Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/discouerieoferroOOvinc J DISGOVERIE ERROVRS In the firft Edition of the CAT^LOGVE O f NOBILITY, PVBLISHED ®»Raphe Brooke,^ Herald, itfip. And Printed herewith word for wrdfiuording to that Editto* WITH dently appear e to the Reader ,how ynfound the Frame of his whole 'Booty is in fubflance,how glorious foeuer it f hemes to the eje the Htnfittejlofmany (fncefperceiuedlearnedermen were reel enough content to be lookers on) refoluedto taty this IVorty a/under, and particularly to anfwerjhchparcels thereof, as (Jorthe timeJ) fell within compajje of my fear chandinquiry. f fiall bee further encouraged tohajlenthe Baronage of England, and the Liues of all fuch as haue (from the firfl foundation) bene Compani- ons of the Noble Order of the Garter, which f intend to fet forward with all good Jpeede. f n the meane time, IJhallputjourLordjhipinmy daily pray ~ ers y that that hand of Heauen, which happily fentjou to vs > pro^ teBand/Jjieldjou in jour goings out and commings injthat his Ma~ iefiie and the State may long eniqy the good of your feruice : our Societie the blefsing ofyourTatronage andgouernment : my poore felfe the happinejfe to bee Your Lordfhips humbled Beadefman fpeciallydeuotedto your Seruice, <*Augi Vincent, e Rouge*cmx. TO RAPHE BROOKE, YORKE HERALD. a Yorke, If there bee any that enuie your worth fo much as to detract from your due , I am not of that number. I acknowledge,he that walkes fiftieyeeres in the Sunne, cannot choofe but bee Sun- burnt. I confefle^ you haue had time enough to gaine Tra&ice and Experience • and haue in that time taken good and commendable pains, hauing with your own hand gathred much Hony out of other mens Hiues, 6c made good vfe of it to your ownc glorie : and to do you right,this laft Collection (hewes both your paines and proficiencie, that you haue not liued altogether like a Drone in your place, hauing in this fpace offortieyeeres, brought to the PrefTe this excellent peece, wherein wbatfoeuer our great Matters of this Facultie, haue left fcattered in their loofe Notes and Memorialles, isheere (for the benefite of Stu* dents) reduced into aBooke of no great price, with fuch Method and iudgement, as might haue beene admired (confidcring the Authors Learning)had he not too much admired it hi oifeife. But fome works are not well doneby two hands, faithMartiall : —Sufficlt rvnux Huic operijfi Muft all elfe be Vpftarts,Nouices,Intruders & Mountebanks? While Jpelles liued, was there but one Painter in all Greece? Or becaufe Demoftbenes bare away the prize of Oratorie, were all the reft no bet- ter then Mountebankes > It is certaine, England hath but one Yorke, but muft therefore all the reft of the Heraulds giueouer their places? ramur fumma (tilth Tully) fedtameninferiora probamus, though eminent men are to be admired, yet men of a lower Forme muft not bee call away. There be degrees in all knowledges, and it were hard to con- clude, That becaufe lorke knowes more, therefore Somerfet knowes nothing. It is true, when I firft entred a Nouice into the World, I found it pofleft of a ftrange admiration of Mafter lorke < his name was growne a Terror to men of his owne Profeflion : and I a young Nouice,could not but be carried v ith the multitude, into the fame Opinion . Hec had then but newly let forth a Booke againft Mafter Qtmden , Artifici- ally penned, and like a Scholler, I know the Doctors name that pen- ned it. I then beganne to obferue him abroad,faw hirrij though loued of few,yet feared of all} heard him fing Magnificat of himfeife in ut that I geiled might proceede out of age : But entering further,and feeing him to grow from Vinegar to Gall, and from Gall to Venome, againft fo renowned andreuerend a man, and the fame mixt with pride, arrogancie, and admiration of himfeife, this beganne a little to ihake my former conceite : thefe things (me thought) did not fo well fute with a man that were truly Learned^ but yet, thefe were his Mo* ralle* (which are not alike tempered in all men) this toucht not his Intefletluals. I I then grew bolder, andbeganne to handle himneerer^labou* ring, by comparing their Bookes, tofatisfie myfelfe, whether Ma- tter Qamden were fo blacke, as hee had painted him, or not I found for Matter Camden, that if hee had erred, hee had erred with Au- thority: For Yorke, I faw no proofes, but Vythayorian proofes, in fteed of Serif turn eft, Iffe dixit, no Record, no Antiquitie, but his owne antiquitie of fortie yeares Tratltfe in that Studie : this I liked not. Befides, I noted in him, not onely Animum contradicendi, a fpi- rit of Contradiction, but Studium calumniand'u a willful! humour of miftaking; like Hercules in a Play, that made Monfters of ftraw for himfelfe to fubdue , malicioufly peruerting and mifconftruing what had a true and a right vnderttanding : and in further procelle difcoueredin him, by the Bookeslfearched,agreatdealeof^«o^«ce and infujficiency. Then I clearely found mine Error, Tune ille Aineas f ^ m ^ ^ Is this M. Yorkef Are thefe the fruits oiForty yeares Study f I then damn'd K-ngjn your my opinion, and hated my felfeforit, and that many-headed Beaft, Edition, from whom I had receyued it, taking a document thereby, neuer a- gaine to builde my iudgement, either in good or bad part, vpon the Vulgar, who fet vp fhadowes for Saints, and adore wooden images, which in their true worth were fitter to be made Whipping-pofts,and blaft with their breath the truely Vertuous and Noble, of whom the World is vnworthy: Thus (M Yorke) haue I fhrieued my felfe to yon, what progretfe you haue made through my opinion, from the higheft fteppe to the loweft,and in what termes you flood there,before your late admired QAT JLOGV E came to light, fo as now hauing thus giuen you a true glafle of my heart, I trutt you will be fatisfied, That it was not any humour of Enuie or Emulation, that drew me into this oppofition, but firft my zeale to Truth, which I knew fuflfered in this Difcourfe : next, your owne intolerable arrogance aud pride of conceite, your vilifying and contempt of others, as if you had ftoode on the toppe of Powles, and faw all men vnder you no bigger then Iacke=dawes : your familiar vaine of detracting from thebeft and Worthieft men : your tongue gliding ouer no mans name, but that it left a {lime behind it: and laftly, the knowledge and experience 1 had of your defects, and infinite diftance from true fufficiencie, and the iuft difdaine which burnt within mee, to fee a Fellow blowne vp by a popular applaufe^ 5 1 an< ^ and almoft deified amongftfillie beleeuers (as theStore-houfe of Knowledge) whom ] knew to be no better, then the Tombe of Se- miramis, glorious without, andpromifingby the infcription, great Treafure within ^ whereas Darius opening it, found his expectation *coMon S mockt, with the fight of a brainlefle skull, and * the reliques of dead Reared, Efi- carkafles. But, admit Ernie had Ipurr'd mee on to this Worke, doth &X h . 6 that proue, that what you writ, was true ? t^um, quia ego claudas, tu recid incedis ? Cloze with mee in this point : is that true or no which I haue written, in difcouering of yourfalfhoods? If it be not, you are allow- ed your trauerfe : if it be true that I fay, what difference or choyce is there of the perfon, whether Enuie or DetraSlion, or the diuell himfelfe fpeake it: Truth being euer the fame, through what mouth, or from what mind foeuer it paflef In matters of Charitie, it is true, we looke not what, but with what minde it is giuen : but in a verdict of Truth it is not to be regarded with what minde, but whatis fpoken Neither can your Fifthyearei lattice, giueyou priuiledgeto write vntruetli Iffi,z!edt by Authority, or to fit forth things that may appear e untrue, without au* thoritie. But we (you fay) take e deliuer. Is not this a ftrange lmpudencie, himfelfe to deliuer nothing vpon Record, and I nothing without (as the Margent fhewes) and yet to tell vs to our faces, that wee haue no Records to warrant what wee fay, as implying that no man had but himfelfe ? If he haue fuch Records, why doth he not produce them in their turnes? Why dothhenotlay them downe vpon the Margent? Vnlefle he haue Tompeyes Guift,which he vaunted of,that with a ftacrtp of his foote, hee could fodainly raife an Armie of Records out of the Reader in your ground. But (without orientation he it fpoken) your Library is better fur ni- «™ ded " lon Jhedthen the Office ofjrmes. Perhaps with Heraldes Notes or Painters Records : Or graunt your Librarie bee better furnifhed with ancient and authenticke Records then the Office at the Tower, whilel know yourScholerfliip, I fhall neuerfeare your Librarie: If you flhould tell vs vsdiat your Librarie had all the Fathers in Greefo, muft we therefore conclude you to be a Dodor in Diuinity * All contradictions (you fay) are not to be receiued as rondeniable truths i but (by your leaue) if they bee Epiji.ttfr* grounded vpon vncontroulable Records, they are. You would haue our experiences compared-, a new kinde of exception, when men come to fight, theyfhouldmeafure lengths. Experience may teach you to Judge ofcolours, blaze a Coate of Armes, order a Funerall, or mar- fhall a Proceeding,but experience cannot make you wife 3 - experience cannot make you skilfull in Records, vnlefle you came where they were, (which is not commonly in Painters fhoppes) and come fitlie prepared and qualified by your breeding, to vnderftand the language they fpeak, which I doubt your fi ft ieyeeresftudie and practice hath hard- ly taught you, (for as the Italiantod that had beenefourtie yeeres in England, and fpake no Englifh h Alas, what can a man learne in fourty yeeres ?J nor I beleeue fiftie more, and NeFiors yeeres to boote (which God fend you) would not haue ferued to teach you at that time of day when you came firft to your pradice. Whatfoeuer my experience bee, fure I am, the Records I quote haue experience, compare/ yours with theirs : they hvazyeeres, meafure theirs with your owne, and then tell me of your fifty yeeres practice and ftudie. Mi/era eft fenetlm(&\t\\ Tul- ci «**f e >** ly) autt Je oratione defendit. I pittie that old man that is driuen to plead age^ or begge reputation from his yeeres. Hee that boafted at Athens of the great leape he leapt at Rhodes } < was bidden to imagine that was Rhodes, and do the like there. If your pra&ice and experience be fuch as you boaft of, let it appearein your worke : that is Rhodes that is the field to {hew it in. Otherwife thefe vaunts tend but to make me finne in vaine-glorie : for if I by my experience am able at thefe yeeres to controll your fiftie yeeres practice, what may I hope of my felfe, when I come to your experience ? And as thefe (God Wot) arepoore and (hallow defences, fo that fhift puts downe all the reft : that the efcapes and Jlippesof the (printer, ^j?£ tf,e iraue his enuious Detractors occafion to carpe at his Labours : Was there euer heard a more miferable refuge f As if vntruths in the Hiftorie, or fal- fifications in the Chronologie, either of Creations, which may breed bitter contention betwixt great perfons for precedencie, or for deaths, or the like materiall Errors, which I (his enuious Detractor Jon* ly ftoope at, were the Printers negligences, and not his owne groffe igno- ignorances. But for thac point, I will turne the Printer loofe to you, who(itfeemes though he be blinde, meanesnot to fwallow any fuch flies at your hands : and fo I clofe vp my Epiftle, or rather my anfwer to yours: wherein if ought pleafenot your palate, you may anfwere your felfe with that of Terence, (^e/ponfum eft, non male di Bum , quia Ufit prior. Jt is but a pledge, you began to me of the fame cup. Youhaue taught me to fliarpen my pen ; and I doubt not but you haue learnt to heare ill patiently, becaufeyoufpeakeit willinglie : which difeafe if you cannot otherwife (hake of,I know no better way then this to cure S wrf** fr4 ^ ^ Uam ^"P*^™ ma ^ dicendo cepifii, earn male audiendo aminos. And fo will I pray for you, V P fit mens fana in corpore fano, and turne you ouer to the Printer. vfug: Vincent, c Rouge^croix. / THE PRINTER. 5 Hile I was Matter of mine eyes, I read a ftory of an auncienE Mole in Greece, who hauing fpent jttH fiftie yeares in trauaili about the countrey , tookc fo ftrong a conceitc of his skill in Co(mography,z% he became with child of a Map of Greece; which after a fore labour of aboue * twentyi yeares, at laft storks* Difcouerie againft he brought into the world, and (as the Title promifcd) in M.cw^ag. ^printed logenerallapcrfealI,howfoeuerhee hath made my PreAe acceflarie ; But firft, what tares were thofc which the enemy fowed while the good man flept ? Of what qualitie are thofe faults committed by the Prin- ter in the time ofhitfcknetfc, for reflifying whereof (and for no further rcafon,of fore- ftaliing this Difcouerie then in hand, or of making his offence good by Statute : for Which heftood puniflit by publike authorise) hee poafted infuchhaft, night and day, but efpecially by night, to re-print at bis owne charge, and the Printers perilL that vnauthorized Edition, when there lay yet (and yet do) of the former imprefsi- on.alraoft two hundred of fiue, rotting by the wallcs ? If Mafter r^had meant well, it had beene fit (there being diucrs kmdc* and degrees of Errors in his Booke) that he had explained himfelfe, of what ranke thofe faults andmiftakings werc,which hechargeth the Printer to haue committed in the time ofhisheauie vifitation, and not to haue left it fo at large, as there is not an Error in his whole booke, but by thofe indefinite termes, he may meanc it to haue bin the Printers, and fo(it fcemes) he would faine haue it vnderftood; as appeares by what followcs hi thatplace:T^ flippes of the P? inter, haue gtuen my enuiom Detractors occasion to carte at my labours : agxinft which, /hope, theyjhall now haue no iufi caufe of exception. Wherein how falfe he hath played with his owne confcicnce, and how groffely abufed, both the Printer and his Reader, itftandsmeYpon,formy ownedifcharge, to make knowne to the world. For I appealc to euerie mans reafon, whether any of thofe palpable errors and abufes of his Reader (whereof in this Difcouerie you fliall bade a number ftript and whipt) can be iaftly charged vpon the Printers accompt: As ePag.^^edition. See it *T??7a , 'f^T opposition againl! the Honour of the Earlcdomc of dHcoocred in this book, P ag. ArHnd ™> Koine vndcrthe Titleof 'Sufex; that malicious mifreporting of a place IF'sn -i , \ nM ? ftcr W :whofew ^ S^. ° nKle,Pag,7?S - of Iohn Seymour Knight, and fifter to LordSdward Seymour Knight, far lee f Hertford, and Duke of Somerfet: MafterT^ in his report of them, amoneftthe Er- gi.edmon, printed, Ieaues rorsbefore his s Catalogue (though he retracted it in the firft Publication, ashere- wWiaauu. unhands penied , or %% lea(Vw3$ a(ll3med J z[l the rc{{ y thc ^ ; L^ng "Ts finrAr vpon that part, and fifter to herd Edward Seymour Knight, leaucs M..SWtofay thatfhec was daughter to John Seymour Knight, Sarle of Hertford and Duke of Somerfet : and thereupon tolemnly confutes him, that there was neuer any John Seymour either larlt % of Hertford, or Duke of Somerfet : and giucs him a flwpe fchooling, that lohn Speede might, do well to go tofome skftfuli Herald (as for example, Matter Torke) to be better in. formed. Or that groffe/^nm^for vnto thofc two heads of Maltce and Ignorance are the faults of h IS booke in greateft part reducible) when hee writes, that ike W, h t„ *m cv t i i? nnc of Kin » reh "> wa$ cr °wncd King of the Romanes and Almairne at the S£S!SSE?,^&i , CU1C 0i ) AC ° n '- ° therS ^ ^ Al Wr~* « ^ had faid, at pother' edition. ™ue « Ltttetta, or to come neerer home, at S. Albones, others haue at Verulame^ there 'being no more choice betwixt t^con and Aquifgraue, then betweene TUpke "Brooke, and \Torkg Herald, as he ftyles himfelfe : I appeale (I fay) to any mans Con- lcicnce, or his owne, whether it be pofsible for the Prcffc, to be guiltie of thofe, or the like miftakmgs. Might he not as confeionably pinne thofe omifsions in his fe- lEpjftIet ° theiUng ' tedlt, °- ^^^^^^mefy^ Honourable Lords (your Commoner', fv'heOficeofEarlcUWarJhallofEng^ aU matters of 1r „ , a J .. H ™ ur Ti Ar T? lo *& eth ^ ndar " k Catalogue M.8.1 .edition cond. And vnder the title fSmkm Fit^alan Earle ofArundelfc That the faid Ml- hamwasnot Earleby »ay of any late Creation, but »as declared Earle of Arundell, inas muchas hewasLord ^dHcritourofthcCaftlcof Arundcll: andtbttke nameandtitle ^rlebeongedtothefaide Colli, and Honour, and had allies done to the Lords of the aEdo«w.g.ss. fadeCaftleofttmetkatnomndet*. AlUikcwifeftruckeoutinthe»fecond. Againe, ' in in the m Chapter oiThomas Howard the now Earle of ArundeH and Surrey, Surrey « i .edMon,foI,$. daftu out in the » fecond. Andafter, This noble Lordout of hi, lent and honour able dif- P TO S7 . pofition (with the other Lords Commtftoners) was the meanes, that his Maieftie did aug- ment and double the pen/ions of the Kings , Heralds ,and Purfuiuants ofArmes, with an al- lowance often founds ayearefor euer, towards the maintenance and repairing of the Office or follcdge. AU canccllcd in the ° fcconci - Mi 8 ht not Maftcr r ° rks fa y ^ by as g - ood ° aS ' 57 * reafon pretend, all thefe cmifsions to bee but the Printers efcapes, when it vihbly •appeares, that thefe malicious fubftraaions,and fomc new additions of the fame lea- ucn (both alike tending to bite at the Honour, of that moft noble Lord the Earle Marfhalloffw^W) were Wronger motiucs of his reprinting thatbookc, then the i»line in ( Turkic, for Apulig, or the c Tower of London for Hampton Court, and the like, or r pag 265 .firft edition. « mifcoatingof Armes,aad/)o/?or antedating oftimesfo familiar with him,as he rec- jp^"J; Icons them for no faults, nor worthy to come into any account(wherea* the leaft mi- u pag .7 9 .'& 104 . ftaking in that, or any of the other kinds,difcouered by him in another mans workc, had beene enough to haue damned him of Ignorance, falftfications, fuborning ofince- ftuom matches, Baftard ijfttes ^changing children in the cradle, and fuch fcumme of his rank* eloquence, wherewith his * Difcoueric ouer-flowes:) If(I fay) thofe bee the x Aga j n ft m 4 cw«» 3 quite faults he intides the Printer too, firft they had beene fo particularly pointed out in through the boofce. the firft v Errata, more then which his Amendments do not (hew, as I cannot be- y *e end of hi. , .editor,, leeue Maftcr Torke to be fo idle, though (God bee thanked) at good ley furc, as hee would fpend more time about them, or at leaft, thinke them worth the charge of a- mending at the Prefle. Next, though I afcribe no fuch infallibility to the Prefle, as Mafter Torke doth to his Pen, yet I am confident, that thefe Errors, or the moft part of them, looke fo like the Author, as no man of iudgement will father them vppon the Printer, inafmuch as they rather faueur of Ignorance then Neglect. And laftly, the mrkemen of that booke offer to ioyne iflue with Mafter Torke, that he fliall not {hew almoft any of thofe verball miftakings, which they cannot faften vpon himfelf, and produce in their difcharge, a fufincient warrant vnder his owne hand, which in this cafe cannot deceiue. In fummc, if it be true which the Workemen affirme, and thereupon offer to wa- ger: this gcnerall complaint of the Printers many faults and miftakings,m\ih returnc to this iflue, that either it is generally vntrue in all kindes, or can onely bee made good in literall faults, fome of which kinde, might perhaps efcape the Printer. And was not this a wonder, worthy to be founded forth in the Title of a bo©ke,that fome liter -all efcapes had paflad the Prefle ? and a caufc fufincient for Mafter Torke, (if none other had beene) to trauaile day and night (as Ripiersdoto kcepe their Fifh from ftinking) to fet forth a frefln edition of his Catalogue, for amending the faults commit' tedby the Printer: as if the fortune of his booke had lycn in ballance, or his learning and iudgement lyen at the ftake for fuch pettic mifprifions, where there was no feare that the meaneft Reader were like to ftumble at fuch ftrawes, nor t he moft captious Aduerfarie would go a hawking after fyllables ? In the mcane time, hath not the Printer a good office (thinke you) who,as a fcruant to the publike, ought in reafon to be cherifhed, if for the fuppofall of a letter amide, he fhall be fubiec*, at the ap- petite of euery fingle-foled Poet, and Painter, or of euery fecond-hand Broker of ether other mens bookes, to haue his credit baffeld and canuaft in a Treface.or fee to fale in the front of a booke ? Seeing then we haue with much inquiric fifted out, what tares they were which the Printer fowed in Mafter r<^« booke, it reroaines, that we take notice of the time pickt out to fow thefe tares, which is a point of efpeciall confequence And to fay truth, what time could it pofsibly bee . but in Mafter r*kgs abfence from the PrclTe occafioncd by his unfortunate fickneflc t Who all the time before while hce flood fentinell at the Prefle kept fuch ftria and diligent guard therc,as a letter could not patfc out of his duerankc, but was inftantly chech and reduced into order- but hisfickncffe, confining him to his chamber, and abftmiHlookc the Prefle, yet the f m/,,\md Rcuiems dulyatten! ded him and he perufed them (as ,s well to be iuftifyed) iu the maner he did befor e. For let that be true, fay he viewed, rcuic wed, direaed,corrc£ted, or whatfoeuer els yet what ,s all th.s to theprefence of an olde Herauld at a PrelTe, one that were ike! ly to blaze out any mans difgrace and print it (foraneedej inthe fore-headof a Booke that fliould commit the leaft Hterall fault ? No, I muft confeffe, that the f, e ht aloneotfucha rcuerend man in a Printing We, like an old Fencer vpon a State would do more good for keeping the prefle in order, then the view, andreuiew of cwenueproofe, ;by h mfelfe with all his Latine, „nd other learning/he being n^the raeane time personally abfent from the Prefle. ° ""ngintnc rh, p h r C /(T rCm2in ," 7 r T d °u bt l ° ? 1Uej fecin S Maftcr ror & a bfence from thcPreffe » implyed to haue bene the occafion. of the Printers falling into Errour, how it came about, that while m his time of hcalth,hc carefully vifned the Prefle al ohce fnflw T* in u h U """I"' ! n l fa,flf j- Cati0n$ in thc of time and place formkled through the worke (whereof I haue giuen youa tafte before, and ther by the Authors bhndnetTe, or thc Printers; and there lay vnefpyed, vntil better eyes then his owne happened to difcouer them? This (I muft confeffe) is a fhrewde and a riddle beyond my reading, which I muft therefore leaue to old Oedjpm c^i*Z V " u h f CyfU n 1 nCithcr W3S the P rcfcnc W^™> ceining material! vntruths , but hterall miftakings , that cfcaped the Prtfle . To which point, Mafter Torks giue meleaue, to Acquaint him with the mricZns an wer, whow.llatno h,nd^eeldethemfelues to bee fathers of thofc fyllabicall i t w \h M C l J ( - th l y) , T ° WnC blil,dcncffc WCrC not the —^r, yl at leaft tf? C Prefl \\ U A H thc y ^ *™ "afon, which I haue reafon to be- leeue, that if it be true which i^ generally receyued, that Mafter Torke borrowed mod ownl CT" T u, ? h 2, ^ C °P* ,CS » and C °P icd chcm commonly by his Jsl h Z M , P rob * b,eh " Cl erkfhip ™ght faile him, eitherin reading the text, correaedEdition jpa g.8 2 . he writ them b 5//?«-.y? ww ( as if there had bcene but fiue fitters of thc kPag.j8As4. '.Ed'«°n ° r . d ") and a number of the like, yet extant in his Copie : whichifthe Worke m-n and pa§ . 9i , , 22 .corrcfted had bene fo mad y dlfpofed to tve themfrln^ ,.SL • l • edition. L:, rtwn( .p r ,„,; / , V i> l l y tr| emiclu« too, and haue giuen him lcaue to pr nt m ad Wu 12 i ( Whlch ^ e y now re P c « they did notj hee would (they fay ) haue TnaClow^ my hands deanc of af P«fion which he cafis vpon me, concerning the Errors of. his his Booke, the mainc Error excepted, of defiling ray fingers at all with His pitch , which cleauesfofaft to my hands, as I (hall neuer (hake them off, but with lottc; wherein it cuer againe I be taken faulty, let that curfe light vpon me, which 1 pro- phefic will befall any Printer that hath to doe with him : that he worke by day in fcare, and like a thecfe in the night : that he bring forth his works like baftard fruits by ftcalth, and vent them in corners like ftolne Wares , and that in recompence ot all his paincs , his reward be no other but loffe and repentance by the Worke, and detraction and difgracc from the Author. But I fuppofe the example of his two !aft blinde Printers, and the better know- ledge of the Authors fufficiency, will qualifie their heate fromdoating too much after his works, who before time had madehimfelfc famous by other mens names, and terrible to all that heard but his, like the beaft you wot of M. Torke, who corn- mine at firft a ftrangcr into the woods, thundred with fuch a terrible noyfe, as hee not onely out-roared the Lion, but affrighted him, and all the other beaftes *ut of the Forreft. But in time they growing better acquainted with his cry, and by de- grees drawing fo necre to him, as they might difcerne his perfon and qualities,thcy found him to be no fuch dangerous creature, as he gaue himfelf out for, but a good fociable, harmleffe beaft, and fo he and his pofterity continue to this day. Whatfatisfa&ion a Partiall Reader may receyue by this my iuft Apologie, I know not; but howfocuer, it is enough for me, that I haue fatisfiedmy fclfein it, that U.Torke may vndcrftand, it touches a Printer as much to maintaine his repu- tation in the Art he liues by,asaHeraldinhisProfeiTion,andthatifany affront be done me in that kinde, 1 (hall be euer as fenfible of it, as hee would be of the like done to himfelfe : howfocuer it hath pleafed God to make me, and him to ftyle me a Blinde-Printer, though I could tell him by the way, that it is no right conclufioff in fchoolcs, that becaufc Homer was 'Blinde and a Poet, therefore hee was a Bl n&t~ Pott. FAREWELL, SERENIS SI M O POTENTISSIMOQ; MONARCHY IAGOBO D. G. MAGNU BRITANNIA, FRAN- CIS ETHIBERN1/E REGI, FIDEI DEFENSOR I, PERPETVjE PACIS FVNDATORl, PVBLICiG SECVRITATIS AVTHORI, REGALIVM OMNIVM VIRTVTVM E T ARTIVM POLITISSIMARVM VINDICI, AD JETERNITATEM BRIT ANN ICI NOMIN1S IMPERIIQ^ NATO, AVGVSTINVS VINCENTIVS FECI ALI S A RVBEA CRVCE DENOMIN ATVS Maieftatieiushumillimusacfidelis fubditus Scferuus, hafce fuas animaduerfiones quam humillime ad pedes Ma- ieftatis fuse prouolutus, DIGIT, D EDI C AT, CONSEgRAT. W 1 f TJl TheOPINIONS&OFFICES of fundry choice, and qualified Gentlemen, friends to the Author, touching this HIS DJSCOVERIE OF ERRORS. : 4 Sir William Segar Knight, alias Garter, principal! %ing of Armes his Lenuoy to the Author of this fiooke. §5§|g8|/ ^ CENT my Friend, let mc among the reft |gvw^ Of thy good Friends, that hauetheir loues expreft jP^ySsj In Verdict of thy Bookc 5 Commend thy diligence Grounded on Iudgement, and Experience, Which in the end fhall yeelde thee much renowne. The Argument rhou handled is fubhme, T'afcendto Honors pallace, thou muft clime High doubtfull rockes, and many vncouth wayes Before thou malt obtaine the wreathed bayes Which Veituc hath prepared thee to Crownc. Thou flialt encounter many fallacies, Which Ignorance and Errors falfities Haue laide to hinder thy progreffion . But feare not, follow thy Profelfion, And giue to Honour that which is her due. Difcouer falftiood, pluckc her vizard off, . That her falfe face men may both fee and fcoffe : Open her pr.cke 5 (hew foith her merchandies Which for th'moft part are but falfe colour'd Dies, Tk&lgnorame her Pedler men may view. Lay forth her Errors of rniftaken times, Inceftuous matches, which are hey nous crimes, Falfe dates of Charts, mifcited Parlemcnts, Ifliies impcffible,other rabblements Which time and truth fhall bring by thee to light. It is not fit a man fo meanely bred, That neither French nor Latin-tongue hath red, Nor vnderftands Record, or Deed enrol'd, But what from others fragments he hath proi'd Should thus of Nobknefle prefume to write. Crowes cannot fing the haughtie Eagles praile, Nor braying AiTes, Lyons courage raife : Auguftus would, that none but Virgih pen, Should write th'heroicke deeds of Worthy men, Whereby he got himfelfe a lafting name : So VINC E NT thou that keep'ft the beft Records, And know'ft what Honours due to Noble Lords, Perfeucr on, write truth, and Tie diuine In time thou'lt proue a hap pic Auguttine, When our Augulita Imts (hall heare thy fame. WiU:Segar 9 Garter. To the Induftrious M. Auguftine Vincent, c B^uge^Qroix, Turfuiuant of Armcs. Our Labours (kinde Sir) Tkh'kb you fo willingly haue Ifubmitted to my Qenfure, when I had perufed, I could do j no lejfe (then as you de fired ) treturne my opinion , and J therefore affureyou if my iudgement be any, you haue fo iudicioujly handled the matter, that I cannot but approue itj<& could not but allow of it, if I were Cenfor libroru public^ authoritate con{\.\tutus,asyou know lam notThe Worklamperfwadedwillbe generally acceptable, for that I find euery parage thereof, yeelding not onely delightful! content, but as fruitful! fatisfaBion to the Reader - and the rather, becaufeyour QoUeBions are not grounded vpon Vulgar Traditions, or the inuentions of a dreaming brake, the two enemies to all true Hiftorie, butho blinded the World, by taking upon him to corretl other mens Labours, whilefi himfelfe committed many grojfe and abfurd Errors. For the clearing thereof and maKmg that work exatl (and for no other end ) haueyou undertaken this burthen. In difcharge whereof I accompt my felfe the meanefi of many that can* not in luftice but greatly commendyour paines and care , and fhould accompt my felfe happy, if my endeauours might adde any Materials to the building up of that Honour arie Fabricke. Imight uerie fitly take occafion to instance fame particulars of your paines in ft arching out the truth of things hy %ecord^butllpillleaue that totheworke it felfe, not doubting but that all iudiciom %eaders loill eafily difcerne, and iudge of it according to the Tbortb,&* dis~li?igui{J? betwixt Truth and Error. So fhall they not onely render unto you, your due, butgiue you further encouragement to go on Vith other your good Workes in hand, which are no lejfe necejfary then this, as time and occafion fhall ferue. Jndfo wiping a happy iffue to your painfull endeuors, I rest. §3 Your allured louing Fellow and Friend Henry S.Cjeorge, Richmond Herald. TO HIS VERIE WELL: deferuing Friend and Fellow ^ o5W, zAugujline Vincent. ^Hat though thou haft few hayres vpon thy face f Truth } .like good wine.,needs not a bufli for grace.' Though yong, thou maieft encounter crabbed Age, Since Truth's thy guide, and Honour is thy Page. So well I like thy Booke, that but for fhame, Thofe Error si could praife, which caus'd the fame : For Error caufe*h Truth ; as doth a Flint, Strike fire, though it hath no fire int. But Trueth and Honour will not fuffer mee : Both which thou haft done right, & they done thee. Truth neuer feekes (yet late was thruft into) Corners ; but heere is brought to light by you : Honour was touch'd, whofe Champion thou art, For whom (in truth) thou haft fo plaide thy part, That Truth and Honour with an Eccho cry Vincenti dabitur, and fo mu ft L H. Chitting, CheHer. TO HIS WELL-DESER- uing Fellow, and Friend, M. ct/ ugufline Vincent ffimge-croix, rv P on his Vince viuendo^ modulando viue^ JnfuU florensjinibus Britann off, not onelygaue me the benefit of an earlier inf*ru&ion,bu£ GESi^'m made me willing alfo, thus farre to returne you myCenfure. BpS^rtO^ Had you trauailed only through the Common Rodeffo ouer- KSg Ibe troden by the quiet patience of vulgar fancies, brrd firft by cane tictkyind ftill retain'd tor want of accurate examination) I had vtterly declin'dit. Otherwise I muft either hauetaxtyou,oragainft mineown heart, flattered y ou. I (hall now doe neither. Your Iourncy hcrein,hathbin through the ri°ht way to Truth; and although it be indeedc a very rugged one, Du- mos inter & Afte^ yet you pa fTe in it happily. So familiar haue you made it to your felfe, by the frequent vfe of it ! Your guides appcarc to haue bin exceeding Induftry in Reading.and curious Diligence in Obferuing not one- ly ihevnbltfhed Authors which conduce to yourpurpofe, but withall, the more abftrufe partsof #//*>7,which ly hid either in priuat Manufcriptspx in the publique Records ohhe Kingdome. In your helpes taken kompubltfhed Authors, you flic w both a full Store of them, and a iudicious Choice in the vfe of them. And the Manufcripts that haue herein bin turn'd by your hand, area fingular teftimonic ofyourcarefull inquiry before you refoluc.and how fatre you are from being tainted with thatlaziehaerefie of fome,who muft, ofneaffitie, allow the Compofitors and PrefT-men for the beft Authors, while they thinke nothing worthy the reading, but what i£ Printed ; as if the Prene gaue firft authoritie to whatfoeuer hath bin written, and iuftly denied it to all bookesvntill they had paft there ! You know whatadeficience muft thence come into the knowledge of Hipriei whereof your Corrections are apart) and much more I thinke into the knowledge of the Wftorie of Eng. land, then of any other ftate whatfoeeuer. For fuch ancieht pieces of the H//?^wofotherSrates,as,beingworthy of light, were preferued onely in written Copies, are of late,for the moft part, made publique by diuers lear- ned men that haue vouchfafed their labours in giuing further light in that kindc of learning. Butfor E^Wihowfoeuer wee haue indeede in Print fome good and felcft old Authors of our ftorie,through the benefit of a few worthy men that haue affeded that way to appeal ebeneficiall to their Countrie,yet the number of our UiBoricall materials, which, being of fin- pularvfe,remaine ftill onely in Manufcrip, makes them all,tbat are publique, feemc little more then as a handfullwell gather'd, where there might be a plentifullharucft; asitisplainebythat great ftore, inthofefowcllfurnifh- ed Libraries of Sir Robert Cotton and of Bennet Colledge in Cambridge^- fides diners of lingular worrh in his Maiefties Librarieat Saint lames, in that ofthc Archbifhopof Car>terburie>oi theEarle of Lsfrundell, the publique one at Oxford, with M r . Clareuceux, M r . Alien of Gloucefter-hall ,and in fome other Libraries of lefle note in Oxford, Cambridgejjndonjnd, ehc- • whew where in this Kingdome. But your diligence this way appeares full in the vfe efpecially of Sir Robert cottons, wherein almoft nothing of this kindc is wanting that may be had in any of the reft, and the plcntifull ftorc of it is (as his humanity in communicating)abfolute!y incomparable, For your fo often taking helpe from the Records, qi publique Ads of the State 5 you haue there- in as well taught the right way forfuchasfhall colled a ftore for the new writing of any part ofourStoric, as, in this particular, tofo good purpofe, gone through it. Thofe publique Ads are a iuft Touch for the triall, anda large Treafurie, for the increafe of what we receiue in our common Ht(lories y as well of the latter as elder times. For,except onely the Annals of Queenc Elizabeth, and the life and raigne of King Henry the VII. lately fet forth by learned men of moll excelling abilities,, we haue not fo much as a publique piece of the Hiflorie of England, that taftes enough either of the Truth or Plenty that may be gained from the Records of this Kingdome. And a- mongft the old Monkes, who haue left vs our beft Annals of the more anci- c nt time, there are but very rare examples of any vfe of them. Onely,as I re- member,inH^ry of Knighton a Canon of Leicefter,md in the Author of a ve- ry good MS. Annalin thevniuerfitie Library at Oxford, beginning in the yeareMCCLlX. and ending in Henry the fift, it appeares that chey had a fpeciallcareto be inform^ from fome Parlament Rolls of the times of Ri~ chardtht 1 1, and Henry the I V. Neither haue I met with another among them that deferues fo much praife that way. But what euer our own Coun- try men haue herein performed; there is fufficient example alfo for direction tothiskindeofvfeof^f^/orF^^^j, in the beft Hiftorians of o- ther States. Polybius, Liny, Suetonius and Tacitus, madefpeciall vfe of the publique Tables and Records of Rome, and thence haue they their moft cer- taine materials, which were preferucd fas ours, chicfeiyin the Tower, and the Rolls) at their Temple of the Nymphes, and at that of Libertie on the A' uentine. Thucydides, it appeares, did fo in his Greeke Hiflorie; and in the latter times, the diligence ofsigoniut in his De Regno Italu, and of Mariana alfo, it feemes,in his Spanijh Hiflorie hath bin, in this courfe, fingular, as alfo of Cherubim Ghirardacci in his Hiflorie of Bologna, of Prudentio de Sando* lull in his additions to fomc old writers of Spaine, ofFranciJco dePifa in his ftorieof70/&&,of Melchior Goldaflus in his plcntifull Colledions out of theRecords of the Empire, of Auguftind* Paz in his Genealogique Hifto- rie of the Duchy of Bretagne, of Gilles Brie in his Hiftorie of the Earles and Dukes of Alencon,oiG. Hervoart von Hohenburg Lord Chancellor of Bauiert againft Frier BsM/^befldesfomc otherthatoccurrenot. But what a world of Hiftoricall matter both of our Church and State, lyes hid in the Records kept in the feuerall Offices of the Lxchequer^mtheTowermth you, in the Chappell of the Rols, in the Paper chamber (which is alfo an Office of Records cf State) in the Journals of Parliament, in the Regiflers of the Archbifhop of CanterburieJlVinchefler^Lincolne^nd infomc otherplaces of obfeurer name, whereof there is not fo much as any memory in uur common Hiftories. In Pr4*^alfothey haue an exceeding numberof Records of what parted bc- tweene the Englifo mdFrench, from the time of our King Stephen, and their Philip Pnilipthe firft, which falls about MCLXX. vntill our Edward the V I. and their Henry the II. as they are noted by Du Tillet^ with direction to the feue- rall bags and boxes wherein they are kept. Of many of them we haue Dou- bles hcere in England. But doubtlefle Monfieur da cbefaejaA^XL haue made fuch vfeof them in his late hiftory ofEngland y Scotland s & />WW,publifhcd in Frenches that both his diligence (whichyet deferues thanks) might haue feem'd much greater,and we alfo might haue bcenfatisfied in more particu- lars of thofe Originalls which Du Tillet hathremembred by the general heads onely. And to labour with the fancic of a fJrer languagc,or better order for the Compofition of our ftoric or any part of it(as diuers haue done) without the carefull fearching of thefc kinde ot helps, is but to fpend that time & coft in plaftering onely, or painting of a weakc or poore building, which fhould be imployed in prouifionof timber and ftone for the ftrcngrhening and in- larging it. But for your felfe, Sir,not onely your choice, but your employ- ments drew you to the vfe of fuch Records as concerne this hiftoricall draught of fucceffion in the Greater Nobititic. And the many paflages which you rcclifTe by them,bdidesyour infertion of fuch as arc of lingular moment alio to other purpofes , are a raoft copious Teftimonie,as well of your Indtt- ftry and lodgement ', as of the Worth and Vfefulneffe of them in generall. Thus much for my Cenfure. But alfo as I palled through your flieetes ,1 thought of fbmewhat that is not vnfit perhaps heere to note to you. You haue iudicioufly brought in the example of Sir 2obn Talbot , his being Lord Li/le,ratione Doming & manertj de Ktngfton Lijk, to prone thatalegall fei- finofaLordftiip,Territory,or Caftle,asof Arundell.Caftle, may be a fuffi- cient & necefTary caufe of a dignity in the perfon thatis feifed of it,aIthough regularly it be otherwife with vs. See 1 1. Hen. q.fol. i . and Statham in tit. Parliam.i. But alfo in the Ecclefia/licall Barons or Lords Sfirituall of this Kingdome,cfpecially before the dilTolution of Monafteries, there is a m oft full teftimony that iuftifies as much. Foritconcernesmee fomething to maintaineit, hauing long fince publifhcd th Parliament Rolles to this pur- pofefor^«»^Caftle,and affirmed it. Plainely thofe Abbots, who with their fuccefTors in ancient time wereconftantly Barons of Parliament, were all, or were legally fuppofed to be fo, only by reafon of their feifin of whole Baronies^ or of lands held per Baroniam which were the bodies of their Baro' nies. For although cuery not exempted Abbot, with his Ccuent (by a Pro- curator for the Couent) had place intheConuocation of the Clergie, yet none ofthem 5 befide fuchasheld Baronies, had a continuing and fetlcd right to place in the vpper houfe of Parliament. So the Abbot of weftminfter^ of Glafienburjy of Saint Albonsjfi. Bury^ of Abingdon^ diuers other, by reafon of their Baronies were Parliament Lords ; which is enough iuftified by that of the Abbot of Leicefier 9 who was difcharged by Edward the thirds Patent granted to him, and his fuccefTors, from coming or being called to any Par- liament, by reafon chiefly, that he had not a whole Barony, or held not per Barpniam t askis with you \uKot.vaut.i6 % E.^part\.mem.iz. The Abbot of Leicefier to whom that grant was made,by Edw.y. was William dedmne who is vpon this occafion remcrabred in Henry of Rnighm*Cartam quoque 9 faith he,^ nonveniendo ad ParUmentumprofe & fnccefforihstt fuis deRegt adquifmit, which is not enough intelligible without the Rolle, that fully ex- prcfleththercafonof it. To the fame purpofe is that moft obferuable ex- ample of the Abbot of Saint /4mes by Northampton. He was fummoncd to the Parliament at torke^ in 12 . Ed. 2. and being ficke, makes one Henry of Blyfeworth a Canon of his houfe^his Proxie in Parliament. The Proxie com- bing v « 5 g 0CS fi r ft to the Chancery.to enquire there whether his Lord were fummoned, Per fimplex breue or per Regiftrum CancellarU ( as the relation is made by the Proxie himfelfe,in the Licger of the Abbey,/*/. 2 22.) and there hefindcsjthatof late this Abbots name had beene entred among the fpirituall Lords of Parliament ; whereupon he makes fuit to theMaftcrof the Rolles to race out the name, deficut nunquam antea irrotulatum fuit 9 & dejicut idem Abbas nihil tenet de Rege in capite, nec perBaroniam,fed in pur am & perpetuam eleemofynam. But the Mafter of the Rolles iuftly refufed to do it.The Proxie therefore, confidering with himfelfe, that if he cyther appeared in the vppcr- houfe to e*cufe his Lord , according to his Letters of Proxie , or offered thdereafonsthere,tomewheefhouldnotatall appeare, hee might preiu- dice the Abbot, ( for anexcufefor fickemffe had admitted him a Lord of the Parliament ; and, the King hauing fent for the Abbot by Vvntt, he could not in the houfe auoid appearing,eyther in perfon, or by Proxie^ firft purpofes to exhibit his bill to Thomas Earle of Lancafler, high Steward of England , (hewing him that his Abbots name was lately inrolled in the Ch ;ncery, among the fpirituall Lords, que font fiimmons(io are the words in the Bill that he had dra wne) per la refonqils teignent en chief in Roy ou per Ba- ronie, and that his Abbot neither held in Chief; nor by Baronie of the King , concluding with a Petition^ that hewouldbepleafed to take order that his name might be raced out, a\nd himfelfe forthe prefent excufed. Butvpon better aduife, apprehending that this courfe might giue fomc diftafte to the Lord Chancellor (beingthen Iohn de Hotham Bifhop of Ely) and the Mafter of the Rolles who might crofle him inhispnrpofe, he exhibits a Bill in the Abbots name to the Lord Chancellor in thefe words : Abbas Sancli lacobi extra Northampton Jrrotulatur de nouo in CanceSaria Domini Regis inter ci- tandosad P arlamentum^ non tenet per Bar oniam^nec de Rege in capite^ Jed tantum in pur am & perpetuam eleemofjnam^necipfe Abbas \nec pradecejpres . fii i e v»quam mCanceUaria irrotttlati/uerunt 3 nec ad Parlamentum citatihuc *vfy j vnde idem Abbas petit remedium : To which bill the anfwere and de- cree was, that, Dominus CanceUarim, cum fuoconfilio de Cancellaria , or- dinauit quodnomen pradiBi Abb ansa Regittro Cancellaria deleretur^ as the re- lation faies, (jr ita plmibus circumfyeclis idem Abbas eftabfolmus. But his name remains yet in the back of theCIofe Roll, where the fummons to that Parliament is entcrd, Dorf. Clanf.i 2. E, 2 membr. \\ But for that which he (pake in his bills of a tenure in Chiefe- 1 vnderftandnot why he vfed ir,morc then becaufc he wold make him clcere of any tenure that was temporal. For a tenure in Chief alone was not caufe enough of being a Lord of Parliament. And howfoeuer alltemporallLordsof Parliament with vs now deriuc their chiefeoriginan, cither from Creation by Patent, or Summons by Writ, yet yet vnlefle it wcrethe Abbot of Tamfiok^o whom Hwythe VIII. (in&- cbard Banham being then Abbot ) granted for euer, quod fit vhm de fi>iritua- libm^r religions Dominis Parliament^! findc not that in the elder times,any of thofe Lords Spiritually had other original!., of their being conftantly Ba- rons of Parliament, then folely from their fcifin of Baronies. That of Taut- ftok is in Rot. pat. 1 ). Hen. S. parti, mem. 22. Andplainelythofe Parlament Abbots, and the Prior of Couentry,nndofS. Johns , fate not in Parlament, becaufe they were Abbots and Priors, (for fo euery Abbot and Prior might haue challenged a like dignity)ncither was the bciig Mitred jOr exempt, the caufe of their right to place in Parlament (as Come kerne to haue miftaken ) but becaufe they were tenants/*r Baroniam, and thence Barons. As alfo vp- onlike reafofi oneIy,euen in the firft Parliament of Qucene Elizabeth , the Abbot of IVefiminsler fate. The fame' might be (aid of the ancienter Bifhops which were before Henry the VI 1 1, of whom thofe paflages in Stamford s lib. 3. cap. 1. and in 7. Hen. %.Kelaxeay,fol. 184. in the cafe of Do&or Stan- dtflj^xe to be vnderftood. And when all the Bifhops and Pailamcntary A b- bots and Priors of the Prouince of Canterbury protefted for the right of Pai - raltiein the Parlament, vpon their abfenting themfelues, when the procee- dings was vpon the appeale brought by Thomas Duke of Glocejler , & others againft Alexander Archbifbop of Torke , Robert deVere Duke of Ireland^nd others vnder Richard 2 . They all together af£rm'd,that de iure & cofuetudine rcgni Angli&^M Bifliops, Abbots, Priors, and other Prelates whatfoeuer per Baroniam de Domino Rege tenentes , were Pec res of the Parlament, and from that tenure by Baronie( which Matthew Paris and Roger oiWendouer fay William the firft began amongft them) they challenge their being Barons 5 as you may fee in Rot. Pari. 1 1 . Rich. 2. part. 1 . mem. 2 . art 34. and with that , Camden Brit. tag. 1 2 3 . & in the Engli(b,^tg. 1 70. But alfo there is a fingular teftimonyof 1 i.Hen 2.tothispurpofeina Ms.likoi Thomas Becket Arch- bifhop of Canterbury s writenby mlliamFitz, StepbenaMonkeof Canter, bury in Beckets time. The Archbilhop being accufed before the whole Ba- ronage of England^ or the Generale Concilium of the Barons at Northampton, (which werefummoned thither as Lords to the Parlament by the Kings YVritte or proclamation as it feemes of an rniuftice done in his Court Baron of Pagham in Suffex^ and alfo of his contempt in not appearing , nor excufing his apparance , hauingbcene called by the Kings ProcefTe to his anfwer ; The Court (himfelfe being now prefent, after due examination of the caufe) found him guilty, and refolued thathee was to bee cenfur'd with no leffcthcnthe forfeiture of his whole perfonail eftate. But indeede this part of his cafe is varioufly reported by Cernafim T> or obornenfis .Roger of Houeden s Matthew Paris, the Author of Quadrilogtis, and the reft th at haue Written his fortunes. Howeuer.thcy all agree that he was cenfured. But faith Fitz-Stephen, there was a great difference among the Lords, whether the fentence fhould bee giuen from the mouth of a Spirituall,or of a Temporall Lord. The Temporall Lords, declining the pronunciation of the fentence for fcare (doubtleffe) of the Popes againft them • and vpon the like reafon , queftionles, the Spirituall Lords. But the Spiritual Lords in the difputatiort b profeffed profefled that they were there only asBaroos 3 & vndcr that narr e werePceres in the Iudge ment, and not as Biftiops ; which inf errcs, that their pretence of thdr being Barons,was from their pofleflcd Baronies,6c not from any perlb- nall Character of the title of Baron, in which they were other wife inuefted. The words of the Author arc worthy obferuation. Deprofcrendowdiao di- ftatia fuit inter Epifcopos & Barones^vtrif^ dlteris iUudtmponentibmsvtrifaft ex cufmibus. Aiunt Barones,twEpifcopi pronnntiare debetis fententiam t ad nos non pertinet.^os laid (umusjvos per font Ecclefiaflica/icutille. Confacer do- tes eius.Coepifcopt eiu$ % Ad hoc aliquts Epifcoporu, Itnmo 'veslripotim eft hoc ofjici) \r,on noftri. Non enim eft hoc iudiciu Ecclefiafticu fedfeculare ; non fedc- tnus hie Epifcopi fed Barones : nos Barones, & vos Barones,Pares hie fumust But at length the King being difpleafcd with this comtoucrd^Henryo/B/ois Bifhop of winchefter pronounced the fentence againft him. And as thofe Bi- fhops generally were Barons, by reafon of their Temporalries > being Baro- nies, fo the Bifhops of Durham are titled Counts de Paleis y ot Counts Palatine or Earles Palatine in ourbookes, becaufein their Temporaries, (from whencethey haue this their dignitie of Ear/e Palatine , as a Title annexed) they hzMczCountie Palatine. See ij>Ed.^.fol.i6.pl.^. Andfomeconceiue that the beginning of it in the Biftiops of Durbam,was fro Hughoi Pufazjs if that which is commonly taken for his being made Earlc of Northumberland had been only the giuing him the Territory of Durham as an Earledome, and annexing it to the Biflhopricke for cuer ; to which purpote read Guil.Nubri* genf. deReb. Anglicis hb. 4. cap,$ and compare it with that Monfteur de Chefnehxh ofit in his hiftory of England, hu.ii.pag. 5$8.But indecdalfo in the more elder times, in the dignity of the temporall Barons, the regard had to their poiTeffions , being Baronies and Counties, was a fingularcaufc of their bearing the titles of them. Therefore (although I doubt not , but that alfoin thofc elder ages there were temporall Barons of Parlament, by the fauor of the Kings Writ onely , without Baronies, as at this day, )Comita* tusinteger, and Comes y md Baronia integra and Baron arc as Comugatain the Grand Charter, and in the ftatute of Weftminfter a. cap. 4$. where both Temporall and Spirituall Lords are exprelTed , by their holding of rcall Ba- ronies in the paffage touching the Chamberlaines fees, at their doing of Ho- mage, which (with the reft of all the Chapters of that Parlament,) I hauc by mee in French verfe of that age, thus ; Les chamber /ems, le Roys Deformes eyent tot vois y T>es Erceueskcs nomtemtnt , Edes^Eueskes enfemem, E des Abbes 3 & Priors, E antres des efgiltfes gouernors , DecontesyE de Barons graunz, Enter t Barome tenanz, , Rtmbltfin^K 4 luy ftuntj&c. So SoBratlonJib.i. <:4/>.34.fuppores,itfeemcs 5 thatalegaUpoffe(fion ofthe Caput Comitam^ Caput Baron*: had alwayes ioyned with it the title and dienitie of Earlc or Baron. And reall enhcritance oncly, is an Earledome, in it H X M.Partkioni%. SceC4W^alfoBm.pag.447.in^/A^ 5 and inhis£»/^5Pi- Andinfomcof out later Bookes a Barony, or the tenure bv Barony, is mentioned, as the maine caufe of the dignitie. See for that 2 2 . E 2 fo 18 4 A$.E.3-f'l.lo.K nottoinfift here, vpon that tradition,out of auncienter teftimonie, that XIII. Knights fees, and one third part, made a Baronic and that fuch a Barony made a Baron in the elder ages. So Hugh p oore vnder KingStepkcnJby poiTefTion ofthe Counticof Bedford was Earle of it hauing difleifed Mile Beauchamp of the Earlcdome, as it is in Gejta Re- o\sSteph*tu,P*g.9il. Neither is any thin S more common then, Conferre nmitatum, or to giuethe body of a County Jor the making of an Earlc in the old Annals of England. And at this day alfo, the Reliefes of Earles^ or Ba- rons arepaidaccordingto the Grand Charter by the reall Comitam or Ba- ronta and their other poffcffions, and not with any relation to their titles of meereperfonallCreation 5 which inthiscafe is moft obferuable. For that matter, there is a lingular example in the payment of Reiiefes,after the death of Roger Earle of 'Rutland, by Francis now Earle, his brother and heire, for the feuerall Baronies of Beluoir, Hamelakeand Trusbut, entered as I remem- ber in Tr. 1 ^Jacobi. Expart.Rememorat. Thefaur. in the Exchc quer. To con- clude was not alfo Quecne Dowager Adeliza truely CountefTe of Arundell bvreafonofherpolTeffionoftheCame,althoughhcrgreatcrnameofQLieen preuented her beins called fo? All agree (bee had the Caftle affigned her, for her Dowcr,by King Henry the I.but alfo (he had the Earledome as a con- comitant with it. Jdeliza (faith Matherv Paris ,pag. 1 o 2) Caflettum de Arun- dell&ComitatumaRegeHenricoprodotehabebat. Whydid not this make her Countefle, much more then the grant of the Countie of Lmcolne by Ro- bert oigginn to his fifter Hawife made her CountefTe of LwcolnevnfetHtn* mhethird. ForC^M/^referd to a Countie or Shircmay denotethepro, fits without thedignitiejbut what Comitate Arundell can meanc other then the Earlcdome, and dignity of Earle or CountefTe, I vndci ftand not ; which is alfo confiderablc in that of Richmond, being no more in Law a County or Shire, then Arundell is. But Pelydore and fome other take Comitatum there for the Countie of S «^,which was called alfo the County of chtcheUer> as you may fee in Sarisburienf.Epifi.i$ . Diucrs other particulars might be ad- ded ; But out of this it fufficiently appeares,that nothing is clearcr,then that it fully ftands and agrees with the auncicnt reafon and Law of this State, that the feifin of the body of an Earledome, Baronie,or like pofleffion, may be as intheexampleof ^W^Caftle,fufficientcaufeof the dignity in the per- fon denominated from it. To this purpofe alfo, in the moft of forreine States,the pofTeflion onely of feuda Regalia orj aljnieftCtl.as they call them in the Empire, as of the bodies of Dm hies, Counties, ^w«,maygme the titles of Dukes,Countsot Barons tothc poffefFors without r)erfonall creati- on. Of that matter the Feudists plentifully enough-, you may fee Bocer de £ualtt, & different. Feud.caP.2Mm.19. & Seqq, fulteius de Feud. eap.S. ^ Alnarottut Aluarottus.lacob. De Beluifo^ diuers other of them } befides Bar tol. adL.i. C.de dignitat. Tiraquell. denobilitate cap. 6. Fetr. Frit^iusdc Nobilita- te adconcluf.16. and fuchmore. Anditisagreedcleerely, Iremembera- mong fome forrainc Lawyers, efpecially of rhe Empire, that Pralati r attorn temporaliumDominiorum quxaCafarebabent Frincipcs trcs inser center os /^WjGilbertum^hilippum,^ Iohan- nem diuinis obfequijs deuouerunt in ordineClericatwParifius tarn ftudentes } qui prxdittts fuis parentibus non minus moribm quamgenere.vt communitefiimo- nio ajfiritur.fi confirmant. g&ia igitur plant uU tarn cximia in column as Ec- clefu vtilessMxta condecentiam fit flatus non poterint faciliter excrefcere 3 nifi rore ApofiolicaibenettolentU clementius trrigentur, propter Militi euros quibus ipfirum parentes hifanofcuntnrtemporibtupregrMAri, meant rogarunt folli- fitudinem y . citudtnern, vt quodoculata fidedtc'Uide pr*dic~lis Tfobilitatis [ha fitys vejlr*, veraci teflimoniojuggererem pietati. J2uo circa obfequmm Altifsmo in bac parte pij [rutins mepararcexiftimans ex radiabut bona, fpei vobisjignifico. Pa- ter S anile, quid fi pradtfks pnerosdignemini ClementUveHrapriuilegijshos norare^dtficabitis AnglU milttiam, co*folabimini clerum, Altifsimo parabitis honor em, fa plures nobiles animabitis ad(ludium,& non nuhs ab illicit is benefit ciorumEcclefiafticorum occupations retratteth^^ Jpojlolic* gratidoccafionemprebuitintalibusdelinquendi. Cujlodiat Dominuf, fac. Script. Nonas Augufii. _ ^ Bcfides alfo, in the Earles of Northumberland, I findc one omitted by all men, which fhould come betwecne Watcher Biihop of Durham and Robot Mowbray, that is, Aubrey or Albry.Yov in T urgotus Prior of Durham, you (hall readc,Pofl mortem Walcheri EpifcopiDunelmenfis, Rex willielmus Primus dedit comitatum NorthumbrU vibrio qui dorsum Waltheof de ecclefta de Tinmoutb,eyc. Were there nocalfoEarksof^//^/^ anciently. MJmef- burj.HiJl.NouelUib.2.Pag.io$*Ank$, that Robert Earle of Glocejler went ixomArundellloBristorvc, occurrentefibi, medio itineris, Briano filio Comitis de waltnzford: the fame perfon is afterward mentioned, pag.io^. h . and cal- led Brianiu films Comitis, Marchio de Walingfordl concciuethis Brian to be the fame man which is called Brientius in t bat Office, cited by M r . Cam- den,Brit.pag.2oa.. Butthis lonely offer to your confideration , as what! enough vnderftand not. Howeuer,y ou know Marchio was in thofe ages vfed fomctimcs for Comes Or fome other great Lord, and not ask is a dtftinguith- ed dignity, in the later times, as you fee in the Utters of Pope lobn the X V. in Malmesbury degeftis Regu »,lib. 2 .cap. 1 o . where Richard Earle of A or man- dy iscalicd Marchiojnd in John of Salisbury hlsDe Nugis Cnriailtb.6.cap. 1 6. the Lord Marchers of VVales,are Ailed Marchio/ts. That Brian is called Bri- enm filius Comitu in Gejla Regis Suphanijn the Hiftories of Normandie^ag. 947. and the context both there, and in Malmesbury, may be taken,as it hee had beene fonne to Robert then Earle of Glocefter. Out of Matthew Paris alfo.and Matthew oiWeflminfier, I fee itisconceiued, thztBaldwin de Ri- parys, or Riuers, being Earle of Denonjhire, was created Earle of the Ifle of Wight by King Henry the third 3 in theyeare MCCXL. The words of the Monke are Comi tat uTeclx inucfiiuii. But is it not moft likely that they meant there onely thcEarledomeof Deuonfbire, to which hee was heire, as the Earledome of Pembroke was called of Striguil,thit of Darby of Tuttebury y and other in like falhion. So the Earles of Demnfhire, being Lords of the Ifle, were called Earles of it. It is moft furethat before him, his Grandfather, William de Vernon, was called alfo Earle of the Ifle of Wight (as wee fee ex- prefly in Roger of Houeden,\n Rich.i,pag.^io,li 4 6o .) and to haue a new in- ucftiture in thofe elder timcs,as a liuery,to an hereditary Earle,is notftrange. Neither is the Ifle of Wight called Comi tat us afterward, but Dominium*, as you fee frequently in the Records that concerne efpecially JfabeU Coun- teflc of Albemarle and daughter to this Baldwin,Not is any other of his name called Earle of the Ifle, as by a name diftinguiflied from that of Deutnfhire. c and and fo Du chefne wel ftilcs this Bafdm*((pcakmg of his dcath)BduAnm Comte deDens (meaning Deuonftiire) vulgairement dit deC lfle^hijl.i$. pag, 647: InthcEarlesof C^^rjtothat you fpeakeof£Saint Sufenne PomiencejSem. blarney and othcrs)foonc after the Lord Beamount was made Vifcount vndcr the great Seale of England, was granted, it feemes, to him vndcr the great Seale of France, by King Henry the VI. it being fuppofed to be for- feited vpon a rebellion of IokndeVallois^ the I I.oftbat name, Duke ot Alen* fan,w hofc Father had that Vicountic by marriage with Mary daughter of John the V. D uke of Bretaigne. For, the Copie of a grant to that purpofe ((which had binfigned to the King) and dated atShene, 18. A/im?. Hcn.6. or 1 440.being examined by the Originall & writen in that time,was by a moft worthy Gentleman of this Familie communicated to me. And befides' the reafonsgiuen in the Patent, out of the deferrs of that Lord Beaumont jt is sd* ded, that out of the fame Vifcountie, Nojlre dit Coupn & fes frogeniteurs an. tenement, font extraiz, & eulx & lui en cm fort de tout temp ejr tncore meif. met tn forte les armes. And in fubftancc it hence fals out,tbat the dignity of our firft Vifcount, was thus entended, forFeudall or Reall, as our Dtkes, Earles,and B,irons,anciently were. But what the forfeiture of the Duke oiAu lenfom at that time to the King of England was, I fully enough concciue not, NeithcristhcrcanythinginourRollsof that will helpe. The Duke of Atenwwas that yeare in rebellion againft Charles the V 1 1. King of J^^aadthciV**^ Stories,^ ^ at alldcpri. tied of any of his pofleffionsby either King,vmil making alliance with che FnglifiagiinR. the French t hc was condemned of Treafon about xy.ycres afterward. Concerning him and his forfeiture herein,befide the Stories, you may fee Auguftine du Paz, in his Lords dela Guercheand de Pouence , and Brie in the Earles of Alenfon, Uu. 5 . cap, 8. But alfo in that Copy of the Parent (which I fay was,if it were all, vnder the French feale,becau(c the Kings ftile in it is, Roy de France & D'engleterre) the words touching the forte) turegoe thus • Uvifcontede Be aumont^c* confifque enuers no- fire mageflc Roy a 11, par U Rebellion & defobei fiance de Iehanfoy difantDuc d* Alenfon laquclca tenuefar don royallfeu no/Ire trejehier trefautcvn* cle khan en fion viuant Due de Bedford,ejr far [on Trejpajfcment retournee a jiojlre main far reutrfion. And it feemes that it mould be vnderftood, that when this hhn Duke of 'Alenfon was taken prifonerby the Duke of Bedford , at the battell of Vermeil Henry the V I. King ofFnghnd, as King of France, had giuen the Duke of Bedford, being Regent, thisDuchie, which by the pretence of this Patent, continuedin him during his life. Foralfoitiscertaine,that in the Records of the houfe of Alenfon, there are letters of the Duke of Bedford with this title, lean, Regent du Royaulme de France,Duc de Bet fort, T> Anion, ejr D' Alencon, Comtc-dc Maine , as it is obferued by Giles Brie, iiu. 5.^-9./^.32i.whotellsvsalfo J that heftiled himfelfe Earle of Ferche, being another title of the Dukes of Alencon. This (hewes that notwithstanding the exceeding great ranfome which theDuke of Alencon paid for his libertie, yet his poiTeffions were fuppofed on our part iuftly feized on by the Engli/h Regent, & among them this Vifcounty of Beau- mont, which was fince by Francis the firft made a Duchie alfo and a Pairie in Charles otBurfonRi&Dukc of rendofmc,whoh2dthcVicoun- tie in marriage with Francis Daughter to Rene Duke of Alencon being DuchefTe Dowager of Longuemlie. But I weary you with length , and while I haue thus freely giuen you my Cenfure,I may deferue an ill one: I end therefore,onelyfubfcribingmyfelfe. FromtheTemple, MDC.XXII. Tour affeftionate friend, IOHN SfiLDEN. A CATALOGVE OF the Earlesof Albemarle, their Armes, Wiucs, and Children, WITH CORRECTIONS. &fifi&£Tep&et$ fbnne of Eudo Earlcof a Blefen- a */«v;tfliouldbe,;fM. twk* ff^sjii fis and Champainfcy Matildhis w if C5 cou W baueen S ll ^ d » c » gj^^g halfe fifter by the mother to William Conquer or > was Lord of the Citty of Albemarle in Normandie (by the gift of Odo Bifhop of Baj^ mwnt, >e»iu»t ^ cor d in Muficke oftentimes makes a comely concordance. No: for oftentati- fteatnturvyjn on fake^o put my lelfein Print,becaufe I would bee knownc; forfoconrs foolesto the Market becaufe they would be feene. Not that I off-red him not my furtherance, before either printing or re-viewing, but becaufe it was reicclcd withfeorne, not withoutfomcreproachfullckignominioustermes: Indeed, this all-knowing- Author, thought it no fmall difparagemcntto his greatnefTe,to hearc a puifne- Officers opinion :much likethe Moleinof/^j Fables, Thatbeingblinde her felfe, would in no wife bepeifwaded thatany creature could fee. But to the matter. Firft he faith, That this Stephen was Lord of the Citie of Albemarle, by the gift of Odo Bifhop of Bayon,and that King William Rufrn made him Earle there- of in thefixtyeare ofhisreigne. But the booke of Meatixfctth, That the Archbimop of Roan procured his marriage with the halfc fitter of the Con- querour, andlikewife gaue him Albemarle, and not Oafc Biftnp of Baieux, (who is heere vntruly mifnamed Biftiop of Baion, many a mile diftant from Baieux.) Comes Campania nepos Regis F^w^»w:thusfjyestheBooke)^4- ^Zfa'dcws*' '* ' M * ~ fait quendamf Hum milttem egregium Eudoncm nomine^qui propter homici- dium cuiufdam Magnatis terra ilhm indc fugiens ,ad Willi elmum not hum qui fuit Dux Normanma & pojlea Rex Anglia, peruenit, Porrocoadiuuante Ar- chiepifiopo Roth omagen. die! um Eudonem erga ipfum Regent mlldimum,dedit ei profit us Rex for or em fuam in vxorem . Pofquam autem celebrate funtnup- tia, Eudo rogauit eundem Archieptfcopum vt fuggereret Regidarefibt vnde vxorem alere poffet, & ex fo fuit ei caufam quare de terra (ua iam pridem fugif fet. Ad figgeftionem ergo Archiepifcopi, dedit idem Rex ditto Eudominfulam de Holder nes. Etipfe Archiepifcopus dedit eidem Eudoni ciuitatem Albcmar- lia, vt in expeditionibus effet eiufdem Archiepifcopi Signifer cum decern militi- bus. Data eji ergo Eudoni deCampanta qui ha butt vxorem Regis foro* rem^olderneffa, ficut dittum eft, qua valde fterilis ejr inftuBuofa,erat eo tem- pore, necgignebat nifiauenam. Cumfc Eudonivxor fua filium perperiffet quern vocauit S tephanum, petift a Regevt daret ei terramfercntemjrumentum, vn- de alere po (fit nepotem fuum. Dedit ergo ei Rexvillam deBytham cumperti- nentijs,& alias j?o/fefsionesplurimas,&c. By thefe recited words,rhe Reader may likewife obferue how he is difproued in faying, that William Rufm gaue • orderum^k vtice»fiM m Holderne (fi- He that gaue the one gaue the other, as this * Author hke- monach^ftorucccieftaiit- wife wkncffeih. Rex Gulielmus (fpeiking of the Conqueror) Odoni Campani- « *. p . . en p ne p 0H T ij e0 y aldi Comitis ^ q U if ororem habebat eiufdem Regis Jiliam fctlicet Rodberti Ducts, dedit Comitatum Holdcrnejfa. William A LBEMARLE. VV; 'Illiam furnamed le Gros, fonncof Ste- fhen,\vzs after the death of his father Earle oi'Albemarle^nd Lord of Holderneffe h he married Cicely daughter of William Fitz Dun- can (fonne of Malcolme KiDg of Scots)by Alice de Rumely Lady of Harwood, with whom he had in marriage the Honour and Lands, of Cratten in Yorkejhire, and had ifllie Hawis his onely daugh- ter and heire, Hrft married to William de Magna, uik Earle of Ejfex, and after to William de Forti* busXov dc Forts) Baron ofolem* by whom flie' Con-eft it thus; By whom hadifTue^/W^Ea^ thexofAueline, wifcof Edmond firft Earle of Lancajler Cfonneof King H/w? the third : ) laft- ly the faid Ha wis married Baldwin de ##.This William le Grojfe founded the Abbey of Mclfa^ Anno onethoufand one hundred and flfcie, and dyed the feauen and twen- ticth yeere of King Henry the fecond,and was buried in the Abbey of Thorn- ton, which was of his o wne foundation. Etpoftoit,ies armes de Ton Pere. CORRECTIONS. Whenamanwritesheknowesnot what 5 that hee is in the right or wrong, he knowes not whether $ euen fo fares it with this my friend, in faying here, and twice more in this very tract of Albemarle, thatwiltiam de Printed,**™ 1619. Fortibm (by Hawife his wife, Countefle of Albemarle) had ijfue William de Fortibus Earle of 'Albemarle father of A»eUne 7 &c. For herein he hath great- ly erred, becaufe Aueline is made Daughter to her owne Grandfather ; or if you allow her her owne father, who was (its true) called William , yet neuer- uertheleiTe, you then take away her Grandfather, and fo loofe a whole difcent. Therefore to fet you into the right way againe; I will cite (here fetting 0w ^ ^w^*/ p 4 other proof cs afide) your owne words a°ainft your owne felfe, in fubftance ingentataiu- as you haue dehuered them in the very next Page following or your booke. ^ M e ^„i um m^cu William dc Fortibm, fonne of William de Forts, by Hawis Coilnteffeof A lbemarle,fij>erfe>pfr defeat, married Aueline, daughter of Richard Lord Montfichet^and by her hadiffue Wil- liam de Fortibus, the lajl of that name and fimtlie Earle of Albemarle, who mar- ried If abel, daughter of Baldwine, fitter and heirc to Baldwine deRiparys Earle See mytin f wm to t7ie ^ of Deuon, by whom he hadiffue Anelinemaried to Edmond Crouchbacke Earle of page in the tr a a 6 f the i a ft t a J WiUtamdeTortibut, where LanC ajt er, this is proued by Record . Next you % that this William le Gros Earle of Albemarle died the feauen and twentieth yeere of King Henry the fecond. I will leaue the iudgement of it to the iudicious Reader. a annogratU 1 17.9 , quierat annus regni regis Henricifilij MaPddis Imferatrtcis —obijt Willi 'elm us Comes Albe- marl'iA, & fepultus efl in Abbatia fua de Tornetun* Whereby it appeareth that he died in the fiueand twentieth yeere. A i Laftly, Albe marle. Laftly, he hath forgotten K^Jmicia one of the daughters of the faid Willi- amlcGros (Sifter to £to* 5 whorn hee fayes was onely daughter and heyre) mother to Conflance, mother to Ranulfh father of John, Father of another lohn de Efton ffometimes called a Afion) who as right heire after the death of *aaaf,6.E.ift.t.m.2.dcrfe' Aue ft m j e Fm ibw, claimed the Earledome of Albemarle, a°.p.E.2 . as ap- peareth by the Placitathzt yeare rand hadecrtaine Lands affigned to him, to releafe his right, which are fpecified in the bookeof Meaux lately (perad : uenture ftill) in the hands of Sir Cbr.Hildeard Knight,of Holdernes in York- jkire. Wjlliam Magnauile Earle of Ejfex, and Lord of Pltjft; and in right of Harvis his wife, daughter and heire of Wtlliam le Gros, was alfD Earle of Albemarle } and L. of Holdernes, in the yeare of our Lord 117^. and dyed at Roane, in the fecond yeare otKing£tfy&W the firft,\vithoutiflue. Et portoitefcartelled'or 5c gueulles. CORRECTIONS. L-TEere w'tUiam MandcuileEzikof EJJex and L^AlbemarhiChkk Iuftice of England, and Lord of Plejfy in Ejfex } is faid to die in the Jecond yeare of K.Richard the fir ft, when I am afTured to the contrary by better auth3rs, b ^°.^r4//> 1 1 Bp (thus lay es Houeden) men ft NouembrUWilliel- mus de Mandeuilla Comes AibemarlU obtjt in *MatWeftm.p.» s c .»°.*o. Normannia apud Rothomagum. And c another writes,/* 0 . 1 1 8p. obijt Gulielmus de Mandeuilla,agxcdng with both which is Math. Paris, inthefe *Math, parit.pi4t.n,2o. words, d ^°. 1 1 89. Obiitin multorum dolorem Willielmut de Mandauil- U, Lookenowbutin what Kings reigne the yeare n8p.fals, and you mall find it in the firft (not the fecond)of K. Richard the firft. \ATWiamde Fdrtibw, Baron of Olem, fe- * ^ cond Husband vnto Hawis CountciTe of Albcrntarle,faughtcv and heire of William le Grojfejn whofe right he was Earle of Albemarl, and Lord of Holdernejfe, e by whom he had iffue William Earle of Albemarle (father of Aneline wife of Edmonct Earl of Lancajler. )This William de Forts, by the name of Earle of Albemarle, in the fixt yeare of the reigne of K Rich, thefirft, was a witnclTe to the faid Kings charter of lands that he gauc to Reginald de Argentyne, and dyed in the 7-yeare of K, Richard the flrft. c By whomheliadiflutf Wil- &, if the word Baldwine had not bene in the Copic. Le aue out therefore Baldwine, and conceiue her to be Sifter &beire to her brother William de Fortibus, c or Daughter and heire to William de Forti* bus her Father ( Kecords vouch her both wayes) it was the fame Ladie that iS^jZ^'***" was married to Edmond Cronchhacke Eailc of Lancafter, fonnc to King Henry the third. I Thomas 8 LBE MARLE. * In his title of Bxckingb'"* hee had iffue as heerc .• but in Glocejler and Hertford he had three daughters more. * See in G/oeefer and Hert- ford for his death, where you fliail fee how contrary hee wrirrs tohimfclfe herc,both in manner and time. * In Bxtldnd he fales 4V.14. Sec my .infvvere. In his title of jV^fhec faies #4/4. f ~T^ Homas of modflecke fixe fonne of King Edward the third, was by King /&:/W^thefecond, created Earlc of Albemarle , hee was alfo Eir'e of Buckingham nnd Northampton yXyuYro^ Glocejler and Conftablcof England) and married Eltanor daughter and co- heire of Humfrey de BohunEi, k of // his father then liuing; and in the one and twentieth of the fa id Kings reigne , hee was created Duke of Albemarle , from which Dukedome he was depofed by Par- liament, in the firfl: yeare or King Henrythe fourth. He married Philf daughter and co-heire of John de Mo- bun Lord of Dunfler^ and wasflainc atthebattellof Egencourt 1415. and was buried at Eoth'eringhay without iffue. Et portoir, france feme & D'cngleterre efcartelle,* lainbelldetroispointsperpalegueuiles & d'ar- gent, charge'de fix chaftells d'or &c fix lions rampant gueulles. Thomas Albemarle. 9 r T y Homos Duke of Clarence (fecorid A fonnc to King Henrie the fourth, in the thirteenth yeare of his Fathers rcigne , was created Earle of Albe~ marie, and was after flain by the Duke of Orliance at Baggie bridge in France, the ninth of King Henry the fift, with- out ilTue j and his body being brought oner into England, was buried in Chrift-Church in Canterbury. pag. 14 Etportoit.Issai'mcs d'France feme efcartellc, D'en- gleterr^au * lambell d'ermyn trois canton? gueulles * In Clafeahd ClifCRW Ws labellis Argent, "D Icbard Beaucbamfe, Earle o c mr~ A ^■flwfc(Lieutcnant Gcnerall vndcr Iohn Duke of Bedford, Regent of France ) was by King Henry the fixt created Earle of Albemarle. He mar- ried for his fecond wife Jfabel the wid- dow of Richard Beauchampe, Earle of frorcefler(his coufin Germane)daugh- ter and heire of Thomas Lord S fencer, mdEatleofGlocefler, by whomhee had iflue Henry D uke of Warwick, &c. . . He dyed at Roan in the iy.yeareof K. Henry the fixt, and was buried at war- wicke. pag.14. Etportoit gueulles a vne fees & fix crolfeletz ofof. CORRECTIONS. l_TEere //2£n ' Lord Spencer, who died within age, and the Kings Ward, ifTulefle. Your ownewordsinthetraftofr^*/ Lord Spencer among the Earlesof Glo- cefter, and in Richard Beauchamf among the Earles of warmcke beare mee further Record that I fay true. B A 10 » Math. Vam f.<> 3S.fi 0 . is. ' Chart A" .fJohan. m .26. Tines A°.u.H. g.m.U. « Clattfsl. W.j.m./. i CUufsl.Tt.3-m.4- « Math. Parn\tfupra. *An S os. Catalogue of the Earles oP Anguish XVT r Lc , and + Kyme, their Amies, VViues, and Children, WITH CORRECTIONS, Uhert rmfreuile, Earle of Anguifh^ Lord ofProdhoO) Otter borne ^ Harbotle, and Ride/dale, a man of great fame herein England in King Henrj/xhe thirds tirhe,and King £^w*n/ the firft; married and had iffuc Gilbert and fo£tfr*,both Earles ofAnguiJh. pag. 15. Etportoit, gueullesavne quintfoiIe& lechampe croifele patee d'or. CORRBCtlQXS. THis Gilbert de Vmframmli (fbnne of ano- ther G*/£. licentia ther gaue xx.li.land in Ride/dale. Gilbert *E(ca.l.E.2. n 8 Efia.3.E,3.n >.4S. ■30. An g v i s h an y me, II /filbert rmfreuile, forme and hcireof Gilbert aforefaid, was after the death of his Father alfo Earle of Anguifi^Lord of Prodboo, ejrc. He fought the battaile of Argik: after which, hee "fr"?? z ^ with Wilitam Faience Earle of Penbroke, encoun + tit&RobertBrtts King of Scots, at SjobnsTown , in Scotland. This Gilbert fate in Parliament held No fi,c & Parliament: at Northampton in the firft yeere of King £^?- w ward the firft, by the name and Title of Earle of , +1* i Angmjhj.n which y eare he died withouthTue. n 1 » . Pag tf. EtportortlesarmesdefonPere. CORRECTION. \/\7Here are now M. Torkes Eagles eyes v v wherewith he was wont to penetrate the moft abftrufe paflages < Can hee not fee i Does he not remember what hee wrote concerning the other Gilbert de Vm- framuil^ faying, he was Earle of Angst, anda man of great fame in Henry the thirdstime, and King £^r^thefirft^ Andwill hemakeanother tojitm Parliament, a°.i.E.i. as Earleof the fame place I I (hewed you but now that this Gilberts Father * died not vntill 1.E.2 . That hee was in Henry the thirds a E f ca - ****** 4*? time ftiled Earle oUttgosi Its cleare moreoucr, that he b came to our EngUjb ^cUuf.^z.,.^ *. Dcrfi. Parliaments b ut as a Baron,vntill the c 2 5 . 27.28. 3033. ^35. E.i. At whofe 9* A • & a • * 4 *- **• fummons our Lawyers of agfarf were a little ftartled, and * ref ufed in their ?<2i^ x .^ m . 443 Breuesandinftruments to acknowledge him Earle- for that was not &fti uen - withintheKingdomeof£^/W,vntill hehad brought forth openly, in the * **** ^ face of the Court,the Kings writ and warrant wherein he was fummoned to the Parliament by the name of Earle of Angos. Nay,he tels you that he fat in Parliament held at Northampton, a°. 1 . £. 1 . by the name and title of Earle of Angos i when neither the Records nor our La w books acknowledge any fuch Parliament to be holden 5 but fay that the firft that was holden in that Kings time, was in the third y eare of his raigne. To make (hort, Iaffirme(asl faid before) that this Gilbert de FmframmU, fonnc of the other Gilbert, and brother to Robert, was neuer Earle of Angos, but died before his Father, ! leauing Margaret his wife that furuiued him - t zfii; s v, &i; n° Ktfart Elizabeth, R Obert Vmfreuile (fccond fonne of the firft Gilbert y and brother and hcire to the laft Gilbert) was after his brother Earle of Angui/b, LordoflW/W,&c. Heefatein Parliament held at Weflminfter ', the fecond ycere of King Edward the fecond, and fo continued vnto the feuenteenthofthe fame Kings reigne, as Earle ofi>/«5g*#&j and then dyed. He mariiedL*** daughter and heire of Phillip de Kjme, a great Baron, and had ftuc 1 Gilbert, Robert 9 and Tho- mas h and a daughter named * Elionor, married to Sir Gilbert fl*rr«wk/i,Knight.pag. 1 5 Et portoit, les armes de Ton Frere. VV; CORRECTIONS. As after his Brother Earle of Anguifh ; implies Gilbert the elder Bro- ther to haue bin Earle : but that (as before) I deny frill. In the next place (to be confidered of) comes his fitting in Parliament, and time of his death. For hcere he is faid to haue had his fcate there, A 0 . 2 . E. 2 . which is true, andfo continued *&?>4?&*l&*'* t >$** This Gilbert VmjramuiUthzX^ Earle of Angos of that Family, dyed not in the yeare, 13 84. which fals either in the 7. or 8. of Richard the lecond : for all the Inquifitions after hisdeath, tell me that he c died vpon the Cm day of t £ji 4e t.4.R.£.n 0 ij 7 . Ianuary,A°.4.R.2.threeycaresfoonerthenheere isfetdowne. D Obert Vmfreuile(fzcond brother iV of the hit Gilbert) in" the eight * HewasdeadA °-*;. H h ex* 1 r- n 5 , v'.£ff. ».H.;-n°. J^.pt. mo yeere of K . Henry the ttft,was created cubcruVrr^mwi. Earle of Kyme, and was after flaine by the Duke of Orleance at Bangie- bridge'm France,thcp.of King Hen- rte the fift, and was buried at Calice, and after rc mooned from the nce,and ' interred in the Monaftery of Kyme. He married Anne, daughter of Raphe Neuill firft Earle of Wejlmerland. This Robert hauc I made to be Earle of Kyme (vpon the credite of Claren- ceux C ooke)zTid yet I do greatly doubt thereof, for that I cannot euer finde any of that Name and Family to fit 14. A n g v i s h and K y m e. in Parliament after the tad Earle Gilbert (in the fourth yeare of King Richard the fecond) brother of this Robert . This defcent of Vmfiremle is diucrfly fee forth by fundry perfons, who haue made many hey res male to tbelaft Gil- bert more then I can find any good proofe for. Therefore for the better clee- ring thereof, take this out ofthe Kings Records : Gilbert the laft Earle of Anguifh, with Mauld Lucy his wife , did entaile diners lands to themfelues, and the heires oftheir two bodies: and for default thereof,to Robert his bro- ther, and to the heires maleof his body : and for default thereof, to Thomas Vmjreuik his third Brother, and to the heires male of his body : and for de- fault thereof, the remainder to Elizabeth or Elionor) his Sifter, wife of Gilbert •Her name was Elizabeth. Borrotvdon,sind the heires of their two bodies: and that *Elimor the Wife of Henry Talboys^s daughter and heire of Gilbert Borrow don, md Neece & heire of the fayde laft Earle Gilbert, and is forty yeares of age. CORRECTIONS. IS it poffible i I did thinke you would not haue dealt vpon credite before : nowlperceiueyoufeeby other mens eyes through your ownebad Spe- ctacles. Surely you had a conccite, that fome body would beleeue this Ro- bert to be Earle of Kyme becaufeyou fet it out 5 1 pitty them that fo does, or •trmmtmpmmi*. P uts W in any thing * you publifh. a 15 A C ATALOGVE OF the Earlesof Arundell, their Armes, Wiucs, and Children, with CORRECTIONS. \Oger Montgomery ,Earlcof Belejmo in Normandte^ fonnc of Hugh Montgo- mery and S/^// his wife, daughter of Herfajim the Bane (brother of Gonor^ Wife of Richard thefirft Duke of Normandie of that name) came into England with William the Conqueror : vnro whom the faide William did giue (for his good feruicc) the Earledomes of Arundell and Shrewsbury. He married Mabi* ria^ daughter and heire oiwilliam Taluays 3 wkh whom he had all her Fathers inheritance, (as William Gemtticenfis hath, page 6$6. ) and had ifTuefiiie fonnes and fourc daughms 5 viz.Hugh and Robert ; both Earles of Arundel and Shrew f bury j tf^nhethird fonne (furnamed PicJa- uenjis) was Lord of the Honour of Lancaster : Cstmulph the fourth lbnne- was Caftle-keeper of Penbroke^ and Philip was the fift fonne. His daughters were Emma y Matilda the fecond daughter was married vnto Robert Earle oiMoretaigne ; Mabel was the third daughter, & Stbel the fourth daughter, was married vnto Robert Fit%-Hamon y Lord of Glamorgan in Southwalcs ; which Rqbert^ founded or re-edified the Mona- ftery of T ewkesbury. This E -irle Roger was left by William Conqueror to bee Gouernour to his fonne William Rujus 1 and was after flaine at Cairdijfe in Southtvales^ 1 09 1 , and was buried in the Abbey at Shrewsbury^ which be- fore he had founded, pag. 1 . CORRECTIONS. "Clrft he faith both heereand in Shrewsburie, that this Roger Montgomtrie •*■ wasEarle ofBelefino in Normandie. I could willingly beleeue him.but in beleeuing him I fhould not beleeue both Gemtticenfis and other Normane Writers, who acknowledge him no Earle before hec came into England. Therefore I defire better proof e then his bare word for it. Secondly,thar he was fonne of Hugh Montgomerie and Sibe U his Wife, daughter of Herfafius the Dane$c . when thus it is deliuered by a Gemiticen- * Gtmiticmfjj.c.jftfi 19 [is, Roger ius Comes filius Hugonti de Montegummerici, natmeft ex quadam neftium Gunnoris ComitiJ]£,feilicet, ex Jocellina filia weuiu*. Of which, fee more inSbrewsturie. Thirdly, itf Arvndell. Thirdly, he forgets his fecond wife, and difplaceth his ilTue, if you will « GemUice*{M.i.c*p i * de terra fua expdfus eft, mifer & deftica- bilis omnibus per aliorum domes diu peruagatus eft. Ad extremum , Rogerium de Monte-gummeri expetijt L , eifofiliam fuam nomine Mabiliam Jponte obtulit, • Jpfum namfc errabundum in domo fua fijcepit y eiufy natam fibi legitime copulamt. -guafuccedenti tempore quin%ftltos& quatmr filias peperit quorum nemina hac funt, Robert w ,et Hugo, Roger ius Piclauinus, ?hilippus,et Arnulfus, Emm a , Matildu^ Mabilia & Sibylla. Or to one that fhall by and by be cited to fecond this, and prooue the other wife. This Mabeltthe firft iQrdmcu* Hutu wife was b murthered in her bed by Hnghde Salgeio a Knight, intheyeare mo»achiup4.f?s,B t etst4' 1082. iri memory of whom this Epitaph wascoropofed. Alt a cUrentum de ftirpecreata parentum Hac tegitur tumba maxima Mabilia. Hac inter celebres famofa magis mulieres Claruit in late orbe fri merite. Acrier ingenio, fenfu vigil, impigra fatfe V tilts eloquio,prouida cenftlio, Exilis forma, fed grandispr or fus bone ft as, Dapfilis in Jumptu, culta fat is habit u ' Hac Jcutum patria fuit : hac munitio march*, Viciniftfe Juts grata vel horribilts, Sedquia mertales } nen omnia pojfumus emnes, Hac perijtgladio, notle perempta dole Et quia nunc opus eft def unfit ferreiuuamen £uifqnis amicus adeft fubuenicndoprobeu ^hZ^rfJ^l Histwo wiuesandchildrenthefefew words will proue, « Poftimcrfecli. fdg. S7 S D - omm Mabilia. Rogtrius Comes aliam duxit vxerem nomine Adelaifam Ebrdr- di de P ufacie qui denobilifsimis E rancor um proceribus erat, filiam . Pradiclus C on Jul ex priori coniuge procreauit quinfy filios t et quatmr filias^ 7 uorum nomim *orJerie.ytt*i'p*i-sS'.c. nahac fmt Rodbertus deBellifmo (who was the eldeftfonne,and had d all his Fathers eftate in Normandie) Hugo de Monte-Gomerici (who enioy ed Arm. *&#andtheCountiePrf/^/>fof Shrewsbury.,) Rogerius Piclauinus (To cal- led by reafon he married his wife out of PoilJiers; ) Philippus (not the fife, tMatmef.fol.ftc.b. n». 10. but fourth fonne, was a c CIcrgieman: ) at the daughter of EuerarddePufacio aforenamed, hebegatea fonne called like wife Euerard^ who was Chaplaine to the two Kings, William Rufus and Henry the firft : oritrif*Z'S7^-P* Thefe enfuing words fay fo much. De fecunda vero comuge vnum genuit fili- urn nomine Ebrardum,qui Uteris imbutus, inter regales Capellanes vffo hodie demeratus eft in aula Gutllelmi et Henrici regum. This A RVNDELL. 17 This Roger de Monte Gomerici called fotnetimcs Roger de Bethleem (cor- ruptly for Belejmo) to whom for his good feruice, the Conque ror gaue firft *CaJlrum Arundellum & vrbem Ctcep ant, and afterwards Comitatum ^rd™ *t*l. M ,.s ScrobesburU, began the b foundation of the Abbey at Shrew sbury(yvheie he Gcm,tt < :en f M - Sc*?-3f- b. was afcer buried) in the yeare 1083 . Laftly, about his death growes a que- ° 0rderyttal ^^-^ ftion, w hether he wasflaineatC^^, A°.iopi.ornot^ as H.Torke hath noted 5 1 fay it is othcrwifedeliucred, & by very good Authors. c Onefaies, ' Ro - No » e o d '»^-frim,f4 £ . a°. 109 1 . Coma Scrobesberienfis Rogerus ejr w'tdo Abbas StfiAuguftim & Pan- 2 * s b n °'*°' linus Abbas Eccleji* Santti Albani decefserunt. A nother( who defcrueth cre- dit herein, when ashisFather was preprietarieofthe place where this Earlc fc u nd(d the Abbey of Shrewsbury) hyes, that this Earle Roger liued fixe yearcs longer then wtlliAm the Conqueror (who dyed a°.io87.) and then flic wes anno MXCIV.VI.A4/ Jugufli defunfim eft (he was then dead )fe in y A fili C A nouA wter duoaltartahononjicefepultus eft. de Belfftxo, fonnc and heire of Roger 1 ^forefaid, was after his father, Enrleof A- runde/Imd Shrewsbury^nd was flaine at Angle- fey in North wales, 1 098. (by Magnus a Pirate of the Ifles of Orcades) with the (hot of an Ar- row which ftrooke him in the eye . Hi c dyed without iflue, and was buried by his Fathe/ in the Abbey ^Shrewsbury, i I finde no Armes ay^,, borne by him. pag.i. ™ywh«A^5S£ CORRECTIONS. AS yet I reft confident, that this Hugh Earlc -t-^epalatineot Shrewsbury, was not fonnc and heire 3 'm regard that fuch Authors as liued in or t f l ? M r nr ""J m Wrf ^ wrote of thofe times,ftill ' name Robert before t^**""" «* this Hugh : I graunt that Hu?h had his Fathers ^^^ s f syg.D. EngWh Honors 5 fo ^wiUtamRuft hee?ethe Crownc, Mag an elder l6 ' brother Robert Curtuoife that was onely Duke of Normandy. No wMalmef wry further confirmcs my conceit,and fayes,fpeaking of Robert de Bellefmos h u' S Roberttts Bele fmo™aior filiorum Rogerii de Monte-Gomerico, fcc. u a u Was cldcft or not ' it: makcs not much matter 5 fure 1 am > thathec ^ J ^ w ^'. *» had all his brothers Honors at laft, though a little time heenioyed them. C Robert Arvndell. R! Obert de Belifmo^ftev the death of Hugh his brother, was the third Earle of Aran- dellmd Shrewsbury ; who entring into rebelli- on manned and fortified his Caftlcof ^/'againft King Henry i . 1 1 03 . & was by the ("aid King banimed England s md his Caftle and Honor of Arundell gimn in dower to QMde- to,the wife of KMenry i.And after being ta- ken at the battel of Trenchbray in Normandy, with Robert Cur toife D of Normandy ^ eve both brought into England, and imprifonc din the Caftle of Cardiff e,whev they had their eies put out, and remained prifoners during their liues, as in the tide of Shrewsburie is more at large. p3g.2. CORRECTIONS. THis pafozefor time and place requires a more exact demonftration, vn- leffcthecrediteof all ancient Authoursbcc of force enough againft hisbare affirmation ; for you fee he reports Robert de Belefmo Earle ofArun- dell and Shrewsbury, to haue manned his Cajlle of Arundell againft King Henry thefirfi,A\ 1 103. when it was the yearc before .-for when hee perfidiouflie had raifed warre againft him, he indeed betooke himfelfc for his better fafc- gard to Arundell Caftle, while thofe broilcs lafted,which he ftrongly forti- fied for a while : but fped no better then Traitors vfe to do,for at laft (which was not long after) it was yeeldcd vnto the King, and Earle Robert hauing « Math weftm.p i 3 s.^. 3 o forfeited his e ftate (not without iuft caufe) was baniftied out of England, * Next for place, heefayeshe was takenat the battell of Trenchbray inNor- mandiewvhDukc Robert. I grant that Robert wastaken b 8.Kalend.ofMay, A°.no6. at Tenerchbray, together with diuers others of great account, where quite put betides his hope of the Crowne of Englandby his younger brethren, was forthwith fent into England, and imprifoned mCardife Ca- ftle in Glamorgan/hi rem wales, from whence feeking to elcape and taken a- gaine, the King his brother hearing of his attempt therein,commanded both his eyes to be put out, where he remained in dcfolate darkneffe all the reft of his dayes: neither reuerenced by any for his former greatneffe, nor pittied for his prefect diftreiTe. Thus you fee royalparentage is neuer allured either of ends or fafe fecurity. But to returne to Belefmo, I cannot yet find that he was heerc taken • all Authors conclude, that (in c ipfi exordio) at the very on- \ fct of l he aforefaid battaile he * fled , and the next newes I hearc of him is a- ordenc^rtAi.s2,.B ipo- bout the thirteenth of Henrie the firft, at which time hee is taken, and tint committed « prifoner in October, 1 1 1 2. to Keresburg,md in Iuly following, « ro Houeden'foi.i-7-i n ° . i o th c K i ng returning out of Normandie into England, was brought to war ham c«twZ%t '?J M " heca where he was left {in cuslodia arclifsima^lok prifoner. Sec more in Shrew f bury, William Tlorcnt. Wigorn.p.C s° Jo . A T'tmptoTt^ol- toi.h. Ro.Hoveacr, jol.26 y.n.io. ^Mat.Wtftm p.t37&°- 3 Ar V ND E L L. \XTllliam deAlbeneio, fonneof William dc * v K^ilbeneio, who came into England with William the Conquerour, and had giuen him the Caftle of Bockenham, and the Mannor of Wymondham in Norfolke, to hold of the K. to him and his hcires to be the Kings Butlers at their Coronations. He was after Earle of chi- cheflcrjxx the 1 9. yeare of King Stephen as doth ■ppeareby the Charter of King S tephenp fzhc pacification of the troubles betwixt him and HenrieDukcofNormandie (Holingfhed 3 page 63.) and diuers other the faideWilliams ownc Charters. He married Queene Adeli^a the wi- dow of K'm^Hemy the firft, and Daughter of Godfrey D uke of Loraine, with whom hee had the Cafileand Honour of Arundell (being her dower) which Mauld the Emprefle afterwards proclaimed him Earl there- of (which title it is faidc) that King Henrie the fecond confirmed to the faid William and his heyrcs, in the firft yeare of his Reigne. This William, with Reginald ' de warren, conducted Mauld the daughter of King Henrie the fit ft into Saxonie, to be married vnto Duke Henrie, after Emptrour,in the yeare one thoufand one hundred and foureteene '. Hee founded the Priorie of Beckenham, and died in the third yeere of King Henrie the fecond, and was buried in the Priorie at Wymondham by his Father, leauing iflue by his wifeQiJeene Adeli^a ,two fonnesand a daughter, viz. William, Godfrey, and Alice 5 which Alice was married to lohn Earle of Angle, pag. 2 . In fome of his Bookes this follotves. I finde written of this William , that at a Iufts held at Paris, hec behaued himfelfefo valiantly, that the Queene Dowager of France fell in Ioue with him, and defired him in marriage, which herefufed,faying; That hee before that, had giuen his word and faith vnto another Lady in England; which de- niall the faick Queene tooke in euill parr, and thereupon practifedto get him into a Caue in her garden, where ftie had caufed a Lion to be put to deuourc him : which when he faw, he fjercely fet vpon him, thrufting Kisarmeinto the Lions mouth, pulling out his tongue; which done, he conueyedhim- felfe moEngland, and performed hispromifeto Queene tAHidis, 1 135. In token of which noble and valiant at% this William aiTumed to bearefor his armes,a Lion gold in a field gueulles, which his fucceflburs euer fince hauc continued.pag.2. Ci COR- 20 Arvndell C ORRBCTIONS. MArkehowmainlythismanthruftsatbelcefe, hoping you will not o- thcrwife thinke, but all he writes is Gofpel ; wee may not fay (becaufe here he fpeakes it)but that this William de Albiniaco was Eark ofC hicheftcr- 3 Hollinfiedis hccre vouched, and you are told of diners of the [aide Williams cWmo confirmed All is granted, that he foftiled himfelfc, but know you thereafon ?' So was the Earleof Pembroke filled fometimes Earle of 'MAt.We(tm. f a z . 2 //. a strighull, and otherwhiles Earle of Chef flow : William Tonne of Robert ftSE^^ d Conlul of Glocefter, Earle of Brijlotv, b Raphe de Guader or met , Eirle of i Houede^foi.fso.h n v*. M rW f C j, c Ro y crt de Ferrers Earle of Tutteburie, d and Gilbert de VmjramuiL 2^SSS3jr W * Earle of ^r^:becaufcindccde, thofe were their principal! places of refidcnce, as Strighull, Chepftow, Briftorv, Ttyrmch^Tuttebury^ Ridejdale. Sometimes this Earle William lined zichichefer the prime Citric m Suffex, of which County he had tertium ^«Mri0« a then was he (tiled Earle there- of i otherwhiles at Arundell, and had his titles accordingly. For one and the felfefamemaninthatag?, would ftile himfelfc diuerfly : as Earle Fttrers^ Earleof Nottingham, Earle of Derby, Earle of Tutburj ? as in thisFamilie, Eirle otArundell, Earle ofSufex; Earle of Chtchefier. The like in the olde EarlesofDww. If itmuft beegranted, that thefe were in regard of thofe tiularies vnqueftionably Earles. of thofe places; thenit muft not bee denied me, but th t the Bifhops of Lichfeldmd Couentry^Eath and Welles, and cht- chefier may beconceiued rightly fo termed, when they were written Biihops 'M^^^mo ofChe^GlaftonburicmdSufexJox fo I often finde them. But where is this Earle Williams Title of Suffex all this while? Is it fimke in the wetting? I will haue about with you for it, when I come into that Country . NowforhistitleofEarlcof^r/wwfc//, it is trueth.it King fliww the fe- cond confirmed it to him : but in what yeare of his reigne (although hccre you fay in the fir ft yeare) neither you nor I know : the record thereof (hewes it not, and I dare quit you of knowledge to hauefeeneit: itisvpponan ln- ftextmus,whichisa Heathcn-Greefce-word to him that is not acquainted well with his o wne Mother-Englifti-Language : which Patent of K. Henrte the fecond, becaufe you deliut r it doubtfully with an tt tsfaide^ I will now ijLxrot.chartarumde am j cnie j t w i t h vOU a Henrictu Rex An^lu^ et Dux Norm.dr Aquit. eyCom. ISSSSST Pr ° *" Andezau. ArchkpiftpifCom. Bar. luftic.vic. miniftris& fdelibusfiis ton- us Anrlia, Francis & Anglu falutem. Sciatts me dediffeWilhelmo Com. A- rundel] Ca flellum de Arundel cum toto honor e Arundelli & cum omnibus per . tin.fms.renend.fibi&herfuUdeme& deher.meiswfeodo&hereditate, & tertium denariu de pUcitis de Sufthfex CafteUarwperU- nentibusy ficut Rex Hcnricus anus mem honor em ilium habtiit quando eum A RVNDELL, 21 in fro dominio habuit. TV/?. Theob. ArchiepfCant. Hi I. EpfCicN.Epf.de Ely. L. Cane. Willielmofiatre regis Reg. Com. Cornub. HugoneCom. de Nor' folc.Hen.de Efex Conft. Ric.de Hum. Conft. Ric.de Lucy ,War.fil.P.Cam. Iof- cel.de Baillol. Roberto deDuneftanuilla^Roberto de Curciapud Wejlmonafter : notnamingthedateatall. Hce was buried in the Priorie at wymondham in Norfolke, which his Father had founded, for whom this Epitaph was com- pofed. Jiunc Pincerna locum fundauit, & htc iacet^ ilia Qua dedit huic domui^ urn fine fine tenet. Laftly, to his talc of theLy-on, me thinkes it is a very prettie one to parte timewithall, I haue heard the like of one, that thruftinghisarme inatthe mouth, tooke him by the taile, and turned the wrong fides outward. But good M. Tor/bare you fore yourtale is true i I aske,bccaufeyoufay,/»/^» of this noble able , this William affumed for bis Armes^ a Lion gold in afielde gueulles, which haue bene cuer fence continued to his pofterity.Now if you haue not good authorities nd cannot (hew a better voucher for it then your owne bare word, whofoeuer doubts of the tale, will be as readieto doubt of the Coate. But furely I hope thofe honourable perfonages whom heere you haue out-talked, willnotbeetalkcd-outof their Armes as the Lion is of his tongue. VV: 'I M am de Albcney, the fbnne of William and Queene Adeli^a, was the fecond Earle of Arundell of that name : he was alwayes faithf till vnto King Henry the fecond,snd aided him againft Henrie they ong King his fon ; and tooke prifoners af the battaile fought at S.Ed- mundsbury^ 1 1 73 . Robert earle of Leicefier^Hugh Earle of chejler, and Hugh dechaftelesa French man,with many others, &fent them into Nor- I mandie to King Henry the (econd,who imprifb> ' ned them in the Caftle olEaloys . He married Mauld y daughterandheireof 11 lames de Santo SchoUer-l&e, Hillarte t md the widdow of Roger Earl of Clare y by whom heehad ifTue William the third Earle of Arundell and Alan, and after died at Wauer- ley the 4,Ides of October, H77.and was buried at Wymondham (as Matherv Paris b hath, page 127. pag. 3. Etportoit de gueulles au lion rampant d'or, arme & Iampaflfe d'azure. *M4t. Parish heere falfified CORRECTIO NS. ^His William deAlbiniaco Earle oi' Arundell md Suffex^ by Maud daugh- terand heii e of lames deSanclo Hi llano y had another fon befides^////- am and Alan called Godfrey, who was a witnefTe to William the thirds c grant ch#>.*i.E.*,n*,4f t cwfr* to the Prione oi'Buckenham in Norfolk. Hifs teftibus Codefiido Albeneiofre. 1 . meo* A RVNDELL i Ma/h.Pans,t>. J2y.n°.20 Math. JVeflm. par 2ft. Rog.Houede»fct.$ l6 b.n° 10. Coletta filia W- quondam Co- mttU Arundet. de$o. 1 i . terr Jibt conctJJU ad fe main and. meo^&c. and died at ^//^/y 4. 1.d . of OcTrobcr, d A°. i 176. (not uyj.asM. Torkehxth falfified Math. Paris) b: inga°.2 2. H. 2. and was buried the 14. Kal.ofNoucm. ztwymondham (a Cell belonging to S Albans) whereofhe was Patron. \\JIlliam de Athene) ^ the third Ear'e of A- v v r undell^nio whom fas Roger Houeden hatb,pag.32o.) King Henrie the fecondin the ,yeare 1 177-didgiuetheEarledomeof at which time, hee reftored to Robert Earle of Leicefitr, and Hugh Enle of chejler, all the Lands which they were feized of 1 5. daics be- fore the warre began . Hee married Mabell, laughter of Hugh Keuilioc Earlc otchejler, & "cond fitter and co-heire of /W^Wm'/*-, " che fixe Earle of Cbefter: and had ifliie,two fons and foure daughters, viz. william and Hugh, both Earles of Arundellmd Sujjex, who dyed without MuQiMabell heeldeft daughter, was m.irried vnto Sir Robert Tatefa/tKnight ; ifabel A^r f ' cond d aB gte,was married to lohn Fit* RoZr^f, °lT l f l NMa the third ^ghtcr, was wife to Zld Zir^ was married to Ro^er rZ< 7 k ° f H l wde * 10 F// ^- Thi * ^//^ died in the yefre 1 island was KxxxK&ixWymondham. p a o. 3 . wycarc Etportoit,Iesarme$defonpere. " tt ijl , n CORRECTIONS. I de^f T ^^iJ ndC ° f dcfr ^ J0 " fromthy iudicious attention (goodRea- ai de lK g r re ™° n ' the Specified Creation of f*# ^f'f' ^rwhomamedQgcciic^^) to beEarleof J#* 5 yet ^Thetot^ Godwin de mpAbtu An- JMinop or Landaffe rp cmca TU/i,U- jo x A ■ , u """ rf > gfi jo(.7 > \i ) n 0 .40 was about 7. H.2 . and i> A/^4W- IfTndcellewherethus < A°.dom it-tc ^/^ rinf«f l- 1 t , 1 1/)* ""y* wgwaiam monies (Jornu- ' h?J^' Ch IgathCI ; C , his ob <""™ion , That th, s wdh^dcAlbeniace -mortem obijt Mali 29.1169. The laft •objjt Reginalds Comes Corrnt- therhirrlnfrW ** a " 1 " «»=> ooieruauan 5 inzttnxsmUtamdeAlbeniace Tx^h^uu%^ notbeh ^^atwasfirftcreated Earlc of butbcforc Archbtfooppe S ? Ch f tcr of Cl ™ion > wherein the King giues to thatW/- now rcpeatcdThe words that M.7>rf ftands vpon to fW^are thefe.^o. wuArmdel^editComitatumdeSuthfexe. Bdeeue which you lift :1am for A R V N D E L L. for the Record,akhough peraduenturc what I haue as yet here deliuered,wil notfatisfie cuery one : for fomeare fo incredulous, that they thinke none bald till they fee his braines : 1 haue therefore referued one tricke (like a cun- ning Gamc^cr) for the left caft, that will ftrikeall dead, and youftiall haue it in the Title otSufex, for there I am put vpon the fame p oint againc. \\Tllliam de Albeney the fourth Earlc of A" V V rundell^ and fecond Earle of Sujfex o^ that name, died without iffue, inhisreturne from lerufakm^ in r heyeare of our Lord ,1221. nd was brought into England, and buried at Wymondham, leauing his rich patrimony to his brother Hugh, who being vndcr age, Hubert de Jurgo Earle of &/»;,and Chiefe luftice of Eng- W,hadhis Wai'dfliip. pag-4 Et portoit^gueujles au lion rampant d'or 3 arme & Iampafle d'azu' A; S I faid before, Idefire but your patience till 1 come to the title of Suffex^nd I doubt not but to (hew this William to bee the fourth Earle of that place. T iVgb de Albeney ^ fecond fbnne of William the ■**chird, and Brother and heire of William de Albeney 7 thc fourth Earle of Arundell, was the fift and laft Earle of Arundell^nd third Earlc of Sujfex of that Fan ily . He married IfiM/hugh- ter of William Earle warren and Surrey, and dy- ed without iffue,and wasburied dxwymondham by his Anceftour?, in theyeare of o ir Lord, 1243. tne 28.ofKing /frffttf the third* leauing his foure fitters his heircs, who made partition of his Lands in the yeare abouefaid. Mabel/ the eldcft fifter, had the Mmnor of Bockenham-Jfe- hellthc fecond fifter, had the Caftleand honor of Amndell; Nicholea had the M nnor of Bar- row, and Cecily the fourth fifter, had the Man- norof Rifwg in Norfotke, with diucrs other Lands,and were married as a forcfaid. pag. 4. Et portoit, les avmes de (on Frere, CORRECTIONS. IlXEere this Hugh dc Albeney Earle of Arundell and Sujfex, is faid to dye in 1 the eight and twentieth y cere of KmgHenrie the thirds when it is raoft clearly fee downe by good Writers, that he dyed the ycere before. A°.gra- As VNDELL < Math, pari, f .j*r. tU , 2 ^ 3 ^ a A utno r then lined himfclfe) ^/ 4? annus rewi Regis Henri* vicefimusfepttmus.- Nonis Maij , obtit Comes HarundeL Huao de Albineto in &tate iuuenilt , cum iamyix metas adolejcentia pertranfiffet ^ a- pud Wymundham in Ecclefia SSU.Mari^eJl fepultui, cum patribus (uU. After *M*th.i'Ar»f. 7 is.*' , so. whofedeath, b //S^/his wife founded a Nunnery called Marram notfarre from Len,m theyearc 1 2 5 1 .at her owne charge out of her dowry' R IchArd F'^A/an, Lord of dun and Of- rvaldflre in wales , fonne and hey re of lohn Ftt^-Alan, grandchilde of another fobnF/tZ- , Aim and JfabeU Albeney his wife (by their fon M»)wasthe n>ft Earle of ^W?/ 0 f that fur- name. This Ifabell being the fecond filler and co-heire of Hugh de Albeney, had the Cattle & Lordlhip of ArundeUby partition alotted to hir ^or her part. Which Caftle and Seigneury of d L m ^h i bci ° 8 0OW dckcn ^ v «to this ^z- ^^heclaimed the title and nameof Earl: of ArundeU * and by reafon ofthepofTeffion there- ofonely,was withoutany other creation Earle otArundett^ndhzd place and voyce in Parlia- ment, by the name and title of Richard Earle of Arundel^ more at large is fet do wnein an Aft of Parliament made the eleuenth ofK.Hen- Hi) firfl edition thta Hcefe would I gladly be informed to the error which M CmtJs ' W u r l /» BritdnniA,page jefihath fetdowne.concerning the Earldom of Arwt rytriclixtibyoccafionof that memorable outeKher Creation, Letters Patents, orother Ceremony to be vfed A °* Nor J° Lke > ai *d Uhtl Ftt\Ahnh6ld Mal- S^S^TowK^ ^forthcfaidEarledomeof^W^ J^^S^ ™* daughterof the MarquefTeof ^ % rit ^^™g»^ E3 rieoM«M) thc/beingaii fi 0 f S a luce in Italy , by whom he haduTue,£^ ^^^^^^^S^S^ ^^Earlc of Arundel ifabelWtc to Hugh forwhichheauoucheththemfor. mC1Ul0n « h the > P "uenotthat, ^ Spencer^mte of Wwdefter ; Mauld i, t , Uo .u- j 1 t married to Philip Lord Surnell>m£ Mar?a- d 1 edintheyearei 29 2.thc2i.of£uod idem Edmundus tenetur ad Scaccarium pradi- *Pat.jf E.r.m /4.pr»£d~ Hum in 103.H. 1 6.s. p.d. de duobm debit is qua inueniuntur in rotulis S 'caeca. mmdo Cemte Ar**ditt. rijprxdiffifub nomine lohannis filif Alani quondam Comitis Arundell fan Earle he was no doubt) antecejforis praftti Edmund/. Ettn xvi.lib.& v.fol. qua inueniuntur ibidem fub nomine ipfuts JohannU de Scutapo Wall/a. A°. 10. E.i.ejrc. And a little after, Etin 100. fo lid 'is , qui 'inueniuntur ibidem fubno- wine Comitis Arundell anteceffbris ipfius Edmund/, &c. Moreouer, I finde a recognifancemideby//«r^//^ Albiniaco CounteflTeof Arundell, jfabella b cUuf^.H.i.m.13. ttwji de Albiniaco Comitifja de Arundell recogn. tn Cancellaria Rezis fe debereWiL lielmo de Aette. loo.marcas^&c. but which Jfabell I cannot difcouer ; whe- ther fhe was the fame woman that was Hugh de Albiniacoes widdow,or Jfa- bell otic of his fitters and hcircs, married to John Fit^alan, or Jfabell Mo- ther to this Richard Earle of Arundell wife of another John. Well, it makes no great matter ; I haue (hewed one of the three Johns to be an Earle,and in that it fhewes M. Torke in an error : for now this Richard Fitzalan was not the firft Earle of Arundell of that furname. To my fecond, I Hnde Canticum nouum of M. Torkes, and much difcor- ding from the old fong he hath fo many times fung ouer in Paules y and clfe- where, and left recorded in fome blind c Leaues of his booke, which neuer c p 3g e ais. yet law cleare light, but are kept aliueas witneffesof the Authors both wil- full blindenefTe, and d efperate boldneffe ; not firft to ground himfelfe vpon good Record in a point fo eflentiall to his Office, and fo commonly recey- ued and celebrated as that was, before he run himfelfe vpon fuch a Rocke,as he was fure neuer to get off, but with a blcmifh to fo great and honourable a Family, or his owne infinite difgrace, in giuing himfelfe the lye in Print,as his printed Lcaucs pro & contra do ceftifie againft him . But magna efi Veri- tas ^ and the vnrefiftable power of it, can bee fhewne in nothing more, then to haue made it finde way through his pen,who had all his life declared him- felfe a profeffed enemy of that truth, w hich he is heere forced againft his minde, honeftly to confefTe. Heere it fufficeth, that the euidence of trueth hath fb farre brought vnder the pride of his fpirit, as to yeeld teftimonic to this point, which I acknowledge to bee true, though M. Torke fpake it 9 and defire to haue notice taken heere of this his teftimony, ifperhappesi may D haue z6 Ar V N D E L L. iNo Hemy Duke of JF<*r- Wfc$ein his time. haue vfe of it heereafter, which of what validity foeuerit may be thought in another cafe, yet againft himfelfe it muft be taken for moft ftrong j I the re- fore remit all further enlargement, to the proper occafion which he prefents me withall in the Title of Suffix ; page 228. where this Richard Fit^alan as Earle thereof, is brought againe in place. His ifluein this laft place is to be confidered . I verily thinke it will put him to his Eafter booke, to proue that Jfabell this Earle Richards Daughter^ was married to Hugh S fencer Earle of winchefler: for I confidently arhrme, and am able to proue, that that Jjabell which he married, was dau^hterto William Beauchamp Earle of Warwickejhc widdo w of Sir Patrick Chaworth y Lord of Ogmore and Kidwelly in Wales. Now to the next. 1C Dmund Fit^Alan, fonne and heireof RL chard aforefaid, was after the death of his Fathe r , Lord of clun and Ofraldjlre 3 and fe- cond Earle of Amndell of that furname. Hee married ^/^,daughter of William^, and fifter and heire of lohn Earle War ren and Surrey ,by whomhehadiiTuefo^Wa fonne, and two daughters. Alice the eldeft daughter was mar- ried to lohndeBohnn, Earle of Hereford & Ef fex, and Conftable of England-, lane the fecond daughter j married Warren Lord zJJlc . This Edmund was borne in the Caftle of Malbo- rough : he was very hatefull to Queene Ifebelf, who by the meanes of her Minion Roger Lord Mortimer , was taken at Shrewsbury ,& brought to Hereford, and there beheaded, in the twen- tieth yeare of King Edward the ft cond pag. 5 . Erportoit, les armes defon Pere. "D hhard Fit7^y4hn, fon ofEdmond afore", iaide, was the third Earle of Arundell o* that furname, Lord ofc/»#and Ofwddjlre(m<\ by his Mother Earle Warren and Surrey, Lord of Bromfie/d, Tale, Chir eland, and Dm as bran in Noxxh-Wales .) He was reftored in blood by King Edward the third, and entailed the Caftle, Honour, and Lordfhip of Arundell, in the 2 1 . yeare of King Edward thethird,to himfelfe for termeoflife, the remainder to his heiresmale of his body begotten and to be begotten of the body of Elianor his wife , daughter of Henrie Plantagenet Earle of Lancafter 3 and Sifter of *Henry Dvikc of vrarwicke ; by whom hee had iflue, three (bnnes and foure daughters,viz. Ri- chard A R V N D E L L. 27 5i» chard dim Earle of Arundell^ Sir Iohn of Arundell, Knight (that married £- lianor^ daughter of Iohn Lord Maltreuers s and fifter and heire of Henrie Ba- ron Maltreucrs ; in whofe right he was after Lord Maltreuers^ and fayling into little Britaine,was drowned neere vnto the coaft of Ireland r ,the fifteenth of Decembers 379. Leauing hTue, Iohn Lord Maltreuersjxnd others.) And Thorn as the third fonne of the faide Richard, was Archbifhop of Canterbury and Lord Chancellor of England. Alice the eldeft daughter, was maried to Thomas Hilland^ Earle of Kent • Elianor the fecond daughter dyed young . Joan the third daughter was married to Humfrey de Bohun Earle of Hereford, &c. and Mary the fourth daughter, was married vnto Iohn Lord Strange o{ Blackmere, This Richard died in the Caftle of Arundell, the 4 ?.of King Ed* ward the third, and was buried in the Priorie of Lewis.Pag. 5. Etportoitde gueulles aulion rampant d'or, arme & lampafle d'azure. CORRECTIO NS. Richard Fit^AlanEdtk of Arundelhnd Knight of the Garter, was (its true) * rc ftored by King Edward the third, and married to his firft Wife F/! l : apud F/i m ' , r^j if i 1 J t,-^ r 1 , i ."*Proxfoftfe(inm Sana, i> daughter to Hugh le Defpemer the younger (not neere once named) whom he repudiated, hauing hsd llTue a daughter called pMrp, married to j^Sf^'J' Sir Richard SergeauxofCornwallKnight, mother to ^//V? married to Rl cUupo.R^.tk.t^.Jnfi^ chard Verc Earleof Oxford. His fecond wife was Elianor (widdow of Iohn ' *\? t-2- Lord Beaumont fonne of Henrie Beaumont Earle of Bucqhanem Scotland) daughter of Henrie Plantagenet Earle of Lancafter, but not fifier to Henrie Duke of warwicke, for not any one of that Family euer bore any fuch Title ; the forgetfull old-man will fay he meant HenrieDuke of Lancafter, and fo I thinketoo. Furthermore he omixttth Alice a daughter of this Earle of A- rundells married to Henry Beaufort the rich Cardinall before he was in Or- ders, by whom he had a daughter called lane married to SirEdward Strad- Ung, as appearcth in the d Treatifeof the Conqueft of Glamor ganfhire^ub- c^Zm'L^pllliii^ lifhedbyDo&or/^H^//. T) I chard Fit^ Alan ,i on of Richard •■-^-aforefaid, was the fourth Earle of Arundell and Surrey , and Knight of the Noble Order of the Garter . Hee maried Elizabeth daughter of William de Bohun-, Earle of Northampton, and hadiffuethreefons,andfoure daugh- ters, viz. Thomas Earle of Arundell & Surrey : Richard and willtim dyed both young without ilTue . Elizabeth che eldeft daughter, was married to Thomas Lord Mowbray Earle of Not- tingham : and after to Sir Robert Gou- fell Knight. loan the fecond daughter was married to William Beauchampe, D 2 Baron Arvndell. Baron of Abergauenny (Father of Richard Earle of lVorceftcr.)Margarct the third daughter, was married to Sir Rowland Lemhall knight, and had iiTue, Edward that died without iiTue. Altcethe fourth daughter, was married to John Charlton Lord Powis, and dyed without iiTue. This Richardtkc fourth Earle of Amndell, married to his fecond wife, Phillip daughter of Edmond Mortimer Bade of Marcb,mddow of John HaftingsEatk of Penbroke y and had Ittuclohn that dyed yong. This Richard, with Thomas Duke of Ghee- Jlcr, Thomas Earle of Warwicke, and Thomas Mowbray Earle Marftiall, and others, combined and fware each to other, againft Robert Vere Duke of Ire. land, and Michael de U Pole Duke of Suffolke, for abufing and mifleading the King. For which, and fome other caules, King Richard 'the fecond obiecV cd againft them, fome of them were banifhed, others condemned to perpe- tuall imprifonment , and this Richard beheaded at the Tower-hill by Lon- don, whofe body was buried in the Augufline Friars in London, the 2 1 .of K. Richard thefecoad. pag.5. Etportoir, lesarmes de fonpere. TH 1 Homos Fit^Alan, fonne ofthc a- A forelaid Richard, wasreftorcdin bloud thefirftyeareofKing/fc#>7 the foiuth, and was the fift Earle of Arun- deUandSurrey of that name. He mar- ried Beatrix,bak daughter of John king of Portingall, in the Citicof London % 1405 . in the prefence of King Henrie the fourth, but had no ifllie^ by reafon whereof^all his Lands pertaining and belonging to the Earledome ol Surrey, wasdiuidedand went amongft his Si- fters before mentioned, and the Earle- dome of Artmdell, with the Landes thereunto belonging and intailed.went to Iohn Fit^ Alan Lord Maltreuers,fon of Iohn Lord Maltrcuers, grsndchilde of John Fit^-Alan, Lord Mahrtuersp: Elianor his wife, iifter& heire of Henry Lord Maltreuers: (which laft Iohn, was Vnckle of this Thomas the fift earle otArundell, whodyedintheyeareof our Lord God, 141 6, pag.7. Et portoitj gueulles an Lion rampant d'or, arme & lampaflc d'azur. In fome of his Bookes thus. M. A////^fettethdoWne this Thomas Enleof Arundellto bee (lain? r.t Gerbery Caftle,the 13. of October, 3.H.5 wherein hee hath greatly erred. For the booke of the Knights of the Garter (he weth, that it was Iohn Fit%~ Alan his neere Kinfman which was flaine at Gc bery Caftle, 12.H. 6. 1433. as heercafter appeared?. Iohn stow in his Annals, pag. 605. hath, Trr.t the Earle AR V ND ELL. Z? Earle o£ Arundell was flaine at the towne of Rue, and was buried at Beauois in the Gray-Fnais,i3.H.6. M. Martin likewife inhis^ Chronicle, pag. 227. faith That the Earle of^W^was flaine at the C&lzoiGerhery necreto Beauov,A°.i2-H.6- 143 3. which I take to be true. pag. 7. CORRECTIONS. TTE that clippeth his Princes coine,makes it lighter to be weighed, but ne- *^uer theworfe to be touched 5 So hee,thatby finiftcr reports feemeth to paire anothers credit, may make it lighter among the common fort, who by weight are often decerned with counterfets,but no whittakesfrom his good name with the wife,who try all gold by the touebftone. Euen fo is it heere: M. Milles is compafTed about with a cloud of witnefles, and proclaimed (in faying truth) to nawe greatly erred , and to common opinion (which con- demnes without triall) is ouer-weighed by the booke of the Garter, Stm & Martin who are vouched to proue this Thomas Fit^alan Earle of Arundells da:h to be A 0 12 .H.<5. which (this Authour) takes to be true. Marrie vpon bet ter confide ration he cafleeres them all,and relies you that hee died in the year e oj our Lord God, 14 16. being the 4.yeare of K. 5 . Surely he neucr faw any Record for ir, Inraiores dicunt fuper facr amentum fuum quodfr&di- Efiaetr.^n^*'^ tfut 1 homos nuper Comes obijt quarte decimo die Octobris vltimo pr£terito. Which Ii quihnon was taken at Arundell in Suffix, 22. O&ob. in the third ye;:r of the fame King, in which bundle, you (hall haueaboueadozen fe* uerall Offices, fome finding the 1 3. others the 14. of Oftober.but all 3 H.j . which needs muft then be A°, 1 4 1 5 . Now you fee, how childiftily he hath plaid with this Feather, that at laft it is fallen vpon his owne coate. John F?t%- Alan Lord Maltreuers, •* fon of John Lord Maltreuersgtmd childe and heire of John FttT^Alan Lord Maltreuers & Elianor his wife, fifter and heire of Henry Lord Mal- treuers : vpon whom (as next hey re malevnto Thomas Fit^Alan, Earle of ^«W^//aforefaid)the Caftleand Seigneury of Ay undell defended, by vertueofthe entaile formerly made by Richard F?t%- Alan the third Earle of Arundell, in the 2 1 . yeare of King Edward the third. In right of which his poflfeffion of the faid Caftle and Lordmip of Arundell, the {aide John FitT^Alan Lord Maltreuers, by peti- tion in Parliament, the 1 1 . of King Henry the fixt, purfued his claime to theEarledomeof Arundell (before fet on foote by his Father John Fit^Alan Lord Maltreuers, vpon the death of Arvndell. ofThomas Fit^Alan late Earle of ^#»^#)alledging that all his Anceftors as well before as fmce the Conqueft, which had bin feized ofthe Caftle,Ho- nour,and Scigneurie oiArundell^ had beene Earles of Arundell.Vnio which petition, lohn Mowbray Duke of Norfolke appeared, who as heire to Eliza- beth^ fecond fifter and co-heire of the forefaide Thomas Earle of Amndell (from whom the faid Duke flood already polTeiTcd of the Earldome of Sur- rey) made his claime likewife to the Earledome ofArundell. Whereupon, the King and the Lords then alTembled in Parliament, vpon a deliberat hea- ring ofthe matter, approuing the aforefaid allegations of the Lord Maltre- uers t touching the Caftle and Seigneury of AmndeU^ and finding him ac- cordingly to be by difcent lawfully feized of the faide Caftle and Seigneury of Arundell; did by a&e of Parliament declare the faide lohn Lord Malt re- uers to be without any other creation, Earle of Arundell. This John married Mauld, daughter and heire of Robert Louell and Elizabeth Brianhis Wife, daughter and heire of Sir Guy de Brian the younger, and hadifTue, Humfrey Fitz Alan the leuenth Earle of Arundell; and Amicia married to lame s Bote- ler Earle of Ormond and Wiltfhire. He dyed in the 1 3 . y eere of King Henrie the fixt,and was buried at Lewis mSujfex. pag.7. Et potfoitjlez armoiries de Ton pere. Efcaetr. 16. H.S.n CORRECTIONS. TJS Ere you fay, that lohn Fitzalan Earle of Arundell >mzmt& Mauld daugh* * *ter& heire of Robert Louell and Elizabeth Brian his wife: when it appeares to mejhcit Mauld was but daughter to Robert Louell, and heire to Elizabeth his wife daughter and heire to Sir Guy de Brian the younger : for Louell had a former wife, by whom he left iftue male,therfore (he could not be his hey re, * Quia Humfiidm •Jilius & hares lohannis nuper Comitis Arundell (the fame lohn hecre fpoken Matild. nuper vxoris eiusflia Elizabeth* qua juit njxor Roberti Louell ac confanguineus & hares eiufdem Elizabeth quidc no,bi$ tenuerunt in capite diem claujit extremu?n^ht King commands the Efchestor to inquire what Lands he died feized of,&c. which words mew Mauld to be daughter of Robert Louelhnd Elizabeth Brian his wife, and how the inheri- tance came onely by that Elizabeth. Humfrey A R V N D ELL. Hi Vmficy Vtt^Alan , after the death of his Father was the feuenth Earle of Arundell^ and dyed yong without iflue, in the fixtecnth yeareof the reigne of King Henry the fixt, lea- uingwtlliam his Vnckle to fucceede him in the Earledomc of Arundell. pag.8. Et portoit,gueutfes au lion rampant d'or,arme & lampafle d'azu? I 1 \AJlUiam Fit^Alan^ Vnckle and ^ * heire of Humfiey aforelaide, was the eight Earle of Arundel of that name,and Knight of the Noble Or- der of the Garter . In this Williams time the* 1 8. of King Henry the fixt, * The quefoon was not mo- there grew a queftion in Parliament, uedbecvvcenethem vniiia°. for precedencie of place,betwcen him o>" JS2i7rf b pSf I a nd Thomas Earle of Deuonfhire; who lia ™ e ">° 0 :2 - and thePadi. I Jlledged, that the faide William Earle X^l^^T^o^Zl rfArwndell, holding by the late Crea- blame in al i"" in s vs to be- / u r r jv r » / „■ ~ * leeue your number, 18. as! tlOn ( ashclUppOled) Of Ubn Flt^A- frail more fully ih«w yoiiir* lan Lord Maltreuers, in the 1 1. yearc s "JT ex ' of the forcfaide King, ought not to haue priority of him : whereupon the A& of Parliament aforefaide concer- ning lohn Earle of Arundell, was had into confideration by the King and the Lords of the vpprr houfe,and the Lords Comittics, after great confutation and perufall of Euidences (as is there faid) did conclude, that the faide William was not Earle by way of a- ny late creation, but was declared Earle of Arundel^ in as much as hee was Lord and Heritor oftheCaftle, Honour, and Seigneury of Arundell • and that the Name and Title of Earle, belonged to the faid Caftle & Honor,and had alwaies done to the Lords of the faid Caftle,oftimc that no minde is,& long before. So as it was then by the King,with the aduice of the Lords fpi- rituall and tempoi all, declared and decreed, thatthefaide William Earleof ArundelKhould haue,keepe,and enioy his feat, roome,and place in the Par- liaments and Councels, and in other places in the Kings prefence, byway of 3* Arvndell. « When was fie maHe died on Monday the 25. of O&obbetweene 6. and 7. of the clocke in the morning, A°.16.H,8. 1524- though indeed hisFunerall Ceremo- nies were not performed vn- till the 2 1. of NouembeHol- lowing. ofpreheminence and wormip,as cucr had any of his Ancefiors,Earks of A- r«^//beforcthistime ; asinthcfaidc Parliament Rovvlc is moreat large. This William married /^daughter of Richard N 'cut //Earle of Salisbury ; & fitter of £/V/WAte«///Earle of mrmcke, by whom he had iflTue, Thomas Fit^Alan the 9 .Earle of Arundell^ William, George^nd lohn^ and a daugh- ter named Man-, and died in the third yeare of K . Henry 7 . psg.8. Et portoit^ les armes de fon Pere, Hp 'Homos vhT^Alan^ after the death of mlliam his Father, was the 9, Earle of Arundell of that name, Lord Maltreuers& knight of the noble Or- der of the Garter,and maried Marga- ret daughter of Richard wooduile^xlt Riuers and a Baron of Wimingtonfizm at Banbury the io of K. Edw. 4.2nd fe- cond fifter and one of the heires of Ri- chardEatle Riuers her brother, & had iftuetwofons and two d^ghtcrs^viz. tvilliamthc io.Earlc of Arundell, and Edward: Margaret theeldcft daugh- ter, wastfnaricd to John de U Pole earle of Lincoln- 3 md Joan the fecond daugh- ter was married vnto George Neuil Ba- ron of Abergauenny . Hee dyed in his Park of Dunleej. 6. Henry 8.& was bu- ried at Arundel the 2 i.ofNou.1524. EtportoitjgueulIesauLyon rampant d'of, arme & lampafle d'azur. William Fttz.-Alan, fon & heire of Thomas aforefaide,wasthe tr nth Earle of Arundel JL . Maltreuers, Clun,znd Ofwaldjlre^ he maried to his frrft \N\fi\Awe daughter of Hen. Per- cy Earle of Northumberland^ and had ifiue Henry the 1 1. Earle of Arundell^ Anne & Katherine, which two daugh- ters died both without iffuc. Hisfe- cond wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Willoughby L.Brooke, by whom he had ifiue rwo daughters, Margaret and Elizabeth that diedalfo without iffuc. This William dyed in the 3 5 . yeare of King Henry 8. and was buri- ed in the Caftle of Arundell. 1543. pag 8. Etportoitjlci armoires defbnpere. Henry Arvndell. TLJ£»r)' Fitz-Alan, fonof William ■*■ ^aforefaide, was after his Father Earle of Arundell, Lord Maltreuers % Clunjkc. and Knightof the honou- rable Order of the Garter, He mar- ried two Wiues j the firft was Kathe* rine, daughter of Thomas Gray Mar- quelle I^r/?/ 1 , Lord Bonuile and ffa- rington, & fifter of Henry Gray Duke of Suffolke • by whom hee had iffue Henry Lord Maltreuers, which mar- ried v&wf, daughter and fbleheireof Sir lohnwentworth Knight,and died and was buried at Bruxels without iflue, 1556. being but nineteen years of age. Hee had Mfo two daughters his he'uc$Jar/e the eld ;ft was married to lohn Lord Lumlcy, and had yfliie Charles, Thomas, and Marie y which died all three without hTue. Mary the fecond daughter r?nd co-heyrc, was married to Thomas Howard the laft Duke of Norfolke of that Family ; and had ifTue Phillip Howard afcer Earle of Arundell. This Henrie married to his fecond wife, Marie d 1 ughter of Sir lohn Arundell of the Weft Countrey Knight, the widdo w of Robert Kadcliffe Earle of S uffex, by whom he had no ifTue. H? was Goucrnor of Callis when King Henry the eight befiedged Bo- /<7/»? } and Lord Marfhall of his army, Lord Chamberlaine to King Henrie the eightjKing Edaard the fixt.and Lord Steward of the houfhold to Queen ^r/VandQueene Elizabeth, and died very old the 25. of February, 1 579. the two and twentieth of Queene Elizabeth , and was buried at Arundell with his Anceftors. Et portoitjgueulles au lion rampant d'or,artne & lampafle d'azure. HpHis Honourable Earles Epitaph (a man hee was that deferued all mens A good word, for he was prudent in Counccll, and prouident withall ; a- dorned with lingular giftes of nature, endued with the beft Ornaments of true Nobility, and fupported befides with the cfpcciallfauourof foure gra- cious Princes, Henry the eight, Edward the Cm^Mary and Elizabeth, Kings andQueenesof E»^/W^ in regard I hcare moft men commend it, and for that 1 hauebene by m?ny very earneftly rcquefted to infert it,take here with you, asoutmdkious* clarenceux out ofthclnfcription itfelfe ftill remai- Amiens Brit***}* torn, ning at Arundel m Suffix, hath deliuered it. we cannot {indeede)thinke too ofJ cr v ta >t a z>**'' ten vpon the memorie of good men. VIRTVTI 34- Arv NDELL, VlRTVTI ET HON OR I SACRVM. MaGNANIMVS HBR.OS,CVIVS HIC C E RN I TVR EFFIGIES, CVIVS Q^V E hic svbter. sitasvnt osSA, hvivs ter.ritor.ii comes fvit: SVI GENER.1SAbAeANIFII.IO COGNOMINATVS, A MALATR.AVER- SO,CLVNENSl ,E T OSWALDBSTRENSI HONORIBVS EXIMIIS DOMI- NVSlNSVPERAcBAR.ONVNCVPATVS:GAR.TER.IANI OR.OIN1S E- QVESTR.IS SANE NOBILISSIMI SODALISDVM VI X IT ANT I QJf I S S I- mvs: Arvkdeliab Comitis Gv iliblmi fuivs VNICVS etsvc- CESSOR,OMNIVMQ_VE VIR-TVTYM PARTICEPS.'QVI HlN&ICO OCTA- VO: EdWArdo vi: Mailiae et E lixab e th ae Angliae R.EGI- I BVS, A SECRET IS CONSILIIS, VI L L AE QJVOQJE CALES I AE PA AEF EC- TV RAM GESSIT, ET CVM HeNRICVS REX BoLONlAM IN MoRl- NISOBSIDIONE C I N X E R A T, E X E R C IT V 5 S V I M A R E S C A L L VS PRI, MAR.IVS, DEINDE REGIS FV1TCAM BRA RIVS ."ElVSQ^VB FILIO E D- WARDO DVM CORONARETVR. MARESCALLI REGNI OFFICIVM GE- rebat: EIQJVBSICVT ANTE a p ATR1 C A MERARI VS F A C T v s.Re g- NAN1E VERO MARIA Reg IN A,C ORON ATI ONI S SOLEMNI TEMPORE SVMMVS CONST1TVITVR CoNST ABVtARIVS, DOMVSOJB ReGIAE POSTMODVM PRAE F ECTVS, ACCONSILII PRAE SESI SICVTEtElI- ZABETHAB ReGINAE, CVIVS SIMILITErHoSFITII SenESCALLVS FVIT. ItA VIR ISTE GENERE CLARV5, PVBLICIS BENE FVNCTIS MAGI* STRATI BVS CLARIOR, DOMI AC PORlS CLARIS SI MVS.* HONORS FLOfLENS, LABORS F R A C TVS, AETATA CONFECTVS, POSTQV AM jETATlS SVAEANNVM LX V I II. ATTI G I SS ET, Lo NDI NI XXV . DJE Fe- 8j B R V ARI I, ANNO NOSTRAS SALVTIS A ChRISTO M.D. LXXIX. P I E et svaviter Domino obdormivit. Joannes Lvmley,Baro de Lvmlby gbnbrpien- tissimvs, svpremab volvntatis s v ae v i n d e x, s o- cero svavissimo et patrono optimo m a g n i * i- centissime f vn erato, non me mori ae, q_vam i m- mor.tale m sibi m vlti f ar i i s v ir t vtlbvs com- paravit, sed c or p or is mortalis ergo, in sphm, toe lic is rejvrrectionis reconditi: hanc illi ex propriis arm atvris statvam e q_v e- strem pro m v n ere extremo, vberibvs cvm lachrymis devotissime consecravit. ARV N DELL. 35 I^Hillif Horvard^X&sSS. fon of Thomas late D. • of N0rfolke y attamted as aforefaide, and of Marie his wif e,fecond daughter and co-heyre .otHenrie F/f£-^/<*#abouefaide (vnto whom was conueyed the Caftlc and Honor of Arun- dett) did in right thereof (vpon the death of Henry Fitz-Alan his grandfather) affume the Name and Title of Earle of ArundeU^ beeing not as yet reftored in blood, and by that name was fummoned to the Parliament holden at Weftminfter, the 1 6. day of January follow- ing, in the 2 3 . of Queene Eli z>abeth f and (ate there in prefence of the faid Queene as Earle of Arundelhlmoft two months before his refti- tution in blood, which was concluded in the vpper houfe of Parliament , on the tenth day ofMdrch after, asdoethappearebythe Iournall bookeof that Parliament, ye married Anne daughter of Thomas LoidVacres, andfifter andco-heire of George LoxdDacresotGillepnd, by whom he had iftucThomas Howard nowEarleof^»W. and died a naturall death in the Tower of London,the 19. ofNouember,i595« Ec portoir,les armes de (on pete, T: ' Homas HowardEailtof Arundell andSurrey^the onely fon oiPhiU ///Earle of Arundel, was reftored in blood by K James in the fecond yeare ofhisreigne, 1^04. and after made one of the faid Kings mod Honoura- ble Priuy Councell , Knight of the Noble Order of the Garter, and Earle I Marfhall of England.This noble Lord outofhislouc and honourable difpo- 'fition(with the other Lords Commif- fioners)wasthe meanes that his Maie- fty did augment and double thepenfi- ons of the Kings Heralds and Purfui- uants of Armes, with an allowance of x.pounds by the year for eucr towards the maintenance & repairing of their Office or Colledge. Hemarried Ale- theia yongeft daughter and coheireof Gilbert Talbot Earle of Shrewsburiejoy whom he had iflue lames L. Maltre- uersfe Knight of the Bath,Sir Henry Howard knight of the Bath : Thomas and Gilbert died both yofo^William and Z C harts Howard,Anao 1 62 1 • aHe died in February,!^. Etporroit,Gueulles a vn band entre fix croi/Tets a botonny fiche d'argenf. E2 . — . a They are not botonny but A Catalogue Kctoifa. « The A rmesheere blazoned arefalPe,forall olde Rolies, Monuments,andSeale*tefti- fie, he bare Gold foure pal- lets Sable and not paly of fix Or and Sable. A CATALOG V E O F the Earlesof Atholl, their Armes, VViues, and Children, WITH CORRECTIONS. Auid (fur-named) Strathbogie, Earle of Atholl in King Henry the thirdes . time,maried IfibeU one of the daugh- ters andheires of Richard of Chtllam (bate Ion of King lohn) and had iffue twofonnes, lohn and Davids John was hanged, and dyed with- out ifluc : Dauidhis brother 'fuccceded him in the Earledome. Etportoit, pale de « fixd'or & defeb e. CORRECTIONS, HTHepointsthatyou falfirie heerc are theft : A That lohn Earle of Atholl(thacwas hanged) died without ijfue : and that Dauid who fuccce- ded him was his brother. In which compofiti- on of conceits, you fliew how acliucyou are in thought-catching : and how forward you are, to poflefle the dreaming braincs of eafie-belecfe, ftill faying any thing, but prouing nothing. Now therefore that the able Reader may the better fee your Errours in this plice. I will a little lay open this difcent. Dauid de Strabolgie (afore fpo* kenoOEatleofvf/W, an eminent man in Henry the thirds time, married Ifabell one of the heircs of Richard de chilham, and Rohefia de Douer his wife )t£u ' Z J ' ?t ri "•• , *•* ( after wh ° re dcarh > fllce was b married to Sir Alexander Balioll, in her right Lord ofc hilham in Kent) which Earle Dauidby the faide Ifabell, lefty (foe lohn. lohn de Strabolgie, fonne and heire of X^/wVaforefaide, fucceeded in the Earledome of Atholl : but being a man of an cuill and turbuk nt difpofition, alwayes bent to innouations,was at vnawarcslaide hold on by the State, and being brought to London^n «wefminfler hall the fourth day of Nouember, A°. 1 306.34 E. i. recciued fentence of death, and was hanged aloft vpon a gibbet fiftie foote high (for the King commanded it) in regard cater is parri- cidis generoftor infanguine, altius ceteris fujpendatur fro feeler e : Becau fe hee might befrmuch the more conjpicuotts in mens eics,by how much he was of high- er and nobler birth: and beingcut downehalfealiue, had his head Imitten off, and fet vpon London-bridge in fuperlatiuo gradu (as my d Author tels me) and the trunke of his body throwne into theiire and burnr to aflies : a cruell kinde * Math.Wefim.pag jf Dauid fi. Urn lohannisquondaComitU Athol, Adomarm de Valencia Johannes deMou* ' CUH f- x ' E ' 2 ' bray de Scotia & Alexander deAberny thy, recognoueruntviz,. qwlibet eorum mfilidoje debere Radulpho de Monte- Hermer if, quinque milita marcarum,&c. arecognifancewasbythemacknowlec'gedatOw^ai. Augufti. Anno 1. E. 2. One thing more to this point in hand, and fo I will proceede : you fliall nnde, that King Edward the fecond reftored by his Letters patents dated at font- 38 Atholl. • Pat.tf E.tpt i,M*io. Pontfracl, 28.Nouembris A* 15. ofhisraignc, to this Earle the Ca- ftle, Mannor 5 and honor of Chilham* qu/fuerunt quondam Ifabcll* de Do- uorreauiapradicli Dauid, which efcheated, by rcafon of fiarle Iohns trea- fbn. How cQtoWfabellbtauiaprtdiftiDauid grandmother to him, if he was lohns brother i for John was her fonne. The reft ofthepafTage concerning this fecond Dauid, you fill vp with froath, with matter impertinent, with matter vntrue 5 for I affirme that hee «• £fcMtr.i£. 3 . m°. ff.pt h died the eight and twentieth day of December, in the laft ycere of King com,Norff. the fecond : howcould hethcnfit (as you/fy in Parliament) A°.i$ . £.3. being dead long before ? Moreouer you fay he had ijjite Dattid Earle of AthoUjZlizAbeth and Philip : if I grant vnto you (which is a greater courtefie then with modefty you can require) that he had iffite Dattidtf ct by and by a foul error will fall in view vn- der that name j in the mean time,I plainly tell you, that here you haue made Elizabeth and Philippa children to their great-grandfather, a ftrange parccll of Heraldry. Ifyou defire to know how, I tell yon 5 They were dang tcrs and heires of Dattid the fourth (not fifters as in the next place you fiy ) fonne and hcire of Dauid 'the third (quite left out in this fucceffion) fonne and heirc of this Dauid the fecond of that name Earle of AthoB. Againe you fay, that this Dattid the third tvat flaine by Andrew Murrey in theyeere 1335. which is aboutthe ninth of Edward the third, and hut euca now, ( euen two lines before) would make vs belecue, that he fate in Parlia. ment.k°.J^E.$. Did I not (hew you already (and good teftimony for my voucher) that he died A. 20.E.2 .the laft yeere of th it King? How then could A.Murrey in theyeere 1335. kill him, when Death nine yeeres before had cut him off \ Alas,alas,this puts me in minde of what Diogenes faid of a cer- taineTka^/wjthat hencuer fawanyman take more paines to brcake his owneneeke: euen fo, it is rare to finde a man that hath more bulled his wits to ouerthrow the opinion of his wifedome. Here Tay you well, thatne bore Us armeiries de fen Pere which were fixe blade pallets in gold and not paly of fix asl haue already faid. T\ Auid Strathbolgtej&m the death of his Fa« ther Dattid^was earle of Atholl in Scotland^ and Baron of Mitford'm England : hee fate in Parliament held at Wefiminfter^ the 43-of King E^Wthethirdjby the name and title of Earle ofAthoH^md died in the 44. yeareof the fame Kings reigne. After whofe death his inheri- tance was diuided betweene his two fifters and heires : Elizabeth the eldeft fifter was maried to Thomas Percy Earle of Worcefter $ and Philip the fecond, was maried to Sir lohn Haljham Knight, and had lflue. After the death of this laft Da~ utd y the title of Earle of Atholl went to the Fa- mily of Stewarts in Scotland. £t portoit,!es artnoirics de Con pefe. COR* At H O LL 32 CORRECTIONS. TTAd you beene well aduifd,you would priuily haue blowne theft fop- * Aperies into the eares of the lazie-ignoranr, who efteerae your writings as the articles of their faith : and not powred them thus plentifully forth vp. on the ftagc of the world, to your no little blame. Here you bring in this DauidEaxkofAthol as the third in fucaffion.andfoyou make him fenne to bis owne grandfather. SecondIy,you fay he died ^4° 44.E.3. when he was dead before. Laftly, th.it his eftate was diuided bctwecne his two fifters and hetres Elizabeth and Philips when the truth is, they were his daughters and heires, and not fifters. Concerning the firft: I muft tell you that Dauidde Strabolgietht fecond,, by foanehis wife, daughter and one ofthcheircsof lobnLo.ComynofBade- nagb iu Scotland, and oflohannehis wife one of the fifters and heires of Ado- warm de Valencia Earle of Pembroke (who died as I faid before A°.2o.E.2.) had ifluc Dauidde Strabolgie thcthird ofthatname, ('quite forgotten in this Catalogue) Earle of Athol, William, and c Adomarus furnamed de Athol c ^Mr. B .H.^.»ti Knight, d owner of the Lordftip of Felton in Nor thumberland whofe daugh- h 3 < Zlf ters Mary and IfibeX were mari d to Sir Robert de In fuU now called Lip of Felton and to Sir Raffede Eure Knights. Which Dauidde Strabolgie third of that Chriftian name Earle of Athol/, brother to Wtlliam and Adomarm, maried Katherin Beaumont (who c died ' Efi"»*pE-3&*» A°42.E. 3 ) and afterwards { (takingarmesagainfttheKingatB^r^^for f r*t.4.E. 3 .?\..2.M.t9. which he had hispardon) was flaine at a battailein the Foreft of Kelblen } sA°, s Efcj.E.j.n < >.36» $. E. 3 . leaning ifTue Danid his fonne and heire, who fucceeded his father in theEarledomc. Dauid de Strabolgie fourth of that name,EarIe of Athol,fonne of Dauid the third by Katherine Beaumont and not of Dauid the fecond by loane Corny n (it is true; a fate in Parliament at Weftminfier, A0.4.3.E. 3 .in ottabis fan%& Tri- ff«Us- E '3'M.t+.im nitatismd* diedthetenthof October following, which is contrary towhat b Efidctr.^.^.E.^./. you haue deliurred in faying he liued a yeerc longer j vntill A°44- He ma- "° 4 tnnm LnK ' xkdElizabeth daughter of Henry Lord Ferrers of Groby and had ifflieby her, two daughters his heires Elizabeth and Philippa This c Elizabeth the mo- c z fee*. 49.2 3 pt./.„<\* ther being fecondly married to lohn Maleweyn dyed at Afford in Kent 2 3 . imc&c. intimating to the Rea- der a locall Baronie in that line of Fitzrvarin. And where fhould it bee but Taueftoke? when as in veric deede if they were denominated of any one par* ticular place, which might be conceiued to be Caput Baroma , their Scat ; af- furedly it was whittington Caftle in Shropfhire, where they for the moft pare *CMukm Brium.p.s9*. *■ liuccl as Lords Marchers , and 1 deduce their pedegree from Sir Guarin de Mctz, a Lorainois^ who tooke to wife the daughter and heircof William Te~ uerell( who is faide to h.iue built Whittington) and begate Foulk the Father of that moll: renowned Sir Foulk Fit&rvarin^ of whofe doubtfull b deedes, and 7' VtliiGHirini variable aduentures in the Warres,our Anccftorsfpake great wonders, and Got ice[atpta. poems were compofed. In the reigne of King Henri e the third I finde, that ^.^.^y.5therightofit being d Tawftoke, there beeing in the fame County, another ^camdensBrttan.pa s .tf)i ) £ pi ace called c 7hz#//ifo£)6^. for confirmation whereof, I appealeto the now right Honour able Earle of B.ith, orvntoanyof that WoiftiipfuU Family of the Chicheflers. Bcfides all which, hee hath omitted diuers children of the faide Earles, Amias, Giles , Elianor, Margaret^ and Anna^ which would not be altogether forgotten. lohn Bath. 4? T OhnBourchicr, Lord Fit^warin, the lecond •*of that name, and third Earle oiBath, marri- ed to his firft wife, Elizabeth daughter of Sir Walter Hunger f h -^Knighr, and had ifliie Eli- zabeth. His fecond wife was Elianor daughter of George Mannors, Lord by whom hec had iffue, Iohn Botirchier Lord Fitzwarin that died before his Father , Sir George Bourchier Knight, and /ftwjy • hee had alfbtwo daugh- ters, Marie the eldeft was married vnto Hugh PVyot of Exeter ; Cecily the fecond Daughter, was married to Thomas Peyton , Cuftomcr of PLmouth. This Iohn married to his third wife Margaret^ daughter & heire of Iohn Donning- ^»Efquire,and had iffue Sufan and Bridget : Bridget was maried to Arthur frit eofi. ray nor in Montgomerifiirein Wales. This Earle died in the third yeare of Queene Elizabeth, page 35. Et portoitjez arAoiries de fon pere. CORRECTIO NS. I_J Ere I am put in minde of what Brutus was wont to fay , Male is videtur jlorem Atatis collocajfe, qui nihil negate auderet. Hefeemeth to haue be- ftowed his time euilly, which durft deny nothing. Butlthinkthfy hauebe- ftowed it worfe, that dare d -ny any thing Tor I remcmber,that once I read a printed Pamphlet of yours, wherein fome queftion was made about this vcryEarlc,whethertherewerecuerfuchamanornot, and thereinyou af- firmatiuely denied it in rhefe words. a UhnBourchier LordFit%warin } whom ^ 1,couer 'ep*M 7 . King Hen.%.on the 9. of July ,1 536. created Earle of Bath, had iffue Iohn Lord Fit^war in that died be for eh is Father at HengraueinSuffolke, 1 %6o.leauing ijjue William now Earle of Bath, quite leauing out this Iohn the fecond Earle of this Family, and thereby depriuing William then and ftill Eirleof Bath, of his right Grandfather : which fince you heere amend what was amiffe, and confeiTc your owneerrour, which you full faine would haue fattened vpon anothcr,I wilceafe for that at this time, and fpeaketo the iffue. Sir George Bourchier Knight, is here madeelderthen Henry- but let me be fo farre forth credited,that Henry was fecond,Sir George the third, and Foulk (not at all named)fourth:and Sir George married Martha daughterof Willi* *m Lord Howard of Effwghamfiftev to Charles Earle of Nottingham, & had iffue Fhik^FrederickjGeorge.william^ThomasJohn, and Charles, all deadif- fuleffe,and Six Henry Bourchier Knight, now liuing, and anfwerable in all points to his ancient and right noble parentage. Then for the daughters by thefam- wife, you make Mary wife to Hugh Wyot to be elder tben Cecily wife of Thomas Feyton^\i\&i is falfe : befides they had three other Afters, Elizabeth, Margaret) and Frances y not at all re- membred. F. a William 44 B A T H f Cduedt tmpttr. r i3 — \M £ ^^b^ j William Boarchier (fonne and heyre of johnBourchier Lord Fitzwarin, that died before his father) grand-childeto /* waiter added in place of Fittyarin : for it is a Barony inuefted into the houft of Sufex,md Fitzwarin into this of Bath. 4* A CATALOGVE OF the Dukes and Earles of Bedford, their ArcneSjWiues and Children, With CORRECTIONS. \Ngelram de Coucy (fonne O ' Ingram by Katherine the daughter of the Duke oL/«- Jiria) S eigz, de Coucy, D*Oy fy et Mount- miraU, was created Earle of Bedford the fortieth yeare of King Edward the third, 136 > . and married lfibell the faid Kings daughter, with whom hec had in marriage the Mannor of Mor- holm % the moities of the Mannors of ■vVirifdale and Ajinon, with the third part of the Lordfhip of whittington, in the County of Lancajler, and had iflue two daughters his heires , Blanc h and Phillips and as Clarences Ceoke hath, Blanch married Herman Earle of Cely^ and had ilTue Barbara wife to JVf^/wWtheEmperour. Phillip the fecond daughter was married to Ro* bert Fere, Duke of Ire Ian d, and Mar- ques of Vublyn. M. G letter Somerfet faith, hee had a third daughter named Mary, married to Henry of Bane, and had itfbe Robert deBarre; and married vnto Lewis of Luxemburg, Earle of S. /W. A nd M . Aifcu in his Chronicle, page 84 hath, that Mary the daughter of this/^/^;» de Coucy % was married to ^ArW^Kingof Scots for his fecond wife : (and thus doe Writers varied He dud 2t Bars in Apulia, 1 3 97. pao e 21. Et j)orroit,bureIlede fix vair&de Gueulles. This/^/rWe Coucyhadn » bafedauohtcr named AW^married vnto the Lord 5//*/^ , by whom (he had iflue Ancarat, wife to Sir Jfcwv /fr/fc, knight. "DEfore I enter vpon any particulars, concerning this Ingelram de Ceucy, •^methinkeslfindethat^whichisnotaltogcthervnfitinthis place to be remembred; of one Hugh de Bellomonte furnamed Pauper^Hxd fonne of Re. * 8**-umk in Ufim bertdeBellomenteEarkof Melle*t 9 md brother to Waller an Earle of Mellent i ' nealo ^ He * tr * nt * % p * in Normandy, and /? rr • 1 > rr regta permtfstonc pojjederat, negligenter ejr remijjejvi vir laxw ey effemmattu fe continens, Cajlellum Miloni vellet nollet commfit-, iujloque Dciiudicio dc Co- mite miles, de Milite in breuipauperrimus fait. As your phantafie perfwades or your iudgemert directs, take this titles notation.' If I haue erred in bring- ing in this Earle (to (hew Ingelram de Coucy was notfii ft/ with refpect, Ifub« mitmy iclfetothe iudicious : but beleeue (is yet) I doe that hee was Earle theteof. Next that I may come to Mifter Torkes difcourfj in this place,mc thinkes (by reafon of ihe vnc. rrrinty thereof) it is like thegameof Blind-mans buffe, onely groping at likelihoods, therefore fincc imagination is as free for me as for him tlr t wrr-r . it, I .hink^and thinkc that I thinke not amifle,that hee is deceived in faying Ingelram de Coucy was cheated Earle of Bedford 1365. in chart.jo.E.j.n'.u. r "5 ard the words of the creation are thefe. Nos confider&ntes fidelitatis con- jlantiam^ corpora probitatem,ac mores fovirtutespr&claros, quibus predi- ct us Ingeltamus nofcitur mfignin,ac volentes proinde perfonam eiufdem Iwel- rami ad exaltacionem & decenttam flatus fuiejr didaflia noflra (meaning I- fabell who was Ingelgams wife) honorare,etdem Ingelramo, nomenet honorem Comitu dedimus, ettpfum in Comnem Bedfordp^ofectmus.Habendum^c.Dat. apudwcftm.i 1 . die Maij Anno regni nojlri quadragefimo. Which whofoc- uer will b t compare with the yeere 1365. wiliDone finde a miftakeifor the patent as you fee beares date 1 x.Maij A°.4o. E.3. which indeede falsinthe yeere of our redemption 1366. Further he fayes, that this Ingelram Earle of Bedford had ifiue two daugh- ters his heires Blanch and Philip % and 'mews how they were maried according to Ciarenceus Cooke fhen charges thatnot onely induftrious, but alfo iudici- ous He old Robert G louer Comtimc Som erf ft, that hefhould fay he had a third daughter named Mary married as afore (aid, but I nffirne the contrary, that ' GimerapudMtUes^.44j % Glouer writes not fo, for his words are thefe. d Mary his firfl borne daughter Was married to Henry dc Barre^c. and Philip the fecond daughter was wife to Robert de l r eer,&c. Nay I doe not a little wonder, that Matter Torke will here fet downe Blanch and Philip to be the Earles heires vntrucly . not re- membring his o wne words before in h : s owne bookc in the line of King Ed- ward the third where he wr'wslfabell daughter of the fame King was married p.tt.i.K.4.?t.4.7nemb,.ic t0 i nge i ram je Gifnes by whom he hadiffue Mary married to Hen. de Barreand Philip to Robert de fere Duke of Ireland which is very true. In the laft place, hetaxeth Matter Ay fine with marying Mary daughter of this Ingelram de Coucy Earle of Bedford, to Alexander 'the fecond King of S cot land, when tr ucly he is not to be found fault withall, for Matter Ayfcut thus B E D F O R D. 47 thus writcth : *King Alexander buried his wife the King of Englands fifter (ftie ' A jf CMS being daughter to King John and lifter to Henry the x.\\\id) and not hairing had any iffue by her, was againe married to the Lady Mary, daughter to Ingelram Lord ofCoucy a Frenchman. Now confider in what time that Alexander the fecond liucd,and when he died,and you (hall eafily fee that Matter Torke is iatheErrour. As for Mary mentioned by Matter^/*?, itistrueftieewas daughter to Ingelram deCoucypwx not of this man that was Earle of Bedford yet of an Ingelram that was his great ^great-grandfather, and fo will it con- currehandfomely with time: for Ingelram Earle of Bedford,\vas fonne of an. other Ixgelram Lord of Coucy who was fon of William Lord of Coucy, (on of , a third b Ingelram Lord of Coucy ,fonne of a fourth Ingelram, that haply was fc UfftotregentaUgique dtb this Maries father. Againethis Earle of Bedford was not maried vntill about J^S* *" W '** the fortieth yearc of King Edward the third, and Mary here fpoken of^ was maried at Rokesburgh inScotland, to King Alexander, on Whkfonday,A°. 1239. 23. H. 3. and died 1 28 2.and was mother of Alexander the third King oi Scotland \{q that me was dead abotiefourefcore yceres before the Earle of Bed ford Ingelram was maried,whofe daughter he faies (he was. c K°.gratix. c MatK.parup.tfs.n'je. MCCXXXIX. qui efl annus regni domini Regis Hen. tertijvicefimm tertius ^P- 6 '*' bi *- . Rex Scotia Alexander fliam cuiufdam nobilis Baronis de regno Franco- rum Jngelrami de Cufcfjiomine Mariam,virginem elegant em, fibi matrimo- maliter copulattit, & nuptiasdie Pentecofes apud Rokesbure folemniter cele- brauit. d Buchanan connrmes my words, (which I hope mail not be often- j^"**" steticarurnhflom, fiue, if I cite his tettimonie although his bookes by authoritie of Parliament ' ' 7fag '' 3 °' in the yeere C IoDLXXXIIII.werc forbidden, quia multa in ijs funt delen- da) for to this point, thus he xz\>ox\s,Rex jum liber is car erct( meaning by his fTrft wife) Mariam Ingelrami Cuciam Franci fliam cepit -Williams Earle of Southamfton, and after wife to Sir Anthony Browne Knight^and Ifabetl the fift fifter,was maricd to Sir William Hudlefon knight- all which fiue Sifters had iflue. Page 22 . GueuIIes, au Saultcur d'argent au lambell gobonne d'argent & d'azur. CORRECTION S. Hen Henry Lord Percy fonne and heire of Henry Earle of Northum- berland^^ fled with King Henry the fixt into Scotland : King Ed. the fourth befto wed a that Earledome vpon iohn Njuill Lord Montacute • ^/.A°.^.£.^.pt./. which he a fhort time poflciTed, but as the Roll recites ; Liter as fatentes fer memb - lt - qua* nos iffum in comitem Northumbna cre&uimm in Cancellaria nojlra re- fiunitcAncehnd. Whereupon the Kingin lieu thereof by other letters Pa- tents dated at Yorke 2 5 . Martij.h?. 1 o.E 4. befto wed the Marquifat of Mon- tAcutevpon him in thefe wovds.Nos degratia noftra fpeciali dictum confangui- h chart. to. E.^.t.orig. neumnofirum Marchionem de Montacuordinamm erigimus ejr creamws per "*'* " 7m fr&fentes, necnou nomen fttlum, honor em ftatum & dignitatem Marchionis,de Montacueidem lohanni damus fjr c&ncedimtn,&c. But almoft three moneths before this lohns creation, there being fome trcatie of mariage,to be had be- tween e the Lady Elizabeth eldeft daughter to King Edward the fourth, and George Neuill fonne and heireapparant of this Iohn Earle of Northumberland achildeoffingutarhopes, r#/ (Uptake out of the inftrument in fclfe) nobi- e chart,*. 