Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcella00chri_3 OAT^VX-OaXJE OF THE CELLAR of WINES OF ALFRED MORRISON, ESQ. DECEASED, LATE OF 16 CARLTON HOUSE TERRACE, S.W. And FONTHILL, TISBURY, WILTS: which (by Order of the Executors ) Mill bt lig glutton bji Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON cfc WOODS, A*£ TO8X& (SEEATf 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, JUNE 9, And FRIDAY, JUNE 10. 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. Samples may be had, on paying for the same, One Week preceding the Sale, and Catalogues obtained, at Messrs. Christie, Masson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. Jeenuss Sgneue, S. 11. 'Z CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. the highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. IT. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. TTI. Tn the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. YII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. First Day’s Sale. - fr<>o ■■■■■■ On THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. (N.B.—Purchasers can have their Wine delivered in town at a charge of one shilling per dozen; or packed, for the country, at a charge of two shillings and sixpence per dozen.) SHERRY. 1 Three Dozens of Montilla 2 Three ditto 3 Three ditto 4 Three ditto 5 Three ditto 6 Three ditto 7 Three ditto 8 Five ditto and four bottles, more or h B 2 4 9 Three Dozens of East India Amontillado S/, Bin 2, 38 Three Dozens of Chateau Leoville, 1870 *7 39 Three ditto 40 Three ditto 41 Four ditto, more or less 42 Three Dozens of Chateau Lafite, 1870 43 Three ditto 44 Three ditto 45 Two ditto and seven bottles, more or less 46 Three Dozens of Chateau Rauzan, 1870 47 Three ditto 48 Two ditto and nine bottles, more or less 49 Three Dozens of Pontet Canet, 1864 50 Three ditto 64 /.- Bin 22 Y y Bin 26 —* Y* — Bin 3Px ' H r -s'7-Z- t,. o/~ £ &/' 'j’S'A Bin 32 51 Four ditto and six bottles, more or less 52 Five Dozens of Chateau Lafite, 1862, more or less ^.-Bin 10^ ✓ 53 Two Dozen Magnums of Ditto 1 Bin 9 - 54 Two ditto and four magnums, more or less ' 6 55 Three Dozens of Chateau Lafite, 1854 ^ F, Large Cellar , Bin 13 56 Three ditto ??r., r ^ 57 Two ditto and seven bottles, more or less 58 Two Dozen Magnums of Chateau Margaux, 1854 F, Large Cellar, Bin 59 Two ditto 60 Two ditto 3 61 One ditto and eight magnums, more or less 62 One Dozen and Ten Bottles of Chateau Margaux, 1851, slightly ullaged (F, Large Cellar, Bin 19); and Three Bottles and Fourteen Half-Bottles of Claret (F, Cellar m D, Bin 4), more or less ''/* " 63 Three Dozens of Chateau Margaux, 1848, Gurney^/V ,Binll RA * S?aJ'/7r. iT#/'- - 64 Three ditto 65 Three ditto 66 Two ditto and three bottles, more or less 66a Four Dozen and Ten Bottles of Chateau Margaux, 1848, slightly ullaged , more or less Large Cellar , X ' PORT. 67 Three Dozen and Nine Bottles of Port, 1844, very dry, more or less Bin 68 Three Dozens of Port, 1820, slightly ullaged, mdre or less /tf, F, Cellar D, Bin 2^Y^ 69 Three Dozens of Port, 1820, slightly ullaged F, Cellar D, Bin 2 70 Two ditto and two bottles, more or less 71 Three Dozens of Port, old 72 Three ditto 73 Three ditto 74 Two ditto, more or less / j F, Cellar II., Bin 12 **/' 4 S/' sy. Jr~ 7 75 Three Dozens of Port, old 76 Three ditto 77 Five ditto and six bottles, more or less ^4/^F, Cellar II., Bin 21 'to/. , . !/?