Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/artselectionsbyj1873geor SELECTIONS BY J. P. BEAUMONT. 1§^2 . -- : -- Consisting of OYE HHYDftBD A YD EIGHTY - OYE Original and characteristic Specimens of 'Paintbig by representative Artists of Erance, Italy, Holland, Germany, Great "Britain and Belgium, Oj\f ^XSlfT^IOjL, ]\Ioi\(la) T , lOtli, to Day of $ide, DAY AND EVENING, IN THE Leavitt Aft Keens, Ilf AND TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION ON Wednesday & Thursday Evenings, March 19th 20th, At Half-past Seven o’clock. -H- The Sale will take place in our large Rooms, Clinton Hall, GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO. New York, 1873. CL. A. ft LIBRARY NO. M. KNOEDLEB & GO. 2 7 556-8 Fifth Ave. ACC. New York COlNTDITIOlNrS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and address, and to pay down twenty-five per cent on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money if required, in default oi which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, with all faults and errors of description at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within three days from the Sale. 4. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale; and the remainder of the Purchase- money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. 5. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency, (if any,) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. GJM, A, LJdA T/TT & CO, » No. 20 East i 6 t/i Street, New York, January 23, 1873. Messrs. Geo. A. Leavitt & Co., Gentlemen : — I send you a list of the Painters, whose works I purchaseei most unexpectedly whilst among old asso¬ ciations in Europe last year; but irresistible temptations were offered me, and I found a more agreeable relief from uidisposition in the excitement of Picture-hunting than in following the Doctor s orders to confine myself to the mineral waters of Ems and Kissingen. But, having retired from active life, I can do nothing better with my new acquisitions, than to place them in your hands for disposal at public sale, trusting to your judgment in the matter in all respects. You will perceive, from the class of Pictures, that I have spent quite a little fortune in the affair ; and, if any apology is due to the art-loving Public (to whom I bade adieu three years ago, after a pretty long term of service in my own specialty), I trust it will be found in the quality of the works offered to their inspection. It is quite probable that it is the richest collection that I have ever been able to show; and for the reason that, in former years, private purchasers were allowed to make selec¬ tions beforehand; but now I have declined opening new accounts, and the Collection is, therefore, intact. Also, as heretofore, no one could ever accuse me of placing limits on the prices at any of my numerous sales ; most assuredly they shall not have an opportunity of doing so noiv. I place them unreservedly in your hands. Respectfully yours, J. P. BEAUMONT. The following , among other eminent Artists , are represented IIV THIS COLLECTION. Baron Henry Leys. Zamacois. Meyer von Bremen. J. Robie. Ruiperez. Toulmouche. Plassan. Florent Willems. Compte-Calix. Ciilame. Zuber Bubler. Baron. Bouguereau. Caraud. Carol us. C. Springlier. Prof. Giuliano, of Milan Rebouet. Victor Cliavet. Lafon. B. C. Koekkoek. Count de