0 . sx.4.n°is. lifsimum fignm fliam nojlram Elizabeth am daremusmconiugem. (yet better deftiny attended her, for fhee was after married to King Henry the feauentb, and fo ioyned the two long contending families of Lancafier m&Torke toge- ther to the great ioy of all Englifti hearts; from whom is branched lames ourdread Soueraigne great Britatnes Monarch : but to returns to my inten- ded purpofe.) Tne King defirous in regard of this intended match to heape honours vpon this y onglings head I d iffum itaque Georgium confangaineum * original, y.z. j.rot.* noftrum in Ducem Bedford fer fr&fentes creamm ac ei nomeu,flilum, titulum, chart. s.£ *.»°./. dr dignitatem Ducts Bedford damus ey concedintus y &c.\vh kh creation beares dateat/fV/?7».5./4#.A°.9.E.4. andnot AM0.E.4. as Mrfiue*i one of Apnlljin the one and twentieth yeare f c ££° of £i/ttw /*/y,A 0 .;o.H 8. c Pat.A°.30.H,g.pt.2 A Catalogue of the Earles of Bridge- Water, their Armes, Wiues, and Children, with Corrections. , Enry Lord Daubeny (fonnc of Giles LordD4«^j,ChambcrLiin to King , Henrie the leuenth) on the one and twentieth day of Iuly,in the thirtieth yecre of King Henrie the eight, at his Mannour of (Pe- king, was created Earle of Bridg water in So. merjetjhire 5 and married Katberme daughter of Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolke, and the WvMowoiS'u Rice ap Thomas, Knight of the Ga v ter,and dyed without hTue, leauing Cecily his lifter and heire, married vnto John Bourchi- er, Lord Fitzwarin, & fit ft Earle of Bath. p. 3 5. Et portott, gueulles*cinq Lozenges en face d'argenc. CORRECTIONS. HEereisafault though not worth looking after,yet in that he laies here (and heereto- forehath* wrote the farne)that this Henry L.Daubeny was created Earle of rorkyerf. canuUnpag. i f . grj ^ £r a J , ^ i u \y^°, 3 0 H.8 .1 fay confidently that he was not created , ofb 8.daies after,as appeartth by his' Patent in the Holies, bearing date at Weftminfterthe29.ofIuly,inthefaide jo.yeare. Hce married Katberme, daughter of Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolke, after married to Sir Rhefe ap Thomas, and not his widdow,and died iffiilefle the 8 of April, in the (econd veare of King Edward the fixc,leauing Uhn Bourchier firft Earle of Bath his fitters fonne,tofuccecde him in a large inheritance. T ohn EgertonJUnight of the Bath,n the Coro- nation of K./4»/w a fecondfonand hei emale of Thomas Egerton, Baron of Ellefmerc, Vif* iCOunt#™f&/ry,and Lord ChancellourofEng- land, was by letters patents bearing date,* 1 6 1 8 made Earle oiBridgewater. He married Ladic Frances, daughter andco-heirc ofFerdimndo, late earle of Derby & had iftue lames L Brackly who died a child, Charles now Lo. Brackly, md eleuen daughters, viz. Frances, Arbella, Eliza- beth, Cecily, Mary, Penelope, Alice died yong, Kathzrinc, Magdalen, Amcjk Aliceihz fecond. Page 36. Etportoit.d'argent au Lion rampant gjeulles entre trois pheons a la bordure engrcfley de fable. * Hee was created Earle of Bridgwater by letters patents bearing date at Weftminfter, 27 . of May , An . 1 5 . lacobi re- £*r,l6l7.not 1618. Bristol l. A CATALOG VE OF THE Earles of Briftoll, their Armes, VViues, and Children. CIr lobnDigby Knight (third and yongeftfon ^of Sir George Digby of Co/ejhull'm the Coun- tie of Warvticke Knight, hy Abigail his Wife, daughter of Sir Anthony Heucringbamof Ket» teringham'mNorfolke, Kn'ght^ whofe lingular demerits, whofe rare wifedomc, and carefull prouidence, attended by his fincere and vnfey- ned affection, for the good both of Prince and Counrrey; hath ftill gained fo worthy an opi- nion of the King and State , as that hee was thought the fittcft to be employed as Ordinary Emballador-Lieger in the Court of Philips third King of spaine^'m Aprill 1611. Vpon whofe returne,heewasthe iccond timefenta- gaine in O&ober, 1614. at which his fecond return? fromthence(after fix ycares Embaflage together) he was preferred to the Vice-C hamberlainfliip of his Maiefties Houfhold, and made one ofthe priuie Councell, the third of Aprill,i 6 1 6, by the Sacred Maiefty of King lames. Then was hee the third time fent Embaffidor Extraordinary, 1 617. and not long alter, by the efpeciall fa- uour of our dread Soueraigne, was hee ranked among the Peeresof rhis Realme, by the Name and Title of Baron Digby of Shtrborn in the Coun- tie cf Dor jet y by Letters Patents bearing date at Weftminfterthetwentie Hue ofNoucm. onethoafandfixhundredeighteen:andintheyeare,i£2Q> he was employed the fourth EmbaiTage to Albert™ Archduke of Auftria, and after that (th^fift time) he was employed to the Imperiall Maieftie of Ferdinand Aitgullm Emperor of Germany , Anno 1 61 1 • by whom hec was moft Magnificently entertained, and with the greatcftRemonftrances of Grace and Fauour,moft Honourably difmhTed. Vpon whofe returne in- to England, and fomc fmall ftay there, he was againc employed as Embaf- fador Extraordinary into Spame, in Aprill 1622. In whofe abfence 5 and du- ring Brist oll ring his (aid Embaflagc there, (where amongft other things of efpecial con- fequence and moment, he was to treate of a Marriage to be had bet weenc the Illuftrious Prince char la. our Soueraignes oncly Sonne, and the mofl: Gracious Lady Infanta Mdria of AuHria, daughter to themoft puiflanc Prince Philip the third, King of all the Spaines and the Indies.) Hee was in refpectof his intcgritie and faithful! deportments in all his employments and afFay res of the State, further honoured with an Earldomes Title. Him (I %) did our Englands Great Monarch King fames create Earle ofBriflcll to him and the heyres mafles of his body, by Letters Patents bearing date the fifteenth of September, 1 6 1 2. He mnrried Beatrice, daughter of Charles Walcot of Walcot in the Coun- tie of Salop Efquire (VViddow of Sir lehn Dmeof Bromham in the Countie of Bedford Knight) by whom he hath hTue Marie borne in England, 1 6 1 o. George now Lord Digby borne at MadriU i n Spainejn O &ober 1 6 1 2 . Abu gall borne in February, 1 614. and M»D^ borne iri England likewifc, in March, 1 61 7 . all now liuing, 1622., Portoir, Azure vn Fkurdeli* d'argent. Place this betwecnepag. j 5. and 57. Britain e and Richmond. 57 A C ATALOG VE OF the Dukes and Earles ofBritaine and Richmond, their Armes, Wiues and Children, WITH CORRECTIONS. \lm (fur named Fergant, or the \Red) Earlc of Britaine and Rich- (fonncof//^/, fecondfon yjof Alan Catgnard, by Bawis his Wife, Daughter and hcire of A~ lan Duke of Britaine, and great Aunt toWW- am Conquerour) to whom the faid Conque- a A « ru rour indie* fourth yeare of his reigne (Mtfacittt&SS^^ fiedge of r*r**) did giue vnto him & his heircs j11 the Lands and Honours,Iate belonging vn- -oEark-Edrvw'm Yorkeflnre. This Alan Fer- gat.t married iirtt, Con/lance, daughter of Wil- liam Conquerour, who dyed without yfifue. And after, he married Ermingard 3 daughter of Foulk Rechm Earleof Anion, arid had iiTue/7,?- »*n y {\x-m\mdleGroJJe, vnto whom was alfo giucntncEirlcdomcof Britaine-, buttheEarledomeoteW^ thefaid William ^Conquerour gaue to his Coufin Alan, fur-namcd/W, or the Blacke (Sonne oiEudo, the fonne of Geffrey, firft Duke of tol/ 0 f that name, by iStow his Wife, Daughter of i^Wthe firft Duke of Norman- cue.) This^W*^ nf* » iSE^J r cdinthe Monaftericof^W, inthe feauenth yearc oi Ring Wmam Rufus. page 25. Etporto,^ efchiquetted'or* d'azur, a canton ermyn. ... 6 Paradm'mhh AlliaKceidc H 'en 58 B r i t a i n e and Richmond. STephenDerienEzrte of Ponthieur ,Lord of Goelo and Treguer, was after his Brother A- lan theBlacke, the third Earle of Richmond, vn- to whom King Henry the firft did giue wait ham with the Soke in the Countie of Lincolne. Hee married Harvis, CountefTe of Guingamp, and had iflUe, A lan [urmmcd the Sauage • Hemic, Earle of Ponthieur-, Geffrey, fur-named Botterel % and others.£fc»>7, Earle of Ponthieur had iffue, to whom King Iohn did conhrme Wal- tham with the Soke, in thefe words. / Iohn, King of England,Lord of Ireland, Duke of Nor- mandy and Aquitaine, and Earle of Aniou, eye. Know you , that I haucgiuen and granted 'vnto Alan ; finne of Henry ofBritain,fon of Earle StC' phen,waltham with the Soke, eye . Witneffe, William of London, Henri e ofwinchefter, Bifhops : and Geffrey F Hz,- Piers Ear It of Effex,and others, of which henry, is defended Lords Fit^ Alans of Bidall. This Stephen Derien (as Somerfet Glouer hath) died in the yeare, 1 1 04, and was buried at Begar, and his heart wasburied in the Monaftery of S.Maries at Yorkers he himfelfe defircd. psg. 2 5 . CORRECTIONS. X A T Hy Conanus Crajpi6 or le Gros (finee afwc 11 the Britaine as Richmond * * Earles are handled)a nd Alanm Niger or theBlacke, are not brought in by way of fucccffion (but incluliuevnder other heads) I much maruaile; although it skils not, neither will I infift vpon the firft, but for the fecond, that I may confiirme what M. Torkc couertly confeffc th, take thefe few lines: a AUmu mger frater y#/&f (meaning Alan Fer gaunt 01 the Red) eidem fuccefsit in honor em Richmundia, cuius annognbernationis. 16. 0 quidam miles Achari- asflius Bardolfi fundauit monafteriu ordinis Ciftercienfis apud For sin wendef. ley dale, quodpoftea tranjlatum eft vfyin territorium deWitton^ey "vocatur Io- reualljs per StcphanumpofleaComitem Richmund/£,ey obiit fine liber is. Aftef whofe deceafe without i(lhe,Stephen Derien (ss he callcs him) fuccecded in the faide Earledomc of Richmond, for the b bookc fay es , Stephanus frater di- cti Alani, eidem fuccefsit in honor empr&dic~lum ; qui tranftulit Abbathia?n de Fors, vffo locum qui nunc loreuallis dicitur, genuitfe filium nomine Alanum • And that he had a fon whofe name was Henry I willingly confeffe it, & will asfoonebcleeuehimtobealfbEarieof Britaine is of Pontheur, forthusl «cW.//^».pt.2.n». 9 5 f j ndetnccChartermadeto hisfonne. lohannes dei gmia Rex AnglU Do- minm Hibernia Dux Norman. Aquitan.ey Comes Andegau'u Archiepifcopis, eye. Sciatis nos concefsiffe Akno filio Henrici Comitis Britannia (and not as M . Torke fayes barely Henrie of Britaine, without the addition of Earle) flit C omitis S tephani, Waltham cum tota Soca> to hold of the King and his heires Jicut Stephanm aumipfim Alani illam Henrico Comiti filio fuo, patri pwdiffi Alani •Lib. Richmondu penes Ro Cotton Baronettum- 1 Regtftrum Richmond^,. Britaine and Richmond. ■dla n i dcdit, tempore H.regis am patris no fir i^ which clearly Ihewes, that hec l^J"^"^ ***-J n h £ had Tirlcof Earlc of Britaine-, and needc not fecme ftrange to any: for tii^Z'jS^ls^Tg.&c' 6 cne and the to nr.' time, there were two Earlcs of Britamei the one of fault, the other of safe Britaine for many y eares together ( as our moft learned A n- tiquarieand light of great Britaine 2 Camden Clarcnceux obferues) and euery a camde* m Bjchtmn^jhire, one of their children had their part in Gavelkind 3 and were ftiled Earls of Bri ■ ****** ■ tame without diftin&ion. But to come to an end. This Ear \z Stephen (as Richmondbookc reporteth) obrit idus Aprilis^anr.ograiix MiUefimo centefi- mofexagcfimo quarto (with whom Somerfet Glo tiers originall Latinc Copie sgrces)^ feptiltm apudBegar, but (as he commanded) his heart was buried in Monajleno Sanely Maria apud Eboracum, quod ipfe priits confiruxerat, & polfefsiombu-s amplijsime dotaucrat anno gratis, 1088. A L%n (furnamed the Sauagc^Lovd of Attan- **gour^ fonne of Stephen Deri en , was after the death of his Fathe r , the fourth Earlc of Richmond, and married Bertha.ddd\ daughter and co-hey re of Conan le Gro/fejn whofe right he was the third Earlc of Britaine^ arid hjdiC- fue, Conan te Petit. This Alan was faithfullto King Stephen, in his Warres with Mauld the Em prelTe 5 and befiedged the Citty of Lincoln in her behalfe, and Henrie Duke of Normandy her fonne : Hee dyed in the yeare, one thou- fand one hundred fixty fixe, and was buried in Britaine, in the thirteenth yeare of King Hen- ry the fecond. pag. 26. C^OnanlePetit (fonne of Alan the Sauage) ^ was the fourth Earle of Britaine, and the mcLatkoi Richmond. He mmicd ^ Marga-^^^^i ret^ daughter Of Heririe Earle Of Huntington ^ ther to Henry de Bohun earle and fiftet of William^^ Scottes y by whom^Jf^. heehadyfTue,oneoncly daughter named Con- Earle of Chefier (from whom fhee was diiior- ced : ) her third Husband,wasG*^^ Vifcount of T orr&we, by whome fhee had ifTue', two daughters 3 A lice the ddeft, was married vnto H 2 Peter BRITAINE ^RICHMOND, Peter deDreux^Duke of Britaine ; andX4/£wmhe fecond daughter, was maricd to Andrew de Vctre. All which three Husbands,the faid Conflance honoured with the Title of Earle of Britaine and Richmond, This Conan, founded the Monafterie of Richmond, and was there buried, in Anno one thoufand one hundred feuentic. pag. 2 6. Et portoit, les annoiries de Britaine, ermln. 1 CORRECTION S. a Lib. Richmond, M-S FIrft M. York fettcs downe Conflance this Earle Conans daughter and heire to bee married to Geffrey Plantagenct third fonne to King Henry the fecond^ forgetting what hce hath written in his fucceffion of the Kings, there moft truelj naming him fourth Jon to King Henrie the fecond King of England. Secondly, whether R&nulpb Earle of Chefler, or Guide of Thouars, was her , next husband, I leaue to be fpoken of till I come to pag.27. Thirdly, for the Foundation of the Monafterie of Richmond, I bcleeuehe is deccyued : for, the bookc of Richmondthus ddiuersit, /Jle Conanvs tdifica- nitturrim migmm infra C a fie Hum RichmundU; but not one word of his Foundation of the Monafterie, neither was there any Monafterie there, that eucrlcouldrcadeof. Laftly, that Earle Conan (after he had fb founded it) was there buried. I do much pittie him, that in fuch high failes of pretended- Learning, hee fhould be fo lightly ballanced cvith read ing, but indeed legerefc mninteUigereneg- Ugereeft. I am fure he fayes not his prayers in Latine : to make no more ado ibout this, my a Author tds mzobiit in Britannia, and where hee was bin ied V tiw'^ wrede Bretugne " EcgarfepeltturA 0 iljo.and noixiRicbmond. Ejfrey Plintagenet ( third fonne lt pag.^z. Comttiffa Britann-a quant marttiis fins Galfridm vita deccdens reliquerat gra- "m/pj™ , p , 3 s K °. ie . uidam^ die S and & i'afcha peperitfilium quern Br it ones »0/?,Prince ofFa/cianack, and had iflue^Beatrix, wif c to 6>y,fcnnc of Andrew Dolphin of Vienna. Page 28. Etportoit.d'oral'aigledefabJeportantal'efcuflcn barre d e lo.d'or & fable,a Ie couronne in band vert. lohn 6\ Br itaine and Richmond. 1 Reujhettu.p.jCg. C ORRECT/ONS. Hp His Peter deSabaudia, was 4 fonne of Thomas Earlc of A/Ubrogespv Sa* . «^,(fonnc of Humbert the third Earle of J 1 */^) Vnde by the mothers M.P4ri»j>;siiM°.io. fide to Queene Elianor^ whom KingHif^ thcthird. AM241. b Mtlitari cingulo decor amt K.nighted,and beftowed vpon him the Earledome of Rich- ' camden m RicbmoM 'jh$re. m9n £ c which (for feare of the Nobles that murmured much aeainft ftran- gers preferred to honours in England) hee voluntarily furrendred vp, &c. Now to come to the difference, furely if M.Torke can no better tell when Pe- ter deSabatidia built or began to build the Sauoy, he can hardly tell who fcr- uedtheMafons; I doe notalittleftrangethathefayesitwas by him begun, A 0 .2?.H.?. feeing that he had nothing to doe with it of a yecre after • for it was 1 2. Febr. A°.^o.H.^. (the King then being aiRading) before he paffed pfttrJe'^tlZTa.^ u1 ' 1r " m an Y cftateof it to him 5 the graiint whereof take along with you. d Sciatts cW.jo.H.j.pt. r. memb. nos dcdjffe et hue carta no fir a confirmajje^ dilefio aminctdo no fir 0 Petrode Sa- il, *n cedtda pendente. fraudia donios ilUsfuper Thamifiam ^qtufuerunt Brum de Infula, extra muros cimtatis nofira London, invito quivocatur la Straunde. H abend, cr tenend. crc. Reddendo inde nobis & htered. no fir is fingulis annis adScaccar/um F. Set. Michaclis tres fagittas barbalataspro emni fertticio^ (?c. which if hee cannot well Englifhjlet him turne tothe laft edition by MMunday of Stowes furuey of London^nd there, page 82 8. he mall findeit done to hishnnd. He maried •« Mikmdeftenmat.fmct. e ^n mor daughter to the Baron of Focirni, and had iiTue f Boniface Archbi- Henmnges.p.ys). Reufntrm. lhop or 6 anterbury^ witncfle pol.V ergtl^xn theie words ; zVemt tn Angmm pagers. Pctrm Sabaudienfis Bonifacu Cantuarienfis antiftitis pater : * and Con (lance 1 Godwin, de prtfultbut An- J J J J > I . > giui&dtt.Latine i6i6j>.ijj. married to the Earle or Albon. Now although I haue here brought in Arcn- Z \6oip g 7 7 f ,t ' DHa "' A kifhop ^ on, f ace i as fonne to Peter of Sauoy and mew you my grou nds for it, *MtUes, f^ccz. uenmnges, theoneoutof that reuerend fathers labours the Bifhop or Landaffe in his t ?1>% Catalogue, and the other cut of Polydore Vcrgdr, yet doe I likewife finde them contradicted both by Hier. Henninges,Albicius> and others, that hee was brother and not fonne to this Peter. Neuer did I trait fo much to mine owne Apprebenfion> but that I was well content, to haue it either confirmed or re&ified by better iudgements: and moft welcome was hee alwayes to rue, that when I mett with a hard knot, could fooneft helpe mee to vnloofe it : as for his daughter Beatrix^ doubt M.Torke muft father her,for I cannot yet reade of any but himfelfe that knew her mother . John Britaine and Richmond. 6 s XohndcDreux (Tonne of Peter Brien) had the A Dukedomeof Brittaine^ and Earledomc of Richmond 3 made ouer vnto him in thefe words. Decomitatu Richmond receptoinexcambium a Petro deSabaudia concefsi lohanni Btici Bri- tannU.*Tefte RexspudNorthampt.^.Maij.pat. * Goodlatine « Anno 5 o. Hen. 3 . So that I hold this /o^,to be both Duke of Britaine, and Earle of Richmond ('although fome Writers deny the fame : ) He markd Blanch, daughter of Theobald, King of Nauarre, by whom he had iiTue , lohn thefe- cond of that name, Duke of Britawejmd Earle of Richmond. Hce dyed in the yeer e, 1 2 85. Page 2p. Et portoiti efchiquette d'or & d'azur au quanton de ermyn , CORRECTI 6NS. 'T'Hls/ohndeDreux (Conmof peterBrien furnamed Mmclerc) (hall not b y me be altogether denyed, to be both Duke and Earle of Britaine and Richmond, but yet I maruell that he will hazard the publifhing of fuch a frag- ment as here hec doth for his Voucher, being both falfe Latine and none* fence, therefore if he willgiuemeleauej willdeliuerita little more fully, out of the Record it felfe(which he neuer faw)now remaining in theTower Rex dtleSta&fidelifaoGuichardo deCharron falutem. Cum quafdam terras hp f/°- H f^7^^ tenementa & maneria nofira dederimw,fr concefferimm dilecio frfideli no/Ira & ^ Petro Comiti de Saubaudia^dominovcjlro, inefcambium Comitatus & hono- ris Richmond^ quibm quidemterris tenementis & manerijs, idem Comes & a- mictfri effe debent merito eontenti^ac nos Comitatum honor em predicts cum pcrtinenJikaoQ-fideli nop 0 lohanni Duct Britannu rcddiderimus per quod Radulphum de Mortem milium ipftus Duck ad vos tranfmittimus.fr 0 Comita- te & honor e pr^diel 'is , nomine domini fui prtditfi, a vobis recipiend. fd§ mandamus pmiter tniungentes quatinm prediclos Comitatum honor em, cum omnibm pertinen.fuisfrcfato Militiliberetis in forma frtdic'ia. Et hoc ft- cut vos & honorem veftrum, nee non et omnia bona vejlra, qu* in regno noftro tenet u.diligit is. Et ficut indignationem nofiramvitarevolueritis, nuliomodo cmittatis,&c. Nosenimergadominum veflrum Comitem Sauband'u pr&di- £tum& quofcunque alios vos inde conferuabimta indempnes,&c. Telle Reee apud North. 5 0 . die Maij. Whether am I tranfportcd t well, the beft isf I haue not much more to fpeake about this Man, onely when hee dyed and thatM.r^telsme, Ao.i28tf. which is veryftrange; fowhen hee makes lohn this mans fon to be Duke of Britaine and Earle of Richmond, 27. yeeres before his fathers death in faying hee had thofe titles, A°. 44. H 3. and that this lohn dyed, 128s. which is about 15. E.i. Reckon and you will nndc me right. Another faies that his death was many yeeres beforefwhich I I 66 Br it a i ne and Richmond. « Lib,Rtchmand.MS. * HenningespAge 66: Albtc 'tus,foli° 4' s Tho.cLeNorminw.il. I rather approuc of; for in thefe words I read it, ■ Johannes film Addict* obijt tnBhtannia.k-.iii^ (further adding) Comes Richmundu, All which I refcrre to riper judgements. Iohndt Vreux (fonne of John de Dreux afore- faid) was Duke ofBrittainemd Earle of Rich- mond jn the 44.yeare of King Henry the third, and married Beatrix the faid Kings daughter, and hadiflue, Arthur Duke of Britaine t lohn Ezxkof Richmond, Peter and Henry that both dyed yong 5 Alice> AbbeiTe of Fount Eucrard, Mary married to the Earle of S.P«fc,and Blanch the third daughter, was wife to Philips fonnc mdhcireof theEarle of Arthys. This lohn dyed at Lions in France, m the yeerc 1305. with the fall of a wall, page 29. Et portoit,efchequette d'or & d'aztir.a bordure gueullcs, charge au leopards d'or,au quantoa ermyru CORRECTIONS. TN thisplace I hope! (hall not makethe falue worfe then the fore,although *I make (hort worke, as if I pleaded without a fee : for I will not gaineiay, that this lohn de Dreux might be flaine at Lions with the fall of a wall ; for io writes itienninges and others, and the booke of Richmond thus rcporteth: Johannes filius/ohannis.Comes RichmundtadcfponfauitBeatricemjiliam Hen. riciRcfis dequagenuit Arthurum Petrum & lobannem.occifmfutt apudHtg. don inCoronatione Domini dementis Pap*, A°.domim 1 ^.ibidem fepulm. Wherein you may obferue that they all agree in time, but not in the place : Now will I but cite one thing more to contradict them, and it (halHet forth the truth, howfoeuer for the time of his death : and you may credit lt.tor it is out of Record wherein King Edward the firft by his writ to the 'Elchea- tor beyond 7>™f, bearing d^tmncbefter.izJteOaobr^.regni uii^ grounding himfelfe vpon this, £uia hhannes de Britannia comes Richmond quidenobU tenuitin capite diem claufit extremism •, that therefore hee IhouW amons other things certifie the Kingby Iury,who was his next heire, which accordingly he did,and the Iury returned vpon their oathes, * quod Johannes de Britannia Comes Richmond, hahet filium Arthurum nomm^tatts vigtnti V* v'manni&lius^ which plainely ftiewes him to be d-ad b?forcig..E.i. which is A°.i 284.Gr 1 2 8 5 . it is not likely then,that he Ifaould hue againe,to dyeasfomefayatZ^othersatHfg^A^.isos.whichistwcntyyeeres after. Arthur 1 Britaine and Richmond. *7 W -4 A Duke of Britaine (fenne and heire of Iohnj\\t fecond D uke of Britaine of that name) was after bis fathers dcath.Duke of Bri- taine : he married two wiues, the firft was Bea- trix, Vifcountcffe of Limogen^ and Lady of A- ttemos in Hennault, by whom he had itfue, Duke o\ Britaine jkux. dyed without ilfue, and Guy } £arlc of 1 Pentebria (who married lane^ a Pmtomrt daughter and heire of Henry deAuangour, and had iffue, Ioane^ wife to Charles Ear le of 5^/, nephew to Philip deFdhis, King of France.) The faid Arthur tooke for his fecond wife, TV- /W 3 daughter and beirc of Almcricke Earle of Montjord^ by whom he had ifTue , Iohn Breno Earlc of ' Mount ford y znd after Dukcof Briuine-^ Blanch , wife to Robert de Flanders Earle of f^ ; i^^°^ nt f e ^^>^ and W*- married to^vEarleof £W/ . This Arthurdycd in theyeare, i 3 i2.asSm^ de Argcmtre meth. Page 50. . . * Etponoit^hiquette d'or & da Z ur,a bordure gueulles charge au leopards d-or.au quanton CORRECTIONS. TNthispIaef, whereas Bertram de Argentre is vouched as deliuering the death ol this Duke Arthur e co be A°. 13 1 2 . fo will I let you know, that the bookc *f M denies that heeliuediolom> in thefe words: DuxjednonComesRtchmond.obijtin Britannia & fepultut apud PlonarmeU, h'.gratu 1 j 1 1 .all which is not worth fpeaking of,& therfore I wil proceed. J Ohn de Dreux (fecond fon of the ftcond Iohn Duke of Britaine ,and Beatrix his wife 3 daugh- ter of King Henry the third)and fecond brother to Arthur Duke of SwVrf/wafbrdaid.fatin Par- liament held v&weftminslerjoy the name and ti- tle of Iohn deBritaweJizzle of Richmond jhz 34. of King E.i. & fo continued vntill the ninth of King E.g. and did his homage at Netv-Caflle for trie Church or the Gray-Fryers in Newgate- totheF/*«-/indeede, buto- rum three hundred poundsj &gaue many rich •^.windowesnncrieSomh- Iewels & Ornaments to be vfed in the fame- he t de 'T ry that hee " as * ere . , ., , v 1 li ' w ' ,,l,w 3 UL buried itis not mentioned. dyed without iflue, and was buried in the fsid Church,the p.of King E.3 .M.Millesjn Somer- fets B ooke, faith he died inLittle-Britaine.andrvxi buried at Vanys, A°. 1334, page 30 . Etportoit, les armoiries de fonfrere; Arthur: 1 2 This <*8 Br itaine and Richmond. EfcAetr.S.E.3^.70. CORRECTIONS. TUisIo/jftdeDrcftxhmmz the Earlcdome of Britain granted vnto him byKin2H^Wnhefirft,wasindeede in the fame ycere called to a Parliamenttobcholdenat^r//W(notat^/^»/?^ in OXabis SancttHd- Urij fupcr ordinattone et ftabilimento regni nojtrt Scotis, for fo the writ „ 0 f>> Summons ddiuersitrbi^ w c^f. 34 .E.,M,Mo- ^ 0U£ 7^ m and vvas aftcr Gardian of WWvnder King Edward the f cond Ayfc pa** ,u. **• and at length, capmfmt in bello Scotorum apudThurmkeJecundo idmOclo- < uter* Rtgk delator!* y ris A <> l: , 2 2.ex parte Regis Edwardi fecundt : and by the Scots keprp.iloner t^lSthZJl^r three y eeres : He died without iflue s for if we will b . leeue the Office afcej ascotttcapti&pecuntit con- msc j C ath / d nunquam vxpratus fuit) he was ncucr married j but M. T owe ^&!g?SS%: knowes thofe that haue had children by others then their wlues and there- ^Efiuetr.8.E.3n°-7o- f orc wn at mould I fpeake of that : From thence I pafle to the time ot his death the ninth of 16»g Edward the third^which is moft falie, For I verily thinke'.and al men will beleeue,that theKing would not fetid his 6 Writs to in- quire what Lands hedicd feifed of, and who was his next hrire,dated 1 3. Fe- bruary, A° 8.E.3 but that he was then dead. Now the baoke of Richmond fees afore fpokenot hath thus Johannes frater Arthuri obijt in Britannia et fepultusapudnnys, A°. 1^0. and with it agrees the paincfull labours (writ- ten in La:ine)of that worthy to be commended Somerset Herald howfoeuer it comes to pafle that in his printed Englifh copie it is 1 3 54. but a falfe Prin- ters haft or negligence may abufcthe moft carefull Author, and impeach the credit of an Ancient. John de Dreux, fonneand heire of ^rf^wDuke *ofBritame, after his fathers death, was Duke of Briiaine,& after the death of lohn his Vnckle, Earle oi Richmond. This John had thtee W iues, ^nddyed in Britaine without iflue. Anno 1 340- leauing John Mountford his halfe brother by the athcr, to fucceede him in the Dukedomc oiBri- > tame, who had iflue, lohn the Valiant ; Page 31. Etportoit,ermyn. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Milles , p. Coy. Henmnget. p 66. Aiyictus,fol,4 . Reujne- Liber Rschmond.MS 1 Tmes\^E,jjnembj 6: CORRECTIONS. TO fpeake of this mans three Wiues,I neede not, fince they are already fet downe by MiBesJby Hennwgcs ,by Albiam^ni othcrs-nor of his dying without iflue, which I yeeldc for troath: but that it was A°.i34°- 1 make forae doubt,inrepardIfinde,that^W^^mr^/^, obijt inBrttan- ma, et fepultus.apud Plonarmell.Amo i 34 i.which isinthc *5*^ 0 f l * ly vpon his death vU.160.Maif following, the King f granted the cuftody ot all his Lands,&c to Tho.de Fencotesjmd Peter de Richmond* during plealurej which they held but a while 5 as in the next place appeareth. Britain e and Richmond. 69 "P Obert deArthoys, a Nobleman borne, o( ■*-^the blood Royall of France, defended ftom another Robert > fonne of Lewis the eight, h and brother to Saint Lewis King of France: he was Councellor vnto Philip deValois^ King of J>v*#(the(aid Roberts Aunt) which fentence fo difcontented the (aide Robert, that in his gree fe he vttered thefc words : By mee was Philip made King, and by me (hall hee be de* pofedagaine. For this, was this Robert proclai- med Traitor throughout all France, and was driuen to flie into England to King Edwardthe third, who kindely rcceiued him and a created 4 xuitte/remA him Earle of Richmond, in the 1 6. yeare of his reigne. This Robert was the firft that mooucd King Edward 10 make his Ti- tle and claime to the Crowneof France, in the right of Queen //4^/his mo- ther : he was Admirall of the Englifh Fleet, and Generall of the warres in Trance ; and was after hurt in the head at the fiedge of the Cirie of Pannes in Brttatne, and being conueyed to London for the cure of his hurts, (hortly af- ter died there, in the yeare 134a. and was moil: honourably huried in b Saint bstm'm his sumey ofuh* Taules Church in London . the King being at his Funerall, did wearc blackes. f^'Zi^StrfSi Pa2e2 I. limon (the fame man heere Etportoit, feme de France oulambelldegueulles, chaftelle dor, fpokcn of) was buried intht Blacke friars-Church, CORRECTION S. 'Hat will not this man do, that dares father a Marie vpon a King? and fay, that Robert de Arthoys was by King Edward the third,in the fixteenth yeare of his reigne, created Earle of Richmond, when there was ne- uer any fuch matter? It is true, he was a valiant fouldicr, Nobly difcended, and one that deferued well of the State, of whom the King was not vnminde- full, yet, that he beftowed thofe Honors vpon him, I vtterly deny ; perad- uenture it will be vrged againft me, that diuers afwell Forraine as Englifh c Chroniclers (yea and fome of the beft accompt) haue fo dcliuered it ; If for- mer Writers were miftaken in publifhing things they were ignorant of, mall Torke therefore be excufed i Or (hall I hold my peace i Then an Errour (hall be ftillderiued to fucceeding times : Indeede there be, that wil rather aducn- ture their credits in publifhing fome thing, then torture their brainesin the truedifquifition of any thing. The reafons that induce me to another opini- on are 5 Firft, JohndeDreux (Iaft fpoken of) d dyed a°.i 341. which was a 0 . 1 5 . E*3. the cuftodie of the Earledome the itf.of May following,was e gran- ted for a while to Fencotes (as I hauefaide before) then in September after, lohn de Breno Earle of Mont fort, had the (aide Earledome f giuen him, vntill he could recouer his owne poffeffions in France (as in the next Leafe fhalbe i more VV 1 c Ptl.Virgil pig.231. TroiffkrdMS. Martin. p. 107. Daniel, p l $ 'j. Sreed,p.f7<>. Htjlotre genealogique de Trance,pag.ioff. Rtufnertttipag. 319 . i Ltb,Richmond, ' F/»«l5.E.3.m.ltf. yo Britain e and Richmond. more at large fliewed) and within leife then a yeere after that, theKing be- llowed the fame vpon John of Gaunt his fourth fonne, after Duke of Lan~ coffer.* Secondly, in all the Records, as Patents, Charters, ClofeRollcs, Fine Rollcs, and Liberate Rolles in the Tower ( from the fourteenth to the feuen-^ teenth yeere of Edtvardthcthkd) wherein the King graunts either Lands, *PAt.t6.E. 3 ft.%.&at, Offices, or Annuities to the faid Robert, he giues him this bare addition, 3 di- <> Liberate i S .e. s m . h foft^ pfcfa no p er R 0 y mtis de Artoys ^ or b nobilis vir Robertm de Artoys, not at al giuing him the title of Earlc;no,not fo much as of Beaumont le Roger in Normandte y oi which manie Writers (as Ttffet, Meierm t SancJe. Marthe, C^r.)affirmehewas. Thirdly, M.Yorke fayes, That this Robert being the Kings Generall of his Warres in Fwwtf, was hurt in the head at the iltdgzot yanncsinBritaine, and being conueighed to London for hisrecoueric, there died in the yeere, 1342. In which yeere, lohn of Gaunt was created Earleof Rubmmd ± as if he had the Earledome granted to him, vpon the death of the faid Robertjvhkh was not fo : for, Robert deArtoys was liuing, after itwasgiuento Iohnot ' CW.i«.E.3.n«.!. Gaunt, whofe e Creation beares date the 20.of September, A °. 1 6.E.3 . Ha- bend^ ey tencnd.Jibi rjr hered. de corf ore vna cum libertatwHS ey frero- gattuis qua* Johannes nuper Dux Britannia ey Comes Richmond, habuit inComuatu. Which fhewes, there wrs none bet weene this John Duke of Britaine, and John of Gamt : For, had Artoys bene Earle,then it would haue faid, £>uas Robertas Comes Richmond habmt,drc, Laftly, you note (I hope) his Patent dated in September, A°.i6.E.2.be- caufe I would haue you know, that in the moneth following, viz. the nxt of O&OD.16.E.3. the King imploying this Robert vponfomeelpcciall negoti- <*Atf.A o .:i<5.E,3.pt.3.m.3 ations into Brttaine,md becaufe ( d penes quamplures creditor es debitis mag* nis eft multiplicity inuolutm) gaue (as the Record hath it) dUetto cy fideli nojlro Roberto de Artoys foure hundred pounds pro debitis fuis inde quietan- dis, without any other addition at all. So that, cither there muft bee pro- ued a furrendcr of that Honour by Artoys, or elfe it rnuft be granted,hce ne- uer was inuefted into the fame. As for thofe Hiftoriographers, thst write of him to bcEarleof Richmond, com pare them together, and you ftiallfind them contrarie to one another, but efpecially farre wide in the time, all con- cluding it to bee beftowed vpon him before the twelfe yeare of Edward the third, which I vttcrly deny : andfo I will go forward. John B R i t a i n e and Richmond 7i ~\Ohno£ Gaunt ^ Duke of Lancafier^ * (fourth fonne of King Edward the third) was by his Father in the yeere of our Lord, * 1342. made Earkof^^^.JS 6 * Richmond-, and in the fixe and fortieth yecrc of his (aid Fathers reigne,he fur- rendred the faid Earledome of Rich- mendagaine. Hee married Blanch s daughter and co-heire of Henry Duke of Lamafter^ and had iffuc King Henry the fourth (as in the Title of Lancajler is more at large.) pag.31. Etportoit, efcartelle France feme & D'engfeterrea vne lambell d'ermyn. lOhnBreno, third fonne of Arthur *Duke o&Britaine^ begotten of his fecond Wife / eland, Countefle of Mount ford, Daughter and heyre of Almericke Earle Mouvtford\ whom fhillipdeValoys King of France did confifcate in his Earldom of Mount- ford^ becaufehe ayded king Edward the third. In confideration where- of, King Edward the third gauevn- to this John the Earledome of Rich- mond in England. He fate in Parlia- ment heldat Weftminfter in the 34 yeareofthefaide Kings reignc, by the name and Title of John Earle of Richntond.Hc was bound by Inden- ture, bearing date 1373 . to ferue K.* Edward the third in his Warres in France and Britaine^ againft Phillip offalays : in which Indenture, hee is (tiled Duke of Britaine, Earle Mountfordmd. Richmond. He married Jean daughter of CharlesKing o£Na- uarrc, after married to King Henrie the fourth of England. This l$hn had if- fue, loh» Moumford furnamed the Valiant 5 and a daughter named fan wife to Raft Baffet of Br Ay ton . This John was taken piifoncr at Ttyntetby the Earle ofBloys,znd dyed after in prifon at park in France, pag.32. COR* 7* B r i t a i n e and Richmond. CORRECTIONS. T Would gladly know, why tins lohn de Breno Earle of Richmondls placed *in the fucceffion 2fa.zx.l0bn of Gdjwr, fince he had the faide Earldome gran- ted vnto him before lohn of Gaunt : for vpon the death oilohn de Dreux his halfe brother (before fpoken of) this lohn Duke of Bntaine and Earle of Mont fort (wiWy weighing King Edwards claime and title to the Crowneof France) made league with him againft Philip ofyaloys : whereupon the faide P^/Z/^didconfifcatehisEarledomeof^^^anafokeptit. The Kingof England (refpeding his loffe,and willing to gratifie him) gaue him the Earl- dome of Richmond, in as ample manner as John Duke of Bn tame and Earle of Richmond held it, vntill he could recouer his Earledome of Mont fort: his » /VM5JE,3.pt.a.m,8, whole Patent tranfcribed fliewes it, and thus fliewes it felfe. lEdwardus Dei gratia^c. Salutem, Sciatis quod cum illnftris lohannes Dux Britannia, of September, 1 6.E.3 1 and it will be manifcft, that this lohn de Breno had RichmondEatkdomc granted to him before lohn of Gaunt, and therefore worthy of precedence . WhatI can fay morefhallnot wanta roome in th is place, in anfwer to this, that He /'meaning lohn de Breno, fat in Parliament held at Weftmmfterm the 34. yeareofthe faid Kings r eigne (fpea- kingofE^Wthe third) by the 1S(ame& Title of lohn Earle of Richmond 1 • »rke t 3 which I peremptorily deliuer to be vntrue ; and M. Torke hath alreadie ad- *sp*z**9* iudged the caft againft himfelfe, where he deliuersthefc words,? c Was by his Father (fpeaking of lohn of Gaunts Creation) in the yeere of our Lord, 1342. (which was 1 6. E.3 .) made Earle of Richmond, and in the 46. yeareofhis Fa- thersreigne,hef'urrendred the faide Earledome of Richmond againe, &c. Out of which, euery reafonablc Reader (asl conicclure) will gather this obfer- uation, that lohn de Breno could not fit in Parliament, A°. 34. E. 3 . lohn of Gaunt holding thc (aide Earledome from the 1 6 . to the 46. of E . 3 . without cither forfeiture 01 furrender of thc fame . Indeedel confeffe, there was a Sum- Britain e and Richmond. 73 Summons of Parliament direded /ohanniComtti Richemondt*, to be at c^uj. 34 .E.%M^Jorfo. Wcftminftcr diedomimca ante feftum conuerfionis fancli Pauli^&c. the writ bcaringdate20.A^w^.A°.34.E.3. but doe you conceiueit to be for John de Breno t No^but fat Zohnoi Gaunt, for at that time he had no better title then Earle of Richmond^ hough after in the3 £.E. 3. he was created Duke chart. s c.E.s.n".j,. ofLancafter. Now then, fince it is faire play to fauethe beft Carde for the Jafttrickc : heare one Record out of the Twer (I pray you) forit will ftrike dXdzad.Wniuerfis prtfentes literas injpecturis Johannes de Montcforti Dux claHf. s $x. 3 .M. 3 s.indm Britannia, ejr Comes de Monte fort ifaltttem. Cum Domimu Edwardus Rex Angli&per cartam fram dedijfet lohanni de Gandauo filU fro Comitatum Rich- ntondu ac honorem &c. Habend.fibi et hered. de corf ore , cjre • Neueritis nos relaxafje de nobis ejr heredibut noftrisprafato lohanni de Gandauo in Comitem Richmondiaper dttium dominum Regem prefect 0 ejr creato et hered. de corpore fuo exeuntibus t totum ius et cUmeum^fi qua in parte vel intoto habuerimus habeamus vel habere poterimus in futurum in dittis Com. honor e,fac. vel in cajlristnanerijs&c. Datdn palacio Wefm.i9.dit Ianuarij. A°.M.CCC LX. Anno regni dicli domininoflri Regis AnglU Tricefimb ^«wrw:^whichmani» feftly flicwes lohn de Breno his free acknowledgement that lohn of Gaunt was Earle of Richmond, and inuefted into that honour by his father Edward the third • and thereupon not attributing to himfelfe any right to the fame j vo- luntarily confelfed openly in Chancery lo./an. A°.^ E.3 .that the releale a- bouefaid was his aS.Now mayeft thou fee (iudicious Reader,) how he ftriues to pin thee on hisfleeue, that becaufe the writ of Summons was lohanni C 0- miti Richemondi and Arthur the third of that name, who was dfo Duke of Br Hume, and » Earle of „> H ^w SSt Rkhmondjlfex his tWO NepheWeS, Peter and Father was depofed as you Prances. This/*** Mountford^ Ae^dfffi^&r^ Bloys, tion, or wee may not beleeue J you:forIamconfident,that Et portoit,efche quettee d or & d azur, vne border Den- tlie y reta ined that title onely gIeterre,i'quanton de Britaine. depfioznd not detmre, K Raphe 74- B r i t a i n e and Richmond. r> Alphe Neuill, firft Earlc of Weft- ^^merland , was made Earle of Richmond fortcrmeof life by King Henry the fourtb,and died the fourth of King Henry the fixt, as in the ti- tle of wejimerland is more at large. Page 32. T GueuIIes au faulteur d'argent. CORRECT 10 NS. Onching the matter here laid downe that this Rajfe Neuill was made Earle of Richmond , I af- furemy felfethe man liucs not that canproucit. The ground therefore where out of this furmife is taken, youfliallhauc, and thus I reade it. Rlex omnibus ad quos, &c. filutem» Sciatis quod nos intime confiderantes grandes cufusjabores^tt expenfas,quos charifsimus frater nofier Radulphus de Neuill Com. wefmerland.pro bona et republic a totius regninojlrinuper dum Duxgrauius nobis pofiaduentum noftrum in Angl. continue afsiflendo habuit y etgratanter fuftinuit, ac iam habet etfujltnet 5 nec non laudabile et fruffuojiim obfequium, nobis per ipfum indies impenfum . de gratia nofira fpeciali dedtmus y et concefsimm eidem Comiti cafrumfiomitatumjoonorem^et dominium Riche- wond. Habend. pro termino vita fua, vna cum omnimodis caslris, &c. If you inferre becaufe he had Comitatum honorem et dominium Richcmond t granted vnto him lor life, that hce wasvndoubtcdly Earleof Richmond i then muft you not gainefay me, that lohanne ( daughter of John Duke of Britaine and E. of Richmond) wife to Sir Raffe Bajfet of Drayton, Anthony Ricz, or de Ryffe, and Nicholas Aldertvich, were to be efteemed iikewife pcrfons honoured *ch4rt.2j.R.i.M.\2^.ic w i t h t k e f ame t j t j Cj f or tne a Kj n g g^nted to them and to their heires, by let- ters patents dated at Wefminfter the 2 3. of ApriU'm the one and twentieth yeare of his reignc Comitatum & honorem Richmondi a cum pertin. Juts qui- bufcunquer \qualitcr cunquej& vbicunq-^ fpet~iantibus. } adeoplene et integrejicut pre fat us Dux y 'velaliquis antecefforumfuorum^melius vel liberius ea habuit feu tenuitin perpetuum. Here indeede the King grants vnto this 'NguillComi- * See more in Weftmeriand. tat urn & honorem RichmondU ; but in my opinion the title of b Earle is not thereby intended, for by Comitatus here, wee vnderftand a Countie, not an Earledome. Moreouer the Prouifo in the Patent makes mebeleeue that hee had but as it were cufiodiam Comitatus et honoris : acceptthe words as they follow, and then as your phantafie perfwades, or your iudgement directs, conftrue them, Prouife femperquodficaflrum honor et dominium pradicHa feu aliqua parceUa eoundem infra com. Eborum, infra terminum quern idem Co- mes habet ineifdemex dimifionevenerabilispatris Thoma ArundeU Archiepif eopiCautuar.nuper Archiepifcopi Eborum, EdvoardiComitif Rotelandia, etJo- bannis Britaine and Richmond. 7T hannis nuper EpifcopiSarum defuncli i ac relaxatione etfurfum redditionefta* tta quern Henricus Fit^hugb chiualier babuit in eifdem ex dimifsione Ann* nufer Regin a Anglu, necnon ex confirmation* domini Ricardi nuper regis An- glu fecundipoflConqueftumeidemComitiindefacl. perprafatum Due em Bri- tannia velh&rcdes fuos,feu per lohannam qua fuit vxor Radulphi de Bajfet dc Drayton chiualier ,Antonium deRyffeJslickolaum Aldrewycb velharedes fugs verfus eundem Comitem recuperata fuerint veleuicla,fiu quod eadem cafirum, honor, et dominium cum pert men. aut aliqua par cello, eorumdempr&fato duci Britannia, velbered. fuis aut prafatis lob-anna, Antonio et Nicolao feu bare- dibus fuii per nosvelhcred.noflresreges Anglia; feu confilium noftrum, aut per afjinfum regni reftituta feu liber at a extitcrint, tunc id quod de t amino pra- dittoremanctprafatoComitib&redibus cr executoribtts fuis filueturfMany yeares after this $ John Duke of Bedfordfauing gotten the reuer/ion of moft of the lands, belonging to Richmond honour, preferred a bill in a Parliament 1 vstUfil. ?.pt,i.>*?J4 to the King, that whereas aueT^grantec le\nom, honour, et Jlile de Count Richmond (which title and ftile of Earle thereof, was not granted to NeuiU) euela reuerfiondes ChaJlell,countee, honour^ feigneurie de Richemund(A\ this is no more but what we call Richmondfhire and the Fee) queux Rauf Count dewejlmerland (without any addition of Richmond ) tientpur terme de fa *vic.A auo\r%>avofire dit fuppliaunt tt afes beires mafles de fon corps engendrez*. That it would pleaie the King to connrmethe faid Creation and-grant by Parliament 5 which was accordingly done. Surely if he had beene Earle of this place (although but for life ) yet he would in his grant hauc had fome ipeci^ll words or Creation for it, and would haue beene fummoned to fome of our Parliaments by that title, in regard, as it was more ancient then Weft- merland, fo was it farre more honourable. I Ohn D.of Bedford, third fon of King H.+ was Regetof France,D.ofBed. ford,Aniou,ScAlanfin,Eark of Mayne t ffarccourt } Dreux,Ricbmod,&L h Carlell, 6 KfruUtfthe good os&nmez* and Vifcount Beaumont. Hee died the neth * xiii.of H.6. as in the Title of Bedford is more at large. Page 33. CORRECTIONS. TMay not paflc this ouer in filence, A that here it is faid,that Iohn D.of Bed- ford died in the xiii.ofH.tf.contrary to his own words, pag. 2 2. and contrary indeede to truth .-For he died not vntilJ the y ere folio wing, ws.the 14 ofH.tf. 36*waM4«H.6a , .3*i as his Offices after his death tell mee. Furtherto fpeakof him Iwillforbearc vntill I come to the title of Carl/He, Edmond I 7 6 Britaine ^Richmond. This Rtehdrd ought not to be placed in this Catalogue (if he had any right of place according to your allegati- ons) before Henry Earle of Richmond. EDmondof Hadham (the place of his birth) fonne of OtvenTeuder by Qucene Katherine^ and halfe brother by tlie mother to King Hen. ry thefixt, was created Earle of Richmond at Reading in the 3 i.yeareof the faid Kings reign, notwithftandingthat ArthurDvfce of Britaine was then liuing, and did vfe that Titlc.He mar- ried-^™ 4m,daughter and heire of iohn Beau- fort , Duke of Somerfet fgrandchildc to Iohn of Gaum \ by his fonne Iohn) and by her had ifftie, Henry Earle of Richmond, after King of Eng- yat 1 ?i land, by thename of King Henry the feuenth. *W / J This Margaret in the ycare 145? 1 .by the com- l^y/ mandementand authority of King Henry the J?^ feuenth, her fonne, made the Orders (yet ex- tant) for great Eftates of Ladies and Noble- women for their precedence, Attircs,and wearing of Barbes atFunerals,ouer the chin, vpon the chin, and vndcr the fame 5 which Noble and good Orders at this day is greatly profaned and abufed,by euery meanc and common wo- men, to the great wrong anddiflionour of honourable Eftatcs.ThisE^wW died in the yeare 1 45 6. and was buried in the Gray FriarsChurch in C armar. den'mWales^.o^Hen.6. And Margaret his wife died in the yeare 150?. and was honorably buried in the Abbey of Wefiminfter. Et portoit, efcartelle France 8c D'englcterre a'vne bordur d'azur,feme* fleurs de ljz, & Marlettes d'or. "D IchardDvke of Gbcefter( brother "■^-to King Edward the fourth ) did ftile himfclfe Earle of Richmond, And Mills in Gloner Somerfet s booke, page 614. fayeth, That this Richardhad the faid Earledomc of Richmond giuen vntohim,andtheheyresof his body, the twelfth day of Auguft, in the fe- cond yeare of KingEafoWthe fourth. Page 3 1. He bare for his Armcs Efcartelle France } & d'engleterrea vnelambelefmyn charge au trois quantons de gueulles. CORRECTIONS. THisiseuenlike his words before ofRaffe Neuill Earle diWeftmer- land-, much like therefore (hall my re- ply be herein this place, as it was there, in anfwere of that. That furely Richard Britaine and Richmond. jj Richard Duke of Glocefier , was not Earle of Richmond for although he had » Caftrum^comitatum, honor em ejr dominium Richmond/* alias de Richmond 4 P4ti £ t M granted vnto him, yet I will hardly be perfwaded that any thiog more was* * * ' 4,pt ' * granted now,then Dominium ^Rich-mondjhire or the Seigneurie of Richmond. For moft certaine it is, that in thole times and long before, the vie was, when the Title paft, to grant titulum fiilum nomen ejr honor em of fuch and fuch an Earledome, with further words of Creation and Imejliture j and alio for his better fupport of his new dignitief/rcof xxli.yeareIy,(ormore, orlefle 3 as the Kings pleafurc was) out of the Countie (for the moft part) to be rcceiued at the Shenjfes hands. Obferuethcn, that in this Patent, there is neither manner of forme, neither matter of fubftance, to bcare the Title withall. Moreouermthis,ifyoufindeme*w'/;£, whichlleaue to the iudicious to judge of, then is it my hap to hit vpon an Errour of M. Torkes neuerthelefle, wkchisthis. If the words carry it ftrong enough, for RafeNeuiH Earle of Wejlmerland afore fpoken of, and this Richard Duke of Glocefier, to be Earles of Richmond ',thenhath he left outofthishis Catalogue or CuccefCion,George Duke of Clarence^ the Tower thus hath his Patent recited. h Sciatis quod cum b p at .\2.E.^t.i.Mi€* nos 20. die Sept. anno regni nojiri 2 0 per liter as Patentes concefferimus carifii. nto fratrt nofiro Geo. Duct Clarcncix Com. honor em, ejr dominium nojirum Richemondia alias de Richmond, qua quidem com. h onor em & dominium Ed- mundics Hadham nuper Comes RichemondUjiuper habuit^ ejre. Nos concefsi- mus ejr licentiam dedimus pro nobis ejr heredibits nofiris prafato fratri nofiro Duci Clarencia quod ipfe in omnia predict a premifpt licit e ejr impune ingredi ejr feifire et ea eidem fratri nofiro D. ClarencU et heredibus decorporefuo exeun- tibus habere et tenere pofsit&c. Tefte Rege apud Weflm. 5 °.dic AuguftiS But I will deftroy this againe in point of Honour ; for albeit hee had Comitatum honor em et dominium Richmond™ granted to him yet he gained no Title by it (I am not deceiued) for thus was hec ftiled ( c Pracharifsimus frater noller « rar.t4.E,4.?ui.M.* i i Georgius Dux Clarencix^Co. Warwiciet Sarum Dominm de Richemond(jxotSL thought of Earle) magnusCamcrarius AngLnecnon locumtenens terra nofira HibernU^c, In another c place thus, Georgius Dux ClarencU et Dominm Richmond**. Diuers others like to thefe may be produced, but I will infift no further Vpon them. 2oh» 78 ry the eight. Page 34 Britaine ^Richmond. XJlEnry Earle of Richmond (fonne of * *Edmond ofHadhaw, & Margaret his wife.Countefs of Ricbmond)m the 1 i.yearc of King Edward the fourth, fled with his Vnckk Jafier, Earle of Penbrokeimo Britaine, where they re- mained vntill the third yeare of the reigne of King Richard the third; and then returning againe, landed at Mil- ford Hauen'm wales , and fought a bat- taile with the faid King Richard atBofl worth Field, where hee flew the faid Richard, and after was crowned King of England^y the name of King Hen- ry the feuenth. He married Elizabeth, daughter and heyrc of King Edward the fourth, and had iflue, Prince Ar- thur thzx. dyed without iflue,and Ben. ry Duke of Torke, who was after King of England^ the name of King Hen. a Page 217. you fay he dyed A° 27„H.8. which is true. b Mdrunp 460. c MtUe t) p,gg 3 . Etportoit les Armoiries defbn pere. ZjEnry Fitz-Roy,b& fonne of King * 1 Henry the eight, (begotten of the Lady Talboys , daughter of Sir hhn Blount, Knight) was in the iy.yearc of his Fathers reigne, created Duke of Richmond^ &c. Hee married Mary, daughter of Thorn of Howard Duke of Norfolke> but by her had no iflue. He dyed ax.S James houfe beyond Cha- ring-Crofle , being but 1 6. yeares of age, 6c was buried at Thetford'm Nor- folke ,the * 28. of King Henry the eight ^Grafton hath;) Others haue, that he lyes buried at Framitigham in Nor- folke.He bare for his Armcs. Page 34. France 8c D'engleterrcVbordur efcartelle* ermyn & compone d'argent & d'azur,a batun finefter d*ar- gem.a'vneEfchutcheon de pretence efcartelle* gu- eulles & varrey d'or &vert,fur la tout,au Lion ram- pantd "argent.au chefe d*az U r,vne chaftel entre deux teftes du cerf d'argenr. _ u . CORRECTIONS. T ™r«Zf^ b ° f T ? Bl " k r° re in wa «t the age of fixe ia 3wS created ^ e ° f iNmmgkm, and'onthevery&meday, vi\. H-^.jaj.mtheK.ngspallaceMW^wawDadeD.keot^ tnoni Bri TAINE and R. ICHMOND, 79 mondmA Somerfet : he dyed 2 i.Iulij. Anno e 1 5 3 5 .and was buried at Thet- c camdenmRichmtmijkire, for dm Norffolke, as my Author (a manufcript of that time ) tels me in thefc words. Obijt fine exitu 1 1. kalendas Augufti, anno domini 1535. re g n ? Re S^ JJenrici patru vicejimo feptimo in&dibusregijs D.lacobi, Weftm. et fepultus esi apud Thetford in com. Norjf. But more of this you (hall haue in another place. T Ewis Stewart 3 Duke of Lenox, and •^Lord Aubigny , created EarJe of Richmond and Barori of Setteringtffn in England, by Letters patterns vnder the great Seale of England, ('without any ceremonyof creation)in theyeare * l6l A. HCC Was alfo LoriDarnley, * Hee was created B aron of ^ . J , ., _ Settnngtonin Yorkefliire and TarboLton, and Methuen, Lord Great Eark of Richmond the fid of Chamberlaincand Admirall of Scot- ^t'^llxllt^ 1 "' land, Lord Steward of the houftiold 1 * 3 ' n ° U M * to King fames, and one of his Maie- fties moft honourable priuy Coun- fell,and Knight of the Garter.He hath now maried Frances daughter of Tho- mas Vifcount Howard of Bindon, and widow of Edward Seymour Earle of Hertford; by whom as yet he hath no iflue. V Et portoit,France a* la bordure de gueulles,fermaille „ „ , . , n ■ .„ d'ordehuitpieces,ercartelled"or,alafaceefchiquette d aagent & de azur^bordure de gueulles, fur Ie tout, d'argenc au faulteur de gueulles.emrcquatre quintt- fuilles de mefine. A CATALOGVE OF the Earles and Dukes of Buckingham, their Armes,Wiues,and Children, WITH CORRECTIONS, f Alter Gifford^xht fecond of that name, Earle or Longuile in Normandy, came into England with WiUixm the Con- q^ro^7and was a Witneffc to King Henry the firft. his Charter, for the reformation of the Lawes and Cuftomes of England^ by the name of EarleE.of Buckingham, He married and had ifl ue Walter rfs\z fecond Earle of Buckingham^ and Hugh.Hc had alfo a Sifter na- med Rhohijia , married to Richard Fitz G liberty Lord of Clare and Tunbridge, Grand-father of Gilbert {nrmmedStrongbow, Earlcof Penbroke (by his fonnc Gilbert) Et portoit,Gueulle5 trois Lions patent en pale d'argent. CORRECTIONS. "VHiswalterGifford.thc fecond of that name,cameto the conqueft o(Eng* A land with William the firft 3 and receiued in gift of him ( h Comttatum Such- ingham^A 0 . 1 o7o.)the Earledome of Buckingham : For befides the good fer- uicehedidhim.hewas his kinfman in the third degree : his Father being c Walter Gijford the firft, fonne of Osberne de Bolebec, by Auelina his wife, Cu ft.tr toGunnora^vnfc otRichard \he firft Duke of Normandy. Hee married d Agnes fifter to An(clm dcRibothmonte^ and after fifceene yeeres marriage, hadiiTue by her waiter G^n/thethird,who fucceeded his Father, as well in „ the Earledome of Lomuile'm Normandy ,as of Buckingham in England. e He « Order. >it lib. II. pj on .... . - i . o ■■J* o ' • «* J died in England r ,A°.ii02. and his Body was conueyedouer into Normandy and buried /» introitu Bafilic* beau virginis Marti apud Longammllam | whofe memorie is thus commended to pofteritie. fc Order'ic.^ttdU, lib ^Gemiticenfjib.i xap.^y ^Order.yital.li.n-.p. Xe$. D. C.D.yfejhen'. Stemma Gifardorum Galterim ingenuorum ^u£ meruit viuens bufla^fepultus habet. Templifundator prtfentis, ejr ddificator, Hoc velut in proprio conditus ejl tumulo, £ui (emagni€cttm,patrUque frobauit amicum, Duxvirtutepotens^dr pietate nitens : Relligio forum fed prau border d'argenr. CORRECTION S. '""HO let flip the memone of Richard de Clare furnamed Stongbow, Earle of Penbroke (fonne and heire of Gilbert Strongbow Earle of Penbroke, fe- cond fonne to Gilbert Earle of Clare tonne of Richard Fitz>-Gilbert Lord of Tonbridge in Kent,and ok' Rohefia his wife, lifter to Walter Gifford firft Earle of Buckingham , and Aunt to the fecond Walter Gifford Eai lc of Buckingham , thatdyed withe ut iftuej who in many ancient Charters, and Deeds, was ho- noured with the title of Earle of Buckingham jn the reigne of King Henry the fecond, but notat all mentioned by M-Torke : I will now a little infiftvpon this Thomas ofwoodfocks death, in regard I findeit fetdownc byM.Torke, L as BVCKINGHAM « Yorkc, page lS- jYorke, pagc<)6. « Yorkc, page 15. pLtcit/t Ccront ciram Re" ge in Pdrltamento apuci IVeflm.Hie Lame m fefto San- tt& ftdti yirgtnu, A 0 . 1 . H. 4 . nMl.12- 15. 14.15.!^. as well differing in manner as in time ; For here in the words aforegoing you fmdethat a he was ftrangled to death vnder a, featherbed, 1396. in another phce, b in the yeare 13? 7. he was taken by force from his Caftle ofPleffy inEffex, by Thomas Mowbray , fir/I Earle Marfhall, and conueyed to Callis, and there panned to death with Towels : and in a third place, that he was c mojl cruelly murthcred : his body being brought ouer into England, was buried at weflmin- (ler ,A°.2 2,R.2. 1398. Out of which, I make this threefold obferuation, That Anno i3$>8.hewasmurthercd,buthow. ? that goe looke. That Anno 1 397. he was ftrangled with Towels : here the yeare is true, but the manner falfe.That Anno 1 35 6. he was ftrangled vnd er a Featherbed : here the y ere is falfe but the manner true/Therefore lor your better fatisfaclion, let me craue your patiece to heare thefe few words folio wing,for theydeliuer it faithfully. -fFaitaremembrer qe levendredy, lexvi'j.iourD'offobr.AnriQ 1. H.4. John Halle nadgairs vadlet de Thomas Due de Norff. iurez fur les feintz> £- uangelespur dire la verite en vne chaumbredeins L'ojlell del Cone- fable j deins I'ynner paleys de Wefm.conuf deuant lames Billingford clerke del cor one nof re dit fiigneurle Roy, in pre fence de Henry Count dcNorthub. Cone (table Dengleterre, & Thomas Count de Wyrceftrc,qe en le moys de Septembr.L'an.li.R i.ledit Due de Norff &vn lohnColfox efquier de dit Due, viendrent al Chaumbre de dit lohn Halle, en la ville de Caleys, le quel lohn Coif ox, appella le dit John Halle hors de fin ly t, lufcomandant de vemr a, dit Due fin Seigneur le quel lohn Halle foy leua de fin lyt, ejr vstgna as dit^Duc ejr lohnColfox, & le dit Due luy demanda % pur quoy auez> a tant demurre, ejr luy demanda fil oiaft rien del Due de Gloucefre, qil lohn Halle refiondift, qilfuppofd qilfuift mort, ejr le Ducde Norff. difoit noun, nepurquont le dit nadgairs Roy luy auoit charge pour, mourdrer le dit Due de Gloucefr. ejr qe le dit nadgairs Roy > et le Due Daumarle adonqes Count de Roteland,auoient enuoiez, certeins lours efquier s et vadlet z> pur ejlre iHoeqes et pur ceo ildifiitqele dit lohn Halle fcrroit la en noun de dit Due de Norff. et le dit John refpondy noun, etpria qil purroit perdre tomz fes hi ens et aler fon chemin,deuant qil ferroit atielfait,et le dit Due de Norff. rejpondy, qil ferroit illoeques t ou autrementilperdcroitfi vie, et luy dona vn graund coupe fur le tefle, et fur cejes ditz> Due de ^orff lohn Colfox,et lohn Halle foy alerent a lefglife de nof re Dame de Caleys, et illoeqes Us tro- nerent William Hampferley efquier de dit Due de Norff. Bradeft on efquier demefmele Due de Norff. William Serle vadlet del eh am- bre, du dit nadgairs Roy Frauneeis vadlet del chaumbre del Due Daumarle, William Roger \et William Denys vadlet z del dit Due de Norff. et vn autre vadlet demorant oaec le dit Due Daumarle,quoda noun C ok del chaumbre, come le dit lohan Halle fuppofi,et la fuifl dit a dit Iohan Halle qe toutz les autres auantditz, furent firuientz, qils iammes ne difcouerent la ditematiere, et fir ceo firent le dite Iohan Halle faire firement fur le corps de Dien, deuant vn Sire William Chappelleyn deSeynt George a lefglife de nolire DamedeCaleys, et Cofina Iohan Lancaftre efquier de dit Due de Norff. qil tiendroit counfeil la dit matier. Et apres le dit ferement fait foy alerent BvCKINGHAM. 85 ale rent ouefque le dtt Due de Norjf. toutz enfemble vers L' of ell appelle le primes In,et quant ils furent illoeqes le dit Due de Norff.metta les ditz, lohn Coif ox, William Hampfterley Brades~lon,William S erle, Fraunceis,William Roger., willum Denys>Cok del chaumbre,et foban Halle en et les dit\J TKemanner of the murder. William Roger, William Denys,etCokdel chaumbre , tiendroient les cofte^f'^Walfinghamin Tpcdtg. . du dit F ether bed, et les ditz, William Serle, et Fraunceys coucherent defuiz, "* sst ' n * 30 ' le bouche de dtt Due de Glouc. tanq il fuijl * morte ; et les ditz, lohn Colfox, » fiftp Hampfterley, et Bradeftonfeierentbienpres le dit Due de Gloucejlre Jur 2 . Z'^cipt^d '2ujh^ lour gemtls pkrantz,etprierentpur fa &lme,cttoutle dit temps le dit lohn'^ Q com -^' tc ^ dief * n »^ HaUt gar da la buy fe del maifonoue ledit Due de Glouc. faifi morte eye? * ' ,n ' 51, Whereupon iudgemcntwasgiuenin Parliament that the did John Halle foit treinez. del Tour bill iefqes a les fourkes de Ty bourne , et la bowclez, et jes bowels &rc\denant luy, etpuis foit penduz, decollez, et quarter ez,etfon tejle emoye a Caleys , ou le mourdre fuijl fait, et les quartres enuoiez\ as autres lieux, ou le Roy plerraf- XJJVmjrey Plantagenet ( fonne of Thomas of **WoodJlock Jaftct the death of his Father was Earleof Buckingham, and being banifhedfjjg- land into Ireland, was re-called backe againc by King Henry the fourth , in the firft yccre of his reigne, in which returnehecdiedof the plague at Cbejler,(othas haue at Couentry)2ad was bu- ried in the Abbey of walden in Ejjex, without HTue.pag.19. Et portoit les ames de fan P ere. L 2 Huutfrey 8 4- BvCKlNGHA Mm TJrmfiey Stafford ((onne and heirc * -*of Edmund Eaije Stafford , by AnnePlantagenet 3 dau°htcv of Thomas of Woodftocke) was created the firft Duke of Buckingham^ in the 2 2, yeerc of King H Thomas Lord Egremont, and i John Vifcount Beaumont^ was flainc at the battell of Northampton , inthe 38. yeareof K ffen.6.1^60. (the King being then taken prifoner) and his body buried in the Gray- Friars at Northampton. Elcartelle Fnnce & d' engtcterre, aubordurd , argent(beinghisrao:hersaimes ) quartered with his owne armes, d'or au Cheueron gueulls. CORRECTION S. HpHis Humfrey Stafford heere fet downe to be created the firft Duke of Buc- kingham in the two and twentieth yeere of Ktng Hen. the 6. 1443. and to haue the precedent place of all other Dukes of England* is much miftaken 5 for King the fixt,in regard of the good feruice which this Humfrey Earle of - chart. z".23.H.6.r\". i3 . Buckingham tkStaffordhad done inthe time of his being Gouernor of Caffts y et clartfsima merita,charifsimi confanguinti nojlri Humfridi Comitis Buckingham et Staff, frc. merito inducimar ejr mouemurjpfum codignis honoris titulis prx- miare,z pat fyail baue preentpneuce yz utft pete ft)ail tyaue preeminence agepn. 3iub pen pat opet ft)all j^aue Sjpt, bp an otijet pete nert aftet pat. 3lnbfo pep fyalityaueanbfcepe aitetnacion of pete&in pet faib Sttpng,gopng ano ftanbpng,bu- tpugpeitttoo lpue$. ainDpatoon of^emoecef^png,patot^et of^empatftall ouetlpue, O^all ftabelp!|aue, anD continue pe preempneuce tnfptttng,goping,anb ilanUpng alibis Ipue,aboue peljeitofpatotijet, patfirftfl)aiineceu r e ; ano aftet tijeteboti) neceffes, among t^eit^eit^. C^isfteuletobe kept, pat tobicij of pe fail) ^eites ft)aiiata^aue iiuetp of ^t^ ianb£, aftit tlje coutjs BVCKIKGHAM cout$ofti)eComenlat»e, Ijeail^ t)ape£, ftail ijane p?eemp= nence before, ant) aboue t^e ijetr of pat opet, ano Ins; l>etre^, ano fembletotfe bpttoeen pe ljette& of tlje fatotjetregfojettetmo?e. 3fnbaIfope&pngbatlmt>epnet) bp auctojtte abouefatb , pat fembleteule,ant) gouentancetyallbe obferuet) ant) kept bpttxuj; petm,anopettbette£, infetupng, ant) ottjet things beiangtng to too^tp, anb aftateg keeping ; anp letters? patent?, ototfjet gtaunt, mane bv out fatt) fouetatgne ?Lojo , to enp of tije fatt) © uke£ before fatt) feconofcap of December, tope contrary !)erof, 0? enp otljet caufe toljatfumeuer nottoptfjftantitng. 3n& tljat tijefatU Bufce of naarreDopfc fyali^auetije preeminence, ano letting aboue, m pe fatt) ftrft pere. aint) pat t^t$ atct fttecclj to pe Metres maleg of either of ttjefat&Bufceg of tyetrboopeg begotten, anb no fetttyet. Which inuidious place of Precedence the Duke of Warxcicke enioyed but a while, not much aboue two y eeres, & then dying without any hTue male, ch4rt.2;,H t c.n*: 3 t. the King in this manner beftowed it. Sciatis quod c um nos 14. die Sept emb. a°. regninoftri vicefimo tertio (which confirmesthe Date of the Patent afore recited) quandam cartam noHram carifsimum confanguincunoflrum Hum" fridum Comitem Buck. fe Stafford in Ducem Buck, erexerimm.fec. Nos proxi- mitatem fanguinis qua idem confanguineus nofler nos dttingit, fee. concefsimus eidemconf anguine 0 nojlro fe haredtbus fuU quodjlent fefedeAnt in omnibus Parliament is confilijs fe alijs locis ante fe pra quibufcunque per fonts fe quaeuncfc perfona in statu Ducts in regnis noltris Angl. fe FrancU feu in eorum alter o^fec. Per fonts decorpore nojlro feu haredumvel fuccefforit nofirorum Regum Angli* exeuntibus duntaxat exceptis 5 fee. Ita quod nullaperfonain /latum Ducis m diclis regnis noB r is per nos hxredes velfucce/fores mHrosexnunc or dinad. (ex- ceptis pr&exceptis)flet eat necfedeat ante prxfatttm confanguinenm noflrum fe haredes f msin aliquibus parliaments fe confilijs noftris vet havredum fefuccef- forum nofirorum e Hollinjhed, who wrote e utUmjbed.^ p:6?3. & in thatonely language, heeonely vnderftands. See more of this in the pas- 1233. title of Derby. Befides this, hee tells mce that this Duke of Buckingham had to his fourth fonne Robert, and what ftiould he be, but Archbilhop of Canterbury $ when I may not but tell him againe,that the Archbifhops name was John Stafford, as thofe Reuerend Fathers/ Parker and e Godwin in their feuerall Catalogues f Mat. parkeri tntquhatei of the Archbijhops tell vs. His Epitaph (as it is written vpon a flat marble in "f/; Brtfamica -^ *f* Chrift-Church in Canterbury in the place called the Martyr dome ) leades mee * Godwin de p r *fuMsu to you to (hew that he had abouefoure fonnes and three daughters , and thus I begin. HehadifTue^w/y^ Earle o f Stafford, Richard Stafford who died in his childhood, Ralph Stafford Knighr s that married Margaret Counteffe of Ricbmond,Mother to King Henry the feuenth, Edmund Stafford, George and William Stafford twinncsJohn Staffordharlc ofWiltfhire, and fiue daughters, Anne firft married to Aubrey de Fere, & after to Sir Thomas Cobham Knight, fonne of Reginald Lord Cobham of Ster burgh. Iohanne married to Sir William Beaumont Knight, Vifcount Beaumont Lord Bardolph, and after to Sir Wil- liam Kneuet of Buckenham in Norfolke $ Elizabeth, Margaret, and Katherine married to lohn Talbot third Earle of Shrewsbury of that family. Henry 88 BvCKINGHA M. * Shce was fitter and heire of Richard, brother and heire of "LJSEnry Stafford (fonnc and heire of ^Humfrey Edrte Stafford , flaineac the firft: bartcll ofS. Albons, '1455.) afttfr the death of HumfhyDukc of Buckingham his grand-father, was Duke of Buckingham , Earle Stafford , Hereford,and Northampton, Lord of Brecknocke. Kimbalton, and T an bridge, was by King Richardthc third, 1482. madeConftablecf£#£/4»v*w*totheDukedomeof Chafleatt Herald in PoicJou, fonne of James Earle of Arranjbvne of another James Lord Hamilton by Mariona his wife, daughter of lames the fecond King of Scots) was by Kiog lames our dreadSoueraignc, and in Scotland the ift«y of that name , further honoured with the Titles of Baron of Ennerdail in Cumberland, and Earle of Cambridge in England, by Lettcts Patents bearing date atwejlminjler the fixteenth day of A°. 1 6 1 9. in the feauentcenth yeer e of his faid Maie- fties raigne. Hemarried Anne Cunningham daughterof/dwwEarIeofGY their Armes, VViues, and Children. with corrections. Andolph Mefchines^ (on of Randolph, Vifcount oiBaieulx^ & Alice his wife, bate daughter of Richard the third, Duke of Normandy ^ came into Eng- landwhhWiltiam the Conquer our , whogaue him the Earlcdome of Carlile. Hee married A/4>g4>rf, fitter of Hugh Lupus , the firft Earle of Chejler after the Conqueft , and Aunt and heireof Richard the fecond Earle of cheller h by whom hec had iffue, Randolphe the third Earle of Chefter, William Me/chines Lord of E- gremont y and Geffrey Lord ot'GilleJla»d 3 znd di- ed, Anno, Et portoit, d°or *u liou rampant de guelles la cowc eftant? A7tyire#de Harela of PT^atfr/WjKnighf, for his good feruice in vanquifhing and ta- king prifoner, Thmts Earle of Lancajter , and other his abetters , the Kings enemies and dif- loyall fubiecls 5 was byKingEaWn/thefc- cond 3 inthei4. yeereof his reigne, girt with a fword, and had giucn him the Title and Earle- domc of Carlile, ( for this was the vfuall ma- king of Earles in thofe day es.) But afterwards, this Andrew proued vngratefull to his King & Country, in his \mrcsiu Scotland > receiuing fecrctly from the Scots, agreatfummeof mo- ney for a bribe,to betray his Maftcr; for which his offence he being apprehended & taken 5 was degraded firft of his knight-hood, and after, of all honourable Titles, by cutting off his Spurs m^nEtS in *?/W^ ftom nce,es > tnen b y dif-girding of him, and breaking his f word ouer his tesr.xg hit C«*tt of Arm*, head; and laftly, by tearing his Coate of Armes off his body, by a Herald, see my anfwere. This done, hee was drawne and hanged, beheaded, and quartered , the laft day of October^ 1 $i%.pag.$ 1. Et portoit, les armoiries de feint George, au primier quanton a madettc de Cable. COR- C A R L IL £ 97 CORRECTION S. TT is not fo fitting hecre ; as in the title of Lancafter , to fpeake ofrhomas *Earlcof Lancafiers imprifonment. Yet I may not ouer-flip ihis Andrew deffarcla, who was ( as you rczdc) made Earle of Car Isle, in the fourteenth yeereof Edward the fecond, which may be amended in the next edition,and then true, if you will put it vpon the yeere following : Search all your Wri- , ters, and you mail find the battell of Burrow-brigges to be ftricken in March, a°.i5.E. 1. 132 1. where the worft fell vpon the Earle of Lane afters part for he thereby came to an vntimely end, as heereafter fhall be fhewed : and An- drewde Harcla, who was the man that tooke this Earle prifoner, being but cucn now Confiable or Captatne of Carlile> is thereupon prefently created Se m0K - mLa „ M a Earle of the fame place : for your further vndcrftanding take thefe words eem0Km ane4 ' er * with vou. *_Sciatis quod pro bono & laudabili feruicio quod Andreas de Har- J cla nobis nnpcrimpendit,lhomam tunc Comitem LancajlrU , t^^^ ipfm^«ttf t lkXmt^>7f ' fautores nobis fubditos immicos ejr rebelles noslros debellando , & diuma opitu- Unte clementia deuiffos nobis reddendo, dedimus ei & concefimus,pro nobis ejr htredibus noHris 20. Marc as de exitibus Com. nofiri Cumbria , percipiend, & habend. fibiejr heredtbusfms mafculis de corpore fuo legitime procreatis, fib honore the27.of „/ • *ebruarya .16. b. 2. ivas directed to Edmund Eade of Kent, lohn Lord Ha- r*d\veft.t e rm\ H,u.f r i,z\ ftings$h Ralfe Bajfet, Sir lohn Pech, Sir lohn Wifiam Knights,and ro Geffrey [[rtreucZt^frLV/ leScrop Efquire, or to any two of th?m , to fit vpon his arraignement \ by " vcrtue whereof, the hft fame (being fudges) commanded Sir Anthony Lucy thenhigh Sherifeot' Cumberland, to bring forth his prifoner, which accor- dingly he did, and vpon deliberate hearing of the treafons by the laid Earle committed, this doom he rcceiued at Carlile on Friday next after the feaft of S Ceddts the Bifliop 3 a 8 . 1 6E 2 . Agard cefi Court(l fpeake the words of the Record) qcvous feietz, deceynt dele/peye,et qevow efporouns dorrez foient compez.de talouns : after which fentence of Degradation this follows : £>e por k dite trefoun, f rictz trey net, et pendutz. et decole, et qe vojlre quer bonds et en- trayles dount Us treitroufes pen/ ez> vindrent,fotent araceez,,ars en poudre 9 et le foudre >vcntee,et qe voftre corps foit coupe e en quatre quarters, dount tun quar- ter fount pendu a mount de la tour de Cardoill , a fpafee ^>tt Ulntonte ( meaning Sir Amhome Luck before whom hcc was try d) in ting manner. ^irK(ntJ?eiM , quoth hec, tt?e fcmae bebe bnto pott mucljfconoj, anbmabepoucMeof Car= botll, 3nb ttjou as a ttapto j bnto tty fto# tlje &mg labbeft W people of tintfcountrte, ttmttyoulbtjaue tjelp iumatti)ebat= tatl?e of Betgtyanb atoapbp ttje country of Copeiano anb tbo= rugbtbeCrlbome of ^lancafter, toijerefoje our ?Lo?b ttje &tng toas fcomfiteb tijere of tije &cotti* ttwuglj tty treafomi amb fattened ano if t^ou Ijaooeft come betrmeg !je ijab t>el> t^e matftrpe. 3Hnti all tfcat trefoutt tijou bebeft foj %\>t fomme of ctolO ano ffluer tljat tljou tonberfeug of 3!ame$ Bugla* a %tot t^e Mn$$ enempe. 3dno our %t}#> t^elung t$ toil t$ti)at tbe Ojbje of &ntgi)tijobe bp t^efcrinci) ttyntbnberfeuge all in ijonojanbtn toojftnpe oppon tt)t bobp ben ail bjottgljt bnto nought, anbtlnftate bnoon, ttmt otljer mxqhW of lotoer begree noto after t^e beboare, t^e totnct) kotfi tjatij ttje abuan= cebiuigetytnbtuets countries of Cnglanb: anb aiinoto take • Their. enf ample bt> ttje, * ijere ?lo jb aftettoarb f o? to feme, ^o com= mattnbebtje afcnaueanoouto ^et» of #0Vpo$e$ofW$fceeieiBL Sinb after ije iete bjeafce tlje ftoerb ouer i)t£ tjeeb, t^e toljtctj t^e &mg inmgare to Utpz ano oefeno fy$ lonbe ttjetetoitl) to^en ijemabeinmCrlofCarbottt. anb after ^e letetjunbnclotijeof i)tj3fitrreb Caberb anb W ijoobe,aubofJn:Sfurrebcotp$aub of W gptbeil, anb tw^en tW bone ^nr 3intijonpfato inm s 3fcnb jeto quoty Jjee, uofc) ert ttjou no &mgl)t but a fcnaus. 3nb f o gaue tubgement on turn, tijat tje fyoulb be bjaran^angb anb quarter^ anb tug tyeebfet on Ttonbontytbge, t»^tc^ toa,^ d rh Auen,hur 3 tpudctm- CjCCCUteH* Another alio addcs, that he was * Calcets & Chtrothecu exttttfs. den m Bwant. f . 7 8o. g ut a u t ^ is while I hauc djsrefTecl from my purpofe. iValfngham.p.iiS. 3 / * * loh* C A R L I L E. lOhn PlantagenetjhiidfQtme of king * Henry thefourth, was inthefecond yeerc of King Henry the fift , his bro- ths r,crcatcd the firft Duke of Bedford, EarJe of Richmond , and Lord of Ken- dall $ and in the fiftyeereof the faid Kings reigne,hewasmade Protector of the Realme of England ( as in the Tide otBedfordis more at large) and Earle of Car Isle : ( which diuers late Writers deny,) for thus doc I finde him written in his owne Deedes and C harters . John, Regent oj the Realme 1 of France, D (ike ej "Bedford, Ahiou,and Alanf on, Earle of Mayne ^ Hareconrt, Dreux, Richmond, and Carlile, and rtf- count Beaumont. Hee married ( in the ycare, 1433.) Iaquelline, daughter of Peter of Lucemburge, Eaxte of S.Paul, but by her had noiiTuc. He died in France, the tenth of September, 1435. and was buried in the Cathedral Church in the City of Roane jn Normandie, in a very (lately Tombe. fag. 52. Etportoit,(eme de France & o'engleterre, a vn Iambell de cinq, ermyn & d'azur ,neuf fleurs de Iiz d'ox. 99 I CORRECTION S. N performance of part of my promifc in the title of Bedford^ I will be bold herea while to touch, onely to try whether this lohn Duke of Bedford was but barely Lord of Kendall and Earle of Carltle&t Earle of Kendall and Lord of Carlile: the caufe that leades me to queftion it,is, becaufc I finde in a Par- liament holdcn at Leicefler, tf.z.H.*,. thefe words : e Fait affauoir qe noftre . _ . _ , , trejjouerain / etgneur le Roy jeiant en parlement en (a fee mall , a la requejte des Lac ultimo Apnl a°.*.#./ Seigneurs ejpintuelx & temporelx & de fisC omens en me/me le Parlement af- m ' 7 'f*- 2i femblez> y creaft & prejijl lohnde Lancaftrefon friere en Count de Kendale et Due de Bedford, &c. which fhewes that hee was created Earle of Kendale. Now the Patent Kolles (hcwes(the Habendum) the limitation as followeth; f Habendum ejr tenendum prafato fratri noHro (lilos honor es & nomina pradifta t Pdt.i.H:f.ptu.m'. 3 6,<& adeius duntaxat >3 2 ' rendred vp to King Henry the fixt, and thereupon he granted the faid honors backe to him againe, s Habend. fibi h&redibus mtfeulis de corpore fuo exeun- 1 tibus imperpetuum. Now for his being Earle of Carlile , in regard it is found in his ftile,and not hauing better warrant fork, I am one that is of the fame minde as thofe diuers late writers that deny it. As for his death , you fhall hauc it in the title of Kendall. Ni Richard Vat. ix. H.fapt.z.m.g. loo Carlile. *Proue it I pray you Sec my notes in hritatne and Richmond. Ichard, fourth fonne of Richard ■Duke ofrork, (& brother of King £^Wthefourth)wasinth-firftyerc of the faid Kings reigne, i^o.created Duke ofGlccefter,8i Earlc of* Carlile, and after was made Conftable, and Lord Admirall of England. And laft- ly, when hee had caufcd his two Ne- phcwes, KingEafoWthe fift, and RichardDuteofrorke, his brother 5 to bee murdered in the Tower of Lon- don : Heevlurped the Crowne, and was King of Englandfcy the name of King Rich Wthe third. Etportoit .France efcartelle D'engleterred'lambel crmyn charge a trois canton sde gueuUes. C A RL IL E. Sir lames Hay Knight, was firft honored with the title of Lord Hay o/Sau/ey, on the firft of Iune, in the fourth yeare of King lames jand af- ter.by letters Patents bearing date at Weftmin- fter,the twenty flue of luly, in the fixteenth yeare of his Maieftiesreigne, Anno 1618. hee wasaeatcd Vifcount Doncajier *and laftly, his fincere and euer faithful! feruiccsfor the good of the Commonwealth, in all his EmbalTagcs and publike employments, not onely gayned him a true affedion from the Communalty, but alio tooke fo deepe imprefsion in his M iie- fties good r pinion of his deferts, that by other Letters Patents, dated the thirteenth of Sep- tember, in the twentieth yeare of his reigne, 162 1. he added to his other Honours the title 0 fEarleofC4>7/Y*,ofwhich place he made himEarle, which he now hap • pily enioy eth. He married to his firft wife Honor a daughter and folc heire of Edward Lord Denny cf fvaltbam, by whom he had iflnc lames and Anne. And to his fecond wife, he married the Lady Luce, fecond daughter oiHen- ry Percy Earlc of Northumberland, and by her hath iffue a fonne. Portoit, d'argsnt, trois eftucheons de gueulles. Place this bctwecne pag. 1 00. and 1 01. t 101 A CATALOGVE OF THE Earles Palatine of Chefter, with their <*X mes, JVtues, and Children. WITH CORRECTIONS. [p^fur-named Lupus ,a Norman born, ^ (fonne of RichardJJlfcount of Auren- ' ches'm Normandy 5 by Margaret his i wife,halfe fifter by the Mother to wittiam Con. querour) came into England with Willtam the firft, who gauevntohimandhis heires, the Earledome of Chefter^to hold as freely of him by the fword, as hec the faid William held Eng> /^WbytheCrowne. ThisEarle Hugh in the 1 2. yeere of King William Rufus , conquered Anglesey in Wales $ hee married Ermentrude, * daughter of and h:< d \Ruq, Richard * See daughter ihc was thefecond Earleof Cbefler, Robert Abbot 0 £ iam y™<>™™> S. Edmonsbury , and O^/Z that was Tutor to the children of King Henry the firft : hee died, and was buried by Ermentrude his Countefle, in the Abbey of S. Werburge in chejler t which was of hisowne foundation, 1I0 3-/W7. Ec portoit, d'azur a vn reft ie Lou erafed d'argent. CORRECTIONS. T Am taught to thinke othcrwife, then that this Hugh de Abrincis furnamed x Lupus ^ was the firft Earle of Chefler face the Conqucft : For, as IfTnde it iaOrdericus, in the fourth booke of his Ecclefiafticall StoriejviEiam Con- quer our after he had fubie&ed the Englijh vnder his gouernment,4J^^ queft of England) thatthe Ship which was caft away was called C^-na. giuen thwtJvim < modios (I follow the aforefaid Author ftill) three ^mc ******* j6.fexi.rie* j ^ resof wine . w hat did they I biberunt fici/fa abundanter propmauerunt, £n S um. bhujd numerm Procerum~tptidopcs^ quid gloria rerum Sluid-) bmtlelmepbt forHtavalebatibt ? Marcuit ille decor rcgaltSi & abflulit aquor guodfaclus fiteras^ quodque futurus eras. Inter aqua* tstis in slat damnatio trisiris^ ^Jptetat gratis cxltca par cat eis, Corporibm mercis anima ft dona falutis Natf&gauderentjnceBaproculfierent, Cert a falus ammo- verum dat tripttdiare Hts y bene qui caros corhmcmorant proprios Hi nc dolor efl ingens humana quodwfcia fit mens. An requtes fit eis quos capti vda T bet is. AndolpheSummird Mefchines, fonne of Randolphs MefchinesEavte of CarleU, by Margaret^ the fitter ot Hugh Lupus the firft Earle of Chefler } wasthe third Earle Palatin of Chefler after the Concjueft. He married £»- ry, daughter of Alganhc Saxon, Earle of Leu cefler^ and fifter to Edwin Earle of Mercia, and Morcar^x\so\ Northumberland, who b fore was the Wife of Roger Romara, and Mother of William Romara Earle of Lincolne. This Ran. dolpbekwxendttd Carlell^ his Fathers Earle- domr,tc K ng Henry the fi» ft ; ?nd dyed in the ye«rei 122. and was buried at in the 30. C H ESTER. » Offerc'tani, *s I haue alrea- dy fhavved your ignorance in the title of Cambridge. i 30. yeare of the faid Kings f eigneileauing ifTue, Randolphe fur- named de Ger- nontjsjhe fourthEarleof chefter^ and William, Earleof Cambridge , and a daughter named Adeliza^mmed to Rtchard Fitz-Gilbert^Lord of Tunbridge Auncefter to the Earlcs of Clare^Glocefter, and Pembroke (as William Gemiti- f^affirmeth.) Page 38. Et portoitjd'ora'vn Lion rartipant dc gueulles la cow c eftant. yf»^^>^,fur-named de Gewoni/sf otitic of Randolphe Mefchines i was after his Father, the fourth Earle Palatine of Chejler after the Conqueft , he, with his Brother William, Earle of Cambridge , was WitneiTe to the Charter of Alexander Bifhop of ' Lincolne, of his gift of the Illand of lUfreholmejiQ the religious Nuns of S. Maries , of the order of a Sifter- fences, 1 1 3 9. the fourth of King Stephen. And in the yeare, 1 141. this Randoll, and Robert Earle of Glocefter ^tooke the faid King prilbner at colne. He married Mauld, daughter of Robert Earleof Glocefler, bate fonnc of King Henry thefirft; by whom he had hTue Hugh the fift Earle Palatine of chefter, and Richard 5 and dyed poyfoned by the pradife of his Wife and William Peuerell Lord of Nottingham, in the yeare, 1 1 5 6. Page 38. Et portoit,de gueulles au Lion rampant d'argent a la covve eftant. CORRECTIONS. T Will pafTeby your weake vnderftanding here, and page 54.1ine2p. in * writing fences for C^www, and come to the time of this Ranulphes d^ath ; you fay that hce was poyfoned by his wife and William Peuerell. y>T. K chrmcoR<>ftnf,. ^ b '^5 6 - whichif you fay true, then was he difinherited for that facl, a tweluemoneth before the fad committed, for thus I finde it. b A°. 1155. RcxHenricus i.exh&reditauitwillielmum Peuerel caufa veneni Ramlpho Co- < Ex ngtfiro Pritram de miti C e ft ri * f T0 P^- Elle where thus. c A°. 1 1 5 5 . Willielmus Peuerel de Dunfoie. Nottingham caufi veneficij quod fuerat propinatum RanulphoComiti CeftrU ^jXS}^^^ cxhtreditaweft. Agreeing with which areother good d Authors if you can but procure a Tranflator to fit them to your reading. I confefle I neede not ftriue much againft you for this point, feeing I may oppofc your owne narration in page 16^. of your booke, again ft your felfe ; and therefore I leaueyoutoquarrell with your owne memory, not doubting, but you will takcitbcft,to be your owne Controuler. Hugh, Ch ESTER. 105 h: Vgh^ fur- named Kiudioc, lonne ofRandol- -phe Gernons, was the fift Earle Palatine of Chejler^ he married Bertrade^ daughter of Si- mon Earle of Mountford and Eureux in Nor. mandiejnd had iflhzyRandolphe Blundeuilejhe fixt Earle Palatine of Chejler^nd Earle ofL//*- n?/»f;and foure daughters, Mauld the eldcft was married to Dauid Earle of Anguijh, Galla- H^,and Huntington: MabeU thefecond daugh- ter, was married to William de Albenieo Earle of Arundell: Agnes the third daughter, was mar- ried to William Ferrers^ Earle of Darby and Lord of chartley: and Ham's the fourth daugh- ter, waswifeto-faierr QUincy tonne of Saier Earlcof Wincefter^ and had iiTue, Margaret* married to IohnLaiie Earle of Uncolne-^ and Mabell,wlktoHughLotd Attdley, This Hugh died the 2 7. of King Henry the fecond, 1 1 80. Page 3 Etportoit,d'azur a fix garbes d'or. IF this Earle Hugh had died A°.i 1 80 . as you haue dcliuered ic 3 then furety * Houeden would not haue written that Anno gratia. 1 1 8 1 . 1 obijt Ha- ' B****fil-3J*i go Comes Ceffrti cuifacefsk in comitatu Ranulfw jilitu eiut. Or wefiminfier thus. *AmogmU.\i%\. — obijt Comes CeflrU. or§ iudicious Camden\ M c ^Ztch'^yfi' t haue ioyned with them in putting the time fb downe as they haue done. cu,d. T> y^W,by the name of Randolphe Earle of Chejfer and Lmcolne ; and after his rcturneout of the rioly-Land, he dyed at his Caftle olwallingford^ in the 17. ycarc of King Henry the third,and was buried at Chefter h leauing hisfoure fifters his heires, before mentioned. This Randolph was of great fame and efteeme in the times of King Henry the fecond, King Richard 'the firlt,King lobnjnd King Henry the third : In which time he built the Caftles of Beefion and Chantey, and theMonaftery of de U Croix, page 3?. Et portoi^d'azuf a trois garbes d'ott CORRECTIONS. H Ere might fomewhat be faid, concerning this Randolph or Ranulpbes marriage with ConJlante.Conansh^ ire that was Duke of Britaine t vpon thefe words, that fhee was rviddow of Geffrey finne to King Henry the third, when this Ranulph married her : which I doe not touch vpon, as an Error >but , commend asttuth,and contrary to his words,p. 27 and 2 8 . where the Reader (hall fee the Errour confuted, :nd the truth confirmed. In the next place, He writes that after Earle Ranulph was diuorced from Conjiance, he maried Clemence daughter of William de Fcngeres. ejrc* And that he had alfo a third wife Margaret daughter of Humfry de Bohun Earle of Here- » ctaHf.ic.H+mtmh.t. f $r ^ wn jeh I thinke to be a miftakej my reafon is this. I hnde in the * Clofle Rollcs, A 0 . 1 6.H.3 . a writ directed to the Sheriffe of the Ccuntie ofUncoln, ^quod dc manerijs de Beminton ejr de Lumber g qu&f nt mmtagium ClemencU Comittfft Ceftri difi£ ComitijJ* quod plus petere pofsit in dotem ft non faerit fufficienter dotata. which cleerely fliewes thisClemencc to be the laft wife of Ranulfe Earle of Cheftcr here fpo- ken of,ot herwife how could {he fue out her writ of Do wer. She was daugh- ter of William deTtilgerijS or Fulgeres (not Fengeres) and widow of Alan de Binant .Now that Margaret was his third wife,you fee the contrary 5 indeede Imakefomcqueftion,whcthcrhchadthreewiues or nor/ fpecially whether me ~* was one of them.- which I leaue to him to be better proued then vpon his bare word,or I will not belceueit>andfoIgoeon, vpon his owne words as they follow. Ihh Randolph wasreftorcdtotheE3rlcdomeofL/w*//nn the third yeerc of Henry the thitd as coufen and next ru ire of mlltamRomara Earle of Lincoln: whichisnotfo^forlfay heewas reftored in the ^firftof *cw,.n, J .m»i., 7 i Hmry the third ^ as inthc ^tfUncoln (hall be /hewed. Ch ESTER. \Ohn, (by the place of his birth) fur-named ■*-the Scot, was Earle of Huntingdon and Cam- bridge, by his Father Dated, Earle of Anguifb and Huntingdon aforefaid, (which Dauid, was / brother to William , King of Scots) and by / Manld his Mother, eldeft fifter and co-heire / of Randolph eBlundeuile Earle of Chefter, hee f / was alfo the fcuenth Earle Palatine of Chefter. / Alfo in the 2 1 . yesre of King Henry the third 3 / heewasreftoredto the Earlcdomeof North* / ampton, ascoufin and heire of Simon Seintlize I Earle of Northampton ; and in the 2 2 . of the laid Kings reigne, he died at Darnall, and was buried at Chefter, without ifliie, hauing marri- ed Helyn, the daughter of Llewellyn ap Ior- worth Prince of North-Wales, Which Earle- dome of Chefter \ King Henry the third 1238. aflumed into his owne hands, and gaue other lands to the laid foure Sifters of John (fur-named the Scot) afore named; the iflue of whom, after clay- medthekingdomeof Scotland, in King Edward the fir fts time, fince which time, the Principality of Chefter, hath becnevnited to the Principality of Walesjoy A&e of Parliament he\datireftminfter,thz ax. of King Richard the (econdjat which time (as Somerfet Herald hath) the King created William Brugs,chefierHaa\d by his Letters Patents, fcaled with his Seale of the faid Principality. Page 40. Ht porroit, d'or a trois pen s d'gneulles. CORRECTIO NS. IT is true that this /^wfurnamed the Scot was Earle of chefter, in right of 4 his Mother Maude, one ofthe Afters and hcires of Earle Ranulph of Che- fier, and was poifoncd by his CounteiTc, Llhewelinxhe Prince of Wales his daughter, for A°.i2^y. 21.H.3. < ComesCeftrU Johannes cognomento Scotui(hkh a Farts) circa Pentecoften t vxore fua filia Leolinimachinantepotu - matf} ... tnatus diem claujit extremum. But that he was rcftored to the Earledome" " ,P4rft -^** n *"* e * of Northampton, I will not beleeue that, Hethatfaycsit, willeuer be able toproue it, howfoeuer he is very like to hearc of it hereafter. Now for his death, all that I euer read, t fay he dyed in that part of the y eere 123 7. which b Math falsintheoncand twentieth, not in the two and twentieth of Henry thecw* * third. rpwbz.Nmftr.perThoiJPa£- Math lVeftm.f,£yj,n 9 .je» O2 Edmoni io8 Chester. i DameCsChrcnicte.p.is*- P Dmond (fur-named Growch t>dcke)kcond •^fonne of King Henry the third, was by his Father created Ear le of Chefter ^ which Title andEarledome, hefurrendred to his Brother Prince Edward, and was after made Earle of Lancafter ; and after the attaindore of Simon Mountford, and Robert Earle Ferrars, he was al» fo made Earle of Leicefter and Derby ^ as in the Title of Lancafter is more at large. Page 40* Et portoit,Ies armes D°«ng!eterre,au lambell fie France. CORRECT! ONS. JUTErefals out euen what wee (ay of our rich A "*Tnen,T^ making 6 f one is the marring of another. So the bringing in of this Earle Ed- mondisthe leauingout of Edward brother to this Edmond,hoth fonnes of Henry thethird 5 and of Simon de Mont fort 8.vpcn complaint made by Doctor Langton, then Bilhop of Chefier, was commit- ted to prilun ; and Fierce of Gauefton banilhed England , and not to rcturne vpon paine of death. Pag.^o. Et portoir, D'engleterre au Iambell a'argent. Wi CORRECTIONS. Ithout all cjueftion , this Tolyfragmm takes his commodities vpon credit, ho- ping time will vvorke out all, or thinkes to vent them to fuch as will neuer, either looke into the matter, or look? after the man. In this placegiuingvs to know thatDo- for Langtontf. 1298. then Bifhop of Chefier was the caufe of Prince Edwards lmpnfonmcnt : but to belieuc I mud be fo bold as take leaue , and will him to reade DoBor Godwins * Catalogue of Bilhops, where he lhall findeindeed *JT^**15L Walter de Lwgton Bilhop of Couentry and Lichfield ( not of Chefier ) and . Treafurerof£^W 5 to bethemanhemeaneth. And withall willhe b tell b/tow/// ^ Ijim, that vntiil the fuppreffion of S 'dint Wer burg in C better by Kin<> Henry the eighty there w*s no Bifhopricke of Chefier, although it pleafed Peter, fome- ume Bilhop of Lichfield, to rcmouehisSeathether, abouttheyeare 1075. where it continued but a while, for his fuccelTor Robert de Lime fey brought it backe to Couentry ag aine. I grant diuers of them wrrc ftiled Bilhops of cpter. but whethcrthey were foin right or nowhere isthequeftion:iudge or itthat will, I haue vented my opinion, Edward Chester. a Doftor Pmetl'm his H:fto- V. EDward, firft fonncand hcyrcof King Ed- ward the fecond,was Prince of WaleSjDuke of Cornwall^ and Earle of Chejlor and Flint ,and after, King of England, by the name of King Edward the third, pag,^ i . Etportoit^ D'engletsire au lambell d'argenr. CORRECTION S. He queftions hcere, will be about th§ Prin" cipalitie of wales } and the Duchie of Corn- wall : For the firft, it will not bec prooucd that this Edward (Edward the feconds fonne) had either the one or the other, for it was not a Ti- tle at thefe times inuefted into the heyres appa- rantof the Crown, although diuers hauc wri- ten the contrary. Indecde thecourfe vfed by Edward the firft to make his fonne Prince of Wales was meere policie , for as my * Author tells me, albeit he had brought all wales vnder his fubie&ion , and by a Statute made at Ruthlan, a°. 1 2 . E. 1 . incorporated andvnitedthe fame vnto England : in which Statute there be many good lawes concerning the diuifion of Wales into Counties, and concerning di- uers offices and officers, and concerning triall, and concerning the diuifions of a&ions,andthe forme of manywritteSjand the proceeding therein • much like to the lawes of England : yet he could neuer winne the good will of the common people of the Country to accept him for their Prince,and to be o- bedient vnto fuch officers as he mould appoint to goucrne them,vnlcflTe hee would rcmaine himfelfe in the Countrey among them. Neither could hee bring them to y eeld their obedience to any other Prince, except hee were of their owne nation : for the Welfhmen hauing experience of the gouernement ofthz Englifb officers, and knowing that the King would rule the Countrey by his deputies, could not abide to haue any Engltjbmen to bee their ruler.- who oftentimes vpon the Kings motion anfwered , that they were content to take for their Prince any man whom his Maicftie would name, fo that he were zwclfyman, and none other anfwere could hee euer get of them by any meanes. Whereupon the King fent for Queen Elianor out of England in the deepe of Winter, being then great with childe, to the Caftle of Carnaruan: And when fhe was nigh to be brought to beddc, the King went to Ruthlan^ and fent for all the Barons and beft men in all (Vales, to come to him, to con- fult concerning the Wealc-publicke of their country. And when they were com?, he deferred the confutation , vntill hec was certified thattheQueene wasdcliucredof a Sonne ; then (fending certaine Lords to the Chriftening of his childe,and informing them how he would hauc it named ) he called thiwelfhmen together, declaring vnto them , that whereas they were often- times fuiters vnto him to appoint them a Prince, he now hauing occafion to depart out of the Country, would name them a Prince, if they would allow and C H E S T E R. Ill and obey him whom hec (hould name. To the which motion they anfwe- red, that they would fo doe, it he would appoint one of their o wne Nation to be their Prince : whereunto the King replied 5 that he would name one that was borne in Wales , and could fpeake neuer a word of whofe life and conuerfation no man was able to ftayne. And when they all had granted thatfucbaone they would obcy,he named his ownelonnc Edward, borne in Carnaruon Caftle a few daies before. Now although by this meanes hce obrayned it, and wonnetheH^/^to his wifhes,the Title whereof hisSonne cnioyed as our b Sum mons of Parliament fliewes, yet Edward his fonnc(£*/- )fjt$ 3 £. f j /: m " 7 * 9 ' ward I meane heerc fpoken of, fonne to Edward the fecond beft kno wne by oauf 3 t. e t ; m.*. the name of Edward the III.) neuer had that Attribute of Prince of Wales C a!f[ff drf giuen him, otherwife then in curtefie,as our two famous Antiquaries c Cam- oauj. 3S e*.& ts-dorf den and <» Selden haue well obferucd. Doe you beleeuc that that Honorary c £*™ d ™ *»'*»■ P-'< *• duety would hauebeene omitted in his Stile, ifhehadatany timcbeenein- 'sttdemTvk* of Honour/ irftcdintoit? No affiiredly 5 Search our Summons to Parliament andyou pa§ 177 ' 178 * « fhall finde him called by no other name then Earle of Chefier and Flint, t ciauf.t+E.i.m. * 3 \ Next for the other of Dukeof Cornwall , Maftcrr Tenendum (ibi & haredtbnt Regibtts Anglta. Since when(neither is thctrue beginning of this Title, of any other time) the heires apparent haue bcene honoured ivith PRINCE oF IV ALES : fomehauing beenecre- atedin likeforme, others only called fo. Now that I haue laboured to take from this Edward fonne of Edward the fecondthek Titles of Prince of Wales & Dukeof Cornwall I will m ike fome part of amends , and affbre the Reader th?t -h King his F ither by one b Graunt dated at Langedon Abbey neerc b 2 x9 .e.i. pu i.fi. Dover the fecond of September in the ninteenth yeere of his raigne gsue to 2 5- him his heires a ndfuor {Tors Kings of England totum ComitatumPontiui& * Montis — Strolli and by c another dated at Douer the tenth of the fa id mo- * MumreiL neth, totum Ducatum Aquitannia & omnes alias terras quas habet in regno ' P4f * 0 - 1 ?' M ' 2 ? t - l '" i ' 2 t FrancU y Ill ■ Fnmu which being done, he tookc dipping at the fame place within two , P4 , f/fCutramtmb „ dayesafter,andfaylcdintoFrance,todochis * Homage to the King there, P ^ s ' forthefaidDukedom^andothetthenewmentionedHonors and Lands. EDward, furnamed the blacke Prince, fbnne and heire of King Edward the third, was Duke of Cornwall, arid Aquitaine , and Earlc of CheHer and Flint, This Edward died before his Father, 1 3 76. and was buried ac Can- terbury. Pag.$L Et portoit, efcartelle France (erne 6c D'engkterre, an lamhcIUVgenr. *-I haue his feal, befides by an old booke of Armcs, now in the Officeof Armetjx. appears that he bore vpon the middle labell a CroflTe of S. George, or if you will haue it plaine , zReddeCroffi* D hhard of Bordeaux , forme and ■*-^*-hcire of Edward the blacke Prince, was Prince of Wales , Duke oi Corn- wall andEarle of Chefter, and after, King of England, by the name of King Richardthefccond. Pag.^u Et portoit ) Iesarmes"de (on pens. Ch ESTER. "3 LJH»7 of Monmouth, fonne & hcirc 1 1 of King Henry the fourth, was Prince of0W# 3 Duke ofCernwatfjnd Earle of Ckfler , and after , King of England, by the name of King Henry the fifr,as is more at large fet downc in the Title of Cornwall. This Henry was difmiffed of beeing Prefident of the Kings priuy Counfell, for (hiking the then Lord chiefe Iuftice. Pag. 42 . Et portoit,efcarteII«,Fttnce feme 8c D'englctcrrcjau lam bell d'argent. t_lE»7 Plantagenet, fonne and hcirc *" of King the fift, was fV«J# c Hee was neuer created c of fVales,Duke of C*r/nw#, and Earle Pr,nce ^T^j being but Jr^L a , c ... ' " , , ninemonethsoIdeath»F*- or Chcftcr, and after King of England, tors death, by the name of King Henry the fixth. Page 42. Etportoit, France & D'engleterreefcartelle, aulara* bell d'argent. 3 T P Dward Plantagenet, fonne & heire ■^of King Henry the fixt,was Prince of wales, Duke of Cornwall^md Earle of Chejler. This young Prince was murdered at Tewkesbury , 147 1 . and there buried 5 as in the title of Cornwall is more at large. Page 42* Et portoit, France & D'engleterre efcartelle, au lambell d'argent. * Your owne words vvimeffe againftyou.pag.49. Hettmges.fac.f) 8 . j.tomi. HaUmjhed. pag. 677. Stow. pag. 423. «i Hail. tnZ.4.fd.i2l.b. Sjited. pag. 684. HofJi»jbed.p.6it. ■Ssom. pag.424. jC Dward , fonne and heire of King ^Edward the fourth , was borne D ukc of Cornwall ; and after, in the year, * 1 470. was by Parliament crea- ted Prince of wales, and Earle of Che- ster ; and was after King of England, by the nameof King Edwardthc fift , and was murdered in the Tower of London, Page 42. Et portoit, France & D'engleterre efcartelle, au lam . bell d'argent. v CORRECTIONS, T Neuer heard of two that were atone *timc Princes of wales , Dukes of Corn- wall, and Earles of Chejler in England before : If it was true,it is worth ob- feruing, but fince falfe, it is worthy of correfting. Thetruthtakes thus; Edward fonne and heire of King Edward the fourth was ' borne in the Sanduary at WeUminfler the fourth of Nouem- her^ in the tenth yeere of his fathers raignc 1470. In May following, a°.u. E.4. 147 1. d r3rbattellvvasftricken, where Edward Prince of wales fonne and heire of King Henry the fixt was taken prifoner, and being presen- ted to King Edward the fourth, his refoluteanfwers fomoued the faid King, that he daftied him on the mouth with his Gauntlet, and Richard Crooke- backc Chester 115 batke being by,euen in the Kings prefence, ftabbed him to the heart with his dagger. Then in Idy following, viz. thcfrxandtwenciethday , 1471. (and not 1470. as M.Torkedelinevs, for that was before hec was borne ) the Cud Edward 5 Edivard the fourths fon was indeed 'created Prince of waits & Earlc Z'ZVi. otchejler : and afterwards vpon the 8. of Iuly in th j 1 s>. yeere of his faid fa- thers raigne he was by f Letters patents dated at Ettbampfted, further hono- < chart. <&.»!>.%i % */2*e2z. red with the Earlcdomes of Pembroke and Marches elfe where flbal be more fi - le - folly (hewed. P award, fonnc and heire of King ^Richard the third, was alfoDukc of Cornwall 5 and in the firft yeere of his fathers R eigne, heewas created Prince o f Wales , and Eai 1c of Che- fer 5 and after died without iffue. pageqz. ARthnr, fbnne and h'ire of King Henry thefeuenth } was Duke of Cornwall ' . and in the fifth yeere of his Fathers raigne, he was created Prince of Wales, and Earleof Chefler 9 and died without hfuc,being but 1 4-yeres of age. Page 43. Etportoit, efcartelle France cV D'engletme , aw lambelld'argene. Henfj u6 Chester. T_l£w7 , fecond fonneto King Hen- *' *ry the feuenth 3 was Duke of Torke t and after the death o£ Arthur his bro« thcr, was created Prince at Wales, and Earleof Chefter, in the ip.yeare of his Fathers reignejand was after King of England , by the name of King Henry the eight. ^£.43. Et portoit France & D'engleterre, eftartelle, au lam- bclld'argent. v »Hee was neuer created Pttnee of Wales ; for when all things were prepared,and in a readinefle For his Creati- cw.hisfatherdied, asappea- reth by the boolces in the Wardrobe. S ee Mtlles pag. 3 1 6. and D.Pewcli.p.192' P Dward, fonncandhcire of King ^ Henry the eight , was D. ofCern- mll, and after * created Prince of Wales, and Earle of Chefler ; hee was after King of England , by the name KingEdward the fixt. P*g.+ 3. Et portoitjFrance & D'engleterre efcarteUe.au lam- bell d'argent. Henry Ch ESTER. uj tJEnry 'Frederick, fonne and heire of 1 ** lames , King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland \ the fourth of Iune, 1610. was created Prince of Wales, *Duke Of Corftrva/l^nd Earlc Of 3 H e was not created Duke C^anddyed without ifTue,i6i2. SBJ^i» Page 43. CtrnvaU^ and Rotbfiy , was Etportoit.Ies armes d'cngletetre au lambell created Prince of Wales and EarleofCheftero d'argenr. ffarleskccmd forthc of £ames&m% ^of Great Britaine Prance and Ire- land, being Duke of Albanie, Mar- queffeof Ormount£zt\z Res y & Lord cf Ardmanoch , was created Duke o£ Tto-fc at White-hall, the fixt of Janu- arys 04.And afterwardsat the fame place the fourth of Nouember, itf 16. he was created Prince of Wales^ Duke oiCernwell and Earle of Chcjler. Page 44. Et portoir,les Armes de fon frere. t A Ii8 A CATALOG VE OF the Dukes and Earles of Clare and Clarence, their Armes,Wiues,and Children, Gemitieenfi doth not ac- knowledge him an Eark,nei- ther Domefdaj booke. * Wdlterh quite left out in the new Edition, and yet hee makes hit Errata vpon 1 1 J I. *tr,bc. WITH CORRECTION S. Richard Connco? Gilbert, Earle of Aucencis and BrtonnU in Normandy ,came into Eng- land with William the Conqueror \ who gauc him the Townesand Caftlcs of Clare in Sujfolke,znd Tttnbridge in X«w,with diuers other great Seig- neuries in England. This Richard married Ro- heifia, daughter of Walter Gifford Earle of Lon- gueuile in Normandy > and had iGue,Gilbert,Ro- get Lord of Clattering, « Walter a great Baron and Founder of Tinterne Abbey, 1 1 $ i . and Ro- bert Lord of woodham Water, and was after flainein ra/w,intheyeare, 1 1 3 6. flwjfer thus . AndhadifliieG//^?, &£evLord of C/<*w- ring,Baldmn, and Lord of Woodham Wa- CORRECTIONS. T Would my girdle might breake, if I let you paflehere, without a caft of *minc office, finccyou arc fo forward to relate Roger fonne of Richard Fitz, Gilbert to be Lord of clattering : Peraejueflture you do e it to (et a colour vp , on fomewhat elfe in this nature, as true as this is $ indecde I haue (cene a iw neall difcent done by your felfe, (which I can produce) of the line of Claue- ring,from Walter brother to this Roger, and directly continued in the maile line, vntill at laft the name ended with a daughter Eua y married to Thtmas ^GemticeHfiM-7-tf 37' Vfford&c. which you will neuer be able to prouc. liflebertus (k&Gcmiticen- //deliuersit) terram quam pater habtterat in AngUa po/l ipfttm adeptus eft, Rogerius enim prater eius terram de Normannia obtinuit. J allow him this land vaNormandy, proueyou that hee had Clattering, and I will yeeldeyou the bucklers. As for Walter from whom you draw the ifluc, (as I haue faid be- fore) you fhallby and by hearethc reft. I would fainelearne whyin fome of your bookes that waiter (and all that is written here of him) is quite left out, and Baldwin in his place, when it is c cleare Baldwin was brother, and not fonne to Richard Fttz* Gilbert. I pray you remember it in your Reply, Gilbert « GemitMhfi t ytfMftA. i c LARE LARENCE. no G llbert Fitz>-Richard y Con and heyrc of Rich- Waforefaid, was the a firft EarJc of Clare, and married Adeli&a, daughter of the Earle of Cleremont, and had iffiie, /^»thefecond Earle of Cldre,v?ho dyed without itfue- Richard Earle of Clare , whom fome fay, dyed before his Fa- ther; Gilbert fur-named Strongbow ,Earle of Pen- brokejva Iter and FJeruy de Montmauritio, and dyed in the y eare , 1 1 5 2 . In fome bookesthtu- . Richard^ and make him fecond Earle of that place, as M.Yorfie hath done vntruely. "D I chard Fitz,- Gilbert^ third Earle of Clare y •■-^-andLordof Tunbridge in Kent , married Adeline , lifter of RandoU Earle of Chefter 3 and had hTue, Gilbert that dyed without iflue, and Roger who was after Earle of Clare and Hart- ford. This Richard dyed in the yeare, 1 156. In fome of his bookes thus. M.Camden faith he was (laine in Wales, 1 1x6 . m ' in a / e yp« deceiued.for » , . J 1 ■ 1 r t _ • 7 j t t " at Rtchardae meaneth was but therein he was decerned jor that Richard he this Etchardt grand-father, meaneth \ was this Richards gr and- childe. and not gwnd-cWHe. Et portoit,lc$ armes de fon pere. Gilbert Clare & Glarencf, He that maried the Earle of Mfllenti daughter was this Gilberts Vncleand had ifliie by her Richard StrOnghew Earle of P tdro^f. See Cc- mitKtnfhb. 7.tap-57> Gilbert, Earle of Clare and Hartford after his Father. He married (as William Geme- ticenfis hath ) Elizabeth 5 fifter of Waller an t Earle of Mculicnt jZn<\ dyed without ifTue. COR RECTIONS. T Had rather it fhould be counted want of ■*iudgemcntinmee , fo it were by a man of J ludgement, then to be taken fo often with fti- fification and lacke of truth : Surely if thefe be the cflfe&s of yom'fiftieyeeres labour and expe- rience which you tell his Maieftie of in your Epiftle j I thinkc hee might" giue you fiftie yeeres longer to proue what here you haue fet downc 5 ror,if by this Gilbert you meane Gil- bert eldeft fonne of Richard Fitz, Gilbert Earle of Clare i (whofe true place of fucceffion indeede it is) I fay he married not this Eirleof Mellents fifter: if you mcane that Gilbert that married the Eaile otiMellcntsix&tii then was he not fonne but brother to Richard Fit\Gil- bert } and neuer Earle of Clare but Penbroke: and dyed not without ilfue, for he was father to Richard de Clare furnamed Strongbow Earle of Penbroke. Be brt therefore patient awhile longer,and you (hall haue Gemeticenfis tell you that you vnderftand him not. L) Oger declare i brother and heyrc of GiU ^•^^aforefaidjWas Earle of Clare & Hart* ford. He married Mauld, daughter and here- of lames S, Hillary fftic married after, William Earle of Arundetl) and had iflue, Richard Earle of Clare and Hartford, and others ; and dyed in the yeare, 1 1 74. Et portoit,d'ortrois cheurons de gueulles. CORRECTIONS. T Say thatthis Roger was indeede brother anc *heireofthat(?&>'f Clare Earle of Hert- ford^ who dyed without ifTue in King Stephens time 5 but nor (as I (aid before to that Gilbert, that married Elizabeth fifter to the Earle of Mellent, for which the Author hath falfly cited Gemitkenfis as his authori- ty: and which honeftlyheconfciTethagainfthimfelfe.inthc Title of Pen- broke. Now therefore to lay downe the words of Gemiticenjis, who layes »Gw^Gemtttce»p. 7 .e. S7 . downe this iinealldefcent very truely, here take them. ^Gemit autem idem Gaiter ius ('meaning Walter GiffordEavteot Longuetdle in Normandy) fecun* dim Clare & Clarence. Ill dum Galtertum Giffardum fEarle of Buckingham in England) & filial flares, qnarumvna nomine Rohais mtpftt Richardo filie C omit is Gtjlcberti : qui Gifle- lerwfuer at films Godefridi Comitis Attcenfis/Ezvlc of AugijEwe y or 0)natu~ ralis videlicet filij \primi Rich at di Ducts l\ormannorum. HtcGiflebert^s (fur- named * Crifpin b Earlc otBriowe, and «= Tutor to William th£ fecond LMje ; olTX&l^ZT of Normandy (habttit duosfliosprxdicltim Richer dum ejr Bnlduinum. Baldq. < Gemmcen[jtb.7.cap.z. inus({urmmcd^deMolis)etiam genuit tresflios Rtchardum, Robertum, ckf^JXt^i^J'sc. Wtllielmtw&tottdemfiltas,* and a baftard fonne named Guigerius, wk^' Orde r .yfta/.p:c^. liucdalmoft4o. ycaresamonke in Becco in Normandy. Richardus (mrna- med^fe*" Benefafla corruptly Berefacia, commonfycalkd Bcnm^fi'ildmiBt* ' order, yital.pag1nf.s7e. nifeWmtht Countko£Northampton y anddeckraof\:hcTowni: of Clare ip 7 *****' Sujfolke) autem frater Balduini genuit ex Rehai ( elfewherc called Roaldisfoe was fitter to Walter Gifford Earle cf Bnckingham) quatuorfilios Giflebertum ^furnamed zde Tonebrugg in williAmRufus time) RogeriumjValteriumjLotier. R /w..».H.6.pt.2.>««».,»7. f«/» (he had another alio called a Richard^who being a Monkc of Becco, was 1 ord.-»t.p.cg 7 >7*j* by King fltory the firft,madethelaft Abbot of £^,to whom CusxtcdedHer- ueui the rTrft Bi(hopthere)eW#<# filias y altera quarum matrimonio copula t a ejl Rodulfo de T elegerifs^natique funt ex ea Eranfualo^ Henrietta ejr Robertas Gif ° rde '' yttal P'47s- fardus (the other daughters name I cannot finde, but flie was wife to Baldric an Almaignois y Lord of Balgenzey, and had iffue, Nicholas de Bafheuitla (fa- ther to William Martell, and Walter de Sanclo Mar two) Fulk de Alnou y Robert deCurceio , Richard de Nouauilla, Baldric de Balgenz>aio i Wiger de Apulia and Elizabeth married to Fulk de Bona valle) Gijlebeyus autem tllam terram qnam yater eorumhabueratin Anglia^oft ipfum adepluseft, RogeHus autem frater liw terram deNormannia obtinuit, (hcwas h dominus Humeti in Conftanti- h Order.yft.pa^.jee. nienficomttatu 5 hardly to be found Lord of Clattering in England,) Hie in- tjuarn Gijlebcrtusjx filia Comitis deClaromonte -habuit tres filios y Richardttm quieifuccefiit,& Gijlebertum^ &Walterium^& e vnamfiliam nomine Rohais, Richardus autem duxit for or em Comitis Ranulp tumor is Comitis Ceflria^fc- ha- huitexeatresfilios : Gtflebcrtum^qui ei fuccefsit & fr'atres eius. Ipfe autem Richardus immaturamorte obijt^peremptus aWalIenJibus,qui immamter aw Gejia stephaniRegUafuj au- dita morteHenrici Regis ^'contra Anglos rcbellauerunt. Mortuis autem abfqueft cn ' N9rmann Ps>2 e * liber is Rogerio & Walterio^wHch mews he had no iflue wherby to continue the line do wne to Vfford, as I faid before ) patruis fuis> Gijlebertus filius Gijle- berti hereditaria iure, ipfts etiam concedentibus ) terras eorum adeptus eft. Idem vero for or em walerani Comitis Mellenti nomine Elizabeth duxttjx qua genuit filinm primogenitum nomine Richardum y whom this Richard was,the margent ofthc«bookethusexpreiTcs 5 H/V/7/(fif^4^x^^ Comes VembrochU et< Gemttice»fub. 7 .cap. 3 7, cogncmento Strongbowe^Hiberniamprimus Anglis aperuit , For the reft o f this familic of Clare looke for it in the title of Glocepr and Hertford, Q_ Richard Ill Clare & Clarence. » South-wales. R *> See my anfvvere in Gtouce- JleraxiA Hertford about this "Earle Gilbert) ifTue, for both places(both this and that)are falfe. Ichardfiark of dare and Hartford, fonnc of ifa£eTaforefaid 5 vnarried ^w/«4,fccond daughter and one of the hey res of William Earle of Glocefter, and had ilTue, Earle of Clare, Hartford and Glocefler ; and /^w, wife to Rice Grig^tmcc of 'Demicu, and dyed in the yeare 12 18. and wasburiedin the Prio- ry of Tunbridge. Et portoit,Ier armes dc Ton pere. (Gilbert, Earle of Clare and Hertford, and Earle of Glocejier by his Mother Amic'u (afterthe death of his twoAunts without ilTue) He was a witneflfe to K.tf.3.Charter,of Lands 1 hat he gaue(in the p.yeare of his reignc)to the Abbeyof Peterborough ]oy the name of Gilbert y Earle of Clare,Hertford£i GhceftcrMc raaried ifibeUjchird lifter, and one of the heyresof>4f- felme Marjhalljtaxk of Venbrokef*. had b iflue 5 RichardEzxk of Clare '^Hertford and Glocejler^ & William de C Ure^lfabell^mfc to Robert Brufe$ Jmie^ik toBaldmnEide of Deucn,& others. He died at Penrofe in Britaine, as the Booke of Teuksbury hath,i23o«andlyeth there buried. Etportoit,d*of trois chcurons de gueulles. CORRECTIONS. A Word or two about his place of buriall , and then to the next : MXtrki "** k tels vs, that as he dyed at Penros fo was he there buried $ I confefle, the Booke of T wkesbury fay cs that he dyed in node Crifpini & Cri/piniani apud SSfcigLiffigg Pefros in Britannia, but makes no mention of hisbeing buried there. Now obferuewhat* another deliuers, A°.M CC.XXX .G. declare Comes Glouc. & Hertford obijt in nolle C riff mi ejr Crifpiniani apud Penros in Britannia, & legauit corpus fuum eccleji* beau Maria Theokesburia, vbi nunc quiefcit ; plainly that he was buried at Teukcsburj. Richard Clare <3c Clarence "D IcbarddeClare^thcCccond Earlc of Glece- f^fterfomt of Gilbert aforefaid,married firft Margaret, daughter of Hubert de Burgo Earle of Kent Jam by her he had no ilfue. His fecond wife was ^/4«/^ s daughter of Iohn Lacy Earle of Lincolne,and Conftable of Chejler, ,by whom he hadiflue fasthebookeof Teukesbury mcntio- neth) Gilbert \ the fecond Earle of Glocefter, &c. Thomas declare, that was Steward of theFor- Se4 ia Glmffttr3Xi * Hm- relts in Eftex. ,Treafurer of Torke Minfter;/w. Ifibell, a Nun at Barking-Margaret , Wife to Ed- mondEmlc of Cornwatl^RofoWife to RogerLord Mowbray, This Richard dyed ziEjmeresJield in Ken^ 1 2 62. and lycth buried at T eukesbury, but others hauc,he died in France^nd was brought into England, and buried at Teukesbury. Et portoit les armes de fon pere. G: llbertdeClare{Cm-mmtd the ^^)after the death of RichardHs Father, was Earle of Clare,Hertford % and the third Earle of Glocefter of that fur-name. Hce married two Wiues,the fi rit was v*//'<* 3 daughter of Hugh le Brun y Earle of Angolefme, and theMarchefleof Aquitaine, ;ndhadifi ue ^^ ty. Tiiis Aliceh 11 lunaticke, and was diuorced^*> nc,ertnetitle of *' f *- from this Gilbert: After which,he tooke ro wife ari ******** loane (fur-named of Acres) daughter of King Edward the firft ; with whom the faid Gilbert had neither lands nor money, but ondy the Kings fauour, which before he had loft, for re- futing to goe with him the faid King to the aid ofcfry, Earle of Flanders, againft the French King, 1287. He had iiTue by his laft wife loant ', Gilbert that dyed yons, Ieauing his three lifters his hey res : Elianor, wife to Wo^ in ircuiraatui after to TheobaldLoid Verdort; andlaftIy,to Sir Roger Damo- «*, asi (hail plainly difcouer ry. Baron of ^9 in Ireland. Margaret the third daughter,was firft mani- in CUueefier md Hwfe ' d ' ed to Peter or Pieres of GauefttnJEaxle of Cornwall; and after to Lord the yonger, who after was Earle of Glocefter. This Gilbert dyed in f^Av, 1 a? 5 . and was buried at Teukesbury. After the death of this Gilbert, the Title of cUre fell to the Cro wne, which after King Edward the third be- Itowcd that Title on Lyonellhis fonne. Etportoit,d"or au trois cheurons degueulks. LjmtU I2 + Clare & Clap. ence. * V-(!e> I will haue it, before you and I hauc done. Sec more in Witfjhtre. h Name your Author. L ronett (fur-named ofiAntwerpe, the plaee of his birth) third forme of King Edward the third, was crea- ted Earle of * Wilt/hire, in the 26. yeerc of his Fathers rrtgnc 5 andinthe 36. yeereofthefaid Kings reigne, he was created Duke of Clarence. Hee married to his fTrft wife, Elizabeth, daughter and heyre oimlliam Burgh Earle of Vlfier^ and had iflbe, Phillip hisonelychilde, married to Edmoml Mortuomary t Eatle o( March and Vt- Jler : and to his fecond wife he mar. ried Violenta , daughter of Gateas, Vifcount of Mtllayne, and fitter to John Galea* , fitft Duke of Millayne^m whoferight,the State and Lords of/- taly did b fully determine to Crowne him King of Italy • but halfe a yeerc before the time appointed, hee dyed at Venice, 1368. and was there buried, hauing no iffue by hislaft Wife. Et portoit,France feme & D°engleterrc efcartelle au labell d'argent, en chefcun poiftt 411 Canton degueulles. C ORRECT IONS. WHether there be any difference bctweene a Horfe-Mill, and a MiS- Horfe, or bctweene Vltonia and Wiltonia, let the Reader iudgf? what others thinke of this pa'rccll of learning I know not ? butfurclam, that the Author conceiues he hath found that, which was neuer knowne before, o- thcrwife cflbredly I e would neuer haue deliuered this Leonell to be Earle of (mltonia)\Ni\u fhireiwhentruely he was Earle of {Vltonia) Vlftcr : I ftiould rather haue thought it a Printers fault, had I not found him (now by him, - in his booke,p.242. and neuer by any iudicious,bcfore) brought into the' Catalogue of the Earlcs ofwiltefhire moft vniuftly; Moft trueitis,he was Earleofr^krin his Wiues right, the marriage being agreed vpon (vpon petition made by the Irijhrj to the King to accept of the match) about the 1 5 E3 . For thus I readc it, Pat. 1 $ .E. j.pt. 1 .mtmi.jo. *fyuod Elizabethafilia cr hareslVilltelmi^deBurgo nuper Comitis Vtton. defun- tlijtm &tatem ad hoc apt Am attigerilJLeoneUofilio Regis et non alterijpfo Leo- nello vinente maritetur. But more of this when I come to the title of Wilte- flnre. His Death may not well be oucr-flipt, for here we are told that he d> el a t Venice, 1368. and was there buried and page 2 48. in Wiltejhire that hee iEfcaetr. A%43.E3.pt.it dyed com ming from Mellent, meaning indeed* Mi Uainc. Iam d taugbtto %\D«fit&c? nc ' ^'"bdccucthathcdycdthefeauentcenthof October, inthetwo and fortieth y eare of King Edward the third, 1 3 6 8 . not at Venice, but at ( Alba Pompeia) Languv/Hm ltalie y as Paulm Iouitu in his Dukes ofMiUaine^xd our learned *C/are/h Clare&Clarence. IZ5 *Ckrenceux in his Britannsajiaus plainly deliucrcd it, Nor was he there buri- « tmdm Briton. t.4c*. cd, but at Clare in Suffolkc as the laft cited Author likewife ftiewes ,i & thefe few rythmicall lines (taken out of ah ancient * rolle, (hewing the lineall def- * Now in my ownexuftod?, cent of the Lords of the Honour of Clare, and in former times belonging to the f teres there ) teftifie the fame in thefe words , fpeaking of Elizabeth de Butgo, one of the laft Gilbert de Clares fitters and hcircs. -fuit illi ''Num fponfus quifquam i fuitimmo. dicito quifnam £ Ex VlsirU hares , did us de Burgo Johannes Vuexrat hanc, iuncla qua, funt * Vl. b Glou. Jimul arma. • yimU. ftpatet inmultts vitratss eccefenejlrjs k c ^ Capituh, Dormitory Refectory que loca trina fuis fundauit fumptibus h*c. Quis Muris adiecit tectum t fola omnia fecit. Sanguinis egregi j mini riuulus affuit illi t Ajfuit hmc clara, fuit Elizabeth jibi nata Alter a qu& egregio pofi, bh nuppt Leone Ik e Ed. term nato^pojl fataife fic tumulato * Edmtrdu Vt vides, exigua pro unto Principe tumba^ Inejjchori medio. Englifhcd thus in the fame rolle. Who was hir husbonde •? (ft % otytt Of <0tte of tije tUlttng fo comopnet) be mm$ atmeg ant) (mouceftrte tijutp$ ant) t^uts^ 3 g f^etx»tt^ oute totnfcoug in tyouftg tljje $£ottour,Cijapttetijoug anD ftattout toljtclj flje fl^aDe oute tije ground botije plaunctyet anD toal And who the rofe.' fl;e aiiotie DltJ al» Had (he ony iflue x% ijtr bp 310 foj fuetya #?mce to fpmptllp. Thomas 4 Clare & Clarence. T: 1 'Homos Plantaginet, fecondfonnc of King Henry the fourth,& bro- ther to King Henry the fifr,was created Earle of Albe?narle^nd Duke of Cla- rencejn the yeare 1 4 1 1 . He wasalfo Lord Steward of England, and Con* ftablc of the Kings Hofte,and Lieute- nant Generall of his Army in France and Normandy. He- was alio Prcfi- dent of the Kngs Counfell , after Prince Henry his brother was difmifc fed that Office, for ftriking the Lord Chiefe Iuft ice, & after wasflainatthe battel of Bangy ,by the Du . of Alanfon (and the treachery of Andrew Forgufi a Lumbar d } whom heeouermuch nu- fted ) and with him was flaine , the Earles of Tankeruile , Sir Gilbert Vm- freuile, the Earle of Kime, & the Lord Res : and the Earles of Somer/et } Suf folke and Perc A,with the Lord Fit t*-Walter ,were taken prifoners.the ninth of King Henry the fift , lcauing no hTuc of his body, and was buried in Chrijl- Church in Canterbury, portEc oit, France feme , t fcartelle D'engleterre au Iambsll d'argent charge de trois cantons dc gueulles. CORRECTION S. > origi»J 13: h. +. ret, 4 p. "CIrft,this Creation is miftaken ; for I affirme it was a at Retherhith the ninth C Sf» 3 H l tldLei- °^ Ittlj^ 0 . 13.H.4. which falls in the yeare 1411. Then, that SlvGilbert, Vmfiemle (with whom he faies this Thomas wasflainej was Earle of Kyme, he will neuer be able to proue it ; or that cuer any man (more then of his owne making) was Earle of that place, nor any fuch man as hecre named li- uing atthat time. I conceiue he meanes Sir Robert Vmjrammle Knight of the Garter, yet I may not allow him the title of Earle of Kyme (as Mafter Torke a- rnong the Earles of Angos hath laboured to honour him withall ) vntill fuch timeashee hath a better Commiffion for making of Earles. Of which fee more in Angos and Tankeruile. Hee had a narurall fonne called commonly in Record by the name of lobnthcBaftardof Clarence {lohannesBaflardm Clare* eia)to whom King Henry thefixtgaucthe Mannors of Esker , New* caftell, Ly onsfromelyn and Taffagard in IreUnd by Letters Patents dated the 1 1 . of inly in the fixt yecre of his raigne. cefler ?dt.6.H,€ptX.m.y, George c L A R E LARENCE. iz7 Eorge Plantaginet, born at Dublyn in Ireland* thirdfonneof Richard . He was the ninth chiid,b* G Duke or Torke i and brother to King fi"fon,asinthetitieofr«t Edward the 4. was created Dutc of JgSSjf; Bu , of Clarence, 1461. and after the death of Maimefey. Richard Neuill Earle of warwicke , his Wiues Father, he writ himfelf, George Duke of Clarence , Ezxlzotwarrvicke and Salisbury, Lord of Richmond, and great Chamberlaine of England. He married eldeft daughter and co-heyreoto^W 2\ft°/*/7/, Earle of warwicke and Salisbury aforelaid, and had uTue Edward, commonly called Earle of Warwicke (who died without iiTue, being beheaded in the Tower of London , the 1 j. of King Henry the 7. ) and Margaret,Counte({cof Salis- bury ,v/ho was wife to Sir Richard Pole Knight, Fathet ofaenry Lotd AfMMgw,and ifcg/W^ Pole Cardinal!- which Margaret wasalfo beheaded 5 inthc 33 .yeareof King Henry the eight'. This , fonne of tf^rJaforefaid, was after his father, the fecondEaiIeofC0;7W4#, who with Robert deBeM/mo, William E/loteuile, and William Crijpin^ did aid Robert CnrthoifeDukc of T^ortnandy 7 againft Kingffcwy the firft,his brother, at thebattell of Trencbbray in A5>r- ptandy, where they were taken prifoners 5 in the b Mtth.mjimnfterw?; b 8 . y care of the faid K togs rcignc.-the faid Wil- I'l^J^^f ofTe " ham being before difinherited,and his Earle- utSn/wisfoHght^/cE dome eiuen vnto Stephen , fonne of the Earle ^"V^- **• ; 1 *e foure c ~t /v r f r r and twentieth ofAprtf in the of Champaignc, (who was after K mg of Eng- fat of //^j the firft , land) and were fent ouer fea into England , to J°^£jj? r ' J ee m f notes bekcptinperpetuall prifon ■ Robert Duke of * e ' pas '' a Normandy being fent tothe Caftlc of Cardijfe in tf^/fo, had his eyes put out ; and this wiUiam became a Monke at Bermondfey in Sottthrvarke, and there died without iffuc His Arraes, as Glouer Somerfet hath,is, A? mines au chief endente degueulles. %44- .4 ^ 1 1 - ♦ a I # , : . R; Eginaldjbafc fonne of King i/f/zry the firft, begotten of his Concubine , the daughter and co-hrireof Robert Corbet^ Lord of Alence- fter in the County of Warwicke, W2S made the third Earle of Comwaff, in the fifth ycereof King Stephen. He maried 2te*/W£,and had hTue foure daughters his hcires : Hawis the cldeft, was married to Richard de Riueris , the third Earle of Veuorjhire , and Lord of the Ijle of Wight ; Mattld married Robert Earle of /«# ; F>/&/« the third daughter , was Wife to Walter VunftanuileJ&'dXQnoiCaftlecombe 5 and Sarah th? fourth daughter , was married to the Vifcount of Lytnocenfe. Hce hadalfo iffue by his Concubine Beatrix de Vannes, a fonne furnamed, Henry film Comitis , who died in firft b M4imesbur.pjsc. Conte {film Comitis) after his fa- thers death Earle of Cornwall^ as I conceiue,and as by and by I mall fhew my ground for it: Then had he other children, but I dare not fay (abfolutely) baftards, whereof one was called in Record Johannes filiut Comitis ', lohn the t patent.**. c. iohannU. Ear ^ es fi me a Clcrgie man, parfon of Benburg^md chriftened as it feemes by « chart jMtiq.B.n 0 .2. King Iohnfai he cals him (filiolum) d godfon : and e Nicholas who was a wit* nelfe to his Fathers grant of themannour of Penhelznd other lands inwide* mue'mCornwalltQwilliam£oterell{or\Tiz of Alice Corbet his mothers fifter. ,„ . ., „ This ^/W^dyed(itistrue)3S^»^/*^fayes,A°.ii76.buthe docs not lay at Cicefter, for thefe are his words, f A°.ir76. obi/t Raginfredus Comes CornubUfrioris Regis Henricifilius naturalis, ejr fefultus eft Radingis. But mEm^^S* Ho H cden ai >d p *rii deliuer both another time and flace, jfthus. « A°. 1 175 . obijt Reginaldus Comes Cornubi* auunculus regis afud Certefic y & fefultus eft afud Redinges. Now let mee leaue the Father in his graue, and lend you two or three words of my thoughts about his fonne : I fayd but cuen now that he had the Earledome ; Cornwall. * Earledome of Cornwall befto wed vpon him, and fo fay (till ; For whofoe- * C omit*rum Cormbuu ucr hath feene the Patent Rolle de anno prima regis Henrici tcrtij, I imagine "** 'will not think other wife then I doe : I may be in a fault, if fo, I wifti with all my heart it were the greateft that any one knowes by mce, or I by my felfe. Therefore that I may not altogether be thought defperate , I will found the depth of the riuer, before I launch into the ftreame rand that I may draw put the iudgement of others, I will heere fet downe the Record literally. %7 Rex 1krat a , fi omnibus has liter as infpeBuris falutem. Sciatis quod conccfiimus dileclo fa fi- 4 * 3 ' m ' 13 * deli no fir o Henrico filio C omit is quodteneat Comitatum CornubU cum omnibus fertin. fuis bene fa in pace ficut Reginalds Comes CornubU pater fuus ilium te*> nuit. It a quod indenon difiaifetur nifi per confiderationem fa iu dictum curia noftrt.Et ad mat or em hum reifecuritatem prafentes liter as figillis 'venerabilium pAtrum noflr or umG.tituliSantli Martini pr&sbyter is Cardinal- fa Apoftolica fedis Legati^fa domini W. Eborum fa B* Dublin. Archiepifeeporum, & P. Win- ton. Epifcopi, fa Comitis w. Marefcalli rector is noflri fa regni noflri 3 quia figil- lum non habuimusjecimus figillari.T ?Jle apud Glouc. — die February anno regni nojlri PrimoY Whether by thefe words in the Patent hee was Earle of Corn- k mu wall, 1 Icaue to other men to iudge,to whofe correction, with refpect,I fubmit mylelfe. Hee inioyed this new Honor not long, not foure yeeres, for as he had bellowed it vpon him in the firft yere of his raigne, fo in the fourth , in regard he retired himfelfe from the Court without the Kings Ieaue, with- out his good liking, indeed without his priuitic, the King fent his difchargc in thefe words :* Henricus dei gratia, fac.Comitibus, Barombtts^Militibus^p^^H^pt^^i liberc tenentibus fa omnibus fidelibusfuis decom.CornubU falutem. Sciatis quod Henricus filius Comitis nuper njemens in curiam no(lram,fine licentia nofira, W herein what was done when the King came to age, as yet I cannot difcouer,butthe aforenamed vndertakcrspromi- fed xhdrpejfe, their beft indeauors,their helping hands to relieue him,withall alluring him that this furrendcr mould no way preiudice him or bee hurtfull de sure fa clameo quod clamat habere in pradiilo Comitate CornubU* Ra Richard Co R N VV ALL. * He was no Earle thereof. See my anfwere. * De Sumac. See more in Rt* (hard the iirft. Ty /chard P/antagenet, (furnamed Cuer de Ly- *^-on ) the third fonne of King Henry the fe- cond, was Earle of Pointers, and the fourth * Earle of Cornwall^ as doth appeare by the Corporation of the Town of Hellejlon in Corn- wall. Hee was after the death of Henry his bro- ther, Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine , and writ himfelfe King oUerufalem. Hee conque- red Cipers , and died of a (hot out of a Crofle- bow, at the liege of Limofin in Britaine , in the yeare, 1 199. He married Berengaria^da Lighter of Sanchim^ King of Nan/we, but by her had no iflue : hee had a bafe ionne,named * philip, lb due his Seale of Armes to a C barter , wherein is a Lyon rampant onely, Pag.^ . J Cart.io.E. 3»n.jf. PM.'n.l8. CORRECT/O NS. A A Anyamantalkesof that neuer (hot in his bow , fo Mafter ***-Yorke cites that here, which furcly he neuer faw, or at leaft doth not vn- derftand ; for if he did, he would neuer vouch the Corporation of Hdlelion in Cornwall to proue Wthefirft to bee Earle of that Countie. The onely ftrait therefore that now I am in, is to proue that Richard there named, to bee another, and not Richard the firfi commonly called Cucr-dc Lion. The fe are the words of the Charter , a Richardus dei gratia Romanorum Rexfemper Aw guslus omnibus foe. Sciatis nos concefiiffe Burgenfibus noflris de Heulefion quod liber Burgus fit, foe. Peraduenture he meaneth not that Charter,but grounds himfelfe vpon the J>uo warranto brought againft Hcllesion ,a°.3 o. £. 1 .about * pat.^o E.i.pt.i. m.22. their liberties,where among other things they plead, h fyuod Ricbardus quon* dam Comes PitfauU foCornubi^profaluteanim&fu&yfo IfabelU quondam Comittfpt Gloc.de dit deo fo beat* Mart a fo Monachisapud Bellum locum Regis decern Marco* annul redditus ,percipiend. annuatim de Bur go fuo de Hellefione . which later is the beft againft mee of which nature is this that followes. c Ricbardus Comes Piffaui* fo Cornubia omnibus^ foe. Sciatis quod nos concef- Jimus quod Burgum noftrumde Dunbeued liber urn fit , foe. Now the fame Roll hath in another place a confirmation (by way of Infpeximus) of a Char- ter made to Saint Stephens in Launfion, which in my opinion fully dilcouers who this Richard Earle of Pointers and Cornwattxvzsjn this mannerf*R/VA*r- dm Comes Pi ffauixfo CormbU omnibus Baronibus fuismilitibm fo omnibus liber e temntibus in com. CornubU falutem. Sciatis nos concefiiffe Deo foEcclefia\ S. Stephani de Lanftaueton fo Canonicis ibidem deo feruientibus pro fiatu fo pace Domini Hen; Regis fratrisnoftri^jimul fo regni,et pro faluteanim* Domini Iohannis Regis Anglu patris nojlri, >vt habeant omnes Ecclejias f w t foe. integre liber e fopacificequA habentex donationibus Regam 0 Comitumfo Baronum^fo aliorum virorum bonorum t foe, which now clearely fhewes that this was not ^4r^thefiiftKingof England, but Richard King of Romanes, fonne to King 1 Co R N VV ALL. King John, and brother to King Henry the third. Further I affirme that Hel- lefion was not made a d Burgh vntill King Johns time, who was younger bro- d Ca "- ther to this Richard whom henames Earle of Cornwall. There fore the Char- Chart ° 1 ' ******* ^ 47 " ter for the incorporating of Hellefion will not feme histurne to that end for which he offers it : but onely proues Richard King of Romanes fonne to King John (and not Richard the fir [I fonne to Henry the fecond, and elder brother to King John) to be Earle of Cornwall. An infallible clofe of all which is deli- ucred by that learned C larenceux Camdenfpcak'mg of ReginaldEwk of Corn- waU } in thefe words. e This Reginald dying without iffuemale legitimate, King • cam.i»ccm» a U.j > .i 97 .c t Henry the fecond hauingaf signed vnto his daughters certaine Lands & Lordfhips, refer ued this Ear ledome(mzanmg Cornwall) to himfelfe, for the behoofeofhis owne yongeft [on John, a childeof nine yceresoldjvpon whom his brother Richar'd the firfi conferredit afterwards rvtth other Earledomes. By which it appcares, there to bee no fuch Earle of Cornwall betweene Reginalds King nbnfij- Su rue y cords doe proue it,reafon connrme it,and fo therefore I leaue it. p£» (fur-named Without Land) > fourth fon ^Z^^^tm A of King Henry the fecond 5 firft married Alice, ° f Km g Henry the fecond/ daughter and one of the heires of Hubert, Earle Sce more ,n cloceJ1 ^ olMoriton, in Anno, 1 1 72 . In whofe right, his father made him Earle of Moriton, and after, Lord of Ireland: this ^//VT?.ie. marriage to be in another yeare, wherein I beleeue is truth, iruegard he B is fo feconded by b others; his words read thus, h°Jomini iiy^Rex Anglo- hT gdi Neuf}r g ft0 rum Hemic w lohanni filio fuo cognomento fine terra vix feptennis filiam HU' HmeeUn.foi.^o^,n,a°.jt. bertiComitis de Morianaprimo genitam quam ex relict a Htnrici Ducts fuflu- Uratffonfam accepit* Moreouer that his father made him Earle of Mori, ton, in right of his wife.is moft vntrue, and difcouers your mifunderftanding of the word Morianafot it is the fame which we now call c Sauoy & not Mori- c Re»[ner$H.p*36 7 . ton, Nowto putyou out of doubt,reade Houeden,8c he will learneyou,that Sfeedp W' h <'"** ff ' King Henry the fecond his father gauehim that Earledome of Monton three yeeres before he maried with this Humbertes daugh ter : thtfe are his words, A°. Cornwall. Q ~3t^ Q 0 Q » Sifter, and one of the heires oSAnfelme Marfhi/lEavU of Penbroke, brother to this William, n Mar. pam.pa+c hm minm0 dedit comitatum Moretanij . Sec more in Glocejter. Richard, fecond fonne of King Iobn y irt the eleuenth yearcof King Henry the third, his brother, was created Earlc of Poifioumd Cornwall 5 and in the twelfth yeare of the faid Kings reigne, the King gaue him all the Lands in England, which were Reginald Dampmarttns Earle of Bo- loignes. And in the yeare 1 2 5 7-he was by the Princes of Germany, chofen King of the Romans^ crowned at Aqmfgraue.Wz did write himCdfe,Ricbard 9 King of the Romanes,and alwayes Augufi^ and mar- ried to his firft wife, Jfibell, fifterandone of the heires of* William Mar/hall, the yongcr 5 Earle of Penbroke , and had ifiTue, John that dyed yong. Henry flaine by Guy and Simon fons of Simon Mountfort Earle ofLeiceftcr, in the Church of S.Siluefter in Viterbium mltaly.iiji. inre- uen^e of their Fathersdeatb, that was (laine in the Barons warres in Eng. lanch and Richard that dyed without ifTue. His fecond wife was Sanchia daughter andone of the heires of Reymond BerengarEmk ; of Province, and fifte? to (Wne Elianor\ by whom he had ifTue, Edmond Earlc of Cornell and Rtchard that dyed at the fiege of Ba rwicke, with an Iron (hot in his head, 1296 Hehadalfo^W a anaturall fonne, whoby/^ his wife was the Father of Sir G^vC^rfknight, of whom is defcended the Family of Cornwalles: commonly called Barons of Bur ford. This Richard dyed at his Caftle of Barkhamjled neere London, 1 272. and was buried in the Aboey of Hales in G beefier jhire, which was of his foundation. Page 46. Etportoit,d'ar 3 enta vn lion rampant de gueulles.Corone d'or.au bordure fable befantec CORRECTIONS. THis ^WPlantagenet a childe of Angular hope and expectation be- ing growne to riper yeeres, was by his Father made knight * on Cao- dlemasday,Ao.i2 25.and after created Earle otPoiftiers and Cornwall in the ninth (and not the eleauenth; yeare of Henry the" third, A°. 12 25.— dederat ei Rex fas Paris recites it^ antequam ilium miferat ad partes tranfma- rinas CormbU Comitatum cum tota Pittauiajvnde ab omnibus C omes Pitfairi- enfisvocabatur. And afterwards in A°. 12^6. fas my 'Author tels mc)ele- c7us eft in Regem AlemannU,z little after adding, A°. 1257. Richardus Comes CornubiA fofi Pafchwfrofeclusin Alemanniam diadema regni illiusfrfeepu- rus, quod die Afcentionis Domim fequente in Regione ilia fufcepit. Now al- though he was crowned King of the Romanes 1257, yet hee was not cho- » M. Parti .f.jiin". s e ' Hath.ParU.f.jiz.n" ,ie. 'Lih.Theektibur.MS. Cornwall. 135 fen(asM.TVr^fayes^ thefameyccrc,but A°.i2 5^. A Prince that for his military difciplinc he was right valiant, in counfell alwayes prudent, in bat. raile very fortunate,and in wealth as well furnifhed 3 as his brother King Hen- ry was needy: whereupon(as if money had made the way for this new king- dome forhimj this verfe was common in euery ones mouth. Nummus ait pro me, niibit Cor nubia. Roma. For me my money fay eth this, Cornwall to Rome now wedded is. aliter Money faith, that for her fake, Rome did Cornwall to wife take. As for his Wiues, Ifebcllhere named was his fiift, (he being the widow ^*JiS d ^ BettMmLe ' of Gilbert declare Earle of Gloucejler, and the fame Woman that I haue Cited her felfe Countefle or C™»- about the* Charter oiHellefton in obferuation here vpon, page 4 j. concer- waU * n * Gtmtjkr. Mtfos. niogRichard the firft, that it was not meant that,but this Richard to be Earle^/£.^.r 3 4%.*.mia*. of Cornwall,of which enough hath beene faid 3 but his children by this wife here, is onely named lohn, Henry, and h Richard, not once fpeaking of ^fibellb Richard was eIder then a daughter borne s A 0 . 1233. circa natiuitatem beat & virginity indcede fliee for a °. 1209. r e £ , m liued notlong itfeemes, for A°.i22 4 . obijt circa fejlum Sanely Fidis & f^l^X^nSZ tultaiuxtafratremfuumapudRading, which brother flie was buried by at buria? .^.y. Reding. I know not, vnleffe lobn y for Henry was not borne vntill A°. 1 2 35 . Ijb Theokesb Ms - 5. nonas Nouembris and c knighted the day of his fathers Coronation,^ after c j«i murthercd(as Rijbanger faies)being at his deuotion in the Church of SALa:i- d Rtfianyr in continuat 'torfi rence in ytterbium, A°.i2 7 i. 55.H.3.whichisfomewhatqiieftionable > for^' /> ^ /// - P7/ ' n ° others ddiucrs it, A°.i272. Whereupon thofeof Viterbium in memory of this Henry de Altmannia thus murdered,caufcd the manner thereof to be de- picted vpon the wal ofthe faidChurch,which one beholding, thus hath ver- ified. ^ Regis Teuton/ ci Ricardi clarapropago Sternitur Henricus, velut hue defignat imago. T>nm redit a Tripoli regumfultus comitiua, In cruets obfequiopatitur fub gente nociua Irruit in Templum pofl mi(Jam flirps Guenelonis^ Terfoditgladius hunc Simonu at que Guidonis, Vifpofmt Deus vt per eos vir tantus obiret Ne, reuocatis his, gens Anglica tot a periret. Anno Milkno Domini, cum feptuageno Atquedmenteno, Carole fub Regeferem, VrbeViterbma fitineius carneruina Caeliregina precor,vt eifit medicina. Hisfecondwife wasSenchia daughter and one ofthe heires otRaymondBc. rengar Earle ofProuince, « married to him AM243. by whom he had ifTue^^f /#7 ' as aboue faid. A third wife he had called Beatrix ( Ncice to Conradus Arch- ' *' bifbop n 6 Cornwall. ■> Efc.ietr.4 E. i. n 44- fro rnanrtodcWeldenm Comit. Nottht. & Lech ade in com. * PUcit* de Baco term" Mich. a". 2. E.i.rtt. Cypro con- Hint tone >n-er Be ttricemc/u* jntt yxor Regis Alemanni* Edmunium Comii. Cornub. ■fro dote . Ncrthtmpton . c Mat. Paris p. 57 s n. fo. Mat.lVe/t.p.401. n.30. Speed p. jo?. d Ex Chron. Gloee/fr. c RoJfinrVatwu eiJis. bifiiop otCollcyn that crowned her husband King Richard at Aquifer aue) who furuiued him, as appeares by b good authorise , for after her husbands death there grew iome * queftion betwecne Edmond Earle of C ornwall her fonne in lawtand her fclfe for the Mannor of Weldon in Northamptonfhtreznd other lands, wherein ftie claimed her Dower. Laftly, for his death, « all them that write of it, ( except Matter Yorke) fay he died a°. 1 27 1 . at his Caftle of Berkhamjied in Hertford/hire, and his body buried in his Monaftery of Hay Us in Gloceftcrjhire^hxch hee d founded a°, 1 245. but his e heart at Oxford in Reuly Abbey vnder a Pyramis of admira- ble worke, whofe Epitaph I thus findc written. Hoc iacet in tumulo Richardus Theutonicorum Rex, viuens propria contents forte honor um Anglorum regis germ anus ^ Pittauienfis Ante Comes dicl 'us , fed tandem Cornubienfis, Vemum jheutonicU tribuens amplifsima dona , Infignitus erat Caroli rutiUnte corona. Hinc Aquilam gefsit clipeo,fpreuitfc Leonem Regibtts omnigenis pracellensper rationem. Viues opum mundi^fapiensconuiua modeftm Alloquio^geHu^ dum vixit femper honejlus 5 lam regnum regno commutanspro meliore Regie celorum fummo conregnet honor e. Itfeemes tomclikewifc,thatby ifabellhismk , hee had a fourth fonne called Nicholas, not heere at all named. For as the f Author tells me j Shec being dangeroufly ficke of the faundis, and great with childe, fell in trauell , andintheendwithfomedifiicultiewasdeliuered, who together with her little Babe adhuc viuo^ fed non viuido , & idcirco Jlatim baptifato , cut nomen Nicolattt aptatum eft, migrauit ad dominum : within a fmall time died. This Richard had alfo a naturall daughter named Ifabell whom Henry the third called his Ncice , although others haue deliuered that fhee was of the family of hufignan, and Neice to Henry the III by his fifter ; but an Ancient bookefometimes belonging to S.Auguftinesin Briftow,plainely tells mee that fhee was this Richards daughter- Shee was married to Maurice Lord Ber kley 3 from whom all thofe flouriftiing families of the Berkleys now and formerly (except that of Vurfley) deriue their defcents. Itfeemes (he was in e aaHf.i.<,s.H. 3 .m.4.) the end driuen to fome wants, for the King thusrelates in his s writ 3 Vere- cundum ejjet nobfsyr&fatam neptem nojlram pro defeElu fuftentationis mendi- carc, and thereupon commanded the Sheriffc of Kent , by warrant dated at S . Paules in London on the tenth of Auguft i in the 48. yeare of his reigne, to deliuer theMannors of Herietejhamn&cXTrottefcliue in the (aide County : jfabelU vxori Mauritij de Bcrkele nepti noftr* dike? &, cuius pauper tati non me- diocriter compatimur,ad fufentationem fuam,fjr liberorum fuorii. Which fell into the Kings hands by reafcn of the minoritie of Stephen de Crefsies heire. 1 Maf. Part's, p. fOf.ii.4t>. Edward Cornwall. '3? EDmond Plantagenet Earle of Cornwall (fon and heire of Richard, King of Almaine, and Earle of Cornwall) with Gilbert de Clarchzvte of ^ Glocesler, bad tbegouernment of England, in Q| the abfence of King Edward the firft beyond the Seas. Hee married Margaret* daughterof Richard declare, Earle of Glocefter and Hart, ford^nd died without any lawfull iiTue,at *Afh- * jjkrvge, brtdge'mBuckingbamfhire, the 29. of King Ed- ward the firft ; where he had built an Abbey of Bonhommes Order , and was buried by his Fa- ther, in the Abbey of Hales, 1 300. Etportoitjles armes defbn pere. r? Dward , * firft fon of King Edward the faft : **> h ?J°™» r* , 5 . _, f . G lfiue of King Edreard the firft •^In the 2 7. yeare of his Fathers reigne , 1 2^8 . hee nameth iohn mmy ai- Doftor Lanrton then Bifhop of Cbefter , C om-/^/ nd ^ s ^^i er e , . . n , T .. r u- n • to be fourth tonne, which # plained gneuoufiy to the King vpon this Prince ve ry true. Edward^ who{bythelewdaduice of Tierce Go- #^#,hisgraceleflc companion) brake forcibly into his Parke, and made hauocke of his game* for whichjthis Prince was committed to prifon, and Gauejlon was banifhed the land , and com- manded not to returnc againe vpon paine of death. This Prince in the thirteenth yeere of his Fathers Reigne, 1 301. camctoC^#tr,and receiued homage of the free- holders of Wales $ in which yeere he was created Earle of Cornwall^ and after King of England, by the name of King Edward the fecond. Pag. 47* Et portoit,.Ies armcs D'englecerre, au lambell d'argent. CORRECTION S. P Nough is faid before in my notes vpon pag. 40. concerning this Do&or ^Langtons being Bifhop of Chefter-fht only thing therfore that I will now touch vpon in this placets this Edwards being Earle of Cornwall, which ft an- deth with your credit to make proofe of, it being your owne bare aiTertion: for I am now going to take my reft, and in that regard , willingly will I giue you fome reafonable time, othcrwife you will driuc me to a future labour. S fierce q8 c ORNVVHL. « When I pray you 1 b Hername wz%Mdtgaret. « Page 94.and 96. hecalsher third filler, where hee is mi- ftaken botli in name and age. Y)Ierce Gauefton (a Gafcolgm borne) was made a Baron of Walhngford^ and afcer, in the firft yeareofKingE^zr^thefecond, was created Earle of Cornwall \ and Lord of , the Ifle of Man^ and inthethirdyeareof the faid Kings reigne, ihc married /fabell 5 c fecond fifterand co-heirc of Gilbert de Clare Earle of Glocejler and Hart- ford • and in the fixtyecreof the faid Kings reigne, (after hee had bin baniftied England twice ) he was taken by Guy Peauchamp Earle of (Varwicke, and beheaded at a place ncere vnro trarwicke, called Gauerfhithe (or Pluklow) and was after buried intheFryarsatL^/^, with- out iflue. Page 47. Etportoit,Sinope fix aiglesd'o^membrez dc becquez d'gueulles. i A 0 . 1 507. Koutu Rex dedtt PetrodeGauejlonCem, Car- nvbiA, & eidem defponpt'tt Margaretam fi/t.fm G. Corrit- tif Glouc. & /ohdnM de A- ecnforotufu*.?- die pojl exe- cjui.u pairii y«/.Nich.Triuet. fol.^.a. c CUuf.io.Y^.z.m.S.dorfi. { Pat.ie .E. z . pt. 2 . m , 1 2 . t P^./a E.2.pt.I.m:l2. *f<*/,/.E,2.pt.2.m.\9. CORRECTIONS. Firft (which I except againft) he fayes that this Tiers Gauefion married lfa- bellkcond Cftcr and coheire of Gilbert de Clare Earle of Glocefer. But I fay, fand fay no more then I will proue^ that her name was not I [abed, nei- ther had Earle Gilbert my other (ifters then Elianor, Margaretam Elizabeth y which d Margaret was firft married to chis Piers Gaueflon^nd after to Hugh } de Audley \^A ejrheir le dit monfieur Thomas^ lohannelefeik monfieur Pieres deGauafoniadys Comte de Come- waill ft cofl come le? ditz, einfauxtz, ferront venuz a age couenahle qil peuffent j eflremarieT^foc. which couenants were after f confirmed by the King} al- though it (hould feeme that her fathers intent (at firft) was, to haue marri- ed her to Thomas fanne and heireof/^Lord Wake, as I gather bytrxfe words, s *Sciatis quod cum nuper * concefsifsemus Petro de Ganefon tunc Co- win Cornubia iam defunct ojiiaritagium Thorns, Wake filij&haredU Iohannis Wake dHdumdefunc~H.Habend.abf que difparagatione, ac pof modum mortao profit 0 Comite, eidem Thoma infra atatem exifenti, lohannam fliam prsfiti Comitu confanguineam no/tram carifsimam optultfsemus maritandam jamqt^e idemThomai fe alibi maritauit , a nobis licentia mnoptenta. Whereat the King being offended, freely granted to the (aid Iohanne forisfafturam ad nos pertihentem, in regard as abouefaid, That the faid Thomas Wake had elfe- wherc married himfclfe//^/w/?r4 licentia. For which offence the faid Tho- mas Co R N VV ALL. masde Wake, was fined to pay one thoufand markes to Thomas de Mult en of Egremond, in fatisfa&ionof iooo. markes inquibm (for fo the * Rollfpeakcs it) eidemThom*deMultontenebamur,promatr'moniotnter lohannem jilt urn &hxr.ipfiu4Thom&& Iohannamjiliam Petri de GauaBm neptem nojham contrahendo. Whereupon I hope Ineedc not further infift, onelytotell you, where this new-borne- Iohanne was buried, and that was at Mai- mesbttry. ,TOhno£Eltham (fa named of the place where *he was borne) fecondfonne of King Edward thefecond, and brother to King Edward the third, in the fecond yeare of his faid Brothers reigne, was made Earle of Cornwall-, and in the ninth yeare of the faid Kings reigne, he dyed at S. Johns Towne in Scotland, without iflue; and was buried in the Abbey of lVeJlminfer y 1334. After whofe death, King Edward the third in b 12. yeare of his reigne, made the EarIedome. t b o Pa s e f 48. he fayes contrary of Cornwall* Dukedome,and gaueit to his fon a°.i i.E^fiukuSm* Edward the blacke Prince, with the Earledome ofcheJler:dncc which time, the Kings' eldeft ionnes haue beene Dukes of Cornwall.Pzgc 47. Et portbitjd'argent a lion rampant de gueulles COrone d'or,aii bordure (able bezancee. CORRECTION S. Hat King Edward the third in the twelfth yeare of his raigne made theEarle* dome of Cornwall a Dukedome, muft not be granted : for I fay it wasin Parliament holden at Weftminfter on munday next after the feaft of Saint Mathias the Apoftlc in the eleauenth yeare of the laid King, if we will either belceue the c C barter of the blacke-Prince^ or the Ade of Parliament, for the fame : which in regard they are already printed in Prince Charles his cafe,for c cW.//.E.?.m.iir. the faid Duchy of Cornwall, and d confeffed by M. Torke, I will no further < p^ 4 ,r. infift hereupon, onely leaue you the fubftance of the A&, as it is recited in a Statutcmade 2 0 . Maij, in the ninth yeare of King the fift, in thefe words following ; tours demorerott come Duchee a les eifnes fitz des Rots D'engleterre qeferroient heirs profcheinsdu dit Rotalme fin^eftre aillours donee. Et Cur ceo bdttRoiEdwardparfaChartrelexvij. iourde Mar cz adonqes profchein en. fiant decomenaffentejrconfeiU des Prelats Counts Barons & des autres de fon confeilltnfindit Parlement efteantz, dona a Edward fon fitz, eifne adonqes Comte de cejlre les mm & honour del Due de CornewaiHe & luy en Due de S 2 CornewaiHe c ORNVVALL. « Yorjces difcouerie.p. i o. b InetptlU Regum Aftid Weflmonafltmm. Cornewaillefjl &ouefque vnefpeluyceinta.&c. you fhall haue more of this by and by, where I fpeake of Prince C harks. In the laft plaCe,you fay lohn of Eltham bore for his Amies it argent a lion rampant de guetilles, coronne d'or an bordure fable bezantee , which are the Armes of Rich WKing of Romanes,aad EdmondEark of C ornwall his fonne, and not this lohns. For it appeares byhisTombe at IVe/lminJler, that this John ofEltham did bcare for his Armes England within a bordure of France, you moft audacioufly a deny the Armes ok Henry Holland D. ftoric,yea,and contrary to the affirme John of Eltham to be ChappelL Hadyoufeene, and talogue of thofe Noblemen, King Edward the third , were as it is here depicted 5 which to be his, affirming them to be of Exceter, contrary to all Hi- bookes of that Church,which there buried in Saint Edmonds but curiouflyobftrued the Ca- who in the feauenth yeere ef at the Torneamentof Dunftaple,you might haue found thefe words,L* Conte de Cornwall port les Armes D'engleterre oue le bordure de France* and in an ancient Booke of Armes beft knowne among Armor ifes by the name of /- , • . w A • ' \ y. ■■ •/ s i CORRECTIONS. TLJEre you indeauour to allure ourbeleefes s that this Blacke Prince was A A createdboth Duke of 'Cornwall and Earle oicheferzt one time, for thus I read your words, in the eleuenth yeere of his Fathers reigne, hee was created the fir fl Duke ^/Cornwall and Earle c/Chefter. In anfwere whereof, I fay he was Earle of Chefter, before he was created Duke of CorntvaH/ds manifeft- ly appearcth, both by the Parliament and * Charter roll of that yeere, and ' ch< * rt ' K °* » lS E »3« A ' i6 * other good Authorities. More then that, out ofthofe words I make this further obferuation ; you fay that Edwardthc Blacke Princess created the fir/} Duke of Cornwall^Vfhy doe youthen, pag-4 1. line 2. make E^»>4r^ the fonne of King&foWthefe- - cond,D«^i?