Designs for Furniture FOR Complete House \ ^2- , A-y. aS Ji A 1 , D y»\)\ > r L.o'~~l_ and Decorations Furnishing BY Hampton & Sons. cl XgXKeXs Illustrated with Fifty Collotype Reproductions of Artistic Interiors, in various styles, specially designed for this work ; upwards of 2,000 Half-tone Blocks of Furniture Photographed from Stock, and many Coloured Illustrations of Carpets, Curtains, Linens, Blinds, China and Glass, etc. Pall Mall East & Cockspur St., London, s.w. Established 1830. / T HAMPTON & SONS beg - to announce that the enormous A / 4 demand for thA Boolr has- compelled them t6 make a charge of S' / 4 f 'C._-- / : 'jfs i o ne GuiNEMfor this copy, if it is not returned within a fortnight, // or such an order placed as will entitle the purcha ser to^ j&feat^Tt >Z lor future reference. PRINTED AND BOUND BY THE GRAPHOTONE COMPANY, CATALOGUE HAMPTON INDEX TO & SONS’ American Chairs Arabian Furniture Arm Chairs Auction and Valuation Department ... Austrian Bentwood Furniture Axminster Carpets 338 243-245 182-184 3.4 330 . 82,83 Badged and Crested-ware ... ... ... ... 403 Bamboo Furniture ... ... ... ... 252-254 Barometers . 336 a Bath Room, Interior, plate XLIII. and page 67 Baths . . 13, 14, 365 Bedding. 325, 326 Bed Linen ... ... ... ... ... 326-328 Bed Room Furniture, plates XXXIV. to XLI. 255-300 Bedstead Footends, draped. .. 69 Bedsteads ... ... ... ... ... 3°0“3 2 4 Bed Table ... ... ... ... ... ... 299 Benares-ware ... ... ... ... . ■• ... 247 Bentwood Furniture. 33° "337 Bidets ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 298 Billiard Tables and Accessories, plate XVIII. 162, 163 Blinds ... ... ... ... ... ■■■ 48-5 1 Bookcase Cabinet, plate XV. Bookcases, Dwarf ... ... ... ... X5 r » 20I i 212 ,, Hanging. 150,298 ,, High .152, 153-160 ,, Revolving... ... ... .. 149,201 Bookshelves, Hanging. 298 Boot Cupboard ... ... ... ... ... ... 296 Boudoir Furniture, (see Drawing Room Furniture). Breakfast Services ... ... ... ... 3^9, 399 _ 4 01 Brussels Carpets ... ... ... ... ... 80, 81 Building Department. 19 Bureaux. 215,216 Cabinets, Dining Room, etc.... ,, Drawing Room ,, French ... ... ,, Hall, Library, etc., plate I Campanets 135 . 136 .. 187-198. 212 206-213 .. 109-112, 153 . 35 ° PAGE PAGE Camp Furniture 338A and B Cruets 375 Candlesticks 349, 380 Curtain Fabrics... 54-59 Cane Chairs ■ ■■ 3°o, 333, 336 Cutlery. 369-373 Card Tables ... 215, 221, 222 Carpet Chairs ... . 332 DeckChairs 332 Carpets ... . 79-98 Decorating Department 19 Carved Hall Furniture III, 112 Deliveries (see Preface) Carved Oak Chairs ... Ill, 112, X17 Derby Chairs ... 332 Ceiling Papers and Canvases ... 20-22, 298 Dessert Services 389-401 Centre Ottoman . 172 Dining Room Furniture (see also Interiors) ... 113-144 Centre Tables ... . 220 Dining Room Interiors, plates IV., VI., VIII. , X. XI. Chair Bedsteads . 3 01 Dining Tables ... 125, 126 Chairs, Bentwood . 337 Dinner Gongs ... 102 ,, Carved and Gilt, plate XXVIII. 202, 205 Dinner Services 389-403 ,, Dining Room, plates V., VII., IX.... 113,122 Dinner Wagons... 123, 124 ,, Drawing Room 173-184 Dog Grates 341 „ Easy . 122 164-169, 173-176 Doors 31 ,, 18th Century ... 115. n6 Draped Dressing Table, Mantel and Overmantel .. 66 ,, Iiall, plates II., III., and XV. IOI-II2 Drapery Designs 60-69 ,, Library 114-117, 145, 146 Drawing Room Furniture, plates XXI. to XXXIII. 173-242 ,, Occasional . 182 Drawing Room Suites, Chairs, Settees, etc. 170-184, 205 Chenille Curtains . 54-57 Drawing Room Tables 219 Chests, Hall IO3, IO4, III, 112 Dressing Tables and Chests, 297A, and Bed Room Furniture. Chests of Drawers . 296 Dress Stand 299 Cheval Glasses ... . 296A DumbWaiters ... 124 Chimney Pieces, plates XII. and XXXI. 35-44,339 Dwarf Bookcases . 151, 201, 212 China and Glass Department 383-416 Dynamos ... ... . l6 Chinese Furniture . 247 Clocks, Upright 8-Day 137,141,142,143 Easels 159, 231 Clocks ... . 366A Easy Chairs, in Cretonne 164-169 Closets ... . 9, 10 ,, in Saddlebags ... 165, 166 Coalscuttles .346-346 ,, in Velvet and Silk 173-176 Commodes, French 210, 211 Easy Chairs, Leather ... 122 Console Tables... . 214 Electric Lighting, Fittings and Electroliers— Contract and Shipping Department, see Preface 15- 18, 363-364A and page ... . 3°°B Electro-plate 369-380 Corner Cabinets ... ... 135> 136, 156, 199, 200 Estimates for Household Linens . ■ 77, 78 Cosy Corners, plates XXI., XXX., XXXII. and ,, for Kitchen Utensils 367-368 XXXIII., and page . 39 ,, for complete Furnishing ... 417-432 Cots 303-305 Couches, in Cretonne ... . 170 Fenders and Fireirons... ... ... 35-44,342-344 Couches, Leather 118-120 Fireirons, (see Fenders). Fire Screens . PAGE . 347 Floorcloths . 94,95 Foldingchairs... . 332 French Furniture 202-216 Friezes ... . 22,23 Gas Brackets and Gasaliers ... 360-362 Gilt Furniture... . 202-205 Glass Table Services ... 405-413 Gongs 102, 350 Grates ( see also Chimneypieces) 35-44, 339-341 Hall Chairs, plate III. . 101 Hall Furniture, plate III. 101-112 Hall, Interior, plates I. and II. Hall Stands ... 105-108 Hanging Bookshelves ... . 298 Hanging Cabinets . 234 Hanging Glasses . 297 Hat Rails 108,109 Hotel and Club Department, see Preface and page House and Estate Agency 300B and 403 . i-4 Indian Carpets ... . 9i Indian Furniture . 243 Inglenooks (see Cosy Corners). Interiors of Rooms, plate I. to XLIII. Ironmongery Department . 339 Italian Carved Furniture, plate XV.,.. ... Ill, 112 Japanese Bed Room Furniture . 300 Japanese Furniture . 246 Japanned Ware... . 365 Jardineres (see also Oriental Department) 22S, 348 Kettles ... . 348 Kidderminster Carpets . 92,93 Kitchen Earthenware ... 415,416 Kitchen Furniture 365A, 366 HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W 2 INDEX TO HAMPTON & SONS’ CATALOGUE PAGE PAGE PAGE TAGE Lace Curtains ... . 70-73 Lamps (Electric) 17 Lamps (Oil) ... ... .352-359 Lavatories . 11—12 Lavatory Glasses . . 297 Leather Papers... . 26 Leg Rest . . 299 Library Furniture, plates XIV., XV., XVI., and XVII. . 145 Linen Baskets. . 299 Linenpress . 366 Linens ... 74-78, 326, 328 Linoleums and Floorcloths . 94 > 95 Louis XV. and XVI. Furniture . 202-216 Lounges (see Settees). Mantel, Draped . . 66 Mantels (see Chimneypieces) ... . 339 Mats . 98 Mattings . ... . 96 , 97 Mattresses, Hair and Wool ... . 325 „ Wire . . 3°6 Medicine Cupboards . . 298 Mirrors. 212 , 213, 231, 234-236 Morning Rooms, plates XIX. and XX. Musharabeyeh Work. 244, 245 Music Cabinets. . 1S6 ,, Seats ... . i 85 Music Stands, Metal. . 348 Nests of Drawers ... 147, 213, 227 Night Commodes . 298 Nursery Chairs and Furniture... 332 , 365A Occasional Chairs . 182 Occasional Tables . 218 Office Chairs . 145 Office Furniture . 147 Officers Furniture 338A and B Old English Carpets ... . 92 , 93 ,, Furniture, plate XIII. 245-254 Oriental Curtains . . 58-59 Ottomans, see Settees Overdoors . 3 °. 3 1 Overmantels 237-242 Oxford Washstands . 297A Palm Stands (see Jardineres). Parquet Floors ... . 33 Pedestals.. 137,141-143. * 53 .196, I 97 > 198 200,207, 208, 227 Pelmets ... . 64. 65 Persian Carpets... . 86 Piano Backs, Draped ... . 69 Pianos ... 232, 233 Pigeonholes . 147 Poles . . 52 , 53 Portfolios . 155 Postal Department (see preface). Reading Table. . 299 Refrigerator . 3 66 Removal Department ... . 45 Repairing and Renovating Department . 45 Revolving Bookcases ... ... 149, 150, 201 ,, Chairs . 145 Rocking Nursery Chair . 365 a Rugs . .89, 97 Rush-seated Chairs and Settees 329 , 331 Saddlebag Furniture ... ... 113, 119- 120, 164, 166, 332 Sanitary Department ... . 5-14 Sanitary Plan ... . 4 A Scrapers ... . 35 1 Screen Desks ... . 226 Screens. 144, 201, 245-251 Secretaire-Bureaux .155-158, 213, 228-230, 299 Servants’ Bed Room Furniture . 300 Settees, Sofas, Couches, Lounges, and Ottomans 118-120, 164, 166, 170-180, 203-205, 244 Settles (Hall), plates I., II., and III. Shaving Glasses... Showcase Cabinets Showcase Tables Sideboards, plates V., VII., and IX. Sinks Smoking Room (Oriental) (see plate XIII.). Sofas [see Settees). Standard Lamps Step Easels and Steps Stick Racks Suites, Bed Room ,, Dining Room ,, Drawing Room Sutherland Tables Switches... Syrian Furniture Table Covers Table Damasks... Tables, Billiard... Dining Room Drawing Room Centre Hall, plates I. and II. Kitchen and Nursery ... Library ... Marqueterie French ... Occasional Pembroke, Stained Legs Showcase, for Curios, etc. Small Carved Library, etc. Sutherland Tea and Coffee ...102-112 297 ...206-213 ... 216 127-143 •■•354-358 159,365A 108 ...255-295 ...117-121 ...173-180 219 17 245 68 ••• 74 , 75 162, 163 125, 126 219, 220 108-112, 161 365A, 366 161 214, 215 218, 219, 243 3^5 A 204, 216, 217 155 ...217-219 ...217-219 Writing... 147-150, 204, 209, 215, 216, 222-226, 299 Tapestry Curtains Tea Services Terms (see preface) ToiletWare Towel Horses ... Trunk Stands. Turkey Carpets . Turkish, Arabian and Indian Furniture .. 55 ) 56 ... 389,399-403 385-389 . 300 . 298 .„ 84-88 - 243 Umbrella Stands ... . 105-108, 351 Upholstered Wicker Chairs ... . 333, 335 Vellore Carpets... .90, 91 Ventilation Fittings ... ... ... . 7, 18 Waiters.124-380 Wall Bookcases... ... ... ... . 150 Wall Brackets ... ... ... ... ... ... 234 Wall Decorations (Schemes for) . 27-29 Wall Panelling... ... ... . 32 Wall Papers ... ... ... ... . 24, 25 Wardrobes (see also Bed Room Furniture). 296A Warehousing ... ... ... 45 Washstands (see also Bed Room Furniture) ...148, 297A, 365 Wicker Chairs ... ... ... 333 _ 33 ^ Wilton Carpets... ... ... 82,83 Window Draperies ... ... . 60-65 Windsor Chairs... ... ... 366 Wine Cooler ... ... ... 228 Work Tables ... ... ... 216 Writing Chairs ... ... ... ... ... ...145-146 ,, Tables ...147-150, 204, 209, 215,216, 222-226. 299 Writing Table Slope ... ... ... . 147 Yacht Saloon, plate XLII. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W Preface H AMPTON & SONS having, after much deliberation, determined to publish a Book of Designs and Complete Catalogue of their Business, surpassing in every respect anything of the kind yet pro¬ duced, have now much pleasure in issuing the present work, which they feel may fairly be claimed to be, both as regards the artistic merit of its contents and as an example of the latest methods of photographic reproduc¬ tion, unique and without a rival. The substitution of high-class reproductions of the latest designs for the hackneyed woodcuts of commonplace articles usually found in trade catalogues is an innovation which will, without doubt, be fully appreciated by all who may have occasion to refer to the book. The designs selected for illustration may, without exception, be re¬ garded as representing the current taste in the matter of style. Although the quality and artistic merit of the goods is exceptional, the prices will, on comparison, be found to be lower than those of any other house for the same class of wares, being, indeed, such as are possible only to those whose business is of a magnitude such as enables them to secure in the raw material markets the enormous advantages of transactions on a whole¬ sale scale, and who, at the same time, avail themselves of the great assistance in economising the cost of production afforded by the use of all the latest labour-saving machinery. Hampton & Sons manufacture their cabinet-work, joinery, furniture, etc. (excepting certain articles of which they are, in the interest of their Customers, compelled to make exceptions), in their own Factories in Belvedere Road, London, S.E. The cabinet and joinery workshops are fitted with all the latest machinery for preparing the woods and other materials, which are invariably finished by hand by skilled, experienced craftsmen. Varied and extensive as is the selection herein, it should be remembered that in so large and so essentially progressive a House the stock is of neces¬ sity continually being modified by the unceasing sales and additions. As, therefore, the Galleries necessarily contain a greater variety of each piece of furniture than is shown, the illustrations must be regarded as carefully se¬ lected typical examples, rather than as a complete representation of the stock on view. That those who have in the past entrusted the execution of their commissions to Hampton & Sons are fully satisfied with the result, and that their numbers are being daily augmented, is amply demonstrated by the recent unprecedentedly rapid growth of the business, necessitating, as it has done, repeated enlargements of the Show Rooms, the additions within the last two years alone having almost doubled the size of the premises. In these new buildings specially decorated and furnished rooms have been fitted as examples of the prevailing taste and style. The commissions which Hampton & Sons are constantly receiving from many of those among the cultured and wealthy classes, whose educated taste induces them to take an unusual amount of interest in their rooms and furniture, is one of the most gratifying evidences that that their productions have won a reputation for exceptional artistic merit. Choice pieces of genuine antiqiie furniture, tapestries, etc., are pur- cliased or taken in exchange for other goods, as Hampton & Sons’ unusu¬ ally extensive clientele brings them many inquiries for, and opportunities of disposing of, really good pieces. Competent Assistants sent to take particulars and instructions, and, if desired, advise respecting any decorative or other work contemplated, no charge being made where an order is placed. All necessary measurements made free of charge (except railway fare) by experienced workmen. Special Designs made and close Estimates prepared for every descrip¬ tion of work in connection with House Furnishing. Estimates for completely furnishing 8, io, 12, 14, 16, and 20-roomed houses will be found on pages 417, et seq. Eight refreshments are provided, free of charge, for customers whose selections of furniture, etc., necessitate a prolonged visit to the Show-rooms. House and Estate Agency, and Auction and Valuation Departments, 1 Cockspur Street, Paul Mall, S.W. For full particulars see pages 1 to 4. Contract and Shipping Department. Hampton & Sons have recently devoted much attention to the full development and complete equipment of this department, and are now manu¬ facturing many Specialities in Decorations, Furniture, Carpets, Curtains, Linens, Blinds, Bedsteads and Bedding, Electro-Plate, China, Glass, etc., expressly designed for and adapted to the requirements of substantial good-class Hotels, and Clubs, Theatres and Lounges, Steamships and Railways, Government, Bank and Insurance Offices, Town Halls and Vestries, Colleges and Schools, Hospitals and Infirmaries, and every description of Public Buildings. Having every facility for carrying out Contracts for the above-men¬ tioned, and being in a position to offer exceptionally good value at competi¬ tive prices, Hampton & Sons are always pleased to submit, on receipt of the necessary specifications, Close Estimates at Special Hotel Quotations. Postal Department. —Orders received by post are acknowledged by return post, and executed with the utmost care and despatch. Remittances should, as far as possible, accompany all orders. Deliveries to London and Suburbs by our own carts. For particulars see opposite page. Carriage Paid to any railway station in Great Britain on all orders to the value of £1 and upwards. Terms :—All goods are marked in plain figures, for cash, without discount. Goods for abroad must be paid for before shipment. The usual references will be expected from customers placing orders for the first time. Business Hours :—Daily, 9 till 7. Saturdays, 9 till 2. Closed on Bank holidays. Bankers :—London & Westminster, St. James’s Square. Post Office Orders payable at Charing Cross. H ampton & Sons, Pall Mall East, and ) - Trafalgar Square, London, S.W. Cockspur Street. J Works and Warehouses :—Belvedere Road, and Providence Wharf, College Street, London, S.E. Telephone: 3,506. Telegrams: “ Hamitic, London. ftAJVIPTOft & softs’ DELIVERY Op GOODS. TOWN DELIVERIES. Free Delivery by our own Vans as follows:— Twice Daily to Bayswater, Chelsea, Pimlico, Kensington, Regent’s Park, and adjacent localities. Once Daily to City and Docks, Hampstead, Hammersmith, Haverstock Hill, Highbury, Highgate, Holloway, Kilburn, Maida Vale, Westbourne Park, St. John’s Wood, and adjacent districts. SUBURBAN DELIVERIES. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY, leaving at 7 a.m., as follows:— Addiscombe Brockley Clapham Hayes (Kent) Norwood Anerley Bromley (Kent) Croydon Herne Hill Nunhead Balham Camberwell Denmark Hill FI on or Oak Peckham Beckenham Catford Dulwich Lee Penge Bexley Charlton Eltham Lewisham Selhurst Bickley Champion Hill Forest Hill Mottingham Shooters Hill Blackheath Brixton Chislehurst Greenwich New Cross Sidcup TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY, leaving at 7 a.m., as follows:— Barnes Gunnersbury Isleworth Merton Richmond Battersea Ham (Surrey) Kew Mortlake Roehampton Bedford Park Hampton Kingston Norbiton Surbiton Chiswick East & West Molesey Hook Hounslow Long Ditton Malden Putney Strawberry Hill Stockwell Streatham Sydenham Thornton Heath Tulse Hill Tooting Woolwich Teddington Twickenham Wandsworth Wimbledon Other Districts within a radius of 12 miles as required ; and beyond 12 and not exceeding 20 miles by special arrangement. GOODS DELIVERED FREE BY MESSRS. CARTER, PATERSON & CO. S CONVEYANCES. Large Consignments of Goods for long distances forwarded by Rail in our Pantechnicon Vans, or in the Railway Companys Covered Trucks, to the nearest Railway Station. If required, we send at a Moderate Charge an experienced man to meet the goods on arrival, to superintend the unloading and delivery. This is often found to be more economical than the cost of packing cases. [PLATE I. ] H APPILY, the revolt of the cultured against the cheerlessness of the cold, cramped, mean-looking passage which, in the average English home, has so long done duty for the hall, is rapidly effecting a complete change in the treatment accorded to this part of the house. This modern recognition of the fact that the hall should be essentially a room—not a passage— where guests may be becomingly received and welcomed, and that its appearance and fittings should be worthy of this purpose, is one of the most gratifying and characteristic results of the present Decorative Art Revival. To devise a treatment of the old-fashioned passage-hall that shall be entirely satisfactory from an artistic point of view is, perhaps, one of the most difficult problems that the house furnisher has to solve. Our first sketch shows how, by pleasantly screening off the staircase and the passage leading to the basement staircase, an improved tone may be imparted to the appearance of the entire hall. The hat and coat hanging accommodation may then be conveniently placed in this screened passage. The wood¬ work is painted white, the wall panels filled with tapestry, and the frieze and ceiling of modelled plaster decoration or its substitute. The floor is of parquet. In the second design the view is towards the door. The woodwork is of oak, the deep frieze and the ceiling decoration being hand-painted. The floor is tiled. The furniture and accessories throughout are selected from stock, and may always be seen in our Galleries. HAMPTON & SONS. Plate I COPYRIGHT. ENTERED AT STATIONERS’ HALL. TWO ENTRANCE HALLS Hampton & Sons, PALL MALL EAST, LONDON, S.W \ [ PLATE II ] N O school or period of work lends itself more effectively to the decoration and equipment of halls than that of the Flemish Renaissance. There is an elaboration of detail, as well as a boldness of general design, which makes the style particularly well adapted for the entrance to the house, where a good effect is always desirable. In the hall which we have illustrated the walls are panelled with oak, and the deep frieze is fitted with richly embossed leather. The ceiling can be either panelled with oak or m fibrous plaster, and the staircase, the gallery and the arched screens are also in carved oak. The handsomely carved oak chimney-piece is in complete harmony with the general scheme of decoration, and opposite to it is a carved oak settle, in which utility is combined with ornament by the construction of a box-seat in which can be placed rugs, hats, &c., while the back is made to enclose a receptacle for cloaks, coats, sticks and umbrellas. The table and chairs are of carved oak, with richly decorative leather backs and seats to the chairs; the floor surround is of parquet, relieved again by the warm tints of an Axminster or Oriental carpet. HAMPTON & SONS. Plate COPYRIGHT'. ENTERED AT STATIONERS’ HALL. A FLEMISH RENAISSANCE HALL. Hampton & Sons, PALL MALL EAST, LONDON, S.W. [ PLATE III. ] TX 7 E here illustrate one of our Hall Settles in the Italian Renaissance style. It is simpler in finish and design than the one in the Hall Interior, plate II. The print is reproduced from a photograph of a stock settle. In this design the columns supporting the carved cove and cornice rise from the arms of the settle. It is made in old black oak, and has a box-seat for hats and rugs. In the back are two doors, with carved panels, enclosing a cupboard for hanging coats, and for sticks and umbrellas, thus doing away with the untidy appearance that an ordinary hat-stand presents, at the same time shielding the garments from dust. 1 his piece of furniture is a special device of our own, and one which we always keep in stock. Fhe chair in the left hand top side is a bold carved chair of Italian form, with seat and back of richly carved leather. The chair on the right, called the King chair, and justly so, as it is a regal looking hall chair, the seat of carved leather in low relief is slung and laced to the arms, the back also in richly carved leather in high relief, the design embodying a coat-of-arms. The left hand lower chair is an Italian carved chair with velvet-cushion seat. The lower right hand chair is a veritable antique Savonarola chair, inlaid with ivory and various words in an Arabesque design, with carved leather seat and back. HAMPTON & SONS. Hampton & Sons, PALL MALL EAST, LONDON, S.W COPYRIGHT. ENTERED AT STATIONERS’ HALL. HALL SETTLE (Registered Design) AND CHAIRS. Plate III. [ PLATE IV. ] T HERE is something essentially English in the Elizabethan style, and no style of furniture and decoration could be more appropriate for a dining-room than this, which takes us back at once to an era when hospitality was a stately and dignified part of life, and “ Merrie England something moie than a mere name. We have deemed it suitable, too, to reinstate in our design the old English music galleiy, and in doing so we have been actuated by something more practical than mere sympathy with the spirit of the good old times. Our minstrel gallery enables us to introduce another purely Elizabethan feature a real old English fireplace, in a deep recess, and with seats on each side eloquent of ease and rest. The richly carved oak, the niches for statuary or china, and the roomy cupboards beneath, render this arrangement as useful as it is decorative. The other three sides of the room have a high dado in oak, lelieved with tapestry, and the cornice and ceiling are panelled in oak or in fibrous plaster. This handsome and thoroughly English room can easily be arranged in any ordinary house sufficiently large to permit the sacrifice of the room above the dining-room, and the effect is extremely good and such as can be obtained in no other way. We submit estimates for this and every other form of structural alteration. It is scarcely necessary to add that the furniture is of carved oak. HAMPTON & SONS. Plate I V, S3§|P§pss>$ A \ JiiUsL ■\MmwtJjM COPYRIGHT. ENTERED AT STATIONERS HALL A DINING HALL IN THE ELIZABETHAN STYLE Hampton & Sons, PALL MALL EAST, LONDON, S.W, [ PLATE V. ] T HE illustrations of the Sideboard and Chairs shown in this plate have been produced from photo¬ graphs taken in the show-room, the prints thus being the most faithful representation of the originals that it is possible to obtain. The Sideboard is 8ft. wide by ioft.6in. high, is Renaissance in character, well made, with fine carvings in solid oak, the whole being fumed to a dark antique color- The right hand Chair is one of our latest designs in the same style, its special feature being that the back is shaped to add to the comfort of the diner. Covered in pigskin or morocco it makes a very handsome chair. The Chair on the left is much simpler, and very moderate in price. HAMPTON & SONS. Plate V. COPYRIGHT. ENTERED AT STATIONERS’ HALL. A SPECIMEN STOCK SIDEBOARD. Hampton & Sons, PALL MALL EAST, LONDON, S.W. [ PLATE VI. ] npHE ornate and elaborately decorative Italian Renaissance style of which we give an illustration, is very well suited to dining-rooms, and when carried out with accuracy and completeness cannot fail to lend a rich and artistic appearance to any room treated in accordance with its refined taste. The classic grace of its scheme of decoration is always effective when the style is made clearly and harmoniously apparent in every detail. The woodwork of the room can be either carved walnut or pollard oak, or in plain pine with carton pierre enrichments, painted white. The panels of the wall should be hung with old embossed leather or Venetian velvet, and the furniture should be either of walnut or oak, of both of which we always have in stock a large number of excellent examples, a sideboard of suitable character being shown upon the next page. In carrying out a dining-room in the Italian Renaissance style, particular attention should be paid to proportion and decorative detail, as it is only by absolute accuracy in these respects that the refined and dignified character of the design can be retained. HAMPTON & SONS. Plate VI COPYRIGHT. ENTERED AT STATIONERS’ HALL DINING ROOM in the Style of the ITALIAN RENAISSANCE Hampton & Sons, PALL MALL EAST, LONDON, S.W [ PLATE VII. ] nPHE pollard-oak sideboard which we here illustrate is a characteristic example of the Italian Renaissance style of work. Our reproduction is from a photograph of a sideboard taken as it stood in our show¬ rooms, and the details are so clearly indicated that even the grain of the beautiful wood of which it is made may be plainly seen. The delicate and graceful carving is finely sculptured out of the solid oak, and the cabinet work throughout is of the best. The width of the sideboard is 8ft., its height ioft. 6in. We have always in stock a great variety of sideboards, and illustrations of a selection of them will be found upon pages 127 to 143. The chairs, of which we give illustrations, are similar in character to the sideboard, and carved with equal delicacy and taste. They are covered in morocco. Illustrations of some other specimens of our large stock of chairs, at all prices, will be found on pages 113 to 117. HAMPTON & SONS. Plate VII COPYRIGHT. ENTERED AT STATIONERS’ HALL. Hampton & Sons, PALL MALL EAST, LONDON, S.W. [ PLATE VIII. ] ^ I 'HE profusion of detail in the French Renaissance style prevents it from being adopted so frequently as its artistic attractiveness deserves, yet there are few, if any, styles of design which are more pleasing when adequately carried out. In the room here shown the oak panelling is enriched with carved pilasters and cornice, fumed to a warm nut-brown tint, waxed polished. The coved ceiling is panelled and enriched with modelled plaster work in delicate relief, painted a full cream color, and picked out with a little gold, the centre ceiling panel and end panels above doors and sideboard being in parti-colors. The furniture throughout is of oak, treated in the same way as the wall-panelling, the coverings and hangings are of rich old Lyons velvet. The details of the decoration and furniture have all been carefully thought out. Experienced designers are sent to advise and take particulars necessary for the preparation of special drawings and estimates, for this or any other style of decoration and furnishing. HAMPTON & SONS. Plate • VIII Hampton & Sons, PALL MALL EAST, LONDON, S.W. COPYRIGHT. ENTERED AT STATIONERS’ HALL. A DINING-ROOM, ADAPTED FROM THE FRENCH RENAISSANCE [PLATE IX. ] TT 7 "E illustrate here another of our pollard oak sideboards, which is an admirable example of the rich * ^ imposing effect that can be obtained by a bold rendering of the modern Renaissance style now so freely used for architectural decoration, as well as in the designing of furniture and fittings for houses. The carving is boldly sculptured out of the solid oak, the wood selected being of exceptional beauty and strength. There are three drawers in the carved frieze of the lower part, and a fitted cellaret in the cup¬ board. The sideboard is 8 feet wide, and the workmanship throughout is of the best. Other sideboards in all sizes and prices will be found on pages 127 to 143. The chairs are made of the same kind of wood, and are covered in stamped decorated leather, studded with large bronze nails. A selection of dining-room chairs will be found on pages 113 to 122. HAMPTON & SONS. T HAT a plain, substantial, unpretentious Dining-Room may yet be made tasteful by the exercise of a little judgment in selecting and arranging the details of the decorations, furniture, hangings, etc., in harmonious relationship, may be seen by our illustration. Nothing could be simpler than this modern dining-room, with its plain oak floor, simple panelled dado, figured paper, frieze in Anaglypta, Tynecastle> or similar embossed leather paper or canvas, with moulded picture-rail beneath it, and panelled ceiling distempered white. The recessed window, with its leaded casements, is relieved by the rich colouring of heraldic glass in the upper panels, and the space below is utilised for a window seat. The furniture throughout, including chimney-piece, sideboard, and extended dining table, of mahogany, unenriched with carving or inlay, but shapely, substantial, and inexpensive. The comfortable Cromwell chairs and the easy chair and sofa are covered in morocco. The bordered Wilton carpet, and the curtains of plain velvet or figured tapestry, with pelmet of same material, complete, at a most moderate cost, this eminently comfortable and homely room. HAMPTON & SONS. Plate X. A PLAIN MODERN DINING-ROOM. Hampton & Sons, COPYRIGHT. ENTERED AT STATIONERS HALL. PALL MALL EAST, LONDON, S.W. [ PLATE XI. ] TT ERE again we illustrate an even more inexpensive Dining-Room, suitable for any moderately-sized house, everything being simple, cheap but good, and within the means of every householder. A good effect is produced at little cost by the plain dado and rail, painted to match the door, and surmounted by a simple figured paper and frieze, with picture rail, and with or without an embossed paper ceiling. The furniture throughout is substantial and good, and in good taste, and the prices extremely moderate. The oak mantelpiece, with overmantel, costs £ 12. 12.0; the sideboard, in oak, walnut, or mahogany, with three drawers, three cupboards and cellaret, and with bevelled glass plate panels in the back, .£11.11.0; the chairs, in solid oak and morocco, 30s. each; the easy chairs, £5.15.0 each; the 8ft. by 4ft. dining table, 5 guineas, and the dinner wagon, £2.15. o. The whole room is tastefully, simply, and at the same time comfortably furnished. HAMPTON & SONS. Plate XI COPYRIGHT. AN INEXPENSIVE DINING ROOM. Hampton & Sons, ENTERED AT STATIONERS HALL PALL MALL EAST, LONDON, S.W [ PLATE XII. ] T HE two chimney-pieces shown on this plate we have designed to suit the sideboards on plates IX. and VII., they have been made in rich pollard oak, but they would look equally well in other woods, and can be adapted to any size. It is important that the chimney-piece should be in proper pro¬ portion to the room, the sideboard, and other surroundings, though it is not always advisable that the outline and ornamentation of sideboard and chimney-piece should be the same. A number of chimney- pieces and overmantels to suit all requirements, at prices from 18/6, will be found on the pages following bedroom furniture, together with tiled hearths, decorated side tiles, grates, stoves, fenders, fire brasses, rests, guards, coal boxes, and all kinds of metal work required in house furnishing. HAMPTON & SONS. Plate XII COPYRIGHT. Hampton & Sons AT STATIONERS HALL DINING-ROOM CHIMNEY-PIECES PALL MALL EAST, LONDON, S.W [PLATE XIII. ] r ~r v HE rich and luxurious effects, so characteristic of this style of decoration and furnishing, cause it to lend itself peculiarly well to the unconventional ease of a Smoking-Room. The suggested treat¬ ment of the accompanying design would be as follows : The geometrical decoration on the ceiling would be executed in plaster, or perhaps with wood mouldings, the ribs painted a light tint; the panels in deeper colours, with, probably, stencilled and line ornaments in gold. The cornice, also of plaster, would be painted the same tint as the ceiling ribs, and slightly picked out with gold and colour. A narrow wooden shelf would run all round the room, to form a frieze about a fourth of the total height of the walls, and would be utilized for the display of Persian and other Eastern earthenware, and trophies of arms and armour, the frieze itself being decorated with a warm coloured paper, or stencilled with Moresque ornament. The high dado below would be hung With Kelims, or other Eastern striped stuff, slightly embroidered. The woodwork fittings and most of the furniture of European manufacture would be of hard wood, enamelled an ivory tint, room being found for some coffee tables, stools, chairs, &c., of Damascus or Cairo work. The screen and window arches with Mushreybeyeh lattice work need no detailed description, as also the low divan seats in the oriel bay window, and in the alcove, which would be covered with a soft richly-coloured material, woven in stripes or embroidered. A similar stuff, but slightly different in design and colour, would be used for the window and alcove draperies, except the bay window, which would be draped with thin Indian silk. Brown oak parquet would form the floor, appropriately covered in part with antique Persian rugs. The metal work (lamps, grate, fender, &c.) would be of a combination of brass and copper. A more sombre but extremely rich effect would be obtained by deepening the colouring generally, and using brown oak, teak, or walnut for the furniture and fittings, the metal work in this case being of iron and copper. HAMPTON & SONS. Plate XIII. yy>iXi * 'e *' CAST'S 4’£<*>Z! >> !> 3 °° !> Country, per day Exclusive of Travelling Expenses. A 1 1 ° in 6 2 2 0 3 3 ° 3 3 0 THESE FEES include INSPECTION, TESTS, REPORT, & ESTIMATE OF COST. During its progress, 5 per cent, on the actual cost of the work, including Certificate. If inspected only on completion, ir. Periodical inspections, 10/6 each inspection. Exclusive of Travelling Expenses. WATER ANALYSIS. For Simple Analysis 1 Guinea. For Qualitative Analysis 2 Guineas. For Quantitative Analysis .. 3 Guineas. Consulting Cecbnlcal Cbemtst— EDWARD RUSSELL BUDDEN, F.I.C., F.C.S., Member of the Society of Public Analysts, Consulting Chemist to the Alliance of Mineral Water Manufacturers’ Assoc., Ltd. : ' . - - Hampton & Sons’ Sanitary Department. T he following illustrations are a few of the appliances used in the system of Iron Drainage which is recommended by leading English Sanitary authorities as the safest and most efficient method. All joints of leakage. A model of this system of Drainage can be seen in the Showrooms, i, COCKSPUR STREET, S.W. so extensively used in America, and is greatly being caulked with lead, there is no possibility Estimates and drawings prepared free of charge. SI. “LEVER LOCKED” CAST-IRON INTERCEPTING CHAMBER. S 2. “ LEVER LOCKED ” CAST-IRON INSPECTION CHAMBER. S 3. CAST-IRON AIR-TIGHT COVER. S 4. IMPROVED GREASE TRAP. HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur street, London, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. 7 HAjviPToj'j & Sons’ Venjilajion Fijjij^qs. D FFICIENT VENTILATION of Houses is most essential and is absolutely necessary to the maintenance of good health. We advise all our Clients, before taking a house, to have the advice of a Practical Sanitary Surveyor on this subject. PARTICULAR ATTENTION should be given to the proper ventilation of Bedrooms, Lavatories, and Day Rooms that are much occupied. The actual cost of providing for the Efficient Ventilation of Houses is comparatively small, and would hardly in any case exceed £2 : 0 : 0 per room. HAMPTON & SONS are prepared to send a Qualified Engineer to any part of the country for consultation, or to estimate and prepare plans for a. complete system based on the latest scientific principles. S 5. An Approved Ventilator for Billiard Rooms, Large Halls, &c. HAMPTON Tobin’s Ventilator for Ordinary Rooms. & SONS, sio. A Fresh-Air Inlet, Mica Flap Valve. PALL MALL EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. S 13. Ventilating Soil Pipe. (Terminal.> S 8. Small Tobin’s Ventilator for Rooms. S 7. Most efficient. S 11. Double Air Pump Ventilator for Soil Pipes, with inlet for fresh air. S 9. Approved Extract Cowl for Soil Pipes. .'8 JtyMPJON & SOJMS' IJM PROVED Go^BIJMZD J40USEJM/1IDS’ & BujLEpiS’ SljMKS. LATEST SANITARY CONSTRUCTION. S 14. Combined Slop Sink, Wash-up Sink and Lavatory, made of Plain or Enamelled Slate. This arrangement is especially devised to prevent the accumulation of greasy and other offensive matter, and to insure an efficient disposal of slops from bedrooms. As sh °wn . £10 10s. Enamelled Slate . 12 10s. S 16. White Glazed Housemaids’ Sinks, with 2 in. Waste, and with or without Overflow. Clean and very sanitary. As shown, 28 in. x 18in. x loin. 40s. S 15. Housemaids Slop Sink, with Lead Trap, suitable for fixing in upper part of house. Clean, compact, and thoroughly sanitary. Supplied fitted for hot andlcold water. £4 7 s. 6d. - S17. Butler s Sink, in Plain Slate with White Glazed Earthenware Sink, fitted with Brass Plug, Washer, and Chain, and Cold Water Tap, Wood Grating, and Slate Drainer, &c. As shown ... ... ,. ... .. £g gg Enamelled Slate . 9 9s". HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, LONDON, all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. s.w. JHIamj^ton & Soils’ Valve Glosets & /\ujojviatig Giste^ns. ' Compound” Wash-down Closet. Recommended. £2 15s. S 20. ‘ Simplicitas ” Wash-down Closet and Trap, in one piece of Earthenware, clean and sani¬ tary, as shown above and fitted in Show Rooms . S 21. The “Compound” Wash-down Closet, complete, with Flushing Cistern and Mahogany Seat, &c. £6 10s. S 19. The “Warwick” Closet, with Lead Trap. Recommended as a good Sanitary Fitting £1 8s. 6d. £2 5s. ‘Column” Pedestal Closet, with Lead Trap. Recommended as a good Sanitary Fitting, connection to Soil Pipe being made with a Wiped Joint, with good Flushing facilities, as shown above and fitted in Show Rooms... £2 5s. HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur street, London, S.W, all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. J4/\jvipjojm & 5ojms’ V/ilvz Glosejs & /\ujom/\tic Gisjerns. S 23. Valve Closet, with Parallel Action, Adjustable Pull and Frictionless Guide after Flush, with full-size Flushing Rim Basin, “Weir” Overflow ... ... ... ... ... £6 15s. Dish and Pull-up Mounting, Nickel Plated, extra 6s. “ Optimus ” Valve Closet, with Down¬ right Overflow. Strongly recom¬ mended as one of the best Sanitary Closets made; as shown above and fixed in Show Rooms ... ... £5 17s. 6d. S 24. Automatic Flushing Tank, clean, simple, instan¬ taneous, and certain in action, as shown ... £3. SUPPLY PIPE '2NEWGATE S7 S 25. Automatic Flushing Cistern, can be regulated to discharge' at fixed intervals. Cast-Iron painted. As shown ... 27s. 6d. S 27. “ Simplex,” or Self-trapping Overflow Valve Closet. Recommended as a good Sanitary Fitting ; as shown. £4 5s. Plated Fittings, 6s. extra. S 28. A first-rate Valve Closet, of Latest Design, per¬ fected, after years of study, by a leading Sanitary Engineer. Strongly recommended; as shown above and fixed in Show Rooms. £5 16s. 6d- HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, \ll goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. London, S.W. j-iAMfTON & SojMS' I Mf ROVED L/\V/\T0RIE5 Jk ND B/ISINS. S 29. Weir ” Tip-up Lavatory Basin (made to lift out), with Container, made in White China. Recommended as a good Sanitary Fitting. As shown.£2 12s. S 30. China Lavatory Top, fitted with Hot and Cold Taps, Waste Connection. In Ivory or Plain White, as shown, 30 in. by 22 in ... ... £4 4s. Od. Smaller size, 27 in. by 20 in.. ... ... 3 5s. Od. S 33. White China Oblong Lavatory Top, with Oval Basin, Soap and Brush Trays, complete with Hot and Cold Taps, as shown, 28 in. by 22 in., Basin being 20 in. by 14 in. ... £4 Os. Od. In White and Gold . extra 1 17s. Od. Obkmg Cabinet.Lavatory, in Polished Ma.hogany or Walnut, with Detachable Cover, Hot and Cold Taps, pomplete ... £5 15s. Od. Plated fittings ... ... ... ... ... extra 4s. Od. S 32. Registered D Tip-up Lavatory ... ... ... £2 10s. Basin and Receiver in White or Ivory, with Gold lines, 12 s. extra. S 31. S 34. Oblong Earthenware Lavatory, in Polished Walnut or Mahogany, with Detachable Cover, Hot and Cold Taps, quick Waste Valve, complete ... £7 10s. 6 d Plated fittings ... ... ... ... extra 9s. Od HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur street, London, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. HaJVIPJON & Soj'IS’ IMPROVED Jlf-UP Li/W/\TOplES. HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur street, London, S.W. S 35. In Polished Walnut, Veined Marble Top, l 6 in. White and Gold Tip-up Basin, Soap and Brush Trays, Hot and Cold Valves, Shampoo, Douche, and Spray Bracket, lower part enclosed with cupboards, as shown ... ... £25 10 s. S 36. Polished Mahogany or Walnut Two-person Lavatory, fitted with White and Gold 14 m. Basins, Marble Top, Soap and Brush Trays, Hot and Cold Valves, lower part enclosed as shown ... £35. Angle Cabinet Lavatory, in Polished Mahogany or Walnut, with Hot and Cold Taps, as shown. £6 15s. Od. Plated fittings ... ... ••• extra 4s. 6d. S 37. i3 Hampton & Sops’ Improved Sijz Bajh & DoucpE Fijjinqs. Bracket for Lavatory or Bath, with Shower, Douche, Hot and Cold Taps, and Mixing Reservoir, Nickel-plated, as shown. The Reservoir is hidden by the Back- plate ... ... ... ... ... ... ... £2 10s. Improved Shampooing Apparatus, Shower and Douche, with Flexible Tube for use in any position. This is recommended as a good Fitting ; Handle Plated, as shown. £2 2s. S 40. Polished Walnut or Mahogany Cabinet Bath, suitable for a Private House, constructed and fitted on strictly sanitary principles, Cast-Iron, Enamelled Pure White or Sea Green, Plated Fittings, Automatic Overflow, Quick Waste, Tiled Back, as shown.£19 17S. ba S 41. Improved Sitz Bath, made in Cast-Iron. This form of Bath is strongly recommended by the Medical Profession for treatment of Spinal Weakness, Muscular Contraction, &c.; perfectly sanitary, with Plated Fittings, as shown . £8 15s. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, LONDON, S.W. ALL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. *4 JHajvipjon & Sojms' Improved Gabijnej & Pomajm B/\ths. In Polished Mahogany or Walnut, with Bath of Galvanized Iron, and the Hood of Copper, Enamelled Pure White ; Plated Fittings ; for Hot and Cold Water, Plunge, Shower, Douche, and Spray. This Bath is specially suitable for a Private House, and is acknowledged by the Medical Profession to be one of the best and most complete Bathing arrangements for inducing health and strength. The Sanitary Fittings are perfect. Complete, as shown above, and as fitted in our Show Rooms ... ... ... ... S 44. Cast-Iron Bath, White Metallic Enamel inside, 5 ft. 6 in. long, with Plated Fittings, 2 in. Quick Waste Valve, Concealed Automatic Overflow, complete, as shown and fitted in Show Rooms ... ... £6 10s. £59 10s. Cast-Iron Roman Bath, 5 ft. 6 in. long, First-class Enamel Finish inside, Marbled outside, Plated Fittings, Ornamental Feet, as shown ... ... ... ... ... ... ... £8 10s. Ditto, ditto, Japanned, and Lacquered Fittings ... HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. HAMPTON & SONS’ LIGHTING INSTALLATIONS. have opened a Special Department for the artistic application of the ELECTRIC LIGHT FOR DECORATIVE DOMESTIC LIGHTING, and are, with an efficient Staff of fully qualified practical Electrical Engineers, undertaking Electric: Work of Every Description. ESTIMATES given for complete Installations, and for Wiring throughout of Public and Private Buildings. ELECTRIC FITTINGS, Special Designs, of every kind fixed in the Show Room, where they can be seen lit up. See pages 365-368. TEMPORARY INSTALLATIONS for Receptions, Balls, Fetes, Theatricals, &c., Floral and Table Decorations, also Electric Motors for Pumping Water, Working Sewing, Mangling, Knife, Boot Cleaning, Mincing, and other Machines, for Heating and Cooling with Fans, Heated Rooms, which can be worked at will from a Wall Socket, taking only the same current as a Sixteen Candle-Power Lamp. HAMPTON & SONS send competent Engineers for Consultation, to prepare Plans , Specifications and Estimates. Complete Wiring, including House Mains and Safety Junctions, carried out from 30/- per lamp. ELECTRIC AMPTON & SONS PALL MALL EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, LONDON, S.W. 16 HflMfTOJN & SOJMS’ iLECTjTIC LlQHJ Dy^AMOS, LATEST fATTERNS. The Prices of all these Dynamos vary according to requirements. Quotations will be sent on receipt of the necessary par¬ ticulars. S 50. A.C. Type. Moderate-Speed Dynamo. S 52. A.T. Type. Moderate-Speed Dynamo. ^ S 51. B.M. Type. Slow-Speed Dynamo. S 53, Small Dynamo, as shown. Will light twenty 20 Candle-Power Lamps. HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur street, London, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. i7 ^Hamptojn & Sons’ Elegjrig Swijghes, Lajvips, & c . S 58. Electric Lamps to represent the flame of a candle. Prices from 4s. 9d. each. S 61. Ceiling Rose, with Cream Porcelain Ground, Gold Lines and Stars, 2 |in. S54. Wall Plug, latest design for safety in use and con¬ venience, as shown, with Brass Polished Cover... 6s. 6d. S 55. Ornamental Brass or Bronze Switch, 3 in. diam., as shown. S 59, Electric Lamp, which illustrates the Tube¬ shaped Candle Lamps. Prices from ... 4s, 9d. “Key ” Ceiling Rose, with Cream Porce- 3S. 4d. lain Ground, rich Gold and Crimson Raised Decorations, 2 \ in. diam. ... S 63. “ LlNCRUST V ” Ceiling Rose, with Cream Rough Porcelain Ground, with raised 3s, 4d. Decorations in Silver and Blue ... 4s. 6d. 7s, 6d. 4s. 6d. S 60. Electric Lamps can be made with Cut-Glass Bulbs or other¬ wise ornamented, such as variegated coloured Bulbs, &c. Prices on application. S 64. Lincrusta ” Cream Roughed Porcelain Ground, with Raised Decor itions in Silver and Blue, 2 y in. ... HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur street, London, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. JHamptojn & Sons’ Latesj Zlegjrig Liqhj Noveljies. | H.-P. Motor, fitted with 12 -in. Wing Fan, for cooling Dining and Ball Rooms, &c. ... S 68. The Electric Water Heater ; for heating water quickly... £2. S 66. The Electric Rapid Cooking Apparatus, as shown; most useful for Domestic Purposes... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... £4 10s. S 69. Electric Apparatus for Heating Curling Irons, &c., can be had in various sizes as required. ... ... Prices on application according to requirements. S 67. Portable Electric Light, in Case, with Battery complete; very useful to travellers . £3 18s. 6d„ S 70. Electric Cigar Lighter, always ready for use and very convenient for Smoking Room ... ... £4 4s.. HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur street, London, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. HAMPTON & SONS’ BUILDING AND DECORATING DEPARTMENT. 19 BUILDING °f every description undertaken. Structural alterations, additions and repairs. Exterior and interior Painting and Decorative work in every style, from the simplest to the most ornate, carried out on the same principle that governs the whole business, which is—reliable, tasteful work, at the lowest possible price. It will be readily understood that the space being so limited the selection of examples of Decorative materials and treatments herein shown represent but a very small proportion of the variety to be seen in the Show Rooms, both at Pall Mall East and Cockspur Street. 1 he Schemes suggested have, for obvious reasons, been confined to a few comparatively simple arrangements. Where work of a special character, or exceptionally elaborate style, is required, competent Artists and practical Assistants are sent to consult, advise, if desired, take the necessary particulars and instructions, and then prepare specifications, plans, and close estimates for the entire work needed. SPECIMEN ROOMS have been completely fitted and furnished, where, the Decorations being actually in situ , the effect of the various styles and schemes can be satisfactorily judged and compared. WALL PAPERS.