ARCHITECTURAL AND DECORATIVE DESIGNS, FOR THE USE OP THOSE ENGAGED IN ARCHITECTURE, SCULPTURE, WORKING IN METALS, CABINET WORK, AND OTHER FINE ART PRODUCTIONS. ILLUSTRATED BY SIXTY-FIVE %Ud antr Copper Citjgrabmgs of % first mstiiijg Specimens, Drawn by ENRICO SALANDRI. INCORPORATED WITH WHICH ARE THE PLATES OF “PAGE’S DECORATOR.” ATCHLEY & CO., Jurptlral, <£nperattjg, itnir grt f ublisps, 106, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BEDFORD SQUARE, LONDON, W.C. 1869. PREFACE j^f has been frequently stated, on high authority, that the art-workers of our country, while excelling in the solidity and durability of their productions, are out-rivalled by continental competitors. Assuming the truth of such an assertion, many reasons might be given by way of explanation. It is not that we are deficient in a knowledge or love of the beauties of nature and art, but an educated eye is required to appreciate them, and in this respect it may be admitted that our inferiority is apparent. Yet the choice of a parsley-leaf pattern by Peel laid the foundation of one of our largest industrial works—viz., calico printing. Abroad, however, our rivals have advantages that we do not possess. With them, the best productions of ancient, mediaeval, and modern art, are matters “ familiar as household words.” With us, copies or samples alone of such works are attainable, and even these are too frequently shut up in museums and private collections, which are inaccessible to the masses. Schools of Design have done much to spread a taste for art, but it is at home that the practical man can alone study, for his purpose, designs that will improve his taste in regard to elegance, richness, purity, and simplicity of style. To foster and aid these objects this work has been produced. It will be of equal value to the architect, the worker in metals; wood, marble, cement, or other plastic materials ; the cabinet maker, modeller, electrotypist, and, in fact, in every branch of trade or industrial production, wherein art takes a prominent position. Several hundred engravings on steel and copper, afford reproductions of the labours of the most eminent men who have cultivated a taste for the beautiful. The almost nominal price of the work places it within the reach of all, and, consequently, the publishers antici¬ pate that their efforts will be fully and extensively appreciated. INDEX TO THE PLATES PLATE I. Principal Entrance or Doorway of the Farnese Palace, Rome. II. A Temple, or Altar, in the Pantheon at Rome. III. Entablature of the interior of the Pantheon. A, B, Columns ; C. Base ; D, Plan of the Columns; E. Ceiling of the Cornice; F, Section of the Flower; G, Section of the Flute; H, Scale of the Column B; K, Section of the Column A. IV. Principal Entrance of the Church of S. Lorenzo, Rome. V. Doric Doorway of the Palace of the Cancelleria, Rome. VI. Chief Entrance in the interior of the Church of St. Satiro, Milan (No. 1); another Door, at the back of the Church (No. 2). VII. Cornice, Frieze and Architrave of the Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, Rome. VIII. Entablature in the Casino of the Villa Pia, in the garden of the Vatican. IX. Another Entablature in the Villa Pia. X. Upper portion of a Niche in the Vestry of the Church of St. Satiro, Milan, carved in marble. XI. Column, Cornice, &c., in the Temple of Jupiter Stator, Rome. A, Base of the Column; B, Capital; C, Architrave ; D, Frieze; E, Cornice; F, Soffit of the Corona ; G-, Section of the Coffers and FlowerSi XII. Parts of the Portico of the Pantheon, Rome; A, Base of the Column; B, Capital; C, Architrave; Dj Frieze ; E, Cornice ; F, Soffit of the Corona; G, Architrave under the Portico; H, Soffit of the