta Angliee 3106-14 »lgnav 652 Middelburg 319 Mies 653 Milan 370 Millet 658 Mil on 678 Fratres Minorca 119 Missale 3072 Modus 641 Mohammed 310 Mo Hoy 645 Monmouth (Galfr.) 117 -81 Montmorenci 145-50-1 Peers 115 Parlement G97 Itiche Homme 655 -128 Parliament 3093, 120 R'cobuldus 083 Strasburg 422-56 Parliament 560-74.605 ^‘ nsnla g eesl 000 Strutt 6/0 -8-22-65 • Kisdon 580 Stnupfen 489 Patronatus 3044 Rituals 3078.201 Suchen 519 Paulus Diaconus 3073 Rochelle 21G Suffolk 3091-100 Payen214 Rochester 504 Suisse 179-88 Pays Bas 196.213-14-5 R oi de France 146-74)6 Sutton 125 -36 74-81 Pedigrees 130-8.577-9 Q oman •dntiq. 687 Montserrat 3042 . Monuments 104 Mordaunt 143 Mormal 532 Mulhauseci 417-53 Mundus 383 Munster 190-1-2 Munzwesen 432 Murat 542 Muris 121 Marten 435 Musa 392 Muscheiibroeck 331 Husica 121.345 Ni poleon 542 Navarre 3001-14 Navy 602 N egres 4S3* Netherlands 220-2-305 Neuenegg 434 Neuenstadt 427-41-50 Nenfchatel 439-46 Neuveville 441-5 Nevers 149 Neville 612 Ncwcourt 139 Nicpphorus 558 S. Nicholas 325 0 N idem 428 Nizami G65 - Vobility 578 Nobles 669 Nobles Femmes 648 Noerthoff 312 Normandie 3129 Nottingham (Co.) 577 Notts Co. 124 Nova Scotia 13G Pelerinage 655 Penalosa 3027 Perfcctio 703 Persian MS. 127 Persius 378.704 Petitpierre 439 Philip II. 215 Philip IV 3046 P/iilosophi 547 Picti lly Pisa 601 Pise, Christine de 648 Piltescotlie 107 Pius V. 3032 Placita 123.003 Plane tee 131 Planters 480 Plato 547 Plautus 3005 Pliny 365 Plutarch 348-60-77 Poemes 645 Poet as Medii sEci 394 Poetria 121 Polihistori 3008 Pompec 109 Pomnonius Mela 303 Ponthus 594 Pontifices lly Poole 588 Portugal 3056-63 F. Predicatores 119 Prieto 3018 Princes 644 Principe 3058 Romances 628 to 41-79 Romulus 3112 Rosatis 620 Rosche 474 Rosso 589 Rouen 55l Rudborne 19 Rufinus 343 Ruggisberg 414 Ruiter 31 4 Rurernonde 33:3 Rustican 659 S. Rusticus 689 Ruysch 261 Rycaut 3073 Saanen 412 Sabadinus 708 Sabran 161 Sacrobosco 131 Saints 660 Sallust 376 Salpcter 474 Samaritans 476 Saudford 006 Savoy 135.440 Scaliger 367 Schcti 3024 Schibi 438 Srhisma 654 Scholce 5 17 S. Sylvester 690 Sylvius (./Eneas) 513 Synonima 341 Tacitus 347 Tactic 1 558 'I anered 486 Tassis 3025 Tellier 164 Terras Motus 358 Teutchland 425 Theodoras 3083 Theodoras Gaza 396 Theophilus 643-87 Theophrastus 3085 Theosop/tia 472 Theseus 636 Thun 405 Thymus 207 Tibullus 385 Tim a: us 547 Tinnegielers 293 Toggenberg 466 Toledo 556 Tong 577 Toul 528 Tournay 532 Tournee 527 Tournoi 253 Trajectina 562-3-4 Villa Nova 119 Vi Hero i 170 Vilvoord 230 Vindelicia 3 J60 Virgil 3096-506 Visconti 218 7 Is i tat ion s (, IJeralds ) 557.577 Vi tee Scor. 399 Vitruvius 361 Vocabularinm 675 Vreuenburch 282 Vrieslundt 301-2 Wachtelaer 202 Wager of Battle 119 Wallis 440 Walton 598 Wangeti 412 War 492 Ware 120 Warn h id. Paul. 706 Warwickshire 576 Wassenhoven 237 de Water 306 IVaysenhaus 433-65 j Weaver 1 11 West Indies 69-1 Wetering. n 32 1 Wigorn. Co. 510 Wiileinumjsley 6-7 Wiltheim 231 Wilts 3095 Win desheim 543 Windsor Castle 604 S. Winifred 621 Wirtemberg 712 Witterung 494 Schwartzenburg 404-11 Trent 577 Tiajeetu-s 243 to 52-67 Wombiidge 517 * -7 I-4-5-6-80-3 97- Wright 135 307-22 -35 Schweitz 468-9 -70 Scipio 3109-131 Scoti 119 Scotland 107-20-34-7. 515 Prinse Amour ease 656 Scriptures Historicis dc Trogus Pompeies. ? e Prioilegia 316 Suisse 469 Justin 35J Procuratores 3051 Scriptura 3080 Tresor de I'Eglise 712 Treves 668 Trismegistus 547 Tristan 637 Triumphus 618 Trivet 547 W us tine 251 Wynsafe 121 Xenophon 3086.337 York 3094.547-77 Zeeland 330.567 Zeelassigheit 473 Zuniga 3023* Zurich 424-53-0 GO-2 Zurten 434 INDEX TO 1ST BIBLIOTHECA. PHILLIBBICA. —3706 to 4000, 3706—-4000. Addis-on, J. 830 Cartularia 626,7,91 to Florence 757 Loder 843,66 Pipe Rolls 797,818 Adee 773 800,1,54 Forcls 942 Lord Mayors 8t)6 Fix 837 Agriculture 866 Castles 834 Framlingham 843 Lords , House of Si 72 Placita 797, 816, 7, 60, Alchemy 951 Castro 995 France 993 Lotharius 984 962 AJId&orough 813 Catabaptistee 973 Gatjon 716 Lude 965 Porphyrius 877 Aldenardus 991 Catalogues 836 Garderoba 785 to 9 Luther 973 Portinari 757 Aldersgate 795 Charlemagne 707,61,77 Gardner 844 Luxemburg 942 Powis 831 Alengon 750 Chartes 741, 62, 3, 97, Garth 976 3. M.993 Preces 888,9,98,908,35, Alianora 787 821,40,5 to 8,71,954 Genealogy 765,976 Mahmoud 908 98 A lost 991 Chartier 707 Generaliies 747 to 54 Mahomet 908,98 Predicatores 880 Alvesborn 845 Cheshire 800,31 Genesis 737,970 Mailliacensis Abb. 871 Pricy Purse 852 Amans 713 Chichester 976 Geography 974 Maine 709 Propheice 730 9 Amatoria 934,75 Child 952 Geometry 882,912 Manicheus 720 Prosper 735 Amazza Vacca 762 Chronicles 777,84,950, Germania 880 Man nock 804 Prooerbia 986 Amboise 745 95 Glossaria 890 1 Manors 781 Psalmi 719,32 Angleterre 741,84,956 Church Notes 822,4,33 Gregor. IX 960 MSS. 836.900 PsaHteria 740,849,959 73,93 Cicero 884,941 Gregorius 718 Mappa 715 Ptolemy 877 Anglo-Saxon 797,835 Cistercienses 744 S. Gregory 759 Marcelli 997 Pund Namehfi 09 Antifortuna 988 Clement, P. IX, 4000 Grosparmy 951 Marlboro’ D. of 851 Pvthagoras 882 Antiquities 760,78 Coins 837,930,44,53 Grove 976 Martyh 805,36 RabanusJMaurus 724.5. Apostles 9*10 Cole 814 Guibertus 730 Mar tyres 973 6,7 Appeals 958 Cologne 973 Guise 746 Mason 944 Ramsay 791 Aquitaine 87 l Comestor 742 Gulistan 905 S. Matheus 727,33 Rattled en 814 Archipelago 974 10 Commandments 879 , Guzerat 946 Mecca 908 Ray mu ndus 985 Architecture 829 Common place 957,99 Gyslingham 813 Mcdicina 945 Records 807 Aristophanes 894 Compotus 819,40,3,4 67 Hadligti 797 Mediterranean 974 Regcs 721,97 Aristotle 1196, 908 Coney Weston 857 Harley 851 Meinoun 910 Religion 779 Arms 802, 6, 8,10,11, Confessio 984 Harvey 802,3 Metals 978 Rcligiosi 955 68,73,966 Con/essores 967 Hasely 830 Metyngham 855 Remigius 737 Aroaldus 762 Cony 805 Hawes 842 Michault 878 Rentalia 855,6,72 Aske 765 Cooke 868 Hayrno 734 Michoodee 908 Reports 766 Astrolabe 908 Cooper 780 Haynes 957 Mildenhale 862 Kesul 1)08 Astrology 908 Cortez 764 Ilebraica 736 Monachi 984 llic. II, 707 Attributes 850 Cosmogony 906 Hecham Si 4 Monstrelet 950 Itilualia 961,83 S. Augustinus 719.20 Court Rolls 797 Hen. V, 788 Montcalm 714 Rochelle 753 Aveloc 713 Cretynge 845 Hell. VI. 832 54 Monte Fusculi 994 Romances 713 Avicenna 907,8 Cromwell, Oliver 993 Hen. VIII, 852,973 Moaner 911 S. Romualdus 940 Babylonian Urn 902 Cullum 805.66 H ero 882 Morellis 975 Rufinus 732 Do. Inscription 903 Daillon 965,6 H erpesfeld 962 Morns, Sir T. 973 Ruinburgh 846 Bacon 797 Deca Curnon 743 Hesiod 875 Mosaics 760 Rushworth 850 Burba 978 / >t•cimce 862 Hispania Nova 764 Moulins 754 Rycot 830 Barking 814 Decretales 960 Horce 977 Mowbray 790 Saadi 905,9,33 Baronets 806 Desire 713 Household Boohs 853 Munster 973 Sabadini 708 le Beau 707 Deuteronomy 725 Howard 790,841,969 Nabaret 713 Sacramenta 973 Benedictionale 949 Deventer 964 Hoxne 793 Narborough 840 Saints 850 Berks. Co. 823 DoctrVnale 878 11 usaini 904,8 Navagiero 4000 Saulnier 951 S. Bernard 901,84 Dodnash 847 Hylariu8 733 .Vavg 829 S. Saviour 792 Biblia 736 Doomsday 781,827 Ignatius 869 Ned ham 814 Scaccarium 783 Bisham 823 Dowsing 866 India 755 Nemesius 892 Seneca 885 Blackburn 856 Drawings 755.6 lnq. p. Mori. 820,70 Neville 942 Serjeants 825 Blometield 854 Drury 805 Do. Essex 781 Nicephorus 869 Sermones 722, 38, 879. Blund 797 Ducarel 778,953 Irish MSS. 900 Nobility 810 962,82 Bologna 960 Dnker 894 Isidorus 728 Nomina Vi liar. 797 Serosch 937 Bonaparte 942 Dunstable 810 Iter 797,815 Norfolk Ducissa 840 S. Severin 872 Bonaventura 971 Dunwich 844,954 I ves 832 Normandy 777 Shipmeadow 855 Borgia 70rt Eberch 973 Ixworth 797,8 7 Northumberland 853 Sibton 848 Borrell 833 Edw. II, 785 Jafsir 904 De Norwico 796 Sienna 757 Bos tan 933 Edw. Ill, 785,6,7 Jeremia 726 Numeri 724 Sispee Sect 908 8. Botolph 795 Egesippus 711,083 Jermyn 805 Nunez 995 Smaragdus 731 Boiirdeaux 751,872 Eginhard 761 Jhuoader 908 Nuns 967 Smithtield 962 Brendelius 945 Elmham 819 Joanna Regina 7S8 Ord 839,50,64,5 Suidas 891 Bretagne 710.48 El ms well 856 Josephus 758 Origen 729,32 Solyman 4000 Briant 709 Elvedon 85S Josua 723 Orleans 754 Somerset, Co. 809 Bucks. Co. 780,822,3 Ely 810 Judici 711,58,883 d’Orleans 968 Soofies 908 Bungey 848 Emanuel College 836 Kasem 932 Ortholan 951 Souvestre 943 Bures 804 Ephesii 731 Keyr 952 Overbury 969 Souza 995 Burmannus 893 Epistohe 722.876 Kings 784,835,54 Painted Windows 866 Sowerby 992 Burton 799,S00,58 Eremites 940 Knights 810 Panni 785 Speed 956 Bury St. Edm. 792,7, Escheats 820 Koran 9o4 Paris 747 Stanley 831 862 Essex, Co. 781,870 Lachtord 830 Park 1)1)0 State Letters 851,996 Butley 845 Essex, E. of, 969 Lampreys 8 >3 Parsees 938 Statuta 744 Caen 752 d'Este 708 Lancashire 806 Paston 840 Stebbiug 842 Cambridge 836,906 Euclid ( Grcecb) 882 Lancaster, E. ofQbZ Paterius 759 Steele 822,3 Camerarius 891 Evagnus 984 Lavenham 813 Patricus ( Greece ) 882 Stoke, by Neyland 841 Campsey 845,66 Evangelia 738,886>7 Law 766,999 S. Paulus 734 Stokesay 831 Camps 834 Exchequer 826,39 Le Neve 842,60,1 Pedes Finiutn 861 Stukeley 834 Canada 714 Faenza 763 I-eo, P. 722 Pedigrees 804,5,6,7,9, , Subsidies 838 Canon Law 980 Feoda Militum 797 Letters 851,03,996,7 11,35,68,965 Suffolk 797 to S05,11 to Cantica 718,991 Feme (Wilts) 976 Lex Salica 899 Pehlavi 937,8 21,8,33,40 to 48 54 Carew 782 Ferrara 960 Limoges 749 Pensions 838 to 67 Caroazano 9’<6 Festivals 850 Lincoln, Co. 868 Phelyppeaux 747 Sudolk, E. of 863 Carthusiani 973 Fines 797.816 Lobineau 710 Fkutippiq.ues 90S Sultana 4000 17 - W Swift 976 Tanner, Bp. 828,42 Tasso 942 T.axationes 862 Terenlius 895 Theologia 963,79 Thomas, H. 952 Tilbury a 783 INDEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. — 3706 to 4000 & 4001 to 4600. Touraay 810 Vere, Comes Oxon. 840 Vispered 937 Tresor 717 Vernon 831 Vita 735,869 Trigonometry 882 Venerio 989 Vitae SS. 984 Trismegistus 951 Venice 989,97 Vitia 9S1 Troestinge 947 de Vineis, P. 876 Vocabulary 938 Turpin 707 Vinesauf 874 Wakefield 992 Tursellinns 893 Viridarium 948 [802,3 Wales 835 Tzetzes 875 Visitations of Counties Watyrbeche 986 Westminster. Math 897 Whepstead 794 Wingfield 804 W irtemberg 712 Wittwrong 805 Woodbridge 866 Wysset 812 4001—4600. A Arms 3 L ,224,5,6,33,4/ i Boetius 240,405,22 Carranza 241,502 Complutensis 136 Ahbreviationes 210 95,8, 354,78,452,66, Bonaventura 172 Cartas 10,89,90,1.3,112, , Compotus 9y,110,6 Aberdeen 278 71,2,88 Bononia 547 18 to 34,328,32,3,4! , Conchis 402 Abenragel 404 Arriani 148 Bonus 570 494 Concilia 136,595 Abjuration 519 Arthur, Rex 377 Bar dels 270 Carter 301 Confessores ‘281 Acerba 8,573 Arts 204,3S7 Bornhem 18,9,163 Carthage 313 C ongelatio 341 Acevedo 142 Arundel (Comes) 114 Bourbon 376 Carthagena 137,302 Counestable 376 Acta S.S. 10,442,515 d’Ascoli 573 Bourdeaux 69, 364, 71, Carthusienses 4*9 Constantinople 156 Acuna 189 Assembled 596 412 Lartularia 17- 28. 107, , Const. Afncanus 424 Adjuratio 51 Assumption 156 Bourguignon 4 42.3,214,63,364,72,95 Constentin 395 Adriatic 565 Astorga 137,40 Brabant 20,4,161 las Casas 281 Contarenus 135 ASnigntata 509 Astrolabe 48 Bretton (Monk) 131 Casilha 309 Cordova 57,149 Affghans 181 Astronomy 404 Breviaria 178 Castiella 137,42,5 Cornwall, Co. 129,30,1 Africa 231 Auditor General 433 Bridlington 130 Castilla 528 Cortemberg 10 Africanus 553 Audley 237 Briggs 316 Catalogues 52,135 Cortes h 4,6,7,137 Agrabios 140 S. Augustinus 16,82,173 i Briones 137 Cathedra les Bccl. 568 K. Cortez 148 Ainicourt 493 310, 5U, 9, 84,417,58. Bnxia 566 Catholira 146 Costnmbres 511 Alanus 388,489 77,600 Brocensis 137 Catholics 338 Cotton 257 Alava 137 Austria, Maria de 509 Bromholm Priory 121, , Cato 74,436 Courte Cuisse 586 Albornoz 149 l’Autriche 508 34 Caudales 140 Courten 297 Alchemy 336 Avignon 575 Brooke 177 S. Cecchi 8 Court Rolls 233 Alexr. Magn. 387,409 Azaia 145 Bruges 25.166 Cecilius 553 C outumier 320 Alfonso, ,Rex 137,220 Azujre 192 Brunacci 306 Celia 489 C riados 288 Alonso VII, 137 Brute 156,272 Cervatos 143 Crofts 1 Alphabets 239 B Brutus 210 Cervera 148 Croissant 177 Alphenus 553 Baden 487 Bruxelles 10 Cesenna 546 de Croix 412 Alsace 465 (printed on Baker 283 Bucks, Co. 105,24 Cessolis 5/0 Croix Vrai 574 vellum ) Balseme 375 Buen Reliro 52 Chseronwus 135 Ciomwell, H. 247 Alvesburn 132 Bambus 135 Bullce 142 Chambre des Comptes Crormandia 139 S. Amand 531 Bannerets 60 Bvllarium 264 184 Crosses 295 S. Ambrose 74 Baptism 268 Burgos 302 Champagne 366 Crucifix to 210 Amelius 387 Barcelona 138 Burgundy 166 Charlemagne 173 387 Crusada 140 America 190.286,315 Bards 59 Burley 103 Chas. I, l Cuenqa 137,9 Amicus 387 Barons 88 Burnett 343 Chas. V, 135 Cu steen 1 Amours 464 Barquera 137 Burriel 142 7 Chas. VI, 365 Cypriauus 361 Anglicus 48 Barriga 506 Buisellis 547 Charles VIII 423 Angleterre 69,96,135,9, Barrymore 1 Burton 497 Do. IX, 574 j D 56 Barthelemy 52 Bury 94 Charolles 494 Decafios 137 d'Angoulesmej4l3 Bartholus 420,538 Butenkiest 51 Charodois 494 Decinue 140 Annales 135 S. Basilius 16,542 Chartres 410 Decretales 536,7 Anne de Bretagne 423, Basville 416 C Chartreuse 34 Delessau 321 67 Beauchief 131 Caballeros 302 Chevaliers 3/2 Delft 253 Annius 142 Beckesteyn 76 Cadiz 138 Chile 145,308 Derby, Co. 123 S. Anselm 374 Beckwith 498.9 Caernarvon 260 Christ Church 500 Derham Priory 131 Anstis 177 Beds. Co. 132,3 Caesar 552 Christus 179,398,440 Desgodetz 300 Anthologia 561 Behetrias 137 Cams 553,63 Chronicles 137,55,9,166, Iharium 580 Anti Claudianus 388, Belet 173 Calderon 517 411,545,6,7,07 Dias Geniales 235 489 Bella Landa 130,1,2 Calendaria 70,148 Chronology 245,349 hteti. natrium 49 A nii-Felton 1 Benedictines 242 Callistratus 553,63 Chryseida i94 D,es C ritici 424 Antiphonale 479 Benefices 483,531 Camaldulensis 569 Chrysoloras 202,360 Dieton 424 Antiquities 249,523 Beneficia 117 Cam bray 53 | Chrysostom 551 Digesta 538 Antonio 148 Berkeley 469 Gambi idge.Co. 111,24 9 Church Notes 105,6 Dijon 494 Apostles 398,527 Berks,iCo. 125,8,9,30,1 131.3.310,46,7 Chusi 168 Diodor. Siculus 584 Appeals 293 Bernard 2 Camden 177 Chymica 341 Diogenes Laertius 206 Appelton 133 S. Bernard 164 Camera Papa? 568 Cht/romancia 461 Dispucci 579 Aquinas 356 Berne 482.4 8 Camerarius 598 Cicero 9, 26, 175, 273, Doge. 205 Arabian Tales 463 Berton Parva 110 Caminos 528 548 Dole 494 Aragon 135 282 Berwica 334 Campazas 444 Civitas Dei 417,600 Dominicale 382 Arbre de Butailles 541 Beserro 137 Campion 339 Cladius 5.3 Donatus 585 Archaic mu s 261 Bestiaire 156 Carapo 139 Clarence. D. of 101 Doomsday 495 Architects: 63 Bible 156,259,555 Canaria 142 Claudian 572 Dorset, Co. 129,495,6, Archives 482-7 Bibliotheca 52,135,6 Cai,arias 523 Clemens 553 501 Archivio 136 Biburg 214 C //nones 313 Clement XII. 536 Drawings 163 Arcioni 208 Bignell 68 Cantabria 141,4 Clifton 114 Ducarel 248,9 Aretinus 174.80 Bigot 119,30 ( ape of Good Hope 250 Coffin 251 Du Chet 394 Arganson 137 Bilbao 138 Capon 224,5,6,34,7 Coinage 162 S Dunstan 240 Argentina 426 Biscaya 141,4 Cardanus 135 Coins 292,301 Du Puy 4lU Arisius 585 Black Boc 232 C ardinali 540 Collantes 189 Aristophanes 462 P- Blesensis 345 Carmel ita 516 Commerci 1 ' 138 Aristotle 15,203,52,356, Blome field 111,2.310 Carmina 135 Common Place Book 6 80,436 F. Bloudus 535 Carolus Comes 173 Common Pitas 550 INDEX TO MM. IN BIBLIOTHBPA PH ILAIPPICA.—4001 to 4000, 9 Earl Marshall 177 Ecclesia 140,73 Ecclesia Gallicana 529 Ecerinus 560 Ecuries 408 Edgeley 429 Ejfendi 180 Egferton 1 Eginhard 173 Egyptiens 271 Q. Elizth. 64)8 Elvora 149 Embassies 209,38,577 Emmurees 393 England 41i,2,21,47o Entretenimiento 406 Epigrammata 458,509 EpistoU 9,160,8,74,95, 9,559.92 Episcnpi 140 Escaray 139 Escheats 107,8 Escurial 136 Espina 137 Espinosa 136 Essex 330 d’Estrees 61 Etiquetas 288 S. Eustace 156 Evangelia 430, TJ, 582, 558 Exchequer 95 Exculanus 8 Exhortaciones 227 Exodus 265 Exorcism 3 Eyre 67 Fassi 352 Fasti 262 Favori .394 Febrer 512 Fernando VI. 305 S. Fernando 139 Ferrara 154 Fieffes 372 Fifeshire 152 Figuera 148 Fines 328 Fior Furlano 204 Firidolfus 583 Fiscales 27-6 Fitz Alan 114 Flandres 10 43,162,3,6 76 Fleetwood 455 Floranes 137,41 Florence 294,583,7,8,9 Florentinus 553 Florus 7 Forliviensis 545 Fortune 394 Foscarini 207 la Foy 275 France 176,335,76,529, 590 Francelissa 246 S. Francis 22,269 Francois I. 413 Fredegonde 541 Fremantel 68 Frey 481 Fruime 242 Fueros 137 Fundatie BoecJc 42 G Galen 424 Galeras 520 Gallia 510 Gamme 599 Garcia 523 Garter 351 Garth 445 Gasparinus 322 Gavelot 334 Genealogy 96,144,67,81 Generals (French) 303 Genesis 156 Genova 150,521 Geographia 141,212 Geomelria 436 Gerbertus 436 *8. Germain 596 Germania 238 S. Germanus 402 Gerson 179 Gerundio 444 Ghelt 20 Ghent 166 Glietide 72 Giannoni 565 S. Giles’ Hosp. 121,31, Inventarium 70 98,291,385,401,15,74 586 Holland 335 Hopkinson 455 Horce 21,3,72,5,80,3, 216,378,81 Horatius 157 Household Books 97, 101 Howard 1.334 Hungary 4,510 Huntingdon, Co. 89 I Inclosnre 260 India (East) 138 Indios 145,281,308 Infantes 112 Inforciato 420 Inquisition 243,529 Inq. p. Mort. 330 Inscriptions 148,9 Leocadia 515 Martyrologia 70,402 Leon 137 Mascambruni 594 Lepantium 146 Masselin 579 Letters 37,65,148,248. Matrimonium 563,78 74,305 Mazarini 441 Lettres 403, 514, 24, 5, Mayansius 136 43,75,6,7,90 8. Leuina 10 Leveringhen 36,8 Lexicon 556 Lhuyd 176 Licinius 553 Liguria 150 Lima 138 Maymo 444 Meeolacta 136 Medals 539 Medicina 47,414,24 rfeMedicis 299 Medicus 13 Meditationes 213 Mediterranea 473 Lingua 142, 78, 9, 239, Meesalia 73 268 Mellon 390 Lives 469, 515. 6, 7, 22, Mendoza 136,502,7 2,4 Gillealme 156 Ireland 67 Do Sami. 68 59,62,81 Livings 496 Livy 183 Llandiliolen 260 Lobo 277 Locke 6 Logica 15,346,7,453 London 91,9,117,266 Mensuratio 48 Merindades 137 Meroe 271 Metaphysic a 348 Metoscopia 461 Metz 368,9,70 567 Meun 405,22 Mews 99 Gisburn Priory 134 Isla 444 Long 354 Mexico 137,307 Glossaria 453 Lords, House of 62,312 Michel 238 Glossography 177 J 331 S. Michel 314 Gloucester, Co. 468,9 Jabolenus 553 S. Lorenzo 136 Middlesex 120,32 Gnomologia 561 K. James 142 Lotharius 358 Milicia 136 Goddard 354 Jasse 77 Louis XI & XII. 299 Military 257 God os 142 S. Jean 372 Louis XIV. 403 Mines 192,307 Gomara 135 Jerusalem 173,215,36, S. Louis 373 Minio 579 Gonzalez 146 372,510 Loustan 192,513 Missa 168,391 Graf sc ha ft 481 Jesuits 145 Lubinus 453 Missale 11, 76, 84, 31 Granada i42,8,507 de Jesus 287 Lucy 490 448 Gratian 136 Job 345,557 Lutiovic. fil. Regis 376 Moalukat 427 Gregorius 592 Johannides 424 Lully 145,223 Modestinus 553 S. Gregorius 493,557,9 11. Jean (France) 366 Lance 156 Mohammed 428 Gregory, P. XIII, 554 John 430 Lustre 389 Molens 344 Gremios 138 Joignard 6 Luxemburg 367 Molino 443 Grey 262,83 Jours perillos 156 Luxene 409 Molinos 519 Growth of Hair 593 Julianus 553 Lydgate 254,5 Monachi 439 Guarani 268 Juris Consulti 553 Monaldi 59) Guipuscoa 138 Justices of Peace 327 M Monusteria 171 Guise 299 Justinianus 350 Mabillon 263 Mone das 139 Juvenal 135 Mac an hz 287 Monte Syon 236 H Madagascar 137 Monumenta 455 Hambeye Priory 128 K Madrid 52,6,130 Morales 137,46,285 Hamburgh 159 S. Katharine 22 Maeldere 40 Moros 507 Hampole 451 Kent 90 Magnetes 48 Moscovia 407 Hanover 541 Killigrew 1 Main Morte 140 Motezuma 137 Hants, Co. 500 Kingston on Thames 1 Majerato 521 Mury 481 Hebraica 85 Do. on Hull 126 Malachias 240 Murzia 137,9,92 Heerne 34 Knights 60 Malaga 149 Musatus 560 , Hellin 192 Knights Fees 110,4 Maidere 15 Music 247 Hemelman 149 Malaguenos 315 Musica 450 Hemsterhusius 462 L Mancourt 48 Mythologia 200 Henr. 111,376 Labeo 553 M ans 367 Henr. IV, 87,578 Labyrinth 271 MSS. du Puy 419 N Henr. VII, 104 de Lacu 40 MSS. Arabici 158,228, , Nabigac 427 Hereford 50,131,332 Lambeth 248 30,400,38,49 Naples 338 Hermes 383 Lamei 180 Ho. ILrarci 135 Napoleon 303 Hermogenianus 553 Lancaster 116.455 Ho. Hibernici 169 Navagero 543 Herodian 549 Lancaster, Co. 123, 33, Ho. Hebraici 46,480 Navarre 55,137,282 Heroes 200 459 Ho. Persici 58 Navarrete 137 Herrera 509 Languedoc 416 Ho. Sanscrit 229 jVavy 102 Herthoginnendale 17, Lannoy 77 Ho. Turcici 492 Nelson ( Lard ) 68 32 Laredo 142 Mappa 35'2 Nestora 137 Hesdin 355 Lasteyrie 529 Muravedi 145 Neuburg 435 Heverlensis 171 Laws 59,457 Marcell us 553 Newcourl 266 Hieronymus 85,259,69 La Ville 171 Marcle 93 New Spain 138 Hierro 523 Lectionaria 533 Marcelli 306 Nevyle, Arch rep, 115 Hildebert 221 Lectiones 491 de la Marche 291 Newcastle 316 Hillingdon 120 Lede 41 B..Maria Aigyptiaca 313 Newspapers 290 Hinton 267 Leenhove 4l Mariana 136 Nicenus Card. 135 Hippocrates 424 Leqes 55,143,7,231 Marigny 394 F*. Nicolas V, 209 Hispania 135 to 149,231 Leicester, Co 328,497 S. Mark 430 S. Nicolaus 173 286,96,510,3,8,29 Leigh 466 Martianus 553 Nicolim 575,6,7,90 Hispanus 341 Le Neve 113,262 S. Martin 173 Aienhove 35 HistoriaHatvralis\9G,7 Lensberg 485 Martinenga 579 Nilus 74 Historia 24,45, 135,83, Lenton Prioi’y 133 Martyr cs 10 A obilitas 326 JO I^DEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA.—4001 tO 4600. Cobles 137,48 Nonnains 1.0 l Norfolk 108,9,10,12,4, 9,21,7,8,30,1,2,4 Normandy 128 Northumberland 233 Nuoitius 30 O Obituaria 18,70,402 Oblatu 328 Obsequcs 423 Officio, 173 Oldhall 116 Olivares 505,20 Olivariago Juez 297 Olympias 45 Oneirocrilica 461 Oppian 211 Ord 106 Oreui 278 Orindu l Orleans 188,256,394 Oropesa 284 Orosius 16 Ortkographia 322 Oudendorp 7 Ouderghein 17 Ovid 199 Ovid's Metamorph. 445 Oxon. Co. 129,31,274 P Paccius 135 Paez de Castro 135 Pair 87 Palalox .145 Palais Royal 464 Palavicm 210 Panoimiia *20 Panormitanus 536 Papiniauus 553 papists 258 Pardo 309 Pal is 270 Parliaments 88,473 Partyniaeus 387 Pascha 148 Paschasius 16 Passtu Clirisli 321 Paties 173 ,-^69 Palriarchce 350 Paulus 553 PaviUiojis 2 Pays lias 4,25 Feccatores 170 Pedigrees 107' 429, 52, 97,8,9,518 Pedruga 516 Pcler inage 219 Pembroke, Co. 129 Perez 147 Peri 324 Pernambuco 506 Pei siau Poems 530 Persius ■>! 1 l eru 260,5,474 Pesquiza 137 Petitei 156 Petrarch 44 Phaiaris 174.210 Philip II, 87 Du. IV, 140,93 Philip V, 296 Pkilijjpiqu.es 187 Phillips 4001 Fhil,sophy 383 Pieuudi 387 Pielagos 142 1 ’ierres Gravees 188 Pineda 513 Pisa 5l5,82 Pi scot us 211 Pistoria 564 6 Pithoeu.s 143 Pius, P.V, 142 Piacenza 504 Plantinus 148 Plantios 142 Plate 304 Pliny 196,7 Pluiareh 326 Plutus 402 Poeta 542 Poem / 1,146.71,6.208, 10,21,77.317,S,39 Poggius 201,584 Polanco 138 Pule- (Reginald) 135 Politico 140.325,431 Pomponius 553 Poraponne 590 Pontanus 220 Pontefract 133 Pontificate 418 Portugal 140, 2,5,286, 577 Posidonius 173 Poza 148 Freed,a 526 Praelles 359 Preces 14 Predicatores 393 Prestre John 156 Pnnccps 220 Priscus 135 Priuli 217 Privilegia 566 Priry Purse 104 Processionale 393 Proculus 553 Prosper 458 Proverbs 53, 145, 223, 572 Psalmi 386 Psalter 597 Psolteria 23,77,8 Psammetichus 271 la Pucelle 256 Purgatory 156 Putains 270 Pythagoras Q Qucestiones 85 Quintilian 534 Quintus Curtius 409 R Rayeman 334 Ramirez 140 Ranqon 366 Ranutius 210 Raymond 500 Raymundus 399,425 Rechts- Trieb 481 Records 470 Recusants 238 Reg alio 136 Reges 510 Regiment 354 Rcgu/ce 439,46 Reutalia 39 Reports 468 Resendius 135 Rescrcas 529 Revels 2 Reyniers 5 Rhclorica 157 Ribas 149 Ric. II, 103,15 Rieval 134 Rinalducci 594 Riol 136 Ripley 336 Ritius 510 Ritualia 79,323,40 Rodriguez 245 Romance 1S5, 357, 63, 434 Romandiola 546 S. Romanus 391 Rome 300,431,56,535, 40 Rommain 586 Rose 183.357.63 Roselauro 246 Rossi 244 Rot. Patent A 00,327,8 I)o. Chius 100,328,501 Rouen 320,91,3 Ruelle 167 Ruffinus 553 Ruremuud 66 Sacco di Roma 218 Sackville 1 Sacrobosco 48 Sailors 509 S. Briget 70 Salazar 137,241,502 Sallust 175,83,240 Sah imonus 217 Santander 137 Santillana 143 Sarmento 136 So tyro 511 S.iuve Majeure364 Savoia 208 Savonarola 562 Scacchia 570 SciEvola 553 Sclavonics 213 Scotland 153 Scott 346 Scrip tores Veteres 240 Seals 459 Seneca 195,240,560,72, 580 Sent entice 236,460 Scpu-m F ontes 70 Sepulclira Romana 149 Sennones 5,29,164,343, 477,89 la Serna 144,526 Serradilla 504 Servitutes 526 Servius 553,85 Settimana 151 Sevilla 137,42 Shakespeariana 68 Sherboru 28 Shrewsbury 251 Sicily 140,338.510,29 Signy 572 Silva 240 Sixto, P. V, 522 Skippen 274 Solinus 212 Somerset, Co. 131 Sommai 591 Sof/tuia 156 Sonet os 317,8,9 Sth. Morton 1 25 Spada 540 Spain 136,279 Spargirique 383 Spartianus 183 Speculum 170 Spelman 201 Sphera 48 Spinola 150 Spotswood 226 Staple Inn 304 Starling 224,5,6 State Papers 207 Status Generates 580 Statuta 314.34 51,480, Valladolid 54,6,140 564,82,7,8,9 Valois 401 Steevens 68 Van Viane 348 , Still 343 Vascongadas 141 Strozzi 581 Le Vayr 233 C- Stuard, Prince of Venatio 2 11 Wales 509 Vendome 263,4 , Suarez 511 Venezuela 297 Subsidies 366 Vennerie 365 Suchen 215 Vents 389 Suetonius 183 Venice 135,55,86,205,17 Suffolk 108 to 116»18, ( 543 32.3 Venuleius 553 Suidas 598 Verba 143,5,353,553,5 Suisses *299 Verduno563 Snip. Severus 173 Vere 115 Sultanini 191 Vergara 137 Summa 399,425 Vermi 583 Surita 135 Vernon 395 Sussex, Co. 114,32 Vervins 87 Suzo 503 Viaticum 424 Switzerland 483,6 Vicars General 266 Sward-fight 204 Vicomtb 320 Symbo/e 398 S. Victor 165,86,350 Symphosius 509 Vienna 207 T Viernes 137 Vieyra 243 Table Rond 377 Vigilianus 136 Talavera 139,49 Viglius 160 Tanner, Tip. 94 Villa Leido 138 Tarragon 146 Villers 1 Tatesliale 114 Vincent 499 Tellez 137 Virgil 302,89.553,85 Tellico 590 Virginitli 358,61' Temixtitlan 148 Virtutes 289,392 Templarii 132 Viscaguia 148 Temps 389 Visitation , ( Heralds) Teratius 553 499 Terentius 396,553 Vita Christi 12 Terni 244 Vitas 245 Testamento 279,99 FifceS.S. 18,22,182,269 I Tetrachorde 599 Viterbo 142 Thames 27 Vocabularium 426,509. , Theodora 29 52S.53 Theologia 329,478 Voyages 167,215,421 Theophilus 424 S. Thus. Cantuar. 173 W 1 Tiberius 585 Wace 156 , Tibullus 432 W ales 67,468 Tikliull 99 AV alter 173 Tizon 518 S. Walter 337 Toledo 136,7,48,242 IVardrobe 92,8 Toletanuiu 595 Welch Poems 342 Topica 203 Westminster 99 Torqueinada 517 V r estmoreland 130 Torres Hermoso 142 Weston 239 Tortellus 585 West Wyttenham 125 Townsend 349 S. William 387 Tragoedia 560 Wilton 68 Trapezuntius 157 Wilts 68,129,354 Traversari 206 Witham 489 Travels 335 Wodekirk 134 Trebor 156 TVysheit 71 Treswell 177 Trew 234 X Trinitas 165 Xalil 231 Triphcfnius 553 Troil us 104 Y Tiomger 426 Ybanes 142 Tschideli 482 Ydalgias 30 9 Turonibus 580 Yorke, Philip 500 U Yorkshire 122,8,298 Do. St. Leonard 132 Uguchoni 135 Ullia 149 Z Ulpian 553 Zamora 137 Urinas 424 Zarabel 537 V Zodiac 203 Zoheiri 427 Valencia 137,9 Zolevuntamiento 507 Valeutiuus 146 Zuniga 135 Valerius Maxim. 355 Valla 201 INDEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. —4601 to 4912. 4601—4912. il A Boniface. P. 834 Diagrams 620 Gaudard 792 Islip 826 Abbatice 63!) Boseham 622 Dictionarium 660, 91, 8. Gaugericus 630 I vo Camotensis G23 Abbatis- Villa 623, 92, Both by 834 740 Genealogies 792 710 Braden 751 Didimus 627 Genesis 645,718,65 J Abergavenny 872 Brecon. Co. 840 Differentia: 649 Gennadius 657 Jac. I, 881,2 Accentvs 639 Bretagne 761 Digby 849 Genova 615,7,8,9 S. Jac. Apostol. 763 rictus A/, lor. 605,29,40 , Britain 866 Dii Gentium 786 Gentile 615 James II. 851 54 British Antiq. 813,65 Dionysius Areopag. 664 Gentry 871 Januensis 672 iEtius 625 Browne 831 S. Dionysius 632 8. George 774 Jerusalem 797 S. Agnes 624 Bruton 808.9 Distinction es 704,12,21 , German 793 Job 624,61,75,709 u.igricultura 621 Buckland 753 31 8. Gertrude 632 K. John III, 860 Ailred. Abbas 659 JBuUte 644,834 Doctrina 689 Gilbertus 636,63 S. John 671,97.724 Ailredus Rieval 629 Burchgrave 759 Dodsworth 746 8. Gingulf 632 Johnston, Nath. 816 Albemarle, ]). of 897 Burgundy 759 Domesday 807,12 Glaston 746 805.33 Jones, Sir Wm. 898 Albertus Magnus 738 Albucasim 780 Burnell 854 Dorset, Co. 822,35,84 Douche 759 Glastonbury 746 Gloucester, Co. 834 Judaji 636,46 Alchymy 771 C Drawings 780,2 8. Gordian ns 627,32 K Alderney 840 Caesar 759 Duljiin 606 Gorham 731 Kefteltasche 739 Alexr. the Great 621 Csesar. Augusta 661 Dunster Castle 815 Grammatica 658 Killigrew 888 Alexander, P. 644 Caetano 890 Greenhouse Plants 883 King 609 A lexandria 620 Calendar 909 E Grestorialis 6 98 Knights 751 S. Alexis 627 S. Callxtus 632 Eastwell 834 Gregorius 627.31,61,73 Alienations 836 Cambridge 707,S46 Ecclesiastes 624 7,82,8 L A Ina 643 Camden 863 Ecclesiasticus 674,94 Gregory (Dr-) 886 Lambe 896 Alphabets 782 Campanus 633 Edinburgh 898 Grey 866 Lam bourn 898 Ambassadors 825 Cantica 624-7.63,95 Edward III. 826 S. Grisogonus 632 Lanfranc de Milan 783 S. Ambrose 678 Petrus Cantor. 699 Edwards 903 Gruner 792 AmmiraMomelinus698 Carisbroke 834 Edvngdon 752 Grutert 792 S. Amor 627 CVirte(i04,7,39 746,8,9 FAectnaria 783 Von Gruyere 792 Laterana Sedes 690 Anderson 860 801,12,33,4 Flephas 636 Guernsey 883 Lauderdale 850 Andreas, Joh. 767 Cartulana 742.6,7,51, Q. Flizth. 770,S27,903.4 de Guerra 665 Lectio Christiana 796 S. Andreas 627 2,6,8.802,3,5,6,7,8,9 Ely 806 Guise 906 Lcctionaria 650,777 Angeli 706 10,11,5,33,4 Knl'ord 750 Gulielrnus 7*20 Legenda Aurea 672 Animalia 637,725 Cassianus 650 England 608.9.21 Gundulf. Epus. 764 Leicester, Co. 840 Q. Anne 608 Cassiodorus 621,41 English Antiq. 813 Leland 874 Anselm Cant. 636,764 Catholics S39 Epiphanius 641 H S. Leochadia 632 Anstis 834 Ceremomale 782 E/. is to Ice. 655,84,716,9. flache 746 Lesley 852 Antiquities 813,21,65 Chalons 625 30.60,70,87 Haimo 694 Letters 603,23,44,51,5, 64, 84, 825,43, 56, 63 IS. Antonius 774 Chas. I, 881,2,90 Essex, E . o/‘S40,91 L Hale 902 Apocalypsis 6-’5,723 Do. II, 846 S. Elhon 632 Hants. 885 75,6,7,8.80,1,2,0,94 ’ Levanto 797 Apostoli 649.763 Chartley 834 Euctides 633 Hurley MSS. 824,9 Aristoteles 634 du Chesne 759 Eusebius 7 15,29,87 Harold Hex 808 Leviticus 645,90 Arms 749, 50, 75, 9,1)3 Chevalier 658 S. Eustachius 624,768 Hatton, Lord 883 Lex Julia 762 841 Cheyne 886 Evangetia 671 716.24. Henr. IV, 604 Lex Romana 762 Arrius 641 Chirurgia 780,3 35 Henr. VII, 871 Libro d'Oro 618 S. Asapli, Bp. 866,04 Christmas Day 896 Evesham 803 Henr.V111, 875,6,7,S,9 Lincoln 891 Athelney 810 Christus 638 Exeter 807.12 Her bes 7 S3 Lincoln, Co. 870 Attila 625 Chronicles 632,9,53,8, Exodus 645 Herald’s College 744 Do. Epus. 491 S. Augustin 646,52,4.89 779 Extentus 9 11 Hereford 802 Lisle Barony 872 97,711,24,8,30.65 Chrysostom 621,57 Ezechiel 631 Hereford, Co. 840 Lines 602,12,22 4,7,30, Aurel. Augustin. 627 Church 866 Dterarchia 036 2,8,56,98,705,28,66,8 Auteurs 601 Church Notes 745 F Hieronymus 627. 51, 7 747,808,53,61 Autissiodorensis 669 S. Ciricus 632 Fairford 753 81,6.96 727,69 Lloyd 894 B C'isterciensia 639,58 Farnese 888 Higgins 862 Longleat 801,2.5,83 Civitas Dei 689 Fauslus 652,730 Histo/re 603,9,11,25 Lords Treasurers 853 Bacharius 646 B. Clement 638 Feckenhnm 845 History 641,3,6,817.29, Lovel Lord, 841 Bacon 770,6 Clergy 828 Eetnina. 713 30 Louis 698 bamplylde 812,8 Close Bolls 757 Ferrars 834,40 Holcot 707 Ludwig 781 Barlow 891 Coker 822 Festiva/es 7:4 Holingshead 858 Lugdunensis 716 Baronage 76 1 Columbae 62 L Fidelity; 846 Hooper, Bp. 901 Lutterell 815 Barony 872 Colvylle 834 Finch 808 Horace 705 Luxan 772 S. Basil 768,77 High Commission 905 Fines 744.6,7 Ho vet, here ticus, 739 Lyra 700,17 Basire 862 S. 4 Coronal ores 632 Fitchet 775 Howard 834 Bastianus 785 Corde benignus 621 Flanders 85)0 Hugo 74 M Bath, St. John 807 Coronation 834 Flaviacensis 690 Huiigerford 758 Maiden Bradley 81 1 Bavaria 781 C otton 748 Florence 613 Huntingdon, Co. 840 Malatesta 602 Beauvais 643 Cotton MSS. 824.9 S. Foillanus 632 Hyde 872 Malmesbury 621,746 7, Beccarius 842 de Cremona 78') Fotinus 641 Hymni 687 52 Beda 605,42 O. Cromwell 895.6 Forest a 751 Manichei 765 Belin 782 T. Cromwell 878 France 603,7 I MSS. 749 Bello Campo 746 Crown 859,903 Francis 1,611 India 621 S. Marla 827,70,764 S. Benedict 708 Free Trade 893 Innocent, P. VI, 760 Mariale 640 Berkeley 751,908 U 8. Fulgentius 766 Inquisition 739 Marochia 698 Bernard 638,773 Darell 751 S. Furseus 632 Inq. p. J/orC 742,4,6-7, Marriage of a Wife’s S. Bernard 629,44,720 Darius 777 51,7,835,84 Lister 908 Berthildis 735 l >ecreta 651 G Inscriptions Rom. 834 S. Martha 774 Biblia 635,8,59 Decretales 673,767 Galen 614 Ireland 840 Mathematics 793 Bliard 712 Dedicatio Eccl. 782 Gallieia 98 Isaac 783 S. Mathew 668,703 Blood ( Colonel) 859 Dekkan 800 Galuanus 797 Q' Isabel 783 Matrimonium 619 Boetius 736,7,8 Depredatores 651 Ganting 792 Isaia, 696.9,727 Mauricius 704 Boleyn, Anna 877 Devon, Co. 837 Garter 784 lsidorus 649,786 S. Maurus 632 r • 12 INDEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPIOA.— 4601 to 4912. Meditatione8 794 8. Menehoud 610 S. Mengold 728 de Mera 660 Merton College S68 Metz 638 Mi/itcs in Capite 869, 70 Miracula 647,763 Missa 624 Missale 795,8 Molyoeux 755 Monachi 650 Monasteries 606,748 Monk 897 Monteagle 844 Morley, Lord, 841 Morricc 861 Moyle 857 Musica 631 N Observantia 778 Octateuch 769 Odo Cantuar. 644 Ojjicia Mort. 646 Oldish 851 Optics 793 Origenes 645,95 Orrery, Earl of 861 Osea 681 Owen 698 Oxon. Epus. 891 S. Pachomius 766 Paralipomena 625 S. Remo 616 Parish Registers 745, Rentale 769 Parliament 823,32,49, Revenues 847 87,96.8 Richd. Ill, 848 S.S. Pat es 728 Richieri 616 S. Patrick 698,705 Ridley, Bp. 901 S. Pauli Epics. 630,76, Roland 780 719 Romance 791 S. Paul. Eremita 774 Roman Fox 856 Paynel 834 de Rota 657 Pedigrees'] 42,6,7,9,51,7 Rot. Patent. 867 Trinitas 624,40.730 Troyes 610 U Universities 616,827 S. Silvester 774 S. Simeon 627 S. Simon Eremita 728 Simplicius 640 Soliloquia 646,87 Somers, Lord 856 Somerset, 807, 14, 35.6 ^ 73 Valencenensis 643 Somerset, Co. 873,84.5 Vane 880 Somerset, D. o/902,l0 M. T. Varro 645 Spain 855 808 14.6 7,8,9,20,34, Rotul. Parliamt . 823, Speculum 643,826 » _ ’ oo Si.p/’/'hne 770.ft 5,54,69 Pembroke, Co. 840 Pentateuch 700 Perceforest 791 53 Parker 844 Percy 819 Perottus 789 38 Ryley 841 Sabellius 641 Sacerdotnim 728 Sackville 820,88 Sacramenta 624,58 Nalson MSS. 856 Naum 686 Navy 895 P. Nicholas V, 789 Nizam 800 Nomina Vi liar. 834 Nounus 647 Norfolk 834 Northumberland 819 Noy 847 Numeri 645,67 Philip, Rex Franc. 797 Sadler S34 Philips, Fabian 84L de Salopia 804 Phillipps, 754,6 Pirates 85 L Poeme 658 Pole, 837 Poltimore 812 Polybius 789 Pontificals 782 ropery 843 Preces 790 Prerog. Off. 751,3 Principauths 607 Privilegia 639 Privy Council 879 Prop he tee 693 Prynn 841 Psalmi 677,80,4,9,717 Psalterium 680,728 S. Salvia 638 Samuel 646 Sanctorum dicta 725,8 Syrus 662 Sapientia 707 Saraceni 728,97 Sarum 742,56 Saul 646 Saunderson, Epus. 834 Savonarola 612 Saxon Antiquities 813 Saxony 862 Schacchi 797 Speeches 770,6,S32,98 Spenser 854 Stafford, Co. 840 Stafford, E. of 834 Slatuta 639 Stephan. Cantuar. 640 Stillingfleet 831 Supremacie 845 Swindon 749 Sydonius 640 Synods 865 Syriacus 788 Vaughan 865 Venice 779 Vestments 901 S. Victor 653 Vigilius 641 Virtutes 624,40,62,83, 799 Pis tones 661 Vitce S. S. 627,30,2,58, 768,74,7 Ft/as Patrum 7 40 pocabularia 626,35,59, 60,81,91 W Wake 865 Waldron 898 Tabernaculum 642,726 Wales, Prince of 864 Taion 661 VV aisingham 769,907 Talbot 816 Waltham 808 Tarragona 834 Wards vf Liveries 743 Temple 849 Warntord 760 Tenentes in Cap. 869, Warwick 761 70,3 Scotland 609,850,89,99 Testament. Vet. 733,4 Scots, INI ary, Q. of 880, Theoderic Abb. 636 90G,7 S. Theodoric 632 Seamen 851 S. Theodorus 632 Seneca624,55 S. r ihos. Cant. 622 W arwick, Co. 840 \V erricus 624 \l estmorelaud,2i.o/‘908 K. William 111 856 Wills 751,3,4 Wilton 854 Sententice 685 Q Quaker 852 S. Quintinus 632 R Radulphus Epus, 6.51 Raleigh 855 Rebellion 856,98 Reges 626,722 Paganorum Terra 728 Registra 760,804 Pa Uadi us 621 Regulee 708,78 Papce 730 Pappus 620 Relecia 834 Sermones 624,8,9,48,55 Thynne 853,8 8,06,79,92,70i,2,5,6, Ticbmarch 841 10,3,4,30,2, 65,73,81 Tirrell 843 8,900 Titivillus 713 Sermonetta 890 Tonstall 9U0 S. Servatius 632,728 Tournaments 791 Servos Catholicus 839 Tournay 720 Sevenhampton 750 2'ravels&fi2 Shaftesbury, E. of 6 92 Treason 904 Skip Money 898 Shirley 833,4 Shrewsbi ry 816 Thundering Leg am 857 Wilts. Co. 741 to 58, 80 i ,2,3,73,85 Winchelsea 808,34 Witch 898 Wolsey, Card. S75 Women 1 13 Worcester, Bp. 864 Trelawney 869 Trento 785 Trim 604 Younge, Ric. 843 Zealanders 856 Religion, Natural 886 Sigebert Gembl. 632,57 Index to Catalogue of MSS at Middle Hill, beginning with 1V0. 491-2. Abano 6915 Abberford 9875 Abbesse 10698 Abbeville 9711 Abbot 8489 Abbots 8981 Abbots Ashton 9S81-2 Abbots Betton 9820 Abbozzo 7621 Abbreviationes, 7283 Abburley 8064 Abdallah 11719 Abd Arrahman 6370 Abdon 9836 Alxly 8860 Abelard 9576 Abendon 11126 Abercorn 10006, 11537 Abercromby 9769 Aberdeen 11304 Aberdeen E. of 11581 Aberdron 9832 Abergavenny 9815-6-58 —Earl of 9375-20, 11392 Aberglaslyn 9822 Abergiasney 9322 Aberiga 5435 Abernio 9842-66 Abernithius 10706 Abeiystwith 9347 Abingdon 11477 Adimaii 5814 Adingham 9823 Adisbam 9810 Adlyngtlet 10692 Admaston 7915 Admington 9884. 