yrtn m^ciicc olh ht> auction, By Mr. SOTHEBY, At his new and more extensive Premises, No. 3 , WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, On THURSDAY, the 15th Day of JULY, 1819, And Two following Days, at Twelve o'Clock. To be Viewed till the Sale, and Catalogues (at 3s. each) had at the Flace of Sale. Printed by J. DAW, Queen Street, Seven Dials. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Dispute arises between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than One Shilling; above Five Pounds 2s. 6d.; and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down Five Shillings in the Pound, in Part of Payment of the Purchase-money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expence, within Three Days after the Conclusion of the Sale, and the Remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery. V. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in Part of Payment shall be forfeited; and all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) on such Re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble Servant, S. SOTHEBY, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 4 CATALOGUE, &c First Day’s Sale. X X J . 9 '—? jT 7 cJ- /z 7 / / 7 ; i / ■? /J ■ • 7/ i FOREIGN TOPOGRAPHY. LOT 1 Prospects of Tangier, ly W. Hollar — — 2 Large Carthusian Monastery, on four sheets— Heidelberg Palace, by ditto. See. 3 Augsburg Confession, sheet, curious, Grand Procession at the Feast of St. John the Baptist, at Florence, Tableaux de tous les Cris de Paris, &c. 4 Aquatinta Views in the East Indies—Cape of Good Hope, &c. 5 Ditto of Lisbon, ly J. Wells, one a proof — — 6 Plates to Murphy’s History of Batalha, and Carter’s Views of Malaga 7 Views of the Havannah—St. Helena—New South Wales, &c. 8 Sets of Views in Canada and Jamaica — — 9 Capt. Allan’s Views in the Mysore Country, aquatintas, hj Wells 20 V.t ‘i . BRITISH TOPOGRAPHY. 10 Bedfordshire —Rocque’s Plan and Views of Wrest House, Sec. 11 Berkshire— Various Views of Windsor Castle, and Coxwell Magna, with portraits of Edward Rowe Mores, &c. 12 Bucks— Cliefden—Eton College—Monumental Effigies of Erasmus Williams at Tingwick, with counter proof, &c. 13 , Views of Gentlemen’s Seats, ly Woollett, and Prospect of Harley- ford, ly Major — — ,4 __Rigaud and Baron’s Plan and Views of Stowe Gardens, 174 6 B 14 c e ///^> • ’ . 7 * . 16 SCL's' 4 BRITISH TOPOGRAPHY. cj>. 1 i 15 16 ^ A ■ 17 At 18 J A 19 20 • ^ 21 22 . /2 23 // 24 SI L 25 • 26 S //A ■ 27 / //. / 28 X /j- 29 ■ 30 / // / 31 2. 2> . 32 4/ 33 A / /# A 34 35 <*¥'■ 36 // 37 A A . 3S Cambridgeshire —Plan ojCambridge, Ric : Lyne, sculp. 1574 , very rare, Jrom the Collection of Dr. Farmer, and ditto, by Hoefnagel — *-Views of Colleges, by Sparrow and Lamborn — ——— - Jesus College, T. M. delin el Jecit, scarce, Dresses and Customs of the University, published by Colnaghi, &c. — _ ——— Views at Newmarket, and various Views of Colleges, Cambridge “ Ackerman's History of the University, and Town of Cambridge, 2 vol. plates coloured Cheshire—E aton Hall, by Toms, ditto, on two sheets, and Curious Aloe at Eaton, by Ditto __ _ _ Derbyshire—C hatsworth—Matlock Bath—Views, by Vivares, &c. Devonshire—E dystone Light House, by Winstanley, rare, and ditto, by Sturt, Hulsbergh and Jos. Smyth — _ _ -Castle Hill—Mount Edgecumbe, &c. and Gothic Window of Exeter Cathedral, by Pranker — Durham—D arlington, by J. Bailey — _ _ Dorsetshire—L ibrary at Merly, with letter press description _. Essex—R ocque’s Plan of Wanstead House, two sheets, Views of Wanstead, by W. Lowry, Sec. Audley End, by TV. Austin, &c. _ _ - Littlebury, by H. Winstanley, rare, and Drawings of the Antient Church at Greensted, curious — _ _ -Views and Antiquities at Ingatestone, the Seat of T. B. Hollis, Esq. by Basire, &c. _ _ __ _ _ ‘ ■ Hedingham Castle—New Hall—Bell House, &c. — Glocestershire—B erkley Castle—King Alfred’s Hall—Cirencester, &c.