Empiee.Gopying Go's 3^ c ^„gue and toil P f)cei; ^ OF — Elegant •portraits — IN P INDIA INK, WATER COLORS, i CRAYON and OIL. Also the | OjLY ^UI^E flJELJ|NOTYpE. | •:• The Fiijest Cheap Picture in the World. £ -by- & % i & SUN OR ELECTRIC LIGHT. & I ;. : Also the Largest Variety of Picture : : ':': |: Frames and Fancy Mats of any House •:•: :• in America. :•:• B 381 CANAL STREET, NEW YORK, m STUDIO -OF THE- Empire Copying House. Dear Sir:— We are now in a position to Oil all orders entrusted to us with promptness and dispatch. One of the great drawbacks to this business heretofore has been the inability of houses in this line of trade to produce work promptly. The fact is simply this— an utter want of facilities to take advantage of the great power in our business,— sun-light. We are no longer depend- ent upon the light of the sun on dark days. The electric light is used with entire success. We are now prepared to furnish all styles of work, such as Crayons, India Ink, Oil and Water Colors; and all solar prints for the above when the weather is cloudy will be made by the electric light ; and Agents will not have to wait one or tico months for their work, as they write us nearly every day they have to do when they send to some copying houses. There are several points an Agent should be convinced of before he orders outfit. 1st. That the House that solicits your trade is a copying house, and not send your orders to a novelty house who hire some copying house to do their copying, thereby causing the Agent to pay two prices for his work, or else obtain poor work and wait twice as long for his work as he ought to. 2d. Deal with a house who are willing to give you full credit for all rejected Pictures, as our house does, thereby guar- anteeing the Agent against all loss. 3d. Patronize houses who have the facilities to turn out your work promptly on a clear or cloudy day. 1 4th. Only commence with a House who give some guarantee a» to quality of work, by giving names of Agents who have dealt with them. (Read what our Agents say elsewhere.) Be sure of all the above facts, and then order samples and go to work, and no matter what agency you have represented, if you follow the Picture business for one year you will make more clear money than at anything else, because the profits are large, and the sales you make are large ; and not only that, your business is continually increasing. If you sell a good grade of work, one sale will make a dozen more, for the simple reason you sell a family a Picture and they like it, they may give you several more orders, and they will also recommend their rela- tives and friends to deal only with you. Your second and third canvass over the same ground will bring you in two and three times as many orders as the first canvass, as you become known as the Agent who sells the finest grade of enlarged and painted pictures in the country. And this is not a business that dies out, but one that is good every year, and always will be as long as the people patronize the photographer. In conclusion, we wish to say we have none but the best ar- tists, and hire all on salary— no piece work ; and every one we have hired have their special work to perform, and we know if you give us one trial order of a dozen or more pictures you will continue with us ; as hundreds of Agents who have been with us ever since we commenced business can testify to our fair and honest dealings. Awaiting your orders, we remain, Very Respectfully Yours, EMPIRE COPYING CO. 2 INDIA INK AND WATER COLORS. Grades without Frames. INDIA INK. WATER, COLORS. Sizes. Grade A. Grade B. Sizes. Grade A. Grade B. 8x10 $4.00 $6.00 8x10 $6.00 $8.00 10x12 6.00 8.00 10x12 8.00 10.00 11x14 8.00 12.00 11x14 12.00 16.00 14x17 12.00 16.00 14x17 15.00 20.00 16x20 17.00 23.00 16x20 20.00 26.00 20x24 22.00 30.00 20x24 80.00 40.00 25x30 28.00 38.00 1 25x30 40.00 50.00 Water Color Portraits will always be popi|ar with the masses. Presenting as they do the subject in natural life colors, they are considered by many to give a more satisfactory likeness than India Ink. They are espec- ially adapted for ladies and children and people of blond or auburn complexions, which cannot be as truthfully represented in India Ink. India Ink Portraits are finished in black and white, in imitation of steel engravings. Wc make two grades of Water Colors and India Ink. When the original