9i-B Cs mm TENTH 1.9188 iJ WM Pra ANNUAL EXHIBITION i^iw^SlsIi OF THE CAPITAL CAMERA CLUB mBm mM mSm ‘ *, ; * ' ■ . ' ^^^Mb!m8W8 or 1 * TENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION of the Capital Camera Club APRIL 22d to 30th, 1901 in the HEMICYCLE HALL of the CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART OFFICERS WALLACE C. BABCOCK, President. WIFFIAM F. PFABODY, Secretary. WIFFIAM P. HFRBST, Vice-President. Dr.W.F. DIFFFFNDFRFFR, Treasurer. F. B. THOMPSON, Fibrarian. DIRECTORS. WAFFACF C. BABCOCK. WIFFI AM F. PFABODY. WIFFIAM P. HFRBST. C. F- FAIRMAN. F. M; tofman. F. B THOMPSON. J. W. F. DIFFMAN. H. P. SIMPSON. J. MARSHAFF FITTFF- R. F. FOGAN. FDW. J. DAW. W. F. DIFFFFNDFRFFR. KATF S. CURRY, ROOMS, 11 and 12, lOlO IT Street IST.W. AUTUMN IS HERE. THE DAISY FIELD. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/tenthannualexhibOOcapi ART JURY OR SELECTION, Mr. JAMES HENRY MOSER, Chairman. Mr. H. HOBART NICHORS MISS MATHIRDE MUEDEN. Mr. RICHARD N. BROOKE- Mr. THOMAS W. SMIRRIE. EXHIBITION COMMITTEE. WIRRIAM P. HERBST, Chairman. W. S. DAVENPORT. H. P. SIMPSON, Secretary. J. MARSH ARR RITTRE. J. W. R. DIRRMAN. T T is with great satisfaction that the Capital Camera Club submits to the lovers of art and of the beautiful in the Capital City the best of its work, and also of the amateurs of the District of Columbia, during the past year. As an evidence of the high standard by which the pictures were judged, it may be stated that of the entire number of pictures submitted for a place in the present exhibition more than forty per cent were rejected by the Art Jury of Selection. Those selected are divided into three classes, Class Special, which is mentioned elsewhere, and classes A and B. A excels artistically, while class B is technically less so, but still meritorious. The exhibition, as a whole, represents the careful, serious work of the advanced amateur, whose only motive, it is needless to say, is love of art. The Club takes occasion to put on record the sense of its great obliga- tion to the Art Jury of Selection for the careful selection and the painstaking care exercised by its members in the examination of the pictures submitted to them, and to express its appreciation of the impartial manner in which they discharged the delicate and exacting task committed to them. The Club also desires to express its gratitude to the trustees of the Corcoran Gallery of Art for their kindness in granting the use of its beautiful Hemicycle Gallery for the purpose of this exhibition — a new expression of that uniform spirit of practical altruism which has ever char acterized them in their attitude toward art and artists. For our cover design and posters, we are indebted to Mr. Tom Hall. PRIDE OF THE VILLAGE. WALTER D. WILCOX. CLASS SPECIAL, Pictures possessing: conspicuous artistic merit and so design nated by the Jury of Artists, acting: also as hanging: committee* 1. The Missal Jueia Bueeock. 2. Resignation Juua Bueeock. 3. Portrait, J. M. L Kate S. Curry. 4. The Sacred Song ESTEEEE Coeeins. 5. Sheep Study. Edw. J. Daw. 6. Portrait, My friend Mr. Peabody Edw. J. Daw. 7. Daybreak J. W. L,. Dieeman. 8. Homeward ChareES E. F airman. 9. The Author at Work S. Bernie Gaeeaher. 10. A Bobtail Flush Frank S. Haines. 11. Chinese Girl coming from Market Chas. W. Hadeey. 12. Chinese Beauties Chas. W. Hadeey. 13. Study of a Head Wm. P. HERBST. 14. Determined Wm. P. Herbst. 15. Portrait, T. J. F J. Marshaee FitteE. 