Britfeli 3nstitntion FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE REGENT, VICE-PATRON AND PRESIDENT. THE MARQUIS OF STAFFORD, DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON: PRINTED BY W. BULMER AND CO. CLEVELAND-ROW, ST. James's. 1813. PRICE ONE SHILLING. BRITISH INSITTUTION FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. The Directors having purchased for Three Thousand Guineas, Mii. West's Picture of OUR SAVIOUR healing the Sick in the Temple, propose to publish by Subscription a Print of it, to be engraved in the Line manner by Charles Heath, Esq. of the dimensions of twenty-eight inches and a half by eighteen inches and a half. The Price of the Prints to Subscribers to be Five Guineas each. No Proofs to be taken off, except for the Subscribers to the purchase of the Picture; who are to have one Proof each, and one early Impression of the Print ; and also two Proofs of the Etching, and two of the unfinished Impressions. A Deposit of half the price to be paid on Subscribing, and the remainder on the delivery of the Prints, which will be made in the order in which the Subscriptions are received; the delivery being as early, as it is practicable for a Print of this magnitude and character to be engraved. Subscriptions are admitted, and deposits received, by Mr. Valentine Green, the Keeper, at the British Gallery only. British Gallery, April 9, 1811. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE Q.UEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE REGENT. VICE PATRON AND PRESIDENT. Her Royal Highness The Princess oe Wales, His Royal Highness The Duke oe York, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of York, His Royal Highness The Duke oe Clarence, , His Royal Highness The Duke oe Kent, His Royal Highness The Duke of Cumberland, His Royal Highness The Duke of Sussex, His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge, Her Royal Highness The Princess Augusta Sophia, Her Royal Highness The Princess Elizabeth, Her Royal Highness The Princess Mary, Her Royal Highness The Princess Sophia, Her Royal Highness The Princess Charlotte of Wales, 4 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester, Her Royal Highness The Princfss Sophia of Gloucesteh. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. The Marq,uis of Stafford, Deputy President and Director^ The Duke of Bedford, Vice President and Visitor^ The Marq,uis of Abercorn, Vice President and Director^ The 'Marq,uis of Blandford, Vice President and Visitor^ The Earl of Bridgewater, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Aberdeen, Vice President and Director, The Earl of Ashburnham, Vice President and Director, The Earl of Dartmouth, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl Grosvenor, Vice President and Director, Earl of Aflesford. George Aust, Esq. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar, Bart. Visitor John Julius Angerstein, Esq Visitor Marquis of Bute Lord Brown low. Director Sir George Beauipont, Bart. Director Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart. Director Lady Bernard Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M.P. Director John Bay ford, Esq. T. R. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. Thomson Bonar, Esq. R. H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. Broadhead, Esq. Earl of Carlisle Earl Cowper, Director Marquis Camden, Visitor Earl of Carysfort, Visitor Lord Carrington Thomas Coutts, Esq. Bishop of Durham Lord Dundas, Director Lord De Dunstanville Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Visitor Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Charles Duncombe, Esq. Visilor John Egerton, Esc^. M. P. Visitor Earl of Egremont, Visiior Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. Francis Gosling, Esq. Earl of Hardwicke, Director Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. M.P. Director George Hibbert, Esq. M. P. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. Director Henry Philip Hope, Esq# Visitor William Huskisson, Esq. M. P. The Rev. S. C. Jervolse Lord Kinnaird, Director Richard Payne Knight, Esq. Director Right Hon. C. Long, M. P. Director E. Loveden Loveden, Esq. M. P. William Ludlam, Esq. Earl Manvers, Visitor 5 Earl of Mulgrave, Director Charles Marshy Esq. John Meheux, Esq. William Morland, Esq. Treasurer Earl of Povs^is Sir Robert Peele, Bart. M. P, Visitor Charles Pieschell, Esq. Claude Scott, Esq. Samuel Foart Simmons, William Smith, Esq. M. P. Director John Symmons, Esq. Visitor Richard Thomson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. M. P. Visitor Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. M. P. Rt. Hon. Nich. Vansittart, M. P. Sir W. W. Wynne, Bart. M. P. Charles Wall, Esq. David Pike Watts, Esq. Mrs. Weddell Samuel Whitbread, Esq. M. P. Visitor W. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. LIFE GOVERNORS. Lord Arden Rt. Hon. Charles Abbott, Speaker John P. Anderdon, Esq. Earl of Buckingliamshire Earl of Breadaibane Lord Viscount Bulkeley Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. Rev. Edward Balme Samuel Boddington, Esq. Archbishop of Canterbury Hon. Edward Spencer Cowper, M. P. Rev. W. Holwell Carr, Director Arthur Champernowne, Esq. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. Visitor Lord Dynevor B GOVEllNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. John Dent, Esq. M. P. Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex. liOrd Eardley William Fitzhugh, Esq. M. P. Visitor Earl Grey, John Green, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. John Hinckley, Esq. Lord Lovaine Edward Lee, Esq. Beeston Long, Esq. John Lowther, Esq. M. P. Samuel Lysons, Esq. John Maitland, Esq, M. P. William Manning, Esq. M. P. Philip Metcalfe, Esq. Lord Northwick, Director ' John Nash, Esq. Charles Offley, Esq. Roger Pettiward, Esq. George Reveley, Esq. Rev. John Robinson Earl Spencer Lord Sonierville Rt. Hon. Sir William Scott, M. P. William Scrope, Esq. William Tassie, Esq. Robert Thornton, Esq. M. P. Henry Thornton, Esq. M. P. Richard Troward, Esq. Earl of Upper Ossory, Visitor Subscrihers of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are intithd to he ballotted far as Hereditary Governors, and Subscribers of dO Guineas in one sum, as Life Governors of the Institution. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, or of 50 Guineas or upwards in otie sum, have the right of personal admission to the Exhibition and Gallery, and of introducing two friends each day. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 30 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission and the right of introducing one friend each day. Subscribers of one Guinea a year, or of 10 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Exhibition and Gallery. ^ Subscriptions are received by the Treasurer, William Norland, Esq. at Messrs. Morland, Ransom and Co., 56 Pall- Mall, and by the following Bankers; Messrs. Coutts and Co.; Messrs. Dorm, Thornton and Co.; Messrs. Goslings, Sharp and Co.; Messrs. Hammersleys find Co.; Messrs, Hoares.; and Messrs. Praeds, Digby and Co. SUBSCRIBERS. Ma Re alteral.ons of time, by the analogy of repeated experiments, verified by long observation. His experin>ents, however, though made with judgment, skill, and perseverance, failed in some instances ot success, through want of sufficient regularity and attention m observing and recording the results; so that he might repeat with accuracy and certainty, that which had procured the effect desired This he often regretted ; but nevertheless, even m his failures, there may always be traced a just intention, and true conception of what the art should aim at; and a comparison ot the state in which he found it, with that in which he left it, is alone sufficient to entitle him to the respect and gratitude of Us lovers and practitioners. To those who have seen the works of the immediate predeces- sors of this Artist, and view the splendid Exhibition which is now offered to the Public, and, at the same time, consider that these form only a^art of the superior productions of one individual, it may Be unnecessary to observe, that no painter ever raised the art from so low a state of degradation, to so high a pomt ot excellence, or has left more splendid and instructive examples for the imitation of his successors. D CATALOGUE OF PICTURES BY THE LATE SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS EXHIBITED BY THE PERMISSION OF THE PROPRIETORS, IN HON O OR OF THE MEMORY OF THAT DISTINGUISHED ARTIST, AND FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF BRITISH ART. The Numbers of the Pictures commence with that of His Majesty's Portrait, placed at the upper end of the North End. 1 Portrait of his majesty — 2 Portrait of Mrs.Siddons as the Tragic Muse 3 Piping boy — ■ — — 4 Sleeping girl — — — 5 Boy with cabbage nets — Dates. 1781 NORTH UOOM.— East Side. 6 Young shepherdess, in a landscape — 7 Portrait of Lord Richard Cavendish 8 Portrait of the late Earl Camden, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and afterwards Lord Chancellor — 1764 Dimensions. Proprietors. Height. Widfh. Feet In. Feet In. 9 0 6 0 The Royal Academy. 7 4 4 9 JVilliam Smith, Esq. M. P. 9 1 Marchioness of Thomond. 9. 6 2 1 Samuel Rogers, Esq. 1 2 6 2 1 Duke of Doi^set. 4 2 2 3 Marchioness of Thomond. 7 9 4 9 Duke of Devonshire. ^ 7 3 4 8 Marquis Camden. r 16 ] 9 Portrait of Miss Harris, with a doa- 10 Portrait of the Countess Harcourt 1 1 Portrait of Dr. Thomas Newton, Bishop of Bristol — — 12 Death of Cardinal Beaufort — 13 The fortune-teller — 14- Portrait of the late Sir Will iam Chambers 15 St. John in the wilderness — 16 Portrait of Lady Melbourne and child 17 Infant Hercules — 18 Portrait of Miss Price — - 19 Children in the wood Dates. — 1775 1784 1780 1784 1787 1770 1772 Dimensions. NORTH ^OOlsl.-^ South End. 20 Portrait of Lady Boringdon 21 Portrait of Lady Elizabeth Foster 22 Portrait of Master Bunbury — 23 The Gleaners — 24 St. Cecilia — _ 25 The captive — — 26 An old man's head, a study 1773 NORTH "^OOU,— West Side, 27 Hope nursing Love — 28 Miss Meyers in the character of Hebe — 29 Portraits of the late Marquis of Landsdowne, Lord Ashburton, and Coionel Barr6 ' 1790 SO Portraits of Lady Williams Wynn and Family 31 Portrait of late Earl Camden 32 Venus and Cupid — . l^g^ 33 The death of Dido — j^gj Height. Feet In. 4 8 4 2 4 0 4 2 4 0 4 3 4 10 4 1 4 1 4 7 Width. Feet In. 3 9 3 3 4 9 3 4 3 2 4 9 3 3 3 3 3 1 7 9 4 9 2 5 2 1 2 5 2 1 8 0 6 0 9 2 5 3 2 5 2 0 2 5 2 0 Proprietors Earl of Darnley. Earl Harcourt, Archbishop of Canterbury, Earl of Egremont. Duke of Dorset. The Royal Academy. Marchioness of Thomond. Viscount Melbourne. Earl Fitzwilliam. Mrs. Price. Viscount Palmerston, Lord Boringdon. Duke of Demnshire, Colonel Bunbury. William Gosling, Esq. Sir W. W. Wynn. Rev. William Long. Henry Edridge, Esq. Earl of Upper Ossory. Mrs. Meyers. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart, Sir W.W.Wynn,^ Bart. Duke of Grafton. Rarl of Upper Ossory. Marchioness of IJmnond. [ 17 1 34, Count Ugoliiio and his children in the dun- geon, as described by Dant6 in the 33d Canto of the Inferno — S,5 Garrick— between Tragedy and Comedy 36 Portrait of Lady Carnarvon and son — 37 Infant Jupiter — — 38 Portrait of the late John Hunter — 39 A girl leaning on a pedestal — 40 A portrait of Lady George Cavendish 41 Girl and kitten — — — 4^ Infant Samuel — — 43 Girl and kitten — — 44 Landscape — — Dimensions Proprietors. Height. Width. Dates. Feet In. Feet In. 1773 4 1 5 10 T>uke of Dorset 1762 4 Q G 0 J. J. Anger stem, Esq. 4 7 3 8 Earl of Carnarmn, 1774 4 2 3 3 Duke of Rutland. 4 7 3 Mrs. Hunter. 1785 rt yrCr^^ /S^ ^^^^^^^^ %g ■ ^JAj^<^. /^-^^ ^^^/ z"-^/ ^-^^ ' %tiii%\ institution FOR PROMOTING THIS FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. PATRON. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE REGENT, VICE-PATRON AND PRESIDENT, THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUIS OF STAFFORD, DEPUTY PRESIDENT, LONDON: miNTED BY W. BULMEB AND CO. CLEVEiAND-ROW, ST. James's. 1814. PRICE ONE SHILLING. ////^ BRITISH INSTITUTION FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. The Directors having purchased for Three Thousand Guineas, Mr. West's Picture of OUR SAVIOUR healing the Sick in the Temple, propose to publish by Subscription a Print of it, to be engraved in the Line manner by Charles Heath, Esq. of the dimensions of twenty-eight inches and a half by eighteen inches and a half. The Price of the Prints to Subscribers to be Five Guineas each. No Proofs to be taken off, except for the Subscribers to the purchase of the Picture ; who are to have one Proof each, and one early Impression of the Print; and also two Proofs of the Etching, and two of the unfinished Impressions. A Deposit of half the price to be paid on Subscribing, and the remainder on the delivery of the Prints, which will be made in the order in which the Subscriptions are received ; the delivery being as early, as it is practicable for a Print of this magnitude and character to be engraved. Subscriptions are admitted, antl deposits received, by Mr. John Young, the Keeper, at the British Gallery only. B»msH Gallery, April 9, 1811. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE REGENT. VICE PATRON AND PRESIDENT. Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales, His Royal Highness The Duke of York, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of York, His Royal Highness The Duke of Clarence, His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent, His Royal Highness The Duke of Cumberland, His Royal Highness The Duke of Sussex, His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge, Her Royal Highness The Princess Augusta Sophla, Her Royal Highness The Princess Elizabeth, Her Royul Highness The Princess Mary, Her Royal Highness The Princess Sophia, Her Royal Highness The Princess Charlotte of Wales, GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester, Her Royal Highness The Princess Sophia of Gloucesteb. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. The Marq,uis of Stafford, Deputy President and Director, The Duke of Bedford, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Dartmouth, Vice President and Director, The Marquis of Blandford, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Bridgewater, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Aberdeen, Vice President and Director, The Earl of Ashburnham, Vice President and Director, The Earl of Carlisle, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl Grosvenor, Vice President and Director, The Marquis of Abercorn Earl of Aylesford, George Aust, Esq. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar, Bart. Visitor John Jnlius Angerstein, Esq. Visitor Marquis of Bute Lord Brownlow, Director Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Director Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart. Director Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M.P. Director The Reverend James Baker John Bayford, Esq. T. R. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. John Blackall, Esq. T/i$mson Bonar, Esq, R. H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. Broadhead, Esq. Marquis Camden, Visitor Earl Cowper, Directo Earl of Carysfort, Visitor Lord Carrin2:ton Thomas Coutts, Esq. Bishop of Durham Lord D and as, Director Lord De Dunstanville Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Visittr Col. Dalrymple Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney Charles Duncombe, Esq. Visitor John Egerton, Esq. M.P. Visitor GOVERNORS OF THf BRITISH INSTITUTION. Earl^of Egremont, Visitor Ftancis Freeling, Esq. John Fuller, Esq. Sir James Grahani, Bart. M. P. Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. Earl of Hard wick e, Director Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. M.P, Director Oeoree Hibbert, Esq. M. P. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobiinuse, Bart. M- P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. Director Henry Philip Hope, Esq, Visitor William Huskisson, Esq. M. P. The Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. Lord Kinnaird, Director Richard Payne Knight, Esq. Director John Knight, Esq. Marquis of Lansdown. Earl of Lonsdale, K/^zVor Right Hon. G. Long, M. P. Director E. Loveden Loveden, Esq. M. P. John William Lubbock, Esq. M. P. W^liam Ludlam, Esq. Earl Manvers, Visitor Earl of Mulgrave, Director Charles Marsh, Esq. John Meheux, Esq. William Morland, Esq. Treasurer Earl of Povvis Sir Robert Peek, Bart. M- P- Visitor Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Claude Scott, Esq. Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. Directof John Symmons, Esq. Visitor Richard Thomson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. M. P. Visitor Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. M.P. Rt. Hon. Nich. Vansittart, M. P. The Earl of Upper Ossory, Director Sir W. W. Wynne, Bart. M. P. Charles W all, Esq. David Pike Watts, Esq. Mrs. Weddell Samuel Whitbread, Esq. M. P. VisUor W. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. Roger Wllbraham, Esq. LIFE GOVERNORS. Lord Arden Rt. Hon. Charles Abbott, Speaxer John P. Anderdon, Esq. Earl of Buckinghamshire Earl of Breadalbane Lord Viscount Bulkeley Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. Rev. Edward Balme Samuel Boddington, Esq. Archbishop of Canterbury Hon. Edward Spencer Cowper, M.F. Rev. W. Holvvell Carr, Director Arthur Champernoune, Esq. Ridley Colborne, Esq. Visilpr Earl of'Darnley GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Lord Dynevor John Dent, Esq. M. P. Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex. Lord Eardley The Rigl.t Hon. William Fitzgerald William Fitzhugh, Esq. M.P. Visitor Earl Grey, John Green, Esq. Jeremiaii Harman, Esq. John Hinckley, Esq. J. S. Hudson, Esq. I^ord Lovaine Edward Lee, Esq. Rev. William Long. Beeston Long, Esq. John Lowther, Esq. M. P. Samuel Lysons, Esq. John Maitland, Esq. M. P. Ebenezer Maitland, Esq. jun. M. P. William Manning, Esq. M. P. Philip Metcalfe, Esq. Lord Northwick Rt. Hon. Sir John NichoU, M. P. John Nash, Esq. Earl of Ormond Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerstom George Philips, Esq. M. P. Roger Pettiward, Esq. George Reveley, Esq. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. Rev. John Robinson Earl Spencer, Visitor Lord Soraerville Rt. Hon. Sir William Scott, M. P. George Smith, Esq. Sir M. M. Sykes, Bart. M. P. William Scrope, Esq. William Tassie, Esq. Robert Thornton, Esq. M. P Henry Thornton, Esq. M. P. Richard Troward, Esq. Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. Subscribers of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are intitled to be ballotted for as Hereditary Governors, and Subscribers of 50 Guineas in one sum, as Life Governors of the Institution. Subscribers oj 5 Guineas a year, or of 50 Guineas or upwards in one sum, have the rioht of personal admission to the Exhibition and Gallery, and of introducing two friends each day. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 30 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission and the right of introducing one friend each day. Subscribers of one Guinea a year, or of 10 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the hxhibition and Gallery. tfT Subscriptions are received by the Treasurer, William Morland, Esq. at Messrs. Morland's Ransom and Co., 56 Pall-Mall, and by the following Bankers; Messrs. Coutts and Co. ; Messrs. Down, Thornton and Co.; Messrs. Goslings, Sharp and Co.; Messrs. Hammerslem •nd Co.; Messrs. Hoares.; and Messrs. Praeds, Digby and Co. SUBSCRIBERS. 105 o 105 o 10$ o 52 10 10 10 o M ARc^uis or Abbrcorn Earl of Aylesford Earl of Ash burn ham E ii l or Aberdeen Lor ! Arriea Rt. H >n. i^harles Abbot, Speaker 52 10 Gtrorge Aust, Esq. - - 105 o Lord Aston - annual i i Sir joHii Sr. Auhyn, Bart. M. P. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar, Bart. 105 John P. *\nderdon, Esq. - 52 10 John Julius Angerstein, Esq. - 105 o Robert Ashby, Esq. - annual i i Duke of Bedford - 105 o Marquis of Bute - - 105 o Marquis of Blandford - 105 o Earl of Bridgewater - - 105 o Earl of Buckinghamshire - 52 10 Earl ot Breadalbane - - 52 10 Lord Brownlow - 105 o Lord Viscount Bulkeley - 52 10 Sir George Beaumont, Bart. - 105 o Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart. - 105 o Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. - 105 o Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. - 105 o Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. - 5210 Rev. James Baker - 105 o Rev. Edward Balme - - 52 10 John Bayford, Esq. - 105 o John Barnes, Esq. • - 10 10 T. R. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. - 105 o Charles Bell, Esq. - - 10 10 J. J. Burn, Esq. - annual i i Charles Birch, Esq. - - 10 10 John Blackall, Esq. - 105 o Samuel Boddington, Esq. - 52 10 Thomson Bonar, Esq. - - 105 o R. H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. - 105 o John Brickwood, Esq. - 10 10 T. H. Broadhead, Esq. - 105 o Major Bradford - - annual i i William Bragge, Esq. - annual 3 3 William Bulmer, Esq. - annual i J. T. Bunn, Esq. - annual 1 Rev. G. Bridges - annual I James Bosweli, Esq. - annual i A. S. Bouit, Esq. - annual i Archbishop of Canterbury - 52 10 Marquis Camden - - 105 o Earl Cowper - . 105 o Earl of Carlisle - - 105 o Earl of Carysfort - 105 o Lord Carrington - 105 o Smith Child, Esq. - - annual 1 1 Hons Edw. Spencer Cowper, M. ?. 53 10 Rev. W. Holwell Carr James Carpenter, Esq. Wiliiam Carpenter, Esq. Arthur Champernowue, Esq. Ja res Christie, Esq. John C'andge, Esq. iMrs. Cub bold Ridley Colborne, Esq. Rev. John Coliinson W. K,. Coussmaker, Esq. Thoinas Courts, Esq. John Craufurd, Esq Richard Carruthers, Esq. R.J Chippend.'ll, Esq. - Earl of Dartmouth Earl of Darnley Colonel A.J. Dalrymple J. C. Denham, E^q. Bishop of Durham Lord Dynevor Lord Dundas Lord De Dunstanville annual i I annual i I 52 iO 10 10 annual 1 i annual i i 52 13 annual i i annual i i 105 o 10 10 annual i i annual i i 105 o 52 10 105 • annual 1 i 105 o 52 10 105 o 105 o Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M, P. 105 o Alexander Davison, Esq. - 105 o Miss Dehaney - • 105 • John Dent, Esq. M. P. - - 52 lO Charles Duncombe, Esq. - 105 o Enosh Durant, Esq. - 52 lO Earl of Essex - 52 lO Earl of Egremont - • I05 « Lord Eardiy - • 5210 Sir William Elford, Bart. - lo 10 John Egerton, Esq. M. P. - 105 -0 William Fitzhugh, Esq. M. P. 52 10 The Right Hon. William Fitzgerald 52 10 Francis Freeling, Esq. - - 105 o John Fuller, Esq. - 105 o James Fairweather, Esq. - annual 1 i Rev. E. Forster - annual i i John Fuller, Esq. - - 105 a Earl Grosvenor - - 105 o Earl Grey - - - 52 lO Sir W illiam Geary, Bart. - 10 10 James Giles, Eiq. - annual 1 i F. Gray, Esq. - - annual 1 i Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. 105 o Francis Gosling, Esq. - - 105 o George Gostling, Esq. - 105 o John Green, Esq. .- - 52 10 Earl of Hardwicke, - 105 o Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. M. P. 105 o Sir Richard C. Hoare, Bart. annual 5 5 Jeremiah Harman, Esq. - 52 10 William Harris, Esq. - - 10 10 Rev. J. Harris, - annual i I J. Halkett, Esq. - - annual 1 1 SUBSCRIBERS. Charles Hatchett, Esq> George Hib'bert, Esq. M. P. John Hinckley, Esq. - ' , Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart, M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Robert Holford, Esq. M. P. Henry Bope, Esq, Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. J. S. Hudson, Esq. William Hiiskisson, Esq. M. P. J. Halket, Esq. - John Hatsell, Esq. Seguin H. Jackson, M. D. Rev. S. C. Jervoise Christopher Johnson, Esq. George Johnson, Esq. Lord Kinnaird Richard Payne Knight, Esq. John Knight, Esq. Marquis of Lansdown Earl of' Lonsdale LCid Louvaine Liidy Lucas Right Hon. Charles Long, M Sir J. J. Leicester, Bart, Thornas Lack, Esq. Edward Lee, Esq. Rev. William Long Beeston Long, Esq. Mrs. Longman Edward L. Loveden, Esq. M. P. John Lowther, Esq. M. P. John William Lubbock, Esq. M. P. William Ludlam, Esq. Rev. Dr. Luscombe Samuel Lysons, Esq. William Manning, Esq. Eai 1 Manvers Earl of Mulgrave Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. M John Maitland, Esq. M. P. Ebenezer Maitland, Esq. P. S. Marett, Esq. James Mather, Esq. Joseph Man ton, Esq. Charles Marsh, Esq. John Meheux, Esq. Philip Meicalte, Esq. Mathew Michell, Esq. William Morland, Esq. S. Bernard Morland, Esq. M.P. James Moss, Esq. John Murray, Esq. annual Lore! Nortliwi k - - John N;ish, E'sq. W 1 Newton, hsq. - annual Right Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M. P. George Nicol, Esq. - annual Mrs, Nicol annual Earl oi Ormond I OS 52 105 105 105 10 105 J05 105 52 105 annual 1 annual 5 annual i 105 10 10 105 105 10s 105 - 105 52 annual 5 P. 105 annual 5 10 52 52 I 105 52 105 105 annual 1 52 52 105 105 10 52 52 lo I I 105 ^ 105 52 annual 3 105 10 10 I 52 52 I 52 3 3 52 annual annual annual 10 o 10 o o o 10 o o o 10 o I 5 I o 10 10 o o o o o 10 5 o 5 10 10 10 10 I o 10 o o 1 10 10 o o 10 10 lO 10 I I o o 10 3 o 10 10 I 10 10 I 10 3 3 10 Charles Offley, Esq. Sir John Orde, Bart Earl of Ormond George Philips, Esq. Earl of Powis John Penn, Esq. Thomas Lister Parkin, Esq Roger Pettiward, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. George Philips, Esq. Hon. Augustus Phipps, M. P. annual General Phipps Sir Robert Peele, Bart. M. P. J . C. Parker, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. F. C. Parry, Esq. Dr. Raynier George Reveley, Esq. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart Rev. John Robinson Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. Marquis of Stafford Earl Spencer Lord Viscount Sydney Bishop of Salisbury Lord Somerville Right Hon. Sir Wm. Scott, M. P. Claude Scott, Esq. William Scrojje, Esq. Richard Simmons, Esq. - William Smith, Esq. M. P. George Smith, Esq, M. P. Enos Smith, Esq. R. H. Solly, Esq. J. W. Steers, Esq. T. Stowers, Esq. Sir M. M. Sykes, Bart. John Symmons, Esq. Richard Thompson, Esq. William Tassie, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. M. P. Robert Thornton, Esq. M. P. Henry 'I'hornton, Esq. M. P. Charles H. Tracy, Esq. M. P. Richard Troward, Esq. M. I. Turner, Esq. annual i 52 52 105 5 10 52 105 52 I annual annual i annual annual loS annual annual annual annual Right Hon. N. Vansittart, M.P William Vauglian, Esq. Earl of Upper Ossory Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. Sir W. W. Wynne, Bart. M. P. Charles Wail, Esq. David Pike Watts, Esq. Mrs. Weddcll Sainucl Whitbread, Esq. M. P. James Whitilc, Esq. S. S. Whitwell, Ebq. W. WilberloiCL-, Esq. M, P Roger Wiibraham, Esq. 6'n Thomas Willes Daniel Wilson, Esq. M. M. Zackary, Esq. annual I 1 52 52 52 10 105 52 5 I 52 52 105 52 105 105 52 10 I 10 I 52 105 10s 52 ICS 52 52 105 52 10s 10 52 . P. 52 . - 105 105 105 105 105 annual i annual i 105 105 annual i annual i annual i 10 I 19 10 o o 10 10 o 10 I I o 10 o I I 10 10 10 10 Q 10 5 I 10 10 o 10 o o 10 10 I 10 I 10 o o 10 o 10 lO o 10 I o lO 10 10 Q o o o I I o o I I 1 [9] P R E FA C E. The Directors of the British Institution have, in pursuance of the Plan which they originally proposed, adopted those measures which appeared to them best calculated to facihtate the improve- ment, and lead to the advantage of the British Artist ; with this view they have set before him many examples of painting of the Foreign School, which appeared to them capable of affording In- struction in the various branches of his Art ; but in offering spe- cimens for his Study, they have not forgotten the Works of the eminent men which the British School has produced. Those of «Sir Jo^hm Reynolds displayed last year at the British Gallery, gratified every Lover of the Art; they exhibited the most brilliant glow of colouring, and the most facinating combination of Fancy and of Taste; they proved that England is a soil in w hich the Polite C C 10 3 Arts will take root, Houi'ish, and arrive at a very high degree of perfection: if further proof were wanting, it would be found in the varied productions of the Masters whose works are now exhibited. Hogarth adopted a new line of art, purely English ; his merits are known to the public more from his Prints than from his Paint- ings : both deserve our attention. His Pictures often display beauti- ful colouring as well as accurate drawing : his subjects generally convey useful lessons of morality, and are calculated to improve the man as well as the artist: and he teaches with effect, because he delights, while he instructs. It has been said of him, that in his Pictures he com^posed Comedies; his humour never fails to excite mirth, and it is directed against the fit objects of ridicule or contempt. The powers of his pencil were not perverted to the purposes of personal attack; the application of his satire was general, and the end at which he aimed was the reformation of folly or of vice. Many of the works of Wilson will be contemplated with delight —few artists have excelled hiui in the tint of air, perhaps the most difficult point of attainment for the Landscape Painter; every object in his pictures keeps its place, because each is seen through its proper medium. This excellence alone gives a charm to his pencil, and with judicious application may be turned to the advantage of the British Artist. The merit of his works is now justly appreciated ; and we may hope that since the period of his decease, the love and knowledge of the Art have been so much diffused through this country, that the exertion of such talents may never again remain unrewarded during tlie life of him who possessed them. c in The Pictures of Gainshorouslh as well as those of Hogarth, were drawn entirely from English nature. Among his Portraits, some will be found in this Exhibition to possess considerable merit, but his fame will rest chiefl}^ upon his other works ; in his fancy pic- tures, his choice was peculiarly happy — the characteristic air of his cottage children, the truth and spirit with which his animals are touched, his just representation of rustic scenery, the force of his colouring, and the skilful! management of his hght and shade, give a most captivating effect to his works, and place him indis- putably upon the highest eminence among this class of Painters. Zoffani has been thought to merit the attention of the public on this occasion, by the industry with which he has cultivated an in- teresting branch of portrait painting ; he may be called the Histo- rian of the Stage of Garrick. Those who remember that inimitable actor will be grateful to Zoffani, for the accuracy with which he has recorded all that it was possible to catch of his exquisite but evanescent art. These works will shew the young artist, that if so much may be done by care, industry, and a resolute attention to nature, without any peculiar degree of taste, or power of ima- gination, how much may be accomplished by the active exertion of minds more bountifully gifted. It is not proposed to point out particularly the various beauties displayed in the works of these eminent artists. It is sufficient to touch upon the most prominent ; the painter who studies them will discover many other excellencies which he may turn to his advan- tage: neither are the productions of these masters selected as objects of servile imitation, but as affording hints, and encourag- ing attempts, which are likely to lead to improvement. The pre- sent Exhibition, while it gratifies the taste and feeling of the lov^r of the art, may tend to excite animating reflections in the mind of the"artist if at a time when the Art received little comparative support such works were produced, a reasonable hope may be entertained that we shall see productions of still higher attainment, under more encouraging circumstances. The Directors flatter themselves that their endeavours have not been unavailing even in the short period which has elapsed since the commencement of this Establishment. The annual Exhibition of the present year evinced considerable improvement among the junior Artists : they trust that improvement will be pro- gressive. It is the anxious wish of the Directors to give publicity to the eminent works of the British Artist— to be justly appre- ciated, such works must be generally seen ; their introduction into our public Halls would be highly desirable; and the admission of proper Scriptural Subjects into our Churches, would surely, while it promoted the Art> advance the purposes of Religion. The fame of the deceased artist would thus be perpetuated, and the living artist would be prompted to his most strenuous exertions. CATALOGUE OF PICTURES BY THE LATE WILLIAM HOGARTH. RICHARD WILSON, THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, and J. ZOFFANL EXHIBITED BY THE PERMISSION OF THE PROPRIETORS IN HONOUR OF THE MEMORY OF THOSE DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS, AND FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF BRITISH ART. l-O WHICH ARE ADDED ETCHINGS DISTINGUISHING THE NAMES IN THE FLORENTINE GALLERY AND ROYAL ACADEMY. T^e Numbers of the Pictures commence with His Royal Highness the Prince Regent's Portrait, placed at the upper end of the North End* No. 1 Portrait of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent — — S The tribune of the Florentine gallery* 3 Landscape, with gipsies — — 4 Cottage children — — Painters. Gainsborough Zoffani Gainsborough Gainsborough Proprietops. Lord Dundas, Her Majesty. H. Phillips, Esq^ Earl of Carnarvon, • For a list of the Portraits, see the Plate of reference at the end of the Catalogue. D [ 14 ] No. 5 Family at a cottage door 6 Small landscape — 7 A woody scene, in his early manner 8 The departure of Hagar and Ishmael 9 Small upright landscape *p A small landscape 10 Small landscape n Ditto — . „ NORTH ROOM.— Side. 12 Portrait of Lady de Dunstanville — 13 The country waggon 14 An upright landscape, with cattle 15 Sportsmen in a landscape, in imitation of Tcniers 16 A woody scene, in his early manner 17 Girl going to the well — "^^^ family ; a copy from the picture by Titian, at Northumberland-house 19 Fighting dogs . ^0 A landscape, with cattle and figures, evening 21 Woodman loading an ass ^ 22 Landscape, in his early manner — 23 Portrait of a youth 24 Copy from Velasquez _ 25 Group of cattle, in a warm landscape 26 Portrait of Lord George Sackville 27 A landscape 28 View near Sudbury ^ Painterf. Gainsborough Gainsboroup:h Gainsboroup-h Gainsborouo^h Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Proprietors. Sir John Leicester, Bart, Samuel Rogers, Esq. G. Townky, Esq. Sir TV. TV. Wynn, Bart IV. Alexander, Esq, Earl of Carlisle. S. Rogers, Esq, John Ewer, Esq^ Gainsborouarh Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborou<>:h Gainsborouo'h o Gainsborough Gainsborouffh o Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborouoi) o Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Lord de Dunstanmlle. Mrs. Fitzherbert. J. Crosdillj Esq. fVilliam Smith, Esq, D. P. IVatts, Esq, Lord de Dunstanville, S. Rogers, Esq. Earl of Dysart. Rt. Hon. Charles Long, Hugh Hoare, Esq. H. Powell, Esq. Earl G? "osvenor. Lord de Dwistanrille. Marquis of Lansdown, Duke of Dorset, Mrs. Fitzherbert. Ld^Chief Baron Thompson, [ 15] NORTH ROOM.— aSow^^ End. N«. 29 Portrait of Dr. Schomberg - - — 30 Sea-shore, with fishermen putting off a boat 51 Landscape, with cottage and figures 32 A fox hunted by grey hounds, a sketch 33 Portrait of John Thornton, Esq. — 34 A fresh breeze; selling fish — 35 Cart passing the brook — NORTH ROOM— /Fe^f Side, 36 Going to market — — 37 The harvest waggon — — 38 Landscape in his early manner — 39 Portrait of Thomas Sheridan, Esq. when a boy 40 The woodman, a small duplicate of the pic- ture burnt at Ex ton Park 41 Scene on a common, with cattle and figures 42 Landscape, view in SuflPolk — 43* Portrait of Thomas Gainsborough, Esq. 44 Rake's progress, picture 1 — 45 Rake's progress, picture 2 — 46 Rake's progress, picture 3 — — 47 Rake's progress, picture 4 — 48 Rake's progress, picture 6 — — 49 Rake's progress, picture 6 — 50 Rake's progress, picture 7 — — 51 Rake's progress, picture 8 — 52 Waggon and horses passing a brook 53 Return from milking — — 54 Landscape and cattle — — 55 Cattle on the banks of a river, with boats and figures — 56 Romantic landscape, with sheep at a fountain Painters. Gainsborough Gainsborougli Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth tiogarth Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Proprietors, Mr^s. Schomberg, Sir J. F, Leicester, Bart. Earl of Dysart. Samuel Whitbread, Esq, Marine Society. Earl Grosvenor. Earl of Dymrt, Sir R. C. Hoare, Bart J. Wiltshire, Esq. H. Powell, Esq, Right Hon. R. B. SherijI^, Archdeacon M^ P. IV. Mak^Esq. John Heywood, Esq, Royal Academy. mi.. yj. Soane, Em J, Ewer, Esq. Right Hon. R. B, Sheridan. Joseph Smith, Esq. Right Hon. Charles Long. Royal Academy, [16 No. 67 Girl and pigs — 58 Fox-dogs • — 59 Landscape with a fall of water ^0 The cottage door, with children at play 61 Shepherd boys 62 A country cart passing a brook 63 A cottage girl 64 Landscape, with cattle going to water 65 Portrait of David Garrick, Esq. — - 66 Cattle at a fountain 6/ An evening scene 68 Morning: 69 Horses watering 70 The Parish clerk of Bradford, Wilts 71 Girl with milk — _ 72 Banks of a river, with cattle 73 Asses in a landscape, an early picture 74 Landscape, with cattle, oval 75 A road side with figures, an early picture East Side, 76 A view from Moor Park, Hertfordshire 77 A scene from the Beggar's Opera 78 Portrait of Mr. Cuffs — — 79 A View of St. James's Park 80 The Laughing Audience, a sketch — 81 The Politician — — 82 Falstaff reviewing his recruits — 83 Portrait of Macklin in the character of Shy- lock — — $4 Portrait of Quia — — Painters. Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborougli Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsboroug:h Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborough Gainsborouo;h Gainsborough Gainsborouo-h Gainsborouo-h o Gainsborough Proprietors. Earl of Carlisle, J. CrosdiU, Esq. IV. N. IV. Hewet, Esq. Earl of Mulgrave. Dakeof Nexvcastle. G. Gostling, Esq. Right Hon. R. B. Sheridan. J. Wiltshire, Esq. General B. IVallis. Earl of Egremont. John IJeyxt'ood^ Esq* Earl Carysfort. Earl of Londsdale* J. Wiltshire^ Esq* S. Rogers, Esq. S. Rogers, Esq, Sir S. Clerk Jervoise, Bart* G. Gostling, Esq. G. Townley, Esq* Wilson Hogarth Zoffani Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Lord Dundas. J. W. Steers, Esq. His Maj esty. H. R. H. THE Pr. Regent. Right Hon.R B. Sheridan* Peter, Esq, Mrs. Garrick. Zoffani Sir G. Beaumont, Bart. Gainsborough Ij. Wiltshire, Esq* No. ' ■ 85 The family of R. R. Graham, Esq. — 86 Orator Henley christening a child, a sketch 87 A boy and kite — — 88 A view from Moor Park, Hertforshire 89 Debates on palmistry, a sketch — 90 Garrick in the character of Sir John Brute, in the Provoked WifCj with Parsons, Moody, &c. as Watchmen — — 9\ The Pool of Bethesda, a sketch for the pic ture on the staircase of Bartholomew Hos- pital — — — ' Garrick in the character of Abel Drugger, with Palmer and Burton as Subtle and Face, in the Alchemist — ■ — *92 The late Mr. Townley's gallery; with por- traits of Mr. D'Hankerville, Mr . Astell, late keeper of the Records ; the Honourable Charles Greviile, and Charles Townley, Esq. **92 Mr. Western's family — — 93 A view of Bethlem Hospital — • 94 Portrait of Hogarth, with the pug dog *94 A Study for the third stage of the Harlot's progress — — Painters. 92 MIDDLE nOOM—South End. 95 Children at a cottage door — 96 Foote and Weston in the characters of Dr. Last and the President, in the farce of the Devil upon Two Sticks — — 97 Portrait of Hogarth,, painting the figure of Comedy — — — 98 The coffee- house politicians *98 A woman swearing her child to a grave citizen — 99 Portrait of Colonel St. Leger — 100 Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Garrick — *101 The Family of the late Mr. Wollaston E Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Wilson Hogarth Zoffani Hogarth Zotfani Zoffani Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Gainsborough Zoffani Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Gainsborough Hogarth Hogarth Proprietors. R. R. Graham, Esq. R. P. Knight, Esq, Earl Grostenor. Lord Dundas. Sir G. Beaumont, Bart. Earl of Mulgrave. Sir G. Beaumonty Bart. Earl of Carlisle. Townley, Esq, Western, Esq. Mr. Jones. J. J. Angersiein, Esq. Earl of Charlemont. John Knight, Esq. Earl of Carlisle. Marquis Camden Thomas Daniel, Esq. Rev. TValley. H. R. H. THE Pit. Regent. Mrs. Garrick. Mrs. WoUasto7i. [ 18 3 No. 101 Foote and Jacob in the characters of Major Sturgeon and Sir Jacob JoUap, in the farce of the Mayor of Garrat — — 102 The distressed Poet — — 103 A Committee of tlie House of Commons, ex- aming the Warden and Turnkeys of the Fleet prison, on a charge of cruelty towards the prisoners — — — MIDDLE ROOM-^West Side 104 Portrait of Mrs. Hoadly — • — 105 Portrait of Lady Byron — — , 106 Portrait of Henry Thornhill, Esq. — *i07 A Landscape — — 107 A landscape, with figures fishing — 108 The Lady's last stake — — *108 Landscape with figures, a Cartoon — 109 Apollo and the Seasons — — 1 10 Marriage a-la-mode, picture 1 — 1 1 1 Marriage a-la-mode, picture 2 — 112 Marriage a-la mode, picture 3 — 113 Marri.igc a-la mode, picture 4 — 114 Marriage a-la-mode, picture 6 — 115 Marriage a-la-mode, picture 6 — 116 Portrait of Captain Coram — *116 Landscape with peasants going to market 1 17 The Villa of Macasnas, near Tivoli — 117 A Landscape — — 118 Cicero at his villa — — 119 Portrait of Dr. Benjamin Hoadly, Bishop of Winchester — — 120 The Gate of Calais — ~ 121 Portrait of Sarah Malcolm — *121 A Study for the second stage of the Har- lot's progress — . t^ainters. ZofFani Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Wilson Wilson Hogarth Gainsborough Wilson Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Gainsborough Wilson Wilson Wilson Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth ProprietOM, Earl of Carlisle, Earl Grosvenor. Earl of Carlisle. Archdeacon D'Oyly, Earl of Mulgrave. Rev. Dr. Luscombe, John RichardSj Esq. Earl of Egremont, Earl of Charlemont. Sam. TVhitbreadj Esq. W. Leader^ Esq. >J. J. Angersfein, Esq. Founding Hospital, — Hanbury, Esq. JV. Leader^ Esq. J. lodhunter, Esq. JVilliam Fitzhugh, Esq* Archdeacon D^Oyly. Earl of Charlemont. Earl of Mulgrave. Earl of Charlemont, [ 19 ] MIDDLE ROOM— 2Vor/A End. Vo. 122 Portrait of Uhs Fenton, afterwards Duchess of Bolton — laj Portraits of Garrick, Braiisby, and Aicken, as Lord Clialkstone, iEsop, &c. m the farce otl Lethe — 124 The Wanstead Assembly — 126 Portraits of Gainsborough's two daughters 126 Portrait of Mr. Porter — • — 127 Portraits of Parsons, Bransby, and Wat- kyno, in the characters of the Old Man, JEsop, and the Servant, in Lethe -— 128 Taste in high life — Painters. Hogarth Zf)fFani Hogarth Gainsborough Hogaith ZofFani Hogarth •out!) ^oom* East Side. 129 A view of Dover — 130 A woody scene — 131 A landscape, with figures bathing — *131 Time clipping the Wings of Cupid 132 Landscape, a view near Llangothlen, North Wales — — 133 Cicero at his villa — 134 A view of Ancoua - 135 The Election Dinner — — 136 Canvassing for Votes — — 137 Landscape — 138 View on the Strada Noraentana, in Italy 139 View on the river Dee — 140 Adrian's villa, at Rome — 141 Portrait of Wilson — — 142 A view of Oakhampton Castle, Devonshire 143 The March to Finchley — 144 A view in Italy — — ,145 View of part of the ruins of Macaenas' villa Wilson Wilson Wilson Zolfani Wilson Wilson Wilson Hogarth Hogarth Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Mengs Wiison Hogarth Wilson Wilson Proprietors. George f Fat son, Esq. Sir Geo. Beaumont, Bart. JV. Long IVesllesley, Esq. Samuel fVhitbread^ Esq. Marquis of Stafford. Sir Geo. Beaumont, Bart. John Birch, Esq, Mrs. fVhite. Sir fV, IV. JVynn, Bart, Mr. Coppin. John Birch, Esq. Sir TV. TV. TVynn, Bart. John Hawkins, Esq. Mrs. Garrick. ^ Lady Ford, Earl Grosvenor, Joseph Farrington, Esq. Miss Booth. tLon. Richard Howard, Foundling Hospital. Marquis of Abercorn. \foseph Farington, Esq, [ 20 ] N©. U6 The Temple of Bacchus, near Rome 147 A Landscape — 148 The bridge at Llangothlen, with Castle Dinas Bran — _ 149 Polling the Votes — 100 Chairing the Member — — 101 Ruins on the coast of Bay£e — 152 The Temple of Venus, on the coast of Bayje 15^j Landscape, a cavern scene — 1.54 A small upright landscape — 1.55 A Landscape — 156 A view near Rome — SOUTH ROOM- South End, 167 Celadon and Amelia — — 158 Macajnas' villa, at Tivoli — 159 An evening scene — 160 Landscape, with figures bathing 161 Landscape — 162 A view in Italy _^ 163 An Italian scene 164 Sinall landscape 165 Cicero at his villa 166 Sigismonda — 167 The Royal Academy* - . 168 Macaenas' villa, at Tivoli — 169 Niobc — - _ 170 Landscape — 171 The Hermitage — 172 Landscape — . 173 Small Landscape 174 Lake ofNeimi — 175 Sauii Landscape * For a list of the Portraits, see the Plate Painters. Wilson Wilson Wilson Hogarth ' Hogarth Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson W^ilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Hogarth Zoffani Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Proprietors. John Ewer, Esq. Sir W. TV. Wynn, Bart. Sir. JV. TV. Wynn, Bart, Mrs. Garrick. John Trower, Esq. Ridley Colbourne, Esq, Lady Ford. Robert Ashby, Esq, John HawkinSf Esq, JVilliam Smith, Esq. Sir Geo. Beaumont, BarL Mr. Coppin. IV. Leader, Esq. Hon: A. Phipps, Lady Ford, 'Rev. Dr. Markm. Thomas Daniel, Esq. Sir W. W. Wynn, BarU Jr i/.^ Anderdon, Esq. His Majesty, Mis% Booth, Sir Geo. Beaumont ^ Bart, SirRichardC. Hoare, Bart, Earl of EgrewMnt^ Mrs, Pitcairn, Lady Ford, of reference at the end of the Catalogue. [ 21 ] SOUTH nOOM—irest Side. No. 176 View at Wilton — — 177 View on the Tiber, near Rome — 178 Landscape — — 179 Adrian's villa, near Rome — 180 View of Rosamond's Pond, St. James's Park 181 View of Wilton House — 182 View of Sion House from Kew Gardens 183 Solitude — _ _ Still let me pierce into the midnight depth Of yonder grove, of wildest, largest growth, That, forming high in air a woodland choir, Nods o'er the mount beneath. At every step, Solemn, and slow, the shadows blacker fall. And all is awful listening gloom around. These are the haunts of Meditation, these The scenes where ancient bards ih' inspiring breath, Ecstatic felt, and from this world retir'd. Thomson's Summer, line 5l6. 184 Solitude — _ _ Wilson John Roberts, Esq. 185 Morning — _ _ Hogarth Sir JV. Heathcote, Bart, 186 Noon — — — Hogarth Lord Gwydir. 187 Landscape — — Wilson Samuel Rogers, Esq. 188 A view near Rome — Wilson Lady Douglas. 189 An Italian scene ~ — Wilson M. M. Zackary, Esq. 190 A view near Rome — — Wilson Marquis Camden. 191 A scene in the Conquest of Mexico Hogarth Earl of Upper Ossory. 192 A Landscape — Wilson Lady Ford. 193 A Landscape, with figures fishing — Wilson J. Todhunter, Esq. 194 Evening — — — Hogarth Lord Gwydir. 195 Night _ _ _ Hogarth Sir JVm. Heathcote, Bart, 196 A view on the coast of Bayse — Wilson Lady Douglas. 197 A Landscape — — Wilson Viscouitt Palmerston, 198 Vievv^ of Wilton House — — Wilson Earl of Pembroke. 199 Meleager and Atalanta — Wilson Sam. Rogers, Esq. 200 Vievv^ of Wilton House — — Wilson Earl of Pembroke. 201 A view of Rome — — F Wilson Earl of Dartmouth. Paintert. Proprietor. Wilson Earl of Pembroke. Wilson Earl of Dartmouth. Wilson Thomas Lawrence, Esq. Wilson Viscount Palmerston. Wilson Bragge, Esq. Wilson Earl of Pembroke, Wilson JV. Leader, Esq. Wilson J, Todhunter, Esq. [ 22 ] No. 202 View of the bridge Remini 203 Landscape — 204 Small landscape — SOUTH nOOM— North End. t05 View of Croome, Worcestershire 206 Niobc — — 207 Small landscape — — . 208 View on the Tiber — 209 Landscape and figures — SIO A view at Milbank — all View on the river Thames — S12 Part of the ruins of Maecenas' villa 213 Portraits of the late Mrs. Sheridan ^ Mrs. Tickell — — 214 A view of Rome — 215 Phaeton — ^ — 216 View on the coast of Bay as — 217 Landscape — — 218 View on the Strada Nomentana — 215 Landscape — — 220 Landscape — — ' 221 Landscape — and Painters. Proprietors. Wilson . Lieaaer, Esq. Vviison Sir M. IV. Ridley, Bart. Wilson John Knight, Esq. Wilson JLarl of Lo'oentry. Wilson His Highness the Duk OF Gloucester. Wilson J. fr. iSteers, Esq. Wilson Mrs. White. W^ilson o. oquire, Esq. vv iison M. M. Zackary, Esq. Wilson Lady iord. Wilson J. jy. liugheSf Esq^ Grai nshornii crli o Rf TTmi Tl ^hpy^i/]nyal Highness The Duke of Clarence, His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent, His Royal Highness The Duke of Cumberland, His Royal Highness The Duke of Sussex, His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge, Her Royal Highness The Princess Augusta Sophia, Her Royal Highness The Princess Elizabeth, Her Royal Highness The 1*rincess Mary, Her Royal Highness I'he Princess Sophia, Her Royal Highness The Princess Charlotte of Wales, 4 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester, Her Royal Highness The Princess Sophia of Gloucester. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. The Marq,uis of Stafford, Deputy President and Director^ The Duke of Bedford, Fice President and Director ^ The Duke of Devonshire, Vice President and Visitor^ The Earl of Dartmouth, Vice President and Director^ The Marq,uis of Blandford, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Bridgewater, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Aberdeen, Vice President and Director, The Earl of Ashburnham, Vice President and Director^ The Earl of Carlisle, Vice President and Visitor y The Marquis of Abercorn Earl of Aylesford, George Aust, Esq. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar, Bart. John Julius Angerstein, Esq. Marquis of Bute Lord Browniow, Director Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Director Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart. Director Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M.P. Director The Reverend James Baker John Bayford, Esq. T. R. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. R. H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. Broadhead, Esq. Marquis Camden, Visitor Earl Cowper, Director Earl of Carysfort, Visitor Lord Carrington Thomas Coutts, Esq, Bishop of Durham Lord Dundas, Director Lord De Dunstanville Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Visitor Col. Dalrymple Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney John Dent, Esq. M. P. Charles Duncombe, Esq. Visitor Sir John Egerton, Bart. M. P. Director Earl of Egremont, Visitor GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Earl Fitzwilliam, Visilor Francis Freeling, Esq. Johii Fuller, Esq. Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. Earl of Hardwicke, Director Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. M.P. Director George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. Director Henry Philip Hope, Esq- William Huskisson, Esq. M. P. The Rev. Sir S. G. Jervoise, Bart. Lord Kinnaird. Richard Payne Knight, Esq. Director John Knight, Esq. Marquis of Lansdown. Earl of Lonsdale, Visitor Right Hon. G. Long, M P. Director E. Loveden Loveden, Esq. M. P. John Williaui Lubbock, Esq. M. P. William Ludlam, Esq. Earl Manvers, Visitor Earl of Mulgrave, Director John Meheux, Esq. William Morland, Esq. Treasurer Earl of Povsris Sir Robert Peele, Bart. M. P. Visitor Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Claude Scott, Esq. Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. Director John Symmons, Esq. Visitor Richard Thomson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. M. P. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. M. P. Rt. Hon. Nich.Vansittart, M.P. Visito The Rev. Thomas Vialls. The Earl of Upper Ossory, Director Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart. M. P. Charles Wall, Esq. David Pike Watts, Esq. Mrs. Weddell Samuel Whitbread, Esq. M. P. Visitoi W. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. LIFE GOVERNORS. Lord Arden Rt. Hon. Charles Abbott, Speaker John P. Anderdon, Esq. Earl of Buckinghamshire Earl of Breadalbane Lord Viscount Bulkeley Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. Rev. Edward Balme Samuel Boddington, Esq. Archbishop of Canterbury Hon. Edward Spencer Gowper, M. P. Rev. W. Hoi well Carr, Director Arthur Charapernowne, Esq. N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. Visiter Earl of Darnlev \ B GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Lord Dynevor Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex. Lord Eardley Rt. Hon. W. Vasey Fitzgerald, M. P. William Fitzhugh, Esq. M. P. Visitor Earl Grey, John Green, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. J. S. Hudson, Esq. Lord Lovaine Edward Lee, Esq. Rev. William Long. Beeston Long, Esq. John Lowther, Esq. M. P. Samuel Lysons, Esq. John Maitland, Esq. J. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. Willi am Manning, Esq. M. P. Philip Metcalfe, Esq. Sir John Murray, Bart. Lord Northwick Rt. Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M. P. John Nash, Esq. Visitor Earl of Ormond Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. John Perry, Esq. Philip Perry, Esq, George Philips, Esq. M. P. Roger Pettiward, Esq. George Reveley, Esq. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M.P. Rev. John Robinson Earl Spencer, Visitor Lord Somerville Henry Seymour, Esq. Rt. Hon. Sir William Scott, M. P. George Smith, Esq. Sir M. M. Sykes, Bart. M. P. William Scrope, Esq. William Tassie, Esq. Robert Thornton, Esq. George Townley, Esq, Richard Troward, Esq. Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. Subscribers of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are intitled to be ballotted for as Hereditary Governors, and Subscribers of 50 Guineas in one sum, as Life Governors of the Institution. Subscribers oj 5 Guineas a year, or of 50 Guineas or upwards in one sum, have the right of personal admission to the Exhibition and Gallery, and of introducing two friends each day. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 30 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission and the right of introducing one friend each day. Subscribers of one Guinea a year, or of 10 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Exhibition and Gallery. ^ Subscriptions are received by the Treasurer, William Morland, Esq at Messrs. Norland's, Ttansmi and Co., 56 Pall- Mull, and by the following Bankers; Messrs. Coutts and Co.; Messrs. Do vn, Thornton and Co.; Messrs. Goslings, Sharp and Co.; Messrs. Hammersleys and Co.; Messrs. Hoares.; and Messrs. Praeds, Digby and Co. SUBSCRIBERS. M ARQUIS OF AbBRCQRN Earl ofAylesford Earl of Ashburnham Earl of Aberdeen Lord Arden Rt. Hon. Charles Abbot, Sp George Aust, Esq. Lord Aston John P. Anderdoii, Esq. John Julius Angerstein, Esq. Robert Ashby, Esq. Duke of Bedford Marquis of Bute Marquis of Blandford Earl of Bridgewater Earl of Buckinghamshire Earl of Breadalbane Lord Brownlow Lord Viscount Bulkeley Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart. Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M, Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. Rev. James Baker Rev. Edward Balme John Bayford, Esq. John Barnes, Esq. T. R. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. Charles Bell, Esq. J. J. Burn, Esq. Charles Birch, Esq. John Blackall, Esq. Samuel Boddington, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. R. H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. John Brickwood, Esq. T. H. Broadhead, Esq. Major Bradford - William Bragge, Esq. William Bulmer, Esq. J. T. Bunn, Esq. Rev. G. Bridges James Boswell, Esq. A. S. Boult, Esq. Archbishop of Canterbury Marquis Camden Earl Cowper Earl of Carlisle Earl of Carysfort Lord Carrington Smith Child, Esq. - Hon. Edw. Spencer Cowper, M. P Henry Capel, Esq. Rev. W. Holwell Carr Jarnes Carpenter, Esq. William Carpenter, Esq. Arthur Champernowne, Esq. Capt. Christian, (late 2d R. V". B.) ann. 0 105 0 105 0 105 0 52 10 iVKER 52 10 105 0 annual i I r . 10 10 105 0 52 10 105 0 annual i I 105 0 105 0 105 0 105 0 52 10 52 10 105 0 52 10 105 0 105 0 105 0 P. - 105 0 52 10 52 10 105 0 52 10 105 0 - 10 10 105 0 10 10 annual i I 10 10 105 0 52 10 105 0 105 0 10 10 105 0 annual 1 I - annual 3 3 annual 1 annual 1 annual i annual i annual i 52 10 105 0 105 0 105 0 105 0 105 0 - annual i I M. P. 52 10 annual i I 52 10 annual i I annual i 1 annual I annual 1 52 annual i annual i I OS 10 annual i annual 1 - 10£ 105 52 105 annual i annual i annual i 105 52 I James Christie, Esq. fohn Claridge, Esq. Mrs. Cobbold N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq Rev. John CoUinson W. K. Coussmaker, Esq. Thomas Coutts, Esq. John Craufurd, Esq. Richard Carruthers, Esq. R. J. Chippendall, Esq. Duke of Devonshire Earl of Dartmouth Earl of Darnley Colonel A. J. Dalrymple Lady Drake, William Davies, Esq. J. C. Denham, Esq. Bishop of Durham Lord Dynevor Lord Dundas Lord De Dunstanville Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney John Dent, Esq. M. P. Charles Duncombe, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex Earl of Egremont Lord Eardly Sir William Elford, Bart. Sir John Egertoii, Bart. M. P. Earl Fitz Willi -,m William Fitzhugh, Esq. M. P. The Right Hon. William Fitzgerald Francis Freeling, Esq. John Fuller, Esq. James Fairweather, Esq. Rev. E. Forster Earl Grosvenor Earl Grey Sir William Geary, Bart. James Giles, Esq. F. Gray, Ki^q. Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. John Green, Esq. Earl of Hardwicke, Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. M Sir Richard C. Hoare, Bart. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. William Harris, Esq. Rev. J. Harrib, J. Halkett, Esq. - Thomas Hill, Esq. Charles Hatchett, Esq. George Hibbert, Esq. M. P. - Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Robert Holford, Esq. M. P. 52 105 105 105 105 105 ICS 105 52 52 105 52 10 los 105 52 52 105 annual i annual i 105 - 52 10 annual i annual i 105 105 105 52 105 105 5 52 10 I I I 10 105 10- 105 105 lb P. annual annual annual annual 10 I I 10 I I o lO I 1 o o lO o I I I o 10 o o o o o o o 10 lO o 10 10 o o 10 o o I I o 10 10 I I o o o 10 o o 5 10 10 1 I I 10 o o o o 10 SUBSCRIBERS. 105 o 105 o 52 10 105 o annual i i annual 5 5 annual 1 i 105 o 10 10 105 o 105 o 105 o 105 o 105 o 52 10 annual 5 5 Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. J. S. Hudson, Esq. William Huskisson, Esq, M. P. Thomas Harvey, Esq. John Hatsell, Esq. Segiiin H. Jackson, M. D. Rev Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. George Johnson, Esq. Lord Kinnaird Richard Payne Knight, Esq. John Knight, Esq. Marquis of Lansdown Earl of Lonsdale Lord Louvaine Lady Lucas Right Hon. Charles Long, M. P. 105 o Sir J. F. Leicester, Bart. annual 5 5 Thomas Lack, Esq. - - 10 10 Edward Lee, Esq. - - 52 10 Rev. William Long - 5^ •'^ Beeston Long, Esq. - 52 10 Mrs. Longman - - annual i i Edward L. Loveden, Esq. M. P. 105 o John Lowther, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 John William Lubbock, Esq. M. P. 105 o William Ludlam, Esq. - 105 o Rev. Dr. Luscombe - annual 1 1 Samuel Lysons, Esq. - - 52 10 William Manning, Esq. - 52 10 Earl Manvers - - 105 o Earl of Mulgrave - - 105 o Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. M. P. 1010 Sir John Murray, Bart. - - 52 10 John Maitland, Esq. - - 5210 J. Fuller Maitland, Esq. - 5210 P. S. Marett, Esq. - - 10 10 James Mather, Esq. - annual 1 1 Joseph Manton, Esq. - annual i i John Meheux, Esq. - - 105 o Philip Metcalfe, Esq. - 52 10 Matthew Michell, Esq. - annual 3 3 William Morland, Esq. - - 105 o S. Bernard Morland, Esq. M.P. 10 lo James Moss, Esq. - 10 10 John Murray, Esq. annual 1 1 Lord Norfliwick - - 52 10 John Nash, Esq. - - 52 10 W. I. Newton, Esq. » annual i 1 Right Hon. Sir John NichoU, M. P. 52 10 George Nicol, Esq. - annual 3 3 Mrs. Nicol - annual 3 3 John Nixon, Esq. - annual i i EarlofOrmond ^ - 52 10 Charles Offley, Esq. - 52 10 Sir John Orde, Bart - annual 1 i Mr. Serjeant Onslow - annual i i George Philips, Esq. - . 52 lo Earl of Powis - - 105 o l^ohn Penn, Esq. annual 5 o Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. - 10 10 Roger Petti ward, Esq. - £s^ Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. - 105 o George Philips, Esq. - 52 10 Hon. Augustus Phipps, a?inual i i The Hon. General Phipps, M.P. rt«K«fl/ i i Sir Robert Peele, Bart. M. P. - 105 o J . C. Parker, Esq. - 10 10 Charles Pieschell, Esq. - - 105 O F. C. Parry, Esq. - annual i i J. D. Paul, Esq. - - annual i i John Perry, Esq. - - - 52 10 Philip Perry, Esq. - - - 52 10 Dr. Raynier - - annual i 1 George Rcveley, Esq. - 52 10 Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. - 52 10 Charles Roberts, Esq, - annual i i Rev. John Robinson - 52 10 Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. - 10 10 Marquis of Stafford 105 o Earl Spencer - - 52 lo Lord Viscount Sydney - annual 5 5 Bishop of Salisbury - annual i i Lord Somerville - 52 10 Right Hon. Sir Wm. Scott, M. P. 52 10 Claude Scott, Esq. - - 105 o William Scrope, Esq. - 52 10 Henry Seymour, Esq. - - 52 10 Richard Simmons, Esq. - - 105 o William Smith, Esq. M. P. - 105 o George Smith, Esq. M, P. - 52 lo Enos Smith, Esq. - - - 10 10 R. H. Solly, Esq. - annual 1 i J. W. Steers, Esq. - lo 10 T. Stowers, Esq. - annual i i Sir M. M. Sykcs, Bart. - 52 lo John Symmons, Esq. - 105 o Richard Thompson, Esq. - 105 o William Tassie, Esq. - 52 10 Samuel Thornton, Esq. M. P. - 105 o Robert Thornton, Esq. - - 52 10 George Townley, Esq. - - 52 lo Charles H. Tracy, Esq. M. P. 105 o Richard Troward, Esq. - 52 lo M. J. Turner, Esq. - annual i i Right Hon. N. Vansittart, M.P. 105 o The Rev. Thomas Vialh, - 105 o •William Vaughan, Esq. - 10 le Earl of Upper Ossory - 105 o Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. 52 10 Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart. M. P. - 105 o Charles Wall, Esg^ - - 105 p David Pike Watts, Esq. - j©^ o Mrs. Weddell - - 105 o Samuel Whitbread, Esq. M. P. 105 o James Whittle, Esq. - annual t i S. S. Whitwell, Esq. - annual i 1 W. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. - 105 o Roger Wilbraham, Esq. - 105 o Sir Francis Willes - annual i i Daniel Wilson, Esq. - annual i i M. M. Zackary, Esq. - annual i 1 [9] PREFACE. Xo gratify the public taste, and to animate the British Artist to exertion, the Directors of this Institution have, in former years, selected some of the best Productions of the British School; they now, with the same view, offer some of the most admired works of the Dutch and Flemish Schools, to the inspection and observation of the Public ; and they take this opportunity of acknowledging the readiness and liberality with which the Possessors of these beautiful Specimens of Art, have lent them for the purposes of this Exhibition. Whatever difference of opinion may exist, as to the best mode of directing the studies of youth to the attainment of excellence, all seem to agree that example is the most animating principle which influences their conduct. The Directors of the Institution, therefore, in submitting this Collection to the Public, do not pre- sent it merely for the purpose of amusing the curious, or of de- lighting the judicious ; they hope that such productions may excite in the British Artist the ardour of emulation. They offer them to him not that he may copy, but that he may study them. They wish C \ 10 ] hira to catch the spirit, rather than to trace the Hnes ; and to set his mind, rather than his hands, to work upon this occasion. They are fully aware how difficult is the task of those, who attempt to lay down precise rules for the guidance of the Artist : they know how uncertain are the steps by which the human mind IS led to the attainment of knowledge of any kind, and that excellence in the Art of Painting is not of easy acquirement ; that very much depends upon the Artist himself, and comparatively very little upon those who endeavour to assist him ; that skill is the recompense of patience, of attention, and of labour, rather than the work of instruction ; and that even the greatest facilities which can be given may produce carelessness and neglect, while diffi- culties and obstructions may excite industry, and lead to the attainment of perfection ; but though they do not attempt to prescribe rules, they may guard against errors. To a superficial observer, many of the great works before us may seem the result of genius without the aid of study. No opinion can be more fallacious; and to the Artist, no mistake more fatal. Genius and fancy, it is true, give the magical charm to the productions of Art; but those who think that genius and fancy will supply the place of care, of attention, and of industry, mistake the course they have to pursue. They try by a short road to arrive at perfection, and never approach it ; while those who travel diligently, and toil on the way, will probably arrive successfully at the end of their journey. Rubens would not have produced the works before us, without genius; but he did not throw aside rule and authority, until he had established himself upon their basis, nor until he had by practice and experience, obtained the just claim to pursue unrestrained his brilliant and successful career. In presenting this collection to the Public, it is to the works of Rubens, of Vandyke, and of Rembrandt, that the Directors desire particularly to call the general attention. Each of these Masters has his peculiar merit : and from each may be derived, abundant [ 11 1 sources both of study and delight. The genius of Ruhens was universal. He excelled in History, Allegory, Portrait, Animals, and Landscapes ; he seems to have had more variety and more playfulness in his pencil than any, other Artist. If sometimes he appears careless, it is never the effect of ignorance ; he knew that what he gained in correctness, he might lose in freedom ; and that freedom constituted one of the most fascinating charms of the Art. The Picture of the Bacchanalians is an example of his vivid and luxurious colouring; but brilliant as it is, it is still harmonious. And Moses raising the Brazen Serpent, and the allegory of Peace and War, are proofs that he could equally adapt deeper shadows and more sober tints when they were better suited to his purpose. For richness of colouring, grandeur of design, and facility both of invention and execution, no painter ever surpassed him. Although Vandyke was not endowed with the same fertihty of genius which characterized his Master; although he does not seem to have had the same confidence in himself, or to have dared to make the same bold and extraordinary attempts ; yet he possessed more delicacy of taste, and his Portraits are superior to those of Rubens. That of Charles I. in this Exhibition, shews how much delicacy of execution may be combined with breadth, and with dignity : no Painter knew better how to appreciate these quali- ties than Sir Joshua Reynolds, and he pronounced this to be the finest Equestrian Portrait which had ever been produced. As the splendid style of Rubens was well calculated for the Re- presentation of Battles, of Triumphal Processions, and of all sub- jects of shewy magnificence, so the manner of Rembrandt was equally well adapted to give interest and effect to scenes of more solemn grandeur. He has, perhaps, above all other masters, the merit of originality. In others, we can trace the road by which they travelled; but Rembrandt struck out a path of his own, which conducted him to a very high degree of perfection in his Art. In the skilful management of hght and shadow, on which so much of the sentiment of a Picture depends, he is surpassed by none; and if, as has been observed, the expression of his characters is some- times mean, it is always appropriate. In the practical part of his art, no Painter understood better the management of the back- ground of his Picture ; he could render it broad and quiet without barrenness, rich and active without disturbance, and he always made it most advantageously conducive to the general purposes of his work. The Wise Men's offering, and Anslo and his Wife, are among the finest of his works ; these, and the other productions of this Master which the Directors have selected, will be universally admired as a most captivating display of strength, richness, solidity, and truth. In addition to the works of these illustrious Artists, the Directors have endeavoured to obtain specimens, of the other most celebrated Masters of the Dutch and Flemish Schools. Among them Cuyp stands pre-eminent: the brilliant day-light of his Pictures enHvens every Collection in which they are found. Gerard Douw, Metzu, F. Mieris, Terburgh, Potter, A. Ostade, Teniers, J. Steen^ Berghem, Bothy and Vandervelde, display generally the most faithful and exact imitation of nature: they all shew what assiduity may accomplish; and some of them unite with care and industry several of the higher qualities of the Art. The Directors trust that this magnificent display, will be pro- ductive of much advantage. To shew what may be attained, is likely to lead to the endeavour to attain it. Great examples are the true promoters of emulation, the surest conductors to excellence. Who can doubt that the genius of a Wellington will create future heroes to achieve the most brilliant exploits for the glory of our country ? Let us hope that the genius of Rubens may produce Artists to record them, CATALOGUE OF PICTURES BY RUBENS, REMBRANDT. VANDYKE, AND OTHER ARTISTS OF THE FLEMISH AND DUTCH SCHOOLS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE BRITISH INSTITUTION FOR THE GRATIFICATION OF THE PUBLIC, AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FINE ARTS IN GENERAL. (t^ It is particularly requested that no one will touch the Pictures. The Numbers of the Pictures commence with the end of the Portrait of King Chark. I. ^ *e upper North End. No. 1 Portrait of KingCharlesI. on horseback 2 Lady and Child 3 An allegory — ^ 4 Landscape, sun-set — Painters. Vandyke Vandyke Rubens Rubens Proprietors. Duke of Marlborough. Sir A. Hume, Bart. A. ChampernownCj Esq, Right Hon. Charles Long. D [ 14 ] NORTH ROOM,-~£«j/ Side. No. 5 A Triumphal procession . 6 The Doctors of the Church 7 The Brazen Serpent . 8 Landscape, harvest scene, with a rainbow 9 Portrait of Govartius — 10 Landscape 1 1 The Abb^ Scalier _ _ 12 Candle-light — 3 3 Earth and Water, the parents of plenty, an allegory 14 A girl looking from a window \6 Small landscape — 16 Bacchanalians — . 17 The watering place 18 Landscape 19 Moon-light NORTH ROOM.-~,So«jfA End. 20 Portraits of the Lords Stuart — 21 The elevation of the Cross 22 Horses of Achilles 23 Portrait of the Duchess of Savoy 24 Fishing under the ice — Painters. Rubens Rubens Rubens Rubens Vandj'ke Rubens Vandyke Rubens Rubens Rembrandt Rubens Rubens Rubens Rubens Rubens Vandyke Rubens Vandvke Vandyke Cuyp Proprietora, Earl of Darnley, Sir W. TV TVynn, Bart. J. Graves, Esq Champermwnej Esq, J.J. Angerstein, Esq, Sir Geo. Beaumont, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. C. Duncombe, Esq. M. P. Earl of Mulgrave. Dulwich College. Lady Stuart. Duke of Marlborough. Dow. Duch of Buccleugh. Marquis Camden. Earl of Mulgrave, Earl of Darnley. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Right Hon. Charles Long, Earl of Aberdeen. Duke of Bedford. [ 15 ] NORTH ROOM— /Fe^^ Side, No. 25 Landscape — — — 26 Landscape, with Tobit and the Angel 27 An old woman reading — 28 Portrait of a man with a hawk — 29 Head of a Rabbi — — 30 Portrait of himself — 31 Anslo and his Wife — — 32 The Wise Mens' offering — 33 Head of an old man — 34 Head of a Rabbi — — 35 A girl's head — — 36 Portrait of a lady with a fan — 37 The Windmill — — 38 Tribute Money — — 39 Portrait of Peter Cornelius Van Hooft, a celebrated Flemish Historian, and a friend of Rembrandt ; he is said to have translated Homer — 40 The cradle — — — 41 The Adoration of the Shepherds Painters. Rembrandt Rembrandt Rembrandt Rembrandt Rembrandt Rembrandt Rembrandt Hembrandt Rembrandt Rembrandt Rembrandt Rembrandt Rembrandt Rembrandt Rembrandt Re III brand t Rembrandt MIDDLE ROOM— Side, 42 Small landscape, with cattle and figures 43 An interior, a woman opening oysters; the figure in the red cap, a portrait of Francis Mieris, the painter ~ — 44 A lady reading a letter — — Cuyp. Jan Stecn G. Terburgh Proprietors. John Knight, Esq. Rev. W. H. Carr, Duch. Do'of. of Buccleugh, Earl of Grosmnor, Geo. Hayter, Esq. Earl of Ilchester. Earl of Ashburnham. H. R.H. THE Pli Regent. N. TV. Ridley Col/mni, Esq. Sir Geo. Beaumont, Bart. Rev. W. H. Carr. Earl of Grosvenor. IV. Smith, Esq M. P. Sir Simon Clark, Bart, Sir A. Hume, Bart. R. P. Kni^i^ht, Esq. J, J. Angerstein, Esq. Earl of Carlisle, H. P. Hope, Esq. H.R. H.thePr. Regent. [ 16 ] No. 45 The Schoolmaster — — 46 Laiul^caue, with a fall of water, and travel- lers passing a bridge, view of the Lago di Bolsena — — 47 Village politicians — — 48 St. Sebastian — — 49 A horse fair — — — 50 Landscape, with horses and figures — 51 Landscape, with horses and figures, a far- rier's shop in the background — 52 Landscape, with cattle and figures — 53 A lady reading a letter — 54 A battle-piece — — 55 Vi-ew of Lago di Bolsena, with soldiers guarding prisoners — — 56 View of one of the towns in Holland 57 Cattle, with travellers and shepherds — Painters. Jan Steen MIDDLE ROOM - -^owM End. 58 Portrait of the Marquis of Huntley — 59 Cattle on the banks of a river — 60 Portrait of Francis Earl of Bedford — 61 Portrait of Lady Shirley — — 62 A man eating shrimps — — 63 Landscape, with a woman milking a cow in the foreground; on the left, a stable with horses — — — Vandyke Cuyp Vandyke Vandyke F. Mieris P. Potter Proprietors. Marquis Camden, Both Mrs, Arnold. Jan Steen . Hon. A. Phipps, Vandyke JLarl of Mulgrave. Wouwermans G. Hibbert, Esq, Wouwermans H. P. Hope, Esq. Wouwermans Earl of Harrington, Cuyp Earl of Carlisle, Terburgh G. Hibbert, Esq, Wouwermans Lord Dundas, Both Lord Dundas, . VanderHeiden H. P, Hope, Esq. Cuyp Earl of Carlisle, Doztr, Duck, of Buccleugh. H. P. Hope, Esq, Duke of Bedford, Earl of Egremont, H. P. Hope, Esq, H. R. H. THE Pr. Regent. [ 17 ] Painters. MIDDLE ^OOU.— West Side. No. • 64 Landscape; a view in Italy — 65 Inside of a church — — 66 Algernon Earl of Northumberland, and Lady Anne Cecil his wife — 67 View of Dort — — — 68 A man writing a letter — — 69 Cattle at a fountain — — 70 An allegory of war and peace — 71 Landscape, with cattle and horses — 72 The corset rouge — — 73 Woman with a rabbit — — 74 Corset bleu — 75 Boors smoaking — — 76 A lady reading a letter — 77 A gale, with a yacht firing a salute — 78 Portraits of the Earl of Newport, and Lord Goring — — — 79 Village feast — — 80 An interior — — — 81 An Italian scene — — Both De Hoogest Vandyke Cuyp Metzu Berghem Rubens Wouwermans Metzu G. Douw Metzu Teniers Metzu Vandervelde Vandyke Teniers. De Hooge Both MIDDLE ROOM.—iVorM End, m Portrait of Mrs. Kirk, bed-chamber wo- man to Queen Henrietta Maria — 85 An interior, with figures smoaking — 84 Domestic scene ; an interior — E Vandyke A. Ostade A. Ostade Proprietors. Lady Stuart. Earl of Mulgrave. Earl of Egremont. Sir A, Hume, Bart. H. P. Hope, Esq. Dulwich College. Marquis of Stafford. Dulwich College. Sir Simon Clark, Bart. H. P. Hope, Esq. George Hihbert, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. H. P. Hope, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Earl of Egremont. Earl of Ashhurnham. Earl of Mulgrave. Lady Stuart. Lady Lucas. John Graves, Esq. H. R. H. thePr. Regen t [ 18 ] No. 85 The village ball — _ 86 Portrait of Anne, Countess of Bedford 87 Portrait of Rachel, Countess of South- ampton — — — 88 An interior — — — 89 Boors regaling ; an interior — 90 An interior — — — Painters. A. Ostade Vandyke Vandyke A. Ostade A. Ostade A. Ostade Proprietors. John Dent, Esq. Duke of Bedjoi'd. Lady Lucas. Jeremiah Harman^ Esq, Sir, A, Humef Bart, J, jP, Tuff en j Esq, SOUTH ROOM.— Side. 91 A sea shore, with ships at anchor, and men of war in the offing — — 92 A hawking party — 93 Landscape, with figures and cattle passing a bridge — ^ 94 The castle of Benthiem — — 95 Conversion of St. Paul — — 96 A brisk gale, with men of war — 97 A village feast — 98 View of the Dutch coast, with a man of war under sail — 99 Landscape, evening, with travellers 100 Landscape, with figures — 101 A sea-coast, with boats and men of war 102 A village f^tc — Vandervelde Lady Stuart. Wouwermans C. Duncombej Esq. M, P. Cuyp John Knight, Esq, Ruysdale W, Smith, Esq. M. P, Rubens R. H, Davis, Esq. M, P. Vandervelde W. Smith, Esq. M. P. Teniers Duke of Bedford. Vandervelde Lady Stuart. Cuyp W. Smith, Esq. M. P. Cuyp Earl of Ashburnham. Backhuysen Lady Stuart. Teniers P. Metcalfe, Esq, [ 19 ] SOUTH ROOM— aSom/A End. No. 103 Portrait of Henry Earl of Southampton 104 Landscape; an Itdlian scene with travel- lers — — ■ — 105 A water mill — — — 106 George Villiers Duke of Buckingham on horseback, with allegorical figures 107 Fruit and flowers — — 108 Landscape, evening, with peasants travel- ling _^ _ 109 Flowers — — 1 10 Portrait of the Archduke Albert 111 Cattle in a landscape < — — 112 A forest scene — — Painters. Mirevelde Both Hobbima Rubens Van Huysum Berghcm Van Huysum Rubens P. Potter Hobbima SOUTH ^OOIA.—West Side. 113 Sea-piece — 114 Mountainous landscape, with cattle and figures • — — — 115 Dead hare — — 116 St. Amand receiving St. Bavo into his Abbey — — — 117 Figures dancing — — 118 A river view, with passage boats 119 A Magdalen in a landscape — 120 The Assumption of the Virgin — 121 A triumph — — 122 A fisherman, and a woman with poultry Vandcrvelde Berghem Weenix Rubens Teniers Cuyp Vanderweif Vandyke Rubens W. Mieris Proprietors. Duke, of Bedford. Duke of Bedford. Viscount Palmerston. Earl of Jersey. H. P. Hope, Esq. JV, Smith., Esq. M. P. H. P. Hope, Esq. Earl of Upper Ossory. Duke of Bedford. John Dent, Esq. John Knight, Esq, Viscount Palmerston. H. P. Hope, Esq. Rev. JV. H. Carr. Lord de Dunstanville. Earl of Carlisle. H. P. Hope, Esq. T. Hope, Esq. Earl of Liverpool. John Dent, Esq. [ 20 ] No. Painters. Proprietors. 123 Portrait of Marshal Turenne on horseback Rembrandt Earl Cowper, 124 Landscape, sun-set — — Rubens Sir JV. W, JVynriy Bart, 125 DEecialus and Icarus — — Vandyke John Knighty Esq. 126 An allegory — — Rubens Earl of Liverpool. 127 The showman — — W. Mieris J. F. Tuffen^ Esq. 128 Dead stag — — Weenix H. P. Hope, Esq. 129 A procession — ■ — Rubens A. C hamper nowne, Esq^ 130 The temptation of St. Antony — Teniers P Metcalfe, Esq. 131 The incantation — — Teniers. Marchioness of Thomoni, 132 Woman with a parrot — — ' Jordaens Earl of Darnley. 133 River view, with a taft — Cuyp Lady Stuart. 134 View of Dort — Cuyp Lady Stuart. SOUTH ROOM. — North End. 1 35 Portrait of Henry Earl of Northumberland Vandyke Earl of Esremont. 136 Landscape, with cattle and figures Riibpns 137 A stable, with horses and figures P. Potter H P T1nt)p Fvn 138 Fruit and flowers — — Van Huysum ThofnT)snn E^/j 1 .L^^^^^ i^. ^ f^,f4 ffz -^^^ ^/ /^Lr^^^^^^t^ Z^Z^, Britfel) institution FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING^S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE REGENT, VICE-PATRON AND PRESIDENT. THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUIS OF STAFFORD, DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON: PRINTED BY W. BULMER AND CO. CLEVELAND-ROW, ST. James's. 1816. PRICE ONE SHILLING. //// JiRlTISH INSTITUTION FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. The Directors having purchased for Three Thousand Guineas, Mr. West's Picture of OUR SAVIOUR healing the Sick in the Temple, propose to publish by Subscription a Print of it, to be engraved in the Line manner by Charles Heath, Esq. of the dimensions of twenty-eight inches and a half by eighteen inches and a half. The Price of the Prints to Subscribers to be Five Guineas each. No Proofs to be taken oif, except for the Subscribers to the purchase of the Picture ; who are to have one Proof each, and one early Impression of the Print ; and also two Proofs of the Etching, and two of the unfinished Impressions. A Deposit of half the price to be paid on Subscribing, and the remainder on the delivery of the Prints, which will be made in the order in which the Subscriptions are received; the delivery being as early, as it is practicable for a Print of this magnitude and character to be engraved. Subscriptions are admitted, and deposits received, by Mr. John Young, the Keeper, at the British Gallery only. Briiish Gallery, April 9, 1811. 1 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE REGENT, VICE PATRON AND PRESIDENT. Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales, His Royal Highness The Duke op York, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of York, His Royal Highness The Duke of Clarence, His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent, His Royal Highness The Duke of Cumberland, His Royal Highness The Duke of Sussex, His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge, Her Royal Highness The Princess Augusta Sophia, Her Royal Highness The Princess Elizabeth, Her Royal Highness The Princess Mary, Her Royal Highness The Princess Sophia, Her Royal Highness The Princess Charlotte Augusta, 4 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester, Her Royal Highness The Princess Sophia of Gloucester. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. The MAR(iuis of Stafford, Deputy President and Director, The Duke of Bedford, Fice President and Director, The Duke of Devonshire, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Dartmouth, Vice President and Director, The Marq,uis of Blandford, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Bridgewater, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Aberdeen, Vice President and Director, The Earl of Ashburnham, Vice President arid Director, The Earl of Carlisle, Vice President and Visitor, The Marquis of Abercorn Earl of Aylesford. ' George Aust, Esq. Sir Emanuel FeHx Agar, Bart. John JuHus Angerstein, Esq. Marquis of Bute Earl Brownlow, Director Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Director Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart. Director Lady Bernard Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M.P. Director John Bayford, Esq. " T. R. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. R. H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. Broadhead, Esq. Marquis Camden, Visitor Earl Cowper, Director Earl of Carysfort, Visitor Lord Carrington Thomas Coutts, Esq, Bishop of Durham Lord Dundas, Director Lord De Dunstanville Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Visitor Col. Dalrymple Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney John Dent, Esq. M. P. Charles Duncombe, Esq. Visitor Earl of EgremonC, Visitor I Sir John F Terton, Bart. M. P. Director GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Earl Fitzwilliam, Visitor Francis Freeling, Esq. John Fuller, Esq. Earl Grosvenor Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostiing, Esq. Earl of Hardwicke, Director Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. M.P. Director George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope^ Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. Director Henry Philip Hope, Esq. William Huskisson, Esq. M. P. The Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. Lord Kinnaird. Richard Payne Knight, Esq. Director John Knight, Esq. Marquis of Lansdown. Earl of Lonsdale, ^/^?Vor Right Hon. C. Long, M. P. Director E. Loveden Loveden, Esq. M. P. Sir Jolin William Lubbock, M. P. William Ludlam, Esq. Earl Manvers, Visitor Earl of Mulgrave, Director John Meheux, Esq. Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. Earl of Posvis Sir Robert Peele, Bart. M. P. Visitor Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Claude Scott, Esq, Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. Director John Symmons, Esq. Visitor Richard Thomson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. M. P. Lord Charles V. F. Townshend. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. M. P. Rt. Hon. Nich.Vansittart, M.P. Visitor The Rev. Thomas Vialls. The Earl of Upper Ossory, Director Sir W. W. Wyrm, Bart. M. P. C. B. Wall, Esq. David Pike Watts, Esq. Mrs. Weddell Samuel Whitbready Esq, M. P. Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. W. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. LIFE GOVERNORS. Lord Arden Rt. Hon. Charles Abbott, Speaker J|ohn P. Anderdon, Esq. Edward Bilke, Esq. Earl of Breadalbane Lord Viscount Bulkeley Alexander Baring, Esq, M. P. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P, Rev. Edward Balme Samuel Bodaington, Esq. Miss Bullock, Archbishop of Canterbury Hon. Edward Spencer Cowper, M. P. Rev. W. Holwell Garr, Director Arthur Champernowne, Esq. N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. Visitor B GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Earl of Darnley Lord Dynevor Colonel Duckett, Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex. Ijord Eardley Rt. Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P. William Fitzhugh, Esq. M. P. Visitor Earl Grey, John Green, Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. J. S. Hudson, Esq. Lord Lovaine Edward Lee, Esq. Rev. William Long, Visitor, Beeston Long, Esq. John Lowther, Esq. M. P. Samuel Lysons, Esq. John Maitland, Esq. J. Fuller Maithmd, Esq. M. P. William Manning, Esq. M. P. Philip Metcalfe, Esq. Mrs. Middleton. Scrope Bernard Morland, Esq. M. P. Sir John Murray, Bart. Lord Northwick Rt. Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M. P. John Nash, Esq. Visitor Marquis of Ormond Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. John Perry, Esq. Philip Perry, Esq, George Philips, Esq. M. P. Roger Pettiward, Esq. Rt. Hon. W. Wellesley Pole Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M.P. George Reveley, Esq. Rev. John Robinson Earl Spencer, Visitor Lord Somerville Rt. Hon. Sir William Scott, M. P. Sir M. M. Sykes, Bart. M.P. Henry Seymour, Esq. George Smith, Esq. William Scrope, Esq. William Tassie, Esq. Robert Thornton, Esq. George Townley, Esq. Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. Subscribers of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are intitled to be balloUed for as Hereditary Governors, and Subscribers df 50 Guineas in one sum, as Life Governors of the Institution. Subscribers oj 5 Guineas a year, or of 50 Guineas or upwards in one sum, have the right (f personal admission to the Exhibition and Gallery, and of introducing two friends each day. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 30 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission and the right of introducing one friend each day. Subscribers of one Guinea a year, or of 10 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Exhibition and Gallery. Subscriptions are received by Messrs. Mortand's, Ransom and Co., 56 Pall-Mall, and by the following Bankers t Messrs. Coutts and Co.; Messrs. Down, Thornton and Co.; Messrs. Goslings, Sharp and Co.; Messrs. Hammersleys and Co.; Messrs, Hoares ; and Messrs. Praeds, Digby and Co. SUBSCRIBERS. Marquis of Abercorn Earl of Aylesford Earl of Ashburnham Earl of Aberdeen Lord Arden 105 o 105 o 105 o 52 10 Rt. Hon. Charles Abbot, Speaker 52 10 George Aust, Esq. - - 105 o Lord Aston > - ^^^^"^^ ^ ^ Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart. M. P. 10 10 Sir Emanuel Felix Agar, Bart, 105 o John P. Anderdon, Esq. - 5^^° John Julius Angerstein, Esq. - 105 Robert Ashby, Esq. - annual i Duke of Bedford - 105 105 105 52 10 105 o 52 10 105 o 105 o 105 o 105 o 105 o 52 10 52 10 52 10 105 o 105 b 10 10 Marquis of Bute Marquis of Blandford Earl of Bridgewater Earl of Breadalbane Earl Brownlow Lord Viscount Bulkeley Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart. Lady Bernard - . Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. Rev. Edward Balme John Bay ford, Esq. T. R. Beaumont, Esq. M, P. - Charles Bell, Esq. Edward Bilke, Esq. - - 52 10 J. J. Burn, Esq. - annual 1 i Charles Birch, Esq. - - jo John Blackall, Esq. - 105 o Samuel Boddington, Esq. - 5^ 10 Thomson Bonar, Esq. - - 105 o R. H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. - 105 o John Brickwood, Esq. - 10 10 T. H. Broadhead, Esq. - 105 o Miss Bullock, - - 5^ 1° Major Bradford - - annual i 1 William Bragge, Esq. - annual 3 3 William Bulmer, Esq. - annual i 1 Rev. G. Bridges - annual 1 i James Boswell, Esq. - annual i i A. S. Boult, Esq. - annual 1 1 Archbishop of Canterbury - 5210 Marquis Camden - - 105 o Earl Cowper - - 105 o Earl of Carlisle - - 105 o Earl of Carysfort - 105 o Lord Carrington - 105 o Smith Child, Esq. - - annual i 1 Hon. Edw. Spencer Cowper, M. P. 52 10 Henry Capel, Esq. - annual i 1 Rev. W. Holwell Carr - - 52 10 }ames Carpenter, Esq. - annual i 1 William Carpenter, Esq. - annual i 1 Arthur Champernowne, Esq. - jCS^ Capt. Christian, (late 2d R.V.B.) ann. 1 i James Christie, Esq. - - 10 lO lohn Claridge, Esq. - annual i i Mrs. Cobbold - annual i i N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. - 52 lO Rev. John CoUinson - annual 1 i W. K. Coussmaker, Esq. annual i i Thomas Coutts, Esq. - - 105 o John Craufurd, Esq. - - 10 i© Duke of Devonshire - - - 105 © Earl of Dartmouth - - 105 o EarlofDarnley - . - 5^ 1° Colonel A. J. Dalrymple - 105 Lady Drake, - - annual i William Davies, Esq. annual i J. C. Denham, Esq. - annual i Bishop of Durham - - >05 Colonel Duckett - - 5^ 1° Lord Dynevor - - 52 lO LordDundas - - 105 o Lord De Dunstanville - - 105 o Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. 105 o Alexander Davison, Esq. - 105 o MissDehaney - - 105 o John Dent, Esq. M. P. - - 105 o Charles Duncombe, Esq. - 105 o Enosh Durant, Esq. - lO Earl of Essex - lO Earl of Egremont - - 105 o LordEardly ' • ^° Sir William Elford, Bart. - 10 xo Sir John Egerton, Bart. M. P. - 105 o G. H. Errington, Esq. - annual i i Earl Fitzwilliam - •■ 105 o William Fitzhugh, Esq. M. P. 52 1° The Right Hon. William Fitzgerald 52 lO Francis Freeling, Esq. - - 105 o John Fuller, Esq. - - 105 o James Fairweather, Esq. - annual i i Earl Grosvenor - - 105 o Earl Grey - - - 52 10 Sir William Geary, Bart. - 10 10 F. Gray, Esq. - - annual 1 1 Sir James Graham, Barf. M. P. 105 o Francis Gosling, Esq. - - 105 o George Gostling, Esq. - 105 o John Green, Esq. - > 52 lO Earl of Hardwicke, - ^05 o Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. M. P. 105 o Sir Richard C. Hoare, Bart. annual 5 5 William Hamilton, Esq. - - 52 10 Jeremiah Harman, Esq. - 52 10 Rev. J.Harris, - annual 1 i Thomas Hill, Esq. - annual i i 1 Charles Hatchett, Esq. - 10 10 George Hibbert, Esq. M. P. - 105 o I Henry Hoare, Esq. - - 105 o Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. 105 o J. H. Holder, Esq. Robert Halford, Esq. M. P Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. J. S. Hudson, Esq. William Huskisson, Esq. M. P. Thomas Harvev, Esq. John Hatsell, Esq. SUBSCRIBERS. lO lO 105 o 105 O 105 O 52 10 105 o annual i i annual 5 5 ^eorge Idle, Esq. - . annual i i Segum H. Jackson, M. D. annual i i Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. - 105 o George Johnson, Esq. . ,0 10 Lord Kinnaird - . 105 o Richard Payne Knight, Esq. - 105 o John Knight, Esq. - . 105 o Marquis of Lansdown - 105 o Earl of Loi|sdale - - - 105 o Lord Louvaine . . 52 10 Lady Lucas - - annual 5 c Right Hon. Charles Long, M. P. 105 o Sir J. F. Leicester, Bart. annual 5 c Thornas Lack, Esq. - _ 10 10 Edward Lee, Esq. - _ 52 10 Rev. William Long - 52 10 Beeston Long, Esq. - 52 10 Edward L. Loveden, Esq. M. P. 105 o John Lowther, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 John William Lubbock, Esq. M. P. 105 o William Ludlam, Esq. - 105 o Rev. Dr. Luscombe - annual 1 1 Samuel Lysons, Esq. - - 52 10 William Manning, Esq. - 52 10 EarlManvers - . 105 o Archdeacon Markham, annual 1 i Earl of Mulgrave - . 105 o Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. M. P. 10 10 Sir John Murray, Bart. - - 52 10 John Maitland, Esq. - - C2 lo J. Fuller Maitland, Esq. - 52 lo P. S. Marett,Esq. - . 10 10 Joseph Manton, Esq. - annual i i John Meheux, Esq. - 105 © Philip Metcalfe, Esq. . 52 10 Matthew Michell, Esq. - annual 3 ^ Mrs. Middleton, - . 52 10 S. Bernard Morland, Esq. M.P. 52 10 Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. 105 o James Moss, Esq. - 10 10 John Murray, Esq. - annual ' i i Lord Northwick - - 52 10 John Nash, Eijq. . . 52 10 Right Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M. P. 52 10 George Nicol, Esq. - annual 2 ^ Mrs. Nicol annual 3 \ ]ohn Nixon, Esq. - annual i 1 Marquis of Ormond - - C2 10 Charles Offley, Esq. . ,0 Sir John Orde, Bart. - annual i 1 Mr. Serjeant Onslow - annual 1 i Geor£[e Philips, Esq. M. P; . 52 ,0 EarlofPowis . . loj o John Penn, Esq. annual fc o Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. . \q ,0 Roger Pettiward, Esq. . ^2 i© Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. . ,^5 ^ Hon Augustus Phipps, annual i i The Hon. General Phipps, M.P. annual i i Sir Robert Peele, Bart. M. P. . ioc o J. C. Parker, Esq. - ,J jq Charles Pieschell, Esq. - - 105 o J. p. Paul, Esq. . . annual 1 j John Perry, Esq. - - . -2 Philip Perry, Esq. - . . ^2 10 Rt. Hon. W. Welleslev Pole . L ,0 Dr.Raynier - ' . annual i 1 George Reveley, E^q. . ^2 10 Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. - 5210 Charles Roberts, Esq. . annual i i Kev. John Robinson . C2 10 Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. . \o jq Samuel Rogers, Esq. - - 10c o Marquis of Stafford _ ^ Earl Spencer - . 52 10 Lord Viscount Sydney - annual c c Bishop of Salisbury . annual i 1 Lord Somerville - cz 10 Right Hon. Sir Wm. Scott, M. P. 10 Claude Scott, Esq. - ' . loc o William Scrope, Esq. . A jq Henry Seymour, Esq. - . r2 10 Richard Simmons, Esq. - - 10? o William Smith, Esq. M. P. - q George Smith, Esq. M. P. . ^2 10 Enos Smith, Esq. - . _ lo 10 R. H Solly, Esq. - annual i i J. W. Steers, Esq. . , SirM. M. Sykes, Bart. . 1° \l John Symmons, Esq.- . ^ Richard Thompson, Esq. - ,r,r o William Tassie, Esq. . { j° Samuel Thornton, Esq. M. P. . q Robert Thornton, Esq. - . cz 10 George Townley, Esq. - . r 2 10 Lord Charles V. F. Townshend - ,or o Charles H. Tracy, Esq. M. P. ^Jt ^ Right Hon. N. Vansittart, M.P. 10? o The Re7. Thomas Viails, - I William Vaughan, Esq. _ ,q Earl of Upper Ossory . 10c o Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. C2 10 Sir Robert Wigram, Barr. . {t,c r» Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart. M. P. ° Charles Wall, Esq. . . i j. „ David Pike Watts, Esq. . ° Mrs. Weddell . . J°> ° Samuel Wbitbread, Esq. M. P. loc o W. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. . ,0- ' Roger Wilbraham, Esq. . loc o Sir Frands Willes . annual \ , Daniel Wilson, Esq. - ' annual , , M. M. Zackary, Esq. . annual , , I 10 ] The Directors have exerted themselves to form an Exhibition of the Italian and Spanish Schools of Painting, which cannot fail to be highly gratifying to the Lovers of the Art, and well de- serving the attention of the Public. They have ascribed each Picture to the Master under whose name it is sent in by the Proprietor. CATALOGUE OF PICTURES OP THE ITALIAN AND SPANISH SCHOOLS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE BRITISH INSTITUTION FOR THE GRATIFICATION OF THE PUBLIC, AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FINE ARTS IN GE;NERAL. 6^ It is particularly requested that no one will touch the Pictures. The Numbers of the Pictures commence with the Cartoon of Raphael. North End. No. 1. The miraculous Draught of Fishes— C0 JJilt t/ilcL ^ MJUfg if • 75 Virgin and Chijd, with Angels — Murillo Dulwich College. 76 The Good Shepherd — Murillo Sir Simon Clark, Bart. 77 The Magdalene, from the Aldobrandini Palace — — A. Carracci R. P. Knight, Esq. 78 Our Saviour and his Disciples, at Emaus P. Veronese Marquis of Stafford. 79 St. Francis with the Angel — L. Carracci R. P. Knight, Esq, [ in SOUTH ROOM— East Side. No. 80 Virgin and Child, with St. John 81 The Assumption of the Virgin — 82 The Mocking of Christ — 83 Landscape, with Historical Figures 84 Christ Tempted, from the Orleans Collec- tion — — — ^5 A Sea Port — — 86 Portrait of a Lady and her Son 87 The Communion of St. Nicholas 88 Landscape with Figures — 89 Portrait, said to be of Luther — 90 St. John — — 91 Landscape — — 92 A Man selling water melons — 93 The Death of Regulus, from the Colonna Palace — — — 94 Holy Family — — — 95 Landscape Painters. P. del Vaga c Beato A. i 1 da Fiesole 1 Caravaggio Claude Titian Claude Giorgione P. Veronese N. Poussin Pordenone L. Carracci G. Poussin Caravaggio S. Rosa Titian Fran. Mola SOUTH ROOM.—South End. 96 Paul preaching at Athens. — Cartoon 97 Head of our Saviour. Cartoon for the great Picture of the Last Supper, at Milan Raphael L. da Vinci Proprietors. J. Rowlings, Esq. Reo, J. Sanjord, Thomas Jones, Esq. Earl of Egremont. Thomas Hope^ Esq. Sir IV. IV. JVynn, Bart. R. P. Knight, Esq. British Institution. Sir Geo. Beaumont, Bart. Sir A. Hume, Bart. B. West, Esq. I. O. Bowles, Esq. A . Champernowne, Esq. Earl of Darnley. B. West, Esq. Ridley Colborne, Esq. His Majesty. Sir T. Baring, Bart* [ 17 3 SOUTH ROOM.— ^ej^ Side. No. 58 Head of an Apostle — 99 Head of an Apostle — — 100 Head of an Apostle — — 101 Head of an Apostle — — 102 Head of an Apostle — — 103 Head of an Apostle — — - 104 Head of an Apostle — — 105 Head of an Apostle — — 106 Head of an Apostle — — 107 The Marriage of St. Catherine — 108 Sleeping Child — — 109 Landscape with Figures — 1 10 An Allegory. The Painter between Vir- tue and Vice. From the Orleans CoUec tion — — 1 1 1 The Death of Tancred — — 112 St. John writing the Revelations, from the Justiniani Palace — 113 Charity — — — 114 Christ bearing his Cross, from theRicardi Palace at Florence — 115 The Shepherd's Offering — 116 Wisdom and Strength, an Allegory, from the Orleans Collection — 117 The Nursing of Jupiter — 118 Titian's Daughter with a Casket, from the Orleans Collection — 1 19 Judas betraying Christ — 120 A Man's Portrait — — E Painters. L. da Vinci L. da Vinci L. da Vinci L. da Vinci L. da Vinci L. da Vinci L. da Vinci L. da Vinci L. da Vinci Titian Alonzo Cano A. Carracci Proprietors. Sir T. Baring, Bart. Sir T. Baring, Bart, Sir T. Baring, Bart. Sir T. Baring, Bart. Sir T. Baring, Bart. Sir T. Baring, Bart. Sir T. Baring, Bart. Sir T. Baring, Bart, Sir T, Baring, Bart. Lord Dundas. Henri/ Banks, Esq. T. W. Coke, Esq. P. Veronese Thomas Hope, Esq. N. Poussin Earl Powlett, Dominichino Ph. J. Miles, Esq. Carlo Dolce Rev. J. Sanford. Carlo Dolce Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Carlo Dolce Earl Cowper. P. Veronese Thomas Hope, Esq. N. Poussin Dulwich College. Titian Lady Lucas. Guido Earl of Darnley, A. del Sarto Earl Cowper, [ 38 ] SOUTH ROOM— iVor/A End. No. 121 Virgin and Child, and St. John 122 Bacchanalian Dance 123 St. John writing the Revelations 124 Virgin, with the Infant Saviour 125 Adonis going to the Chace Painters. Titian N. Poussin G. Bassano Raphael Titian Proprietors. Marquis of Lamdowne. Thomas Hamlet, Esq. Eai'l Powis. Ph. J. Miles, Esq. Earl ofDarnley. British Qallery, Pall Mall, May 22, 1816. By Order, JOHN YOUNG, Keeper. primed by W. Bulmcr and Co. Clereiaiid-row, St. James's. FOK PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING^S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE REGENT, VICE-PATRON AND PRESIDENT. THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUIS OF STAFFORD, DEPl^TY PRESIDENT. LONDON: NTED BY W. BULMER AND CO. CLEVELAND- ST. James's. 1817. PRICE ONE SHILLING. BRITISH INSTITUTION FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. The Directors having purchased for Three Thousand Guineas, Mr. West's Picture of OUR SAVIOUR healing the Sick in the Temple, propose to publish by Subscription a Print of it, to be engraved in the Line manner by Charles Heath, Esq. of the dimensions of twenty-eight inches and a half by eighteen inches and a half. The Price of the Prints to Subscribers to be Five Guineas each. No Proofs to be taken off, except for the Subscribers to the purchase of the Picture; who are to have one Proof each, and one early Impression of the Print ; and also two Proofs of the Etching, and two of the unfinished Impressions. A Deposit of half the price to be paid on Subscribing, and the remainder on the delivery of the Prints, which will be made in the order in which the Subscriptions are received; the delivery being as early, as it is practicable for a Print of this magnitude and character to be engraved. Subscriptions are admitted, and deposits received, by Mr. John Young, the Keeper, at the British Gallery only. British Gallery, y^pril 9, 1811. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE REGENT, VICE PATRON AND PRESIDENT. Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales, ^ His Royal Highness The Duke op York, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of York, His Royal Highness The Duke of Clarence, His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent, His Royal Highness The Duke of Cumberland^ His Royal Highness The Duke of Sussex, His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge, Her Royal Highness The Princess Augusta Sophia, Her Royal Highness The Princess Elizabeth, Her Royal Highness The Princess Mary, Her Royal Highness The Princess Sophia, Her Royal Highness The Princess Charlotte Augusta, 4 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester, Her Royal Highness The Princess Sophia of Gloucester, HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. The Marq,uis of Stafford, Deputy President and Director^ The Duke of Bedford, Vice President and Director^ The Duke of Devonshire, Vice President and Visitor^ The Earl of Bridgewater, Vice President and Visitor^ The Earl of Carlisle, Vice President and Visitor^ The Earl of Dartmouth, Vice President and Director^ The Earl of Ashburnham, Vice President and Direck)r^ The Earl of Egremont, Vice President and Visitor^ The Earl of Aberdeen, Vice President and Director^ Marquis of Abercorn Earl of Aylesford. George Aust, Esq. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar, Bart. John Julius Angerstein, Esq. Marquis of Bute Earl Browniow, Director Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Director Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart. Director Lady Bernard Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. '^.Y . Director Johrr Bayford, Esq. T. R. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. R. H. Bradshaw, E«q. M. P. T. H. Broadhead, Esq. M. P. Marquis Camden, Visitor Earl Cowper, Director Earl of Carysfort, Visitor Lord Carrington Thomas Coutts, Esq. Bishop of Durham Lord Dundas, Director Lord De Dunstanville Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Col. Dalrymple Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney John Dent, Esq. M. P. Charles Duncombe, Esq. M. P. Visitor Sir John Egerton, Bart. M. P. Director Earl Fitzwilliam, XJiYCLior GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Francis Freeling, Esq. John FuJler. Esq. Earl G rosvenor Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. Francis Gosling, Esq. George Ciostling. Esq. Earl of Ha idwicke, Visitor Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. M.P. Director George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benj .min Hobhouse, Bart. JVI. P. J. H. H Ider, Esq. Henry Hope^ Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. Director Henry Philip Hope Esq. William Hiiskisson, Esq. M. P. Visitor The Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. Lord Kinnaird. Richard P.ivne Knight, Esq. Director John Knijiht, Esq. Marquis ol Lansdown. Earl of Lonsdale, Visitor Right Hon. G. Long, M. P. Director E. Loveden Loveden, Esq. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. M. P. William Ludiam, Esq. Earl Manvers. Earl of Mulgrave, Director John Meheux, Esq. Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. Earl of Powis Sir Robert Peele, Bart. M. P. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Earl of Rosebery. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Claude Scott, Esq. Rich ard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. Director John Symmons, Esq. Visitor G. Watson Taylor, Esq. M. P. Visitor Richard Thomson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. M. P. Lord Charles V. F. Townshend, M. P. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. M.P. Rt. Hon. Nich.Vansittart, M.P. Visitor The Rev. Thomas Vialls. The Earl of Upper Ossory, Director Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart. M. P. C. B. Wall, Esq. David Pike Watts, Esq. Mrs. Weddell William Whitbread, Esq. Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. W. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. LIFE GOVERNORS. Lord Arden John P. Anderdon, Esq. Edward Bilke, Esq. Earl of Breadalbane Lord Vise uiit Bulkeley Alexantlt^i Haiing, Esq. M.P. Henry Bai mg, Esq. M. P. William Bosanquei, Esq, ' Lord Burghersli Rev. Edward Balme Samuel Boddington, Esq. Miss Bullock, Archbishop of Canterbury Hon. Edward Spencer Gowper, M. P- Rev. W. Hoi well Garr, Director Arthur Champernowne, Esq. B 6 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. G. J. Cholmondeiey, Esq. Visitor N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. Visitor Lord Colchester Earl of Darnley Lord Dyntxov^ Visitor Colonel Duckett. Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex. liOrd Eardley Rt. Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P. William Fitzhugh, Esq. M. P. Visitor Earl Grey, John Green, Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. J. S. Hudson, Esq. Lord Lovaine, M. P. Edward Lee, Esq. Rev. William Long, Visitor. Beeston Long, Esq. John Lowther, Esq. M. P. Samuel Lysons, Esq. John Maitland, Esq. J. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. William Manning, Esq. M. P. Philip Metcalfe, Esq. Mrs. Middleton. Scrope Bernard Morland, Esq. M. P. Sir John Murray, Bart. M. P. Lord Northwick, Visitor Rt. Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M. P. John Nash, Visitor Marquis of Ormond Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. John Perry, Esq. Philip Perry, Esq, Hon. General Phipps, M.P. George Philips, Esq. M. P. Roger Pettiward, Esq. Rt. Hon. W. Wellesiey Pole, M.P. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M.P. George Reveley, Esq. Rev. John Robinson Earl Spencer Lord Somerville Rt. Hon. Sir William Scott, M. P. Sir M. M. Ss kes Bart. M.P. Henry Seymour, Esq. George Smith, Esq. M.P. William Scrope, Esq. William Tassie, Esq. Robert Thornton, Esq. George Townley, Esq. Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. Subscribers of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are intitled to be ballotted for us Hereditary Governors, and Subscribers of tO Guineas in one sum, as Life Governors of the Institution. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, or of 50 Guineas or upwards in one sum, have the right n — __ TT iiiidiij x^a.\io\JH — — ___ IXVJU/LlllCl ivti yi, j-JuvidUii, 78 Thais ~_ Sir J. Reynolds Earl of Dysart, 79 Portrait of himself — — Hoppner Royal Academy. 80 Studies of his Servants — Hogarth IV, Collins, Esq. 81 View of Nootka Sound — Webber Late Chief Baron Thompson 82 Landscape — — — Wilson M, M. Zachary, Esq. MIDDLE ROOM~~mst Side. 83 Portrait of Colonel Dow, author of the History of Hindostan — Sir J. Reynolds Earl of Egremont, 84 Captain Colman - — — Sir J. Reynolds Henry Bone, Esq. 85 Portrait of James Macpherson, Esq. — Sir J. Reynolds Earl of Egremont. 86 Inside of a Stable — — Morland Rev. Sir H. B, Dudley, Bart. 87 An Eruption of Mount Vesuvius — Wright Viscount Palmerston. 88 Sea-piece — — Brooking C. 0. Bowles, Esq. 89 Sea-piece — — — Brooking C. 0. Bowles, Esq. 90 Portrait of Edward Wortley Montagu Peters Marquis of Stafford. 91 The Murder of David Rizzio — Opie The Lord Mayor. 92 Landscape with Waterfall — Wilson Dulwich College. 93 The Student — _ Sir J. Reynolds Earl of Warwick. 94 View of the Sybil's Temple at Tivoli Wilson Countess d^Grey, 95 Portrait of Lord Chancellor Camden Dance Marquis Camden. 96 Forest of Arden. Jaques and the wound-J ed Stag — — — 1 Hodges Romney ^Sir C. Bur relit Bart, Gilpin. [ 14 ] No. 97 The Iron Forge — — 98 Portrait of the late Samuel Johnson 99 Portrait of himself — — 100 Portrait of Goldsmith — MIDDLE ROOM.— iVorM End. 101 Portrait of Lady Louisa Manners — 102 Shepherd's Boy — ' 103 The Minstrel ^ — 104 Portrait of Mr. Stewardson — 105 Portrait of Lady Smith in the character of a Gipsey — — 106 Infant Shakspeare nursed by Tragedy and Comedy — 107 Study of an Eagle — 108 Portrait of Lady Jane Halliday 109 Robinttta — _ 110 The Student _^ 1 1 1 Portrait of Edmund Burke, Esq. 1 12 Portrait of William Burke, Esq. — East Side, 113 A Fishing Party, Family Portraits 114 Portrait of Francis Ashton, Esq. 1 15 View in Florence — Painters. Wright Sir J, Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Opie Opie Romney Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Hogarth Sir J. Reynolds Marlow Proprietors. Viscount Palmerston, Duchess of Dorset. Duchess of Dorset, Duchess of Dorset. Earl of Dysart, John Sulimn, Esq, Earl of Dysart. T. Stewardson^ Esq, Earl of Coventry. Francis Newbery^ Esq, Earl of Upper Ossory. Earl of Dysart. Earl of Dysart, Duke of Dorset, Richard Sharpe, Esq. General Cuppage, T, J, Mathias, Esq. Mrs. Ashton, Hon, J, Phipps, [ 1^ 1 No. 116 View of Macao, near the river Canton, China — — — 117 Juno — — — 118 The Alchemist — — 1 19 Portrait of himself — — 120 Landscape and Cattle — — 121 Gulliver with the Horses — — 122 Cattle in a Landscape after a shower 123 Portrait of Viscount Normanby, when a child — — _ 124 Morning — — — 125 Lord Howe's Victory on the 1st of June, 1794 — 126 Fortune-teller — — 127 Agrippina bearing the Ashes of Germa- nicus — — — , 128 Portrait of Jos. Sharpe, Esq. — 129 Gulliver with the Horses — 130 Eruption of Mount Vesuvius — Stephens SOUTH ROOM.—South End, 133 The Death of Ananias — Cartoon — Painters. Proprietors. Webber First Lord of the Admiralty rrjivin T-TamilfnTl \jitivm jLidiii 1 1 Earl of Upper Ossory, Wright Thovias IVibon, Esq, Dobson G. JVatson Taylor^ Esq. Barret and Gilpin B. /Vest, Esq. Gilpin Sir G Beaumont, Bart, Burnett Sir r. Bernard, Bart, Honnnpr Earl of Muls;rave. Burnett Countess of Coventry. De Loutherbourgh Mrs. Pratbernon. Opie Marquis Cholmondely. Gavin Hamilton Earl of Upper Ossory, Sir J. Reynolds E. H, Ball, Esq, Gilpin Duke of Bedford. Wright James Cade, Esq. Scott Earl of Upper Ossory. Hodges First Lordof the AdtniTalty Raphael His Majesty* [ 1^ 3 SOUTH ROOM— ^e*^ Side. No. 134 Landscape and Figures — — 135 Pigs — — — 3 36 Portraits of Children with a Dog 137 Portrait of the late Mr. Christie — 138 Hope nursing Love — — 139 Landscape — — ■ — 140 Landscape and Figures — > 141 A Sea Storm — — 142 A Scene in Powerscourt near Dublin, the seat of Lord Powerscourt — 143 The Siege of Valenciennes — 144 A Spaniel Dog in a Landscape — 145 Portraits of Lady Smith and Children 146 The Snake in the Grass — 147 Landscape, with a Cart and Horses — 148 Landscape, with Horses and Figures 149 Landscape — — 150 Card-players — — — Painters. SOUTH ROOM.— iVbr/A End. 151 Whole-length Portrait of Mrs. Abington 152 View of Westminster Bridge — 153 Robinetta — — — 154 View of the Lake of Albani — Gainsborough Morland Sir J. Reynolds Gainsborough Sir J. Reynolds Wilson Barretand Cipriani De Loutherbourgli Barret De Loutherbourgh Gainsborouffh Sir J. Reynolds Sir J, Reynolds Bourgeois Gainsborough Gainsborough Opie Proprietors. Duke of Bedford. A. Damson, Esq. Earl of Egremont. James Christie^ Esq, Rt. Hofi. R, P. Carew, Duke of Bedford. W. Smith, Esq. Viscount Palmerston, Joseph Barret, Esq. Mrs. Pretbernon. Earl of i gremont. Sir Henry Smith, Bart. D. Stuart, Esq. Sir T. Bernard, Bart, Duke of' Bedford. M. M. Zachary, Esq, W. Owen, Esq, Sir J. Reynolds Scott Sir J. Reynolds Wilson Duchess of Dorset, G. Watson Taylor ^ Esq, Duke of Dorset, John Dumlf Esq, t 17 ] No. 155 Lady Elizabeth Grey interceding with Edward the Eourth for her Children 156 Portrait of Sir Henry Bate Dudley, Bart. 157 View of the Tower — — 158 A Musical Party, Portraits of Mr. Mathias's Family — — 159 Small whole-length of Broughton — 160 View of Stocks Market, the spot where the Mansion House now stands — Painters. Opie Gainsborough Scott Hogarth Hogarth Hogarth Proprietors. Sir Thomas Barings Bart. Sir IL B. Dudley, Bart. Lord Braybrooke» T. J. Mathias, Esq. Marquis Camden. Sir Thomas NeaDe, Bart. (By Order) JOHN YOUNG, Keeper* London : Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Clcveland-rovr, St. James's. ^^^^ l^-^i^a^L^^ ^ ,^2^^ X^^. ^ //rrr- //y. . /^/ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^a:^^ ^4 Britfef) 3^tts^t^tut^on FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE REGENT, VICE-PATRON AND PRESIDENT. THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUIS OF STAFFORD, DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON: PRINTED BY W. BULMER AND CO. CLEVELAND-ROW, ST, James's. 1818. PRICE ONE SHILLING. //// BRITISH INSTITUTION FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM The Directors having purchased for Three Thousand Guineas, Mr. West's Picture of OUR SAVIOUR healing the Sick in the Temple, propose to publish by Subscription a Print of it, to be engraved in the Line manner by Charles Heath, Esq. of the dimensions of twenty-eight inches and a half by eighteen inches and a half. The Price of the Prints to Subscribers to be Five Guineas each. No Proofs to be taken off, except for the Suhscribers to the purchase of the Picture; who are to have one Proof each, and one early Impression of the Print ; and also two Proofs of the Etching, and two of the unfinished Impressions. A Deposit of half the price to be paid on Subscribing, and the remainder on the delivery of the Prints, which will be made in the order in which the Subscriptions are received; the delivery being as early, as it is practicable for a Print of this magnitude and character to be engraved. Subscriptions are admitted, and deposits received, by Mr. John Young, the Keeper, at the British Gallery only. British Gallery, Jpril 9, 1811* '9 The Subscribers to Mr. Heath's Print of Mr. West's Picture of Christ healing the Sick, are informed, that in Answer to a Message from the Directors to Mr. Heath, requiring him to fix a definitive time when the Engraving would be finished, they have received an Assurance, that he expects it will be completed in Six Months from the 27th of April last, and that no Exertions shall be spared to produce it in that time. British Gallery, May 8, 1818. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE REGENT, VICE PATRON AND PRESIDENT. Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales, His Royal Highness The Duke of York, Her Royal Highness The Duchess op York, His Royal Highness The Duke of Clarence, His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent, His Royal Highness The Duke of Cumberland, His Royal Highness The Duke of Sussex, His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge, Her Royal Highness The Princess Augusta Sophia, Her Royal Highness The Princess of Hesse Hombourg, Her Royal Highness The Princess Mary, Her Royal Highness The Princess Sophia, His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester, Her Royal Highness The Princess Sophia of Gloucester. B 6 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. The Marq,uis of Stafford, Deputy President and Director, The Duke of Bedford, Vice President and Director, The Duke of Marlborough, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Bridgewater, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Dartmouth, Vice President and Director, The Earl of Ashburnham, Vice President and Director, The Earl of Egremont, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Aberdeen, Vice President and Director, The Lord Northwick, Vice President and Visitor, Marqui* of Abercorn Earl of Aylesford. George Aust, Esq. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar, Bart. John Julius Angerstein, Esq. Marquis of Bute, Visitor Earl Brownlow, Director Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Director Sir Thomas Bernard, Bat^t. Director Lady Bernard Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M.P. Director John Bayford, Esq. T. R. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. John Blackali, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. R. H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. Broadhead, Esq. M. P. Marquis Camden, Visitor Earl of Garslisle Earl Cowper, Director Earl of Carysfort, Lord Carrington Thomas Coutts, Esq. The Duke of Devonshire Bishop of Durham Lord Dundas, Director Lord De Dunstanville Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Col. Dalrymple Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney John Dent, Esq. M. P. Charles Duncombe, Esq. M. P. Visitor I Sir J. Grey Egerton, Bt. M.P. Director ' Earl Fitzwilliam, Director Francis Freeling, Esq. John Fuller, Esq. Earl Grosvenor. Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. GOVERNORS OF THii BRITISH INSTITUTION. Earl of Hardwicke, Visitor Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. M.P. Director John Hambroug;h, Esq. George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. Director Henry Philip Hope, Esq. Rt. Hon. Wm. Huskisson, M. P. Fisitoi The Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. Hylton JolilFe, Esq. M.P. Lord Kinnaird. Richard Payne Knight, Esq. Director John Knight, Esq. Marquis of Lansdown Director Earl of Lonsdale Earl of Liverpool. Right Hon. C. Long, M. P. Director E. Loveden Loveden, Esq. Sir John W illiam Lubbock, Bart. M. P. William Ludlam, Esq. Earl Manvers, Visitor Earl of Mulgrave, Director John Mehcux, Esq. Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. Earl of Povvis Sir Robert Peek, Bart. M. P. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Earl of Rosebery. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Claude Scott, Esq. Samuel Scott, Esq. Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. Director John Symmons, Esq. Visitor G. Watson Taylor, Esq. M. P. Visitor Richard Thomson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. M. P. Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. M.P. Rt. Hon. Nich.Vansittart, M.P. Visitor The Rev. Thomas Vialls. The Earl of Upper Ossory. Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart. M. P. C. B. Wall, Esq. Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Mrs. Weddell William Whitbread, Esq. Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. W. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. Lord Arden John P. Anderdon, Esq. Edward Bilke, Esq. Earl of Breadalbane Lord Viscount Bulkeley Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. William Blake, Esq. Henry Broadwood, Esq. William Bosaiiquet, Esq. Lord Burghersh 1. P. LIFE GOVERNORS. Rev. Edward Balme Samuel Boddington, Esq. Miss Bullock, Archbishop of Canterbury Hon. Edward Spencer Cowper, Rev. W. Holwell Carr, Director Arthur Champernovvne, Esq, G. J. Cholmondeley, Esq. Visitor N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. Visitor Lord Colchester Earl of Darnley GOVERNORS OF THE BRHISH INSTITUTION. Lord Dynevor, Visiter Colonel Duckett. Enosh Dnrant, Esq. Earl of Essex. Lord Eardley Rt. Hon, W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P. William Fitzhugh, Esq. M.P. Visitor Earl Grey, John Green, Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiali Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. J. S. Hudson, Esq. Lord Lovaine, M. P. Edward Lee, Esq. Rev. William Long, Visitor, Beeston Long, Esq. John Lowther, Esq. M. P. Samuel Lysons, Esq. John Maitland, Elsq. M. P. E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. William Manning, Esq. M. P. Philip Metcalfe, Esq. Miss Middleton. Sir Scrope Bernard Morland, Bart. M. P. Treasurer and Visitor Sir John Murray, Bart. M. P. Right Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M. P. Visitor John Nash, Esq. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Marquis of Ormond Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P; Thomns Lister Parker, Esq. John Perry, Esq. Philip Perry, Esq, Hon. E. Petre Hon. General Phipps, M P. Visitor George Philips, Esq. M. P. Roger Pettiward, Esq. Augustus Pieschell, Esq. Rt. Hon. W. Wellesley Pole, M.P. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M.P. George Reveley, Esq. Rev. John. Robinson Earl Spencer, Visitor Lord Somerville Rt. Hon. Sir William Scott, M. P. Sir M. M. Sykes, Bart. M.P. Henry Seymour, Esq. George Smith, Esq. M. P. William Scrope, Esq. William Sotheby, Esq. William Tassie, Esq. Robert Thornton, Esq. George Townley, Esq. Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. Frederick Webb, Esq. Suhscrihers of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are intitled to be ballotted for as Hereditary Governors ; and Subscribers of bO Guineas in one sum, as Life Governors of the Institution. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, or of 50 Guineas or upwards in one sum, have the right 0 105 0 10 105 0 f 7 52 10 105 0 105 0 IOC 0 105 0 P. - 105 0 52 10 52 10 52 10 105 0 105 0 annual annual 10 10 52 10 52 10 I I 10 10 105 o 52 10 I I 105 o 105 o 10 10 105 o 52 10 52 10 52 10 I I I 1 3 3 I I I 1 I I annual annual annual annual annual annual 52 10 annual 1 1 52 10 105 o o o o o r, M. P 105 105 105 105 52 10 52 10 52 10 52 10 annual i 1 annual i i Capt. Christian, (late 2d R.V. B.) ann. £1 i James Christie, Esq. - - lo lO lohn Claridge, Esq. - annual 1 I Mrs. Cobbold N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq Lord Colchester Rev. John Coliinson Thomas Courts, Esq. John Craufurd, Esq. John Crosby, Esq. Duke ot Devonshire Earl of Dartmouth Earl of Darnley Colonel A. J. Dalrymple J. C. Denham, Esq. Bishop of Durham Colonel Duckett Lord Dynevor Lord Dundas Lord De Dunstanville Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney John Dent, Esq. M. P. Charles Duncombe, Esq. M. P. Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex Earl of Egremoiit Lord Eardiy Sir William Elford, Bart. Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. M. P. Samuel Emley, Esq. Earl Fitzwillium WiUiam Fitzhugh, Esq. M. P. Right Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P Francis Freeling, Esq. John Fuller, Esq. The Countess de Grey Earl Grosvenor Earl Grey - , - Sir W illiam Geary, Bart. Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. John Green, Esq. Hugh Grey, Esq. - - annual i 1 Joseph Gwilt, Esq. - 10 10 Earl of Hardwicke, - 105 o Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. M. P. 105 Sir Richard C. Hoare, Bart. anttual 5 William Hamilton, Esq. - - 52 Jeremiah Harman, Esq. - 52 Rev. J. Harris, - annual 1 Charles Hatchett, Esq. George Hibbert, Esq. M. P. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Beajarnin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. J . H. Holder, bsq. Robert Holford, Esq. M. P. Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. annual i i - 52 lO - 52 lO annual i 1 105 o 10 lO annual i i - 105 o 105 o 52 |0 105 0 annual i i 105 o 52 i» 52 10 105 o 105 105 105 105 105 105 52 10 52 10 105 o 52 10 10 10 105 o I o 52 10 52 10 105 o 105 o o 52 10 10 10 105 o 105 o 105 o 52 10 o 5 lo 10 annual i 105 annual 3 105 10 10 105 o 105 o 105 o 52 10 105 o 10 10 ICS o 10 SUBSCRIBERS. John Hambrough, Esq. - £ o Henry Philip Hope, Esq. - 105 o J. S. Hudson, Esq. - - 52 10 Right Hon, William Huskisson, M. P. 105 o John Hatsell, Esq- - annual 5 5 Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. - 105 o Hylton JolifFe, Esq M. P. - 105 o George Johnson, Esq. - 10 10 Lord Kinnaird - - 105 o Richard Payne Knight, Esq. - 105 o John Knight, Esq. - - 105 o Marquis of Lansdown - 105 o Earl of Liverpool, - - 105 o Miss Linwood, - annual 1 i Earl of Lonsdale - - - 105 o Lord Lovaine - - 52 10 Right Hon. Charles Long, M. P. 105 o Sir J. F. Leicester, Bart, annual 5 5 Thomas Lack, Esq. - - 10 10 Edward Lee, Esq. - - 521c Rev. William Long - 5210 Beeston Long, Esq. - 52 10 Edward L. Loveden, Esq. - 105 o John Lowther, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 John William Lubbock, Esq. M. P. 105 o William Ludlam, Esq. - 105 o Rev. Dr. Luscombe - annual i 1 Samuel Lysons, Esq. - - 52 10 William Manning, Esq. M. P. - 52 lo Earl Manvers - - 105 o Duke of Marlborough - 105 o Archdeacon Markham, annual i 1 Earl of Mulgrave - - 105 o Sir Oswald Moseley, Ba*-t. M. P. 10 lo Sir John Murray, Bart. M. P. - 52 10 John Maitland, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. 52 10 P. S. Marett, Esq. - - 10 10 John Meheux, Esq. - 105 o Philip Metcalfe, Esq. - 52 10 R. Stuart Meikleham, Esq. annual i i Mrs. Middleton, - - 52 10 Sir S. Bernard Morland, Bart. M.P. 52 10 Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. 105 o James Moss, Esq. - lo 10 John Murray, Esq. annual i i Lord Northwick - - 5210 John Nash, Esqo - - 52 10 Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. - 5210 Right Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M. P. 52 10 Lord Normanby - annual 1 x George Nicol, Esq. - annual 3 3 Mrs. Nicol annual 3 3 John Nixon, Esq. - annual i i Marquis of Ormond - - 52 10 Charles Offley, Ebq. - 52 10 Sir John Orde, Bart - annual i j George Philips, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 EarlofPowis - - o J^hn Penn, Esq. atmual 5 o L6rd Viscount Palmerston, M. P. 52 10 TKbmas Lister Parker, Esq. - 52 10 ^'Roger Pettiward, Esq. - 52 10 Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. - ^^105 o The Hon. General Phipps, M. P. 52 10 Hon. Augustus Phipps, annual i .1 Sir Robert Peele, Bart. M. P. - 105 o J.C. Parker, Esq. - 10 10 Charles Pieschell, Esq. - - 105 o Augustus Pieschell, Esq. - 52 10 John Perry, Esq. - - -5210 Philip Perry. Esq. - - - 52 10 Hon. E. Petre, - - - 52 10 Rt. Hon. W. Wellesley Pole, M. P. 52 10 Dr. Raynier - ' - annual i 1 George Reveley, Esq. - 52 10 Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M. P. 52 10 Rev. John Robinson - 52 10 Sir Christopher Robinson, Bart. - 10 10 Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. - 10 10 Samuel Rogers, Esq. - - 105 o Earl of Rosebery, - _ 105 o Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. - 105 o Marquis of Stafford - 105 o Earl Spencer - - 52 lo Bishop of Salisbury - annual 1 I Lord Somerville - 52 lO Right Hon. Sir Wm. Scott, M. P. 52 10 Claude Scott, Esq. - - 105 o Samuel Scott, Esq. - . 105 o William Scrope, Esq. - ^2 10 Henry Seymour, Esq. - - 52 lo Richard Simmons, Esq,, - - 105 o William Smith, Esq. M. P. - 105 o George Smith, Esq. M. P. - ^2 10 Enos Smith, Esq. - - _ 10 10 R. H. Solly, Esq. - annuai 1 1 Will iam Sotheby, Esq. - ^2 10 J. W. Steers, Esq. - 10 10 Sir M. M. Sykes, Bart. M. P. - 52 lO John Symmons, Esq. - 105 o Richard Thompson, Esq. ' - 105 o William Tassie, Esq. - ^2 10 George Watson Taylor, Esq. M. P. 105 o Samuel Thornton, Esq. M. P. ^ 105 o Robert Thornton, Esq. M. P. _ ^2 10 George Townley, Esq. - - 52 10 Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. 105 o Charles H. Tracy, Esq. M. P. 105 o Right Hon. N. Vansittart, M.P. 105 o The Rev. Thomas Vialls, ' - 105 o William Vaughan, Esq. - 10 10 Earl of Upper Ossory - 105 o Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. 52 10 Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. - 105 o Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart. M. P. 105 o Charles Wall, Esq. - - 105 o Frederick Webb, Esq. - 52 10 John Webb, Esq. - annuai 1 1 Mrs. Weddell - • lo , o William Whitbread, Esq. 105 o James Whittle, Esq. - annual i i W. Wiiberforce, Esq. M. P. - 105 o Roger Wilbraham, Esq. - 105 o Sir Francis Willes - annual 1 i M. M. Zackary, Esq. - annual i j CATALOGUE OF PICTURES OF THE ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, and FRENCH SCHOOLS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE BRITISH INSTITUTION FOR THE GRATIFICATION OF THE PUBLIC, AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FINE ARTS IN GENERAL. 0^ It is particularly requested that no one will touch the Pictures, *^* Each Picture is ascribed to the Master under whose narrie it was sent in by the Proprietor. The Numbers commence with the Cartoon of Raphael placed at the upper end of the North End, No. 1 The Gate of the Temple— Cartoon NORTH ROOM.—East Side. 2 Salvator Mundi — — 3 Virgin with the Infant Jesus — 4 The Woman taken in Adultery 5 A Magdalen — — Painters. Raphael. Guido Leo. da Vitici Pordenone Domenichino Proprietors. His Majesty. Thomas Hope, Esq. Earl of Suffolk. Marquis of Stafford. Sir Simon H. Clarke^ Bart, '1 12 ] No. 6 Landscape ; the Finding of Moses. From the Justiniani Collection — 7 Lot and his Daughters — 8 Marriage of St. Catherine. From the Borghese Palace — — 9 St John preaching — — 10 Landscape : Philip baptizing the Eunuch 1 1 The Assumption of the Virgin — 12 Battle of Max en ti us. From the Orleans Collection — — 13 The Sybilla Lybica — — 14 Moses trampling on the Crown of Pha- raoh. From the Orleans Collection 15 Salvator Mundi — — Painters. NORTH ROOM.— ^S'ow/^ End, 16 View on a River in Holland — 17 The Incredulity of St. Thomas — 18 Cattle, in Landscape — — 19 The Sick Lady — — 20 A Sea-shore, with horses and figures; the last picture painted by the Master. From the Royal Collection of Madrid — 21 View in the neighbourhood of Rome, with cattle and figures — — 22 A Sea Calm, with boats and figures 23 An Allegory. From the Orleans Collection 24 View of Nimeguen, with cattle and figures 25 Boors smoking — — Domenichino Lud. Caracci Parmigiano Fra. Mola Both Rubens Rubens Lud. Caracci N. Poussin. Leo. da Vinci Vanderneer Vanderwerf Paul Potter Jan Steen Ph. Wouwerman Berghem W. Van de veld e Paul Veronese Cuyp A. Brauwer Proprietors. Sir Baring, Bart. P, Earl of Midgrave. Mrs. Morland. Rev. W. H. Carr. H. R. H. Prince Regent H. R. H. Prince Regent Viscount Ranelagh. Wm, Beckford, Esq. M. P. Duke of Bedford. J, P. Miles, Esq. Hon, Gen. Phipps, M. P. H. P. Hope, Esq. G. IV. Taylor, Esq. M. P. Duke of JVellington, Lord C. Townshend, M. P. H. R. H. Prince Regent Lord C. Toxvnshend, M. P. Earl of Darnley. Duke of Bedford. Duke of TV dlington. r 13 ] 26 Cattle and figures in a landscape 27 A Poulterer's Shop — 28 A Villag-e Feast — 29 A Merry-making — 30 Landscape and Cattle — Pe inters. A. Vandevelde Gerard Douw Teniers A. Ostade K. du Jardyn NORTH ROOM— Side, 31 Tiie Bishop of Trieste — — 32 The interior of a Chamber, with a Lady at her toilette — — 33 Virgin and Child — — 34 Virgin and Child — — 35 The Jew Bride — — • 36 Portrait of Fosco Neivis — 37 St. James, (from the Borghese Palace 38 Gaston de Foix. From the Orleans Col lection — — — 39 The Ecstacy of St. Paul. From the Or- leans Collection — — 40 St. Apollonia. From the Orleans Collection 41 The Assumption of the Virgin. From the Cathedral of Grenada — — 42 Christ rejected — — 43 Dead Christ, with the Virgin and An- gels, _ _ — 44 The Entombment of our Saviour — 45 St. Jerome with the Angel. From the Al dobrandini Palace — — 46 The Assumption of the Virgin. From the Convent des Carmes D6chauss6s Calle d*Alcala, — — — 47 Portrait of Lord Arundel — — } Vandyke G. Metzu Corregio Carlo Dolce Rembrandt Murillo An. Caracci Giorgiooie N. Poussin Guido Guido M. de Ferrara Michael Angelo and Venusti Guido Domenichino Murillo Rubens Proprietors. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart, Bechford, Esq. M. P. Duke of JVcUington. Lord C. Townshend, M. P. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. } D Sir A. Hume, Bart. M. P. William Smith, Esq. M. P. Earl of Carlisle. William Smith, Esq. M. P. Earl of Mulgrave, G. W. Taylor, Esq. M, P. Mrs. Morland. Earl of Carlisle. William Smith, Esq. P. G. W. Taylor, Esq. M. P. G. W. Taylor, Esq. M. P. Mrs. Morland. H. R. H. Prince Regent Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. Rev W. U. Carr. Sir T. Baring, Bart. M. P. Earl of Warwick. [ 14 3 No. 48 His own Portrait in the character of Paris 49 Vision of St. Augustine. From the Corsini Palace ■ — — — 50 A Magdalen. From tlie Orleans Collec- tion — — — Painters. Vandyke Garofalo Guido East Side. 51 The Infant Christ sleeping, attended by Angels — — — 52 Landscape and figures — — 53 Jason charming the Dragon — 54 Mountainous Landscape, with cattle and figures — — — 55 A Merrymaking painted for the top of his harpsichord, — — 56 A Rocky Landscape, with waterfall, cattle and figures — — 57 Liberality and Modesty — — 58 A Masquerade Scene — — 59 Landscape, with figures hawking — |^ 60 Scene from a French play — 61 Glaucus and Sylla — — 6^ Landscape and figures — — 6:3 Portrait of an elderly female — 64 View of a Tou n in Holland — 65 Seashore, with horses and figures landing a cargo. — — — 66 Stable, with horses and figitres — An. Caracci G. Poussin Salvator Rosa Berghem Teniers Berghem Guido Watteau Wynants and Ph. Woiiwerman / Watteau Salvator Rosa G. Poussin ReiFibrandt V'anderheyden Ph. Wouw ernian ' Ph. Wouwerman Proprietor?. Earl of Yarmouth, M. P. Rev. JV, H. Carr. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart George Hibbert, Esq. Duke of' Bedford. William Smith, Esq. M. P. H. R. H. Prince Regent H. R.H. Prince Regent George Hibbert, Esq. Earl Spencer. H. R. H. Prince Regent H.R. H Prince Regent H. R. H. Prince Regent Earl of Derby. Duke of Bedford. LordC. 1 owhshend, M. Pi Duke of JVelUiigton. G. IV. Taylor. Esq, M. P. W. Smith, Esq., M. P. [ 15 ] No. 67 Corps de Gardes — 68 Merry-making ; an exterior 69 Back -gammon Players — 70 The Good Samaritan — 71 Landscape and figures — MIDDLE '^OOyi^So'dthEnd. 73 Study of Dogs Heads — — 73 Man with a Hawk -- — 74 Landscape — — 75 An Allegory — — — 76 The School-master — — 77 Head of Christ. From the Orleans Col lection — — — 78 Landscape with figures — — 79 The Young Gamblers — — ■ Painters. Teniers. Ad. Ostade Teniers Rembrandt Both Snyders Titian Claude Paul Veronese Moroni Guido Claude Le Nain MIDDLE "mOU- West Side, 80 Conspirators in a Landscape — 81 Landscape and Cattle — — 82 Group of Villagers, with Fighting Cocks 83 A Lioness — — — 84 Landscape and figures — — ' 85 View on a River, with Cattle in the fore- ground - — — 86 The Cornaro family — — Proprietors. iJ. PA. Hopt, Esq. Duke of Wellington^ H. Ph. Hope, Esq. Earl of Yarmouth. Lord de Dunstanville. Sir A. Hume, Bart. M. P. Earl of Carlisle, William Smith, Esq. M. P. Earl of Darnley. Marquis of Stafford. Earl of Suffolk. Earl of Carlisle. H. R. H. Prince Regent Velasquez Countess de Grey. Cuyp C. 0. Bowles, Esq. Jan Steen Marquis of Bute. Rubens G. W. Taylor, Esq. M.P. Hobbima G. W. Taylor, Esq. M. P. Cuyp Marquis of Bute. Titian Duke of Northumberland. //// [ 16 ] No. Painters. Proprietors. 87 The Woman taken in Adultery — Rubens J. P. Miles, Esq. 88 Landscape — — — Hobbima 89 Raising the Cross — — Rubens J. T. Batt, Esq. 90 Cattle Piece — — Cuyp Marquis of Bute. 91 The Rape of Europa. From the Oilcans Collection — — P. Veronese Rev. W. H. Carr. MIDDLE ROOM.—North End. XT Netscher iJjUf L vj X uTTnOUt rl. Teniers Q4* TllP T?onnpf TJnncrp _ Teniers JLdOTll J. UWIlSllCflU. 95 Moonlight \ aiioerneer \r T-l/^ 1 fll I'll i nlnnvYiP p^n \^a.\a.iiy AxuioCj witij d.n wiiicer Cuyp Duke of It^ellington* 97 Candleiignt — — Schalcken Lord C. Townshend, 97* A Lady with her Black Servant — Teniers Earl of Mulgrave. 98 Head of a Warrior — — Rembrandt G. Hibhert, Esq. 99 An Allegory — — P. Veronese Earl of Darnley. . 100 Head of a Girl — — Remtbrandt G. Hibbert, Esq, 101 Inside of a Chamber, with figures in conversation r. (le riooge rr p T-lnT,i> TP an 102 Sea Piece VV . V ctllUCVCIUC £1, X. xiopt) iLibq. 103 Village Fete — — Fcniers G. W. Taylor, Esq. M. P. 104 Sea Piece — — — Vandevelde H. P. Hope, Esq. 105 Landscape, with figures at Bowls Brauwer G. Hibbert, Esq. 106 Study of Blacks' heads- — Rubens Earl if Derby. 107 Musical Party — — feniers Rt. Hon. a Long, M, P. [ 17 ] ■ ' No. Painters. Proprietors. 108 The Schoolmaster — — Jan Steen G. J. Cholmondeley, Esq. 109 Landscape, with a Water-mill Hobbima W. Smith, Esq. M. P. 110 Landscape, with figures going to market Cuyp G. Hibberi- Esq. 1 1 1 View in Holland — — Ruysdael G. J. Cholmondeleyt Esq. 112 Head of a Jew Rabbi — — Rembrandt Earl of Derby. 113 The Incredulity of St. Thomas. From the Aldobrandini Collection — Guercino Thomas Hope, Esq. 114 Flemish Entertainment — — J an Steen H P Hntip F.: . x^/. x^^. 3;^. S^. 3a. ^-J. ^ /^A^. ^ ' ^y- / ^^-^^3' /^^'^y^/- Srttisii ^nstttutton FOli PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATEON. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE REGENT, VICE-PATRON AND PRESIDENT. THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUIS OF STAFFORD, DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON: PRINTED BY W. BULMER AND CO. CLEVELAND-HOW, ST. James's. 1819. PRICE ONE SHILLING. BRITISH INSTITUTION FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. The Subscribers to the Print from Mr. West's Picture of Christ HEALING THE SicK, are informed, that a Proof thereof has been exhi- bited to the Directors of the British Institution, in a very forward state ; and that Mr. West has undertaken personally to superintend the finishing of it ; but as it will require several months to complete the Plate, in the manner desired by Mr. West, it is hoped that the Sub-> scribers will, on this account, excuse a further delay in the delivery of their Impressions. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE REGENT, VICE PATRON AND PRESIDENT, Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales, His Royal Highness The Duke or York, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of York, His Royal Highness The Duke of Clarence, His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent, His Royal Highness The Duke of Cumberland, His Royal Highness The Duke of Sussex, His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge, Her Royal Highness The Princess Augusta Sophia, Her Royal Highness The Princess of Hesse Hombourg, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester., Her Royal Highness The Princess Sophia, His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester^ Her Royal Highness The Princess Sophia of Gloucestek. 4 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION- HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. The Marq,uis of Stafford, Deputy President and Director^ The Duke of Bedford, Vice President and Director, The Duke of Marlborough, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Aberdeen, Vice President and Director, The Earl of Bridgewater, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Dartmouth, Vice President and Director, The Earl of Egremont, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Ashburnham, Vice President and Director, The Lord Northwick, Vice President and Visitor, Marquis of Abercorn Earl of Aylesford. George Aust, Esq. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar, Bart. John Julius Angerstein, Esq. Marquis of Bute, Director Earl Brownlow, Director Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Director Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart. Lady Bernard Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M.P. Director Rev. James Baker John Bayford, Esq. T. R. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. R. H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. Broadhead, Esq. M. P. Marquis Camden, Visitor Earl of Carslisle Earl Cowper Earl of Carysfort, Lord Garrington Thomas Coutts, Esq, The Duke of Devonshire Bishop of Durham Lord Dundas, Director Lord De Dunstanville Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Visitor Col. Dalrymple Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney John Dent, Esq. M. P. Charles Duncombe, Esq. M. P. Visitor Sir J. Grey Egerton, Bart. Director Earl Fitzwilliam, Director Francis Freeling, Esq. John Fuller, Esq. Earl Grosvenor. Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. Earl of Hardwicke, Visitor Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. M.P. Director John Hambrough, Esq. Hugh Hammersley, Esq. M. P* I George Hibbert, Esq. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobiiouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holdev, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. Rt. Hon.Wm. Huskisson, M. P. Visitor The Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. Hylton Joliffe, Esq. M. P. Lord Kinnaird. Richard Payne Knight, Esq. Director John Knight, Esq. Marquis of Lansdown. Director Earl of Lonsdale Earl of Liverpool. Right Hon. G. Long, M. P. Director E. Loveden Loveden, Esq. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. M. P. William Ludlam, Esq. Earl Manvers, Visitor Earl of Mulgrave, Director John Meheux, Esq. Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. Earl of Powis Sir Robert Peele, Bart. M. P. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Lord Viscount Ranelagh. Earl ofRosebery. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Visitor Claude Scott, Esq. Samuel Scott, Esq. M.P. Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. Director John Symmons, Esq. Visitor G.Watson Taylor, Esq. M. P. Director Richard Thomson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. M. P. Lord Charles Townshend, Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. Rt. Hon. Nich.Vansittart, M.P. Visitor The Rev. Thomas Vialls. The Earl of Upper Ossory. Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart. M. P. C. B. Wall, Esq. Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Mrs. Weddell William Henry Whitbread, Esq. M.P. Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. W. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. LIFE GOVERNORS. Lord Arden John P. Anderdon, Esq. Edward Bilke, Esq. Earl of Breadalbane Lord Viscount Bulkeley Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. Visitor Henry Baring;, Esq. M. P. William Blake, Esq. Henry Broadwood, Esq, William Bos;njquet, Esq. Lord Burghersh Rev. Edward Balme Samuel Boddington, Esq. B Miss Bullock, Archbishop of Canterbury Hon. Edward Spencer Cowper, M. P. Rev. W. Hoi well Carr, Director Arthur Champernowne, Esq, G. J. Cholmondeley, Esq. Director N.W.RidleyGolborne,Esq.M.P.r?>//^r Lord Colchester Earl of Darnley Charles Dixon, Esq. Lord Dynevor, Visitor Colonel Duckett. Enosh Durant, Esq. //// GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. 6 Earl of Essex. Lord Eardley Rt. Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P. William Fitzhugh, Esq. M. P. Visitor Earl Grey. Lord Garvagh, M. P. John Green, Esq. William Greeu^ Esq. James Goding, Jim. Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. C. Harvey, Esq. M. P. Frederick^ Hodgson, Esq. J. S. Hudson, Esq. Lord Lovaine, M. P. Right Hon. Sir John Leach Edward Lee, Esq. Rev. Wilh'am Long, Visitor. Beeston Long, Esq. John Lowther, Esq. M. P. Samuel Lysons, Esq. T. P. Macqueen, Esq. M. P. John Maitland, Esq, M. P. E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. Willi am Manning, Esq. M. P. Philip Metcalfe, Esq. Miss Middleton. Sir Scrope Bernard Morland, Bart. M. P. Treasurer and Visitor Sir John Murray, Bart. Rt.Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M. V. Visitor John Nash, Esq. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Lord North wick. Marquis ofOrmond Gharles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. Thomis Lister Parker, Esq. John Perry, Esq. Philip Perry, Esq, Hon. E. Petre Hon. General Phipps, M. P. Visitor George Philips, Esq. M. P." Roger Pettiward, Esq. Augustus Pieschell, Esq, IV. Hon. W. Wellesley Pole, M.P. Peter Rainier, Esq. David Ricardo, Esq. M. P. Sir Matth ew White Ridley, Bart. M.P. George Reveley, Esq. Rev. John Robinson Earl Spencer, Visitor Lord Somerville Rt. Hon. Sir William Scott, M. P. Edmund Solly, Esq. Sir M. M. Sykes, Bart. M. P. Henry Seymour, Esq. George Smith, Esq. M. P. William Scrope, Esq. William Sotheby, Esq. William Tassie, Esq. Robert Thornton, Esq. George Townley, Esq. Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. Frederick Webb, Esq. Subscribers of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are intitled to be b allotted for as Hereditary Governors ; and Subscribers of 50 Guineas in one sum, as Life Governors of the institution. Subscribers oj 6 Guineas a year, or of 50 Guineas or upwards in one sum, have the rioht of personal admission to the Exhibition and Gallery, and of introducing two friends each day. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 30 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission and the right of introducing one friend each day. Subscribers of one Guinea a year, or of 10 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Exhibition and Gallery. Subscriptions are received by Messrs. Morland and Co., 57, Pail-Mall, and by the fol- lowing Bankers; Messrs. Coutts and Co.; Messrs. Down, Thornton and Co.; Messrs Gosling, Sharp and Co.; Messrs. Hammerdey and Co.; Messrs, Hoare ; and Menru Praed and Co, SUESGRIBERS. M ARQUIS OF AbBRCOKK Earl of Aylesford Earl of Ashburnham Earl of Aberdeen Lord Arden George Aust, Esq. Lord Aston d 105 o 105 o 105 o 52 10 105 o annual i i 10 10 Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart. M. P. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar, Bart. 105 o John P. Anderdon, Esq. - 5210 John Julius Angerstein, Esq. - 105 o Robert Ashby, Esq. - annual 1 i Duke of Bedford - 105 o Marquis of Bute - - 105 o Earl of Bridgewater - - 105 o Earl of Breadalbane - - 52 10 Earl Brownlow - 105 o Lord Viscount Bulkeley - 52 10 Sir George Beaumont, Bart. - 105 o Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart, - 105 o Lady Bernard - ' 105 o Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. - 105 o Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. - 105 o Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. - 52 lo Henry Baring, Esq- M. P. - 52 10 Rev. Edward Balme - - 52 10 John Bayford, Esq. - ,105 c T. R. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. - 105 o Charles Bell, Esq. - - 10 10 Edward Bilke, Esq. - - 52 10 William Blake, Esq. - - 52 10 J. J. Burn, Esq. - annual 1 i Charles Birch, Esq. - - 10 10 John Blackall, Esq. - 105 o Samuel Boddington, Esq. - 52 10 Samuel Boddington, jun. Esq. a«nMa/ i i Thomson Bonar, Esq. - - 105 o R. H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. - 105 o John Brickwood, Esq. - 10 10 T. H. Broadhead, Esq. M. P. - 105 o Henry Broadwood, Esq. - 52 lo Miss Bullock, - - 52 lo Lord Burghersh ^- - 52 10 William Bowles, Esq. - annual i 1 Major Bradford - - annual 1 1 William Bragge, Esq. - annual 3 3 WiUiam Bulmer, Esq. - annual i i James Boswell, Esq. - annual i 1 Rev. E. J. Burrow - annual i i William Bosanquet, Esq. - 52 lo James Boaden, Esq. - annual i i Captain de Capelle Brook, annual 1 1 Archbishop of Canterbury - 52 10 Marquis Camden - - 105 o Earl Cowper - - 105 o Earl of Carlisle - - ' 105 © Earl of Carysfort - 105 o Lord Carrington . 105 o G. J. Cholmondeley, Esq. - - 52 10 Hon. Edw. Spencer Cowper, M. P. 52 10 Rev. W. Holwell Carr - - 5210 Arthur Champernovvne, Esq. - 52 10 Henry Capel, Esq. - annual 1 1 Smith Child, Esq. • - annual 1 1 Capt.Christian, (late 2dR.V.B.) i i James Christie, Esq. - - 10 10 John Claridge, Esq. - annual i 1 Mrs. Cobbold - annual i 1 N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. 5210 I Lord Colchester I Rev. John Collinson Thomas Coutts, Esq. John Craufurd, Esq. John Crosby, Esq. Duke of Devonshire Earl of Dartmouth Earl of Darnley Colonel A. J. Dalrymple ]• C. Denham, Esq. Bishop of Durham Colonel Duckett Lord Dynevor Lord Dundas Lord De Dunstanville Mrs. Dempsey Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney John Dent, Esq. M. P. Charles Duncombe, Esq. M. P. Charles Dixon, Esq. annual i i 105 o 10 10 annual i i - 105 o 105 o 52 10 105 • annual i i 105 o 52 10 52 10 105 o 105 o annual 3 j 105 o 105 o 105 o 105 o 105 o 52 10 annual i i 52 10 annual i i 52 10 105 o 52 10 10 10 105 o annual i i 105 o 52 19 S. Dyson, Esq Enosh Durant, Esq. R. Danser, Esq. Earl of Essex E arl of Egremo n t Lord Eardly Sir William Elford, Bart. Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. Samuel Emley, Esq. Earl Fitzwilliam William Fitzhugh, Esq. M. P. Right Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P. 52 10 Robert Frankland, Esq. M. P. - 10 10 Francis Freeling, Esq. - - loe o John Fuller, Esq. ^ - 105 o The Countess de Grey - annual c e Earl Grosvenor - - u,- q Earl Grey - - - 52 10 Lord Garvagh, M. P. . ^2 19 SirWilliam Geary, Bart. - 10 10 Sir Jamies Graham, Bart. M. P. 105 o Francis Gosling, Esq. - . loc o George Gostling, Esq. - 105 o William Green, Esq. - _ 52 10 John Green, Esq. - _ 52 10 James Goding, Jun. Esq. - 52 10 Hugh Grey, Esq. - - annual i i Abbe Girot - annual i i Joseph Gwilt, Esq. - 10 10 Earl of Hardwicke, - ,05 © Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. - 105 o Sir Richard C. Hoare, Bart. annual 5 5 H. Hammersley, Esq. M. P. - 105 o William Hamilton, Esq. - - 52 10 Jeremiah Harman, Esq. - 52 10 Rev. J.Harris, - annual 1 i Charles Hatchett, Esq. - lo 10 C. Harvey, Esq. M, P. - - 52 10 George Hibbert, Esq. M. P. - 105 o Phillimore Hicks, Esq. annual i i Henry Hoare, Esq. - . q Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. 105 o Frederick Hodgson, Esq. - 52 10 J . H. Holder, Esq. - . loc o Robert Holford, Esq. - - 10 10 Henry Hope, Esq. - ; 105 • Thomas Hope, Esq. - " * joq o 8 SUBSCRI lyERS. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. - jC ^OS o John Hambrough, Esq. - 105 o J. S. Hudson, Esq. - - 52 10 Right Hon. William Huskisson, M. P. 105 o John Hatsell, Esq. - annual 5 5 Rev. Sir S. C. Jcrvoise, Bart. - 105 o Hylton Joliffe, Esq. M.P. - 105 o George Johnson, Esq. - 1010 Lord Kinnaird - - 105 o Richard Payne Knight, Esq. - 105 o John Knight, Esq. - - 105 o Marquis of Lansdown - 105 o Earl of Liverpool - - 105 o Miss Linwood, - annual 1 1 Earl of Lonsdale - - - 105 o Lord Lovaine - - 52 10 Right Hon. Charles Long, M. P. 105 c Sir J. F. Leicester, Bart. annual 5 5 Thomas Lack, Esq. - - 10 10 Right Hon. Sir John Leach, - 52 10 Edward Lee, Esq. - - 52 10 Rev. William Long - 52 10 Beeston Long, Esq. - 52 10 Edward L. Loveden, Esq. - 105 o \ John Lowther, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. M.P. 105 o William Ludlam, Esq. - 105 o Rev. Dr. Luscombe - annual i 1 Samuel Lysons, Esq. - - 52 10 William Manning, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 EarlManvers - - 105 o Thomas March, Esq. - - annual i r Duke of Marlborough - 105 o Archdeacon Markham, annual i 1 G. Morant, Esq. - annual 1 1 Earl of iVIulgrave - - 105 o Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. M. P. 10 10 Sir John Murray, Bart. - 52 10 John Maitland, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. 52 10 T. P. Macqueen, Esq. M. P. 52 10 P. S. Marett, Esq. - - 10 10 John Meheux, Esq. - » 105 o Philip Metcalfe, Esq. - 52 10 R. Stuart Meikleham, Esq. annual i i Mrs. Middleton, - - 52 10 Sir S. Bernard Morland, Bart. M.P. 52 10 Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. 105 o Miss Moody - aunual 3 3 James Moss, Esq. - 10 10 John Murray, Esq. • annual 1 i Lord Northwick - - 52 10 John Nash, E:;q.. - - 52 10 Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. - 52 10 Right Hon. Sir John NichoU, M. P. 52 10 W. J. Newton, Esq. - annual i i Lord Normanby, M. P - annual i i George NieoL, Esq. - annual 3 3 Mrs. Nicol - annual 3 3 John Nixon, Esq. - annual i 1 Marquis of Ormond - - 52 10 Charles Offley, Esq. - 52 10 Sir John Orde, Bart - annual i 1 George Philips, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 Earl of Powis - - 105 o John Penn, Esq. annual 5 o liord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. 