— Hants— Winchester House—Netley Abbey, &c. _ _ 2 //s * ' 7 v. £ ^ X) S' 0 BRITISH TOPOGRAPHY. y 4 • 1 60 7 61 62 'A ■ 63 y. y • 64 // 65 J. y * 66 y 67 v - 68 y 2 69 - 4 7 70 • V 71 72 73 // y /«r 74 y a 7 75 77 _ 76 yy . 77 y y* < 78 2 L 79 y y 80 2 2 SI / 77 / 62 Toms ’b Views of Churches in London and Westminster — Monuments of Lady Grace Gethin, mex.. scarce, &c. and Altar Piece at White Chapel Church — — — Antiquities and Mosaic Pavements— Drawings of the Rose Publick House, Fenchurch Street, &c. — — — London Wall—Great Fire of London, and Conflagration in Covent Garden, See. — — — — Views of the Temple and Inns of Court — — Aquatinta Views of Old Somerset House, by Jukes —Procession of the Charity Children in the Strand, 1714, Ditto of the Scald Miserable Masons, Ac. Albemarle House, by W. Skillman, sheet —Ashurst House—Lord Chester¬ field’s House, on satin, &c. — — — Various Views in London and Westminster — — Covent Garden, &c. after Paul Sandby, by Rooker — Piazza—Westminster Hall, Ac. by IP. Hollar — — St. Mary’s and St. Martin’s Churches Strand—St. Margaret’s and St. John’s, Westminster, Ac. — — — Great Window in St. Margaret’s, by Basire, and an Elaborate Drawing of the same, in colours — — — Large Views of Westminster Bridge, by various Artists — Monuments, &c. in Westminster Abbey — — Coronation Processions, Marriages, and Triumphal Arches in Westminster Hall, Abbey, Ac. — — — Houses of Peers and Commons—Tryal of Lord Lovat—Charles Ist’s Death Warrant, &c. — — — Views of Whitehall—Horse Guards—Distribution of His Majesty’s Maundy, (two plates) by Basire, is’c. — — Plans of the City of Westminster—Palace at Whitehall, Ac. — Westminster Hall and Abbey, by IF. Lodge —Whitehall and Tothil Fields, by IF. Hollar, and Drawing in Indian ink of Westminster and St. James’s Palace, taken from the Conduit near the Mall — Palace and Gates at Whitehall, by J. Silveslre, fine and scarce — FireWorks performed on the Thames, on the Peace, 1/13, (etching) by Sir James Thornhill, scarce —Royal FireWorks 1685 and 1749, at the Peace of Aix la Chapelle, Ac. — — Description of the Fire Works exhibited in Covent Garden, 1690 , and at the General Peace, 1748, by B. Lens, scarce — — Representation of the Fire Works in St. James’s Square, on the occasion of the Taking of Namur, 1695 , fine and scarce, and View of the Grand Hydraulick Water Works exhibited at Exeter Change, mex. — l? £ A yy ' 16 K . / *?* f + q c. — — —- . - — Monuments at Great Brington, of the Spencer Family, drawings in colours, by Trotter, fine — — — Ditto ditto — — — Ditto ditto — —- — Ditto ditto — — --Monument of Lady Latimer, at Stowe IX. Churches, by Ditto. Vide Walpole’s Anecdotes, under the article Stowe — -Monuments of the Green’s, of Green’s Norton, by Fisher, in colours — — — — 104 -— Monuments of the Farmor Family, at Easton Neston, by Ditto 105 - Ditto, in colours, the Arms, &c. richly gilt — 106 Northumberland. — Plates to Brand’s History and Antiquities of New¬ castle, first impressions — — — ^07 Nottinghamshire. —Holme Pierrepoint, with the Duke of Kingston and his Attendants, after Tillemans, tfic. scarce, &c. — 408 -- Green Dale Oak—Welbeck, by G. Vertue, &c. — 12 4 ~ 6 7 OfSSs r 2 5 3 37 s' 6 Sc - 17 7 ' <^ LOT 1 10 2/2 111 2 2 112 2/2 113 2 2 114 / //, . 