m \ ■ ■ > ■ I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Research Library, The Getty Research Institute http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofgreekOOcock CATALOGUE O F Greek, Roman and Englijh Coins, Medallions and Medals, Of the Right Honourable Earl of Oxford^ £> € C € 3»*S>, Which will be Sold by AUCTION, j * By Mr. C O C K y At his Houfe in the G RE AT PIAZZA, Covent-Garden, On Thurfday MAR C H the 1 8th, '1741-2, and the Five following DAYS. Beginning precifely at Half an Hour after Eleven o'Clock, by reafon of the great Number of Lots to be fold each Day. The COINS, &V. may be view'd, at the Place of Sale, on Monday the 15th, and CATALOGUES of the Coins, &c. at One Shilling each, will bedeliver'd at the Place of S A L E. ^1\ . iLftnvww LECTORI Numismatum Antiquorum Studiofo S A L U T E M. UM hujus iirjtrucli/jimi Gazcphylacii fuppelleSfilis tanto pretio tantaque eruditiojie undcquaque colkftce, Jxu citius ! fet publica.dijlraflio : Viro EruditiJJimo, cujus rogatu hoc opus impar tentabam, in animo fait Numismatum non numerum tantum, fed & epigraphas notafque infigniores in Rci Antiquariee Jludioforum gratiam exhibere. Hoc propofito Nummos patriot prima adortus Jum : epdem modo, eadem £f diftinguendi & deno- tandi' cur a progredi Jiatueram. At tempus, NumifiKatum & abundantia £3 diver- Jit as (quorum, mult a acervatim conjeBa) fefellerunt, dulce utikque opus quern-, admodum inchoafum perjie.ere & 1 upprobare denegarunf. rfam. breve enim fuit tempus ad tantum, tarn multiplex opus (adeoque fub tnanibus fuccrejeens) ut vix cculis pcrlujlrandi, cum in medio labarum ventum Jit, poteftatem prcebuerit. lice prcemojicndum necejfarium judicamus : Quapropter enim nonnulla cor um que? viderit ffQcLxixxTX, ant cmiffa obfervatu digniora, pracipitandi ncceflitati, non incurice Jolt, candidc attribuet (liceat nobis ita jpondere) ignojeetque Bene-volus I^ctlor. Jdibus jfanuarii.',, 174.I. 6..K 90t [3 ] Lot i Lot 2 The Firft Day's Sale, Thurfday, March the 1 8th. FI V E Britifli filver Pieces Two ditto, brafs A Saxon Sceat, or Stica of Edelred, yy\ Ditto, ofOJbe-rcht, 849 5^IOiV SILVER COINS. (Off a King of Mercia Ceonwulph Burgred Ethelrei Alfred Edward fenior jEthelftan, with his Head without his Head Fifteen Penigs, or Penaies : of Lot 3 ^ Thirteen Pennies : of < Lot 4 <( Twelve filverPennies: of Edmund the Martyr Mdred Aidwig Edgar Edward jEthdred II. _ Ditto " Edmund Ironfide Cnut, atTork Canterbury Harold Ditto different Edward the Confeflbr, with his Head Ditto as in Speed Ditto Harold Ditto different Santti Petri Moneta, or Tork Penny Ceolnod Archbifhop of Canterbury ', S%o JViglaf King of Mercia, 835 ' r Offa 1 2 Ceonwulph Burghred M their ed ^.Edward fen. 4 1 4 A 2 5 Nine Lot 5 i [4] which Sort .of Money was afterwards forbid \ here, under the Name of Whites or Blanks EDWARD IV. "TwoGroats Reverfe, civitas london, different Mintages One Groat • ' ■ eboraci Ditto ■ cove nt re, fcarce Lot \ Ditto ■ '; villa bristow 24 "^ Half-groat ■ civitas cantor Ditto EBORACI Penny > • london, weight 9 Grains Ditto R I C H A R D III. Lot CGuoat : with the Boar's Head (one of his Supporters) for a Mint-mark 25 J Penny H E N R r VII. _ . „,.,,. 5 Epigrauhe, henric 9 septim'di c r a . &C. exceeding fcarce, Lot 20 Shillmg: } and finely preferv'd Lot 27 DitfO. Kp'g- HENRIC DI GRA. Let 2? Lot 2 3 < Lot 28 ("Two Groats I Half Groat J Penny j Halfpenny v^Ditto [7] of different Mintages Reverfe, civitas ebor , LONDON „ CANTOR H E N R T VIII. \ \ m Teftoon, or Shilling bafe, of his 36th Yea Two Sterling fide-faced Groats, different Three full-faced bafe Groats, different Reverfe, civitas cantor wa Archbp. Warham tc Thomas Cranmer Lot Four Half Groats 4 civitas eboraci. el. Edward Lee . tw. Thomas Wolfey J Two ditto bafe, full- 5 ■ \ faced * faced Two Pennies civitas cantor LONDON The King on his Throne. Reverfe, civitas London , DURHAM TW t Reverfe, civitas lond. ( Three full-faced ditto £ c 1 vi t e bor B D WA R D VI. An exceeding fineCrown Piece. Epig. edwarcvi rex. angl. franchiber.zc. The King's profile-face, crown'd fomewhat like his bafe Shillings. . Reverfe, Arms of France and England in an Efcutcheon •, in the Top of the Orna- Lot / ments the Letter B, denoting it was coined by Sir Martin Bowes at Durhaut- \ Houfe in the Strand, of which fee Burleigh's Letters, publifh'd by Mr. Haines, page gj, 89. Epig. TIMOR. DOMINI. FONS VIT.^. MDXLVII It is fine Sterling, weighs 1 oz. zgr. A Draught of it was engraved for the Society of An' tiauaries. It is an Unique » 1. f-T™~ r> „ c the Kinffon Horfeback, 1551. Lot C I wo Crowns : J => ' • >D 32 < , il5 53- 6 {.A Half Crown: 1551. Lot 5 Shilling, or Teftoon Bafe, King's Head in profile. Infcription as the Crown. 33 * Reverfe, Timor domini.& This Piece is exceedingly remarkable, in that it has a Counter-mark of a Portcullis clofe to the Head, which was ordered by a Proclamation of Q. Elizabeth, when fhe cryed them down to Six-pence. Vide Stowe in the Year 1560. This is the only one known that has the Mark. Lot 34 [8] Lot 34 Three Shillings : Two ditto Two Sixpences, ^A Threepence, " Epig. EDWARD. VI. D. C. ANGL. F R AN. ET HI B. REX. Reverfe, inimicos eivs. induam. confvsione. The Infcription on the Face-fide as before. ^ Reverfe, timor domini fons vit^e. mdxlix. 66 Gr. Face-fide vite. mdxlix Reverfe, edward. vi. d,g. angl. fra. z. hib. rex. 6i Gr. Sterling, full-faced, by York and Throgmorton Coined by York and 'Throgmorton fcarce Lot 35 Lot Lot 37 Lot Lot 39 Lot 40 Q^MA R T and K. P H I L I P. 'Three Shillings of Ph. and Mary ; one no Date ; 1554, 1555 Sixpence 1554 Groat, before Marriage •^ Ditto, after Marriage Penny. Inftead of her Head a Rofe. Epig. M.D.G. Rosa sine spina Reverfe, Arms of France and England in an Efcutcheon. Ep. civiTas London. It is of bafe Metal and exceeding fcarce (^ELIZABETH. r Crown Piece of 1 601 ■j Half Crown ditto ' Nine Shillings, of different Mint-marks and Years r Portcullis Half-crown 1 Ditto Shilling C Ditto Sixpence 38 Thirty-five Sixpences of different Mint-marks Two Groats, different Six Three-pences Three Two-pences <( A Three half-penny Piece I Five Pennies One fine Three-farthing Piece «.One Half-penny with a Crefcent on it, the Mint-mark of 15S9 JAMES. I. "Crown Piece: Reverfe, qv;e devs coniunxit. &c. Ditto: Reverfe, exurg at deus.