Picture is fairly good and no important changes are required, our Grade A will be found to satisfy your most critical customers; but when the original is badly faded or defaced, or a radical change is desired, they should be ordered in the best grade. Customers who desire the best work that can be produced and are willing to pay for it, will find our Grade B equal in every particular to the production of the best artists in the country, whose studio prices are usually more than double the prices given in our list. S PURE CRAYON AND OIL PORTRAITS. Grades without Frames. Crayon Portraits. Oil Portraits. Grade A Grade B. Grade A Grade B Sizei. On Mill Board. Stretchers. Sices. On Mill Board. On Canvass. 10x12 $10.00 $12.00 11x14 $12.00 $18.00 11x14 12.00 20.00 14x17 16.00 20.00 14x17 20.00 28.00 16x20 20.00 26.00 16x20 25.00 40.00 20x24 30.00 40.00 20x24 40.00 60.00 2*5x30 40.00 60.00 25x30 60.00 80.00 Crayon Portraits are considered by the masses to be par excellence in the Portrait line. Certainly, no other class of -vvrk is superior or more taking to the eye, provided, of course, that the execution is of the finest order. We guarantee that Grade B as ex- ecuted by us cannot be equalled for three times the money by other artists in the country. Agents will do well to make a point of this class of work. Thousands of people in the United States are desirous of having their Portraits in oil. It is a living remembrance of the dear ones that are gone. Grade A are photographed and mounted on heavy Mill Board, and guaranteed durable. Grade B are drawn on genuine English can- vass, mounted on stretchers and keyed on the back, making a genuine old-fashioned Oil Painting. In addition to the above sizes, we are prepared to fill orders for life size Portraits, worth from $200.00 to $500.00. PRICES OF THE Genuine Melanotype. Grades without Frames. Sizes. Grade A. Grade B. 8x10 $2.00 $2 50 10x12 2.50 3.00 11x14 3.50 5.00 14x17 5.00 7.50 Copying and finishing every extra head in groups, for all styles and grades of work. Size. 8x10 10x12 11x14 14x17 16x20 20x24 25x30 Price. $ .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 We do not make this style of work any larger than 14x17. The above Picture is the cheapest style of work we make. It is a painted water color Picture upon a metal back. It is the finest cheap Picture made by any house in America, and must not be classed with any of the cheap daubs some copying houses send out under different names. We have the highest testimonials from Agents from all parts of the world for the above picture, and it has taken the first pre- mium at every Fair ever exhihited in the U. S. Where customers do not wish to pay the price for the other higher grades of work, this picture will please them in every respect. When the original is much faded or defaced, or your customer wants a beautiful and finely lined Picture, you should order Grade B; for others Grade A will answer every purpose. Prices of mats. We have the largest and finest assortment of Mats in the market. We furnish plain Mats for all our picture sizes up to 14x17, and for all over 14x17 we advise any of the first three styles of Mats. All Pictures, even 8x10, look to better advantage in a plain gold or gold beveled Mat, and Agents would do well to buy a sample of each style of Mat. The following three styles are all same price : 1st. Gold burnished beveled Mats. 2d. Flock and gold. 3d. Gold front with fancy pebble cover. Prices 1 st, 2d and 3d Styles. Prices Plain Gold Mats. Sizes. Prices. Sizes. Prices. 8x10 $ .50 8x10 $ .20 10x12 .80 10x12 .30 11x14 1.00 11x14 .40 14x17 1.20 Prices Plain English Mats. 16x20 1.80 8x10 $ .15 20x24 2.50 10x12 .20 25x30 5.00 11x14 .30 It will pay yotj to procure a good Magnifying Glass, to use in canvassing, so that you can show your customers how much it improves the pictures to enlarge them. We can send you a splendid one for One Dollar. It will more than pay for itself every day. Our only object in advising you to get one, is because we know how much difference it will make in the number of your orders. PICTURE FRAMES. Agents will find it much cheaper to purchase Frames from us, and have Picture all ready for delivery. You will see that we quote you prices that will defy competition. As we are large manufacturers, we can sell at greatly reduced fig- ures. We use the best French Glass, and each frame is