52 10 Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. - 52 10 S. Palmer, Esq. - anuual 1 i Roger Pettiward, Esq. - £ 52 10 Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. - 105 o The Hon. General Phipps-, M. P. 52 10 Hon. Augustus Phipps, annual i i Sir Robert Peele, Bart. M. P. - 105 o J.C.Parker, Esq. - - 10 10 Charles Pieschell, Esq. - - 105 o Augustus Pieschell, Esq. - 52 lo John Perry, Esq. - - - 52 10 Philip Perry, Esq. - - - 52 10 Hon. E. Petre, - . . 52 10 Rt. Hon. W. Wellesley Pole, M. P. 52 10 Lord Viscount Ranelagh, - - 105 o Peter Rainier, Esq. - - 5^ George Reveley, Esq. - 52 10 David Ricardo, Esq. M. P. - 52 lo Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M. P. 52 10 Rev. John Robinson - 52 10 Sir Christopher Robinson, Bart. - 10 10 Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. - 10 10 Samuel Rogers, Esq. «. - 105 o Earl of Rosebery, - - 105 o Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. - 105 o Marquis of Stafford - 105 o Earl Spencer - - 52 10 Bishop of Salisbury - annual 1 • Lord Somerville - 52 10 Right Hon. Sir Wm. Scott, M. P. 52 10 Claude Scott, Esq. - - 105 o Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. - 105 o William Scrope, Esq. - 52 10 Henry Seymour, Esq. - - 52 10 Richard Simmons, Esq. - - 105 o William Smith, Esq. M. P. - 105 o George Smith, Esq. M. P. - 52 lO Enos Smith, Esq. _ . - jo 10 R. H. Solly, Esq. - annual 1 i Edmund Solly, Esq. - - 52 la William Sotheby, Esq. - 52 10 J. W. Steers, Esq. - 10 10 W. J, Sturch, Esq. - ' annual i ^ Sir M. M. Sykes, Bart. M. P. - 52 10 John Symmons, Esq. » - 105 o Richard Thompson, Esqv - 105 o William Tassie, Esq. - 52 10 George Watson Taylor, Esq. M. P. 105 » Samuel Thornton, Esq. M. P. - 105 © Robert Thornton, Esq. - 52 10 George Townley, Esq. - - 52 K>- Lord Charles Townshend, - 105 o Charles H. Tracy, Esq. M. P. 105 © Colonal Thackeray - annual 1 ^ Right Hon. N. Vansittart, M.P. 105 ° The Rev. Thomas Vialls, - 105 o William Vaughan, Esq. - lO i-O Earl of Upper Ossory - 105 o Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. 52 10 Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. - 105 o Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart. M. P. -^105 © Charles Wall, Esq. - - 105 © Frederick Webb, Esq. - 52 lo John Webb, Esq. - annual 1 i Mrs. Weddell - - los o- William Henry Whitbread, Esq. M. P. 105 James Whittle, Esq. - annual 1 i- W. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. - 105 o Roger Wilbraham, Esq. - 105 o Sir Francis Willes - annual i i- M. M. Zackary, Esq. - annual i t //A CATALOGUE OF PICTURES OF THE ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, and DUTCH SCHOOLS. WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE BRITISH INSTITUTION FOll THE GRATIFICATION OF THE PUBLIC, AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FINE ARTS IN GENERAL. It is particularly requested that no one will touch the Pictures, Each Picture is ascribed to the Master under whose name it was sent in by the Proprietor. The Numbers commence with the Vision of «t. Jerome, placed at the upper end of llie North End. No. 1 The Vision of St. Jerome — 2 Portrait of the Gardener of the Grand Duke of Florence — — 3 Portrait of a Greek Bishop — 4 The Enchanted Castle — — 5 Sportsmen at the Door of an Inn — Painters. Parmegiano A. del Sarto Parmegiano Claude P. Potter Proprietors. G. W, Taylor, Esq. M, P. His Majesty. His Majesty, W. Wells, Esq. H. R. H. Prince Regent [ 10 ] No. Painterg. 6 A March, with Baggage Wagons — Ph. Wouwermans 7 A Herdsman with Cattle, in a Landscape Cuvp NORTH ROOM. — East Side. 8 Ine Trince or Asturias on horseback) attended by the Duke D'Olivarez — Velasquez 9 The Roman Augurs — — Salvator Rosa 10 A Sea Calm — — — W. Vandevelde 11 An inn Door, with iravellers reposing Isaac Ostade 12 LandscapCj with River, and figures fishing G. Poussin 13 The Infant Christ appearing to St. An- thony — — — Murillo 14 A River View, with a Passage-boat Cuyp 15 Pythagoras — — — Salvator Rosa 16 Cardinal de Medici and Sebastian del Piombo — — — Seb. del Piombo 17 Landscape, with a Waterfall — G. Poussin 18 View on the Coast of Schevling, with Fish- ing boats — — — •f Riivsdapl 19 Landscape, with Wood-cutters — •T. Riivsdaf*! 20 Tobit with the Angel — — Elshimer NORTH ROOM.—South End. 2 r St. Thomas distributing his Garments to the Poor — — — Murillo 22 Cattle in a Landscape — — Cuyp 23 An Interior, with a Soldier drinking F. Mieris 24 A Saint at his devotions — — Gerard Douw 25 A Dutch Boor reading — — Ad. Ostade S6 A Dutch Servant Girl — — Van Harp Proprietors. Alea;. Baring, Esq. M.P. Marquis of Bute, Earl Grosvenor, Earl of Derby. H. R. H. Prince Regent Ale:v. Baring, Esq. M. P. His Majesty. PF R. Cartwright, Esq. M.P H.R. H. Prince Regent Earl of Darnley. Rev. W. H. Carr. His Majesty. Earl of Carlisle, K. G. G. W. Taylor, Esq. M. P. G. W, Taylor, Esq. M. P, Alex. Baring, Esq. M. P. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Duke of Wellington, K.G. Alex. Baring, Esq. M. P. Francis Freeling, Esq. Earl of Mulgrave. [ H ] No. 27 A Farm House, with Cattle, in a Landscape Q8 A Lady at her Toilette — 29 A Lion attacking a Wild Boar — SO The Vision of St. Helena — 31 Figures at Bowls — — 32 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures 33 The Music Master — — 34 Portrait of Himself — 35 A small Landscape — — 36 Sea Calm — — 37 Mountainous Landscape, with Cattle and Figures on the banks of a river Painters. ^ Potter Caspar Netcher Snyders P.Veronese an outline Raphael Isaac Ostade Berghem G. Terburg F. Mieris Teniers W. Vandevelde NORTH ROOM— PVest Side, 38 A Sybil _ ^ 39 A River View, with Cattle and Figures 40 Group of Cattle in a Landscape — 41 Landscape, with Figures — 42 The Sacrifice of Gideon — 43 Portraits of the Shipbuilder and his Wife 44 A full length Portrait of Charles 1. in his robes — — — 45 The Castle of St. Angelo — 46 The Coronation of the Virgin - 47 The Woman taken in Adultery 48 Frost Piece, with figures Skaiting 49 A Card Party — — 50 The Angel appearing to Hagar in the Desart — — upon^ le of > Proprietors. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Duke of Wellington, K. G. Hon. Henry Clive, M. P. Earl of Yarmouth, M. P. George Hibbert, Esq. W. Wells, Esq. Alex. Baring, Esq, M. P. W. Wells, Esq. Earl of Mulgrave. Alex. Baring, Esq. M. P. Cuyp Marquis of Bute, Guercino Earl of Darnley. Cuyp Viscount Ranelagh. Cuyp W. Wells, Esq. Both Bishop of Durham. Rembrandt Sir A. Lechmere, Bart. Rembrandt H. R. H. Prince Regent Vandyke His Majesty. Claude Duke of Bedford. An. Caracci Alex. Day, Esq. N. Poussin W.R.Cartwright, Esq.M. P Vanderneer Marquis of Bute. Teniers Marquis of Bute. Francisco Mola Earl of Suffolk. //// [ 12 ]• No. Painters. Proprietors. 51 Landscape, with Figures and Cattle { Ruysdael and J Earl of Mulgrave 52 A Horse Fair — — Wouwermans H. R.H. Prince Regent 53 St. John _ — _ A. Caracci Sir John Murray , Bart. 54 Portrait of a Man in a black dress Parmegiano His Majesty. 55 Portrait of Frobenius, printer to Erasmus, a present to Charles I» from the Duke of JDUCtvingndiij — His Majesty. iUflttiljle i^oom. East Side. 56 A Sybil — — Guido JV, Wells, Esq, 57 Landscape, with Cattle — Berghem Geo. Hibbert, Esq. 58 Jonas — — Caspar Poussin His Majesty. 59 Standard Bearer ; being the Portrait of himself — — — Rembrandt Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. 60 Christ bearing his Cross — Moralez Sir T. Baring, Bart. M.P. 6l Sea Port — — Claude His Majesty. 62 Daughter of Herodias, from the Colonna Gallery — — — Guido Earl of Darnley. 63 The Music Master — — Jan Steen Hon. Gen. Phipps, M. P. 64 The Virgin with the Infant Christ and St. J ohn — — — — — Raphael juuf u ijfurvugUf ivi. ST % 65 The J ealous Husband — - Metzu nenry iru, Jriope, JLsq. oo ivian s i orirait — — Vandyke rr .JX.y^uriwrigniyJjjSQ.lrl.Jr 67 Portraitof his Wife — — Rembrandt Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart, 68 Portrait of Father Campinclla — Tintoretto His Majesty. 69 Landscape, Storm — — Rubens Thomas Hope, Esq. 70 View of the Campagna of Rome Claude His Majesty. 71 Landscape — — Rubens Earl of Carlisle, K, G. [ 13 ] MIDDLE ^OOVL.- -South End. No. 72 Landscape and Figures — 73 Portrait of Aretin — — 74 Seaport, with Buildings and Figures 75 Death of Abel — — 76 Landscape^, with Figures and Cattle passing a river ; formerly belonging to Sir Joshua Reynolds — — 77 The Misers — — 78 A Man's Head — — MIDDLE ^OOU-- West Side. 79 Landscape, with Satyr and Nymph — 80 Virgin, Infant Jesus, and St. John — 81 A Dutch Surgeon — — 82 A Hawking Party — — 83 A Soldier — — 84 Man with a Hawk — — 85 Holy Family — — 86 Landscape with Market People — 37 The Shepherd's Offering — 88 A Boar Hunt — — 89 The Assumption of the Virgin — 90 Dead Peacocks — — 91 A Farm-yard, with Cattle and Figures; an effect of Snow — — 92 Christ and the Woman of Samaria — 93 La Blanchisseuse — — 94 The Hay-field — — D Painters. Proprietors. Claude Admired Sir E. Har'oey. Giorgione G. JV. Taylor, Esq, M. P. Claude Sir T, Baring, Bart. M. P. Rubens Duke of Bedford, Claude Rt. Hon. C. Long, M. P. Teniers Rt. Hon. C. Long, M. P. Bronzino G. TV, Taylor, Esq. M, P. N. Poussin Francis Freelins, Esq. A. del Sarto G,W. Taylor, Esq M,P. Bra we r W. Wells, E»q. Wouwermans H. PL Hope, Esq. Ary de Voys Earl of Carlisle, K. G. Titian Sir T. Baring, Bart. M. P. Murillo Admiral Sir E. Harvey. Rubens His Majesty Murillo A, L hamper nowney Esq. Ivi nri lln XtX Mi 1 1 1 W J. nomas xiamiet, xLsq. Rembrandt W.R dartwritrhf Wvn Hf T> Rubens His Majesty. Ann. Caracci G. W. Taylor, Esq. M.P. Wouwermans Alex. Baring, Esq. M, P. Ad. Vandevelde Alex. Baring. Esq. M, P. [ 14 ] MIDDLE ROOM.'-^North End. No. 95 The Arrest of the Pensionary de Witt g6 Interior of a Dutch Farm House — 97 Dutch Courtship — — 98 A Dutch Fair — — 99 Card Players — 100 Dutch Courtship — — 101 Venus and Cupid, unfinished — 102 Portraits of Jan Steen and his Family ; the effects of Intemperance — 103 The Door of a Cabaret, with Figures going out Hawking — 104 Cattle Piece — — 105 Landscape, with Figures and Cattle 106 The School Master — 107 An Exterior, with Figures — Painters. Vander Heist Ad. Ostade Ad. Ostade Jan Steen Ad. Ostade Ad. Ostade Titian Jan Steen Wouwermans Cuyp' Cuyp Jan Steen Jan Steen Hast Side. 108 Landscape, with Figures and Cattle 109 Portrait of Albertus Mirius — 110 Joseph presenting the Infant Jesus to the Virgin — — 111 EcceHomo — — 112 Landscape with Figures — 113 Christ's Agony in the Garden — 114 A Forest Scene, with Cattle and Figure Berghem Vandyke Murillo Titian Gaspar Poussin L. Caracci iHobbima Proprietors. H. P. Hope, Esq. Alex. Baring, Esq. M. F. TV. Wells, Esq. Earl of Mulgrave. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. H. P. Hope, Esq. A. Champernowne, Esq. G. W. Taylor, Esq. M. P, Sir Henry Smyth, Bart. G. W. Taylor, Esq. M, P. Alex. Baring, Esq. M, P. Alex. Baring, Esq. M. P. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. Sir H. Smyth, Bart. Duke of Bedford. Sir H. TVellesley, K. B. G. J. Cholmondeley, Esq. Duke of Bedford. Marquis of Lansdowne. Marquis of Bute. [ 15 3 No. 115 A Boar Hunt — 116 Charles I. in three Views, Painted for and sent to Bernini, and from which he made his celebrated Bust — 117 The Return of the Ark, formerly in the Collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds — 118 Diana and Actaeon, a Sketch — 1 19 The Drummer — — 120 Mountainous Landscape, with River and Figures — 121 A Man's Portrait — — 122 A River View with Boats — 123 A Corps de Garde — — SOUTH ROOM.— End. 124 The Sacrifice. Cartoon — SOUTH ROOM.— /TcJf 125 Head of St. Peter — — 126 Perseus and Andromeda — 127 View of the Escurial — — 128 The Death of Cleopatra — 129 Sea Calm — — 130 A Morse devoured by Wolves — 131 View in Holland - — — 132 A Dutch Marriage — - 133 Landscape with a Waterfall 134 Italian Peasants — — 135 Dido and iEneas, a Sketch — Painters. Snyders Vandyke Sebastian Bourdon Titian Velasquez Salvator Rosa De Vos Cuyp Teniers Raphael Gucrcino Titian Rubens Platzer W. Vandevelde Snyders De Koning Jan Steen Ruysdael Le Nain Rubens Proprietors. Buke offVellingtoriy K. G, W. Wells, Esq, Sir G Beaumont, Bart. Sir A. Hume, Bart. Hon. H. dim, M.P. {Thomas Hope, Esq. Marquis of Stafford, K.G. Earl of Ashhurnham. \Earl of Ashhurnham. His Majesty. Earl of Dat^nley. Earl of Yarmouth, M. P. Re'o. Edward Balme. Duke of JVelUngton, K.G. Admiral Sir E. Harmy. Duke of JVelUngton, K, G. G. J. Cholmondeley, Esq. Earl of Carlisle, K. G. Marquis of Bute. Earl of Carlisle, K, G. George Hihbert, Esq. [16] No. 13^ Dead Christ with the Marys — 137 The Defeat of Marc Antony — 138 A Rocky Scene, with Boats and Figures 139 A Sea Shore, with Boats and Figures, 140 Landscape, 141 A Man's Portrait SOUTH ROOM.- North End. 142 Banditti attacking a Caravan — 143 Landscape, The Reposo 144 St. John _ 145 Roman Charity 146 His own Portrait 148 The Entombment of Christ — 148 The Virgin with the Infant Christ 149 Fighting Cocks — 150 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures 151 The Virgin with the Infant Saviour, at- tended by Saints ~ J_ 152 Girl Feeding Chickens — _ 153 View on the Bank of a River, with Tra- vellers 154 St. Francis with the Infant Jesus 155 Cattle in a Landscape, Painters. Seb. del Piombo Platzer Salvator Rosa De Vlieger Hobbima Titian Berghem Domehichino Corregio Rubens Titian L. Carracci A. Carracci Snyders Berghem L. Carracci Crespi Ph. Wouwermans Murillo K. du Jardin (By Order) Praprietow. Sir H. Wdleshy, K. B. Duke of Wellington, K G Earl oj Ashburnham. G. rV. Taylor, Esq. M. R TV. rVells, Esq. His Majesty, British Gallery, Pall-mall, April 19th, 18 J 9. Earl of Derby. Mrs. Morland. Earl of Carlisle, K.G. G. JV lay lor, Esq. M.P. Earl uj Carlisle, K. G. Sir T. Baring, Bart. M,P. Sir T. Baring, Bart. M.P, Hon. H. Clive, M. P. M. Zachary, Esq. Marquis of Lamdotvne. Sir T. Baring, Bart. M.P. Duke of Bedford. Hon. H. Clive, M. P. H. Ph. Hope, Esq. JOHN YOUNG, Keeper. London : Printed by W. Bulmer and Co Clevdarid-row, St. James's. ^^^^ ^^^^^-^y^^ . ^L^^ 2f. //^. ^ //^. y^^^ ^^^^ ^^//-^^ /O'^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ , . ^^^^ y^;:?^ r //.S2. .t^. AN HISTORICAL CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS, REPRESEiNTING DISTINGUISHED PERSONS IN THE HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. LONDON : PRINTED BY W. BULMER AND W. NICOL, CLEVELAND-ROW, ST. James's. 1820. PRICE TWO SHILLINGS. Brttfei) ^institution FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUIS OF STAFFORD, K. G. PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR CHARLES LONG, G. C. B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. 6 GOVERiNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. The Marq^uis of Stafford, President and Director, The Right Hon. Sir Charles Long, Deputy President and Director. The Duke of Bedford, Vice President and Director, The Duke of Marlborough, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Aberdeen, Vice President and Director, The Earl of Ashburnham, Vice President, The Earl of Bridgewater, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Dartmouth, Vice President and Directory The Earl of Egremont, Vice President and Visitor, The Lord Northwick, Vice President and Visitor, 31arquis oj Abercorn Earl of Aylesford George Aust^ Esq. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar, Bart. John Julius Angerstein, Esq. Marquis of Bute, Director Earl Brownlow, Director Sir Geuroe Beaumont, Bart. Director Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart. Lady Bc-i nard Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. Sir Thomas Bnring, Bart. M.P. Director Rev. James Baker John Baylord, Esq. T.R. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. John Biackali, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. R. H. Bi adshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. Broad head, Esq. Marquis Camden, Visitor Earl o! Carslisle Rev. Holwell Carr, Director Earl Cowper Earl of Carysfort Lord Carrington G. J. Choi men deley, Esq. Director N.W.RidleyColborne,Esq.M.P.Fi^?7^r Thomas Coutts, Esq, The Duke of Devonshire Bishop of Durham Lord Dandas Lord De Dunstanville Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Visitor Col. Dalrymple Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney John Dent, Esq. M. P. Colonel Duckett Charles Duncombe, Esq. M. P. Visitor Sir J. Grey Egerton, Bart. Director William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam Francis Freeling, Esq, John Fuller, Esq, Earl Grosvenor Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. Earl of Hardwicke, Visitor Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Director John Hambrough, Esq. Hugh Hammersley, Esq. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Charles Harvey, Esq. M. P. George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. Rt. Hon.Wm. Huskisson, M. P. Visitor The Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. Hylton Joliffe, Esq. M. P. Lord Kinnaird Richard Payne Knight, Esq. Director John Knight, Esq. Mrs. Law- Marquis of Lansdowne, Director Beeston Long, Esq. Earl of Lonsdale Earl of Liverpool E. Loveden Loveden, Esq. Rev. William Long, Director Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. M. P. William Ludlam, Esq. Earl Manvers, Visitor Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. Earl of Mulgrave, Director John Meheux, Esq. John Nash, Esq. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. Earl of Powis Hon. Mr. Petre Sir Roberl Peele, Bart. M. P. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Lord Viscount Ranelagh Earl of Rosebery Samuel Rogers, Esq. Visitor Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P. Claude Scott, Esq. Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. Henry Seymour, Esq. Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. Director John Symmons, Esq. Visitor G.Watson Taylor, Esq. M. P. Director Richard Thomson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. Henry Bache Thornhill, Esq. Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. Rt. Hon. Nich.Vansittart, M.P. Visitor The Rev. Thomas Vialls The Earl of Upper Ossory Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart. M. P. C. B. Wall, Esq. Frede rick Webb, Esq. Mrs. Weddell William Henry Whitbread, Esq. M.P, Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M. P. W. Wilberforce, Esq. Ai. P. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. LIFE GOVERNORS. Lord Arden John P. Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton Edward Bilke, Esq. Earl of Breadaibane Lord Viscount Bulkeley Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. Visitor Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. William Blake, Esq. Henry Broadwood, Esq. I William Bosanquet, Esq. Lord Burghersh Rev. Edward Balme Samuel Boddington, Esq. Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Churchill Hon. Edward Spencer Cowper, M. P. Mrs. Claye Lord Colchester Earl of Darnlev 8 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION, Charles Dixon, Esq. Lord Dynevor, Visitor Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex Lord Eardley The Hon. George Agar Ellis Rt. Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P. William Fitzhugh, Esq. Visitor Earl Grey Lord Garvagh John Green) Esq. William Green, Esq. James Goding, Jun. Esq. William Haldimandj Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiali Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. J. S. Hudson, Esq. Lord Lovaine, M. P. Right Hon. Sir John Leach Edward Lee, Esq. John Lowther, Esq. M. P. T. P. Macqueen, Esq. M. P. John Maitland, Esq. E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. William Manning, Esq. M. P. Mrs. Middleton Sir Scrope Bernard Morland, Bart. M. P. Treasurer and Visitor Sir John Murray, Bart, Rt.Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M. V. Visitor Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Lord North wick Marquis of Ormond Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. John Perry, Esq. Philip Perry, Esq, Hon. General Phipps, M. P. Visitor George Philips, Esq. M. P. Roger Pettiward, Esq. Augustus Pieschell, Esq. Rt. Hon. W. Wellesley Pole, M. P. Peter Rainier, Esq. David Ricardo, Esq. M. P. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M.P. George Reveley, Esq. Rev. John. Robinson Earl Spencer, Director Rt. Hon. Sir William Scott, M. P. Edmund Solly, Esq. R. H. Solly, Esq. Sir M.M. Sykes, Bart. M.P. George Smith, Esq. M.P. William Scrope, Esq. William Sotheby, Esq. William Tassie, Esq. Robert Thornton, Esq. George Townley, Esq. Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. R. Walpole, Esq. Subscribers of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are intitled to be balloted for as Hereditary Governors; and Subscribers of bO Guineas in one sum, as Life Governors of the Institution. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, or of 50 Guineas or upwards, in one sum, have the ri^ht of personal admission to the Morning Exhibition, and of introducing two friends each day. Sidjscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 30 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibition. Subscribers of one Guinea a year, or of 10 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibition. Subscriptions are received by Messrs. Morland and Co,, 57, Pall-Mall, and by the fol- lowing Bankers; Messrs. Coutts and Co.; Messrs. Down, Thornton and Co.; Messrs Gosling, Shurp and Co.; Messrs. Hammersley and Co.; Messrs. Hoare ; and 3Iessrs\ Praed and Co, [ 9 ] SUBSCRIBERS Earl OF Aberdeen - - £105 0 Thomas Bonar, Esq. £ 105 0 Marquis of Abercorn 105 0 R. H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Earl of Ashburnham 105 0 John Brickwood, Esq. 10 10 Earl of Aylesford 105 0 T. H. Broadhead, Esq. - 105 0 Lord Arden 52 10 Henry Broadwood, Esq. 52 10 George Aust;, Esq. 105 0 Lord Burghersh 52 10 Lord Aston - - annual 1 1 William Bowles, Esq. annual 1 1 Miss Atherton 10 Major Bradford annual 1 1 Sir John ot, Aubyn, xJart. ivl. Jr. 1 A 10 William Braffffe, Esq, annual 3 3 Sir Emanuel Felix Agar, Bart. LyjO 0 William Bulmer, Esq. annual 1 1 John P. Anderdon, Esq. OA 10 James Bos well, Esq. annual 1 1 John Julius Angerstein, Esq. ~ 105 0 Rev. Dr. E. J. Burrow annual 1 1 xvOucrt /isnoy, Jiisq. ~ uunu/ui/ 1 William Bosanquet, Esq. 52 10 X)uke of Bedford ~ 105 0 Captain de Capelle Brook annual 1 1 Marquis of Bute 105 0 N. Brown, Esq. annual 1 1 Earl of Bridgewater 105 0 Archbishop of Canterbury 52 10 Earl of Breadalbane 52 10 Marquis Camden 105 0 Earl Brownlow 105 0 Lord Churchill 52 10 Lord Viscount Bulkeley 52 10 Earl Cowper 105 0 Sir George Beaumont, Bart. 105 0 Earl of Carlisle 105 0 Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart. 105 0 Earl of Carysfort 105 0 Lady Bernard 105 0 Lord Carrington 105 0 Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. 105 0 G. J. Cholmondeley, Esq. 105 0 Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Hon. Edw. Spencer Cowper, M. P. 52 10 Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Rev. W. Holwell Carr - 105 0 Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Henry Capel, Esq. annual 1 1 Rev. Edward Balme 52 10 Smith Child, Esq. annual i 1 John Bayford, Esq. 105 0 -— Chomley, Esq. annual 1 1 T. R. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Capt. Christian, (late 2d R.V.B.) ann. I 1 Charles Bell, Esq. 10 10 James Christie, Esq. - 10 10 Edward Bilke, Esq. 52 10 John Claridge, Esq. annual 1 1 William Blake, Esq. 52 10 Mrs. Claye 52 10 J. J. Burn, Esq. - annual 1 1 Mrs. Cobbold annual 1 1 Charles Birch, Esq. 10 10 N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. 105 0 John Blackall, Esq. 105 0 Lord Colchester 52 10 George Blamire, Esq. annua ! 1 1 Rev. John CoUinson annual 1 1 Samuel Boddington, Esq. 52 10 Thomas Coutts, Esq. 105 0 Samuel Boddington, jun. Esq. 10 10 John Craufurd, Esq. 10 JO 10 SUBSCRIBERS. annual ^11 annual 1 1 105 0 105 0 52 10 John Crosby, Esq.- James Currie, M. D. Duke of Devonshire Earl of Dartmouth Earl of Darnley Colonel A. J. Dalrymple, M. P. 105 0 J. C. Denham, Esq. - annual 1 1 Bishop of Durham - 105 0 Colonel Duckett - - 105 0 Lord Dynevor - _ 52 10 Lord Dundas - ^ io5 0 Lord De Dunstanville - 105 O Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P 105 0 Alexander Davison, Esq. - 105 0 Miss Dehaney - - 105 0 John Dent, Esq. M.P, - 105 0 Charles Duncombe, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Charles Dixon, Esq. - 5<2 10 S. Dyson, Esq. - anjiual 1 1 Enosh Durant, Esq. - 52 10 R. Danser, Esq. - annual 1 1 Earl of Essex - - 52 10 Earl of Egremont - - 1 05 0 Lord Eardly - - 5^ jq Sir William Elford, Bart. - 10 10 The Hon. George Agar Ellis - - 52 10 Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. 105 o William Evans, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Earl Fitzwilliam - 105 0 William Fitzhugh, Esq. - - 52 1 0 Right Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P. 52 1 0 Robert Frankland, Esq. M. P. - 10 10 Francis Freeling, Esq. - 105 0 John Fuller, Egq. - - 105 0 The Countess de Grey - annual 5 5 Earl Grosvenor - - 105 0 Earl Grey - - 52 10 LordGarvagh, - - - 52 10 Sir William Geary, Bart. - 10 10 Sir James Graham, Bart. M.P. 105 0 Francis Gosling, Esq. - 105 0 George Gostling, Esq, - 105 0 William Green, Esq. - - 52 10 John G leen, Esq. - - 52 10 James Goding, jun. Esq. - 52 10 Hugh Gray, Esq. annual - 1 1 annual £ 1 l 10 10 105 0 105 annual 5 annual 1 annual 1 105 52 52 annual 1 10 10 105 0 105 annual 1 105 Abbe Girot Joseph Gwilt, Esq. Earl of Hardwicke Sir Abraham Hume, Bart, Sir Richard C. Hoare, Bart J . S, Hayward, Esq. W. Harris, Esq. H, Hammersley, Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. I Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Rev. J. Plarris I Charles Hatchet, Esq. C. Harvey, Esq, M. P, George Hibbert, Esq. M. P. Phillimore Hicks, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P Frederick Hodgsonj Esq. J. H. Holder, Esq. Robert Holford, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq, John Hambrough, Esq, J, S. Hudson, Esq. Right Hon.William Huskisson, M, P, 105 John Hatsell, Esq. - annual 5 Rev. Sir S, C. Jervoise, Bart. Hylton JolifFe, Esq. M. P. George Johnson, Esq. Lord Kinnaird Richard Payne Knight, Esq. John Knight, Esq. J. G. Kinnear, Esq. Marquis of Lansdowne Earl of Liverpool Miss Linwood Earl of Lonsdale Lord Lovaine, M. P. Right Hon. Sir Charles Long, M.P. 105 Sir J. F. Leicester, Bart. annual 5 Thomas Lack, Esq. - 10 10 Right Hon. Sir John Leach - 52 16 Edward Lee, Esq. _ 52 Rev. William Long . io5 0 o 5 1 1 0 10 10 1 0 1 0 0 10 O 105 52 105 10 10 105 0 105 0 105 0 52 10 105 0 52 10 O 5 105 0 105 O 10 10 105 O - 105 - 105 annual l 105 - 105 annual 1 105 52 O O 1 o o 1 o 10 o 5 SUBSCRIBERS. 11 Beeston Long, Esq. - £ io5 0 Edward L, Loveden^ Esq. - 105 O John Lowther, Esq. M.P. - 52 10 SirJohnWilliamLubbock.Bt. M.P. 105 0 William Ludlam, Esq. - 105 O William Manning, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 Earl Manvers - - io5 o Thomas March, Esq, - annual 1 l Duke of Marlborough - 105 0 Archdeacon Markham - annual 1 1 G. Morant, Esq. - annual 1 1 Earl of Mulgrave - - 105 0 Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart. - lo 10 Sir John Murray, Bart. - 52 10 John Maitland, Esq. - ^2 10 E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. 52 10 T. P. Macqueen, Esq. M. P. - ,52 10 P. S. Marett, Esq. - - 10 10 John Meheux, Esq. - 105 0 Philip Metcalfe, Esq. - 52 10 R. Stuart Meikleham, Esq. annual 1 l Miss Middleton - - 52 10 Sir S. Bernard Morland, Bart. M. P. 52 10 Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. 105 0 Miss Moody - annual 3 3 James Moss, Esq. - 10 10 John Murray, Esq. - annual 1 i Lord North wick - 52 10 John Nash, Esq. - - 105 0 Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. - 52 10 Right Hon Sir John Nicholl M. P. 52 10 W. J. Newton, Esq. - annual 1 i Lord Normanby, M. P. - annual \ \ George Nicol, Esq. - annual 3 3 Mrs. Nicol - - annual 3 3 John Nixon, Esq! - annual 1 1 Marquis of Ormond - - .52 lo Charles Offley, Esq. - - 52 10 Sir John Orde, Bart. - annual 1 1 George Philips, Esq. M. P. - \ q Earl of Powis - - 105 0 John Penn, Esq. - annual 5 0 Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. 52 10 Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. - 105 0 S. Palmer, Esq. - annual 1 i Roger Pettiward, Esq. - 52 10 Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. - £ 105 0 The Hon. Augustus Phipps annual 1 ] The Hon. Mrs. Augustus Phipps ann. 1 1 The Hon. General Phipps, M. P. 52 10 Sir Robert Peele, Bart. M. P. - 105 o J. C. Parker, Esq. . ]o io Charles Pieschell, Esq. - 105 0 Augustus Pieschell, Esq. - 52 10 John Perry, Esq. - - 52 10 Philip Perry, Esq. - 52 10 Hon. E. Petre - - 105 o Rt. Hon. W. Wellesley Pole, M.P. 52 10 Lord Viscount Ranelagh - 105 O Peter Rainier, Esq. - 52 10 George Reveley, Esq. - 52 10 David Ricardo, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M.P. 52 10 Rev. John Robinson - 52 10 Sir Christopher Robinson, Bart. 10 ]0 Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. - 10 10 Samuel Rogers, Esq. - 105 0 Earl of Rosebery - - 105 0 Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M, P, 105 0 Marquis of Stafford - 105 0 Earl Spencer - _ 52 iq Bishop of Salisbury - annual 1 1 Right Hon. Sir Wm. Scott, M. P. 52 10 Claude Scott, Esq. - 105 0 Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. . 105 0 William Serope, Esq. - 52 10 Henry Seymour, Esq. - 105 0 ' Richard Simmons, Esq. - 105 0 William Smith, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 George Smith, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 Enos Smith, Esq. - - 10 lo R. H. Solly, Esq. - - 52 10 Edmund Solly, Esq. . 52 10 William Sotheby, Esq. - 52 10 J. W, Steers, Esq, . 10 10 W. J. Sturch, Esq. - annual 1 1 Sir M. M, Sykes, Bart, M, P. - 52 10 John Symm<6ns, Esq. - 105 0 R. T. Searle, Esq. - annual 1 1 Richard Thompson, Esq. - 105 0 William Tassie, Esq. - - 52 10 George Watson Taylor, Esq. M, P. 105 0 SUBSCRIBERS. 13 Samuel Thornton, Esq. £ 105 0 Lieut. Gen. William Thornton annual 1 1 Henry Bache Thornhill, Esq. - 105 0 Robert Thornton, Esq. - 52 10 George Townley, Esq. - - 52 10 Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. 105 O Charles H. Tracy, Esq. - - 105 0 Colonel Thackeray - annual 1 1 Right Hon. N. Vansittart, M. P. 105 O The Rev. Thomas Vialls - - 105 0 William Vaughan, Esq. - - 10 10 Earl of Upper Ossory - 105 0 R. Walpole, Esq. - - 52 10 Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. 52 10 Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M. P. £ 105 0 Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Charles Wall, Esq. 105 0 Frederick Webb, Esq. 105 0 John Webb, Esq annual I 1 Mrs. Weddell 105 0 S. C. Weston, Esq. annual 1 1 D. Wilson, Esq. annual 1 1 William Henry Whitbread, Esq. M.P. 105 0 W. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Roger Wilbraham, Esq. 105 0 Sir Francis Willes annual 1 1 M. M. Zackary, Esq. annual 1 1 [ To show the comparative degrees of excellence to which the Art of Painting has arrived in this country at different periods, and to exhibit the Portraits of many of the most eminent men who have flourished amongst us, cannot fail to be interesting to the artist, the historian, and the public at large. We never read of the actions of any distinguished individual, without feeling a desire to see a resemblance of his person : we often imagine that we can trace the character of the man in the expressio n of his countenance ; and we retain a more correct re- collection of his actions, by keeping in our minds a lively impres- sion of his general appearance. In submitting this Collection to the inspection of the Public, we do not profess to exhibit the Portraits of all the eminent men who have distinguished themselves in the annals of British His- tory ; of some of them neither the Art of Painting nor of Sculp- ture has handed down to us any resemblance ; and of others, we have been obliged to admit that which is rather the received representation, than the well authenticated portrait. The prin- ciples we have kept in view, in making our selection, have been, first, the celebrity of the individual who is represented ; and. [ 14 1 secondly, the excellence of the painting itself. We have thus, in some instances, admitted the Portrait of an eminent person, where there is little merit in the performance ; and in others, we have admitted a well painted Portrait, where there was compa- ratively little celebrity belonging to the individual it represents. Our object in forming the Collection has been to interest, ra- ther than to instruct. We attempt to guide the Artist no further than to offer for his observation, from time to time, specimens, from which we think he may derive improvement, — the rest de- pends upon himself : as little do we enter into the examination of questions connected with the cultivation of the Arts, which have been often discussed, and perhaps never satisfactorily decided— Whether a School of Painting is more likely to create imitators than to assist extraordinary talents ; whether the facilities which it affords are of material advantage to the Artist ; whether real genius will not more probably lead to excellence by following its own course ; and whether it will not surmount all difficulties, and show itself still more transcendant, because it has had to contend with them — are questions we do not attempt to solve. Our purpose is to extend to a wider circle the love and admira- tion, and patronage of the Arts ; if we succeed in this attempt, we advance the cause we have undertaken. His Majesty, the illustrious Patron of our Institution, whose gracious assistance in furthering our general objects is so strongly exemplified in the present Exhibition, has done more to promote the Arts, than any Sovereign in Europe. In the encouragement which he has held out, munificence and taste have been equally displayed. His example will not only be admired, but followed : but we have also among us many other liberal promoters of the [ 15 ] Arts. In foreign countries, where the Sovereign is almost the only Patron, a work which he has noticed, finds at once a thou- sand imitators. Imitation is the consequence of such limited encouragement— the exertion of talent, in the particular line in which each individual excels, is the result of general and exten- sive patronage. With us, every Artist may pursue his own course ; for every man of genius and of talent will find his admirer and his patron. To increase the numher of such admirers, is the great object of the British Institution : we hope our endeavours have not been exerted in vain. No person of liberal and enlightened mind can doubt the use and the importance of encouraging the cultivation of the Arts. They are connected, not only with the comforts and amusements of polished society, but with the general inter- ests of the nation ; and we entertain the hope that the same energy of mind which characterises our countrymen, and which raised the glory of our Arms to its highest elevation in the late war, may carry the improvement of our Arts to the same degree of pre-eminence during the interval of peace. Attendants are placed in different parts of the Gallery to prevent any Person from touching the Pictures. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. g::^- The Name of the Painter in Italic, the Proprietor in Roman. ^ort|^ Mom, North End. No, 1 King George III. - - - Gainsborough. - HIS MAJESTY. ^ 2 James II. when Duke of York. Sir Peter Lely, » HIS MAJESTY. 3 King Charles I. - - Vandyke. - - HIS MAJESTY. This has been always considered as the finest Portrait ever painted by- Vandyke. The person who holds the Helmet is Mons. de St. Antoine, who was one of the King's Equerries, and who had been sent to him by the King of France with a present of six hors€s. This Picture was bought at the Sale of Charles the First's effects, in 1651, by Rem6e Van Leimput, a Dutch painter, who paid for it ^200. ; it was recovered from him by pro- cess of law, after the Restoration, and replaced in the Royal Collection. 4 King William III. - - - Netcher. - G. W. Taylor, Esq- This Picture was presented to Princess Mary before her Marriage with King William. 5 King Charles II, - - JVissing. - - HIS MAJESTY. 6 Her late Majesty Queen) Charlotte. - - ( ' Gainsborough. - HIS MAJESTY. NORTH ROOM.— ^J^^zf Side. 7 George Monk, Duke of Albemarle. - Sir P. Lely. - HIS MAJESTY. Born 1608; created Duke and K. G. 1660; died I670. A wise and brave man ; of so much prudence and moderation, that he served during the Usurpation without becoming odious to the Royalists ; and accomplished the Restoration without confusion or bloodshed. He was liberally rewarded and honoured, as he deserved. After having in all his former life commanded armies, in his latter days he undertook the management of the Admiralty, and commanded the fleet with skill and credit in the Dutch war. C [ 18 ] No. 8 Charles Lord Mordaunt. - Dahl. - Earl of Liverpool. Born 1658; Earl of Monmouth and First Lord of the Treasury in 1689, and Earl of Peterborough in 169O; died 1735. No other person in modern times has been First Lord of the Treasury and Commander of Fleets and Armies. His great talents, his indefatigable activity^ his undaunted courage, and his punctilious honour, place him deservedly on the list of the heroes of our country. When Barcelona was capitulating before his intrepid assault^ and while he was discussing the terms at the gate, an account vvas brought that hij allies had forced their way into the town, and were committing every kind of violence on the unresisting inhabitants. Lord Peterborough asked to be admitted at the head of his army to save the town, Tlie Governor instantly complied. The allies were expelled ; the town saved from pillage; and Peterborough returned to the gate, and finished the capitulation, without the slightest alteration in the terms he had demanded. 9 Queen Caroline, Consort of George IL - - - HIS MAJESTY. 10 The Duke of Monmouth. - Sir Peter Lely. - Duchess of Buccleugh. James, eldest Son of Charles the Second, by Lucy Waters; born I649; created Earl of Doncaster, Duke of Monmouth, and K. G. 1663. He at first bore the name of Crofts, but after his marriage with the heiress of Buccleugh, assumed that of Scott. His intrigues during the latter years of his indulgent father, his sub- sequent rebellion against his implacable uncle, and his ultimate fate on the scaffold, are but too well known. He was the Absalom of Dryden's celebrated Poem, in which the sup- posed feelings of the country, by which this accomplished but misguided Prince was deluded to his fate, are beautifully described, Auspicious Prince, at whose nativity Some Royal planet ruled the Southern sky ; Thy longing Country's darling and desire ; Their cloudy pillar and their guardian fire ; The people's pray'r, the glad diviner's theme, , The young uier/s vision, and the old men's dream I Thee, Saviour, thee, the nation's vows confess, And, never satisfied with seeing, bless ; Swift unbespoken pomps thy steps proclaim, r And stammering babes are taught to lisp thy name ! [ 19 ] No. 1 1 Queen Mary, Daughter of James 1 ^.^^^ _ JS MAJESTY. II. by the Lady Anne Hyde. - J 12 Frederick Prince of Wales. - Ramsay. - HIS MAJESTY. Born January 20, 1707. Died March 20, 175L 13 William, Duke of Cumberland,! Ujg MAJESTY attended by Lord Cathcart. j Born Died 1765. He gained the ever memorable victory of Culloden, on the l6th of April, 1746. 14 The Riffht Hon. Charles James 1 ^ t o ;» t j tr n j ^ ^, - \ Sir Joshua Reynolds. Lord Holland, rox, when young, &c. J 15 Francis North. - - Riley. - - Earl of Guilford. Born 1640. Lord Keeper and Baron Guilford in 1683. Died 1685. Besides being an eminent Lawyer, he was skilled in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. The Lord Keeper, his father and grandfather, hold distinguished places in the Catalogue of Noble Authors. 16 John Dryden. - - Sir Godfrey Knelkr. - William Baker, Esq. This admirable poet, with whose works every body is acquainted, was born 1631, and died 1700. Irregular and careless as he was, his satirical and moral poems are unri- valled, even by Pope himself, whom he surpassed as muoh in strength and spirit, as Pope excelled him in elegance and accuracy. 17 Sir Robert Walpole. - Sir Godfrey Kneller. - William Baker, Esq. Born the 26th August, I676; Lord of the Admiralty, 1705; Secretary at War, I7O8, and Treasurer of the Navy, 1709. On the accession of George the First, he was made Paymaster of the Forces ; and finally appointed Prime Minister, holding that station, with the offices of First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer, till the year 1742, when he resigned, and was created Earl of Orford. He died 1745. His history is the history of England for half a century, and must be read there; his private life was amiable and benevolent ; his good temper was admired, even by his political enemies. He was a liberal patron of the arts; built the noble mansion of Houghton, and adorned it with a fine Collection of Pictures, which has been transported to Russia. Pope, who was no friend to Sir Robert Walpole, has recorded his social [ 20 ] No. qualities in four lines, whic^i, while they delicately allude to the imputa- tions against the minister, do justice to the man. Seen him, I have, but in his happier hour Of social pleasure, ill exchanged with pow'r. Seen him, uncumber'd with the venal tribe. Smile without art, and win without a bribe. 18 King George II. - Fine. - - Lord Bray brooke. 19 Richard Steele. - Sir Godfrey Kneller, - William Baker, Esq. Born in Dublin, 1671 ; Commissioner of Stamps, 17IO; Member for Stockbridge, 1713; Knighted, 1715 ; died 17S9. Memorable not only far discovering a new and most useful species of literature, but for having pursued it with so much success, that Addison alone in his own days could surpass, and no writer in after times has equalled him. His friendship with Addison was formed at the Charter House, and is immortalized in that admirable series of literary and moral Essays, the Tatler, Guardian, and Spectator; which will be read with delight, when the names of Whig and Tory, and the feuds of parties, in which they both took an active part, shall be forgotten. 20 Joseph Addison. - Sir Godfrey Kneller. - William Baker, Esq. Born 167S; appointed Secretary to the Regency, 1714; Secretary of State, 1717; and died 1719. Though all Addison's works are distinguished for admirable style, good sense, good taste, and good principles, and though he held high offices in the state, his fame stands principally on those Essays with which he assisted Steele in his periodical publications : there are perhaps no two men in English history' to whom our manners, our morals, and our religion, are more indebted, than to them. These Portraits belonged to the famous Kitcat Club; they are not offered to the public as the highest specimens of the Art of Painting ; but we could not omit the best representation we could find of these men of genius and good breeding, of wisdom and of wit, the friends of Pope and of Gay, of Somers and Godolphin. 31 King Charles I. demanding the five 1 , t-i o v • , X , f (^opleu. - The Solicitor General. Members. - _ - J On the 4th January, 1541, the King went to the House of Commons, ana placing himself in the Chair, asked the Speaker (William Lenthall) [ 21 ] No. Sir J. Reynolds. Sir Thos. Baring.Bart Colonel Barre, Paymaster-ge- neral of the Forces, 1782. - 24 Sir Charles Wager. - Sir Godfrey Kneller. - HIS MAJESTY. One of our gallant Naval Commanders; was appointed Admiral of the Red in 1709, and a Lord of the Admiralty in 1717. He was frequently employed in active service in the reigns of Queen Ainie and George the First, and evinced upon all occasions both courage and prudence. 25 George Lord Anson. - - Hoare. - The Earl of Hardwicke. Born 1697; Vice Admiral of England, 1749; First Lord of the Admi- ralty, 1752; and again, after a short interval, in 1757, and one of the Lords Justices, 1753 ; Admiral of the Fleet; died 1762. The most remarkable occurrence of Lord Anson's life was his circum- navigation of the, world in the years 1741, 1742, and 1743, made populai * See the Plate of Reference at the End of the Catalogue. [ 22 ] , No. throughout Europe by the elegant account which was written of that ex- pedition. The naval glories of Lord Anson, though brilliant; fade away before the splendour of the triumphs of the late wars. The uniform in which he appears, and which has been since used, was first generally , adopted when he was at the head of the Admiralty. 26 Duchess of Kichmond in a Man's dress. Sir Peter Lely. HIS MAJESTY. La Belle Stewart, one of the favourites of Charles the Second. 27 Oliver Cromwell. - - JValker. - - O. Cromwell, Esq. Born 1599; elected for the town of Cambridge, 1637 ; Protector, 1653; died 1658. Walker was the best Painter of this period; but Taste (as well as Wit and Gaiety) fled from England during the reign of Republicanism. 28 Samuel Johnson. - Sir Joshua Reynolds. - G.W. Taylor, Esq. Born 1709; died 1784. Such were the great powers of his mind, and the strength of his reasoning faculties, that he was gladly received into the society of all the most eminent men of the time in which he lived, in spite of awkward appearance^ forbidding manners, and sometimes harsh and overbearing temper. His death was the subject of deep regret to the literary world. He has left to posterity some of the best moral works in the English language. 29 John Thurloe. - Dobson. - G. Greenhill Russell, Esq. Born I6l6; Secretary of State in 1653; which office he continued to fill to the period of the Restoration : in which he wished, it seems, to have had a hand ; but the new counsellors of Charles did not trust the old counsellor of the Cromwells. About ten days before the King's return he was sent to the Tower ; but was soon released, and spent the rest of his life in studious retirement at Lincoln's Inn, preparing and arranging, it may be presumed, his excellent Collection of State Papers. He was a man of good sense and moderation, and not personally stained with any of the crimes which disgraced the times in which he lived. He died in 1668. 30 Sir Joshua Reynolds. - - Himself, - HIS MAJESTY. Born 1728 Died 1792. SI Charles Edward, Grandson of James II. Ramsay, Sir W. W, Wynn, Bart* Bom 1720. Died 1788. [ 23 ] NORTH ROOM. South End. No. 32 John WiLMOT, Earl of Rochester. - Sir Peter Lely. - Sir J. B. Burgess. Born \6^7 ; died 1680. He was the convivial companion of Charles the Second, and the celebrated wit of the age. "When King Charles was told that Rochester had lampooned him in a copy of verses, in which he had said that he tiever said a foolish thing, or e'ver did a wise one;'' the King replied, it was quite true, for that his words were his own, hut his actions were his minister's.^'' His life was full of irregularity; but on his death- bed, through the influence of Bishop Burnet, he was brought to serious reflection and repentance. 33 Edward Montague. Earl of Sandwich. - HIS MAJESTY. Born 1625. Upon the Restoration, his friend, General Monk, obtained for him employment in his profession ; and in the Dutch war, in 1665, he signalized himself on several occasions. On the renewal of the war in 1672, he commanded a squadron of the fleet, under the Duke of York ; during the action with the Dutch fleet, a fire-ship grappled with the Royal James (Lord Sandwich's ship) set her on fire, and the gallant Earl and his crew perished in the explosion. 34 Sir Charles Lucas, - Dobson, - - Lord Braybrooke. After the defeat of the Scotch army, in 1648, commanded by the Duke of Hamilton, Fairfax summoned Colchester, which had been blockaded for two months ; the garrison was obliged to surrender at discretion ; Sir Charles Lucas and Sir George Lisle, M'ho commanded, were shot, by order of Fairfax and his Council. 35 John Dry den, (a Bust) - Schemaker, - G. W. Taylor, Esq, Born 1631. Died 1700. 36 The Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke. Sir Joshua Reynolds. - Richard Sharp, Esq. Born 1730. Died 1797. [ 24 ] No. 37 Lord William Russell. - Zoust. - The Duke of Bedford. Born 1641, Son of William, the fifth Earl, and afterwards Duke of Bedford ; executed 1683. The circumstances of the trial and execution of this nohle Lord are universally known. Had the evidence upon his trial been even more de- fective than it was, his life would hardly have been spared. The great offence he had given to Charles the Second and James the Second, was, the active part he had taken upon the Exclusion Bill ; and they felt, that an enemy was not less to be feared, because he possessed high character and general esteem. When James the Second, in his distress, in 1688, applied to the Earl of Bedford (the father of Lord William Russell,) telling him he could render him signal service — " Alas, Sir, (replied the Earl) lam old and feeble, lean do you but little service. I had once a son that could have assisted you ; but he is no more." 38 John Locke. - - _ Christ Church College, Oxford. Born the 29th of August, 1632 ; died the 28th of October, 1704. How his life was employed, with what honour to our country, and vrhat benefit to our nature, and in what successful attempts to exercise and enlarge the faculties of the human understanding, none need to be told. But it never can be useless to repeat, as a happy example to posterity, that he united the most transcendant genius with the easiest manners — the deepest meta- physics with studies of practical utility,~a warm love of liberty, with a true attachment to our monarchical Constitution,— and a bold and inquisi- tive philosophy, with the meek spirit and unassuming pretension of a true believer in the Gospel of Christ. 39 James Butler. Marquis I ^.