CATALOGUE OF THE EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF PRINTS, Drawings Pointings' OF CELEBRATED CHARACTERS', Copper $!ate& DOUBLE ELEPHANT PRINT IN Q PAPER, Books of Prints, BOOKS FOR ILLUSTRATION, and Books on the Arts; OF M r. SYLVESTER HARDING . Of Pall Mall, Dcc< The Prints combine a Quantity of Portraits, suit- able for Illustration of English History, Sets df the Royal and Noble Authors, a Number of choice Pro- ductions, by Ancient andiModern Artists, &c. 8cc. Kfotcij tofll be S>atti bp Uttfticm, fey Mr.Tho ®. Dodd, AT HIS AUCTION ROOM, No, 101 , St. Martin s Lane, Oil WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1S09, AND TWO FOLLOWING EVENINGS, At Six o’Clock. To be Viewed on the Days of Sale. I MM Printed by J. & W. Smith, King Street, Seven. Dials. 5m*s»*sc®i!>eMeo9*fs*o8i}«#<>o««*o«r90M non'hmm sc*« wo mmu tow j A Catalogue , $<\ Firft Evening’s Sale, WEDNESDAY, the 13 th of DECEMBER* 1809 , . . , . PRINTS, &c. , . , - LOT “ ifTwENTY-FIVE portraits, NoUe Aathqrs 2 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 3 Twenty-five ditto, ditto . j 4 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 5 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 6 Twenty- five ditto, ditto 7 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 8 Twenty-five ditto, ditto f Twenty-five ditto, ditto 10 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 11 Twemy-five ditto, ditto 12 Twanty-five ditto, ditto 13 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 14 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 15 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 16 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 17 Twenty-five ditto, ditto <2 Twenty-five ditto* ditto jg Twenty-five ditto, Noble Authors 20 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 21 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 22 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 23 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 24 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 25 Twenty-five ditto, ditto • 26 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 27 Thirty ditto, ditto 28 Thirty ditto, ditto 29 Thirty ditto, ditto 30 Thirty ditto, ditto 31 Thirty ditto, ditto 32 Thirty ditto, ditto 33 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 34 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 35 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 36 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 37 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 38 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 39 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 40 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 41 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 42 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 43 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 44 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 45 Twenty- five ditto, ditto 46 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 47 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 48 T wenty-five ditto, ditto 49 Twenty- five ditto, ditto 50 Twnnty-five ditto, ditto 51 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 52 Twenty -five ditto, ditto 53 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 54 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 55 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 56 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 