115 / j 116 117 2 , // 1 18 . V 4 • 119 J / 120 / ^ . 121 cj/J 1/ 122 1 g 222•2 c ^.2 9 - , r ^ 4Q y —' S ^ e Ss - 4 22 >" BRITISH TOPOGRAPHY. 'XFORDSHIRE—Views of Colleges, &c. in the University of Oxford, by J. Basire, &c. fine, two oj them proofis — — * -- Oxford Almanacks, by G. Vertue, with M.S. references to the portraits — _ _ _ _ ■-- Colleges—Habits, and Coats of Arms from Loggan's Oxonia Illustrata, &c. — _ _ _ * -Oxford Theatre, by IVorlidge —Statue of Cicero, ly ditto —Robert King Abbot of Osney, w. l. by Fowler, in colours, &c. — * - Antiquity Hall, by Vertue, &c. Views of Blenheim, &c. one a drawing of Blenheim Bridge — _ _ \&S' ■ Ricott, the Seat of Lord Norreys, by H. IVinstanley, rare, and Views of Stanton Harcourt (etchings) by Lord Newnham — -Large Offtracts from Monumental Brass Plates, Robert Eglesfield, &c. 3 * Rutlandshire— Prospect of Burley on the Hill, grave par F. Blondel, a Paris, on four sheets, scarce — _ _ Somersetshire —Views of the Hot Baths (etchings) by J. Fayram, Interior of the Abbey Church, Bath, &c. — — _ Shropshire —Ludlow Castle, &c.— Staffordshire —Steam Engine, near Dudley Castle, by T. Barney, 171 g — Sussex —Lewes and Winchelsea Castles, &c. — — Suffolk —Prospect of Ipswich, with the Plan, on nine sheets, by G. Kina, scarce — .. — — _ Landguard Fort, by Major —St. Edmund’s Bury Abbey, by Kirkall 1 12 2* / > v*. -y BRITISH TOPOGRAPHY. 9 •1 //j y , / // / /* / / y V 1 . a M y 1 ~ ! y!/j> ' > / / // / j /c / /< V j / /) / ■ Z / 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 I 132 133 135 I 136 1 I 137 138 i i 139 i 140 14 1 142 Surry — Claremount —Walton Bridge— Rocque’s Plan of the Earl of Lincoln’s Seat at Weybridge, &c. — — — ■ ■ Set of Views of Albury, by W. Hollar, very fine and scarce • Nonsuch Palace, by G. Hoejnagel, 1582, fine and rare — ■ Set of Views in Richmond Gardens (etchings) by J. Fayram — Putney and Wotton (ditto) by J. Evelyn, and Lambeth House, by IV. — -- Richmond Palace and Gardens, by Rocque, Du Bose — Basire, &c. — ■ Bears Den Hall—Hurricane at Roehampton—Monument of Sir Richard Atkins, Clapham ( drawingJ —Spring Gardens, Vauxhall, by Bickham, &c. — — — — — -Guy’s Monument, by Bartoloxzi, fine — — — Prospects of Wimbledon (etchingsJ by H. Winstanley, rare — - Bishop Andrew’s Monument in St. Saviours Church Southwark, (different positions,) drawings in colours, fine — — Warwickshire —Warwick and Kenilworth Castles — Aston House— Compton House, by Hollar , &c. — — —■ Wiltshire —Wardour Castle—Salisbury Cathedral — Longford House, &c. »■ CEdes Fonthillian.®, by Byrne, p. p. and Stour Head, &c. by Vivares — — — — — — Plans and Elevations of Malmsbury Abbey, from the Vetusta Monumenta, vol. 5, plates 1, to g—and Roman Pavements at Warmin- Worcester s hire—M onuments of Giles Reede in Bredon Church, drawing in colours, and Ditto of Bishops Hough and Johnson in Worcester Cathe¬ dral, ditto, in indian ink — — — Yorkshire-— Prospect of the City of York (on two sheets) by B. Cole — York Cathedral, by F. Place, &c. — — •—■ -- Knaresborough — Castle Howard — Studley Park—Wakefield Bridge, &c. — — — — — --- St. Mary’s Abbey York—Kirkstall and Fountain’s Abbeys— Beverley Minster, &c. — — — — — - Sprotborough near Doncaster, the Seat of Sir Godfrey Copley, by B. Lens, fine and rare — — — — Wales —St. Winefrid’s Well—Hawarden and Chirk Castles, by JV. H. Toms, &c. — — — — — Ireland— View of the Boyne Obelisk (etchings) by Vivares — -- Ditto, by J. Brooks and Crofts, tnez. rare — Scotland —Plan of Drumlanrig, by R. Cooper, and Seals of Robert King of Scotland, sheet — — — 4 /l BRITISH TOl’OHRAPHY. 