11462 Alcinous 7751 Alciston 9808-10-18 Alcoran 4949, 11903 Alcroft 9881 Alcuinus 6352 Alcyonius 5702 Alphabet Greek 7009 Alphington 9858-9 Alpuxarras 10716 A Ire was 9849 Alswick 9880 Altborp 7438 Admiral 6999, 8559, 10379, Aldborough9S13-4-74,11278 A1 Tabari 672 11380 Admiralty 8540-811 9727.9996, 10027-H5 Adon 8076 Adrian 7378 Adrian P. VI 9489 Adriatico 4979, 5686 Adulphus 9220 Adurnus 10232, 7368 Adventure 10873, 11589 Advice 1O390, 11074, 9077 iEgulius 9296.9350 Aineas Sy 1 v * u s 8504, 9679 AEneid 7714, 8366 JEniymata 7491 AEschines 6748,8077 iEsop 9501 ^Ethiopia M.S. 7857 AfFpiddle 9335 S. Atfra 8319, 9461 Afghans 6726 Africa 10344, 9530 Afrieanus 6925, 72S3, 8235, 10' Alton 9825-76 —Priors 9850-4-5-6 Altona 10379 Altoviti 6196 Alum Geer 6707, 669C-7 Alva 5889 3, Alvarado 11635 Alvaston 9814-55 Alvecburch 11670 A Iverstoke 9S3I Alves 8072. Alvington 9343-7, 6803 Alwardburv 9818 7321 Abingdon, Earl of 10222, Agecroft 9883 Agesilaus 9375 Agmershnrst 9925 Agncw 11537 Agricola 7215 A r/ri cu Itura 10! 85 Agriculture 10053 Agreda 11017 Aguado 11703 Aguecehia 5658-9-60 d’Aguesseau 9010 Aguilar 11645 Aids 7280 Aignac Ic Due 8891 A inderby 98*47-8 Academy,Royal 8801,10787 Ainstable 0800 Acapulco 10S06, SI2T Aix La Chapelle 6540, /360 Allred Rex I14u6 Acbar Parlshuh 10444 Alalia 9109 Acciaiola 0671 Alabanca 72.:0 Accounts 0800. 8078, 8003, Alabaslri 9027 9926. 10662 Alablaster L0110 Acciirsb) 9332 A *« i ‘ eone sa56 ’ 5950 Acolouthia 10237, 6111, A lanus Abbas 66oG Alarcon 11647 Alba 11640 Alba 9548, 9262-3-509 S. Alban 8299-907, 10110 Albanenses 7237-787 10708-9 Abington 9322-3, 11200 Abjure 6076 Abreville 9380 Abrizak 6722 Absalom 8941 Abstincncia 8486 Abston 9848, 11466 Abstracts 10373 Abstralabus 9576 A bn Beer 6350-68 Abulfaz! 104 44 Abyssinia 5512 Academies 10787, 10726 Aldcliffe 9873 Aidelyme 7903 Alder bury 9814. 112S8 Aldermarston 9867-8-70 Aiderminstcr 11466 Aldersey 8618 Alderton 9734, 9812- 11467 Aldgate 9815 Aldham 9813-20-1 Aldhelm 807 l Aldimari 6263 Aldingbourne 9840 Aldobrandini 5079 5629 toAmadis9l40 5032, 6231 Amandc 11325 Aldsworth 9823 S. Amandns 9552 Aleneon90l8 Amaseus 6663 Alensis 10817 Amato 5584 Aleuli Tezherat 6721 Ambassadors 5240-1,5579, Alexander 6583.9453,9600 5771, 7719 to 7750, —the Great 6717, 6748, 5025,6256.6392.5914, 8314, 9065, 9277-93, 6927,7218, 7319, 8463 , 9346,9475, 9795,10823 -719 - 893 - 4, 10464, —of Scot}. L0706 10536, 11522, 11931 —Pope 10460 S.Ambrose 9581,9792,10234 -III. 117-26 1 1091 -VI. 5121,7235,7648-9- Ambrosius 9464 50, 8847-90 American war 11057, 10820 -VII. 5920, 5669, 5961, America 5384, 7080, 8558- 6256, 6314, 7202, 640-785, 9114, 10648 SI 2, 10419, 11799 10586-7 Aeon 6745, 8222 —St. Thomas 6878 Acornbury 10517 Aequo 5870, 6264, 9716 Acta Eruditorum 8441 Acta Sanctorum 6903, 8319 Album Dux 701 -301-162, 9300-303-581 Albania 7237 -744, 10410, 11125, A Ibano 5291, 11064 Xj 547 Albany, 7419 Acton 7929, 0828 Alborburv 11228 —Burnell 9301, 9859 Albergatus 0961 5821 —Little 9160 Alberino 7085, 6001, 6133 Actors 9048 Albcroni 5465, 5523, 0150 Arts of Parliament 7425, 6101,6258 8975,10117 Albert 6927 Actus Apost. 7082, 7681, Albertus 0213, 0085, 10104 -VIII. 5111, 5060 Alexandre 11881 Alexandras 9110 Alexandria 10198 Alexaridrinus 6763 Alexius 1937-8, 6767 Alfarthing- 9809 Alfeus 5843 Alfonso 4990, 6736, Alfreton 9845-6 A igarkii k 9808 Algebra 7516 Algiers 10005-198 Algorismus 11856 Alidosius 5823 Alienation 11136 Amersham 11204 Amerton 790G-49-50 Ames 9575 . Amideus 5260 Amiens 11497 Amis & Amelion 11808 Ammianus 10778 Aminonius 6445 9004 A nines/ia 9114 Amour 5707. 6345, G710-2, 6906, 8336, 9297, 11765 S. Amphibolus 6633, 8299 Amphilanlhus 9283 Ampleford 9816 Amport 9S«7 Amsterdam 7158 10614, 11825 Adair 10006 Adam 10823 7022 Adams 114 49 Adderbury 0846 Addle 11278 Adeane S502 Adefonsus 11872 s. Adel brie hi 11080 Adelmington 9857 Adh, Geruulh. 11827 11785,7099 9299, Ali Mehemed 11007 Aliverdee 6695 Allatius 7009 Aliegatioui 7525, 10723 Allemagne 5306, 8528, 9674 11316-611 Allen 10463,8342 Allerton 9815-34-85 Allesley 9882-> Allessandrino 5304-5, 5012,6046 Alleyn 11562 Allington 9853 6909, 7079 Allius 5751 Albinus 8336 Allnbam 9831 Aibizi 5319 All Saints (Hereford) 9877 Aibourne 9825 Ali Saints, Nton 11978 Albret 8J54, 11878 Almagestus 6553 Aibrigbtou 11 use9831,11207 Almansor 7341, 10462 Albrigliton 9821-7 30-1-43 Almeloveen 9973 Alienation Lie. 10534,11266, Amulio 5537 Amyden 5379 Amydenus 5237, 5919-26, "10627 Anacreon 9127, 10765 Anastasius 6758 Anatomy 5480, 8444-513 Anchieta 110S1 Ancona 5843, 62(58 Ancyeclive 9876 Anderby 9827-7*2 Anderson 7034, 87G4-84 Anderton 9864 •Andleby 9846 Andreas, J. 7079 Andreas Cretensis 5534 S. Andrews 11481-6 S. Andrews, Nton 11986 Anecdota 11610 Anecdotes 8330-425, 9104, 9145 Albugasi 5838, 106L 1 Alcala 5424, 9004, 10753 A leand re 6306 A Icantara 8205 Alchymy 57 i 2, 9521 9830 Almershoe f ^ Aimeshoebury } ' Abuondsbury 9825 AIne (Little; 11 180 Alonzo el Sabio 10784 Anelida 8299 Angelas 5382, 6940, 7204- 308-543 Angel 8256 S. Angelo 7674 to 7678 Angiolello 7378 Anglesea, Earl of S387 Appleby 9810-1-50 Angle to rro 11022. 11542- A ppledore 9887 620-743-4, 11760-859-Appleton 11278 66-78 Appleton (Nun.) 11138 Angli -1927, 9428, 11547- Appollonius 8266-99 A Apprentices 8299,7370 Aug hcus 9292, 9392, 9592 Aphrudisianus 11610 Angloua 5813 Anguillara 6204 Angoulesme, 11«78 Angrensis 11914 Animates 10717 Ankeiseld 9875 Ankerwieke 9839 Anna 8122. 10199 Anna lloleyu 4925 97G3 Apuleius 948/, 6S42 Aqua 1 8358-796 Aquilera 7236 Aquitaine 9459 Aquuna 8468 Arabes 11872 Arabia 6274 -Arabic Grammar 10954 ojol,- Inscriptions 8925 A*n«i» 4868, 5072, 5725. 92-1, 5858-79,6330-81,- Marbles 8283 -4 «r’ S 5, 10358 - Oration, 10957 i 836,11130 - P/tilosop/iy G700 —Premonstr. S2G9 -WW. 10950 Aone ot Austria 1 1)374 Aral, 5703, G36U Am,o Queen 6039, 9407, Arabsiuh 8306 m 9 , 4, l0 G80-874, Aragon 5593, 0241-65-669 . V ,-"'' 72 9851,10729-808 11291’ tArmtiUussnncn, 9133-717 11073 ’ J Mnnona 6172 Arancel 1135a Ajmnncacio 11610 Aranjuez 6993 C7-58 65, 9964 -2/rire d'Or 8528 Anglm 6,00, 6908, 7381, Arliroatl, 11304 e.vvl's 11 ’ 6347, d’Arc. Joan 6448 7660-798-9,7-2119,8078 Arcadia 9610 11 '-'-33-41-201-39, Arcu 8465 ->6-306-39-41-529-824 Arclueoloey ] I >p-> ; 56 ‘ 7 ;3 1 9 : 6K,9 <|, 1,923-1 -■ Jrchaismu, 7102 Arms 0266-76-649-877-81- Assemanmrs 5703 **“^‘®* 7086, 723° 807S 7006-138-237-357-9-65 11126 ’ 1 ' -90-403-17-22-3-36-874 Asterius lt610 -8150-95-203 - 8 - 356 - Asiey 9845 ! 4 o 2 ?' 6fl5 - y ' 33 - 3 Astley 6018, 9043-74 -51-8-b5-80-8-90-5- 9 Aston 8054 ‘ "ofa’oi 1 ^'^ 7 ', 23 " 45 " 87 ~ en Carr »»l 9817 'f'o 5 °' 3 -Cauldoe 9838 o 7 ' 8 ‘ 9 "61---3-7-,0-Somerville ,983-r fto 10 , 0 ; 89 - 200 - 1 - 4 - 9 -Subedge 11491 a > 0 ,’ 1 • 18 ' 20 -Torald 9837 'I«'^', 4 il; 24 ‘ 5l>0 '- 601 Ast rolubo 11955 763°7 T‘r°r " 6S ' 7 7655 SM-l’ 5 ' 6 -® 4 ' 3 7001 ~9- 20 V 311 - 43 AZSr&ST 9021 -u-56-95-8-451-40(J - 97 Atli. 10030 -656-93-700-809-971 S. Athalberti II9-0 1' 133-4-2-73-6 - 80 - 94 aSSSL "^ '9 g°«; 1 !' 2345 - 6 Aih ™*™ *681 ^i.n^- 23 - 020 ^" 8 - 1 - 11010 Arms (Jousts) 8528 807-1, Atteubury 9819 Armtree 9809 Auieasl^ 4 Army 5709, 8782, 0278, Att.ngdcu 9824 0074, 10595 A mail 9850 Arnikius, 11027 Arno, 0021 Arnold 8200 Anaiu 9o7l Q ,.r~ . ’ inMorntti / 1 U*. -'ll lam 90 /1 5-70- -800 Atchbls,,o P^0622-79,11126 Arras S787. 10631-2 10212-707 S00 Anqnetil U)0*)1 Ansegisus I0I99 Anselm 7512 Ansford 9854 Ansley 0803 Anson 3515 Anstis 8SI9 Anstrutlier 11537, 92«j2 Anthartica 11344 S. A ntlioliii 8990, 9000 Antli.logiou 6/59, , 11372 Anlhony 93 /*> AnlUjudioo 7239 Antichrist 73.4, 11257 Antigone 957J Afiti1/0/0 74,.i Aietiuus 07 10, 9050, 9181. Arundel (Earl of) H754 J50 I, 9027. 9800, 9dt6, Arungzebe 6007 ‘ 0923-53, 10184 Aretiuo 5382 Arevalo 10782 Arge! 8IS4 Algolati 10975 Argenis 4952 Argent 9620 Argento 514-5 Arirnini 8284 A ring ton 9857 Ariostu 10116 Aristides 9453-7.Q4 Aristophanes 9210 Aristotle 5713, 0352, 11130 Antiocr, 7263, 0273 369 Antiochus 8299 Antoine 8528 S. Antoine 7413 *3. Anlonino 10400 Antonio 10806, 83.97 Antony 92 00, .9370 90 Antraiguos 10805 Antrim 7414 Anliopa 5497 Antwerp 0330, 9999 Aongus 10200 Apeloo 7900 Aphorisms 6S95, 6776 Apicio 10778 Apiey 1 1 2o0 503b!flw i01 lb rr 80U 1 '1 ,l{ Arniachauus 1 h>8*2 St. Asaph 1 >852-3 Ascension l.Ie 11385 Aseoli 8874 Ascot 0826-34 9-40 Asenio 10965 Ash 0874 A-shampsti d 9853 Ashborne 9841 Ashburuham 9833 A F “,"T 11983 Aveley 9326 Ashby deIaZuad , y 8 72- 8 -8 4 Aveabury 630-1 Ashby 1-ulvill 9S44-51 Ashehurch 8515, 9817-8 Ashdon 9)119 QJJS. Ashebv tiOod Attingham 0821-50 Atvvick 9869 Aubrey 9105. 10360-90-997 1 1200 Auckland 9H18 Auduijie 726 L Auilleni 9600 Audens 9400 Augmentation 0305-10 Augustin 7246, 5293, 6708, 9270, 9322, 10771 Augustiues 8465 - 0- 9i - 2, 9100-60-1,9520, O.55’ Auguslus 2nd K el behind 10007 Aukbormv 9679 Aulus y-2.59 - J-urifabri 9053 Austii.i 5179. 6775, 10611,11355-7 ' —dnliii 1 .77o3 —1-eojK.hl cl, 7033 Authors olo7, 7217, 3135-341, Oral ’ 10105-259-82-’fl-669 - .7-703-.'1 35-49-06- 74-5-0. IlOuy, 1i3Jo, 11553-957 Autiguy luooo Autographs 6421-71, 7350 3263-543, 62u5, 9704 ’ Auzio 7 154 Aveley 9826 «3:jy, 74 IS, iJiuo. W31 ‘ 8aS> -18-783, 9079, 9435-076-960 10134-323 rlrittlliiftic 7517 Arkell 11130 Arkesden 9)r4£-9 ' - '"j 1 | apothecaries 9729, Apparadur 8464, gc Ajipuals 10469 Appian 8980 Appignano 5006 Armatu 5t)3l Armathwaite 9S61 Arineuni 7198, 1803 Aiminidu 9527, 62 U 7214. Ashford 9670-t l A -h Herbert 9663-5 Ashley JUblD Ash Prior 9863 4-5-8 Ashton 9H15, 11 I2S —under Hill 11460 — Keynes 8515 — unOur Lyiifc 9871 Asia 5366, H268, IQ32S A.->ke 11132-6 Askeil 1 i42tj A slam 6694 Aspasia 5307 r Aspi.lora 41556 733J, Aspilogiu 'J'022 Assaulo 6945 Aveunare 6551 Aver bode U927 Avesnes 1 lu93 Avicennu 7341,8760, 10115 -462 Avienus 10780 Avignon J0U7O, 10399, «894 Avila 10 73U, ooou A viola 957 1 Avito 5102 Awlescombe 983S Axe livei *4826 Axiiiouth 9619 Ax tel I 11757 Axtt.ii ys-44 Ayiburton 9844, 6803 Aylesbury 6849 Aj lestbr,) 91117, 8130 Aynge 9298 Ayaheoi 9c40 Azary P. c,i07 Azzo uui 61 57 INDIX TO MM, IS HlBLIOTHJK-A ffiULIHPlC'A.—B.— 4912 to lijOG. Bubington 10828 Babylon 8252-332-57 Bacon 0335 - 874 - 987, 10305,451-60 7387,8029.10120-404 Barrier 8751 11020-125 Bacstrom 8108 Bitdouari 5176 Badouro 10255 Bagimont 0755 Bagno 5003 to 0 Bahrain 0723 Bail lie 6951 Barozzi 7500 Bell 10141 dti la Bane 0413 Bella Banda 11126 Bariet 8905, 9770, 85, Bellamont 10016-32 Bellamy 8800 Belling 9787 Bellocampiai Be Hum 7314 Bailo 772 o,to 8,31,3.44 Barwick 10821 Bainbridge 10094 Baker 8420-1,10980,97 Balcarras 7245,10253 Baldi 0345 Baldwin 7907, 8515, 9338 Balfour 8348-823 Ballads 9075 Ballard 10997-1499 Ballimote 10272 Bailymount 8215-450 Balma 7101 Balmerinuch 1130^,4 Balsamon 0760 Baltic 10379 Baltimore 9532 Balveny 7203 Balv 5789 Bamburolis t>310 Bumbiuus 7221 Bamiylde 6531,848, 1065S Bun burgh 8122 Bandi 0419 Bangor 6900,10851 Bank 9011,10078 Banks,Sir J.7080,10997 Bannerets 8780 Baimei man 10997 Banuim 7460-1 Banour 10827 Barbados 8797,9728 I;urban 8109 Burbarj 6610.9269 Burbaro 5705, 0220, 7378,8808 Barbarossa 7221 Barbary 8728,10198 Barberini 5226,0064,38 Barbier 9380,10946 Barcelona 0998,10797 Barcia i 07 Barrio 7313 Bartholi 8889 ___ Bartbolus 10324 to 8 Belopen 6050 -36-434-5-0 Bel us 4958 Barthol. Anglieus 9592 Bembo 7864 Bartholoniseus 5088 Bempton 11278 S. Bartilmew 8122 Benard 8802 Bartoli 6347,7805 Beuassai 7204 Ben bow 10028 Basilius 0748-58, 9184 Bendlowe 0873 -471 Basle 10303 Bassadonna 4977 fiassano, D. 11308 Basse 8270,9509 Bezaudun 8335 Blood 0SC3 Beziers 7420 Blore 6610 Bhag-oat Geela 0099 Boar's Head 9145 Bianca Capelia 5841 Bobadillu 10729 Biancbi 6182-382,7207 Bobingdon 7938 10569 Biancbini 5003 Bo bio 10864 Bible 7345- 070, 8970, Boecacio 7452, 8117-8 9513- 34, 10985, -451-820-901. 9027, 11060-331 10410 Biblesworth 8336 Boccalini 8761,9090 Billion latrikou 7244 Bocchi 10382 Bickton Bidulfe 8043 Bigames 8338 Biyard 6651 Biggs 11486 Biglaud 6606, 71-2-3-4-1194 Bikemersh 7913 Bassi 578o Bassompierre 8112 Bath 8699, 979, 11200- 477 Balburst 7875 La-Bastide 10805 Batracboniyomacbia 6550 Battles 7183 Bendry 6497 Benedict XIII. 7190 Benedict XIV, 5il9 -515-965-8,10461 S. Benedicl7247,8,9495 Biland Benedictionarium 6661 Bildewas 8079 Bene/icia 7322- lu590- Billinge 9178-11194 11140 Benetti 5009-449 Bengal 6695 Bengeworth 11426,74 Benigni 5066 Beningfeld 9458 Bennet 11015-162 Battle 46^8774,9887 Benson HG;?6-111947 to 999 Bauclas 10358 Ban lx 6901 Bavaiia 6391 Baxter 11251 Bay 8476 Buyeux 10337 Bavle 8087 Beale 8515 Bearcroft 10254 Beatrice of Arragon 8241 Beaucaire 7420 BeaufortOl 73-038,9721 11194 Beaumanoir 6430 Beaumont 8337- 579, 9349 10997 Beauvais 6652, 7404, 8.753-9103-622- 799* 11257 d Becket, Thos 6468 Bentham 7422-1099 Bentinck 9708 Bentivoglio 5642 - 6233.7-24-80 Berardi 7353 Bergen 6833,8724 Ben 2e I ius 8323 Berewyke "960 Bergomensis 5688 Bergues 7351 Bennger 11495 Berington 11229 Billingsley 11194 Billinton 7980 Bilson 6038 Binche 7089 Bindandi0342 Bini 0700 Buigley 6788,10205 Biographia 8801-9306 10202- 419- 20- 11069 806, Biornon 8317 Bubanti 6290 Bird 11474 Bird forth 11278 Birds 10983 Birkenhead 11039 Birmingham 9954 BisBury 7993 Bischazza6894 Biscbopfzell 10363 Berkeley6074,7107-876 Bishops 8439,981 8068,10030-997.11194 Bishops 11280-2 Berkeswich 7901 Bishop's Cleve 11432 Berkhaiu&tead 10119, Bishopric 6lbo> 6900 1204 -- Bodiiius 7289 Bodley 8100 Bodley MSS. 7256, 11499 Boerhaave 10959 10503, Boetius0831.7017.8851 9472-644,904,10225,9 Bohemia 5282, 720o, 8830 Boiouii 8336 Bold Boldu 0113 Boleyn,Anna4925,8931 -9763 Bologna 7187 Bolton 11129 Bolton Percy 10684 Bolyngbioke 9C5l Bombini 7221 ’02- Bon 7391-869 Bona Spes 7089 S. Bona ventura 6919- 9328 Bonincontri 5395,0121 BonifaceViIl,7l20-965 10211 Bonifacio 0374 Bouigul Don Mots 9499 B mner lojdO - 702 11243 Bouonia 5383-447,9602 Bbodhooism 10345.62 Books 6861-977 via 1 1 1 1 1 u I -£/- 1 1 tutj Barclay 4952,6471.7141 Beckman 11194 Baidolf 99',0 Bards Welch 10823 Barfurd Berks 11429-42-95 Berkshire 6804 - 10, 72S7, 8799, 9633- 10057- 165- 267- 90- 80, 11280, 2, 1U12 - -442-95 638 -656, 8113-4, 10227 Berlin 8G26, 9758-Bisset 6755 -460 10882-97-8,901.17 Bistolf 5491 Beckford 7881-2-4 to Bermondsey 0860 Bistricci 0393 7-9-11406 Berinudes 10801-3 Bitterley . .7171, _ 8330-441-9009- 130- 11119-38 575,990- 10422- 5 Bishops 5091 - 2, 6151 1943-11331-9- 40, to 540-2- 3- 8439- 981- 44 080-703-63-9- 70, 9160,10179,082,755- to 75 Barker 11287 Barkesdale 7041 Barlo unite 10800 Barlow iofciiO-1073 Bo. Bishop 11044 S. Barnabas 9188 Bai nes 8515 Bainitius :Vt7 1 Barnstaple 8845 Bariiiu-v.) 7a47 Baronage 6943 810-928.3u,63,11134 458 Bernaldes 8115-6 Blacklock 10829 Beckw iti.7220,422- 31, Bernard 11034 Blackwell 8035-9990 8213-793,9755-70-947 8. Bernard 6331. 899- Blagge 7414 1 1 '91-267 8079,9300 - 7 - 585, Blake 9405 Beda 0774, 9310 - 428, 655,10443- 687- 727- Blakemore 7985 10614 1034 Bede Roll 7427 D. Bernardo 10727 Bedeston Berne 10363 Bedlont, East 9769 Berneggerus 6771 Bedford6810,7310,8799 Berry, Due de 10845 9001- 442- 781- 3, Bertain 6738 10172-1198 Do. ( Duke) 8151 Do. (. Earl ; 8340 8790- Bedington 9620,10821 ’“** Bedloe 10698 Beefb'rth Baronets 6772, 8110, Beghynhoef 11072 9577-10393-466,1772 Beigham 8132 11299 S. Beiniu 10263 Baronies 8196, 808, Beirdd Cymru_8393 10866-11194 Belemor 8003 Baronius 5792 Belers Kirbv (see K) Barons 8196 - 514 - 6, Belfort 10410 uevenm o Ha-a 9320- 786. 10483- 0, Belgium 64377,010,415 Beverley 7150, 645-1126 8406 11278 Bertha 8075 Berthier 11307 Bertie 10210 Bertinoro 0934 Berwick 11237 B.esanton 7405 Besils Lea 7259 Besson 9262 Bestiaire 6739,10850 Bethnal Green 8440 Bettus Bever Castle 10821 Beverini 5745-94-837 6188- Blakeway 8509 le Blanc 7272 Blancmesuil 9116 Blandinium 7165 de Blaquiere 6887 8. Blasius 4978,5795 Blason 10177 _ V1V Blatlnvayte 8555 - 729 Bosworth 9519 -85,9997,8-10()2O- 5- Boterel Astou 45-54-60-1-2-3-4-73, Bolini 9566 7 -8-83- 4-5 - 136-Bottom 8125 Boothby 9708 Buppolu 5251 Boreelle 9112 Borello 4960,5430 Borgarucci 5943 Borghese 62U8 Borgia 5419-946 Borgne 8335 Borgo 7233 Borgogna 5783 Borquejo 8486 Borradores 10743-4-50 Borromeo 5G06-8.7777, 9051 Bortun 8045 Boseham 0656 Bossale Bostock 9112 •1009-10 Bleghul 8060 Bletso 10821 Blitbefeld 7894 Blockley 11463 Bloesium 9494 Blois 709b Bio s, Peter de 900,9279 Blomer 11255 Botuensia8352 Boluso 8352 Boucher 10986 Bpuclier 9953 Boullainvilliers 87 1$. 11038 Bouloigne, Godfr. de 6218- 6650 Bourbonnois 10454 Bourdeaux 9718-10455 INDEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTHECA PH ILT.I PPIC'A. —49l0 tO 11500. Bourgogne S338- 528- Brar.sburton 11278 748-934 Bourne 8827 Bourses 9380 Bousonville 8983 Boutin 6432 Bouton, P. 8528 Bowie 11098 i/owles i/owlewas 7995-S054 7?,ovvude 8439 Bowver 11106 Box 10459 Brasil 110H1 Br&unche 6634 Brecknock 10559 Brecon 6539,11435-45 B reda 8499 Brehon 9745,10265 Brequigny 10208 Brerehagh 11123-39 B rerley 80*21 Bretagne 8751-815,946, 9025 Do. (J.de)9025 -638-48-9-50-5-11481 Buache, P. 10855 .Smcas 10*215 Buck 10570 Broccardi 749S-646/O50 Buchan 8505. 9746, Boyle 7075.9405,10822 Breteuil 6643,10404 -38 Bretigni 8529 -Crabant 6436. 7191, Brevia 6693,9164 327 9790,10340-52-1082 -39-67-484-715- 93- B melon 8055 Broghill Lord 10822 Brograve 9708 Bornholm 11498 Bromley Bagols 7998 Bromyard 6803,9419 Brooke 7037 8953 Brookes 7037 da Brossay 8298 Broughton 11187 Browne 9175- 604-997, 10997 Buchanan 9060 Buckell 10683 Buckingham, Co. 6^0 4 -10-974, 7188, 8799, 9536- 443, 10570- 11159-60-200-4,495 Do. (Duke of) 6987 10039,464.819,11138 Buckland 6634, 10529 651-1487-93 Brackel 6834 /Bracton 8126-842 /^raddon 11286 ./^radelee 7909 -firademer 8028 Bradley 842 1 i^radnin.ch 6539 i^radshaw 8015 2>*raga 8313 -ftraganza 7843-8079 -#ramhope 11123-38 Brampton 11289 #ramston 6669.9038 Branca 5057 10854-11104-52 Breviaria 6317, 7159, 9558 Briccolini 6149 S. Bricius 6924 Bridge 1 1200 Bndgeman.Sir 0.10822 Bridger 8502 S. Brigit 10294 Bridlington 9631-11064 -129-35 Bridport 8515 Brinkburne 6803 Brinsden 9972 108*29-11091-5-194 Bruarnus 9572 Bruge 8655 Bruges 8528, 10356 11107 B.umptou 7956,8061 Brunek 11075 Brunu- 8074 Bruodinus 9359 Brussels 4943.7057-62 Bidkeley 10*215 - 269, S633, 10455. Bulhnger 9963 11072,496 Bullion 8871 Brute. 8344,9486,11*257 Bullock 9708 Buckler 10997 Buekton 7422 Buda 5275 Budericus 9329 de Bueil 8528 Bugenhagen 10862 B ugia Sl84 Biikkftnhall 8016 Bidacan 8476 Branch & Dole 10503 Bristol 7101-7-259,403, -13 Brantley 11479 Brand 7145-793,9122 Brandano 5519 Brandin 10704 Brando 9706 Brandon, Chas. 7150 8738-11466 Do. ( Lord ) 8286 Britain 7093-386 8237- 99-9243,11*257 British Museum 1042*2 Britton 10*710 Brlxia 5842 Branensis Abbey 10410 Broadway 10529-47-54 11065 Brulon 11423 Bruitii 7*221 Brutus 10823 Bruyninx 86*27 Bryant 9746 Brydall 6680 9789 Brydges 6595, 9368-760-979,10142 Brydydd 10823 Brvmt'eld 805 1 Bulls 5363- 4- 5- 935, 6188-284,557-60,655, 71 47-407,8,818,948*2, 10864 962 3- 4- 8825- 47,9482- 085- 10322- 864-11257 8713, Bulstrode ( Whitlock) 9616-11253 508-9, Buonaparte 81*28,11317 -20 Burchard 5220-1 Buichet 9996,10029 Bumhiello 8.334 - Burclett 10239 Burgos 6736 Burgoyne 8404 Burgsiein 113 45 Burgundio 6915 Buruuncl v 6528, 8519 28,748.934,1043*2.971 Do. (Duke of) 6118 Burke 10997 Burlamaqui 5749 Burleigh 10115-1016 Burley 6803 Burlington 11278 Bunnannu8 8312-9444- 611-40 Burmese MS. 672 4 Burnebroe 301 i Burnham 7188 Bur ,et 976y Btirri 55*26 Btirrough MS’S. 7143 B urrough 11287 Button 11194 Burton 6476, 7*288, 9708,10245 Bury,( Boston de)10l28 Bury St. Edm. 7i43, 9395 Bush bury 8063 Butcher 10350 Bute, Lord 10997 Buteri 5449 Butler 9055 Butnesse 6 ; 18 By l and 11129 Byng 11194 Byrd 804l By/annum 8439 Caballa 5811 C aballistica 9*225 Cadency 9696 Cadewen 11187 Cadore 11310 Caen 10.338, 9, 584, 10866 Caerleori 6804 Caernarvon 9301,11187 Ciesar Sir J. 9111 Caetani 5634 to 8 CatFarius 5882 Cali'ari 7316 Caherty B. 9359 Cahideuc 8957 Caietano 8262 Cain 11187 Cainham Cambrensis Gir. 6914, 8079,9338 Cambridge 6810.21,979 -7260, 43*2, 8096,790, 361. 834, 9014, 9ll9, 21,314, 33, 43, 55, 9333. 9540, 82, 643, 756, 10089, 375, 447, 641,680.860,976, 80, 11442,161,2,38 Cambuskenueth 11304 Camden's Grants 7365, 9784.11176,*287 Cameron 10695,11464 Camerlengo 6418 Camerali 5059 Camillus 7*283 C ampagnes 7140,338 Campazas G. de 8456 4910 — 11506. Canevale 5750 311,10522,11456 Canning (Geo.) 11066 Carlaverock 8780.8941 Canones 6760 Carleton 6803, 8044, Canossa (Matilda) 6983 11057 Canterbury U >!)1, 672. D n Sir I). 6854,7433 8131, 2, 9118. 9683, Carlisle, W.bishop.74*24 1068*2.98,11477 -8681 Do. Archbp.6544,7966, Do. Enrl of &(t8l 7,8, 8439, 9338. Carlo (lie.) 9232 1062*2,75,9,819 S. Carlomannus 8391 Do. Wm. de 6656 Carlose 1 I 191 Canticles 6880, 942, Carlos(Don,)8*212,8863, Caius College 1141 4,24, Campauella 5774,8202 42,98 Campanus58L5 Calabria 6971,72*21 Camparelli 5456 Calais 8867 Campden 6583, 11465 : Calcott 10474 7,81 Calendar 6673, 883, Carapensis Albt. 7378 7903, 91,7234, 8178. Campis 7087 10293 Campo 5462 Caley 8567, 8915, 74, Camposion 6559 9808,11266 Camroop 6706 Calfurnius 10780 Canan Quingal 8489 CallaghanCashel,10290 Canaria 7250,8236 7161,10608 Canute Bex 8078 Capel 6918, 7945.10014 10601 C apella Ileijia 7010 Capicelatro 4991 Cupilupi 5168 Capilluti 5058 9199 10734 CarmarthenG803.4,873l 1 l44y Carmel (Mount) 69S5 Carmelites 0943 U artuina 68 SU, 8097, 420,1,9153,71,10168, 11056,354 Callis 7031 Caine 10414,59 Calowhill 7989 Calpe 6259 (Jalumnie 6308,10817 Calvin 678*2,6964 Camaldoli 6396 C a/nbi 6026 Canaries 8*236, 10746. 10800 Cancionero 8320 Candia 6443,7315,837 Candida 8443 Candidus 8525 Candye, Foulk 8075 Canea 7367,7868 Capitolo 7270,509,8179 Carne6596.11255,452,3 Cupitulo 84S2 C arnevuls 10579 Capo 19155 Caro 10731 Capponi 7578 Caroldo 5012,3,8,9 Capramci 8274 Carolinas 84>S Caiacciolo 5490,861 Q. Caroline 9092 Caraffa 6166,7,340. 586, Carols 9256 7, 99, 863, 933, 47, Carpegna 7276,801 6189-209.7709,10197 Carpi 7064 CaraI'oschi 6194 Carrandini 6897 Cara man 7 >33 Carrara 6056, 7, 8522, Cardigan 8129 3,4 Cardinali 5729,929,30. Carrickfergus 10013 1.9. 44, 9, 6094, 890, Carrion 8191 7300,9930,10875 Cardona 6658,6922 Cardonnel 10997 C arestia 7576 Carew 6862, 9254, Carsewell 7939 Cartce 6752, 803, 4, 53, 908,76.7117,20, 6, 54. 262, 4-17,678, 80, 891 > to 8069, 95, 8, 500, 2, 15.95. 670. 89, 754 to 7,828.49,97,906,9133, 90-388,413,603’, 967, 8, 7S, 82. 86, 9, 91, 10171, -ill. 2. 18,20, 306,It),-JO, I, 38, 421, 98.9, 504, 82,’692. 706,990,11000,1.138, ^ -(>,8,9,31,2,3,11302, 47*2.C,8 Carteret 8663 Carthagena 8170 Carthusians 7444 Cartularies 62II, 475, 77 90 2.8,574,632,3, 68,71, 92, 751,3, 90, 803, 4, 60, 960, 77. 7057.137,404-5-6-10- 26-39-679-878-9- 80, 122,3, 8130 to 35. 87/1,839,9116, 331, 411, 535, 9928,9, 30, 10300.3.9, 1337, 455, 6., 17, 57, 630, 10845. 11065,304,11138, 83., 31,302/3.4. 5,414,7.8,22 to 8, 41, 2,4,77,87,97.8,505.6 Cartwright 8255 Caivajal 8405 Cary 11194 Casa 7864,8084 Casa Nueva 848*2 C jsa Heal 6737 Casas Barth, de las 6048 Cases 6669, 873,4, 0, 6, 936, 8, 7, 7035, 266, 402.9042,52,801,959, 10217,11033,1. lu -, i*r>*X' to m*s. is BiBLioTaini fhillihpica.— 4912 to 115 .•$. 11! 12,7 8.0,51.288 Casim.M M. 6696 C isimir 10107 Casket 10290 Casley 7430 9930 Caso 0250 Cason i 0109, 7142 Cassano 8846 Cassiauus 0762.11051 Cassini 720.9 Cassiodorns 0666, 760. 7283,8882 Casta<^iio 5239-617 Ca staid i 5413 Cnstnldo 4096, 5000, 9244 Castejones de Agreda 11047 Castellan Words 10711 Castellanos HI 70 Cast'irl'one 6205 Casti!«'()048.0529,107*29 Castilla D. 8864 Castillo (Don. M.)10799 Castlehaven 8572.3,621 Castro 5851,7, 10731 Catalogna 5617.403 Catalogues 8263. 9731, 10673,770.S14,5, 943, 1 1494 Catnneus 5504 Catechism# 5042,10235 Catellani 5737,8 Cathalonia 6650 Catharine of Portugal 867.9,862 Catholics 7170,937 3 Oatinat 10063 Cato 9453 Carr 111*23 earl Som. 11020 Catullus 6433, 9591, 10779 Cavalcar 5278 Cavalieri 1019*2 Cavallero 62l9 Cavalli M. 5603,8160 ' Cavendish 6930, 6301, 865,9796,645 Cavereswelle 7941 Caverton 8069 Cavite A476 Caxton 9lK2 Ceating 6461 Cecar ia7384 Cecchini 5110,6403 Cecil 8173 Cecilia 6321 Cecyl 11024 Ceiestine P. 7962,9330, 10231,410 Cellius 10838 Cena Dominica 10685 Cenic 7141 Cengius 5368 Censorinus 7283 Census 5418,6408 Censura 6403 Cento Nodi 5005 Centurion 10771 Cephaledius 6897 Ceremonials 9157,9226, 376.10123, U 120,6 Ceremonies 5036, 3.25, 728 Cerettani 6036,7 Cerne 11424 Certificates 6009 Cesarini 5342 Cesenate 6267 CessolisJ de 91 43,669 Ceylon 10344,5 Chacon 107 19 Chalmers 9221,11304 Chaloncr 10042,10701 Chaions 8500.5^8 Chambers 6146.10463 Chamberlain 8938 Chamdlart 9436 Champagne 9459 Champaguy 1I3 iO Chancel A. 9152 Chancellor# 7417, 8151, 10017,251 Chancery 8853,9704 Chandlers 11291 Chandos 6505. 9368, 76th 10543 Char, is 77->5 Cluipel 5350 Chapman 8895 Charles [, 6128. 6247. 61.7182, 95,36,10127. 464. 819, 21, 974, 11138,94 do. [I. 5071, 5260, 6500.7440,8545,081, 862,10005.200 do. <0 Spain 10734 do. V. 5168,9,aO,461, 775-9.7363, 8116, 60, 201,387,10255 11171 do. IX, 5682,8710 do. Emperor 6554 Charlemagne 7827,8386 Charlevilie 10822 Charlier 10340 Charlotte (Princess) 7397,8442 Charlton Sir J. 11231 C ha mock 110«9 Charieleye 7910 Charter House 108*21 Charter# 61SS,464,7126, 202, 8906, 10169, 71, 21 1.2,11238,5*2 Char tier 10176 Chartres 6890 Chastisement 6660 Chateaux lloux. 7117 Chatham 10821 Chaucer 6570, 8136, 7. 252, 90, 9970, 53, 11409 Cbaunacva 10445 Chaundler 8433,10308 Chausie 10192 Chavernes 7982 Chuwncy 7197 Cheltenham 7103,7870 Chert ton 8054 Chershale 8027 Chess 9143,9669 Chester 6668, 7875,6, 80/8,799, 900, 15, 8, 9337,11126, S9,460 Chesterfield 9372, 667, 10610,906 Chesterhurst 7980 Chelhwm 6803,4 Chelwood 7370 Chevy C have 8Q94 Chichele 8151 ('hiffleiius 7010 Chigi 5292 Cliildswickham 10529, 47 Chilton. 6920 China 6384 to 89, 57*21, 6069,7170, 292, 800, R 169,70.10129 Chippenham 6803.4 Cliinpi igWvcoinb 8828 Chi. 3.1 552 > Chivalry 527 0.8130 Chlodork! 11063 Ch > lined cy 102 <4,383 Cnolsev 6803 Christ 6350. 7201, 50, 752,8148,*29,31.3317, 99 Christ Chureh8095,132, 10656 Cli, im's College, Camb. 9706 .Christian ( Tier.) 6888 Christian 10611 Christmas 9256,330 ChriNiodtilus 4030 Clirisiopherson 9695 Chronicles 49r,*2 to 5 - 71-2-8-502 4. I' 5 - 9 - 93 !o 207-9-11 to 17 - 22-427-573-750 - 95 - 8 42 to 5-54 In 7-78- 8i-9()5-0u23 43—30 to 7-60-1-130-221, 468, 7078,8079,131.3,856, to 9, 94.*.6,10087 2-32, 5.400,1081 7, 23, 35, 11076,257 C hr on 1 1- I 1060 Chronology 10622 Chrysalid 1 us 6187 Chrysoh'go 10778 Chrysostom 5U56, 6758, 9682,10405 Church 4 >57, 5090-1-2- 5182,3,9,41 to 8-232- 314- to 51-422 -683- 725 to 31-92-921 - 50 to 86-6005-104, 36 io 51-57-416-7-8-557 - 7268, 342, 7*2, 559, 8607, 80,9376- 503- 16,606, 10130, 83, 664.862,11119 do. Notes 7138 - SS87 - 9333-6r 7-37-95-1/420, 28-43- 620-39-709- 802-970-10318-5 i- 7- 92-197-558-O0- 70- 6 >5-6-11023 5 - 159 - 60-73-7-83-98 to'2 >4- 217-8-29-49,53,4, 79- to 81,90,5,7 Churches (Vlews) 11207 to 9-40 Ciampo 5160 Ciainpoli 5041 Cicero 7*283, 8504, 873, 5,66,9153,4,455,6,-29, 581,665.797,8,10 329 Cicisbei 8183 Cieisbeu (Comedia) 5160 Cid 5499 Cimon 9453 Circassia 7378 Cirencester 6633, 92, 6803,7879,80 Cistercians 6830, 8079, 961*2 Citerna 6950 Citizen 7000 Civit.di 5828,0 Clans 6935 Clan Uisnig 10834 Claparede 11309 Clapton 11263 Clara 10455 878 , Clare 0632 11*295 do. G. d<> 6916 Clarence 852S Clarendon 9041. NO, 102*2*2 Clarges 10708.9 Cla.itioro 5520,8155 Clari Vir 190, Cookdiut 11207 Code 5610,103*20,9,36 Coder 11032 Cod ices MSS 7*260, 10/75 Cod l ine ten 9588 tCofiin 9 plates 11249.79 Ccghdl 8 >35,623,10*242, -.. 11123 Clarke 7132,443, *210, Cognomina 11054 702, t o. 956, • 10083, Coinage 7386-5*23,87*26. 854,9386,523,10018 Coins 5701, 9488, 686, >7 10151.960 Coke 10819,25,11091 10677, Cokersund 11129 773,11346,9,50,1 Cola .ello P. 0. 8167 Clandian 8775, 6, 835, Colbert 7442,8206 Cold Weston 11207 Colditigham 6754,8098, 10218.11302,4 Colt 6794.5,7418,8538, 11450,1,62 Colehiuuk 10254 Colepepper SOihO ■CoU’ainll 7895,8004 Collecuuea 6756.7256, 387, 8158, 410. 33, 9U2U. 10175,6,7,9, 99, 568,9,55.6,908,9 10215.110'1 do. A. 10997 do. W. N 10 Claro II133 Class rs 8445. 9126,55 Claudius 8301 Clave I 11)105 Claveiley li2<>7 Claveiing Sir J. 108‘72 C htcicula (>5*4 Ci ir* l ><335 < leitll 7443 Clement 7 i >7,78 Do. II. 6202 Do. Vi I. 5078, 114, 9489 Do V III. 5151,339,620, Colfeciious 5153, 4 960.8156 Do. IX. 7127,10194 D .. XI. 4922,51*20,339, 52.3.6295.7200,38 Do. XU. 5967,10848 Do. XIIf. 5965,6303,4, 10461 Do. XIV. 6952.7178 Cieuciiwarton 6804 Cleobnry 11207 Clepsim ogimm 92 88 Clergy , 6575 - 872 . 90, 891' ,9058,426, lo4Ul, 73,11260 Cleryyman 11396 Cleric us 6771,9598 Cierkenvvell 11477 Clery 95o6' Cleve Episcopi 11432 1 leveknde 7414 Cleves 6833, 9415, 10239,11432 Clili'nd 6845,9114, 16*239,11120,523 6487, 7184.383, 97, 798,9, 873, 56*2, 3. 99, 716,34,7,9,78, 904, 5, 68.478 765.93, 10501 to 14,.-3, 1,5,537,8, 9, 634, 44.825, 11029, 62,191, 4.222,30, 53, 4,5,74, 97,8,405,8,1», 15,62, 9, 74, 523, 37, 820,39,40,41 Collegia 0 557,755, 803, 9,9/9, 7.169, 793,883, 5, 8095, 100, 208, 10, 908/, 637. 42, 3, 78, loi 19, 10504, 041, 11414,*21, 8,30,42,98, 11519 Collegium Sacrum 5941 Colies 10-245 Cutieye-grove 8046 Cui.cy r. 9359 Coihi.gham 8i>l9 Coiims ioo38 -Coiman 8701 Clifford Cnmnoeisl 1489 Coimenares 6734,10782 Climaciis 9483 Coluaglu 5300 Climate 8211,8426 Cologne 49 43 Clive Pipard 6509, uo. Jungs uj 8507, 1 0495 9293,316,10400,11045 Clivo Scauro 7679 Colombo- 6269,^115,6 Cloy 11040 Colonies 8008 Clopton 7979, 11194, Colo ana 5330 to 3, 43*2, boo 6098,160,8159,19617 Close Rolls 6511,6,786, Colours 6526,11470 10540,11125,437,5*23, Colstub 80 40 628 Colton 7^*25 Cion de dyvyne 7197 ColumOanus di Bobio Club 70*20 Cnjgny P. 10234 Clun 11207,37,264 Clunbury 1 i2l>7 Clungunford 11207 Clutton 7403 Clvff7969 10864 ColuOani 50J4 Columbdl 9703 Columelld •7283, .. Coium Kitle 8i5J, 10276,94 Columna 5506 10778 Clypeu.sWoodward9268 do.U.de 660O 9409 Cobbett 10997 Columptuu 8535 Cobencelius 7383 Colutlius 6435 Cocceius 11580 Colverhall 11207 Coccini 5953,6402 Contacchio 5138 IN CMC TO ki 6S. IN BIB L IOTH B<'A PHJLI.IPIMCA. —4912 to 1I50C. Comber 11194 Concordia 7008 to II L'omedia5W)3 t M,1Qll, 9120 9124,10725 Concovar 0467 Comedians 10988 C onde I ) uca 5468 Comedies 6556, 8719, Conde Medina <>898 912-1,10725,894.97,6 Conde Prince de 5677 Coniestor 9.975 Cometa 7655 Conveyancing 6802, 7,144.5,7,8,307 to 14, Coxe G690, 8619, y 7 12 7, 20, 4, 82 to 93, 8, 8515,11581 Convocation 7228,10112 522,46 Coxwoul 1 la7« Convivia 9286 Correro 5914.6246,913, Cranebroke 8439 8159, Conway 7414,8861 8893 Oonynghain 10006 Corsham 10123 Condover 11264 Cooke 6974. 7357, 432, Corsi 7847 to 52 Co nfa loner ii 5742,9057 9767,10305,11187,94 Co r sica 5901, 5 . Confessions 9270. 348, Cookery 6338, 6997, 10461 460,10096.670,1 1020 8157,404, 9, 39, 442, Corsiui 5643,4,5,6097 Confessio Amantis 8193 512 C or/e Ilouuna Confessor 6804, 9523, Cooper, .1 G. 10829 6313,7293 10192,11259 Cope 10148 Cortes 1 1636,47,8,51 Cunforti 6127 Coptic .I/*S’^.9196,10691 Conbine 1119 1 Confraternila 7270 Co- 10462 Cor/i 5104,5,552 Confucius 6728 Coraggio 499".5081 Cortcna 61 19.7509 Congregation 5343,4,5, Corazinus 8124 Corvisario 8190 9, 51, 8225, 9171, Corbel! 9413,10243 Curydaleos 4836 10179,977 Corbet 8655, 9255, 7, Coryton 7068 311, 510, 10110. 463, Coscia 5524.938,7190 11083,126,231,2,3,69 Cusimo (de Medici; 1,8227 Craniner 10702,11252 Grasses 4957 Cralylus 8251 Cram urd 10083-4 Creations 0926 - 10133- 821-11277-99 5101, Creation Money 10133 Creio-gion 11207 Crejnz 5-191 Crema G. de 10864 Cremona 5839 Cremoninus 9226 S. Crescentia 6903 Crescentius 8 162 Creso 5006 Dressage 7944 ) Cresse 11233 Crests 7403-11274 Crete 691.5 . Cretensis 11601 Crewe 6822 Grey 6.920-8502 Criche 6804 Criseche 7916 Cristiante 5669 57 656 Cosma 77 13 C osmograpk y 6542,73 1 Cossa o()4R,50 Cotes 11194,232,3 Cotewalle 8037 Cotoii 7930 to 3,59,60 Cotterell 6507. 7414, Cristina 6657 8504, 978,9,10647,11187 Criticism 5155, 10397 Cotton 8896, 9680, 708, 751,11058-355 10305,9.464,516,701, Crodferi 6it3 Coruaio 5274.773,7574 Council Books 10041 1138,630 Couehers 11138,486 Coucy'9539 Co 11 1 us 10694 8215 Comfort 9472 Comines 8528 Com ini us 10110 Comites 9550,10483 Commanderies 1 06 19 Commandments 8597 Commendams 11125 Commendone 10195 Commentaries 11632 Comments 9131,363, 4, 10608' Comments on Psalms, Conjurations 4966 , 76. ^•c. 11115,6 5208,545. 6386, 919, Commerce 7455, 9967. 7575,8, 8504, 9093, Corby 11452 10798,800,9,11352 10197 Corcioni 6400 Commissioners 8571, Conquests 10261,800,31, Corcosiis 6300 806,11123,37,313, 11645,50 Corcuera 8473 4,81 Coningsby 7881, 10060, Cordoba 10771 Commissions 6863, 11384.9,90,401,2, 5, Core 9620' 7444.507 to 10, 8940, 7,8,11659 Coresius G. 723 85,11004,138,58, 87, CoiinaH Gulban 10841, Corfhull 7957 380 2,11599 Corfu 7750 Common Pleas 6864, Connaught 6476, 676, Corinlhus 7578, 8988,10094,11123, 5, 10636 9093,1019^,10613 571 Connor 10834 Coripus 10778 Common Place Book Cononeusis 7577 Cork 6470,8632,1082 6*339,845, 7213, 356. Conrad 5163 Corke 7414,10015 6103, 503, 643, 704, Consolation 9964,10225 Corley 11207 976, 9108, 385, 502, Consanguinity 6899 Cormac 10273,7 37,760 Consents 11319 Common Law 9704, C onsecratio 6900 Cornazano 9629 10126 Cornell 5945, 6957, 70, Corndean 6536 Commons House 8302, 7112,3,10176,11012 Corneille 5499 9040,659,10039, 113. Considerations 9431 Cornelio 5499.10779 464,663,11138 Consigli 6004 Cornelius 9153,10779 Commonwealth 6816, Consistorialia 5340, 51, do. Nepos 7263 6288,97 Cornish 8845 C onsistorii 6288, 97, Cornwall 6539,866, 8260 8799, 888 , 915, 9142, Couraver 5744 (>403 694, Consobrine 7282 11259,277,442,98 Courcelles 10532 ~ Constable 8877 - 706,69 Cornwallis 6469,927 Courlarid 7274 ^ Comparisons 10116 Constable 10215,111*23 Cornwell 6948 Court L, Complexions 6650, Constance 7664 Corody 8013 07!*l Constantine 5122, 312, Coronation 7327, 9128, 1 1631 80S,y,ing4 782,11-299 Court Rolls0746, 9.91. Crump’iiiuoT (Palaiol. 8278) Coroner 10421 803,5, 11 7 r,j i) Cruaa- 8J"9 (Gregor. 9-180 Corporation 8832,8902, 938, 78. 10092, 118* Caollulliu 8487 Constantinople 5578, 9, 997,1 1393 496, 518 , 83 838 Coe a 1 4 973 7019,183,336, 85, 91, Corpus Christ! C allege 11 , 35,247 68 ’ ' k V im.fi V ““ -- 863-2,7280,9837, Court. 51M.5, 8108 , c2fdJ.Tl9« .8938, 9001, 316, 52, Culliwch 81-20 460,5115.604. 81, 793, Cullum 0976 11581 86-675-87-8-9-97- 8- ^ ® U4 ’ 5 Ul P C PP« 709-10-11-73-846,87, Courtenay 6878 951, 7060, 203, 5, 75, 8161,674 81.91,424,33,42,8381, Courtois 8344 508,9,11,49, 64, 5, 6, Courlray 6638 85 to 9, 91, 677, 747, Courtsk p 10289 914,9414,719,36 to 9, Coulanc-es 9411 746, 974, 88, 92 to Covent Garden 11203 10003, 6, 8 to 'J.H, Covenlry 6804, 7417, Cunedagio 11547 tot, 9, to -21.23,0,/, to 8515,11091 Cundale 1 1-278 ' 30,2,3,5,43 to 7-50-1- do. Prior 7975,8035 Cunha iois’df 6778 7414 Comnene 6767 Como 5610,3,4,5 Companies 9530, 948,10180 10823 Complutensis 10858 Compositions 11138 Compton 9721 Do. Basset 10499 Computus 6786, 805, 7058,95,150,265,-887, 8078,519, *20.69, 872, de la Croix 8119 Crumb* 7978-9-8041 Cromwell 6466 - 8536- <>1-747- 10702 - 821, 11015-135-94 n , Cmnica 5795 - 10635, Council ( Privy) 8560. 11125-35 5 45 7-62-8 638, 9, 7i2, 17 , 8, 601-2-3-13-9-35 10041,125 Crcmodromnn 97 0Q Councils 6108,48, 7217, Cross 5o88-64 70- 9*86- 313.47,9305 547 Counsellors 1 111 9 38 Crown County Court 11541 6811 9705,10651 do. Leases 6806 7435 Croydon 9620 end Baron Ci oylandJ 79 r 377, 9922, 5, CrudweW 11183 Cfugelton 7898 13-63) 7 13 6G4,705,19, to 49,S36, 69,8160,1,278 1064 L 891, 908, 9306, 726, do. J. Bishop of, 8933 Correspondence 49 43 - 962, 10407,8,621,31, Constantinus African us 4-5-6392-428-51-73 - O 1 IA‘1.4 Qnfl I'AO - -n.« i _ _ " . * 2,11034,328 Concealed Lands 6815 Concannon 9744 Concept us 10462 C oncessiones 6817 Concetti 9090 Concilia 6108 , 15 6925,7321,8235 Constantius 6241 Constitutions 6351, 7162, 247, 8, 566, 9479, 10114, 827, 11531 48, Constructions 8188 546.632,735,60,7005, Contarenus 8843,9675 313,47, 9305, 10334, Contarini 5114, to 7,20, 439,11048,76 5994,5,6000,7306,78, Condones 9517 8341 Conclavi 5111 fo8,5957, Contes 8336 to 86,6098, 295, 303, Conti 6201 14,19, 23, 406, 72oO, Contraband 11101 597, 8105, 60, 443, Contractions 7600 9085,489,10194,729 Controversies 5229 , 50, Conclave, {Drama) 101,43,7272,8999 10279 Conversation 5488 Concordandas 11369 Converts 6119,11073 Culvervvell li 095 638, Cumana 10797 Cumber 11133 Cumberland 6803,8799- 9742-11272 d». (Duke of) 6837 Cumbermere 7999 Cumbwell 11414 2-4 9 to 67- 71 - 3 to do. Bishop 7970,2 to 6 9-81 to6-136-74-222- do. Chancellor 7417 45-374-401-4- 7 - 12, C owarduce 8435,10120 33,516,36,708, 9,45, Cowcher 11486 52 to 4-6 - 8, 83 - 92, Cowdray 10254 826 9 - 46-7,82,90, 6, Cowper 10605, 11091 901,4,6 to 14-18-26 to 11118 J 9-31 to 41-4-11015-6, Cox 8515,632 Cunliffe 9708 Cunningham 10469 Cupar 11303-4 Curates 6810,11032 Curcella?us 9770 Curculio 6556 Curialia 9465 Curlandia 7274 INDEX TO MSB. IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. —4912 tO 11506. 30&16, A . 