&c. fcarce Half-crown : Reverfe, as the firft Seven Shillings, different Mint-marks and Years j Four Six-pences, 1603, 1604, 1606, 1623 A Twopence, with the King's Face Ditto, Rofe and Thiftle Penny, with the King's Face Ditto, Rofe and Thiftle L Two different Half- pennies v h CHARLES [9] CHARLES I. Lot c Eight Crown Pieces, all different 41 l Seven Half-crowns, different T r Five more Half-crowns, different < Sixteen Shillings, of different Mint-marks and Years 4 ' Twelve Sixpences, different ( Two Groats T Three Threepence* Lot / r> t- ( row 1 wopences " I Three Pennies ( Two Halfpennies Lot rj , ,r J One coined at Tork t " ' t One coined at Chefier y fcarce 44 Coined at X F R D. Lot 45 "A twenty Shilling Piece, 1642 Ditto ----- 1642 A ten Shilling Piece - 1642 A Crown - - - - 1643 A Half Crown - - 1 644 a Ninepence, and a Sixpence Lot J A Shilling with ne xii. 49 J Sixpence with nevi. *"Tvvo Carlifle Shillings of 1645, but different 46 Lot 50 t '*> ] Lot C * ?our Oftogonal Pieces flruck at the Siege of Pontefratt Caftla* } One ditto round COne ditto, Lozenge J An oblong Silver Piece, a Cattle imprefs'd on it, round which is engraved 50 Lot 5i Caroli fortuna refurgam COMMONWEALTH MONE Y. Lot 52 f A Crown 1653 ' A Half-crown 1649 Three Shillings 1649, 1651, 1652 "^ Four Sixpences, 1649, 51, 52, §6 A Twopence A Penny AHalfpenny *Lot 53 A Half-crown by BJondeau, with a Legend round the Edge Lot c A Sixpence milled on the Edge 1651, very fcarce and finely preftrved 53 * A Tryal Piece, truth and peace on each Side of it, and round the Edge O L IV E R's MONEY. }' r Crown Lot \ Half-crown J- in fine Prefer vation. 54 1 Shilling *A Piece ftruck from the Dye of the Sixpences Lot 55 i Lot 56 MASATHUSETS, or New-England MONE Y. Six Shillings different, 1652 Two Sixpences Two Threepences One Twopence CHARLES lid's. Hammer'd, and Old Milled MONEY. [Half- Crown ^ Shilling Two Sixpences One Groat >• Hammered One Threepence One Twopence One Penny Groat Threepence Twopence JPenny ] old Milled Milled t "] Milled MONEY. The Reafons of adding the following Milled Money, are, not only becaufe they were in the late Noble Lord's Collection, but likewife as we are fenfible many curious Gentlemen feek after them to compleat their Series of Englijh Coins ; and there are none here offered but what are finely preferved. Fifteen Crowns : of u Lot 57 "K. Charles II. 1662, 1664 K. jams II. 1687, 1688 K. William and Q^ Mary K. William Q^Jnneiyoz, 7, 13 George I. 1716, 1723, SSC Gecrge II. Proof Piece of ditto (K. Charles II. 1676, 77 I K.James II. 1687,88 JK. William and Q^Afcry 1689 Ditto 1693 K. William 1698, 1701 Q. Anne 1703, 8, 13 K. George I. 171 7, 23 Ditto, a Proof Piece, 1715 JK. G^r^II. 1732, 39 f K. Charles II. K. James II. K. William and Q. Afflry Twenty Shillings : of ■i K. William Q^Anne K. George I. JC. George II. rK. Gfor/« II. J K. James II. ~, • . e - - r J K. William Thirteen Sixpences : of <, ~ Amg I K. George I. l_K. George II. K. C^r/^j II. K. George I. j"K. G&ar/« II. K. James II. ElevenThreepences : ofj K. William and Q^Mtf?? : Q^Anne \K. George I. Milled Twopences — ^Ditto Pennies Eleven Groats : of 1. j -1! 2 2 1 2 4 2 1 I 2 2 I I 3 2 1 2 5 1 1 4 2 5 2 5 2 3 1 1 1 6 2 5 1 2 1 2 6 6 NB. Ifor* are vo Duplicates in this Scries. . [ia] A fecond SERIES of Englijb SILVER COINS. fcarce Lot t ,-. , , D - c t Ir dham the Conqueror „ } Light Pennies : or < „•,.„. D r " 58 l D Itrilliam Rufus Lot 50. Three Pennies of Stephen, very fcarce t f C f ^^0' ^- v ery fcarce ° 5 Five Pennies : of < Henrkus Rex jun. ver 60 t I King John Lot J Twenty feven Pennies : if^Jdl '. 61 I ot I Edward U. /-One Penny of Richard II. One Half penny of the faine One Penny of Henry IV. Three Half-pennies of the fa>me One Penny of Henry VIII. One Penny of Queen Elizabeth Two Pennies and one Half-penny of K. James I. Three Pennies and two Half-pennies of K. Charles I. ^Nine worn Twopences and Pennies f Edward III. Henry IV. 6 2 3 1 1 8 10 9 Lot 62 Lot 63 ^ Thirteen Groats : of < ( Lot 6+ Six Groats : of \ Two Three - of Lot 65 Fourteen half of Henry V. Henry VI. His Billon French Groat Edward IV. civitas london. et c Richard III. fcarce Henry VII. Henry, one profile, the other full-faced Queen .Mtfry, one before, the other aft 1* Queen Elizabeth King Charles I. I Ormond Groat ] Hammer'd Groat of K. Charles II. (.Old milled ditto pences : j Edward VI. fcarce t Queen Elizabeth 'Edward III. £fe»rj IV. flrary V. HenryVl.viz. civitas cantor. et Haw? VII. H*»ry VIII. (^Elizabeth K. Charles I. Commonwealth Qw/fj II. old milled VIT EBOR. er Marriage 2 Groats X IVITAS EBOR. 2 Nineteen ] Lot 66 Lot 67 \ Two Shillings : of L ° 8 fc ^ Ten Shillings of Lot 7 1 Lot 72 [«3 '/ f Edward VI. Pi&?7//» and Afory Q^ Elizabeth ^ Nineteen Sixpences : oH t/ jr«f W / J V J Ormond Money J K. Charles II. milled LQ; Anne \ Henry VII. cffcwryVIII. I Ed-ward VI. Philip and A&ry Q^ Elizabeth James I. "S Charles I. Commonwealth At the Siege of PontefraEl New England 1652 One Shilling of Oliver, fcarce, and in fine Prefervation One Piece (lamped from the Dye of Oliver's Shilling One Shilling of K. Charles II. hammered One Shilling ditto milled I~ Edward VI. 1551 S^ #;.-«•/ I. Eight half Crowns : of ^Charles I. one of them at York J Charles I. at Oxford, 1643,44 Charles II. milled Two different Rupees of Bombain in the Reign of Charles II. l_One half Crown of Q. ^«# 1_K. Charles I. Seventeen Pieces of Clipt Money (Edward III. Henry IV. Henry V. _]] Henry VI. Edward IV. Henry VII. //rary VIII. fide-faced and Sterling //rary VIII. full-faced, bafe Q^ Afary, 4 before, 2 after Marraige' ^Charles I. 