— In addition to a carefully-selected Stock of the best English and Foreign makers, the pattern books of all the leading British and Continental manufacturers are on view, and orders are executed from them at a considerable discount from the marked prices. JAPANESE LEATHER PAPERS .—A choice Stock is always kept of these rich-looking, durable, and Decorative Wall Coverings. The stock of the Chief Importer of these Papers having just been bought by Hampton & Sons at half the usual cost, and the Papers being now offered at prices which give the customer the full advantage of this reduction, this Department is at the present time particularly worthy of attention. For Illustrations see Page 26. EMBOSSED LEATHERS— Many excellent reproductions of Ancient Embossed Leather, also fine Examples of Modern Work. Modelled Canvases, Embossed Papers, and all the latest reliable productions for Mural Decoration. MODELLED PLASTER WORK -Ceilings, Cornices, Friezes, in Modelled Fibrous Plaster, in all styles. SCULPTURED MARBLE, ETC . —Marble, Onyx, Tile and Mosaic work of every description. STAINED GLASS .—Leaded Lights and Stained Glass of clear transparent colour and superior workmanship to any design. ESTIMATES GIVEN. PALL MALL EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, LONDON, S.W. HAMPTON & SON’S CEILING PAPERS. D i. Price m colour , 35. per Piece. Repeat 21 in > D 2. Price in colour , 3 .v. per Piece. S I ft. 9 it). D 3. Price in colour , 35. 6P. per Piece. <•.1 ft. 9 in.. . D 4. Price in colour , 55. 3 d. per Piece. A I.AKi.f Variety of Ceiling Papers, Machine and Block Printed, Flocked and Embossed, at a Large Discount from the Manufacturer’s Prices HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPDR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W HAMPTON & SONS’ CEILINGS. Examples of Embossed Canvas and Vellum Ceilings in High and Low Relief. D 5. Embossed Canvas . D 6. Panel for Ceiling . D 7. Embossed Canvas . HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. D 9. Embossed Canvas . D gA. Panel for Ceiling . D io. Embossed Canvas . HAMPTON & SONS’ FRIEZES. Friezes, Ceiling Panels and Borders, in Fibrous Plaster, Tynecastle Tapestry, Vellum, &c. D 17. y 2 ~in. in Relief. D 18. Ceiling Panel ]) j g. if-in. in Relief. 7-16 th - m . m Relief . ' Any of the above can be supplied Plain for Distempering or Painting, or Decorated in Colors ready for Fixing. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. Dir. Canvas Plaster. D 14. deep . D D 13. Canvas Plaster. D 12. Ceiling Panels , %- in . in Relief . D 15. Vintage Frieze , in Embossed Canvas , 11 -ft. 4-in. long. Made in Panels 2-ft. 10-in. each. - D 20. Embossed Leather Paper. D 21. Embossed Leather Paper. HAMPTON & SON S’ FRIEZES. Friezes in High Relief in Anaglvpta Leather Paper, Embossed Canvas, and in Specially Prepared Materials, Modelled in Artistic Designs. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. D 22. Embossed Leather Paper. D 23. Embossed Canvas. Wall Papers of Selected Designs and Colourings at from Manufacturer’s Prices. HAMPTON & SONS’ JAPANESE LEATHER PAPERS. A Large and Varied Stock of these Handsome Decorative Wall Hangings. New Designs constantly arriving. A Seek*, iiok ot I aherns sent Free D 31. Gold Decoration in relief on dark crimson ground , 15^. per Piece 12 yards long by 1 yard wide. D 33. Ceiling or Dado , Geometrical Design in gold on cream ground , 1 5 s. per Piece 12 yards long by 1 yard wide. PALL MALI. EAST D 34. Gold Decoration in high relief on rich lacquered red ground , 3 7 s. 6d. per Piece 12 yards long by 1 yard wide. HAMPTON & SONS, and C’OCKSPUR STREET. CHARING CROSS, D 32. Gold Decoration in relief on seal¬ ing- wax- red ground. 22s. 6d. per Piece. 12 yards long by 1 yard ivide. D 33. Richly lacquered copper bronzed m high relief on gold ground , 65.V. per Piece 12 yards long by 1 yard unde. LONDON, S.W. HAMPTON & SON S’ DECORATIONS. 27 Treatment No. i. Frieze distempered. Monochrome Wall Paper. Wood-work painted to tone. Treatment No. 2. Treatment No. 3. Filling in soft shades of colour. Dado embossed in relief. Wood-work painted ivory-white. HAMPTON & SONS, Flax Tapestry, printed in old colours. Alabastrine Dado painted to tone. Wood¬ work in shades to harmonize. PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.YV. HAMPTON & SONS' DECORATIONS. Schemes ok Colour and Estimates for these Decorations may be had on application. Treatment No. 4. 1 'he Dado in Modelled Canvas in high relief. The filling , embossed vellum. Treatment No. 5. Wood-panelled Dado. Filling , embossed leather in studded panels. Hand-painted Frieze. Hampton & sons, Treatment No. 6. Printed Tapestry , hanging from beneath shelf. Frieze in leather paper. PALL MALI. EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. HAMPTON & SONS’ DECORATIONS. 29 Treatment No. 7. Treatment No. 8. Louise X VI. Decoration. Panel filling, satin paper with silk lustre. Woodwork in delicate tones to harmonize. Empire Decoration. Panels covered m paper, silk, or satin. Frieze Enrichments in Car ton-pier re. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. D 39. Pine,-primed for painting ... ... 35s. Oak, Walnut, or Mahogany ... 65s. D 40. Pine, primed for painting, 37 s. 6 d. D 43. Pine, -with carved or cartoon-pierre enrich- ment, primed for painting. D 38. Pine, primed for painting ... 25 s. Oak, Walnut, or Mahogany ... 47s. 6 d. D 41. Pine, primed for painting ... ... 45s. Oak, Walnut, or Mahogany ... 85s. HAMPTON & SONS, D 44. Pine, carved or cartoon-pierre for painting. D 36. Pine, primed for painting, 10s. tod. D 37. Pine, primed for painting, 22s. 6 d. D 42. Pine, primed for painting, 55s. PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, SW Designs for Doors and Overdoors executed in Hard Wood by Cabinetmakers; also made in Pine, with Cartoon-pierre Enrichments, for Painting. Architects’ Designs carefully executed. HAMPTON & SONS, HAMPTON & SONS’ WALL PANELLING. These Solid Framed Panellings are of exceptional value. Cornice, Picture, Dado and Mouldings supplied at equally low rates. Joinery Work of every Description carried out from Architects’ or Clients’ Drawings, or from our own Original Designs, to Estimate. D 50. Pine primed for painting , 5/9 per ft. super. Oak , Walnut, or Mahogany, fumed and polished ... 7/6 ,, D 45. Pine, primed for painting, 1/6 per ft. super. Oak, Walnut, or Mahogany, fumed and polished ... 2/3 „ D 48. Pine, primed for painting, 1/10 perft. super. Oak, Walnut, or Mahogany, fumed and polished ... 2/6 ,, D 46. ' Pine, primed for painting, 1/7 per ft. super. Oak, Walnut, or Mahogany, fumed and polished ... 2/5 „ D 47. Pine, primed for painting, 1/7 per ft. super. Oak, Walnut, or Mahogany, fumed and polished ... 2/5 D 49. Antique Carved Oak, famed and polished ... ... 4/6 per ft. super. D 31 Pine, primed for painting, 2/ per ft. super. Oak, Walnut, or Mahogany, fumed and polished ... 2 9 „ HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. Hampton & Sons' Parquet Floors. u D 63 D 64 EXAMPLE OF PATENT PAPQUET, REMOVABLE, as shown in the Centre Pattern, D 59, in which the detached square represents a section ready to be placed in position and fixed. Each section of this Parquet is grooved, and tongued witn metal and fixed with concealed nails, thereby allowing of its removal without damage—a great desideratum in houses not owned by occupier. Prices on Application. All these Designs may be had either as •‘Removable’’ or Ordinary Parquet. Prices for Ordinary Parquet from 2fd. per square foot. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur St., Charing Cross, London, S.W. - ' HAMPTON & SONS. A CHIMNEY-PIECES . 35 No. D 65 . Pine Chimney-piece, painted white - £; 7 . 5 . 0 . Electro-bronzed interior, size 24 x 3# 5 . 0 . 0 . A pair tile cheeks, 12 x 38 - - 2 . 12 . 6 . Tile Hearth - - 0 , 18 . 6 . Black and brass Curb - - 1 . 12 . 6 . Fire iron rests, the pair - ~ 0 . 14 . 6 . A set of Fire Irons - - 0 . 13 . 0 . No. D66. Pine Chimney-piece with Overmantel, painted white £ 7 . 18 . 0 . Black and brass interior, size 24 x 38 x ~ " " " " A pair hand-painted tile cheeks Tile Hearth ■ A copper and brass Curb white £ 7 . 18 . .0 from 3 . 10, .0 - 1 . 15 .0 - 1 . 1 , .0 from 2. 5 .0 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. 36 HAMPTON & SONS CHIMNEY-PIECES. A N 0 .D 68 . Chimney-piece and Overmantel, while - £12.15.0. Black & electro-bronzed interior ,24 x 38 .from 3.12.6. A pair red tile cheeks, 8 x 38 - „ 1.15.0. Tile\Hearth, Yls.Gd., Brass Curb - - 4,10.0. A pair rests to match, 14s., A set Brasses - 1. 7.6. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and GOCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. No.DC/. White Chimney-piece and Overmantel - £10.15.0. Black Interior Jor do., 24 x 38 , from 1.15.0. HAMPTON & SONS. A CHIMNEY-PIECES 37 No. D69. White Chimney-piece and Overmantel, - £16.15.0. Black Abbot sford Grate, with brass canopy & tile'cheeks, from 5. 0.0. Tile Hearth for same, - ,, 0.18.6. Copper and Brass Curb, - - - - ,, 4. 5.0. A pair Rests to match, - - - ,, 1.12.6. A set Brasses.. - - - - - ,, 1. 4.6. No. D 70 . White Chimney-piece and Overmantel, Black and Electro-bronzed interior , 24 by 38in. A pair Tile Cheeks, --- Tile Hearth to suit cheeks. Black and Brass Curb, - A pair Black and Brass Rests, A set Irons, - - £17,15.0. 3.12.6. from 1.15.0. 1 . 1 . 0 , 1. 5.0. 0 . 12 . 6 . „ 0 . 10 . 6 . HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. 38 HAMPTON & SONS. CHIMNEY-PIECES. No. 1 ) 72.1 No. D'ji. White Chimney-piece and Overmantel . - - - £35. 0.0. WhiteChimney-piece and Overmantel, - - £24. 0.0. Steel Grate, - -- -- - Jrom 18. 8.0. Brass Dog Grate, 10.10.0. Curb ----- Jrom 5.15.0. Embossed Brass Curb, 5.15.0. Rests 3. 5.0. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COGKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. HAMPTON & SONS. CHIMNEY PIECES . 39 1 No. D'j'i. Painted white Chimney-piece and Overmantel, complete with corner seats, as shown. Brass & Steel Interior Stove, 20 x 38 , from £6.15.0. Brass and Copper Curb, Pair of Tile Cheeks, - 12 x 38 ,, 3.12.6. Rests to match Tile Hearth - - - „ 1.10.0. Set of Brasses £29.10.0 - from £2. 5.0. - 1 . 1 . 0 . 0.13.6. all goods CARRIAGE PAID HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. niinTn „ >nu _ 1 , -SEE PREFACE. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK HAMPTON & SONS CHIMNEY-PIECES. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. ALL goods CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock No. D 74 . Walnut Chimney-piece and Overmantel, £12.15.0. Black and brass Grate, 24 x 38 , from 3.10.0. A pair oj Tile Cheeks - - ,. 2.10.0. Tile Hearth to suit , 2.15.0. Brass Curb - 1.2.6. A pair oj Rests - 0.13.6. A Set of Brasses - . ,, 0.13.6. No. D 7 5. Walnut Chimney-piece and Overmantel, £15. 0.0. Black & brass, Abbotsford Grate , with tiles, from 7.10.0. File Hearth for same - ,, 0.18.6. Copper and brass Curb ,, 2. 5.0. Pair of Rests to match ’’ 0.13.6. A Set of Fire Irons _ , 1. 1.0. HAMPTON & SONS. A CH-TMNEY- PIECES. 41 LOitQikQT '•WW1B asaw'AiEsss mmm mmmrnm No. D No. D 76. Carved & Fumigated oak Chimney-piece & Overmantel £19.10.0. Black Abbotsford Grate fitted with tiles, - from 3.13.6. Tile Hearth to match, - - - 1. 1.0. Wrought iron Curb, - - - 5.15.0. A pair of wrought iron Standards, with poker and tongs - - - - - Walnut Chimney-piece and Overmantel Black and brass Abbotsford Grate Tile Hearth to suit Black and brass Curb from £ 22 . 10 . 0 . 5.10.0. 0.18.6. 2. 7.6. PALL MALL EAST ALL. GOODS CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. HAMPTON & COCKSPUR STREET, SONS, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. No. D 78 . Carved oak Chimney-piece and Overmantel - £25. 0.0, Black Abbotsford Grate, with tile cheeks from 4. 4.0. Tile Hearth to match - - - ,, 1. 1.0. Black and brass Curb - 0.19.6. A pair of Rests - - - - ,, 0.19.6. A set of black and brass Irons - 0.17.6. No. £> 79 . Mahogany Chimney-piece and Overmantel Cast Iron Back, 22 x 40 , from .4 pair hand-painted tile cheeks ,18 x 40 ,, Hearth to match, 4 ft. 6 in. long, Brass Curb ,, A pair Rests A set Brasses - HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET. CHARING CROSS. LONDON, S. W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED £30. 0.0. 1 . 1 . 0 . 6 . 6 . 0 . 2 . 10 . 0 . 5.10.0. 3.12.6. 1.17.6. FROM STOCK. Hampton & sons. chimney-pieces. No. D 8 o. Carved and Fumigated oak Chimney-piece and Overmantel Cast iron back, 22 x 40 - - - from A pair of tile cheeks 18 x 42 - - - Tile Hearth - - - - ,, Wrought iron and Copper Dog Grate - - ,, ,, Curb to match i > £30. 0.0. 1 . 1 . 0 . 6 . 6 . 0 . 1 . 12 . 6 . 9.10.0. 7.10.0. No. D 81 . Antique Oak Chimney-piece and Overmantel Black Abbotsford Grate, fitted with tiles, Tile Hearth to match - Wrought iron Curb - - - A pair Rests to match - A Set of Fire Irons £35. 0.0. frcm 3.13.6. ,, 1 . 1 . 0 . „ 5.15 0. 2. 7.0. „ 1. 4.0. PALL MALL EAST all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. HAMPTON & SONS, and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. HAMPTON & SONS. ^ CHIMNEY-PIECES. No. D 82 . ChippendaleMahoganyChimnep-piece&OvermantelS,^ 9.10.0. Copper & Brass Louis XV.Interior ,21 x 36 from 8.15 0. A pair hand-painted tile cheeks - - ,, 5.15.0. Tile Hearth to suit - - - - 1. 1.0. Copper and brass Curb - - ,, 9. 9.0. No. DS 3. Chippendale Mahogany Chimney-piece & Overmantel Hand Painted Surround and Hearth - from Black and brass Dag Grate ,, Brass Louis XV. Curb - - . £58.10.0. 15.15 0. 7,10.0. 11.15.0. HAMPTON & SONS, PAIL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. DEPARTMENT. HAMPTON & SONS’ REMOVAL REMOVALS BY ROAD, RAIL OR SEA. REMOVALS TO ANY PART OF THE UNITED KINGDOM or ABROAD T HIS DEPARTMENT has been carefully organized, the men employed being only such as are accustomed to handle valuable and delicate Furniture, and Art Objects, and are thoroughly reliable and trustworthy; the Vans are of the largest dimensions, and specially constructed for the conveyance of Pianos and other articles of a similar nature. Inclusive Estimates are furnished free of charge within a radius of 20 miles ; beyond that distance the Estimator’s travelling expenses only are charged, if the Estimate should not be accepted. These Estimates include the Packing and Un-packing of all China, Glass, Books, Wines, etc., taking down and re-fixing all Bedsteads, Wardrobes, Bookcases, Overmantels, etc., the supplying of all cases and necessary packing materials for efficiently carrying out the work, all risk of damage or breakage, and all other expenses connected with the removal. WAREHOUSING. The Warehouses are commodious and dry, and every care is taken of the Goods deposited. The Charge for Storing will be found to be most moderate, as for example Household Furniture, for a large Pantechnicon Van load ----- 10/- per month Pianofortes and Harmoniums, according to size - - - from 3/- to 5/- „ Luggage, per Trunk or Box ------- - ,, 6d. ,, 9d. ,, Export Packing undertaken at low rates. Carried out by experienced packers, delivered to docks, and despatched to any part of the world. PALL MALL EAST, S.W. WAREHOUSES—BELVEDERE ROAD, LONDON, S.E. HOUSES DISMANTLED AND RE-INSTATED. BLINDS, POLES, CORNICES AND CURTAINS ALTERED AND RE-FITTED. Carpets Beaten, Refitted and Re-laid. Furniture Repaired and Repolished. FITMENTS ALTERED AND RE-FITTED. PICTURES RESTORED, FRAMES CLEANED OR RE-GILT AND RE-HUNG. Upholstered Furniture Re-stuffed and Re-covered. Moth Eradicated. Bedding Disinfected and Re-made of the Purest Materials. ALL WORK DONE UPON THE PREMISES UNDER PROPER SUPERVISION. Competent Representatives sent to take Instructions and to give Estimates. PALL MALL EAST, AND 1, COCKSPUR STREET C.EO.HARRISON & SO N S . B R AD F 0 R D. II 48 HAMPTON & SONS’ Outside Blinds C 2. FLORENTINE BLIND. C 3. SPANISH BLIND. Cl. CANALBTTI BLIND. ON SPRING ROLLERS. In Best Blue and White Barnsley Tick, 1/7 per square foot. In Best Fancy Striped ,, ,, 1/9 » » Blinds containing less than 20 square feet charged as 20 feet. Experienced men sent to take instructions and measurements, also to submit patterns and advise as to what Blinds would be most suitable. Estimates for Door, Verandah, and Balcony, Conservatory Blinds and Awnings upon application, also for Renewing Old Blinds, Repairing Boxes, &c. In Best Blue and White Barnsley Tick, l/8i per square foot. In Best Fancy Striped „ „ i/ll „ „ In Best Blue and White Barnsley Tick, 2/2 per square foot. In Best Fancy Striped ,, „ 2/4 „ „ HAMPTON 8c SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. 49 HAMPTON & SONS’ Outside Blinds. C 4. HELIOSCENE BLIND. In Best Blue and White Barnsley Tick, 2/6 per square foot. In Best Fancy Striped ,, ,, 2/9 „ „ Blinds C 5. ORIENTAL BLIND. In Best Blue and White Barnsley Tick, 2/7 per square foot. In Best Fancy Striped ,, „ 2/9 ,, „ containing less than 20 square feet charged as C 6. OUTSIDE SHUTTER BLINDS. Painted any color.3/3 per square foot. Painted any color, to slide with wrought- iron Rails and moulded Cornices ... 3/9 ,, „ feet. Experienced men sent to take instructions and measurements, also to submit patterns and Estimates for Door, Verandah, and Balcony, Conservatory Blinds and Awnings, and for Renewing Old Blinds, Repairing Boxes, &c., upon application. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. So HAMPTON & SONS’ Inside Window Blinds. UCH may be done to improve the general appearance and tone of a room by a carefully considered treatment of the Window. Long experience and the special study they have given to this branch of their business enable Hampton & Sons to advise their customers as to the most suitable and effective treatment for every style of window. The mechanism of a Blind should always be of the simplest possible description. Their habitual practice of testing all the various new patents enable Hampton & Sons to speak with confidence on the relative merits of the many mechanical contrivances now available, and to adopt only the best and most reliable of them. The materials recommended are only such as their experience leads them to regard as the most durable and satisfactory. Hampton & Sons are constantly adding to the variety of their Printed Blinds. Their “ Pine ” Pattern, although inexpensive, is one of the most successful and stylish, and the tones have been selected with a view to harmonizing with almost any scheme of coloring. The following quotations for Blinds 3 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. will give an idea of the cost of various kinds of Blinds, complete with rollers and all necessary fittings. Shaped, fringed, or lace trimmed ends from 1/9 per Blind extra. On Customers’ own Rollers. Common Roller with Side Rack. Patent Roller with Cord Fastener. American Spring Roller. Best English Spring with Tin Barrel. White Union . 4/3 6/9 8/3 6/3 12/6 Buff, Cream, and Drab Union. 4/9 7/3 8/9 6/6 13/- Green, Red and Blue Union . 5/6 8/- 9/6 7/6 13/9 Stripes and Belgian Tick. 5/3 7/9 9/3 7/3 13/6 Art Print and White and Brown Holland ... 5/6 8/- 9/6 7/6 13/9 Crimson, Marone, or Blue Tammy . 9/6 12/- 13/9 11/6 17/9 New Damask Woven Blind . 5/6 8/3 9/6 7/6 13/9 Hampton & Sons desire to call special attention to their Semi-transparent Damask Blind, trimmed with lace and insertion, and made in six artistic colorings. Illustrations L8 and L9 show this Blind in Reseda and Terra-cotta. An extensive variety of special and exclusive designs in Brussels Duchesse, similar to Ln,and other fashionable Blinds may be seen fixed in Hampton & Sons’ Showrooms, where the various effects, having a light behind them, can be better estimated than is possible in small patterns. All Blind materials are supplied by the yard as well as made up. Customers may rely upon every possible attention being given to orders received through the post. When measurements are supplied by the customer the finished size of the Blind should always be given. Hampton & Sons prefer to send a practical man to measure where possible. Skilled workmen only are employed and every fitting used is guaranteed. All Blinds are hand-made, so can, when necessary, be readily re-utilized. ESTIMATES GIVEN AND CONTRACTS UNDERTAKEN. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. 5 i HAMPTON & SONS’ Inside Blinds. Kio.—RED SILK FESTOON, from 1/6 per square foot, in any shade. L8.—RESEDA DAMASK, 3ft. 6in. x 6ft., 11/9. EXCLUSIVE OF ROLLER. Ln.—BUFF DUCHESSE, 3ft. 6in. x6ft., 14/6. EXCLUSIVE OF ROLLER. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, London, s.w. L9.—PALE TERRA-COTTA DAM ASK, 3ft. 6in. x 6ft., 13/6. EXCLUSIVE OF ROLLER. C12.—7d. to 9d. per square foot, painted any shade, fluted and varnished, super webs and cords. Best quality do., with worsted webs, iod. per square foot. Patent check action, id. per square foot extra. Blinds measuring less than 16 square feet charged as 16 feet. Old Venetian Blinds repaired and Re-Taped with new cords from 4d. per square foot. 52 HAMPTON & SONS’ Cornices & Brass Curtain Poles. Enamelled White, All-gilt, and White and Gold Cornices from 3/6 per foot. Bay Windows according to shape. Hardwood Cornices made in any wood and in styles to suit any room. BRASS BAY POLE, with 2 Bends. STRAIGHT BRASS POLES. BRASS POLES. Diameter... i inch. i| inch. ii inch. 2 inch. 2 \ inch. 2g inch. 3 inch. Straight . per foot 7 d. ud. I/- 1/1 1/6 1/10 29 Bay, straight, 2 bends. ... >) i /3 i /7 1/9 2/1 27 3/- 4/- >> >> 4 >> >5 i /4 1/10 2/2 2/7 2 11 3'2 4/6 ,, ,, 6 ,, ... )) 1/8 2/1 2/4 2/9 3/3 3/10 5/- Brass Pole Ends, No. H 13. per pair 1/- 1/3 1/6 2/5 2/8 3/- 4/6 i| inch. if inch. 2 inch. 2 \ inch. 2f inch. 3 inch 3s inch. „ Rings . ... per dozen 1/3 1/6 1/9 2/6 3/- 3/3 4/6 Architrave Brackets . per pair 1/- 1/3 1/6 1/9 2 /- 2/3 3/3 Grooved and Pulleyed Poles 2/6 per foot extra. Fitted with Railway Action ••• 3 /- Centre Brackets . 1/3 1/6 1/8 1/10 2/6 3/- 3/6 § inch. f inch. f inch. 1 inch. Brass Picture Rods . per foot 5 d. 7 d. 8 d. 9 d. Ends . 9 d. iod. ud. 1/- Brackets . 5 /- 5/8 6/6 7/6 Frames repaired and re-gilt. Patent Picture Wire and fittings in all sizes Pictures cleaned and restored. Brass Muslin Bands, with double rods complete, 2/2 per foot. Cornices altered and re-gilt. Poles altered and re-lacquered. Bronze and Gilt Espagniolette Bolts for modern casement windows. Every description of Exterior and Interior Brass Door Furniture and Brass Fittings for houses HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. 53 HAMPTON & SONS’ Wooden Window Poles & Fittings. BAY POLE, with 4 Bends. BAY POLE, with 6 Bends. DIAMETER. ENDS. RINGS. 2 inch. 2 \ inch. 2 \ inch. 3 inch. Per foot. 2 inch. 2 \ inch. 2 \ inch. 3 inch. Per pair. 2 inch. 2 \ inch. 2 J inch. 3 inch. Per dez. STRAIGHT WOOD POLES— Mahogany or Birch. 5 d. 64 d. 84 d. nid. 33 1/6 x/10 2/3 3/6 33 1/5 1/8 i/n 2/1 Ash or Pitch Pine . 7 *d. 94 d. 1/- i /4 33 2/6 3/1 3/6 4/9 33 2/4 2/8 3/3 4/10 Walnut, Oak or Enamelled White . 84 d. ioid. 1/2 1/6 33 2/8 3/4 4/- 5/3 33 2/6 2/10 3/6 5/- Enamelled White and Gold, fluted . i /9 2/2 2/6 3/3 33 5/9 6/9 7/9 9/6 33 8/6 9/6 10/6 12/6 Grooved Straight Poles, fitted with Pulleys complete, 9d. per foot extra. BAY POLES, with 2 Bends — Mahogany or Birch. i /3 1/6 1/9 2/3 )} 1/6 1/10 2/3 3/6 Walnut, Enamelled White Ash or Polished Pine. 1/8 2/- 2/4 2/8 > j 2/6 3 /i 3/6 4/9 33 Enamelled White and Gold, and fluted . 3/9 4 /- 4/8 5/9 33 2/8 3/4 4/- 5/3 33 5/9 6/9 7/9 9/6 33 BAY POLES, with 4 Bends— Mahogany or Birch. 1/8 1/10 2/- 2/6 33 2/6 3/3 3/6 5/3 33 Walnut, Oak, Enamelled White Ash or Polished Pine . 2/- 2/4 2/8 3 /- 33 3/6 4/6 5/6 71 - 33 Enamelled White and Gold, and fluted . 4/6 4/9 5/6 6 /- 33 5/9 6/9 7/9 9/6 33 BAY POLES, with 6 Bends or Semi-circular— Mahogany or Birch. i/ii 2/3 2/6 3 /- 33 3/6 4 /- 4/6 5/9 33 Walnut, Oak, Enamelled White Ash or Polished Pine . 2/3 2/7 2/10 3/4 S3 4/9 5/3 5/9 7/6 33 Enamelled White and Gold, fluted . 5 /- 5 16 6 /- 6/9 33 7/6 8 /- 8/6 9/6 33 Architrave Brackets. i /5 1/8 1/i 1 2/9 33 Grooved Bay Poles, fitted with Pulleys complete, 1/6 per foot extra. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. 54 HE recent revival of public interest in the application of Art to industry, has done much to create a large demand for, and a true appreciation of, Hangings and Coverings of artistic design and soft harmonising coloring, and in no branch of the British Industries has the result of the revival been more happily and conspicuously successful than in the manufacture of Woven and Printed Stuffs for Curtains, Furniture Coverings, &c. In preparing original designs and colorings and in selecting from among those of other manufacturers, Hampton & Sons endeavour to secure in every instance the full benefits of this revival. Hampton & Sons’ extensive and rapidly increasing trade necessitates that they should continually keep in stock a large selection of every variety of Furnishing Fabric, and visitors to their establishment may confidently rely upon seeing an assortment of materials umivalled by any other house in London, in variety, quality or price. It is impossible to give within the limited space of this catalogue any adequate idea of the various effects of the textures, styles and colorings of the innumerable varieties of materials always in stock. For guidance as to the prices of the various fabrics, we append a list of exceptional values now being offered in the materials most generally in use. fabrics for Clpbolstcdng anb ©raping purposes. Cretonnes, Chintzes, see page 58. Tapestry Curtains, fancy, cross stripes on red, blue, or gold ground, fringed, 3i yards long, 6/9, 8/9, 10/6 per pair. Heavy Reversible Tapestry Curtains, as Illustration KiS, in Oriental designs on red, blue, or camel grounds, bordered and fringed at bottom, 10 feet long, 13/9 per pair. Also same style with plain centre, red, blue, or camel ground, with border and dado, fringed at bottom, as Illustration K19, 14/9 per pair. Heavy Woollen Reversible Curtains, suitable for dining-room, library, hall, &c., fringed, in various colorings, 3J yards long, 15/6 and 18/9 per pair. Heavy Reversible Tapestry, Indian design, on old red, blue, or camel ground, bordered, 3^ yards long, 26/6 and 32/- per pair. See Illustration K20. Extra Heavy Woollen Tapestry Curtains, reproductions of ancient tapestries, foliage and other designs, with borders and dados, 3^ yards long, 38/6 and 43/6 per pair. See Illustration K21. Special qualities and sizes from 50/- to .£15 per pair. Chenille Curtains of British Manufacture, in silk, both sides alike, in great variety of design, many being registered and kept exclusively to Hampton & Sons. In fashionable colorings, 3Jr yards long, 24/6, 26/6, 35/-, 38/6 and upwards per pair. Chenille Curtains of British Manufacture, with plain centres, with borders and dados, in 12 different colorings, 3J yards long, see Illustration K22, 55/- per pair. A New Treatment, with plain centres, figured dado and frieze, fringed sides and deep trellis fringe at top and bottom, see Illustration K23, in all colorings, 4 yards long, 48/6 per pair. Also in cotton, British Manufacture, in various .plain colorings, and with dado, frieze, and deep trellis fringe as above, 4 yards long, 28/6 and 37/6 per pair. Extra qualities and sizes in fine silks, and great variety from 70/- to _^8 IOS. per pair. Cheap Tapestry Stuffs in many styles and designs, with artistic combinations ot coloring at I/4J, I/IOJ, 2 / 31 , 2 61 , 2/9J-, 3/3, 3/9, 4/3, 4/9 and 5/6 per yard. Silk and Wool Tapestries and Brocades in every style of weaving and design, comprising many registered designs of exceptional merit, in the Louis xv, Louis xvi, Empire and other periods, at 4/9, 5/6, 6/3, 6/lI, 7/6, 8/6, 9/6, 10 / 6 , Il/6 and 12/9 up to 18/9 per yard. Silk Chenille in delicate and useful colorings, both plain and figured, at 5 / 9 > 6/9, 7 / 9 ) 9 / 9 ) 11/9 up to 24/6 per yard. Silk Brocatelles of rich quality, from 9/6 to 21/6 per yard. Lampas Silks. —A very carefully selected assortment of these choice silks at moderate prices, specially adapted for covering Divans and for work in the 17 th century styles. Silk Damasks, all pure silk of English and foreign manufacture, in all styles and colorings, 63 inches wide, from 14/9 38/6 per yard. Art Serges in all the new shades, double width, 1/6 and i/ll per yard. Diagonal Serge and Cloth in various artistic colorings, from 1/11 to 3/9 per yard. Wool Damasks in new fashionable colorings, Louis xvi and other styles, 1/6 to 4/11 per yard. Wool Reps, various colorings, from 2/6 to 6/9 per yard. Special quality at 4/II per yard. Roman Satins, French Satinettes, and English Furnishing Satins, all colorings, superior qualities, from 4/9 to 15/6 per yard. Utrecht Velvets, Long Pile Velvets, Frieze Velvets, and every quality and style of Genoa and Silk Velvets. Silk Plushes in all shades and combinations of colorings. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. 55 HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. iwiig, 13/9 P er P a i r * ALSO MADE IN BLUE AND CAMEL GROUNDS. Reversible Tapestry, Fringed at Base. 3| yards long, 14/9 per pair. ALSO MADE IN RED AND CAMEL GROUNDS. 56 AMPTON & apestry Curtains. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. K 20 _INDIAN DESIGN. Reversible Heavy Tapestry. yards long, 26/6 per pair. ALSO MADE IN BLUE AND CAMEL GROUNDS. K 21 _REPRODUCTION FROM ANCIENT TAPESTRY. Very Heavy Make. 3 i yards long, 43/6 per pair. 57 K 22 _CHENILLE CURTAINS. H 15 23 _CHENILLE—Special Design. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. 58 HAMPTON & SONS’ Real Oriental Curtains. E extensive trade that Hampton & Sons have long done in all kinds of Eastern Curtains and Fabrics enables them to buy on such a scale as to secure exceptionally favorable terms. Hampton & Sons’ resident Agents are always collecting choice specimens of Antique Oriental Weaving in Silk, Woollen and Cotton Stuffs, printed or with woven figuring, and as they are constantly travelling about the various districts where these specimens are to be found they often secure unique and valuable pieces at comparatively trifling prices. Many of these have metal introduced with admirable effect into the figuring, and make most suitable Drapings for Halls, Staircases, Portieres, &c., while others are more suited for Furniture Coverings.— THE DJIJIM CURTAIN —see illustration K 24—made of embroidered strips sewn together, now very popular for Smoking Rooms, Halls, &c., is sold by Hampton & Sons in various qualities, 10 ft. 6 in. long, at 6/11, 8/9, 10/6, 12/9, 14/6, 16/6 and 18/6 each. Antique specimens, 25/6 to 40/-.—DAMASCUS CURTAINS, reversible, in a variety of rich colorings, 15 yards wide by 3^- yards long, embroidered with untarnishable gold metal, 10/9, Il/9, 12/9 each.— KHELIM CURTAINS, as illustration Iv 25, in quaint Eastern designs and rich colorings, made in various sizes, suitable for Curtains, Portieres, Wall Decorations, from 35/- to 130/- each. Smaller pieces for Furniture Coverings, Rugs, Covers, &c., from 7/6 to 18/9 each.— INDIAN DHURRIES for Curtains, Draperies, &c., from 1/6 to 10/6 each.— INDIAN PURDAHS for Portieres, Table Covers, Coverlets, &c., 9/6 to 13/6 each.— PHOOLKHARRIES in quaint antique colorings, for Piano, Mantel and other Draperies, from 6/6 to 18/9 each.— INDIAN PRINTED CURTAINS, perfectly fast for washing, in soft Eastern colorings, 6 ft. x 12 ft., 3/11 and 5/9 each. Heavier texture in fancy grounds, pink, blue, gold, &c., 5/11 and 8/9 each. Also, Indian Palampores for Quilts and Portieres, 8 ft. x 8 ft. 6 in. 47/6 to IOO/-.— RICH POQNAH CURTAINS fast colors, printed in old red and blue and gold colorings, 6 ft. x 12 ft., 14/6 each.— DURBAR CURTAINS, with frieze and dado, 9 ft. x 29 ft., fast coloring, of quaint Indian design, very decorative for lofty Halls, Vestibules, Staircases, &c.— BAGDAD AND SYRIAN Embroidered Curtains in various sizes and colorings Silkwoven and printed Curtains from Turkey, Syria and Greece, native productions of curious designs and delightful coloring, from 9/6 to 42 /- each— PANELS FOR WALL DECORATIONS, Screens, &c,, in Turkish, Indian, Japanese and Chinese workmanship.— SILKS, CORAHS, for Blind Shades, Wall Draperies, Tidies, Quilts, Sashes, &c., 35 in. x 7 yds. 13/6 and 17/6 per piece. Silk Pongees and Tussores ditto, 2 7 in. to 60 in. wide, from l/6 to 4/9 per yard. CRETONNES. For years past the Cretonne has been steadily advancing in public favor as a Decorative Fabric for Hangings and Coverings in Drawing Rooms, Boudoirs, Bedrooms, &c. It is not surprising, therefore, that with the consequent concentration of effort on the part of Artists and Manufacturers upon the development and full attainment of its artistic possibilities, it should have reached its present eminence. Many of Hampton & Sons’ Cretonnes are designed specially by some of the most eminent Designers of the day, and are unsurpassed in beauty of design and clearness of color.— CHINTZ is now rapidly regaining its former popularity. Its glazed, clean surface renders it an admirable material for Draping Walls and for making Loose Cases for Couches and Chairs. Hampton & Sons have a variety of carefully selected reproductions of old designs, also many of the best designs that have been recently produced. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. K 24 .-DJIJIM. K 25 .-KHELIM. & A HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. 6o jv k a?. HAMPTON & toONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. Iampton & Sons’ Designs for Draperies. 6i Hampton & Sons’ Designs K 3S. K 39. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. 62 & SONS, Pall ampton & Sons’ Window Draperies, HAMPTON K 30 .—DESIGN FOR DRAPING A BAY WINDOW. Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing- Cross, London, s.w. 63 lAMPTON i K 31 ..—DESIGN FOR DRAPING A BOV/ WINDOW. Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w 66 K 40 —DRAPED DRESSING TABLE. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East K 41. — DRAPED MANTEL AND OVERMANTEL. and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w K 42 _SIDE OF BEDROOM WITH DRAPED AND CANOPIED FRENCH BEDSTEAD HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. 68 AMPTON <&■ bONS 1AB H H RS. ASTEFUL designs in Chinese, Turkish, and other Oriental Satin Covers suitable for tables, pianos, and bed covers, varying greatly in design and price. Plush, Satin, and Velvet Embroidered Covers in many new designs. Piano Strips, Table Centres, Mantel Borders, Squares for cushions and tables, Mats of all descriptions, and a varied assortment of Plush, Silk, and Velvet Cushions. Oriental Embroideries from all the chief markets of the East. Indian Cotton Covers, Curtains, Palampores, and Old Italian Mazaris for bed covers. A well assorted stock of Silk Curtains and Bed-spreads. CORAH SILKS for draperies and linings, from 2/3 per yard, and 13/6 per piece of 7 yards. REVERSIBLE CHENILLE TABLE COVERS in various sizes, suitable for occasional and other tables, including the largest outsizes for dining and mess tables of any length, in plain colors of various shades, fringed, of best quality British silks. I yd. sq. yds. sq. 2 yds. sq. 2 yds. x 2 \ yds. 2 yds. x 3 yds. Noyle Chenille . . 9/6 18/9 21/6 25/6 35/- Medium Chenille. 33/- 42/- 52/6 Super Silk . 52/6 68/6 85/- A large and varied stock of TAPESTRY TABLE COVERS, Old Persian and Oriental designs, in all sizes, fringed and unfringed— Bourette Tapestry. An Old Persian Design, unfringed. French Tapestry, fringed . Jute Tapestry, fringed. 3/11 PRINTED AND PLAIN CLOTH COVERS made up by the yard— 2 yards wide . 6/9 per yard. 2i yards wide 7/9 PLAIN WOOLLEN TAPESTRY COVER, with wide fancy border, colors in reverse— 2 yards square . 25/6 2 yards x 2i yards . 32/- 2 ya RICH MEDICIS, MECCA AND FRIEZE VELVET COVERS, in very fine designs— 54 inches square . 18/6 72 inches square 10/6 15/9 21/- 24/6 33/- 40/- 22/6 32/- 38/6 13/9 16/9 21/- 13/9 per yard. 3 yards 38/6 42/- DJIJIM AND DELHI COVERS, in rich and antique colorings, from 14/6, 5 feet square. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. K 46_PIANO BACK. K 45.—PIANO BACK. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. FOR DRAPERI AMPION & K 44.— BEDSTEAD FOOTEND. K 43.-BEDSTEAD FOOTEND. 70 HAMPTON & SONS’ Lace Curtains. S a large number of these are made to Hampton & Sons’ own special designs, customers may always rely upon seeing each season a fresh selection of choice novelties in Nottingham Lace, Brussels Net, Swiss Lace, Guipure d'Art, Madras Muslin, and Embroidered Curtains. NOTTINGHAM AND FRENCH CURTAINS. Some of the best designs of the more expensive Swiss Lace and Brussels Net varieties have been reproduced in this material ; the effect is most successful. These are specially recommended for the Bedroom, the designs being in excellent taste and the Curtains very durable and inexpensive. They are made in pure white and in various shades of ecru and soft cream. Widths and lengths to suit all sized windows. Samples are sent when requested to any part of England. 46 m. x 3 yds. 54 in. x 3Jyds. from 2/11 4/6 3/9 5 / 1 1 4/6 per pair. 7/6 „ 63 in. x 4 yds. 72 in. x 4iyds. from 6/6 11/9 8/9 9/11 per pair. BRUSSELS LACE CURTAINS are perhaps the choicest and most refined looking Curtains for the Drawing Room, Boudoir, and Morning Room. Never have more elegant effects been produced. They seldom fail to please the most fastidious, and never have they been so inexpensive. 54 in. wide x 3iyds. long 63 in. wide x 4 yds. long 32/- 42/- 50/- per pair. 42/- 48/6 58/6 to £7 15 0 per pair. SWISS LACE CURTAINS in pure white and in soft shades of cream. These Curtains have long been considered to be the handsomest Lace Curtains manufactured, and are highly recommended for beauty of design and rich effects. A very varied and select stock of these is always on show. These are all purchased direct from the looms, and can in consequence be offered at the lowest possible prices. 2 3/9 25/6 and upwards per pair. 54 in. wide, 3iyds. long . 14/6 16/6 18/9 21/- 63 in. wide, 4 yds. long . 24/6 27/6 32 /- 48/6 72 in. wide, 4^ and 5 yds. long 39/6 47/6 54 /- 58 /- Samples sent free on application. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. L 47. -63 inches x 3i yards, 7/9. 63 inches x 4 yards, 8/9 per pair. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and GHAM LAC: 63 inches x 4 yards, 11/9. 63 inches x 4J yards, 13/6 per pair. Charing Cross, London, s.w. L 48. — 63 inches x 3J yards, 10/6 Cockspur Street, 72 HAMPTON & SONS’ Lace Curtains. CLUNY, GUIPURE D’ART AND RENAISSANCE CURTAINS. These very choice styles of Curtains being hand-made are most reliable for durability. They are much in request for Dining Rooms and Libraries, for which—being of a more substantial nature than the other varieties enumerated above—they are admirably adapted. 54 in. wide x 3iyds. long . 9/9 10/6 12/6 14/- 18/6 21/- 28/6 per pair. 54 in. wide x 4 yds. long . 18/6 23/6 28/6 30/- 45/- to 15 guineas „ MADRAS AND CRETE MUSLINS. The special characteristic of these being softness, they are especially useful where lightness and graceful draping are the qualities most desired. The softness and delicacy of the coloring, the transparency of the material, and the pleasing adaptability of the Muslin to draping purposes, all tend to enhance their attractiveness for Drawing Room and Boudoir Curtains, while the white and cream varieties are unsurpassed in their good effect and appropriateness for Bedrooms. They are supplied both by the yard and in pairs of Curtains, with borders and dadoes. Muslin by the yard :— 54 in. ecru or white, 9|d. to 1/8 per yard. 54 in. colored, i/oj to 2/3 per yard. 72 in. do. i/2i to 2/9 ,, 60 in. do. 2/6J to 3/11 „ Patterns sent post free. Made-up Curtains, with borders and dadoes :— 54 in. wide x 3Jyds. long, from 6/11 to 22/6 per pair. | 60 in. wide x 4 yds. long, from 16/6 to 38/6 per pair. Crete Curtains being thicker in texture, are more suitable for Dining, Billiard and Smoking Rooms. VITRAGE AND SASH CURTAINS. These long narrow Curtains are specially manufactured to meet the increasing popularity of French casement windows. They are chiefly made in Cluny, Guipure d’Art and Brussels Net. Prices range from 9/9 to 8 guineas. PLAIN AND FIGURED ART MUSLINS in endless vniiety of design and color may always be seen in the show-rooms Prices rnnmn 0 " from 4 fd. upwards. SUMMER QUILTS, in all the above-mentioned materials, are constantly being made up. Some of these are very suitable for presents. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. | w 1 r m t ** % 5..' a* ■«» "J e @ e "' V ri ©•W i 9 -a. i. . i f *9 9 £*•!* O i-x O ‘" **! — * © -;&s arar/gi? * ,. to* v/ v* L 49 . -so inches x 3J yards, 19/6 per pair. ALSO STOCKED IN DOUBLE BORDER 4 YARDS LONG. L 50. —60 inches x 3! yards, 23/9 per pair. 60 inches x 4 yards, 26,6 per pair. 74 HAMPTON & DAMASK D’OYLEYS. Round .. 2/6 4/6 7/6 12/6 18/- 21/- per doz. Oval ■■ 3/3 4/6 6/6 11/6 17/6 23/6 Square ... 2/- 3/3 5/3 6/6 8/6 IO /6 14/9 Colored Bordered and White Lace Insertion Tea D’Oyleys. TRAY CLOTHS. 1 x 1 yard 1/6 2/9 3/6 each. 1 x if 55 i/9 2/3 3/l 1 4/3 if x U 55 ... 1/11 2/9 4/9 6/6 „ x ii 55 2 /9 3/6 4/3 5/6 8/6 „ if x if 55 3/6 5/9 8/9 10/9 „ A large variety of Fancy Tray Cloths. DAMASK NAPKINS. Fish Napkins, 20 in. x 20 in. 2/6 3/9 4/11 5/6 6/11 per doz. Pastry 55 20 in. x 20 in. 3/9 4/11 6/11 8/9 I0 /6 Breakfast ,, 22 in. x 22 in. 5/6 7/6 8/9 10/6 13/6 18/9 Dinner 27 in. x 27 in. j 7/3 8/11 10/6 12/9 t 5/6 17/6 21/- ” l 23/6 27/6 3% 36/6 40/- Dinner i) 27 in. x 31 in. ... 10/9 18/6 22/6 28/6 35/6 44/6 5% Dinner ” 3 1 in¬ x 31 in. 15/6 21/- 26/6 35/6 42/6 52/6 DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS. 2 yards x 2 yards ••• 3/9 5/6 7/6 8/9 10/- 12/6 15/9 each. 2 x 2$ 55 4/9 6/3 8/9 10/9 13/6 15/6 21/6 „ 2 ,, x 3 55 5/9 ' 7/6 9/6 12/6 14/6 19/6 23/6 „ 2 „ X 3 i 55 ... 7/11 11/- 14/- 16/6 21/6 23/6 27/6 „ 2 i „ x 2i 55 9/6 12/9 18/- 23/6 32/6 „ 2 i „ X 3 55 '.. 8/6 12/- 15/- 19/6 24/6 3% 42/- „ 2 i >i x 3i 55 ... 13/6 19/6 24/6 29/6 35/- 45/- 58/6 „ 2 i „ x 4 55 ... 16/9 21/- 27/6 3°/- 40/- 51/6 61/6 „ 2 h „ x 4 i 55 2 5/9 32/- 40/- 5i/- 63/- „ 2 i ;j x S 55 28/9 36/6 46/6 55/6 7% » 2 i „ x 6 55 36/6 43/6 58/6 67/6 84/6 99/6 „ 0 JL ^2 5 5 x 7 55 54/6 65/- 78/6 98/- 116/- „ Z 2 }> x 8 55 ... 62/6 80/. 102/6 1:26/6 ,, 3 55 x 3 55 ... 21/- 34/- 59/6 72/6 „ 3 x 3i 55 ... 25/6 39/6 69/6 78/6 „ 3 x 4 55 ... 28/9 45/- 79/6 89/6 „ 3 x S 55 •■•33/6 57/6 65/- 75/- 99/6 „ 3 >> x 6 55 ■40/- 68/- 78/6 119/6 i34/- „ 3^ 55 X 34- 55 116/- 126/- „ 32 55 x 4 55 123/- i43/- 32 f , x 5 55 165/- 178/- „ 3 i 5’ x 6 55 199/6 214/- „ 4 x 4 55 152/6 166/6 „ [@“ Larger sizes up to 12 yards long made to order. BOOKS OF SAMPLES HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and ’ Household Linens. Dbe following are a few of tbe Choicest Designs: “ FERNS.” —Running fern all over. Also a very pretty design in maidenhair fern with ivy leaf, and a wild rose border. Napkins, 27 in. x 27 in., 10/6 per doz. Cloth 2 yds. x 2 yds., 6/9 each. “JAPANESE.” —Storks, small birds, butterflies, &c., with plain centre, suitable for the insertion of crests and monograms. Napkins, 27 in. x 27 in., 19/6 per doz. Cloth, 2 yds. x 2 yds., 12/9 each. “HOLLY and SPOTS.”— Holly border On table, small spot filling, large spot border. Napkins, 27 in. x 27 in, 21/6. Cloth, 2 yds. x 2£ yds., 15/9 each. “JEU OLYMPIQUE.” —French Damask, a bold centre representing a chariot race, handsome medallion border. Napkins, 27 in. x 31 in., 32/- per doz. Cloth, 2jyds. x 3 yds., 25/6 each. “FRENCH DESIGNS.” —Period, Louis XIII, and Louis XIY. Napkins, 27 in, x 27 in., 39/6 per doz. Cloth, 2J yds. x 3 yds., 40/- each. “ GEOMETRICAL” —Moorish trellis work all over—a very stylish and uncommon pattern. Napkins, 27 in. x 27 in., 33/6 per doz. Cloth, 2J yds. x 3 yds., 29/6 each. “ESTHETIC.” —Sunflower and spot filling, with sunflower border on the table. Napkins, 27 in x:27in., 22/6 per doz. Cloth, 2^ yds. x 3 yds., 23/6 each. “ SPORTING ’’—Hunting, coursing, aquatic, game birds. Napkins, 27 in. x 27 in., 39/6 per doz. Cloth, 2^ yds. x 3 yds., 40/- each. “RENAISSANCE.” —Covered centre, handsome pine border. Napkins, 27 in. x 27 in., 21/6 per doz. Cloth, 2^ yds. x 3^ yds,, 29/6 each. “STRIPES.”— Broad, alternate, diagonal, dovetail, embattled, &c. Napkins, 27 in. x 27 in., 25/6 per doz. Cloth, 2\ yds. x 3J yds., 27/- each. Arms, Crests, Monograms, &c., inserted in Table Damask at a nominal charge. Damask Slip and Sideboard Cloth ... i/3 2/3 3/3 4/6 per yard. Fringed Sideboard Cloths, in white or colored borders— i/4i i/6i 2/3 4/6 6/9 8/9 12/6 each. HE ON APPLICATION. Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. o 75 L 52. -DAMASK TABLE NAPKIN. L 51.—DAMASK TABLE CLOTH. For Prices see page 74 . L 53.-DAMASK TABLE NAPKIN. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. 76 D r FIVE O’CLOCK TEA CLOTHS. Fancy Colored Borders or plain White i/ii 2/6 3/6 5/6 6/11 10/9 18/6 each. White Hem-stitched with Fancy Veining and Knotted Fringe . . from 6/11 ,, Rich Silk and Linen (interwoven) Damask, in chaste.designs and colorings 12/6 „ UNBLEACHED TABLE CLOTHS, for Servants’ use. ij yds. x 1^ yds. .. 1/3 1/11 2/9 each. 2 yds. x 2 yds. .. 2/11 3/6 5-11 each, if „ x if „ .. 19 2/6 3/6 ,, 2 „ x 2$. „ 3/9 4/3 7/9 » UNBLEACHED AND BLEACHED TABLE LINEN. ij yds. wide T — 1 4 »J 36 ins. wide 18 ins. wide 20 „ 2 yds. wide 1/9J 2/4J 3/3 yard. 1/6$ 1/9J 2/3 yard i/ioi 2/ 4 i 2/1/ „ APRON LINENS. -/7i -/10J i/r^yard. 40 ins. wide ROUND TOWELLINGS. -/5J -/8A yard. 22 ins. wide -/8 _/g* „ BROWN HOLLANDS. 34 ins. wide -/ 6 s 79 i 7 I0 i x / 4 i yard. 42 TEA AND GLASS CLOTHS 26 ins. wide (Plain) 3 6 » >■ . z6 „ (Checked) 26 ,, Colored Border with name “Tea” or “ Glass Cloth ” woven in . . 5/9 6/g 9/6 doz. BASIN AND HOUSEMAIDS’ CLOTHS. .. .. -/4J -/6f yard. 26 ins.wide Colored Borders 5/- 8/3 doz, COOKS’ RUBBERS 7 I0 i I /°a- i/ 4 i yard. -/g -/njyard. -/8J- -/i if yard. -/4'i 7 6 (r 7li -/9i y ar d- -/ioi i/oi 1/4* „ 7 6 5 -hi -/ 10 >, 26 ins. wide 26 ins. wide 3 2 » . • ■ 76 f -hi CARRIAGE AND STABLE RUBBERS. 36 ins. wide (Plain) 30 ,, with name “ Stable Rubber,” woven in centre KNIFE CLOTHS. 18 ins. wide 18 ,, with name “Knife Cloth” woven in border PUDDING CLOTHS. 24 ins. wide 36 >> • • DUSTERS. Checked White (Colored Borders) -hi -hi yard. -h°i i/i£ „ -/10J i/lj yard. 8/6 doz. -/ 5 i -hi yard- 4/- doz. • -/Si -/ 8 i yard- 7 IJ i >, 2/9 3/9 5/ 6 6 /3 doz. 5/9 6 / 6 7/6 „ Chamois, Bric-a-Brac, Turkish and other Fancy Dusters. DOWN CUSHIONS. 19m. 22m. 24m. First Quality Down .. .. .. . ■ -. - ■ • ■ 4/6 6/6 7/9 Java Coverings .. .. .. . - . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 5/6 6/9 8/9 Covered in Fancy Silks, Frilled .. .. .. . . from 6/9 Contracts for Hotels, Clubs, &c., at Special Rates. V All Linens Hemmed, Marked and Washed upon the shortest notice. -.- No charge made for Marking Household Linen in Ink. Patterns and Samples Free, and Carriage Paid on Parcels to any part of England. Linens. L 54 .—LACE TABLE CENTRE, 13m. xS4in., from 8/6. L 55 —PRINTED DAMASK TABLE CENTRE, 13m. x7oin., from 1/6. L. 5 S_Silk Embroidered 5 o’clock Tea Cloth, 40 in. square, 35/- L ST.—Printed Damask 5 o’clock Tea Cloth, 44 in. square, from 2/6. Note.— FOR ALL BED LINEN SEE BEDDING SECTION, pp. 325 to 328. HAMPTON & SONS, Pal! Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. 77 HAMPTON & SONS’ Estimates for Household Linens. ALL LINEN HEMMED AND MARKED FREE OF CHARGE. BOOKS OF SAMPLES FREE ON APPLICATION. ESTIMATE No. 2 —continued. ESTIMATE No. 1. Household Linens, &e., for a Oottage (Ready Hemmed.) Pairs Cotton Sheets for 4 ft. 6 in. Bed ,, ,, Pillow Cases ... . Pair Blankets Under „ White Quilt Toilet Covers Pairs Cotton Sheets for Single Bed Pair Pillow Cases ... ,, Blankets Under „ White Quilt Toilet Covers Pairs Cotton Sheets for Servants’ Bed Pair „ Pillow Cases ,, Blankets Under ,, Colored Quilt Toilet Covers Damask Cloths 2 yds. x 2 yds. ,, ,5 2 >? x 2 rr j) Dozen Napkins Kitchen Table Cloths 1 1 yds. x i^yd Dozen Huckaback Towels „ Fringed Diaper ditto ... Bath Towels Servants’ ditto Dozen Glass Cloths „ Tea ditto „ Kitchen ditto Round Towels Dozen Dusters 7/3 1/6 17/11 4 / 4 i 8/9 I /3 5/6 1/6 11/- 3 hi 5/9 3 4/11 T /3 7/6 3 Asr 3/9 -/10 4/11 6 /3 5/6 1/11 for 3 ) -/ I0 a -M 5/- 5/- .5/- i/54 3/9 o 14 ° 3 o 17 o 4 o 8 o 2 O II O I 0 II ° 3 d. 6 o 11 44 9 6 o 6 o 9 6 10 3 6 i 4 9 8 10 3 6 10 o io-4 74 74 6 6 6 11 10* Any Item can be had Singly. £* 3 i °4 ESTIMATE No. 2. Household Linens, &c.. for a .House of 9 Rooms. (Ready Hemmed.) Pairs Cotton Sheets for two 5 ft. Beds „ „ Pillow Cases ,, Blankets Under ,, White Quilts 4 Toilet Covers 2 Pairs Cotton Sheets for 3 ft. 6 in. Bed 1 Pair ,, Pillow Cases 14/6 3 / 6 23/6 4/9 16/6 1/6 8/9 r/6 ;£ 2 O 2 O I o o o 18 14 7 9 13 6 17 o o o 6 o o 6 6 1 Pair Blankets 1 Under ,, 1 White Quilt 2 Toilet Covers 2 Pairs Cotton Sheets for Servants 1 Pair „ Pillow Cases 1 ,, Blankets 1 Under ,, 1 Colored Quilt 2 Toilet Covers 2 Damask Cloths 2 yds. x 2 ! 5 55 2 35 * i „ Cloth 2A- ,, X 1 Dozen Napkins 2 Kitchen Table Cloths 2 yds. x 2 yds. 1 Dozen Huckaback Towels i „ Fringed Diaper ditto 6 Bath Towels 3 Servants’ ditto i- Dozen Tea Cloths ... ,, Glass ditto ... 