2 2 144 x / »45 / & M 6 X / H 7 2 2 • / 2 -2 • 2 * > /// 2 /./ • 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 2/2 ^ 15 /£ -I- 2/o 6 J 57 158 Coats of Arms, emblazoned on vellum, M. S. Genealogies of Noble English Families, &c. — — — — Coats of Arms of the Guldeforde Family, &c. emllasoned, and Charter of David King of Scotland, with his miniature, w. i. Genealogy and Seal" appendent, in an ornamented case Miscellaneous Topography — — — — Aquatinta Views, by Ellis, Etchings, by Pouncy, proofs, &c. — Plates to Hearne and Byrne’s Antiquities of Great Britain — Cathedrals and Habits, from Dugdale's Monasticon, before the English Inscriptions — — — — — Embarkation of Henry VIII. at Dover, 1520 —Encampment of the English Forces at Portsmouth—Procession of Edward VI. from the Tower to Westminster, &c. large Antiquarian Prints, by Basire — Abbey Church Bath, published by the Society of Antiquaries -s Cathedral of Durham, ditto Cathedral of Exeter, ditto Cathedral of Gloucester, ditto Collegiate Chapel of St. Stephen’s Westminster, with the Supplementary Part, from Ancient Paintings discovered there Buck’s Views in England and Wales, fine old impressions, in a Solander Portfolio, lettered Buck’s Antiouities — — An oblong Portfolio, containing British Topography, and lettered British Views, Antiquities and Buildings — — An upright ditto, containing a curious Collection of Views, Antiquities, Monuments, Gems, Curiosities, Natural History, &c. and lettered Miscellaneous Views, & t c. — — A Volume consisting of Various Tickets, Coats of Arms, Vignettes, &c. > /2 25 - * , 26 «. /? <■ r s*// 48 r <-~C* 5 er cN.'fV/d'i V t*r / V V VtfrVi Jf / — 8 178 179 180 181 182 //■/ , 84 185 186 187 188 189 1 go 191 Plates to Boswell’s Journal of Dr Johnson and Richardson’s Works, coloured Mansion House Ticket, Sir Joshua Reynolds’s Funeral, and various other Tickets, by Bartoloxzi, fine — — — Britannia sitting with the Cap of Liberty, after Cipriani, by Bartoloxzi, Frontispiece to the General Atlas, by Ditto, proof and etching, &c. Bacchante and Cupids, from the designs of Lady D. Beauclerck and Countess Spencer, by Barlolozzi — — — Hundred Guilder, print after Rembrandt by Captain Baillie, fine Varia, by Ditto, the Burgomaster Six, by Basan, tf 1c. — Jews Harp, after Wilkie by Burnet, on india paper and Plates to Gil Bias, proofs, &c. — — —■ — — Sacred Subjects (mezzotinto’s) by John Smith, fine — — Venus, after Corregio, and St. George and the Dragon, &c. ly Ditto Varia ly Ditto, ific. and Dog with Mutton, 8 cc. (the only etching,) by John Smith — — — — — Large mezzotinto portraits, by Frye, fine — — — Daniel in the Lions Den, after Rubens by If. Ward the same (etching) by Mackwortli, &c. — — — — — Dutch Burgomasters, after Rembrandt by Houston, fine proof — Tigress, after Stubbs, by Dixon, ditto — — — Venus reposing, after Titian, by Cheeseman, Humble Traveller, after Pyna- ker, by Watts in colours, isfc. — — — — Cornaro Family, after Titian, by Baron, Family of John Count Nassau, after Vandyck, by Ditto, proof and letters — — — Good Shepherd, after Murillio, by Major, fine, and Boys at Play, after Ditto, by Woollett — — — — Milton dictating his Paradise Lost (etching) by Barry and Revolution 16 S 8 , by Parker — — — — — Death of Cardinal Beaufort, after Sir