16. The Daisy Field John A. Massie. 17. Au+umn is Here FSTEEEE G. Mozart. 18. Cosmos T. A. MuuEETT. 19. Portrait, Miss D W. F. Peabody. 20. Sheep W. F. Peabody. 21. Portrait, Mr. Holmes W. F. Peabody. 22. On the James River, near Newport News. .W. F. Peabody. 23. Portrait, Miss M W. F. Peabody. 24. Portrait, Miss P W. F. Peabody. 25. Midwinter, Canadian Rockies Wai/ter D. Wiecox. CLASSES A AND B. GENERAL EXHIBIT. W. S. Adams, 116 Eleventh Street, S. E. 26. Winter Class A 27. In Rock Creek Park Class B 28. Moonlight Class B M. Louise Anderson, 1321 T Street, N. W. 29. A Cosey Corner Class B 30. A Pink Tea Class B 31. An Old Time Game Class B 32. After the Day’s Sport Class B 33. Amateur Florists Class B 34. Eventide Class B 35. Spring Class B Joseph W. Anderson, M. D., 1321 T Street, N. W. 36. Adoration Class A 37. Winter Class A 38. An Interesting Story Class B 39. Feeding Time Class B 40. Mignon Class B 41. Suzanne Class B Waeuacb C. Babcock, 9x1 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W, 42. Dover Class A 43. Irma Class A 44. After the Rain Class B 45. En Masque Class B 46. Off Mercer Point Class B 47. Piero Class B 48. Salting the Sheep Class B Anna S. Brooks, 1307 K Street, N. W. 49. A Cool Retreat, Argyle Class A 50. Under the Spreading Oak Class A 51. A Bit of Nature Class B 52. Lights and Shadows Class B 53. Stairway and Column, Congressional Library Class B Juua Buttock, Hyattsville, Md. 54. A Study Class A 55. Elizabeth Class B 56. Portrait of a Boy Class B Chartes H. Coe, 205 F Street, N. W. 57. Desolation on a Mountain Top, Western North Carolina. . .Class B 58. Short-Off Mountain, Western North Carolina Class B Ctaudia Stuart Cotes, 1515 Thirth-first Street N. W. 59. Some Virginia Trees Class B Miss Essie Cottins. 60. Alone in the World Class A 61. Aunt Phoebe Class A 62. The Rest Class A 63. Study of a Head Class A 64. When de Cohn Pone’s Done Class A 65. Ole Mammy Class B 66. Study of a Head Class B 67. Study of a Head Class B 68. The Irish Model Class B Ctarence Corson, 911 F Street, N. W. 69. A Brown Study Class B Kate S. Curry, 1510 Ninth Street, N. W. 70. Happiness Class A 71. The Take Class A 72 . The Masker Class A 73. The Old Mill. Class A 74. Portrait, Frank S- Pierce Class A 75. Woods in April Class A 76. A Disturbed Siesta Class B 77. A Neighborly Call Class B 78. Innocence Class B 79. Mammy’s Darling Class B 80. The Trysting Tree ...... Class B W. S. Davenport, 207 Eighth Street, N. E. 81. In South Cheyenne Canyon Class A 82. Moonlight . Class A Edw. J. Daw, 1516 Twenty-eighth Street, N. W. 83. A Meadow Brook. Class A 84. Almost Home Class A 85. The Bend in the Road Class A 86. The Old ’Squire Class A 87. The House Beyond. . . Class A 88. Sunrise Chincoteague Island Class A 89. Portrait J. W. B. , Class A 90. Moonrise Chincoteague Island Class B 91. Sheep Study . . , Class B W. E. Dieffendereer, 616 Twelfth Street, N. W. 92. A Flower Study Class A 93. A Forest Road Class A 94. Balmy Spring Class A 95. Bartholdi Fountain Class A DETERMINED WM, P, HERBST. COSMOS, CHINESE GIRL COMING FROM MARKET. CHAS. W. HADLEY. A BOBTAIL FLUSH, ' -V* ; . 