4 ,, Kitchen ditto 1 ,, Dusters 2 Round Towels 2 yds. 2 4 „ 3 33 1/44 4/11 -/io 5 / 6 6 /n 3 / 6 9/9 7 io 4 -/6i 6/6 6/6 5/3 1/6 / * o 16 4 9 2 9 1 9 3 3 1 o 11 o 13 0 8 o IO d. 6 3 9 9 10 3 6 14 11 8 o IO 6 6 o o 104 3 74 3 3 74 3 o ^16 16 o If Linen Sheets for 5 ft. Beds, 23/- extra. Any Item can be had Singly. ESTIMATE No. 3. Household Linens, &e„ for a House of 12 Rooms. (Ready Hemmed.) Pairs Linen Sheets for 5 ft. Bed „ ,, Pillow Cases n. Bed 2 2 1 Pair Blankets 1 Under ditto 1 White Quilt 2 Toilet Covers 2 Pairs Linen Sheets for 4 ft. 6 2 „ „ Pillow Cases 1 Pair Blankets 1 Under Blanket 1 White Quilt 2 Toilet Covers 4 Pairs Linen Sheets for two 3 ft Beds 2 „ „ Pillow Cases 2 „ „ Blankets 2 Under ditto 2 White Quilts 20/3 3/6 1/6 16/9 3 / 6 1/6 10/10 3/6 16/6 4/3 9/9 £ d - 206 o 7 1 3 o 4 o 13 o 3 1 13 o 7 o 17 II 049 o 8 ° 3 2 3 o 7 1 13 o 8 o 19 ESTIMATE No. 3 —continued. £ s. 6/. Toilet Covers ... 1/6 0 6 0 Pairs Cotton Sheets for 2 Servants’ Beds 4/11 0 19 8 ,, ,, Pillow Cases 1/6 0 3 0 „ Blankets 9/6 0 19 0 Under ditto 3/ r 4 0 6 3 Colored Quilts 4/1 1 0 9 IO Toilet Covers !.. f/oj- 0 4 2 Damask Cloths 2 yds. x 2 yds. 7/3 I 9 0 2 X 2 iy y> z n ^ “ 1 2 5 J ... 8/3 0 16 6 „ 5, 2 4 „ X 3 12/- I 4 0 Dozen Dinner Napkins ,, D’Oyleys Kitchen Table Cloths Dozen Huckaback Towels „ Fringed Diaper ditto Bath Towels Servants’ ditto Round ditto Dozen Glass Cloths ,, Tea ditto „ Kitchen ditto „ Dusters ,, Housemaids’ Cloths Hearth Cloths 3/6 i /44 / 8 1/6 5 /- 2/6 O 12 O 3 O IO O 12 0 x 5 ^25 17 5 If Cotton Sheets in place of Linen 7 A 17 8 less. ESTIMATE No. 4. Household Linens, &e„ for a House of 12 Rooms. (Ready Hemmed.) £ *■ d Pairs Linen Sheets for two s ft. Beds ... 25/- 500 ,, ,, Pillow Cases ... ... 5/9 1 3 „ Blankets ... ••• ••• 33/6 3 7 Under ditto ... ••• ••• 8/3 o 16 White Quilts ... ••• 2 3 / 6 2 7 Toilet Covers ... ... 2 /- 0 12 Pairs Linen Sheets for two 3 ft. 6 in. Beds 15/9 3 3 ,, ,, Pillow Cases ... ... 5 /9 0 I 7 „ Blankets ... ... ••• WA 1 1 *5 10 Under ditto ... ••• ••• 4/9 096 White Quilts ... ... ••• I 3/6 1 7 Toilet Covers ... ••• J /9 0 7 Pairs Cotton Sheets for 2 Servants’ Beds 8/- 1 12 ,, ,, Pillow Cases ... ... 1/6 o 4 „ Blankets ... ... 1 A' 12 Under ditto ... ■■■ 3 A 4 063 Colored Quilts ... ••• 4 / 11 0 9 10 Toilet Covers ... ... ••• i /°4 042 HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. M OJ 4^ 78 HAMPTON & SONS’ Estimates for Household Linens. ALL LINEN HEMMED AND MARKED FREE OF CHARGE. BOOKS OF SAMPLES FREE ON APPLICATION. ESTIMATE No. 4—continued. Damask Cloths 2 yds. x 2 J yds. 55 55 2 2 55 X „ ,, 2 2 ,, x Dozen Fish Napkins... ,, Dinner ditto ... „ D’Oyleys Tray Cloths 1 yd. x ijyds. Kitchen Table Cloths 2 yds. Dozen Huckaback Towels „ Fringed Diaper ditto Bath Towels Turkish Bath Sheets... Round Towels Dozen Servants’ Towels „ Glass Cloths ... „ Tea ditto „ Kitchen ditto „ „ Rubbers ,, Check Dusters „ White ditto ... „ Housemaids’ Cloths „ Knife ditto ... Hearth Cloths 2J yas. 8/9 is/- 21/- 2/3 4/3 1/42- 3/i°i 2/2 8 /- 6/6 4 /- 2/6 £ S o'. 1 o 2 5 0 220 o 4 11 o 10 6 1 3 0 5 o 6 o 17 o 12 o 18 o 8 o o 7 8 8 If Cotton Sheets in place of Linen ^3 i/40 o less. ESTIMATE No. 3 . .Household Linens, &e., fop a .House of 14 Rooms. (Ready Hemmed.) 4 Pairs Linen Sheets for two 5 ft. Beds 6 „ „ Pillow Cases 2 „ Blankets 2 Under ditto 2 White Quilts 6 Toilet Covers 2 Pairs Linen Sheets for a 4 ft. 6 in. Bed 2 ,, ,, Pillow Cases 1 Pair Blankets 1 Under ditto 1 White Quilt 3 Toilet Covers 4 Pairs Linen Sheets for two 3 ft. Beds 4 „ Pillow Cases 2 „ Blankets 2 Under ditto 2 White Quilts 3 % 5/9 33/6 83 23/6 2/6 5/9 28/6 2/6 14/6 S/9 19/6 4/9 16/9 £ * 6 o 1 14 3 7 o 16 2 7 O 15 2 10 0 II i 8 o 6 1 o o 7 2 18 1 3 1 19 o 9 1 13 ESTIMATE No. 5—continued. 4 Toilet Covers 6 Pairs Linen Sheets for 3 Servants’ Beds ,, „ Pillow Cases „ „ Blankets Under ditto White Quilts Toilet Covers Damask Cloths 2 yds. x 2A yds. >> 2 i i) x 3 j? ?) J) 2 2 J) X 4 !) J! J) x 6 ,, Dozen Fish Napkins. „ Pastry ditto . ,, Dinner ditto . 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 x I ” D’Oyleys 3 Tray Cloths 1 yd. x ijyds. ... 4 Kitchen Table Cloths 2 yds. x 2J Dishing up Cloths ... Dozen Stout Huckaback Towels ,, Fine Huckaback Towels ,, Fancy Fringed Diaper ditto ,, Turkish ditto... Bath Sheets Dozen Servants’ Towels Round ditto Dozen Glass Cloths ... Tea ditto Kitchen ditto... „ Rubbers Check Dusters White ditto 1 ... Housemaids’ Cloths Knife ditto ... Hearth Cloths yds. f 10/10 3/6 12/9 4/3 5/9 i/oi 10/9 !S/- 37/6 55 /- 2 /3 4/3 2/9 16/9 18/- 20/- 3/i°2 2/6 10/- 9/6 6/- 2/6 1 o o 6 3 9 3 2 3 o o o 6 11 o 6 6 9 o 6 6 3 o o 6 o o o o 6 o o 3 3 9 6 If Cotton Sheets in place of Linen ^4 15 ^63 16 10 o less. ESTIMATE No. 6. .Household Linens, &e„ for a House of 14 Rooms. (Ready Hemmed.) 2 Pairs Fine Linen Sheets for 5 ft. 6 in. Bed 2 ,, „ „ Pillow Cases. 1 Pair Blankets 1 Under ditto 1 White Quilt 4 Toilet Covers 4 Pairs Fine Linen Sheets for 2 4 ft. 6 in. Beds 49 /- 7/11 47/6 2/6 37 /- £ 4 o 2 O I o 7 s. d. 18 o 15 10 7 6 9 9 8 6 10 o 8 o 4 „ Fine Linen Pillow Cases 2 „ Blankets 2 Under ditto 2 White Quilts 4 Toilet Covers 4 Pairs Linen Sheets for two 3 : 2 ., Pillow Cases 2 „ Blankets 2 Under ditto 2 White Quilts 4 Toilet Covers 8 Pairs Linen Sheets for 4 Serv, 6 „ ,, Pillow Cases 4 ,, Blankets 4 Under ditto 4 White Quilts 6 Toilet Covers . 6—continued. d. 7/11 1 11 8 28/6 2 17 0 7/6 0 r 5 0 21/6 2 3 0 2/6 0 10 0 Beds 18/6 3 14 0 6/6 0 13 0 19/6 1 19 0 7/6 0 is 0 18/6 1 17 0 2/6 0 10 0 :s’ Beds... 12/6 5 0 0 3/6 1 1 0 12/9 2 11 0 ■ 3 / 1 * 0 12 6 5/9 1 3 0 6 77 75 2 W 55 X 3 55 24/6 7 7 0 2 7 5 5 5 2 i X 4 55 37/6 3 15 0 I 55 5 5 2 i 55 X 6 ,, 55 A 2 15 0 I Dozen Fish Napkins... 0 5 6 I ,, Pastry ditto ... — 0 7 3 2 ,, Dinner ditto ... 18/9 I w 6 2 55 55 55 3 ° A 3 0 0 2 „ D’Oyleys 8/6 0 17 0 6 Tray Cloths i yd. x ijyds. ... 2 /3 0 13 6 6 Kitchen Table Cloths 2 yds. x 2A yds. 4/11 I 9 6 4 Dishing up Cloths 1/11 0 7 8 2 Dozen Stout Huckaback Towels 16/9 I 13 6 2 » Fine 20/- 2 0 0 2 ,, Fringed Diaper ditto 24 A 2 8 0 1 Turkish ditto 20/- I 0 0 6 Bath Sheets 3/1 °ir I 3 3 2 Dozen Stout Servants’ Towels... 11/- I 2 0 I „ Round ditto ... I 10 0 2 „ Glass Cloths ... 10/- I 0 0 2 ,, Tea ditto 9/6 0 19 0 2 ,, Kitchen ditto... 8/6 0 17 0 2 ,, ,, Rubbers 8 /- 0 16 0 2 ,, Check Dusters 6/- 0 12 0 2 ,. White ditto • ... 6/3 0 12 6 I „ Housemaids’ Cloth 0 9 3 I „ Knife ditto ... _ 0 4 9 I ,, Stable Rubbers _ 0 10 3 4 Hearth Cloths sA 0 12 0 00 1 00 II 5 If Cotton Sheets in place of Linen £ 8 9 0 less. 1M 6 3 ALL LINEN HEMMED AND MARKED FREE OF CHARGE. Books of Samples Free on Application. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w, Carpet Department. AMPTON S) in directing attention to this portion of their Catalogue, beg to point out that they make special arrangements to secure an early supply of the newest and most fashionable productions in Carpets and other Floor Coverings. They give herein facsimile illustrations of Representative Carpets always in stock in many sizes, and of which they are the exclusive vendors, and thus offer the public goods of first-class style, at Lower Prices than are charged elsewhere for third and fourth rate productions. Their new SPACIOUS CARPET SHOW ROOMS facilitate the display and choice of every variety of Carpet, THE STOCK BEING ONE OF THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD. Hampton & Sons’ reputation for Artistic productions is a sufficient guarantee that every article, whatever the cost, is characterised by good taste; while their largely increased trade, perfect command of the markets, and low rate of profit, enable them to offer value unequalled, at the prices, by other Furnishing Houses. be given with AN INSPECTION IS SOLICITED. complete estimates free of charge. PATTRRNS FREE. Visitors will be treated courteously, and the fullest information will at t r.nnns CARRIAGE PAID. 8o HAMPTON & SONS’ Brussels Carpets. RUSSELS CARPET. (See illustrations on page %\).— This well-known make is by many considered the staple Carpet for general purposes. Inexpensive, clean-wearing and durable, it is much esteemed for rooms that are in constant occupation, and unrivalled as a low-priced Carpet for reception rooms. It is in stock in every style of design and coloring, with Borders to match. Hampton & Sons pay special attention to the manufacture, and secure a special quality which they can confidently recommend, and guarantee to be of selected home-grown wools of long staple. Five-frame quality, 2/ni per yard; Borders to match. Best Five-frame, 3/11 per yard; Borders to match. (As illustration No. 4709J Best Five-frame Stair Carpet, 27in., 3/11 per yard; 22iin., 3/9 per yard. Best Five-frame, relinquished patterns, 3/4 and 3/6 per yard. A special extra quality is made in selected patterns for particularly hard wear. This Carpet, which is manufactured to Hampton & Sons’ express specification, is designed to secure an excellent wearing fabric, equal to the Brussels Carpets woven by hand-loom a generation ago, and is superior to “ six-frame ” Brussels. CARPETS MADE UP FROM REMNANTS of their extensive stock are sold at very low prices, thus a Carpet : 12 ft. oin. x 9 ft. 9 in., with Border, for 63/-. 12 ft. oin. x 9 ft. oin., without Border, for 52/6 HORSE HAIR CARPET, grey centre, red border.—Especially adapted for very hard wear, as on Stone Staircases and Corridors, Billiard and Smoking Rooms, and for Scholastic Establishments. 27m. Plain Grey Body Carpet ... 3/3 per yard. 27in. Stair Carpet ... 3/9 per yard. 22 i in. Stair Carpet . 3/3 „ 36m. „ „ ... 5/9 „ A narrow Border is made en suite. Hampton & Sons supply large quantities of this Carpet for use in the Houses of Parliament. SAXONY BRUSSELS. —A kindred woollen fabric for similar uses. 22 i in Stair, 3/3. 27 in. Stair, 3/6. 36 in. Stair, 5/3. A narrow Border to match. BORDERED BRUSSELS CARPETS (seamless). —A large quantity in stock in a variety of patterns and sizes. Shifting stair Carpets. - Many Stair Carpets are ruined by neglect. To ensure satisfactory wear, all Stair Carpets should be periodically shifted so as to equalize the friction upon the Carpet. Hampton & Sons send to shift Stair Carpets they have supplied, at a merely nominal charge, if a few days notice be given. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, 45in. Stair Carpet ... 7/6 per yard. 54 in. „ „ ... 8/9 27 in. Body, 3/3 per yard. S.W. No. 4709 . With 18 in. Border. No. 4709 . -27m. and 36m. No. 4 . 832 .-27in. and 36 in. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. 82 Hampton & Sons’ Pile Carpets. ILTON PILE.— A luxurious Carpet, rich and velvety in appearance, of fine quality, and adapted to any style of decoration. A large variety at 4/9 per yard. Borders to match each pattern. A superior quality at 5/3 per yard. Borders and Stairs to match. SAXONY PILE —the most durable Carpet extant. For halls, staircases and landings, and other trying situations, this make of Carpet is unrivalled. Prices 5/3, 6/9, 7/11 per yard. AXMINSTER. —THE VICTORIAN PATENT AXMINSTER is growing rapidly in public lavor, and bids lair to become the most popular of all the various kinds of Carpet. As a decorative fabric it is unequalled, affording unlimited combinations of color, without any restriction in design. The qualities vary, commencing at 4/11 per yard. Borders to match. STAIR CARPET of this fabric is made 27m., 36m., and of any wider width. SEAMLESS AXMINSTER. (See illustration on page 83. ) Complete bordered Carpets of this famous make can now be supplied at prices within the reach of all, whereas the prices were formerly almost prohibitive. This desideratum has been attained by making them in large quantities for stock, instead of in single Carpets. Hampton & Sons have never less than 300 to 400 of these attractive Carpets in stock, comprising various styles of' design and many varieties of color. Some of the most attractive are reproductions of very rare ANTIQUE RUGS. Ft. in. ft. in. 4 s. d. 10 0 X 7 6 costs 4 3 6 10 O X 9 0 15 4 19 6 11 0 X 10 0 55 6 1 6 12 0 X 9 0 55 6 0 0 12 0 X 10 0 55 6 13 6 12 0 X 11 0 55 7 6 0 12 6 X 12 0 55 8 7 6 13 0 X 10 0 55 7 5 0 14 O X 10 0 55 7 0 A large assortment at 10/- per Ft. in. ft. in. £ s. d. 14 0 X 12 0 costs 9 7 6 15 0 X IO 0 55 8 7 6 1 5 0 X 12 0 55 IO 0 0 iS 0 X 13 6 55 11 5 6 16 0 X IO 0 55 8 17 6 16 O X I 2 0 55 IO 13 0 17 0 X IO 0 55 9 IO 0 17 0 X 12 0 55 11 8 6 17 0 X 13 6 55 12 17 6 square yard. Thus a Carpet— Ft. in. ft. in. £ s. d. 18 0 X I 2 0 costs 12 0 0 18 0 X 13 6 „ 13 IO 6 19 0 X 12 0 55 12 13 0 19 0 X 13 6 55 14 5 0 20 0 X I 2 0 55 13 6 0 21 0 X 13 6 55 15 15 0 22 0 X 12 0 55 14 13 6 22 0 X 13 6 55 16 IO 0 22 0 X IS 0 5 5 18 7 6 Ft. in. ft. in. £ S. d. 23 0 X 12 O costs *5 7 0 23 0 X 13 6 55 16 13 6 23 0 X IS 0 55 19 2 6 24 0 X 13 6 5 1 18 0 0 24 0 X IS 0 55 20 0 0 25 0 X 13 6 55 18 3 6 2 S 0 X IS 0 55 20 16 0 26 0 X 13 6 55 19 IO 0 26 0 X 15 0 55 21 13 6 BEATING CARPETS. _ Hampton & Sons send upon the shortest notice to estimate for taking up, beating or cleaning, and re-laying Carpets. Having a large staff of competent workmen all work of this description entrusted to them will be carried out with thoroughness, economy and despatch. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. 83 HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. HAMPTON & SONS’ Turkey Carpets. OR centuries these famous Carpets have maintained their reputation, afi 6" x 10' 6" IS 16' o 6 " 12 12' KIDDERMINSTER CARPETS of the best all-wool quality, one yard wide, with borders to match, which can be made up to any size, are in stock at 2/8 and 2/11 per yard. STAIR CARPETS —All-Wool, reversible.—18 in., 1/3 per yard; 22^ in., 1/7 per yard; 27 in., i/ll per yard. SELF-COLORED CARPETS.— In response to the increasing demand for Carpets of one color, in artistic shades, Hampton & Sons hold a large stock of the new Burmese, Karmese, Kalmuc, and plain twilled fabrics, in all the new shades, at prices ranging from 2/2 per yard. PLAIN FELT CARPET is in stock in all the newest shades, specially milled, all-wool quality, 50 in. wide, 3/3 per yard. To meet the demand for a superior and thoroughly reliable plain material to be used as a basis for Rugs, and other purposes where the wear is heavy, Hampton & Sons have a very superior “extra quality” manufactured expressly for them. It is made of the finest selected wools, treble- milled, and weighs 2 lbs. to each yard. Patterns on application. Comparison invited. PATTERNS BY RETURN. ALL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. 94 No. 239 .-FLOORCLOTH. No. 1028 .—LINOLEUM. No. 80 .—INLAID LINOLEUM. No. 586 .-FLOORCLOTH. No. 996 .-CORK CARPET. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. 95 HAMPTON & SONS’ Floorcloths. IN r?^ E ™T r ;? ^ llh ^ twn on P a Z e 94-^—-This popular floor-covering, warm, noiseless, and enduring, is used for many household purposes. rWrS V dm ?f’ bathrooms - passages, ha Is, and basement rooms, it has much to recommend it. It can be supplied in plain colors— ocolate, terra-cotta, green and brown, and in numerous printed patterns of artistic appearance. r /4^) I 9 ) 2/2, 2/6, 2/9 and 3/- per square yard. 6 in., 9 in. and 12 in. Borders to match. Bordered Passage and Stair Cloths, with plain or printed centres, from iojd. per yard. is its , I n 1 di^nSbiHt ILE LIN0LEU M’. ~( See illustration on page 94.)—Manufactured expressly for very hard wear. The special feature of this Floorcloth 1 indestructibility. I he pattern being formed in sections, each penetrating to the back, the design lasts entire as long as the material, and that being very dense and well seasoned, the wear is practically endless. s All designs 4/- per square yard. Borders to match. CORK CARPET. desirable to lessen noise. (See illustration on page 94.)—A form of Linoleum expressly suitable for nurseries, schoolrooms and passages, where it is Printed Patterns 3/3 per square yard. Borders to match. . OILCLOTH .—(See illustration on page 94Q—This old-fashioned Floorcloth, when well seasoned by the natural air-dried process, is the best covering yet devised for Hal s. It is the most cleanly, and can be had in any style of design. Hampton & Sons stock a large variety of patterns and can thereby guarantee all they sell as thoroughly reliable. This material is manufactured 25 yards long by 8 yards wide, which allows of any hail being covered in one piece without any join. J Prices 2/6, 2/11, 3/3 and 3/6 per square yard. Lower qualities can be supplied, but will not be guaranteed. Bordered Oilcloths for Passages and Stairs are made 18 in., 22% in., 27 in., 36 in., and 45 in. wide at proportionate prices. . . SURROUNDS FOR PARQUET CARPETS.— Hampton & Sons make a speciality of providing in the above Floorcloths, patterns suitable for Surrounds, resembling Parqueterie or solid flooring, stained boards, and mattings (the last named being very effective and clean lookino -) I hey are kept in various widths. (See illustrations on pages 88, 89 and 94 ) &-/ Prices, 18 in. from iod- 24 m. from 1/3 per yard. /TO. UUEAN FLOORCLOTHS. Scrub well with a soft-brush, using Pure Yellow Soap and no soda, dry thoroughly and finish with a dry chamois leather. If Floorcloth be cleaned occasionally with Separated Milk, or, if Linoleum be rubbed with Reviver, the condition of the cloth will be much improved. Use no Patent Soaps or Washing Powders, they are all alike destructive of the color, and impoverish the fabric. LINOLEUM MATS. For full-sized Billiard Table, 50/- the set. For WASHSTANDS & COAL-SCUTTLES. 18" X 18" iod. each. 24" X 18" 1/2 )} 36" X 24" . 2/3 JJ 45" X 24" . 3/6 33 54" X 3 6 " . 5/3 33 And in larger sizes. FLOORCLOTH MATS. 18" x 18" 24" x 18" 36" X 27*4 45" x 2 7" 54" x 36" gd. each. 1 h » 2/2 „ 2/9 „ 4/3 And in larger sizes. COIR MATS. 24XI4 26 x 16 30 X 18 33 x 20 36 x 22 39x24 42 X 26 45x28 48x30 Heavy quality . ... 1/6 2/- 2/6 3 /- 3/6 4/3 5/- 5/9 6/9 Wool Bordered. 2/3 2/9 3/6 4/3 5/3 6/3 7/6 8/6 9/6 Fancy Brush( 'see page 98, Nos. 225 and 22 (>) 5/3 6/3 7/3 8/3 9/6 10/9 For Fancy Mats see illustration on page 98. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. A D r THE MUNG MATTING-Seamless. S’ MATTINGS. INSERTED JAPANESE. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. 97 HAMPTON & SONS’ Mattings. HE MUNG. —(see illustration on page 96 .) — Hampton & Sons introduced this original and artistic Matting to the public at the Indian and Colonial Exhibition. It is the only Matting that can be had seamless in large sizes, and being perfectly reversible and durable, it possesses advantages over every other Matting. It is particularly suitable for Halls, Smoking-rooms and Stone Corridors. 9 ° 9 ' 9' o" 10' 6" 12' o" x 6' o" x 7' 6" x 9' o" x 9' o" / II x 9 o • £0 18 0 12' 0" x 10' 6" ... ^220 12' n O X 6' 0" 12 6 12' u O x 12' 0" 280 1 3 ' 0" X 6' 0" I 7 0 13' 6" x 12' a 0 214 0 18' O" X 6' 0" I II 6 0" x 12' 0" 300 2 o' O" X 6' 0" .. I l6 0 For Passages 3 feet wide, 3/- per yard. Mats “ en suite ” 4 ° I 10 o 1 16 o 2 0 0 CHINA MATTING.— Hampton & Sons are direct importers, and by means of their agents secure an early delivery of the best quality of Seamless Matting in the newest patterns. This is a favorite and inexpensive covering for the floors of Drawing Rooms, Boudoirs, Bedrooms and Smoking Rooms, as well as being in much demand for Dados. Seamless, 1 yard wide, from 1/2J per yard, and in rolls of 40 yards, from 39/6 per roll. Jointed Matting— i.e. with a join across the breadth about every 2 yards—can be supplied at a much lower price, but is not to be recommended. NANKIN MATTING. —A very heavy make of China Matting, specially adapted for Halls, Passages and Schoolrooms, on account of its enduring qualities. One yard wide. JAPANESE MATTING.— (See illustration on page 96. )— A finer description, similar to China Matting, but generally of more artistic appearance. Hampton & Sons were among the first to introduce these, and secure yearly, by means of their agent, a monopoly of the best patterns, some of which evince a high degree of artistic elegance. Seamless Japanese, r yard wide, from 1/2J per yard. A very large assortment of the beautiful Sleeping Mats peculiar to Japan, size about 6 it. 6 in. x 3 ft. o in., 2/9, 3/6 an d 4/6 each. CHINA STRAW MATS —36 in. x 27 in., from l/- each. 45 in. x 27 in., from 1/2 each. 54 in. x 36 in., from 1/6 each. NAPIER MATTING. COCOA MATTING. MANILLA MATTING. HEMP MATTING. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR HOTELS, CLUBS, INSTITUTIONS, &e. BRITISH RUGS. HEARTH RUGS- O" X 2 0 ... 5/6 8/6 10/9 12/6 and 13/6 each O" x 2' 0" ... 8/9 12/6 14/9 18/9 „ 21/- „ 9" X 2 io" n/6 17/- 21/- 24/6 „ 27/6 „ 6 " x 4' 6" 27/6 35 /- >. 37/6 „ BILLIARD RUGS, 12' 0" x 3' OCCASIONAL RUGS- Size about 4' 6" x 2' 3" „ 5 ' 4 " x 3 ' „ 5 ' 7 " x 2 ' 4 " » 6 ' x 3' 3" 6 / n / // 2X40 FUR RUGS.— A large variety of the choicest kind suitable for presents. Arctic Wolf, on black goat .from £2 18 6 Arctic Wolf, on raccoon tail ... ••• » 4 10 o Raccoon Tail Rug . » 2 18 6 PATTERNS BY RETURN. Cub Bear, on black goat... Grizzly Bear, on black goat Cheetah, on black goat. ALL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID. from 13/6 each 18/9 18/9 35 /- 21/- 27/6 40/- 35 /- and 2 kI- » 34/6 » 45 /- 45 /- each ... from £350 „ 4 15 o ... „ 2 15 o HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall Hast, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. No. 222 .—FANCY IMPERIAL. IMPERIAL, with Worsted Border and Monogram. No. 224 . —FANCY IMPERIAL. FIBRE BRUSH, with Colored Border and Device. No. 223 .—FANCY IMPERIAL. PLAIN FIBRE BRUSH, with Coat of Arms. No. 225 .—FANCY BRUSH. No. 226 .—FANCY BRUSH. No. 221 .—FANCY IMPERIAL, Lettered. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, s.w. HAMPTON & SONS. HALL CHAIRS. 10 ) THESE CHAIRS ARE MADE IN OAK, WALNUT, AND MAHOGANY. No. i, 13s.„6L No. 2 ,11s.Qd. No. 3, £ 1 .1. 0 . No. 4 , £1.5.0. No. 5, Step Chair, £2 . 12.0. Same design in lower quality, with turned legs, £ 2 . 1 . 0 . No. 6, as Chair. No. 6 ,. as Steps. No. 7 , £1 .19.6 . Mo. 8 , £1.2.6. No. 9 , Carved Oak Jacobean Chair. Step Chair, with square moulded legs, £1.14.6. £2.4.6. with turned legs, . £ 1 . 11 . 6 . HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. I 02 HAMPTON & SONS. HALL FURNITURE THESE BENCHES AND GONG STANDS ARE MADE IN OAK. WALNUT, AND MAHOGANY. No, 14 , Gong Stand, £2.12.6. Gong extra. No. 1 5, Chippendale Mahogany No. 16 , Chippendale Mahogany Seat, Chair, £ 2.5.0. ' £3.15.0. -_ For Table en suite, see No. 69 -, page 110 .-' No. 17 , Richly Carved Gong Stand, £5.15.0. Gong extra, according to si^e. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. No. 1 2 , Gong Stand, with set oj 3 Burmese Gongs, complete, £2.2.0. No. 1 o, £ 1.2 .6 . Without Stretcher, 17s. 6d. No. 11 , GongStand,l6s.9d. Gong extra. HAMPTON & SONS. HALL SETTLES THESE SETTLES ARE MADE IN OAK, WALNUT,: AND MAHOGANY. No. I 8. 4 ft. Carved Oak Hall Bench, £4.7.6. No. 20 . Dark Oak Hall Settle, with Rug Box, £5.18.6. with plai?i panels below seat, £5 . 5.0. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and GOCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S W. No. 19 . 3 ft. 6 in. Old Carved Oak Hall Chest. £3.3.0. No. 2 1 , 3 ft. 6 in. Fumed Oak Hall Settle and [| Chest, with Richly Carved Panels, £6.12.6. No. 22 , 3/f. 3 in. Chippendale Mahogany Carved Hall Settle and Chest, £5.18.6. No. 2 3, 4 Jt. Fumed Carved Oak Settle and Chest. £7.18.6. HAjMPTON & SONS HALL SETTLES ( Continued.) THESE SETTLES ARE MADE IN OAK, WALNUT, AND MAHOGANY. No. 25. 4 ft. 6 in. Old Oak Carved Chest £ 3.18.6. No. 24. Oak Monks’ Bench, Chest, and Table, combined ,— ( 3 ft. 6 z#. 7 7 0 :hly 9 Carved, \ . I22 C jVo. 122, Solid Oak, Walnut, or Mahogany T)imng-Room Suite, consisting of 6 Small Chairs, 2 Easy Chairs, and a Couch, in morocco or saddlebags. 18 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COGKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. # HAMPTON & SONS. CARVED OAK CHAIRS. 119 No. i23f No. 123. No. 123 b No. 1239 •So/zi Oak, Walnut, or Mahogany- Dining-Room Suite, consisting of 6 Small Chairs, 2 Easy Chairs, and a Couch, covered—In stamped morocco, 21 Guineas. In saddle-bags, - 18 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. No. 124 ^ No. 124 . No. 124 “ Substantially-made Solid Oak, Walnut, or Mahogany Dining-Room Suite, consisting of 6 Small Chairs, L m i Easy Chair, 1 Carving Chair (with arms), a Couch,—In best Morocco, ..---..-26 Guineas. In Saddlebags, with Lady’s Easy Chair instead of Carving Chair, - 20 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. 120 HAMPTON & SONS. DINING-ROOM SUITES. No. 124 V ./Vo.125. Heavy, fumed Oak, carved high- No. i25 A CarvingChairlomalch No. 12 b. back Chair,in hide or best morocco 78s Qd. £6.10.0. No. i a 5 B Arm Chair to match. £ 8 . 10 . 0 . No. i 2 5 C 2 nd Arm Chair to match N o. 1 25. £8.15.0. No. 126 “ Arm Chair to match. £9.1-5.0. No. i 26 A Carving Arm Chair to match No. ' 126 . £6.10.0. j HAMPTON No. 126 . Heavy Fumed and carved Oak high-back Chair, in hide or best morocco. 78s. 6 d. & SONS, No. 127 . Fumed Oak, finely carved Arm Chair, in pigskin or best morocco. £10.15.0 PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W, --' v • ' S'*.?••vlitv.: v. -. &s>m^L,* ■ I 22 HAMPTON & SONS. EASY CHAIRS, IN BEST MOROCCO. No. 128 . £5.10.0. No. 1 3 1 . £7.15.0. FOR CLUBS, LIBRARIES, DINING AND SMOKING ROOMS. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. No. i3o. £7.10.0. No. 1 3 3. Very'Jarge, deep-seated Chair, stuffed best hair. £9.15.0. No. i32. Large, deep-seat Chair'stuffed best hair. £8.15.0. HAMPTON & SONS. A DINNER WAGONS. I 23 No. 134 . In oak or walnut. 3 ft. Gin. £2.5.0. 4 ft. £3.0.0. No. 137 . In oak or walnut, fitted with drawer. and cupboard with carved panel. 4 fl. 6 in. £5.7.6. 4ft- £6.10.0. PALL MALL all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. No. 1 39 . In mahogany, oak, or walnut, with carved No. 1 38. In oaK, walnut, ov mahogany, with carved columns, fine mouldings, best manufacture throughout, back, and two drawers. 4 ft. wide by ift. gin. deep £8.10.0. 3 ft. 6 in. £5.10.0. 4 ft. £6.15.0. 4 ft. 6 in. wide by 2 ft. deep £9.15.0. HAMPTON & SONS, EAST and COCK.SPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. No. 1 35 . In oak or walnut,with superior mouldings. 3 ft. 6 in. £3.12.6 4 ft. £4.2.6. No. i 36 . In oak, walnut, or mahogany, well made, superior finish. 3ft- 6 in.' £4.18.6. 4ft £5.15.0. 124 HAMPTON & SONS. A ENCLOSED DINNER WAGONS. No. 143 . French Renaissance finely carved old oak enclosed Buffet, of best manufacture throughout. 4 ft. £17.15.0. No. 140 . In oak, ivalnut, or mahogany, enclosed, with cellaret. 3 ft. 6 in. £3.17.6. 4 ft. £4.7.6. No. 1414 Revolving DumbWaiter, enamelled white or in polished wood. 47 s. 6 d. No. 141 . 1 RJsing ‘Dumb Waiter when closed for use as a table. No. 141 . Rising Dumb Waiter,jn old oak or mahogany £5.15. O'. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. No. 142 . In oak, walnut, or mahogany, enclosed with cup¬ boards, with finely carved panels. 3 ft.Gin. ' £5.2.6. 4 ft £6.5.0. No. 144 . Jacobean old oak Buffet, fine carving, and best work. 4 ft. 6 in. £17.10.0. HAMPTON & SONS. DINING TABLES. 125 A No. 145 . Dining Table, with hard wood legs, polished oak, walnut, or mahogany, with deal top and patent screw. 3 ft. 6 in. x 5ft. £1.12.6. 3 ft. 6 in. x 7 ft. £2. 0.0. 3 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. 1.15.0. 4 ft. x 8 ft. 2.14.0. 'Hard basswood top instead of deal, Is. 3d. per foot extra. No. 147 . Dining Table, in solid oak, walnut, or mahogany, top lined up, with patent screw. 3 ft Gin. x 5ft. £2.17.6. 4 ft. x 8 ft. £ 5'. 7.6. 3 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. 3.15.0. 4 ft. 6 in. x 10 ft. 9. 5.0. 3 ft. Bin. x 7 ft. 4.10.0. 4 ft. 6 in. x 12 ft. 11.10.0. PALL MALL EAST and all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. No. 146 . Dining Table, with oak, walnut, or mahogany frame and legs, lined moulded hardwood top, and patent screw. '3ft.6in.y5ft. £2.12.6. 3 ft. 6 in.y 7 ft. £3.12.6. 3 ft. Gin. x 6 ft. 3. 3.0. 4 ft. x 8 ft. 4.12.6. up. No. 148 . Dining Table, superior quality, carved legs, best patent extending screw. In oak, walnut, or mahogany. 4 ft. x 8 ft. £ 7 . 10 . 0 . 4 ft. 6 in. x 10 ft. £ 11 . 10 . 0 . 4 ft. 3 in. x 9 ft. 9.10.0. 4 ft. 6 in. x 12 ft. 13.15.0. If constructed to hold reserve leaves not in use, 4s. per foot extra. HAMPTON & SONS, COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. No. 149 . Circular Dining Table, with extending screw, superior make, with legs within frame. 4 ft. x 6 ft. £6.0.0. 4 ft. x 8 ft. £7.15.0. Best make, with legs framed in frieze, as shown. 4 ft. x 8 ft. £10.0.0. 4 ft. 3 in. x 10 ft. £13.10 0. 4 ft. 6in. x 12 ft. £16.15.0. No. i5o. Dining Table, with elliptic ends, best make and superior finish, massive carved legs, in solid oak, walnut, or mahogany. 4 ft. x 8 ft. £ 10. 5.0. 4 ft. 6 in. x 10 ft. £13.10.0. 4 ft. 3 in.x 9 ft. 11.10.0. 4 ft. 6 in. x 12 ft. 16.15.0. No. 1 5 1 . Handsome Dining T able, with massive carved legs, best workmanship and finish throughout. In solid oak, walnut, or mahogany. 4ft. 6in. x 12 ft. £18.15.0. *5/1. xi8ft. £30.15.0. *5/1. x 1 5ft. 25.15.0. *5 ft. 6in. x 20 ft. 37.15.0. all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. No. 1 52. Jacobean finely carved Table, of best manufacture, with extending screws, constructed to hold all leaves not in use-. 4fi■ x 8 ft. £11.10.0. 4 / 1 . 6 in. x 12 ft. £17.10.0. 4 ft. 3 in. x 10 ft. 14.10.0. * 4 ft. 6 in. x 14 ft. 21.10.0. Antique carved oak table, with carved moulding round top. 4 ft. x 8 ft. £9.9.0. 4 ft.din. x 10 ft. £11.15.0. * With extra carved leg in centre. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. HAMPTON & SONS. DINING-ROOM SIDEBOARDS. THESE ARE MADE IN OAK, WALNUT, AND MAHOGANY I2 7( No. i 5 3, Sideboard, with long Bevelled Silvered Glass Panel, i Centre Drawer, Cupboards fitted with Shelves and Cellaret. No. i 53. No. i 54 , Sideboard, with three Bevelled Silvered Glass Panels in back, 5 Drawers, Carved Panels to Cupboards, fitted with Shelves and Cellaret, 5ft. £9.10.0. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL; EAST and COCKSPUR 8TRF.ET, CHARING GRQSS, LONDON, S.W. No. 1 54 . No. 1 52 . Sideboard, with three Bevelled Silvered Plate Glass Panels in back, 2 Drawers,Cupboards fitted with Shelves and Cellaret. Aft. £6.10.0. Aft.Oin. £7.10.0. E. ' * ' • ^ tL'.s _ ..... HAMPTON & SONS. J, DINING-ROOM SIDEBOARDS, THESE ARE MADE IN OAK, WALNUT, AND MAHOGANY. No. 1 55. Sideboard, with three Bevelled Silvered Glass Plates, 3 Drawers, Cupboards with Carved Parrels, and fitted with Shelves and Cellaret. 5ft., £9.9.0. 6 ft., £11.11.0. No. 1 56, Good sound Sideboard, three Bevelled Silvered Glass Plates in back, lower part enclosed, with 3 Drawers and 3 Cupboards with Carved Panels, and fitted with Shelves andCellaret 6ft., £11.15.0. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W HAMPTON & SONS. ^ DINING-ROOM SIDEBOARDS. THESE ARE MADE IN OAK, WALNUT, AND MAHOGANY. I 29 No. 157 . Superior Pedestal Sideboard of best manufacture, with Carved Panels and Frieze, and fine Mouldings, 3 Drawers, Cupboards bitted with Shelves and Cellaret. 6ft. bin., £14.15.0. No. 1 58 Bold substantial Sideboard in Fumed Oak, Walnut, or Mahogany, handsome Carved Panels in doors and back, 3 large Shaped Be¬ velled Silvered Plate Glass Panels, 3 Drawers, Cupboards fitted with Shelves and Cellaret. 6ft., £15.15.0. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. HAMPTON & SONS A DINING-ROOM SIDEBOARDS i 3o No. i 59 . No. 160 . Well-made Sideboard, of superior finish, in Fumed Oak, Walnut, or Well-made Sideboard, with finely Carved Panels, in Fumed Oak, or Mahogany. e American Walnut. 6 ft. £17.17.0. 4 ft.6in., £13.0.0. 5ft., £16.16.0. 6ft., £ 21 . 0 . 0 . HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W HAMP,'TON & SONS. DINING-ROOM SIDEBOARDS. Good plain American Walnut Sideboard, of best manufacture, with finely Carved Panels, and fitted with Shelves and Cellaret. No. 162 . Queen Anne Old Mahogany Sideboard, with Shaped Front, Rich Carving, and Brass Handles. 5Jt., 2 4 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. I 3 2 HAMPTON & SONS. DINING-ROOM SIDEBOARDS. No. 164 . Jacobean Sideboard, in Oak or Mahogany, of best manufacture Finely Carved Panels and Mouldings. 6ft., SO Guineas No. 1 63. Lo fiy effective Sideboard, with Bold Carving and Shaped Bevelled Plates, standing on Moulded Plinth and Ball Feet. 6ft.6in. wide by 8ft.Gin. high. 2 8 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W HAMPTON & SONS. DINING-ROOM SIDEBOARDS. 13 3 No. 16 5. Superior Sideboard of best manufacture, in Fumed Oak,Walnut, or Mahogany, Richly Carved, and of fine finish throughout. 6ft.6in. wide. 3 5 Guineas. No. x 66. Superior Sideboard, of best manufacture, with finely Carved Frieze, Cornice and Pediment supported by Carved Columns. 6ft.6in. wide. 3 5 Guineas. & SONS, HAMPTON PALL MALL^EAST and GOCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. DINING-ROOM SIDEBOARDS HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. HAMPTON & SONS. No. 167 . Jacobean Old Oak Carved Sideboard , of the best manufacture and finish, Carvings very artistically sculptured. 5ft. £22.15.0. The “Pilgrim Jacobean Old Carved Oak Sideboard, of the best manufacture and finish, very artistically sculptured. 5ft Mn. £29.10.0. No. 168 . HAMPTON & SONS J, BUFFETS, Etc. i 35 IN CARVED OAK. Old carved Oak Buffet, enclosed, with Cupboards below. 5fti £19.15.0. No. 170 . Carved\Mahogany Corner Cabinet. £6.6.0, No. 1 69. No. 171 . Old carved Oak Buffet, enclosed lower part, with Shelves above. 5ft. 6in. £18.15.0. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. 136 HAMPTON & SONS. SIDEBOARDS, Etc. No. 172. Old carved Oak enclosed Cabinet. 2 7 Jt. 3 in. £13.10.0. A IN CARVED OAK. No. 173 . Old carved Oak Sideboard, long Drawer in centre. Cupboards and Shelves above and below. 6 Jt 6 in.. £34.10.0. No. 174. Old Oak Carved Corner enclosed Cabinet. £4.10.0. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. HAMPTON & SONS. No. 175 . Carved Oak or Walnut Pedestal. £4.15.0. J, REGISTERED SIDEBOARDS. 7 No. 176 . Jacobean richly carved Old Oak Sideboard, Hampton & Sons’ Regis¬ tered Design, having Cellarets in Cupboards, as shown, instead of in the lower part, the Decanters, &c. being thus within easy reach without stooping. 6ft.6in. £39.10.0. No. 177 . Old carved Upright Eight- day Clock. £11.10.0. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. 138 HAMPTON & SONS. A SHERATON SIDEBOARDS. No. 178 . Old Mahogany inlaid Sheraton Sideboard, with serpentine front, long centre Drawer, with Cupboard on right hand side and fitted Cellaret Drawer at left side, brass lion s-head-with-ring handles, handsome en¬ riched brass rail back with curtain, complete. 6ft. £22.10.0. No. 179 . Old Mahogany inlaid Sheraton Sideboard, with shaped projecting front, drawers fitted with Cellaret, oval bevelled Glass above shelf in back. 6ft. 3 0 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. HAMPTON & SONS. A SIDEBOARDS. i 39 No. 180 . Old Carved Mahogany Chippendale Sideboard, brass mounts to bases and capitals of columns, brass gallery reeds, finials, handles, &c. 40 Guineas. Ditto, with simpler finish , and without brass gallery mounts, 3 0 Guineas. No. i 8 i. Massive artistic and well constructed French Renaissance Carved Oak Sideboard, artistic design, finely sculptured carving. 6ft. 4 0 Guineas. PALL MALL EAST AND HAMPTON & SONS, COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. 140 ►-^ Go -s eo 5 § 0 -2 <} ^3 a. s -S s o ►Jet <3 ^ co ~ ^ * <3 <3 feiD 2 a* ^3 CD ^ 5 s. co O ^ »h S ^ <3 S S^ «* 2 R Ss» CD ’*3 .g cu *^3 5a, cl) '«> a. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East & Cockspur St. Charing Cross, London, S.W. HAMPTON & SONS. SIDEBOARDS. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. No. i 83. Ebonised Carved and Fluted ‘Pedestal. 37s. 6d. No. 184 . Jacobean Old Oak Carved Sideboard , of best manufacture fine sculptured Carvings in bold relief. 7 ft. 7 0 Guineas. No. 1 8'5. Old Sheraton Inlaid and Urass-Mounted Eight- day Clock. 11 Guineas. I 4 2 ; HAMPTON & SONS. SIDEBOARDS. No. i 86 . Large Ebonised Fluted Column Pedestal. ' 40s. No. 187 . Handsome Carved Oak Breakfront Sideboard, of best manufacture and finish. Carvings delicately and artistically sculptured. if 7 0 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. No. 188 . Old Sheraton richly Inlaid Eight- day Clock, carefully finished Brass Mounts, well made and in perf ect order. 22 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS. ^ SIDEBOARDS, ETC. 143 No. i89 A Eboni^ed & fluted Column. 3is.6rf. No. 1 89. Handsome Renaissance richly carved oak Sideboard, of best manufacture and finish. 90 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE No. 189 ? Richly carved Chippendale Clock, in fine mahogany, with best English 8-bell and 4-bell gong-chiming movement. Silver-gilt engraved dial of the finest workmanship. 68 Guineas. PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. i44 HAMPTON & SONS. A DINING-ROOM SCREENS. No. i9o. 4 -fold French leather paper Screen. Fine bold design in rich subdued coloring. 95 s. No. 1 9 1 . 6 Jt. 6 in. 4 -Jold carved real Leather Screen. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock HAMPTON & SONS. 145 A LIBRARY & OFFICE CHAIRS. No. i92. Stained oak, walnut, or ma¬ hogany wood-seat Chair. 10s. 6 d. No. 1 93. No. 194 . No. i95. No. 1 96. Staijied oak, walnut, or Stained oak, walnut, or dark Stained oak, walnut, or dark ma¬ Dark mahogany wood-seat Chair, mahogany wood-seat mahogany wood-seat Chair. hogany wood-seat Chair. 21s . 74 HAMPTON & SONS. J, SOFAS & EASY CHAIRS. No. 325. Yo. 326. Louis XVI. and Adams Settees, Sofas, and Easy Chairs. A variety of old specimens and reproductions of the finest models of the various periods may always be seen in the show-rooms, covered in appropriate materials. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. ALL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. HAMPTON & SONS’. A SETTEES. 175 ,i*x'„. 'j~i- Pm 'jffyf '’ w Y* i '' V A \ Au No. 327 . DarA mahogany Louis XVI. Settee, covered in silk and wool tapestry. £7.15.0. No. 328. Rosewood inlaid Sheraton Settee, caned seat and back, with loose cushions, in silk & wool tapestry. 24 Guineas. No 329. Dark mahogany Adams carved Settee, covered in silk and wool tapestry. £8.8.0, • i No. 33o. Satinwood richly inlaid Adams Sofa, covered in cretonne, ready for final covering. £25.10.0. No. 33 1 . A very fine reproduction of a richly carved old oak Sofa, Original in Winton Castle. £19.15.0. ALL GOODS PALL MALL EAST and CARRIAGE PAID— see preface.. HAMPTON & SONS, COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. DRAWING-ROOM SUITES & EASY CHAIRS. ' 176 HAMPTON & SONS No. 332 . Lady’s Easy Chair, covered in figured silk, satin borders, with fringe and cord. £4.10.0. No. 334 . Stuffed-over Easy Chair in frieze velvet, upholstered in best manner. £7.10.0. No. 333? No. 335? No. 333. Mahogany inlaid Suite, covered in figured silk and wool tapestry, consisting of Settee, 2 Arm Chairs, and 4 Small Chairs. £15.0.0. No. 335. Mahogany inlaid Suite, covered in figured silk. Settee, 2 Arm and 4 Small Chairs. 3 0 Guineas. No. 335? HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article m catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. HAM PTON & SONS. A DRAWING-ROOM SUITES. 177 No. 336° No. 336. No. 336' Mahogany inlaid Suite, consisting 0 / Settee, 2 Ann Chairs as 336' , and 4 Small'Chairs as 336 c , covered in figured brocatelle. 24 Guineas. No. 337 c No. 337 ‘> No. 337 . No. 337 ? Rosewood inlaid Suite, stuffed all hair, covered in rich silk Genoa velvet, with plush borders, consisting off Settee, 2 Arm Chairs as 337 > , 2 Gossip Chairs as 337 B , and 4 Small Chairs as 337 ? 34 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. i?8 HAMPTON & SONS. DRAWING-ROOM SUITES. No. 339? No. 339. No. 339? Mahogany inlaid Suite, covered in figured silk, consisting of Settee, Arm Chair with stuffed back as 3 39* Arm Chair, with inlaid back, as 339? and 4 Small Chairs as 339? 3 2 Guineas. No. 338? No. 338. No. 338* Stuffed-over Boudoir Suite, stuffed all hair, and covered all over in Genoq. silk velvet, consisting of Settee, Ann Chair as 338? and Lady’s Chair as 338? 16 Guineas. No. 339? HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. H A M PTO N & SONS. A DRAWING-ROOM SUITES. 179 No. 340 c n 0 . 340 . Small Chair en suite. Fine mahogany richly inlaid Sheraton Settee, 0 / best 72s. 6< d. manvfacture, upholstered in best manner in rich silk or brocatelle. £14.0.0. No 3404 Arm Chair en suite. £5.15.0. No. 342 ° Drawing-room Chair,de¬ corated Vernis Martin lacquer, & hand painted floral decoration, seat covered in rich silk. £4.10.0. No. 3419 Small Chair en suite. £4.18.6. No. 341 . Fine Rosewood Settee, richly inlaid with brass, best manujacture, covered in rich Genoa velvet or brocade, uphol¬ stered in best manner. £15.15.0. No. 3 4.4 Arm Chair en suite. £ 8 . 10 . 0 . No. 342 a Arm Chair to match 342 ? £ 6 . 10 . 0 . HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. HAMPTON 6c SONS. DRAWING-ROOM SUITES. No. 344 ^- Arm Chair en suite. £9.15.0. No. 344 . Richly carved Rococo Settee, in mahogany, covered in silk. £14.10.0. No. 344 a Arm Chair en suite. £9.15.0. goods CARRIAGE PAID- PALL MALL EAST -SEE PREFACE. HAMPTON & SONS, GOCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. every article inJcatalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. No. 3 4 39 Small Chair en suite. 6 8s. 6 d. No. 343 a Arm Chair en suite. £5.5.0. * No. 344 ° Richly carved Rococo mahog¬ any Chair, covered in silk. £ 7.18.6. No. 343. Mahogany carved Sheraton Settee, stuffed all hair, and covered in silk or brocatelle. £12.18.6. HAMPTON & SONS. A DRAWING-ROOM CHAIRS. No. 345 . Mahogany inlaid Chair, stuffed all hair, covered in silk & wool tapestry. 32 s. No. 346 . Rosewood inlaid Chair, covered in Genoa velvet. 43s. 6 d. No. 347 . Rosewood inlaid Chair, covered in Genoa velvet. 50 s. No. 348 . Rosewood inlaid Chair, covered in Genoa velvet. 52s. 6 d. No. 349 . Handsome rosewood Chair, richly inlaid with ivory and finely carved, of best manu¬ facture, upholstered in best man¬ ner in silk. £6.10.0. No. 35o. Dark mahogany carved Louis XVI. Chair, covered in silk. 78s. 6 d. No. 35 1 . Mahogany Chippendale Chair, in tapestry. 43s. 6 d. No. 352. Richly carved darkmahogany Louis XV. Chair, covered in silk. £6.5.0. No. 353. Dark mahogany Louis XV. richly carved Chair, covered in silk. £6.10.0. No 354 . Dark mahogany Louis XV. richly carved Chair, covered in silk. £6.10.0. PALL MALL EAST all goods CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. HAMPTON & SONS, and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. DRAWING-ROOM OCCASIONAL CHAIRS. 182 ./Vo.355. Gossip Chair, enamelled or bronzed any color, covered in silk tapestry. 14s.9rf. No. 3 60 . Queen Anne Chair, dark mahogany or walnut. 58s. 6 d. all goods CARRIAGE HAMPTON & SONS. J, Gilt Occasional Chair. 14s. 6 d. Mahogany inlaid Arm Chair, seat in Genoa silk velvet. 67s. 6 d. No. 357 . Gilt Bamboo Occa¬ sional Chair. 18s. 6 d. No. 358. Mahogany inlaid Arm Chair, covered in Genoa silk velvet. 38s. 6 d. No. 389. Mahogany inlaid and carved Arm Chair, covered in Genoa silk velvet. 58s. Qd. No. 362 . Mahogany carved Arm Chair, seat covered in Genoa silk velvet. 70s. No. 363. Mahogany inlaid Arm Chair, seat covered in silk tapestry. 7 2s. 6d. No. 364 . Mahogany inlaid Arm Chair, seat covered in silk Genoa velvet. 72s. Qd. n m r 1 u O U IN O PAID PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. SEE PREFACE. E VER Y ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. HAMPTON & SONS. A DRAWING-ROOM ARM CHAIRS. 1 83 No. 369. Mahogany high-back Arm Chair, in tapestry. £ 4.15.0. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see No. 370 . Mahogany richly inlaid Chair, of best manu¬ facture, covered in silk tapestry. £5.18.6 HAMPTON PALL MALL PREFACE. No. 371 . Mahogany Arm Chair, richly inlaid with ivory & pearl, of best manufacture, covered in striped silk. £6.18.6. & SONS, EAST and COCKSPUR SEREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE No. 372 . Mahogany Tudor Arm Chair, of best manufacture, inlaid with cedar and brass, covered with rich silk Genoa velvet. £8.15.0. PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. No. 365. Mahogany inlaid and carved Ann Chair in Genoa silk velvet. 92s. 6 d. No. 366. Mahogany inlaid Arm Chair, covered in Genoa silk velvet. 92s. 6if. No. 367 . Mahogany inlaid Arm Chair, covered in silk tapestry. 95s. No. 368. Mahogany inlaid Sheraton Chair of best manufacture, covered in silk. £5.5.0. 184 DRAWING-ROOM ARM CHAIRS. No. 373 . Mahogany Chippendale Arm Chair, in tapestry. 6 5s. No. 374 . Mahogany Arm Chair, in tapestry. 7 8 s. 6 d. No. 375 . Mahogany Chippen¬ dale Arm Chair, of best manujac- ture, in silk tapestry. £5.18.6. No. 376 . Mahogany Louis XV. fine carved Chair, of best manu¬ facture, covered in silk. £5.15.0. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. al 1. got ds CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. No. 378 . Mahogany Louis XV. finely carved Arm Chair, of best manufacture, cov¬ ered in silk. £7.18.6. No. 379 . Mahogany Louis XV. Arm Chair, finely carved, of best manufacture, covered insilk. £ 8 . 10 . 0 . No. 38o. Mahogany Louis XV.Arm Chair, richly carved .ofbest manufacture, covered in silk. £ 8 . 10 . 0 . No. 377 . Mahogany Louis XV. Arm Chair, richly carved, of best manufacture, covered in silk. £ 6.18.6. No. 38i. Walnut or mahogany, with screw, covered in ere- tonne. 15s. to 25s. No. 386. Rosewood ormahogany inlaid seat, covered in silk. 52s.Gd. No. 382. Dark mahogany, covered in tapestry. 35 s. No. 387. Rosewood or [mahogany, in¬ laid seat, in silk. 55s. No. 383. A variety of Louis XV. & other high-class music stools onshow. No. 389. Mahogany inlaid revolving Music Chair, covered in silk. 70s. No. 384 . Dark mahogany Music Ot¬ toman, with box to hold music beneath seat. 33s. Gd. No. 39o. Rosewood inlaid Seat, covered in tapestry. 55s. No. 385. Dark mahogany Chippen¬ dale Music Ottoman, to hold music. 37s. Gd. No. 39i. Inlaid Ottoman Music Seat, covered in silk tapestry. 4 5s. No. 392. Duet Ottoman Seat, to hold music, in walnut or mahogany, covered in tapestry, 73s.3d. Ditto, without box for music, 58s. Gd. ALL GOODS PALL MALL CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. No. 393. Dark mahogany curved Duet or window seat, covered in brocatelle or tapestry. 90s. HAMPTON & SONS, EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING No. 394 . Inlaid rosewood or mahogany Duet Ottoman, covered in Genoa silk velvet or brocatelle. £5.15.0. CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK 186 MUSIC CABINETS. HAMPTON & SONS. A No. 39y. Roseivood or mahogany, with shaped front & inlaid panel. £5.15.0. No. 398. Rosewood or mahogany, inlaid and carved moulding, with shelves in back for china. £6.12.6. No. 399. Handsome dark mahogany, carved Louis XV., best manu¬ facture. £10.18.6. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. HAMPTON No. 400 . Rosewood inlaid Cabinet, with bevelled plates. 4 jt. wide. £ 10 . 10 . 0 . PALL MALL all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. & SONS. ^ DRAWING-ROOM CABINETS. l8 7 No. 40 1 . No. 4-02. Enamelled white, Chippendale de- 4jt■ Rosewood inlaid Cabinet, sign, China Cabinet. £6.10.0. £11.10.0. Ditto, dark mahogany, same price. HAMPTON & SONS, EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. EVERY ARTICLE I'M CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. HAMPTON & SONS. DRAWING-ROOM CABINETS. k No. 403 . 4ft. Rosewood inlaid Cabinet. £ 12 . 10 . 0 . No. 404 . Mahogany inlaid Sheraton china Cabinet. £9.15.0. No. 405 . 4ft. Rosewood inlaid Cabinet. £17.10.0. 4 ft. 6in. Ditto. £19.15.0. n A M r l u IN & SONS, p ALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON S.W all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface, * ^ TT EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK.. HAMPTON & SONS. A DRAWING-ROOM CABINETS '89 No. 408 . French Cabinet, in the Chinese style, with gilt bronze dragon and mounts. 3 3 Guineas. 6Jt. Rosewood inlaid and carved China Cabinet 3 5 Guineas. 406 . Rosewood inlaid Curio Cabinet. 12 Guineas. I 1 1 V li w r p i lliili X • iff j j I i- ■ \ 1 il - my ;vga i 1 1 * , ■< U t' M. W^m if fS W.1Bs. ~ v 1 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCLSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. , every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. No. 409 . 4 ft. Gin. shaped Sheraton China Cabinet, of best manu¬ facture, fine mahogany, richly inlaid. 44 Guineas. No. 410 . Dark mahogany, richly inlaid. 15 Guineas. No. 411 . Dark mahogany richly inlaid Cabinet. 3 5 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock HAMPTON & SONS. DRAWING-ROOM CABINETS. No. 412 . 5 ft M ahogany inlaid Cabinet, of best manufacture. 46 Guineas. No. 41 3. Mahogany inlaid Cabinet. 17 Guineas. No. 414 . 5 ft. Dark mahogany carved Cabinet in the Louis AT . style, of best manufacture. 57 Guineas. HAMPTON & PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. SONS, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. 