Architrave; I, Pilaster; K, Column; L, Scale of the Order; M, Scale of the Column and Pilaster. XIII. The Chapel Cesia, Rome. A, the Plan; B, Models of the Basement; C, Models of the impost of the Arch ; D, Section of the Arch. XIV. Borders from the Temple Certosa, Pavia. XV. Specimens of Carved Ornamentation of the 15th Century, for Cornices, &c. XVI. Cornice and Band, under the Archivault, in the Casino of the Villa Pia, Rome. XVII. Richly carved wood Panel in the Church of Sta. Maria at Lodi, of the style at the close of the 15th century. XVIII. Small Frieze from an Altar dedicated to Hercules and Mercury; and a Frieze from the Portico of the Pantheon at Rome. XIX. A Panel by Giulio Romano, painted in Chiaro¬ scuro in the Church of Sta. Maria dell’ Anima. XX. Pilaster, finely carved in marble, from the Monu¬ ment of Cardinal Albani, in the Church of Sta. Maria del Popolo, Rome. XXI. Panel painted in Chiaro-scuro in the Church of Sta. Maria dell’ Anima. XXII. A Cornice, by Pirro Ligorio, in a principal room of the Villa Pia, Rome. XXin. Richly Ornamented Front of Cesia’s Chapel. XXIV. Various Ornamental Decorations in Cesia’s Chapel. XXV. Decorations in Cesia’s Chapel; 1, Festoon of Fruits with Seraphim; 2, and 5 Panels; 3, Flowers; 4, Section of the Flowers; 6, a Tripod. XXVI. Decorations in Cesia’s Chapel; A, Top of one of the Niches; B, Panel in the Ceiling of the Arch ; C, a Section of the same ; D, a Panel in the Front Basement. XXVII. Specimen of various Columns and Pillars discovered in the ruins of Pompeii. XXVIII. A Candelabra ; fine specimen of the Roman art ol carving in marble. PLATE XXIX. A Design for a Gold Cup, by Bernhart Zian, of the time of the Renaissance; the body was intended to have been decorated with precious stones. XXX. Columns decorating the exterior of the Dome of Sta. Maria delle Grazia, Milan. The two portions join, to form the complete columns, at A, B. XXXI. Various Candelabra in gilded brass from the Church of Sta. Maria Sopra Minerva, Rome. XXXII. Another Candelabra from the same Church. XXXIII. Illustrations of Mediajval Candlesticks, Lubeck. A, Plan at the top, B, at foot, C, at the centre. XXXIV. A Marble Gothic Fountain from the Market Place at Basle; ornamented with statues of the Virgin, St. Peter, and St. John. XXXV. Beautiful Fountain in the Casino of the Villa Pia, Rome. The tripod ornamented with lions’ claws and foliage. XXXVI. Fountain in the Casino of the Villa Pia; with a triangular foot, and three Chimeras, supporting the Tazza. XXXVII. Sarcophagus from the Sepulchral Monument ot Giovanni Baptista Savelli, in the Church of Sta. Maria, Ara-Coeli. XXXVIII. Monuments of Beatrice and Lavinia Ponzetti, in the Convent of Sta. Maria della Peace, Rome. XXXIX. A Section of Cesia’s Chapel, richly adorned with sculptures. XL. Another Section of Cesia’s Chapel, showing the Se¬ pulchral Monument of Angelo Cesia. XLI. Finely painted illustration of a Ceiling at a house in the neighbourhood of Rome. XLII. Ornamental Design for a Panel. XLIII. Floral Decorations from Adrian’s Arches. XLIV. Designs formed from the Acanthus; with Leaves and Flowers. XLV. Cupids; Design for a Screen, &c. XLVI. Design for a Fountain with classical devices, Pillar for Furniture, Mantelpieces, &c. XLVII. Floral devices for Cornices, Bookbinding, &c. XLVIII. Ornamental Design for Wood-carving, Cornices, &c. XLIX. Designs for Ornamental Brackets, Table Legs, Backs of Chairs, &c. L. Designs for Carved-work for Furniture, Niches, Cornices, &c. LI. Ornamental Devices for a Screen, Looking-glass, &c. LII. Floral and various Designs for a Cornice, Swing Looking-glass, Brackets, &c. LIII. Various Ornaments for Pier-glasses, Bedstead- pillars, &c. LIV. Designs for the Carved Back of a