neatly packed. We make no extra charge for glass, backing, plush lining in composition frames, and nothing extra for boxing, provided pictures are put in them : and we furnish cord and screw eyes free with every framed Picture. We ask Agents to compare our prices with other firms, and they will find our prices air lower titan any other. And nearly every other house Charge extra for glass, backing, crating, plush centre in frames, and do not furnish you with cord and screw eyes. Our prices Include everything, the frame being ready to hang upon the wall. And Agents should recollect a picture looks 100 per cent. better framed than unframed, thereby making your delivery in nearly every instance a certainty. And not only that, your profits on frames are nearly as much as on the pictures. You can in nearly every instance induce your customer to order pictures framed. Agents' Questions Answered. We always return small Pictures safely. No discount for duplicate copies. There is just as much work on each, and we make no charge for negatives. We can put on collars, ties, change color of clothes, etc. We never send outfits free without a cash deposit. Agents can canvass for one style of pictures only, bnt we advise our regular outfits of three styles. We cannot send framed Pictures by mail, and only small lots unframed. Postage extra : 8x10, 10 cents ; 10x12, 15 cents ; HxH, 20 cents. No larger sizes sent by mail. Pictures get damaged more easily by mail than by express. The sizes mentioned of Portraits are inside measurement of frames. i WHOLESALE PRICES. Our prices to Agents are just one-half the prices given in this retail catalogue. Our retail prices are about the prices Agents should sell Pictures, Frames and Mats for, although in some localities it maybe best to sell for a little less ; and some places where the ex- press charges are high, they should obtain more than catalogue prices. No. 347 is 2£ inch composition gilt frame with 1 inch silk plush lining. We can furnish this No. In bronze PRICES OF No. 347. 8 Ss The Frame below, No. 337, la an entirely new- design, being 3 In. com- position gilt, with 1 in. silk plush lining, and also a square of silk piush placed in the top of the Frame on each of the four sides. One of the finest frames sold. Wm ml ■iie>VK'^i6 ■V.K'JXi. w-jf ^»: No- 444. No. 32, the top cut on this page, is \% in. wide by 1% in. deep, solid Walnut, 1 in. French Walnut centre, 1% in. stencil gilt lined, engraved corners combination frame. " Three frames in one." No. 9, the lower cut on this page, is \y t in. wide by 2# in. deep. Solid Walnut Frame, with % in. gilt lining. Sl/.rS. No. 32. No. 9 8x10 $8.86 $1.25 10x12 2.50 1.50 11X14 3.00 2.00 14x17 4.00 3.00 16X20 6.00 4.00 20x24 6.00 5.00 26X30 8.00 7.00 11 No. 25, the top cut on this page, is 2 in. stencil gilt, 1 in. velvet centre, red or blue, and \% in. fluted gilt. No. 7, the lower cut on this page, is 1 in. French Walnut, with % in. lining and beautifully engraved corners. Sizes. No. 25. No. 7. 8x10 $2.50 $ .75 10x12 3.00 1.00 11X14 4.00 14X1T 5.00 This Frame is 16X20 6.00 too light for 20x24 8.00 any size over 25X30 10.00 10x12. Notice.— If Agents have orders for wider moulding Frames and higher prices, give size and style wanted and we will quote prices. 12 No. 28, the top cut on this page, is 2J£ in.flat moulding, ebony, gilt inside and outside, and 1)4 in. deep lining, hollow inside, engraved corners. No. 29, the lower cut on this page, is 1 in. wide by \% in. deep satin, walnut, 1 in. French centre, % in. gilt lined engraved corners, combination Frame. Sizes. No. 28. No. 29 8x10 $2.00 $1.25 10x12 2.50 1.50 11X14 3.00 2.00 14X17 4.00 2.50 16X20 6.00 3.00 20x24 6.00 4.00 25X30 8.00 6.00 13 SAMPLES, To overestimate the value of a good outfit is, we might say, almost an impossibility. In endeavoring to take orders without good samples, it will be found "penny wise and pound foolish," for an exhibition of fine samples will procure more orders than a world of talk. The experience of our Agents is, that the investment of a few dollars in samples is money well expended. From the thousands of Pictures which have been sent to us to be copied, we have selected a line of samples which is very attractive and suitable to display the dif- ferent kinds of work. From these negatives we will furnish samples of any size or grade of work at one- fourth the retail prices. We