Bylandt. V. de Vos. Henriette Ronner. George Armfield. W. Helmsley. Vivian. T. Worsey. E. Dukes. E. C. Barnes. Girardet. Lassalle. Tli. Frere. Zurclier. Mme. de Senezcourt. David Col. Louis Robbe. E. Verboeckboven. Mile. Bakhuyzen. Tli. de Heuvel. Bakalowicz. Mas wiens. Ch. Cbaplin. Caille. Cb. Hue. L. P. Verwee. Madiol. Dillens. M. Caliscb. Hein Burgers Auffray. Cb. Landelle. Loutrel. Van Os. LI. J. Boddington. J. F. Herring. H. L. Rolfe. A. J. Wooliner. E. J. Cobbett. Sidney R. Percy. Lidderdale. Scbutz. De Vries. Duvieilx. Reyntjens. Rosenboom. Gaume, Tscliaggeny. Verheyden. C. L. Muller. A. Van Llamme. Coutourier, Etc., etc. i • * M CAEAUD, JOSEPH, ( Pupil of C. L. Medals, 1859, 18(51, 1803; Legion of Honor, 186?. 8 . I he Favorites. Esteemed as the Chef d’ceuvre of the Artist. BODDINGTON, H. J., qj x London. ( Deceased. ) J View on the River Wye, England. 9 n O ARMFIELD, G EORGE, Spaniel and Setter. London. 4 BAKALOWICZ, LADISLAS, ( Pupil of tlie Academy of Varsovie. ). Paris. Ready for the Boisde Boulogne. DE VOS, VINCENT, ■* pf Cojirtrai. j l'he Connoisseur. DE VOS, VINCENT, fCL/U Courtrai. A Faithful Guardian. LASSALLE, LOUIS. nX ( Pupil of Muller. ) Gathering Firewood in Winter. Paris. 10 8 HUE, CHARLES DESIRE, Paris. ( Pupil of Fleury and Caraud. “ La Parisienne.’ CALISCH, MORITZ, ( Deceased. ) ( Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. ot Spain. ) Effect of Candle-light. IO CALISCH, MORITZ, ( Deceased. ) ( Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. of Spain. ) Effect of Candle-light. (Companion to the preceding.) I I MADAME ALINE DE SENEZCOURT, Portrait of the Princess of Wales in Bridal Costume. 11 I 2 CO UTOURIER, PHILIBERT LEON, ( Pupil of Picot. ) Medal, 1855. Fowls, etc. Paris. 13 LO^JTREL, Y., Rouen. Feeding the Doves. J 4 VERBOECKHOVEN, EUGENE, Brussels. Medals, 1824, ’41, '45, ’55 ; Officer of the Order of Leopold ; Chevalier of Legion of Honor, 1855; Chevalier of the Conroune de Chene. Landscape, with Sheep and Goats. Painted in 1841, when just arrived at the zenith of his fame, and probably the most carefully executed of all his works. 15 ANDELLE, CHARLES, Paris. ( Pupil of Delaroche. ) Medals, 1812, ’15, 48, ’55; Chevalier of Legion of Honor, 1855. “ Buy my Roses ? ” 12 i6 VERWEE, C. L. Brussels. 0 ( Now of Paris. Pupil of the Academy of Antwerp. ) An Interior—The Lady, Grey¬ hound, and Parrot. EVERSEN, A, The Hague. ( Pupil of C. Springher. ) ♦ View of the ancient Hotel de Ville, —Woerden, Holland. / 18 VIVIAN, J., London. On the Grand Canal—Venice. r 9 DE BYLANDT, COUNT A., . The Hague. ( Pupil of the late B. C. KoekKoek. ) The Wagoner—A Scene in the Tyrol. 13 20 ROBBE, LOUIS Brussels. %0 3 Medals, 1844, ’55 ; Officer of the Order of Leopold, 1845. Sheep, etc. 2 I HUYGENS, CHEV E . J. F., Brussels. A Good Day’s Sport. 22 A U HUYGENS, CHEY K . J. F., Brussels. The Companion Picture to the above. 23 JULIANA, J., Home. A Lady of Modern Rome. 24 ROLFE, HENRY L., London. Salmon and Trout. A. favorable example of this Artist in the peculiar specialty in which he is so pre-eminent. No woiks of the kind are more appreciated by Connoisseurs. 14 25 WORSEY, THOMAS, London. Mosses and Wild Flowers. SAUVAGE, P., 26 (Pupil of Fit re. ) Ecouen. Interior of a Cottage at Ecouen. 27 ^ ..PERCY, SIDNEY R., London. \ Landscape View in Wales. 