Sideboard Small Ornaments, &c. LV. Designs for a Carved Bookcase, and Table, Panels, Brackets, &c. LVI. Designs for a Carved Chair, Ottoman, &c. LVII. Designs for a Couch, Bedstead, and various Carved Ornaments. LVIII. Designs for Couches, &c. LIX. Designs for Swing and Chimney Glasses. LX. Designs for Looking-glass Frames, Ornamental Columns, &c. LXI. Designs for Scroll-work, &c. LXII. Designs for Carved frame-work, and Floral Carving in Wood, Castings, Chasing, Electrotyping, &c. LXIII. Designs for Mantel-pieces, Scroll-work, Consoles, &c. LXIV. Designs forportions of Carved Furniture, Frames, &c. LXV. Specimen of Ornamental Letters, for Carving, Illuminating, &c. GETTY CENTER LIBRARY PANTHEON Scalp cf Teel, j '| I j 1 I j L..I -j |. mmm • LORENZO IN DAMASO TL .IV. TEMPLE OF ANTONINUS AND FAUSTINA . HUMK. ___ /l.XII. of feet XT7J 'Via V1TIA. of Feet u u fj LI LI U Q 0 DU mu Q 13 Q [ID LiU D G Q □ C D Q U [J U L! [j Q Q Q Q Q p Q Q Q n Q L l L" 010 G D Q D U L' U 0 U fj Q 0 D Q iOTT mmm a . oAi mo III if . _ J ! 1 1 if l£ \> JUPIIT.R s Hr* PL. XI. I HE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY I CENTURY- Scele of the. ___ ' CKSi’S CHAPEL . DETAILS . PL. XXK CE.S1-S CHAPEL } GOTHIC! FOUNTAIN .BASLE PLAN PLAN A. PLAN OF THE BASIN-THE HALF ,\c |UUl(il(i^- ocele | of Feet. r srravHcfoaws PON 7 RiT n ’s .MUNU W,NT FT , . YXTVlir Beatrici et jla/iniaeeonzettis IND OLIS FESTIVITATI S Q AI)MRAM)AE qvas neapolis TVLIT ROMA PROBE EDYGAVIT PESTILENTIA QV\E -DEEUSSR FRREBATVK YNA DIE ABSVMPSJT VIXER HAEG VI ILIA ANN VIII Fernandas IATPVVSAPOSTOLIGI FISGI VII VIR BEGANVSMAGNQ SOLATIO SPEQ GREAT VS DELLITIS ANIMVLISQVE SVIS MOERENS POSVIT PL CESl’S CHAPEL-31'', CT10N NC THE LINE C-! T v - ! FRANCISC1NAE - CARDVLAE ANGELACAESlI-VXORI- CATAMELATAE, IVENE T ORVM*EXE.RCITVS*JMf SEAT ORIS ‘NEE T11 C AHDINALIVM' ‘MATRL FEDERICVS‘FILEfS *CARB -POSVIT VIXIT ‘ANNOS * LVA‘MENSES TKDTES XI‘ | BllT-AN- SAL*MDXVIlI-DIE XV-APRILI31 SECTION ON THE. LINE A B ANGELO CAE SIC) iL petri itepvm senatorts vrrls etlio XDVOCATO CONSISTORlI PRIMARI PAVIXET FEDERICI CARDINALIVMPATRl LFEDRKTCVS FI LI VS CARD - POSVItI VTXITANNOP L XVI MEN SES TTH DIES IX ■■■■ tma pp> — —I is* PL.JJX. -— I HE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY PL.LXIV. mm List of Choice Works Published by Atchley & Co. KNIGHT’S SCROLL ORNAMENTS. Designed for the Use of SILVERSMITHS. CHASERS, DIE SINKERS, MODELLERS, &c. 4to, consisting of 48 Plates, containing numerous Examples, £1 Js. METZMACHER PORTEFEUILLE HISTORIQUE DE L’ORNAMENT. recueil complet des meilleurs motifs dessines et graves D’APRES LES ANCIENS MAITRES. Folio. 32 fine Engravings, containing several hundred different Designs, in a portfolio, 18s. 6d. LE PAUTRE, COLLECTION DES PLUS BELLES COMPOSITIONS, Grave par DECLOUX, Architect®, et DOUBY, Peintre. Large folio, cloth lettered, 100 choice Engravings, containing numerous elegant designs, £2 2s. LES ARTS ET L’INDUSTRIE, Recueil de Dessins Relatifs a VArt de la Decoration chez tom les Peuples, et aux plus Belles Epoques de leur Civilisation , destines a Servir de Motifs et de Materiaux aux Fabricants et aux Dessinateurs de Fabrique, par Hoffman. LITHOGRAPHS PAR KELLERHOVER. Two Parts, folio, 33 beautifully coloured Engravings, executed in the highest style of art, £1 10s. HALFPENNY (JOSEPH) GOTHIC ORNAMENTS IN THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF YORK. Royal 4to, half-bound, uncut, illustrated with upwards of 100 interesting examples, £3 13s. 6d. D’AGINCOUET’S HISTORY OF ART BY ITS MONUMENTS, From ITS DECLINE in the FOURTH CENTURY to its RESTORATION in the SIXTEENTH CENTURY, COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME. * Royal Folio, half calf neat, illustrated with 328 Plates, containing nearly 4000 subjects. £3 os. List of Choice Works published by A tchley & Co. THE GREAT PATTERN BOOK OP ORNAMENT AND DECORATION. OWEN JONES’ GRAMMAR OF ORNAMENT. ILLUSTRATED BY EXAMPLES FROM VARIOUS STYLES. 