furnish these samples at much less than actual cost, but are willing to share this much of the expense with our Agents, in order that they may have good samples. If any "Agent prefers to carry sample of only one style of work, we will furnish the subject from stock for one-fourth retail prioe, and frame for the same one-half retail price; for instance, Grade A, style Melan- otype, 10x12 in., No. 32 Frame, would be $1.87£, but we will send you one from stock for $1.75, and deduct the $1.75 when your order amounts to $17.50. If you furnish subjects to copy, price will be $2.50, and no deduction for this from your account. In ordering samples, at least one-quarter of the price must accompany the order, balance C.O.D. When the full amount accompanies the order, you save paying return charges on money. All necessary blanks and printed matter we furnish without charge. 14 OUFITS. For the benefit of Agents who desire to canvass for a general assortment of work, we furnish splendid canvassing outfits as follows : OUTFIT No. 1. 8x10 Melanotype, Grade A $2.00 8x10 India Ink, Grade A 4.00 10x12 Water Color, Grade A 8.oo 10x12 Agent's Case, Hinge Back, with Waterproof Cover.. 2.00 $16.00 We send this outfit (No. 1) complete for $3.90. OUTFIT No. 2. 10x12 Melanotype, Grade A $8.50 10x12 India Ink, Grade A 6.00 11x14 Water Color, Grade A 12.00 11x14 Agent's Case, Hinge Back, with Waterproof Cover.. 2.50 $23.00 We send this outfit (No. 2) complete for $4.00. OUTFIT No. 3. 10x12, Melanotype, Grade B $3 00 10x12, India Ink, Grade B 8.00 11x14, Water Color, Grade B 16.00 Gold Beveled Mats on each Picture 2.20 11x14, Agent's Case, Hinge Back, with Waterproof Cover, 2.50 $31.70 We send this outfit (No. 3) complete for $5.00. These Hinge Back (waterproof) Agents' Cases are the newest style and very light, and by having one of these and our cata- logue giving the engravings of our frames, it will be unneces- sary to carry a frame, as customers will see by the engravings what the Frames are, and select the one they desire; and Agents can order by number, and we will frame the Picture accord- ingly. 15 VALUABLE SUGGESTIONS TO AGEHTS.-The following sug- geations and rules for success are the result of years of ex- rience by the most successful Agents, and It will pay you to learn them " by heart," and practice them faithfully. If you do so, we will guarantee you success. First.— Pay particular attention to your personal appearance. Second.— Be polite and agreeable at all times. Third.— Make this your business and attend to it. Fourth.— Never be in a hurry ; your profits are large and you can afford to take your time. Be patient and polite, but don't give up. Talk as though you expected orders to be given as a matter of course. Fifth.— Always address your customers by name, which you should ascertain before you call, if possible. SPECIAL DIRECTIORS.-Agents, in writing orders, will use the printed envelopes we furnish for the purpose. Use a sepa- rate one for each order. Fill out all the blank spaces, and write explicit directions about every detail. Always write with ink, as pencil marks are liable to rub off and lead to serious mis- takes. Be as brief as possible in writing directions. Don't give a life history of the subject to be copied. Be particular to write the style of picture you want on the envelope. This is very im- portant. Do not seal envelopes containing small pictures. Number your orders consecutively from 1 to 1,000, commencing with each lot where you left off before. Write the numbers on each envelope in space Intended for It, also mark the same number on back of the small pictures. Never have two dif- ferent pictures numbered the same. Be particular to write your own number (which we give you when we ship you sam- ple) on each envelope, for without this the picture might go astray and occasion delay and trouble. It is a good plan to keep an order book, with a list of the numbers, names and prices of each. You will find It convenient to refer to. Never send us a picture that is copied from another to work from, if you can get the original that was taken from the person. When one is to be taken from a group, designate the one to be copied by some 16 description ; if the one at the right is wanted, it will be the one nearest your right hand as you look at it. Always leave the printed slip we furnish with your customers, stating the price agreed upon. It will save you trouble in delivering. HOW TO SEND ORDERS.