/c^H;4//,ifthisBIackc- Prince was thefirft? I haue there at full difcouered you, whither I tranfmit thistcftimony of yours againft your felfe, and the reader for further fatisfadion. Richard Cornwall, fonne of Lewis, Duke of Orleanee, Pag. 48. Richard fur-named q£ Bordeaux , fonne and heirc of Edward the hlacke Prince, was after the death of his Father, Duke of Cornwall, and Earle of CheHer . and after created Prince of W ales, at Hauering at Bowre, in the 50. of King Edward the third his Grandfather. He married Anne, daughter of wenjelaus King of Bohe- mia, who died, & was buried at Wefi. minfier, in thei7. ycere of his reigne, without iffiie. And to his fecond wife he married //2^/7,daughter of Charles the French King 3 being very young, but by her had no iffue : hee was aftec Kingof England.by the nameof King Richard the fecond, and was depofed from the kingdome, and me fentinto .FttMa* againe,the flrft of King Henry the fourth 3 and married vnto Charles, * His Seale hafh a Crop ofS. George vpon the middle la- bdl.SceinCheftcr. Et portoit, Iez armes k de fon pere. H Enry , fur-named of Monmouth, the place of his birth, fonne and hcire of King Henry the fourth, was in the firfl: yeere of his Fathers reigne, created Prince of Wales , heebeeing Duke of C^flB^beforejfor the eldeft fonne and heire apparant of the King of England , is Duke of Cornwall by birth,but he is Prince of Wales by fpc- ciall creation, inuefture, and donation of the lands thereunto belonging, and not by birth. Hee was after King of England, by the name of King Henry thefift. Et portoit, France feme & D'englererreefcafteHcau lambell d'ar^ent. Henry i Cor N WALL, '4-3 T_T£»ry Plantaginet, forme & heire ■■■of King Henry the fift,wasborne Duke of Cornwall and being not full nine monethsofage, was proclaimed King of England, in the yeare, 1422. by the name of King Henry the fixt j and onthetf. ofNoucrnber, 1425?. (being the eight yeere of his reigne ) he was crowned King of England at WeHminJler 5 and in the yearc, 143 1. hee was crowned King of Trance in Paris 3 in our Lady Church there 5 and after was murdered in the Tower of London, 1470. by RichardDuke of Glocejier (as the report then com- monly went.) The body of this King was conueied from the Tower , to the Church of S . Paulin London,and there laid on a Biere, bare-faced., which did bleed in the fight of all the beholders. From thence,by boate it was carried to the Monaftery at Chert- fey,fi£tccne miles from London, and there was firft butied, and after remoo- ued to Windfore^nd there in a new Vault entoombed. Pag. 49. Et portoit, France & D'tnglcterre efczrtelle , au lambell d'argenti P Vrvard , fbnne and heire of King ^ Henry the fixt (being borne Duke of Cornwall) in the 3 2. yeere of his Fathers reigne, was created Prince of Wiles j and Eatle of Cbejler^by * Efore I pafteto a new place , I de- mure to be refolued what title Hen- yy,eldeft fon of King Henry the 8.had? whether Edward the fixt, had the Du- chie of CornwaUov no: , before hec came to the Crowne, beinea yonger fonne of Henry the eighth and what we may conceiue of Prince Charles now liuing ? in regard of this Catalogue , or Succeflionof Cornwall, I finde them not once named ; hauing in my fimple judgement more right to that Duke- dome^ then Richard the nrft {who is untruly brought in) to the Earledomc. For, the A6t of » Parliament faith, that (primogcnitusfilius)th.z eldeft fonne of the Kin? of England, which (hould be inheritable to the Realms of England, mould be Duke of Cornwalljmd the fame Duchy of Cornwallftiould alwaies betothe eldeft fonne of the Kings of England, which mould bee next heire vnto thefaid Realme. And the b firft day of his natiuity , is prefumed and taken to be of full and perfect age, and may that very day, fueforhisliuery ofthatDukedome,cWejlmcrland#ndref No point ^ <7,and SherifFe of weflmerland by in- heritance : a moft Noble and Martiall man, both by Sea and Landj and ho- noured with the honorable Order of the Garter, 15*2. He married Mar- garet, daughtc r of Francis Lord Ruf. /f//, and Earle of Bedford, the 25. of lunc, 1377. and had iiTue, Francis Lord Clifford, and Robert that dyed young j and a daughter named Anne^ married to Richard Sackuilefiaron of Buckhurjl, and Earle of Dorfet. This George dyed in theStrand at London* in the yearei 605 .withoutilTue Male. Etportoit,efchiquettee d*er & d'aziir,a la face de gueulles\ T^Rancis Clifford, brother of George aforefaid, A fucceeded and was the fourth Earle of Cum- berland,Loxd Clifford, Weflmerland, and Vejcy, now liuing, 1 62 1 . he maried G>^/^daughter of Thomas Hughes of Vxbridge, Efquire, and widdowof Edward Aeuill the deafe, and by her had i(Tue,Henry Lord Cliff ord,who maried Frances daughter to Robert Cecill Earle of Sa* lisbury i Margaret maried to Sir Thomas Went- worth of Wentvporth-woodhoufe in Torkejhire, Knight and Baronet; and Frances married to Sir Gerttafe Cliffon of Cliffon in Nottingham- flirc,Knisfit and Baronet. Et portoir, les arme$ de Con perc» A 15° A CATALOGVE OF THE Earles of Deuon, and Marquefles of Exeter, their Amies jyiues>and Qhildren, WITH CORRECTIONS. R IcharddeRiparij \r, (Tonne of Baldvp'me Ri- tters)to whom (M.Ctmdett faith)King Hen. ry the firft gaue the Town of Titter ton y and the honour of Plimpton^ and created him Earle of Deuonjhire-, and granted him the third penny ofthe yearely reuennew of the fame County, being ten Markcs. Laftly, the (aid King gaue him the Jjle of wg^whereby euer after he was called Earle ofDeuoxjhire^nd Lord ofthc| /Jle. He married and had nTue, Baldrvinc de Rttters, Earle of Denon. * A°.domm/.iI$6. mottum •ft Balduirut* de ReeUutrs, ( Aldwine de Riuersjonne and heireof Rich* <*n/aforcfaid,was after his father,the fourth Earle of Deuon, and married * Alice, daughter * Auuiatweiwtideafsizn. of Raphe de Dol'mBerry&s MiUes hath,p45 7.) A ° ,29t H * 5 ' he was Earle but a while, and dyed without uTue; kauin% Richard his brother to fucccedc him inhisEarledom "anuJands. Page 57. C ORRECTJONS. TUTEre I finde M.Milles cited by Torke with a *■ -"-kinde of diffidence , as if hee mould lav (ay thus he tels me, but I know not whether / ma) be- leeue him or not. The like peraduenture will he thinke of Houeden, if I mould tell him what he fay es; which howfoeuer I will hazard,and hope to haue credit. * A 0 .gratiaM.CLXXWlM^t i Rc.Me^ji/.sM Radnlftu de Dolts in Berria^ius filiam (jr h&redem dominus RexAnglU pater y deditBaldwino deRiuersinvxorem^ cum honor e cajielli Radulfi. Will you know 1 15* D E V ON&EXET E R. « The Booke of PAmften fayes hee married Imme daughter of Roger dc Font Arches. know to whom this CounteiTe was remaried, after ftiee had buried Earle Battwint The fame Author telsyou too, that by the command of King Richard the firft,(he was maried at Sarisbnry to Andrew de chauenem, a man that very well deferuedofthefaid King in his warres in Palejline ; Thefe are *M«ed.fit.$ 7J . t.n:j*. his WQrd ^ K o^ atiA M.CLXXX1X Dux Normannm RiehardusjUim Henrici regis AnglU proximo defunZti, (meaning Richard 'the firft before he was crowned,) dedit Andrea deChauenenifiliam Radulfi de Dels, cum honore caftri Radulfi in Berria, qu&fuerat vxorComitis Baldmni de Riuers^r ftatim fecit eos defponfari apud Saresburiam in pr&fentia Alienor regint. If you will not bcleeue thefe few, I am forryl haue fpent fo many words a- bout it. "p Ichard de Riuerstfecond fon of Richard *-^nhird Earle of Deuon& brother & hcire of Baldwine, the fourth Earle of Deuon(hire)was the fift Earle of Veuon/bire^nd married a Mar- garetj daughter and one of the heires of John Lord Biftt, and gaue lands to the Abbey of Bruer, to pray for the foule of Earle Richard his Father, his owne health, and Margaret the CounteiTe his wife: he dyed without ifluc,and was buried at Montbroge inNormandy ,the thir- tieth of King Henry the fecond. Et portoit^dor^au lion rampant d'azur. This is the firft man that bare this Armcs, that euer I could finde : and for the Griffyn which hath bcenevfuallyfet downe for their Armes,it is but a deuice,and no Ar mes,Pa. 58. 1 CORRECTIONS. T N this place it will not be amifTe to leaue a word or two by way of Preuen* *ft00,otherwifc I allure my felfe M.Yorke will be fnarling. I confeflfe it was by my direction, that the Printer added the Gryphon Gold in Red, to thefe foure Earles next aforegoing: not that I euer faw any other Authority for it, then common vfige, which I hold may ftill be continued vnto them without offence; I grant that this Richard Earle of Deuon y was the fir ft that I haue obferued to beare the Lion blew in Gold. Againe,that M.Torke hath feene an* cienterfeales, then ohhis Richards time, with a Griphon feafing vpon fome little Beaft, he dares not deny. And were not Monkes, and fuchkinde of fellowes, like enough to be Authors both of Shield and Colours , and leaue them to vs, as their peculiar Armes? Yes afliiredly. Since therefore, they haue beeneleft vnto vs, from about two hundred yeares, abouethetimeof Prefcription, ( a thing which I approue not of in Heraldry I confeffe ) and fo frequently borne, either in a Scocheon of Pretence, or otherwife quartered, by RichardlVideuileot Wooduile, after he was Lord Riuers^ and by Richard Earle Riuers his fonne, iri the reigne of thole foure Kings, the two Edwards , Richard DEVO N&EXCETE R. Richard the third, and Henry the feauenth : as by their Seales, GlaiTe-win- dowes, and old rolles of Amies it is manifeft. I was induced againe to reuiue them, and rather then blanc Scocheons,toinfert them. \ATllltam, fur-named de Vernon, of the v " Town ofvemona'm Normandy, where he was borne, as fome hauc(but the booke of For de Abbey hath, where he went to fchoolc) after the death of Bddwine and Richard, his two Nephewes, without ifTiie , was the fixt Earle of Deuon/hire, and Lord of the ijle of Wight. He married Mabell, daughter to Robert EztkciMeDent, with whom her Father did giue in marriage all his lands of Kidermtnjler, Mortis, and Redelifion, which were before the lands of her Mother Mauld, one of the daugh- ters and heires of EeginaldEark of Cornwall, (bafe fonnc of King Henry the ft ft;) by whom this William had ilTue, Baldwine, who married Margaret , daughter of wary n Git z>- Gerald Chamberlaine to King John-, and dyed before his Father, leauing ittuc,Bald- wine his fonnc and heire. This William had ilTue alfo, two daughters ; the eldcft was* lane, married vnto William Bruer the younger, Lord of Torbay, *ioha»mfX,*ium Wm 4ritA- who dyed without iflue: Mary the fecond daughter, was firft married to ShZ"?Tc*i*7h C Tt wen Courtney Knight, fonne o( Reginald, and after, to Peter de Pro uz, and^^^'^w.S had lliuc. This William de Vernon, b y his Deed or Charter, bearing date tapU the fourth of September, 1 206. did giue lands to the Abbey of guarara, to pray for the foules of King Henry, and Baldwine his father, and Addict* rhe CounteliehisMother,and Earle Richardhis brother, andfor the health of Mabell the Countefle,his wife,and Bddwine his fonne ; and after dy ed,in the yeareof our Lord, 1 2 1 6 • the firft of King Henry the third. Page 5 8. Et portoit,d'or au lion rampant d'az*r,ajrrae & lampaffe de gueullei. CORRECTIONS. omitted by M.TVr^. I will a little put him in minde,that I expected to roue heard here of King as Earle of Deuon^ betweene Richard de Ripa. rys, and William de Vernona for I well remember he writ page, 5? 1 . and 1 2 7. that King Richardthc firft his brother^ him the Earledomes ofNottin'g- bam ,DeuonJhireandCornwall,Qndynhathkkhimoutqm^ in this fucccf- uon ■ lure it was not a guift worth remembring, or elfe no fuch matter. Har- den what tf^rtf*/^fayes, and h^ will tell you what Earledomes and Honours King/^» had giucn him by his brother : *l)edtt Ishanni fratrt fro „ Jr , Conutatum Moretonjj & Comitatum Cornub^rjr Dorfet*, & <* SumerfetJ& I -omttatttm de Notingham,& Comitatum de Derebifirc^ Comitatum de Lon- V csjlre, Devon &Exc e ter, cape, & Cap/km de Mer Merge, de Lutegarejhale, cum for eft is ejr'pmnibut pertinent i is cor urn ; ejr honor em de wallingford& honor em de Tkehill & hono- hem de Haia ; fccomitatumdeGlouceftriacum filiaComitis, & ex* fecit illi defponfariftatim ■ Baldwino Cantuarienfi Epi/copo prthibente, quta erant con- fimumei in quart ogradu ; pratcrea dedit ei le Fee, & Bolefouers , not once mentioning the Earledome of Deuon : but enough of this. It will befaid I fhould haue fpoken of this in the place where the errour is : well therefore now will I returne to the purpofc intended. This W/lliam de Vermna Earlc of Deuon (it is true) married Mabel, Roberts Earleof Mellents daughter, with whom he had in marriage Eftruminfier (but not Kiderminfler) Moreis and Redelifton fas page 244. M.r^confeflTeth) and had ittue Baldtvine that mar- tied Margaret daughter of warm Fitz, Gerald, and dyed in his fathers life- time, leauing hTue by her, another Baldwin. Which Margaret tooke to her fecond husband Falk de Breant ( a man it feemcs hee was, that thofe times ££S*h% fcarfe held a fit match for her.y et King/^» would haueit fo)Whereupon this was written : Lex conneffit eos, amor ejr concordia ktti, Sedlex qualis r amor quails ? concordia qualis ? Lex exlex,amor exofus, concordia difcors. .ArAJfffcS**.* ForawhilchchcldthcCaftlcofP^'w^wwhich was accounted * capud honoris Com.Deuon (as the record cals it) as his wiues Dower. * ^F^ifJ^m. 1 1 ThisEarle William had alfo iffue Mary his eldeft daughter,married firft to Sir Robert Courtney to whom her father gaue Capud honoris fui in Deuon cum caftelIodePlimton> and afterwards (he married with Peter deProuz,, and had iffue, lohan the yongeft daughter married firft with William Br Her the yon- ger Baron of Torbay, and after with Hubert deBurgo Chambcrlaine to King lohn, who in Henry the thirds time, was created Earleof Ke»t t md made chiefcIufticeborhof5^/Wand/rbalteo cinxit militari ejr Comitatu vect& inuefliuit : prajen. ttfeid procurante Comite Richardo in cuius cujlodia idem Baldwinm pluribus amis extiterat, & filiajlram fuam fcilicet amaam filiam vxoris fus, IfabelU GlouernU quandoque Comitifpt fibi matnmmiatiter copulaucrat$md after dy- ^tpJ^c*'****'^ ' cdinthe 2?.H 3. V2 Baldwine \ ii4 Devo n&Exce t er. aA°.M.CC.LXiT. Bald- wwts de InfoU Comes Deuo- nt* nepor Richardi Com'ttf Glouceftnt, obiit. Ex Chro- nicis Gloceftnx. •>This Thomas was a \nleht. Efcaetr. A'.^.E.^. pt.i. n '. 24 Hif^odeCourtnej filius ($> h&resThomx de Cwttn"j Ch'ua'et, (jut tenet per legem j4nglt& in ttire MurielU t>xo rh fu&, yn 'us filtarwn Iohan ■> nit de Molis. B AldwinedeRiuers, the fift of that name,and eight Earle of Deuonfiire, of that fur-name* and Lord of the Jjleof Wight. Hee married Auice, daughter of a Sauoyan borne, and neere kinefwoman of Queene £-. lioncr, and had ilTuc, a fonne named John, that dyed yong in France without iffue. This Bald- the fift, dyedin the/ 46. yeare of King Henry the third } leauing Jfibell de Fortibas Countefleof Albemarle , his fifter and kire. Page 59. Et portoit, Ie$ armes, de fori Pere. YT rgh Cmrtney,kmght,(thc fecond of thit *namej coufinand heire of Ifabell de For. tibus, CounteflTe of Albemarle, that is to fay, fonne of Hugh, grand-childe of Mary de Ri- vers, fifkr o( Baldwinethe third ( that dyed be- fore his Father,) grand-father of Ifabell deFor- tibm, CountelTe of Albemarle-, was by Letters Patents made the ninth Earle of Deuonfhire, the ninth of King Edward the third ; and mar- ried Agnes, fifter of Sir lohn Saint Mcknight, by whom hehadiiTue, foure fonnesand three daughters,viz. b H^ Courtney ,thc tenth Earle of Deuonjhire \ThomM the fecond Sonne,mar- ried A/»;/V// 5 daughterof lohn de Mules', lohn thethird fonne was Abbot of Taueftoke-, and Robert was the fourth fonne .-Elianorthe eldeft daughter, was wife to lohn Grey : Elizabeth the fecond daughter, was mar- ried to Bartholmew de Life, of the ijle of Wight ; and Egelyne the third daughter, was wife to Robert Lord Scales. This Hugh dyed in the four- teenth yeare of King Edward the third, 1340. and was buried at Cowike. Page 59. Et portoit, d'or,trois tortcaux, au lambell d'azur. CORRECTION S. NEuer can this Polypragmon pxoue that this Hugh was made Earle by Let- ters Patents , for he had fhat Earledomc conferred vpon him without Charter, Letters patents, or further ceremony of Creation, becaufe in right the inheritance of Deuon, and the third penny thereof, after the deceafe of Ifabell de Fortibw CountefTe of Albemarle and Deuon and Lady of the lfle of Wight t Devon & Excetrr. 157 fyjgbt, d cuolued vpon him. You fhall finde,that the Treafurcr and Barons of the Exchequer, hauing much vexed him for rcceiuing the faid Third penny, he not being Earlc 5 whcreat he finding himfelf much grieued ,addreffed him- felfe to the King for reliere, who thereupon fent a a writ (dated at Weslmin . • cfa£av*3. & fier the 24. of September, in the eight yeere of his raigne ) to the faid Trea- A - 8 ■ md *fi* Jttrerznd Barons, that they fhould (as yet)furceafe any "further to moleft him, & withallinform him truly,why the faid third penny was not paid to hirn ftil, by the S he rjffc of the County, as form erly it had beenc, vntill Walter Bifhop of£x^/-,TrcafurcrtoKing£^rpoft mortem pr&fat a, Comitijfd, tanquam bares eiufdem'per alt qua temporapercepi/IiSy & quivobis, pro eo quod vos Co- 7nitemnullatenuswmtnas~tiSydetentiextiterunt,ficut per certification.em ihe- faurariy & Baronum de Scaccario noflrotn Cancellariam noliram^ad mandatum nop urn, mi(fam^pknius eft compertum. Nos pro eo , quod h&redttas qu.£.■$: m. 1 jy. dorfi. publicari,quod omnes de C£tero,prafatum Hugonem C omit em Deuon nominent. And the c morrow after, fent to the Treafurer and Barons of the Exchequer, ' cbf intu*. that from thence forward, they fhould caufc the faid fummeof xviij.Ii. vj.s. vii j. d. to be yerely paid, accordingly as his anccftors had receiued it nomine Comitis. Another thing I muft needes rememberyou of, which is this : In the Catalogue of Errors,xvhci with you charge Mafter MiUes,mthc beginning of your bookc 3 you finde much fault with him, becaufehec writes that Elianor Devon&Exceter* * Eltanor daughter of Hugh Spencer Earle of Winchefler, was mother to Hugh Courtney i whom King Edward the third made Earle ofDeuonflrire : where rhus in thefe very words you feeme to correct him 5 Heere Eleanor Spencer is made to bee mother to Hugh Earle of * Dcuonfbire , when as intruthfhee was his wife. Corrc&ion now is fitter to be beftowed vpon your felfe , for your ignorant aduentures, thcnelfewhere 5 for none that I know haue better deferued it. By this meanes you make Hugh Courtney fab Earle of Deuonftiire, to marry his owne mother, a ftrange parcell of inceftuous Heraldry , and contrary to this place, where your owne words teftifie againft you, how that this Hugh the firft Earle married with Anne S, lohn , and the Booke of Ford Abbey lhall beare mc witnelTe, that Eltanor S 'fencer, was wife to another Hugh Courtney who was no Earle, yet was he this Hughs father. 158 t-lfgh Courtney , the third of that Chriftian A *name , ( fonne of Hugh the fecond) after the death of his father, was the~tenth Earle of Deuonjhire , and married Margaret, daughter of Humfrey de Bohun, the eight Earle of Here* ford and Ejfcx, and Conftabk of England, by his wife Elizabeth , daughter of King Edward the firft, and had ifliic Hugh Courtney that died without ilTuc , Edward that was after Earle of Deuonjhire, Sir Thomas Courtney Knight,?^//// Courtney of Powder ham , William Courtney , Archbimop of C^r^^ry, and Humfrey and Peter that died young: He had ifluealf6,thrce daughters, KAtherine the eldeft, was married to William Lord Harrington ; Elizabeth, to Willi- am Lord Moune of Dunfier Cafile ; and Margd. ret, wifeto John Lord Cobhdm, &c. This Earle Hugh died at Tiuertonjn the Iaft yeere of King Edmrd the third , 1376. and was buried at Exceter. Page 60, Et portoit, d'or, trois torteaux, au lambell d'azur. CORRECTIONS. HPO makeamorefpeedy difpatch, thenl did in the next place aforegoing, A I will come to the matter queftionable. Firft, concerning Hugh the el- deft fon of this Earle Hugh,\ lay he died not without iiTue, although both he and his fonne(another Hugh) died in the life of Earle Hugh ; £ox r luratores di- E/eam. / 1 .E.j.n.Ct c unt fuper f icr amentum fnum quod Hugo de Courtnay huper Comes Deuon dedit ntaneria de S ottone Courtnay in com. Berks Wottefdonein com. Buckingham. Matilda filia Thoma de Holland militis ejr haredibu* , quos Hugo filim Hugonis fil^pradicliComitis decorpore ipfim Matilda prtcreauit, &c. Et^D/cuntetiam quod Hugofilius Hugonis filij pradtcli Comitis obijtfine haredede corpore ipfius Matilda frocreato. Secondly,hc fayes that Edward the next fonne, was Earle of Deuonflnre \ which I deny , and will by and by make my words good. Thirdly, Devon &Exceter. Thirdly, that peter died young; peraduenturc he did, but yet he might hauc giuenhim his addition of Knight,for both his brother Philip Courtney of Pow- cierham and he, were knighted, as doth appeare in a b intayle of the Mannors of Morten, Milton Datnarlc, in the County of Deuon, and of the Manner and b E J" uttr '*i>&i&tfi hundred oiBrodewindfore , in the County of Dorfet. Fourthly, that Kathe- rinethc eldeft daughter was married to William Lord Harrington: Admit fo , yethad (he another c husband, and that was Sir Thomas Engame. Laftly , I « chm.dat* 8.r.». affirme he died not in the yeere t 3 76. yet died in the laft yere or Edward the third, for the offices after his death fay, that he died 2 0 . Maii. 5 1 . E. 2 . which d & 3> faUsinAnno.1377. * Uwu *-' P Dward Courtney , fonne of Hugh Earle of ^ Deuon aforefaid , was the tkucnth Earle of Veuon/hire^nd married Emtline , daughter of Sir lohn Daumy, Knight, 2nd had iduc^dward Courtney t the twelfth Earle of Deuonfhire , and Sir Hugh Courtney of Haccomhe, Knight $ and died in the 1 6. yeere of the rcigne of King Ri- chard the fecond, 1 391. CORRECTIONS. LJ Eere it ftands Matter Yorke vpon, (hee be- ing in theaffirmatiuc ) to prooue this Ed- wardto be Earle of Deuon^ otherwifc hee muft giue others, and my felfe, leauenot to belicue him j in the mcane time, let him take this bone with him to gnaw vpon : l uratoresdicuntfu~^ C(ietrtSlE2 ^ t(t per Sacrament urn fuum^ Quod-Hugo Courtney Co. Deuon (meaning this£^- vards father) obift fecundo die May. a°. 5 1 . £.3 . Et quod Edwardus film Ed- vardi (the CamthecYefpok?no£)fi/^dic7iHgonffs^confanguinet^ hares tiujdem Hugonisjft atatis vigintt annorum faamplius. Nay flirther,he ftickes not to fay, that thisEdward (an Earle ofhisowne making,) died in the fix- tcenth yeere of Richard the fecond, i3?2.whcnyouplainely may gather by the Record cited, that his father died a°. 5 1 . E. 3 . and that Edward his fonne was dead before , orherwife how could this Edwards fonne be found to be tonfanguinew & hares of thefaid Earle Hugh in a dozen feuerall Inquifitions forallthelandhehadf » Edward i6o Devon & Ex e t e r. Efc#tr.7.H.S,n.7S> EDwardCourtney ,fur-namcd the blindc,fuc- ceeded Edward his Father, and was the i % . Earle of Z>«w?/^, and fate in Parliament, the fixt of King fforry the fift : he married Elianor, daughter of Rodger Mortimer , Earle of March and ylfter, and had iflue, Hugh , the thirteenth Earle of Deuonfhire. This Hugh (furnamed the blinde) by his Deed,bearing date the fecond of King Henry the fife, did giue to Sir Hugh Court- ney, Knight, his brother , the Manners of Go- theringdon, StancombeDauney, and Southaling- ton in the County of Deuon, and died in the fc- uenthyeereof the faid Kings reigne ,1418. Page 61 . Et portoit, les armoiries de Con pete. CORRECTIO NS. C Hence is not the beft anfwere to thefe fond repetitions,(Ince here is fome- ^whatalleadged to traduce the opinions of the Icarcc iudicious in things of this nature. "For firft,I can afFjre you, that this Edward Earle of and no other, fate in Parliament from the firft yeere of Richard the fecond, all the faid Kings umc,Henry the fourth ,and vntill the feuenth of Henry the fift, in which yeere he died, (vpon the fift of December, 1419.net 1418. ) being theeleuenthE^rleofDM^/r*, ascoufin andnextheiretothe laft Earle Hugh. Secondly, that this Edward Courtney Earle of Deuonfhire had iffite Hugh the thirteenth Earle of Deuonfhire by Elianor daughter of Roger Morti- Earle of March and Vlfter 9 will neucrfinke into my head, neither did I thinke that this Author durft haue aduentured to publiftj fuch at\ vntruth as this to the worlds view,knowing it fo necrely concernes his Maiefty. Surely me thinkes the bounds of loyall dutie, mould haue fo limited his penne, that he durft not haue dared to thinke of the like to this. What, a Competitor to the Crowne I will he make thefe Earles of Deuon (and their defcendants)par- ties to the fucceffion ? Alas poore fifty yeeres ttudie , if thefe be the effecls of fo many cold Winters. But why doe I pitty that in him, that hec prayfes in himfelfe g Well, to recall my felfe to the point in hand, I fay Mafter Torke muft looke for another mother for Hugh Earle of Deuon , for it will not bee granted that this Elianor who was daughter to Roger Mortimer Earle of March and Vlfier left any iffue. Induftrious*^^ with many other writers,tels him fo alfo : but he (hall haue out of King Edward the fourths title to the Crown of England, thefe words as they follow in the very Parliament roll to (hew Parliament:?. i.E.4h.t. (he had no iflue. LioncllDuc of Clarence, badiffue Philip his onely daughter, & died. And the fame Philip wedded vnto Edmund Mortimer Earle of Marche, had iffue by the fame Edmund, Roger Mortimer Earle of Marche her fonne and heire,which Edmond and Philip died. The fame Roger Earle of Marche, had iffue Edmund Mortimer Earle of Marche, Roger Mortimer, Anne, and Alianore,and died', * Speed. ptg.Cyo. Camden, pag. jjj. B.C. Doftor Powell pag.317. m. t Devon&Exceter. 1 61 died 5 And alfo the fame Edmund and Roger, fonnes of the fore fad Ro?er , and thefaidAlianorediedwithoutiJfue . and the fame Anne wedded vnto Richard Seealfo2W.a°.j.^Ji/.tf, Earle of Cambrige-— had iffue Richard Due ofTorke, father to K.Edward the fourth, father to Elizabeth, wife to Henry the ft uenth, by whom fhe had iflue Margaret , mother to fames the fift,King of Scotland, grandfather to his moft facrcd Maieftiethat now is : to whom, or to his pofteritic,! befeech God nc- uerto fend Competitor. Sec more in the title March, T-Jf^gh Courtney (fonneand heireof Edward, A *(furnamed theblinde) after the death of his Father, was the thirteenth Earle of Deuon- fhire, and fate in Parliament by that Title , the fame yeere his Father died. He married Anne, daughter of Richard Lord Talb$t,md had iflue Thomas Earle of Deuonfhire , and died in the tenth yere oi the reignc of King Henry the fift, 142*1. Pag.61. Et porcoitj d'of a trois torteaux, au lambell d'azur/ CORRECTIONS. HT His Hugh Courtney was the twelfth Earle A of Deuonfiire&dicdtheietfZune 1422 E f C 4etr.i<>.H.f. a°. 10. #.5. not 142 1. *T Homos Courtney , fonnc of Earle Hugh a- A forefaid,fuccecded his Father, and was the fourteenth Earle of Deuonfhire, and Lord of Ochampton : he married Margaret 5 daughter of Iohn Beaufort, Earle of Somerfet , and Mar- quefle Dorfet , by whom hec had iflue , three fonnes and two daughters : Thomas the eldcft fonne, being at the battcll of Teuton with king Henry the iixt,againfl; King Edward the fourth, was there taken prifoner, & had his head lmit- ten off. Hemy the fecond fonne, was likewife beheaded at Salisbury, the eight of King Ed- ward the fourth 5 and Iohn the third fonne, was flaine at Tewkesbury, in the tenth yeere of King Edward the fourth. Ioane the eldeft daughter , was married to Sir Roger Clifford, Knight 5 and Eli&abeth the fecond daughter, was wife to Sir Hugh Conwey, Knight. This Thomas, being at the battell of T outen, 1 460. was taken prifoner, and behea- ded at Torke. Pag.6i. CqR- \6z Devon&Exceter. 3 Efcaet. 6. £.4 h.jf. * Eight yccres wide. - • If wee fliouldbeleeuethis; then was he created 9. yeeres after he Was beheaded. CORRECTION S. SVrelythis Author ftands in great need of a Prompter ,his wits are fo flue- tell : for hecre in this place he hath quite forgotten Thomas the fonne of Thomas afotcfaid&zde of Deuon/hireto fuccecd his father in the faid Earle- dome ; and not onely failed in that, but in many things elfe, which here take with you. Firft, in faying Thomas aforefaid, was fourteenth Earle of Deuon , when he was but the thirteenth. Secondly, not giuing the true attributes to Thomas cldeft fonne of this Earle Thomas ; for although hee cnioyed the ho- nour of it but a while, yet was he Earle of Deuon after his father, and in num- ber the fourteenth Earlc thereof. Thirdly, not fettingdownctruely when eyther Thomas the father, or Thomas the fonne were put to death^but deliue- ring by generall words that Towton field was the place, and the yeare 145c. was thetimethat gaue a period to their dayes. Now you lball finde that Earle Thomas the father, died the third of Aprill, a°.i.E.4. 1461. and Earje Thomas his fonne not onely furuiuing, butalfofuccceding inthefaid Eatli- dome, was attainted by Parliament at weftminftcr, the fourth of Nouember following, a°. 1 . E.4. 145 1, The a Record preferucs the memory thereof af ter this manner. E *' no more leauing no lffuc tofuccecd him 5 hauing mairied lfabell daughter and heire of Sir lohn Bar re Knight, by Edonia his firft wife, daughter & heire Paf,ij.E.^.ft./.m t ji. tolohnHotoflEfqu'uc: after whofe death thee was married to Sir Thomas Bourchicr Knight. p DwardCourtney ofHaccombe , fonneof Sit Hugh Courtney^ BohnnokeK nighr,grand- childe to Edward Courtney the 1 1. Earle of De- uonfbirefN2& after the deth of Humfrey Stafford reftorcd in blood,and made the fixtecnthEarle olDeuonfbirc , in the firft yeere of King Henry thefeuenth : he married Elizabeth ^daughter of Sir Philip Courtney of Moland Knight, nnd had ilTue William Courtney Earl o£Dcuonfbire. This Edward had foure fiftcrs , whofe ifiiie came af- ter to bee hisheires. The firft was Elizabeth, married to lohn Tretherfe^ of whomTtuian is defcended: the fecond was Mauldjnife to lohn Arundell of Taluerne : lfabell the third fifter, was married to William Moune: and Florence the fourth fifter.was married to lohn Trelauny^ and thus ate they fee downe in the faid Edwards Will- Hee died in the firft ycerc of King Henry the eight, 1 5 op. Pag.62. Etportoif. \\T Jlltam Courtney forms of Edward^ was y Y after his Fathers death 3 the ft uenteenth Earle of Veuonfhirc y and Lord of Okhamton, and married Katherine, daughter of K Edward the fourth; and hadifliie^tfry Courtney Earle of Veuonfbire^md Marquefle of Ex ceter . and died at Greenwich ninth of Iune,in the third yeere of the reigne of K Henry the eight, 1 511* and was buried in the Blatke-Fryars in Lon- don. Pag.62. Et portoir, d'or trois torteaux, au lambell de azur. X 2 Henry 164- Devon&ExCeter. TjEnry Courtney, fonnc of William *■ ^aforefaid* by K&therine his wife, daughter of King Edward the fourth, was after his Father, the eighteenth Earle ofD./^f. wejlminfler Abbey with great pompe, leaning to Mountioy Blunt his natu- rall Sonne,all his Lands, who was by the efpcciall fauour of King Idmes Etportoit,bureUe*vndee dc fix d'or & defable* 'Nebule, VV; lUiam Cauendijh (fecond fonne of Sir William Cauendiff) of Cbattefaorth in the Countie of Derby Knight, Treafuror of the Chamber to King Henry the eight, Edward the fixr,andQueene Mary by Elizabeth his third wife daughter of Uhn Hardwicke of Hardwicke in the (aid Countie Efquire, fifter and one of the heires of lames Hardwicke of the fame place, widow of Barlow , and after marri- ed to Sir William S. ho. and fourthly to George Earle of Sbrewsburie) was firft honoured with the Title of Baron Cauendijh of Hardwicke, the fourth of May, 1 60 5 . in the third yeare of King lames, and in Auguft,i6i8. by Letters Patents bearing date at Gorhambury was created Earle of Deuon. He married two Wiues, the firft was Anne daughter and heire of Henry Kigbley of Kighley in the Countie of Torke Efquire,and had iffue three fbnnes,and as many daughters,G//^f the eldeft fonne dyedyong, William the fecond fonne{is now Lord Cauendijh of Hard- w/V^and married Chriftian daughter of Edward Lord Bru/eofKin/offejnd M after of rhtRolles, who by her hath iffue, William, Charles, Edward, and Amu.) lames the third fonne dyed aifoyong: Frances wife to Six William Maynard D E V O N&ExCE T B R. Maynard Knight and Baronet, created Lord Maynard of mcklorv in the Countieof wicklorv in Ireland by Letters Patents dated at Weftminfter, 3 o. Maij. 1620. and Elizabeth both dyed yong . This Williams fecond wife,now CountelTc of Detion 1 62 i.is Elizabeth daughter of Edward Bough- ton of Caufion in the Countie ofWarwicke Efquire, and widow of Sir Rich- ard mrtley of wort ley in the Countieof Tor^Knight, by whom he had iflue Sir lohn Cauendtjhftxzdc Knight of the Bath at the creation of VtmccCharles. A°.i6i6» a childc of lingular hopes, but dyed alfo yong, the eighteenth of Unitary. 1617. Et portoit, dc Sable, au troi* ttftc* du cerf d*argenr,l« c^rneg d'o*. A iV / ^ CATALOGVEOFTHE Earles of Denbigh, their Armes, jViues, ana Children. Sir William Fielding, of Newenham Padox in the Countieof warwckt Knight,defcend d ofan ancient Knights Family, was firft digni- fied with the Titles of Baron of Neveenham Pa- |^*andVifcountF«7^M£, vpononc and the - p— i r j r — fame day, by Letters Patents bearing date at \ \/\ Weftminfter the thirtieth of December, Anno 4 Li U I ^ 20 . in the eighteenth yecre of Englands dread SoueraigneKing lames, and two yeer( s after, that his faide Maicftie might the better exprelTehisgraeiousafFeaion towardshim, he beftowed greater Honours vponhim, in ma- king him Earle of Denbigh, by Letters Patents dated at Weftminfter the fourteenth of Sep- tember, Anno i62z. inthetwentiethyecre of his reigne : which Countic of Denbigh, hath horned no tork with the name, title, and honour thereof^ntill now that it hath to pleaica nib man. aearoeVitt'rs of Brokesby in the Coun- ted at Weftmmftcnhe ieuem , t ofD J iht t0 creat e and mate h,m thcr was honored with the tarieao ne s comtC allan in the Counne ot Kdkcmy, aaa car e o / third f nowEatkofW/^dyewuhout » Aceldeft, and SS^^ E* of C "*^' ^ feC ° nd many pa* Millesjn Sometfet Gloucrs Booke of the fuccef- ?es in w% bookc • (Ions of Earles, page 39 2 hath, that the faid Ofmond was Earle of Somerfet^ and therefore to which I (hall giue credit,I leaue to the indif- ferent Reader. Page 73. CORRECTIONS, TO Lammas Hoft at Chalets y whcn he wondred x at the multitude of the dimes/aid vnto him, omnescarnesfuillas % they were all but S wines flelh,diucrily drcfled: fo this homely Hoft en- tertaineth his Reader but with his wonted grofle meates, though he would (hew in the new kinde of di effing of them, a piece of flouenly cookerie of his owne ; I fay therefore vnto him, Aut pro- fer meliores epulas ejr me conuiua vtere^ am qualicunque hac cxnuk nojira con- mm efto. Either bring forth better meate,and let me be one of your guefts, orelfeCpulldowne your ftomacke)and tafte of this prouifion. HereM. r^feemestodifcoucraC^/^^/'^ bztweene Camden and Milles^ but knowes not how to contradict, (neither will he belceue) either of them, but with an Oyes proclaimcs his incredulity, marry with all Juno fer of em craucs fome bodies beftaduice, defircshis Reader to informe himmhich he (hall gtue credit to. Now if he had but remembred, that in ancient times, Dor Jet andSomerfet, were both vnder one SheiifFes iuritditfiorv and in that refpeft as indifferent for theEarle to ftile himfelfe of either of thofe Counties, as it was for Riuers one while to write Earle of Deuon, otherwhiles Earle ofExce- ter> and another while Earle of the jjle of Wight. For the old Earles of Nor. filke, fometimes Earles ofSujfolke, thole of Derby Earles of Nottingham, tht like of other Families as I hauc faid before in Armdell, by reafon of their fe- uerall places of abode and refidence. If this be fo great an Offence in them, then may I not but challenge one bout with you at your owne weapon, and call you to account, why William dc Mohun Earle of Somerfet , is omitted hercinz>*r/fr ; next after this Ofmond, for Matdtht EmprclTe ( nhere cal- S^.™ ******* led i6S D O R S E T. *> Godwins Catalogue of Bi fliops.pag.271. led CounteiTc of Anion ) apud wentam Willielmum de Mohan Comitem ftatuit Dorfeiu : made him Earle of Dorfet. Which I (hould haue forgotten , had not you feemed heerc to fhew vs fome new ftuffe, which prooues no other- wife then empty Pothecaries boxes, faire in (hew, but voidoffubfrance 3 co- loured as one would gheiTe with found authorities, buc yet wanting Aire te- ftimonics. ■ This Earle b Ofntond was a man paffing wife and well learned 3 in regard whereof he was alwaies of Counceil with the Conquerour , who it feernes made him c Chancellour of England. Hee died vpon Saterday the third of December, 1 opp.and was buried in bis own Church atold5rf^»/*j,but his bones were after rcmoued to new Salt isbury, where they now lie,in the mid* die of the Lady Chappell vnder a marble ftone , with rhis bare infeription , A N N.O M X C I X He was canonized belike fora Saint,after his death, fori find his name in our Kalendar the aforefaid third of December. John, Brother of King Richard the firft , wa* * Earle of Morton^ Lancafier, and Cornwall , and Lord of the Mannour of Wallingford , Marks- burgh^ an&Tikell ; and in the right of ffawts bis wife, (daughter, &oneoftheheiresoff^/M.| Earle of GloceUer) Earle of Glocesler • and after, oy the gift of King &^WthefTrft , Earle of&« merjet zndDorfet . anc]laftly 5 King of England, by the name of King Uhn. Fag. 7 3 . » On his Seak while he was 'EitleoCMortten hebore/w L eopdtds J>ajfa>tt,gardant. Et portoit 3 # D'engleterre a la bande d'azux- Xobn fur-named Beaufort, fonneof *Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster , by the Lady KatherineSwynford, his third wife, was created Eale of So- werfet, at a Parliament held the 20. yeare of King Richard the fecond: and in the 2 1. yeare of the faid Kings reigne, hee was created Marqucnc Vorfet, and Lord Chamberlaine of England, and in the firft yecre of K. Henry the fourth, hee was by Parlia- ment depofed from the title of Mar J quelle Dorfet, and remained onely Earle of Somerfet. This John, with the reft of the Children which lohn of Dor SET. l6? >f Own/ had, before manage of the faid Lady Swynford, were madel*°iti nate, by Parliament held at London, in the yearei3? 7 . He maried Mar *rtf .daughter of Thomas HollandEzrk of Kent, and Duke of Surrey fand .neofthehftersandheires ofThomas tfo//and,Earle of Kent,znd Loxdwakc) y whomhchadiffue,/#^DukcofJ«w»y?r > and Edmond, both Dukes of 'omerfet,andThomas a third fonne : he had alfo two daughters, /^,maried * lames the firft King of Scots, and Margaret, W hich was maried to Thomas :ourtney Earleof Deuonjhire. This /ofodyed in the 13. yeare of King y the fourth. Page 73. 6 Et P ortoit,cfcarteIIe Francefeme & D-engkterrealabordurcgobonned-argent&d'azur. CORRECTION S. ^Irft, whereas itis faid that fl^Wthefccond, created this Iohnde Beau- •/^MarquefTe^A/^Idoenotgainefayit; but yet I would willingly raw into this place the opinions of the more iudicious, in regard the • Par- - Pari. * f «»»s™#*c,». tmMkhclenUPArltmmSirelohnBeaufortContedeSomerfa 9 ' -eez ,en Marquys de Dorfit & ceyntuz.de Jon efpeeejr vne circle mjs fur (on nefparleRoyenmanere& forme accuttume\: but when I come to the barter roll, where both his Honour and his Fee are pafild vnder S"ale ?aring date the zg.of September. A°.2i.R. 2. (agreeing with thetimein arliamenOtherelfindeentredvpontheMargentagainft the Charter and le Charter crofTed, b Vacat quia nichil inde aclum eft. Now falling a little b c w » r , ■* „ fated the very day of the other) to be Marquefeof Somerfet;^ thefe words; Sctat is quod nos confide? -antes prcbitatem t Jlremitatem, & prouidentiam cir- c » *.n».i 8. tmfpeeJar* dilecli confanguinei noftri Iohannis de Beaufort chiualer Comitu werfetacvolentcs ipfum lohannem de Beaufort honoris prarogatiua mer/to ultarejpfum lohannem de Beaufort, in Marchionem de Somerfet in prafenti arliamentonoftroprajicimus & creamm,& eurnde fiilo t titulo, ac nomine & anore Marchionis locipradicli, per cincluram gladi] 'inutftimus. Habendum hi & hand, mafculis de corpore, ejre. Dat, apud wejlm.i 5? . Sept. Agreeing rith which is d Walfm^hamm thefe words, hp. gratia M.CCCXC VIII. d Tho »>f'W^fngham.f. s ss ffumpfitRexfibinomenprincipti Ccflria. & creauit Comttem de Somerfet a ° ' 4 °* iarchionem ibidem \ confefTe he was fummoned to Parliament, A°. < 2 1! i c^i.R.,. a , , 9 . 23.K.2.and§ 1. H.4. bythename of MarqueJJe Dorfet, and haddiucrs f<: ^ 21 R * 2 - ffi •J-'"/ 8 - rams made to him by that name, bctweene the time of his creation and de- dfifif' u H ' 4 ' pr, ' ' * ' 37 ' ofition ,but my queftion is ; what became of this title of Marqueffe Somer- 't all this while f VnleiTe this reafon will ferue in anfwere, that as one S he- ffe at that timelerued both Counties, fo the title was indifferent whether chad the attribute of either. When he cametobe depofed by a Parlia- a/W ' a °* ,;H ' 4 * ient,thcrc the title is Marqueffe Dorfet-, for whom afterwards the Commons ecaroeeameft petitioners in Parliament for his reftitution (as it is well ob- Tuedbythatlearnedreuiuerof Antiquities *M.Selden)bm hee was alto- 'Trie, of Honour pa3 , 7 . ?ther vn willing to be reftored to this kindc of newly inuentcd Honour and ngtmhm (as the « Roll remembers it; molt humblement pria au Roy , que « r*/.4.Ht*m.i8.«t. 1 8, Y corns ijo Dorset. comelenoundeMarquysfuejleHrangenounencefi Roialme,qil m luyvorrott afcunement doner eel noun de Marquys, qar iammais per congiedu Rot, time vorroit porter, n accepter (ur luynultiel noun en afcune manere ; mats menu nteinsmefmeleContmoltcordialmentremerciales fetgniors les Comensde lour bones coerz>,&c\ To leaue this,and to rcturne to my intended purpofe. In the f econd place it is faid that this lohn de Beaufort, with the rejl of lohn of Gaunt s children by Kat. Swinf or d, were legitimated by Parliament tf.ltfj. wherein there is a fallacie, for the Parliament begun apud wefim. die Luna in •p^j,.K2M\2i.&c2 9 .fe)oSanc7irtncentif. A°. 20. R.2. and the* legitimation waste Marefdyle quinufme iour de Parlement, which if you doe but conceme that the feaft of ^/#mw^falsalwayesthe 22. of Ianuary, vpon which day the Parlia- ment then begun,and that the legitimation was the fifteenth day ofthat Par- liament. A 0 . 20.R .2. you will eafily finde it to be in the yeare of our Lord, I ^Thirdly,that Margaret wife to this lohn de Beaufort,vjas daughter to Tho* mas Holland Duke of Surrey, which is not fo ; for by this meanes, you make her to be daughter to her ovvne brother, who indeede dyed ifluekfle: Idc- fire no better teftimony at this time then your owne words, Pageny.for there yon haue rightly fet it do vvne, that Thomas Holland Earle of Kent, was father both of Thomas Duke of Surrey, and of Margaret here fpoken of. Moreouer, you fay that this Margaret was one of the fillers and heyres of Thomas Holland Earle of Kent , I fay you are deceiued ; I grant ftve was lifter to Thomas Holland Earle of Kent, who dyed A 0 . 1 . H.4. without ilTue, and 1* .H.4.n°. s y. kft Edmond Holland Earle of Kent his brother and h cire, which Edmonds dy- ing 1 5°.September, A°.?. H.4. without iftue likewife, left findeede) his li- fters his heires, whereof this Margaret, w ife to lohn de Beaufort was one : fo that Ihe was then lifter and one of the heires to Edmend, and not to Thomas \ « euuj.uw.s^ , & e was* after mai icd to Thomas Duke oichrence Earle of Mbemar leftw- ard of England and Lieutenantof Ireland. Fourthly , concerning this Beaufort $ itfue 3 here you find three fons named, John, Edmond and Thomas his third fonne,as if there had beene all; not once thinking of Henry his eldeft fon,who f although he dyed within few yeers af- ter hisfather)yet enioyed he the Earledome ofSomerfet^s prefently (hall ap- peare when I come to fpeake of this lohn the fathers death : and which y our felfe confelTe in your Title of S omerfet^g.i 14.1m. 3 1 . Now in the laft place concerning his death,it is as true as the reft, to fay he dyed the 13.H.4. when thetruthis hee dyed on Palme Sunday the 16. of - inq^pu Afttdreuetchejiet March, A° 1 1.H.4 as thefe few words will manifeft. d Iuratores dicunt quod a lHm ' JehannesComes Somerfet obijt die domimca inramu Palmarum 'ultimo prate- rito. Et qmdHenricm filitss pradicli Johannis nuper Comitis Somerfet efl harts eiuspropinquiorfa atari g.annorum. Agreeable to which (in part)areyour owne words,pag.2 14.lin.38. IBM** Dorset, ~V Horn as Beaufort , third fonnc of lobn of Gaunt, by the Lady Kathe. rinc Swynford,was Earle of Perch,md after created Earle of Dor Jet , in the i j.yeare of King Henry the fourth, 1 4 1 2. And in the fourth yeare of King Henry the fife, he was created Duke of Exeter, and had the leading of the HewasalfoEarIeof ^ K ereward ,at the battel of Egincourt,Sc c °«rt \a xermaa^j, and Ad- after dyed I without ilTue,at his houfe of c^.h^I^ Greenwich, in the fift yeare of King c*mde n .j>,uG. Henry thefixt, being Gouernor of the Kings perfon. Hce was buried at S. Edmonds. burie in Sujfolkc. Pag.74. Et portoir,elcartelle; France feme & D'engleterre a la bordure gobonne d'argent & deazur. P Dmond Beaufort, fecond fonne of *~*lokn Beaufort Earle of Somerfet, &gnnd-childeto/9^^/" Gaunt Duke of Z4/zf Somerjet y 2tnd EdmondDukeof Somerjet, and lohn, flaine at thebattell of Tewkesbury • and fiue daughters, Margaret, wife to Humfrey Earle Stafford; ZUzafath, wife to Sir Henry Eitz-Lewis ; Anne, wife to Sir William Paflen Y 2 knight 5 l 7 Z Dorset. knight j Janefivii married to the Lord Both of lrelrnd, and after to Sir Rich. Fry Knight s Etiamrfixft married to lames Butler Earle of Wiltjhire^nd after to Sir Robert tyw^Knight. Page 74. Et portoit, les armes de fon pere. CORRECTION S. iNe errour begetteth another - y fmce he faid before, that John Beaufort - 'Earle of Somerfet, had but three fonnes, John, Edmond and Thomas. Here now he feconds it, and maks this Edmond to be his fecond fonne, not once mentioning(as euen now I (hewed)that they had an elder brother Hen. ry that was Earle of Somerfit. But I will come to more efpeciall matter: I fay it is vntrue that this Edmond was created Earle of Dor jet, A°. ai. H.6. .cjW.a7, Maiqmifc Dorfet , Lord tiarington and Bonuile 3 ([on and heire of Thomas Ory,Marquefle Dorfet, m&CitelyBonutle) married Margaret, the widdow of William Medley , and daughter of Sir Rolen Wotton of Boclon'm AV/^Knightjand had iiTue^ffcwry Grey Duke of Suffolk, & Lord GV^, who married ^4- rr 5 fifter of Sir Anthony Browne> Vif- count Mount ague ; and had iflue , Sir J/iwry G>ry of /Vig* , after made Ba- ron of Groby, by King James a 1603. Edward Grey , the third fonne , and Thomas the fourth fon : he had three daughters alfo, which werethus mar- ried. Elizabeth was married to Tho> mas Lord Audley of JF*/^»,&Chan- cellourof England ; Catherine was wife to Henry Fitz>-Alani Earle of A- rundell ; and Anne the third daughter was married to Henry wiRoughby of Wolltrton in Nottinghamshire Efquirc. This Thomas MarquclTe Dorfet t dyed in the 22. yearcofKing Aftfrp the eight, Anno, i 5 30. Pag.y6. Et portoit,bureHe de fix d'argent & d'azur trois torteaux en le chef a vn lambell de herminet. XJkEnry Grey , the third Marquefle A * Dorfet, Baron of Groby^Bonuile, Harington, and ^y?/^, (fonne of the fecond rW^MarquefleX)^/,and Margaret wotton ) married Lady Fratfces 3 eld< ft daughter, and one of tl ieheyresof Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolke t Sc Mary Queen of France, his wife,by whom he had iiTuc,H^ Lord Harrington that died without iiTuc ; Jane married to the Lord Gil- for Dudley , who were bothbehea- .ded s and Katherine the fecond daugh- ter , fayd to bee marryed to Edward Seymour Earie of Hertford • Mary the third daughter married Martyne Keys Serieant porter. This Henry was by King Edward the fixt created Duke of Sujfolke* 1 5 5 1 3 and after was beheaded for treafon,at the Tower- Hill neer London, the firft of Qucene Mary, 1553. F 'g'7*< Et portoit, ks armoiries, dc fon perc Thomas Dorset r T i Homas Sackuile({bnne and heire A of Richard Sackuile of Buckberfi Knight, ChancellouroftheExche- qucr)who in bis youth was a Schol- lerintheVniuerfityofo^/W, and there profited fo wcl 5 that he became an excellent Poet, leauing many of l)is labours borh in Larine & Engltfh to the world; After he became a ftu- dent in thcTernple, where he procee- ded Barren 1 er ; from thence hec was called by theQueene and State, and created Baron o\BuckherJl^ the 9. of Qneene£//s^^& afccr.thc 1 3. of March,i 6o3.by King James was cre- ated Earleof Dorfitjn the Tower of London. Hec was alfo Lord high Treafurer of England ,»Knight of the Garter, and Chancellor of the Vni- ucrfity of Oxford : and maried Ceci- ^daughterof; Sir John Baker Knight, of the priuy Counfcll to Que en c M.t- ryjsy whom he had iffuc,Robert Lord Buckberft^ttx Earle of Dor jet i Henry the fecondfonne: Sir mlliam Sackuile Knight, third fonnc; and Thomas, fourth Tonne j and three daughters, Anne maried to Sir Henry Qlemham ofSuffoikeKniohZ' ? Joane maried to Anthony Browne, Vifcount Montague j Mary maried to Sir Henry AT^/y/Knighr/onne and heyreof Edward Baron 0? Abergaucttny. This Thomas dyed fodainly of a dead Pallie,fittinginCoun- fe 1 at White- Hall,in the yeare, 1608. Et portoitj efcartelle d'or & de gueulles au bafton de vaire. T) Obert Sackuile, fbnne and heire of Thomas t •^^■was after his Father, Earleof Dorfet, and maried Lady Margaret, only daughterof Tho- Unas lateDuke cf Norfolk^ vv horn hchad iffuc WhThomas, who died iifuelcs ^.l^SS.ffinifride, who died 1587 without hTue: Richard Sack- uile the third Earle of Dorfetoi thatFamilie, borne the 26.of March, 1588. and Sir Edward Sackuile made Knight of the Bath at the creati- on of Prince Charles, A°. 1616. who maried Mary fole daughter and heire of Sir George Cur- fin of Croxhaljn the County of Derby knight : and of Mary his wife , fifter and fole heire of Sit Walter lettifonot LiHefhull itithc Countic of D O R!S E T. of Salop) knight; he had ifTuealfo,two other daughters, Cecily rnaried to Sir Henry C0w/>/ Walter Robert de •Newborougb ) 8C others. After , Mauld the EaiprciTe winning him to , her Faction, gaue him the Tower of London y the Town of Walden in Effex ^nh the Sheriff- a lty of Middlef rx, Effex, and Hertford/hire , to hold them as Geffrey his Grand-father held them 5 as alio all the lands which Eudo (his grandfather by the Mother)the Sewer to King Henry the firft,held in Normandy. He marrie d Ubefa daughter o£AlberickdcVere> Chiefe-Iuftice of England, and had KueAlnold, banimed by King s^/k/?, Geffrey mdwilliam $ and was after laine with the mot of an Arrow, out of the C aftle of Burwell, In the 9 yeere King S tephen, 1 1 43. Rofe his wife 5 was after married to Payne Beauchamp % Baton of Bedford. Fag.7% . Etportoit,efcarteUe d'or & de guculles. CORRECTION S. I Hope I fliall not need any further enlargement here, but cite the words of Wejlminfter & Houcden, to fhew you that this Earle of Effex died not 1 143. the *rirf> fayes thus, Annogratu Mc X L IV—- Obijt Galfridus tie Mandeuilk , Mat.iVe0m. p.344. n..?e 0 XV 1 11. Kal. Oclobris. The others words diffent not , but thus b deliuer his b R 0i erHoft mortem pair is ecclefiam incaftellatam re* finebat, captm eft exulatus. Z Geffrey iy8 Essex. Effrey Magnauile y or MandeuiU , fecond fori of Geffrey aforefaid, after the banifh- ment of Arnold his elder brother, without i(Tue,and the dif-inheritingof his Father by K. Stephen , was rcftored by King Henry the fe- cond, to the Earledome of£^v,with the third d penny of the pleas within that County. In which his Charter,he had confirmed vnto him all Honours, Priuiledges , and Lands held by Geffrey his great grand -father , William his grand- father,and Geffrey his Father; as well in ' England iti Normandy ^ commanding, that he and his heyrcs fhould haue and hold the fjid County of Effex, as freely and lawfully, as any Earle in England or Normandy held his Earledome Vnto which his Charter were WitneiTes, Reginald Earleof Cornwall, Robert Earle of Leicester, Rogei Earle of Clare, and others. He married Eteftachia, kinefwoman to King Hen- ry the fecond , but had no iflue by her. Hee died in the veare of our Lord , * A*. MCLXVI. MtGdi. * i !5 5 , fridw tumor de MmdeuitU. — 0 • After married to Reymond de Burpi Ex (tb.AbbathU de BtHhammNfrjf* Et portoit, les armes de fon perc. William Mandenili , brother of Geffrey a- forefaid, was the third Earleof Effex, (vnto whom King Henry the fecond gaue licence by his Charter, to fortific his Caftle of P taffy in Effex.) Hee married Auice, daughter and heire of William le Gro ^ Earle of Albemarle, in whofe right hee was alio Earle of Albemarle, aud Lord of Holder neffe in Torkefhire : and to his fecond wife, he married * GhnStian, daughter of Robert Fitz,-walter, Lord otwoodh&m-Water in Effex , & after died at Roane without ifTuc , in the fecond yeere of King Richard the firft ; leauing Beatrix de Say, his Aunts grandchilde , his heire , who was married to Geffrey Fttz>-Piers of Ludgarfhd, the fourth Earleof Effex. Fag.jp. Et portoit, efcartelle d'or & de gueuMes. CORRECTIONS. Jhauefaidcnougha!readyin^w4r/>^Chiefe-Iuftice ofEnqJand,mar- ried to his firft wife, Beatrix eldcft daughter of William Say , fonnc and heire of Will. Say , and Beatrix his Wife , fifter of Geffrey Mandemk Earle of Ejfex) in vvhofe right , the faid Geffrey Tttz>'?iers (at the Coronation of King /obn} was made Earle of Efex (the family of Monde- nils being then fpent.) He had iffiie three fons, and one daughter, viz. Geffrey furnamed Man- deuile, Earle of Ejfex . William his brother alfo Earle ofEffex-, and Henry that was Deacon of wolfien-Hampton 5 Mauld the daughter; was married to Henry de Bohun Earle of Hereford: after, this Geffrey maried to his fecond wifc,one Auelyne y and by her had iflTue, John Fit^Piers Lord of Berkhamjledjnd Chiefe- Iuftice of Ireland, who had to wife, JfibeU 7 daughter and heire of Ralpbe Bigotjnd widdow of Gilbert Lacie, This Geffrey died in the 1 4. ycarc of King lobnj. 2 1 2 . Pag.yg. Etportoit, Efcaxtelle d'or & de gueulles, au bordure vair. CORRECTW NS. LJEre I will not ftand to examine what iffue this Geffrey Fitz-Piershzd, 1 x more then you hauc now named 5 in regard I will deliuer them more fully my felfe elfewhere ere long. But this I muft acquaint you with,that di- uers tell me ofthisEarles being aliue, a tweluc moneth after your time of death. A*. my (faith * Paris) obtjt Gaafridus filius Petri AnglU Jufticiartus : . MMt P ^ p . xiT ^ and the fame author a b little after faith further, Anno vera fib eodem Gait- t. p#. fridus filius Petri tottus AnglU lufticiarius diemclaufit extremum, fecunda die OCtobrti. Cum dicli Petri mors rcgilobanninunciaretur — - conuerfus ad ctrcumfedentes^f tbintulh dicens 5 Per pedes domini nunc primo fum Rex & do- mmus Anglt*: agreeing with which are Wefiminfters words, A°.grati*. 1 2 1 3 M . Wefiminfi fa? ^ M . obiyt Galfrtdm jiltus Petrtlujitctarm Angli&frideidus OBobris : which is the fifteenth yeere of King lobn. f^LEffreyFit^Piers, firnamcd MandeuileA- ^ deft fbnne of Geffrey de Ludgarjhall y was after his Father, Earle of Effex, and Lord of Pleffy. Hce married Ifabell } third daughter and heire oiWiUtam Earle of Gloceflerjhc repudiat wife of King lobn ; for which hec was fined to pay the King twenty thoufand Marks,and fo to haue all the Lands and Fees belonging to her, exceptthe Caftle oiBrifioUjnd the Chafes be- longing to the fame. He was flaine at a Tour- Z x naracnt * Uulert. nament.held nere London,without iiTuc,i 21 6. and was buried in the Priory of the Trinity in London ; after whofe death, the faid If obeli tooketohuf- band, % Hugh de Bnrgo, Chief e Iuftice of England . Pag.79. Etporroit,eftartclle d'or & de gueullcs a Ic efcarbouclc ponwtte & fleurette de fable brochant fur le »outf • Secondly martied to Rtger de D tntefyaCart.i t.H ,j- tm jf.fiom whom fliee was di= dorccd. ytde CUuf. i6.H>3- \\TWiam Fit^Piers , fecond brother of Ge ff™l aforefaid,wasaftei his brothers death the next Earle of £^x, and tooke part with Lewis the French Kings lonne, againft K. Henry the third. Hee intayled all his Lands with the Earledcme of Ej/ex,vpon * MauldUs fificr & heirc, married to Henry de Bohun, Earle of Hereford t at»d Lord high Conftable of Eng- land. Hee died without iflue, in the three and twenty yeare of King Henry the third, pag. 80. Et portoit, les amies de fori frere,viz. Efcartellee d'or that#. Earlc of Hereford^ G.de hucy.zndmlliamdeBellocampo^ were his Executors : that Chrifttan his CountelTe c furuiued him , and that very yeare had her <* dower affigncd 5 tbat/^» Fit^Gejfrey Lord chiefe Iu- ftice of Ireland his halfe brother by the Father, then fued out his Liuery, and • Exrot.tmumu.H.3^'s did his homage for fuch landsas defended vnto him, by his death , { "Johan- nes filius Galfridi finem fecit cum Rtge y pro 300. Marcis^pro habendafeifma de tents qua fuerunt Galfridi filif Petri quondam Comitis Ejjexiaputrlsfm^quaip- fum h&reditarie contingent , & de quibus willelmus Corns Eft* frdter ipfm Io- hannis poflmodum obijt feifitus, inde Rex cepit homagium fuum^. die I unij. t Matb.paru.p.324.n. tei And one that then liucd, and wrote of thofe simes,s foycsthatltfhno Domini M C C X X V 1 1, in diebus domini natalities obt\t Willidmus Comes Ej/exU , in dolorem multorum & lamentationem, adolefcens lirenuus (jrin donor urn lar. *^ L B / r ^ M ^f° Ul ' l ' gitione fatis profuftu. Seconded thus.^wwMCCXXVM. w. dlMan- dentlla Comes de Effex obt\t. Hum fa Essex. T-IrnfreydeBohun^ fiftof that name, fon and heire of jfe^ ^ 2?^«*and Mauldhis wife, fifter and heyre of Geffrey and William Fitz,-Ptcrs aforefod, was Earle of Hereford and£^,and Conftable of England mar- ned Mauld, daughter and hcirc of Rabhe de Ifjodon^ Earle of Angi in Normandy, and bro- ther of H/^/tf;^ Earle of the Marches of Aqmtatne, as more at large doth appeare in the TitleofEarlesof Hereford. Page 80. Ec portoit,d W a la band d'argenc a deux cottizes cntrefu 1, rampant u or. 1S1 ions XJrmfrey de Bohm,thc feuenth of that name * x was after the dcathof Humfrey his grand- father, Earle of Hereford, Effek, and Confta- ble of England, and Lord of Brecknocke. Hec married Afo*/^ daughter oflngelram de Fines, and had ilTue^w/ri? the eight, and dyed at ^ in i#*,the 2 j. o{KmgEdwardtheM, 1298. Page 80. * Etportoit, les tamts de Con perc TJrmfrey deBohun^thtcl^atoi that name^ * ^((onneof K«w/9^thefixt, which dyed before his Father) was Earle of Hereford, Ef fex, and Conftable of England. He married Elizabeth, daughter of King Edward thefirft, being the widdow of John Earle of Holland^ and had iflue, lohn^Hnmfrey^ and mlltam^ all three Eurles, and Edward and William, twins, s in the title of Earlcs of Hereford.lbxs Hum- frey was flaine at Borough-bridge, the I J. of King Edward the fecond, 1322. Essex. Oh* de #*fe,(fonne and heirc of Humfrey de Bohun the eight^after the death of his Father, was Earle of Hereford and Effex^cc. He mar- ried two wiues, as in the Title of Earlcs of He • refirdybut had no iflue.He dyed in the ^.yeare of YLmgEdward thethird,ig 3^.and was buried in the Abbey of Stratford ncere London. Et portoit.d'azur a la band d'argent.a deux c ottices entre fix li- ons rampant d'or. i XJlVmfrey deBobut>,thc ninth of tha,t **namc, fon of Humfrey the eight, and brother and heirc of lohn afore- faid, wasalfo Earle of Hereford and Ejftx, &c. He ouer-liued his yongcr brother Willi Am ^ Earle of Nortkamp. ton , one yeare, one moneth, and fine d ayes; and dyed at Pleffy in Effex, the 3^.of King Edward the third, 1361. and is buried Auguftinc Fryers in London. Les armcs dc fon frere Ieane; tlmfrty E S S E X. l8 3 H! Vmfrey de Bohun^ the tenth of that chriften name, fonne and heire of William de Bohttn Earlc of Northampton, and Nephew and heire of John de Bohunzhc eight, and Humfrey the ninth, his Vnckles, was after their death, Earle of Hereford, Effex, and Northampton^md Con* ftable of England. He married lane, daughter of Richard Fitz>- Alan Earle of Arundell, and had ijflue, two daughters his heires ; Elianor the eldeft was married vntoTbomas of Woodftocke Duke of Glocefter, with the Earledomeof£^ r v, and Conftablefhip of England and Mary the fecond daughter was married to Henry Planta* genet Earle of Derby (after King Henry the* fourth) with the Earledomesof Hereford and Northampton, and the Lordfhip of Brecknock, and the Patronage of Lanthony . This Humfrey dy ed,and was buried at WaU * in Afom^^thenTt of King. Henry the fift, and of Anne his wife, * daughter * Daughter and co-heyw. and hcyre of Thomas of Woodjlocke \ Duke of Glocefter, and of Elianor his wife, eldeft daughter and co-heyrc of Humfrey de Bohun , the laft Earle of Hereford and Effex of that name) in his Charter, bearing date the cleuenth ofKingH^^thefixt, writ himfelfe , Earle of Ewe and Lord Bourchier^ and in the 2 5 . yeare of the laid Kings reign by another Charter he writ himfelfe Earlc of Etve,and Vilcount Bourchter : Mly,in the 2 7. yeare of King Henry thefixt, Richard Duke of Torke did confTrme certaine lands vnto him in marriage with Jfabellhis fifter,by the name of Henry Vikount Bourchter ♦ Jiuing her alfo an annuity of a hundred pounds per annum. So that it fee- ncth.that when Charles the French King had recouered Normandy , all Ti - es of honour of Englifli-men ceafcd,(for of right no man can carry a title of lignity of another mans land or inheritance. ; In the 3 5. yeare of the faid King "184 S S E X. King Henry the fixt, this Henry was created Vifcount Bourchier. And laftly, inthefirftyeareof King Edward the fourth, he was created Earle of Ejfix^ in right of Eltanor de Bohun his grand-mother, • AndhadifTue Sir William Bourchier Knight, Vifcount w jf e Q [ forefaid Thomas of Woodftockc. This Henry f^dtTd^ daughter offtrW Earle. «wr,afrer roamed to OH and Lord s^fo in her right. jw^j i? s *r^ marr ied / » • J maried daughter of K/flW* Stanhope neece and W//OI TaterJbaUmLinCOWjMre \ bit J h0mO4 BOUrChW co ; he.re of ^ Lord Crom^oi Taneiu^ m Ltn- f 0U rth fonne married Z//^, daughter and heyre of Sit colnfhire, after married to Sir Radcltffe. Sir 1 """wmm »»» » . , w * Bourchier fourth fon maried ECt^abeth neece and heire of John Barry Knight; lohn Bourchier^ flit lonne, mamcd tts&&%$&*SSl?& £//^W. daughter and heire of Hmrj Lord ftr«„ married //^//daughter & heire of Sir lohn Barreling o( Groby ' Edw ard UXt fonne, Wasflaine at Wakejield j ££ZwttRS^ytl£S; andft^che feuenth forme dyed yong. This ^ fonne who dyed yong. Earle of £^£.v, dyed in the 23 . lor King Edward the fourth. 1482. Page 82. Portoit, d*argent a la croix engreflce de guei^les, entre qnatre bufleuz de fable. CORRECTIONS. ME thinkes I finde much wrong here offered to Thomas of modjlocke, in regard my Author (not Herald-like) haththruft another into his place, forheoughttohauebeene rem^mbred in this Catalogue betweene Hum- *p*t.h\f>R.i.?t.\.m,\<>freydeBohu?jani this Henry Bourchier ^s, Earle of » E/Jex, in right of Elianor his wife, one o^Bohuns heires 5 of whom I will forbearc to fpeake any more, but in the title of Gloucejler, Here neuerthelefTeJ muft not ouei flip WtlliamBourchiers creation into the * Retjsemaa. A 0 7- H.5 . Earledome of Ewe tn Normady^tV.^M. 5 .when the truth is,the King by b Lct- P M.rn. 4 .n. + & 33. fcrs p atentSj bearing date at Maunt'm Normandy the tenthof Iune, in the feuenth yeerc of his reigne (and not b fore) gaue him^totum C omitatum de Eu. Reddendo Regi& hsred. fuis ,apud Cajlrum Rothomagi {umm Gardebrache ad fifitim Sancti Georgij fingulis annu : and alfo that he and his heires mould finde decern homines ad arma & 20. fagittarios ad equitandum cum Rege (jf h&redibtu fuis,JlueLocumtenenteeimin prefemiguerraadcuftus fuos. Further (to my thinking) he writes, as if he had found fomcthingfto him- felfc fomewhatftrange,and therefore the more notable,) and deliuers you all his readings concerning this Henry Bourchier^ as firft,ho w he was ftilcd Earle of Ewe, and Lord Bourchier, A°i I. H.6. and Earle of Ewe and Vifcornt Bourchier, A°. 2 5 .H. 6. and laftly onely, Vifcount Bourchier^.ij.H^. for which laft, he giues you a little reafbn, but marke now what followes, that A°.35.H.d.hewas(asif he had not bcene before) created Vifcount Bour- chier \ Surely he neuer found the true time ofit, and therefore I will helpe him 1 E S S E X. t^5 helpc him necrcr home, for I finde it to be A 0 . 2 5 .H. 6. and by that title he r- reftsand Chafes, from the Riuer of Trent Northward. He married one Aa ojf Essex. of the daughters otonzmlliams of Wales , and had iflue, Gregory Cromwell t who was created Lord Cromwell the fame time his Father was created Earle of Effex. This Thomas being in the Councell Chamber the p . of luly, in the Henry the eight was arretted, and the i?.df the feme Morieth was at- tainted by Parliament, neuer cbmmingtoanfwerj arid the 27. ofiuJy after was beheaded at the Tower Hilh Page 83; » Among all your French, Etportoit, d'azur feu vnc fees entre/rois lions teaux rampant d'or vne Rofe gueulles, entre deux' cornilh haue you not one word for a choughes propre. CemiifhChoujrh! Then Iearne theft foranothcr i\mt t ChoM-> cas,chouca y ch»«chette, eh*. ft fij^ffi l t \\TlUiam Parre, created Biron n^efet'inSr^ned 0 ^ TslSsam °^ Ke *^9 thc nifltn o»om4np daughter of George Saueburgh a Swe~ dian borne/ which yet liueth, x 62 1 .) He dyed without ifliic, and was bu« ricdat^rwVfceyn theyeare, 1571 Jeauing^wwhis fitter and heyrc mar- ried to WiUtim Herbert Earle of Pembrooke. Page 83. Et poitoit,d*argent a deux faces d*4Z»r,a la bordure cngreflee de 6We. CORRECTIONS. pirftyou lay that William Pane was created Baron Parre, 9 0 . Marty in the A one and thirtieth yeare of Henry the eight • which I haue beene a little dili- gent to fcarch out, and finde it was in the thirtieth yeare : but as for either day of the »w*e7^,when,or certaine place where the Patent was dated, ap* peares not by thc * inrolemenr, for there is no more but Tefle Rege apud Next you fay he was further honoured with the Earlcdomc of Effex >/w,A o .3s»H.8.pt.if ** thethirtie fix yeare of the faid Kings reigne : but the* Roll flaewes thatto btaxc&zttzx. Hampton~Court thc twentie three of December in the 3 5. of King Henrj the eight, not thethirtie fix, •Ji»4/.A®,3©*H.l.pto7, Wdtet 1 \A7 A llur Dwettxy 'ifcount K oberfDeaereux, fonne and heyre of Earle ^■Robert ^ after the death of his Father, was byKing/^wwreftored in blood and Uuing, and is now, 162 1. Earle of Ejfex , Vifcount Hereford 'and Bourchier.LordFerrers of C^r*- Bo»rchier.znd Louayne : He maried the La- dy Frames, fecond daughter of T/ww*/ tf~ Richard^ conquered Nether-Grvent , - and halfe the County of Lege. Hefoundedrthe Abbey of Tynterne^ and died without iflue.in the third yeareof King Stephen ;leauing his inheritance to C7/7£^,fur-named Strong.forvJLzrk of Pern- hrooke, his Nephew, and was after buried at Tynterne, IOhn Earle o£Augie (fonne of Iohn ) married Alict^ daughter of William Vaubigney Earle of Chichejler^ by Alice his wife, latewiddowof King Henry the firft, and had ififue, Henry Earle of Augie. John dcAugie, Matilda and Margaret, and after died in the ycere of our Lord , 1 17 !• the 18. of Henry thefecond. m#9 W E. H! Enry Earleof Augie fonne of lohn ) gaue to theMonkesof Bermond fey in Southward his lands called Ofwarejlon, wczxzRomenelin in the PariiTi of Lida > and the lands of John the Clarke in Belfinton, and married and had ifTue , ^//Vtfhisonely daughter and heire, married to RalpheAelfodon>mi.i6. tfwrjy the third. I ede If onion ( fbnne of Geffrey de Lu. zigna, Earle of the MarchelTe oiAquitaine in France, and brother of Hugh le Bran) married -rf//flf,daughter and heire of Henry Earle of An- gle in Normandy , and in her right was Earle of Angie, after the death of Henry her Father a- forefaid. This Ralphe^m the firftyeere of King Iobnjm.% one of the Noblemen that fwore the league betweene the faid King and the Earle of Flanders, He had ilTiic, one onely daughter his heire, named Mauld,\mmz& to Humfrey de Bo- hunt Earle of Hereford and Ejfex^nd Conftable of England. Etportoit, barrc d*argent 5c d'azuraulambclldegucullesde cinq pieces.' CORRECTIONS. TF heerc I fhould labour a punftuall anfwere,it would require muchpaines, *& fcrue to little purpofe • would any but Blindbayard haue recounted thefe Earles vnto vs among our Englifh Nobilitie i yet hath hee not named them halfc 5 Certainly he might well haue omitted them all, all thofe in this Cata- logue (but Henry Bourcbier) for albeit they had lands in England , yet were they neuer reputed of the Nobilitie of England, neuer Parliamentary Earles of England, and if not Parliamentary, what haue wee to doe with them i Hee might as well haue inferred the Earles of Aniou, Blois^Bolloignefirabant, Bri- enie^CaricltCbampaigne, Dunbar n \Vlfter,Eureftx 0 Gifnes, Harecourt, Holland lulitrs^horraigne^Moriton, MeUent, Perch, PoiBiers^rholonfe^Zeland , and others, as thefe of Em. Had he neuertheleflc dealt furely with vs 3 and difcouercd all the Earles of Em E W E. Evptfnccefiu}^ (incehe hath vndertakcn a true Catalogue of them • his inde- uours had beene the more tofletable ; but to patch it vp like a beggars cloake with tuner 4 good pita in it, is hat bandfbme. 9 Where «s^//^fo^^/^^ of Hierufalem that was Earlc of. c^/w, 44tUs £wmhlSWlfesr!ght,/^^^;/^ w daughteri , Where is b ^M£*^j,£ , andheircsofPr^^iT/^/^andhadafairecftate \n Ireland , s^prfolke pt ti ind Lincoln/hire? J * Wb«is'*^EarIeof^ K , PbilipoirslotsmFranceA forfeited the Manner of Wtghton, andthehun. dred of North Grenbowe in Norfolke, and &g«f»» in J* **pg in Torkefbire • PotM.t.tM&Mi in the ip of Etfawtf the third, and was after taken * prifonerat in Mr- "mandteby Sir 7##aw /M**^ Knight? for which good feruice , and for that the laid Sir r^a^deliueredhim to the King freely gratulanter tanquam uptivumfium, he had foure-fcore thoufind Florens giuen him in reward. But whither am I tranfported in multiplying many queftions Pa?da- gogue-like, vpon him that is not able to anfwerc one i It feemes hee neucr read the Hiffories of Normandy and Artoti, Sammarthe, BeUeforefi, Wet, and diucrs other French Writers, that one with another difcouer them to vs' and his ignorance to the world. XATlHtim Bourchier,acaicd Earlc of Ewejt v v Maunt'mNormandy,thcfifto( K.Henry the fiftjand maried ^ww,daughter oirbomas of WoodJlock,Duke of Gleeefler ,and fifter & one of the heires of Humfrey her brother, & had ifTue, Henry Bonrcbier ,Earle of Ewe and Efex s mUiam * T Um« was feeond An & Lord Fit^Warrin^ TobnLovd Berber s^Sc * Tho- e^^rhen M» Lord s?rm** mas Archbiflioppf Canterbury, and Cardinal of* &ti*m was hetaan*. S.Cirac in Rome, and * his daughter, was married to John MowbrayDukc ofNorfolke.This will/am died in the eight yeerc of King Heny the fift, at Troys in Champaine; and his body be- ing brought ouer Sea into England, was buried at Eyfton in EJftx. Et portoit,d'argent au croix engreflee dc eueuUes, entr eauatre bufleuxdefaMc CORRECTION S. P Nough hath beene deliuered by me already in thetitle ofEjfex, to ftew ~thxthismlliamBourcbierms not created Earle of £wa°. 5. but to.mM*m**mw* /**y.a°. j.H. 5 . therefore I will ftay no longer talking of his Honour, but his * * grauc : for whereas heisfaid tobehursedat Efion in Efex(Ey panes adtnrrhn ijmeanes) I deny that to be truc,becaufc I hauc fcen a licence of Mortmame, mQdKMJtminJter^Noucmh.f.szM^. wherein the King giuesleaue to E W E. to the P riour and Couem of Lanthony by Gloucefterjo puTchafc diuers lands for the maintenance of two Chanons , to fay Mafje, for the foules health of Humfrey Stafford Duke of Buckingham , Thomas Bourchitr Brffoop of tfy, Henry Vifcount Bwrchftr, trillkm Lord Fitz,warin , and hhn Lord Berners , children of Anne CountcflTe of Stafford in the Church of hanthowyjn qua cor- * Afe**;j#vJ93 1. m. 3 o. pora (fo fayes the * Record ) chtt* Comittffx nobilk viri Willtm Boargh ■ chtr militis nttper virifui requiejeunt bumata. TJ[Enry Bonrchierfonnezadhenrof *■ ^W^wwaforcfaid, was after the death of his Father, Earle of Ewe ia Normandy. vntillrhe 28. yeare 0/ K. Henry the fixr, thatC^r/« the French King had recouered that Eairedomt to the Crownc of France, Aitcrwards he fate in Parliament by the name and title of Lord Bounhier^ vntificfre yeare of the faid Kings reigne^rhathec was created Vi (count B&archter^ King Edward 'the fourth in the frrftyeereof his reignc, created him E arte of Effex: and in the 1 3. of King Edward the 4. he was Lord Keeper of the great Scale oi England > as in the title oiEffex is more at large. ttportok, les armes cfcfbn fere. COKRtcriONS. T^His Henry Bourehier is faid to be Earle of Ewe after his Father t vnrrll a ■ *- bout the 28. oiH.6. (which I grant to be true )and that afterwards fa fate in Parliament by the name and tttle of Lord Bonrchier , vntill 35.8*6. whichil anirme is moft faifej for I can afrorc-yoir, that from 25.H.6. vntilJ theM yeeieofKtng^ipWriie fourth, (in which hee was created Eatlrof Ejfex) he wasfummonedby the title of Henry Vi [count BourcUer , as in ffecr title of Ejfox but <~tKtt now I ffeewed . a Now for tfrefietw© Bmrchkrs Earfcs of Em heere reckoned vp By Ma/tcr r^let him proue aboue one oftnem to be fntnmonedto Parliament here in EngFirmf(8c that btironce-}& I wil grant him the Bucklersife* the better to fa- tisfic the ReaderJ haue not a little labored the finding of them out,but ncuer yet could find(although he was matte Earle of£fl^,a*.7.ff.6.)any iummons, hftmBum Father or this Henry s not for this Henry fry the tide* ofEari of « GS*spr^AWfc«.A but in the yere erf If. 6 -.at Which tifnetne » writ dated fjnfif was directed Hsnrito Rmrgfchw CommcbtEwexo beat ^Parliament to be holdenaf Mft- mmfhrtfte i<*.of Qwfcferfc^^ ho* l cu,;;.H,^.i».^^ das 1 * a°: i j.Hl&.Si f&vmV-*f. /Kc*.tnrwritwm*#^r^B^^^ C ct!f.^.H.T.^ 7 2,j H ior. out ti,l€ ^^^^Bmtfteit* a*; tf. 0. fferrrico Boargbzfocr dkftowrtfr- i c(wf.x S .H>c.m. i4 M do Kt tker as a Baron,& in the d 2 5 in which he was made a WKcoun^Henrico « ew< 1 .E.+.pt.z.n. i . Vicecomiti Bourgbchier, and fo continued till the Eaikdome of £»v was c be- fto wed vpon him. A Catalogue IQZ iiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiii A CATALOGVE OF THE Dukes ? Marquefles and Earles of Exceter, their Amies JViues, and Children. WITH C ORRECTION S. phn Holland Knight 5 (fe- cond fonne of Thomas Holland Earle of Kent) , was createdEai Ie of Hun- tingdon, intheeleuenth yerc of King Richard the fecond ^ and in the 2 1. of the fame Kings rcigne,hc was created Duke of Exceter. And becaufe Au- brey de Vere Earle of Oxford , who held the Office of Lord Chamberlain of England , had relcafed his right therin, the faid King RichardbzRoW' ed that great Office vpon this John, & the heyres male of his body begot- ten, by Letters Patents, bearing date the2 1. of the faid Kings reigne. Hee married * Elizabeth, daughter of John * This ^^I^J^J of Gaunt D uke of Lancajler, & Blanch ™*™ h e t S^Gma^cZ^ his wife, andhadhTue, Richard that Tono?Fan/>o/>e* died young, lohnDuke of Exceter, and Earle of Huntington, Edward that died without iffue, and Conftance a daughter,fTrft married to Thomas Mouhreyjbnneand hey re of Thomas Mou- toy Duke of Norfolk, banilhed by King Richard th e fecond; and after to Iohn Lord Grey of Ruthyn. This Iohn Holland, in the firft yeere of King Henry the fourth, was depofed by Parliament from being Duke of Exceter ; and after inthefame yeere, he was beheaded at Cicefter. P*g*$5 • Etportoit, * D'engleterre a la bordure de France. B b »He bare it impaled with the Armes of King Edward 'the Thomas Confeflbrwitba labell. E X C E T E R . HP 1 Homos Beauford, (fonnc of hhn of Gaunt) begotten of the Lady Katherine Swyne/drd^his third Wife) was created Earle of Perch in Nor. mandy, and made Lord Chancellour of England, the 12. of King Henry the fourth ; and in the fourteenth yeere of the faid Kings raigne,he was created Earle of Dorfet j and laftly, in the fourth ycrc of King Henry the fift, he was created Duke of Exceter, and made Knight of the Order of the Girter. He had the leading of the Rercward at the battel of Agincourt, and the gouernment of King Henry the fixt, at his Coronation commit- ted vnto him , during his minority. He married Margaret, daughter and heire of Sir Thomas NeuittotHorne- £y-Caftle, but by her had noiffiic. He died at his houfe ofErfk-Greenwich in Kent, and was buried at Saint Ed- monds-bury in Suffolke, the fift of Henry the fixr , leauing the King his hcire, Etportoit efcartelle, France cV D'engletorte, au bordure gobonne d'argent & d'azur. CORRECTION g. His trade of Patching and peering, is fo frequent with you, that you dif- ■■■ couer your weakenefle in euery thing: as firft in this place, to fay Thomas Beau ford was made ChanccllourdfE#g/Wa°. n.H. 4. when you might haue informed your felfe to the contrary, in their printed Hues , collected by that painfull Herald Matter Thinne, Lancajler , and publifhed in Engliftj fur your better vnderftanding ; But now giue me leaue to tell you, that firfk hec • PAt .h.4 pt. t. m .23. was macJc 1 Admirall, then b ;Captaine of Cales , and afterwards the 20. of: r«,iJ*Jtje.*& ' Aptill, in the eleuenth yeere of the faid Henry the fourth, was hee appointed; %2?i^i£*fi,ia *" r * c ChanceUour. Likewife to reform your Error in faying he was created, Earle of Dor fa, a°.i^.H 4 I muft needs tell you,that it was performed at Re- icbdri.t 3 M.4&9. therhithe. 5 0 lulij, in the * thirteenth yeere of his reigne. a°. 1412. if yon will ort£.J3.H.4.tet,43. ctt&x. the Record, or bclecuc what your felfc hauc dcliucred, pag. 7. line 1 2. in your title oiVorfet* hhn s Y>hn Holland ( fonne of lobn afore- faid)was Earle of Huntington , and of luory in Normandy , Lord of Sparre, Lieutenant general of tbcDukedome ofAquitaine, Admirall of England, andConftablcofthe Tower of Lon- don,\vhom King Henry the fixt crea- ted Duke of Hxceterjn the ycrc, 1 443 at wind/ore. He married two Wiues, :hefirftwasy*Mw, daughter of Ed- mnd Earle Suffer d,by whom he had iffue, Henry Holland Duke ofExceter. And to his fecond wife , hee mar- ried Anne , daughter of lobn Mon- tdcuteEark'of Salisbury, and by her had itfiie,a daughter named AnnefixQ. married to Lord fonne & heire of Ralph Neuilhhc fecond Earle of wejlmerland, by whom me had no iffuc. SecondIy,fhe married Sir Tho- nas 7\7to///Knight,(brother of Ralphe Neuill the fecond Earle oiweflmerland nd Vnkle to lohn her former husband) by whom (hee had ifliie, Ralphs Nc- tiH the third Earle of Wejlmerland : the faid Anne, the 4. yeare of Edward 4/ narried to her third hu* band, James Earle Douglas. This Uhn Holland died arhe 26. yeere of K. Henry the 6. andlieth buried by his two Wiues , in S. latberines Church by the Tower of London. Pag. 85. Et porto \% les armes de ton pcre • t_j£#>7 Holland^ onely fonne o? John Holland A Duke of Exceter aforefaid,(by his firft wife the Lady Anne Stafford) was after his Fathers death, Dukcof Exceter, and Earle of Hunting- ton ; who in the firft yeere of King Edwardthc fourth,wasdif- inherited by Act of Parliament, with Henry Duke of Somerfet, & Thomas Earle ofDeuon/hire . and in the thirteenth yeere of the faid Kings Reigne , hee was found dead in the Sea,betweene Dover and Calice. Hee mar- ried Anne, daughter of Richard Duke of Torke, and fitter to King Edward the fourth, but by her hrd no iflue. Shee was after married vnto Sir Thomas * fainto Leodegario ( or S. Lcogcr)* DesanffoLenk^, Knight , and had uTue by him , a daughter na- med Anne , married to George Manners Lord Bb 2 Res i$6 EXCE T E R. Ros of mmlake. This Henry Holland Co found drowned, was buried at Weft. ,Thatisnothi S Tomb. ^ mincer ^>vi the Southfide of the Chappell a withthe(e Armes on his*Tomb my arfwerc in Cormpatf.pa*. , j. „ , 40. about lohn of EUtum. ^ I argC J 1 40- „ Neither did heebeare about bis Armes a fingle bordure of France, but feme de Trance,** appeares by Seales in the Uft Lord Sayes hands,and an an- cient parchment booke in the Office cj Armei. Et portoit.les Armes D'engleterre au bordure de France. HEnry Courtney , Earleof Deuon, Lord of Ochampon , and Knight of the Garter ( fon of William Court- ney Earle of Deuonfbire, and Catherine his Wife , daughter of King Edward the fourth) was created Marquefleof Exceter at Bridewell, the eighteenth of June, 1525. inthefeucntecnthof King Henry the eight. Hee married -wo Wiucs, the firftwas Elizabeth % daughter and heirc of lohn Grey, Vif- count£?jfc, who died without ifliic. His fecond Wife was GVrf>Wf, daugh- ter of William Blount , Lord Mount- toy , (and heire to her Mo- ther , who was daughter and hcire of Sir WtUiam Say Knight ) by whom hce had iflue, Edward the Iaft Earle of De 'uonjhir /,who died without ifluc. This Hifwj Marquelfe of Exceter y ms attainted of high treafbn , for ayding of Reginald Poole Cardinall and a fugi- tiue with money, &c. (asintheTitleofD^«/7w>0 and was beheaded with Henry poole Lord Montague, and Sir Edward Neuill Knight , in the thirtieth yeere of King Henry the eight. His laft wife Gertrude was alfo attainted of high treafon the fameyecre, but not executed $ Ihee died afterward, and was buried at WymhrneMyadcx in DorfetJbtre t m the yeere, 15 57. Fag.%$. Et portoit, Efcarrclle, France & d'engleterre a vne bordure efcartelle e de lun en Tautre, efcartclle, Court- ney qui eft d'or trois torteaux i Ic tier» le mefme : tequirt, Riueriis^ui eft,d'er au lion rampantd'azur. * ** Q Q \ Q # # © Q I O $\tThm* EXCETER. G Ir Thomas Cecill Baron Burghley, ° Knight of the Noble order of the Garter, now liuing 162 1 . (fonne and heireofthat prudent and right hono- rable Counfellour Sir William Cecill Knight Baron Burghley , and Lord high Treafurer of England, yea a lin- gular treafure and fupportcr of the (ame^and otMary his wife, daughter of Peter, and lifter to Sir lohn Cheke Knight) was honoured with the title ofEarleof Exceter , by Letters Pa- tents bearing date at Greenwich, the fourth of May, in the third yeare of King lathes* He married to his firft wifel^w/^daughter and one of the heyres of lohn Neuill Lord Latimer, and had iilue fiue fons and fix daugh- ters, viz. William Lord Burghley their fonne and heyre,who to his firft wife, had Elizabeth the onely daughter and hey re of Edward Mannors Earle of Rutland, Lord Roos,ejrc. of whom he begot William hisfbnnc, common- ly called Lord Ams, who married Elizabeth daughter of Sir Thomas Lake Knight, principall Secretary, and dyed without iffue. This William Lord Burghley varied to his fecond mfc^Eli^abeth lifter &co-heire to Sir Robert DrewryofHalJled, in the County of Suffolke knight, and had nTue by her, Elizabeth maried to Sir Thomas Howard, Knight of the Bath at the Creation of Prince Charles, K°.i6i6. fecond fonne oiThomas Howard Earle of Suf. filke: Diana fecond daughter, and Anne the third daughter, married to the Lord Grey of Grohy now lining. Sir Richard Cecill Knight, fecond fonne, Sir Edward Cecill Knight, Thomas Cecill and Chrijlopher Cecill drowned in Germany. Luce the eldeft daughter, maried to William Faulet Marquefle of Wincheften Mildred 'fecond daughter,maried firft to Sir Thorn asRcadkm$it, and after to Sir Edmond Traford of Lancajhire, Knight: Marie the third daughter, maried to Edward Lord Denny: Elizabeth the fourth daughter, firft maried to Sir William Hatton Knight, after whofe death, flic was fecond wife to Sir Edward Coke Knight, Lord chiefe Iuftice of the Kings Bench,and one of hisMaiefties rooft honorable priuie Councell '.Dorothy the fifr daugh- ter, was maried to Sir Giles JtHngtonofHorfheath Knight : and Frances the fixt daughter a maried to Sir Nicholas Tufton Knight. The faid Thomas Earle ofExceter, maried to his fecond wife, Frances daughter of William Lord Chandes, the widow of S'uThomas Smith knight, and by her hee had a daughter named Jnaa-Sophia,vtho dyedyong, A°. 1 62 1 . Et portoit, burelle fix pieces d'argent & d'azure fur le tout fix cfcuffbns de fable, charge de fix lions d'argent; 9 A io8 Okeham. Here fiee Tares the Abbey wasfoundecl.A 0 toScand yet the voucher faies,a .1089 A CATALOGVE OF THE Earles Ferrers, and Derby, their. Armes, JViues, and Qhildrm % WITH CORRECTIONS. EnryEwlcFerrars, a Norman borne, onne of mkeline , came into England with William the Conquer onrjn\\o gaue him the Caftlcs of Tutbury and * Oucume, with diuers other great Seigneurics in England and Normandy. He- married one Berta , and had if- fue, Eugenulphus, William^ and Robert - t and two daughtf XiyGundred^ndEmelyn. Hec founded the A^bey of Tutbury ,in the yeare 1080. Vnto which foundation,were witnefles Eugenulphm, William t md Robert his fonnes. And for proofe that this Henry was an E^rle,(which fome great and late Writers deniej I haue here fet downc the faid Henries Epitaph, which I findc printed in the yeare 1577. and dedicated to the late Earleof£j0«r, and faid to be found in the Ab- bey of Tutbury. Hie iaeet Henricus de Ferrary s comes, huius Ecclefu *fundator Imagojiomi- m cuius Anno *> mtlleno domim quater at que viceno Tutburixque nono domus eft fundata patrono. It is faid that he bare for his Armes, Argent 6. horfe Jhooes Jablc. Page 65. CORRECTIONS. \ A 7Hereas you nominate this Henry de Ferrers to bean Earle, thatlaf- V V furc my felfe you cannot proue, for all the old ruftic Epitaph here cited as your authority : For in an old c Charter , made by William the Con- querourtothe Abbey of weftminjler, in the yeare 1067. 1 thus finde the wit- neflTes ^Ego Rogerm Contest Ego Hugo Comes HE* Ego Alanus Comes £- go Rodbertus Comes *i> Ego Albert cut Comes 4* Ego willimus filim Osberni *i* Ego Hugo de Monte forti 4* Eg* Rodkrw de Bellomonte Ego Ricardus CiHebertiComitis filius 4* EgoBaldemnm /rater eius ^Ego Henricus de Fcr rarijs^ Ego Hugo deQr ante mat [nill^&c. Another like to this, (hall you ^ & * , v - finde » n a d 8 rant by the fame Conquerour to the Abb efTe of Caen in Norman* ft 0 «yjn tmfirmntitnt. m,5 ' de •>ortu. Signum *i* Roger i Bigot. Stgnum ^ Hugonis C omit is dc Cettra. Sig- mm 4* Comitis Rogeri de Montegomcri. Which fticwes him at thefe times no :ade. >}ext,thebookeofD*j»eftowed vpon them) remembers,that to Walt heef forme of Si ward was gi- Ktthmitatum Noribtantoni** to Walter Gifford comitatum Buchingeham, to iugh Grauntmetfrell municipatum Legrecejlra^ further ad ding thefe words : Henrico Gualchehni de Ferrariisflio ('who is the fame man here fpoken of) •if rum Stutesburi&p&z& in thefe times Tutbury. Laftly, the bookeof tutbury, not in any one place giues him the addition of an Earle, which hofe Monkes would not haue forgotten, had it beene his due, but thus they lane regiftred the foundation.^ nomine Sanely & indiuidu* trinitatis^ EgoHcjtrictts de Ferrariis fandaui Ecclefiam in honor e Sancla MarU apud \aftellum meum de Tnttebur. pro anima WilUmi Regis, rjr Matil. rcgint* jrpatris&matrisme^a"vxorismedBerth^ & filiorum meorum Egenolf, yillimi, Roberti , &fltarum meamm, omnium pradecefforum ejr amico- rum meorum$c. But why doe I labour to proue this h Henry de Ferrers bcamdcnm Cmmh.$sif. to be no Earle, fince you haue elfe where yceldcd myalTertion to be true? Thus therefore will I clofe vp this with your owne words, although in this place, difagreeing from that truth. Henry Lord Ferrars the Norman forasyetcould I ncuer fee any good warrant to call him fo,I meane to honor him with an Earlcdomes title. Simon of D«- refme, and Houeden ^doe contradict you, and onely call him the brother of the Earle Ferrars. Laftly you haue omitted this Roberts daughter married to orcUtku*,}*ie s*7' Vyalkclm Magminot Lord of Greenwich in Kent, as Ordericus can informc you. D Obert de Ferrars, the fecond of that name, ■*^-afterthe death of Robert his Father, and yyilliam his brother, was the third Earle Fer- rars, whom diuers late Writers hauc greatly miftaken, they affirming him to be the firft Robert, Founder of MuriuaU Abbey, and to be Earle of 7^ottingham i when as in truth, it was this Roberts Father, that was Founder of MuriuaU Abbey, and another Robert Ferrars^ grand-childe of this fecond Robert by his fon VViUi*m % that was made Earle of Nottmgham } as hereafter will appeare in his due place. And wheras they fay they hauc feen Deeds and Charters, to approue their affirmation, it is vntrue ; for thofe they meane, are vnperfed Notes and AbftraeYs, taken out of GlouerSo- merfets B ooke of MifceUanea^ which Booke I hauc, and perufing the fame, finde them of fmall credite. This Earle Robert married, and had UTuc/V'f& am Erie Ferrars > the fourth Earle Ferrars h anddyedintheyeare n84.the 3 1 . of King Henry the fecond. Et portoit, lez annoiries de Con pert. Now to the iffue^hich M.Milles maketh this Robert to haue,in his Booke tf ficcepionofEarles.p^cS69.viz.Wi\\hmdc¥etrarsEarleof Derby : Petro- neli (or Perneli; mfe of 'Henry Lord Stafford ; and Elizabeth marled vnto William Marfliall BaronofRye : Iconfeffe William onely, but no daughters at all. For by a Record of the 26.0/ King Henry the third, it is proued, that Hen* ry Lord Stalfords wifis name toot Mabell, daughter of Robert Mulegros and Agnes Ferrers&Derby. 201 Agnes his wife, daughter of 'William Earle Ferrars and Darby ■> great grand \ finne of Robett Fetms Earle of Nottingham, which Milks faith, dyed in the Holy-land^ I 190. And for Elizabeth the other daughter, to he maried to Wil- liam Marfchall, Baron of Rye and Hengham in Norfolkejvhich dyed, 1 2 66. that is mofl vntrae ; for that William he meaneth, had to his wife Alina, daughter and heyre ^Hubert, Bar on of Rye, and dyed in then, yeare of King Edward the firft, as by an Inquifit^n of that date it doth appeare. Page 66. CORRECTIONS. LJErc might milch be faid, but fince letTe ( foit be to the purpofe) 1 "'will feme , thus I beginne : Firft, that this Robert de Ferrers was but the lecond Earle Ferrers. ' Secondly, that thofe diuerslate Writers, whomfoeuer you meane, haue not greatly mi/la ken, in affirming him to be founder ofMuriuali Abbey, and Earle of Nottingham, if we mav be- IeeuetheLigierbookeofthatMonaftery; forthus (hall you there finde ix.ub.MmmU.MS. remembred/* Roger oCe fir. Epifcopo ejr omnibus, ejrc. Robertas Comes de Fer- raris falutem. Sciatis me conceffi(Je,pro anima Roberts C omit is de Ferrarijs fttrismeiydr pro flute anirtoxmes, &vxoris mea^ Deo& beat* Maria ejr Ecclefia de MtrmaU^ ad conjlruendam Abbdthwn crdtnis Cifiercienjis,totam (orettam meam deArdenaJ&c. Now that, that makes me confident,that/to. (m de Ferrers here fpoken of, and Robert de Ferrers Earle of ~ Nottingham, to L ,s. Tm eto».MSi be all one man, is this that folio wes Ego Robertas Comes tunior de Ferrarijs QominoTheobaldoCantuar.Archiepifcopo Legato fedis ApoftoUc&,&c. (mea- ning Theobald the Archbilhop, prcdeceflbur to Thomas Becket) falutem. Sci- ttis me comeffiffe Ecclefia me 'a de T uttebury , quicquid Auus metis Hen . feu E- lenolfuspatrum mens , feu Robertus pater meus donatierat. Where alfo you [hall finde thefe words,^°* ab incarnatione Domini M.C.X L l.*Ego Robertus nnior C omes de Nottingham^ concede Ecclefia beau Mar; 4, de Tutteburi), de- imam de NouoBnrgo,quam pater meus accrefcere fecit. So that if you confider, hat Robert the yonger Earle Ferrers was Iiuing in this Theobalds time, who ... TateArchbiOiop from 1138. vntillxitfo. and that ^bm deFtrnrsiX^^^ff^^ monger, Earle of Nottingham was Iiuing 1 14 1 . you will eafily finde them to K one and the fame man. Thirdly his peremptory opinion, that another Robert de Ferrers grand- hilde of the ficond Robert Earle Ferrers, now treated of, by his fonne William , ras he that was made Earle of Nottingham ,is not to be beleeued ; for by this neanes he is made to be his ownefonnes fonne; vpon which, it is not necefla- y any longer to infift,in regard I hope it already appears to the contrary,, by mat hath beene euen now deliuered . Fourthly, fince he gocsabout to traduce M. Glouers iudgement, as that he louldtakevnperfecl notes and things of fmall credit, in regard they doe not illy ferue his ends : I thus tell him, that he had more learning in him, then 3 leauc things in Englifh behinde him to fit Torkes vnderftanding : but it is a 'uefayingiTfo emptie refill giueth a greater found then the fullBarrell. Who M dot this man fpeakeill of^to make the cafie beleeuers applaud him ? Cc Fiftfc zoz Ferrers & Derby, Fiftly , fincc in this place he thinkes hyperbolically, to exaggerate the ne- cclfitie of this defence of his, andwithall, by his emendations to (hew a flourimofhis skill, yet here muft I not but tell him, that the falue is mrft then the fore, that he hath botcher-like amended and marred all j As in fay- ing Henry Lord Stajfords wife was not Fetronilla Ferrers 5 it is true : but if ■ Lih.xentlworthMs. wee will giue credit to a booke of Kenelworth, it (ayes that a Hertiey Lord Stafford, maried the fame woman ; I grant hee alfo maried Mucegros his «> cbufM.H. ym.^ daughter, and that (he b furuiued him, but doe you obferue how farrc hee hath runne herein beyond his compaffe ? well,I will recall him for feare he flaould alfo runne out of his wits. Becaufehe muft of neceffity fand there* fore beft, while he is Combos mentis) confeffe another >, If Agnes wife to Ro- bert de Mucegros^ was daughter to William Earle Ferrers and Derby great- grand- fonne of Robert Ferrers Earle of Nottingham : then here is another ac- knowledgement Robert jfozi I haue fo long ftucke vpon to befas I haue faid) Earle oi Nottingham^ for indeede no Robert but he that was Earle Ferrers and Nottingham, could be great- great-grandfather to Agnes Mucegros, If he will maintaine that Robert Earle of Nottingham was not the fame man that was Earle Ferrers : therein then is hee more to blame euen in this Page 66. line 38. and Page 16$. line 11. in faying hee dyed without if- fue, and yet to ferue his turne(you fee) heemiakes him great-grandfa- ther to Agnes Mucegroffes father,v/.&.father to William Earle Ferrers & Der- £y,father to a kcond IVilliam Earle Ferrers and Derby ^ father to a third Willi' am Earle Ferrers and IVr^,father to the faid Agnes. Further hclayesP0//^*« Marfhall Baron of 2ty*dyed the 11. of Edward thefirft, as by an Inquifition of that date appcares: hereat cannot I but wonder, that hee will talkc of Records, that neuerfiw aboue one in his life, and that droue him into fuch an- Imeancnot admiration, that wmMMamAm^M.1 heccucn held vpWs hand at it. But as for this I here affirme, wiUiam ^.jy.iffEfcaetr.ss. H.3. MarjhaU that maried Aliua^ to be dead before the 55. of Henry the third, n °' 16 ' tenne yearcs before his Record or Inquifition cited : Indeede I muft con- «£/f < *rfr.A 0 .u.E.i.n 8 .43. fefle, there is an b Inquirie what Lands William fbnnc of fobn le Marftak of Carlton in Torkejhire held, that was a Felon, A°. 1 1. of Edward the firft, but I will not beleeue that Mafterrtfr/b cuerknew any fellowcs of that kindeof life. Now you fee how foppiflily hee playes with others, that in the end he will deferue a new coate with f ourc elbowes. WiUUm ERRERS vScD E R B Y. zo: \AJIlliam Earle Ferrars, Lord ofTutbury t jn- in r ta ff ord l hire -> and * Oucume in * okeham landjhire, Ion of the fecond tofo* EarlcFtf*- niw, maried Margaret, daughter and heyreof William Peuerell of Nottingham^ (whofe grandfather wr//«w, was the bafc fonne of William Conqueror , begotten of the wife of Randolphe Peuerell of Hatfield Peuerell) and had ilTue,^ wand William : Robertthe eldeft fonne in the life time of his Father, was made Earle of Nottingham, and dyed without iiTuc. William the fecond fonne , after the death of his Father was Eirlc Ferrars, and firft Earle of Derby. This William Earle Ferrars the Father, dycd(as^r/^«^hath,Fol, 390. b.) at Achon in the Holy-Land, in the yeare,u?o. Pagedrf. Etportoifjd'argent, a fixFerres de cheual de fable. CORRECTION S. 'T'O come to thepoint at firft. I fay (as but euen now) th; t here he makes A this Wtliiam Earle Ferrers his father {Robert) to be his owncfonne (a ftrangeparcell of Heraldry; and makes him to dye without ifTue, although contrary to his owne words before, by which mcanes this good Earle Willi- &/w,isdriuentofeekeanewFather 5 and withall telsvs hee was Earle of Nottingham, which I hope I hauc in the laft place cleared. Further he goes on, and deliuers that William Earle Ferrers here named, was the firft Earle of I)^, of whomlhaue read to the contrary, andin- deedean*Author,both at that time liuing, and an En°li(h-man borne, * order.-wtd. yticenfc up ^vhorn I doe much credit, and whoamong other paflagesof King Stephens,™' 1 ' 1 '-' 3 *" 17 ' 0 ' 4 ' hathJeft vsthis memoriall, A°.ab incamatione domini 1 1 38 \odber~ turn de Stotesburiaprobummilitem, legitimum Comitem Derbicia conftituit, &Gifiebertusde Clara Comitem dePenbroc fublimauit.drc. Which was (as the fcope of the hiftory flicwes me,) done bctweene/»/y and Septembers the third yeere ofKmg Stephen. The fame Author a little after,deliuers alfo thefe WOtds.Rodbertum de Ferrari js Rex ficut diclum eft Derbies confulcm ordina- te. By this it is clearc, that not William, but Robert (before him) was firft Earle of Derby : part of which is already confefled by M. Torke in his Title of Penbroke ; for there hee deliuers, that Gijlebert de Clare abouefaid, was made Earle of Penbroke by King Stephen,^. Cc a Ferrers & Derby. W'tlliebntu de f err it lis Co. Derb. Thomas de tenants frateipttu & A. quondam Com. Derb. mater eomm. CUufi'. 33.H.3 Jor.m. 1 4. ▼ ▼ I llliam de FerrarJ, the fecond Earle Fer- rars oi that Chriften name, was by King John made the firft Earle of Derby of that fur-name. He maried Agnes, the third ftfter and co-heyre of Randolphc Blttndeuile^ Earle Of chejler and Lincolne : in whofe right hec w*s Lord of Chartley , and had iflue, William Eade Ferrars md Derby $ Robert* Hugh, in&Thomw de Ferrars 5 and dyed in the yearc of our Lord, 1 242. and was buried at MuriuaU^ the27.of King Henry the third. Page 67. ,Et portoir.vaire d'or & &e gueulks, a la bordure de azm feafct Ferrars de cheuall d'argent* C4rt,aHtif,B.rf. 24. CORRECTIONS. p\Oeyou not ftill remember, that but euen now, he faidthe laft WtUim U Earle Ferrers father of this, was the firft Earle of Derfy and yet here a* gaine, he fayes King Iohn made this man firft Earle of the lame place < well* feeing I haue (hewed a Robert to be Earle before his firft William, yet I think itnot altogether impertinent, to (hew you his mif-vnderftandingof King Migrant, as here it foMowcsf Johannes dei gratia,&c. Sciatis nos reddh dtfe^ (to haue reftored, which (hewes there had beene a former Charter) di- lettonojlroWtUielmo de Ferrar. ComitideDereby , tertium denarium deom. nibtts placitis placitatisper vicecomitem de Hereby , tarn in Dereby quam ex* fr*, vnde ipfe Comes efl,ficut aliquis anteeejforum faorttm(yvHch infers, forac of his Anceftors had formerly enioyed the fame honours) melius habttit. Tenend. fibi htredibus fits, de nobis &haredibus noftris imperpetuum. Et inde ipfum tanquam C omit em propria manu gladio cinximus. Tefte apud Northampton.'] 0 . Iam\.regninoHri A°.primo. To proceede, me thinkes here Imifle this Earle Williams fonne, called R*- . P-r.A-.SA5W.,. ^Iph, who was a Clergie-man 5 and* presented by King Henry the ^thirdto the parfonage of Migheleskirk,m the eight yeare of his reigne. And Ag&m his daughter, Paramourto King Iohn , on whom hee begat lohanne a bafc daughter, maried to Llhewelin Prince of Wales, «> A 0 , 1 206. with whom her «■ LA.sarimgei.fiUi.i'. F at i lcr gaue in mariage the Caftle and Lordfhip of EHefmere, and after his death (he was remaried to Robert deAudley, and had Lands in c shepey , giuen <M«*. rar jj s Cemt is Verb.procreata fuerunt feptem filia qua ficcelferunt ei in haredt- tatefuajvide licet. Agnes primogenita qua nupfit willelmo de Vefcy, Ifebella fe- cunda filia, qua nupfit Reginaldo de Moun^ Matildis tertia filia qua nupfit willelmo de Kyme , poftmodum Willelmo de Fiuonijs^ alio nomine de Forth but , Sibtlla quarta filia qud nupfit Franconi de Bohun , hhmna Agmllon quinta filia qua poftmodum nupfit Iohanni filio Reginaldi de Moun , procre- atode prima vxore ipfitts Reginald^ Agatha fexta filia qua nupfit Hugomdc Mortuom&ri . Alianor a feptima filia qua nupfit Rogerode £>uencyComiti Wjnton. quaobijt fineharede defe^defcendebathareditasfuaAgnetidcVcfit quinque fororibus fuis prafcriptis\ foe. Heere I muft informe Matter Yorke , that this Earle had anotherdaughter by his fecond wife jguweyes heirc, not here once remcmbr<-d,calkd lohmne, married to Thomas Lord Berkley, who had by her Maurice Lord Berkley, and Sir Thomas Berkley of wymondham in the County of Leicesler, from whom Sir Henry Berkley of Wymondham Baronet, now liuing, a 0 - 1 6 2 1 is defen- ded, asappearcth vcryplainely bythebookeofS.^«/?i»«in Bnflort. Laftly, whereas this Earle William de Ftrrtrs, is faid to die 1 2 5 j. with a fall out of a Coach, therein is an errour , if you will beleeue * Writers of better credit ; for the Priory book of Burton hath thus. Anno MCCLUIl.Gui- liehnus de perrarsComes Derkapud Euenton iuxta Leicsfter obyt,& frpultus efi M4th.P4r».p.W t *>"> A f»A MnrmaU. But Paris that then liued, and hath left vs the Memorial of thofe ERRERS &D E R B Y . thofe times, goes fo neerethe marke , that hee hits the very day of his death, defcribing withall the manner of the mifchance>thus: 4n.Dom.MCCL 1 1 j /. qui eft annus 1$.H.$.1X. KaL Apr'dis obijt Comes de Ferrarijs, wiWielmns ft Urn Willielmi , vir difcretm & legnm terra peri t us. Hie dum pedum ir/firmitate diuturna, qua podogra dicitur, a primis annis, ficut ei us pater velut bar edit arte labor aret^ in leCitca -Ahnus)rbedarumquai Coches dicimus, vfum i n i ,n *-f a £ S">' Angliam induxit. Henry Fit^-Alan the Jaft Earlc of AntndeU of that name, firft brought them into England. O obert de Ferrars ( fonne and heireof ml- J -^-//4zwEarle Ferrars and Derby ) was alio Earle Ferrarsmd Derby , and combined with Simon Mountfort Earle of Leicefter y md Gilbert de Clare Earle of Glo cefter and others , to raile warre againft King Henry the third,becaufe he refufed to ftand to the Statutes made by a Par- liament at Ox ford fox the banifhment of Stran- geKj&c. In which ciuill d ifcord, this Robert in . the fiftieth yeere of the faid Kings reigne , was taken prifonerat the battellof Chefterfield, and impriloned in the Caftle o[Cbipenbam , neerc to Wwdefor ; where hee , for the obtaining of his liberty, became bound (before John C 'hi- (huHLotd Chancellourof England) and did af- iureouc rail his Lands in England (excepting Chartley, and the Townc of * Bolbrooke) to diuers Noblemen his fureties, for ^ ,0 "^ e HMtt * ia the payment of fifty thoufand pound in oneday, and at one entire paimenc s to Lord £ ctrbtnt notandum. M///espa°c43$. Henry Stafford ( fon of Hum- fie) the fixt Earle of Stafford and Anne T^euill his Wife) married Margaret Countefse ofRichmond t mother to King Henry the feuenth. Yorkein Errant. They that are defirous to finde this Henry Stafford , and his marriage with Marga. ret Counteffe of Rich-mond^ mother to King Henry the j.mufigo into Purgatory for it i for inHeauen t nor on the Earth it is not to be found* Perba expurgatoria. Did you euer obfei ue a more confident correction I Often haue I read of a purgatory , but till now neuer found out any. Hce concludes, that this match is not to be found in Heauen, nor vpon the Earth 5 and I affirme it is to be found in the Act of Refumption in the Tower,aV.E. 4. the words of the Roiiarcthcfe: pjouibeb alfo,tbattbi£ tfctofmefumption, no? noon ott)er acte mabe o* to be mabe in tW Patent parliament , ertenbuot, no^betJ^eiutictalito^enr^^taffo^^ntg^t, anb Margaret tytftxnfe, Counteffe of micljmonb, ojtoanpof tijem, ag to anp %ttux$ ^attentg mabe to ttje faib Counteffe of afftg* nacton, o % grant of Botoer,of tl) enbofcment>oj poffeffton of€H= monb late Crle of UUcbmonb ? late tyt W banb ; ifreitber to an? ianb&tenement&ojottyer poffeffion&tbetotyclj t»ere DefcenbeH tobtr, o?ougl)tto ^aue befcenbeb of rigbt, after tljebeiti) of 3JotyUate3BUC Of ^Otiierfetber fabtr. Many other good 'authorities might be produced to proue this marriage, both out of Record, and b other things : but I hope I hauefetdowneoawg^ toferuea reafonable Reader : Ycr. one word more before I leaue her . for here he fayes flic died in the first yeere of King Henry the 7. which is not fo : let him therefore looke in Henry the fc- < tib.mommtntortmfepuu uenths Chappcllat Wefimmjler^ and in the « printed book of the monuments chm. p.2C. at wc fi m j n ji ert anc j ne fl^ail fi n de ( moritur Anno Domini M D IX. tertio Ca- lend. lulij) that fliee di e d in the firft yeere of Henry the eight, which indcede he honcftly confelTeth inhis title of Britaineand Richmond, pag.3 1 . line 24. therefore I will haft t 0 the next. *pjf,4.£ 4-.pt. 2 m.24. Pat.i2.E.4pt.i m.id. Pat.22 E.4pt. 2,m.jo. Holltnjbead.p.678 p. 123 j b Her funerall Sermon. Thomas Ferrers & Derby. T Homos Lord Stanley, Strangeatid of Man^ grand-childetoT/^w^/ aforefaid, by his fonne George^ was the fecond of Derby of that Family, and married Anne, daughter of Ed* ward Lord Hajlings, and filter of G^r^Earlc of Huntingdon (who was after maried to Ithn Radclife, Lord Fit water. ) This Thtmat hadiflue, three fonnes and one daughter, viz. JohnLord Strange, that dyed before his Fa- ther ; Edward that was after Earle of Derby, and Henry that dyed young of the fweat. Mar- } garetxhz daughter, maried Robert Radclife Earle of Suffex. This Thomas dyed the twen- ty three cf May ,in the thirteenth yeare of King Henry the eight, 1 521. and was buried at Si'on. ~ 0 ivn, Etportoit, Icsarmoiriestfefonpere. d'argentabande d'azttr, chargee detrois teftes du tetf d'or. p Dward Lord Stanley of Latham* Strange of Knocking, and of Man, Sonne of Thomas a forefaid, was the third Earle of Derby of that Family, who had three Wiues : the firftwas Dorothea, daughter of Thomas How- ard, the tecondDuke o{Norfolke, by whom hehadhTue, three fonnes and foure daughters ; Henry, who after his Father 5 wasthe fourth Earle of Derby z Sir Edward Stanley of Einjham in Ox" fordJhireVmQht-mdS'u*ThomasStan-z r rL c , ley knight, who married Margaret, der chen SnEdwtnl. daughter and one of the heyrcs of George Vernon of Derby jhire, knight . Anne the eldeft daughter , was firft married to Charles Lord Sturton, and after to Sir John Arundellof Cornwall, knight ; Elizabeth was wife to /frjpy P^rW Lord Morley ; /4/*ut twelue of theclocke • but was not buried at Burfcogh but at Ormeskirke, two miles from Lathum, onThurfday the fourth of December, 1572- in the fifteenth yeare of Queene Elizabeth* LJEnry Lord Stanley of Lathum, * * Strange of Knocking, and of Man, fonne and heyre of Edward , was the fourth Earle of Derby of that fur-name and Knight of the Garter. He mari- ed Margaret i daughterof Henry clif. ford Earle of Cumberland, and £/m. tfor his wife, daughter and one of the co-heiresof Charles Brandon Duke of Sufolke, by ^ry Queene of Frww, his wife ; and Had ifTue, Edward that dyedyong, Ferdwando and J^/'^w, bothEarles of Derby oneafcer the 0- ther. He dyed in the yeare, 1593. Et portoi^d'argent a la bande d'azur char** de troi* teftes de ccrf d'or. Ferdmndf errers & Derby. 'CEdmando Lord Stanley, Strange, and of the IJleofMan, Sonne and heire of Henry Earle of Derby, was after his Father, the fife Earle of Derby, Lord Strange, and of the IJle of Man^ and maried ^/w, daughter of Sir lobn Spen- cer of Nmhamptonjhirejkmgto} after maried to Sir Thomas Egerton i Lord Ellefmere Vif- count Brackley and Lord high Chancellour of England,m honourable Lady ftill liuing .• and had iffue, three daughters his heires generall, Anne maried to Grey BrugesLotd Chandosof Sudiey Caftle in Gloucefterjhire. Frances the fecond daughter was maried to Sir Iohn E- gerton Knight, and after Earle of Bridgwater, fecond fonne and hrire made of Sir Thomas Egerton aforefaid • and Elizabeth the third lughtcrwas maried to Henry LovdHafingsJidik of Huntingdon. He dyed i the yeare of our Lord, 1 594. Et portoitj d'es armes de Ton pere. \J\Tllliam Lord Stanley Strange, * * and of the IJle of Man , fe- cond fonne of HenryEatkof Derby, and Brother and heire Made of F er- dinando,is nowEarle of Derby, 1621 He was made K; ight of the Noble Order of the Garter by Queene E- U^abeth , in the yeare of our Lord 3 1 601* He maried Elizabeth, eldeft daughter of Edward Fere, late Earle of Oxford, by Anne Cecill his wife, daughter of William Lord Burghley, and Lord high Treafurer of Eng- land. They were maried at Green* rvich the 2 6. of January, A°. 15:54. by whom he had hTue Lady Eliza- beth Stanley, borne at Ru/feH-houfe^ A°.i 5 9 6. who died yong.1597.La- dy Anne Stanley, borne at Hackney maried to Sir Henry Portman of Or- tardjn the Countie of Somerfet Baronet: Lady Elizabeth Stanley, borne at Hackney, and dyed at eight yeares of age. A fonne borne at Kenfmgton. lames Lord Strange, borne at Cnowesbey in Lancajhire : Robert Stanley borne it the fame place. And Lady K&tbenne Stanley ^ borne at Rutland.houfe^ and lyeth buried in the Abbey of wejlmmfter. Et portoit, les armes de fonpere; A CATALOGVE OF THE Dukes and Earles of Qlocefter and Hartford, J their Ames, JViues, and Qhildren, WITH CORRECTIONS. \Okrty fur-named the Confuli of Gk- [cefier, bafe fonne of King tjenry the jfirft, f begotten of2\£/?,the daughterof Rhice vp Tender 3 Prince of SouthW« a who was after maried to Girdd deWyndefire, Con- (table of Penbroke- Caftle,and aunceltour of the Earles of Kildare in \ Ireland) in the elcauenth yeare of his Father Rcigne.was created Earle of GloceJlerHc alTifted and tooke part with MauU theEmpreflc.hishalfefifter, againft King Ste. phen the Vfurper j which Stephen being taken prifoncr,andimprifoned in the Caftle of Bri- 'pU: This Robert, very (hortly after, was like- wife taken by King Stephens forces : whereupon it was concluded, that a King for an Earle, and an Earle for a King, faould make an exchange, andeitherfettheotheratliberty. He maried MAeU, daughter and oneof the foure heyres of Robert Fit^Hamon, Lord of Corboil in Normandy,. Car- diffe in wales, and Tewksbury in England,and had ifTue,^/ to Earle of Gl«. eefler, Roger Bifoop of wynchejier; RicbardBlfaop otBayon in Aormandy, and Hamon flaine at Tholouze, with William King Stephens fonne, I 1 60. He Mad alfotwodaughters,onenamed^^,martedto Aubre ^^thelecond was Matilda, maried to Randolphe Gernonijs, Earle of Chefter This Robert buildedthe Caftlesof BriJlollm&Caer diffe in Wales, and the Monaftery 01 $.JamesbyBri(loll, and dyed in the 12. yeare of ^Stephen, andwasou- — — — —j -j — j — j ried in the faid Monaftery, 1 146. Et portoit, d« gueulles au trois R«ft« d« Araer d'or/ Wittim Glovcester&Hartford. zij \JSJ l11 ^^ fonne and heire of Robert Con- v full, was after his Father,Earle of Glocc+ per „and Lord of Glamorgan , in right of his grand-father Robert Fitz-Hamon, who wonne the faid Lordfhip from In (line ap Gurgan, Lord of Glamorgan, in King William Rufm time j and madehis abode in the faid Caftlc of Caerdife, where the faid Robert kept his Courts Moneth- ly, and vfed therein I ura Regalia, hauing his twelue Knights to attend him the firft day, they hauing feuerall Lodgings giuen to them, and their heires for euer within the faid Oftle. He rnaried Hawis, daughter of Robert Bojju Earle of Leicester, and had iffue, Robert that dyed before his Father, n 66. and three daughters; Mabell the eldeft, was rnaried vnto Almencke Mount- Gr/, Earle of Eureux in Normandy ; Amicia was rnaried to Richard, Earle rfClare and Hartford; and Ifabell the third daughter of this William, was lrft rnaried to K.ng Iohn> and from him was diuorced for neerenefTe of kin ; md after me was rnaried to Geffrey MandemllExlc oiE([ex h and for her third' lusband, me tooke * Hugh deBurgo, Earle of Kent, and Lord Chiefe-Iuftice a Hubert - )f England. This William built the Abbey of Keinfham, and dyed in the Karcof our Lord, iiSj.and was buried in the faid Monaftery. M.Glouer Vomer fet Herald, hath, that King Henry the fecond, after the death of this Wtihm without iffue Male, gauc the Title and Earlcdome o/Glocefter, to sMbis fonne, who rnaried Ifabell, the third daughter oft he faid William 5 mdgaue to Mabell theeldefl daughter, rnaried to Almericke Mountforr, one mndred pounds ^and to Amicia the fecond daughter jvife to the Earle of "Clare, mother hundredpounds St portoic, les Armes de Con pere* CORRECTIONS. Tistrne,thatthis^/7//^,EarIeof Glocefler (called fometimes Earle of Briflow) gauc with Ifabell his daughter, wife to lohn t fonne of King Henry he fecond, the Earledome of Glocefler \ if wee may giue credit to thefe Pords : h Anno gratia, i iy6twiHiclmus Comes GlouccftrUfliu* Roberti Co- Hotteden. foi. 3 ic. *. vtti^ratrislmperatricts, dedit Iohannifilio Regis Angtiajitiam faaminvx-MtZr**.,.,*^.**. rem cum ComitatuGlouceftri£,fipradic~lam mulierem licentia domini Papa ofsit fibiinmatrimonio copulare. Et pro hac c once 'pi one, dominus RexKAn- ItadeditprtmogenitisfiliabuseiufdemComitiSj ducentas libratas reddituum nAnglia, vizt. Vxori AumariCo.Ebroicarum Centum libratas t ejr vxori Ri- bardiComitis declare centum libratas. Andyet you fee how forward M. '^istoleauethingsasdoubtfull; and as I concciue, making fome que- hon, whether Matter Glouers words be true or not. This I muft necdes Ee fay 2l8 Glovcester & Hartford. G loner 4ftd Milles.p.36 ot f3ymore, that what hee hath fathered vponM.G/^r, is quite contrary to what (truely) his words are, for thus he writes : William Earle of oUudioce- fier or Glocefler — ■ when he had no forms {for Robert being his oncly f mne was 'untimely taken away by death in they ear e 1 166. in memory of whom hefo-inded *rpoJtj>. Neuftu. p*g-4s''the Monafery of ICeinJham) h hardly enduring inheritance diuided betweene n°.»«. daughters, and already deceafed. lohn called{{o\ti\ without Lmd) fonne to King Henry the Jecond, he conflitutedtobehis heire,andgaue vntohim inma- riage,Ifdbellhisyongcjl daughter, with the Honour andEarledome of Glocefler ; if by licence from the Sea of Rome it be gt anted. And for this concejjion King Henry, the father of lohn,gaue to the firfl bqrne daughters of Earle William re. turned into England^ two hundred pounds. That is to fay, to the wife of Alme- ricor Almerie Earle of Ebrdis or Eureux in Normandy, one hundred po unds, c^mde»inDolu^f. 3 si.e. and to the wife of Richard Earle ef Clarence, one hundred founds. But when b M.Par».p.i4i>n°-i°-v t\\\slohn had obtained the Crowne, he was diuorced vpon pretences as well uli.Wefim.p.2j 7 .^ijo'. that (he was barrcn,as that they were within degrees or confanguinity:and a • Pat.if.ioh.^t. 1 .nxmb.4. w hile after (referring to himlelfe the Caftle of Brijlow) he c paffed her ouei with the Honour of GloceflerjoWi/liam'MandeuillEadcof: Ejfex for 20000. Markcs; who thus ouer-maryinghimfelfe, was greatly impouerifhed, and fhortly after dyed ? and then (he tooke to her third husband, Hubert deBurgo i the Iuftice Earle of Kent. i I would faine Cee ptooFe of this Creation. 1 1 87. See my notes nexc afore. ! Dorfet. I Martm.sr. ohn(S\xt-mmtdWithout Land) the fourth fon ofKingH#z>7thefccond, in right, or byrea. fon of his wife Jfabell, third daughter and co- heyreof William Earle of Glocefler, was d made Eai le of Glocefier by the faid King his Father, in hcyeare,n87. Afterwards, King Richard the 1 r ft 3 his brother 5 in his loue and bou nty gaue him rheEarledomes of Cornewall, e Deuon, Notting- ham, and Lancafter: after whofe df ath,hccamc ro be King,by the name of King lohn. And be auxk Jfabell his wife was counted barren, adiJ uorcewas procured by the Pope, and he marii ed againe to //^//,daughter of the Earle of 'An\ golefme, by whom he had iftue, King Henry the third. Et portoitjes armes d'engleterre au bafton d'azar brouchant fur le tout, CORRECTIONS. JJTEre will I tafcethe benefit of your owne words, inthe life of Henry the fecond, where moft truely you fay, King hhn was fixt fonne of Henry thefecond, and now hauing forgotten the truth you fay he was,(contrary to all other f writers; fourth fonne, not remembring wiltim, Henry, Richard, s#7,andPM^tobe elder then hirafelfe. Almerich in the fecond ycarc of King l Mn . He mjirted Millefient, daughter of Hugh Gurney and oWtan his wife, fitter to sL gwald Earle of BuUen, and had with her in ma- nage, the Mannor of Hanpn 3 but by her had Ino iifue. She was after mariedto William Can- telme, and had ifTucv ThomJ Biftiop of Here- fird y and iulian maried Robert Tregez Lord of Emu, Herald. This Almtruk dyed 3 and was buried m the Monaftery of Kenffham, Et portoit, de gueulles party 8c endente d'argent de fix pieces: Zip ClEffiey de Mandeuile, Earle of fonne ^of Geffrey Fttz>-Piers of Luctgarjhall, ma- ried ^^//, the third daughter and co-He y re of William Earle of Glocefter, (the repudiate wife of King hhn) and was after the death of Al- merick MeuntfortmthoViuttu^ nude Earle of Gloccfier^ and by that name and title was a WitneiTe to King lebns Charter of Lands and liberties, thathegaue to the Church of Vyr* ham. This Geffrey dyed without iflue, in the yeare, 1216. thelaft yeare of King lobn^ of a woundgiuenhim at a Tournament held at London, leauing William MmdeuiU his bro- ther to fucceede him in the Earledome of Ef fix , and Gilbert de Glare in the Earledome of Glacejler. Et portoit, efcarrelle d'or 8c de gueulles a le efcarboucle pomette & fleuretre de fable brochant Cut leteMN 0 Ec 2 GilUn zzo Glovcester&Hartford. liber t de Clare ( forme and heyre of Richard [ Earle of Clare and Hartford , by Amicia fccond daughter and co-heyreof WtUtam Earle of GloceJler)vjas after the death of Geffrey Man* detti/l) made Earle of Glocejler ; and in the ninth yeare of King Henry the third, hee was a Wit- neltc to the faid Kings Charter, of Lands that he gaue to the Abbey of Peterborough , by the n ame of Gilbert de Clare, E?. rle of Gloc efter and Hertford. He maricd /fabell, the third daugh- ter of William Marjhall the elder, and fifter and co-heire of Anfclme Marjhall Earle of Pen- broke, and Marfhall of England, by whom hehadiflue, RicbardEzxk of Clare, Glocejler, and Hertford : Gilbert and William twins \ and three daughters, Jfabell the eldcft, was wife to Robert Brno! Annanderdale in Scotland: Ame }^f^^ f was maricd to Baldwin R^ers Earle of Deuon and Lord of the Jjlt tf Wight-, ^third daughter dyedyoung. Hedyed at Penros myawe and wasburiedinthePrioryof Tewkesbury, the foureteenth of King***? thethird: his widdow was after raaried to Richard Earle of Cornwall* and Kingof Romans. Et portoi^d'or a trois Cheurons de gueules. CORRECTIONS. \J\Y firft cxception.isat hisouerture of this ^f^^^™? M t othc Charter ofW^rW^ 5 with his double title ^of EarleofGW ^habere,dileao&JidelinoJlroa CommGlouc. ^J^^^L mitatuGloue.nomweComitisGlouc.f^ dated at Weftm. thethird of Aprill,inthefecondyee^ adding ^ox^Eodemmodofcribttur ^^^tffiiS ceptioWhathefayesGV^^ - twinnes • when the booke of Theokesbury^m tells me, A°. 12 27- ? leb "'' d * I.U>. Theokesbat. MS. tn «»- lV ; inn " > . *T ^ £/• . U/iUitlmUS I < . It*/. ,WhO Was A^Ajt-jw^ Clare ComittGlouc. nafcitur film nomneWiUteimw.\^^ ^- , Jl, k v Sir (as the booke of Tewkesbury likewife relates ) poifon ^* ^^g^^ buried at D^AbSey : markcnowthetimcof^ ?erts buth,yhomte deliueisas elder of thetwo. A'. » W^f^^^^t _ iudgedby the famebooke, whether ^or was dj^^ 11. She wasfoundrcUeot » Glovcester&Hartford. c c 111 jsfouembr.nafcitur filial r fibella nomine : which ifabell in Maij a°. 1240. was married to Robert de Br us ; but Amicia her elder fiftcr was married a°. 1 2 26. Baldwin 0 de Rtparijs Comiti de wicht, the very yeere that the other was borne. One word more to prooue the Earle of Deuonpires wife, to be eldeft, and fo « f ina.it. H. 3. an end,* Filiaprimogenita Gilbertide Clare Cornitis Clouc. and three daughters ; Gilbert the eldeft Tonne , was after his Father Earle of Glocefier Thomas the fecond fonne, was Steward of thc-Forrcfts in Ejfex , ( who maried Julian, daughter of Maurice Fits- Mau- rice of Ireland, and had iffue, Gilbert, Richard, and 7 homas)Beuisthc third fon,was a Church- man in Torke Mynfter j Margaret the eldeft daughter, man kdEdmond Earle of Cornwall, fonne of Richard Eark otCornwall, and King of Romanes • Rofe the fecond daughter of Ruhard declare Earle of GloceHer , married Roger Lord Mow^ brayo{4xholme ; and ^^//thethirddaughter/yvasaNunneat^r^in Ejfex, Grafton Fabian faith, that this Richard died in the yeere f 1260. and that Gilbert his fonne f tcceeded him, to whom the Father gaue great charge, to maintaine the Statutes made at Oxford , But M. Milles hath in M, Somerfets BobkeofEarlesj.tfQ. that (the Annals ofs. Auguftincs in Canterbury hath) bee died in the jeer e , 1 16 2 . at Emeresfield in Kent, at the Lord lohn Crioils boufe i and that his bowels were buried at Canterbury, mChrift-Church h his heart at Tunbridge ; and his body at Tewkesbury. Diuers other good authors affirme , that this Richard Earle of Glocefter dyed in France. CORRECTIO NS. /^Onccrningthis Richard declare (who was borne * 1 1 .nones of Auguft, 3L a ti rheo&for. ms , V-*a*. 1 222. and whom King Henry the third on frhitfonday, a°. 1245. in the nine and twentieth yeere of his reigne, balteomilitaridecorauit apud Lon- m. patu.p. 639. don) , much might be faid, but heere I will onely touch vpon his uTue and end 9 His ifluc thus ; Gilbert his eldeft fonne (who fucceeded his father in the Earle- dome ) was born in crafiino Sancli Egidij apud ChriUi Ecclefiam in Dorjet, a*. 1 245 • rh °""f the fecond fonne, Steward of the Forrcfts in Effex,vtas born ^' Tht < eflftt ' m - i°. 1245, Beues another fonne , Treafurer of Torke Minfter , was borne 12. Kal. Aug.a 0 . 1248. another fayes, a°. 1247. His daughters as I finde were fourci the eldeft was the fame that heere is made the yongeft, ifabeU{hee was borne j> lz Glovcester oc Hartford. bomc in May, a°. 1 240. and after married as heerc folio wes: An. 1258. Ifi* T toksl ' M 4 beUa filia Rtcardt de Clare Co: Glouc. primogenita nupfit * ~— domtno March* de Ponteferato menjelunij apud Lcouns. Which words clcarcly fhews her to be primogenita, the eldeft daughter 5 if fhee was a Nunne at Berking , there I leaue her. Whether Rofe or Margaret was elder , I finde not, but Margaret L b.rt0okti.Ms. was bornea*. 1249. the other daughter, to make vp my number of fourc, was Eglentma{ for fo I read it )filia Eschar di de ClareComitis Glouc. nata.&. 1257 & decima qutnta tbdomada mortua fepidta apud Theokesbur. Now to fpeak of this Richard Earle of Glocejlers end : except you thought you had to doc with ignorant perfons, or elfe cfteemed too much of great-little rcading,you would neuer cumber your Reader with fuch childifh trifles, as to tell vs that Grafton and fabulous Fabian, and diuers other-good Authors afftrme that thi$ Earle Richard died at another time, andplace,then is deliuered by that wclft deferuing Gentleman Matter Jtf///« in that famous Somerfetts^ookc ; the very words that Somerfet Glouer followed , are thele that follow. a° . 1 2 62. AnnMeiEcekfit sSOi Aug*- *— Id. Iuli\ obi'yt Richardus Comes HertefordU & Gkuernia in Kancia apud fLf- ^can*#m 0sC,Htt,aU ' meresfieldin tnanerio Domini Iohannis de Crioil , c uius corpus delatum fuit die turn fequenti apud Cantuar.ad EcclefiamChrifti^bi Domino C ant. Archiepf. copoprodejunbtomiffamcelebrantefepeliebat tntcflinafra ibidem coram alt art beati Edwardi Regis, & Jlatim delatum eft corpus apud T unebregadEccleJiam canonicorum^ ■ a,,j „ J Monmouth, in the 24. yeere of King Edward the firft , and was buried in V^Sr £7™s Tewkesbury Priory, by his Father, 1 29 5. ub.Theo^bur. Etportoit, d'or, a trois ckeurons de gueulles. - . CORRECTIONS. pirft, Elizabeth that was third daughter to this Earle Gilbert, is heere faid to ' ? e ,J fc cond - Secondly , the third daughters name is deliuered to bee (well, and to haue no iflue by Piers Gauefton, which is moft vntruc, for her lame was Margaret ((he being the fecond daughter; and had ilTue by Gane- Seemoreia Cornwall, wone daughter called loam. To proue what I fay againftyou in this place, nd in your title of Clare and Clarence, harken to the Record fluratores di- EJc*et,.*:*M.2.&.f*. m quod AUanora vxor Domini Hugonis le Dejpencer imioris.Margareta vxor ^X/f* W W uondam Petri de Gauefton 0 & Elizabeth vxor quondam lohannis deBourgh mt haredespropinquiores Gilberti de Clare quondam Com. Gloucefler, &c, « *4sk H mt his words that Piers Gauefton had no ijfuc, by his wife Margaret ( Ifa- '11 he vntruly calls her) feeing that I haue already made it appeare in the title of Glovcester&Hartford. » Pat.* 0 -/ Pat.a.°.Jo. Ciaupe.E. Fat./i.E.z E.i.ft.x.m . E.i.pt.i.m z. m. f.dorft .ptj.m.if.] of Cornwall,, that hee had a daughter named loane, and (hew you there vnto whom flie was married ; I mall not need further to infift vpon that, but refer tJ> . you to further fatisfa&ion out of thefe a Marginalls, the Originals remaining in the Tower, R; Alphe de Mount e-hermer\ (feruant to GiU -bertde Clare and loane of Acres') after the death of Earle Gilbert , married the faid loam his MiftrefTe, in the yeare i2p<5. Which marri- age being done without the knowledge & con* fentofKing£^ff4^her Father, this Ralphe was committed to prifbn, in the Caftlc of Briftoll^ and all thofe Lands and Caftksashcehad for- merly made ouer to the faid loane and her for- mer husband Gilbert, heecaufedtobefcized a- gaineinto his hands. But fhortly after , by the j interceffion of Anthony Bee, Bifhop of Durefme, \9^%^7l^^^ > ^ J a peace was made betweene the King and his v (k^J^u y daughter, and hernew husband ; andtheyecre following, 1297. at a Parliament held at Lon* don , her former lands were reftored to her a* gaine, with others : and in the 27. yeerc of the (aid Kings Reigne , the fame Ralphe was fummoned to Parliament by the name and title of Earle of Glo- cefter and Hertford, and by that name and title of Honour, he fate in all Par- liaments after, votillthe firftyeereofKing£^Wthefecond,i307. In which yeare s young Gilbert de cUre being of age, wasadmitted to his lands and honours, and fate in Parliament al wayes after, as Earle of Glocejler and Hertford 1 during his life. And the (aid Ralphe Mount-hermer(hls Father in law) was euer after fummoned, and fate in all Parliaments, as Lord Mount- hermer. This Ralphe had ifTuc by his Cotmteflc loane t two fbnnes , Ed- ward Mounuhermer that dyed without ifTuc, and was buried in xhzAu- gufine Fryars at Clare: and Sir Thomas Mount' hermer Knight, who ma- ricdandhad iffue, Margaret, maried to John Mount acute, and hadhTuc, / ohn Mount acute Earle of Salisbury, He dyed in the feuenteenth yeare of . King Edward the fecond, 1323. and loane his CountefTe, dyed in the ycarc, 1 30 j. at her Mannor of Clare. Et portoit,o*or,a Taigle de vert,membres,& becquez de gueull«s. CORRECTION S. JF you beleeue that the fcuen and twentieth yeare ofEdwardthe firft, was the firft time, that Rajfe de Monte- hermerij had the title of Gloucejler giuen him ; then I wonder why in the yeare before that, the King intending fome d^iemetdf 'c^Z^' cx P cdition n g ainft ^/W,fenta*Writ dated at Stainwagg the 2 fonne whichdyed in his infancy. h T %$g? buried " This Gilbert being with King Edward the le- cond in Scot land, to raize the fiege of Sterling- Cattle, was there flaine in the yeare, 131 3. when the Scots would gladly haue faucd him forranfome, had theyknowne him* but hee had neglected to put on his Coate of Armes o- uer his Armour. With him were flaine (as Thomas walfingham hath) Sir Edmond Mauley s Sir Robert Clifford, Sir Paine Tiptoft, Sir William Uarfhall, and Sir Gyles Argentyne y Knights, with many others. King Ro- vrtBrfts caukd the bodies of this Gilbert Earleof Glocefter, and Sir Robert Clifford, to befent to King Edward, being then at Barwic k,to be buried at his >leafure, demanding no reward for the fame. This Gilbert was borne at Vewkesbury, lathe yeare 1 29 1. and was there buried by his Father, leauing lis inheritance to be diuided betweenc his three fitters his heires, who were naricd as before is exprefTed. The partition of thefe lands^ was made in the Jeuenth yeare of the reigne of King Edward the fecond. Et portoir 3 Ies armoiries de fon perc. HVgh de Audley ( fecond fonne of Nicholas Lord Audley , and grand-childe of lames Lord Audley of Heleigh, arid of Ela his wife, daughter oiwilliamLongefpee 5 fbnne and heire of William Longefpee Earle of Salisbury) after the death of the laft Gilbert declare Earle of Gloce- fter, at a Parliamenr held at Weftminfter,the ek- uenth yeare of King Edward the third. This Hugh Audley, was made E^rle of Glocefterjien- ryo£L . , . 771 *\i6.E.3.n\}6. Gloaceftr, priw nupta Petre de Gauefion quondam Comiu Cor nubia, obijt die Martis in craslino clauf. pafcha vltimo praterito, ejr Iuratores dicunt quod Margareta vxor Radulphi de Stafford, ejl filta ejr hares eorumdem Hugonis Margaret*, dratatis 1 8. annorum ejr amp/tat. The other is to the fame c » .E.3- n M?- end and purpofe ; andthusit fayes : * Hugo de Audele Co. Glouc. obijt 10. die Nouemb. A°. H.E.1.& Margareta (not Ifabella) vxor Radulphi Baronis de Stafford^ efijilia ejr hares dicli Hugonis ejr Margareta quondam vxoru Jua^ejratatis. 26. annorumrjr amp Um. Your owne words, Page2ip. line 9. (hall likewife plead for me, that Hugh de Audleys daughter and heyre,was Margaret, and not Ifabell. 'T 1 Homos of woodftocke, fixtfonne A of King Edward the third, in the fiftieth yeare of his Fathers! Reigne, fate in Parliament held at Wefiminfier , by the Title onely of Conftable of England; which Of- fice he did execute, in right of Elm- nor his wife, eldeft daughter and one of the two heyres of Humfrey dcBo- hun, Earle of Hereford, Efex, and Northampton, and Conftable of England ; and in the firft yeare of King Richard the fecond, hee was made Earle of Buckingham and Northampton : and in the ninth yeare of thefaid Kings Reigne, hee was Glovcester&Hartford. 2x7 was created Duke of Glocefler ; and after, in the ycare 1 397. he wasraken by force from his Caftle of plefy in Efex, by TjfowMj Mowbray, firft Earle Marfchalt, andconuayed to C*//# , and there ftrangled to death with Tow- els: after whole death, Elianor his wife became a Nunnein the Abbey of Barking in Effex. This Thomas, by E&wr his wife had one onely fonne named Humfrey, Earle of Buckingham, andfoure daughters : the fonne /af- ter his Fathers death; with Lord Henry, fonnc to the Duke ot Hereford was by King Richard the fecond baniftiedinto/^/W, where hee remained as prifoner in the Caftle of TrymejinuM the firft yeare of King Henry the- fourth- and then being fent for into England, dyed of the plague at C heller, in his returnc homeward, without llTue, in the yeare t\$$. Anne, the eldeft fitter and co-hey re of this Humfrey, was maried fi: ft to EdmondEnlc Staf- ford , and after to William Bourchier Earle of Erve in Normandy : loam the fecond lifter, was maried to Gilbert .Lord Talbot : //^#wasaNunne in the Minories by London 5 and Philip the fourth fifter dyed yone with- out ifliie. Page 9 6, Et portoit, efcartelle France feme & D'engleterre, a U bordure dc argent. CORRECTION S. TWo things in this place I efpecially queft ion : A Creation,md the man- A iter of this Dukes death : the Creation is, Earle of Northampton, which :itlc I will not labour to depriue him of, for I confeffe he had it, but not gi- Jen him (as this Author here fayesj in the firft yeare of Richard the fecond, when he was made Earle of Buckingham. Since therefore he is in the affir- matiueto make his owne words good,I leaue them to him, and you to iudge 5f both.Now for his death 4 it is a thing fo plainly laid do wne by me in Buck- mgham,m my anfwer to pa. 1 8/ flic wing he vtzsffhmheredvnder a Feather- zW.A 0 . 1; h. 4, nMi.i*. kd,2i\d noi "ft -angled with Towels) that I could with you would turne backe &c * to the Title of Buckingham fox there you ftiallhauc the paffageofitatfull. Here I muft not but commend Matter Twite before I leaue this point, in dealing very truly with you Reader -for Pag. 1 5 .and 1 8. he takes notice one- ly of one daughter that this Thomas of Woodflocke had, now indeede (as they arc here named) he had no lefle then foure. ITHomas Lord Spencer, great grand-childe to Hugh Lord Spencer re yonger, and£//W- nor his wife, eldeft fifter and co-heyrc of Gil- bert de CWjthe Iaft Earle of oY^y^aforefaid, was created Earle of Glocefler, in the 21. yeare of King Richard the fecond , and in the firft yeare of King Henry the fourth, he was depofed by A&e of Parliament, from the title and dig- nity of Earle of Gloceiler, and was beheaded at Brifoll, 1400. Hee maried Constance, daughter oiEdmond of Langley Duke of Torke, and had f f 2 iffiic, 2Z8 Govcester ^Hertford. iiTue, Richard Lord Spencer^ that dyed without iiTue the Kings Ward ; and two daughters, Elizabeth that dyed yong at Caerdijfe in South-wa/w, and who was borne feucn months after her Fathers death ; and was twice markd,fa{ito RichardBeauchamp,EMkoffVorce/ler, and Lord of Aberga- uenny, by whom (he had iflue Elizabeth : her fecond husband was Richard BeauchampeEavkot ^^/^(coufin-germane to her other husband ) by whom (he had iffue, Henry Duke of w&rwicke. Page 97. Etportoit; dVgent,efi:artelIegueuIIesfretted'or,au ballon de fable,brochant fur le tout. XJLVmfrey Blantagenct^ fourth (on *• of King Henry the fourth, was at a Parliament held at wejltninfler the fecond of King Jfwy the fift, crea- ted firft Earle of Pembroke , and af- ter Duke of Glocefter ; and in the firft yeare of King Henry the fixt, he was by Parliament made Protcftor of England,during the Kings minority, (which was fiftecne yeeres ) and writ in his Sukjlumfrey Duke of Gloce- Jler, Earle of Renault, Holland, Zea- land^ and Pembroke, Lord of Frifia f great ChamWlaine of England,and Defender of the Realme of England. Hemarkd two wiues, the firft was laquet , daughter and fole heyrcof William Duke of Bauaria and Holland (the then wife oilohn Duke of Bra- bant) from whom he was diuorced, hauing no ilTue by her : his fecond wife was Elianor , daughter of Reginald Lord Cobham of Sterburgh in Surrey (who long before had beene his Para- more) by whom he had no lawfull ilTue. After, at a Parliament held at S. Edmondsbury in Suffolke, 144.6, he was arrefted of high Treafon, and with- in few day es after, he was found ftrangled to death, in the Abbey of Bury ,by the procurement of the MarcjuefTe of Suffolke. Hee buildcd the Diuinity Schoole in Oxford, and his Mannor houfe of Greenwich^nd embattellcd the lame. Hehadifliie, a bafe daughter named Antigone, wife to Henry Grey Earle of TankeruiU: his body was conuayed to the Abbey of S.Albonsjnd * That he did not beafe/ e - there buried. Page 27. mee, but onely three fleuret cftheG^teT- by vpon *h« Et P ortoit > F "ice * feme efcartellc D'engleterre a la bordure d'argent. Tombeat S. Alberts t and in Greenwich Church , where in one Window his Armei are foure tim e s ; and to (hew them vndoubtedly his, they Rich At d are impaled with his wife, the daughter of Cobham of * Sterburgh. Glovcester ^Hartford, D Ichard Plantagenet, fourth fonne •^of Richard Duke of Torke , and brother ro King Edward the fourth, was by his faid brother, in the firft ycare of his R eigne, created Duke of Gloccfler. To this Richard, was the gouernmcnt committed of King Ed- ward the fourths two fonnes, (King Edward the fifr, and Richard Duke of Torkc) whom he cauled moft vnna- turally to be murdered in the Tower of London : after whofe death, he v- furpcdtheCrovvne 3nd Kingdoms, in the ycare 1464. and was ftiled, King Richard the third. He maried u4w;^,daughterandco-heirc of Rich- ard Neuill, Earle of warmcke and Sa- lisbury, (widow of Edward Prince of wales, flaineat Tewkesbury) and was after flaine at Bojworth field , by King/fc^ thefeuenth, the twenty two of Augufr, 1485. lcauing noifliie tofucceede him. Page 98. Et portoit, France, efcartelle D engleterfe an lambell dc hermines, charge au trois cantons ck gueulle?. EVward Seymour ,Knightof the ho- nourabk Order of the Garter ,was created Vifcount Beauchampc, the 28. of King Hwry the eight 5 and in the yeare after, hee was created Earle of Hartford^vrhich Earledome, and the Title of Dignity, had flept from the death of Gilbert de Clare, Earle of 67*- cefterznd Hertford.) And in the firft yeare of King £*foWthefixt,hewas made Baron Seymour, and Duke of Sp- merfety as in the Title of Somer/et is more at large. Et portoit s gueulles a deux volz de L'aigle en L'eurre d*or. Edwrd Glovcester&Hartford. pj Eward Seymour, .third fbnnc of Edward Sey. ^mour^Dukc of Somerfet aforcfaid, by Anne Stanhope his fccond wife , was by fpcciali en- tailc inheritour by defcent from thefaid Duke,, afwell of moft of his Lands and hereditaments, asofallhis dignities and honourable titles of Duke of Somerfet, Earle of Hertford, Vifcount Beauchamp and Baron Seymour : All which Lands and titles of Honour, hee did , lawfully enioy after the death of the Duke his Father as not forfeited by his Attaindor , for an offence madefellonybya Statute fhortly after repea- led. Howbeit for a ftiort time, namely, vntill the end of the Seffion of Parliament holden in the fift and fixt yeares of King Edward 'the fixt. In which Seffion , begun the next day after the Duke his Father was beheaded, (this Earle Edwardbcing then but of the age ofthirteene yeares or thereabout^ therepafTeda priuate Acte by the pta- elife and procurement of his enemies; by which A£ie were giuen to the Crowne from the (aid yongEdward, afwell all the faid Dignities and titles of Honour j as diuers and fundry Lands fo defcended ofa great yearely va- lue, namely all fuch Lands as were purchafed in fee- fimple by the Duke his Father, fithence the fiue and twentieth day of May, in the two and thirtieth yeareof theraigneof King Henry the eight, which 25. day ofMay,wasthe firft day of the Seffion of Parliament holden in that y eare, in which Seffion therepafTeda priuate A&efor thefaid Duke, whereby the Lands fo byhim purchafed in feefimple were fpecially intailcdto this Earle Edward. Who being thus difinherited of thofe his Title of Honour and Lands, it pleafed the late Queene Elizabeth of famous memory, out of her gracious difpofiti- on towards his reftitution, in the firft yeare of her Maieftics reignein the Tower of London before her Coronation, to create him Earle of Hertford and Baron Seymour. He maricd three wiucs.the firft was Katherine daugh- ter of Henry Grey MarquefTe Dorfet, and Duke of Suffolke. The fccond was Frances, fitter to char/es HowardEatleof Nottingham, And the third, was Frances dm$\\.cx oil homos Vifcount Howard of Bindon, who is nowDu- chefTe of Lenox ^ wife to Lodowicke Steward Duke of Lenox. He h ad ifTue by the faid Lady Katherine Grey , Edward, and T homos : Edward Seymour Lord Beauchamp dyed before his Father ; who on Honora, daughter to Sir Richard Rogers of Brianjlon in the Counticof Dorfet Knight, begat Edward Seymour Lord Beauchamp deceafed, who maried Anne daughter of Robert Sackuile Earle of Dorfet : William Seymour now Earle of Hertford-. Sir Francis Sey- mour t who maried Frances daughter and heireof Sir Gilbert Primme, by whom he hath ifTue Charles jnd Honor a their fifterj maried to Sir Ferdin&n- do S mton, Knight of the Bath, eldeft fonne of Edward Sutton Lord Dudley. Thomas Seymour the other fonne, maried //^//daughter of Edward Onelj Glovcester & Hartford. iffue,A°.i^oi:This£^WdycdinthcyeareofourLord 1621. and was bulled at Salisbury. Etportoit,gueulles a deux ailes de I'aigfc in Teurre d", zn 1 Hdmpjhirejnd arc all ftill Iiuing, A°. 1 62 1 . \\Tlltiam .tyw^grandchilde to Edward Earle of Hertford aforefaid by his fonnc Edward , was made Knight of the Bath at the creation of Prince Charles i<5 i. y erne ^ n ^ named tff£.iz 1 .* 0 -*>°. 1 0 n 5 . to Rafe de G adder ^ *waher 3 (oras we commonly call him deWaet) a 2^2S3S?£S2SS2^L"S-r|S ^prxnn^auxl noc a AunM> by the mothers fide, buthimfclfe wasi> bornein I Norfolke^ Earle of the Eafi Angles (and often c ftiled Earle of Nor- V)r*r.*tt.?.M**-H5><' wkh) Lord of Gmder and Mont f ort m Britame , by whom fhee had if- 4c»Jer.yit+$wM9>*- im d de Gnawer y ox Waet (who by his Vnckle William de Bretoliooi 10rJeric.vit4lp.279A BreteuiU, was appointed hcire) * Alan : and hta oi Amicia , f affian- , . , L red to Richard, one of the naturall fonncs of Kinp ffm rf Septuagejim* X.Kal. Martij. Guillelmum Comitem, meaning William | Osberne Earle of Hereford,* ftte fuorum occidit. Now * Meyer us not on- iiandricerum,pag. 3S . ly agrees/^ Mu>»Richildu^Qrih£ { Annales of F landers dcYmtx it 5 further affuring mee, that P$>*7 *9j3*jt?.3i' fl ie was daughter and heire of Reginald Earle of Henaidt.widdow of Hermsn Pierre Biilthafdr tales Gene- . . . , .. . r> ir» LI dopes des Princes Ce»r« Earle of ^ after maned to Baldwin de ^wfdurnamed the Tuctaw y dt r/anders^e 8 . eighr £ar j e 0 f F landers> 3 and laftly to this Earle William of Hereford : which Ruhildis feeing Earle Amulfe her fonne, and this Fit& Osberne her husband flaine in the y eare 1 70 1 . (as I hauc faid but cuen now) and hauing but flen- ( dcr Hereford. 2 3? der hopes of thcrecouery offaFdhte, no^rcnt in pecces through ciuill " lYarres.bctookchcrfelfeto her beads?* Leodienft Ecclefa (asthefamc Au thor tcls i me) at Liege in iGermwy and at length left this troublcfome life, * ^ Wg . J5 . ^//^,A^MLXXXVI.c< was buried by her fecond husbands^- wine in the Monaltcry of Hannon, which they had built. O Oger de Bretemle, (fecond fonne of Willi- am Fttz Osbeme) w as after the death of his Father Eade or Hereford^ the y car,i 07 2 . He made and concluded the manage between Emma, his fifter, and Ralph ede Wayet-^ at which mariage,thegrcateft part of the Nobility were prefent, and there confpired together , to turne out wtlltam the Conqueroragaine ; wal- theof Earic of Huntington (Con of Sward 'Earle of 'Northumberland) being one of them, tooke fliipplngand went into Normandy , and there reuealed the whole matter to thefayde King • Willtam, committing himfelfc whollie to his mercy. Butthis fo^/xontinuinginhis inten- ded confpiracy, was taken prifoner by Vrfo de Abm$XK\\$z of Worcefterfl]ire,and others: md being brought to his triall by Pecres, was found guilty of high Trcafon, ind condemned to perpetuall imprifonment during his life • where he dyed vithout ilTue. And IValtheofEnvk of Huntington (novmthkanding his fub- niffion) was taken and carried to Winchcfter, and there beheaded, and his >odie buried in the fields without the City,but after remoued toCrowland. 5 agc 100. Et portoit, les armes de fon pcre: CORRECT/ ONS. [Will not ftand heerc to difpute his triall by P ceres, or of his guilt of High Trcafin, but leaue thefe few words to (hew that he dyed not without iffue. \s the a ftory tellcs me, when heehad confeffed hisdifloyalty to the Con- 1 order.-w./d^ 5$ ,d. |ueror, and adiudged fecundum leges Normamwrum^ by their Norman la wc s olofe his inheritance,and to end his dayes in prifon. b /^ etiam Regimultoti* o^.w/.s 36.A s detraxit,ejr contumacibos aclii implacabi liter Regem ojfcndit;Nam quondam kmplebs Dei Pafchalefeftum congrue celebraret,& Rexjlruclum prccioforum leflmm Roger io Comiti per idoneos Satellites in ergajlulo mitt ere t \ ille pyram ngentem,ante feiufit praparari^ ibidem Regalia omamcnta, ehlamydcm,fe* tcam/fa interulam & renonem deprecio/is pellibm peregrinorum murium fubi- 0 comburi. ^updaudtens Rex iratux dixit : Mult urn fuperbu-s efl,qui hoc mihi edecu^ fecit, fed per Jplendorem Dei de car cere meo in omni vita mea non exibit. tntentta Regis tarn fixa permanfii, quod nec etiam pofl mortem Regis ipfe nifi wrtttus dcvtnculisexijt. Rainaldus fo Rogeriwfilij eim opiirni tir ones Hen- ico Regi famulamur, ejr clementiam eius (qux tardifitma eis /7- liam and Roger de Breteuile Earle of Hereford,had the Burgh of Hereford t with the Cafile and the whole count ie of Hereford, granted vnto him by K. Stephen, *B*Xfgiii*sm4#0 Euiden- if we may belccuethc words of the Charter, as heere they folIow,*fot/fa- €Mrum Dmam nut Rex Anglorum, Arcbiepifcopti, &c.falutem. Sciatis me rcddidijje htredu tart} H EREFORD. Uric Roberto Comiti LegreceftrU fe bxredibus fuis , Mr gum Hereford, fe Ca- (ieltum, fetotumComitAtumde Hereford/eyre prater terramEpifcopitus, fe ternm Abbathude Riding, fe Altar urn Ecclefiarum fe Abbithiarum, fee. Quire volo quod prtfatus C omes, fe htredes fuipofl eum teneant bene & in pa- ce, fe liber €, fe quiet e, fe honorific} in bojco fe plam , fee. Cum alijs omnibus rebus felibertatibus qua ad omnia prtfata pertinent, cumquibus Guil. filius Osbern.vnquam melius vel liberties tenuit. T ?ftibus Roberto de Gam Cancella- rio,feWill.C.de Warren ,fe WilLc.de Lincoln, fewill.C. de Albemarle, fe C. Simone, feWill. MarteU, fe Turgifio de Abrincts, fewill.de Albeni Br it one. Apud Niuetonam. Which he held not long it fecmes. For Mauld 'the Em- prefle, who contended with King Stephen for the Crowne, ad uanced Milo, tonne of Walter Conftableof Glouceftervnto this Honour, and alfo "ranted moUmConflabtilariamcumfuA. i. The Conftab/efiipofberCourtfwhero *?7 upon, his pofterity were Conftables of England,whofe Charter of Creation ^ ».c. for the rarcneffe of it, it being one of the ancienteft Originals (I am pcrfwa- ded) that is now extant, and worth any mans reading, I hauc bene the more willingly drawne to print it, notfo much to fatisfiethedemers of it , as Jo prcrerueitfrom worme-cating-time, the greateft enemy to Antiquities : which I now hecre faithfully dcliuer vnto you,as I h3ue copied it by the ve- ry Originall vndcr Seale, lent vnto me by that Learned and my Honoured Friend Sir Robert Cotton Knight & Baronet, whofe able Directions hauc bin cuer free, and his Study alwayes vnlockt vnto me. A/t&tilda Imperatrix Henrici Regis filia, fe Angloru Domini, Archiepif. E- r'f' dbbatibus, Com. Baron. luflic .Vicecomprtpofitis mini/iris fe ant* n'tbus fidelibus fuis, Francis fe Angtis totius Anglu,falutem. Scut is me feci f fe Milonem deGloc. Comitem de Hereford fe dediffe ei mot am Here/, cum toto cajlello in foeudo fe h&reditatc fibi fe hdredibusfuis ad tenendum de me fehar. meis.Dedi etiam ei tertium denarium redditus burgi Hereford^quicquidvnqu& reddit fe tertium denarium placiterum totius Comitates Hereford. D edi etiam ei tria maneria in ipfo Comitatu de meo dominio^iz. Mavferdinam fe Lugge* wordinam fe Wiltonam cum omnibus appendices fuis. Dedi etiam eiHaias He. reford fe for eft am de Triuela cum hoc quod ad hoc pertinet. Dedi etiam ei fer- uicium Roberti deC ados fe tiugonis filij Willimi fe Richardi de Cormeili fe omnia feuda eorit vbicunq^ ea habeant. Et hac omnia fupradiCia dedi fe etiam cincefsi in foeudo feharedttate fibifeb&r. fuis ad tenendum de me feb&red. meis. Hanc autem aonationem feci ei apud Oxineford die Sanffi lac obi Apofto- li videlicet oft am die ante feftum Santti Petri ad-vincula pro feruicio fuo quod mihifecerat. Et it a quod tunc habebam in captione mea apud Brifloll Regem Ste- phan.qui Dei miferecsrdiafe auxilto Roberti Comit is Gloc.fratrismei,feau- xilio ipfius Milonis fe aliorum Baronum meorum c apt us fuitin be Ho apud Lin- coln, die Purification^ Santtx Mar 'u prox. ante pr&diCtum diem SanSti Iacobi Apojloli.Quare ofLands in Langford gmen to the faid Abbey, to pray for her and her Anceftors. XJlEnrydeBohun, (fonneof HumfieydeBo- A bun the fourth,and grandchild to Humfiey the third, and Margaret his wife, daughter of Milo Earle of Hereford. & Conftable offing- „ ~, . . f . 