57 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 4 5^ Twenty- five ditto, Noble Authors 5 9 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 60 Twenty-five ditto, ditto Twenty-five ditto, ditto 62 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 63 Twenty-five ditto, ditto ^4 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 65 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 66 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 67 Twenty- five ditto, ditto 68 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 69 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 70 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 7 1 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 7‘ 2 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 73 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 74 Twenty-five ditto, ditto 75 Twenty-five pitto, ditto 76 Forty ditto, remarkable characters 77 Forty ditto, ditto 78 f orty ditto, various 79 Eight ditto, ditto 50 Forty ditto, remarkable characters 51 Three ditto, Vivares, Mayor, Reading, engravers, 82 Two ditto, Sir William Mufgrave and Lord* Or- ford S3 Six ditto, Dryden, by E del incke, James Dyer, 84 Three ditto, by Faithorne, Sir Richard Fardhawe* John Prideaux, and Ralph Brownrigg 85 One ditto, by ditto, Valentine Greaterex 86 Five ditto, Countefs of KoeningsmaFk, Jbhn Graves, by Vertue, &c. 87 One ditto, Pope Alexander VU. by Vifcher 88 Two portraits, Madame^ Kirk, and Princess off Orange Sg One ditto, Three Smiths of Chichester 90 £?ght ditto 91 Twelve ditto 92 Four ditto. Lord Holland, private plate, &c. 4), Ten ditto 94 Ten ditto of ladies Cr. 168 Twelve, by Santa, Bartoli 169 Twenty, after Claude, &c. 170 Seven, after Stothara, &c. 17 1 Twenty landfcapes 172 Fifteen ditto 173 Twelve ditto 8 174 Fifteen ditto Four ditto# after BfEtighel 176 Fifteen, from Harding’s Prayar Book 177 Two, after Stothard, in colours 178 Two, afterS. Harding, ditto 179 Three, after Smirke 180 Forty various 181 Sixty-four ditto 182 Twenty-three, Emblems of Love 183 Two, Jupiter and Hebe 184 Twenty-four, Life of St. John 185 Two, Virgin and Child, & c. . 186 Two, Brood Mares, &c. colours 187 Two landfcapes, colours 188 A parcel various 189 Two, Brood MareS, plain J90 Five, Bartolozzi, &c. 191 Forty portraits, various 192 Forty-fix, Life of St. Philip Neri 193 Fifty portraits, various 194 Pair, by Bartolozzi, Religion atid Wisdom 195 Pair, ditto, Tragedy and Comedy 196 Six, ditto, portraits 197 Six, ditto, after Guercino 198 One, ditto, Magdalen, after Corregio 199 Four, ditto, portraits, Coswav, &c. 200 Two, ditto, the Hours, and Queen Gaihermtfs Dream 201 Six, ditto, after Guercino, &c«. 202 Six, ditto, tickets 203 Six, ditto, after Guercino 20^ Six, ditto, after ditto 205 Six, ditto, after ditto 206 Six, ditto, ditto 207 Six, ditto, ditto 208 Six, ditto, ditro ’ 209 Two, ditto, Malborottgh Gems 210 Six, ditto, after Guercino 2 t 1 Six, dttto, ditto 8 2il Six, ditto, A nnibal Carracci 213 Three, ditto. Carlo Maratti 214 Four, ditto, Zuccarelle, &c, 215 Six, ditto, tickets 216 Three, ditto, Cipriani 217 Four, ditto, ditto 218 Six, ditto, Angelica Kauffman 219 Eight, ditto, tickets 220 Eight, ditto, Cipriani 221 Eight, ditto, tickets 222 Ten, ditto, ditto 223 Fourteen, ditto, ditto 224 Four, ditto, ditto 225 Ono, ditto, Clyte 226 Four, ditto, Vignettes to Leonora, proofs 227 One, ditto, Silence 228 Two, ditto, Eurydice, &c. ^ 229 Pair, ditto, Religion and Wisdom, in colours 230 Six, ditto 