192 HAMPTON No. 41 5. Dark mahogany Chippendale Cabinet, oj beat manufacture. 14 Guineas. PALL MALL all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. SONS. J, DRAWING-ROOM CABINETS. No. 416 . 5ft. Fine mahogany Cabinet, very richly inlaid with woods and ivory, of the best manufacture. 46 Guineas. China Cabinet,in fine mahogany ,rii inlaid with woods, ivory, and m r 0 pearl, ofbest manufacture 1Q HAMPTON & SONS, EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED HAMPTON & SHOW-CASE CABINETS. No. 480 . Louis XV. Show-case Cabinet, ^ Vernis Martin or marqae- mahoge panels, 16 to 25 Guineas, vory, kewood or mahogany and icture ow-cases from 9 Gs. No. 483 . Onyx Pedes¬ tal, mounted with bronze gilt mounts, 1 8 Guineas. Also made in fine marble. No. 484 . Louis XVI . Show-caseCabinets with Vernis Martin panels and finely chiselled mercury-silt bron%e : mounts. 35 to 50 Guineas. No. 481 . Dark mahogany Column Pedestal, 58s. 6d. Bust of Diana in tinted ivory Parian. 38s. 6d. lale Cabinet. ED PALL MALL EAy AND ds CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. (fiS, LONDON, S.W. ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. OM STOCK. ALL GO PALL MALL EA all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. NS, \RING CR )SS . LONDON, S.W. EVER’ ar TICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK HAMPTON & SONS. louts No No. 488 . richly inla\ A variety of C nam f actun n our Show-rooms. No. 485 . 208 No. 489 . Dark me best No. 418 . Dark mahogany Chippendale Cabinet. £7.10.0. No. 419 . 5 Jt. Dark mahogany Chippendale Cabinet 23 Guineas. No. 420 . 4jt. Dark mahogany Chippendale Cabinet. 1 5 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. HAMPTON & SONS. ^ CHIPPENDALE CABINETS. HAMPTON & SONS D R AW ING-ROOM CABINETS. i94 t 'mmem f f ({ ; \t $ t ilM ilB If.MWll No. 421 . 4 fl. 6in. Richly carved mahogany China Cabinet, of best manufacture. 25 Guineas. No. 422 . 4jt. 6in. Richly carved mahogany China Cabinet, of best manufacture. 2 4 Guineas. No. 423 . Louis XV. richly carved mahogany Cabinet, of best manufacture. 31 Guitieas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. HAMPTON & SONS. DRAWING-ROOM CABINETS. 1 95 A No. 424 . 5Jt. Mahogany Cabinet, inlaid with satinwood bandings, best manufacture. 38 Guineas. No. 425 . Mahogany carved Show Case Cabinet. 16 Guineas. No. 426 . 5Jt. Mahogany inlaid Cabinet, oj best manufacture, with shaped bevelled glass panels. 45 Guineas. HAMPTON & PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. SONS, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK.. 196 HAMPTON & SONS. i DRAWING-ROOM CABINETS. 5ft. No. 428. Pedestal, covered in plush, No 427 . with drapery & fringe. 55s. Fine mahogany richly inlaid and carved Cabinet, A Choice Selection of Sevres and of best manufacture. 55 Guineas. other Wares always on view. No-l_\29. Walnut or mahogany Cabinet, with fine carvings, of best manufacture. 55 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W all goods CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock HAMPTON & SONS. A DRAWING-ROOM CABINETS. ^7 No. 43 o. 5Jt. 6in. Handsome rosewood richly inlaid Cabinet, with very fine inlaid figure-sub ject panel in back, of best manufacture. 75 Guineas- was. No. 43 1 . Old mahogany Pede¬ stal, for Vase, Lamp, etc. 38s. 6 d. No. 432 . 5ft. 6in. Mahogany inlaid Show-Case Cabinet, of best manufacture. 65 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET. CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. 198 HAMPTON & SONS. DRAWING-ROOM CABINETS. 1 No. 434 . Fine, mahogany Pedestal, with gilt bronze mounts. 14 Guineas. No. 435 . 5ft. Fine satinwood inlaid and carved Cabinet, of best manufacture. 68 Guineas. No. 433 . Fine satinwood Cabinet, carved & inlaid with ivory & fancy woods, glared show-case in centre-part, best manufacture. 59 Guinea's. O') HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. CORNER CABINETS. \99 HAMPTON & SONS. A No. 436. Walnut or mahogany Corner Cabinet, with bevelled plates. 75 s. No. 437 . Rosewood inlaid Corner Cabinet, with bevelled plates £5.15.0. No. 438 . Rosewood inlaid Corner Cab¬ inet, with bevelled silvered and transparent plates. 7 Guineas. No. 439. Carved mahogany Chippendale Corner Cabinet. £9.15.0. ALL HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, GOODS CARRIAGE P AID-see preface. CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. 200 HAMPTON & SONS. £ CORNER CABINETS. No. 440 . No. 441 . Mahogany dome top Chip pen- Old mahogany Pedestal, dale richly carved Corner Cab- 42s. inet, oj best manufacture. Nubian decorated bust. 28 Guineas. 45s. No. 442. Louis XV. enamelled white carve l Corner Cabinet, lined silk plush. 24 Guineas. Xo. 443 . No. 444 . Old mahogany finely carved Mahogany dome top Chippendale Pedestal. 7 Guineas. richly carved Corner Cabinet, of Nubian decorated Bust. best manufacture. S3 Guineas ' 45s. PALL MALL EAST all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. HAMPTON & SONS, and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. No. 446. Mahogany oak Cheval Sliding Screen, with bevelled plate glass panels. £5.18.6. No. 44-5. 4 ft. Mahogany Chippendale £5.18.6. No. 447 . 4ft- Mahogany Chippendale Dwarf Bookcase. £7.10.0. D warf Bookcase . 6 ft. 6in. Mahogany Louis XV. D warf Bookcase, of best manu facture, with plate glass panels to doors. 30 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, No. 45o. Mahogany inlaid revolving Bookcase. £7.15.0. No. 448. Mahogany inlaid re volving Bookcase. £5.18.6. 1 p • * m p; \ 1 I i m HH ■H : ' HAMPTON & SONS. ^ DRAWING-ROOM DWARF BOOKCASES. 20 . PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. 202 No. 4 5 I . No. 452. No. 453. No. 454 . These carved and gilt Chairs, together with many other reproductions of the finest models of the Louis XV. period, may be seen in our Show-rooms. The workmanship, in all cases, is of the best throughout. These, and all our Louis XV. and Louis XVI. Chairs and Settees, are also made in carved walnut and mahogany, dull polished, the details of the carving being enriched with gold, and in hard wood enamelled white, with carving gilt in same manner. ‘Trices vary according to the treatment adopted and the covering selected. Quotations for any of the designs shown may be had on application, or special drawings, with quotations, will be supplied if desired. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock No. 456. No. 457 . A'o 455 HAMPTON & SONS CARVED & GILT LOUIS XV. SETTEES & CHAIRS. 203 No. 459 . No. 460 . No. 461 . Reproductions of the best carved and gilt French models.—These frames are also made in carved walnut, or mahogany, dull polished, details of carving being picked out with gold; and in hard wood, enamelled white and enriched with gold in similar manner. Quotations for any of these treatments may be had on application. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. ALL goods CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in ' catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. No. 458? No. 45 8j No. 458. 204 HAMPTON & SONS. A LOUIS XV. CHAIRS & TABLES. No. 462. Gilt Lyre-back cane- seat Chair. No. 463 . Writing Table, with finely chased and mercury-gilt bronze mounts. No. 465 . Gilt Chair, covered in silk. No. 466. Gilt Arm Chair, covered in silk. No. 467. Show-case Table, with hand¬ some finely chased gilt bronze mounts. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface, . every article in catalogue No. 464. Gilt Lyre-back Chair, ivith embroidered satin seat. No. 468. Richly carved & gilt Chair, covered with silk. PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. HAMPTON & SONS. A LOUIS XVI. SETTEES & CHAIRS. 2o5 No. 469. No. 470. No. 471. Hampton & Sons always keep in their new Louis XV. and XVI. Show-rooms a large selection oj their reproductions of the choicest models of these periods. The above are made either all gilt, or in carved walnut or mahogany, dull polished, or enamelled white, the details of the carving being, in each case, relieved with gold. Best workmanship throughout. Prices according to treatment adopted and material selected. No. 472. No. 473. No. 474 - HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. ALL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock 206 HAMPTON & SONS. LOUIS XV. & XVI. CABINETS. {No. 475. Fine ' Marqueterie Louis XV. Cabinet, with gilt bronze mounts. 20 Guineas. all goods CARRIAGE PAID A No. 476. Mahogany Louis XVI. shaped front Cabinet, with open shelves, chased & gilt mounts. 13 Guineas. No. 477. Louis XVI. semi-circular Show¬ case Cabinet, in mahogany, with Vernis Martin panels & chased and gilt mounts. 19 Guineas. No. 478. Louis XVI. Show-case Cabinet, in mahogany,with chased & gilt mounts. 15 Guineas. No. 479. Louis XV. shaped front Show¬ case Cabinet, inlaid & enriched with chased gilt mounts. 19 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. •SEE PREFACE EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK HAMPTON & SONS. A LOUIS XV. FURNITURE. 209 I Specimen oj Louis XV. Writing Tables, photographed Jrom stock. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock [PAGE 2io. FRENCH FURNITURE.] O popular and so universally adopted for Boudoirs and Drawing Rooms have the Louis XV. and v --^ Louis XVI. styles of Furniture now become, that the examples shown on Pages 209 to 2io A need little explanation. The woods chiefly used are Rosewood and dark Mahogany, the inlays being of rarer and more costly woods, such as Kingwood and Tulipwood. The bronze mounts are hand-chased and mercury gilt. The tops are of various marbles. The picture panels in the Cabinets shown are in the peculiarly rich-looking lacquer work known as “ Vernis-Martin.” HAMPTON & SONS HAMPTON & SONS. J, FRENCH FURNITURE. 210 Louis XVI. Commode and Showcases in two different designs, photographed and reproduced from their magnificent stock of these Cabinets. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COGKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. ALL goods CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. [PAGE 2 1 o A FRENCH CABINETS.] T HE centre Cabinet on the opposite page is an exceptionally fine specimen of Boule work, and is constructed and finished in every particular in the same thorough manner in which this class of work was first produced. As in Boule’s own original work, the surface is entirely composed of tortoise-shell and brass, and the flat brass ornamentation is finished with hand engraving. The ormolu mounts are hand-chased and mercury gilt. For description of the two Showcase Cabinets see tablet lacing page 210. HAMPTON & SONS. HAMPTON & SONS. FINE FRENCH CABINETS. 2I0 a PALL MALL EAST all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. HAMPTON & SONS, COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. Specimen Cabinets in the French styles. Photographed from Stock. LOUIS XV. AND LOUIS XVI. FURNITURE. TN view of the present popularity of the Louis XV. and XVI. styles, for fashionable modern Drawing-rooms and Boudoirs, HAMPTON and SONS have made considerable additions to their select assortment of facsimile reproductions of the best Models of these periods. Cabinets, Commodes, Show-cases, of pure design and exquisite finish. Chased ormolu mounts. HAMPTON & SONS. HAMPTON & SONS. A FRENCH COMMODES. 211 No. 490. Louis X/F. shaped Commode, with 2 drawers, inlaid front, chased brass mounts, and marble top. £ 4 . 18 . 6 . No. 49i. Louis XV. Commode, inlaid fronts to drawers,chased brassmounts, and marble top. 5 Guineas. ./Vo.492. Rosewood Commode, with' 3 drawers, chased brass mounts, marble top. £ 5 . 10 . 0 . No. 493. Louis XV.shapedMarqueterie Commode, with 3 drawers, chased brass mounts, and marble top. 8 Guineas. No. 494. LouisXV. shapedMarqueterie3-drawer Commode, with heavy chased brass mounts and marble top. 12 Guineas. 'No. 495. Louis XIV. Tulip wood shaped Commode, with 4 drawers, handsome chased gilt bronze mounts, marble top. 87 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, No. 496. Louis XV. handsomely shaped rich Marqueterie Commode, with 2 drawers, chased mounts, and marble top. 15 Guineas. PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. HAMPTON & SONS. SHOW-CASE CABINETS, ETC. No 499 . Rosewood China Cabinet, with chased metal mounts and marble top. £ 5 . 10 . 0 . No. 497. Venetian Glass Mirror. 45 s. No. 5 oo. Marqueterie Show case Cabinet, with chased gilt bronze mounts. 29 Guineas. Mahogany and brass Showcase Cabinets, from 9 Guineas. No. 5 oi. 4 ft. Rosewood inlaid Dwarf Bookcase or China Cabinet, with marble lop. 7 Guineas. No. 498. Venetian Glass Mirror. 92 s. 6 d. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS. LONDON, S W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. HAMPTON & SONS. J, FRENCH NESTS of DRAWERS, ESCRITOIRES, etc. No. 5o5. Marqueterie Nest oj Drawers, with brassmounts. 5 Guineas. No. 507 . Rosewood Inlaid Louis XIV. Nest of Drawers, with chased & gilt brass mounts. 8 Guineas. No. 5o9. Marqueterie Secre¬ taire & Nest of Drawers, with chased brass mounts. 9 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. No. 504 . Venetiati.Glass Mirror, large si^e. 90s. No. 5o6. Louis XV. Rosewood Inlaid Show-case, with chased mounts, lined silk plush. 9 Guineas. No. 5o8. Louis XV. Mahogany Cor¬ ner Cabinet, mounted with chased brass, marble top. 13 Guineas. No. 5 o2 . Venetian Glass Mirror. 45s. No. 5o3. Venetian Glass Mirror, large si^e. 8 Guineas. 214 HAMPTON & SONS. ^ FRENCH TABLES. No. 5io. Square mahogany table, mount¬ ed with ormolu, onyx top. 35s. Oblong do., 17 x i 2 \in. 50s. No. 5 u. Mahogany Oval Table mounted with ormolu, onyx top, pierced brass gallery. 63s. Mahogany shaped Side Table, mounted with ormolu, onyx top,brass gallery, 63s. Table, mounted with or¬ molu, marble top and brass gallery. £3.10.0. No. 514 . Semi-circular Two-Tier Console Table, in mahog¬ any, mounted with ormolu, onyx top. 5 Guineas. No. 5 1 5. Mahogany oblong Console Table, with projecting centre, mounted with ormolu, with onyx top. £5.10.0. No.5i6. Shaped marquet- erie LouisXV.WorkTable, with chased brass mounts. £3.18.6. No. 517 . Oblong Console Table, back with bevelled glass, marble shelf and gallery. £ 8 . 8 . 0 . No. 5x8. Louis XV. Bureau, with Vernis Martin decoration & chased brass mounts. £, 5.18.6. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. HAMPTON & SONS. FRENCH TABLES. 2l5 No. 5i9. Inlaid Table, with 3 drawers. £4.10.0. No. 520. Oval inlaidMar queterie Table. £4.15.0. No. 5 21 . Louis XV. Shaped Circular Table, with chased brass mounts. £5.5.0. No. 522. Shaped WorkT'able, inlaid brass & ivory, with chased mounts. £5.10.0. No. 523 . Louis XV. Shaped Mar- queterie Table, ormolu mounts. £5.10.0. 1VU. J j. 1 ^ ~ ~ • Folding Card Table, inlaid Louis XVI. Marqueterie with ormolu mounts. 6 3s. marqueterie, with ormolu Table, with chased mounts. Superior quality do.,mar queterie mounts. £5.15.0. £6.15.0. front and sides. £4.10.0. No. 527 . Inlaid rosewood Bureau, with 2 drawers on top. £4.15.0. No. 528. Inlaid rosewood Bureau, of superior quality, with 4 drawers, gallery, and chased mounts. £6.10.0. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED from stock, 2 l6 HAMPTON & SONS. No. 533. Louis XVI. fine Marqueterie folding Card Table, mounted with finely chased mercury gilt mounts, 21 Guineas. No. 534 . 4 fit. gin. Louis XVI. Cylinder Writing Table, hand¬ somely inlaid & mounted with chased brass. 35 Guineas. No. 535. Louis XVI. Writing Table, with chased gilt mounts. 10 Guineas. PALL MALL EAST all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. AND HAMPTON & SONS, COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. FRENCH TABLES & SHOW-CASES. No. 529. Rosewood inlaid shaped mahogany Show¬ case Table, bevelled plate on top, and chased mounts. £4.18.6. No. 53o. Large shaped Showcase Table, inlaid and mounted with chased mounts, bevelled plate on top. £5.15.0. No. -53 1 . Shaped Show-case Table, Kingwood, with chased mounts and bevelled plates. 8 Guineas. No. 5 32. Louis XV. Work Table, fine antique model, in¬ laid drawer front, chased mer¬ cury gilt mounts. 9 to 15 guineas, according to the quality and finish. SHOW-CASES & TEA TABLES. 217 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. HAMPTON & SONS. No. 539. Mahogany kid¬ ney-shaped inlaid Show Case Table. £4.15.0. No. 541 . Superior Chippendale mahogany Show Case Table. £5.15.0. Plainer ditto. Jrom £2,15.0. No. 542 . Mahogany inlaid Sheraton Flap Table. "£4.4.0. No. 543 . Mahogany re¬ volving Tea Table, with Wedgwood Tea Set, complete. 78s.6d. No. 544 . Mahogany or rosewood inlaid Tea Table, with loose tray with glass bottom. £5.15.0. No. 538. Mahogany inlaid Occasional Table. 72s.6rf. No. 540 . Mahogany inlaid Show Case Table. 75 s. No. 536. Superior Chippendale Mahogany Folding Tea and Card Table. 50s. No. 537 . Mahogany inlaid Oval Show CaseTable. £4.15.0. 2 l8 DRAWING-ROOM OCCASIONAL TABLES. HAMPTON & SONS. No. 5 4 5. Dark mahogany or walnut Table, 2 yin. x igin. 26s. 6d. No. 5 4 6. Mahogany 2 -tier Table, with brass galleries. 50s. A No. 547 . Chippendale mahogany revolving Reading Table, with brass gallery. 58s. 3d. Do., with spindle wood gallery, 26s. 3d. No. 5 5o. Mahogany Sheraton richly inlaid oval Table, with drawer. 75s. No. 55 1 . Chip¬ pendale mahog- any 2 -tier Flower Stand, with brass gallery. 35s. No. 552. Rosewood inlaid Occasional Table. 3 3s.6d. No, 548 . Mahogany Jardinere, ivith ormolu mounts. 5 0s. No. 5 4 9. Mahogany inlaid Shera¬ ton kidney-shape table, top lined morocco. 65s, _ No. 5 5 3. Chippendale ma¬ hogany 2 -tier Table. 3 5s. No. 554 . Old mahogany Chippendale Table, superior quality. 6 3s. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. _ all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. HAMPTON & SONS. A DRAWING-ROOM TABLES. No. 555. Walnut or maho¬ gany. 9s. 6 d. No. 556. Mahogany or walnut. Plain, 11s. Inlaid, do., 16s.9. Adams Pedestal, infine Spanish mahogany, richly inlaid on all side s. No. 616 . Louis XV. inlaid Mar- queterie Nest 0 / Drawers Sec¬ retaire Pedestal, with chased bronze gilt mounts and marble top. Choice selection in Show¬ rooms. No. 607 . E boni^ed. 11 s. 9 d. No. 606 . Carved Pedes¬ tal or Flower Stand. 27s. 6 d. No. 6o9. Carved Cupid Pedestal. £5.18.6. N 0 . 610 . Large eboni^ed Pedestal, with Ionic capital. 28s. 6 d. No. 6 11 . Rich mahogany or rosewood, mounted with ormolu, revolving onyx top. £4.18.6. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. 228 HAMPTON & SONS. SCREENS, ETC No. 617. Rosewood inlaid 2-fold Screen, striped silk panels. 25 s. N0.622.H anddecorated Vernis Royal Adams pole-shicldScreen. 65 s. No. 618. Enamelled white 2 -fold Screen, with silk panels. 45 s. No. 6 i 9 . Palm Stand or Wine Cooler, with brass bowl. 52 s. 6d. No.620.VernisRoyalChevalScree7i, with embroidered panel. £6.10.0. In mahogany, with silk tapestry panel. 78 s. 6 d. No. 623. 2-fold poker work Screen, with fluted silk panels. 58 s. 6 d. No. 624. Mahogany Jardinere, with brass bowl. £ 4 . 7 . 6 . No. 62b. Tea Screen, with silk panel, and shelves.j £ 2 . 15 . 0 . HAMPTON & SONS, ^ ATAtAT1 PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR .'STREET,‘CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue No. 621. Louis XV. carved enam¬ elled white 2fold Screen, with silk tapestry panels. £ 2 . 15 . 0 . No. 626. 2-fold Screen, with vel¬ vet panels plaited to hold photos, papers, etc. 78 s. 6d. PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. HAMPTON & SONS. ^ SCREENS. 2 2 9 No. 627. Enamelled white or mahogany 3 ~f 0 ^ Screens, with patent reversible hinges, bevelled plate glass panels above, and silk tapestry panels below. £ 9 . 15 . 0 . No. 628. Carved mahogany 3-fold Screen, top panels cov¬ ered in velvet or plush for miniatures,lower panels covered with silk tapestry. 14 Guineas. No. 62 9 . Mahogany carved Louis XV. 3-fold graduating Screen, upper panels transparent bevelled glass, lower panels covered in tapestry. 13 Guineas. ALL GOODS [PALL MALL EAST and CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. HAMPTON & SONS, COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. HAMPTON & SONS SCREENS. No. 63o. No. 63i. No. 632. Louis XV. 3-fold Screen, enamelled white, panels Enamelled white Louis XVI. 3-^old Screen, with Richly carved graduated 3-fold Louis XV. Screen, top covered in tapestry - - 17 Guineas. transparent bevelled glass panels at top, lower panels panels bevelled glass, lower panels covered in silk ,, best silk 'L 22 Guineas. covered in plush & striped tapestry. 16 Guineas. tapestry. 15 Guineas. all goods CARRIAGE PAID HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and GOCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. SEE PREFACE. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED F ROM STOCK HAMPTON & SONS. ^ EASELS AND MIRRORS. No. 633 Enam¬ elled white Mir¬ ror. bevelled sil¬ vered plate, bracket beneath glass. 19s. 6^, No. 63y. _ Fine mahogany richly inlaid Easel, best manufacture and finish. 6 Guineas. No. 636. Mahogany or walnut Easel. 55s, No. 634 . Dresden Mirror, with bev¬ elled plate. 3 ft. x 1 ft. loin. 12 Guineas. No. 638. Enamelled white Rococo Easel. 4 Guineas. Gilt ditto, 6 Guineas. No 635. Rococo carved & gilt Mirror. 7 Guineas. No. 639. Carved and gilt Louis XV. Easel. A choice selection of similar Easels in the show-rooms. PALL MALL EAST and all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. HAMPTON & SONS, COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. 232 HAMPTON & SONS. 1 PIANOS. Hampton & Sons, having made special arrangements with the most eminent pianoforte makers, are in a position to supply pianos upon the most advantageous terms for Cash, or on the “Three Years' System.” No. 640 is a Cottage Piano, with overstrung scale, complete iron frame, three unisons, patent overdamper, check action, 7 octaves. In rosewood, walnut, or enamelled white cases, with incised and gilt panels and mouldings. 3 /t. ioin. high, 4 ft. yin. wide. 2 9 Guineas. No. 641 . Upright Grand Piano, in handsome case, with extended ends, and rich marqueterie panels. Reliable Upright Grand Pianos supplied from 60 Guineas. A variety of Piano Stools and Music Seats will be found on page i85 . HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET. CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. ah goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. No. 641 . No. 640 . No. 642. No. 643. No. 644. No. 645. Hampton & Sons supply the Grand Pianos oj all the most distinguished makers in the usual cases, in rosewood, walnut, or inlaid mahogany. They also make Special Cases to their own original designs, to harmonise perjectly with the decoration and furnishing of a Boudoir, Drawing-Room, or Music Room, No. 643 being an example of a Boudoir Grand in the Louis XV. style, and No. 645 an example of a Drawing-Room Grand in the Louis XVI. style. No 642 and 644, Duet Seats, are from stock. A variety of others, with prices, will be found on page i 85 . Hampton & Sons supply a reliable Grand Piano, with over-strung scale, iron frame, three unisons, patent repetition check action, 7% octaves, and all modern improvements,—in Rosewood or Walnut case for 70 Guineas. all goods CARRIAGE PAID- HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. PREFACE. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. 234 No. 646 . Mahogany or walnut. 19s.6(i. Do., carved 36 m. by 22 in. 44s. HAMPTON & SONS. ^ CABINETS & MIRRORS. No. 647 . Chippendale mahogany or walnut. 39s. 6 d. No. 648 . Chippendale, cano¬ pied, 34in. x - 2 iin. 75 s. No. 649 . Mahogany or walnut, carved, with 7 bevelled plates. 42 s. No. 6bo. Mahogany carvedframeMirror with sconces&flower holder. £5.2.6. No. 65 1 . Richly carved oak Mirror. £5.15.0. No. 652 . Chippendale No. 653. White enatn- No.6by. Chippendale No. 655. Mahogany inlaid No. 656. Mahogany Lot nervv all Cabinet, elled Hanging Cabinet. CornerWallCabinet, Wall China Cabinet. Chippendale Wall in walnut. 52s.6rf. £4.2.6. in walnut. £4.15.0. £6.18.6. Cabinet. £4.10.0. No. 657 . Mahogany carved and gilt Wall Mirror. £5.18.6. HAMPTON & SONS, _ att PALL MALL EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. ALL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID SEE PREFACE. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. HAMPTON & SONS. WALL BRACKETS AND MIRRORS, 235 A No. 662 . Adams' Mirror, in ormolu\Jrame, with bevelled plate , £6.15.0. No. 663. Richly carved & gilt Louis XV. Mirror. 8 Guinea's. No. 664 . Chippendale Wall No 665. Richly carved & gilt Bracket, richly sculptured. Louis XV. Mirror, with brackets Price according to si^e. J or china. 9 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W No. 666 . Large DresdenMir- ror,with shaped bevelled'plate. 4 jt. x[ 2 jt.\ 6 in. 24 Guineas. All goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. No. 658. Chippendale delicately carved Wall Bracket. Price accord¬ ing to si^e. No. 659. Enamelled white and gilt Mirror, with bevelled plate. £3.18.6. No. 660 . Gilt Florentine Mirror No. 66 1 . Enamelled white and with 30 x 25 bevelled plate. gilt Mirror, with bevelled £4.15.0. plate. £4.18.6. 236 HAMPTON & SONS A MIRRORS No. 607 . Mahogany & gold Mirror, with 3 bevelled plates. 4 ft.jin. [wide, 3 ft. high. £7.18.6. No. 669. Large Rococo Gilt Mirror, 5ft. x 3 ft. 12 Guineas. No. 670 , Very handsome large Dresden Mirror, bevelled plate. 4 ft. wide, 6 ft. 6 in. high. 45 Guineas. No. 668 . Enamelled white and gold Mirror, with 3 bevelled plates 4 ft.yin. wide, 3 fi. 6 in. high. 8 Guineas. No. 671 . Carved Frame Chippendale Mirror, gilt i?i best manner. 5ft. 2 in. wide, 5ft. 3 in. high. 17 to 23 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. HAMPTON & SONS. A DRAWING-ROOM OVERMAN T-ELS. 237 No. 674 . Enamelled white Overmantel, with g bevelled No. 675 . Enamelled white large Overmantel , 5fi.4in. wide, 5ft. high, plates. 5ft.5in. wide, 4ft-ii?i. high. 8 Guineas. 11 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and GOCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. ALL goods CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED'from stock. HAMPTON & SONS CARVED OVERMANTELS Walnut, oak, or mahogany, six bevelled 4 ft. 6 in. ivide, 4 ft. high. £4.10.0. No. 676 . Overmantel, in ash or satin-walnut, with 8 silvered plates. 4 ft. wide, 3 ft. 6 in. high 39s.6af. No. 677 plates. Walnut or mahogany, with 8 bevelled ft.5in. wide, 4ft-7in. high. 3 Guineas. No. 679 . Mahogany, walnut, or oak, carved. No. 680 . Mahogany or rosewood inlaid. 4 ft.ioin. No. 681 . Walnut, oak, or mahogany, carved, with 4 ft.gin. wide, 4 ft. 8 in. high. 5 Guineas. wide, 5ft. high. £5.15.0. 10 bevelled plates. 5ft. wide, 5ft. 3 in.high. £5.15.0. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock I 1 m HAMPTON & SONS. J, OVERMANTELS. 239 A T o. 684 . Rosewood inlaid. 4 ft. 8 in. wide, 4 ft.ioin. high. £7.15.0. No. 685. Rosewood inlaid. 4 ft. gin. wide, 4 ft-5in. high. 9 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. ALL goods CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock No. 688 . Carved oak. 4ft-4in- wide, 4 ft.gin. high. £5.10.0. No. 69o. Mahogany, oak, or]walnut, of superior finish] 5ft. 6 in. wide, 5ft. 2 in. high. £8.18.6. HAMPTON & SONS, and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROlVlljSTOCK. CARVED OVERMANTELS. PALL MALL EAST all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. No. 687. Mahogany, oak, or walnut, carved. 4 ft.gin. wide, 4 ft.loin. high. £5.18.6. No. 689. Mahogany, oak, or walnut, carved. 5ft. wide, 4 ft. 6 in. high. 8 Guineas. 240 HAMPTON & SONS. No. 689. Mahogany, oak, or walnut, carved, of superior design and finish. 4 ft.jin. wide, 4 ft- 4 in. high. 8 Guineas. HAMPTON & SONS. A CHIPPENDALE OVERMANTELS. 241 No. 694 . Mahogany Chippendale. 4 ft.gin. wide, 5ft. high. 8 Guineas. No. 693. Mahogany inlaid. 5ft. wide, 3 ft.gin. high. 8 Guineas. No. 692. Mahogany Chippendale. 3 ft.nin. wide, 4 ft.iin. high. 7 Guineas. No. 695. Mahogany Chippendale, carved. 5ft.wide, 4 ft. high. 11 Guineas. No. 696. Mahogany Louis XV., carved. 4 ft.uin. ivide, 4ft■ 6 in. high. £10.15.0. PALL MALL EAST and all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. HAMPTON & SONS, COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. 242 HAMPTON & SONS. J, CHIPPENDALE OVERMANTELS. No. 697 . Mahogany Chippendale, best make and finish. 5ft. wide, 5ft. 8in. high. 18 Guineas. No. 698 . Chippendale Overmantel, richly sculptured, in fine old mahogany. 5ft.6in. wide,-6ft.gin. high. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. HAMPTON & SONS. No. 699. Syrian inlaid Coffee Table i 2 \in. wide, i 6 \in. high, 9s 6 d. iffn. wide, igin. high, lls. 6 A No. 702 . Trukish inlaid Hexagon Coffee Table. i 2 in. wide, iHin. high, 2 5s. i 6 in. wide, 2 iin high, 50s. 1 gin. wide, 24 \in. high, 85s. No. 703 . Large Turkish square Coffee Table, inlaid with mother o' pearl & rare woods. 78s.6d. No. yoob Antique Persian Hanging Lamp. 90s. A large variety Jrom 15 s. J, TURKISH, ARABIAN, & INDIAN FURNITURE. ^3 No. 700 . Turkish inlaid mother o’ pearl Hanging Bracket, with gallery and recesses. 26 in. x 2 oin. 67s.6rf. No. 7 oob Turkish Jewelled Hanging Lamp, from 5s. 6 d. No. 704 . Turkish Cabinet, inlaid mother 0 ' pearl and rare woods. 4 jt.gin. wide,-yft. 6 in. high. 30 Guineas. No. 701 . Syrian inlaid Mirror, with bevelled plate. i5in. wide, 26 in, high, 17s. §d. 22 in. wide, 42 in. high, 28s.6d. No. 7 o 3 f Indian Coffee Table, in¬ laid with ivory, fitted with drawer. i 6 \in. wide, i 6 \in. high. 65s. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. 244 HAMPTON & SONS. A ARABIAN FURNITURE. No. jo5. Syrian inlaid Koran Stand. 6 in. wide, 2 iin. high, 7s.6*♦*♦> *«4 * *♦ WMMp •♦♦♦♦' ‘fff < .■■■■■■■■ ■ nnmsutm* i •:+*++• +**: •;**' ►•!**♦♦* ::::::::::: isSillils 1 ; ”v ;i ■3 1 ■ t*-‘S%Ny V- :: :■ If •.♦! .'A.-' V-.., S N 4 ssss&s* II ■ ■': ' ■ V . % VA i:i No.'jib. Damascus Repousse Brass’" No. 716 . Carved and inlaid Musharabeyeh 3 -fold Screen. Pedestal and Pot. £4.15.0. £10.15.0. No. 711 . Syrian Shaped Cojfee T able, 2 iKin. wide 22 in. high. 38s. 6d. No. 714 . Old Musharabeyeh 3 -fold Screen, with carved panels. 6 ft. high. £ 1 i . 1 5. 0 . No. 71 3. Carved 3 -fold Dwarf Screen with Musharabeyeh panelling. 4 ft. 3 in. high. £4.15.0. No. 712 . Folding Tray Stand, 2 oin. across, 1 cfiin. high. Naturalwood, 5s.6d. Do., stained and polished, 9 s. 6 d. Brass Benares Tray from 14s.6N. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. au goods CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. HAMPTON & SONS. JAPANESE FURNITURE No. 717 . Chinese carved black wood Pedestal, with inlaid marble top. 22 in. across, 32 m. high. 90s. Handsome Bronze Jardineres from 30s. No. 718 . Handsome Japanese Cabinet, richly carved, & inlaid with carved ivory & mother 0 ’pearl, & enriched with lacquer decoration. 93 Guineas. No. 719 . Japanese Bronze Stork, fine quality. 7 ft. 6 in. high. « £5.15.0. Well adapted for holding elec¬ tric light in beak. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock HAMPTON & SONS CHINESE & JAPANESE FURNITURE. 247 No. 723. Inlaid mother o’ pearl,ivory, & lacquer Wall Cabinet, 2iin. wide, Sft.Gin. high. 7 8 s. 6 rf. Vo. 724. Japanese Cabinet, ■arved & inlaid with ivory, nother o’ pearl, & lacquer decoration. 5 iin. high. 33in. wide, 5 Guineas. No. 725. Eboni^ed carved 5 -leg Pedestal. 42 s. Imari Jardineres, from Ss.Qd. No. 726. Japanese Cabinet, carved and inlaid with carved ivory & mother 0’pearl, & lacquer decoration. 4ft.6in. wide, 6ft.6in.high. From 25 Guineas. No. 727. Chinese blackwood carved Pedestal, i 5 in. dia¬ meter, 36'in. high. " ‘ 5 8s. 6./. Benares brass Jar- dineres from I2s.6d. ALL HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. goods CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in catalogue No. 728. Corner Cabinet, in¬ laid with ivory & mother o’pearl, & lacquer decoration. £ 5 . 15.0 PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. No. 740. Carved Corner Cabinet, with pearl decoration, 3ft.3in. high. 37 s.6rf. No. 721. Carved Bracket, with pearl decoration. 1 'An. wide, 3 shelves, 18 s. 6 d. 12'in. ivide, 4 shelves, 1 9 s. 6 d. No. 722. Carved 2-tier pearl ornamented bracket, with cup¬ board. uin. wide, 36in.high. , 27 s. Gd. 248 HAMPTON & SONS. A CHINESE & JAPANESE FURNITURE. No. 729. Japanese Hanging Cabinet, en¬ riched with ivory, mother 0’pearl, & lacquer deco¬ ration, 2ft. wide.3Jt.6in. high. 9 5 s. No. 733. Chinese carved blackwood Table, with inlaid marble top. Top 3ft. x ift.jin. 9 Os. No. 734. Japanese gold lacquer Cabinet, panels enriched with carved ivory decoration. 45 Guineas. No. 731. Chinese carved black wood Pedestal, with marble top, superior finish. 8 fin.wide,21 fin. high. 33 s. 6d. 8fin.wide,26fin. high. 42 s." No. Chinese blackwood Corner Table, inlaid mother 0' pearl, with inlaid marble top. 78 s. 6 d. No. 730. Chinese carved black wood Gong Stand, with I2in. gong, complete. 78 s. 6 d. 4s.9d. 5s.6d. 5s. 6 d. 7s. 8 s. 6 d. No. 874 . 3 -fold Rod Screen. forcovering in cretonne or chintz, Polished pine, 4ft- Gin. 20s., 5ft. 21s., 5 ft. 6 in. 22s.6d. Enamelled white, 4 ft. 6 in. 25s., 5ft. 27s.6d., 5ft. 6 in. 29s.6d. % No. 878 . No. 877 . Bedroom Writing Table, in- Invalid Rising Bed Table, laid with 2 drawers. 45s. 45s. No. 870 . 5s.2d. 7s.3rf.;.Ss.8rf. No. 871 . 4s.l0d, 6s.9 d„ 8 s. 6 d., 12 s.6d. No. 872 . Leg Rest, with double rising action, cov¬ ered in leather. 37s. Qd. Plain Do., covered in baize, 7s.6 Betting, BIectro=lplate, Cbtna, Class, etc., expressly designed for and adapted to the requirements of substantial, good-class Hotels, Clubs, etc. Having every facility for carrying out CONTRACTS for the above mentioned, and being in a position to offer EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD VALUE AT COMPETITIVE QUOTATIONS, HAMPTON & SONS are always pleased to submit close Estimates on receipt of the necessary Specifications. Experienced Assistants sent to consult, make suggestions, and prepare Specifications and Estimates. Carriage Paid. Samples sent free of charge. HAMPTON and SONS, PALL MALL EAST, LONDON, S.W. Hampton & Sons’ Ghair and other Folding Bedsteads. 301 No. 2001. STRONG IRON CHAIR BEDSTEAD, 2 ft. X 6ft. 7/6 Set of cushions, best brown wool, covered with cretonne, from 13/6 No. 2004. extra strong chair bedstead. 2 ft. X 6ft. 12/6 Set of cushions, best brown wool, covered with cretonne, from 13/6 No. 2002. IRON CABINET BEDSTEAD. 2ft.6 x 6ft. 3ft. X 6ft. 3ft.6 x 6ft. 4ft. x 6ft. 17/6 18/6 20 1 - 22/6 No. 2003. SUPERIOR CHAIR BEDSTEAD, with brass legs. 2 ft. x 6ft. 9/6 Cushions stuffed all hair and covered in good cretonne, from 25/- No. 2004—OPEN. 2 ft. X 6ft. 71 - Extra strong ditto, 9/6 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & cockspur street, charing CROSS, London, S.W. 302 Hampton & Sons’ Detachable Italian Heads, Bed-Poles, Etc. - - =9lQ No. 2006. DETACHABLE ITALIAN HEAD. Can be fixed to any French Bedstead. 21/- each. Any width. / l .n 7/ , y No. 2007.—BRASS CANOPY, with rod and rings, 32/- No. 2008—POLISHED BRASS CANOPY, with rod and rings, 52/- No. 2012.— 2 ft. 6 in., 4/6 No. 2013.—l-in. BED POLE, 2 tt. 6 in„ 6/3 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. 303 Hampton & Sons’ Bassinettes and Cots. FOLDING BASSINETTE, japanned white or black. 2ft. to ;< I ft. 7 3ft. 3 x ift.7 24/6 27/6 No. 2021. PATENT IMPROVED COT, with sides to let down, woven wire spring mattress. 4ft. x 2ft. 4ft.3X2ft.3 4ft.6x2ft.6 28/6 31/6 34/6 No. 2020. IRON AND BRASS FOUR-POST COT. 2ft. x 4ft. 2ft,3X4ft.3 2ft.6x4ft.6 71/6 75/- 78/- ALL BRASS FOUR POST COT. 94/- 97/6 100/- SWING BASSINETTE 2ft. 10 X lft.7 18/6 No. 2022. 2ft. X 4ft. 2ft. 3 x4ft.3 2ft.6x4ft.6 55/- 58/- 61/- HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. 304 Hampton & Sons’ Children’s Cots. No. 2024. IRON AND BRASS COT, with perforated zinc sides, straight or slope sides. 4ft. x 2ft. 4ft3x2ft-3 4ft.6x2ft.6 21/6 23/6 25/6 Hampton s Sons’ Children’s Half-Side Bedsteads 305 No. 2027. 5ft. X 2ft.6 5ft. X 3ft. 13/6 14/6 No. 2028. 5 ft. xzft.6 5ft. x 3ft. 5ft.6 x 3ft.6 24/6 25/6 27/6 No. 2029. ENAMELLED BLACK AND BRASS CHILD’S 5ft. X2ft.6 5ft. x 3 ft. 5ft.6x 3 ft.6 68/6 70/6 73/6 BEDSTEAD. No. 2030. ALL BRASS CHILD’S BEDSTEAD. 5ft. x 2ft. 6 5ft. X 3ft. 5ft. 6 x 3ft. 6 72/6 78/6 87/6 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. 306 Hampton & Sons’ Wire Spring Mattresses and Mesh Bedsteads. No. 2032. DOUBLE WOVEN STEEL WIRE MATTRESS. 3 ft- 3 ft,6 4ft. 4ft .6 5 ft. Second Quality 13/ 13/6 14/3 15/- 16/ Best Quality, recommended 17/6 19/- 20/6 21/6 22/6 No. 2034. TREBLE WOVEN STEEL WIRE MATTRESS. 3 ft- 3ft.6 4ft. 4ft.6 5ft. 5ft. 6 Second Quality 22/6 23/6 24/6 26/6 29/6 No. 1 Special Quality, strongly recommended J 27/- 28/- 29/- 31/6 34/6 39/6 No. 2035. BEST QUALITY CHAIN SPRING MATTRESS, made of the best materials throughout, and very carefully finished. 3 ft- 3 ft-6 4ft. 4ft.6 5 ft. Second Quality ... 20/- 21/6 22/6 23/6 26 /■ Best Quality ... 23 /- 24/6 26 /- 27 /- 29 /- 2ft. 6 3ft. 3ft. 6 18/6 18/9 20/6 Well adapted for Institutions, Schools, and general use. No. 2037. ALL BRASS FRENCH BEDSTEAD, fitted as No. 2036. 2ft.6 3ft. 3ft.6 50/. 52/6 55/- HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. Hampton & Sons’ Stump and French Bedsteads 307 No. 2038. VERY STRONG IRON STUMP BEDSTEAD. 2 ft .6 3 ft. 3 ft. 6 4 ft. 4 ft .6 9/6 10/6 11/6 12/6 13/6 No. 2040. VERY STRONG IRON FRENCH BEDSTEAD. IRON No. 2039. FRENCH BEDSTEAD 2 ft. 6 11/3 3 ft .6 12/6 4 ft. 6 147- IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEAD, fitted with double woven wire 3 ft- 13/9 3ft-6 14/3 4ft. 14/9 4 ft. 6 15/6 mattress, on patent raised angle irons. 3 ft. 3 ft .6 4 ft. 4 ft .6 39/6 41/6 44/6 47/6 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, s.w. 308 Hampton & Sons’ Black and Brass French Bedsteads. THESE DESIGNS CAN BE SUPPLIED AS ITALIAN OR HALF-TESTER BEDSTEADS. FRENCH BEDSTEAD, fitted with double woven wire mattress. 3 ft. 3 ft. 6 4 ft. 4 ft .6 36/6 38/6 40/6 42/6 No. 2046. 3 ft. 3 ft .6 4 ft. 4 ft .6 jft. 38/6 39/6 40/6 41/6 44/6 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, London, S.W. [ ll -J- Hampton & Sons’ Enamelled Black and Brass French Bedsteads. THESE DESIGNS CAN BE SUPPLIED AS ITALIAN OR HALF-TESTER BEDSTEADS. 3 ft. 6 63/- No. 2046. 4 ft. 65/- 4ft. 6 67/6 No. 2047. 3ft. 3ft.6 4ft. 4ft.6 5ft. 62/6 65 1 - 67/6 70/- 75/- 5ft. 70/- HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS London, S.W. 310 Hampton s Sons’ All Brass French Bedsteads. THESE DESIGNS CAN BE SUPPLIED AS ITALIAN OR HALF-TESTER BEDSTEADS. 3ft- 77/6 3ft.6 80/- No. 2051. 4 ft. 82/6 4ft. 6 85/- 5 ft- 87/6 3 ft .6 No. 2053. 4 ft. 4ft .6 90/- 81/6 93/- 95/- 97/6 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COOKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. Hampton & Sons’ All Brass French Bedsteads. THESE DESIGNS CAN BE SUPPLIED AS ITALIAN OR HALF-TESTER BEDSTEADS. No. 2054. Sft 3 ft .6 4 ft 4 ft .6 5 ft. £4 15 O £4 17 6 £5 0 0 £5 2 6 £5 6 0 Same design in Enamelled Iron and Brass. £3 15 0 £3 18 6 £4 0 0 £4 2 6 £4 7 6 £5 4 0 £5 6 0 £5 8 0 £5 10 0 £5 12 6 3 ft .6 £5 4 0 No. 2055. 4 ft- 4 ft. 6 5 ft. £5 6 0 £5 8 0 £5 10 0 No. 2057. 3 ft. 3 ft .6 4 ft. 4 ft. 6 5 ft. £6 10 0 £6 12 6 £6 15 0 £6 17 6 £7 0 0 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W 311 Hampton 5 Sons’ All Brass French Bedsteads. THESE DESIGNS CAN BE SUPPLIED AS ITALIAN OR HALF-TESTER BEDSTEADS. No. 2058. 3ft. 3ft. 6 4ft. 4ft.6 5ft. 5ft.6 £6 15 6 £6 17 6 £7 0 0 £7 2 6 £7 6 0 £7 10 0 No. 2059. 3ft. 3ft.6 4ft. 4ft.6 5ft. £6 17 6 £7 0 0 £7 2 6 £7 5 0 £7 10 0 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, London, S.W. Hampton s Sons’ All Brass French Bedsteads. THESE DESIGNS CAN BE SUPPLIED AS ITALIAN OR HALF-TESTER BEDSTEADS No. 2063. 4 ft.6 5ft- 5 ft -6 £8 7 6 £8 10 0 £8 15 0 No. 2062. 4ft. 4ft.6 5ft. £8 10 0 £8 12 6 £8 15 0 Sft.6 £9 0 0 jft- 3ft-6 £8 5 0 £8 7 6 No. 2064. 5ft- £9 9 0 4ft. 6 £9 6 6 No. 2065. Square pillars and rails throughout. 3ft.6 4ft. 4 ft -6 5 ft- £9 12 6 £9 16 0 £9 17 6 £10 0 0 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, 313 S.W. 314 Hampton & Sons’ All Brass Frengh Bedsteads. THESE DESIGNS CAN BE SUPPLIED AS ITALIAN OR HALF-TESTER BEDSTEADS. No. 2066. 5ft- £10 6 0 5ft. 6 £10 10 0 3(1.6 £11 13 6 No. 4 ft. £11 17 6 2067. 4ft.6 £12 I 6 5 ft. 6 £12 13 6 No 2069. 3ft- 3ft. t> 4ft. 4ft -6 5 ft. 5 ft. 6 £11 14 6 £11 18 6 £12 2 6 £12 6 6 £12 10 6 £12 18 6 No. 2068. 3ft-ft 4ft- £1! 14 6 £11 17 6 4ft. 6 £12 I 5ft- 6 £12 10 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. Hampton & Sons’ All Brass French Bedsteads. THESE DESIGNS CAN BE SUPPLIED AS ITALIAN OR HALF-TESTER BEDSTEADS. No. 2071. 3ft. 3ft.6 4ft. 4ft.6 5ft. 5ft. 6 No. 2070. Square pillars and rails throughout. 3 ft- 3ft. 6 4ft. 4ft.6 5ft. 5ft.6 £12 0 0 £12 2 6 £12 5 0 £12 7 6 £12 10 0 £12 15 0 £14 5 0 £14 9 0 £14 13 0 £14 17 0 £15 0 0 £15 10 0 No. 2073. 3ft. 3ft.6 4ft. 4ft.6 5ft. 5ft.6 £16 5 0 £16 8 0 £16 110 £16 14 0 £16 17 0 £17 5 0 4ft. 6 £15 10 0 No 2072. 5 ft- £15 15 0 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & OOCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. 316 Hampton & Sons’ All Brass French Bedsteads. THESE DESIGNS CAN BE SUPPLIED AS ITALIAN OR HALF-TESTER BEDSTEADS- No. 2074. ALL BRASS TWIN BEDSTEADS. 3ft. 3 f t -3 or 3 ft - 6 £10 12 0 £10 15 0 the pair. SINGLE BEDSTEAD. 4ft. 4ft. 6 5ft. 5 fl £5 8 6 £5 10 0 £5 12 6 £5 17 6 £17 16 6 £18 3 O £18 13 0 No. 2075. TWIN BEDSTEADS. Square pillars and rails throughout. 3ft. 3ft.3 or 3ft.6 £21 10 0 £21 15 0 the pair. SINGLE BEDSTEAD. 4ft. 4ft. 6 5ft. 5ft. 6 £10 18 6 £11 0 0 £11 2 6 £11 7 6 4ft. 6 No. 2077. 5 ft. £18 12 6 £18 17 6 £19 2 6 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST &. COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. Hampton & Sons’ All Brass French Bedsteads. THESE DESIGNS CAN BE SUPPLIED AS ITALIAN OR HALF-TESTER BEDSTEADS. These Bedsteads can be supplied Silver-plated instead of Brass. Prices on application. 317 No. 2078. 3ft. 3ft.6 4ft. 4ft. 6 5ft. 5ft.6 £19 12 6 £19 16 0 £19 17 6 £20 0 0 £20 7 6 £20 15 0 No. 2079. 4 ft. 6 5 ft. £26 17 6 £27 5 0 No. 2080. HANDSOME ALL BRASS FRENCH BEDSTEAD. 5ft. S ft -6 £31 6 0 £32 10 0 No. 2081. Massive square pillars and rails throughout. 4ft. 6 5 ft- 5 ft -6 £30 0 0 £30 10 0 £31 0 0 318 Hampton & Sons’ Brass French Bedstead. No. 2082.—ALL BRASS FRENCH BEDSTEAD IN THE LOUIS XV. STYLE. THIS DESIGN IS ALSO KEPT IN STOCK AS AN ITALIAN. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. 319 Hampton & Sons’ Enamelled Black and Brass Italian Bedsteads. THESE DESIGNS CAN BE SUPPLIED AS FRENCH OR HALF-TESTER BEDSTEADS. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. S.W. 320 Hampton & Sons’ All Brass Italian Bedsteads. THESE DESIGNS CAN BE SUPPLIED AS FRENCH OR HALF-TESTER BEDSTEADS. No. 2085. 3 ft- 3ft.6 4ft. 4 ft.6 5ft. 5ft.6 £6 13 6 £6 15 0 £6 16 6 £6 18 0 £7 10 £7 7 0 No. 2086. 4ft.6 5ft. £10 12 6 £10 17 6 HAMPTON 8t SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, London, S.W, Hampton s Sons’ All Brass Italian Bedsteads. THESE DESIGNS CAN BE SUPPLIED AS FRENCH OR HALF-TESTER BEDSTEADS. No. 2087. 4 ft. 4ft.6 5 ft- 5 ft- 6 £11 19 0 £12 I 6 £12 4 0 £12 10 0 4ft. 6 £!9 15 0 No. 2088. 5ft- £20 7 6 5ft.6 £21 7 6 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, London, S.W. 322 Hampton s Sons’ Half-Tester Bedsteads. THESE DESIGNS CAN BE SUPPLIED AS FRENCH OR ITALIAN BEDSTEADS. 4ft. 6 £4 7 6 No. 2089. 5ft. £4 II 0 5ft.6 £4 17 6 No. 2090. 4 ft-6 5 ft. sft-6 £4 16 6 £4 19 6 £5 6 0 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. 323 Hampton & Sons’ Four-Post Bedsteads. THESE DESIGNS CAN BE SUPPLIED AS FRENCH, ITALIAN, OR HALF-TESTER BEDSTEADS. 3ft- £3 2 6 3 ft.6 £3 5 No. 2091. 4ft. 4ft. 6 0 £3 7 6 £3 10 0 5ft- 3 £12 6 No. 2092. 3ft. 3 ft. 6 4ft. 4ft. 6 5ft. £6 7 6 £6 9 0 £6 10 6 £6 13 0 £6 15 6 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. S.W. 324 Hampton & Sons’ All Brass Four-Post and Ganopy Bedsteads. THESE DESIGNS CAN BE SUPPLIED AS FRENCH, ITALIAN, OR HALF-TESTER BEDSTEADS. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & cocKSPUR street, charing cross, London, S.W. 325 -* Hampton & Sons’ Bedding List. Palliasses, iViattresses, & J3j>ring iVlattresses. No. DESCRIPTION. 2ft.6in. 3 ft. 3 ft. 6in. 4ft. 4ft.6in. 5 ft. 5ft.6in. 1 Common Straw Palliasse 5/6 6/6 7/6 8/6 9/6 IO/- n/6 2 Best Straw Palliasse with Linen Borders 9 /- 10/6 12/- 13/6 15/- 16/6 18/6 Flock Mattress in fine Canvas Case, with Glazed 1 9 /- 10/- 11/- 12/- 13/- 3 Tick Borders ... ... ... ..... J 4 Best Flock Mattress in Glazed Cotton Tick 11/6 13/6 15/6 17/6 19/6 22/- — 5 Best Brown Wool Mattress in Grey and Blue 1 Striped Case ... ... ... ... j 17 /- 19/6 22/- 25/- 28/6 32 /- 36/- 6 3rd Quality, White Wool Mattress in Grey and 1 Pink Striped Linen Case ... ... ... j 25/- 29/- 33/- 36 /- 40/- 47 /- 54 /- 7 2nd Ditto, ditto, in Grey and Buff Linen Case 30 /- 35 /- 40/- 45 /- 50/- 58 /- 65/- 8 1st Ditto, ditto, in Grey and White wide Striped 1 Linen Case... ... ... ... ... J 40/- 48/- 56- 64/- 73/- 84/- 95 /- 9 Extra A 1 Quality, ditto, wide and narrow Striped, / extra thick ... ... ... ... ... J 50 /- 60/- 70/- 80/- 90/- 105/- 120/- 10 4th Quality, in Striped Linen Case ... 26/- 3 i/- 36/- 42 /- 48/- 57 /- 62/- 11 3rd Quality Hair Mattress, in Grey and Pink I Striped Linen Case ... ... ... ) 32/- 371 - 42/- 48/- 54/- 63/- 70/- 12 2nd Ditto, ditto in Grey and Buff Linen Case 44 /- 50 /- 56/- 63/- 72/- 82/- 95 /- 13 1 st Ditto, ditto, in wide Striped Grey and White 1 Linen Case... ... ... ... ... f 52 /- 60/- 70/- 80/- 92/- 105/- 120/- 14 Extra A 1 Quality, ditto, wide and narrow Stripe, ^ extra thick ... ... ... ... ... ) 66/- 75 /- 88/- 100/- 114/- 130/- 148/- 15 3rd Quality French Mattress in Grey and Pink ) Linen Case... ... ... ... ... J 30 - 35 /- 41/- 48 /- 55/- 62/- 70/- 16 2nd Ditto, ditto, in Grey and Buff Linen Case 38 /- 45 /- 52 /- 60/- 68/- 77 /- 88/- 17 1st Ditto, ditto, in Grey and White wide Striped 1 Linen Case... ... ... ... ... f 50 /- 57 /- 65 /- 75 /- 86/- 98 /- no/- 18 Extra Quality, ditto, wide and narrow Stripe, 1 extra thick ... ... ... ... ... / 60/- 70/- 82/- 94 /- ios/- 120/- 135 /- 19 *2nd Quality Spring Mattress, in Box Frame, and 1 covered in Striped Linen Case ... ... J — 48/- 55 /- 63/- 70/- 78/- 88/- 20 *ist Ditto, ditto, in Box Frame in Striped Linen 1 Case, stuffed, all Hair ... ... ... j ^German Spring Mattress, soft sides, stuffed, all j best Hair, in Grey and White wide Striped l Linen Case... ... ••• 1 — 70/- 80/- 90/- 100/- no/- 120/- 21 83/- 9 71- 112/- 125/- 140/- 154/- Box Spring Mattresses, made in two parts, to fold, or with shaped ends, iOs. extra. For Woven Wire Mattresses, see illustrations and prices on page 306. Inferior Spring Mattresses can be supplied, but will not be guaranteed . MATTRESSES RE-MADE AND TICKS CLEANED. H.B.—In ordering Bedding for Bedsteads, the exact length and width of the Frame of the Bedstead should be stated, and the numbers of the Mattresses required quoted. For (Cribs and Children’s IBedsteads. DESCRIPTION. For Bassinettes with Pillow. 2ft. 8in. For Swing Cots. ift. 9in. by 3ft. 2ft. by 4ft. 2ft. 6in. by 4ft. 6in. 2ft. 6in. by 5ft- 3ft. by 5ft. Best Flock Mattress in Glazed Cotton Tick — — 7/6 9/6 10/6 12/6 Ditto, Brown Wool Mattress in Check Case — — 10/6 12/6 14/6 17/6 3rd Quality, White Wool Mattress, ditto ... .9/- 10/- 13/- 18/- 20/- 24/- znd Quality, ditto, or 3rd Quality, Horse Hair 10/6 n/6 18/- 25/- 27/- 32/- 1st quality, ditto, or 2nd ditto 12/- 13/- 22/- 30/- 34/- 42/- Best French, or 1st ditto 13/- 16/6 26/- 36/- 40/- 50/- Heather IBeds, IBolsters, and iPilloius, PLAIN BEDS WITHOUT BORDERS. Grey Goose Feathers in Super Cotton Ticks. 3 ft. Bed £ 18 lbs. I S. II d. 6 11 Bolster ... • 3i " 0 7 3 27 in. x 18 in. Pillow ... 2 11 0 4 3 Complete £2 3 0 3 ft. 6 in. Bed ... 23 lbs. I 19 6 11 Bolster 42 " 0 8 3 27 in. x 18 in. Pillow ... 2 11 0 4 3 Complete ... £2 12 0 4 ft. Bed 28 lbs. 2 8 0 11 Bolster ... ■ 5 " 0 9 6 27 in. x 18 in. Two Pillows .. 4 " 0 8 6 Complete ■ ■ £3 6 0 4 ft. 6 in. Bed ... 32 lbs. 2 14 6 11 Bolster 5^ " 0 11 0 27 in. x 18 in. Two Pillows . 4 11 0 8 6 Complete £3 14 0 BORDERED BEDS. Foreign Grey Goose Feathers in Fine Linen Ticks. 3 ft. Bed . i! Bolster ... 29 in. x 18 in. Pillow ... Complete 3 ft. 6 in. Bed ... n Bolster 29 in. x 18 in. Pillow ... Complete 4 ft. Bed . n Bolster ... 29 in. x 18 in. Two Pillows Complete 4 ft. 6 in. Bed ... 11 Bolster 29 in. x 18 in. Two Pillows Complete 20 lbs. 3 \ , 1 2 ? 25 lbs. 4 i " 2 i 30 lbs. S " " 35 lbs. Si " 4i " £ S. d. 2 n 6 0 9 6 0 6 0 £3 7 0 3 3 0 0 12 0 0 6 0 £\ 1 0 3 15 0 0 14 0 0 12 0 £5 1 0 4 6 6 0 15 6 0 12 0 £5 14 0 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. -* 326 Hampton & Sons' Bedding Department. Feather Beds, Bolsters, and Pilloujs, Continued. BORDERED BEDS. Best Grey Goose Feathers in Super Linen Ticks. 3 ft. Bed 20 lbs. 11 Bolster ... 3 j " 29 in. x 20 in. Pillow ... 2^ M Complete 3 ft. 6 in. Bed ... 25 lbs. 11 Bolster 4 " 29 in. x 20 in. Pillows... 4 " Complete 4 ft. Bed 30 lbs. 11 Bolster ... 5 " 29 in. x 20 in. Two Pillows 4 " Complete 4 ft. 6 in. Bed ... ... 35 lbs. 11 Bolster » 29 in. x 20 in. Two Pillows a\ " Complete 5 ft. Bed 40 lbs. 11 Bolster ... 