^ p^^^^ _ of Ormond. of Ormond. - - J Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, commanded the King's forces in that coun- try from 1644 to 1647- Born 1610. Died 1688. • 40 Sir Isaac Newton. - - Murray. - Trinity College, Cambridge. Was born in 1642 ; educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, and suc- ceeded the celebrated Dr. Barrow as Professor of Mathematics in that University. In 1688 he was chosen one of the representatives of the University for the Convention Parliament. He held the office of Master No. 41 42 [ 25 ] of the Mint for several years, and directed the re-coinage which took place about the year I699. In 1703 he was elected President of the Royal Society, which office he held till 1727, when he died, at the age of eighty - five. He was the most eminent philosopher which this, or perhaps any country ever produced. Every step he took in his discoveries demonstrated to him the Being and Providence of God. The book he studied with the most unremitttng application was the Bible ; and as he was thoroughly con- vinced of the truth of Divine Revelation, so he inculcated, in many of his writings, with all the force of his enlightened mind, the benevolent prin- ciples of Christianity. Nature and Nature's laws were hid in night ; God said, let Newton be, and all was light. Elias Ashmole. - - - - D. S. Dugdale, Esq. An eminent Antiquary and Herald, was born I617, died IC92. Upon the Restoration of King Charles the Second, he was appointed to the care of the Royal Library, and directed to examine Hugh Peters, into whose hands it had fallen, relative to the embezzlement of various books and medals, which had been taken away during the usurpation of Oliver Cromwell ; but he was not able to recover them. He received from Mr. John Tradescant a very large collection of curiosities, to which he added very considerably ; and gave the whole, together with his library, to the University of Oxford. Many of his works have been published ; that upon the Institution and Rules of the Order of the Garter is the most celebrated. Sir William Temple. - Sir Peter Lely. - Viscount Palmerston. Born 1628; died 1700. He was educated at Emmanuel College, Cam- brido-e. He filled several public offices, and conducted some of the most fmportant negociations, in which England was ever concerned (and especially those of Nimeguen and Breda), with great ability and distinguished success. Without derogating in any particular from his own high principles, he had the good fortune to enjoy the favour and confidence of three sove- reigns of very dissimilar characters ; and the delicacy with which he ab- stained from taking any prominent part in the Revolution, which dethroned his old master James the Second, met the generous approbation of his successor, who having failed to induce Sir William Temple to accept public employment, condescended to visit hiiii at his celebrated retire- ment at Moor Park. It was at those visits that Swift had the honour of D No. being known to King William, to whom he subsequently dedicated his edi- tion of Temple's works. 43 William Dugdale. - - Bousseler. • D. S. Dugdale, Esq. M.P. An eminent Antiquary, Herald, and Historian, born 1605. About the year ]6S8, he was placed in the Herald's office, by the Earl of Arundel, then Earl Marshall. He attended the King during the Civil War, and was in several battles, particularly in that of Edge Hill. After the death of the King he retired to France; upon the Restoration he returned to England; and in the year 1677, was knighted, and appointed Garter prin- cipal King at Arms. He was a most industrious man, unremitting in his researches; and has given to the world much useful information upon the various subjects in which he was engaged. He died 1686. 44 TheRt.Hon.WM.WiNDHAM. - Sir J. Reynolds. - G. J. Cholmondeley, Esq, 45 Alexander Pope, (a J52/*0 - Roubilliac. - G. W. Taylor, Esq. Born in l688, and died 1744. The annals of Pope's life would be a catalogue of his admirable ss orks ; he took little part in politics, connected himself with no public event, and is memorable only as a Poet ; but then he is universally admitted to be the poet of good taste, good sense, and good manners. 46 Henry Fox, Lord Holland. - Sir J. Reynolds, - Lord Holland. Born in 1705; held successively the offices of Lord of the Treasury, Secretary at War, and Paymaster of the Forces; created a Peer in 1763; and died in 1774. ' No party hostility ever denied to Mr. Fox (any more than to his still more eminent son) great abilities in public affairs ; and in private life, every sociable and amiable quality. NORTH ROOM. West Side. 47 Richard Bentley. - Hudson. - Trinity College, Cambridge, Born 1662 ; died 1742. This eminent scholar and critic, was appoint'Ld Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1700. In this situation he had to undergo a long series of legal and academical litigation; to which he [ 27 ] No. was glad to superadd as many literary controversies as he could excite. He was certainly a man of great acumen, and of very considerable learn- ing ; but he has been accused of much arrogance in the display of it. His edition of Horace is a work which has met with many admirers. 48 Lord Rodney. - - - Sir J. Reynolds. - HIS MAJESTY. Born 1717. Died 1792. 49 Dr. Markham, Arch- 1 bishop of York. | " Reynolds, Christ Ch. Coll. Oxford. Died 1807. 50 The Rt. Hon, Charles James Fox'. Sir J, Reynolds. - Lord Crewe. Born 1748. Died 1805. 51 Lord North. - - Dmice. - - Earl of Guilford. Born 1732. Died 1792. 52 Death of Lord Chatham, in 1778. Copley. - - Alex. Davison, Esq. Born 1708. 53 Queen Anne. - . HIS MAJESTY. 54 The Duke of Gloucester. - - - HIS MAJESTY. Son of the Princess of Denmark, afterwards Queen Anne ; was born 1689. At ten years old he was placed under the care of the Duke of Marlborough, with this injunction from King William: Teach him to be what you are, and he cannot want accomplishments.'' Dr. Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury, was at the same time appointed his Preceptor. He died in 1700. He is represented to have been an amiable Prince ; and to have made great progress in his studies, while under the care of the Duke and the Bishop. 55 Admiral Viscount Nelson. - Hoppner. - HIS MAJESTY. Born 1758. Died 1805. 56 Isaac Barrow, D. D. - - Trinity College, Cambridge. The friend of Sir Isaac Newton, and one of the most eminent members of the Protestant Church, was born in 1630, and died in 1(577. He held the offices of Professor of Greek and of Mathematics in the University of No, [ 28 ] Cambridge, and was chosen Master of Trinity College in the year l672. He was a man of great piety and learning, and is supposed to have been . the ber,t scholar of his time. Many of his very able works have been published: those which were written to elucidate the Scriptures are de- servedly of the highest reputation. . He was attached to the Royal Cause, and remained in privacy during the Commonwealth; his friends expected great preferment for h.m at the Restoration, but he received none: he bore his disappointment, however, with great calmness, and only remarked Te magis optavit rediturum Carole nemo Et nemo senait te rediisse minus. 57 Lord Chancellor Camden. Born 1714. Died 1794. 58 Right Hon. William Pitt. Born 17.59. Died 1806. Dance. - Hoppner. 59 The late Doke of York second 1 ^^^^^ Brother of his late Majesty ^ J ^ ^ Born 1739. Died I767. 60 The Rt. Hon. Spencer Percival. - Joseph. Marquis Camden. Earl of Mulgrave. HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. Born 1762. Killed by the hand of an assassin 1812. f^itiW Boom. East Side. 61 Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper. - Sir Godfrey iTwe/Zer - Earl of Shaftesbury. Born 22d July, 1621 ; Earl of Shaftesbury and Lord High Chancellor in 1672. _ ^. r ^^ ' ^ A- One of the most extraordinary men, which an age fertile in extraordi- nary men produced. His acquirements may be measured by a saying of Charles the Second, that " he knew mora law than all his judges, and more [ 29 ] divmity than all his bishops r and his gaiety and wit, by his reply to the same Monarch ; - / believe, Shaftesbury, (said the King) thou art the wickedest dog in England:' May it pleaseyour Majesty, (rephed the Lo^d Chancellor,) of a subject, I believe lam:' We do not enter into the political Ufe of Lord Shaftesbury ; it has been his misfortune that his history has been always written by hostile pens ; but three topics of praise, at least, cannot be denied to him— talents m every thing— purity in the seat of Justice— and the friendship of Locke. Dryden, who has drawn his character as a Statesman, perhaps with overcharged severity, makes some amends^ when he speaks of him as a Judge: , Yet fame deserved, no enemy can grudge. The Statesman we abhor, yet praise the Judge ; Oh, had he been content to serve the crown With vh tues only proper to the gown, Or had the rankness of the soil been freed From cockle that oppressed the nobler seed, David for him his tuneful harp had strung, And heaven had wanted one immortal song. 62 Three of the Children of Charles L Sir Peter Lely. Earl of Egremont, James Duke of York (aged 14.) Princess Elizabeth (aged 12.) Henry Duke of Gloucester (aged 8.) The Parliament committed them to the care of Algernon Earl of Nor- thumberland ; from whose custody the Duke of York, then about 14 years old, made his escape. The Duke of Gloucester was confined in the Isle of Wight, by the order of Cromwell, till the year 1652, when he was sent to the Continent, and joined his brother at Paris ; be returned to England at the Restoration, and died shortly after, at the age of 20. I tie Princess Elizabeth died at Carisbrook Castle, in the year 1650, aged 1^, and was buried at Newport, in the Isle of Wight. This Picture was painted bv Sir Peter Lely, for the Earl of Northum- berland, a short time before the escape of the Duke of York ;-the Por- trait of the Duke is one of the ablest performances of his pencil. 63 Lady Anne Carr, Countess of Bedford. - Vandyke. - Earl of Egremont. She was sole daughter and heiress of Robert Carr, Earl of Somerset, by Frances, daughter of Thomas HoNvard, Earl of Suffolk. The history of the divorce of the Countess of Somerset from her first husband, the Earl [ 30 ] of Essex, and all the extraordinary circumstances which followed that event, are to be found in the History of the Reign of James the First. 64 Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel. - Vandyke. - Marquis of Stafford. Was Earl Marshall of England in the early part of the reign of Charles the First. Few persons have shewn more love for the Arts than the Earl of Arundel; and it appears from his example, that his Sovereign was in- duced to study and to encourage them. This nobleman was the first who sent persons to foreign countries to make an extensive collection of ob- jects of art. That collection was dispersed at his death. A part of it is at Wilton, belonging to the Earl of Pembroke ; another part at Oxford ; and the Cameos and Intaglios are in the possession of the Duke of Marlbo- rough; his favourite bronze head of Homer is in the British Museum. Turbulent times are ill suited to the progress of the Fine Arts; he was driven from his retirement in this country, by the prospect of the civil commotions, in 1642, and died at Padua, 1646. 65 Lady Dorothy Sidney, Coun- ] TEss of Sunderland. - \ ' Vandyke. - Earl of Egremont. Daughter to the Countess of Leicester, was married to Henry Lord Spencer, of Wormleighton. He was created Earl of Sunderland, June 6, ]643; and killed the same year at the battle of Newbury, in the 23rd year of his age. She married, secondly, Robert Smythe, Esq. of Bounds, in Kent. This amiable and beautiful lady is the person who was celebrated by Waller under the name of Sacharissa. Her letters have lately been published, 66 King James L - - - Vandyke. - HIS MAJESTY. This Portrait has been always said to be painted by Vandyke : but King James died in ]625, and Vandyke did not come to England till after that period. If it is by Vandyke, it must be a copy from some other Portrait. 67 Benjamin West, (a Bust^ - NoUekens. - British Institution. Born 1738; died 1820. 68 Oliver Cromwell. - - Cooper, - G. Greenhill Russell, Esq. Born 1599. Died 1658. 69 Sir Joshua Reynolds, {a. Bust) - Bacon. - British Institution. Born 1723. Died 1792. [ 31 ] James Stanley Earl of Derby, 1 r? with his Wife and Daughter. I ' ^^'^'^y^'' - Earl of Clarendon. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Worcester in 1651. In 1652 he was tried for High Treason, condemned, and beheaded at Bolton, in Lancashire. He married the daughter of the Duke de la Trimouille. King Charles the Second refused his assent to the Bill for restoring the estate to the family, which had been lost by the Earl's loyalty and attach- ment to him. The Countess of Derby defended the castle in which she resided, with great spirit, against the Parliament forces, for a considerable time. John Churchill, Duke of) q- n v n -xx • c rr -i ' y - ibir Cjr. Kneller. - Marquis of Stafford. Marlborough. " " j He was born 1650. In 1701 he was appointed Commander in Chief of the forces in Holland, and in 1702 Queen Anne selected him as Captain General of all her forces. The history of his brilliant campaigns are well known, and are detailed at length in the Memoirs which have been lately published by Mr. Coxe. He died 1722. The exploits of the Duke of Marlborough stood unrivalled in British his- tory, till this country produced a hero in our own days, who has equalled, if not surpassed him. Sir George Jeffries. - Riki/. - Earl of Winchilsea. Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench in 1682. After the defeat of the Duke of Monmouth, he was sent into the West of England to try the rebels: the rigour with which he executed that commission is well known. After his return from the West, upon the death of Lord Keeper North, he was made Lord Chancellor. In 1688, after the abdication of King James, he attempted to make his escape to Hamburgh, but he was discovered by the mob disguised as a sailor, seized, ill treated, and at length carried before the Lord Mayor, who sent him to the Tower, where he died in 1689. Anthony Vandyke. - Vandyke. - HIS MAJESTY. Born 1598. About the year 1630, Charles L hearing of his fame, sent Sir Kenelm Digby to invite him to return to England, where he bad been a short time before. Charles sat to him frequently, and was so struck with his merit, that he Knighted him in 1632. He died 1641. No, 74 Henrietta Maria. - - Vandyke. - HIS MAJESTY. The Daughter of Henry IV. of France, by Mary of Medicis, and the Queen of Charles I. Even the pencil of Vandyke himself never carried grace and elegance further than in this Portrait. We cannot look upon this resemblance of the unfortunate Queen, without lamenting that so much loveliness should have been fated to endure so many of the ills and adversities of life. She returned to England upon the Restoration of Charles II., quitted it upon the breaking out of the plague in 1665, and died in France in 1669. 75 William Harvey. - Cornelius Jansen - Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart. An eminent Physician, was born 1578, and educated at Caius College, Cambridge. He was Physician to James I. and Charles I. attended the latter to the Battle of Edgehill, and accompanied him afterwards to Oxford, where he was elected Warden of Merton College. He was chosen President of the College of Physicians in 1654, and presented that Insti- tution with the most munificent benefactions. His discovery of the cir- culation of the blood, has justly entitled him to a high rank among those men of science who have converted their knowledge to the use and benefit of mankind. He died in 1657. ~ 76 The first Howard, Duke of Norfolk. - - Earl of Carliale. *< Jockey of Norfolk, be not too bold, Fur Dickon, thy master, is bought and sold." 77 The Duchess of Norfolk. - - Earl of Carlisle. MIDDLE ROOM. South End. 78 Sir Bevil Granville. - - - Marquis of Stafford. Born 1596. He attached himself very early to the King's cause during the civil wars, and distinguished himself in several of the actions that took place. In 1643, he commanded the troops which liad been raised for the King's service in Cornwall, and fell in a successful attack which the Roval army made upon the Parliament forces, commanded by Sir William Waller. Clarendon says, that never was there a brighter courage and a gentler disposition married together, than in his person. [ 33 ] No. 79 Sir John Granville, afterwards Earl of Bath. - Marquis of Stafford. Son of Sir Bevil Granville, was born 1628; joined the King's forces when very young, and signalized himself in several battles fought in sup- port of the Royal cause. He retired into the country during the govern- ment of Cromwell; steadily retaining his principles, and watching his opportunity, to render service to the cause he had espoused. The death of Cromwell, and the state of the nation, afforded him that opportunity, and he carried on the communication between King Charles II. and General Monk, which led to the Restoration. He continued afterwards an active Member of Parliament, and was one of the great promoters of the Revo- lution in 1688. He died 1701. 80 Sir Thomas Wentworth, after-] wards Earl of Strafford. ] ^^^^y^^- ' Sir J. G. Egerton, Bart. Born 1593; died 1641. Was knighted by King James I. and became a distinguished Member of the first Parliament of Charles I. in opposition to the Court, and was a strenuous promoter of the Petition of Right. In 1628 he joined the Couit party ; was created a peer, and appointed to the Government of Ireland. In 1640 he was impeached by the Commons for High Treason, The spirit of party prevailed, popular clamour was furiously excited against him, and a bill of attainder was passed by both Houses, to which the King reluc- tantly gave his assent; he was executed 1641. In the Act for reversing the attainder, which passed in 1662, it is stated, that King Charles I. as- sented to the bill of attainder with ** exceeding great sorrozv^'"' that it was remembered by him with inexpressible grief' of heart and that he ex- pressed this when his own life was taken away. 81 George Abbot. - - Cornelius Jansen. - Archbishop of Canterbury. . Born 1560; died 1633. Appointed to the See of Canterbury in l6ll. A steady friend to the Protestant religion, bearing his faculties so meekly, that he has been represented as too indulgent to the Puritans, and too lax in Church cere- monies. He had considerable influence in State affairs durins: the reign of James I. and shewed upon many occasions, and particularly in the oppo- sition which he made to the divorce of the Countess of Essex (afterwards Countess of Somerset^ great firmness and integrit}'. During the time he was Archbiahop of Canterbury, a misfortune hap- pened to him, which tended much to embitter the latter part of his lif^e. While he was hunting in the Lord Zouch's park, at Bramshill, he let fly E [ 34 ] No. an arrow at one of the deer, which wounded the Lord Zouch's keeper in the arm, of which he immediately died. In consequence of this accident several of the hishops refused consecration at his hands. 82 Thomas LiNACRE. - - Holbein, - - HIS MAJESTY. The principal Founder and first President of the College of Physicians ; was horn about the year 1460. Towards the end of his life he entered into Holy Orders, and received considerable preferment in the Church from his friend Archbishop VVarham. He died 132 1. All the writers of his time represent him as a most eminent scholar. 83 John Evelyn. - - TV\% His brother, William Duke of Hamilton, was killed two years afterxvards at the battle of Worcester. 91 KfLLiGREw and Carew. - - Vandyke, - HIS MAJESTY. Two celebrated wits. Killigrew Nvas Page of Honour to Charles the First, and Groom of the Bedchamber to Charles the Second, whom he often diverted with his wit and humour. Carew was also a Poet, and Gen- tleman of the Privy Chamber to Charles the First. Killigrew was born 1^11, died 1682; and Carew was born 1589, died J6:39. MIDDLE ROOM. West Side. 92 Francis, Earl of Bedford. - Vandyke. . Duke of Bedford. Born 1588. A leading member of the House of Lords. A friend to liberty, but an enemy to popular excess. He died, regretted by all parties, in 1641. 93 The Earl of Strafford. - Vandyke. - Earl of EgremOnt Executed 1641. i Although there is another representation of this eminent man in this Collection, we could not deny to the lovers of the art the exhibition of this Portrait, which is one of the finest ever painted, even by Vandyke. 94 Lady Dorothy Percy, Coun-1 TEss of Leicester. ^- - \ Vandyke. - . Earl of Egremont. Daughter to Henry, ninth Earl of Northumberland, and sister to Lady Lucy Percy ; married to Robert Sidney, afterwards Earl of Leicester, and mother to Algernon Sidney, and Dorothy Countess of Sunderland There is a curious account of a quarrel, which took place at Petworth, between the Imsbands of these two sisters, then Viscount Lisle and Lord Doncaster, in the Sidney Papers, vol. i. p. 121. 95 Peter Paul Rubens. - . Rubens. - - HIS MAJESTY Was born 1577 ; and was sent in 1629, by the Court of Spain to Englan( [ 38 ] No. to negociate a treaty of peace. King Charles the First, who admired his talents as a Painter employed him 5o paint the rt'ilini>- of the Bau- quetting-house, at Whitehall. He was Knighted in )630, and left England ihe next year. He died at Antwerp, 1640. 96 Countess of Dorset - - Vandyke. - HIS MAJESTY. 97 The Family of Sir Balthazar Gerbier. - Rubens. - HIS MAJESTY. Sir Balthazar Gerhier was a Painter and an Architect, and came to England about the year 1613, and was retained in the service of the Duke of Buckingham. He appears to have been employed in some private transactions of State ; and was Knighted b}' King Charles the First in 1628. He left this country during the civil war; returned at the Resto- ration, and designed the triumphal arches which were erected upon that occasion. He founded a School for Painting, Architecture, &c. under the sanction of King Charles the First ; but from the troubles of the ' times it fell to the ground. 98 Landscape, with Charles I. in I _ ^^^^^^^^ _ HIS MAJESTY. the character of St George. ) 99 Helena FoRiviAN, Rubens' second wife, - Rubens. HIS MAJESTY. Rubens was married first to Elizabeth Brandt, secondly to Helena For- man, and he was about to be married a third time to M. Lundens, (the subject of the famous Chapeau de Paille, now at Antwerp) but she died before the ceremony took place. He is said to have lived upon ill terms with his first wife, but to have been amply compensated by the amiable qualities of the second. He has recorded his opinion upon this subject, by his pencil. In a Picture, in one of the collections in Germany, he has triven the Portraits of these three Ladies— the first in hell, the second in heaven, and the last between both, as he had not yet decided to which she most properly belonged. 100 Lady Lucy Percy, Countess of Carlisle. Vandyke. Earl of Egremont. Daughter to Henry, ninth Earl of Northumberland. She married Lord Hay, who Was created Lord Doncaster, and afterwards Earl of Carlisle. 101 The Duchess of Richmond. - - Vandyke. - HIS MAJESTY. 10'2 Algernon Percy, Earl of Northumberland. Vandyke, EarlofEssex. Was appointed in 1640 General of the King's Army in Scotland, with [ 39 ] No. the Earl of Strafford and the Marquis of Hamilton ; and lie was afterwards appointed Admiral of the Fleet, w hich he was accused of delivering over to the power of the Parliament. He died 16"68. 103 Lady Elizabeth Cecil, Countess 1 rz ; / t- i m ^„ l - Vandyke, Earl oi E«;remont. or Devonshire. - _ > j Daughter to William Cecil Earl of Salisbury, and married to William Cavendish, third Earl of Devonshire. MIDDLE ROOM. North End. 104 George and Francis Villiers. - - Vandyke. - HIS MAJESTY. George, born 1627. Died 1687- Sons of the favourite Duke of Buck- ingham. Of these youths, the eldest, the author of the Rehearsal, was the most extraordinary compound of genius and folly that ever existed. The two greatest moral Poets of our nation have excelled themselves, and ex- hausted the language in describing his life and his death. A man so various, that he seem'd to be, Not onCj but all mankind's epitome ; Stiff in opinion — always in the wrong, Was every thing by starts, and nothing long; But in the course of one revolving moon. Was Chemist, Fiddler, Statesman, and Buffoon, Dryden. In the worst inns, worst room, with mat half hung, The walls of plaister, and the floor of dung ; On once a flock bed, but repair'd with straw, And tape-tied curtains, never meant to draw ; The George and Garter dangling from that bed, Where tawdry yellow strove with dirty red , ***** Great Villiers lies, alas! how chang'd from him, That life of pleasure and that soul of whim ! **»*#* There victor of his health, of fortune, friends. And fame, this Lord of useless thousands ends. -Pope. The second brother, called the beautiful Francis Villiers, was a post- humous child, born 1629, and killed near Kingston in Surrey, 1648, in a skirmish; one of the last efforts made by the Royalists [40] No. 105 Major General Masset. "1 ^ ^ „ I - - C. T. Tower, Esq. 106 Major General Brown. J Two of the five Pres])ytenan leaders, taken out of the House of Com- mons by a detachment of the army under Colonel Pride, and confined in the Round Tower at Windsor in 1648. 107 Sir Harbottle Grimston. - - - - Earl of Verulam. Was a Lawyer of great eminence. In 1647 he was appointed one of the Commissioners to treat with the King in the Isle of Wight ; and in 1660 he was chosen Speaker of the Restoration Parliament, and made Master of the Rolls. He is supposed to have assisted Bishop Burnet in his History of the Reformation. He was born 1594, and died 1683. 108 Jonathan Swift. _ . _ - Earl of Besbofough. Was born in 1668, Dean of St. Patrick's 1713, and died 1745. The friend of Sir William Temple, of Pope, of Addison, and Boling- broke. Every body is acquainted with his admirable works. His style is more correct, more clear, and more pointed than that of any of his pre- decessors, and his humour is unrivalled. 108* King Geokge r. _ _ _ HIS MAJESTY. 109 George Villiers, Duke of Buck-1 INGHAM, and Family. - - | - Honthorst. - HIS MAJESTY. Born 1592, Viscount Villiers l6l6, Earl of Buckingham l6l7, Marquis and Lord High Admiral I6l8, Earl of Coventry, Duke of Buckingham, and Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports 1623, assassinated at Portsmouth by Eelton 16£8. " He was," says Clarendon " of a noble nature, generous disposition, and of such other endowments as made him very capable to be a great favourite to a great king. Of a courage not to be daunted, and of a most flowing courtesy and affability to all men." The Duchess was Catherine Manners, daughter and heiress of the Earl of Rutland. The infant on her knee died young ; the daughter was thrice married ; first, to Charles, Lord Herbert ; secondly^ to James Stewart, Duke of Len- nox ; and thirdly, to Thomas Howard, brother of Lord Carlisle. 110 Gilbert Burnet. - Bishop of Salisbury. Born in 1643 ; Bishop of Salisbury in 1688 ; died in 1715. His talents for extemp,ore preaching brought him early into notice, and [41 1 No. his religious and political principles soon connected him with the most eminent of the Whig party, in which he soon became considerable, without however neglecting his more sacred duties. He reclaimed Lord Rochester on his death bed, and assisted (with Tillotson) Lord Russell on the scaffold. He received from Russell his watch, with the remarkable expression—" I ham now done with time, and have only to think of eternity y Burnet soon after retired to the Continent, and was removed from his preferments in England ; his exile, however, was not useless to the Church or the State, for he attached himself to the Princess of Orange, and took an important part in the cofiduct of the Revolution ; and one of the first acts of King William was to appoint him lo the See of Salisbury. The amusing " Memoirs of P. P. Parish Clerk," were written in derision of the Bishop's History of his own Times ; and Swift and other Tory wri- ters have poured out all the phials of their mirth and wit upon his person, his principles, and his proceedings. Some of these criticisms were per- haps not undeserved^ but they have not shaken the Bishop's character for learnmg and piety, for liberal views of state policy, and for a scrupulous discharge of his episcopal duties. Dr. Johnson says, the Life and Death of John, Earl of Rochester, is a hookwhich the critic ought to read for its elegance, the philosopher for its argument, and the saint for its piety. Ill Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon. - Sir P. Lely. - Earl of Clarendon. Was appointed to the office of Chancellor of the Exchequer, in 1642,' and one of the Prince of Wales's Council in l6u. He retired with the Prince to Jersey, during the contention between the King and the Par- liament, where he began his History of the Civil War. At the Restoration, 1660, he returned to England, and was made Lord Chancellor, and prin- cipal Minister. The Duke of York (afterwards James II.) married his daughter. He became unpopular as the supposed author of the Dutch war, and in 166? an impeachment was drawn up by the Commons against him] accusing him, in various instances, of betraying the nation. He was de- prived of his office in consequence ; and retired to France, where he com- pleted his History, and died at Rouen in 1674 ; after having in vain soli- cited his Sovereign's permission to return to his native country. He had been the able and faithful counsellor both to Charles L and Charles IL, and had the mortification to see his well founded advice rejected, upon some of the most important occurrences in those reigns. It is worthy of F [ 42 ] No. remark, that his daughter, who had embraced the Catholic religion, at the instigation of the Duke of York, should have given two Protestant Queens to the Throne of England, 112 General Copley. -i I - - - C. T. Tower, Esq. 113 Sir John Clotworthy. J Two of the Presbyterian leaders, confined in the Round Tower at Windsor, with Sir William Waller, and Generals Massey and Brown, in 1648. 114 Sir Kenelm DiGBY. - Vandyke. - HIS MAJESTY. Son of Sir Everard Digby, who was executed in 1605, as being concerned with Guy Fawkes and others in the Gunpowder Plot. He was born about the year 1603. In 1628 he commanded a squadron in the Mediterranean, to protect the English trade against the Venetians and the Algerines, and gained a considerable victory with an inferior force. He was engaged in various political transactions of the times in which he lived ; but the greatest part of his life appears to have been spent in the encouragement of works of art, and in philosophical researches. In the first settlement of the Royal Society he was appointed one of the Council. He died in the year 1665. East Side. 115 Sir Richard Wynn. - - C. Jansen, - Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart. 1 16 Sir John SoMERs, Lord SoMERs. Sir G. Kneller. - Earl of Hard wicke. Solicitor General 1689; Lord Keeper J693; and Lord Somers, and Lord Chancellor 1697. — No man has risen to greater eminence in his profession, and none has left a higher reputation to posterity. — He pro- moted the Revolution with great address and ability ; and was rewarded and honoured by King William, as he deserved. In 1701 party ran high against him ; he was impeached, together with Lord Hallifax and Lord Orford, by the Commons, and acquitted by the Lords. — In 1706 he project- ed the Union with Scotland^ and drew up the Articles. — He filled the office of President of the Royal Society for some time. — He was received by King George I. with much kindness, upon his accession ; and died in I7l6. _ — Addison has drawn his character with great ability in the Freeholder. 117 Sir William Waller. - C. Jansen, - C. T. Tower, Esq. Was born 1597, and was one of the Members of the Long Parliament, and commanded the Parliament forces upon several occasions. In 1648 he was suspected of attachment to the Royal cause; was expelled the army, and committed to prison. This Portrait was painted at that time. There is in the back ground a slight sketch of the Round Tower at Windsor, in which he was confined. He died 1668. 118 Sir Thomas More. - - Holbein. - - Sir Thos. Baring, Bart. Born 1480. Succeeded Cardinal Wolsey as Chancellor to Henry VIII. in 1529. Being a rigid Catholic, he resigned that office in 1532, rather than acknowledge the Supremacy of the King in matters of religion. He was tried for High Treason, condemned, and executed 1535. A man of great learning, and intlexiiile integrity; a protector of Literature and the Fine Arts; the friend and patron of Holbein. 119 Thomas Howard, Dure of Norfolk. " Holbein. - The Duke of Norfolk. Was born about 1475. He was tried in 1547 upon the same charge as his Son, tl c Karl of Surrey, sentenced to death, and expected to follow his son to the scaffold, well knowing that nothing could avert the purpose of his inexorable Sovereign; but his execution was fixed for the 29th Janu- ary, and Henry the Eighth died on the 28th. The sentence therefore was not executed ; but he remained in prison till one year before his death, which took place in 1554. 120 The Karl of Surrey. - Holbein. - - HIS MAJESTY. Son of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk. King Henry VIII. thinking that boih father and son had views to the throne, and intended to re-es- tablish I he Catholic religion, determined to sacrifice them. The Earl of Surrey was tried first for High Treason ; the principal charge against him was, that of bearing the Arms of King Edward; he was sentenced to death, and executed 19th January, 1547. He was the most gallant Sol- dier, the most accomplished Gentleman, and the best Poet of his time. No. ^ ■* 121 Sir Henry Guilford, - Holbein. - HIS MAJESTY. Born 1488. Died 1532. Was Comptroller of the Household to King Henry the Eighth. He served, in the early part of his life, with great reputation in the wars in Spain, under Ferdinand and Isabella. Being a man of considerable lite- rary acquirements, he kept up a correspondence with the learned Erasmus. The mother of the Lord Guilford Dudley was of this family 122 Henry Cromwell - - Walker. - G. Greenhill Russell, Esq. Second son of Oliver; was born 1627. He was appointed Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland during the Protectorate ; and died I674. 123 Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick. Holbein. The Marquis of Salisbury. Was born 1.531. He was taken in arms with his father, the Duke of Northumberland, when he appeared in support of the Lady Jane Grey's title to the throne, and was kept a close prisoner in the Tower till 1.5.54, when he was par- doned. Queen Elizabeth appointed him Master of the Ordnance, and created him Earl of Warwick. He was actively employed during his life by the Queen, and had the command of large forces entrusted to him ; and upon all occasions conducted himself with great firmness and ability. In 1586 he was one of those Peers who assisted at the trial of Mary, Queen of Scots. He died 1589, of an amputation of the leg, in which he had received a wound many years before. He was a great friend of Lord Burleigh,— very much esteemed, and generally called the good Earl of JVarwich. There is a curious monument erected to his memory in a chapel at Warwick. 124 King Henry Vm. - Holbein. - Society of Antiquaries. This Picture was presented by his late Majesty to the Society of Anti- quaries. Besides the King, it is supposed to represent his Queen Jane Seymour, their Son Edward VI. and the Princesses Mary and Margaret, Sisters of the Kins:. ^ ' 125 Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia. - Van Somor, - HIS MAJESTY. She was daughter of James Land married to Henry, Prince Palatine of the Rhine, who was considered as King of Bohemia by the Protestants of Germany. A lady of great literary acquirement; the mother of Prince Rupert, and Prince Maurice. 126 The Countess of Digby — Vandyke. - HIS MAJESTY. [ 45 ] 127 Edward Russell, - - . Sir G, Kneller. Admiral Sir E. Harvey. Son of Edward, the second son of Francis, fourth Earl of Bedford, died 17^7. He retired to Holland on Lord Russell's execution, and returned at the Revolution ; of which he was an useful agent. Was appointed Admiral of the Bhie in 1^91, and in 1692 gained the famous and important battle of La Hogue. In 1697 he was created Viscount Barfleur and Earl of Orford He was subsequently Vice Admiral of England, and one of the Com- missioners for the Scottish Union. 128 Thomas Cranmer. - Gerberius Fleccius. - The British Museum. The Church of England is perhaps more indebted to Archbishop Cranmer than to any other person; he promoted the Reformation by the gentlest, but at the same time by the most determined and most persever- ing means, during the reigns of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. In 1556 he was burnt to death for adhering to the reformed Church.— Ridley and Latimer had sutfered the same cruel death a short time before, on the same account. 129 William Warham. - - Holbein. - Archbishop of Canterbury. Born about 1455; Bishop of London 1503; and in 1504 Archbishop of Canterbury, which See he filled till his death, 1532. He was also successively Master of the Rolls, Lord Keeper, and Chan- cellor of England ; the antagonist and rival of Wolsey, and the friend and patron of Erasmus -to whom he presented a copy of the very portrait before us. Though in his own habits singularly abstemious, he was in his public character so liberal and disinterested, that he found on his death bed, that he possessed but £30. in the world, "enough however'' he said, '*Jor the journey I am now going.'' ' 130 John Milton. . . . - Earl of Onslow. The most illustrious poet of our country, was born in I6O8; educated at St. Paul's School, and at the age of seventeen admitted into Christ's College, Cambridge. He devoted himself to poetry very early in life: one of his first works, which was the Mask of Co7;2w^, was performed at Ludlow Castle, in 1634, before John Earl of Bridgewater, for whom it appears to have been written. More than a century afterwards it was adapted to the modern stage. r Allegro, IlPenseroso.^nd Lysidas Mlovf^d shortly after; but the great [ 46 ] No. work which immortalizes his name, is the Paradise Lost, which was not published till I667. He sold the copy of it for five pounds, with an agree- ment that he was to receive five pounds more after the sale of 1 300 of the first impression, and five pounds for the second impression. He held the office of Latin Secretary to Cromwell, and is said to have refused the same office upon the Restoration. He died in 1674, having been blind for many years before his death. 131 William SoMERs. - - Holbein. - - HIS MAJESTY- The Jester of King Henry Vin.—He is said to have prevailed upon the King to restore an estate to a gentleman with whom he had lived as ser- vaiit, and whom Henry had reduced to poverty for denying his supremacy^ 132 Inigo Jones. - - Vandyke. - - Earl of Darnley^ Was born 1572. He has always been considered as the best Architect England had produced at that time; and many of his well known works are still the subject of admiration. He was originally sent to Rome by William, Earl of Pembroke, as a Painter ; but his admiration for the works of Palladio, induced him to alter his course. On his return to England, he was appointed Surveyor to James I. Charles I. who, as well as his elder brother Prince Henry, had great delight in promoting the Arts, not only continued him in the same office, but gave him great encourage- ment in his profession. During the festive part of the reign of that Monarch, he designed all the decorations for the Masques and other Royal entertainments. Towards the end of his life he sympathised in the misfortunes of his master, and died 1651. 133 Henry St. John, Viscount BoLiNGBROKE. - - Lord Bagot. Born 1672; Secretary at War 1704; Secretary of State 1710; Viscount Bolinghroke 1712; exiled 1715; pardoned 1723; died 1751. His life, as a Statesman, was short ; but in the course of it he differed with every political friend he ever had. In private life he was amiable and sincere ; and in society, gay, witty, and brilliant. The levities of his early days are forgotten in the philosophic retirement in which he enjoyed the friendship of Swilt, Pope, Arbuthnot, and Atterbury. As an author, we admire his style, and his genius; but perhaps no man, gifted with such talents, ever rendered them so useless, and even so injurious to himself and others. 134 Jane Shore, - ^ . Eton College. This Portrait of the celebrated Mistress of King Edward IV. is from Eton College, of which her Confessor, William Westbury, was the Provost in the year 1476 ; and through her interference with the King, estates of considerable value were restored to that Royal foundation, of which it had previously been deprived. She was the wife of a Goldsmith in Lombard-street, and is represented by historians to have been extremely beautiful, lively, generous, and cha- ritable : and possessed great influence over the King; which, however, she never used to the prejudice of any person, but frequently exerted it in favour of the unfortunate. Holingshed says of her, « Proper she was and faire : nothing in her bodie that you would have changed, but you would have wished her some- Avhat higher." She was deprived of what property she possessed by Richard III., and ^ condemned to do penance at St. Paul's Cross in the year 1483. She was still living in great poverty in the reign of Henry VIII. SOUTH ROOM. South End. 135 John TiLLOTsoN. - Sir G, Kneller. - Archbishop of Canterbury. Born October 1630; ordained about \660 ; Dean of Canterbury 1672 ; and Archbishop of that Diocese in May I69I ; died 24th November I694! It was a singular fortune, that born, educated, and living till the age of 30, among the Dissenters, he should rise to the Primacy of the Church establishment; that the least ambitious of men should be placed in an Archiepiscopal throne, from which his predecessor was detruded for con- scientious scruples; and that the Chaplain of the gay Charles should be selected as Clerk of the Closet by the serious William. Of his Sermons— long the pride of the English pulpit—the language is become a little obsolete; hut the insinuating eloquence, the persuasive reasoning, the copious learning, and above all the true spirit of Christian truth, which they display, place them in the very first class of works of that description. G. W. Taylor, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. 138 Henry V. - - - - - HIS MAJESTY. 139 Henry VI. - - - - - HIS MAJESTY. 140 Henry VII. HIS MAJESTY. 141 Prince Arthur, Margaret and Mary. John de Mabuse. HIS MAJESTY. The children of King Henry VII. — Prince Arthur died at the age of 17 — Margaret was married to the King of Scotland, and Mary to Louis XII.~ and afterwards to Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. 142 Mary Queen of Scots. - Janet. - HIS MAJESTY. 143 King Charles I. with Queen Henrietta! Maria, and two of the Royal children, j " HIS MAJESTY. 144 Henry IV. . - . - - Earl of Essex. 145 The Duke of Cambridge. - - HIS MAJESTY. Son of James the Second, by the Lady Anne Hyde, daughter of the Earl of Clarendon ; born 1667; died 1672. 146 William Dobson. - - Dobson. - G. W. Taylor, Esq. His own Portrait. One of the best of our English Portrait Painters : became Painter to King Charles the First, after the death of Vandyke, whose Portraits he imitated with much skill and exactness. The tur- bulence of the times, and the civil wars, were fatal to the interests of Dobson. He died in 1646, at the age of 36, having given great promise of excellence in his profession. 147 Erasmus. - - Holbein. - - HIS MAJESTY. Born 1467. Died 1536. First came to England in 1497, and went to Oxford the same year, to pursue his studies ; he afterwards became Professor of Divinity and Greek in the University of Cambridge. Whilst in this country he enjoyed the friendship of Sir Thomas More, Archbishop Warham, and of all the eminent men of his time; he died 1536. There is an excellent statue erected to his memory at Rotterdam, the place of his birth. [ 48 ] No. 136 Thomas Killigrew, painted when Mi-1^^ ^ nister, at Venice. - - - . j ^ 127 King Richard III. [49] At the sale of the Collection of Charles I. a price was fixed on each picture ; and so highly were the Paintings of Holbein esteemed, that this Portrait of Erasmus, and another of Frobenius, his printer, of the same size, were valued at <£200. when all the Cartoons of Raphael were only estimated at ^300. Cromwell bought the latter at that price. 147* Edward VI. when Prince of Wales. - Holbein. - Earl of Hardwicke. 148 Edward IV. - - - . HIS MAJESTY. 149 Edward VI. - - - - Sir J. Murray, Bart. 150 Henry Lord Darnlett, and his| tvtat-cw , , ^ o > Lucas de Heere. HIS MAJi^SrY. brother Charles Stuart. j In 1565 Henry Lord Darnley married Mary the Queen of Scotland, in spite of all the endeavours of Elizabeth to prevent it. Mary is supposed to have taken a great aversion to her husband immediately after their marriage. In 1567 he was found strangled in bed. Charles Stuart, Earl of Lenox, was the father of Arabella Stuart, who was confined in the Tower, and who died 1615. SOUTH ROOM. iVest Side, 150* >SiR Walter RALEian. - Zucchero. - Earl of Hardwicke. Among the eminent men which this country has produced, and whose life has been rendered interesting by the many important transactions in which he was engaged, may be reckoned Sir Walter Raleigh. He was born in 1552 ; and in 1577 he embarked with the troops sent by Queen Elizabeth to assist the Dutch against the Spaniards. The same enterpris- ing spirit, which was his charactcrestic through life, induced him to engage wherever active service was to be performed; and in J584, the Queen gave him a commission to explore the continent of North America. In this expedition he is said to have discovered Virginia ; and from his establishment in that colony he first imported Tobacco into this country. In 1595 he projected an expedition against Guiana, defeated the Spani- ards, and took possession of that country. During the remainder of the reign of Elizabeth he was engaged in many brilliant and successful enter- prises ; but upon the death of the Queen, his prosperity and glory sunk jiever to rise again. Soon after the accession of King James he Ipsf Q [ 50 ] his influence, was accused of High Treason, for attempting to place Arabella Stuart upon the Throne, tried, and sentenced to death, and his estates given to Robert Carr, Earl of Somerset, the favourite of King James. Sir Edward Coke, then Attorney General, did himself great discredit upon this trial ; he not only pressed the case most unjustly against Sir Walter, but insulted him with the most opprobrious language. He was however reprieved, and sent to the Tower, where he remained prisoner for above 12 years, during which time he wrote his History of the World. In 1615 he obtained his liberty, and in l6l6 undertook ano- ther voyage to Guiana. This expedition failed ; and he returned to Eng- land in 1618, when he was seized and imprisoned, at the instance of the Spanish Ambassador; and in consequence of his former sentence, was be- beheaded in the 66th year of his age. Thus died one of the ablest men which this country has produced. His execution may be considered as one of the most atrocious acts which was committed in the times in which it occurred. 151 Sir Edward Coke. - C. Jansen. - John Penn, Esq. Attorney General in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, in 1593 ; and Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench in that of King James, in l6l3. He was removed from the ofBccof Lord Chief Justice in l6l6, in consequence of a dispute with Lord Ellesmere, as to the respectivejurisdictionsof the Courts of King's Bench and Chancery. Upon the calling of the new Parliament in ]625, the Court party got him appointed Sheriff, to prevent his election; and he attended the Judges in that capacity — who had himself been Chief Justice of England. He was shortly afterwards elected for the county of Bucks, took a very active part in all the proceedings of those times, and was one of the principal framers of the Petition of Right. He died in 1634-, at the age of 86. His works upon the English Law are considered as of the highest authority. 152 Thomas Burnett, LL. D. - Sir G. Kneller. - The Charter House. Born 1655; died 1715. In 1681 he published his most celebrated work, the Sacred Theory of the Earth. In l685 he was appointed Master of the Charter House; and in 1687 he nobly made the first stand against the encroaching despotism of James II. by refusing to admit a papist, whom the King, by his dis- pensing power, endeav^oured to force upon the Charter House. This affair w^s the prelude to the resistance of the Universities, the Corpora- tions, the Bishops, and finally of the Houses of Lords and Commons, and of [ ^1 1 No. the whole British nation. Dr. Burnett therefore, a literary hoaor to his country, should not be forgotten amongst its political benefactors. 153 Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. Mark Garrard. Marquis of SaHsbury. Son of John Duke of Northumberland, and brother of Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick ; was indicted for High Treason in assisting the cause of the Lady Jane Grey, received sentence of death, but was pardoned and set at liberty in 1554, at the same time with the Earl of Warwick In the reign of Queen Elizabeth he was taken into favour, possessed the highest influence at Court, obtained the most splendid grants from the Queen, and lived in the greatest magnificence. He commanded the army which was sent into the Low Countries ; and was afterwards appointed Lieut. General of that which was assembled at Tilbury. The Queen proposed to appoint him her Lieutenant both in England and Ireland ; but the Lord Burleigh and the Lord Chancellor Hatton opposed this appointment, as dangerous to her interests. He is supposed upon this to have retired in disgust, and set out for his Castle of Kenilworth ; but he died in his house at Cornbury, in Oxfordshire, in his way thither, in 15 88, at the age of 56. He was buried at Warwick, where a handsome monument was erected to his memory, 154 William, Earl of Pembroke. - Honthorst. - Lord Bayuing. Born 1580. He was appointed Lord Chamberlain to King James, in 1617. A man of elegant manners, and high accomplishments, the patron of Literature and the Arts. He died 1630. 