'One Three-pence of K. Edward VI. fcarce 'EdwartfSf. Henry IV. //(?w^y V. ■< /fc»ry VI. I //i?Kry VII. Charles I. l_ Commonwealth r K. William the Conqueror •J William Rufus L Edward's Ten half Groats : of . of ■J Seven Pennies One Groat of Edward III. Two Groats of Henry V. Two Groats of Henry VI. French Thirteen Pennies and half Pennies One Shilling of Henry VIII. bafe One ditto of Charles II. One Groat of Charles I. .Two gilt Shillings of K. James II. In this fecond Series 306" In the former 471 I I S 1 4 3 2 3 1 5 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 Pieces Totals Silver Engli/b Coins 777 ENGLISH GOLD COINS. Lot 78 fOne Noble of K. Edward III. with d. aqvi J One half Noble of the fame Coinage <( One Quarter Noble of the fame Coinage j Two quarter Nobles of the fame King V.One quarter Noble of another Coinage- r pEpig. EDWARD 9 . VI. REX ANCL. FRAN. HIB. ZC 'Rev. a Roie crowned er. Epig. scvtvm fid e i proteget euh 'A Half Crown ; the King bare headed CL_ MA R T. Lot 98 Sovereign « Lot 99 Ryal - - Lot r Angel - - - 100 i Angel of Philip and Mary - Q. ELIZABETH. Lot 10 1 Sovereign of her fi, ft Y»ar - - - Lot 102 Ryal eft he fame Year - - - Lot r Sovereign ; Mint-mark a Key 1588 - 103 i Ditto M nt-mark a Ton 1592 - Lot r Ditto Mint-mark an Anchor 1 04 i Half Sovereign milled T f" f milled, Mint-mark a Flower de Lyz 1567 J Three Half Sovereigns*} not milled, Mint-mark a Crown 15.67 10 5 r [Mint-mark a crofs Croflet 1578 L ° f $Two ditto Kir 1 * 592 1 w 1 i " 106 ' t Mmt-mark a Wool-pack 1594 Lot S Angel, Mint-mark a Crofs 5 Q 107 * Angelet ditto - t* I5? * Lot Another Angel, Mint-mark a Ton 1592 - 108 A Quarter Angel - T f A Half Crown .-■•_- Dt s A Fiece of one of her laft Sovereigns, on which her Face is raoft admirably iO L expreffed - - - - 1 15 K. JAMES L Lot no A RofeRyal - - - 8 18 Lot in Ditto, Miat-mark a Rofe i6otf - - - 8 16 Lot wt. ** 1 13 22 7 4 7 5 3 4 3 11 3 7 3 12 $ 2 2 20 9 22 4 23 3 3 7 8 9 18 4 7 22 6 7 3 7 4 3 14 3 14 3 12 3 5 3 14 3 3 1 15 6 16 3 6 20 20 [ «7l •Ditto, Mint-mark a cuitto, ivnnr-maric a Key 1610 - \ A Thirty Shilling Piece, Mint-mark Flower de Lyz 1 605 Lot 112 Lot n3 Mint-mark, a Trefoil 1614 Lot C Ditto, Mint-mark a Thiftle 1623 114 tA Sovereign of his flrft Year, with ang. scot Lot 1 1 5 Two Broads, or 20 s. Pieces Lot 1 1 6 A Spur Ryal of his third Yeas Lot *»7 Lot 11S Lot 119 Lot 120 ! A fifteen-fhilling Piece An Angel, Mint-mark, an Efcallop 1607 Ditto, Mint-mark, Cinquefoil 1605 A twenty-milling Piece A ten-milling Piece A five-milling Piece {A Britijh Crown of his fecond Year, or Quarter-Sceptre Ditto .... A Thiftle Crown r Ditto - - \ A half Crown of his, or Quarter Sceptre l6 +4 „ M twenty-fhilling Piece at Oxford 164.1 CA ten-milling Piece 1642 COMMONWEALTH GOLD. Lot r A twenty-fhilling Piece 1653 129 i A ten-lhil ling Piece 1650 Lot 5 Ditto - - 1660, a very great Curiofity 130 * A five-fhilling Piece 1649 Lot 131 An exquifite fine twenty-fhilling Piece of Oliver Cromwell King CHARLES II. Lot 132 Broad-piece, and Touch-piece Lot r : Broad-piece, milled by old Simon ,1662 133 t Half Broad-piece, and Touch-piece Lot 134 A five-ihilling Piece, and a Touch-piece Lot 1 g5 Ditto Lot 136 A five Guinea Piece, finely preferved Lot 137 A two Guinea, Guinea, and half Guinea Lot 1 Simon's Crown, with the Petition round the Edge, finely preferved •, prefented by 138 \ Simon to the Lord Chancellor Clarendon Lot r The fame Crown : inftead of the Petition round the Edge are thefe Words, reddi- 139 i TE. QU/E. C/ESARIS. C^SARI. King JAMES II. Lot 140 His five Guinea Piece Lot 141 The Irijh Shilling {truck, in Gold, 3 foot. 17 gr. K. WILLIAM and Q^MART. Lot 142 Their five Guinea Piece, and half Guinea Lot 143 The five Guinea African Gold Lot 144 Their two Guinea, and half Guinea Lot 145 Five Guinea and two Guinea Piece of King William Queen ANNE. Lot 146 Her 'five Guinea Piece Vico, very fcarce Lot 147 Two Guinea Piece Lot r Ditto 148 t A half Sovereign of EdivardVl. Lot 149 Two five-milling Pieces of Charles I. and a half- Sovereign Englijh [ '9 J Englijh GOLD MEDALS. oz. pwt. gr. Lot SA Medallion of Henry VIII. with a Latin, Greek, and Hebrew Infcrip- 150 <■ tion, hi Evelyn, p. 89. — .- - - 1 9 12 Lot 151 A like Medallion of Edward VI. not in Evelyn - z 7 22 l" A Medal of Q^ Elizabeth, her Head, Infcription, Quid nos fine Te o 2 17 4 Reverfe, A Caftle,-Qryi D hoc sine te. not in Evelyn I 5 2 ' A Medal of Prince Henry, Evelyn-, p. 103. - - 071 •A Medal of K. Charles I. The King's Head, and ufual Titles - 1 Reverfe, Arms' of Great Britain, florent. concordi a / ^ regna; Not in Evelyn ' - f 'inauguration Medal of K. Charles I. Evelyn, p. 104. J ■ Another Medal of this King -...--» Reverfe, City at London, sot orb em rediens, sic rex I illvminat urbem. Evelyn, p. 109. I ' A fmall Medal of this King. His Head, and no Infcription ■* 'Medal of Lord Fairfax 155 i Reverfe, post h.'Ec meliora. 1645. mervisti. Evelyn, p. 116. 066 T f Another of the fame Lord: His Face, but no Infcription - 030 ^ ot \ Reverfe, as the laft. It has a Loop . *o.l 156 LA thin Plate, with a Head - - - - o o 19 Lot if 7 A Medal of Oliver on the Victory at Dunbar. Evelyn, p. 117 o 4 9 Lot 1 58 A Medallion on Oliver's Death, ftruck by his Son. Evelyn, p. 1 19. 2 4 4 Lot r A Medal on the fame Occafion, the Face-fide ftruck from the .Shil- ^ . 159 \ ling Dye. Reverfe, as the laft. - - - j ^ Lot 1 60 A fmaller on the fame Occafion, like the firft - -043 CHARLES II. Lot 5 His Inauguration Medal at Scocn, not in Evelyn - - o 7 22 161 t Ditto in England, by Simon. -Evelyn, p. 1 29. - - - 078 CA Medallion by Simon. King's Head laureated, with his Titles 1 i6\ 20 T Reverfe, the Royal Oak and Sun over it, jam. florescit. 23 Ap. °* 4 1 66 1. with a Loop. 1 £>. Whether not defigned for the Order of the Royal Oak. Not in i Evelyn Lot V A fine Medallion on the Dutch War. pro. tali bus av:is. Evelyn, 7 - 163 i p. 137. • - - - - s 4 .19 Lot 164 A Medal ot K. Charles and Q.. Catharine. Ev. - - 1 12 19 {The Lucas's Farthing, as commonly called - - - o 6 2 QVATVOR MARIA. VINDICO ftruck ill Gold A fmall Medal with the. Prince's Feathers - - o 2 20 Reverfe, si vis omnia svbj i cere, svbj i ce ration i. MEDALS of King JAMES II. Lot 166 His Coronation Medal. Evelyn, p. 148. - o 10 23 Lot 5 jacoevs wa lli^e princeps. - - - 1 16 14 167 ^Reverfe, A Ship in a Storm, jactatvr, non. mergitvr undis Lot «X. pwt. gr. Lot 16S Coronation Medal of K. William and Q^Mary - ■ o n 21 Lot 169 A Medallion of K. William on taking Natnur - ■- 3 2 .o Lot 170 A Medal of taking Vigo - - • • 1 14 4 Lot 171 Ditto on the Peace - - - - - o 15 14 Lot 172 Her Farthing, {truck in Gold -- - -- 064 Third Day's Sale, Saturday ', March the 20th. King GEORGE I. Lot 173 A fine Medallion on his being made Elector - - - 5 ji ij Lot 174 His Coronation Medal ... ... 