Joshua, fine proof •— Holy Family, after Ditto, by W. Sharp, very fine — Angel and Madona, after Guido, by Sir Robert Strange, and Death of the Stag, (Vignette,J by Ditto, scarce — — Le lletour du Marche after Wouvermans, and Cupid, after Schidone, by Ditto St Cecilia, after Raphael, by Ditto, fine, and the same subject, by J. Mitchel Belisarius, after Salvator, by Ditto — — — Death of Dido, after Guercino, by Ditto, first impression — Warkworth Hermitage, by Woollett, Landscape, by Gainsborough, unfinished etching, Sun rising, after Claude, by Canot, proofs, isfc. — D S' * • 1 £ S’ &t ^ ^ c - s' S -S £■T y \ 20 9 ^ 210 /0 / 211 212 / 213 ^ 214 215 216 217 218 u / // /<4 y\s p/ // / A 219 220 221 222 /J\ ■ 223 ' y • 224 225 / 226 / 22 7 228 //, 229 230 YARIA. ^ASSIER's Medals, by Pye, M.S. Account of English Portraits Medallions of Eminent Characters sorted as to their different Countries Antiquities, &rc. a large parcel Miscellaneous Prints—Vignettes in wood, &c. ditto Heads of Cardinals, by Clouwet, &c. — Frontispieces to various Works — Ditto—Head and Tail Pieces, &c. — Ages of Man in ten stages —Four Complexions, by W. Marshall , and Sold by T. Jenner, curious — Tree of Man’s Life—Different Stages of Ditto—Protestants Petigrew, in wood, i Vc. ditto — — Portraits, Statues, Commemorations, &c. of Shakespeare Benefit Tickets of Comedians—Play Bill for the Benefit of Mr. Stede, &c. Etchings, by Angelica, IVorlidge, < 3 fc. — Drawings of Statues from the Antique, red and black chalk, &'c. Medals—Seals—Antiquities, &c. some drawings Portraits from Hutchinson’s History of Durham, &c. Ditto, published by Gardiner, Harding, Richardson, 34 g • 42 s, S 27 c 'Z.sJ' S' 64 f i 'V* * y ^' 13 4 * crA r r ., ^ t < >V«* rS'o/' v.. /f sr c 1 x res ft POLITICAL AND HUMOROUS. / * / 4 /& 4 2 2 2 / / c* 231 232 233 234 4 M // / / //> // /<3 yj 2 'f / y\ 246 24 7 248 249 250 15 Drawings of Beau Nash, w. l. by IVorlidge —Sir George Baker, M. D.— Sir John Harington’s Dog Bungey, &c. and a Letter from Thomas Parkyns, Author of the Cornish Inn Player, with drawing of his portrait annexed — — — — Monuments of Queens Elizabeth and Mary, and Ditto ofSir James Cambell, by IF. Marshall , scarce ■— — Tomb of Prince Henry, with his Effigies at full length, and verses under¬ neath by H. Holland and G. Chapman, fol. fine and rare — Two small Copper Plates of the Rev. Edward Rowe Mores, by J. Mynde y (u j i. /y< 22 ? 2 iSFf'-rss* ? _ POLITICAL AND HUMOROUS. True Narrative of the Horrid Hellish Popish Plot, with Verses to the tune of Packington’s Pound, First and Second Parts, sheet prints, by W. Faithorne, rare and curious — — Pope detected by Cibber, (two different plates) —Calves Head Club, (ditto) Lord Lovat a Spinning, &c. — — Satirical Prints of the South Sea Bubble, 1?20, curious — Deceptions, by Sutton Nicholls, G. Bickham, Sic. two coloured Hellish Plot Discovered, wood cut, 1711 —Funeral Procession of Madam Geneva—High Germon Doctor, &c — — Robins Progress in eight scenes, with description —Robins Reign, or Seven’s the Main, &c. curious political prints during the Ministry of Sir Robert Walpole — — — Satirical, relating to the Bute Administration — — •-to London and Westminster — — --to the Duke of Cumberland—Fox and Pitt Administrations, &c. English Lion, or Vernon Triumphant, with his portrait —Humours of the Lottery—First and Last Days of Term, &c. — Court Gossips—Queen of the Mohocks—Bottle Conjurer, &c. some curious Various Humorous Subjects — — Ditto — — — Remarkable Characters and Curiosities — — Modern Caricatures, by Bunbury, Sic. — — Ditto, by Gillray and Rowlandson, coloured — — E 7 e 2~ i 18 - is y^2 c c < 7 »— yy^t y ^ , is y < y,, y / 14 17 16 20 16 22 cyF-* , -2. y ETCHINGS I>Y AMATEURS. 