7 H0G3 11202 de 11278-85 linus 5309 Xguesseau 9010 ut 10360 Jill 92-3 lison 11*262 Imatia 6009-JQ-ll aly 10038 ascenus 5535-36 !40 iu petrus 9289 Deling 10464 Derley {Abbey) 7964 Dernford 8921 Desborough 7188 -— D’Estrees S935 by 7414-10008-997 De thick 10091-11267 nces 10248 Deus 6768 ~ ndolo 7i)8l Deverell Kinostonl0514 Dockeseyc 8038 ciiel 6919-8335, 10629 Devon 6691 - 7095 - 7 - Doctr in ale 6929 07 Denton 6S03 - 10142 - Dionysius AreopagG2l4 D ift 10S59-60 310-11138-251 Denzill S673 De Ponte 6110 Depositions OS 11 Derbyshire 7310,8915 •6928-9480 Drogheda 6470 Do. Halicarnassus 9480 Druids 9741 Diplomatica 5576 to 9 Drummond 10997 6452 Discipulus 69 9337 , 10172’- 860 Discourses 5253 - 445 11186-259-460 Dereham West 8134 Drusi 5257 Dryburgh 6753 Dry ilen 9502 Dryffield 8458-11278 Edwd. IT. 0632-8133-41 5-9185-6-11126 Do. IH. 7085-8065- 140-529-10848 Do. VI 7880 Edwards 9725-10S53 Eggebaldenhctm 8005 Eggemundeu 7954 6270-345-420 - 845 , w __ oo _ 7655-S486-9o'21 Dublin 6470 - 5 - 6969 Egidius Llomanus 8818- Dispulationes 5057 - 98 8079 - 232- 457 - 57G 9350 9475 Disseisma Nova 70S6 Dissertations 5048-50 -697-7092 Ditchingliam 11221 Divinitas 6990 9643- 10044-260-601 Egmont 11455 11183 nsey 1UE45-11262 ate 8451-S81-9589 ivers 6874 ’orto 8164 bv Hall 9126 •cle 11119-267 •nell 10463 ill 10516-11194 'Ston 8515 u11309 hwood 7069-11275 'aria 6136-7598 chet 6804 i 7164-8334 'bin 6906-L1335 phine 0967 Lsquius 9607 'enport 6599 -10120 1005-255 id (King) 5038 K. of Scotland 8529 id’s Lyre 10036 ies 6819-9379 ■ila 8087 is 10463-11091-263 ison 73S7-8420-1 vley 11207 tson 6688-839 11126 lesford 11486 r/ and Dumb 5451 6502 th 7492 to 5 iates 11138 ure 8437 alogue 10401 420- 8515 - 736 - 887 Doctrinaus 6664 9067-290 -420 to 26 - Dod 11194 440-648-932- 10424 - Doddridge 8939,9142 534 11196 Dodsley 10829 Duearel 9447-88 Ducas (Alexius) 6767 Ducie ( Lord) 11392 Dudley 7137-8181-989 Duel 5242 DuH'y 9753 Duuilale 6577 - 9 - 85 Egremont 1092S-11392 Egypt 10198-11007 Einhardus 7229 El Amam 8172 Electtones JPonlificum 5118-326-S-9 - 950 to 55-6287-402 8778-918-9993-10245 Elector 10049-10417 -482-11176-80-244-457 Elgin 11305 Duke 11237 to 4L-42L Eliot 10464 )Hiker 9144 'J• t t j i i i/uuoii-j » 'unci Jl i't Devonshire H ousel0254 Dodsworth 6585-7-632- Dulverne 7980-92 Devotions 10124 D’Ewes, Sir W. 8883 Deythor 7137 lJialexis 6973 Diana Antonius 5354 11120-8-38-9-226-469 Dumas 11309 Doges 5191-218- 6387 - Dummer 10*254 7654 Doignies 7007 ~Dole 10221 Diaries 5031-69-70-225 Dole, Wilts. 10503-13 31-3-423-632-80-921 Dolman 9544 -56-89-6323-34-962 - Dolomachia 6995 7459- 603 - 46 to 50 - Domesday 6501- 8133 Dickenson 8723 9135-10474 Dictionaria Japan 7182 32- 459 Do.Italicum 6770-7196 Dominicus 8901 Do. Arabic 6770 St. Domingo 7080 Do.Wendjsh 8149 Donado 7727-8-9 Do.Anglicanum 8244 - Donatelli 9507 306 Donato 7651 Do.Tagalog 8487 Donatus 6225-7283 Do.Spanish 9026 Donauer 71*21-10175 Do, Greek 4942,7216 Dunington 11207 -903-11363 Donne 6319 Do. Do. Modern 7196 Donzelli 4995 Do. Saxon 9308 Dorchester Ld. 7414 Do. Gaelic 9497-745 Doria 6380-7696-843 Do. des Annoblis- Dormer 78*25-10771 -.* sements 91 \7 JJormicnlesSeptem68'30 Dyer 9793 Do. Zoicitm 10747 “ dJormitanti ” 7012 Dymock 6803 - 9556 Do. M.Caminos Y6692 Dorset, Co. 6804 -7420- 11194 Do. Germanic. 9102 8515-9313-10535- 57- Dysart 895*2 Do. Latinum 9330 822,11259-413-42-95 Easeborne 6641 Do. Lord 6927 7414, Easington Dumonlyn 885*2 Duubrode 11442 Dunch 10254 Dunkirk 10070 Dunnington 1127S Dunn 8667 _ Dunstaple 8780 11128 - Dunston 7891 Duodo 5302 Du Puget 8907 Durandsthorpe 7892 Durd (Meer) 6364 Durham 6754-S24 - 6 , 7287-431-8830-9398 - Elizabeth, Q. 8853-92 - 90S-31-9027 - 763 - i 10217-11016 Ellesmere 9002-11125 Elling-ham 67«8 Elliott SoJ5,lil94 Do. Sir J. 10819 Ellis 100S1 Elly 10245 Elmham 10427 b'lsynge 7414 Elucidurium 8188 Elwes 9662 Ely 6754-7430-8121- 74 9550-11259 —Bishop of 9013 Embassies 5025-6-238 - 9-40-1-637-9 - 6068 - 10S72-11119-23 - 38- 206-99-372-99 - 424 - -63-4-71 -460 934, 7660 - 10897 Do. Lord 10090 11374-407 Do. Mrs. Ann 10860 Emblems 9567-10101 Durinus 5507 Dursley 8502 Duty of Man 5489 Dwnn (Lewis) li 187 Do. of Fashion 9032 Didascalia 4940 —^- Didascalon 69 90 imee 5041-6141-636 Didbrook 11436 rees 5321 - 43 to 8 - Dies Critici 6763-915 1-0131-748-85 -810 Difnico60ll Diyamma 8S13 retals 5303-69-6331 Digbie 8286 10464 079 Do. Sir Kem ' lemore 8047 Digestum 7123 ds 6793-GS04-13-18 Diggcs 10305 12-908, -68 - 10448 11138 ,31-822,11173 -229 Dignities G921 ■9 9621 Dory the St 10106 Dositheus 7231 Dotti 7787 Douay 8519 Douglas 8444 Douze Pairs 8S86 Do. Sir Kenelm 8168 Dovor ( Lord) 11057 Dowdall 6682 Dowman J. 8169 819 ties Boman 10417 :i 5667-8 it 7095 "t 7320 Hand S804 jhinus 8165-6 lades 6748 land re 7195 East Cheap 9145 Easleourl 8502 Ebrardus 8832 Ebrington 11443 Ecclesia 4957-5132 - 3 - 9-4 3-48-422- 727> 613 7 to 40-87 Ecclesiastical States 5137-46-8-232 Echard 9684 Economy 10987 Ecouis 7409 Ediia Scemundi 7003 Ede 1LI38 Eden 9533 -o- Edenburg 10704 Drake66(>0 10997 11255 Edge Hill 1U254 nunquez j.v. (,1 Do- SirF. S170 - 370 Edinburgh 6754 - 859 - Entick 8439-40 anm Entrate 6101 Ephraim 7706-9291 Downe 9068-10688 Downer 11095 Down Hall 10860 Downing 6681-5 Doyley 11062 Eragontea S370 letrius Dihewyd 7265 Dijon 7112-3-4 Dilichius W. 11090 Diluvio 6986 Diudymus 9475 Dineley 6490-10245-559 Dinglor 11167 11138 8271 Dintre 6436 Drama 8739 Edingdon 6638-8537 Diocletian 6766 Drawings Persian 6730 Edmonds Sir T.G927 Embleton 9657 Emo 7740 /0 43 Do. Angelo 7744 to 48 Emperors 7078 - 283 - 339-10610 Einules 5596 Endowments 6804-18 Enestan 7999 Enfield 6804-7153 Enganos 5530 Engine 9688 Eugland 4924-6-7-5260 302-50S- 704 6014 -220-22-33-347- 468-72-796-902-35 7141 - 76 - 84- 94 - 249-85-329-81-3-444- 97-511-660-79S - 9 - 873-4 8078-112-40-1 -75 -6 8201-56 - 339 - 498 - 726-868 9011-86-468-786 10111-2S-130-212- Engravers 7725 Enigmata 7491 Enriquez IV. 6884 I *-• iwutiitiu UK/Imyai VI Slim Moschopoli- Diogenes Laertius 6569 Drax Abbey 11129 9*233 Diomed 5308 )emetrius 6563 Dionini 50S5 losthenes6748-9695 St. Dionis 11138 marke 6888 - 8546- Dionysius 6348 - 435 1-9203-10070-80- 9581 >0-874 A>igramS781-107l8-85 Epiloyador 10741 Episcopacy 8So2 10819 Drayton 7893 St. Edmond 6633 episcopacy 8852 Dreams. Persice. 6725 Education 8662-11327 Episcopi 509 J-2 Drengton 7922-47 Edward Conf, 6804 - Epistolce 5*265 - 7 to 71 Dresden 10882 -96-7-8 8078-9 11259 086-7-6209- 18 - 28 - W Edward Prince 8S92 640-66-748-68-9-7l-s Do. King 7971 -399-900-23-28- 7088 059-81-81 22 IXDSX TO M*S. IN BIDLIOTHECA PHILLIPPIOA -4912 (0 11506. Epitaphs 69 82,9551 - 802,10366-7 Epithalamium 5159 Equester 6965 Equity Law 9704 Erasmus 74-14 Ereal I 10093 Ercalowe 7914 Evemo Sacro 6396 Eresby 10216 Erizzo 7238 Erie 7291-10163 Erlestoke 6644 Ernecourt 10600 Erotemata 9522 Erskine 10997 Eruditorum Acta 8441 Escheats 6511-794 - 5 - 803,11128 Eschines 6748 Esclavome <4. 8337 EsclusivK 6100 Escovedo 10391 Escrick Escurial 8398- 11330 - 1-2-53 Esperauza 5776 St. Esprit 6611 Esprit 9131 Essays 7377-8422 -3-6 Essex, Co. 6534 - 804 - 9772 - 934 - 10213- 11191-201 Essex, Lord 73S7-B245- 62-1128(1-379-89-901 Essex, Lady 10926- 112SC-389-90-8 >678-786- 804 - 16-9215-10135 d’Este 5607-868 I-stiolle 8913 Estrada 10730-69 Estradcs 8499 Estrees 8935 Esvngton 8063 Eternity 10664 Ethics 0764-95 15 St. Eticnr.e 6664 Eton 9224-10254 Ellon 11126 Eucharist 7352,9730 Euclid 7017-10107-8 Eulistides 6374 J- uripides 8189 Euroj l 5752-6089- 90 - 453-994-7 242-655 10114-610-996 Eusebius 9587 Enslache 4944-5 Eustcn 10683 Euiropius ( 958-9161 Evangdin Craca 6899- 7712-757 Evangelista 7082-847 to 52 Evelyn 7249 Every 10003 Evesham 10319-11426 Evreux 10} GG Euias 11506 Exchange of Land 6811 Exchequer (.71:5 -8919 - 8003-170-542-714-23- 93-959 Excise 8706 Exeter Caitul. 6477 Do. E is hop oi 10S19 1 xmewe ,... Expences 9230 Experiments 6883 Lipositio Verhor. 9485 747 Extensions 5453 Extracts 6344 Ey lies ford .1. de 8069 Eyton 8032-11232-68 Ezechiel 6880 Faber 8441 Fa bins Q. 7283 Fables 9213 11006-397 Fabri 6320 Facies 6912 Faenza G328 Faeino 8084 Faghfur 6723 Fagidoli 5160-1 Fairfax 6586-8696-704- 917-76-9(534-945-5 I 10303- >-8-10-11- 12- 19-20-21 - 659 - (50 - 61-(56-72^83-85- '9-90 -92-93-95-99-700 1 120-3-32-3-6-7-8- 9 -43-53-0-7-8 Falconieri 4943 Falkland Lout 8286 Falieri Marino 5545 Fontiylie 5024-93- 185- 7-177 to 81-407 Families 5407 - 575 - 6262-373-9-626 - 48- 91 - 7134,11156 Famisius 5799 Fane 10397 Fa no 7635 9535 Farfai.es 7347 Fa dense G457-8 Farhaug 7027 l aiia e Sousa 11056 Jarh-gh 10555 Fanner 10422 Farmer 10S21 Fainese 5598 - 6437 - 8201 Fas to If, Sir J.9309-9735 Fathers 6235-7 50- Do. collect. 8410 Fauvel 7019 F’azicl 5047 Feales 9990 Feb vie J. le 10978 —P. le 7002 Federici 5104-77-871 Fee Farm Foils 6810-3 Fees 8977-9081-927 Eo.Kniyhis 6638-J1132 Felton 9599 Feltre 11309 Feltria 579G-7-8 Fenelon 11308 Fenwick 6874 Fenys 6535 1 con Tiaghadh 6467 Ferdinand Rex. 0131 Do. 6072 —II. 8115-6 Do. Austr. 8201 Do. Talav. 8212 lerdonsi 6729 Fercltus 6192 Ferino P. 7378 Ferishta 6702 Ferrara 5094- 149 -51 - 8 65-0-8-70-6001-413- 14-7253 - 393- 788 - 835-8)56 Feriars Comes 7965 FenariisJ. P. 10332 F errerius 8348 Fen ers 10245 Ferris 8515 testa 5085 Festus 10778-11032 Foscarini 5553 Fiano 5067 Ftdes 4959,6911 Fiefs 8912 Fiefs Scotch 1087 L Field !.9!>2 Fienlcs 6537 Fieschi 6386 Fiesco 7<*02 Figueroa d. C. de 7250 Filiarco 5262 Filicaja 8123 Filippiche. i 527 Finch Lord 8286 Fines 6493-67 3,7033 F inin 10294 F.occa 5101 Fionuchiia 10294 Fioravante 73.8 Eiorcta 5 J >60 Firmana 5855 Fidier 6881 Fisheries 9927 l'itzherbert 6874 Fitz Gerald 0593 Fitz Swain 6584 F'lam borough 11138 Fla mini us 7206- 8124, 9453 Flamma G. 10189 Flanders 4890-5 04 3-7 Bl -G-6097-529-7359-8672 -9086-700-10356-7 Flaudro Belgia 7060 Fleetwood 7085, 1082 L, 11138 Fleming 9784 Flintshire 11188 Fii.xlon CS04 Florence 5093 - 638 - 753 - 61 - 6010 - 9 - 24 to 7-29-32-3 - 6 to 45 7011-363 - 6S8-845 - 8295-350-893-905O FI oi us 10778 Flower 6578 Flum in a 6965 Feeder a 7364 Foix Gaston de 10298 Foliot I oleh 6922 Folkestone Ld. 10254 FolJieius 10235 F onseca 6346 Fontanilla 8470 ^ Fontenoy 6484 F on tills 6923 1 oote 9533 Forbes 8515 Forelands Sth. 10099 Forest 8909 Forests 6803-937 Forester 10090 Fo rfc i ted l a n ds(JL\ e 1 a n cl) 0466-82-678 Forgaill 102J6 Forli 5844 Eoino 7858 Fortescue 7070 J0821 Funification 5472-9 Foiti l oro 6044 Fortiguerra .... Fortitude 0889 Fortunatianus 10415 Fortune 5490 - 6077 7011-246 Do. Wm. 11385 Forum 7014 Fosbroke MSS. 7099 Foscari S893 de la Fosse 11019 Foster 6518-11464 F otheringay 7882-3-5 Foulis 9746 Founders Kin 11430 Fountains It 122-6-8-9 - 422-8 Four Masters 6465 F owke 1 lzl3 Fox 6638- 10360-914 - 11384-9 L>o. \» m 8004 Uo. Sir SUpn. 10997 Fox lev 8321 F P V. 10606 Fragments of MSS. 0454-571-3-4, 8158 - 439- 4163,10204- 7u - 11002 Frayuicuta Regalia 8i> 10 lYamhngfiani 9978 Frampioii 8026 France 4917-5130-224 - 46-439-67-508- 46 to 9-604-5-29-30-1-9-73 to 82-769-77 6170-237-8-9-347-968 7078-141-93-210-302 416- 555- 06u- 779 - 823 8173-202-338-9-41 - 498-582-647-89 -750- 886-916-47-68 9lUl-_03-53-459- 78- 647-78-700-5 10114-192-208- 374 - 96-86i-7 ^ 11038-^47 Francisco Eon. 10753 F ranco Longo 6002 Frankfort 8626 -9156 F’rankland 10084 Fit.nklinge 9602 Fraser 8645 Frederick Dux. 9548 —-jfeuobarbus 5164 —the Great It377 —Imp. 7248 —F. olxi —II. 5162-3 Frederico 7507 Free Chapels 6809 Freeholders 10872 11264 Freeman lOllo Freemen 11125 F ree M usurer j 6351 7535-10827 Freigius 8221 Freine, Simon de £336 Frtnaiauglit 83-tb F revven 098z-7U73 Friars Minot' 8099 9479-82 Fuse 8566-10079-82 1 nuli Oderic. 8268 Frobisher 8721 F romm us 8533 Froucester 6632-5 Frowyk 70&5 Fry Geo, 7334 Fuerus 6734-6-8191 Fulco 11456 Fulgentius 6244-6768 Fuller 9J58 Fidwood FuneratsG 355 10828-60 Fur 5747 Furness 11129 Furnev MSS. 6632 t Gabriel 97J5 C aetano 5139 Gams 10779 Galateiis 7071 Gale 8102-8399 Galeazzi 6058 Galen 6665-765-315- Galdeo 7524 Gallio 9051 Galdieius Philip 911< Gal wayXt/. 10061-77- (i ame,Mu>jster,u ; 10, Ga.ubara ob09 C audoifoCastci lo506: Ganeso 10445 Gaiabanzos 6488 G.iicia 1 1347 Gardnei litshop 6u3t Gare 6 j3o G arcy in 67 Garg ave 1 U20 Gaiianu * ue y iOJ Gartici 9258 Game a 9504 - lo£ 11397 Curler 8812-6-45-93 66<-90 Gascuigne 9765 Gascuny 8529 Caspar Veronens. 69-1 Gate-house Sir 1. 105. Gaitari 6056-7 Cation 10254 Cueei Emu 6120 Cave»ioii 11126 Gaway ne 8ir 8260 Cay 10097 Cay wt.ou 7427 Cecil 7951-8061-7 Gedeou 7763 Geer A.1111. 6696-7 Do. Jeban 6366-7 Gehot L. £961 Geilius Auius 6750 CeiOala 5z <4 Gt nielli Geminia 10323 Ceneutoyia 6165-37 to 81-407-573-4- ' to 08-90 to CU0 - £ to 24-38-72 - to 7 6049 - 199 to 20: 253-4 67-90-5-6- 7-i 77 to b24-91-7 54-8 -935-40-01 701 t,-2z-63-93-87I £557-968 9417-92-647-790 10461-72-861 St. Genes 6112 Genesis 7129 Geneva 57 b0 - 976 11256 Gengis Khan 10467 t Genoa 4980 to 9 5755-8-9-816-7 * lo\> 6112-53-200-376-85 7128-42-89-2/ 9 -3i 60-98 8116-77-202 9087-10l36-461-64 Geography 5170 2 ti 4/ 6 7-8-6232 - 55 b45-73l - 953,967! 10347-713 Geomancia 5839 Geometry 7017-518- i! 20-21 Geoponica 6762 St. George 5789 index to Mas: "in bibliotheca phillippica. —4912 to U506< George (Dr.) 10137 «—A nne 8515 —II. 9762 —111. 11024 —P. Denmarkl0874 — P .of Wales 6895 Georgia 7383 Geraldini 6354 Gerli Germani 6748 Germain 11308-14 SL Germaia de Pres 6977 Germar.us 10676 Germ nio 5623 Ger naiiv516G-7-70-3-4- 6-Sl-j-S- 228 - 306 - 732-S2-7 71 83-200-34S-596 8201-950 9014-10228-363 Ccrson 9611) St. Gcrtuide 9461 Ghent 71(J463-821 Helen G. 8276 Hampole 8343-9412 Helena 6435 Hampreston 6804 Iielvetii 7364 8206-104G4- Hampshire 6638 - 788 - Helvicins 9945 804-949-9932- 10525 Hemiugham 10463 11460 HemslerhuSius 8803 Hampton court 8892 9210 10254-821-11402-3 llendon 11290 Grt. Hampton 11426 Hengiiam 9264 Hanbury 11375-6-83 -4 Heniey 6803 - 10579-663 _vi t mono t_i .... 1:.. 6-31-9489 —XIV. 5962 —XV. 5942 Gregson 9708 1I1S6 Grcnlcy 7937 Greville 11450 Grey 6534 Grey Visct. Lisle 7150 Griesbaeh 10997 Grillon 11314 Grimaldi 10228-982 Grimani 5990-9414 S. Giimoaldus 4918 G rims tone 821 Griselda6493 Grit La 7142 Gronovius 9757 Grose 9208-10997 Grostete 7402 Grosthaus 8438 Grove 9086 Gruter 6771 Guadaloilpe 7080 Glial Ji 5069 Guuneav’ehca 10813 Heber 8440-9126 Hebrew Names 6217 Hebrew Months 5700 — MSS. 6349 - 7159 < 401 10247 11136 —Rolls 7263-4 — Words 9660 Hebrides 6935 H echton 8048 Heckius 5716 Hedges 10081 Hedouville 11309 Heegwen 8042 Heele J. van 11052 Hees W. do 6836 Heilbrun 8060 Heinsius 8654 Heiresses 7437 tienlip 10245 Henllyss 6539 Helming 8149 Henrietta Maria 6128 * 10127-974 Henri itjucz 8476 Henry of Borbon 5677 —I i I. Fr. 5676 —IV. Fr. 9538 —Prince 5705, 8151 —VII. 10239 —Sir J. 10893 Hanger 8458 Hannibal 7283 Hanson 937 1 Hanyate 7919 ~ uuuu .iv.-v,.3 Knippenburg 8177 Kniveton 11126 Knivett 10316 Kiiolton 8132 Knowle 10154 Korakistica 4955 Koran 4949 6365 Kotzebue 10867 Kynaston 11231 Kynesbroke 7926 kyngston 8113 Kyi'iacus 8995 La Bache 8029 Lacepede 11309 Lactantius 8229 Laderclii 5400 Ladislaus 8241 Lazaretto 4928 Leases 6634 -804-0-13 7435,10480 Locale 10031 Lecalensis 9321 Lecanus 10261-2-4 Lech.acle 7*259 Leeds 8839 Lectioneria 5-219 0653 Lecturi 10329 Ledcs Car tut. 11441 Ledwieh 6473 Lee 7886 - 90 10367 —la 7917 Lorona 1 0192 S. Lorenzo 0086 Loretta y715 Lo/ctio 5UsO Leeds 68J9 8605 10694 Life 6343 Levedale SU59 1 eveson 8649 Lewis 8904 Lewes 6804 10553 Leyden 6780 Libanius 10618 Libellux 8231 Libraries 7144-75 8829 Lorraine 8816-22 10167-307-701-71-2- 3-5 Lort93l2 Libri 6405 Lotewyche 7920 Libri Grceci 7668 to 73 Loiti 5/05 LtOro d’Oru 5S72-3 806S Licenses 7099 1 U 449 Lichfield 7373-4 8039 ederen 6781 Lungus 7130 Madrid 4943 5769 6998 Lopez 10.84 7771 9997 10192 Lords lieutenant i.0J96 11366 9005 Madrutius 5267-8 Madurc 9231-380 Malleus Vegius 7453 Magdalen 7427 8210 9642 10656 Magalote 5502 Magellan 8206 10796 MaghMochroioie 10278 Magliabecchi 5704 11103 .eegh 8050 Leeu Van de 11002 Lees 9708 Ladonia Tragedy 5498 Lees Grange 7977 Laertius 7751 8526 — Ding. 6569 9464 La Hontan 8684 La lain 6525 Lallemant 9058 Lamb 9708 Legaspi M. L. 8466 Legutio 5593 Legge 9678 LeiafR. 10823 i eibnitz 8673 Leicester 9730 1 1 176 Light horse 11120 Lighthouse 10039 Ligure 5890 Lilleshull 11231 —Abbot 7956 Limburg 11035 Luneric LUO 1 1-295 Lin tiling 93 69 Limoges 8755 Lincoln 6804-907 9301-33 Louis Hex Ga 1 live 7*279 Magna Carta 9002-234- —M. 9528 30.-20-4^7-693 10707 —XL Magnus Sophista 6763 — Ail. 10824 Muhabarat 6713 —XIII* 10585-991 Mahomet 8455 •—XIV. 69u5 7 i 10 - 442 Maidstone 6522 9211 10123 Maigrel, Bishop 7577 Lou stand lo798-SlO Ma.gmaiu 6/15 Lanibekmi.W F.tz.7984 Leigh 66S3 10215 Lambert 7156 10039 Lambeitini 5296 to 9 j.ambeth 10306-697 11193-280 Lamp 8188 Lanbadern 6804 Lanbadock 11453 Lancashire 6251-936 7899 10093 11186 Lancaster Duchy 6226 6492 -813 Lancaster 6251.804 9779 —Ala 5356 Lancelot du Lac 8230 Leoi.icus 6417 Landrias 10600 Land.no S091-180 Lands 6815 Land wade 10309 Lane 8994 11409 Lane 1 cost 6803 La gbaine 9554 Laii'fold 10254 819 11177-460 Lindley 11126 Lindores 7135 11303 Lingua Latina 6553 Linsiede 6803 232- Lmton 679 L Lippomani 5595 Lisoon4943 Lisieux 10866 Lisle 8520 L'smore 10290-83, Listighe 0b99 LiLuutj 8428 Lithe parva 8052 Meliadus83! 1 Luhgow 836/ Title rat tire 11018 Lime Gidduig 6829 — North 11300 Leighton 9680 Leinster 10090-53, Leipzig 8441 Lei-.lid 646d 8182 9648-779 Lenzie 7 l 8 l Leo X. 5114 9489 —XU. 5109 >• Leun M. 8477 Lecne Caval. di 8220 INDEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTlIECA PHILLIPPICA.-1912 to 11506. Manchester Colo 10023 11372 Meibomius 10224-997 Mandaloya 8495 Martinus Polonus 6068 Meilleraye 7180 Mandeville 665 0 8252 Marton 8439 Meimus 5702 9019 Marty res 50,'.2-6 7229 Melancthon 9020 Manfred 51G3-431-830 Martyrologia 6651-774 Meldrum 7443 -1 6562 MuityrS' 5509-10,8223 Mellort 10582,11000 Manilla 8250-94 - 485 - Marueil 8335 Melmoth 10829 494 Maivel A. 11 1 41 Me rose 6773,8079 Manley 6803 Mary 1. 5914 8819 9439 Mclsa 6478-572,11129 Maim9050 10217 11 108— 11 10S74 Melville 7346 Manors 6805 —dr. Hen. VII. 10824 Melvin 9628 Mansel 8079 Mary Q. of Scots. 5508 Memo 4960 Mansfelt 10214 7352 - .3 - 496 834S Memorie 5101,6049-14>5 AJatitua 5058 - CO - 1 - 96-32,10828-71-945 JMirkond 6371-714 Mirogli 7400-1 Mirror 8S20 Mirto 5597 M uza (.096 Miscellanea Isto.ica Montfort 7154 Montgomery 668 07414 Months 0650 Monticalli 6127 Monuments 9764 Moor 9082 707 6558-60 8341 Manuate 11064 Manumissio 8U04 Manus 6935 Manuscripts 10251 - 488-730-71 Manznti 5106 Map 6360 Mnppa 6514 Marakah 6730 i'larano 5865 IWarca 5801 Marcabrus 8335 Marcaldi 9632 Marcellinus Amin. 10778 Marcellmus 7229 Marcello 5146-52 March M. A. 9625 Marche O. dela 8528 Marchers K Loids) 974] Marchesius 5408-9 Marchetti 6212 8451 Marco, Julia di 5714 Marculphns 10188 Mare 8515 Mare Clausum 10182 Marefoschi 5330 to 3 Marescalchi 11 309 Marcscolti 5323 Maretti 6129 St. Margaret 9227 —dc Baulx. 6961 —d’Este 8637 Margarita Isla 10797 Maria B. V. 5087 Maria Theresa 10197 11335 Mariana 8405-7 JMarignano 7513 Marinerus V. 11354 Mar mes 11381 Marino 5603 7077 8160 Marinus 8276 Mariscalcus 9213 St. Mark 5190-2,9663 Marlborough ( Duke) ,.34_ Mcmoires 6222,901 I 1 0 1 1 • - Ml WO r.< 6247-64 5,7812 Mem oranda Uol 1 Menard 11314 Mendham Priory 9989 Mendoza 6049,8257-8 10775 Menologion 7667 Menses 5700,6650 Menzie 9509 Merchants 7694 Mercintoa 7988 Mur curias i Iu92 61-711-91-5-840 8093-261-462-877 9023-940 10353-86/-945 11004-23 Misisippi J0810 Misrule Maryland 8558 lYlason 9708 82 7 Masonry (Free) 0351 lo 173-S27 Mass 5295 Massa 8530,11309 Massachusets 9i20 Massailiello 5428 Masselin 9295 Massimi 6934 Master 696/ Masucci 5087 —. . Mat eric Istoriche 7467 Merden 9173 t» 8o - 523 to 53 - 57 Mere 7948 to 64-71-3-9 to 89-91- Merewoith 10254 2 - 3-601-2-6-8 to 20 - Meriauan 7523 2 to 45-61-711 Merlin p. D. 7594 Modena 52 .j0 Muthematica 7524 Merlyn 9328 Mudoetia 7091 Maiheus Vindocm 9248 Mei ton 6J69,8133,9301, Mogareneides 8123 Italia: 4913-7- 83 -8 Moore 6460,7032 5136-372,6070- 4- 5- Moral 6078 93-5-102-04-5-6-249- Morales A. de 1077 82-3 -4-326-98-4 12 Moruliu 5047 7065-360- 467 food - Muratin N. F. 8429 52 6 to 53-7- -60 to 4- Moray 6751 71-3-9/0 89-91-7-600 More”7381- 444, -2-G-8-9- l1 to 20 -2 11123 to 9-3 1-2-3- 7 lo 45 - Morea 5576-7 9176 Morelli 6008 Moreno 8204 Morgan 8648 Morice 10822 Moriscos 8258 Morhy 9375 Moriini 6699 Missal 7007-240, 9163- Morocco 7347,10005 716,10:246 Alorone 5508 Missionaries 6451 Moroni 8452 Missions 5580-1,6451 Morosini 5.549 7395-803.8491-2 Morris 10642,11120 Moccia 7s43 Morte 7492-3-4-0 Mocenigo 5539, 6008 , Morton 9708 7730,81/6 1:022 Morus 7838 Mocroiuihe 6467,lu278 Moschopoiites 9233 St Mathew 10170 Matilda 9432 —< 'ountrss 5123 Alatind. 1 8070 Matriculation Bouks 6513 Matrimony 5444-8- 94 -705 Mallei 7>32 Maiteis 5867 S. Malteo 5002 Maitheolus 8328 Mauro Mari 6501-6 Mauveysin 7960 Alaximiliau Imp May 8621 —Place 10254 Mayans 8185 Jtayors 839 t Maz«rini 4910-19-21 Mogerhdiiger lOzOO Mognerebians 6700 Mogul Kings .0250 Moke ley 8u51 Moldavia 7 * 00-814 Molinet 8264 Mo;mi 7722-3-4-36 MoliuoB 175,834*,! .022 —Carmel 74o7 10707 Mery 795 ^ Metamorphosis 4927, 6642 Methoiiensis 6758 Aiethuen lu254 Meirudoius 6958 Metiensis 9-169 Metz 1U421 Mexia P. 8116 Mexico 6047,8187 11048 M eysapan 8474 Mezoiaki 9263 Mezzafalce 7170 Mezzo (•into lUio* Michel 8176,8101 Micneu 0014 Michiel 7194 ui liuu-ia-ii Middieham 6803 5520-1-778 6065- 6 - Mkldielull 1149-4-500-1 Monastery byMr alter 248,/326 8243 2-3 Scott. 632/ Mazza 6.262 Middlesex 6804, 8203 Monastica 4974 Mazz<> 5266 9769-933,11201 Meadows 8722 Aliddletou 9173 o v , Meath 6482 - 5, 7370 Milan 5135-437,10189 6355 8564 11384-401 Do. Fail of \ 0007-24 S. lYlildred 646b Alarleberge 9301,10707 Meaux 6671 Milesians 6467 10288 Mosco w 5554-722-3 Aioses 5046 M os he 1 m 8412 MUS. 5292, 6632,7087, 8l02,iO4iO Mot 1 Prop r it 5124 7566-621 Mouusou 9662,10484 Mount Alexander 7291 Mount Norris 1 .. 0408 6122 Women 11320 Mo Hoy 10284 Molyneux 11454 iviouibrit.us 9396 Mombruu 1035b M oinunia 9359 M uiacnus Monaco o864,6391 Moualdesco 5917 Monarchia 0310 Marlesbruge 8024 Marie h. de 9018 Marmaude 8625 Marot C. 10979 Marriages 8328 9760 10406,11335 Marshall 9418 Marsi A. 7133 Marston 7942 11464 Marteley 11464 Marten 8031 Martial 7283 9229-677 10794 Martin 9380 Martin IV. Pope 6655 Martini'. 7284 9224 Martinelh 7953-4 Martinez 8184 107S6 Martini Emanuel 8326 Meazza 11371 MHites 5807-8 Mecca 11066 Militia 11120 Mechanics 7488-522 Mdizia 6147 Medals 5696 Millefont 6460 de Medicis 5639, 6072, Millin 8259 7116,3] 9,156,853-4 Millington 11230 8085-526,9464,10615 Miilini 6i?3 to 6-208 Medicina 5094-706 6338-479 7008-228-341 8879,9021-750 Medio bar ba 8 1 04 Medina 6898 Meditations 9498 Mediterranean OjGO Medley 10390 Aledlycot 9446 Medway 8653 Meer Durd 6364 . 62 to . „ Mih.es 9708 Milo 9552 Miu.ate 9609 Miiichmhau.pton 7259 Minerals 1 1 522-3 Ministers Accounts 6l07-.:im Manuulc 11064 Alinuzi 5626-7 Mirabiliu 6079 Mi andolu 6125 iVlinuitjoy c9.6 Du. neram 10396 Mower 9<08 Mj envie 7094 M ucautius 81 j6 Mngell.tuus D. 10440 Mugiiom 5b5b Muigh Muehiuiiu 0467 Aluly Ctdam -.Mulgrave L. 11057 Monasteries 6561- 838 - Aiuudy 9707 805-8-11-978,7168 Munster 0d73,bl7S-559 10290 Do. Book 6467 Muntakireeu 67u3 Muraton 0449, 8092, lul73 Murcoc 10350 Muretta 5287 Alunllo 8486 Murimuth 10426,11257 Muscovy 5722 -3,6440 / 233-361-383-7 81 Musgrave 6991,9438 Music 8432,9408,10967 Do. Giitca 7506-755 Mussato 7692 Alustapba ( Tragedy ) 9060 Myddie 6865,11215 MjStemes 8435 fvluzarabcs JXauaiete Al. de 8223 Nadir Shall 6/15 Namur 642l Naucy lOOUu Naugasaky 7257 Nam 5570-7-782-939 10192 Monembaseos A. 6989 Aloneia 5uU3 Money 6*19-994, 7791 940 7-620 Mi.nfalcon 8250 Moulerrino 7458 Monkbreton 6589 Monke 9405,9621 Monkton 11449 Monmouth 6304 Monograms 11054 Aluuru 093o Moils 10982 Alonsure 10950 to 3-78, 83 Aioutecchio 5805 Montagu 9013-637 10997 11293 iViotnauus 9596 Montagnana 76.(2 Alonte 5594 Montefalcone 7514 Monteleone 507u Aluiiteveccliio 7563 INDEX to Mas. IN BlfcuOTUECA PHItLIPPICA.— 4912 lo 11506. Oddeston 8022 Oderigo 8268 Nanmor, Rhys Nikona 7361 Naples 4990 to 5000-95 Nimcguea 8773 -244-5-6-320 - 406 to Niphon 8266 20-3-6 to 32,748 Nisheim 6834 6063 - 153 - 250 - 61-3 - Nivardus9l92 71-3-399-400-4 Nivernois 8920,10454 7199-222-7-309- 555- Nizami 6717,10446 76-6S3-7-(7S0-9) Nizam ud Deen 07 16 8 1 77-202-441 Nobility 5023-698 9134-244 8748-9-77-9-814-5-7- Napoleon 11316-7-20 22-901-30-46-7-55 Narsis 7198 9010 - 8 -24- 128- 33- Nasarre 10754 304-644-707-17 Nash 10519 10540 Nasiretldin 6959 Noble 8536,9503 - 15 - Natalis 6105 (>S 6 NationalChdfdeter 8426 Nodal 8206 Natta 10401 Nodi 5005 Nature of Man 7341 Noes 8920 Nature of Things 9341 Noiriuouslier 7406 Nau 10828 Nomi 52.5 Nnunton 7414,10134 •Nomina Pillarum 6/96 Navagero 5540, 7t72- Nonconformists 9(59 s O iiv a it's 5453 - 7/2 868,8l60 9675 Nores 6485 - 97,7708 - 9 - 0:u;u a. Oholl 6467 Navarre 8265-069-757 10 Oiyinuius 670 s 11366 Norfolk 6803 - 4 , 8716 O'Mahony 9 Pasquill 91 6*5 1 Pasquin 7ly0 Pasquinades 5109-55 9668 Pussaro 7199-789 Passion 6356.9147 Passionei 5037,6559 Paston 9309-735 Patavia 60n2,8247 Patents 0462-3 008 Paternoster 6(,(j4 Palm iVI. 10453 Pai.tou 8.66 Plitres 6750 Patrimony 5129 Pa trill us 5164,10109 Patronage 53 y 9 Paul 8287 , 9572-81 10197 —111. 5114 —IV. 5915-6-8-209 6088-302-15,8443 —V. 5641,7839 Paulei 6845,10060 1 1300 S. Paulinus IO 778 Paulus 8287,11032 - Diac. 916 I M. Paul’s 1 1039 PawIfreymail 9S19 Pax 4920 Payments 9146 Pay va 6 l 14 Pazzi 5452 Peace Treaties 4920 6167 - 8 - 9-245 Peehi V. 7167 Peckham,*4r0/i£j9.796'6 Pecock 6 243 Pedes Finiutn 6627 to 30-70 INDEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTHECA TH 1 LLIPPICA .—4912 to 11598 . Pedigrees 64D8- 1- 6 to 500-5-15 to 17-23 -4- 31 to 7-40-1-77 to 624 -4S-91-348-51-6 4-85 7063-420-S-3 1-2-7-41 HI96-213- 399 - 51<> - 536-67-7 8-9-748-9-51 -65-78-S4-93- 80-2- 8- 810-907-?8-37-40 - 3- 4-37-3-6-2 5-8-70-L 0020 -112- 40- 1- 9u- 207-62 -304 -19- 415- 57- 9-2- 593- 647- 74- 70n-l0-765-70-2 to C- 81^3-1-90-301-946- 7- 6 >-7< -31- - -02 10391-131-21 3-j- 88- 09-306-1.-67-7 to 7J- H.i-- - • -11-24- 61-7-2-8-81-2-4- .7- 7- 5ol 3-14-5-21-6- 7-_- 37 4.-4-6-7-50-2- 65- 9-75-7-039-44-6 to 53 -823-61 11011-14-86-139 -54- 56-7-9 to Uj-206-2 11 to 16- 29 -35 -6-43 - 4-6-6-00 to 3-5-6-85- -97-410-1-13-25-6-30 -5-6 -9-40-2-3-1-6-9- 50-2-61-2-64-6-7- 70- 1-3-6-7-9-82-90-1-2-5 Peuro IV. 6737 Peerage 870'S —Cases 1 Ob68 Peers 6521.9577-601 - 724,10009,11123 Pegge 970S Peiennuges 6343-650- 64 Pelham 10254,11384 Peligni 5867 Pelletier 6890 Pembroke, Earl 7414 9335 Do. Co. 8380,11445 Pendeford 7990 Pendleton 7899 Penistun 6490 Penitentiary 7374 Penitesi 5836 Penn 9286-371-405 Penna 7927 Penniogion 9371 Penona 5862 Penshurst 10254 Penton 10254 Pen wortham 6582 Penvlton 7943 Pepin 6738,8336 Pepys 9533 Peralvesa Don L. M. 10722 Peranda 5622 Percival 9026 Percy 11126 Perdicari 5308 Peregrinalione s 6650 Pereili 6021 Peresius 5501 Perez 8288,10004-782 Pergulensis P. 10037-8 Pengord 8755 Perrott 6847,11300 Persecutions 5048 Pei shore 7149,10567 Persia 6714.737S Persian MSS. 6094 kc. 7030,10465 Persian letters 6<09 - 10-1 Persian Grammar 7690 Pilgrimages GGaO-Gl Do.Vocabulary 70J1 Filkmgtim !>725 Do. Drawings 6730 Pilmtz 7-271 9289-392-571 -Russian 8273 -Slavonic 8362 Poure SO 13 Povey 8589 Practica (>099-105,7105 -375- Persius 9222-586-61 8 1C616 Perth 9351 Pern 6047-411,10798 11043 Perugia G092-411 Pesan> 6324 Pe>l.all 11200 Pcstilcnee 68S3,734l Peterborough Petrarch 6748,7011 8289-90-1-451 - 866 9477-5 3-791 Petre MES. 10707 Petromus L 810/ Petronio 107 79 Petty 6486,9403 Pet worth 10254 Peyton 8292 Pna-drus clutonis (1761 Vtzarro [Play) 10857 Pilotage 10755 Pindar 6134.9508 Pingarruu 10754 Pino 8295 Pipe Rolls 6493 Pippimana 5806 J isa 6028-30-4-5 7-J4-7,72 jO-71,8 1 Pise Curistine de 9980 PlhtOiH 6482 PiStoria 9244 Pitancice 10398 P thsauus 9028 P,U 9104 Pm' 11. 9566 — IV. 5 4Ja-33S,8lG0 —V. 5290 —VI. 5090,6275 Pixel I 19829 —Spanish 6337-46-984 Prcemunire 11125 8248 , 10718,11337 Piaj.se 6921 — Welsh 632/-896-955 Pratt 10829 8122-272,10323-989 Praxis Curia 610G —Arabic 6350-62-4-70 Prayers 6664,9404-219 Poetry 4937,6368,9392 570,10236,11041 Phalaris 6923,9806 Pharphense 6447-8 Pharsalia 6447 Pnelips R. 8042 Phelps 9579 Philelphus 9285-958 Philip 5779 —of Maccdon 6748 —le bel 7120,10211-20 —II. ut Spain 5466 6281-8.10604-729 11339 —Ill. 11339 —IV. 10733 —V. 6260,11340 Philippica 5o27 -613-6 Poets 916S-48I-579 10785 Poggius 8274,9057,260 -4o6-627 Pointers 7118,10845 Poictou 9oJ 1 Pomgdester 9880 Poland 5595-606-34 0132-35.-, 7303, 8304 9203 Pule 10702 — Cardinal 7659-60 I’o.ey 10051-64 Poiimeiie 5073 7301 - Polistono 6733 Poiitiano Politica 4969,5253-61 - 784-853,0096-120- 9- 57 1,760.-5,8299 Pollux Julius 6438 Pulocensis 5082 P..lo Marco 7378 Pizzi 10955 to 64 Piacentia 6265, 797 —J. 8486 Placita 6464-608 9931,10705,11128 Plague 11103 Planes 7518 Planets 6551 Plans 0269 Plantain^ur 8626 Plantations 8639 Planiiii 9o4l Plants 7373,10983 Planudes 4934 Platea 6334 Philippines t'249-464 to Plato 0761, 7672-751. ye 8251-76-40,90/9-566 t'onsonoj' 6606 Phihppon Evejue 6730 Plautus 6332-550,9,4-5 Pomaiius o69, l L032 Poinpomus Mela 6773 , Puntijicate 614o Poole 0804,9708 J'o^r 8902 Popery 0439 Popes 5111 to 18-25- 6 - -oU-l-a- 41 -50- 326 -281- 31.- 500- Portugal 4614-5, 62o6 - Provisions 8440 32-3-6-49-64-8-9- 74- 53-6,7267-555 613-1-6-24-955 8740-914,9200-493 10146-390 - 580-930- 10/29 -6-42-3-84 Portugal J. C. 7282 11040-141 -50-402 Pusidippus 6958 — French, 8188-307 Positiones 5349-51 10970 7594 — Germ. 67^1,9600-49 Poslingford 1129 1 1045-9-50 Poste 7463 —Indostani 10445 Postel 6779 —Irish 9749,10269-71- Postilla 6919 696 Post Office 8695 — Ital. 5001-273-5 -492 Possarovitz 9039 to 507,6087 ' Potosi 10391 —Lat. 7490,8037-813, Poulson 9990 Prudentius 8532, 93S‘2— 965 Prussia 5171,8685 —king 10729 Prynue 9405 Psulins 77 13 , 8884,9287 -404-660,10664 Psalter 6941,1 L058 —Lreek 6221-565,9315 10384 —N a Rann 9359 Psellus o445 Ptolemy 6551-2-731 —de Luca 8527 Public 1G992 Pucci 7684 Puccini 5834-5 Puget 10982 Pujati 5478 Pujolas 6593 Puleston 11229 INDEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTHECA PIIILLIPPICA.—4912 to 11506. 42-506,9025-145-306 Richard I. 11119 10122 —II. 10848,11126 Records 6472- 673- 783 Richardson 11385 to 6-97-9 to 821,7333 Richelieu 5680 -834,10663,11126 Richey 9525 Recusants 10450 Ride 9S05-6 Red Rook 7104-7 Ridgway iOS!9 Pulley n 11131-43 to 6 - Do.Liber Ruber 1 1126 Ridley 10685-702 53-4 j Pur ana 7023 Purbeck 9779 Purnell 8502 Purney 9540 Pusculo 8278 Pushtoo 637O |P V e 74U Pym 85886,10444 Pyrenees 8243.10341 1 Pythagoras 8077 Quadrilogus 6650 Queen's Coll. Camb. 9643 Questions 10900 Quevedo 11360 -—Gomez 10765 —Obras 9615 Quietism 7197 Quinton 11462 Quintus Curtius 8525 Quirini Q632 Quiros G. N. S473 Quit rents 9927 Quo Warranto 8997 Quyllyng 7887 Babanus 9475 Raimi (>962 Radnorshire 9986 Radulphus 6939,10603 Rage man 9301 Raimond Chai.oric 9232 Rajahs 6708 Rain 10422 Raleigh 8455,9290 11119-23-38 Ralley 10633 Ramsay 6790,8130 11126 Ramusius 737S Randall 10245 Randolph 8720-9561 I Olio Ranelagh 7281-96-7 9952 100 73 Rapparelli A. 7590 Raselins 7121,10175 Rasool G. 6361 Rastel 110SS Reed 8279,8603-12 9312-34-504-722 Relenter 9316 Ref or.nation 6118 Regalia 5147-44 L 6170-426-7 7325-54-779 Regan 6792 Riga P. de 9218- Rigand 663S Rigby 8439,10670-928 Rinaldi 5 792 Rinuccino 8202 Ripalcl a 6210 Ripley 9631 Ripon 11122-6 Roncioni 7278 Hooke 8725 Roos 9779 Roosoon 7361 Rosamira 5529 Rosa Pisanella 9239 Roscommon 6686 10071 St. Clare 697S,7514 Rose (Roman de la) 9789 Rospigliosi V, 7456 10197 Ross 9623 8964,10455 St. Claudius 8391 St. Christina 8319-91 St. Chrislofer 8391 St. Crescentia 6903 ,-87 !Regenspurg7l21,l0l75 Piquet 8363 j lieges GoUiormn 6192 Risdon 9u87 Reginaldus 5040 Riles 5324-43-4* Regis Ires J1012 6005 Registers Parish 9777 Ritter 11314 11264-78-462 to 7-93 Rivera 5860 S9 Uivola 499 >-8 Registra PoparuM 5361 Robert, Monsr. 10385 -3-4-5 —the deoil So 10 —Episcnpnrum 6638 Roberts 7074 J5I Reiuger 11101 Robin Hood 11135 Reland ns S283 Robinson 8743 Relaiioni 4912 Roccalagliala 49S7 5032- 603- 39- 81- 5912 728-46-71-S2-5-886-S Roche 8697 96-909-14-91-6 Rocheioueault 9654 6014-69-87-220-3G3- Rochester 7381, 8260 77-94-30')-13-410 7367 -398- 400- 556 - Rod burn GS03 604-34 Rodd 10997 81 SO- 2- 3- 23S -40- Rode 8311 1- ;j_ 9. 59- 60- 82-9- Rodiulmi 8010 459-539-41 to 5 4 Ruducton 8054 10195-870 Rodney 10112-320 Religion 5049-90-734 Rodriguez 7/14,10623 6i43-4-908,7254-826 —H. I 1367 S465«*S6,92/3-301 Rossi 5639-90,6132-4-5 St. Cross 6754 76S6.S30S St. Davids Dish. 6542 —u. 9206 St. Demetrius 6563 Rota iGj2 St- Denis 8954,10219 Rothes 9130 St. Domingo 7080 Rolhwell 6668 St. Dyinna S319.1 1080 Rouen 8195 -1 SO, 10866 St. Edmund 6633 11497 Rousseau 11324 Rouvre 6906 Ruvere 7657 — iM. 7700 Rovigo 8948 Rovigo Due. 11309 Rowingtoh L037S Rowland Bisli. 1 (284 Rowse 9779,11123 J loy A. !e 8075 Roystou IOS2L Do. Earl 8609,10047 Rozel al Sulla C714 Rubea VallL 6886 Riidiurd 8286, 10305 464-819 Ruhi'-ius 9514 10969-78,11 126 Religiose 5083,7 113 Remembrancer 6804 Remigius 10410 Rem in-ton 10463 Benda 6971 Rentals 906S-353-9£3-4 Rogers 84 89 lloUewood 6626 Rolandini 6150 Ptolessen 6854 Holland A. Fitz J0706 11 olioek 9326 Ralis 674 6-s 6 D>i. Chapel 6 SO 4 Rules 6151 ,S2i 52,9693 Jlumi J. 10446 Rupanus 6/71 Lnsbroee 9432 Ullage 11 10166-4 7S R uasia 5171-/ 24, 6272 7803-37-6 t-S3 10342-60 Rust 9463 Rusticua(CV;t?z//«Q56l8 St. HiscioS2l Rutland 6610,7414,8711 St. Hubert 6527 St. Edward 8079 St. Elizlb. S319 St. Esprit 6641 ,S97 92 U St. Ethelreda S174 SL. .Ethelwold 8174 St. Fiorent 10470-1 St. Fraucis 8111 Si. Gaugericus 8391 St. Geuevieve 10946 St. Gengulfus S39l St. George 580S-9,7247 9995,10201-521 —M. Sir IL 11272-4 - St. Germain 6977 St. Gervais 8440 St. Gilies 9459 St. Gregentius 6973 St. Gregory 5303-65, C932,7679,8391-462 St. Grimoaldus 4918 St. Gudula 7057,8319 St. Helena 8l2S St. Hieronymus 8361 St. Hilaire 8073-299 St. Hildegard 7340 Ratclifl'e 6532-83 to ,624 Uetonfuyi. 10621 8578 Retz 10338 9141.-205-333-7-40-9- Revenues /280,S574 65-72- 449- 70S- SOO- 9048-76,10004 946-60-9-77-81-3-S Reveahy 9651. 9S8-92-3 Revolution (j 6/9 10131-299-383,11297 9.066-25S, 109-30-2 Rents royal* 10317 Romagna 6279 Report oriam 11054 Roui aid • 6101 Reports 7036 to 56r2b6 Romances 6 738—10,8314 Rwykiei' o'iSO 9071,11109-1.0 -5-6.906-i Rycau l 8-3-32 Requests 9267 —WeLU 8120 Resbacb 10410 Rom.mliola (Mol lletiro (Sou.) 5051 Roman G 8313-964 Romania 7400 Rutinnl 7094 liutter 1042 Buzz ini 494',!.7/31. to 5 St. Jago 8415 St. James 6801,8521 St. Ignatius 6254 St. Ildel'onso 7195 Bye 8260 Ryswick 8547 li. M. tie la 10991 St. Adeloricht 11080 Ratisbon 7013 Raustetlein 9156 Ravenspui 1112S llavoli 5272 Rawley 9568 RawlinsonlMSS. 6513 Ray 9708 Rayano 5802 Raymo 6381 Rayner 9384 Rectories GS03-4 Read 6609 Reading 6803 Reagh .10290 Rebels Recanatus 7401-792 Rey 11314 Reymumlus 7402 Reyua Plaeido 8412 Reynold 9242 Rheimes 10410-866 Rhetoric 4932-5,5254 3247,90 32,1016S Rhodes 7124,9708 Rhone 5687 Rhynland SS04 Riarii 5281 Ribagorza Conde 8281 Ribera 10533 Ricardescote 7904 Biccia G190 Biccobaldus 5367 Roman Pavements 6502 St. A I ra S319,9401 Roman ns Egiu SS30, Si. Alban 8299-907 93-30 9299-852-83 Rome 1913 —Fb 5101 - 4- 5- 7- 9- 142 St. Ambrose 346 -222-35-45-56-85-377 St. Aniphibolus 0633 to 61-510-1-2 -50-5 to Si. Andrews 9862 61-650-70- 89 to 95 - Si.. Angelo 767 I to S 737 to 41-6-921-86-7 St. An.holm 8990,9000 6091-101-32 to 5- 72- St. Antoine 7413 78 lo 81-277 -S -86-8 St. Appolinares 7169 *94-7-305-6-9-13- 24- St. Aii>anasuis 6992 407-8-9-12-6-8- 650-St. Asaplrl0852 893-95S St. Augustin 5293-513 St. Jerome GS99-928 11362 St.John 6758,788S,9407 -159,10404, —Rapt. 7078 —Cambridge 10860 — Pom fret 11128 —Wore. 11440 i. lu 1 10-254-404 St. Joseph U. S223 St. Jusio Si54 St, Kevin 9744 St. Lambert 83yL St Laurence 6960 St. Leger 8073 St. Leo 6/68 St. Leonard,York 11126 -8-9-3S St. Liz Symon 11135 St. Lorenzo 5086 7190-229-83-93 -304- 6768,7015-10?, S391- St. Lucia 8391 Receipts 8157- 86- 404- Rich 6632,9703 92-450-5-6 -7- 9- 62- 89S-9G4 636 84 lo /^ 7 04- 49- St. Autbertus 8391 63-032-70 St. A ) chadrus 8891 8074-9 -80- 167- 77- St. Rauholomew 6633 201-36-379-463-642 St. Beininn 10263 9057- 216- 489- 606- St. Benedict 7217-8 799 St. lienedicta 839L 10187-92-5-769-870 St. Bernard 6899 St. Madalberla S319 St. Margaret 6633-64 9227 St. Marino 5144 St. Mark 5190,7348 St. Martin 6/32 - 830 - 924 in hex to mss. in bibliotheca phillippica.—4012 to 11596 ; SL Mary 6633,7-139 —Somerset 9801 —de Campis. 7087 — de Portu. 11442 —Pembr. 11447-8 —York 10135,111-29 —Dublin 8079,11498 —Magdalen 9374 St. Mathew 6758-S99 St. Maur 13. 8113 St. Maurice 7410 St. Maxence G. 811 3 St. Methodius 11257 St. Michel 5277,11498 St. Mildred 646'rt St. Modestus 6903 St- Nicolas 6477,7412 8249 St. Oda 8319 St. Olon 588/5 St. Orso C«9I St. Oswald b 1 -22 —Wore. 114S8 St. Pal aye 8750 St. Paul’s 6557-804 70S8,11039 St. Peter s 7270 —Gloc. 6634-5,7879, 11487 -Manila 8474 —Salop. 