01414 Lot r Coronation Medal of K.JSeerge Ef. - - - o 15 175 t Ditto of Queen Caroline - - - - -014 Lot r A Gold Seal of Edmund King of Sicily., Brother of King Henry III 176 c of England .... Foreign Gold COINS. Lot 190 A. Gold Medal of Frederick Henry Prince of Orange 1 15 8 11 Foreign Gold MEDALS. Lot J A fine Medallion on the Death of Erneft Augufiu^ Duke of 177 C Brunfwick, &c. 1698 - - - 5110 Lot 178 A fine Medal of Philip V. K. of Spain - - 2 10 6 Lot 179 Ditto of him and his Queen - - 290 Lot JA Medallion of Frederic I. K. of PruJJia, by the Royal Academy 180 [ of Sciences at Berlin - - -318 Lot 181 A Medal of Sophia Princefs Palatine of the Rhine - 2 4 10 Lot 182 A Medal of Czar Peter upon the taking of Nottebourg, 1 2 0£l. 1702 2 311 Lot 183 A Medal of Maximilian Eman. Duke of Bavaria - o 19 14 Lot 1 84 Ditto, of Gabriel Prince of Tranfihania - - 124 Lot 1 85 A fine Medallion of John-znd Cornelius de Wilt - 5 1 8 1 3 ?A fmall Gold Medal of Pope Clement XII. A very fmall Coin of the Emperor Leopold, 1687 o 3 20 Four thin Plates of Gold, exhibiting our Saviour, the Virgin Mary, K. James II. and the Chevalier Lot 187 Five Pieces of Turkijh Coins, Sequins, C5V. o S 1 T r An Afhrefee of Akber Sha Anno Heg. 98 1 j °M Ditto of Sha Jahan Anno Heg. 1040 C 1 1 4 L Ditto of Aureng Zeb. Anno Heg. 1 107 3 Lot 189 AGoldCaftof Lord Treafurer Southampton o 17 21 8 10 Lot 191 [ "3 Lot 191 / A Gold Medal of Frederick Henry Prince of Orange A Gold Coin of George Lud. & Chrijliern, Dukes of Silejia, Ditto half A Gold Coin of Charles XI. of Sweden A Coin of Albert, A.Bp. of Mentz Ditto of Frederick IV. of Denmark A thin Plate of Charles XII. of Sweden ■ of J. G. 3d Elector of Saxony i£>59\ Athn Lot 192 Lot J 93 Lot 196 { A Petite Royal of Philip le Belle of France 1 An Efcu of Philip Valois, K. of France 5 Ryal of Charles V. 1 « Ditto J Lot 194 Four Efcu d'Or of Charles VI & VII. f" Ditto of Levis X. Lot J Ditto Porc-Epi of the fame King iqj J A Ducat of Levis X. with his Head (.An Efcu d'Or of Francis I. - f A Rider of Francis Duke of Brabant JAn Efcu au Soleil of Charles X. of France j 1 Gold Coin of Henry IV. of France j Lot 197 An Aignel of K. T^a of France Lot 198 Ditto of Lovis XI. ... r r A Gold Coin of Pel er Duke of Burgundy < An Efcu of William Earl of Holland j ' Quarter ditto of Z.. tr. pot. Figura inftans cippo, dextra temo- 22 7 C nem, finiftra cornucopiam - . 4 14 Lot 5 DOMITIANVS AVGVSTVS. 228 * Adv. germanicvs cos xv- Figura ftans, finiftra haftam 4 18 (Imp traianvs. avg. ger dac.p.m.tr.p. cos vii. pp < Av. Basilica vlpia. Bafilica foro non abfimilis ftatuis ornata - - - - 4 J 5 Lot 5 Idem in Adv. 230 ' Averf. forvm traian. Forum ftatuis ornatum 4 14 T rl.MP. CAES. NER. TRAIANO OPTIMO. AVG GER. DAC ■} Av. P. M. TR. P. COS. VI. P. P. S. p. Q_ R. FORT RED. 2 3* t Figura fedens, dextra temonem, finiftra cornucopiam - - 4 14 Lot cDlVO TRAIANO PART. H. AVG PATRI 232 *■ Av. Phoenix cum circulo radiato in capite - 4 14 Lot j Hadriakvs. avg. cos. III. PP 233 *■ Av. ROMAE. AETERNAE. - - - 4 1$ T (-IMP. CAESAR TRAIAN. HADRIANVS. AVG. j Av. p. m. tr. p. cos. in. cen. p. r. Figura muliebris, dextra 34 *• pateram, finiftra cornucoptam. - - 4 13 . f Imp. caesar. traian. hadrianvs. avg. «J Av. p. m. tr. p. cos. in. Mulier fedens, dextra imaginem " £ victoria;, finiftra haftam tenens - - - 4 14 T rL AELIVS. CAESAR. £ -j Av. tr. pot. cos. i. concord. Figura fedens, dextra pa- •j C teram - - - - - - 321 Lot r Antoninvs. avg. pivs. pp. 237 < Av. trib. pot. cos iii. Mars Rheam comprefllmus accedit 4 18 Lot r Antoninvs pivs. pp. tr. p. xv 238 1 Av. cos 1 11 1. Figura togatus, dextra globum - 4 15 j r M. antoninvs avg. germ. tr. p. xxix ) Av. liberalitaj. avg. imp. vii. cos iii. Figura ftans, *™ C dextra fignum militare, finiftra cornucopiam. - 4 16 Lot c Antoninvs. pivs. avg. pon. tr. p av. Caracal las caput 24O I Av. P. SEPT. GETA. CAES. PONT. Get32 Caput - 4 7 j r Imp. caes antoninvs. avg. Heliogabali caput 1 Av. victoria, antonini. avg. Vifloria gradiens, dextra ' + C lauream, finiftra palmam - - - 3 22 j tMaximinvs. avg. „ " < Av. iovi propvgnat. Jupiter dextra fulmen, finiftra I aquilani tenens. Exer. tr - 3 ' 7 Lot 243 Lot Lot 247 I =4] MP. C. M. Qj TRAIANVS DECIVS. ting. g- % Av. pannoniae. Duae figures ftatites cum figno militari 3 5 Imp. c, m.avr. probvs. avg. , Av. Ma"rs. victor. Mars gradivus, dextra haftam, finiftra fpolia. - - - - 3 16 MP. C. C. VAL. diocletianvs. pf. avg. Av. jovi. fvlgvratori. Jupiter cum fulgure in dextra, captivo ad pedes inftat - - - , 3 4 N. B, This came out of Oliver Crtmiveli's Collection. 'Imp. c.allectvs. p. f. avg Av. Pax. avg. Exerg. ml. qua: elementa in nummos hujus "^ -S Allecti, Diocletiani & Caraufii fepe videntur. • Figura ftans, dextra ramum, finiftra haftam. [__ Hie minimus inter rariflinios jure optimo numeratur 2 20 r Constans. avgvstvs. s ' Av. victori At. dd. nn. avgg. Vi&orias duas fcutum te- * nentes, in quo vot. x. mvlt. xx. Exerg. tr. - 2 21 Lot tD. N. VALENTINl ANVS P. F. AVG. 24S c Av. victoria avgg. Exerg. co.m.ob. Victoria alata 2 20 j r Idem in adverfa parte 3 Av. R.ESTITUTOR. REIPVBLICAE. Exerg. ANTH.