231 Two, ditto, Market of Love 232 Two, ditto, Cupid and Hymen 233 Two, ditto, after Wheatley 234 A parcel various 23$ Sixty-eight of emblems 236 Forty ditto 237 Fifty-eight, Bischop’s Statues 238 Forty-eight various 239 Four drawings of Academy Figures, by Shee, &c. 240 Fourteen ditto, of portraits, by S. Harding 24 1 Sixteen ditto. Sir James Thornhill 242 Six ditto, ditto 243 Eight ditto, various 244 A parcel ditto, ditto 245 Ditto 246 T wenty ditto, portraits, various 247 Three paintings, Henry Brooke, Esq. 248 Twenty-nine theatrical drawings, by James Ro- berts 249 Twenty-eight ditto, ditto '■Jit. ■ - ■- . • ■ r 19 250 One Chinese drawing, very fine 25 1 One ditto, ditto 252 One ditto, ditto 253 One ditto, ditto 254 Six drawings, by S. Harding* Dean Tucker, &c. 255 Twelve ditto* ditto 256 One ditto, Artemifia Gentilefchi 257 Six ditto, by S. Harding 258 Two ditto, ditto, John Taylor, Painter, Richard Edes 259 Five ditto, ditto, Marclay, Bifhop of Waterford, &c. 260 Two ditto, ditto, Michael Mohun, and Earl of EfTex 251 One ditto, ditto, Corbet, Bifhop of Norwich 262 Two ditto, ditto, Dr, Hammond, Dr« Rawlin- son 263 Ten ditto, ditto, various 264 Seven ditto, ditto, ditto 265 Two ditto, ditto, James Bofwell, John Sylves- ter, &c. 266 Three ditto, ditto, Milton, Coiintefs of Euflon, &c. 267 Nine ditto, Caftle of Otranto 268 One print of Weftminfter Cavalry, in colours 269 One ditto, plain 270 One ditto, colours 271 One ditto, plain 272 Eighteen portraits 273 Eighteen ditto, colours 274 One hundred and twenty-fix portraits and views, to Hardi Shakefpeare, in colours 275 One hundred aud eighteen ditto 276 View of the High Street, Oxford 277 One let of Royal and Noble Authors, large paper 278 One ditto, ditto 279 One ditto, dittc 280 One ditto, ditto 281 One ditto, ditto S-L3. 1J 282 One ditto, quarto *283 One ditto, ditto 284 One ditto, ditio 285 One ditto, ditto 286 One ditto, ditto 287 One ditto, ditto 288 One ditto, ditto 289 One ditto, ditto 290 One ditto, ditto 29 1 6ne ditto, ditto 292 One ditto, ditto 293 Onediito, octavo 294 One ditto, ditto 295 One ditto, ditto 296 Three, 4 >y Strange 29; Four, by Strange, See 298 Three, by Bartolozzi, vignettes to Leonora 299 Ten, by ditto, &c. 300 Five portraits, Alexander Brown, Lady Helen Boyle, Mifs Lovibond, private plates, Sic. End of the Second Evening's Safe, ’ 3it 12 Third Evening’s Sale, FRIDAY, the 15th Day of DECEMBER, 1809, LOT 30 1 A Parcel, varions 302 A bafket of plaifter cads 303 A box of black chalk and pencils, and a box of • engravers tools 304 n box qf fwifs crayons 305 A large deal print prels 306 Half a ream of double elephant paper 307 Half a ream of ditto 308 Half ream of ditto 309 Six’quires of ditto 310 Half a ream of paper COPPER PLATES. 311 Portrait of Dr. Cooke, with 9 impreflions 312 Three Caricatures 313 Three portraits, James Bofwel, Mr. Jackfon and Dowars 314 The Infant Lounger, with 188 impreffions 3* *5 Two portraits, Benjamin Flower, with 40 un* preliions, and William Steers *3 3 16 'Fwo portrait?, Mr. Loombe and Chrifiopher x Sharpe 317 Sketches taken at print fale% with 14 impreffions 318 Two portraits, theatrical, Baddely and Sowden 319 Six, Printers 320 Three, Regicide 9 321 Seven caricatures, &c. 322 Five portraits, Benedict XIV. Madame du Def* faud. &c . 