6 11 3 r in. x 22 in. Two Pillows 5 1 " Complete 5 ft. 6 in. Bed ... 47 lbs. 11 Bolster ... 7 1 " 34 in. x 24 in. Two Pillows 6^ 11 Complete- HAMPTON & j £ S. d. • 3 10 0 0 13 6 0 8 6 £4 12 0 4 5 6 0 16 0 0 8 6 £5 10 0 5 2 0 0 19 0 0 17 0 £(> 18 0 5 17 6 1 0 6 0 17 0 £7 15 0 6 14 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 £8 18 0 7 l6 6 1 6 6 1 7 0 £™ 10 0 BORDERED AND WELTED BEDS. Best White Dantzic Goose Feathers in Super Linen Ticks, with Down Pillows in Cantoon Cases. 3 ft. Bed ii Bolster 31 in. x 22 in. Pillow Complete ,3 3 ? 3 ft, 6 in. Bed ... 11 Bolster 31 in. x 22 in. Pillow Complete . 4 ft. Bed 11 Bolster 31 in. x 22 in. Pillow Complete 4 ft. 6 in. Bed .. 11 Bolster 31 in. x 22 in. Two Pillows Complete 5 ft. Bed ti Bolster ... 31 in. x 22 in. Two Pillows Complete S ft. 6 in. Bed ... 11 Bolster 34 in. x 24 in. Two Pillows Complete 25 lbs. 4 " 2 \ H Si 2 t 35 lbs. 6 4 40 lbs. 4 " 4 " 47 lbs, 7 i " 5 i " £ s. d. ;. 4 10 0 0 18 6 0 19 6 £(> 8 0 5 10 6 1 2 0 0 19 6 £7 12 0 6 12 6 1 4 0 0 19 6 £8 16 0 7 12 6 1 7 6 X 19 0 £ 10 19 0 8 13 0 1 10 0 1 19 0 £12 2 0 10 0 0 1 14 0 2 8 0 £h 2 0 Bed JElinen & Blanket Heist. MESSRS. HAMPTON & SOA T S beg to call special attention to the following List, in which exceptional value will be found. Their large contracts for Public Institutions, Clubs, and Hotels, enabling them to buy in the very best Markets, and from Manufacturers only, thus competing favorably with any other Firm. COTTON SHEETS, READY HEMMED. 72 ins. wide, 6 yds. to pair .. 72 11 61 80 11 11 90 „ 7 100 11 7 11 108 n 7 11 4 /ii> 7 /-, 8/9 5 / 4 - 7 / 9 - 9 / 6 , 12/- 8 / 9 . 1 1 / 3 , 15 /- 7/9- 10/6, 12/-, 13 / 9 , 17/9 ... 12/-, 15 / 6 , 18/-, 21/- 14/6, 19 /-, 22/6 LINEN SHEETS, READY HEMMED 72 ins. wide, 6i yds. to pair 90 108 1 1 / 9 , 15 / 6 , 19/6, 24 / 9 , 3 i /9 16/6, 19 / 9 , 24 / 9 , 28/6, 3 71 - 20/3, 25 /-, 30 /-, 35 / 6 , 48/9 COTTON AND LINEN PILLOW AND BOLSTER CASES, READY MADE. Cotton Pillow Cases, size 20 in. x 30 in. ... ... ... 1/9, 11 11 11 11 22 in. X 33 in. 11 20 in. x 30 in. 11 22 in. x 33 in. for any size Bed .. . " 3/3 Linen Cotton Bolster Linen u 1/T1, 2/3, 2/6, 2 / 9 , 3/3 P aiL 1/11, 2/6, 3 /-, 3/6 " 2 / 9 , 3 / 3 , 4 / 9 , 5 /«. 6/11 11 3 / 6 , 4 /ii, 6 / 9 , 8/9 " from 2/3 each. HEM-STITCHED, FRILLED, AND EMBROIDERED SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES IN LARGE VARIETY. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. 327 |^J T~[ A A n T A N & Sons’ Be D i m p u 1 1 r n n htjva r m t - * nAMPTO LINEN UEPARTMENT. • Xlnen Sheetings. Ibucbabacb anb Diaper Cowellinos anb Cowels. 2 yds. wide . i/9i 2/2 2/9 3/6 4/6 6/6 7/9 per yard. (Bleached and Unbleached.) 2 \ " . 6/11 8/6 11 2^ ii . 2/3I 2/9J 3/6 5/3 6/3 7/6 9/- Fine Huckaback, 26 ins. wide ... ... -/6f -/9l _ /l°2 -/n| ihl i/3 l/6 per yard. 3 . 2/10 3/6 3/11 4/3 6/11 8/3 9/3 10/9 n Stout 11 n 11 ... ... ... ... ... -/gl -/a 1/2 1/6 11 3i . 4/6 5/9 6/9 9/6 12/9 " Unbleached 11 n n (for servants) ..-/6f -/i°f I/- 3$ " . 5/9 6/9 11/6 13/- 15/6 4 .1 . 16/6 19/6 n Bleached Diaper n n —17 1/- 1/6 Hem-stitched, Frilled and Embroidered Sheets ready for use. Fringed Huckaback Towels ... ... ... 6/II 9/- 11/9 13/9 15/9 18/6 per doz. 11 11 ,, . 21/- 25/6 32/6 39/6 lDillow Xtnens. n Diaper n 9/9 10/9 13/9 18/- 21 /- 24/- 27/6 32/6 40 ins. wide . i/ii i/ 4 l i /9 2/6 3 /- 3/9 i jer y nrd - 35 /- 42/6 11 4S 1/10 2/6 3/9 4/9 Colored Embroidered and Woven Bordered French Towels (fringed) 2/9 3/9 4/6 51 - S4 •• 3/6 4/6 - 5/6 6/9 10/6 II 6 each. Hem-stitched. Frilled and Embroidered Pillow Cases ready for use from 4/1 X per lair. White Damask Fringed Towels ... ... ... 24/- 26/6 33/- 45 /- 54 /- 66/- per doz. Cotton Sheetings anb pillow Cottons. Curhisb Cowels. Made and Finished for Hampton & Sons. f Twilled and Plain.) White Cotton ... 23 ins. x 45 ins. -/ I0 i 23 ins. x 43 ins. i/lj 2 3 ins. x 46 ms. 1/4/r 40 ins. wide -M -/io| -/ill, per yard. 45 -/ 9 i i/xj 32 ins. x 53 ins. 1/8 32 ins. x 53 ins. 2/6 4i ins. x 57 ins. 3/3 each. 54 i /4 1/6 11 Brown Linen ... 19 ins. x 35 ins. -/loi 20 ins. x 43 ins. 1/3J 22 ins. x 48 ins. 1/8 2 yds. wide . - 9 l Ill 1/4! i/S 1/10I 2 / 9 l 30 ins. x 54 ins. 2/2 41 ins. x 57 ins. 3/6 11 1/3J 1/8 1/10I 2/3 2 2 11 . i/of i/6| i/ri 2/3 2/6/ 3/6 Fancy Crescent Bordered Linen 26 ins. x 54 ins. 3/6 11 3 " .i/ 9 i 2/- 2/8 2/11 4/6 White Cotton Bath Sheets 56 ins. X 78 ins. 3/6 48 ins. x 80 ins. 3/10J 72 ins. x 92 ins. 6/9 11 “ Specialite ” —The Hygienic Pure Wool Sheeting made for the use of Invalids Brown Linen 11 11 ... ... ••• ...48 ins. x 80 ins. 5/3 80 ins. x 80 ins. 8/6 11 and Infants. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. * 328 ►p----- ---.. . . .. -* Hampton & 'IboneKomb CHiilts. Sons’ Bed Linen Department. --- j-j - - • HE BLANKET DEPARTMENT has been for many years a large and 2^ yds. x 2 yds. (about) ... 4/6 6/6 each. 2f n X 2 \ 11 11 . . 5/iI 6/6 9/6 13/6 .1 3 " X 2\ .1 .1 . . 6/6 9/9 12 j- 11 3 l " X 2§ n „ . . 8/6 9/9 14/9 11 Various Colored Quilts for Servants’ Single Beds ... ... ... 3/9 4/n 6/3 7/6 " II II II II Double .1 .5/9 6/11 7/9 8/6 10/- 11 Wbite €UuIts. . (New Satin finish or Marcella.) 2J yds. x 2 yds. (about) ... 5/9 7/6 9/9 11/6 13/6 14/6 18/6 21/- 26/6 each. 2f M X 2 \ 1. 11 . ... 7/6 9/9 11/6 16/9 21/- 26/6 30/- „ 3 " x 2J 11 11 . • •• 8/9 10/6 13/6 16/6 21/6 27/6 36/- n 3 i " x 2 | 11 „ . . 17/9 23/6 27/6 33/6 45/- " 3 ? " x 3 " " . . 28/6 36/6 42/- ,1 {Toilet Covers. Marcella and Satin finish . -/l0 1/0J 1/4I 1/9 2/- 2/6 3/6 each. Satin finish Duchesse... . -9 i/ii 1/2I i/3i i/ni 2/6 „ Blue and Pink Honeycomb ... m " important one—only the best goods made by the leading Witney and Yorkshin Manufacturers, and such as will bear constant washing, being admitted into stock. Blankets. Subject to fluctuations of the Market. ( Witney and Yorkshire.) 2 yds. x 11 yds. (about) 6/n 8/6 per pair. 2 \ .1 X if II II 7/6 8/9 10/6 15/- 20/- .1 2 \ 11 X 2 11 11 10/9 12/6 14/6 16/9 19/9 26/9 n 2 f II X 2f 11 11 15/9 18/9 25/- 33/6 38/6 53/6 .1 3 " x 2) " 21/- 25/- 30/- 39/6 48/6 11 3i " X 2f 11 ... 26/6 30/- 35/- 36/6 48/6 57/- 78/6 11 32 " x 3 „ 43/6 58/6 „ Scarlel and Navy Blue Blankets from 10/9 to 36/6 Brown and Blue u for Charities 4/6 5/9 6/11 11 Crib Blankets. 1 yd. x f yd. (about) 3/9 5/9 per pair. if yds • x y 11 " 5/9 8/6 11 x I II 11 8/6 II/9 if 1, X if II ,, 11/6 16/6 A large Stock of Striped Austrian and Silk Italian Blankets, from 3/6 each. £>own Clnilts. Ail Filled with Best Arctic Down. 3ft. X 2ft. 4ft. X 3ft. 5ft. X 3ft. 5ft. x 4ft. 5ft. X 5ft. 6ft. x 4ft. 6ft. x 5ft. 6ft. x 6ft. Covered Turkey Chintz ... 3/3 6/6 8/3 10/9 13/6 13/3 16/3 19/6 11 Sateen, latest Styles 4/- 8/- 9/11 13/6 16/9 17/3 20/- 24/- ■ I Silk, Figured and Plain 12/- 24/- 30/- 40/- 50/- 48/6 60/- 75/- " Satin, with Rich Borders 68/6 82/6 j HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and cockspur street, charing cross, London, S.W. HAMPTON & SONS. A RUSH SEATED CHAIRS. 3 2 9 No. 891 . Eboni^ed, or stained to represent any wood. 4s.6d. No. 9 o4 a 10 s.6of. No. 9o5 A 33s.6af. No. 9o5. Chippendale mahogany rush seat Settee, of superior finish. 75 s. No. 9o6° Chippendale mahog¬ any rush C hair,of su¬ perior finish. 27s. Qd. No. 9o6 A Arm Chair, 37s.6 U jVo. 5. Brass Hat and Coat Hooks, convertible into Stick Racks, 2s. Cut. each. An Iron Folding Cambridge Bed Chair, with Horse- hair Cushions, in Best leather Cloth, £4 12s, 6d. Case to form Table, ft 2 s. 6d. No. 9, No. 11. No. 10. Nos. 9, 10, and 11 .—Mahogany Washstand, with Brass Standards, a Painted Oak Tub, the lid forming Table on Pillar and Claw Supports, Bottle, Glass, and Enamelled Fittings, £ 4 - (See No. 7 .) No. 12. A Strong Portable Brass Sofa Bed, £y i8s. 6 d. A Strong Iron- bound Case for same, 1 is. jYo 1 .—A Portable Iron Couch Bedstead, with Horsehair Mattress and 1 Bolster, Feather Pillow, 3 Best White Blankets, a White Counterpane | and Cretonne Cover and Valances complete. 7 £\\ complete. No. 8 .—A Black Waterproof Valise, to contain Bedding. Mo. 6 .—A Strong Iron-bound Chest, to contain Bedstead. J HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. 338 b HAMPTON & SONS. OFFICERS’ FURNITURE. Set of Portable Drawers, in Teak or Mahogany, with Cases to form Sideboard , £11 icxt. A o. 15. Nos. 14 and 15 .—Mahogany Folding Table , 183-. 6d. No . 17. A 3 ft. 9 in. Mahogany or Teak Set of Cavalry Drawers, with Table, Escritoire, Stationery Case , Cabinet Back Shelves , with Brass Pillars and Looking Glass in centre. A Strong Iron-bound Case for ditto , to m form Wardrobe , £18 10.9, ft. Mahogany or Teak Book Shelves, with Brass Standards , £1 a. A Set of Mahogany or Teak Book Shelves, with Glass Doors. £4 4t. ^ .. _ XP fi. v '. -1 *| i!4U ■ if Portable Toilet Glass, in Teak or Mahogany, 18 in. x 14 in., 1 for any size to ft. 6in. Ditto Ditto,copper supports, iy. ) No. 1034. Black and brass fender, any size to 4 ft. 6in. Polished brass ditto ditto i 9 s. No. 1035. Black and brass Bender, any size to 4 ft. 6in. 18 s. No. 1036. Black and bra's fender, with heavy base, any size to 5 ft., 21 s. As curb, any size to eft. outside, 1 js.6d. No. 1037. Black and brass tender, with ornamental cast base, any size to ft., 22 s. 6d. As curb, any size to ft. outside, 18 s.6d. No. 1038. Piercea brass fender, any size to ft. 6in. Price 27 j \6d. No. 1039. Wire bedroom fenders, with brass top, japanned any colour. Prices, 12 in. high. zft. 6in., 10s. j 2ft. gin., 10 s.6d.-, ft., iij.ji 3ft. 3 in., 11 s.6d.j 3ft. 6in., iz s.6d.-, ft. fin., 13s. 6d.-, ft., 14-r. j ft. 3in., 14 s.6d. Second Quality, 2jt. 6in., 8 s.6d.-, zft. fin., 9j.j 3ft., 9^.3^.,* ft. 3in., 9 s.6d.-, 3ft. 6in., 10s.ft.gin., ios.6d. j ft.,, ft. fin., iis.3d. 12 in. high. No. 1040. Pierced brass tender, any size to ft. 6in. Price 2 ys.6d. PALL MALL all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. • HAMPTON & SONS, EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. No. 1042. Solid Brass. ys.6d. HAMPTON & SONS. FIREIRONS AND CURBS. 3 4 3 No. 1043. Brass Set, with Jluted Handle and Knob. 8 s.6d. No. 1044. Plain Heavy Brass Set. gs.6d. No. 1045. Brass Set. 12 s.6d. No. 1046. Brass Set, Chased Handles. 2 2 s.6d. No. 1047. Copper and Brass Set, Superior. 33 s.6d. No. 1048. Brass Set, Lion Head. 4 5 a No. 1049. Heavy Brass Set, with Chased Head and Bow. 5 2 s. No. 1050. Superior Quality Brass Set. 60s. No. 1054. Wrougt Iron Curb, with Copper Mounts. Any size to 4 ft. gin. outside by 1 zin. inside. $js.6d~ No. 1052. Wrought Iron Curb, any size to \ft. gin. outside by 12in. inside. 48 s.Gd. No. 1055. Wrought Iron Curb, with Copper Scrolls and Corner Mounts, any size to eft. outside by izin. inside. 50 s. gt&*. eae warn#**. No. 1056. Black Curb, with ctigraved Brass front and Brass-reeded Balls. Any size to eft. outside by 12 in. inside. Price 40J. No. 1057. Orleans Curb, with Seat upholstered in Morocco, Tapestry, or Velvets, at prices from 75s. No. 1058. Fine finished Black Curb, with Reeded Brass Top Moulding and richly chased Brass Ornaments on front. Any size to eft. outside by 12 in. inside. £5.10.0. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STEET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. AI.L GOODS CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. COAL SCUTTLES. HAMPTON & SONS. ^ 3 4 5 No. 1092. Japanned, art colour. 3 s.6d. Brass or copper. 1 $s. Larger sizes. 1 6s.i,d., 1 Ss.6d. No. 1098. Strong Copper Scuttle. 1 Gin., 30 s., 17'w., ^is.Gd.-, 18 in., 34 s.Gd. Brass. 32L, 33/., 36/. HandScoop,Gs.yd. No. 1104. Copper, with brass mounts and Cited with lining. 35 s. No. 1097. Copper Helmet Coal Scoop. 1 Gin.) zys.Gd.j ijin.,2zs.-, 18 in., 3 6s.; 1 yin., 37s.6d.; zoin., 43J. Brass ditto, 1 Gin., 35^.5 17in., 37 s.Gd.-, i%in.,qos.; iyin.,/\.T,s.-, 20m.,49/. No. 1093. Japanned black, brass ?nounts and fitted lining. Gs., 7 s.Gd., 8 s.Gd., 9 s.Gd. No. 1099. Copper, with brass mounts. 32L No. 1094. Japanned art colour , with brass repousse lid and ?nounts, and inner lining. 15 s.Gd. No. 1100. Copper or brass. 32J. No. 1095. 15 in. copper and brass, half cohered. 22 s.Gd. No. 1096. Copper Scuttle, with wrought iron handle _ 22 s.Gd. No. 1101. Copper or brass, with orna¬ mented handle. 3 2 s.Gd. No. 1102. Wrought iron and copper Log Basket. 32J \6d. Other ■batterns alwajs kept in stock. No. 1103. Polished brass, with em¬ bossed lid, and fitted wish lining. 33 s. No. 1105. Polished brass or copper, richly embossed lid and fitted with lining. 3 7s.Gd. No. 1106. Brass or copper, with repousse work on hood. 44L No. 1107. Copper Coal Vase, with wrought iron feet and gal¬ vanized lining. 5 7 s. Gd. No. 1108. Wrought iron frame, with copper lining. jGs. Brass frame, with copper filming. 84 s. No. 1109. Copper and brass Ccal Vase, repousse work on lid. 90 s. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET. CHARING CROSS. LONDON. S.W. ALL goods CARRIAGE PAID see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock 346 HAMPTON & SONS. J, COAL BOXES. No. 1119. Inlaid mahogany Coal Cabinet. 8 5J. No. 1 120. Inlaid mahogany Coal Cabinet. £5.5.0. No. mo. Ash Coal Box, --with lining, and hand scoop. i2s.6d., Stained walnut or mahogany, I2S.6d. No. 1115. Oak, walnut, or mahogany, and fitted with galvanized lining. 22 s.6d. No. 1111. Ash or stained woods, with repousse brass panel, brass jnounts.. 15 s.6d. No. hi6. Oak, walnut, or mahogany, patent action, from 29 s. No. 1112. Oak, walnut, and mahogany and fitted with galvanized lining. .2 is. No. 1117. Oak, walnut, or mahgoany, brass ?noums, & galvanized lining. 4 ys. ■ .u.. No. 1121. Plain Cabinet £7.7.0. Richly carved mahogany Coal Cabinet, from £ 15.15.0. No. j 122. Oak, walnut, or mahogany Coal and Cigar Cabinet. £7.15.0. No. 1113. Oak, walnut, or mahogany, with brass mounts, & fitted with galvanized lining. 22 s.Gd. No. 1118. Louis XV. mahogany Coal Bex, with handsome chased mounts. 98 s.6d. No. 1114. Cabinet Coal Box in oak, walnut, or mahogany. 50 s. No. 1123. Richly inlaid and carved ma¬ hogany Coal Cabinet. £14.10.0. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface, every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. HAMPTON & SONS ^ FI RE SCREENS. 34-7 No. 1124. 1 Sin. 20 in. 22 in. 24 in. Japanned. ?wire y 1 o d. 1/ 1/3 1/6 1/9 2/ Brass'-wire, 2/2 2/103/4 4/6 5/3 6/ Strong „ beaded, 4/9 5/6 6/6 7/3 8/ 8/6 TVo. 1125. Brass Stand Guard, zoin. wide, z/fin. high, ys.yd. Extra strong,<)S,6d.& 1 3 j. iVo. 1126. Brass Folding Guard,z/fin.wide, iSin. high, i\s.6d. Larger size, 16s.6d. No. 1127. Copper & Brass Folding Guard, z\in. wide, 24z/z. high. iys.6d. No. 1129. Brass and Copper Folding Screen, zSin. wide, zzin. high. iSs.6d. No. 1130. Copper and Brass Folding Guard, 28 in. wide, zzin. high. 20 s. No. 1131. Brass and Cathedral Glass Fire Screen, zzin. wide, 25 in. high. 32J. No. 1132. Brass and Cathedral Glass Fire Screen, 21 in. wide, 24 in. high. 39/. No. 1128. Brass Stand Guard, with copper orna¬ ments, 24 in. wide, 2 6in. high. zzs. No. 1133. Brass and Cathedral Glass Fire Screen, zfin. wide, 30 in. high. 6zs. No. 1134- Brass & Cathedral Glass Folding Screen. 65T No. 1136. JVroughtIron& Copper Stand Guard.,-wit Ji cathe¬ dral glass centre, 24 in.wide, 3 3 in.high. 92 s.6d. No. 1138. A Louis XV. Rich Metal Stand Guard, finely chased, 2 8 in. wide, 3 o in. high. £9.1 ys. 6d. jNo. 1137 Brass Louis XP ' Stand Guard, gilt lac¬ quered, 24 in.wtae, 3 fin. high. £y.iSs.6d. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. ALL goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. 3 4 8 HAMPTON & SONS. KETTLES, JARDINIERES, ETC. No. 1139. A r o. 1140- No. 1141. Polished Brass Ket- 2-pint Copper Kettle, Copper Kettle tie & Stand. 2-pint, --with wrought iron with wrought qs.6d. ; i-pint, stand. i$s.6d. iron stand.,\-pt.,\2S.T,d. i6s.6d. No. 1142. No. 1143- No. 1144. Brass Kettle £f stand, Brass Kettle Re- Repousse Copper 2-pint, 19 s.(sd.', ypt., pousse and Stand, and Brass Ket- 22s.', \-pbit, 24 s.ld. 3 pints. 21s. tie and Stand, 21 s. No. 1148. Wrought iron and copper, 1 ys.Gd. Brass and copper, 32 s.6d. No. 1149. Wrought iron and copper, 2it. 1 No. 1150. Polished Brass Kettle and stand. 42 s. No. 1151. Polished Brass Kettle and stand, 5 5 s. No. 1145 - No. 1146. 1-pint Copper Kettle, Copper Kettle, with hammered top, with wrought on wrought iron iron stand. 22 s. stand. 21 s.6d. No. 1152. Wrought iron fif copper, t,js.6d. Polished brass & copper, 72 s. Gd. No. 1147. Handsome Brass Kettle and Stand, 45T. No. 1153- Wrought Iron, 1 copper, and brass. ', 68 s. No. 1154. Polished Brass Stand, with walnut trays, and copper and brass Kettle. y2s.6d. No. 1155. Paper, Book, or Music Stand, brass frame, wood tray, l^s.^d. No. 1156. Music Stand, strong brass frame, with wood tray. 3 5 s - No. 1157. Ornamental Music Stand, in wrought iron, copper, and brass . yys.Gd. No. 1158. Jardiniere, wrought iron stand, repousse copper or brass pot,lain.high, 8 \in. diameter ,27s,6d. iyin. high,pot,loin.diameter,10s. Larger sizes to order. No. 1159. No. 1160. Jardiniere,polished brass stand, 1 V Jardiniere, wr ought iron stand, c very with richly embossed & frostea A » handsome design, copper pot, enriched copper pot, \zin. high. £5.10.0 /with wrought iron floral wreath. 7.10.0 HAMPTON & PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. SONS, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. No. 1161. Brass Letter Rack. 2s.$d. No. 1162. Copper and Brass Letter Rack. 2syd. c HAMPTON & SONS. No. 1163. No. 1164. Copper ajid Brass Brass Pipe Rack. Bracket. 7s.6d. As 12s. each. Copper and Pipe Rack. ssyd. Brass, 13.5-.3tf'. No. 1165. Sconce. 8\in. Brass &s.6d. Copper, gs.6d. No. 1166. Hanging Sconces. Copper and Brass, gin. losyd. pair. 2 lights, is,s.6d. pair. No. 1167. Brass, n \iti. by n\in. 1 is. pr. Copper, ditto, 12 2 Lights, Brass, i\sLd. Ditto, Copper, \ No. 1168. Brass Bat Sconces. 45J. pair. No. 1169. Copper atid brass, •with bevelled sil¬ ver glass. 26 No. 1170. No. 1171. No. 1172. No. 1173. No. 1174. No. 1175. No. 1176. No. 1177. No. 1178. No. 1179. No. 1180. No. 1181. No. 1182. Brass, 3 s. Copper, 3 s.6d. Copper and Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, with Copper and Brass, \ pr. Copper or Dolphin Tortoise Ink. Crab Ink. Lobster Ink. Brass, 4s yd. $s.6d. ?s. glass shade, Brass, pair. Brass Ink- stand, i, Ink. Brass, Brass, 13J. Copper, 1 ys/id. Brass, Copperas.(id. Brass, 28sLd. Copper, 37s.6d. No. 1183. No.1184. N0.1185. No. 1186. No. 1187. No. 1188. No. 1189. No. 1190. No. 1191. No. 1192. No. 1193. No. 1194. No. 119; Copper Brass, Copper Brass Brass, Brass, Copper Brass, Brass, Brass, Brass, Brass, Brass, 15.5. pr. and 9 s. pair. and and ios.(>d. and 11 s.6d. I2s.6d. 13 iis. pr. 13.i-.6tf'. Brass, from\ %s.(sd. pair. Copper, pair. Brass, gs.6d. pair. Copper, losAd. pair. pair. Copper, I 2 ,S.()d. pair. pair. Brass, iij. pr. pair. hair. pair. N0.1196. Brass, ils.hd. pair. N0.1197. Brass, i$s.(sd. pair. N0.1198 Copper, iSs&d. pair. No. 1199. No. 1200. Brass, Brass, \8sAd. 11sLd. pair. pair. No. 1201. No. 1202. Copper Copper fir" Brass, or Brass, \8s.(sd. 2\s.pair. pair. No. 1203. No. 1204. Brass, Brass, 12 in. 2is.6d. high. 42 pair. I No. 1205. 3- Light Cop¬ per and Brass Candelabra, 2i,sAd. pair. No. 1206. 4 -Light Brass Candelabra. SOS. pair. No. 1207. Candelabra, sls.6d. pair. Smgle-light, igs.(id. pair. No. 1208. 3 -Light Brass Candelabra, S8s.6d. pair. No. 1209. 5 -Light Brass Candelabra, 6 4.1'. pair. No. 1210. Polished brass Cigar, Cigarette, and Match Stand, “ The Bul¬ rush. 34.5-.6tf'. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. 35 o HAMPTON & SONS. No. 1211. 8 -in. Campanel, on Polished Walnni Shield ,, io in. by 12 ^in. i6s.6d. No. 1212. Set 3 Campanels, on Polished Walnut Shield. \T\in. by 2i in. 51s.(id. No. 1219. Set Musical Tubes, on Brass Bamboo Pattern stand., with Copper enrichments. Size 5ft. iin. high by 19J in. wide. No. 1216. Copper Bur¬ mese Gong, on Wrought Iron Bracket, iSs. J, CAMPANELS. No. 1223. Set 4 Campanels, on Brass Stand. 2(in. by 42 in. £5.15.0. No. 1224. Black and Brass Um¬ brella-Stand , with Gong and Beater. 3 7s. 6 d. No. 1218. No. 1222. Gong, on Brass Stand fin., 2,5s.-, Tin., 50s.; &in.,32.s.6d.; <)in., 35J-.; 10 in., 3 7 s. No. 1213. Set 4 Campanels, on Oak or Walnut. Size 23 in. by 33 in. 64 j. No. 1214. Set 4 Campanels on Oak. Pent¬ house Mounts, with Brass and Copper Ornaments, 2(in. wide by 3$in. high. £6.18.6. No. 1215. The Alpine Gong. Wrought Iron fi°l Cop¬ per Frame, on Polished Wood back,‘with Copper Cattle Bells of various sizes hung by leather-strap. Size 2ft. &in. wide, 2ft. Sin. high. The bracket works on centre pivot, and the bells are rung by gently pulling cord attached to one side. Price £3.7.6. No. 1217. Set Musical Bells, with Brass Bamboo Frame, on Ebonized back. Size 33 in. by sin. wide. 52s.6d. Oxidised &-= Sil¬ ver-gilt %in. Gong and Bracket. \hs.(d. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. No. 1225. Cast'Iron Boot Scraper, loin. t,s.<}d. No. 1226. Cast Iron Boot Scraper, size 14U1. by loin. 7 s. No.^1227. Cast Iron Boot Scraper, with side brushes, loose tray, size igin. by nin., 9 s.6d.; l8in. by I2in., los.yd. No. 1228. Cast Iron Boot Scraper, with side brushes, loose pan, size l6in. by loin., 9 s. 6 d. No. 1229. Cast Iron Boot Scraper, with side brushes, loose pan, igin. by lo\in. No. 1230. Cast Iron Boot Scraper, with side brashes, loose pan, size 20in. by ilin. 14J. 6 d. No. 1231. Polished Brass Door Slop. 12s. No. 1238. Polished Brass, with cast iron base, 5 divi¬ sions. tosAd- No. 1232. Polished Brass Door Stop. \4s.kd. No. 1233. Polished Brass Door Stop. lisAd. No. 1239. Polished Brass, with cast iron base. i6j. No. 1234. Wrought Iron,and Copper Door Stop. 28 s.6d. No. 1235. Polished Brass,' with cast iron base 6 divi¬ sions, iis.yd.) 8 divi¬ sions, \ts.\ 1 o divisisons, iTS.’id.) 12 divisions, 1 8j. No. 1236. Polished Brass, with cast iron base, 6 divi¬ sions. 13^. No. 1240. Polished Brass and cast iron base corner stand, 6 divisions. No. 1241. Polished Brass Sr 3 Cop¬ per Stick and Umbrella Stand , 6 divisions, ijs.dd. No. 1237. Polished Brass, with cast iron base, 8 ' divi¬ sions. i&s.6d. No. 1242. Polished Brass, superior and large size. 95J. PALL MALL EAST ALL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. HAMPTON & SONS, and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. No. 1243. Doulton Ware Vase, duplex burner , with plain globe, 14m. high to top op burner. 1 8s. No. 1244. Blue and White China Vase, du¬ plex burner, plain globe, lg\in. high to top of burner, z is. 6 d. No. 1245. Wrought iron ana copper, with du¬ plex burner and plain globe, igin. high to top of burner. 24? No. 1246. Polished brass with duplex burner, plain globe, ip\in. to top of burner. 452'. No. 1247 Copper and brass duplex burner, with opalescent globe, i6in. high to top of burner. 47 s.6d, No. 1248 Reeded brass Column, with cut crystal head & du¬ plex burtier, plain globe, 24m. high to top of burner. 58 j. No. 1249. Brass Lamp, du plex burner, and plainglobe. ij\in high to top of burner. 63.V No. 1250. Handsome Brass Pedestal Lamp, duplex burner, and plain globe, 23m. high to top of burner. 70 s. No. 1251. Polished brass, with cut crystal head and duplex burner,plain globe, 1 Jin. high to top of burner. 8 2s.6d. HAMPTON & SONS. TABLE LAMPS. No.-1252. Handsome■ brass; Lamp for centre of dining ta¬ ble, with extending rod, and fitted with duplex- bur tier and plain globe. Closed, 26in. to burner; extended, 36m. to burner. £5.7.6. No. 1253. China Vase Lamp, duplex burner and plain globe, I3\in. high to top of burner. x 9 s. 6d. No. 1254. Brass Lamp, duplex burner Sr 1 plain globe, I4in. high to top of burner, 22s. 6d. PALL MALL EAST all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. No. 1255. China Vase Lamp, duplex burner and plain globe, Igin. high to top of burner 24s. No. 1256. Hungarian China Vase, duplex burner _ &r°plain globe, I4in. high to top of burner. 33 s. No. 1257. China Vase Lamp, with duplex burner Sr 1 plain globe, igin. high to top of burner. IV- No. 1258. Artistic brass and copper Lamp, duplex- burner andi plain globe, i6in. high to top of burner. 482-. No. 1259. Handsome repousse brass Vase Lamp, duplex burner 6 -*plain globe, 1 cfyin. high to top of burner. 70s. HAMPTON & SONS, and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. No. 1260. Handsome brass Lamp, with extending rod; fitted with duplex burner, plain globe. Closed, 36in. to burner; extended, 44in. to burner. Suitable for central dining table Lamp. £ 6.0.0. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. No. 1261. Perpetual Lamp, china vase, various decorations, with brass mounts, crystal head,& fitted '-with self-extinguishing duplex burner and chimney. 28 in. to top of burner, prom 52/. No. 1267. Perpetual Lamp, polished brass, cut crystal head, and fitted with self-extinguishing duplex burner and chimney. 29 in. high to top of burner, £7.7.0. ALL GOODS CARRIAGE HAMPTON & SONS. £ TABLE LAMPS. 353 No. 1262. Perpetual Lamp, painted china vase, in various colours, brass mounts, cut crystal head, and self-extin¬ guishing duplex burner ana chimney. 26 in. high to top of burner. £3.15.0. No. 1263. Perpetual Lamp, Nankin blue china vase, rich brass mounts, crystal head, &fitted «■with self-extinguishing du¬ plex burner and chimney. 29 in. to top of burner. £4.15.0.. No. 1264. Perpetual Lamp, handsome decorated vase, with brass mounts, cut crystal head, and fitted with self-extinguishing duplex burner and chimney. 27 in. to top of burner. £4.18.6. No. 1265. Perpetual Lamp, Nankin blue china vase, rich brass mounts, cut crystal head, and fitted with self-extinguishing burner and chimney. 29 in. to top of bur tier. £5.0.0. No. 1266. Perpetual Lamp, china vase, iris, richly painted, polished brass mounts, cut crystal head, and fitted with self- extinguishing duplex burner and chimney. 25 in. to top of burner. £5.5.0. No. 1268. Perpetual Lamp, handsome polished brass, vase shape, cut crystal head, and fitted with self-extinguishing duplex burner and chimney. 26 in. high to top of burner. £8.10.0. No. 1269. Perpetual Lamp, polished brass, cut crystal head, andfitted with self- extinguishing , duplex burner and chimney. £11.5.0. No. 1270. Perpetual Lamp, polished brass, cut crystal head, and fitted with self¬ extinguishing duplex burner and chimney. 28 in. high to top of burner. £13.13.0. In all cases the Globes and Shades are an extra No. 1271. Perpetual Lamp, oxidised and partial gilt figures in bold relief, forming a very beau- errata. tiful centre-piece for drawing-room table, I"'or correct description, &c. and can be used as a jardiniere, cut crystal ol I-amp 1269 read under 1271 j bead, and fitted with selj-extinguishing du- » 12 7 ° ,, 12691 plex burner and chimney. £27.0.0. \-li _^ 1270 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. PAID —SEE PREFACE. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. 354 HAMPTON & SONS. J, STANDARD LAMPS. No. 1272. .IVrought iron and copper , I fitted --with patent self¬ extinguishing duplex < burner & chimney. z/\s.6d. No. 1273. IVrought iron and copper, patent self-extinguishing du¬ plex burner and chimney. 42 s. No. 1274. Wrought iron and copper , patent self- exiinguishing burner and chimney, and patent action for raising. 49 s.Gd. Brass and copper ditto. £7.4.0. No. 1275. Wrought iron and copper , patent self-extinguishhig duplex burner and chinmey. 5 js. 6d. Brass and copper. jis.6d. No. 1276. IVrought iron and copj cr 9 fitted --with duplex self extinguishmg burner and chimney. 65s. In all cases the Globes -and Shades are an Extra. HAMPTON & SONS, r#DDIir „ nAITA FALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. No. 1277. Wrought iron and cop¬ per, fitted with self- extinguishing duplex burner and chimney. .£ 3 - 7 . 6 . No. 1278. Wrought iron and copper, patent action for raising., and fitted with self-extinguishing duplex burner and chimney. £ 5.2.0. Brass and copper. £7.0.0. In all No. 1279. Wrought iron and cop¬ per, fitted with self- extinguishing duplex burner and chimney. cases the Globes and Shades are No. 1280. Wrought iron, with copper container, and fitted with self-extinguishing duplex burner and chimney. £6-S-°- an Extra. No. 1281. Very handsome wrought iron Lamp, with copper roses and con¬ tainer, fitted with self-extinguish¬ ing duplex burner and chimney. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALLIEAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. LAMPS. 356 HAMPTON & SONS. STANDARD No. 1282. Brass and copper Lamp, fitted ■with self-extinguishing du¬ plex burner and chimney. 60 s. No. 1283. Brass Lamp, fitted with self¬ extinguishing duplex burner and chimney. £4.5.0. In all CASE: No. 1284. Brass & copper Lamp, with automatic action for raising, and fitted with self- extinguishing duplex burner & chimney. £5.5.0. Wrought iron & copper. £4.7.6. the Globes and Shades are No. 1285. Brass and copper Lamp, with auto¬ matic action for raising, and fitted ■-with self-extinguishing duplex burner and chimney. £4.17.6. Extra. No. 1286. Brass and copper Lamp, patent action for raising, & fitted with self-extinguishing duplex burner and chimney. £5.10.0. PALL MALL EAST and all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface HAMPTON & SONS, COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. HAMPTON & SONS STANDARD LAMPS. 357 No. 1287. Polished brass and copper standard Lamp, fitted with self-extinguishing duplex burner. £ 7.8.6. No. 1288. Polished brass standard Lamp, fitted with self¬ extinguishing duplex burner. £%.a.o. No. 1289. Polished brass copper standard Lamp, walmit table , and fitted with self-extinguishing duplex burner. £ 7.12.6. No. 1290. Polished brass standard Lamp, fitted with self¬ extinguishing duplex burner. ^8.7.6. In all cases the Globes and Shades are an Extra. Polished brass standard Lamp, fitted with self- extinguishing duplex burner. /9.1 5 -°- ALL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID HAM'PTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. SEE PREFACE# EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED from stock 358 HAMPTON & SONS STANDARD LAMPS. No. 1292. Perpetual standard Lamp, wrought iron and copper fraitie, richly embossed copper body, and brass mounts. Cut crystal head., fitted with self-extinguishing duplex burner and chimney. 6ft. gin. to top of burner. Can be raised to 7ft. gin. From £10.0.0. No. 1296. Very handsome standard Lamp, repousse brass base, with copper and brass floral enrichments, Crowti Derby body, patent action for rais¬ ing, and fitted with patent self- extinguishing duplex burner and chimney. 6ft. high to top of burner. Ca?i be raised to 7ft. 6in. £ 39 . 10 . 0 . No. 1294. Perpetual standard Lamp in copper and brass. Very hand¬ some cut crystal head, fitted with duplex self-extinguishing burner and chimney. £ 31 . 10 . 0 . Silver- plated and partial gilt. 6ft. gin. to top of burner. Can be raised to 8ft. £ 56 . 10 . 0 . ALL CASES THE GLOBES AND SHADES No. 1295. Perpetual standard Lamp, with hand-painted china body, richly chased brass mounts, and cut crystal head fitted with self-extin¬ guishing duplex burner and chimney. 6ft. high to top of burner. Can be raised to 7ft. £ 20 . 0 . 0 . are an Extra . No. 1293. Handsome fapanese bronze pedes¬ tal Lamp, fitted with patent self- extinguishing duplex burner and chimney, jft. fin. to top of burner. Also make a jardiniere by removing the lamp. £ 14 . 0 . 0 . In HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S. W. adl goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGAPHED from stock. HAMPTON & SONS. A BRACKET & HANGING LAMPS. 359 No. 1297. Wrought Iron Bracket. ys.6d. Wrought Won Lantern. 13 s.6d. No. 1298. Wrought Iron Bracket. 20 s. Wrought Iron Lantern. 21 s.6d. No. 1299. Copper and brass Bracket Lamp, fitted with duplex burner. 23 s.Gd. No. 1300. Wrought iron and copper, fitted with duplex burner. 22 s.Gd. No. 1304 Polished brass and copper, for oil, fitted duplex burner. £3.12.6. No. 1305 Wrought iron and copper Hanging Oil Lamp, fitted with duplex burner. %2S. 6 d. No. 1306. Wrought iron 6? copper Hanging Shade Light, for oil, fitted with duplex burner & glass. £4.17.6. No. 1301. Wrought iron and copper, fitted with duplex burner. 3V-6d. No. 1302. Wrought iron Swing Bracket Lamp, fitted with duplex burner. q.js.6d. No. 1303. Richly embossedbrass Bracket Lamp,fittea with duplex burner. 85 s No. 1307. Wrought iron & copper Hang¬ ing Shade Light, for oil, with glass, complete. £5.18.6. No. 1308. Wrought iron and copper Shade Light , to draw up and down, fated with duplex burner and glass, cofnplete £*7.15.0. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and GOCKSPUR STREET. CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. ALL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID-see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. 36o HAMPTON 6c SONS GAS BRACKETS AND GASELIERS. No. 1309. Lacquered or bronzed. ■| 8in. stiff - is. i „ - is.4.d. No. 1314. Polished brass gaselier, f with copper relief. 2 -light, iKs.Gd.j 3 -light, 24s.j 5 -light, 40L all goods CARRIAGE PAID No. 1310. Polished brass, swing bracket. 3J. No. 1311. Polished brass, double swing. $s.6d. Better quality. 11 s.6d. No. 1312. Polished brass, swing bracket, \2s.qd. No. 1313. Polished brass, swing bracket. ijs.6d. Polished brass or bronzed. 2-light, 35 s.j 3 -light, 40s.j 5 -light, $%s.Gd. Polished brass ana copper. 2 -light , 29 s.; 3 -light, 27s.6d.j' 5 -light, Gy. No. 1317. Polished brass and copper gaselier, £3.15.0.,- 3 -light, ^y. o.o.y 4 -light, £4.8.6.,- 5 -light, £5.2.6. gaselier, 3 -light. £6.5.0. HAMPTON 6c SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. SEE PREFACE. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK. HAMPTON & SONS. GAS BRACKETS & No. 1319 Polished brass %as Bracket. 1 os. No. 1320. Polished brass. 1 os. 6d. No. 1321. Polished brass. 14M No. 1322. Polished brass. 13 s.6d. • No. 1324. Polished brass and copper Gas a- Her, 3-light, £ 4-light, i 4.0.0./ 3-light, £4.12.6. No. 1325. Polished brass Gasalier, 3-light, £3.12.6./ 4-light, £4.0.0./ 5 - Ugl ‘ t , £5.2-6- No. 1326. Polished brass and copper Gasa- Her, 3-light. £3.18-6. f No. 1327. Polished brass shade light, 42 2'. .HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and GOCKSPUR STREET, TRAFALGAR SQUARE, LONDON, S.W all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue GASELIERS. 36 i +■ Xo. 1323. Polished brass ami copper, ijs.kd. s ."I No. 1328. Bronzed and relieved Gasalier, 3-light, £5.12.6., 4-light, £7.0.0., 3-light, £8.7.6. PHOTOGRAPHED from stock.. 3(52 HAMPTON & SONS. No. 1329. Polished brass or bronzed. i\ No. 1330. Wrought iron and copper relief 14J 6 d. X GAS BRACKETS & HALL LAMPS. •asiv / ^ No. 1331. Wrought iron I 2 S . 6. No. 1332. Wrought iron. 21 s. No- 1333 - Wrought iron, with crystal cylinder. 27s. No. 1334. B7-ass a7id copper Hall Lamp, with glass com¬ plete. 52 s.6d. No. 1335. Wrought 1'7-071 a7id copper, with glass com- plete. 5 5 s. No. 1336. Wrought iro7i, with cop¬ per relief, a 7 id glass complete. 73.1.61?'. No. 1337 - Polished brass a7id copper, with glass com- plete. 7 6 j. No. 1338. Wrought i 7 - 07 i, with cathedral glass. /4.10.0. Polished brass, with bevelled plate glass. £7.10.0. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, TRAFALGAR SQUARE, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in CATALOGUE photographed from stock. Light, Wired, with Holder, 20 /- H/imptojh & Soj'JS' Electric Liqjct Eittinqs. 3 6 3 with Glass, 24 /- Drop Light, Wired, with Holder and Glass, 24 /- and Glass, 34 /- 347 , Polished Brass Elec¬ tric Drop Light, Wired and Holder, including Cut Glass Globe, £ 4 . Polished Brass Electric Louis XVI. Drop Light, Wired, Louis XV. Drop Light, with Holder, £5 4 s. Wired, &c., with Glass, Silk Shade, 1 2 s. extra. Polished Brass Electric V. Dro &c., wi' 44 /- Polished Brass Electrolier, Wired complete with Holders, £10 2 s. 6d. Polished Brass Moorish Electrolier, very handsome, Wired complete with Holders, £ 20 . 344 . Polished Brass Electric Drop Light, Wired and Fitted with Cut Crystal Drops, 44 /- ^4'Mm — b'-- Polished Brass Elec¬ tric Standard Lamp, Wired and complete with Silk Shade. £4 4 s. HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur street, London, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. 3 6 4 & Sons’ Electric Lhqj-it Fijjinqs. Polished Brass and Copper Electric Bracket, 22/6 Glass, 3 s. 6d. HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur-street, London, S.W, all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. HAMPTON & SONS. ELECTROLIERS. 364A No. 1363. Wrought iron Elec¬ tric Bracket. ios.6d. No. 1364. Polished brass Elec¬ tric Bracket. 1 zs. No. 1365. Polished brass Elec¬ tric Bracket, zzs. No. 1366. Polished brass Elec¬ tric Bracket. 24J. No.'1367. Wrought iron and copper, z 6s. No.’i368. Polished brass Elec¬ tric Bracket. i\s.6d. No. 1369. Polished brass & copper Electric Bracket. 50.?. No. 1370. Polished brass Elec¬ tric TableLampgmth opal shade, z 5 s. No. 1371. Polished brass Elec¬ tric Pendant and Bracket. 7zs. wiring extra. ALL GOODS No- 1374- Wrought iroji copper Electric Pendant. 6js.6d. No. 1372. Polished brass Elec¬ tric Pendant and Bracket. 75 .t. No. 1375. No. 1376. Polished brass 3 -light “ Audrey” Electric Pendant, complete with Electric Pendant. 42 s. opal shade and cut crystal drops. 50s. jxu In all cases the Glasses and Fittings are an extra £ 5 - 7 - 6 - CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, TRAFALGAR SQUARE, LONDON, S.W. EVERY ARTICLE IN CATALOGUE PHOl OGRAPHtiD FROM STOCK. 3 f 5 HAMPTON & SONS. JAPANNED WARE. A Ox No. 1379. Japanned., aid colours, id. No. 1380. Japanned, art colours, i.f. No.1381. Japanned, art colours, tsiSd. wipes' § No. 1391. No. 1392. Embossed Hot Water Can. copper or Japanned ] 2346 pt. brass. oak | 2/- 2/2 2/4 2/8 2-pt., (>s.fjd. Polished \ 2 3 4 6 pt. 3 -pt., 7 s. oft. Oin. X 3 ft. Oin. ... 28/- 5 ft. Oin. X 3 ft. Oin. ... 27/6 » oft. Gin. X ift. 3 in. 35 /- Oft. Oin. X 3 ft. Oin. ... 30 /•- J 5 Oft. Oin. X 3 ft. Oin. ... 4 si- No. 1417A. Superior Kitchen Table, with Sin. solid top, turned legs. 7 ft Oin X 3 ft. 6in. ... 70/- | SJt. Oin. X 4 ft. Oin. ... 90/- HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET. TRAFALGAR SQUARE, LONDON, S. W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGAPHED from stock. HAMPTON CLOCKS ETC . 366 a & SONS A No. 1418. Thuringian Porcelain Clock. 95.?. No. 1427. A good selection of Japanese Clocks kept in stock. No. 1432. Eight-day strike Clock, walnut case, brass mounted dial. Height i6in. 905". No. 1419. Gilt Ironze striking Clock, Watteau de¬ coration . J 8 .1 o. o. No. 1420. Eight-day strike, Buhl and brass case. Height, i$\in. 95 s. No. 1421. Brass Time¬ piece. Jos. Striking. 82sEd. No. 1428. Eight-day \-s trike Clock, brasss mounted dial, oak or walnut case. Height i6in. ^5.18.6. No. 1429. Eight-day striking , oak or walnut case. 1 gin. high. C8sEd. ^°* I 433 - English chiming Hall Clock in oak case chiming quarters and hours on gongs. 2 J guineas. Ditto, chiming on eight bells and five gongs. 32 guineas . 2yin* high, 14m. wide Bracket to match. 80s. No. 1422. No. 1423. Dresden Clock, Four Children as the Seasons. Candelabra, 5-light, to correspond. Set of y pieces, ^'17.10.0. No. 1430. Quarter-strike, brass- mounted dial, oak or walnut case. Height 17in. 5 guineas. No. 1431. h ight-day Timepiece, in oak or walnut case. jJsEd. Ditto, striking, Height 16in. $2s.6d. No. 1434- Eight-day \-strike Elall Clock, silvered and brass-mounted dial , oak case. Height 22\in. J6.18E. Bracket to match, 30?. No. 1426. Eight-day Timepiece, in oak or walnut case. Heightio\in. ijs. 6 d. No. 1424. No. 1425. A choice selection of French Clocks of the best periods always kept in stock. From fj.i^.o. 1435 - Best quality A nevoid Barometer , in polished oak frame and porce¬ lain dial,with Thermo- meter, plate glass front. From 3 4s. 6 A Ql No. 1436. Gothic pattern Fitzroy Baro¬ meter, with Storm Glass and Thermometer, in best quality fmnigated oak case, 31.5-.6A Ditto, in stained case, 245-. Special designs for better cases sent on application. ALL GOOD HAMPTON & SONS, PAIL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, TRAFALGAR SQUARE, LONDON, S.W. s CARRAIGE PAID— see preface. every article in catalogue PHOTOGRAPHED from stock. ESTIMATES FOR KITCHEN UTENSILS. List No. 1. Brought forward £ 6 S. 0 d. 6 Brought forward £ 2 S. 13 d. 5 Brought forward £ 19 s. 15 d. 2 i List No. 3. FOR A HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS. 1 Wrought Iron Tea Kettle 1 Tinned Iron Stewpan, each 3 4 1 2 Flour Dredger.. Trussing Needles O O II 4 I Tinned Iron Fry Pan, each -/io, 1/10 0 2 4 8 FOR A HOUSE OF 16 ROOMS. Box Vegetable Cutters 6 12 Patty Pans 5 £ s. d. 1 Block Tin Fish Kettle 4 0 1 Fry Basket 2 10 2 Dust Pans I 6 i Flue Brush 1 5 1 Tea Tray 4 9 1 Pair Sugar Nippers .. I 5 I Wire Cinder Shovel .. O 7 Tin lined Wood Meat Screen £ S. .d 2 0 1 Waiter .. I 9 1 Hand Bowl I 2 12 Nickel Silver Tea Spoons 3 0 I 2 0 O i Scrub Brush, each —/7, 1/4 • • 1 11 1 Coffee Canister I 0 2 Housemaid’s Pails 5 0 6 ,, Table Spoons .. 4 6 I Brass Bottle Jack IO 6 1 Plate ,, „ -/8, 1/- .. 2 ,, Leathers 1 8 1 Sugar ,, I 0 1 York Pan I 1 I Pestle and Mortar 8 3 I Dripping Pan and Stand 7 O 2 0 1 Spice Box 2 6 6 Tinned Iron Spoons .. I 9 2 Hair Brooms .. 5 10 I Basting Ladle .. . . I 5 1 Hair Broom 2 5 4 Iron Spoons I O 2 Metal Salt Cellars I 6 I Carpet ,, 2 8 6 Wrought Iron Saucepans I 18 0 1 Furniture Brush 1 4 1 Funnel .. O 4 I ,, Pepper Box I 2 I Double Banister Brush 2 IO 6 ,, ,, Stewpans I 12 0 i Set Shoe Brushes 3 9 1 Set Skewers I O I ,, Mustard Pot I 5 I Flue Brush 1 7 1 „ ,, Teakettle .. Copper ,, 6 6 1 Set Stove ,, 2 4 1 Egg Whisk . O 5 2 Vegetable Scoops I 6 I Bass Broom .. 1 2 1 8 O 1 Housemaid’s Box 2 2 i Coffee Mill 4 6 I Bread Grater .. 0 9 I Wool Mop .. r O 1 Block Tin Fish Kettle 6 O .1 „ Pail 2 6 1 Toast Fork O 6 I Meat Saw 2 0 2 Jug Mops . . 0 6 1 i. ,, ,, Turbot Kettle Wrought Iron Oval Pot 14 6 1 Carpet Broom .. t Sweep's Brush.. 2 2 2 Flat Irons —/p, 1/2 I 11 I Meat Chopper .. I 10 I Scrub Brush, each ~/g, 1/4, 2/- . . | 4 I 1 17 0 0 6 1 3^-gallon Oval Boiler.. 4 0 I Fish Slice O 9 I Wall Broom & Jointed Handle ■• 7 I 1 » ,, Stock „ with Tap and Strainer 0 6 1 Hanging Gridiron 2 2 I Egg „ . O 7 I Single Banister Brush . . I 9 18 6 0 3 1 Flat Iron Stand O 8 I Japanned Knife Tray.. 4 3 I Whisk Brush .. . . I 6 2 Tinned Iron Fry Pans 2 9 i Bread Grater .. 0 5 1 Egg Slice 0 7 I Chopping Board I 9 I Set Stove Brushes, each 2/10, 1 Copper Omelette ,, 4 9 i Cook’s Knife .. 1 6 i Fish Slice O 8 I Chamber Pail.. 4 0 3/7 . 6 5 1 ,, Cutlet or Saute do. .. 8 6 1 Mincing Knife .. 1 O 1 Baking Tin 0 10 I Dover Egg Beater 0 94 I Sweep’s Brush.. 1 4 1 ,, Preserving do. Jelly Moulds .. 16 O t B. M. Salt Cellar 0 4 1 Dust Pan O 6 2 Cook’s Knives.. 3 9 1 w.c. 1 6 2 4 O r B. M. Mustard Pot .. 0 11 1 Flour Dredger O 5 I 12-Quart Toilet Can .. 4 6 I Furniture ,, 1 5 1 Pudding ,, 2 O [ B, M. Pepper Box 0 9 1 Gravy Strainer, each -/8, 1/3 I II 2 Sets Skewers .. 1 8 I Paste ,, 0 8 1 Brawn ,, 6 3 13 Patty Pans 0 4 1 Colander I 3 I Tinned Iron Saucepans, each I Crumb ,, 2 6 2 Cake Pans with loose bottoms 1 10 t 8-Quart Toilet Can 3 6 i Tea Pot 2 6 -/9. i/3. i/9, 2/9 •• G 6 I Sink ,, 1 0 6 Darial Cups, Plain or Fluted . 1 6 t Box Larding Pins 1 8 I Tinned Iron Frypan .. I I I Tinned Iron Saucepan and I Feather ,, 2 4 2 Doz. Patty Pans ,, ,, 0 IO [ Paste Board 3 O 1 Kneeling Mat .. 0 II Steamer ,, 3 9 2 Bottle Brushes 1 0 3 Tart Pans ,, ,, 1 4 t Rolling Pin 0 4 i Knife Board I 6 I Block Tin Jack Screen 15 O 2 Dish ,, 3 9 I Soup Ladle 1 9 c Pastry Brush .. 0 8 1 Towel Roller and Brackets .. O 8 I Bottle Jack 7 0 I Set Shoe ,, Plate Brush, each-/io, i/-, i /6 5 0 I Fish Slice 1 0 t Lemon Squeezer 0 5 1 Ball String O 5 I Block Tin Fish Kettle 5 0 I 3 4 I Egg ,, and Ladle .. 1 0 1 11 1 Three-fold Clothes Horse, 4-ft 4 3 I Coal Scuttle 2 6 I Rolling Pin 0 4 6 Iron Spoons, assorted 2 5 -l Wire ,, .... 1 4 4 Wood Spoons .. r . 0 6 I Coal Hammer .. 0 IO I Paste Board .. 3 0 1 Block Tin Seasoning Box 2 9 ■ C. S. Meat Chopper .. 1 6 1 Plate Basket .. 2 5 I Set of 3 Japanned Trays ‘3 0 I Steak Beater .. ... ..1 0 6 2 Boxes Paste Cutters .. 3 6 :: Meat Saw 1 8 1 Pair Housemaid’s Gloves 0 7 I Wrought Iron Fish Fryer and I Housemaid’s Box 2 6 1 Box Vegetable ,, 3 6 : Knife Tray . \ Dish Tub ] Glass ,, 1 7 1 Cinder Sieve .. .. 1 10 Drainer I 1 9 2 Kneeling Mats .. .. 2 2 2 Vegetable Scoops 1 4 Zinc Lined Coal Scuttle Block Tin Tea Pot Copper Omelette Pan 3 6 Hair Sieve, each — /5, — /i i Flour Tub . Oak ,, each 2/4, 4/9 Tin Funnels Bread and Beef Grater Gravy Strainers 3 2 0 Total 9 0 3 I 2 I 4 9 1 0 8 i Box Pastry Cutters .. 2 6 I 6 I 7 I 1 2 3 Galvanized Pail 1 2 I Copper Stock Pot 2 4 3 I Glass ,, .. .. .. .. 3 9 1 Block Tin Colander .. 2 3 i Salt Box • .. 1 3 List No. 2. I Copper Stew Pan, each 4/9, I Lemon Squeezer 0 5 3 York Pudding Pans .. 2 O 5 Jelly Moulds .. 3 4 5/9,6/9,7/9,15/-, 23/- 3 3 0 2 Pairs Housemaid's Gloves .. 1 2 1 Dutch Oven 2 6 j- Flour Tub 1 9 FOR A HOUSE OF L2 ROOMS. I Copper Preserving Pan 14 9 I Plate Rack 6 0 1 Flour Dredger .. 0 6 3 Chamber Pail .. 4 0 I Copper Saucepan, each 6/-, I Salt Box Towel Roller and Brackets .. I 3 1 Sugar .. Pepper Box •• 0 II 1 2 7/-. 10 h . I 3 0 I 0 8 0 4 3 Coffee Pot 1 6 i Set Scales and Weights, 7-lbs I Flat Iron, each —/p, 1/2, 1/6 .. 3 5 I Wire Sieve, each -/8, 1/4 2 0 1 Block Tin Tea Pot 2 9 ] Set Scales and Weights, 4 lbs. 8 O down .. . . 9 3 I Stand for ditto 0 8 I Buff Knife Board 6 6 1 ,, CoffeePot.. Egg Beater 2 4 _ Candlestick O II 1 Salamander 6 0 I Toast Fork 0 6 I Sauce Basket .. I 5 1 0 8 Tea Canister .. I 0 1 Pair Steak Tongs 2 3 I Sugar Canister, each 1/4, 2/4 3 8 I 2-gallon Filter .. 15 3 1 Set Scales and Weights 12 O t N. S. Tea Spoons I 7 1 Flesh Fork 1 2 I Coffee ,, ,, 1/3, 1/9 3 0 2 Balls String O IO 1 Patent Coffee Mill 6 0 i N. S. Table . I 0 i Potatoe Masher 0 7 I Tea ,, ,, 1/3, 1/9 3 0 8 Wood Spoons .. I- 6 1 Pair of Sugar Nippers I 9 i Cinder Shovel .. O 5 1 Coffee Pot 2 4 I Hanging Gridiron 3 6 I jelly Bag . 2 6 1 Mincer .. 1 5 O 2 0 1 Mincing Knife .. 1 0 I Basting Ladle .. 1 0 I Yard Tammy Cloth .. I 2 1 Doz. Tinned Iron Meat Hook I 9 % ,, Scuttle 2 10 1 Pudding Mould 3 0 I Turbot Kettle .. 10 3 2 Leathers 2 0 1 Cast Steel Meat Saw .. 2 O ,, Hammer .. O 10 2 Candlesticks .. 2 6 I Coal Shovel 2 0 2 Sponges.. 2 6 1 ,, ,, Chopper .. I 9 : Jack Screen e Bottle Jack 13 0 1 Mincer .. 11 O I Coffee Mill 7 6 I 4-ft. 6-in. Clothes Horse 4 9 1 ,, ,, Mincing Knife I 4 7 0 2 Funnels .. 0 7 I Enamelled Saucepan, each I Pair 7-tread Steps 7 0 1 Steak Beater .. 2 9 1 Basting Ladle ., 0 10 1 Box Larding Pins 1 8 1/1, 1/10 2 II I B. L. Plate Basket 2 9 1 Pair Steak Tongs 2 3 1 Tinned Iron Saucepan, each -/9, 1/3, 2/3 2 Cake Tins 1 3 I Cast Iron Tea Kettle .. 4 6 I Dirty Plate ,, 5 0 1 Dishing Fork .. I 3 4 3 1 Candle Box 1 2 I Block Tin ,, Copper Kettle. . 4 0 I Cinder Sifter .. 4 3 1 Mashing ,, I 9 1 Tinned Iron Saucepan and 3 Gravy Strainers, -/ 8, — /11, i/- •• 2 10 I 8 0 I Butler’s Tray and Stand 19 3 2 Cook’s Knives .. 3 9 Steamer 2 9 1 Sugar Dredger.. 1 1 I Oval Boiler, 4J gallons 5 3 I Decanter Drainer 1 9 1 ,, Pork I 9 J i Enamelled Saucepan, each i Box Paste Cutters 3 0 I Paste Jagger .. 0 8 I Mahogany Knife Tray 3 i 10 1 Root Knife I 0 ~/n> J /3 . 2 2 1 Spice Box 2 9 3 Jelly Moulds .. 4 8 j 1 Bacon ,, I 6 Carried forward 6 0 6 Carried orwarc 2 1 L 3 5 Carried forwarc 19 IS 2 i Tota 29 15 l 64 Carried forwarc 17 1 O 7 3 68 ESTIMATES FOR KITCHEN UTENSILS.-c^,w, £ s. d. £ s. d. £ S. d. £ s. 1 d ’ £ s. d. Brought forward I 7 0 7 Brought forward 3° 8 9 Brought forward 4 14 8 Brought forward 48 18 IO Brought forwarc 71 7 0 o 9 I Paste ,, O 9 2 ,, ,, Salt ,, O 8 12 Tinned Meat Hooks .. 1 9 1 Dish ,, ... 2 3 2 Sets Skewers .. I 6 I Furniture ,, I 9 I „ ,, Mustard ,, O 4 I Cast Steel Meat Saw .. 3 6 2 Furniture ,, 3 9 i Beef Fork I 7 I Bed ,, 4 0 I Pr. ,, ,. Sugar Tongs . I O I ,, ,, ,, Chopper 2 ! O 2 Dusting ,, 3 3 i Toasting Fork .. 0 8 I. Decanter ,, 0 9 2 Japanned Slop Pails .. 8 0 I Dirty Plate Basket & Lining IO O 1 Hat I 6 i Patent Lever Corkscrew I 8 I Crumb ,, 2 9 I Plate Carrier .. IO 6 I Cast Steel Steak Beater 2 9 1 Set Shoe ,, 6 0 6 Larding Pins and i Needle .. 2 3 2 Plate ,, 2 3 2 Flour Dredgers I 9 4 Vegetable Scoops 2 8 i Shoe Brush Box I 2 i Wire Frying Basket .. 3 3 2 Hearth ,, 2 6 I Sugar „ ... I O 2 Apple Corer’s .. I 6 1 Marble Mortar and Hardwood i Fluted Gridiron 2 9 I Handled Clothes Brush 4 6 2 Pepper ,, 0 8 3 Cook’s Knives .. 6 3 Pestle .. 17 6 i Hanging ,, 2 3 I Flue Brush 1 6 I Tin Lined Wood Meat Screen 2 ,, Forks .. 3 2 6 Plate Leathers 7 6 4 Block Tin Candlesticks 3 4 I Wool Mop 1 3 with hot closet 4 2 6 I Chopping Knife 5 6 3 Pair Housemaids Gloves 3 0 i Japanned Candle Box T 2 2 Kneeling Mats.. 3 6 I Brass Bottle Jack, complete . 15 O I Root Knife 1 O 2 Japanned Housemaid's Boxes 13 0 2 Dust Pans I IO I Jelly Bag and Stand .. 7 O I Wrought Steel Dripping Pan I Oyster ,, 1 O 3 Wood ,, Pails 7 6 4 Flat Irons 4 O I Buff Knife Board 12 6 with well on legs I 7 6 2 Frying Baskets 6 6 i ,, Knife Box 2 0 i ,, ,, Stand 0 8 I Towel Roller and Brackets .. 1 O I Copper Basting Ladle 9 9 I Toast Fork 0 8 2 Yards Tammy Cloth .. 