112-25-53-4 —de Blandino 7165 —Carmarthen 11446' St. Philip Bristol 6804 St. Quint in 7404,851S — Dudo. S17 1 St. Radegund 8132 St. Savioursj705 St. Servacius 9957 St. Severina 5341 St Severinus 77o2 St Sosius 7702 St. Stephen 6664,7696 St. Swithin 6633 St. Thomas 7947-62-72 8017 St. Ursula 8299 St. Vincent 9116 St. Vitus 6903 St. Waldetrudis 8319 St. AVerburgh 6668 St. W'innoc 7351 St. W olphada 11441 St. Xavier 5510 St. Ysidro 8474 Saavedra, D. F. 8461 10804 Sacchetti 7703 Sacco di Roma 76S4-5- 6-7 Sacrum Bellum 6123 Sacrum Collegium 594 1 Sacrament 9730 Sade 7090 Sadler 9732 Sa?mundus 7003 Sager 9708 Sagredo 8176 Sagundinus 8309 Saielles 5733 Saintbury 10655,11466- 7 Saints, Lhes of 6721, 7384,8253-319-91 Saisins 7273 Salambir 10817 Salaries 6610 Salazar, L. de 10771 Salbrigio 5897 Saldanha Sale 6770 Salerno 9132 Schedules 8477 to 81,4 Serrar 6004 Salic law 5439 Scheffer 6323 Serrarius 11082 Salma 10409 Schieland 8804 Sersanders 9974 Salisbury 6516-43- 857 Schinosi 5777 Servantois 8402 8142,11200 Schisma Romse 5366 Sertita 5998 Salisbury 1046'S - 404- Schleswig 6835 Sessio? 2 s 11097 50/-48-82l,l 1461-2 Schoraberg Duke 8652 , Sethus 6665-765 ■—Job. 6656, 8347,9465 10062-86 Seuffert 11311 10460 Schools 683 1 ,7295,9132 Severus Sulp. 6732 — Countess 10153 Schroder 6834 Seven Churches 5“ ‘ Sallust 6741,8504,9804 Sclnvartzeren S. 1 OGi L Salmon 10213,11200 Schwerin 8648 Seiacoa 5/56 Scicfices 5715 Scion 5 100 Scipio 7-206 Sclavonic,! 5056-301 Scuue I07u6,11303 Salomon 0428,1085 « Salona 5856 Salt 7928 Salt 6279,7094 Saluzzo 5S1U . Salvation 11064 Salvia 5743 Salviati 5611 Salvucci S3 18 " Sambrook 8006 Saml'ord 9937 Saminiati 7115 Sauipieri 7572 Samst n, .1. 10621 San Canciano 49G2-3 Sancroft 10704 —... Sanctorum Acta 10410 Scripture 5 421 Sanctorum Vitie 5511 Scrope lol7H,11441 Sanctorius 5675 Sandale 6638 Sanderson 6823,8460 10216-704-869 Sandford 1 1 248 Sandwich 8724,91 14 10412 Sanford 8040 San Alatleo 500-2 Sannazaro 8084 San Retiro 5051 Santa Croce 5604-5 9051,11413 Santander 8397-973 : Santillana 8320 Santon 10040 Sinaita 6758 Sincock 8646 Singaassun 67 18 Sinse 5389,8104-501 Sinigaglia 8451 Sion Coll. 7145 Siracusa 8414 Siracusano 5821 Sirmondus 67/3 Sisnando Reg. 6/34 Sisto 5610 Sixtus IV. 6654 — V. 51-21-355-922-3 8355 Skelton 9261, 10 J12 Skyrake 11137 Skivonica 5056 Do Orammatica 766; Slimbnuge 850-2 Smale 6671 Sntaragdus 9495 Sevenhampton 11136 Seven Sleepers 6830 Severn Stoke 653 1 Severus Corn. 9153 Seymour 9666, 10305 464-819.1 1200 Seyncling Okeniere ___ 69 20 Scotland 5508-684,6751 SferalbQO to 61-2-3,7273-333-4- Sforza 6071-195-296 83 , 8324 - 6 - 505 - 29-99 Shaftesbury 10561-6 . 89&5-l0-951,Q632 Sluih Nawek 67ol- 19- Smedley IO 090 10253-461 -589-90-871 29 Smith 6674,8356-420 1 11 i 9-20-38-302 to 5 Sha kepeare 8270-80 39-302,9335 Scott 9457-565 9145-441 - 784-10653 10104-466,11231 —Sir Walter 7294.8327 Sharpe 8508,10111-397 Smithe 10245 Scotch Gentry J290 Shaw Jolnr 6705 Smithson 6613,9708 rinianus 5222 Sliaw Stebbing 7107 Smola 10330 Sheffield, 9824 Do. Lord l 113b -Laid 11138 Sheldon 111 DO Scrufmia 5119 Shelley 8691 Scruton 810-2 Shene Shah 6719 Scudamore 661 1,10530- Shepherd 6874, Scutages 1 1 132 Seals 9424 Seamill Dock 8 ( 06 Sebastian Kiny of Portugal 8349 Sebastiam 5084 Secander A un/eh 6717 Secou rs,Maison de 1J32S Secousse 8750 - Sectanus 8326 Santo O ficiu 5314 to 19 Sedulius 9252 -22 Segar 6943,11261 Santoro 5691-948 7687 Segue 5035 Sapientia/esLibri. 10210 Segni 6040-1,8350 Sappho 9591 Segno 10461 Sardinia5141,6390,8321 Segorbia 6608 Sargent 10254 Segovia 6734 Sarmatia 7378 Seyreii 7599 Sarmiento 8322-461 Sejaim 6307 10784 Selby 6574. 11126,9 Sarpi 8083,10048 Scdd’en 6468-83,8709 Satires 5U0S,76'05,8418 9405,10149 322-076 9073 111 19-25 Satyro Mastix 8326 Seligunstat 7229 Saumur 10470-1 Stlva 7371 Saunders 10376 Semanario 10741 Sauvages 6664 Seminary 5930-7 Savage 9112-371,1 ]126 6277-8 Savernake 1 1456 Semis&a 6551 Savigny 8079 Senarece 5880-3 Savona 7695 Seneca 6966,7283-451 Savonarola 5516- 7 - 8 - 9072-463-76-644 840,6125 Savorgnano 9150 Shepherd 8927 Sherborne 6749 8678 Sherfield 6857 Sheridan 10857-997 Skeiijf‘80'd\,l 1123 Sheruf Hutton 11119 Sherlock 9954 S herwood 6612 Shield 8515 Ships 922b-7S Shirley 11360 Shoreditch 6840 Shovel 10030,375 Shrewsbury 8033,9451 10050, 11231,58, 69 98 —J. Pi&ct. 8034 —Earl 8351 Shropshii e 6530-807 9932-42,10367-647 11126 -216-7 Smyth 7107,8036 Snell 6614,10997 Snelshall 6803 Snorro 031/ Snowdon 10422 Snovvbhill l052y Soave 7449 70/6 Sohieski 7134 Socorro Marques 1080 Soggedon 8054-7 Soissons lU4lo Solimau (Sultan) 8201 Soliuus 6891‘ 10778,81 Solly J. Mac. 10292 Solo G de J 0462 Solomon’s Sony 6880 -942,10608 Soltre 1 1302 Son.adeva B. S. 10445 Sumer Somerset 6510-8-804 7099-100,10534-5-68 —Co. 9780,11123-478 —Duke of {j 845 —Countess 9062 Sominariva 5760 Sonmer y308 Soueiu S. de 9692 10430-7-78-81-94 „ _ Senis F. 10334, 439 ~ 0 . Savoy 5068-75-633-906 Senensis F. Patrit.7380 Sigonius Car. 7692 10063 Sententia; 6758 Silius Italicus 7283, Saxo ferrato R de8889 Sequestered Estates 8354 207-8- 9- J1- 2 -26 to Souds 10153 42-288 to 421 Sonetii 5001 Sicard Abbt 11018 Songduura 8 I 89 Sicily 5257- 391 to 405- Sonys 5/93, 8331-4 14, 6131 -53-261 -417 Sophixtee 1 001 8 7222-718-8441 Suranzo 77 19 , 20-1 Siddons 9948 Sordo e Muto 5451 Sidney Philip 9610 Sonani 555o —Algernon 0874,10166 Sotheron 8690 Sidrack 8352-3,9217 Southampton 10821 Sieycts 890o ' Sienna 6081 - 3,7756 Sierra Leone 10350 Sigismund 5531,10381 Saxon MSS. 6468 Saxony 8600, 10611 11379 Say, 6i Sele 6535 Scanderus 11021 Scarborough 11 120 —Lord 10060 Scenttus 9491 6816 Sillesden 1 1 135 Seraglio 6 291 Silva R. de 5718 Serjeant at ^4msllll9 Simeon Monachus6 757 C_ 1: o:_ «• r\ 1 Serli 8329 Sermons 5744, 6468- 939,40,7286,8148 9159,597,11100 Serpente 5286 Simeon of Durham 9374 Simon 10620 Simonetia 8262,9629 Simplices 6765 Sinai 5514,10350 llloi —Earl 8262 South Kirk by 6803 —Cave 6804 —Stoke 6804 South Sea 10058-830- Southwell S555-8o to \ -641 to 4-740-&33 8972 9006-37- 77-131-24 354-5-6-7-446-8- 6 93-553-635- 46- 8 700-36-58-995 10002-11-15- 25-3 43-6-52-60-91-157 , INDEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTHECA. PHIELIPPICA .—4912 tO 11506 . 9936,10254 —Duke 10090 Sutcliffe 6018 Sutherland 7l85 to 65-240 Stebbing 6804 Southwyk 6490-8 Steeton 11123 Sovrani 6176 Steevens 8332-603 Spada 5832, 7099- 704- Stefanus 8199 870 Sleinheim 6834 ipadato 525G Stella 5878 Spain 5247-8-454 to 7l- Stcpliani 9541 527 to 33- 43 -769 foStephanus 8177,926b --- • 79-918 Do. Alexandrite 6763 button 7137 6048-9-157-62-3-207-Fitz. 10460 Swabia 10973 221-469-658- 60 - 734 Stephens 7875-6,8420-1 Swan Marks 9578 t-> 7-78-881-322-7 30SS6,11125 7156-93-30" '762-8-9- Stephonius 5270 7'M Stepney 8675,10051 8288-339-02-454- 550 Stevens 9801 - 861 - 937-55 Stewarde 6754 90S3-201-3-493- 673- Stewart 8636 7<*1 Steynveld 7225 10043-80-167-92-711 Sticlibrooke 7323 -764-8-71-82-3-7-817- Stichoi Greek 7465-n 67,11336-60 Stile 9640 ,11133 palato 585S Stilicho 6735,9155 palding 8348 Stillingfieet 66i6 paniards 4966-76 Stockynge 8008 parks (Scintilla ?) 7248 Stoke South 6804 peat, er of the Commons —Hundred 71S8 10305 Stoke by Clare 11295 perches 8911,10223- Sioneley 0004 Stouor E\iz. S 442 Stoppani 57S1 Stoltzlin 713G Stourton 10254 Stow 10254 —near Charteley 7910 Stow Upland 6804 Strabo 6645,8247 Strandman 7383-497 Straugeways 6617 Strasburgh 9354 Stratagems 6341 Stratford 6638,9145 Stratton 9370 Surtees 9800 9048 Survey 6804-20,10461 Taylor 9251 Susanne 8252 Taylor 8380 Sussex 68041982, 7432 Teisterbandt 8959 Tejada Felix 10S04 Telaph 9360 Tellier 8243 Tempest 10872 Temple 8707-926,10254 Tenants inCapit 11132 -.—-- Tenuuyle (?) 9757 Sweden 5284,7303-630 Tennyson 10090 8323-743-6.9203,10360 Terentius 9078-238-49 Tiliibody 9769 Tilney 6S04 Till ing 8528 Ti march us S077 Tiptoft J. Earl 11301 Tiraboschi 8090,9677 -King 0/11138 Swieteo Van 10959 Swift 7294 Swindon J0574 Swinnerton 9828 Swiusty More 11135 Swiss 7318-64-782-821 2-39,8742 38L Teriosi 7319 Termini 7331 Tcrmonda 5043 Terra Sancta 7493 Terra Fiona 9664 ■ Terriers 8913,9718 10399 305-464,11123-38 lelniau 7102,8700 11126 )CiiCQ 8330-425,9529 leroni 7692 oliere 6563-831-83 7520 sino 6184 nritus Sanctus 675S jottiswoode 7399 >reti G2S0 |uier 9440 [uilinio 5993 ad ham 11062 afford 7902-77,9932 Baron 6632,7955 duel iff’ 11137 ainhaieil 7341 imer 10254 am ford Earl 11267 ■indish 6635.9 115 Switzerland 6424, 73S3- Tcsserant C. de 9S07 8732-41 Tcstamenta 6ii3 2,7332 Sydney 8553 9232,10729 —SirFhil. 7387-10464 —New 9246-302-63 Sykes 970S 101 Si, 11059 Syivaftl. de A. del0725 —Grech 7682 Sylvius /Eneas 9679 —Glagolitic 6446 Symonds 10593 Tewkesbury 66325-6 Symphorianus S. 10410 Tcxtores 6103 *56 Teyretrefle J0118 Syncellus G. 6766 Tlianct Earl 10153 Synodus 5512 Tharsis 10858 Coustantinop. 7664 Theatre 6084-5,7343 Synonyma 9137-495 Syon 7447-793-10821 Syriac M. S. 4951 Syria Petr, de 6341 Syro-Chaldean 5295 T. S- 10678 Tabari 6727,8336 Tables 8564,10422 Stratton St. Margt.6503 Tacitus 0748,7215-83 10551 8427-761,9090 -Strode 9801 Tackley 7996 9091-948 Thebais 90S8-9-250 Thelesford 11505 Theobalds 8565,10821 -Do. house 6803 Th cocritus 4953,9593 Theodericus 665o Theodorus 7754.8266 Theodosius 6568 Tneology 7806-7-67, 8870,9573-81-619 onuuc you: *auj\.iey (oyo 00 4 0,90V0-0i-019 Sti ozzi 52:16,6393, 7658 Tactics Military 10681 Theopbyiactus 6758 QOAl O-iO .. /.or. 1 I 1.. o.. _ 8201-333 Stuart 7134 Stubbs 7285,9168 997,10054 mlawe 8133 mley 9691-988 10239-99 in way 10654 house 11501 7 r rru/nuci ooou Succession 11137-8 xaueyraua nouy 1342.9080-490-650 - Suckling, Sir Jno. 962L Talliacotianus 6901 788,10350-463 Suecia 5284,6657.7630 Taimi 13. 8167 110d:3-138 Suetonius 7283-829 Talon 9S7S irling 1 1206-45 Suffolk Co. 6787-804 Tamerlane 6720,8365 ife 6970 7138-284-420,8737 Tam worth 11013 ite Tapers 6680-856 9084-214-639-97-970 Tana 7378 ■61-902 10151,11003-25- 2o6- Tancred 4959,9333 35 42 to 6-657,9967 10-53-4-60 Tankard 11126 10591-949 — Lord 11138 tham 6874 Suidas 5588 Suizzeri 5780,6424,7133 Tantaglio 5856 -318 Tara 10288 ituta 5094 -383-685- Suipicius S. 6732 - 830- Tarbet 6752 >-8-808-9,6063-443 924 Tarcagnoti 7146 1252-695-6-815,8824 Summa 9188-419 Tarifa 8212 1087- 118- 9- 29- 83- Summons oj Parliament Tarin 7292 !20-34—G-64-!>4*301- 6832 Tarletou 9708 4-43-4- 540- 82- 95- Summum Bonum 9644 Tartary 7337,11126 >03-9-12-17-43-67-83 Sunderland 7438 m *0-7 29 Surgery 6078.9418 0154-349-707-818 Surrenders 6811 tuta Cleri 5334 Surrey 7287,9773 -932 unton 6803 10254-386 veley 9987 — Earl 9474 Go. Siinocatta 7663 Theophunes 6766 Tlieophilus 4936 Theoriea 6557 Thessaly 7161 Thevenot 6212 itues 7567 C tun Caslri 5143 Thibault 9593 Thiepoli 5208-10154 Thiery Chateau 10410 Thiinelby 7414 Thirlby 10702 Thomas S174-8S-698 Thomlinson 10254 Thomond Earl 8932 Thomson 8260,7203 Thoresby 8381,11200 Thorn bury 7106 _ Thome 6804 Tanner 7430,10202-425 —W. 8138 to 9-997 ,11226 Thorn hill 9230 Thornton 9708 Thorpe 8774 de Thou 9085 Throckmorton 10994 Thucydides 6567 Thunder 6664 Thundersley 6804 Thurgau 10363 Thynne 6675,5)979 Tliwaites 10300 Tibullus 6433,9591 Tiepolo 5214 Tighe 9533 Tarvisi 6450 Tasso 7858 to 65,8086 Tassoni 5683 Tatari 5838 Taubmau 8366 Taxes 5730 , 7344,8703 Tisdall 10059 Tithes 6141-636-803-4 9808 to 86-927,11125 Titles 8348,10763 Titus Livius G743-4 Tilzingh 8992,9008-670 . -950 Tixall 8053 Tobago 7080 Todi (Jacopo da) 6954 Tograi 6362 Tolaud 10969 Toledo 673 1-5,9305 10772-86-858 Tomes 8515 Tomurmur 501 1 Tondel 11313-4 Tondeie (Van) 9316 Tondo 8176 Tonnage 10422 Topography Torquemada 8382 Ton alba 8475 Torre 65S9- 804, 9708, ^10351,11127 Torring-ion 10090 Toulouse 9459,10193 Toul 8353 Touraiue 9729 Tournaments 8528 Tournon Fdi. 7179 Tournour C497 Tournay 8521, 10176 « 990 Tours 7234,8528, 9295- 729 Tours 7415-6,9468 10602 Tovar, Juan de 8187 Tower cf Loudon 10821 Towers 9801 Town ley 9092 Townsend 11389-90-411 Tracis 10281-441-906 Tracy 6632,7876,10997 11467 Trade 4929,10057 Tragedy 4954, 5002- 6 Tragic Events 6081 Trailbaslon 11126 Trapezuntius G. 7464 9079 Travels 6471-650 8252-642 9013-86-152-6-224-51 -7-321-38-54 to 7-71- 80-448-353-700 10360,11366 Treasure 8756 Treaties 4920-35,8752 -73 Treatises 5147-790 7230-340,9730 Trcddiugton 8515 Trcdwaie 11091 Trelawney 9995 Trematou 6539 Trent 6115 Trentham 7964 Treves 8S40,9oSl Trevisau 10056 Treviso 6061,7243,8340 Tribado L. 10858 Tribulation 8299 Tribunals 5336 INDEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLTPPICA, — 4912 to 11506, Trieste 5685 Trim 6470 Trimcstre 7729 Trinidad 10300 (Jrina 6763 Ursina 5803 Usher 10033 Us-:ry 6334 Trinity Coll.9i>S2,\ 1123 Vadumus 637s 'Trinity Holy 9002 Valarcsso G.76G2 Trismegistes M. 10CG4 Valdicch'une 5140 5SS-654-744- G3- 79- Warwick 6803-4, 105 94-5-6-803-7 653,1 1 443-95 10106-202-31-419-60 —Guy of 8342 -70-2-27-8-58-822-960 Wasteneys 793G -2 Waterford 6470,8631 110G1-3-9-SO- l- 360- Waterhouse 6620 p70 Valencia 1CS03 Valencian Poets 8185 Valer.tian 4994 Valeciiui 5497 Valerian 5702 Valerias 9277 —Curd. 5675 Tristan de Leonnois 8353 Triampki 5701 Tromba 6389 Trombert 11314 Troubadours 8335 Troy 7161-5354-5 Troyes 8569-872, 930G-B. 9270 726-962,10206-7-407 V-iier 9713 -S Trussel 5394 Truth 6082,95G3 Tryphiodorus G135 Tncci 5827-6-7 Tucker 11128 T uillier 10600 Tullo 8620 V dkenaer 06 C 6 Valla 6553-67 Valiancev 6473, 9497 ■ 746 V;Te degali 621 1 V. 71 5065 Y;slbce!li HISS. 5053-5 Val'kro g:;74,7Io5 Itaggi 5078 to 81 -302 4-5-6-612-32- 717 -S 22-69, 604C-S9S,7378 8127-77-268- 368- 9- 494-COS- 50- 710- 21- 867,9019 Vibius 6965 Vicars 6810 Vicceus 5500 VirenLinus 57 15,951 L Vicenza 58 33,10087 Via a 675/,8 >59,9188 >.’-.* #•-» ■■ »-u»ei 1 .. 11051 Vocobularia 7 139- 310 - Webb 6621 Vic.on :ms 7283 82-691,8198 Webster 9939 VicLorh > P. 8888-9-497 9097-102-303-30- 93- Weeden 9055 Vida 9555 483-506-745 Weights 6994 Vienna 4943,5172-670 - 10286-91-371 Wclbeck 11)29 7S5,G5(;6-G27,10051 Voltaire8073-375,11348 Welch Records 6819 Volv.spa 8317 Voragine 9377 Vola 5318 Voyage 7125-497 10198-379-607 77 Vi tel I i 5662,6294 Vittorio P. 11026 Viviauus 10460 Viziers 6367 Vizzar 8475 Water S358-796,00S8 Wattou 11129 Watts S502 Watson 6638 Waynfleet 6638 Weaver 11200 Villa Dei A'c:;. 6929 Villa Nova 9521.1046 Villaw 7434 V illena M. de 10775 Vi’lici's Costereiz 1035S Tunes of Psalms 10249 Valone 6126 Tunis lUi Turcntt 8501 Turbet 85 1 5 ; 9374 Turkey 4929.10S67 V. lois, Phil, de 11027 Vuitellina 5076 Vulva 5450 Vampires 5485 Vatiderbergli 9994 Virai.ui 5554 Vincenlius 8568 Vincenzo G395 Vjucigucrra 6662 Vinc-Ta go S’220 Vindocinensis M. 9248 Vindogladia 10578 Turkish language 6336 Vandenesse J. de 8387 109G1-3 Vander Mcer 10061-5 Turks 4961,6171 Vandevelde 8772 7130- 337-9- 66- 96- Vane 10778 446-60U-736-7 Vanslcbius 5512 8371-504,9120,11021 Varagine 5881 Turin 10051-64-5-77 Varia Historica 4913 Turner 9100-662 Varro 10778 Vineis P. de 8372-3-90 Wakeley 10103 Wakeman 7884 Waldef Roi. 8345 AVal degrave 10254 WaldeN us Comes 97 —Sir G. P. 10097 Turno 78 1 3 Turpin 7827,8386 Turpyn 6631 Turre J. de 10462 Tun is F. M. 7167 Vatican 5739,7600 Vatic i.iia 7612-14-5-54 Vaudevilles 8402 Vaulx 7098 Vauvillier 10243 Vavasor 10300,11137 Tuscany 5705,6017 to Veda 7024 25-386-95-934 8201-2-727 Tuscher 8368 Tu iei G. 8336 Twickenham 6646 Twyning 8515 Twysden 81 01 Vega, Lope di 8370 Vegetation 11323 Vegetiiis 9644, 10664 - 778 Vegius Maff. 7453 Velasco 8252,10769-71 Velieio Patcrculo 10781 Violet 9 O 93 Viquerria 5438 Vile 9054 Virgil 6549-748-901 7283,8427 9182-456-605 101 Ltj-430 Virgin B. M.5087,6664 9461-638-803 —Venetiana 6779 Virginia 7419,8558 10117,11010 X.X..., Virtues 6757-966,9316- Walker 10625-997 071,10823 Wallace 11126 Visigoths 6734 Waller 8770 Vision 9316,11138 Wallis 10997 Visilalio Cleri 7059-61 Wall 8903 11426 Walpole 679S.9104 Visitations }!eralds 6577 10174 — MSS. 9741 Wells 6804 Welynton S058 VVenlock 11505 —prior 9757 Wermestrie 10110 Werwolf 8377 West 7414 Westbury J0513 Westminster 6789- 8t 81-780,9301-681 10707-860 Westmoreland 6804 Weston 7948,9662 —on Trent 7921-46 Westphalia Si 78 • ■ u,ui.iu9 yyu -S- 0 - 8 .'>-a 3,7 l‘20-l!-3‘2 Walsingham C524.855 Wbittyngton 8012 c\rnu o i o.v 1 o i mic i i -r-t? Tyiconnell 8637,10012 Venafro Bishop 7839 Tyrrell 8730 Tyrwhiit 8359-515 Tyson 6584 Tytler 7333 Ubaldino 5640 Udma 6663 U fling ton 11229 Ulm 7136 Ulster 10287-636-7 Ultra Brent ana 6059 Umbria 7697 Ungheria 5178 Umgenilj Bulla 5370 to 76 Up cot 6S70 Up Park 10254 Upton 8025-958 Urban 7162 —II. 8369 —IV. 9985 Venetians 10197 Venezuela 10797 Venice 4962 to 79 5012 to 34-185 to 218 38-39-538- 51- 2- 3- 62 to 7 5-9-714-62 to 8 812-7-22-987 to 6007 -12-3-177-340-58 7119-218-38-317-23- 96-oUo-4-5-55-7 5—0o 1 to 4-736-8-831 8163-202 9653-63-4-/6-S/-713- 971-97 10034-186-97-351-606 Ventimiglia 5757,6201 Verba 4934,7453,9747 Verb us to 10233 Vercellensis H. 826S Vergerius 9184-212-627 9772-3-4-80-1-3 11016 1U3G7-70-S6- 485 -7- Walter Guido 8355 639-46-7-52-7-515.-21 Waltbeof 9779 •6-7-8-65 11159 to 87-235-428 95 Vita 6343,8820,9655 ViUe 4916-8-23-5-90 50S3- 121- 64- 236 5- 511-16 to 26- Wallher 11406 Walton super Cannok 7935 Walton 11123 Walwyn 11244 Wanborough 6506-8 10496 915-6-7-20-2 -3 -5 to Wans ford 6804 33-9-46 -8 War 5473,6123-67-8-9- 6066-71 -2- 125-6-7- 776.8093-10664 219-35-40-90-322- 5- 11120 57-403-56-3-9-633 - Office 8549 11436 Wickham .6638,9779 10600-1-83,11192 WLckliffe 7157-219-2 9237-302-540,1011 Wildbore 9708 Widdrington 10012 11130 Wigmore 8139-40 Wilkes 9099-247 Wilkins S511,9108 - 318,10322-682-91 - : Wilkinson 9708,1025 Willcmundsley 1144“, Willes 7429 —VIII. 5113- 6.54- 5- Vergerius Paul 7698 736-957-8-9 6o64-323 7355-554-830,9985 10875 U rhino Card. 5258 Vernon 8692,10066 Verona 10155 —J. de 6650 Veionensis Guar. 6645 Vestures 7413 -Duke 5869.7657-700 Vettori 8082-238-388-9 Unka alphabet 6700 Vexuquillo 11348 Uricrisia 10603 Vezht Hassan 8371 o/--luo-uu-j-y-uoo- '-'jjice ouiy lues lizy 56-64-732-924-30-58 Warbeck,Perkin 10239 William I. 10338-9 71-83 VVarburton 8565,9783 11123-257-9 7066-87-107-55 -201 10389,11462-71 -2-21-4- 5-35 -S3- 6- Ward 9172-405 94-8-300-28-40- 80 -4 Ward 11126 -513-652-3-7-8- 751- Wardrobe 8676 828-9-43 908,10597 8072-4-111-3-4-5-22- Ware 10S21 8- -15-/1-4-212-26-32-Sir James 10634 53-74-6-8-99-319-46- Warminster 10513 51-5-65-74-91-451-61 Warner 7441,10997 -97-504- 26-668-94- Warrants 9049,10874 763-801-31-964 Warre £634 9176-85-6-227-77-9- Warsaw 4943 300-3-7-17-75-42S-53 Warsop 10821 -61-4-541- 52- 5- 81- Warton 8427 —III. 8708,10072-8" 11024 —Anglicus 9392 • 853 - —Abbas 9300 Williams 7414,10468 — Rev. E. 11207-8-9 -30 to 6-42 —Sir C. II. 8360,101 -76 to 944,11374-85 to 91-3-4-8-406-7-. —Sir David 6536 W illiamson Sir J. 86 Willis 8515,9405,101: -2-3,11200 INDEX TO MSS. IN BiBLlOTUECA PHILtlfPICA,—»49l2 (0 11506* Wills C4£) 1-4-5-9 -507 - 7107-878-9 10-6-8-90-1-67-2,9320 (W. B. 9385) 10643-90-822-60 (W. S. 11061) 11031-123-232-84-431 Xavier 5510 -5-6-52-61-8-9-73-9 to Xenophon G444-748 84 11284 7751 Willoughby 7414,10216 Xerlei (Shirley) 11360 Wilmer 6622 Yanes Gomez 8226 Wilsdon 11230 Yard S616 Wilson MSS. 6589-671 Yaringlon 8439 Wilson 9135 Yarmouth 7258 Wilton 10821 Yate 8515 Wiltshire 0490-2 to 7-9 Yales 8512 -501-2-3- 6-8-9-13- 7- Year book 6573,7085 623-7-S—14-S03-4-72 Yclverton 11214 7428,9734-12 Yeomen Wilts. 6517 10387-8-473-5 to 9-84 Yczdy 6720 6- 7-9 to 514-37-8-42- York City 10314-S- 68- 3-4-S-9-51-60-4-5-6- 9-S21, 11] IQ- 20- 8- 74-639-16-710 30-6-S-9 11182-3-4-96-431-3-4 — Co. 6478 -545 -577 to 7- 8-55-499 Wimbledon 10254 Winchester 8391,9062- 301,10518,11293 —bishop 6633-8,9637 Windeck 103S1 Windsor 10119 -254- 821 —Lord 9510 Wines 8358 Wingfield 11126 Winifred S, 9789 Winn G624 Winnington 10928 Wi uterton Lord 6497 Wirtemberg 10010 Wisbech 6804,8236 Witheringsath 7402 Withie 11271 Witticisms 9499 Wixlioe 11295 Wogau S583-688 Wollerslon 10245 Wolkenstein 11311 W'olseley S633,10075 Wolsey 6038-849-930 94-803-4,7226 8182-213- 396- 793- 970 9131-45-755- 70 - 83- 932-47-93 10311-9-70-521 11084-97- 126 -7- 8- 32-6-7-43-9-86- 201- 78-85-97 —Duke of, S151 —Curdinal 5330 to 3 11135 Young, Sir Geo. 9746 —Sir Chas. 6542 Ypolita 6971 Ypolitus 8504 Ypres 7415 Yianda M. 11352 Ynarte 8073-397-8-973 10728-32-6-7-9-42-5- 501-2-6-8-9-60- 2- 7- 87 to 93-9 11030-329- 31- 2- 4- -8 to 43-5-6-8 to 51-3 -5-0-7-9-61-2-4-5 6 -8 "70 to 3 9045-796 —MSS. I07II to tin Wolverene 10849 11329 to 73 Woman 6319-921,10156 Yserina 10335 Wood 7018,10361 Ysla J. S456 Woodcock 6638 Zabarclla. 5810-9-20 Woodmancote 8502 Zacchia 5C56-7 Woods 6S08,10313 Zaida 5532-3,10894 Woodstock 6976,10372 Zambcccari 5735 -S21 Zancaruolli 5215 Woodward 8361 Zaue 5543 926S,l0SS0-87-90- 1- Zanelti 4946 944 Zarabel 10331 Worcester 6504-029-70- Zarabelfis 10437-8 871,995S, L05l 9-27-41 Zebedea 10*26 II196- 200 -415 to 8- Zelloso 6/77 26-42-67-479 to 86-99 Zena 5754 —Marquis 9326,10090 Zendavesta 7090 —Earl of 11301 Zeno 5103,6306,8379 Wordswoith 8420-1 Zibaldoni 5286 W01 field 11486 Zilliolus 5165 World 6986,8762-848 Zonia 6S36 16347 Zoppa 7860-1 W orseley 10350 Zo^ima 6880 Worlley Lady M.11400 Zucchi 5S57 Wotton 9020,11441 Zurich 10361 Wright 9/08 Zurita 6735 Writs 6S74 Zythi 7378 Wroxton 10254 Wryngton 7945 Wurlzburg 11311 <06 Wyatt 9474 Wyke 7005 Wylde 7125-85 Wynchcombe 6633, INDEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTHECA PHILLIPPICA. Abdallah 719 Bisaugia 852 Abstracts of Titles Bishopric/is 939 12018-19 Biscluffsheim 830 Aguado 704-5 Bitilcsden 990 Aguilar 645 Blauchea 12090 Alba Ecclesia 852 Blount 577 Albemarle 12040 Boccacio 584 Albrecht 855 Boerniers 737 ovlex. P. Ul, 726 Boetius 899 Alyorismus 856 Bunds 935 A lienacions 7So Borden 817 Allemagne 611-12 Borghese 738 A mbassado^s 522.7 58 Bouchier 917 -69-90 931 Bradferton 674 Amelion 808 Bradford 652-3-5-6 America 7i>9 Braganza 575 Anus 808 Branch and Dole 662 Angleterro 743-1 Brand 739 Mn imales 719 Bray 983 Q. Anne 712 Breda 905 Anlhartica 64 l Bricklehampton 674 Archer 733 Bridges 074 K. Arthur 581 S- Brigit 921 Mr ms 614-5 Bristol St. Austin 740 Mspidora 556 Britain 786 Assessments 12035 Britannia 900 11507—1*2100; S. Chad 805 Dainty Devices 776 Chaddesley Cornet 683 J. Damascene 609 Gt. Chaldlield 654 Darner, Mrs. 792 Chalmers 528-55 Danker. 853 Chambre des Comptes Darell 665 Chancery 864 [80J Daventry 985.12000 Chantry Rolls 668.993 Davies 627 Chapter House 667 Charity 817 Charlemagne 604 Chas. VII, 601 Charlestown 552 Chartham 816 Chaucer 523.955 Chetwode 975 Chichimecas 640-1 Chiffres 612 Chile 703-6 Chili 875 China 564 Chino 645 Christ Ch. Coll. 805 Fermanagh 730 Ferrers 944 Fides 001 Finch 534 Fines 067-8 Fitz James 766 Flamlers 561.604.838 -76.938 Daylesford 680 _ 10 _. Dethick, Sir Wm. 12086 Florence 823.7l Dialfidica 901 Florida 6 >0 Diary 500.742.932 Diaz 804 Dinas Bran 953 Diodi 547 Dissenter 922 Fordwich 754 1'ores toe 513 T. Liv. Forojuliens. 580 Fortalezas 711 Fortescu 784 Doctor* Catholici 900 Fortihus B40 Docwra 586 Fountains 416 Dodsworth 626.12090 Doeg Indians 626 Done 868 Domaines 879 Dombureh 853 Chronicles 509-82-6.601 Domesday 815.962 -2-3-13-19.848-53-69 Donatistre 901 -72 8.903-10 Fowey 583 Foxcroft 523 France 540.745.872-8 -84.931-8-49 Frankley 681 Franco 727 Ired^ric 855 Freemen 950 Donegal 730 Drawings 533.039-42. Fruunester oU9 Augment. Oil'. 667-8 .Austria 545 .. Jothors 553 Autoqr.iphs 616 B-into.i 882 I .eon 788 B.ilsey 67 1 ] S i gnal i 73 B >hint 832 B-'ladsnp 832 Bnhoii 644 Balfour !»26 JUVe ..22 ]».rbaio 753 B n balus 741 Barcelona 872 B-nlovento 6 17 1 anmc,< 872 liar onets 9 7 4 Bai omo 872 Farons 934- 74 Barrow »17 Basle 933 Bassani 89? j}a true homy nmachia 723 B itta Book 731 B ivais 602 Have 773-80 Beaufort 943 Bebelius 580 Broinsgrove 683 Bruxelles 850 Buchanan 589 Buck land 520 Bucks 518.783 Co. Bucks. 12028 Bukenhale 12090 Bulstrode 577 Buigumly Burleigh, Ld. 938 Burton 749.817 Buttressee 829 B. 923 Cabasila GOD-10 Cadwallader 603 Caen 895 (alendoriutn 547 Cdey 954 ( ambridge 805.936 Cameron 537 Campo 801 Camps (Roman) 690 Candia 868 )'67 Ashby 989 Canturia Dio Canterbury 748-54 (-ardinali 861-4-72 Carisbroc 532 Carmelianus 580 Carolus Comes 902 875.947-53 Dreux 878 Dry den 690 Dublin 730 Dudley 678 Chronoloyy 813 Chrysippus 610 Churches 939-53 Ch. Houyborn 674-9 Churchill 681 Church Notes 839 Church r>/‘England 922 Dugdale 944 Cburton 975 Dulwich 562 Cibola 643 Cicero 728.913 Cieza 7<>9 Civil IVars 12049 Claines 071 Classics 957 Cleley 977 Cleve Prior 674 Clifton 681 Clopton 590 Close Rolls 523.628 Cneceius 580 Cofton 670 (obis 853 Cole's Escheats 667 Colonna 872 Coraberton 67 4 Commentaria 904 Commissioners 974 Commons,House of 950 Epistolce 865 Compounders 963 Epitaphs^ ^ Frowyk 888 Funiival 840 S. Furseus 900 Galaron 555 Gull 718 Gal land 722 Galli 747 Gallia 872.904 Galloway 629 S. Gallus 914 Gaston de Foix Carter 754 Gt Dumbarton 629 Dunstanville 820 Duran 639 East Friesland 729 Ecclesxx 898 Echevarria 637 Edw. I. 12090 Edw. Conf. 12090 F-gmond 588.920 Eliensis Liber 625 Eliot 629 Eliseg's Pillar 953 Q. Eliz. 767.936 Elmley 674 ,- England 522. 604 - 20. Gerunth 827 760-5.850 60-72.011 Ghent d74 : ennn%yH70-8-84 920 'e«erateFrancais 717*8 Gennadius 6lO Geutilis 933 Gentry 523.974 S. Georgius 610 Germain 77 l Germanus 610.812 Germany 545 -34-8 Gladialoria 725 English Translations Glastonbury 512 ” Gloucester 507-8-9 957 S.Tlxos. VBccket748-53 Carolus R. Siciliee 908 Becheri 8:4 Beckwith 614-5 Bed a 727.825-902 Bei_es 602 Computus 727 Conaill Gulbain 599 Conception 872 Concilia 803-71 Conformity 930 Epwell Hunt 782 Ercildoun 555 Erse 622 Escheats 838 Eschevilli 882 Escobar 538 Espana 801-72-7 Bei.enden 554 Be.ling 536 Helium 747 Benefices 12046 Bengjworth 671-4-5 Benkhuusen 563 Beoly 670 Berkeley 523-78 Berks 839 Berry 735 Betancurt 649 Beverley 915 Bible 826-7 Bibliotheca 954 Biekerton 581 Bid ford 679 Bioqraphu —32 to 55 Bud 736 Bnon 754 Carpenter 714 Carta 517.817-20-55-7. Coningsby 659 12020-4-6-7-8-30 Constant 715 Cartagena 804 Constituhones 804.908 Essays 526 Carter 921 Conyngham 576 Essex 785-8.811 Cartularia 507-8-10-1 Cophiti74l -2-4-5-6-9-32.669.732 Coronation 754 915-83-85-6-7-8-9-90 Cortez 636-48-51 -1-2.12025-90 Corwen 953 Casas 638 Costumbres 797 Las Casas 698 Cotton MSS. 630 Castilla 872 Coucy S78-93 CastlecomDe 820 Court Rolls 937 Catal.of Cardigan MSS. Courts 631 980 Coventry 12090 Do. Hatton do. 980 Cow Honyborn 675-9 Catalogue of MSS. 860 Coxe ( Archdeac .) 581 Cataluua 872 Cropthom 67 4-9 Cayllario 918 Crown Lands 983 Caza 719 Cueva 874 Cecil (Sir Wm.) 931 Cullum 531 Celstis (i- e. Ciesar) 901 Cnstnmale 960 Celtic Remains 627 S. Cyriaous 914 Co. Essex 12028 Etheldrida 902 Eton College 805 Eugenius, P. 523 Eugenius, P. Ill, 726 Eusebius 606 Eutychianistae 901 Evesham 674-5 Evreux 523 Exchequer 535 Farsitus 902 Fawsley 976 Feckenham 672 Fee Farm Rents 523 Fee Farm Rolls 993 Fees 939 Feoda Milit. 9G6.12090 Hantmry 659 Ferdosi 847 Hanley 676-82 Co. Gloucester 690 Glover 844 Goa 521 S. Goar 914 Godos 872 Godstow 511-5-9 Gologras 555 Gorges 12027 Grammont 794 Granado 647 Grand Jury 819 Greek Writers 872 Greenwich 744 Gregor. Turon. 917 Gregorius Nyssen. 609 Grimley 677 Guernsey 12090 Guienne 735 Guilsboro’ 12075 Guru Nanie 827 Hackingtou 754 Haeda 916 Hale 12085 Hallow 677 Hamburgh 855. Hamilton 536 Hampton 674-80 INDEX TO MSS. IX BIBLIOTHECA miLLIPPICA. Hanover 748 Haringhus 5S0 Harrison 757 Hartlebury 678 Haselbeech 12027 Hasted 818 Hasting 573 Hastings 12090 Hatfield Brodoke 811 Jlaynau 602 Hebrew Writers 872 S. Helens 925 Helsinus 902 Henert 833 Henr. V, 580 Hen. VI1 820 Hen. VIII 820 Henrietta 765 Henry 730 Co. Hereford 1202S Hermannus 603 Heron 840 Hesiod 723 Hesychius 610 Heytesbury 662 Higford 587 Highlands 561 Hill 841 H indlip 671 Hippocrates 779 Hist orici Greed 890 Jurisprudence 945 Manors 12021 Justices of Peace 754. Mansfeldt 885 Kamurchan 828 [974 Mantua 872 Kan He 564 Keating 596 Keevil 054 Kelmarsh 12026 Kent 815 Kilcoo 713 Kihnegan 713 Ld. Kiugsboro’ 632 Kings Norton 670 Kirby 924 Kleber 717 Knit/hts 820.941 Knights of the Bath 841 Kniveton 840 Koran 903 Grand I 4 ama 558 Lanark 629 Co. Lane. 844 Lancaster 12090 Land Tax 974.12034 Latin ay 876 La pa ter 873 Law 534-5.617 Ledger 946 Leo 610 Leodiensis $05 Leon 769-872 Leoni 758 MSS. 586.795-6 MSS Br. Mus. 666.981 -Bridges 980 -Cardigan 980 —— Gough 980 —■-— Hatton 980 —— Holkham 751 ——- Hungerturd 980 -Isham 980 -Phillipps. 666 ——* Willis 980 Man wood 754 Marcellus (*06 Marcuaro 914 Margaiet of Burgundy 820 Muriate 902 Marit-goja 824 Marlboro* 539-74 Marlboro’ L). of 817 Marmolejo 7<>3 Marriage 820 Martel 60.1 S. Martha 902 Mary Q. Scots 589 Massaehusels 528 Mass aria 779 Mathon 6S2 History 883 Leopold 545 S, Maurus 914 Hitcham 658 Letters 522-3 66 7-76 Maximus 608 Holdenby 12048 -81.651-9. 712-13-26 Mechuacan 642-92-3-4 Holkham 741 - 36 - 62-72-91.863-4 Medici 866 Holland 853 -89.922-31-3-6 Medicine 570.729-70-9 Holliday 935 Five Letters of Cortez -80-810 Holman 12028 G5I Medina Celi 872 Holme Lacy 587 Lexicon 870 Megavissey 583 Holt 677 Ligodores 822 Melisso 874 Homer 723 Li mites 800 Melsa 12b 90 Hnpkinson 948 Lisle 734 M.P.s Co. Nton. 974 Born 947 Littleton’s 674-9 Mendoza 642-7 Horologia 881 Lives 547.854-61-4.902 Menestrel 620 Ilorseley 750 -3-27 La Mer 8t! 1 Hotot 12025 Llanderfel 953 Met chants 543 Houlate 555 Llandrinio 9-53 Merlin 594 PI owe 529 Llangollen 9.)3 Mexico 632-5-49.797. Hoxne 689 Lloyd 661 802-3 Hungerford 6G9 Lollards 523 Michele 8 66 Hussey 665 London 1 * 2028-88 Midleton Cheney 975 Pluwera 850 London Visit. 843 Mirabilia 906 Huygens 881 Longmate 623 Missionaries o58 Hydarium 966 Longspeye i2090 Moliun 93 4 Iccouib 680 Lords Marchers G26 Molan 748 Inclosure Acts 994 Lough Erne 730 Molyneux 523.837 Indexes 637-8-42.710 Lough Foyle 536 Monas lieu 1^044 Indian Deity 830 Lucano 766 Moneta 523 Indias 637-8-42-91.H0 Lucius, P. 111,728 Monmouth GO-3 -96 Luilield 991 Montesa S72 Ingulphus 12('9Q Lunenburg 748 Montjoye 754 Jnq.p. Mart- 665.964-5 Lybia 741 Morfi 63 4 Inquisition 521 Lyons 975 Morgan (Sylvanus) 843 Intrationes 910 Mac Cuirtin 593 Moriscos 872 Ireland 536-42-93-5 Macfarlane 537 Motolinia 71 0 Triarte 875 Macrobius 8*21 Mortymer 523 Irisli Dictionary 752 Madeira 544 Mundus 906 I rish Poems 7 14 Madrid 87*2 Munoz 651-96-7 Irish Records 837 Magellan 875 Musters 523 Isidor, Pacens. 872 Magneles 955 Nagera 643-5 Italy 859 Mahumet 903 Nani 540 Jacobi tie 741 Mainwaring 932 Naples 908 Jac. I, 789.936 Malbruch 877 Napoleon 7l5 Jamaica 12091 to 12100 Malcolm 8H3 N a poles 87*2 Jarret 687 Malesherbes 799 Narvaez 648 Java 731 Mallorca 872 Natalicice S. S. 909 Jersey 1*2091 Malraso 861 Navarre 872 Jerusalem 6,03 Maluceo 647 Navarrete 795 Jesuits 801-62 Malvern 676-82.770 Nehellenia 853 Johes. Rex 618 1. of Man 746-04 Nelson, Ld. 756 Journal 956 lip. of do. 746 Nerquis 953 Jubilee 12090 Manichei 901 Netherton 674 Junot 717 Manicurt 955 Neumayr 759 Neville 12090 Newbottle 976 New Grenada 704-5-7 New Hampshire 570 Newland 676 New ling 685 New Mexico 643 New Spain 7 Parkes 953 Paries 963 Parliament 522-63,767 819.936 Parish Registers 520. 67 0-4.976-7-8-9.12002 -3-1-5 Patent Rolls 720 S. Patrick 730 S. Paul 621 Puulus P.... 906 Paver 961 Pays Has 851-S5 Peccatu 890 Pedes l'inium 665 Pedigrees 537-75.623. -84-6-7.998 to 12001 -1 4 to 1 7-37 to 13 Pedwardyne 120 JO Pegelandia 12090 Pendulu 881 Penhoet 689 Penitentials 747 Percy (Bp.) 567.713 Permsten 758 Persia 724.683 Peru 633-44.709.872-5 Peter Cantor 753 P; tern (Hugh) 757 Petracordia 814 Phenician Writers 872 F hr nix S87 Plnlelpho 861 Philip 11, 798 Pnihppi 580 Phtlvsophta 899 Pickering 63 1 Pmkeiton 567 Pinnor 937 Pipe Bulls 963 Prpewell 908 Pitliou 755 Placita 628-31.912 Plantes 799 Planudes 610 Poll Book 783 Pollock 713 Pomeroy 840 Pontefid 860 Ponte li act 12090 Porcellus 604 1 urtinun 363 Portugal 543 4.801-72 Posted us 813 Potterspurv 12074 Prattinion 670 Preluctas 649 Prerogative 088 Prisciliiauistie 901 Proclus Gio Prum y .4 Puelli 918 Pugh (Owen) 622 Pulce 865 Pykering 12090 Quadratma 727 Quebec 571 2 Quito 649.7«<9 Rudclitle 6o7 Kam 844 liavell 47 llawleigh 754 Recusants 12046 Records 749 Redditch 6iU Reges 603.872 Registrant 624.726 Registr. Rolieusc 778 Bedes 748 Renfrew 629 Rentule b 11.12072 Reports 535 Resjjublica 801 Restoration 775 Rhode Island 568 Ric. 1, 545 Rie. li, 912 INDEX TO MSS. IN BIBLIOTHECA PIIILUPFICA. Riim Cronyk 545 Rive 889 Rocheehouart ,540 Rochette 546 S. Kochi 547 Kollo 548 Rolls 523 Roman Altars 853 - Coins 853 Roman Catholics 063 Roman Writers 872 Rome 622 Romney 95l Rouqnilio 760 Rood Klooster 850 Roodlojt 764 S. Rosa 551 Rot. Patent. 083 Royal Aid 12076 Royal Oak 963-74 Rubies de Villas 600 Rule 552 Rutland 12034 Ruysch 565 Saavedra 647 Subaudia 550 Sahagim 646 St. Gv-orge 840 St. John 764 St. Maur 801 Sale 7-4 Salop u01.685-6.805 Sanciano 564 Saodoyer 6(J2 Sanscrit 827 8anta Martha 704-5 Saracen i 003 Sark 12090 Sariuiento 645 Sarum S. Edmund 709 Saturnalia 821 Savoy 872 Saxony, Duke of 759 Scaia 823 Sacans 722 Geo. Scolasticus 610 Scotch A'obles 761 Scotch Poems 555 Scotland 537-52-4-70. 754.026 38-40-7 Scots Law <517 Scots (Mary Q.) 527 Scotts 12090 Scut ay ia 063 Scudamore 517 Seamen 042 Seetah 834 Sega.-, (Sir Win.) 556 Selewode 513 Selkirk 629 Scmington 657 Sergius P. 900 Sennones 000 Sermons 925-29 Seville 7.95 Shaftesbury 73- Shah Nanieh 847 Shaw 579 Sheldrsley 671-6 Shertield 769 R. B. Sheridan 581 Sheriffs 974.12073 Sheriffs Courts 631. 12088 Shi. ley 810 Sihlwld 947 Sicilia 872 Sidney, Sir Philip 7G2 Silesia 557 Simon 6 19.700-1-2 Simpson 763 Smgaassun 829 Skinner 043 Sligo 730 So tala 711 Soissons 902 Soldan 754 Co. Somerset 12028 Soolateen 828 Soraute 866 Soriano 758 Soto 6 *0 Spain 038 Spelho 9^6 Springer 557 Siair 6 I 7 Stan to id 676 Stanley 764 Star Chamber 769 Statula 897 905-8-1 1 Slatuti 822-4 Stepel Ashton 654 Stephanus 557 S. Stephen 854 Sterthuys 887 Sit.wai t 527 Stockton 671 Stoefler 547 Stowe 613 Subscription 930 Suetonius 904 Suevi 872 Suffolk 924 Co. Suff. 12028 Sumatra 731 Surrey 816 Sussex 931 Sutton 818.076 Swiliington 12090 S.'Svvythin 960 Synodi 804 Synodals 12036-40 Talbot 942-3 Tamworth 944 Tangiers 791 Tardebig 670 Tarragon 872 Taylor 12045 Tell, z 643 Tenants in cap. 962-3 Ten bury 670-8 Tepeoca 801 Terra Fiima 699.700- 2 7 Texas 634 Tezozomoc 635 Theodor, Studita 610 Theodoretus 607 Theodotus 610 'rheophylactus 605 Thibet 55S Tigerno 594 Tighe Cuinim 598 Tineosmis 5ol Tiviotdale 931 Tizon 872 i oleuo 706.872 Toro 872 Tournament 754 To wees ter 977 Townsend 94l Trade 544 Travels 807 TreMiam 12047 Tieves 852 Trinidad 585 Trmitas 901 Trivaldos 706 Troyes 755 T'-ulliade 550 Tultecas 640-1 Tunis 700 Turchi 580 Turkey Merchant 793 Tushirut 828 Ulster King 837 Umtrevill’e 523 Unton, Sir H. 774 Usurarii 609 Utrecht 916 Vadus 725 Vakeelut 833 Valencia 872 Valenciennes 737 Valle 647 Valle Crucis 953 de la Valiiere 889 Vallum Roman . 523 Vanburgh 817 Vandali 872 Van Diemen 688 Venice 522-80.866-8-9 Verdonck 876 Vergerius 560 Vergerius 007 l Vervins 892 Vicarages 903 Victuallers 12077 Vienna 855 Villalobos 647 Villaseca 872 Villegas 872 Visitations 842-3-5-6. 974 Visitations(pfHeralds) 518-9.12037-8 Vita 928 Vitce SS. 547 Vitelli 738 Vizcaya 524 Vossius 806 Voyages 743-4-5-59-68 Wake 768-9 Walafrid 014 Walcheren 853 YValdegrave 790 Wales 626 W ales (Prince of) Walpole( Horace)792-4 VV alsingham 049 Walter 604 Waltham 618 W'andelbert 914 War 523 Warburton 533 Wardon 076 Wards 665 Warkworth 075 Warminster 662 Warwick 578 Warwick (Guy) 809 W ase 561 Welch 622 \\ estbury 662 \\ eston 936 Wherwell 514 Wicheriford 677-84 Wickhamford 674-9-80 Wightlock 523 Wni. Conq. 902 Williams, Sir C. 660 Willis (Browne) 936 Wills 518-969-70-1-2-3 Wilts 652 to 657 W ilts Notes 663 Wilts Visitation 667. 8 12.058 Wimbledon 526 Wine Merchant 946 Gt.YVishford 664 Withal 670 Wodhull 975 Woodstock 817 Worcester 510-4 VV ore. S. Mich. 678 Worcestershire 670 Worcester Wills 959 YVratislaw 557 Wriothesley 820 Wynton 960 Xalisco 643 F. Xavier 564 Yelverton 12050-1 Yngas 645 Co. York 749.817-44. 948-61 York, Duke of, 523 Yucatan 531 Yxtlilxochitl 640-] Zeeland 887 Zorita 633 Zuniga 647-91 Zurjta 872 INDEX TO CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS MSS. Part 2. a 12101 bacus 4o bstracts of Title 79 lderton 79 ines 23 nd lew 51 ndrew P. 68 .nstis 23 tnliquaries 17 ragon 59 rms St George 59 :nny Commission 55 [rtillery 56 .therstone Manor 78 .uelier 27 uctioneers 18 -yIusay 56 laker MS. 60 lallard 23 ■antam 39 laronetor 62 lenet 02 booksellers 20 iiown Willis23 lugby 79 ullinger SI iuileigh 15 lalver 79 Catalogue 50 'ivil War 02 > 0 averted Men 51 Conway 41 Copyrights 21 losgrave Deeds 7 2 lour de Monnries 93 'reilsheins 97 ’ublington 79 /timing 03 Jiibsiai Legenda 99 lustums 43 )aventre 73 Javentry 79 ieeds 69- 70-1-2-3-4-5- 6-7 lerhy, Co. 77 )ucarel 23 Jivorce 97 liizth. Landwaeia Thurinqiifc 99 ’enn 05 ’ennor 60 'rancis, Sir Philip 16 reeling, Sir F- 19 ' 7 rce Warren 73 'relieh Mint 93 'foreign Liltrati 22 larrick 10 Jarston 71 i ay ton Manor 78 Glamorgan 35 Jlastouburv 01 Jloueester, Co. 79 jranl Memoirs. 