1 j im 1 1 • r, *T- tC ° * There were but Foure that land, and liiterand co«heircof her^nuc Bro-inherited.andofthofeiheean rhers, was in right of the hide Margaret hisP r °f r ' ybe ' faide t0 be hcyre s~, , . D /» "y- but to one. Grandmother, created Earle of Hereford^ by Letters Patents, bearing date the third of No- ucmber, in the fir ft yeare of King lohn^ as alfo Conftable of England. He married *^ au ^^ T J^l M ^f f w f' prtcr m f" daughter 0$ Geffrey Fitz>- Piers of LudgarflnU^l^nX s^/ty Earle of Effex^ andfiftcr and heire of Gejfrey a "'f :x6 - u -i' mem}a ' % - zndwilliam (furnamed Mandeuils) her Bro- thers, and had b iflue, Humjrey de Bobun the b H « h ad alfo iflue ne» f ie, fift. He dyed in the fourth yeare of king Htnr, j£iSri£* " " "* ne third, 1220. going to the holy Land and his body being brought back nto England, was buried in the Abbey of Lanthony,Va%e 10 1 . Et portoit d'azur a la 6and d'argent, a deux cottices entre fix Lions rampant d'or. Humfref 240 Hereford. XJ^mfrty de Bohun, the fift of that name, fon *■ ^and heire ofH«^aforefaide, was after his Father, Earle of Hereford and Conftableof England, and Patron of the Abbey of Lautho* ny, and Earle of Effex in right of his mother.To this Humfrey did King Henry the third, in An- no 1 241. rcleafe the remainder of a debt of 20000. Markes, which Geffrey Magnauile'E&tk ofEJfex hisVnckle, was to payvntohim asal fine laid vpon him, for marrying IfabeU the re- pudiate wife of King lohn, daughter and heire cf 'William Earle of Glocejler . This Humfrey married two wiucs,the firft was itfW^daugh- terand heire ofRalpbe de ifondon, Earle of Au. gie'm Norm andy by whom he badyfTue Hum* jreydeBchun the fixr,thatdied before his father in the Caftle of Briftow, being taken prifoner at the bactell oiEufham, 1265. and two daughter Mauldxht cldeft, was married fTrft to Anfrtme Marfan Earle of Penbroke, and after to Roger Quincy Earle of mncbefler-^ & Alice the* fecond daughter, was married to the Lord Tbony. Thefaid Humfrey second wife, was Mauld de Auenesbury, by whom he had iffue, lohn de Bohun Lord of Hxresjield, Father of Edmonds and then dyed in the third yeare of King \ .Edward the firft,l2 74. and was buried at Lanthony, Page 102 . Et portoif, Ies armes de ion perw CORRECT! ONS. "T^Here is among the ancient deeds in the Office of 'Armes ,in the Box noted iy.oncvery faire Deed of thisEarlcs, ofdiuers Lands which he gaue to the Monks of Farley ,and thus witnefled. Tesiibas hijs domihis Himfridode Bohun filio nofiro primogenito et h&rede Henrico de Bohur, fir aire fuo, Walter 0 de Aueaebire, &c. Which plainly fhewes, that he had another fon called Henry, *SxC6rtftic» GlocejhU,MS> noc nerc na me ^- Then for his death , the * History of Gloucester deliucrs it to be in another yeare,faying, A°. MCCLKM.obijt Humpbridm deBoun Comes Hereford, et LantonUfepelitur, that he died not in the yeare 1 274. TJlPmfrey de Bohunjhe (euenth of that Chri- * *ftian name, (fonne and heire of Humfrey the fixt, that died before his Father) was after the death of Humfrey dc Bohun thefifte, his Grandfather, Earle of Hereford and Confta- bleof England; and by his Mother Elianor t daughter and cohcire offvil/iam de Breofi, bee was Lord olBrecknocke. He married Mauld, daughter of Ingelrame de Fines a Frenchman, and had yftiie Humfrey de Bohun the eight, and after dyedat Plttifie'm Effex, the 27. of King Edward the firft, 1298. and was buried with! his wife, at Walden Abbey,Page 102 . Et portoit, d'azur a la bande d'argent, a deux cottices cntrt Rx Lyons rampant d'or. Humfrey Hereford. l-lrmfrey de BohunM eight of that Chrifti- an name, fonne and heire of Humfrey the fcuenth, was Earle o( Hereford, Conftableof England, and Patron of Lanthony Abbey, third Earle of Effex, and Lord of Brecknocke. He married Elizabeth, daughter of K.Edward the firft, ( Widdow of John Earle of Holland, with whom he had no dowrie, but onely the Kings fouour, which before he had loft,by re- futing to go with him into Flanders,to the aid ofGty Earle of Flanders againft the French King) by whom he had iffuefoure fonnes and two daughters- John the firft fonne, was after his Father, Earle of Hereford, EJfex, and Conftabie of England, and dyed without ifTue ; Humfrey the feconcf fonne, had all is brother Johns Honours, and dyed alfo without ifTue; Edward andwd. am were twins, borne at Caldecot in Wales-, Edward dyed drowned in Scot. \nd y before the death of his brother Humfrey, and was buried at Walden ; 'illtam the fourth brother, was a martiall man, and by King Edward the 2. H6. was created Ezx\eoiNorthampton,mddid execute the office of Con- able of England for his brother Humfrey, Sc dyed before him in theyeare, 359. Elianor the eldeft daughter of this Humfrey the eight, was married to mes Butler Earle of Ormonde-, and Margaret the fecond daughter,was wife 3 Hugh Courtney Earle of Deuonjhire . This Humfrey the eight, was flaine rich Thomas Earl of Lancafler, at Burrowbridge, by Andrew ofHarcla Earle f Carle ff,xhc 15 . of King Edward the fecond, 1322. and was buried in the Hack-Friars in Yorke-, and Elizabeth his wife dyed the 9 .of King Edward the -cond, and was buried in the Abbey of Walden in Effex, Page 102 . Et portoit, Ies armes de Ton perc. CORRECTIONS. JTEre it wil not be amifTe to giue this ouerture to the Reader,that aithoofi *inthis Copie which I follow of Ml Yorhs, he hath not dcliuered vnto ou a former wife ofthis Humfrey de Bobuns- yet in many of them (too ma- y whereof are abroad) he tels, that he mariedto his firjt wife Alice daughter fHugh le Brun Earle of the Marches of Aquitawe, by whom he hadiffue Jfabel f totyrtj el- tyebotigbtre come tijetctjebiffoop Courtney, anballtljereig of BeuonUHte* And ag aine in the fame Roll, the— fuftettO ImgiED- tDatH tije f econbe^ais toetiDeb to tlje erle of ^erefotf),bp toijom (bee ijabbe it. fonneg atib tubougljtet& t^e eiber bougljtet toa$ toebtieti to Courtney aftertoaro treat *£rell of &euenftire: which clearely 'flic wes Elianor the Earle of Ormonds wife, to be yongerthcn Margaret. Laftly you fay, that \h\sHumfrey dcBohun theeight Earle of Hereford, was flainc with Thomas Earle of Lancajler at Bnrrorebridge by Andrew de Harcla: I grant, that the one ended his dayes there,' by the (hot of an Ar- Ed- row t or as others haue it, by being thruft into the body with a fpeare,by a Welflimanfrom vnder the bridge: butThomaioi Lancajler wasonely k ta- ken there, and fome few daycs kept prifoner, and after beheaded at Pom- fracl^as in the title of Lancajler (hall be (hewed. 16bn de Bohun, fonnc and heire of Hmfrtj * the eight, was after hisFather,Earleof Here- ford, Efex, and Conftablc of England. Hce married two wiues, the firft was Alice, daugh- ter of Edmeni Fit^jUn Earle a£Arundel,vrho dyed in childe-bcd, and was buried at walden^ with her infant fonne. His fecond Wife was Margaret, daughter of RalpheLord Bafet, by whom he had no hTue.He dyed atKirhy Thore, 1334. the ninth of King Edward the third,and was buried at Stratford Abbey ncere London. Page 103. Etportoit,d*azuraIabande d'argent, adcukcottices ettre fii Lions rampant d'or.- Hm Hereford. \Jfrmfrey de Bohun the ninth, fe- 1 A condfonof Humfrey the eight, and brother and hcire of John Bo- hun, Earle of Hereford^ Efex, and Conftable of England,fuceeeded his Father and Brothci : he ouerliued his Brother WtilUm Earle of Nor thamp- / 1 3 6 1 • snd was buried in the Auguftine Friars in London, leauing Humfrey de Bohun the tenth, his Ne- phew by his Brother williamde Bo- hun, Earle of Northampton, tofuc- ceede him in all his Lands and Dig- nities. Page 103. Les ar.ne$ de Ton pere. LJrmfrey deBohun, the tenth and Iaft of that ^name, was after the death of WiUiank\\s Father Earle of Northampton^ & after the death of Humfrey his Vnckle, Earle offferefor^Ejfex and Conftable of England, Lord of Brecknocke, and Patron of the Abbey of Lanthony.Uc mar- ried /(^.daughter of Richard Fitz-AlanEar\c of Arundefl^zt\& had iffue,onely two daughters his hey res, Elianor the cldcft, was married to Thomas of woodftocke Duke of Glocejler^ a yon- ger fonne of King Ed ward the third- and Marie thefecond daughter, was wife to Henry Plant*- genetjbtmc and htire of Ioh/9 ofGauntDnkcof Lancajler^ and after King of England, by the name of King tienrie the fourth. He dyed in the 4$.yeareof King Edward the third, 1? 71 « nd was buried at ml&tn. Page 104. Et portoit, d'azur, a la band d'argent, a deux cottices entro fix Lions rampant for* Hhs He reford TJEnry PUntagenet (or Henrie ol * ^Bullingbroke) Earle of Derbies fonnc and heire of Iobn of Gaunt Duke of Lave After, married MaHel fecond daughter and co-hcyre of Httmfrey deBohun the tenth of that name, with whom he had theEarlc- domof^r(^r^and Northampton. with the Lordfhip of Brecknock, and the Patronage otLanthony $ and in theyeare, 1397. hee was created Duke of Hereford, by King Mara the fccond-, and after the death oi his Father,hc was alfo Dukeof lan- cafter.This Henry Duke of Hereford being accufed of diuers points ol high Treafon (againft King Richan the fccond) by Thomas Morebri) then Duke of Norfolke; forcle<'rin<: himfelfe thereof, he challenged the laid Duke of Norfolke to a fingle combatc, which was by him accepted anc allowed by the King. But when the appointed day was come, and thetwc Dukes within the Lifts in field, ready to performc the famc,the King wouk not fuffcr them to proceede ; but banifhed the Duke of Norfolke the land foi cuer, ( who lhortly after dyed at Venice ) and the Duke of Hereford for fix< yeares. But this Duke Henrie returned backe againe the fame yeare, and b) force tooke King Richard prifoner at Flynt Caftle, and brought him to tht Tower of London, where he was vniuftly contained to refigne his King dome to this Henrie, who wasafter crowned King, by the name of K.Jfcwj the fourth. He had nTue by his wife Mary,Henry who was after king of land, by the name of King Henry the fife, and dyed the twentieth of March 141 2. Page 104. Etportoit, feme de France, efcarteUed'engletterre, au lambelld'hermines. CORRECTIONS: I Findc not fault with this Henry of Bullingbroke for his place, but meruaik *that he is madethe laft Earleof Hereford in this Catalogue, when I dare take your owne words,pag. 19. 220. 2 2 1 . 2 2 2. for truth, that we had othei enioyed that title of Hereford, namely Humfrej, Henry, and Edward Staf- ford, all Dukes of Buckingham, Earlcs of Stafford, Hereford, and Northamp- ton, as defended from Thomas ofwoodftoches daughter Anne : All which, 1 will now forbear to proue,in regard you hauc there fo freely confef led them to bee fo,although hcere fondly forgotten, what you haue elfewhere writ- ten. A Catalogue A CATALOGVE OF THE Earlesof Holdernefle, their Armes, Wiues, and Children. IR tohn Ramfey Knight, Lord of Barns, was ranged among the Nobi- lity of Scotland, by King James the (ixt, gtcaxBritaines Monarch, with the Title and Honour of Vhcount Hadington, Moreouer (for a Symbolicall argument of Manhood, and a teftimony of Heroicke vertues,and feruice per- formed; the firft Coat of Armes impaled with his owne 3 wasgiuen vnto him by ourfaide So- ucraigne, as an Augmentation of Honour, for his faithfull valour, and thrice happy aduentures, (to which God gaucfuccefle) tofaue his fayde Maiefty from that bloody and diuellim plotted Treafon of the Earle Gorvrey and his Brother in Scotland, with this Elogium or manifeftation, Hec dextra vindex Principis & PatrU^s whofc v I GH T H A ND was the DEFENDER OF PRINCE nd CO VNTRY. Since which time, it hath plcafed His Maieftie , to jeape greater Honours vpon him, by adding to his former dignity, the Ti- les ofBaron of Kingslon vpon Thames in Surrey, and Earle ofHoldernefe in orkejhtre ,by Letters Patents bearing date at Wejlminfter,xhe two and twen- teth day of lanuary, MDCXX. in the eighteenth yeare of his faide Maie- ies moft happy reigne 5 with this further Enlargement of his Honour, that «hat day (I meanethefift of Auguft) for cuer is to be kept holy, as a Day edicated to God in Thankefgiuing for that Preferuation, and in Acknow- ■ogeraent, that this great and infinite Bleffing, proceeded mecrcly from his f crcie. So this Earle of Holdernejje (if he be in Court) and his bcires Males >rcuer, foall carry the SWORD OF ESTATE before the King and HOLDERNES. andhisSucceffors,inthefolemn^^ of that fortunate Deliuerancc : Out of whofc prcfcnt Titulanes,to wit, IOHANNES RAMSAIVS, B ARC KINGSTON I ^5 VICECOMES HADINGTONI^E, COMES HOLDERNESSI M. v , Onehathi«?cnionflydiftaiedthis Anagram, by way of Diftich, declaring Iohn ^ t hat faithfull fcruice, and his Maiefties gracious requitaliafter this manner. &.ini*er*uuMrtm#Hr Hoflem ENSE occidi,ac UberAui a [anguine Regem, He married Elizabeth daughter o( Robert Radclife Earle of Suffix, Vifcount Fitzwalter, Lord Egremond mdBurnell.znd Knight of the Garter, who is now decealed,hauing had illue by him two fonnesand one daughter, Umes> Charles, and Brigit, all dead. Some peraduenturc of the more curious fort, wil expect a further enlarge- ment of thefe Earls of Beldernes.znd reply that I haue omitted diuers,that in formerages enioyedthofe attributes. Thofethus Ianfwer,Itistruc, I finde fome fo ftiled, & I haue already in part (hewed you, that Eudo fon to the Earl ofC^MMK, hauing married the Conquerors halfc After, obtained at the Conquerors hands, by the Archbifhop of Roans mediation,(/*/*to deM> dermffe) the Me of Holderneflewd other Lands,whofe life-lode was further augmented by the faid Biflbop, with the City of Albemarle in Normanche vpon condition, that the hid Eude in expedition ejfet eiufdem Arcbiepj. coPiSi>mifercum i o. mititibus: ftiould be his Standard bearer, znd leruenim *o,*rie. vtof. M. 4 ,f*z- w i t h 10. Knights in all his warres. * Another addes more then all this againlt . Rajfe deWaet or' Guader ftiled Earle of* Norwch,thc cheefe towne in ^ c.o> sss.c f Q i k€i an d his place of refidence < Was not the fame man ftiled Earle ot Suf- folke, becaufe it was indifferent to giue him either of thofe Counties Titles, /as beineboth vnder one SherifTe > Was he not ftiled Earle of the Eaffi-Angts which (with others)comprehended both thofe Counties.? 'yet .we : acknow- ledge him Earle onely diNorfolke. Was not Roger Bigot called Earle or Nor* ic*VftW barres frettedColdjn - CORRECT I ONS. afi«ds,fa t . pnKr^ffiger^lcsfomwhatcroftto/^^^, where you fay, that Jc7#£ _ Henry the firft entreated the marriage betweete Simon S, Lis and Iudith, '-arlewaltbeofs widdow , To him I giue the more credit, in that he was a man ncn liumg, and wrote his ftory in thofe times. Hee plainly deliuers, that v ^ am ^quero r (and not Hpwjt the firft) was he that mediated this marri- |gc,whofcwords(in regard they fully dtfeouer the paflage of it, and (hew vnatiiee had a daughter named Maud, heerc omitted) thus I tranferibe ^^^ ^^h^^xm^lmm^mptmfim (meaning Walthe. is wWow)n»ptut trader e cuidam generofi Normamojiomine Simoni Sylaa- ^f^^"^"^ 4 ' Ii net! en ft Z5o HvNTINGTON. neffenfi dijponeret, ilia nupias eius rejpuit, quia dicltts Simon in altera fun ti bta claudicauit. Vnde jupra modum Rex iratusjComitatum HuntingdonUctm ommbui terris eidem pertinentibus^ ditto Simoni dedit : ac ilia tram Register timejcens, cum filiabus fu 'ts frgam intuit & (iufto Dei iudicio) multum defpe rata^ odio omnibus habita^ per diuerfa loca lattbula errauit. Tandem em h&c miferarecognofccns fuaflagitia i panitenf^valde de virifuicade nefaria ipfa in ccelibatu permanfit, cum deinceps omnibus fufpecta^ & digne deJpecJa/u. it. Filiam unmow (forme of Richard Fitz> Gilbert ofTunbridge)Szviei to King Henry tiie firft. See more in Northampton, *ToetuteenJit D ^«*V(fonne of Malcolme King ofScottes and brother to King Alexander) by the fa uour of King Henry the firft,had to wife Ma»h theeldcftdaughterandco-hcircof Earie iVal tbeofc the widdow of Simon s. Liz*e Earle o, Huntington (and by that Title of Earle of Hurt tington^ the laid Dauid was a witneUe to Kin§ tffw^thefirfts Charter, of Lands and Liber cies he gaue to the City of London .) But wher Alexander his brother was dead without uTue, and he fent for to bee King, there was peact madebetweene King Stephen and him, with condition, that the Earledome of Humingtoi mould abide and remaine to Henry, fonneo: thefaide Dauid 5 for which, hee fhould fwean fealty, and doe homage to King Stephen. Bj rcafon whereof, Simon Saint-Lice the fecond of that name,to whom of righi as the elder fonne of Mauldhis mother, the faide Earledome of 'Hwtitigm did belong, was neglected and excluded. This Dauidhad ifihetfenry Earle of Huntington^ (in his Fathers life time) and dyed in thcyeare, 1 1 53. & was buried at Dunfirmlyn in Scotland. Page 1 06. Et portoit,d'or au lion rampant d'gueulles . CORRECT JONS. HTHisD^ commonly called Saint DW, theyoungeft fonneof King Malcolme, Edgar, and Alexander hie brethren, being dead ifluleflc, fuc- i VNTINGTON. 251 ceeded in the Kingdome of Scotland, which he gouerned 29. years,two mo- ncths, and three daycs. Hemarried Mauld or Matild, one of the daughters ' B " ch ~ tdn <' h '7W*> and hey res of WaltbeofEzxlc of Northumberlandmd H/mtington,md Wid- dowo fSimon Saint Lis Earle of Huntingdon and Northampton, by whom hce had iflfue J/*wy Earle of Huntingdon, and two daughters (hercomit- :cd) named * C/^r/Vw and Hodierna. Hee was a Prince of great vcrtue an d » o,deric. W.^. 7W .c. Honor, who after his Honourable marriage, and his vndcfilcd bed, hauing Dnc oncly fonne borne vnto him, he cucr after remained a VViddower . He out of aReligious mind) built many Monafteries; namely Halyrudehonje, Kelfi y ledburgh,Dundranan y Cambuskeneth, KinloJJe> MelroJJe, Newbottell, Durfermelin, where he was buried, Holme in Cumberland, and two religious places at Netveaftle in Northumberland. Befides he creeled foure Bifhopricks, 0 wir,thofe of Roffe, Brechin^ Dumblane, and Dunkeld : and after «= dyed th" idttfa of the Kalendsof lune, beingthe 24 of May, M.CLIIV. * m^C^SESS^ *C% Cot. 1. JLJ Enry, fonne of Dauid King of Scottes, was 1 Earle of Huntington in the li fe time of his Father : He married Ada, daughter of WiUiam ^de Warren the fecond, and fifter of William the third EzrkWarren and Surrey, and had yfTue, Malcolme and William , both Kings of ; & David the third fonne was Earle of Huntington anda*>?c? 5 hcehadalfo three daughters, Ada married to Florence Earle of Holland-, Margaret married to Conanle Petit, Earle of Britaine-, and Mauldthit dyed young. This Henry f dyed at Calcone, the eighteenth of King Stephen, 1 1 5 2 . his Father being then liuing, and was there bu- ried. Page 106. Etportoitjd'orjau Hon rampant de gueulles. Qtmon Sjtint-Lice, the fecond of that name, ^ Earle of Northampton (after the death of K. Henry the firft, and Henry fonne of Dauidking ofScots)emredinto peaceable pofTefTion of the Earledome of Huntington, which he could neucrobtaine before, during the fayde Kings reigne,for that hehadgiuen the faid Earidome to Dauid, his wiues brother, who had married Maud this Simons mother,whcrby he was pot fefTed both of the Countie, and of the Coun- tefTe whofe children by her firft husband Si- mon Saint-Lice the firft beeing yong, were fent into ?(ormandy } & committed to the cuftodie of S tephen Earle of Albemarle, their Mothers Vncklc. This Simon married l/ahell^ daughter of Robert de Horn ont (furnamed Crtuchbacke or Ii2 Bfiffue) HVNTI NGTON. Bojfue) Earlc of Leicefter, and had iflue the third Simon Saint-Lice* Amicia, and Haw is. He founded the Abbey of S. Mary de Pratis, and now called dela Pre.ncetcNorthampton^md Sawtre in Huntingt&njhire ; and dyed the i8.ofkingxS7 heir de Con cors. Vontilphea voftrejeigneurieqe felom la forme de fa damaunde luy voyl le&fereplenere dreiturefi come offer t a vojlre dtgnese, finite a luy en totes c botes deplus enoyter changes oh amenufer felom ceo qe U attendera qe a fon profit feyt. 111 But hec cither wearied as it feemeth with the trouble of Competition, or willing to {hew a rare example of Moderation 5 in his elcdion of a priuat life, he rehgned vp his claime and intercft in that Kingdome to his foftne . The Originall Decde, with other inftruments tending to the fame purpofe, 2nd fully difcouering their feuerally pretended rights ((till remaining with Sir Robert Cotton Knight and Baronet, the heirc of Bernard de Br us his fecond Brother) is in thefe very words. r^Mnihtu Chrifti fidelibttshocprafins fcriptttm wfuris vclaudituris, Rober- tusde Brut Dominus de valle Anandia falutem in domino. Nouerit vniuer- fitat vejlra Nos concefstffe & omnino remifi(fe y karifsimo filio nojlro s Domino Roberto de Br us Comiti Karrik. (jr haredibusfuis^ toium itts & clamium y quod babuimus, vd habere potuimtts^ adpetendum regnum Scotia. It a quod nosmcbil iuris, aut clam^ ad praditfum regnum nomine nojlro petendum^ de cater 0 W the firft, was crowned King of Sc otland,md three other daughters; Hellcn married to Roger de ^uen. cy Earle otwinchefler-, Chriftun married to w'/Uiam de Fortibm Earle of Al- bemarle, and Mary. Jfabehhe third daughter of Earle Dauid, was Wife of Robert Brus Lord of Annandale^ and of Cleuehndm England,* by whom fliee had her eldeftfonne Robert Brus Earle of caricJ, who furrendred his right in the Kingdome of Scotland fas aforefaidc) tohisfonne, Father of Robert (in right of Ifabelhis Grandmother) King of Scots : A moft worthy Prince and mirrour of his time, he being a man of that inuincible courage and con- itancie, that no mutability of fortune could daunt his refolution . For not- withftanding the loffeofhis Brothers, the captiuitic of his wife, and diuers other crolTes,asbeinghimfclfe confined out ofhis Countrey, andinaman- nerdepnuedof allfuture hopes; yet hceneuerceafed endeauouringto free his HVNTINGTON. % ^ his Countrey from thraldome, and at length, by the DiuincProuidence and his ownc Princely courage, he attained to the height of his defircs reco \ ueredhisKingdomefromtheEnglifh, and eftabli&ed the fame with fuch tranquility, as the like had not beenc feene in many yeares before From whom, the Sacred perfon of our now dread Soueraigne.Kine is to theKmgdome of Scotland defcended. And Bernard 'Brufibei faond fonne to whom withother lands foe gaue the Lord/hip of Conninponin Hunting donjhtre, whofe heire in lineall difcent, is Sir Robert Cotton Knight and Baro- net, now Lord of that place; whoouer and bcfide other Venues defcrues tobe honoured in this refpetf, if there were noneot ler, for that he is a moft affectionate louer and fcarcher of Antiquities, whofe fingular courtefie hath oftentimes giuen mee (and many moe) great light in moftdarkefome' obfeuritics, A nd Ada the yongeft daughter, was married to Herniate Ba- llings, from whom the now Earle of Kent is defcended. Now for his Death and place of Burial/ 1 for that the one is dcliuered as with a kinde of diffidence, as doubting whether Earle Dauid was buried at Samry (as Sir Robert Cotton hath) I fay further, th.it hee died ztYardley-Ha- (lings in Northampton/Jure, and his body was after buried at Sawtrey, as (to mythinking)it plainly appeares in a pleading betweenethe Abbotof Saw. trey and John S cot Earle of Huntingdon, for cmaine Lands in Comington, which hegaue to their houfe, Cum corpore fuo.Wkereo?they(as they plead) are feifed fa de cor fore fuo: A breefe of it take with you as heere it folio wes, • Ufsifa uis autem hoc attemptarepr&fumfferit tndignationem Omnipotent is Dei et bes tor urn Petri fa Fault Apoflolorum eius, fe nouerit incur fur urn. All which, nade little (indeed nothing) for their aduantage : foralbcitthey had this -onfirmation from his HolinelTe, and were in pofleflion as yet, both of the "Wand Donours fodie t yct neucrchelesthey were cuidlcd, for our Lawyers Kk* held 12. H. l6o HvNTINGTON. held it an inefficient Scifin, and thereupon adiudged it for the Heirc againft the Abbot. lObn fur-named Scot (fbnnc of Dauid Earle of * Huntington before mentioned) was after his Father Earle of Huntington 5 and in right of Manldhls mother, eldeft lifter and co-heire of RandollBlottndeuile Earle ofcbefter, he was al* fb Earle of C better ^ and after in the one and twentith ycare of King Henry the third, he was reftored to the Earledorne of Northampton, & married ffelyn y daughter of Letvellyn , Prince of 'North-wales, and dyed without yfTue at Darnhall, the two and twentieth of King Hen. rie the third, (as is more at large in the Title of Earles oichefter) and was buried at Chefter^ after whofe death, the (aide King refumcd and tookeintohishandsthe faide Earledon^eand Principality of cbefter, and gaue other Lands and Signeuries to the faid Iohns fifters aforefaide, who after their Brothers death, challenged the kingdome of Scotland. Page 10?. Et portoit, les armoiries de fon pere. CORRECT IONS. TDonotgainfay you, that this John was either Earle of Chefterot Hunting- *ton, yet will I be very vnwilling to bek eue him to be reftored to the Earle- * See chefter.' dome of Northampton, in the one and twentieth of King Henry the third, as*cou- fen and heire of Simon S. Lis Earle of Northampton, as heere and pag.40. line 8. y ou hauc deliuered If you can proue it, I profeffe you (hall do me a great courtefie, in enabling me with that, that as yet I am to feeke. Laftly, you are as conftant heere in your opinion,as you were in Che Her, That he died A°. 2 2. H. 3. but I am affured, that he (as I haue faid before) was poifbnedby his CountefTe daughter of Llhewelin Prince of Wales- KM*/j^,/^.424.n°. 4 o. f 0r b t h us remembersit, A°. Dom. M. CC. XXXVII. Qui eft annus regis Henrici III. xxi. Comes Ceftrti Johannes, cognomento Scotia, cira ?entecoften,v%orefua,filia Leolini 3 machinante } potionatus dieclaufit extrcm* »ge'o(^tergauenyai\A by her had no iiTue. He founded the Priory at fiftKSSS^ Marfleck, and dyed without iiTue, intheyeare, * u h s- 34 1353. Icauing John Lord Clinton his Nephew )y his brother Johnjo be his hey re. Pag. 1 op. Et portoit, d'argent fix croix au pied fiche d*or, au chef d'azurchargee de deux moletres d'or per cc de ;ueulles. CORRECTIONS. LTere William de Clint on y is faid to be fonne and heire of John de Clinton anl Maud bis wife , daughter of Lewis Vifcount Beaumont, which I will not ^rant to be true , vnlelTe he could prooue a Vifcount Beaumont in England-^ his rime , becaufe my reading fliewes me,that we had no Vilcounts with vs /ntill a 0 . 1 8. H. 6. and his name was not Lewis but John Beaumont, Or that le can proue Lewis de Beaumont of France, who liued in thefe dayesjhad fuch 1 daughter married to Clinton. Next he fay es, that this William -was Grandchild to another John de Clinton \ wd /dona his wife , daughter and one of the heir es of Sir William Odingfelles Knight; withali traducing Mafter Miffes (whotc bookes heisvnworthy to >eare after him) as in an Error, and thereupon hath drawne this into his Ca- alogue,to increafe the number of his Errataesjsfozt this manner. MiUes William de Clint on yongefl ome of John de Clinton, wd of Ida his wife, daughter ndoneof the heiresof Willi- m de Odingfelles , Baron of Maxftoke, was by Ring Ed' vard the third, createdEarle f Huntington. 1337. Yorke This William de Clinton Earle of Hunting ton here mentioned, was fonne of John Lord Clinton and Maud Beaumont, and grand- child to another John and Jdona. Now he hath left out John L. Clinton and Mauld Beaumont , the faid Williams right father and mother , and made him fonne to his grandfather and grandmother Jdona. Wherein he hath /hewed as little witt as learning, more Eagernefleto nake,tbcn will to amend a FauIt,Dares any reade him,but with a great dealc >f Doubt, thatknowes his Doings ? Doeshctbinke here to furprifchis Readers i6z HVNTI NGT O N. Readers faith, and make him beleeue that his wordcs are Gofpell ? Willfo neucr lcaue his leadings ? William de Clinton Earlc of Huntington ,was fonru of John and Mauld Beaumont, was he not $ He was Grandchild to lohn am Ida Odmgfelles ,was he not t No Mafter Yorke,y ow fhall finde in a Confirma tionof Orders to be obferued in the Priory of Maxjiocke in Warwickfiir which he had founded 5 among other things, thefe wordes ^niuerfis chrif, mSu* y2 '^ ypt ' x 'fdelibushasliterasinfpecluris, Will. de Clinton Comes Huntington falutem m in honor e Sanfta & indiuidua trinitatis , Patris ejr Filij ejr Spirit ft, Sancli % ac beats Maria virginis gloriofa, fantti Mickaelis Archangeli, ejr m mum SanBoru,quoddam Monaflerium, feu Prioratnm Canonicorum reguUri um^ordinis Sancli Augujlini, in quadamplacea mea in Maxjlok, iuxta mantri urn eiufdem villa, Couentr. fa Lichfeild. diocef. deconfenfit y fa ajfenfu cxprejfo fereniffimi Principis dominiEdwardidei gratia Regis K^ingliaflluflrisacvenc rabilis patris domtni Roger i eadem gratia Couentr. fa Lichfeild, Epifcopi, de nouo fundaui, conflruxi^ae dot am de proprijs bonis meis,pro Jiatu meo falabr fa luli an a vxoris met, ac domini nofiri, domini Edwardi dei gratia nunc Regi Anglic illujlris, Laurencij de Hafling. ejr Domini Rogeri Epifcopi antedifli, < dum vixerimus fa pro anima noftra fa lute, ejr luliana vxoris mea,pra difli domini nofri Regis , Laurencij , Rogeri necnon proanima Domm Iohannis de Clynton patris mei,domina Ida matris mea,domini Iobannis fratri. meigermani, ejr pro eorum liber is , viuis fa def unfits , (jr pro anima bus Regun Angliaquorumcnnque,Dominorum dtHafyng. ,fa aliorum benefacJori noftrorum, fa omnium fidelium iefunHorum, volens,(latuens, faordinans, v, inferius continetur, i//^. quod in tpfo Prior atu de cater o fit vnus Prior, fac Hath hee not now brought his Hogges to a faire Market ? Mian ^Pat^.s.z.i.pt.n Earle of Huntington , now you fee was fonne to lohn de Clinton and o Ida his wife b eldeft of the foure daughters, and hcires of William de Oding fells whom r^\xYz of Lancafter^ and fitter to King Henry the fourth , by whom he had iflue , iohn Holland Duke of Excejler , and Earle of Huntington , Sir Edward Holland Knight, and Conftance , firft married to Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke and Earle ofNottinghamJoy whom fbe had no hTue : after fhee married iohn Lord Grey of Rmhyn^ by whom fbe had iiTue, two fonnes , £*. a". 1 7.R. 2 . P t. 1 . m . 23 1 3 94. and not 1 3 9 7 • granted c Charifsimofratri noflro Iohanni dt Holland Co • d/W.2i,R.2,n°. jj. mUt jj mtin ^ ont (He was not as yet Duke ofExceter, indeed not vntil^ *ct,are.2i.R,2.n°. t $, Samady in le fejl deSeint Michel^ig.Septembr.A 0 . 2 uR.i.) officium Camera- rij Angli&frotermino viufudm,Admirall of England \lre land, and jiq attaint^ Lieutenant Generall of the Dutchy of Aquitaine, and Conftablc ofthe Tower of London. He married two wiues, the firfl was ^w,daugh- terof Edmond Earle Stafford, by whom he had iflue Henry Duke of Excefter, and Earle of Huntington : his fecond wife was Anne daughter of lohn Moun- Ugue Earle of Salisbury , by whom he had iffue,a daughter named Anne t 6r(l married to John Lord Neuill, fonne and heyrc of Ralpht the fccond Earle of Weftmerland^by whom ftie had no ifflie 5 after fliee married Sir Thomas Ne- »/#Knight,Vnckle to her former husband, and had hTue, Ralpbe Neuill the third Earle of weflmerland. This lohn Holland Duke of Exccjltr^ died in the itf.of King Henry the fixt, and was buried by his two wiues, in S.Katberines Church neere the Tower of London* Page 1 1 1 . Et portoit, les armes de Ton pere. A CORRECT! ONS. Lthough the miftake heerc be more in Dayes then Yearn, yet it is not fit, but to let the Reader know, that this / ohn Holland Earle of Huntington and Duke of Exceter died not A° 26.H.<> . (asbothhcere,and in pag.86.this Author deliuers) feeing all the Inquisitions taken pojl mortem find that he di- ed the 5. of Auguft,in the 2 5. not the 26.of Henry the fixt, A°. 1447. marke the words of the Inquifition,V//r4/0m dicuntfuper Jacr amentum fuum, quod Johannes nuper Dux Exonia^obijt quint 0 die Augufti * ultimo prater ito^et quod 1 ingulf no apt a apud smh Henricus nunc T)t$x ExonU, eft filius& hares eiu/dem nuper Ducts propinqui^ffX'' n ' rr, fa atatis feptemdecim annorum, ejr ampUus. To proue alfo what but euen now I faidc, that this lohn HollandDukc of Exceter had an elder brother cal- led Richard, I defire the fcarfe-fatisfied Reader to fee the Inquifitions in the L 1 Counties 266 HVNTINGTON. Counties of Berk and Somerfet, after the death of thisDuke John, when moft clecrely it appeares. Within two day es after this Dukes death, to wit, the feuenth of Auguft, *F4f.a 9 .2s.H.$.pt,t.m 6 A°.2 5 .H.6. (the King hauing granted the b Conftableftiip of the Tower oj London, to him, and to Henry his fonne, and to the Suruiuour for tearme oi •r*.a°.25.H.6.pt.z.m .4. ijf ej Jonn t h c f at her dying, and his fonne qot of full age) the fame was e gran- ted as aforefaid, to lames Fenys Lord Say, and Chamberlainc to the King, Durante minor i At Ate Henri ci,f Hi & htredis lohannis nuper Ducts Exonia, de. *z»4f.a\25,H.tf.pt;2.m. 4 f m fi t j n like manner was the Admiralty d graunted to William Marqueffe of Sufolke, the ninth of Auguft following, during Henries minority. cended • as more at large TTE/^ Holland, Duke of Exceter 9 md Earlc of ■*■ A Huntington, onely fonne of lohn his Father, in the firft yeare of King Edward 'the fourth ,was disinherited by Adc ofParliament, with King Henry thefixt,hisQueene,andhisfonne ando- chers, to the number of 140. And in the thir- ■ecnth yeare of the fame Kings reigne, hauing long followed the Duke of Burgundies campe in meant fort, was found drowned in the Seas, bet weene Douer and Callis. He married Anne % daughter of Richard Duke of Torke, and filler to King Edward the fourth which Lady was a£ tcr married to Sir Thomas S. Leoger Knight, by whom (he had yffue a daughter named Anne, married to George Mannours Lord Ros of Ham- lake, of whom the now Earle of Rutland is def- is fet do wne in the Duke of Excejler. CORRECTIONS. \A/ r Emay obferuetheftrange difpofition of this Braggard euen in this v v place, as well as elfewhere.thruftingvponvs for his better colour, the name of an Aft of Parliament^wheveby toleadetheeafie-belceueraway captiue, and make him thinke, that now furtly all is currant. I confeffe this Henry Duke of Exceter to be attainted, with others, in Parliament in the firft yeare of Edward the fourth : but I confidently affirme,that the number of one hundred andfortie, is more by twenty then the Parliament Roll takes notice' of 5 whofocuer will not take my word for it, may fee the Originall Record in the Tower, whither I referrethemforfurtherfatisfa/ 5 married to Philip L.Stanhop of Shelford>znd Theodofia ; the faid George had ifTue a\Co,Henry Haflings >viho married Dorothy, daughter and one of the heires of Sir Francis mlloughby of WoU&tomxi NottinghamfhirehA^i 5 Sir Edward Haflings knight that dyed at Vienna in Auflria,Katherine wife to Edward Vnton o f Wadley in the countie of Berk, and after his death, fhe maricd Sir waiter Chetwind of Stafford/hire Kni. and Dorothy married to Sir lames Stewart a Scot , flainc at Jjlington in fingle combate,by Sir George ivhartonfaa & heyre ofthe Lord Wharton, who was flaine the iametimcalfo ;fbe after maried to Sir Dyllon of Ireland. Et potteit, d'argent ait Maunch de (able. Henry HvNTINGTON. 2 7 I J-p*7 Hafiings, fonncandheyreofF**ww Lord Hajlings, and grand childe to George Earle q after the death of his faid Grand-Father, is the fift Earle of Huntington of that fur-name, Lord Haftings , Hunger fori Botreaux, Modes and Molyns-.Hc married fftthy third daughter and one of theheyrcsof Ferdinondo Stanley Earle of iW;,and had uTue Ferdinando Lord Hafiinrs. * and * rwke&ya this wai Eli&abeth. ya " tC > dna ddtthat 1S vnttu C . Et pottoit, Ics amies dc fon aiell. a A CATALOGVE OF THE Earles of K e n d a ll, their Armes, JViues, and Children. WITH CORRECTIONS. » He was firft created Earle of Kendall, and Duke of Bedford, in a Parliament at Letcefier, onely for terrne of life, A°.2.H.$. but after- ward in the eleuenth yeare of King Hen. 6. he had thofe Titles granted to him & the heirs males of his body. See Pat. A°.2 H 5.pt. 1. m. 36. & pt.2.m. 52. Tarttam- A°.2:H;s. pt.2. m.y.and Patent A°,\ 1 .H, 6.pt.2.ih.2. \Ohn Duke of Bedford, thirc fonne of King Zfc»r/> th< fourth, was by his Brothci King * Henriexht fift, created Earlco; Kendall, and made Regent of f/tw*. He married two Wiues, but had n< ilTueby either ; the firft was Annt daughter of John Duke of Burgundit the fecond was laquet , daughter o Peter of Luxenbwge> Earle of S. Paul in France. He dyed in the thirtcentl yeare of King Heme the fixt, andly eth buried in a faire Tombe,in the Ca thedrall Church at Roan : whofe Mo nument, when King Charles the eigr came to fee, one of his Nobles wille him to deface the fame, that no fui the** memory might bee had of hir there. To which fpeeeh, the fayd Kingreplyed and faide: 'that if tl whole flrength and power of France could not ex fe Ilium lining , it were no k nour to take reuengevpon the dead \and therefore (faidhe^ let him now reft peace. Page 121. Et portent, France feme, efcartelle d'engleterre, a larubell de cinq points de Bntanie cV de France, €01 CORRECTIONS. *-\Nce before I met with the vcrie fame words, concerning this Duke of ^Bedfords death, in the Title of Britaine and Richmond , which I muft a- ;aine condemne for falfc, becaufe all the a Inquifitions taken pojl mortemfay hat hedyed inSeptember, in the fourteenth yeare, and not the thirteenth ,£ -/ ?ut if I may be beleeued, it was as I haue fhewedyou out of the Record, "tohn Duke of Somerfet, after the *deathof /^»Dukeof£*^W,with- outiffue, was by King Henry the fixt, made the next Earle of Kendall. Hee was at the battaile of Btngte-bridge . where Thomas Duke of clarence the Kings Brother, wasflaine, and him- felfe taken prifoner by the Duke of Orleance, the ninth of King Henry the fift : from which imprifonment, hee was fhortly after deliuered by ran- forne. He married Margaret, daugh- ter and heyreof Sir John Beauchampc of Bletfo Knight, the widdowofSirO- UuerS. Knight, defcended of the S.lohnsoi Fanmon'm South* Wales, by whom hee hadifTue, Margaret his onely daughter and heyre, married firft to Edmond of Hadham, Earle of Richmond) by whom fhe had iflue King Henry the feuenth. She married af- erward, Thomas Stanley, Earle of Derby, but by him had no ifTue. This lohn He died the i7.ofMay,A«. lyed in the 22 . of King Henry the fixt, and was buried at Wimborne Minftcr, H$j»cm?fZf: A ° %2 * n Do rfet jhire. Page 121. Et poKoit, Fiance efeartelk d'engleterre, au bordure gobonne d'argent cV d'aiuK Mm Kendall. lohn die Foix, Vifcount Cajleton, and A Lord Grey ley (Conne of Gafton de Foix Knight of the Order of the Garter, brother to the Counte de Foix Cap?, tainede la Bouche Count de LonguemU & de Beuancies) for his good feruice done againft the French, wasbyKing Henry the Cm, 1446. created Earleof Kendall'mEngland t and made Knight oftheOrderof the Garter. Some of the houfeof Foys, nowEarlesofLw- guemk in France, do write themfelues at this day, Earles of Longueuile and Kendall. He married Margaret ^daugh- ter of Michael de la Pole, Earle of Suf- folke % and fifter to William dela Pole, Duke of Suffolke, by whom hee had iffue, John de Foys, father of Anne, wife of Vladtfam King of Hungarie. This John de Foix, had his Armes pulled downe at Winfore, the third of King Ed- ward the fourth. Page 122. F.tportoit, a deuxvaches paffans degueulles, accolees, aeeoihiees, 8c clarinees de azur, efcartell* d'ora trois palz de gueulles, fur le tout au lambdl de fable charge de 1 5 . coqwlles d'argent. CORRECTIONS. LJEere you plainly (hew, that vfe hath made you too open in ftraining of ^^truth Thereforeto difcouer your defecliue Judgement, in writing that this lohn de Foix Earle of Kendale, married Margaret fifter ofwilliam dela Pole Duke of Suffolke, I mud let you know, that when this Duke of Suffolke was proceeded againft in Parliament among others, this Article wasobie- cled againft him b v the Commons That * tbe fettl JBufce foj t\)Z filtp. ' let enticing of W il^ece, anD i)tt ijufbontt, fonue of tije Capt* tiatoe, caufcD^ou (meaning the King) to make tt)e feiti fonneWe of &ent>ale, to geueljpm polTelftoti^ anfc en^etttaunee? tn *Englont),ant> ouet tljat 7 to gtauntety?mt)puet$ Caftelle&)to# flnppe& ant) gtete poffetfiong tn poute Bucljte of d&upen, to t!?e petelpbalue of 5©.U. ant> moje ♦ 3nfc bpcaufe pouteltege people ttjete, kepttye fame CafteUe&)lotf)fytppe& anti polfetTionS to poute beljoue, ttye fetfc f ontte accompany to l#m gtete nombje of poute aDuetfatteg anti ennempe&btfeget) pottte fetU Itege peo- ple^!) gate f ome of ttye fame Cafteile&iio jtifytppeg ann poiTef= fion&an&fciftteffetimanpdfpout fetti Itege people, totlje ouer= Steteamennftng of pout enijetttaunce, titfcomfojtpngantJ &if- co jagtng of pout liege people tn dStopen af ojefatH. Which plainly ftie wes her not to be Sifter, but Niece to the Duke of Suffolke, The queftidn hen will be, whofe daughter (he was : Moft of our Genealogtfls haue fet her jowne to be daughter and one of the three heiresof Michael de la PoleEarlc >f elder brother to Dukzmlliam, by the mme of Elizabeth, and fo ndeede mcmuft needs be Neece: But then it cannot appearc, thatftiee/^ my fuch ijfue as John de Fotx, father of Anne, wife of Vladijlaus King of Hun* rary. For when her father dyed (who was flaine at the battaile of Agin- w/,A°.3.H.5.; a ftewasthenbutthreeyearesolde, andliued not long*.*, cemes ; for ihe left this world, vpon the «> 2 6. of December, in the 9. yeare i^.suf.krf.kC.l. Dfthefame Kings rcigne,vvithoutany iflue at all. b *jkef.A-.i.H.«.ii». 26. All this while, I denie not that there was fuch a man as John de Foix, that M&thexioAnneQMtnzof Hungary .for Sammarthe, Belleforeft, and Pa-s*nti-M*tthei»w/} e irF- 'Uin fay as much ; yet not name him fon of Margaret or Elizabeth de la Pole, ve f°f^' 6 ae Ft *" ce ' hb - 1 0 DUtfliew vs that he being Earle of CW*// r0«rbythe Mother, was by the laid ^ WillimJnxR. made Bi&opof Annufin 'Normandy , and after Earle of Kent in England. Hec was a fubtile man, and after the death ol William Fttx>-Osberne , had the whole rule and goucrnment of England, vnder William Conque ror his brother. Hee was a great enemy to Ian- /?-4»/tf 5 Arch-BiChop of Canterbury ,and was ba. nifhed England, for taking part with Robert Duke of ^Normandy, his Nephe w 5 againft Willim Ruphui. He went with the laid Robert his Ne- phew to the Holy-Land, and at the fiedgcoi Antioch hee ended his life. It is faid he barefoi his Armes, GueuIJes a lion rampant d'argent, au Crofier ftafe en band finefter d'oiv CORRECTION S. THis Odo,{x man of an euilldifpofition and very turbulent, alwayes bent to innouarions) hauing obtained thegouernmenroi EngUnd,mfettfa Conquerour, during his abfence in Normandy, became fo infolcnt, what by reafon of his iupcrintendcncy,& what by reafon of his wealth, that (through a rumour giuen out by ccrtaine Southfayers that after Gregory, Odejhould* bee Pope,) hee fed himfelfe with full hope that he was :h? man,fendeth to <( Rometobuyhimz Palace, adornethit with ftately and ouer-lauifti trim-" mings 5 falutes the Senators with great gifts & complements,ftuffeth bagges" with money,andlettersto fuch as might doe much in the eleftion^nd pro-" uides honourable perfonages to accompany him to Rome, But being ready to fet faile into Normandy, & fo forward for their ioumcy, mMam the Cofr querour landed, & much offended with him by reafon of diuers complaynt! dayly crying in his eares againft this his brother-Earle-Bifliop, and not well pleafed with his Pride and folly , would faine haue beene fingering of him. but durft not,in regard hee was a Spit ituall man, in regard hee was a Bifliop i Whereupon Lanfranke the Archbifhop (whom Odo much ftomackedfoi •^A /»^*rpag.i3.n°.3o.thathe was preferred to canterbury before him) replied * Cur apprehenfi* ^^''^'^'rvmeulis non coerces ? Why doc you not iraprifon him? £»'d tb** K E N T. Z 77 lor'ti. ectlefibflic* (quoth the King) Epifcopm efet,bccaufe hee is a Clergy man ; whereunto tanfrankeanCwetcs , non Epifcopum Baiocenfem apprehendes , fedCantU Co. tmtem, you lay not hands vpon the Bifhop of Baieux, but the Earle of Kent . which accordingly was done 5 vpon fcifure of whofe eftatc, this Prelate was found fo well lined in purfe , that the heapes of yellow mettall did moue ad- miration in the beholders. At length,when he had beene the Aurhour of diucrs feditious praclifes,hc was banifhed into Normandy ,by his nephew King William Rftfiv,and difpof- fefled of all his Honours, Dignities and Reuenewes in England. After- wards hauing (pent fomc fraall time at Rome with Pope Vrban the fecond he went to Palermo in Sicilia where he died , as Ordericm telles mce (and not at Antioche) in the monethof Februarys. 0 * * 1096. or as elfewhere I findeitao,^.^,,, 1 105)8. and was there buried in our Lady church by Gilbert Biftiop of £*»0*«*W fiffc. reux: leauine hTue behind himanaturall fonne mmzd'/ohn* who for his) if" 1 '^ j- op ' 7edeliuercd a the Kingto his Kingdome, and the Earle to his liberty. This rilliam of /pre, was after made Steward of the Kings houfe,and founded the \bbcy of Boxley in Kent, and wasbanimed£0£/W, by KingHwjf thefe« ond, 1 1 54. and before his death became blinde,and tooke vpon him the ha- lite ofa Monke,in the Abbey of Loan,and there dyed, 1 164.. Etportoit,*geronne d'or& d'azural'efcuflbnde gueulles , aubafton finefterd'argent brochantfu?* Y ou might haue told vs of tout. how many peces the Geroine confifteth, for they ought to fee numbred in blafon,whicli CORREC TI ONS. you mall find to be of tame, rlliwilliam oflprea Flemmg,vizs bafe fon of Philip Earle of /pre bcepu^^^^J^ ten on the daughter ofr0#ww£rf* Earle of Flanders , and of Adela or his wife, daugh- * Pierre Bdthafar mUs ^-ter of Robert Capet King of France. b Others deliuer it , that hee was Ro- neaiosmdtvianikrs. ^-7^- berti c Morinorum Marchionis filius , and not of Philip of lpre~ which I doc b Order*™ lib. 12. htftort* . , ' ... „. . ' X • o » ecctefuftu*.?. 885. c. not fo much approue,and therefore will lticke no longer vpon it. Surelam, Jo"sJTB^m^cZ whofe fonne lo euer he was, King Stephen found him, not onely valiant, but (eubwet Neruijsyictnt, quo- euer faithfull vnto him ; whereupon that be might by benefits bind Martiall S.TS?^>SZ~ men to him,hee aduanccd him to the honour of Earle of Kentjn the a ycare ttamhodt'enomen ret$nem. MCXLI. and that he might be the more fenfible of the Kings affection to. *■ Meye,n4 pag.44 wards him, he made him Steward of his houfe. He was of an excellent fta- ture,and tall aboue ordinary, and as it feemethfor hiscariage of life, he was burdenfometothe Kentifb-meniot Fitz,- Stephen callcthhim Violentm Canty « Ex chronic 0 qaodam Retfe-- incubator ,that isjhe violent ouerprefor of Kent-, in which county he e founded fa U £^°^ at E * m "^ die Abbey of Box ley a 0 . MCXLIV. for white Monkes. When King Ste» phen was dead^Henry the fecond, (fonne to Maud the Empreffe, whofe great oppofitethis William had beene) forced him to depart out of England, not without much greife,and more teares. Before his death he became blind,and hauing reconciled himfelfe to Theodoric of Alfatia Earle of Flanders ,he took vpon hira a { Monafticall habit in the Abbey of Laon, where hee died the ninth Kalends of February, A°. MCLXII. or as the Chronicle of Bergmo* nafieryfaythjintheyeare, MCLXIV. Vbertde Bttrgo{oxde Burgh)\s>td Cham- berlaine to King hhn, Steward of Peyton, and Lord Chiefe-Iuftice of England, was crea- ted Earle of Kentby Letters Patents , bearing date the 10. of December , in the 1 3 . y earc of King Henry the 3 . and had the keeping of Douer Rochefter, mdcanterbury, granted to him du- ring life,by a Charter bearing date the 1 6 . of H. the 3. At laft he procured himfelfe great hatred ofallthe Nobility, for caufing the faid King to breake his word and deed, for the reftitution of thole lawes and auncient cuffomes , which be- fore he had granted to the Subieds j which did greatly agrauate the hate of the Commons. He married three wiues, the firft was Margaret, daughter of Sir Robert Arfike Knight; the fe- cond was Ifabell, daughter and one ofthcheyres of William Earle of Glocc* fier, (the repudiate wife of King John.) Histhird wife was Margaret, daugh- ter of William, and fiftcr of Alexander king of Scots : hec had ifliie by his firft yi'ifejohn dc BHrgo,yiho married Hawis * Lam ale, & dyed before his Father, Icauing H' *LanuA/e. Kent. Z j 9 auing his fonne/0£#,Baron of '* Lamalejiis hey re. This Hubert ,dyed at his, LamaU ^aftle of Barkhamfted in Hartfortjhire , the 2 7 . of king Henry the 3. and was uried at the Fry ars Predicants in London, where now white-Hall ftandeth . Etportoit, gueullesfeptlozenciics v.iirc. J. 3. 1. C ORRECTIONS. ^ince I haue followed this Author thus farrc , I will not now lcauc him in ^ thefe fabrications, viz. about this Huberts Creation,his Keeping of Douer, is Wiuesjtis iffue,znd his Death 5 Thus therefore by the Readers patience I beginnc ; acknowledging him ) be Chamberlaine to King John b Scnefchal of Pointers , Chiefc-Iufticc of ' Tines i°h*nnit. m. 22. ngland and c Ireland for tcrme of life, and Earle of Kent, but not created the ' Ch4 "' >6 ' H " 1 ' ni ' 7 * 0. 0/ December a 0 13. Hwrji 3 . for then may you fay hee had afwell his "reationa 0 . 15. H.3. for the d Charter rolle hath the fame there entred a-* ^^H.s.mno. aine . To mew you therefore the true time,rcad here what Math. Paris de- ucrs c Anno domim 122J — Nonas February, Hubertus Anglic lujliciarius, « MatLVarU p*g 325. Udio accinclm eft a Re?e CantiA Comitate which is in the eleuenth yeare of J, J; ;/ 6 le Paid kings reigne.The very wordes of his creation out of the Record take °. P ' /S lfo with you ^ciatisnos dediftfe, conceffiffe, (jpr&fenticharta noftra confir- s chatt.w.Yi-\^x..\.m..i4 t ujfe^dileclo &fideli ncftro Huberto de Burgo , quinquaginta libra* fter lingo- urn Annua* ', protertio denario Comitate Kane, nomine C omit is Kane, dequo 'omitatueundem Hubert urn Comitem fecimus,ejrc. Dat apudWeftm. 1 1. die 'ebruarif anno regni noftri vndecimo. Next concerning the Keeping of Douer, Rochejler and Canterbury ^granted Dhim by a charter bearing date* i<5. H. 3. Hay that hce is as farrc wide in iis,asinthe Creation, s lor pro fideli feruicio quod Huberts deBurgo Comes s chart. 12. H,}.™.*. 'and* fecit domino Iohanni Regi patrinoftro , & nobis , conce(fimus eidem Utbcrto, lufticiariam Anglu. Conce(J:mus etiam eiet tradidimm , Caflrum ojlrumDouer. • — ■ Caftrum Rojfenfe — cajlrum Kantuar. — cajiritmde iuntgomery, toto tempore vits. ft£, ejrc Dat apud iVejlm. 27. April. a°. regni oftri 1 2 0 . Indeed in the beginning of the fixteenth yeare he had 4 Cuftodiam, chatt.x6.u.%.m.^. mis London,^ caftri deOdiham^ caftri dewindefor.O' for eft a ibidem $ r. ranted to him, but that ot Douer and the rcftjwere in the twelfe yeare, and b >i'M*n*»\m.4i efore. Thirdly , for his Manages, there mee thinkesis as madde woike : for hee ies that his third wife was Margaret daughter to William king of Sc 0 ts, whom finde to bee maried vnto him at Torke. a°. 12 21. about the fife of Henry the c Math.r&K. pag.3bi.n°. lird ; Now if the reader will but looke backe to my anfwere in Deuon. p3g. 4 °* 53. concerning William defernonaEatteot Deuon. hce fliall finde that hee aried in the beginning of King Johns reigne,with Johane the yongeft of the id Earle of Deuons daughters , (widow to William Lord Brewer of Torbai) Villi whom he had in marriage d totam Infuhm de Wicth & Chriftefchire i char^.u iohanni* ft.i.n 0 . e ifle of Wight ,and Chrift church in Hampftnre. 4 1 ' Againe I finde that he had another wife before this match with Scotland, r thus I readc that the King granted e Huberto de Burgo Comiti Kane. Ittftic* c chartt , , 11,3 .pt j . « .6, nglU^pro 684, librisejr a/mid. marcar dc fine quam Beatricea dewarenn, 'ondamvxor ipfitts Hubert? , dequapuerosprocreanit (it feemeshe had chil- dren drenbyher) fecit cum demino lobanne Regepatre nojlro } pro babendis terris qua fuerunt wiUielmi dc Warrenn.patris ipfius Beatrice, & qua ipfim iure con- tingent bar edit ario , & p r0 ft maritanda, & fro habenda rationabili dotefua t de tenement is qua fuerunt Dodonis Bar dot fe quondam virifui,ab eodem Huber- tototavitafuanonexigebatur, nec ad folutionem earumnobis faciend. nondi- ^p6.ioh^.pt^rn.,ifrtngatur. This Beatrix widdow of Dodo Bardolfe, and* mother oiwiUim c(a«j.2 7 .H.$. Bardolfe, was daughter and heirc to William de Warren of tVtrmegay, by *Bea» ^13arVS Sonowlhopeyoufce, her of Antiquities, st-Lo tna t Margaret might bee fift,but was not the third Wife, of this Earlc of ««tf*»,Eiquire. Fourthly for bis Children, becaufehee onely tellcs me that be hadiffueby W».p. jjo.nMo. fa firftnife [ 0 hn deBurgo, who was a knighted on Whitfonday the third NonesoVuly, A°. 1 229. by King Henry the third, and married indeede Ha. *piaci/a *pu4scam. Br'tgtd. mf c daughter and heire to William Lanuaille (who brought with her the fc ^c^Jui\"im!no S Trm ( t. Barony of S. Clere) and of'Maudhis wife, daughter of Gilbert Peche. But A°.3o.H.3.r«.i i.mdor/o. you fee in the Record (prouing the marriage betweene Earle Hubert 8c Bea- trixWarren^thzfewotds^c quapueros procreauit, which inferres hee had ilTue befides lohn. Moreouer in Paris I obferuc this palTage, that in the y eare 1 2 3 7. the King intending to make a manage between Richard de clare Earle oiGlouceJler (who then was in Wardlhip) and fome kinfwomanof Willim de Valence \ this Earle Hubert neuerthelelTe winning this yong Earle of Glou- « M.pat»,p.v i : n» . to. cefters good liking, d Sibt Margaretam filiam Comitis Hubert^ matrimonio clmculb & abffc Regis licentia f.i.m.ta naked truth is, this e Margaret was his cldeft, begotten betweene him and cw.ij. H.3-/'-2. Margaret or Scotland. Another daughter this enfuing' Record Ihcwes hec p. 5 8 1 . n«. i o. c jp gratia, 12 43 . qui eft annus regni Regis Henrici terty vicefimm feptimus. • Comes Cantia Hubertus, viz,, de Bur go, plenus dierum,poft multos Re- gis voluntaries impetus ejr profequutiones, & poft tot varias fortuna tranfmn- tationes, quarto idus Maij laudabiliter diem clau fit extremum apud Banftudt * ciaHf.\ 7.H, 3 . m .1 7 . manerium fuum, a place fo called in Surrey, and d giuen him by William dt l%%M$i? iUm ' Mowbr *)- Had M.rprfcconfulted with ' HollinJhed(an Author in Englim, which he fcarfe for all that vndcrftands) I doubt not but hec would haue bio perfwaded to write B^nftedtoi BarkhamflecU One K E NT. Z8l One thing I defire to be fatisficd in by way of queftion before I leauc this dace, whether that place we now call whtte-h&U, was eucr the Frier s-predt- antst» London < where he fayes hee was buried . Or if there was eucr any uch place as Whitehall within London? For lam f told, that the Friers-pre- ' 'ste»etcbomk,p*j[.iu. Hants were where Ltncolnes-lnne now ftandeth, and not where Whtte-HaU, ^utif^l * 1 °" do " vhichlyetbeleeue. P Dmond Plantagenet, fur-named of Wood- ^Jlocke, the place of his birth, third fonnc of King Edward the firft, by his fecond wife Mar- garet, daughter of Philip King of France, in the i $ . yeare of King Edwardihc fecond his Bro- ther, was create d Earle of Kent. And after, at a Councell held at mncheflcr, the fift of Edward the third, 1 3 30. the morrow after S. Gregories ity, he was arrefted,and on the Vigill of Saint lutbert. adiudged to die for high Treafon ; for betting many of the Nobility to plotthedeli- uery of King Edward the fecond out of prifon : for which, by the malice of Queene Ifabell, the then Kings Mother , and Roge, r Mortimer her Sweet-heart, he was beheaded at winchejler, in the year aforefaid. Hemaried M&rg&ret, daught- er and hcire of Iobn Lord Wake of Lidetl and Burne^ and had iffue two fons, idmond and lohn^ and one daughter named /oane; the two fonnes w :re both carles oto/?* one after the other, and dyed without iflue ; Joane their onely ifter and heyre, furnamedthe FaireM lideof Kent, was * firft maricd tow/- ^/JT^w^nd a°fS torn Mont-acuteEark of Salisbury, from whom me was diuorced ■ and after to W* ham Montacute, as aj> narriedto Sir Thomas Holland Knight; and iaftly, fheewas married to Ed- £? reth by . a l u l l° e J ope e 1 1 t i • rv - t, , ~ r P f mm L Clements, in the Kegiiterot urd the blacke Prince, Father of K. Richard the 2 . Pag. 116. theArchbi(k> P of Cameri*. Etportoit, d'englererre aubordured'argent. *J m th e booke named {flip. s hoi. 180. CORRECT! ONS. Shall not neede to feeke euidence out of Hiftorie, but cite your felfc againft your ielfe ; if this Edmond of Woodfoch (as in your former difcour fc of K . 'dward the firft you deliuer) was fecond fonne to the faide King, why then ; he heere made the third fonne? Sure there is a fault fome where, and you lall be fpeedily told of it ; the truth is, he was but 4 fecond fonne,by Marga- 'Spced, pa ^ j. ft > yct fixt fonne by his Father King Edward. ' ff^f; 9 ^°' Next you pretend, that hee at aCouncellatmnchejler, A°.5. E, 3. 1330. saw.Dawef.pag.171, 'as arrejledm adiudged to dye, and beheaded, when I affurc my fclfe, that hee 'as dead the yeare before (although after the fame manner) and thus b one h r f od. Neuj} r f.^xo.^ .^o. )eakesfor me. A° i^ig.frocurante Regina (y Roger 0 de Mortuomari^domi- us Edmundus de c Hoodftockepatruns regis Comes Cantij decollates fuit t &c. » loreoucr thevnfatisfied-Reader, ftiallfindein the Tower neere halfe an undred A inquifitions after his death,that (hew him to be dead in the fourth d ^*r.4-E.3:«»'«3 8 . earcofEd.3. Nn In Kent. In the laft place, I come to examine whether Margaret his Wife , wa< daughter and beire to lohn Lordwake, or not ? I fay no. For it is cleere, thai vpon that lohn Lord wakes death, an c office was taken, that finds T homos to *^&«e#.28.E.i.n».j6. be his fonne and heire: who dfcdabout the 23. E.iJlitratoresdicunt fupet j • ja Cramen tum fuum,qttodThoma*Wakeobijtii.Mafj.A 0 .2$.E.3.fo , quodMAr- gar eta Comiitffa Kane, for 01 tpfius Thorny eft em h&respropinquior, amis, 40. armor um ejr amplim, plainly (hewing her to be (indeed) filter and heyrc of Thomas Lord Wake 9 fonne and heire of John, C DmondPlantagenet, eldeft fonne and hcyre •*-'of Edmond oiwoodftocke aforefaid, fucceed- ed his father in the Earledome of Kent y and dy- ed the Kings Ward without iflTue, thefixtof King Edward the third,leauing John his brothei to fucccede him in the Earledome of Kent, Ft portoit, Ies armes de ton perc. * ZMchettM Dair'idgecourt, I findc it written in feuerall Records, Dabrigcort, Da- hrigecort, Dabrichecert, Da- brtchconrt, Dau6erichecourr } Dabrfggecottrt, but neuer be- fore now DampreticoHrt) a very prety mtfnofmtr. lohn Vlamagenet^ fecond fonne of Edmondo\ *Wo$dftocke y was after the death of his eldei Brother, Earle of Kent^ and by that title of Ho- nour, fate in Parliament the fiue and twentieth: )f King Edward the third , and dyed thcyean jfter without ifTue . Hee married Elizabeth. daughter of the Duke of luliers, who after was tnaried to Ettftace Dampreticourt, fecond fonne of the Lord Dampreticottrt in Hemult , b) whom (he had ifTue, sSancbius Dampreticourt. Knight of the Order of the Garter,in King Ed- ward the thirds time,and one of the firft Foun- ders of the faid Order. Ec portoit, Ies armes de fon pere. Sii Kent. C Ir Thomas JM*»^Knight,and one ^of the firft Founders of the Noble Order of the Garter , (fonne of Sir Robert Holland of Lancafhire^nlghx) was Steward of the houfc to William Menu- cute, Earle of Salisbury 5 and in right of hane his wife (fifter & heyre of lohn Earle of ton/aforefaide) was by King Edward the third , created Earle of Kent , and Lord Wake of Li- del/, and had iflue, Thomas Holland^ Earle aiKent, and Duke of Surrey . I ohn Holland Earle of Huntington .and DukeofExceffer, by King Richard the fecond - 5 and a daughter named loane, married to the Earle of S. Pole. He dyed in the 34. y care of King Ed. ward the third, 1360. Et portoit, d'azur au leopard rampant le Champ flcarette d'argcnr. IT Horn as Holland, halfe brother (by the mo- A therj to King Richard the fecond , was af- ter the death of Thomas his Father, Earle of Kent, and Lord wake of Lidell Hec married A- licc, daughter of Richard FitT^Alan, Earle of A rundell, and had iflfue, T homos Earle of Kem^ Edmond y lohn, and Richard j and fix daughters, Elianor firft married to Roger Mortimer ^ Earle )f March^ and after to Edward Charlton Lord P owes • Margaret, married firft to John Beau* ford, Marquette Dorfet, and Earle of Somer- set ; and after to Thomas Duke o£clarence y Con ofKing#«c/^ ^4^, (Widdow tothe blacke Prince) habmt exitum quo [dam ThomAm Men""* Edmundum filios, Alianoram feniorem, lohannam, Margaretam^ Aliamram tuniorem (whom he calles Alice) & Elizabctham fi/ias. Peraduenture the fixt daughters name was Briget, I ftand not now vpon it. Thofe that are not ful- ly fatisfied with this, for their ages,may haue their belly .full in many other 1 " * Efcdet^*. % h.6. n°.52. offices^ taken A 0 . 3.H. 6. where both their ages, as *s£lianor the elder,the firft p0mntemEdmfio.M t trch. / & bother at Cirencefter? And yet would you haue vs beleeue that the one :ould marry the others widow ? Nay more then this,you adde that after he ooketo wife loanc daughter of Hugh Earle Stafford, inferring thereby that hee iued long enough to bury Con/lance, and marryafecond wife which is be- yond my learning to conceiue ; for by this account he muft marry one,if not wth his wiucs, after his head was cut from his moulders. The plaine truth s,he had none other wife then lohanne Stafford , who furuiued him,and ob- ayncdleaueof Henry the fourth to ftay his head from being fetvpon Lon- jon-bridge,as appeares by this enfuing warrant. b %ex vicecommbus London 6 » -H**//. i ,m, 9 . alutem. Vobis de gratia no fir a Jfecialipracipimus , fir miter iniungentes, quod htim vifisfrfifentibus.ceffante quacun% excufitione , caput Thom£ nuperCo- mtis Kancitffaperpomem ciuitatis noflra London exiflens deponi, & tlludlo. unn& qu&fuit vxor ipfim Tbomx, aut ems in hac parte deputatis, feu atturnato 'iberetufeuliberarifacatis indtlate,adillud vbicuntfefibipUcuerit defer endum yfcpeliendum.Et hoc nullatenu-s omittatis.TejleRegeapudweftm. 2. die Marti/ o.regninoftn Primo. and afterward in the fame Kings reignc,lhe got further eaue,that whereas his body was buried at Ciceter, flic m ight take it vp, and >uryitat Montgrace. Andatlaftdicd herfclrethefirftofo#^,in the 2 1. si Henry the fixt without any uTue. Now Con fiance whom he fay es was this Efiaut a'. 2 , .ij 6: nans wife,was Concubine to Edmond Holland Earle of Kent his brother, by vhom hce had a bale daughter named Elianor maried to lames Touchet Lord iudley (of which marriage are come the Audleyes of Norfolke ) who preten- !ed her felfe to bedaughter & heire ofthefaid Edmonds plaineJy appeares .ythe 'Parliament roll, and P**W printed Statutes at large, whereupon Zlil^T^.H. tic Aft was made, How Baflardy Jhould be certified. * » > 3 *t>. ' Next forhisCrafr^you fay he was created Duke of Surrey 1398. but the 'arliament roll , fayes it was e le Samady en le fejl S. Michel, which his« Par /. a °. 2I . R . 2 . Charter beft pointes outandtelles vs thetwentie nineof September , in the (chart 21 r 2 n° 2?. wentic one of Richard the fecond ; w hich then muft needs be in the y earc of race, 1397. Laftly, about the Plot or Conjpiracy, you fay under colour of a Maskeor Summery at the C aft ell ofmndfor, they intended to haue furprifedKing Henry befgurthjnd refloredRtchard the fecondfcwx. our beft Authors conclude,thac they i%6 Kent. Theypurpoftdtohaue taken awayhis lifeatafolemne luftes to be holden at Oxford whcreunto the King was inuited, and promifed to bee therefor hec concerned that the fame Triumph was folely appointed for his Honourand Delight. But the Treafon being accidentally di(couered,cuen when the king was vpon going thither to be a fpe*w 5 wife of Sir Edward BedhomngYtivgnt-, Elizabeth mnrried to Sir Richard Strangwais Knight • and Alice married to Sir Iohn C ogimers K light. This William dyed about the fecond ycare of King Ed- ward the -fourth, and was buried in the Priory of Gisburg. Et portoir, gueulles au faulteur d'argent, charge d'une Molette d'fable. "C Dm ond Grey, Lord of Ruthin. Hafiings, and IVeiJhford ,was created Earle of Kent, in the fift ycare of King Edward the fourth , and mar- ried Katherine ,daughtcr of Henry Percy, fecond Earle of Northumberland, by whom hee had ifiue , Lord Anthony Grey , that dyed without iiTue before his Father , and was buried at Z»- *wz,neere S. Albons George Grey, (ccondConne, was after his Father,Earle of Kent-, John and Ed- mond Grey ; he had iflue alfo two daughters, Eli- zabeth the eldeft daughter married to Robert Greijlocke Knight, fonneand heyreof Ralphe Baron of Greftocke, vnto whom (hee brought forth Elizabeth, her onely daughter , (heyrc to her Grand father Ralfe Baron of Greiflock) mar- riedto Thomat Lord D acre of GiBesJlaad; and w,the fecond mzxxkd,Iohn Lord Grey of Wilton. Etportoitjburcllec de fix d'argent 8c d'azur,au chef trois torreaiix. George Kent. ^EorgeGrey, Lord Grey of 'Ruthin, Hajlings, 'and Wejhford, fecondfonneandheyreof L amend aforefaid, was after his Father , the fe- cond Earle of Kent of that fur-name. Hee had two wiues , the firft was Anne, daughter of Ri- chardwooduile Earle toners, the widow of Wil- liam Vifcoune Bourchier,by whom he had iffue, Richard Earle of Kent: His (econd wife was ifo^ratf,daughterof William Herbert ,EarIeof penbroke , flaine at Banbury by whom hee had iffue,Sir Henry Grey of Wreft, Knight i (who af- ter the death of his brother Richard the. vnthrifr, 4id difcontinue and refufe to take vpon him the title and name of Ett\d)George Grey third fonne, Edmond and Anthony Grey of Branfpath, Father of George, Father of Anthony Grey of Bur bach in the County of Leicefler 5 and one daughter named Anne, married to Ufa Lord Hufee, who had itfue, Bridget firft married to Henry Manners Earleof Rutland-, and after, to Sir Richard Morifon Knight ; and laftly , to Francis 2?^// Earle of Bedford. This George, dyed in the twentieth yeare of King Henry the feauenth. Et portoit, les armoiries de fori pere. Richard Grey, fonne and heyre of George Earle of Kent aforefaid, was after the death of his Father, the third Earle of to* of that Family, and Knight of the Garter : he maried Elizabeth, daughter of Sit mlliam Hufee Knight, Chiefe-Iuftice of the Kings Bench - and dyed (when hee had greatly wafted his eftate) the fif- teenth of king Henry the eight, at his houfe in Lumberdjlreete in London, without iiTuc, and was buried in the white-Fryers in Fleeteftreete, 1523. Et portoit, burelle de fix, d'argent&cFazurafc cheftroistorteux. Reginald Kfnt. T>Egtnald Grey Efquire, (fonne and heire of * ^ Henry Grey Efquire, grandchildeto Geor? e Earle of Kent aforefaid, by his fonne Sir Hemic Grey of Wrefi, Knight; was in the yeare,i S7I aduanced to the tide and Earledomc of Kent (which before was difcontinucd, for want of competentliuingto maintaine the fame by this tf^/W^Fathcr.and Grand-father)by the fpcciallfauour and bounty of themoft famous and renowned Quemc of famous memorie Queene Elisabeth. He maried Sufanna^vahl taot Richard BertyECquhc, and of Kathtrine DutcheiTe of Suffolk his wife, by whom hee bad no ifllie, & dyed in the yeere of our Lord, 1572. and was buried in S. Giles Church with- t c r , • 1 out Cripplegate, in London, by his Grandfa- ih \ r ? S J r ^ey Kmght^kaumgHenry Grey his brother, tofucceed him mhisEarlcdome. Et portoit, les armes de Grey, B ureHee de fix d'argent & d'azur a la chef trois tortem. C Ir Henrie Grey, fecond fonne of Henry Grey ^Efquire, and brother and heire of Reginald Earle of tf, Quecne of iVW//4r>?,daughterof Robert Earle of Artois y by whom he had iiTue 3 7#0/#^ Earle ofLanca, fter, Henrie Lord of Munmoth, and John that dyed in France, without ilTue. "This Edmond was Untenant of Gafioigne, in the firft yeare of King Edward the firft ; and bein» fent into Aquitaine with an Armie, dyed at Bayon, in the yeare, 1 296. and his body being brought ouer Seas into England, ;was buri- ed at weftminfter, on the Northfide of the high Altar. Et portoit, g ieul!es a>i trois leopards pafla it d'or, au lambell de cinq pointz (eme de Trance.Ortkut, d'engleterre au lambell dc Fiance. CORRECTI ONS. THis Edmund the fecond fonne of King Henrte the third, by Queen Elh- ^r,* borne on the Feaft day ofS- Ma ret tins the Pope, being the 1 6. of Ianuary,A°.i245.andofhisFathersreignethe2p. was furnamed Crouch, bach, of his bowing in bis backe.Otheis fay he was fodenominated,of wea- ring the figne of the Crojfe (anciently called a Crouch) vpon his backe, which was vfuaily worne of fuch as vowed voyages to Hierujalem, as he had done; ©rounding their conceits vpon the word Crouch (the woodden fupporterof impotent and lame men, made like a Cmffe at the toppe) further confirming their opinions from the name of Crouch ed-Friers, that wore a Crojfe vppon their garments, and bore the Croffe for the badge and Armes of their houfe. But I am of a contrary minde, for that I neuer (as yet) found him with other addition.indeed with none other epithite, thengibbofw , which fignifycth Crooked,ot Camelt- baked, Crumpe-jhouldred, &c* After hee was preucnted fcpageantofPopes > /x>//8 of the kingdomes of ,y/V*//4 and Apulia, into which h Pope Alexander the Math j>4rit,pa £ .sg 3 &°. 10. fourth had inucfted him, in vaine (Conradw King thereof ftill being aliue)by fending to him a Ring, not without ridiculous difgrace to our Englifti Nati- on ) and caufed in honour of him (the better to feme himfelfe into the good opinion of this ambitious, although but Titulary -King) ccrtaine peeces of Gold, Lancaster. 293 Sold to bee ftampcd with this infcription, AIMVNDVS REX S I- Z 1 L I M> hauing firft in this regard cunningly fuckt a great mafTe of monic from him. Hee had giuen* him Honorem i ComitAtum, caftrum villam de 1 cb* r ..h.°. s i .h. 3.S.4. lancaflre, the Earledome of Lancafler, the thirty one of Iune, in the one and iftieth of his Fathers reigne, hauing before (to wit the i5.ofO<5k>ber,inthe i fortie nine yeare of the fame King, vpon the forfeiture of Simon de Mont- b fort Earlc of Leicefter, who was flaine at the battell of Euefbam in Worce- n *' 4? " H ' 3 ' ffi ' 2 * terihire) obtained the Earledome oiLeiceJler, and Senefchalcie or Steward- chit,t - a °-49.h. 3 . m . . . hip of England : and afterward, When Robert de Ferrers Earle of Derbie, in :heCiuill wsrres loft his Titles, and a great cftatc by forfeiture alfo, they ^ere likewife added to this Earle Edmunds, together with that of c Cham- . wgne. So as he was Earle of Leuejler, Lcwcajler, Derby, and Champaigne , w*X**%i&u m ' 2 md high Steward of Engl nd , on whofe per foil originally the great conten- ion of Ltncafier and Torke was founded. Hemariedtwowiues^therirftwas Aueline da lighter andheireof William k Fortibus Earleol -Albemarle (not ft for and hare of any EarleWilliam) the d i Tat ,^ % ^ . H 3 . pti2 . & 2 viddow of Ingram de Percy , by whom he left no iiTuc 5 the (econd was Alta- ?0rQiieene oiNauarre, Countcffe Palatine ofchampa/gnemd Brye,daugh- crof Robert Earle of Artoys, (brother of Saint King of France) wid- low of Henry of ChampaigneK'mg of T^auarre (vnto whom fhe broght forth 'otnc married to Philip the Faire King of France) and by her had yflur three bnnes, Thomas the eldeft, after his Fathers death, Earlc of Lancafler; Henrie he fecond fonne, was Lord of Monmouth, and Earle of Lancafler after his >rothcr. lohn the yongeft fonne, dyed in France with the Queenehis halfe ifter, without marriage : he was Lord of Beaufort and of Nogcnt Lartauld . ie being fent into Gafcotgne with an Armie, where hee performed notable eruice died at Bayon, and within two moneths after, was brought oucr into Sngland^ndbuxicddtfVeftminfier. Now that I haue fhe wed this, I muft let you know the ground that leades netofay this Edmonds fecond wiues name was Elianor, mdnotBlanch as VI. Torke hath deliuered it . I confeffe Reufnerus, Henninges, Album, and o- her afwell French as Englijh Authors fay as much,that (he was called Blanch, jut therein are they deceiued, as plainly appeares by this infuing Record, e t.i.m .25. n y tnen this Record. fRex omnibus ejre. falutem: volentesveritati tejlimom- umpcrhiberevniuerfis& fmgulis quorum interejl, j;alfo in the 14. yeare of King #/V^Wthef cond, his Nephew, he was AdtDvikeoSAquitane, bydeliucringhimagoldcnRod, and putting vpon ishead * a rich Bonnet.He married three wiues,tbe firft was Blanchdzugh- ^ E ^ d6e/l> was tldtt ^ rand co-heyre of Henry the firft Duke of Lancafter, by whom he had iiTue, rf3j53k Fro*/J!diti z.pl enry after King of England- Phillip, wife to John Kins of Portinp-alli and ^•Bwi^Aeyoungeft nl r I ' j 1 I „ , r „ „ r i -r daughter, becaufeflie was a Elizabeth married to John Holland Duke of Excefier. His lecond wife was Queene is commonly firft wftanccy daughter and one oftheco-hey res of Peter, King of Caftile, by named * horn he had ifluc^^Ww^marjied to Henry forme of King lohn of Spaine, iththe Title to the Kingdomesof Ca ftile and Lions. His third wife was ttherine, daughter of Payne Roet t alias King of Armes,and Widdow $&OtesSr»ynford t Knight, by whom he had iiTue before marriage, John r-named Beaufort , Eatlc of Somerfit, and Marquette Dorfet; Henry Beau- 'f,Bi(hop of Winchejler t and Cardinall of S. Eufebius, as alfb Chancellour England > y Thomas Beaufort, EzrlcofDorfet, Duke of Excejler, and Chan- Hour of England ; Ioane Beaufort, firft married to Ralphe T^euill^ firft Earlc IVeJlmerland ; and after to Robert Ferrars t Lord of Ottpy : This laft manage P p with La ncas t er. with Katherine Swynford, & the legitimating of her children was madegood by a Bull from Rome. This great Dukeand Prince , dyed in the 22. of King Richard the fccond 3 and lyeth buried in Paules Church in London. Et portoit, femede France, e(carteUedVngleterre,aulambelld'herrninc$. 298 CORRECTIONS. n „ 2 UE that is willing to be deceiued , will eafily beleeuc. I for my owne part 4rt.i°.\ . .3-n J7i ^ aue 0 ^c eruec j (uch flight paltages in what you hauedeliucred, that from henceforth I ftial feare to beleeue any thing that fauours of your name. Was lohn of Gaunt created Earle of Richmond. a°. 1 3 5 5 > then hane you committed an Errourpag.25). in faying it wasa°. 1342. Verily I beleeuc * j.n°.9. youknow not when it was iuftly, therefore now learne, that his a Creation « cuuf. 37;E.3i m. zi.i„ beares dateat Wefiminfter the twentieth of September in the Sixteenth of king Edward the third a°. 1342. In the next place, you thinkc I will beleeue you (becaufeyou buzzeyour R eader in the care) that a°. 38. E. 3. was the firft time he fate in Parliament asDukeof Lancajler? No gentle Don^ the b D (1 kedomc was befto wed vpon him in Parliament the 13. of Nouembertf 36. E. 3 . and among the c Sum- a Put. s2.R.2./M.m.io. monsa° ^y. prima lung, you fhallfinde him called by the name of Duke of T+&7s?&* iUi2 ' 33 ' LMca J ier > t0 a Parliament to beholdenat Wejtminjlerin Oclabis SanttiMi- « Y our owne words pag.69. chddtS following. witneffeagainftyou. Furthermore you fay he wroteinhis ftyle (among other titles) high Con- *&<*[. 6E m 10 Arfrft*^ 6 °f En ^ an ^ i I kno w y ou cannot proue it. I grant he was Ailed Steward, • • -m.io, rjo j 3utnot . Conftableof England^ Iohanfitzdu Roy Dcngleterre,Duede Guyent t cbu/.w.E. 3.m,6 dorfi. & a ' e X^»eaJlre y Cante de Derby ^ deNicol^ & Leycejlre e SenefchaU Dengletem #•6.4. '* " a tmz, eye. This is out of his owne deed. . Moreoucr you perfwade others, that the firft time he fate in Parliament as King ofCaftile was a°. 50. E. 3. But I know to the contrary , and f I find« » Tdtt 1 r 2 n° 2 1 See ^ m mnamone< * by a wvltt dated at winchejler 6°. Oclobris. a°. 46. £. 3. To aifotheRegifteroftheanci-a Parliament at weftminfter , incraftho animarum following, by the name tX^ n fof theDuchy0f ° f 7< ^ Kin S of C4 ^ tf and and Duke of LancA ? er ' and fog like wife a°. 49. Laftly,you affirme he was made Duke of Aquitaminthe fourteenth yeartoj Richard the fecond, which I affirme is falfe , becaufe the h Parliament rolleaf fures me to the contrary, andfayesthat hehadhiscrcationthei.of Mard a°. damini. 1 38^. in the thirteenth of Richard the fecond. 1 ♦ A NCASTER, 2?p Enry Blantagenet, borne at Bulling- broke t fonncand heircof lohnof Gaunt, was created Ezrlcof Derby in the life time of his Father , 13 8f . by King Richard the fccond ; and in the 2 u yeare of the fame Kings reigne, he was made Duke of Hereford, and by that name and title fate in the Parliament* held at Weftminfter . and after beeing accufed of treafon,by Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke , was banifhed Eng. land for ten ycares; meane time dyed John of Gaunt Duke of Lancafter, his Fa- ther; whom this Henry fuccceded in the Dukedome of Lancafler^ and after depofing King Richard, and'obtaining theKingdome, heeordained byafTent of Parliament, that Henry his eldeft fonnc mould enioy the fame Dignities, a . « JT , , and be ffilcd Prince of Dukeof mafler andcornwall, andEarleofc^: and fo this Henry being crow- d King, vnited the whole Inheritance of Lane Apr vnto the Crowne ince which time the Ducall Title 0 f Lancafter hath beene drowned in the" itleoftheRegalldignity. This tf^married ^daughter and one of etwoheiresof HumfreydeBohunEav\to^ereford,E(fex } and Northamp- ^andConltableof^/W, by whohehadhTue, Henry Prince of 'wales iwasT)ukcofclare»ceM»Dukeof Bedford, Humfrey Duke ofGloce/ler* aneh married to William Duke of Bauarre . and Philip married to /obniiw DenmarkeandNcrwey. He dyed in the yeare, 1412. Etportoit, lesarmoiriesdefon pere. A CATALOGVE OF THE Earlesof Leicefter, their Armes,. lViues y and Qhildren, WITH. CORRECTION S. obertde Bellomont (a Norman borne) fonneof Roger de Bellomont, Lord of Ponteaudemer, and Adelina his wife, li- fter and heireof Hugh Earleof Mcllent, (after :he death of Leofrike, A Igar, and Edwin* Saxon Earlcs) was made Earle of Leicefter* by King Henry the firft, 1 103. Hee married Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh the great Earle of Vermandou fonneof Henry King of France, andhaduTuc, Waleran, Earleof Me llcnt'm Normandy, and of worcefler in England-^ and Robert furnamcd Bofu- y Adelina wife to Hugh Mounfort- t and Ijabell, married to Gilbert Strongbow Earle of Penbroke: this Ifabe//, daughter ofHag^ the great Earleof Vermandois , ouer-liued her firft husband , and after married William the fecond Earle warren and Surrey. This Robert, dyedinthe yeareof our Lord, 1118. the i?.of King Henry the firft. Page 131. Et portoit, de gueulles, a l'quintfoille d'hermyne. CORRECTIONS. TT wil not be altogether labour loft to adde this earle Roberts children omit, ted : for befides waleran Earle of Mettent,m& RobertEarlf of LeicejlenbflL vid. ordericum. pag.\o<)u were t winnes , hee had a third fonne called Hugo Pauper (or Hugh the poore) Earle of Bedford, of whom I haue fpoken in his owne place, and Hue daugh- ters thus beftowed, Adelina married to Hugh deMontfrot , another daughter married to Hugh de 2tyuo cafiello, another to willam Louellot Lupellm, fonne of AfceUne GoeULotd of luory, another married to Almaric de Montfort, and Elizabeth , who at firft was concubine to King Henry the firft,and after mar- ried to Gilbert de Clare furnamed Strongbow ,Earle of Penbroke. Robert (ff iloo. iff 8o6«. Leicester r> Obert de Bellomont, fur-named Bojju^ot his •^crooked backe) wasthefecond Earle of Leicejler, after the death of his Father. He was Chiefe Iuftice of England, in King Henrie the fecondstime, and married Jtta y daughter o fRo- aldo de Waet> Earle of the Eaft Angles,and had iffue, Robert Blanchmaynes the third Earle of Leicefter, Henry ^Gejfrey.md/ohn 5 Ifabel mar- ried to Simon S. Lize, Earle of Northampton ; and Hawis maried to William Earle of Glocefier. This Robert \ dyed in the thirteenth y care of K. Henry the fecond, and was buried at Lektfter. Et portoir, les armes de fon pere. CORRECTION S. YOu fay 5 that this Earle Robert lurnamed Bojju died in the thirteenth year* of King Henry the z. but [ am informed otherwife, * A°. MCLXVIII. lChtonie MS iuMSotkc* Roberta Comes Leicejlri* obijt. Now b Houeden tellcs you in what ycare of cot'owa'fj 1 7 .h.\L. [\ the King hedyed,inthefe words,^»#0gtttf/>, MCLXVIII. quierat mnus^°i* tH « ltn >l (l1 - ^h b - decimus quartm regni regis Henrici filij Matildis tmperatricis obijt Ro- berta Comes Leiceflr'u^fummus Anglu lujliciaritu. You (hall heare more of rac in my Reuiew : yet a word or two before I leauethefe time*, fince I haue happened vpon a pact or conuention , which doth liucly expi elfe the cala- mity of this State, vnder the exorbitant powers of the Nobility then, where- by we may fee, and thanke God for th e felicity we enioy vnder a happy Mo. Hurch, in refpecT: of our Anceftors vnder fb many Tyrants. ^Hacefl conuentioinhbhothecaCotton'ia, inter Comitem Rannulfum CeflrU, & Robertum Comitem LegreceflrU^fa fina- lispax & concordia qua fuit conceffacf diuifi ab eis^ coram jecundo Roberto E- Pipopo LincolnU & hominibus ip forum. Ex parte Comitis Cejirti s Richardo de Louetotjvillimo filio Nigelli^Rannulfo vicecomite.Ex parte Comitii LegreceJlrU y Ernaldo deBoJco, Gaufrido Abbate^Raginaldo deBcrdineo, fci licet quod Comes Rannulfa dedit ejr concejsit Roberto Comiti Legrecejlria Caftrttm de Muntforel fibifrharedibus fuisjenendum deeo fa h&redibutfuis hdreditarte^r ficut Car- ta ipfiua Comitis Rannulfi tefiatur. Et ita quod Comes Leecefir. receptare debet pfum Comite Ranulfum fyfamiliZ fiain burgo t, furnamcd Fit z-Pernell, fon of Ro* * ^-bert Blamhmaynesy was after the death of his Father, the fourth Earle of Leicefter -and in right or his mother, Lord high Steward of England. He married Lourette, Daughter of William Lord Brews of Br ember in Su ffex - by whom he had no ilTue. This Robert went with King Richard into the Holy Land, & was there taken prifoncr, and paide for his ranfome two thoufand Markcs. Hediedintheyeareof our Lord, 1 204. and was buried in the Abbey of Leicefter >thc fixt of King Iohn 5 leauing Simon deMountfort, and Saier de Quincy > who had married his two lifters his heires. Et portoit, les armoiries de fon perc. Simons Leicester. Olmonde Mountfin (fonnc of Simn'EzxXz ^ Mountfort'xn France, Con of another Simon Earle Montfirt y and Bertha his wifc,daughterof Richard Earle of Eureux, and Conftable of Fwwt : which hft Simon, was Grandchildcof Robert^ furnamed the Holy King of France, by his bafc fonne AlmcrickeEwlc Mountfort) ma- ried Amicia^cldcO: fifter and co-hcire of Robert Fitz,-PermW&zx\co£ Leicefter, in whofe right he was created Earle of Leicejler, and made L. Steward of England, in the eight yeare of King lobn, as may appeare by his Charter, dated at Slingesbie, the tenth day of March, 1 2o5.This Simon, with his fonne was after banifhed Eng- land, and difinherited for rebellion againftthc King, and allying themfeluesvnto the French King. HewasGenerallofthc Army, attnefiedgeofthe Citieof Tholoufe, who before the gates thereof, was ftriken in the head with a (tone (hot out of an Engine, whereof he dyed fodainly ; and his brother Almerickebefedging a Caftie hard by the faide Otic, at the fame time, was likewife flaine ki the yeare, 1218. This Simon had iffue by his wife Amicia, Aimer ich Earl Mont- fin in France : and Simon, that was after Earle of LeiceBerjn England. Et portoit, gueulles, au lion d'argent a la double queue pafleecn Saulteur. Olmon de Mont for t> fecond fonne of Simon ^Montfort 'Earle of Leicester, zn&AmiciaHs wife, hauing compounded and agreed with Aimer irke his elder brother, for his right and title of the Earledome of Leieefler, came into England, and was gracioufly recciued of King Heury the third, 1235. w h° did not onely rc- ft ore him to the Earledome of Leicester, with the Office of Lord Steward of £»£/W,butaJ- Co in the yeare 1237. gaue vnto him in marri- age, his fifter Elianor, the widdowof William Jt/dr/M(theyonger) Earle of Penbroke j by whom he had ilTue Henry MontfortjXzxns, with his Father at the battaileof % Euerfham, in the yere 125 6. Simon Montfort,Guy ,and Almerickf, were all three banifhed the Land by Afteof Parliament: Edward and Richard dyed young, and Elianor his daughter, was married to Leolyne Prince of Wales. When the Noblemen of England raifcdwarreagainftKingH^thethird(fordenying toperformethe Or- dersand Decrees made a little before, at a Parliament held at Oxford) this Simon Leicester. T~ 3 — 3 0 ? Umon was made their GcneraU ; and at a battaile, itroke neeve Lewis in S»fi ' ' £», he tooke the King with his Brother Richard, Earleofonw^nd kino )f^^withPnnce^Whi$fonncprifoners: butPiince£rr\\tKth;c ci^ r r bfaer'r «M™ ™ fir tOHaie flat i fmphcohttmilit ate >rd) to his Smon fo foon qnapofum t qnatiwhac vtceLhi vlbiferutre pari neCOUldgetthem OUtof ficut deemtredderedignemmterram^ fi hoc Jbts non mlph Earle of CheftcrSc placnerit ego ad pedes dominations vifira tranfmitto ncolnes hands, for to him Simonemfratrem meufn, qni de Domwo Rege FrancU •had formerly graUntcd " ih,ltenet ' eHi fi e * mre d.p. 4 6s.n» .xo. &c Actum apudweftmon. A°. & dieprtnotmnatk. Which the d King at thai m. pdwtfyif- 2 »« very inftant,confirmcd vnto him. Further he telsvs, that this Ezric Simon was flaineat ihebattell of Euer Jham (meaning Euefbmt) in theyeare^ 1256. which yeare fals about 4 1 .H.3 but the truth is, it was fought, and he flaine^. Aug. A°.4?. H.3 . if wee wit * LthJ^k, MS - g iuc €rccJit cilher to the Booke or ~ e LACOck * A°, 12 ^5 .pridie nonas Augufti fEx'/iirode Ducat* i4nc*-fo> t gelltim apud Euefiam. Or to this* f Die Martis 3 .Augufti, Anno 1 ? 65 ^S^ 4 Ae*/.a <, -s-E.4.0rthisRccordthatconrirmesthereft, 5 SimonComes Leiceftri* apudEut ftJZ. 25. jham in com. Wigorn. lettabat guerram erga Regem H. tertium, 4. die Augufti. A°. regnifti 49 . fa ibidem inter fettus juit in campo. Whofe Epitapht tak< with you (no w you haue heard of his end) which implies , that hee peerekffe man of thole times for valour, perfonage, and wifedome* Nunc danturfato, cafu% cadunt t iterator SimonefiblatOy Mars y Paris, atfoCaM. * See In Luncaflet , where I proue her name to bee A- EDmond f fur-named Crouch bach) fecom fonneofKing Henry the third , inthefil tieth yeare of his Fathers reigne, was mad Earlcof Leicejier , and high Steward of En& land 9 and had alfo giucn him the Caftle of K< nelwortb , and married Aueline , daughter an heyre of wiBade Fortibus^zxlc of Albemxrk as in the title of Earlesof Lancafler is moi at large. Hec married to his fecond wifi *Blanch,Qtieenc oiNauarre daughter of Rtfo Earle of Arthoys, andhadifluc, rhomm^a ofLapcafter, Henry , and John ; and after died Byon in Er*nce % 1 29 5 -and was buriedat^ minjicr&n the North fide of the Altar. Etportoit, d'engletcrre, an larnbeU dc France. Eith Leicester. 307 CORRECTI ONS. C Itheryou haue a ftrong opinion of the authority of your word, or of the fimplicity of mens iudgements , otherwife afiuredly you would neuer haue publifliedfalfitiesfo frequently. Is it true, that this Edmmd was made BarleofZw^, and high Steward of England, a°. 50,^.3 ? then Records arc falferfor fay they- hee had them before, htn\zc/kex Mtitilm , ItberUr^^v^ * »• „ bominibus, & omnibus alijs tenentibusde C 'omitatu & honor e Leiceflri*Senef- chart , terras & tenementapertinent,intendentes fit is t &c. Telle h ege apud Cant. 2 5 . die Oclobris. Anno regni noflri, Next for the time when the Caftlcof Kenelworth was giuen him I can afTuie you, it was after the time here mentioned 3 for the * grant bearesdate at Warrvick,thc 16 of Decembers 0 , 51. H.3. ' c ***»si.tf.3.m.i 0 .«. Laftly, when died he, fay you i marry here,a°. 1 29$. and pag. 1 28. you fay, 1296. But now the queftion is, which is true of this or that. Walfingham lkIltellyou,that * a°. ii 9 6. Edmundus Germanus Regis AnglU-^viufi- * T ho. W a((!noh. m ; nr ^ nem fecit , fueratautem Corners LeiceJlrU & Lane apt Ai agreeing with which i -n°. 30. are diuers other good -authors, whofc wordes I will not now recite, but de- « m W eftm P 4l8 n . fire the courteous readerto turneto them in their bookes, if they will try '^.296°' whether it be truth or nor. HP 'Homos, eldeftfonrieand heyreof Edmond A Crouch.bache, Earle of Letcefler, and high Stewardof£^/W, married Alice, daughter and heyreof Henry Lacie Earle of Lincolne, but by her had no iifue. Hee was beheaded at pomfret, intheyeareofourLord, 1322. as is more at large in the Title of Earlesof Lama* •Jfcr.pag.134. Etportoit, d'engleterre, au lambell de France. CORRECTIONS. F Haue already (hewed that this Thomas Earle 1 ofLancafter and Leicefler,ms beheaded the j» ( tf,i6,E, 2) pu.memb.j j. Munday next before the Annunciation of the blefiTed Virgin Mary, in the fifteenth yeare of King Edward the fecond , fo that you muft a- >ateoneofthisnumber, and write henceforward 3 i 321. Seethcproofein '-ancafler* OS Htnrj Leicester, tjpw? of Lancaster , Lord of Monmouth (bro- * 1 thcr and hey re of Thomas aforefaid) was re- ftored to the Earledomes of LanctUer, Leicejler, and Derby , with the Office of high Steward of England \m the eighteenth yeare of King Edward rhe fecond,and married Mould or .A/itf //^daugh- ter and heyre of Sir Patrick Chaworth knight,and had iflue ,as in the Earles of Lane alter. He dyed in the yeare, 1 345 . and lyeth buried at Leicejler. Et portoit, les armes, d'engleterre a la band d'azur. jLTEw^ of Monmouth (fur-namcd *T ntcoll) fonne and heyre of Henry Lord of Monmouth, and grand- childc of EdmondCrouchbacke , was after the death of his Father s Earleof Lancajler, Leiceller , and high Steward of Eng- land, and after created Duke of Lanca- Tter, in the yeare, 13 5 1. Heeraarried 'fabe/l, daughter of Henry Lord Bello- wont or 'Beaumont ; and had iffue , two daughters his hcyves,Mauld the eldeft, married to William Duke of Bauary • and Blanch the fecond daughter, was married to John of Gaunt , Duke of Lancaster, Hedyedoftheplague,and was buried at Leicefter, the 3 5 . of king Edward the third, pag. 135. Et portoit, Ics armes de fon pert. CORRECTIONS. ^Ountbut in what yeare of our Lord the fixtof March, a*. 2?. E. 3. is, ^ which was the very tyme of this Dckes»crcation,and you wil finde itto fall.a°. 1350. therefore mcndthisaslmallasitis s forIcandoenoIe(rethca let you know your faults. tfhn EICESTER. XA/////4 m of Bauary fiaik of He. mult, Holland, Zeland^nd ErixXand,vcaxt\tdMauld, daughter and co-heire of Henry of Monmouth fur-named Tortcoll, the firft Duke of Lancafler . by reafon whereof hewasEarleof Lckejlcr, in the?/ ycareof King Edward the third fas doth appeare by his Chartrr,bearine date, 13^0. He dyed without i(Tue. John of Gaunt, (fo named of that place where hec wa* borne) fourth tonne of King Edward the third ; after the death of William of Bauary, his brother by marriage, was by his Father,created Earlcof Leicefter, tincelne^nd Derby, in the yeare, 13S1. asinrhe Earlesof Lancafler, is more at large. He married Blanch, the fecond daughter andco- heyreof Henry firft Duke oiLancapr, by whom he had iffuc, King Henry the fourth , and others, Hee dyed in the yeare,i3pp. Et portoit, France feme, efcartelle d'cnglrterre au lambelld'hermyns, Henry 0 L E ICESTER. H Enry of ' Bullingbroke 5 fonnc and ' hcyrc of lohn of Gaunt, was Duke of Herefordinrhclife time of his Fa- ther; and after created Earle of Lei- cejler and Derby , as alfo Lord high Steward of England ; and laftly , king of England^ the name ofking Henrj the fourth. •i Et portoit, Its acmes dt Con pen. R Oberi Dudley , fift fonneof hbt Dudley Duke of Northumberland was created Earle of Leicefter,andfti ronof Denbeigh, in the fixtyeareo Quecne Elizabeth , 1564. at Sain lames houfe on Mich elm as day. He was Knight of the honourable Orde of the Garter, and of Sa int Michael Lord Steward of her houfe, and Ma fter of the Horfe, and one of her Ma ieftiesmoft honourable priuy Cour fell. He married two wiues, the firi was Ame, daughter and hey re of Si lohn Robferty Knight, who dyed witr out ilTue. His fecOnd wife was tettic daughter of Sir Francis Knolles, Tre; furcr of the houfhold to Queenc El zabeth , and Knight of the Noble Oi der of the Garter, by whom he had fonne named Robert , Baron of Vti hewkvho dyed young without Hue. This Robert dyed without any Iawfu iffue, at Cornebury Lodge in Oxfordshire, 1 588. and was buried at Warma leauingmue, X^r/abafcfonnc, begottenof Dttglajfe Howard, Wterc Charles Earle of Nottingham, Et partoit, d'or »u Ijtm rampant vert a la double queue*, ^ ^ E ICE 5 T E R. 311 CORRECTIONS. THis Earlc Robert , firft being *> made Maifter of the-horfe to Qucene £//- b zabetbjhe eleuenth of January ,in the firft ycarc of her raigne,was after- r * ' ' pt " 4 * wards honoured with the 'Barony of Denbigh on the 28. of September being c /W.S.EIiz.pt.i Michaelmas euen , and the morrow being Michaelmas day {and not both on a j, 4 , j6 Eli2 r^rt <&y)with the Earlcdomcof Leicefter, in the fixtycareof her raigne. ' ,2 pf,, Proucitothcrwife, EtPhyllida folmhabcto. C Ir /to^ JVdwj; JCnight (fbnne to ^ Sir JW/ary., Knighc of the Garter, and of the priuy Counfell to Queene Elizabeth , thrice Lord De- putie of Ireland, and Lord Prefident of wales, in which place he died, and of the Lady Mary his wife, daughter to lohn Duke of Northumberland^ and fifterand heire to her brothers, Ambrofe Earle of warrvicke , and Ro- bert Earle of Leicejler) was made go- uernour of rifling and the Rama- kins ,by Queene £//£^//Mn the yere 1589. andvponhis Miiefties com- ing to the Crowne, he was confirmed in it by new letters Patents ; and fo continued Gouernour , vntill by his faid Maicftie, hee wascommaunded to draw the Englifh Grrifon away, and to deliuer the (aid towne , and Caftle, to the States of the Vnited Frouinces of the Low Countreys, which he 3erformed *° 1616. Atthe Coronation of the King and Qucene, hee was nadc Lord Chambcrlaine to the Queene, which place he fhll continued,till t pleafed God to take her out of this world. Hee was by King lames, at his irft comming to London, created Baron Sidney of Penflurfi in the county of £«tf,thc thirteenth of May a°. 1 603. in the Tower. And on the fourth of May a°. 1 60 $ . he was created Vifcount Lip at Greenwich. Then was hee :leded Kn igh t and Companion of the Honourable order of the Garter,at an xtraordinary Chapter holden at Greenwich the day of May a 0 . 16 \6. ind inftalled at windfor the feauenth of July next following. Laftly vpon 5unday,beingthcfecondof^«/?a°. i5i8. he wascreatcd Earle of Leice- ler , in the Hall of the Bifliops pallace at Salisbury. Hee married Barbara mcly daughter and heire of John Gamage Lord of Coy tie in Glamorgan/hire, vho departed this life, thefoure and twentieth of Mayzp.i6i\. andlycth >uried at Fenjhureft , by whom hee had ifTue three fonnes,and eight daugh- ers, Sir William Sidney eldeft fonne died vnmaried ; a°. 1 6 1 2 . Henry Sidney econd fonnc dyed not full a yeare old,and lyeth buried at Piffling, where he was ni, 1 .m.18. .tft. 12. Leicester. wasborne,during the time of his Fathers gouernment there, Sir Robert Sidney third fonnc made Knight of the Bath at the Creation of Prince Henry ^ is now Lord£//fe, and hath married the Lady Dorothy , cldeft daughter of Henry Percy Earlc of Northumberland, by whom he hath iflue three fonnes , and one daughter, Philip Robert, Henry find Dorothy : Mary his eldeft daughter, was married to Sir Robert Wrothe of Durance in the Countieof Middlesex Knightjwho hauing had by her a fonne named lames died , and the child not long after , Katherine thefecond daughter, was wife to Sir Lewis Manjell fonne to Sir Thomas Manfe Hoi Morgan ^ to whom (he bare diuers children, all which died young,and me foone after followed them: Elizabeth the third daughter died vnmaried, Pbilipthe fourth daughter, was maried to Sir lohn Hobert y eldeft fonne to Sir Henry HobertRzxonet, and Lordchiefelufticcof the Common Pleas, fhe died leauing one daughter named Dorothy, Bridget the fift daughter, and Alice the flxt daughter, died children, Barbara thefca- uenth daughter, is wife of Thomas Smith of Oflenbanger in Kent Efquire, to whom fhe bare a daughter named Barbara : yere eight daughter died a child. Et Rprtoit, d'Or alaPheon d'aiure. \ CATALOGVE OF THE Earles of Lincolne , their Armes, W^x, Qhildren, WITH CO£££C770/VX. ///ww ^ Roman, a Norman borne(fon of Roger de Roman, and halfe brother ofRanaoll Mefchmes, the fourth Earle or c/^r, by his Mother Luce, daughter ofM- gar the Saxon , Earle of cbejler, and lifter of Morcar, Earle of Northumberland^ Lincolne) was created Earle of Lincolne in the fixt yeare of King Stephen, to whom thefaidc King, gaue cheMannorof Chircheton, the Caftleof GVy/^ borough, and the Caftle of Pomfret in Yorke- fliii e. Vnto which Graunt, were WitnelTes ; Randoll Mefchines Earle of Chelter, Gilbert de Clare Earle of Penbroke, and Gilbert de Clare Earle of Hartford, and others . He married Ha- wis, daughter of S tephen 3 fonne of Eudo* Comes * EarIe of Mj*anA & Champatgne, and filler of PT/'^ww ofjc Earle of Albemarle ; by whom he had ifiue, William de Roman the fe- nd, Lord of Bullingbroke, whotooketo wife Mauldj daughter of Baldtvyn ters Earle oiDeuonfhire, and dyed before his Father, in the yeare, 1151. umg iflue, a fonne named William the third, who alfo dyed without iffue, Anno, 1 1 7 5. and one daughter, named Hawis, married to Gilbert de w, Earle of Lincolne. ThishbWiUiam de Roman, by hisDeede, gaue nds to the Abbey of Reuesbie, to pray for the foulc of William his Father, \William the Earle, his Grandfather, 1 1 7 2 . the nineteenth of King Henri ! fecond. Et portoit, gueulles fept malts d'or feme de croix recroifettes de mefinc. Rr Gilbert 1 Lincoln e. *LeMamt in France, lying betweene Sermdndy, Btt- tdinly Amort and Toutaiae, vpon the riuer ofStotre. filbert de Gaunt, Lord of Lindefey inLin- ^'colnfliire (fonncof Walter de Gaunt, by Mauld, daughter of Alan Earle of Britaine, and Grand- chilae to Gilbert de (that came in- to England with William Conqueror) by Eufia- «<*,daughter of the Earle ot % Cenomania) taking part with King Stefben,2gzinfkMauld the Em- preiTe, was taken prifoner by King Henrie the fccond, being then Duke of Normandte, who committed him to the cuftodieand keeping of Randoll Mefchmes , alias Gernom, the fourth Earle of chefter, who married him to tiawis, daughter or William de Romara, his halfe Bro- ther by the Mother ; by whom hee had ylTuc, Gilbert de Gaunt, that dyed in the yeare, 1 160. Father of the laft Gilbert Earle of Lincolnej S^/^^fecondlbnnejLordof^wr^andP^//^, who founded the Ab- bey of Bourne, one thoufand one hundred and fortic, and dyed in the yeare one thoufand one hundred fifty fix , and one daughter named Alice, married to Simon S Lize Earle oiNortbampon^ who dyed without ilTue.This Gilbert the Earle, dyed in theyeare, 1 1 5 6. and wasburied in the Abbey of Bardens in Lincolnshire. Et portoit, burelle d*or & d'azur au faande de gueulles. f ilbert dfeG4**tf 5 Grand-childe of Gilbert de ^ Gaunt j Earle of Lincolne (by his fonne Gil- bert, who was difinherited by King Henriethc fecond, for taking part with King Stephen) was made Earle of Lincolne, by Lewis King Phify the French Kings fonne, in the eighteenth yecre ofKingib^, which King Henry the third did afterwards confirme to the faide Gilbert, in the third yeere of his reigne : In which yeare hee di- ed, and was buried in the Abbey of Ramfey, without iffue: after whofe death, King Henrit the third did giue the faide Earledome of Lin- colne, toR W*#fur>named Blundeuile, thefixt Earleof Cbejler. It portoit, burellc d'or 6c d'azur au bande de gueuUe.f coi* LlNCOLNE. 31? BEtbrc Icometo fpeakeoughtof thisEarle Gilbert, it will not bee any kindeof digrelfion, to let you know, that the Chronicles of Norman- die haue thefe words, a M C L V. — Obijt Gillebertus de Gam & Simon in- . cbnnk4Nc mam ; d . ^ uenis filifu Comitis Simoms % cum careret terra, dono Regis Henrici (meaning 9? 2iB - Henrie the fecond) accepit filiam eius the third,and was buried at chefier, leauing his foure fifters his heircs, which were marri- ed, as inthetitleofEarles oiCheBcr. Page 123. Et portoit.d'azufatroisgarbes d'of. p6 CORRECTIONS. |JOW I muftmakemypromifegoodjandprouethatto^Afurnamed ^ Blundeuill, had tertium denarium(thc Earledome of Limolne)bdoie the third yeare of King Henry the third, and thus I begin. *c/*^AM.H.3.m. 17. V\x% I finde a * Writ dire&ed to the Sheriffe of that Countie, dated at Lincolnethc 23 . of May, A°. 1 . H.3 . commanding him Quod habere fac'tAt RanulphoComiti C eflrU tertium denarium de Comitatu Lincoln, qui earn con- b Another dated at Wor. ccfter, the 15. of March in the yeare following, to wit, the fecond of Henrit the third, and directed to the fame Officer with this charge. ^Pracipimus tibi qubdrecipias clericum ilium , quern dileclw & fidelis nojler R. Comes CejlrU Lincolni* ( heere goes the Hare away ) ad te miferit per liter a* fuas % ad eun- dnmtecumperComitatum LintolnU,& ad recipiendum tertium denarium dt placitis Comitatm eiufdem, nomine Comitis Lincolnia, ad opus ipfius Comitis^ft- cut eidem ilium tertium denarium concefiimus. He that will not beleeue this, muft haue no more of me, and therefore I will to the next. Matter ror&r in the next paflagc fayes, It is idle and altogether vntrue, whatfomeexquifitc Writers haue fet do wne, in deliuering, that this Earle Ranulpb gaucthc Earledomeof Lincolnevntohis fifterHawfia deQuencie, 'MMudemhttute ftutks Matter Milles hath honeftly « deliuered the Deed, which I will againe faith- &(iMb.f*i.i4'* fully tranferibe, (notany waves difputingPrerogatiue) out of the very Ori- ginall(andasneereas Art can, you haue the Scale to it) now remaining in Sir Robert cottons hands. TjHAnnulphus Comes CefirU fyLincolm\ommbuipr&fentibui & futuris pra- *-^-fintem cartam in^ekuru, wlaudituris, faltttem in domino. Ad vniuer- fitatjs .Theokeii«,. ms. booke of * Tewkesburie fay es , Anno M C CXLVobannes de Lacy C omes *>Math.p*w,p*. 51 s-n". jo Lincolnu obijt in Augnflo. And b P^w thelike,y4ww domini MCCXL.

^ lohnof Gaunt Earle of Richmond (fourth fonneof KingE^nwv/thethird) ho after the death of this Henry, his Father in law, wasthe fecond Duke of tncafter. This Henry, dyed in the 3 5 . y eare of King Edward the third. £t portoit, dVngleterre au Iarnbel! dc France. CORRECTIONS. Nthe 27, ycarc of King Edward the third, he had the Earledomeof Lincolne g/##r£/>w,implies 5 that then was the time,wherin he firft had that Title b tr- owed vpon him: but this that I haue here tranfciibed fhewes the contrary, id giues mc caufe to lcaue it with yoti.V&x 2 o. dieAugujli proximo prate- cUuff.iiE.ifM im. 5 ito,dedit Henrico Comiti LancajlrU viginti libras, ftbi & heredibus pits , fub omine Comitis Lincoln, per manus vtcecomitis Lincoln, cjui pro tempore ierit fingulis amis foluendas,pro tertio denario com it at us Lincoln. Tejle Rege wd Orfete.4 0 . die 'Njuembris, Which plainely fhewes, that hee had it nhe three and twentieth yeareof that Kings reigne. Sec morein Lan- f ifier. Now if he will but looke to page 69. 1 2 9. 1 3 5 . of his booke, he may read is ownc words, (in his paflfages concerning John of Gaunt) that He had alfo lis Earledome of Lincolne , and yet Matter Torke hath barred vs of his corn- any in this Catalogue , betwecne Henry of Monmouth and John de la Pole. ifter whofe deceafe, it defended to Henry of Bullingbroke, whoinueftedit ltotheCrowne, vntill it was after giuen out againe, by King Edward 'the >urth to Delapole. See John of Gaunts ftile in my obferuations in Lancafier, e ag. 296. wherein his title of Lincolne, is Ipecified vnder the word Nicely the 10ft vfuall terme for Lincolne, in all ancient French records and cuidences. Sf John LlNCOLNE. John de la Pole , fonne and heyre of John de U * Pole fecond Duke of Suffolk) was created Earle of Lincolne , in the feuenth yeare of King Edward the fourth, and married Margaret^ daughter of Thomas Fit^ Alan Earle of Arm- del/, by whom he had no iffue. He wasflaincin the life time of hisFather,at * Stokefeld, taking part with Martine Swarthy the 16. of June, in [he fecond of King Henry the feuenth, 1487. Etportoit, d'azuralafaceatroisteftesdeleopaids d'or au lam- bell d'argent. * Stokefield fhould bee two wordes , it is a towne in Nottinghamjhire where the feldwas fought. Neither was it Jlricken the fifteenth oflftne , but the twentieth in the fecond of Henry the fiauenth 9 as appear es by anaft of Parliament^*. u. Hen.y.mmer. 38. for the attainder of fome thatwere ehiefe abettors in that dijloyaltie. HEnry Brandon , fonne and heyre of Charles Brandon , Duke of Sufolke, by Mary the French Queene, being about twelueyearcs of age, was created Earle of Lmcolne^y Henry the eight his vncle at Bridewell, inthefeauentcenc yeare of his raigne,and then dyed without ilTuc, his Father lining. Et portoit, bnrelle d'argent & de gueuiles de dix pieces au lion rampant d'or, corroneperpale gueullesflc d'argent aulambel) d'argent. Edwara Lin co l n e C DwardClinton, Lord Clinton and Admirallof England, wascrea-: ted Earlc of Lincolne, in the 1 4. yearc of Queene Elizabeth, 1572. He mar- ried three wiues, thenrft was beth, daughter of Sir lohn Blunt, the widdow of Gilbert Lord Talboys, by whom he had ilTue, Bridget \ wife to Robert Djmock of Scrtuelby in Lin- coln/hire, Elquire, Father of Sir Ed- ward Dymock , his Maieftics moft worthy Champion ; Katherine, wife of William Lord Borough, Father of Thomas Lord Borough ^0x6. Deputy of Ireland-^ Margaret ,wife to Charles Lord Willoughby of Farha??}. His fecond wife was Vrfula, daughter of William Lord St our ton, by whom he hadilTue, //wrji Lord Clinton, Ed- rWthat died without ittucandThomas: which Thomas, had to wife, ^/4ry, laughter of /-giraldEzr\c of 'Qldare in Ireland^ his wife Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Grey Marqueffe ^orfet,mdow of Sir Anthony Brown, She furuiuins him did erccl that ftatcjy ombe at windfor in a priuate chappell in honor of her husband , by whom le had no ifTue. He dyed in the 26. yeare of Queene Elizabeth, and was ho- lourably buried at Windefere, 1585. .tportoit, d'argentfixcroifektzde fabliau pied fiche,auchef d'jzur charge dc deux molettes d'or. TXEnry Clinton, Lord Clinton, Son & heyre * -*of Edward Earle of Lincolne , and Lord high Admirall of England, after the death of his Father,was Earle of Lincolne, and married Katherine,daughtCY of Francis Hajlings Eat le of Huntington , by whom hec had iHue , Thomas Lord Clinton,2n6 Earle of Lincolne, Sir Edward Clinton Knight, who maried Mary, daughter of Thomas Dighton of Sturton , in the County of Lincolne ;and Elizabeth Clinton , Wife to Sir Arthur Gorge Knight. Katherineand Frances died young. He married to his fecond Wife, Elizabeth daughter of Sir Richard Morifon Knight, widdow of William N orris, fonneand heire apparant of Henry firft Lord Norris of Ricot, by whom hce had ilTue Sir Henry Clinton ommonly called Fines. Et portoit Ies armes de Con pcre, Sfz Thomas Li ncolne, TtJomtt Clinton Lord Clinton 5 ' fonne anc heirc of Tbomat Earle of LincolnejJtttx thci death of his father, was the third Earle of Lin- coln that family. Hec married Elizabeth, daughter and one of the hey res of Sir Henry. Kneuctoi Charlton , in the County of Wild Knight, by whom he had iiTue Henry and Tbo. mas t both dead yong, Tbeophilus now Earle of Zincolne, a°. 1 6i I . Edward, Charles , Kneuet^ Robert dead withouti{Tue,/*£#:and nine daugh- ters, Katherinethe eldeft died young, Elizabeth thefecond, Frances the third married to lobn Gorges^ fonne and heyre apparant to Sir Ferdi- nando Gorges Knight, Arbella fourth, Lucia and Anne both dead, Sufanna feuenth,Aw<# eight, • Mafter York? «« h» new and Sarah the yongeft. Hee * died at hislioufe b»oke fi yg^ j^Jjjjjj in Taterfhall'm Lincolnshire the 1 5 . of Ianuary , a°. 16 1 8 . and was there buri- al T. butSat 2n«S! ed in the Chancellof the Church at Taterjhali aforefaid. Et portoit Ies Armoiries dc fon pere. ^VHeofhilus Clinton , Lord Clinton, made Knight oftheBath at theCrcation of Prince Charles, a°. 1 6 1 6. third fonne, and heire of Tho- mas Earle of Lincolne^ is now Earle of Ltncolne , \6ti. and hath married Briget daughter of William Fines , Lord Say and sWf , by whom hee hath iffue Katherine. Et portoit, d'argent fix Croifeletz dc fable, au pied fiche, au che£ d'arur charge de deux molettes d'or. A CA- A. CATALOGVE OF THE Earles of M arch, their Amies, Wines, and Qhildren, WITH CORRECTION S. Oger Lord Mortimer oi Wtgmore (Conne andhcire of Edmond Lord Mortimer ofwigmorc) was created the firft Earle of the Marches of wales, in the fecond yearc of King Edward thethird, at a Parliament hclde at Salisburj. Vnto this Roger, was committed the gouernmentof Edward the third ; for thathce was generally accounted a man of lingular ver- £ue ;and vnto him was ioyned Edmond of Wood- (locke Earle ofKent, & Henry P lantagenet Earle of Lancaster, assffiftanrs. A Parliament being held at Northampton, 1328. a difhonourable peace and marriage was made, wherin the King (by the directions of his Mother,and this Roger Mortimer)vc\ca.Ccdtothe Scots, their homage, fealty, and feruice due to him for that kingdom^ nd deliuered vp to them alfb, the grand Charter called Ragman j which vn- er the hands and feales of their late King, and of the Nobilitie of Scotland, Rifled their tenureand fubieclionto the Kings of England. This Rogtrjn ie fourth yeare of King Edward the third, was taken at Nottingham Caftle i midnight, in Quecne Ifabell the Kings mothers chamber (with whom hce ad bene ouer-familiar) by William Lord Montague y and others, and fent to ie Tower of London, & condemned of high treafon at weflminfter, in pre- " "nee of the whole Parliament ; and after drawne to the common Gallowes, nd there hanged two dayes and two nights, and then taken downe and bu- edin the Grey-Friars Church. He married Ioane, daughter and heyrc of eter*Iamuile, Lord of Mede, faucolour, and Trime in Ireland^nd had iflTue,* 17 ^*' 7 ** dmond Mortimer y Knighted at the Coronation of King Edward the third, with March. with his brother Sir Roger Mortimer, and Geffrey Mortimer Lord of Cowich John the fourth forme of this Roger, was flaine at a Iufting at Shrewsbury Ka then tie the eldeftdaughter,was married to Thomas Beauchamp, Earleofw wkke;/0dne married to lames Lord AudUy • Agnes married to Laurence Ha JlingslEztk of Penbroke ; Margaret married to Thomas ; fonne and heyreo; Maurice Lord Berkeley } Mauld married to Sir lohn Charlton,Lord Powis, Blanch, wife to Peter Lord Grandifon-, zn&Beatrix the feauenth Daughter was married firft to Edwa rd, fonne and heire of Thomas of Brothcrton, Earl* of Norfolke, and after to Thomas Brews. Et portoit, barre d'or & d'azur, au chef palee les corners gm>nne a vn efcuchon d*argent. ROger Mortimer , Graund-childc to Roger Mortimer, the firft Earlc of March aforefaide, by his fonne Ed mond, was rcftored in the nine anc twentieth yeare of King Edward the third,tothe Earledome of March,anc all other Lands, Honours, and poflef- fions, which his faydeGrand-Fathci was poflefTed of; for that he was, con- trary to law (as the Lawiers then faidj puttodeath, being neuer brought tc anfwer; (which courfe of iuftice was vied before, atthetriall of theories of Lamapr,v/mchejler, Glocetterjni Kent, bytheaduiceof the faide^w and Queene ifahelL This Roger, was one of the firft Founders of the O rdei of the Garter, and married PhiBp, daughter of William MountagueEzdt. of Salisbury^ had ifluc, Roger Mortimer that dyed without iffue before his Father,and£^/wW^///»^ f that was the third Earle of March - Marga- ret married to Robert Vere Earlc of Oxford ; and Margery married to lohn Lord Audley. He dyed in Burgundie, at a Towne called Roueray, m the three afte'rnisdeath J A'.34.Ed. 3 . to England, was buried by his Anceftors^t mgmore. n°.c6. in the Counties of ° U'tgern, LtHCelitc, andelfe- where. Et portoit, barre d'or & d'azur, au chef palee les corners geronne a vn efcuchon d'argent. Edmw March T^Dmond Mortimer, fecond fonne and heire 'of Roger Mortimer , the fecond Earlc of March, (was after the death of his Father) the third Earle of March, and Lord of wigmore . He married Phillip, daughter andonely hey re of Lionell of Antnerpe y Duke of Clarence, Earle oflVi It/hire and VlHer, and Lord of Conaughe and Trime in Ireland-, by whom hee had yfluc, Roger Mortimer, the fourth Earle of March,and Sir Edmond Mortimer Knighr,that married the daugh ter of Owen Glendottr $ Sir lohn Mortimer Knight, the third fonne, was beheaded for \ J Treafon, the third of King Henry the fixt 5 , Eli- zabeth married to Henry Lord /Vr^,furDamed Hotjpurre, eldeft fonne of Henry fad Earle of Northumberland ; Phillip, firft married to John Raftings, Earlc of Penbroke ; and after to Richard Earle of ArundeU j and aftly, tolohn Lord S lohn, and dyed without hTue . This Edmond, reco- lercdfrom William MountagueEzrte of Saltsburie, theCaftle and Honour >f Denbeigh, which King Edwardthe third had giuen before to Roger Mor- /mw Earle of March, this Edmonds Grand-Father. This Edmond, died at 7orke in Ireland, the fife of King Richard the fecond, and was buried at Wig- wore. Page 138. Et portoit, bure'le de fix pieces d'or & d* azur, au chsf de la premier deux paletts entre dtux bafe equi- esde la fecond, furletouta vn efchuchon d'argenr. CORRECTIONS. [Snot your ignorance aduenturous heere, and in the Title of Clare and ^Clarence, and pag. 248 . to thruft vpon vs Lionell Duke of Clarence, as Earle rfwiltejhire < This you would do,iftheouer-runningofyour tongue might laue free paffage without encounter . Thus doe you difcouer your great Clearke-fhip, in thinking FSfoww to be Wiltejhire,otwafionia wales,'zs, in the iM Edward the firft, or Mauriana for Moriton, as pag. 45. or Carlell for .of September, A°. 2 i.R.2. & a°. 1 ,H.4.being b cut flior- p^AnnV.'. H. 4 ? m hcad,and hauing no iiTue,left his inheritance and the Earlcdomc 0 « see more in Kent. Kent to his brother c Edmond, who but a while inioy cd either the Honour oi *^.,o.H.4.n-. s «. cftate . for d t h e I 5.ofScptember,Ao.p-H.4.i407.belikewifediedwithoui * E/f»*f/nAj. 3. h ./.n o . 55. children : by rcafon whereof, the eftatc e deuolued vponhis fillers : Elianoi ^&AM 3 3i.U!»! 43 tnc cWer ' marriecI t0 tnis EarIe of <**wfl& and tf^r,. lohanne, Margaret^ anor the yonger, and Elizabeth. Next he fayes, this Roger had (as it is true) two daughters, Anne, and Elk nor, and further addes, that Elianor was married to Edward Court eney Earl< j&hSf wuSr*' Vvhere ° f Deu0 W nd P a g- 61 • mew es (vntruly) that (he had iffue by him 5 which « a moft impudent dangerous-affirmatiop of his i For by that meancs,hccnti ties the dependents of the body of that Courtney*, to be intcreft ed in the fuc ceffioi March. effion of the Crowne of England. I defire hce will looke out another wife^"'- • e.4 n°.« « xthztCourtney, in regard this Woman f had noiflue? g HoUinjhcdtnn" 0 ^''*'^'"^' 7 srritcs in a language which M.Torke onely (and yet (carfe well) vnderftands, ould hauc informed him of that j and other * good Writers as much. iJ^JJTJ^" w * H ' 4 ' M HaUin fit. H.^.jol 2 . P Dmond Mortimer, fonne and hcireof R 0 . L * ml * r,t P e > a »» f*g*4si* •^g^raforefaid^was after the death of his Fa- ther, the fift Earle of March zn&VlBer, and Lord ofcwigmore, Trirne, Clare, and Conaught % and married Anne, daughter of Edmund Earle Stafford, and dyed without ilTue,in the Caftle of Trimc in Ireland, the third of King Henrte the fixt, and was buried at Stoke neere Clare leauing RichardDvkc of Torke, his Nephew & heire to fucceedc him : Anne his widdow, was after maricd to Iohn Holland Earle of Hunting- ton. Les armes de Mortimer. O /chard Plantagenet, ( fonne and **^-heire of Richard of Conesburgb, Earle ofCambridge, by his wife, filter and co-heire of Edmond Mtrti* mer, the fift Earle of March) after the death of his Father, and Edmond Mtr- //jwrhisVncklc, did write himfclfe, Duke of Torke, Earle of Cambridge, Filler t March ^ and Rutland, Lord of Wigmore and Clare. He married Cecu ly, daughter of Ralphe Neuillfixft. Earle otWeflmerland, and had iflue Edward Earle of March, (after King, by the name otKing Edward the fourth) and others, as in the Title of rorke. This Richard, wasflaine at the battaileof Wakefield, 1460. and the 3 9. of King Henry the fixt. Et portoit, France efcarteHe d'engleterre a bordurt d'argent (erne lyons rampant purpre. The Armes Are not as yen hauebU&oned them, hut as lhaueheere depifled ^em^witnejje yourowne words in Cambridge andTorkc, thebookeoftheGar- KWndbufUuttWmdfir* Tt Edward March, "C VwardPlantagenet, Ion andheire *-'of RichardDvkc of r^t* aforcfaid, was after the death of his Father, Earlc of March zndFlfier^ and Lord of Wig- more and Clare ; andlaftly, King of England, by the name of King Edward the fourth. Etportoit, France efcaftellc d'engleterre a vn lambel! d'argent, charge de neuf torteaux. CORRECTIONS. 4* F Or the pafTage late repeated, I doe not any way gainfay it; oncly mar- uaile, that th is Edward heere fpoken of, is left vnto vs as the laft Earlc of March, when thecurrent of all Anci- ent writers confefTe, that this Edwards fonne, an Edward alfo, (and kno wne beft by the name of Edward the fift) was by his Father honoured with that Title.fox Archiepifeopis,&cfalatem. (this is the Charter it felfe) S cutis quod quanquam nosjracharifitmum flium voflrum primogmitum Edwardum^ in Principem WaUia&Comitem CeBria nuper creauerimus, ejr prn the mothers fide : fonne of Mat hew Earle of Lenox Jay Margaret his wife, laughter of James Lord Hamilton* by Marian his wife, daughter of K . lames he fecond of Scotland ; fonne of Iohn Earle of Lenox,who was brother to Ro- . in the fcuenteenth ycare of lis faide Maiefties reigne. Hee married Katherine fole daughter and heire ){ Sit Geruafe Clifton, Knight, Lord Clifton ofLeighton Bromefwold, >y Katherine his Wife, onely daughter and heyre of Sir Henry Dar- j of Brimham in Yorkefhire Knight, by Katherine his Wife, daugh- er of Sir John Farmer of Epn-nefton in the County of Northampton Knight, bnne and heire of Sir Arthur Darey Knight by Marie his wife, daughter of >ir Nicholas Carew olBedington in Surrey Knight of the Garter(fifter and one >f the heires of Sir Frances Carew Knight) which Arthur, was yonger fonne )f Thomas LoidDarcy of the North, and Knight of the Garter, who was >eheadcd A*. 3 0. H.8. father to the now Lord Darcy of ^rwwgreatgrand- jt 2 father March, father. By whom he had ifliie Elizabeth, borne at Hawnejfe in Bedford/hire, onTuefdaythefeauenteenthof/Wy, Anno 1610. lames Steward, Lord Utghton, borne atBlackesFriars,on Monday the fixt of April, Anno 1612. Katherwet borne at Blacke-Friars, on Friday the fixt of Auguft, Anno 1613. anddyedyoung. Anne, borne at Blacke-Friars, on Wednefday the thirtieth ofNouember, Anno 1614. tJenry Steward, borne at Par fins -Greene necre Fulham, on Saterday the thirteenth of Ianuary, Anno 16 1 5 . Francis borne at Batb-houfe in Holborne, on Wednefday the nineteenth of March, Anno 1617. George Stetvard,bomeat Bathe -fo«/?onTucfday the feuentecnth of Iuly, Anno 1 618. Lodowicke, borne at March -hoftfi in Drervrie Lane, on Thurfday the fourteenth of October, Anno 1 619. And borne at the fameplaceon Tuefday the twenty three of October, A°.id2i. Erportoir,FranceaIaborduredegueulIes,fermaille d'or &huift pieces, efcartclle d'or a lafaceefche- quette'd'argent & d'azur, bordure de gueulles ; fur le tour d'argent aufaulterengrefle degueulles, cntre quatre quintl ueijles de me(rne,a;i creflant pur la difference. M I D L E 5 E X. A CATALQGVE OFTHE Earles of Midlefex, their Armes, JViues, and Children. Oh LeoneH Crmfield Knight, fori of Thomas ^Cranfield of London Efquire, was by King James Englands Monarch , fail made one of the Matters of hisMaicftics Court of Requefts, then Maifter of the Kings great Wardrobe, af- ter that he was preferred to be Maifter of the Court of Wards and Liueries, and made a Priuy Counccilor, then was he honored with the Title of Baron Cranfield of Cranfield in the Countieof Bedford^ by Letters Patents bea- ring dateat Wcftminfter the ninth ofIuly,mlliams of Aldwarpe, Father of William Fitz,-williams, Earle of South, hampton ; and after to Sir Anthony Browne Knight, Standard-bearer of Eng* land; whofe fonneSir Anthony Browne* Knight of the Garter, one of the Priuy Councell vnto King Henry the eight, and one of his executors, had iflue Sir Anthony Browne, created Vifcount- Mountague by Queene Marie : and the fift daughter, was maried to Six William #«^/ouerapne&o#, fojttyegret^eell, ano ioue bee bate to lohn Neueii, late nameo 31patqute£ Mountague, ano ooer conffoeractong typm moueo, e- recteanomaHe George Neueii, tipeeloeftfonneof tijefetoe #at= queg, to be 2£ufte of Bedford.gno at tijat tpme,foj tlje greteloue feto ^tgtmelTe bare, to tlje feto lohn Neueii, pnrpofeo ano in- tenoeo to tyaue gitpffen to tbe feio George, foj fnftentacton of tije fame trigntte, fufftctaunt itffelooe . Ino fo j tlje gtett offences, fcnfcpntmefe ano mpf berjaupngg, tbat tbe fetoe lohn Neueii tyaty Dooneanls commpttet), totytgfeto ^igrmetf, a#i£opcnlp fcno= tt>en,l)e ijatl) no caufe to oepatte anp itffelooe to tije fetD George, 3ino foj f 0 motlj, a# it t# openlp fcnotoen, tijat tbe fame George tyati) not, no; bp tntjetttaunce mep bane enp lift elooe, to f uppojt tlje feio name, eftate ano otgnite,oj enp name of cftate,ano ofte tpme$ttt#fene, ttjat toljen enp&ojo i$ called tobigb eftate, ano baue not Itffelooe connententlp to fnppojt ttye fame otgnite, tttnouce#gretponerte,inoigcng, ano caufeg oftpmetf gret tp- tojcion,emtytacere,anomapntenannceto bee bat), totljegtet truble of ail fneb Contreg , toljet f ucb eftate ftall bape to be in= babitet u©^erfojetfjeitpng, bpt^eaoupfeanoafTent of ^ ^pirttuellano tempo?el,ano ttje Commons in tins Pa- rent parliament aifembleo, ^nobptijeauctojitieoftije fame, 0 joereo, eftabiifyitij ano enaetitij/ t^at fro ijensfojtlj, tije fame erection ano mafcpng of &ufce, ano all tije names of Digmte, gnpffen to tije feio George, 0? to tije feto lohn Neueii tys 5faHer, be from ijensfotf ij Donatio of no effecte.^no tijat tlj e fame George % i)iS ijeires from ijensf 0^ be no Bnfces, no? barques, £rie, no j Baron, no j bee reputet no? taften f 0 $ no £>u fces? no? #at* que& MOVNTAGVE que& Crle no* Baron,foj no erection o % creation afoj mabe,bot oftJmtnameof©ufceanti#arque& tittle an& Baron, in i#nt anoty$ijeire?ce(re,ant)bet)optie, antiofnon effecte, tty fefoe Erection, o? Creation nottwit^ftanDpnge, This haue I thought good to mention hecre, that Noblemen and others may be warned, ho w they fell and confume their auncient Liuings and Pa. trimonies,Ieft them by their Anceftors ; left wanting wherewithallto main- line theirEftates, the King degrade and difable them from bearing any ho- nourable Title, as he did thefe two Noblemen, the Father and the Son. Et portoit, gueulles au Saulteur d'atgent, an lambell gobonne d'aigcnt & d'azur. Montgomery. ACATALOGVEOF THE Earlcs of Mountgomery, their Armes, Wiues,and Chil- dren. Hi/lip Herbert , (fecond fonnc of Henry Herbert , Earlc o( Penbre-ke, and brother of W'tUim, now Earle of Pembroke ,i6n) was made Knight of the Bath, at the Coronation of King lames - 3 and on Sa- turday, being the fourth day of May, 1 60 5 . hee was created at Greenemch, fii ft Baron of Shurland^ and the fame day, Earle ofMottntgomery ; and laft- ly, he was made Knightofthe Garter, 1608. He married Sufan, daughterof Edwardrere Earle of Oxford, and had ilTue, lames ^ and Hcnrie, dyed both young s Charles, now Lord Herbert of Shurland ; Philip, Anna-Sophia , and Mary. Et portoit, per pale d'azur 8c de gueulles au trois Lyons rampant d'argent a vn bordur gobonnyd'et & de gueulles, au creflant pur la diflerence. A CA- A CATALOGVE OF THE Dukes & Earles of Norfolke, their Armes, Wiues, and Qhildren, with CORRECTION S. Apbe de waiel, a Britaine borne, was by the guifc of William the Conquerour, the firft Earle of the Eaft Angles(that is to fay, Norfolke, Suffolke, and Cambrtdgjjyire) and gaping after an alteration and change in the State, was difpoiTeifedof that Honour and Title, in th° ninth yeare of the faide Kings reigne, for confpiringto expell him out of Eng- land h which was done at the marriage of this Raphe, with Emme y the daughter of William Fttz-Osberne, Earle of Hereford, and Marfhall of England,^ fitter to WtUiam deBritolio earle ofluory, and Roger Earle of Hereford. There was in this confpiracy, Waltheofthe great Earle of Northumberland, diuers Bifhops, Abbots, and Barons : all which, by the Arch-Bymoppc Mjranke, were made knowne to William Conqueror, he being then in iVV- tandy, which caufed him with allfpcedeto rcturne into England, and ap- pending the faid waltheof and Roger Earle of Hereford ; Waltbeof was be- eadednWwchetfer, and Roger had his eyes put out, andwaskeptinprifon uring his life. This Raphe de waiet, keeping the Caftle of Norwich, againft ;ie loyalty of wil/tam the firft, was driuen out of England , and went with is wife to Jerufalem s leauingbehindehimone daughter named Jtta t who larried Robert Earle of LeiccBer, in Anno 1 1 03 . CORRECTIONS. Remember well that pag.99. in the life of William Fitz>Osberne Earle of Hereford, you fay that this Rajfe de Waet, Waher, or Guader, Earle of Nor- 3ike,wasa«y^A:^,andheerethathewas4 Br it aim borne, twodirccT: cont- raries. Now becaufe I will make fliort vvorke about it, I fliall intreate Mat. ( 4r/itolhewyouwhathehadobferucd,inthefefewwords, ^ratRadul. . bus (meaning this very man) ex matre wallenfi, ex pane Anglico generate . ' M4f - Far,, '^' a ind Math. IVeflminfterMo, Annograti* 0 -5°> 'tlk&Suthfolk. IsleRadulphuseratde genere Britonum ex parte matrif, ejr tier fun* Anglicus fait. musfuitmNorthfolk.ibi^habuitnuptiasfuat qu& V u mult is NORFOLKE. multis hominibus damno fuerunt. Plainly (hewing, that notwithstanding he was defcended from WeHh parentage by the Mother, yet his Father was Englifti, and himfclfe a Norfolkc man borne. HVgb Bigot, (fonneandheireof Roger Bigot. Sewer to King Henry the firft, and Adeliz& his wife, daughter and co.heire of Hugh Grent- wefaellXotd Steward of England)a Noble Ba- ron of this Realmc, and Steward of thehoufe toKing Henry the firft, beeing prcfentatthe death of the faid King,teftified vpon his oath, before the Arch-bilhop of canterbury, & othei the Nobility of this Realme, that Kingfltow the firft, willed vpon his death-bed : that .to- fhen his Nephew, and not Mould the Emprefli his daughter ) fhould fuccced him in the King- dome of England. For which oath, King .to fhen in the firft yeare of his r eigne , made this Hugh, Earle of Ike. (Tho: WalfinghamT fodigmo NeuBru.fag.i S.J He married lulim daughter of Alherick de Vere, the Kings Chamberlaine, and had iffue, Rogei Bigot, after Earle of Norfolke, and WtUiam a fecond fonne . He dyed in th< 24. yeare of King Henry the fecond, 1 1 77. and was buried in the Priorie 0 S. Bennets in Tbctferd. Et portoitj d'or a la croix d e gueulles. T) Oger Bigot ^ Earle of the Eaft Angles, oi •^^-Norfolke, the fecond of that fur-name, ir the yeare, 1 2 1 5 . with diuers other Noblemct of the Realme,did require of King lohn t xo haui the ancient Lawesof S. Edward the Confeffor renewed and confirmed vnto them • which be ing denied, they put themfelues into Armes, d fentfor Lewis {Philip) the French Kings fonnc promifing to make him King of England . A whofercquefthecame, and landed in thelfl of Thanet in Kent, the 21 . day of May, 1 2 1 6 & comming to London, there had fealty fwon 'vnto him by the faidc Noblemen. So that the rough all England, was nothing but killing an firing, vntill it chanced the Vifcount of Melyt a Nobleman of France '(which came with Lew, into England) to fall very ficke in the Citie of London ; who feeling deat to approach, called vnto him certaineof the Barons of England,vnto whot he vttcred thefe words. / am forty (faid he ) Brethren, for your fubuerfton on def tlation^ whereof yon are ignorant j For Lewis, and fixteene of the Barles an Bam Norfolk e. Barons with him^ hauc fworne, that ij it be his chance to fubdue England, and to be crowned King, be would banijh out of the Realms all thofe Noblemen which new take his fart , as T manors to their King* A little while after K'mg/ohn dy- ed, and Henry his fonne became King, and made an agreement with his No- bles, whereby Lewis was faine to abandon and lcaue England, and goc into France backe againe . Ihis Roger, married Ifabell, daughter of Hatnelyn plantagenet t (bzfe fonne of Geffrey Plantagenet, Earle of Anwye) EarleW-'^r- rtn and Sum 7, and had ifTue, Hugh Bigot Earle of Norfolke, and others. H e dyed, and was buried at The t ford. Et portoit les Armoiries de Con pcre. He had iffue William Bigot , drowned with the children of King Henry the 1 . Hugh Bigot Earle of Norfolke after his Father Thomas Bigot, Margaret marri- ed to wilham de Hafiingcs the Kings Steward; Adeli%a y or Alice,married to At- hene deVere Earle of Oxford 5 and Mary married to Ramdph Fit ^-Robert Lord of Midleh am, with whom Earle Roger her father gaue in franke marriage, ten found Land out oj his Manner of Stockton in Norfolke. \JVgh Bigot, fonne of Roger afordridc, after ''•the death of his Father, was thethird Earle of Norfolke of that fur-name, and srifarryed A/4«/^the eldeft daughter of willtam Marfhall, the elder Earle of Venbroke, and Marfliall of England, and one of the Sue lifters & co-hcircs of William Ararjhallz?,d his foure Brothers, all Earles of Penbroke, and Marfhals of England ; and had iffuc, three fonnes and one daughter- Roger the eldeft fonne, was after his Father, Earlcof Norfolke, and Marfhall of England : Hugh the fecond fonne, was Chccfe Iuftice of England, and was flaine at Lewis, in the yeare, 1 2 64. Raphe Bigot the third fori, married Ber- tha daughter ot the Lord Furniuall, and had if- fue, /0^#and Ifabell, whowasfirft married to Gilbert Lacie of Meth in Ireltnd . and after to lohn Fitz-Geffrey a Baronjand Ifabelhhe daughter of this Hugh the Earle, was married to Hugh de Albeneio Earle of 'Arundell. The partition of Marfhals Lands s was made in the one and thirtieth yeare of King Henry the third, whereof this Mauld had for her part, one tboufandone hundred and twenty pounds per annum,wkh the Of- fice and Rod of Marfhall of England, and the Mannour and Caftleof Chep- flow, or Strigull'm Wales. She ouerliued her husband, and in the faydc 3 1 . of Henry the third, fhe gaue the Office and Rod of the Marfhalfhip to Roger her eldeft fonne, who was then Earle of Norfolkc,and Marfhall of England; Vu 2 and Norfolk e. and asMatbcw Paris hath, this Hugh died at London, the ninth oiK.Henrit thethird,i22 5. hath jag. 504. Tfof «k» feenediuers Charters of this Hughs^ Jigned andfealedwithaSealeofahyonpafantvpon the fame, which I greatly maruaileat, confidering, that both the faide Hugh, And Roger his Father, didvft and bear e in their shields and Scales, a flaine Croffe, which isgrauen tn ftonejnd pamtedontheNorthfideof the CathedraU(or Minfier) atweflminjter, intht time of King Henry the third, with many other Noblemens Armes, who lined at that time. And further 1 jpeake of mine owne knowledge, that neuer any of this Noble Family of Bigots, did euer giue other Coate of Armes, then Gold, a Crojft Gueulles, before they married with Mar[hals daughter t and were Marfhalles oj England: At which time, they did affumeand take a Coate, vfed by William Ma r (hall Ear le of Penbrcke and his fonnes {who were Marfhals of England) fet the Of ice of Marfhall ; which was party per pale Or, and Verte^ a Lyon ram- pant Gueulles. And thus much haue I thought good heere to mention, becaufel fee in diuei s Noblemens Armes, (who are defcended ofthe faide Bigots) this deui- fed Armes, in ftead of the true and tight Coate of Bigot, CORRECTIONS. TWill not gainfayyou,that Bigot bore anciently S. Georges Croffcvpongeld, *for I acknowledge the fame : But whereas you would infer,that the Armej Party per pale d'or and Vert a Lion rampant Gueulles, were the Armes of the Office of Marfhall of England, will hardly be proued. 1. Firft,vnleiTeyoucan make it appeare, that Armes hauebeene appro- priated anciently (Imcaneofthofetimes)to Offices in this Realme. 2. Secondly, had it beene the Armes ofthe Office of Marfhall, tbeSeah thereof fhould onely haue beene vfed in matters concerning the Office; bui it was vfed in Donations , Covenants, &c. and not in matters of the Marfhall (hip at all. 3. Thirdly, Ifabel Marfhall, and theyonger daughters, could not haue vfed it as they did. 4. Fourthly, all they which are defcended from the daughters of Willim Marfhall, are not to beare it, as they do, if it was proper and peculiar to thai Office. 5 . Finally , the Marfhalles of England, fucceeding the Bigots, as Robert I C lifford, Nicholas de Segraue, Thomas ofBrotherton, William Montacute,Tbo< mas Beauchamp. Edmund Mortimer, Henry Percy \ Thomas Holland, Raph Ne- uiU^hz Mowbray es 2nd Howards, would not haue omitted if, had it bin ap- propriate to their Office. Rogei NORFOLKE. Oger Bigot, [on and hcire oto^and Maud Marfhall, wasthe^EaileofNorfolkc, and firft Marfhal of England of that Family /To this Roger, was granted the Marfhalfhip of England by Mauld his mother, prefently after the death of AnfelmeMarfiallEdrlc of Pembroke, (the fiftc and yongeft fonneof IViUiam Marjhalhhe elder, Earle of 1V»£™*. 1 2 69. leauing Roger his Nephew (fonne of Hugh his brother, to fucccecl bim in hisEarledome. Et portoit, party pale d'or, & de vert, au lyon rampant de gueullej. Tyoger Bigot, the lift Earle of Norfolk of that L ^Family, and Marfhall of England, nephew to Roger the fourth Earle of Norfolke, by Hugh Bigot Chiefe-Iufticc of England his Brother. This Roger Bigot, Gilbert deClareEark of Gloce- fter, and Humfiey de Bobun Earle of Hertford, & Conftablc of England, were commaunded by King Edward the firft, to goe with him into A- quitaine, to the ayde of Guy Earle of Flanders, (v/homt Charles the brother of Philip King of France, had at S.Omers in France, a little be. foreouercomein fingle combate) which they denied, except he would put in vfe.and rcftorc to his Subiccisj the lawes of Magna Carta • which the faide King refuted to doe • and going on bisiourney without them, to tne aide of the faid NORFOLKE. faid(7*y againft the French King; at hisreturnebackeagaine (forpunifli- ment of thcfe Noblemens contempt) firft he caufed Gilbert de Clare Earle of G l oce (ler , to marry Ioane of Acres, the faid Kings daughter,without any dow- ry : And Humjrey de Bohun Earle of Hereford, to marry Elizabeth, thz widow of/ohn Earle of Holland, another of the faide Kings daughter, with the like conditions. And that this Roger Bigot Earle of Norfolke, mould furrender and dcliuer vp into the Kings hands, all his Lands in England^ Wales, and he- land, with the Office of Marfliall of England ; referuing vnto himfelfe an e- ftatefcr terme of life, with a thoufand pound more encrcafe, which the fayd King would allow him ; with this Prouifo, that if the faide Roger had y ffue lawfully begotten, then he mould without all contradiction, receiue allfrom the faide King againe, with the encreafe of iooo. pounds per annum from the King. He married two wiues, the firft was ^//0rf,daughter of Philip Baf. fet and widdow of Hugh de Spencer, Iuftice of England. His fecond Wife vva's Alice daughter of lohn de Auenne, Earleof Heynault, and dyed without iflue, intheywre, 1305. And by an I.nquifition taken the fourth of Decem- ber the 3 5 of King Edward the firft, lohn Bigot was found to be his brother . scethisdifprooued in the and heire. After the death of this Roger Bigot ,Earleof Norfolke, King * nextpiacs, howitwas W the firft, did giue the Office ottheMarlhallhipof Englnnd, to Thomas whom Kin S the fecond did create Brother. £ 3 rk of Norfolke. Et portoit, party pale d'or & de vert, au lyon rampant de gueulles. Homos of Brotherton, fecond fon of king&Z- the firft, by Margaret his fecond wife, daughter of Philip the third King of France* af 1 er the death of Roger Bigot, xht fift Earle of Nor- folke of that name; was by King£^WthefTrf his Father, made iMarfhallofEnglandjandinthi 9. yearcof King Edward the fecond, his half( Brother he wascreatcd Earle of Norfolk?, anc mm'udK^therine, daughter of Sir Roger Hal]. of Harwich Knight, and had iflbe, Edward m Margaret. Edward was after his Father, Earl of Norfolke and Sujfolke, and Marfliall of Eng laddy and dyed the Kings Ward, the fame year his Father dyed ; leauing Margaret his fiftcr at* heyre, who wasfltft married to lohn Lord St graue, and after to Sir Walter Many £,Knight. B the Lord SegraueShe had ifftie, Elizabeth and Anne - 0 Elizabeth was mariedt hhn Lord Mowbray, and Anne was Lady Abbefle at Barking in EJfex.By S miter Manye Hie had ifliie, Thomas and Margaret-, Thomas was in his yout drowned in a Well at Detford in Keni\ and Margaret was maried to lohn I HaJlingsEark ofPenbroke, and Lord of Aburganenny. This Thomas died, « was buried in the Abbey ofS.Edmo»dsbury in Sujfolke, in the yeate 1338. T Et portoit, d'engleterre, au Iambell d°argen c. CO ! NORFOLKE 3+3 C OR RE C T I O N S. THe difo>nrfc hccre deliuered, hangs together no furerj then fand : For firft you make Thomas of Brotherton([o called of a little village in York- fhire where he was borne ) line 17. and 20. of this page, to bee fecondfonne ofEdwardthe firft, when the whole * torrent of Gencalogifts and Hiftorio-^fe'L 57 * l6t graphers agree that he was fift fonne. seufnepu pt.f *pag.I 2 ; Nextyoufay 5 thathewasmade^r^// tf /£^W^^ Father K.Ed- 8I| ward the firfiihuti beleeueitnot : forfurelam, that King Edward the fe-^^^/'tf.<4 n °-4°. :ond, in the firft yeare of his reigne, difpofed the fame (officium Marefcal- 7*^*g/«by thofe very words) firft to *> Robert dedifford^ and after to JWUiw.A&ki p i. 2 .&.',i itf/^ afe Segraue, &c. to hold the fame at the Kings pleafure,and afterwards ^• A °- » E.2.p% 2 .;m .22. n the ninth yeare of his reigne, he gaue c Wf<5fo & fide-lino fir 0 (thus runnes cw.a°. 9 .e.2. n ». 32. :hcinftrument) Thema de Brotberton Comiti Norfolk, fratri noftro charifiimo \ttrefcalciam i^fngli*, cum omnibm ad Marefcalciam illam fertinentibus.ua- 'iendam (jr tenendam fibi & haredibus ma f cults de cor fore ftto legitime frocrea- facicndoinde nobis & haredibus noftris, feruicia qua frogenitoribus to/lris inde debebantur,antequam eadem Marefcalcia ad manm domim E. quon- iam Regis AnglU patris nofiri y fer donationem, & remifiionem Rogeri le By god wondamC omit is Norff. & Marefcalli AnglU deuenit^c. Dat.fermanum no- bam afudLincoln.io. die Febr. anno regni nofiri nono. • . Thirdly he fay es, that he was created Earle of Norfolke^ A°. 9.E. 1 .but you nay rcade, that A°.6. E. 2. by a d Charter dated at Weflminfter ,the fixteenth a cWA'.a ;?. n°. 30 . )f December, the King gaue ^Fboma de Brotberton fiatri no firo cbarifimojto ■ 3 *-.Er2.pt.2.fi;io. ane, married with /ermine of Norfolke^ I will prone it presently. Fiftly, that he had by heaEdwardmd Margaret, and quite f forgets d&ft' timfM&.iA^ heotherfifterandcoheirc, married to Edward de Monte acutojesy whorn^be ^:/a ^ ,,3 • E3 ■' pr, uSh n ' adiiTue/ohanne (borne at Bungey in Norfolke,and there baptized setielMn* t *** u * dtU '> nb ** **tm, ^feftoPurtficationis^beauMari£virginUjA a .2i.^.i.)mk deyf* ' -3 0 * w w 4i.E«3# W Earlc of Suffolke : where you (hall haue more. Sixtly he fayes, Edward (Thomas of Brotbertons fon) was after his Father arle of Norfilke and Suffolke: when you proueitlwillbeleeueyou.notbe- )re ; in the interim, compare theft words heere concerning this Edward r ,the me when this Brotberton died, with thofe in Suffolk ,about Robert de Vffords eation into the Earledome of Suffolke 3 and fee whether you are off the ookes,ornot. Seuenthly he fayes, that Sir waiter Mannyesdiw^Mtx, that was maried to 'bn-HafiingsEatkofFenbroke, was named Margaret, Iafturc you it was Anne, 344 Norfolk e* Saf. r^pfachlt^W^Am^ tcllyouas much, Nomina Margareta Comitijf* MotvtfierijdeLefton.^ ^ ^ Norff. Monafieriode Leifton in Suff. dtdit aduocationem ecclefi* de Theberton, V ^ f ttlm^nXdu in ef cambium pro aduocatione Ecclefi* de Kirkeby ,f>ro animabus Thorn* de Bri thertonnuper Comitis Norff. & Marefcalli Angli*, onfita efl waltero de Manny, &pr*di' Si a Alicia fili a pr*dicli Thorn* s dejponj ma fuit Edwardo de Monte acuto,de qui- bus Edwardo & Alicia , exiuit qu*dam Johanna filia & hares eiufdem Alicia filia pr*dicliThom*, frdejponfita eBWillimo deVfford. Et pr*dicia Alicia 'VxorpradicJi Thorn* obi/t,potf cuius mortem dtclus Thomas dejponfauit Mart* am de Brewes,[ecundam vxorem fuam, frc. «B/j^3^.E.3.pt.2.n o .9 Laftly,hehath omitted his lecond wife Mary, c whojdied A°.^6. Ed.3. being daughter of wtlltam Lord Roos, and widdowoftf^Y/WLord Brevets ofBrembre and Gower .-after fheewas married to Sir Raphe obham Knight • by whom (he had a fonne (Sir lohn Cobham) commonly called the d fonne of 'ctt'!ri^-^^/ a Mar y tbeCountetfe MarJhaU. He pafled all his eftate^inthe Counties of e Buc- kingham , Norfolke, and Suffolke,xo Edward the third . \J[Argaret, fole daughter and hcireof Tho> *-**-mai of Brotherton afo of Brotherton afordaide, was (forth? greatnefle of her birth, her large reuennewes and wealth) created Dutcheflc of Norfolk, foi tearmeof her life, in the one and twentieth yeare of King Richard the fecond 3 at whofc Coronation, ihee exhibited her petition , it thefe words. To the right honourable Lord, tk King of CaslileandLegeonSy Duke of LancaJlex and Steward of England. Humbly befeecheth {Margaret ^daughter and heire of Thomas oflro therton,lateEarle of Norfolke, and Mar/hallo, England) to be accepted to the Office ofhtghMar Jhall, novo at the Coronatikt of our Soueraign Lord the King, after the death of the/aid Thoma her Faiher.executing it by her Deputy y as Gilbcr Stronebm, Earle of Pembroke, did at the Coronation of King Henry the fecond That is to fij y to appeafe the debates in the Kings houfi i the da) of his Coronati on n.andtomakedeliueranceofaU lodgings, & c . Taking of euery Earle Baron ndGtntlemtoymadc Knights of the Bath that day, a Palfrey and Saddle M Ihc married two husbands, and had ifTue by them both,as before is mentio- icd,and dyed the 24. of March, 135^. and was buried at the Friars Mi- * This was after therine- daughter of Raphe New ll£rl\ ™ ari i ed , co s , ir/ ^» wukuik El frr,fl / 1 1 i i>. . . Kn, ?ntj brother oF Anthonte arle oiWeftmerlan^ and of loan his E»k /w, and bSSSl wife, daughter of of GatwtDukeT™*"^* the Mannor SO r , oxLancaJter^ by vvhom hehadyffue,^^^-^^ W/* Mowbray Duke of Norfolke; and after died at his Mannor ofEp/etvorth Sa "™> s '™°w<. in nthc Ifle of Axbolme 9 i^ 4. and was buried in the Charter-houfe of Ov. ^S;^^'-' 4 "- 9 ' ■jUMw there. Et portoit, les armes de Ton perc. CORRECTIONS. W Hat ftran ge wauering haue wc heere i Nothingbut flat contraries f v 1 now fee you write, according as the ague of your vndcjftanding is :ither m fit or intermiffion . Was this lohn Lord Mowbray reftored to bee )ukc of Norfolke, A^ 4 .H.5? Then am I much decerned. Forthe Parlia- ncnt Roll, A° 3 .H .6. (wherein the great queftion betweene this great Lord nd Richard Beauchamp Earle of Warwkke^ for Precedence and Place is plea- led, and adiudged) among other paflages hath this that folio weth, which hough it be long take delight with you, and the time will not bet tedious in Joking itouer : for diners good vfes more may bee drawne out of it, then I iteitfor. [j£ t -« tt ? a 5! m lt mt noble % tm t0 & e temembzet), lotted Jotyn Crle #atefcali, ^aue fueU in tauetfe* pour teat=^^- A °-3- H - 6 - 51 « emmt^mtpmeof powgwumfe tegne, fceOfepngtoijaue pe- clatactott NORFOLKE. elaracummafcefojmp place, in pig pout We court of parlement, aboue mp coufpn of caaartopfe, 3 anb all mp aunceftreg, ann mebeceirourg ijaueljabat alltpmeg, oftotycijno mvntKv$n contrarie, a$ Crleg of $0 jtljfoifc, a$ toell foj pe biotie tiail, anb at mes rialp pat 3) am come fro anb bete, a£ fo? pe faib Crlbome, a$bpbiuerfe$euibeufe£, tojptingeg an& teeojbeg invi$ pour pjefent parlement beclareb , fnllp in mp confett, p# pjoueb, tobtcimouejemotttHtljftanbpng, pattyeanbmpgljtt pjinee mp ?U>£bofeptemb?e, pe pere of iji# regne p$i. bp ty$ letters patentee to cree SHljomag tljat tpme^rellof jftotpngijam, anb ^arefcall of Hlngelanb, into 5buc of jfto jffolk/toitt) pe ftiie,titie,name,anb toojfytp to pe fame Buclje appenbant, to tjaue ttye faib ftile,title name, anb toojfyip to pe faib ©uc, anb to ty$ tyiu$ maie# of ty$ bobp compng foj euermoje. 3tub ouer pat pe faib &png iRp= rijarb pat fame tpme, bp ty$ fait) letters patent^ granteb to tlje faib 3£uc,$ W Ijeirg male$ of ty$ bobie compng,fo?pe better fu- ftentacion of t^e faib ftile,title,name,^ tootffnp jcl.marcjs; perlie, to be tafce in W (ifc^equier, at pe fette# of #af que anb ibeint #ic^ell. OTWC^omajJ^uc^abtieiirueE^oma^anb mee, ant) of pig (tile, title, name, too jfyip anb annuel rent of jcimarfc, pefaibl^omagBitcDpebfeifebintpmeof pefaibe^pnge 3Hp : cljarb, after torijog becelTe, pe faib ftile, title, name, too?ft)ip ant annuellrent of jcLmarc befcenbeb to t^e faib SOjomag pe fonne 3 ajSfonneawb^ier, tw^ic^ Sftjomag pe fonne bieb perof feifeti toit^ir NORFOLKE. totttinagt, an& totttjoute tffue of ty$ bobp compn& after tobo? beceffe, pe fatb tale, tttie,name, boojflnp anD annuell rent of ri mare, DefcenDeD to me a# taoper anD ^etr, be fo^ce of pe fatD cre- acton anli graunt, 3nD fo 31 clapme to be 3©uc of jftotfolfce, anD to baue pe fttle,tttle,name,too$np anD annuell rent of tl. marc afo^efatn. 3nDpat3mapbppouourfotteratn &oib, mpfatbe ujojtbt Honour beaitmcle, anballpour operftozbegbefore- pttteb,I}olDeanDDeclareD, in pt£ pour rtall court, anD to natte anD emote mp place perto account : fattpngaltoete, pe title rtgi)t anD poircffton of mee ant> mpn betrs of mpn bo op compncr, a£ &nl$ of ^ojfolfc, to mp trtace in pts ¥t court aboue mpfaiDe eoufpn of aaarr. anD beu#, bp. cattfe pe name of Due of Mou folfe t£ tatlleD to me, anD to mv beir$ males? of mv bobp compiler %rib tyz name of £rel of Bojff. i$ tatlleD to me,anD to mv mm ofmpbobpcompnggeneralp. 2Sefecl)pngmefcelp bnto pourbte anb noble grace, pat pt$ mv fuppltcacton, anD all oper materetf into pte pour fatb parlement, bp mee anb mpu counfell notmeD, ittpnpftreb aub beclareb in pjoef of mp place fo? to bee ijaDDe a# erell of ifrotff. aboue mp fatD coufpn of r©ar .map be tn pts pour parlement entreD, anb of recojDe enacte, jf Slua quidempetitione in Parliament predict o leclajlenius & intelletta, ac babitatnde cum Iujiiciarijs, & feruienttbut domini Regis ad legem, ac alijs icritts^ deconfiltoipfius dommi Regis matura, & dtligentt deliberation. Confi- ierato^ quod Itch pr £ fatw nuper Rex Rtchardus, in dtcio parliament* fuo^Tho- mam nuper C omttem TStytynghamix in Ducem Nor fin forma prtdicta creaue- it. Ac tdemparliamentum cumfuis circumflavcijs et dependences qmbufcum* yojlmodum in farliamento domwi Hen.nuper Regis Anglu^ am domtni Regit vwc\ apud Welim. infetfoSancJ* fidis vtrginis Ann*, regm fuipnmo^ tents nncrditerreuocatumexttterit^ crpenitus adnul/atum, pro eo t amen quod hu- ujmodi creatio Ducum ftue Comitum, aut aliorum dignitatum ad Jolum Regem nrtinet,& non adparliamentum.Prtfatufy nuper Duxjtu ante diilum feftum mil a Ftdts, diemfuum clauftt extrewum, prout per diner fas inquifittonesjojl nor tern eiufdem nuper Ducis, virtutequorundam breutum iyftm nuper Regis Henrict captas, ejr tn Cancellaria fua retornatas , ac in pr&fentt parliamento de luifamento dominorumjpiritualium, ejr temporalium prucis j veldiclorum h&redum forum. N ec non pro eo quoet quamplures alij, quorum quidam in Comites \quidam in liosjlatus fiue dignitates , per prafatum nuper Regem Richardum in dtc~i$ Par- memo fuo modo confimili^ creatifuerunt^fuis fttlis } titulis, nominibut^ ho- oribtuextunc continue vfifmt&gauifi, ac eis inprdfenti, gaudentr^ vtuu- 35° Norfolk e. tur dicta generdiremcatione & adnullatione Parliament ipfiusmper Regis Richardi, indiclo Parliaments pr*fati nuper Regis H. w plaine that his teftitution was in the third ycireof Henry the fixt,andnotu°.4 H. 5. Ia the next place he would make vs beleeue, that the King (no King there named but Henrythc fift) Was Knighted bj Iohn Duke of Somerfet then Regent of France. Concerning which , firft he cannot proue any M^atthattime Duke of 5^^,nor of many yeares after : next he fayes.that this John was then Regent of Frame, the good-old-mans meaning is good, hee would hauc faid John Duke of Bedford 0 md Co he had faid well. Laftly,he perfwades vs, that this Iohn Duke of Norfolke died a 0 . 1454. */**,aViiJ^»/^. butal j the inquifitions after his death finde,that he died the Nineteenth of ofofor inthe Eleauenth yeareof Henry thefixt, which fcdles in theycare of our Lord. 1432 . Iohn Nor folk e. lObn Lord Mowbray , fonneof lohn * aforelaid , was after the death of his Father, DukeofiVbr/^Earle Marfaalland Nottingham^ LordS*- graue^nd of Gower. He maried Elia* nor, daughter of William Lord Bour- chter, and lifter of Henry Bourcbier Earle of and hadiflue, Mowbray Duke otNorfolke. He dyed in the firft yeare of King Edward the fourth, 14^1. and lyeth buried in the Abbey of Thetfsrd. Et porroit, de gueulles au Iyon rampant d'ar- gent, arme &c lampaile o'azur. \Ohn Lord Mowbray, fbnnc of lohn a« * torefaid, and Elianor Bourchier his wife, was in the life time of his Father, created Earle warren and Surrey , by King #«M7 the fixt , and after his Fa- thers dea«h,he wasalfb D. of Norfolk, Earle Marflwll of England, 2nd Earle of Nottingham , Lord Segraue, and of Gower. He married Elizabeth, daughter of John Talbot , firft Earlcof Shrewsbury , and hadhfue, one only daughrer his hey re, named A»ne,who was married to Richard Duke of Yorke, fecond fonnc to King Edward the 4. and dyed without ifluc This lohn dyed in the fifteenth yeare of King Edward the fourth, 1475. at his Ca- ftlc of Framingham, and was buried in the Abbey of Thetford. His Inheri- tance was equally diuided betweenc he Howards and BerkUyes, who were defcendedof Margaret 2nd lJ*bcU % laughters of Thomas Mowbray Duke of 2(orfolke,bcforc mentioned. Et portoit, gueulles au Iyon rampant d'argent arme 8c lampafle d'azur. Richard N ORFOLKE. t> /chard Duke of Torke^ fecond fonne of King Edwardtht fourth, married Anne 9 daughter and onely heyrc of lohn Lord Mowbray , thelaft Duke ofNorfolke^d Marfhalof£>^- land of that name; in whofe right hce was Duke of Norfolk^ and Earle Mar- ftiall of England, This Richard ^ with his brother King Edward 'thefi ft, was bythevnnaturall and crucll command of Richard Duke of Glocefter y their Vnckle 3 moft barbaroufly murdered in the Tower of London^ in the yeare, 1483. lcauing no iffuc. * Hi* arrnes ought no t bee Charged with tortcaux y for Etportoit, France, efcartelle d'engleterre, au then yon giue him the Armes ^^^^^st^^^^^^ Iambel Q'argcnr, * chargee d*e neuf torteaux. of Richard D . ©f Tort-e, fon of Richard of Ctnisbttrgh, ,bnt %vith a Cant en GueitUeiypon the firft fie, as hit plate in hisftall at Ifindfir (hkUwh- neiTc forme. CORRECTIONS. IN whofe right he was Duke of N orf olkejnfctrcs ; that thofe Titles were par. cell of Annes inheritance and inuefted into her in blood. Nowhadyou butlookt into Thomas Lord Mowbra^es creation to be Duke of Norfdke, you might hauc found a t* auoir fa tentraluyfa fes heyres males de fon corps engendres. b Elfewhcre Habendum fa pofsidendum flilum , tittHum, mmtn, fa honorempr&ditla (meaning of the Duchieof Norfolke) prafato Duct ,fa htredibus fuis ma f cutis de corf ore fuoexeuntibttt imperpetttum : a limitation to the heircs males , which clearely barres Anne from all manner of colour ofritle to the Dukedom?; Then Richard Duke of Yorke could not come to it in her right- Nor is there any mention at all in his Patentof any right thereunto by his wife, butasanew inueftiture: I here leaue it with you for Em t»iuh chattarum ah a°. your further inftruclion. /Eafow^ dei gratia Rex Angli* fa Francia fa Do- i5.v/fW22.E.4 mmU s iJiberni&^Archicpift^ tibtts % Barombus, lufticii rtjs t 'vicecomitibus Prapofitis Minifris fa omnibus baU Uuis fa fidelibfts fuis falutem. Sciatis quod cum ms 28. die Maif a°. regni noflriiaf. recitantes per cartam no fir am , quod ab exordio nafcentium populo- rum nullo excellenaor munere hominem natura fuiffe dotatum conjlat^ quam Itberorum multitudine y in quorum fmgulis paterna imago uigi^ fa quafi fempi. terna memoria rejplendere videtur. Omnis namifc vita mortalium breuitatis fust detrtmenta ea rati one com peri fat , quod cuius defeclum videt infipite eiut diutumitatem agnofctt in pofleris , nee vere morientem fe homo exiflimat quoad ftmm fanguinem in filijs fanepottbus profit irit dilatandum. Sea I cum hac bene- ficiaomnimundanojiatuiparciusvniy largiusalij^ natura comunic at , tuncta* menadmirabtlionmgrattam vjibrn humanis fuppeditare eenfetur^ eum princf pum Norfolk e. bmMftorHm'nerimphrmuspmmMHr.EtnesieitirJnur^ Mtlmcfim.fudumc adfiiium mjlrum »rifsi mmi RUhJlTs^Z -rm*,crtmmmw,pr t ficer,m lti ,& ordmmermm, „e eum it mmwTiZT niih tumtmftfmmtm mcapite, imeftmerim™ vteltdiltum ikundancmgmmmftra , tpfumfiliumnopum in Ducem Ncrfcl McL unefr 0 c m ced lmM perpr,femes. BttaMbm& te K e„J» mttm Zl» Z ^T!