4 0 2 Coal Scuttles .. 5 6 6 Plate Leathers.. 9 O I Spoon Drip 14 6 I Fluted Gridiron 3 9 2 Kneeling Mats 2 6 i ,, Hammer .. i o I Baize Lined Plate Basket 3 3 9 Copper Stewpans assorted . 6 2 6 I Hanging „ .... 2 9 1 Chopping Block on Legs l6 6 i ,, Shovel i 9 2 Pairs Housemaid’s Gloves .. 2 0 6 Wrought Steel Saucepans . 2 10 O 4 Candlesticks 4 8 2 Pairs Steps 11 6 i Cinder ,, o IO 2 Wood Pails 4 0 1 ,, ,, Oval Boiler . I IO 0 I Candle Box 1 3 2 Wool Mops 3 6 6 Kitchen Knives and Forks .. 5 9 2 Pairs Steps 12 0 1 ,, ,, Fish Kettle . I IO 0 I Salamander and Stand 7 6 2 „ Jug Mops . . 0 8 6 ,, Dessert do. 4 3 2 Clothes Horses Q 6 1 ,, „ Fish Frying 2 Dust Pans 2 4 i Chopping Tray . . 2 9 I Pair Kitchen Carvers .. 3 o I Paste Board and Pin .. 4 0 Pan with Drainer IO 6 2 Japanned Pans. . 3 4 1 Decanter Drainer . . 2 9 i Steel i o I Chopping Tray 2 6 1 Wrought Steel Stock Pot with 4 Flat Irons 3 9 1 Salt Box 2 0 6 Nickel Silver Tea Spoons .. 2 0 I Salt Box I 9 Tap and Strainer 2 12 6 2 Stands for do. .. 1 4 1 Pair Leirfon Squeezers I 0 4 ,, ,, Table ,, 3 o I Soap Box O 5 1 Wrought Steel Bam-Mari I B. M. Mustard Pot 1 6 6 Wood Spoons assorted I 6 6 ,, ,, Dessert ,, 3 6 I Decanter Drainer I 9 Pan with Plate and Vessels 2 ,, Saltcellars 1 6 3 Hair Sieves 3 6 2 ,, ,, Salt „ 0 7 2 Washing Trays 13 6 complete I 9 0 I ,, Pepper Box 1 3 2 Wire ,, 3 0 i ,, ,, Mustard,, 0 4 I ,, Stool 3 6 1 Wrought Steel Braizing Pan I ,, Tea Pot. . 7 6 2 Oak Dish Tubs II 9 i B. M. Mustard Pot .. i o 6 Wood Spoons, assorted 1 3 with Plate and Cover 2 8 6 2 Zinc Lined Coal Scoops IO 6 2 ,, Glass ,, 4 b i B. M. Pepper Box i o 2 Oval Dish Tubs 10 6 1 Copper Preserving Pan I 7 6 I Coal Pick 1 3 1 Wood Bowl 3 3 2 B. M. Sait Cellars .. i o 2 Round Glass Tubs 3 6 1 Block Tin Turbot Kettle I 5 O I ,, Shovel 2 O 1 Jelly Bag and Stand .. . . 8 0 i B. M. Tea Pot 6 6 I Plate Rack 6 3 4 Baking Plates .. 13 O 2 Cinder ,, 1 8 2 Washing Trays 12 6 i Dirty Plate Basket with I Cinder Rocker. . 5 6 3 Fry Pans 6 6 I Set Block Tin Dish Covers .. 2 2 II 1 ,, Stool.. 4 0 Wicker Lining 8 6 I Linen Press with Drawer on 1 Wrought Steel Cutlet Pan .. 6 0 I P'ilter I 1 O 1 Pair Kitchen Bellows .. 2 0 i Japanned Double Knife Tray 3 0 Stand .. i 12 6 2 Copper Omelette Pans 15 0 I Kitchen Dial .. I 17 6 1 Plate Rack 9 0 i Set Japanned Tea Trays 8 6 I Polished Mahogany Luncheon 2 Milk Saucepans 13 0 2 Japanned Knife Trays 6 0 1 Japanned Flour Box .. 7 3 i Japanned Spice Box .. 3 6 Tray and Stand i 12 6 6 Jelly Moulds .. 13 6 I Set ,, Tea Trays .. IO 6 1 Linen Press with Drawer on i Tea Canister .. i 5 2 Dirty Linen Baskets .. 9 6 12 Darill Cups 3 6 2 ,, Tea Canisters .. 3 2 Stand .. I 12 6 i Coffee ,, r 5 I Clothes 2 3 24 Patty Pans 1 6 2 ,, Coffee ,, .. .. 3 2 1 Luncheon Tray and Stand .. I 12 6 i Sugar Box with Drawer 7 6 — 6 Tart Pans 3 6 2 „ Sugar „ .... 4 1 1 Tin lined Knife Basket 6 O 2 Japanned Slops Pails 7 6 41 5 8 I Soup Ladle 2 3 I ,, Sugar Box with Drawei 7 6 1 Cinder Rocker 7 6 i Marble Mortar and Hardwood 6 Iron Spoons 2 9 I 4 9 1 Set Table Mats Pestle .. 9 o 2 Fish Slices 2 9 2 Soiled Linen Baskets .. 11 0 1 Japanned Waiter .. .. 1 9 i Tin Hand Bowl i 2 T • - - A 1 Egg ,, . 1 2 2 Clothes Baskets 5 6 1 Dinner Bell 6 O i Tin Wash-up Bowl .. i 9 1 Egg Ladle . 0 6 3 Hair Brooms .. 13 6 2 Water Cans 9 6 I Set Block Tin Dish Covers .. i IO o FOR A MANSION. 2 Wrought Iron Oval Tea Kettle 13 6 2 Improved Carpet do. .. 5 6 2 Hot Water do... .. .. j 5 6 i Japanned Flour Box .. 4 9 1 Copper Kettle ., 9 O 2 Double Banister Brushes 7 0 i Boiler Filler 3 3 i ,, Housemaid’s Box.. 6 o 1 Seasoning Box 5 6 2 Single 4 0 2 Saucepan Brushes .. .. 0 IO 2 Galvanized Pails 2 6 4 Cake Tins, with loose bottoms 4 O 2 Pudding Moulds 6 6 I Whisk ,, ,, 1 9 2 Handled Sink do. .. .. 0 IO 3 Square Baking Plates 3 6 i Mincing Machine 19 O 1 Brawn Mould with Screw .. 7 6 I Stair ,, ,, 2 0 2 Laundry do. .. .. 0 IO 3 Wire Meat Covers 4 o 2 Galvanized Pails 3 O 1 Weighing Machine & Weights I 1 0 3 Sweeps Brushes 3 6 1 Bread Platter .. 3 6 i Knife Machine (Kent’s) 2 1 5 o 2 Best Wire Meat Covers IO 9 1 Block Tin Coffee Pot 2 4 3 Hearth ,, 3 9 i , , Knife 1 6 I Flue Brush 1 9 ,, ,, Tea Pot 2 9 I Bass Broom 1 9 1 Lever Cask Stand 6 0 TURNERY, BRUSHES, &c. 2 Towel Rollers and Brackets. . 2 0 3 Boxes Paste Cutters .. 6 9 I Wall Broom with Jointe< 1 Brass Beer Tap .. .. 2 9 2 Hair Brooms .. 6 o I Paste Board and Pin .. 4 9 1 ,, Vegetable Cutters 3 9 Handle.. 9 6 1 Sliding Hanger 0 9 i Carpet ,, 2 9 I Flesh Fork 1 9 3 Tin Funnels I 1 2 Clothes Horses IO 3 i Egg Poacher .. 2 3 i Bass ,, I 6 I Pair Steak Tongs 2 6 1 Bread Grater .. 0 9 I Patent Knife Machine (Kent’s) 4 15 0 1 Hand Bowl 1 2 i Double Banister Brush 3 0 2 Paste Markers .. 1 O 3 Gravy Strainers 3 5 I Clothes Brush 4 9 1 Salad Washer .. 1 9 2 Single ,, ,, 3 o I Case Larding Pins & Needles 2 3 2 Blocked Tin Colander’s 4 8 4 Scrub ,, 5 8 1 Spice Box 6 0 3 Sweep’s Brushes 3 0 2 Corkscrews 2 5 4 York Pans 3 O I Crumb ,, 2 9 1 Vegetable Presser 0 4 i Turk’s Head & Jointed Handle 6 9 12 Table Knives and Forks 12 6 1 Game Oven 4 O I Curtain ,, 4 6 i Potato Masher .. I 8 i Set Shoe Brushes 4 6 12 Dessert ,, ,, 8 6 1 Egg Whisk 0 8 3 Sets Stove ,, IO 6 — i Shoe Brush Box i o I Pair Carvers 3 O 1 „ Beater 0 9 I Closet ,, I 6 «3 18 9 i Set Stove Brushes 3 o I Steel T 3 1 Coffee Mill IO O 2 Pastry ,, I 9 2 Scrubbing ,, 2 6 6 Nickel Silver Table Spoons .. 6 O 1 Pair Sugar Nippers on Stand 6 6 2 Decanter ,, I 6 i Closet ,, I 6 6 ,, ,, Dessert ,, 3 9 2 Sets Steel Skewers 1 6 2 Bottle ,, 0 IO i Dusting „ I 0 12 ,, ,, Tea ,, 4 6 1 Mincing Knife .. 1 4 4 Plate ,, 3 9 Carried forward 3°X 8 9 Carried forward 4 14 8 Carried forward 48 18 IO Carried forward 71 7 0 3 6 9 - jiAMPTOJN & SOJNS’ GUTLERY AND EbECTJiO-PLATE. p i. 12 Ivory Handle Table Knives, 12 „ Dessert Knives, Pair ,, Meat Carvers, ,, ,, Game ,, ,, Table Steel and Case. £4 3s. 3d. P 2. Oak Case containing : 18 Ivory Handle Table Knives, 18 ,, Dessert ,, Pair ,, 8-9 in. Meat Carvers, „ ,, Game Carvers, „ Steel. £7 19s. P 3. Oak Case containing : 24 Ivory Handle Table Knives, 24 ,, Dessert ,, Pair ,, 8-9 in. Meat Carvers, „ ,, Game ditto and Steel. £10 19s. 3d. P 4. Oak Case containing: Plate and Ivory Handle Cutlery for 6 persons. £16 5s. 2d. P 5. Oak Case containing : Plate and Ivory Handle Cutlery for 12 persons. £26 15s. P 6. Oak Case containing: Plate and Cutlery, fancy patterns, for 12 persons. £ 35 . 12 Table Knives 9/6 12 Dessert ,, 8/6 Carvers, pair ... 3/6 Steel. 1/3 P 7. Stag Handles. 12 Table Knives 26 /— 12 Dessert ,, 21 /- Carvers, pair ... 7/6 Steel. 2/9 1 12 Table Knives 13 /- 12 Dessert ,, 11/6 Carvers, pair ... 5/6 Steel... ,. 1/6 P 11 . Best Bone Handles, rivetted. 12 Table Knives 37/6 12 Dessert ,, 30 /- Carvers, pair ... 12 /- Steel. 3/6 P 8. Ivory Handles, rivetted. P 12. Best Ivory Rounded Handles. 12 Table Knives 36 /— 12 Dessert ,, 29 /- Carvers, pair ... 12/6 Steel. 3/9 12 Table Knives 39 /- 12 Dessert ,, 32 /- Carvers, pair ... 12 /- Steel. 3/9 P 9. Best Ivory Handles, Patent Screw Tang, P 13. Best Ivory Handles. iimn m nui li fii ix 12 Table Knives 42 /- '] 12 Dessert ,, 34 /- i l II]/ Carvers, pair ... 13 /- -Steel. 4/3 P10. Best Ivory Handles, Rounded End. 12 Table Knives 60 /- 12 Dessert ,, 50 /- Carvers, pair ... 19 /- Steel. 7 /- P 14. Best Ivory Handles, Patent Screw Tang and Silver Ferrules. HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur street, London, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. . 37 ° JHflMPTOJM & So fiS GUTliERY AND ZlECTJRO-PlATE. P 15. Fiddle. P 16. Old English. P 17. P 18. Rat Tail. Bead. Table Forks, full size, per doz. ,, medium, ,, small, Dessert Forks, full size, ,, small, Table Spoons, full size, ,, medium, ,, small, Dessert Spoons, full size ,, small, Tea Spoons, full size, ,, medium, ,, small, Egg Spoons, per doz. Mustard and Salt Spoons, each Sugar Tongs, each Gravy Spoons, ,, Soup Ladles, ,, Sauce ,, ,, Toddy ,, Fish Knives ,, ,, Forks ,, Pickle or Oyster Forks, each Butter Knives, ,, P 20. King’s. HAMPTON Rat Tail, Old English, and Fiddle. Bead, King’s, Qualities Ai I C Ai I 33/6 28/- 22/6 43/- 38/- 30/- 25/- 20/- — _ ... 27/- 23/- 18/6 40/- 34/- 26/6 21/6 16/- 32/- 26/6 23/6 18/6 13/6 26/6 24/- 36/- 30/- 24/- 48/- 42/- 32/- 26/6 20/- 44/6 38/- 28/- 24/- 17/6 — _ 26/6 21/6 16/- 34/6 30/- 24/- 20/- 14/6 28/- 25/- 16/- 12/- 8/- 22/- 18/6 13/- 10/6 7/6 20/- 16/6 12/- 9/- 6/6 _ _ 12/- 10/6 6/6 20/- 16/6 1/- lOd. 7d. 1/8 1/5 2/8 2/3 1/8 3/8 3/3 5/3 4/6 4/- 7/3 6/6 9/3 8/- 6/8 12/- 10/6 2/8 2/4 21- 4/- 3/3 2/4 2/- 1/8 3/3 2/8 10/6 9/3 81- 12/- 10/6 81- 6/6 5/3 8/- 7/- 1/4 1/2 lOd. 2/3 2/- 2/8 2/4 1/10 3/6 3/3 CANTEENS. SUITABLE FOR PRESENTATIONS. P 21. P 22. Oak Box, containing: d. 12 Table Forks 1 8 0 12 Dessert ,, 1 1 6 6 Table Spoons 15 0 12 Dessert ,, 1 1 6 12 Tea ,, 12 0 6 Egg 5 3 4 Salt ,, 3 4 i Mustard ,, 0 10 I Soup Ladle 8 0 2 Sauce Ladles 4 8 I Gravy Spoon 4 6 i Pair Sugar Tongs 2 3 Oak Case 1 17 6 1 ^ 1 CO 4 Oak Box, flush handles, quadrant hinges, containing : 12 Ivory Table Knives ^ 12 ,, Dessert ,, 1 i Pair Meat Carvers i ,, Game ,, 1 Steel 12 Table Forks 12 Dessert ,, 12 Table Spoons 12 Dessert ,, 12 Tea ,, 6 Egg 2 Salt „ I Mustard ,, 1 Soup Ladle 2 Sauce Ladles I Gravy Spoon I Pair Sugar Tongs Case 1 1 6 1 9 8 2 2 16 4 16 8 3 1 1 6 4 4 1 16 £11 11 6 & SONS, PALL MALL EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, LONDON, S.W. ALL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. JHamptojm & Sojms' Gutlery and Electro-Plate. P 24 . Twelve Pairs Ivory-hanclle and Plated Fish Eating Knives and Forks, in Mahogany Case . . £3 10 s. P 25 . Twelve Pairs Ivory-handle Fish Eating Knives and Forks, in Mahogany Case ... £5 12 s. 6 d. P 26 . Twelve Pairs Ivory-handle Dessert Knives and Forks, in Mahogany Case ... ... £2 12 s. P 31 . Twelve Pairs Ivory-handle Fish Eating Knives and Forks, in Oak Case ... ... £6 5 s._ P 32 . Twelve Pairs Ivory-handle Fish Eating Knives and Forks, with Plated Caps and Ferrules, in Oak Case ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... £7 10 s, K 33 . Twelve Pairs Pearl-handle Dessert Knives and Forks, in Mahogany Case ... ... £3 15 s.. P 27 . Twelve Pairs Ivory-handle Dessert Knives and Forks, in Mahogany Case ... ... £3 15 s. P 28 . Twelve Pairs Ivory-handle Dessert Knives and Forks, in Oak Case ... ... ... £4 P 29 . Twelve Pairs Ivory-handle Dessert Knives and Forks, with Plated Caps and Ferrules, in Oak Case ... ... . ... ... ... ... £5 2 s. 6 d. V 64 . Twelve Pairs Pearl-handle Dessert Knives and Forks, Richly Engraved Blades, and fitted in Mahogany Case ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... £4 12 s. 6 d.. Twelve Pairs Pearl-handle Dessert Knives and Forks, in Oak Case ... ... ... £6 2 s. 6 d. P 36 . Twelve Pairs Pearl-handle Dessert Knives and Forks, with Silver Caps and Ferrules, in Mahogany Case ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... £7 10s„. HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur street, London, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. 37 2 J4amptojm & Sojms' Gutlery and Electro-Plate. P 37. Stag-handle and Plated Cheese Scoop, with Silver Cap and Ferrule ... ... ... 6s. |6d. P 36. Ivory-handle Bread Fork, with Silver Cap and Ferrule ... ... ... ... ... 15s. 6d. -Ivory-handle Electro-pidted and Engraved Trowel, in Case ... ... ... ... £3 12s. 6d. ..Knife Rests, Silver Plated, per pair 3s. Ivory-handle Crumb Scoop ... 17s. P 41, Ivory-handle Crumb Scoop, Silver Cap and Ferrule £1 IS. Ivory-handle Crumb Scoop, Silver Cap and Ferrule ... ... ... ... ... £1 7 S. 6d. P 43. Electro-plated Grape Scissors 10s. 6d. Knife Rests, Silver Plated, per pair... 3s. 6d, HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur street, London, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. 373 - JHamptojm & Sojns’ Gutlery and Electro-Plate. P 45. Stag Horn Handles, Silver Caps and Ferrules, in Case. 3 Pieces, £1 10s. 6d. 4 Pieces, £ 2 . 5 Pieces, £2 8 s. 6d. 6 Pieces, £3 4s. P 46 . Best Ivory Handles, Silver Caps and Ferrules, in Case. 3 Pieces, £2 16s. 4 Pieces, £3 7s. 5 Pieces, £4 6 s. 6 Pieces, £6 12s. 6 d .. P 47. Pair Ivory Handle Fish Carvers, in Case .. ... ... ... ... ... 18 s. 6 d, P 49 . Stag Horn Handles, with Silver Caps and Ferrules, in Case. 3 Pieces ... £1 10 s. 4 Pieces ... £ 2 . 5 Pieces ... £2 9 s. P 50. Ivory Handles, Silver Caps and Ferrules, in Case. 3 Pieces ... £2 6s. 6d. 4 Pieces, £2 13 s. 5 Pieces ... £3 3 s. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. 374 JHamptoj^ & Sojns’ Gutlery and Electro-Plate P 51. '6 Spoons and Tongs ... £0 18s. 6d. .’3 2 Spoons and Tongs ... 1 12s. Od. In Silk-lined Case. P 52. 2 Spoons 4 ») 2 Spoons and Sifter. 4 )! )) In Silk-lined Case, £1 4s. 6d. 2 6s. Od. 1 15s. Od. 2 18s. 6d. P 53. 4 Pieces, in Silk-lined Case ... ... £3 3s. P 54. Set, in Silk-lined Case, Richly Engraved 17s. 6d. P 55. ■Child’s Plated Set, in Case. 14s. 6d. P 56. Set 4 Salt Cellars and Spoons, in Silk-lined Case, Best Electro¬ plated . £2 15 s. HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur street, London, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. 375 JHIampto^ & Sojms’ Electro-Plate. P 73. Electro-plated on Pure Nickel Silver, and Cut-Glass Pickle Bottles . £2 10s. P 69. Best Electro-plated on Pure Nickel Silver, 6 Bottles. £4 8 s. 183. P 65. Electro-plated Egg Frame. 4 Cup ... ... ... £1 17 s. 5 Cup . 2 2 s. 6 Cup .. ... ... 2 8s. Eectro-platcd Egg Frame. 4 Cup ... £2 5 s. 6 Cup ... £2 12s. Electro-plated Breakfast Cruet, complete P 62 17 s P 63. Oil and Vinegar Frame P 64. 26 s Electro-plated Breakfast Cruet P 66 . Electro-plated Cruet Frame and Cut-Glass Bottles. 4 Bottles 3 Bottle ... £1 Os. 4 Bottle ... £1 6s. 5 Bottle ... £1 13 s. P 67. Cruet Frame. £2 2s. 6 Bottles Cruet Frame. .. £2 4s. 6 Bottles ... £3 2s. P 70. Electro-plated and Cut-Glass Pickle Electro-plated on Pure Nickel Silver £1 4s. 4 Bottles ... ... .. j Frame P 72. £2 7s. Plated Sauce Frame, including Sauces ... £1 2s. HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur street, London, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. JHflMPTOJN & SojNS’ iLEGTjRO-PbATE. Set of 4 Entree Dishes and Covers. 9 in. Dishes, £7 1 Os. set. 10 in. Dishes, £8 10 s. set. 12 in. Dishes, £10 set. P77. Vegetable Dish and Cover, Best Electro-plated on Nickel Silver, with Ebony Handle, £ 4 . Sauce Boats, Best Electro-plated. Small, 18s. Large, £1 5 s. Best Electro-plated on Nickel Silver, loin. I2in. 14m. 16 in. iSin, 20 in. £1 11s. 6d. £1 18s. £2 4s. 6d. £2 10s. 6d. £2 17s. £3 3s. 6d. P 75. Set of 4 Richly Engraved 12 in. Dishes and Covers, £8 10 s. P 81. Sauce Boat, Best Electro-plated. Small, £1 13s. Large, £1 16s. P 84. Best Electro-plated Soup Tureen, 2 Quarts, £7 7s. P 76. Set of 4 Fluted Entree Dishes and Covers, 12in., £12 12s. P 79. Vegetable Dish and Cover, Ivory Handle, £6 15s. Black Handle, £5 15s. P 82. Sauce Boat, Best Electro-plated. Small, £1 15s. Large, £2 2s.. P 85. Best Electro-plated on Nickel Silver, loin. I2in. 14m. i6in. :8in. 20 in. £2 Os. 6d. £2 9s. £2 17s. 6d. £3 5s. 6d. £3 13s. 6d. £4 Is. 6d. HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur street, London, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. 377 J1ampto>i & Soj^s’ Electro-Plate. P 86. •Cake Basket, Al, Plated on Nickel Silver... ... ... £2 P 87. Egg Boiler, Best Electro¬ plated on Nickel Silver ... £2 7s. P 88. Biscuit Box, Electro-plated, Richly Engraved ... ... ... £5 P 89. Egg Boiler, Best Electro¬ plated on Nickel Silver ... £1 12s. P 90. Cake Basket, Best Quality, and ^ Richly Engraved... ... ... £3 10s. P 93. P 95. Muffin Dish, with Hot Water, Toast Rack, Plated on Nickel Plated Butter Dish, Richly Lining Plated on Nickel Silver... £3 5s. Silver ... ... ... ... 13s. Engraved ... ... ... £3 3s. Toast Rack, Plated on Nickel Silver. 13s. Breakfast Dish, with Spirit Lamp, Plated on Nickel Silver ... ... £4 10s. P 96. IBreakfast or Soup Dish, with Revolving Cover, A I Quality, Plated on Nickel Silver. loin. ... £4 8s. ii in. ... £4 16s. P 97. Breakfast or Soup Dish, with Revolving Cover, Richly Engraved, and A i Quality, Plated on Nickel Silver, io in. ... £5 15s. ii in. ... £6 5s. P 98. Breakfast or Soup Dish, with Revolving Cover, Handsomely Eluted, and A I Quality, Plated on Nickel Silver. loin. £5 10 S. II in. £6. HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur street, London, S.W. all GOODS CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. P 101. £1 Is. 6 d. P 102. £1 4s. 6 d. Tea and Coffee Set, Silver-plated on Best White Metal, £3 17s. 6d. the Set. HAMPTON & Jff AMPTOJN & SOJMS’ LblGTJRO-PLATE. P 103. £1 4s. P 104. £1 10s. P 107. Kettle and Stand, A I Quality, Plated on Nickel Silver, Hand¬ somely Fluted. P 109. P 112. £2 2s. P 113. £3 4s. P105. £2. P 106. £2 6 s. Tea and Coffee Set, Silver-plated on Nickel Silver, and Richly Engraved, £7 Set. Tea Urn, A i Quality, Plated 2 Pint on Nickel Silver. 3 Pint. £7 10s. 4 ,, ... £812s. P 108. Kettle and Stand, A I Quality, Plated on Nickel Silver, and Richly Engraved. 2 j Pint . £6 £5 10s. Queen Anne Tea and Coffee Set, Handsomely Fluted and Silver- plated on Nickel Silver, £10 1 Os. Set. P116. £2 12s. 6d. P117. £d 12s. 6d. Tea and Coffee Set, Plated on Nickel Silver, and Richly Engraved, £12 5s. Set. SONS, PALL MALL EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, LONDON, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. 379 JiAMPTOJJ & SOJMS' ElECTRO-PlATE. Ai quality Silver-plated on Nickel Silver and Richly Engraved Tea and Coffee Set Hot Water Jug to match, i ^ pints Kettle and Stand to match, 4 pints . A I quality Silver-plated on Nickel Silver, Queen Anne Tea and Coffee Set £11 11 s. Od. £15 Os. Od. , \ Hot Water Jug to match ... ... 3 5s. Od. 3 15s. od. ; ? Kettle and Stand to match... 2 pints, £6 12s. 3 pints, £9 15s. 4 pints, 11 5s. Od. 9 Os. Od. < S' Oval Tray to match, 24 inches long . 9 10s. Od. HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur street, London, S.W. all goods CARRIAGE PAID —see preface. J4AMPTOJM & SOJMS’ llLEGTRO-PLiATE. «n ELECTRO, SILYER-PLATED ON NICKEL SILYER, CANDLESTICKS AND CANDELABRA. ^ ■m ELECTRO, SILYER-PLATED ON NICKEL SILYER, WAITERS. HAMPTON & SONS, pall mall east and cockspur street, London, S.W. all GOODS CARRIAGE PAID— see preface. CHINA and GLiflSS DEPARTMENT. HILE HAMPTON & SONS have always kept a large Stock of Decorative China, Oriental Pottery, Toiletware, etc., distributed over their various Galleries and Fitted Rooms, it is only recently that, in response to the suggestions of numerous clients and visitors, they have set apart and suitably equipped a Special (China and €*lass iDeJsartment. This Department has now been specially fitted up in such a manner that every description of O inner, D essert, JlJea and ^Breakfast jServices, n ecorative C[hina, JX[able (gtlass, * PQoilet Services, jjfcitchen Requisites, etc., may be satisfactorily displayed and conveniently examined and compared. Every provision has been made to meet the special requirements of this rapidly developing branch of the business. Customers may confidently rely upon orders being executed with the utmost possible dispatch. All goods securely and satisfactorily packed by men who are accustomed to the packing of fragile and valuable articles. The Department has been fully Stocked with a large variety of all the latest and choicest productions of the British and Continental Potteries. The various wares will be found to be not only in themselves well worthy of a visit but second to none in quality, style, or price. As will be seen by reference to the pages of this catalogue, the designs of all the leading Potteries and most valued makers such as Minton, Wedgwood, Doulton, Coalport, Royal Worcester, Royal Crown Derby, etc., are fully represented. MATCHINGS. Special attention is given to this Section of the Department. The Matching of China and Glass for Hotels and Public Institutions being a feature to which the utmost care is given. CLUBS, HOTELS, MESSES, SCHOOLS & PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. Contracts undertaken, and Special Quotations given. Specifications and Estimates Prepared. SAMPLES 8c ESTIMATES free on application. CARRIAGE PAID, on all Orders over £i value, to any Railway Station in Great Britain. PALL MALL EAST AND COCKSPUR STREET, LONDON, S.W. HAMPTON & SONS’ TOILET WARE Dove, “ Florette.” Single Toilet Set. 5 pieces „ „ „ 6 „ Double Cerese, “Perth” [Minton’s], Single Toilet Set, 5 pieces „ „ „ 6 „ Double ,, „ 11 ,, Brown, “Spray.” Single Toilet Set, 5 pieces ... £ 0 4 11 „ „ 6 „ ... 0 5 11 Double „ 11 „ ... 0 11 9 This Service has no Covers to Soap Box and the Brush Tray. Olive Green, “Phlox.” Single Toilet Set, 5 pieces „ „ 6 „ Double ,, ,, 11 Light Blue, “Mona” [Doulton’s]. Single Toilet Set, 5 pieces ... £0 9 6 „ „ 6 „ ... 0 11 0 Double ,, 11 „ ... 118 L WORKS, HANLEY, E Dark Blue, “ Daphne ” [Doulton’s]. Single Toilet Set, 5 pieces „ „ 6 „ Double ,, 11 „ Dove, “Peony.” Single Toilet Set, 5 pieces ... £0 8 9 ■j-. ” ,. » ». 6 . 0 10 3 Double „ „ 11 „ ... 10 0 Royal Blue, “ Oak.” Single Toilet Set, 5 pieces ... £0 8 9 „ „ 6 „ ... 0 10 3 Double M „ 11 „ ... 10 0 White and Gold. Single Toilet Set, 5 pieces ... £0 8 9 n , ” 6 . 0 10 3 Double „ 11 „ ... 10 0 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. ;86 BREAKFAST SET, 51 pieces. 12 Breakfast Cups and Saucers 12 Plates, 7 inch i Slop Basin i Sugar Basin i Milk Jug 1 Covered Muffin 6 Egg Cups 2 Cake Plates 2 Dishes, i-io, 1-12 inches DESSERT SET FOR TWELVE PERSONS. 12 Dessert Plates 4 Low Comports 2 Tall Comports TEA SET, 40 pieces. 12 Tea Cups and Saucers 12 Plates, 6 inch 1 Slop Basin 1 Cream Ewer 2 Cake Plates DETAILS OF SERVICES. DINNER SERVICE FOR TWELVE PERSONS. 36 Dinner Plates 24 Pie „ 12 Soup „ 10 Meat Dishes, in sizes 1 Gravy Dish 1 Soup Tureen and Stand 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 4 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 1 Salad Bowl 3 Pie Dishes J white 1 Fish Drainer j 105 pieces. DINNER SERVICE FOR EIGHT PERSONS. 24 Dinner Plates 18 Pie „ 8 Soup ,, 7 Meat Dishes, in sizes 1 Soup Tureen and Stand 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 4 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 1 Salad Bowl 2 ?‘ e u D A SheS 1 White 1 Pish Drainer ) 78 pieces. SHORT DINNER SERVICE. 12 Dinner Plates 12 Pie 12 Cheese ,, 6 Dishes, assorted 2 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 52 pieces. DOUBLE TOILET SERVICE. 2 Ewers 2 Basins 2 Chambers 2 Soap Boxes 2 Brush Trays 1 Sponge T ray - 11 pieces. TOILET SET, 6 pieces. 1 Ewer and Basin 2 Chambers 1 Soap Box 1 Brush Box TOILET SET, S pieces. 1 Ewer and Basin 1 Chamber 1 Soap Box 1 Brush Box Samples sent on application. Pree Delivery Daily throughout London and Suburbs. Carriage Paid to any Railway Station in England or Wales. ipWo-iphirds allowed for Packing Materials, when returned Carriage paid. HAMPTON & SONS’ TOILET SETS 5 pieces For enumeration of pieces comprising sets, see opposite page. [ China] 5 pieces 5 pieces 5 pieces 5 pieces 5 pieces 5 pieces 5 pieces 5 pieces 5 pieces HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W DETAILS OF SERVICES. DINNER SERVICE FOR TWELVE PERSONS. 36 Dinner Plates 24 Pie 12 Soup „ 10 Meat Dishes, in sizes x Gravy Dish x Soup Tureen and Stand 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 4 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 1 Salad Bowl 3 Pie Dishes J white Fish Drainer 105 pieces. DINNER SERVICE FOR EIGHT PERSONS. 24 Dinner Plates 18 Pie „ 8 Soup „ 7 Meat Dishes, in sizes 1 Soup Tureen and Stand 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 4 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 1 Salad Bowl 2 Pje Dishes j white 1 Fish Drainer ) 78 pieces. SHORT DINNER SERVICE. 12 Dinner Plates 12 Pie „ 12 Cheese „ 6 Dishes, assorted 2 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 52 pieces. $ Samples sent on application. {Pree Delider^ Daily throughout London and Suburbs. (;arria whit 1 Fish Drainer j 103 pieces. DINNER SERVICE FOR EIGHT PERSONS. 24 Dinner Plates 18 Pie 8 Soup „ 7 Meat Dishes, in sizes 1 Soup Tureen and Stand 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 4 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 1 Salad Bowl 2 Pie Dishes 1 white 1 Fish Drainer ) 78 pieces. SHORT DINNER SERVICE. 12 Dinner Plates 12 Pie 12 Cheese „ 6 Dishes, assorted 2 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 52 pieces. 3 §amf)les sent on application. {Pree Delider^ Daily throughout London and Suburbs. (Jarria^e Paid to any Railway Station in England or Wales. ipwJo-fphirds allowed for Packing Materials, when returned Carriage paid. /. J DOUBLE TOILET 2 Ewers 2 Basins y 2 Chambers [ 2 Soap Boxes f 2 Brush Trays 1 Sponge Tray/ SERVICE. 11 pieces. TOILET SET, 6 pieces. ] Ewer and Basin 2 Chambers 1 Soap Box 1 Brush Box TOILET SET, 5 pieces. i Ewer and Basin 1 Chamber 1 Soap Box 1 Brush Box -Z' - HAMPTON & SONS’ DINNER SERVICES. 391 2 18 9 Slate, “ Trafalgar” [Hampton’s special design.] 52 piece Set . £110 78 „ . 2 4 9 105 „ . 2 19 0 Slate, “ Potomac.” 52 piece Set . £ 1 7 9 78 „ . 2 12 3 105 „ . 3 10 6 Dove “ Lattice.” 52 piece Set . £1 10 78 ,, 2 4 9 105 ,, 2 19 0 Myrtle Green, “Fern.” 52 piece Set . £1 10 78 „ 2 4 9 105 „ 2 19 0 Grey “ Eaton.” 52 piece Set ... ... ... £110 78 „ . 2 4 9 105 ,, . 2 19 0 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. 392 DETAILS OF SERVICES. S A BREAKFAST SET, 51 pieces. 12 Breakfast Cups and Saucers 12 Plates, 7 inch x Slop Basin 1 Sugar Basin 1 Milk Jug 1 Covered Muffin 6 Egg Cups 2 Cake Plates 2 Dishes, 1-10, 1-12 inches DESSERT SET FOR TWELVE PERSONS. 12 Dessert Plates 4 Low Comports 2 Tall Comports TEA SET, 40 pieces. 12 Tea Cups and Saucers 12 Plates, 6 inch 1 Slop Basin 1 Cream Ewer 2 Cake Plates DINNER SERVICE FOR TWELVE PERSONS. 36 Dinner Plates 24 Pie 12 Soup „ 10 Meat Dishes, in sizes 1 Gravy Dish 1 Soup Tureen and Stand 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 4 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 1 Salad Bowl 3 Pie Dishes 1 „ ru .. 1 fish Drainer ) 105 pieces. DINNER SERVICE FOR EIGHT PERSONS. 24 Dinner Plates 18 Pie „ 8 Soup Meat Dishes, in sizes Soup Tureen and Stand Sauce Tureens and Stands Vegetable Dishes and Covers Salad Bowl Pie Dishes J Fish Drainer ) White 78 pieces. SHORT DINNER SERVICE. 12 Dinner Plates 12 Pie 12 Cheese ,, 6 Dishes, assorted 2 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 52 pieces. Samples sent on application. pVee DeliOery Daily throughout London and Suburbs. (Jarria<|e paid to any Railway Station in England or Wales. ipvOo-ippirds allowed for Packing Materials, when returned Carriage paid. r f A DOUBLE TOILET SERVICE. 2 Ewers % 2 Basins J 2 Chambers ( „ „ > 11 pieces. 2 Soap Boxes [ 2 Brush Trays \ 1 Sponge Tray/ TOILET SET, 6 pieces. 1 Ewer and Basin 2 Chambers 1 Soap Box x Brush Box TOILET SET 5 pieces. 1 Ewer and Basin 1 Chamber 1 Soap Box 1 Brush Box HAMPTON & SONS’ DINNER SERVICES. 393 Dark Blue, Perth” [Doulton’s]. 52 piece Set . £16 6 78 „ . 2 10 9 105 „ . 3 9 6 Plum, Hampton.” 52 piece Set . £110 78 „ . 2 4 9 105 „ . 2 19 0 Brown, English Rose [Minton’s]. 52 piece Set . £ 1 7 9 78 „ . 2 12 3 105 ,, ... ... ... 3 10 6 Brown, Landscape” [Minton’s], 52 piece Set . £ 1 7 9 78 „ . 2 12 3 105 „ . 3 10 6 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W Dark Blue, “ Chili.” 52 piece Set . 78 „ . 105 . Grey Fantasia.” Bartolozzi. Red, 52 piece Set 78 105 394 BREAKFAST SET, 51 pieces. 12 Breakfast Cups and Saucers 12 Plates, 7 inch 1 Slop Basin 1 Sugar Basin 1 Milk Jug 1 Covered Muffin 6 Egg Cups 2 Cake Plates 2 Dishes, 1-10, 1-12 inches DESSERT SET FOR TWELVE PERSONS. 12 Dessert Plates 4 Low Comports 2 Tall Comports tea set, 40 pieces. 12 Tea Cups and Saucers 12 Plates, 6 inch r Slop Basin 1 Cream EweT 2 Cake Plates DETAILS OF SERVICES. DINNER SERVICE FOR TWELVE PERSONS. 36 Dinner Plates 24 Pie 12 Soup „ 10 Meat Dishes, in sizes 1 Gravy Dish 1 Soup Tureen and Stand 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 4 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 1 Salad Bowl 3 Pie Dishes 7 .. tv • ; White Drainer ) Fish 105 pieces. DINNER SERVICE FOR EIGHT PERSONS. 24 Dinner Plates 18 Pie 8 Soup „ 7 Meat Dishes, in sizes 1 Soup Tureen and Stand 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 4 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 1 Salad Bowl 2 Pie Dishes f .. 1 Fish Drainer j Wh,te 78 pieces. SHORT DINNER SERVICE. 12 Dinner Plates 12 Pie 12 Cheese ,, 6 Dishes, assorted 2 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 52 pieces. F QL Samples sent on application. fPree Deliver^ Daily throughout London and Suburbs. (Jarria<§e Paid to any Railway Station in England or Wales, ipwo-ipijirds allowed for Packing Materials, when returned Carriage paid. DOUBLE TOILET SERVICE. 2 Ewers 2 Basins 2 Chambers 2 Soap Boxes 2 Brush Trays 1 Sponge Tray> 11 pieces. TOILET SET, 6 pieces. 1 Ewer and Basin 2 Chambers 1 Soap Box 1 Brush Box TOILET SET, 5 pieces. i Ewer and Basin 1 Chamber 1 Soap Box 1 Brush Box 395 No. 36 . £7 17 6 HAMPTON & SONS’ DINNER SERVICES. THE QUOTATIONS FOR DETAILS OPPOSITE PAGE. ATKINSON BROTHERS, No. 37 . Without Badge, £7 17 6 No. 35 . £17 3 0 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. BREAKFAST SET, 51 pieces. 12 Breakfast Cups and Saucers 12 Plates, 7 inch i Slop Basin i Sugar Basin i Milk Jug 1 Covered Muffin 6 Egg Cups 2 Cake Plates 2 Dishes, i-io, 1-12 inches DESSERT SET FOR TWELVE PERSONS. 12 Dessert Plates 4 Low Comports 2 Tall Comports TEA SET, 40 pieces. 12 Tea Cups and Saucers 12 Plates, 6 inch 1 Slop Basin 1 Cream Ewer 2 Cake Plates DETAILS OF SERVICES. DINNER SERVICE FOR TWELVE PERSONS. 36 Dinner Plates 24 Pie „ 12 Soup „ 10 Meat Dishes, in sizes 1 Gravy Dish 1 Soup Tureen and Stand 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 4 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 1 Salad Bowl 3 Pie Dishes J whlte 1 Lish Drainer ) 103 pieces. DINNER SERVICE FOR EIGHT PERSONS. 24 Dinner Plates 18 Pie „ 8 Soup „ 7 Meat Dishes, in sizes 1 Soup Tureen and Stand 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 4 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 1 Salad Bowl 2 P!\ D i shes | White 1 Fish Drainer ) 78 pieces. SHORT DINNER SERVICE. 12 Dinner Plates 12 Pie 12 Cheese „ 6 Dishes, assorted 2 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 52 pieces. (?) Samples sent on application. {Pree Delivery Daily throughout London and Suburbs. £arria<|e Paid to any Railway Station in England or Wales. ipWo-ipijirds allowed for Packing Materials, when returned Carriage paid. DOUBLE TOILET SERVICE. 2 Ewers 2 Basins 2 Chambers c n f 11 P ieces - 2 Soap Boxes ( 2 Brush Trays \ 1 Sponge Tray/ TOILET SET, 6 pieces. 1 Ewer and Basin 2 Chambers 1 Soap Box 1 Brush Box TOILET SET, 5 pieces. i Ewer and Basin 1 Chamber 1 Soap Box 1 Brush Box No. 42. [Worcester.] £10 2 6 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. HAMPTON & SONS’ DINNER SERVICES 397 No. 40. [ Minton. ] £8 7 9 No. 44. [Staffordshire.] £8 4 9 No. 41. [ Minton. ] £10 16 0 No. 46. [Staffordshire.] £9 17 9 No 47. [ Staffordshire. ] £5 2 9 No. 45. [Wedgwood.] £12 8 6 398 BREAKFAST SET, Si pieces. 12 Breakfast Cups and Saucers 12 Plates, 7 inch i Slop Basin i Sugar Basin i Milk Jug 1 Covered Muffin 6 Egg Cups 2 Cake Plates 2 Dishes, i-io, 1-12 inches DESSERT SET FOR TWELVE PERSONS. 12 Dessert Plates 4 Low Comports 2 Tall Comports TEA SET, 40 pieces. 12 Tea Cups and Saucers 12 Plates, 6 inch 1 Slop Basin 1 Cream Ewer 2 Cake Plates DINNER SERVICE FOR TWELVE PERSONS. 36 Dinner Plates 24 Pie 12 Soup „ 10 Meat Dishes, in sizes 1 Gravy Dish 1 Soup Tureen and Stand 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 4 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 1 Salad Bowl 3 Pie Dishes f ■. 1 Fish Drainer j Wh,te 105 pieces. DINNER SERVICE FOR EIGHT PERSONS. 24 Dinner Plates 18 Pie „ 8 Soup „ 7 Meat Dishes, in sizes 1 Soup'Tureen and Stand 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 4 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 1 Salad Bowl 2 Pie Dishes j wh; 1 Fish Drainer ) 78 pieces. SHORT DINNER SERVICE. 12 Dinner Plates 12 Pie 12 Cheese „ 6 Dishes, assorted 2 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 52 pieces. Samples sent on application. fPree Delivery Daily throughout London and Suburbs. (Jarria^e Paid to any Railway Station in England or Wales. ipvJo-ipijirds allowed for Packing Materials, when returned Carriage paid. DOU8LE TOILET SERVICE. 2 E wers \ 2 Basins J 2 Chambers ( 2 Soap Boxes ( " ^ 2 Brush Trays \ 1 Sponge Tray/ TOILET SET, 6 pieces. 1 Ewer and Basin 2 Chambers 1 Soap Box 1 Brush Box TOILET SET 5 pieces. 1 Ewer and Basin 1 Chamber 1 Soap Box 1 Brush Box 399 HAMPTON & SONS’ TEA SETS. “Florentine,” in Rich Brown. Tea Set for 12 persons, 40 pieces ... £ 1 10 9 “ Italian,” in Olive Green. Tea Set for 12 persons, 40 pieces ... 1 5/9 Breakfast Set for 6 persons, 29 pieces ... 15/6 Breakfast Set for 12 persons, 51 pieces ... £1 13 9 Breakfast Set for 6 persons, 29 pieces ... 15/6 Breakfast Set for 12 persons, 61 pieces ... £1 13 9 In Dark Blue and gold edge and lines, Tea Set for 12 persons, 40 pieces ... £ 1 13 6 Breakfast Set for 6 persons, 29 pieces ... £1 12 0 Breakfast Set for 12 persons, 51 pieces ... £3 4 3 “Rococo,” in Coral Red, Tea Set fer 12 persons, 40 pieces ... £ 1 10 9 Breakfast Set for 6 persons, 29 pieces ... £ 1 8 0 “Kent,” Crown Derby In Coral Red, with gold edge and lines ... £19 6 “Sandringham,” Crown Derby, 6 Cups Set on revolving tray, In Light Blue with gold edge and lines, £2 12 6 4 Cup Set, In Dark Blue with gold edge and lines, £17 6 “ Trellis,” Tea Set for 12 persons, 40 pieces ... 15/9 Breakfast Set for 6 persons, 29 pieces ... 16/6 Breakfast Set for 12 persons, 51 pieces ... £1 13 9 Tea Set for 12 persons, 40 pieces ... £ 2 2 9 Breakfast Set for 6 persons, 29 pieces ... £1 19 9 Breakfast Set for 12 persons, 51 pieces ... £4 3 6 Tea Set for 12 persons, 40 pieces ... £2 1 6 Breakfast Set for 6 persons, 29 pieces ... £1 18 9 Breakfast Set for 12 persons, 51 pieces ... £4 1 6 Tea Set for 12 persons, 40 pieces ... £1 11 3 Breakfast Set for 6 persons, 29 pieces ... £1 9 9 Breakfast Set for 12 persons, 51 pieces ... £2 10 3 “ Bow,” in Dark Blue, Tea Set for 12 persons, 40 pieces ... £16 10 Breakfast Set for 6 persons, 29 pieces ... £1 9 9 Breakfast Set for 12 persons. 51 pieces ... £ 2 10 3 In Brown with gold edge and lines, Tea Set for 12 persons, 40 pieces ... £1 12 6 Breakfast Set for 6 persons, 29 pieces ... £1 10 6 Breakfast Set for 12 persons, 51 pieces ... £3 2 O ATKINSON BROTHERS. LITHOGRAPHERS, OPIEL WORKS, H HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. 400 BREAKFAST SET, 51 pieces. 12 Breakfast Cups and Saucers 12 Plates, 7 inch 1 Slop Basin 1 Sugar Basin 1 Milk Jug 1 Covered Muffin 6 Egg Cups 2 Cake Plates 2 Dishes, 1-10, 1-12 inches DESSERT SET FOR TWELVE PERSONS. 12 Dessert Plates 4 Low Comports 2 Tall Comports TEA SET, 40 pieces. 12 Tea Cups and Saucers 12 Plates, 6 inch 1 Slop Basin 1 Cream Ewer 2 Cake Plates DETAILS OF SERVICES. DINNER SERVICE FOR TWELVE PERSONS. 36 Dinner Plates 24 Pie r 2 Soup „ 10 Meat Dishes, in sizes 1 Gravy Dish 1 Soup Tureen and Stand 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 4 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 1 Salad Bowl 3 Pie Dishes J whit 1 Fish Drainer J wnue 105 pieces. DINNER SERVICE FOR EIGHT PERSONS. 24 Dinner Plates 18 Pie „ 8 Soup 7 1 2 4 Meat Dishes, in sizes Soup Tureen and Stand Sauce Tureens and Stands Vegetable Dishes and Covers Salad Bowl Pie Dishes J Fish Drainer ) White 78 pieces. SHORT DINNER SERVICE. 12 Dinner Plates 12 Pie „ 12 Cheese „ 6 Dishes, assorted 2 Vegetable Dishes and Covers 2 Sauce Tureens and Stands 52 pieces. (5 Samples sent on application. Pree Delivery Daily throughout London and Suburbs, ^arria^e paid to any Railway Station in England or Wales. ipWo-ipi?irds allowed for Packing Materials, when returned Carriage paid. DOUBLE TOILET SERVICE. 2 E wers 2 Basins 2 Chambers 2 Soap Boxes 2 Brush Trays 1 Sponge Tray- 11 pieces. TOILET SET, 6 pieces. 1 Ewer and Basin 2 Chambers 1 Soap Box 1 Brush Box TOILET SET, S pieces. i Ewer and Basin x Chamber 1 Soap Box 1 Brush Box 401 HAMPTON & SONS’ DESSERT SERVICES, ETC. Dessert Service for 1 2 persons £4 3 6 Tea Set for 12 persons ... £1 10 9 Breakfast Set for 6 persons 18 0 Tea Set for 12 persons ... £1 13 6 Breakfast Set ,, ... 3 6 6 Dessert Service for 1 2 persons £3 6 0 For enumeration of pieces comprising services, see opposite page. P £2 16 3 16 9 Tea Set for 1 2 persons ... Breakfast Set „ G. 56 . Tea Set for 12 persons ... Breakfast Set ,, G. 64 . Tea Set for 12 persons ... £1 16 Breakfast Set „ ... 3 9 Dessert Service for 12 persons £1 12 6 ATKINSON BROTHERS. LITHOQF Dessert Service for 12 persons Dessert Service for 1 2 persons £3 16 0 Dessert Service for 1 2 persons HAMPTON & SONS. PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. 402 HAMPTON & SONS’ CRESTED CHINA, GLASS & EARTHENWARE. r TEA AND BREAKFAST SERVICES. SO DETAILED PRICE LIST. m 2 lines and Gold Edge White China (extra stout) with Crest Monogram or Badge in any Plain Color Marone, Pink or Blue Band Gold Edge (Burnish'd) Two Gold Lines (Burnish’d) Monogram or Badge Monogram or Badge Monogram or Badge Monogram or Badge Plain Color Plain Color Plain Color Plain Color H. i. j. K. L. per doz. per doz. per doz. per doz. per doz. Breakfast Cups & Saucers 13/4 10/- 10/- 12/8 16/8 Tea Cups and Saucers... Coffee Cups and Saucerg 8/4 6/8 6/8 8/- 11/4 (Afternoon) 8/4 6/8 6/8 8/- 11/4 Tea Plates, 6 inch 7/- 6/- 61- 6/8 10/- Breakfast, 7 inch 8/4 7/4 7/4 si- 11/4 Egg Cups . 3/10 3/4 3/4 3/8 5/4 ,each. each. each. each. each. Slop Basin i/i -in -in i/- 1/6 Sugar „ . i/i -in -in i/- 1/6 Bread and Butter Plates in -in -i»k i/- 1/6 Cream Jug . i/i -in -in i/- 1/6 Milk „ . 1/7 1/4 1/4 1/6 2/1 Covered Muffin Dish ... 3 3 2/11 2/11 3/2 3/7 Flat Dishes, 10 inch ... 2/9 2/9 2/2 2/6 3/1 „ 12 . Approximate cost of 3/6 3/6 2/9 3/2 4/5 extra extra extra extra extra Copper Plates according to amount of detail 10/6 10/6 10/6 10/6 10/6 T T\.r V WINE SERVICES. With Engraved Monogram. With Crest. With Crest and Motto. Sherry Glasses, per dozen 11/6 15/- 20/6 Port „ 11/6 15/- 20/6 Claret „ jj 12/9 16/3 21/9 Champagne 15/- 18/9 24/- Liquor „ JJ 11/3 14/9 20/3 Tumblers, half-pint JJ 17/- 22/9 27/9 • Soda Tumblers JJ 23/6 27/- 35/6 Ice Plates JJ 22/3 26/- 33/- Finger Basins JJ 22/3 26/- 33/- Custard Glasses 12/9 16/3 21/9 Jelly JJ 12/9 16/3 21/9 Carafes and Tumblers, each 4/3 4/6 5/8 Decanters, Quart JJ 7/3 7/6 8/6 „ Pint „ 61- 6/3 7/9 „ Claret JJ 11/- 11/3 12/- Small Water Jug and Two Tumblers, each 7/3 8/3 9/9 Shapes as Illustrated, or others can be selected. r DINNER SERVICES. WHITE WARE, with single Line and Crest Monogram or Badge in any Plain Color WHITE WARE. New- Embossed shape with large Initial in any Plain Color WHITE WARE. FLUTED SHAPE. Double or single Crests and Motto Monogram or Badge in any Plain Color WHITE or IVORY WARE. With Crest Monogram or Badge in any Plain Color M. N. 0. p. per doz. per doz. per doz. per doz. Dinner Plates, 10 inch... 3/2 3/9 3/0 3/2 Pudding „ 8 „ ... 2/6 3/2 2/11 2/6 Cheese „ 6 ,, ... 1/11 2/6 2/3 1/11 Soup „ 10 „ ... 3/2 3/9 3/6 3/2 each each each each Flat Dishes, 10 inch ... -is -in -/5J „ 11 „ - -/7i -1 io -/9 -/7i „ 13 „ ... 1/1 1/3 1/2 1/1 „ 15 „ ... 1/6 1/11 1/8 1/6 17 . 1/11 2/9 2/6 1/H „ 19 „ ... 3/2 4/- 3/6 3/2 „ 21 . 4/5 5/4 5 j- 4/5 Well Dish, 21 inch 6/3 7/9 6/11 6/3 „ 19. Soup Tureen and Stand 5/- 6/3 5/9 51- and Cover ... 5/9 8/4 7/6 5/9 Sauce ditto, ditto 1/6 2/1 1/T0 1/6 Vegetable Dish & Cover 1/11 2/6 2/2 1/11 Salad Bowl Dinner Services of 105 1/11 2/6 2/2 1/11 pieces (for 12 persons) Including cost of Copper Plate £3 7 0 £3 11 9 £3 18 0 £3 7 0 In the case of a Single Initial (see column “N ” above), Copper Plate. no charge The cost of the Copper Plate for the Crested and Badged Ware Shown is made for a . is about 10/6. Crested Services require about Six Weeks to Manufacture. Initialled Services can be SPECIAL QUOTATIONS SUPPLIED FOR LARGE QUANTITIES & supplied FOR in Three Weeks. HOTELS , CLUBS , ETC. D HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. HAMPTON & SONS’ CRESTED CHINA, GLASS & EARTHENWARE. 403 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. HEabl e Qlass„ j^uites of Qhoicest (g>able (j^lass in the latest and most fashionable Shapes of Best English Glass, both Jglain and J^jchly C[ut , are always on view in the Glass Department. A large stock of the Standard Shapes is always kept. Wine Services. Visitors to the Showrooms may always rely upon seeing a choice selection of jBest (gUass (#Jline Services of the latest and the Standard Shapes. Each piece exquisitely finished and guaranteed to be specially selected. CARRIAGE PAID. HAMPTON &. SONS. HAMPTON & SONS’ GLASS SERVICES, 405 “LEAMINGTON.” “ CLARENDON.” “ KEW.” “RICHMOND.” ATKINSON BROTHERS, LITHOORAPHERS, ORIEL WORKS. H. “Leamington” Service. 12 Sherry Glasses 9/- doz. 12 Port „ 9/- , 12 Claret „ 11/6 , 12 Champagne ,, 15/- , 6 Liqueur „ 8/9 , 12 -a-pint Tumblers 13/3 , 6 Soda „ 20/- , 12 Ice Plates „ 25/3 , 12 Finger Glasses 27/- , 12 Custard „ 11/6 , 12 Jelly „ 11/6 , 2 Carafes&Tumblers6/9 e 2 Quart Decanters 9/9 , 2 Pint „ 8/9 1 Claret „ 13/3 , Any portion can be pur¬ chased at the above prices. The complete service, con¬ sisting of 129 pieces, above, £10 14 0 “The Clarendon.” “Kew” Service. 12 Sherry Glasses 5/6 doz. 12 Port „ 5/6 „ 12 Claret „ 7/3 „ 12 Champagne „ 9/9 „ 6 Liqueur „ 5/3 „ 12 J-pint Tumblers 6/- „ 6 Soda „ 11/- „ 12 Ice Plates „ 11/- ,, 12 Finger Glasses 9/9 „ 12 Custard „ 7/3 „ 12 Jelly „ 7/3 „ 2 Carafes & Tumblers 2/6 ea. 2 Quart Decanters 5/6 „ 2 Pint „ 4/3 „ 1 Claret „ 9/- „ Any portion can be pur¬ chased at the above prices. The complete service, con¬ sisting of 129 pieces, as above, £4 19 6 “The Richmond.” 12 Sherry Glasses 9/- doz. 12 Sherry Glasses 9/9 doz. 12 Port „ 9/- „ 12 Port 9/9 55 12 Claret „ 10/3 „ 12 Claret ,, 12/- 55 12 Champagne „ 13/6 „ 12 Champagne,, 15)9 55 6 Liqueur „ 8/9 „ 6 Liqueur „ 9 /- „ 12 5-pint Tumblers 10/9 „ 12J-pint Tumblers 12/- 55 6 Soda „ 14/6 „ 6 Soda „ 20/- 55 12 Ice Plates „ 12 1- „ 12 Ice Plates „ 21/9 55 12 Finger Glasses 14/6 „ 12 Finger Glasses 23/- 55 12 Custard „ 10/3 „ 12 Custard „ 12/- 51 12 Jelly „ 10/3 „ 12 Jelly „ 12/- 55 2 Carafes & Tumblers 3/9 ea. 2 Carafes & Tumblers 8/- ea. 2 Quart Decanters 7/3 „ 2 Quart Decanters 9 /- 55 2 Pint „ 6/- „ 2 Pint „ 8 /- 55 1 Claret „ 11 /- 1 Claret „ 12/9 55 Any portion can be pur¬ chased at the above prices. The complete service, con¬ sisting of 129 pieces, as above, £7 16 4 Any portion can be pur¬ chased at the above prices. The complete service, con¬ sisting of 129 pieces, as above, £10 5 3 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. HAMPTON & SONS have always on show a large assortment of -Decorative Glass for- (g>he (g>able, li>he (Hall or <£>he C(abinet. Glass Flower Stands and Specimen Tubes, Candlesticks, etc. Venetian Wall Mirrors, with Branches to hold Flowers or Candles. and Ornaments in endless variety. CARRIAGE PAID. HAMPTON & SONS. HAM P TON & SONS ETCHED TABLE SERVICE, “THE MALL.” CUT> AND ETCHED TABLE SERVICE, “THE LEICESTER.” HAMPTON & PALL MALL EAST and COCKSPUR STREET, “ The Mall.” 12 Sherry Glasses... 9/6 doz. 12 Port „ ... 9/6 ,, 12 Claret „ ...12/- ,, 12Champagne,, ...15/- ,, 6 Liqueur ,, ... 8/9 ,, 12 £-pint Tumblers 13/6 „ 6 Soda ,, ...20/- „ 12 Ice Plates ,, ...30/- ,, 12 Finger Glasses, 30/- ,, 12 Custard „ 11/6 „ 12 Jelly „ 10/- „ 2 Carafes#Tumblers, 6/- ea. 2 Quart Decanters... 10/- ,, 2 Pint „ ... 6/9 „ 1 Claret „ ...14/- ,, Any portion can be pur¬ chased at the above prices. The complete service, con¬ sisting of 129 pieces, as above, £10 14s. lOd. “The Leicester.” 12 Sherry Glasses...15/6 doz. 12 Port .15/6 ,, 12 Claret ,, ...18/- ,, 12Champagne,, ...20/9 ,, 6 Liqueur ,, ...14/- ,, 12 J-pintTumblers23/6 ,, 6 Soda ,, ...35/- „ 12 Ice Plates ,, ...44/- „ 12 Finger Glasses, 44/- ,, 12 Custard „ 16/9 ,, 12 Jelly „ 16/9 „ 2 Carafes* Tumblers, 7/- ea. 2 Quart Decanters...10/9 ,, 2 Pint „ ... 7/6 „ 1 Claret ,, ...15/- ,, Any portion can be pur¬ chased at the above prices. The complete service, con¬ sisting of 129 pieces, as above, £15 4s. 9d. “The Trafalgar.” 12 Sherry Glasses...15/- doz. 12 Port „ ...15/- ,, 12 Claret .17/3 „ 12Champagne,, ...20/- ,., 6 Liqueur ,, ...13/6 ,, 12 J-pintTumblers21/6 ,, 6 Soda ,, ...32/- „ 12 Ice Plates ,, ...53/6 ,, 12 Finger Glasses, 53/6 „ 12 Custard „ 17/6 „ 12 Jelly „ 17/6 ,, 2 Carafes* Tumblers, 8/9 ea. 2 Quart Decanters... 12/9 ,, 2Pint „ ... 8/6 „ 1 Claret „ ...16/9,, Any portion can be pur¬ chased at the above prices. The complete service, con¬ sisting of 129 pieces, as above, £16 10s. 3d. “The Cranbourne.” 12 Sherry Glasses... 16/9 doz. 12 Port „ ...16/9 „ 12 Claret „ ...19/6 ,, 12Champagne„ ...22/- ,, 6 Liqueur ,, ...15/6 ,, 12 J-pintTumblers22/9 ,, 6 Soda .34/- ,, 12 Ice Plates ,, ...43/- ,, 12 Finger Glasses, 43/- ,, 12 Custard ,, 19/- „ 12 Jelly „ 17/6 ,, 2 Carafes& Tumblers, 11/6 ea 2 Quart Decanters... 16/9 ,, 2 Pint „ ...11/- „ 1 Claret ,, ...21/- ,, Any portion can be pur¬ chased at the above prices. The complete service, con¬ sisting of 129 pieces, as above, £17 4s. 6d. G.SIMKIMS S SON. LITN, NEWTON S T . BIRMINGHAM stable Qlass. Suites of Qhoicest (g>able (j^lass in the latest and most fashionable Shapes of Best English Glass, both J^lain and jgjchly Qut, are always on view in the Glass Department. A large stock of the Standard Shapes is always kept. AKTinc ^Services, Visitors to the Showrooms may always rely upon seeing a choice selection of B est (g>lass (j(JLine Services of the latest and the Standard Shapes. Each piece exquisitely finished and guaranteed to be specially selected. CARRIAGE PAID. HAMPTON & SONS. HAMPT ON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST. Etched table service, CUT TABLE SERVICE, “THE FESTOON.” “THE MURANO.” CUT TABLE SERVICE, ETCHED TABLE SERVICE, “THE SPIRAL.” “THE KIOTA.” “ The Festoon.” 7/9 doz. 7/9 12 Sherry Glasses 12 Port n 12 Claret M 10/3 12 Champagne he (TJCall or (g>he C[abinet. Glass Flower Stands and Specimen Tubes, Candlesticks, etc. Venetian Wall Mirrors, with Branches to hold Flowers or Candles. 'Vases and Ornaments in endless variety. CARRIAGE PAID. HAMPTON & SONS. 4i3 The “Princess" Service, In Plain Glass. 12 Sherries 12 Ports ... 12 Clarets 12 Champagnes 6 Liqueurs 6 Sodas ... 12 Tumblers, £ pint 12 Finger Glasses 12 Ice Plates 12 Jellies. 12 Custards 2 Decanters, quarts 2 „ pints 1 Claret „ quart 2 Carafes and Tumblers 6/6 per doz. 6/6 „ 7/6 „ 9/6 „ 6/3 „ . 12/6 „ 7/6 „ 9/6 „ 9/6 „ 7/6 „ 7/6 „ 2/8 each 2/1 „ 3/6 „ 21- „ Any portion can be purchased at the above prices. The complete service con¬ sisting of 129 pieces, as above &i 18 0 No. 2 Quart ... 4/- each Pint ... 3/- „ Claret ... 5/- ,, Quart ... 3/9 each 3 /- Pint Claret ., 5/6 TUMBLERS. No. 339 Champagne Plain ... 3/- doz. Starbottom 3/9 „ Plain Tumblers 2/- 2/6, 2/9 & 3/3 doz. No. 3 3/9 each Cip It No. 4 Quart ... 2/6 each Pint ... 1/10 ,, Claret ... 3/6 „ TUMBLERS. No. 6 Port or Sherries ... 4/6 doz. ^ Claret .5/9 „ Port or Sherries ... 5/6 doz. Champagne ... 8/- „ Claret .6/9 „ Champagne ... 8/- ,, No. 725 Soda Tumbler 6/9 doz. No. 512 Ruby Hock 6/6 doz. No. 903 Kitchen Fluted Tumblers 2/3 doz. No. Quart Pint Claret 5/6 each 4/9 „ Champagne Ruby 6/6 doz. No. 633 Small Water Jug and two Tumblers, 2/6 set. No. 10 Carafe and Glass. Plain ... 6d. each Cut ... 1 /- „ No. 8 Port or Sherries ... 4/6 doz. Claret .6/- ,, Champagne ... 8/- „ No. 9 Port or Sherries Claret Champagne ■ 5/3 doz. 6/6 „ 9/6 „ The “Clarence" Service, In Plain Glass. 12 Sherries 12 Ports ... 12 Clarets 12 Champagnes 6 Liqueurs 6 Sodas ... 12 Tumblers, J pint ... 12 Finger Glasses 12 Ice Plates . 12 Jellies... 12 Custards 2 Decanters, quarts ... 2 „ pints 1 Claret „ quart 2 Carafes and Tumblers 3/6 per doz. 3/6 „ 4/9 „ 6/6 „ 3/6 „ 5/3 „ 2/6 „ 5 /- „ 8 /- „ 5/- „ 5 /- „ 2/- each 1/8 3/6 „ 1/6 „ Any portion can be purchased at the above prices. The complete Bervice con¬ sisting of 129 pieces, as above £3 1 11 HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, HAMPTON & SONS’ KITCHEN WARE. Jg^ ltchcn jRgquisites of every description always in stock. jQ frecifications and HJstimates supplied for the Complete Kitchen 0utfits of every class of Domestic Residence. jQ fecial Quotations and carefully prepared J5f>eci£ications for the Kitchen requirements of Motels and Public Institutions. HAMPTON & SONS. HAMPTON & SONS’ KITCHEN WARE 415 Pudding Bowls diam. About 12 in .. 1/9 each. » 11 .» .. 1/4 „ 10 „ . .. iod. „ 94 M .. 64d. „ M 84 „ . - 44 d- „ M 74 • . 3d. „ » 7 »» • • 2d. „ Set of 7, 5/3 (one of each size). Tea Pots Rockingham (best). Mess Shape Kitchen Pans (White, marked with letter K) To hold about 4 pint ... 6d. each. „ „ 4 » ... 8d. „ „ „ a . 9 Cut... JJ 1/- JJ Claret Decanters, Plain ... ,, 3/9 JJ » » Ruby . * • • * JJ 6/6 JJ „ ,, Ruby Cut ... JJ 1/- JJ „ Tumblers, „ ... j, 3/- doz. Ice Plates, Plain . . ... ,, 6 /- JJ Sugar and Cream Jug, Moulded JJ 1/- per pr. ,, Ruby . ... ,, 6/6 JJ Jugs, Tankard, Plain ... ... from 1/3 1/6 2/- 2/6 JJ » „ Cut . JJ 2/6 JJ Champagne Tumblers, Plain ... ... ,, 3 /- JJ Jelly Glasses, „ from 61 - «J Tumblers, half-pint, Moulded ... JJ r/6 doz. ,, ,, Cut Star Bottom ... ,, 4 /- JJ Knife Rests, Cut • * * * • JJ 1 /- per pr. „ „ Plain ... from 2/- 2/6 2/9 3/3 JJ „ ,, Plain Ruby ... 