10 Jia.it Vaux Journal 0Q >t. Bourtun 79 Jrcens Norton 71 Jmnscote 73 hinlow 77 5 rose 23 Juido d'Arezzo 45 iuillord, (Ld) 46 >Wynne 55 lenrici Imp. Gesta 99 larleston OS laio 24 larpole 69 70 Jeralds 17 leibert Pedigree 53 lerbert l , rosapia 31 visli Revenue ^8-9 12101 Journey 04 Junius 16 King’s Jetcels 27 Kislingbury 73 Law CommonPlaci BoU 32 Law Reports 4S Law ford 79 LOand theAntiquaryW Letters 15-18 Letters of Officers 12 Librarians 18 Martin, of Pulgrave 05 Mauritius 07 Meyrick 3 r » Military Services 09 Mol)neux 23 Munich 98 Mu sic a 45 Mystic Books 13 Nassau 19 Nton. Co. 60 Do. do. 61 Nton. Cat tings 64 >-lon. Elections 66 Nton, Fines 65 Nton. Institutions 75 Nton. MSS.in Brit.Mus. if Record Office t> Nton. Pedigrees 67 Numismatists 18 Oxon. Co. 79 Pangraciuni 95 Pardons 46 Parliament 30 Du. Judicuture 31 Pavenham 79 Pegge 23 Felicioiis 44 Phillips 13 Poullainto 82 to 93 Price 4 i Prices 1S Prideaux 49 Printers 20 Proverbs 57 58 Prnter 98 Pury Manor 71 Reports Jac. I. 33 Revenue 40 52-4 Risington 79 Rotter 98 Roxburgh Club 13 Si. John Hosp. Nton 74 St. Winifred Vita i l Scotch Families 08 Sermon es 95 Sheiutarter 96 Sid mouth 49 Sidney 48 Somerset, Co. 04 Spain 24 i Spralton 74 State Letters 37 Stale Papers 42 Stale Payments 47 Stoke Poges 79 Tanlild 69 Taunton 43 Terrarium 01 Topographers 17 Tysoe 79 Vallancey 23 Vaux Deeds 70 Vouldern 79 Walsingham 15 Warrant Book 25 Warrants 41 Warwick, Co. 04 12101 - 200 . Welsh Pedigrees 26 Wilkianson ; Sir J 36-7-3 Wilts 14 7 ( > Wolphamcole 79 Wood fall 16 Worcester, Co. 04 Zurich 81 12200 Aimon 70 Albanus GO AI hi i ms 90 Alexander Papa 67 Alva 325 Alypius 61 Anustasius Biblioth. G4 Antiphouule 91 Apoeatypsis 62.90-S Areche 90 Anns 01 62. 72 Abbey 37 Ablington 55 Admiralty 29 Asserton 55 Assumptio B V. M. 92 Aurea Legenda 92 Aureolus 90 Ballard, Campden 42 Barbaro 4S Bardi 02 Bas*et 55 Beda 200 62. 98 Ben Israel 10 Benson 47 Bermondsey Abbey 19 Bibliotheca 11 Bigland 07 Bud 03 Bliss 52 Bocee 22 Bread Assize 41 Brenarium 87. 8. Bristol, Earl of, '21 Brown 30 Brutus 41 Brydges Sir E. 52, 54 Caesar 77 Calligraphic 12 Campden 42 Canada 18 Cantic a 97 Caprameus 93. 9 Cartce Antiques 08 Car tee Edw. ..41 Carturiani 21 Cassianus 61.G6.73-4.76 Cato 97 Celeidos 82 Celsus 79 Chertsey 37 Cheshire 32-3-4-5-6 Do. Visitation 35 Chester Exchequer 25 Children, Claims of 30 Cicero 78 Ciivorum 44 College St. J110. ... Colleton 25 Constantinople 75 Con tug hi 48 Conway Dispatches 13 Cornwallis, Earl of, 28 Cotion, Sir Robt. 31 Cronicon Sempringham 51 Cumberland, Co. 01 Cy rill us 86 Dacianus 6C 12200 Deeds 04 Denmark 15 Devonshire 55 Dibnin 52. 4 Do re Abb. Cronico n200 Dronysaus 200 Durazzo 46 Durham, Co. 01 Elcmosiuarius 55 Elgin 42 Elias Prophcla 66 Embassus 20 England 20 Eormulare Legum 24 Epigrams 41 Essex, Robt, E. of, 30 Eduaries 25 Eugippius 63 Euphraxia 65 Euphrosune G5 Eusebius 86 Eusebii Chronica 66 Evanelios 10 Evange/istarium 84 Exchequer 26 Exeter 41 Exorcism 67 Fairfax 30 Finch, Ld. 25 Flaoigny 06 Foutius 60 Fortunatus GO Ft atresM mores 87-8-9. 90 Fry 52-3-4 Fulgentius 60 Fuller 25 Genesis 95 Germany 20 Gilbert, Sir John, 26 Gloucester 255 Gloucester, Co. 07 Gower 32 Gryme 29 Guilingen 11 Hamilton 23 Haselwood 52 Bebraica Nomina 66 Do. Locis. 6 Hereford, Co. 03 Hereford Court Lcet 21 Flincmur 68 Holland 20 Horsley Ol Homagiam Scotiae 25 Hugouis Cronicon 200 Invcntaire 06 Jn vent to Crucis 63 Ipens 12 Italy 17 Jac. II. Memoirs 09 Januarius 60 Jenkins Leolin 56 Johes, Elemosinarius 6*1 Jones, Edw. 02 Judith 98 Juvencus 80 Kalendure 41 Kene 36 Lactanlius 83 Lantarnam 57 Law Precedents 14. 37 Laycus .90 Lex Ecclesiastica 33 Leontius C0-1.5 Leveland 92 Levitrn 66 Lincoln Gentry 94 Lippomano 48 12200 Livings(Chancellor , s)9 3 Llantilio Cronsscay 05 Manoleso 48 Maria, B. M. V. 41 Marini Scoti Cronicon Mar tyres 98 Mary Magdalen 75 Medici 58 80 Melivetanus Epus 82 Merchants 29 Methuen 49 >0 Meun, J de, 22 Mexico 43 Missale 89. 99 Montis Dei 21 JJ itgan Sylvaaus 35 Moygne 41 Magna Chart a 41 Mysteries 94 Northumberland, Co. Cl Noy 29 Numeri 90 Origen 66 Parishes 28 Parliament 23 Parliament of H. 7. 25 Pas de la Mort. 93 Passiones Apostolorum 98 Pi rsecuttones L hris- tiance 66 Pertz 11 Peter the Great 20 Petrus Duco.ms 63 Philustriui 63 Poison 06 Polaud 16 Predestinatio 60 Preueslino 48 Prophclice 66. 96 Prosper 97 Provinciate 95 Prussia 13 20 Professiones 21 Psalteriu/n 85 Records 70. 82 Regal Impositions 31 Regicides 97 A > e/a/ , io?zej>VenetianEe48 Revolution England 49 Risdon’s Devon. 89 Rodd MSS. 200 Roman Antiquities 88 Roman Catholics S8 Russia 13 St. Ambrose 67 St. August in 60-1-3-4-6 68-9-7l. 98 St. Basil 65 St. Benedict 58 St. Bernard 86 St. Cyprian 71 St. Euphraxia 65 St. Euphrosine 65 St, Francis 90 St. Gaudentius 64 St. Gregory 98 St. Hieronymus 61. 73. 86 St. H ubert 40 St. Job. Chiysostom 65 St. Macharius 65 St. Marcellinus 90 St. Maximo Taurin 67 St. Michael’sMount 04 St. Remigius 68 Samaria: Reges 66 Sebastiani 57 Scolasticus 60 INDEX TO CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS MSS. Past 8, 8* 12-200 Scotch College 09 Seldeu 28 Seropringham 51 Simpson, Sir Wm. -19.50 Somerset, Co. 55 Soranzo 48 Soriano 48 Stanley, [Bishop,) 28 S tatuta Anglia; 41 Synodus Sexta 75 Tenures 28 Titles 06 Venieri 48 Victor 60 Victorianus 60 Vincenzo 4S Vindiciarus 60 Virgil SI Voragtne 92 Ursus 65 Westmoreland, Co. 01 Wibaldus 38 Wilts Co 55 Win wick Rectory 28 Wrangham 53 Wygenhale 38 Wynoe 56 12300 Apucafypsi* 03 Aspeden 31 Bacon 67.88 Berlin 42 Biblia 08 Boetius GO Bon Mot. 23 Borgia 25 Borough M. Ps. 55 Bolero 20 Brachygraphy 28 Brito 08 Brcvianum 10 Butler Family 66. 7 Carlo V. 25 Caronina 01 Cavulca 01 Chas. 1. 41 Copres 12 Cotton 16. 58 Deeds 23 Deskford 18 Devon. Co. 09 Dies Egyptiaci 09 Doughty z6 Dr airings 04 Em per oi s 35 Eugippius 52 Evunyelia 48 Families Ancient 64 Feoda Militum A orf.b Fetteresso 18 Fidci Profes&io 36 Figueroa 20 Fiorili 02 Flanders 70. Florentia 09 Ford^ce 18 Forests SO Fosbroke 41 France 76 Gariock 18 Genealogy 11 Gevethiiacon 65 Genova *25 Gentry 68 Gladiatura 09 Greece 39 Gregorius in Job. 50 12200 Gregor Nazianzen 49 Greville 42 Guiciardini 20 Guillion 75 Gussage 26 Hayles Abbey 57 Henr. 4. Spain 20 Heraldry 09 Heralds Visitation 63 Holies 88 Horatius G 7 Horontius 60 Inquisition 25 Invasion 81 Italy 40 Jac, II. 19 Jesuitas 25 Joachim 03 Josephus 11.47 King’s Officers 62 Kirkfield 17 Knights 16. 92 Macarius 12 12300 Virginia 41 Vitas Sctorum 12 Vocabutarium OS Vox Populi 41 Warner 319 Wills 87 VVogan 80 Wolves 88 Wool 88 Wyrriott SO Yeaman 16 Zouch 79 Caermarthen 65 Cardinals Lives 82 Carlo V. 94 Cavalii 94 Cheshunt 57 Childerannus 60 Childomar 60 China 38 Chudleigh 28 Coel 66 Coronation 63 12400 St. David Vita 66 St. Eleazar 60 St. Kynauc 66 St. Marcus 60 St. Otilia 60 St. Rematlus 59 St. Remigius, ab Hinc- maro 60 St. Tiburtus 60 Saints (Welsh) 66 Tansius 42 Tarikh Tabari 33 Tarragona 41 Tephilloth 10 Thmgden 56 Tours 36 Trioed YnysPrydain 06 Dazi 82 Tuscany, Grd. Duke 36 Donah 84 12400 Croqui 65-6 Croci 67 Crecis 08 Cosmo di Medici 4S Cacciatori 70 de Castro 71 Clement II. 86 Conventi 90 Droit Nalurel 18 Dati 69 Deichman 72 Delfino 73 Diario 74-5-6-7 D’lsthia 78 Discorsi 79. 80-1 Dondini 82*3 Mac-Guire’s ( Ld.)Trial Court Rolls 56 88 bis. Maidstone 38 Mancinus 21 Me I fort Jac. II. S8 Mickmaque 43 Military Affairs 88 Militia 88 Miranda 25 Missule 300 Moira, (Ld.) 30 Morris 28 Moyses 12 Namur 24 Naples 25 Nedham 95 Mobility 16. 73 Nton. Co 32 Numismata 88 N uitmbelg 25 Ogilvy 18 Ordinal y of Arms 71 Ossuna 25 Overbury, Sir T- 76 Owen,(Geo Vl/A'6'.73.S0 Mabmogi 66 Palimpsest 06 Paieiiini'ius 12 Culhwch 66 Dania 45 Deeds 63 Derby, ( Earl) 63 Didrefnyn 66 Diomedes 58 Doughty 55 Dyfnwall 63 Genealogy 63 Ha;herer 45 Han&e Towns 45 Ken 65 Kendal Barony 43 Lambert 14 Laertius Liogenes 15 Lauderdale 32 Lecca Casa 52 Leventhovp 57 Liber iKige ~ Lipsius 93 Lludd 06 'Pyas 56 Vaillant 88 Venice 46 Villa Hermosa 29 Villeroi 26 Vitas Sctarum 60-1 Viitorio Siri 86 Dotti S5 Fanusio 98 Ferdinand II. 99 Innocent X. P. 577 Do. P. 11. 0.19 Do. P.Xl, 19 Lottini 59 Vocabulary Welsh 63-4 Milan 15. 29 Wales 63-5-6 Mirandola 17. 29 Warsaw Diet. 34 Mantua 54 Warton's Winchester 8 Overnia 49 Wasia 21 Waterford 02 Welsh Families 400 Welsh Grammar o4 Welsh Poems 53 Wgan 62 Winchester 8 Yorke 38 125C0 Alexander VI. P. 75-6 Do. P. VII. 77 Ed. IV. 14 Austria Archduke 38.48 Calligraphy 05 Cabala 21 Provinciate 303 St. Antiochus 12 St. Athanasius 12 St. Carpus li St. Claia 02 St Euplnosine 312 St. Francis 02 St. l-'ronto 12 St. Furscus 12 St. Helena 12 j Si. Hilanon 12 St. Hieronymus 12 St Maria Egyptiac; St. Marina 12 St. Martin’s Parish 15 Polonia 45 Low Countries 11 Ctesenna 27 Ludovicos Camaldul. 15 Q am ^j 22 Canobi 24 Maxen Wledig. 66 Capponi 24-5-6-7 Medaghe 88 Cardiiaxlismo 28 Meddygon Myddfai 62 Carlo V. 29 30 Porretta 27 Popes Lives 514 Pepoli 43 Piacevoli 70 Piatelli 70 Regalia 516 Ranuzzi 51 Religio Catolica nel Mundo 538-9 Roma 53-4. 65 Sphera 33 Savello 49. 54 Tacitus 02 Torracbione 63 Traged/a 73 Turco 84 Venice 11. 84 Venieri 448 Varchi 20 Della Valle 54 Visconti 69 Vittorio Siri 26 . 12 St Pelagius 12 St. Simplex 12 St 'lhais, ih eretrix 12 Seneca 05-6 Sermons 13 Silvinus Mbbas 12 Souihwt It z i-2, 88 Speechio di Croce 04 Statioid lo. 88 Stewart 17 Topography 41 Toledo 25 Travels 88 Tvrone^ Rebellion 88 Medicine 20 Mevnell 01 Monacetla 63 Montgomery 40 Mutter um Steiilitas 44 Nisbet 16 Nobility 30 . Officio 31 Ongenismus 49 Parliament 63 Parliament Debates 83 China^I Papole.ius 60 Clbo HnlyrteOwm Tudor63 Cmquino 46 Cauallo 46 C’asali 31 Cavalcanti 32 Cavallerius 33 Cai a/care 34 Carretani 35-6 Cronaca 27. 55 Cerri 38-9 Cesano 40 Chit-sa 4 1-2-3 Casliglione 43 12(300 to 999. l'opes Lues 68. 82 Portugal Cories 47 Price, (Sir Juo.) 63 Primrose 32 Prisciau 58 Prophecy 03 Pucci Letters 60 Pwyll U6 Ragusa 94 Ranuzzi MSS. 67, Rees David 62 St. Alfa 60 St. Benedict 60 St. Beuuo Vita 66 Cipro 47-8-0 Clement V. 50 Constitutions 60 Co loin bier 51 Colonia «' Academici 734 Agricola 972 Alamana 724 Aldegati 670 Alex. VII. P.772-3.9 Amalesi 764 Ambergo 867 Aminta 974 jLmori 967 Anima 898 Ann all 758-9 JLnnalia 973 Ancorio 858 Apollo 881 Aristotle 763 918 Arithmetica 908-76 Commendone(C'ard.)53 Jhmata Fortagueza! Corapagoi o5 • drs Tacendi 738 81 Concilia 56 Concilium Lateran 57 C'onc/avi 58-9. 86 Congressi 60 Conventius 62 Corsiqi 63 Cospi 64 Arte Loqucndi 799 Aslrunomia 978 Austria 824 Avanie 665 Badouaro 866 Baldi 860 Bani 909 IUDEX TO CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS MSS. Pam 2. i 2000 to 999. Barberini 705 Bntta 728 Bauzi 859 Bellini 67I 12C00 to 999. Cueva 8*9-56 Damlmi 945 De la Rena 7*15 De Ortu 077-80 Benedict XIII. 737 955 U e s Cartes 727 Bentivoglio 873 Bergontius 851 Beni 807 Boccacio F. 787 Boll 861 holla d'Oro 708 827 Betti 857 JJia 'to 756 Diodone 764 Ecclcsiasti a 720 947 Education 829 Eylme Gallic ane 907 Pologna 668-77, 710-18 Elect,o /W 8861138 -'25- 52-71-7-8-804 Elena 8S4 -7- 9-26-43-7-8-aO Embassy 937 60 - 6 4-9-32-048-09-73 Enigmata 684 Boncompagiii 678-9 Buda 695 hucchareide 680 Bucchi 820 877 Buonarotti M. A. 787 Brescia 7)5 Brisac /S'icyc 694 Caldeiino 894 Calixto III 845 Europa 910 Epicurus 934 Felicit a 9t<9 Ferdinando I. 779 Ferdinand 11 012 Fenara 6G3-45-8S 709- 66-23 800-33-69-83 Ferri 604 Feste 605 Fideli 814 -C 5 Camera Apostolica 903 Filicaia oOo C’andia 990 . Capilupi 817 Capponi 7»4 Caiada Card 712-54 Cardinalt 830 Carlo Mbgno 631 Carlo V. 744 810 Casa Pi a 733 Casi i ariosi 892 Caslel Vecchio 722 Castro 910 Cavalcanti 808 Cavalli 813 Centini 836 Cento 807 Charles V 851-06 Cltiesa Gallicana 668 Chiesa Grceca 877 Cliiozza 990 Chiist 935 Christianita 792-3 Cicalata 721 940 Ciampoli 825 Ctprus 932 Citla 068 Clement VII. 052 Filippo V. G41 Filosojia o07 Fueoze 609-10-12 709- 66-814-65 Fioientiui 608-747 Flamiuio 933 Hon nee 784 920-57-8- 93 F'ornassari 831 Forti G12 Forluna 673 852 Fortezze 887 066 Fontana Oil Forzoni 613 Fosconi 614 Francia 616-7 817 - 3*2- 88-90 903-5-6-30-51- 64-5 France 819 Franc *si 618 Frarichigia 615 Franciesi Card 822 Francis I 810 Farnese 641 Fredenc Imp. 943 Frederico IX. 7b7 Clement VIII, 756 051- Fresnoy 619 Clement IX. 954 Fuochi Jrlcjiciali 620 CkmemXI.ii7eclion735 Galileo 785 Codroneo 752 Colonia 637 Comachio 805 Cou.cedui 767-69-91 Comraendone 868 toj.cilium 890 Coe clave 653 836-45 1 50-1-2-3-4-5-6 Conclavisla 748 Cor.giura 836 Coii-tautinus 720 Gallia 891 Ghiselli 667 785-6-92 903-10-21-2-8-36 Geographia 780-1 Genet atio 763 Genova 794 995-00 Germania 813 Gesuiia Chicsa 949 Giustiniani 937 Gt. Britain 889 Gi eci Scismatici 795 Constantini DonatioTli) Gregoiio XIII. 6/8 Constantinopoli 8ib 909 Gregors F. XIV. 95l Contagion 802 Gregory XV. 951 Conversations 840 Coruero 832 Coronado 676 Correro 817 C'OMmo 787 Gualieriu 748 Guicciardini 927-8 Guiscard, fUobt.) 825 Guerra del Turco 66b Hawking 088 Cosmode Medici* 639 Historicu 801-7 Cospi 834 Hydrophobia 752 Cutitunn di Roma 772-3 Iachia (MultanJ 894 CV hcc* 637 710 84i*l0 hit ayo 601 Immodest ia 838 12600 to 999. Imola 7H-67 933-62 Incarnation 651 India Oecid 745 Infeurlatio 8*27 Inghillerra 639. 52 94 Innocent XII P. 950 Innocent IX. X- 95l Innocent XI11. G53 Innocent XT 962 Insciizion 651 Institu/iones 900 Invpslituru 825 lsolam 724 Istoria 74 >-895 Istoria Romana 731 Italia 6lt:-6l-2 741 James II. 872-5 Jus Civile 655 959 Justinian 663 Reruniu 7 11 Lam herd 664 Landeriani 811 Lauria 065 Lava mini GI8 Lazaia Sultana 894 leg ae 8<»3-99 Celt ere C69-8I-98. 712- 785 Let ter e di Rcgi 668 Leo 9n5 Leo II. 951 Libanovi 945 Ltbri 7 18 Leyyeide de Moses 925 Lippo 671-2 Logic a 908 Lombardia 637 Lori 673 Louis XIV. G74-5 Louis XV. 676 Loltmi 950 Lucca 78.-4 822 Luccello 721 Luigi XU1. 617 992 Luna b9 l Maehizelli 714 Macio 670 Maft'i i (>7 h M agalolti 680-1 Maggi (.82 M agnani 859 Mahomet 894 Maioetn 6>*3 Malaberti 787 Malaspn a 762 Malatesti 6S4 Maldacchini 085 Malmanlile 671 Malta 686 812 Malta Knights 686 Manliedi 667 88J Manolesso 833 Mantova 730 MarcaUli 680 Marcus Brutus 891 Alarescotti 656 723 Mareiti 690 Marsigii 694-5 Mascardi 705 Mascellmi 909 Massacre St. Bartholo¬ mew 8«7 Natali 763 Mazarim Card. 685. 96- 6 17-8 862 Medicina 878 Aicdicumema 902 Memorie 7b0 Metaphysica 699 90S I2G00 to 999. Miiilaria 701 1 'Jinistro 702 Minucci 071 Minutoli 703-4 2 Mirandola 68 7 870 Modena 749-50 826 Mol ini 751 Moneia 869 Montc-calvi 710 Montepulciuno 8JS Monti 804 Monuments 719 Moratti 752 Mnrelli 753 Moris 754 Morosini 755 Mucantii 756' Nanni 758-9 Naples 635 700-1-82 Napolitano 633 Nascita di fin,lio 835 Navageio 7 17 Navagieri Sl8 Navarra 795 Ncpotiswo 605 Neri J04-5 • Nerll 706 Nizza 8 16 Nuncio 656-S-9 Olivares Conde 854 Olivio 767 Omodei 76S Ongaro 97 4 Oratorio 936 0\azion\ 770 Orijiamma 885 Orlando 7' 1 Orologi i 80 Pagnini 7J2-3 Palavicino 990 Palladio 774 874 Pamfilio 944 Pannes 904 Panigarola 841 F a pa 005 Paradisi 775 Parma 749-50 807-51 1‘asquinati 666 Pasquino 735 941 Paulo IV. C82 754-62 Paul V 95 1 Pelegrino 910 Pepuli 76*2-77-8 9S5 Peroui 779 Persia 815 Philip II 871 Philip V. 879 riti/osup/tia 913 Fttysica 9 I 8 Fhysionomia 700 Ftanezza 991 Piet label l i 780-1 Pignatelli 782 Piles 783 Pilone, Cortuedia 732 Pisa 779 914 Pius IV 733 Pius V. 668 871 Pianese 784 PluneLce 986 Pluratite dcMondesliia- 86 Foesie 787-8-9-90-1 901-04-5 Poiitica 792-3 834-93 947 Polonia 636-794-5 Pom pei 796 Pomificato 830 12600 to 999 . Fontifices 707 Popes Elections 987 P. Paolo IV 821 Pope ( The) 842 Popolazione 797 Poppon 730 Portoga'Io 790 Pest 695 Praxis Legum 823 Frecedenza 8 1 9 Preeeiti Moruli 799 Prisciano 800 Prosodiu. 930 Provenza 802 Quadriprdi 740 Quarant i 803 Qua' csimale 804 Quietismo 806 Uacovichi 894 Raimondi 09S 918 Rat is bon 820 Katta 848 Ranuzzi 705-37-55-93 699 900-1 Redi 7s 7 Regalia 903 4-5-6 Foynaglio 739 Ref or muzion 747 Relatione di Roma 717 Relatione 665 849 - 50- 66-76-88 931-67 Relazioni 812 -3-4 5-6- 7-8 32-3-912 Resurrection 863 Rieciardi 7 x 7 913-14-39 R/cellario Antico 915 Richelieu 916 Rienzo 809 Rime 917 Rinalducci 019 Rinuccini 920 Roma ( / Intichita) 774 Roma 665 746 853 - 68 - 74- 911-21.2-J-4-6-7- -8-51 Ronchetti 925 Rospigliosi 853 Rossi 926 Ruffo Cardinal 736 Russia 889 Sacco di Roma 668 St. rtlberto634 S. Dominico 719 S. Francis de Sales 783 St Luke 711 S. Maria dellaVita69l-3 Do. Egyptiaca 092 Salvator Rosa 787 Saminiato 765 Sampieri 9*29 San Marino 884 Satira 675 930 Savello 7 19 Savoia 630-931 Savorgnano 932 Saxi 933-62 Scarlati in< 934-00 Scarselli 843 Seccadenari 948 Seechia 949 Segni 957-8 Selvaggi 959 Seneca 960 Seraglio 909 Servita 946 Bforzo 767 844 962 Sibilla 706 Sicilia 761-68 825-1 011 Sienna 690 INDEX TO CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS MSS. Part 2. i 2600 to 999- Simeoui 706 Sixtus V. 643 Soane 045 Soletti 963 Sonetti 853 soriiuio 838-90 964 Spagua 639-69 930- 51 965 Spagouoli 966 Spam 819 Spontnui 0GS Spozalizia 64 I S tali Ecclesiasliei 716 St a to Pont if do 707 Strozzi 743 970-1 Symbola 647 Tacitus 972 Tansiilo 858 Tasso 974 Tassoni 973 TerraNova,i)«cfl i 3000 /0 999- Abbatvm Vitae 951 A / beys ‘299-761 ASj.cromby 818 Abergavenny Barony 107-60-73-769 Abington 173 Abulfcda 925 Acapulco 97*2 Occidents 096 Act of Grace 211 Actors 499 Acts of Apostles 857 A day ta 757 A dth es: rs 0*23 jElu'ici Gram mat. 598 Agincourt 446 Agriculture 860-974 A;_iu.*do (jS3 Aguinv 807 Ainsworth 3*24 7]3 Alborne Survey 595 13000 to 999 . 13000 to 99 'j. A rms Fui cign 4 18 Bethon Sacrum 935 Anns of Nobles, «.*j- Gen Benedict i ope 085 try 156 Beugworth 338-901 Do.Ordinary 7S2-953 Bcringucci 277 Do. Patents 392-434 Berkeley 173 Do. Peers 440-1.9 Berkeley of Berkeley Lo. Pules of I D 167 Anas of Scotch .Yobles Berkeley fives 471 164 Bei k« ley, Lord 132 Aims Sth Wales 161 B* rks Click. Rates 57! Beiks. Knls. Decs 5IS Do Payen an 518 173 Testamenla S31 973 Tiepolo 816 Todi 809 Tonti Card. 85-3 i orfanini SS0 Trajcdia 764-89 981-2- 3-4 Trapezonda 894 Trent Council 990 Trois 6G6 Tunis 942 Turchi 665-95 749 Tm co. Guerra 795 Turino 991 Tuscany 660 751-79 S76-91 Ugonotti 9G4 Urbauo VI. 707 Urban VIII. 657 836 919 51-2-92 Urbiuo 751 Vallati clc l’esaro 751 Varano 751 V arc h i 993 Varia 937 Veluti 991 Vpi i’te FamiUe 995-99 59 Ale-ester 334 Alderman 783 Aiisaunder 993 Adcmagne G36 Allen 475 Alphabet of Arms An 'ii Towers 799 Alva:ado 302-15 Alves!on 334 It rs 34 1 Ana-i ica South 303 Amts '94 Ammenhueseb 956 Aniphih eh us 866 Anabaptists 101 Anaticon S79 Anaximenes 935 A-.h a»i.-r 152 Ai.cU-idon 277 A nd iews 973 A. 1 ?, t. /1 >■ 1 63-290-9-5 Am * in Tt id: 70 ’-s5-~ Du Warrants 392 Anns, Quartmi. _s K 3 76-6-827 Army Accounts 4 47 Ash 185 Ashby, Ped, 638 Ashby, Suffolk 820 Asedmo 927 A si/to d'Oro OG’4 Asseusio 913 Aston Si*mt 1 ville 907 Astronomy 484 -54 I A si w ode 997 A helm y 353 A 1 hem v 208 Attainders ICO A tan lieu 976 Alhir.ania 979 A,.ho„i: l; J.is/iops 3*0 A _ . i|.) Bishops Cuslle 997 Avt i* . J. Ini , ,. 01 0 i.»h«|«ton 342 Aulo, li: !U7 I’.Un-rlej 06 .j oyrapk 1 . rs • - kliealh U6 oOO lo .'09 i soon to (jqq. Brydges, Sir E 193 Buenrelli 6S4 Buckingham, Duke 964 BuckU-r 751 Buildings 45 1 Bull 967 Buha 970 Bnllariam 31J Burbach 995 llurghill 638 Burgos 658 Burke, Win. 4G5 Ownersb\ 8 Burle'gh Papers 449 Burnell 17 1-789 Burnell, of Holgate 107 Bury St. Edm. 251-5C4 Butkens 454 Butler 25S-G8-7S6 Eviand 843 Kyllesby 991 Bysshe G rants 167 i.yzaulina Historia 875 h . Kingly Govern went I2u Bonilace, Pope 625 Bordiax 555 Vent zia 794 624 946-96 -7-8 Venice 026-7 849-56 Verneuit 806 Verona (Conte) 746 Bestir delie Dunne. 838- 46 Vescori SjO Veterinaria 979 Vettori 9‘27-8 17S. 906 Cantilupe 173 Canete 307 Canton 400-1-3 Bia< block 5'. 0 907 Dime AP’ Blunt 967 Boconnoi k Booh 164 Bod le v 841 Boise IliO Bolevn, \nna 002 Bolognetti 6 C »8 Bombay 973 Bonaparte, Lucieu 705 Canada 465 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Medicine 921 MB. 925 Karnes 925 Phrases 912 Plants 9‘2i Verbs 923 Arabs 546 Arabsiah 916-18 A; lu.all 242-74-5-90 Aichimbaud 300 Arctic Voyage. 314 Aideunes 951 Ar'stotelis Peean 882 .i > lih/netica 868 Arras 908 Arthur Pnnce 783 .‘>t M Hilaire 1 43 A i w mi alia 093 Borg a Cu-sar 002 1 orubach 806 B roughs 200 Borough Not roy 12j Bo.sporum, ch/a 309 Boucher 173 Bougainville 836 Boughroyd 752 B<-uideau.\,Z)w/te of,799 Carisbrook 794 Down of Hampton 757 Carlelon 982 Boxgrave C artul. 123 Carlo V. 942 B i ad bum 173 Canning 700-4 Cant aria i 7 *«> Canterbury 129 Cantref Gvvaeiod 757 Captive Lady 964 Cardinal Legates 173 Cardinals 182 Carew 788 Carewe (Gawin) 996 Carewe, (Sir Geo.) 12" Carhampton 675 Arms 169 -71 ->'3-9-391- Beauchamp 173 Braden stoke 967 Bradsh i\v 96? iSrantunie 082 Brazil 312 Bre.ikspear 6 <8 Bn chon*a 993 Brecon 087-490 Bred in 803 Brehon Law 743 Bu nt 543 Bretfortou 334-7-44 Brian Curtain 742 Bridges, Ld Ckandos 150 Caro 836 Carpenter 638 Cartes 456 -7-63-98-596 752-88-890-529 C artce Antiques 173 Car tee Bourdeaux 814 Carter, Mrs. 4U Carteret, Lord 296 Cartularies 094-104-23- O-i-7 3-290-347-564 -630-9-823- 43-9*2- 3-7-909 Casa Della 003 Casshiobury 448 Castell 967 J:il-3!-l7-.W6- U - Beauchamp.ol Warwick Brightwell, Oion. 150 Catalogue of Book) 432 ijo.-j.-ii iu7 liniisli History 680 Catalogues U93 Arms Alphabet 151 Beaulieu Abbey 693 Brooke, Ralph 202-393 Catcot 522 Anns o! Browne 126 Bedford. (Carl of,) 100 Brougham 708 Cathanen. Russia 367-8 Aims Co Dors. 181 Bella Landa 843 Browne 126-852 Catholic Law 825 Arms Cornwall 810 Belleisle b27 Bruu uI4 Catholic Letter. Mi INDEX TO CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS MSS. Part 2. 13000 to 999. Call in A/SS 010 Castles 630 Cave n:i Cayley 569 Cecil, Ld, Burleigh “89 Celtic 484-91 Census 593 Censori 834 Ceremoniale 007 Ceremonies 783 Chabot 191 Chacombe 164 Challenges \ '29-783 Chalmers 675-9-80 Chamberlayn 992 Chancery 517 Chapter Orders 963 Charlemagne 555 Charlemont, Lord 708 Charles I. 783 -95-963 Chars. I. Pictures 478- S07 Db. Prisoner '794 ( harles II. 966 Charles V. 128 Charles XII. 432 Charters 200 Chastelain 554 Chatterton 522 Chichester 180-456-7 Chifchester House 244 Chief Just ices I 60 Chici, Cardinal 435-53 '962 Child 973 Chili 686 Chiloe .972 China 397-8-9-400-1-11 13-4-5-6-685 Chinese Drawings 411 Chvrclies 630 Church Arms I 74 Church History 464 Church JV'u/es I85-9 Church Notes , Co.York. 117 Chronicles 787 Chronik 806 Chronology of Bible 859 -62-3 Cieza 683 Cirencester 532-5 City Remembrancer 391 Clanricarde 784 Claudius 350 Clergy tnstitutions693 ~5 Clifford Chambers 334 Close Rolls 10J-5-I6 603-769 Cobham 750 Coddesbrooke,Nton.l 50 Codices MISS 016 Coins 350 Colchester Cartularu 094 Cole MSS. 461 Coed Kenles 788 Coke 98d Coke on Littleton 810 Coker, Ped. 165 Commons House 133 Compton 783 Computus 993-6 Conclavi 0S3 Conciles 952 Condon 729 Conlach 292 Counall Gulban 724-41 Convocation 472 13000 to 999. Convoca t ion Min u tcs 5 75 Conway 370 466 Conway, Lord 313 Cooke <-larencieux 783 Cooke’s Grunts 167 Cookery 46 1-547 Cooper 185-326-146 Coopersale 946 Cooper's Journey :i 60 Cork 236-961 Cork, Earl vj 268 Do. State Letters 237 Cormac 282 Cormon Mac Art 731-40 Coronacion Ric. II. i 29 Coronations 702 Coronation H.Ylll. 783 Coroners InqueUs 272 Cornwall 495 Corpus Chri.sii 444 Corry 957 Cortes 305 Cosimo 000 C osturni 3i0 Cotton, Sir Robt. loo Court 402 Court AJarshu/ 783 Court Rolls 997 Council Secret 542 Courtney, Ped. 164 Coventry, (Ld.) 588 Coventry, Sir Win ’32 Cox, Sir Riehd. 336 Coyle’s Poem 728 Cres pi 950 Crests 394 Crevecoeur 554 Croft Deeds 1 20 Crofi Castle 120 Cromwell’s Lords 133 Cronica 628-683 Cronicon 559-655 Croniques 554 Cronoloyia 559-694 Do Assyrian 863 Do Babylonian 863 Do. Chinese 863 Do. Egyptian 863 Crumlin Map 24 5 Cuchullin 292 Cufic Inscriptions 923 Do. Medals 916 Culham 906 Cuneda Wledig 8 .6 Cuneiform J/SS. 873 Curiee 940 Cuzco 942 Cy rill us 867 Cywyddau. 904 Dacres,ot Gilleslandl07 Dacres, Barons 129-73 Danegeld 517 Danes 733 d’Anjou, Fulke 954 Darcy 890 Darcy C artae 896 Darcy of Chiclie 096 Darcye 176 Danvers 957 Dauby, Earl of, 967 Dantiny 974 Dantzig 806 Darnley 801 Davies, Sir John 180 Davies,of Gwysaney 125 Deans 179 Dccreta/es 625 Deeds 173-339-709-947 Deeds, Jf Leases 202 13000 to 999. D'ccd in red Letters 855 Degrees of Estates 096 Deincourl of Blankeney 107 Deiucort 173 Delgar 943 Denbigh 980 Denbigh Sheriffs 856 I)enmark 467 Denmark {Prince Geo.J 775 Derby, Co. 983 Derrmuid 744 Dethick Grants 167 Deucbar 632-3-4 Devereux, E. of Essex, 125 Devon. 698 Devon. Worthies 822 Devonshire Arms 113 Devonshire, E. of 129 Devonshire Roll 170 Dialogos 65 7 Diaper’s I'oen/s 543 Diurie 398-424-53 1-886 -907-25 Diaz 1)44 Diccionario 94 1 Didrefnyu 757 Dighy 783 Digby, Sir K. 351-2 Dignities 160-783 Dignities Female 129 Do. Loudon Companies 110 Dieppe 199 Dillon 279 Dilwyn 638 Disclaimers I08 Disorders 429 Divine Vis ions 569 Divinity 763 Doddridge, Sir J. 4S0' Dodsworth S94 Dbfgelly 962 Domesday 517 D’Orsay 456-526 I >orsetshire 566 Dos 998 Douglas 637 Dover 173-498 Down S rvey 295 Doyihur 994<-9 Drawings 299 Drawinys of Coasts 423 Dresden 468 Dioit de la Nature 579 Dublin 290 Dublin Castle 180-237 Dublin Rental 250 Dugdale 769 Dugdale Grants 167-356 Duende 978 Dumont’s Corpus 238 Dunmore 208 Dunmowe Abbey 787 Durham, Co. Arms 142 Dwnn, Lewis 719 Earl Alarshalt 769-83 jCoils 160 Ecclesia S3 5 Edward I. 610-1-4-969 Do. H. 184-646-7 Do. III. 648 Edw.VI. Coronation 150 Eginont, Lord 284 Egypt 927 Elizabeth Eleclress 240 Elsiug 963 13000 t > 999 . Ely Curtul. 652 Embassy 3o9-60-73-4l5 -7-767 England, 101-32-470 Engelbert 5b9 English Authors 848 Enrollments 248 Equivo < a 835 Erie 268 Erisu-ell S99 Escheats 094 103-5 Espinosa 303 Espanoles 308 Esquires 783 Essex Jbbics I 73 Essex, Wr. Earl qffHvl Essex House 160 Estate Sales 346 Esther Debra tee l Do Etniopic 860 Ethnica 874 Etymology 679 Eutorus 935 Hulerus 874 Europe History 473 Eoangelia Graeea 9 75 Evans 980 Evelyn 810 Eve>ham 334-14 Eve-diam, AllSaints 903 Excommunication 512 Exeter 698 Ext / acts of Books 54 L Fable 924 Fairfax (Sir Win,) 126 Falkii k Battle 783 Falkland, Lord 129 Fan son 951 Fees 761 Felton 783 Fenians 726 Fermanagh, Co. 293 Feoda 173 Fereshti 497 Ferrars of Groby 107 Ferrers, Elizth 998 Ferrers Pedigree 758 Fidelity 240 Fitazer 345 Finances 710 Finch Heneag'e 132 Fines 173-27 it Fitch 277 Fitzwarin 760 Flanders 45i-4 Flemish Prayers 549 Florida 761 Flavigny 838 Ford 823 Foreigners 746 Forests 674 Forfeit Estates 244 Formulare Leyum 446 Fortescue ’.73 hortescue, Sir John 783 Fortitude 935 Fortresses 102 For us Feasa 745-965 Fosbroke 626 Fossils 581 Founders Kin 355 Fox, Luke 314 French Fleet 434-541 French Revolution 114 French Travels 938 France 127-8-655 France, South of, 709 Fragmenta Gr?eca568 Franks 801 15000 to 999, Free Manors 436-454 Frumenta 629 Fueros 658 Fulham 522 Furney Archdeacon 565 Fust 457-8 9-60 Fust, Sir F. 456 Do. Pedigree 457-58 Do Rental 459 Do. Obituary 460 Gabhra 726 Gale 565 Galitzin 370 Galloway, {Ld.) 637 Gamaliel 842 Garibaldo 834 Garlaudia 835 Garter 183-772 Genealogy 2S6-93-412 - 619-21 Genealogia Anglise 183 Genes 560 Geneva 193 Genoa Bank 834-54 Gent. Pensioners 574 Geography o46 Georgia 081 Germaine, Lord 418 Germanus 867 Gian none 512 Gill 1S5-983 Gladiators 545 Glamorgan, Hist. 169 Glasgow 186 Glossary 282 Gloucester Cartul. 909 Gloucester, lliehd.D, of 129 Gloucester,Robt. oftibo Glouc Churchyard 602 Glouc. Co. 524 Glouc. History 626 Do. Monuments 602 Glouc. Wills 607 Gloucester ,Duke of, 705 Golland 821 Goldington Church 150 Gondamor 761 Gonzaga 000 Good Hope, Cape 410 Goodricke 373-419 Gordon 323 Gorges Pedigree 907 Government 132 Gower 413 Gration 603 Grafton, Duke 465 Grammar 014 Grana 744 Granada 307- 72 - 9-80- 1-2 3-4 404 - 6-8-9 -18-683 Grand Jury 907 Grant 407 Grants 438-540-898 Grants of Arms 109-67- 762-74 Granville MSS. 960 Granville, Sir 15evil,447 .50 Grasayli Aboe 730 Graves, Richd. 86L Great Britain 36l Greek Archbp.Address 867 Do. Charters 833-4-5' Do. Grammar 186 Do. Laws 865 Do. Mferriages 865' G INDEX TO CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS MSS. Paki 2. 13000 to 099 . GreeVPatriarchalSeats 805 Greenwich 522 Grejj'es 573 Gregorius S6S Gresham, Sir Ric. 398 Grey de Ruthin 173 Grose, (J.) 57* Grosvenor Roll 1 73 Griffith, Fcis. «I9 Guatemala 30*2-10 Guarismo3 546 Guazuze 6S7 Gueuies 941 Gustavus of Sweden 240 Gvvyu 358 Hack 972 Hackott's^s/ate 24 1 Haghmond Abbey 997 Hague 11 l Hale. Sir Mathew, 432- 539 Hales- 835 Hall, S. C. 801 Hampstead 522 Hampton Court 150 Handle 171 Hangest 570 Hants. Charters 895 Hants .Church Notes 122 Hants Gentry 122 Hants Sheriff's 894 liarefield t)3» Hardt 452-62 Harley M >S 753 Harte’s Keating 273 Hasely 319 Hassel 6.9 Hastings 173 Hatfield Brodoke 189 Hatton Archiep. 516 Hatton, Sir Chrr. 185 Haukwood, Sir Jno 162 Haverholme Abb. 783 Havering Forest 173 llawkesworth 847 Hay 993 Headdy 320 Heber J/Sb. 907 Hebrew Letters 858 Hebrew MSS. 195-544 Heddun 173 H, irs Male 107-60 Heim General 107-60 Heirs Females 129 Heilbron 270 Helynandus 55*2 Henry VII. 932 Hen. VIII. 787 Hen. VIII. Wills 761 Henry, Prince 093 Heraldry 084-262 Heraldic Customs 150 Heraldic Drawings 185 Heralds 7*3 Do. Coll. 085-163-779 Do. College Cat. I45 Do. College MSS. 1-24 -9-30 Do. Fees 150-783-9 Do. Names 150 Do. Statutes 129 Do. Oath 150 Do. Styles 150 Herbal 533 Hereford 897 Hereford Poll 563 Herefordshire 719 Hervey 703 Hesiod 878 13000 to 999. 13000 to 999. Hibernia? C Hlectnn. 243 Irish Customs 268 Hides of Land o 18 Higford 094 Higford Pedigree 90S High way-men 446 Hinton 571-2 History 464 H' bbes 317 Ilolkham MSS. 656 Holland 204-278 Holland. Lord 708 Holies, Denzill 132 Holstade 558 Holmes 323 Do Counties 201 Do. Desmond, Earls233 Do Din'canchus 232 D-. Tara 237 Do Fmgall 231 Du Foifeit Estates 217 Do.Genealogies *230-55 Do. Glossary 231 Do Gold 2_*6 Do. Grants 204-5-6-11 14-29-80 D >. Grosvenor *219 D‘> History 224-30-797 13000 to 999 . Justices of Peace 783 Justin 173 Keating 745-965 Kebl 438-527 Kedleston 900 Keith 362 Kelly 800 Kemys 391 Ken. Bishop 432-539 Ivcttlebury Hall K ibblewhite uSO Kildaie, Earl of, 783 Holt, Co Wilts 4*24 31 Do K>ating'slreland221 Kdmacduagh 268 King 76 King, Archbp. 290 Ling (Gregory) 392 13000 to 999. Liberator 173 Liber Ruber 333 Libri Prohibiti 512 Limeric Sieye 238 Lincoln, Co. 152 Lingua Mandarina 914 Lingua Turca 917 Lir 744 Liverpool, Ld. 700-4 Kent Church Notes 121 Livy illuminated 332 Keppel.^dm/a/ 437-55 Llantony 173 H olt’s Memoirs 235 Holt Parish Aims 538 Do. Do. Rates 538 Ilomeri llias 877 Homines Illustres 082 Honour , Armes 129 Hooke 967 Horse Medicine 464 Horses 461 Hospitium 969 Hotmi Field 096 Households 611 -5-6-7 Household Exponas 261 Do. Rules H. VII. 93*2 Howard 987 Howard’s Letter 128 Hungary 363 Huntyugdon 993 Hylton 845 Ickworth 4 48 Jdolos 685 Imbroglio 832 1 mperutores 559 Index to Pedigrees 169 India 310-1 I India Occid. 688 Indian Tumblers 405 Indias Occid. 941 lucledon 463 Infallibility 952 Infanta 783 Inistail 74^ Inisfallen Annals 254 Inks 156 Innocent XII. 000 Inquis. p. Mott. 123-55- 346-894 Do. Ring.-. 291 D" Knights 263 l)o. Lit era Patents 222 Do. Liveries 215 Do. L icings 2*20 Do. Miscellanea 727 Do. Money 226 Do. M. Ps. *200 L)o. MS. of Stockholm 264 Do MSS 291 Do. Nuremberg 228 Do Ornaments 276 Do. Pardons *212 Do P, tent Rolls203- 10 Do. Pedigrees 228-395 Do. Pens List 783 Do Placila 2u6 Do. Poems23V-b99-136 -43 Do Politics 2 r, 0 Do. Prosodia 599 Do. Rebel linns 297 Do. Rebells 13*2 Do. Recognizances 255 Do. Records 213 Do. Religion 146 Do. Royal Regiment 234-85 Do. Schools 377-8 Do. Sheriff's 2 ! 8 Do. State Papers 223 Do. Shelburne Ld. 227 Do. Shires 252 Do. State Papers 256 Do. Saints 2 6 3 Do. Topography 242 Llyfr Coch 75 7 Lochlin, King of'29\ Locke 931 Lodge 289 Lodge Collections 268 Lodge’s Records 243 Logica 005-294 King •>/ Spain, &c. 240 London, Bishop of , 707 Kings of Arms. 783 London, H/ Bp. of,) 128 King's Letters 789 London 1687. Visit. Kingston, Win. 477 Arms 136 KingsboroughJ//S.S 683 Lomnat lane 744 972 Longa i) 291 Kisissodoius 935 Longevity 520-696 Knaresboiought 930 Longmate 828 K neb worth Monumt.lbO Long P. O. C. Wills 616 K nights 096-272 Lord Keeper 762 Kniqlits Arms .63 Lough Dearg 268 Do. Banneret 150 Lowth, Bishop 850 Do. of the Bath i 32- Lucianus 842 783 Lucy 173 Do of Garter 181-778- Luther 279 905 Lydgate 496 Do. by Jac. I. 132 Lyticopen 5*70 Do. of KoyulOak 133 Lyon Herald 63*2 Koran 9v6 Lyveries 783 L’Adam 574 Mac Coin 725 La Fronde 542 Mac Curtain 599-826 Lancaster, Duhe of, 963 Mac Guire’s Trial 132 Lancaster,! hos. Earl of Mackenzie 317 129 Mack-in 886 Laud Tax 948 Mac Mahon 288 Langey Marquis 445-55 Mac Namara 286 Langres 196-7-8 Language 860 Lanthony 909 Lanzi 277 La Paz 943 Largs Parish 577 Latin Words 203 Latymer 107 Mac Starlin 291 Macarthy MSS. 332 Macartney 359-60-7*2-4 7y 414 Macartney MSS. 351 Macartney Ped 39o Madox, (Thus ) 59' Madrid 817 Inscriptions 268-99-355 Do. Tower Roll* 256 Launceston Priory 996 Macro M'S. 906 697 Invasions, Book of 726 Inventory 438-527 Ireland in 1641. 128 Do. 101-375-6-4*20- 470-93-956-965 Do. Bishops bid Do. Civil List 761 Do. Eudoxus 761 Do. History 745 Irish Abbeys *266-74 Do Alienations ‘215 Do. Annals 225-60 Do. Transactions 285 Do. Treaties 212 Do. Vocabulary 599 Do. Wardships 215 Do. W are, Sir Jas.225 Do. Writers 225-69 Isaiah 861 Italy 350-469 Itinerarium 556 Ivory Roll 195 Jack Shepard 324 Jago 845 James I. 432 Do- AnlientPoems 257 Jac. 1. Anna’es 963 Do. Arms 971 Do. I Patents 964 Do. Bishops 2'5 James II. 279-432-789 Do. Book of Rights 281 Jesuits 300 Do.Car2uLSt.Thos.256 Johnston 803 Do. Castles 266-74-99 Johnston, Nathl. 906 Do. Catholics 283-974 Jones 490 Do. Char tee 222 Jordan 6*29 Do. Chase of 7brc257 Journal 402-13-5-836 Do. Chronicle *288 Journey 709 Do. Churches 2u6-89 Judicatu r e in Parlia- Do. Coinage 2*26 ment 139 Do. Converts *216 Julianus 287 Do. Custodes Rotul. 21b Jurisdiction 952 Law 760 Law Courts 272 Lam Promotions 133 La War re 107 Lecan, Hook of 28 L 1edionarium 842 Lee 522 967 Leger Booh 651 Leighton, 101 Leinster, Book of, 726 Le Neve’s Fasti 939 Leonard 173 Leslie's Scotland 761 Magellan Straits 306 Maigny 570 Mahomet f 927 Mah-toh-to-pa 012 Mammoth 369 Mandeville 600 Mann, Sir Horace, 469 Maurice Piince 143 Mansell, Ped. 160 Mansions 4 48 Manzanares 817 Maps 199 Maps East India 422 Letters 172-269-77-301- Mai anon -.90-1 17-70 3-4 - 437-41- Marescalli Anglia; o!)3 49-/00- I -2-3-4-S- Marinees 1367 6- 7-8-11-2-3-4-5-6- Markland 849 7- 781-809-814-962 Marmolejo 683 -73 Letters Scotch 450 Lewes Battle 761 Lewis, J. 531 -8 Do. Ric. 159 Lewis’s Lite 434 Lewis MSS. 424 Lewknor 103 Ley borne 381-4-406 Marmoutiers 596 Marsden 3i8 Marsh 581 Marshall 173-706-18 Marshalls 171 Martinus Polouus 55'.)- 67 Marylabonne 522-753 Mary, Q. of Scots 891 INDEX TO CATALOGUE OP PHILLIPPS MSS Past 2. 13000 to 999. Mason 853 Masters of Chancery 13000 to 999. Negus 781 Neocomos 87 o T62 Nequani, Alexr. 835 Masters 0/ the Rolls\60 Nevill 107-73-760-2 Matriculations 902 Newcastle 735 Maulerobais 59;i New College 355 Mauiisel,of Margaml49 Newenliani 16-1 . Medals 546 New Spain .. 683-4-94 Papists Rebellion 2 60 M eel hope 180 Mew Testament 870 Para 690-1 Medical Receipts 138 Newion, Sir Michl. 754 Paraguay 977 Medici Cosimo 003 Nicodemus 757 Pans Archby. 548 Medicinal Plants 537 Nilus Cabasila 869 Parishes 764 Medicine 429-57-534-6 Nobility 137 80-343-90- Parish Rat,s 812 Medmeuham Carfa;933 417-730 Parish Itexisters 334 13000 to 999. Palmer 350 Panama 307 Pan eras 522 Pangbourii 336 Panseliiios 871 l*apce 659-952 Papists 904 13000 to 999. Record Extracts 137-49 Records Tower 299 Reformation 462 Regimen Prinnpnm 552 Relatio quinta 305 Rental 26 i-5.3s-994-9 Rental Essex 946 Mechoacan 683 Meerman MSS. 657 Meletius 872 Melmulh 844 Melville 385-406-9 M. Ps. 133-78 M Ps. Car 11. 188 M. Ps. Ireland 180-200 Memoranda 298 Menoloyion 867 Merddin 757 Merlon Statutes 583 Metz 639 Mexican Prayers 665 Mexico 304-16 Mico 967 Middle Temple 150 Nobility Burials 1G0 Nubility ( England J 1U6 Nobles de Roma 5MO Nodal 306 Par ian e."ts 063-796 Nomina Villarum 173 Do. Procession 10O Norfolk, Duchess oJ \762 Co. Rotuli 1/5 Nth. American Indians Co. Journal 182 Portraits 0i0/o079 Parr, Dr. 711 Northampton Arms 119 Partition Book s 963 13000 to 999. Picdra Triunfal 685 I infold 385 Piron 550 Pisa Academia 837 Pixell 845 Pizarro 315-22 Pizzi MS S 910-19 Placita 09’J - 112-5-73- Rentals Ireland 250 355-517-671 887 R^ntulia 457 Places Names 470 Rent Receipts 135 Plantagenet 106-83-954 Rents 132 Plants Medical 426-30 Request, Court of 523 Pit-shy 159 Rcvclatio 842 P. O O. Wills 620-907 Revenue 375-6 606-10-35-8 - 790- 1 J - O. C. Wills Index Revolution ITS 838-99 -yuO-1-2-3- 614-7-8 Reynolds 677 7-9 P. O C. Wills,Pedigrees Riauos 882 608-11-'. Hibault 761 Poems 187-90-548-590-Richard I 556 682 804 Poesie 008 Poesies 5‘.0-00 Poetry 328-5 10 Nor/hcrnExf.euition'3\3 Pariilio Terr arum 173 Poets 432-539 Norton survey 813 Nottin gham, Lord 132 Noiivse 809 Novas Orhis 940-1 Noyon 570 Numismata s41 Nunez de Leon 9 10 Middx. Monuments /90 Oates s Plot 57 Ministers Letters 465 Obituary (bis ) 268 Puirson ti33 Poland 468-815 Politicians 500 Politiques 14 4 Poll book 81L Pope 990 Popes 258-670 'ape’s Supiemacy 240 Misceltanei 661-2-3- Missa/e French 557 Mod n 85 Mohun, Pcd. 164 Molinet 554 Molino 348 Moluccas 836 Monarchy 27 1 Ob/ates 173 O’Cleery 247-599 Oil a, King “83 Olfaly, Barony 783 O’i'eirion 937 Officers of Arms 150 Ogham Letters 723-38 Ogle, of Bothal 103 Rici. 1II. Acta 963 Bichardson 186 Richelieu 560 Rikingale 5G1 Rio de la Plata 977 Ritso 627 Riverston 279 Rochester Cartul. 