* 4-' c Figura paludata, dextra labarum, finiftra victoriolam 2 20 Lot CD. N. VALENS. PF. AVG. 250 i Av. ut in N° 247, 24S. . - - 2 21 t (.Idem in parte adverfa ac pofterior ■< Av. Figura paludata, dextra labarum, in quo Chrifti - 1 (- Monncrrammti. finiftra plobum cum Victoria 2 Monogramma, finiftra globum cum victoria - 2 21 Lot C D. N. CRATI ANVS P. F. AVG. Exerg. TR. OB 252 L Av. Typus et epigr. idem ac in penultima et 248 - 2 21 Lot 253 Idem ex omni parte, praster in Exer. com. - * 2 21 Lot J D. N. T«EODOSiVS PF. AVG 254 "J Av. Idem ac in N° 247, 248 Exerg. con - 222 x . rD. N. ARCADIVS. P. F. AVG ) Av. Imperator ftans, dextra labarum, finiftra victoriolam : ^ L finiftro pede captivum conculcaiis Lot 256 Idem ex omni parte - Lot ( D. N. HONORIVS PF. AVG 257 I Av. Idem ac priores - - - - Lot 258 Idem - Lot 259 Idem - 2 20 2 12 2 20 2 '9 2 10 The [ *5 ] The Fourth Day's Sale, Monday March 22. Nummi Aurei Imperatorum Conftantinopolitorum. Lot 260 \ Lot 5 261 I Lot 262 Lot 263 Lot 264 ■ D. N. basiliscvs. p.p. avc. Caput Bafilifci Av. Victoria, avc. Exer. con.ob Victoria cum cruce longiori D. N. ANASTASIVS. P. P. AVG. ■ Av. Victoria, avcvstorvm Exer. con.ob. Victoria fedens, manu coronam tenens Idem in parte adverlk Av. ut in luimmo Bafilifti D. N. IVSTINIANVS. P. p. AVG Av. victoria, avg. Exer. CON.OB Victoria ftans, dextra fcipionem, finiftra globum cum cruce /'Eadem Epigr. Av. victoria, avgvstor. Exer. CON.OB ang. 2 Victoria ftans, dextra crucem opere multo rudiori Lot 265 Idem Lot 266 Idem D. Lot 267 Lot 268 Lot 269 I CDn. Exer. con. ob . 1 IB. CONST ANT. P.P. AVG. Av. victoria avg cb Crux infifter.s gradibus - - - ' MAVR. TIB. PP. AVG Av. victoria avitorvm. Exer. con.ob Victoria, dextra tenens coronam, finiftra globum crucigerum D. N. FOCAS. PERP. AVG. Av. victoria, avcc. Exerg. co.n.ob Victoria dextra coronam, finiftra glokum crucigerum t r Nummus Heraclii & Conftantini Lot \ A Av. victoria. Crux gradibus infiftens Vide Banduri, p. 683 D. n. constantinv. Caput Imperatoris. Crux in dextra. 271 t Eft hie nummus apud Banduri, p. 703. Lot 272 Nummus Confti.itini & Bafilii, quoad videri poteft Lot 273 Nummus cujufdam Imper. Conftantinop. fine epigrap. Lot 274 OmifTus Antonia uxor Drufi - 270 Lot \ 2 2 2 4 20 23 21 20 20 22 22 20 20 *7 *7 18 20 Engli/h SILVER MEDALS. Lot f A Meda! of K. Edward 'VI. A Role crowned, his Titles round it 10 L Reverfe, insignia potentissimi. regis angli^e. 1547. Q^ELIZA. 26 ] (^ELIZABETH. [A Medallion on the triple League againft Spain. Ev. N° 16. L | A Medal. Q^ Head. S^id nosftr.e te ? ^q < Reverfe, a Caftle. Qnidhoc fine te ? Not in E v. J A Medal on this Queen, by the States of Holland. Ev. N= 14. [The Silver Pledge of a Penny. J si M E S. I. T His. Coronation Medal. Ev. N ° 1 8 . Lot J A large Oval Medal •277 J Reverfe, Noab's Ark, stet. salvvs invndis. Notin£V. [ A Medal of Q^Anne his Confort. Ev. N<> 23. CHARLES I. 'A thin Plate, while he was Duke of 22>r£ His Coronation Medal. £i\ N° 24 r His Marriage Medal. Ev. N i6 >r „ -^ Ditto on the Expedition to Rochelie. Ev. N° 27 ^° A Medal of this King not in Evelyn, round the Arms and Garter „ FIDEI. DEFENSOR. w Another not in Evelyn ; round the Arms, florent. concordia regna "A Medal engrav'd in Evelyn , N° 29 N° 30 .in Ev. Lot , N° 31 279 j N° 33 in Ev. Ditto a little different , LN C 34 The following Medals of K. Charles I. are not in Evelyn I f" An oval Medal, one Side K. Head, on the Rev. his Queen's, by Rawlins -t . ( Ditto, but no Infcription ,° L •{ Another with the K. and Q^Head j A Medal with a Trident and Sceptre 1628. Regit, vnvs. vtroqve L Medal with theK'sHead. Reverfe, prisci. decvs. ordinis avctvM. fA large Cafh Reverfe, A Ship at Sea. nec. meta. mihi. qvjp, terminvs Lot \ OREL 281 i A Medal of the fame Defign, but fomewhat different •A fmall Medal of the fame Device and Infcrip. by Briot f A fmall Medal of Princefs Mary's Birth, stat. prole, hac altera, delos. j j A Medal with the King on Horfeback ,,o, Ot [ 33 ] In the following Coins, References are made to Anderfun'; Tables of Coins , bywlicb they will be dijlingitijlied better than by a long Defcniftim. fQ^ Mary 3 Teftoons. Tab. 162. Numb. 2,4, 5 \ Francis and Mary 4 Teftoons. Tab. 163. Num. 11. Tab. 164. Num. 14 T t | Q^Aiary wirh her Head I Teftoon. Tab. 1 64. Num. 15 ■< Mary and flfcarj 7 Ryals, or Crowns and halves. Tab. 164. Num. 19, 20, ' I 21, different Years of each Mary . 2 Teftoons. Tab. 165. Num. 24,25 (.Four Coins not in Anderfotfs Tables COINS of K.JAMES VI. /'Two Thirty-Shilling-pieces. 1 568, 1571. Tab. 166. Numb. 1. One Twenty-Shilling-piece. Numb. 2 Two Ten-milling-pieces, 1567, 1571. Numb. 3. One Half-mark One Quarter-mark Two Thirty-fhilling- pieces, 15S2, 3. One Twentv-fhilling-picce. Tab. 167. Numb. 11. One Ten-fliilling-piece. Tab. 166. Numb. 12. Two coined 1^92, 93. Tab. 167. Numb. 13. •SOne half of the laft Six Ten-fhilling-pieces, with the King's Head, of different Years. Numb. 15. Three of half the Value of the laft. Numb. 16. One of a Qaarter the Value. Numb. 1 7. Four Marks of Scotland. Numb. 19. Four half Marks. Numb. 20. Three quarter Marks. Numb. 21. Three Twenty-penny-pieces. Numb. 22. Two Coins of James VI. not engraved in Anderforfs Tables K. CHARLES I. -Two Thirty-milling- pieces Three Twelve-fnilling-pieces One Six-fhilling-piece Two half Marks J Two quarter Marks Two Twenty-penny-pieces Two Two- (hilling-pieces A Coin not engraved in Anderfon V.The Scottijh Coronation Medal of Charles I. CHARLES II. /-One four Mark-piece One double Mark Two Marks different Three half Marks J One Doller, or 56 milling- piece. Tab. 172. Numb.6. One half Doller One quarter Doller, or 14 fhilling Scot One Seven-fhilling-piece L Two Pieces of $s 6d Sect Lot 374 Lot 575 [ 39 ] COINS of King JAMES If. "Two Forty-fhilling-pieces, different One Ten-milling-piece Lot 0/ - King WILLIAM and Queen MA R T. Two Pieces of Three-pounds Scot Three Forty-fhilling-pieces One Twenty-fhilling-piece One Ten-fhilling-piece LOne Five-fhilling Scot King WILLIAM. rOne Forty-fhilling Scot Three Twenty-fhilling-pieces Two Ten-milling-pieces Lot j Two Five-milling-pieces 377 < Queen ANNE. i^One Ten-milling r . (Ten Pieces of Mary Q^ of Scotland q ■< Thirteen old Scottijh Groats V-Twenty-three Pieces of feveral Denominations SILVER COINS of IRELAND. f Eight Coins of the antient Irijh Kings r K. John - : Z 1 Three Pennies : of \ Henry III. _ . E 1 ' Edward I. - 1 One Half-penny of Ditto . {Henry VI. with the 3 Crowns 2 Edward IV. — 1 Six Groats : of J Henry VII. I : Henry VIII. - - 1 (^ with H I for Henry & Jane 1 ThreeShillincrs.