5) 6/6 JJ Liquor Glasses, Plain ... ... j ) 3 / 6 doz. „ „ Cut Star Bottom ... from 61 - JJ Candle Rings, Fancy and Plain from -19 each „ ,, Cut Stem ... )) 4/6 JJ ,, „ Cut Heavy, from 3/6 5/- 6/6 &/- JJ Celery Glasses or Vases... ... ,, 1/- JJ Marmalade Jars, Plain ... ... ,, U each „ Soda, Plain ... from S/6 6/6 JJ Dishes, Oval and Round Moulded, from -/4 -15 -18 U ) J „ Cut . ... Jf !/9 JJ ,, ,, Star Bottom (Cut) ... from 6 /- JJ Finger Basins, Plain from 61 - doz. Mustard Pots (handled) .. ... ,, -16 JJ ,, ,, Heavy Cut Flutes from 6/6 6/9 JJ „ „ Cut Star Bottom ... ,, 91 - JJ Piano Stands JJ -16 JJ Specimen Tubes, assorted Shapes ... from 3 /- JJ ,, „ Ruby . ... }J 9 /- JJ Wine Glasses, Plain (see Illustrations, Page 413) JJ 3/6 JJ MISCELLANEOUS EARTHENWARE AND CHINA. Afternoon Tea Sets, on Trays ... from 19/6 Dishes with Hot Water Pan and Cover, White from 3 /- each Marmalade Jars (to hold the Pot) from 2/6 each Biscuit Trays with three divisions JJ 3 1 6 Egg Stands, various . . ... )) 1/6 JJ Plates (Hot Water), White JJ i/n JJ ,, Boxes, Fancy ... JJ 3/- F'oot Baths, White from 5/6 6/6 JJ Slop Pails, White (large size) ... JJ 3/3 JJ Baking Dishes (see Illustrations, Page No. 415) Game Pie Dishes, with Linings ... from 4/9 JJ „ White and Gold JJ 4/9 JJ Bed Pan... JJ 2/6 Hot Water Jugs, White Stone ... from 1/- 1/3 1/6 JJ Spittoon, Bamboo pattern, Majolica ... JJ 1 /- JJ „ Slipper . JJ 2/6 ,, „ Colored Patterns » 2 /- J / 6 j /3 JJ Sardine Boxes, Fancy ... JJ 2/6 JJ Cruets, China ... JJ -/ n Jugs (set of 3) White Stone from U JJ Salad Plates, White J J 5/6 doz. Cheese Stands and Covers (assorted) ... JJ 2/9 ,, „ Floral Patterns... * * * * JJ 1/6 5 J „ White and Gold... J) 10/6 JJ Candlesticks -Is „ „ White and Gold, Fluted Shape... ,, j /4 JJ Tea Sets, 40 Pieces, Colored and Gold edges JJ u/6 each Dinner Services... JJ 15/ 6 Jelly Moulds from -/9 1/- r /4 JJ Toast Racks, White JJ r /4 JJ Drainers Dish ... from 1 /- 1/6 each Kettles (Tea) in great variety ... ... from 2/6 JJ ., White and Gold... J J 2 /- JJ „ Vegetable ... from -19 JJ Lipped Basins, White (see Illustrations, Page No. 415) Trinket Sets on Trays, 10 pieces, various JJ 7/9 set Dessert Services (see Illustrations, Page 401)... from 32/6 each Moustache Cups and Saucers, Fancy . . ... ,, 1/6 JJ „ Floral Spray, on Ivory, Pink and Celadon Ground, and with Gilt Edge and Knobs, at various prices. HAMPTON & SONS, PALL MALL EAST & COCKSPUR STREET , TRAFALGAR. SQUARE, s.w. No. 1 Estimate, HAMPTON & SONS’ ESTIMATES. for completely Furnishing a House containing Eight Rooms for ,£250. 4 1 7 1 LLt'STKATION PAGE ) NO. HALL AND STAIRCASE. £ s. <7. 105 33 Hat and Umbrella Stand ... 2 IOI 6 Hall Step Chair I II 6 Oilcloth or Linoleum I 15 3 Mats, at 2/11 ... . 8 9 Stair Carpet and Rods I 15 £7 1 0 3 DINING ROOM. 118 122 6 Solid Oak, Walnut or Mahogany Chairs, 2 Easy Chairs, and a Couch covered in morocco or saddlebags iS iS 128 iS5 6 ft. Sideboard, in Oak, Walnut, or Mahogany, with carved and bevelled silvered glass panels ... 11 15 123 134 3 ft. 6 in. Dinner Wagon... 2 5 125 145 8 ft. by 4 ft. Dining Table, with patent screw 2 14 00 rn 3 5 ft. All-Hair Top Mattress 5 5 84 Turkey Rug to match 1 14 6 326 5 ft. Feather Bolster I 2 2 feather Pillows at 11 /—... I 2 £ 74 5 ft. Felt Platform... 6 6 Double Set of Toilet Ware 2 Water Bottles and Tumblers at 1 /6 I T - DRAWING ROOM. 1 5 3 170 ■;io Box Ottoman in Cretonne 3 10 188 4°5 4 ft. Rosewood Inlaid Cabinet with circular ends !7 IO 365 1399 Hip Bath ... Sponge Basket 17 7 238 681 1 Inlaid Overmantel 5 I 5 365 1394 Foot Bath, 20 in. ... 6 232 64O 1 Cottage Piano ... 3 ° 9 Slop Receiver 4 11 I«S 381 1 Music Stool I 1 365 1393 Water Can, 10 qts. 4 6 186 395 Music Cabinet 15 242 1034 Fender 12 219 563 2 ft. 9 in. Octagon Table... 2 18 6 342 1025 Fire Irons ... 5 9 219 5 58 i Two-tier Tea Table I 1 345 1093 1 Coal Vase ... 6 6 223 583 1 Inlaid Writing Table ... 3 IO 299 871 Linen Basket 6 9 177 336 1 Inlaid Suite, consisting of Settee, 2 Cornice Poles, complete, 10/- ... I 2 Arm Chairs and 4 small ditto 25 4 55 IC 10 2 Pairs of Cretonne or Tapestry 343 1051 Brass Fender 2 5 Curtains, with loops, complete, 343 IO46 Set of Fire Brasses I 2 6 at 22/6 2 5 347 1127 Fire Guard with folding wings . 17 6 5 i L 7 2 Blinds, Art printed, fringed, on 345 1076 Brass Coal Box I 2 6 American Spring Roller, 9/6 ... 19 52 1013 2 Brass Straight Poles with Fittings I 5 So Bordered Brussels Carpet, 13 ft. by 51 L 7 2 Art Printed Blinds with American 9 ft. 9 in. . 3 15 Spring Rollers ... 19 97 i Hearthhrug II 6 Carried forward . 9 ^ 1 5 £ 63 14 6 ur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W. HAMPTON & No. 2 Estimate for completely Furnishing a ILLUSTRATIOI ILLUSTRATION .. _,L ^ —————— — PAGE NO. VISITORS’ ROOM PAGE NO. £ S. d. £ s. d. Brought forward £ 15 l8 3 26l 791 Enamelled White Bed Room Suite 21 325 i Feather Pillow .. 6 309 2047 4 ft. 6 in. Black and Brass French Set 1 ’oilet Ware ... 8 9 Bedstead .. 3 10 6 * Water Bottle and Glass . I 6 306 2034 4ft.6in. Wove Wire Spring Mattress 6 6 Sponge Basket 7 •324 12 4 It. 6 in. Hair Mattress ... 2 12 299 868 Linen Basket 5 6 324 4 ft. 6 in. Feather Bolster IS 6 365 1394 Foot Bath (18 in.)... 4 8 324 2 Feather Pillows at 8/6 . 17 Slop Receiver 3 6 4 ft. 6 in. Canvas Platform 4 6 365 r 393 Water Can (io qts.) 4 6 Double Set of Toilet Ware 1 3 365 1392 Iiot Water Can (4 pts.) ... 2 4 Water Bottle and Glass ... 1 6 342 1032 Fender 7 6 299 869 Soiled Linen Basket 5 6 342 1024 Fireirons 4 3 36^ 1399 Oxford Hip Bath ... 17 345 1092 Coal Vase ... 3 6 Slop Receiver 4 I I Cornice Pole, complete . 7 6 1393 Water Can (io qts.) 4 6 55 K 19 Curtains, Cretonne or Tapestry, 342 1034 Fender 12 Loops to match ... I 1 34 2 1024 Fireirons 4 5 o Art Printed Blind, fringed, on 345 1093 Coal Vase ... 6 6 American spring roller ... 9 6 Si L 7 Blind, Art printed, fringed, on 92,93 Seamless Art Carpet I 17 6 American spring roller ... 9 6 97 Rug ... 9 6 Cornice Pole and Fittings, complete 10 — — 55 K19 i Pair of Cretonne or Tapestry £ 22 15 IO Curtains, Loops to match 1 1 92 ,93 Seamless Art Carpet, 12 ft. by 9 ft. . 19 97 Rug. 8 9 SERVANTS’ BED ROOM. £ 39 5 5 3 ft. Iron Bedstead, fitted with YOUNG LADIES’ ROOM wool mattress, bolster and feather pillows ... I 16 6 260 790 Enamelled White Bed Room 3 ft. 6 in. Chest of Drawers I 7 6 Suite . 16 IO 3 ft. Dressing Table 8 6 306 2037 3 It. Brass Bedstead, fitted with 3 ft. Toilet Glass 4 6 Wove Wire Spring Mattress ... 2 12 6 2 ft. Japanned Washstand 8 6 325 12 3 ft. All-Hair Mattress 2 IO Set of Toilet Ware 9 325 3 ft. Feather Bolster 9 6 342 1032 Fender 3 6 325 1 Feather Pillow ... 6 342 1023 Set of Fireirons 6 Set of Toilet Ware 8 9 2 Chairs, 3/6 7 Water Bottle and Glass ... I 6 36 c; 1394 Foot Bath (14 in.) 4 Sponge Basket 7 Slop Receiver 3 9 299 868 Linen Basket 5 6 365 1 393 Water Can (6 qts.) 3 4 3&5 1394 Foot Bath ... 4 8 Water Bottle and Tumbler 1 Slop Receiver 3 9 Towel Horse 2 6 365 1393 Water Can (10 qts ) 4 6 93 2 Bedside Rugs, 5/6 11 342 1032 Fender 7 6 Cane-seat Chair 3 6 342 1024 Fireirons 4 3 5 ° Blind, plain holland, on common 345 [092 Coal Vase ... 3 6 roller 6 6 Sitz Bath ... 15 _ ,- K 19 Cornice Pole and Fittings... 7 6 £ 6 18 IO 55 Pair of Curtains, in Cretonne or Tapestry, with loops 1 I 5 i L 7 Blind, Art printed, fringed, on American spring roller ... 9 6 KITCHEN. 92,93 Seamless Art Carpet 1 19 97 Rug. 12 6 Deal Table... 1 5 6 4 Windsor Chairs, 3/6 14 £ 2 9 J 7 Scullery Table 8 6 9 6 BACHELORS’ ROOM. Set Irons ... 4 6 271 801 Solid Walnut Bed Room Suite ... 12 15 Coal Scuttle 3 9 308 2044 3 ft. Black and Brass Bedstead ) 95 Square Linoleum (12 ft. by 12 ft.) I 10 6 3 ft. Woven Wire Mattress ... J 8-day Kitchen Clock (12 in. dial) 18 6 325 5 3 ft. Best Brown Wool Mattress... 19 6 5 o Roller Blind, plain holland, on 325 3 ft, Feather Bolster 7 3 common roller ... 6 6 Carried forward... £ 15 18 3 £ 6 I 3 SONS’ ESTIMATES. House containing Ten Rooms for ,£500 (continued). 419 ILLUSTRATION PAGE LINEN. 2 pairs Linen Sheets, for one 5 ft. bed, 30/-. 2 pairs Linen Pillow Slips, 4'9 1 pair Blankets 1 Under Blanket ... 1 White Quilt 2 Toilet Covers, 2 1 Bath Blanket 1 Eiderdown Quilt... 2 pairs Linen Sheets, for one 4 ft 6 in. bed, 25/6 ... 2 pairs Frilled Pillow Slips, 4/11 1 pair Blankets 1 Under Blanket ... 1 White Quilt 2 Toilet Covers, 1/9 2 pairs Sheets, for 3 ft. bed, 10/6 1 pair Pillow Cases 1 pair Blankets 1 Under Blanket ... 1 White Quilt 2 Toilet Covers, 1/6 2 pairs Sheets, for 3 ft. bed, 10/6 1 pair Pillow Cases 1 pair Blankets 1 Under Blanket ... 1 White Quilt 2 Toilet Covers, 1/6 2 pairs Cotton Sheets, for 3 ft. bed, 5/6 1 pair Pillow Slips 1 pair Blankets 1 Under Blanket 1 Coloured Quilt 2 Toilet Covers, 9d 4 Damask Table Cloths, 2 yds sq-, 6/9 . 2 Damask Table Cloths, 2 yds. by 2i yds., 9/- i Damask Table Cloth, i\ yds. by 3 yds. 1 dozen Damask Table Napkins, to match 2 Kitchen Table Cloths, 3/6 1 dozen Huckaback Towels 1 dozen Huckaback Diapers ^ dozen Brown and White Towels, 21/- h, dozen Servant’s do. 3 Round Towels, 1/9 1 dozen Glass Cloths 1 dozen Tea Cloths 1 dozen Kitchen Cloths 1 dozen Dusters dozen Basin Cloths, 5/- dozen Floor Cloths, 6/- Bath 8/6 £ ILLUSTRATION Any item can be had singly. Pattern books of above post free. All Linens hemmed and marked of charge. PAGE NO. CHINA AND GLASS. d. 391 i Dinner Service, 105 pieces for 12 persons (Groups) £ S. d. 4 I 9 6 401 5 ° 1 Dessert Service, 18 pieces, for 12 persons 3 6 9 6 401 65 1 Breakfast Service, for 12 persons, 389 51 pieces ... 3 9 3 G 13 1 Tea .Service, 40 pieces, for 12 II persons .. I 18 6 I I 413 1 Service of Table Glass, as follows, (Wreath) :— 413 12 Port Glasses, 5/3 ; 12 Sherry, 5/3 10 6 413 12 Clarets, 6/6 ; 12 Champagnes, 9/6 16 IO 413 6 Liqueurs ... 2 6 413 2 Decanters (quait) 3/6 ... 7 6 413 2 Decanters (pint) 3/- 6 9 413 1 Decanter, Claret 4 6 b 413 2 Water Bottles and Tumblers, 2/3 4 6 413 12 Tumblers (^-pint) 5 6 413 6 Soda Tumblers ... 4 11 413 6 Wine Glares, plain (Clarence)... I 9 413 I Tankard Glass Jug (1 quart, Star 6 Bottom) ... •2 413 907 12 Tumblers, Kitchen 2 3 415 6 Jugs, assorted sizes (White) 2 10 415 1 Set of 7 Pudding Bowls, assorted sizes (White) 5 3 I I 415 1 Set of 6 Pie Dishes, assorted sizes (White) . I 11 6 415 6 Breakfast Cups and Saucers, 2/4-^ ; 6 Plates, 1/4V (Buff) 3 9 415 6 Tea Cups and Saucers (Buff) ... I 4 h 415 1 Slop Basin, 1 Sugar Basin, 1 Milk (Buff) . I 2 391 i Dinner Set, 52 pieces (Trafalgar) I I 4 415 2 Teapots, 8cl. and 6d. (Brown) ... I 2 6 2 Kitchen Salt Cellars, 6d. (as 6 selected) ... I I I 1 Cut Sugar Basin and Cream Jug 6 (as selected) 6 1 Cut Butter Dish (as selected) ... 5 1 Bread Pan and Cover (as selected) 3 6 4 Cut Salt Cellars 1/- (as selected) 4 413 1 Occasional Claret Decanter 3 9 413 339 12 Claret Tumblers 3 9 4>3 II 2 Sets of 4 Oval Dishes ... 4 IO 1 Set of 3 Jugs (as selected) 3 9 1 Cut Celery Vase (as selected) ... 3 3 6 £ 20 6 ELECTRO-PLATE AND CUTLERY. 6 3 P 15 16 or 17 1 18 Table Forks, I quality,) f medium, 25/- ... ... f 1 17 6 3 370 5 5 12 Dessert Forks, I quality, full size 1 I 6 37 ° J J 8 Table Spoons, I quality, medium, 26/6 12 Dessert Spoons, I quality, small 17 8 37 ° 1 IO 37 ° 12 Tea Spoons, I quality, medium IO 6 37 ° 6 Egg Spoons, I quality, 10/6 ... 5 3 37 ° ,, 4 Salt Spoons, I quality, iod. 3 4 370 I Soup Ladle, I quality ... 8 37 ° 4 Sauce Ladles, I quality, 2/4 ... 9 4 the 37 ° i Gravy Spoon, I quality 4 6 free Carried forward ... £ 7 7 7 HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W 42(3 HAMPTON & SONS’ ESTIMATES. No. 2 Estimate for completely Furnishing a House containing Ten Rooms for 60500 (continued). ILLUSTRATION PAGE 370 ( P 15 370 \ 16 or 3701 17 371 P 24 371 P 26 375 P 66 375 P 72 P 106 Brought forward 1 Butter Knife, I quality 2 pairs Sugar Tongs, I quality, 2/3 1 pair Fish Carvers 12 Fish Eating Knives and Forks, in case 12 Dessert Knives and Forks, in case 1 Dinner Cruet, with 5 cut glass bottles 1 Breakfast Cruet ... 1 Sauce Frame 1 Biscuit Box 1 Tea and Coffee Service... 1 Toast Rack 18 Table Knives, ivory handles, 32/- 12 Dessert Knives, ivory handles .. 1 pair Meat Carvers, ivoiy handles I pair Game Carvers, ivoiy handles 1 Table Steel, ivory handle 4 Tinned Iron Saucepans ... 1 Potato Steamer ... 1 Block Tin Meat Screen ... 1 Bottle Jack 2 Enamelled Saucepans ... 1 Tinned Iron Digester ... 3 5» j> Stewpans ... 1 Wrought Iron Tea Kettle 1 Block Tin ditto ... 1 Copper Kettle . 1 Oval Boiler 1 Paste Jagger 3 Jelly Moulds . 2 Tinned Iron Fiypans 12 Patty Pans 2 Dust Pans. 1 Cinder Shovel 6 Kitchen Knives and Forks I pair Meat Carvers 12 Nickel Silver Tea Spoons 6 ,, ,, Table Spoons 1 Block Tin Fish Kettle ... 1 Coal Scuttle 1 Coal Hammer ... 1 Set Japanned Tea Trays 1 Block Tin Coffee Pot 1 ,, ,, Tea Pot 1 Copper Omelette Pan ... 3 Flat Irons 1 Stand for ditto I Toast Fork . I Set of Scales and Weights 1 Wrought Steel Fish Frier an Strainer ... 1 Pair Steak Tongs 1 Flesh Fork . 1 Mincing Knife ... 1 Pudding Mould ... 2 Candlesticks 1 Coffee Mill 1 Mincing Machine 2 Funnels ... I Box Larding Pins Carried forward... £ £ s. d. 7 7 7 2 4 4 6 15 9 3 IO 2 12 I 13 12 I 2 I 12 7 IO 2 8 I 7 9 6 9 6 3 31 18 2 6 6 2 15 7 2 I I 6 9 8 3 4 6 3 6 8 5 3 5 4 8 2 8 5 I 6 7 6 3 3 4 6 5 2 6 10 9 2 4 2 6 6 3 8 6 9 3 9 3 2 I 2 I 3 2 2 6 9 6 7 2 8 14 8 ILLUSTRATION PAGE NO. I Brought forward 2 Cake Tins 1 Candle Box 2 Gravy Strains 1 Sugar Dredger ... 1 Box Paste Cutters 1 Spice Box 1 Flour Dredger ... 1 Bread Grater 1 Meat Saw 1 ,, Chopper ... 1 Fish Slice 1 Egg 1 Japanned Knife Tray 1 Chamber Pail 1 Egg Beater 2 Sets Skewers 2 Cook’s Knives ... 1 Box Vegetable Cutters 1 Fry Basket 1 Pair Sugar Nippers 1 Hand Bowl r York Pan. 6 Iron Spoons 2 Salt Cellars 1 Pepper Box 1 Mustard Pot 2 Vegetable Spoons 2 Sugar Canisters ... 2 Coffee ,, 2 Tea 1 Hanging Gridiron 1 Basting Ladle 1 Coal Shovel 1 Set of Dish Covers 14 £ 12 ! 19 4 TURNERY 2 Hair Brooms 1 Carpet ,, 1 Double Banister 1 Flue Brush I Bass Broom 1 Wool Mop 2 Jug Mops... 3 Scrubbing Brushes 1 Single Banister Brush I Whisk ,, ,, 1 Set of Stove Brushes 1 Sweep’s Brush ... 1 W.C. Brush 6 Wood Spoons 2 Plate Leathers ... 1 Clothes Horse ... 1 Pair of House Steps 1 Plate Basket 1 Cinder Rocker ... I Butler’s Tray and Stand 1 Decanter Drainer I Wood Knife Tray 1 Potato Masher 1 Furniture Brush 1 Paste Brush 1 Crumb Brush I Sink Brush AND BRUSHES. Carried forward... £ 5 1 6 2 6 2 1° 1 7 1 2 1 6 4 1 1 9 1 6 3 1 2 1 4 1 3 2 4 3 6 2 9 4 3 19 3 I 9 2 9 1 7 5 8 j 2 8 3 17 6 ILLUSTRATION PAGE NO. Pin Brought forward £ 1 Saucepan Brush . 1 Feather Brush . 2 Bottle Brushes . 1 Decanter Brush . 2 Dish Brushes 1 Set Shoe Brushes 3 Plate Brushes, assorted .. 1 Paste Board and Rolling 1 Steak Hammer . 1 Housemaid’s Box 1 Kneeling Mat 2 Hair Sieves 1 Flour Tub 2 Dish Tubs 1 Glass Tub 1 Lemon Squeezer 1 pair Housemaid’s Glove 1 Plate Rack 1 Salt Box ... 1 Towel Roller and Bracke 2 Cook’s Sieves 1 Knife Board 1 Chopping Board .. 2 Housemaid’s Pails £ SUMMARY. Hall and Staircase Dining Room Drawing Room ... Morning Room ... Best Bed Room Visitors’ Bed Room Young Ladies’ Bed Room Bachelors’ Bed Room Servants’ Bed Room ... Kitchen . Household Linen China and Glass Electro Plate and Cutlery Ironmongery . Turnery and Brushes... £ £ s. d. 13 6 6 74 3 Il6 2 6 25 16 63 14 6 39 5 5 29 l 7 22 15 10 6 M OO w 0 6 I 3 30 20 31 l8 2 12 19 ; 4 7 I 8 500 MEMOS. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W. No. 3 Estimate, HAMPTON & SONS’ ESTIMATES. 421 ILLUSTRATIO PAGE NO. 106 38 IOI 8 367 1435 81 4709 95-98 95 226 188 241 232 185 186 220 218 224 177 37 37 346 347 5 ° 131 161 123 136 240 689 125 148 120 124 343 1056 342 1026 344 1077 346 'ii 5 347 1126 53 5 i L 7 4°5 693 640 382 397 564 552 587 337 69 69 I I 14 1129 HALL AND STAIRCASE. Old Carved Oak Hat and Umbrella Stand 2 Carved Oak Hall Chairs, 22/6 . 1 Aneroid Barometer, in carved oak case ... Linoleum or Floorcloth Brussels Stair and Landing Carpets Stair Rods ... 1 large Cocoa Mat 2 small ditto 4 Skin Mats 5 slip ditto ... DINING ROOM. Sideboard, 6 ft. wide, of best manu¬ facture Dinner Wagon . An Overmantel, to suit Sideboard Extending Dining Table, of superior quality, 8 ft. by 4 ft. ... 8 Dining Chairs, 1 Easy Arm Chair, 1 Carving Chair... 1 Couch, covered in best morocco 1 Curb, black and brass 1 pair Fire Brasses 1 pair Rests 1 Coal Box... 1 Fire Guard, folding Cornice pole and fittings, for bay window ... 3 Art Printed Blinds, fringed, on American spring rollers 1 pair of Woollen Tapestry Curtains for bay window, lined and trimmed fringe, holders to match 1 pair of Lace Curtains Turkey Carpet, 17 ft. 2 in. by 12 ft. 4 in. . Turkey Rug DRAWING ROOM. 4 ft. 6 in. Rosewood Inlaid Cabinet 5 ft. Rosewood Inlaid Overmantel Cottage Piano, in rosewood case Piano Seat in tapestry Rosewood Inlaid Music Cabinet Rosewood Inlaid Centre Table Ditto, Two-tier Tea Table Ditto Inlaid Writing Table, with 3 drawers, but without upper part Rosewood Inlaid Suite, consisting of Settee, 2 Armchairs, 2 Gossip ditto, and 4 small Chairs, covered in Genoa Velvet Pair of Rests Set of Fire Brasses... Inlaid Coal Cabinet Folding Brass or Copper Fireguard 3 Damask Window Blinds, fringed, on American spring rollers Carried forward... ^128 £ s. d. 4 15 2 5 I 14 6 3 8 10 I 1 9 6 14 I 15 15 24 19 25 10 4 18 6 8 8 7 IO 27 6 3 9 2 l6 I IO I 2 6 l6 6 17 6 I 8 6 6 IO I 5 I I 15 2 7 6 108 IO 19 15 8 8 35 I 18 6 5 15 4 15 1 13 6 7 IO 35 14 1 12 6 1 4 6 2 IO 18 6 1 8 6 128 3 for cc ILLUSTRATION PAGE NO. 54 70 82 8348 97 237 672 200 445 149 222 223 582 219 55 « 33 ° 905 33 ° 905 A 33 ° 905 c 333 925 342 i° 3 S 343 i °43 345 1093 347 1125 52 1113 5 ° 56 K 21 70 80 97 2S6 816 30 2065 324 20 324 *3 325 170 308 167 286 365 1394 365 1393 342 i °34 342 1025 345 1094! 299 870 56 K 20 5 ° 80 97 for ,£750. £ Brought forward 1 Brass Bay Pole and Fittings 1 pair of Silk Brocade Curtains, 1 pair of Lace Curtains . 1 Axminster Carpet, 15 ft. 6 in. by 13 ft. 6 in. 1 Rug . £ £ i 1 . 128 3 2 5 7 IO I IO II II I r 5 152 14 MORNING ROOM. Enamelled White Overmantel Chippendale Dwarf Bookcase Revolving Bookcase Table Writing and Occasional Table Tea Table. Chippendale Rush Settee. 2 Arm Chairs, 33/6 4 small Chairs, 26/6 2 Wicker Arm Chairs, 25/6 Black and Brass Fender Set of Fire Brasses Coal Vase ... Fire Guard. 1 Brass Pole and Fittings 2 Damask Woven Blinds, o American spring rollers, 9/6 .. 1 pair Tapestry Curtains, heade hooks, loops to match ... 1 pair Lace ditto. I Bordered Brussels Carpet 1 Rug . BEST BED ROOM. Solid Ash Bed Room Suite 5 ft. Brass Bedstead 5 ft. Box Spring Mattress 5 ft. All-hair Top Mattress 5 ft. Feather Bolster 2 Feather Pillows ... Double Set of Toilet Ware 2 Water Bottles and Tumblers, 2/- Adjustable Head Ottoman Couch, upholstered in Cretonne Easy Chair, upholstered in Cretonne Sponge Basket Foot Bath, 20 in. ... Slop Receiver Water Can (10 quarts) Brass Fender Brass Fireirons Coal Box ... Linen Basket 2 Cornice Poles and fittings 2 pairs of Cretonne, Chintz Tapestry Curtains, loops to match, at 30/- ... 2 Blinds, plain holland, fringed, on American spring rollers at 8/6 Carpet, bordered Brussels Rug. £ at 10/6 97 5 5 5 18 6 2 2 3 18 6 I I 3 15 3 7 5 6 2 18 8 6 9 6 9 6 15 19 2 12 6 I 2 4 18 6 45 l 6 6 6 4 4 19 10 15 7 1 17 10 12 j 6 5 I 9 ILLUSTRATION PAGE NO. 277 807 310 2053 306 2034 325 13 325 325 333 926 365 1394 365 1393 342 i °34 342 1025 345 1093 299 871 55 Iv 19 5 ° 80 97 261 791 3°9 2046 306 2034 325 12 325 325 333 923 299 869 365 1393 342 1033 342 1025 365 1399 5 ° 80 97 272 802 3°6 2037 VISITORS’ BED Solid Ash Bed Room Suite 4 ft. 6 in. Brass Bedstead 4 ft. 6 in. Wire-wove Spring mattress ... 4 ft. 6 in. Hair Mattress ... 4 ft. 6 in. Feather Bolster 2 Feather Pillows at 8/6 ... 4 ft. 6 in. Canvas Platform Double Set of Toilet Ware 2 Water Bottles and Tumblers, 1/6 Easy Chair, in cretonne Sponge Basket Foot Bath (20 in.) Slop Receiver Water Can (12 qts.) Fender Fireirons ... Coal Vase ... Linen Basket 1 Cornice Pole and fittings I pair. Cretonne or Tapestry Curtains, loops to match 1 Blind, plain holland, fringed, on American roller Carpet, bordered Brussels Rug. ROOM. £ 3 i 4 YOUNG LADIES’ ROOM. Enamelled White Bed Room Suite, floral decorations 3 ft. 6 in. Black and Bra?s Bed¬ stead 3 ft. 6 in. Wire-wove Mattress .. 3 ft. 6 in. Hair Mattress ... 3 ft. 6 in. Feather Bolster Feather Pillow 3 ft. 6 in. Canvas Platform Toilet Ware Water Bottle and Glass ... Easy Chair in cretonne ... Sponge Basket . Linen Basket Foot Bath (18 in.)... Slop Receiver Water Can (10 qts.) Fender Fireirons Hip Bath, No. 2 ... Cornice Pole and fittings. 1 pair Cretonne or Tapestry Curtains, loops to match Blind, plain holland, fringed, American spring roller... Carpet, bordered Brussels Rug. £ 55 18 6 24 3 3 3 I 3 2 2 12 6 3 15 2 l 6 7 4 1 4 4 12 5 17 IO I 2 8 3 IO 12 42 7 BACHELORS’ ROOM. Solid Walnut Bed Room Suite ... | 15 3 ft. Brass Bedstead and 3 ft. Wire-wove Mattress . 2 12 Carried forward... £ 15 18 ILLUSTRATION PAGE 325 325 299 365 368 365 342 342 55 5° 92-93 97 5 ° 367 342 94-95 89 345 306 325 304 325 868 1394 1393 1392 I0 33 1024 K 19 1407 1024 1092 2036 10 2023 365 1402 365 1394 365 1393 1407 342 IO24 345 IO92 5 ° 92-93 00 1-0 Brought forward ... 3 ft. Hair Mattress 3 ft. Feather Bolster Feather Pillow Set Toilet Ware ... Water Bottle and Glass ... Sponge Basket Linen Basket Foot Bath (20 in.)... Slop Receiver Water Can (12 qts.) . Hot Water Can (6 pts.) ... Fender, black and brass ... Fireirons ... Cornice Pole and fittings... I pair of Tapestry Curtains, loops to match... Blind, plain holland, fringed, on American spring roller ... Seamless Art Carpet Rug. £ 27 NURSERY (Day). 5 ft. by 3 ft. 3 in. Table ... 4 ft. Linen Cupboard 3 ft. Pembroke Table 4 Caned Chairs, 3/6 1 Slope-seat Chair... Blind, plain holland, on American spring roller High Wire Fender, 27 in. high, 3 ft. 3 in. wide ... Set Fireirons Cork Carpet Kurd Rug ... Coal Scoop ... NURSERY (Night). 3 ft. 6 in. Iron Bedstead ... \ 3 ft. 6 in. Wire Mattress ... J 3 ft. 6 in. Hair Mattress ... Feather Bolster Feather Pillow Child’s Cot... Hair Mattress Pillow 3 ft. Japanned Oak Chest Drawers 2 ft. Japanned Oak Washstand ... Set Toilet Ware 3 ft. Japanned Dressing Table ... Linen Basket Toilet Glass . • •• Low Washstand fitted with basin Child’s Bath (36 in.) . Foot Bath (18 in,)... Water Can (10 qts.) . Towel Horse Linen Airer... Fender, wire, 3 ft. wide 27 in. high Fireirons Coal Scoop. Blind, plain holland on American Spring Roller . Carpet, Old English, 12 ft. by 9 ft. 19 I 5 I 3 10 5 5 14 12 7 16 4 10 6 3 6 6 2 3 3 6 14 14 2 1 6 1 l6 8 3 6 12 6 1 2 5 1 2 6 8 6 4 II 8 6 5 6 4 6 1 9 6 l6 6 4 8 4 6 2 6 1 6 6 15 5 4 3 3 b 7 6 1 1 IO ■ 14 9. 6 HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W HAMPTON & SONS’ ESTIMATES. No. 3 Estimate for completely Furnishing a House containing Twelve Rooms for <£750 (continued). ILLUSTRATION ILLUSTRATION ILLUSTRATION ILLUSTRATION PAGE NO. SERVANTS’ BED ROOM. £ < 7 . PAGE NO. £ s. d. PAGE NO. £ d. PAGE NO. £ S. d. 2 3 ft. Iron Bedsteads, fitted with Brought forward ... 15 9 37 o { P 15, ) Brought forward ... 11 16 7 Brought forward ... 28 2 3 wire - wove spring mattresses, 6 pairs of Cotton Sheets for 3 16,17 f 1 pair Fish Carvers, A 1 quality... 18 4 Salt Cellars, cut (selected) 6 wool mattresses, bolsters, feather Beds, 3 ft. 4/11. I 9 6 37 i p 25 12 Fish Eating Knives and Forks, 6 1 Set of 3 best Jugs, decorated pillows, 36/6 3 13 3 Pillow Cases, 1/9 5 .3 in case 5 12 6 (selected)... 4 6 2 3 ft. Chest Drawers, 22/6 2 5 3 Blankets, 12/6 . I 17 6 37 i P 27 12 Dessert Knives and Forks, in case 3 15 1 Cheese Dish and Cover, decorated 2 3 ft. Dressing Tables, 8/6 17 3 Under Blankets, 4/3 12 9 375 P 67 A Dinner Cruet, with 4 cut-glass (selected) ... 7 1 2 2 ft. Washstands, 8/6 17 3 Coloured Quilts, 4/11 . 14 9 bottles 2 2 1 Biscuit Tray, 3 division, decorated 2 Sets ToiletWare, 4/6 ... 9 4 Toilet Covers, i/- . 4 375 P 64 A Breakfast Cruet... 18 (selected) ... 4 2 Water Bottles and Glasses, 9d.... I 6 375 p 72 A Sauce Frame 1 2 1 Sardine Box and Cover, decorated 2 Toilet Glasses, 4/6 9 3 pairs fine Cotton Sheets for 378 P no A Tea and Coffee Service... 10 10 (selected)... 4 3 2 Towel Horses, 2/6 5 Cot, 4/6 ... 13 6 A Biscuit Box 1 1 2 Glass Pickle Bottles (selected) ... 4 2 Cane-seat Chairs, 3/6 ... 7 2 pairs Pillow Cases, 2/6 ... 5 A Butter Dish . 1 1 Ice Pail and Drainer (selected)... 2 50 Blind, plain holland, on common 1 pair Blankets 11 9 24 Table Knives, ivorv handles, 1 Bread Pan and Cover, brown roller 6 6 1 pair Under Blankets 5 patent, 35/- . 3 10 (selected)... 3 6 3 Bedside Rugs l6 6 1 White Quilt . 5 3 18 Dessert Knives, ivory handles, 28/- 2 2 1 Cheese Pan and Cover, brown, 342 1032 Fender 3 6 1 pair 8 in. Meat Carvers... 11 (selected) ... 2 6 342 1023 Set Fireirons 3 6 3 Damask Cloths, 2 yds. by 2\ 1 pair 9 in. Meat Carvers... 12 2 Salt Cellars, heavy for Kitchen 2 Slop Receivers, 3/9 . 7 6 y^., 10/9. I 12 3 1 pair Game Carvers 11 (selected) ... 1 . £ KITCHEN. Table . Side Table ... II ! — 4 Damask Cloths, 2\ yds. by 3 yds., 15/- . 3 1 Table Steel 3 .3 £ 1 — £ 46 10 10 2 Damask Cloths, 2\ yds. by 4 yds., 37/6 ... " I dozen Fish Napkins 15 6 4 IO IRONMONGERY. l 2 I 3 II CHINA AND GLASS. 4 Tinned Iron Saucepans... 1 Tinned Iron Saucepan and 6 6 4 Chairs, 3/6 14 1 dozen Dinner Napkins ... IO 6 395 34 i Dinner Service for 12 persons, Arm Chair ... 10 9 1 dozen Dinner Napkins ... 1 I 105 pieces 7 17 6 15 Fender 14 6 1 dozen D’Oyleys ... 5 6 401 22 1 Dessert Service for 12 persons, 1 Bottle Jack 7 95 Irons 6 6 3 Tray Cloths, 1 yd. by 1^ yds. 2/3 6 9 18 pieces ... 3 16 Floorcloth ... 2 12 6 4 Kitchen Table Cloths, 2 yds. by 401 56 1 Breakfast Service for 12 persons, 1 Coal Scuttle 6 50 8-Day Clock 19 6 2± yds., 4/3 . 17 51 pieces... 3 15 9 10 Blind, plain holland, on common roller 6 6 i dozen Huckaback Towels 1 dozen Diaper Towels 6 Bath Towels, 2/- 12 18 12 6 401 405 65 1 Tea Service for 12 persons, 40 pieces 1 Service of Table Glass for 12 1 16 1 Set Japanned Trays 1 Wrought Iron Fish Fryer and Drainer ... 13 £ IO 4 3 2 Bath Sheets, 3/10^ 4 Round Towels, 2/2 7 8 9 8 persons, 129 pieces (Kew) 4 19 6' 1 Zinc Lined Coal Scuttle 4 3 LINENS. 391 1 Small Dinner Service, 52 pieces, 1 Block Tin Teapot 2 6 2 pairs Linen Sheets, for 5 ft. bed, £ dozen Servants Towels, 8/- 4 for Kitchen (Trafalgar)... 1 1 1 Copper Omelette Pan ... 6 25 h . 2 IO 1 dozen Glass Towels 7 3 413 907 12 Tumblers, Kitchen 2 3 1 Wrought Iron Stock Pot, with 2 pairs Pillow Cases, 5/9 ... II 6 1 dozen Tea Towels 7 3 415 1 Set of 6 Basins with spouts tap and strainer ... 18 6 1 pair Blankets I 6 6 1 dozen Kitchen ... 7 3 (White) ... 6 6 6 Wrought Iron Stewpans I 12 1 Under Blanket ... 5 6 1 dozen Kitchen Rubbers ... 8 6 415 1 Set of 7 Pudding Basins (White) 5 3 1 Copper Preserve Pan ... 14 9 1 White Quilt I I 1 dozen Check Dusters 3 6 4 x 5 2 Sets of 3 Jugs (White) ... 2 IO 1 Flat Iron, gd., 1/2, l/6. 3 5 2 Toilet Covers, 1/6 3 tj dozen White Dusters, 6/6 3 3 415 12 Breakfast Cups and Saucers, 8 1 dozen Plousemaids’ Cloths 5 Kitchen (Buff) ... 4 9 6 2 pairs Linen Sheets, for 4 ft. 6 in. 1 dozen Knife Cloths, 4/- ... 4 415 12 Breakfast Plates, Kitchen (Buff) 2 9 I Sugar Canister, 1/4, 2/4... 3 8 bed, 15/9 . 2 pairs Pillow Cases, 4/6. I II 6 1 dozen Hearth Cloths 2 8 415 12 Tea Cups and Saucers, Kitchen (Buff ) . 1 Coffee Canister, 1/3, 1/9 3 9 £ 2 9 1 Tea Canister, 1/3, 1/9 ... 3 i pair Blankets ‘7 II 40 415 2 Slop and 2 Sugar Basins, Kitchen 1 Hanging Gridiron 3 6 1 Under Blanket ... 4 9 (Buff) 1 2 1 1 White Quilt 13 6 ELECTRO-PLATE AND CUTLERY 415 2 Milk Jugs, Kitchen (Buff) 1 2 10 3 2 Toilet Covers, 1/6 . 1 Bath Blanket 3 8 6 37 ol P 15 16 01 I24 Table Forks, A 1 quality, \ f medium, 30/- / 3 415 415 2 Bread Plates, Kitchen (Buff) ... 6 Egg Cups, Kitchen (Buff) 1 1 2 1 Coal Shovel 1 Coffee Mill . 2 7 6 2 pairs Cotton Sheets, for 3 ft. 6 in. l 17 415 5 Tea Pots, 5 sizes (Brown) 2 II 1 Set Scales and Weights ... 9 3 37 o it 18 Dessert Forks, A 1 quality, 413 3 1 Occasional Claret Decanter 3 9 1 Salamander 6 bed, 8/9 ... i 7 6 37 o small, 23/6 1 15 3 413 I 2 Occasional Quart Decanters 7 6 1 Pair Steak Tongs 2 3 1 pair Pillow Cases l6 9 it 12 Table Spoons Al quality, 413 826 2 Small Water Sets 5 I 1 pair Blankets 6 medium, 32/- 1 12 413 8 12 Wine.Glasses 4 6 2 1 Under Blanket ... 4 9 37 ° ft 18 Dessert Spoons, Al quality, 413 II 2 Sets of 4 Oval Dishes ... 4 IO 1 Mincing Knife ... I 1 White Quilt IO 6 37 o small, 24/- 1 16 413 2 Glass Jugs (star bottom), 2/6, 3/- 5 6 1 Pudding Mould ... 3 ‘ 2 Toilet Covers, 1 /4^ 2 9 tf 18 Tea Spoons, Al quality, 413 12 Hock Glasses (Ruby) ... 6 6 2 Candlesticks 2 6 2 pairs Cotton Sheets, for 3 ft. bed, 37 ° medium, 13/— 12 Egg Spoons, A 1 quality 19 6 413 12 Soda Tumblers, heavy (Cut) ... 6 9 1 Mincing Machine 11 >> 12 415 1 Set of 6 Pie Dishes (White) I I I 2 Funnels ... 7 7/11 . 15 10 37 ° f) 6 Salt Spoons, Al quality, 1/- ... 6 415 2 Coffee Pots (Fireproof), iod., 1/2 1 Sugar Basin and Cream Jug, cut 2 1 Box Larding Pins 1 8 1 pair Pillow Cases I 9 370 f) 1 Soup Ladle, A 1 quality, 9 3 1 3 t 1 pair Blankets 15 6 37 o ft 4 Sauce Ladles, Al quality, 2/8... IO 8 (selected ) ... 7 1 2 1 Under Blanket ... 4 9 37 ° it 1 Gravy Spoon, Al quality 5 3 1 Butter Dish and Cover, cut 3 Gravy Strainers, 8d., nd., 1/3 2 10 1 White Quilt IO 370 ft 2 Butter Knives, A 1 quality, 2/8... 5 4 (selected) ... 6 1 1 2 Toilet Covers, 1 /- 2 37 ° it 2 pairs Sugar Tongs, A 1 quality, 2/8 5 4 1 Pair Knife Rests, cut (selected) 9 1 Box Paste Cutters 3 Carried forward .. .£ 15 9 3 Carried forward ...£ 11 l6 7 Carried forward ... £ 28 2 3 Carried forward ... £ II 11 11 HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W. HAMPTON & SONS’ ESTIMATES. No. 3 Estimate tor completely Furnishing^House containing 12 Rooms for £750. No. 4 Estimate, for completely Furnishing a House containing 14 Rooms for £1,000. TRATION £ d. ILLUSTRATION ILLUSTRATION i NO. S. PAGE NO. £ s. d. PAGE NO. Brought forward... £ II 11 I I Brought forward... £ 2 5 2 . i Spice Box ... ... ... 2 9 I W.C. Brush 1 6 106 38 i Flour Dredger ... I I 1 Furniture Brush ... 1 5 2 Trussing Needles 4 1 Paste Brush 8 103 l 9 i Box Vegetable Cutters ... 3 6 1 Crumb Brush 2 6 IOI 9 I Fry Basket 2 IO 1 Sink Brush 1 367 1436 I Pair Sugar Nippers 1 1 Feather Brush 2 4 i Hand Bowl 1 2 2 Bottle Brushes ... T 87 I York Pan... 1 I 2 Dish Brushes 9 6 Iron Spoons 1 9 1 Set Shoe Brushes 5 87 2 Metal Salt Cellars 1 6 1 Plate Brush each, iod., 1 /—, 1/6 3 4 I Metal Pepper Box 1 2 1 Paste Board . 3 98 I Metal Mustard Pot 1 5 i Rolling Pin 4 98 2 Vegetable Scoops 1 6 1 Steak Beater 6 98 i Bread Grater 9 1 Housemaid’s Box 2 6 I C.S. Meat Saw ... 2 2 Kneeling Mats ... 2 2 i C.S. Meat Chopper 1 10 1 Flair Sieve each, 5d., lid. 1 4 | i Fish Slice... 9 1 Flour Tub . 4 9 i Egg Slice. 7 i Oak Tub each, 2/4, 4/9... 7 1 I Japanned Knife Tray ... 4 1 Glass Tub 3 9 132 163 I Chamber Pail 4 0 1 Lemon Squeezer ... 5 i Dover Egg Beater 2 pairs Housemaid’s Gloves 1 2 2 Cook’s Knives ... 3 9 1 Plate Rack 6 200 690 i 12-qt. Toilet Can 4 6 1 Salt Box ... I 3 2 Sets Skewers 1 8 1 Towel Roller and Brackets 8 124 142 i Enamelled Saucepan each, i.i 1 Wire Sieve each, 8d., 1/4 2 125 148 i/io . 2 II 1 Buff Knife Board 6 6 i Cast Iron Tea Kettle 4 6 1 Sauce Basket I 5 113 88 i Block Tin Tea Kettle ... 4 2 Balls String IO i Copper Tea Kettle 8 8 Wood Spoons I 6 I Oval Boiling Pot, (4A gallons) .. . 5 3 1 Jelly Bag . 2 6 1 Paste Jagger 8 I yard Tammy Cloth I 2 122 130 3 felly Moulds . 4 8 2 Leathers ... 2 343 1052 I Tinned Iron Fry Pan each, icd., 2 Sponges ... 2 6 344 1074 1/10 . 2 8 1 Clothes Horse (4 ft. 6 in.) 4 9 342 1031 12 Patty Pans 5 1 pair 7-tread Steps 7 1096 2 Dust Pans 1 6 1 Baize Lined Plate Basket 2 9 345 1 Wire Cinder Shovel 7 1 Dirty Plate Basket . 5 347 H29 12 Nickel Tea Spoons i Cinder Sifter 4 3 53 6 Table Spoons 4 6 Butler’s Tray and Stand ... 19 3 6 Kitchen Knives and Forks 6 Decanter Drainer, 1/9 ; Mahogany 54 1 pair Meat Carvers 1 Pestle and Mortar 2 9 3 Knife T ray 3/10... 5 7 8 £ 8 1 2-gallon Filter 15 3 II 7 70 L 9 1 Set of Block Tin Dish Covers ... 1 10 5 i £ 19 3 1 2 SUMMARY. 84 84 88 j TURNERY AND BRUSHES. Hall and Staircase . 24 19 2 Housemaid’s Pails 5 Dining Room 108 IO 1 Chopping Board ... 1 9 Drawing Room ... 152 14 6 1 Potato Masher ... 7 Morning Room. 45 16 2 Hair Brooms 10 Best Bed Room ... 97 5 9 i 93 419 1 Carpet Broom 2 8 Visitors’ Bed Room 55 18 6 694 1 Double Banister ... 2 IO Young Ladies’ditto 42 7 0 241 T 7 Bachelors’ ditto . 27 19 11 232 64O I 2 Day Nursery . 14 14 2 185 385 1 Wool Mop . 2 Jug Mops... 1 Scrubbing Brush each, gd., 1/4, 2/- . ; . . 1 Wall Broom with jointed handle I Night Nursery . 14 9 6 6 Servants’ Bed Room for two 186 396j 4 7 I I servants Kitchen . Household Linen II IO 40 I 4 0 3 220 228 56S 554 1 Single Banister Brush ... 1 Whisk Brush 9 Electro Plate and Cutlery 46 4 IO 225 595 1 7 China and Glass .. 30 1 171 3 U A Set of Stove Brushes 2/10, 3/7. .. 6 5 Ironmongery . 19 3 1 Sweep’s Brush ... 1 4 Turnery and Brushes . 8 11 7 | Carried forward ... £ 2 5 2 £ 750 ILLUSTRATION HALL AND STAIRCASE PAGE j NO. £ S. 1 d - £ S. d. Brought forward... £ 1 18 S 6 Old Carved Oak Hat and Umbrella 294. \ 1 each Easy Chairs, in ditto, Stand 4 15 5 . 6 J £6 5 s -, £6 10s , £y 10s. 20 5 Carved Oak Chest... 3 3 181 35 i 4 Chippendale Chairs, in tapestry 8 14 Carved Oak High Chair ... 2 4 6 37 D 69 Brass Curb ... ... ... ... 4 5 A Fitzroy Barometer, in carved 37 D69 Pair Rests ... 1 12 6 oak case ... I 11 6 37 D69 Set Fire Brasses 1 4 6 Oriental Rugs for tiled or parquet 345 1097 Brass Coal Vase ... 2 floor 5 347 1127 Brass Folding Fireguard ... 17 6 Stair and Landing Carpets 12 3 Straight Brass Poles and Fittings 1 17 6 Stair Rods ... I 15 54 3 pairs Silk Brocatelle Curtains, Large Cocoa Mat ... 15 trimmed complete with hooks, 2 smaller ditto I £4 IOS. 13 10 4 Bordered ditto ... 1 5 70 3 pairs Lace Curtains, woven 4 Skin Mats 2 10 Damask, lace medallion and — — insertion, 21/- ... 3 3 £ J 5 ■9 5 i L9 3 Blinds on spring rollers, 19/6 ... 1 19 63-52 8348 1 Axminster seamless Carpet 21 ft. DINING ROOM. by 12 ft,. 17 10 6 ft. 6 in. Lofty Sideboard, with ' 97 I Skin Rug 2 15 carved panels, and large bevelled- — plate 29 8 £ 197 18 6 5 ft. 6 in. wide ... 8 18 6 MORNING ROOM. An Enclosed Dinner Waggon ... 6 5 237 672 Enamelled White Overmantel ... 5 5 4 ft. 6 in by 12 ft. patent flap- 193 418 Chippendale China Cabinet 7 10 holding Extending Dining Table 14 13 330 906 C 4 Chippendale Rush Seat Chairs 10 Dining Room Stuffed-back 27/0 . 5 10 Chairs, covered in morocco or 333 5 2 Wicker Easy Chairs in tapestry, velvet, 48/6 24 5 21/-, 25/6 . 2 6 6 1 Carving Chair 5 IO 171 3 1 5 Prince of Wales Sofa in cretonne 7 15 1 Easy Chair 7 IO 223 584 Cabinet Writing Table 4 18 6 1 Wrought-iron Curb 2 8 6 218 545 Two-Tier Tea Table 1 6 6 1 pair Rests... ... ... ... I 4 6 342 i °34 Brass Fender 19 1 set Wrought-iron Fire Imple- 343 1043 Set of Fire Brasses... 8 6 ments I 9 6 345 1092 Coal Vase ... l6 3 1 Brass Coal Vase... I 2 6 347 1125 Fire Guard ... 9 6 1 Fire Guard 18 6 5 i L 9 Patent Roller Blind, woven Damask Cornice Pole and Fittings for 1 bay lace medallion and valance l6 6 or 2 straight windows ... 2 5 I Brass Pole and fittings. 14 6 Silk-ground Tapestry or Utrecht 58 K22 i pair Chenille Curtains, head hooks, Velvet Curtain, lined and trim- loops to match ... 3 14 6 med fringe 12 70 1 pair Lace Curtains 1 5 2 pairs Swiss Lace Curtains I 15 80 Bordered Wilton V elvet Pile Carpet 7 IO 2 Woven Damask Blinds, with 97 1 Hearth Rug 1 5 medallions and lace valance 19/6 I 19 — A Turkey Carpet, 20 ft. by 13 ft. 14 18 6 £ 52 IO 3 A Turkey Rug 2 7 6 LIBRARY. £ 138 18 153 241 Antique Carved Oak Bookcase ... 9 15 240 688 Antique Carved Oak Overmantel 5 IO DRAWING ROOM. 148 216 Antique Carved Oak Pedestal 5 ft. Dark Mahogany Chippendale Writing Table . 8 IO Cabinet ... 24 3 146 206 Antique Carved Writing Chair, in Chippendale Overmantel ... I I II tapestry. 2 18 6 Cottage Piano, by one of the best 149 224 Revolving Bookcase 2 2 makers, in rosewood case 45 155 247 1 Portfolio, on oak stand ... 2 8 6 Piano Seat, in tapestry I 17 6 329 897 4 Carved Oak Rush-seat Chairs 16/9 3 7 Music Cabinet 4 15 329 898 2 Arm ditto, 31/6 . 3 3 Chippendale Octagon Two-tier 333 925 Wicker ditto, in tapestry. I 5 Centre Table 5 15 155 246 2 ft. 9 in. Carved Oak Octagon Chippendale Occasional Table ... 3 3 Table . 4 IO Ditto Writing Table, with 5 219 557 Oak Coffee Table ... 12 6 drawers 9 9 342 1036 Black and Brass Fender ... I I Chesterfield Sofa, in silk wool 343 IO44 Fire Brasses 9 6 tapestry ... 12 12 346 iiio Stained Oak Coal Box 12 6 Carried forward... £ 118 5 6 Carried forward... £ 46 4 6 HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W. 424 HAMPTON & SONS’ ESTIMATES. No. 4 Estimate for completely Furnishing a House containing Fourteen Rooms for d£1.000 (continued). ILLUSTRATION PAGE NO. £ 1 s. 1 d. PAGE NO. Brought forward... £ 46 4 6 347 1126 Brass Folding Fire Guard .;. 14 6 276 806 Pole and Fittings ... 15 1 pair Tapestiy Curtains, loops and 319 2084 hooks to match ... 4 4 324 20 2 Blinds, damask woven, with lace 324 J 3 medallion and valance, 19/6 ... I 19 325 84 A Turkey Carpet, 13 ft. 7 in. by 386 G 6 9 ft- 5 >n.. i 7 2 6 R ug. 1 1 7 6 413 £ 62 7 333 924 BEST BED ROOM. 365 1394 290 820 Solid Walnut Bed Room Suite ... 50 8 313 2064 5 ft. Brass Bedstead 9 15 365 1393 325 20 5 ft. Box Mattress ... 6 342 1034 325 14 5 ft. Extra Best Hair Mattress ... 7 8 343 1042 326 5 ft. Feather Bolster . I 6 345 1094 326 2 Down Pillows, 19/6 I . 19 299 870 387 G9 Double Set Toilet Ware ... I 19 405 2 Water Bottles and Tumblers, 2/6 56 K 20 (Kew) 5 170 308 Box Ottoman upholstered in 5 ° cretonne ... 4 7 6 333 937 Easy Chair upholstered to match I 12 6 80 3^5 1394 Foot Bath, japanned 6 387 g 9 Slop Receiver l6 97 3 dS 1393 Water Can, brass, (10 qts.) 14 365 1392 Hot Water Can, brass, (6 pts.) ... 6 9 342 1034 Fender, brass I 7 b 343 1045 Fireirons ... 12 6 345 1100 Coal Box I 12 262 299 870 Linen Basket 8 3 79 54 Window Drapery in chintz or 310 2050 cretonne, Oriental silk tapestry 306 2032 with lath, rods and fittings, 325 12 complete ... 7 10 325 50 Blind to match, damask with fringe 325 on patent roller ... 11 6 387 G 8 83-82 8348 Carpet, seamless Axminster, 16 ft. by 10 ft. 10 ■3 4 i 3 869 97 Rug. 17 6 299 — 365 <399 £ no 15 365 <394 DRESSING ROOM. <393 <°34 1025 275 275 00 00 0 0 L/t Ln Dressing Chest Washstand ... Towel Horse 7 5 15 10 15 342 342 Pedestal 2 2 645 1093 2 Chairs, at 10/- ... Set of Toilet Ware (Mona) I 0 54 385 9 6 405 Water Bottle and Glass (Kew) 2 6 5 ° 299 869 Linen Basket 7 80 Slop Receiver (white and gold) ... 4 II 97 365 1393 Water Can, japanned (10quarts)... 4 6 3 6 5 1392 Hot-water Can (6 pints) ... 2 8 5 ° Blind, woven damask, fringed, on patent roller ... ... ... 11 6 54 Window Drapery and Curtains in 274 804 silk tapestry, lined, with lath, rods and fittings, complete 6 306 2037 83-82 8348 Seamless Axminster Carpet, 10 ft. 325 12 by 9 ft. 4 19 6 325 97 Rug. I 12 6 326 £31 16 7 ILLUSTRATION VISITORS’ BED Butternut and Burr Bed Room Suite 5 ft. Black and Brass Bedstead ... 5 ft. Box Spring Mattress 5 ft. Hair Mattress 5 ft. Feather Bolster 2 White Feather Pillows at 15/6 ... Double Set of Toilet Ware 2 Water Bottles and Tumblers at 2/-(Princess) ... Easy Chair, upholstered in Cre¬ tonne Foot Bath (20 in.) White and Gold Slop Receiver ... Water Can (10 quarts) Fender Fireirons Coal Box Linen Basket 2 Cornice Poles and Fittings at 11/- 2 pairs of Cretonne or Tapestry Curtains at 30/- ... 2 Blinds, woven damask, fringed, on patent rollers at 11/6 Carpet, bordered Brussels, 14 ft. by 12 ft. Rug. ROOM. £ £ 62 18 YOUNG LADIES’ BED ROOM Enamel White Bed Room Suite 4 ft. Brass Bedstead 4 ft. Wove Wire Mattress 4 ft. Hair Mattress... 4 ft. Feather Bolster 2 Feather Pillows ... 4 ft. Canvas Platform Double Set of Toilet Ware Water Bottle and Glass . Soiled Linen Basket Hip Bath (Oxford) Foot Bath (18 inches) Slop Receiver (white and gold) ... Water Can (10 quarts) Fender ... ... Fireirons Coal Scoop Cornice Pole and Fittings I pair of Curtains in cretonne or tapestry, loops to match Blind, woven damask, fringed, on patent roller ... ... ... jj Bordered Brussels Carpet. 4 10 Rug. I2 £ 44_ BACHELORS’ BED ROOM. Solid Ash Bed Room Suite ... 17 | 17 3 ft. 6 in. Brass Bedstead and Wove Wire Mattress ... 3 ft. 6 in. Hair Mattress ... 3 ft. 6 in. Feather Bolster Feather Pillow Carried forward... £ 24 I 8 ILLUSTRATION PAGE NO i 385 413 299 365 365 365 342 342 365 55 50 92-93 97 5° 95-94 95 1394 1393 1397 1033 1024 1392 K 19 385 4'3 5° 342 365 94-95 5° 1032 1394 586 Brought foward... £ 3 ft. 6 in. Canvas Platform ... Set of Toilet Ware (Mona) Water Bottle and Glass ... .... Sponge Basket Linen Basket Foot Bath (20 in.) ... Slop Receiver (plain white) Water Can (12 quarts) Sponge Bath, No. 2 Fender Fireirons Hot-water Can (6 pints). Cornice Pole and Fittings 1 pair of Tapestry Curtains, loops to match ... Blind, woven damask, plain bottom, on patent roller ... Seamless Art Carpet R«g. BATH ROOM. Blind, plain holland on American roller Lavatory Glass 2 Chairs, 7/6 Towel Horse Cork Carpet, laid, 12 yards Bath Mat £ £ s. d. 24 8 6 3 6 10 6 2 7 5 6 6 3 6 5 <7 12 4 3 2 8 IO I I 8 6 2 2 6 12 6 33 <5 6 6 6 I I 15 10 6 2 6 6 4 19 6 TWO SERVANTS’ ROOMS. 3 3 ft. Iron Bedsteads, Woven Wire Mattresses, Wool Mattresses, Bolsters and Pillows, 36/6 3 3 ft. Chest of Drawers, 22/6 3 3 ft. Dressing Tables, 8/6 3 2 ft. Washstands, 8/6 ... 3 Sets Toilet Ware 4/11 ... 3 Water Bottles and Glasses, 1 /- 3 Toilet Glasses, 4/6 3 Towel Horses, 2/6 3 Cane Seat Chairs, 3/6 ... 2 Blinds, plain holland on commo roller, 6/6... 6 Bedside Rugs, 5/6 2 Fenders, 3/6 . Foot Bath (18 inch) Water Can ... 3 Slop Receivers (plain white), 3/6 £ Large Table Side Table ... 4 Chairs at 5/9 Elbow Chair Fender Fireirons Eight-day Clock Floorcloth, 20 yards, Blind, plain holland KITCHEN. laid on roller 5 9 6 3 7 6 I 5 6 I 5 6 <4 9 3 13 6 7 6 IO 6 <3 I 13 7 4 8 3 8 IO 6 17 9 I 2 10 I 10 I 3 13 6 14 6 6 6 I IO 3 <5 6 6 12 9 ILLUSTRATION PAGE 1 NO. LINENS. 2 pairs of Linen Sheets for 5 ft. 6 in. bed at 35/- . 2 pairs of Linen Pillow Cases at 5/9 1 pair of Blankets at 33/6 1 Under Blanket 1 White Quilt 2 Toilet Covers at 2/- 1 Eiderdown Quilt... 2 pairs of Linen Sheets for 3 ft. bed at 30/- . 2 pairs of Linen Pillow Cases at 5/9 I pair of Blankets ... 1 Under Blanket ... 1 White Quilt . 2 Toilet Covers at 1/9 . 2 pairs of Linen Sheets for 4 ft. bed at 25/- . 2 pairs of Pillow Cases at 5/9 1 pair of Blankets ... 1 Under Blanket 1 White Quilt 2 Toilet Covers at 1/9 2 pairs of Linen Sheets for 3 ft. 6 in bed at 15/9 . 1 pair of Linen Pillow Cases 1 pair of Blankets ... 1 Under Blanket ... 1 White Quilt 2 Toilets at 1/6 6 pairs Cotton Sheets for Servants’ Beds, 3 ft., 8/- ... 3 pairs Pillow Cases, 1/6 3 pairs Blankets, 11 /- 3 Under Blankets, 3/1^ 3 Coloured Quilts, 4/11 4 Toilet Covers, 1 /- 3 Damask Cloths, 2 yds. by yds., 10/9. 4 Damask Cloths, yds. by 3 y d s., 15/-.“ . 2 Damask Cloths, 2\ yds. by /. yds., 37/6. I Damask Cloth, 2\ yds. by 6 yds 1 doz. Breakfast Napkins ... I doz. Dinner Napkins 1 doz. Dinner Napkins ... 1 doz. D’Oyleys 3 Tray Cloths, I yd. by i£ yds., 2/3 . 4 Kitchen Table Cloths, 2 yds. by aj yds., 4/11 . 3 Dishing-up Cloths, 1/11.. 2 doz. General Huckaback Towels 12/6 . 1 doz. Fine Towels 1 doz. Diaper Towels £ doz. White Turkish Towels, 20/ £ doz. Brown Turkish Towels, 24/- 6 Bath Sheets, 3/10-2 1 doz. Servants’ Towels Carried forward ... £ 51 11 £ HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W. HAMPTON & SONS’ ESTIMATES. No. 4 Estimate for completely Furnishing a House containing Fourteen Rooms for £1,000 (continued). ILLUSH rRATlO £ d. ILLUSTRATION ILLUSTRATION ILLUSTRATION J’AGE Brought forward... £ 6 Round Towels, 2/6 1 doz. Glass Cloths 1 doz. Tea Cloths s. . £ S. d. . PAGE NO. IRONMONGERY. PAGE NO. £ d. 51 11 15 7 7 5 6 6 413 413 413 5 5 Brought forward... £ 1 Set of 3 Glass Jugs (Star Bottoms) 2 Claret Decanters ... 2 Wine Decanters ... 32 *3 7 14 11 9 6 6 Wrought Steel Saucepans 6 Wrought Steel Stewpans 1 Wrought Steel Stockpot and £ 2 2 s, 5 5 d. Brought forward... £ 1 Colander ... 6 Iron Spoons . l Bread Grater 20 19 2 2 I 4 6 7 1 doz. Kitchen Cloths 7 6 413 9°3 12 Tumblers, \ pint (Cut)... 5 Cover and Tap ... 2 7 6 2 Cook’s Knives ... 3 9 I doz. Rubber Cloths 8 3 413 339 12 Tumblers, Claret (Star Bottom) 1 Dinner Service, 52 pieces (Tra- 3 9 1 Wrought Steel Omelette Pan ... 3 9 1 Meat Saw... 2 1 doz. Check Dusters 3 8 39 i 1 Wrought Saute Pan 6 1 Meat Chopper I 9 * 1 doz. Knife Cloths 2 doz. Plearth Cloths, 2/6... 4 5 9 413 415 907 falgar) 24 Tumblers 5 Basins with lips, assorted sizes I 1 4 6 1 Copper Preserving Pan ... 1 Wrought Steel Fish Fryer and Drainer ... 14 9 1 pair Steak Tongs 1 Mincing Knife ... 1 Flesh Fork 2 I 4 £ IO 9 I 54 10 7 415 (White). 6 6 1 Basting Ladle I 2 1 box Larding Pins and Needles... 2 i Set of 7 Pudding Basins (White) 5 3 1 Wrought Iron Tea Kettle 5 6 1 pair Sugar Nippers I 2 ELECTRO PLATE AND CUTLERY. 415 1 Set of 6 Jugs, 2 each, 3 sizes 1 Block Tin Meat Screen... I 5 2 Salt Cellars I 37 ° l p 15, 16 or | 24 Table Forks, Ai quality, \ | large, 33/6 ./ 3 7 415 (White). 3 Large Stock Pans marked K 2 10 1 Brass Bottle Jack 1 Block Tin Tea Kettle ... 10 3 9 9 1 Pepper Box 1 Mustard Pot I l 17 (White) ... 8 7 1 Copper Tea Kettle 9 6 r Hand Bowl I 2 37 ° ,, 18 Dessert Forks, Ai quality, large, 4 i 5 12 Breakfast Cups and Saucers 2 Tinned Fry Pans 3 6 1 Cafetiere ... 2 9 26/6 I 19 9 (Buff) . 4 9 1 Potato Steamer ... 2 1 Pestal and Mortar 6 6 370 > J 12 Table Spoons, Ai quality, large, 4>5 12 Breakfast Plates (Buff)... 2 9 2 Enamelled Saucepans ... 1 Oval Boiling Pot... 3 6 1 Toilet Can 5 3 6/- . 16 12 Tea Cups and Saucers (Buff) ... _ 6 1 Slop Pail ... 9 3 4 O O t'- CO CO )> 12 Soup Spoons, A1 quality, 32/- 18 Dessert Spoons, Ai quality, 26/6 I 12 19 4 i 5 2 Slop Basins at 3^d. ancl 2 Sugar Basins at 3^d. (Buff) 1 1 Fish Kettle 1 Turbot Kettle 8 16 1 Japanned Knife Tray ... 3 9 1) 9 370 >> 18 Tea Spoons, Ai quality, 16/-... I 4 415 2 Milk Jugs (Buff). 1 2 1 Cinder Shovel 9 £ 23 5 8 37 ° >> 12 Egg Spoons* A1 quality 12 4 Bread Plates at 7d., 12 Egg Cups 1 Coal Shovel 2 3 37 ° 6 Salt Spoons, Ai quality, 1/- ... 6 at 2/- 4 4 1 Coal Scuttle . 2 10 TURNERY AND BRUSHES. 37 ° 5 J 1 Soup Ladle, Ai quality, 9 3 415 5 Teapots, Brown (5 sizes) 2 11 i Coal Hammer 10 I Double Banister Brush ... 2 9 37 ° 4 Sauce Ladles, Ai quality, 2/8 ... 1 Gravy Spoon, Ai quality 10 8 415 2 Coffee Pots (fireproof), 1/2 & lod. 2 2 Dust Pans 2 2 1 Whisk Banister Brush ... 1 9 37 ° J > 5 3 415 i Set of Oval-eared Dishes (fire- 3 Flat Irons 3 1 Single Banister Brush ... 1 9 37 ° > » 2 Butter Knives, 2/8 5 4 proof) 4 2 i Stand for ditto ... 8 I Flue Brush . 1 6 37 ° >) 2 pairs Sugar Tongs, 2/8 ... 5 4 415 1 Set of 3 Milk Boilers (fireproof) 5 7 12 Nickel Tea Spoons 3 2 Sets Stove Brushes 6 O 37 ° J > 1 pair Fish Carvers 18 6 415 1 Set of 5 Covered Jars (Brown)... 5 6 Nickel Dessert Spoons... 3 6 1 Sweep’s Brush ... I 371 P25 12 Fish Eating Knives &Forksin case 5 12 6 399 1 Four-o’-clock Tea Set on Tray 6 Nickel Table Spoons 4 6 3 Scrubbing Brushes 3 8 37 i P28 12 Dessert Knives and Forks, incase 4 (Wedgwood) I 7 6 12 Table Knives and Forks 12 1 Sink Brush 8 375 P67 A Dinner Cruet with 6 Cut Glass 1 Glass Sugar Basin and Cream Jug 6 Dessert Knives and Forks 4 6 1 Pastry Brush 9 Bottles 3 (as selected) 7 6 1 Pair Carvers 3 1 Crumb Brush 2 375 P64 2 Breakfast Cruets, 18/- ... 1 16 1 Glass Butter Dish and Cover (as 1 Block-tin Tea Pot 2 6 1 Feather Brush ... 2 375 P 72 A Sauce Frame 1 2 selected) ... 5 6 1 Hanging Gridiron 2 6 1 Furniture Brush ... I 6 37 » P 114 A Tea and Coffee Service... 12 5 4 Glass Salt Cellars (as selected) 1 set Japanned Tea Trays 12 6 1 Closet Brush I 4 1 Toast Rack 15 at 2/- 1 Biscuit Tray, 3 divisions, painted 8 1 Toast Fork 2 Sugar Canisters ... 6 2 Bottle Brushes ... 1 Set Shoe Brushes I 6 1 Biscuit Box 1 5 4 4 376 P83 A Set of 4 Plated Dish Covers, 10, (as selected) 7 6 2 Tea Canisters 2 5 3 Plate Brushes 3 12, 14, 16 in. 8 4 6 1 Cheese Dish and Cover, decorated 2 Coffee Canisters ... 2 5 2 Dish Brushes 4 6 369 P 9 24 Table Knives, 36/- 3 12 (as selected) 7 1 Coffee Mill 8 I Chopping Board. 2 3 6 9 P 9 18 Dessert Knives, 29/- ... 2 3 6 1 Glass Celery Vase (as selected) 3 4 1 Paste Jagger 5 1 Paste Board and Rolling Pin ... 3 IO 3 fi 9 P 9 1 pair 8 in. Meat Carvers 12 6 4 Knife Rests, glass (as selected) 2 2 12 Patty Pans b 2 Oak Dish Tubs ... 8 6 369 P 9 1 pair 9 in. Meat Carvers 13 6 2 Pickle Glasses with Covers (as 2 Jelly Moulds 5 6 1 .Oak Glass Tub ... 3 3 6 9 P 9 1 Pair Game Carvers 12 6 selected), at 2/-... 4 1 Pudding Mould ... 3 6 I Oak Flour Tub. 4 369 P 9 1 Table Steel 3 9 2 Chutney Glasses with Covers (_as 2 Cake Tins I 8 I Steak Hammer ... 6 selected), at 3/4 ... 1 Sardine Box and Cover, decorated 6 8 2 3 5 6 1 61 8 7 1 Vegetable Cutter 2 York Pudding Pans 2 9 1 Housemaid’s Box 3 3 (as selected) 5 I 8 2 pairs Housemaid’s Gloves 1 3 CHINA AND GLASS. 1 Set of 3 Hot-water Jugs (as 2 Vegetable Scoops I I 2 Kneeling Mats ... 2 6 397 41 1 Dinner Service for 12 persons, selected) ... 