96. Castle Gate Class A 97. House Reading Room, Congressional Library Class A 98. Nature’s Picture Frame Class A 99. The Latest Magazine Class A 100. A Mountaineer’s Home Class A 10 1. Stairway and Arch, Congressional Library Class A 102. A Scene on the Canal Class B 104. Crystal Cascade Class B 105. Fancy Portrait Class B 106. Home of the Brook Trout Class B 107. Jackson Falls Class B 108. Last Load Class B 109. Nestle Nook Class B no. Percheron Class B in. Ruth Class B 112. The Glove Class B 1 13. The Lovers’ Tryst Class B 1 14. The Old Oaken Bucket Class B 1 15. White Mountain Sugar-Camp Class B J. W. L. Dieeman, 1017 P Street, N. W. 1 16. Listen to a Story Class A 1 17. Portrait, W. S. Davenport Class A 1 18. And Evening Draweth Near Class B 1 19. American Falls, Niagara Class B 120. Happy Childhood Class B 12 1. The Capitol Class B J. Erwin Esters y, Thirty-ninth and T Streets, N. W. 122. In the Woods Class A 7 23. A Bit of Nature Class B 124. Landscape Class B Wm. C. Ewing. 501 Seventh Street, N. W. 103. J eunesse Dored Class A Charles E. Fairman, i 006 F Street, N. W. 125. A Summer Afternoon Class A 126. The River Path Class A 127. Japan Class A 128. Yum Yum Class A 129. Morning Mist Class B 130. The Home on the Pike Class B 13 1. The Iyullaby Class B 132. Wash Day .Class B Arthur P. Fer l, 1014 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W. 133. A Busy Night, March 3, 1901 Class B 134. I’m Waiting Class B Fenton Gall, 409 G Street. N. W. 135. A Portrait Class A 136. A Portrait Class A 137. Independence Class B 138. The Calf and its Friend Class B S. Bernie Gallaher, 704 B Street, S. W. 139. A Portrait Class A Thos. Burnett Gardner, 1509 T Street N. W. 140. The Approaching Storm Class A 141. Beech Trees Class B 142. February Days Class B 143. Rock Creek Class B 144. The Old Willows Class B 145. The Path in the Woods Class B E. E. Gross, 1722 Seventeenth Street. 146. A Portrait Class B Frank Haines, 601 Spruce Street, N. W. 147. A Rough Rider Class B 148. The Fortune Teller Class B 149. The Lost Cause Class B Chas. W. HadeEY, 1425 R Street, N. W. 150. Chinese Servant Lady Class A 15 1. Chinese Beauty Class A 152. Chinese Baby out for a Walk Class A 153. Good Night Class A 154. After the Storm. . . Class B 155. California Coast at the Golden Gate Class B 156. Kin Gee, Chinese Cobbler Class B 157. Reflections Class B 158. Shady Pastures Class B Wm. P. Herbst, 2500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W. 159. Moonlit Clouds Class A 160. Moonlight on the Potomac Class A 161. The Moon’s Silvery Reflections Class A 162. Portrait, Mrs. H Class B 163. Portrait, Mr. M Class B Euuot P. Hough, Interior Department. 164. Along the Upper Potomac Class A 165. A Thoroughbred Class B N. H. Kent, 1412 S Street. 166. First Lessons Class B 167. Portrait of a Child Class B J. Marshau, Littuf, 210 F Street, N. W. 1 68. An Old Friend Class B 169. Portrait, Miss W Class B 170. Who’s Afraid Class B John A. Massif, 1001 G Street, N. W. 171. A Landscape Class B 172. Down on the Farm. Class B 173. In the Meadows Class B 174. Landscape Class B 175. Old Fort Bunker Class B 176. On Rock Creek.. . Class B 177. The Deserted Camp Class B 178. The Old Barn Class B 179. The Poplars Class B Estfuuf G. Mozart, 1217 Princeton Street, N. W. 180. A Shady Nook Class B 181. The Day is Done Class B 182. Topsy Class B T. A. MuuuFTT, 14x1 F Street, N. W. 183. Black-Kyed Susan Class A 184. The Bride Class A 185. Early Morning in the Pasture Class B 186. Still Life Class B 187. The Passing Clouds Class B HFRSFY Munrof, United States Geological Survey. 188. A Colonial Dining Room Class B 189. New River, North Carolina Class B 190. South Fork, New River . Class B DAYBREAK. PORTRAIT, MISS P. WM, F. PEABODY. PORTRAIT, J. M. L. KATE S. CURRY. W. F. Peabody, United States Coast Survey. 