16 ETCHINGS BY AMATEURS W J /J ic^i 251 252 ' 253 A 254 * y 255 '/ 256 ^ 25 7 6 / 6 253 <> / z /y 4 y / 25C) 260 261 202 263 264 ■// 265 J A\ 266 - 267 268 ^ 269 Ic7 CHIEFLY PRIVATE PLATES. Landscapes by the Earl of Aylesford—Miss N. Auler — C. if. Bampfylde — Jane Ballantyne, &c. — — — Bacchants and Fancy Subjects, by Lady Diana Beauelerck—the Countess of Beslorough, and Duchess of Buccleugh — — Varia, by the Rev. J. S. Breedon — Mr. J. Bechet — Rev. Mr. Bellamy — Honble. Mr. Byron, &c. — — — --- Isabella Carlisle—Lady Cawdor — J. Campbell—Miss Hamilton Carr — Mr. Champernoune — J. Clerk of Eldon — Mrs. Cosway — Geo. Cumberland, &c. — — — — Portraits, (small mezzotintos,) by B. Clowes, &c. — — Varia by T. and W. Daniels — Capt. D'Arcy—Duchess of Devonshire — W. Delamotle—Clement Dorbiggen, Sic. — — — Views in France, (set of etchings from stone plates,) by K. H. Digby Landscapes, &c. by H. R. H. the Princess Elizabeth—Sir Henry Englefield Miss Elderton—Miss Fanshaw—Sir T. Frankland — Mr. Edw. Forster, Sfc. Set of Views in England, 1763, by Richard Gough, F. A. S. Caricatures, by Capt. Francis Grose — — Landscapes, by Lords Gordon, Grantham and Guernsey, and Lady Louisa Greville — — — ■— — Varia, by G. Garrard — B. IF. and §arah Green—Miss Eliza Gulston, &c. Landscapes, &c. by Miss Jenny Hales—Miss Mary Hartley, See. — Etchings from Stone Plates, by C. Heath — J. Hoppner, R. A. See. Varia, by E. Haitswell — J. Holland — G. Holmes — A. Howard — Eliz. Howorth—Sir Abr. Hume, See. — — — - J. C. Ibbetson — J. Ives—G. J. Keate—Sir Thomas Lawrence — Mess. Kennion — Kirkham — Loulherbourg, Sic. — — Ancient Monuments in France and Italy of Knights Templars, &c. by T. Kerrich — — — — — Views and Landscapes, by Lady Eliz. Montagu—Lord Robert Manners — IV. Marlow, F. S. A. Miss M. A. Musters — M. Meyrich — Historical and Fancy Subjects, by Dr. Monro — J. Moore — H. Mortimer — G. Morland — N. Mundy, &c. — _ 12 14 22 13 35 e £■ c-A 24 v// /r c 12 12 FRENCH AND FLEMISH SCHOOLS. 17 // 4 I 7 / \cJ / \4 / / V J ti /yj / / VJ 4 /, 2 / 7 j /j c3 //; / /€ V /! / / : /! 270 Landscapes, &c. by Lord Newnham — Rev. R. Nixon — T. Orde — Mess. Pearson — Pennington — Powell — Power—Lady Arabella Polwarth, &c. 271 Portraits of Judge Reeve, &c. by Sir Thomas Reeve, and Major Rooke 17 'L Views and Landscapes, by Mrs. Ann Rudge, and the Dutchess of Rutland 2/3 Heads and Caricatures, by C. Sharp of Cambridge, his own Portrait, &c. 274 Varia, by Miss E. Shaker ley — G. Seeker—Henry Sass — T. Slot hard, R. A. Col. Stuart—Lady Sutherland—Anne Snelling—John Thane, &c. 275 Landscapes and Figures, by Thiers—Henry Hare Townsend, cetat. 11 . — 1777, &c. _____ 276 Portrait of Teniers and various Fancy Subjects, by General Turner 2/7 Landscapes — Antiquities, &c. by ditto — — — 2/8 Landscapes, by George Viscount Villiers—Lady Charlotte Villiers, 1802 — E. V. Utterson, Esq. — T. Whitby — C. Wollaston, &c. — 279 A Volume containing a Collection of Etchings, by various Masters, and lettered, Etchings by Amateurs, half bound, russia back FRENCH and FLEMISH SCHOOLS. aAcA . | 3 9. j ■ 1 &£»***■*'; J, & ■ FINIS. J. DAVY, Printer, No. 17 , Queen-street, Seven-dials. •' . ■ ■ "if ■ - : '* ' . . ^ . * ; ■ • ■■ •• . . t ■ % ' * e*&rtidns iietrt. ’ >v find -the hi hc-.?.,y'cPCCfeQt;- trui.f Pb /v vnV riuvtilli.