>/ /^ay? 78 Two Dozen and Six Bottles of Port, old (F, Cellar II., Bin 8); and One Dozen and Seven Bottles of Port, 1840 (F, Large Cellar, Bin 9), more or less 7^ s 79 Two Dozen and Three Quarter Bottles of Port, slightly ullaged (F, Cellar D, Bin 15); and Two Dozen and Two Bottles> of Port, old (F, Cellar D, Bin 3), more or less 80 Three Dozen Half-Bottles of Port, old, slightly ullaged /*/ F - c / lar m Bins 17 > / /y- / 81 Three ditto 82 Three ditto 83 Three ditto and five half-bottles, more or less / Cellar D, Bin 98 One Dozen and Three Bottles of 1(1erseult, 1857, slightly ullaged (F, Cellar D, Bin 2); and Eleven Bottles of Burgundy (F, Cellar D, Bin 28 B), more or lessx^^^ CHAMPAGNE. * * 99 Four Dozen and Two Bottles of Champagne, Perrier Jonet, Pale Ex. Creaming, 1st quality, tinned 1892, more or less //&. Bin 84, 100 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1874, Perrier Jouet , extra quality Bin 101 Three ditto 102 Three ditto, more or less 103 Five ditto and eight bottles, ullaged, more or less 104 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1868, Perrier Jouet J^J^Bin 8 flAf- 107 Three ditto, ullaged a/*?/* K^rst^st. 108 Four ditto, more or less {mi A*- 109 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1865, Perrier Jouet ^pSBin 7^2^.^. 110 Three ditto 105 Three ditto 106 Three ditto, more or less 111 Three ditto 112 Three ditto, more or less 113 Six ditto and five bottles, ullaged, more or less ?V- Jh —* 114 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1865, Lanson, Still Sillerv, Gurney Bin 72 115 Four ditto and six bottles, more or less (of which two dozen are slightly ullaged) 4y. Jy~ A- A- 9 116 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1868, more or less 124 One ditto and six magnums, ullaged, more or less ?/ Z^?' 125 Three Dozens of Champagne Cellar II., Bin 7 126 One ditto and three bottles, more or less (of which seven bottles are ullaged) . c- 127 Three Dozen and Ten Bottles of Champagne, ullaged, more or less Cellar II, Bin 23 /^y Z 128 Three Dozens of Champagne, Auber (of which 2 T 1 g are ullaged) •Z'JZY, Large Cellar, Bin 6^T 129 Three ditto, ullaged /jf ^ ' ^ 3 130 Three ditto and eleven bottles, ullaged, mow or less HOCK. 131 Three Dozen and Four Bottles of Hock, 1859, more or less F, Cellar D, Bin 8. 132 Two Dozen and Eight Bottles of Johannisberg, 1857, more or less F, Cellar D, Bin 2 133 Three Dozens of Johannisberg, 1857 6*/ /F, Cellar II., Bin 9 134 Three ditto £ &Z 135 Three ditto ^Z^^^y^ 136 One ditto and eight bottles, more or less £>/Y*- ' b 3 10 137 Three Dozens of Johannisberg Cabinet, 1857 £ F, Cella/ll.fBm 3 138 Three ditto - 139 Two ditto and eight bottles, more or less 140 Three Dozens of Steinberger, 1857 F, Cellar^YB^.Bins 1£, 1 141 Three ditto x ^ 142 Three ditto 143 Three ditto 144 Three ditto 145 Three ditto and six bottles, more or less 146 Three Dozens of Steinberger, 1846, slightly ullaged F, Cellar D, Bin 16 6>y- &y- ■4fC s-y f' ^^2— 147 Two ditto and six bottles, more or less , 148 Three Dozens of Steinberg, slightly ullaged F, Cellar D, Bin 8^ 149 Two ditto and ten bottles, more or less -^y a. — 150 Two Dozen and Three Bottles of Johannisberger, slightly ullaged , more or less J^/, F, Cellar D, Bin 18 151 Two Dozen and Two Bottles of Steinwein, slightly ullaged, , more or less //A F, Cellar V, Bin 5 SAUTERNE AND WHITE WINES. 