* ^lidemfili^^erduxNorf. icZZ/Z™ mfUm,mft htberejedimu ^prcP», s ,Pm s ^re V »tu,mkmdeC,m,tLku i maJs^r Sugex prmemenibtu , per m,»m mcecomitis etrumdem Ctmimm tr'. n'''f'Mis^dtermimspr t diaospereq M U,pm,m e s.Eo«aed l xJeir i tmtc. Ethdcdf^Miqmfeedo tndt *d opm mfirum aliq» a £e r fiQndo. Norfolk e. V4r "^^^^vi^dttUhs^ritiUyThmdCMrdmMU ArchiepfcopoCanmr toms AnzlU Primate confinguineo nofiro Carifsimo 3 et L. Ebor. Arcbteptjcm Anrtieprimate, Thma Lincoln. CanceUario nojlro Angke, et Iohane Roffen cJodepriuatiSigMnoftriEpifcopis. Ac Prtcarifsimis frambns noflrts Geor- JoCuLcu,etticbardoGlo^ HenricoBouMierComiteEffexrhefamariomfroAnglt^ . Which alfo makes my busnoftrU, *wlto Haftinges de HaJlmgesCamerario ho^noftn etThm* w <2 good in >M Stm L d ? stan Uy Senejcballo hotfici/ noftn mUttbus, & alp. Hat. per manum ESfiSSKtSt nofrlm apudPalaciumnofirum WejlmSeptimo d "* ehr » a [^ ^,tkatwascha m beriai n J d J m0m Whe rcby it is moft euident, thatthe Dukedome of Norfolk toKnsEJwardMonth. j conferrc d V pon him, mecrely out ofthe Kings gracious difpofmon, and notinhcrrkht : which aiTuredly would not hauebeene omitted in the pen- nine of the Patent, iftherehadbeeneany ground font. Hearken after m< in the title of Yorke, whereyou fay that he maricdher in the 19. yea re otU ward the foui th,and by reafon of that mariage was Duke of Norfolk^ but here in the meane time the reader may fee,that that Title was beftowed vpon hire in February.mthc Sixteenth of the fame Kings reigne, the manage bctwixi them,being before that time folemnifed. 5 Cftl&hoifli T ohn Howard knight 3 (forme of Re * bert /Z*roWknight , and of Marga- ret his wife, daughter and co-heyre 01 Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolk was firft made Baron by King Edwan the fourth, 1461. And after, by Kin^ Richard the third, he was created Duki ofNorfolke,thc 2 8 . of June, 1 48 %. H< married two wiues,the firft was Rathe rine, daughter of William Lord Molim by whom he had iffix^Thomas tiotvart Earle of Surrey , and Duke of Norfolk and foure daughters 5 Anne the firi daughter, was maricd to Edmond Gorg knight 5 Jfabell, married to Robert Mot timer of E^.v,knight i lane, married t< John Timper ley Efquire; and Margate was maried to lohnwindham of *Cw therke'm torfolke, knight. This/*^ fecondwife.was ^r//married to lohn Grey Vifcount Lip, and after to Sit Thomas Kne. of2ted^4winNorfolke, Knight. Oiucrs other fons, that dyed fome very young, and aJJ iflulcfle, as Henrie vard, who dyed A°. 1 $ 00. fobn Howard, A°.i5o$.Cbar{cs Howard,A: 1 2. Henry Howard, 1 5 13 . and Richard Howard r died A°. 1 5 17. Yy 2 The No R FOL KE. The laid Noble Duke, married to his fecond wife, Agnes daughter of Si Philip Tilney Knight, by whom he had ilTue alfo William Howard Baron of Effingham, Companion of themoft famou Order of the Garter, High Admirall toQueene^ry, Chamberlaineof th Houftiold, and Lord Priuy Sealc to Queene Elizabeth , who by Katherin Broughtonhisfch wife, daughter andcoheireofSir lohn Brought on of Tua dington in Bedfordfhire, had Anne or Agnes married to William FawletJAzx quelle oWinchejler : and by his fecond wife Margaret daughter of Sir Tk mas Gamage, hce had Charles Howardhis heire, now Earle of Nottingham 1621. and Baron Howard of Effingham, of the faid moft Noble Order of th Garter Knight, and late Lord High Admirall of England, and manie othe children. Thomas Howard, died a prifoner in the Tower. Richard Howard, who dyed the 2 7. of March, A°. 1 5 17. and was burye ztLambhith. Anne theeldeft: daughter, married to lohnVcre Earle of Oxford, but left n ilTueby him. Dorothy, to Edward Stanley Earle of Derby, Elizabeth, to Henry Radcliffe Earle of Suffex. Katherine, married to Henry Dawbeney Earle of Bridgwater. This Thomas Duke of Norfolke, died in the fixecenth y earc of the reigt of King Henrie the eight, and was buried in the Monaftery of T hetford. Et portoit, de gneulles a la bande a fix croix recroifettees fitchez d'argent, auec Paugmentation fufdie, r T i Hoin*i Howard, third Duke 1 Norfolke of that f ui name,(crc ted Earle of Surrey £that d iy his F; thcr was made Duke of Norfolke Earle Marflial and high Treafurer 1 England, Lord Mowbray, Segm and Brufe of Gower,&c. He marri< two wiues.the firft was Anne,dz\xg Jj\ terto King Edward the fourth, 1 rt I whom he had ifTue Thomas,who d edyong without ifTue, the third A'iguft.A 0 . 1 508. and was buried Lambeth. His fecond wife was Elk beth, daughter of Edward Staffo D. of Buckingham, by whom he h ifljje Henry Howard his eldeft fonr Earle of Surrey, beheaded at Tow hill in the life time of his father, / 1545. who by Frances hisWi daughter of lohn Vere Earle of Oxford^ had Thomas who fucceeded I grar N ORFOLKE. grandfather in the Dukcdomeof Norfolkc t Henry HowardEarte of Nor- thampton ( of whom fee more in Northampton.) Jane wife of Charles 7(e- «*'//Earle of WcBmerland: * Margaret married to Henry Lord Scropeof Bol- ton, and Catherine to Henry Lord Berkely: Thomas Howard fccond fonne.was * M ■ rorl $ w,,f not ac,cnw * created by our late Souera>gncQ^ecne£//s4^, Vifcount Howardof Bin-^^S^kS^ 9 \ England, Lord Mowbray , Segraue^ k and Br us of Gower. Alfo Qucenc£//- zabeth made him of her Priuy Coun- I cell j and Knight of the G arter. Hee was a great Friend and Benefactor to the Office of Armes. Hee married three wiuesj the firft was Mary, daugh tcr and one of the heyres of Henrie Fitzalan,Ear\e of ArundeU; by whom he had ifTue Philip Earle of Arundel/, who by Anne his wife, Daughter of Thomas Lord T> acres of Gitlejland, Si- fter and coheire of George Lord Dacres ofGillejland and Greitfoke, had y flue Thomas now Earle of ArundeU and Surrey, and Earle Marflball of England, 1611. His fccond wife was M trgaret daughter and onely heire of Thomas Audeley Baron Audelcy of Walden in Effex, Chancellor of England (widdow of Henry Dudley fonne of John Duke of Northumberland, flaine at S.£>uintins in Picardy, A°. 1 5 57.) by whom he had iffue Thomas Howard, borne the 24 ofAprill, A°. i5^i.nowEarleofSufTolke, 1621. Lord William Howard^ borne the 1 9. of December, A°. 1563. and yet liuing alfo (who by Eliza- beth his wife, filler and coheire ofGeorgeLord Dacres aforefayde, had ifTue Sir Philip Howard, Francis, William, Charles, Thomas, Robert, Elizabeth mar- ried to Sir Henry BedingfieldKm^hr^ Margaret married to Thomas Cotton Ef- quire 9 Norfolk e. quire, fonnc and heire apparantof Sir Robert Cotton of Comngtov, in the Countie of Huntington Knight and Baronet, anddiuers other children that dyed without iflue.) Ekzdctb, dyed an infant, and was buried at Framting- to.-andA^^«(bornethcrirftofAuguft,Annoi5tf2.) married toto- bert SackuiU Earle ofDorfet. His third wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Sit Ir&uncis Ltiborn Knight, the widdowofT^w^Lord Dacres of Gillesflandy by whom he had no iflue. This Thomasxte. fourth Duke of Norfolke, being arraigned at Weftminfter hall the i tf.oflanuary, A°. 1 57i.and attainted for purpofinga marriage with Af4r/>Queene of Scots, loft his head at Tower- hill the fourth of the Nones of Iune, in the y eare of Grace, 1 5 7 2 . and ly eth buriedinthcChappellofthe Tower. Et portoit, let Armes de fori AyeuL / V9 A CATALOG VE OF THE Marquefles and Earles of Northampton their Armes, Wines, and Qkildren. WITH CORRECTIONS. \\T Altheof {onne of 5))»'Wthegreat 5 EarIc Y ▼ of Northumberland , married Niece to William Conqueror, and daughter of Lambert 5 Earle of Z«w in Lsfrtoys , (with whom rhe faid Conquer fur gaue in marriage, the Eai Je- domes of Huntington and Northampton) by w horn hehadifTue , three daughters his hey res j Afa«/^theeldeft, was married firft to SimonS. Usee (whoinhiswiues right was after Earle of Northampton) and after fhee was married to D Efides Simon the Earle his fonne , who hicceeded in his fathers Honours, hehadayongcrfonneof that name alfo, asappcareth by thisenfuino deed, wherein he gaue lands to the Nunncsof Ve la-pre or depart is by Nor- thampton,™^ his father had foundcd.4Syww de SancloLiaofraterComi- Esipflirt ^ eh , tta itm . lis Symonisymncrfis fantf* matris ec cleft a filijs,prefcntibus drfuturisjalutew. *y citttuw. Sciatismedediffe, & concefijfe, & pr&fenti carta confrmajfe Deo frSanfU MarudePrato Northdmtoni* , & Santfimonialibits ibidem Deoferutentilus, fro falutc anim* me£,& animxpatris mei, & omnum antecefforum meorum, fa fro anima Symonis nepotis mei, vnumpratum in Cumtona , quodvocatur Hu- tbere Lideh alexin pur am & perpetuam elemofinam, ad laminar e eiufdem ecc le- ft*. Histeftibus Cometijfa AdelyTje Gaund \ Ric.dcPec.Amcif.dcNefmlla, willofilio Hugonis, Andrea deMuf chant, Roberto GapeHano, Tom. deBartona, Pagam hofiiario. Tom. leButiller. Which Simon is alfo proucd by diucrs Deeds tranferibed, in the afore recited Bookeof Saint Andrcwesin Nor- tba "ton. CJmonS.Lize, the third of that name, and the fourth Earle of Northampton and Hunting, ton, had great fuites with the Scots-, for King Henry the fecond, in the time of this Simons Wardftiip,did giuc the Earledome of Hunting- ton, to Malcolme king of Scots, fonne of Earle Henry aforefaid; and after his death, William King of Scots, brother of the faidc Malcolme. had the fame, and rcfigned it to his yongcr bro- ther Dauid, who enioyed the fame , vntill Wil- liam King of Scots,znd Robert Earle of Leicejler i with others, fided with Kmg Henry the fecond, who then caufed toV^ma^L/^Chiefe Juftice England, and William MarjhallEzxkoi Pen* broke, to inueft this Simon S. Lizeimo that Earl- dome,as the true hey re j and by this mcanes did Z 2 Simon Northampton Simon come to haue and enioy thefaid Earledome of Huntington, by iudge- mcntofthe King and Peeresofthekingdome, as of right belonging to him. Hemaried Alice, daughter and heyrc of Gilbert de ' Gaunt Eavlctf Lincolne and died without iflue,in the yearc of our Lord, 1 184. Et portoit, party per pale endente d'argenr & de gueulles. \\T lUiam de Bohun , fourth fonnc v y of Humfrey de Bohun, the eight Earle of Hereford and EJJex, and Con- (table of England, was created Earle of Northampton , in the twelfe yeareof King Edward the third 3 and Deputy for his Brother Humfrey, for the Office of Conftablc of England , the faid Hum. frey being olde, and vnfo to vfethe fame. He married Elizabeth, daugh- ;erof Bartholomew de Badelifmere, Ba- ron of Leedes Caftle in Kent, one of the filters and heires of" Giles the laft Lord Badelifmere o{ Leedes, and hadiflue, Humfrey de Bohun , the laft of that Fa- mily & Name,Earleof Hereford } Effex y and Northampton , and Conftableof England (after the death of his Father and Vnkle) and Elizabeth, married to Richard Fitz, Alan , Earle of Jrundellmd Surrey. This William dyed be- fore his elder brother Hum frey de Bohun the nmtn Earle of Hereford, Ejfex and Conftableof England, in the yeare, 13 59. and was buried at Walden in Ejfex. Et portoit, d'azur, furkbande d'argsrr, trois melctz de fable, entre deux coctiees 8c fix lyons rampant d'or. C ORRECTIONS. (*"}Vt of doubt this Author dcalcs much vpon ghelTe, otherwife he would neuer fumble as he doth. Was this William de Bohun created Earle of Northampton in the twelfe yeare of Edward the third ? Then Record is falfe, art4r/.A».n.E.3.mem.2 4 for I aai afcertayned by his * chart, that it bcaresdateat Weflminftcr the cL/.A°.i4.E. 3 .pt.2.m.8 Sixteenth of March a°. 11. and not the twelfe of the fame Kings reigne. Next for his Death,you tell your Reader,that it was in the yeare. 13 $9. but anoldRollof w^/to, where hee was buried, tells me that Anno domini. M.QCCLK.obijtmUielmu* deBounComes Northamptontijuius corpus fepeli- tur in parte boriali presbiterij nojlri,& Elizabeth vxor ems fepelitur LondonU, i n ecclefia fratrum Pred/catorumjante mains Alt are. Humfrey Northampton. 3 6 3 XJVmfrey de Bohun , the laft of that name, *■ *• fonneandheyreof William Earlcof Nor- thampton his Father ,and Nephew and heyre of Humfrey de Bohun the 5?. Earle of Hereford} Efiexjnd Conftable of England. In all which Titles and Honours, he fucceeded both his Fa- ther and Vnkle, and mmkdhane, daughter of Richard Fitz>-jLw Earlc of ArundeU^ and had iflue , oncly two daughters his heyres • Elianor the eldeft, was married to Thorns of woodflockc Duke of Glocefter (by whom the Title of */*&/*- * Yet in your Catalogue of thampton did defcend to the Family of Staf^f^^^ fords) Mary the fecond daughter, wasmarried was Eark of muhtmpon to Henry of Bullinbroke 5 who (in her right) was vntrueIy * created Duke of Hereford , and after King of England^ the name of King Henry the fourth. This Humfrey dyed in the 3 5 . y eare of King Edward the third,and was buri- ed by h is Wife,at Walden i n Ejfex. The Dukes of Buckingham, from the 2 3 . y care of King Henry the fixt,vn- till the thirteenth of King Henry the eight, did write and ftile themfelucs Earlesof Northampton and Hereford ; becaufe they were defcended of the eldeft daughter and heyre of Humfrey de Bohun 3 the tenth and laft Earlc of that Name and Family. < Etportoit, d'azur, a la bande d'argent, entre deux cortices & fix tyons rampant d'ori . CORRECTIONS. Hp His Humfrey died in the 3 5 .yeare of King Edward the third. Is that true ? No. Why ? BecaufcthefameR-olleof allures mee, t\vnt Anno iommi MCCCLXXII. xvi. kalend. Februarij obyt Htmifndus de Boun Co- rns HerefordU,Ef[exU& Northamptonia, cum corpus in boriali parte presbi* terij noflri y adpedespatrts fuiiacet humatum. To proceed 5 Ought not Thomas ofWoodfiocke Duke of Qlocefler to haue had 1 fieciall place by himfelfeinthis Catalogue^ Earleof Northampton .? yes aifu- :edly,witneiTeyour owne words in Glocefler and Hertford^ 96. And was 'be 2^. of Henry the Sixty the Hrft yeare that the Sujfords bore the title of Northampton? I read, that that King granted by bis Charter, bearing date at Vefiminfter the Fifteenth of Marchjn the Nineteenth yeare of his reigneSX 3 V;V?^' 1C baripmo confanguineo nojlro Humfrido Comiti Bukingbamia , Hereford!*, HajfordU, NorthamtonU & PerchU, two faircs yearel/atbis Towneof Kymbautonln the County of Huntington, and a Mcrcate at BrickhuJS in the bounty of Buckingham ; What Humfrey was this thinke you ? Was he not 1 Staffbrd?\ycs certainly , betides I hauefeencdiuersof his Dcedes (necrc >fthistyme) which auerreas much. Z 2 2 WiRtam V Northampton. •She was after maried to Sir ThonuuGtnges Knight, Fa- ther to Sir Edward Gorget, Knight and Baronet, created Baron Gorges of DuTtdJl^ in the Couuty of Louth in jre- Und,ig.lHCt$ s A a ,\ 6 20. and ftillflie liueth, A °. 1 6 2 1. \ATlUiam Pane , Knight of the ^ V Garter (fonne of Sir Thomas] Par re of Kir by Kendall Knight) was created Baron Pane of Kendall, the 9,of Marcb,in the 30,of KMenry the 8.& in the 36. of the faid kings reign, he was created Earle of EJfex, in re- gard he had married ^w,thcdaugh tcr and heire of Henry BourchicrfLztl of Effex. And laftly, in the firft ycarc of K.Edward 6. he was created Mar- q ucflfe of Northampton. He married three wiues, the firft was Anne, dau- ghter and onely heire of Henry Bour- chier Earle of EOfrx, from whom hec was diuorccd. His fecond wife, was Elizabeth daughter of George Brooke, Lord Cobham, & Knight of the Gar- ter. And his third wife was * Htllen daughter of Gccrge Suaueburgh, a Srvedian borne,but had no hTue by her.He dyed the 18. ofOttober, being the 13. of Qyeene Elizabeth, in the yeare, 1 5 71 . and was buried at Warwicke, leauing Anne his fitter, married to Willi- am Herbert Earle of Penbroke his heire. Et portoit,d'argeut,deux barres d'azue a la bordure engreflee de fable. CORRECTIONS. "COr the Honor of Earle of 'Effex,\vhcn-k was beftowed vppon this William Lord Pane, you feeme ignorant. For heere and pag 8j.y ju fay, the 9.0/ March jn the i6.of Hen. 8. but if the Reader will belceue mee, his Creation jM/.A°.3s.H.8.p.vt.i5. beares dztzatHawf ton-Court, t\& 23.01 Dccemb.an 0 . 1 54$.in the 3 5. of the lame Kings reigne,as I haue already fhewed in the tide ofElTex. \S\Enry Howard, a man of excel- *• *lent wit, and fweet-fl sent Elo- quence, who among other laudable parts of Vcrtuc and Nobility, highly fauouredthe ftudies of good litera- ture; fecond fonne of Henry Earleol Surrey r beheaded in Anno 1 546. by his wife Prances, daughter of /oh Fere, fifteenth Earle of Oxford, and brother of Thomas Howard, thelafl Duke of Norfolke of that name, was reftored in blood by Queene Marie] and by King James created Baron ol MarnehiU, in ihc Coumie of Der/et, N ORTHAMI'TON. it the Tower of London, the 13. day of March, 1603. and the fame day ind time, he was alfo created Earle of Northampton. He was alfo one of his aideMaieffies moft Honourable Priuy Co unccll, Knight of the Garter, Lord Priuy Seale,Lord Warden of the Cinque- ports, & one of the Lords Commiffioners for the Earle Marfhalfhip of England : and died at his houfc >y C haring-crofTe, in the year e 1614. hauiog neuer becne married. His bo- jy was conueyed to Doner Caftle, and there buried. Et portoic, les armoiries de Howard a vec la creflant. \XJrtliam Lord Compton, Knight of the v v Bath, and Lord Prefident of Wales, A°. 1 62 1 . (fonnc of Sir Henrie Compton knight who was made Baron Comptonby Writ, the 8. day of May, in the i^yeareof Queene Eliza- beth, Anno 1 5 72 . by Frances his wife daughter o£ Francis Lord Hajlings Earle of Huntington J was created Earle of Northampton, by K. James at Salisbury, thefecond day of Auguft, 1618. He married Elizabeth, daughter & onely heyre of Sir lohn Spencer Knight,fometime Alderman and Maior of London : and had ylfuc, Spencer Lord Compton, Knight of the Bath ,at the creati- on of Charles Prince of Wales,i6i5. who hath married Mary daughter to Sir Francis Beaumont Knight, brother to Mary CountelTc ofBucking- m, but as yet hath no ifTue. Elizabeth Compton married to Robert Lord *fi g*f, v v Earle of Northumberland, by ^///^ him in this catalogue, his wife, daughter of Aldred,[ommmz Earle of Northumberland ) was the next Earle of Nor- thumberland and Huntington, after Gofpatricke. This waltheof, inthe yeare 1074. at * Exiting* 1 *"**' ham in Cambridge Pure, at the manage of Raphe Earle of the Eaft-A ngles ( N 01 f tike and Suffolk) with the daughter of WiUiam Fitz>Osbert t and filler of Roger Earle of IJcre/ord,cot\[phcd with the faide Roger and Raphe, and many others, to cxpell and driue Wtlliam the Conquerour cut of England againe. For which confpiracie,this waltheof was taken and beheaded at Winchefier, and was buried without the wa!s of the City,ih a place where two high-waies mcete, but after- trds his body was taken vp againe, and with great honor carried to Crow- fd, and there buried in the yeare 107^. He married ludith, Neece to Wifr m Conqueror, and -daughter of Lambert Earle of Lens in Artoys , with 10m thefaid Conqueror did giue in marriage the Earlcdome oi Hunting- ';hehadi(ruebyherthreedaughters;iV4«/^theeldeft, was married njft Simon s.Lisce, Earle of Northampton, and haoSflue, another Simon ; aifer : married Dauid King of Scots, and had iflue, Henry ; ludith the fecond Lighter, was married to Ralphe de Tony, fon of Roger Tony, 3arOn of Flam- iva Hart for dfhtre, and had iffue Gohilda , wire to Robert de Newborough, nger fon ot Henry Earle of mrwickc • Alice the third daughter, was marri- to Robert Fit^Richard,ScweT to K.tf.i.fonof Richard Fit z, Gilbert, Lord Tmbridge and Clare: and had iffue Walter, of whom is defcended the now deofSuiTex,i ' ' f Jjt r> n'^rt* filial ~»- jfel TJIEere it would hold the Reader fomwhat too long to fliew a fuldifepu * *ohhzLiues, Matches, and Ifjues of thofc ancient and more mode) Earles of Northumberland, by you ignorantly omitted, viz. Of ulf and 0 Companions, Edulf, Waltheof the elder, Vcthred his fon, who left his foni , Adulfmd Aired that fuccceded, then Smard, after him Top the Brother • pagrf 105 . u 1 . Harold, Edwin, Ofculf, Siward 'the Great fas you *call him) who it feems v indeed fo great there was no roomc for him, and Robert Comin, But to return to this Wal beof (omitting what I hauealready touched a cerning him in Huntington) I finde fome diff rence about his Death. Ho you reade, that be was buried at Crotvland in theyeare, 1 oyd.but Houedm Monhs of Worcester, and S Albans, Ingulphsu and others dcliuer, that hev ^w»,/&/.2<;2.a.nMo. cut Sorter by the head dxmncheUer, and there buried \ A°. 1075 .and aga; iiortnuwignn.p.1 3 7.11 0 . 1 9 taken vp and honourably interred at crowland. Math P Geminct»[M.jx*p.*. William Rufa, but Henry the firft gaue him thofe Lands. ^Robertas de Mou- braio Comes North umber lan dia,cum quafdam mum H tones regtas fuo C omit at m colliminantes contra tandem in ipfo ergaflulo deficiens mortuus eft, — Hlius a* tern t err am y quam habebat inNormannta, & max imam partem pradifti fm C omit at us, Henricus iam Rex fa ft us dedit Nigello de Albinneio,viro illuttricy prcbo, Laftly , whom he married, that (hall Ordericus tel y ou,and of what paren- tage his Lady was, fo neereas I can contract it out of him,tn his own words. $*a.J.B. *TRtcheritts de Aquila (quiobiit,A°.io8$.)Eugenulfi fiHus,- habuit coniu- gem Iu&ith filiam Ricardi dbrincatenjis cognomento Goz, fororem fcilicet Hu- gonis Ceftrenftum Comiiis,ex quagenuit Gijlebertum Aquilenfem, fa Eugeml fum, fa Mathildem,fa alios plures filios fa pitas ; Giftebertus autem folus, alii* decedentibus,paternaprobitatis et honoris hares Jucce fit, etlulianam ft>enuij- fimi Comitis Mauritania Goisfredifiliam coniugem duxit, qua Richertum & Eugemdfum,et Goisj^edum et Gijlebertum pepcrit; quorum duo medti cum Wil lielmo Adelino Henrici Regis filio, aliiffc multis nobilibtv V 21. Kal.Decemhn naufiagio perierunt. Maihildis autem potenti viro Roberto de Molbraio Comit Nordanhumbrorum nupfit, qnicodem anno contra wittielmum Rufum Regm Anglorum rebeffauit. Sed paulo poft captm, fere XXX 111 /. annis in careen prafati Regis, et Henricifratris eius fine prole eonfemit. See alio the fame ma' ^riwf*»//*«/./^.*;^.c.riagedeliuered by the fame Author *elfe where Hwtj N ORTHVMBERLAND. t-J£»7,fonneofD4W King of Scots, be- 1 A gottenof^/4»/^cldcft daughter and co- hcirc of wa/theo/Eark of Northumberland and Huntington, was by King Stephen, made Earle ofNorthumbcrlandj (as M. Camden cheth out of Poly Chronicon of Durham, and that William his fonne,did alfo write himfclfe Earle ol Nor- thumberland.) But I rather thinke,that if they did aiTumc that title of Honour , it was done more vpon their owne willes, then by any iuft titleor right they had vnto the fame: but fee more of this in the Earles of Huntington. Etportoit, d'or a trois peuz ioynantz au point de guei lies. 37* CORRECTIONS. JInceyou traduce our Learned Clarenceux, and for that it may fceme to tneReader an equal lay, which ofyour writings fauours of ioundeftiudc- ^t^^/npnetomeafureihecaft. You fay, that if this Hemic or Whis father hadthisEarlcdome of Northumbeiland, they did afTume it *j vfurjednnot hauing any iuli titleor right thereunto .-but (to fet the vou' icr alidecited by Clarenceux) Houeden tels mee, that Henry (after King of ngbndbythcnamcof Henry the fecond) fornero Maud rheEmprefle auing receiucd Knighthood at Carlile by the hands of King Dau'dctScot nd promiledto reltore Northumberland vnto him and his heires, if euer it lould happen fo h.ippy an hourc to attend him,asthathe might enioy Eno. ham. He uncus fill us Mattldis Implatricts iL 16. annorumiuuZ^^ utrttus in curia DauidRegis ScottorumauimatrisJutJaCtui eft miles abeo- itnRege Dauidw Ciuitate CarieOlt, prius dato ficramento, quod ft ipfe ex Anglttfieret, redder 'et ei Nouum CafteUum et tot am Northumbrian^ ; et 'rmitteret ilium .eth&redcs fuos in pace ftnecalumniain perpetuum pefidere NORTHVMBERLAND. ■Ston« (for ftoned) Prieft.ii too boldly fr> named by you, who could neucr iuftly caft Stone at him, LJLTgh de Pudfey, or Pumco (Nephew to king * x Stephen, as doner Somerfet hath) Bilhop of Durham,* veric ambitious, proud,& couetous man, bought of King to^r^thefirft tie Earl* dome of Northumberland;, for tearmc of his life, and was girt with the fwordof the Earle* dome (as then the cuftome was:) At the doing whereof, the King vfed thefc words r Am m 1 a good craftefman % that haue made a new Earle of anoldeBifhop? And to make his ambition more manifeft, hegaue the King onethoufand marks to be madeChiefeluftice of England. Butaf. terwards, perceiuing the King to frowne, and | be angry with him, voluntarily did refigncthc faide Title and Ear ledomeagaine to the King, and remained onely Bilhop all his life time af- tcr.This* Stone Prieft died in theyeare 1 195. leaning iilue, three baftard fonnes. Et porroit.party perfaulteurd'or 8c d'argert, a la croixpatte d* azure. b Mdf.Paruj. 8 1 . n ». i o. CORRECTIONS. \lEphew to King Stephen (dt Glouer Somerfet hath.) Hecreinduftiious Glo. uer ismadc Torkes Pack-horfe : fo th x if the words be falfe,take him for your authority, for Yorke will flee off, othcrwifchee would ncuer hauepin- nedthe doubt veoa his backe. Let vs examine whether Glouer can probuc •cbrmeaNsm pjg. his words to be tr ue, 1 An 0 . 1153. ^Mortuo Henrico Archiepifcopo Eborctcenfi^ 9*9 ,B - , Anajlafius Papa rcftituit in eandem fedem mllelmum donans et pallium^ conff crans Roma tn prafentia eim Hugonem de Puifat Epifcopum Dunelmenfem »e- potemStephani Regis Anglorum. Thus hath the Story of Normandy Agree ing with which^'is Mathew Parts in thefe words, b Anno. Dom. MCLlIil. AnaBafius, Papa defunct o, Henricum Eboracenfem Archiepifcopnm reftitmt in fedem fuam Cathedralem t quern prius Papa Eugeniut degradauerat, donans et pallium Rom*, inprafentia tpfitts confer auit Hugonem de Pufat, Regis Ste- phani nepotem y Epifcopnm Dundmenfem. For the farther inlargingofwhatconcernes his particular, Imuft refcrre ' Godwin de Pr*(uUhu» Ah- the Reader to that painfull c Catalogue ofBijhops, gathered by my Reuerend ^pt.i.p.113. (ffrfun. CountrimanDocTorG^wi»,nowBi(hopof handafe. Yet a little to parti- cularize about his ilTue, I finde he had three fonnes (likely Baftards.) The eldeft his name I cannot yet obferue, but one writes of him thus: Prima ge- nit us Jpurites nohikori matre procreate, fecularem militiam plus amamt, rhai yu* Hou t d,»,fot. 3 2 3 b n ». he was begotten of a Gentlewoman of great blood, and a Soldier. The fe ac j 8.a.n°. 10. & con d was named Henry de Puteaco, Archdeacon of Durham , and loadec J ° ' 379 * a ' n ' with many Ecclefiafticall promotions) for whom his Father purchafed th< manno Nor THVMBERLAND. TUMiOtoiWichton, which (together with his ownc peace) coft him 2000. natkesofKingz/^thefccondjal which preferments and their reuennues, leeenioyed not aboucaycar? after his fathers death. And the third was railed Hugh de putcaco (the fathers Dearling) who (not without fome fee- ing of the bufincflc) was raifed to bee the King of Frances Chancellor, but :re long was out-topped by Dcath,whofe death broke the old Biftiops heart, ind hereby fhortned his dayes. 37? IJlEnry Lord Percy, of Alnwick in Northum- A A her land (fonne of Henry Lord Percy , and of Mary his wife, lifter of Henry Duke of Lan- ca fi er ) was created the fit ft Earlc of Northum- her land of that fur-name, at the Coronation of King Richard the fecond, 1 377. and that day was Deputy for Margaret , Dutcheffcof Nor- folke, andCounKflcMarfhallof England, and did execute the Office of Earlc Mar (hall. This Henry , in the firft yearc of King Henry the fourth , had giucn him the I fie of Man, to bee holdenof the King by feruice, to beare the Sword , which hee wore when he entred£»£- land. AMb this Henry and Henry Hotflwrre, his fonne, fought the battaile of Halltdownc Hill, againft the ^0^,14.02. 2nd hsuing thevi- fory,tooke thefe Earles prifoners ; Mordake, Earlc of Fife-, ArchibaldfLvtXt Thii wu uken by yugkffe 5 Thomas, Earle of Murrey ; and Robert, Earle of Angus. And after Jh* 4 "^ f See VmL a ' ! he battaile of Shreveesbnry, he was committed to the Tower of London, and ' " Mrf * 1 •eingfirom thence deliuered, in the ninth y care of Kingtfewj the fourth , he, villi the Lord Bardolpbe,camc out of Scotland with a power againft the king; ndat5r4wkw^rwne, and before the Percies Armes. Inanfweretothefirft, I fay (Lee gaue iota\\ her lands to her husband, tor much of her inheritance in Suffolk, Lin-zfaer.**. 22.R. 2 ;n°. 3 8. olnejhireznd elfewhere,defccnded to Sir waiter Ftt\tvalter Knight (lonne of s "^' L,ncoln ' 'alter, fonneof lohn, fonneof lohane, one of the lifters of Margaret Lucy, aotherto Anthony Lord Lucy , brother to the (aid Mauld)md to Sir Robert UrwgtonYimght, (fonneof/^, fonneof Elizabeth } another fifter of the lid Margaret Lucy es, mother to Anthony the fa id Maulds brother) as cofens nd her next heires. Nor were thofc landes (which wei egiuen) giuen to her «j£Wonely,but to the Heires males of their two bodies comming: for de- lult of fuch i(Tue,to the heires of the (aid Maulds body, and for lack thereof, ) the heires males of thofe in the next place mentioned. Secondly, you fay the condition was, that he and his heires (hould quarter er Armes, which isnotfo, for they were giuen onely to the Heires males , sc£S!! , .^^«#^w ^ V n " ,38 " id not with a generality without limitation. For when (he had buried her >rmer husband Gilbert de VmframuillEzxte of Angos) fhee out of her hearty )ueandaffcdiontotheEarleof Northumberland her fccond husband and is family, caufes a Fine to be leuied of the Caftell, Marnior and Honour of okermouth , the Mannours of Papcafter, wigton , Brathewayt t Loweftvatcr, ■ene,caldebeke, Vine dale, AJpatrike,Langtey caftell, and diuers other mannors id lands in Cumber land 'and Northumberland, to her and the (aid Earle,and icir heires males of their two bodiesrand for default of fuch i(fue,and of iflue I her owne body, to Henry Percy eldeft fonne of the (aid Earle, and to the rires males of his body, the remainder to Sir Thomas Percy Knight (Earle IWorcefler) brother to the Earle of Northumberland her husband) and to ic heires males of his body, and for default of fuch iflue, theremaynderto 1 Thomas Percy , the faid Earle Henries (bnne , and the heires males of his ady : and for default of fuch hTue,the remainder to Sir Ralphe Percy another : the faid Earles (bnnes and to the Heires Males of his body, vpon the Con- tion in the next place to be (hewed : and for lacke ofiffuc males of all their id bodies,to the right heires of the faid Mauld Lucy , Thirdly, what was the Condition fay you ? marry that her armes (hould ; quartered and borne next to his owne , and before the per eyes Armes. To atIanfwere,theyaretobe borne quarteriatim,\ cad the Condition \lu ^»odfJ^- a *^^ n r ** 3 ^ fe (meaning Henry Hotjpur) & dicliharedes majculi (the heires males) Ar- tpr&diCli ComitiSy quafunt de Aurocumvno Leone de Az»ureo rampante, g/>efquicr,anceftour to the late lord Burgk and after to Sir William Lucy : and Margaret married firft to Henry Lor Grey of Codnor and after to Sir Richard Vere Knight, Sir Ralphe Percy Knigi * Efttetr. i q. R. z. & tide third fonne of this Earle Henry, m aricd b Philtp fecond daughter and coheii f£a°. j.h. 5. ofthefaid Earle of Athol, who (when he was flaine in battaile by th Sara&zns without Iffue) was remariedto John Haljham Efquire. Alan tr fourth fonne,and Margaret a daughter. TjEnry Lord Percy (grand-childe to Hem Lord Percy, and firft Earle of Northun berland, by his fonne Sir Henry HotJpur)w, reftored and made the fecond Earle of No, thumberlmd , the third of King Henry the fif He was fent pledge in Scotland, for his Gran< father , who was taken prifoner at the battai of Otter borne, the 1 2. of King Richard the I cond, 1388. and there continued vnto tl yeare, 1414. Who after taking part with Kir Henry the fixt , againft Richard Duke of York was flaine at the firft battaile of Saint Albon in the yeare, 1 4 $ $ . He married Elianor, dzug ter of Ralphe Neuill , firft Earle of Wejlmerlan ai Sec in Wonefter. • VideEfedein a' H^.&'+.E, 4.n°. 30. — ■ NORTHVMBERLAND. fa and had iSae, Henry the third Earle of Northumberland-, Them as Lord Egre. " — mora, flainc atthc battell of North tmpten, the 3 9. of King Henrie the itxt " WiUUm Percie Biftiop ofcarlell. Anne married to Thomas Lord Hunter fori KAtberine, wife to Edmund Grey Earle of Kent ; and Elizabeth was married *t\rY*t> I r\rA Clifford* unA Au\?rer\rhf>r rhUAr^n t»L„l, J j t *n ™ , " 7 3 Jrr 1 . ,. v ~-**~ " l ; c«^prwwas married to the Lord C/#arood aduiccof the4>eeres ofthe Realme * hee to the contrary, had by im- xifonmentand terror of death, enforced him to refignethe Ciowne, and /furped the fame by the concurrence of his Faclion, horribly murthering :hefaide King, and defrauding the faid Edmund Mortimer 'Earle of March, his lawfull right to the Crowne, whom he had fuffercd to languifh long inprifonvnder OrvcnGlendowr^ reputing thofe Traitors, who with their noney had procured his enlargement. After the publication of thefe com- plaints, he confident in the promifes of his Confederates, who yet fayled him, fent his brother Thomas Earle of Worcefler^ and his couragious fonne Henry Hotjpurre, with a power of men againft the King, who both loft :heir Hues at the battell of Shrewsbury ; whereupon, hee was proclay med Traitor, and attainted : but fliortly after, by a kinde of conniuency 1 ccey- uedagaine into the Kings fauour (vnto whom he was a terror) yea and re- toredto all his lands and goods,faue onely the Ifle of Man 3 which the king rcceiued into hisowne hands. Howbeit, within a while after, being now become popular (a dangerous companion to great men) and ouer forward to entertaine new defignes, and hauing procured the Scottes to bandy and ioyne with him in Armes, himfelfc in perfon entrcd with banner difplaied into the fieldc againft the King as an Vfurpcr , and on a fodaine at Barham- more 'm a tumultuary skirmifh,An°. 1408. wasdifcomfitedand flaine by Thomas Rokesby high Sheriflfe of Yorkefhire. Now in this very interim of Bbb his 378 NORTHVMB ERLAND. \ his Rebellion, muft be the time wherein Matthias was honoured with that Earledome, although as yet I can neither findc the Graunt (wherein I haue fpent much time to difcouer it) nor what he was : yet I verily thinkc hee was a Scot, that pcraduenture the King employed in difcouering the Perries tended defignes, or repelling their rebellious forces. Orelfe fomeiother Stranger that had deferued wel againft the Scots,whofe for wardnes the Per- eyes found eucr for them in all their aforciaid purpofcs. Two of whofe ori* ginall Letters I haue feenc- the one written to King Henry the fourth, in the fixtyeareofhis reignc, dell ring the King to excufe him for coromingtohim (according as hec had required) in refped of his late comming into Nor- thumberland, in refpeft of h is great age, and becaufc winter ioutnies would not agree with the ftate of his body. The words are thefc. Au Roy mon trefredoute Seignur : thus it is indorfed. £ N trefredoute fiegnur S otter ain , ie me recommanz humblemem a ' vofire mAgeftee roiale A la quele plefe entendre, qe iay receu vo\bo- , nurables let res Samadj tierce iour de lamer prefent^par les quelles iay entenduz voftre bone cftat faprojperitee dont ie mercie Dieux de entier cuer, & auxi comcnt votes dcfircs maperfonale venue aweftm. pur y ccnfeiUerouefque autres de vofire confeill qeyferront, en les Oepunes de Se 'mt Hiller proshein. A la quele mat ire, mon Souerain fegnur ie votes fupplie qc vom plefe confiderer tna tarde venue en Northumbr. & auxi ma grand age & fieblejfe^ la longe et nuL uey s vote en cell temps deyuern, &fur ce auoir la venue de moy a vousacellt foi&purcxcufce come celuy qeferra toutdys preft de faireferuice a voftre hautejfe a mon petit poi are. Etpleu(l aDeuqe iefeujjc en auxi bon poaire de corps & bi. ens.come Uy voluntee defaire feruice,a votes & a voftre Roialme. S/prieaDeu mon trefredoute feignurfoueram qilvotssottroit honour e, vie, ioye 3 et fauntee a trejlong dune. Efcrit a werkeworth le xij.iour de lanuer fufdit. Voftre humble Matathyas. The other bearing date at Hclaw, U.lunij, is onely forcertaine monies to be paide to him and his fonne, which he inrrcateth presently to receyue,^- lonc lagrante & ordenance faites en voftre darrein parhment ey forme de not endentures, and figncd thus^r* Mathathyas 5 and noted on the backe fide thus, in a hand of thofe times: Litera Comitis Nortbumbmdiretta domino no- ftro Regi, in qua fubferipfit idem Comes manufua propria. The former thus, in a Character of the fame time alfo, Litera Comitis Northumbr. Both which are ftillpreferued (among other Protocols o? Truth) inthat famous Librarie of Sir Robert Cotton,Kmght and Baronet. All this will be accounted by fomc peraduenturedigreffion, becaufc I haue giuen no fuller fatisfadion; but my ayme was to draw in others information, that thereby I might heereafter bring this to perfection. e&*/A% 4 .H.s. mem: 1 7. Now to the occafion here offered/*** vniuerjis ejr fwgulis receptoribut, fimarijs, balliuis, prapofitis & alp occupatoribw dominiorum^ caftrorumjnl nertorum, terr ar urn & tenement orum, quxfuerunt Henrici nuper Com tit Northumbrian & Henr'm filijtiufdem nuper Comitis in com. Suffex falutem . Cum ZuminParliamento noflroapudWeftm. A°.regninojlri fee undo (raarke what /care) tento, Henrtcum Percy adnomen et habilttAtem cjjendi filium & bared. Uenrici Percy patris fit, & confanguineum eyharedem Henrici Percy nuper Go- nitis NorthumbrU, ac omnium antecefforum fnorum.fa adnomen & babtlita* cmeffendi Comitem Northumbrian de gratia noUra Jfcciali auftoritateeiuf- iemPArliamentireftituerimus, frconcejfertmw, quod idem Henricm filtus Henricifilij pradilti nuper Comitis, babeat omnia dominia, caftra, cuflodidm aUrorum & fore fi arum, maneria, terrain &c. qua prafato Henrico patri fuo , ji nuper Comiti, velalteri eorum , aut alicui antecefforum fuorum talliata fue* \ unt ingredipojfel vobis & cuilibetveftruminiungimus manda- nus.quodipfum Henricum filium Hentici fily Henrict, in manena predict a umfertin. per fe, atturnatum,feudeputatos fuos in hac parte, libere -Pdyne^n&Bryajtjmd. Knight of the Honourable Order of the Gar- ter . He married Katberine^daughiet and one of the heires of Sir Robert S fencer Knight, and of Elianor his wife, daughter of Edmond Beauford, DukeofSomerfet, and fitter and co- heire of Henry Beauford and Edmond, Dukes of Somerfet, her Brothersjand hadlfCuc, Henry Percy the Cxt Earle of Northumberland of that name; Sir Thomas Percy Knight (who by Elia- nor his wife,one of the daughtersand heires of Sir Guijchard Harbottell Knight, had Thomas and Henry, that were fucccfliuely Earls of Northum- berland : Guifcbard, Mary married to Francis Slingesby of Screuin in Yoike- fhire, Efquire, Father of Sir Henry, Sir WiUiam, Sir Guilford, aud Sir Francis Slingsby Knights, now liuing, A°. 1 61 1, and Katherine) Sir Ingelrarn Percy Knight : Margaret married to Henry Clifford, firft Earle of Cumberland, and Maud. He died in the 1 8.yeare of King Henry the eight. Et portoitjles armes de fon pere. HEnry Lord Percy ^ after the death of Henry the fift his Father, was the fixt Earle of Northumberland of thatfurname, and was madeKnightof the Garter, in the two and twentieth yeare of King Henry the eight, hee was lent by the faide King with a Commit fion vnder the great Seale of England 5 to attache and arreft CardinallP*'^, and to carry and deliuer him prifoner to the Earle of Shrewsbury, at sbeffeild Caftle, which hee did. 5 although the Cardinall proudly checked him, and told him, that he was a member of the Colledge of Cardinalles in Rime ; and that neither the King, nor any other temporall Prince vnder heauen, could or ought to intermeddle with him, for any caufc or matter whatfoeuer. This NORTHVMBERLAND. This Henrie married Marie, daughter of George Talbot Earle of Sbrewsbtt- " w, and died without ififuc at Hackney neere London, the * thirtieth day of , T Le i9 . oi i une , between [une, in the 2 9. yeare of King #tw^ the eight, and was there buried 3 who two 3,1(1 th«eoftfaedocke lairing no children, and (his fecond brother Sir Them* beeing before cxe- 1 " momin ^ ruted, for taking Armes'againft King Henrie the eight, in the firft difference ibout RcligionJ as if now that Family had beenc at a finall end for euer, hee prodigally gaue away a sjreat part of his Lands and inheritance to the fayde King, and others. After this Henries death, the Earledome of Nortbumber- Wlay vacant, vntil King Edward the fixt made lobn £W/ after the death of John Duke of Northumberland, was by Q. Mary rcftored in bloody and by Let- ters Patents, bearing date, 155 7.crea ted a new Lord Percy, and the feuemh Earle of Northumberland of that Fa- mily, to him and the heires males of his bodie ; and for default thereof, to his brother Henrie, and the heyre; male of his body. After, Queene£/r zabeth made him Knight of the Gar ter,in the fift yeare of her R eigne jOi which he was degraded, in the yean 1 5 69. for rebellion with Charts Earli of weftmerlandjxnA afterwards attain ted by Parliament, in Anno i^i.andlaftly, was beheaded at Yorke, ii the yeare 1572. Hee married Anne, daughter of Henry Somerfet Earle 0 Worcefler, and filter oiwiUism Earle ofWorceftcr, and had iffue Thomas tha dyed young; Elt&abeth, married to Richard Woodroofe of YorHhire ; May wife to Sir Thomas Grey of Northumberland, Knight ; Lucie y married to Si Edward Stanley ofEmfkam'm OxfordJhireKnight; a yonger fonneof Edmn Stanley Earleof Derby ^ and/4»f,marriedtotheLordHlpiin<4y^w^r,bro ther to the Earle of Hartford. Er portoit , d'or au lyon rampant d'azur, arme 3c lampailc dt guenlles, eftartelle d« gueulles a tro ccs haw jauc d'argent. • ' \ , 4 t • u ... NORTHVMBERLAND. ?8? CORRECTIONS. man, had you bene as familiar in Records, as you arc in the fmoa- ^kic Collections of fomedeceafed ignorant-Painters, you would neuer lauc broached thefc abfurdities without bluftiing. For, if you will but con* ult with any of this Honourable Family of the Percyes, they will ( as they iauccoun:eouflyenformedme)aflureyou, that this Thomas Earleof Nor- humberland had befides Thomas Percy that dyed young without ifTue, fourc laughters ; Elizabeth the cldeft, married to. Richard Woderoue of Wolley in forkefbirc : the fecond, married to Six Edward Stanley of Vnwtcke in ^ncalhire, Knight of the Bath at the Coronation of King James , and Ne. ■hew to Henrie Earlc of Derby • lane the third daughter, married to the Lord lenry Seymour \ brother to Edward late Earle of Hertford h and Mary the 4. aughrer, (not married to Grey as you haue fct downc) but Lady Priorefle of le Englifh N unnery now at Bruxels s A°. 1621. Oh Henrie Percy Knight (fecond brother of ^Thomas aforefayde) was after his faidc Bro- thers death and attaindure, by vertue of the former entaile and Graunt, the eight Earle of Northumberland, in the fixtcenth yeare of Queene Elizabeth - 3 and after, being accufed of Treafon, and imprifoned in the Tower of Lon- don, (hot himfclfcto death with a dagge, char- ged with two Bullets, before cither his caufe was heard, or hec arraigned, in the yeare, one thoufand flue hundred eighty Hue. He married Katherine, one of the daughters and coheyres of lohn NeuiULoid Latimer, by whom he had iffue, Henry now the ninth Earleof Northum- berland, 1611. Sir Thomas Percy fecond fonne, who dyed uTuIefTc 5 William Percy third fbnnc, r Charles Percy fourth fonne, Knighted in Frame by Robert Earleof Tex, 1 591. whomarried Dorothie daughter of Richard Cox of cleue in bceftcrfhire widdow of Hatchins : Sir Richard Percy Bit fon: r Alan Percy fixt fonne, who married daughter and heyrc of Sir w Fit^ of Deuonftiire, and dyed without ifTue : Sir lofceline Percy, fea- nth fonne, and George Percy Efquire. Jnneditdan infant; Luce married ft to Sir Iohn Woottou, knighted in France, A°. 1 5 9 1. brother to Edward >rd Wotton } and after to Sir Hugh Owen of Angle fey : and Elianor, married Sir William Herbert Knight of the Bath at the Coronation of King lames, iphew to William Herbert Earlc of Penbroke. Et portoit, d'or, au lion rampant d'azur : dcartcllc Percy, qui eft,gtieulle* a trois Luces haurianr gent. Ccc Henrie NORTHVMBERLAND. \Enry Lord Percy > fbnne and heyre of Henry aforelaide , ( after the death of his Father ) was the ninth Earle of Northumberland ^ LordrVjr- nings, Fit&.payne and Bryan ^ he was made Knight of the Noble Order of the Garter jby Queene Elizabeth, A°. 15^3. and of the Priuy Counfell to King lames. Hec married Dorothy, daughter of Walter Deuereux, Earle 0/ Ejjex (and Widdow of Sir Thomas Perm Knight) by whom he had ilTue, foure Tonnes and two daughters ; Henry and Henry dyed infants. Sir Algernon Percy , Lord Percy , and K. of the Bath, at the Creation of Prince Charles $ and Henry Percy fourth fonnc 5 Lady Dorothy Percy the Eldeft daughter,married to Sir Robert Sidney \ Lord Lijky and Knight of the Bath, at the creation of Prince Henry ; and Lady Luce the fecond daughter, married Umes Lord Hayes y Vifcountof Domafien Etpartoit, dor aulyen rampant d'zur, efcartelle gucullci a troii Lucnhauriantd'argeot. A 3*7 A CATALOGVE OF THE Earles of Nottingham, their Armes, JViues, and Qhildren, WITH CORRECTIONS. WbertdeFerrars (Con of William Earle \ Ferrars^nd of Margaret his wife, j' daughter of William PeuerellLoid of Nottingham^ difinhcrited by King i/cvzry thefe- cond, 1 155. forconfenting to the poyfoning of Randall Earle of chejler) was made thefirft Esxk of Nottingham, in the life time of his Fa- ther and Mother. He gauelandsto the Church of Saint Ofwalds , by the name of Robert Earle of Nottingham • and after died vvithoutifiue 3 and was buried in the Abbey oiLenton. Et portoit, vaire d'or&r de gueulles. CORRECTIONS. His Armes were not v«;« &or & de gueulles for that bearing was not vfed in this family vntill they had maried ' Peuerrllt hebutci'arj>tnt <• fafertes de cfjeuaff de /ai/e,as Hat a prcpofterous courfe is this 5 to fay that this Robert de Ferrarijs, * thentt w v * Earle of 'Nottingham , was fonneof William Earle Ferrars and of iargaret Peuerell his wife , when it is moil certainc that hee was fonne of obert de Ferrary s jltio\ father to that William^ whole fonne he faith hee was. orhegaue very largely to Saint Ofwalds of Njjlellm Yorkejhire, and in one J"™%o£ w " Md **'' f his Chartes dated. 1 1 4 1 . vnder this very title Robertas de Ferrarijs iunior, omes de Nottingham he confirmed to the fam e Monaflery , quicquid Anus tew Hemic us deFerrarijs, feu Eugenulpbus de Ferraris fat rum meus^feu Ra- mus pater meut (you fee whofe fonne he was) feu eorum vxvres,vel Bar ones i ditta Ecclefia dederunt. Moreouer he fayes,that this Robert Earle of Not' ngham died without IfTue, which I may not beleeue, becaufe I am allured lat hee is the fame man that otherwhiles wee find termed Earle of Tutbury, g . ^ cJ)4rtat iat was father to William Earle Fcrr&rs and of Derby I haue elfewhcre * *' ** ifficientlyproued. Ccc 2 0 lehn 388 _ Nottingham. 10h» Lord Mowbray, fonnc and hcyrc of Uh Lord Mowbray of Axholme^ and Elizabeth his wife 3 daughter and heyreof John Lord and Margaret his wife, daughterand heire of Thomas of Brotherton 5 was created Earle of Nottingham , at the Coronation of King Ricbardthe fecond, 1 377. and after dyed at London without Iflue, 138 1. being but 18. yearesof age, his Mother then being liuing. After whofe death 5 King ifo^Wbeftowed the faidEarlcdomcof Nottingham vpon Thomas Mowbray ,this Johns yonger brother, who was after created Duke of Norfolke. This Iohnms buried in the White-Fryars(pi Carmelites Fry. ars ) in London , the fixt ycare of King Eschar d thefecond. Et portoic, dc gueulfes au Iyon ratnpans d'argent, arme & lampafle d'azur. CORRECTJ ONS. DO yoii think by thefe flender thrcds to draw others to your opinion? would you traduce our beleef es to thinke that there was no Earleof ' Re. muedc».?.i7 i.h.n°. Nottingham^ bctwecrie Robert de Ferrers and John Lord Mowbray ? a Houe- 30. M. Pit is. p. 147. " den is then to blame to fay that Dux Normanr.URichardm films Henrici Regis An^lidt proximo defuncti {Richard the firft) venit in Angliam^ & dedit lohan. nifratri fro C 'omit at am Moretonij ifyComitatumCornubU , & Dor/eta, & % ■ c Somerfeu, &Comitamm de Nottingham ^ & Comitatum de Detbifirefc */*w««Apag.55i. . ComtUUm fa i mca j?re t fa. Learned Camden tells you as much 5 thai 91. 6c ti7* king John was Earle of Nottingham: your felfe haue c elfe where confefledic. and yet here left him out of the Catalogue. Next you goe about to bury this loan Mowbray Earle of Nottingham aliue for I am certaine that hee liued a yeare longer then you haue fet do wne 5 al SfimH*. R. 2. numcre. tne Inquifitions taken after his death, affirnie rhat he died in the fixt yeare 0! 5 *. Richard the fecond^which f tiles either a°. 138*. or elfe 1 383. Thorn* N OTTINGHAM. I Homos Lord Mowbray, younger A Brother of Iokn'hoxd Mowbray aforefaid s was after his brothers death , made Earle of Nottingham^ the fixt of £/^/^the fecond, and by a Charter bearing date the 12. day of January, the p. of King Richard the fecond, hee hadgiuen him the name and honour of Earle Marshall of Eng- land, tohimandthehcyres Male of his body. ( Before which time they were but Lord Marflials) And after in the 2 1 . of the faid Kings Reigne, he was created Duke of Norfolke,zr\d permitted to beare the Armesof S. Edward 'the Confeffor , impaled with the Armes * of the Marfhalfhip of* See£nol, s hconcc ™ In s thl ' s _ / 1 • _ 1 i> 7 pa" 140. vvhetherthey were England, viz. Per pale dor & vert au Armes appropriate to the lion rampant GueuUes. A fter all w hich * laifliaMli P or nou fallows ,King Richard the fecond banifhed this Thomas, with Henry of Lan- :*fler duke of Hereford; Vpon which,he tooke fuch exceeding griefe,that he dyed at Venice, and was buried there, in the Abbey of S. George, in the firft ^care of King Henry the fourth. Hee maried Elizabethfiftev and one of the :o-heyres of Thomas Fit^-Alan Earle of Arundell,zx\d had Iflu^Tbomas and Iobn,bothEar\csof Nottingham and Dukes of Mrfolke; ifabellmmcd to Sir lames Berkeley knight 5 and Margaret, maried to Sir Robert Howard Knight. He writ in his ilik.Thomas Duke of Norfolke,Eaik of Nottingham,?, nd Earle Marfhallof EngUndJLoxd Mowbra,y,Segraue,Brufeof Gower and Stutiutle. Et portoit, ks armes de Con pere. CORRECTIONS. TF wee (houldinathingof this nature onely reft latifHed * with bare affirmation, we might feeme to be directed ra- ther by your peribn, then by any found reafon : therefore I arreil your words, that fay King Richard gmc way for the impalingof the Confeffors & the Armes of the Marfhalfhip of England togethe^you wil fay le 2iTurcdly in your proof ; I grant that hee did beare in his feale his Armes per pale the Me of Saint Edward the Confeffor, and the other of Thomas of Bw&w**»(Marfliallof England) but not thofe Armes (as you terme them)of the Marflialfliip of England^and in place of 2, Cr eft, a Lyon vpon aehapem with two fmall collateral! fcocheons of Mowbray or Mowbray and Segraue, compaffed a- bout with two Oftrich feathers^ as the Margent plainely ftewes, the Originall whereof vpon requeft you fliall fee : which kinde of bearing Nottingham. bcarinp is not ftrangc , for Thomas Holland Duke of Surrey , Earle of Kent^ Marfhallof England and Lord waketf. 21. R. 2. impaled the Confejfon Armes with Edmund of Woodflockes in all his Scales. &c. But w hy ftand I fo long vpon this ? In the next place you tell vs of this Duke of KTorfolkslBic, Thorny and and fay that they were both Dukes of Norfolk andyetinyourbooke pae. 157. (if your words now be true) you haue left out Thomas in his due place offucceflion,withallgiuingvs this to know (in the fame pag. line, n.) that hee was commonly called Earle Marfhall, and by no other name or title* su cmdens Stitamia. w hi cn indeed is very true , and this falfe both here and againe in the famci page. To aske why you hau e omitted this Dukes firft wifc,will be but protrafr ing of time , yet now take her with you 5 her name was Elizabeth daughtei and heire of lohn le Strange of Blachnere y but died uTueleiTe the 2 3. of Au< /r/? a °d Earle Marfhall of England, Hem^ricd Lady % ConJlance i daughter of I hot, Holland Earle of Humtngton^ and Duke of Ex- ceflerjvn by her hjd no ilTue. He was after ac cufed and f>und guilty of high treafon, and foi the fame 1 was beheaded, with Richard Scrop \tch Bifliop of rerktj in the fixt yearc of Kins Henry t he f ourth and his body was buried a' Yorke. Et portoit, de gueulles, au lyon rampant d'argent atme $ lampafle d'azur. Nottingham. lohn Lord Mowbray fecond brother ^ of Thomas Mowbray beheaded at riv^-) was Earle of Nottingham , and Earle Marfhall of England ; and in the fourth yearc of King. Henry the lixt 3 he was created Duke of Norfolke. Hee married Kathertne, daughter of Ralphe Neuill , fitft Earle of weflmer- land, and had i fine, /o/mLord Mow- bray, Duke of Norfolke, Earle of Not- tingham , and Earle Marfhall of Eng- land, Lord Scgraue^dc Brufe of Gower> &c..ind dyed at his Mannor of % Eple~ „ _ , i ■ i ti / / / j Eppetvcrth. rvortb,m the me or Axholmejti\<\ was buried in the Abbey or Houfe of Carthufians there, in the y eare, 1432. Et portoit, les armoirics de Ton frere. 'lohn Lord Mowbray, fonneof John * aforefaid, was after the death of his Father , Duke of Norfolke , Earle of Nottingham , and Earle Mar (hall of England, Lord Segraue, and of Gww. He married Eltanor, daughter of William Lord Bourchier , and fitter of H*- folke, and dyed in the firft yeare of King Edward the fourth, 1461. and lyerh buried at Thetford. Et portoit, dc gaeulles aii lyon rampant d*af* gent, arroe & Lunpafle d'azur. Id* Nottingham. John Lord .<*/w£r4y,fbnneandheyri * of lobn and ElUnor Bourchier) in th» life time of his Father , was creatct Earle Warren and Surrey , by Kinj Henry the fixt j and after the deatho his Father, hee was Duke of Norfolke Earle of Nottingham , and Earle Mar mall of England,Lotd Segraue, and o; Gorver. He married Elizabeth^dzugh ter of IohnTalborfitft earle of Shrtwj bur -J of that name , and had uTue, on< onely daughter & heyre named Anm, married to Richard Duke of rorkefo cond fenne of king Edward the fourth, who dyed both without iflucleauing all the Mowbrayes lands and brings, to bee diuided betweene the two Fa- milies of Howards and Berkleys, Hee dyed at Framingham Caftle, in the yeare, 1475. and was buried with his Aunceftorsat Thetford, Ec portoit, Ics armes dc (on pere. CORRECTIONS. A Lthough I follow you not in euery by-way whereunto your Errours **doe leade me,yet I may not here, but tell you that betweene thefetwo Earles of Nottingham, Mowbray and Barkeley, you haue forgotten one, and that was Richard Duke of Torlce, who although but a while, yet enioyed hec that title,for I find that King Edward the fourth his father, by his letters Pa- tents dated at Weftminfter the twelfeof June inthefixteenth yeare of his •tUttrJd ttmm Trmit** *aignc, * gaue and confirmed prdcharifimo flio nojlro Richardo de Salop. *:\6&.4*ot.6.i».*i. mi ! U N "y»Z h "»- Readc but that* great Britaincs-light, apditwillOiew 5$ 1 . c. what I fay to be true 5 and withall remember your ownc words, pag. lin. 26. for I call them to witnefle for mc. Nottingham. 3?3 \\pB/amLoii Berkeley , of Berkley CiCtk Btrhleyjindot Ifabellhis wife, daughter of 77&o- S3- Lord Mowbray Duke of Norfollce, by Eli- zabeth his wife , lifter and one of the heyres of Thomas Fit^-Alan Earle of Awn dell ^ was crea- ted Vifcount Berkley , the 2 1. of King Edward the fourth : And in the firft ycare of King Ri- chard the third, he was made Earle of Notttng- hamjnd Earle Marthall of England. And in the fourth y earc of King Henry the feauenth,he was created MarquelTe Berkley , and married Anne> daughter of lohn Fynes, Lord Dacresof the South, and dyed without IlTue, the fcuenth of King Henry the feauenth,and was buried in the Auguftine Fryars in London^ giuing to the iaide part of his Lands. Et portoit, de gueulles au Cheuron accompaigne de dix croix formies d'argent. t_T£^ F//&-^,bafcfonneof King Henry the eight , begotten of the Lady Talboys , daughter of Sir lohn Blount Knight, was created Earle of Nottingham ,in the 1 7. yearc of his Fa- thers Reignej and after in the yeare, I525.heewas created Duke of Rich- mond and Somerfet at Bridewell and at the fame time he was made Lieutenant Generall from Trent Norrhwards,and Lordf*W-Roy had the titles of Not- **twgbam 9 Richmond and Somerfet bcftowed vpon himintwofeucrall yeares , if you obferue the word, After 5 but I aflure you there was not one day difference ; for all the three honours were beftowcd vpon himatthc Kings Palace of Bridewell on the eighteenth of June in the feauenteenth y care of his Fathers reigne,King Henry the eight. C Harles Howard ( fonnc of Wil Ham Lord Howard of Epngbam, Lord Admirall of England, Lord Chamberlaineto Queene Eliz>abetb i one of the Priuy Councell,& by hci made Knight of the Garter, yongei fonne of Thomas D. of Norfolk) onelikewifeof the Priuy Councd! to (\Eliz>abeth and King /amesfii ron Howard of Fffmgbam^ Knight ot the Garter, L. Admirall & England. was for his right Honourable feruiq (asappeareth in the Charter of hi; Creation) valiantly & faithfully per formed ugainft the Spanifli Amui in the ycare 1 5 88. as alfo at j fackini of Cali^in Spaine ,wcre hewas Lon Gcnerallof the forces by Sea, like a the Earle of Effex of thofe by Land by Queene Eltybeth was create Earle of Nottingham the 2 3. of October* 0 . 1597. as defcended from th Mowbrayes Dukes of Norfolke and Earles of Nottingham. Hee maricd tw wiues, thefirft was Katherine daughter of Henry Cary Baron of Hunfio (who being Lord Chamberlaine of the houfhold to Queene Elizabeth, on of her honourable Priuy Councd], and Knight of 'the Garter, was fonne c William Cary Efquire for the body to King Henry the eight by his wife Mai Buffein fifter to Queene Anne BuHein,mother of Queene Elizabeth) by whoi heehadiflue twofonnesand three daughters , William Baron Howard ( Effingham cldett fonne, thatmaried Anne daughter and heire of Iohn Lo; Saintlfhnof Bletjhom Bedfordshire , and died before his father a 0 . i6u hauing had ifliic William that died a child ^ Anne died yong, and Elixfb* his daughter and folc heire married to John Lord Mordant of Turuey in tr faid County of Bedford now liuing. a°. 162.1. Sir Charles Howard fecon NOTTING HAM. Dime now Lord Howard of Effingham maried firft chorine daughter f^to, widow of Lecheof London, by whom he isd no iffue : lecondly hee married Mary daughter of Sir William Cokayne Inight, Alderman and fometime Lord Maior of the honourable city of , ondonfry whom as yet he hath no Iflue. The three daughters names, were ■Mzabeth maried to Sir Robert SouthweUof Rifing in Norfolke Knight, Fran- wmariedto Henry Fitz-Gerald Earle of Ware in Ireland, anda'fterto lenry Lord Cobbam, Margaretxhtxtivtb daughter married to Sir Richard euefinof Stafford/hire. Theaforefaid Charles E.rle of Nottingham tookc ) his fccond wife Margaret daughter of lames Steward Eadc of Murrey in cotland, and by her hee had lames borne a°. 1606. and died Anno 16 10, nd Charles. Etportoit, lcs Armes de Howard, fur Ie tout ati Molette de fabk. Ddd 2 A ACATALOGVEOFTHE Earles of Oxford, their Armes, Wiues, and Children. WITH CORRECTIONS. ybrejdereretfonnz of Aubrey de Vert ' Chamberlain to King Henry the firfl - PortgraucofL#»^»»andChicfc-Iu ft ice vnder King ffenrie thefirft,flaineby th Commons in London,in the yeare H4°-^! cended from the Earies of Gm/nes^nd that fur name from Kere, a Towne in ZeUnd (asM Camden hath others in Normandy ) was by Km ^/ahefecond,anditf4^theEmprcfle hi mother, reftoredfirft to the Charoberlainihi of England, and the Portgraueftup of Londo (which he had loft before in the cimli Warres and after had giuenhim, thechoife of four Earledomesin England, viz. Oxford, Hmtm^ ton, Cambridge(bire, and Wihes 5 with this cot dition- thatifiD^of Scotland did challcng theEarledomesof^^^ them 5 and for that thefaid Dauiddld challenge » W^^^* ashisduerightandinheritance,^ ford: InwhichEarledome, when thefaid ^^^S Crowne, he by his Charter did confirme and make the ^^JfeB- Oxford Trus Aubres married* Adeliua, daughter of Henry of E/Jex tt, firftCountelTeof5^, ^^^^^SS EarlcW*: andlaftly,me married P^W, ^^ ar °^ s j She founded the i^thcfirftEarleofO X ford,dyedintheyeare 1194. t^fixtot King* r Ertainely, this Authoursbraineis not niuchvniike thefoile of ^ ^ which (as Cofmograpte^^ ply of ftrange Monftefs, and deformed creatures. ^J'^^ loguccieeiefrom^^ * Oxford. 39 edywth the Oyle ofleazing, which makes his pen fo nimble in this Art of alfifying. He would perfwade, that Oxford^ Huntington, Cambridge, and Vdtes % were the foure Counties out of which this Aubrey deyere was offred 0 picke and choofe one ; but I am allured to the contrary. For,when Maud he Emprefle had diuerted him from King Stephen then vfurping the crown, indthat me might afTure him to her fide, (he gaue him the Earldom of Cam- Widge'tf the King of Scots refufed it: marry if he would not relinquifh but wld it, then this Aubrey to choofe one out of thefe foure, viz. Oxford 3 Berke, Viltes, and Dorfct, that he might be Earle thereof. Reade this inftrumcnr s md you will belce ue me. f \qum Anglia filutem. SciatU mereddidi(Je & concefiiffe Comiti Alberico om- nes terras y tenementafiia, ficut pater eius Albencus de Veer tenuit, die qua r uit viuu6 ey mortuus^ vi%. in terrisjn feoudis, in firmis^ in mintfierijs > in va- tijsjn empiion-bus ey hareditatibus^fc nomimtim Camerariam Anglia^ ficut Mbeticus dcVeer pater eius t vel Robertus Malet, eat inde tertium denarium ficut Comes debet habere, ita dicofi Rex Scotia non 'nbet ilium Comitatum. EtfiRex babuerit^perquiram ilium ei ad poffe meum wEfcambium. Etfi non potero, tunc do et et concedo, quod fit Comes dequoli* 'ntquatuor Comitatuum Jubfcriptorum } vi^. Oxenefordfc. Ber kefir. Wiltefcr. •t Dorfetefcr. per confilium et confiderationem Comitis Gloecefir.fiatris mei^ & lomitis Gaufridi, et Comitis Gijleberti, et teneat Comitatum fuum cum omnibus His rebus qua ad Comitatum fuum pertineatjta bene et in pacejvliberejt qute- \ et honor ifice, et plenary, ficut vnquam aliquis Comes melius vel liberius te- wit y vel tenet Comitatum fuum, Concedo etiam eiinfeondoct barcditateferui- inmmllimideHelionjviz>. decern militum, vt ipfe mllimus teneat deComite Alberico, Et ipfe Comes factat inde michi feruicium et michi et baredibm meis» Zoncedo etiam eiet haredibusfuis de cremento Dibam qua fait RogerideRan- w, rectum nepotum ipjius Comitts Alberici^viz>.filiorum Rogeri de Rannis, et militer concedo ei et baredibus fuis T urroc qua fuit willimi Petterellide Not- jngeham, et terram Salamonis Presbiteri de Tilleberia . C oncedo etiam etdem Alberico Co miti quod ipfe et omnes homines fui, habeant et lucrentur omnia cfi r arta fua libera^ et quiet a de omnibus placitis qua fecerant vfy ad diem qua ferui- 'io domini mei Comitis Andegauia, et mco adhaferunt. Hac omnia JupradicJ a ■enementa coneedo eijenendabareditarie m omnibus rebus fibiet heredtbusfuis^ Oxford. de me ejr de haredibus meis. Sluare quo dip fe fa haredesj 'ui 3 teneant omnia tenement a / ua , ita ene fa in paccjtbere, fa quiete, fa bonorifice, fa plenarie, ficut vnqmm al quis lomitum meorum melius -vel liber ius tenuit vel tenet. Et prater boc y do et ton* edo Gdfirido de Veer 3 tot am terram qua Juit Galfrtdi Talebot in dominijs , fa mlitibus ji earn waranti^are potero. Et Ji non poiero , excambiam dabo ad jalenciam , antequaminde defeifitus fit , co fideratione Comitis Galpidi E(Jex i ;omitis Gilleberti,fa Comitis Albricifratris fui. Et prater hoc \concedo Roberto \eVervnam Baromam ad valenciam honoris Gaufridi de Ver A infra annum ■\uopotefiatiuus fueroregni Anglia, velaliam terram ad valenciam illtus terra, prater hoc^do fa concedo eidem Comiti Cancetlariant, ad opus willimi deVeer ratris fm } ex quo deliberatafuerit de willimo Cancellario^fratrc lohannis , filif ItEeberti, qui earn modo habet, Hancautem conuentionemtenendam , affidaui nam mea propria in mam Hugonis de luga ficut mater me d Imperatrix fa ajfi- iauit in manu Comitis Gaufridi. Teftibus^ fac. But when hec had obtay tied the roy all fceptcrof Englands Kingdome, tfhatfoeuer his mother the Empreffe , or he had promifed, he perfor med 5 he nadc good,inthefe words. LIfEnricus Rex Anglut^y dux Normannu^ fa Aquitannis,, & Comes Ande-cntito Camtk A&timCt~ gama % Archiepifcopu,Epi[co?ti,Abb*tibu*fomtM^^ Gt W" m Ctmtem I Oxford. Tfort^Mtt*, Minifiris & omnibus fidelibmfuis totitu AnglUF ranch i AmUsUlutem. Sciatis me dediffe& concede Comiti Alberjco,mfeodc >bh* reditate, tertmm denarium deplacitis comitate Oxenefordfcr -vtpmdea mes guarevolo & firmiterpr/W^f^cW^ 5 4W^»//f^ .cmbniuHertScUjhhe.t. Towne ofRoypnJbut by our * Britaines-beft-delineator he might hauebecn. better enformed. how this Rohefut erected (where Royfton now ftandeth onely a CrofTe in the highway,which was thought in that age a pious workc to put palTengers in minde of Chrifts pafflon, whereupon it was called Cm Rohefu • (as yetthcre was neuer Church nor towne:; but afterwards wnei evident, charts, a'. 18. b Euflach de Mercbhad adioyned thereunto a litle Monaftery m honouro e. *. n-. 7 . Thomas Q i Cmer y ur y 5 B^,then were Innesbuilt there-fo that in procefli of time, by little and little, it grew to be a towne, which in Iteed of Rohepe CrofewasczlkdRohefiaesTowne.mdnowcontnacdmtoRoypn. • Laftly, I will but fliew you that this Earlc Aubrey had a former wife hen omitted (as I learn out of thebook of Colne Abby)named £»/4W4,daugnte to Shmlliam Cmtelupe Knight, although by her he left no llTue ; Now I an for the next. . , Awn Oxford de Vere^ fonnc of Aubrey aforefaide, •'••was after thedcathofhis Father,thefecond Earlc of Oxford, and Lord high Chambcrlaine of England. This Aubrey did confirme the gift of 7. libratis terra , which Aubrey his Father did giue to the Canons of S. Edith(pt * E/ith)in *S. Ofith Eflex ; and married ^//;w4,daughter of Roger Bigot Earlc of Norfolke, by whom hcehad no ilTue. He died in the yeare one thoufand two hundred and fourtecne. Et portoit,ks amioirias defon pere. 0 ObertVere the third Earle of Oxford, and 1 v greac Chamberlaine of England, brother of^w^ythefecondaforcfaid, paidea fine of one thoufand Markes to King 7^0, in the fix- teenth ycare of his reigne, for the feifure of thofe lands which lately were of the inheritance of Earle Aubrey his elder brother, and thereby wasfcizedoftheCaftlesof Heueningham and Caneut l,with their appurtenances, and hadalfo giuen him the Wardfhip of William Fitz, Otho y to beftow in marriage with his Neecc . Not- withftanding all which fauours, heetooke part with the Barons, who maintained Lewis the French Kings fonneagainii: King Henrie the 3. in the yeare 1 a 1 5. He married J/abel, daughter and heire of Hugh Lord Bulbec y of Bulbec Caftle Bnktnghamjhire, and of Smf ham Bidbec m Cambridge/hire, and Founder * Wtburne Abbey in Bed/ordure- and had iflue, Hugh deFere Earle ofo$r* m h rtt * 'd, and Sir Henry fere Knight; of whom the Lord Mordant and others are feended. He had ilTuealfo, one daughter named lfabell 5 married to Sir mCourtney Knight, great Grandfather of Sir Hugh Courtney, firft Earle of •uonfhireof that name. Shee founded the Preaching Friars in Oxford,and th there buried in A°. 12 45. This^malfo founded the Priory of Hat- 'dBrodoke^vherc he lieth buried crofle-legged,in the yeare 122 r. with thif >itaph. Sir Robert Vere the fir ft, and third Earle of Oxford, lieth heere. Cod ^e flea ft, bane mercy of his foule. Whofieuer (hall fray for his foule, fhal obtain tydaies pardon. His armes depicted vpon his Shield or Pauice, isGold,a arter of France feme, charged with a Molet Argent. Eec COR- Oxford. CORRECTIONS. \\ nil you be content that Parisfhill end thiscontrouerfie * His wore V ▼ arc thefe. Anno gratis 1216, qui efi annus regni regis Iohannis xv/if H<**Tm*j*giw .n e . 4°« againft whom hee faith, this Lewis was vpholdc in theycare, 12 15. XJTrgh de Vere, fon and heire of Robert afor< ^faid, was reft ored and made Earleof Ox ford,and Lord great Chamberlain of Englanc in theycare 1233. and married Hawk da ughtc cfsayrede putney ', Earle of Winchefler, an had lfTuc, Robert de Fereaftet Earle of Oxfon Aubrey, md Richard-, Margaret marred to Hug ie Crejfiy with whom her father gaue in marr: ;ge the Marinor of Keteringham, with the aj 3urtenances(&^f Lord Jguincy, and Lor Villi am Blunde being witnefles tothe (aid chm rcrfanz date.) Mau/d Cccond daughter, mdlf bel Vere j.daughtcr.This Hugh died in the yeai 1 26j.and was buried at cW»e,thc48.of K.H. : Etportoir.cle gueulles, cfcartelle d'or 3 le premier brifedev Molette d'argent. Robert deVere y the fecond of that Chrifte name, fonne and heire of Hugh aforefai< was the fift Earle of Oxford of that fur-nam< Lord Bulbec, and great Ch imbcrlaine of Ens land 5 who tiding with the Barons in the ciui diflcntionsagainft King H^nry the third,was t, kenprifoner by Prince Edward the Kings foi in a battell ncere Kenelworth y it\ theycare u6\ He married Alice , daughter and heire of Gilbe, Lord Samford, and Ch 'mberlaine to Queer Elianor, and had ifTue Robert Vere Earleof Qj ford ; Hugh de Vere fecond fonne, who marrie Diomfia, daughter and heire of William Mon cbenfey, Lord of Swanefcamp Knight,and dye without ilTue 5 and Alphonfus de Vere Knigh thii Ox FORD. 4°? lirdfonne, who died before his other two elder brothers, and was buried i S. Albons the fecond of King Edward the third, hane the eldeft daughter, ntrkd Williamde War reit,{6nncoflobnEar\e warren and Surrey : Lor a ifl fecond daughter, was wi fe to Reginald Argentein, with whom her bro- ier Robert (as Milks hath,pag.682.)did giuein marriage the Mannour of 'ttlingham in Norfolke. This Robert died in the yearc, 1 2 9 5 . and was buri- , , n ■ „ r i at Colne, in the 2 4. yeare of King £ w/4,but had no iffueby either ofthem. A tlaft he was banifhed England by thcBarons,and went into France, whereabout fiueyearsafter,beinPa hun' ting, he was Hainc by a wildc BoarcKing ^ Whearing thereof, out ofhis loue, caufed his body to be brought into England , and to bee apparrelled ir Princely Ornaments and Robes,andput about his necke achaine of Goldc ; and Rings vpon his fingers,and fo was buried in the Priory of Earlcs Colne ir Lflex,i392.The King being thereat,did weare blackes. Et portoit,Ies armes de fan pere. Aubrey FORD. VbreydeVere, after the banifhment and death of Robert Duke of Inland his Ne- phew, was the tenth Earle of Oxford, Lord ^nS^StTha^ Bulbec^ and Samfbrd, 139$. But the Chamber- beriainfhip of England for ceftorsdid hold in Fee, he furrendrcdvntoK.K'ngAc toWthcfccond, who beftowed the fame^ I,H A ' rtl0 ' vpon lobnHollmdXOikzoi Excetter h his halfc brother by the mother . Hee married Alice, 'aughter of John Lord Fitzrvalter, otwoodbam Valter in EfTex, and had iffue, Richard Earle of Oxford ftfi&lohn that died without ifluc, the 9. of Henry the 5 . Alice a daughter, was maricd to Sir lohn FttzLctvis Knight. This Aubrey died in the firft year of King Henry the fourth, and was buried in the Priory of Earles Colne in EfTex, in beyeare,i4oo. Et portoit, gucul!es,e{cartellc d'or, le premier brifc de vn Molette d' argent. CORRECTIONS. ?Ecyou not how this Author would trouble thecourfe of al true Hiftory? -'Notwithftanding all he himfelfc writes,is naked of authority, yea and ma- ly times emptie offence : Does he not think that well deferuing Gentleman A.Mtlles fayes true i Then let him looke the Petition in • Parliament, that Ao.,.H,4.nM4o. lewes how the Commons defired (in regard the Chambcrlainfbip of Eng. tad being Oxfords ancient right, and releafed to the King by one of the iarles in his infirmity) that it might be reftorcd to the right heirs again^&c. Next we are told, it was beftowed vpon lohn HollandDuke of Excefter, Secm °" in Huntington, /hen indeed it vvasgiuenhim while he was but Earle of Huntington- neere Dure ycares before he was Excefter. Laftly, that ^#£>^ dying, A°.i.H. 4. left his fonne and heire Richard de "waged twenty foure yeares : the h Inquifition fhalltcitifie the contrary 3 & b ^.capuafud Neumt ** etacknowledgethathedycdashcfay^^ mt frper facramentum [uum quod Albredus de Veer mper Comes Oxon. obiit p*»h,h. •.xM.+tpMu 'ie veneris in feflo Sancfi Georgii ultimo prater ito^ faquod Ricardus deVeer tiles efl filius & hares propinquiorpradicli Comitis atatis quatuordecim an s orum (jr ampliusj&e. In which very yeare, the King affigned to A/keihis •arle Aubreyes widdow(after marriecj to Nicholas Thorley Efquire, her Do-ccfc.A°.i.H,4.pt.a.fi.io rer out of his Lands in Kent^Ejfex^nd Buckingham/hire, qua ratione minor is tatis RicArdifilij haredis prafatimper Comitisjnfra atatem & in enftodia oftra exiftentisjapta ftterunt in manum nojlram, & in manu mjlra exiftunt . 4oreouer,thatl may better afTureyou,that he wasbutfourteeneyeeres old, 1 . H>4»when his father died, you fhallfindethat he had not ^Liuerie of i cu»f%M»^^^^- is Lands,vntillthc 2i.day of December, A°.8.H 4. Richard Oxfo'rd. * You tee it proued otherwife in the laft place. * Her name was Ioane and not Margaret , and was firft married to Nuhoia* Baron Cdrew and had nTuebyhim, of whom the right Honou- rable Lord Carew of Clopton now liuing 1 62 1 • is defen- ded. Richard de Vert^ ( * twenty fourc yeares olde at the death of his Father Aubrey} was the eleuenth Earlcof Oxford Lord Bulbec and Samford* and in the third yeareof King Henry thefift, hec was made Knight of the Garter. Heemaried ^/wr 5 daughterand one of the hcires of Sir Richard Sergeaulx knight,and widdowof Guy S. Albon^ by whom hehadiflue, lohn Earleof Oxford^ and Sir Robert Vere Knight , who maried* Margaret, daughter of Sir Hugh Courtney of Hacham Knighr, ( and heyre to her Mother Phtllt^ one of the daughters and heyresof SkWarren ArchdeaconKnight) and had ilTue lohn, who maried Alicc^ daughter and heyre of Walter Ktl* rington/dlhs Colbrokefiy whom hee hadiffue, Johnde Fto? Farleof Oxford, This dyed in the fourth yeare of King Henry 'the fift. Etportoit, lesarmes defim pere. IOhn de Vere } the fecond of that name , fonne andheireof tf/^Waforefaid, was afr/rthe death of his Father, the 12. Earleof Oxford, Lord Bulbek and Samford. Hee maried Elity beth , daughter and heyre of Sir lohn Howara Knight, and had iiTue, Aubrey de 'Vert \ lohndt Vere Earlc of Ox for A 5 George Vere Knighr, thai dyed before his brother - Richard 'and Thomoi Knights ; Mary, a N unne at Barking in Ejfex ; loane jnaxkd to Sir William Nor r is of Tatter da Knight 5 and Eltz,abeth was maried to Wiilian Bourchier, fonne and heyre of Henry Bourchia Earle ofEffex. This /ohn^SLS one of the No blementhat withftood and gain-faide the lord: fpirituall , for place and precedency in Parlia ment 3 in King Henry the fixt time ; which con trouerfic is entred on the back-fide of the Par liamentRolle thus. Memorandumfhe Lords fpirituall alleadged in that Parliament, that forf much as they were ftirituaUBarons , they ought to haueof right the precedes place of the Lords Tempenll^ For {(aide they) /* was well knotvne> bow far thing Oxford. kings prituaH exceed temporall. To which , the Barons temporall an! we- ed, That what foeuer right or priuiledge they had or could challenge , it came rom them y and their Aumejtors,and their dimes-deeds, who hadbeenethe wor- hy Founders and BenefaUorsof the faide Lords fpirituall: and further faide, f hatitwasanvnfcemly thing, for Mafters to bee inferiors to their Seruants. Jcfides , the Lords temporall further affirmed , That they were defended of Honourable and Noble Families, and fo were not the JpirituaU Bar ohs- Which natter being well vnderftood and indifferently weighed,the Lords Tempo- all prcuailed, and had place and precedency giuen them. This lohn, with Aubrey his eldcft fonne , Sir Thomas T udenham Knight , William Ttrrill and ohn Montgomery Efquires,wcre attainted.and at fcuerall times beheaded at rower-Hill neere London , in the yeare, 1 462 . John and his fonne Aubrey, vercburied in the Augufim Fryars'm London, the firftof King Edwardthc burth. Et portoit, de gueulles efcartellc d'or, le primier brife de vn molette d'argent. CORRECTI ONS. \ Haue read of one that had fo often told anvntruth, that in the end heper- 1 fwaded himfelfe it was true : Euen fo ftandeth it with this bold publiftcr, hat hauing to fome ignorant-admirers (hewed it, and now in print diuulgcd :, that the controuerfic by him here mentioned is endorfedvpon a Parlia- ment roll : hee would now perfwade you that his words are meerc truth, bme I doubt not but doe beleeue him, but who are thy < fucb as taft more fanv&ion, then of iudgement. Very well might he haue omitted the re- iiembrance of fuch a paflagejfor I vow vnto you , that not any word of any jch thing is there recordcd,ndcher is there any other occurrences cntred on ie back-fide of any of the Parliament Rolles of that Kings time. . If he had nowne what yeare it had becne in, we mould haue had it ; Will you haue lebeftof this roll he prates of < thenIafTureyou,itisonely a poorc-baub- ng-printed-roll of Armes of certaine Parliamentary men (pcraducnture of lat Kings time) and no other. Nor is the hand a character of that time, doe the more confidently affirnieit, becaufe notfoure yearesfincejmy ;lfe fawitinhis cuftodie, a place farre vnfit for fuch a Ietvcll, wese it .ecord. Let vs examine his next place. This Iohn Earle of Oxford and Aubrey his x nne were burted, a 0 . 1. E. 4. and yet thefe two , together with Sir Thomas 'udenham, Tirell, and Montgomery , were beheaded. 2?. 1462. which is a°. 2* '•4. By this they liued to be beheaded a yeare after they were buried. But ) reconcile this contradiction, the Offices after his death find,thathedied ie fix and twentieth of February a°. 1. E.4. which fallesintheyeaEeofour^^ # *°-3« E ^' n '- 2 ^ .ordi4$i. John 408 Oxford. Iohn de Vere, fecond fonne of iohn Earle o Oxford , beheaded with his eldeft fonne An hey , was after his Father and Brothersdeath * the 1 3 . Earle of Oxford, Lord Bulbcc* Samford k and Scales , great Chamberlaine and Admiral X)£7 of England 5 who not long after the battaili and oucrthrow of Barnet, 1471. fled int< Cornewallto S. Michaels Mounts where hewa taken by King Edwardthe fourth, and fentpri oner to the Caftle of Hams beyond the Seas. * here he contiuned vntillthe firft yeareof Kin§ Henry thefeuenth, with whom hce came intc England, and fought the battaileat Bofwonh field w here King Richard was flaine. He mar ried two wiues, the firft was Margaret, daugh- ter of Richard Neuill Earle of Saliibury , by whom he had ifllie/^ that dyed in the Tower of I endon yong, in the time of his Fathers baniftiment. His fecond wife was Elizabeth, dm^Ktoi R, chard Scrope Knight,the widdow of William Lord Beaumont, by whom hec hadnoiffue. He dyed without ilTue, in the fourth yeareof King HenrytU eight 5 and was buried at Colne in Ejfex, feauing Iohn deFere, fonne of Georgt his Brother to fucceed him in the Earledomeof Oxford, &c. Etportoic, les armes de Ton pere. John deVere,x\\t fourth of that name, * fonne and heyrcof Sir George yen Knight , and Nephew and heyre oi Iohn, the thirtctnrh Earle of Oxford fucceedtd his Vnkle /^,and was the fourteenth Earle of Oxford, Lore Bulbec, Samford,auc\ Sc4les,Lotd grea' Chamberlaine of England,znd knighi of the Garter. This Iohn was com monly called Little Iohn of Camps Heroaricd Anne, daughter of Thorn a Howard 'Duke of Norfolke, andTrea furer of England, and dyed withou ifTue, in theeighteenth yeareof Kinj Henry the eight,the 1 4. of Iuly, 1 5 if and was buried at Colne, leauing Iohi de rere 9 his great Vnkle Roberts grand childe ro fucceed him. Rt oertoit, de gueulks, efcartelle d*or, leprimie brife d« Y» saolette d'argenr. Urn Oxford. John de Fere, the fife of that name* 4 (fcnneof IohnVere^SonneofRoher^ Fere, fecond brother of John Earle of Oxford^ beheaded with his fonne Au- brey, in the yeare, 1462. ) was the fif- teenth Earlcof Oxford , Lord Bulbec, Samfird and Scales , and great Cham- berlaineof England. He maried Eliza- beth^ daughter and heyre of Edward Truffellof Stafford/hire, Knight Ban- neret, and had hTue , Iohnde Fere the frxt'of that namc,Earle of Oxford; Au- brey de fere fccond fonne, who mar- ried the daughter of Spring ofLanham in Suffolke , and had iifue Hugh : Gef- frey Fere third fonne (Father of John Fere of Kirbey Hall; Sir Francis Fere Knight, the great Leader in the Low- Countriesjand S.Horatio Fere knighr) Elizabeth, married to Thomas Lord trek of chich ; Anne,wifc to Edmond Lord Sheffield and Francis married Henry HowardEav\eof Surrey ,beheaded the 38. of King Henry the eight, his John dyed at Heueningham CafUe, the 15). of Marchjn the 3 1 . yearc of ing Henry the eight, 1 5 39. Et portoit, Its arme$ de fon pew. John de Fere , the fixt of that chriften name, * fonne of John the fift, was after the death of his Father, the fixtcenth Earle of Oxferdy Lord Bulbec,Samford,at\d great Chamberlain of Eng* land. He maried two wiues, the firft: was Doro- thy , the daughter of Ralphe NeuillEarle of weft- merland, by whom he had iifue, Katherine mar- ried to Edward Lord Windforeol Bradenham^ and Fayth that dyed without ifliie, His fecond wife was Margaret , daughter of IohnGolding y ind fifterof Sir Thomas Golding Knight, by whom hcehadiffuc, Edward Earle of Oxford • and Mary, maried to Peregrine Berty, Lord Wil- loughby of Eresbie. This Uhn dyed in the fourth y care of Queene Elizabeth, and was buried at Heueningham, the third of Auguft, 1 5 6 1 • Et portoit, de fueulles, efeartelle d*or,Ie primier charge a vn mol«t« d*argcnt. Fff Edmrd Ox FORD. pPwWr^jfonneand hcirc of lobn^ ws ■■^after the death of his Father, the 17. Earl of Ox ford} Lotd Bulbec, Samford^ and Lor great Chamberlaine of England. He had tw wiues, the firft was Anne^ daughter to Willm Ceall 'Baron of Burghle% and Lord high Tre; furer of England, by whom he had iffuc thr< daughters j Elizabeth* maricd to William Stat ley Earle of Derby t and Lord Strange, in Ann 1 5 P 4. Bridget^ wife to Francis Lord Norris < Ricot, after created Earle of Berkjhirc, and Vi count Thame j and Sufan married to Phil, Herbert Earle of Montgomery . This Edrnn fecond wife was £/i^^^,daughtcr of Them Trentham of Rocefler in Stafford/hire Efquir and one of the Maids of Honor to Queen El zabeth,by whom hehadiflucHw? Fere the eighteenth Earle of Ox/or, now liuing,i62 1 . This Edward dyed the 24-of Iunc, 1 604. and was burie at Hackney* Etportoitj les armej is fon pere. H Ew^r^fonne and hcireof Edward Vt Earle of Oxford, by his fecond wife, w after the death of his Father the 1 8. Earle 1 Oxford^ Lord Bulbee, Samford, and Lord gre Chamberlaine of England, now liuing, 161 and as yet vnmarried. Et portoit, gueulles efcarttlle d'or, Ie prcmiercharge a vnM (ctted'argeni. \ CATALOGVE OF THE Earles of Pcnbroke, their Armes, Wiues y and Qhildren> WITH CORRECTIONS. //^r/ 3 fur-namcd Strongbr.we^ ( of drawing ^-'of a Strong Bowe,)fccond fonneof Gilbert Earle of Clare in Sufiblke, and Lord of Tun- bridge in Kent , and grand cbilde of Richard Fttz- Gilbert ^Sewcr to William Conqueror) and Rohefia his Wife, daughter of Walter Gijford, Earle of Longeuile in Normandy $ was created Earle of Penbroke, in the fourth yeare of King Stephen ; hee was alfo Marfballof the Kings Pallacc,and Lord of chepftow, Str?ghull,Tuden- ham ) WolaJlon f Aluerdc(bn,?.nd half e the Coun- try of Liege. Hce was he\ re of Roger and wai- ter Fitz- Richard his Vnkles ; which W&l er was a great Baron , and Lord of Caermnt in mouthjhire^md Founder of Tmterne Abbey in wales, 1 13 1. He married Elizabeth, fifter of 'aileron Earle of Mettent* and £0 Earle of Leictfler ( twin brothers) and adilTue s Richard Strongbow Earle of Pembroke, and married to tf^- wW, fonne of William Fit^ Gerald of Ireland. This G?/^/ dyed in the 1 4 eare of King Stephen , and was buried by his Vnklr Wtf/ter F/te Ri chard jn ie Abbey of Tmterne. Etportoit,d'or,trois cheurons de gucullcs^ an lambell de cinq points d'azur. Jt ms ori j ere( i wjtfjjn t t, c f e foureyeares, vpontheflghc . . n . r ~ ... r of an old Seale, that he fliold Ichard of Clare , lonne or Gilbert im-m-h^orCheufron^GHCHixs, med Strongbow , ofwhomitis faid, that this Richard ftanding vpright, with the Palmes of his hands would touch his knees 5 hec was after his Father , Earle of Penbroke, Lord of Strighull y ChepftowsndCaer-rvent, and Lord Marfhall. Bermoc^Mac-Muroagh , fonofP*- tricke, King of Leinfier in Ireland ; whofe fub- iecls rebelling againft him,praied this Richards aid, who being a moft valorous Captain,granr ted his requcft,& went with fufficient ftrength and conquered all Leinfier. In recompencc whereof, this Dermac gaue his daughter £«a F f f 2 vnto Penbroke, vnto him in marriage, with all the Country of Leinflcr , (which containec WeJh/ord,Kildare,Kilkenny0bry and Carlogh.) All which Lands hccnioycc with the good liking of King Henry the fecond,eight whole yeere*. Hehac itfue, one onely daughter hishcyre , named lfabeU^ who being i4.yecrc; Ward to King Henry thefecond, was giucn in marriage to 'William Marjhal the eldcr,Earle of Penbroke, This Richard dyed,and was buried at Kilkenny, in Anno 1 176. and afterwards his body was taken vp againe, and buried at Dub/mm Ireland. Et portoit, les armes defonpeie. CORRECTIONS. I T will not be altogether impertinent heere, to acquaintMafterr*rfo, that this Richard Strongbowe had other iflue then one onely daughter , although indeed in the end flic proued his onely heire ; for Stanihurft in his Jrifh ftorj jo. KiMAM^ (a friend muft englifo it for him, it's in Latine) fhewes that hec had a fonnc tebmtn Mbeiwtgtftu. 6*.4 more forward then fortunate j who although he was but a {tripling, yet ear- /.i7». & ne ftly befought his father that he might hauc thcleading of his forces againfl the Irtfhryjgxovin then to a ftrong head. The father ditfwaded,but the fonm ambitious of honour , and propounding to himfelfe victory before-hand , would not heare his fatherly counfell : whereupon heeoutof akindeol paffion, tells his fonne : £luod fi in hac militari prafettura (quam sJ0rvjindCaerwent :) &cc. did giue to the Church of S. ilfer/a of 7"W*, certain Woods in Crendonjio pray for his own foule,and Geruafta his wife 5 f and as Matthew Paris hath) when K. Henry the third did, vpon the fuggeftion of PeterBilhop of Wwcheftcrji- moue all his home-bred Subiecls from their Offices in his Court, & prcfeirecertaine (han- gers of Poifficrs'm their roomes; this Richard not liking thereof, came boldly vnto the King, in the prefence of many of the Nobility and othcrs,and told him,that by ill counfell he had fent for Grangers into the Land, to the great hurt of his Kingdome and fub- iccls, to the impeachment of tbcLawesand Liberties of this Realme. For tedrefle whereof, he vowed he would fight fo long as hee had any life • and thereupon ioyned league with Luellyn Prince of wales and others. But whi- left the King was bulled in leuying an Army, to fend againft him and Luelli^ word was brought to this Richard , that Moricc Fitz>-Gera/d and 0- ther /r//£hadfackedhis Countries and Lands in Ireland. Vpon the hearing whereof, he halted thither with fiftcene Knights, to encounter with his ene- mies ; and ioyned battell with them vpon Saterdaythe fiift of Aprill, 1234, and fought eleuen houres, vnrill his horfewasflaine vnderhim. And he* then falling to the ground, one of the Irijh pcrceiuing his backc part ill ar< mcd, lifted vp his habergeon, and thruft a knife into his backe vp to the haft, giuing him his deadly wound, and then brought him to a Caftlc of his own< named Kilkenny , (which the laid Maurice Fitz>-GeraU had taken a little be- fore from him) where he died fifteene daies after without iiTue,hauing beer Earle but three yeres. He was buried in the Quicr of the Fryars Minmcs a Kilkenny y thc 1 8»of King Henry the third. Et forfeit, let xrmcs dc fan fiere. QilUt Pe nbr oke. G llbert Marjhall, third Son of William Mar~ ] jhall the elder , after the death of Richard his brother , was reftored to King Henry the thirds fauor and grace , and to all his brothers Lands and Honours , both in England and ire- land h and for the fame did his homage in the (ameyeere, 12.34. and was Earle of Penbroke and Marfhall of England, Lord of Longemle in * France, Leinfter'm Ireland, Si of Chepjlow and * x°tmvuij. Strighull'm Wales ;&c. Hce married Margaret, daughter of wtlliam King of Scots, but had no iflue. Hee mifcarried at a Turnamcnt held at Hartford, by endeuoi ing to ftay his horfe from his iwift running , who beringcaftoutof his faddle, the hoi fc gaue him fuch a blow on the breaft, with his head backevvard, that he died hereof the fame day , in the Abbey of Hartford ncere Ware , in the yeare 242 . His body being conuayed to London , was buried by his Father in he Temple. Etportoit, d'or party de vert au lion rampant dc gueullcs fur le tout^arme & lampafle d'azur. CORRECTIONS. "PHe time of this Earle of Penbrokes death is miftaken, if wee will belceuc **■ the booke of Gloucefer, which fayes, a°. 1 2 4 1 .obtjt Gilbertus Comes Pen- £x c6,M.Gt«ueejr,UMs, rochU, or Math, farts, who fully relates the manner, a nd (he wes that it was Maxb. p*w./>.j+f,n\ 4: °. 1 241. in the one and twentieth yeereof King# les armes de Confrere. CORRECTIONS. OVr MonkeofS. Albans who liued in thefe times, affirmes that Walter MarJhallEarko(Penbrokedkdmthc29.and not in the 3,0. yearc of King Henry the third, for thus I reade him. Anne gratia M C C X L V. qui eft annus regni Henricitertij Regis Angliavigefimus nonus -Comes Ma- lU4tk,partt.t4£.ut the bare names of their Earledomes. Alfo the laide Earles of Penbroke >y Office at the Coronations of the Kings of England, were to carry a payre ifgilt Spurres. To end ; this Countie is called \Penbrokefhire, of the Towne b named for the word Pen (in Welih) fignifieth the head or chiefe part of a hing : and Bro y fignifieth a Vale or plaine foyle, fertile and fit to beare corn, kc. Et portoit,d*or party de vert,au Iyon rampant de gaenl!es,Hifle tout,arme & lampaflld'azur. \ATHliAm de Valence (Co furnamcd of the v v place where he was born) fonne of Hugh /£5r//»EjrIeoftheMarcheiTeof 4quitaine^ and halfe brother by the mother, to King Henrie the third ; was created Earle of Penbrokejn the yeare 1 247. He married loane % daughter and hey re of warinLord Montchency, and loam his wife, fe- ll cond fiftcr & coheireof Anfelme Marjhall Earlc oC Penbroke-^ by whom he had iflue Aymcr de Va* lence Earle of Penbroke^ and John that dyed a childe ; and foure daughters, viz. Ifabel, married to John Lord Haflings of Aburgauenny (one of the Competitors for the Crowneof Scotland; ) loane the fecond daughter, was married vnto John Lord Comyn of Bad^enoth (fonne of John Lord Comyn and Mary his wife.daughter of Iohn aBoI: ) Agnes the third daughter, was firft married to Maurice Fit&-Gerald 9 nd after to Henry BaUiol, brother of Alexander BaRiol Lord of chilham^ nd dyed without hTue ; Margaret was the fourth daughter. This William de 'alence and loane his wife, gaue to the To wne of Tenibie the firft C harter of icorporatingthem-jlicenfingthem to choofeeuery yeare Port-Reifes. He ranted likewife to theBurges, free Common yearely vpon allhisgrounds ndmedowes, from the time of mowing, vnto the Purification of Marie ^ /hich to this day they enioy. This William died in the yeare, 1296. and was uried in a magnificent tombe, on the Southfide of the Abbey at IVeftmin* n °w Narrow King lecondycarcorhisreigne, created of a rows. Earle of Penbroke, and fhortly after Duke of Glocefter. He writ in his ftile Humfrey Jon. and brother to Kings, Duke of Glocefter^ Earle of Henault, • Helland^Zeland, and Penbroke, Lord of Frz/fo, great Chamberlaine cf England, & Defender of the realme. This was that Duke Humfrey, who nlwaycs ftanding for the Commons, bccinebonntifulltothe poore, and feeing Iuftice ducly executed, was commonly called. The good Duke of Glocctter. (I wifh there were manie fuch Duke Humfries now liuing.j This great Duke and Protector, for ithffanding the infolent proceedings ofQueene Margaret, wife to K. H»« ? the fixt, at length (by her meanes) was ftrangled to death at S . Edmondfi ■ry in Suffblke, in the 2 5 . yeare ofKing Henry the fixt, and lyeth buried in e Abbey at S. Albom. Hee married two V Vines, the firft was Jaqueline, lughter and heire of Willtim Duke of Bauare ; and the fecond wife was £//• filter ofT^w^ Lord Cv*f ore* dicunt fuperfacramentu fuum^ quod Dominus Rex nunc te m Humfridi Duck gUc. *u^ er Ht eras Ju,& patent es etfiem Jnratoribus f vper captiene hum Inquifiticnis < • ftenfas^quarumdataeftapudwejlm. vicejimo fepttmo die February^ Annore^ nifui vicefimoprimojnerito contemplando bonun$,gratuitum,fc Laudabilefei uicitim ; quod tunc diletti fideles confanguinei fiimHimus de la Poletunrd w Penbroke. esSujf. fa Alicia, vxoreius, eidem Domino Regi multipliciter impenderunt^ in- effy adtunc impendere non dcfiflebant^ de gratia ipfius Regis fpeciali , fa certa tent; a, fa ntero motu fuis , concept pr&fato Comitt nunc Marchioni fa Comiti iff. ac predict* Alicix, 'vxort juA.quod fi coniingat Hum fridum nuper Ducem 'oHceJirUfcrnomcn cari/fimi Auunculi ipfius Regis Humfridi Ducts Glouce- rUffine bttrede decorpore fuo exeimte obire, tunc pojl deceffum ipjius a uunculi 'tfdem Regis , ijdem Comes fa Alicia haberent fa tenerentjibi fa haredibm dfculis de corportbus fuis exeuntibus^nomen^flilumjitulum fa honor em Co- itis Pembroch. Ac inftptr idem Rex^ per eafdem literal fuas^ de per Ducis fa Alianor*, , fi contlgcret prjfatum nuper Ducem fine h&redede ypore fuo exeunteebire^ad eundem dominum Regemfa baredes fuosreuerti berent,poft mortem eorundem nuper Ducis fa Alianora , remanerent prxfatis imiti fa Altc'i£. Babexd.fa tenend,fibi fa hareaibus mafculis de eorum cor- ribus exeunt ibtts — abfy aliquo inde eidem domini Regi feu h&redibus fuis ddendo. Acpefiea pr&fatus Dominus Rex per alias literas fuaspatenter, Iu- toribuspradiSlis fuper captionehuius lnquifitionispradict& in Euidentiam fi- \ltter oBenffis^quarum data eft apudvillam de Bury Sancli Edmundi, terlio < Mar cy Anno regnt fui viccfimo quinto, recitans per eafdem predtctam con- (stonem fuam dittorum nominis^flili^titulifa honoris Comitis Pembroch^fac, -idem Domintu Rex, tarn ea conjideratione, quam confideratione bonifagra- iti feruicij ^quodpr&fati Marchio fa Alicia , tarn ip ft Domino Regt y quam tcarifsim* cenfirtifi*, multipliciter impenderant , indieffe impendere tunc n dejiftebanty merito tunc contemplans^ difloffe Marcbionem fa Alliciam 3 fi~ rum fa effettualem flat urn de omnibus fa fmgulis premifsis fibi fa hdredibus if cults de corpore eorum exeuntibus habere voleas, de gratia f ua fpeciali fa ex rtafcientia , fa mere motu fuis , diclas liter as fuaspatentes, prafatts Mar* iomfaAlicU, ditto 'vicefimofeptimo die February informaprtdicJaeenfe- ts } emu omnibus fa fingulis in cifdcm content is apprtbawt* ratificauityfa con* mauit, fac. If this will not giuc fatisfa&ion enough , then let the incredulous ader looke into the Patent or ChatterRoll of thofe yearcs , and heccan-iw.a^/.//.*'. w>/ . &, 7t >tmiflethe mattcrto make my words good, and finde that the Iurors went J^**» a% ''»yf» 3 7.*. ton good ground before they pafled their verdict. lafftr T4f jt er of Hatfieldjtmght of the Gai ter, (Tonne of Owen T vdor 6c Quee Katherwe,dm$\ter of Charles thefix French King,and widdow t>fK. fliw He the fifth , o\ England) was create Earle of Penbroke, by King /-fcwj d fixthhis halfe Brother , in the year 1452. But after, when King Edwar the fourth expulfed King Henry tr fixt.this Jfiper was attainted, anaV< /mw Lord Herbert created Earle ( Penbroke in his place, in the year 1 462 . In whofe Letters Patents me tion is made, that hce had the fan Earledom giuen him,in confideratic he had expelled the Rebell Iafper A ter that,this William Herbert was fla at Banbury, his forme William fucce ded him in the faide Earledome 1 Penbroke. And after, when King Henry thefixt was reftoredagaine (bytl Earlcof fvarwuke)this Iafper was alfo reftored to be Earle of Penbroke im\ yeare 1470. But in Aprill following, 1 4 7 1 • Ia fP er wa ? taken prifoncr Bar net Field, and put from the Earledome of Penbroke againe : which Earl dome being furrendred by the fecond William Lord Herbert, to .King £, wWthcfoutthjhcgaucittoPrinceE^Whisfon 5 whocmoyeditdurir his life. Afterwards Richard the third held the fa me all his lifetime; whob ins flaine by King Henry the feuenth, 148 5 . this Iafper was againe (the thi: - His c^ion for the Duke- time) reftored to the Earledome of Penbroke, and in the yeare* 14.8rf.hc w dome of^wbeares date createc i Du k e of Bedford. Somchaue, thatthis Iafper married Kathem o£S^.t 7 :hf daughterof Richard wooduile Earle***", the widdow of Henry 'Sufi, and not \j,pt,t, ENBROKE. 4 2 5 \j\7llltam Herbert , Lord of Rag- v * /^Caftlc in Monmothjlure > dcfcended from /fr/?^ Fttz,-Herbert , Chambcrlainc to King Henry the firft, and Corbet his wife, (Concubine to the (aid King,ofwhom he begot Re- ginald Earle or Csrnwall. ) This WtHi- am was Knight of the Garccr s and after the attaindor of lafier of Hatfield, was crea r cd Earleof Penbroke^'m the eight y care of King Edward the fourth ; and being fent by the (aid King to encoun^ ter Richard Ncuill Earleof wa>mcke^ &. George Duke of Clareueiyvho'mten* ded the fitting vpagainc of King Hen- ri thefixt) was at Banbury field 1^69 taken priioncrand beheaded the ninth of King Edwardthc fourth, and buried at T interne Mbey : the faid K. Edward being alfo taken prifoncr by the Earle 'Wdrwickcat the lametime. Hee married Anne, (iff cr of Sir Walter Deae- ux Knight, Lord Ferrers of Cbar t ley ,and had iffiie, William Lord Herbert Gower, (and after his Father, Earle of Fenbroke ) Sir waiter Herbert , and r George Herbert of S. I < Hans , and fix daughters s Cicely was Baronefleof r eiftokc • Mauld was married to Henry Percy Earle of Northumberland-, Ka- wife to George G rey Earle of Kent $ Anne was married to the Lord wis i ifabell was married to Sir ihomas Cook fey Knight- and Margaret the *rre y Baron of Kendall, and fifter an d co-hey re of WiUtam 7>*m,Marquefle »fiVbr/W^,Earleof£^x,Lord Parre,RosofKendaU,Fitz>-mgh t Mar. vyon^ndS.guintine; by whomhee hadhTue, Henry Lord Herbert , after H h h 2 Earle 4*8 ENBROKE, Earlc oiPenbrohe^ Sir Edrvard Herbert of Red-Cafile Knight j & Lady Anne married to Francis LordTalbot, Sonne and heyre of George the fixt Earlc oi Shrewsbury. This WiUam married to his fecond Wife, Anne, daughter oj G^r^T^/^, the fourth Earle of -T^w^rjjjbut by her had no iflue. Hce died at Hamp ton-Court ,the 1 8. of Aprill, and Was buried in S.Pauls Church in London^ in the yeare, 1 5 70. being the 73. yearc of his age. Et portoit, party per pale d'azur & de gueulles autrois Iyons rampant d'argent, a la bordur gobonned'or & gueulles , fur la gueulles bezants . CORRECTI ONS. A Bout this honourable Earls Creation 5 I make not any queftion 3 the one p4t.a*.s x.f.ft.4. meane the Barony being beftowed vpon him the tenth, and the Earle- dome vpon the elcuenth of October in the yeare aforefaid. But about his death I finde fome difference, for thus haue I obferued it : that hee died at Hampton-Court on Friday the 1 7. of March,a°. 1 1. Eliz,. 1569. and was bu- ricdin?4«/jontucfday the 18. of A pi ill, a°. 1 5 70. being not fb old by tenne ' »fl e .p*£.tii*. yeercs as Torke ddiuers it, if wee will either beleeue a ffollinjhed, the printed bookc of the Monuments in Pauls' , or the Inscription it felfe vpon his Monu. ment now in Pauls 3 who fay that he died in his cltmacJerically ere iixty three, thus. Perpetudt pietati Sacrum, ^GPl L. H E RBER TO PembrochU Comiti t Equiti aurato pr an obi lis ordi* ws Angltcijien. 8. Regis aCubtculis^Edoardi6 Regis equitnm M'agtftrOyWaM* Prafidi^ Tumulta Occident di cum Rujfello fa- Grayo Baronibm paribus aufpicijs fitmmo rerum Prgpofito^ Maria Regina contra perduelles ac expeditione ad An* guftam Ver omanduorum bis totius exercitus Duci^ bisfummo inagroCaletum limit urn Prsfeclo^ Elizabeth & Regina officiorumfeu magno Re?U Magiftro^ Pa- rttercjrDomina Annaexvetujla Parrcrum gente oriunda^forori CatharinaRe- gina^ Hen.S. Regifexto matrimonio coniunc7* y ac Marchloms Northampton^ , prudentifiima famine pietatis, religionis } probhatis 3 omnijfc auiu virtutis re- tinentifsima fidifs Cotnitis coniugi. Henr.F. ac Comes PP. charijf. Jibi ac fait mar ens P . Secmda c%. ittge fttfer- CMtatis? f L X 1 1 1. fiiteGcorgio obijt\ ^Anno\ SatyiaC,. iim% 2cid.i3.lxix. ttrantticptu r Henrico Tembr. Combe Nobilitatit liber is rt lift is ex primal Edoardo Equite aurato dtem , vir- {Vomina Anna Bar, Talbot nupta, tme fecmi- ma. Henry ENBROKE. LJEnry Herhrt, Baron Herbert of * *Caerdtffein Wales, Earlc of Pen. broke, Knight of the honorable Order of the Garter, and Lord Prefident of the Councel in the Marches of water. married two Wiues h Katherine the firft wife, was daughter of George Tal- bot, the fixt Earle of Shrewsbury , by whomheehadnoifTue. Hisfccond wife was Mary, daughter of Six Hen- ry Sidney, Knight of the Garter, and of the priuy Councell to Queene Eli- subeth. Lord Deputy of Ireland, and Prefident of the Councel in the Mar- ches of Wales, and fitter to Robert Sid- ney, Vifcount Ltjlemd Earle of Leicc Jier, Knight ofche Garter»and Cham- berlaineto Queene Anne, by whom he had iffuc , wittiam Lord Herbert of itrdifc, snd after his Father Earle of penbrokc, Philip Herbert fecond fonnc irlc of Montgomery . and Lady Anne that died young vnmarried at Cam- tdge, and was there buried. A^gucdJe? 312 & dC SUeUlIC5, 3U tr ° iS ly ° n$ fampant d ' ar S ent ' a vn bor *™ gcbonny d'or portoit, perpaled'azur &de gueullei, I /Ham Herbert , fon and heyrc of Hevry aforefaid , was after the death of his Father, Earle of Pen- broke, Bjron Herbert of Caerdifein Wales, Lord Par re and Root of Kendall, Marmion and S. Quintin, Lord Cham- berlain toKing /^«?^,Lord Warden of the Stannerics,Gouernoiir & Captain for hisfaid Maiefty oftheTowneand Caftle of Portfh/outh &n\ght off Ho- norable Order of the Garter,& one of hisMaiefties mod honourable Priuic Counlcll. He married Mary , eldeft daughter &co-heyre of Gilbert Lord Talbot Eirle of Shrewsbury, by whom hee had ilTue lames Lord Herbert of Caerdiffe^ who fhortly after hee was bornedied at Baynards-Caft/e, 1621. 1 trois lyonj rampant d'argent. vv Hbh? AC A. ACATALOGVEOF THE Earles Riuers, their Armes, Wiues, and Children. WITH C ORRECTlONS. Ichard mddeuili, Baron o( Wimington, married faquti daughter oi Peter of Luxem burgh, Earleof S-Paul, the widdow of Iobn Duke of Bedford , Regent o: France ; for which marriage, hec wai fined to pay to King ffcw'j'theiixtjth! fumme of cnethoufand poundes, be caufe he did the fame without the faidi Kings priuity and confent ; yet after wards obtaining' the faid Kings fauor he was elecT; Knight ofthe Garter, th< fourth of Auguft,and enftallcd the 3< ofOitober, Anno, 28. of Henrieth fixt j and on the 2 6.of May,the fourtl of King Edward the fourth , hec wa creatcdEarle Riuers, and made Higl Conft able of England. Heehadyflii by the faide laqmt^ fcuen fonnes, an fix daughters, viz. Anthony WiddeuiU^ EztkRiuers after his Father j Levi dyed young; John dyedyong alfo. John the fourth fonne,was flaine with hi Father at Edgecotefield- y Lyonell fift fonne, was Biftiop of Salisbury, (and Fa ther to Stephen Gardiner Bifaop of Winchefter 5 by his Concubine) Edtoar fixt fonne; Richard the fcuenth fonne, was Earle Riuers after Anthony his e! der brother : Ehz,abeth the eldcft daughter, was firft maried to Sir John Grt of Groby Knight, and after to King Edward the fourth; Margaret was marr ed to Thomas Titz>~Alan Earle of Arunde//; Anne the third daughter, w; firft married to William "Bourchier, fonne of Henry Earle of Eflex,and after t George Grey Earle of Kent s and thirdly, to Sir EdmrdWmg field Knight; I Rivers. iet was married to loh» Lord Strange of Knocking^ Mary, was wife to Wil- m Herbert Earle of Httntington^ndKatberineihi fixt daughter, was firft latriedto/ft^rjJr^/^ifccondDukcof Buckingham, and after to lajper Watfield,Dii\ico( Bedford, andlaftly ioS'w Richard Mngfield, Knigbt of ie Garter. This. Richard, with Iohn his fonne, were taken out of the Man- 3ur of Grafton, by of Ridefdale,Captaine of the lewd people of Nor- tamptonfhire, and carried to Northampton, and there beheaded, without ly Legall proceeding, in theyeare ? i4^. Pag.ip^. Et portoit, d'argent a la face & quanton de gueulles. C ORRECTION S. )Ericles fome fay, had that skill in wraftling, that though he receiued a fall, yet Would he perfwadc the Wrajller that caft him, and the Spectators that :heldhim,thathe wastheC^wr nec nongrande feruicium quod idem Richardus nobis indies gra- nterimpendere nondefiflet, debite confiderantes . Volentefy eundem Richar- m,fecundumfui meritiexigentiam aliquahtcrpr&miare, ipfum Ricbardum Baronem Dommude Ryuers ^prdfecimus, or dinauimus & creauimus,c ei- m Richardo nomen,J}iljem,ejr honor em, Baronis ac Domini deRy iters, dedu vs } cr concefsimus,ac earn cumpra-eminentijs, dignitatibus % dc c Merit quibuf- nifc flatui Baronis regni nojiri Anglix, tarn in prxfer.tia nojlra, fefione in Par* mentis ejr Confilijs noflris, quam alias quditercum^ f net it fpcL~tantibus> in~ (Itmmus Jnfigniuimus & notabilitauimus , ac Nobilem regni nojiri prtdiffi, lArenem ejr Dominum de Ryuers volumus appellari. H-ibend. & tenend. no- '.nullum, honor em Baronis,dc Domini de Ryuers \fimul cum prteminentijs e. eidem Richardo h&redibus fuismafculis de corpore fuo legitime procreatis c, which beares date at weftminfter the ninth of May, in the 26. yeare of ng Henry the fixt. Secondly he fayes,thatonthc 26. ofMay,thc fourth of King Edward 'the urth, he was created Earle Ryuers, Howfbeuer other men ftands affected, t my 0 wne part, I haue euer held that F idler worthy to bee turned out of ores among the rafcall company (though his badge on his fleeue bee as oad as my hand, who ftill bar pes vpon one ft ring , and d wels vppon one ac. What < Nothing but falsifications ftill < Alas, had he euer bcene con- rfant in Record, he would foone haue found, that the* Creation beares „. , ■ . , _ _ tc at Wejtmtnjter the f oure ex twentieth (not tn e iix and twentieth or May, 1 ^.m y>$de the fixt, not the fourth yeare of King Edward the fourth. *** Laftly, fpcaking of the time when he was honored with the Title of Earle •w, he further addesthefe words, and made high ConUable of EngUnd, erring thereby, as if that Earlcdome, and the Conftab/cjhipof England were 43* Rivers. •She was widdow of Henry Bourghchter Eftjuire.See Eft. a 9 .38.H.6.& i3.E4.r1 .45 were beftowed vpon him at one time, when there was no fuch matter 5 for the one I haue faid enough, that it was A°.6.E.4. Now for the other 1 am moftcertaine, that vpon the furrendcr ofthefaidc Office of HighConslablt by John Tiftoft Eai le oUVorceJler into the Kings hands, he presently by Let- ters Patents bearing date at wejlmmjier, the 24. of Auguft, in the feauenth y care of his reigne (and not before) beftowed the fame vppon this Richard WidettiU^zAz Riuers for life, and to Anthony mdeutULord of Scales and Nu- cells ^ fon of the faid Richard in reuerfion. A Nthony Wideuile , was after the ■**'death of Rtchardhis Father, Earlc Rivers ,znd Lord Scales >'m right of his wife Elizabeth^ daughter and heyreof Thomas Lord Scales ^ of Nucels in Hartfordjhire. He was made Knight of the Garter,in the fiftyearc of King Edward the fourth i and in the fitft ycare of King Edward the fift , by the procurement of #/V/>WDukeofGlo« cefter (then Lord Protestor) was fent to Pomfret, and there beheaded, with- out any iuft or lawfull caufe Iaydea* gainft him^ the i$.o{ Iune, 1483.1!^ Anthoniehzd iffiieoncly a bafe daugh- ter named Margaret^ who was maried to Sir Robert Poynes Knight. Et portoitj les armes dc (on pere. • CORRECTIONS. HT 'Homos Bledlow Alderman of London, and others, gaue certaiue Lands A cald Okefield and Short croft in Neuingdcn in EiTex, to Henry Fitz> Lent, (Tonne of Sir Lewes John Knight) and Elianer his wife, and to the heyres 0 their two bodies comming, and for want of fuch nTue, to the right heireso: Henry ^ by vertue whereof hee was there of fcized, and fo dyed the ninth 0 May, 1480. in the twentieth of Edwardihz fourth. Vpon whofcdeath,fo Lands entailed to the heires males, the Iuric finde Richard FitT^Lewafoi of Lewes Fit^Lewcs, fonne of Sir Lewes lohn Knight, to be cozen and nex heire : but for the other, that was giuen fibi &h*redibus to the heires gene * . _ , rail, they dcliuer vpon their Oathes, jguoddomina Maria Comiti/fa Ryuers fhis Anthony hark Riuett. / •■•! /■»> /••• » u i n rhouid haue married M M ga- vxor Antoni/Wtaeuyle Domwt Ryuers, esJ jilta & propnquior hares frddtct fJ^ML'T; ? e , th i r i Henric * ***** Lem *> & ****** 1 5 • wnorum. Which plainly (hewes, hee had , Kingor bcots. Rex ScctM, a" r j mrr n t . „ • t. J * t a 2 .E. 4 .m.6.& 4 . ' iecond Wife called Marte, daughter and heyre of Henry Fit&.Lewes, al though hcere omitted. Richar Rivers. "D /char J widemle, after the death of Antbomt his brother, without lawful! yfliie, was Earl , Riuers, Lord Scales of 'Nttccls, and Grafton, and dyed without iflue,in the feuenth yeare of King Henry the feuenth, leauinghis fix Sifters his heyrcs^who were married as aforcfaide. Page 144' Etportoit, Iesarmesdefonpere. CORRECTION S. J*FI fliould demaund who married the Lord Scales his heire, you willanfwer Anthony Wi- deuile this£/V hards elder brother, which I can- not deny, but now it begets a newqucftion. For if that Title of Lord Scales of Nucelles fell vpon Anthony in his wiues right (as indeede it did ) m what manner of participation thereof hath this Richard, being but bro- :r and heire ? It is true, he was heire to the Earledome of Riuers after his nhcr Anthony, but had no colour or right to the Barony of Scales, vnldfc had bene his fonne, and not his brother and heire. The Office taken at Dart ford in Kent after this Earle Richards death, th plainly diiprouethe other words, /urateres dicuntfuper facramentum*fi*. 7 ,n. 7 .n. ss m, quodRichardus nuper Comes Riuers obijt 6. die menfis Martii, A\ fexifi nricifeptmiftne herede de corporefuo procreato>fac. (hewing the day of his ath to be on the fixt of March, in the fixt (not the feuenth jof King Henry feuenth. lii A CATALOGVE OF THE Earles of Rutland, their Armes, Wines, and Children, with CORRECTIONS. "C Dward planugenet, Knight of tr •^-'Garter, fon and heyre of of Langley Duke of Yorkefih fonnec KingEdward the third ; was in the li: time of his father , at a Parliame* held at London, the 14. of K. Rich) the fecond, created Earle of Ruthm and of Cork in Ireland. And in the 2 : yeare ofthefaid Kings rcigne, hew, created Duke of Albemarle ; froi which , in the firft yeere of K. Hem the fourth, hce was by aParliamei depofed. Notwith(tanding,aftcrtl deth of hisFathcr i4oi.hewasDul of rork, Lord high Conftable& A< mirall of England, Lord of Tyndii and Knight of the Garter. He man ed (at Fotheringhay in Northampti, jlure) Philip , third daughter and c hey re of John de MohunX.ox^ Du Jler Caftle in Somerfet[birejoy whom he had no iffue. Hee was after flail atthebattcll of Agm-Courtjte third of King Henry thefift, 1 415. and w buried at Fotheringhay, leauing Richard his brother to fucceed him. Et portoit, France femee efcarcelled'engleterre, au lambell d'argent brife de neuf torteaux. CORRECTIONS. SEc how you are enfnared in your owne words ; Dare you ftand tothi! Then why pag.13. and 2 66. doe you put this Edwards creation intotl Earledomeof^M/*^, vpon the thirteenth and heere the fourteenth cf I chard the fecond i Say ,becaufe you know not when it was,and fo euery 01 will thinkc you dealeplainely. Now becaufe you (hall no longer halt b tweene two opinionSjbut know where hereafter to fet downc your Staffe, will aflure you that the King (confidering tyobitatem ftremam , propinquii tent (thus fayes the Inftrument) &geminatam morum & generis claritatemt TMftament ftxR* *tt *j r ffi m * confanguinei nojlri Edwardiprimogeniti caripmipatris noftri Edmut Ducts Ebornm , de ajfenfu Prdatorum &c. in inftami Parliaments nojlro ap Weftm, conuocato cxtJleMiumrfrafatum Edwardum confangnincHm noflrum Comil Other Acmes in 4Ilem4rU. Cbatt, a* . //. R./.n./» R.VTL A ND. mitem de Rutland, cum titulo,ftilo, ac nomine & honore etdem debit is pr cis Ruffell Earle of Bedford. Hee died in the fift yeere of Queen Elizabeth , TjDward Manners , Knight of the Garter , ( fon and heire of Henry ) was after the death of his Father, the third Earle of 'Rutland of this Family, Lord Ros of HameUke , Beluoir and Trusbut,md chiefc Commiffioncr, appointed byQuecne Elizabeth , to continue the league betweene her & lames the fixt,King of Scot land '/now our moft dread and Soucraigne Lord and King, 1 61 1 .) there being ioyned with him, the Lord Euers, Thomas Randolph ECquirc, and others. Hee married (fabeU, daughter of Sir Tho- man Holcroft? of the Vale Royall in Chejhire Knight s by whom hee had iiTue , one onely daughter and heyrc named Elizabeth, married to Sir Wil- liam CeciH Lord Burghley ,fonneand heyre apparant of Thomas Earle of *xcefttr> by whom hec had iiTue , William Lord Ros, that died beyond the Iii 3 Seas 4 j8 RVTLAND, bOliue? Mtnnsri was a Knight, but Rthert Totwhtt was neuer knighted: he died a*.!* 1 ?* Scasinltaly, without ifTuc, 161$. IhisEdmrddkd inthc 2?. yearcof the Reignc ofQuecnc Elizabeth, and was buried at Bctesfird ncre Beauuoir the fifteenth of M ay following. Etportoit 5 d*or, deux burelles d'azur, auchef efcartele d'azur * de gueulles, en Ie premier deux fleur- dc-lices, d'or, a la fecond au lyon palTant gardant d*or. lOhnMannors, (brother and heyre male of * Edward aforcfaid ) was the fourth Earle of Rutland of that Family, Lord Ros of Hamelake, Beluoir and Trusbut $ and married Elizabeth daughter of Francis Charlton of Apley in Shrof- (btre, by whom he had iflue, Edward that died an Infant ; Roger, that was Earle of Rutland 5 Francis now Earle ofRutland^ Sit George Man* nors Knight , and * oUuer . Bridget,m(cto * Sir Robert Tirtvbit of Lincoln/hire Knight 5 Francis , married to William Lord Willoughby of Parbam $ Elizabeth , married to Emamell Lord Scroepe of This died in the yearc, 1587. Et portoit, lesarmes de Con frere» xtnl R Cfcev Mannar s> fonnc and heyre of John a- forefaid, was after the death of his Father, the fift Earle of Rutland, Lord Ros of JJameUke, Beluoir and Trusbut- 3 and married Elizabeth , daughter and heyre of that worthy and renow- ned Sir PhiltP Sidney Knight, flaine at Zutphen in GelderlanL the 17. of O&ober, 1 5 85. and died without iitue , in the yeare,* 1600. lea* uing Frmu Manntrs his brother, to fuccecd him. Etportoit, cTorideuxbttreHe* d'azur, au chef efcarteUe d'aau cVdegueulles, en la premies destfieitt dt-lador.alafeconeJ au leopard paiant d'or. mmU I R VTLAND. "CRancisMannors, fbnof /ohnEarlc A of Rutland , 'and brother and heyre of Roger, the fifth Earle of Rutland of this Family; was thefixt Earle of Rut- land, Lord Ros of Hamelake^Beluoir s and7W*r 5 enftalled Knight of the Noble Order of the Garter,at windfor the fencnth of Iuly^ a». 1 6 1 6. He is al- fo Iufticcin Eire of all the Kings For* rcfts and chafes on this fide the Riuer of Trent. H e married two wiues, the fuft was Francis , daughter and one of the heirs of Sir Henry Knyuet o( Charl- ton in mltjbire, and widdow of Sir William Beuetl of Cornwall^ had ifTue Lady Katherine, married to Sir George Fillers Knight of the Garter,Earle and Marquefle of Buckingham. His fecond wife is Cev/Z^daughter of Sit John Tuf wofHothfield'm Knight and Baronet, (and widdow of Edward Hun* rford) by whom he had ifTue, Henry Lord Ros y and Francis Lord Ros of 'melake , who died both yong without iflue. porroit, d'or a deux burelles d'azur, au chef efcartellc d'azur & de gwulles , CD la premier deux flewr- !-Ur the fecond 5 ( Doftor Powell in till defcription of FoL 1 H-faith, that about the y care, 1054. Roger Mont gomery, William Fitz-Euftace, and Arnold Harecourt,vtete flaine ncere Caer diffem Wales ; Walter de Eureux Earleof Salisbury , and%* Grow? •Had he denied it,yethad he WerC hurt ' 3nd after dled in Norm . And ^ WhicH W3S FathCf ° f ' been blamelcffe, but he only P atricke y which M. Camden * denieth to be Earle. £"S5wt\Sr Etportoi^Wfalyonsrampantd-o^.^i.^e&Iamp^dcgueulle,: fled to Atfff// * > his Eafter booke to proue the Earledome then confirmed. Thjt hee was arlcof Salisbury I doe not gaine-fay ; marry, that irwasfashce fayes) len confirmed vnto him , 1 will neuer belceue. Better prooffe, thcre&te pray you, orelfeputout your precife pointing at times : and fo I may roceed. In the next placeyou endeauouno cry downe Matter Camden , ( whofe ookesyou are vn worthy to carry after him) with a fewwordsout of Do- tor Powells hiftorv , becaufe he will not acknowledge Walter de Eureux ( fa- ler of Earle Patr;cke ) to haue heene alfo Earle of Salisbury. I labour not to npcach the credit of that learned Doctor, but this I fay 10 this vntearned :auiller,that there is not one found, not any one, oneisafmallnumber$ rid yet I fay confidently there is not anyone thatliucd inthofe times that itethisWalter, Earle of Salisbury. But the current of all ancient Records reconcurrent, that he neuer bore that title : of which take Henry the thirds confirmation of Lands to the Prior and Cbannons ofBradevflocke^ (which ouCt waiter had founded) where it appears he was no Eqrle in thefe words. ir b Heartens Rex^foc. falutem. Sciatis nos intuitu Dei , fo fro Jalute animx ollr&^ fo animarum anteceff'orum fobxredum noftrorum^ concefitjfe fo hac* Chart '^' l6 ' H 3 m ' trtanojlra confirmaffe Priori 'fo Canonicisdc Bradeneftock , omnes donationes ibferiptas, viz. ex dono walteri de Saresbir ? (without the add ition 0 f C omi- ts) totam villain de Bradeneftock^ fo qui c quid ad illaw fertinet, foe. EX dono 'omitis Pat ricij (with his due title) totam villam dcwtlcote, foe. The Redde- ooke'm the Exchequer fhewes as much, for when eucry one was to ccrtifie !jng Henry the fecondofhis Knights fees, thus writes Earle Patricke. e Ca- tr , L * , • « ijsmo Domino Juo Regt Anglu Comes Patrwus Jalutem , fo fidelta fermctd.felto. jvuu. iudito freccpto veslro de militibus jeodatis , foe . Iftifunt feodati de vetero fe- famento defeodo Walteri patris met, foe. not adding at all the word Conntis. to take what the booke Lacock hath left to thefe our times. d Erat qui- d , m miles ftreum Nermannus, walterw le Ewrm Comes de Rofemar". ( I fhall I % , ^ Lactk t"f' s ' MSt f° ' K k k come 44* Sal is bvry. Geroldm Comes de 'Rof- Edwardus dittus de Sarif- •*ria natm in A»glia t vicecomes comitatusWilts. come to the point in hand anon) quipropterprobitatem fuam Rex Guil. Conq dedit fibi totum dominum de Saresburia Ambresburia, Antequamiflewal terus le Emus in An Walter** de Eureux Cemes g l idm venit > gemit Q( deKf>*r, cut Will. Con. fMmm C0miterndeRoj quetter dedtt Saresbunam . , . J & Ambresbnnam. mar M ™?« > f #j nmt Guillelmnm de Rof marie Gros , qui genuh Gttill. deRofmar le Mef chyn fecundum , qui gc nun Gmllel. tertium dii Refinar , qui obijt Jim liberis. Pojlquam mite rius le Ewrus penuitEd- wardum natione i^tnzli- Stbilla Matilda a 6 j ~ cum natttm polea viceco- de I a- mipta . . , i J . , , dure* vLfri. ™tem mites, qui babuh do de vxorem , de quagenuit Boh, 'in quandam jiliam nomim tyatildem , quam poftet H'tmfridus de Bohundtt- xitin f v\orem^ &q Men- dam filtum nomine W Al- ter um de Saresburia. mar Mantelec. in Nor ■mannia.net m anteqnam pater tntrauit Angliam -A. Willelmm de "Rofmar. le Gros. Willelmm de Rofmar le Aiefckin fecundm Willelmtu de Rofmar Walter us de Sarifburta fitdator Pri- orattts de r Bradenflo\ t Patriciw de Eureux primus Comes Sarum. *L/te6kbookt calls \\txAtia- 1* anot de Vtteri,Q\tt was after married to WtUtam-Pajnell y/dec/a»fit.a.°.i6.H.i. m .5 tertius obijt fine prole Iftc Walter m ( here is no fpeech of Earle ) duxitvxorem nomine Sibillam deCadurcis, de quagenuit Patricium primum C omit em Sarum. ( Now it is plaine, that none had that title before this Patricke , for hee is called the ftrjl Earle of Salisbury ) Idem W alter m fundauit Prior atum de Bradnejlok^ & con* ft it nit ineodem Deo perpetuo dtferuientes Canomcos regular es t qui pott mortem vxoris induit to fur am & habit um Canonic or urn 3 & ibidem corpora e or urn in vno tumulo c alloc ant ur iuxta prAsbyterium. Enough is faid 3 if not too much.; I will therefore to the next. \ATUliam de Eureux, fonne andheyrcoi * ▼ Patricke, was the next Earle of Salisbu- ry and Rofemer after his Father. He married E Itanor, daughter of * Ttrell de Mainers , bj whom he had ifluc, two daughters his hcyres , Ella the eldeft , was married to mlliamiurai med Longftee^bafc fonne of King Henry thefe cond, begotten of the faire Lady Rofamom Clifford ; Mabell the fecond daughter, was mat ried to Lord Nigellde Mowbray with the Man nor of Banefed in Surrey. This William (as U cocke Priory bookehath ) dyed the 1 5. Kalen< of May, in the yeare, 1 196. and was buried a Bradenfloke, Et portoit, lei armes de fon pe rc. COR Salisbvrv CORRECTIONS. rOa hauealwaycsbeene like a winter- funnc, ftrong enough toraife va- l pours,butvnabietodifpellthem. Dare you ftill affirme, chat this Willi- ndeEureux Earlc of Salts bury had two daughters &coheires,E/ < < & Mabell arried to Moubray? I account it not the leaft part of my happines, that for ie feeming tcftimony which you wreft to ferue your owne turn,! am able (hew ten to the contrary. To whofe vcrdidt dare you ftand? Will you'bc ied by Chronologers^Thenhcare what* Houeden fay a ^nnogratu 1196. **** t "fit-w6J>ai* '. so. deft annus feptimus regniRichardi Regis Anglia *-obiit Willielmus Co- ts de §&tllz(biti filitts Cow it is Patricii ± cuim filiam karcdem (heere is cntion but of one, and that is Eld) Richardus Rex Anglia dedit in vxorem m Comitatu ^al^fbttt wiUielmo fratri fuo notho. Learne alio what the >oke ofLacocke[ayes, b Patricius vero etus films (thus the ftory goes on ^Lib.Lacoci^Ms fifa* here before I left) genuit ex m marriage with Mabellmy wife ^ heire of 'William Fitz-Patrtcke) the Church 1 S£S^^J^i 9 f Ba> Mto theCanom of Southwarke, inwbofepofefsion I found the fay d the Mewirtyes, marflwiiher churcbyConfirmed by Richard By (hop of Winton t ejrc. Obferue that this Mabel Armes with theirs ? was ^ w m um fitz-Patricke, but the Deede does not fay of willim fonnc of Patricke(ot Fit^ Patricke Earle of Salisbury. Befides this Willim Earle of Salisbury (one of whole heires he fayes Mabell was) furuiued higt deMeubray her husband, therefore fhe could not properly befaydeto bc< Heire^ when her father was yet liuing . More you may haue heeteafter, a; occafion (hall be offered : in the meanc time, I w ill hearken what you cat obieel:, and then Etiam tibi furentifitisfaciam ) I will (hape you an anfwere though you be in a mad mood. Iliiam furnamed Longfpte, (by reafoi of a long Sword which he vied) baf fonne of King Henry the fecond, (begotten o the faire Lady Rojamond Clifford his Concu bine) was Earle of Rofemer^ad by K. Ricbar t the firft his balfe brother, was created Earleo Salisbury. IHsWilliam Longjpee, wasthelal that writ in their Stiles, Earles of Rofemer: fo ;'.frer that Philip King of Fraunce had gottci Normandy ^Guy an ^Poittiers* and Britaine, a bout the fixt yeareof King John* all fuch Nc blemcn of England, as had either Earledome or Baronies in thofc Countries, left to writ or entitle themfelues of the lame. He marrie Ela, eldeft daughter and coheire of mlliat, F/'/^- Patricke E?>rle of S alisbury a forelaid, I had iffue w iliiam Longfpee, from whom yiingHenry the third did take bot the title of Earle, as alio the Caftle ofSalh bury,and who after died in a bai taileagainft the Infidels, in thcyeare 1250. Stephen Longflee Chicfciuftic of Ireland, fecond fonne, (vnto whom William his brother gaue the Mar nor of W Amber ge. This Stephen had to wife } Emmelyne Countefle of Vl}t\ daughter and heire of Walter Ridelesford^ Baron of Bray mlrelmi.NichoL Longfpee the third fonne, was Bifbop of Salisburie, and dyed 1196. Richar Longfpee was a Canon at Bradenftoke ; JfabeHthe eldeft daughter, was marr: cd to wiUtim Lord Vefcy ±£11*, mmkd to Thomas fixt Earle of Warwick) an ) after to Philip Lord Baffit^ and Idona the third daughter, was married to Wil/idmBeauchampeB^OiiofBed/ord.rhisPVi/ham Earle of Salvburie } was Conft ableof" Douer Caftlc, and (ay ling with Richard Eark of Comewallhls Nephew, and Philip de Albeney into Gafeotgne the tenth of Henry the third recouered PoicJiers, which before was loft by King lohn , and in their return againc into England, hardly efcaped (hipwracke, being ftrangely caftvpon the Cornim (bores, and dyed in the fame ycare, w6. and lyeth buried in the Cathedrall Church at Salisbury, in a f aire tombe. After whofe death, £&his wife and CounteiTe, profelTed herfelfeaNunne, in the Religious houfeat Lacocke in Wiltftiire, which was of her foundation,and was the firft AbbeiTe thereof. Afterward (he forfooke her Abbate(Te,in theyeare 1257. and died in the yeare 1261 . This William lyeth buried with thefe Armes vp- on his (hield, D'a^urfix lyons rampant dor^i^ 1 . which were the Armes of William Eitz, Patricke his iviues father. C ORRECTIONS. TShall not neede any further to trouble my felfe, or tyre you, with the re^ Spelling of thefe brain -ficke inuentions about this Ela Longfieejo proue her Mcly daughter and heire y and not to be daughter and coheir e, as this Affirmer Seemort » n the anfwer nexr both heere,pag.20i. twice } in his rabble of Errors and elfcwhere hath deliuc- afore " so,ns ' red : Will you bcleeue that he is able clearly to proue it f I allure you I dare oot, but durft venture no lcffe pledge then my life on it, that hee cannot by found authority manifeft it. Heis notmuch vnliketheboatman,wholoo« keth one way 3 and ro weth another ; but very like the pidure of tonus ^ who lookcth two contrary waves at once.His owne words will feme to conuincc trim, being flat contraries in them£lues 5 for looke but into the life of King Henry the fecond, and there (hall you finde, that he fay es this William Long. 0 ""**" 4 fee married Ela daughter and heire of William Earle of Salisbury : yet here he makes her wrongfully to bee daughter and coheire of William Earle of Salif \ury : as if it was a truth that (lie had a fifter named MabeU. The next pbce^requires a moft ample demonftration. Fii ft in regard Wil- 'Ltt L««k!>T?t.y, Ham de Longfpee the fecond of that fGuilldmus Lonyfyee (thus it fol- wme Earle of Salisbury is left out of lowes ft ill where I laft left in Lacack us due place in the Catalogue. Next bookc) ex pradieJa Ela liberos genu- ).ecaufe he hath omitted fome of the it, quorum nomina funthdc^ Gutllel- flue of William the firft. And thirdly, mus Longefpee (ecundus (Earle of orthatthe hiftory of thefe Martiall Salisbury, * which Title Henry the .^.r^pag. 705,^.50 varies ismuch ecclipied thereby. For third tooke fromhim) qui viriliter edrehe whereof, I thinke it not alto- contra hops chrijii m terra Sanely |ether vnneceffary to * leaue thefe dimicans^ ibidem pro nomine lefu iocs out of Lacocke booke , vntill I contumeliampatiens, vitam tempo- hall fully frnifti that that wil be a fur- ralem finiens in Cbriflo fine fine vi- her freedome of truth hcereafter. clurus, mat re Normannis. I ^tpaterita^eius defeclus fenio.migrauitAdChrillttm A°.Dom. MCXCVI. mater em ante per biennmm obijt quorum corpora apud Bradenpk funt tumw lata tuxta vefttbulum ibidem, fublapide marmoreo. Interea domma cbartfsi- tna Ela (which is the Lady we haue fuch a coyle about) patre fa matre orba- ta, clamper cegnatos fa nam addutti futi in Ttyrmanmam, fa ibidem [ub tut a faarcJa cuflodh nutrita. Eodem tempore in Angliafuit quidam Miles nomine Guillelmm Talbot. qui trJuitje babttumperegrini, in Normanniam transfrew uit t fa moratm per duos annos t hue atfc illuc vagans, adexplorandam dominant Elam Sarum. Et ilia inuenta exuit habitumperegrini, fa induitje quaji Cytba- rifator fa Curiam vbi morabatur intrauit, Et vt erat homo locojus ingeftit antique? urn valdeperttus, ibidem gratanter futt accept us quaji familiar is. Et quando tempus aptum tnuemt in Angliam repatriauit.babensfecum tflam ve. nerabilem dominant Elam fa baredem comttatus Sarum (there was you fee no other heire but her fclfe) fa * am Re g l Ricbardoprdfentauit. Ac ille latifsi- meeamfufcepit.fa fratnfro Gutllelmo Lunge/pee maritauit, per quern libem Jubfcriptos habuit, vt z, Gu Uelmum Lungefpecfecundum, Stepbanum, Rtcar- dum, Nico/aum/fabellam f'efcy, PctronelUm (left out by M. Yorke)./** obijt. in virginitate, fa "pud Bradenejlokiuxta latus AuUfiu dextrum, ibidem (e- pulta fublapide marmorco, Elam fa /dam. Anno Domini M- CC. XXVI. Bominus Guillelmus Longefpee primus nonas Martij obijt (hec was poy foned ^i.f^-r f .3. 7< n«.,o (as is reported) by Hubert de Burgo, Earle of Kent and Chiefe lattice of England) cuius corpus apud Sarum cjl humatum . Ela vero vxor em Jeptem aunts fuperuixit in viduitate, & propofuit autemfepius vtfundaret Monafem Deo place mi a, profalute anim* fua, fa mariti fui t fa omnium antece forum juo. rum.quA per reuelat tones babuit, vt in prato tefiudinu Angltce S^ttatytitttUe trope Lacok Monafterium ddificaret, inhonorem SanCt* Mart*, Sanftt% Ber- »Ardi, fa vfq. Ad finem compleuit fumptibus Juts proprijs, id eft.deComitatu Sa. rum qui fuit hxredttas fua.Funiautt etiam Prior Atum de Henton.ordimm Cat- tuft*, -una die duo Monafieria fundauit.primo mAne X V I. KaI. Ma^A'-dom. M. CC XXXIL Apud Lacok, in quo Santt* degunt Canonijfe continue Dtt famulantes, fa deuotifstme. Et Henton pott nomm, Anoo vero AtAtis/uo y XLV.&o. , Guillelmus Lungejfee fecundus (from whom King Henry the third tookt 'C/wr/7 idmjmt^s. the Earledome of Salisbury, genuitde jdonia Candol* (daughter and heiretc j tti S A LI 5BVRY. uGuiMmumLongefpe tertmm> Ricbardum, c Elam /married to lamesde iudley) & Ednsundum. ' cb»fa 7 .n-h™j , Stepbanus Longefpee (focne to^/4wthefirftof that name Earle of Sa- ibury )fub Rege Henrico. 3 . lu/liciarius in Hibernia& Dominm Capital* erat rdinatw - duxit in vxorcm Emelimm Comitifjam de i'lton. per quam erat Co- tes de riton.genuit ex ea Elam de U Soueh^ quam dux it Roger m de la Seuche, tquaAlanus^fo'c. Guillelmus Lengefteetertim , f neucr enioyed the Earledome of Sarum, lough he furuiucd his Father) filim Guilklmi Longeffee fccwndi, duxit in vx- em Mat 1 Idem filiam Domini Walter t de Clifford (a ftcr married to lobn Lord jflWBaron of Brimmesfield in Gloceftei (hire ) ex qua genuit vincam nobi- Yimam filiam Margaretam nuncupatam. Did a veto Mar gar eta nupfit illu- -tfsimo viro Domino Henrico de Lacy Comiti LincolnU , <§r. Which Earle Mam de Longefpee fii&Eatle of Salisbury ot that name had this Epitaph rittenofhim. Flos Comitum WiUielmus obit, (lirps Regia' lonvu* _ r • • / § i * o / c and aid the King of France , and fight vnder his Standard and Armes 5 »eupon,bytheaduiceof/./^/D , ^r^»;^of Gaunt, King Edwarddid rter the Armes of France before his owne of England, and proclaimed felfe King of France, by reafon whereof, the Flemings held themfelues difcharged Salisbvry. difchargcd both of oath and bond , and fo did aide and hclpe King Edward, This William married Katherine, daughter & one of the co-heyres ofWillia* Lord Grant fen, a Burgonyan borne, and a great Baron in England^ by whom hec had ifluc , two fonnes and fourc daughters ; William the eldeft,was after his Father, Earlc of Salisbury ; Sir John Montague Knight, married Margaret^ daughter and hey re of Sir Thomas Mounthermer Knight , ( fonnc of Ralpht Mounthemer Earle of Glocefter) and dyed before his brother William, in the! 1 3, y cere of King Richard the fecond. Sibell the eldcft daughter.was marri. ed to Edmund Earlc of Arundellfot his third wife : Philip the fecond daugh. ter was married to Roger Mortimer Earle of March ; Elizabeth the third daughter, was married to Gyles Lord Badelifmer^nd died without iffuc ; Ag\ nes the fourth daughter. This mlliam founded the Abbey of Briftlejha* ^«^/^,anddiedotaIuftsandTurneyat Wind/ore , intheyeere, 1343 and was buried in the White-Fryers in London* Etportoit, d'argCntautrois Lozengies en facectegueulla*. CORRECTION S. K Llthough in euery puifne Auditor, the chiefepart is to beleeueytt for mj ***owne particular, I neuer durft read this Author without a great dealer fcare,becaufealmoft euery where I findc him falfe. Euen hecre, (although it be fomewhat fmoothely carried) is afoulefauk in faying t\mKatbertn (this Earle Williams wife) was one of the coheir es of William Lord Grantfon * Mfc«tr.t\j.E.j. n*. 4 . For I fay, and fay no more then is true , that mlliam de Grandifono * died 9 £.3. who by Sibilla daughter & coheyre of lohn TregoT^ left iifue Peter, lohn Otto, Catherine married to this William Earle of Salisbury, Agnes married t lohn de Northxvode, and Mahell married to John de Pate/hull. Peter the eldcl *Mfi,t\ J *.g. Jt n: J f. f onn e & heyre to his father « died iifueleiTc, in the yeare 1 3 5 8. lcauing lok his brother (Brthop of Exon) his heyre , who hauing noiltue iikewife , die 'Kfi.f.n.t.jjw.tft 13^. and lefthiseftateto Thomas de GrandiJ a?*, fonne and heyreofow ^EfiZ'M.M j.n'.fj./t.i. brother to Peter and lohn aforefaid 5 which Thomas lcauing s no children b hinde him, his patrimony was by and by (hared betweene his hey res , vi; •E***d*imuM.y.i.H.* Wt iiii m fa Mont acute Earle otSarum this Earles fon, Roger de Northwod B^k4m f ! tnit UhetMdil ' Alice Wake, Roger much amp, lohn Tudenham, and Thomas Fauconberg. A that 1 will acknowledge is, that fhe was his daughter, and for his heires, hf had none other then the Lord Peter de Grandifono ox Graund/on, as I hat faid before. ThcRecords that I haue vouched in my margine , will fpeal on my fide, and you mould haue had them, if I had not thought they woul haue taken vp too much roomc. Co m 1 Salisbvry \\TJlliam Lord Montacutt (fonne * V and hcyrc of William Earle of Salisbury ^oxzhiJi) after the death of bis Father , was the fecond Earle of Salisbury^oxd of Denbigh,and ofth« jjleofMan, of that name ; which ho- nour of Denbigh, was recouered from him , by Edmund Mortimer Earle of MaT(h. Hce was one of the Founders of the Noble Order of theGartei^and W/JGouernor of Callis , vnderKingtfi- l^ll f/?4^thefecond,i 380. Hee foldcthe jjle of Man 10 Wtlliam Lord Scroofe , Treafurer of England ', and Earle of w/r/fc/r^whobeeing after beheaded. King Henry the fourth, gaue the ijle of Man to Henry Percy Earle of Nor- thumberland, to hold of him and his fuccelfors, Kings of England, by the feruice of bearing the fword at the Monation. Hee married Elizabeth, daughter and one of the co-heires of hn Lord Mohun, of Vunfter Caftle in Somerfctfhire, and had iflne, William i onely fonne and heyre, llainc at Tilt ar wind fore, by William his father, rfixtof Richard thefecond. This William the Father died in the twenty areofKing^W^thefecond,leauing/^/z his Nephew (fonne of John i brother) to fucceed him,i390. Et portoit, les armes de Ton pert. CORRECTIONS. Vratores dicunt fufer fact amentum fuum quod Willclmus de MonteawtP rm- * Imj. edttddpud Noumti Sa- fer Comes Sarumobijt tertwdie lunij vltimo praterite. Et qupd ' lohannest^^^Wil^^iHUt. Monteacuto chiualer films fa hares lohannes de Monttacuto chiualerfratris '" ' / '"* ,n * 3S ' tditti wiUelmi C omit is , dtatis 40. annorum fa ampliut, eft iffiw nuper Co- tit hares fropinqmor : by this it is plainc, that he died the third day of Iunc the twentieth of Richard the fecond , which needes muft bee thenin the arc of our Lord. 1 397. not 139^ Lll 4*o Salisbvry. "tOhtf Mount Acute Knight, fonne & hcire of 5 *lohn Montacute Knight,and Nephew 8c hci of William Earle oiSalisbury his Vnkle,wastl third Earle of Salisbury of that name , at was one of the Noblemen which conlpin the death of King Henry the fourth , at a Iuf held at Oxford', but being difclofed , diuers < them were put to death ; and this John Serb mas Holland 'Earle of Kent* flying vntoC/Vr J?er t were by the rude Townes-men thcr brought into the Market-place, and there ha their heads fmitten off, the firftyecreofKin Henry the fourth. He married Mauld, daugl ter and heire of Sir Adam Francis of London Knight, & widdow of Sir Alan Box hullknx^h Lieutenant of the Tower>&had hTue, Thorn, MountacuteEark of Salisbury , and Richardihzt died without ifTuejand thrc daughters ; Annexhz cldeft, was firft maried to Sir Richard Hanck/ord, aft< to Sir John Fit z.Lewis Knight . and thirdly , to lohn HollandEarkoi Hut. tington, and D uke of Excefter 5 Margaret the fecond daughter , was marrie towiUiam Lord Ferrars o/Groby&nd Elizabeth the third daughter, was mai ried to Robert Lord willoughby otEresbte, Etportoit, dargent, au trois Lozengiesen face de gueulles. *~r*Homas Montacute , Son of Uh A Earle of Salisbury , flaine by th Commons at Circefler, was reftorc to be Earle of Salisbury, in the tent yeareofKing Henry the fourth; an after in the Tixtyeere of King Henri the fixt, hee was made Knight of th Garter i and intheyearc, 1423.11c raifed the fiege of Crauant in Im goigne, where hee , with the lolTc c 21. hundred men , flew eight thot fandof the enemies. After hee wa fubftitutcd Vice-Regent of the cour tries of France, Bry and Champaign and Sir John Faftol/eDcpmy in th Dutchy of Normandy. And in the fij yeare of King Henry the fixt, he, wit fVilltamdelaPoleEavkoi Suffolke.l lohnTalbot Earle of Shrewsbury , bi fiegcdtheCityofOr/iWfftfiii France, where hee andSir Thomne Gargm Knigh Sal 1 5 B.VRY. (night, looking out of a high window, in a Tower at the Bridge end, to new the Townc, was (hot with a Bullet from the enemy , which brake the »/Vindow,and droue the (hiucrs thereof into his face and head • vpon which pound , hee died within eight daies after. Whofe body being brought into Inglmd^ was honorably buried by his Anccftors, at Bi(ham Abbey in Bark- hire,, 1428. He married Eleanor, daughter of Thomas Holland Earle of Kent, ud had iffue only one dau ghter and hey re, named Alice, married to Richard Veuitt) a younger fonne of Ralphe Neuill , firft Earle of Weftmerland. This Thomas had a bafe fonne named lohn. Etportoit, d'argent,au trois Lozengies en face degueullet. CORRECTION S. rWo things arc heereto be amended, one where you fay that this Tho* mas Earle of Salisbury , in the Jixtyeere of Henry the fixt at Orleance was wunded, whereof he died mthin eight daies \ for all the Inquifitions after his [eathfay,that he died the third of Nouember, 1428. inthefeuenth, (not the ixt)yearcof K. Henry the fixt , thus the Imorsreturne vpon their oathes : fyuodThomas nuper Comes Sarum o(?ijt.$ . d>e Nouembris vltimo pratertto. Et « iwjmf.capw w-d- mdAlefia filia pradicli Comitis vxor Rtchardi Neuill mililis nuncComitu™'^™™;* 0 ^ Urumefi hares eittspropinquior ejr atatU iz.annorum & amplius. This is E/ C aett.h u .jy. r homas MontacuteEarkof Salts bury and Penhjnd Lord b Monthermer (a b d^w^ J4 .(#2i. nan worthy to bee ranged with the braueft Captaincs and Commanders) /»<6r/s. % pon whom King Henry the fife, by c Letters Patterns dated at his Caftle ofc Vat Norman. a B *7.H.f*ih 'ernon vpon Saynejhc 2 6 of Aprill, in the feauenth y eere of his raigne,be- a °-*s'' towed the Counticor Earledome of Perch in Normandy , end the Barony WU—*?** nd Caftle of Longny ,to him and the heyres males of his body,&c. But to re- urneto mypurpofe. The other j in regard you miffed the marke,pag.ip6 in faying/^ Lord Talbot was created Earle of Shrewsbury, a°. 19. H. 6. Now here you take a- d Set my wfvvtre in $hr( ^ iotherayme,andendeuourtoperfwade me tobelceuethat thishha Lordly. r alhot was Earle of Shrewsbury ^.6. H.6. when the truth is ( as I will elfe- trhere (hewe ) hee had thattitle giuen him by e Charter dated at Mndfore « Chart. ai.i'.t.yfatM 21 % H. he twentieth day of May , a°. 20. H. 6. and not before. See in Shrew f me. This Thomas Mont acute Earle of Salisbury 'bad a fecond wife hcere omit- ed, named Alice^ daughter and heire of Thomas Chaucer cA ' Ewelme in Ox- ord/hireEfquiic (widow of Sir lohn Philips Knight) after whofe death with- mtuTueby her, (he was thirdly married to William Dehptlt Duke of Sufi ilkC) and to him brought fonocs. me, " LIU Riebtrd Salisbvry. ID IchardNeuiB, third fon of Ralph 1 v 2W»/j7, fir ft Earlc of Weftmerland 9 (by /m*k? his fecond wife, daughter of John of Gaunt Duke of Lancafter ) was made Earle of Salisbury Rafter the death of Thomas Montaguehis wiues Father, and Knight of the Garter, in the 1 5. yeere of King Henry the fixt,and Lord Chancellor,in the 3 2 yeare of the (aid Kings reigne.Heetooke part with Ri- chard Duke of Torke , againft K . JZrww the fixt, and was taken prifbner by Margaret , at thebattell of Wakefield % and beheaded at Pomfretj and his head fent vpon the end of a fpcare to Torke : in which battell was Richard Duke of Torke alfo flainc , 1460. This Richard Ncuill, married Eleanor ', daughter and heyre of Thomas Montague Earlc of Salisburie, and had iflue , .foure f jnnes and fixe daughters 5 Richard the el- deft fonne, was after reftored and made Earle of Salisbury, and after Earleof Warwicke j /^/z the fecond fonne , was created Marquette Mountague • Tho- mas the third fonne, married the widdow oftheLoxdW<7r£r the fourth fon, was Archbimop.f r^fr Lord Ch n- ccllor of England, ioane the eldeft daughter , was married to William FttT^A- lan, Earle of Arundel! - } Cecily the fecond daughter, was married vnto Bern) BcauchampDuke ofwarwicke ; Alice the third daughter, was married to Hen- ♦After married to sir iffl-ry Lord F it z, Hugh Baron of Rauenftvath ; * Eleanor the fourth daughter, IttmHaftmgi -Knight Lord was marr i ec j to Thomas Stanley, firft Earle of D^y o f that name 1 Katharine the nf t daughter, was married to wilham BonutU Lord Harmgton ; and Afar- £v*m the fixt daughter , was married to Iohn Vtre Earle of Oxford. This Richards body was firft buried in the Priory at Pontfret, and after remooued to Bifham Abbey, neere wind fore in Barkjhire. Et portoit, gueulUs au Saulteur d'argent, au Iambell gobonnc d'argent & d'aiur. CORRECTI ONS. *ci*p*M.6m.si.iniorf.'~V His Richard Neuitt was Earlc of Salisbury * and Lord Monthermer in his * Efi4et t . 7 .n. £tn*l.*etH.t,rtt.49. wards Scotland, "King Henry tht fixt granted nine thoufand cightie three pounds fixe (hillings and eightpencc/^^w»,out of his Cuftomesfor 30. ycarcs as a fee for keeping the feme. Richard 45* SaLISBVRY. O Icharj NeuiH, fonnc and heyre ^^-ofRicfardNeuiflBirlc ofSalif- bttry aforcfeid, was reftored to be Earlcof Salisbury h and in right of his wife, he was Earle of warwicke^ he was slfo great Chamberlainc and high Admirall of England ', Lord Warden of the North Marches to- ward Scotland^ and of theCinquc- Ports, Captaine of Callis^ high Stew- ard of the Dutchy of Lancafler^ and Knight of the Noble Order of the Garter. This famous and great Earlc of Wanvicke^ did fct vp and pull downc Kings at his pleafure. Firft he fetvp King Edward the 4. and put downc King Henry the 6. and after fome breach and vnkindnes between them, this Richard tooke Henry the fact out of prifon, where hec had bin cnyeares, and placed him againc in his Regall Throne, forcing Edwardto lyc into F lander /, to feekeaidc of the Duke of Burgundy his brother in law. tot returning againe, did encounter with this great Earle, and his »rother/^MarqueiTe^w4f«/^at Barnet field, where they were both iaine, in the yeare 1 47 1 . This Earle Richard married Anne^ daughter cf \ichard Beauchan/p Earle of Warwicke* and lifter and heyre of Henry Me oiwarwicke^ bywhomhehad iflTue, two daughters his hcyrcs ; 1/a- ell theeldeft, was married to George flantagenet Duke of Clarence - 3 and inne the fecond daughter, was firft married to Prince Edward and af- er to Richard Duke o(GloceJlcr 3 after King, by the name of Richard the hird. Et portoitj let armcs de Con pere. ■ S ALISB V UY. f^LEorge plantagenet ,bomc at Dub- tin in Ireland, third fon of ^ro/ Duke of Torke, and brother of King Edward the fourth, was crca* ted Duke of Clarence, in the ycare, 1 46 1 . And by Letters Patents dated at WeUminUer , the twenty Hue of March, the 12. of King Edward the fourth, he was created Earle ofSaltf bury and IVarwicke.This Geerge mar- ried Jfabell, fifter andco-heyre of Henry Duke of Warwicke,md hadif- fue, Edward Earle of Warwicke, who from his childe- hood was kept in the Tower of London^ and in the end be- headed by King Story thefeaucnth, leauing no iffue and Margaret, the daughter of the laid George, married Sir Richard Pole Knight,and was be- headed after her brother, in the 33, ycare of King Henry the eight. This George was fecrctly murdered in the Tower of London^n the yeare 1 477. and was buried at T wkesbury. Et portoit,Ffance eftartelle d'cngleterre,au lambell d'argent au troit cantons de gueulles, "C Dward, onely fbnnc of King Richard the "^third 3 and Queene Anne his wit e,was borne in the Caftle Mid dleh am, ntcrt Richmond jj\ the County of Torke, 1473* who being not foure y earcs of age, was created Earle of Salif bury, the iy.yeareof the Reigne of King Ed- ward the fourth. And on the twenty foure day ofAuguft, 1483. he being then about tenne yeares old,was by his Father created Prince oi Walesjitxd dyed before his Father. El portoit,les armes d'cngletuK au lambell d'argent. M*rg*ti ALISB VR Y. 4** wet PUmagenet, daughter of George Duke of Clarence, and fifter and hey re of EdwardEaik of Wamicke, beheaded asafore- fai^was^reatedCountefreof^/Af^, by Not created but „ ftored King Henry the eight, in the fift yeare of his b y Aft of parliament. Reigne,andinthc3i.yearcof the (aid Kings Reigne, (he was attainted by Parliament, of high treafon, together with Gertrude, wife of Henry Courtney, Marquette of Ex^fV, Regi. nald Pole herfonne. Sir Adrian Forte/cue and others ; and after was beheaded in the Tower of London, the 33. of King Henry the 8. She was married to Sir Richard iV^.knight {'borne in^/w)and had iffuetf enry Pole Lord Moun- taguc beheaded ; Reginald Pole Cardinall i Gef- frey Pole third fonne ; Arthur Pole fourth fon • id rrfuU.mancd to Henry Lord Stafford, fonne and hey re of Edward Duke Buckingham. Et portoit,France & d'cngleterrt efcartelle an lambell d'ermyn troi$ cantons de gueullej. \ D Obert C^Knight, (fecondfon A v of Sir William Cectll Knight, Ba- ron of Barghley, Lord highTreafu- rer of England, and Knight of the 1 Garter, one of the honourable priuy Counftllto Qneene Elizabeth , and Chancellor ot the Vniuerfitie of C ambridge ; by his fecond wife Mil. dred, daughte r of Sir Anthony Cooke of Giddy-hall in Effex i Knight) was firft created at the Tower of London, the i$.ofMay,i6o3. Bar °n CeciHof Effenden in Rutlandjhire. And at White- hall the 20. day of Auguft, 1 ^04. he was created Vifcount Cran. borne in Dorfetflnre : and laftly at Greenewich ,the fourth Of May, 1 605 . he was created Earle of Salisbury by King fames. Hee was alfo Mafter of tr . ■ the Court of Wards, Chancellor of Vnwcttity of Cambridge, Lord high Treafurer of England, and Knight neOi-der of the Garter. He maried Eli%abeth,daughter of William Brookt WCobbam, and had ifTuc, William Ceeill Earle of Salisbury 1611. and a 'gnter named France groaned to ffenryLord Clifford fount and heyrc ap • parent \ Salisbvry. ^rantofF^^Earle ^Cumberland. He dyed at Marlborough Sunday thc24-ofMay i6i 3. Ftoertoit burelleedc disd'argent* d'asuf, fur le tout £x efcnuche*s,3, V^***ttS« de fa V lyons rampant a lapremier,tu Creffand pur le djffercnce. William Cecilia 'bztonCecill of EJJenden, VifcountCr4»£»r*t*,andEarleof Salif bury jiow liuing 162 1. married Katberinejon- geft daughter of Thomas Howard Earle of Sufi folke % and Lord high Treafurcr of England, and had iflue, lames that dyed yong, and Anne a daughter • Charles the fecond fonne, and beth fecond daughter, and **£ Hamon,\.o\dof Glamor- », Founder of Tewkesbury Abbey in England, and Lord of Tor/gney in irmandy. This Roger was left by 'Will am Conqueror, to be Gouernour his fonne William Rufus^ and was flaine at Caerdiffs in Sowh-wales, i buried at Shrewsbury, in the Abbey which before heehad founded. CORRECTIONS. Sin Arundell, fo here, I defire to know by what authority you haue see more in a mn<3c!i. ^made Roger Montgomery to be Earle of Beli/mo in Normandy before his nming to England, if you would haue me belecueyou. fn the next place, I deny that Sibell Daughter of Herfaflm the Dane wa$ > Rogers mother : for Gemiti c en/is ttzRiftcth, that he was fonne of Hugh mtgomerysLi\d of ' c Iofiellina his wife,daughter of * Turolfot Pont-Audo-\ %£fyf'f/* p 7 ST ' >*»( brother to TurchetiU, father to AnfchetiU de Hmcourt)by t Wcua or « ir^n'.itT/ *°*'- ««4,fiftcr to GunnoraDuchziTc of Normandy. Mmm Thirdly, 458 Sh rewSbvry. Ctmitieenf.M.j.ea/. 