-ofi dT 7 „^, ,, „ L ° <■ Philip and Mary, 1557,8 2 Lot 379 Lot [40 ] [Three Shffings : of ?£^f"» " " ' -- 2 | One Ditto of Ditto, with a Martin tor Mint-mark (commonly miftaken for a Drake) \ the Mark of Sir Richard Martin, Mint-mafter to Q^ Elizabeth in England, j I and K. James in Ireland. o ^ One Six-pence of K. James Two Shillings of K. James 11. coined lik^theBrafs ones Two Half-crowns of the fame IOne Crown of the fame King Two Pieces with St. Patrick on them l_One Shilling of K. William Lot 381 Eleven Duplicates Silver Foreign Silver, large ME D A L S. r A large Medal of Charles IX. King of France ■J Ditto, on the Slaughter of the Hugtmots, 1572 t A large Medal of Hcnrv III. Kiner of France I ot {^ * ar S e Medal of Charles IX. King of France o J Ditto, on the Slaughter of the Hugonots, 15; t A large Medal of Henry III. King of France 5 Another of him, different r Law XIII. Three Ditto: of J Charles XII. of Sweden ' Emanuel D. of Bavaria j r Ditto of yf«w O^of France, 1493 384 |two Ditto: of $*^™< j <**»«« fThe Dutchefs of Valois Lot 3 p«,„ n;.^ . r.c J £«8^ Dutchefs of Savoy 385 f" fThe Dutcheis ot Valois 1 t- n-., c j Lav if a Dutchefs of $ov< j Four Ditto : of ^ ^ ^ rf per[uga[ i [Chrifiina Q. of Sweden T f r f Cardinal Richelieu ,5 ) Three Ditto: of j Cardinal Mazarin 3* b L (-The two De Witts 'Molino the Quietift Lot \ T7 rv. c \ The Duke of Alba «? Four Ditto : of J „r-, f i [Chen 387 j ' V William Prince of Orange, J 577 arles K, of Sweden being made Knight of the Garter Lot 38 8 A compleat Series, containing 106 Silver Medals of Lewis XIV. from 1691 to his Death. Lot 3S9 Thirty- five Silver Coins of England, Spain and Fcrtugd. Numifmata Numifmata Romana Argentea. Lot 390 Denarii Confulares ----------- Z Z Z Z Z 54 -Series Imperatorum, Cjefarum, & Auguftarum a Julio ad Phocam, in ofto tabulis repofita ----- 4^ Tab. 1. continet a Julio ad Hadrianum 2. ab Hadriano ad Fauftinam uxor Ant. Pii Lot J 3- ad Juliam Severi Auguftam 391 4. ad Juliam Mammseam Alexand. Severi matrero 5. ad Gallienum 6. Gallieni & Salonias uxoris numifmata 7. ad Conftantium V. 8. A Conftantio jun. ad Phocam Lot 392 Denarii Confulares - .-.--.-. --...Z 2 o Lot 393 Series Imperatorum, &c. altera ------------ 2 io Lot $" Imperatorum feries tertia, quorum omnia apud Camalodunum [nunc Col- 394 C chefter] reperta funt ---------- j^j Numifmata Argentea regum Macedonia, Syriae, &c. " Phil ippi Regis Macedonia;, 1 Drachma Alexandri, 5 Tetradrachm. feu mavis, magni moduli Ejufdem, minoris moduli, 2 Lyfimachi regis Alias, 5 magni moduli Ejufdem, 1 min. mod. cujus literas omnes e punclis facia: Antiochi Dei, 1 min. mod. Antiochi Epiphanis, r min. mod. cujus ectypus in Vaillant. Reg. Syr. p. 194, Demetrii Nicatoris, 1 magni mod. Antiochi Philopatris, feu Noni, 1 magni mod. Vaillant. 369. Lot j Nicomedis regis Bythyniae, 1 magni mod. Ectypus apud Goltz. Tab. 5. 395 Mithradatis Eupatoris regis Ponti, 1 mag. mod. apud Goltz. primum hujus regis Ptolemasorum, 3 magni mod. Ptolemasi Dionyf. cum Cleopatra, 1 magni mod. Ariarathis regis CappadocL-e, 1 minoris mod. Ariobarzanis Philoromanorum regis Cappadocise, 1 min. mod. Arfacis Theopatoris Nicatoris, regis Parthise, 1 min. moduli Arfacis Epiphanis, 1 min. mod. Philetairi, mag. mod. 1. I Regis cujufdam, fed epigr. magna ex parte deleta K Numif- Lot 39 6 . [4*3 Numifmata Argentea ad Refpublicas Gvxcix fpectantia. "Dyrrachiorum, 2 Euboicorum, 1 Thebarum, 1 Thyreas in confinio Lacedxmoniae, 2 Maffiliae Phocenfium colonial, 2 Bceotiar, 1 Athenarum, 3 Argivorum, 1 Apollonise Corinthiorum colonia;, 1 Iftri Milefiorum colonic, magni mod. 1 Harmae in Boeotia, 1 Athenarum, magni mod. 2 Quorum 15 funt min. mod. aliatria, utinotantur, maj. mod. Numifmata Argentea, ad Infulas Grecian 8c ad Siciliam ipe&antia. Thafi infulae, 2. maj. mod. feu tetradrachma Myrinas in Lemno, 1. maj. mod. Rhodiorum, 2. min. mod. Cnoffiorum, 1. min. mod. Deli infulas, 1. min. mod. Infulse iEgearum, 2 j Cretan, 1 . maj. mod. Phaefti Cretas urbis, 1 Chalcidis in Euboia, 2 Nummus Siculus, 1 Syracufix, 2 Neapolis Metaponti Tarentini civitatis Oftodecim alia diverfi moduli, quorum epigr. pene deletse Silver Modern COINS and MEDALS. Lot Silver Coins and Medals of the Houfe of Aupia, and other Princes of Germany, in 398 \ Number 28. Eight Lot 397 Lot 399 [43 ] Eight Medals of Lovis XIV. of France. 'On his coming to Age On his taking the Affairs into his own Hands, i66r A Medal of Lovis and his Q^Maria There/a, 1660 On the Birth of Philip Dulce of Anjou, 1683 On deftroying the Dutch Fleet at tabacp, 1677 On the Abolition of the Edict of Nantz, 1685 On the Dauphin's Marriage with the Princefs of Bavaria '-On the Fight of -Fleams ■ Seven more Medals of Lovis XIV. "On his coming to the Crown, 1643 A Medal of his when young •, on the Reverfe, the Queen-Mother A Medal of him ; on the Reverfe; his Queen ■^ On the Peace at Aix la Chapelle, 166S On his deftroying the Churches of the Hugonots, 1685 On Building the Bridge at Louviers . l_A large Medal of Lovis. Rev. his Children, ^ternitas. imperii, call^ Seven French Medals before Lovis XIV. fA fmall Medal of Henry II. Rev. the Head of Charles IX. 1 A large Medal of Katharine Queen to Henry II. J of Francis II. Lot < of Diana Dutchefs of Valois Lot 400 401 of Henry IV. 1604 of Lovis XIII. Lot 402 A fmall Medal on the Marriage of Lovis XIII. DUTCH MEDALS. fA fmall Medal on their Revolting from Spain, ftruck 1583 on the Union of the Provinces, ftruck 1590 A Medal of Maurice Prince of Orange 1590 A large Medal on the Peace with Spain 1 609 on taking the Spani/h Silver Fleet 1626 j on the Synod at Dort 1629 — on the Peace with Oliver 1 65 3 —on the Peace at Breda 1607 —on the Peace of Refivyck 1607 -on the Peace of Utrecht 17 13 Three private Medals ; in all 1 3 Lot 403 Medals of Spain, Poland, and Savoy 17 Lot 404 Coins and Medals of Denmark 7 Lot 405 Coins and fome Medals of various Naticns 54 Lot [ 4+ r Lot 406 Swedijb Medals ~ — — 9 1 .ot 407 Duplicates of JLnglijh Coins and Medals 43 Lot 408 Duplicates of Scottfi and French Coins 17 Lot j A fine large Medal of ' Chriftina Q^of Sweeden, on her Coronation. Printed In Bren- 4°9 ' «f, Plate 3d. Med. 1 ft of this Queen. It weighs 502;. 