28 MAS WIENS, G., Brussels. View in Burgos—Spain. /ro 29 COMPTE CALIX, FRANQOIS CLAUDIUS, Medals, 1844, ’57, ’59, ’63. Paris. Morning Salutations. >/ An unusually fine specimen by this favorite Artist. 15 30 CAROLUS, J., Brussels. Preparing for the Ball. 3 1 BARNES, E. C., London. The Fair Hostess. The Artist has for some time past been occupied on a commis¬ sion from the Queen. Subject: “The Marriage of the Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lome," which will be shortly ■ engraved. 3 2 HERRING, J. F., London. ( Pupil of his late Father, the painter of the Winning Horses of the “Derby.” ) The Farm-Yard in Winter. HERRING, J. F., Feeding-Time. ( Companion picture to the preceding. ) 34 London. HELMSLEY, W., Artistic Aspirations. London. 16 35 DUKES, EDWARD, London. Resting by the Wayside. 3 6 ZUBER BUHLER, F., Paris. ( Pupil of Grosclaude and Picot. ) “ Morning.” 37 GIRARDOT, R G. ( Pupil of Muller. ) Arranging the Bouquet. 38 LAFON, H. Medals, 1843, ’55. The New Book. \A 39 VAARBERG, H., Tlie Hague. 40 ARMFIELD, GEORGE, “ Caught.” 41 London. OD CHAVET, VICTOR JOSEPH, Paris. Medals, 1853, ’55, ’57 ; Legion of Honor, 1859. The Mirror. A work of extraordinary beauty aud delicacy of execution. 42 AUFFRAY, J. ATHENAISE, Ecouen. ( Pupil of Barrias and Frere. ) “ Out of School.” & '■ / j-' 43 BURGERS, HEIN, Amsterdam. ( Now 7 of Paris. ) The Pet of the Family. A lyj LJjl/ 44 FELRE, THEODORE CHARLES, ( Pupil of Roqueplan and Coigniet. ) Medals, 1848, ’65. Paris. View of Girget—Upper Egypt. 45 DELESCHAUX, E., ( Pupil of Plassan. ) The Declaration. 46 DELESCHAUX, E, ( Pupil of Plassan. ) Paris. Paris. Companion Picture to the Above. 47 Paris. 19 4 8 DE BYLANDTj COUNT A., The Hague. (o 0 ( Pupil of B. C. Koekkoek. ) View on the Lago Maggiore. 49 KEBOUET, ALBOY, Paris. ( Pupil of Gleyre and Gcrome. ) The New Book. 50 CAILLE, LEON, Paris. ( Pupil of Castan. ) The Guitar Player. 51 CAILLE, LEON. Paris. ( Pupil of Castan. ) Luncheon-Time. 20 52 DE VOGEL & EUGENE VERBOECKIIO YEN %0 6 Landscape, with Figures. (The latter painted by Verboeckhoven.) 53 VERHEYDEN, F., Brussels. Detected Correspondence. WO 54 Tlie Hague. HULK, A., A Calm Morning off Amsterdam Si 55 BAYLE, G. T., London. A Rich Fruit-Piece. 56 WOOLMEB, A. J., London. ro At the Spring. 21 57 HUGHES, EDWARD, London, On the Sands at Hastings. 58 JOSQUIN, ( The engraved Picture. ) Mamma’s Toilet Table. Paris. 59 DE HEUVEL, THEODORE, Brussels. Reading the Will—an Episode of Village Life in Normandy. At the great sale of the “Periere” collection in Paris last season, one of this artist’s works brought twice the sum originally paid for it. 60 DE VOS, VINCENT, Courtrai. Travelling Performers. J & Selected for this Collection from the Brussels Triennial Expo¬ sition of 1872. 22 MADIOL, A. J., 61 The Hague. The Hollander’s Cup of Tea. EVERSEN, A., 62 The Hague. ( Pupil of C. Springher. ) A Street in the Hague. ( » 63 ZAMACOIS, EDOUARD, of Bilboa, Spain. ( Deceased. Pupil of Meissonnier. ) Medal, 1867. The Guardsman. 64 ROBBE, LOUIS, Brussels. Medals, 1844, ’55 ; Officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, 1845. Landscape, with Animals. A rare work of the Artist, painted several years ago. 23 65 DE VRIES, A., Maternal Affection. 66 GAUME, IIENPJ, ( Deceased. ) A Lady Reading. 6 7 Rome. Paris. r\ IIILVERDINCK, JAN, Amsterdam. Evening on the Meuse. 68 VAN OS, P„ ( Deceased. ) Learning to Ride. Haerlem. 