- GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE D ECORATED. Confifting of a Large COLLECTION O F Temples, Banqueting, Summer and Green Houles; Gazebo’s, Alcoves ; Faced, Garden and Umbrello’d Seats; Terminari’s, and Ruftic Garden Seats $ Rout Houles, and Her¬ mitages for Summer and Winter ; Obelilks, Pyramids, &c. Many of which may be executed with Pollards, Rude Branches and Roots of Trees. Being a Tafte entirely N E W. LIKEWISE DESIGNS of tjie Gothic Orders, with their proper Ornaments, AND RULES for DRAWING them. The Whole engraved on T WELV E COPPER PLATES. Defigned by P. DECKER , Architea. LONDON: Printed for the Author, and Sold by Henry Parker and Elirabeth Bake well, oppofite Birchin Lane , Cornhill j H. Piers and Partner, at the Bible and Crown, near Chancery-Lane, in Holborn. mdcclix. Price 4 s. o Getty Research Institute ■C- ■ https://archive.org/details/gothicarchitectuOOdeck 5 I . r GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, K . \ PART the SECOND. I I 1 N ! Forty Three DESIGNS of PALING of various Sorts, FOR Parks and Clumps of Trees* Gates, Hatches, &c. I LIKEWISE I Doors and Windows, with proper Heads to them ; Safhes of different Kinds, &C. To which are added. Several DESIGNS of FRETS for Joiners and Cabinet-Makers; With FRETS and F R I Z E S for Smith’s Work, Brafs and Iron Fenders, Borders for Marble Tables, &c. The Whole neatly engraved on TWELVE COPPER-PLATES. From the Defigns of P. DECKER, Architect. LONDON: I*Printed for the Author, and Sold by Henry Parker and Elizabeth Bakewell, oppofite Bircbin-Lane, in Cornhill j and H. Piers and Partner, at the Bible and Crow, near Chancery-Lane , Holborn. mdcclix. Price $s. \ . <* - r- ! ' , • / •• . ... : *v'X.'.V . . *y -• ‘ % K • !■ - ? ■ K y, x V’X . 'V % '■ ? i : . Pi h - /v. • : \ . . v ' ■ , ■ " T . 4 -v Vi . ' I • : ■ • : XZrV, . > r • :»v r - - .. . ■.r,.. ' - ■ V" ' 1 ; M, ■ , ■ _ v XX/ ■ A y - f; . v . ' - - X, • ■J ' '• ■■■■■ !' ... . , ■ y .r . . • v*: - : y- r ... .’•* X - ’ • v- ■■••• •. / ■ “ - - - : ' - ■ i i jj i CS prj N“ i r ! or rbi/nerd a?zd ^ Skuy. i- •U • *• t f- GETTY CENTER LIBRARY k 7/3 i 18 3o Ipfl 'jfip-fot.