191. An Oyster Boat at Anchor at Hampton, Va Class A 192. Duke of Gloucester Street, Williamsburg, Va Class A 193. Landscape with Cattle near Smithfield, Va Class A 194. Looking at the Moo Cows Class A 195. Sunset on Chesapeake Bay Class A 196. Sunset at Arundel on the Bay Class A 197. The Road to the Lock Class A 198. Portrait of E. J. Daw Class A 199. Portrait of J. W. L. Dillman Class A 200. Portrait of F. Geoghegan Class A 201. Portrait of Dr. F. M. Seebold Class A 202. Child Study Class B 203. Jo Class B 204. In Hampton Creek, Va Class B 205. Outward Bound Class B 206. Portrait Study, Miss A Class B 207. Portrait, W. C. Babcock Class B 208. Portrait Study, Miss V Class B 209. Portrait, Dr. W. E. Waters Class B 210. Yorktown Street Class B F. S. Pierce, 2024 I Street, N. W. 21 1. In an Apple Orchard Class A , 212. In Winter’s Grasp Class A 213. Pathway to the Spring Class B Chas. H. Roesch, 1227 Thirteenth Street, If. W. 214. Cedar Lane, Virginia Class A ! 215. Nature’s Sleep Class B I. Wai/ter Sharp, 18 Quincy Street, N. E. j! 216. The Great Falls Class B | W. Sieas SheETz, 614 Twelfth Street, N. W. 217. A Relic of the Past Class B 218. Great Falls of the Potomac Class B Dr. F. M. SEEBOED, 1324 New York Avenue, N. W. 219. Snow Drop Class A 220. Before the Storm Class B 221. Evening on the Potomac Class B 222. Four-Mile Run Class B 223. Rock Creek Class B 224. Another of Rock Creek Class B 225. Siamese Twins Class B 226. Stairway, Congressional library Class B 227. Travelers Class B H. P. Simpson, 1307 Yale Street, N. W. 228. Trees, like sentinels, by the water’s edge Class A 229. In Early Winter Class B 230. Morning at Sea Class B 231. Portrait Class B 232. Portrait of Professor E Class B J. Johnson Story, 233. Total Eclipse of the Sun, May 28, 1900 Class B F. A. ST. Ceair, 1319 T Street, N. W. 234. The Happy Family Class B Samuee E. Tatem, 1421 W Street, N. W. 235. Landscape Class B E. B. Thompson, 313 Fifth Street, S. E. 236. An Early Riser 237. Capital Vista 238. Helen 239. Clouds 240. Looking Pleasant 241. Evening on the Potomac 242. Twilight. 243. By the Brook Class A Class A .Class A Class A Class A .Class B .Class B , Class B Mrs. Kate A. WaeTon, 808 Ninth Street, N. E. 244. A Bit of the Park Class B 245. A Scene on the Ohio Class B Dr. W. E. Waters, The Stratford. 246. Sun Behind a Cloud Class B Walter d. Wiecox, 1526 New Hampshire Avenue. 247. Beech Trees, Rock Creek Park Class A 248. Crossing the Stream, Rock Creek Park Class A 249. Harbor of San Juan, Puerto Rico Class A 250. In the Enemies Country, Northwest Plains of Canada Class A 251. Take Aline, Canadian Rockies Class A 252. Mount Assiniboine, Canadian Rockies Class A 253. The Pride of the Village, Martinique, West Indies Class A 254. Hawaiian Landscape, near Honolulu Class B j 255. Hawaiian Landscape, near Hilo Class B Heeen E. Wieeiams, 1531 O Street, N. W. 256. Child’s Study Class A 257. Edith Class A 1 258. Going to School Class A | 259. Portrait Study Class A ! 260. Portrait Class B 261. Dreaming Class B Thomas P. Woodward. ! 