69 SPRINGHER, C., Amsterdam. Chevalier of the C’ouronne de Chene and of the Order of Leopold. View in the Province of Gueldres. A charming little Gem by this, the most distinguished Painter of his country in this class of subject. JAMJN, D. F 70 Amsterdam. ( Deceased. ) “ Baby Asleep.” HULK, A., 71 A Fresh Breeze. The Hague. 72 TOULMOUCHE, x\., ( Pupil of Gleyre. ) Medals, 1852, ’59, '61. “ Reverie.” The Gem of the Collection. Paris. / (Too - RUIPEEEZ, LOUIS, of Murcia, Spain. “X ( Pupil of Meissonnier. ) & “ Off Guard.” From the “ Clianteloup ” Collection recently disposed ot in Paris. 25 74 ROSENBOOM, A., Brussels. The N ew Picture. 75 ROSENBOOM, A. Brussels. The Cabinet of Antiquities Brussels 76 DE BEUL, HENRI The Farm Yard. 77 KOIEMAN, W., Haarlem, Holland. The Dairy Farm. 78 KOIEMAN, W., Haarlem, Holland. The Dairy Farm. ( Companion to the preceding. ) 26 79 L) E BYLANDT, COUNT A, The Hague. ( Pupil of the late B. C. Koekkoek. ) View on Lake Como. 80 DE BYLANDT, COUNT A., The Hague. ( Pupil of the late B. C. Koekkoek. ) Scene in the Gulf of Genoa. SAUVAGE, R, 81 ( Pupil of Frere. ) HAAG, F., 82 Cottage Interior. Ecoue Preparing Dinner. Ecouen. 8 BILLOU, P., ( Pupil of M. J. Gigoux.) Idle Hours, Paris. 27 ft 84 VAN LEEMPUTTEN, CAMILLE, Brussels. Landscape, with Animals. 85 VANWYNGAERDT, A. J., Tlie Hague. Landscape in North Holland. 86 HOLLANDER, H., Amsterdam. Return from Hunting. 8 ' de beul, franqois, The Idler. Brussels 88 DE BEUL, FRANCOIS, Brussels. Boy with a Magpie. 28 89 VAN DIEGHEM, F., Sheep, etc. 90 VAN DIEGHEM, F., Sheep, etc. ( Companion to the preceding. ) 9 1 DILLENS, ALBERT, The Broken Dish. Brussels. Brussels. Brussels. 29 SECOND EVENING’S SALE. H 92 . CALAME, A., Vevay. ( Deceased. ) Medals, 1839, ’40. Landscape, Study from Nature. Purchased at the sale of his effects in Paris. No. 84 in the t Catalogue. 93 REYNTJENS, H. E., The Hague. The Modern Eve. 94 COUTOURIER, P. L., Paris. f Pupil of Picot. ) Medal, 1855. Fowls, etc. 30 95 FRERE, THEODORE CHARLES, Paris. ( Pupil of Roqueplan and Coigniet. ) Medals, 1848, ’65. View of Negacli—Upper Egypt. J&'k) FRERE, THEODORE CHARLES, Paris. ( Pupil of Roqueplan and Coigniet. ) Medals, 1848, ’65. View of Munch—Upper Egypt. / oO L— 97 BILLOU, P., Paris. ( Pupil of M. J. Gigoux. ) A Morning Walk. o 9 s CHAPLIN, CHARLES, Paris. ( Pupil of Drolling. ) S (> 0 — Medals, 1851, ’G2, ’65; Legion of Honor, 18G5, The Little Coquette. 31 99 KRUSEMAN, J. F., Brussels ( Pupil of B. C. Koekkoek. ) Landscape—Summer. IOO KRUSEMAN, J. F., ( Pupil of B. C. Koekkoek. ) Brussels. . V (TD Landscape—Winter. IOI DE VOS, VINCENT, Courtrai. “ On the Chase.” \) Selected for this Collection from the Triennial Exposition of Brussels, lb?2. EVERSEN, A., 102 ( Pupil of C. Springher. ) The Hague. Street View in Delft, Holland. 32 EVERSEN, A., Tlie Hague. ( Pupil of C. Springlier. ) The Green Market at the Hague. 104 DE BYLANDT, COUNT A, ( Pupil of B. C. Koekkoek. ) The Hague. View on Lake Thun—Switzerland. 2-J~ J 105 DE BYLANDT, COUNT A., ( Pupil of B. C. Koekkoek. ) / u Sorrento. The Ha^ue. O 106 HERRINGr, J. F., London. ( Pupil of his late Father, the Painter of the Winning Horses of the “ Derby. ” ) H orses, etc. toy HERRING, J. F., H orses, etc. London. ( Pendant to the preceding. 108 BARNES, E. C.. London. Female Head—“ La Rose. 109 BARNES. E. C., London. Female Head-—“The Geranium. 