1 6 • Mdmf?4g.it>b.n». jo. Thirdly, you lay that Hugh fonnc of this Earle was pine at Aug fey in fVales^iogj. which for the place is true, but the time falfc, as in tl next paffage (hall be proued,both out of your owne words, and better A' thority. Fourthly you (ay, Roger the third feme 0/this Roger de Montgomery \ w Earle of Poitow • if I admit that he was an Earle is enough one way cs, bi that he was called Rogerus Piftauenfis as being Earle of Poicfou, is otherwi deliucred by Malmesbury, for ^faith he) Rogerus Piclauienfts quod exearegi nevxorem acceperat fic diclusjaz was fur named Ptftauienjisfcy reafon he m ried a wife out oiPoict/ers. Then you go on and fay, he was Lord of the Honor oj Lanctfter by the gut of William Rufus, but! I ghelTe that hec had not the Lands in Lancafhire b tweenc Marfey and Ribellby the gift otwilliant Rufw, but held it in the C01 querorstime,asappearethinD0w fonnc of this Earle Roger after Hugh, as if hi had bene his yonger brother, when the truth is, he was eldeft fon to Roge as Gemiticcnjis witneffeth, and I haue alio proued in Arundel. T-JrgbdeMunregummery, (fonncof Roger A 1 forefaid)wasafter the death of his Fathe Earle of Shrewsbury and Arundell. Hee.wii Hugh Earle of Cbefter, took the ijle efMan fc c-rcc and ftrong hand, 1098. At which tim MagnusKing of Norway, and gnmdchilde 1 Olaue, after hee had ioyncd to his Empire, tl Hands of Or cades and Menauia^ came with few Ships to the Ifle of Man, whom this /fty being willing to reiift on the more, was ftric en in the right eye with an arrow, of whi< hurt the eight day after, he died without yfli and was buried by his Father in the Abbey Shrewsbury. Vpontvhofetombe, QA.MtL faith) his portraiture is made of ft^ne, with 1 legges acroflc, as in old times was vfed,and v °nnis Shield Atyrc^lyon rampant gold, with* for dure. CORRECTIONS. JNthclaftplacel promifcd fomewhat concerning this Earle Hugh:T\ queltion therefore is, whether bis words there be true in faying, pag. 19 ^^l^^^^^^fa^Wsla^io^fOt whatwemaythii erthelehcere,which tell vs, that he was (hot with an arrow (whereof he < c)A Hajm^d/^ Norman D obertde Montegummery , feeondfonneof Rtgcr aforefaid, and bro ther and hey re of Hugh , was the third Earle of Sbrevosburie and Arussdell, and married the daughter and heyre of Guy Earle ofPontiue in Normandy. Hee was a man very outragioufly giuen,and moft cruell to his owne Children and Hoftages, whofe eyes (with his owne hands) hee plucked out. He held and fortified the Caftles of Shrewsbu- ry,Arundell,Tkkh\ll,Bruge, zndCarrocoue in England, againftKingflSr/;^ the fir/t, which after was his vndoing. For thcreuponjtheking proclaimed him Trairor, and fhortly after, all his Townes and Caftles being yeelded vp vn- to the faide King, hee was banifhed England, beleeue him Ion his&j*. for all x^^^ with his brother Arnold, in the yeare 1 103. the burth yeare of the faide Kings reigne. But afterwards this Robert, with Ro- JjJ*J; gg^SJ* ert Duke of Normandy, the Kings eldeft: brother, were taken prifoners atyouthe contrary, and y he battaile of r^n^4y, and were brought into England, whercthey had™^ 1 >oth their eics put out, & kept prifoncrsin the Caftfc of Caerdiffe in South Wales, where thcy.miferably ended their daics. This Robert had iflue, Willi* \m furnamed Tdluoife,E^k of Sagc,who married E/4,daughtcr of Hely,Bvo- hcr of Geffrey Earle of Anion, Widdow of the Duke of Burgundie: John lisfecondfonne, had all his Landes in Normandie and Mayne: His eldeft laughter married Iubellfamt oiwalter de Medudn*- y and JLla was firft mar- Mmrai ried on S'HREWSBVRY. OrderpS7*'D» Gcm,t bb.J. « Houeden.fol.26 j>.n * Malmef.foU9.b.n''.40- *rpodyg.Neuftr.443- na 'S 0 Hontden fol.iyun" .ioi ried to William* the third Earlc Warren in England-, and after to Patricke Earlc of Salisbury- Et portoit, Ies amies it fen perc. T Can but fay here,what I hauc already faid InArundeS: Firfl: that this Earl c A 2to^wasnotfecond,but b eldcftfonnc of Roger de Bclifmo. Secondly, that he was not bani(hed,a°.i 103. but c aM 102. Thirdly, that he was not takenatthcbattaileof Tenarchbray, but d efcapcd by flight: and fourthly, that he was not imprifoned with Robert Duke of Normandy ,but many years e after, taken and laid in durance elfewhere: and therefore I will haftcnto the next p!acc,for there are fo many faults they may be told by the dofen. I Ohn Lord Talbot, Strange of Blah mer D Furmuallar\6rerdon, Goucr- nor ofAnioye and Mayne, (fonne of Richard Talbot, Baron Talbot of Ca- JlleGodehc, and brother and heyre male of Gilbert Lord Talbot ) was cre- ated Earle of Shrewsbury by Letters Patents,bearing date at Wwdforcjht 2o.day of May, in rhe 19. yeare of King Henry the fixt. And by another Letters Patents,dated at wejlmin]ler ) the 1 7. of fuly,the 2 4. of King Hen- ry theiixt , hec was midc Earle of Wefbford^ and Steward of England, and after Marfhall of Frame-°m& be- ing lent to fuccour them of Bardeaux tookethe Towne, and placed there- in a Garrifon ; and proceeding fur- ther into the Country, to releeuethc Town of Caflellon in Aquitaine, which the Engltfh had recoueted (the French hauing on all fides begirt the fame) at which time, a great battaile being then fought, this lohn was with the {hot of a Piece there flaine, they, of Iuly, 145 3. the 3 a. of King #tory the fixt. He married twowiues, the firft was Mauld, daughter and onely heyre oi Thomas Neuill, Lord Furniuall, by whom he had iffuc, lohn Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury ^Sk ChriUofhtr Talbot > and Sir Humfrey Talbot, Knights. His fecond wife was Margaret, eldeft daughter and co -heyre of Richard Beauchampe Earle of trarwic'kejby whom he had ifliie, John Talbot Vifcount Lip, vnto whom his Fathe'rgaue the Lordlhipof Panfaike, whaddon, Morton, Wotton,Schirborne,Poly cot, and other Landsin Shrepjhire 5 Sir Humfrey Talbot Knight, flaine in Mont-S'my, Elizabeth, wife to lohn Mowbray Duke olNorfolke-, and Eltanor married to Thorn as Butler, of SudelyCaftkiaGloceJlerjhire. This lohn being flaine as Shrewsbvry. as aforefaid,with loh» Vifconnr Life his Sonne, his body was buried in a Tombcat Roane'm Normandy, whereon this Epitaphe is written. HERE LYETH THE RIGHT NOBLE KN IGHT,lOHN TALBOT EARLE OF SHREWSBV RY,E A R L E OF WESHFORD, WATERFORD AND VALENCE LORD TALBOT OF GOODRICH AND OR- CHENFIE LD,LORD STRANGE OF BLAKMER, LORD VERDON OF ACTON, LORD CROM- WELL OF WIN GFIELD, LORD LOVETOFTE OF WORSOP, LORD FVRNIVALLOF SHE F* FIELD, LORD FAVLCON BRIDGE, KNIGHT OF THE NOBLE ORDER OF S c .GEOR G E,S C .MI- CHAELL, AND THE GOLDEN FLEECE, GREAT MARSHALL TO KING HENRY THE SIXT, OF HIS REALME OF FRANCE, WHO DIED IN THE BATTAILE OF BVRDEAVX, M.CCCCLIII. • HebareforhisArmes, Gueullesau lyon rampant dor, a la bor dure endente le meJme.Whkh Armes were Rice ap Griffith^ Prince of South -Wales, whofe laughter named wentlian, was married to Gilbert Talbot (in King Henry the hirdstime) Aunceftor of this John. CORRECTIONS, [N the very entrance of this tracl, which may feemetobeaPcrfpeftiueto L thc reft, there is offered to my view an obfurd Error ; the more groflc it s,by how much more curious he fcemes to be in pointing out precifely the ime, as if himfelfe had beenc ocuhtut tcflU at the creation : 2s if hee had , cene fome good authority for his words ; Well, whatfoeucr this man fayes, am raoft certaine, that his* Chart beares date at the Oiftle otwindfore,the*cbsrt. *i. a*:/, yfiuun wentiethdayof May, for theEarledomeof shewsbvry mihz twentieth "•^y^^ gj- 1 *; 'carefnot the nineteenth) of Henry the fixt. i.m!i. ' \" 4 ' pt * Secondly, hefayes that by Letters Patents dated atlVcJlminfier the 17. of uly A°.2/\,H.6.hcwa.smadc Earleoffve/hford, let the Record iudge be- wcene him and me : it is well worth the reading, in regard it {he wes the va- DUrous vertueof thatmoft Martiall knight,exprcfledin as eloquent termes >y the Secretaries ofthatage,as their fimple Latin would affoxdJ~Henricut p a te»tn a°,24. H.6.pt.2. 'ei gratia Rex AnglU$c, Omnibus ad quos^frc.falutem.Sciatis quod cum yios meml ' r -' s - 'lis quituuentutesfuaannosfingulis in nojlris confummarunt Jermtijsfatiffa- tredebcamusfnultomagifqueiUis^qui in gucrris chart fstmi Vomint & patru oftrijc nojlris, non folum annos immotpfa eorum corpora vulneribtts ftpius ruentata^cum nonmodici labor is fitdorevfque ad feneciam obfequiofe ejrlibe- aliter expenderuntjuxta eorum meritaretribuere teneamur. Nos igitur fire* uam probitatem charifsimi fidelis confanguinei nejlri lohannis Go- nitis Salop & de Wcysford, ac Domini de Talbot de Furniuall & el ^6% Shrewsbvry. k Straungc, caftra, dominia, honor es y terras, ejr B aromas cum pertinents infra Comitatum ilium , necnon omnia ejr omnimodamaneria nojlra^ wapcntachia^iUas, Hameletta^yi ejr alia quacun^, infra Comitatum ejr ciuitatemjajlrum, dominia p honor es ,ter- ras y rjr Baronias prtdicla, in pradicla terra nojlra i liber nix exijlentia , Jiue 44 eadem quouifmodojpeftantia, aut pertinent'ta, cum omnibus ejr fingulis fuisptr* linen, necnon Wr cecum maris per totam maris cojleram , a villa de Toghett vfa pradictam ciuitatem Water ford. Habendum ejr tenendum pradicfum ComtU> tumtfaterfordjlilum, titulum 3 nomen,ejr honor 'em Comitis Watcrford^acpra* dtcla ciuitatem waterford, cajlra dominium , honorem,terram , ejrBaroniam dt D ungaruan, ac omnia alia dominia , ejyc (jr alia prper homagiumyjidclitatem, ejr feruicium effendi , ej) quod fit Senefchallus nojler ejrharedes frifint ScnckhaUinoflri ejr haredun nofirorum Hibernia. in tot a pradiCta terra noflra HtbernU> ej; faciend. ac quoi fac. ineodem officio in omnibus ejr per omnia , prout Senefcallus nojler Angln fro tempore exisJens in eodem Officio fuo facere debet Jpfeque ejr prddeceffores fi AnglU Senefcalli in Officio illo haBenw facere confueueruntimperpetuum. It cuius, fac. Tefte meipfo apud Wejlm, xvif. die July anno regni nofirixxuf SSm!**'** * i H *' * tru ^y ou & c now that the Patent acknowledges him to bee Earle both o Shrewsbury and Wp/j/»r//andcrcates(him at this time) iy°. Iulij a°.24.H.$ Earlc Water for not Weisford^ and withall , giues to him and the heyre €ftttti«n in i«Uad .f»g.y6 maflcs of his body,the Barony of Dungaruan in Ireland,^ he that can iudg< D.* i..c. of thc p c hath well obferued. Thirdly, hee fayes that John Earlc of Shrewsbury t was at the (ameinftau vAifaStcwsrd of England when (in the Patent but eucn now recited) yoi read Shrewsbvry. read that he had the aforefeid Earledome of Water for d^ Barony of Dungar. ua» s citic of Water ford, and other large poffeffions giuen him, To haue and to hold to him & the heires mafles of his body,of the King and his hey res by homage, fealty, and the feruice of being and to be Senefchal or Steward ( I fpeakeas the Record leads me) and that his heires be the Senefchals or Stew- trds of Ireland ("not Stewards of Englond ) to the King & his heires through- out the whole land of Ireland for cuer. Fourthly, he fayes that/?f wasjlaine y°. Iuljji.°.}i.ff.6.to whichlanfwer io ; forafter fbure and twenty yeares march , with victorious armes ouer j great part oi France^ to the infinite lofle of the Englifli , and griefeof the 3afcoignes, he was flain at * CaHtlion vpon Dordon neere Burdeaux the t wen- < cWn in sfocppr*. p4 £ , icthof IuIyJn the b one and thirtieth yeerc of Henry the fixt. lurateresDi- \9?- c : ... „ ... . , unt fuper fact amentum juum (here what the Inquilition iayes ) quod loban- ^.640. us c nuper Comes Salop obut vieeftmo die Julijvltimo praterito. Et quod hhan- * *»*f«?ftw«* <*p** a e»4 I , I n / * — . _ . *. » . 1 . . JVenlolz. tncom- Salop, i\. \esnunc Comes Salop ejt bares predict 1 nuper C omit is ^ (v at at is quadraginta oaobr^'. S i m. morum & amplius. Fiftly, hee is faid to marry Maud daughter and onely heire oiThomas Ne- ill Lord FurniuaH: when the naked truth is , the Lord Furniuall {Thomas ieuill) had two daughters and coheires, as appeares by good Record viz. Xaudand loane, but by two wines, Maud who was married to t\{is lohn 74/- ot Earleof Shrewsbury , was by his firft wife loane , daughter and heyre of 'illiam Lord FurniuaU, and fo came that title vnto him. His fecond Wife mAnkaret (widow of Richard 'Lord Talbot, father to the (aid John Earleof hrewsbury) daughter of lohn Lord Strange of Blackmere, and Aunt & heyre ) Elizabeth CountefTe of Nottingham • by which Ankaret he had iffue loane larried to Sir Hugh Coke/ey Knight. To prooue that Maud was not onely eire of the Lord Furniuall^obCerue what followes. ^laratores dicunt fuper * Exlunielk EfcrsofP^*rrmandy , for this great Earle of Shrewsbury ^ as here you haue cited? I queftion it,not as doub- ting of his worth, but your wifedome , in regard you haue puffed it vp with titles, (by him afluredly) not once thought of, and which any of reafonablc iudgement will blufh at. Firft in (tiling him Earle of Valence, when you cannot but know, & there- fore you ought to confcfTe,that there neuer was any Earle of Valence as yet in England : indeed we had William de Valencia ( and Audomartu de Valencia Earles of penbroke) from whom the faid Marriall Shrewsbury (it is true) defcended, but brought no fuch title as Earle of Valence to his family. Secondly, you fay he was Lord Talbot of Goodrich and Orchcnfield , the one I conteffe, the other of Irchenfield I confidently deny , oncly grant him to be Lord (I meane owner) but nor Baron thereof. Thirdly, that he was Lord Ver don of Aclen, if you had faid of Aulton Ca* file in Stajfordfiire, it had bee ne a little more tollerable, though both falfc, *CmndeniBtitAn.f.Czo.h. f or *y C rdons Barony waswebbeley in the County of Hereford. »C4mde»in Lincoinftire. P . Fourthly , that hee was Lord Cromwell of wingfield. 1 fay * Cromwell was 541 .D. _ Baron otTatcfbde in Lincoln/hire, and that wingfield in Derbifhire ( which is tjcaetrJM.6.n.4o. ^ c ^ meane ^ ncuer was a B aron y . ne i t her was Talbot heyre oi Cromwlloi wingfield y but had Wingfield many yeares after thi&time by purchafe. Nay more then that,if you take but fome payncs to fesrch further into it, you lhall finde that Ralph Lord Cromwell was Uuing , both theaand after. Fiftly, that he was Lord Falconbridge : furely you are a widower of wit, Seey«u*own words mKent othcrwife you would haue rcmembred that about thi* time the Lord f a* inW.^««///Earieof Kjnt. con y rtl ig € s ne j re h ad inuefted this Barony into the family of the Netiilsjvj marrying with Wtlliam Neuill in her right Lord Pauconbridge, and after crc« ated Earle of Kent. Laftly, that hee was Knight of the Order of Saint Michael. I hope you art notfo impudent as to ftand in defence of this, and the other vncouth and ri- diculous fopperies, which can (hew no other authoritie but the fruite of i weake brainc to countenance them from contempt. Did you neuer read* that painfull and iudicious labour written by Sir William SegAr y Garter, Prin cipall King of Armcs , of all the Orders of Knighthood t if you haue not , ^mJ^jr'^'aiSSi then now »looke ? and you flialllearne, that the Order of Saint Michaels % .z.(«f.isp*2- 3. not j n ftk utC( j vnt j|j t fj C y Carc j^g t by L ew i s t hc eleuenth , King of Frantf k ie Theatre d' hmexror in the towne of Amboife ; as is alfo fc tcftified by Andrew pauyn y Aduocatc in * cktu4(eri'.p*s. :feene at Whitchurch, in thefe words. ORATE PRO ANIMA PRvENOBILIS DOMINI, DOMINI IOHANNIS TAL- BOT, QV O N DAM COMITIS SALO- PIjE, DOMINI FVRNIVAL, DOMINI VERDON, DOMINI STRANGE DE BL ACK-M ERE,ETMARESC ALL I FRAN- CIS, 'QVI OBIIT IN BELLO APVD BVRDEVVS. VII. IVLII, M.CCCC.LIII. John Talbotficond Earle of Shrew/- why is wejbfcrd and Hury of that Name and Family, W as /f ^ omitted ? after the death of John his Father,alfo Lord Talbot^ Strange of Blackmere, Furnmall^Verdon^ and Knight of the Garter. Hee married Elizabeth^ daughter of lames Butler, Earle of Ormond in Ireland, and hadde yiTiic Iohn Talbot^ the third Earle of Shrewsbury 3 Sir lames T dbot Knight, who dyed the fecond of September inthctlenenth of King Edward the fourth ; Sir Gilbert Talbot of Grafton, Knight Banneret, and Captainc of CallU third fonne,died the i?.of Sep* tember in the 9- yearc of ki ng Henri* the eightjfrom whom the now Earle of Shrewsbury 1621. is defcended. Chriflopher Talbot fourth fonne , was Arch-Deacon ofcheJler t znd Parfon Vhttchurch where he licth buried, and George was the fift fonne • Anne cldeft daughter, was married to Sir Henry Vernon of the Peake in Derby* e 3 and Margaret was the fecond daughter. This John was flainc in a bat- at Northampton thetenth of Iuly, 1460. the 39* yeare of King Henrie fixt, whofe part he tooke, (and in which battaile the faid King himfelfe i taken prifoner) and was after buried in the Priory at Worfip. Et portoit , lei Jinncs dc Ton pen. Nnn COR ^66 Shrewsbvry. CORRECTIONS. THis Earle of Shrewsbury, fiding with the houfc ofLaneaJter^vras flain* fighting valiantly in the battcll of Northampton, the day afore-namcd in the eight and thirtieth (not the thirty nine) of Henry the Cm, as this In quifition tells vs, luratores dicunt , quod Johannes nuper Comes Salop, objjt * rryuif. ea f ua ^ e G s f^ decimo die lull) * vltimopraterito. Et quod lohannesflius eiufdem mper Co 2 Chamberlaine to King Edward the burth, by whom hchad ifltie,ff«*7 Lord Talbot, that dyed without ifuVj ind was buried at CalkeVdoxy^Francis Lord Talbot, and Earle of Shrewf my after his Father; lohu,and /ohn, both borne, and buried at Afhby de U louche William Talbot fife fonnc, borne at Sheffield; Richard Talbot fixe bnne,bornc at Chelfey : and fiue daughters^^m,rnarried to Henry Clif- etd Earle of Cumberland, ; Anne and Dorothy^oih borne at winpficld^ Ma- y,wife to Henry Percy Earle of Northumberland-^ Elizabeth the fift daugh- er,was married vntowilltam Lord D acres of Gillejland. This Georges fecond vife, was Elizabeth , daughter and one o f the hey res of Richard Walden of £- in tof Knight; of whom he begot /o^,that dyed yong,and Annejnax* ied to Peter ComptonXonne and heyre of Sir William Compton Knight ; and fter to William Herbert Earle of penbroke. This George dyed at Wingfield, head.ofluly 1558. and was honourably buried by his fir ft wifc 3 at^/ * He dyed the i6.*sf Iufya Et portoit, de guelles aulyon rampant d'or,a Ja fsorbure endente de mifmc. Nnn 2 Francis Shkewsbvry. "CRaneis Talbot, fonne and hcyre of * George&as borne in the Caftlcof Sheffield, in the ycarc 1 5 00. the 1 6. ofKingH^the feuenth, and was thefift Earle of Shrewsbury, Lord Talbot,Furnmall Verdon,m& Strange oiBlakemer, and Knight of the Car- ter. He married two wiues, the firft was Mary, daughter of Thomas Lord Dacresof Gitfejland t by whom he had iflue, George Lord Talbot, and fixt Earle of Shrewsbury-^ Thomas Talbot that dyed at Sheffield without iflue, the 25 M King Henry the eight ; and Annelid marri d to John Lord Bray % and after to Thomas Lord wharton, and dyed without ilTue. His fecond wife was Ov, daughter of Robert Shackerley oiDerbtfhire Efquirc. He dyed the 21, of September, the fe- cond of Queenc Elizabeth, md. was buried at Sheffield^ theyeaie 1 5 59. Et portoit,Ies armoiries de fon pere. f\Eorge Talbetfixt Earle of Shrenp bury, Lord T albot,Furniuall, Ver* don, and Strange of Blakmer, fon and heyre of Francis aforefaid, was made Knight of the Gaiter, in the third ycarc of Quecne Elizabeth-^nd at the an aignmentof Thomas HorvardDukc of Norfolke, Lord Ste war 1 of Eng- ■and, and prefently after Earle Mar- ihall of England. Hce married two wiues,thefirftwasG^/r»^, daugh* ter of Thomas Mannors Earle of Rut- land, by whom he had iflue, Francis Lord T Sot, that dyed before his Father without iflue ztBeauoir Caftle A°. 1582. hauing married Anm daughter of wiUim Herbert Earle ol Penbroke : Gilbert fecond fon, borne A 0 . 1 5 5 2 . was after his Father 5 Earl< of Shrewsbury, and dyed withoui fonne > was after his brother Gil her, iflue male* Edward the third Shrbwsbvry. **,alfo Earlc of Shrewsbury ,and dyed without iffuc : Henry Talbot the Ktfthfonne, borne A°.ij6a. married Elizabeth daughter toSkWiBiam ejmr of Outrton Longeuilc in the Countie of Huntington (after married to ir Thom*s Holer oft K night) by whom he had hTue Gertrude maricd to «— > 'trevmt. Katbertne Talbot the eldeft daughter, was married to Henry hold ferfort, after Earle of Penbroke^ut had no itfue* if£»7 the fecond daughter, married to George Saueflfbnne of f/V»ry SaneUoiBarraby InLintolnfhire^ id Gr4 r '" *^^^^sy brother and hey re male of afbrefaid was the eight Earle of Shrewsbury ' 5 Lord 7i/ bot,Eurniuall,Verdon, and Strange of Blaeknter He married /otfl^eldeft daughter andco-heyn oi'Cuthbert Lord C^/*, by whom he left no i fue. He dyed in London, the eight of February A 0 . 1^17. and his body was priuately buriec zxWeHminsler^ 1618. Et portoit,le» Armouries de fon frerc auec vn Molctte puila dif ference. Gtorg Shrewsbvry. 47 1 Eorge Talbot ,fonne and heyre of lohn TaU bo tot Grafton in the Countic of Worcester Efqtiirc, by Katbehne his wife,daughter of Sir William Peter of Ingerjion in Effex Knight , Se- cretary of State to Queene Mary, fon & heyre of Sir John Talbot of Grafton Knighr,by Francis his wife , daughter of Sir lohn Gijfard of Chil- lington^ in the Countic of Stafford, fonoe and heire of Sir lohn Talbot of Albrighton in the Countie of Salop Knight, by Margarethisftrfi wife,daughterand heireof AdamTrowtbekeoi Chefhire^ third fonnc of Sir Gilbert Talbot of Grafton Knight of the Garter and Banneret, CaptaineofCWf/,and of the priuy Counfell to King Henry thefeauenth, and of Audrey his wife, fitter of Sir Thomas Cotton ofLandwade in ic County of Cambridge Knight, fecond fon of John Talbot Earle of Shrew f %ry of this family 5 after the death of Gilbert and Edward Earles of Shrew f w^aforefaid without ifluc male, was by King James a°. 1618. admitted the inth Earle of Shrewsbury, Lord Talbot, Furniuall, ferdon and Strange of lakemere , and is now liuing, 1 6z 1 . and vnmarried. Vpou whofe deccafe •ithout hcires males of his body, the did Earledome and Honours are def- erable vpon the defendants of John Talbot ( this Earle Georges brother ) hoby EttawrBaskeruile his wife, daughter and heyre of Sir Thomas Baf ruille ofmluerjhull, in the Countic of worcefler, left iiTue three fonnes and vo daughters now liuing ^John Talbot the eldeft fonne, who by Mary ortefcue his wife, daughter of Sir Francis Fortefcueof Salden in the Coun- cof Buckingham, Knight ofthe Bath, as yet hath iffue but Frances a daugh- r very young. Thomas Talbot fecond fonue, Gilbert Talbot third fon, Mary id Katherine, all vnmarried , 1 6 2 1 . .tportoit, c} e gueulles au lion rampant d'or a h bofdure endente de mefine,au moJet pur Ja difference* ' A Cata- A CATALOGVE OF THE Earles of Somerfet , their Armes , jViues, and Qhildren, WITH CORRECTIONS. * You feeme to haue feen rhis Charter by citing of it.but to me it leems you haue not, for jou cal the hoafe Brtnton for Btywtton -, and among the witnefles you (ay there was one Henry itme , as jf Iu*>e wasf/e/w/e/ furname,but the Charter fayes, TefleWtHei- mo fili« met, Henrico luwtno , Petro Rtcatdo Ctericis, Now l-w n you fee is a diftinrt Chnftian name, and not to bee taken as couched both in one perfbn with Henry. SctPat,** .36**. 3. ft. t.mau » lilt am de Mohun ^ (or Moun) the third of that name from the Norman Con* qucft, ( grand childe to William de Mcun, furnamed Sapell, Lord of Dunfier Caftlc in Somerfitjhirejby his Ton willtam ) was made Earle of Somerfet by King Henry the nrft j and by that name and title, did found the Priory & Couent of S. Maries of Brmton y znd gaue to the Canons R egular of the fame, diuers Lands for their maintenance.To which his *Charter J are mmeftLsJVilliam de Moyn his {cx\,Henry luwc t William de Brtnton, Hugh de Puncher don and 0* thers. This Wdliam{zs Mathevo Paris hath ) in the yeare 1 1 38. did keepc and forrifie his Ca- ftle againft King Stephen ; and William! dbot kept the Caftlc of Hereford-, William LoueU the Caftle of Ludlow ; and willtam Fitz,.Alan the Caftlc of Salofesbury, on the part of Msuld the Emprefle, and Henry Duke of Normandy her fonne. This William de Moun Earle of Somerfet) married Luce, daughter of and hadiflue, William de Mohun Lord of Dunfter zwdOdecmbe^MunethzvA Culueton in Somerfetjhire. £t portoit, gueuiles,au Manch raal taile d'ermyn le maine propre tenant a la flour de liz d'or. CORRECTIONS. HPO difpute whether this William de Mohun was Earle of Smerfit , I doe not ; nor whether he was Earle oiDorfetJ will not,for thofe two Conn- ties alwaies going together , in thofe elder times, and both ferued by one Sheriffe, gaue occafion of indifFerency to giuc the attribute of cither, to him that OMER5ET. 47? t\s3ichBdtmiMm>ditrtarium!hc third penny of thcmjfcomes autem eliXthusdo • *xM r oi*grodev€rced vpon by ' all that wrote ofthole times. One other vfe doe I make ^Slm^mSm& *aru 3 wendouer s and the other Authors words about this William de Moiun p*g.*4 7 . tetis, you may obferue that when he held Dunfler Caftle againft the KingJ"^^^^"*' i*. 1 1 j8.he had no addition of Earle,but as you lee wM/elmus de Moiun^now [ 1 58. is about the third of King Stephen , by which it fecmes that Henry the irft made him not an Enrle j the truth is,he had not any fuch title vnt ill Ste* «^r»;time,andnotgiuenhimbyany other then the £w/>f^,wbo did it af- uredly out of a duerefped of him , as being one who had performed faith- ull fcruice on her fide againft King Stephen. In the third place I will examine hisK^trmes^ you fayheboreGueullefydft Wanoh nuil faille derntynjemainepropre tenant a la flour de ItT^d'of, Which [mymindegiuesme) you cannot proue: for if you could proue (Arraes) the Wanch fo anciently borne by them, yet ought it not to haue a hand out of it, folding a flour deliz, as you ddiuer ; for that bearing was not vfed by any 'ntiWVope Innocent ordained Reginald Mohun (fonne of another Reginald , his Earle Williams grand-child) to be Earle of Etfs ( that is) asitisintcrprc- cdin abooke in French which bclongeth to the houfeof the Mohuns)o\ So- werfet, stradita Rofaaurea,ejr annua penflonepet foluenda ad altat eS. Vault 'ty^hSwt&tifa Undim , by deliuering vnto him a golden confecrated rofe , and an ycarcly pas * 2 39 ' Knfion to be paid vpon the high Altar of S . Pauls in London : who by that Ooo may 47+ S O M ERSET, may fecmeto hauc bin only an Apoftolique Earle : For fo were they tear« *' med in thofc dayes who had their Creation from the Bifliop of Rtme^lilat c< as they were called Comites Imperij , Earles Imperial!, whom the Empe- " rour inuefted) and fuch had power to inftitute Notaries and Scribes, to lc- u gitimate fuch as werebafe borne, &c. vndercertaine conditions. Now that I am to leauc this Earle and lookc forward, mcthinkes I miiTe King iohn , who (as Mat. wefiminfier tells) hadthisEarledome0f5^«;^ bellowed vpon him before hce came to the Crowne, by his elder brother *M*th.Wtji.f.i$7Jo?.io. King Richard the firft, * Annogratu MCLXXXIX. • Rex Richardusdt* dit lohanni fratrifuo Comitatum de Somerfetjfr de Dor/eto: and fo faies Paris, * MAtb p*ru f ./49.a°.f(f. rought him the other lands aforenamed. But afterwards,when Alianorarid Efcdetr.z'.t. E.j.n.j/* Maries husbands were dead without ifTue , the Inheritance that defcended rom Ifabe 11 Ferrers, went to her right heires of herbody,and the other lands hat came from Reginald de Mohun Earle of Somerfet, reucrted to one Johnde Mohun,\Nh.o liueda 0 . 1. E.3. by vertueof fomeoldeentailes,from whom in ineall defcent , that right Honourable Lord, George now Baron Carew of Zlopon, a°. i^2i.deriueshimfelfe, amanwhofeaffedtionatelouetovertu- Duscourfes,hath not ondy added honour to his ancient family, but defcrucs the fame of all good men. Ooo 2 Iohn 47* Somerset. •Left out in the Succtffion of Catalogue. To^tffurnamed Beaufort (of Beaufort ^in France, which came to the houft of Lancafler y by Blanch of Arthois, wife to Edmond firft Earle of £/»c4- /er ) fbnncof/^* of GauntT>ukeo\ Lancafter)begottc of fathering Swine ford before marriage 5 who with hti brothers and fitters, were made legi- timate by A&of Parliamenr,inthe 2] yearc of K.Richard the fecond , and ie rheyeare 1 3 od.hc was made Earle oi Somcrfetjk the yearc after MarqueiTc Dorfet • from which King Henry th< fourth depriued him ; leauing him on ly Earle of SomerfetMe married Mar- garet , daughter of Thomas Hollam Eirle of Kent) and fifterandco-heyrc o f Edmund Earle of Kent, by whom h( had ifliie, * Henry Earle of Somerfet that died young without ifTue , and John, who by K Henry the fift , was created the firft D uke of S omerfet , and had ilTue, one onely daughter named Margaret , Mother to King Henry th< fcuenth ; Edmund the third fonne , fucceeded his brother Uhn in the Duke- dome of Somerfet , andwasflaine atthefirftbattellof S.Albons. loanexk cldeft daughter oh\\\%hhn Beaufort ^ was married to lames the firft Kingoi Scots ; and Margaret the fecond daughter, was matried to Thomas Courtxt) Earle otDeuon. He died in the eleuenth yecre of King Henry the fourth, anc was buried on the North fide of ihomas Beckets Shrine at Canterbury, Et portoit, France feme, efcartelle d'engleterrc, au bordur gobonne d'argent & d'azur. CORRECTIONS. - H*uden.f,i+s>. ba.j#. UEre this John de Beaufort (furnamcd of Beaufort in * Amu where hem "borne ; is faid to be legitimated with his brothers and fitters, by act 0; Parliament in the one and twentieth yecre of Richard the fecond, which is no fo : for I am warranted by the e Parliam nt Roll to be of another opinion, if *$. kx.ts. *!.>». (and not the 1 1.) of that Kings raignc. Of which (among other things) 1 haue more particularly fpoken^n the tide of Dirjet. So M ER S ET. 477 lOhnBeanfort i Connco£ rohnEatlcot * Somerfet, and grandchildc to lohn of Gaunt (after the death of his Father, and his elder Brother Henry Earlc of Somerfet) was created the firft Duke of Somerfet, in the a i . yeare of King //«M7 the fixt. Hce was taken prifo- ner before by the Duke oiOrliancejsx. Bangie- Bridge in France ^ the ninth of the faid Kings Reigne, anddeliuered vponranfomc. Hee married Marga- ret) daughter of S ix lohn Beaucbampe of Bletfi Knight, and fifter andheyre of John her Brother, by whom he had ilTuc, one onely daughter and heyre named Afargaret, who by Edmond of Hadbam Earle of Richmond her hus- band, had ilTuc King Henry thzkz- uenth. (Milles,pag, 59%. tilth) Ed- mond Beauford brother of this John, icceeded him in his Dukedome of Somerfet , which was thought to be a reat preiudice to Margaret, this lohns daughter and heyre, if according to ieoJdcuftomc,whenthe male hTue faileth, the titles, honours and dignities lOuIdnotdependvponthepleafurcoftheKing, todiftributethe fame to 'bom he pleafcth. The which in a word I anfwere thus,That if King Hen* ythefiftdid giue the Dukedome of Somerfet to lohn, the Father of this dtrgaret and his heyres male (as he did) and as commonly all Kings vfe to oe, when they giue the like honours : (This lohn dying without iflue male) -hat wrong doth the Kingtoany,ingiuinghisovvne, to whom and where e pleafeth ? and to fpeake truely, I haue not (eene but one Letters Patents cherwife, which was by King Henry the eight, 145 8. to Thomas Butftn % 'hohadtheEarlcdomeofOr^Wto him and his heyres male, and the arledomeof Wiltfhire to him and his heyres general]. And this I hope tfllbefafficient, to proue that King Henry the fixt did no wrong to this fagweh m giuing her Fathers title of honour to his Brother; nay, had ec giuen it to a meere ftranger, it had beene iuftifiable . This lohn dyed in le 24-yearc of King Henry the fixt, and lytth buried in mnborne Minftcr in wfetfbire* Et portoit, les armes de fon pere. CORRECTIONS. 7"0u fay to fpeake truely y y on haue not feene but one Letters Patents ethemift *- (meaning where a title of Honour is giuen to one and the heires gencrall Fhisbodiesj which vtaa by King Henry the eight 1458. to Thomas Bulle» t hohadtheEdMomeof Ormondto him And his heires MaJUt>and tbeEarfa dome 47 8 Somerset, ~dme ifmltjhire to him and his heires generall. For the firft, I thinkc one may beleeuc you that you fpeake truely, but therein you difcouer your igno- rance, forlookein myanfwerein^///^/^about Thomas Men, and there you (hall now learne more then one Patent in that kindc without limi- tation. ' Next you fay Ormonds Earledomcwttgiuento mm And his heires majles, zndthatofmltcstohimand his heires generally wherein you are much too blame fo to abufcyour Reader, fori boldly affirme that you haue now de- liuered them quite contrary tothe Record: which makes me doubt whether you haue feene at all that one Patent^ which you fay truelyyou hauefeene but P4te»t.*°:t i ;H. s.pt. * . ! To fet you right there fore , I fay that Thomas Bulleyn Vifcount Rochford awidcU.tt**tovtmfwii. a 0 . was by Letters Patents, bearing date the eight of December, in the 2 1 . of 3 uH * 8 * Henry the eight, created Earle oiwiltes to him and the heires majles of his bo- dy, and for the other that was granted to him and the heires gencrall, was that ofOrmond, In theclofe of this tract you fay, that he died in the twentie foure yeare of King Henry M^//^, but I finde vpon a Melius inquirendum in the Chance- ric, that he dyed thefeauen and twentieth of May,in the two and twentieth of the fame Kings reigneithffe are the words of the Iurors vpon the returne: t H 6 GUweflt ^uwt fuper facr&mentum frum, quod Johannes nuper Dux Somerf et obijt vi- &s*fix. \ ■ .' ' " cefimo fepttmo die Maii, Anno regm Regis Henrici fexti vicefimo jecundo. Et quod Margaretafiliajpfius nuper Ducts eft hares etmprofinquior^ aiatis tr'u ttm annomm, "C Dmond Beaufort ,Earle Mo*iton\ti ^Normandy , and Lord of Chirh snd Chirkland) in the MarcheiTe oi H^/ttjCbrotherof Uhn Duke of So< merfet aforefaid, and grand-childeoi John of Gaunt D uke of Lancafief) wa; after the death of his elder brothei without ifiue male, created firft Mar quelTe Doyfet^ 1444. and in the2j yeare of King Henry the fixt, he wa: made Duke oiSomerfet^nd after, h< with HenryEarle of Northumberland Humfrey Earle Staff or d, and Thoma Lord Clifford, were flaine at the bat taile of S.Albonsy on the part ofKinj Henry the fixt, 1455. and the Kinj himiclfe taken prifoncr and brough to London.Thls Edmonds death great ly grieued King flfcw^becaufe in hin bee had put all his truft and confi dence.afad for that alfo, fuch a Chiefetaine as he, who had longgouerne< in Normandy and bin Regent of trance^ and for his Countries fake, had f< valiac Somerset. aliantly borne himfelfcagainft the French, (hould now be flaine at home yhisowncCountrimen. He married Elianor t daughter and one of the xiresof Richard BeauchampEatk of Warwuke^ndhad'ifiuc, fourc Tonnes ndfiuedaughtcrs,viz.//twy the eldeft fonnc, was after his Father Duke of merfet, and was beheaded in the y eare 1463. Edmond the fecond fonne, m alfo Duke of Somerfet after his Brother : lohn the third fonncwas flaine tthe battaile of Teukesbury without iflue, * 1470. and Thomas the fourth ♦ The battaile of m&ery )nne, dyed without iflue. Elianor the eldeft daughter, was firft married was fou s ht on &> l ""fcy the > lames Butler Earle ofWiltjbire, & after to Sir Robert S fencer Knight./^w^f °l^TJi^°' ' ' *' je fecond daughter, was firft married to the Lord Hotb of Ireland, and af- ' * '*' ge :rto Sir Richard Fry Knight .• Anne the third daughter, was married to Sir nUUm Paflon Knight ; Margaret the fourth daughter, was firft married to 'umfrey EavlcStaffbrd^nd after to Sir Richard Darell 'Knight; and Elizabeth tarried vnto Sir Henry Lehis Knight. This Edmonds body was buried at S. Ibons, in the Abbey there. Etpertoit,France efcarteiic d'angleterre,a vn bordur gobonnc d'argent & d'zur. 47P CORRECTIONS. 'Auks committed here are thefe. The firft in affirming Edmond de Beau- fortto be created Mar quejfc Dor fet 1444. when it is moft certaine, that s * Creation beares date at mndfore-C&e\\ on Midfummer day, thc«cw.gt»*U6 aftle of Wind fore the teft ofMarch 3 inthe2S. not 2 5. of hisraigne. Of " m ' 44% lich I haue faid enough in Dor fet. XJfEnry Beaufort ,fonne and hcyre of Edmond ■*• ^aforefaid, was after the death of his Fa- ther, Duke of Somerfet, Marquefle Dorfet, Earle Moriton, Lord of chirke and Chirkland 7 and Lieutenant of Callis. Hc,by aflaults tooke thcCaftlc of S.Auion\n Mayne^znd flew there- in 300.JVrt.Tj and hanged all the French bee found therein. He moft difloyally fell from King Henry the fixt, to Edward of Torke, who then had gotten the Crownc, but when King Henry had obtained fuccour of the Scots, and was entred the Biftiopricke of Durham, this Duke #w?reuolted from Edward, and came to King /few? againc 5 and fighting the battaile at Exham , was with William Talboyt, ' the Lord Ros y Molyns, and Hungerford, Sir ^Nemll^SitThomasWrnworth, Sir Richard TunflaU^ vnluckily taken 480 So MERSET. prifoncr by John Mzxcp.t&Mctmtague& there bcheadcd,in the yeare 1462 He had iflue 3 abafefon named Charles Somerfit, f begotten of leant Hitthh Concubine)who was after created Earleofwrtt^of whom thenowEark of tvoreejler is defcended. Et portoit Ies armes de Coa pere. CORRECTIONS. \A7"Hereas you affirmc in this place that this He/try Duke of Somerftt * 7 was£^d^/»f^wrf, 1462. Hereto I rieedes^ you will deceiue that Reader who is confident in your words, and takes them for truth ; for, I dare boldly fay that he died not vntill the third of A'- prill A°.3.E.4. which is the yeare 1463. the verdift of diucrs Iutors M *r!Su4^Smn^S^S. pa ^ e for mc> °^ which takc C ^ is onC * Orator esdicunt fuper facr amentum «'.8.E,4.n°.54. fuum quod Henricu* Beaufort nuper Dux Somerfet; obtit tertio die Aprilis an, no regni Domini Regis nunc {fa (licet Edwardi quart i) tertio, Sed quis propin- quwr eius hares Jit luratores penitus ignorant. Mot eouer this great little Rabbin in Ht raldiy Matter Torke would per« see in Bedford & Nttthum ^ wa< * c 1 h at h e was taken prifoner by lobnMarqueffe Mentaguejvhen he him« CeVumd. 0tt "felfe(vponbcttcrconfidtration)cannotchoolebutconfelfe,thatthere was not any one dignified with that Marquifate at this time,nor of diuei s yeares after, for the firft man indeede that was honoured with this title, was/«fo NeuiU Lord Montague (vponhis furrender of the Earledome of Northum- berland) who was created d Marquette at Torke 2 5 .of M rch, in the tenth y eere of Edward the fourth, and not before. So that hce being taken prifo ner and beheaded A°. 5. H.4. it was by lohnNeuill> as Lord Montague and not either Earle of Northumberland, or Marquette Montague. P Dmund JSeaufort^brothcr and heyre of Htm) ^DukeofSflwr/rtaforefaid, andfecond for of EdmondDukeof Somerfet y Qaim at §.Albons was the laft Duke of Somerfet of this Name anc Family, who takingpart with the houfeof&w easier, was with Prince £^»>4j7/(fonne of Kini Henry 'the fixt) taken prifoner at the battaileo Teukesbur^by King Edward the fourth 147 1 and within two daies after beheaded therewith outifluc, leauing his fiue fitters his heyresbc fore mentioned Et poxtoitjFrancc efcrtclle d'tngUuttt iU bordui gobowwd'a gent&d'azur. p Dmondi third fonnc of King Henry the fea- •■^uent^was borne at Greenwich mKcnt^iq$%. and was created D uke of Somcrfet- 3 and after dy- ed at Bifbops Hatfield in Hertford/hire, in the ycare 1499. being not full fine ryearcs old, and was buried in the Abbey at weflminHer. \JEnry Fit&.&oy, Knight of the A 1 Gam r, and bafe fonnet to King Henry the eight ( begotten of the Lady Tlfoyr, daughter of Sir John Blount Knight) being a childe of fixe yeeres old, was by his Father in the i7.yeare of hisreigne^reated Duke of Somerfet and Richmond at Bride* well } and married Mary, daughter of Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolke, but by her had no hTue. He dyed at S lames houfe by Charing Cro/Je, being but i6.yearesofage, and was honourably buried at Thetford in Norfolke, the 27. of King Henry the eight, 153 ^.(asGra/ten hath.)Othcrs hath, that hce lyeth buried at Fra- mingham'mNorfilke, He bare for hisArmes, Welle Franca & d*engleterre,a bordur efcartelfe ertnyn & compone d*arg«nr 8c d'atur, abatun flne- d'argetw.a vnefcutchconde pretence efcartelle gueulles& varey d'or & vert, for la tour, auJyo© pant d'argent,au chef d'azur vn Chattel entrc deux tefte* da c«rf a'ar^ent. Edward \4 & Somerset, • - — - "C Ward Seymour, Knight of th •^Garter, was created Vrfcouri Beauchamp in the Whitfon weekc 1536. and Earle of ffertfordjht 1% of October, 1 537. and laftly Duk ofSmer/et, the 17. of Februarj 1 547. the firft of King Edward th fixt Hee was Lord Protector bot of the Kings perfon and Kingdome and to leade to warre(as well by Sc as by Land) all the Kings Armies, a Lord Lieutenant Generally he m alfo Lord high Treafurer and Earl Msrfhall of England, andGouernc of the Ifles of Germfey and ler/ey.U married two wiues, the firM: was J& therine , daughter and co-hey rc c Sir William Foliot, of WoodUnd i Dorfetfhire Knighr,8c* had ilTue, Lor Edward Seymour of Berye P 'ornery i Deuonfhire^ and lohn&cond Sonne. His fecond wife was Anne, daughtc of Edward 5f Efquire, by whomhehadiflue, Edward Seymour, no\ Earle of Hertford, 1618. Lord Henry and Edward ; Anne the eldeft daugl ter 3 was married to John Dudley, Earle of IVarmcke* Jane was thefecon daughter ; Mary the third daughter, was married to Andrew Rogers-, Katk rine the fourth daughter 5 and Elizabeth the fife daughter, was married t Sir Richard Knightley knight .This Edward was arraigned at Wettminjler Ha (the fun: of Dcxernber,thefifc of King Edward the fixc)of high treafon,an was found guilty of Fellony; for which,the 2 2. of Ianuary after, he wasbi headed at the Tower-Hill. Et portoitjle augmentation^ ui eftd*or,fixf!eursdelizd'azur,ala penz gueulles chargee de trois lie paftint gardant de la primier;EfcarteIIe Seymour qui eft de gueulles a deux Ailes de l'agle en leuure d'< Le tierce Beauchamp,qui eft de v aire. Le quart Sturmy,qui eft d'argent trois demie lions gueulles t CORRECTIONS. t) Eadevscomparatiuely together, and you will fooftc fee the Erroui *^-Jhis Edward Seymour Knight of the Garter, by King Henry the eig (who then had taken his fifter Jane in marriage) was firft created Vifcou Bcaucbamp,the ofMayA°.28. H.8. andthe yeare followin the Earledomc of Hertford was conferred vpon him,W£.on Thurfday bcii Saint Lukes day at Hampton Court, the 18. of October, A 0 .2p.H.8.i53: which Earlcdomes dignitie flept for many ycarcs together (after the dea ofthelaftG//^^lfC/^,wh6 intituled himfelfe Earle both of Gltuceft and Hertford) Afterwards by King Edward the fixt(his Nephew by his ! ter) the ftile of Baron Seymour was added to the reft of his honours, vpon \i$ if »* of February , in the firft yeare of his raigne, and the morrow after, t E 6 t6 , id Wai e inueftedDUke of Smtrfet, i 546. and not 17. of February Anno c B^iLfy^^.'t.E.c. 54^. Many great Offices of State he had, which that you may caft your p4M y$ Vpoti them at one view, I hauc here repeated them out cif a miffiue per- Wfofic ferit into Scotland for the marriage of their young Queene Mary to I. Edward the fiat, in thefe words, ffcdwatdby the grace'oj r God s Duke of So- ' *tmjbtd.p 1237. vtrjit 3 Earlc~ of Hertford, Vi [count Beauchamp , Lord Seymour , Vncle to the *Jtigs Highneffeof England, Goner nour of his Hiofl Roy all per fon , and Protettor f all his Realmes, Dominions, and Subitfls , Lieutenant Generallof bis Maie- Hes Armies, both by Sea and Land, Treafurer and Eafle Mar flail of England , Ituerntur oftheljles of Gernejey, and Ierfey , and Knight of themofi Noble Or- krof the Garter* His two wiues were Katherine daughter and co-heire to lit William Filloll (not Fol/ot)of Woodland 'm the Countie of Dorfet Knighr , y whom he had iffue E^4r^ 5 grandfather to Sir Edward Seymour the Bare tetSclohn. His fecond wife was. Ame % daughter to Sir Edward Stanhope *Seethe infcription vpou Bright, and lifter to Sir Michael, by whom hee was father to three fonnes j cL^Hmhi^ ■Award Seymour Earle of Hertford , grandfathei to William Seymour now iarlc of Hertford, 1621. Henry the fecondfbnnc, married Ioane daughter of ijomas Percy Earle of Northumberland : a yongcr Edward, and fixe daugh- * ;rs, Anne the cldeft daughter married firft to John Earle of IVarwicke, and fterward to Sir Edward Vnton Knight of the Bath , Margaret the fccond laughter died vnmarried,/4w the third, (not the fecond daughter ) died in ler Virginity at the age of ninteene yeres, the 19. of March, a°. 1 560. Mary he fourth daughter married firft to Andrew Rogers, eldeft fon of Sir Richard 'ogers of Brianjlon , in the County of Dorfet , and after to Sir Henry Pay ton anight, but left no iflue 5 Katherine the fife daughter was neuer married , and llt^abeth the yongeft, was (econd wife to Sir Richard Knightly of Fawejky tithe Countieof Northampton Knight, flic died the thirdof Iune, a°. \6oz, nd by him was mother of fcuen fonnes, and two daughters. This powcrfull Duke, was fuddenly ouerwhelmed as it were by a difport f fortune, which neuer fuffereth fudden cuer-greatncfTe to laft long.and for fmall crime , and that vpon a nice point of fubtlcty deuifed and packed by lis enemies, bereaued both of his dignitics,and life withall. The whole pat age wherof, is fully and plaindy laid open by that painfull Hiftoriographer /lafter * Speed , in the life of King Edward the fixt: wherefore I referre the * p-Si q,® fe 3 »en. urious Reader thither for further fatisfa&ion. Ppp 2 Rohrt 4.84. Somerset. »Hc was firft created ViC- countRocheftct, 161 u and afterward made aBaron and Earle ofSomer/et together. O Obert CarrjL man greatly fauou- A v rcd by King Mw«,who firft cre- ated him * Baron of Bran/path, and after Vifcount Rochefter^ at White- Hall on Monday, the 25. day of March,i$i i.and laftly, Earle of s** merfet^ in the ycare 1614. And for a further fauour, the faid King made him Lord Chamberlaine of his Houfliold, Knight of the Garter, and one of his honourable priuyCoun- fell. Hee married Frances fecond daughter of Thom& Harvard Earlc of Suffolke, and Lord high Trcafu- rer of England, by whom he had if- fue,a daughter named Anne, Ft portoit.de gueulles au cheuron d'argent, diargc de trois mollets de fable, brifede vn leopard paf- fant d'or.du primier canton de 1'efcu. A A CATALOG VE OF THE Earles of Southampton, their Armes, Wiues, ana Children, WITH CORRECTIONS. T>Eauofsa Saxon , and flower of Chiualry in -'-'his time, was at the fiege oirorke , in the fourth yeere of William Conqueror • and the yeare afrer,fought the great bartaile ztCardijfe in South wtles , againft the Normans $ hee was made Earle of Southampton by the (aid Conque- ror^ and was a WitnefTe to his Charter 3 of lands that he gaue to the Abbey of S.Edmondsbury iq Sujfolke t by the name and title of Earle Betuois, He died withoutiflue (knowne)the tenth ycare after the Norman Conquefl. This is that Beauois of Southampton, M. Camden in his Britannia y pag. 2 72. faith, That whiles the Monkes laboured to fet out his fame rvtth their faigned Fables \ they obfeured his doughty and Martiall Affions in Armes. Etportoit, de azure trois lions paflant gardant d"or en pale. \j\JlOUm Fitz>'Williams 9 knight * ^ cf the Garter, Treafurer of the houfliould to King HeprftheS. Lord priuy Scale, and Lord Admi- rall of England, was created Earle of Southampton, at Hampton Court, the 29. yeere ofthe faid Kings Reigne. He married A/4^#,daughter of Hen- ry Lord Cliff or dokWeftmerland, and lifter and hey re cf Henry 6t& Earle of C umber land>8cdkd without ilTuc at Netv-Ca/llevpon Tinefhe 34. yerc of King Henry the eight. Et portoit^ lozengie d'argent & de gueujlei;. ihtmm 48 6 So VTHAMP TON. *Itwasthe !«♦ of February "T'tiomai wriothftey, Knight of the Garter,fonneof William wrioth. Jley^York Herald of Armes,and grand- childe to lohn wriothfley, alias Garter King of Armcs,was created Baron of Tichfield, at Hampton Court the firft of Ianuary,thc 3 5 .of Henry the eight, Anno, 1 543«andLord Chancellor of England , in May the yeare after; in which Office he continued vntill the beginning of King Edward^ fixt his reignc, when for his obftinacy in the Romam religion, he was the fixth of March remoued , mAWtliiam Pan let LordS. John of Bafing put in hisplace. Hee was afterward created Earle of Southampton , the l7.of February,^ the firft yeare of King Edmrd the 6. and married Jane^ daughter andheirt of William Cheney, by whom hee had Iffue^Henry the fecond Earle of Southampton of that name, and foure daugh- ske&y wM&cond husband. ter s . Mary the eldeft, was firft married to William Shelley of Michelgrout'm Suffix, and after to Lifter, fon & heire of Sir Michael Liftef\n\^ Elizabeth, was wife xoThomas RadclijfeEade of Suffix 5 ICatherine,immcd to Thomas Cornrvallis Groom Porter^ & Mabell the fourth daughter,was wife to Si r Walter Sands Knight. He died at his houfe called Lincolne Place in Hoi borne, the 30. day of Iuly,in the fourth yecre of King Edward the fixt , and was buried inS. Andrewes Church in Holbornc. Et portoit, d'azur a vn croix d'or, enuironnc de quatre falcons dole d'argent 'LJEnrylVriotheJley ) forme and heyre of The- L L mas aforefaid , was after the death of his Father, the fecond Earle of Southampton , and Baron of Titchfield. He married Mary daugh- ; er of Sir Anthony Brown Vifcount Mountague : and Knight ofthe Garter,by whom he had iffue Henry wriothejley the third Earle of Southamp- ton of that Family 5 and Mary married to Tho- mas Baron Arundell of war dour. Hee died at Tthell in Hampjhire ,*the 4. of O&ober, 15 81. and was buried at Titchfield, the 23. of Qujenc Elizabeth. Et portoit, Iesarmes de fon pew. Bent) ( So v THAMPTON. 487 Tj£*r^ Wriothefley, (fon and heyre A A ofHa»ryaforefaid) was the third Earlc of Southampton of this Family, and Baron wriothejley of Titcbfield, Knight bf the Garter, Gouernour& Capraine of iho. Jjle of Wight l ,and one of his Maiefties riioft honorable pri- uy Councell . He married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir tohnVernonol ' Hod- net m Staffordjhire^ had ifliie James Lordfvriothejley , and Knight of the Bath at the creation of Prince Charls- t Thomas a fecond fon : Penelope mar- ried to Sir willtam Spencer Knight of the Bath, fonne and hcireapparantof Robert Lord .5 y fencer of Wormleighton y Anne and Eli&abetb^md Mary that di» ed young. Et pottoit, d'azur avn croixd'or, enuironnede quatrc faujpns d'argenc. ACata« A CATALOGVE OF THE Earles of Stafford , their Armes , JViues y and (Jhildrm, with CORRECTIONS. f &^& Al P h Lord Stafford, Steward 8 jg&S of GafcMg0e,dcfccndcd lyne- gslKss'allyas heyre male of the bo- dy of Hemy Paget , and Millefcent\i\% wife, fiftcr and heyre officer/ Lord Stafford, in K. Iohns time. This fojwfo was created EarleSte^^ in the 25. ycare of King Edward the third • and married Margaret > daughter and heyre of Hugh Lord Aadley Earleof Glace- fter, & had ilTue, Hugh Earle Stafford, and Sir Richard Stafford Knight , and three daughters- Beatrix the cldeft,was nril married to Mauricefiarle of Def- mond in Ireland ± and after to Thomas Lord Ros of HamlakeJoanexXiZ fecond daughtcr.married Charleton Lord Ponw, and Margaret the third daugh- ter, was married to Iohn Stafford^ Pa* tron of the Church of Bromhall in Staffordjhire. This died in the 45. ofKlngEdward the third , 1 370, and was buried in the Priory of Tmhridgcfcy his wife Margaret, Etportoit, .jtf.E.}. may not be granted, becaufe all the Offices after his death perfwade, nay, {vpon oath) it is certificd,that he died the 3 1 . of Auguft,a» 3 4<*.E. j.in the yeare of Chrift, 1 37a. hearkencife whatfollowcs. ^uratorcs dicam Juf erf acr amentum pum quid T AFFORD. 4 8 P ^dRMpbuTn^eTcomes Stafford, obijt ultimo die Augujh*vltmo prtte* • * j**^m*/»<^. M. £f HugoJiliuspr^dicJi Raditlpbi, est h*rcs eiut propinquior & 4Utu , f Se/fem '* 0 '+* £ j - n °' ginti nouem annorum & amplius. S ee more in Gloucefter vnder the title of *' ugb de Attdley. win Staffbrd/htre. UV^Lord Stafford, Con ofRalpbe x Stafford, after the death of his Father was the fecond Earle ford, and married Philtp, daughter of Thorn a4 Beaucbampthe elder, Earle of Warwicke, and had Vfiu^Tbomasjvil- Ham, and Edmund, all three Earles of Stafford j and to^A* (bine by John Holland-, and foure daughters, Mar- garet, wife to tfd//>£ Neuitl Earle of IVeftmerland ; Katherhe, married to Mtchxtl dc la Pole, Earle of Suffolke ; /ww the third daughter, married Tbo* mas Holland 'Earle of Kent ; and the fourth daughter, was married to John Lord Ferrarsofchartley. This Hugh diedinhisreturne from Jernfalem,'m thclfleof Rhodes ^ in the tenth yeerc of King Richard the fecond, and was buried by his wife , in the Abbey of Et portoit, d'or, au cheuron de gueulles. CORRECTIO NS. /lYcomfortis, I am not bound to beleeue my Author, furtherthen I /A finde authoritie to follow him 5 for othcrwife by his words euen heerc [id in the next enfuing page, line i.7.and 9.) hegiucsvs to think that Th- is, William , and Edmund, fonnes to Hugh Earle Stafford, were elder rhen (//^flaineby John Holland. Well,fincemy proofe is very pregnant that //^was(^r/>«^/>iiw)hiseldeftfonne,flaineby Sir lohn Holland ; and tried at Langley, read it, for thefe are the words , *fsdatu quodfuper dif* * R 'dia dm habiu inter dtlcclum & fidelem noftrum Hugenem C omit em Stafi >d>& carifiimumfiatrem noBrum iohannem de Holland Cbfualer t pro inter' lint Radulphiprtmogcnitifa haredis ipfiut C omit is, qua qmdent di(cordia % m pendebat nimit erat pluribm tediofa, iam inter partes pradtilasp ax focon- 'diagratwse Jit inita,finaliter ejr fir mat a , ac in eadem interest era tontine a. r,quodtrescapeliani pro anima praditti Radulpbi debent inueniriperpetuis n*.i?» EdmuH Stafford. P Dmnd Stafford, third fon of Hugh J -'EarIe Staff brd.znd brother & heirc of Thomas and WilltAm his brothers , was (after their deaths) the fift Earle Stafford^ and Lord of Tunbridge. Hee married Anne, daughter of Thomas of lVoodftocke 3 Earle of Buckingham ; and Duke of G beefier, and lifter and onely heyre of Humfrey her brother • by whom hee had iflue, Humfrey Earle Stafford,and fit ft Duke of Buckingham, and Philip that died yong ; Annelid married Edmund Mortimer Earle of March and tffler, ( but by him had no iftue ) after me* married lohn Holland Earle of Huntington, and had ifTiie, Henry Duke of Exceftcr. This Edmund, with Thomas Percy E3ile oftforcefier , and /ftm? Percy hisNephc w 3 was flain at the battaileof Shrewsbury , in the burth yearc of King Henry the fourth, and was buried at Stafford , in S. An- u fines Fry ays. Et portoit, d'or au cheuron de guculks. CORRECT! ONS. [ Proucd euen now thatmgh Earle St Affords eldeft fonne was named Ralph, who was flaineby Hollands his fathers life time ; and heere it is cqnfetfed hxTbomas wx&william were alfo elder brothers to this Edmund. So that hen it muft be granted^that he was fourth and not third fonne to Hugh Earle Stafford* Qcjc] 2 Humfrey Stafford, \JLVrnfrey Stafford^ fon of Edmond * * was the 6. Earle Stafford whom King Henry the fixt in the three an< twentieth yeareof his R eigne, crea ted the firft Duke o{ Buckingham,^ gaue him place and precedence be fore all other Dukes of England. Ht writ in his Stile • Humfrey Duke Oj Buckingham, Earle Stafford, Herefon and Northampton, Lord of Brecknock and tioldernejje. This Humfrey ir the eight yeerc of King Henry thu fifr, did his homage at Roan, for tht Earledom of Perch ; and at the fame time , Arthur Duke of Britaine die the like for the Earledome of Yurye Hv married Anne, daughter of Ralph Neuill firft Earleof weft mer Undone had ifllie , Humfrey Earle Stafford, who married Margaret , fifter anc co-hcyre of Edmond Beaufort, Duke of Somerfet, nnd was wounded with ar Arrow, at the firft battaileat S. Albons, the 3 5. of Henry the fixt , of whict wound he died the ycare after, in the lifetime of fris Father, 1455. fobn th fecondfonne, was created Earle of Wilt/hire • and Richard the third fonnc SkW^J/^^thatmjr-^g^j^yyj^ t ^ e £ a jj f rom a i 10r f c . George and William were twins , anc mehmnd is heere omitted, died both young : i^inne the cldclt daughter, was nrlt married to Aubrey 4< ^ SSj^togSw mihZ'- Fere > *° nne and nc y rco ^ Ear ^ e °* Oxford pub had no uTue • After flia {2r paflages! ' ° married Sir Thomas Cobham Knight, fon of Reginald Lord Cobham of Ster- borough, and had ilTue ; Anne the fecond daughter , was married to William hoidBardolph, and after to Sir William Kniuet Knight ; and Katherinetfa third daughter, married Iohn Lord Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury. This Hum frey was flaine at the battaile of Northampton, in the 3 8. yere of K.Henry th< 6. and his body buried in the Grey Fryers in Northampton. Hce bare for hi Armes, France and England quarterly, within a bordure argent $ which wa: the Armes of Thomas ofwood&acke, his Grandfather by his Mother. T A FFORU, t_j£»/7 Lord Stafford, (fonne and 1 1 hey re of Humfrey Stafford, by Margaret his wife,fifter and co-heire of Edmond Beaufort Duke of Somer- 7?/) grandchildcof Humfrey Stafford therlrft Duke of Buckingham, and Anne Neuillhls wife; was after the death of his faid Grandfather, the fc- cond Duke of Buckingham , Earle S tafford, Hereford and Northampton, Lord of Brecknocke, Kimbalton and Tunbridge,md Knight of the Garter, who falling in diflike with King Ri- chard the third, laboured the rcturnc of Henry Earle of Richmond out of France. Diuers Authors diuafly re- port the caufe thereof jbut oncamong the reft faith, that Hunifrey the tenth Earle of Hcreford,Nottt^mpton, and . , and Conftable of England, in ^ Stime ' hacltWo daughters his hey res ; Elianor the Ideft, married to 7#*?»^ and lid j will you (Duke Henry,) challenge the right of King Henry the fourth, by 'btch he wrongfully held the Crowne,and fo make way vnto if. Which fpeech fthe King went fo neere to the Dukes heart,thateuer after, hefoueht and lotted, how he might worke the returnc of Henry Earle of Richmond om of ranee, and to depnuc King Richardof his Crowne. And to effect the fame, eraifed diuers forces,and entredinro Armes; which King Richard hearing f, leuicd a greater, and went to Salisbury to meetc him ; but the Dukes Ar* iy being too weake,he wasforcedtoflyeforfuccour tothehoufeof Hum* -ey Bamfter his feruant neere Shrewsbury, who for hope of gaine, betrayed imto/^^//^shireffe ofi7;^wr,whotookeand conuayedhim to tlvbury, where without any arraignment or lawfull tryall, he was behca- M the fecond of Nouerabeiy 48 3 . This Duke Henry married Katherint* fter and one of the heyrcsof Richard Wooduill Earle Rmers, and had iflue, sfeWEarle Stafford, and Duke of Buckingham, Henry Earle of mltjhire\ id Humfrey that dyed young. He had alfo two daughters, Elizabeth marri- Robert Radcliffe t LoidFtt^Water dnd^xlzoi Suffix - 3 and Anne,x\i& married St AFFORD. "married to Sir Walter Herbert knight,and after to George Lord Hafiings Eark of Huntington. Et portoit.France & d'en^leterre efcartelle, au bordur d'argent, efcartelle Stafford qui eft,d*or ail cheuror de guculles. "C Dward Staffordjonm and hey r« -'-'of Duke H enry aforefaid, wasaf ter the death of his Father reftored the firft of King Henry the feauenth toallhisFatheis honours, dignities and poiTeflions, which King Ricban the third tooke from him ^ andwa Duke of Buchngham, Earlc Stafford Herefordznd Nortkampton^ndCon liable of England. He married E/; anor y daughter of Henry P^Earli of Northumberland^ whom he ha< iffue, Henry ho\d Stafford (for afte the drath ol this Edward, theFamil] of Stafford* neucr attained other ti tie of honour,then onely of Barons. Hchad alio three daughters; I W\abeth the eldeft,was maried to Tht mas Howard Duke of Norfolke, an lord hi^h Treafurer of England Katherine thz fecond daughter, was ma) ried to Raphe Neurit fourth Earle of ff\f/fr»" hnd % and Mary the third daugr ter, married George NeuiULord of Abergauermy . This Edtvard.was a Princ of hish fpirit, and very ambitious, daily plotting treafonagainft King Hem the eight, by which he ouenhrcw himfelfe, and all his Noble Family ; an forthefame, was beheaded atthe Tower Hill by Lonatn, the 17. of Ma] J 5 2 1 . in the thirteenth yeare of King Henry the eight. Et port©it les armes de fon pere. 4P? A CATALOGVE OF THE DukeSjMarquefleSjand Earles of Suffolk^ their <*ArmesJViues, and Qhildren, WITH CORRECTIONS. "O obcrt de P^r^ knight, Sonne of Sir Robert Vfford knight, Stew- aid of the HoufLold to King Edward the fecond, and of his wife Cecily y daughter and co-heire of Robert de Valonijs Lord of Or for d^ was created Earlc of Suffolke, in the eleaueftth yeare of King Edward the third, as 1 3 3 5. alio Knight of the Garter 5 he was Lord of Eay & Framlingham inSuffolke.Bdorc this Robertyid the Family of Bigots hold Nor/olke and Suffolke together as one County. This Robert, and William Mount Ague Earle of Salisbury 5 were Generals of King Edward the thirds Army in Flanders, when he went to make his chyme to the Crowne of France, descended to him by his Mother, and kepc from him by Philip de Va* 'ois the Vfurper,i 3 38. Heferued vnder the blacke Prince, at thebattaileof ?oitforv^ where lohn the French King was taken prifoner, 1359 and married Wdrj^r^daughterof Sir lohn Norwich^ of Mettingham Caftlein Suffolke^ tnd Aunt and heyre oilohn her Nephew,(by waiter h:r Brother)by whom ichad IffucWiHiam Vfford^xXo. of Suffolke, & three daughters;C«//y,mar- ied to John Lord Willoughby^Katherine, married to Robert Lord Scales • and Margaret y married to William Lord Ferrers of Groby. Hee dyed in the 43 . >eare of King Edward the third. Et ortoitjde fable au croix engrcfle d*or. a OR RECTI O NS. ;Fl(houldcal!youtoanaccount about our Ancient Earles of the Eaff v Angles which contained Norfolke and Suffolke) then flbould I looke here or Rafe deGmder or wa/ff, who by • Ingulphstsls called Radulphm Comes « ingulj>h.fil.sW.so. 'OtuhfolkcM whom zV&Milmcsbury writes thus,&imaneriade, &c, Oat. London 5 0 . die AuguftiAnnoregni pradttfi domi- ni noftri Regis ,Sexto. But I will now recall my felfe to what you offer here in view : For (me thinkes) you write in this place,that Robert de rfirds crc- fcW.a°.u -E. 3.n°.si. a tion was a°. 1 335 . which is not fo,for it beares f date at Wejlminjter the fix. teenth of Marcfyn the yeare of our Lord 1336. In this place further I mufi: tell you, that although mNorfilkel gaueyou but a glance about Thomasot Brothcrtons fotmc-Edward, it was not,that I could not make good what I de* nycd ? but to remit you to a place where you muft of your felfc necclTarily confelTeyourErrour. Thus therefore now I tell you, that whereas you there deliuered, that Edward wo* after his father Earle of Norfolkeand Suf folke ; it may not be beleeued. Why <• Becaufc Thomas of Brotherton (Ed> t em ntuU pariiAmemi de wards father) died not vnrill the s twelfc of Edward the third, and you fee the «M.H.6.m.4. EarledomcofSa^/ife was beftowed«vpon this Robert deVfford the 16. ol Murch,£°. 1 r.of chat King. Howcould Edward then haue it after his Fathen death, when it was giucn away before to another * ^oreouer you fay that Margaret this Robert Earle of Sujfolkes wife, wot daughter ofStr John Norwich , by which raeanes you make her to be daugh- ter to her owne brother; formoftcertaine it is, that flice was daughter tc • cy?*/r.a\3.E.}.n , \5 8. S\xwalterde Norwich Lordof MettifJghamjNho* dycdA°.J. E.3. andbj Catherine his wife left ittue lohn, 7 homos 3 and this Margaret here fpo ken of. Befides 3 whereas you charge Mafter Milles in the beginning of you Errouf j 9. Booke (among your Errours concerned of him) to haue greatly miftaken : a I will not excufc him, fo I can doc no lefTe then accufe you, for vndertakin] to amend, when it will proue you haue made it worfe<,both your words ar thefe 3 as they here follow. Milles. Torke. i Mar gar et^ daughter of Sir This Margaret was fifter of Sir Wat- * lohn Norwich knight and ft- ter "Norwich knight } and Aunt heirt for and he ire of 'Thomas Nor- to lohn Norwich fon of the /aid Str Wal- wiih was wife to Robert Ff- ter. So that this difcentis out of ioy nr, ford EdrU of Suffolkc, and greatly miftaken. Sv FFOLKE. 4?7 By which abfurd emendations you make hcrfiftcr to her owne Father, when it had beenean eafiercouifeto haue amended Mafter MiUes, by ad- ding S'nWalter for Sir Iohn Norwich, i To returne to this paffage in Suffolk*, you affirmc further here, that (hec was Aunt andheire oj Iohn her 'Nep Mich* Mi Ichael de la pole knight, fonnc •and heyrc of Sir Wtlliam de la Pole Knight Banneret, and Kathe- rine his wife, daughter of t Sir John Norwich knight, and grand-childc to another Sir William Vole Knight ; (which Father and Grand- father of this Michael, doth difproue our late Writers, who fettcth him downe to be of bafc Parentage and birth.) He vvas*Lord mnqfield^nd Lord Chan- «t© what Parliament was ccllourofH^W-and byKin° ^tefamnwntd»w«if. r j i p j t i or by vvhpm vvasliee chard the lecond , he was created recreated, vnieifc by your Earle of Suffolke, in the yearc, iij$£ , . feB **' & had giucn him a thouf md M'arkes by theyeare,outofthe Kings Trea- fury. But when King Richard began to decline, by reafon of the difcord of the Nobility, the honour of this Michael (being newly railed) decrea- edalfo. For by a publike Decree, he was banifhed England^ 1 2.yeare }f King Richard y as a great corrupter of the King ; in which banifhmenr, he fyed with griefe at Paris, 1385?. and vvas after buried at Hull. He married 'fabell, daughter of Sir John wingfie Id Knight, and lifter and heyre of Sir Thomas mngfield, of Wingfield Caftle in Suffolke Knight, and had iflue, mefonnesj Thomxsdela Pole, borne 1366. William, borne 1367. Mi. haely borne 1368. Richard, borne 1365?.; mdlthn, borne 137 3. He had flue, three daughters- Margaret, married to mlliam LordfVwr/of Grobj\ llizabethjmd. Anne- Etportoitj d'azur sli face entrfi troisteffces de leopards d'or. CORRECTIONS, KLthou^thlsbebutCrambehiscocliim and fo rrtiy naufeam motet e\ to ^the learncder R eader that hath read learned b Clarenceux his former an- b c^»; f . were (tothismuftieobie&ion)in Latine$ yet for fo much aseuery man vn- lerftands not well that language, becaufe I haue heard fome fay, that they re not well fatisfied in this point, and for thatMafterr^is ftiil apt to fall ponhisold inept-maleuolent-byas, carping at the Truth, and doggedly lading at other mens truer judgements. Take thefe for truth. • Firft Richard dela Pole or atte Pole (elder brother to William the Banneret, athcr of this ^SrVte/ whom he cannot abide to heareatanyhand that hee ?as ofmeane Parentage) I leaue the word bafi to him,that dares fpeake bafe- f of any Family) Vncle to the faid Michael was but a Merchant of Hullfkex * jvf.a n .i.E.3.pt.2.««».A mmbusfyc.falutem. Sciatis quod pro bom & laudabtli [crutch, quod ' diletttta ^creator Ricardus de la Pole Ptncerna mHer nobis h&clcnus imfendit, rjr im- Rrr 2 pendei j 0 O OVFFOLKE. ■ pendet infuturum % concefbmus ei I ooo. marcts percipiendds de KingHon fupet HuS.& deSancJo Botulpho dedow nofire^&c. Tefle Rege afudGlouc21.dk Vecembris t and Collector ofWooles, Hides, Felles 5 and of thenewcuftorae - / ? 'TT"* E '5^/iIinthcporcof iCw^wvpon tf*#,audalfboneof the Bnrgeffes of the fame do'fi!'*"' 1 9 " 1 ' r "'" i Townc, as may appearc by a world of Records, as well Pleadings t Patents^ 'm^vS^^Si. and Charters, as other in other kindes. mfil&%*L ^OLiwiUUmdela Po/*(yonger brother to that Richard) and father to Michaell, afterwards made Earle of Suffolke)was firft a Merchant of Rauenf rod,md afterwardsd welling at Kingfion vpon #«#,was the firft Ato'w there- of.^ the book<° of Meanx tels vs. *\juillielmus de la Pole milcsjprius mere aw m.2.«y n,(fOtiff»*t. i o. dwfuit.jpfepojlea apudKingflonefuperHullcommorans t primfts omnium futt \o!4gmd. 7 £»%.7otulo2%. * Maiorineadem villa, Menafteriumque fancti MtchaelU iuxta dictum King. flone,quodmodoefl Cartujienfium, inchoauit fundauit ^fliumque habuit fttum primogenitum Dominum Michaelem de la Pole Comitem Suffolci^qui di> flum Aionafierium per C arthujienfes fecit inhabitari. Ipfequidem WiUtelmm delaPolemulta miflialibrarum auriRegi Edtoardo acctmmodauit, dumapud Ande&erp in Brabantiamoraretur. guapropter Rex inrecompenfationem ditti • Pttemi.fda*h %etisinpacecon/enue>atnon armatisin belle. Further adding thefe words a little after, that the faid Earle Michaell was a e pueritia magis mcrcimoniisfti *Aiiem.f. 313.11*. 10. p 9 fg mcrcator mere At or is filius^quam militia occupattu. All that I hauefaid hath beene oncly to proue this Michael Earle of Suf- folk r, to ha ue beene a Merchant and defcended from a Merchant 5 a courfe oi 'Yorke$dircouery,page^ 7 J l f c i(h ow ^ oeuertnou g htfl5a ^ na y *° tearmcd and fpurned at by Mattel ' Torke) in it fclfe commendable and very well anatomized by reuerend Cam den, Mercatura non derogat nobilitati^ laudifane illis ducatur quicunque de- derunt pofteris fuis vt nobiles nafcerentur fi parentes Jibi non dedtjjent fui.l wil leaue this,and touch more necelTary matter. Laftly j he would haue vs thinkc,that this Earle of Sugolke married Jfitd fiflir and heire of Sir T bom as mngfield of mngfield Cafte\ but I am not fo e* fily led by his blafyg-Starre of coniedturc, in regard I haue no better war 1 rant to follow him, then the guidance of a few falfc words. Therefore if h will put himfelfe againe to the tryall by the Countric, the Iuryfayvpoi thai VFFOLKE. 50l y^i ^o^^odCatmnafilu ^^Tde^n^ yUmlms, efthtres etusproptnqmor&plentttatis. By whichitisnlaine ™'™&™*£J«X irfhhathernamcwasnot^ ndhcircofSir/^^^, andnocfifterandheircof SiiThomJ. the ntranccsintJje^^ iutlliue ? a .6. ti %?mllimt*s dela Polemnc Comes Sufffilim Michaelisdela mcrSem fT' 1 *""' ^Mf'L had I 5 de , U FoU " U ? er Comitis S "f' & Kate "»* **?» vxoris mfh€& btredes Iohanmswi*gfieldCbm*ler,fratris RichardtWyn? field Pa- '"WilltwWyngfieldCbiuAlcrjatrts^ mgutnetu &h*res eiufdemmllimi Wyngfeldfilij fropinquior & xtatis Lint] r vmus anno y urn & amplius. 6 ■\J Ichael dek Pole, Lord wingfeld, fonne o* ^ Michael aforefaid,was reftorcd to be Earlc of Suffolke, after his Father in baniflimenr, the 22. of King Richard 'the fecond,and married Ka- therine, daughterof HughEzxh Stafford , and hadiiTuc fixe fonnes, and flue daughters, viz. Michael de la Pole, Earle of St ffolke^ William fecond fonne , was after the death of Michael his elder brother, Earle, MarquciTe, and Duke of S uffolke ; Thomas was a Clarke ; Sir John de la Pole Knight, Captaine of theTowneof Aue- renges in Normandy ; Miles de la Polejnd Alex~ ander:lfabeU the cldeft daughter was married to William Lord Morley • Katherine, was Abbcffe otBerking. Elizabeth dyed young - Phrlipxhe fourth daughter was wife to the Lord Burnetii id Margaret maried hhndeFoys, Earle of Kendall in England, fon of Gallon I Foys, Earle of Longeuil: in Prance. This Michael died of the Flix at the -geof Harflew, 14 14. Et portoit, les arm es de fon perc. CORRECTIONS. JEerc I will fpeake a word or two of this Earles Re/lit at ion , hit Jffue, and of his Death. Thercftiturion(fayesr^o after hit father mhamjh »- 22. R. 2. implying by thofe words, that his father was vet liuing hen he was rcftored ; wherein there is a fault twice told. For it is moft ccr ^t'u 6 U P u E cu C r^f° lh (thiS McbadS Father > " died V>U***W*m.*> .Ptemb.mthe thirteenth of the laid Kings reigne, and fo he was not refto- iduringh'ts fathers exile, but after his death Befides, for the time of re fit- f*w,Iaffirme, it was a ycere fooner then he fets downe ; for looke into the Parliament, a«. 2 1 ,R. 2 .and there you (hall finde it,and not a°.2 2.and after. 1 „ ardi < confirmed by King Henry the fourth, in the firft yeere of his reigne. *^%iwj££ k- Next for his IOuc , you fay his daughter Margaret mm maried to John de^p^f'J^A"^ » y ' 3 Foix Sv FFOLKE* Foix Earle of Kendall in England: by whichmeanes, you make her fiftcrtc William deia Pole Duke oiSuffolke^hzn indeed (he was but his Neece, as] haue already (hewed in Kendall, pag.274. Now for his Death, you fay he died of the flux at Harfiew (which is true] t TM^m* Nenjhis.p*. tfj 1414. which is falfe. d walfwgham tellsyou as much. Yet neucrthelefTe^be hl °- caufe you ftiall not beleeue him alone, take along with you the Iurors word; . In . 5 5 z-b. MJchaeldela Pole, the third of that name Lord wingfield) and Earle of Suffblke, wa: flaineat the battell ofEgen-Court, with Edwan ^Vlantagenet Duke oiTorke % the 2 5 . of Oclober lcauing iiTue of his body, and was buried a But ley . Et pertoit, d'arur a la face entre trois teftes de leopards d'or. CORRECT1 ONS. T ConfefTe that this young Earle Michael wa: '■flaineat the battell ofAgincottrt on the 25,0 Oftobcr,in the third yere of Henry the fife j bu yet in the yeere of Chrift 1415. * Holliufhe, could better haue informed you,if you had har kencd to him, for he curioufly hath pointed cu the very day of that battell of Agincourt , an< fayesjt was ftroke vpon a Friday ,being the feaft of S-Crfflin and Crtjfiman the 2 5 . of Oclober, in the y earc t 41 5 . whofe words are proued true by di */^ f ^.^^^»«*uersInquifinons (thus the Iury finde) yiuratores Dicunt fuper facramentm ZZ%iZ^ZL^ : S mtn ^ abeth(ihz faid Mi- V^^Z^^^^ ^^^^^^^ their grandfather, and fo make them fitters to theii ' ' " owne father. A ftrangeparcell of Heraldry lean affure you. Docs nor this Corrector defei ue correction f yes, and to be well batted with words ftee- ped in vincgerand fait : but enough hath beene faid to fatisfie the iudicious. and therefore I will returne to this William de la Poles creation into the Mar quiidiofSuffolke, Yorke fay cs,that a 9 . 2 2 . H. 6. hee was created Marqueffe of S uffolke>bx\\. thi * ck4tude M nis2t. 22. 23. c Record tells me,that his Creation beares date at the Kings Mannors of El &>2+.n.*.n°.'j>. thamihz 1 4. of September, a°. 23. H.6. and not before. To whom (and N «cw«<*a°..»f.-)s@» ttoo otijer b?et^en at :c 31 argu m t^e jFtenclj toatg ijali loft tljett itue# f o? tj&eit Co tm= I ttp t^e (as we finde in the Parliament roll of 2 8. Hen. 6.) til ti)t fame «toarferueHfuU^uu^eete$ : jFo*0m.peere£ together ftec?^^^,, 2g f neuer returned tjome from Warfare, being once taken pjrtoner n °- 7 * < tooljen ije t»a£ a# pet no better tljen a pjtttate &ntgljt,I)ee pato 'Hotim foj in$ ranfome tttientp ttjoufanb pounli of our iEwgUfy 'money : ijetoag of t^eBtngiS pjtup GEounceli pb. peered anb a c ltmgbtoftl)e^D^er of ttye barter rjcjc. Hcereuponas he (food in fpeciall grace and fauor with his Prince, fo hee incurred therefore the grea- :erenuy of the common people, and fome emulators : being gricuoufly :harged with trcsfon and mifprifions. And therefore called before the King md Lords of the Parliament, afrer he had anfwered the articles obic&ed, re- erred himfelfe to the Kings order , * whereupon the Chancellor by the ' Par/.ttfamn^ji. Cings commandement pronounced, That whereas the Duke did not put limfelfevpon his Peeres, the King touching the Articles of Treafon, would >edoubtfull : and asforthc At ticlesof mifprifion, not as ludge by aduice of he Lords, but as one to whofe order the Duke had fubmitted himfc lfe , did wnifhhim thcReaIme,and all other his Dominions for fiueyeares. Before I proceed , me-thinkesl heare Mafterr*r£* follow him with cla- nor to his graue, and chargcth him to be priuy and conferring to the yceldwg \nd loffe of Anioy and Mayne % Surely hee neuer faw the Kings Letters h ce(H. * Pat^s.Hj.pt.t.m'm.sn oonials dated at Weftminftcr the 1 7 .of Iune in the Hue and twentieth yeare )f his reigne, how he cleared himfelfc of that imputation,(before th? Arch - >iihop of Canterbury, Marmadukcj*>i(hopo{ Carlo'tll Trcifurer, vp&lur Bi- hop of Norrvichthc Queenes Conietibr^Richard D. otTorke, Humfrey D.of 'uckingham, Ralph Lord Cromwell, Ralph Lord Sndley Steward of the hou- ho\& James Lord Say Chambcrlain,& others) other wife he would not hauc written as he doth^D/#/# nojler confanguinew Marchio Soffelcbia ( thefe are >ut of the inftrument it fel fe ) plane quid per eum atlttmfuerai & quid non % in ommunicatione deliberation^ Com. Andegauh ejr Cenomami& apertifsime de* larauit fecfedeinfidelitate fibiimpofita fuper ante dt Ha deliberatione firenue 'eraciter excufiuit, nobis ceterijqtte Vominis ibidem prxfentibus maniftfte often 'it, feipfum in omnibus fkpediftam deliberations concernentibus, tampruden- '.rquam fideliter erga nos rcgnumque noftrum ct coronam gepffe — &tan- em euidentifsimis ratiombus delationesipfu (meaning what was laid to his harge) cum fuis delatoribus probauit inhonejlos , falfos & iniquos fibi inuicem mradicentesfuijfe •— Quibus omnibus per nos audttis dilucideque intellects - deter nimui & declaramusfer pr&fentes dictum carifsimum confangmneum oflrum Wi [limit Marchionem SuffolchUquoadilla fibiimpofita per quemcuiU^*^]* 1 }* H.f-»*. 49- * . . ~ , ,. r 1 n 1 11 • r er- • + r ^ whtxe it jj ihfvv^d that the «# de mpdelttate fupradicta deltberationejujftcienter excujatttm pemtus tmo- B ifliop of chich«ftcr , then mtem nullatenus rcrumjiobis regno &coron*}-**-H> there an Hofpitall for poore people, ciikdMatJbn-dieu , and afterward changin » SVFFOLKE. JO7 laoging his minde, began a religious houfc for Regular Nunncs, of the Or, crofS.C/^butdtecf before it was fully finifhed : yet neuertheleflebe- orc his death, hec cnioy ned Michael his fbnne (who as I haue Paid was after iacle of Suffolk*) not to neglect fo religious a worke ; hce earncftly minding ii$ dead fathers words , out of a deuout mindc (fuch was the deuotions of hofetimes)^»0 d ad honor em Dci& gloriofifiimo virginis MarU matrix eius> thefexe Michaels words in his owne grant ) ac Seats Mtchaelis Archangeli fJ^^' 2 R '^ x ^ n mnimque Sanclorum (pirituum , ac beati Thom* martyr is dudum Archie- >ifiopi Cantnar. & al/orum Sanclorum Dei, fyobfpecialcm afft&ionemquam iddeuotifstmam religtonem or dims Cartuficn.gerimM i & habemus , fun- lam us & facimw in quodam mefuagio noftro extra mures ditto, wile de King- hn [uperHull^ quaff dam domumreligiofam perpetuis temper ibus duraturam , tco diet arum monalium*uel forerum (thofe Nunnesof the order of S.Clare) ma inibinondum f wt con ft it ut a , tref-decim monachos de prodiclo or dine Car' ufien. quorum vm*s hozhin FravceandGermany - but finding no place of reft or fafety, at laft yeelding himfelfe into the hands of Philip, Duke of Burgundy and Flanders, was at length brought into England, and beheaded at Tower-Hill for treafon, in the yeare 1 5 1 3. being the fift of King Henry the eight. Hee married Margaret, daughter of Richard Lord Scrofe^ and had hTue , Anne a Nunne in the Minor ies at London, Bt po rtoi t , d'azur a la face entre trois teftes de leopards d'or. Harlcs Brandon, f Son of Sir WiUu ^ 'am Brandon Knight^ was Knight of the Garter, & Matter of the Horfe to K. Henry the eight, and by him cre- ated VilcountLz/^jiuthe yeare 1513, and after Duke of Suffolke in the lame yeare. In which yeare , there was a folemne triumph, atTiltandTurney proclaimed in France by thcDolphin: co which, this Charles, with the Mar- ques Dorfet , and many other Noble Lords and Gentlemen, went with the Kings licence. And in the firft dayes triumph, ihc Marquette Dorfei bare himfelfe fo valian.ly sgainft Monfmr Gruefan Almano/s) that with his ;,and Eresby, from whom the now Lord Willoughhy ifoi.isdefcended. In the laft place, you fty,that he dyed A°. 1 544.^ 36. of "King Henry the ^fjbutinanoldbookeintheOj^^^^mw of Funerals in Henry the :ights time, fol. 1 46. tels me,thathedyed 1 545^.3 7.H. 8. with which a^ ;reesallthe b Inquifitioos taken after h u death. h E{c.*°:i%. H.8;nM©7.. Of whofe two fotmes,Henry and Charles youthes of Angular hopes and tnvardneffe (who whiles they ftudied at Cambridge dyed vntimely A 9 . J . E.<5.) thus writeth Thomas Parkhurft, fomctimc Biihop of Norwich. Fratres AmycUi Pollux cum Caflore Potuere jic cum morte depacifeier, Vt cum alter illorum effet mortuus tamen Alter \fuper effet & reuerjus fortibtts Vicifim vterque vtriufque morte viueret, s Cur Parca nunc crudelior eft quam olim fuit i Fratres duos nuper ea , quotes baclenus Nec viditvnquamnecvidebit Anglia , a IjUminaduOyduoqueprepugnacuU pfrtifimd virtutis/eique public* Crudelisabvwperemafimere Virtus ncquaquam illam^nec egregid indoles Mouit nec Edwdrdi Regis nec optima Matrisjieque totimgemitm BritannU y O dura^dura Mors ! O fits mmina ! Hehadalfo a naturall fonne named after his father chdrhs Brandt* and Knighted at Bo Hey n, that mmtdEli^abetb daughter and one of the heires of Thorn of SVFFOL K E Thomas figotdlRifon'voXorhfhire^ after maried to Sir/*w« Strangwayes, and thirdly to Francis 2{euill of Barneby: and a naturall daughter named Frances,mmcd to Andrew Billesby of Billesby in the Countic of Lincoln ,and had ifliic George Billesby. TJLEnry Grey, Marquette Dor fit ^ * *Baron Ferrers of Groby, Haring- \on,Wooduill t and Afheley, Iufticc of the Forrefts and Chafes by South.thc RiuerofTratf, and knight of the Garter • was after the death of Hen- ry Brandon Duke of Suffolke and Charles his brother created Duke of Suffolke, the eleauenth of Oclobcr, the fift of King Edward the fixt. Hce married Lady Frances, daughter of Charles BrandonVvke of Suffolke, by Mary the French Queene, Dowager of France h md had iliue three daugh- ters : lane the eldeft, was marri ed to the Lord Guilford Dudley, fonneof John D ufce of Northumberland, w ho were both beheaded without ilTue. Katherinethc fecond daughter, was married to HenryLovd Herbert ,iiom whom (againft her will) fhe was diuorced. Mary married to Marty n Keyes oiKent fejquire 5 and dyed without iffue. This Henry Grey Duke of Suffolk, was beheaded at Tower HUl,tbe 23 .of Fcbruary,in the firft yearc of Qucenc Mary t is ^ J£t portoic, feurelle ie fix d'argent Sc d'aziw troii torteaux a lambell d*ermyn : CORRECTIONS. QOme honeft minded man will fay,that howfocucr you write, your mea- ^ningisgood,andfoit had necdc s for, vnleffe you intend BonnillztA atfteleyiotlVofdm/l and Jjheley t yoa ate much to blame. Enough there* fore in this place, onely I muft acquaint you, that this Duke had a forniei wife called JW/frir/*,^ ooiflucbyher. fhmta SvFFOL K E. T Ord Thmat Howard, fecond "fonne of Thmts Howard late Duke of Norfolke, and of Margaret his fecond wife, daughter and onely heire of Thomas Lord Audley of Walden, Lord Chancellor of Eng- land '• wasfummoned by writ vnto the High Court of Parliament , a- mong other Barons of thefvealme, by the name of Lord Howard of Walden by Queene Elizabeth , and made Knight of the noble Order of the Garter, hauingbeene employed in fundry Sea-feruiccs with com- mendations : hee was made Lord Chambcrlaine to King lames, at his firft entry into the kingdome 5 and after, for his approued fidelity, created Earle of Snjfolke at Hamp- •n-Court on Thurfday the 21. of Iuly, 1603. and iaftly, made Lord reafarcr of England. Hce married Katherine cldcft daughter and one of ic hciresofSir Henry Knyuet of Chorlton inWiltlhirc Knight, widow oi iehard, cldcft Connc of Roberthoxd Rich, by whom hee had iffue Theo- ries Howard Lord Howard of Walden, who married Elizabeth da ugh- rand cohckcGf George Hume Earle of Dunbarre, by whom hce had hTue mes y Thomas, and Kathertne : Sir Thomas /ftmw^fecondfonne^nightof )c Bath, and Vifcount Andeuer, maiied Elizabeth daughter of William Lord vrleigh, fonne and heire apparant of Thomas Cecill B iron Burleigh & Earle tExceter^by whom he had iffue Charles, Tho mas, Henry, and Elizabeth hich died young. Henry Howard third fonne, maricd daughter ldfole heire of RapheBajfetoi Bloreinthc County of ^/^r^Efquire(now laried to Sir William Cauendijl) Vifcount Mansfield 161 1.) by whomhec ft a daughter named Elizabeth. Six Charles Howard Knight of the Bath mrth fonne, married Mary daughter and heire of Sir lohn Fitz, of Deuo»- ire,( widow ofThomas fonne and heire apparant of Thomas Lord Datcy ■Chiche, now Vifcount Colchefier, \6ii. before that, hauing beene the Vidow of Sir Allan Percy Knight, ) by whom hee had iffue Eli*** 'th, ztidMary. Sir Robert Howard, fift fonne. Knight of the Bath. Sir illiam Howard Cm fonne, Knight of the Bath. Iohn the feaucnth fonne dy • lyong; and Sir Edward Howard, eight fonne. Knight of the Bath: Elit4~ ^theeldeft daughter was married to William Lord Knolles of Grayes,ViC* >unt WaUingfordlzvd Knight of the Garter. Frances fecond daughter,n*rft married SVFFOLKE maricd to Robert Deuereux Earlc of Effex, from whom (he was diuorced 5 and after maricd to Robert Carr Earlc of Somerfetyind. Katkerineihc third daugh- ter was maried to William Cecill now Earle of Salisbury ? 162 1 * Margaret the fourthdaughtcr died yong, and was buried at WaUen in Effex, Etponoitgueullei a la band enure fix weaau pied fiehed'argenuwoiflimt&bfcpwr la difference.' A Can* A CATALOGVE OF THE Earles of Surrey, their Armes, Wiues, and Qhildren, WITH CORRECTIONS. \7\Tllliam de Warren, fonneof William de * V W arren y a Norman, begotten of the daughter of Herjafim the Dane. This William , with Roger Mortimer his yonger brother,came into England with William the Conqueror, whofe daughter Gundred ? thc faid William mar- ried, and hadgiuen him in marriage with her, all chirkland.Bromfidd mdrale ; and after was by the faid Conqueror made Earle of Surrey jm<& Lord of Dynasbrayne in Wales. He built the Caftle of Holt, and founded the Priory of he wis in Suffiex ; and had iflue by the CountefTe Gun- y ere in AW*/^ the fixt of the Kalends of Iunc, 108 5 .th ree y eeres before her husband and was buricdalfo at Lewis. Aboutthis Williams creation, and who made him Earle of Surry, there hath bin fome queftion, (which here I hopetogiuefomcfitisfaclionofj Mafter Camden in his Britannia fctteth downe, that King VrUUam Rufa made him Earle, and not imlltam Con- queror And Mafter Mittesjn hisBooke(callcd Somerfets vntruly^pag.tfi*. followeth him, ftep by ftep.Mafter Camden for his authority, voucheth the faid William de warrens Charter,of the Foundation of the Priory of Lewis (as he faith) in thefe words. Domui^cprofaluteVominimeiWillielmi Regis qui me in Angliam ad- duxit,dr pro falute Domini muMatildis Regin* matris vxoris me a, pro falttteDemini mei WtUielmi Regis filij frifojl cuius aduentum in Anglicam ter- nm, banc Chartamfccijfr qui me Comitem S urregUfecit^fyc. To this will I adde this,taken out of the Oi iginall booke of Lewis, which I hope will end this Cofltrouerfie, and cleare the doubts t Wtllielmta de warren prima Comes Surrey, fyfanddter Ecclefix Lemnfis Ttt diem 51+ SVRRE Y. diem fmmcUuftt extremumvUjXal.luUuAnno grati/e.ioSS. fyfundationh Ecclefix predict* xi.& A conqueflu xxiiiJpfeprimo non vocabatur nip folum- modo WiUtelmus dewaren pofteavero proceffu temporis a Willielmo Rege & ConquettoreAnglid cuius jiliam difponfauitjlurmnm honor atus efl atfo Comes Surrey fa0m^r appellatm esJjfle iacet in CapeUa Lewenfi tuxtaDominam Gun- dradam ComitiJJam fuam & filiam prxdifti Regis Conqueflorisjjc. By this it is manifeftly proued, that Wtlliam the Conqueror (and not Willi- Am Rufus) did create, and make this Wtlltam de Warren^ the firft Earle of Surrey. Alio it is to be remembred, that the CountefTe Gundred dyed three yeares before her H usband,& two yeares before her Fatherland how could ftiethen haue the Title and Name of CountefTe, vnleffe her Husband had beene an Earlebefore (he dyed,in William Conquerors time? Et portoit, Efcheqiiettee d*or cV d'azur. CORRECTIONS. A li Y firft exception is, becaufe you fay that this William de warren had in ^**marriage with hts wife all Chirkland,Bromfeild,andTale> and was Lord #f Dinas brayne in Wales, and built the Caftle of Holt : for had you but well weighed Doctor Vowels ftorie ot wales, you would haue becne otherwife minded:, for there you may learne, thatthofe Lands were pofTtfTed by the Weljh^ vntill about the raigne of King Edward 'the firft : if wee may belecue Hi ftorie of WaU$>/<# .ij* thefe words>(fpeal£Uffpt!) au 3$aDoc toofee part tmtb iung gentry tbe tljtrD anD ebtoatu t^e firft, againftttje ^ince of $toitb=t©ale£, anD tijetef o^te fo? feare of tlje ^jmce be i»a# fame to ipe tit bt0 Caftie of £)tna$ b^an, totycb ftanDetb on tbe top of a betp ft?ep t|ti?,to tbe tobtcb tbere i$ no toap but one to come, ipee Diets, bt# cljtlDjen being tott^tn age,tjobereupon fyojtlp enfueD,tbc Beftruction of ttoo of tbem : foj tbe faiD iungigDtoatD tbe firft iraue tbe oaatDflnp of ^aDocO»bol)aDfojbi# part tbe %o$)Mp of 23^omfetiD ant) pale, ant tbe faiD Caftle of 2aiba$=b:an,tt>iti) tbereuerflon of # aeloj ^aefner after W #otber# Deceafe,i»b0 baD tije fame to ber pointer) to 3lo^n carle barren (tbiS o&illi'am* granD- cbilDeg great granDci}tlDe)efc granteD tbe si® atc(l)ip of &betoe- tyn(toi»bofepatttbel/0£Dib*P£of Cbtrfce anD |2anbeuDtoj? came) to l&oger 3@o#imer. Cbefe <0uarD(ang forgetting ttye CerutceDone bp tbefat^er of tfte OTatDg to tbe &tng, fo gatDeb tbetr i©arDg tontg fmallregarD, tbat tbepneuerretutneDto t^etr peffeftiontf. 3nD f^o jtlp after tbe faiD dSuatDiang DiD ob- tatnetbefatDiianD$totbemfelueg b?Cbartet# of tlje l^tng. €btg 3obn £atle ©siarren began to butlD tbe i^alt Caftle, anD UBilliam W fonne finifyeD tbe fame. 2£be ?Lotf)ftHp of 25^tom fetiD anD pale contmueD in tbe name of earle m arren tl^ee De« Ccent^Jo^n^illmm ? anD3|o^nt^atDieD twitbout ta*ue 5 anD SVRREY. ^ ^ent^e(^iH5j5flRpliefcetitiel>to3Uce ? Haunter of t^cfSS " mlliamfBtolt warren (anfc after ano Jjeire of tlje fatMaft |o^ti)marte& to eumotiu f tt?alati £arle of 3runDeli,&c. &oger#ojtmter 3ttfttceofifto#irtx)ale$biulQeo t^e Caftie )f £Jjtrke,anii ijati tffue Roger #o# tmer,)Lo# of Ctyrfce, ZW Jo^nfolot^eilo^ofljipoftttrfeeto Etcljarti tf ttjaiau £arle of $nmt)eU,fotme to t\)t fata jgomono, ano fo it txmg annereti a^ jaine to n^omefeilfc antipale. Agreeing with this, is our learned Clarenceux in Denbighjhire ; as alfo ?4- ■'» (hewing thofe Lands not to be out of the Welfimens hands , vntill about i^r^thefirfthisreigne,at which time they were giuen to Warren and Mortimer jus aforefaid . Now I come to examine your words in the next place, myminde giues ne,that you ftand not much vniike the Embleme of Suertifliip, with your lead peeping out at the little end of the horne,hauinghad a paffinp eahe en - ranceinto this Argument .-but by and by when I fhall difappoint you of our hold on the Booke of Leivu, you fhall fticke by the (houlders and neuer ;et our. Was this William de Warren made Earle of Surrey by the Conauc* or i Yes fay you, and thus you proue it out of the booke of Lewis, Williel- nmpnmus de Warenna (thefe are the very words, for I rranfenbed them my M ^ rffi(ff .^ die) primus Conies Surr. (yfundator eccleju Letvenfis dtem fnum claufit ex t.-ftoit* hod*,* Comv* remuwviijXaljulijannogratUM.LXXXVlll. fundationis eceefi.prx- 00 ^"*' 6 ' 1 ' hfla, xLa conqueflu xxtij. ifteprimo non vocabaturmfi folummodo Willielmus ie Warenna. Poftea vero proceffu temporis a wdlielmo Rege & Conquejlore An- */w(good,ifit was true) cuimfiliam defponfauitplurimum honorattts eft, at- me Comes Surr.faElut & appellatus eft. jfteiacet incapitnlo Letvenji tuxta lominam Gundradam Comitijjam juam & fi Ham pr&dicli Regis Conquejl oris. lb any mans thinking I am now let vp ; but yet by your leaue, let mee tell /ou thus much, that had your Interpreter (fer you can neither read it, nor /nderftand it your felfe ) but looked into the fTrft Charter in that Booke,, hee night eafily haue obferued, that whofoeuer gathered the Genealogie there ;ntred,wasfouly miftaken, and that the Bocke is contrary in it fdfe. Fori boldly affirme the words to be true,as Camden hath cited them,and that nei- :her Hec nor Mafter Milles is any way faulty for what they haue deliuci'ed, :ake the words once more from melln nomine Patris (jrfilij dr fpiritus fanfti Amen. Ego wiUielmm dc Warenna pro falute anima me a & an/ma Gun* dredavxoris me&^&fro anima Diminimei Willielmi Regis , qui me in Angli* :am t err am adduxit, & pro J alute Doming me* Matildis Regina^ matrix vx- nis me foe. Herearetwo flat contraries you fee, Torke hath proucd (if we may bekcue hisproofe) that the Earledome of Surrey was giuen to Warren by the Con- queror ; and the fame Booke in another place, pleades ftrongly for Mafter Camden againft the former, prouing the fame to be giuen by William Rufus, which latter I doe confidently belecue : What is my reafon? Marry,o ne rea- Ttt z fon Si6 VRREY. fonis,for that I finde that Bookctohauc bccnc made not till about Henry the fifts time, and the Genealogic or Succeffion of the Founders (whereout Matter Torke tookc his Note) to be a Character of the fame age, whereic the Menkes might very cafily be deceiued in pointing at a Creation (b long before, or the T ranfcr ibcr that wrote it into the Bookc,omit a Word or a Lint (as indcede he hath) and alter the reft. Another rcafbn is, for that I finde ^.?ttS inthe ' Exchequer zxioWk^Xt ofthe Founders of Lewis likewife,whichdif jfc*. ' ' couerstheTranfcribersfauItplaineIy,notonclyin<>w//w^4L/w, but alio in altering the Scncc^ reade them comparatiucly together,and you will foone finde it. Jwillielmus de warenna primus Comes Surregia, & fundator ecclefu Lewenfis.) dtemclaufitextremum viii. Kal.fulii, annogratia, MLXXXW1. fundationis ecclefupradicia^ xi. a ConqueUu^xxiii. ifieprimo non vocabatur Comes^fed (elummodowillielmusde warenna^ peftea vero procejfu temporu^a Willielmo Rufofilto Regis faConqueflor is Anglia, cuius filiam dejponfauera^ plurimum honor atM eft, at que Comes Surregia fact us ejf appellatua eft, &c. Now you fee the Cat's turndi'th pan, thatwilliam Rufus (and not William Conquer or) made him Earle of Surrey, and lb it concords truely with the 0- riginall Charter of Lewis before recited. *E«kfi4fii« Ujitrm p« s . ^ third reafon that leades me fo to belecue, is what I finde in b Orderkm (an Englishman borne,& one thatliued,& wroteintbofe times) thst mtii- am the Conqueror fiuillelmo de Guarenna^qui Gundredain firoremGherbodi(oi which Ghtrbodus I haue already faid enough in chefter) coniugem habeUtx dedit Sutregiam,gmc him Surrey jciOX-iComtiatumSurregia) theEarledome, lZi!s.^!s^D. h *°' Who gaue it him then? The fame c Author tclsyou, that after WilliamR*. fus had held hisCounfcll at winchefter^ GmUdmum de Gumma Comitem SuthregU conflttuit y he made him Earle there of : quern paulo poft mors nulli parcens e medio rapuit^whkh hecnioyed not long, but died: where I alfo * ***** rinde this that followes, Corpus eius Cluniacenfes Monacal, quos d Laquis h»- nerificelocauitjnCapitulofuo fepelierunt: with this infeription engraucn in ftone vpon his tombe. $Hc£uiUelme Comes locus ejl laudk tibi fomes, Huius fundator & largus fedis amator. Ijle tuum funus decor at, placuit quia munus. Pauper i bus Chrifli, quod prompt a mente dedifti. lUe tuos cineres feruat Pancratius hxres^ Sand or urn casiris qui tefociabit in ajlris. Optime Pancrati^fer opem teglorificant/, Daque polifedemjtalem tibi qui dedit adem. In the next place (fearing that your Authority cited out of Lemit.Boele will fcarcc hold water) you fortifie it with this Reafon, How could Gundrtd haue the title and name of Countcjft, vnleffe her husband had beene an Earle bi* fore Jhe died y inwiiiam Conquerors timet Yes, I will tell you jflice might be Countefle Warrcnm Normandy ,though not of Surrey in England-, for this en* fuing monitory will prouc her husband to haue that attribute, vrtdei grata Cantuar* VRRE Y. 517 CmuAr^rchiepfcopM,MglorumPrimas y faApo!lolu;xfedisLegattis M&*z x #mo k/htm** „ fits Ms Comit fffxmrenns filutem. Peruenit adaures nostras religioforum armaria Ctttotmu*, frAtrumLcwenfis ecclefx MonAchorum flu- WiKelmm Comes ? enda 1"*™"°**** cum ipfi ex antiqus . utM donatione Comitum Warenna videlicet Aui fa YrArennx ant**, ,„ . . ■, , . w Patrtsjvtllclmt >virt tut ejr fit ipfius it /am an- tequam dotem tuam confecuta fuiffes^ de om- nibus dominiis Comitis decimationem denario- WiUdmus Comes rumfemper in concufc tanquam ecclcfix fux WArennxpater. doum p^derin^ tu poft p erceptam dotis tux inueftituram y eifdcm fratribus ipfam decima- tionem qua ad dotem tuam willelmm Comes — Ala Comit/ ft fpecJabatfubtraxeris. Jguod warenna film, warrenna. pit a eft vehementer admi- ramar, cum eorum qua Deo fa ecetefia fux in elemofmam collata ejfenofcuntur nihil doti tux vendicare de- fadt, nec pofsis. Crudele enim eft fa facrtlegto preximum^ quod fuper dim- mm alt are femcl deuote eblatum efl^ iterum repetere fa ad fecularia transfer re. froindetibi fdubriter conjulimnt^ fain Domino admoncmus quatinus jicut visius tttum tibi a. Deo libere conferuari i ita ius fuum cum integntate Monachis 'elinquas fa nullat cms datam eis denariorum decimationem dotis tux retineas \litquin eis iniufticiA deejfe nonpoterimus, cuius debitor es ommbus jxiftimus. r ale. Here you fee Auus, and PAter, and Vtr ; Elaes Husband > 1 lis Father y ind Grandfather (all three Williams) were Earles Warren. Or which, feeing hat William chat was(^/*w)Grandfather to the third wrlfam (that had marri- ed E/^aforenimed) had that dignitie of Eatk Warren^ Why doe you con- clude, that becaufefhe was Riled CounteJJe, that therefore it might necelTh- ily inferre Counteffe of Surrey ? Verily I perfwade my felfe,it was meant :mnteffe warren t and not othcrwife. But to proceede. I had almoft ouerflipt you about this Earles tffue : I well remember you ;ird at MaftcrjW/V/win Error 23. about Reginald Warenna^ out of wht>fe /ords there, and yourpalBgeheretomCjitfeemesyoudoenot thinke thzt 'illiam, the firft Earle Warren and Surrey had any fuch fonnc as Reginald^ or if you had,you would not hauc omitted him in this his due place.ButOr- Jericus tclsme,that when the firft Earle William was dead, Prxfati Confulis ordcwu/./ C/f d. 'Hi Gui Helmut fa Rainaldus y cum Gundredamatre fua fuccejferunt^ fafub Gut- 'Imoatque Henrico Anglix Regibus y probitate ejr potent ia dm claruerunt^ that eleftbehindehimtwofonncs i ^////4wand^^/W^. The Books of Lewis light haue enformed you the fame likewifc,in the very firfl Charter, for af- vl along repetition of what he had endowed that Priory withall , thefc fords follow : Omnes antediblas res dedi Deo ejr Sanfto Pancratio, ejr Mona- tti.LmenfMs. /» e»jf*Vs his ibi Deo feruituris viutnte ejr talent e Gundrada vxore mea^r willelmo^ fa R,, ° >m,w D °rfitf*. eynaldo filiis fa heredibus mtis. Which Reginald is often named in other -harters in the fame Booke befidesthe firft. Next for his daughter mari- d to Gerald deGurney, your old familiar friend Gemiticenfis could haucm- ^ ■■ - rtmfM ,, cn you his word for it, his name was Ednh y who was after married Dra- gon* j r 8 SvRREY. goni de Monccio as that Author tcls mce) to Drew de Monceux. Anothci o^f.^./>/7y.^A^.claughterhchadalfomaricdtoEr»//?»j de Coluncbis,zs the beft Writer of pA £ .soe. 0 m Norman Story pcrfwades. A word or two about the Armes, you affirm e that he bore Checque Gola and Blew 5 which were the Armes of the houfe oiVcrmanlois$%Tillet notethj which affuredly were not vfed by the Earles fTiiww, vnrill after this Earle Williams fon(another William alfb) had matched with the laid houfe ofFer- mandois,ns Sammartbethzi curious genealogicall obferuer of our French Hi- ftory hath obferued : I beleeue his word$ 5 and thefe they be,(fpeakingof the $Mnae-Matthe in Hifioin match betweene this Earle and Elizabeth otFermandois) Ce Comte de Surrey £ enea(<>g$iHedefraKcc£ti>. 7 .( CQnC £ mc | t right, Sammarth mcanesthis Earle Williams (onn?) portoit ef- chiquette dor fa d'afyir, Armes que la Comtejfe, Elizabeth de Fermandois fa femme pertott aujsi a caufede/on pere. • T/Betcds her EftztSerf}, pag,7? and fo doth w Wjzwde Warren, the lecond Earle of Surrey^ fonne and heyrc of WtUiam the firft,finiQicd the Priory of£*nw,(begun by his Fatherland new fpundedthe Church of our Lady 2x.CaftU-Acrej.090. He married % lfabell^ daughter of Hugh the great Earle of fermandois and fitter of Raphe de Pcronne Earle of Verman* dots, and widdow of Robert de Bellomom Earle oiMettent^ by whom hehadiffue, William the third Warren md Surrey ; and Reginald: whkhRegwald married Alice , daughter and hey re ofWtlliamdeWirmingay. Heehadalfo two daughters , Gundrea married to Roger dt Bellomont Earle of Warmdte ; and Ada to Hen> ry Earle of Huntington, Sonne of Dauid King of Sects. This William dyed the fift of the Ides of May,i 128. which was the fifty yeare of his E. rledomc, wherein he co* tinued vntillthe third yeare ot King Stephen,and then was buried at his Fa- thers feete,in the Church of Lewis. Etpoitoit, let armes dcfonpfifc V R R E y. 519 \T\7 lllim de Warren, (bnnc and hcyre of * ▼ William the fecond Earlc Warren and Surrey, was after the death of his Fathcr 3 the -third Earle Warren and Surrey-, and married Ela, da lighter of William Taluace Earlc of * S 4- . . giens, grandchilde to Roger Montgomery, Earle of Arundel I and Shrewsbury, by his fonne £0- ^^rr. He had iffiie, William de Warren, Patrkke \ md Philip-, hchadalfo a daughter named Ifa- bell, who was firft married to William of Bloys, (ionne of King Stephen) Lord of the £<»•/nfidering now the danger,that(if he mould protract time in towne)might efall him, he made fmall ftay, but hafted hi mfelfe to his Caftle of Rtgate ■ i Surrey. After him pofted Edward the Kings eldeft fonne with a fufficient □ope of men 9 purpofing to reuenge the wrong done to the King and Coun. ey. The Earle fodainly fo befer, and perceiuing he was not able to refill, ent on foot and met him, crauing pardon, which was granted conditional- ,that hclhould yeeldc fatisfadion for his offence, which partly by excufe, irtly by money was afterwards performed to the King (his fine being bc/^ 3 .E,.w i z. x>oo.Markes) promifing alfo to giue many things to the partie wronged id hurt, but time and friends wrought that to nothing. Afterwards,when iward thefirfi: ordered the State of Scotland a new, he made this man Go- ■rnour and Lieutenant there (he being then of a more fetlcd temper,asbc- g further ftricken in yeares)to whom he ioyned Sir Hugh Cre/singham,and xlohnOrmesby^ that by more councell, the affaires might be better gouer- d. He was buried in the Monaftery of Lewis before the high Altar there, e Infcription of whofe Tombe in obfolete French was this. Vbm qepajsez, ou houche clofe Pries fur cely kecy repoje. En vie cunt vota ejlis iadis fu Et vouttiel ferret & cum ie fu. Sire lohan Count de Gareyngyslycy Deu de fa almeeyt mercy. "\Ohn the eight and laft Earle Warren^ Surrey A and SuffeXy (fonne and heyre of William de Warren y that dyed before John the feauenth .Earle Warren^ Sumy and Suffix his Father, 1286.) and Earle of Stratherne in Scotland^ Lord oiBromGeld and Tale : hee liued in the times of Edward the firft, thefecend, and the third, Kings of England, and was Earle 41. yeares from his Grand-fathers death,to whom hee was immediate heyre. He married Jeane y daughter of Henry Earle of Barre, and of £//- anor his wife, daughter of King Edward the firft, but by her hee had no ifTue. Hee depar- ted this life, the day before the Kalends of Ju- ly, in the yeare of our Lord God, 1347. m the 21. yeare of King Edward the third , # leauing no iflue of his body*begotten s whereby p££?«»ny S«/ c V vv 2 the 524 SvRREY. the Inheritance fell to Alice his fitter, wife to Edmmd Earic otArundeU, hi: nextheyre. Et portok,efdiiguettc d*or & d'azur. CORRECTIONS. TLJEre I muft be as bigge as my word,to make good what I promifed in th* ■* *laft place, concerning mrrenoi Poynton: you lay there,that John the ft* uenth, Ear It Warren And Surreys fecond wife was loane % daughter of Witiim Lord Mowbray, and had iffae John, of whom WArr en of Poynton in Chejlnrek defcended^ but I affirme the contrary. Firft,you will not be able to proue. that Wtlham Lord Mowbray had fuch a daughter married to the Earle way- ren- bat admit youcould, yet furely.fhe then was fofarreftricken inyeares, that fiie was part (teeming, as we fay) bearing of children, for witttim Lord Mowbray dyed about the yeare, 1 2 23 .at which time his daughter Joane mufl be borne, or at leaftwife begotten : and Alice thefirft wife (if hec had ano- ther called loane zh^x) of John the fcaucnth Earle Warren and Surrey dyed •MJriwttuttetwtiMs. not vntill, 1190. asthc booke of* Lewis hath it. So that by this account,(he muft be 67. yeares old at leaft, before ftiee teas married to him. But what neede I goe about to cleare it by Reafon, when I can proue it otherwife by good Authorise. To goe another way to worke with you therefore, I fay, that when dif. content fell betweene this lohn Earle warren the ei^ht, and loane of Barre y whom he before in the 33. yeereofE^mWthe frit, had accepted of for his wife, as appcares fully by the Entry of his confent to the marriage in this * C£»f-ij£>i'm • 1 %J»fi» manner. ^Mentor audum quoddominus Rex, die lane prox. ante feshmSan- Bi Edwarai Regis & Martyr is ■> x>/£ xv. foe Marti. regnifui 3 -f. optulit lohanni deWarennanepoti & hxredi lohannu de Wa v enna quondam Comi' tis Surr. defun&i, quideipfo domino Regetenuit in capite, inCamcradomtni Regis apad Weslmonaflertum in parliamento feo, maritagium Johanna filia Henrici Comitis de Baar^qui quidemlohannes maritagium illud acceptauit.Yct afterwards, whether thruft into diflike of her, or defirous of change, or what othercaufetheremightbe,Iknownot,buta Diuorce was fued out, vnder colour of a Precontract betweene him and Maud de Nereford, a woman of n\%! rr *'' ,/ ' E ' i ' pc,2!n P meanc Parentage, without any iflue had betweene c loane de Barre and himfelfc, to whom he was to allow for her maintenance daring her life,fea« F-Alan, fbnneand heircof Ed- *~^-mond Fit X*- Alan, Earle of Arundell by A" lice his wife, fitter and hey re of 7^/?, the eight and laft Earle Warren and Surrey, tkc. was after the death of his Father,Earle of Arandell,Lovd of ClunmdQfivaldttre, and chiefc Butler of England? and (in right of his Mother) hec was Ezr\co£ Surrey, Lotd of Bromfield.Tale.Chirk. land, and Dynasbran in Wales. He married H- lianor, daughter of Henry Earle of Lancaster , widdow of Iohn Lord Beaumont, and had iffuc, Richard Earle of Arundell, John, Thomas and others, as in the Title of rhe Earles of Artm- dell.) HcedycdintheCiftieof Arundell y the 49.yeareof Edward the third, and was buried in the Priory of Lewis in Sftffex. Et portoi^gueulles au lyon rampant d*or lampafle,& arme d'azur. CORRECT! ONS. F I may make fo bold with my Reader, I will a while take him afide to be- hold from hence (as in a PerfiecJitte) the Magnificence of ancient times, /here I mail Ihew him in what height of State this Earle of ArundeU and \urrey (like as his Anceftors before him) liued in : Was hce not one of the &Efteeme zn&gxeaici\ Eminency 'mtixs time? Yes furely, for otherwife lat great houfe of Lamafler would hardly haue matched with him as it did, or he married Duke Henries lifter. Was henotofgreat to/^thinkeyou? Eerily he was, for towards the performance of his Obfcquies.and in Lega- yes, he gaue aboue twentie thoufand Markes in money ,(no fmall fumme in fiat age) befides his Lands,Iewels,Plate, Armour and the like : Nor were ariety of Honour ary Crownes wanting with him (itfeeme§) for hec bequca* hed three,to three of his Children at his death,chargingthcm of his bkffine arefully to keepe them during their liues,and afterwards, fo to be difpofed >f, that they might defcend from heire to heire fucceffiuely for euermore, i memory of him. Of all which, and of fomcwhatmore, thefeenfuing totdswjllgiueyouaview, as a Ihaue abreuiated jhemoutof his laft Will 5Ztf SVRREY. 1 s^ lii ?i m """"'znd T item ie donne & deuife a lohanne lefitx, de mon fitx lohan 500. Mam, & a Willi am f on fitx ^oo.Mar^ejr a fa eifnee fiHe enaide de fin mar/age lOOO.Marx, a Henry fonfit^ 500. Marx, Et a Edward fon fitx 500. Marx.— Item ie donne ejr deuife a me\neuem ejrnecesles files ejr fiHcx de monfier Roger hflrange ti- de mafier Dame Aleyne L'eflrangefa compaignc, en ayde Veneres de lour e. fates , outre 1 ooo.Mar^, quex ieb leur ay deuant ore fait bailler, ejr paier, 1 1 00. Marx. Item ieo donne ejr deuife a Richard mon fitz, ma meilotire Coronne luy chargeantfir mibenifin,qil ne la oufie de ly durant favie,& q'apres fin def cesslla lejjeafonheirpcrmefmela manere,ademorerperpetuelment de heir a heir SeigneiuresD'arundell, en remembrance de moy ejr malme. Item ieo donne &deui/eaIohannemafiUemaficondemeiloureCoronne, la chargeantfur ma benifin,qe elene la outte de luy durant fa uie,ejr q'apres fon dcces^lc la leffe al hetmeexdefoncorps, ademorer deheir en heir deceuxqevendrontdeelca* tout\tour$ y enremembraneedemoy dem alme.-— Itemie donne deuife a Aleifemafifkjna tierce Coronne,en la forme fmfdite. item ieo donne & deuife ma Bible en deux volumes, ejrvnepere des Decretal* en Francois, a de- merer per petuelment amesheires feigneurs D'armdell % en remembrance de >*oy & rialme,&c. Wherein alfo hee giues many other wondrous great iummesof money, to fundry perfons 5 to diucrs Religious houfes^nd to Pi- ous intents 3 as the faid^at large deliuers. Etaperformer ejrmettreenexe- ♦ ejfeciats SvRREY. JIJ 'fecials & principals, mes trefchersftz Richard,Iohan,(y Thorn as, ma trcf- shcrejillc Johanne t encasqeele demeergc Jole. — ■ — En teflmoignance de quele :hofc,aceJlmdntcftamentiay mies men Scale. Von en mon Chajletl D'aran- MJe.$ Jour de Decembre,laa du graceM.CCCLXXP. Which mUldid not onely 2nd alone vouch, to (hew his Happinejfe in worldly blefiings, but for fome further obferuation,becaufe that in Arundell (where Matter Torke fpeakes of this Earle hefajTcsthat Alice markd to Thomas Holland Earle of Kens, was this Ear les eldefl daughter, but his Will makes me of opi- lidn, that lohane was her elder Jijler,bccaufc her Father hauing orderly na- Tied his fons, and after recounting his daughters, names her before AUcsm :wo fcuerall places of his Will, yea,and giues her his fecond- -beft-Crown, 1 better Crowne then Aliccsjfrc. T> I chard Fit z- Alan, Earle ofA> ^-rundell&vd Surrey , tonne of Ri* chard Fit z- Alan and Elianor his wife fuccecded his Father in the Earle- domesaforefaid. And being charged tocombine with Thomas D. of Glo- ceHer,Thomas Earle of Warwick, and others,toraifea rebellion at Horin* gey Parke, all were taken, arraigned s and found guilty of treafon, the 20. of King Richard the fecond; lor which, xhzfoidRichard Earle of A* rundell, was beheaded at Tower- Hill by London, and his body was buried in the Augufiine Fryers in london. Hee married Elizabeth, daughter of William de Jiohun Earle of Northampton, and had iflue, Tho- mas after Earle of Arundell & Surrey Richard 2nd William, that dyed yong yithout iflue, and foure daughters 5 Joane the eldeft,was married to mUiam leauchampe, Baron of Aburgauenny ; Elizabeth the fecond daughter, was vjfe to Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke, and after Earle of Surrey by his nk, Margaret the third daughter, was married to Sir Rowland LenthaH Cnight j and Alice the fourth daughter,was married to John Charlton, Lord 9 owis. Etportoit,Iez armes de Con pere. CORRECTION S. r Yeelde that this Richard Fitz-Alan Earle of Arundell and Surrey had iflue l thefe foure daughters here named : M^rrie,that loane was eldeft,and Eliza- beth the fecond daughter, may not be belecued, neither needelfeare to af» irmeit, becaufe I haueeood teftitnonie k on my fide that Elizabeth was thei. Efimtt. a 9 ** h^.j^ 5 " deleft SVRREY. _ eldeft daughter, and firft married to William Mmacute,Conne of William Earleof Salisbury, thento Tboma* MoubrayVukco(Norfolke and Earlc of Surrey, next to Sir Robert Goufhull Knight, and «laftly to Sir Gerrard Vfflet * £/f.a».6.H.4.£r 8.H.4. K n ight : loane married to d William Beauchamp Lord of Abergauenny : Mar- !fllf/n".°' 3S '' gareidtk married to Sir e Rowland Lent hall^nd after to f Tre/hamo? '£y?.a o fi.R»j'n°/43.' jsiorthamptonjbire^ father ofr^w^f,wholiued 1.R..3. and ^//« married to lohn Cbarleton Lord . 5l8 r T'Hi?w^f^i7W :) EarleofX^f J afjd A Lord Wake, fonne of Thomas Hoi. land 'Earlc of tor, and halfe brother to King Richard the fecond, was (after the attaindor and death of Richard Fit z>- Alan, Earleof Arundell md Sur- rey) created Duke of Surrey ,in the 2 1. y eare of King Richard the fecond.Hec was one of them which accufed Tho- mas ofwoodjlocke, Duke of Glocejlerpi treafon; for which, inthefirft Parlia- ment held in King Henry the fourths time, 1 39 9. he with the reft of the ac- cufers,were depriued both of honors and liuings. But after wards 3 confpiring with others of the Nobility ,to furprizc King Henry the fourth, and to fee vp King Richard againe (who was rhen liuingj was with tb? Earlc of Salisbury bewrayed, and flving to Circefter in G/^y/to 3 werebytheTownef-men there, takenand beheaded in the yeare 1400. He married C-Ahn, fbn andheyre x of Richard aforefaid, by Eltfy beth Bohun his wife, in the firft ycarc of King Henry the fourth, wasrefto- red in blood, after the attaindour of his Fathered was Earlc oiArundeM and S urrey , Lord or Bromfield and Tale, and Knight of the Gartcr,Lord Warden of the Cinque-Ports, and Conftable of Douer Caftle. This Thomas obtained great honour and fame, for his valiant atchieuements • amongft many, one was his going out of Normandy to the * Be!louacas,i^ wo \ u to hinder the building of the Cattle of Gerbery, with a fmall company of Souldiers ; at whofe comming the enemy left the Caftle. At which great peece of feruice, this Thomas was very fore wounded, whereof he nortly after dycd,th? 13 of Oaober, 14x4. i n the third yeare of Kin? 'Henry the fift, and was buried at Arundell. Hee married Beatrix, bafe laughter ofhhn King of Portugal at £ Earle of A rundell 8c Surrey) was in the life tim< of his Father a created Earlcof Surrey by King Henry the fixt. And aftei the death of his Father, he was Duke oiNorfolke^ Earle of Nottingham, and Earle Matfhallof£zg/W, Lord S egraue, and of Cower, He married Elizabeth) daughter of lohn Talbot, firft Earle of Shrewsbury , and had iilue, Anne his oncly hey re, married to Richard Dukeofrdr/b/on of King Edward the fourth. Hee dyed at his Caftle of Framwgham*iij5,&wto buried at jhetferd in Norfolke. Et pQrtoit,gueulfes a vn lyon rampant d*argenr,larnpafle 5c arrae d'azur. 13 f chard of Shrewsbury^ (Co named becaufe hee was born- there) fc- cond (on of King Edward the fourth, was by his Father, created Duke of Torke by A ft of Parliament, 1474. And in the * right of Anne his wife (daughter and hcyre of lohn Mow- bray Duke of Norfolke) hee was alfo Duke of Norfolkc$L$t\zWarren^Sur- rey t 2yottingham, and Earle Marftiall of England \ Lord Mowbray ^Segraue, and ofGower. This Richard being but a Childe,with his Brother King Ed- ward 'the fift, were (by thecomman- dement of Richard Duke of Glocefler their vnnaturall Vncle) fecrctly mur- dered in the Tower of London, the ninth day of the Kalends of lime, 1 4 83. without iflue. Et portoit,efc«telle France 8c cTenglrtetre au I ambel] d'argent,trois c*ntor» it giieulfcfc ThmM SvRREY. T" 1 ' Nomas Mnrar dfonne and heyre of lohn Harvard firft Duke of Nor. folke, was by King Richard the third, created Earle of Surrey ,m the lifetime of his Father, 1 483* and after his Fa- thers death, he was alfo Duke of Nor- folke, and Lord Treafurer of England. He fought the battaile ztFloddon- Field In Northumberland, againft/*»w the fourth,King of Scots ^ in the abfence of Henry the eight in France*^ in remem- brance whereof, the faid King Henry, gauehimfor an augmentation to his Armes,on an Efcutchcong«/^4 demye Lyon rampant, with an Arrow {bet in his mouth , within a double trejfure gueuUes, He married two Wiues,and had uTue by the m both : His firft Wife was Eti%aveth,xhz onely daughter and hcyre of Sir Fredericke Tilney Knight, 'the Widdow of Humfrey Bourchier Lord Earners) by whom he<* had ilfue, :hree fonnes and two daughters -.Thomas the eldeft fonne,was Duke of Nor- folke^ E^wW the fecond fonne, being Lord Admirall, was flaine ztBrefi, |kvithout iffuc, Edmind the third fonne, married hyce, daughter of Richard Zulpeper of Kent, and had ilTue two fonnes and a daughter, named Katherine, wife to King Henry the eight. Elizabeth the eldeft daughter of this Thomas Duke of Norfolke,wa$ married to Thomas Bnllen Earle of WiltJl)ire,md*Mu- * shee dyed in chflde-bed at W/his fecond daughter, was Wife to lohn Grey Vifcount Lifie,md after (he a ^! , $! 4 ; rfDKCBb married to Sir Thomas Knyuet Knight. This Thomas Duke of Mrfolke y max- ricd to his fecond Wife, Agnes* daughter'of Philip Tilney Efquire, and had iflue, three fonnes and foure daughters ; William the firft fonne, was Baron bf Effingham, Lord Admirall and Chamberlaine of thehoufhold ro Qjeene Elizabeth : Richard the fecond fon,and Thomas the third fonne, dyed in pri- fon,in the Tower of London, for contracting marriage with the Lady Lenox*, Annejhe firft daughter, was married to lohn F'ereEaxle of Oxford $ Dorothy the fecond daughter,was wife to Edward Stanley ,Earle of Derbj : Elizabeth the third daughter,was married to Henry Radcliffe Earle of Suffix and Kathe- rine the fourth daughter, was firft married to Sir Rice ap Thomas, Knight of meGarter,andhadhTue. She was after married to Henry Vaubeny, Earle of Bridg-mter.This great Duke died in the xtf.ycarcof King#wr; the eight, x 5 24. and was buried at Thetford in Norfolke. Et portoicgueulles a la bande d'argent entrc fix croix reeroifettes botwn«e xa f hi &&t it Z* grimier. XXX 3 THmas Howard, fonoc and heyi of Thomas the ftcond Duke ( Norfolke, was after his Father , tl third Duke of NorfoTke, and fecon Earle of Surrey of that Family, Earl Marftiall, and Lord Treafiirer of E*f /W,Knight of the Garter,Lord Af/My edit t he firft and fecond y eares of King Philip and Queene Mary. Etportoit, lesarmesdefonpere. CORRECTIONS. TTEre you tell vs that Henry Earle o f Surrey by Frances his wife daughter Llofiohnrere Earle of Oxford (hdides Thomas Duke of Norfolke) had if fucTW VifcountBmdon and Mary married to Henry Fitz.Roy Duke £ Mchmond which is ftrange Heraldry > for by this meanes you make the .Krmher the Earle of Surrey : I will therefore learne you what iffue he SSbJS tf^^, Hehadto hiseldeft fonne Thorn. fondfonne afterwards Earle of Northampton, created fo by Great-Britaincs MonaXuS ScropeoiBolM>zndKathm»emmkfa^ Thorn. SVRRE Y. Jiom&s Howard^ fonncand hcyrc A of Henry Earle of Surrey afore- faid, arid grand-childe toThmas the third Duke of Norfilke, was reftored byQueene Mary^tid rriade the fourth Duke of 2^r/Z>/^ 3 Earle of Surrey % and Earle Marfhall of England, Lord Mowbray , Segraue, and Brujeof Govo- i ^3 and Knight of the Garter. He mar- ried three Wiues, the firft was I daughter and hey re of Henry Fitz,-A~ t<*n, Earle ofijtrundell) by whom hce had iflue, Philip Earle of Arundel/, His fecond wife wasAf4r^m,daugh- ter and heire of Thomas Audley, Lord Audley otwalden'm Ejjex, and Chan- cellour of England^ by whom hee had ifiue y Thomas Howard Earle of Suffolk y and Lord v/illiam third fonne, and ,Margaret,mmiedto Robert Sackui/e Earle of D^y&. His third Wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Francis Leyborne Knight,the Widdow of Thomas Lord D acres ofGiUeJland, but by her had no iflue. This Thomas was bchea- fed at the Tower-Hill^n the yeare 1571. Etportoit, gueulles a la bande d'argent.entre fix croix recroifette es botonne,au pied fiche d'argent. CORRECTIONS. J Itherto for the moft part haue I traced you in your faults of C ommifsi$» y r*now a word or two here concerning thofe of Qmifsion. Where is 7 ha* us Earle of Arundell, now Earle Marfhall of England ? How haps it that ouallow him no place in this Catalogue. Did you neuer fee the A£t of Parliament A°.i.Iacobi 3 for his reft itution to the Earledome of Surrey ? It i:emesyou did not indeede, for if you had,you would neuer haue fpet your enome againft that Honourable Lord as you haue, with open mouth pro- laimiog him in eucry corner, not to be Earle of Surrey, yea and fo confi- ently too, that you not onely durft hazard your liuing, but your life vport !,thatit could not beproued : and whereas you had left him out here (in isdue placets Earle thereof) in two of your Editions, now in your third ad laft f which you feeme to haue corrected, but yet made it worfe then ci- ier of the former)you haue quite left out that Addition among his otner Ti- es in your Catalogue of Arundell. Some impute ir to your Ignorance, but guefle that it rather proceedes out of Malice 3 whcrco{ I doe not a little mar- ell,that you dare (but Who is bolder then blinde Bayard i ) fo way-lay the lindes of your admiring-readers, & indeauour to captiuate the iudgements SvRR E Y. of the more learned, in fcrewing into them your opinion, that fith he writes in his Stile, Earle ofARVNDELL and S VRREY,thatthatofs#* rey is defatlo, but not deiure, is by Vfirpation^ and not of Right. Hearken malicious-ignorant-man,what the King fends his Writ of Certiorari for. tern. Volentes cents de cattps certiorari \fitper tenore cuiufdam Acius Parli. amentifatti fa ftabiliti in Parliament noftro tento apud wejlmonajl. decim mm die Marti/, Anno regni nojlri Angli a t Vr anting PUbernUprimojy Sco- tt a trice fsimo feptimo intitulati. %Xi %tt foj flje teftttUttOtt Of Cty 0= ma& onelp f ontte of ^tltp ? late *Earie of arunbelL vobis Manda- Jlatts tunc pr a fern is ajfenfojnter alia fancitum, inaciitatum, or Aim- turn, & ftabilittim frit feqnens hoc ftaMum y ad verbum vt fe^uU tur. viz. mo(H)umbic anb Ictolp manner, befeecijet^ anb fteto- M ^|eth bnto pout mod excellent £iaateme,pour true anb lo^ ^^%ail^ubtecti:i)oma0 l^otjoarb, oncip fon ofplultplate earle of airunbel!, Mat toljeteag €*)oma&iate muU of mp folfce,anb famongft otljer Dignities) £arleof£>urrep 7 erani- fatber of pour fumble £>ubtect, toa&ctc. £nb toljereas alfo tlje fatb pbtltp late £arle of artmbell,elbe(t fenne of t^e fatb Jaufce anb father of pour fatD^ubtect;&a<8^c. 2Sp reafon of toinc!) f euerall ^ttatnbo j&pour fatb ^ubtect boti) ftanb,anb t# a oet- fon in W bloob co jrupteb, to W great grtefe anb fo;tot»,S©a? itpleafepouringlmetfofpourmoftropail anb abunbant grace, at ti)e fumble petition of pour fatb ^ublect, t^atttmapbeot= betnebjeftabltfteb^nbenactebbppour^ig^neire, bp anbbritlj tbeaffent of ti)e&ojbs^ptrttuallanb»mpojall, anb by the Commons tn tw pjefettt parliament a(rembleb,anb bp the a^ tbojme of tjbefame : fcljat pour fatb £mbtect anb W ftette&be anb ml be from ^encefojt^ refto^eb, anb enableb onelp tn bloob, as; toell a* f onne anb ijetre to tije fatbWitp £arle of SirunbeH, agalfoagcofenanbnept^eirembloob onelp, of t^e faibrto Inter Breutd dt Cercierate z*:ficHitdil4c9bt. n\C. S V R R E Y. ffl!SS^" f ^°£ ol l e > in f manneranb foime7a*^te rernmgretatuttoninbioob onelp, as? tf the fatb fcaomatfiate ^erof$ftem^al)neuerbcene,Wno^matie,^ * an* tbat tt tooulb pleafe pout moft excellent 3©ateftte,of vonr moft ppceip grace an* clemencp,that tt mar beftSr f n/r!S « me ' ^ at l om fail) *«*wct be,aub tyaii from ^ncefoithbe fully an* abfolutelpreftoieb, tnnobleb annma" jwe?ofgono^obilittc, aaiUUigtut e, piecrbeuccanbmrhe- £ n£ im l 5? D 10(1 b ^ * * fart > attaTnbo; a* aifo to tbe bo- oM!ate,anb b^nttie of £arle of ^ump (here is for you mX We) anb to fttty ^tgnttte of JBartonte* oneip, toDtch the fatb 2hrt?r^22 c ^ an * loft b? * tt attainbo*. koVaueanbS loiD the fat* ^tmfS 7 mmtg 9 m^mfs^imiff%^S^ f £arie of 3tunbell,£arle of 2Eop2yS 5? 3Z ^ m ^M e i? aton ^ afojefatb, to pour fatb Autiect, of acb, an* of as; large an eftate of inheritance, anb of fiU lace anb p?ecebencp, anb in as? ampIe,honourable, anb benea* f IT mt * mfo m to all intents, conftructionHnb p«r- ?£?vf°i an ^ earlebomes of arun= e m i ^urtep,anb dignities? of baronies aroiefoib,a*tfthe lib Ebcma* late Bufce of $o ifolfce, anb miip late lar e of tttnbel,o: either of them hab neuer bin conuicteb 02 attainted WJnb pour faib Aubteet (ball bailp piap to <£>ob fof pour Mote SoS^' mmit * an * mm long to continue anb Ego Thomas S mith miles, Clericm Parliamentorum, virtute bre- uts/upradttfi Domini wHriRegii deCerciorandomihidircctoXhijs amexo. Certijicofuferius hoc firiptum verum etfe tenor em Attn* Ptrlumcnttfupradiatincobreuiexpretfum. In cuius reiuftimomum SigtUumttomenque mumappofuiatquefubjeripfi. DatJecimo tertio ^OcJobr,AnnoregmDomininoptJacobideigratiaAnglUFranci£ 6 - HtbernURegufidei defenjeru.&c. Sccundo. & Scots* tricefmt mauf. 1*04. J Concordat cum mginali Tht. Smith C/er, ttrlimemmm. Thif SVRRE Y. This Aft of Parliament! hope hath fo hammered your hard belicfe, thai it hath wrought a new irapreffionm your maleuoleot minde, and madeyoi of my opinion,that is,that this right N oble Lord hath vndoubted Right foi whathe hath done, hath not fferped that Attribut^may (indeede) lawful!) vfe that title of Earle of Surrey ^ and therefore may iuftly challenge a place it this Catalogue, as being vnqueftionably Earle thereof. ACao A CATALOG VE OF THE EarJes of Suflex, their Armes, VViues, and Children, WITH CORRECTIONS. llliam de Albeney^ the third of that Name, grand-childe to William de Al- beney and Queene Adeline his wife, (thewid- dow of King Henry the firft) by his fonne wlU //aw the fecond; was in the life rime of his Father, created the firft Earle of Suffix, by King tf Reinero fratre meo ? fa cateris. Now by this deede here repeated it is plaincthat not onely WiUiam cited by Mafter Yorke, but William his — Matilda filia Ro- ger* BigOf. Gutlielmus de Albiniacopin cerna Hen.primi. Regis Gutlielmus de, Albiniaco Co- mes ArundeU fa Suffix. Guilielmus de Albiniaco Co- mes ArundeU & Suffix. Adeliz>a regina relicla. Ben. l. Regis Anglix. tiauldis filia U- cobi de Santfo Hillario relicla Rogers Com. de Clara. - MabiliafiliaHtt' gonis Comitis Ce- Jtrid. tti.Wymmdhsm MSt father was alfo Earlc of Suffixes farther ap- peares by another Deede out of the fame booke of Wymundham, WtUfcomes Suf exit om- nibus fidelibm prafen- tibus fa futuris fak- tern. Nouerit vniuerfi' tasveftra, me prof ah. te domini met Regis Ri- chardi, fa haredum fuorum — confirmafe donationesbonA memo* rue Will.de Albineioan- tecejforis mei pincerna Regis H. primi fa aui mei Willimi Comitis A. rundell fa patris mei willimi Comitis Sad- fefai fac Another Deede in the fame Chartularle runs thus, Guilielmus de " Albtn'mco Co- mes ArundeU fa Suffix. tpiuerjis Santld mat r is ecclefu filtjswiUimus Comes Sufexu tertius, filutem tn domino.Nouerit vniuerfitas veflra nos concepffe fa hacpraf tnti carta noiira confirmafe Deo fa ccclefi* beat a Marti de Wymundham omnes donations gjb, Btxgtduc in bibfotheu confirmations quas eis fecerunt Radulfus de Verli, fac. Another like to that cuimmai former I finde in the Booke of Boxgraue in thefe words, ISciantprafentes if futuri quod ego wiUimus tertius Comes SuffexU pro falute mea fa domini mei RicardiRegis y fapro animabus antecejjorum meorum,conce(fi fa prafinticarU mea confirmauiJDeo fa ecclefu Santt* Maria de Boxgraue fa monachis ibidem DeoferuifMibusfluiquid WiUimm iUufiris Comes mums mem dediteis 3 widtli* S V S S E X. tetvnam partem nemoris de Geffefok,a'c. A fourth Chart does the (aid Wymondbam-booke^ukixtz ropofteritie, after this manner $ S riant pr a femes futuri.qu vd ego Rog.Ruftein concept Deo ejr SancJ& Maria de VVymondham, quendam mar if cum cum 200. outlaws in villa de Snetejbam, pro flute anima\ ] mUimiPincerna),fundatorisecclefiA'Sant}xMarid de Wymondbam, ejr pro fdutewidimiplijfui domini mei,Comitisprimi , & pro falute animx WiHimi fly fri domini met, C omit is fecundi, nec non pro falute Willimi filij pit domini met, Comitis tertij, ejr pro falute MabilU >vxoris omnium hwedum fuo- rum, &prof tlute meapropria,&c. A world of thefe Deedes are there en- tred, all of them prouing an Albeney Earle ofSuJ]cx 7 befoTc this William 3 who married the Earle of C belters daughter. More then all this ; you fhall in a Charter of King Stephens to the Ab - bcfie of Perking, wherein he giucs them the hundred of Berdflable in Ejfex^f' 2 - ^'Jjj/"'' 1 ' s#l ** thefewords, Tejlibus Matilda Pcgina^willimoCcmite deSudfexa } & willi"" rm mo Mart; &c. which like wife lhewcs that A°.i 177. 22.H.2. was not the firft creation of the Earles of Suffex, becaufe a William was a witnelTe to that Charter as Earle thereof in &^w.r time, who was King before Henry the rhefecond. More of this matter will be too much 5 therefore I will to the next. This William de Albeney is faid to dye at his mannor ofoffington, when it '^^^^^ ismoftcleareby all * Record that Offington was neuer belonging to this Fa- r*t.z<,v,.\. m.ji./ray/s- milie,but to thofe Albceneys Lords oiBeauuoir, from vv hence the now right T.&t.pt. i> m . ao. honourable Earle of Rutland is defcended. b Paris and ' IVeJlminfler lay the;' 0 AUiadexcuoLeco. fame 3 if the other teftimony will not fer ue your turnc. . M^w^£p 7 i% { XTXTlUiamde Albeney ,the fourth of that ^ ▼ name, and fecond Earle of Suffex ; was a WitnelTe to the Charter of King John, bearing date the fourth of May,in the i4-yeare of the faid Kings reigne, by the name of Willi- am of Arundell, Earle of Suffex, and dyed in his returne from Damieta in Pale/line, 1221- And his body being brought into England, was bu- ried at Wimondham, leauing his brother Hugh hisheyre, tofucccedehim ; whom Hubert de ft^Chiefc-Iuftice of England,hzd thecufto- dy of, during his Wardfhip. Et portoitj let armcs d« fon peif ■ Yyya Svssex. de Albeueyfaothet and hcyre ofwiUi. * aforefaid,wasEarleof ^ anc the third Earle of Suffix. He married Itibeli. daughter of wiSiam Earle www and Surrey anddyedintheprime of his youth, without iflue, 1243. and was buried with his Ance- ftors, inour Lady Churchat Wymondham^hc wercPatronsandTFoundersthereof 3 leauinphis foure filters his heyres. Makll the eldcftfwas married to Sir Robert Tatefall, who had by par. rition of her brothers Lands, the Caftleand Baronny cfBuckenham. ifabell the fecond fi- tter, being married to hhn Fitz>*Alan, Lord cf C 'tun and Ojwaldjlre in Wales, had the Caftle and Honour of ArundeX: Nicholea the third t\*m To . fifter ' bein 8 wife to Ro Z er Lord $ ornery, had the Manner of Barrow ; and cicely the fourth fifter, being married to Ro- Z^^lt^^ 0 ^ 1 ^^ N ° rfdke - ^ partition of thclelands and others was made and diuided betweene thefe fouro filters and heyres of this Hugh, in the 2 8. yeare of King Henry the third. Et portoit,dc gueulles au lyon rampant d\>r,arme & IampafTe d azur. p J* Plantagenet, (fonneand heyre ofwM am the fixt Earle of Warren and Surrey and grand-childe to HamelynePlantagenet, bafe ionneof Geffrey, Earle of Amou and MayM tncleauenth Evh warren zudsurrey, was by King Henry the third, made Earle. of SuffeJ. which honour was then voide by the death of Hugh de Albeney, Earle of Arundell and ^4 [ex. This John was one of the N- blemerf. which King Henry the third commanded to af- - ijmWcatW^to create of diuers matters. Amongft which, one was.that attmcn mould fliew before the Micesof the Kings Bench, by what right they held their L^ds . whidh thing did much moleft and difoukt thcSut thu mUl kupt them But Aim Zmch Lord Chiefe. Mice told him Thatifhecouldyeeldeno other reafo B , iudgementwouldbe duen La nft hm : whereupon .ftefiddE^lmmc^brf^ArfudMSnS which SvSS EX. which murder, the h id lohn Earle warrens urrey^nd Suffex,was arraigned, md acquitted by the oath of 2 5 .Knights : in that he affirmed vpon his ho- nour, that he did not commit the faid fact vpon any pretenced malice;, nei- :her in contempt of the King, nor his Lawesj but oncly in defence of his an- ient Inheritance • and fo was releafed, vpon payment of a fine of 1 200. vlarkes, in A°.i 270. After King Edward the firft, in the 2 5 . yeare of his * eigne, made this lohn Earle warren and Sujfex, Gouernour of Scotland ; VirHugh Crefsingham, Lord Trcafurer, and wiUiam Earnley Chiefe-Iuftice! 1 e married Alice, daughter of Hugh leBrun, Earle of the Marches ofAqui- aine, and halfefifter to King Henry the third, by whom heehad iffue, as in he Title of Surrey. Bee dyed at Keningt on, the firft of the Kalends of Dftober, thejj.ofKingE^Wthefirft, and was buried at Lewis in Suf ex, 1304. Et portoit,efchiquettce, d'or & d'azur. T Ohn Plantag enet, Earle warren aud Suffix ; as A alfo Earle of Strath erne 'in Scotland, Lord of Bromfield and Yale,znd grand-childe and hey re of lohn, the feauenth Earle warren by his fon WiHiatn*, who after the death of his grand- father, enioyed all his Lands and Honours for r he fpace of 4 1 .yeares,and dyed without ifTue, r 347. lcauing Alicehv* onely fifter and hey re, married to Edmond Fit z>- Alan Earle of Arun- dell, to fucceede him in all his Inhr ritantes. M. Camden in his Britannia, pag.3 20 denyeth this lohn, and I ohn his Grandfather, to be euer Earles of Sujfex, in thefe words. After the death of Hugh de Alhenew^ the loft Earle of A- rtmdell and Suffex of that fur -name 5 the Title of Earle of Suffix la) bidden and lofi , vntiU that ingHenry the eight, in then. yeare of his Reigne, created Robert Radcliffe arle of Suffix. But to proue the contrary, and that they were both Earles f S ujfex, you mall haue thefe proofes following. (Thomas Walfwgham,yagc 0.) About the Feaft of Saint Michaell, 1294. Elianor, daughter of King dward the firft, was giuen in marriage at Briftciv, vnto Henry Earle of Barry, y whom fhehadi(Tue,a daughter named Icane, married to lohn de Warren* ;arle of Surrey and Suffex. (Againe, the fame Author further faith) This care 1 30 5. dyed lohn de Warren,Eade of Surrey and Suffix ; after whom, is Grand-childe alfo named lohn, did fucceede, taking to wife the Kings ■liece, by his daughter Eltanor, who the Earle of Barry^ad married. (An4 ius much for the firft lohn.) No w to proue this fecortd lohnihis grand- tilde) to be Earle of Suffix 9 take this out of an old originallDeedc. Atom 'Uiqueceslettresverrontcrerront, Antoni, par la grace de Vieu Patriarch < ■ierufdem i & Euefque 'de Durefme, Henrytde J^tcy,Comitede Nicole, lohn tGarrone, Comite de Surrey & de Sujfex, Eyvtar de Valenet^ Comite fa fenbrokt, penbroke, Httmfrdic de BohnnrComite de Hereford ir de BJjex, Robert d Clijfotd,fyc. a Boloignele V'arein iour de lamer, I' an de grace M. CCC,£ Septifin. Et portoitjcfchiquettt d'or & d'azur. CORRECTIONS. HPHat I might jlop two gaps with one bufa I filently palled by your word? in this mans grandfathers life, refcruing my anfwere there,for this mor< neceffary place,in regard that both ftand vpon one and the fame foundation see more in the nest place In that other,/<>£;? PUntagenet Earle Warren, you fay that hce was by Kim, vRtotRr.ttt^AUn. ffenry the third made Earle of Suffex, which isnot fquarcly carried by you for that you fpeake in nubibus, notgiuingvstoknow in what yeere of hi raigne. In anfw.cre whereof thus much I tell you,that King Henry the thin onely confirmed it vnto him, tertium denarium comitates Surr : the Earle dome ofSurrey,md nothing elfe,notatall mentioning Suffex, as thefefev words will tell you. ^Mandatnm cfi Baronibtx de Scaccario^quodfaciant hi Gl**fa*'.t s <>&'\'n temh '"' bere lohanni do Warennajertium denarium prouenientem deexitibus cmiu tus Surr. ficutWtUimusdt Warenna quondam Comes Surr. pater ipfim Iohan ntSftuim hares tpfeejl^ & alij antecejjores fui, ilium denarium percipere confut ner tint ytmqnam per tinentem ad C omit atum fitum Surr. 7efte meipjo apm Windefor. 6. dte Maij .A° .regni nojlri quadragefimo. Then goe you onjandin this lohn the grandchildes life, you call Mafic Camden vpon his Triall, for denying this Uhn and lobn his Grandfather t< hauc beeneEarles of Suffex, and for your Euidcnce, you produce Thoma ^M^u%tff^!n* r To. Walfmgham, becaufe in two feuerall places, he cals him Earle of Surrey am «y^vjn like manner (ifl may make vfe of your witndfes) I will anfwer you with Walfwgbam againc, where the fame Author omits that title of S-itj fex , Johannes deWarenna Comes Surrey, Alanum la'Souche Regis lufUciarim ced»fi*.z.^i'memS.2. ^ nitr j' ecttt p or w hich offence he wasfined in ioooo.Markes, of which fun King Edward the firft, in the fecond yeere of his raigne, pardoned him on thoufand Markes, by the name of lohn de warenna Earle of Surrey. And in al grants made to him by the King, or by himfclfe to any other Pei fon after h had the Regency ofScotland,hc vfed no other title,then Johannes deWarenn ?^a%iS.E. i .pt. umm.» : Comes Surr> cu p s Kegni terrA SC 0tU. Proofes in this kitvic out of Wri ters (which is one of the weapons you fight withall) as Paris, weftminfiti wendouer, Knighton, Brampton, Hollinflead, Stowe, Speede, and the like, ar ad infinitum, where the title of Suffex is omitted. Next,youfeemetoprouethis/^»tohguebeene Earle of Suffex by Deede dated A°. 1 507.wberein he writes himfelfe lohn de Garronc,Comtea S urrey & de Suffex ; which I will not at any hand deny, but that there ma fc be fuch a Deede with that Addition of Suffex 5 yet as there be fome with ii there be otherfome without it, as here for example, lohannes de Warenm Comes Surr. dated A°. 18.E.2 . 1 324. now remaining with that expert H< raid Sires' George knight, by his place Mw-^, King of Armcs. And fom th^MamesComumrrcn.Surr^Stratherm^^ place fo called in Scot UnA SVSSEX. id) Dminus de Bromfeld & de Yale^c. dated at Lewis in Suffix. 20. Feb, !>.E.J. A°.i 345. now in the cuftodie of that painefull fearcher of Records, after Knyueton my courteous friend,a like to which I my felfe haue one,al. ough of another Date. Likewife in the Letter 3 datcd A°. 1 joo.fcnt by the obility to Pope Boniface, his Sealein the circumference had no other title cn John de warren Earle of Surrey : But what neede I labour the contrary is way ? Since all you haue yet (hewed is but like to Apothecaries boxes, »at tell vs by the Superfcription ofthar, that neucr was contained in them, incc afTuredly the adding of that attribute was not his direction butfome mporifing Scribes addition that wrote the Inftrument. Confider then I pray you, firft that although fas I haue butcuen now ?liuered) they had tert'mm denarium prouenientem de exttibtts Comimus trr. which was the mod vfuall manner of making Earlcs in thofe times,yct ley had not the like in Suffix. Confider moreouer that in all Summons of Parliament, in the times of ic three King Edwards jhc fit ft,fecond and third, wherein the Clcrkes were oftreligiousto giueeuery one hisdue,togiue them their full attributes, )u ihall not finde them mentioned with that title of Sujfex, but either John \Warenna Earle of Surrey , or lohn Earle Warren and Surrey. Search and fee jhether I fay footh or not. I Confider laftly , how this Errour might creepe m^Sumy and Sujfex were )thvnder one Shireuc, that Shireuewas to pay to the Earle tertiam par- ndr portioned eorum qux de Placitu Comitate proueniunt, the third part ! the profits which did ariCenon ex fundorum redditibus, not of Rents, but ;fhcitU placitatis of the Pleas, The common people pcraduenture,becaufe *at one Shircue dealt for both Places,did coniedure that this Earle had the :nefit of both Counties,becaufe his larger rcuenue lay in both thofe Shires, herein, befides,hehad Adminiflrationem Comitatuum y a ruling power, erefore ftilcdhim with the titles of both Earledomes. See more in the T3 Uhard Fit z>- Alan, Earle of ArundeH^Lord of dun & oiofvpaldftre y after the death of John plantagenet, Havlc Warren,Surrey,&Suf fix, was knighted by E.i.in the i8.yeareof his Reigne.at which time he wasalfo girt with the Sword of the Earledome of Suffex.Hc was fon of lohn Fit z,- Alan, grandchilde of John Fits,- Alan,md J/abell his wife, fecond fifter , and one of theheyresof Hughde Albeney, thclaft Earle of Arundell and Suffix of that name; vn- to which Jfabell, the Caftle and Honour of A- f rundell fell by partition. Some late Writers hauefetdownc, that inrefpcAthc Family of Fit^-Alans had the Caftle of Arundell, they were Eatles of Arundell ; which to mc is very f ftrange, that a dead Stonc,or Caftic made of yfSfc Stones :xt place. S V S S E X, Stones and Timber, can giue an honour and title of dignity to a liuing crcj ture. But this is contradicted and proued vntrue by many examples, whei Noblemen haue fold the place whereoftheir Title of Honour was, and yt notwitbftandingjboth they and their heyres haue retained their Title of He nourftill andean it be better manifefted then in this very Family of Fit\ Alanf. 5 For had not this Richards Father, his Grand-father, and great Grand-father (all three Johns) the poffeffion of the Caftle of Arundell, wit! the appurtenances, and yet ncuer any of them Earles thereof < &c. This R, ehardmzn'^6 Alipn* daughter oftheMarquelTe of Saluce mltaly, andha ifliie, Edmond Fit^Alan hark o( Arundell, bchczdedat Hereford,! $26. a is more at large in the Title of Earles of Arundell. He dyed in the jo.ycar of King Edward the firft 3 i 30 1 . Et portoir,de gueuUes, au lyon rampant d'or arme & lampafle d'jzur. . CORRECTI ONS. TO any mans thinking here is faire play in thefe words, Richard Fit^A Un— after the death of Iohn Plantagenet Earle warren % Surrey and Suffix was knighted by King Edward the firjl, in ths eighteenth jeare of his reigne, a which time he was alfo girt with the Sword of the Earledome of S uffex. Fo firft, here is a Vacancy of the Earledome mewed, after the death of Iohn Plan tagenet : And then here is a plainc Donation cf it a new,as thus Richard Fitz Alan, A°.i8.E 1. was not onely Knighted, but hee was alfo girt wtthth SwordoftheEarledomeofSuffex. ButnOwlet mee examine this paffage while: When I w as vpon Iohn Plantagenet here in S uffex, there I read d}2 &ng Henry the third made him (meaning Iohn Plantagenet) Earle ofSuffex and that hee dyedA°.fr E.i, If your words were true there, then may the toot be holdcn for truth here. Why? Becaufe if Plantagenet held that Earle dome by the Kings gift from Henry the thirds time, vntill A°.3^E.i. Hoy could it be beftowed vpon Fit&alan in A°. 18. of the fame King? vnlefieyo: can proue them both, and both at one time to be Earles o £ Suffex. To come neerer to your words here, you fay after the death of Iohn Plan tagenet, that Earledome wasgiuenhim : which word After implies Mch&r Fitz>alan to furuiue Plantagenet, but the Inquifitions taken after his death Ihew that he * dyed A0.30. E. 1 .and Plantagenet dyed not vntill A?-3 3 M. 1 So that he not furuiuing, could not be Earle after him. Nay if hehadfurui ued,yct your owne words are fo pregnant againft your fclfe that you are in; Wrong boxe ftill : For you fay in the fecond Iohn Plantaginet&xzndcMte ti the former Iohn, that after the death of his Grandfather he emoyed all his tana and Honours for the [pace ofquyeares. So that it feemes there was no intern wherein another might obtaine the Earledome 9 there was no interfofttiono any other, but diredly, this fecondM/z immediately fucceeded his Grand father in all his Honors. Then you Ihew vs the Ceremonie vfed in making him Earle : hee w.a gif- mth tht fword of 'the EarledmcojSujfex h to gainlayyou that there msM S V S S E X. a courfc vfed in making of Earlcs about thofc times I will not, but ftand vp- ~ on it 5 that he had not that Earledomes appellation at all. You ground your felfc vpon fuch vncertaine authoritie ; befides you haue fo entangled your .words with thofe in the two Plantagenets, that (againft your felfc) you can- not but confefle an Errour. Doe you not know, that vpon the death of Hugh de Albeney, Earle of Arundcll and Suffea without ifltie,' that Earledomc of5^xefcheated, and fell into the Kings hands, becaufeit could not bee diuided, Honor nonfotefjt diuidi i For although tiie lifters of Hugh fhared his Eftate,yet they could not diuide the Honour, but that muft reuert to him that was fountain of all Honour^ to the King. Now for the other Title of A- rundell, by reafon it was appendant to the Cajlle of ArundeU^ and that the Ca* ftlc and Seigneurie of ArundeUidl by Partition to Ifabels iflue, Earle Hughes fecond lifter, as one of his heyres, and now defcended to' this Richard Fit^ Al*n s he became Earle of Arundel/ by reafon of the polTeffion,and not of any other Creation, as by and by mall at large be (hewed, but he neuer had that Earledome of Suffcx. In this place let mee not forg"t, that lama * Debt or, not by Prcmife onely, but much more by the Right I owe to the Honour > and the Dutieznd Semice %SHF *' n * HnM: >■ I owe to the place of that thrice-noble perfon, whom it principally touches, the moft Honourable Earle Marftiall, whofc mcmorie I fh,ill euer blelfe in the name of our whole Socictic (the Officers of Armes) who acknowledge^ fsxzgoodnejfe of his Maiefty^ and their o wne Happweffe, that their poorc Bodie is ranged vndcr fo worthy a Heady who through his Mate sties Fauour is able, and out of his true 2(obiUty y is ready and willing.to raife againc the much de- cayed, and almoft ruined ftate thereof- and to reftore it to his firft Luftre, wherein it anciently florilhed : I muft(I fay) remember the Debt I owe to his Seruice t for remouinga J$u*re, which Mafter Torke hath here cart in our way, concerning the Title and Honor of that Earldome of Arunde/ljnac by him qua- rcllcd : whereunto by promife I haue referued my felfe. But before I enter intothe^^/0* itfclfe, I willta&eMaftcrriv^libcrtie, to digrefieinto a &u*re or two ofmineowne, the better to prepare the way; which if they lhal feeme either not important for the matrer, or not pertinent to this place let Mafter Torke bearc the blame, whole footfteps I follow both in the Mat- ter % wherein (I muft confeiTe)the fortunes of Greece did not confift}& in his Method generally vied in all places, which is no other, but T ake it amongest you i neither skilles it how it comes in, foit come out any way, to vent his iplecne. Firft then I would aske (fince this opinion is not of yefterday , nor hatcht in a blind Alley, but had his ground from the High Court of Parliament > al- moft two hundred yearespaft, and hath euer fince gon" generally currant fora receiued truth) whatfingularitie of iudgementhath ftirred maftei Twi, or what ill-talent againft the Honour of that eminent Peere, or fplecnc to- wardes the Writers that haue deliuered it, hath polTcft him at this time, to bring it vpon the ftage by way of a £uare? or becaufe wifemen doe nothing without an end • Cut bono, to what end was it done ? or what good could come of the doing? Was it to taxe the former Ages of blindnefle andcredu- Zzz lity V S S E X. lity in belccuing it ? or to found out to the world his ownc excellent perfpi- cacitie of wir, that hath fcen further into a Mill-ftone then all his forefathers, or thcCc late Writers, that hauegiuen credit to this opinion, orhisvnreafo- ble zeale to the truth, which his confidence would not permit him to fee frao- thered, hauing it by fpeciall infpiration -euealcd vnto him ? For had there beene fome particular intercft of Competition in this cafe, bctweene Mafter Yorke, and the Family of FitT^ Alans, as there was betwixt them and lohn Mowbray Dvktoi Nor folke, there had beene rcafon for him to queftionthc matter, and to haue beene heard pro inter effe < 3 but hee neither deriuing him- fclfe from that Honourable race of the Mowhrayes, nor (hewing any ot her mgagementofintereft to entitle him tothis^*/&determtnedthe controuerfiebetrveene Regi- nald Lord Grey of Ruthin y and Sir Edward Hafings Knight ,erc. as doth appear by this Mandate 5 thereby to inferre a generall rule, that becaufe the Duke of Bedford, fonne to King Henry the fourth , wrote in a loftie ftile and Princely phrafe to the Earle of fveflnterlandjheteforc the EArle Marjhafttf hut a Mini- fier to the C onftable : as if the Conftables precept, or the Marfhals execution of the judgements of that Court (which, befides his higher iurifdiftion,wa$ *c*»/:AMa.K.2.ttem.s. m . fpeciall, but not fbcompulforie, but he might rcfufe it,as*foractimeshee did) hindrcd him to haue a ioy nt and equal power of Iudicaturc in the Mar- fiiall-Court with the Conftable, which no man , before Mafter Torke, was cucr fo impudent to affirmc. Or SVSSEX. Oraskc him, by what method in the fame Edition, of by what confe- rence of the place, he ftraincd in (vnder the namcof jhomatofwoodfteck) Pag- his purpofe fcrcwed in (as I fay) vpon no other acquaintance, but That it as m ade in the time of this mans being Conftable of England. But let Matter Torkes iudicious Reader iudge, whether this paflage do not lidently difcoucr a manifeft flaw in his braine. For of two inftances, vio- ntly haled in without /taw* or Reafon^ toonegenerallendof difabling the arle Marshals authority, he fhall flnde, that what Matter Yorke labours to jildc by the one, is directly deftroyed by the other. For,whereas he makes one of bis principall aymes, to proouc the Earle Marfhall no Iudge, but iely a Minifter, to execute the Mandates of the Conftable ( as hce and his artnershaue proclaimed) and to that purpofe thruft in by head and (houl* rrs, in his fecond Edition (which he oucr-faw in the firft) thcConftablespag^.fecoudEditi. landate to the Marfhall, penned (as it feemes) by the Clerkes difcrction, or I doe notbeleeuehee had fecne many fuch formes) with Wordes of prnmaunding,fuchasthe Ckrke thought might well become fo great a rince, to a P erf on fo farre mTitle inferiour to him (though otherwife in re- >Cvtof their power in that Court,of equallAuthoritic.) Itisplaine, that ,ie Stature, Anno 1 3. of R..2 . (forced in, as I haue fayd?, by no other con- e&ion with the matter, then that at the time of this mans king C^//4^,p a g :68eale tobe fcitectefc to ttye 'onftable anU ^arfljall. So as heere, the Marfhall is enadted to haue Court^thc Pleas to becommenced before him, and the Kings Writ to bee ireded to him for ftay of Caufes queftionable ^ntti tije MtL%$ CoUtt= ffl ft oulti determine, toWtytttyv belong to tbe 31imfotctton ft^e Court of Conftable ant) ^atOml, o$ to tlje Common lat», inddonotallthefcAclsofaludge, cxpreiledinthat Acl, prouetheEarle iarflhall to be a Iudge : whereasr a firebrand of Faction and fedition throughou the hoaft, that made it his fpcciallglory to ray le at Princes j andhauegiuci vsatafteofhisCharafteroutof^wr, (I meane of his conditions futeabl to his vnplcafing fliapc,thcre wittily decipherd)as thus ; M Allfate,andfilent vs'd their feates, Therfites file except, Amn of tongue whofi RaSn-like voice, a tunelefeiarrtng kept 5 {^3^??, Whom htsrankemtndecopte had of unregarded words, vT* That rafhly and beyond allrule,vs'd to opPurne the Lords, &c Might not Mafter Torke (I fay) by as necefTary an inference , and with as good coherence , haue wrung in that place of Homer , for recreation of his Reader, as he hath done thefe three palTages to ferue his malice againft the Honour and Authority of the Earfe Marmall? But I will dwell no longer in thefe gutres of w/^,(wherein I look for little other fatisfaclion from him but that he hath done this to fatisfle his humour , ) but defcend to that of his 3\vne,totry how I (hall be able to fatisfle him therein* Some late writers, faith he in this place(whofe names for modefty fake he meanes to conceale) haue fit downe, that in refieel the family of the Fitz.i^At- Ws had theCaflleof Arundell,they were Earles of Arundell 3 &c. It is tmefime (ate writers haue broached this ftrong Paradoxe,and though M . Torke of his Charity hath fpared to brand them with their namcs,yet I thinkc it a part of {uftice, not to lcaue a greater fufpition vpon the men by fmothering their ternes,whereof they need perhaps be lefle am mied thcnM.Yorke might be a f he ihould be tearmed by his proper name : two of them being in all mens opinions, (but M .Torkes) the Ornaments of our time and Country, for all va- riety of Knowledge and Learning, I meane, reuerend Mafter Camden, and fi&fars elder* ; and a third , euen in Mafter Torkes owneiudgement ( I dare ay) farre beyond them ^,an Author of fuch infallible truth,that as all his Actions are Law, fo are ad his writings Gojpell^ who like a third Cato was fent rom Heauen to purge the world of Errour , his opinion being the Canon o f r ruth , to fumme vp all attributes of praife into one name ; 1 meane Raphe Brooke Efquirc, Author(at thefecond hand) of the Catalogue rfNobility(co\- ?