262. On the Canal Class A 263. Morning Glories Class A 264. After the Storm Class B 265. Artichokes Class B 266. Jonquils Class B > 267. Morning Glories Class B 268. Narcissus Class B 269. Still Life, Grapes Class B MEMBERS CAPITAL CAMERA CLUB W. S. ADAMS, 116 nth Street, S. E- JOS. W. ANDERSON, M. D., 1321 T St. Rkv. H. M. BAUM, Washington Savings Bank Bldg. W. C. BABCOCK, 911 Mass. Avenue. J. K. BISHOP, 1913 I Street. H. H. BROWN, 2202 Decatur Place. D. E. BURTON, 1214 N Street. C. E- BEDE, 515 nth Street. Miss A. s. BROOKS, 1307 K Street. H. P. BROWN, 807 I Street. Miss JULIA BULLOCK, Hyattsville, Md. Miss A. J. BICKSLER, 130 E Street, S.E. J. H. BRICKENSTEIN, U.S. Patent Ofi’e. CHAS. BAKER, I3°9 L Street. Miss L. W. COTTRELL, 1501 Park St. E. E- CURRY, 1205 Penna. Avenue. MISS K. S. CURRY, 1510 9th Street. MISS ISABEL COWLAM, Internal Revenue Office. DAN’L CURRY, 602 A Street, N. E. Miss ADELAIDE CLEMENTS, 1334 8th Street. W. S. DAVENPORT, Office Compt. Treasury. E- J. DAW. 2908 K Street. J. W. L. DILLMAN, 1017 P Street. T. T. DORAN, Office Auditor, War Dept. w. e. dieffenderfer, D. D. S., 616 12th Street. D. J. DOWNING, 1155 4th Street, N. E. VERNON M. DORSEY, 602 F Street. W.W. EVANS, D. D. S., 1756 M Street. W. C. EWING, 501 7th Street. C. E. FAIRMAN, 1006 F Street, N. W. Miss ANNA FALLON, The Colonial, 15th and H Streets. A. P. FERL, 1014 Mass. Avenue. C. G. GOULD, U. S. Patent Office. T. B. GARDINER, 1509 T Street. L. J. GERSON, 4517 Osage Ave. , Phila. , Pa. LOUIS GROSS, 1722 17th Street. E- E- GESSLER, 332 Indiana Avenue. FRANK HAINES, 601 Spruce Street. W. S. HARDESTY, Interstate Commerce Commission. A. W. HARRISON, 37 Atlantic Building. A. HEGER, M. D., 2026 Hillyer Place. W. P. HERBST, 2500 Penna. Avenue. JOHN HELMUS, JR., Bureau Navigation, Navy Dept. E. HOFF, nth Street, bet. F and G. H. K. HICKEY, 1225 8th Street. CHAS. W. HADLEY, 1425 R Street. ANDREW JOHNSON, 917 19th Street. R. G. JOHNSTON, 1836 Oregon Avenue. J. MARSHALL LITTLE, 210 F St. R. E. LOGAN, 211 T Street. JOHN A. MASSIE, 10th and G Streets. B. P. MURRAY, 10 3rd Street, N. E. MRS. H. V. MCLEOD, The Cairo. Mrs. A. E. MURLIN, 1911 2nd Street. Miss NELLIE D. MOREY, 201 Seaton St. W. F. PEABODY, 918 L Street. M. G. PORTER, Q. M. G. Office. F. L. PITTMAN, 259 Patent Office. FRANK S. PIERCE, 2024 I Street. W. H. E. REINEECE, 1603 19th St. CHAS. H. ROESCH, 1316 G Street SHEEP STUDY JESS P®§ IN WINTER’S GRASP. FRANK S. PIERCE. H. P. SIMPSON, Navy Hydrographic O. F. M. SFFBOIyD, D. D. S., 1217 Mass. Ave. W. S. SHFFTZ, 614 12th Street. Miss M. H. SMITH, Dead Tetter Office. J. T. SHAW, Vermont Ave. and T St. B. J. SUCH, Hotel Stratford, 14th and Sheridan Sts. CORRY M. STADDFN, 515 14th Street. SAM’T F. TATFM, 1421 W Street. F. B. THOMPSON, 313 5th Street, S. F. F. M. TOTMAN, 409 4th Street. JAS. A. TANNFR, 601 M Street. GFO. F. VANDFNBURGH, 931 H Street. F. W. VFDDFR, n 4th Street, S. F- CLARFNCF B. RHFFM, Care B. H. Warner Co. Miss RFBFCCA T. WFBSTFR, 404 6th Street. GFO. W. WHITF, 613 15th Street. Miss HFTFN F. WITTIAMS, 1531 OSt. Dr. W. F. WATFRS, Hotel Stratford. O. D. WITKFRSON, Pension Bureau. WM. A. WHITSON, 427 9 th Street. F. G. WURDFMAN, 124 Mass. Ave. N. F. SUBSCRIBING MEMBERS. PHITO H. BUSH, Treasury Department. Miss ATICF MORSF- 112 C Street. H. O. CUTTING, Patent Office. W. O. N. SCOTT, ion Conu. Avenue. NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS* Major C. H. HFYT. TOUIS K. STAIN. W. Iy. SOTFAU. J. Iy. SHAW. A. W. ARCHFR. HONORARY MEMBERS* Dr. FRNFST DRFWITZ, Newport, Ky. CHAS. T. DUBOIS, 1421 Chapin St. C. FRANCIS JFNKINS, 1325 F Street. FRANCFS B. JOHNSTON, 1332 V Street. JOHN F. MITCHFTIy, 1321 F Street. T. M. MCCORMICK, Glen Island, N. Y. F. B. STOCKING, 61 1 F Street. ROBFRT F. RFYBURN, M. D., 2120 F St. JOSF M. YZNAGA, 612 F Street. H. D. FEAST & CO., OPTICIANS, 1213 F Street, N. W. Photographic goods of every description. eyes carefully Examined without charge. If we do the 'work