110 KRATKE. ( Pupil of Zamacois. ) ry \ l Henry IV. and His Courtiers- The Game of Chess. I I I v HENRIETTE RONNER & DAVID COL, Brussels. The Sand Cart. ( Tlie figure painted by Col. ) 34 I I 2 LASSALLE, LOUIS, ( Pupil of Muller. ) n ”3 BOYLE, G. T, A Rich Fruit Piece. 1 x 4 BOYLE, G. T., 6 A Rich Fruit Piece. ( Companion to the preceding. ) 11 5 GUILIANO, Prof. BARTHELEMY, Love me? Love me Not: Prophecy of the Flower. 116 NOTERMAN, ZACHARIE, Terriers and Cockatoo. Paris. London. London. Milan. -The Paris. Probably the master-piece of the Artist. 35 11 7 ROBIE, J., Brussels. Medals, 1848, ’51, ’61; Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1861. A Beautiful Flower Piece. A rare work by this, the most celebrated of living Flower Painters. I l8 VERBOECKHOVEN, EUGENE, Brussels. Medals, 1824, ’41, ’41, ’45, ’55; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1855 ; Chevalier of the Couronne de Chene. Landscape, with Sheep, etc. An admirable work by this great Artist. I 19 SCHUTZ, J. F., Amsterdam. Coast Scene—A Gleam of Sunlight. f I 20 VAN HAMME, ALEXANDER, Brussels. 0 The Vegetable Market. 36 I 2 I ROSENBOOM, A., Brussel*. f ^ Interior Lady, with Parroquet. 122 ROSENBOOM, A., / y j The Boudoir. Brussels. 123 ROBBE, LOUIS, Brussels. Medals, 1844, ’55 ; Officer of the Order of Leopold, 1845. Interior of a Stable. 124 COBBETT, E. J„ London. The Gleaner—A Scene in Wales. 12 5 ARMFIELD, GEORGE. . London. “ After the Fox,” One of the Artist’s most important works. 37 126 PL ASS AN, ANTOINE EMILE, Paris. Medals, 1852, ’57. '59 ; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. 1859. The Billet-Doux. 12 CHAYET, VICTOR JOSEPH, Paris. Medals, 1853, ’55, 57; Chevalier of Legion of Honor, 1859. 0 The Confidants. 128 DUVIEUX, H., Paris. Venice—Entrance to the Grand Canal. 129 DUVIEUX, IE, Paris. Venice—The Campanile, Piazetta, and Doge’s Palace. 130 DE HEUVEL, THEODORE, Brussels. D b The Declaration, 38 VERWEE, C. L., Brussels. 131 ( Now of Paris. ) The Boudoir. 132 GIRARDOT, E. G., ( Pupil of Muller. ) tTJ “ Inspiration.” 133 LIDDERDALE, C. S., n London. Childish Lonmnofs. O 134 HUME, EDWARD. London. A Present of Spring Flowers "7 J Violets and Primroses. / THORS, J., London. Rural Scenery. j An exquisitely finished picture. 39 STRUTT, W., London. 136 The Pet Dove. 137 LASSALLE, LOUIS, ( Pupil of Muller. ) y Going to Market. o 138 LASSALLE, LOUIS, ( Pupil of Muller. ) Feeding the Pets. 139 HUE, CHARLES DESIRE, ( Pupil of Fleury and Caraud. ) In the Library. 140 MOORMANS, FRANCOIS, \ ( Pupil of tlie Academy of Antwerp. ) An Interior—The Spinning Paris. Paris. Paris. Paris. - Wheel 40 I4i HUYGENS, CHEVALIER J. F., Dead Game. Brussels. 44 0 142 HUYGENS, CHEVALIER J. F., Dead Game. Brussels. u 0 ( Pendant to the preceding. ) 143 DE SENEZCOURT, MADAME ALINE, Brussels. / Industry. 144 VERMEULEN, A., Amsterdam. Effect of Gandle-light. 145 KUHNEN, P. L., Medals, 1842, ’43, ’46. Landscape, with Figures. 41 146 BOOGAERDT, W. J., Haarlem, Holland The Head of a Horse. Vi 147 KOIEMAN, W., Haarlem Landscape, with Cattle. 0 148 KOIEMAN, W., Haarlem. Landscape, with Cattle, : 49 HE BYLANDT, COUNT A., ( Pupil of B. C. Ivoekkoek. ) “ Sunset,” The Hague. 