2 pwt. Lot J A large Medal of Pope Clement XII. in a Cafe 410 7 Ditto of the Princefs Sibieski Lot fAnother large Medal of the fame Pope 41 1 c Ditto of the fame Lady Lot 412 Coins and fmall Silver Medals of the Popes — — — .. 26 Lot 4 1 3 Modern Money of Portugal — — — ..27 Lot J Pirraws, Afpers, &v f of Turky, — «.• .- i 414 ( Koperks and GrifFwens of Rujfia, and fome Perfian Coins « — J 2 Lot 415 Mifcellaneous Coins — — — 25 Lot 416 Silver Money of Levis XIII. XIV. and XV. of France - - 41 Lot 41 7 Antient Britijh Money, Silver ; two of Electrum — — 18 Lot 418 Silver Gifts in Imitation of antient Medals — — — 14 Lot 4 1 9 Antient Creek Silver — — — « 15 COINS and MEDALS of Brunfaick and Hanover. TA very large Medal of Henry Julius, Bifhop of Halberftat, and Duke of Brun/zuick t and Lunenburg i ^ Two Medals of the late King as Eleclor of Hanover \ Two of his prefent Majefty (^Thirteen other Coins and Medals of Hanover Lot cNummuli argentei antiqui in Hifpania & Gallia percufll, quorum ectypa in 7 421 c Bouterovio & in Le Blanc inveniri pofTunt — — J ^ Lot J" Nummi argentei Gallici a Carolo magno ad Ludovicum nunc regnantem, inter? „ 422 I quos aliqui Honorarii - * Lot 423 Coins and Medals of the Popes in a Series — — 86 Lot 224 Silver Coins of Holland, Brabant, and Denmark, and fome Copper - 55 Lot c Silver Coins of Mantua, Cenoa, Modena, Ferrara — -- 36 425 c Copper of the fame -- -• - H Lot 426 Coins of Princes and Cities in Germany — — — 54 Lot 427 Ruffian, Per/tan and Chineje Money — — — 33 Lot 42! j A Book-cafe, in which are twelve fmall Silver Medals with the Signs of theT i Zodiack, and Arabick Characters on the other Side j l COPPER [45 ] COPPER COINS and MEDALS. Numifmata Romana ex JEre. fns i_,iDraus — ~ i i i T rAs Libralis \ Trientes ejufdem 4 ° C Sextans Lot 430 Affes Sextantarii, Unciales, # Partes eorum — -- 24 Lot 431 Numifmata Imperatorum, &c. a Julio, mag. mod -'- — 122 Lot 432 Ejufdem generis, fed medii moduli -- — — 40 The Sixth Day's Sale, Wednefday> March 24. Lot 433 Numifmata Imperatorum Gefar. &V. Romanorum in Graecia percufla. Diverfi moduli ■- -- — — 94 Lot 434 Tabulas duodecim, in quarum loculis repofitafunt Numifmata Imperatorum Casfa- rum & Auguftarum diverfi moduli apud Camulodunum (hodie Colchefter) reperta — -- — — — 576 Lot 435 Tabulas fex, t in quarum loculis Numifmata apud Ariconium (hodie Kenchefter) re- perta -- — — — - j j In crumenis deficientibus Tabulis confufe congefta. Lot 436 Numifmata Imp. Caef. & Ang. magni mod. — 71 Lot 437 ■ medii moduli -- — — -- 161 Lot 438 ■ — — -minima: formse — -- — 76 j flmperatorum Conftantinopolitanorum ^ piu mDe a - 17 439 / Qws. omnia, fi tempus permififiet, diftincta, & fuo cuique Imperatori redudta (_ erant Lot 443. Sexdecim Tabularum loculi Romanis Numifmatibus impleti, quorum magni mo- duli circiter centum, castera mediae & minima; forma;. Omnia, ni fallor, a variis Romanorum in Britannia ftationibus collecta 893 Lot 44 1 Alia minima; forma; apud Rutupium colledta — — — 96" Lot 442 Numifmatum Roman. JEns minimi farrago Lot 443 Old French Copper Coins — -- — -- 48 Lot 444 A large Parcel of Copper Coins of all Nations Lot 445 Numifmata JErea. Grsca, quorum Epig. plerumque deletas - 84 Lot 446 Numifmata iErea, tam Grsca quam Romana - — — 43 Numifi. [46] Numifmata ex JEre R.egum Macedonia, Syriae, &c. in loculis difpofita. Lot fAmynta: - « — i Alexandri — — — - — — 2 Caflandri - - 1 Lyfimachi -- — ~ — ~ - 1 Seleuci Nicatoris — — — — — -- - 2 Antiochi Soteris — — 1 Antiochi Dei — — -- -» - — 1 Seluci Cerauni, five tertii ~ — 1 Antiochi Epiphanis — — 5 Demetrii Soteris — — — 1 Antiochi VIII. five Euerget. — 3 447 ^ Alexandri Balae. ~ — — 4 Demetri Nicatoris, five fecundi — -- 1 Alexandri II. five Zebinse — -- 2 Antiochi Philopatris — - 2 Antiochi XII. feu Epiphanis Dionyfii 1 Antiochi XIII. five regis Magni Commagen. Regis Agathoclis — - - 1 Regis Tryphonis — — — 1 Regis Prufij — — -- 1 Philetairi — — - 1 v^Novemdecim alia Numifmata iErea ad Refpublicas 8c Infulas Graecise fpe&antia. "Antiochias ~ — — 2 Athenarum - -- — 3 Boeotias — ~ — — 2 Bercese -- - — -- — 1 Brettiorum — — 1 Cholcidis InfuIaeChii — — - — 2 Cydo-iije in Inf. Creta Dyrrachii Lot Euboias 448 ^ Edeflre in Mefopotami Mamertinorum — — ~ 3 Maflilienfiuma Neapolis ~ -- — — 2 Pcrgami Samofatas urbis ad Euphratem Nummi Siculi - — -- 2 Smyrnx . — - — — 2 Syracufiorum — — - — 2 Jnfute Thafi Lot [47] Modern Copper Medals. Lot c A Set of Medals of the Popes from St. Peter down to the laft Pope, in Sixteen 449 i Cards - - - - 322 Lot 450 Two Cards containing 43 different Popes preceding Clement XII. Copper Medals of the Popes in Bags. Lot 45 1 1 {Julius U. ... - - 3 Julius 1U. ..... - 5 /Will. - 5 PaullV. ------ - 4 P/«jIV. ... - - 7 Lot j'PiwV. - 10 452 * Gregorius XIII. - - - - 15 Clement Vlll. - - - - 6 Pa«/V. - 6 SixtusV. - - - - * 13 c £/>•£*« VIII.? ' Innocent X. J " e Alexander Vll. - - - - • 18 l Clement IX. - - - - - 11 5 Clement X. - - - - 20 ' Innocent XI. - - * - - 16 Lot- J Alexander VIII. ... . - 5 457 t Innocent XII. " - ~ * *5 Lot 458 Clement XI. ...... 23 Lot c Medals of different Popes, Duplicates of the former, among which are no Dupli- 459 «• cates ------ 19 Lot 460 Copper Medals of Sovereigns of Great Britain - - - 15 Lot 461 . • of Emperors, and Kings of France - - 15 Lot 462 of Princes of Italy - - - - 11 Lot 463 • of Chriftina Q. of Sweden - - 9 Lot 464 ■ ■ > ■ of Painters and other Artifts - - - 8 Lot 465 ■ of Cardinals - - - - 13 Lot 466 Mifcellaneous modern Medals - - - - - 28 Lot 467 A compleat Set of the K. and Q^ of England^ by Dajfter - 33 Lot c A Shagreen Cafe lined with Velvet, in which are Medals of the Family of the Dukes 468 t of Lorrain - - - - 32 T r Othonis numifma ex sere magni moduli fi t J Tempore edaci pene perfradlum eft, ideoque cingulo argenteo a nobiliffimo poffeffore 4 9 C nuper colligatum The [+8 ] f The fcarce remarkable Medal of Pope Gregory XIII. ftruck upon the Mafiacre of the IHugonots in France, 1572 On one Side the Pope's Head Lot Reverfe, an Angel with a Crofs in one Hand, and a Sword in the other, 470 T flaying the Hugonots, who lie dead in Heaps I Legend, Hvgonotorvm. Strages. N. B. It differs from the Medal engraved in Molinet, which was ftruck upon the fame Occafion Lot ^Englifli Copper Coins finely preferved, among which are two Halfpence and two Far- 471 \ thing Pieces ofQ^Jmie, and four Silver Proof- Pieces, in all 34 Lot 472 Copper Medals of the Chevalier - - - 5 Lot 473 A fine Medallion of Pope Clement XI. Lot 474 Copper Medals of the Popes, Duplicates of the former - -n Lot 475 Greek and Roman Copper - 29 Lot 476 Six Copper Coins with Arabic Characters - - 6 Lot 477 Halfpence of private Tradefmen - - - - 60 Lot . Twenty-eight Copper 1 M;fcd pieces . _ . 