653 Rodrigo 925 Rokesby 783 Rolfe 984 Rolls of Assize 123 Roman 555 Roman Emperors 097 Roman Laws 589 Romans 678-713-79 Rome MerveiUes 672 Pascal 433-540 Pasquinades 670-966 Patents 762 Patent Rolls 105 Peehey 42o-533 Pedes Fiu. Gloc 346 Du. Glouc 391 Do. Moumth. 391 Pedigrees OHO - 4-7-92- Popery Mats 365 103 - 4-12-53-71-6- Pontifices 567 7-355-67-788- 949- Poole 170 54-63-80 to 92 Portraits 456-526 Du. Cornwall 391 Portraitsol Nobles 150 Runcesvalles 555 Do. Devon 391 Postings 244 Roseoe .flfSS. 700-2 Do. of Europe 134 Poulett 358 Do by N. Charles 148 Powell MRS. 442-3 Du. References 760 Prayers 73» Monasteries lOi-t&O-TA O’Higgius 239 Do. Sum. 391 Ptecedency 150-7B3 Mcnasnca 290 O'Keeffe 737 °o. Welsh Itil Precedents Mi xomsticn Hiberni- Old Testament 857 Peera gc 1U3-21B I re, offal,ve 769 cwu Mb O’Longan’s Poems 734 ftmji Rolls 170-7(1 Pretender 4a(J-J Muomumh, Duke of ,473 O'Neill -239 Mean Arm, .26-149 Prince t2i Montacule 81)7 O'Phclsn 468 Peers Creation IbU-762 lpones 173 Mrmlauu 7K3 Oratorio 294 Do. Coronation 783 l node,jet 783 Moniberiner 783 Old. Craven, MSS. 664 Pembroke 4 4-5 - 7H3 - Irutrn Calendar u9l ^ 44b 9 fteilly *'54 811 t rocession /h9 Mmlm‘ntsb22-52b 006 Ordnance Office 957 Pembroke, Co. 0tS8 Promotion, Car. 1. 133 Rome Alphabet 735 Moran 804 Ordinary oj Arms 479 PeuibrokeshireAj-mslbS Vro,wstica 437 Rupert, (Prince) 611 Moran Letters 797-8 Oriffinalia 106-.3 Peuchest. r. S. de 49B Moran MSS. 3.7 -499- Ormond. Duke oj. 493 Penklvell 542 Rossi 269 Rot he Bishop 283 Rotuli Cartarum 173 Rot. Claus 173 Do. Oblatorum 173 Rot. Patent 769-83 Rouen I 29 Rous 967 Royal Arms 150 Royal Letters 824 Rudbeck 976 Ruiz 686 Prophelce 870 Kushout 761 Provost itur&ha/l 129 Russia 369-60 to 67-417 797 Mordecai 439-528 More, Six T. 141 Morgan 756 Morgan, Sylvanus 681 Money 7by Morocco 925 Moros yio Morris -99 Mortimer 173 Moscow Schools 377-8 Mourn my Dress 129 M>.ya 3o4 Moyltna 726 Muehruime 291 Muiiet 427 Nummi Antiqui 009 Municipal Law 270 Munster, Booh oj 726 Piussia 460 Piulaey 312 Puebla de los Angeles Orsini 692 Pensions (France.)534 Ossian 259-599-738-826 Percival, Fed. 165 O Bullivan 732 Percy 173 Othmuns 979 Persian A1S. 497 y °° Ousley -68 Peru 315-689-9*3 Pythagoras 880 Owen, Roll of Arms 440 Petition Lords 964 Anne 783 Owen's ( Alban, Arms Pelrarch 003 Do. Elizabeth 093 - St. Camce 268 of English Cities 140 Peiiy, Sir VV m. 226-295 172-432-539 St. Canoe 722 Do. London C orpor- Pharaoh’s Tyrannie 190 Do. Caroline 706 _ St. Cattog 757 -21-64-66 Russian Laws 368 71 Sadley 997 St. Albans, Mayor 783 St. Barbara 839 St. Brennan 722 aliuns 140 Pheuicia 546 , Do. Gentry 140 Phillips 682 Do. Isabel 322 Owen, (Geo J 0S4-P25- Phillips, Fed. 906 Quantock Ini s 674 158-61-474-529 PhillippsA/8. Judex 585 Quarter sessions b89 Do. Brecon. Reds. 0H8 Hhillipps MSS. 334-SU6 Quno 0s3 Owen, Geo. MSS 108 Pblll.pp., Sir Thus. IbU Quo II arranto 123 Owen, Roscius 791 Pbillipps Wilts P. O. C. u ~‘. ” Oxford 902-6 613 Oxou Church Notes 572 Philo Britannus 128 iviuuor».i - _ Pjestum 350 Philpot 762 lli'ames 'proclaimed 185 Paget,of 9eaudesertl07 Phocy.lidee 88i Napier, Admiral 321 Painters 194 Physic 447 Napoleon I. 804 Do. Charlotte 441-530 n L , Columb 722 St. Domingo 693 St. L Orothy 839 Nat rationed 887 Naltes 748-9 Necroloye 821 Nee Id Pedigree 907 Yainting 872 Pauitxny Colours 150 Paintings 350 Paintings Greece 811 Palatox 950 Physiology 433-540 Picot 173 Piclaviensis 173 Picton Castle 180 Pictures 807 Co 752 Ruinsford 355 Uaniabury Fed. 907 Randolph 187 Hunk 129 Rale I life 949 Rebellion 307 Receipts Cookery 484 Records 390-5^2 Records Cornwall 945 Do, Devon. o St. D) mpna 676 St. Edmundi Vita 586 St. Erasmus 839 St Francis Vita 928 St. Fiecus 721 St Finnan 722 St. George 084-91 103- 12-21-769-781 St. George, Arms l7l Do. C lurencieux 129 St. Ceorge Grants 356 St. George MSS. 080- 7-b-963 Do. (Ric.) 090-783 INDEX TO CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS liSS. Paht -J. 278 13000 to 13000 to 999 , St. George’s Feast i 73 Selden 100 St. Glossinde 630 Sententiee 093 St. Guthlac Priory 89 7 Serin ones 0!) i St. Hubert 951 Seymour 393 St. John 443-'05 Shannon, Lord 296 St. John's Abbey 268 Sheldon, Ralph **28 Swae nv St. Jno of Beverley839 Shells Drawings o/ 5I5 Swawsey 173 St.J.Chrysostom 864-6 Shire, Sir li .32 Sweden 185-373-76 St. John's Gospel 800 Sheriff Til Suinburn 350 St Jordain 722 Sheriff* Q'ietus 754 S\dn y 783 St. Katharine 839 Shoiswell 989 Synnott 298 St. Kathar ne.Sn nuaC76 Shoreditch 697-79*2 Synonyms 33' St. Kynauc 757 1 " St. Lawrence Gulf 369 St. Leger 7H9 St. Luke 805 St. Maluchi 258 St. Marcus 842 St. Margaret 742 St. Maria Maggiore de Chiusa 00 / 13000 lo 999 - 13000 to 999 . Summon* lo Parliament Vaccina lion 521 150 Vadus545 Survey 561 Valerius Maximus 650 Sussex Drawings 578 Valiarl 199 Sutherland,#^ 0/798 Valpy 849 13000 to 999 Shovel,S.CIoudcsluy434 Tagliaboschi 580 54 l Shirley 370 Siberia 369 Simifies 17-', Sircars 407 Sismondi 708 Skerne 984 Small Pox 521 St. Maria Egyptiaca842 Smethwick 173 St. Martha Grenado 083 Smith 47 1 St. Mary’s 208 Smith, of Nibley 391 St. Mary’s Abbey 290 Soldan 553 St. Mathew 801 SoldnRz 636 St. Modwen 8^9 Somerset, Arms 477 St. Neots 173 Do Celtic 4S4 St.Neots.Cartafory 094 Somerset,Co 436-54 St. Nichodemus 842 St. Robert 930 St. Pa trie ii Vita 721 St. Petersburg!! 309 Taliesin 7 Talleyrand 199 Tamerlane 916-18 '1 a unton 889 Tayl.-r 284 Teculles 685 Ten-squa ta-way 010 Terra Santa 092 Tesla de Seville 1.31 Va Iverde 942 Van Mander 192 Van Swieten 912 Vaughan 245 Velasco 315 Velasquez 307 Veidon 173 Vere 779 Ventotto 269 Viagyi 000 Vieesima 173 f ices, Virtues 428 Vienna 001 Viliers 783 Vincent Aug. 393 Vincent Grants 167 Virgil 676 St. Petronilla"676 St. Ursula 839 St. Stepbanus 842 St. Wilfridi Vita 562 Saints Female 676 Saisnes 555 Sale of Arms 7S9 Salmon 596 Salop. 94S -r-- ,, f Salopian Visitatio Epi- Sonnets Francois 6G9 scopi 934 Souto 302 Santi Vile 002 Spada Ia2 Sarcelles 548 Spagua 099 Saunderson 953 Spain 300-546-671-78.3 Savage 436-54-81-673 Spain, Map of, 023 Savoye 666 Spani-h Indies 971 Saxon Gharlei- 171 Speed’s Maps 961 Saxon Peuiyrees 898 Speke, p,d. 105 '\’ey ret ref 997 Tew, Oxon 355 Theodoras 870 I heophilns 703 Theseus 294 SI The Storm 734 Do. Dictionary 486 Thimolby 981 Do. Domesday 481 Thinne, (Fcis ) 171 Do. Geology 483 Thorkelin 70) Do. Inq. p JJ, 445 Thorpe’s Catal 825 Do. Pedigrees 487-9 Thorpe MSS 806 Do do. Portman 4a.9 Thorneton, Genl. 831 Do. Taunton 482 Thoresby 394 Do. Williton 488 Tli ynne, Thos. 129 Do. fRobt E. of) 100 Tierra Firraa 315 Somerset, sirChas. 32 Tilting Match 121 >th. Sea Waggoner 972 Tobias ..bo Southwark 9M Tmson d’Or 449- 432 Southwell, (Sir R.J395 Toledo 683-817 Topography 194 Tunnarton .335 7'es/unitnta\ r igoin600~l Veridicus, Paulus 1 46 Virreyes 094 Virtues, <$* Vices 535 Visitations Heralds 353 Do Ind exes 605 Do. Reds. 177 Do. Berks. 177-828 Do. Bucks. 177 Do. Chester. 177 Do. Cambr. 380 Do. Derby. 177-604 Do. Devon. 170-7-494 Say 760 Scales, (Ld.) 129 Schachzabelbuch 956 Scola Salernitana 138 Scotland 453-678 Toulouse 833 Tournaments 129-150 Tour to Paris 111 ■ Towns , Plans of, 451 Townsend 903 Townsend Debates 513 Tracy 403 Traitc 301 Trent Council 452-55 T res well 703 Triboii Vila 654 Trinidada 369 Trinity Chapel 525 Spelntan, Sir H. 132 Stare hamber 100 State Papers *253-449 Statue 56i» - -. - Statuta 180-457 Do. Highlands 309 Statutes 330-444 .„„„„„ Scotland \ Isles 369 Do. Heralds Coll. 129 Trin. Coll. Librarn 204 Scotch Arms 118-633-4 Stadord, Gentry 123 I'rivaldos 683 Scotch Convents 768 Stanley 9S6 Troye 496 ?? 855 ™ ST 2Z2SS2 835 Slemmata Baronum 094 'I uscany, Gd, Duke 000 Vossius -’94 Sterne Mop 263 Tultebury 929 Waddilove 919 I oke h r ff .- i,"' Vnha ” 173 Wade, General 296 slot™ C '"'“ f , 88 ' Walden Cartulary 173 “ Uckington, Co. Sal. 813 Waleran ol Kilpec 107 Do. Dorset. 177 Do. Essex 177-357 Do. 1569, Glouc. 594 Do. Hants 122-77 Dn.S um [ J a n ts. 77 3 Do. Hereford. 177 Do. Herts. 177-353 Visitation Kent. 177 Do. Lane. 177 Do. 168/ Loud. Arms 136-394 Do. Lond. 153-68-308 Do. Middx. 388 Do Norf. 094-367-829 Do. Nton. 177-831 Do. Notts. Ong. 166 l)o. Oxford 354 Do. Oxon. I77 Du. Somerset 165-77- 38 l t-4(i3-681-765 Du. Stafford 177-604 Do. Suffolk 177 Do. Sussex. 177 Do. Wilts. 177-389 Du. Worcester. 177 Do. York. 177 Scott, Michael 511-51 Scrip tores 816 Scrope 173 Scudamore J7SS. 908 Do. Pedigree 908 Scutagium »73 Heals 44*2-6-9-63 Seals Ancient 394 Seals Wax 152 Scavans 821 Secret Writing 720 S ecretuin Proborum 138 Segar’s Grants 167 Segars Aspidora 396 Segrave, Ped. 164 Selugui 925 „ r . 1 lu| 1 > e. Stowe Drawings 747-S- Ukraine 3o9 e- lJ ~ j0 Ulster Kina 783 Strangman 189 Uraba 6 h 7 Stukeley a9 I Urava 303 ilylen ol Kings 150 Urbino, Duke of, Do. oj Ants, of Gar - Upton Nic. 953 ter 150 Ure 329 ,545 budeley Castle 751 Suffolk 8*20 Herjeantry 150 Usher, James 146 Uther Pendragon 757 Utrecht 347 Untou 172 Wales 480 Walker 495-698-9 Walker, Sir Edw. 963 VNalker's Grants 167 Walsh, Peter 516 Waltham Abbey 892 Walwyn 967 Wauborough 339 W aubotoughCar/<® 622 Wantner 524 Warburton 479 Ward 800-947 Wardrobe 640-3-4-S-9- 50 Ware 253-67-71-510- 812 Warwick, Earl 173 Warwick, Co. 339-907 Warwick Co. Peds. 622 Warwick, Duke of, 894 Was tell 970 Waverley C artul. 171 Weavers 761 Wei ford 334 Wellington 704 Welsh Antiquities 937 Welsh Anns 438-527 Do. Gencalog. 720-856 Welsh Ped. 125 -677 Welsh Poems 756 Welsh Words 755 Wentworth 5I7-9S5 West Indies 818 West, Mathew 276 Westminster Chap. 129 Weston on Avon 334 Weston Subedge 610 Westwood, 344 White Kennett 93.9 Whitlock 767 Whitmore 785 Whitney 752 W i Iks 853 Williams, Archbp. 963 Williams, Sir C. H. 362 Willingale J89 Williton 436-54 Wills 094-344-6-967 Wills Extracts 120 Wilmot 475 Wilts 967 Wilts. Co. 344-425-532 Wilts. Pedigrees 597 Winchester, Bp. of 894 Winchester, Gath. 565 Winchester, Dean 894 Windsor 173 Withypole 783 Witikind 5 55 Wogan, Sir John 272 Wolsey 173 Wolves 761 Wombwell 83 Wood, (Miss) 585 Worcester, Co. 343-808' Worcester, Jno E.ofl 83 Do. Wills Index 609 Works of Learned 936 Wright 448-451 Writ of Summons 160 Wyche, Sir Cyril. 244 Yates 967 Yeates MSS, 857 Yerxas 943 York 173 ^°rk, & Lane. War 160 1 Yorkshire Arms 185’ Young 186 Yourin 314 Yscoed 980 Ysopus 835 Yrala 301 Yndias 30/ Xennphon 587 Zagnoui 006 Zambonini 007 Zanotti 008 Zhaval City 310 Zinzau 973 Zosiraa 842 Zwgraphwn 871 15118 Ric. 2. 15719 Surrey 720 Worcestershire 721 Cart® 722 Fonts 723 Evesham 724 Henbury ,.725 Innocent XI. 726 IVrara 727 Cicero 720 Diodorus Siculus 729 Genoa 730 Fabian Phillipps 731 Do. 732 Math. Westminster 733 Letters, Miscall. 734 Canterbury 735 Nobilita 736 King’s Household 737 Rome 738 Do. 739 Austria 740 NVilson.MoehaSennaar 741 Fabian Phillipps 742 Digues 743 Speeches 744 Bon-Seraglio 445 Poems 746 Makarioles 7 77 Arms 748 Medicina 749 Popish Customs 750 Voyage-Larch 15! Sueno 752 Pontiff States 753 Geo. Aciopolites 754 PanCratius 755 Braunton 756 Log Book-Coale 7^7 Sarum 758 Fiagmcnla MSS. 709 Voyage Valentia 7^0 Berry’s Guyenne 7^1 Suffolk 762 Narrationes 7^3 Dalrym|)le 764 Diary-Saruiu 760 Formulare 766 Durham 767 Zerezo 768 Northampton 769 Anglia 770 Chancery 771 Baraldi-Ferrara 772 Micheli 773 Alcantara 774 Oleron 775 Ilashaye 776 La Torre 777 Suckling 778 Alcantara 779 Monk 7S0 lvibier 781 Surveys 782 Stiutt 783 Alchemy 7S4 Beaver 785 Russia Statistioties' 786 Cambridge 787 Chicheley 788 Car. 2. Grant 789 Southwold 790 Injustice 791 Cartte, Surrey " 792 Ive 793 Wonkara 794 Antiquities 795 Household 796 Mexico 197 Bcccace CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS MSS, Index to Past 3. 15798 Lord Nurthwick 15790 Servants 800 Arms Croker MSS. 801 Letters 802 Squire 803 Stanton 604 Fisher 805 Lee 806 Londesburoiigh . 807 Nieholls SOS Sir E. Belcher 809 Kemp SIO Lockhart 811 “Mrs. Larigau” 812 Sir II. Nicolas 813 Wallace 8)4 J110. James 815 Squier, U. S. 816 W illiams 817 Denison 818 Ferial 1 8)9 II ore 820 Bull 821 Turner 822 Denison 823 Wickham 824 Squier 3-'5 Bonney 826 Sainthill 827 Moon 828 li'ish Insurrection 829 Nagle 830 Croker 831 Mag inn 832 Sir Wm Bethani 833 Newonham 834 Kllcrfflock 835 Stanford 836 Spencer Hall 837 W ill of the W'isp 838 Caves of Cioyne 839 Phelan 840 Bord Rosse 841 DagL-y 842 Rochdale 843 Howiit 844 On Mermaids Meriting MSS. 845 Cat. MSS. 846 Salop Peds. 847 l)o. 848 Howard 849 Sheriffs 850 Arms 851 Parkes 852 Shrewsbury 853 Batons 854 Pedigrees 855 Owen 856 Bedfordshire Arms 857 Bliss S58 Gasparifci 859 Placita 860 Tarikh Sind 8ol Wakiat Akbar 862 Euclid 863 Labbul 864 Valeri gay 865 London 866 C larges 867 Callistus 868 La Guerre 869 Placita Middx. 870 •Sermons 871 Namur 872 Ca6siobury 15S73 Formulare 15874 Arundel 875 Olivares 1588 876 Messina 877 Alchemy 878 Jos. Hume 879 Philip 5. SSO Estremadura Edwards MSS, 881 Salop. Pnrkes 882 Hascldine 883 Castles 881 Portraits 885 Uricouiuin I)c ring MSS. 88G Evering Acre 8517 Knights 1550-1660 Sainsbury MSS. 888 I to > Peers Proxies 900 } 901 Revenue 902 Audio 903 Count St. Leu. 904 Do. 905 Do. 906 Beriandier 907 Uadel.ffe 908 Thompson, Le-'fers 909 Barr Court—Newton 910 Warren]lastingsTrial. 911 Mazariui 912 Bonaparte 913 Do. 614 Do. 915 Do. 916 Cardinals 917 Medici 918 Indian Drawings 919 Tizon d’Espana 920 Pedro the Cruel 921 Suazzo 922 Gitanos 923 Medicine Arabe 924 Perez 925 Azara 926 Montalto 927 Azara 928 Do. 929 Fa bill as 930 Othco 931 P. Benedict XIII. 932 Madrid Law 933 Vivas y Muertos 934 Auto da Fe 1632 935 Espaua 936 Yriarte Cartas 937 Alcudia 938 Caruccas, 14 Vols. 939 1iff boa 940 Juanna de Austria 941 Le Noir 942 Chantraine 943 Tremonicnsis 944 Cariul. Dorimund 945 Arms 946 Eyre 947 German Letters. 948 ValJuncey 949 Do. 950 Do. Phillipps MSS. 951 Pembrokeshire 952 Tregwynt 953 Haverford 954 Tenby 15953 Places Names 15956 Peds. of Pembr. 957 Peds. of Phillipps - 958 St. Thos. H. IVest. 959 Monuments Pembr. Miscellaneous. 960 Mauricii Hibernica 961 Newton 962 Philadelphia 963 Cart® Venetise 964 Satirist 965 S arm ion to 966 Caraccas 967 Cropthorn 988 5. Fianeisco 969 Cat;,l. M H. Books 970 Cnmologia 971 Bibliotheca 972 Tizon d’Espana 973 Sectas 974 Porta Ottomana 975 Taylor, Letters 976 Old Masters Nexding MSS. 977 Pedigr.es 978 8alop. Monuments 979 Kynaslou 980 Okesion 981 W a I cot 982 Berks. Arms 983 Salop. Obits 984 Do. Arms Latham 985 Do. Istou 9aC Do. Lloyd 987 Do. Draper 988 Do. Memoranda Jvingsborough MSS. 989 Las Casas 990 Perez 991 Pizarro Peru 992 Mexico par Leon 993 Rainirez-Cochinilla 994 Cervantes 995 Miranda(StatenGenL) Crohcr MsS . 996 Sainthill 997 Leiie.rs Sir W, Scott 998 Hoaxing 999 Letters T. Steele IG0U0 Sainthill 16001 Will of Wisp 0U2 Big Cakes 003 K Win. III. Statue 004 Perfumery 005 Cailisle Nich. 006 IIemails 007 Jones 008 letters, Parsons 009 Do. do. 010 Do. do. Oil Do. do. 012 Du. Ld. llosse 013 Bromptun DocumentsJor Genealogy, 014 Foden 015 Whitley 016 Anne Browne 017 Bearcroft 018 Staniere 019 Jefferson 020 Joye 021 Vanderbire 022 Kent, (Ric.) 023 Kent 024 Bp. of Winchester 025 Kent 026 Steph. Lilly 027 Blennerhasset CATALOGUE OF I’HILLIPPS MSS, I>\DEX TO P.VRT 3. 16028 Kent 16029 Jane Gray O30 Aichic 11 . Ebor. 031 T. Browne 032 J. Lawrence 033 Tavernier 034 Stephen Lilly 035 Havdeastlc 036 Wolstcnholme 037 Do. Ranucci MSS. 030 Pedrusii 039 Cameli Misccllajieoas. 040 Cart* Bourdeaux 041 Boulanvilliers 042 Hot. Pat. 35 II. 8 . 043 Oxfordshire Cartie 044 Sussex 045 Mazarine Chalmers MSS. 046 Kirkcudbright 047 Do. 048 Ayrshire 049 Do. 050 Do. 051 Renfrew 052 Do. 053 Do. 054 Lanark 055 Do. Glasgow Cron'nin gsh ield MSS. 056 N. America 057 Nova Scotia 058 Boston 059 N. America Fenton MSS. 060 Gwynne 061 Wynne 062 Anglesea 063 Wynne 064 Bp. St. Asaph Willis MSS. 065 Baronagiuin 066 St. Augustin 007 Mayue’s Logbook 068 Stewart’s Lydia 069 Graduale 070 Cicero 0J1 Do. 072 Bochius 073 Scioppius 074 Hispania 075 Orvielo 076 Roma 077 Martinus Polonus 073 S. B rigid 079 Ferrara 0S0 Maestricht Bering MSS. 0S1 Cholmley-Aristotle 0G2 Dering 083 Kent 084 Mocenigo 085 Pisani Ranucci MSS. 086 Forli 087 Roma 088 Barberini 089 Zeni 16090 Roma 1 16091 Paulo IV. 1 Bourdeaux Cartas | Do. J J/ r to [ I 17.0 ) Kingsboro'. MSS. 171 Mexico 172 Buenos Ayres 173 Nicaragua Nueva Espana 174 Jcsuiti 175 Loaysa-Cano 176 Indias 177 Mexico 178 Magellanes 179 Mendana 180 de la Torre 181 Clavigero 1S2 Echevarria 183 Florida 1S4 Do. 5185 Florida 16263 Boethius i 186 Mexico 16264 Bononia 187 Codex Mexicanus 265 liohtgtta 188 Do. TeUerjanus 266 Brandanus 189 Mendoza 267 Brandizzo-Cunea 190 Saliagun 268 L"g Book Salisbury 191 L'nraccas 269 Brulier 1 92 Pan ama 270 Burley 193 Guatemala 271 Ctesar 194 N icuragna 272 Do. 195 Nueva Espana 273 Calchi 196 L is Casas 274 Cambridge 197 Do. 275 (■apecelatro 198 Florida 27G Cardoino 199 Peru 277 Carlo V -Sorriano 200 Duo 278 Cassiodorus 201 Nueva Espana 279 Castaldu 202 Mexico V80 Cur Jinali 203 N- v . Greuada 2 -*l Cesuilis-Dante 204 Mexico 23.2 Gaubil 205 Le Gaspi 283 Adefonsi 3 206 Palciiqne 284 Cicero 207 Arellano 285 ) 208 United States 2 S 6 ( Do. 209 Elephantiasis 287 i 210 ( oitcx Tcllcriaims 2 S 8 211 Simon Ticrra Firina 289 j 212 Mexico 290 213 Paraguay-Pinver 291 VDo. 214 La Tviur Allard 292 V 215 Yucatan 293 y 216 Peru 294 217 Mixtitlan 295 ( 218 Guatemala 296 >Do. 210 Mexico 297 ■220 St. Julian 29S 221 Loaysa 290 f Do. 222 Ruiz Lopez 300 \ Do. 223 America 301 Cicero 224 Mendana 302 Do. 225 Indias 303 Cistercicnses 304 Claudian Libri MSS. 305 Carlo Dati 226 Roop-Prudentius 227 Ambrosii Itinerarium 228 Rio Grande 229 Ameer Khund 230 Apologues 231 Aratus 232 Arelinus T. 233 Argensola 234 Aristanetus 235 Aristotle 236 Porphyrius 237 Aristotle 238 Do. 239 Do. 240 Do. 241 Dunkerk 242 Astronomia 243 S. Augustin 244 Cicero 245 Mattei 246 Ugcmo 247 Barufaldi 24S Do. 249 Beda 250 Do. Hist. Angli® 251 Bellaijo 252 S. Benedict-Rhodes 253 S. Benedict 254 Prudentius 255 Biaz 256 Bejapur 257 Biblia 258 Boccaccio 259 Do. Teseida 260 Do. Ameto 261 Do. Mulierea 262 Boccalini 306 Averbode 307 Dieta 308 Donatus 309 Dotti 310 Q. Elizth. 311 Guyenne 312 Religion 313 Este 314 Eutropius 315 Ferishta-Guzerat 315* Do. 316 Bellini-Ferrara 317 Ferrara 318 Ferucci 319 Florence 320 Do. 321 Fortiguerri 322 Venaissiu 323 Frangipane 324 Galland 325 Gaudentius 326 Geneva 327 Do. 328 Grecia 329 Grammatici 330 Gratianus 331 Graziolo 332 S. Gregorius 333 Do. 334 Do XV. 335 Gronovius 336 Lopez-I’eru 337 Lucan 338 Lucretius 339 Ludovicus-Hilduinu* 340 Bisantio 341 Don Florisraundo CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS MSS. S Ijtdex to Paet 3. 10342 MansfeMt 16343 Jerusalem 344 Martial 345 Mathematici 340 Symmacljus 347 Alauro Cordati 34S Reggio 349 Quadralura Circuit 350 Syria 351 Napoli 352 Do. 353 Do. 354 Ilasir al din 355 Nieodemus 350 Tubkat i Akbari 35J Slorza 35S D’Orleans 359 Otloh 360 Ovid 361 Do. 362 'Do. 363 Persius 364 Portulano 365 l)o. 360 ppoba 367 PruJentius 36 » Soliims 369 Travels 370 Vegetius 371 Via Salutis 3/2 Vine S.S. 373 S. Syruh 354 S.Burchardus-Kylianus 3/5 Ermeuricus,-S. Sola 376 GediehteAlt Deutsche 357 Mexican Language 376 Bible 37o Diaz Cavallo 350 Vcnetius 351 St. Denis 332 Computus 333 Fn.ntignan 334 Raffaelle 385 Erkenfridus 330 Eulropius 387 Evangeliariura 388 !/o. 3S9 Ficinus 390 Fragmenta MSS. •391 ViteeS.S. 392 Iluralius 393 Jarry 394 Chrysostom 395 J uvcnal 396 Decrctales 397 Notitia Imperii 398 Aquisgrano 399 cle Medici 1G4 oO Menologion 401 Nonius iMarcellus 402 Coptic Papyri 403 Do. 404 J)u. 405 Pigafetta 406 Portulano 407 Astolio 403 Soii.ius 409 Statius 410 Tlu.udorus 411 Vita: S. Sebastiani 412 Von Orleans 413 W) galaya 414 Pchuim 415 Prisciau 410 Uic. do Bari 417 Barron 418 Wilson MSS. 419 Swift 420 Philtipps Peds. 421 Manchester 16422 Flo by 16 -i 23 Table Ilonde 42- Clifford 425 Lancashire 426 Ogri 1 vie 427 Paradice 428 Seaman 42 / Javanese 430 Italy 43 i Do. 432 Letterc Italian! 433 Do. do. 431 Do. Donato 435 Do. Rosso 436 Do. 11. C. 13. 437 Do. Coltellini 43S Do. Costadini 439 Do. Fabricio 440 Spain, Campo Mayer 441 Pipe Roll Hibernia: 442 Noyes 443 Carlas Denbigh 444 VehSc Westphalia 445 Carew 446 Do. 447 Bowes 446 Pedigree Index 419 Ghuzendier 450 Laurisi 451 Quebec 452 Seamen i' rlandier MSS. 453 Mexico 454 Volcano 455 Tamaulipas 406 Mexico Miscellaneous 457 Lord Charnherlain 458 Yorkshire 459 Ladies 4 Co Loril Lonsdale 46l Adair 4g 2 American War 4^3 Lady Sale 4r»4 Peeresses Letters 465 Radcliffc York 465 :!! Drake 4fi6 Perceval 467 Obituary 46S Lady Suffolk 469 Hen. Savillc 470 Lloyd’s Salop. 471 Fitch 472 Ipswich 473 Campden 474 Vicars 475 Johnson •176 Serjeant 477 Menage 478 Trumbull 479 Choiseul 480 Naudfc 4 S1 Tipping 482 Sir Geo. Osborn 4K3 Mexico 484 Do. 405 Do. Ph. MSS. 406 Iiup p. M. Morris, Brctforton 407 1119. p. M. Ballard 488 Do. Logain 489 Do. CyprianMaunscl 4u0 Do. Baynard 491 Do. Barantyne 492 Do. Ballard 493 Glouc. Pedes Fin* 494 Catalogue of MS 495 Do. Wills 16496 Pe l. Dabridgecourl Miser lleannuft. 1G497 Vieiana-Valencia 490 Farsetti 499 Old Masters 16500 Radcliffe Peds. 501 1/Estrange 502 Cartce Antiqum 503 Lexicon 504 Aeta Apost'dor Iceland 585 Visit. -Salop. 506 Lottere Italiaui 507 Kent MSS. 508 Oriental Letters 509 Carta? Metz 510 Marshall’s Manor 511 Mackenzie 512 Ludo Itus Iter iMandeville 513 Nicholson 514 Kingsboro’—Mexico 515 Indi: n Nations 516 Sir Wm. Betham 517 HaverfordWest 518 Do. 519 Beckwith 520 Burgh 521 Ilohy 52*2 Kaclelike 52.3 Trench ird—Russell 52 1 State Papers 525 Granger 528 Montgomery 527 Yorkshire 528 Duppa 529 Marie Antoinette 530 Fitch 531 Orlovicencis 532 Carta; Suffolk 533 Kiugsboro’ Mexico 534 Roach Smith 535 Evesham 536 Lloyd 537 Hen-alt 538 Stockholm 539 Cart® de I Iran a 540 E'sex, Pedes Fin. 541 1). of Wellington 542 Revenue 543 Do. 541 CrokerMSS. 545 Berlandier 546 Augusta Princess 547 Transylvania 548 Sinnott 549 Le Ilermite, Fragmt. 55u Pipon—Dumaresq 551 Guernsey 552 Lord Cobharn 553 Alderney 554 de Geyt 555 Guernsey-Coutard 55(»* Do, 5o7 Jeisey. Carteret 558 Do. Gavey 559 Do. Le Maistre 560 Do. Gavey 561 Do* Guppy 562 Do. Procurator 563 Guernsey—Dobree 564 Le Merchant 565 Guernsey—Le Maistre 5CG Moliun—Dunsler 5G7 Nevvling MSS. Salop. 563 Warwick Sheriffs 669 Docker 570 Mass Priest* Panned MSS. 1C571 Sonetti 16572 Rome 573 Culonna Miscellaneous. 574 1) trke 575 Cart® de Bello Campo 576 Larry Lusua 577 iluygney 578 Aspreriis 579 peihiviers 58U Tavant 581 Le Seul 602 Chahaignes 583 Tours 53 4 Villa Nova 583 Suffolk Visitation 585 Mayo 5>7 Hulkhara MSS. 533 Fragmenta IMSS. K ingsborough MSS. 589 Mexico 590 Do. 591 Do. 592 Do. 593 Price’s Persia 59 4 Trinidad • r '05 Azara 596 Simon 597 Mexico 59S Do. 599 Do. 16609 Do. 0*1 Do. 662 Do. 603 Do. 604 Do. 605 Flaser Price AfSS. 606 Cwm Yoye 607 Do. 008 Do. GOD Do. 610 Catalogue GLi Price, Welsh Harp 612 Sacramenta 613 Price-Drawings 614 Ancuriu Gododin 615 Drawing 616 Sermoiis Rodd MS S. 617 Parbadoes Asheton 618 Do. Kennedy GI9 Jamaica-Yallal* 620 Do. King Lloyd J/SS. 02 1 Durham 622 Stannaries— Gwavju 623 Marlborough 624 Yorkshire Visitation Miscellaneous. 625 Athcnry 626 Bari 627 Vecindario—Bilbao 62S P. Urbdu-Genoa 629 Lord Lenox 630 Chinese Drawings 631 Jersey—Qottrilm 632 Goddard 633 Swaiue 4 CATALOG V TC OP PHILLIPPS MSS. Index to Part 3. 16634 Braddyl 16635 Moultrie G36 Tolcy 637 ....... 630 Jackson 639 Summery 6*10 Wm. Picton 611 Nobility Catalogue 642 Lord Mohun 643 Newtown 614 Peer ire 645 Epwcll Hunt 646 Evesham 647 Kent 64S Naylor 619 Blcmmidcs 650 Norris 651 Nelson 652 Scott 653 Eindley 654 Montagu 655 Bril'lit on 656 Wallis 657 Orange 658 Barrett 650 Shabbington 660 Deuthi.r 661 Anquetil 662 Pedigrees Gibbs 6C3 Bowes 664 Britton 665 Do. 666 Du ike 067 Arms 668 Chinese PAill/pps ilfSS. 669 Alb >rnc 670 Hunt 671 Catalogue BI. H, 672 P. Records 673 Do. 674 Printed M. H. 675 Do. 676 Letters 677 Looks.& Pictures 1360 670 Do. do. 1049 679 Ruyez 61 to Wilts. lines 601 Subsidy Roll. Probatio set. liici. Phillipps. Freeman, llidcote 6B2 Cacrmarthen 603 Do. Register 684 Autographs 685 Bamiylde 686 Letters Miscellaneous. 607 \\ olrich Pedigree 603 Sydney 689 Hutchinson 690 Tottie 691 Evesham-Creswicke 692 Ireland 693 A h ie anus 694 Quintana 695 Addresses 696 Rowe 697 Quebec 698 Powell 699 St. Bertin 700 Church Notes Cornwall 701 Maidstone 702 E. India, Persiaa Drawing 703 Precedents 704 Obligationibua 705 Niccmede 706 Gonfalonier! Bologna 707 Bologna 1G70S Cospi 16708* Do. 709 Erizzo 710 Amalasunta 711 Bergerac 712 Roma 713 lnghilterra 711 Mol ini 715 Walpole 716 St. Bertin 717 Do. 718 St. Omer 719 Redesdale 720 Gibbon 721 Campbell 722 Forbes 723 Elphiuston 724 Cary 725 Charibee Isle3 726 Cholera 727 St. August in 728 Oilicors 729 Arms ot K. G. 7 50 Campbell 731 Ipswich 782 Dodenash Cartte 733 Do. 734 Do. 735 Ramsgate 736 Mo.illakat 7.:7 < hieza 78;; Williams Letters T; 11 Documents. Genealogy 746 Bayznnd 741 Sulrolk 712 Bighmd 7 !3 Paul us in Festum 744 Boyd 745 Lady Bruce 746 Darke 747 Do. 748 Do. .. 749 Sir T. Lawrence 7-50 Satirist 751 Propos 732 Copy Rights 753 Bolg 754 Godwin 755 Narrationes 756 Painters 757 Arms Foreign 758 Do. French 759 Manchester 760 Chinese 7G1 Satire 7G2 Tourville ' 763 Statesmeh Letters 764 Louis XV. 765 Ireland 766 O’Grady 767 Pedigrees 768 Lodge 769 Ethiopic 770 Letters 771 Bermondsey 772 Precedents 773 W alcot 774 Wigan 775 Lunn 77C Gallicaoae Cartae 777 Italiani Lett ere 778 Do. 779 Do 7H0 Do. 781 Do. 782 Do. 783 Campbell 784 D. Turner 785 Letters 16786 Moran 16787 Do. 788 Do. 789 Eaton 790 P.tronatus 79 1 Stututa Mogunt. 792 L< ttcre Italiani 793 Do. 724 Do. Brunacci 795 Do. French 796 Do. Peers 797 Do. d,. 70S Uo. do. 799 Do do. 16800 Do. do. HOI Do. do. 602 Do. d„. So3 Do. Bishops 864 Do. Authors 805 Physicians HOG Fostirokc SO? Ormond SOS Letters 809 ( odex iEthiopic 810 Codex Sy l iaCus SI 1 Star Chamber 812 Parangon S13 Cotterell 814 Lettcre Italiani 815 Brome 816 Btwdley 817 Vate 818 Yarpole 819 Iukberrow 820 Lar.ercost 821 C lit hurt) S22 E11 nerd ale 823 Skchling 824 Letiresde Cachet 825 Strutt 826 Britton 827 Do. 828 Berwick—Hayti 829 Medici 830 Curdinali 831 Britton 832 St. George 833 M acartney 834 l hompson 835 Ilallamshire 846 Overbury 837 Winchcombe 83S Ratcliff© 539 Actors 540 Calcraft 841 Britton 842 Davies 843 Plowden 844 Sonnets 845 Britton 846 Hurd. St Cataloguo 847 Chardin 848 Do. 849. Do. 850 Do. 851 Do. 852 Do. 853 Do. 854 Do. 855 Do. 856 Do. 857 Campbell 85S Do. 859 Do. 860 Katcliffe 861 Placita 862 Letters D. Turner 863 Do. Darke 864 Phillipps, J. 1GSG5 1(;Sg6 867 868 Eoseham, St. Thus. Chambers Cartul. Oursicampi Nctln nvoud 869 Lett, .s Bocltigcr 870 Bit iod 871 old Masters 8/2 Bingloy Spectacle 873 Do. 874 Fitch Deeds 875 J remoniensis 876 T. Aquinas -. Kunegundis 87S S. i'. Aquinas Pennaiorti 87.9 Reich 550 James—Riddles 551 Sonetos 8S2 W inchcombe 883 Merlino 884 Kytchin 885 Shah Nameh 886 Miinuale 887 Bent Roll 1 888 Island of Fools 889 Chioza 890 Jordan 891 Sparrow 892 Long 893 Pizzi 394 Apprentices 895 S. Anmius 896 Lord Burleigh 897 Journey to Boston S98 Savorguano 89H -Autographs Flench 16800 Raspt 001 Mertins—.-llgaj 902 Bourdeuux 90:1 De In JVlare Carta: 904 \ cwfoundJa ud 9‘)5 Cart® Denbigh 906 Ntophitaj ° 9u7 Recusants 908 Nassau 909 Matriinonio 910 Anstmther 911 Sherman 912 Guernsey 913 Jamaica-King 914 B; rbados—Nicholas 915 Penthievre 916 Chateau Neuf 917 New Testament 918 Mariana 919 Mauilrux ; 920 Maudagoto 921 Proxies • 922 Norfolk Fscheats 923 Campaign Roduey 924 Do. Gordon 925 Do. Dalrymple 926 Do. Dobrce 92J Do. Sparkes 928 Do. Ogilvie 929 Do. Hall 930 Do. Kennedy 931 Do. Taravella 932 Do. Clothing 933 Peterborough 934 Kensington 935 Elgin , , . . 936 Lyirdesey 937 Ex pences 938 Wistaustow 939 Jo lines—Hafod 940 Marriott 941 Somerset 942 Savoy CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS MSS. Index to Part 3. 6943 Goodmans Field.' 6'944 Westminster 945 Horwood Magna 946 Bengal 947 Mylney 948 Walpole 949 Viande 950 Sacheveiell 951 Pesaio-Koma 952 Paris 953 Beswick 954 l)o. 955 Stukeley 950 Snorro-Sturluson 957 Spoleto 958 Hugolinus 959 Aleucjnn 960 Precedents 901 H'ales-Carue VVilliamston 962 Wentworth 963 Seamen 904 Biniield 965 Brau ns ton 900 Heneage-Fincli 907 C'apel 968 Caidigan 969 Perle.ston-Corbet 970 Cartai-Salop. 971 Bahama 972 Buckingham-House 973 Berkshire 974 Aspale 975 West Peed, Ileits. Tatteshali 5)70 Skirpenbek 977 E«iw. 3. 978 Syntipas 979 Witham ISO Clergy-Certificates 98 t Kent 982 Do. Herne 9M3 Gibbon 1 8 l Carciogna t 80 Bradburu 9b0 E. of Limeric 987 Pinto 988 La Cautiva 9R9 Theologia 990 Easi-India 991 Do. 992 Hy de,E. of Clarendon 91)3 Impositions 994 Javanese MSS. 995 Do. 990 Hebrew MS. 997 Quebec 990 Beverley- 999 Journal 17000 Disccurse 1)01. I asW-y 002 Fakeiiham 003 Easi-M unden 004 Aquileja U05 W elsli Priory Seals 000 Cbaucejy-W rds 007 I atherion 000 Boduim 009 Sandwich 01 0 Lord Carbery Oil Hough am 01'2 Pilgrimages Old Merrion Square Moy glare 014 Wales 01 b Braybroc 016 Lavardiuo U17 Southwell Kings Weston 018 Greek Inscriptions 17019 Tour 17020 Bintieid 021 Antigua 022 C'ifford Peerage 023 Lord Chedworth U24 Withington, Gloc Hilpeiton, Wilts. Tottiughain 025 Dineley 026 Herbelot Ghazendier Kh n 027 Javanese-Lawisi 028 Astronomy 329 . 030 Hindosteuee 031 Do. 032 Letters 033 Javanese 03«f Mundang 035 Javanese 03 G I)o. 037 Salbech 038 Nizam 039 Smith-Demerara 040 LurJ Dimeric 041 Jitilge's Notes South Wales Monk Mason. 17042 Irelarid-Church 043 Do ; Court of Wards 044 Do. Dublin 045 Do Deeds 040 Do lcedera 047 Do Forfeit-Estates 048 Do. History 049 Ir.sh MSS. 050 Do. do. Trin. Coll. 051 Oisin 052 Giolla 053 Dublin 054 Do. 055 Do* 050 Do. 057 Do. 058 Do. Grants 059 Do. State Letters 000 Do. Appeals Ool Do. Dubliu, Co. 062 Do. Wicklow. Co. 003 Do. Ancient Maps 004 Do. Pub.m, Inq.p.M. 005 Ilolg 060 Oimii 007 Do. 008 Choi It 009 *Potms 070 pedi rees 071 I K as 072 Piomotions 073 r l erm rs 07 ! St. Patiick’s 075 t. 'I 1 mity 07o Clirisi-Church 077 l aiaiogue MSS. 0?8 Focluir 079 Jon.arbadh 080 Finn Mac Cnili 081 Ai magh t 82 Poems 083 History 084 Leoid 085 ( arolan 086 O’Ni.ghten 0157 Eachtraige 088 Oisin 089 Bearla 090 Urai Ogam 091 Irish MSS. 17092 St. Patrick’s 17093 Poems-O’Neiil Dublin Miscellaneous. 17094 Jamaica 095 Barbados-Grenville 096 Jersey-.\lcivile 097 Guern ey-Cnnimley 098 Sadlier 099 Lawes 10101 Jairiaica-King 100 Basseterre 102 Barbados-Ashton 103 Jerspy-Quetulle 104 Jamaica-Yallah 105 Sulivan 106 Law 107 AVilts.-Fines 108 Warrin 109 AVarner 110 Fdnion-Pembroke 11 1 Bnscoe-Jouvnal 112 Martinus Polonus 113 Ogdvie 114 Chardin H-5 Do. 116 Do. 117 Hebert 118 Marches-CoUrt 119 Welsh MS. 1-0 Autographs 121 Tontine 122 Do. 1'23 Brydges-Poof •-4 Drawings-Grey 12.5 Subsidy 126 Radcliife 127 Sheriffs 128 Pedigree-Nangle 129 Brydges-Letters 130 Barbadoes-Stone 131 Dering 132 Bisho. s-Cleve 133 Jamaica-Kennedy 134 Uo Hamilton 135 Adam-briiton 180 Ogilvie 137 0 . ten tal MS- Id*' Giiu am-liusuin 139 b. a d->h< i iff Biyd es-P. erage 14! bn. L'tieis 142 Wilts.*’, rawings Ln..d.m 1-44 M .images 14j iingliL H. 140 (_ ai-.nl >- David 147 i vancisl. 148 H. n 4 . of France Ll9 St'.kt—Neylund 150 ( opdbck 101 Nettlested •32 phidq.ps-Wales 163 L»oyd 154 Warwick-Sberifls 155 Barret-Drawings 150 Dni. Manniurum Suff. 157 Trade Frauds 158 D Uiae i 159 Yaianes 160 Knighthood-Comp. >01 fnniignan 102 Suflblk-Manors 103 Lnuvre 1 64 Seals-Bare 1G5 Vegetius 166 Morgan-Hagiar 167 M. H. Photography 17168 Index Cart. Augment. 17169 Fryer 170 Aimon 171 Welsh Poems 172 Pegge 173 Holman 174 Baker-Nt«>n. 175 Gaubil 170 Buttevant 177 Stonham-Register 178 Rennell-Bengal 1 79 Wottou-B isset 180 Johnson-IIastings 181 Fosbroke 182 Catalog. J. Van do Water 183 Baronets-Arms 184 Calcutta-Tour 185 India 180 Brydges 187 Parliament 188 Asirology-T. Long 189 Harcourt 190 VV'illis 191 Bagster 192 Clithero 193 Tatershal! 194 Draft-Deeds 195 Leltere-Italiuni 196 Careye 197 Flowers 198 Missong 199 Beecher 17 ‘iOt) Clarke 201 Keppell 202 Marmora 203 Champion 204 Lord Cornwallis 205 Tour 200 Warren Hastings 207 Grammaire 208 i e best an 209 Warren Hastings 210 Sagredo-Vemero 211 Oupnekhat 212 East India 213 Warren Hastings 2 14 China 215 Evesham 216 V\ iuston 217 Kempsey 218 Music-M. Riissell 219 Duppa 220 Jus Feudale 221 St.ituia 222 AJ H. Photographs 223 De Principiis Bry dges ' Dennis Eia 224 Elesher-Towcester 225 N ton. Priory 226 Do. Deeds. Lewis 227 Do. Adams 228 Do. Beville 229 Do. Janson 230 Do. Adams 231 Magna Charta 232 Documenta pro Genealogia 233 Napoleon I. 234 Caermerdnin 235 Glouc. Subsidy 236 Bourdeaux 2)7 Porter, Sir R. 238 Do. 239 Do. 240 Do. 24 L Do. 242 Hawke-Wei island 243 Courts-Martial 244 Jersey-Corbet 17245 Jersey-Rombnstrahces 1724(3 Lucknow 247 East India 248 Hindustan 249 Johnson, E. I. C. 250 Brydges 251 Warren Hastings 252 Nuns Vows 253 Oriental MS. 254 Pyciofl-Brere'ton Nugent 2.55 Porter, A. M. .255 Commissariat 257 Broughton 258 Drafts-Norfolk 259 Do Warwick 260 Fenton-Sh bech 261 Old Music.,M. Bussell 262 i.intz Garth Lanercost 263 Lord Clarendon 264 Letters-Bellini 265 A hi 1 gton 266 Arms. Montesin'bs 267 Popes-Merlino Hunter. ‘17268 Chvmica 269 Preserves 270 Portraits-Ituly 271 Kettering 272 Records 273 Derby 274 Norton 275 Yorkshire 276 Do. 277 Aghrig 278 York .279 Records 280 Thoughts 2b l Anecdotes 282 Hodsoke 283 Bath 284 York 285 Ketterfngham 286 Tick-hill 287 Dfeibvshire 2S8 Baronagium 289 Records 290 Catalogues 3 291 fuller 292 Yorkshire 293 Tickhill-Doncaster 294 Bawtry 295 Beds. Berks. Sic. 296 Yorkshire 297 York 298 Do. Peds. 299 Do. E. Riding ! 17300 Wiltshire 301 Bath 302 Caniboduuum 303 Cheshire 304 3 Catalogues 305 Counties 306 Pipe Rolls 307 York Subsidy .■’,08 Bretton Cartulary 209 Pontefract 310 Topographic 311 Pedigrees 312 West 313 Pontefract 314 Offley 515 Yorkshire 316 Fhynburgh 317 Yorkshire ol8 Do. ’319 St. Lawrence, York CATALOGUE OF PH1LL1PPS MSS. Index to Paet 3. 17320 Deanery 17321 Bawtry' 322 Derbyshire 323 Yorkshire 324 Records 17325 Buller 326 Records 327 Doncaster 328 MilneS 029 Offley 330 Records Miscs.laenous. 331 Sermons 332 Pap m us. Lady P. 333 Beoke 334 \ ic 335 Walton-Precectents 336 Wellington 337 Ferrariis-I uscriptiones 338 Demosthenes 339 Phillipps-, Henry 340 Do. 341 Do. 342 Do. 343 Do 344 Math eroaticC 345 Vegetables 346 Mathematics 34/ Sturmie 34b Philosophy 349 Wandering Tribes Persia 350 Shah Nameh 351 Bolingbroke 352 Jarnck on Sfiir 353 Caiey-Warwick 354 Bochnrville Cartulary 355 Welsh MS. ‘*Ni lad- den.’ St. Gall 356 J elsev-Godten 357 Freeman 358 Welsh Peds. 359 Placita 360 Carta. 1 Hants. 361 Do. Venice 362 Do 303 Mexico-Kingsborough 364 Josephus 365 Chardin 366 Bigland 367 Cwm Yoye 368 Do. 369 Fauvel 370 Mexican War 371 Welsh MSS. 372 Heathcote 373 Webster 374 Norton 37d Cainpidoglio 376 Counsel 377 Oriental MS. 378 Evesham 37g Rouen 380 M . P’s. Letters 381 Moore’s Letters 382 Autographs 3«3 Monk Mason 384 Do. 585 French Generals 585 Jer&ey-Views 387 Brereton-Pycroft 388 Ncwham-Pycroft 389 Jersey-Andross 390 Jamaica-Dummer Brvdges 391 Gaubil 392 Liberate Rolls 393 Cartas Tornacenses 17394 Johnson 17395 Carres 396 Peter de Vincis 397 Placita 398 Bulkelev Philipps Pirton Caetle 399 T. Ep Bangor 17400 Lev-Poems 401 (Jeffrey 402 Kent 403 Cambridge 404 Gloucestershire 405 Jesu is-Caidenas 406 Cai tcK-Saloip. 407 Phillipps-Picton 408 Cana-Cysoing 409 1. ghillerra 410 Sent.ones 4H « Inchester-A. Wood 412 Schichart 413 Kersnula 414 Vicenza 415 Ferielon 416 Greek Testament 417 Janiaica-Bayiev 4 18 Do. Benj. King 419 Bird 420 Cole 421 Jerdan 422 Sanguid 423 Benec 42^ Hmdoo-Oftths 425 Do. Music 426 Leili 427 Hindoo Law 428 Oriental MS. 429 Dabistan 430 PowclLFrench 431 Don Diego 432 Selim 433 Sol.tude 434 Nisus 435 Emma 436 Antinous 437 The Rookery 4 a 8 I Jon Alonzo 439 Compositions 440 Poen.S 441 SirHippolyte 442 Prefaces 443 Selim 444 Arlequin 445 Ebnonatus 446 Carlo 5. 447 Quevedo 448 Britton 449 Do. 450 Do. Letters 451 Cattermole 452 Adams 453 Rawlinson MSS. 454 Goupil 455 Jersey CoUlt 456 Gower 457 Grosseteste 458 Calvin 459 Dickes 460 Ceiici 4iil Byron 462 Radclifle 463 Kean 461 Berks-Yeomen 465 Brydges 466 Baker’s Index 467 Sheriffs 468 Rotuli WaIliac 469 Des Maistres 470 Henry 8. &. Fcis. 1. 471 Morgan-Hagiar 472 Porter 17473 Soubise 17474 Index MSS. Ph. Part 2. 475 Guernsey 476 Jersey-Villeneuve 477 W. 11 idles-Freeman 47S Gaubil-Cycle 479 Thornhill 480 Clergy-Cert ficates 481 Do. do. 4S2 Aldwicke 483 Gloucester 484 ingfie d 485 Wood. Irish Sketches 486 M.P Elections 4n7 Sir G Osborn. 488 Severn Stoke 489 Do. do. (query.) 490 Bnuml. an 491 Poikiugton MSS. 492 Drafts-Nton k Warw. 493 Lewis 494 Campbell 495 Smyi na-us-Digiti 496 Libraries-Paris 497 Yoi'k-Mayurs 498 \\ ebster-Scotland 499 Venecia 17500 Greenland 501 Llerge-Blois 502 Haitinek 503 Sharpe-South Sc-a 504 Pcdigrees-Wanboro' 505 East India 506 Savile 507 Jersey-St. Helens 508 Gamcs-WeRh 509 Edwin 510 B urdeaux-Espinasse 511 Caraccas-Kikini 512 Jane Porter 513 Sadler 514 Almon 515 Porter 516 Do. 517 Moscow 518 Bolivar 519 Porter, A. M. Ou^eley 520 Mirza-Saulih 521 Caraccas-Ouseley 522 Arboi field 523 Toddenham-Cheshire 524 Hcathcote 525 Vernier 526 Bird 527 Fragments MSS. Hara-France 528 Gaubil 529 Do, 530 Do. 531 Do, 532 Do. 533 Do. 534 Warren Hastings 535 East Iudia 536 Sandersou-Aristotle 537 St. Geneaio 538 Bahama 5j 9 West Iiidies-Guernsey 540 Lyon-Frauklin 541 Athei lian-Suc. 542 Sermons 543 Mirza-Saulih 544 Caraccas 26 545 Do. 36 Kikini 546 Porter-Sprague 547 Itliuriei 548 Bradfield. 