150 MULLER, CHARLES L., Paris. Medals, 1838, ’46, ’48 ; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1849; Officer of the same, 1859 ; Member of the Institute, 1867. “ Contemplation.” A charming work by this, one of the greatest celebrities in Art. 42 I 5 I KOEKKOEK, BARENT C., Cleves U ( Deceased. ) Medals, 1840. '48; Chevalier of the Lion of the Netherlands, of the^Order of Leopold of Belgium, etc. Landscape, with Figures. A very elaborate production of Holland’s greatest Landscape PainteL ! 5 2 LEYS, BARON HENRY, Antwerp. ( Deceased. ) Medal, 1846 ; Grand Medal of Honor, 1855 ; Chevalier Legion of Honor, ’47; Officer of the same, '67. “ Returning Home.” On the back of the picture is a detailed description of the work, taken from the “ Leys ” catalogue. The paintings of Baron Leys have been in such demand, especially since his decease, that even small specimens like the present are difficult to obtain, and command high prices. 1 53 WILLEMS, FLORENT, Paris. Medals, 1844, ’46, '58, ’64, ’67; Chevalier Legion of Honor, 1853; Officer, 1864. A Lady at Her Toilet. This little work, executed several years ago, has obtained the appellation of the 1 ‘ Pearl,” from its great purity of color. 43 i54 PECRUS, CHARLES, An Interior. Paris. 1/ > i *55 BARON, HENRY CHARLES ANTOINE, Paris. Medals, 1847, ’48,’55, ’67 ; Chevalier of Legion of Honor, 1859. Gathering Spring Blossoms, r . 156 BAKHUYZEN, Mile. G. J. VAN DE SANDE, The Hague. ( Pupil of her late Father, the Professor of Painting in the Royal Academy, at the Hague. ) A Group of Roses, etc. A beautiful work. 1 5 7 VERBOECKHOVEN, EUGENE, Brussels. Various Medals, etc., etc. 0 0 Landscape, with Sheep, etc. A small cabinet specimen, painted in 1872. 44 Dusseldorf. 158 ZURCHER, F. W Play-Time. 159 BOUGUEREAU, W. A., ) Paris. Received the Prize of Rome, 1850; Medals, 1855, '67 ; Cheva¬ lier of the Legion of Honor, ’59 ; Medal of the Universal Exhibition, 1867. “ Sweet Violets.” Probably nothing been produced subject. finer in Art, or nearer perfection, has ever than the head and hands in this charming 160 MEYER VON BREMEN, Prof. J. G., Berlin. Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850, ! 67. /3o~o- Reading the Bible. The most txquisite simplicity of style, combined with rare fidelity to nature, pervades the work. 45 161 TSCHAGGENY, EDMOND, and E. BIERNARDT, Brussels. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Shepherdess, with Flock of Sheep. The Landscape by Biernardt. 162 GIRARDOT, E. G., ( Pupil of Muller. ) 1 he Billet-Doux. 163 GIRARDOT, E. G. ( Pupil of Muller. ) The Miniature. 164 HUGREL, PIERRE HONORE, Paris ( Pupil of Gleyre. ) The End of the Harvest. 46 i6 5 VAN KIERSBILCK, J., y Landscape, with Animals. One of the finest of the late Artist’s productions. 47 170 HOUZE, F. L., Brussels. 0 ( Pupil of Gallait. ) Female Head. 171 6 HULK, FRANZ, The Hague. Town-view in Holland. ^ 172 HULK, FRANZ, The Hague. Town-view in Holland. ( Peudant to the preceding picture. ) ^ 173 10 VAN LEEMPUTTEN, J. L., Fowls, etc. 174 VAN LEEMPUTTEN, J. L., Fowls, etc., ( The companion picture. ) Brussels. Brussels. 48 175 KLUYVERS, Amsterdam. Landscape, with Figures. BILLOU, P., 176 ( Pupil of M. J. Gigoux. ) 2 ^ Feeding the Goat. / / VAN DIEGHEM, J., Sheep, etc. 178 VAN DIEGHEM, J., Sheep, etc.’ 31 ( Pendant to the above. ) Paris. Brussels. Brussels. 179 VERTIN, P., . Town View The Hague. 49 i8o VERTIN, P., / . Town A iew. ( Companion to the preceding. ) The Hague. ROSIERSCE, J., Dordrecht. Effect of Candle-light—“ Good-Night.” 50