6 1 Fish Slice... I 2 1 Lemon Squeezer 1 105 pieces 10 l6 1 Set of 3 Best Jugs, decorated (as 1 Egg Slice... I 1 Plate Rack 6 6 401 49 1 Dessert Service for 12 persons, selected) ... 6 1 Egg Beater 8 1 Salt Box ... 1 9 18 pieces ... 6 I I 3 2 Kitchen Salt Cellars (as selected), 2 Sets of Skewers ... I 6 1 Towel Roller and Brackets 1 8 401 60 1 Breakfast Service for 12 persons, at 6d. 1 1 Set of Scales and Weights II 6 2 Hair Sieves 8 51 pieces ... 3 19 1 Brown Bread Pan and Cover (as 2 Candlesticks 2 2 2 Wire Sieves 2 3 399 1 Tea Service for 12 persons, 40 selected) ... 4 6 1 Candle Box 3 3 6 Wood Spoons . 6 pieces (Beatrice)... 2 2 9 1 Brown Cheese Pan and Cover (as 1 Salamander and Stand ... 9 6 i Cinder Rocker ... 4 9 405 1 Service of Table Glass, 129 selected) ... 2 6 1 Mincing Machine r 3 6 1 pair Steps... 7 pieces (Clarendon) 7 l6 4 415 1 Set of 12 Pie Dishes (white) ... 3 10 3 Gravv Strainers ... 3 4 1 Clothes Horse 4 9 413 7 12 Wine Glasses 5 6 413 633 2 Small Water Jugs and 4 Tumblers 5 8 1 Flour Dredger ... 9 1 Butler’s Tray and Stand 19 3 413 11 4 sets of 4 Oval Glass Dishes 9 8 415 3 Saucepans and Covers (fireproof) 5 1 Sugar Dredger ... I 1 i Decanter Drainer ... 9 4 r 3 12 Hock Glasses (Ruby). 6 6 415 1 Game Pie Dish and Cover (fire- 2 Funnels ... 7 1 Buff Leather Knife Board 413 725 12 Soda Tumblers (Cut). 6 9 proof) 1 IO 1 Fry Basket . 3 9 1 Plate Basket . 4 Carried forward... £ 32 13 9 £ 45 9 Carried forward... £ 20 19 1 Carried forward... £ 6 17 _ 10 HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W. HAMPTON & SONS’ ESTIMATES. No. 4 Estimate (continued). No. 5 Estimate, for completely Furnishing a House containing Sixteen Rooms for ,£1,500. ILLUSTRATION PAGE 1 i Dirty Plate Basket and lining 2 Plate Leathers ... 2 Sponges ... I yard Tammy Cloth I Jelly Bag and Stand 1 Sauce Basket 2 Balls String j i Wood Knife Tray ! i Potato Masher j 2 Hair Brooms j i Carpet Broom i i Bass Broom ; i Wool Mop 1 Wall Broom with jointed handle 2 Jug Mops ... 2 Dish Mops £ SUMMARY. Hall and Staircase Dining Room Drawing Room . Morning Room . Library Best Bed Room . Dressing Room . Visitors’ Bed Room Young Ladies’ Bed Room Bachelors’ Bed Room ... Bath Room . 2 Servants’ Bed Rooms Kitchen . | Household Linen Electro Plate and Cutlery China and Glass. Ironmongery i Turnery and Brushes ... £ d. ILLUSTRATION s. PAGE NO. HALL AND STAIRCASE. 6 17 IO 106 39 Hat and Umbrella Stand with £ 1 S ' d. 8 carved panels 7 ! 7 103 18 Carved Oak Hall Bench ... 4 1 7 6 2 6 102 II Gong Stand and Gong I 18 6 1 367 1435 An Aneroid Barometer I H 6 8 10 342 1036 Curb . i7 343 1045 Fire Brasses 12 6 9 345 1092 Coal Vase ... 15 9 8 86 Oriental Rugs for tiled or parquet floor 5 IO 7 81 Stair and Landing Carpet... 13 IO o Stair Rods ... I 15 2 10 98 224 Large Door Mat ... 17 6 95 3 Smaller Mats I 5 9 .95 6 Bordered Mats ... I 10 8 6 Skin Mats 2 17 9 13 — £ 44 16 ; 6 DINING ROOM. 137 176 Richly Carved Antique Oak Side- board (6 ft. 6 in.) 39 10 35 19 126 152A 12 ft. by 4 ft. 6 in. Antique Carved Oak Table with carved moulded top 14 10 138 18 Overmantel made to suit sideboard 13 10 197 18 6 117 115 A 10 Dining Room Chairs in antique velvet at 75/6 37 15 52 10 117 I l6 2 Carving Arm Chairs at no/- ... 11 I IO 66 A Carving T able ... 9 9 62 343 1052 Wrought-iron Curb 2 8 6 344 1074 Pair of Wrought-iron Rests 1 4 6 no 15 342 1031 Wrought Fireirons 2 7 6 345 1102 Wrought-iron Basket 1 12 6 31 16 347 1130 Fire Guard ... 1 53 Oak Pole and Fittings for bay or 2 62 18 8 straight windows 2 pairs Silk and Wool Curtains, 2 IO 54 44 .reproduction of old tapestry, trimmed complete 15 33 15 6 51 L 11 4 Buff Duchesse Blinds, on best spring rollers 4 4 19 6 84 1 urkey Carpet, 20 ft. by 15 It. 8 in. 22 12 6 97 Skin Rug ... 4 IO 17 9 1 £ 182 19 6 12 9 DRAWING ROOM. 54 10 7 189 407 6 ft. Rosewood Inlaid Carved 61 8 Cabinet ... 36 15 7 237 232 675 640 Overmantel, enamelled white Cottage Piano, by one of the best 11 II 45 0 9 8 makers, in rosewood inlaid case Inlaid Revolving Music Chair, 57 15 185 389 23 5 covered in silk IO 186 39 7 Inlaid Music Cabinet ... ... 5 15 9 13 220 566 587 or 9 Rosewood Inlaid Centre Table ... 6 15 1000 2231 | Rosewood Writing Table ... 9 IO 217 54° Showcase Table ... ... ... j 3 15 217 536 Rosewood Inlaid Tea or Card Table | 2 IO J Inlaid Rosewood Suite, consisting * 178 339 of Settee, 2 Armchairs and 4 178 339 A j Chairs, covered in figured silk • 178 339 B ) material ... ... ... i 33 12 Carried forward... ;£T71 , 8 ILLUSTRATION PAGE NO. 16S j 295 296 171 3 i 7 42 D 79 347 1129 346 1120 54 70 51 L 11 85 97 193 420 24O, 694 220 567 223 585 219 558 330 905c 330 905A 33 ° 905 54 5 i L II 70 89 342 1040 343 1045 343 1092 347 1125 237 674 194 423 220 569 224 59 i 168 2945 U 3 323 « 171 813 182 385 182 356 228 625 36 D 68 345 1103 347 I 129 51 L 11 Brought forward 1 2 Easy Chairs, covered figured j silk Conversational Lounge, covered in ditto i pair Rests within Marble Curb, i set Fire Brasses ... I Fire Guard 1 Inlaid Rosewood Coal Box Window Laths, Draperies and Curtains in silk brocade, for bay window ... 2 pairs of Lace Curtains ... 3 Buff Duchesse best Spring Blinds A Fancy Turkey Carpet, 19 ft. 8 in. . by 14 ft. 4 in. Skin Rug ... MORNING ROOM. 4 ft. Chippendale Cabinet... 4 ft. Chippendale Overmantel 3 ft. Octagon Centre Table Chippendale Writing Table Chippendale Two-tier Table 4 Chippendale Chairs covered in tapestry, at 35/-. 2 Armchairs en suite , at 55/- 1 Settee en suite ... 1 pair of Tapestry, Chenille or Velvet Curtains ... 2 Buff Duchesse valance only Spring Blinds, at 16/6 ... 1 pair of Lace Curtains Matting and Oriental Rugs 1 Brass Pole and Fittings... Fender Fire Brasses Coal Vase ... Fire Guard ... BOUDOIR. White Enamelled Overmantel ... Louis XV. Richly Carved Cabinet Richly Carved Circular 'Table Richly Carved Shaped Writing Table 2 Easy Chairs, in cretonne, 4/5/- 4 / 15 /- . 1 Pillow Chair 1 Settee, in cretonne 2 Enamelled White Gossip Chairs, 14/9 . 2 Gilt Cane-seat Chairs, 14/6 1 Tea Screen Pair Brass Rests for curb ... Set Fire Brasses Coal Vase ... P'ire Guard ... 2 Buff Duchesse Spring Blinds, 20/- Lath Drapery and Curtains, in silk and wool brocade, tastefully trimmed ... Carried forward... / ILLUSTRATION [ £ S. d. PAGE NO. j 1 ? 1 8 58 17 IO 58 17 IO 3 12 6 82 I 17 6 18 6 5 5 28 4 3 160 261 2 5 17 151 234 149 22^ l6l 263 >83 18 6 219 “3 557 85 1 . 145 200 15 15 l6 5 276 155 247 241 689 4 4 6 18 6 43 D78 1 43 D 78 346 1115 7 10 5 ° 5 5 15 54 4 4 1 13 84 88 1 10 8 10 84 I 7 1 7 6 12 6 18 6 9 6 75 3 6 163 272 8 8 32 II 164 274 9 >5 15 15 163 27311 9 4 IO 247 557 7 15 145 196 42 D 78 I 9 6 I 9 2 15 347 1126 14 346 iiio I 7 6 5° I 13 18 6 2 59 K 25 27 9 15 97 IO9 15 6 Brought forward ... £ 1 Fortiere Curtain, on hinged rod, complete ... Loose Covers for three easy chairs and I sofa Axminster Carpet (14 ft. by 10 ft.) Rug. £ LIBRARY. 5 ft. Bookcase, in Oak, Walnut or Mahogany 2 Dwarf Bookcases Pedestal Writing Table ... Solid Oak Square-flap Table 1 Coffee Table 4 Chairs in Morocco, 38/6... 1 Revolving Cane-seat Chair 2 Easy Chairs in Saddlebags I Portfolio ... 1 Overmantel Fender Set of Fire Brasses Fireguard ... Coal Box 2 paiis of Damask Woven Blinds, on best spring rollers 1 Pole and Fittings 1 pair of Silk Tapestry or Utrecht Velvet Curtains, lined and trim med fringe, holders to match .. A Turkey Carpet (15 ft. 10 in by 10 ft. 9 in.). 1 Turkey Rug BILLIARD ROOM. Superior full-size Mahogany Billiard Table, complete with all ac¬ cessories .. Billiard Room Settee covered in Saddlebags or Tapestry for platform ... Divan Easy Chair ... Billiard Room Cabinet with Mark ing Board complete 2 Coffee Tables, 12/6 2 Wood Seat Armchairs, 27/6 Black and Brass Curb Fire Dogs ... Set of Fire Brasses... Brass Fire Guard ... Coal Box 2 pairs Damask Window Blinds on spring rollers 1 Pole, complete ... 1 pair Tapestry Curtains, lined and trimmed, or in Persian Kelims Axminster Seamless Carpet Plearth Pug... £ s. ; d. 109 15 ’ 6 2 ■5 3 IO 7 *5 I IO 125 5 6 18 18 5 13 IO i 5 3 IO 12 6 7 H 2 7 6 10 15 2 8 6 8 8 19 6 19 6 17 6 I 2 6 I 7 6 I IO IO IO 9 9 I 14 6 99 11 6 57 IO IO IO 5 IO 17 17 I 5 2 15 19 6 19 6 17 6 16 6 12 6 I IO I 5 3 7 15 7 IO I IO 119 2 9 HAMPTON &. SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W, HAMPTON & SONS’ ESTIMATES. No. 5 Estimate for completely Furnishing a House containing Sixteen Rooms for £1,500 (continued). 427 ILLUSTRA PAGE ] 265 795 321 2087 325 21 325 14 326 326 308 170 167 291 299 871 387 G 4 413 345 1095 342 1040 343 1045 5 ° 56 K 21 82-83 8348 97 277 277 277 277 312 306 325 326 326 387 365 365 342 342 345 56 5 ° 82) 83 97 - 1 283 312 325 807 807 807 807 2059 2034 N0.13 G 5 1393 1392 1034 1025 1094 K 21 8348 813 2060 20 BEST BED ROOM. PInamelled White Bed Room Suite 5 ft. 6 in. brass Italian Bedstead 5 ft. 6 in. Box Spring Mattress 5 ft 6 in. French Mattress 5 ft. 6 in. Feather Bolster Two Down Pillows, 24/— Box Ottoman Couch Easy Chair ... Linen Basket Double Set of Toilet Ware Slop Receiver (White and Gold) Water Can ... Water Bottle and Tumbler Coal Box Fender Fireirons Cornice Pole and Fittings.. Three Buff' Linen Blinds, fringed, on patent rollers, 11/6 ... Two pairs of Cretonne, Chintz or Tapestry Curtains, headed hooks and loops to match Carpet, 16 ft. by 13 ft. Rug. £ 47 12 7 7 1 2 5 4 4 10 £\ Ii 4 DRESSING ROOM. Mahogany Dressing Chest... Mahogany Washstand Towel Horse, 15/- ; Pedestal Cup board, 40/- Two Chairs, 9/6 3 ft. 6 in. Brass Bedstead... 3 ft. 6 in. Best Woven Wire Spring Mattress. 3 ft. 6 in. Best Hair Mattress 3 ft. 6 in. Feather Bolster... 31 in. by 22 in. Feather Pillow 3 ft. 6 in. Canvas Platform Single Set Toilet Ware Slop Receiver (White and Gold) Water Can (12 qts.) Hot-water Can (6 pts.) Fender, Black and Brass ... Fireirons, Black and Brass Coal Box Cornice Pole and Fittings ... I Pair of Cretonne, Chintz or Tapestry Curtains, headed hooks and loops to match 1 Buff Linen Blind, fringed, on patent roller Carpet and Rug 14 SECOND Butternut and Burr Suite 5 ft. Brass Bedstead 5 ft. Box Spring Mattress ... BED ROOM. Bed Room 37 Carried forward ... £ 51 10 18 6 £ 46 1 u I 5 ILLUSTRATION PAGE NO. 325 326 167 387 365 365 4°5 299 345 342 342 54 5 ° 82-83 97 8348 5 ° 366 342 94*95 89 345 306 325 3°4 325 365 365 365 286 G 9 J 393 1392 871 1094 io 33 1025 1407 1024 1092 2036 IO 2023 1402 1394 1393 1407 5 ft. All Hair Mattress 5 ft. Feather Bolster 2 Feather Pillows at 11/- ... Easy Chair in cretonne Double Set of Toilet Ware Slop Receiver (white and gold) Water Can (12 quarts) Hot-water Can (4 pints) ... Water Bottle and Tumbler (Kew) Soiled Linen Basket Coal Box Fender Fireirons Cornice Pole and Fittings 2 pairs of Cretonne, Chintz Tapestry Curtains with borders and dados, in a variety of designs and colourings, complete 3 Buff Linen Blinds, fringed, on patent rollers, 11/6 . Carpet, seamless Axminster Rug. NURSERY (Day). 5 ft. by 3 ft. 3 in. Table ... 4 ft. Linen Cupboard 3 ft. Pembroke Table 4 Caned Chairs, 5/6 1 Slope-seat Chair ... Blind, plain holland, on American spring roller High Wire Fender, 27 in. high, 3 ft. 3 in. wide ... Set Fireirons Cork Carpet Kurd Rug ... Coal Scoop ... 3 ft. 6 in. Iron Bedstead 3 ft. 6 in. Wire Mattress 3 ft. 6 in. Hair Mattress Feather Bolster Feather Pillow Child’s Cot ... Hair Mattress Pillow 3 ft. Japanned Oak Chest Drawei 2 ft. Japanned Oak Washstand Set Toilet Ware 3 ft. Japanned Dressing Table Linen Basket Toilet Glass ... Low Washstand fitted with basin Child’s Bath (36 in.) Foot Bath (18 in.) ... Water Can (10 qts.) Towel Horse Linen Airer ... Fender, wire, 3 ft. wide 27 in. high Carried forward... £ ILLUSTRATION d S. d. PAGE NO. £ S» d. 51 3 6 Brought forward .. £ 12 4 3 5 5 342 1024 Fireirons 4 3 I 2 345 1092 Coal Scoop ... 3 6 I 2 5 ° Blind, plain holland, on American I 15 spring . 7 6 I 19 92-93 57 iS Carpet, Old English, 12 ft. by 9 ft. I IO O 4 9 Kurd Rug ... 5 6 2 4 ' £ 14 15 i 2 6 8 6 BATH ROOM. 15 6 Dressing Table 4 IO 12 2 Chairs, 10/- I 5 9 'bowel Horse 15 I 94-95 Linoleum 2 16 Bath Mat 6 6 5 ° Blind, buff linen, plain bottom, on American spring roller ... 6 6 3 15 Sponge Basket 7 1 14 6 £ 9 14 7 6 13 12 6 6 TWO SERVANTS’ ROOMS. — 4 3 ft. Bedsteads and Bedding, 36/6 7 6 78 l8 4 4 3 ft. Chests of Drawers, 22/6 ... 4 IO 4 2 ft. Washstands, 8/6 I 14 4 3 ft. Dressing Tables, 8/6 I 14 Ui 00 Ln 4 sets Toilet Ware (Spray), 4/11 ... 19 8 4 Toilet Glasses, 4/6 18 5 413 10 4 Water Bottles and Tumblers, 1/- 4 4 Towel Horses, 2/6 IO 6 4 Chairs, 3/6 14 5 ° 2 Blinds, buff linen, plain bottoms, 6 on rollers, 6/6 13 8 Bedside Rugs, 5/6 2 4 6 342 1032 2 Fenders, 3/6 7 2 Foot Baths, wire edge, 4/6 9 0 2 Water Cans (8 qts.) 4/- ... 8 0 10 9 342 4 Slop Receivers { White), 3/6 H 3 6 £ 23 4 8 15 7 KITCHEN. Table . 3 IO )• Side Table ... I IO Scullery Table 12 6 I 6 6 Windsor Chairs, 5/9 I 14 6 2 Elbow Chairs, 13/6 I 7 8 7 1 6 ft. Fender, strong l8 6 6 Set of Fireirons : 6 6 12 6 Eight-day English Clock ... I ; 12 6 I 2 Coal Scoop (18 in.) zinc lined 5 9 5 95 Floor Cloth ... 5 IO I 2 6 50 Blind, buff holland, on roller ... 8 6 8 4 6 11 £ 17 15 9 8 5 6 6 LINEN S. 4 6 2 pairs Linen Sheets for 5 ft. 6 in. I 9 6 bed, 49/-. 4 IS 16 6 2 pairs Linen Pillow Cases, 8/6 ... 17 4 8 I pair Blankets . 2 7 6 4 6 i Under Blanket ... 8 3 . 2 6 I White Quilt I 8 6 6 6 2 Toilet Covers, 2/6 5 '5 5 1 Eiderdown Quilt ... 2 2 12 4 3 Carried forward... £ 12 6 3 ILLUSTRATION Brought forward £ j 2 pairs Linen Sheets for 5 ft. bed, 35/- ; 2 pairs Linen Pillow Cases, 5/9 ••• I I pair Blankets j I Under Blanket ... i 1 White Quilt 2 White Toilet Covers, 2/- I 1 Down Quilt 2 pairs Linen Sheets fir 4 It. 6 in. bed, 25/- ... 2 pairs Linen Pillow Cases, 5/9 ... 1 pair Blankets I Under Blanket ... 1 White Quilt 2 Toilet Covers, 2/- 1 Down Quilt 2 pairs Linen Sheets for 3 ft. 6 in. bed, 21/- ... 2 pairs Linen Pillow Cases, 5/9 ... 1 pair Blankets 1 Under Blanket 1 White Quilt 2 Toilet Covers, 1/9 . 6 pairs Linen Sheets for 3 Servants’ beds, 10/6 3 pairs Pillow Cases, 3/6 ... 3 pairs Blankets, 12/9 3 Under Blankets, 4/3 3 White Quilts, 5/9 4 Toilet Covers, 1/0^ 4 Damask Cloths, 2\ yds. by yds., 12/9 . 6 Damask Cloths, 2\ yds. by 3 yds., 24/6 . 2 Damask Cloths, 2\ yd*, by 4 yds., 37/6 . 1 Damask Cloth, 2^ yds., by 6 yd \ 1 doz. Fish Napkins 1 doz. Breakfast Napkins... 2 doz. Dinner Napkins, 18/9 idoz. VeryFineDinnerNapkins.30/- 1 doz. d’Oyleys 6 Tray Cloths, 1 yd. by ij yds., 2/3 6 Kitchen Table Cloths, 2 yds. by 2 \ yds. ,4/11 . 3 Dishing-up Cloths, 1/11 2 doz. Huckaback Towels, 16/9 ... 1 doz. Fine Towels 1 doz. Fine Diaper Towels 1 doz. Turkish Towels 6 Bath Sheets, 3/10^ I doz. Servants’ Towels ^ doz. Round Towels, 30/- 1 doz. Glass Cloths 1 doz. Tea Cloths ... 1 doz. Kitchen Cloths 1 doz. Rubbers 2 doz. Check Dusters, 3/8 1 doz. Knife Cloths i 1 doz. Stable Rubbers . j \ doz. Housemaid’s Cloths, 9/3 ... i 1 doz. Hearth Cloths £1 74 3 6 6 6 6 3 4 9 i 3 8 6i HAMPTON <& SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W. HAMPTON & SONS’ ESTIMATES. No. 5 Estimate for completely Furnishing a House containing Sixteen Rooms for £1,500 (continued). ILLUSTRATION ILLUSTRATION PAGE NO. ELECTRO-PLATE AND CUTLERY 'd. PAGE NO. 1 37o | P l8, 19 or 20 30 Table Forks, fancy pattern, ) | I quality, 38/- . } 4 s. l S 413 413 11 37° 53 18 Dessert Forks, fancy pattern, 413 725 I quality, 26/6 I 19 9 413 37o >3 12 Table Spoons, fancy pattern, 413 5 I quality ... 2 2 413 5 37° 33 18 Soup Spoons, fancy pattern, 413 903 I quality, 38/- . 2 17 413 339 37o 33 18 Dessert Spoons, fancy pattern, 39i I quality, 30/- ... 2 5 37o 33 18 Tea Spoons, fancy pattern, 413 907 I quality, 18/6 I 7 9 415 37° 33 12 Egg Spoons, fancy pattern, I quality ... 16 6 415 37o 33 8 Salt Spoons, fancy pattern, I quality, 1/5 . 11 4 415 37° 3 3 I Soup Ladle, fancy pattern, I quality ... 10 6 415 37° 3 3 4 Sauce Ladles, fancy pattern, I quality, 3/3 . 13 O 415 37o 33 i Gravy Spoon, fancy pattern, I quality ... 6 6 415 37o 33 2 Butter Knives, fancy pattern, 37° I quality, 3/3 . _ 6 6 4i5 33 2 pair Sugar Tongs, fancy pattern, I quality, 3/3 . 6 6 415 37° 33 i pair Fish Carvers, fancy pattern, P 25 I quality ... 17 6 415 37i 18 Fish Eating Knives and Forks, 415 in case 8 15 37i P34 18 Dessert Knives and Forks, 415 incase 7 IO 415 P 34 1 Sugar Sifter 5 6 P 34 4 pair Nutcrackers, 4/- l6 415 P 34 1 Biscuit Box I 2 415 375 P 67 A Dinner Cruet, with 6 cut-glass 415 bottles 3 415 375 P 64 2 Breakfast Cruets, 18/ — ... I l6 375 P 72 A Sauce Frame I 2 415 37« P IIO A Tea and Coffee Service... IO IO 376 P 74 b Set io in. Entree Dishes and ' 415 376 Covers, forming 4 dishes 4 5 P83 A set 4 Dish Covers, 12, 14, 413 633 3 6 9 16, 18 in. ... 9 IO 399 P 13 30 Table Knives, 39/- . 4 17 6 369 P 13 18 Dessert Knives, 32/- ... 2 8 369 P 13 1 pair 8 in. Meat Carvers ... 12 366 P 13 1 pair 9 in. Meat Carvers ... 1 pair Game Carver^ 13 369 P 13 12 369 P 13 1 Table Steel 3 9 £ 77 12 7 CHINA AND GLASS. 397 35 i Dinner Service for 12 persons, 105 pieces 17 3 391 1 Dinner Service, second best (Fern) 2 19 401 5i 1 Dessert Service for 12 persons, 399 18 pieces ... 1 Breakfast Service for 12 persons, 4 4 6 51 pieces (Louis)... 4 I 6 389 l6 1 Tea Service for 12 persons, '40 405 pieces 1 Service of Table Glass for 12 3 H persons, 129 pieces (Richmond) 12 Wine Glasses IO 5 3 413 7 5 b Carried forward ...£ 42 12 ? . Brought forward... £ 4 sets of Oval Glass Dishes 12 Hock Glasses (Ruby) ... 12 Soda Tumblers (cut) 1 Set of 3 Jugs, glass (star bottom) 2 Claret Decanters ... 2 Wine Decanters ... 12 Tumblers (half-pint, cut) 12 Claret Tumblers (star bottom) i Dinner Set of 52 pieces for Kitchen (Trafalgar) 24 Tumblers for Kitchen ... 5 Basins with Lips for Kitchen (white) 1 Set of 7 Pudding Bowls for Kitchen (white) ... 1 Set of 6 Jugs (2 each 3 sizes, white) for Kitchen . 3 Large Stock Pans K, for Kitchen (white) 12 Breakfast Cups and Saucers for Kitchen (buff) 12 Breakfast Plates for Kitchen (buff) . 12 Tea Cups and Saucers for Kitchen (buff) 2 Slop Basins and 2 Sugar Basins for Kitchen (buff) 2 Milk Jugs for Kitchen (buff) 4 Bread Plates, 2/4, and 12 Egg Cups, 2/- (buff) ... 5 Teapots, 5 sizes (brown) 2 Coffee Pots, 1/2 and iod. (fire¬ proof) 1 Set Oval-eared Dishes (fireproof) 1 Set 3 Milk Boilers (fireproof) ... 1 Set 5 Covered Jars (fireproof) ... 1 Set 12 Pie Dishes, assorted (white) 1 Set 3 Saucepans and Covers (fire¬ proof) 1 Game Pie Dish and Cover (fire¬ proof) 2 small Water Sets, 2/6 ... 1 Four-o’Clock Tea Set on Tray (Kent) 1 Cut-glass Sugar Basin and Cream Jug (as selected)... 1 Cut Butter Dish and Cover (as selected) ... 4 Cut Salt Cellars (as selected) ... 4 Cut Knife Rests (as selected) ... 2 Cut Pickle Bottles and Covers (as selected) 2 Cut Chutney Bottles and Covers (as selected) 2 Salt Cellars for Kitchen (as selected) ... 1 Biscuit Tray, 3 divisions, painted, (as selected) 1 Cheese Dish and Cover, decorated (as selected) 1 Sardine Box and Cover, decorated (as selected) 1 Set 3 Best Jugs, decorated (as selected) ... Carried forward... £ ILLUSTRATION £ s. d. PAGE NO. £ S. d. 42 12 9 Brought forward... £ 54 14 2 9 8 1 Set 3 Best Jugs (hot water), de- 6 6 corated (as selected) 6 6 9 1 Brown Bread Pan and Cover (as 7 6 selected) . 3 6 14 I Brown Cheese Pan and Cover (as II selected) ... 2 6 D 3 9 £ 55 6 2 I I IRONMONGERY. 4 I Tin-Lined Wood Meat Screen ... 2 1 Brass Bottle Jack IO 6 6 1 Dripping Pan and Stand 7 1 Basting Ladle I 5 5 3 6 Wrought-Iron Saucepans I 18 6 Wrought-Iron Stewpans I 12 1 Wrought-Iron Tea Kettle 6 6 1 Copper Tea Kettle 8 8 7 1 Block Tin Fish Kettle ... 6 1 Block Tin Turbot Kettle 14 6 4 9 1 Wrought-Iron Oval Pot... 17 1 Wrought-Iron Stock Pot with 2 9 tap and strainer ... 18 6 2 2 9 1 Copper Omelette Pan ... 4 9 1 Copper Cutlet or Saute Pan 8 6 1 1 Copper Preserving Pan ... l6 2 Jelly Moulds 4 1 Pudding Mould ... 2 4 4 1 Brawn Mould 6 3 2 2 Cake Pans with loose bottoms . .. I 10 6 Dariole Cups, plain' or fluted I 6 2 Doz. Patty Pans, plain or fluted IO 4 3 Tart Pans, plain or fluted I 4 5 7 1 Soup Ladle I 9 5 1 Fish Slice... I 1 Egg Slice and Ladle I 3 6 Iron Spoons, assorted 2 5 1 Block Tin Seasoning Box 2 9 5 2 Boxes Paste Cutters 3 6 1 Box Vegetable Cutters ... 3 6 2 Vegetable Scoops I 4 5 2 Tin Funnels 6 1 Bread and Beef Grater ... 8 I 9 6 2 Gravy Strainers ... I 2 1 Block Tin Colander 2 3 i 6 3 York Pudding Pans 2 1 Dutch Oven 2 6 4 1 Flour Dredger 6 1 Sugar Dredger ... II 1 Pepper Box 4 1 Block Tin Teapot 2 9 3 1 Block Tin Coffee Pot 2 4 1 Egg Beater 8 5 1 Set of Scales and Weights 12 I Patent Coffee Mill 6 1 1 Pair of wSugar Nippers ... I 9 1 Mincer 15 5 1 Doz. Tinned Iron Meat Hooks... I 9 1 Cast Steel Meat Saw 2 5 i Cast Steel Chopper . I 9 i Cast Steel Mincing Knife I 4 4 1 Steak Beater 2 9 1 Pair of Steak Tongs 2 3 5 1 Dishing Fork I 3 54 14 2 Carried forward... £ 16 IO IO ILLUSTRATION PAGE NO. Brought forward £ 16 IO 10 1 Mashing Fork I 9 2 Cook’s Knives ... 3 9 1 Cook’s Fork I 9 1 Root Knife I 1 Bacon Knife I 6 1 Oyster Knife 9 2 Sets of Skewers ... I 6 1 Beef Fork I 7 1 Toasting Fork 8 1 Patent Lever Corkscrew I 8 6 Larding Pins and 1 Needle 2 3 1 Wire Frying Basket 3 3 1 Fluted Gridiron ... 2 9 1 Hanging Gridiron 2 3 4 Block Tin Candlesticks ... 3 4 1 Japanned Candle Box I 2 2 Dustpans ... I 10 4 Flat Irons... 4 1 Flat Iron Stand ... 8 2 Coal Scuttles 5 6 1 Coal Hammer I 1 Coal Shovel I 9 1 Cinder Shovel 10 6 Kitchen Knives and Forks 5 9 6 Kitchen Dessert Knives and Forks 4 3 1 Pair of Kitchen Carvers... 3 i Steel . 1 6 Nickel Silver Tea Spoons 2 4 Nickel Silver Table Spoons 3 6 Nickel Silver Dessert Spoons ... 3 6 2 Nickel Silver Salt Spoons 7 1 Nickel Silver Mustard Spoon ... 4 1 B. M. Mustard Pot 1 1 B. M. Pepper Box 1 2 B. M. Salt Cellars 1 1 B. M. Tea Pot 6 6 1 Dirty Plate Basket with Wicker Lining 8 6 1 Japanned Double Knife Tray ... 3 O 1 Set Japanned Tea Trays 8 6 1 Japanned Spice Box 3 6 1 Tea Canister I 5 1 Coffee Canister ... I 5 1 Sugar Box with Drawer 7 6 2 Japanned Slop Pails 7 b 1 Marble Mortar and Hardwood Pestle .. . 9 0 i Tin Hand Bowl ... 1 2 1 Tin Wash-up Bowl 1 9 1 Set Block Tin Dish Covers I 10 1 Japanned Flour Box 4 9 1 Japanned Housemaid’s Box 6 2 Galvanized Pails... 2 6 3 Square Baking Plates ... 3 6 3 Wire Meat Covers 4 O £ 25 14 3 TURNERY, BRUSHES, &c. I Knife Machine ... 2 15 2 Hair Brooms 6 1 Carpet Broom 2 9 1 Bass Broom I 6 1 Double Banister Brush ... 3 2 Single Banister Brushes 3 Carried forward £ 3 11 3 HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W HAMPTON & SONS’ ESTIMATES. 429 No. 5 Estimate for completely Furnishing a House containing 16 Rooms for £1,500. No. 6 Estimate for completely Furnishing a House containing 20 Rooms for £2,000. (CONTINUED^ ILLUSTRATION PAGE NO. Jointed Brought forward... £\ 3 Sweep’s Brushes... 1 Turk’s Head and handle 1 Set Shoe Brushes 1 Shoe Brush Box ... 1 Set Stove Brushes 2 Scrubbing Brushes 1 Closet Brush 1 Dusting Brush ... 1 Paste Brush 1 Furniture Brush ... 1 Bed Brush 1 Decanter Brush ... 1 Crumb Brush 2 Plate Brushes 2 Hearth Brushes ... 1 Handled Clothes Brush 1 Flue Brush 1 Wool Mop 2 Kneeling Mats ... 1 Jelly Bag and Stand 1 Buff Knife Board 1 Towel Roller and Brackets 6 Plate Lea hers ... 1 Baize Lined Plate Basket 2 Pairs Housemaid's Gloves 2 Wood Pails 2 Pairs Steps 2 Clothes Horses . . I Paste Board and Pin 1 Chopping Tray ... 1 Salt Box ... 1 Soap Box... 1 Decanter Drainer 2 Washing Trays ... 1 Washing Stool 6 Wood Spoons, assorted ... 2 Oval Dish Tubs ... 2 Round Glass Tubs I Plate Rack 1 Cinder Rocker ... 1 Linen Press with Drawer Stand 1 Polished Mahogany Luncheo Tray and Stand ... 2 Dirty Linen Baskets 1 Clothes Basket ... £ SUMMARY. Hall and Staircase Dining Room Drawing Room Morning Room Boudoir Library Billiard Room Best Bed Room. Dressing Room Visitors’ Bed Room Day Nursery, as given for 12 Room House ... Night Nursery, as given for 12 Room House Bath Room 2 Servants’ Bed Rooms for 4 Servants. Kitchen Household Linen Electro Plate China and Glass ... Ironmongery Turnery and Brushes PAGE NO. HALL AND STAIRCASE. PAGE NO. £ I s. i d. 107 41 Antique Carved Oak Hat and £ s. d. Brought forward £ : 259 4 £ d. Umbrella Stand ... 8 7 6 171 3°7 Large Conversational Sofa, covered III 71 5 ft. 3 in. Carved Oak Settle & Chest 8 10 in velvet or tapestry 19 IO 44 l6 6 Carved Oak Gong Stand with Gong 4 10 182 362 4 Carved Small Chairs, covered in 367 1435 An Aneroid Barometer in carved velvet or tapestry, 55/- ... ... 11 182 19 6 oak case ... I 14 6 44 D83 Pair of Rests for Marble Curb ... 2 15 Oriental Rugs (for tiled or parquet 44 14 83 1 set Fire Brasses ... 1 7 6 283 18 6 floor) 6 6 347 1129 Fireguard ' l8 6 81 Stair and Landing Carpets 15 345 1097 Coal Vase .. 2 75 3 6 Stair Rods ... 2 45 Window Draperies and Curtains of 98 221 Large Front Door Mat I Silk Brocade for bay window or 2 I2 5 5 6 95 3 Smaller ditto I IO French ditto, tastefully made and 95 8 Bordered ditto 2 trimmed, holders to match ... 3° 11 6 7 Skin Mats... 3 6 6 70 2 pairs Lace Curtains 5 119 2 9 £\ 54 4 20/- . 4 87 Fine Anatolian Carpet ... ... i 3° 114 2 I DINING ROOM. 97 1 Skin Rug ... ... ... .£. 6 6 141 184 Jacobean Old Oak Sideboard, with 46 11 5 fine sculptured carvings... 73 IO £ 372 78 18 4 126 152 12 ft. by 4 ft. 6 in. Dining Table, with carved legs ... 17 IO MORNING ROOM. Overmantel, made to suit side- 194 421 Richly - carved Mahogany China board 14 IO Cabinet ... 2 o 5 15 7 121 126 12 Carved Oak Chairs, covered best 240 689 Overmantel ... 8 8 morocco, 78/6 ... 47 2 220 567 3 ft. 3 in. Circular Centre Table ... 3 10 121 I 26 a 2 Carving Armchairs, 6/10/- 13 225 595 Large Chippendale Writing Table 9 9 14 15 no 66 Carving Table 9 9 218 554 Mahogany Chippendale Occasional 43 D81 Wrought iron Curb... 5 15 Table 3 3 9 14 7 43 D81 Pair Rests ... 2 7 33° 905c 4 Chippendale Chairs en suite , 35/- 7 43 D8i Set Fireirons 1 4 33° 9°5 A 2 Arm ditto ... 5 IO 345 I 107 Copper and Wrought-iron Coal 330 905 1 Settee . 5 15 2 3 4 8 Vase 2 17 6 344 1070 i pair Brass Rests for Curb 16 6 347 1128 Fire Guard ... 1 2 243 1045 Set Fire Brasses 12 6 17 15 9 Oak Pole and Fittings for bay or 343 1092 Brass Coal Vase l8 6 two straight windows ... 2 IO 347 1125 Brass Fireguard 13 74 9 . Utrecht Velvet or Tapestry Curtains I Brass Pole and Fittings. I lined and trimmed fringe, loops 51 L 11 2 Buff Duchesse Spring Blinds with 77 12 7 to match ... 14 lace valance only, 16/6... I 13 51 L 11 5 Buff Duchesse Blinds, on best 45 1 pair Tapestry or Chenille Curtains, 55 6 2 spring rollers 5 holders to match... 4 IO 84 85 Turkey'Carpet 25 70 1 pair Lace ditto I 25 14 3 97 Skin Rug 5 89 Matting and Oriental Rugs 9 _ IS 11 5 £ 239 .6 6 BOUDOIR. 90 3 6 — DRAWING ROOM. 37 D 69 Enamelled White Overmantel 9 15 —C C 191 414 Richly-carved Cabinet, in the Louis 207 480 Louis XV. Showcase Cabinet 22 IO XV. style. 59 17 211 493 2 Commodes, one each side, 8/8/- l6 16 236 671 Richly-carved Wood Gilt-frame 2l6 529 Inlaid Showcase Table 4 18 6 Mirror, enamelled to suit decora- 215 521 Louis XV. shaped circular Table... 5 5 tions 17 17 169 3°3 Marquise Easy Chair in silk 9 IO 233 Grand Piano, in rosewood case, 169 302B Shell Easy Chair in plush. 7 15 with carved legs ... 73 IO 171 3 T 3 Settee covered in silk with fringe ... 15 15 185 393 Carved Duet Seat ... 4 IO 202 45 1 2GiltCane LouisXV. Chairs, 7/10/- 15 186 399 Richly-carved Music Cabinet 10 18 6 37 D69 Pair Rests for Curb . I 12 22c 569 Richly-carved Centre Table 9 15 37 D69 Set of Brasses I 4 225 598 Richly-carved Writing Table 15 15 345 IIO 6 Brass or Copper Repousse Coal Vase 2 4 226 53° Large Louis XV. Showcase 5 15 347 1129 Fire Guard ... 214 5l6 Louis XV. Work Table ... 3 18 6 51 L 11 2 Buff Duchesse Spring Blinds, 20/- 214 511 Louis XV. Oval Two-tier Table ... 3 3 45 Lath Drapery and Curtains in Silk ( 1 1 Settee and 2 Armchairs, covered Brocade, lined and trimmed, holders 1733 322 > in cut silk velvet or silk and wool to match ... 20 1 A& B ) tapestry 35 15 70 2 pairs of White Curtains ... 2 2 108 £ 294 j 2 Easy Chairs, covered in velvet 82 Axminster Carpet. l 7 c 296 ) or tapestry 18 IO 97 Skin Rug for ditto ... \ 3 Carried forward... £ 259 4 £ " >57 16 6 ILLUST RATION HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W HAMPTON No. 6 Estimate for completely Furnishing & SONS’ ESTIMATES. a House containing Twenty Rooms for <£2,000 (continued). ILLUSTRATION ILLUSTRATION FAGE NO. LIBRARY. PAGE NO. £ s. d. £ S. d. Brought forward .. £ 44 5 160 262 6 ft. Inlaid Sheraton Bookcase ... 28 7 164 275 1 Settee covered in rich Oriental 201 480 Inlaid Revolving ditto 7 15 Rugs and Velvet... 8 8 223 587 Inlaid Pedestal Writing Table 9 10 164 2754 2 Large Easy Chairs, at 4/18/6 9 17 l6l 268 Mahogany Inlaid Centre Table ... 8 15 Rattan Smoking Lounge ... 1 7 6 219 586 1 Coffee Table, inlaid 16 9 236 941c 4 Cane-seat Chairs, at 10/9 2 3 ns IOI 4 Chairs in velvet, at 65/- 13 244 705 I Inlaid Bookstand 1 5 146 203 Writing Chair in ditto 6 15 221 574 1 Card Table, folding 7 5 165 277 2 Easy Chairs in saddlebag II 8 6 68 Delhi Cover for ditto 14 6 189 289 1 Hampton’s Patent Step Easel ... 4 10 344 1074 1 pair of Wrought-iron Fire Dogs 1 4 6 241 693 1 Inlaid Overmantel 8 8 342 1027 i Set of Wrought Fireirons 16 6 1 pair Wrought-iron Standards, 347 1125 1 Fire Guard 9 6 with Poker and Tongs ... 4 5 345 1099 1 Coal Vase... 1 12 347 1127 1 Iron Guard 17 6 5° 2 New Damask Blinds on spring 346 1114 1 Inlaid Cabinet Coal Box 2 15 rollers 1 7 6 5° 2 new Damask Window Blinds, with 2 Brass Rods, complete 1 10 spring rollers, 13/9 I 7 6 54 2 pairs of Damascus Curtains and 2 Poles and Fittings I 10 Holders for same 4 12 6 45 2 pairs Tapestry or Utrecht Velvet 59 K 24 1 Djijim Portiere Curtains, on Brass Curtains, lined and trimmed, Rods, complete ... 1 10 6 holders to match 12 86 Oriental Rugs for floor 11 91-86 1 Indian or Persian Carpet, by the — yard ... ' . IO 10 £ 99 8 i Kurd Rug... 2 10 BEST BED ROOM. £ 135 3 291 821 Handsome Bed Room Suite in Oak 69 6 313 2065 BILLIARD ROOM. 325 20 5 ft. 6 in. Spring Mattress ... 6 325 18 5 ft. 6 in. French Mattress 6 15 163 272 Full-size Billiard Table, by one of 326 5 ft. 6 in. White P'eather Bolster ... I 14 the best makers, complete with all 326 2 Large Pillows (Down) 2 8 the usual accessories 73 10 387 G 7 Double Set of Toilet Ware 3 I 164 275 Large Divan Settee, covered in rich 387 07 Foot Bath ... I IO Oriental rugs and velvet for plat- 387 07 Slop Receiver I 3 form 11 11 413 2 Carafes and Glasses, 2/-... 4 163 273b Billiard Room Cabinet, with 365 1393 Water Can, Brass (10 qts.) 14 Marking Board complete 17 17 365 1392 Hot Water Can, Brass (6 pts.) ... 8 9 219 557 2 Coffee Tables, at 12/6 ... 1 5 299 871 Linen Basket . 12 6 145 196 2 Wood-seat Armchairs, 27/6 2 ts 1397 ) 42 D 78 Pair Fire Dogs 19 6 365 or f Hip or Sponge Bath . 17 D 78 Set Fire Brasses ... 17 6 1399 J 347 1126 Brass Fire Guard. 16 6 342 1038 Fender, Brass I 7 6 346 IIIO Coal Box 12 6 343 1044 Fire Brasses. 9 6 5° 2 new Damask Window Blinds, on 345 1095 Coal Box, Brass I 2 6 spring rollers, 13/9 . 1 7 6 64 Window Drapery and Curtains, loops 1 Pole, complete ... 1 7 6 and fittings, Chintz, Cretonne or 54 1 pair Tapestry or Utrecht Velvet Tapestry, lined and trimmed. Curtains, lined and trimmed, complete ... 8 10 fringed, holders to match 7 50 3 Buff Linen Window Blinds. 82 Axminster Carpet .. 9 fringed, on patent rollers I 14 6 97 1 Rug . 1 IO 82 Carpet . ) _ 97 Rug ... . / r 3 7 131 4 170 168 308 Ottoman Couch, adjustable head ... 4 4 ORIENTAL SMOKING ROOM. — £ 140 IQ Q 249 745 Richly-carved Blackwood China Cabinet, enclosed 14 14 DRESSING ROOM. Moresque Overmantel, painted Dressing Chest of Drawers and Glass 6 18 6 white (Plate XIV.) 9 IO 2 Chairs, 10/6 I I 253 774 Dwarf Bookcase I 7 6 Towel Horse IO 6 254 775 2 Bamboo Tables with flaps, at 8/9 17 6 Washstand ... 4 IO 253 767 2 Stools, at 2/6 ... . 5 385 Bartolozzi Toilet Ware T ^ 6 245 712 I Folding Stand with Benares Tray I 4 413 Water Bottle and Glass ... 2 245 7ii 2 Inlaid Coffee lables, at 38/6 3 17 299 870 Soiled Linen Basket 5 9 i Large Divan in rich Oriental Rugs 12 IO 365 1393 Water Can, (10 qts.) ... ... 4 6 Carried forward... £ 44 5 Carried forward... £ 14 7 9 ILLUST PAGE RATIO NO. • * s. d. ILLUS1 PAGE RATIO! NO BATH ROOM. £ s. d. 5° Brought forward £ 14 7 9 Dressing Table and Glass ... 4 10 Buff Linen Window Blind, fringed, 2 Chairs, 10/- I on patent roller ... 11 6 Towel Horse '5 White and Gold Slop Receiver ... 4 6 94-95 1028 Linoleum 3 2 6 Window Drapery and Curtains, in Bath Mat 6 6 Chintz, Cretonne or Tapestry, 5° Buff Linen Blind, on American 82 97 lined and trimmed complete 8 8 roller 6 6 Carpet ... ... ... ) Rug. i 6 i7 6 Sponge Basket 7 £ I I 30 £ 3 DAY NURSERY. 284 814 VISITORS’ BED ROOM. 6 ft. Linen Cupboard 8 5 Solid Ash Bed Room Suite 38 17 Deal Table, stained legs ... 2 IO 311 2055 5 ft. Brass Bedstead 5 IO Pembroke Table I IO 325 20 5 ft. Box Spring Mattress ... 5 IO 4 Chairs, 3/6 14 325 12 5 ft. all-Hair Mattress 4 2 Slope-seat Chair 12 6 326 5 ft. Feather Bolster 2 5° Buff Linen Blind, on American 326 G 9 2 Feather Pillows, 11 /— ... Double Set Toilet Ware ... 1 2 367 roller 7 6 387 2 2 1407 High Wire Fender, 3 ft. 9 in., 387 G 9 Slop Receiver 17 27 in. high 18 6 387 G 9 Foot Bath ... 1 2 342 1025 Set Fireirons, black and brass 5 9 413 Carafe and Tumbler 2 6 94 1028 Linoleum 4 365 1393 Water Can, brass ... 12 9 97 Rug. 12 366 1392 Hot Water Can 8 9 345 1092 Coal Scoop ... 3 6 299 167 871 286 Linen Basket Easy Chair ... 1 8 15 6 High Chair ... 19 6 £ 18 170 3ii Couch in Cretonne ... 3 IO 20 3 342 343 345 1040 1044 1094 Fender, brass Fire Brasses... Coal Box, black and brass 1 7 9 15 6 6 6 3°5 2027 NIGHT NURSERY. Two 5 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. Children’s [ 5& K 21 Cornice Poles and Tapestry Curtains, complete with loops 5 4 325 2 bedsteads at 13/0 Two 5 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. Palliasses at 7/6 . I 7 G 5° 3 Buff Linen Window Blinds, 225 82-83 97 8348 fringed, on patent rollers, 11/6... Carpet ... ... ... \ Rug. j 1 7 14 6 Two 5 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. Hair Mattresses at 27/- 2 Pillows at 6/6 2 H 13 306 2036 3 ft. Iron Bedstead with wire £ 83 12 6 mattress, top mattress, bolster, and a feather pillow Linen Airer... l6 6 6 YOUNG LADIES’ BED ROOM. 6 261 791 Enamelled White Bed Room Suite 24 3 Towel Horse 2 6 310 2oqi 4 ft. 6 in. Brass Bedstead... 4 5 Dressing Table 8 6 325 19 4 ft. 6 in. Spring Mattress 3 IO 385 Washstand ... 8 6 325 12 4 ft. 6 in. Hair Mattress ... 3 12 Set of Toilet Ware (Spray) 4 II 325 4 ft. 6 in. Feather Bolster... 15 6 2 Chairs at 3/6 7 326 2 Feather Pillows, 8/6 17 365 1397 Sponge Bath (34^ in.) 17 Toilet Ware 1 15 Linen Basket 5 6 413 2 Carafes and Classes, 2/- ... 4 Low Washstand, fitted basin, &c.... I 8 6 333 926 Easy Chair in cretonne 1 5 365 1393 Toilet Can (12 quarts) 5 Sponge Basket II 367 1407 High Guard Fender (3 ft. 6 in.) ... l6 II Foot Bath (white) ... 7 8 342 IO24 Set of Fireirons, black and brass 4 4 Slop Receiver (white and gold) ... 4 II Coal Box 3 6 365 1393 Water Can, (io qts.) . 5 O 345 IO92 Soiled Linen Basket 5 6 299 869 Linen Basket 7 O 54 Pole and Curtains in cretonne, 342 '°33 Fender, black and brass ... 14 chintz, tapestry or serge, loops 342 1025 Fireirons, black and brass... 5 9 to match ... I 5 6 345 1093 Coal Vase, black and brass 7 6 5° BuffLinen Blind, on American roller 6 6 54 2 Cornice Poles and Curtains in Tapestry, Cretonne or Chintz, 92-93 Carpet 3 lined and trimmed, complete, loops to match ... 18 1. 8 4 7 5° 2 Buff Linen Blinds, on patent LADY’S MAID’S ROOM. rollers, complete, fringed, 11/6... 1 3 250 786 Japanned Ash Bed Room Suite ... 5 18 6 821 83} 97-1 8348 Axminster Carpet, 13 ft. by 10 ft., and Rug ... 7 17 6 306 2036 Bedstead, Woven Wire Mattress, Wool Mattress, Bolster, Feather Pillow . I l6 6 j 56 7 3 Carried forward...^ 7 15 HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W HAMPTON & SONS’ ESTIMATES. No. 6 Estimate for completely Furnishing a House containing Twenty Rooms for £2,000 (continued). ILLUSTRATION rACE ! NO. s. d. 1 Brought forward... £ 7 15 3 S 5 Set of Toilet Ware (Spray ... 4 I I Slop Receiver (White) 6 413 Water Bottle and Tumbler 1 Foot Bath (White) ... 7 6 365 1393 Water Can (12 qts.)... 5 3+2 1032 Fender, black and bright ... 3 6 4 ft. by 2 ft. 8 in. Dressing Table... 19 6 345 1092 Coal Box 3 6 5° Buff Holland Blind, on American roller 6 6 92-23 334 3-ply Art Carpet, 12 ft. by 9 ft. .. 1 10 £ 11 19 I I BUTLER’S ROOM. 306 2036 3 ft. 6 in. Bedstead, Woven Wire Mattress, Best Brown Wool Mattress, Bolster and Pillow ... 2 17 3 ft. 6 in. Chest of Drawers 1 7 6 2 ft. Washstand 8 6 385 Set of Toilet Ware (spray) 4 I I Pedestal Cupboard... 11 6 Towel Horse 2 6 2 Chairs, at 3/6 7 Toilet Glass 6 9 Slop Receiver (white) 6. 365 1394 Foot Bath ... 4 8 365 1393 Water Can (10 quarts) 4 6 9 2 “93 5718 Carpet 14 9 5 ° Buft Plolland Blind, on common roller 6 6 342 1032 Fender 3 6 342 1023 Set of P'ireirons 3 6 Coal Vase, strong ... 3 9 8 10 4 KITCHEN. Deal Table ... 2 10 Side Table ... I TO Scullery Table 12 6 Linen Presser 2 7 6 6 Windsor Chairs, 5/9 I 14 6 2 Elbow Chairs, 13/6 I 17 Fender, strong, (6 ft.) 18 6 Fireirons 8 6 Coal Scoop ... 5 9 8-day English Clock I 12 6 94-95 239 Floorcloth ... 5 10 5° Buft' Holland Blind, on common roller 8 6 £ 19 17 3 TWO SERVANTS’ ROOMS. 306 2036 4 3 ft. Bedsteads and Bedding, 36/6 7 6 O 4 3 ft. Chest Drawers, 22/6 4 IO 4 2 ft. Washstand, 8/6 . I 14 4 3 ft. Dressing Tables, 8/6 I 14 385 4 Sets Toilet Ware (spray), 4/11 ... 19 4 4 Toilet Glasses, 4/6 18 413 4 Water Bottles and Glasses -... 4 4 Towel Horses, 2/6 10 4 Chairs, 3/6 14 5° 2 Buff Holland Blinds and common rollers, 6/6 13 Carried forward... 19 1 2 1 4 ILLUSTRATION PAGE NO. 342 342 1032 1023 Brought forward 8 Bedside Rues, 5/6 2 Fenders, 3/6 2 Sets Fireirons, 3/6 2 Baths, Foot, 4/6 ... 2 Water Cans, 4/6 ... 4 Slop Receivers (white), 3/6 LINENS. 3 pairs fine Linen Sheets for 5 6 in. lied, 49/- ... 3 pairs Frilled Pillow Cases, 8,6 1 pair Blankets 1 Under Blanket ... 1 White Quilt . 3 Toilet Covers, 2/9 1 Down Quilt 2 pairs Linen Sheets for 5 ft. bed, 30/- 2 pairs Friiled Pillow Cases, 5/9... 1 pair Blankets 1 Under Blanket ... 1 White Quilt 2 Toilet Covers, 2/6 1 Down Quilt 2 pairs Linen Sheets for 4 ft. 6 in. bed, 25/- ... 2 pairs Pillow Cases, 5/9 I pair Blankets 1 Under Blanket ... 1 White Quilt 2 Toilet Covers, 2/- 1 Down Quilt 2 pairs Linen Sheets for 5 ft. 6 in. bed, 21/-. 2 pairs Linen Pillow Cases, 5/9 ... 1 pair Blankets 1 Under Blanket ... 1 White Quilt 2 Toilet Covers, 1/9 6 pairs Fine Cotton Sheets for 2 Children’s beds, 7/- 2 Pillow Cases, 2/6 2 pairs Blankets, 12/6 2 Under Blankets, 3/6 2 Quilts, 7/9 8 pair Cotton Sheets for 4 Servants’ beds, 3 ft., 8/-. 4 pairs Pillow Cases, 1/9 ... 4 pairs Blankets, 11 /- 4 Under Blankets, 3/1^ . 4 Coloured Quilts, 4/11 ... 4 Toilet Covers, i/o£ . 2 pairs Linen Sheets for Man- servants’ beds, 5 ft* 6 in., 15/-... 1 pair Pillow Cases 1 pair Blankets 1 Under Blanket ... 1 Coloured Quilt ... 2 Coloured Toilet Covers, 1/- ... Carried forward £ | £ ILLUSTRATION ILLUSTRATION S. d. PAGE NO. £ S. d. PAGE NO. 19 2 4 Brought forward... £ 51 15 2 4 4 Damask Cloths, 2b yds. by 2\ 7 yds., 12/9 . 2 II 375 P 68 7 4 Damask Cloths, 2\ yds. by 3 375 P 64 9. yds., 24/6 . 4 18 375 P 72 9 3 Damask Cloths, 2\ yds. by 4 378 P 114 14 yds., 37/6. 5 12 6 376 P75 — — I Damask Cloth, 2-| yds. by 6 yds., 2 15 23 12 4 i doz. Fish Napkins 6 9 376 PS5 I doz. Breakfast Napkins ... 10 6 2 doz. Dinner Napkins, 18/9 1 17 6 369 P 10 7 7 1 doz. Very Fine Dinner Napkins 1 10 369 P 10 I 5 6 1 doz. D’Oylies 8 6 369 P 10 2 15 6 Tray Cloths, 1 yd. by i£ yds., 2/3 13 6 369 P 10 9 9 6 Kitchen Cloths, 2 yds. by 369 P 10 I 1.3 6 yds., 4/11. T 9 6 369 P 10 8 3 3 Dishing-up Cloths, i/ii 5 9 I 17 6 2 doz. Stout Huckaback, 12/6 I 1 doz. Fine Huckaback is 3 1 doz. Diaper Huckaback I 4 397 35 I I 6 b doz. Turkish Huckaback 20/- ...* 10 I 13 6 b doz. Brown Huckaback, 24/- ... 12 393 401 7 6 2 doz. Servants’ Huckaback, 10/6 I 1 48 I 1 6 b doz. Round Huckaback, 30/- .. 15 5 1 doz. Glass Cloths 7 6 399 I II 6 1 doz. Tea Cloths ... 7 6 1 doz. Kitchen Cloths • 7 6 401 63 1 doz. Kitchen Rubbers ... 8 3 2 10 2 doz. Check Dusters, 3/8 7 4 405 11 6 I doz. Knife Cloths 4 9 I 8 6 1 doz. Stable Rubbers 10 3 6 6 3 doz. Hearth Cloths, 3/- ... Q 413 413 I 6 2 doz. Housemaid’s Cloths, 9/3 ... 19 6 I I I 4 6 6 £ 85 4i3 412 725 ELECTRO PLATE AND CUTLERY. 4i3 4 J 3 5 2 I II I 6 6 37o | P l8, 19 or 20 1 36 Table Forks, fancy pattern, ) j AI quality, 43/- ... j 6 9 413 413 411 5 903 339 907 4 ? O t'- fO y y 24 Dessert Forks, fancy pattern, Ai 40 13 6 quality, 32/- 3 4 391 3 6 37° yy 12 Table Spoons, fancy pattern, Ai quality 2 8 415 37° y y 18 Soup Spoons, fancy pattern, Ai 2 2 quality, 44/6 3 6 9 415 5 37o ,, 24 Dessert Spoons, fancy pattern. I 5 Ai quality. 34/6 ... 3 9 415 7 37° yy 24 Tea Spoons, fancy pattern, Ai 15 6 37o yy quality, 22/- 12 Egg Spoons, fancy pattern, Ai 2 4 415 quality I 415 3 4 37° y y 8 Salt Spoons, fancy pattern, Ai 7 quality, 1/8 . 13 4 415 2 4 37° I Soup Ladle 12 12 6 37o yy 4 Sauce Spoons, 4/- l6 415 19 8 37° y y 1 Gravy Spoon 7 3 4 2 370 y y 2 Butter Knives, 3/6 7 415 37° y y 2 pairs Sugar Tongs, 3/8 ... 7 4 370 p 31 1 pair Fish Carvers I 415 I 10 37i 18 Fish Eating Knives and Forks 415 3 6 in case 9 15 415 12 9 37i p 29 18 Dessert Knives and Forks in 415 4 9 case 8 5 4 11 1 Sugar Sifter . 5 6 415 2 4 pairs Nutcracks, 4/- . l6 51 15 | Carried forward .. £ 45 5 2 f £ Brought forward...;£ 45 1 Biscuit Box ... ... ... | 1 1 Dinner Cruet, 6 Cut Glass Bottles 2 Breakfast Cruets, 18/- ... ... 1 1 Sauce Frame ... ... ... 1 A Tea and Coffee Service ... 12 £ Set of Entree Dishes and Covers making 4 dishes, 12 inches A Set of 4 Dish Covers, 10, 12, 14 and 16 inches ... .... ... 10 36 Table Knives, 42/- per doz. ... 6 24 Dessert Knives, 34/- ... ... 3 1 pair 8 in. Meat Carvers 1 pair 9 in. Meat Carvers 1 pair Game Carvers 1 Table Steel £\92 CHINA AND GLASS. I Dinner Set for 12 persons —105 I pieces 1 ditto, second best (Fantasia) 1 Dessert Set for 12 persons—18 pieces 1 Breakfast Service for 12 persons— j 51 pieces (Beatrice) 1 Tea Service for 12 persons—40 ; pieces Service of Table Glass for ; 129 piece 12 persons (Leamington) 12 Wine Glasses 4 Sets 4 Oval Dishes 12 Hock Glasses (Ruby) ... 12 Soda Tumblers (Cut) ... 1 Set 3 Glass Jugs (Star Bottom)... 2 Claret Decanters... 2 Wine ditto 12 Tumblers, £ pint (Cut) ... 12 Claret Tumblers (Star Bottom) 24 Tumblers for Kitchen. 1 Dinner Set, 52 pieces, for Kitchen (Trafalgar) 5 Basins with lips for Kitchen (White) ... 1 Set 7 Pudding Bowls for Kitchen (White) ... 1 Set of 6 Jugs (2 each 3 sizes) for Kitchen (White). 3 large Stock Pans, K, for Kitchen (White). 12 Breakfast Cups and Saucers for Kitchen (Buff) ... 12 Breakfast Plates for Kitchen (Buff) 12 Tta Cups and Saucers for Kitchen (Buff) ._ 2 Slop Basins, 2 Sugar Basins for Kitchen (Buff) ... 2 Milk Jugs for Kitchen (Buff) 4 Bread Plates for Kitchen (Buff)... 12 Egg Cups for Kitchen (Buff) ... 5 Teapots for Kitchen (5 sizes, Brown) ... 2 Coffee Pots for Kitchen, 1/2, iod. (fireproof)... s. d. 5 I 2 10 j 2 16 2 15 Carried forward...^ 53 17 3 2 19 7 5 9 4 3 6 3 17 6 10 14 5 6 9 8 6 6 6 9 7 6 14 II 5 3 9 4 6 1 1 6 6 5 3 2 10 8 7 4 9 2 9 2 9 I 2 I 2 2 4 2 2 II 2 53 2 II HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W 432 HAMPTON & SONS’ ESTIMATES. No. 6 Estimate for completely Furnishing a House containing Twenty Rooms for £2.000 (continued). ILLUSTRATION 415 415 415 415 415 413 399 633 £ s. d. Brought forward £ 53 2 II 1 Set of Oval-eared Dishes for Kitchen (fireproof) 4 2 1 Set of 3 Milk Boilers for Kitchen (fireproof)... 5 7 Set of 3 Saucepans and Covers for Kitchen (fireproof) ... 5 8 1 Game Pie Dish for Kitchen (fire- proof) 3 1 Set of 12 Pie Dishes for Kitchen (White). 3 IO 2 Small Water Sets, at 2/6 5 1 Afternoon Tea Set on Revolving Tray (Sandringham) 2 12 6 1 Cut Glass Sugar Basin and Cream Jug (as selected)... 7 1 Cut Butter Dish and Cover (as selected) ... 5 4 Cut Salt Cellars, at 2 1 - (as selected). 8 8 Cut Knife Rests (as selected) ... 4 4 Cut Pickle Bottles, at 2/- (as 2 selected) ... 4 2 Cut Chutney Bottles, at 2/6 (as selected) ... 5 1 Biscuit Tray, 3 divisions, painted (as selected) 5 1 Cheese Dish and Cover, decorated (as selected) 5 1 Set of 3 Jugs, hot water (as selected) ... 6 1 Bread Pan and Cover (Brown)... 3 6 1 Cheese Pan and Cover (Brown)... 2 6 2 Salt Cellars for Kitchen (as selected) ... 1 f 1 Set of 3 Best Jugs (as selected)... 6 £ 60 5 IRONMONGERY. 6 Wrought Steel Saucepans 2 IO 1 Wrought Steel Stockpot with tap and drainer 2 12 6 1 Wrought Steel Oval Boiler I IO 1 Wrought Steel Fish Kettle I q 1 Wrought Steel Fish Fryer 10 6 6 Copper Stewpans 3 3 3 Copper Saucepans I 3 1 Copper Preserving Pan ... 16 4 Tin Cake l'ins ... 4 1 Mincing Machine 19 2 Galvanized Pails... T, 3 Wire Meat Covers IO Q 1 Flesh Fork 1 Pair of Steak Tongs 2 6 2 Paste Markers I i Case of Larding Pins and Needles ... 2 2 Corkscrews 2 ! 5 12 Table Knives and Forks 12 [ 6 12 Dessert Knives and Forks 8 6 i Pair of Meat Carvers 3 1 Steel I 6 Nickel Silver Table Spoons 6 6 Dessert Silver Table Spoons . 3 1 9 12 Tea Spoons 4 6 Carried forward £ 17 16 2 HAMPTON & SO ILLUSTRATION PAGE NO. £ S. d. Brought forward... £ 17 16 2 2 Salt Spoons 8 1 Mustard Spoon ... 4 1 Tin-lined Wood Meat Screen ... 2 i Brass Bottle Jack 15 1 Basting Ladle I 9 2 Flour Dredgers ... I 9 1 Sugar Dredger ... I 2 Pepper Boxes 8 1 Block Tin Turbot Kettle 4 Baking Plates 13 3 Frypans ... 6 6 1 Wrought Steel Saute Pan 6 6 Jelly Moulds I 3 6 12 Dariole Cups 3 6 24 Patty Pans 1 6 6 Tart Pans .. 6 1 Soup Ladle 2 3 6 Iron Spoons, assorted . 2 9 2 Fish Slices I Egg ditto ... 1 2 1 Egg Ladle 6 2 Wrought Iron Tea Kettles 6 1 Copper ditto q i Seasoning Box 5 2 Pudding Moulds ... 6 6 I Brawn Mould 7 6 I Weighing Machine and Weights 18 6 i Block Tin Coffee Pot 1 Block Tin Teapot 2 9 3 Boxes Paste Cutters 6 I Box Vegetable ditto 3 3 Tin Funnels 1 Bread Grater 3 Gravy Strainers ... 3 5 2 Block Tin Colanders . 8 4 York Pans 3 1 Game Oven 1 Egg Whisk 8 1 Egg Beater 9 1 Coffee Mill 2 Sets Skewers 1 6 1 Mincing Knife ... 1 4 2 Sugar Canisters ... 4 2 Coffee Canisters ... 2 Tea Canisters 3 2 2 Japanned Tea Trays 10 6 2 Japanned Knife Trays ... 6 i set Block-tin Dish Covers I I 2 Cinder Shovels ... I 8 1 Coal Shovel 2 1 Coal Hammer I 3 2 Zinc-lined Coal Scoops ... IO 6 2 B.M. Salt Cellars I 6 1 B.M. Pepper Box , I 3 1 B.M. Mustard Pot I 6 4 Flat Irons 3 9 2 Stands for ditto ... 1 4 2 Dustpans ... 2 4 2 Japanned Slop Pails 8 4 Japanned Candlesticks ... 4 8 1 Japanned Candle Box ... 1 3 1 Hanging Gridiron 2 9 1 Toast Fork . 8 I Fry Basket 3 6 1 Oyster Knife 1 O 1 1 Carried forward... £ 35 17 O ILLUSTRATION PAGE NO. I Root Knife 1 Chopping Knife ... 3 Cook's Knives .... 2 Cook’s Forks 2 Apple Corers 4 Vegetable Scoops 1 Steel Steak Beater 1 Meat Chopper 1 Meat Saw... 12 Meat Hooks 2 Japanned Housemaid’s Boxes I Marble Mortar and Hard Wc Pestle 1 Patent Knife Machine ... 1 Japanned Spice Box 1 Salad Washer 1 Hand Bowl . 1 Egg Poacher 1 Sliding Hanger ... 1 Dripping Pan and Stand 1 Beer Tap ... 1 Bread Knife 1 Japanned Boiler Filler ... 1 Dinner Bell 1 Japanned Waiter .. 1 Japanned Flour Box TURNERY AND BR 1 Flue Brush 2 Towel Rollers and Brackets 1 Pasteboard and Rolling Pin 1 Plate Basket 1 Dirty Plate Basket and Lining 2 Jug Mops... 2 Wool Mops 2 pairs of Steps 2 Kneeling Mats ... 2 yards of Tammy Cloth ... 1 Wood Knife Tray 3 Housemaid’s Pails 3 pairs of Housemaid’s Gloves 6 Plate Leathers ... ... 1 Brush Box 1 Set of Shoe Brushes 1 Hat Brush 2 Dusting Brushes ... 2 Furniture Brushes 1 Dish Brush . 4 Plate Brushes ... 2 Bottle ditto 2 Decanter ditto 2 Paste ditto 1 W.C. Brush . 3 Sets Stove Brushes 1 Curtain Brush 1 Crumb ditto . 4 Scrubbing ditto ... 1 Clothes ditto . 2 Clothes Horses ... 1 Wall Broom with jointed hand 2 Bass Broom 3 Sweep’s Brushes ... 1 Stair Carpet Brush Carried forward £\ £ s. 1 d - L 35 17 IO I O 5 6 6 3 3 2 I 6 2 8 2 9 2 O 3 6 I 9 13 17 6 3 3 6 I 9 I 2 2 3 9 9 6 2 9 I 6 3 3 6 I 9 7 6 44 5 7 3HES. I 9 2 4 9 4 9 IO 8 3 6 11 6 2 6 4 2 7 6 3 7 6 1 2 6 I 6 3 3 3 9 2 3 3 9 IO I 6 I 9 I 6 IO 6 4 6 2 9 5 8 4 9 IO 3 9 6 I 9 3 6 2 7 7 IO ILLUSTRATION PAGE NO. 1 Brought forward., 1 Whisk Banister Brush 2 Single Banister ditto 2 Double ditto 2 Carpet Brooms ... 3 Hair Brooms 2 Clothes Baskets ... 2 Laundry Brushes... 2 Sink Brushes 2 Saucepan ditto ... 1 Potato Masher 1 Vegetable Presser I Cask Stand 1 Bread Plate 1 Set Table Mats ... 1 Cinder Rocker ... 1 Knife Basket 1 Plate Rack 1 Washing Stool ... 2 Washing Trays ... 1 Jelly Bag and Stand 1 Wood Bowl 2 Oak Glass Tubs .. 1 Oak Dish Tub ... 2 Wire Sieves 2 Hair ditto... 6 Wood Spoons 1 Pair Lemon Squeezers 1 Salt Box ... 1 Decanter Drainer 1 Chopping Tray ... £ £ 14 SUMMARY. Hall and Staircase Dining Room Drawing Room Morning Room Boudoir Library Billiard Room Smoking Room Best Bed Room. Dressing Room Visitors’ Bed Room Young Ladies’ Bed Roo Bath Room Day Nursery Night Nursery ... Lady’s Maid’s Room Butler’s Room ... Kitchen . z Servants’ Rooms for Servants . Household Linen Electro Plate and Cutlery China and Glass Ironmongery . Turnery and Brushes .. 8 7 54 4 6 239 l6 6 372 I 90 3 6 157 16 6 135 3 131 4 99 8 140 19 9 30 3 8.3 12 6 56 7 3 IO I I 20 18 3 18 I 8 II 19 II 8 IO 4 19 17 3 23 12 4 85 92 6 60 5 44 5 7 M 8 7 2000 HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, and Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W. T ts tc n ; I I*