478 l Thirteen Silver * Lot 479 A large Medal of Pope AlexanderVlll. in a wooden Cafe, lined SILVER omitted. Nutnifmata Argentea omija, utpote ferius ad manum pervenientia. Lot 480 Siclus Samaritanus { M. ANTONIVS. IMP. COS DESIC. ITER. ET ITER. Mag. mod. Lot \^ viTELLIVS. GERMANICVS IMP. AVG. P. M. TP. 4-S 1 £ Av. Honos. et. virtvs. sc. Honoris & Virtutis typ. Max. mod. f IVLLA. AVGVSTA. JulijE Caput Av. jETernitas. imperii. Caracalke & Getas capita. Min. mod. Lot 482 Imp. m. ant. gordianvs. afr. avg. Av. P. m. t. r. cos. pp. Pacis typus. Min. mod. CErrriMiA henobia. ceb. Av. Spei typus. L E ("Imp. caravsivs. pf. avg. Caraufii caput laureatum L ot \ Av. Concordia, militvm 483 J In exerg. C. nullus dubito quin Camulodunum denotat (Hujus imperatoris nummi argentei inter rariflimos numerantur fCoNSTANTINVS PF. AVG L ot I Av. GAVDIVM. ROMANORVM. 484 |In exerg. francia. Mulier, Francias typus, decumbens & plorans. (De De hoc numifmata, vide Spanbeim COP- [49] COPPER omitted. Numifmata iErea Omitfa. Lot 485 ( Neronis Claudii Drufi" Galbas Othonis Julias Titi Vefp. filiae- ^Mag. mod, Divas Julias ux. Sev. Gordiani Africani k AntinooT. Hf»oc I r Antinoi Diadumeniani x . J Pefc. Nigri. med. mod. 8 ° 6 i TAAAIENOC. CEB Gallieni caput J Av. Caput Valeriani Salon, filii ejus Attokp. m. ant. Gordiani caput {_ Av. BAsiAEflS- ABrApor- Abgari Regis caput tiara Perfica ornatam TImp. caravsivs..p. f-. avg. Caraufii& Augufta? fuas capita bijuga I Av. Pax. avgvsti. Pacis typus A In exerg. cxxi. Min. mod. 487 Lot 48S Adeo rariflimus eft hie Caraufii & Auguftas Case nummus, ut, pra?ter hunc, unus tam- tam adhuc repertus eft. Hmpp. invicti. pii. avcg. Severi & Caracallre capita, bj'uga Av. Victoria: parthica. maxima. Victoria alata, dextra coronam. Per- cufium fuit hoc numifma ob victoriam de Artabano Parthorum rege partam, anno decimo Severi, cum Caracalla & imperator & conful fuit. Min. mod. Domitia. avgvsta. imp. DOMiT. Caput Domitias, uxoris Domitiani Av. Concordia, avgvs. Pavo feptem alia Lot 4S9 Eight Silver and three Copper Medals Lot 490 Incus, feu Nota antiqua. ad obverfam Neronis monetae partem obfignandam Lot j An exceeding fine Proof-piece of Charles IX. King of France, ftruck with the MM: 491 I or Screw, and curioufly crenelled on the Ldge Lot J A Gold Crufado of Emanuel K. of Portugal 4.92 I A gilt Coronation Medal of Q^Anne QKaic. nep. TRAIANOC. ceb. I"£pm. Trajani caput, fubter quod aquila Lot 3 a hma Caput argent., maj. mod. 493 jLip. titvs. caes. vespasianvs avg. pm. Titi caput. C Parte Av. Signa duo militaria, inter quse aquila argent, maj. mod. Lot c Agrippirre-fenioris, mag. mod. ex .ZEre 494 (Sexque alia Neronis, &c. mixtimetalli M; S:EA'LS,. • . p>t.J SEALS. Lot 495 The original Seal of Henry Duke of Exeter, Admiral of England Lot 496 The original Seal of St. George's Hofpital at Southampton Lot 497 The Seal of Trinity College near Edinburgh, and of the Archbifhop of G 'lafgow Lot 498 The Seal of Indulgencies, 1484 Lot 499 The Seal of the Priory of Northampton Lot /}oo The Seal of the Friars Preachers of St. Andrews Lot 501 The Seal of the Mafter of Buna Clerk, and of the Court of the Earl of Softy Lot 502 The Seal of the Office of the Admiralty- Lot 503 The Seal of the Monaftery of Jedburgh Lot 504 The Seal of the Chantry of Sr. Lawrence and St. Andrtiv Lot 505 A Silver Seal of Dr. Wood, Official of Rochefter Lot 506 A Seal of the Hofpital of the Holy Ghoft Lot 507 The Seal of John Hamilton Biftiop of St. Andrew Lot 508 The Seal of the Lord of Badfnatch, and 6 fmaller Lot 509 The Seal of the Hofpital of St. Mary in Crepies Lot 510 Three old Seals Lot 5 1 1 Two Silver Seals Lot 512 Seven old Seals Lot 5 1 3 Nine antient Conventual Seals in a Cafe with Silver Clafps Lot 5 1 4 A fine Impreflion of the Great Seal of Richard Cromwell the Protector on Horfebaek, with the City of London, by old Simons, m a Frame and Glafs Lot 515 The Great Seal of Scotland of Oliver Cromwell Lot 516 The Great Seal of the Common-wealth Lot 517 The Seal of the Court of Wards of Ireland Lot 518 The Seal of James Duke of York, when Lord High- Admiral, by Simons Lot 5 1 9 The original Matrix of Sir William Packhurft, Mafter of the Mint, done at Oxford, 1644 Lot 520 K. David's Pfalms in Lead, fome Leaden JmprefTions, and a large Parcel of Im- preflions in Wax ERRATA. PAGE 5. Lot 15. aferiied to Hairy!, read Henry II. and what follows read 3fter the Words Ilcer on LUNDE. P. 13. Lot 7. line 3. inftead of the fame King read cfK. Edward VI. P. 16. Above Lot 93. for Her.ryXl. read Edward VI. P. 17. Lot 125. for /even Five Jhiiiing Pieces read five only, the 2d and 6th being put into Lot 1 49. P. 20. Lot 191 The firfl: Line to be left out intireiy, being Lot 190. P. 22. Lot 211. for cingulo read Cingvlo in large Roman. lb. In the Gold Roman to Lot 229. for Adv. read Av. fcilicet Averfa parte P. 23. Lot 237. for comprejftmus read compreffurus. P. 28. Lot 296. The Medallion firfl: defcribed is mentioned and referred to in Birch's Life of Milton. P. 33. Lot 304. for nocie read nocte j but fome of the Copies have this, and the following Errati/m corit-'iitej. P. 33. Lot 305. for restitvii read Restitvit. P. 35. Lot 330. for Lord Fairfax read Ferdinando Lnd Fairfax. P. 40. Lot 380. for Ditto of Ditto read a Shilling of James I. J ' "g&gpv " Mai - (LAPS4-Dai-H-^ & ; 1