323 Four ditto, Stanbridge, Barebone, Skelton, Kirk* man 3 24 Three portraits, Jonathan Battiihill, with 40 im- preffions, Butler Clowes, engraver, and the Clerk of St. Stephen’s, Walbrook 325 The Earl of Rofcommon 326 Three, Marcelius Laroon, Pearce Tempest, &c. 327 Six various 328 Four various 329 Heneage Finch Earl of Winchelfca with 60 im- preffions 330 Four, the Farmer’s Daughters, the Fore-ilaller and Widow with a quantity of letter-p»ess to each, the despairing Hero with ditto and the Poor Boy 331 One, Paftoral Boy 332 1 hree, John Arthur, Comedian, William, Bullen and Lord Lumley 333 Six portfolios 334 Six ditto 335 Six ditto BOOKS o? PRINTS. 336 Bischop’s Statues, 53 plates 337 Plates to Orlando Furioso, Bartolozrzi, Sec, 338 Book of old mailers 339 Two books of fketches 340 Harding’s Britiih Cabinet 341 A book containing various prints 34a Ditto containing 103 old mailers 343 Ovid’s Metamorphoses H 344 Book containing 13(3, various maftert 345 Ditto 144, ditto 346 Ditto 140, to Ovid 347 Bavarian : S?hks, by Raphael Sadeler 348 Ovid’s Metamorphofes, in French 349 Sketches from nature 350 Ditto 3#i Ditto 352 Battles of the Romans, &c. by Tempefta *353 Two books of prints 354 One ditto by Du Gernier 355 Berner’s Statues 3 $6 A book of prints 357 Emblems of Love 358 A book containg 88 after Gravelot ' 3-59 Sketches by Boitard 360 Antique Statues 361 Prims to the Bible 362 Two books of prints 363 A bock of various Matters 364 Prints to the Bible 365 imitations of drawings, l by Rogers, 2 vol. im- parted 366 Antique Roman Sculptures, by Santa Bartoli 367 Imitations of drawings, by Parmigiano 368 Ditto by Raimond Le Page 369 Triumph of Sigifmund 370 Florentine Gallery 371 Imitations of drawings, by Antonio Gabb‘>ani 372 Three books of prints 373 Songe de Poliphill 374 A book of emblems 375 Ditto 376 Plates to Montfaucon 377 Two books, prints to the bih'e 378 Two, Life of St. Ignatius Loyala, 79 plates, and 1 other BOOKS 379 Ccxe’s Memoirs of Sir Robert Walpole, 3 vpl. 380 Strutt’s Dictionary of Engravers, 2 vol 'tes- ts 38 i Lor dOr ford’s Wprks, imperfect, portraits 382 Hiftory and Antiquities of Oxford, 3 vol. 383 Wood’s A thence Oxonienfis 384 Ovid’s Metamorphofes, plates 385 Bromley’s Catalogue 386 Lloyd’s Statate Worthies 387 Laireffe’s Art of Painting 388 Three Cowley’s Perfpective, &c. 389 Three, Clarendon*s Characters, See* 390 PeckYDefiderate Curiofa, 2 vol in $ 391 Catalogues of the Exhibitions of the Royal Aca- demy, complete to 1808 392 Collins’s Peerage 7 vol, 393 Walpole’s Anecdotes of painting, 5 vol. 394 Heylen’s Help to Hiffory, and Peerage of James I. 395 W-orks of Raphael MengSi, 2 vol. 396 Three, CardonePs Antiquities, Pafquin on the Fine Arts, &c. 397 Walpole’s Royal and Noble Authors, printed at Strawberry Hill 398 Four, Godwin’s Bifhops, &c. 399 Three, Knight’s Life of Erafmus, &c. 400 Four, Genius of Man, 8cc. 401 Five Boileau’s Lectures, &c. 402 English Connoifleur, 2 vol. 403 Five, Strange’s Catalogue, and 4 on painting 404 Twelve on Painting 405 Granger’s Biographical Hiftory of England, 4 vol. 406 Eight fong hooks 407 A parcel various 408 Various catalogues 409 Eight, State Poems, Sec. 410 Five, Harwood’s Anatomy, Sec. 41 1 Pilkington’s Dictionary of Painter’s, new edition, in Nos. 412 Ditto PICTURES. 413 General Churchill, by Hudfon 414 Two, Richard Ingram, Vifcount Irwin and Anne Vifcountefs Irwin 415 Aflembly of Gods 416 Three portraits, Bockman, Engraver* Sec. 417 Two, Henry Howard Earl of Northampton and one ^18 Five various 419 Two, by Sir James Thornhill, &c. 420 Two, Ralph Snow, writing Matter, See. 421 A Family piece, by Sir Peter Lely 422 A drawing of Beau Na(h, by Woriidge 423 T wo whole lengths, Tryon Family FINIS.