152 Three Dozen and Eight Bottles of Saoterne, binned 1850, more or less ernEj binned 18 J 0 , r yy Bin 2 , F 153 Five Dozens of Latour Blanche, 1869, more or less f-yBin 154 Five Dozen and Two Bottles of Latour Blanche, 1864, more or less ^y. Bin 17 11 155 One Dozen and Nine Bottles of Chateau y’Quem, 1861, more or less „ "%■ Bin 1 /%-^t 156 Two Dozen and Three Bottles of Chateau y’Quem, 1847, more or less m, Cellar D, 157 Four Dozen and Two Half-Bottles of Sauterne, slightly / ullagecl, more or less Cellar D, Bin 19^^ 158 Three Dozens of White Bordeaux, Peraguey, 1869 , Bin 16^ ' 159 Two ditto and five bottles, more or less ( Bin 16) ; and One Dozen and Three Bottles of White Bordeaux, Abanat’s, 1865^ ,/? more or less (Bin 12) End of First Day's Sale. Second Day’s Sale. On FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. (N.B.—Purchasers can have their wine delivered in town at a charge of one shilling per dozen; or packed, for the country, at a charge of two shillings and sixpence per dozen.) SHERRY. 160 Three Dozens of East 161 Three ditto 162 Three ditto 163 Three ditto 164 Three ditto 165 Three ditto 166 Three ditto 167 Four ditto and two bottles, more or less 168 Three Dozens of Solera, Gurney 169 Three ditto and one bottles, more or less Bin 39 Bin 55 7 13 170 Three Dozens op Pale Sherry, old, Gurney 171 Three ditto 172 Three ditto df ^ Bin 61 173 Four ditto, moro or less 174 Three Dozen and Eleven Bottles op Bherry, old, more or „ less {two sorts) F, Cellar II., Bin 25 175 Two Dozens of Sherry, old (F, Cellar II., Bin 22); and One Dozen and Eight Bottles of Sherry, 1817 (F, Cellar D, Bin 28a), more or less 176 One Dozen and Four Bottles op Bed Yal de Penas, 1877, Gurney {Bin 44) ; and One Dozen and Four Bottles op East India Sherry, 1895 (natural), Gurney {Bin 40) y more A or less M MADEIRA. 177 Three Dozens of Madeira tJ'dy ' F, Cellar II., Bin 6 178 Three ditto 7 <4 ~ - - 179 Four ditto and eight bottles, more or less c/ Y/* 180 Three Dozens op Sercial Madeira F, Large Cellar, Bin 16^. 181 Three ditto and seven bottles, more or less 182 Three Dozens of Bual Madeira 183 Five ditto and seven bottles, more or less F, Large Cellar, Bin 17/*^/ — S^-m. - CLARET. 184 Three Dozens op Pauillac, binned 1892, Gurney Bin 8 185 Three ditto 186 Three ditto jh - 187 Three ditto, more or less 14 Bin Z/7 /fa^-? J^~ Uffref^C. 188 Three Dozens oe Dinner Claret, 1878, 189 Three ditto 190 Three ditto 191 Three ditto 192 Three ditto 193 Three ditto 194 Five ditto and two bottles, more or less 195 Three Dozens of Pontet Canet, 1875 196 Three ditto and ten bottles, more or less 197 Three Dozens of Chateau D’Issan, 1874, Gurney 4^^^ 198 Three ditto 199 Three ditto 200 Three ditto 201 Three ditto 202 Three ditto 203 Three ditto and five bottles, more or less 204 Three Dozens of Chateau Giscours, 1874 205 Three ditto 206 Three ditto 207 Three ditto 208 Three ditto ^'6/- ^ jy. Bin 24 Jr- if £/— *k/. if — j-y 209 Three ditto 210 Three ditto - . 211 Four ditto and two bottles, more or less if y/ 212 Three Dozens of Mouton d’Armhailhac, 1870 213 Three ditto 214 Four ditto and six bottles, more or less —* V' •rfy- Bin 31 jr r 15 2! 5 Three Dozens of Dinner Claret, 1870 216 Four ditto and eight bottles, more or less Bin 33 217 Three Dozens of Leoyille, 1864, Gurney *7 218 Three ditto 219 Three ditto 220 Three ditto 221 Three ditto 222 Three ditto 223 Four ditto and three bottles, more or less 224 Three Dozens of Chateau Lafite, 1858 j- Bin 5 - ~ 6 fa tf* t? p/'- F, Large Cellar, Bin 10 // t Bin 27 /^44w /f £/ /L* A - 225 Two ditto, more or less 226 Three Dozens of Chateau Lafite, 1858 227 Three ditto 228 Three ditto 229 Three ditto 230 Three ditto 231 Three ditto 232 Five ditto and one bottles, more or less 233 Three Dozens of Chateau Margaux, 1854, Gurne^ry^^Bw^T^^^^^^ 234 Three ditto &/•*//+. ^ ^ 235 Three ditto