&ed by Glitter S omerfit,z Mafter in Heraldry,long before this Efquire had *rued out his indentures) who in his firft edition of that Catalogue,hath fpo- en mere in confirmation of that Paradoxe, then both the other two : Ma- :txCamdens words are : that in regard of the poffefsion of the CaJile, Honour, Camtka( „ suf ex .^. D . nd Lordjh/p of Arundell — Sir Iohn Fit z>- Alan without any other confiderati- n^or Creation was Earleof Arundell, &c. whereby it was gathered, that the Ume,State } and Dignity ofEarle was annexed to the Caslle,Honor, and Seig- une of Arundell. Mafter Seldens, grounde d vpon the fame foundation, are -j-- t j es 0 f Honour pae.au* ms 3 that of Arundell hath beene by ancient refilution fingled out (as it were) >r a fpeciallkinde of Earledome, the Honour proceeding more from fit fin of the aBell of Arundell then later Creations or refiitutions. And laftly, to crowne KvcR,Raphe Brooke in his firft Edition of Somerfets Catalogue, vndet the cleof Arundell ( the proper place for the J2uxre ) hath this ( that it was included that William Fitzalan was not Earle by way of any late Creation^ but as declared Earleof Arundell, in as much as hewas Lord and Heriimr of the. tftle, Honour , and Seigneur te of Arundell , and that the Name and Title of *rle belonged to thefatdCtfileandHonmr, and had alwaies dope to the Lords 0 f ' t fj e faid 'ca/lle, of time that no minde is , and long before. So Raph. And in another places Philip Howard, eldeft finncof Thorn* late Duke ofNorfolke s which makes not to the point 5 our cafe being an inftance of a peculiar na- ture, and fo del.uered ( as you fee) both by Mafter Camden and Mafter ft* for a lingular Priuiledgc giuen to this Earledome,aboue other The third indeed comes hometovs in the Particular, that threelohns of thatFamtiehadtbepoJJefionofthe CafellofAfUndell, and yet ncuer am of \hem Earlesm faa : Foranfwere whereunto . firft.I would faine know of M. where he learned that Logicke ,to draw an argument a facJo adivs. It is" poffeft,£^itis rightly poffeft. OrtbeypofTefleit not,£^ they haueno right to poiTeiTe it. Suppofe they were fupprefled by theiniquity of Times js haue not many Noble houfes becne vnder a clowd for a time, notdarins :o looke vpon the Kings difpleafurc, in that fplendor and dignity as by right ^hcy might haue claimed < What if they loft their Titlein their own wrong .x)rwantofclaimin 5 CDoesthatexcludetheirrightvntoit ? Whatifpur- uing the claime, it was perhaps denied them 1 ( which is no rare cafe in our imes) Doesthatprouea defertion of the right- Suppofe there be a fepara- ion betwixt Mafter Yorke and his wife, that they Hue afundcr for the time.- loes that conclude that (he is not his wife, in Law { But thefe things I lay by vayof Suppofitionizs cafes not impoffible) not of Concefion, as (ubfenbing ; o the truth oFM^Qtrorkes AlTertion^ouching thefe three Mnsof the Fa- !f c F'^J*"* ' that the EarIedome flcptinalltheirtimcs.- Foras ,o the farft John hee comes not within our qucftion, whether the E^rledome verc weddedto the pofleffion of the Caftle and Honor of ArtmdeR. he ha- ling neuer beenc pofleft ofthe Caftle, in as much as he died in the life time t^hde Matey iheriEnXtoUrundeU, the fecond of whofc fitters and jeires hee had married, and by whom the Caftleand Honour of ArundeU Iclcended to the fecond John Fitz, Alan his heire 5 & fo to the reft of that Fa- pilie. For Hugh de Albeney f died 2^.27. U.^ . and ( the faid Uhn FitZ-Alan { clauf. v t 7 M •eing dead before him,) lohn Fitz,-Alan, his fonne (the fecond of thefe Johns f'lf ffZ' lenuoned by Mafter Yorke) was found next heire to him 5 as the Partition of iarlc Hughes lands plainely preues, as folio weth. ^Rex Galfrido de Langel. * p*"*** * 0 .**.hj ilutem Sciatis quod de terris qu£ fuerunt Hugonis Comitis Arundel fa qu&ex* terunt in cufiodia noflra, per prxceptum noftru afiignauimus Roberto de Tate- 'aUfiUo Roberti de Tatejha/l, S V S S E X. ~~" thaudquidefionfiuit Ceciliam Jeeundm fmrem fa quartamharedumpra- fatiComitis* cafirum fa matter ium deRjfinges cum pertinents pro capitali mejfuagio. Et homagti illorum inde cepimtts,fac. TeHe meipfo apudWeslm. 27. die NouembrU anno regni nojlri vicefimo 0#4«*. Where by the way , we muft not forget to note, w hat credit is to bee giuen to Matter Torkes confident at fertion on his bare word, affirming that allthefe three Johns had the poffepon rftheCaJleltofJrundclliVrhctcmix. iseuidcntby this Record, that this fe- cond Uhn Fitz-Alan was the firft of that Family , to whofc poffeffion the Cattle came. And as to his, (the fecond Iohns) Title of that Earledome.f though if Ma- tter Torke were well examined, vpon what ground of Record hee denies him to haue borne that Title,! thinkc he would plead Ignoramus) wee haue this to fay , that hex died in the life-time of his mother Ifabcllde Albsney (one of the co-heires of her brother Hugh de Albeney) on whom the Tide feded dir- ring her life, nor could by courfe ofLaw,orcongruetie of Reafon, be taken ouer her head, by her fonne while {he liued, (he being the Bridge by which both the Caftle and Title was to be conueyed to him and his fuccelTion : as is daily feme in the like Cafes in latter times. And (that I follow not Ma« fter Torkes mcthod,to fay all,and proue nothing,) we haue to (hew for proofe hereof, that Uhn FttT^Alan was dead before, a°. 5 3. H. 3 . as the Record te- »ff^a 9 ./i.H./.m.//. ftificsinthefe words : *£ex Magiflro Willimo de Clifford Efcaetori citrs Trentam falutem. Cum maneria de Kinele,Melbam fa Edem apgnaucrmut Matilda qud fuit vxor lohannis filij Alani, qui de nobis temit in capite haben' ^4 in tenenciam, donee fibi rationabilem dotem fuam de ten is fa tenement is qua >fueruntpr^edicli lohannis quondam viri fui afignari fecerimus^ &c. Where you may obferue the phrafe of lohannis quondam ^viriftti , which quondam implies fome diftance of time paft, whereas it is cuidcnt by another Record of 5 2. of that Kings reigne, that the faid /fitbell was then lining,and that (hee carried the title of Countejfe ofArundell, as is euident by a Recognizee acknowledged in Chancery by her felfe the faid 5 2 . yere of Henry the third: •ct*ufa: S z.u. 3 ,&.iji *{ifabc8a de Albiniaco comitijfi de Arundel, (thefeare the word* vpon the ^ Roll) recognouit in CanceHaria Regis ,fe debere Willimo de Aette CC. marcds Etnift fee erit, concept quod dicta pecunia leueturde terris fa catallis fuis in c omit at ib m Nonharhpton^uV. SujfexfaNorjf.fac* If againft thefe Records Matter Torke bring his former reafon,that/%*« ftrange to him^ I flbal then make my third anfetere^ that now I am to come to, much more ftrange to him. For whereas of his three Iohns all pojfejfours (as he faith) of the Caftle but Arundell be not pled by the Earledom, I haue mewed that the firft did ncuer in Fafi poiTefle the Caftle, and the fecond^ though he had the Caftle, yet could not make a bridge of his mothers right, who was inheritrelTe of that Title during her life : I fhall now dircclly confound the lafl of his Afferttons in the third Uhn, who enioy ed both the Caftle and the Title and Style of the Earledomc ; For in a Pardon made to Edmund Earl< of Arundcttfonne of Richard Fitz-Alan Earlc of Arundell ('vpon a Mandati there recitcd.to the Treafurer and Barons of the Exchequer.to inquire wha debts the faid Edmond Rood charged with to the King, cither in his own< nami ,amc or any of his Anccflors) I rtndc returned amongtt other things & 'quodidemEdmundus nobis tcnetur ad Scaccariumpradittumin 105.^.1^ *^.a». ?s -E.i,m.i4. frp.denar.de duobus dibitis qui inueniuntur in fotulis Seacearynotfripr*- licii, fub nomine Johannis fly Alani quondam Comitis ArHndctti*,antcccfforx wJoti Bdmundi ; Et in 16. libris ^.felidis, qui inueniuntur ibidem fub no- mine ipftm lohmnis defcutagie W aliunde anno regni noftri Decimo . Etin 1 o. tit. out inueniuntur fib nomine ipfws lohmnis , proiniuflo impeditnento 5 Et in 100. fol qui inueniuntur ibidem fib. nomtnrCormtis ArundcH. antecefforis. ipfius Bdmundi, de exitibus terrartim fuarum f oris fact is. Et in 20. fol mi inueniuntur ibidem fub nomine ditfi Qomitis rcceptis de Garderoba no- fir a } Et in 21. fol. frvnoobolo qui inueniuntur ibidem fub nomine pradicli lohannis fify Alani, &c. What mouth but Torkes would not bee ftopt with fuch a full anfwere, built vpon fo vndcfeifible proofes as thefe,capable of no reply but one, that thefe Recordscannnot be true, becaufc they areflrange to him, vnletfe he will deale as ingenioufly in this as (I hearc) he did of late m another cafe of this nature, when h.ruing purpofely , amongft other good purpofes, reprinted his booke(out of the fame fpirit which I (pake of before) to robbe that Honourable Earleofhis Title of Surrey, which hce there de- PageS , >& 341 . lafte ditioa frightfully left out, vpon no other ground but the Record of his Malice ; and afterwards being fatisfied by fuch as he bcleeued, that there was an Aft of Parliament extant for his Lordjhips reftitution to that Earledome ( which 1 ihaue printed at large in the Title of Surrey ) he honeftly pleaded Ignorance to it, and pi otcfted he neuer faw it, which I hope will be taken as a fufficient reparation to the Honour of fo great a Pecre : for fuch a Scandall and Affront done him, by fo worthy a Squire. But though thefe Records had neuer come to my view.butlycnbuned in Dull and Varkenejfe, as ftrange to me as to Matter Torke , yet mould I fooner in this point touching the three lohns, hauc captiuattd my beleefe to an A& of Parliamenr,then haue yeeldcd to Mail cr Torkes bare and bold alTertions , taken vpon credit at the fecond hand. For if an A& of Parliament auoueh that all that had beene poffelTors of the Caftk and Honour ofArundell had beene Earles thereof without other Creation , and that at the debating of that Aft , I finde Thomas Mowbray was prefc nt, as a Party and Preferment, the King'and Lords as Iudges,and no man there, able to inftance or except againft that allegation, but that it was generally ^pproued for a Truth and patted for an A£t,(hold I againft this,take Matter forks word for fuch discon- tinuance and diuorcc( as hee mentions) betwixt the poffeffion of the Cattle and the Earledome, in the liues of thclc three lohns as if it were poffiblc,f u, b a thins beine;none of that graue and wife Afiem bly, lining nearer the time* byalmofttwohundredyceresthenMafterr^e, fhallcomeby the know- ledge of it as well as Matter Torke : Bat to hold the Reader no longer in this difpute, let vsheare the Aft of Parliament it felfe. Emorandum quod quadam petitio exhibitafuit Vomno *# in prtfenU **jfy%?J%'Z£» \\hJ?p Ar ii ament0 p r0 iohanne Comite Arundcll. sn ebfequw Regis tn regno u ,n.s.m. s *mmtr»3i ».// fuoFrancuexiflente in h*c verba. Pleaufe auRoinoftreSoueratgn Seigneur de sf- acceptervolfre humble liegelohn Count Varundett ore prefent en vojtrefermce r ' Aaaa dems Svssex. deinsvojireroyalme de Vranee,afonUc* > pur/eirjibienimvofire Par/emm com en vojlr* confeiU come Count DWundeS, conftderant qejes auncepa Count* TfarundeU, feigneurs del Chajlell, Honour, &feigneurie Jfarundel ount ewe lour lieu a feteren les parliaments, et ceunfeilx de vo^trefnob/es pro- genitors dutemps dountmemoriene court , perrcafcndcla Chaftellhonoui & feigneurieauantdites, as qucux le dit nom dc Count , ad efte vnie & an- nc xe de temps fiijdtt.des queux ChapH&onor et Seigneurie le dit feppliant eft aprefintfeife. Qua quidem petitione in parliamento prxdiBo letia , audita, ejr intel/ecJa , Johannes Dux Nor f .infra xtatem fa in cuftodia Regis exiftensjunc tbidem pr*. fens ac ius & titulum tarn ad ditta cailrttmjjonorem & dominium de Arundel, quZadnomenComiti! Arundellfe habere prxtendens ,exhibuit prtfato domino \eouetaiiju)lo?b, loulp compiepneg an& fbetoesbnto poutbegt) ttg^ttoiftieCTe , pour toarbe 3!o*m Buc of &o?ffolfc, tbat tobete 3loim Jlojb #autrauer& bp coun* fetli in ting pour tyegtyeft Court of ^arlement, bag affeeb , anb claptneb fo? to fit tti ^atlement?,anb Counfeilr of pou our foue- ratU Lotf), p^CtenTJtng pat all his aunceltorswhilkhauebeenftifedof the Caftell, Honour,andLordlhipof Arunddl, haue been Erles of A- runddi, anb Ijaue tjab pe Cftate, l^ono ?,anb Bignitie ag annexed, vnicd and appurtenant to the laid Caftell, Honour, and Lordfhip,oftymc yatnomyndcis, aftoellafojepeConqueft, ag after, fcntbouten anpotljer creation perof matie of recojbe, ag mabille bp tf# fain iloiU sbautrauerg, beliuereb bnto pour Ingbnelfe , in pour &arlementl)olbeuat OTeftmmfterpeperenertafojeTour paf= facte into pour rotaime of Jrauce^igciatme anbpjetcncemoje pleinlp i$ contetneb : to tobilfcoille,anb allpe contenuc thereof, milicaciong anb anftwetg fufttieut? bag been mate rotjje fame parlement, anb otijer parlement?,anb grete counted of pemrg, u'tben pat time Ijolben , bp Jolm late 3©uc of #o#f olke , falser bnto pour faibe looatbe, as rigbt itujeritet aftoell to tiie Often* honour, anb Lojbfljip, ag tope name afojefeib, bp petolulfc, pe feiblloib^autrauergagl)t not of rtgl)ttoljaue,uo?retotie pe name afoaefetb, tije right of t»t)ilfc> ig nott befcenbeb bnto pour faib boarbe, as fone ant ijetr bnto pe faiti late Buc , ag m tpme compngtott^gotjne$ grace it ftalbe pletnlp fcnotaen, aubpjo= ueb after the courfe anb fojme of pour comen latte. asaherero?e pour faib toarbe, in all fumble torife befefceg bnto pour noble €»race, patinpi^mattier uottjpng be p?ocebeb,no? put mejfe« cutton to W biCberitance, no? ^urt, burping In^nonnage: Confiberingfouerain>lo^, patalltbe eutbence^ of pour feib toarbe, tw^ilfcin pijs mattiert»oulbmaUepep?oofe of w title anbrig^t,beeninpourtxjarb anb gouernanee, bpreafonot w feib nounage. atnb fo$ t^eis caufes ^e ne fcan , no? of reafon ag^tot^er refojt baue,Cojfaluaeion of W feib inheritance, but bnto onto pour rtgbt totfe pjoteectou anb Defence , befefcpng moieoT wettmto pour ijegl) rtgfjttonfenelFe, pat pt# ^t?toucbeanptbmget^atmtgljtbe agapn pour honour anbe* irate , oj agapn anp of pour biooe. &aupng oonelp agapntf W fatbiiojb apautrauerg, fo2 t^ertgbt anb enljerttanee n pour fettie i©arbe, toucljanttije eaftell, honour, ano to#f]jtpof3runbell ? anti otijerbiuerfe£CaMl&l,ojbanp0 ? mb #anotre£ to pour fetb twarbeentatlleb , ano alfo fo^tbe :tgl)t of tlje name of tlje £rle of Sirtmbell. mtymfoiz pout atbetoarbe, mall fumble fcrife befefce£ bnto pour molt jftoble jta;e,fo foztotaftcanb accepttbe ententof tym, anb i)t£fatbe jjouere confetli, anb tn noon oti^er totfe. anb tljat t(?e fame eu= xnt, totttjiugfatb fuppitcacton, mpgbt be tn pour fetb parle= nent enacteb anti entrebofiftecojbbnber fuel) fourme pat pour atbtoarbeburtng ty$ nonnage,no? tn tpme compnge be latoe ©tatutt no? acte tupour fatb parlement fo£tobemabe ? benot rclubcb, no? barren of tyjs; title anb rtgftt tn tW btlle , anb ufo intyg firft fuppltcattoncontetaneb, but fullp fojto ijaue, mb retotfe allmaner of benefice, anb abuantage, of totylk bee »a# anb tg enberttte tune, by pour common latoe atte t^e be- ipnntng of tty# pour fetb patlement. Subfcquenterque pet it tone tUa in Parliament pradiclo left a , audita , & in* elltcfa, ex parte pr&fati Cemitis, per quofdam fios Confiliarios extittt allega- urn^ quod idem C owes ab admifsiom loci fit ad fedend. in Parliamentis & cgn- A* a a 2 fllijS S V S S EX. jllijs regijsper altqua per prdfatnm Ducem Norff. in petitionibus fiis pradidis fratenfavelaffignatacxcludi veldifferri non debet , prdfertim cum dominut Mp tier Rex, ius alicnum , colore alicuius iuris pratenfi per h&rcdem in f data, tern ejr in cufiodia fin exiftentem,per communem legem Anglia impetere dtcli Comitis in hac parte c oncer nentibus, et per ipfum et Confiliarios fuos pra- dicli perantea decldratis melius poffent auifkri. Idemque Dominus Rex de a- nifamcntoct affenfu dominorum pr&didorum circa permijforum determination nemtutius et confultwprocederevaleat in forma iurts deipfius domini Regis mandato dill 'urn frit prafati s Confiliari)s prafati Comitis , qaodpro pleniori de- chrationeetcognitione iuris ettituliipfius Comitis in hacparie,ea quaprtuspro iurc et titulo f tispradiBis orctenu-s expo fuer ant, in fcriptis exbibercntur ,frper quo ijdem Confiliarij ditti Comitis exhtbuerunt in eodem Parliamento^quandam ceduUm titulum pradiclum continentem, eo qui fequiturfib tenor e. Ceft le title monflre a noftre fbuerain feigneur le Roi,pur fin humble liege John Count D'artmdellyore a prefent en fon ferttice deins fin roialme de Fraunee,de fin lieu pur feier fibien en fin Parlement, come en fin counfeill come CountD arundell-. ceflaffauoir que fes aunceftres Countz D'arundell feigniors del Chaftell Honour & fcigniorie D'arundell, ount en lour lieu a feier en ies Parlcmentz & Counfeilx de les nobles progenitors noftre dit feigneur le Roi, de temps dountimemorie ne court per reafon de les Chaftell 3 Honor & feigneurieauantditz 5 as queux,le dit noun dc Count ad efteetnic & an- nexe de temps fuifdit , des queux Chaftell Honor tjf feigneu rie, vn Richard nadgairs Count Darundcll,aunccjlre an dit\ John frit fcifi en fin demefne come de fecfr fuit Count D'arundell per reafon del pofTefllon qilauoit en iceux, U quel Richard em enfi fiifi,fyn fij leuaenla court de feigneut Edward nadgairs 556 S V S S E X. Ric&rdus Comes-rAlianorajili* Aru*M. intdU. I HenriciCom. eafir.honoremcr dominium de A- rundeUperfinem A°.2i.E i*h*r. mafiultij&c. Lancaftr, Richardus Co.A-r- rundeU filins & i her. mafculus. \ Thomas Co. Elizabeth* Arundehbijt Duct fa Nor. fine btredc felci*. mafiulo de y corf ore fuo y per quod re- 1 1 fortiebatur Joh J mes tut lohanni MorvbrayD. Do.Mautr*. Nor ffJ tem Hers vt con. comitatum fang. &her. A runkUi*. mafcvtrtute fnuprAditti. Johanna Marga- vx. Willi- retavx, elmiBeau- Rolandi champDo* Lcnthal. mini de Bergcne* nij. Johannes do- minus Mau- trauers. Johannes do. minus Mau* traucrs. IohannesCo- mesArundell &Do. Man- trauers con- faguineus ejr hares maf- culus Thorn* Comitis A' run dill arundell, du corps Luantdite Alia- nore engrendrez,, a temr du dtt nadgairs Rot & fes heirs , le remayndre oultre come le ditfyn purport ,per force de quell fyn, mefme le nadgairs Count Darun. dell, fuit feifi de mefmes les ChafieU Honor & feigneurte en (on demefne comeie franke tenement. Etpuis la dite A lianore morufi, mefme lenadgairs Count Darunde 11 morufi ent feifi, apres que mort, mefmes les chasiell, Honor & fetg. neurie defcenderont a Richard f on fitz>,come afon fitz, & heir male, du corps la- u ant dite Aliamre engendre, le quell Richard, de mefmes ceux ChafleU Honor fa feigneurie fmft fifteen fin demefne come de fee taiHe, per force du ditfyn, & f uift Cou nt Darundell per rcafon del pofleffion qil auoit cn mefmes les Cha« ftell honor & feigneurie ^ detiel t fate ent morufi feifi, apres qe mort, mefmes ceux chaflclt Honour & feigneurte defcenderont a Thomas , come a fin fitz>& heir male perforce du ditfyn,le quel Thomas ,de mefmes ceuxChafid Ho- nor (j; feigneurte fuifi feifi en fin demefne come de fee faille per force du dit fin^ & fuift Count Darundell per reafon del pofleffion qil auoit en iceux, mo. ruft Jaunz> iffue male defin corps ,apres qi mort, mefmes ceux Chafiell,Honor & fetgneuric defcenderont a John Count Darundell & Seigneur de Mautrauers, come a cofyn& heir male leditThomas,per force du ditfyn,ceflaJfauoir, fit^ John jit z> lohnfit\Richard qi fuift far tie au dit fin, le quel Ishn,fitz. de mefme le Richard fuijl engrendreper le dtt Richard de corps du dite Alianore. Etpuis le dit lohn CountVarundel & Seigneur de Mautrauers morufi feifi dez> ditz C ha- ftell Honor & feigneurte apres qi mort } mefmes ceux ChafieU Honor frfiigneuric defcenderont a mefme cefiuy lohn ore Count Darundell , cijwc afas^ & heire male perforce du ditfi n, des queux chafiell Honor \ & fetgneurie il eft a prefent feifi j en fon demefne come de fee taille per force du ditfyn. -f ^ua quidem cedula in Parliament praditlo left a, audita & intelleBahi- bitaque fupermaterijsineademcontentis,& alijspr&mifsis cum lufiiciarijs fa alijs legis pcritis , ac cater is de Confilio domini Regis in ditto Parliament ex- ifientibns deliberatione t comunicationt& auifamento-, auditis ettamhinc indt nonnullisprofundis & maturis rationibus y allegationibus & mounts fon fidera- to quoque qualiter Rtchardus filius Alanine on fanguinem & vnus htredi* Hugo, nis de AlfoniacoduduComitis ArundeUfuitfeifitusdedictisCafiro, Honor efr Dominio do Arundell in dominico fuo habuerunt, h.bmd. & pfsidcni. Jdmii X7 Ucretoinaltquononebftantibm. <"'w>mcgr L^rl?! in the - dcMa * n ? f ' diefia, nd afterwards in 27. of the IS ? S c C3 f C0 " tr0Uer ? C § rew in P^rliamcntabout precedence! be 3.7* T he , matrcr ' afot h«a«of w ,ir« OTl , ai rf other proofs were 2« ,w v! rii r P Mt «)fapen anb bedarewt after M***** 1 ''*'' ent b P tftepm to be bectbeb anb Xxtnm^T &hff full !£2?2r?i.'- 8 ? mt ^ e teme 3lrtmo?e openlp bttaDoereth in >bicb aict btetb not erpjeifeb in toutenae the beira 'of the t*Z ^^ mm » in * tl,at S» an e$eS n? & ana to ?M» of arunbell^bereto tbe lam *l?S? ml>e i fl; ',^ »«tt>tn>eB,anb annereti.anb bp tbatwa* n be beete anb bob that name,anb not by toe? of Creation o« >e fame Jnge* bnberftanb bp the fame 3ete! ^ re3tton ^S t Hereupon the King and the Lords determined that hee ihouid haue his 5, e ™?™nt & the KingsCouncell as Earle J5» reafTO of tbetfCo. 3ii)asf,euerbibenpofj)tjSauncetonrs;crle!S of atunbelafoje 16& Paj$.8.firft edition. £atle of jaeuonfyrce anD tyg ijeiteg. Since therefore we haue a plaine Act before vs, toproue that the Alte- rations made by the Lord Matrauers mentioned by Raph Brooke (that all his Anceftours as welt before, as fince the Conqueft, which had beene feifed of the Cafle 11, Honour and Seigneurieof Arundell, had beene Earles of Arundell, and thattheEarledomeof Arundell did belong to the Caftell, of time thatnomtnde Uy and long before, MRaphhwfo. further in another placc)were approued in Parliament for trucj and that the King (whofe pleafurc alone is of power to create fuch an Eftate of new, if none had beene before,) hath declared and decreed them in that refpect onely, without other Reafon or Creation to be Earles oi Arundell: It therefore now remaincs onely ,rhat Mafter Torke will be pleafed to giuc his alTent vnto it, and fuffer it to paife for curranr,without fui ther Quires or Exceptions, which he is diligent at all hands to caft in,as is feeneinthis very cafe in the laft edition of his Catalogue, where after the recitallof the Act{bccaufe it wastoo plaine to be denied)he labours to qua- lific it with a Saving of right to the King, John Mowbray Duke of Norfolke ani all others y which intends not any Sauing from the body of the Act touching the vniting ofthe Caftell and Earledome, but a particular Referuation tc Mowbray , of his lntercft to the poffcfllon of the Caftell of Arundell whereunto in his petition to the Parliament he had pretended, as thercii appearcs. And can Mafter Torke haue any fuller latisfaction touching that Act, thei the purfuit thereof in practice, which hath lince folio wcd,whcreof himfelf in hismemorie hath or might haue feenc an inftance in the Perfon of Earl philip,hdrc to Mary y fecond daughter and ccheire of Henry Fttx>-Alan Earl of Arundellhls mother, wife to Thomas D ke of T^orfolke, vnto whom wa conueied the faid Caftell of Arundell in tight whereof he did afftme the title t . Earleof Arnndetl(as Raph confeffeth in his flrft edition, though in his laft h caaiosuep***- hath ma ij c i ou fly retracted it) which being at the flrft flood vpon in refpe< ofthe late Attaindor of his Father, and the bad and cloudy afpect of til times, hee notwithstanding approued his right thereunto before the Lor Treafurer Burleigh, and other the Lordsof her late Maicfties Councell, I the Set fin and Poffefsion of that Caftell fo defcended to him, (js may be teftil cd by fome Honourable perfons then prcfent, aud yet liuing. ) And w; therefore accordingly receiued into the placr and tirle of Earlc of Arundt andfo fate in Parliament almofl wo moneths before his refloring in blond, I $atpk himfelfe hath cited out ofthe Iournall bookeof that Parliament. To conclude this point, let Mafter Torke be intreated to take pitie of hin felfe, and to fuffer things to be, that are, and not afflict his Soule and wea out his reftlelte Spirits in ftriuing to fight with Reafon againft Sence, and ouerturne the cour/e of things, or like the Gyants in the old world to war with the Gods, thereby to bring his hoary head with trouble td ti graue. If any reply hereunto on Maftcx Torkes behalfe,that this anfwer e of mi com S V S S E X. 56l comes out of date, he himfelfe hauingalready cleared the matter by retrac- ing this Slutn in his latter Edition Lee him know, that my anfwerc lookea *. In the famc chapter of his oneiy forward to what remaines written, and in mens hands- thereby to-dif-* 16 ot s ^ ex -^^- couer to the world the boldncfle and ignorance of this man, who taking to himfelfe a Monopolie of knowledge mi reading about all his feUowts y and an vnfalJibilitie of iudgemcnt in what he writes, yet writes to day, what herd- trafls to morrow •• and then offers it as a fufficient excufc for his errour, and afatisfa&ion to fuch as are wronged,to fay 5 hee had not then feene fuch, or fuch a Record,which hath fince altered his minde.For though fuch retracta- tions mayferue againft himfelfe for an Euidence of his bold vntruths,and a confeflion of his ignorance and dotage, in fa fay ing.and c vnfaying, and after * c f u a * ' 4t of his firft primed 1 re-faying, and then c vnfaying it againe, as all this Maftcr Tarke hath done c Pa s 4 *nd T . the firft edi- inthispoint,fincehis firft Printing of the Catalogue : (where by the way Si.21i.ofth.ta.edM6. jvee may obferue, what truft there is to this mans retractations, but that in cpa s- 3 29Jaftedit.on,wh ere ^next ftolcn-Editionofhis Catalogue, hemayrefayoucragainc whathe^uSS^S^*'** bath now retracted : ) Yet I fay, that which hee hath written (notwithftan- iing his after retractings) remaines to pofteritie, and cannot be fo foore vn- ,vritten,?5 vnfayd .• The Bookes flye about the world, and certainely meetc nany times with fuch Readers (for how many other arc there?) as ftand not 0 examine the validity of what is allcdged, but fwallow it dowrie as rafhly is it was rafhly written: and drinke therewith an ill imprefiSon of the men >r matter by him fo fcandaloufly blemifhedand foreiudged. That there- ore this vntruth may not pafle abroad in his former Bookes vncontrouled, !haue thought gocd(notwithftanding his latter rctracl:ation)to fend this an- were to waite vpon it, that where the Toy fen goes, the Antidote may like- wife be as currant; truth euer beft appearing, by confronting both fides ace to face. And fo for this time I leaue him,aad pafle to the reft. * Hee had )1Fuc Htnry Rad ^ cliffe Lord fttzrWaiter, T>Obm Rtdd.fe, fonneof Ub^T^y'^lf *■ ^Radcliffe Lord Fit z-walter was^/^ in the County 0 t Knight oi the Cuter, Lord Walter lEgremontznd Bar»e/l 'and at- beU daughter and he yre of tor created Vdcount Father *2S8fC22£S&3 Bridewell, the 18. of lime, in the 17. ^Thomas Raddtfed^ot 1 v tt t. • l '.fonnedeceafednTucIefle, Sir yeareofKmg Henry the eight • and^w^/^fecondfoa the cipht of December, in the 2i.( nexth !? ,ecotheEarledon ic r t 1 -iw Y-i • j or Suffex in cafe the now yearc of the laid Kings Rejgne, hee Earieof^/^dyes without was created at White-Hall Eaxie ®f ,m,e ^ {lc )y vho m ™ed une n sr i t -ii • daughter at Str TranenHinae S ufjex. Hee married three wiue% Knight: and f 0l re daughters, the firft was EliZahth , daughter of M"jf^ **^» rr „ nr i-r\ i r i t - one of the Maids of Ho- ffenry Staff 0rd JJuke Of BuckinghA^nowto Qucene Eighth: by whom he * had iffuc, Henry Lord Ftt&Walter, Sir Humftey RadcliffccA Councell in the North.fonne Kn.ght ; ™iG-fVAlter,Lord Egremont and Burne/l, and Knight of the Garter., and married two wiues 5 the firft was £//- zabeth, daughter of Thomas Homrd Duke of Norfolke, by whom hec had iftuc, Thomas the third Earle of Suffix of this Family 5 and Henry the fourth Earle of Suffix ^ and Francis. His fc< cond wife was Anne, daughter of Sit Philip CAlthorp Knight, by whom hce had iflfue, Egremont RAdcliffe, attainted of trcafbn ; *M*ry > mm ied to Sir Tho* mas Mildmey of Effex Knight. This Henry dyed in the fourth yeare oi Qutcnz Mary t 1557. and was buri- ed in Saint Lmrence Poultneys Chuxdl neere London- Stone in London. Et pottoitjlej atme« de Con pere. D*argant a la bande engrefley de fable. CORRECTIONS. TTHis Henry Earle of Suffix departed this life at Sir Henry Sidneyet houft io * cbsnon-rowat wefminfiet on wednefday morning, the i7.of February betweene fiuc and fixe a clocke, in the third and fourth yeare of Philip and JW!<7,aM $ 5 6 . as appeareth by a certificate thereof in, the bookc of BuriaU iodic Officeof Armcs.F0l.22 5 . Thorn* 1 SvSSEX. *~VHomatRAdclijfe, fonncand hcire of Henry aforefaid, wasafrcr the death of his Father, Earlc of Suffix, Vifcount FitzWalter, Lord Egre- mont, Burnell, and Knight of the Gar. tcr, Lord Chamberlaine of the Houf- hold to Queene Elizabeth, and Iuftice in Eyre, of all the Forrefts and Parkes beyond the Trent. Hee married two wiues, thefirft was Elizabeth, daugh- ter of T homos wriothejley , Earle of Southampton,by whom he had ifilie, Henry and Robert that died yong with- out iflue. His fecond wife was Fran- ces , daughter of Sir William Sidney Knight, and filter of Sir Henry Sidney Knight of the Garter. He dyed with- out ifTue, at hishoufeat Bermondfiy mSottthtvarke, the 9. of June, 1583. and was very honourably carried >rough London, to New Hall in Effix,and there buried with a Hearfe,and the fficers of Armesgiuing their attendance, the p.oflulyafter. Et portoit, Ics armes de fon pcre. TjEnry Radclijfe, fecond fbnne of * Henry the fecond Earle of Suffix, and brotherand hevreof Thorns the third Earle of Suffix of that name, who after the death of his brother, was the fourth Earle of Suffix, Vifc count F itz- Walter -.Lord Egremont & Burnell,Knightof the Garter, & Cap- taine of Ports~mouth,mavr'icd Honora, daughter and heire of Anthony Pound, otHamffbire Efquire, and had uTue, Robert Radcliffi the fiftEarieof Suf» fex. He dyed the i4.ofDeccmberin the yeare, 15^3. Et portoit,d'argent * I* bande cngreflee die fable; Bbbbz Rtbm VS S EX. O Obert Radcltffe , fonncand heyrc ^-^-ofJfrw^aforcfaid, was after the death of his Father, the fift Earle of Suffix of that Family ,Vifcount Fits,. Walter^ Lord Egremont and Burnett , and Knight of the Garter, 1 62 1. Hec married Brtdget > daughter of Sir Charles Morifon of Caijhobery in the Countie of Hertford r ,knigbr,by whom hee had iflue, Henry Radcltffe Lord Fit^JValurfftho nwicd /<*»f,daugh- tcr of Sir Micbsefl Stanhof Knight 5 Thomas Radcltffc fecond fonne \ Elu 7^beth y wife to Sir John Ram fey^ Vif- count Hadington* and now Earle of Holdemeffe ; and Honor a Radcltffe > all deadiflueleflc. EtportoitjcTttsent a U band engreflse de fobk. 565 A CATALOGVE OF THE Earles of Tankeruile, their Arm'es, Wiues y and Qhildren, WITH CORRECTIONS. Enry Grey (fon of Sir John Crey Knight, and of lo ane his Wife, eldeft daughter & coheyre of Edward Charleton Lord Pow/s ) fcjr his Martiall pro wciTe and valour , was by King Henry the fifth , 1 4 1 7. created Earle ofTanker-vilein Normandy ,to haue vnto him and his heyres males , by deliucring one BarTinet attheCaftle of Roan eucry yeare on S.Georges day .There were created with him at r hcfamctimCiGafcofne deFoyz, Earle of Lon- gcvile j and Sir Iohn Bourchier Earle of Ewe. This Henry married Jntigonehzit daughter of Humfrey Duke of Glocesler , by whom hee had ifiuCfXicfrard Lord Powis, Humfrey fecond fonne,and a daughter named ElttgUtk^ marri- ed to Sir Roger Kyneflan Knight, and was after flaine in a battcll at Blangie , neere to the Citie oiAngiers , by the Duke of Alanfon j where were flaine with him, the Noble Duke of Clarence^ Gilbert Humframle£ax\z of Anguijh^ the Lord Ros^ad almoft 2000. others 5 the 2 2 . day ofMarch, 1420. Etportoit, burelle d'argent & d'azur de huit pieces, fur la tout a la bande it gueuilrt . C ORR E CTI O NS. THis bundell of words is like a blowne bladder,full of winde , but of net A weight , for firft you fay that Henry Grey by K.Henry the 5. 1 4 1 7* wot ere* *tcd Earle of tanqueruile y which is moft vntrue. Looke therefore who will, SmtheRolle of Normandy , a°.c5. H. 5. 1418. and there fhall they finde . sttwtsChrm iiieciali t t .m .4i.h. 7 g., y r(> y om ^ g ratu j t0 f eY uicio,quod dileclus fidelis nojler Johannes de Gray no- bis impenditj&impendet infuturum^ dedimus ey concefimus eidem Johanni, Comitatum dc Tanqueruile cum omnibus fits pertinents ejr depedencijs qui- bufeun%,— qua tenuerunt ejr pofiidermt infra Ducat um nojlrum Norman- nix tarn Willulmut deMclhun nuper Comes de Tan quer mile , quam Iacobus de Harecourt & Mar gar eta vxor eius , filia prddicti nuper Comttis vt in marita. gio cum eadem Margaretajaluisfa except is terra & Baronia de Varcngebec inCojlentinfcituatis. Habend.ey tenend. profit o Johanni, &h&r.fuismaf cults de corpore fuo exeuntibus — de nobis fa h&r. noftris , per bomagium , ac reddendo vnum bafinet,adcafirum nojlrum de Rouen, ad fefium finclli Gcor- gij (ingulis amis mperpetuum>fcc.Tefle Regeapud Caslrum Regis de Rouen, xxxi. die January. Hee married loane , daughter and co-heire of Edward Charlton Lord Powis, by Alianorehisvfife, one ofthe fitters and heires of Edmond Holland Earle of Kent, widdow of Roger Mortimer E:.rle of March , * P4Uit.HX.pu2. m.*g. anc j by her was father of Henry Grey? commonly called Earle of Tanker uile after his fathers deceafe : whyfbould I fpeakc more of them < or to what end werethey brought into this Catalogue . ? fince they were not Parlia- mentary Earks of England. Hee might as well haue brought in the Earlcs of Barre, Mortton, c Sauoy s Perch, and others, who had Englifh Inheritances , though forraignc Honour s,zs thefe : but to the point in hand. In the next place hee tells vs , that there were created with htm at the fame time (viz. 14 17.) Gafcoinede Foi^ Earle of Longeuile, and Sir John Bour- chier Earle of Ewe, wherein are no lcfle then three errors j The firft in the words with him, implying Henry Grey ; for it was his father, and not this H^thatwascreatedCby/^w^the Eft) Earle of Tankeruile^ of which Creation enough hath becne but euen now deliuered. Secondly , that Gaf coynedeFoyz, was created with him atthe fametimc, meaninga 0 . 1417. Earle oiLongiuille, when it is vndoubtedly true , that Gaffo de Foix had the Earledome of hongcuille giuen to him and the heires males of his bodie, by Letters t Patents dated at Maunt theeleuenthof June, a^.H.j. which falls in the yeere of our Lord , 1 4 19. Thirdly, that with him at the fame time Sir John £*#rr was created Earle of Ewe, when there was ncuera- ny fuch man Earle thereof, nor at that time 14 1 7. any one honoured with that title. Indeede I finde that William Bour chier was s dignified with that Earledome of Ewe in Normandy at Maunt the tenth of Iune (the day before Foix his creation) Anno. 7.H. 5 . 14 1 9. and not before • of whom, and of thisfarrelctcht Honour, I haue already fpoken in the Titles of Ejfcxand Ewe. In the third place it is faide that Henry Grey wasfaine at Blangie bridge by the Duke of Alan fin , where werejlaine with him Gilbert Vmfrauile Earle of Anguijh, 2 v>. Martij anno 1420. When hee that fayes fo, cannot prooue any Gilbert ^mframaiUEztlc o(Angos to liueof xxxviij yeeres before jfor thelaft Gilbert of that familie that was Earle of Angos , died in Ianuarie, Anno 4.R. 2 . in the yeere of Chrift 1 3 80. So that hee waspaft rifing agaifl to * tformdmvJi 7. U-J* ft. 1 • Kerm/utA' , .yM.s.pt.t Efii) p*g,tjp8 Et portoity* lozengie d'or & d'azur. r> Oger de Bellemont {fonne and heire of Henry *^~de Nouoburgo aforefaid ) was afte* his Fa- ther the fecond Earle of Warwick after the Con- queft* Hee married Gundred> daughter of wit- Ham, the fecond Earle Warren aud Surrey , and had iffue, William Earle of wartvicke, who died without iffue, and waller an, who was the fourth Earle of IVarmcke. This Roger , made diuers iournies totheHoly-Land.anddjed the fecond day of the Ides of Iune, in the yeare 1 1 5 and was buried at Warrvicke. 1 Etportoit, lesarmes defijlipere. W'riltM yV A R WICKE. \\TlUiamde Plejfeto, fonneandheyre of ^ * Roger de Bellomont , was after his fa- thers death , the third Earle of Warwicke after the Norman Conqueft.HQ married two Wiues, the firft was Matilda , eldcft daughter and co- hey re o&WtlLiam Lord Percy, and fifter of Ag- nes j the Wife of loceline de L&uaine. His fe- cond Wife was Margaret , daughter ofthe Lord D'eyuile, but had no iiTue by ey ther. He died the 1 7. day before the Kcilends of Decem- ber, * 1 i83ikauing his brother Waller an to * a* pa*. 11*4. ?(M fucceed him in the Earledome of warwickc. *• **v Comes tie U^^rtmc. Houeden Etportoit, Iesarmes de fbn bifayeul. J e ^3fS'& n-i«» VV; Alleran (fecond fbnne of Roger de Bello- mont ) after the death of William his ei- der brother, was the fourth Earle of Warwick e 3 and married two wiues ; the firft was Margaret daughter of Humfreyde Bohun Earl of Hereford, who died without iiTue. His fecond Wife was * Alice, daughter of lohn Harecourt, by whom * 51,06 was married alfo to he had ifTue, three fonnes and one daughter^/- t^tZZ*"^''' Ham, Henry , andwalleran Alice the daughter was married to William Mandudfiaron of Han - flapem Buckinghamjhire, andChamberlaineof cheExchecqucr. This W^^;;, at the Corona- tion of King lohn, did carry thefword vpon the right hand of the faid King , for his feruice due for the Earledome of Warwicke, and died in the yeare 1 aoo.being the fecond of King John. Etportoit, Iozengied'ot& d'azprala ♦ bordirrgueullej. *The bordure muft bee shaded with 8. plates. . CORRECTIONS. ^His Walleran (fayyouj died in the yeere 1200. being the fecond of King John, but the Booke of Barlings Abbey tells me, AnnoMCCWll. Comes IttcepUfr Gwaleranus Comes de warewyk obierunt • That the Earle of Lei- Ltb.Sart^etM imjiUk* ceiterand hee died a° 1204. in the fixt yeere (not the fecond) of King /^^c*^*./*/.**.*. which I doe the rather em brace for truth . Firft, for that I finde Robert Fitt- PerneHthe Earle of Lei cefter heere fpoken of in Bar lings -booh to die that yeere, 1 204. And fecondly,in that I finde the next yeere after, (viz.a.°.j ri%- tafui) King lohngme the marriage ©f^//-4wheire to r/&ow^ Lord Baf. Cccc fa 57° War wick e. ctmJ^ % , 7 tiok4nmt. m.jj. f e t ofHedington'm Oxford/hire, as Iobfcrueby this that folio wcsiRexHu- goni de chaunc, Sciatis quod concefsimus Thorn a Bajfet, maritagium fify & ha, redis walerani Comitis Warewic, cum toto iure fuo, ad opus jtltajfua.Et ideo vo* his mandamus quod ei plenariam faifinam habere facias, &c. \ATltti*»*> fonnc and hcirc of Wdlleranjh.z ^ * fourth Earle of^*rnwfo,was after the death of hisFather,thefift Earle of warwicke ; In whole time, all England was vnder the fub- iectionof the Pope, for feuen yeeres together. Hee dyed without iflfue , as lohn Rous of War* wicke hath. Etportoit, lesarmesdc (on pere. y LJEnry , fecond fonne of Earle waller an, and *• '* brother and hey re of William^ rift Earle of Warwick afbrefaid, was the fixtEarlc of War- wicke. Hec was euer faithfull to King hhn> alt though hee tooke from him the Lordfhipof Gotver in South-Wales. He alwaies maintained the faide Kings part , againft Lewis the French Kings Sonne, and others the Nob ilitie of the Realmer who tookvntothemfelues the name of Maintainers of the liberties of the Kingdom. He married two Wiues, the firft was Margery , daughter of Henry deOy ley, Baron of Hochnor- ton,md Founder of Ofney Abbey and Miffen- den, and filler and co- heyre of HewyD'Oyley the younger, by whom hee had hTue, Thomas Earle ofwarwicke, and a daughter named Mar- gerie, whowasfirft married to IohnMarJhall{ brother of WiUiam Marjloall tfie elder, Exteot Pembroke) who (in herright) was Earle of mrwicke, and died without iflue. Her fecond husband was lohn dePlefJetis , a Piitauian borne, who in her right was alfo Earle of mrwicke. This Henry married to his fecond Wife, Phillip x daughter of Thomas Lord BaffetofHedingtotf in Oxford/hire, Founder of the Priory of Biffeter, by whom he had no iflue. He died in the fecond y eere of King Henry the third. Etportoit, leiarmesdefonfrere, COR- War wick e. CORRECTIONS. T Need to appeal no further then to the Finc-rol in theTower,a°.4. H. 3. to •■■confute you in this ; for by that I am affiired that hec was then liuing , and not (as you fay) dead in the fecond yeereof that kings reignc : marke the words. ^Rex vicecomiti Oxon.falutem. Scias quod Henricui Comes Warr. ' Ex 'T 1 ' ***** a °» 4>h. fro fe faPbtlippa .m.^. j in the 14. yeare of Hen.$. Philippathe Counted his wife , ( one of Baffetj heires asaforefaid,) furuiuing, was f re-maried to Richard Siwardficc* fc'aufj^Hj.&^j, 57 1 / ~T 1 Homos, fonne and hey re of Henry, the fixe EarleorPFrfrnwife.after rJie death of his ft- ther, was the fcuenth Eatlc of warwicke ; and married * Ela 5 daughter of wiUiam. Long/fee, , « W2siftet married to Earle of Salisbury , bafe fonne of Y^mgnenry ph, h Lord Bajjit. chart. the fecond, by whom he had no iffue. He died ifTueleflcythe 26. of King Henry the third, 12 42. leauing his lifter Margery his heire, and to pof feile his Inheritance 5 She being married to Iohn Marjball, as aforefaid. Et portoit, efchiequecrte d'or Sc d'azur, au chcuron d*hermin«$. VV ARWICKE. XohnMar/haS^onnc of lohn the Kings Mar- ^ftiall in King Henry the fccondstime,and Bro- ther of WilUm Marjhallxhc elder, EarleofPw* broke. This lohn married Margerie, fitter and fole heire of Thomas, thefeuenth Earlc of War- mcke, in whofe right he was the eight Earle of warmckejzy the permiffion and fauor of King Henry the third, and after dyed without ifTue, the 27. yeare of the faid Kings Reigne. Et portoit, de gueullej a la band fizelle d'or. lOhn de Pleffetis, a Piftauian borne, after the * death of John Mar]haU^ married Margery his Widdow, fitter andheyreof thorns the fc- uenth Earlc of Wernicke, in whofe right (and King Henry the thirds permiffion and fauour) hee was the ninth Earlc of warmcke. This John, with diuers other Englishmen, trauelhng from Aquitaine towards their owne countrey oucr land, by a fafe condutf of the French Kings, were arretted in a Town of Poitf ow^d- led Poland there imprifoned ( notwithftan. ding they flawed the faid Licence) hee dyed without ifliie, in the yeare 1263. and was bu- ried in the Monaftery of Mifenden in Bucking* bam(bire. Et portoitjd'argentafixanneUetzdeguculles, l, 2 ' 1 ' CORRECTIONS. 'Wo words in your tra& {without ijfue) caufe mc to charge you*** *»' Errors : if you aske which they be, I fay you haue omitted his firft wife Chriftitn daughter of Hugh de Samifordpnd fccondiy,in that you would per- Mcmchcdiediffuelefe: one Record will make both thefc good againit you, andproucthatformerwifc, and not onely fo, but teftihe hcehada Warwicke. *7? bnneand hcirc by hcr,named Hugh de Plejfetit. Reade them as they follow, r orIaUcdgechcrnformyturnc,yrtr4/*r«^//»/ fuper (acramentumfuum, .£/?^ /( .. 47 ,H.3.n 4 .27.« ^uodUhmnes de Pleffetis quondam Comes watt, tenuil quinque virgatas terra cem.ser^. tydiwid. in 'villa de Morton, de hxreditateCriftinx filu Hugonis deSanford tliqtto tempore vxoris fux — . Cicunt etiam quod Hugo de Pleffetis, qui fuit filius 9t adtclt Comitis eft propinquior hares eiufdem Comttis, qui films eft de At ate, iG.annorum. Ifthis will notfatisfieyou that he hada fbnandheire (there- fore died not without i(fue)cz\kd Hugh de Pleffetis : looke into the Clofe and *>FineRols,a 37.and47 H. 3. and there (hall you mecte with his Homages \ c /^ 7 .H^.i both for Sanfords,znd his Fathers eftate, for Lands in Miffenden, Hokenor- 1 47.H.3. tort, Kidelington, and Morton, in the Counties of Buckingham, Oxford, and Berke : more of this is too much, enough hath bcene faid. ■ m.7. VV; Alleran, third fbnnc of WallcrAn, the fourth Earle of warwicke, & Vnckle and heyreof Margery, CountelTe of Warwicke his Niece, after whofc death,and her two hut bzndsylohn Marjhalljmd lohn dePlejfetis Earle of Warwicke } he was the tenth Earle of War- wicke, and the laft of that Family. In his tiime liued thefe famous Writers, Robert GrofbedKi* (hop of Lincolne j Roger Bacon, and others. He dyed without ifTue, leauing WtUiam Manduit, Baron of Hanftapc } his fifter Alices fonne to fnc- deede him, as lohn Rous of iVarwicke hath. Et portoitjlozengied'or & d'azura la bordur de gueullei. CORRECTIONS. IT fecmes you thinke I want worke, that fend me here to feekc a needle in a *botteli of hay, to looke after this Walleran (whom you vpon Roufes credit haue created Earle o(Warwicke) for whom I could ncuer as yet findc gojod warranty • I confefle by other late Writers he is added into the Catalogue of thofe Earlcs, but I for my part am of opinion that he neuer had that title j The inducements that leade me to this contrarietie are not few, of which take thefe. Vpon thedeath of lohn de Pleffetis, Earle ofmrwicke, a°.47.H.j. an in- H.j.n». tyi quiry is made what Lands he dyed feifed of, where among other things, the Iury finde, and vpon their oathes certific to the King, that he dyed feifed of to a very faire eftate in the Counties of Oxford,Berke,md clle whcre,in right of Chriftian deSanford his firft wife : all which ought to defcend to Hugh de Pleffetis his fbnnc and heire. And alfo, that hcc d held the Caftlc, Maanor t Ihidm n , M«tii. t Em rotuto Fmiwn, a H.3,m,8. w A RWICK E. 575 ^\7lBiam Manduit, (ox Aidlcdotius) fonnc Y v o(mll/am Manduit,Bzxon of ffanjlape y and Alice his wife, fitter and hey re of Waller an the tenth Earle of Warwickejvzs after the death of William his Father, Baron of Hanjlap , and hereditary Chamberlaine of the Exchequer; and after the death of Waller an his Vnckle a- forefaid.wastheeleuenth Earle of tvarwhke, and was furprized in his Caftle oiWarwickejay Simon Mountfort E;irle ofheicefler ^zrxd (with his Wi/eand Family) were carried away prifo- ners to the Caftle of Kenehvorthjnd his Caftle of^rnw&rdcfpoyled, becaufe he tookc pate with King Henry the third^againft the Barons. He dyed without iffue, the fourth day of the IdesofI Ianuary,intheycere, 1268. and was )Uricd honourably at Warwicke, leauing Ifibell his fifter and hey re 5 married omlltam muchamfe Baron of Elmeley^ called the blinde Baron. Et portoit,d*arg;nt a deux barres dc gueulles. \A7 Miam Beaucbampe, or Bello-Campo, Ba- V ^ xox\ofAclmleymdtianJlap,fonofWil- HamBeauchampe^ndlfxbell Manduit, was the 1 2, Earle of Warwickc, Shirieffe of Worcefler- /hire by Inheritance, and Chamberlaine of the Exchequer.by his Wife, Lord of Kirtling. This wilfamMth RichardE\{hox> of London^Reginald Grey j Iohn afford, and Alan Plugenet, were ap- pointed Tutors and Gouernours to Prince Ed- ward, intheabfenceof King Edward the firft his Fathers abode in Flanders. Hee married Mauld, daughter and one of the hey res of Iohn Fit^-Geffrey^Loxdoi ' Kir t ling, and Chiefc-Iu- fticeof Jreland, and had iftue, Guy Beauchampe Earle of Warwick j Jfab ell, wife to Patrick Cha- nw/^Lordof 'Kidwelly in SoutrWtfifcr, after aariedto Hugh SpencerYax\zolWinehcfter 5 and M&uld,xmxx\zd to 'hunt . He dyed at Aelmley, the 26.of King Edward the firft, and was buri- d at worcefter by his Father,in the Fryars Mynories. Et portok,gueulIes afc face cntre fix croix croifettees d*or. CORRECTIONS. T*0 winde vp this in a few words 5 I fay Iohn Fit%-Gejfrey Iuftice ollrtland A leftiflue/^»F//a-/^»tofucccedehim 5 who»dycdA <> .4.E.i. without,* ifiv^i , n , si iffuc ' *7 6 Warwicke, <-CUvfz6,Y.. t.m.t. iflue, whereupon his eftatc went to Richard Fitz John his brother and heire and when he was b dead likewife without children,his Lands were«deuidcd a mongft his heires, of whom Maude Countefle of warwicke (here fpoken of wasonc,andindecdehis eldeftfiftcr: fo as therefore I thus acknowledge (he was (its true) daughter of lohn Fitz-Geffrey , but not one of his heires. \\ * //«fM7.E'j;m. i -e-m,: w ju b c manifefted by a world of authorities, that fhee was *fifler and one cj the heires of Richard Fits, John, who dyed A°.25. E.I. and not otherwife; Wherefore I will pafleon,and let that paffe among yourleaft efcapes, fhee was the widow of Gerard Lord Furntuall^ after married to this Earle of Warwicke^ and e dyed in the nine and twentieth yeare of King Edwardifa firft. (~1PJ Bcauchampe, fbnnc and heyrc of William the 1 2 . Earle of War* wicke, was after the death of hisfa- ther.the thirteenth Earle oiwarwick^ Baron of Elmeley, and Hanjlap^ and Founder of the Colledge at Elmelej : andhadgiuen him by King Edward the firft(for his good feruice)theCa- ftleofE*r*Winths Biftioprickc of Durefme, being par cell of the Balwh inheritance. He was one of the No- blemen,which caufed Peter of Gaue* Hon (King E^WthefecondsMin« nion) to be beheaded . Hee married * Alice , daugh ter of Raphe deTbneio, and fitter and heyre of Robert Lord T oneio , Baron ol Flwfted, sndhad iflue two fonnes, Thomas and John , and a daughtei named Elizabeth , wife to Thorn* Lord Aftley t Thomas was after his Father Earle of warwicke and lohn mi Admirall of England, Conftable of Doner Caftle t Lord Warden of the Cinque-Ports, Knight, and oneof the firft Foundersiofthe Noble Order ol the Garter, and dyed in the 34-yeare of King Edward the third,and was bu« ried in the body of the Church of S JW in London^ leauing 1 homos Earl< of warwicke his heyre, who was then found to be 40. yearesof age, and a- boue. This Guyj&ycd in the yeare 1515 .the p.of King Edwardthc fecond and wasbnrkd ztBrodeJley in worccfarjhire. £t portoit, gueulkt a h face entie fix er*ix c»ifct*e» d'or. • She was Widdow of Tk- masLeyborne>8c after Beau- shamps death, fhe was third- ly married to Wtlliam Mor- timer affas Zouch of Afhby de UZouch t SttClauf.z° '.8.E 2. £/?*?/r.a <, .i8.E.2.n».82.& Thorn Warwick e. *~V HomasBeaucbampe^hz 14. Earle A of Warmcke, after the death of Guy his Father : hee was borne in the Caftle of tvartvicke,and chriftened by TbomafJLztte of Lancafler. And inthe yearei337- hecwas made Marfhali of England 7 by King Edward the third, during plcafure , and was one of the Founders of the Noble Order of the Garter. Hee walled and embattclled his Caftle of Warwicke^ and adorned it with Gates and Bulwarkes. He was at the battailes of Creffy^Petcliersjnd at the ailiedge of Callu,mth King Ed- wardthe third. Hee married Kathe- >7w,daughter of Roger Mo r timer Earle of March ^ and had ilTue three fonnes andfix daughters ; G^thcddeft fon married,and had ifluetwo daughters, Elizabeth and Katherine^ and dyed before his Father, in the 34.yeare of King Edward the third. Thomas fecond fonne, was after his Father Earlc of warmc ke ; William the third fonne, was Baron of Aburgauenny : Mauld, wife to Roger Lord Clifford ; Katberim^mzi" ricd Hugh Yia.t\zStafford- i Eli'%abetbjN{(cto lohn BeaucbampejSavon of Hatche mSomerfetfhirc -Joane y wife to Raphe Bajjet of 'Drayton 5 Ifebell, married to William yjfordEzvlc of Suffolke 5 the laft was a N un. Etportoit,de gueullss a la face entre fix croixcroifettees d'or. CORRECTION'S. "D Ecaufc here I finde this Earle of warwickes iffue fet down fomewhat fhort •*-^of what I obieruc both in RccordjLmdences^ and other Memorable f laces ; I will fomewhat encreafe the number, andaddeonely fuch as I finde war- rant for, and curteoufly will I embrace any ones information, thatvpon fure ground can inftrucl me further. By Catherine Mortimer his wife afore- named, he had iffue feauen fonnes, and nine daughters, Guy the eldcft fonne dyed before his Father at V&ndam in Normandy , who by philippa his wi fc, bad iffue Elizabeth, and Katherine a a Nunne at Shouldham in Ifor/olke, and 4 *" 4 • R * , «P t « J««*^ dyed both without iffue. Thomas Bemch&mpe fecond fonne was Earle of Warwicke after his Father. Reinburne Beanchawpe third fonne fdead b in a°.43 , k ^femr. a».4?. e. ?*pt. 1 1 E. j. ) to whom the Caftle of Smynefey and the Land of Go tver in Wales jsaA nM9./i«™w. other Lands in Rutlandwerc* entailed, and to theheires raaflcs of his body, t t f (( u tu i\ t*^, andhadiflue, Richard Ex\c of Warwick. Katherine his eldeft daughter died vnmarrjed A°. 1378. andlieth buried in SaintA^WaatPT^/V^tand^r^/ another daughter mar- ried to M»Baron D«<%. Hee dyed in the fecond ycare of King Henry the fourth, in his Caftle of Warwicke, and was there buried by his An- ceftors. Etportoit, Ietarmesdefonperc. 13 I chard Beauchampe, fonne of Tho- ^-^-w^aforefaid, was after his Fa- thers death, the fixeteenth Earle of Warwicke, & by his Wife, Lord Lijle . He was Gouernor of Normandy, and Lieutenant generall vndei -lohn, Duke of Bedford,Regcat of France for King Henry the Eft, who made him Cap^ taineofC*//#, and of theCitie and Caftie of Meaux in Bry. He married two Wiues.the firft was Elizabeth , daughter and heyre of Thomas Lord Berkeley, & Margery his wife, daugh- ter and heyre of Warren, Lord Lip and Tyesy by whom he had i(Tue,tbree daughters, who were heyres to their Mother; Margaret the eldeft, was married vnto lohn Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury, and had iffue, lohn Tal- hot Vifcount Lijle. Eltanor the fecond ^daughter, was firfi: married to Thomas Lord Ros, of Hamelake 5 and after to Edward Beanford,T>u\iQ of Somerfet. Elizabeth the third daughter, was " Wife to George Neuill Lord Latimer. This Richards fecond Wife was I fa ■ ^daughter of Thomas Lord spencer,Eark of Glocefter,ond lifter and heyre of Richard Lord S fencer, Widow of Richard Beasichampe Earle of VVorce- fler, by whom he had ifTue, Henry Duke of Warwicke, and Anne married to Richard NeuiU^xXt of Salisbury, who (in her right) was after Earle of War- wide. This Richard, the fixteenth Earle of Warwicke, dyed at £.beingbutfixeyeercs of age, and was buried at Reading., and Henry her Father died at Hanky, the place of his birrhCbeing not full 2 2.yeeres old, -Heedyedthe ekaucnth of ^Y^f our Lord/ i4 4 5.and was buried at rw^7(as/^^ Iun ej aM 3 ,H.«.i44<..See Ot Warwickehtfh. EjcA!tr.3?.i4- H, 6, pc y? mor- tem. Hen. Dm* W**r. in «. .. London. ttportotf, Us amies tie Ton pete, COR* W'ar wicke. 581 CORRECTIONS. HOwfoeucr it pleafeth Matter Yorke to ioync the pcecesof feuerallpafla- ges together, and to reduce altonder one head , ( I mcane for time) as that this Earle Henrie of Warwtcke^ m the twentieth of King Henry the fixt was rejlored, that he was crowned King offvight, and alfo that he was made chief e Earle of England, is fomcthing more then is agreeable to my fmall reading : For, to let palTe the two firft, his reflitution and Coronation,! am very confi- dent, th3t hee was not Pracomes Anglix , honoured with the title of primer Count ,or chiefs Earle of England, * vntill the two and twentieth of the fame * ch*rt.*[>.z 0 » u $ font 4, Kings reigne, by hisLetteisPatents, dated at Doner the fecond day of prill. Next hee fa yes , that tin theyeere 1 444. being thei^.H.6. hee Was created Vuke ofwarwicke : w hen it will cafily be prooued , that his Creation beares * date at windf ore the fiho{ Aprill indeed, a°. 1444. but ina°.22. H.tf.and rfjtoia'j/^if lot otherwifc j of which fee more in Buckingham^zg.^ . hj.*.**. O lchard Ntuill, fonneand heire of Richard NeuiltJEzde of Salisbury married Anne, daughter of Richard Beauchamp, the i6.Eade otlParwicke, by his fecond Wife , and fitter & folc heire of the whole blood of Henry Beauchampy Duke of Warwicke afore- faid ; in whofe right, this Richard Ne- uill, in the 2 8. ycere of King Henry the fixt, was the eighteenth Earle of War- wicke ; and by that Name & Tirle fate in Parliament held at wefiminHer, the 3 5 . of the faid Kings Reigne 5 and in the 39. yeere of Henry the fixt, his Fa- ther being dead , was alio Earle of Sa' Itsbury and Lord Month ermer , great Chamberlaine and Admirall of Eng- land, Lord Warden of the North Mar- ches towards Scotland, and of the Cinque- Ports, Captainc of Callis, and high Steward of the Dutchy of Lancaster. At what time this Richard was fent into France , to treat a marriage for King Edward the fourth, King Edward fell in loue , and married Elizabeth , daughter of Richard lVooduile,Eatk Ryuers (the Widciow of Sir John Grey) which procured great hatred betweene this Earle and the King. Which difgrace^ this Richard being not able to digeft , plotted a confederacy with George i Duke of Clarence, King Ed-wards brother, for to reftore King Henry the fixt : and aflembling his forces at Banbury , hee ouerthrew King Edward iri battaile, and tooke him prifoner. But King Edward within a while after (by VVarwicke. (by the help of his Friends) made an efcape from out the Caftle of Banbury wherein he was prifoner, and began a new warrc at Stamford, where he was Conquerour,and enforced this Earle Richard to flye into France. But with- in fixe moheths after, he returned againe into England, and enforced King Edward to flieinto Flanders , to Charles Duke of Burgundy % who had mar. ried his fitter ; fetting King Henry at libcrtie , after tenne yeeres imprifon- m After al which ,K.Edward$>y the afliftance of his faid Brother of Burgun- dy) came intoE^/Wagaine,and waging battell againft K. Henries faction, at Barnet, ten miles fro London, vanquiftied his enemies,& flew this Richard, and his brother M/*,MarqueiTe Mountaguejn the yeare 1 47 1 . being Eafter day. And this was the end of this great Earle of Warwick, who pulled down Kings,and fet them vp againe at his pleafure. He had iflue by his faid wife, two daughters his heires^^married to George Plantagenet,Dukc oi Cla. rence, Brother to King Edward the 4. And i^fnne, firft married to Edward, Prince of IValer, (on of King Henry the fixt.who was flaine at t wksbury^ and after to Richard Duke of Gloceftcr, after King of England. Etportoie, gueullcs au (aulteur d'aigent, au lambell gobonne d'argent & d'azur. CORRECTIONS. * M ^ w atn * come to ft^ 3 ^ °ft nat ^chard Neui/lEaxk o£lVarwicke,who ** ^ as hee was a man of vndaunted courage, fo was hee wauering and vn- " truftic : indeeed hee was the tennis ball, in fome fort , of fortune , who "although he was no King, was abouc Kings: as who depofed King Henry tc thefixt, and placed Edwardthe fourth in the Regall throne 5 and after- cc ward dc-kinged him too.and again fet vp King Henry the fixtj enwrapped ct England within the moft wofull and lamentable flames of ciuill Warre, " which himfelfc at length hardly quenched with his owne bloud.But whe- cc ther am I tranfported < The points I heere mud fpeake to, are firft, whether a°.iS.H.6. was the firjl time that this Earle had the title ofwarwicke : and fecondly, whether hee fate in Parliament by that name before the thirty three of htsraigne } ornot? for both thofe are this Authors affirmations- Now therefore the one I thus anfwere : that it is true his title to that Earledome was in his wiues right , his Letters Pattents (hew as much, & withall proue that he ftayed not for that • rttemttf. *?M.c.pt. 1. Honour vntili a°. 28. H. 6. but that it was 4 (cried vpon him and Anne his *• * Countefle, and the heires of her body,at W eftminfter , the xxiij. of luly, in the feuen and twentieth of that Kings reigne. Then for his fitting in Parliament, whofoeuer feekes , ftiall finde that hec wascalledto two Parliaments before 3 3.H.6. by the name of Earle ofiwr- * ^ib* A 4U *' c ^' ^ c onc fc n0 ^ cn at Weftminftcr, a? .29. and the other at « Reading,* 9 . *cimf],>H. 4 &rfi. 3 1 . of thfr fame Kings rcignc. Qtorgt 582 VV A RWICKE. Eorge Plantagenet, Duke of Cla- rence > brother of King Edward the fourth, found drowned in a Butte ofMalmefey, in the Tower of Lon- don. He married //4^//,daughter,6c coheyrcof Richard NeuiM, Earle of warwicke aforefaid, in whofe right hs was the 1 9. Earle of warwicke, and had iffue,£^jj?W,thetvvcntiethEarle o(warivicl:e,md Margaret CounteiTe of Salisbury , Wife to Richard Pole Knight,Father of H*»n> Lord Moun* tague,zs in the title of Clare is more at large. Et portoit,lei armoiries de France cfcartelle d'eng- leterre ,au lambell a'argenr chargee de tfois cantons de gueulles* P Dward Plantagenet fanmd heireor* George, ■■-"Duke of Clarence^ and Nephew to King Ed- ward the fourth , was after the death of his Fa- ther, Earle of Salisbury and the twentieth Earle of Warwicke, and the laft heyre male of the Fa- milie of ' Plantagenets : He was a childe of moll difaftrousforrune,asthccreature,whohadfrom his Cradle beene nurfed vp in prifon, and his fa- tal day washaftened by another mans folly. For a certaine youth of meane parentage , was fub- borned by a knaue Pricft, to take vpon him,the name and perfon of this Earle Edward^ giuing it out, that he had htdy efcaped out of the prifon, in the Tower of London. This bruit cau fed a great tumult amongft the Commons, who then were glad to hcare that a branch of the Planta- tnets w as to be reftored to the Imperiall Diadem. B ut the truth was , that IdwardEavk of 'warwicke, had complotted with Perkin Werbeck (as it was aid) to make an efcape : the which attempt, was then held no lelTe a crime hen high treafon it felfe. But the plot being difcouered, the filly yong No- >leman, was brought to his triall for the fame, the 1 1. of Nouember {lohn Earle of Oxford, being then appointed Lord high Steward of England)md ound guilty , and for the fame, the 2 8. day of Nouember after, in the 1 5. rare of King Henry the feuenth, was beheaded at the Tower-Hill. His bo- dy 58+ VVarwicke. *I do not belieue that hebore les armes defon pert , his Fa- thers Armes , with a Ubell charged wtth C -intent : my reafort is,becaufe I find them otherwife letfoonh in the North fide of the Quire or Chancellof th; Church of silt-Saints, commonly called AlhaUowes in Northampton, where he beareth Trance and England quarterly, with a la- tell of three points goionny Stluerand Blew, for ihathee was Earle of IVatwtcke and Salisbury by his mother, the daughter and coheireof Ki- chardNeuill, Earle of lV*r- wtcbe and Salisbury, who bore the like labell. Vide alitcrpag 274. If hee was Earle,then why is he not put in courfe of fuccef- fion? but I thinke that it was but per curialttatem Anglia, while his father Iiuedr, and was Duke of Northumber- land* dy being conuay cd to Btjham,v/as there buried, he being then 2 4. yearcs of WW Etportoit, * les armes defbnpere. John Sutton, alias Dudley , fon of Ed- k mond Dudley ,and Elizabeth, daugh * ter of Edward Grey ,Vifcount£*/?r, & Aunt and heyre of Elizabeth Grey , Countefle of Deuon^ was created Vif- count the 34«of King Henry the eight, andafter'Earle of warvoicke, in the firft yeere of King Edward the fixt,i 547. And la%, in the fift yeere of thefaid KingEdward, he was crea- ted Duke of Northumberland, He married Anne, daughter of Ed- rvard Guil/ord,znd fifter and heyre of Sir Henry Guilford Knight, by whom h £ haduTue, eight fonnesand Hue daughters. Henry the eldeft fon,mar- ried Wynefi-ed, daughter of Richard Lord Rich, and died at the fiedge of Bolicn y 1543. Thomas diedyong; Iohn tmrd fonne, was Earle of warwicke : he married Anne, daughter of Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerfet, and died without nTue, being 24-yeeres olde : Ambrofe the fourth fonne, was alio Earle of ivarwicke,zn6 dyed without if- fue ; Robert the fift fonnc,was Earle of Letcefler, and married Lettice, daugh- ter of Sir Francis Knolles, Knight of the Garter, and Trcafurer of the Houfe- hold to Queene Elizabeth , and had nTue, Robert, Baron of Denbigh, xhn died yong ; Guilford Dudley fixt fonne, married the Lady lane, daughter of Henry Gre) /Duke of 5 ufolke,who were all three beheaded,in the yeare 1 5 5 $.Henry thekuenth fonne, married Margaret, daughter and onely hcireof Thomas, LoidAud/eyofmlden,and was flaineat S. Quimins, 1557. Shec was after roamed to Thomas Hotvard,thch{iDuteoiNorfolke. Charles the 8, fonne died young ; Temperance, Margaret ,znd Katherine died all three yong . Ma- ry, was married to Sir Henry Sidney, Knight of the Garter, Lord Deputy of Ireland, and Prcfident of Wales, and had iflue, Sir Philip Sidney Knight , and Robert Sidney Earle of Leicefter, 1 6t 1 . and Katherine the yongeft daughter, was married to Henry Hajlings, Earle of Huntingdon. This/***, Duke of Northumberland, was beheaded at Tower-Hill, in thcyearc 1553. Etpejrtoit, d'or au tyon rampant vert a la queue neuee. Ambnfe * w A R WICK E, 585 A -Mbrofe Dudley fan of John Duke "**of Northumberlandpn Saint Ste. phens day, the 2 • » married to his fecond wife Frances, daughter of Sir Chriflopber wray Knight,Lord Chiefe Iuftice of the Court of Kings bench to Queenc Eli^a- betbfoce hauing beene widdow of Sir George s. Paul of Snartford, in the Countic oiLincolne, Knight and Baronet, but by her he had no iflfue. O obert Lord Rich of Leeze fon and hey re *-^-of Robert Eai le of Warvvicke aforcfaide, was after his Father the fecond Earle of War- wicke of this Family, and is now liuing,^*** 1622. He married F^ww,daughterc< hey re if Sir William Hatt on Knight (by Elizabeth his wife, daughter and h are of Sir Francis Gawdy Knight, Lord Cheefe Iuftice of the Common Pieas by Elizabeth his wife,daugh rer and one of the heircs of Cbrifiofber Co- ningesby Efquire)by whom he hath iflfue three fbnnes and three daughters, Robert Lord Rieh y Cbarles^HenrytAnna^uce^and Frances. Et portoit, Ies armoiries comme Ton pere. A 58 7 k CATALOGVE OF THE Earles of Weftmerland, their Armes, Wines, and Qbildren, WITH O JpbehotdNeuill^Raby^ranf- F^pdtb, in the Bifhopricke of Dur- bamJVarkrvortb 'm NorthnmhrUndy S her y hut on in Torkefbirc, and Midle- bam in Rtchmodjhire&c. was created Earle of wejlmerlandjn the 2 1 .yeare of the Reigne of King Ricbardthc fe- cond 5 andinthefirftyeereofKing Henry the fourth, he was made Earle of Richmond for terme of life. Hee was alfo Knight ot 'the Garter, Earle Marftiall of England, and LordfW- den of the Marches toward Scotland. Hee maricd two wines , the firft was Margaret , daughter of Hugh Earle Stafford \ by v, hom he had ifllie two fonnes & feucn daughters,/^ Lord NeuiH his fonne and heire, married Elizabeth, fiftcr andco-heyre of Ed- mondHollandEztkotKent , and had iflue, Raphe fecondJBarie oiweftmer- Wand others 3 and died in Fr4#£////>, wife to Thorns Lord LacresoiGiliepnd-. Margaret, married to Richard Lord Scroope of Bolfoifl Anne, wife to Sir Gilbert Vmfrautle, of tfy>»*in Lincolnfbire , ^4/£tt? was AbbclTe of Barking 3 and Elizabeth was a Nun in the Minories in London, His fecond Wife was /a«/f,daughter of IbA* of Gaunt Duke of Lancajter , Eecei 588 VV ESTMERLAND, by the Lady Katherine Swinford, by whom hce had iiTue alfo, eight fons anc fiue daughters : viz. Richard NeuiUEarlc of Salisbury . William Neuill^ Lore Faulconberg ; Edward NeuM,Lovd of Aburgauenny • George NeuM t Lovd La timer ; Robert Neuill^ Bifliop of Durejme h CuthbcrtJicnry and Thomas Neml ♦jhewasrftermarriedto dyed without iifuc. * Katberme the eJdcft daughter , was married to Iofo s\nohn wicUuiu fonne of Mowbray, fecond Duke of Norfolke, by whom me had iffue, Eleanor fecone ifiJ^E^/i-t daughter, was wife to Henry ^rryEarleof Northumberland 9 Anne tht third daughter, was married to Humfrey Stafford Duke of Buckingham^ /ant a Nunne . and Cicely the fift daughteri, was married to Richard Plant agent. Duke of rorkcjvho had iflue,King Edward the fourth, and King Richard the third. Which RtcbardDuke of r V / / " cc * % Eii^abe'h, daughter of Henry Lord Percy „ Jhe was w;d£ , ovv I \ >v / / (fur-named Hotjpurre) fonne and heyre of Lord c^i s#Ef/at?. \ \/ X ryVercy Earle ot Northumforland.bywhtim he 30,1 5 H6.n°. s 5. \^ / had ifiuc,/^/* Lord Neuitf, who married / \ daughter of / ohn Holland j$ uke of Exctfter ,and / yv Earle of Huntington* and was flaine at T mton~ / / \ \^ on Palme-Sunday, the firft of King Ed- Y / \ y jvir^the fourth without iflue, in the life time of \S \y Earle his Father. After this Johns death, Sir lohn NeuiU Knight, his Vnckle , married Anne Holland his YViddow, of whom he be- got Raphe NeutU^ the third Earle of WeftmerUnd. This Raphe fecond Earle rt(VeftmerlanJ,dkd the third of Nouember, thefecond of King Richard the ;hird, 1484. Et portoitjgueuUes au Jaulceur d'argeilt.. O Aphe NeuiU (fonne and heyre of Sir loha *^-Newll Knight, fecond btother of Raphe, fecond Earle of WeftmerUnd) was after the death of his Father and Vnckle, the third Ewle o^Weftmerland^ and married Margaret ^, daugh- ter of Sit Roger Booth of Barton in Lancajhire Knight, (Brother of Laurence Booth Bifhop of rorke)and had ifTue Raphe NeuiU, that dyed be- fore his Father 5 who hauing married Editba, daughter of Sir mSiam Sandes of Hampjbire^ had iflue Raphe NeuiU the fourth Earle of Weft, merland. 1hhlRaphe t the third Earlc of Weft. mcrUndhzd ifTue alfo, a daughter named Anne, married to SitWiStAm Cogniers Knight, and dyed. Eeporcoitjgueulles ah Saukeur d'argent. 5po VV F/STM ERLAND, T>ApkeNeuih\ (fori of Raphe Lord ^■^NcuiU^nd Editha S Andes) was after the death of Raphe NeuiU third Earle of Weftmerland his grand-fa- ther, the fourth Earle of Wejlmer. land,Lordo(Raby,Branfpath,&c and Knight of the Garter. Hee married Katherine, daughter of Edward Staf fordDukc of Buckingham^ whom he had ifTue, feauen fonnes and ten daughters cthefirft fonne Henry, was after his Father,thcfift Earle ofw/?- merland-, Sir Thomas Mra/Y/Knight, fecond fonne j Edward NeuiU, chri- Jlopher NeuiU fourth fonne, £*/>^, Gkwge and Cutbert NeuiU, Eltanor the eldeft daughter,dycd without if- fue 5 Dorothy, was wife to lohn Vert Earle of Oxford-, Mary, wife to Sir Thomas Danby Knighr ^Ioane NeuiU', Margaret, wifcto Manners Earle of Rut/and t vfho lycth buried at Saint Leonards at Shoreditch, 1 5 60 .Elizabeth, wrfe to 7#0?w*f Lord r/j otQille- Jland; Eliamr,wik to Sir 5rw» Stapleten Knight- Katherine. wifcto Sir lohn Conjlable of Holder neffe,bm icd al fo at shoreditch, 1591. , wife to Sir /W&r C7r^«/7/ Knight 5 and Vrfula the yongeft daughter. This Raphe dy- ed in the 1 5 .y care of King Henry the eight, 1523. Et portoitjlesarmcsdefonpci-c. CORRECTIONS. HP Wo things in this tract I hauc iuft caufe to qu: ftion the one, Whether A Sir John Conflables wife was this Earle Raphes daughter or notc'theorher when this Earle dyed ? For the firft,! affirme,that this Katherine NeurU w ife to Sir lohn Conttable, is made fifter to her owne Father , forfheewas notdaughte. .Raph NeuiU Earle of Weftmerland (as fhe is here fet downe) butto HcnsgV vie of wejlmer- land,Raphesfonnc: ¥01 pvoofc whereof, I appeal to the ceftimonyof the now right honorable Sir Henry Conjlable Vifcount Dunbar r : or to the Mc- moriallof her,vpona fairc Monument erected in Saint Leonards Church in shor ditch by London \ the words are thefe : ^THis Monument is ereftcdin memory that within this Church doe lie buried A the bodies of the right Honorable and Noble Ladies \ Lad) Katherine Staf- ford, daughter to Edward Duke of 'Buckingham, and wife to Raph Earle of Weft- merlandjvho dyed, 1553. &uty Elenor, daughter to Sir wiUiam Pafton Knight, and wife to the right noble LordThmas Earle of Rutland, buried, 1552. Lad) Margaret Margaret Neuill daughter to Raphe Earle of Wettmer land, and wife to Henry Barle of Rutland, whodyed 1550.* and the Lady Katherine, Nmll y wife to ^*Noten© wlv hor«J.ugjii!i lohnCen fable of Holdernejfe Knight, daughter to Henry Earle of weftmerland '^w* and Lady Anne Manners his wife, daughter to Thomas Earle of Rntland, which Katherine dyed the 27. of March, 1591. eye. Now for thcothcr point, his death, Matter Yorke faies that this Rapi,Ear\c tfWeftmerland,dyedin the fifteenth yeereofKtng Henry the eight, 1 5 2 5 . but in the Office after his death I findefttl crwife, for there the Iury returne vp- on their oathes, 8 Quod Radulphus Neuill nuper Comes weftmerUndobijt vice . Efc«tr*:i. E 6. a 9 .6tt fmo quarto die Aprilis,2.°.$.E.6. (mdnot 15.H.8.) Etquod Henries nunc&<*»>»- Comes Weftmerland eft filitu eius & hares & atatis 2 4. anmrum & amp lifts. To (hew youmore plainely how you come to be miftaken, I muft tell you, that that Raph you meane was Raph Afc«///Earles QtWcfimerlandjkixi mans Grandfather, and not this /M/>£herefpokcaof. t-l£«^ Neuill ( after the death of *■ * Raph, his Father)was the Eft Earle of Weftmerland, Lord of Raby, Bran* fpath,Shiry-huton and Midleham ,and Knight of the Garter. Hee married Anne, daughter of Thomas Mannor* Earle of Rutland, & had iffue Char Us Ncutll, fixt Earle oiWeftmerland^ Ka- therine, married to Sir Thomas Grey of Chtllingham Knight; Elianor, wife toSirW^/4wP^4wKnight 3 *Maftcr . of the Ordcnance to Quecnc Eliza-* LlculeD * nt " 1 beth. This Henry married to his fe- cond wife Anne, daughter of Sir Ri- chard Cholmley Knight, by whom hee had diuers children that dyed yong. He dyed the 9.of February, 1554-the fixtof Qucene Elizabeth. £t portoit,dc gueulks au Saulteur d*argent> CORRECTIONS. \J\ JHercas you (ay that Katherine married to Sir Robert Grey of Chilling* * V i JAm Knight, was daughter to this Henry Earle of weftmerland $ it is contrary to all my obfer nations, forlfinde her to be daughter of Charlet Earle weftmerland {this Earle Henries fbnnc) and not of Henry, for fo yoa make her to be fifter to her owne Father, and daughter to her right Grand* father. Then as you haue named vnto vs a daughter that was not hit, Co haueyou omitted two that ought to be rcmembredj v\z«Mary zndAdeline^ who dyed vnoiaricd. VV ESTMERLAND. Harles Ldrd Zvlf Rafter the death of Hen. ^~*ry his Father, was the (ixt and iaft Eatle of WeftmerUnd y LordoiRabie, Branfpaih^ Shery. baton, Midiebam, &c. This man, vnmindc- full of his Princes fauours, and of his duty to his Country 3 ioyned and combined hiroftlfc with Thomas Percy Earle of Northumberland^ and others, & was the chiefe Leader and Stir- rer of the Infurrec*tion of the North-parts of England y a%a.m& Queenc Elizabeth of famous memory, in the yeare,i 5 70. For which rebel- lion, hec was by Parliament adiudged a Trai- tour, and had his goods and Lands confifca- ted,and himfclfc to haue fuflfered death had he not fled beyond the feas, where he liued long after, in a very poorc and miferable eftate, and where he dyed . He married Anne, daughter of Henry HowardEsxlz of S ur- rey,wd fitter o£ThomasHoward;thch(i'Duk<:o£ 2tyrfolke y and hadhTue Katherine married to Sir Thomas Grey of chillingham in Northumberland, Knight : Elianor ncucr married • Margaret married to Nicholas Pudfey, and Anne married to Dauid Englebybtothet to SkwiUfamEngteby of Ripley la torkejhlre^ Knight. Et poitoitjcs tsmes defon perc. A CATALOG VE OF THE Earles of Wiltfliire, their Armcs, VViues, and Children, WITH CORRECTIONS. Eonell Plant agenet (furna* mcd of Antwerpe,thQ place of his birth; third fonnc of King Edward the third, was by his Father, in the twenty fixe yeereofhisreigoe, created Earle of wilt/hire, and in the thirty fixe yeere of his reignc, he was created Duke of Clarence. Hee married Elizabeth, daughter and hey re of William Lord Burgh, Earle off IJler in Ireland, and of Mauld his wife, fiftcr of Henry Duke ofLancafter, by whom he had uTue Philip his onely daughter and hcire, married to Edmund Mortimer Earle of March. This Uonell dyed comming from Melle»t $ in the yeare of our Lord, 1368.&C Et portoit, Ies armoiries do France feme & d'engle- terre efcartelle.au hmbell d'rtmyn, chargee au trow caitons de gueullcj. . \ CORRECTIONS. JT would be a hcauy raske to putthis Author to proue his affirmation in r this place. Was LeoneUPlantagenet Earle of mltjhirei then arc Records ralfe. Is this your Magna Diana Ephefiorum, your Mafter-pecce c thenalas ™*Wn™«M<> that afford no better fruit . you* reform things , A , your E - kretoforegrofejmiftaken, and I defire you to corredtthis fault abfurdly * :ommitted, which verrifies that old faying, Nonfingunt omnia Cretes : For I iareboldlyfay,thereisneither^W, nor any Author that giueshim that toxuonotwtltjhtre. The very Schoole-boyet will hiffeat yoi Tfor giuing vs * Vltoma % tVittefhire,Mead of rlfter. Put him out therefore of this fucce^ m 'Iuln rC w f , n °t an y one honoured with this ritle,vntiJl Richard the fe- and* beftowedthefamevpon William /^^/onneof^WLord^ ^W, a -.:i.R. a .n^ ls> « nBolton: of c which I hauefDokenenonph ^Ifrwru»»v> c *ecmoninc/W*anJ^#- )\Bolton : of * which I hauefpoken enough elfewhere Now for his 2W,in the title otclare and Clarence, you fay to dyed at mcei 3 6$.&n,as there hmed&herejou fa^hc dyedcemmingfrom MtUcnt l think you mcanc MtU me Mt the Annalles of irelandlnm melthat he died Ffff « rentt. 5P4- VV ILTSHIRE. VV! at Alba Popeia'm the Marquifat of Mont-ferrat in Pitmm y oi was firft buried - at /4«* & after remoued to ClmAM.CCC.Lx-viij in as thefamc P.Umta in the fcrfarncojaMM.*. Gctho- f am< . p j acc 2 fl mcs me . JUimLoxd Scrooge (fonne of Ricbard^Lovd Scroape of Bolton* Lord Chancellour of Eng- land) was by King Richard the le- cond, in the 21 .of his Reigne,created , Earle ofWiltfiire- and the yeare af.' ter he was made Lord high Treafurer of England ',and Knight of the Garter. Whom when Henry of Bullingbrooke, Duke of Lanc&fier^QzvcA fiom being a baniflied man to be King, by the name of King Henry the fourth, hee tookethisW-7/to Lord Scroop Sir IohriBufsic, and Henry Greene (King Richard the feconds Fauorites) and beheaded them at Brifiow , in the yeare x 399- ThxsWiUiam booght the 1 fit of Man of William Mount Ague, Earle of Salisbury 5 which Ifland,aft« the faid Williams attaindor,King Ht»» mhefoorthdidgiuefttotf^ the firft yeare of hisReigne ; to ho^ fword 5 with which he entrcd H»^^before him at his Coronation. He dy* cdwiti»outiiTuc,leauingi?^rhisBrothcrtofucceedehua Wiltshire. 591 T Ames fl*//«-,Knight(fonnc and heire *of fames Butler, fourth Earle of Or- wmh/) wasinthe lifetime of his Fa- ther, created Earle of Wiltjhtre, in the 27.yearcofKingH^r^thc fixtj and in thej7.yeare or the faid Kings reign, he was made Knight of the Garter; and the yeare after, Lord highTrea- furer of England. And in the firft yeare of King Edward the fourth, he was beheaded at 'New-Caftle, without jfTue j leauing Thomas his brother his heyrc, who after fuccecded him 3 and was Earle of Ormond. Et portoitjd'or au chef endente d\j zur* T CORRECT! ONS. Hat hee was -created Earle of Wihjhire the eight of Iuly, in the fea- •J^£*'-'7. ucn and twentieth ot Henry thefixt, I gaine-faynot; but wiuh you would mend it concerning the time when hee was made Lord Treafurer of England 5 for,his Patent for thit great Office isyet extant againft you,which plainly deliuers that it was b conferred vpon himat Weftminfter the 15 * p ff£}' I H^ 6 p ^ 2 ' 2 fi **°* of March, in the thrceand thirtieth yeare of the fameKings raignc, and not 0rtgtna ' s3 ' l6 -"*« 2 ** (as you hy)they eare after he was made Knight of the Garter,mcarimg the thir- ty eight of Henry the fixt. Afterwards when the Lancaftrians went downe the winde, he was taken prifoner by one c Rt chard Salkeld Efquirc, and a fter c ^'•7^-4 p« •»< < attainted in Parliamentat Weftminfter thefourth of Nouember, a°. 1 E.4. &^^^, , i?* ,lV#, andcutfhorterby the head ziNcwcaftlc without iflue, leauing Thomas his brothcr,who after fuccecded in the Earledome of Ormond. He was made Lord c Deputieof/>*/4/fci by Letters Patents dated at Weft- minfter the twclfe of May a°-3 1 . of Henry the fixt, for tenne yeeres. Hee £ H-6- pl-2 * married two wiues.but had no iiTue by either of them- the firft was { Ami- f Efc*ttr.*°.i€.K.t.n\ie. eia, daughter of lohn Fit Alan Earle of Arundell, fifter and frey Fits,- A lan Earle of Arundell : The fecond was Elianor, fifter and one of the heyres of Edmond Beaufort Duke ofSomerfet j after whofe death (he was remaricd to Sir Robert Spencer, of Spencer. Combe in Deuonjhirc, Optaine of the Caftels ot Hornet and Tomelin in Normandy, who by her left two daugh- ters and coheires, Katherine married to Henry Percy Earle of Northumber- land^ anceftor to the now right Honourable Earle of Northumberland* and Margaret wife of Thomas Gary of Chilton- Foltot Efquirc, whofe (on William Cafy wasFather of Henry cary created Lordof Hunfdon by Queen Elizabeth . Ffff2 John w ILTSHIRK. TO&nStafordtyongct fonne of Hum. x frey Duke of Buckingham ) was made Knight of the Garter, in the tenth yeere of King Edward the fourth,and in the twelfth yeare of the faid Kings Reigne, hec was created EarlcoftF//f/£;rf. He married Con- y?4w^,daughtcr and hey re of Sir Hen- ry Greencjtf Drayton in Northampton- (hire Knight, and had iflue, Edward Earle of Wiltshire ; and dyed in the 14. ycare otKingEdward the fourth, H73- Et portoir,efcartelIe France & d'engleterre au bor- dure d'argentjle tecond Bohun.qui eft d'azurea la band d'argent,a deux cottizes cntre fix lions ram- pant d'orje tierce Bohun, d'azure furle band d'ar- gent,troi* moletzde fable.entre deux cottices Sc fix Lions rampant d'or ) Ie'qu« i rtstjfford , qui eftd'or< au cheueron de gueulles , au creflanr pur la diffe-' rence. CORRECTIONS. A Mongthc reft ofrorkes Errors, thefetwo are to beaccounted 5 that this "Earle of Wilt/hires creation was a°. t 2 .E.4. and ncxt,that he dyed a 0 . 1 4, E.4. for he is thwarted by a whole Iury in both thole paflages: as for the Creation,itwas5V^«4^,a^9.E4.andhisdeathwas8.^,ina°.i3.E4. \lcowlu>u^^!^ 1 take t0 witnefre what folio wes, * Iuratoresdicmt fuper facramcntum fimm E.-f.nvj. quod Dominus Rex nunc Jper liter as fiaspatentes, quarumdata eftapud Pclaci- um diQi Domini Regis Weftm.^Jie Ianuar% anno regnifm Nono^rexit.pra- fecit&creauit loharmem filtum Humfredinuper Ducis Buck.in Comitem mites, fihi ejr haredibm mafculis de cor pore fuo exeuntibm, Et qttod idem Uhannes nuper Comes obyt oclauo die May vltimo pmertto. Et quod Edmr- dm iam Comes wiltes eft filius hares eius^c. T^Dtvard Stafford, fonne and heyrc of John a- •■^forefaid, wasafterthe death of his Father, Earlcof wilt/hire, and dyed without ifTue, the foureteenth of King Henry the feauenth, 1498. and was buried at Drayton in Northamptonfhire^ which Lordfhip hcehad by his Mother, Con- fiance Greene, Et portoitjlcz armoirts de fori pere. COR- WlLTiSHIR E. CORRECTIONS. T T refts heereto tell you how you trifle with Truth ; for this Edwd/dEitlc *otWilt(hirc lye th nor buried at T>r4yton,b\xt& Luffewike, commonly called Itwickein Northampton/hire , in a very comely Monument ; which for my better fatisfacliori I rode to fee, and thereon (i4». lanuarij a°. 1 6 19) I found this Inicription , which I tookc literatim with my owne hands i Orate pro ant' ma Edwardi Stafford Comitis Wyljchir qui quidem Edwards obift vifepmo quarto die tnenfis Marcijt Anno. Domini. Mil.CCCC. nonagefimo nono, cuius animx propitietur Deus^dmen. You haue but my bare word for the place of his buriall, but you haue heere his Epitaph to (hew that he died not,a°. 1 4? 8 but 1499. XJlEnry Lord Stafford, (fecondfon **of Henry Stafford Duke of Buck- ingham, and brother of Edward the third Duke of Buckingham, behea- ded at the Tower-Hill , the 1 3. of Henr-f the eight ) was created Earle wiltfbire , in the firft yecre of King Henry the eighty 5 op. He was made Knight of the Garter before, in the 2o.yeare of King Henry the feuenth, and married Muriell, fifterand co- heyrcof lohn Grey , Vifcount£//fc , but by her had no ilTue. This Henry died the <$» of March ,the 14. of King Henry the eight. THomM Bullen ( fonne and heyre of Sir William BoUeno't Blickling inMr/tf/MOiighr, and of Margaret his wire , daughter and one of the Hcyres oi Thomas Butler Earle of Ormond , Brother and Heyre of lames Butler , Earle of wiltjhire, afore mentioned) was firft cre- ated Vifcount Rochford, in the 17. yeare of King Henry the eight $ and in the 21. yeare of the faidc Kings Reigne, he was created Earle of wilt' Jhireand Ormond ; and to haue the State/Title., and Dignity oiWiltfhin 5P 8 VVlLTSHIR E. to him and his heires male, and the State^Xklc and Dignity of Orm ondjm- to him and his heyrcs for euer(a prefident not to be famplcd.) He was made Knight of the Garter,& Treafurer of the Houfholdto King Henry the cight> in the 1 5 . y ere of his reigne. Hce married £//*4fcW,daughter of Thomas Howard, Duke o(Norfolke, and Earle Marfhall of England^nd hadifliie, George Botlen Vifcount Rocbford t bchczdcd without ifTue,and two daughters; Ann e the eldcft , was firft created Marchionefle of Penbroke , and after mar- ried to King Henry the eight. Mary thefecond daughter, married tomUiam Cary, Elquire for the body to King Henry the eight. This Thorn* ,Earle of Wilt/hire and Ormond^dkd in the 30. yeare ofthe faid Kings reigne 5 i 53,8. « The cheuron ought to bee Etportoit, d* argent au 'cheuron entre trois teftes deBcefcopede fable, armed'on guaflltt, and not Sabie. CORRECTIONS. T T is an olde Maxime,wf m e(fe concathenata, Errors are linked together like ^Sampfons Foxes by one end or other. In the former part of your booke , page 2 1 5 . line 2 3 . you fay , that this Thomat Bulten had the Earledome of Or- ' sctmstmtrfermthtuzeto^^tohimAndhisheires males,wd the Earledome of wilt/hire to him and thefecond lohndtBtmjwd. his bcires generall, cleane contrary to your words heere , which I denre the < CdueM emptor. * Reader to beware ofi ftranferibe them not hether,thatthcfcby thofe,buc that thofe by thefe may beecorreacd , in regard there you hauc fet downe Ormond with a limitation to the heires males,whe n indeed it was Wilt/hire • and Ormond was granted in gencrall to him and his /;«m:fomwbat more yet is to be faid. In the place aboue mentioned , viz. pig. 2 1 5 . you prof. fTc to haue fetne but one Patent ( and that was this of Bulletis ) wherein any King of England granted an Earledome to heires generall : whereat alfo in this place you » ignoitance the mother of ma ^ a b WO nder with a Parenthefis (a pruefident not to be fampled.) It feemes ™l«L-.,.E. 3 n , 7 . you neuer faw the Patent for the creating of « Roger Mortimer Earle of a chvt.ii.E.j.w. March^nox of d Hugh deAudley ExkofGlouce/ter, nor of e Henry deUnu- y/i%Zt , °' < *'*' JlerEvkofDerby.noroif William deBobunEavteot Northampton , norof e auJ£%] g Robert de Vfford Earle ofSufolke, nor of William de Montacutt Earlc of la£2z'2; Salisbury, nor of 1 William de Clinton Earle of Huntington, nor of k Edmond \chmt'^ t E 3 .v,.g. of Langley Earle of Cambridge, where the Habendum in cuery one of them runnes fibi & haredibusfiis withot^the rcftraint of M/tfeulis. Moreouer . fince you thinke fo ftrange at an honour giuen to heires generall , what fay _ lHC - . you to UWTdbots, who was created Vifcount Life not onelyftbi&hsr^ ******* MuSi butalfo withthisUbertiecy ofigmtftjuis ? of which more fhalbe faid in the title of Vifcounts. HMtidm Wilts hi r e \\ri//ijm PwktKmghtfdefcch- v v ded of a fecond Brother of the P owlets of Wtltfhire, was created Lord S. lohn of in the so.yere ofHetry the eight, and made Knight of the Garter, the 35. of the fame Kings reigne ; and after, in the third yeare of King Edward the fixt,he was created Earlcof wiltfhire : and in the fiftyeere of the faid Kings Reigne, he was created Marqucffe of mnchefier , as more at large doth appeareinthe Title of mnchefler. Et portoit, fable troisefpees.avec le points cmbas d'argent, aucreflantd'or. John iW*/,(fonnc andheyreof 'willUm) fuc- *ceeded his Father, and was Marqucflc of With chejler^nd EarlcorW^z/r, and Lord S. lohn of Bafingy and died at his houfe at Cke/fiy, itf6. and was buried at Bafing, the 1 9. ofQueenc E&- zdeth y as is more at large in the title of Wimhe- Jler. it portoit, let azmee de Coa p«M> WWm Wiltshire. WlUUm P owlet, (fonne& hey re of John) was in the life rime of his Father fum- moned to Parliament , z 5 7 5 . as Lord S. Ioh» of Bafwg ; and after the death of his Father, he was both Marqucfleof wmhefierjattA Earleof Wilt/hire, and died in theyeeje 1 5 98 . as inthe Title of Winchester. Et portok, fable tr«ie eip«cs auec le pointz cmbas' d'argent , an creffiuud*or. \\TlUiam Powlet y Lord S.lohn of Bafing , * * Earle of wiltjhire^ andMarquefle of Winchefier now liuing 1621. married Lucie daughter of Thomas CeciH Earle of Exceftcr, by whom he hath ifliie, as in the Title of Win- ebefter (hall be flic wed. Et portoit, fable trois efpees auec le pointz cmbas d'argent , an creflantd'or. A ca: A CATALOGVE OF THE Earles and Adarquefles of Winchefter, their ArrneStlViues, and Qhildren, WITH CORRECTIONS. Aherus de Quincy* Lord of Groby in L'ei- cefierfbire^ tonne of Robert, was created Earle of tf7W^*r,the 1 3,ofMarch,in the 8 .yere of the Reigne of KJokn^ & had giucn him by the faidKings Charter,a rent or annuity nTuing out of the profits of Bumf (hire 5 and was one of the Noblemen, to whom the reft of the Kingdomegnuc authority, tocaufetheKing to abide & ftand to his Edi cl,which ( with the con- Tent of the whole body cf the Realme ) was ena- bled by a Parliament held at Rowning- Mead^ be vveene WindeforezsA Staynesjlnthc 17. yere of the faid King lohn. He was alfo the chiefe man the Barons employed , to bring into the Land Lewis the French Kings fonnc.to aid the Barons againft King lohn. Heedid giueandconfirrrie by his Charter, vnto Robert de £>uincy his eldeft Sonne, to indo w Hawts his Wife, fifter to the Earle of Chefier,Buceheberdar , Grantejfet, Bradham , and Hcrdewich) with their appurtenances, for one hundrcth pounds lands j with condition, that ifthofe lands were not worth one hundred pounds the yere, hee mould make it vp fo much of other hisowne Lands of Inheritance in England^ by the iudgement of lawfull Knights, to wit, men of the Earles of ChcHers and his. And further, the faid Saer did giue to his faid ionne Robert and Harvts his Wife, two Knights fees , viz. the fee of Mathetv Turpin, of winter jlawa in Wiltjhire, and the fee of RichardTxruile of Helmeden. VVit- Defle to this Deed,Earle DauistJVilliam Earle Ferrars, &c. This Saer married Margaret , fecond fifter and co-heyrc of Robert Fitx,- FerneU^tk of Leiccjler and Stewardof England,hy whom he had iiTuc,fo- krt Lord putney ^oger fecond fonne, after his Father, Earle of winchejler, and another Robert third fonne , and two daughters 5 Hatvisthe eldeft , was married to Hugh derere Earleof Oxford : the fecond I finds not certainely , neyther her name,or what became of her. He died at Acon&6m% to the Hor ly-Land, in the fourth yeere of King ifcwjp the third : his body was buried at v4rtw,hishart and bowels being * brought into EnglandjNis buried in the [p.Het Gggg Abbey of Gerondon mheketterjhtre, 1219- He bare for his Armcs,in a Seale •gJ9*<#¥**m * annexed M*tj?*ri*.pag. *$t. n.p>. 6oz VVlNC HESTER. « Cbafa'.f.H.j. m./j. annexed to his Charter (in my cuftody) Afece with a Imbell of 12. points-, butthccolours thereof (as yet) couldlneucr findc. RJ Oger guincy, (fecond fonne of Saer afore- -faid) after the death of his Father, and in theabfence ofifr&rf his elder brother in the Holy-Land,alTumed the title & name of Earlc ottrincbeftr. For which, Robert his elder bro- ther, vpon his returne againe into England ^ brought an affize , for entring and vfing the ti- tle of Earle of Winchefter , it being the faid Ro- berts Free-hold .-which beingcome to betryed at weflminfier, the King being there in perfon, gaue iudgement for Roger the fecond fonne,by reafon he had beene inueftcd in the faid Earle- dome , and had place and voyce in the high Court of Parliament and elfewhei c,as Earle of Winchester-^ was to hold & continue the title ftiUduring his life. He married £fcfe,daugh- ter and heyre of orf£wr,Lord of Ga/Utvay in Scotland s in whofe right,he was Conftablcof Scotland, and Lord of Galloway , and had three daughters his hcyres h Margaret the eldc ft, was married to Wilam de Terr an Earle of Der. bie\ with the Barony of Groby • Hetten the fecond daughter, was married to AlanLordZouch.oUfhbydela Zonch mLekefierfbire ; and Elizabeth th e third daughter , was married to Alexander Corny n , Earle of Bucqhaine & Scotland. He died the 25. of Aprill, the 48. of King Henry the third,! 264. Etportoir,gueullesafeptinafi:lesd'or. 3.3.1. CORRECTIONS, - Here is no Voucher of the Record where this Aflfe is to be found , and - fearchbeingmadeforit,amongtheRecordsot thattime, Icanasyet finde none fuch! neither is it likely, that this is vpon any other credit then a Tradition 5 for that Sayer died ao. 4 .H. 3 . and in the tie • fued his liucry as his fon and heyre. How an Afstfi mould be brought forvfingthetitleof Earle, or in that Afstfi what fhould bee put wview , I knownot. And me Afstfi was brought forthelandof the Earledome there is no probability that the King or Iudges would euer giue iudgement fortheyongerbrother,becaufeofany Poffefflon that he cou dget , whikft hiseldcrbrother was in theparts beyond the Seas, feeing we learne, that the yooBCfbrother^wwgaftcrthc death of the father, gaynes not Tuch an E- ^thatadifcentfhalltakeawaytheelderbrothersEntry 5 andif anyfucrt Iudpementwasgiuenfortheland 5 itmaybe for that the yonger fonne firft entring is no ^««r : and ifit were not for Dignitie, it be, for that thecldefthadnoi 1 ^, and mould therefore haue an ne + fierM^nAfsifioiNoaeldeffeifin. It were worth the knowing,to knovr inwhatParliamcntthisyongerfonnefatc, inthemeanc time becwecne trie T W INCHEST E R. death of the father, and the bringing of this Afsife. Thus much in point of Ldtv, but let me returnc to my Heraldry. Hce married three wiues, although Matter Torke onely names one. The firft was Hellen hcere fpoken of, the lecond was Maud, daughter of Humfrey deBohun Earle of Herefordjuiddow of Anfelme AfarJhd&Earle of Pcnbroke. Shee died iflTucleflTe by him h at Greby in Leicefierfhire % 1 2 5 2 . on the 1 3 . Kal. b MtP4rit f j, 7 , 5 . jfs of Nouembr. a°. 35. H.^.and was buried at Brakeley in Northampton/hire , where his former wife Hellen was likewife buried : His third wife ( named ElUnor^ one of the daughters o f William de Ferrers Earle of Derby ^ by Sibell his wife, fitter & one of the heires of Anfelme MarfhallafotcCaid) was c wid- n..*. dovv of William de FaUibus or Faux , and d married againe to Roger de Let- *•* by whom (he hadwiUiamdeLeyburne y and after died, a°.2 .E.i. XJjFgh Lord Spencer ( Con and heire of Hugh *■ Chiefc Iufticc of £^/W,flaine at the bat- taile of Euefham i 1256. taking part with Simon Mountfort Earle of Leuefier^zM King Hr«ry the third) was created Earle of winchefler ^ in the 14. yeere of King Edward the fecond , at a Parliament held at Torke, At which time, Sir Andrew of HarkleyjNas made Earle oiCarlile j and in the 16. yeare of the faid Kings Reigne , he was made LordTreafurcrof England , and Lord of Denbigh. This Hugh and Hugh his fonne, were the great fauouritesto King Ed- ward the fecond • who being fufpedtcd to be corrupters of the King , were by the Nobilitie banifhed the Rcalme. But aftcr,the King, be- ing minded to recall them home againe , to his Company and Councell : Queene Ijabell purfued this Hugh to Briftow, and taking him, commanded him to be bound ; and without any further anfwer or triall, to be drawne and hanged in his Armour , taken downe aliue, and bo welled, hisbowelstobe burned,and his head to bcefmittcn off, and his body to be hanged vp againe, and after foure daies to be cut all t<*pieces,and giucn to dogs to eat ; his head was fent to Winchefter, and there let vp in the yeare 1 3 2 6 . He married ifabell^ daughter of William Beauchamte Earle of Wartvicke, (the widdow of Sir Patricks ChaworthJLord of Kidmetly in tVales) by whom he had iflue, Hugh Lord Spencer Earle of Glocefter , executed by the Nobility at Hereford ^ and a daughter named Jfabell, which was fecond Wife to John Lord Hajlings of Aburgauenny> &c. E« portoit, d'argent, efcartdjedt gueulles frette d*or,fur la tout au band de fefch. CORRECTIONS. THcfc few lines require an anfwerc to three points. Firft , Whether the battellefEueJhmwafeugbtyiztf. Secondly, Whether this Hugh le Ggggz Defieneer 6o$ "Winchester. Defpencer was created Earle ofwinchefier, a°, 1 4. E. 2 . and the Third, whe- ther at the fame time Sir Andrew de Harcla was made Earle of Car Hie , or not ? For the firft, I appeale to theteftimony of Mathew Paris , who tells vs e MtthrAru.w.+M, (and I doe belecue him) that Euejham battaile was c ftricken a°. 1265. and not 1 2 5 6. marke his words : A°.gratu, 1265. 49. H. 3. apud Euejham iam feria tertia, qua nonis Augutti contigh, occur rerum amho exercitus , in campo extra oppidnm jpaciofo, vbi Simon Comes Leiceftria cecidit inter feStns Ce- ader nnt cum eo in ilia pugna, milites vexilliferi duodecim, viz,. Henricusjilius eius, Pctrus de Monteforti, Hugo de Dijpcnfarijs lulliciarim Anglia , &c. Where you heare that Hugh le Defpencer the father (luftice of England) was flaine r Of which battaile you haue read enough in my anfwere pag. 30*. concerning Simon de Montfort Earle of Leicefier. For the fecend, I affirmc Hugh le Defpencer s Creation for the Earledome *ch*rt.tsE.3.h.u.Rot. of winchefter, to d bea re date at Torke the tenth of May,a°. i5.notthe 14 ofEWthcfccond. E.»pt.s.mem.i. (For the third , it is laid that Sir Andrew de Harcla was created Earle of Carlile at tfjc fame time , implying a°. 14. E.2. wherein is a twofold fallacy , as thus , neither Spencer nor Harcla were honoured with thofe titles of win. chefter or Carlile, a°. 14. but i5.E.2.Next,thoughbothinoneyeere, yet were they not beftowed vpon them both at one and the fame time-out feue* rally,both For place and time ■ Spencers beingat Yorkers I faid but now}the .p*.//.£.*.//.*.m.j* 10. of May, zr\d* Harclaes at PemfraSl the 2 5. of March, in the 15, of the fame Kings time. Of which fee more in Carlile. Ewis of Brugges, a Burgundianborn^Lord 'dela Gruthufe, Prince cf Steenhufe, Lord of Auelghien, de Spiers, de Ameflcd, & de Ofcampe, was created Earle of wimhefterhy Letters Patents , bearing date the 23 . of No- uember, iathe 14. ycere of King Edward the fourth. By which Patent, hee had alfo giuen him (by way of increafe to his Armes) D' azure a dix maples d'or en or me d'une Canton de mflre propre armes d'engleterre: cejl afauoir,de gueulles *vn leopard paffant d'or arme d'axatr. Pat. 1 2 .Ed. q.pars. i.m.n. Thefe honours did K. Edward conferrevpon him 3 becaufc heegaue him great entertainment,when he was driuen out of Eng- land, by Kichard Neuill Earle of Warwicke. _, . \. Which Ezrkdomcof tVincheller, when King Edward wis dead,thc faid Lewis refigned againe to King Henry the feuenth. A* T*j»? ^^aughtcr of Henry deBorfe Heboid otrcre,S4» deburgh wdPbtlsx, and had ilTue, Uhn de Brugges Lord of Gruthufe father t*f%£ Lordof *'*<^ His ancient Armes was,P',ri/^ ^/4^ 5 andhiswiuc$Armeswcrc 5 ^/^^/4«^^ COR- WiNCH/ESTER. 60f CORRECTIONS. MArke well my words in this very trad, and reade vs comparatiuely to- gether, for there is no little difference. I boldly therefore deliuer, that this Lodorvicox Lewis de Bruges ^Seigneur of the Gruthufe (I fpeake as the * in- * cU »l> **• 1 » 13.13.14: ftrument it felfe tcacheth me)and Prince of Steenhufi 3 Seigneur of Auelghien^ ' 4 * n * 9 ' ofSpiers, oiAemflede, and of Oejlampe, was not created Earle of Winchefter 'the 23. of NouemberjL '. 1 4.E.4. becaufc it is moft ccrtaine, that his Charter for that Earledome, beares date at the Kings Palace ofmjlminfter the 1 3. of 0&oberinthe b twelfeyeareofthe fame Kings raigne$ and thenext mo- b ^/.«.E.4«a» 9. neth after, viz>. the 2 3. of Nouember in the fame yeare, he(indeede for fur- ther augmentation of his Honour, who fo louingly had afforded him com- 1 fort and fuccour in the Netherlands^ when he was fled his natiue Countrie) receiucd at the fame Kings hands thefe Armes : D'afur^a dix mafcles d'or en- orme dung canton de nojlre propre armes Dengletefretfo runs the Patent)cejlaf. «**.«•. 1 a,E.4.pt.> ta, quia liter* inde patents fur f urn reddittt resJitutx fuermt^ ad mantis do- mint noJiriRegis Henrici^apud 4jr/(f/ Knightydcfcended of a fecond Bro- ther of the Paw lets of Wiltfhire^ Was created Lord S. John of Bafing^ the ninth of March, in the 30. yeare of King Henry the eight, and Knight pf the Garter 3 in the 3 5 .yeare of the faid Kings R eigne; and in the third yeare of King Edward the fixt, he was cre- ated Earle of Wiltfbirc ; and the e- leauenth of 0<5tcb?r,in the fift ytsrc- of the faid Kings Rcigne, he was cre- ated MarquefTe of Winchefter \ hec was alfo Lord high Treafurer of EngUnd, & Matter of the Houfhold to King Edward the fixt , and Prefi- dent of the Counfell. He was borne in the yeare 1483. and was of the priuy Counfell to King Henry the eight^Kingg^tt/ the fixt,Quecne ^7,and Queene Elizabeth oftamous memory. £o6 VVlNCHBSTER. memory . He liued to fee one hundteth and three pcrfons ifluc out of his loynes, and dyed at Bafing, the tenth of March, 1 5 7 1 . where he was honou- rably buried,when he had liued 87. yeares. Who being on a time asked,hovr he carried himfelfe in thofetempeftuous times (wherein fo many of all forts mifcarried.) His anfwere was, By being a Willough, and not an Oake. Hee married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir W'tlLiam CapeS Knight, and had ifiue 5 foure SugEno kfbytr^ - formes and foure daughters 5 lobn Pallet Marquette of Wimkejter - Sir Th: medlr/*/^(daughter *& m aa p a wlet Knight, who married Mary, daughter andco-heire ot Them* watwT^ Sir chidwc Powlet of wade Knight, third ^^of^t^Knight, f on nc, who married ^/*/tt,daughterof Sir Thomas Whtte otSontbrvarnburne So^d^dS 6 ^ m Hampfhire ; and Sir Giles Porvlet fourth fonne,married Mary daughter of 1 * 86. and lyeth bur.ed in a Nicholas Trapps. Alice the eldeft daughter, was wife to Richard S torvctfot So. ^(fe^e 5 Margaret fecond daughter married Sir WiUum Berkley Knight-, Marge* y the third daughter, was married to Richard Waller oi Oldjtoke-, and Elianor the fourth daughter, was wife to Sir Richard PeckfaU Knight, Mafter of the BuckHoundss Et ^ortoit, fable trois cfpee* auec le pointz embas d'argenr.au ctefant dot . Iobn Pawlet (fon and heyre of William afore- faid(fucceeded his Father,and was MarquefTc oiwinchefer^zxXt of Wiltjkire, and Lord S. Iohn of Bajing. He married Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Robert WiUoughby Lord Brooke, and had \ffy\zmlliam Prfjv/^,MarqueiTeof Wimhefitr, after his Father ; Sir George Pawlet of CrundaU in Hampjhire Knight j Richard Pawlet third fon 5 and Thomas Pawlet fourth fonnc, who married Anne, daughter of Brent 5 Mary Pawlti eldeft daughter , was married to Henry Lord Cromwell of Oukham'mRutlandjhire; and Eli' zabeth the fecond daughtcr 5 was firft married to Sir William Courtney of Powderham Knight, and after to Sir Henry OughtredKnl%ht. This/*** dyedathishoufeatCto^/ 157^ w INCHE STER. 6oy \\[ m * m ^Mfonneand hcyrc of Iohn) v v was in the life time of his Father, fura- inoncd to the Parliament held at Wcfimimfttr, 1 5 7 5 • as Lord S John ofBafing, and there had place and voyce accordingly ; and after his Fa- thers death,hc was alfo Marqucfle of wincbe- fter 9 andEtukoffriltJh/re. He married Anne, daughter of William Lord Howard of Effing, /jam, & heire to her Mother Katberine^daueh- ter and co- hey re of Sir lohn Broughton, oflud- dington'm Bedford/hire, by whom he had iflue, William P owlet Marquefle of IVincbefler, now Jiuing 1621. Anne^mk to Sir Thomas Dennis of Deuonfhirc Knight ; and Catherine, Wife to Gilesmoughton Knight, fonne and hey re of Sir Thomas wrougbton of Broadhmtcn in Hump- We Knight. This William dy e d intheyeare,^^. Et portoit, fable crois efpeej auec le poinrz embas d'argentau crefintaFon \T\THli***?ttvlet y Marqucfle of Wincbe- v v >r,EarIeofPT/7^/>r,&LordS./^i o{Bafing now liuing, 162 1. married Lucie, ^daughter ofTbomas Cecil/, Baron o?BourghUy 3 and Earlc of Exeter ,and had iffacjvilliam Lord S.lohn of Bajingy who dyed a°. 1621. without iflue 5 hauing married Mary daughter of Anthony BrowneVifcoum Mottntague: Thomas fecond fonne, dyed before his elder brother Willim : third fonne, now Lord S. fobnofBaJing : Henry fourth fonnc s cWwfift fonnejand Ed- WArdxhdm fonne,&c. Etportoit, It* itmctdt Con ptn. *MeKtnt. •Mttient. * MtUentl A CAT A LOG VE OF THE Earlesof Worcefter, their Armes, Wiues> and Children, WITH C ORRECTIONS. \Allerm de BeUomont, or Beaumont fori r of Robert de Beaumot ^Earle of % Meullen jin Normandy ;was by King» Mount fort fczxiz of Leicejter in England, by whom he had iflue^.o&rrEarle cA*MeuUen, &Lord of Pont*Audamare>viho maricd Ato«/ y Mabed the daughter, was married to William de Riuers (fur- named deVernon)^x\c of Deuonjhire ,and had ilTue Baldwin and Mary, which Mary wasfirft married to Sir Robert Courtney Knight, and after to Peter PreuzofDeuonfhirc, of whom there are many remaining at this day. To which i»«*r^f P^/^thefaidtf^Earle oi*Meulten, gaueinfranke marriage with the laid Mary his grand-childe, the third part of his Lands in England ; and vnto Baldwin de Riuers her brother, hee gaue other Lands mltyrmandy, with the Mannors of Ejtruminsler, Moreys,and Rt dale Bourn England. *A*.x^wsUer4nusc^^ lsm f er4n founded the Abbey of Bordejley'm England, in KingJftw? mts Hetkntifiom mwhui the leconds time, and dyed in theyearc 1 1 66.md was buried at mrcefitr. ^t 0 !Z%fr fttt "Others hancthat he dyeda MonkeatP^«in Normandy. Sit Worcester. /»*.a«.ti.R.2.pt.».m:2$ the third. Then in the eleauenthyeare of Richard the fecond, I finde a h Ls. cence of Alienation, fordiuers Lands in Northumberland, Nottingham/hire, Kent,Wiltjhtre, 2nd Norfolke i granted (Elizabeth aqua fuit vxor Thorn a de Percy chiuakr iunioris) to Elizabeth who had beene wife to Sir Thomas Per* cy the yonger,Knight, and to John de Haljham and Philippa his wife , for the fetling of t hei r eftates ; which (he wes that now (viz. a°. 1 1 .R. 2 .) Sir Thomas Percy was dead. Now about two yceres after you (hall finde her married a- c rUehdeorM Regeterm/- g a j nc to Sir John Lefcrop Knight,as appeares plainely in a long c Plead ing(too ******* aUs-R.*.*". longtobetranfcribed hither, oryouthould haue had it) betweene Sir Reg*. Efeaetr. a°. 1 5 . R. *• pt.*. nald G>^,Sir Richard 'Talbot jhc fald Sitlohn Lefcrop and Elizabeth his wife, v'jfrUriiu*. a«.i S . Ri 2. and hhn de Halfham and Philippa his wife, fordiuers Lands which lately had Htik» beene belonging to John Ha{tings y (bnne and heire of John Haftings Earle of Penbroke. Of which three Authorities I makejthis vfe, that Eltfybcth fifter and cohdre of DauidEarlc of A t holl, being firft married to Sir Thomas Percy the yonger, and he dead in the eleauenthyeare of Richard the fecond, fhee within two yeeres after marrying her felfe to Scrope, it muft not be credited that this Sir Thomas Percy the yonger, her husband, and Thomas Percy Earlc of Worcefter, could be all one man, the former being dead, a°. 1 1 . R.i . and V^M^rt.Tt mlb "' Thomas Earle ofWorccficr (till liuing vntillthe Battaile of Shrewsbury, a° 4. H.4.wherchewastaken,and(hortly after cut (horter by the head, leauing no iflue, as in the next place (hall be (hewed. For the fecond, whether Elizabeth was Jisler t or daughter and coheir e of Da* aid de Strabolgy Earle of Atholl I think needs no (landing vpon, for I fuppofe the Reader doth not require a repetition of an anfwere vnto falfities already confuted, Wherefore I will referre them to rhe e title of Atboll,whcte J haue *s*mJtM.pw9.&4: phMy pr0 ued,that(hc vias daughter and coheire ofthelaft Dauid, and not hisJisJer,zs may alfoappeare by fundry other Records, not there cited, of which take this one, where this Elizabeth is driuen to proue her age, before (he could haue Ltuerie of her part of her Fathers Lands, which thus begins. oS!i7^^Ms^ii ( Probatio At at is Elizabeth >d, einecia Jiliarumcb'haredumDauiddeStrabelginu* per Comitis Atholl defuncJi, captaapud Gaynesburgh coram Iohanne Dymmtk Efcaetore domini Regis in comitatu Lincoln. 10. die Majj y A 0 . 50. E.i.ejrc, wherein alfo is dcliuercd, that (he was borne at Gaynesburgh vpon Alhwed- nefday , in the thirtie flue ycere of Edward the third, who were Goffips, and the like. For the third,wherc you tell vs he hadijfue Henry Percy Earle of Athottft&t iSd*!^**™* * w *** bedifproued by tbis enfuinc Inquifition, fluratores dicunt, quod Henri' / ** %S * H,4S cue Percy Comes?(orthumbrU, & Matilda tunc vxorewiamdefuntf a, con- cejferunt Thorns Percy Comiti wigornia, quodmanerium de Roddejlon in com, Northampton remanent dtilo Thorns Percy nuper Cormti Wigorms, fa b* re ~ dib/te Worcester. [tb# mafctilis de eorpere fm exeunt tbus Dicunt etiam quod dtc~it*s nuper ^tmesWigorni^^tfineh^redemajculodecorporejuoexeunte^ per quod di. font manenum Iohanm de Mtlton remanere debet : which plainely (hewes hat hee had no fuch fonne as Henry Percy, the truth is, heelcft no iiTue it all. ' For the fourth, you would make vs here bclecue that Henry Percy rvas Earle of At ho 11, notrcmembringthatPag.17. Lin.33.you write that After the death of the lajl Ddttidde Strabolgie, the title of Earle of Atholl went to the famiUeof the Stewards in Scotland, wherein you wrote! very « truely ; for in- , c w>ir/f.a o .n.H.6.n* ricus Percy de Atholt miles. He was knighted, but neuer dignified with that Earlcdome,norncucrfummonedtoour Englifli Parliaments, as the Stra- ngles were. For the laff, I mcanc Sir Henry Per cm wife (whofc daughter foeucr ftiee ^ was) I am fure her name was Elizabeth, and not Margaretjtwc may bclecue all the Inquifitions taken after her husbands death, of whichtake this one: ^luratores dicunt quod Henricus Percy DatheS miles Juit feifimfibi ejf here- ^ r d ^' x ^'^'^' dibits de corf ore J 'no exeuntibw,de -$o.ltb.redditus, cxeuntibusde diuerfis ter- ris cr tenement is tn Sixindale, Alborne, Fofton, S toreburgh,&c, exdono lohan - nuConyers&aliorumfa3ocuidam AdomaroV ithels chiualer, adtermtnum ) which Sir Thomas the yonger, married Elma- Hhhbi beth 6\z Worcester. ^/y&eldcft daughter and cohcire of the hftDauidde Strabolgie Earle of^- tholl (which Elizabeth was after martied to Sir hhn le Sertpe, and* thirdly to Robert de Thorley ) by whom he had iflue Sir Henry Percy of ^^knight, and after dyed in Spaine^ which Sir Henry, by Elizabeth his Wife, was father of two daughters and hcivcStElizabeth and Margaret, of whom I haue faid *$tttT*ihtmtttt*>d.p.vi enough b elfcwhere. *AM»9Dim.t43», ( which is the eight yere of Htnry the fifth) Dtun Henrictti cjumttts Rex Anglut francos mfefia- et Dommus Rtchardus yu/trtut de BeAocZpo faftui efl Comet rVtjrornt* LoniQM. M.Theoki- bnu MS. buried in the Abbey of Tcwksbttry* TD Ichard Beauchamp (fonne ic heirc ^•^•of William Beauchamp Baron of Aburganenny ) was created Earle of worce/ler, in the * feucnth yeerc of K. Henry the fifth , and married Ifabell, daughter of Thomas Lord le Deftencer, and fifterand heyre of Richard Lord le Dcfpenccr, and had iflue , Elizabeth his daughter and heyrc , Wife to Sir Edtvard Neuili Knighr, yonger fon of Raphe Earle of iVefimerland , who was fummoned to Parliament by Writ,as Baron of Aburgaucnnyjht 29. oi Henry the fixt. This Ric hard Earle of Worcester, was leader of the wars in Francejn King H-nry the fifts time, and in befiedgingtheCitty of Meux in Bry , was llaine with a ftone thrown out of an Engine,in the tenth yearc of King Henry the fift , and was Etportoit, gueullesavnlace & fix croifefctr botenes d'or, a vn eroiflant (able en la face. John Lord Tiptofi and Potvis (fonne ■* and heire of/obn Lord T/ptoft, and Ioice his Wife, daughter & co-heyre of Edward Charlton LordPtfnw) was created Earle of worcefter, in the 2 7. ycare of King Henry the fixt j and the yeare aftcr,hec was made high Con- ftable of England, and Lieutenant of Ireland, He maried E/i^cV ^daugh- ter of Thomas Hopton, and fitter and heyrc of ShWatler Hopton,by whom he had iflue, EdmrdL. Tiptoft, who was after reftorcd,and made Earle of worcciler by K. Edtvard the fourth. This Iohn Earle oiWorcejler, was attainted by Parliament, and t> cn J a J Wo RCE STER, ded at the Tower-Hill , the tenth of King Edward the fourth, 1 470. and his J>ody was buried in the pre aching Fryars in Union, Etportoit, d'argent a vn Saulteur engwfley de gueulles. ft--, j -nonao rmw i&m 01 bnsa Jt ion «v/ ?.v.ut$>to btfUtrb f i:?bnv» P Dnw^Lord 7/>/^, after the death of his ■^FatheriWasrcftoredin blood, and made Earle of Worcester by King Edward the fourth. Hee died without ilTue,thc 12. ofAuguft , in the third y cere of King Richard the third, and was buried at Ely . Icauing his Fathers foure fitters his hcyres, . Philip, married to Tho- rn** Lord Ros of Hamlake ; loane Wife to Sir Edmond Englethorpe of Cambridgejhire ; foice, married vnto Edmond Sutton, fonne and heyrc of John Lord Dudley ± and Margaret the fourth daughter, profelTed her felfc a Nunne. Et portoit, las annes dc fen pere. f^tfarles Somerfet \ Knight Banne** ^rct, (bafe fonne of Henry Beaufort Duke of Somerfet, begotten of loane Hill hi%c oncubine) was Vice-Cham- bcrlaine to King Henry the feuenth, and after Lord Chamberlainc, both to King Henry the feuenth and King Henry the eight. Hee married three Wiucs,the fir ft was Eli%abeth t daugh~ ter & heyrc of William Herbert Earle of Huntington j by whom hee was Lord Herbert of Gower, and was after created Earle of lVorcefler,dX Lambeth houfc on Candlemas day, 151 3.in the fir ft yeerc of King Henry the eight. His fecond Wife was £//<*;w,daugrr ter of Edward Sutton Lord Dudly. His third wife was Elizabeth t daugh- ter of Thomai Lord Lavtare : By his firft Wife hee had iflue, Henry Lord Herbert^ after Earle of worcefier ; and Elizabeth y married to Sir John Sanage Knight. By his fecond Wife he had iflue,Sir Charles Somerfet Knight.Cap. taineof Rifebanke and Callu ; Six George Somerfet of Badmanffield Hall in Suffolke ; and a daughter named Mary ^married to WiUtam Lord Grey of mi- ton* By his third Wife he had no ifTuc. This Charles y in the tenth yeare of King ORCF/ST BR. Kingston? the eight, furrendred and yeelded vp to Mnnfier Chafiilion^ to the vfe of the French King , the Citty and Caftle of Tourney, for fbure hun- drcth and fixty thoufand Crowncs,to be paid to KingHenry. At which fur- render, the faid chaflilion was not fuffcred to enter with banner difplayed , but rolled vp, becaufe the faid Citty was not wonne by force , but yeelded vp by cornpofition (which is to be noted.) He was Knight of the Order of the Garter, and dyed in the 17. ycare of King Henry the eight,and was buri- ed at Wind fore. Et portoit.Ies armes de France & d'englercrrc eicartelte,a vn bordure gobonne d'argent & d'azurjau ba-' fton finifter d'argent, fur le tout a vn efcuflbn per pale d'azur & de gueuUes au trois lyons rampant d'ar- gent. CO RRECTIONS. * ci*Hf.*3ji. 7 abeth y daughter of Francis Hajlings Earle of Huntington^ and ofKatherinc his wife, daughter and hey re of Henry Poole L. Montacnte^ by whom he had ifliic, William Somerfet Lord Herbert eldefl fonne, who died before his fa- ther iiTueleiTe ; Henry Somerfet Lord Herbert ,fecond fonnc,and heirc appa- rent, novvliuing, and married Anne daughter and foleheire of hhn Lord Ruffell, fonne and heireapparanr of Francis Earle of Bedford ; to whom ihe brought fixe fon 5 , and three daugh- ters, Edward John^Henry^Thomasf harles james^Anne, Maryfx. Elizabeth . Sir Thomas Somerfet third fon, Knight of the Bath, and Maftcr of the Horfe to Queened* ; who married Ehanor CountefTe of Ormend, laftwifeof Thorn 06 Earle of Ormond, fhec being daughter of Dauid Lord Barry of Ire* land, and widow of Dauid fonne to the Lord Pome • by whom he had iiTuc a daughter, named Elizabeth ± Sir Charles Somerfet fourth fonne , Knight of the Bath j married Elizabeth daughter and fole heire of Sir William Powell of Llanpytt \ in the County of Monmouth Knight, and as yet hath no ilTue : Sir Edward Somerfet fiftfonue, Knight of the Bath, married Bridget , [daughter and heir to William whitemore of Leightonjn the Countic of chejier Efquire, by Margaret his Wife, daughter and heire of SitHttgh Beef on of Beef on Knight, and dicdilTuelelTe $ and Chriftopher Somerfet fixt fonne , died with- out iflue ; hee had iflue alfo fixe daughters, Elizabeth the eldeft , married to Sir Henry Guilford oiHcmftcdjn the Countic of Kent Knight 5 Kathcrine fe- cond daughter , married to Willtam Lord Peter of Writtttm Effex ; Anne the third daughter, married vnto Sir Edward Winter of Lidney , in the County of Glome ft er Knight : Frances the fourth daughter, married vnto William Morgan of Llanternam , in Monmouth-fhire Efquire : Blanch the fifth daughter, Wife to Thomas, fonne and hey re apparant of Thomas Lord Worcester sx&ArnndtUoimrdour Caftlc in mltjhire . and Kdtkrine theyoungcft aughtcr,married to Thorn* Lord Wind fire. This honourable Earlc is ft ill uing,but the faid Eh^beth Htftngs his Countcffe, exchanged this mortall fefbr a better &mrcefter houfe in the Srrand,by London a the 24. day of mguft, 1621. whofe corps was immediately conueyed fromthenceto igUnd in Monmiuthjbire, and there interred. Et portott,elcartelle France & D'engletc rre a I* bordur jobonne d'argent & iTaZurc . iiii A CA- A CATALOGVE OF THE Dukes and Earles ofYoRKE, their Ames, Wiues, and Qhildren, WITH CORRECTIONS. £7fo 5 fonne of Henry Zw 5 Duke of Baua. • ria, Saxony and Sardinia (begotten ol ._ {Mauld^ daughter of Henry the fecond , King of England , who was after Empcrour by the name of Otho the fourth ) was girt with the Sword of theEarledomeofr long, as to marry his widdow $ but on the other fide, if I may be beleeued,! afiiire the Reader that both of them were in one & the fame confpincy, lay d hold on and apprehended both at a time 3 and both of them executed prefently for that offence, therefore not to be credited that the one married the others widdow, as I haue * elfe where already prooued. True it is, that Conftance tSK in Kent, p.285. andi* was fo long courted by Edmund Holland Earle of Kent (this Thomas his bro- Sa re y>P a ss 2 *« therj that in the end meccatchtaclap , and broughthima daughter named Elianor, married to lames Touchet Lord Audley, f of which marriage the Audleyes ofNorfolke are defcended) that faine would haue becne legitimate, thereby to haue fcrewed her felfe into fo frire an eftate as (could it haue bin proued) muft haue fallen vpon her ; but the right hcires difcouering her fi- nifter practifes, preferred their Bill in b Parliament,thereby prouing her to be b *«« p»fiam.a |, :9 H.^art aBaftard, and (o were ftiutoffuch an intruder , asyoumay fee at large in 27 ' I ii i 2 Poult ons Y(>R K F. Tiultens printed Statutes, a°,9.H.6 . chap. 1 1 .for there the cafe is at large ac- cording to the Ortginall in the Tower. TC Dward Plant Agents (fbnne and ■^heyrc of Edmondofhangley afore- faid)was created Earle of Rutland and of Corke, in the thirteenth yecre of KingiR/V&Wthefecondj and in the 2 i.ycare ofthe faid Kings Reigne,he was created Duke of Albemarle, and Conftable of England ; and aft: r the death of his Father,he was alfo Puke of Torke, and Lord of Tyndall. Hee married Pbill/p, daughter and one of the hey res of Iohn Mohun, Lord of Dunjler, but by her had no iffue. He was flainc at the battaikr of Egincourt the 2 5 .of October, the third of King i#tf7thcfifr } i4i4. At which bat- taile wereflaine 3 C^r/w Lord Dala- breth, high Conftable of France 5 M> quesle chajlilion, Lord of Damftir 3 high Admiral! of France, Iohn, Duke D'Alanfon ; Anthony, Duke of Brabant ; Edward, Duke of Barry j the Eailes of Marle,Vawdemont, Blawmont, Grand-free, Rufley,Fauleonb>tdge, Fois and Lajlrake; 25. Lords. 8000. Knights, Efquires,and Gentlemen of Name and Armes. This Edwards body was brought ouer (eq into England, and buried at F other inghay. Et portoitjesarmoiriesdefonpere. CORRECT I ONS. TTisnot herequeftionedbetweenevs, whether this Edward {Edmond of *-Langleyeslonae) was created Earle of Rutland, A°. 1 3. R. 2. but whether he was that yeare created Earle of Corke or not? the former I haue formerly fpokenofin the title of Rutland, but for this of Corke, though I confeffe hee vfed thattitle, yet he had it not then beftowed vpon him. Therefore it now ftands you vpon to make your affirmation good, both in this placc,and Pag. 1 89. Line 8. Another thing I qucftioned here, and that is, whether hee was flaine, a°.i4i4.ornot? Ifaynot- forthebattaileof Agimourt, where he loft his life,was fought vpon Friday the feftiuall day of Saint Crtfpin and Crifiintan, being the fiuc and twentieth of October, a a .y.H.$ . which fals (as elfe where wj-pag.X3.and i8p.youconfeffc)iflthcycareof Chrift, 1415. Rtchard YOR KE. 6 2> I R Ichard Plantagenet ( fonne and hcyre of Rt chard otConesburgh, Earle of 'Cambridge \ iecond fonne of Edmond Langley, Duke of Torke 3- forefaid) was after the death of Ed- tvardbh Vnckle without iiTue, refto* red to be Duke of Torke, Earle of March and Lord of Wigmore and C Uremic He was Licutennnt to King Henry the fixt,in his Kingdome of France, and Dukedome of Nor- mandy , 143 5. and was Chiefe of the Fa&ion of the White Rofe, being d^fcended ofLyonell, Duke of Cla- rence. This Richard raifed a deadly Warrc againft the Houfe of Lanca- y?tt @ ogcrmiljntljerle t^at noble &mgrjt, %\ntvn bougtjtrig lefte of W blotie total, r €W ones tffue uetD^t^at oti)tt$ aL What hight that Lady whos iflue had grace This * Lordihip t attaine i 3©attlC %tm jjl %o tijz Ctle of Cambtfgge anD fye txitfetoa^ m>W*l botljebe t»eUe, d5ob gtaunte ^em blp& 03ut tyt fonftfcijatti fcjtyclj pttituet^,tj@? £)ufce of ^ojkebptrifcent of W tftibit atiH Ijatl) $&%uW ionbte bp rtgW of <$otrir. Is he folc or maried this Prince myghty i <§>ole gobfotfietie : tt toere grete pttee. Whom hath he wedded ? 3tgraetOU£?Ul>p. What is hir name, I the praie telle me { 5©aittC Cectle &iv : Whofe daughtir was (he. fl>f t^c Crle of Mcttmerlant) 3 trotoe tlje pengeft, 3inb pit grace tyt fortune!) to be t^e ijpefl. Is there ony Frute bitwix hem two i pea <§>tr,tijonfetbbe cBoU ful glo?um£. Male or Female < ^>ir, bOtlje tt»0. The nombir of this progeny gracious And the names to kn w I am defirous ; The ord( r eke ofbirth telle yf thou kan, And I wil euer be cuen thy n owen man. £>tt aftir ttje tymc of longe barepneffe, d5ob ffrftfent anne,t»tycijfignrfietl) grace, 3u token tljat al Ijer Ijertte tyeupneffe, l|e (a* in barepnelfe ) toolb fro Ijem cljaee. §attp,€ttoarfc 3 anb ^bmonbe,ec^e tn W pla« ^mecelit&,an& aftir ttoepn bougrjtrtg came, iEltjabetlj anto #argarete,$ afttrtoarD roitttam. 30P YORKE. 3!o^n afttt aatlltam mttt bopxt t»a& mtyitb bot^e be parTfo to df5oot$ grace* (Ro^getoatf nermann after 2Cl)oma# I5o^ne toa&totydj feme aftirHtH pace Wfte patl? of tietijeto ttyeijeuenlp place, lltcljar o liwty pi t,bttt tlie laft of aile mu$ to fucceoe tempojallp, ^oto Ctle of ^arc^e,anD ctmtono of Eutiano fotrjlp? Cotmte bottye fojtonabtl to ttgftt i)tgl) manage, %ty ottyet foureftanfc pet m tljetr pupillage. iongcmoteijeltuento (5otit£plefatmce. Ctng Inglj ano mpgrjtp^jince in pjofperitte tBtt^Dtttue ant) bictojpe df5ot) typm atmaunce £>f ailing enempe&anti gtaurite tl^at l)ee 3no t^e noble ^^tnceffe in£ totfe map fee i^er ctjiltijeg rijiltyen o % tljei Ijens toen&e, 3int) aftir ting outelatp,tl)e tope t^at newt ft)all enoe. jD /chard, fur-named of Shrewsbu- ry^ the place of his birth/econd fonncof King £dWrd the 4. was by his Father (at a Parliament held at wefiminflerfhzi o.day of May. I474) created Duke oVTotke^ and in the 1 9. yeare of the faid Kings reignjhe mar- viz&Annc^he onely daughter cx hdre of /p^Lord Mowbray,, D uke of A r tfr- folkeJLax\QWarre» ScSurrey^Sc Earie Marshall of England,- in whofe right he was Duke of Norfolkc.frc.1his Ri- chard, bein^butachilde, was with his brother,King £^Wthefift(by the command of Richard , Duke of (j/tff^r,theirvnnaturalVnckle)moft cruelly murdered in the Tower of London.yXht9, day of the Kalends of Iune, 1483 .without iflue: hisplace of . buriall was neuer known certainly to Le'orhtwrfe Sherct this day.His wife died alfo yong withput ilTue,and was buried at Weftminfter. o«eiy *e**odpuHkt ypm Et portoit,France & d'cnglcterre cfearteUe.a Iambell d'argent ehargee * au neuf carteaux. In 6z^ ORKE. E.4 CORRECTIONS. IN that you fay, that this Richard of Shrewsbury, was created Duke of Torke the twentieth of May, I dare afTure you that it was the « eight and twentieth* in the foureteenth yearc of Edward the fourth, A°. 1474. But this is nothing to that that followcs. For you goe on, and fay that in the nineteenth yeare of the faid Kings raigne, he waned Anne the onely daughter and heyre of lohn Lord Mowbray Duke of Norfolke, Earle Warren and Surrey \ and Earle Mar (hall of England^ in whofe right f marke it well,) he wot Duke ofNorfolke^fyc. ' In re- ply to which, firft you (hall vnderftand, that he was b created Earle of 2tyt* gjS&fL **' tinghamzx Weftminfterthci2.ofIune,in the nxeteenth yeare of the fame 1 2 tfi 1 2 Kings rcigne,and on the c feauenth of February following,in the fame yeare, c£{ £T%. Z 'S»e " he was honoured with the titles both of Duke of Norfolk, and Earle Warren, E.4.n°./j. j n which feuerall creations there is 00 mention at all made, of any right there* unto by his wife^ although not onely here, but pag. 158. and 23 6. you confi- dently perfvvade, that all his Honours 3 (except that of Torke) fell vpon him in her right. Know moreouer, that thofe dignities of Norffo/ke, Warren, Sw rey and 'Nottingham, were giuentb her Anceftours and their heires majles 1 What right I pray you then can (hec pretend vnto them, being anheirefi* male ? Are they not directly reuerted to the Crowne . ? Does not the limita* tion (the word Maps) barre her of all pretence, yea keepe her without all colour of right ? To trace you a little further, you tell vs, that in the nineteenth *H(d[mihed.3 vt.p*g^i(>.yearcofthefaidKmgsreignehcmar When d HoRenjhcd and others n!e»lI^^.^.\Z a " tell you againe, that he married her on the fifteenth of Ianuary,inthe fcauen- teenth yeare of King Edward the fourth, 1477. Confider then^that the King had already beftowed thofe Honours vpon him in the fixteenth, as fallen to his hands by Efcheate, for want of iffue Mafle : How then dare you fo bold- ly affirm c hts right to be by his wife, when as yet they were not married, yet he quietly polfcfTed of them, by way of this new Creation'* as I haue before fhewed. "Thcfewere the Armes oF Esmond of Lattcafttr Duke of 2"»£f,but this Henry Duk of Tor^e bare a label of three potntszrmtne y as you may fee in his Sull at rVt»dfor,Bein% the third Stall on the Kings fide. |<=~<£J*L w "LJE/iryjfecondfonne of King Hen- *• ^ry thejeuenth, in the tenth yeare of his Fathers Reigne, was created Duke of Torke, in the Parliament houfe at WeHminfler, Sc after Prince of Wales-, and laftly King of England, by the name of King Henry the eight j Father of Elizabeth^ that raoft wor- thy and triumphaut Queene of moft happy memory. Etportoit.efcartelle France Sc d'engleterre, alasn* bell d'argent * chargee au neuf torteaux . Charles YORKE, 6l% C Harks y fecond fonnc of Ia»m\ King of great Britaine, France, & Ireland-, being Duke of Albany jb\zi- queue of Ormont , Earle of Ras , and Lord of Ardmamch ; was created Duke ofYorkeJoy hisFather.atffte- Hal^onTwelfday , being the fixt of January j6oq. & after created Prince of Wales & the fame place,the third of Nouember 5 in the yeare,i6i6. He is alfo Knight of the moft Honourable Order of the Garter. Et portoitjlesarmoiries d'engletarw^auec vne lam bell d'axgent chargee au neuf correaux. Kkkk A A C ATALOGVE OF THE Vifcounts, fince the Norman Conqueft: their Arrnes, Wiues, and (jhildren, WITH CORRECTIONS. $gOkn Lord Beaumont, fonncof Henry Lord Beaumont, fate in Parliament the tenth yecrcoi King Henry the fixt,as Lord Beaumont ; and was after by Letters Pat nts, bea- ring date at Reading,xhz 1 2. of Febru- ary.in the 18. yeereof King the fixt, made Vifcount Beaumont. Hce married Eli&aheth,6iughttt andheirc of Sir William VhUipJuOxd. Bardolpb, and had iiTue 5 H^///4«>and Henry ^ both Vifcounts,and died without iffue, leag- uing lane their fitter and hey re, marri- ed to John Lord Louell. Th is John was flain at the fecond battel of Northamp- ton, the ninth of July, the 38. of King Henry the fixt. Et portoirjd'azur^au Iyon rampant feme delices,d'cr. I finde (before this John, Vifcount Beaumount) John Robfert , Captaincof S.Samers in France, fonne of Sir Lewis Rohfert, Knight of the Garter, to be Vifcount Robfert, in King Henry the fifts time. But by whom, or where he was made Vifcount, I finde nor ? neither whom he married , or of any iffue heleftbehindebim. CORRECTIONS, JT\ Vrftany man of learning or iudgement,haue aduentured to put in print "■-^fuch (tumbling blockes as thefe, but your felfe { Verily no : but who is more bold then blinde ignorance i Whofocuer therefore reades after you , and beleeucs (in regard you deliucr it) that William and Henry , fons of John Vifcount Beaumont were foth rifco*nts,m\\ be deceiued ; my reafon is this , Henry being yonger brother to William Vifcount Beaumont and Lord Bar- dolpb, liued notlong enough to hauc that Honour fall vpon him, but died in his faid brothers life time without iflue : otherwife, why were Francis Vif- count Uttelis Afters found next Hey res to William Vifcount Beaumont by diuerf VlSCOVNTS. 6*7 liuer s offices taken in a°. prime of Hen the eight, if henry had beeoe then li- nine ? Thcfc words following anfwer for rac : Curator es dicuntfuperUcra ; o * j n-:/,«L t*L~.j,*~u. x m* •B»M„mA*if At Vtnminui EardolPh obit » Efcaetr.i'./.H 8 % n,»j>. ninp ^Thclc woras roiiowineaniwci rur iut . i- r -- j - - c^*.,,* Senium (uum^uod WtUtlmuiVkecomesBeaumont & Dominus Bardolph fochtrededecorforejuo, Et quod FranctfcutLouell, fi tempore mortudiSit Viceccmitii fuifletinflemviU, & nonamnttu* , effitprox: fares ditti Vtcc- omitis ( of the ht were there flaine together) and out of * Wirkjop book you haue Tome Hum- HonouraWt E le ot blinp verfes (therecitcd) which tells vs.that the battcll wherein heelpent his /w^Lo.charnbcr- d^S^i^fctt^doinc. fallsalwaiesvponthe ^>not~^-^ the ninth of Iuly: Lookcbackc into sArw^»ry. I^rtteniaQrc,atnong other imaginary paifagcs, ^ e ^ e y° u t ^ r uft Y^ 0 " ^ another Vifcountofyourownecreating,(Sir /^«#") for whrch nor you , noranyelfecan produce found authority. I am of opinion with«o- LrsthatMUord^^,(bu t nowfpokenor)was* -4. J ^"nrightof ElM Lady B^r^hiswife.daughtetandheneof BaX^LordB^^ , . „„. e CWe».pag 5»t.E. Vifcount Lift. This fohn was flaine with his Father, intheWarrcs in France, in the yeare 1453. Etportoit , gueullcs au Iyon rampan -, a !a bordure engreflee d'or j au croifTant d'ar^ent. CORRECTIONS. "pO make fliort worke herej fay that this lohn Talbot was eldeft fonne of A John Earle of Shrewsbury 3 by Margaret his fecond wife, eldeft daughter, and one of the hcircs of Rtehard Beauchamp Earle of Warwicke, and was firft created Vifcount Lift by Charter » dated at weflmtnftr the 2 6. of , a°. . cw.**. *+ 22.H.6.fibiharedibui(^afignat(s fits: and after Vifcount Lift by another ; Charter *» at the fame place,datcd the 3 o. of OW Grey, a forwards Vifcount Ltftund f 0 ,i,; M t. ( «a*i* // * f Margaret married to Sir George Vere Knight. *s. WiBim 6y> V l SCOVNT S. \\Tllltam Berkeley fonm of fir lames Berkt- v * /^Knight, andof£//&4^hisWitc, daughter of Thomas Mowbray } Duke of Norfolk; was created Vifcount Berkeley , the 20. yeareof King Edward the fourth , and after MarquefTc Barkeley 5 and married two Wiues, but had no ifluc by eyther. Hec gaue raoft part of his Lands to King Henry the feuenth , and died the feaucnth of the faid Kings Reigne, and was buried in the Augufiine Fry ars in London, lea- uing Sir Morris Barkeley Knight, f his brother) hisheyrc. Et portoir, gueulles au cheuron accompaigne de dix croixpatees «l'd*gent. CORRECTIONS. pjEtheritwas.thatlrefcrrcdtheReadcrin the title of , pages;. for a more full dilation concerning this William Lord Berkeley of Berke- ley Caftle in Gloceslerjkre. He was fonne of lames Lord Berkeley of Berkeley (and of/fabellhls wife, daughter of Thomas Lord Mowbray , Ddce of Nor- folk, Earle Marlhall of England, and of. Nottingham, by Elizabeth his wife, filter andone of the hey res ofThomas Ftt^alanEavlcofArundeU) and was firft created * Vifcount Berkeley, the one and twentieth of Aprill, in the one . 2*. and twentieth yccre (not the twentieth as Matter Torke heere perfwades ) of King Edwardthc fouithithcn* Ejrle of Nottingham the eight and twentieth of Iune, in the firft yeere of Richard the third , to him and the heyres males of his body, but the twentieth of March following, in the fame yecre hec tooke another grant of the fame dignity, to hold at the Kings pleafure.Next hewasmade^EarleMarfhallofEngland, the twenty fixe of October , in the firft yeere of Henry the feucnth,atthe Kings pleafure; and theninteenth of February after, in the fame yeere, he was created Earle iMarfhall, & Mag- nus Anglu Marefcallus, to him & the heyres maflcs of his bcdy.but through a miftakc m thefe Letters Pattents of i 9 . February , concerning the Fee of twenty pound therein mentioned, he had a new grant,i?°. Febr. a°.y . H7. Laftly, he was honoured with the titleof «* MarquefTe Berkeley, xht eightand tham,in the 22. yeereof King Edward the fourth • and in his ft ile did write himfelfe, Vifcount Louell, Baron Hol- land^ Deyncomt , and Grey of Rother- field. Hee married ^»» Vifcount Lijle, and lifter & heire oiThoma* her brother 5 in whofe right hce was created Vifcount Lijle, by K. Edward the fourth, and had iiTue, Uhn Grey , Vifcount Lijle, who married Muriel, daughter of Thomas Howard , Duke of No> folfa, and had iifue Elizabeth, mar- ried to Henry Courtney, Earle of Deuon, and died without ifTue: thefaid Edward 'had alio iiTue^wo daughters, Elizabeth and Muriel j Elizabeth was firft married to Edmond Dudley , of the prime Chamber to K. the feuenth,and had iffiie, John Dudley, Vifcount Lijle, and after ftiee was \ married to Arthur Plantagenet , bafe fbnne of KiwMdGteyvifiotmtLfpe King Edward the fourth,who was alfo Vifcount dred the i 7 .of iuiy,a o . 7 ,». Muriel the fecond daughter 5 was wife to Henry Stafford Earle of ^butbyhimhadnoifTue. Ec portoit, burellce de fix d'argent & d°azuf,trois torteaux en chef ati Iambell d'argent, CORRECTION S. IJEere Edward Grey Vifcount Lijle is faid to bee fonneofftrf/W^Lord ^*Grey of when the truth is, hec was grand-childe of that Reginald Lord V IS CO VNT S. Lord Grey^ by bis fonne Edward Lord Grey cf Groby^ who had married Elizabeth^ NceccandheireofTOfowLord Ferrers of Groby : Looke bet* terintothe Genealogies of that Family, and you willnotfey butaslfay, hcereafter. John Lord Welles^ fonne of Leonell •*Lord wetfesjmd Margaret his wife Dutcheffe ©f Somerfet, daughter of IobnhotdBeancbampC) was created VifcountW-V/Zw by King Henrie the fcuenth,and married Cecily ^ daugh- ter of King Edward the fourth , by whom hee had iffue a daughter na - med Elizabeth, which dyed without ifliie. He dyed,and was buried in the Auguftine Friars in London. Etportoitd'or,auIyon ramp at ala double queue fable, arme & lampafle gueulfes. CORRECTIONS. OInceyoufpeake this fore feruedly ^both for his Creation And other particulars ; I will now fhewe you fome-what out of an* Ancient (if I »AR«gifterofBuriais.M5. may tearme that ancient, that is no older) wherethe memorieof this Vif- counts death is prefcrued,& where he was buried 5 contrary to your words, and thus I finde it. £Dn £2>atnt 01ppotyne Bap, tfje tjc.fcap of jf ebju= arp,tlje per of our £o# 7 i4?8 4 anti of tlje ratgn of Bpng i^enrp tlje feuentijtbertuu at ^afmerg place tn <&aint ^ptijejaf Jlane of jtontion, tiecealtyfc tije noble ftoft 3|olut ttycount naciie^sr, p Cecilltt^fce&ougljterto tlje noble memo % fcpng £fct»atti tije foutttj,anti fyfter to tlje moft n^atitie jlatrptlje&uene, «s>^tc^ /Lat»^ afttr t^e tieceafteof tyt forfait) Ilojfce incontinent fetit ti^enotpfe thereof to tije iftpnge, ixtytclj taenia? at dsrenetoicljebp Cutteler learne&manm tlje lato tofcnototlje fcpugtf plefure, toljere W Stace tooulD ^aueingcojpgbuttefcanti ijoto :tijeu ty$ grace oj&etgnet) ana commantie&luuerfe of ty$ counfatllto Ijauea communication fcpontljefame. ouettijat^tf pleafnre looajaf evp*effeipto faue W bofcte burteU at OTelrmmftet in our &aoi> chapel t»^er W grace intentietty to bee* Which fliewesonely an intent of the King tohaue him there interred; Pag7 g, But the Booke of Monuments in Wtftmwjler^ dzzxdy deliuers that hee was tbere 3 therefore not in the Augupnes Fryars buried . L 111 Sir V ISCOVNTS. O Ir Charles Brand™ Knight, crea. ^ted Vifcount Lifte, the fourth of King Henry the eight, and Duke of Suffblke, in the fift yeare of t he faide Kings rcignc : who, at the requeft of the French Queenc, then his Wife, refigned the title and dignity of Vit count Lijle, to Arthur Plantagenet, bafefon of King Edward the fourth, who had married the daughter and hcyre of EdrvardGrey, Vifcount Life aforefaid, and had iflue, as is more at large in the Title of Suffolke. Et portoit, burelle d'argem 8c de gueullej de dix peeces, a Lyon rampant d'orcoconne per pale d'argent & degueuUej J arme& lampafle d'azur. CORRECTIONS. TN this place you fceme to vndeiftand the fecret of things,to know the rea« x fons whereupon they are grounded, and out of your ftorcof them,you af- ford vs one faying; that at the requeft of the French gueen{ Charles Brandons wife) he refigned the T ttle and Dignitk of Vifcount Lifte,to Arthur Vlantagenet &c. In anfwer whereof, let me fo bold with your patience, as to intreat you to giue thefe few words the reading: * r Rcx omnibus ad ques ejrc.filutem. Scia- tis quod nos, grata & laudabilia obfequia qutdileBu* fcfidelU confiliariusno- fter C arolus Brandon miles ordinis noftrt G 'artery nobis multi fit titer irnpendit, indief% impenderenon defiftit^ necnoncixcum^eclionem^ftrenuitatem, & ftde. lit at em ipfimCaroli intime c on fider antes, ex certafcientia tymeromotuno- ftris,degraMnoflrafpeciali y pr*fatum Carolumad ftatum, gradum^dignita* temet honor em Vicecomitis Lijley t ereximus et prafecimus, ipfumfo inViceco- mitcm Lijley, tenoreprafentium prafecimtaet creamut, eidem% carolo nomen, Bilum^et titulum Vicecomitis Lijley impofuimus^dedmut etprabuimus, acfer prtfentesimponimus^damusetprfibemus. All which, yet is a faire eftatc of the Honor inuefted into Brandon, not any way difcouering how it comes to becaft vpon him, but nowreadc the reft. Habendaet tenenda eadem Jlatum y gradum,dignitatemftilum 3 titulum,nomen etbonorem prsfato Car$lo y et hared. ma/culis de cerpore Elizabeth* Grey Vicecomitifpt Lijley } per prafatum Car ohm procreatjs&c. TefteRegeapud Knoll. 15 die May, A°.regninoftri quinte.Novr in regard you pcrfwade vs, that Charles Brandon furrendred this title of Vif- count Lifted the requeft of the French gu. his wife, I fay that muft not pafle tor currant. Myrcafonisthis: When John Grey Vifcount Life was dead, JUng Henry the eight made a contract between Elizabeth VifcountefTe Life, onely daughter and hcireof the faid/^and Sir Charles Brandon, 8c thetc- upon VlSCOVNTS. Upon created him Vifcount lip. But when as fhe died in tender yeares, be- fore the marriage was fblemnized,the Patent was called in,and he relinqui- Ihed that Title, and deliuered in the Patent to be cancelled, as this Vac At vp- on the Roll declares: VacAt irrotulamentum barum It ; ter arum patent ium, pre eoquodmfraferiptm Carolusnunc Dux Sufolc.20 die Aprilis A°. regni Regts Hen 8.quartodecimo furfum reddidit inmanm dicli domini Regis, liter as fuas praditlas pure, (pome, fa abfolute caitccllandat. Ideo irrotuUmentttm prtdi* cJum cancellatur fa dampnatur. Not at the inftance or requeflofhis wife the French Queene, but becaufe he did not marry the faide Vifcountene Li fie, for he had none other intcreft or eftatc in that Title, then to him and the hey res mafks of her body to be begotten. So as me dying without iflue(indeede vnmarried) King Henry the eight aftcrwardes beftowed the fame vppon Sir Arthur Plant agemt, who had wedded Elizabeth fitter and heyre of the fayde Sir lohn Grn Vifcount Up, and widdow of Edmund Dudley ; which he en- ioyed but a fmall time, and dyed without made yffue. Whereupon the fame King honoured therewith Sir lohn Dudleyjonne ofthe faid Edmund, by the fame Elizabeth Grey, who afterwards obtaining the Dukedom ofTfyrthum- berland, was attainted by Queene but hisfonne Ambrofe Dudley, by Qucenc Elizabeth, was not onely reftored in blood, but created Lordly and Earle oiWarwicke,md ended his life ifliilefTe. Whofe lifters fonne Sir Robert Sidney, by the cfpeciall fauour of King Iames(hting Chamberlaine to QucencAvne his wife) was firft honoured with the Title of Baron of Pen- hur/l, then Vifcount lip, and laftly of Earle of Leicepr y all which dignities he worthily enioyes at this day. I had almoft forgotten to remember the Reader, whereas M.Yorkefaycs, ihztcharles Brandon was created Vipunt Lip.K 0 - 4.H. 8. you read the con- ? trary in the Patent but now by me dcliueicd,that it beares date the fifteenth of May, A°.5.H. 8 .and not before. A Rthur Plantagenet,Knight of the 1 ^Garter, bafe fonne of King Ed- ward the 4. was after the furrender of Charles Brandon iC reated Vifcount £ip-M Brtdcwcll, the 26. of AprilJ, in the 1 5 yeare of King Henry rhc 8. and married Elizabeth^ daughter of Edward Grey, Vifcount fifter and hi y re of John Grey her brother by whom he had ilTue, three daugh- ters hisheues, Bridget, Frances, and Elizabeth ^Bridget, was wife to Sir William Garden, Knighted at Bollen^ Francis, married firft lohn Baf[et,m& after, Thomas Monke of Deuon/hire. Elizabeth the third daughter, was maried to Sir Francis lobfin Knight. L1I1 2 This Vl SCOVNTS. This Arthur dyed the third of March 1 542 . the 3 3. ycare of the Reigne of King Hon? the eight. Et portoit, France & d'engleterreefcarteHeau baft on finifterd Urgent. But mod commonly hee is made to ^quarter the Armes of Vlfter & Mortimer * So he doth in the Booked/the (as his Father did before he was King : ) Garter : and whereas you holde which I hokl not good,for a baftard hath it not good, that a Bajlard fiould no'rightto any Armes but his Fathers quarter any more Coates then his cheefe Coate, to (hew he was the natural Fathers alone you cannot gain fay fonne of fuch a man . but that auncient times haue had the cotrary in practife, a [well as thefe moderne : as for inflame, befides this Arthur Plantagenet^ who bore(as I haue caufed them to be heere engrauen and infer ted) his Fathers Coate quarte- red with Vtfler and Mortimer vndera batunc, Sir Charles Brandon llmohted atBoUen^bafe/onneofCharlesDukeof Sujfolke, beare Brandons C 'oate quarte- red with Bruin and Kokele : the like in theje later times {mil knowne to your felfe)but 1 'will forbear 'e the 'particularizing of 'any Family vnleffemore urgent occafion, or greater necefsity had required* >. D Obert Radclijfe, Baron Fittyal- l ^-ter (Graund childeof Sir John Radcltffe Knight, and Elizabeth his Wife,daughter and one of the heiss of Walter Lord Fitz-walter , was created Vifcount Fu&walter, in the feuenteenth yeere of King Henry the eight : and after, hec was created Earle of SiuTex. Hee married three Wiues, and had ifTiie by them all, as in the title of Earls of SuflTex is more at large. Hee dyed in the foure and thirtieth ycare of King Hen. the eight, 1542. Ft portoit, d'argcntauJwndengrefleefabk. Robert Vi SCOVNT S. <*37 John Dudley Knight, fonne of Ed- *-mttnd Dudley, and Elizabeth his Wif e ? Sifter and hey re of lohn Grey, VifcOlint Ltfle, Was * Created Vif- .See my anfwere concerning COUnt Ltjlejby King Umry the eight, *ism Northumberland, pag in the fame yeare Arthur Plant Age- nt dyed, onethoufond flue hundred fortie two, and was after made Earle of^rw/V^andlaftly Duke of Nor- thumberland, as in thofe Titles is more at large. queue Et portoir.d'or au lyon rampant a U double vett. ITHonm Bullen, fonne and heyre of SirlVilliam Bol/ettj of 'Bltcklingin Norfolke Knight, and of Margaret his wife, daughter and one of the heyres of Thomas Butler^ Earle of Ormond in Ireland^ being Treafurer of the Houf- hold to King Henry the eight, was cre- ated Vifcount Rochford at Bridewell , in the feucnteenth yeare of thefayde Kings rcigne, and in the yearc, 1529. Earle of Wiltfhtre. He married Eliza- beth, daughter of Thomaa Howard , fe- cond Duke of Norfolke,' and had iffue, as in the Title of Earlesof Wiltfhire'is more at large.He dyed in the thirtieth yeare of King Henry 'the eight. Etpertoitd-ar gentaucheueron, entre trois te- TheCheMtonmnftbee lies de boef cope,defable,annt d or 4 Gueullei. Edward V ISCOVNTS. C Dwdrd Seymour , Knight of the '-'Garter, and Vnckle to King£<£ mrd the 6. was fir ft created Vifcount Beauchampe, intheyeare i$$6. and the twenty eight yeare of King Hen- rie the eight 5 and Earle of Hertford, the twenty nine of Henry the eight- andlaftly, Baron Seymour and Duke of Somerfet, in the firft yeare of King Edward the fixt, 1 547«He maried two wiues 5 and had iiTue by them both, as in the Title of Earles of Hartford is fet foorth He dyed,beheaded for fel- lony, at the Tower Hill by London, the eleuenth of Ianuary, 1 5 5 1 .the fife of King Edward the fixt. Et portoit, gueulle* a deux AiJes i'aiglc cn leurre d'or. "\J\T Alter Deueyeuxy Lord Ferrers * * of chartley, forme of /ehn Dc- uereux Lord Ferrers s and Cecily Bmr- cbier his wife, fitter of Henry Bourchier Earle of Effexjnd coufinand hcyre of Anne, the wife of : William ParreMtf- q ueffe of Northampton) was created Vifcount Hereford the firft of K. Ed* ward 'the fixt,& married Mary daugh- ter of Thomas Grey MarquelTe Dor fet y and had ifiuc, Sir Richard Veuereux Knight, who dyed before his Father, leauing iffue by Dorothea his Wife, (daughter of George Lord Haflingsand Earle of Huntingdon) Walter Earle of EffeXyVtho married Lettice daughter of Sir Francis Knolles , Treafurcr of the Houfliould to Queene Elizabeth, and Knight of the Garter, by whomhee had ittuc>Ro6ert late Earle of Effex&c. S , Swto^? l,in0ie atIarSC " Th,s ^ d ^ th efeuenteenth COM- Vi SCO V NTS. 6$ CORRECTIONS. IN this place,you falfifie the Creation of waiter Lord Ferrers of Chmley, *in faying he was honoured with the Title of Vifcount Hereford, Anno 1 1 E.6. when the * enrollment therof allures me, that nothing was done there- * Pa * A ° ,4 - E,(J ptX in,vntill the fecond of Februarie,»in the fourth yeare of that Kings reigne : on which day, by Letters Patents dated at Weftminfter, he had that dignitic beftowed vpon htm, and not before. Then haue you omitted his fecond Wife, named Margaret, daughter of Robert Garmjb of Kenton in the Countie ofSujfoike Efquire (after married to William hoiAWilloughby of Par bam) by whom he had iffue Sir Edward Ve- nerea* of Caftle Bromwich in the Countie of warwicke, Knight a nd Baronet* nowIiuing,An. 1622. who by Rather ine\\\s wife, daughter of Edward Ar- den of ParkhaH in the faidc County Efquire, had iffue Sir waiter Deuerettx Knighr,his fonne and h tire apparantj George Dcuerettx,and foure daughters, Margaret married to Hughwrottejley of 'iVrotteJley in the Countie of Staf- Efquire, Howard married to Thomas, fonneand hcire apparantof Sir Thomas Dilke of Maxflock-caftle in the Countie of Warwick : Anne marri- ed to Robert Leighton of watlesborow in Shropjlnre, and Grace the 4. daugh- ter. Which Sir waiter Deuereux married to his n*rft wife Elizabeth ', daughter and heireof Sir Robert Bafhpoole ofSujfoike, who dyed without iffue, and to his fecond wife, he married Elizabeth fecond daughter of Thomas Kmghtley of Burgh- ball nccic Knight ley the Countie of S/d^WEfquire (thewid- dow of Thomas Martin of54r/o# in the Countie of Cambridge) by whomc he hath iffue Effex Deuereux, and Leicejler Deuereux. A Nthony Brown,Kr>l°ht of the gar* ^^ter, was created Vifcount Moun- tague at Hampton Court, the fecond of September, ^^.thefirft ofQueenc Mary, and married two VViues ? the firft was lane, daughter of Robert Rad- clijfe Earleof Suffcx,by whom he had iffue, Antbonie Browne his eldeft fon, who married Marie, daughter of Sir William Dormer, of Etborp in Buckin- gham fair e, and dyed before his father leauing iffue Anthony Browne, now Vifcount Mount ague, 1 62 1. and Mary married vnto Henrie Wriothefley&vAz of Southampton, Father of Henry now Earle of Southampton, i6h. This An- thonies fecond Wife, was Magdale^ daughter of Wtfliamhorde Dacres of Gillejland in the North, by whom he had VlSCOVNTS. he had iflue, Sir George Browne knight, Thomas and Hcnryjnd three daugh- ters ; Elizabeth wife to Sir Robert Dormer Lo.Dormcr twinge in the Coun- tie of Buckingham, fonne of Sir William aforefaidc 5 Mabell fecond daughter, and Jane Browne was the third daughter, maried to Sir Francis Lacon of wiU ley in Shropihire Knight. This^f^/^dyedathishoufeof MedburJi in Sujjex, and was there very honorably buried,with foure Officers of Armes. Et portoicfables trois lions paflant cn la bande entre quatre cottice d'argent, CORRECTION S. A Syoubegan.fblthinkeyoumeanetoend.allinErrors: your Librarie -^belike is compact of Errors. Muft we beleeue that this Vifcount Mon- tacutes Creation was in the firjl of gueene Mary * No, becaufe in the Rolls jw.A.