549 112 th. Regiment CATALOGUE OF PHILLlPPS MSS. Ii*dex to Part 3. 17550 Louisburg-Pioneero 17551 Kirkwood 552 Pett 553 Phillipps-Sheriff 554 Porter, Sir li. 555 Do. Jane 55(J Santa-Cruz 5«>7 Dineley 558 Porter 559 Dunn 560 Fret well 561 Sermons 562 Do. 563 Do. 564 Do. 565 Legh 56 6 ('aria* Antitjua* 56? Visit. Glout. 566 Holland.Mickleton Cottereil 569 Wogan-Westrop 570 Ballard 571 Northamptonshire 572 Do. Steward 573 Brocl’ord 574 Lord Mmitford 575 Barrymore 576 Elections Monk Mason MSS. 17577 Dublin 57b Meath-Bishop 579 Rebellion 1641 580 Down 6b] Dublin 582 Ossory 5b3 Dublin “Crede mihi” 584 \\ hit worth 585 Clarvaus 586 Drawiiigs-Nton, 5S7 Clergy 58b Subsidy Compositions 589 Radciiffi; 590 Midghain 591 Porter 692 St. Donats 593 Kimbolton 594 Vernon 595 Guiile'mard 596 Bp. ot Bristol 597 Porter, Wm. 598 Do. Sir Robt. 599 Coughton 17600 Caraccas Col died worth 602 Household 603 Almoii 604 War-Papers 605 .Johnson 606 Tateshall 607 W alien Hastings 60b Edwards 609 Llergy-Vincent 610 A rms oil Tenlerden 6J2 France 613 Ignatius 614 Sermons 615 ./Enigmas 616 Philupp^, H. West Hunter. 17617 Beds. &c. 61b Camb. Dev. &c. 19 Lanceasler 620 Loudon 021 Do. 1/62*2 Agincourt *622 Snffolk-Cartrc 623 Feinted 624 Derbyshire 625 London 626 Robin-Hood Filch. 17627 Howard 628 Do. 629 Do. 630 Do. 631 Fakenham 632 Paw let 633 Grove 6.34 Bucklesham 635 Do 636 Do. 637 Do. 638 Holcombe 639 Do. 640 Erpyngham-Fastolf Oxenede 641 Q. Catharine 642 Fran.lingham 643 Bushey-Nevyle 644 Gt. Mordon 645 Swaningion 616 Moulton 647 Heveiynglantl 648 Do. 619 Do. 650 Do. 651 Do. 652 llyine-Norfolk 653 Bylney-Cartulary 654 KeLlmll IVilsoTt. 17635 Car. 2. & Jac. 2. 606 Family 657 Koman-Antiq. ,658 Brad t in Id-shefleld 659 Conisbon.ugh 660 Spanish In\a;sioii Crokesden 661 Braufield 662 Do. 663 Lartte-Antiq. York R ussfell 664 Taylor-Kilig-Killing 665 Kiiubolton 666 Silkeston-Ecclcafield 667 Do. Agbrig. A!- mondbury 668 Caitse-Calthorn 009 Peuistou 070 Shaw -DoUsworlh 671 Biadfield 67 2 Lo. 673 Gunthwait 07 4 Rotherham 675 11 all a in 676 W estnall 67 < Braufield 678 Wilson 679 Sheffield 660 Durham, I. p. M. Dod&worth 681 Notts 682 Cartic-Autiq. York 6b;> Do. do. 684 Sheffield R. Catholics t.S5 Yoikshire 666 Do. 687 Midhope 688 Epitaphs-York 689 Bradtield 17690 Oate-Conundrums 176.91 Medecine 692 Navigation 693 Coins 694 Medicine 695 Poems 696 Do. Miscellaneous. 17697 Nani Constantinople 698 M'-lino do. 699 Foscarini do. 1 7700 J. de W avrin 701 Bun-Seraglio ?02 Veniero-Turchia 703 Turco 704 Chalmers 705 Dowdesweir 706 Medicina Ilibernica 707 Hatful 70S Chalmers-Glasgow 709 Quebec 710 Ord MSS. 711 Roma 712 Vemlome-Cartulary 713 Gt netals-French 71*1 Chelsum 715 Rt.ueu 716 Clergy 717 Do. 71S Longevity 7 »9 Baker 720 Huuter-Bible 721 Do. Bucks. 722 St. Beriiu-Cartul. 723 Belcock 724 Poetry-Spanish 725 Dublin 726 Mason-Letters 727 Do. do. 728 Lord Lovat 7^9 Neuvo 7 '0 Ranelais 731 Strawberry-Hill 732 Oitoinano 733 Lord Strafford 734 Porter 735 111 q p. Mort. Index 736 Rouen Cartulary 737 tJones-Welsh Music 738 Do. 739 Do. 740 Do. 741 Do. 742 Perilita 743 Bisuntina 744 Warren Hastings 745 Sir Clyomon 746 Naval Affairs 747 d’Entraigues 748 Parsons 749 l)o. 750 Do. 751 Do. 752 Ratlcliffe-LibrAiy Ox. 753 Rubiani 754 Testamenta 755 Do. 756 Libri 757 Bonaparte 758 Mahomet 759 Paecius 760 Pygnieis 761 Curiu-Romana 762 Lasca-de Medici 763 L. Aretinus 764 Irish Baronets 765 Do. do. Arms 766 Sixtus V. 17767 VVartou J/708 KirkJington Register 769 Jamaica-Comyu. 770 Clergy 77 I Bragunza 772 Devon-Arms 773 Bonner-E. Imjij 774 Ducat-Lancast. 775 Childs 776 Cartse Antiq. Gallia? Epi. Metz. 77? Thornhill 77S Johnson. Sami. 779 Normandie 7«0 Scotland 782 St Christofer 781 Oxon-Bartlet 783 Jamaica-Irwia 748 Johnston 785 Armees 786 Westminst-Schulars 787 Cambodia 788 Texas 789 Adml. Vernon 790 Geo. 4. Autogr. 791 Simple 792 C. dd 793 Lippnmani 724 Conolly 795 ( hurchill 796 Murphy 797 Pedigrees-Smith 798 Gitanos 799 Keyte, Lady Aun 17SoO Contarini Constantinople 801 Cape llo 802 Galata So3 Valieri 804 Test. Cheney 805 Do. Coke 806 Do. Eland 807 Do. Ward 808 Cartte Laou 809 Do. do. 810 Wastelands-Ireland 81 l Barbados-Lillington 81*2 Episcopi 813 Do. 814 Do. 815 Do. 816 Do. 817 Contarini 818 Povvlet-Hinton 819 Lord Lovat 820 D. of Portland 821 Vernon 822 North America 823 Subsidy-Goring Sandys MSS. 17824 Canterbury 825 Do. 826 Do. 827 Do. Burgliniote 8*28 Caldecute 829 Cunterbury-Carlul. 830 Do. Perambulation Miscellaneous. 17831 Mulieres Latina; 832 Quin 833 M. P Letters 834 Mrs. Sutherland 835 G'ergy R. Winter 846 O'Cieiigli 837 Black L* cture 838 Noviomugen- 17839 Arnott 17840 Cumberland 841 Normandie 84*2 Yorkshi.e 843 Do. 844 Berlandier 845 Deeds 846 Hastings, Hsrry 847 Throckmorton 84S Lil.ri MSS. S4y Concilia Toletana 850 Scolch College S5| No)ihumberland 852 Ireland 8-33 Knights-F' es Stiff. 804 Hornsey-Highgale 855 Ireland 806 Middelburgh 857 Guadaloupe 858 Jonville 869 Vane 8(J0 Shivers 861 Verigull Gulliver 862 Malortie 863 Howard 864 Chapman 865 Brown 866 Cor-ton 867 Armagh 868 Lloyd-Trevach 869 Holncston 870 Stoneham 871 Mendlfcsham 872 Fiamlingham Miscellaneous. 17873 Recruits 874 Rations 875 Recruits 876 Rations Campaign. 175*77 Ogilvie 878 Bad aj os 879 Granja Nova S80 94lh. Regiment 881 Imprest 882 Sir Charles Colville 883 Fuentede Cantos S84 Vizeu 885 Paris 886 Ltimear 887 Ciudad Rodrigo 888 Lord Dunmore 889 Paris 890 Lisbon 891 Transport 892 Salamanca 893 Gomez Fercira 894 Almeida 895 Payments 896 Bourdeaux 897 Boulogne 898 Bapautne 899 Valenciennes 17900 Santander 901 Ciudad Rodiigo 902 TJstaritz 903 Cambray 904 Ciudad Rodrigo 905 Lnngumeau 906 S. Domingos 907 Abrantes 908 Cas-tello Branca 909 Ustaritz 910 Neuilly 911 Villa Mane* 912 Bourdeaux CATALOGUE OF PHiLLIPPS MSS. I>'df.x to Part 3. 17913 Santander 17914 Arrayolos 915 Marshall Be res ford 916 Boulogne 917 Harrison 918 Salamanca 919 \\ alker Bourdeadx 920 Salamanca 921 Do. 922 Kennedy 923 talaya 924 Kennedy 925 Salamanca 926 Sancourt 927 Dalman 92S Bourdeaux 929 Cambray 930 Dumaresq 931 Ciudad ltmlF'gd 932 Ualrymple 933 Versailles 934 Lord Beiesford 93 5 936 Coiuche 937 Marmande 938 Salamanca 939 Braganza 940 Valenciennes 941 Salamanca 942 6th. Foot 943 Sullivan 944 Fucntes 945 Valenciennes 946 Pay List 977 D’Auvergne 948 Ugilvy 949 Do. 950 Pal-is 95) Carey 952 AzUaga 953 Talavera 954 Hade 11 955 Carey 956 Ptsquiera 957 Azuaga ) 958 Reyuozo 959 Usiaritz 960 Ardaiz 961 Can. bray 962 Kennedy 963 Reynosa 964 Bruxelles 965 •‘■anlander 966 Paris 967 Valada 968 Merries 969 Villa Cayo 970 Cainusca 971 Interpreters 97- Port Alega 973 Mimzalbos 974 White Hall 975 Villa Nueva 976 Murray 977 Ciudad Rodrigo 978 Bourdeaux 979 Ciudad Rodrigo 9S0 V,|l a Franca 981 Valenciennes 682 Paris 983 Dalrymple 984 Chamu'sca 985 Ogilvie 986 Beck ford 987 Slany 988 Political Songs 989 Irish MSS. $pa ni; h. 17P90 Paloniarcs 17991 S«n Isidore 992 E‘C ivial-MSS. Salamanca 993 Monte 994 'uvios 995 Gracia Dei J 96 Pulencia-lLn. IV. 997 Simancas 998 Kel.ei-Flornby ( arlae. 999 Tour: nay isooo Do. Botiliaers 160 Do. Vicars 002 Do. St. Amant 003 Du Qua ilous 064 M'-tz -Trecourt 005 Toumav-| es Roes 000 Co. Pioit Miscellaneous. 007 Fiimiglie Romane 008 I entuii-PembroKe 009 Mil.edoui-Trento 010 Bayhs-N. Wales Oil C..iitlover-Wales 012 Portraits 013 Butler 014 Spain 015 Nelson 0 < 6 8m,tt 017 Allographs 018 Grotius 019 Bosvvell-.T.ilinsrtn 020 Di< n,s. I’eriegetes 021 Sleep Walker 022 Chapeau de Paille 023 Zelida 024 Medicine 0-5 Littleton Tenures 0*26 Barksdale 027 Jenkins 028 Toledo 029 Quevedo 030 Carlo 5 -D’Alva. 031 Napoleon, 1. 032 Charles X. 0J3 |)u Tremblay 03-t I lamas 035 Filz James 036 De Boader 037 Brune 038 Bellart 039 Colli 040 Droz 041 Auger 042 De Lort 043 Leyza de Campos 044 Abbot 045 Beutham 046 Berkeley 04 7 Duke of Cambridge 048 Chamber! un 049 i) ae r 050 Ritzalan 031 Insects Chinese 052 Views do. 053 Maisons do. 034 State Robes do. 055 Figures do. 056 Maps do. 057 English Nuns 058 Catholics 059 Aug. Baker 060 Carleton 18061 Newling-Kynaston 18062 Vander Zellen 063 llinglcy-Hants. 064 Molteno 065 C'ha.meis-Forfar (; 66 Baker MS's -lleyford 067 Do Braybroke 068 Do. Charwelton 069 Do. Buck by 070 Do. Preston 071 L)o. Hartwell 0/2 Do. Cold Ashby 073 Do Brampton 0J4 Inghilterra 075 Vincent, v. Brooke 0/6 Junes, Welsh Barks 0/7 Do. America 078 |)o. Machynlleth 079 Do. Lliuiullvn 0b0 Do. Minstrels OSl Do. North Wales 082 Do. Baliol Coll. 0 ,! 3 Co. Eilis of Amlwch 084 Dn. Tudor Tret nr 0S5 Do.Musical Acndcmv 08G Du. Drayton 087 Do, Obelisk 0b 8 Do. Trioed 089 Duke ul Kent 890 Irnporat. Rom.-Papiu 891 l.ady Llaike 092 Simonides 093 Roma 091 Ruffins Sextus 095 A lien-Durham 096 York, Co. 097 Yorkshire 09b Sheffield. R. Catholics 099 York Cavite 10100 Do. do. 101 Nottingham 102 Sheffield 103 Do. 104 Baker MSS. Records 105 Fescamp 106 Dumfries-Chalmers 167 June Porter 108 T. P. Wills 169 Suazo Puesias 110 Le Gun idee 1 11 Do.-Price 112 Jones-Welsh Poems Eylon. 113 Shrewsbury Cartulary W en lock, do. 114 Haghmond 00. 115 Vy omhridge do. 116 Sa.op. Fines 117 Do. Placita 11H Haghmond Cartulary 119 Grose Drawings 120 Gage, Sir T. do. 121 Subsidy Speccot 122 Warren Hastings 123 Lucian 124 Roman History Anatomy 125 Bible Notes 126 Greek History 127 Proverbs 128 Powell Seals 129 Illuminations l«jU Malmesbury Inscripl. 13L De Triniute 132 Barnett Diary 133 Ossian 134 Conveyancing 135 Yriarte Fa hies CATALOGUE OF PHILLTPPS MSS. Index to Part 3. S 18 03 Kent 1 Bigland, Glouc. Longevity 114 Bliss, Oxford Biography 115 Bibliography 11G King ' 117 Winstanley MSS. 118 Howland, Berks. 119 Psalterium H. 3. 120 Gervasii Otia 121 Wright Curzon 12*2 Car tee, Oxon. Kidliugton Minster Lovel North teach 123 Oldsworlh Poems 1*24 Excefpta Antigua 125 Letters Stuarts 1*26 Old Ballads 1*27 Authors Bliss Family A Hitts Bliss Pedigree 1*28 New College Founders Kin 1*29 Oxon. Churches Herts, do- 130 St. John’s Coll. Okon. 131 Bliss Family Frampton Cotierell 132 Bandihel Jiiiss Gout 1*33 Fragments. Veil 134 Begimen Sanitatis Carmina Anglica 135 Hearniana 136 Sir H. Lee Sermons 137 Language 133 Mint 139 List of Books 140 Cowdray 141 Oxford Events 14*2 Overbury, Sir T* 143 Cartes Antiques Beaulieu Abbey ~ Kyngton Priory — Lacok —-.Gernon Leyr Marriey Elcumb Box Cheltenham Cops ted Bacon. Hants. Baynard, Lackham — Flemang, Hants. Whittoxmede “^Allyngton, Wilts. Bagworth Hardenhuish, Wilts. Colerne _Mugge Hay ford 144 Sandys MSS. Canterbury H. 7. Charter Longport Brydges, Sir E. Ped. 145 Jennings Navy Army Law 146 Black Friars, Canterb. 18147 West Gate, Kent. 3148 Canterbury Deed 149 Do. Cartas 150 Do. High Bailiff 151 Do. St. Augustin 152 Cartae Canterbury 153 Sandys Petition 154 Carlisle, Sir Antony 155 Gunthorpe Gt- Yarmouth Pictures 156 O’Connor 157 Cinaloa Chelfield Inventory Hignet Pedigree 158 Eutropius 159 Cicero ICO Virgil /Eneis 161 Southwell Pedigree 16*2 Harvey’s Visitations Visit. Nton. Do. Herts. Do. Beds. Do. Bucks. 163 Hewlet Seals Caley 164 Thurgarton Cartulary 165 Hussey Testament 166 Hamilton. Sir Wm.do. U>7 Brydges, D, of Chan- dos, Testament 168 Harvey do. 169 Wentworth 170 French Manners 171 BeukeTest. 17*2 Bostock Test. 173 Sheldon o/ Aberton do. 174 Pusey do. 175 French Revolution 89 176 Mussenden Test. 177 Chudleigh do. 178 Brad held Ren tale 179 Foster 180 Egremont Test. 101 Bowes, Rich. do. Walker, Sadler do. 18*2 Wakelin Test. 103 Todd .1 ohnston 184 Smith Barry 185 Papists 186 Ranuzzi MSS. Italian Nobles 187 Hunter Ecclesiastica 188 Hunter Suffolk Peas. Do. York do. Jermyn Gage Flervey Torre 109 Doncaster 190 Legonidec Price Breton Langue 191 Dering Diary Poems 192 Scotch Names 193 Bigland Church Notes 194 Rudder Monuments 195 Nani Lettere Morea 196 RiceTest. 197 Oldisworth Martyrologia 18198 Catalog. M. H. Middle Hill 8198 Webster Verses Rimell Verses 199 Sanscrit Sabatobhadrajatih 200 Books Greek Test. Government 201 Medicine Perspective Trigonometry 202 Braden ham West Wycomb Bucks 203 Trade 204 Ware Test. *205 Fosbroke MSS. Wye 206 Walford Ruardeail Price 207 Foreign Antiquities 208 Antiquities Turner Cirencester 209 Cat’s Eye Berkeley, Lady Marianus Scotus 210 The Press 211 Index 212 Cant Irish Manners Do. Rebels 213 Sicily 214 Ittiger Animals 215 Natural History Fosbroke MSS. 216 Stamford 217 British Village 218 Higgins Celtic Druids 219 Gell, &c. *220 Ancient Scots. Gauls, Britons Greek Letters . Gloucester Classical Art 2*21 Navy 222 Architecture Greek, & Roman 2*23 224 I 225 > Oriental MSS. 228 Las Casas West Indies Miggrode Drawings 229 Russian War Sphenias 230 Saoli Piacenza Perez Italia Mantua Sweden Polacchi Monserrato Roma Borgia Strigonia Cardinali Torre Liguria Oneggia Sabran Caroleta Monno 18231 Venetia 18231 Statuta *232 Autographs Peers Derby Vernon Fitz-harding 233 Wallingford 234 Petrarcha Triumphi “235 Dathi Jus Civile Excavations Berti Biography 236 Torricelli 237 Solinus 238 The Lords Prayer 239 Jarry ‘240 Cartae Suffolk Cheke Jenney 241 Lucrecia Astolfo Paladino 242 Bentley Court Rolls 243 Whittlesey 244 Mussenden Test. Wentworth Inventory *245 Torquemada Inquisition ‘246 Barbadoes *247 East India 248 Attainders Ireland 249 Flaccus Illyrieus The Pope 250 Ireland Irish Dictionary 251 Gomara Barbarossa Astorga 252 Duca de Guisa Toscana 253 12 Patriarchs Test. 254 Poemas Lainez Saravia Quintyn Matsys 255 Coronation Geo. 1. 256 Callimachus Attila Rex Turkish War Hungaria Vladislaus Brognoli 257 Gage, Sir Thos. Killarney 258 Bourdeaux Cart«e De la Marcha 250 Oriental MSS. 260 Powell On Beauty 261 Balmada Manila Philippine Isles 262 Hoby MSS. Beaton 263 Savoia Duca P. Innocent 12 Orange 264 Capillas Barbadico 265 Derbyshire H unter Co. Notts. 266 Vigo 267 Ossian pr. O’Connor Not^s MS 18268 Les Vieilles Aglae Jeune CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS MSS. Index to Part 3. 10 18269 Warren Hastings 270 Lucian 271 Anatomy Chronology Roman Logic 272 Hunter New Test. Do. Dates of MSS. 273 Greek Authors Pausanias Aphidnae 274 Betham MSS. Authors 275 Powell David Seals 276 Illuminations 277 Webb Church Notes Malmsbury, 278 Trinity 279 Cooke's Grants Dalton do. 280 I J eds. of Deities 281 Granville 282 Chalmer's MSS. Coldingham Kelso Melrose Soltre Rohertson Durham Charters 283 Genealogy Pri tenet 284 Player 285 Betenson 286 Walden 287 De Vaux MSS Cape of Good Hope Mauritius 288 Radcliffe Peds. Herefordshire do. Chamberlayne of M augersbury 289 St. Vast Arras 290 Hunter’s Dugdale’s Baronage 291 Subsidy Richards 292 Robinson 293 Burton 294 Paget 295 Harvey 296 Browne 297 Knight 298 Chaplin 299 Whitley 300 Raw lee 301 Pinfold 302 Sinnott Ida Kilkenny 303 Hindoo Paintings 304 French Papers 305 Ellis's Maxims 306 Saxon MSS. St. Mathew Coptic 307 Stapleton Lady Walpole 308 Priuli 309 Vocabulary Arabic 310 Prometheus Black Book 311 Cranmer People 312 Sermons Barnett 18313 Diary 18314 Obituary 315 Machell Memoranda Sketches Mansions Roman Inscriptions King’s Monuments Arms in Churches 316 Pylon MSS. Cartul. Salop. 317 Do. Haghmond 318 Do. W ombridge 319 Salop. Fines Do. Foxcot Rolls Do. Placita 320 Do. Assize 321 Milburne Cumberland 322 Cartul. Haghmond 323 Bliss MSS. Newcomen. Ser».ons Dedham 324 Edwards’s Life 325 St. Margarite 326 St. Mary’s Priory Huntingdon 327 Cardinal Allen Deventer Sir Wm. Stanley 328 Edwardes Castra Regis 329 Jenkin’s M>S. ladies Poetry Tighe 330 Valentine Jenkins 331 Soldier’s Life 332 Jebb Lady Barnard 333 Fenestrella 334 The Maniac 335 Jenner on Rain 336 Longmore On Time, & Love 337 Rolls Mona Legend 338 Absence 339 Moore Irish Melodies 310 Chalmers MSS. Kirkcudbright 341 Edinburgh 342 Dumbarton 343 Wig ton 344 West Galloway 345 Stirling 346 Lanark 347 Roxburgh 348 Linlithgow 349 Banff. Perth. Aber¬ deen, Forfar, Kin¬ cardine 350 Kinross Inch Mahon Fife Clackmannan 351 Orkney Shetland Drawings 352 Argyll Stirling Dumbarton Aberdeen 353 Statistics Scotland 354 Caledonia 355 Scotland 355 Inverary 18356 Baker MSS. 18356 Cartul. St. Janies St. Andrews Northampton 357 Conveyancing 358 Y riarte Fables 359 Sheriffs 360 Speccot 361 Merry Wives Cambridge 362 Marriaae Pytt Gloucester 363 Kingsborough Mexico 364 Papists 365 Schouter Views Palermo Syracuse Gibraltar 366 Damaiden Marriage Maximilian Maria Bavaria 307 5letz Carted Bulaw 368 Do Hampont 309 Do. Romet 3/0 Do. Marsalt 371 Do. Flauville 372 Do. lioerauud 373 Belaimy 374 Petit Maheu 375 llergeimont 376 Arms Surrey Visit. Holland 377 Grimsby Poll PhiUipps Wood 378 Homer Slave Trade 379 Scotland Union 380 Smythe Mosquet Caliver long Bo/ve A rollers 3SI Hardwick, Lord Delabere Parliament 382 AI mon Political Papers 383 Bullingham MSS. Oxford Willis Tanner Rawlinson 384 Worcester Gloucester DamenevilJe Worcester Pedigrees Cotswold do. 385 Honiton Devon. Humfrey Upcot Pomeroy Baron Ash 386 Wistanstow 387 VVebbe Genealogy Biography 388 Grimsby Election 389 Barones Anglize T.P. 390 Evesham Voters 1 391 Espana 18392 Essex Cartes 18392 Cuylly 393 Elogi Greek MSS. 394 Upcot MSS. Kenyon 395 Phelps Burgis 396 Letters Bretagne Nancy 39/ Inkberrow Inclosure 398 Poems Hamilton Gunning 399 Pere du Chesne 400 Jesuits Come Darrell H ereford 401 O. Rich Letters Kingsborough MSS, 402 Jenkins Obituary 403 Pizzi MSS. Arabic Vocabulary 404 Ure Proper Names 405 Poems W hitby, Thus. 406 Beaumelle St Cyr 407 Do. Verses 408 Garnerius Malta Flags 409 No Conscience 410 Port Royal 41) Beatrice Cenci 4 12 Higford Morality 413 T. P. 414 Switzerland Do. do. 415 Pizzi MSS. Medicinu Arabica 416 Junius Woodfall Rhode Island Lord Howe America Admiral of the Blue 417 Voltaire St. Julian Bossuet 418 DesMolets Oratorii Congreg Biography 419 Argelati Landi Padua Lcttere 420 Suabia 421 Abasside Caliphs 422 Cartie 24 Suffolk Cheke 423 India 424 Inquisition Torquemada 425 Braccelli Genoa Philosophi Veteres 426 Scioppius Machiavellius 8427 Tilgate Barbadoes Ireland Irish Tenants CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS MSS. 11 128 (■amnion Place Book Crichton Petyt Parliament aria Primrose Physic Saltingston Navigation Gesta Grayorum Gray’s Inn 129 Powell Wales 130 Missale Latin Verse 131 CarU eT ournay Daudenarde 132 Lansnoit 133 Blandaing 134 Cretins 135 Rebrueres 136 St. Teniant 137 Le Maziere 138 Plankes 139 Orfevres MO lliceus 141 Dantoing 142 Quarle 143 Ballins 144 Wautiers 145 Cambies 14(5 Buriduns 147 Cobiars 148 Le Sages 149 Candelier 150 Potes 151 Templueve 152 Le Oirs de Borgies .53 Fontaine 154 Yomichmans 165 Valenchiennes 56 Balluel 157 Salines 5b Famiglie Romane 59 Monuments Mordaunt Wallis Richmond Webb Mitford Kemys Tynte Talbot Dashwood King Edwards- Freeman :60 Assises Wilmot Berks. Morals Day re 11 V\ alters Noye Bridgeman Court Leety & Baron Corpus Christi Coll. Marston 61 Cooper Poems Evans Heraldry Llanvillin Montgomery 62 Florence De Medicis 63 Kirk White English Sovereigns 64 Rentale Darlington 65 Household Book King of France 66 Monastic Rules 57 Arms Durham Gentry Index to Part 3. 1H468 Poems Lnceheth 469 Astle Diplomata Scotie 470 Shrewsbury Burgesses 471 Topography 472 Sheridan 473 Letters Poems Prologues French Letters 471 French Revolution 475 Nuns Pensions 476 Oates Wortley Letters Yorkshire 477 Letters DuriionceHu 470 De Mailly 479 De Vaivile 400 Bourbon Princes 401 Poems Hero, Sy Leander 482 Convocation Disputes 483 Grenville, Geo. 404 Treasury 485 A seize Egerton, Ld. Keeper 486 Chinese Military 487 Do. Dresses 4»8 Do. Flowers Do. Butterflies 489 Do. do. 490 Do. Domestic Employ- 491 Letters [ment Bignon d'Aguesseau # Lamas Chatellux Boufflers 492 Segrave Feudarium Rentale 493 Statuta. St. John’s Coll. Cambridge 494 Walpole Portraits Strawberry Hill 495 Lazarus Martha Madalina Steinfurtur 496 Rentale Whittlesey 497 Letters Mevens, H. Spanish Books 498 Renlalia Wallia 499 Pottse Guadalcazar Vascongada 500 Chedworth Poems Letters Sheridan, (R. B.) 501 Letters Noblesse 502 Papier s d’Etat France French Revolution 503 France State Affairs 18504 Sheridan, (R. B.) Letters Stonleigh 18504 Railway 505 Letters Ministers d'Etat Balloon 506 The Levant 507 Bretagne 500 Letters Bourbon 509 Broglie d'lvery 510 Legal Precedents 511 Dinner Expcnces 512 On Speaking 513 French Memoranda 514 Note Book on Religion 515 English History 516 Receipts Medical Cordial Water 517 Trigonometry Gunnery 518 Epitaphs ■519 Letters Paulus Venetius Casaubon 520 North Wales Sir Isaac Heard Sir E. Wilmot Pugh Pedigree 521 P ursuivants 522 Tenths Higginson 523 Hanks Cookery Lady Wharton Sir Thos. Smith 524 Lettere Magalotti Henry Newton Inghilterra 525 Alienation Licences Aldwicke Sussex 526 Binding Bibliography Typography 527 Ware Popery 528 Seineioterion Argaramon 529 English Catholics 530 St. Philip’s Church Birmingham 531 Via gem Oliveira 532 Sectanus Satires 533 Falconer Cheshire 534 Hardwicke, Ld. Debates 535 Bubble Amorose 536 Viaggio Castro 537 Vers Provencaux 538 Antivari Archiep. Albania Transylvania Ungheria Visitation 539 Inquisitions Polinus Florencia 540 Frescobaldi Caraffa Reformatio Ecclesia; 541 Northampton Wesleyans 18542 Chalmers, R. Sinclair Pedigrees 18543 Durham Old Deeds Streatlam Stain ton 544 Cartce Tournay Bruxelles Cousturlere 545 Schilter Braban Germany 546 Medical Receipts Horses 547 Court Roll Warley Essex 548 Letters Clark Lady Sundon 549 Travels England Barn by Moox 550 Roberts Exeter 551 Do do. lzacke 552 Roxburgh Letters 553 Do, do. 554 Peers Letters Elliott 555 Welsh Poems 556 Peers Letters W alpole 557 Hinton Oxford Brasses 558 Hill, Ld. Letters Sandwich 559 Scott, SirWr. Letters 560 Roxburgh Letters 561 Letters Peeresses 562 Phillipps Tour Manchester 563 King's Officers Fees 561 Verona 565 De Witt Gloucester Pedes. Fin. 566 Do. Wigorn Pedes. Fin. 567 Irish Portraits 568 Dering MSS. Kent Escheat a 569 Fiennes Dover Castle 570 Letters Cardinals 571 Kent. Domesday 572 Do Sheriff's Dering Chancellors 573 Monasteries Knights, Creations of 574 Knighthood Excuses Kent 575 Cartu/aria Begham Langley St. Trin. Canterburv 18576 Deeds Harvington 1 * CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS MSS. Index, to Part 3. 18576 Pinvin Grafton Flyford Inclosure 577 Cole 578 Sla'e Letters Lenthal Argyle HolderneSi Townshend Gordon 579 De Witt Rctuli Wal’.iae •580 Norfolk Depositions 581 Suffolk Depositions 582 Le Neve Framlingham 583 Fairfax Army 9 581 >t. Clement Danes Boor Hate 585 Canoe Phil lipps Westwick Norfolk 586 Letters Mary, Q. of Scots. Duke of Guyse 587 Sevenhampton Deeds Totness Charter 588 Bingley Hants. Pedigrees 589 Jersey Dumaresque 590 Cosby Fast India 591 Wilts. Freeholders 592 Law Officers English Barons Biography 593 Madras Hill Country 594 Hintlesham 695 Cullen Library 596 Chesterfield 597 Londonderry 598 MSS. Pbillipps Cat. 599 Warwick, Lord 18600 Carta Evesham Long 601 Gill 602 Owen Walc.ot llibbesford Epitaphs 603 Medicinal Reieipts 604 Letters Hill Bruxelles 605 Barker Porsoniana 606 Brute Cronicon 607 Letters Sir Robt. Vaughau 60S Fcodarium Suffolk 609 Ayshcombe Hurlstone Shirley Smith Eatington Warwick 610 Staverton Court Rolls 18611 Army Black 1S912 Condo 613 Essex Land-Lords 614 De Vaux MSS. Regiments 615 On Dr aridity 616 Letters Hainmonf Searthingwell 617 Piers Pedigrees Cavendish 618 Yates Genesis Translation 619 Yates Collation Hebrew Samaritan Pentateuch 620 Yates Genesis Greek 621 Genesis Hebraice 622 Barker Porsoniana 623 Blathwayte Letters Lord Galway 624 t alalogue Cabinet du Roi 625 Voltaiie St. Julian 626 Letters Schomberg 627 T. P. Secret Alphabet Music 628 Phillipps Income Tax Broadway Field Steward 629 Ufiord Suffolk 630 Letters Gell, Sir Wm. Spencer 631 Boys Legal Cases 632 Boys Common Forms 633 Darke Letters 634 Satirist 635 Do. Law Black Sheep 636 Sagar Sermons 637 K. Phillipps Poems Avarice 638 Barker Anecdotes Dr. Parr 639 Hinton Oxford Brasses Arms T. P. 640 Donne Metempsychosis Lucian Dialogues The Favorite 641 Phillipps Tatham 642 Marsham Rental London 643 Hoi worth Suit 18644 Drenfeld Derby Dore 18644 Inclo8uie 645 Tideswell Inclosure 646 Do. do. Act 647 Tour Flanders Paris Dorchester Churches 648 Owen, Geo. Henllys Princes of England 649 Livings Yorkshire Patrons i ncumbents 650 M anwood Pedigrees 65 1 Deeds Suffolk Staverton Lowdhain Beningworth 652 G-rdonio de Urinis Villa Nova de Tulsu Bourgundia Jordanus de Turre Fevers 653 Letters Conynghatn 654 Letters Hammond Searthingwell 655 Duningworth Suffolk 656 Car tie .Bourdeaux Arras 657 Ivq. p Mart. Mans. I Rice d,. Fdwd. M a rgam 058 Cah lngue Pei- i.o. MSS. Mole Brieux Siam Cochin China Tonquin 659 Carta Metz St. Quintin Laon P. Clement Bulla 660 Pensylvania 661 Marriage Settle Daslnvood Wycombe Chamberlayne 662 Watringbury School List 663 Guy Testament Poems Anecdotes 664 Authors Letters Saunders 665 Jenkins Ladies Autographs 666 Darke Letters Radclyffe Pictures 667 Satirist Polite Instructor 18 668 Court Roll St. James Abbey Bristol St. Berian 18668 Cornwall 1 n stitut tones 669 St. Paul's Epistles 670 Staverton Ren'ale Suffolk 671 Letters Darke 672 Harding, Geo. Portraits England 673 T. P Extracts of db 674 Catalogue Medical Botany 675 Cherbourg!! Port 676 Cartfe Phil, le Bel. Verraandois St. Quintin 677 Charles Henry de France 678 Antiquary Club 679 Cartie Arras Beuicourt 680 Railway L. Bythain Haeonby 681 Johnson Svvarkston 682 Derbyshire 683 Charretis Secret Letters 684 Picton Castle 685 Wall W otton Inclosure 686 Knipe Diary Jmber Court 687 ParliainentRe/orrn Phillips Lampeter Welfrey Jordanston North, Ld. Popish Bill 688 Andrews Divine Glory 689 Lettere Italian! Bernardi Mora Calucci Nelson Malta Capitulation Lady Hamilton Foresti S. r Wm. Plamiltori 690 Kent Bromley College 691 French Letters 692 Montolieu 693 Darke Papers 694 Cathcart, Lord Letters Berlin 695 Michl. Russell 696 Letters T. Rodd 697 Packington, Sir Jo! 698 Treves Angleterre d’Escosse 699 Johnston East India Letters Monumental Insert Poems 18700 Metz Cartas Nowseville 18701 Prize Poems Porson Cambridge CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS MSS. Index to Part 3. ( 70*2 Franks 703 letters Roman Catholic Petition 704 Satirist 705 Letters Hony wood Lord Hawke Franks 706 Cheek Wills. Rawlins 707 Do. Wright 708 Do. Yales Offenham 709 Campden Covrt Rolls llmington 710 Court Rolls Hillingdon M aye Phillipps, Ric. St. Olave Colham Southwark 711 Colham H illingdon Meace Trevilliun 71*2 Ilmington W elf rd 713 East Florida 714 Placita Cordova 715 Testamenta H odsall Llo)d 716 Letters Malta 18738 Jersey Roll Inhabitants 739 Jersey Rate Ho. Constables 740 New Hampshire "41 New York 74>2 Poland A rmy Revenues 743 Admiralty New Plymouth Piatt Kennebec'; l.iv:r 744 Ayshcombe Hurlston Broughto 1 Whilchu. ch 745 Dublin Pi ivy Council 746 Journey E.gland 747 Abraham Caerlaverock 74S Gerunth Sikh Bible 749 Star Chamber 750 Carta' Galliae Serriere 751 Cartes Galliae Solito 75*2 Cartes Galliae Beauvarlet 753 Metz M. Symphorien Fessault 754 Do. S(. Andrea Toussaii.t St. Arnoud Caries Anglican® 717 Satirist Punishment 718 Wellingborough Title 719 Alderney 720 Alderney Terve Le Cocq 721 Radburo Title Co Warwick 722 Charter Chippenham Wilts. 723 West Indies Mathew 7*24 RomanCatholicSchools 7*35 Anecdotes Germany 726 C ha rib bee Isles s mi tli Jersey Le Geyt Darell 727 Jersey Jamaica Anson Admiral 728 Poland Weiihorski 729 Agua Vail. Comedia 730 Jeisey State Acts 731 Musique 732 Guernsey Aett Le Marchaut 733 Tolgullawe Cornwall 734 Cartes Galli® La Maire 735 Wilts. Freeholders 736 Guernsey Acts LeM archant Marriage 18737 Yorkshire Gentry New bold Cesl refield 755 Nanfan Letters Howorth 756 Sheriff's Lincoln 757 Cantlowe Manor Highgate Charlton Ludiord Salop 758 Hawes Chancery 759 Lwmngton Peart Lincoln 760 Auioyraphs Foreign Dawson Turner 761 La - Cases N wtcoinba Quick 762 Phillipps Shepley Hall 763 Cartes Artois Bourdeaux 764 Gordon Chemistry Sanscrit 765 L 01 don Fr eemen Hunier 766 Chinese Drauings Butterflie. Floieei s 767 diaries do. Artois 768 Do. do. 1S7C9 Do. do. 18770 Great Fire 1660 London Chari to 1 Pad mo re Co. -"tatf rcl 771 Lianthonia Prima Arnold M oncton Rr.con Watkins 772 TJ pcot Letters Dawson Turner do. 773 Materia Medica '.74 Anatomy Brod • 7'. 5 At- atomy Cuvier 776 Hunter Kaye Ped. Yorkshire 777 Butler Alban Douay 778 Assembled Veseovi Fangi 779 Cumining Chemistry 7S0 Atiatomy Hawkins Brodie 781 Uorce Lyricce Shu rock Monte "W estmeath Whishaw 782 Hunter Parenta/ia 783 Metz Car toe Colignon 704 Do. do. Champol 785 Do do. Estuves 786 Do. Aubuen Rene Jerusalem Roi de 787 Do. do. Macche 788 Olney Bye 789 Phillipps, Geo. Sermons 790 Letters Dawson Turner MSS. Plumer 791 Dawson Turner MSS. Bensley 792 Dawson Turner MSS. \\ in Brouuker 793 Satirist Johnson 794 limn an Catholic Church Idolatry 795 Pedes b'iniutn Co. York Co. Notts. Co. Lane. Co. Durham 796 Libri MSS. de Don.inis Spalato Epistole hatliim Wtgoi n Ei us. Goiidain >r Jac. 1. Halle Epus. Coventiy Epus. 1S797 Petrarch x Trionji 18798 Newepham Drawing’s 799 Walcot, Owen Oxon. Inscriptions 18800 Drauings Figures Cupids Gomonde 801 Satirist Lady Mayoress 602 Satirist 803 Friends of Literature Booksellers 801 Lmgobard Chinese Theology Whi-efoot Seth Ward Ecclesias Reform Visitation Abbeys Norfolk Derby Notts. Durham Westmorland Cumberland Lancashire Cheshire 805 Thurmaston lnclosure Award 806 Satirist 8u7 Poems 808 Rok. by Lcyal Opinions 809 Pairs de Franc* 810 Davy Office Miuciletun Anglesey Cole by Pepys 811 Colt State Letters 81*2 Comle ‘8i3 Jesuiti 814 A speden H eris. 815 So,, me es St Francis 816 Collins Leg at Cases 817 Delinquents Sequestrations Cromwell 818 Statuta Avignon J hes. 2 Pope 819 C-ustu/nale N> va Koinuey 820 Woodstock Liber 821 Manet PluloL-gj A to L. 822 Harrell Phi lot os y R. S. T. 623 Vui'-rio Pelsina Pittrice Rati'aelle Caracci 824 Wilie Eny ish Views 825 Moo ute Am liois A ne c dotes 826 Pi/.zi MSS. Dia logos Spanish, & Arabic , 827 Cu ss in Baptism Fleetwood 1 J ildeishaiB 18828 T. P. Gee 14 CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPS MS3. Index to Part 3. 18828 Orpingtoa ISSG5 Lambert 18900 Cowley 18933 Kent Coward Ludwell 829 Hunter MSS. Vivian Indulgences Adams 866 Ealing St Benedict Sheffield 867 De la Pierr eMarriage 901 Letters 934 830 Woodstock 868 Sonnets 902 Satirist 935 831 Satirist Vo yin Mary Doctors Commons B uke 869 .Jrkvll 903 Pranks 936 832 Propertius Letters Morgan O’Connell 633 Coptic Ant litmus Osgood 904 Roman Catholic 937 Theophilus 870 Satirist “If it is not’* Poems of W . S. Agathonicus 871 Mangalore Genesis 938 Inc redo litas 872 Omental MS. Pharaoh 939 K gi sluice 873 Do Deborah Q'uesliones 87 4 Sanscrit MS. Psalm 940 834 Enytish Journal 875 Lake Duelling 836 Ca-sar Vamnorf Wills 905 Tindaithwy 941 836 Powell Harpur Rentale Kent 876 Atkins 906 Eyton 837 Popery Waltham Abbey Institutions 83S Rochester 877 Pawlet Marriage Sa'op. 942 839 Meyrick 878 Dilton 907 L-tiers Sir Owain Malone French Authors 943 840 Vanini 879 Lanj>an 908 Kginhart Secrets Irish MSS. Catalog. Libromm 944 841 Vanini 880 Harper P'ocabnlarium German 945 Dialogues Constitution 909 Nant Conway Extenla 642 Tuland 881 Epigrams French N. Wales A.lcisidzemon £82 Pizzi MSS. 910 Suffolk 916 843 Miracles G ram > 1 /a lira A rabi Depositions Vol. 2. 844 Huratius 883 Do. Oratio Arabica 911 Satirist 47 845 Arezzo 884 Le Fevre Robt. (.'rant 948 Musie.a La *eu/e Religion 9l2 Do. While Silting 94 J) Muh imonio 885 Industrie 913 Picton Castle 950 846 Poems Paris Private Acts Prowse 886 Rothesay Duchy 914 Encyclopaedia 951 Tiverton 867 Chalmers Catholic 847 Butls Kings 915 Court Roll P Sixtus Scotland Gwen nap P. Paid Chronology 888 Shea's Le/ters Cornwall 952 Corra 916 Pedes. Finium 953 Hermites 889 Canova Letters Wilts. St. Augustus French Generals 917 Phillips Wills. 954 848 Codex Cupiicus 890 W ats. n Weston Subedge 649 Do do. Arabicut Co/ueyancina 918 Dore 655 850 Satirist Boys In closure “ Observing ” Bochester Derby 95G 851 Masons 891 Letters 919 Derby 852 Plauis Painters Letters 957 Hart 692 Guernsey Dowland Martyrdom Le Mesurier 920 Testamenia 958 863 Sat list 893 Jamaica Tern Pooke at Tidmarsh Rodriguez Button 959 854 Pm Melon 894 Granville Warwick Northumberland Cur'don 921 Burn Caernarvon 895 Hudson’s Bay Letters Rociie&ier Leader 922 Letters C/iurlers Labrador Perison 960 655 Mrs. eddduns 896 Fenton MSS. Ashdown Plays Pembroke Charter 923 French Letters Expences Haverford West do. 1 >11 de .... 85G Do. C ash Book 897 Burst?.II 924 Grunt De Vaux MSS. 961 Actors Belgrave 925 Llandaff Dioc. 857 Aits. Siddons Leicestershire 92b Hereford 962 658 Mrs. tMddons Inclosure Acta Epi. 859 Mrs. Siddous 698 Satirist 927 Duich Slates 963 860 Dodsley Reaction 928 Curtce 964 Tragedy 899 Do. S. .‘"everini 905 861 G raves A Con Bourdeaux 906 Balder 18900 Napier 829 PI11 llipps German Deity M ucotti Shriecalty Mul in ed Letters 930 T. P. Switzerland Napier Gcncaluyia Cambria 967 862 Atkins W'olyercote 931 Rowland \' altham Abbey Oxon Inscriptions 968 863 Coptic MS. Marriage G lamorgan 664 Baker M^S. Arden 18932 Duckett 969 Wappenham Title Manna Chrij»ti Hartharn Knightley Confectionery Letters 18865 Testameuta Holywell Poems 1S970 Burnett Monegia Ulysses Tuscany W ilson Memoranda London Water Supply Printers Letters W aiion Legal Cases I vi-sliaui Gratftgiiy Butsson Ped. Document a Geneulugica Pei by .VISS. W arvvick Fumis II ucklowe Dow land Derby W light Wonuhill Title Bluet Ped, Document a Genea/oyica IVJadtlock Derby Slimileworth Dakin Bentley Dakin Wagstaffe Teslamenta lavender Hale Deeds U ants Gaiusford Durham Worcester Sessions Darke Letters Dunning Darke Do. Berne Darke Law Snit De Vaux Do. Marriage Draper Letters Banks Letters Cadell Books Letters Burnett Duckett fiariham Wilts. Cat to l. Key liners N ton. Baker MSS. Macartney Cape Good Mope D. Turner Mutogr. Haw kins Ho. Lrl. Lansdowa Do Wm. Archer Do. Ld. Btdesdala Day Manor Gwennap Trembetho Cornwall Letters Thompson Letters Douglas T. P. Catalog. Books 1 hi rles t aine T. P. CATALOGUE OF PH1LLIPPS MSS. Index to Part 3. H 48970 Catalogue of Books 971 Christian Persecution 97- Franks 073 Letters G rai.t Vicomte de Vaux 974 Vicomte de Vaux Augleterre 975 Grant Genealoyie 9^6 Graham Letters mi Phillipps Papers '978 Dawson Turner MSS. Foreiyn Letters •979 Pedigrees Trappes Al< lyneaux of Ireland Poyntz of Iron Aciou '980 Johnson E India 981 T. P. Books bought 982 Irish Records 1811 983 Stukeley Druwinys 984 Charles de Tours .. 985 Do. de Viau 086 Do. Mesuagier 987 Baker MSS. Eosbroke Pedigrees 988 Cur ice Temple Stowe 989 Do. do. 990 C’ar/«MeU . 991 Druicmgs Devon. Cornwall 992 Old Masters 993 Oxford Ecc/rsiastica 994 Phelps Letters 995 Alaeartney Letters Bengal 990 Do. do. 8 97 Do. do. 998 Do. do. 999 Do. do. Bombay 19000 ianjure Pori William 001 Macartney Journal China Embassy 902 Letters Gianville M acaitiiey 903 Letters Kmglft Ledsam Fisher Duckett 11 art ham M ills. 904 Duckett MSS . Poems The Laurel, & Olive 005 Duckett Letters 906 Do Poems Fletcher Poems 007 Hunter AISS. Be.-s of Hardwick 908 Quebec' Petition Montreal 009 Avdicombe Burtsioue 010 Lett ere Italian 1 Eruditi Oil Ba,k e Letters 012 Ordo Bohoniensis i90i3 D.Turner Autogr. *1 hos. Moore Poet 19014 D. Turner Autogr. T. Gisborn 015 D Turner Autogr . Weston 016 Sale, Sir Robt. Ped. Oil Letters Fortesciie 018 Genealoyie De Vaux 019 Drawings 020 Sir H. Wottoo Devereux Buckingham 021 Emily .Northampton 0-22 No 023 Darke MSS. Colv.lle 024 Hanger Driffield 025 Con wall 020 Cornwall 027 Hamsterley Durham 028 Li hers 029 Hyatt 0o0 Keppel Admiral 031 Segar N ‘d'lhampton Visitation 1613. 032 'Funner Scriptures Britannici 033 Burnetit's Letters Duckett Let lets 034 The N hip Lion Cargo Soles 035 Arundel Cabinet 0^6 Douglas C at :\J li PrintedBook 037 Chartcs d’Artois 038 Darke MS'S. 039 Franks 040 Chur eh Consecrations 041 Camming 042 Hunter AisS. Kaye Bunney 043 Hunter MSS. decker Arrhbp. 044 A1 9 . Phot op 1 apks 045 Exeter Bishop Leases 046 Beaufuy Alont Blanc 047 Wilson Brad field Register 048 A (err at lanes 049 Eusebii Historia 050 Ham>terJey M it ton le VV eare Durham Court Roll 051 Malatesta Italia 052 1 hiepolo C onsiantinopoli 053 M ell bee Chi isiine de Pise 054 Revenue G leson Merrett Sheriffs Bristol 055 Dawson Turner Autographs Ormer» d 056 Do. Aiilton 057 Do. Jau.es Perry 19058 Vt arkwouli 'hue 19059 Antigua Papers 060 Artois Concile 061 T. P. Collections Walcot Charters 062 St. Aubyn Cornwall 063 Atkyns, Sir Robt. 064 Drawings Druid t ircles Ruins of Castles ti rose? 065 Maps Mit 1 tary College 066 Grant 2nd Alarriage 067 London Bp.of Papers 068 7 eslamenta Loudon Cornwall Pajiers Kent Papers 069 L) Turner M^S. Boffins ( printed ) Sales of Estates 070 Emily Linco n 071 Denmark 072 D Turner Autogr. Mitfoi d h edesdale 073 Sk\nner Deliquium Mayna Carta Sir Bichd. Temple 074 r, rtois Charles 075 Do Ludov Rex Franc. 