112 Plates in Gold and Colours, containing 3000 Examples. 1 vol., Imperial 4to, extra cloth, gilt edges. £5 5s. OWEN JONES’ EXAMPLES OF CHIXESE ORXAMEXT. SELECTED FROM OBJECTS IN THE SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM AND OTHER COLLECTIONS. Illustrated by 100 Plates. £3 3s. THE THIRD EDITION OP THIS STANDARD WORK ON ECCLESIASTICAL ORNAMENT. PUGIN’S GLOSSARY OF ECCLESIASTICAL ORNAMENT AND COSTUME. Setting forth the Origin, History, and Mystical Signification of the various Emblems, Devices, and Symbolical Colours, peculiar to Christian Design of the Middle Ages. WITH ESPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE DECORATION OP THE SACRED VESTMENTS AND ALTAR FURNITURE FORMERLY USED IN THE ENGLISH CHURCH. COMPILED FROM ANCIENT AUTHORITIES AND EXAMPLES, By A. WELBY PUGIN, Architect, PROFESSOR OF ECCLESIASTICAL ANTIQUITIES AT ST. MARIE’S COLLEGE, OSCOTT. Illustrated by Extracts from the Works of Durandus, Georgius, Bona, Catalani, Gerbert, Martene, Molanus, Thiers, Mabillon, Ducange, &e- ENLARGED AND REVISED By the Rev. BERNARD SMITH, M.A., OF ST. MARIE’S COLLEGE, OSCOTT. Third Edition, 1 vol., Imperial 4to. £6 6s. THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY IS3) - ■HOBMHI List of Choice Works published by Atchley & Co. PAGE ON FLORAL ORNAMENT, ETC. CONTAINING 200 WOODCUTS AND 60 STEEL PLATES. Cloth, price 12s. By I. PAGE, Architect. “ This work is one of the best and cheapest that has been written on the subject, and from the pen and pencil of a practical man, who has had the advantage of being able to.see his instructions carried into effect under his own inspection, as director of the class of ornamental drawing at the School of Design .”—Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. « This is a work in which great spirit for the benefit of the Arts is shown; the rules laid down are excellent; the whole of the work is completed by the Author, which, to praise too much, would appear a boast .”—Weekly Dispatch. “ The above work will be found invaluable. The author combines with a sincere love of his profession the happy yet rare faculty of conveying instruction in a clear and pleasing manner. He shows us what to do and teaches us how to do it, and giving valuable hints and suggestions to the inventive and far advanced student, so that the work can be consulted with pleasure and profit by all .”—Court Circular. ORNAMENTAL AND EARLY ENGLISH ALPHABETS, INITIAL LETTERS, &c. FOE engravers, designees, maeble MASONS, PAINTEES, DECOEATOES, &c. &c. Eeduced price 4s. THE HAND-BOOK OF ORNAMENT. ILLUSTRATING & EXPLAINING THE VARIOUS STYLES OF DECORATION. With 100 choice Engravings. DESIGNED JOB, THE INSTRUCTION OF THE WORKMAN BY APPEALING TO THE EYE THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF PICTORIAL REPRESENTATIONS, AND AT THE SAME TIME ARRESTING THE ATTENTION BY SIMPLE-WORDED DESCRIPTIONS. Price 2s. 6d. DRAWING BOOK; FROM SKETCHES BY GRIEVE, TELBIN, ABSOLON, AND OTHERS, Comprising a Series of 32 Views of the Overland Route, in a free hand, with Descriptive Letterpress. Price Is. BAKER’S ORIGINAL SELECTION; DESIGNS of SCROLLS for CHEQUES and SHARE PLATES, ALPHABETS, CYPHERS, MONOGRAMS, CORNERS, and BORDERS. For the Use of Artists, Engravers, Embroiderers, Decorators, Masons, and Schools. Price 5s. The Designs are very Beautifully Done. DECORATIVE PAINTING OF THE MIDDLE AGES, AS APPLIED TO ENGLISH ARCHITECTURE. Illustrated by a Series of Specimens of Ceilings, Screens, Tombs, Wall Paintings, Pulpits, Pavements,