— In sending us a lot of Pictures to copy, fill out an order list with ink, stating when and where you want the Pictures sent when finished. Write also the number of each Picture, name and address of customer, and the number of copies wanted from each original. Should you want a part of your orders sent at different dates, All out a separate order list, giving the number, etc. wanted for each date. When you get Pictures in cases, do not remove them, but send them in their cases just as they are, as the glass would be liable to get broken if removed ; and, as most of them are not varnished, they would be sure to get injured, and perhaps ruined. Should you get glass Pictures that are not in cases, wrap them up carefully in several thicknesses of paper before packing, to guard against breakage. Take the best care of Pictures entrusted to yon, as they are often the only likeness of a dear departed friend, and could not be replaced if lost or injured. If you have a dozen or more to send, pack tuem se- curely in a light wooden box— a cigar box will generally do— and ship by express, plainly addressed. Never mark any value on the package, as that usually doubles the charges and makes it no safer. When a person wishes another one or more copies exactly like the first, it will be necessary to send back both the copy and the original, if possible. Making so many Pictures daily, it is hard to remember the exact style of finish or size of head, unless we have the first copy to pattern after. Should you send a Picture back for alteration, always send the original with it. SENDING BY MAIL.— In sending us an order of less than one dozen, Agents will save expense to send by mail. Packages containing no writing can be sent from any part of the United States at the rate of " one cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof." Send the envelopes with directions duly numbered in a letter by themselves at letter rates. Number each Picture 17 also 10 correspond with the number on its own envelope, and if card, photos or tin-types, wrap securely with thin paper be- tween each, and a piece of heavy pasteboard on the outside, and tie firmly with strong twine, but do not seal. Glass Pictures not In cases cannot be sent by mail, unless packed in a box, to prevent being broken by stamping. TERMS TO AGENTS.— Orders can be filled in from ten days to two weeks uuless 25 to 100 Pictures, when you should allow three to four weeks. Agents can in the meantime proceed in their canvassing. Agents should bear in mind that goods shipped to them must be taken out as soon as they arrive, as in case of fire or damage the loss falls upon them. We ship Pic- tures by express, C.O.D., unless the amount is small and you prefer to send the money. To accommodate those of limited capital we will divide each shipment into as many packages as you wish, and collect on each package for the amount con- tained, provided you so state with your order. Whenever we divide the goods into two or more packages, or whenever the whole amount is less thanf 10.00, we add charges for returning the money; in all other cases we will pay return charges. Express charges are always more in proportion on small lots than large orders. 18 Genuine Stem Winding Waterbury Watch accompanying Cut to Everyone like For each and every agent they obtain for us. If you can- not work for us recommend some one else or send us the names of a few agents you know of for books, maps, m e d i c i n e s , sewing ma- chines, &c, 4c, or some one you think "would make a good agent. If you are not in need of a good watch, you can sell or trade it for $10.00 easily piioiiflrti ^\ r a Above cut is 2-3 actual size. will 8end tn j S Watch in fine finished box by Registered Mail, pre- paid, to anyone for every agent they obtain for us, as soon as said agent has ordered and paid for one dozen pictures. MANY WILL WONDER HOW W| CAR AFFORD TO MARK 8U€fl OFFEB8. AND OIVE AWA1 SI TH GRAND PREMIIMS TO EVERYONE. We could not do so if one dozen Pictures were all the agents would order from us, but when we obtain a person who orders once from us, we are almost certain to ke'ep him for years, as our books testify, therefore making our profit by long and continued business with said agents. Very respectfully, EMPIRE COPYING CO. Presented by Mr. P. 0. .State .