076 Arras Charles Gardins 07? Peeresses Letters Lady Londonderry 078 Peers Pranks, Ike. Charlemont 079 Bo. Bishops Lincoln. $ c. 080 D. Turner Autogr. Foreign Letters Lincy OS I CadelJ Letters 082 Griffiths Letters Oxon. 083 Lothian Letters 084 Letters W right Sir Waikin Lewes 085 Darke MSS. 086 l>. Turner Autogr. Bennett 087 D. Jurner Autogr. M light 088 Goddard Y'-otton Bassett 089 D. Turner Autogr. \\ lute 090 Upc< t Letters 091 Ho. do. Rumbold 092 Serjeant's Drawings Ox mid Colleges 093 1loby Sharp 094 Shaw 095 Anderson 096 Koek 097 Buchanan 098 Darill 099 Pym 19IUU Cox 101 hamilton 102 Clock* t 103 Lmd Clonmell 19iu4 Ko.s 19105 Homeman 105 Chamber* 107 Hinman 108 Pateshall 109 Barry 110 Faulkner 111 Skeene 112 Mumberston 1(3 Fortescue 114 Affleck 115 Humfrey 116 Brown 117 Fragments, of MSS. St. >i Ives ter. Life Culpeper lloilingbourn Kent 118 D.Turner Foreiyn^ut. Pallavicini 119 D.'I'urner.idjreigwAuf. Les Dovaglt ? 120 Battle Abbey Rolls 121 Will Lwgli Admgton Alon^tham Tills Kent 122 Hiron Ya.de Chancery 123 >alop. Kent. Gunnell Fairfax 124 Massachusetts Holbrak 125 Jamaica Adair North Carolina South do. 12G Baker MSS. Abstracts oj Tills Dunton.be 127 P/ucita Pete, v Pipe 128 D. Turn, r Autographs Scaled ale 129 Go. Run;bolt 130 Du Manky 131 Do. Maquis Stafford 132 Do >iit?yd All Souls Oxon. 133 Do. Lewis 134 I'o. >ulame 13 j D.nke Evans 136 Darke Evans 137 Darke Darke 138 Ca^ar Romney, Lord VI esimiiioter 139 Curtce Tournay Cleinuns Marriage Gargath 140 To-lament Rice . Kidgell Ed;* thorough Bucks. 141 Do. Terry Tljrovyjey Kent 142 Bo. Sirahan 143 Bo. Non hey. 144 Do Rai.deil Do. Mumd, Kent, 145 Do. ( lumber* 19146 Do. oJe CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS MSS. Index to Part 3. 19146 Bobbing Gunner's Book 19220 Do. Procter 19254 Kent ln'C8 Granada 221 Testamenta 147 P° Burges Home Skynuer 255 London 189 Orl.y Hunter 2-22 Ordnance Stores 148 Do- Thornton Selwyn, Geo. Cromwell’s Army 266 London 190 D. Turner Autogr. 223 Testamenta 149 Do. Angel Shrapnel! Cheselden 257 Slockwed 191 Warwick 224 Israel Suit 150 Do. dozer Justices 225 Spencer Deeds 258 Buckfd.sdey Ctvit Marriages 220 Rawlins Cuse 151 Testamenta Cum muii rveatth 22G Rawlin i Deeds Walcot 192 Cartce jingiicanae 227 Letters 258 St an more Smith Pardoe Julia 259 Middx Sedley 228 Letters 152 Ito. Dawson de Grays Manor Y onge 260 Chatham 193 Ecc/esiastica W-arde 26 1 Kent. G iouc. Wil iams 262 153 Do Bewley Cheshire Warwick 263 London V\ ales. 229 Lettere lialiani 154 Do. Goon 194 C'oscomb Manor Cocchi Southwark Co. GIouc, 230 Do. Cocchi 264 155 Do. West 195 Gailand 231 Barovs of England Madras Essex 232 Te Annie til a 265 15G Do Grafton 196 Baker Ogden Vi orksop Stlnod 233 Do. Garth 266 Notts. Kent. 234 Do. Gould 157 Do. Holbrook Harding 235 St. Catharine Hall 267 London Bee her Cambridge 158 Do Sandford 197 Risdon 236 Testamenta 268 W iinbledon * v cott French Surrey 198 Oxford 237 - Legal Cases 269 159 Do. ReiOitt Charles 1. W uod Marriage W estleton Stores YV illiams 1* an ts. 199 Hills Letters 238 Trembeiho 270 IGO Do Faunce Parsons Tnlgullow A- Chester Letters Pint ale 271 161 Do. Ewer 19200 Cadogan 239 Dr a icings M. Albans Letters -Longford Castle 162 Du Taylor Palmer M ills. 272 Li:tie Laling 201 Hill 240 Testamenta 163 Do Aildwell Letters Lubbocke 373 Yoik Tickt-U 241 bhhop Fisher 1G4 Do. O’Beiine 202 D.'YnvuerForcigiudut. Salisbury Heston, Co. Middx. Lally Tolendal Marriage 274 165 Du. Kobinson 203 Do. Foreign Autogr. Scrivener Bath Thehusson Sibton Hall 1G6 Do. Banister 204 Harvey Suffolk 275 London Legal Opinions 242 Testamenta 167 Abstracts of Title 205 Letters Baiker Brighton, Sussex. Hid 243 Prowse 276 168 Do. Ardwick, Lane. Wargrave Cartce 169 Do. Kmsingicn, AJx. 206 H mdo 0 Drawings Somerset, Co. 277 170 Do.VVilhaniSied, Bed. Vishnu 244 Testamenta Broughton, Buc. 207 Do. Printed Norihey 278 171 Do. Montagu Peerage 208 Testamenta Surrey 279 Claim* Sheldon 215 Testamenta 172 Do. Armitage, Staff. Packwood Marsham 280 173 Do. lleston, Mx. Warwick 24G SomersetjZord Fitzroy 174 Do. Tenham, Kent. 209 Testamenta Murray 281 175 Do. Steynton, . v alop. Gee, of Burton Arbulhnot 176 Do. Brighton, r-ussex. 210 Satirist Spanish War 282 177 Do. Emmetts, Kent. Louis Norton Letters 283 178 Do Southwark,Surrey 211 Jones 247 Freeliug 2b4 179 Do. Halsall, Lane. VV elsh Music Letters ISO Do. Farendagha.Cork. Llangadfan 248 Espionage 181 Do. Lydbury, Salop. 212 Documents Biography Philip Lgalite 182 D. I urner Autogr, Maddockes Duke ol Orleans De Vaux King 249 Oidnance Office 285 183 Do. De Feltre 213 Vernon 250 Letters 184 Dalrymple State Letters Honywood Yate 286 M urray 214 Jephson Letters 251 Pole Fitzroy Somerset B lath way te Bligh 165 Car tee Anglica/ut 215 Rycaut Letters Letters Boyle 218 Rycaut do. 252 J. Glover Griffith Waller's Mill. Paintings 287 Bexley 217 Testamenta T. Pliilhpps Kent Tcwe 19253 T P. 288 186 Legal Cases 218 De Boze to Powlett VV elsh Pedigree • Ferry 11 19219 D.Turner Aut. Letters Annales Cambriae 19187 Africa Ship Trafalgar Queensberry, Duke 0 / Rmoiliy, Lord 19289 Dering Catalogue Cartce De Witt Inq. p. Mart. Hen 7 De \\ itt Inq. p. AJort . Flower Do Inq. p. Mori, DareiJ \\ illiams Caertijanhf'n i Register 1731-41. Parish Register T. P. Caterpillar A 'uns, A Ft iars For. eg n sir ms Biscayan Language liacket Letters Langford Jephsou Letters Blathvvavte Langford Letters Test amenta Pate Test amenta M outlaid Carew Bedington Speke Hasilburj W ills. Testamenta Petier Gee Orpington Kent. Thackeray Hadley Letters Vi illiams Caermarthen Parish Register 1764 Arabic Letters Horsts Peisian Poems Mangalore Treaties Salbeh See 18.«.. Letters P* ck, Sauil. Thomas Wales Do. do. Lambard Archeion Law terms Adcc.wson C<-le MSS. Penance8 V\ estmn ster School Dalivmple Caiew Bedmgtoa More Losely Surrey Moelven Charles Bretdgue Letters Howick Dundas Portland Wellesley PoU Diaper Drax Madden MSS Portsmoutli Theatre Steele CATALOGUE OF PHILL1PP3 MSS. Index to Part 3. 1 7 Maunsel 19350 Kilby, Cdialogue Ptinted Hooks 19289 Camberwell 290 Dukes Monuments 291 Aspilogia 292 Boyes A l res ford 293 Madden 39 I Survey New A Iresford 295 Chiriton 296 Alresford Tythes 297 (Georgia Savannah New Hampshire Foifeit-laJids 298 A ary Canton 299 Fosttr Dick Insolvent Court 19300 Jamaica Securities 301 Winchester Bishop W art on, Joseph Beaufoy Newton Valence 302 Letters Judges Lawyers 303 Thackeray Letters 304 Tesiamenla Salisbury 305 Tesiamenla Jenyngs 306 Plumptre 307 Authors Letters Mark land 308 Plumptre 309 Rycaut, Sir P. 310 Literature 3.1 Thackeray Philipps Llamlilo 3!2 W alto n. Manor Dowue Kent Suffolk 313 Test amenta Typschard 314 Cartoe /-> nglije Des Mastres, Peter Pershore 315 Bast Tuderley Feiambulat ion 316 Tesiamenla Hail lie 317 Plukenet 318 Ordnance Carew Beddingtou Inventory 319 Falconer K. Ind a 320 Ea*t India 321 Huldrake Surgery Brand Autograph* Peers Canning Palmerston 322 T. P- MSS. Alexander, or Buokland 19326 Glouc. Pedigrees Keck Tracy 327 Testamenta Ma ides 328 P 0 C. Wills. Bancks, of Milton Wilts. 329 Pedigrees East Jamaica 330 Glouc. Pedes Finium Heath 331 T. P. Pedes Finium Co tier el l C’ampden Burington Saintbury Willersey 332 Glouc. Pedes Fmium Milborne 333 Situs Cole’s Escheats 334 Glouc. Pedigrees Acto n 335 Fusbroke Glouc. T. P. 336 Bigland G louce9tershire Monuments 337 Printed Books Middle Hill 338 Middle Hill, J\JSS. 339 Gomonde Printed Books 340 Hensley, C. Drawings Gloucestershire Worcestershire Manor Houses Churches 341 Rowland Pembroke Monuments Mathias Fitz-Martin 342 Chelienhara Petition Irish Oath 343 Rowland Catalogue Printed Books Th i tie stdue Breholles 344 Tovar Mexico Lady P. 345 Catalogue T. P. MSS. Thirlestaine Phillipps 346 Alderton Parish Register Gloucester 347 Draper Drax 348 Gents. Mag. Marriages Th.rlesiame 351 Legal Precedents Common Forms 3*.o Conveyances 353 Mortgages 354 Conveyances 355 Wills. 356 Annuities 357 Precedents 358 Settlements 359 Marriages 300 Copartnership 361 Precedents 362 l eases 363 Precedents 364 Do. 365 Bristol Records 366 Oriental MSS. Makrizi Egypt. 367 Cairo 368 Ghirghis Mansour History 369 Constantinople Murad Comtantine 370 Mousa ibri Isa Matinal History 371 Clinics of the Earth 372 Makrizi Egypt 373 Coptic MSS. Homilies 374 Christian Faith Coptic 375 Pentateuch A rubic 376 Common Prayer Coptic 377 Mohammed Natural History 378 Berakat Syria S79 Askimarus Creation 3S0 Livrc de Poste France MS. Notes Switzerland Pitssepot te 381 Schweighauser Stephani Thesaurus 382 Charles Bourdeaux Briton 383 Chartes Garin 384 Deeds Caishoe Essex, Earl of 305 Bahama Isles Bryant 386 Betham I\ISS. Athenry Peerage Claim* 19387 Betham Duport l)e!vin Dunboyn© Dillon Donegal Delany Dui.bar Nugent Damer Drewe Des Voeux Digby 19388 Deeds Glouc. Ebrington Hidcote Incl'Sure Pedigrees Payne Knight Aldbou.ne W anborough Sotnerioti Wire Frames 389 Carles ( has. 5. Philip, 1559 390 Martin Carew Devon. Nether Exe 391 Jamaica Lyttelton 392 Covent Garden Kemble, J. 393 Coveni Garden Tontine 394 Birmingham Political Union Report 395 Trades Union 396 National Union Working Classes 397 Buchanan Oriental MSS. Cambridge 398 Yeates China Chri tian Missions 399 Do. Cbaldaean Cycle 19400 Do. Hebrew Numerals 401 Do Astronomy Hebrew Tracts 402 Boston Halifax Otes Little 403 Army Payments Hopson 404 Genealogy Biography Bucknall 405 Do. do. Crawley 406 Trembetho Rentals St. Day Cornwall 407 Cartce Galliae Chien 408 Lipscomb Bucks. 409 Wolley Allnut Piccadilly 410 Tauier Placiia France 411 Ovid T«.citas Notes on Classics 412 Mo tin Suit Cartce 413 Dauebu/y Essex Re nt ale 414 L Court Rolls to 2 429 { Lymingtoo 430 >peuser Autoyiuphe 19431 France Wilts. Subsidy Milts .lnq.p.Mort. Kirkbv’s Ingucst Gloc. Budd }23 Worcester Fines £ h ?, tty Pakingtou 19349 1. P. 32. Glouc? Subsidy SI. H.oma 5 Pope. Hobt. Parish K<9» ter 325 Tellable H..«rord VVesl 18 CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS MSS. Index to Part 3. 19431 State Papers, Sfc, French Revolution,&c Louis XVI. 4^2 Reyney 431 Lacore 43 1 Nettancourt 435 De Berg 1 430 Gallet 437 Necker 4-8 Clugny? 439 Hau>uu 4-10 Luvul 441 De Forge 412 Castro 443 Geocges 444 (. harsonville 44 ) Desmarost 440 \\ olter 447 Daubigne 448 Lavoragy 449 Charce 450 .Noirlmuet 451 ft a va ret 452 Neufcli&teau 453 Villeroy 454 Hub 4->5 Leshabe (Bronod,) 450 Grandm 45“ Boucher 458 Poinon 459 Pure 4(iU Barbier 401 Esiuaugan 402 Valogny 403 Nalinii 4(>4 Veideronne 405 Mondenard 400 l uny 407 L' Lvcsque d’Orleans 408 I’ardaiiOm 409 Bayuall (Bronod) 470 I >tsj .bert 47 A dry 472 Turgot 473 Griinvelltf 474 Du Luc 47-> Daiie« 470 ite.'anhe (Bronod) 477 Pra.-iin 470 Guiilevil'e 479 Giesley MSS, CrulDWeil Geo. |. Papist. Few me Pride Mon. ter Piyt HighwortU \V ms, 480 Music 4b 1 Texts It. ti lenient 452 Huntingdon, Lord Derby, La y Maia.on, Poet 453 Acts of Apostle s 4b4 Gresley Salle Luce* let shire Phrases 405 T. p. M>S, Porter MSS, 4So Hauov.er Ge - l koj.igsmark 477 Mnlatesta Italia 488 Machiavelli Livy Ltvytt 19489 Xeuuer Chronik Bremen 19190 Lady P. KatclifFe Hall 491 Religion 492 Journals Rouse, of p eC r 8 Kalendar A ppeals Writs of Error 493 Kalendar YVm. 3. Q Anne 494 Duckett MSS, ( ouit Rolls Trowbridge Horlock Dauiesey Lionel Duckett 495 Carevv Bcddiogton 496 Howel Surd wall Burnet, l 'bus. Duckett, Geo. 497 Settlers H a I.lax Neva Scotia 498 Charles Bounleaux Daubioc 499 Capet 19500 Protestant Florence Dinorben, Lord 501 Let tore Iialiani Eruditi Scthoppalalba Munselis Rug»ieri Tondiui Cuvalucci 502 Gagliardi 503 Bauetti 604 Costanza 50.) Baitaglini 506 Claudiani 507 Gasparuli 508 AJHerti 509 Sabbionato 510 Bacci 511 Bergantini 512 Capedi 513 Liruti 514 Sabbionato 5!5 Aiimdesi 5IO Ueiiigui 517 Cai boi.aua 518 Bi ancoueini 519 Ceruti 520 ^abbionato 621 Bartoluzzi 522 Cenedo 523 iVleacozzi 524 Renaldis 525 Ligi 520 Chiaramonti 527 Chicherio 52« Trieste 529 Giordani 630 Cocchi 531 Tomitano 532 Pauuelli 533 Menicucci 534 Travasa 535 Alaleone 630 Sabbionato 537 Azzoni 638 Kicci 539 Uicci 19540 Amadeai 19541 Fontnnini 542 Belgrado 513 Giudice 544 Asquirei 545 Liruti 540 Giudice 547 Kicci 548 Francesco Maria 549 Boari 450 Borsetti 551 Beneini 552 Tomitano 553 Ccstanzo 554 Caldani 555 Parisi 550 Signore 557 San Luigi 558 Muzani 5.59 Giudice 6fc0 Giudice 501 Guarini 502 Bonoini 563 Cas.iglione 504 Biancadoro 505 Celesimi 500 Homualdo 467 'dscari 6t)8 Leoni 609 V iviani Cechctti 57o Fontanini 67 1 Fontantini 572 Purisio 573 Parisio 574 Parisio 575 Fiatchi 570 Sabbiouato 677 Do. 578 Do. 579 Do. 6b0 Do. 581 Do. 682 Do. 683 Do. 584 Trieste 685 Ferri, Fiacchi 586 Strozzi Pasquini 587 Gres ley MSS. Absulucio Excommunicatio 688 j De Claustro Novices 589 Bible Notes 590 Leicestershire 691 Caricature Dances 692 Prince Devon. Worthies 593 Law Cusis Reattuchement Aldlielm Aihelstau Worcester, Epus. London, Epus. 594 De Marits His tor ia Nueva Espana Cortes, F. 595 Wibaldus Stabulensis Epistolce Pena y 596 Lermos Peru 597 Wills P. O. C. Barow 698 Subsidy Roll Wigorn. 599 Blunt Wills. 19600 P. O. C. /Fills, Essex 19601 Worcester Wills. 602 Glnuc. Wild. Stephens 603 P. O. C. Wills. Supplement 601 Wilts, Inq. p. Mort. Cervington 005 P. O. C. Wills. Duiidale Kirtland Ashmi-le Museum 600 Welsh Pedigrees Bull nglia 11 607 P O.C. Wills. A plel'ord Atwood 608 P. <>. C. Wills. Ap el'ord Asliwiu 609 Antony a Wood P. O. C. Wills. 610 Phill.pps P. O C. Wills. Bayzand 19611 Kilisgate Hundred Sub.iuy Roll Feuda Oxon. Do. Berks. W 01cester Marriages Cleevc Prior Bengworth Inq p AJort. Mansel, Sir T. CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS MSS. Index to Part 8. 612 P. O. C. Wills. Ballard 613 Rent ale Stratford on Avon Cautalupe Eptts. Wigoru. 614 Hants. Wills. 615 Sims Feoda Mil Bohun Stafford Mortimer 616 Sims Bradford Wilts. Moulton 617 P. O.C. Wills. Ballard 618 P. O. C. Wills. 619 Do. Cotterell 620 Ap Owen 621 Sims Deeds. Littleton Drew 622 Sims Cartce Langley Turkdean Glouc. 623 Sims Cule’s Escheats 624 T. Ph. MSS. Middle Hill 625 Phillipps Wills. 626 Letters Southwell Warner 627 P. O. C. Wills. Attwood A shchurch Glouc. 628 Stephens Glouc. Wills. 629 Pedigrees Tradesmen P. O. C Wills. Stratford Dorchester Oxon. Cartulary Glouc. Burton Shafton Culvile 630 Stephens Glouc. Wills. Porter 631 Stephens Glouc. Wills. Beoman 632 Stephens Glouc. H ills. Kingscote 633 V. O. C. Wills. York 634 P O. C. Wills. Alexander Oxford 635 P. O. C. Wills. Alexander A ttwood Bendry 636 P. O. C. Wills. Alexander Attwood Ballard •637 P. O. C. Wills, Ballard Overbury 19638 P. 0. C. Wills. Phillipps Tvme 639 P. 0. C. Wills. Banbury 640 Cheek Wills. 641 Glouc. City Subsidy Roll 642 Stephens Glouc. Wills. Coll is Catslade 643 T P. Baronage 644 P. 0. C. Wills. Phillipps Diary 645 Carmina Cambrica Do I gel ley Lady P. 646 Carmina Cambrica Marumad Llyn 647 M umford Inq. p. M. Charles I. 648 Cartulary St. John Oxford Sele Blackley Magdalen Col. Turstin Dispensator 649 Pangbourn Parish Register 650 Mum ford Inq p. M. James l 651 Letters M umford 652 Long P. O. C. Extracts 653 T. P. Pembroke Gibbs liaverford West Pedigrees Tucker Sealyham 654 T. P. Pembrokeshire St Martins Parish Register Haverford West 655 T. P. Monuments Prendergast Parish Register 650 T. P. Cartas Sir Wm. Phillipps Tenby Parish Register 657 Carmina Cambrica 658 T. P. Pembroke Pedigrees Cheek Wills. Cartes Salop. Dukes 659 T. P. Inq.p. M. 660 T. P. Books Broad way 19661 T. P. Lancashire Chetham 19662 T. P. P. 0. C. Wills. Pangbourn Long 663 T. P. Marriages Vicar General 664 Marriages Vicar General 665 T. P. P. O. C. Wills. Butler 666 Baylis All Saints Evesham 667 T. P. Booh, Boxes 668 T. P. P O. C. Wills. Blunt Mixbury Oxon. 669 Kedleston Parish Register Fenwick Kings Pyon Hereford Parish Register 670 T. P. Warwickshire Wanborough Worcester Wills Sheldon Broadway 671 T. P. Inq. p. M. G louc. Pedes Finium 672 T. P. Worcester Wills. Pedigrees Broadway Parish Register Marriages 673 T. P. Worcester Wills. Pedigrees 674 T. P. Broadway Parish Register 675 P, 0. C. Wills. Rouse Benett Fetti place P>m,yng 676 P. O. C. Wills. Fowler Edwards Owen Williams Freeman 677 P. O. C. Goddard Brown King Jones Ford Phillips Freeman 678 P. 0. C. Hayes Bryan South Marston 19679 P. O. C. Eure Saye A hton Keynes 19680 P. 0 C. Wills . Pinfold Phillipps Breeon. 681 P'opounders Wills. P. O. C. Wills. 682 P. O. C. Wilis. Coke a Wood 683 P. O C. Wills. Pedigrees Nabbs Buckeridge Wilts. 604 T. P. P. O. C. Pedigrees 685 P. 0. C. Wills. Phillipps Ballard Colies Rowney O^aldeston Keck 68G Worcester Wills. 687 P. O. C. Aylett 688 P O C. Wills. Rous Kidd Montagu Twisse 689 Hamstall Ridware Paj’ish Register Fenwick 690 T. P. Inq. p. Mart. 691 'l. P. P. O C. Wills. Pedigrees Carlas L ukes G92 Pedigrees Cheek Wills. \\ orcester, Co. Gloucester, Co. Wills. 693 T P. Worcester, Wills. Pedigrees 694 T. P. P O C. Wills. Glouc. Wills. \4 igom. Wills. Bayzand 695 T. P P. O. C. Wills. Doyley Lentba.il 696 Jamaica St. Jago de Vega 697 Jamaica Edwards Spa Town Council 698 Jamaica Mathew 690 Teslamenta Eiwell 19700 West India Antigua St. Kitts Bent 701 Barbadoes 702 Bindley Trafalgar Thank'sg'ving 19703 Reperlorium 23 catalogue of fhillipps mss. Index to Part 3. Dublin Irish Protestants 19704 Letters French Army . Eg-ypt 705 Virginia Lewis 706 Navy Officers Ships of the Line 707 T. P. Sketches Mansions Wore, Glouc. Dorset. Wilts. 708 Harriott Sanscrit Words 709 Boccace Temple Angleterre 710 Abstract Title Gretton 711 Award In closure North Littleton Wigorn. 712 Tournay Carloe H iestrut 713 Carta: Tournay Brunfait 714 Cartce Tournay Paiiier 715 Gallise Cartce Rene d’Alengon 71G Dow ley Chancery 717 Clurke A nnuity 718 Charles 2. Marriage B laganza 719 Dawson Turner Autograph Hone 720 Dawson Turner Letters Foreign 721 Do. do. Lardner 722 Do. do. Boydell 723 Do. do. Rodwell 724 Do. do. Gunn? 725 Roach Smith Morris 726 Del Campo Caziques Cuzco Indias Atunicobla 727 T. P. Drawings Fladbury Aston Hall Eaton Hall 728 Jones Drawings Namur Kilcot Wood Newent Kingsholm Gloucester Buckstone 729 Nevill Holt 730 D. Turner Autogr. Effingham 19731 D. Turner Autogr. Foreign Letters Lampenoy 19732 D. Turner Autogr . Atkyns Fraser 733 D. Turner Autogr. Bowyer 734 Twyning Glouc 735 Do. do, 736 Do. do. 737 Money Ash Derby. 738 Gt. Hucklow Derby 739 Vaughan Barling Manor 740 Abstracts Hampton, Co. Wig. 741 Grinnell Drawings . Broadway 742 Westrcp Chesterford Essex Suffolk Lincoln 743 T. P. Notes Broadway Sheep Poaching 744 T. P. Book Sales 745 Flaxley Abbey Library 746 T. P. Pedigrees Broadway 747 T. P. Wilts. Churches Fonts St. Thomas Church Sarura. Purton Register Lydiugton do. 748 T„ P. Wilts. lnq.p. Murt. Oxford Wills. Pedigrees 749 T. P. Wilts. Deeds Knts. Fees. Barons Liber Heredum Pedigrees Placita Rot. Chartar, 750 Pyott Sir F. Burdett 761 Cheek Shuttlewortb 752 Cheek Frith 753 Wigorn. Holland Timbrell 754 Cartce Alderton Glouc. 755 Testamenta Robinson Derby 756 Molyneux, Georgina 757 Autographs Rogers 758 Steel Letters 759 Chinn Letters 760 Deeds Shuttleworth 761 Deeds Kirk 762 Do, Needham 763 jDo, Sidebotham 764 Do. Skrymsber 19765 Do, Dyuel ey 19 <66 Leeds Gisborn 767 n o Derby Duckwoth 768 Cartce Co, Lane. Do. Co. Derby 769 Tideswell Inclosure 770 Cariw Derby Eyre 771 Tideswell 772 Testamenta Needham 773 Derby Shuttleworth 774 Cheek Letters 775 Shaw Letters Alsop 776 Shuttleworth 777 Cheek Chinn 77S Metz Cartce Vaillant 779 Metz Cartce Belechpin 7 80 Shirley Cartce Staunion 78J Bassishaw Assessment 782 Hope Inclosure Derby, Co. 783 Chapel le Frith Evesham Woodavves 784 Hathersage Dore Inclosure Shuttleworth 785 Tideswell Robinson 786 Cromford Moor lead Mines 787 Tideswell Grammar Si hool 788 Tideswell Swift 789 Hathersage Copyholds 790 Sandys MSS, Houghton 791 Aston Somervile Glouc. 792 Twvning Mythe Hook English Copeman Rentale 793 Deeds Rawlins W orcester 794 Tideswell Grammar School Brown 795 Badsey Wigorn. 796 Phelps Copeman 797 Derby Bagshaw 798 Derby Eyre 799 Derby Tarlton 19800 Beckford Inclosure Award Glouc. 801 De Vaux Emigres Biographie 10802 Placita Orme Norres 19803 Darke MSS, Placita Woodford 804 TestamenlQ Blunt Huntley Glouc. 805 Cartce Lord Spencer Kensington 806 T. P. Baronage Bello Campo Amos Letters Walfurd 808 Tallemant do Ream Anecdotes 809 Wright MSS. Rutland 810 Fieldeu Drawings Rutland Churches 811 Rabbi Jacob Teacher of Pupils Murray, Hon . Chat Hebrew JUS. 812 Theodoretus Nestorius Gieek MSS. 813 Iloby MSs. Alexander 814 Me Clintock 815 Pitcairn 816 Wing 817 W heeler 818 Oakes 819 Smith 820 Strong 821 Chapman 822 Rennie 823 Burn 824 Kemble 825 Hicks 826 Coltman 8^7 Smith 828 Stackpole 829 Pacy 830 Wane 831 Barry 832 Parker Phillipps, Richd. Mansel S3 5 Test amenta King D-iv entry 834 Nates Testamenta 835 Annobon Isle De Vaux Pedigrees 836 Cornwall Mines Rowe 837 Testamenta Fitz Gerald Jamaica Champerno® Wilks 838 Cartce Duke of Leeds 839 Dialectica Hyspanns Synchategcmemata 840 Mirkhond Persarum Reges 19841 Sandys MSS. Charters Canterbury CATALOGUE OF PHILLIPPS MSS. Index to Part 3. 19842 DawsonTurner Carta Michel of Chittern Wilts. 843 Thurnham Court Ilo/ls 844 Sanscrit MSS. 845 De Vaux MSS. Duke de la Val Regiment 846 Carla Du cum Venice 847 Testumenta Cross ley 848 Derby Ashton Lever 849 Terry 850 Shaw 851 Cheltenham Abstracts Marriages Cox 852 Evesham Thompson Rawlings 853 Faun Letters Monins 854 Faun Black 855 Faun Chapman Donnadieu 856 Faun M otts 857 Wiiksworth Rentale 858 Donnadieu Letters 859 Derby MSS. Dawson 860 Metz Carta Noyuu Gaston de Foix Fouguars 851 Huband Ippesley Warwick, C‘>. 862 'I*. P, Rochester Charters 863 Histoire Sacree Pont i/s Turkey Heresianlis Candles Persecutions Rois de France Peintres Sculpteurs Music lens 864 Derby Bi am well 865 T. P. Music 866 1’. P. List of Wills. Doyley Phillipps Lenthal Letters 867 Nuremberg Costumes 868 Euphrasia Education 869 Pizzi MSS. Langlot Hegira 870 Plautus Notes Pindar do 871 Greek Verse Latin Verse 872 Pizzi MSS. Arabic Couplets 19873 Pizzi MSS. Palccugraphic Arabe Waddilove 19*74 Pizzi MSS. Passeport Muley Ismail Mairuecas San Diego 8*5 Cleaveland Woolwich Artillery 876 Cleaveland Sieges Engineering 877 T. P. Pedigrees Wills P. 0. C. Gage 878 De Witt Inq p. Mart. Bartlet Fines Richmond Durhan) 879 De Buck Jesuits 880 T. P. Pembroke Fenton Siebech Deeds Vaughan, Sir Robt. Rowland Monuments C. Hensley Manorbeer Allen Ped. Abbey Seals W ales 881 Nuns Friars 882 T„P. P. 0. C. Wills Freeman Gawen Franklin Mansell Alexander Cotterell Lawrence Des Maistres Bampficld Ballard Marriages Pangbourn 883 T. P. P. O. C. Wills Alexander Brynd Butler Diston Freeman Lawrence Mansell Morris Osbaldeston Yorke 884 T. P. P. O. C, Bannyng Bezant Buckeiidge Fenwick Freeman Kecke Phillipps Shefford Walcot Willis Yate 19885 T. P. Inq. P. M. Benger Butler Cricklade Horewode Rede Stone Walrond Welsbom Wogan Yate 19867 Fenwick, Ped. 867 T. P. Modern, Peds. Radcliffe MSS. Pedigi ees 8S8 .1 elf’s Poem Bredon Hill 889 T. P. Cartce Tateshale 890 Stuart, SirJno. Winter 891 Pali MSS. Burmese 892 Persian Painting 893 T. P. MSS. Welsh Pedigrees Potuli Wallice 8y4 Derby MISS. Bennett 895 Wm. Hensley Coats of Arms Hereford Hants. 896 Derby MSS. Leech 897 Lawyer's Autographs Atkinson 898 Sandys MSS. Sir Ric Sandys North borne Kent 899 Derby MSS. Needham 900 Derby H udson 901 D. Turner Autogr. lMyddleton 902 Sandys MSS. Pyott’s Letters Sir F. Burdett, do. 903 Derby MSS. Pike 904 Derby MSS. Marshall 905 Derby MSS. M assareene 906 Derby High Peak 907 T. P. Welsh Peds. Caradoc of Lancarvan 908 Sir T. Molyneux T. P. Fenwick 909 T P. Phillipps Wills Sir Rio. H oare’s Letters Manorbeer 911 Quito Indies Ulloa 912 Lipscomb Bucks. Domesday 913 Bird Letters Fruine 914 St. Hubert Liege 915 Gloucester Monuments 916 Provinces Unies. Utrecht Treaty 917 Baylis Inscriptions Evesham All Saints 19918 Inscriptions All Saints Ch. yd. Evesham 19919 Arms Van der Renen Maurice 920 Index Rot. Claus ad 941 Do. do do. ,.v. 942 Index Cartarum Hail. MSS. 943 Index Cartarum Cotton MSS. 944 Index Cartarum Curia Augmentca. 945 Homagia 946 Inq P. Mort. Jac.1. 947 Trembetho Rentale 948 T. P. Pedigrees Pipe Roll 949 Wanborough Adelaide Australia Pedigrees Wollon Baasett Baldwin Bayzand Ash win Wyrriott Wogan Bamplield 950 Navy Sutherland 951 Pyott Hull Autobiography Derby MSS. Evans 952 Cartce Ripple Glover 953 Cartce Smith 954 Evesham MSS . Ware 955 Overbury Inclosures 956 Cartce Wigorn. Marshall 957 Derby MSS. Holden 958 Amos Letters Cooper 959 Amos Letters 960 Amos Derby MSS. Steinber 961 Hill Moor Fladbury Bushell 962 Overbury Inclosure 963 Derby MSS. Gell 964 Derby MSS. Gregory 965 Glouc. Abstracts W bailey 966 Amos Letters m Alger 967 Amos Letters Wright 968 Darke MSS. Coleman 19969 Dei by MSS. 24 CATALOGUE OF PH1LLIPPS MSS Index to Part 3, & 4. 19970 971 972 973 974 Scott Thompson Letters Macaulay Hovvdcn Baptisms Parish Register Maps Brunion Trembethow Came Cornwall Gale Will Coses Phillipps, C. Photographs Trees Middle Hill 975 T. P. MSS. HaverforJ West Dale Castle Pembroke, Co. Welsh Pedigrees Cartee Tournay Cal lan s Cat tee Gallia? Henry Fpus. Xanct Xanct Hugo Abbas 978 T. P. MSS. Cadull Gloucester 19998 Prynne Brevia 999 South LittHon '•’hns. Phillipps Middle Hill 20000 Dymoek Champion Banks Part 4. 97G 977 Mai as pin a Letters Valentia, (Ld.) Drawings Cartae Lowdhara Wantisdene Suffolk Carew Bedington Court Rolls Thurnhum Kanuzzi MSS. Comedia Olimpia 007 Tolgullow St. Lay Gwennap Cornwall 20001 002 003 004 005 006 20023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 OSS 039 040 041 04 2 043 044 045 0 46 Flokes Vilainne Peusoize M«gnuessier H uelos Leimcourt Limus Timed Prevod Vaine Oi fevres Nuefvile Katine Mousket Bosces Vaine Katine Mulis Rone /Ere Dassonserve Reuber Marke Court Roll Oxon. Bensington T. P. MSS. Way Mappae Clavicula Leach Will Cockbury 20072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 0S3 085 086 979 T. P. Letters 008 T. P. P. O. C. Glouc 087 Bath Marquis Pedigrees 049 Bontius 980 Hamilton Wilts. 050 Peers Deeds Nomina Yillarnm Autographs 088 981 Curia Wardorum Lancaster Duchy . 051 Pyott * Libcraciones 009 \N illiams 052 Do 0S9 982 Radchffe MSS. Parish Register 053 Laugharne Trappes Pedigree Caermarthen 054 Satirist T. P. MSS. 0j0 Rent ale Brown oyo Thorpe Audley, Lord 055 D. Turner Autog. Beddoea Wilts. Soanen Deeds 011 Yriarte Seuez 091 983 Hintou Latin Verse 056 Tideswell Oxon. MSS. 012 ltaliani 057 Murray 092 984 Carte’s MSS. Lett ere Bishop St. Davids Bodleian 013 PJensley Expences 365 Walcot, John Monuments 058 Reeves Photographs Victoria Skip Sailors Malta 686 Placila Tavier 987 Trevisano Ambassadc Gran Turco 888 Guy Letters Blathwayte 989 Jones Gloucester Seals 990 T. P. MSS. Pembroke Taliaris Stonehenge Malta 991 England Bishop of London 992 Letters Mary, Q. Scotts. 993 Menologion 994 Cartee Stephen Angi. 995 Peter le Neve MSS. Letters 996 Charles 1. Madrid 19997 Indulgence 1465 Hereiordshire H ants. Russell, Michl. Broadway Chaceley Evesham MSS. Tyso Holland Cropthorn 016 Evesham MSS. 014 015 017 Evesham Attwood 018 Derby MSS. Fox 019 T. P. MSS. Ashmole MSS. Courtenay P. O. C. Wills Oddington Barton Church Parish Register Mat tin Pedigree Ballard Peuigree Broadway Parish Register 020 Cartae Tournay Kagnars 021 Do. Nodiers 20022 Guillemos Conchology 059 I. of n nglosea Clergy Civil Wars Weights, Measures 0G0 D. Turner Autugr. 093 Bishops Donnadieu 094 061 D. Turner Autogr. Tremont Abbreviations 066 062 Lewes E. India 096 063 Deeds Middlesex Registry 064 Castlemain, Lord Child 065 Buckland Broadway 097 Childs YVickham Property Tax 066 Satirist 098 Lyndhurst 099 067 E. India 20100 Navy 068 Treaties of Peace 069 Pyott 070 Pyott 20071 Phelps Letters Overbury Inclosure Pyott Pyott Do. Courts of Justice Bronod Letters D. Turner Autogr. Blount 1Turner Autoyr. D enjoy 1). Turner Autogr. O-good Corry D. Turner Autogr. Bird Satirist Buffer Hon. J. Coventry Rodney Stoke Abstruct Placila Shirley Latmgton Smith Framlingham Suffolk Cliator Astle A rms Bedford, Co. Suffolk Ful.er Rnssiau Arms. Stoke Climsland Cornwall Hurlt J'urat East India Stubbs El: ham Kenl Jep^on . Gloucester, Co. Drawings Chiffon Ca.>tle T. P. Matlock Sydney New Mb. Wales Macqnarrie Port Borghese Satidou. [Lady) Princess Olive Norfolk. Duke Pedigrees Atelier Gurney Penrhyn Cornwall Cumberland Deeds Y\ isbech Lemington Cambridge Jamaica Mullett Hall Gael Phillipps Charlton Kings Sheriffs Precipes Popery Testamenta Hood Nash lM orison Fynn Eryaut Catalogls Lihkorum Manuhchiptohi m in Bibliotheca Phillippzca. 1 oU AO Saville MSS. 1 Mauricii Chronicon Britanniae, & Paparum, &') s j;'' , Imperatorum. in the form of Annals. Jncip. \ “lncipiunt Anni ab Iocarnatione Dni. Natus' est Salvator, &c. It has a long account of the 1 Destruction of Jerusalem, & ou all occasions < introduces Notices of the British History be-; tween the birth of Christ and the time of; Severus A. D. 210, The next entry of Britain < is in 307, viz. the rebellion of Carausius. . “Hujus tempore regnaverunt in provincia Nor-( danhymbrorum Rex Eduuinus, post Eduuinum' Osricus et Eanfridus, 0 1 ciacensi Monasterio. Tf Hugonis de Sto. Victore Didascalicon, de studio Legendi, &. de Origine Artium. IT Boethius de Trinitate. sin. 4 to. V. s. xii. No. 5 Galtridi Monuuietensis Gesta Regum Britannise. ending with Cadwalader: sq. 12; no. V. s. xiii. bound in 1 Oak, & 1 Beech board, covered with pink It hr. yr eat part of the last leaf torn off. On the 2nd. fly leaf are these lines , “Crouiea inulta cauit Britannica bella peracta Npqiut enim lingua bella referre tua Primus at ille parens Brutus te viucere cepit Postea te vivat gens maledicta nimis Tempos adesl (ut fata parant) depellere gentem Quam bonus (lit fateo’r) nullus amore queat. On the 1 st. Fly leaf are 42 lines in Welsh verse *Qt easily legible, beginning on page l. fiydlys addewis wiw ddyn Pagre o angrred igrydd. Uoflt \\ r j b 4 &» A dyr gwys a waun dier gwydd Kyrw ir na criw ary vrou Haid dur bendaid eigion, See. The Historia 6eg/nui ‘J.6//9 Catalog us Libkorl.m M an uscriptop. i : m in Bibliotheca Phillippica, 13 Chroniques des Dues de Normandie usque ad ( 14 15 *££/?. $-16 17 f SLSUb 16 19 q £ h ° 9', 4 initium Henrici 3. Regis Anglise. f. V. s. xv. ; ** ‘ * with blanks left tor the illuminated Initials. \ In old Beech Ids. worm eaten. It seems to have > been done for the Duke of Burgundy, by the\ writing. No. 29 > Duromer’s Ports of England drawn, & coloured j in 1698. thinf. ch. s xvii. No. 35 ’ Iter Northampton, Derby,Bedford,^Nottingham ( large thick J. V. s. xiv. Annis 1-8 E I Ohm) fuit Cavendish, Babyngton, Roudon, & Thu* \ Willoughby. No. 40 ' James I. Instructions for the Commissions in the t North. Ao. 4/o. ch. s. xvii. wh. v. No. 41 } Johes. Erernita de Collationfbus. I ^ Beda in Tobiam. II Qusestiones de Theologia. If Ricardus in Psalnios. /. V. s. xi, vel xii. > Ex Dibl. Abb. Kirkliam. No. 42) Calendarium Sanctorum, illuminated, with figures' of St. Julian, & St. Agnes. fbl. V. s. xii, vel } xiii. loose in Oak covers. Peter Langtoft, Canon of Bridlington, Letter ot Pope Boniface to King Edw. for the Kingdom , . / Q of Scotland. Gallice. Translated into French S- ^ l l ' by Sir Piers de Langetoft. Incip. Mout fu des grant reison. No ir& 11 Ci commence la Geste de Blanchefleur, et ’ Florence. & Romans du Sire Orgoille. sm.fol. V. s, xiv. ' At the end is a Rebus ot a Fish, (? Pike ) & over it the word “Oltonn.” f? Pikolton-) - ' at the foot of page is 1 ‘12 AnnoDni MCCC.” j> but an L. has been erased , and apparently a | X. so that the MS. was written about 1360. 44 > 20* Lyndewode’s Proviuciale. ) 11 Ottonis & Ottoboni Constitutiones. No. 48 ; large thick f. V. s. xv, old Oak bds brn.llhr. ( ISlSS -21 Th e Acts, & Prowesses of Sir John Marshall, ) Steward of Engleterre in the time of K,Stephen 4to. V. s. xiv. Unique. No. 51 Roman. Po Carewe have paid to my Sone Tbos. Stury;' for the maryage of my daughter Kuthrine,, 36 £ 11 s. 6 d. 26 11.8. No. 55.; Sir John Savile’s (Baron of the Exchequer,) Law Reports from 3t H.8. 1539-40, to 30 Elizth. 1587. thick fol. ch. s. xvi. No. 56 Vita S. Augustini, Hipponensis Episcopi. ^ Beda de Vita S. Culhberti. *1 Vita S. Columbi, Abbatis. If Vita S. Oswaldi Regis, & Martyris, Vita S, Aidani, Lindisfarnensis Epi. II Vita S. ASdwardi Regis et Confessoris. II Prefatio Elredi, Rievallensis Abbatis, in Libro Lamentacionis sute pro movte Regis David Scottorum, et in Librum Genealogi/e Hen- rici, Ducis Normannias, futuri Regis Anglo- rum. imperfect at the end. f. V. s. xii - Ex Abb. S, Augustini de Novo Castro, super Tynam.) In the old Monastic Binding Oak bds. while leather. Old No. on the back “8” apparently the Monastic No. 59 25 Hethelredi Abbatis Rievallensis Miracnla Sanc¬ torum qui in Seta. Hagustaldeusi Ecclesia re- quiescunt. H Cartas Wmi. 1,H. ij&c.concess/ES.MariaeEbor. IT Stephanus Whitby de fuudatione S. Marias Ebor. 26 Fol li 22 23 24 H Anniversaria in quibus Kedditus assignantur specialiter ad C'onventum, scil. Anuiversaria Thomse de VYarthil, Abbatis quondam. Siinonis de Warwyk, do. decimi. Ascuini de Pikering, Robli. de Skegenes, Militia. YVri. Conani, & Agnetis de Aske. Radulfi Fleye de Ebor. Robli. de Verdeiiel, St Marjori* uxoris ej. Richardi de Marpam, Vicarii tie Burton Anna vs. II Abbates qui Societatem nostram acceperunt. 1i Conventio Alduini, Abbatis de Ramesei. 1[ Obitus lamiliae de Lacy. A slip is inserted of the obit of St. A1 ch- niuud. •‘Hagu-lahlensis Ecclise. Presulis ia anno 781, hi anno 3 regni Llfwaldi Regis Northanhin.brorum, St was buried near his predecess- r Bishop Acca. No. 60 ,’ardi Monachi Liber, de Vita, & Miraculis Ioiiis. de Beverley, Archicpi. Ebor. Libcrlates Eceihe. S. Johis. de Beverlik, cum Privilegiis Apostolicis, & Episcopalibus quas Mr. Al\eredus,8acnt>tanu8 ejusdem, de An- glico in Latinum trauslulit. Cartielieguni data?Kccliie.S.Johis. de Beverley Carta Alhelstani Regis. Anglo-Saxonicb. Do. Edwanii Coutessoris. do. do. «St alioium Regum An glue usque ad Ricum. 2. I f V. s. xi\. nciuls the l.sf. leaf which pro¬ bably contain'd a large illumination . In Oak bds. with the Monastic while leather No. 61 27 Cartulnrium lamiliae de >avile de Halifax. II Rentalia terrarum lamiliae de Savile, Q< -rlf Surveys ol the Savile Estates. 1 ‘J Tran&cripts of Documents from the Books of the Abbey ot Pontefract. Apparently all transcribed by one of the Savilles, in scec. xvii. 1. fol. V. s. xvii. o. brn. cf. No. 62 28 Abbreviatio Kolulorum Curiae Manerii de Methe- lay, ab Ao. . . 11. 5. Registrum Dimissionum terrarum in Manerio de Alethelay. All copied probably by one of the Saviles. l.f V. s. xvii. wh. vel. fol 19, to fol 97. one quire is missing from the be¬ ginning , & 2 from the end. No. 63 29 Surveys, & Rentals of Methelay, & Whitwoode. 11 Expences ol purchasing the land> in Methe¬ lay, by the several Purchasers in 30, & 31 Elizth Copy of the Pye Rolls. (Very valuable for the Genealogies of all the families in the Parish (N,B. 'l lie “Quinzin” is the tax ol the loth. ( Gallice Quinzmn.) 51 Memoranda fami'ice tie Savile. Do. Vitae Dai. Johis, Savile. No. 64 ^(> . Registrum Wmi. Tliryske, Abbatis de Font*bus, + ^ -• bS sive Registrum Dimnsionum dcse. Abnatue in Cumberland.etCraven per eundem vV m Thryske, temp. H. 8. large fol. 17 inch. V. s. xvi. No. 65 31 John Capgrave’s Life of St. Norbert. in Verse, q / 1 (\rP ^ leaves, s■ f. V. s. xv in the Original Monas- "S MHtic binding of Oak bds. In the beginning is a »Poitrait of Capgrave, presenting his Book to his Patron. Written 144o. On a fly leaf is part of a Lectionarium with an .Anecdote of St. Andrew. Qlim fuit Revdi. A. Hubbard, of Eppiug, Essex, (some time iu this XIX, Century.) No 80 32 Pen, & Ink Drawings, 38, of the Portraits of Ger¬ man Princes in colours.— spiritedly done, sm. thin 4to ch. s. xvi. wh. vel. No. 81 33 Registrum Brevium. sm. thick 4 to. V. s. xiv. rust , C 'rest on back , a bear 3tataut. No. 107 34 Vita S. Leodegarii. Do. >. Martini, a Sulpicio Severo. Do. Sti. Gregorii. With Ante-Guulonian Music. Do. Sti. Leonard! Confessoris. sm. 4to. V. s. x. vel. xi. hogskin. No. 113 isof s. n ■' ' jC. Catalogus Librorum Manijscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica, 36 S«*- 36 '$$$■ Higdeni Poly-Chronicon Lfol. V. s. xiv. white leather, with clasps, Monastic binding, with a Map of the World, Jerusalem being the centre Olivi Juit Liber liunfredi Ridinge. “Liber Johis. Saville, Socii Medii Templi, London, ex dobo consanguinei Sir Henrici Savile, de le Bank, juxta Halifax.” 1 st. leaf of the. History cut out. At the end is this Note in Richard Gascoigue’s hand “Memorandum. Etsi fol. 168 nctantur, quinque viz. 1.72. 93. 117. 162. ex- flcindimtur. Teste Kichardo Gascoigne, Oct. 1650 .’ y It ends in 1377. “postea habuerunt,'' Higden quotes the Authors which he has taken c tu ivlm y/ttue _ J 6 > 20 37 5V«V\Avx^sctL tlOVWvVWOk, c,vw> -6/^D ^A.v\v\vvv\ X/ • cVc AS ^oSLWviVv \w crWiAww\tjvvA tA Xc»>v\X^>v\\oao^ Sc*- NKvt^VVVX *2. 6 lli S' ^ ^ . »Vi. V - ll I l li. . , * » '' "-v-Kw. Vvoah. . A. ^aii. as'As SS.A,wA'»vy\ IV Aaax.x < Pt v;Al>-A vS atx> . Vc. U, AO /A Utluti f/l MuiljiJti hint Af/«L ^ aS ' , f €6 lilndii) ivl* f .ieurin CL J.t At ril /' fciww ko VkVvwwkvVv r v\ v Ok A. (Vkw»w\W^]- X St). ££^£ 5 “ h I • ^OiA.tXv'i ^ X ■>& Ai Jhindu'tdi build**** & Inti cl Mil* rs S- • Ay l_. ' _ tLlStflT, Uu^OkL % kO( %i cfoGv* tov'vrtkv'v^jv.yvvV,^ (Sc^WVvlVkWX Hi Yj. g,Vt> U 4 3 \\\ ^Vvjsivv. Vcl c v w ^Xvurwv^-cr o\ tl'^vON.v\ UW C ^ C ^ ^ •