°.ij& 2.phit.etid4- you (hall finde it to be the yeare following, viz. by Letters Patents dated at ,i*$us,mu tne K, n g S honour of Hampton Court,on the f. cohd of Scptember,in the fe- cond of Queene Mary. Next, by way of enlargement, I will fctdowne thisdifcent fbmewhat more fully .This Anthony Vifcount Montacute, by lane Radcliffe his firft wife had itfiie Anthony Browne his eldcft fonne (who married Marie daughter of Sir William Dormer of Ethorp in the Countie of Buckingham, after maried to Sir Edmund Vuedale, and after that to Sir Thomas Gerard, and died before hi$ Father, the Iaft of Iuly, A°. 1 5 92 .leauing iflue three fonnes,and three daugh- ters, Anthony BrowneeldzQ: fonne.now Vifcount Montacute, 1612. John fe- cond fonne, William third fonne, Dorothy, Jane and Katherine) and Marie, firft married to Henry Wriothejley Earleof Southampton-, fecondly married to' Sir Thomas Heneage Knight, Chanccllour of the Dutchie of Lancaster, and Vice-chamberlainetoQueeneE//'^^/^ and thirdly to Sir William Heruey Knight and Baronet, created Lord Herucy of Rojfe'm the County of Wexford in Ireland, by Letters Patents dated at Gorhamburiethe flft of Aufmft,i620. in the eighteenth yeare of King James . Which Anthony, now Vifcount Montacute, the third of February, A°. 1 59 1 . married Jane daughter of Tho- mas Sackuile Earle of Dorfet,znd by her had iffue, Francis Browne eldeft fon, Marie married to William Pawlet Lord 5. Johnof Bajing, after to William fe- cond fonne to Thomas Lord Atundell of lVardour- 9 Katherine wife to William Tirwhit of Kettleby in Lincoln/hire, Anne and Lucie Nunnes 5 Frances & lane, married to peter, fonne to the Lord Peter of rritteU'm Ejfex . This Anthony (hcere firft fpoken of) married to his fecond wife Magdalen daughter to William LordDacre ofGMeJland, by whom hee had iflue Sir George Browne Knightand others, as is aboue fet downc by M. Torke. He dyed the nineteenth of O&obei , An 1 592 . at Horjley in Surrey, and was Honourably buried at Coudrey the fixt of December following, in the yeare 1 542,. was one of this Vifcount Bmdons daughters, when in truth (he was his Grandchilde, by Henry Vifeount Bindon his fonne . Whofe defcent, for that you baue fo curtaild it, take thus with you. This Lord Thomas Howard, third fonne of Thomas Duke ofNorfolke,ms created Vifcount Howard of Bindon in Dorfetfhire by Qucene Elizabeth, the thirteenth of Ianuary, in the firft yeare of her rcigne. He married 4. wiucs, the firft whereof, was Elizabeth fecond daughter and coheireof 7«?/w Lord Marney, and of Chrifitan his wife, daughter and heire of Sir Roger Newbo- rough of Eft Lullervorth in Dorfetjhire : by whom he had lflue Henry Vifcont Howard of Bindon his eldeft fonne (who by Frances daughter of Sir Feter Memos, hud ilfue Douglas his daughter and heire,married to Sir Arthur Gor- ges Knight, which Douglas died, Anno 1 5 <>o.and was buried in Saint Pauls Chappell at Wejlminfler, hauing had iffue Ambrofia Gorges a da ughu r and heire, who dyed iflulelTe the 1 1 of October, Anno 1 600. and ly eth buried by her mother:) Thomas Vifcount Howard of Bindon % and Knight of the Garter, fecond fonne, who dyed without .'flue, Anno 1610. hauing married daughter of Duffeild ; Francis third fonne, and Gyles fourth fonne, and two daughters, Elizabeth, and Grace married to Iohn, fonne and keire o Sir Iohn Horfey ofCltftonln Dorfetfhire. He married to his fecond wife, daughter of Leigh or Light, who died leauing hirnno iflue of her bodie. £ To his third wife, he married Mabell, daughter of Nicholas Burton of Ca~ Jhalton in Surrey , by whom he had Frances, firft married to Henry PraneHof LondonEiquive jfrcondly, to Edward Seymour Earle of Hertford, and now the is Dutchettc ofLenox, wife to Lodowtcke Steward Duke of Lenox, and Earleof Rtchmond,i6n. And to his fourth wife he married Margaret daughter to Henry Manning of Greenwich. Mm mm Hee V ISCOVNTS. He died in the foure and twentieth y care of Quecnc Elizabeth, and was buried the fecond of Aprill, A 0 . 1582. Sir Robert C«7/7Knight,fecond foil of William CectU, Baron of Burgh, ley, Lord high Treafurer of England being Secretarie to Queene Eli&a. beth, and Maiftcr ot the Court of Wards, and Chancellor of the Vni- uerfitieof Cambridge y was by King lames tivft created Baron CeciloiEf fenden > in the Tower of London,tne 1 3 of May, 1603 . and after Vifcount Cranburne, the 20 of Auguft, 1604. andlaftly Earle of Sa/isburie, the 4. of May, 1 605 . He married Elizabeth daughter oi William Brooke, Lord Cobbam, and had ifluc WiHiam CeciU, now Earle oiSaliibury, 1622. and Frances ,mfc to Henryhoxd Clifford^ fonneandheire oHjrancis Clifford^ now Earle of Cumberland, 1612* Etportoit.bus-ettededix, d'argent & d'azurf, fur Ie tout, fix Efcuchons,3 2.1. fable, iix Lions rata- ant d'argent, a vn creflant pur la fecond difference. CI R Robert Sidney , Knight of the ^Gjrtcr, fonne of Sir Henry Sidney Knight of the Garter, Lord Deputic of Ireland, and Lord Prefident of the Counfel of the Marches oiwales, wasfirft created Baron of Penhurft, in the Tower of London, thcthir- tecnth of May, i ^03. and after, Vi£ count Lijle at Greenwich, the fourth of May, 1 60 5. and laftly.was created Earle of Leicejler at Salubury, the fe- cond day of Auguft, 1618. bceing then Lord Chamberlaine to Queen Anne. He married J?*ri4r4,daughter & fole heire of John Gamage Lord of Coity in Glamorganflnre, & had ifluc, Sir Robert Sidney knight of the Bath, and Lord Z*/fcnowiiuing, 1622.& others, as in the Title of the Earls of teieefierj& more atlarge, Etportoitd'o* alaphcon d'azur. M VlSCOVNTS. hi theenfuing Continuation and Succcflion of the Vifcounts, / have fa v downe out of my owne Obferuations , which vohof oeuer (hall compare with iW.Yorkes, jhall fade different both in Precedencie^Creati'ons^and other Ma* teriaUes. Oh Robert Carr Knight, borne in ^Scotland, was firft created Vif- count Roche fer at White Hall, on Monday in Eafter weeke , being the 2 5 of March, 1 6 1 1 . Then inftalled Knight of the Garter at Windfdre i the 1 3 of May, the fame y eare : and laft- j^J^- ly, by Letters Patents bearing date 1 6i4.madc Baron of Bran/path^ and Earle of Somerfet. He was alfo Lord Chamberlaineof the Houftiolde to King lames ^ and one of his Honora- ble Priuy Councell. Hee married Frances daughter of Thomas Howard Earle of Suffolk, and Lord Treafurer of England, by whom hee hath iflae a daughter named Anne. Et portoit gueulles au cheuron d'argenr, char- ge de trois mollects de fable, brife de vn Leopard! paflant d*or,du primier canton de l'efcu. G Ii George Fillers Knight, a yofigrr ^fonne of Sir George Fillers of Brookesby in the Countie of Leice* tier Knight, wasfiift madcMaifter oftheHorfe,&after inftalled knight of the Gai ter at VVindfor,the feuenth of July, Anno 1 6i6.and at IVoodftock the twenty feuen of Auguft follo- wing , hee was created Baron wh addon of wh&ddon in the Countie of Buckingham^nd Vifcount Fillers; and the fitt of Ianuarie after, hee was created Earle of Buckingham at white Hall: and laftly,the firft day of Ianu- arie^idiy. he was made Marques of Buckingham : He is alfo Lord High Admirall of England, Lieutenant of the County of Middle fex y md one of M m m m a his / VlSCOVNTS. his Maieftics moft honourable Priu y Counfcll, as is more at large in the Ti- tle of Buckingham, Et portoit, d'argent au croix de gueulles, charge de cinq coqvilles d*or. r T i Homos Egerton, a man excellently wcl feen **• in the Common La wes of this Kingdome, wasmadeSollicitortoQueene£//z./7^^, An. 15 8 3. and Knighted Anno 1593 then was hee made MafteroftheRolles,A° 1 594- and next Lord Keeper of the great Seale ot England the fixtofMay, A 0 1596. After which, hee was made Lord Chancellor, A° 1 603. whofe right fakhfull feruice to the State, was the principall :aufe that mooued our dread Soueraigne King lames, to heape further Honors vpon his head : As firft, in the firft ycare of his reigne, by crea- ting him Baron Ellejmere at Hampton Court, the 2 1 .of Iuly, 1 603. 5c aftetwards Vifcount Brack* ley, by Letters Patents dated at Weft minfter, the feauenth of Nouember, in the 14 yeare of his reigne, 1 616. He married three Wiues,the firft was Elizabeth daughter of Thorn ju Kauenfirofi of Bretton in F//'^/^Efquire,by whom he had ifluc twofonnes, and one daughter, viz. Sir Thomai Egerton,who died before his Father in Ireland t i $$9' Sir lohnEgerton, now Earleof Bridgwater, 1622* (of whom fecmorein J?r/^«jw«>)and Marie married to Sn Francis Leigh of K/ngefNetvenham in the County ottVarwicke, Knight of the Bath: which Sir Thomas Egerton the fonne, by Elizabeth his Wife, daughter of Thomas Venables of Kinderton in the Countie of chejler, had itfiie Elizabeth, wife of lohn Button, fonne and heirc apparant of Thomas Button of I)titton,m& died without ifiue. remarried to William Booth, fonne and heyre of Sir George Booth of Dunham, Knight and Baronet 5 and Marie married to Thomas Leigh eldeft fonne of Sir lohn Leigh ,fonne and heire apparant of Sir Thomas Leieh ofStonley in the Countie of Warwicke, Knight and Baronet. The faidc Tho- mas Vifcount Brackley, married to his fecond wife daughter of Sir George Moore Knight, Widdow of Sir lohn Wol/ey : And to his third wife, he married Alice daughter of Sir John Spencer of Althrop in the Countie of Northampton Knight, the Widdow of Ferdinando Stanley Earle ofDertrie. He dyed at Yorke houfe neere Charwgcrotfe, the fifteenth of March,A° 1 61 6. from whence his body was conueyed to Dodlefton in Chefhire, and there in- terred. Er portoit, d'argent au Lyon rampan* g u eulle»,entre trois pheons,a la bordure C»f fcfley de fable. Sir VlSCO VNTS. QiR William Kfio lies 3 Knight of the ^Garter, and Treafurer of the Hou- ftioldetoKingtow, and Matter of the Court of VVards(fon of Sir Fran- cis Knolles, Treafurer of the Houfhold to Q^KznQ Elizabeth, and Knight of the Garter:) was firft created Baron Knolles of Grayer, in the Tower of London, the thirteenth of May, 1 60$ 'and after, Vifcount Walltngforde by Letters Patents dated at Weftminfter thefeuenthof Nouember, 1 6 16. He married two wiues : the firft was Do- rothich&zx. and one of the heyres of John Lord Bray, the Widdow of Ed- mund Bruges Lord chandos ,by whom he had no iffue. His fecond wife was Elizabeth, the cldeft daughter of Tho- mas HowardEavkot Suffolk, & Lord Treafurer of England, by whom he had iffue, which died yong. Etportoir, dazura la croix recfircelez deCioint, feme eroix recroifhtes d'or. C I R lames Hay Knight, was mide Lord Hay ^ofSauley, the firft of Iuneinthe fourth year of King lames, and by Letters Patents dated at Weftminfter the fiue and twentieth of Iuly , inthefixtcenthyeare of his Maieftics Reigne, A° 1 6 1 8. made Vifcount Doncafter, He married two wiues : the firft was Honor a, daughter and fole htyreofEdtvardLovd Denny of Waltham, and had iffue, lames and Anne. His fecond wife 3 was Ladie Luce* fecond daughter of Henry Percy Earleof Northumberland^ whom he hath if- fue a fonne. Etportoi^d'argent, troisefcueheonsde gneulles. 6^6 Vl SCOVNTS. C Ir John Fillers Knight,eldcft fon of Sir George ^fillers of Br okesbie in the Countie of Leicejier Knight, by Mariehls wife, now Counteflc of Buckingham, was honoured with the Titles of Baron of Stoke, and Vifcount Pur beck Joy letters Patents dated at Weftminfter the nineteenth of Iune, 1619. in the feauenteenth yeare of King lames. He married Frances daughter of Sir £i- wardcoke Knight, fometime Lord chiefe Iuftice of the Kings Bench, & one of his Maicfties moft Honourable Priuy Counfell,but as yet hee hath no iflue. Et portoit, Argent la croix de S. George, charge anec cinque co- cj uilles d'or, aa mollet pur la difference, |I R William Cauendijh Knight(fon and heyre . of Sir Charles Cauendijh Knight, yonger fon otSix William Cauendijh Knight, Treafurerof the Chamber to King Henrie the eight,Edward the fixt, and Queene Marie) was by Letters Pa- tents dated at Weftminfter the third of No- uember, Jnnoidio. 'm the eighteenth yeare of Kinglames, made Vifcount Mansjield. He mar- ried Eli^beth, daughter and heireof Bajfet of Blare in the County of Stafford efquire (the widdow of Henry Howard, a yongerfonne of Thomas Earle of Suffolke) by whom he had iflue Charles Cauendijh that dyed an Infant,and /^wnowliuing, \6l^> Port©*, ftble a trois teftes du Cerf d'argent, !es comes d'or, au molfct pur la differences Sii 1 VlSCOVNTS. CIr Henry Mom ague Knighr, fomctime Lord ^Chicfe Iuftice of the Kings Bench (third fon of Sir Edward Montague of Boughton in the Countic of Northampton Knight.fon of another Sir Edward Montague Chiefe Iuftice likcwife of the Kings Bench) was by the efpeciall fauour of King lames , created Baron of Kymbolton'mxhe Countie of Huntington, and Vifcoum Mandeuil oy Letters Patents dated at Wcftminfter the i£ of December, 1620. in the eighteenth yeare of his Maicfties reigne, and after that Lord Trea- furerofEngl nd, and laftlyLord Prcfidentof his Maieftk s moft honourable Priuy Councelh He married three wiues, the firft was Katherine daughter of Sir William spencer of Tarnton in the Countie of Oxford, by whom hec had ifliie fiue fonnes and foure daughters^ Edward 'the eldeft, Walter the fecond, lames the third, Charles the fourth dyed young, Henry the rif t * Elizabeth, Luce Jhcodo- fta , and Su fan. His fecond wife was Anne daughter of William wincoll of Lanham in Suffolke, the widdow of Sir Leonard falliday Knight, fometimc Lord Maior of London, by whom hee had no iiTue . His third wife now li* uing, is Margaret daughter of lohn Crowch of Corny bury neere Bunningford y inthe Countie of Hertford Widdow of lohn Hare of Totteredge in the faidc Countie, by whom he hath iflue George and Mary. Et poftoit d'argent trois fnzcls in face gueullcs,au bordure fable au moUet p»r la difference. QhWMliam Fielding oFNewenham Paddox'm ^the Countie of Warwicke Knight, by Letters Patents dated at Weftminfter the thirtieth of December,Anno 1620. in the eighteenth yeare of King lames , was created Baron of T^ewenbam Paddox y and Vifcount Feilding. He maricd Su~ r an daughter of Sir George tfllershi Brookes by in he Countie of Leicefier Knight, and lifter to Sir George Fillers now Marquette of Buckingham, >y whom he had iiTue 54/1/ Feilding eldcftfon 3 George fecond fonne, lames third fonne dyed /ong, and r hree daughters , Marie married to lames Earlc of Arran, fonne and heire apparant of lames Hamilton Marqueflc of Hamilton, and E^rle of Cambridge, Anne fecond daughter 5 and Elizabeth theyongeft. E« port«it, d'argcnt.au fact d'^zur, trois f»zel» d'or. Sir VlSCOVNTS. O It Francis Bacon Knight, younger (bnnc of ^Sir Nicholas Bacon Knight, Lord Kc per of the Great Seale of England, was firft Solicitor, and after Atturnie Gent rail to King Umes y who firft made him Baron of Verulam in the Countie of Hertford , by Letters Patents dated at wattfted the twelfth of Iuly, Anno 1 6 i 7. in the fifteenth yeareof his Maiefties reignc, and in the eigh- teenth yeare, by other Letters Patents dated at Weftminfter 3 the eight and twentieth of Ianua- rie, 1 620. He made him Vifcounr Saint Alban : He was alfo Lord Chancellor of England. Hee married Alice, daughter of Benedict Barnebam of Lond on E r quire 5 butby her hath noiffue. £t portoif gueulles.au chief d'argent de u x mollets de {able. P Rancis Lord Norris of Ricot, fonrie of mHiam A eldeft fonne of Sir Henrie Norris Knight, Lord Norris, by Margaret his Wife , daughter and coheyre of lobn Lord Williams of Thame in Oxfordfbire, was not onely created Vifcount Thame, but alfo Earle of Berkfiire } by Letters Patents from King lame ^bearing date at Wcft- minfter the eight and twentieth day of Ianuary, 1 620. in the eighteenth yeare of his fade Maie- fties reigne, Hee married Bridget, daughter of Edward Vere Earle of Oxford, by whom he had yffue Elizabeth his onely daughter and heire, married to Wray. This Francis Earle of Berkjhtre dyed, 1621, IcportoitjcfontUc argent le guculles fmte for fur U tout vne face d'azHr. Thomas VlSCOVNTS. 6 ty T * Homos Lord Darcy ofChicbe (Con of lobn *■ Lord Dare; ofChicbe, by Frances his wife, daughter of Richard Lord Riche, fonnc of Sir Thomas Darcy Knight, of the priuy Chamber, Captaine of the Guard, of the Priuy Councell, and Vice-Chamberlain to King Edward the 6. created Lord D any of Cbiche in the Countie of Ejjex, by Letters Patents dated at Greenwich the : . of April in the $. year of his reignc,afterward Pat - A ' ,s - • 6 -P t '4» m 2 « Knight of the Garter, and LordChamberlaine of his Houfhold) was by Letters Patents dated at Weflminjter the fift of Iuly, 1 6zi . created Vif- count Colchcjlerm Ejfex, to him during life, the remainder to SitThomas Sauage of Rock Sauage in the Countie of Chefier Knight and Baronet, and to his heires males by Elizabeth his Wife, daughter ofthefaid Lord Darcy. He married Marie, daughter and hcire of Sir Thomas Jftf/,daughter o(mtifamLordBitrgbIej,C(mne and hfyre ap* parantof;T#flt»ben I had ra m 1* See more in Suffix, pag.5 5 1 . Pag.57.1in.2i.youhauemalicioufly Ieftoutthe title of Surrey, inthe chapter of Thomas now Earle of Arundeli and Surrey, and Earle Marftiall of England (which you had formerly inferred in your other hdition)and with' all, divulged abroad, that he hath no right to the fame ; which bait no doubt butfomehauefwallowed. Therefore to preuent that they -be not poifoned with this opinion. Tee but rny anfwer in Surrey ^ Pag. 5 33 . fiequen. where I haue printed the Att of Parliament for bis Reftitution to that Earledome, as an Antidote againft thofe your pcftilent afperfions. Angos. pAg.63.lin. 5. youfay, that Gilbert rmframuile firft Earle of Angos, was * (omcoiRkhrdrnffrsmuikLotdoiProdho^c. But I fay, hec was*/'- chards A Reuicw of chards Grandchildc,as being fonnc of Gilbert Vmframuile > Baron of Prodh* ^TVtStt S ^ Northumberland who * died the 29. H.3. * hnncof Richard Vmframuile s.i«h4».m2o. (heere fpoken of) Lordof c Crokefdale and Ridefdalc Forrefts . Seebcfore in/dfo£0.r,Pag.io. Ibid.lin. 1 2 . you fay, this Gilbert was a man of great famein Englandin Edward thefir(ls time : and yet fiue Lines after fay, that he died A° 1 245 .the 30. y care of Henry the third : (which King Henrie was father to Edward the firft.) To fet you right therefore, I tell you it was his father that dyed in Rc*ry the thirds time, and this man d died not vntillA° i.E.2. See more in Angos thar y° u ma y not bclccue either your felfe or me,heare lfl^tJ/f^T um Y h ^ tol }^h^^rd^ Dei gratia Rex AnglU & Francia Domtma HL *4ff Rfulph^de Percy qui Philippam (the fame woman that was Ha/fhams \^)Jiliam & vnam htredum DauidStrabofgi nu p er C omit is At ho// defunili qui de nobis tenutt in capite duxitinvxorem, dicit prafatam Phi/ippam plena a at is e(je 3 & petit a nobis terras tegmenta qu*fmt de hareditateipfius Phi. lippainmanunoFira, & in cuflodiadi/ecli & fide/u noflnHenrm Dominide nlP'Z C0 ™ mi P me »°P a *>& odlegitimam atatem htredis pradicJa exiftunt rl, ft" l" 04 ™ 1 "™ Vodeadcm Phtlippa, qua ap*d Gaynesburgh in Com pradirtonata, & inecclefiaeiufdemvilU haptifatafmt,ram U : Ti t t r *"P m ™ 4»< &c. Tefle meipfo apud Wefim. 20. Pa^io Pag ' 39, ^°- andin ^^^png. 376- zrimmrcelter, Ea^Z^r'J 5 ' y °/ U % He H f "*> V«mt**dk** of Thomas Percie, I7t f T« fcl And ° f EltZ ** beth hts "ifiMS daughter & one of the heirs TndhadlX Sir Thomas Burgh Kntght, Ameftor of the late lord Burgh of Gaine.sburgb. After the death of Tories fecond Edition. $f this Henri e Percie^ the Title of Earle of Atholl, went to the Family of the Stewards in Scotland . Wherein you haue manifeftcd to the World, your groffe ignorance, as much as in any place of your Booke. Is this one of your Enlargements ? Is this one of thofe Diuersgood Notes omitted in the former lmprefsion ? If it bee fas it feemes it is, for that it was not in your firft Edition) then I tell you,there are foure fbulc fattlts a in thofe twice-foure Lines. For firft, you make vs beleeuc, that this Henry Percie was Earle of A- tholl, when it is afluredly true, that in Record or elte-wbere of Credit, you {hall not haue him called with any other Honourarie addition, then of his Knighthood ,nor was he cuer fummoned to any of our Englilh Parliaments See a.°,i ,. h.«j. n% * Lookc,that you may beleeue me another timejin the meane while 3 fee my 3 7 E6eru ^ anfwer,pag.6i i. Secondly, you perfwadevs, That he was fonne andheyie of Thomas Pfr* tie Earle of Worcester^ thereby making him to be fonne to his great Vnckle, making him to be f >nne to bis Fathers Vnckle, making him (in deede) to be fonne to one that dyed without ylTue. For,in an Inquifition concerning the entayle of the Mannor of Roddeslon in Northamptonfliire, to Thomas Per* tie Earle ofWorcefter, and the hcyresmafles of his bodie, by Henrie Percie (his Brother) Earle of Northumberland^ and Maud Lucie his Wife , the Iurorsfay vpon their Oathes, * £luod diclm Thomas nuper Comes Wigor- <-ExiundeU ( i>,qui[d ed .i ni&> obiftfwc hxredemafculode corp ore fro exeunte, per quod dictum mane- A 9 rium de Roddefton, lohanni de Melton remanere debet . Heere it appeares, that Thomas Pw/>, Earle of IVorcefter , dyed without uTue mafle, out of which, wee muft conclude then, That this Hemic could not bee his fonne. Who now (hall we fay was his Father i That you fhall haue in the next place. Thirdly, you tell vs, That he was fonne of Thomas Percie Earle of worce- fter, and of Elizabeth his wife, eldejl daughter and one of the hey res of Dauid StrabolgiEarle of Atholl. Thereby marrying his right mother, to a wrong husband. How does that appeared Marry 1 fay, that this Sir Henry Percie of AthollYimghx. (for no better titles had hee) was fonne of Sir Thomas Percie the yonger Knight, by the faid Elizabeth Strabolgi his wife; which Sir Tho- mas the younger (brother of Henry Percy commonly called Hotffwrre) was fonne oiHenry Percy Earle ofNorthumberland^ldcr brother to Thomas Per* cy Earle oiWorcefter. All which, feeprouedin ^W,pag. 39,40. in Nor- tbumberlandtfig. 3 7$.and Worceficr$zg. 610,611,612. Laftly, youeaketoyourfelfefucha liberty of faying and vnfaying, that you haue altogether (haked my opinion of you, in regard I finde you con- (rant in nothing, but contradictions or Lawcourfes : Foryou deliuer y&tftv&fti T>fiiot; A .ijrfiB'I rHilJonbn'5 ^wBwiilfcji-/ fpifrcw v.M\\\&-i»V\v\jt Pag.17.lin.33.! Edition. Heere in your 2. Edit. After the death of the lajl Dauid de After the death of this Henry Per* . Strabolgie^ the title of Earle of Atholl , tie, the Earledome of Atholl went to went to the Family of the Stewardes in the Family of the Stewards in S cot- Scotland. l*nd. 0ooo Which A Reuiew of Which now ftiall wee beleeue, his firft or his laft Edition ? The laft fayes Matter Yorke, but I am aduifed by better iudgements : Tor our Learned C/4- renceux, who hath much enlightned my vnderftanding, telles me that your •c^*,,^^^^ &tt* After the detth of DtuidStr*. bolgte Earle of Atholl, the tttle efEarleof Atholl, ftllvnto that miter Stewart fonne to King Robert thefecond, who cruelly murthered lames the firft, Kine of Scotland 5 and for this execrable crueltie, fuffered moft condigne punifh- \W*% der f™z t fi" Scot0 ' went accordingly : in fo much as fc *AZneas Syluius Embafladour at that rime r»m, , .7-/^279. in Scotland, from Pope Eugenius the Fourth, gaue out this fpeech : That he could not tell whether he fhouldgiat them greater commendations that reuenred the Kings death i Or brand them with /harper cenfure of condemnation, that hi- nedthemfelues with fo heinous afarricid. If reuerend Camden may not bee ll uch P TZo! Mm ****** bclecued b y y° u > readc c Bu ^^»> d Left, and e HoU/nJhed, and ihey will learne you, that Walter Steward was made Earle of Atholl, about the be<>in- « Mi,n!b l di»$c*tu.p.^y n ing of /^Wthefeconds rcigne, by and by after Strabolgies dmh* in whofefeucrall Hiftories,you (hall not findcone wovdo( Ptrcyes hauin° that Attribute. SQcbefore'm lV{>rcefler,pag.6io. & Jequen. BvCKINGHAH. JAg. 67.1in. 4. thefe areyour words : Walter Giffard {fonne of Of » bert de Bulbec by Dunelina, the [ijler ofGonor Dutcheffe ofNormane . d)) ™*s Etrk ofLongeuile in Normandy, and came into England with William the Conquer our, and was awitneffeto the Charter of Ktng Henry the firft \for the reformation of the Lawesand Cuftemes of England, by the Name andTitleoj Earle of Bucktngham,in A° 1 100. (as Mathew P arts, the conti met of William of Maimer bury hath. ) He married the daughter ofGirard Flatellus, and had ijfue Walter thef rond Earle of Buckingham, and Hugh ; and a daugh- ter named Rofe, wife to Richard Fitz Gilbert, Lord of Clare, and Tunbridge $ Grandfather of Gilbert Strongbow, Earle of penbroke, by his fonne Gilbert. This is that Rofe,whom Majler Camden in his Britannia, Pag.^.fayeth , Some thinke was Counteffe of Norfolke; but therein are they and he both greatly decei • ued. Which containc in them diners falfities: One, in faying, That Walter Gifford (firft Earle of Buckingham) was fonne of Osbert de Bulbec : For Op bert de Bulbec vttthis Grandfather, and not his Father. Another in faying he was fonne of that Osbert by Dunelina his wife, when her name was Auc Una. Another in faying, that this Writer firft Earle of Buckingham, married the daughter of Girard FlateUus, when the truith is, fhe was his Mother, and 'GtmitkinrMl t c*p ,0 w [ fe ; Hark «i to f Gemiticenfis,an6 he will informe you the wth&m* r »*r(thushebegins)««:#tt Satnfmjiabuit duas femes % weuuamet Auelimnt. Altera Tories k&Oivl Edition, J it tr * qUorMm, **pfa Turnulfo de Pome Audemkri . Teftia Autem firerum Gunner is Comuifa{mtzXi\v\g Aueline) mpftt Osbcrnodc Beiekec^ex quagtmit Gttltemm KSijfardum primum, &GodcfiidumpatremWiili Turolfi de vxor Of iufda Fe- Nerma*. Pantc Aw bernidt reftartf. ma-, domari. Bolebec. 617 ride htlmam Nonn4mi&,p. w 'Alter us —Filia Gi- Giffardas. TArdi Fla- teUi. Agnes fi- ver Anfel- de Ri- mi WAlterus ' GiffArdus Comes Bug k\nghami& botbmonte cbijt 1 102 WAlterus GijfardmCo- mes Backing' hamit. Godefriduir filius iuni- ! or. Rehefu vx or Ricbar- di filij Gif- Uberti Co- mitts. Gulielmus de Archie. MAtildis vxer Gut/. Camerary de TancAruilla. Rahellm Came* rarius de Tan- CArmUa, Hicautem Witlelmus paterftsit Matbildis, quamWillelmmCAmerartm detan- cAruilU hAbuit in vxore ex quagenuit filium nomine Rabellum qui ei fuccefsit. Vrtdiftue au tern Galteritu duxit vnam filiarum GtrArdt FUteHi, — genmt *u- temidem Galtenus fecundum Galtenum Giffdrbum, & filia* p lures, quarum -una nomine Rehaismpfit RichArdefilio Comitis Giflebert^&c. Nexttoproue that he married not the daughter of Gtrard Flatellm (who indeede was his Mother, and not his wife) but Agnes fitter to Anfelme de Ribothmontt reade this which Orderieushxth written. Anno Ab incarnattone Demtm M. CI I— prtcipui ProceresNormanni*, GualtemGiffArd^Gultelmus^ RaMfus de Cencbudefuntfifentietfe tuuenes ficcefferunt. Gualterm qmppe lu ^ 99 , c ^. GiffArdm Comes Bucchingebam in Anglia mortuus ejt,& inde m NermAnmam vtrPfeiufferatytrAnptuself. Inmtrottuvero Bafilic* bat virgins* Mam apudLonzammllurnfeVHltusen (whofe Epitaph fecbeforcm Buckingham, pae 80 )A?nesverovxerei«t,AnfelmidcRibothmontefiw^ npuerumpollxv.Annesdepnfionisf^mAri^ vfoadvirtlerebur diiigent}reducauit,&paternumefpo»ormpermtiUos.an' m 6 O0002 *'* A Reuiew of nnprudenter gubernauit. In thelaft place, you rubbc (after your old male* ctmdemMritAmitpdgw uoIcqc manner) vpon Matter camden, becaufc hefayes in his Britannia that fo me thinke Rohefia Giffbrd was Countejle of Norfolke, and therein charge him to be decerned. Rcade him againc but with charitie, and you (hall finde no caufe to fay heisdeceiued-fotjhefycaktsnotfofitiuely ofhimfelfcthatitwas lb, but doubtfully of others that thinke fo. Ibid. Lin 27. miter Giffbrd jhefecond Earle of 'Buckingham ,(lay yo\\)mar- ried one Ermingard, who together with her [aid hmhandjounded the Abbey of Noteley, in King Henrie the feconds time ,1162 .But our htzxm&ClarenceitXy and induftrious b tym/tels vs,that 2^oteley was founded a° n 12. Serch them, and they will fliew you the lame. Britaine and Richmond. pag.8o.Lin.7. your former Booke deliueringtruely that Elianor daughter * of Geffrey plantagenetEark of Britaine and Richmond, dyed A 0 . 1241. here you correct your felfe for faying fo, and tell vs directly that Jhee dyed A°.i247. Concerning which, for that I would not haue anyone halt be- twecne two opinions, as not knowing which to beleeue 5 the *Monke of aM4t.Pm*,t*g.s<>s *°'X° g a j n£ A iy ans \^ rounded mee in the eare with thefe words, Anno gratis MCCXLI. qui efl annus regni Regis Henrici tertij vigefimus quintus — ebyt Alienor* filia Galfridi C omit is Britannia } i» claufura diuturni career is f vb arcla cuftodia refer uata : and about two leaues following, the fame b Author thus * M4t.r#up.fss>**i°- wr i tet h ggaine : obijt eodem anno t Alienora filia Comilis Britannia G.apudBri- floldum^ which I rather beleeue, becaufe Matbew Paris was now liuing,and wrote his Hiftorie at this time : which if I did not, yet e Walfingham thus in- « YfaJig.Nettfim.f4.4e/. formes me,o4»»4 9 * annis mult is duxtfjet 'Vitam ceelibem^ tandem meritura corpus fuum inter Sanc~li- moniales Ambreflberia fepeliendum legauit. Ibid.Lin. 1 1 . You ieeme to contradift our WefmtnHer-Monhe, in faying that Geffrey plant agenet Earle of 'Britaine and Richmond dyed the [eauenth ides of Aprill 1 1 85. for hee tels me that hee dyed the fourteenth of the Kalends of September ('which was the ip.of Auguft) or elfe I mifbke thefe words, <* M4t.}?'eifmf.sf4.n°.fo. d Anno gratia 11 $6. Galfridus Comes Britannia^ film Regis Anglia, diem clan. Jit extremum 1 4. Kal. Septembr. & fepultm ejl Pariftjs in ecclefia beat a Maria, infra chorum Canonicorum. See more in Britaine and Richmond^ ^6\. Pag.8 i.Lin.33 . fpeakingof the death of Peter de Sabaudia Earle of Rich- mond t both in your other Booke,and here, you fay. he dyed in Sauo% in the yeare 1 2 67. but lohn de T ournes in his C hr oniclc of Sauoy .fhewing the man * nerof his fickeneife 5 thcfetling of hiscftate,and the time of hisdeath,telsvs tchndts w> t ^ rw ^ tnat h e had leaue giuen in memorie thereof, that heand his pcfteritie mould beare the fame. See al- fo the Hiftorie of the fame Countrie written by Tournes, where you haue the like. Next, that I may alittlelookebackcto what I had written by way of Annotation, pag. 64 in my Difcouery, I may not, but here further tell the Reader, that ^wyi^Archbiftiop of Canterbury was brother , and not finne, of Peter deSabaadia^ fome^whom I haue there cited^doe deliuer : For he was feauenth fonne of Thomases the fame h Tournes deliuet s)and bro- b chron >* e s <"«>y p*r Twr- thcr to Peter de Sebaudia Standard bearer and Capraine generall de lEglife ""'M 1 **' 1 '* vnder Pope Innocent the fourth: and dyed of the Stone, and was carried oner into Sauoy,md there buried in the Abbey of Haute. Combe. See more in Bntdine and Richmond, pag. 64. Pag. 8 3 .Lin.2 8 . Robert de Arthoys a Noble man borne, of the blood Roy all of France, defended from another Robert (fay you) fonne of Lewis the eight, and brother to Saint Lewis King of France married lane daughter of Charles Earle ofValois : where, if you had made your period, you had done well; but you goe on, and tell vs that he had iffue {by lane ofValois ) Blanch, fir ft married to Henry King of Namrre,and after to EdmondCroochbacke Earle of Lancafter. Is this one of thofc Muers good notes (it was not in your firft impreffion; that E P lftIetothe *^h*te«. youtellycurReader,youhaueaddedinyourfecond? Yea marry, it was one of them. Then I fay you make Blanch Qu?eneo£Nauarrc and wife of Edmond Earle of Lancafter to be daughter to her brothers fonnes fonne, to be daughter to a Robert of Artoys great grandchilde to Robert her owne father. To fct 66o A Reuiew of ce // a to fet you right therefore, I tell you, that 'Lewis the eight King of Fran had iffiie Philip de France, Lewis the ninth furaamed the Holy or Saint » - tiuem ™ »4+ »d other children 5 which S,rf Earle of ^*rfurnamed/*4W and Lorraine J)ad ifliic thefecond of his name Earle ofArtois, and (here fpoken of) Quecnc of Nauarre : which * fo« bert thefecond, Earle of Amis, Peere of France and Regent of Naples by ^ w/V/4 Courtney, daughter and heire of Peter de Courtney Lord of Conches, Ludomcw 8. Rex FrancU. Ludomcus Robertas de Fran^MatildajiliciHen. 9. to ciaComes ArtefiA\B.BrabantU. Franc'tA, primus. Robertas z. Comes- Amicia de Artcfa. Courtney. Blmcbiaprimonupa Henrico Regi Nauarrt, & poftea Ed- mundogibb oft t Com. Lane aft. Conches*. nisDucisBritanni*, Robertas. ComeF Manna filiaComi- de Beaumont le Ro . tisCarolideniefta, ger m?£ S3*** eha t name, Earle of B^mmJi u V> • f t g , f. m de Art ' ts rhe third of Faloys Tories feeondEdidon. 4S61 |W#y j, hadiffbeonely John Earle of £*, Charles Earle of Longuemle y and Catherine Co untefTe of Ah male, but nofuch as Blaneb Quecne of Naudrre. Of all which, (whofoeucr is not herewith fatisficd) let him readc ?*rddin> Tenera y Album, Renfrew , and many other writers extant, that aucrre my words true againft YoAesgotd notes newly inferted. See more in my Difco - uery,pag.6p.70. B A T H. PAatf.89.Lin.10. Yotk£faksth*tPhfltbertde*Chdndcn> was made Earlc i n ^ und€ ' w*shi$righe of \atbthe Jixt of /d»ftarie y A.°.i4$6. wherein heehath (though not in name * the firft, yet in his fecond Edition) committed an Error, for bo th the Patent and Charter Roll fhew me,that his ^Creation bcares date at wettmwfter the p^X uii H * 7 * fixt of Ianuary,in the firft yeare of Henry the feauemh,whichfals in the yeare of our Lord 148 5. and not i486. Chester. DAe 93. Lin. 19. you put the death of Hugh Lupus Earle of Cbejlerv?. * on the yeare 1 103. when the Annales of c^rtcll mee, that it was in the yeare 1 1 00 . in thefe words , « Anno MC. defunBo Hugone Comite Ce. t £x cinM k ^ firU^Ricardmpuer fepiem annorum Comitatum fufiepit.See before in c neper, hi»thec*c 9 mw4n», Pa ibid.Lin.20.thusyouwrite,r^/^^£^, beingCountie falatineof Cbefter fubftituted and made vnder himibefi his Barons following: 1. Robert film Hugonis, Bare deMalpasl 2. Richard de Vernon^Baro de Schibbroke. 3 . WiUielmus Malbanc^ Bare deNamptmche. 4. ml/ielmus filius Nigelli.Baro de Hdlton. 5 . Hamo de MaJcy,Baro de Dunham. 6. Gijlebertut de rendblesJdr'deKyndreton. j. Hugo film Tiormanni^aro de Hamrdyn* 8.' N * ar * <* e Stockport. ThefeuerallreportsinthiscafeoftheB4rw^/c^^r hath fo daggered me in my opinion, that I muft confefle I fcarce giuc cre^ to any that hath dcliuercdthemtobetofoaundcntasofH^L^timc; Thattherewere 66z A Reuiew of Imetfiodi* Robert* Gotten mtbtk Barnetti. fcn,I fomewhat doubt.for,what (hould moutffenry the fecond (when he was but yet Duke of Normtndy and Earle of Anion) among diuers Grants that he made to RanulphdeGernenijs Earlc of Chefter> to fty in his Charter, fa lex Baronibu* f ais quos elegerit, cuique centum libratas terra dabo, that hee would giuc to the fixe Barons quos elegerit, which he (hall choofc f not quos eligerit, which he hath already chofen) a hundred pound Land a peece,&c if they had beencchofen in time . ? Which Grantalthoughitbelong, neucr- thelcfle it is not labour loft to looke it oucr,Tor it affords other good furnuk ture fitting feucrall ends. (micusT)ux%ormannorumfa Comes Andegaaorum Archiepifcopis, •Epi/copis^Comitibus^ Baronibus, Vicecomitibus fa omnibus amuis fa > fide libus fuis NormannU fa Anglic falutem. Sciatis me dedtffe fa con. cejsijje Ranulpbo Comiti CeslrU omnem harcditatem fuam NormannU fa An* glim ficut vnquam aliquis antecejforum fuorum earn melius fa liber iu* tenuit t fa nominatim caflellum dcVira, fa Barbifluuium, cum tali libert ate quodper to- tarn baleugampofsit caper e for is factum fuum,fa Brulliumde fofsis fa Alebec fa hoc vnde erat vicecomes de Abrinci$s % fa in SancJo Iacobo de hoc feci turn Comi- tern , fa quicquid habui in Abrinchem ei dedi^pratey Epifcopatum fa Abba cum de Monte Sancii Michaelis fa quod eispertinet, Infuper dedi fa concept ei tot urn honor em C omit is Roger i Piclaiuenfis f vbicumqHe aliquid habet, fatotum hono- ur em deBlievbicunque fit in Anglk s fa totum honor em He Eia, ficut Robert us Maiet munculus matris fua ilium melius fa plenius vnquam tenuit. Infuper dedi ei Stafford fa Stafordtcfir y fa Comitatum Sta fordi£ totum , quicquid ei tbi h&hui in foeudo fa hareditate,ExceptQ foeudo EpifcopiCeJlri* fa ComttisRober- tide Ferrary s fa Hugonis de Mortuomar'tfa GeruafijPagano faexceptoforefo de Canoe quod in manu mea retinco, Et foeu ium Alani de Lincoln ei dedi qui fuit auunculus muris fu . NealeLordofHalton, Malbank Lord Nanttvich, EufiaceLord Malpas, Vernonhotd Shipbrookc* InanboldBooke written aboatH^ the feauenths time, I finde thefc m^Mmtmk. eight there cited: Pppp EtijtSCf A Reuiew of EuftacedeMonthault Baron of Hawrdm. William Fitz Nigcttfaton of Hilton, William Malbanc Baron of Nantwicb. Dauid derke Baron of Malpas. Hamond Ma fey Baron of Dunham. War in Vernon Baron of Ship broke. williamVenables Baron of KmdertonX Ro. Stockport Baron of Stopford* In a fmall Trait written by William Smith fometimes Rouge- Dragon Pur- suant of Armes,as a skelliton or Defaipton of C&ejlerand the Barons there- of, there he tels me oitwelue Barons of Ct>efter,md feemes to countenance them with Dome f day Booke, where indeede I confeiTe they arc fome of them named, and held Lands of HughLupm in the Conquerors time, but that in- ferres not that therefore they were his Karons, for then he raightbaue con- cluded by that reafon twice twelue more to haue beene his Barons, if he will haue all that were his Feudalsjhx. held of him were his Barons. Hce names them thus, Robenus filius Hugonts. Robertas de Roetland. Rich ar dm de Vernon. Guilielmtti Malbanc. Guilielhtus filius Ntgelli. Hugo de Mara. Gijlebertus de Venables. Hamodc Majcy. Bigot de Loges. Ranulfus de Mefnilwarin, QsbcrttufilinsTczzonis. Stopport. Another (whether led by the common tradition as in this its like, hce was, or directed by fomc better authoririe, I am not fure) hee names vnto vs onelythcfe eight, Neile Baron of Haulton. RobertBzronof Monthault. William Malbedeng Baron ofMalhanc. Richard Vernon Baron ofstripbroke. Mobert Fitx, Hugh Baron ofJlislpas. Hamon deMafcy Gilbert venables Baron of Kinderton. W Baron of Stockport. AUwKcb,whcftIr^thcinapajt,Ibclcc«ed^s others doe)t!iat they did not Yorfys fecond Edition. not anywaydhTent, but all agree; but now more confiderately cbferuing them j as being defirous to be afcertened when thefe Barons were hrft chofen a and by whom; I difcou^red notonclytheiV^^r in fome, but the very Ferfons in others, yea and the themfclucs to differ as by comparing themtogether here-alone, the curious Reader may fee. Againe, if you {hall but examine the times, wherein fome of thefe liued, it will eafilyap- peare,that they were not men liuing in Lupus his time, but of many yeare af- ter. Herein I thought it very faire to proceede thus farre, thereby to incite others(efpecially fuch Chefhire Families who are defended from the faid an- cient Barons, either in the Mafle line, or by hcircs generall) to make more curious difquifition and fcrutinie among their priuatc Euidences, or fuch o. ther publique Record.asmay giuc fulland clcarc fatisfa&ion in the particu- lars, that this Erroneous tradition may be cleared, their owne genealogiesin that point rectified, and future times taught what is Truth. Wherein if I may hereafter meete with any one that (hall (hew me good authority what Barons werechofen in Lupus histime,& what in the other fucceedingEarles^ ffor I beleeue not that,that they were all of one election) I fhall molt cour- teoully em brace their louingpaines and care of Truth, in regard it would handfomely furnilhatraclincheBrfr^^^/f^/W, which God- willing I intend to publith. Pag 97.Lin.33. EdwardfirJlfinneofKing Edward the firft, in the nine and twentieth yeare of his Fathers r eigne, came to cheBer, and recciued Homage of thefe Freeholders of wales, at followeth : Henry Earlc of Lamafler for Mon- mouth-^ Reginald Grey for Ruth yn\ Fulh FitQvarrenfor his Lands i® Wales, the Lord William Martin for his Lands in Kemaes^Roger Mortymer for hu Lands in Walesa Henry Lacy Ear le of Line olne for his Land of Ros and Rywineoc in Wales ; Robert Lord Mount alt for his Lands in Wales-^ Griffith Lord of Poole for the LordJhipofPowys$ Sir Griffith Lloyd Knight. Tudor ap Grono of Angle- fey ; Madoc ap Tuder Archdeacon ofAnglefey . Enyon ap Howell of C aernar- uon ; Griffith V&chon ap Griffith ap lorrverth ; Lhewelyn Bifhop of Saint Afaph^ MaBer Richard Puelefdon, and others. Now haueyou read Mafter Yorkes words; who feemes to haue feene fome warrant for them, but yet when they (hall be read comparatiuely with the Record : there will appearc much difference; for whereas he fayes that Prince Edward came to Chefter andreceiued the Homages aforefaid, the Record will tell him,that fome of them were done at Kenelrvorth fome at Balfhall in War. rvickfhire, fome at Carlile in Cumberland, fome a t London, fome at Odyham, tnd Come ztFlint-CafleU, therein hath he erred in the Place*, then for the Time* He fayes A°.2 9.E- 1 . but you mall likewife finde, that fome Homages were A°.29. others A°. go.others A°.3 1. others two yeares after,as thefe ea- rning words will (hew, ^Edmrdus dei gratia Rex Anglu, & FrancU, & Do- 4 paf ^ x lifcji|l(I#fi minus Hiberni^omnibusad quosprdfcntcslitertpcruenerwtjalutem. guan- dam certiScationem Thefaurarjj&Camerariorummftrorum, denominihusil* lor urn, qui tempore Domini Edwardi quondam Regis Anglia aui noBri t fect- runthomagia frfidelitates Edwardo Mio [uo,tuncPrincipiwallid & C omitiCe- Bm f (^qmhab»€runtdi4SAdhm4gia&fiMtatesfi4 f attend, nobis inCan* Ppppz cellamm 66s 666 A Rcuicw of celkrUm no fir Am de mandato no fir o mi flam, infpeximus in hac verba. Nomina fa. xiy. die April*, a°. X X 1 X. apud Ceftr. bomagia fidclitates Domino Ed- war do Principi wallia & Comiti Ceftria. Caeftr. — Barones — Thomas Abbas Cefiriaiurauit & habet diem die Sabbati ad demonftrandum in fcriptis terras fjr tenementa qua clamat tenere de Principe. &c. — Domini—- Hem de Lan. cafir. — - xxWi die Maij, a 0 . X X I X. apud KeniUemrth fecit Domintts Henri- cm de Lanca/lrMmag* Domino principi fidelitatempro Monemue • — Apud Balfhall. R. de Gr^y xxvi. die May ibidem fecit homapum ejr fideli- tatem Domintts Rtginaldus de Grey pro Ruthin — Fulcofilius Wart- ni — xxvy, die Mai) apud Kenillcrvortb Domintts Puko filiu* War int. fecit Domino bomag. ejr fidelitatem pro tents Juts Wallia — wihmus Martin — vltimo die May apud KentBcworth fecit domino wiUielmus Martyn fidelity bomag. dominopro terris Wallia — R.de Mortuo Mart — Item eo- dem die ibidem fideliter fecit fidelitatem & bomag. domino , Dominus Roger tu de Mortuo Mari. — Comes Lincoln. — xix.die luly anno praditto apud Karlio* lum fecit bomag. ejr fidelitatem Domintts Henrictts deLacy Comes Lincoln, pro terris quas tenet deCom: Cettria. — R de Monte Alto. — Eodem die ibidem fe- cerunt bomag. ejr fidelitatem domino Principi pro terrts quas tenent de eo domim Robertas de Monte Alto ey Thomas de la Roche. • — G.de la Pole — xx. die Ivlij a°.xxx. Londtni fecit bomag. & fidelitatem Domino Edwa* do Principi Gr if fin us de la Pole. — Comes Lincoln, fexto die January videlicet infefio Epiphania anno regnixxxi. apud Odyhamin prafentia Domimrum Epifcopi Couentren. Co* mitisSabaudu^Regtnaldi de Grey JVMmi Inge ejr atiorum fecit Vominm Hen. deLacy Comes Lincoln, bomag. & fidelitatem Domino Edw, Principi pro terris fuis de Ros ejr Rewynok in Wallia pracepte Regis — xxif.die Apr His apudCaJlrum de Flynt fecerut fubfiripti fidclitates ejr bomag. Domino Edwards filio. — Domi* nus Grfftniss Tbloyt miles , T '.der ap Gronn 0 n D englefey, Made ok ab Crenwix, arcbidiaconus D'englefey & Tneyn ab Howel de Karnaruan, Tnder ap Griffith D englefeye,Lenghely nab Edenauetb D'englcfeye, Griffith Vaghan fil. Griff ni Abereward D'englefeye, MaddokVaghanD'englefeud fecit fidelitatem non ho~ magium. — Dominus Lewelinus Epifcopus Ajjauenfis fecit fidelitatem tantuvt, non fecit homagium, quia non habet ten am.- — Flint— Englefeud—- Dominus Ricardus de peuelefdon fecit fidelitatem ejr homag.&c. — /. Paffelewe — Me-, morandum quod j.die Ofiobtis apud Lang' sf.xxxy. fecit fimiliter Johannes de Paffelewe bomag, & fidelitatem Domino pro d/mid.feodo militis in Swanburn in com. Buck, ejr debet {eft am ad curiam de Lang. foe. — — Memorandum quodxi. die Martis a.°.xxxiy. Domino Wladufa qua fuit uxor quondam domi- mWillimideU Pole qua eft dot at a de terra Dnkt oj Xornw attend Ear k oj Chejler and Pltntjbut here you %rfys fecond Edition. 66 j you point vs out the time when all thofe Honours were bcftowcd vpon him, viz. in the 15. yeare of his Fathers r eigne at a Parliament held at Yorke. If I had not (hewed* enough already in anfwere to thofe two of Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall), would not hauefoeafily pa (Ted by them here; yet for 4 Seebcforepa.no.& m the other oi Earle of Chefier and Flint,thathec had them giuen him A°.i5. E. 2 . is moft vntrue, for the b Inrolement thereof affures me that he was dig- b cw,a».«.E, 2 ,»«w«w oifi ed with thofe Earledomes by t tvo fcuerall Charters, bearing date at wind- tj£g; , E - ■ JirVthefoure and twentieth of Nouember, in the fixt fnot the fifteenth) q£ a cdfl^^^xL that Kings time 3 and in the c fourteenth yeare(andfo d eucry Parliament ^&^ l6 l h 2 'f l ^ 6 i * till hee came to the Crownc) was heefummoncd to Parliament oncly with c/2/a-lll\£l'2',^' the Title of Earle of chefler and Flint. See more in chefler ^ag. 1 r o. and 1 1 1 . Pag. 100. Lin. 1. you fay Edrvard Plantagenet fonne and heire of King Henry the fixt, was the thirteenth day of Oclober, in the one and thirtieth ycare of his Fathers reigne created Prince of 'wales: which doth not agree with the inrolement of his Creation, for that fayes that hee was dignified with the Principalis of Wales and Earledome of Chefler^ by Letters « Patents dated at Weflminflcv ,the fifteenth of March,in the two and thirtieth of Henry the fixt " JSij^J'S^V and not before, as I could proue out ofyourowne words in the fecond Edi- H-6.pt. 2 *mi2j tion of your Catalogue pag.iop. Lin.32.butrhatl haue better Authoritie in my Marginals. Ibid. Lin. 1 5 . Edward fonne and heire of KingEdward the fourth^ was flay you) created Earle of Chefler the fix and twentieth of lunein theeleauemh yeare of King Edward the fourth i470.where forthedayandyeareofthcKingyou lay truely,butin the yeare of our Lord you are miftaken, for it ought to be 147 1. not i470.See before in C^/?*r,pag. 115. Cornwall. T)Ag.io6. Lin 1 5 . you fay,Edward Plantagenet Earle of Cornwall dyed the frfitf October 1 30o.wherein you haue faid well,but then you goe on and adde in the nine and twentieth of King Edward the firjl, which is not right for fearchallthe Inquifitions taken after his deathjnd you mall finde him { dead y 1 Efc*efr.*\i%&. wtt*<44* andaWthcOffices returned, in the eight and twentieth ye.ire of Edward the firft, where the (aid King is found his Cofen and next heire. Ibid.Lin.33.you fay that Edwardfirfl fonne of King Edward the firkin the thirteenth yeare of his Father* reigne came to CheHcr^ and receiued homage of the Freeholders of Wales • IconfeiTe this was in your firft Edition,where I pat- led by it vndifcouered,butfince you hauenot amended it in your fecond, I muft here be fo bold as tell you it is falfc, and for your further fatisfadion fend you backe to my anfwere in this /?^/>n> to pag.665. where both your words there,and chefe here,are (hewed to be vntrue,and what you may here- after bcleeue. CAR- 1 66% A Reuiew of AKLIL E. DAg. 1 12.Lin.20. AndrewHarkley was by King Edward the fecond (fay you) * tn the fifteenth yeare of hU reigne, made Earle of Carlell: this I muft needes fay is an Alteration from your firft Impreflion, for there you told vs, that his Creation was A°. 14.E.2. but I dare not fay it is an Amendment o f that fault, but a committing of a new one, for to fay truth hee had Carltles Earkdome . e 2 1 2 m.za a beftowed vpon him , by Letters Patents bearing date at Pontefracl the SS.a»!i S s.E. 2 25» ; .7. ' twenty fiuc of March, in the fifteenth yeare of Edward the fecond, as I haue clfewhere already ftiewed. See more in Carlile, pag.97. Glare and Clarence. pAg.i i4.Lin.ip.T(&Af difeent(mean\n» of C fare ScCldrence) is mo/tvntruly *- & confu/edly fet down by M.Camden in his BriunniajA.tfi .Here you read lA.Torkes ranke Eloquence againft worthy Camden,now readCamdens words, Richard thefonof GipbertEar/e of Augym Normandy ferutdin the wars -jRohais fifler to Walter Gifebert, Lord */ Giff §r d Earle of Buck. Clare and TnnAwgbam. bridge. J eilbm Yorkes lecond Edition. A I Gilbert Ear k of* Adelty daugb- Roger Walter Clare, ter to the Earle ofCleremont, Robert from whom the Fttz>-walters are depended. 669 Richard Earle of* Clare \eldt ft fin, j jlaine by the \ weljhmen. Giflebert furna,. med Strongbox' Earle of pen- broke. Walter Gilbert Earle of Roger Earle of Clare and Hert- clare, brother ford in King Ste. and heire to f hens time dyed Gilbert, Wthontifue. Richard Strong- bow Earle of Pembroke. Richard Earle of-Amich daughter lfibek 'daughter Clare and Hen ford. & one of the heires and hetre mar. of William Earle rted to William ofGlocefter. MarJhaU Earle ofPembroke, Gilbert de Clare^ JfiheU diaghler u Earle of Glocefter and Hertford. William Marfball Earle of Penbroke, Xicharlde cUre =Maud, , daughter f Earle of Glocejler and Hertford, the Earle of Lincoln, B Mm A Rcuiew of Gilbert de clare^loane of Acres, daughter Earle of Gloceflen andHertford. to King Edward the firft* Gilbert declare Mianor married to Margaret, firjl Elizabeth , firft Earle of Gloce- Hugh Lord Spen- married to Piers married to William fier ejr Hertford, cer, after married Gaueflon Earle of Burgh Earle of VL dyed without to William Zo nth. Cornwall,and after jler , fecondlyto ijjue. toHughLordAud- Theobald Lor dVer- ley* don, and thirdly to Sir Roger Vamory, andlValter; Richard the fir Jl begotten fonne was flaineby the Welfhmen, and left behindehim wo fonnes, Gilbert and Roger, Gilbert in King Stephens dayeswas Earle of Hertford-, howbeitbothhe and his fucce§ors are more often and com- monly called Earles of. Clare of this their principal/ feate and habitation . yea and fo,many times they wrote themf clues. After him dying without iffue fucceeded his brother Roger, who fe fonne Richard tooke to wife Amice the daughter a>:d one of ' the heir es to William Earle of 'Gloucefler, in right of whom his pofleritie were Earles of Gloucejler. Which di feenr, whofoeuei is defirous to be fur- ther fatisfied in 5 the fame Author (our learned Clarenceux ) hath faithfully (howfoeuer thatfoule-mouthedrtfr^feemesto taxe him) continued in his £r/frf0M 5 pag.26p.outof whofe words I hauc extracted this Genealogie^ thereby the better to (hew (as I fuppofe) the malicious ignorance of this blindc Bayard, whofe tongue as yet could neuer afford to any good man his duewortn, and whofe chiefe pride hath alwayes becne to thwart the beft deferuing, although with found reafon or vncontrouleableauthoritie hee could not make good his owne affertion 5 much like therefore (I may fay) he is to him that fet Dianaes Temple on fire; Vt qui bene mn poterat, male omni- bus innotefceret. That he by euill doing might be famous to all,who by well doing could not. Nowtherefore, becaufezw# facilis efl.-Adelix,ajlaugh- Roger Lord waiter a great Robert Lord of Richard % fir ft Earle of Clare, dyed 1 1 5 2. ter of the Earle if Clane- Baron and woodham wa- of Clermont, ring. founder of ter , flaine in Tintern. waleSyf.w$6. lohn, eldejl Richard tbircF Adelizfifler Gilbert fur na. fVal- Heruey fon/tvas the Ear. of Clare to Randoll £. mcd Strong- ter. deMon* fecond Earle and Lord of ofcheften bow Earle of te.Man* of Clar eddied Tunbridgc y Penbroke. ritiol without ijfue. dyed 11 5 6. Gilbert Earle of _JEli%abeth Jijierto Roger Etrle of-Mauld daughter Clare and Hert- Wallcran Earle of Clare & Her u of fames Saint ford died without MeUent. ford, dyed Billarf. ifiue. AM 1 74. Qsqq Richard A Rcuiew of Richard Earle efrAmicia fecond daughter Clare & Htrt- and one of the harts of ford y dyed William Earleof Glouce- a°.i2i8. \fter. Gilbert Earle of^lfabett third fifler , and Clare, Hertford and Gloucefter, dyed 1230. one of the heires of An- felme Marjball Earle of Penbroke. Richard Earle of Clare, Hert- ford and Glou- cefler , dyed i%6t. Maud daughter of loh n L*cy Earle of Lincolne. Gilbert Earle of Clare, Hertford and Glodtter , dyed 1195. 'Ioaneof Acres daughter of King Edward the fir ft. <— Gilbert Earle- ofClarCyGlou- te/ler&Hert. J*rd t diedz*.j £.2. without ifue. 'Mauldydaugb Elianor eldefl ter of John fifler and cos Burgh Earle heire married of rlfler in to Hugh lord Ireland. Spencer. Etybeth the Margaretthird ifirjlmarri- fijler, married ed to lohn to Piers Gaue- BurghEarle of (Ion E.of Corn- Vlfier^ wall, after to Hughde And- ley. WiUiamBurgh Earle ofvlfier died with, •utiffue. Elizabeth married to Lionell Duke of Clarence. Tories fecond Edition. 6j 3 Now that I haue laid open to the Readers view Matter Camdens deducti- on of CUres deftentjivhkh Mafterrwfo Co eagerly oppofeth,with open mouth proclaiming it to be moft vntrue iy and confusedly fet downc\ I will rccjueft the iudicious to compare Mafter Torkes with it (which I haue extracted faithful- ly out ofhisownc* words) and then (hall heefinde fixemaine differences, ^ Sffil?'''' which thus followeth in his owne Bookc. 1. The firft where Pag. i i^.L'm.i^.youCzythxGilbertFit^jRichardfrft Earle of 1 Clare ^by the Ear le of cleremonts daughter^ had iffite John the fecond * Earle of Clare, who dyed without iffue : which you can neuer proue, for Ge. miticenfis (which I will beleeue for that he liucd neere that time, rather then r«w ther Richard de Burgh Earle of Ylfler^ fo as that title neuer defcended vpon ^"8.^. him,but vpon William de Burgh hrs fonne. 4. The fourth is in the fame page,, line 3 4 tin faying that Elizabeth mar- ried to lohn Burgh was fecond filler to Gilbert declare, when the truth is fbe was third and yongeft of thofecoheires,as I haue already fhewed you in Clare and Clarence, pag. 123 . and in Gloucefler^^.22^.1 will ftay no longer vpon that point. 5 . The fift is in the fame place, and all one with the third,that lohn Burgh was Earle of Vlfter, which is not true as I faid before, for bcfidesthc e Annalcs of Ireland,* Hollinfhedf a motetzmilizv Author for you) could haue infor- f^*^'^ , medthat3|nti)epeate 1313.— -t^e jdo^3IoftnHe Burgeon ant) #£3^™ ^*' sz ^eire1)ntot^e^arieofaiftet,l3eceafeDat d5altoep on tije feaft Da? of ^amts&patceliugatrti £©arceiitaua&his Father Uumg ma. ny y eares after,and enioyed that title of Vlfier to his dying day 3 fo as then the fonne could nor haue it too, in his fathers life time. 6 The fixt difference in your Difcent of Clare(a$ groffe an Error as any of the reft) is in the fame page Lin. 3 5. where you write that lohn de Burgh by EU&abetbdeclarehismfekadiJjuemllidm Burgh Earle ofVltter that dyed mth out iffite, and Elizabeth wife to LionellDuke of Clarence, And pag. 118. C^qqq 2 Lin. 1 1. <*74- A Reuiew of Lin. 1 1, you haue the like thus: LiontllVuke of Clarence married Elizabeth daughter to lohn de Burgh Earle of lifter, and ftfier and heire of William de Burgh Earle of Vljler her brother. Which I much wonder at, that you an ancient Herald of fiftie year es experience, haue no more experience then to make Eli- zabeth wife to teonell D uke of Clarence y \o be fifter and heire to William Earl of Vlfter, when it is moft certaine 3 flbe was his daughter and heire^ and not his fifter, asyourfirftlmprcifion honeftly deliuered$ but this as one of your new additions ^one of your faults amended ', which you lb much glory in; by your Icaue therefore I will informe the Reader, that Richard de Burgh Earle oivlfter (who • died A°.MCCCXXVI. jhad iffue John deBurgh(that « Annates Htbemm apud dyed a°. 1 3 1 3. before his Father) who by Elizabeth third fifter and one of the c*mden.pag.i8o t B. heires of Gilbert de C lareEark of Gloucester 2nd Hertford, after married to Theobald Lord V er don } \\\\id\y to Sir Roger Damory, and fourthly to Roch Baron of Fermoy in Ireland) had iftuc William de Burgh, who fucceeded his Grandfather inthe Earledomeof Vlfter, andby-WW^hiswifcfifterto i AnntU) nibtr»i*,p»i<) 3 e. Henry Duke of Lancafter,had ifTue Elizabeth his onely b daughter and heire, P4t.&-> 15.E-3.pt 1 m,io. married to Leonell Duke of Clarence y fonnetoKing£^n>4^thethird,which r/r4w.i6.E.3.n%3. J/^/af was after married to Sir ^r^knight 5 Iuftice of Ireland. Now what you wrote of Mafter Camden eucry iudicious Reader will adjudge a- gainft you, and write vpon euery poft, that this Vifcent of Clare and Clarence is mofl vntruely andconfufedly fet downe by Mafter TVw^and there I leaue it. For, vpon due examination now we finde that what Mafter Camdenddiuc- redit,was withagreatdealeof Premeditation and Iudgement, and yours without any proofe, yet with much malice,and moreignc ranee. Pag. 1 1 8. Lin 3 5 . fpeaking of the Battaile of Bangy in France,and who was there flaine, you lay Sir Gilbert Fmframu/le Earle of Anguifh was one A°.p. H.5. which you can neuer proue .• In your former Edition you faid he was Earle ofKyme, wherein it fecmes you fince found your owne Errour, now therefore let me tell you for this, that Gilbert Vmframnile the Iaft Earle of " E f (aetr '^ 2 ' n °^ 57- ^^, c dyed the fixt of Ianuary a°4.R. 2 . fo then he could not be at this bat- taile of BlaKgy,a°. 9 Tohelpeyounowalittle,inyourBooke blot out thofe three words Earle of Angos, and fo we may beleeue it to be Sir Gilbert 4 Hw.36. Vmframuile, whodyed 9.H.5.fonneof Sir Thomas, fonneof another Tho- mas, brother to the Iaft Gilbert Earle of Angot, who dyed A°4.R.2 .See be- fore in Atngos,pag .12.13. C AM BRIDGE. P Ag. 1 2 3 .Lin. 8 * you hauing in your firft Edition deliuered that Edmond of A Langley dyed the third ycare of King Henry the fourth 1401. now you fay he dyed in the (econdyeare 1 400. wherein is a double fallacie, for I grant he dyed A°.3,H.4.but then thcyeare of our Lord is miftaken 5 which fliould be Tories fecond Edition. 675 be 1402. Nextfor your fecond Edition (which are the words here aboue recited^ you fay anew, that he dyed A°.2 .H.4. 1400 . whichis further wide then the former, for all the Inquifitions poft mortem fay that hee dyed, • pru m die Auguftianm regni regis Henrici £uarti tertio y which indeede is 'Zfitetr.zt.i&^jnr.tf. A*. 1402. . Devon and Exeter. p Ag. r 24.Lin. 1 2.you (ay that Richard de Ripirijstfonne of Baldwin Riuers to whom KingHw^thcfirftgauethetowneor Tiucrton, and the ho« nor of Plimpton, and created him Earle of Veuoriflrire) married the daughter of Ofmund de Cent umui His Vtfcount of Vernon^ begotten 0/ his wife daughter of Herfaftus theDane, brother ofGonor DucheJJe 0 f Normandy ^and had ifjue Bald- win Riuers the fecond Earle of Deuon. And for your authoritieyou vouch Ge- miticenfis, pag.^7. whom you haue groffely abufedj now therefore that the vnderftanding Reader may iudge ofyour Judgement,! will deliuer Gemi- ticenfis words at large, >&uoniam (faithhe) defororibusGunnoris Comitifefi. Guk$tiee^m.fua^f. cimui memionem, libet etiam de Mis qui fecundogradu confanguinitatis af fines ' eidtmfuere, prout ab antiquis accep'mus aliqua dicer e. Habutt ergo ex fratre JuoHerfaftoeademComitiffa^nepotcmOsbernum de Crepon, patrem Whofoeuer beleeues you, 1 affure you for my owne part I doe not. Confider but the time wherein Ofmund and this ifoW^&«^liued,andyou will be of another minde: Tofet you right therefore, I tell you, that William de Riparijs or Riuers married the faid Of vtunds daughter, by whom heh&diflhe Baldwin de Riuers (maxkc your Au- thors words, mater fuit primi Balduini de Hems) which Baldwin (according A Reuiew of to your o wne report) was father of Richard firft Earle of Demon, who by Ade- li^a his wife, was Father of Earle Baldwin y $cc. and for your better informa- tion I hauc left ic with you other wife, as thus Uerfaftm frater Gunner* Duciffk N&rmannorum. A. Gunner* DuciJJa Nermann. Ofmundtts dt Cen^r filia tumuiUis vicecomes Herfdjii Dani. Fernontf. Osherntu Cnpen. Fulco de Willmus de Ri-r filia Of W'tllimus filim Alneio, parys fiper&es, fnunliVicecomitis Osberni C ernes 1082. Vtrmnij, Herefirdi Baluinm de Riparqs primus, qttifundauit MonaHerium apud Montis bur gum. Richardus de Riparys Dominw de Tmerton P limp tan InfuU >vec7d>, primus C ernes Deuenu, Balduinm de Riparys Comes DeuenU. Pag.i 24.Lin.16. Bald wine de Rivers fenne of Richard was the fee end Earle ofDeuonfhire — — He married Adelizafy whom he had i(fueRichard,Henry t wiUUm. and Mamld (fry ym) married to WiUUm de Roman : About this ^ Tories fecond Edition. 6yy Mauld will grow fome que/Hon, whether fhe was daughter of Bald-win de Ri- vers or not j Maftcr Xorke (it feemes) is confident (he was, but Ordericus bids me belecue him not, and withall flic wes me that (he was daughter of Rh bard de titters, and not of Baldwin, in thefe words .• Gmllelmus de Rolmara Regibo- Ordti:cm-nut,tJi,i».p. isc norifice reconciliatus efi, fa exinde familiar is eius conuiua fa amicus faff us eft. Generofam quoque Matildem filiarn Ricardi de Raduerijsilli Rex contugem dedit qu&filium ei fpeeiofum nomine Guillielmum Heliampeperit, Ferrers and Derby. PAg. 1 3 3. Lin. 2 6. Robert de Fe y rersthe fecond of that name, was the third Earle Ferrers. Somehaue that the wife of this Robert (now I come to thofe words of yours which I q'ieftion) was Sibt 11, daughter of William herd Br u{e of Br ember and Gower ; but that Difcent doth not affirme it. How meanc you in faying,^/ Difcent will not affirm it? Doe you thereby in. ferrethat in Brewes his pede grcc this matci with Ferrers is not fet downc i O r becaufc peraducnture it is not in yoar Notes,thcreforc it is no where elfe to be found? If you fo conclude,then hai ken to this Dcedc which will eafily conuincc you.^Robertus Comes de Ferrieres omnibus filijs Santt* ecclefu, fa omnibus hom 'tnibus fuisfa amicis tarn pr*fmtibus q ".am futuris fxlutem. No. turn (it vobis omnibus, me dedijfe, fa conceftffe, Veo fa SmcJ* Maria, fa Mo - nacbts vallis Dora in perpetuam elemofinam, in fcudurn fa h*red/tatem y totum Oxemeoium,defuper viam, fa defupertefram y q^am anlea in elemofinam eu dederam,totum in circuit u ficut terra arabilis d/i*tdit,folam & liber am fa quie- tarn ab ommfecttUriferuitio,per ires folidos fvigulu annu reddendo ad fcftum Sanctt Petri ad vincula invecognitionem aptd ffardo,wat tero BafcheruiHa,Gaufredo Wariffedeu fa lohanne filio eiut. Out of which I muftobferuevntoyou xh&William Lordflmmof Brembre by Bertha his wife daughter of Milo Earlc of Hereford, had iilue Sibe/l Ccumc ffc Ferrers, Wife of Robert Earle Ferrers herefpoken ef. Moreouer in the Regifler of Vore Abbey you fball findc a Dcedc of wiUtam de Brcofi the yongei ^wherein he grants Lands to Walter de Clifford and his heires : TV/?/ us dommo, Mar- gartt* de Bohun,dominaAlianora deSan&o VValertco^ommaSibiUa c * miti {f* 6yS AReuiewof de Ferrarijs, Willimo de Breofa ejr alijs. Vndoubtedly this SibiSCounteffiFer- rers here named as a witnt ffe, was the fame Lady that Matter Torke denies to be Roberts wife, and Br ewes his daughter. For further proofe, I appcale to that worthy to be rcfpr&ed and ftudious Gentleman Henry Ferrers of Bad. ^yintheCountieof^w/V^Efquire, whofe extraordinary paines and coft in difcouering notonely theantiquitic of thatFamily 5 i>utof all others deferues to bs reraembred to pofteritie. y Pag.717.Lin.3tf. in your firft Edition youfaid, that William the fecond EarleFerrars of that Chriflian name dyed 1 242.now you conftfle that be died 1247. whichycarei247. is true, but then you tell vs, that Mathew Paris \?arp> i f^-7'7' n "'» t - fayesitwasinthetwoandthirtiethyeareof King Henry the third, whichisnot fo, for thefe are Paris his words, Anno MC CXLviI. qui efl annus regnt domini Regis HenriciX X X /. obierunt quidam Nobiles in Anglia circa dtem SancfaCatharin^Willtelmm Comes de Ferrary j, vir quidem pacificist, mjliss^c. See enough faid to this point before in Ferrers and Derby pag. 204.205. 5 rt >* Dorset. P Ag. 145 .Lin . 1 7. Thomas S ackuilefonne and heir e of Sir Richard Sackuile A ofBuckhur si Knight, Chancellor of the Exchequer, who tn his youth was a Sc holier in the Vmuerfitie of Oxford^ and there profit td fo well that hte became an excellent Poet, leauingmany of his Ubours both in Latin; and EngUfh to the world • After be became a Student in he Temple where he proceeded Barrefler : From thence he was called b\ the Q^ecneand State and created Baron of Buck- burfl the ninth ofgjteene Elizabeth, and after the thirteenth of March 160$: by King lames was created Earle of Dorfet in the Tower of London. Hee was alfohigh Treafurer of England, Knightefth* Garter, and Chancellor of the Vmuerfitie of Oxford . And warned Cecily daughter of Sir lohn Biker, Knisht of thepriuy Ceuncell to Qutcnc Mary ; by whom hehadiffue Robert Lord Buck- hurft, after Earle of Dorfet 5 Henry the ficond Jonne, SirWilham Sackuil knight thrdfo»ne h and Thomas fourth fonne-.aud three daughters- Anne mar- ried to Sir Henry Glemham of Suffolke y Knight . loane married to Anthony Browne Vif count Mountagne^ Mary married to Sir Henry Nenill, Knhht fonne and heire of Edward Baron of Abergaucnny. This Thomas "dyed fuddenly of a dead pal fte fitting in the Conncell at whtte-hall in the yeare ltfo8. Here (fince fo fairean occafion is offered) it will not be amifle to fay a word or t tvo concerning this worthy Family of the Sackmls j and the rather I offer ir, for that Matter Ttrke 'm the words but here repeared(andfo likewife in his fir ft Edition) dcliucrs the tracT: with fuch a Gradatio, withfuch decrees ofPreferment,a$it wouldalmoftpeifwadea Reader, that furelyhcrewas the rfcffecond Edition. 6y 9 the very Vrmeipium, the verieOriginall of that Noble Family, as though its Gentry was but now newly blofTomed, and till now it was not knowne, or if fuch a one was, it liued as al waves vndcr hatches , and neucr before heard of 5 of which minde I haue heard (brae vnaduued Cenfureretobee, To flop the mouthes therefore of fuch immodeft affirmers (fuch they arc indeede who wholly contemne and auile the Study of Antiquity as a back- looking curiofitie) I will heercdcliuer a fuperficiall touch of this right An- cient, and no klTe Noble Family in a direcT: line, from aboue fiue hundred yeares, to thefe our dayes,that (asit were by Perfpeftiue ) you may fee the luftre of it anciently, and how againe (through the Iniquity of times) it lay cruihed, not daring to looke vpon the Kings difpleafure , andfo foone flouriflicd; yet no foonenvas the fplcndor thereof efpied, but fodainely it was ag-iine brought vnder a cloud tor a time. In the compofition whereof, I will lb faithfully deale, that as I leade downe the Difcent, fo fhall it be (HI with the fame PclUffions, and not doe as many of our Pedcgree-mon°ers now a-dayes doe, gather vp Names at randome, and then (fo they haue to sni wer the time) knit them together (like a Bcggers cloake full of peeces, and few of one and the right cloath) which is a meereabu(e,and needfull to be remedied. Which Dilcent (I fay) of Sackuill, fince I haue thus farre in- gased my felfe to Ieaite with the world, thus it followes. U Erbran *de SalcheuiUa, Salcauilla^ Saccamlla, or Sacitill(Co doc I finde it *- 1 anciently written , it being a Towne fo called in Norm audit) b came in - a ™fa i *Kt>****>*r*i*f*g tothislfhnd with William the Conqueror, and afterwards returning backe b2&.;w>w*^fr into Normandie, was there liuiog, c 1079. hailing ifTue three fonncs, named maf > /t " iS ^-c^y»«. lor dan, William, and Robert, and 3 daughter called Awce,mairkd to Walter tthAOt^/^^i Lord of Alfage 2nd Httgle utile in Normandie . by whom flice had d y(Tue Ri- chard, hrdan, waiter md Helios, all committed to the tuition and bringing d nrJ ■ . c ■ , , vp of their Vnde Sir hrdan de Sacmll, cldeft fonne of Herbran aforefayde, who Uued in Normandy, but Sir c William de Saeuill Knight, fecond (on of Uerbranliuing in England, held Lands in f Braxfied, Nay land, and Bares ad (t^S^SSLii tnomem in Ejjcx, with one Knights Fee in the Countie of Buckingham, and by s Albreda his wife, hce had ilTue three daughters his heyres, ^ h Hodierna ? ^-^thuHeCoichefitf married to Mathew deGernon, Agnes married to Richard de Anejlye, and fJ^^'" Thc:Lu ™> 1 Beatrix married to willam de Glaniull Lord of Bromholme y and Founder of h peyt°™rum. the Church there in Henry the firft his time. k Sir Robert de SacmU Knight, p^tTsff^T '* third fonncof Herbran fa prime WitnelTeto a Charter of King Stephen, k l>i> ms. whilft as yethewasbutEarleof^tfr/«^, of his grant wherein hec gaue the Church of zA^r^totheMonkesof S. lohnsot Colchefier) becing beyond the feas with the children of Hen. 1 and purpofing to come for Eng- j 0/8 ^ ^ tai - d .*« -1' land with them, it fo chanced, that the Earle of Morteign 0 when they mould '"'^ ' haue weighed Anchor and put to fea, was on a fodain troubled with a loofe* nelTc in his body, and thereupon he left the fhip,and went a more together with two Knights (as the Story tels me) viz. Six Robert de Sacmll&\ Walter \ and by that meanes were preferued : for all the reft were no fooner at Sea, but the (hip wrackt, and they all (but one) periftied, as I haue alreadie (he- wed in Cfofter, pag.102. He was liuing Anno 1 1 19. and held the m Mm- J 1 l J^m'gT b<> SZ\id ncrs of Bcrghoh (afterwards called Sacmh) Bum on the Hill, and Alfeman- lum e$i*fdera Harm ft. Rrrr fta» ^go A Reuiewof fon in E(fex, as alfo the Mannors of Rijhangel, vtytbam, Moles ,Clopton, Brif* wood Coton 3 Braekford, Rudham,Farnham,Faltham, zndWickham'm Suffolk a by the feruice of one Knights fee, of the Honour of Eye. He was alfp n fei- n pu:z 0 i 2.h. 3 . rwio s . 0 f another Fee in Mendham in the faide Countie ; who beholding the calamity of the State at that time, and the vnconftancie of the Nobilitie, in for faking their vndoubted Soueraigne A/W the Empreffe,conmvk to their allegeance, and fiding with Stephen then vfurping the Crowne, with much anxiety of mind,but greater remorfe of confcience 5 gaueouer the world,and o tth.coiceftri* ms in crfo- bctooke hi mfelfe to a religious life, ° giuing the Mannor of wickham efore- and t0 his heires > of a11 his l3nds in Cos f° rd & UUe - cormwLe fird in Surrey, from which William de Sidneio or Sidney^ the now right Ho- norable^^/ Lord Sidney, Vifcount£/j/f, and Ear\c of Leicejler dothde-^ riue himfelfe. The aforefaid Sir Geffrey de Sacuill Knight,now written Sake- uill sauke»ill-in6 Sackuile, had iffue h lordan,Guy 9 &' Iehanne Sackutll } m2r~ hExch»uGu,d 9 nude$ a c- rf ^ ^^ddeftfonofthe fajd Sir Geffreys* iExck-trta'pfasiohan**. a m an not onely wealthy,but as potent amongft the Nobility, as being him felfca k Baron,anditfeemesatthcfirfthewasnoneofthclaft (while Eng- u H*it»,fhed, ? * z ^ ^ in conjbuftion^ndied by the furious firebrands of c uill war res)to fide with the reft of the Barons againft the kingjfor which dilloialty,he fared as his Fa- Tories fecond Edition. g i Father had done before him, and loft his Lands in Ireland, butfofoone as King Iohn was dead, and Henry the third fctled in his Regall Throne, he *re- aC ^ , ' H -^" i l *P c tu •tored him to his ancient pofleflions againe, for that hce found him alwayes wife, and as willing to vvinne the reft of the Nobility to a dutifull fubie&ion, and acknowledgement of Soueraigne Authority. His Wifes name was b b p*. a» it e.i, Maud, by whom he had ifliie t wo fonnes, William and Bartholomew Sackuill; c William Sackuill of Buckhurf 5 fonne of the faide lor dan, was within age at c cfa/.A 0 194^,3. the time of his Fathers death, and thereby becamcthe Kings Ward. Hee married d Clara daughter of Mat hew de Haflings, and by her was Father of d Etc { ^ 4ru Guld . another 0 Sir lordande Sackuill, who being one of the forwarded: (amongeft aruGw e »» deS '* the Barons) to take vp Armes aga'm&Henry the third, was taken prifoner at* 3 ^ ,I, n o 10 the f battellof£«^4w, A°. 49^.3. hauings married Margerie daughter & p"ft bedum de £ uejbam. coheireof^^^^^«fc,anddyedA°. i.Ed. 1. leauingilTue h ^»^jy|^^ e ^ tf ^ 0 Hti " and Geffrey Sackuill. Sir Andrew de Sackuill ofBuckhurff,Kn\ght, fonne and hm^/.A" 2 ,E. 1, ' h hcire of the faide lor dan, whether that he tooke part with his Father ,or thruft intodifcontentby fome other meancs, I know not 5 butfurc I am, that the ung durft not truft him, but in a trufty place, in Douer Caflle, where hee was .mprifoned. yet two yeares after his Fathers death, by mediation of friends he 'obtained his enlargement, but withall hee was inioyncd by the Kings e- i£'W^« w34 E.i,rn n Ipeciall command to k marry without Dower, one Ermyntrude,m honoura- kC(4u l anna 10. bleLady ofthe houmold to Queene Elianor, and thence-forward had not onely the Kings faucur and his owne liberty , butrcgaincd moftofhis Fa- thers eftate. He had y lTuc by the faydc j L:idy Ermyntrude, a 1 fecond Sir An- j i Kqn ;f ama 1 6. iu n 2 j. dew Sackuill of Buckhurjl Knight, to whom King Edward the firft (for his good feruice in Scotland) granted m free Warren in all his Landsat Emington r , mOxfornjhire. He" dyed A°.^. E.2. leauingifiuc by Iohannems Wife, an a ww^.e.x. third Sir And* ew Sackuill Knight, borne at Emyngtan aforefaide, the twentie eight of September, Anno 3 4.E. 1 . who at the death of his Father, was but nineyearcsofage. He washighSheriffeof Surrey and Suffex, AnneqiE.2 and followed the Warrcs in France with Edward the Blacke Prince : hec had uTuc Sir • Thomas Sackuill oi BuckhurJl Knight, and Alice married to lohu la oc/au] Zouch, and after dyed Arno 44E.3 . which Sir Thomas Sackuillhis fonne/ 0 ^* ■vas high Sheriffe of Su(fx and Surrey y Anno 8 H.4. and 1 1 . H. 6. and after hcehadfpent much time, in maintaining his Soueraignes right againft the French, he married Margaret daughter of Sir Edward Dalingrugge Knight** itterstxcufrtniaich^ otBodyham Caftle in Suffix, lifter c f Sir Iohn Dalingrugge that dyed without t^mtidfrtllT'* iffue, and had by her Andrew and Edward Sackutll, and then dyed at his ^ ^innor ofBackburft, willing his body to bee buried in the Abbey of Beg- h»m, where yet his Armes remaine • as alfo in Withiham Church in Bmkhurfl and in two Lodges in Afhdowne Forreft, impaled with Dalingrugge. Edward S. kuill, fucceeded his father in his inheritance, and p releafed all his 1 ight in Vi^ZSH^USi Bodyham Caftle, and married 1 Margaret, daugherof Richard Wakchurjt of/**. mkehurfmSufex Efquire, and lyeth buried in the Parifli Church of iw'-^^Jgg^** /M^,asbyhisMemoriallthercft 11 extant is apparant, leauing Humfiey SackuiUEfauke oiBuckhurft h\s fonne to fuccecde him', who r married Ka. fExcharuif>(!ut 1 Humfridi therine daughter of Sir Thnmas Browne Knight.Trealurer ofthe Houfoold to ** ckuiJ1 ^ / /- R rrr 2 King 6$z A Reuiew of r aj^a°.4.h.7. King Henry the fixt, by whom hec had f ifliie Richard SackuiU of Buckburft, Efquire, twice high Sheriffe of Sttjfexaud Surrey, in the time of Henrie the feu;, nth, who married ifabeU daughter of John Digges of Barbam in Kent Ef- quire, and by her had 1 John SackuiU of Buckburft Efquire, three feueral times t topnfiA*. i 7-h, . sheriffe of thofe two Counties-, who tooke to wife Margaret, daughter of Sir willi&m Bit lien of Blickling in Norfolke Knight,and filler of Thomas Bul- len Earle of Wilt/hire & Ormondfxftiet to Q^Anne Bullen mother to QJZlity- u AptfjCa* / e* tf* neuer to be forgotten : by whom he had yfliie u Sir Richard SackuiU of Mau *' Buckburft Knight, Chancellor ofthe Exchecquer, andofthc Court of Aug, mentation, and a priuy Counfellor to King Edwardthe fixt, Queene Marie- and Queene Elizabeth. He married Winiftide, daughter of Sir /^fl Sragtt Knight (after married to John Pawlet Marquelfe of 'winchefter) & by hsr had xinqmf. A 0 iiTue x Thomas SackuiU and Anne BaronclTe Dacres of the South y which Tho- being employed into forreigne parts, attained thereby fingular know- ledge in fundry Languages and States. He was fometime priioner in Rome, and from thence being freed and returning home, Queene Elizabeth in the ninth yeare of her reigne, created Baron ofBuckhurft.He was twice fentAm- ba(Tador;once for France 3 & afterwards into the Low-Countries: then was he called to bee a Priuy Counfellor to Qneene Elizabeth, Chancellourof the Vniuerfity of Oxford, high Butler oiEngland, and Knight ofthe Noble Or- der ofthe Garter; and after, by the faid moit gracious Queene, made Lord highTreafurerof£^g/W. Laftly,vponthe thirteenth of March, Annoi, Jacebi in the Tower of London ',hc was created Earle of Dorfet. Hee married in the firft yeare of Queene Mary, with Cecily daughter of Sir hhn Baker of Cifsinghurfl in Kent Knight, priuy Counfellor to King Henrie the eight,Kin£ Edward^, Queene Marie, and Queene Elizabeth} by whom he had i/Tue fc iii e fonncs ; Robert Lord Buckburft the cldeft lonne, Henry, Sir William Satkuik,. Knighted in France by King Henrie the fourth the French King, Anno 1589. afterwards, where he rcceyucd that honour, he loft his life, 1 592. and Tbo* mz6 Sackuile-. and three daughters, Lady Anne SackuiU, married to Sir Henry Glemham of Suffolkc Knight, Lady married to Anthony Brown Yifcont Mountacute, and L ady Marie married to S ir Henrie Neuill Knight, fonne of Edward Baron of Aberganeny. Robert SackuiU Lord Buckburft Ion and hey re of Earle Thorn as , was the fecond Earle of Dor Jet of this Family. O f whom, fee more in the next place. Pag. I46.1in. 1 . your words are thefe. Robert Sackuile, fonne andheyre of Thomas, was after his Father Earle ofDorfet,and maried Ladie Margaret only daughter of Thomas late Duke of Norfolke, by whom he had iffue Richard Sack- uile the third Earle of Dorfet of that Family, and others. Hee bad iffue alfo two daughters, Cecily married to Sir Henrie Compton Knight of the Bath , and Anne married to Edward Seymour fonne and heire of Edward Seymor, and grandchild to Edward Earle of Hertford. He died in the fame]year his Father died, at Dor- fet hoafeinFleetftreet,And was buried by his father in Sujfex, l6o8. In the other place afore agoing , you did not Co much feeme to blemifli the Antiquity of this right Noble and Ancient Family, as by your voluntarie 0- millions in this place 3 you ay mc at the difgracc of fome of thej defendants, whom %rkgs fecond Edition. 683 whom (for the right I owe to truth) may not bee fo let flip, without calling you to an accompt for it. Was not Sir Edward Sackuile Knight of the Bath now liuing, this Earle Roberts fonnc i Who can deny it f Was he not inyour firft Edition j yet hcere left out in your fecond ? It is verie true . Whence then can this omiffion proceede, out of Ignorance ? No, had you not ftricken it out of your eopie to the Prcffe, it would haue ftoode ftill. Whence pro- ceeds it then < Surely out of 'Malice (though the ones malice the other needs not feare) and Greenwich was the place that begat it, at fuch time as this wor- thy Knight, fpeaking of fome antiquities (if I miftakc not the word) told the Princes HighnefTe of one in M. Yorkes hand, which the Prince comming to fee, it was fhamefully denyed, and fo for the time fhuffled ouer 5 (M. Yorke can expound the Riddle) from which time and (as I ghefTe) for none othet caufe, hath he croffed him out of his bookes. Next, that he might further vn- gorge himfe lfe of his fpleene agsinft this Family ,he hath left out the memo- nail of this Earle Roberts religious and charitable foundation of a Colledge, for one and thirty poore people at Eaft Grinfted'm Suflex, which he endow- ed with 3 30.H. per annum for euer for their maintenance : all which was in his firft Edition. But to returne to the continuing of this Difcent where I laft left, I fay Robert Sackuile Lord Buckhurft^ fonneand hey re of Earle Thomas > fucceeded his Father in the Earledome of Dorfit, which hec enioyed not lc ng, for hee dyed the fame yea re his Father did, and was buried at Withy ham by his An- ceftors, hauing married Lady Margarct,on\y daughter of Thomas late Duke of Norfolkcjoy whom he had ifTue three fons, and as many daughters, Tbo- tnasSachiflddehionne, dyed young, Anno 1585. Richard now Earle of P^/^fecondfonncbornethe2 6.ofMarch,^<» 1588- SivEdtvard Sack- mil made Knight of the Bath at the Creation of Prince Charles, Anno 1616 third fonne, who hath married Marie, daughter and fole hey re of Sir George Cur fin otCroxaUm the Countieof Derby Knight, and of Marie his Wife, filler and fole hey re of Sir Walter Leuefin of LiUefhull'm the County of Satop Knight, by whom he hath ifluc Richard Sackuid bornethe 1 6. of Seprem- ber, Anno 167.1. The daughters names of Earle Robert ,were Wwiftidewho dyed young, Anno 1 5 87. Lady Cecily SackuiU fecond daughter, mariyed to Sir Henrie Compton Knight of the Bath, and Lady Anne SackuiU the yongeft , married firft to Edward Seymour Lord Beattchampe, grandchildctof^W Earle of Hertford, and fecondly to Sir Edward Lewes Knight. Richard Sacktti/eLordBuckhurjl, wasafter the death of his Father, the third Earle of Dorfit of that Family, and isnowliuin?,^^i622. hcefini- fhed the aforefaid Colledge beganne by his Father, and new built our Lady C happell at Withy ham in Suffix, where his Anceftorslye buried, and mar- ried the Lady Anne C/$W,daughter and fole heyre of George Earle of C urn- bcrland,hox&CliffordWe(imerUnd,M&refiy and Knight ofthe Garter, by whom he had ifTue, r^w^5^«^ Lord ^^/ 5 that dyed in his infancy at tnoUin Kentjh? 26. of Iuly, Anno 1620. at the age of fixe months : Lady Margaret SackuiU borne at Knolliht fecond of Iuly, Anno 1 6 14. & Lady lja- belUSackmUbomeztKnoU'mOetQtoex>AnnQ 1622. One ,t t ta .H.> K..W A Reuiew of Oncword more before I leauc this place, in the behalf e of U.Miltes whom you haue taken to taskc in your Errors before your firft Edition and where you would perfwade the world that M. MiUes (a man whofc bookes youarevnworthytobcarcafterhim)inhisC^4W^/^ wrs fl^u vfe thefewords 5 pag.4i3. 9 Robert Sackuile, eldefl fonve of Thomas, was after his Father, Earle of Dorfet } by Lady Margaret Howard file daughter of Thomas Duke ofXtyfolke. Whereupon you giuc him a fchooling, and thus tell him : How this Robert Sacfaile, could bee Earle of Dor fet by Lady Margaret Howard his wife, is more then by mybookeslcanfinde^ confideringhis Father was created Earle ofDorfet to him and his heires male. Inwhich^ WzHercules in a play thatmakes monfters of ftraw foryourfelfe to fubdue fo haue you wrefted his Writings to a wrong fence, for your felfc to finde a fault;forIaiiowthatM.^wwntesnotasyou haue deliucred it h,*« hcere followes out of^hisbooke 5 pag 4 ,^andnot4i 3 ' 5 Lady Margaret Howard, fole daughter tothe famous Princedom*! Duke of Norfolke. wMfirll wife to Robert Sackuilc Earle ofDorfet. Now let the Reader iudge how fairelyr^dcqles, whether Ik e had any ^^ff^"^ buronlyfalfified him himfelfc, thereby poffible) to haue left a blot vpon his name,whofe worth and workesVured- ly will neucr brained with that wicked ton,o Uc . workesaUured Ex CESTER. HI £111: f :l f f d r ^ htl ^ ,n y°^fir(t Booke,that Tho- flPl Z tc/ 0me ° f hh ?jf G "^ mthc/ourth year) of King dSM Hemcxtetttms^ now you fay it was in Mt+fl** „. fa^S^ Weftrnin cw>M.^h )5 .«' 13 « c Vhc eighteenth of NouembcrfbeingtheJaftday of the Parliament) in ^ A . 4 .H. s .nM 3 . i^Fourthyeare^otthcFifiofHenrAcFtft, SeJbctein^rSc" Ewe. %rfe[econd Edition. ^g7 Ewe. Ag I59j™iz. MmmEarlt ofOw (fayyou) woe bamlbed England for rebelbm, and his Undsgiucn away.o miter Fitz.- tocbtra \h»JofConftance,(,perofth a will,amEarleof Ewe. TbeJtdWalterFttz.RichirdCMqutredltetker Gxtenl Hee fended the Abbey efrwterm.&c. Heereyouare contrar/to f A j /J',f gy ° r *"*> m <""«>R>>"fi* daughter of trailer G^ard "**»"*>-». bey, n^nd Robert. Which Imuch mufear/rharyou haS " JL f«- Itfcem stome , you are ignorant whxhofthefc two is true, orwhc- rift f ti. Ch ™ t0 b f "fi 0r " Wel!,„nce it frauds vpon hat pinch (although, hauc :once aire ady fh; wed it) I wll cite fomethinLaine to that letitngnt,andrnewyourignorance. $ Anno tb incarnation dom MCXUI hM , J *"fX'»iM,. jw. ■ ^ 1 ^ ^ /"«•** liberie X £ qmcptdadtlludpertoetfteut ,pfi te*ebtt,pro (alme Re™ Henri" Co"fl Modi* m«rufu,fim,, m .f m rum, & pro tnina Riurdi mam.fui Ate'. comejHtG.pbcrtnfiUmfomvxorfr e,m Aela, & Rlijfmro,at» A petmone amcorumfuonm Heere is wafer F itz..R, c bard proued to be forme of Rofc. Glocestbr 3c Hertford, Ag itf a. !in. a i . you fay, that tf^r (fonne of Confull of Gloccfler) ^BiJhof ofwinchcjter. Search the 'CatAloeueofBf- ^M^^cm^ jbops, and you (hall findc that he was Bifliop oiWorceft^ and that """^ hcdyedatr^in^,theninthofAuguft a ii7 ? . and was there buri- ed. 6%6 ARcuicwof a chrmMsm bUfctbec* ed. Another ancient Manufcript hath it thus : A Anno 1 164. Roger** Rober- fit. 1 7.4. ti cemitis GloucefirU MiusJVigorni* confecratur Epifcopns. Ibidem lin. 39. Gilbert de Clare the third Earle of Gloccfter and Hertford of that furname, died in the Caflle of Monmouth in the foure and twentieth year of King Edward the fir It, and was buried in Tewkesbury priory by his father ,12^ 5 Wherein you had done well if you had contented your felfc there^nd'eone no further : But you proceed with that point, and adde thefe wordes. The Booke of Croxden Abbey in Stafford/hire faith, this Gilbert was pine at Strut- ting. Hecre I muft needs tell the Reader, that whofoeuer lookes vpon book* with other mens eyes, cannot choofe but fometimes forfeit his ow»e, cither through mifciting, or not truly vnder ftanding the fcope of the O riginal Au- thor • which is in none better verified then in M. Torke, whofe ignorance I will not now mfift vpon, but vpon his fabrication ofcrokefdenAbby-booke: and that I may do the booke no wrong, neyther M. Torke, I will heere bring them mouth to month : Yorkes words you haue heard already, the Books are Ann^deCroM^ Ms.in thdl / Am ° MCCCXIIII. difsipato Regis Anglic & Baronum multerum a Mtwtheca cottotuma . S cotts ,apud S muelm, in fefto natalU beati lob amis Baptifid , vbi Gilbert us Co- mes Gloucejlnx obift, cr Comes HerefordU Johannes de Segraucjv.le Latimer, & alfjflurmi, captiui ducli furJ. Had M . Torke but conlider; d of the time when this ouerthrow of Strmelin had becne ; Or but bekeued that Striuelin andS^/;»£arc all one, he would not hauefathcred that fallacy vpon Crokef- don Booke : yea, had he but remembre d his o wne words elfe whei e deliuercd r^Catalogue^ag^r h ; would haucforr3orne it : for thus he writes, Gilbert declare, thelaji Earle i.edit.&pag.i* 7 ,2 edition of Glocejter and Hertford of that furname and Family, being with King Ed. thefecond in Scotland, to raife the fiedge of Sterling Caflle, was there jlainein the yeare 1313- fyc. Now, if you will giue Crokesden booke once lcauc ag line to j^ACN&toinfifi* n ot G/7^his Father asr,,* cites ir) was hcthatwasfeat^^l thus it bcgmncs&tew MCCCX V. 3 non m Februarijfiilicet die Mercurijpofi feftum Turificationis ,dominusTheobaldm de Verdun huimdomm pat r onus, defponfauit Eli^abet filtam domini Gilberti declare C omit is GlouemU, do mtna lohann* de Acres, fill a Edwardi Regis apud Bripll. prius namquc nupta eratfiltoprimogenito Comitis deVlnefier in Htbemia, &peperit ei filium& ktredem. Frater autem did* doming Elizabeth (now we are at the point)/?/. licet Gilbert us de C lare Comes Glouernia occifus eratin kilo Scotot urn anno pre- terit 0 , apud Strmelin. Pag.i70.lin.33. Humfrey Plantagenet Duke of Glocefler~-at a Parlia. mem held at S.Edmundsbury m Suffolke, 1446, was arraigned of high treafon, ana Uhe twenty threeof February after (by you) i W Je wo* found fir angled to death m the Abbey of Bury, and within fixe lines after that, yon fay againe, his body was conueighedto the Abbey of S. Albons.and there buried 1446.^. 25.R*. which laftwordsofyoursare trueinfaying hce was buried 1446. Efcae, a° 2r.H 6 i»c« ^^.6.1uratoresdicuntquodHumfridut nuper Dux Gloc.obut vicefmo Htrtfird. tm " du February, anno regni Regis Henrici fexti vicefimo quinto, which plain ly lh?wyourotherwordstobefalfc,infaying that A° 1447. heewasfound ftrangledto death at S.Sdmundsbury, when he was buried at S.Albans the yeare before. p %>%rfecond Edition. Pag.i7i.lm.5. Edward Lord 'S eymour (fay you) and Knight of the Carter was created rifcount Beauchamp the twentie eight ofKivg Henrie the eight. His being Knight of the Gmer, or Vifcount Beauchampe I queftion not but y u call him Edward Lord Seymour , as if he had bcenc Baron Seymour, before he was created Vifcount Beauchamp, which was not To : for the fit ft ftep of pre- termentthat he had, was Knight ofthe Garter, then Vifcount Beauchampe, ncxtEarleof HertfordMl which Honors were beftowed vpon him by King Henry the eight, then King Edward the fixt his Nephew * added vnto them aPat « A ° »< E - 6 -™ 2 °- theTitleofBaron^>w^inthefirftyeareof hisreigne vpotuhe fifteenth of February, and the morrow after b made him Duke of SomcrGt. Sec more b Pat.*,/$w in Somerfetj Pag. 483. H EREFORD. DAg. 177.IU1. 30.VOU tell vs, that Humfiey de Bohun the bftof that name A Earleof Northampton, Hereford^ Efjex dted in the feanen and fortieth yeare of King Ed. the thirds hearken what the Inqui/itors %, c dictm fa - Efiaei.h* 46.E. 3. n° 10 per facr amentum fuum quod Humfr; das nuper Comes Hereford & Eflex, obijt Lonaon,Glo,t( '!tioh.DKi* B^dftd. Sec more in Kendall, pag.*73 • LlNCOLNE, PAg. 203. Henry Lacy thefecond Earle oTZincolneof that Family,! marri- ed Margaret, daughter and heyre of William Longejfee, Grandchildeof Wtlliam ungejpee Earle of Salisburie, &c$ He died at bis houfe norv called Lin- colneslnnej. 3 1 o. which emendarion I commend you for 5 for in your other Bookeyoufay^hedyed A° 1311. Your old faults arefo rarein your new booke, that I muft confefle when I finde one corrected, it warmes my heart , and makes methinke, that all the furniture of your well furmjhedLibrarie, is not train : for now and then (though not often) i lec they helpe a lame dogoretheftyle. You know that in my Difcouery I ftood vpon this point, and proued it againft you, by which peraduenture you haue amended this : which proofe there cited, I will fecond with thefe enfuing wordes, for that out of them there is an excellent obleruation to be gathered concerning Ho- mage. uhvrmatusdewmchcomh SfSti&y&morandum quod A° DomMCCCX.dominica prima Quadragefima Ms m itbfotheca Cottomana | ||\5zj a^nno regni Regis Edwardi filij Regis Edwardi quarto ,obijt ejr fepeli- ^^^^ebatur domwus Henricm de Lacy vltimm Comes Lincoln. qui cum fili~ am Comitis Saresbur. baredem duxijfet in vxorem , genuiffetque ex ea filiam *vnicam quam reliquit baredem Comitates S aresbur. pradicli ejr Lincoln. ejr quamviuente adbuc Rege Edwardo feniore, Henricus de Lancajlria, Comes de Lancaftria,filius Domini Edmundifratris Domini Edwardifenioris Regis pra- dicli duxerat in vxorem. Cumtfa Edivardus iunior, contra Robert um Bruys qui fefecerat in / egem Scotia coronan, ejr fic pradiclum Edwardum extra regnum Scotia ui armata teneri, propter quod idem Rex apud Berewicam fuper Twedam eodem tempore morabatur, tenens in manu fua pradiclos Comitatm Lincoln, ejr Saresbur. DicJus Henricus de Lancajlria tanquam /lie qui ius babuit per vxo- rem %rfys fecond Edition. 6 % 9 remfuam,di6lumdominum Regem admit, offer em ei homagmm ejr fidelitatem proprtdiciis terris quaflbiaccreuerant per vxorem. Et cum aqua viz.Tweda diuidetregna Anglia<& Scotia,mifit ad Regem quod vemret extra Beremcam &fufiiperet homagium fuum, & hoc facer e recufaret idem Rex. idem Henricus aft ante populo infinito,pofuit%fe in aquam quamdm potuit finefuhmerfione, pro- tettansjeparat um ad faciendum Homagium in remociori parte reoni. Et ficre- cedens die 1U0, Helena tunc Regina Anglia fiUa Regis Francia,ho*cre'jliciens per fenettramdeCaftro deBeremk,mifit ad diclum Comitem, quo dvfy in craft i- nummoraretur. Sluicum ad eimrogatum mor am facer et, in craft mo exiuit Rex,&venitwAngliambeneadduasLeucM, in quadam paruavillula, ucis Lancajlria, per quam am- plifsimam adijt haireditatem : 3\£ec folum Dux Lanca- jlrite, fed etiam Leiceftria? Lincolnia? & Ttcrbite effeilus: E cuius Jbbolefmperatores^eges, Trmcipeset Troce- respropagatijuntplurimi. ^Alteram habutt vxorem—> Conjlanciam (qua? hiccontumulatur) filiam & hteredem-j c Petri r %egis Cafiillia? et Legionis, cuius iure Optimo titulo ^egis Qaflilli* m etLegionis vfusejh Ha?c vnicam^illi peperit filiam Catherinam, ex qm ab Henrico lieges Hifi pania? funt propagati* Tertiam vero Dxorcm duxit Cathe- rinam ex equeflri Familia et cximia pulchntudine fcemi- nam, ex quanunierofam fufcepit prolem : Dnde genus ex matre duxit Henricus 7. %ex magnus Senejcballus Jnglite, obijt anno zz.regni %egis Ttyhardi 3 z^Annoq^ dom.i^pp What fay you now? Doth it not fay that it was ConflAnce his fecond wife, quAbiccontumuUturthzt'wascntombzd with him ? It fo, then you arc in a wrong boxe s in telling vs that hee lyes there bur .ed by Blanch his firji wife. Now hauc a long with yon from Lanctlter to Lcicefter. LEICESTER Yorkes lecond Edition. Leicester. PAg. 2ii.lin. 34. you truly deliucr, that Robert de BeUomont farnamed Bcffue, warned Itta daughter of Raph de Waet Earle of the Eafl Angles, and thcnibme few lines after you tell vs, that About the wife of this Robert Bofftt is fomequeflion. For William Gemitieenjis, pag. 6j6. who liued 'in that age, fet- teth downe, that he married Ittam daughter of Raphe de waet Earle of Nor- wich, and had ijfuc Robert Blanchmaynes Earle of Leicefler. To contradicl this, Jfinde that this Robert Boffu and Amkia his wife, in the yeare 1 144 . did found t he Monafiene of Saint Mary de Pra'is, without the North gate of Leicefler . Andalfo in a Deede of Robert Bl&nchm dynes fonne of this Robert Eo(fu,I find alfo written. Robert Earle of Leicefler, eyc.Knowyee, that lhauegiuen cr confirmed to the Monkis of Wrokefiall ten [hillings rent year lie for euer -which my Father gaue them, for thefoule of his Father ^ndhis predeceffors y and for the Joule of A~ micia the CeunteJJe my mother, &c t Wttneffe P. Comma. Hugh Camp.Wtlli&m deChir. Gilbert Charnell,ana others. Heere matter r^/tf hath (hewed his reading indcede ! Whofayesheisno Scholler Who fayes he vnderftands not Gemiticenjis I Docs he not vnder- ftand him, w6 yet labours to proue him f aultie C No afllircdly , for that Lm • guage that Gemittcenfis is written in, hee is yet to Iearnc, and therefore hath he gotten one in Englifh to informe himfelfe by. But was not her name It. ta^Gemiiice/ifisdc[\.WQXs\f. Peraducnture not : for we hauemcre feuerall proucs, both out of Storieand Euidence, that fhe was called Amicia.To con- clude, we h; uc her name both wayes fct downe, and by good Authors, yet vndoubtcdly her true name was Anuria . And if Amicia, then M Torke is not to be cleared himfelfe, becaufe he queftions another, but to bee like wife queftioned himfelfe, that is not warned by another. Dcth not hee himfelfe, in this verie page, line 2.8 fay, that Robert de Beliomont married itta daughter of Raph de waet, and within fixe lines following, quarrell with Gemiticenfis for the fame words * It is my opinion they are both faultie in that name : but let me go onto the Deede cited,rtfr£. Comittjfa^ meanmg Petronilla Cowitijfa, thztls^Pernellthe Countejje, wife to Robert de Bellomont the firft partie named in that Deede, and mother to Ro- ben (Curtained Fitz, PeweU, as being her fonne) Earle of Leicefter. See Dif- couery in Herefordjpzg.i 34.and in Leicefter,pag.$o i . Pag. 21 2 .line 29 yHugh Earle of Hinkeley (theleare yourowne wordes) Steward to the King, to all his Barons ; Chorles, &c. Knowyee, that lhauefieely confirmed to the deuout Ji/lers of S. Margarets of Haclington, all that guift of William the Earle my father ; and Henrie the fonne of Earle Thirkild my Grand- father didgiue, &c. Thefe being Witnejfes, Robert Earle of Leicefter and Per- neli his wife my daughter^ Gar gas the fonne of Hugh the chamber lame Wide- brand the Dapifer and others. About this Deed (heerc cited by yon, growes this Sluxre, whether it be a Counterfeit, or not : which I doc much liifped. Firft, becaufe you fay, that Hugh Grantmaifnell was Earle of Hmkley, when you your felfe vpon better confideration will fay as I fay, that there was ne- ucr any bore that title. Secondly, you lay, that Hugh confirmed to Haclmg- ton all the gift of William the Earle his father. When it is moft line, chat his Fathers name was not Williambm Robert Grantmaifnell, neither was hee an Earle. Thirdly, that he likewife confirmed allthegifte of Henry the fonne of Earle Thickild his Grandfather. Which fhall not be allow ed as truth by me, without better authority. And that I may let you know wherupon I ground AVerjut Camden pag. 6 1. my words, examine your a owne writings, Gcmiticenfis* Knighton, andall °f Grantmeifnell, and ibelec tie you will turneyour C ake fth pan, and eatc it when you haue done. M A R C H. "DAg. 2 19. you fhew vs for the Armes of Roger Mortimer firft Earle of the Marches of Wales, thefe depicted in the Margent, with a pci fwaforie in- ducement fpag. 22o.line 6.) hoping your Reader will beleeue you, in thefe words. Thefe Armes ifet downe for this Roger ^ I found cut in Stone, and fain- ted in the glajfe-windowes in jhe Parifh Church of Hagley iu WorceBerfloire, and by all conietture^ cannot be lejfe then foure hundred yeares old •. I hold them to bee 'very truely made. Which coniedturall difcourfe of yours, I doe not a little maruellat,and greatly pitty them that beleeue it. Doe you heerethinketo furprize our beleefe with the Antickc fi&ions of a Caruers braine ?That be- caufe you finde it anciently in this manner there cut in ft one ^ and Painted in windowes, that therefore we muft do as you do, hold it to be very truly made, and fo haply it is (I meanc truly made) for fome other Family, and not for Morti- Tories fecond Edition. Mortimer* For was it not a vfuall thing in thofe times, that many who were Mem all attendants , or Feodals^ & held lands of a great Nobleman (as MmU mer was) by any ccrtaine fer uice, or otherwife deuoted vnto them, to aflume vnto themfelues for their Armes, the Deuice of their Lords coate, or fome way es alluding thereto, either by changing the colouss^ retaining the charge or adding to the charge? N o w to fpeake a word or two concerning the town; of Hagley w here the Armes are laid to be, I affirme (for fo Records tell me I may do) it was neuer belonging to the Mortimers^ neither holden of them ; therefore the Arme s might well oe fome other mans, if they be true. But to returne to your opinion. Muft wee beleeucthe Coate to be vndoubtedly true, as it is there in Stone and Glajft, and fo admit of a bare affirmation Py- thagoras dixit , Torke hath faid it, therefore ntaxime credendum, it is not to be feared ? Muft we (I (ay J in regard of this brain-ficke conccice, be as ready to receiue it, that hauea thoufand (yea twice flue thoulandj authorities againft it ott of Seales^ old Holies, Glaffe rvindorves, and Monument s t as he is vpon the fight of one imaginary foundation < For my part, I muft profefTe,thar I hauc feene fogood warrant in all i Kings time s, wherein this Fami ly of Mort mer flouiifh :d (af« thnt whstfoeuer Yorke hath fliake my opinion, but ftill cf fix Or and A^nre, on a cheef ter Armes became hereditarie) here deliuered, doth not one iot confirmes it, that he bore Barry of the firjt, two pallets betweene as uer all an efchoebcon Argent: and him, was either another mans many efquierres or Squires , o- that this Coate inftanced by then Mortimer j, or die meerely miftaken both by the Caruer and Glafier^ as (we all fee, which we may forrow) many things of that nature are at this day by ignorant Artifts, which future times will rue 3 if remedy bee not had the boner. MONTAGVE. PAg.223. lin.24. you fay,that George T(euill(fenne oflohn Marques Mon- tagttc)Wdi created Duke of Bedford the tenth of king Edward the fourth, but the enrollment of the Creation allures me that he had that dignity beftow- cW g 9( ^ joEd n , cd vpon him the fife of Iannary, in the ninth (not the tenth,) of Edward the ongi^.E^tl,?^ fourth. See more in 5^W,pag40. NOR- tfp^. A Reuiew of Norfolk e. pAg.243. lio:8.you tellvs, that fofrnLord Mowbray wasreftoredto the Earledomes of Jslotiingham and Surrey in the firft yean of King Henrie thefift. And in the fourth y ear e of the fade Kings r eigne , at a parliament held at Wefminfter the King was dubbed Knight , by lohn Duke of Somerft then Regent of prance, and this John Mowbray, reflored to be Duke of Norfolke, All which I hauefpoken enough to in my Difcouery'm Norfolke, pag. 347. 348.349.3 50. whether I rcferrcthe Reader, whileft that I prouide mylelfe toanfwerthe next place. Penbrobe. pAg.280.lin.33.ycu fay, that William Herbert Earle of Penbrokebdxe. foe A h:s Amies, Party per pale d'a^ur ejr dcgueu/les, au trots Lions rampant d'ar- gent, a la bordme gobonne d'or & de all which is well, but then you come with au crejjant d^Or^ as if that wasall 3 when it is moft cerrainc that he boievponthegobonniegueuHes'mthLbotdut^^bta/A^tSi as his plate at Wind- fore, andthe Books of the Garter could haue informed you . 0 Pag. 2 8 i.lin-30. you dcliuer tovs, that the now right honourable William "Ezrkofpenbroke, and Lord Chamberlaine doth bi-arc per pale d'Or, & de gueulles, au trois Lyons rampant d argent, a vn I ordure gobonny d'Or cjr de gueulies : whichto meefcemesfttange, that you (whofe Eagles eyes were wont to be prying into eucrypaffage) ncuerobferued that before, feeing he hath waiued the bordure gohonne thefefoureyeares, and quite left it out of his bearing, as Saint Georges fcocheons might yearly fithence haue alfured you. Shrewesbvry, pAg,288 you haue thefe words, Roger de Montegummerie came into Eng- land with WtUtam the Conqueror, whogaue him the Earledomes of Shrew f. bury and ArundeH. He warned Maberia ^daughter of mlliam Taluaife, and ft. fier and heire of Arnold de Bcltfmo^and baa" iffue fine fonnes and foure daughters (as William Gemtticenfis hath: jail which I found in yourm ft Edition, but nowinyourfecondyouenlargeitwiththefe wordsj and yetinthu Rogers Foundation of the Monaflerte ofS. Peter and Paul in the (nkurbes oftheCity of Shrewsbury fa wiues name is there Adalaife : whtrcin (Ipromife youj you haue Yorkes fecond Edition. 9 y .cap iC. haue made a worthy Difcoucry, out of your little wit ; you think(it feemcs,) thaty ou haue taken Gemit icenfis halting, in that hee fayes Roger Montgome. ries wifes name was Mabilia, bcc-uife the foundation of Shrewesburie callcs her ^/^>neuer considering that he might hauc two Wiues of thefe two fcuerall names, as indeede he had. For it istiue (as Gemiticenfts fayes) hee CemiticcrifM married to his firft wife Mabilia, fometitnes called Mabiria daughter of Wil- liam Taluaife, aud had ifiuc as aforelaid : after whoft death ffhee being mur orderie. -waLpag.svtffi. thered as the Writer of our Norman ftorie tcllcs vs) he married for his fe- cond Wife Adclais, daughter of Ebrard de Pufecioj Noble Frenchman, by whom he hadiifue a fonnc called alfo Ebrard,who was Chaplain to WiHum Kufus and Henric the firft : all which I hauc already proued before in Arun- delljpzg. 1 6; to which place i referre the Reader for further fatisfaftion, that heere 1 might auoid repetition. Yet Jet me intrr atyou to take thtfe wordes with you, which I haue happened vpon fince I wrote the other, as they are to be feene in the Hiftorie of Perch, out of a confirmation of diners religious Grants of Lands to the Abbey of nique called S. Eurolji&c omnia concedes GtUet Bry tn Htljoh . e liuf ^ tibusflijs meis Roberto de Betlifmo & Hugone at% Philippo , pro redemptions (?c 0 mudePmheM.»w amma me& & Adtlaidis coningitm meorum y meorumy pradeceffbrrtm a' que l ^" g ' 6S * futurorum h&redum'm conjpectu Dei hie annuo. Which likewife ihewes his two \Viues a as aforefaid- Now I will to the next. Pag. 2 9 8 . 1 finde this written : Vpon the T mbe of Hugh de Montgimmery Earle of Shrewsbury and Arundellikkh Milles) hee is pictured in S torn, with his leggesa erofje (as in old times was vfed) andvpon his jhield, A{ure a Lyon rampant Golde, with a border . Whereunto Yorke reply es tnthis manner, Which you (meaning his Reader) may beleeue if you lift ; for at that time nor •within an hundred yeares after ,neither King nor fubiecl didvfeany Armes in England,™ Mr Scales or Shields , that euer / could finde or fee ■ Andyet doe I t hmkeArmesvfedlongbeforetheConquejlb V heNormans. Now that! may c , ra]oglieofKingS)pas . I3 , entangle you in your owne words, reade thefe that follow, as you hauc deli- ^ft Edition, uered them your felfe. King Richard the firft didbearefor his Armesin his Pa- uls or shield one Lion rampant, and this is the firft Armes that euer I could fee any authority for, but afterward he bare three Lyons pajjantgardam . Which later, directly difproue your firft alTertion.in faying, that of a hundred years after ' Hurt de Montgomery es death, neither King nor fubiect did v(e Armes in EwUnd : for reckon from the yeare 1098. in which you fay Earle '. Hugh was flaincto^Wthefirftstime.Cwhoitistrue bore Armes; and you will want many yeeres to make vp your hundred. Ae line to take further hold of your words, that although Armes by the Engliih were not accompte d of in thofe times,^ (you hy)?ou think Armes were vfed Ion, before the Ccnquefi by the Normans : if you ilea ue open that °ap for me,tkn I defireyou wil telme what countryman this Hugh deMont tomerie (commonly called deBelifmo) was. WashcnotaN^ 5 aIthough . pofM of Englilh Honors ? Afinredly you dare not deny it : then needed voiinotforfflilytohauewritte beleeue them that lift, for you acknowledge Armes . & autres de Normtndie, Robert leur pis atfne, le quel reprit le mm & Armes (do you obferue it) de la maifin deBeUefme^fappella Robert de Belief me, ejr eft celuy tarn renomme pur les hiftoires dAngleterre & de Normandie. Ses autres fieres furent appoint es pendant la viede leurpere en Angleterre. Ungues cut les Comtesd'ArondeUrjr de Scrobbesburie y aufquels apresfamortfucceda ledit Robert fan frere. You mall heare of me next in Suffolke. SVFFOLKE. 'Ag.30vh"n.5.youfay,that Michaeldela Pole Knight of the Carter was by King Richard thefecond, made Lord (Vingjteld, r v/hich I will beleeue, when you fliew me the Owf/'/?, or tell mee where 1 mall findc him fummoned to Parliament, with that addition of Lord Wingfield^ till when, I hope your Reader will giue as little credit to your words (in that kinde) as I do. Ibidem lin.24. You make a long harueftof afmalldeale, notofCorne, but of Cockle • and (as one f aide at the (hearing of Hogges) great cry for a little, and that not very fine Wooll. You fuppole fit feemes) that eyther your words will be credited, partly in refpccT: of your perfon.partly through the weight of your proofe, or elfe that any words from your mouth,will|ea- fily Aide into the bcleefe of thofe, who are lulled in the lame indination,be- caufe partialitie will notfuffer men to difcernc tructh, being eafily beguiled in things they defire ± otherwife alTuredly you would haue bcene afhamed of your Writings inthisplace 3 and not to lay ib about you with your Pen, as with a Flaile, againft worthy Clarenceux , whom you taxe as followeth. M.Camden m his Britannia,pag.^.6^. affir meth, that Michael de la Vole Earle of Suffblke,was a Merchant of HuU,andfonne to William de la Pole Merchant andMaior of Kingslwvpon Hull^ That he was borne of meane parentage ,and that King Edward the third did make him a Banneret 3 which I hold to be very untrue : for it was William de la Pole this Michaels Vnckles fin {they meane ) that was the Merchant of Hull,fa which did leaue his patemaU coat of Armes , u beare Azure twobarres wauie Argent {as a token of his employment at fea) And for further proofe heereof this Michael was a knight of the Garter ^ which he could not haue bene at that time by the flames of that Order, had he not bin 4 Gentleman of three Difcents{as he was-,) for his father and grandfather were Both knights. And that it was not this Michael de la Pole,but William his father which King Edward the third made a Banmretfhefe Letters Patents following, wiSteJltfa. Edward Yorkes fecond Edition. 6 9 y fj|p|D ward ^ the grace of Cjod, King of England > 1 W^ Lord of fr eland, and Dufy of qJT (puttaint^, &c. t^nowyou, that when our faithful and welbeloued SuhieU William de la Pole, prefently after our coming into the farts on this fide the Sea, hearing and vnderjlandingthat our affayres for which we tool^e our iourny, were for want of money very danger oufly deferred. j whofe meanes being thus furthered, W ? yyere to come to Hanovv neere the Marches of France, fromnhenceJVee could go no further, without a great fumme of «JMoney, whereof !Ve were altogether Km- prouided: State and Honor o^Banneret. > Henry Hi/bop Lincblne, William Northamp- ton, William Salisbury, Robeit SufTolke, Earles, Henry de Ferrers our Chamberlaine, Percy, Steward of our Houfe y and others. GiuenvnderOurhandat *5Kfarcojne-> in France, the feuen and twentieth of September^ the thir- teenth of Our Reigne. In which Obieelion of yours a^ainft our learned Camden you haue com- mitted foure grofle faults. You fay H.Camden in his Britannia, pag. 469. affirmeth, that Michael de la Pole was a Merchant of Hull, which you bold to teveryvntrue,thatisone. You fay, that hee affirmeth, that Michaell was feme of William de la Pole Merchant and Maior of KingBon derftand, for thefe they are. Dominus Michael de la Pole qui fuit re?ni Can- ^l, , r , ceUarm,jactus est Comes Southfolchia, — vir plus aptus mercimonijs quam » **• militUy & qui trapez>etis in pace conjenuerat, non armatis in bello. Heere yon fee, he dealt in Merchandize and money-changing : but within one leafe af- ter that, the fame Author plainly telsyou, that he was Mercator a Merchant, if I vndcrftacd this that folio wes, fpeakin g of Michaell(atte Pole, as there he ^^m^ J3J „ I9 . calles him) Earle of SurTolke, Sluifutrat a pueritia magis ?nerctmonijS,vtpote Mercator Mercatoris filius, quam militia occupatus. 2. Secondly, you hold that to he very vntrne in M. Camden, where hee fayes, that William de la Pole (father of Earle Michael) w us a Merchant and Maior of Kings! on vpon Hull : but I hold your contradiction to b? very im- pudent, and your reafons very fh >lLw, and this that enfues fhall tell you Co. id v ar dm Dei gratia, &c. falutem.Sciatis quod atten denies magnum et of or- fj^tJ^t^ft^o Utnum fubftdium, quod ' dileclus Mercator nofter Willimusdela Pole plunes, &pr , 7 8. ihall affirrae itfGulielmus de la Pole mtles, print Mercator fuit apud Raucaf- ro^mercandi^udifcientiainfiruausnulliAngligenamercatorifecu Ipfepojlca */>»,Sant~ti Michaelisiuxta dtclum Kingfton qttbd ™d'eftCartufienftum,incboauit&fundauit h fil^ turn Dommum Michaelem de la Pole Comitem Sujfolcu, qui ditlum Monafte- rtumpercarthufienfes fecit inhabitari. ipfe quidem Willielmus de la Pole multamllta librarum auriRegi Edwardoaccommodauit,dum apud Andcwerp WBrabantu noraretur. guapropter Rex ^recompenfattonemdicJi aurora fl citeumB4rombMScAccarijfm,tot»m dominium** Holdernesvnacumalijs term %rfys fecond Edition. 703 terris dignitatiRegi£fpetiantilus,per Cartam Regime* cMuliu& pracepit\vt pro Baneretto haberetur, Moreouer, for that you fhall haueno colour of exception againft my words, or ought elfe that hath bene cited, firft reade this out of Record, Rex omnibus adquos^c.falutem f, Sciatis quod cum dudum concefserimus dilettis Pate „ tesfMeminHM An Mercatonbus nojtrts Richardo de la Pole (jr WiJ Jimo de la Pole ftatri fuo cer- & l & W"- A 0 ' 3 E. 3 m 20 ta terras ejr tenement a in villa de Mponfuper Hull. Habenda ejr tenenda eif- Richardo Willimo, ejr haredibm frU , de nobis ejr haredibus rtoftris . ' Reddendo nobis fcr annum ad Scaccarinm mjlrum decern libras ejr tres foltdos imperpetuum : ac poftmodu intuitu laudabilis obfequij nobis per pr a fat arRicar- dum & Willimum impenfi y remiferimus eifdemdittam feodi firman decern li- braruejr trium foltdorum adtotam vitam eorundem Ricardi ejr WiWimiprout tn Uteris noftris patentibus inde confeclis flenius dicitur cotineri.Nos cofideran- teslabores varios ejrexpenfas quos ijdem Ricar.^r Wil fro nobis p oft ea multipli- er fubitrunt & proinde Vncklcs fonne to Earle Michael, married Margaret lifter and hey re of John Peuerelloi Jfhby Dauid now called Caftell Afhby in the Countie of Norihamp ton. Now hethatwas the Merchant and Michaels Vather , married Kathe- rine fifter of Sir John Norwich Knight , which this enfuing licenfe affirmes. RCx omnibus ad quos, ejr c. Sciatis quod attendentes magnum ejr oportunum fab- ******** wfo/ra m 2©. ftdium t quod dileclus Mercator no/ler Wiliimus de la Pole qui de nobis tenet in capite,plaries ejr prafertem poft transfietationem no fir am v It imam nobis fecit , necnon impenfum nobis obfequium laudabileper emdem, ad inftantem fuppli- cationem ipfius Wi\\imi,conce(simu* ejr li cent i am dedimus pro nobis ejr hare- dibus nojlris, Katherinas 'vxori dicJt Willimi, quodipfapoft mortem ipfius VJittimimaritare fepofsit c main que voluerit, ejrc T "fie Rege apud Andewerpy xv.dieMay.by thisyou likewile fee, that William de la Pole the] Mer chanty (whofe good feruiee you may obferue, the King neuer forgets) married Kd~ therine, who as I (aide but now, was Katherine fifter of Sir John Norwich^ which ftil agrees with all our beft Gencalogifts, and the Genealogies ofthat Family, A Reuiew of Family. Then lA.Torke cannot for ftiarac but confeflchimfclfe farrewidc in his affirmation, and worthy he is ( might I but giuc the cenfure)to aske re- uerend Camden pardon vpon Jiis knee, for this and the like falfe fuggeftions by him raifed againft him. Now that the Reader may the better conceiue what hath bene dcliuered, I haue drawne downe fo much of the Defccnt of De la Tele as (hall in prima facie, at the firft fight, giue him a tafte of my meaning, and to what end the aforefaid proofes are cited. SirWitti&mdela Pole s Knight. Richard de la pole feme and heir jv as a Merchant. William deU Pole>fon and heyrejnarri' ed Margaret fifter faheire oflohnPeue- rell. Sir William de la Pole Knigbti was a Mer- chant of Rauenfrod, firfi Maior of King- lion vpon Hull, (econ- dary Baron of the Ex- chequer % and a Banne- ret^and marriedK - therine Norwich t Michael de la Pole Knight of the Garter, EarleofSuffolke, and Chancellor of England John de la Pole was alfo a Mer- chant, See Pat. facia* homimbm, Angl. & Vaftonia, A°i3. E. 3. m*2o. Hecreinthelaft place; (after the foure faults afore confuted, will follow thefe three Qu&res. Firft,whether William de la Pole did beare (as you fay) AzuretwobarreswauyArgent.ormuwhichlhy.is vntrue, for that is the ancient Coat of Martin delSee of Yorkefhirc, and not belonging to this Fa. miiy, which I doubt not but vppon better confideration you willconfefTe, when you haue looked into the quartcrings of the Lord Cobhamjnd at more Jeyfure(asGod be thanked you haue enough) turned ouer your Bookesof Armes and old Rolles 5 or confulted with fome expert Armorift: for by them you fhalllearne that this branch of de la Pole did beare Aznre two bars mui Or ,and not Argent. Thcfecond^rri-, Whether bteborethem in tokenofhis employment At Sea or n$t. Which I will beleeue when you prooue hirn a Merchant, and not before 3 Thethirdandlaft^r^foraTrfrewcllis, whether you haue deliueredthe MtntfortbemakmgofSirWillUmdeUPoleaBanMretjAi^ I fay %rfys fecond Edition. 705 fay you haue not $ for in iyour Englifhing of it, you tf 11 vs of Ha»ow y when the Original! hath it Hanon . for Hannonia^ that is, Hainaut or Henegou , a Country enuironed about with Brabant, Flanders^Champaigne, Picardie, Namur and Liege. Then when you come to the WitneiTes,.you haue omit- ted Hem j of Monmouth, (urnamed Tortcolt Eark oiVerby, who mould bee placed next after Henry Bifhop of Lincolne : and more then that,] you tell vs that one Percy Steward of the houfe was another Witnefie , when by the Record it is moft plaine that it was John Darcy Steward of the houfe, and not Percy. Rcade it, for heere it followes in his ownc garbe,according to the original!. ^Edwardm Dei gratia Rex AnglU, Dominus Hiberni* y & VuxAquitanni* , ExrotHl.patcnuumf^rum ArchieptCcopis, he Sciatts quod cum dilelim frfidelis nofier Willimm de la hom,mbi*t 4» g u* & vafit- Pole jlatim poft aduentum noflrum adpartes tra-^f mannas, aadiens & mtelli- gens qucdnegocianofira,proptcr quapaffagium noflrum affumpfimut^ fuerunt propter defectum pccumapericuUfifsime retardata, etnoftri dtferiminis irnpa- tiens,adnos perfinaltter accefferit^ acnobis & noflris tantuM fubuentienemfe- cent & fieri procur merit , quod per eum Honor nofier rr , n r r rr * i r ■ ^ M *\ m Vaeat quiarzlTitutafHeruntMoeoattodWiUim frnoftrorumqut futffetalias magna deprefswm patenter ,? v , s / . >i>™ ™ «wcur tut- U nv r' v , \ J II r r / mntdela Pole inftafcrtptHS omnia maneriater- expofitusjaudetur T)em,exUtttconferuatm ? nof^ pen- r «& tenement* in ijli, liter* content a Jomino fantes ipfius gratitttdinem tarn fcecundam fibi acfilijs et fi. R e gt furfur* reddidit rem fit & quietum cU- Itabm fuis proinde diuerfas donationes fagratias condig- r»autt & in recopenf*tionem tnde dittus Domi- no reffeBufecerimm (peciales^ prout in diuerfis Uteris no . nm K ex concejjit eidem mllimo quadrwgentut fir is patentitm inde tonfctfisjlcnim continetur. Ac pofl- marea * perapiendasfbi & kAredibusfuisJSngu- modum idem Willimm fttbuentionem inceptam, cum exu- **? m ™ de ™ ti( l«* ™fi»™* Unburn coriorum berantigratudinecontirmans,totfilntionespecumarapro Vu^ZS^^^n^^ , & . ,. ~ i ti • h , • # nm&fttaremiptet omntmodas atttones quas nobisficentjtuerfispropter hoc obhgatiombm fe muofo ■ , dem Rex verfttidlEl Hm mUimm babmt rati, ens^nififuiffetipfiusauxiliu confederals noflris ac pro one debitorum& compotorum qtwumat*%pre- expen jis noflris $ vadijs fide Hum no fir or um nobifcum in *t per 'iter as patent es Regis fibi inde csnfelUs & Brabantia. partibus exiftentiit^fatisfeciffe non potmfjemus m rotulit Patent inm de anno regni ipjius Regis quoquo modo , quin progrejfus nofterfuifjet alias non fine ^"g 1 ** viceJimo odcauo menfeNouembr.irrottt- dedecore noftro perpetuo impeditus. Et cum per cum fic a. fj^™7ammnL * ^° ^* i ' ter * C * KCel ~ ditBi in Hanon.prope Mar chid FrancU venijjcnf \de quo m Mf <*Mp" loco fine magna quantitate pecunia qua nobis omninodefuit^ vlterim proficifsi nequiuimusJicqjUmebaturiterumprogreffus nosier irremediabiliter impedi- tttsdittus willimm extremam nece/sitatem nobis imineret, conjpiciens^ fe et quicquid habuit pre nobis exponens pectin iam pro vlterioriprogreffu noftro nos habere fecit ab inejlimabili periculo nos eruens Ma vice. Nos igitur adpr&mif- fa necnon adimportabilia expenfarum onera y qu£ dic7us Willimm pro nobis fu- Jlinuit, cjr fufiinet hys diebus^ fa obligationum periculum quibut pfo nobis for. tifsime fe aftrinxitjonfiderAtionecondignam habentes^r proinde vokntes ipfi* tts honor em attollere ampliareq^profeclus ipf um cingulo mUitan decorauimtts^ iniungentes eidem habendum et tenendum fibi et haredibus fttis^ tn valorem ducentarum et quadragtnta marcarum perannum in partem fa- tisfaclionis qutngentarum marcatarum terra et redditus pradiclamm vna cum feodis militum, aduocationibus Abbatiarum , Prtoratuum Eccleftarum y hofpitaliurn, et CapeUarum,ac denominationibus perfonarum prafentandarum ad Ecclefias & capellas, nobis ratiove diclorum maneriorum competent/bus, cum firiji etiam & mercatis, Wrek, Wayf, et Stray \parcis, bofcts, warennts, manfeis, viuarijs, pifcarijs, fta^nis, aquis , communis, pratis, pafcuis, pa- Jluns i efcaetis,cutumis, paffagijs, tbeolonijS, libertatibus ,liberis confuetudim- bm t hundredis^ WappentachijS, vicibmfianci plegij , feruicijs liber orum tenen- tium, villams cum eorem jfequelis, fa Catalis, villenagijs , cr omnibus altjs addicla Maneria de Bruftwyke et Skypfe qualitercunqne fpeclantibus Jiue pertinentibus, ey qua ad nos ratione di&orum maneriorum, ft in manu noflra exislerent,poffent quomodolibetpertinere, finevUo rttenemento,de nobis & haredibus no sir is, per feruuium >vnius feodi militis imperpetuum. £luare volumus et fir miter pracipimus pro nobis & haredibus noflris,quod idem Wil- limm habeat fateneat fibi et haredibus fuis, diclum Manerium de Bruftwyke in valorem ducentarum et quadraginta marcarum, per annum. jn partem Jatif faclionis qitingentaru marcatarum terra et redditus pradift arum, vna cum feo- dis militum i Aduocationibus Abbatiarum,Prioratuum,Ecckfiarum, (yc. ficut pradittum ejl. Concejsimus etiampro nobis haredibus ?z$ftris, eidem Willi- mo (y haredibus fuis ducentas fexaginta mar cos percipicndas jingulis annis de cufluwis noftris in portu villa de Kingeflon fupcr Hull per manus collecJv- rum noftrorum ibidem, qui pro tempore fuerint ad fejla SancJi Martini in feme, Pente cosies per e quale s portiones, non ebfiante afsigr.atione alt qua in- defafla feu facienda quouffy nos velharedes noflri prafato WiUimo velbaredi- busfuis^ de t ducentiset Jtxaginta mar cat is terra, vel redditus,infia dzcJum regnum mfrum,in loco congruo habendis in plenum fatisf actionem qnmgen. tar urn marcatarum terra ejr redditus pradic7arum,fecerimusprouideri,Ad hag quia die! us Willimus in noflri fubfidiumtfro luribus neflris hareditarijs in reg* no Franc ia recuperandis expofuit liberalifsime fe&Jua, promittimus & con- cedimus efifau willimo, quod ft nos diclt iura nofjtra h&reditana recuperare adtpifcicontingat.Dabimus ejf afsignabimus ei deter ris nofiris fyredditibus fie recuperatis 9 tnfra idem regnum Francia, in loco competent i, ad valorem mi He marcarum Berlingorum per annum. Habend.fa tenend, fibi haredibus fuis de nobis & haredibus noBris imperpetuum. Hi/steflibu? venerabili patre Hen- rico Epifcopo Lincoln. Henrico Derb. willimo Northampton,willimo Sarum, et Roberto Suffolc.Comitibus, Henrico de Ferrarijs Camerario noftro, lohanne Varcy SeuefcaHo hofpity nofiri, et alijs. Vat. per manum noftram apud Mar- toyn ^rfecond Edition. y 0 y tpn m FrancU, xxvij. dieSeptembr. An.Regni noftri tertio decimo. You may fee more in my Dtfcouery in S-#Mk,pag. w . therefore I will holdc you no longer ncere,but proceed to the next place- V > a.g^09-\\n.^.charletBrandm{hy you) was created Vifcount Life in theyearci*) 14. which I deny to be true; yet it was true in your firft Edition, if you could haue lettcn it alone.For there you faid,he was created An. 1 5 13 as indeed it was. Looke into his Patent, and you ft all findethat it was da- ted 2XKnoll y the fifteenth of May in thefiftc yeare of Kin? Henry the eight Pat A ° S' H '* which falsCas I faid before)in the year of Chrift MDXIIL& not othcrwifc! See more in S uffolke 3 pag . 5 09 . So M F, USE T. p Ag.3 1 7. lin.20 you (out of your new emendations in your new edition) 1 would perfwade vs, that Edward Sep mour Knight of the Garter, was fir ft created Baron Seymour \the fit -ft of King Edward the fixt, and after Vifcount Beauchamp in the Whit (on weeke ? 1 5 36. but I tell you that he was flrft Crca- *' & -&*"* A0 ted Vifcount Beauchampe, 1 5 3 6. in the twenty eight of King Henry the eight, P,t.A °z 9 h. 8. P t. i . then Earle of Hertford the eighteenth of 0£tober,i5 3 7. in the twentie nine of the fame Kings reigne i and after all that, when King Heiry was.de^d, ( who had married his lifter the Lady lane Seymour) his Nephew King Ed- ward the fixt, within leffe then a moneth after he was come to the Crowne, Fa( **° 1 E ' 6pt ' 6m * 20< viz. vpon the fifteenth of February in the firft yeare of his reigne,i 546. (and not before) added to the reft of his Titles,thc ftyle of Biron Seymour ,and the Paf > A * -P 1 -*- & 20. morrow after created him Duke of Somcrfet . See more in Somcrfet, Pag. 483. VS S EX. p Ag, 3 30. lin. 3 . Robert Earle of Snffex dyed at cbelfiy y the eight and jwen- *■ tieth of "Nouember 1542 .the four -e And thirtieth of KtngUenrie the eight \ After all which, you quarrell with the booke of the Garter in this manner. But the Booke of the Knights of the Garter faith , He dyed the foure and twentie of Henry the eight. Wherein you haue beene a little too bold, in fattening a falfitie vpon that Booke, when you are not able to make your words good. It had beene farrdmore difcrcctely done of you (if there had beene an Error committed in the Booke) to haue giuen a priuate notion thereof to the Off/' cersof the Garter^ in whofe cuftodie the Booke remaines, or to whofecare the true Regiftring of thofc things are committed,that fo it might haue bene Vuuu2 re&/- 708 A Reuicw of rc&i&cd Sincjlrepituet clamor e, and not with open mouth proclayrae the Booke of the Garter to be fall e, as hcere you fecme to do. For by this meanes ifeucry licentious tongue may bee luffered to derogate at their owne liber- ties from the reputation of the Regiflers of that Noble Order, it will in the end ftrikc at the mayne, and turne rather to a fcandall then othcrwife of that moft Honourable Order it felfe of Knighthood, which aboue all' other in Chriftendome at this day, (lands in prime eftcerae. Will not thefc courfes breed doubts in Strangers mindes, when they (hall reade, that an Officer of Armes ( who is fworne to be true in all his reports) charges the Booke of the G^r/^tobefalfejWhere nahe Statutes of that Order are ftill preferued, the Chapters and priuate Confultatious cntred, their Scrutinies remembred' and the Elections of any new Companion into that ancient and right noble So- ciety, regiftred < Will they not f I fay) conclude, that furely it is not in that high efteeme with vs, as in forreine parts, when they fh ill obferue the Re cords thereof queftioned, yea damned for fajfc by a Herald, and one of the fame Nation. As if the Soueraignc was not curious to make choice (for his Officers in that placed of men euery way qualified with Learning and Iudgemenr,and fuch like wife as made it Religion (til may vfe that word in this place) truely to enroll, and faithfully to preferue, all the Occur rents thereof * But to returne to the point. Since Torke is not able to iuftifie his owne words, it may be faid to him as S. Augufline faid, Ojlendcre hocmn wesson quia ingeninm de eft, fed quia bona caufa : he hath crafty wittc enough to vent his afperfions, but he wants trneth to iuftifis a bad caufc. For I auerre it be- fore all the world, that the Booke of the Garter which he traduces,& willing- ly would haue his Reader thinfc that it (ayes that Robert Radclijfe Earle of Sufjex dyed, the foure and twentieth of Henry the eight, hath no fuch mater E DMil R t!l7^l ? ndc ?h " wfo firrefiomfiyingfo 3 thac whofoeuermal heeraftcr examine Niger ^Mf/frwr, a psgina it to this point, lhallfinde there Recorded- that that Earleof Suffix in the *fi,yfre*u. foure and twentieth y care wasliuing, and at a Chapter holdenat Greenwich at another holden at the fame place, as alfo at S . Georges feaft at windforc, in the fenen& twentith year, at the electing ofSir Nicholas Carew into that Fel- lowftiip at Greenwich in the twenty eight, at the choofing of the Earl of Cum. berlandatGreenmch, and theLoxd Cromwell at mndfor in the twentienine, at the like for John Lord RujfeU, Sir Tho. Cheney, and Sir William Kingejlon at Richmond, in the one and thirtieth ^tthee\e€t\on of thcEarlc of Hertford at Hampton-Court ; in the thirty f nv 5 and the Earle of Surrey, Sir lohnGaee and Sir Anthony WingfteldztWeftminfler in the thirty three; and the verie yearc that he died, viz. in the thirty foure of Henry the eight 5 en the 23 ofA« Vnll,hewasztS.GeorgesFeai\atGreenwicb. ItfeemesM. r«rfc hath ta- ken his information out of fomcidlcnote,orfalfe tranfeript (ofwhich his Library u better j 'urnifhed 'then any manslknowj for the originall Booke of the Garter will mforme him, that what I haue heere written is true, and his writings in that particular are falfe. SVRREY. Sv RRE Y, OAg. 334. lin. x8- William of Bloys fonneofKing Stephen^VPas Earle of Mor- taigne and Boloigne, Lord of the Eagle ^ and of the Honour of Peuenfej, and by his wife IfabeU , onely daughter and hey re of mHiam t the third Earle Warren and Surrey. Hee was alf ? the fourth Earle Warren and Sur- rey ' Hee dyed without iffiie, and was buried at Tholoufe in the yeare 1158. leautng his Jifier Marie his beire, to fucceedhirn in his inheritance : -who was firjl Abbeffe at Rum fey in Hampfhire^ after floe for fooke her habit ^and mar- ried Mat hew Earle ofBollen^ the fecond brother of Philip Earle of Flanders , and had iffue two dau hters : Ida the eldefl^ was married to Reginald Dampnzartyn Earle ofBoloigne in her right ; and Mauld the fecond fifter y was married vnto Hewy Duke of Lorrayne. Which cornpofition of words, is of two forts • the Firft I muft difcommend.and the Other I cannot but much commend. For, where you fay , that this Earle William dyed in the yeare 1 1 5 8. thefe wordes deferuc no commendation at all : for Sigeberttts tells you the contrary thus: sigehmm^*£. tic. Anno MCLX.-—Obi/tWillimus filius Step ham Regis AnolU Comes BolonU, Rob.de Monte pa^e+o. dyVapifer Regis An^Ua fine hmrede. With whom agrees Montenfis and o« thers : of which fee before, pag. 5 19. Now in the fecond place, 1 muft acknowledge you haue defcrucd pricke and praife, I mcane in your emendations j for in your firft Edition (which a- gafatl my felfe I muft confefTe that I difcouered not vnrill the Preffe was paft that T raft) you wrote, that William de Bloys (heerc fpoken of) Earle Warren and Surrey, left his tvo SiiJers his hey res tcfucceede him in his inheritance . Ida the e'JefljVas married to Reginald Dampmartin Earle of Bologne in her rioht^ and Maud the fecond fifler mas maried to Henry Duke of Lorayn Which indeed was very filfe, for there you made Ida and Maud to bee his Sifters, when indeede they were his filters daughters, as heere you haue honeftlie fctthemdowne. And therefore I muft defirc the Reader, that thofe words Caueat Emptor. there in your firft Edition, p ig. 23 2 . and repeated againc in my Difconery, p ?g 5i9.withoutany Cone&onsvponthem, may bee altered after this manner. William o{JSloys,Jbnneqf Xjng Stephen,ZWe_^ j ^Mortaigne and o/Bologne, Lot d of th3 Honours of 'Eagle, and of Feuenfey , who in right of IfabeU Counteffe Warren and Surrey his wife, was the fourth EarleVV axrzn *nd Surrey, Jhee being the onely daughter and heire of William the third Sar/eW^ Yen WSurrey. He.afterthedeceafeof his Father^ ckrm. 7 Jlored pa *' 999 - C ' jio A Reuiew of - floredtolQngllenry the fecond,^e Honor 0/Teuen- fey WNorwich, andallhis ^Munition in England WNormandie, whereof he waspoffeffed by gifie front his Father King Stephen : for the which Kjng Henrie gaueyntohim whatfoeuer Kmg Stephen (his Father) eniqyed before he was made l\ing o/England . Hee alfo made him Knight at Carlile. Hee dyed 'without jjjue in theyeareofQhrifl, n<5o. leaning his JIJlerM.mc tobee his hcyre, who fir jl became 3\(un and <±AbbefJe of the^ JA^^^c^RumfeymHanjpfliire, and after being fccretly takgn thence > was married to^izdiew of Flan- ders, thejonger fonne o/Theodonck of Alfatia, Sarle 0/Flanders, who after the death ofVVillmnherbro^ ther, yyas Qounteffe o/"Bologne fhe was feparatedfrom her faid Husband, and remitted backg into her ^/Tona- fiery ,j ether children were legitimated by Parliament y Anno 11 8p. and left the Earledome c/Bolongne to her daughters, \c\zthe eldejl, married to Reginald de Trie Sarle 0/Dammartin,6 9 . admfoeda traitor. By which words 9 youwouldhauevsthinke,thathewas adiudgeda Traytour for a fac% a ycare before it was committed- as if he could be lo adiuder d in Parliament 1 5 69. aud yet the Infurredion was not till 1 5 7 o. Since therfore you haue heere let the Cart before the horfe, and tangled your fdfe in your o wne web, there is no better way for you to vnwrap and get out, then to be direOcd by learned Clarences his Annales. Forthere (hall you be taught, « Am *,. re g n Mte that the Rebellion was m A° MDLXIX. and then the printed book of Sta- E( 'r betha ^-^ '^viHaiTu^ was^%S£%$* not confirmed by Parliament vntill in the thirteenth yeare of Quecne Eliza. ^,An.i57o.Thcprogrefflon in which Rebcilion 5 you may reade hand- lornely penned by painfull Speed, as alfo a Diarie thereof deliuered by ho- neit lohn Stow, in the feucrall Annales of the late Qucenes time. Yo R K E. Prf 8 * 377 ' l in / I9 ' y° ufa >' >that Ed**rJ Plantagenet Duke cfTorke —was jlaine at the battatle of Egmcourt the fine and twentieth efottober \he a of J TA?7 y ' eF /L B ; ,tIfa y 5 theb3ttaileof Agmconrt wasfouehtthc is of Oaobcr, in the Third (notthe Fourth) ofKingi/^r/Whcfift An iat* as in your Firft Edition you had ddiueredit, and for my teftimony boke \nxoSpeede,Waljingbam,Aubert,Olhagaray y and many others rtoomanie^^^'^^" to repcate heere,, to proue that, which euery one that is readein hifW hath SSSff^ at nis ringers ends) and they will fhew you what I fa v Ro J sde rrance > J * ' Pierre CilhAaar^ Uia»,.. Pierre Olhagaray t n hiftoire dePotx,pag.j*cy- . forced it rpon Iohn Lord Beaumont^ as I haue beene learned by men whofe seUmt Titles of Hogf'P*^ Studies haw bene alwayes bent to the true difq uifition of that kind of Lear- 2 % Q.ytfeq»en. i e on. ^ w bjof e opinions I haue fince in my owne Obferuation found fe- . conded by reuerend Record, I willingly graunt, that that Richard Vifcount Beaumont liued in England as you proue, but his Title of as a dignity was not Englifh, there- fore (as I haue faide before)' not to haue place inthis Catalogue of Englifh Vifcounts : for if you will take to your felfe the Iibertie of fluffing your Ca- talogue with Strangers-Vifcounts, becaufe youfinde them rcmembred in our Englifh Records, the n might you afwell haue brought in Guy Vifcount of Thou as who liued in King /^wtimealfo, and was Earleof Richmond^ and the like ofothcrs.aimoft in euery Kings time fince, who had forraignc Honors and Englifh eftates. Now therefore, for that you doe but fumble outfomething, fomefcrappes of anothers Collection, I will deliuer what tlm Richard l ifcouM Beaumont was, but firft take the Record with you. iohannes Dei gratia^ frc falutem. ^Sciatis nos rcddidiffc& concefsiffe, ejr prd- ExrotuioCbartarumM.i- fi nt * wt& nojlraconfirmajje Conftaria* de Torn fill a Ricardi Vicccomitis de iohan.pt ..n" 7 z. BeUomontecofifan^uineanoftrxJielrifchefcotequ^ejlin Deuomain parochia deSuttanton, (alicetterram iUam quam Rex Henri $us Primus aum Regis Hcnncipatm voftri dedit cum vtlia pradiCl* Suthanton, Conjlaneia filufud, fjr aula huiutpraditt&CcnJlancitinliberummaritagium. Habendam & te- nendum fibi dr h&redibus [uu de nobis & h&redibm nojlris liber e quiete, in pace & honortficecum omnibus per tinentijsfuis^ in homtmbm ejr reddivbusjn pratis&pafcuis,invysfrfemitisJnfiagnis&mo/end2nis, inbofco& plano y in omnibus libcrtatibus&liberisconfuetudinibus, & in omnibus comemionu bus adprtdiBam terra pertinentibus, Sim ei reddtdimus fjr concefsimus cum effemm C omes de Moreten. Hijs teftibus wilhmo Longeftee Comite Saresbur. Roberto ComitedeLeeceflrta, Roberto Comite Mellcnu,&c. Daupermanum H. Cantuarienfis Archiepifcopi Canccllari) noflri apud Cenomanniam, xxif. dteSeptembris regninofiri anno Pnmo. Which Charter or Grant of King /^prouesthreed^ & Conftancehis daughter. Now, who Conftance the mother was, both Gemh ttcenfismc \TiUendWs vs, thatftic was one of the natural daughters of King Henry thefir(r,and marriedtothe Vifcountof Beaumont (a Townefo called ¥ork]es fccond Edition. 713 id the Countie of Maigne in France) by whom flic had ifluc two fbnnes, Ri- rW^Vifcouutof Beaumont (heere named by Yorke ) and Raph By fiop of Anglers 5 which Richard was father of Queene Ermingard the wife of King William of Scotland, zti& of this Conftance de Tony ,'to whom King made the Grant. Of this enough^ feare too much. Ibid. lin. 16. Sir John Robfart Captaine of S '. Sauiers in France (fey you,) Was Vifcount Rohfart in King Henry the fifts time but by -whom or when hee was made, ifinde not, neither whom he married, or of any i/fue he had'but that he was made Knight oj the Garter in the f icond j are of King Henrie the Fifte, after the death of Willi tike of Holland, and that hee died in the nine and twentieth year e of the faide Kings r eigne, and was bttnedin the Gray friars in London, Which words containe in them two Errors. The One, where you fay, S ir John Robj art w as Vtfcount Robfert in Henry Se «DifcoueryintheTitleof the Fifts time,whkh you wil neuer be able to proue while the world ftands, v, f CQHnu >^ 6l 7 i and were it not that I haue already fuffiticmly difprouedyou in the forepart ofthisBooke, and (hewed you the falfe ground whereupon yon haue fee your Foundation, I could with other Authorities againe conuince you,but I will as much as m^y be auoid repetition, and requcfi the Reader to turne backe to the place but now in the Margent cited, and he ihall fee it. In the meanetime, Do you thinke toperfwade vsthat he had that Title, and yet neuer fummoned to Parliament, with the addition thereof i Or doc you thinke that the Booke of the Garter would frill from time to time, yea from his Elcttion into that Noble Order about the beginning of Henrie the Fift, and fo all Henrie the Sixt his time, euen to his dying day, call him with no better addition, then Dominus Iohannes Rotertfacke ( for Robfart) if hee had had that title of Vifcount < Or fhall I be pcrf waded, that the GreyFreres, in whofe Church he was buried, would not haue entred the Memorial of him in their MiiTall in better terras, then ^MCCCCL obijt iohonnes Exfr4gm4nd , Ms . etuftkm Robbeffart prAuaudfu Eques tlluftrifsimi ordtnts Dtuo Georgio nuncupati, if hee dom « s > «* mantbusmm, had bene a Vifcount * To conclude, I fay by Sir John Robfert as but euen now I did by RichardViCcounr Beaumont of Frar/ce^hathcerc is no roomc for him, he ought not to be crowded into this Catalogue; He,as not being a Vifcount at all, the Other as not being a Vifcount of England. Now followeth the Second Error in this place , and it is in thefe words* : Sir lohn Robfert— —was made Knight of the Garter in the Second yeare of King Henry the fift, and dyed in the nine and twentieth yeare of the fayde Kings r eigne, which cannot be true: and I warrant you that our Hiftorie-Water- Poet lohn Taj lor, if he (hould fee it would /ay fotoo, and tel you that Henry the Fift reigned not full Tenycares, and then could not Robfert die in the nine and twentieth yeare of the faide Kings r eigne, zs you deliuer ; B ut affured- ly, your meaning is good, and that we muft take at this time, and not your words, and imagine that your intent was to fay, that he died in t be tw ent'te nine of Henry the Jixt (as he did) and fo it may pafTe fot currant. Pag; 383.lin4.you tell me, that lohn T albot was created rifc9u»ttiflet$ ~ Xxxx htm Chart* dh K° 2i.yfyne*7 H.6 numero 23. 714. A Rcuicwof him and bis hey res males the fix and twentieth of Iuly, A 0 22 . H. 6. Which words containe in them a two-fold fallacic 5 the Firft,in faying that he was at this time created Vifcount Lijle : and the other, in faying he was Co created to htm and hU hey res maps. For this enfuing Charter will not ionely proue that it was not the Vifcountie but the BaronieofLife, which was beftowed vpon him, and befides that, it was not eftatcd vpon his heyresmafles, but fi- 6i & haredibus fits, vpon him and his hey res generally yea et Afsignatis fuis, which is moft rare. Rcade it if you beleeue me not, for hecre it foJlowes at large. . D EX Anhiepifopis, Epfcopis, &c. falutem. Sciatis quod cum Warinm 1 ^ wiper Dommus UJle defunclm, nuper feifitus, inter alia, de dominio et ma • nerio deKingeflon Life cumpertinenci/sin Com. Berk, habuerit exitumquan. dam Margaretam,qu am Thorn 4s Dominus 'de Berkeley dnxit in vxorem, & obierit, pott cut m mortem dominium & maneriumiSa cum pertinentus eidem Margarct$,vtfilU& baredtciufdem warini defcendere^dem^Thomas & Margaret a habueruni ex it urn inter fe quandam Elizabetham, quam car ifsi- mus C onf wgun cm nofier Richards nuper Comes Warveici dux t in vxorem & obicrunt, cm quidem Elizabeth*, vt flu & haredi eiufdem Margaret £,do ! minium fymanttiumpr&d^tla cumpertinenttjs inter alia,pof mortem eiufdem Margaret a defender e, qui quidem nuper Comes &Elizabetha hahuerunt cxi- turn inter fe Margaretam,Alianoram,& Elizabetham adhuc feperjlites, sbienmi, quam quidem Margaretamfliam Elizabeth*, carifsimus Confangui. nem nofler Iohannes Talbot Comes Salop, dux it in -uxor em, qui quidem Comes Salop (fMargaretavxorftahabem exitum inter fe qaendam IohannemTal- hot milnem, cui ijdem Comes Salop & Margareta vxtr eius qui ditia maneri- urn & dominium cum pertinency s inter alia nuper temerum in partem prepar- t is ipftm Margaret*, tpfim de omnibus terris & tenement is, qux f iter urn pr*. dic7 eo magis regale attolttur folum ^'|r/uare pag. 550. that as the Earledom of Arundell went alwaies with the pof- feflionofthcCaftle and Honour of Arundeti, andwhofoeuer was thereof Xxxx2 feifed, -i6 A Rcuiewof CharUh* JO.H 6 1132. /»4/.A 0 34.H.8.pt.3. feifed, in his dcmcfnc as of Fee, was Earle thereof without any other Crea- tion : fo was it het re in this Barony, that to whomfoeuer theMannour of Ktngefton Lijle defeended,or was allotted, with it went the Baronic, and the 0 wncr thereof was alwayes Baron Lifle ( ratione domwij ejr ntanerij de Kingeflon Lijle ,as the Patent deliuers k) by reafon of the pofTeffion. Of which enough hath bin faid elfewhere. Since that I haue all this while laboured to confutean error in you, now letmcftriuetoconfirmc in you thetrueth: for whereas you fay, that this John Talbot had his title oiVifcomt Lijle giuen on the twenty fix of Inly, An. 22.H,<5. 1 aflurc you j that although he had the Barony then conferred vpon him, yet was he not dignified with the Viscounty vntill the thirtieth of Octo- ber in the thirtieth yeare of the faid Kings rcigne. Pag. 3 8 6. you fay, that John Dudley was created Vifcount Lijle at the Palace at weflmiriiler^ on Sunday the twelfth of March the three and thirtieth of King Henry the eight Which is not fo, for his Letters Patents bearing date at W'cftminftt raffiirerne, that he had not that honour beftowed vppon him vntill die twelfth of March in the thirtie foure of the faid Kings reigne. See more in Northumberland, pag.3 84. The Conclujton. JOW taftthou hcere (iudicious Reader) my Difioueryofrorkes Errors in his jirjl Edition, together with his Booke (which I haue . j printed in ipfis termiws) as he deliuered it, faue onely at the end of many C a talegues I haue newly written the Tract of fuch Noblemen, t heyr marriages and nTues as are, or haue beeneliuing, fineemy being an Officer of Armrs, and aifo a Continuance of all the new Creations fince his firft books Imprcfflon ; wherein if I haue ar any time dropt afk ep (for the moft watch- full may fometime be taken napping,) or if I haue miftaken, or beene milled in any thing, none (hall more willingly hearken to Truth, or thankfully im- brace his loue, that wilUct me in the right againc. Then haft thou here a Review of hhlajl Edition ,which (as I did the other) 1 haue not printed againe ^ for I finde not any Corrections of his firft faults committed in his former booke, but they all ftandftillin his fecond (or if perchance one be amended, there arefiue new ones committed) and there- fore I held it my beft courfe (paffing by the Errours of his firft BookeJ to examine onely his new Additions and Alterations, & to cite for thy reading at this time, no more but the Words Err oneus,^. fhewmy Animaduerfions vpon the m. For what with the Printers haft, and what through Friends earncftneiTc, I was continually called vpon, and like Camstk Nylo durft make no long ftay but fwimme and lappe, glad to take heere and there one to fhew the Worldj that thereby it might know bis laft Edition to bee farrc more faulty then his former. Now, though I haue not found all the Errors anddifcoueredthcm,letitbeno imputation to mee, Bent venator is eft alt- quid yorfys fecond Edition. quid capere, mn omnia . Hce is a good Huntfman that can catch fome game not all : Other men may finde out more . Itis enough for me, that I haue doncthis,and I hauegairiedasmuchas I lookefor, iflftialldraw others into this Argument, whether they vndertakea new Wcrkc, or amend this. And therefore, ncy ther puft vp with Opinion that ought is well,neithcr de- ieded with Fearethat it will not take well, I will comfort my felfe with Mimnermm his Diftich, and Co ceafe. Oblettes ammum^plebsejl morofa legendo /He bene de te dicet^ at ille male. Heart take thine eafe, Men hardtopleafe Thou haply mayft offend. Though one fpeake ill Of thee, fome will Say better: There an end. FINIS A TABLE, DIRECTING to the feuerall Catalogues * contained in this Booke : The firft Number where- of femes for the Difcouerie, the other for the Review. ALhem&rk Angos Artindcll Atboll Attvy. Bath Bedford Berkeley Berkjh/re BoHohan Bridgewater Briftow Britaine Buckingham 10.653 *5< 6$3 189 41. 661 45 53 54 55 56 56 57658 80.656 Ewe Exceter Ferrers Gloucefler 189.685 :i5o.i93. 684 1*8.677 216.685 Nottingk Oxford am 387 396 Penbroke 41 1.694 Hertford 216.685 Hereford 112.6%-} Holder neffe 245 Huntington 248.687 Cambridge C*rtile 91.674 96 668 Chefer 101.661 Clare frcUr. 118.668 Cornwall 128.667 Cumberland 148 Kendall Kent Kyme Lancajler Letcefter Lincolne 171.6%% 276 10 291.689 300.691 313 688 Richmond Riuers Rutland Salisbury Shrewsbury Somerfet Southampton Stafford Suffolke Surrey Suffix Tankeruill. 57,658 430 434 440 457*54 472.707 485 488 495.698 5 1 h7°9 537-7°7 5*5 Denbigh Derby Deuon, Dorfet 166 198 150.675 167.67S 177 ^f4WI& 325.692 Mtdlefex 332 Montague 333. 693 Montgomery 336 Norfolke 337. 694 Northampton 359 Northumberland 366 Warwicke 568 Wefimerland. 587.711 Wilt/hire 593 Wimhefler 601 Woreefler 608 JVrfc 18.71 1 Vifionnts 626.711 aretncsdenttoBookestnthePreffe-Do mee the fauour therefore, asmeld W j h thy penne before thou readeft, what is heere noted vnto L'beiZthe Ef capes rfmoft Conference -.for the reft, I mufi leathern to thine Lne Obferuatton, and courteous correction. pAg.jJin.37.r e adcA^ry,. pag. 5 lin. 4 . read Aniline. pag. 7 .lin. i^rcade L >» Souo bts Errors pag l6 put F^«, Arn.cs within chcG ter! ^f^^^V^ R,chardthez. andEarleofWorccfier. \\>id.tnmargine\\n.i 7 .c 2 for ci E 2 Ibid 1 ^ r *rJC 53J.26.widowof fo^afier maricdfo. Pag, 55 inmarginc^r^.Ib.l.,8.i7for 7 Pag.75..n^^ out>. Pag.8 7 .l. 3 6.^«ryi'^not^. p ag .i M^o.Ctflchlm. p ,„ bloJvxerat. Pa g . I43 .in m ar g mc read 31.Hd.for 3 1. Pag:i 46 ,l: 20. of,,for,« /ff'/ ag n^' 1: Pag: 192,1: 38 . read* 7 H /.for 7 H.6. Ibid md MCCLXXV. V^^Chrifiefehircbe. Pag:2p 7j I:6 > Ieaueout J t ib.d; l«n:2 5/ ,r^r^leaueout^. Pag: ?3 3,lin. 3 3 fift of Ianuary. pag^,, lin: 40, Commmm • Pag: 3 5 5,1^:20^. Pag: 5 6i,l : , 2 jr**. Pag:*V>:44, leaue e*tp,fi*er. Pag:3S5 lin:20,SirrW,/>^,Ieau C out^r. Pa^oo^^neuer for neither. Pag^lm.^, rcz6 Painted- Roll. Pag: 4 32 ) i:8,in margine, Sec5c tut. Pag:4 4 2,l:2.Z).« W< Pag^J: < i,/*W*. Pag: 4 72,inthemargent,l. 1 o, adde a comma betweenc Hem** and 7«^«.. Pag: 5 oo,lI i^Barcmb^f Pac: yop^n:!^^^. Pagiji^lin.-ai.leaueout in. Pag: 5l7) lin:M^r.Pa g :y4g, l.n: , s ,jTr^ Pag: 5 5 2, lin.-38.read it thus: ^fe a*/?/, ofAmuUi, but J fill Pag: 57 i,hn:6 ^Pbilipp*. p ag: 57 d,leaue out the Garter about the Armes. Pa'<9i lin. 5 s-read Tbomtt Grey pag 592. lin., u reade 1 5 6 0 . for 1 57 o Page 5 93. in the Armes,Fr*»r^ Pag:6o6\ the Marginals fhoul ftand againft Iohn Pallet. Pag.61 o,lin. i 9 . r. dough- terforflter. Pig: 6 2 $ . torteaux omitted in the labell. Pag:* 4 i,lin: 24, leaue out Leigh or. Pag:6 57 ,lmi i, leaue out« in Turnnlfo. Vig-M^Texera. Pag.68 7 ,lin 6.re*d\tihm s VtfioantBe a ttcbamp i »extE*rlc of Hertford, then Knight of the Garter. Pag:6 9 o l,n:i read Gandtucnfis. P*g.*9 7 ,li n: i8,re a d it thus: anima me*& Ma- hit* ae Adelatdu caniugum&t. Pag: 7 o8>lin: a, in marginc Dim Georgij. ' *U JW+vfeJ, i SfFCtAL $ GFfTY CENTER LIBRARY