155 Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex. Zucchero. The Duke of Bedford. The favourite of Queen Elizabeth. Son of Walter Devereux, Earl of Essex. He accompanied the Lord Leicester, who was his father-in-law, in his expedition to Holland, and distinguished himself at the Battle of Zutphen, where the gallant Sir Philip Sidney lost his life. The Queen shortly after gave him the command of the Horse in the army she assem- bled at Tilbury, and loaded him with favours. A warm dispute arising between the Queen and him, as to the fittest person to superintend the affairs of Ireland, he turned his back upon her with contempt, and she gave him a box on the ear. He resented this affront, and retired from Court; shortly after, in 1598, he was appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ; but considering this appointment as a banishment, he returned without leave. For this act of disobedience he was suspended from piost of his offices ; and at length he carried his resentment so far, as to [52] No. take up arms against his Sovereign ; but he was reduced to submission by the Earl of Nottingham, declared a traitor, tried, condemned, and executed in ]601, aged 33, the Queen, as it is said, having once counter- manded, and at length consenting very reluctantly to his execution, be- cause he would not apply to her for mercy. During the time the Queen is supposed to have had a passion for Lord Essex, she is said to have given him a ring, declaring that however griev- ously he might offend her, if he returned that pledge, she should consider it as a token of submission, and would pardon him. After his sentence, Essex gave the ring to the Countess ol Nottingham to convey to the Queen; but the Countess kept the ring, and only communicated the circumstance upon her death-bed to the Queen. The Queen reproached the dying Countess with the utmost violence for her conduct ; and becanie herself overwhelmed with grief. Some historians consider this circumstance as having hastened the death of the Queen, which took place not long afterwards. 156 Walter Devereux, Earl of Essex, father of the Favourite. Son of Sir Richard Devereux, Knt. Was created Earl of Essex by Queen Elizabeth, in 1572; and Earl Marshall of Ireland, in which coun- try he died, Sept. 22, 1576, (not without suspicion of his being poisoned). He was buried at Caermartheu, where a superb Monument was erected to his memory. His Widow married Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. 157 Thomas Sackville, Loud BucKHURST - The Duchess of Dorset. Succeeded Lord Burleigh as Lord High Treasurer in 1598. In 1603 he was created Earl of Dorset, and died 1608. History ranks him among the first men of the age both in literary and political character. 158 Queen Elizabeth. - Zucchero. - The Marquis of Salisbury. 159 Charles Lord Howard of Effingham, ] afterwards Earl of Nottingham. - | " " ^^'^ Countess de Grey. Lord High Admiral in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. He defeated the famous Spanish Armada in 1588, and was created Earl of Nottingham, for the services he rendered upon that occasion. Upon the defection of the Earl of Essex, the Queen gave him the command both of the fleet and army, saying, that he was born both to serve and to save his country. The Earl of Essex submitted to him without a struggle. He was highly Lord Bagot. [ 53 ] No esteemed by King Janves the First ; but becoming infirm, he resigned his office to the new favourite, VillierS; afterwards Duke of Buckingham. He died 1624, aged 86. Lord High Chancellor of England in the reign of King James tlie First, was born 1561, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, under Dr. Whitgift, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury, After four years resi- dence at the University, he spent some time abroad, and on his return fixed his abode in Gray's Inn. He distinguished himself very early in the pro- fession of the law, and in 1588 was appointed by Queen Elizabeth one of her Council. In 1607 he was advanced by King James to the office of Solicitor General ; in 1613 to that of Attorney General; in 1617 to that of Lord Keeper, and in 1618 to that of Lord Chancellor. In the same year he was created Baron Verulam, and two years afterwards Viscount St. Alban's. In the Parliament which met in 16"'2], a committee was appointed to enquire into the abuses in Courts of Justice. This Committee reported that they had charges of corruption to produce against the Lord Chan- cellor. The House of Peers desired him tc prepare for his defence, but he prevailed upon the Prince of Wales (afterwards King Charles the First) to present his submission to the House, in which he abandoned his defence, and threw himself upon their mercy. He was sentenced to pay a fine of forty thousand pounds, rendered incapable of holding any office, and ad- judged to be imprisoned in the Tower during the King's pleasure. This fine was afterwards assigned to persons of his own nomination; the rest of his sentence was remitted, and he was summoned to the first Parliament of King Charles the First. He died in the year 1626. No man can read his works without admiring the strength and beauty of his genius, the wisdom of his thoughts, and the depth of his learning ; and no man can reflect upon his life, without lamenting that any human failing should have been mixed with so much of human excellence. Addison says he had the comprehensive knowledge of Aristotle, with the beautiful graces and em- bellishments of Cicero. Vansomer. - Earl of Verulam. I6l Sir Nathaniel Bacon. - - Himself, . Earl of Verulam. Born 1546. Died l6l5. His own Portrait ; was the youngest son of Sir Nicholas Bacon, and half [54 ] No. brother to the Lovd Chancellor. He studied painting in Italy, and was esteemed one of the most skilful painters of the day. He is not supposed to have practised the art as a profession, hut as an amusement. Some of his works are preserved at Culford, in Suffolk, where he lived, and where in the church a monument is erected to his memory. 162 Sir Thomas Gresham. - Sir Antonio More, - G. W. Taylor, Esq. This eminent merchant of the City of London was horn in the year 1519, and educated at the University of Cambridge. He acquired great wealth by his mercantile pursuits, and rendered himself serviceable to Henry the Eighth, in extricating him from many of his pecuniary difficul- ties. So highly sensible was the King of his merits, that near the end of his reign he bestowed upon him some valuable marks of his favour, adding these words, " You shall know that you have served a king.'' He built the Exchange in Cornhill in the year 1567, that the merchants of London might have a public edifice to assemble in for the transaction of their business, without being exposed to the weather, as had previously been the case when they met in Lombard-street. Queen Elizabeth, as an especial mark of her favour towards him, ap- pointed him her own merchant, and in 1570 she went attended by her Court, to dine with him at his house in Bishopsgate-street. She then in- spected every part of the Exchange, which from that day was called The Royal Exchange." He died in 1579, leaving estates of considerable valuci to be applied to charitable purposes. It has been said of him, that " his riches were great, the reputation with which he acquired them greater t and the uses to which they were applied^ greatest of all.''* 163 Sir Francis Drake. - Pourbus. - Dowager Marchioness of Lansdowne. Born 1545 ; Member for Bossiney and Plymouth, died 1596. Drake is not only among the first, but among the most famous of the naval heroes of England ; a distinction which he owes to great talents in his profession, to his enterprising spirit, and to his circumnavigation of the world in the years 1578 and 1579 ; an exploit which, under all the circumstances, required heroism to undertake, and great abilities as well as good fortune to accomplish. The introduction of Potatoes into Eng- land, is said to have been one of the effects of this memorable voyage. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth, at Deptford, in 1581^ on the decl^ pf the famous ship in which he had put a git^dle roundabout the world*^ [55 ] No. 164 Count deGondemar, - C, J arisen, - Marquis of Salisbury. Was Ambassador from the Court of Spain in the reign of James I. He has always been represented as having been a most artful politician ; and he certainly contrived to obtain a considerable ascendancy at the British court. The learned and gallant Sir W. Raleigh, who by his exploits had offended his nation, is supposed to have been sacrificed chiefly through his influence. 165 Charles Brandon, Duke of Suf-1 , T./r 1 • -iiLT'c r - - - Lord Kous. FOLK, and Mary, his Wite. J Charles Brandon was one of the most accomplished gentlemen at the court of Henry VIII. and a great favourite of that monarch. He married Mary, the sister of Henry, and the widow of Louis XH. King of France. Upon that marriage the well known lines were wiltten : " Cloth of gold, do not despise, Though thou be matched with cloth of frize ; Cloth of frize, be not too bold, Though thou be matched with cloth of gold." 166 Matthew Parker, - - Archbishop of Canterbury. The second Protestant Archbishop of Canterbury, was born 1504, and educated at Bennet College, Cambridge. After he bad been admitted into holy orders, his learning and piety made him generally known, and he was appointed Chaplain to Queen Anne Boleyn ; soon afterwards he suc- ceeded to a Prebend in the Cathedral of Ely, through the favour of King Henry VIII. and he received the same dignity in the Cathedral of Lincoln from 'the hands of King Edward VL ; but in the reign of Queen Mary, as he was known to be a diligent promoter of the Reformation, he was dili- gently sought for, and only escaped the persecution of those bloody times, and probably the fate of Cranmer, Ridley, and Latimer, by moving from place to place, generally in the night, and concealing himself with the greatest care. Upon the accession of Queen Elizabeth, he was appointed to the see of Canterbury. In the discharge of the duties of his high office, his great care was to fill the church with able and zealous Protes- tants, and thus to establish and confirm the Reformation. He died 1575. 167 The Earl of Huntingdon. . - - Lord Bagot. Master of the Hart Hounds to Queen Elizabeth ; President of the [ 56 ] No. North: Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire, Rutland, York, Northumber- land, Westmoreland, and Durham. He died 1595. 168 Sir Walter Aston. - - Lord Bagot. Ambassador from Queen Elizabeth to the Emperor Charles V. 165 Thomas Egerton, Lord Ellesmere. - - Earl of Bridge water. Wa-s appointed Lord Keeper of the Great Seal in by Queen Elizabeth, and Lord Chancellor by King James L in 1603. He is represented as a sound lawyer, and a most just and honorable man. He presided at the trial of the Earl and Countess of Somerset, for the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury, and refused afterwards to put the Great Seal to the pardon granted to them by King James L He resigned the office of Chancellor in 1616, and died shortly afterwards. One of his sons was created after his death Earl of Bridgewater. 170 William Camden. - Marh Gheerard, - Marquis Camden. A most diligent Antiquary and an impartial Historian. Was born in 1551, and educated first at Christ's Hospital, then at St. Paul's School, and - afterwards at Magdalen College, Oxford. He died at Chiselhurst in Kent, in 1623. He corresponded with the learned men of all countries. The work for which he is justly celebrated is h\B Britannia. Bishop Gibson, who wrote his Life, says of him, " In his writings he was candid and mo- desty in his conversation easy and innocent, and in his whole life, even and exemplary." SOUTH ROOM. North End. 171 Sir George RooitE. - - SirG. Kneller. - - HIS MAJESTY. Born in 1650. He had a principal command in the battle of La Hogue in I692. On the accession of Queen Anne, in 1702, he was promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral. The same year he attacked and destroyed the French and Spanish squadrons in the harbour of Vigo. For this important service he received the thanks of the House of Commons. The last service this gallant officer performed was the capture of Gibraltar. He died in I709 172 Admiral Benbow. - Sir G. Kneller, - HIS MAJESTY, Born about 1651. At the age of fifteen he was a waterman's boy. [67] No. His general chatacter for bravery and skill in his profession, and his success against the Moorish pirates, procured for him the notice of (Charles II. of Spain, who recommended him to King James II. by whom he was appointed to a command in the Royal Navy. At the Revolution he was promoted to a flag by King William. He died 1702. 173 Henry Compton, Bishop op London. - Riley, - Lord Arden, Was youngest son of Spencer, second Earl of Northampton, who was killed at Hopton Heath, fighting for the King, in ^643. In 1674, he was elected Bishop of Oxford; and in \675 translated to the See of Lon- don. He was one of the seven Bishops sent to the Tower in 1688, and officiated at the Coronation of King William and Queen Mary, in the room of Dr. Sancroft, Archbishop of Cantef])ury, who declined to take the oaths. He laid the first stone of St. Paul's Cathedral, being then Bishop of London, and lived to preach the first sermon in it after it was completed, and died in July 1713, aged 80 years. 1T4 Philip Lord Hardwicke. Hoare. The Earl of Hardwicke. Lord Chancellor in 17S6; Earl of Hardwicke 1754, One of our most eminent Lawyers. — He held the high office of Lord Chancellor for twenty years successively, with great honour to himself, and great benefit to his country. 175 William Cecil, Lord Burleigh. - - The Earl of Yarmouth. Lord High Treasurer, and Prime Minister to Queen Elizabeth during almost the whole of her reign, died 1598. He was the great supporter of the Protestant cause, and contributed more than any other person to establish the Reformation. Posterity has assigned to him the character of one of the most prudent counsellors, and one of the most upright and able ministers of England. 176 Philip IL and Queen Mary. - - The Duke of Bedford. This is a most curious picture ; it represents the King and Queen in one of the apartments of the Savoy Palace. The church which is seen through the window^ is the old St. Paul's, destroyed in the great fire of London in 1656, the dreadful eff^ects of which are so strikingl}^ described by Evelyn, in the. Memoirs which have been lately published. H No. L J 177 Venetia, Lady -DiGBv. - Vandyke. - - HIS MAJESTY. Was the daughter of Sir Edward Stanley, of Shropshire, and wife of SirKenehn Digby ; she is always mentioned as a lady of great beauty and accomplishments. 178 Sir Thomas Dilkes. - Sir G. Knelkr. - HIS MAJESTY. In the reign of Queen Anne he commanded a squadron of 13 sail in the Mediterranean ; he was in the fleet with Sir C. Shovel, and narrowly escaped, when that Admiral was lost near the rocks of Scilly, in 1708. 179 Sir Cloudesley Shovel. - S'wG. Knelkr. - HIS MAJESTY. One of our ablest Naval officers. He was born 1650, and had his share in the victory of La Hogue, and distinguished himself in the capture of Barcelona. He was lost on the rocks of Scilly in 17O8, and himself and ail the crew of his ship perished, when he w^as onlv forty-seven years of age. 180 Sir Heneage Finch, Lord Nottingham. - _ E^rl of Verulam. In 1673 the Great Seal was taken from the Earl of Shaftesbury, and given to Sir Heneage Finch, as Lord Keeper; and in 1675 he was made Lord Chancellor, and raised to the Peerage; in J681 he was created Earl of Nottingham, and died the next year. He is ranked among the abkst lawyers who have filled this high office; and his decrees have been held in high estimation. 181 Shakspeake. J. W. Croker, Esq. Born 1564. Died I616. It is doubtful whether any original Portrait of Shakspeare exists ; and It is even questioned whether our popular notion of his countenance be well founded. The Bust on the Monument at Stratford is not like the received portraits. But no great faith can be given to the work of the artist of a country church two centuries ago. The Portrait published at the .head of the first folio edition, only seven years after his death, which re- ceived the direct approbation of Ben Jonson, and the silent sanction of all other friends of the Poet, resembles this Portrait much more than it does the Bust. The Portrait here offered has been always considered to be that of Shakspeare, and is an early, if not an original representation of those features which tradition, and the accordance of many portraits, authorise us in calling Shakspeare's. No. C 59 ] We have therefore thought it better to give this probably authentic representation, than to omit, from the eminent men of England, all notice of perhaps the most eminent of them all. 182 King Henry VII. with his Queen. ^ King Henry VHI. with Jane '^mS Remit, after Holbein. - HIS MAJESTY MOUR. - - - _ 3 Jane Seymour had been Maid of Honour to Ann Boleyn ; and the King s passion for her is supposed to have hastened the latter to the scaffold. Of all the wives of Henry VHI. she was the most beloved by that capri- cious Monarch. Her death, which happened a year after their marriage, IS said to have caused him more grief than any event of his life. She died m chdd-bed in 1537, after having been delivered of King Edward VI. This Picture is a copy, by Rem^e Van Limput, from one of the finest works of Holbein, which was destroyed when the Palace of White- nail was burnt in 1697, 183 Edward Courtenay, Earl of Devonshire. - The Duke of Bedford. Son of the Marquis of Exeter; born 1526. When Queen Mafy, in 1553, visited the Tower, u here he had been a prisoner 16 or J 7 years 'she released him, the Duke of Norfolk, and some others, and shortly Ifter created him Earl of Devonshire. She is said to have wished to marry him; but he is supposed to have declined, as preferring her sister the Princess Elizabeth. ' In 1554 he was again committed to the Tower, with the Princess Eliza- beth, accused of being concerned in Wyatt's conspiracv, but released some months after, upon the intercession of Philip. He'died at Padua about a year after his release, at the age of 30, and is supposed to have been poisoned. He is represented by the historians of the time as a very handsome man ; and dnnng his long detention in prison, is said to have cultivated the arts, and to have acquired various accomplishments. London : Printed by W. Bulmer and W. l^col, ClcTeland-Bow, St. James's. y-^_ jy^ ^-^j. ^ /^t^, ^/ff^ ^Ji^^, X^ ^ ^tZ^ <^t^ ^^^^^^ ^x^-^^-^^ /^^, ^ mvim\f institution FOU PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 180<5. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUESS OF STAFFORD, K.G. PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR CHARLES * LONG, G.C.B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON: PRINTED JiY W. BULMER AND W. NICOL, CLEVELAND-ROW, ST. James's. 1821. PRICE ONE SHILLING. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION* % THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. 4 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION* HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. The Marq^uess of Stafford, President and Director^ The Right Ho^nt. Sir Charles Long, Deputif President and Director. The Duke of Bedford, Fice President and Director, The Duke of Marlborough, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Aberdeen, Vice President and Director, The Earl of Ashburnham, Vice President and Director, The Earl of Bridgewater, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Dartmouth, Vice President and Directory The Earl of Egremont, Vice President and Visitor, The Lord Northwick, Vice President and Visitor, 31arquess of Aberco7m Earl of Aylesford George Aust, Esq, Sir Emanuel Felix Aaar John Julius Angerstein, Esq. M:ircji!e^s of Bute, Dlrec-tor Earl Browiilow, Director Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Director Lady Bernard Colonel Bailie Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M.P. Director Alexander Baring, Esq. M.P. Director Rev, James Baker John Bayford, Esq. T. R. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. R. H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. L. Broad head, Esq. Marquess Camden, Plsitor Earl of Carlisle Rev. W. Hohvell Carr, Director Earl Cowper Earl of Carysfort Lord Carrington J. Cl.ohnondeley, Esq. Director N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M.P. Thomas Coutts, Esq, The Duke of Devonshire Bishop of Durham Lord Dundas Lord De Dunstanville Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Visitor Col. Dalrymple, M. P. Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney John Dent, Esq. M. P. Charles Devon, Esq, Colonel Duckett Charles Duncombe, Esq. M. P. Sir J. Grey Egerton, Bart. Director William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam Francis Freeling, Esq. John Fuller, Esq. Earl Grosvenor Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. Earl oi Hardvvicke, Visitor Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Director John Hambrough, Esq. Hugh Hammersley, Esq. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION, Charles Harvey, Esq. M. P. George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. Rt. Hon.Wm. Huskisson, M. P. The Rev. .Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. Hylton Joliffe, Esq. M. P. Lord Kinnaird Richard Payne Knight, Esq. Director John Knight, Esq. Mrs. Law Marquess of Lansdowne, Director Thomas Legh, Esq. Beeston Long, Esq. Earl ol Lonsdale Earl ol Liverpool E. Loveden Loveden, Esq. Rev. William Long, Director Samuel Long, Esq. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. M. P. William Ludlam, Esq. Earl Manvers, Visitor Francis Bernard Moiland, Esq. Earl of Miilgrave, Director John Meheux, Esq. John Nash, Esq. Lord Normanton. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. Earl of Powis ohn Penn, Esq. Sir Robert Peele, Bart. M. P. -.ouis Hayes Petit, Esq. ion. Mr. Petre Charles Pieschell, Esq, Lord Viscount Ranelagh Earl ofRosebery Samuel Rogers, Esq. Visitor Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P. Sir Claude Scott, Bart. Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. Henry Seymour, Esq. Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. John Symmons, Esq. Visitor G.Watson Taylor, Esq. M. P. Director Richard Thompson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. Henry Bache Thornhill, Esq. Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. Rt. Hon. Nich.Vansittart, M.P. Visitoy The Rev. Thomas Vialls The Earl of Upper Ossory Sir W. W. Wyrm, BarL M. P. C. B. Wall, Esq. Frederick Webb, Esq. Mrs.Weddell William Henry Whitbread, Esq, M.P Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M. P W. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. Roo-er Wilbraham, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq. LIFE GOVERNORS. Lord Arden John P. Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton Edward Bilke, Esq. Earl of Breadalbane Lord Viscount Bulkeley Henry Barinp;, Esq. M. P. William Blake, Esq- Henry Broadwood, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Lord Burghersh Rev. Edward Balme Samuel Boddington, Esq. Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Churchill Hon. hdward Spencer Cowper, M. P. Mrs. Claye Lord Colchester B 6 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Earl of Darnley. Charles Dixon, Esq. Lord Dynevor Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex liOrd Eardley The Hon. George Agar Ellis Rt. Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P. Will iam Fitzhugh, Esq. Visitor Earl Grey Lord Garvagb John Green, Esq. William Green, Esq. D. Green, Esq. James Goding, Jan. Esq. William Haldimand^ Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. J. S. Hudson, Esq. Lord Lovaine, M. P. Right Hon. Sir John Leach Edward Lee, Esq. John Lowther, Esq. M. P. T. P. Macqueen, Esq. M. P. John Maitland, Esq. E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. William Manning, Esq. M. P. Philip Metcalfe, Esq. Miss Middleton Sir Scrope i^;ernard Morland, Bart, M. P. Tixasurer and Visitor Sir John Murray, Bart. Rt. Hon. Sir John NichoU, M, P. Fmior Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Lord North wick Charles OflBey, Esq. Lord Viscount Paimerston, M. P. John Perry, Esq. Philip Perry, Esq, Hon. General Phipps, M.F. Visitor George Philips, Esq. M. P. Roger Pettiward, Esq. Augustus Piescheil, Esq. Rt. Hon. W. Wellesley Pole, M. P. Peter Rainier, Esq. David Ricardo, Esq. M. P. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M»P. George Reveley, Esq. Rev. Sir John Robinson Earl Spencer, Director Lord Selsey Edmund Solly, Esq. R. H. Solly, Esq. Sir M. M. Sykes, Bart. M. P. George Smith, Esq. M. P. William Scrope, Esq. William Sotheby, Esq. Lord Stowell William Tassie, Esq. Robert Thornton, Esq. George Townley, Esq. Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. R. Walpole, Esq. Subscribe?^ of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are intitled to be balloted for as ^T/l/t?o7 ^^bscribersofdO Guineas in one sum, as Life Governors of the Snhscribers of 5 Guineas a year, or of 50 Guineas or upwards in one sum, have the risht ofperso>,al admission to the Morning Exhibition, and of introducing two friends each day. ^ Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year or of 30 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission, and the right 0/ introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibition. theM::^:i:g£hZir''' ^ ^"^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ Subscriptions are received by Messrs. Morland and Co., 57, Pall-MalL [7] SUBSCRIBERS. Eabl op Aberdeen £l05 0 R. H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. - £ 105 0 Marquess of Ahercom 105 0 John Brickwood, Esq. 10 10 Earl of Ashburnham 105 0 T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. 105 0 Earl of Aylesford 105 0 Henry Broadwood, Esq, 52 10 Lord Arden 52 10 Lord Burghersh 52 10 George Aust, Esq. 105 0 William Bowles, Esq. annual I I Lord Aston - - annual 1 1 Major Bradford annual I 1 Miss Atherton 52 10 William Bulmer, Esq. annual 1 I Sir John St, Aubyn, Bart. M. P. 10 10 James Boswell, Esq. annual I I Sir Emanuel Felix Agar, Bart, 105 0 Rev. Dr. E. J. Burrow annual 1 I John P. Anderdon, Esq. 52 10 William Bosanquet, Esq. 52 10 John Julius Angerstein, Esq. - 105 0 N. Brown, Esq. annual I I Duke of Bedford 105 0 Archbishop of Canterbury 52 10 Marquess of Bute 105 0 Marquess Camden - 105 0 Earl of Bridgewater 105 0 Lord Churchill 52 10 Earl of Breadalbane 52 10 Earl Cowper 105 0 Earl Brownlow 105 0 Earl of Carlisle 105 0 Lord Viscount Bulkeley 52 10 Earl of Carysfort 105 0 Sir George Beaumont, Bart. 105 0 Lord Carrington 105 0 Lady Bernard 105 0 G, J, Cholmondeley, Esq. 105 0 Colonel Bailie 105 0 Hon. Edw. Spencer Cowper, M. P. 52 lo Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. 105 0 Rev. W. Holwell Carr - 105 0 Rev. James Baker 105 0 Henry Chomley, Esq. annual 1 i Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Capt. Christian, Royal Veterans, annual 1 1 Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 James Christie, Esq. - 10 10 Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. 52 10 John Claridge, Esq. annual 1 1 Rev. Edward Balme - 52 10 Mrs. Claye 52 10 John liayford, Esq. - 105 0 Mrs. Cobbold annual I 1 T. R. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. 105 0 N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Charles Bell, Esq. 10 10 Lord Colchester 52 10 Edward Bilke, Esq. 52 10 Thomas Coutts, Esq. 105 0 William Blake, Esq. - 52 10 John Craufurd, Esq. 10 10 J. J, Burn, Esq. - annual 1 1 John Crosby, Esq.- annual 1 I Charles Birch, Esq. 10 10 Duke of Devonshire 105 o John Blackall, Esq. 105 0 Earl of Dartmouth 105 0 Samuel Boddington, Esq. 52 10 Earl of Darnley 52 10 Samuel Boddington, jun. Esq. 10 10 Colonel A. J. Dalrymple, M. P. 105 0 Thowason Bonar, Esq. 105 0 S. W. Darke, Esq. annual 1 1 8 SUBS c J. C. Denham, Esq. - annual £l 1 Bishop of Durham - 105 0 Colonel Duckett - 105 0 Lord Dynevor - 52 10 Lord Dundas 105 0 Lord De Dunstanville 105 0 Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. p 105 0 Alexander Davison, Esq. 105 0 Miss Dehaney 105 0 John Dent, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Charles Devon, Esq. 105 0 Charles Duncombe, Esq. M. ] 105 0 Charles Dixon, Esq. 5-2 10 S. Dyson, Esq. annua I 1 1 Enosh Durant, Esq. 53 10 R. Danser, Esq. - annual 1 1 Earl of Essex 52 10 Eail of Egremohc 105 0 Lord Eardly 52 10 Sir Williatn Elford, Bart. 10 10 The Hon. George Agar Ellis 52 10 Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. 105 0 William Evans, Esq. M, P. 105 0 Earl Fitzwilliam 105 0 Wiiiiam Fitzhugh, Esq. 52 10 Right Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald , M. P. 52 10 Robert Frankland, Esq. M. P 10 10 Francis Freeling, Esq. 105 0 John Fuller, Esq. 105 0 The Countess de Grey annual 5 5 Earl Grosvenor 105 0 Earl Grey 52 10 Lord Garvagh, . 52 10 Sir William Geary, Bart. 10 10 Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Francis Gosling, Esq. 105 0 George Gostling, Esq. 105 0 William Green, Esq. 52 10 John Gree/i, Esq. 52 10 D. Green, Esq. 52 10 James Goding, jun, Esq. 52 10 Hugh Gray, Esq. annual 1 1 Abb^ Girot annual 1 1 Joseph Gwiltj Esq. 10 10 Eaarl of Hardwicke 105 0 S. Has well, Esq. annual 1 1 Sir Abraham Hume^ Bart. - £ 105 0 Sir Richard C. Hoare, Bart, annual 5 5 J. S, Hayward, Esq. - annual 1 1 W. Harris, Esq. - annual 1 I H. Hammersley, Esq. - 105 0 William Hamilton, Esq. - 52 10 Dr. Hamilton, - - aymual 1 1 Jeremiah Harman, Esq. - 52 10 Rev. J. Harris - annual 1 1 Charles Hatchet, Esq. - 10 10 C. Harvey, Esq. M. P. - 106 O George Hibbert, Esq. - 105 6 Phillimore Hicks, Esq. annual 1 1 Henry Hoare, Esq. - 105 0 Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P.- 105 O Frederick Hodgson^ Esq. - 52 10 J. H. Holder, Esq. - 105 0 Robert Holford, Esq. - 10 10 Henry Hope, Esq. - - 105 0 Thomas Hope, Esq. - 105 0 Henry Philip Hope, Esq. - 105 O William Haldimand, Esq. - 52 10 John Hambrough, Esq. - 105 O J. S. Hudson, Esq. - - 52 10 Right Hon.William Huskisson, M. P. 105 0 Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. - 105 0 Hylton JolifFe, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 George Johnson, Esq. - 10 10 Lord Kinnaird - - 105 O Richard Payne Knight^ Esq. - 105 0 John Knight, Esq. - - 105 .0 J. G. Kinnear, Esq. - annual 1 1 Marquess of Lansdov^ne - 105 0 Thomas Legh,Esq. - - 105 0 Earl of Liverpool - - 105 O Earl of Lonsdale - - 105 0 Lord Lavaine, M. P. - 52 10 Right Hon. Sir Charles Long, M. P. 105 O Samuel Long, Esq. - - 105 0 Sir J. F. Leicester, Bart. annual 5 5 Thomas Lack^ Esq. - 10 10 Mrs. Law - - . - 105 0 Right Hon. Sir John Leach - 52 10 Edward Lee, Esq. - 52 10 Rev. William Long - 105 0 Beeston Long, Esq. - 105 O //>£/ SUBSCRIBERS. 9 Edward L. Loveden^ Esq. - £105 0 Sir Robert Peele, Bart. M. P. - £105 0 John Lowther, Esq. M. P. 52 10 J. C. Parker, Esq. 10 10 SirJohnWm. Lubbock, Bt.M. P. 105 0 Charles Pieschell, Esq. 105 0 William Ludlam, Etq. 105 0 Augustus Pieschell, Esq. 52 10 William Manning, Esq. M. P. 52 10 John Perry, Esq, 52 10 Earl Man vers 105 0 Philip Perry, Esq. 52 10 Thomas March, Esq. annual 1 1 Hon. E. Petre 105 0 Duke of Marlborough 105 0 Rt. Hon. W, Wellesley Pole, M, P. 52 10 Archdeacon Markham annual 1 1 Lord Viscount Ranelagh 105 o G. Morant, Esq. annual 1 1 Peter Rainier, Esq, 52 10 Earl of Mulgrave - 105 0 George Reveley, Esq. 52 10 Sir Oswald Mostey, Bart. 10 10 David Ricardo, Esq, M, P, 52 10 Sir John Murray, Bart. 52 10 Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M, P. 52 10 John Maitland, Esq. 52 10 Rev. Sir John Robinson 52 10 E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Sir Christopher Robinson, Bart. 10 10 T. P. Macqueen, Esq. M.P. - 52 10 Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. 10 10 P. S. Marett, Esq. - 10 10 Samuel Rogers, Esq. 105 0 John Meheux, Esq. 105 0 Earl of Rosebery 105 0 Philip Metcalfe, Esq. 52 10 Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Miss Middleton - 52 10 Marquess of Stafford 105 0 Sir 8. Bernard Morland, Bart. M. P. 52 10 Earl Spencer - 52 10 Francis Bernard Morland, Esq, 105 0 Bishop of Salisbury annual 1 1 Miss Moody annual 3 3 Sir Claude Scott, Bart. 105 0 James Moss, Esq. 10 10 Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. 105 0 John Murray, Esq. annual 1 1 William Scrope, Esq. 52 10 liOrd Northwick 52 10 E, Scheener, Esq. annual 1 1 John Nash, Esq. 105 0 Lord Selsey 2 10 Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. 52 10 Henry Seymour, Esq, 105 0 Mrs. W. A. Nesbitt annual 1 1 Richard Simmons, Esq, - 105 0 Miss R. Nesbitt annual I 1 William Smith, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Right Hon Sir John NichoU, M. P. 52 10 George Smith, Esq. M. P, 52 10 W. J. Newton, Esq. annual 1 1 Enos Smith, Esq, - 10 10 George Nicol, Esq. annual 3 3 R. H, Solly, Esq, - 52 10 Lord Normanton - 105 0 Edmund Solly, Esq. 52 10 Charles Offley, Esq. - 53 10 William Sotheby, Esq. 52 10 Sir John Orde, Bart. annual 1 1 J, W, Steers, Esq, 10 10 George Philips, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 Lord Stowell 53 10 Earl of Powis 105 0 W. J. Sturch, Esq. annual 1 1 John Penn, Esq. 105 0 Sir M, M, Sykes, Bart. M, P. 52 10 Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. 52 10 John Symmons, Esq, 105 0 Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. 105 0 R, T, Searle, Esq, annual 1 1 S. Palmer, Esq. annual 1 1 Richard Thompson, Esq. 105 0 Roger Pettiward, Esq. 52, 10 William Tassie, Esq. - 52 10 Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. 105 0 George Watson Taylor, Esq, M. P, 105 0 The Hon. General Phipps, M. P. 52 10 bamuel Thornton, Esq. 105 0 The Hon. Augustus Pliipps annual 1 ] Lieut. Gen. William Thornton, annual 1 1 c 10 SUBSCRIBERS. Henry Bache Thornhill, Esq. - £ 105 0 Robert Thornton, Esq. - 52 10 George Town ley, Esq. - - .')'2 10 Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. 105 0 Charles H. Tracy, Esq. - - 105 0 llight Hon. N. Vansittart, M. P. 105 0 The Rev. Thomas Vialls - - 105 0 William Vaughan, Esq. - - 10 10 Earl of Upper Ossory - 105 0 R. Walpole, Esq. - - 52 10 Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. 52 10 Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Robert Williams, Esq. - 105 0 Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart. M. P. £ 105 O C. B. Wall, Esq. - 105 0 Frederick Webb, Esq. - 105 0 John Webb, Esq - annual 1 1 Mrs.Wedddl - - 105 0 S. C. Weston, Esq. - annual I 1 D. Wilson, Esq. - annual I I Wm. Henry AVhitbread, Esq. M. P. 105 0 W. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P, - 105 0 Roger Wilbraham, Esq. - 105 O Sir Francis Willes - annual 1 1 M. Zackary, Esci- - annual 1 1 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES OF THE ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, AND DUTCH SCHOOLS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. East Side. No. 1 Landscape, Sun-set : the Figure of Claude in the fore-ground, drawing from a ruined building — — 2 Landscape, with a Ferry-boat — 3 Cattle in a Landscape — — A Portrait of Frederigo da Bozzolo — 5 Peace and War ; an allegory — 6 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures passing a river — — — 7 The Archduke Ferdinand of Austria com- manding at the Battle of Nordlingin S Landscape, with a Farm-house, and Figures merry-making — — 0 Portrait of a Female — — 10 A Shepherd with Cattle on the banks of a river — — — Painters. Claude — Claude — P. Potter — Seb. del Piombo Rubens — K. du Jardin — Rubens — Teniers — Rembrandt — Cuyp «~ Proprietors. HIS MAJESTY. SirT, Baring, Bart. M.P, William Wells ^ Esq, Marquess of Lansdowne. Marquess of Bute. C, H. Tracy, Esq, HIS MAJESTY. C. H. Tracy, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. C. H. Tracy, Esq. [ 12 ] No. 1 1 Trarellers passing a brook — 12 An Interior, with Figures at cards — IS Portrait of the Cardinal Ubeldino — 14 A Boy shewing a trick — - — 15 Portrait of Gaston de Foix — 16 The Holy Family, with Angels, in a Land- scape — — — 17 The Interior of a Church — NORTH ROOM— South End. 18 Don Balthazar Carlos, son of Philip Fourth of Spain — — 19 The School-master — - — 20 The Wife of Teniers — — 21 Landscape — — _ 22 Boors at Back-gammon — 23 His own Portrait — — 24 Portrait of a Youth — 25 St. Cecilia — — _ 26 An Interior, with Figures — 27 Landscape, with Figures — 28 A Sea Calm — — 29 A Physician in his Study — 30 A River View, with a Figure fishing the NORTH ROOM— rVest Side. 31 Landscape; circular 32 Joseph, with the Infant Saviour — 33 The Virgin and Child _ — — Painters. K. du Jardin Teniers — Guido - Leo. da Vinci - Giorgione Fra. Mola De Witt — Velasquez — A. Ostade — Teniers — Rembrandt — A. Ostade — Teniers — F. Bol — Domenichino — A. Ostade — C Ruysdael, I and La. Vandevelde. Vandevelde — A. Ostade — Ruysdael — Claude Murillo Guido Proprietors. C. H. Tracy, Esq, W, Wells, Esq. Dr. Somerville, W. Beckford, Esq, M. P. Earl of Mulgrave, Samuel Rogers, Esq, Hon, Gen. Phipps^ M, P. Coi', Esq. Marquess of Bute. Earl of Coxientry. G. W. Taylor, Esq. M, P. Marquess of Bute, Earl of Coventry, Earl of Carlisle, K. G, W. Wells, Esq, C. H. Tracy, Esq. G,W. Taylor, Esq, M.P. G. W. Taylor, Esq. M. P. C. H, Tracy, Esq. G. W. Taylor^ Esq. M P. The Marquess of Abereorn, Samuel Rogers, Esq. Earl Spencer, K, G. 1 [ 15 ] Ko. 34 Portrait — — — 35 The Plundering of a Farm-liouse — 36 Christ bearing his Cross; with Saint Ve- ronica — — — 37 Landscape, with Nymphs bathing 38 Pythagoras in the Cave — 39 The Interior of a Gallery, with Pictures 40 Landscape, with Mercury and Battus 41 Charles the Second when a Youth, with the Princesses Elizabeth, Mary, and Anne, who is supporting the Infant Duke of York, afterwards James the Second — — — 42 Herodias's Daughter, with the Head of John the Baptist — — 43 Landscape, with lo and the Woodman 44 The Effects of Intemperance — 45 Orion — — — 4^ St. George — — — 47 Landscape, with Figures — — 48 Portrait of an Ecclesiastic — — NORTH ROOM— North End, 49 Portrait of Raphael — — 50 Tomyris, Queen of the Massagetas, order- ing the head of Cyrus to be immersed in a vessel full of blood Herodotus, Book I. Chap. 214. 5 1 A Monk _ _ __ Painters. Titian Teniers — And. Sacchi - Titian — S. Rosa — Teniers — Claude — Vandyke — C. Dolce ~- Claude — Jan Steen N. Poussin - Tintoretto — N. Poussin — Velasquez — Giorgione — Rubens — Titian Proprietorfl. Henry Banks, jun. Esq, Marquess of Bute, Samuel Rogers, Esq. G, J. Cholmondtley , Esq. C. H. Tracy, Esq. Hon. Gen. Phipps, M. P. W. Wells, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. C, H. Tracy, Esq. Duke of fV sllington. Rev. John Sanford. Rev. IV, H, Carr, Samuel Rogers, Esq, fV, Bankes, Esq, G. J. Chobnondeley, Esq, The Earl of Darn ley. The Rt. Hon. Sir C, Lone- G. C. B. D [ 14 ] No. Painters. East Side. 52 Study of Lions' Heads — ■ — 53 The Flight into Egypt — — 54 Saint Sebastian — - — 55 Landscape; a View in Italy, with Figures travelling — — — 56 The Tribute Money — — 57 Doers — X — — 58 Christ in the Garden — — 59 Small Landscape — — 60 Diana returning from the Chace — 61 Sea- shore, with Horses and Figures — 62 A Woman scraping Carrots — 63 A Battle _ — 64 Tht.' Lion and the Mouse — 65 A Woman with Oysters — — 66 Cattle and Figures passing a River — 67 A Landscape, with a Mill — 6S The Virgin and Child, with Angels — 69 Landscape — — — 70 A Waterfall — _ _ Rubens — C. Maratli G ucrcino Both — Guercino Titian Albano — Cuyp — Rubens — VVouwerman xMaes — Bouro-Qo-none Snyders Metzu Berghem Ruisdael Garofalo. Rembrandt Ruisdael { { Proprietors. MIDDLE ROOM—South E?2d. 7 1 A Man's Portrait — — 72 A Head ; fresco ; a fragment from the old Palacf in the City of Parma, purchased by Dr. Patouhe, when the walls were taken down in 1763 — — Albert Durer — Correggio — Duke of Bedford Earl Spencer, K. G. Earl Spencer J K. Q. A. Baring, Esq. M, P. Earl Spencer, K. G. Duke of Bedford. Earl Spencer, K. G. Sir Abraham Hu7ne, Bart. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart, C. H. Tracy, Esq. The lit. Hon. Sir C. Lor.L^, G. a B. ^ Rev. John Sanford. R. Erankland, Esq. M. P, . Rcx). fVilllam Long. N. W. R. Colborne, Esq. M. P. HIS MAJESTY. Ea7i of Dartmouth. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. J. JV, Russell, Esq, M. P. HIS MAJESTY. Earl of Mulgrave. [ 15 ] No, 73 Tobit and tbe Angel 74 Mother and Child 75 The Emperor Otho 76 Abraham and Isaac 77 Magdalen — 78 A Man's Portrait MIDDLE V.OOM-Wcst Side. 79 Portrait of the Archduke Albert — 80 Landscape, with Figures — 81 Madonna del Gatto, from the Cesare Pa- lace, Perugia — 82 Merry-making — 83 Landscape ; the Story of Narcissus 84 St. Martin dividing his Cloak — 85 The Assumption of the Virgin 86 A Musical Party 87 A View of Home from Tivoli 87* The Infant Cardinal Ferdinand of Austria MIDDLE ROOM-North End. SB The Assumption of the Virgin — 89 His own Portrait 90 Portrait of Simon de Vos _ 91 Landscape, with Figures — — 92 View in North Holland — _ 93 The Wife of De Vos — 94 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures 95 Dead Christ — 96 A Beggar Boy _ Painters. Murillo Guercino Titian — Murillo Guido — Rembrandt Rubens G. Poussin Baroccio Jan Steen Claude Rubens Murillo De Hooge G. Poussin Rubens Murillo — Rembrandt — Vandyke — {Wynants and ) A. Vandevelde i De Koning — Vandyke — Teniers — Murillo — Murillo — Proprietors. IViUiam Cartzvright, Esq. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Sir Ah. Hume, Bart. IVilUam Cartw^ight, Esq. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. G . J. Cholmondelcij, Esq. Earl Spencer, K G. HIS MAJESTY. Rev. IF. H. Carr. Duke of Wellington. Sir G. Beaumont, Bart. HIS MAJESTV IVilliam Cartwright, Esq. Duke of IVellington, M. Zacchary, Esq. Earl Spencer^ K. G. Sir T. Baring, Bart. M.P, HIS MAJESTY. G. JV. Taylor, Esq. M. P. C\ H. Tracy, Esq. Earl Grosvenor. G. JV. Taylor, Esq. M. P. Earl of Coventry. N. Ogle, Esq, M, Zacchary^ Esq. [ 16 ] East Side. No. 97 A Woman listening — — 98 Cattle and Figures passing a brook 98*A Landscape, with Figures — 99 His own Portrait — — 100 Vulcan, Venus, and Cupid — 101 Figures and Cattle at an Inn-door — 102 The Prodigal Son — — 103 Cupids with Swans — — 104 Boy with Lemons — — 105 The Embarkation of Van Tromp — 106 The Communion of Saint Nicholas — 107 A Group of Angels , — • — 108 Titian's Mistress — — 10^ His own Portrait — — 1 ID Sea-shore, with Fi'shing Boats — 1 1 1 Cupids dragging a Net — 112 Portrait — — — 113 An Inndoor, with Horses and Figures 114 Portraits of the Painter and his Wife raiiiters. Maes — Berghem Wouwerman - Rembrandt — Tintoretto — Berghem — Jai; Steen — Polidoro — Murillo — Backhuysen — - Paolo Veronese Murillo — Rubens — Vanderwerf — Vandevelde — Polidoro — Rembrandt — VFouwerman — Lang Jan Proprietors. Duke of PFelUngton, fN. TV. R. Colborne, Esq. [ M. P. Viscount Curzon. Lord Eardley. Lord Eardley. C. H. Tracy, Esq, G, JV. Taylor, Esq. M. P. HIS MAJESTY. Earl of Roseberry, Duke of IVeUirigton. The British Lnstitution. The Duke of Bedford, IVilliam Cartwright, Esq. G. JV. Taylor, Esq. M. P. Viscount Curzon. HIS MAJESTY. Lord Eardley. NJV. R. Colborne, Esq, M.P, { Viscount Sydney. [ 17 ] No. Paintei^i Propviet(H'>. h SOUTH "^OOU—South End. Bust or the late Mr. West, by JNoiieKens Thp J^fiti^h Tnsfitutinn 115 Our Saviour healing the Sick in the Benjamin West The British Institution. Temple — — «' AnH fVip hlinH nnrl the lame came to him in the Temple, and he healed them. " And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children cry- ing in the Temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David ! they were sore displeased." St. Matthew, chap. xxi. verses 14, 15. Bust of Sir Joshua Reynolds, by Bacon ihe British Institution. ■ — SOUTH ROOM— -^e*^ Side, 116 A Woman selling Milk — Maes -T- Duke of Wellington, 117 View in Holland, with Boats and Figures Vanderheiden Duke of Wellington. 118 Landscape, with a Water Mill — Hobbema — Marquess of Bute. 119 A Waterfall — — ^ Ruysdael — Sir R. Wigram, Bt. M.P. 120 Landscape, with Figures — Wouwerman — Countess de Grey. 121 A small Landscape — — Ruysdael — Francis Freeling^ Esq. 122 A Sea Piece — — , — Vander Capella Duke of Bedford. 123 The Virgin and Child — — Murillo — Duke of Bedford. 124 A Venetian Family — — Titian — G. J. Cholmondeley , Esq. 125 A Landscape, with Cattle and Figures Berghem — Marquess of Bute. 126 The Departure of Briseis — Schiavoni — HIS MAJESTY. 127 The Transfiguration — — Schidone — Earl of Darnley. 128 Figures at an Inn Door — Jan Victors — Duke of Wellington. 129 A Forest Scene, with Cattle and Figures Hobbema — C. H. Tracy, Esq. 130 A Road Scene, with Figures — Wouwerman — Countess de Grey 131 Fruit, dead Birds, and a Cat — Snyders — Jeremiah Harman, Esq, 132 Landscape, with a Fall of Water — G. Poussin — Earl of Dartmouth, E I 18 ] No. 133 A romantic Scene, with Cattle and Figureis 1 34 Study of a Horse — — SOUTH 'mOM. ^-North End. 135 The Norfolk Shield. This rare and curious Shield was presented by the Great Duke of Tuscany to the truly noble Henry Earl of Surrey, who proclaimed a challenge at tilt and tournament in Florence, in honour of his fair GeraldinC;, by which he gained immortal reputation to himself, and great honour to his native country ; which shield was preserved by the noble Family of Howard amongst the rarities of the Arundel Col- lection. — Vide Vertue's Print. The subject on the concave side represents Mutius Scsevola thrusting his hand with a dagger into the fire; and below it, Gurtius, a noble Roman, mounted on horseback, riding into the fiery lake, 136 A Merry-making — — J 37 A Landscape, with Travellers — 138 A Lady at her Toilette — 139 The Emperor Caligula — — 140 Sea View, with Boats and Figures — • 141 A Musical Party — — 142 The Burning of the Fleet in the River Med way — — - Painters. Pynacker Vandyke Jan Steen — Wouwerman ,De Hooge — Titian — Vander Capella Le Due Molyn — Proprietors. Marquess of Bute. Sir Abraham Hume^ Bart. The Duke of Norfolk. Duke of Wellington. TheRt.Hon.R.Peel,M.P. Duke of Wellington. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Lord Dundas. Duke of Wellington. Duke of Wellington. (By Order) JOHN YOUNG, Keeper. Pi iiiled by W. Bulmer aiid W. Nicol, Cleveland-row, St Jaraes's. ^ — ^^^^ , . . _ v^-'^' //^. /^Z ^/ ^ ;2 , ^ Af^. ^Sy^, ^i^^l^<^^^^ j-^ ^ ^ /^a^ ^ ^^Jr^^^^. y^ Briti0|) ;^nsftitution FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUESS OF STAFFORD, K. G. PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR CHARLES LONG, G. C. B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, SUCCESSOR TO W. liULMER AND CO. CLEVELAND-ROW, ST. JAMES''s. 1822. PRICE ONE SHILLING. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. 4 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. The Marquess of Stafford, President and Director, The Right Hon. Sir Charles Long, Deputy President and Director. The Duke of Bedford, f^icc President and Director, The Duke of Marlborough, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Aberdeen, Vice President and Director, The Earl of Asheurnham, Vice President and Director, The Earl of Bridgewater, Vice President and Visitor, The Earl of Dartmouth, Vice President and Director, The Earl of Egremont, Vice President and Visitor, The Lord Northwick, Vice President, Marquess of Abercorn Earl of Aylesford Sir Emanuel Felix Agar John Julius Angerstein, Esq. George Aust, Esq. Marquess of Bute, Director Earl Brownlow, Director Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Director Lady Bernard Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M.P. Director Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. Colonel Hugh Bailie Rev. James Baker Alexander Baring, Esq. M.P. Director John Bayford, Esq. T. R. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. R. H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. Marquess Camden Earl of Carlisle Earl Cowper Earl of Carysfort Lord Carrington Rev. William Holwell Carr, Director G corge J. Cholm ond eley, Es q. Z)/rccif(?r N. W. Ridley Golhorne, Esq. M.P. Thomas Coutts^ Esq. The Duke of Devonshire Bishop of Durham Lord De Dunstanville Lord Dundas Col. Dalrymple, M. P. Colonel Dnckett Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Visitor Alexander Davison, Esq Miss Dehaney John Dent, Esq. M. P. Charles Devon, Esq. Charles Duncombe, Esq. M.P. Sir J. Grey Egerton, Bart. Director William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. Francis Freeling, Esq. John Fuller, Esq. Earl Grosvenor Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. Earl of Hardwicke Sir Abraham Hume, Bdirt, Director Rt. Hon. Wm. Huskisson, M. P. GOVERNORS OF THE John Hambrough, Esq. Hugh Hammersley, Esq. Charles Harvey, Esq. M. P. George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq, Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. Hylton JoHffe, Esq. M. P. Lord Kinnaird Richard Payne Knight, Esq. Director John Knight, Esq. Marquess of Lansdowne, Director Earl of Liverpool Earl of Lonsdale Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. M. P. Rev. William Long, Director Mrs. Law Thomas Legh, Esq. M. P. Beeston Long, Esq. Samuel Long, Esq. E. Loveden Lomden^ Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. Earl of Mulgrave, Director Earl Manvers, Visitor John Meheux, Esq. Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. Earl Normanton John Nasli, Esq. Earl of Powis Sir Robert Peele, Bart. M. P LIFE Lord Arden John P. Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton Earl of Breadalbane Lord Viscount Bulkeley Lord Burghersh Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. BRITISH INSTITUTION. 5 Hon. E. Petre Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschelly Esq. Earl of Rosebery Lord Viscount Ranelagh Samuel Rogers, Esq. Visitor Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P. Sir Claude Scott, Bart. Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. Henry Seymour, Esq. Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. John Symmons, Esq. Visitor Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. George WatsonTaylor, Esq. M.."^. Director Richard Thompson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. Henry Bache Thornhill, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. Rt. Hon. Nich. Vansittart, M. P. Visitor The Rev. Thomas Vialls The Earl of Upper Ossory Sir VV. W. Wynn, Bart. M. P. Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M. P Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M. P- Frederick Webb, Esq. Mrs. Weddell W illiam Henry Whitbread, Esq. M.P. William Wilberforce, Esq. INI. P. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq. GOVERNORS. Rev. Edward Balme Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. Edward Bilke, Esq. William Blake, Esq- Samuel Boddington, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Henry Broad wood, Esq. 6 GOVERNORS OP THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Archbishop of Canterbury F Fnllpr MiiitlanrI M. P- Lord Churchill William IV^annincr Esn. ^A.. P. Lord Colchester IVfiQe X/f i rlrl 1 ptrin iVXl&a XVAlUUlCHJll non. HiaWdrQ opcnccr vjowpcij ivi. it. T.nrrl ^nrfhwiplc ivirs. \-^iaye Rt. Hon. Sir John NichoU, M. P. Visitor Hian or uarniey Sir Thomas Neave Bart. Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. Tfnr^cri 1 Infant' H PhiUr»« F«n iVf P VjCl/i \J,C 1 llliilia, JJjoq. ivi. 1 , i/V iiliram l< ■ii"'»rinrr ri Ti g/ti Vt IlXIalll r ilZllUVi. 11^ XLiolJ. /xugusius jricsciieii, J!iaq« JLal 1 vTi c y W TP Pra oir iVi. M. oyKes, i>art. ivi. Jr. f H rnllficon r 5n vv iiiiaui ocrope, Utaq. j-ioru jLOvaine; ivi. jr. George bmitn, Esq. JM. Jr. rsifrnf' rTi"\Ti Tr»nn T Paf n ■LVIgllt Oil i>UlIll L^CcVL'IJ Edmund Solly, Esq. it. rl. oolly, HiSq. lohn I.nwthfr Frciu.bii 10 10 Earl of Aylesford 105 a \i X. Xx. Xj» orUclUllCaU^ XJalj. 105 0 Lord Arden 52 1 n xxcury x>iuciuwliliu.^ xusij* 52 10 George Aust, Escj. 105 n 52 10 Lord Aston - - annual 1 \ Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. - - 52 10 Miss Atherton 52 lO William Bowles, Esq. annual 1 \ Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart. M. P. 10 10 Major Bradford annual 1 I Sir Emanuel Felix Agar, Bart. 105 0 William Bulmer, Esq. annual I John P. Anderdon, Esq. 52 lO Rev. Dr. E. J. Burrow annual 1 J John Julius Angerstein, Esq. - 105 f\ U William Bosanquet, Esq. 52 10 Duke of Bedford 105 N. Brown, Esq. annual 1 1 Marquess of Bute 105 u Archbishop of Canterbury 52 10 Earl of Bridgewater 105 r\ U Marquess Camden - 105 0 Earl of Breadalbane 52 Lord Churchill 52 10 Earl Brownlow 105 0 Earl Cowper 105 0 Lord Viscount Bulkeley 52 10 Earl of Carlisle 105 0 Sir George Beaumont, Bart. - 105 0 Earl of Carysfort 105 0 Lady Bernard 105 0 Lord Carrington 105 0 Colonel Hugh Bailie 105 0 G. J. Cholmondeley, Esq. 105 0 Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. 105 0 Hon. Edw. Spencer Cowper, M. P. 52 10 Rev. James Baker 105 0 Rev. W. Holwell Carr - 105 0 Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. 105 0 J. H. Capper, Esq. - annual 1 1 Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Henry Chomley, Esq. annual 1 1 Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Capt. Christian, Royal Veterans, annual 1 1 Rev. Edward Balme - 52 10 James Christie, Esq. - 10 10 John Bayford, Esq. - 105 0 John Claridge, Esq. annual 1 1 T. R. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Mrs. Claye 52 10 Charles Bell, Esq. 10 10 Cobbold, Esq. annual 1 1 Edward Bilke, Esq. 52 10 N.W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. 105 0 William Blake, Esq. - 52 10 Lord Colchester 52 10 J.J. Burn, Esq. - annual 1 1 Thomas CouttS, Esq. 105 0 Charles Birch, Esq. 10 10 John Craufurd, Esq. 10 10 John Blackall, Esq. 105 0 John Crosby, Esq.- annual 1 1 Samuel Boddington, Esq. 52 10 Duke of Devonshire 105 0 Samuel Boddington, jun. Esq. 10 10 Earl of Dartmouth 105 0 8 SUBSCRIBERS. Earl of Darnley - £52 10 Colonel A. J. Dalrymple, M. P. 105 0 S. W. Darke, Esq. - annual 1 1 J. C. Denham, Esq. - annual 1 1 Bishop of Durham - 105 0 Colonel Duckett - - 105 0 Lord Dynevor - - 52 1 0 Lord Dundas - - 105 O Lord De Dunstanville - 105 O Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P 105 0 Alexander Davison, Esq. - 105 0 Miss Dehaney - - 105 0 John Dent, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Charles Devon, Esq. - - 105 0 Charles Duncombe, Esq. M. P, 105 O Charles Dixon, Esq. - 52 10 S. Dyson, Esq. - annual 1 1 Enosh Durant, Esq. - 52 10 R. Danser, Esq. - annual 1 1 Earl of Essex - - 52 10 Earl of Egremont - - 1 05 0 Lord Eardly - - 52 10 Sir William Elford, Bart. - 10 10 The Hon. George Agar Ellis, M. P. 52 10 Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. 105 O William Evans, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Earl Fitzwilliam - 105 0 Sir T. Farquhar, Bart. - - 105 0 William Fitzhugh, Esq. - - 52 10 Right Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P. 52 1 0 F. Francillon, Esq. . annual 1 1 Robert Frankland, Esq. M. P. - 10 10 Francis Freeling, Esq. - 105 0 .Tohn Fuller, Esq. - - 105 0 H. Fulter, Esq. - annual 1 1 James C. Fyler, Esq. - - 10 10 William Garnett, Esq, - annual 1 1 The Countess de Grey - annual 5 5 Earl Grosvenor - - 105 0 Earl Grey - - 52 10 LordGarvagh, - - - 52 10 Sir William Geary, Bart. - 10 10 Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Francis Gosling, Esq. - 105 0 Seorge Gostling, Esq. - 105 O WilUam Green, Eseq,. - - 52 10 John Green, Esq. D. Green, Esq. James Goding, jun. Esq. Hugh Gray, Esq. Abbe Girot Joseph Gwilt, Esq. Earl of Hardwicke S. Haswell, Esq. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Sir Richard C. Hoare, Bart. J. HaU, Esq. W. Harris, Esq. H. Hammersley, Esq. WilUam Hamilton, Esq. Dr. Hamilton, Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Rev. J. Harris Charles Hatchet, Esq. C. Harvey, Esq. M. P. George Hibbert, Esq. Phillimore Hicks, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. - £52 10 52 10 .52 10 annual 1 1 annual 1 1 10 10 105 O annual 1 1 105 O annual 5 5 annual 1 1 annual 1 1 105 0 52 10 annual 1 1 52 10 annual 1 1 10 10 105 O 105 O annual 1 1 105 0 Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart, M. P. 105 O Frederick Hodgson, Esq. - 52 10 J. H. Holder, Esq. - 105 O Robert Holford, Esq. - 10 10 Henry Hope, Esq. - - 105 O Thomas Hope, Esq. - 105 O Henry Philip Hope, Esq. - 105 O William Haldimand, Esq. - 52 10 John Hambrough, Esq. - 105 O J. S. Hudson, Esq. - - 52 10 Right Hon.William Huskisson, M. P. 105 O Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. - 105 0 Hylton Joliffe, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 George Johnson, Esq. - 10 10 Lord Kinnaird - - 105 O Richard Payne Knight, Esq. - 105 O John Knight, Esq. - - 105 0 P. C. Labouchere, Esq. - - 10 10 Marquess of Lansdovs^ne - 105 O Thomas Legh,Esq. - - 105 O Earl of Liverpool - - 105 0 Earl of Lonsdale - - 105 O Lord Lovaine, M. P. - 52 10 Right Hon. Sir Charles Long, M. P. 105 O SUBSCRIBERS. 9 Jlev. William Long - £ 105 Samuel Long, Esq, - - 105 Beeston Long, Esq. - - 105 Thomas Lack, Esq. - IP Mrs. Law - - - X05 Right Hon. Sir John Leach - 52 Edward Lee, Esq. - 52 Edivard Loveden Loveden, Esq. 105 John Lowther, Esq. M.P. - 52 Sir John Wm, Lubbock, Bart. M. P. 1Q5 WilUgm Ludlam.iEi-q. - ip5 William Manning, Esq. M. P. 52 Earl Manvers - - 105 Thomas March, Esq. - annual 1 Duke of Marlborough - 1 05 Lord Maryborough - - 52 G. Morant, Esq. - annual 1 Earl of Mulgrave - - 105 Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. - 10 Sir John Murray, Bart. - 52 John Maitland, Esq. - 52 E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. 52 T. P. Macqueen, Esq. M. P. - 52 P. S. Marett, Esq. - - 10 John Meheux, Esq. - 105 Daniel Messman, Esq. - annual 1 Miss Middleton - - 52 Sir Scrope Bernard Morland, Bart. M.P. 52 Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. 105 James Moss, Esq. - 10 John Murray, Esq. - annual 1 Lord Northwick - 52 John Nash, Esq. - - 105 Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. - 52 Mrs, W. A. Nesbitt - annual 1 Miss R. Nesbitt - - annual i Right Hon Sir John NichoU, M. P. 52 W. J. Newton, Esq. - annual 1 George Nicol, Esq. - annual 3 Lord Normanton - - 105 Charles Offley, Esq. . - 52 Sir John Orde, Bart. - annual 1 George Philips, Esq. M. P. - 52 EarlofPowis - - 105 John Penn, Esq. - - 105 L(*rd Viscount Palmerstt a, M.P. 52 0 0 0 10 0 10 10 0 10 .0 0 10 0 1 0 10 1 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 1 10 10 0 10 1 10 0 10 1 1 10 1 3 0 10 1 10 o o 10 Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. - ^ 105 0 S. Palmer, Esq. - annual 1 I Roger Pettiward, Esq, r- 52 10 Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. - 105 0 The Hon. General Phipps, M. P. 52 10 The Hon. Augustus Phipps annual 1 1 . 105 O 10 10 105 0 52 10 52 |0 52 10 105 O 52 10 105 O 52 10 52 10 52 10 Sir Robert Peele, Bart. M. P. J. C. Parker, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Augustus Pieschell, Esq. John Perry, Esq. Philip Perry, Esq. Hon. E. Petre W. T. Praed, Jun. Esq. Lord Viscount Ranelagh P. Rainier, Esq. George Reveley, Esq. David Ricardo, Esq. M. P. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M.P. 52 10 52 10 10 10 10 10 105 0 Rev. Sir John Robinson Sir Christopher Robinson, Bart Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Earl of Rosebery - - 105 0 Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P. 105 O Marquess of Stafford - - 105 0 Earl Spencer - - 52 10 Bishop of Salisbury - annual 1 1 Sir Claude Scott, Bart. - 105 0 Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 William Scrope, Esq. - 52 10 E. Scheener, Esq. - annual 1 1 James Sedgwick, Esq. - annual 1 1 Lord Selsey - - - 52 10 Henry Seymour, Esq. - 105 0 Richard Simmons, Esq. - 105 O William Smith, Esq. M. P. - 105 O George Smith, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 Enos Smith, Esq. - - 10 10 R.H. Solly, Esq. - - 52 10 Edmund Solly, Esq. - 52 10 William Sotheby, Esq. - 52 10 J. W. Steers, Esq. . 10 10 Lord Stowell - - 52 10 Sir M. M. Sykes, Bart. M. P. - 52 10 John Symmons, Esq. - 105 0 c 10 SUBSCRIBERS. R. T. Searle, Esq. - annual SL 1 1 Richard Thompson, Esq. - 105 0 William Tassie, Esq. . - 52 10 George Watson Taylor, Esq. M.P. 105 0 Samuel Thornton, Esq. - 105 0 Lieut. Gen. William Thornton, a?mMaZ 1 1 Henry Bache Thornhill, Esq. - 105 0 Robert Thornton, Esq. - 52 10 George Town ley, Esq. - - 52 10 Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. 105 0 Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. - 105 0 Right Hon. N. Vansittart, M. P. 105 0 The Rev. Thomas Vialls - - 105 0 William Vaughan, Esq. - - 10 10 Earl of Upper Ossory - 105 0 R. Walpole, Esq. - - £ 6 ^ Rembrandt — J Admiral Lord Radstock, 23 Head of a Female ; known by the name of Rembrandt's Cook — Rembrandt — Admiral Lord Radstock, 24 Saint John — — — Guido — Earl Grosvenor, 25 Warriors on Horseback — 1 Mazzolina de) I Ferrara ( HIS MAJESTY. 26 Landscape — — — Hobberoa — ' Earl Howe, 27 Landscape, with Figures — Wynants — Earl of Egremont. NORTH ROOM— ^ow/A End. 28 Head of David — — _ Rembrandt — Earl Home, 29 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures — fHobbema and 1 I^A. Vandeveldej Earl of Egremont 30 A Traveller at a Cottage Door — I. Ostade — fV. Wells, Esq, [ 15 ] No. SI A Musical Party — 32 Cattle and Figures passing; a Brook 33 The Chemist in his Elaboratory — 34 A Lady playing on a Virginal — 35 Landscape, Cattle, and Figures — 36 Game Piece — — — 37 Landscape, with Waterfall — 38 River View, with a Castle — 39 Battle Piece — — — 40 View on a River — — 41 A Camp Scene, with Horses and Figures 42 LandscapCy with a Cow drinking — 43 Caitle and Figures on the banks of a river NORTH ROOM.— PFest Side. 44 An Italian Peasant's Family — 45 Battle Piece, called " II Tuirco," from the Gerini Gallery, Florence — 46 Landscape, with Figures — 47 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures — 48 Landscape, with Figures — 49 Portrait of a Prince of Carignan — 50 View on the Coast of HoUamd, with Boats and Figures ; Men of War in the distance 51 View of the Castle of Lazenenburg — 52 The Interior of the Emperor Leopold's Gallery — — — 53 A Pic Nic in the Country, wiith Portraits of Quevedo, Solis, and other Spanish Poets Painters. Schalken — K. du Jardin A. Ostade — Gerhard Douw A. Vandevelde J. Weeninx — Ruisdael — Cuyp — Bourgognone Ruisdael — Wouwermans P. Potter — Cuyp - Le Nain — Salvator Rosa G. Poussin — {Ruisflael and "I A. Vandevelde j Teniers — Vandyke — W. Vandevelde. rVanderheyden } and W. and A. L [Vandevelde J Teniers - — Velasquez — } Proprietor!, C, Hanbiiry Tracy, Esq. Joseph Bar chard, Esq* Joseph Bar chard, Esq* W. Wells, Esq. Joseph Barchard, Esq. Ph. J. Miles, Esq. M. Duke of Northumberland, The Rt. Hon. R. Peel, M.P. fVilliamSloane Stanley, Esq, Earl Howe. The Rt. Hon, R, Peel, M,P. Admiral Lord Radstock. George Stone, Esq, Earl of Egremont, James C. Fyler, Esq, G. J. Cholmondeley, Esq. Earl of Coventry, TheRt.Hon. R. Peel, M,P, HIS MAJESTY. W. mils, Esa. Admiral Lord Radstock, Lord Eardley. Right Hon. Sir Henry IVellesley, G, C. B. [ 16] No. Painters. Proprietors. 54 Philip the Fourth of Spain on horseback Velasquez — Ph. J. Miles, Esq. M. P. 55 St. Francis at prayer — — Murillo — M. M. Zachary, Esq, 56 Saint Agues — — — Domenichino HIS MAJESTY. 57 Prince Charles, James Duke of York, and the Princess Mary, Children of King Charles the First — — Vandyke — HIS MAJESTY. 58 A Spanish Sportsman — — Velasquez — J Right Hon. oir Henry 1 IVelleslev G. C B, 59 Saint Jerome, with Angels — Domenichino — G. Watson Taylor , Esq, M. 1 60 A View near Rome, with part of the Co- liseum — — — Claude — Earl of Coventry , 6l Saint Francis in ecstacy — — Murillo — F. Perkins, Esq,, 62 Portrait of Spinola, from the Balbi Palace at Genoa — — — Vandyke — Admiral Lord Radstock, 63 The Mule — _ Correggio — Marquess of Stafford. 64 The Virgin and Child, with Joseph, Saint John, and Saint Catherine, attended by Angels — — — r J. de Bellini Sir Ab. Hume, Bart, .Sppino* C. Hanbury Tracy, Esq» xc 11 101 3 " C. Hanbury Tracy, Esq. 67 Hearing — — Teniers — C. Han bur u Tracy, Esq, 68 Feeling — — — Teniers — C. Hanbury Tracy, Esq. oy omening — Teniers — C Hanbury Tracy, Esq, 70 A Female at Work — — A. Ostade — Earl Howe. 71 Portrait of Erasmus — - — Holbein — HIS MAJESTY. 72 Interior of a Church — — De Witt — r His Royal Highness the 1^ Duke of ' York, 73 A Man playing on the Violoncello — Metzu — HIS MAJESTY. [ 17 ] Hoom. North End. Ko 74 Portrait of Henry Lord Percy of Alnwick 75 Landscape, with a View of the House of the Painter — — — 76 Landscape, from the Corsini Palace — 77 Saint John writing the Revelations — 78 Portrait of the Emperor Titus — 79 Portrait of Mrs. Porter — 80 Saint Matthew writing the Gospel — 81 Saint Francis in a Landscape — 82 Landscape, from the Corsini Palace - Painters. Vandyke - Vanderneer G. Poussin - Carlo Dolce Titian — Vandyke Carlo Dolce Mola — G. Poussin MIDDLE ROOM.— West Side. 83 Head of a Poet — — 84 Interior of a Smith's Shop, with a Man eating Muscles — — 85 Frost Piece — — 86 Landscape, with a grey Horse, and an En- campment in the hack ground — 87 A Sea Storm — — 88 Head of a Warrior — — 89 Flemish Courtship — 90 A hrisk Gale — — 91 The Martyrdom of St. Catherine Landscape, with Cattle and Figures — 93 Sea Shore, with Boats and Figures 94 Landscape, with Figures and Cattle — E Salvator Rosa Cuyp — Vanderneer — Cuyp — Vandevelde — ^alvator Rosa Teniers — Backhuysen — Guercino - Rembrandt — W. Vandevelde K. du Jardin Proprietors. Earl of Egremont. Sir Claude Scott, Bart, „ Rev. fV. Holwell Carr. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart, Sir Ab. Humej Barf. Earl of Egremont. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart, Lord Holland. Rev JV. Holwell Carr. Sir JV. W. Wynn, BtM. P. C. Hanbury Tracy, Esq. W. Wells, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. Marquess of Cholmondeky. SirW. W.Wynn, Bt. M. P TheRt.Hon.R. Peel,M.P . P. Rainier, Esq. T. Tomkison, Esq. Admiral Lord Radstock. HIS MAJESTY. W. Wells, Esq. //// [ 18 ] No. 95 Head of an Old Man — 96 Sea Storm — 97 Portrait of Le Clerc , _ 98 Moonlight — 99 Landscape, with Fall of Water 100 The Crucifixion ; a design of 101 A Calm, with Boats and Figures 102 Spring — 103 Summer — 104 Autumn — __ 105 Winter . _ 10^ Landscape and Figures MIDDLE ROOM.-^South End. 107 Landscape, Cottage and Figures 108 Landscape and Figures _ 109 Landscape and Figures 1 10 A grey Horse drinJdng _ 1 1 1 Sketch for the large Picture of the Tri- umph of Henry IV. 112 Bust of Charles L — 113 The Bath of Diana 114 A Magdalene, with Angels ^ 115 Apollo recalled to Heaven — 116 The Interior of a Room, with Fio-ures smoking — . ^ 117 Landscape with Figures . ■ Painters. Rembrandt Backhuvsen Vandyke Vanderneer Ruysdael M. Angelo Dubbles Teniers Teniers Teniers Teniers Ruisdael Teniers - Teniers — Teniers — Wouwermans Rubens — Albano — Carlo Cignan Albano — 11 Proprietors. SirM. JV. Ridley, Bt. M.P. C. Eanhury Tracy, Esq. Sir Ab. Hume, Bart. Joseph Bar chard, Esq. G. JVatson Taylor, Esq. M.P, Ph. J. Miles, Esq. M. P. C. Hanhury Tracy, Esq. G.fVatsoji Taylor, Esq. M. P. G. IV itson Taylor, Esq. M. P. G. fVafson Taylor, Esq. M. P. G. Watson Taylor, Esq. M. P. G. Townky, Esq. De Hooge — G. Poussin — G. Townley, Esq. G. JV itson Taylor, Esq. M. P. G. JV It son Taylor, Esq. M. P. Earl Howe. G. JV atson Taylor, Esq. M. P. Earl of Yarmouth. Earl of Yarmouth. Sir Ab. Hume, Bart. Earl of Darnley. Marquess of Bute. G. Townky, Esq, [ 19 J MIDDLE ^00^.~West Side. Nc». 1 17* Solomon and the Queen of Sheba ~ 118 A Family Piece, representing Monsieur Verbiest, the Lady Cortez, and their Children — 119 Man's Portrait — _ 120 The Adoration of the Shepherds — ISl Landscape and Figures, from the Falco- 1 niere l^alace — 122 Frost Piece — _ 123 Ruisdael's Gate — " 124 A Merry-making — 125 The Flight into Egypt _ 126 Landscape, with a Fall of Water, and Sportsmen — 127 Brisk Gale _ 128 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures 129 Landscape; View in Italy 130 Christ and the Woman at the Well 131 Head of a Child — 132 Portrait of a Lady _ Pain ters. North End. 33 Landscape and Figures 34 View on the Coast of Italy, with Shipping S5 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures — 36 Landscape, with Horses and Figures — 37 Landscape, with Figures Schiavone Gonzales — Titian — Old Palma - G. Poussin - Vanderneer Ruisdael — Teniers — Murillo — N. Poussin Vandeveldie ■ Cuyp _ Both — Vanderwerf ■ Rubens Rembrandt - N. Pou ssin Salvator Rosa Salvator Rosa Cuyp — Wynants Proprietors. James C. Fyler, Esq. Admiral Lord Radstock. SirW.JV.IVynn, Bt. MP. HIS MAJESTY. Admiral Lord Radstock. Admiral Lord Radstock. Admiral Lord Radstock. HIS MAJESTY. Lord Eardley. Earl of Mulgrave. Admiral Lord Radstock Joseph Bar char d^ Esq. M. M, Zachary, Esq. Earl of Derby. G. Watson Taylor, Esq. M, P. Earl of Egj^emont. Marquess of Bute. Rev. John Sandford. Rev. John Sandford. Earl of Carlisle. Earl of Egremont. [ 20 ] No. 138 f.andscape, Horses and Figures — 139 The Reposo — — — 140 Landscape and Figures — 141 View on a River, with Cattle and Figures 142 Sportsmen, with other Figures, at an Inn door — — — 143 Sea Cahn, with Boats and Figures — 143* Virgin and Child, with St. John — SOUTH ROOM.-£«5^ 144 Dead Birds — — — 145 Interior of a Church — — 146 Virgin and Child, with Tobit and the Angel 147 Holy Family — — — 148 Road Scene, with Figures 149 Holy Family, with Angels presenting Fruit to the Saviour — — 150 Christ Healing the Sick — 151 A Concert — — — 352 Woody Landscape, with Buildings — 153 Venus and Adonis — — 154 Sea Storm — — — 155 Sea View by Moonlight — 156 Landscape, with Figures — 157 The Wounded Soldier — — 157* The Wise Mens' Oflfering — 158 The Unjust Steward — — 159 The Circumcision — — 160 Head of a Saint — — Painters. Cuyp — Murillo — N. Poussin — Pynacker — J Ostade — Vander Capella Agos"" Caracci. Fyt - - {Ruisdael and Wouwermans Titian — Murillo — j Hobbema and 1 \ Lingelback j Albano — Bassan — Georgione — Ruisdael — Titian — Vandevelde — Cuyp — Both — PietrodeLaVeccio B Bisciano — Quintin Matsys Bassan — Sp^gnoletto — Proprietors. Earl of Carlisle. Ph. J. Miles, Esq. M. P. Marquess of Bute, Marquess of Lansdowne, C. H anbury Tracy, Esq, ( His Royal Highness the \ Duke of Fork. * Earl of Carlisle. G, JVatson Taylor, Esq. M. P Marquess of Bute. HIS MAJESTY. Lord Holland. Admiral Lord Radstock. Sir John Murray, Bart. Ph. J. Miles, Esq. M, P. Earl of Yarmouth. P. Rainier, Esq. Ph. Miles, Esq. M. P. G. J. Chobnondeley, Esq. C. Han bury Tracy, Esq. Mrs. E. Coi'e. Earl of Mulgrave, \ Ri^ht Hon. Sir Henry \ )Vellesley, G C.B. Lord Eardley Ph. J. Miles, Esq, M, P. Earl oj Mulgrave. [ 21 ] No. SOUTH ROOM. -Souih End. The Four Pictures at this end of the Gal- lery are Copies from the celebrated Raphaels belonging to the King of Spain, — painted for the Duke of Wel- lington, at Paris, when the Originals were in that Citv in 1817. \6l The Virgin and Child, with Saint Jerome; on the right, an Angel presenting Tobit with the Fish, — known by the name of the " Madonna de la Pesce" — 163 Christ bearing his Cross, — called " the Spasimo" — — — 163 The Holy Family,— called *' the Pearl" 164 The Salutation — Painters. Proprietors. SOUTH ROOM— ^e^if End. 165 Sportsman in a Landscape — 166 Landscape and Figures — 167 A Lime Kiln — — 168 A Dance — _ 169 Holy Family encircled with Flowers 170 Playing at Bowls — 171 Brisk Gale — _ 172 Cattle and Figures passing a Brook — 173 Woman playing on a Lute — 174 Mercury and Battus — 175 A Larder, with Figures and dead Game 176 View on a River, with Figures — F Pynacker — Vanderneer & Cuyp Ruisdael — Vanmol rCarloMaratti&l I Mario de Fiori j Teniers — Vandevelde — K. du Jardin — P. Veronese — A. Vandevelde Rubens — Vernet The Duke of Wellington C, Hanbury Tracy, Esq. Admiral Lord Radstock, Earl Howe. Earl of Carlisle. Earl of Carlisle. Earl of Ashburnham. Earl Howe. IV. Wells, Esq. Admiral Lord Radstock, Sir Claude Scott, Bart. Duchess of Dorset. C. Hanbury Tracy, Esq. [ 22 ] No. 177 The Virgin and Child, with St. John and St. Elizabeth — _ 178 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures 179 The Virgin and Child, with Joseph and Angels — 17S* Virgin and Child, with St. John, St. Elizabeth, and St. Catherine — 180 View on the Coast of Holland 181 View of a Town in Holland 181* Sea Piece — 182 Battle of the Centaurs — — Painters. Perino del Vaga Wynants — Procaccini — A. del Sarto — Vander Capella Vanderheyden Vandevelde — Le Brun — Proprietors. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart, TheRt, Hon. R. Peel, M.P. M. M. Zachary, Esq, HIS MAJESTY, JohnSarjeant, Esq, Earl of Coventry y Earl Howe. Earl of Darnley, (By Order) JOHN YOUNG, Keeper, Printed W. Nicol, Successor to \V. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland Row, St James's. ^ x^ ^>^, X^^^ X^c^^ /''^^^ ^^^^ /y. J"^^ ^4 ^ /^f^ X^. ^. .^;/.^, ^ ■ -^-^/^ //z. 35ritt0f) Institution FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1803, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUESS OF STAFFORD, K.G. PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR CHARLES LONG, G.C.B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, SUCCESSOR TO W. BULMER AND CO. CLEVELAND-ROW, ST. JAMESES. 1823. PRICE ONE SHILLING GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION^ THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * The Marq,uess of Stafford, President and Director, *The Right Hon. Sir Charles Long, 'Deputy President and Director. * The Duke of Bedford, f^icc President and Director^ The Duke of Marlborough, Vice President and Visitor, * The Earl of Aberdeen, Vice President and Director, * The Earl of Ashburnham, Vice President and Director, The Earl of Bridgewater, Vice President and Visitor, * The Earl of Dartmouth, Vice President and Director, * The Earl of Egremont, Vice President and Visitor., The Lord Northwick, Vice President, Marquess of Abercoj^n Earl of Aylesford Sir Emanuel Felix Agar J. J. Angerstein, Esq. George Aust, Esq. * Marquess of Bute, Director * Earl Brownlow, Director * Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Director * Lady Bernard Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M.P. Director Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Bailie * J, E. Baillie, Esq. Rev. James Baker * Alexander Baring, Esq. M.P. Director John Bayford, Esq. T.R. Beaumont, Esq. M. F. * Lord Bexley, Visitor John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. R. H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. Marquess Camden. Earl of Carlisle Earl Cowper Earl of Carysfort Lord Carrington * Rev. William Holwell Carr, Director * George J.Cholmondeley,Esq. Direct* N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M.P. Tho7nas Coiitts, Esq. Tiie Duke of Devonshire Bishop of Durham * Lord De Dunstanville Lord Dundas Col. Dalrymple, M. P. Sir George Duckett, Bart. * Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M.P. Visitor Alexander Davison, Esq Miss Dehaney W. J. Denison, Esq. M. P. John Dent, Esq. M. P. Charles Devon, Esq. Charles Duncombe, Esq. M. P. Sir J. Grey Egerton, Bart. Director William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. Francis Freeling, Esq. John Fuller, Esq, Earl Grosvenor Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. Earl of Hardwicke * Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Director GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. 5 Rt.Hon.Wm. Huskisson, M. P. John Hambrougb, Esq. * Hugh Hammersley, Esq. George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq, Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. Hylton Joliffe, Esq. M. P. Lord Kinnaird * Richard Payne Knight, Esq. Director John Knight, Esq. Marquess of Lansdowne, Director Earl of Liverpool Earl of Lonsdale Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. M. P. * Rev. William Long, Director Mrs. Law Thomas Legh, Esq. M. P. Beeston Long, Esq. * Samuel Long, Esq. E. Loveden Loveden, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. * Earl of Mulgrave, Director * Earl Manvers, Visitor * John Meheux, Esq. * Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. Earl Normanton John Nash, Esq. Charles Savill-Only, Esq. M. P. Earl of Powis Sir Robert Peele, Bart. M. P. Hon. E. Petre Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. * Earl of Rosebery Lord Viscount Ranelagh * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Visitor * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P. Sir Claude Scott, Bart. Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. John Symmons, Esq. Visitor * Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. * George WatsonTaylor, Esq.M.P.Di^^^^o^ Richard Thompson, Esq. Samuel TUornton, Esq. Henry Bache Thornhill, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. The Rev. Thomas Vialls The Earl of Upper Ossory Sir W. W. Wyrm, Bart. M. P. Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M. P Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. Frederick Webb, Esq. Mrs. Weddell William Henry Whitbread, Esq. M.P. William Wilberforce, Esq. INI. P. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq, J. S. Wright, Esq. Those marked * have already signified their consent to the recommendation o^^^^^^^ Directur., to allow their interest in the Institution to termmate with their lives. Lord Arden John P. Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton Earl of Breadalbane Lord Burghersh Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. LIFE GOVERNORS. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. Edward Bilke, Esq. William Blake, Esq« Samuel Boddington, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Henry Broad wood, E»q. B 1^ ^ GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Archbishop of Canterbury B. Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill Lord Colchester Mrs. Claye Earl of Darnley Lord Dynevor Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex Lord Eardley The Hon. George Agar Ellis, M. P. Rt. Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P. William Fitzhugh, Esq. Earl Grey Lord Garvagh James Coding, Jun. Esq. John Green, Esq. William G reen^ Esq. D. Green, Esq. William Haldimand^ Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. J. S. Hudson, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Lord Lovaine, M. P. Right Hon. Sir John Leach Edward Lee, Esq. John Lowther, Esq. M. P. Lord Maryborough Sir Scrope Bernard Morland, Bart, M. P. Treasurer and Visitor Sir John Murray, Bart. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. M.P.' John MaUland, Esq. E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. William Manning, Esq. M. P. Miss Middleton Lord North wick Rt. Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M. P. Visitor Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. Hon. General Phipps, M. P. Visitor John Perry, Esq. Philip Perry, Esq, Roger Pettiward, Esq. George Philips, Esq. M. P. W. T. Praed, Jun. Esq. Rev. Sir John Robinson, Bart. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M.P. ^P. Rainier, Esq. David Ricardo, Esq. M. P. George Reveley, Esq. Earl Spencer, Director Lord Selsey Lord Stowell William Scrope, Esq. J. B. Scott, Esq. George Smith, Esq. M.P. Edmund Solly, Esq. R. H. Solly, Esq. William Sotheby, Esq. William Tassie, Esq. Robert Thornton, Esq. George Townley, Esq. Sir George Warrender, Bart. M.P. R. Walpole, Esq. Subscribers of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are intitled to be balloted for us Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, and oj introducing two friends each day. „ Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. .Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission, to the jyiorning Exhibitions. j ^ Subscriptions are received by Messrs, Morland and Co., Bankers, No. 57, Pall Mall. [7 ] SUBSCRIBERS. £i 9 L^itii ill 105 0 jonn i. /inuciuuiij jzioij. 50 10 T T A 11 o»oi«c^c»i n rvcn «. - 105 0 TiliVp nf Tipdfnrd - 105 0 IVIarquess of Bute 105 0 jjiciri ui ij 1 luci c w ct (jci 105 0 Ejoxi. OI JjrcdUcllUa.IlC 52 10 iiidri x)ruvviiiovv • 105 0 Sir George Beaumont, Bart. - 105 0 Lady Bernard - - 105 0 Colonel Hugli Bailie - ~ 105 0 J. E. Baillie, Esq. - 105 0 Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. 105 0 Rev. James Baker 105 0 Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. 52 10 John Bayford, Esq. - 105 0 T. R. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Charles Bell, Esq. 10 10 Lord Bexley, 105 0 Edward Bilke, Esq. 52 10 William Blake, Esq. - 52 10 Charles Birch, Esq. 10 10 John Blackall, Esq. 105 0 Samuel Boddington, Esq. 52 10 Samuel Boddington, jun. Esq. 10 10 Thomson Bonar, Esq. 105 0 R. H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 John Brickwood Esq. - £ 10 10 T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. 105 O Henry Broadwood, Esq. •* 52 10 Lord Burghersh 52 10 Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. * — 52 10 William Bosanquet, Esq. 52 10 Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. 105 0 Archbishop of Canterbury 52 10 Mtirquess Camden 105 0 Lord Clmrchill - - - 52 10 Earl Cowper 105 .0 Earl of Carlisle 105 0 Earl of Carysfort 105 a Lord Carrington 105 0 G. J. Cholmondeley, Esq 105 0 Rev. W. Holwell Carr 105 0 James Christie, Esq. 10 lo Mrs. Claye 52 10 N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Lord Colchester 52 lO Thomas Coutts, Esq. 105 0 John Craufurd, Esq. 10 10 Duke of Devonshire 105 0 Earl of Dartmouth 105 0 Earl of Darnley 52 10 Colonel A. J. Dalrymple, M. P. 105 0 Bishop of Durham 105 0 Sir George Ddckett, Bart. 105 0 Lord Dynevor 52 10 Lord Dundas 105 0 Lord De DunstanviLle 105 0 Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Alexander Davison, Esq. 105 0 Miss Dehaney 105 0 John Dent, Esq. M. P. 105 0 W. J. Denison, Esq. 105 0 Charles Devon, Esq. - - 105 0 SUBSCRIBERS. 8 Charles Duncombe, Esq. M, P. £ 105 0 Charles Dixon, Esq. - 52 10 Enosh Durantj Esq. - 52 10 Earl of Essex - - 52 10 Earl of Egremont - - 1 05 0 Lord Eardly - - 52 10 Sir William Elford, Bart. - 10 10 The Hon. G-eorge Agar Ellis^ M. P. 52 10 Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. 105 O William Evans, Esq. M. P, - 105 0 Earl Fitz William - 105 0 Sir T. H, Farquhar, Bart. - 105 0 William Fitzhugh, Esq. - - 52 10 Right Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P. 52 10 Robert Frankland, Esq. M. P. - lo 10 Francis Freeling, Esq. - 105 0 John Fuller, Esq. - - 105 o James C. Fyler, Esq. - - 10 10 The Countess de Grey - annual 5 5 Ewl Grosvenor - - 105 0 Earl Grey - , 52 10 Lord Garvagh, - - - 52 10 Sir William Geary, Bart. - lo 10 Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Francis Gosling, Esq. - 105 0 George Gostling, Esq. - io5 0 William Greeu, Esq. - - 52 10 John Green, Esq. - , 52 10 D. Green, Esq. • - 52 10 James Goding,jun. Esq. - 52 10 Joseph Gwilt, Esq. - 10 10 Earl of Hard wicke 105 0 Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. , io5 0 H. Hanimersley, Esq. - 105 0 William Hamilton, Esq. - 52 10 Jeremiah Harman, Esq. - 52 10 Charles Hatchet, Esq. - 10 10 George Hibbert, Esq. - 1 05 o Henry Hoare, Esq. - 105 0 Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. 1 05 0 Frederick Hodgson, Esq. - 52 10 J. H. Holder, Esq. - io5 0 Robert Holford, Esq. - 10 10 Henry Hope, Esq. - - 105 0 Thomas Hope, Esq, - 105 0 IJenry Philip Hope, Esq. - 105 0 William Haldimand, Esq. £52 10 John Hambrough, Esq. 105 J. S. Hudson, Esq, 52 10 Right Hon. William Huskisson, M. P . 105 0 Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. 105 0 Hylton Joliffe, Esq. M. P. 105 0 George Johnson, Esq. 10 10 Lord Kinnaird 105 0 Richard Payne Knig-ht, Esq. 105 0 William King, Esq. 105 0 Henry King, Esq. 105 0 John Knight, Esq. 105 0 P. C. Labouchere, Esq. 10 10 Marquess of Lansdowne 105 0 Thomas Legh,Esq. 105 0 Earl of Liverpool 105 0 Earl of Lonsdale 105 0 Lord Lovaine, M. P. 52 10 Right Hon. Sir Charles Long, M. P. 105 0 Rev. William Long 105 0 Samuel Long, Esq. 105 0 Beeston Long, Esq. 105 0 Thomas Lack, Esq. 10 10 Mrs. Law - 105 0 Right Hon. Sir John Leach 52 10 Edward Lee, Esq. 52 10 Edward Loveden Loveden, Esq. 105 0 J ohn Lowther, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Sir John Wm. Lubbock, Bart. M. P. 105 0 William Ludlam, Ecq. 105 0 Wilh'am Manning, Esq. M.P. 52 10 Ear] Manvers 105 0 Duke of Marlborough 105 0 Lord Maryborough 52 10 G. Morant, Esq. - annual 3 3 Earl of Mulgrave 105 0 Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart, 10 10 Sir John Murray, Bart. 52 10 John Maitland, Esq. 52 10 E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. 52 10 T. P. Macqueen, Esq. M. P. 52 10 P. S. Marett, Esq. 10 10 John Meheux, Esq. 105 0 Miss Middleton 52 10 Sir Scrope Bernard Morland, Bart. M.P. 52 10 Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. 105 a SUBSCRIBERS. 9 James Moss, Esq. £lO 10 Sir Claude Scott, Bart. Jb 105 0 Lord Northwick 52 10 Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. 105 0 John Nash, Esq. lt)5 0 J. B. Scott, Esq. 105 0 Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. 59 10 William Scrope, Esq. - 52 lU Right Hon Sir John Nicholl, M.P. 52 10 Lord Selsey 52 10 George Nicol, Esq, - annual 3 3 Henry Seymour, Esq. 105 0 Earl of Normanton 105 0 Richard Simmons, Esq. 105 0 Charles Offley, Esq. ■ 52 10 William Smith, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Charles Savill-Only, Esq. M. P. 105 0 George Smith, Esq. M, P. 52 10 George Philips, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Enos Smith, Esq. 10 10 The Hon. Augustus Phipps annual 3 3 R. H. Solly, Esq. 52 10 Earl of Powis 105 0 Edmund Solly, Esq, 52 10 John Penn, Esq. 105 0 William Sotheby, Esq. 52 10 Lord Viscount Palmerstou. M. P. 52 10 J, W. Steers, Esq. 10 10 Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. 105 0 Lord Stowell 52 10 Roger Petti ward. Esq, 52 10 John Symmons, Esq. 105 0 Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. 105 0 Richard Thompson, Esq. 105 0 The Hon. General Phipps, M. P. 52 10 William Tassie, Esq. t o 5^ 10 Sir Robert Peele, Bart. M.P. 105 0 George Watson Taylor, Esq. M.P. 105 0 J. C, Parker, Esq, 10 10 Samuel Thornton, Esq. 105 0 Charles Pieschell, Esq. 105 0 Henry Bache Thornhill, Esq. - lO.'S 0 John Perry, Esq. 52 10 Robert Thornton, Esq. 52 10 Philip Perry, Esq. 52 10 George Town ley, Esq. 52 10 Hon. E. Petre 105 0 Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. 105 0 W. T. Praed, Jim. Esq. - - 52 10 Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. - 105 0 Lord Viscount Ranelagh 105 0 The Rev. Thomas Vialls 105 0 P. Rainier, Esq. 52 10 William Vaughan, Esq. 10 10 George Reveley, Esq. 52 10 Earl of Upper Ossory 105 0 David Ricardo, Esq. M. P. 52 10 R. Walpole, Esq. 52 10 Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M.P. 52 10 Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. 52 10 Rev. Sir John Robinson 52 10 Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Sir Christopher Robinson, Bart. 10 10 Robert Williams, Esq. 105 0 Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. 10 10 Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Samuel Rogers, Esq. 105 0 C. B. Wall, Esq. 105 0 Earl of Rosebery 105 0 Frederick Webb, Esq. 105 o Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Mrs. Weddell 105 0 John Lewis Rutley, Esq. annual 3 3 Wm. Henry Whitbread, Esq. M.P. 105 0 Bishop of Salisbury annual 3 3 W, Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Marquess of Stafford 105 0 J. S. Wright, Esq. 105 0 Earl Spencer 52 . 10 Roger Wilbraham, Esq. lOS 0 c The Subscribers to the Print from Mr. W est's Picture of "Our Saviour Healing the Sick in the Temple," who have not already received their Impressions, may receive them upon pay- ment of the remainder of their Subscriptions at the British Insti- tution. Attendants are placed in different parts of the Gallery to prevent any Person from touching the Pictures. Ten years have elapsed since we offered to public inspection the. Paintings of Sir Joshua Reynolds ; and if at intervals of the same period, we were to present an Exhibition of his Works, we are convinced it would prove most useful to the Painter, and grati- fying to the Public. Taste and Fashion seldom perhaps go hand in hand, but they never were more at variance than when Sir Joshua was in the full exercise of his powers ; female dress was never more unfavourable to the Painter's Art, than at that period ; and yet female beauty was never represented with more fascinating charms, than by his pencil The truth is, that he was one of the greatest masters of grace and elegance that ever hved : " he touched nothing which he did not adorn r and his works prove to us, how much more depends upon the artist's skill in treating his subject, than upon the subject itself. His Practice we have before us : his Theory will be found in those excellent Discourses which he delivered at the Royal Academy, which can never be read by the lover of the arts without interest, the scholar without delight, or the painter without instruction. Some of us remember the kindness of his heart, and the compla- cency of his character :-these dispositions led him in the practice of his art, generally to select subjects which belong to the gentler feelings, and the kindlier affections of our nature ; but the exam- ples here presented to us fully show, that the most forcible expres- sion of the strongest passions was not above his reach. We are proud of our countryman ; we rank him among the most eminent Painters the art has produced ; we honour his name ; and we hope others may he led into the same path, and may be excited by his success to similar exertions. The liberality of the Possessors of Ancient Pictures, has enabled us also to exhibit to the Public some distinguished Works of the Italian, Spanish, Dutch, and Flemish Schools. The disposition which has been thus evinced by the Proprietors of these Works to enrich our Gallery, is highly gratifying to us ; but it is to His Majesty's most gracious kindness and condescension, that we are particularly indebted upon this, and upon all former occasions, for permitting us to select, both from the Royal Palaces, and from his own beautiful Private Collection, some of the Works which have most added to the brilliancy of our Exhibition. The arrangement of the Pictures in the North Room has in some respects been altered since the opening of the present Exhi- bition, for the purpose of making room for the " Vision of St. Jerome ''by Parmegiano, lately purchased for the Institution, but the Number upon each Picture still corresponds with those in this Catalogue. C AT A LOG U E OF PICTURES BY SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS; WITH A SELECTION FROM THE ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, AND DUTCH SCHOOLS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room ; and in the Middle and South Rooms, at the North End, on the left hand. North End. PICTURES BY SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. No. 1 His Majesty when Prince of Wales 2 Lady Bagot — — 3 The Primate Robinson — 4 Boy with Cabbage Nets — 5 The Captive — — — 6 Landscape ; View from Richmond Hill 7 The Piping Boy — — 8 Saint Agnes — — D Proprietors. Viscount Melbourne, Lord Bagot. Christ Church Collegey Oxford. Duchess of Dorset. The Rev. William Long. Samuel Rogers^ Esq, George Phillips^ Esq. M, P. George James Cholmondeley ^ Esq. [ 14 ] No. 9 Mrs. Gwyn in a. Turkish tlress 10 Mrs. Twiss — NORTH ROOM— Side. 11 Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Brunswick | 12 Cupid as a Link Boy — — — 13 The Duchess of Gloucester — — 14 Miss Bowles — — — 15 The Countess of Euston, Countess of Waldegrave, ^ and Lady Horatia Seymour, daughters of James I Earl of Waldegrave — — J 16 David — — — 17 The late Duke of Orleans — — 18 Lawrence Sterne — — 19 The Infant Samuel { 20 The Fortune-teller — — 21 The Death of Dido — _ _ 22 Sir Joshua Reynolds — — 23 General Tarleton — — 24 Puck ; from Midsummer Night's Dream — 25 Dr. Newton, Bishop of Bristol — 26 Miss Gwatkin — — 27 Girl with a Muff — _ 28 Infancy — — 29 Elizabeth Countess of Harcourt, with the late and present Earls of Harcourt, — NORTH ROOM.— ^ow^A End. 30 Mrs. Montagu 31 Cupid — Proprietors. Mrs, Gwyn. Mr* Reynolds. His Royal Highness Prince Leopold. The Duchess of Dorset. Earl of Harcourt. C, O. Bowles, Esq. Earl of W aldegrave. Sir Thomas Baring , Bart. M. P. HIS MAJESTY. Lord Holland. Right Hon, Sir Charles Long. G. a B. Duchess of Dorset. HIS MAJESTY. Sir Thomas Lazorence, P. R.A. John Fielder^ Esq. Samuel Rogers, Esq. The Archbishop of Canterbury, E. Lovel Gwatkin, Esq. Marquess of Lansdowne. Marquess of Lansdowne. Earl of Harcourt. Matthew Montagu, Esq. J. P. Anderdon, Esq. [15] 32 Girl Sketching — — . 33 The Duke of Hamilton — — 34 Robinette «— — 35 Hope nursing Love — — 36 The Right Honourable "Warren Hastings 37 The late George Colman, Esq. — 38 Mrs. Robinson — 39 Laughing Girl — 40 Mr. Beckford — . — NORTH ROOM.— fFest Side. 41 Head of a Black ; a Study — 42 Sir Joshua Reynolds ; the first Portrait painted ofl himself — ? 43 Sir Joshua Reynolds; the last Portrait painted of himself — d of| 44 Sleeping Child ; a study 45 Head of an Old Man, a study for Ugolino — - 46 The Strawberry Girl — 47 The Sleeping Girl ~ — _ 48 Count Ugolino and his Family in Prison 49 Sleeping Child — 50 Lesbia lamenting the death of her favourite Bird 51 The Earl of Bute — ^ __ 52 The late Lady Catharine Pelham Clinton ~ 53 The Infant Academy — -54 Death of Cardinal Beaufort — 55 The Countess of Bute — 66 Dr. Markham, Archbishop of York — ^ 57 Venus and Cupid — 58 Vira:in and Child — — ^ Proprietors. Henry Rogers, Esq. TVilliam Beckford, Esq. Earl of Lonsdale. J. B. S. Morritfy Esq. G. Watson Taylor, Esq. M. P. Earl of Mulgrave. Hon. General Phipps, M. P. Earl of Lonsdale. William Beckford, Esq. Sir George Beaumont, Bart. E. Loml Gwatkin, Esq. E. Lovel Gwatkin, Esq. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Duchess of Dorset. Earl of Aylesford. Mrs. Gwyn. Marquess of Bute. Viscount Folkstone, M P. Viscount Palmerston, M. P. Earl of Egremont . Marquess of Bute. Christ Church College, Ooford. The Ladies Fitz Patrick. Earl of Egremont. [16] No. 58* Nymph and Cupid ; commonly called a Snake in the grass." — — 59 Cupid and Psyche — - — — 60 A Female with Grapes — — 61 A Lady with Doves — — 62 The Countess of Harewood and Child — 63 The Children in the Wood — — 64 Mercury as a Pickpocket — — — Proprietors. Earl of Carysfort. Samuel Rogers^ Esq. Sir Thomas Barings Bart. M.P. D. Gaily Knight, Esq. Earl of Harewood. T. Vander Gucht, Esq. Duchess of Dorset. North End. PICTURES OF THE FLEMISH AND DUTCH j^Q^ Painters. 65 Landscape and Figures 66 Landscape with a ruined Building, Cattle, and Figures 67 Interior, with Figures smoking — 68 The Ruins of an Aqueduct, with Cattle and Figures passing a River — 69 Boors smoking — — — 70 A Calm, with Men of War at anchor 71 Cattle and Figures — — 72 Landscape, Cattle and Figures — 73 A Lawyer and his Clients — — 74 Landscape; View in Italy, with Horses and Figures. — — — 75 An Interior, with a Lady and Gentleman in conversation, — — 76 View on the Coast of Holland ; a Gale Both — Berghem — Teniers — Berghem — Teniers — W. Vandevelde A. Vandevelde Pynacker — Jordaens — Berghem — Metzu — — W. Vandevelde SCHOOLS. Proprietors. Thomas Tomkison, Esq. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart M. M. Zachary, Esq. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart f His Royal Highness tht y Duke of York. Joseph Barchardf Esq. Joseph Barchard, Esq. J. S. TVortley, Esq. M. P JVm. Smith, Esq. M. P. JVm. Smith, Esq. M. P: Rt. Hon. Robert Peel, M.l Rt.Hon. Robert Peelj M.P [ 17] No. 77 A Lady at her Harpsichord — — 78 A Farrier's Shop, M'ith Horses and Figures 79 A Cottage Scene, with Figures smoking 80 A Boy blowing Bubbles — — 81 A Bagpiper at a Cottage Door — 82 Dutch Boors at Cards — — MIDDLE ROOM.— Side. 83 The Vintage _ _ 84 An Interior, with Figures in Conversation 85 Landscape and Figures — — 86 A Rocky Scene, with Figures passing a River — — — 87 Sheep in a Landscape — — 88 A Sea-piece — — — 89 Landscape, with Travellers — 90 Lot and his Daughters -— — 91 An Exterior, with Figures dancing — 92 A Boy taking Physic — — 93 Philip the Fourth of Spain on Horseback 94 A Party going to the Chace — 95 Crucifixion — 96 The March of an Army — — 97 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures — 98 Fruit and Flowers — 99 Portraits —- — — 100 Martyrdom of St. Stephen — 101 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures — 102 The Salutation — 103 Moliere — — 104 Sea-piece — — 105 The Interior of a Farm House Painters. Jan Steen Wouwermans A. Ostade Netcher - A. Ostade Teniers — Teniers A. Ostade Berghem (Both and Wou- ( wermans Cuyp — RuysdaeZ — Both — - Vanderwerf — A. Ostade — Brauwer — Rubens — Wouwermans — Rembrandt — Wouwermans — Both and Berghem Van Huysum — Vandehelst — Rubens — K. du Jardin — Rubens — Schalken — Ruysdael — Teniers — Proprietors. Rt,Hon. Robert Peel, M,P, Earl of Lonsdale. Thomas Pares, Esq. G. rV. Taylor, Esq. M. P. Thomas Pares, Esq, Earl of Lonsdale. Viscount Melbourne. Earl of Lonsdale, Lord Braybrooke. Joseph Barchard, Esq. Colonel Hugh Baillie. Earl Howe. Joseph Barchard, Esq, H. Ph. Hope, Esq, Earl of Lonsdale, G. J. Cholmondeley. Esq. HIS MAJESTY. Earl of Liverpool, Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Earl of Liverpool. Earl Howe. IVm. Wells, Esq. J. S. Worthy, Esq. M,P. H. R. H. Prince Leopold. Sir Claude Scott, Bart. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. G. W, Taylor, Esq. M. P. Earl of Beverley, R t. Hon. the Vice Chancellor E [ 18 ] No. MIDDLE ROOM.—South End. 106 A woody Scene on the Bank of a River 107 Van Goyeii, his Wife and Child — 108 Dead Game — _ — 109 A Waterfall — — 110 Merry-making; an Exterior — 111 Head of a Man — — Painters. MIDDLE ROOM— /#e^^ Side. 112 A Man playing on the Violin — 113 Landscape — — 1 14 A Gale, with Men of War in the distance 1 15 A Village Feast — — 116 Charity — — 117 Juno tranferring the Eyes of Argus to the Peacock's tail — — 118 Landscape with Cattle — - 1 19 The meeting of the Three Ferdinands . under the Walls of Nord lingen ; a Sketch 120 Landscape and Figures — — 121 Cattle on the Banks of a River — 122 Hippolytus thrown from his Car — 123 Landscape with Sportsmen — 124 St. Francis, with the Infant Saviour and St. John — — — 125 The Chariot of Apollo, a Design for a Cieling — — — 126 The Consecration of a Bishop — 127 The Banks of a River, with Horses and Figures — — — luysdael — fF. Halls and \Van Goyen — Weeninx — } Ruysdael stade and usart Rembrandt f A. Ostade andl \ C.Dusart —J Proprietors. fFm. Wells, Esq. G. JV, Taylor, Esq. M. P N. JV. Ridley Colborn, Esq. M. P. Earl of Harcourt. { F. Halls — Ruysdael — Vandevelde — Teniers — Vandyke — Rubens — Cuyp — — Rubens — Rubens — Cuyp — — Rubens — Both — — Rubens — Rubens — Diepenbeck — Wouwermans — Thomas Tomlcison, Esq. {His Royal Highness the Duke of' York. Lord Braybrooke. G. JV. Taylor, Esq. M. P. A. H. Holdsworthf Esq. Earl of Lonsdale, Earl of Lonsdale, Thomas Gent, Esq. Thomas Tomkison, Esq, Sir Abraham Hmne, Bart. Sir George Beaumont ^ Bart. Earl Hoxve. The Duke of Bedford, Earl of Harcourt, Sir Alexander CrigJiton. Earl of Mulgram. G. JV. Taylor, Esq. M. P. Earl of Lonsdale. [ 19 ] North End. PICTURES OF THE ITALIAN AND SPANISH SCHOOLS. No. 128 Landscape — — — 129 Landscape ; a View of the Grotto Ferrato near Rome — — - 130 The Woman taken in Adultery — 131 The Emperor Vitellius — — 132 The Baptism of Christ — — 133 Landscape with Figures — — 134 Landscape, with Figures and Cattle — SOUTH ROOM~^«*^ Side. !35 The Apotheosis of the Virgin — 136 Dead Christ, with the Virgin Mary 137 Virgin and Child, with Joseph 138 Original Sketch for the great Picture painted in )656, of the Infanta Marga- retta Maria, afterwards Empress, with her Suite and Attendants — 139 A Raree-showman — — 140 Landscape and Figures — 141 Sea-port — — 142 The Good Samaritan — — 143 Landscape with Figures 144 Orpheus and Eurydice in a Landscape 145 Monks relieving the Poor at the door of a Convent — - — Painters. Claude — G. Poussin P. Veronese Titian Seb. Bourdon G. Poussin Claude N. Poussin Venusti Le Sueur V elasquez — Murillo — Domenichino — Claude — Bassan — Claude — Nicolo del Abatti Murillo — Proprietors. W. J, Denison, Esq, M. P. JV. G. Coesvelt, Esq. JVilliam Smith, Esq, M. P. Sir Ab. Hume, Bart, Geo. J. Cholmondeley, Esq. Earl of Mulgram. C, O. BowleSy Esq, Dulwich College. (The Rt. Hon. Sir Henri/ Wellesley, G. C. B. Earl of Harcourt. Wm. J. Bankes, Esq, M. P, '^f Sloane Stanley, Esq, Sir Robert Wigrajn. Sir Robert Wigram. Henry Rogers, Esq. Earl of Egremont. Mr. Yates. William Wells, Esq. [ 20 ] 146 The Infant Don Balthazar, Son of Philip the Fourth, on Horseback — 147 Holy Family, with St. Francis — 148 The Murder of the Innocents — 149 The Cupola at Parma — — 150 Head of a Boy — — 151 Christ bound to the Column — 152 The Assumption of the Virgin — SOUTH ROOM. -South End. 153 Landscape, with Figures landing from a Vessel — — — 154 Saint Luke writing the Gospel — 155 Landscape, with St. George and the Dragon — — — 156 Flora — — — 157 Landscape; Females catching Birds; from the Borghese Palace — — 158 Liberality and Modesty — 159 Saint Mark — — 160 Landscape with Figures — — SOUTH ROOM— ^e*^ Side, 161 The Last Supper — — 162 A Scene on the Coast of Italy • the lid of the Painter's Harpsichord — 163 A Scull and Music Books ; part of the same Harpsichord — — 164 Christ calling St. Peter — — Painters. Velasquez — {Mazzolina de Ferrara — Domenichino - Correggio — Schidone — {Morales, surna- med il Divino Guercino — } Titian — Vassari — Domenichino Liouardo da Vinci Domenichino Guido — Vassari — Titian — Sasso Ferrato Salvator Rosa Salvator Rosa Baroccio Proprietors, Dulwich College, Rev. Wm, Holwell Carr, John Trower, Esq. Richard For d^ Esq. JVm, fVellSf Esq. TVm. J. Bankes, Esq. M, P. Marquess of Abercorn, [ The Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Y TVellesley.G.C.B. Sir T. Baring, Bart, M.P. Rev. JVm. Hohvell Carr. Sir 7\ Baring, Bart. M,P. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Earl of Darnley. Sir. T. Baring Bart. M.P. {The Rt. Hon. Sir Henry JVellesley, G. C. B. Duke of Bedford. Marquess of Abercorn. Marquess of Abercorn, Lord Garmgh. No. 165 The Mona Lisa — 165 Saint Cecilia _ 167 Philip the Fourth of Spain — 168 A Cardinal giving his Benediction Priest — _ 169 The Virgin and Infant Saviour 170 The Emperor Charles the Fifth 171 Landscape, with the Figures of Areas Calisto — 172 The Birth of Ad onis — 173 The Virgin and Child, w'wAx Joseph Angels, painted on Stone 174 Landscape, with Banditti 175 Mars and Venus with Cupids ~ to a and and [21 ] Painters. Lionardo da Vi Domenichino Velasquez — P. Veronese - Murillo — Titian — N. Poussin ~ Albano — Murillo Salvator Rosa N. Poussin Proprietors, nci \Sir Ab. Hume, Bart, M. M. Zachary, Esq. Lionel Hervey, Esq. Dulwich College. Colonel Hugh Baillie. Lionel Hervey, Esq. Earl Grosvenor. fV. G. Coesvelt, Esq. Lionel Hervey, Esq. W. J. Denison, Esq. M. P. Earl of Har court. (By Order) JOHN YOUNG, Keeper. f riatad by W, Niool, Successor to W. Bulmer jMid Ck). Clevelaud Row, St. James's. /A/f A^y^^^^^^ ^y^^ y:2y. y^^ X-^, y^^ yc^^. //^^ /^^-r /4 ^ ^^/^^tit^i^^ ^^^^^^ . ^ ^^^^ ^ . ^ institution FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUESS OF STAFFORD, K.G. PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR CHARLES LONG, G.C.B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON: J ■ PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, SUCCESSOR TO W. BULMER AND CO. CLEVELAND-ROW, ST, JAMES's. 1824. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * The Marq,uess of Stafford, President and Director. *The Right Hon. Sir Charles Long, Deputy President and Director. * The Duke of Bedford, Ficc President and Director.. The Duke of Marlborough, Vice President. * The Earl of Aberdeen, Vice Pr£sident nnd Director. * The Earl of Ashburnham, Vice President and Director, * The Earl of Dartmouth, Vice President and Director, * The Earl of Egremont, Vice President. The Lord North wick, Vice President. Marquess of Abercorn Earl of Aylesford Sir Emanuel Felix Agar John Angerstein, Esq. George Aust, Esq. * Marquess of Bute, Director * Earl Brown low, Director The Earl of Bridgewater * Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Director * Lady Bernard Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M.P. Director Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Bailie * James Evan Baillie, Esq. Rev. James Baker * Alexander Baring, Esq. M.P. Director John Bayford, Esq. ThomasWentworthBeaumont,Esq.M.P. * Lord Bexley, John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. R. H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. Marquess Camden Earl of Carlisle Earl Cowper Earl of Carysfort Lord Carrington *Rev. William Hoi well Carr, Director * George James Cholmondeley, Esq. Director. N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M.P. Thomas CotittSy Esq. The Duke of Devonshire Bishop of Durham * Lord De Dunstanville Lord Dundas Col. Dalrymple, M. P. Sir George Diickett, Bart. * Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney William Joseph Denison, Esq, M. P. John Dent, Esq. M. P. Charles Devon, Esq. Charles Duncombe, Esq. M. P. Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. Director William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. Francis Freeling, Esq. John Fuller, Esq. Earl Grosvenor Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. Earl of Hardwicke * Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Director MM GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. 5 Rt. Hon. Wm. Huskisson, M. P. John Hambrough, Esq. * Hugh Hammersley, Esq." CJeorge Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq, Henry Philip Hope, Esq. TheRev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bart Hylton Jolliffe, Esq. M. P. Lord Kinnaird John Knight, Esq. Marquess of Lansdowne, Director Ear] of Liverpool Earl of Lonsdale Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. M. P. * Rev. William Long, Director Mrs. Law Thomas Legh, Esq. M. P. Beeston Long, Esq. * Samuel Long, Esq. E. Lomden Lo'ceden^ Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. * Earl of Mulgrave, Director * Earl Manvers * John Meheux, Esq. ^ Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. Earl Normanton John Nash, Esq. Charles Savill-Only, Esq. M. P. Earl of Powis Hon. E. Petre Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. * Earl of Rosebery Lord Viscount Ranelagh * Samuel Rogers, Esq. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P. Sir Claude Scott, Bart. Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. John Symmons, Esq. * Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. * George Watson Taylor, Esq.M.P.I>iVec/dr Richard Thompson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. Henry Bache Thornhill, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. The Rev. Thomas Vialls The Earl of Upper Ossory Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Burt. M. P. Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M. P Charles BaringVall, Esq. M. P. Frederick Webb, Esq. Mrs. Weddell William Henry Whitbread, Esq. M.P. William Wilberforce, Esq. IM. P. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq. J. S. Wright, Esq. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M, P, Those marked * have already signified their consent to the recommendation of the Director*/ to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their lives. LIFE GOVERNORS. Lord Arden Jahn Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton Earl of Breadalbane Lord Burghersh Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. Edward Bilke, Esq. William Blake, Esq Samuel Boddington, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Henry Broad wood, Esq. B 6 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Archbishop of Canterbury Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill Lord Colchester Mrs. Claye Earl of Darnley. Lord Dynevor Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex liOrd Eardley The Hon. George Agar Ellis, M. P. Rt. Hon. W. Vesey Fitzgerald, M. P. William Fitzhugh, Esq. Earl Grey Lord Garvagh James Coding, Jun. Esq. John Green, Esq. "William Green^ Esq. D. Green, Esq. "William Haldimandj Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. M. P. J. S. Hudson, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Lord Lovaine, M. P. Right Hon. Sir John Leach Edward Lee, Esq. John Lovvther, Esq. M. P. Lord Maryborough Sir Scrope Bernard Morland, Bart. M. P. Treasurer Sir John Murray, Bart. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. M.P. John Maitland, Esq. E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. WiUiam Manning, Esq. M. P. Miss Middleton Lord North wick Rt. Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M. P. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Charles Offley, Esq. Lord "Viscount Palmerston, M. P. Hon. General Phipps, M. P. John Perry, Esq. Philip Perry, Esq, Roger Pettiward, Esq. George Philips, Esq. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. Rev. Sir John Robinson, Bart. Sir Matthew "White Ridley, Bart. M.P. P. Rainier, Esq. George Reveley, Esq. Earl Spencer, Director Lord Selsey Lord Stowell William Scrope, Esq. J. B. Scott, Esq. George Smith, Esq. M. P. Edmund Solly, Esq. R. H. Solly, Esq. William Sotheby, Esq. William Tassie, Esq. Robert Thornton, Esq. George Townley, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir George War- render, Bart. M.P. Robert Walpole, Esq. Subscribers of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are intitled to be balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, and of introducing two friends each day. 4 Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 25 Guifieas in one sum, have personal admission, to the Morning Exhibitions. p- Subscriptions are received by Messrs. Morland and Co., Bankers, No. 57, Pall Mall, t 7 ] SUBSCRIBERS. -CiARL OF Aberdeen A. 105 V Marquess of Abercorn 105 0 Earl of Ashburnham 105 0 Earl of Aylesford 105 0 T J A 1 Liord Aruen CO lO George Aust, Esq. 1 r\K lUo rv V Miss Atherton KO oir Jonn ot. Auoyn, isart. ivi. jr. 1 n iU Sir Emanuel Felix Agar, Bart, 105 0 John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. CO 5/4 iO J ohn Angerstein, Esq. IVO Duke of Bedford 105 U Marquess of Bute 105 u Earl of Bridgewater 105 v Earl of Breadalbane lO JLidXl JjrUWIilUW " n V/ Oil VJCOrgC X>cclUlliUlllj X>all. " 105 Q X^ady Bernard - « KJ Colonel Hugh Bailie ■ " 105 0 James Evan Baillie, Esq. 105 0 Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. 105 0 Rev. James Baker 105 0 Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. 52 10 John Bayford, Esq. - 105 0 T. W. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Charles Bell, Esq. 10 10 Lord Bexley, 105 0 Edward Bilke, Esq. 52 10 William Blake, Esq. - 52 10 Charles Birch, Esq. 10 10 John Blackall, Esq. 105 0 Samuel Boddington, Esq. 52 10 Samuel Boddington, jun. Esq. 10 10 Thomson Bonar, Esq. 105 0 R. H. Bradshaw Esq. M. P. - 105 0 John Brickwood Esq. - £ 10 10 T. H. L.Broadhead, Esq. - ' 105 O Henry Broadwood, Esq. - 52 10 Lord Burghersh - - 52 10 Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. - - 52 10 William Bosanquet, Esq. - 52 10 Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. - 105 0 Archbishop of Canterbury - 52 If) Marquess Camden - 105 O Lord Churchill - - - 52 10 EarlCowper - - 105 0 Earl of Carlisle - - 105 O Earl of Carysfort - - 105 O Lord Carrington - - 105 0 George James Cholmondeley, Esq. 105 O Rev. William Holwell Carr - 105 O James Christie, Esq. - - 10 10 Mrs. Claye - 52 10 N.W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Lord Colchester - - 52 10 Thomas Coutts, Esq. - - 105 0 John Craufurd, Esq. - - 10 10 Duke of Devonshire - 105 O Earl of Dartmouth - - 105 O Earl of Darnley - - 52 10 Colonel A. J. Dalrymple, M. P. 105 O Bishop of Durham - 105 O Sir George Duckett, Bart. - 105 O Lord Dynevor - - 52 10 Lord Dundas - - 105 O Lord De Dunstanville - 105 O Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P, 105 O Alexander Davison, Esq. - 105 O Miss Dehaney - - 105 O John Dent, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 William Joseph Denison, Esq. - 105 O Charles Devon, Esq. - - 105 0 /MA 8 SUBSCRIBERS. Charles Duncombe, Esq. M. P. £ 105 0 Charles Dixon, Esq. - 52 10 Enosh Durante Esq. - 52 10 Earl of Essex - - 52 10 Earl of Egremont - - 105 0 Lord Eardly - - 52 10 Sir William Elford, Bart. - 10 10 The Hon. George Agar Ellisi, M. P. 52 10 Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. 105 0 William Evans, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Earl Fitzwilliam - 105 0 Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. 105 0 William Fitzhugh, Esq. - - 52 10 Right Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P. 52 10 Robert Frankland, Esq. M. P. - 10 10 Francis Freeling, Esq. - 105 0 John Fuller, Esq. - - 105 0 jTames C. Fyler, Esq. - - 10 10 The Countess de Grey - annual 5 5 Earl Grosvenor - - 105 0 Earl Grey - - 52 10 LordGarvagh, - - - 52 10 Sir WiUiam Geary, Bart. - 10 10 Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Francis Gosling, Esq. - 105 0 George Gostling, Esq. - 105 O William Green, Esq. - - 52 10 John Green, Esq. - - 52 10 David Green, Esq. • - 52 10 James Goding, jun. Esq . - 52 10 Joseph Gwilt, Esq. - 10 10 Earl of Hardwicke io5 0 Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. - 105 0 H, Hammersley, Esq. - 105 0 William Hamilton, Esq. - 52 10 Jeremiah Harman, Esq, - 52 10 Charles Hatchet, Esq. - 10 10 George Hibbert, Esq. - 105 0 Henry Hoare, Esq. - 105 0 Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M, P. 105 0 Frederick Hodgson, Esq. - 52 10 J. H. Holder, Esq. - j[05 0 Robert Holford, Esq. - 10 10 Henry Hope, Esq. - - 105 0 Thomas Hope, Esq. - 105 0 Henry Philip Hope, Esq. - 105 0 William Haldimand, Esq. - ^ 52 10 John Hambrough, Esq. - 105 O J. S. Hudson, Esq. - 52 10 Right Hon.William Huskisson, M. P. 105 O Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. - 105 0 Hylton JoUffe, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 George Johnson, Esq. - 10 10 Lord Kinnaird - - 105 O William King, Esq. - - 105 0 Henry King, Esq. - - 105 0 John Knight, Esq. - - 105 O P. C. Labouchere, Esq. - - 10 10 Marquess of Lansdowne - 105 O Thomas Legh,Esq. - - 105 O Earl of Liverpool - - 105 O Earl of Lonsdale - - 105 O Lord Lovaine, M. P. - 52 10 Right Hon. Sir Charles Long, M, P. 105 0 Rev. William Long - 105 O Samuel Long, Esq. - - 105 O Beeston Long, Esq. - - 105 0 Thomas Lack, Esq. - 10 10 Mrs. Law - - - 105 o Right Hon. Sir John Leach - 52 10 Edward Lee, Esq. - 52 10 Edward Loveden Loveden, Esq. 105 0 John Lowther, Esq. M.P. - 52 10 Sir John Wm. Lubbock, Bart. M.P. 105 0 William Ludlam, Esq. - 105 0 William Manning, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Earl Manvers - - 105 0 Duke of Marlborough - 105 O Lord Maryborough - - 52 10 G. Morant, Esq. - annual 3 3 Earl of Mulgrave - - 105 0 Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. - lo 10 Sir John Murray, Bart. - 52 10 John Maitland, Esq. 52 10 E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. 52 10 T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. M. P. - 53 10 P. S. Marett, Esq. - - 10 10 John Meheux, Esq. - 105 0 Miss Middleton - - 52 10 Sir Scrope Bernard Morland, Bart. M.P. 52 10 Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. 105 0 James Moss, Esq. - 10 10 SUBSCRIBERS. Lord Northwick - £ 52 10 John Nash, Esq. - 105 0 Sir Thomas Neave, Bart, - 52 10 Right Hon Sir John NichoU, M.P. 52 10 George Nicol, Esq. - annual 3 3 Earl of Normanton - - 105 O Charles Offley, Esq. - - 52 10 Charles Savill-Only, Esq. M. P. 105 O George Philips, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 The Hon. Augustus Phipps annual 3 3 EarlofPowis - - 105 O John Penn, Esq. - - 105 0 Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. 52 10 Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. - 105 0 Roger Petti ward, Esq. - 52 10 Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. - 105 0 Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. - 105 0 J. C. Parker, Esq. . - 10 10 Charles Pieschell, Esq. - 105 0 John Perry, Esq. - 52 10 Philip Perry, Esq. - 52 10 Hon. E. Petre - - 105 0 W. Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. - 52 10 f^ord Viscount Ranelagh - 105 O Peter Rainier, Esq. - 52 10 George Reveley, Esq. - 52 10 Sir MatthewWhite Ridley, Bart. M.P. 52 10 Rev. Sir John Robinson - 52 10 Sir Christopher Robinson, Bart. 10 10 Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. - 10 IG Samuel Rogers, Esq. - 105 0 Earl of Rosebery - - 105 0 Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P. 105 0 John Lewis Rutley, Esq. annual 3 3 Bishop of Salisbury annual 3 3 Marquess of Stafford - - 105 0 Earl Spencer - - 52 10 Sir Claude Scott, Bart. - 105 0 Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 J. B. Scott, Esq. - 105 0 William Scrope, Esq. - £ 52 10 Lord Selsey - - 52 10 Henry Seymour, Esq. - 105 G Richard Simmons, Esq. - 105 0 William Smith, Esq. M. P. - 105 O George Smith, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 Enos Smith, Esq. - - 10 10 R.H. Solly, Esq. - - 52 10 Edmund Solly, Esq. - 52 10 William Sotheby, Esq. - 52 10 J. W. Steers, Esq. - 10 10 Lord Stowell - - 52 10 John Symmons, Esq. - 105 O Richard Thompson^ Esq. - 105 , 0 William Tassie, Esq. - - 52 10 George Watson Taylor, Esq. M, P. 105 0 Samuel Thornton, Esq. - 105 0 Henry Bache Thomhill, Esq. - 105 0 Robert Thornton, Esq. - 52 10 George Town ley, Esq. - - 52 10 Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. 105 0 Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. - 105 0 The Rev. Thomas Vialls - - 105 0 William Vaughan, Esq. - - 10 10 Earl of Upper Ossory - 105 0 Robert Walpole, Esq. - - 52 10 Right Honourable Sir George War- render, Bart. M. P. - 52 10 Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Robert Williams, Esq. - 105 0 Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M.P. - - 105 0 C. Baring Wall, Esq. - 105 0 Frederick Webb, Esq. - 105 O Mrs.Weddell - - 105 0 Wm . Henry AVhitbread, Esq. M. P. 105 0 W. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. - 105 O J. S. Wright, Esq. - - 105 0 Roger Wilbraham, Esq. - 105 O c The Subscribers to the Print from Mr. West's Picture of " Our Saviour Healing the Sick in the Temple," who have not already received their Impressions, may receive them upon pay- ment of the remainder of their Subscriptions at the British Insti- tution- Attendants are placed in different parts of the Gallery ta prevent any Person from touching the Pictures. CATALOGUE OF PICTURES OF THE ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, AND ENGLISH SCHOOLS. WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. The Numbers on the Pictures eommenee at the Upper End of the North Room ; and in the Middle a«4 South Rooms, at the North End, on tlie left hand. North End. Subjects. No. 1 The Graces — — — 2 The Vision of St. Jerome — — 3 Portrait of a Lady — 4 Cattle in a Landscape — — 5 Landscape, with a Bridge — — 6 Landscape, with a ruined Gateway 7 Landscape, with Figures going out Hawking 8 Landscape; a Road Scene, with Travellers 9 Landscape; Cattle and Figures — 10 Portrait of a Venetian Nobleman — Painters. Proprietors. Raphael — ■ SirT. Lawrence, P.R. J, Parmigiano — The British Institution. Giorgione — Richard West all, Esq. R. A . Cuyp — William T. Praed, Esq. Wynants — Duke of Bedford. Wynants — Duke of Bedford. Wynants — Duke of Bedford. Wynants — Duke of Bedford. Claude — Earl Howe. Moroni — Richard Westall, Esq. R. A. NORTH R00M.--i:tZ5^ Side. - } No. 11 Portrait of Titian — 12 The Coronation of the Virgin 13 The taking down from the Cross — 14 The Infant Saviour sleeping on the Cross 15 Philip the Fourth of Spain — 16 The Wise Men's Offering — 17 Landscape and Figures — — 18 St. Francis, in a Landscape — 19 The Assumption of the Virgin — 20 A Battle Piece — — 21 Portrait of one of the Medici Family 22 The Holy Family — 23 Moonlight — — — 24 The Flight into Egypt — . 25 Donna Maria, Queen of Philip the Fourth of Spain — 26 Portrait of one of the Spinola Family 27 The Presentation — 28 Portraits _ 29 View on the Coast of Scheveling, with Men of War in the distance — 30 The Entombment of Christ — 31 The Virgin and Child — _ NORTH -^OOU.^SouthEnd. 32 Philip the Fourth of Spain on Horseback 33 The Inside of St. Paul's at Rome — 34 Portrait of Ariosto 35 Head of Christ — " — . _ Painters. Titian — — Lorenzo de Credi A. D. 1500. R. Vanden Weyde Murillo — Velasquez — Giorgione — Caspar Poussin Francesco Mola Murillo — — Borgognone — Raphael — Le Sueur — Vanderneer — Rembrandt — Velasquez — Murillo — — Barroccio — Quintin Matsys De Vlieger — Pordenone — Guido — Velasquez — Paolo Panini - Titian — Titian — Proprietors. Earl of Darnley, 1^ Samuel Rogers, Esq. {The Rf, Hon. SirlVilliam A'Court, G. C. B. Earl Howe, HIS MAJESTY. Earl of Mulgram. Samuel Rogers, Esq, Viscount Palmer ston, M, P. Lord Eardley. {His Royal Highness The Duke of York. Sir T, Baring, BarUM.\P. Henry Howard, Esq. William Lushington, Esq. William Lushington, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Richard W zstall, Esq. R. A. William Wells, Esq. Lord Braybrooke. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. William Palmer, Esq, Henry Rogers, Esq, John liawkins. Esq, Earl of Darnley. Earl of Darnley. [ 13 ] No. 36 Saint Francis preaching — — 37 Joseph and Potiphar's Wife — 38 A Saint at Devotion — — 39 Saint Catherine — — — 40 The Portrait of Himself — 41 The Inside of King's College Chapel Cambridge — — - — 42 View on the Coast of Italy ; Sun-set NORTH nOOM.—JVesi Side. 43 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures 44 A Harvest Scene — — 45 The Virgin and Mary Magdelene weep- ing over the body of Christ — 46 Esther before Ahasuerus — — 47 View in Holland — — — 48 An Italian Landscape, with Cattle and Figures — — — — 49 Horses and Figures, in a Landscape — 50 Portrait of Himself — — 51 View on the Coast of Scheveling, with Boats and Figures — r — 52 Landscape ; Cattle and Figures — 53 Philip the Fourth of Spain — — 54 The Due D'Olivarez — _ 55 The Brother of Philip the Fourth — 56 The Burgomaster Six — — 57 Joseph accused by the Wife of Potiphar 58 The Wife of the Burgomaster Six — 59 Landscape, with a Fall of Water — 60 A Forest Scene — — 61 Romantic Landscape, with Banditti — 62 The Judgment of Midas — 63 Mater Dolorosa — — D Painters. Proprietors. Schiavone — Richard Westally Esq. R. A Gentileschi — HIS MAJESTY. Titian — — Richard West all, Esq, R. A. Murillo — Duke of IVellmgton, Salvator Rosa Lady de Clifford, Canaletti — John HawkinSi Esq. Claude — Henry Howard^ Esq. Berffhem — Lord Braybrooke. Teniers — — Duke of Wellington. Young Palma — Richard W sstall, Esq, R. . Tintoretto — HIS MAJESTY, Ruysdael — William Wells, Esq. Both — — William Wells, Esq. Wouwerman - Earl oj Liverpool, K. 6r. Jan de Bellini HIS MAJESTY. Tip \/ lipo'pr — - Panl Pntf-pr T}7/TfP nf Tip/lTnT/i dnlonpj Tliiffh Tinillip V^elascjuez — dolnncl TJiiPfh TinilJip V elasnjiez — - dolnnpl TJiiffh Unillip Rembrandt Hon G Affar Ellis M P ttpFTi l)ranH t — - **i'\-'4ll ILyl V4 V ^^^^ iV/V T ri/T/sivpfiop P T^. j4 Rembrandt — Hon, G. Agar Ellis, M, P. Ruysdael — Lord C. Townshend) M. P. Hobbima — John Dent, Esq. M. P. Salvator Rosa Sir T. Baring, Bart. M. P. Schiavone — HIS MAJESTY. Titian — Richard Westall, Esq. R. A. m4 [ 14 ] North End. No. 64 A Road Scene, with Travellers — 65 A Hawking Party - — — 66 A Conversation — — 67 The Water Doctor — — 68 A Larder, with a Female barajaininjj for Fish — — — 69 An Interior, with Figures dancing — 70 A Mountainous Scene, with Figures and Cattle _ _ _ 71 The Countess of Kenelmacey — = 79, A Sun-set, with Cattle and Figures — 73 A Female instructing a Ciiild — 74 Landscape, with Horses and Figures — 75 Portrait of the Abb6 Tonsal — 76 The Exterior of a Farm-House, with Figures and Cattle — — 77 A Musical Party — _ 78 An Ass, in a Landscape — MIDDLE ROOM.— AW Side. 79 A Sea Calm ^ 80 A Card Party — _ 81 Landscape^ with Sportsmen — 82 Cows, in a Landscape — - 83 A Sea ^Ingagement — 84 A Girl with a Dog — 85 Landscape ; Cattle and Figures 86 Landscape Painters. Cuyp — Ad. Vandevelde Seb, Bourdon Teniers — W. Mieris — A. Ostade — Berghem Vandyke Cuyp - G. Netcher Wouwerman Metzu — J. Ostade Metzu — Wouwerman W. Vandevelde Jan Steen — fPynaker and 1 Berghem P. Potter — Vandevelde — Greuze — Karel du Jardin Ruysdael — Proprietors. Dulwich College. Earl of Liverpool, K. G. G. JVatson Taylor, Esq. M. P Joseph Bare hard, Esq. John Dent, Esq. M. P. John Dent, Esq, M, P, The Rt. Hon. Sir George IP arrender, M. P. Earl of Denbigh, Dulwich College. RU Hon. R. Peel, M. P. Rt. Hon. R. Peel, M. P. G WatsonTaylor,Esq.M.P^ Rt. Hon. R. Peel, M. P. Rt, Hon. R. Peel. M. P. Rt, Hon. R. Peel, M. P. F?rderick Perkins, Eso. M. M, Zachary,Esq. Dulwich College. M. M. Zachary, Esq. Colonel Hugh Baillie. G. WatsonTaylor, Esq. M. P. M. M. Zachary, Esq. Joseph Bar chard, Esq. [ 15 ] No. 87 A fresh Breeze — — 88 Landscape and Cattle — 89 Portrait of the Earl of Arundel — 90 Mrs. Lemon — — 91 The Cascatella at Tivoli — — 92 A Sea Piece, with a distant View of Am- sterdam — — — 93 The finding of Moses — • — 94 A Farm-house, with Market People 95 Horses and Figures — — 96 A River Scene — — 97 Landscape, with a Corn Field — 98 Landscape, with a ruined Building, Cattle and Figures — — 99 A Man's Portrait — — 100 Abraham putting away Hagar — 101 A Sea Calm, with Men of War at anchor 102 The Interior of the Gallery of the Painter 103 A Sea Calm, with Boats and Figures 104 Saint Peter receiving the Keys — 105 The Woodcutter — — 106 An Interior, with Dutch Boors — 107 Landscape, with Figures — 108 A Breeze; View on the Dutch Coast Painters. W. Vandevelde Cuyp — Rubens — Vandyke — Both — Backhuysen — Rembrandt — Wouwerman — Cuyp — Wouwerman Ruysdael — Berghem — Rembrandt — Rembrandt — Vandevelde — Teniers — Vander Capella Rubens — Wouwerman — A. Ostade — Teniers — Vander Capella MIDDLE ^OOU.,— South End. 109 River Scene, with a Passage Boat, and Horses watering — — 110 The Duke of Hamilton — — 111 Stags' Heads; Studies from Nature 112 The Duchess of Hamilton — 113 Soldiers on a March — 114 A woody Scene — — Wouwerman Vandyke — Snyders — Vandyke — Wouwerman Hobbima — Proprietors. M. M. Zachary, Esq, The Bishop of Durham. Earl of Carlisle^ K. G. HIS MAJESTY. Rev. Archdeacon Cambridge Sir Abraham Hume^ Bart. Rt. Hon. R. Peel, M. P. Frederick Perkins, Esq. Viscount PalmerstOHj 31. P. Earl of Liverpool, K, G. fVilliam /Veils, Esq. Earl of Liverpool, K» G. Peter Rainier, Esq. Earl of Denbigh. Sir fVilliam Gomm, Bart. Lord Eardley. Earl of Coventry. Richard IVestall, Esq. R. A. Rt. Hon. R. Peel, M. P. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Lord C, Townshend, M. P. Joseph Bar chard, Esq. Earl of Denbigh. Earl (f Darnley. Earl of Denbigh. Colonel Hugh Baillie. fVilliam TVells, Esq. [ 16 ] MIDDLE "^OOM,— West Side, No. 115 A Female, with a Child in the Cradle 116 Shoeing an Ox — 117 A Sea Calm, with a Yacht firing a Salute 118 His own Portrait — 119 The Spanish Gipsy — 120 A Man of War in a Gale; a View of Amsterdam in the distance — IQI Landscape ; a Road through a Wood 122 The Duchess of Richmond and Dwarf 123 The Countess of Clanbrasil ~ — 124 Portrait of a Man with a Hawk 125 A View in Italy; the Ponte Mola in the distance — — 126 The Duke of Richmond — — 127 The Daughter of Herodias, with the Head of John the Baptist 128 A Thunder-storm ; a Lugger in stays; Men of War bearing off the land — 129 A light Breeze; Men of War in the distance — — 130 A View in Holland — 131 A Calm, with Yachts saluting — 132 A Frost piece, with Figures skaiting North End. 133 The Presentation in the Temple — 134 View on the Grand Canal at Venice 135 Jocelyn Percy, eleventh Earl of North- umberland — Painters. Proprietors. Maas — Feter Rainier , Esq, Karel du Jardin Dulwich College, Vandevelde — Peter Rainier^ Esq. Rembrandt — JVilliam Gosling , Esq. Rembrandt — Lord C. Townshend, M. P, Backhuysen — Frederick Perkins^ Esq. Hobbima — TVilliam Leader, Esq, \T J 1 Vandyke Earl of Denbigh. Vand^ ke — Earl of Denbigh. Rubens — HIS MAJESTY. Both — Sir TVilliam Gomm^ Bart. Vandyke . — Earl of Denbigh, Rubens — Earl of Carlisle K Backhuysen — Lord C. Toxvnshend, M, P. Vandevelde — Viscount Palmerston, M.P. Van Goyen — G. Watson Taylor, Esq. M.P. Vandevelde — Earl of Liverpool, K. G, Cuyp — — Earl of Coventry. Opie — — Canaletti — Sir Peter Lely. The Bishop of Durham. Earl of Carlisle, K. G, Earl of Carlisle, K, G. [ 17 ] No. 136 Mrs. Powis and Child — 137 A Viewof Sion House from Kew Gardens Painters. Sir Josh. Reynolds Wilson — SOUTH ROOM.— East Side, 138 A View in Venice — — 139 The late Earl of Dartmouth when a Boy 140 A View in Rome — — 141 Aristides — — 142 A View in Venice — — 143 Regulus leaving the Senate — 144 The distressed Poet — — 145 The Girl and Kitten — — 146 A View on the River Dee — 147 Portrait of Himself — — 148 View at the Gardens of the Villa Madama 149 Hamilcar swearing Hannibal never to make Peace with the Romans — 150 The Pantheon at Rome — 151 The late Hon. William Legge when a Boy 152 A Girl leaning on a Pedestal — 153 A View of the Water-fall at Powers court — — — 154 The Ballad Singer — — 155 The Boy and Kite — Proprietors. Earl of Denbigh, William Danielf Esq. R. A. Canaletti -~ Sir Josh. Reynolds Canaletti — Angel. KaufFman Canaletti — West — — Hogarth — Sir Josh. Reynolds Wilson — Sir Josh. Reynolds Wilson — — Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Earl of Dartmouth. HIS MAJESTY. Sir Thomas Baringy Bart M, P. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart, HIS MAJESTY. Earl Grosvenor, Earl of Normanton. Sir Thomas Barings Bart. M. P. Earl of Normanton„ Earl of Egremont, SOUTH "SiOOU.South End. 156 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures 157 Belisarius — — 158 A. View in Italy — — 159 The Nymph and Boy — — 160 The Communion of St. Nicholas — West — = — Canaletti — Sir Josh. Reynolds Sir Josh. Reynolds Barrett — — Hogarth — Hogarth — Gainsborough West — — Wilson — — Sir Josh. Reynolds Paolo Veronese E HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. Etarl of Dartmouth, Viscount Palmerston, M.P* Sir George Duckett, Bart. John Dentf Esq, M, P. Earl Grosveiior. {Right . \ Long, Hon, Sir Charles M.P. G. C.B. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. Colonel Hugh Baillie. John Angerstein, Esq. The British Institution. [ 18 ] No. 161 Christ Rejected. The Sketch for the large Picture — 162 Lady Cawdor when a child — 163 A View on the Banks of the Thames 154 Caractacus in the Camp of the Romans 165 The Nursing of Shakspeare — SOUTH ROOM,— West Side. 166 A Landscape, with Females bathing 167 Portrait of Nelly O'Brien — — 168 View in Italy — — 169 A Shepherd Boy — - — 170 Cicero at his Villa — — 171 Christ Healing the Sick in the Temple 172 Portraits of Mr. W. Bamfylde and Mr. Huddesford — — 173 Macbeth and the Witches — 174 A View of Anconetta — — 175 Portrait of Admiral Barrington — 176 The Temple of Clitumnus on the Road to Rome — — 177 Euridice — — 17S Cordelia — — Painters. West — — Sir Josh. Reynolds Wilson — — Loutherbours: - Romney — Zuccherelli — Sir Josh. Reynolds Wright of Derby Sir Josh. Reynolds Wilson — West — — Sir Josh. Reynolds Zuccherelli — Wilson — — Sir Josh. Reynolds Wilson — — Angel. Kaulfman Angel. Kauffman Proprietors. Earl of Darnley, Earl of Carlisle, K,G. Frederick Perkins^ Esq. Thomas Pares, Esq. Earl of Egremont, Sir Thomas Neam, Bart. Hon. G. Agar Ellis, M.P. Thomas Pares, Esq, Lawrence Sullivan, Esq. John Hawkins, Esq, The British Institution, C. Hanbury Tracy, Esq. John Hawkins, Esq. Greenwich Hospital. John Hawkins, Esq. G. JV it son Taylor, Esq. M. P. G.lVatsonTaylor, Esq. M. P. (By Order) JOHN YOUNG, Keeper. JPrinted by W. Nicol, Clereland-row, St James's. / z^^- x^x, x^v^ //^^ XeX? . ^^^^^ /^'^ y44f^*/^>t^^^ ^'^z . 32. yj^, y/^ fr. y^^ ■ AW- BrtttsI) fttstttutton FOE PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, K. T. PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR CHARLES LONG, G. C. B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, SUCCESSOR TO W. BULMER AND CO. CLEVELAND-ROW, ST. JAMEs's. 1825. PRICE ONE SHILLING. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * The Earl of Aberdeen, President and Director. *The Right Hon. Sir Charles Long, Deputy President and Director, * The Duke of -Bedford, Ficc President and Director, The Duke of Marlborough, Vice President. * The Marquess of Stafford, K. G. Director. * The Earl of Ashburnham, Vice President and Director, * The Earl of 1^ art uoutu, Vice President and Director. * The Earl of Egremont, Vice President. The Lord Northwick, Vice President. Marquess of Abercorn Earl of Aylesford Sir Emanuel Felix Agar John Angerstein, Esq. George Aust, Esq. * Marquess of Bute, Director * Earl Brownlow, Director The Earl of Bridgewater * Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Director * Lady Bernard Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M.P. Director Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Bailie * James Evan Baillie, Esq. Rev. James Baker * Alexander Baring, Esq. M.P. Director N John Bayford, Esq. ThomasWentworthBeaumont^Esq.M.P. * Lord Bexley, John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. R. H.Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. Marquess Camden Earl of Carlisle Earl Cowper Earl of Carysfort Lord Carrington * Rev. William Hoi well Carr, Director * George James Cholmondeley, Esq. Director. N. W. Ridley Colhorne, Esq. M.P. Thomas Coutts, Esq. The D uke of Devonshire Bishop of Durham * Lord De Dunstanville Lord Dundas Col. Dalrymple, M. P. Sir George Diickett^ Bart. * Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Alexander Davison, Esq, Miss Dehaney William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. John Dent, Esq. M. P. Charles Devon, Esq. Charles Duncombe, Esq. M. P. Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. Director William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. Francis Freeling, Esq. John Fuller, Esq. Earl Grosvenor Sir James Graham, Bart, M. P. Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. Earl of Hardwicke * Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Director GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Rt. Hon. Wm. Huskisson, M. P. John Hambrough, Esq. * Hugh Hammersley, Esq. George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. TheRev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bart Hylton Jolliffe, Esq. M. P. Lord Kinnaird John Knight, Esq. Marquess of Lansdowne, Director Earl of Liverpool Earl of Lonsdale Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. M. P. * Rev William Long, Director Mrs. Law Thomas Legh, Esq. M. P. * William Long, Esq. * Samuel Long, Esq. E. LoDeden Lomdm^ Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. * Earl of Mulgrave, Z>im/or * Earl Manvers * John Meheux, Esq. * Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. Earl Normanton John Nash, Esq. Charles Savill-Only, Esq. M. P. Earl of Powis Hon. E. Petre Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschellf Esq, * Earl of Rosebery Lord Viscount Ranelagh * Samuel Rogers, Esq. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P. Sir Claude Scott, Bart. Samuel Scott, Esq. M, P. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. John Symmons, Esq. * Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. * George WatsonTaylor,Esq.M.P.i)i>ec/or Richard. Thompson^ Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. Henry Bache Thornhill, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. The Rev. Thomas Vialls The Earl of Upper Ossory Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M. P. Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M. P Charles BaringVall, Esq. M. P. Frederick Webb, Esq. Mrs. Weddell William Henry Whitbread, Esq. M.P. William Wilberforce, Esq. P. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq. J. S. Wright, Esq. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors^ to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their lives. LIFE GOVERNORS. Lord Arden John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton Earl of Breadalbane Lord Burghersh Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. B Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. Edward Bilke, Esq. William Blake, Esq. Samuel Boddington, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Henry Broadwood, Esq. 6 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Archbishop of Canterbury Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill Lord Colchester Mrs. Claye Earl of Darnley Lord Dynevor Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex The Hon. G. Agar Ellis, M. P. Director. Rt. Hon. W. Vesey Fitzgerald, M.P. William Fitzhugh, Esq. Earl Grey Lord Garvagh James Coding, Jun. Esq. John Green, Esq. William Green^ Esq. D. Green, Esq. William Haldimand^ Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq, M. P. J. S. Hudson, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Lord Lovaine, M. P. Right Hon. Sir John Leach Edward Lee, Esq. John Lowther, Esq. M. P. Lord Maryborough Sir Scrope Bernard Morland, Bart. M. P. Treasurer Sir John Murray, Bart. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. M. P. John Maitland, Esq. E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. William Manning, Esq. M. P. Miss Middleton Lord North wick Rt. Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M. P. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. Hon. General Phipps, M.P. John Perry, Esq. Philip Perry, Esq, Roger Pettiward, Esq, George Philips, Esq. M. P William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. Rev. Sir John Robinson, Bart. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M.P. P. Rainier, Esq. George Reveley, Esq. Earl Spencer, Director Lord Selsey Lord Stowell William Scrope, Esq. J. B. Scott, Esq. George Smith, Esq. M.P. Edmund Solly, Esq. R. H. Solly, Esq. William Sotheby, Esq. William Tassie, Esq. Robert Thornton, Esq. George Townley, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir George War- render, Bart. M.P. Robert Walpole, Esq. Subscribers of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are intitled to be balloted for as Governors for Lift, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, and of introducing two friends each day. » Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one Jriend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission, to the Morning Exhibitions. fUT Subscriptions are received by Messrs. Morland and Co., Bankers, No. 57, Pall Mall. t 7 ] SUBSCRIBERS. -t^AKL OF Aberdeen ~ ~ jG 105 0 John Brickwood Esq. • £ 10 10 M(iT(ju6ss of AhcTcoTn ~ 105 0 T H Tj Broadhead Esa. «• 105 0 £a,rl of Ashburn-hain 105 0 Henry Broadwood, Esq. ■ 52 10 £i3.rl of Aylcsford ~ 105 0 TjorH Bnro'liprQli m .LiUX U, X-f IXl c> XX^X oxx 52 10 Lord Ardeu 52 10 Sir l-Tpnrv "RnnVnirv "Unrf" * Oil x±cxxiy jjuixuixxy, xfaiiit 52 10 George Aust^ £iS(|. • ~ 105 0 WWWnm Bn', Esq. Philip Perry, Esq. Hon. E. Petre W. Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. Lord Viscount Ranelagh Peter Rainier, Esq. George Reveley, Esq. 105 52 10 105 O 52 10 105 O 105 52 105 0 10 0 52 10 105 0 105 O 10 10 105 0 52 10 52 10 105 0 . 52 10 105 0 52 10 52 10 Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M.P. 52 10 Rev. Sir John Robinson Sir Christopher Robinson, Bart. Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Earl of Rosebery Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P Bishop of Salisbury Marquess of Stafford Earl Spencer Sir Claude Scott, Bart. Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. J.B. Scott, Esq. William Scrope, Esq 52 10 10 10 10 10 105 0 105 105 annual 3 105 52 105 105 105 O 0 3 0 10 0 0 0 52 10 Lord Sclsey Henry Seymour, Esq. Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M.P. George Smith, Esq. M. P. Enos Smith, Esq. R.H. Solly, Esq. Edmund Solly, Esq. William Sotheby, Esq. J. W. Steers, Esq. Lord Stowell John Symmons, Esq. Richard Thompson, Esq. William Tassie, Esq. George Watson Taylor, Esq. M.P. Samuel Thornton, Esq. Henry Bache Thornhill, Esq. - Robert Thornton, Esq. George Town ley, Esq. Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. - The Rev. Thomas Vialls William Vaughan, Esq, Earl of Upper Ossory Robert Walpole, Esq. Right Honourable Sir George War render, Bart. M. P. Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M. P. Robert Williams, Esq. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M. P. C. Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. - Frederick Webb, Esq. Mrs.Weddell Wm. Henry AVhitbread,Esq. M.P. W. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. J. S. Wright, Esq. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. £52 10 105 O 105 0 105 O 52 10 . 10 10 52 10 .52 10 52 10 10 10 52 10 105 0 105 0 52 10 105 O 105 0 105 0 .52 10 - .52 lO 105 0 105 0 - 105 0 - 10 10 105 0 . 52 10 52 10 105 O 105 O 105 O 105 0 105 O 105 O 105 C 105 O 105 0 105 a c The Subscribers to the Print from Mr. West's Picture of « Oi;r Saviour Healing the Sick in the Temple," who have not already received their Impressions, may receive them upon pay- ment of the remainder of their Subscriptions at the British Insti- tution. The Dikectors of the Institution, have ofFered for several Years past for the Inspection of the Public, the best Exam- ples they could select of the ancient Schools of Painting-they now exhibit a Collection of the Works of living British Artists eons! hrPe^cil """"S the most successful efforts of The Directors feel it due to several Artists whose Reputation .tands deservedly high in the Public estimation, to state, that want ctuTeTf tt" P''' ''"'""^ *° ^'^ anc „n r '^'""^ '^^"^^t'^'' their assist- ance upon this occasion-and the same cause has obliged the Direc tors, to decline the Acceptance of several Works, which they are sensible would have added Interest to the Exhibition. The Pictures of Hogarth, of Sir Joshua Reynolds, of West of Morough, and of Wilson, exhibited in this GaUery in former lears proved highly interesting to every Admirer of the Art- it canno be less gratifying to shew, to what eminence the living School has attained. I„ the Variety which the Directors now presen to public View, they could point out Examples of thi highest Merit, but they leave to the improved Taste of the Public to judge and appreciate for themselves; expressing only theii^ decided opinion, that the present Collection evinces a degree of talent, which would do honour to any Age, or Nation. Attendants are placed in different parts of the Gallery prevent any Person from touching the Pictures. CATALOGUE OF PICTURES BY LIVING ARTISTS OF THE ENGLISH SCHOOL, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room j and in the Middle and South Rooms, at the North End, on the left hand. North End. No. Subjects. 1 Portrait of His Majesty — 2 Landscape — — - — 3 Portrait of the Marquess of Stafford 4 View of Dunrobin Castle from the S.E. — _ _ 5 The Assumption of the Virgin, after Murillo — — — 6 Henry the Eighth, after Holbein 7 The Canterbury Pilgrims — 8 Holy Family, after Raphael — 9 A Woody Scene — — Painters. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R. A. Sir A. Hume, Bart. H. T. Phillips, R.A. — W. Daniell, R. A. H. Bone, R. A. — H. Bone, R. A. T. Stothard, R. A. H. Bone, R. A. — J. Starke — — D Proprietors. Duke of Wellington^ K.G, Sir Abraham Humey Bart. MarquessofStaffordf K.G, Earl Gower, Duke of Bedford* H. Bone, Esq, R.A. Samuel Boddington, Esq. Duke of Bedford r. Phillips, Esq. R. A. Subjects. 10 Girl in a Florentine costume of A. D. 1500 — — — 1 1 View of Calais from the East — 12 Portraits of Her R. H. the Duchess of Kent and the Princess Alexan- drina Victoria — — 13 The Children in the Wood — NORTH ROOM—East side. 14 The Wood-cutter*s Repast — 15 The Theft discovered ; a subject from Figaro — — — 16 Portraits of Horses — Blackthorn and Jack — — — 17 Mary Queen of Scots, and her Secre- tary Chatelar — 18 The Boomquis at Rotterdam — 19 Lady Jane Grey in Prison — 20 Sun-rise — > — — 21 Dover — _ _ — 22 Portrait of the Dowager Lady Beau- mont at the age of 9 1 — 23 Jacob's Dream — — — S$4 The Fairies — — 25 A Farming Stable — — 26 the Escape of Gil Bias — 27 Cheerfulness — — 28 Peace — ^ _ 29 Devotion — — NORTH ROOM-^South End. 30 Elisha rescues the Widow's Son 31 Portrait of Dr. Jackson — t 12 ] Painters. H. Howard, R. A. J Wilson — Sir W. Beechey, R. A. T. Stothard, R. A. J. Linnell — A. E. Chalon, R. A. J.Ward, R. A. — H. Fradelle — Lady Long, H. J. Northcote, R. A. H. Howard, R. A. A. W. Callcott, R. A. The late W.Owen, R A. J Alston, A.R.A. H. Howard, R. A. Lady Long, H. — T. P. Stephanoff — Mrs. Carpenter — T. Stothard, R. A. Mrs. Carpenter — H. P. Bone — The late W.Owen, R.A. Proprietors. N. W. Ridley Colbourne, Esq.M.P. G. Wat son Taylor, Esq. M. P. {His Royal Highness Prince Leopold. T. Stothard, Esq. R.A. Mr, Linnell. Capt. Dig by Murray. L. M, Miindy, Esq. John Wilton, Esq. Lady Long. John Green, Esq. Marquess of Stafford, K.G, The EarloJ Liver pootyK.G. Sir George Beaumont ^ Bart. Earl of Egremont. Sir M. White Ridley, Bt. M.P. Lady Long. John Alnutt, Esq. John Wilton, Esq. Samuel Rogers, Esq. John Wilton, Esq. H. P. Bone, Esq. Christ Church Col. Oxford. Subjects. 32 Belinda at her Toilette — 33 The Departure of a Rouen Diligence 34 Catching the Expression — « 35 The Windsor Castle Packet captur- ing the French Privateer — 36 Scene in a London Garden — 37 Dieppe — — — — 38 Gipsies encamped — — 39 Portrait of the Bishop of Norwich 40 A Scene from Romeo and Juliet [ 15 ] Painters. H. Fradelle — W. Collins, R. A. E. D. Leahy — S. Drummond, A. R. A. W. R. Bigg, R. A. G. Jones, R. A. — J. Stark — — M. A. Shee, R. A. — H. P. Briggs — NORTH "^OOyi— West Side. 41 Landscape — — 42 Landscape — — 43 Peter Grimes, from Crabb's Poems 44 Holy Family — — — 45 Fishermen on the look out — 46 Portrait of the Hon. George Agar Ellis, M. P. — — — 47 Cupid taught by the Graces — 48 Portrait of Lady Louisa Lambton 49 Chelsea Pensioners — =» — 50 Portrait of the Hon. Mis. Agar Ellis 51 The Wood-cutter's Repast — 52 Nature blowing Bubbles — 53 Dead Game — — — 54 Draught Horses — — 55 Landscape, with a Timber Cart 56 Banditti — — — 57 The Graces — — 58 Her R. H. the Duchess of Gloucester W. Fitzhugh, Esq. H. Sir G.Beaumont, Bt. H. H. Singleton — H. Singleton — W. Collins, R. A. -~ Si rT. Lawrence, P. R. A. W. Hilton, R. A. — Sir T.Lawrence, P.R.A D. Wilkie, R.A. — J. Jackson, R. A. — W. Collins, R. A. — W. Hilton, R. A. — P. Reinagle, R. A. A. Cooper, R. A. — P. Reinagle, R. A. — C. L. Eastlake — T. Stothard, R.A. Sir W. Beechey, R. A. Proprietors. John Fitzgeraldt Esq. SirG. Beaumont, Bart. T. Moore, Esq. S. Dia;on, Esq. Countess de Grey. Francis Freeling, Esq. M. M. Zachary, Esq. T. William Coke, Esq. M. P. Francis Freeling, Esq. William Fitzhugh, Esq. Sir George Beaumont, Bart. SirT.D. Acland,Bart.M.P. ' T. Simpson, Esq. Earl of Liverpool, K. G. Hon . George Agar Ellis, M. P, G. Phillips, Esq. M. P. J. G. Lambton, Esq. M,P. Duke of Wellington, K.G, Hon. Gdorge Agar Ellis, M.P. J. G. Lambton, Esq. M.P. Sir J, E. Swinburne, Bart. Marquess of Stafford, K.G. Sir J. E. Swinburne, Bart. The Vice Chancellor* Sir G. Beaumont, Bart. T. Stothard, Esq. R. A. H. R. H. the Duke oj Gloucester. Subjects. North End. 69 The Battle of Marston Moor — 60 The Meeting of Edward the Fifth and his Brother the Duke of York 61 St. Peter paying the Tribute — 62 The Murder of Edward the Fifth and his Brother the Duke of York 63 Landscape; Wood-cutters; a Scene in Windsor Forest [ 16 1 Painters. MIDDLE ROOM— East Side. 64 Portraitof the late George Dance, Esq. t65 a Subject from Gil Bias — 66 Rebecca unveilina: 67 A Fish Auction on the Coas*t of Devon 68 The out Skirts of a Fair, with Men playing at Bowles — 69 Bathsheba — ™- 70 Helen on the Sc^an Gate coming to view the Combat between MeneTaus and Paris — 71 Le Malade Malgr6 lui, from the Co- medy of Moli^re 72 Hubert and Arthur, from Shaks- peare's King John — 73 The Death of Sir W. Lamhton _ 74 The young Boat-builder — 75 The Sand-pit 76 Una and the Satyrs 77 Manlius falling from the Tarpeian Rock — 78 Battle of Vittoria, — _ A. Coooper, R. A. J. Northcote, R. A. G. Hayter — J. Northcote, R. A. J. Linnell — J. Jackson, R. A. - A. E. Chalon, R. A. J. Graham — Vy. Collins, R. A. - T. Barker — S. Drummond, A.R. R. Westall, R. A. G. S. Newton — J. Northcote, R A. A. Cooper, R. A. - A. Fraser — J. Ward, R. A. — W. Hilton, R. A. - W. Etty, A. R. A. G. Jones, R. A. — A. Proprietors. Lord Ribbiesdale. Earl of Egremont. Duke of Bedford. SJV.Whitbread^Esq.M. P. J. Allnut, Esq, Sir G. Beaumont, Bart. Francis Freeling, Esq. Marquess of Lansdoxme. Earl of Essea^. ^ Lieut. Gen. Sir TV. Cock- 1 burn, Bart. S. Drummond, Esq. Property of a Nobleman. Edward Tunno, Esq. Miss Linwood. J' G. Lambton, Esq. M.P. Marquess of Stafford, K.G. Sir Charles Blunt, Bart. J. W. Russell, Esq. M. P. — Franklin, Esq. Earl of Egremont. [ 17 ] Subjects. MIDDLE ROOM— ^OM^A End. 79 Cupid and Psyche — 80 A Musical Party — — 81 Portraits of two old Men still living who fought at the Battle of Minden 82 Moliere and his Housekeeper — 83 The Entrance to a Wood ; a View from Thornville Royal — 84 Cupid on a wreath of Lotus — 85 Llmprovisatrice — — 86 Guy Fawkes — — 87 A Party of Pleasure — — 88 A modern Picture Gallery — MIDDLE KOOM'^frest Side, 89 Portrait of Mrs. J. Watts Russell 9Q Landscape — — 91 The Day before the Wedding — 92 Scene on the North Devon Coast, " Morning after a Storm" — 93 Subject from Don Quixote — 94 The Whiskey Still — — 95 The Coronation of His Majesty George the Fourth — — — 96 Hamlet — — — 97 View from Richmond Hill — 98 The Parish Beadle — — 99 Cleopatra sailing down the River Cydnus — ^ Painters. W. Etty, A. R. A. A. E. Chalon, R. A. T. S. Good — — A. E. Chalon, R. A. P. Reinagle, R. A. H.W.Pickersgill,A.R.A. H.W.PickersgilI,A.R.A. H. P. Briggs — M. W. Sharp — W. F. Witherington T. Phillips, R. A. - SirG. Beaumont,Bart.H. M. W. Sharp — W. Linton — C. R. Leslie, A. R. A. D. V^ilkie, R. A. G. Jones, R. A. — Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. T. C. Hofland — D. Wilkie, R. A. — W. Etty, A. R. A. — E Proprietors. G. Webster f Esq. Mrs. E, Coxe. Rev. JVilliam Long. A. E. Chalon, Esq. Countess de Grey. The Rev. E. P. Owen. Marquess of Lansdowne Sir MJVhite Ridley, Bart. M. F ■ Rev. G. Preston. Sir Willoughby Gordon, Bart, J. Watts Russell, Esq. Sir GeorgeBeaumont, Bart, Rev.G. Preston. W. Linton, Esq. Earl of Egremont. Sir Willoughby Gordon,Bart. Earl of Liverpool, K. G, HIS MAJESTY. John Allnut, Esq. {N. TV. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. Francis Freeling, Esq. Subjects. 100 The Bell Gate at Bourdeaux 101 Sea-piece — 102 Portrait of the Artist loutt) iloom. North End.. 103 Shakspeare's Cliff, with Fishermen; setting Sun — — 104 View of the Residence of Rajah RuvecVarma, at Baleapatam, on the Coast of Malabar — 105 Sunday Morning — 106 The Mole-catcher — 107 The Higler's Cart collecting Poultry 108 Conway Castle — — 109 View of Uls water — SOUTH ROOM— Ea^jf Side, 1 10 View of Arundel Castle — 1 1 1 Land Storm ; a View on the River Grange, in Westmoreland — 112 The Raising of Lazarus — 113 Landscape; a Water-mill, with Chil- dren angling — — 114 Cupid and Psyche — — 115 The Herd attacked by Lions, one of the compartments of the Shield of Achilles — — 1 16 The ArchangelMichaelleavingAdam and Eve after having conducted them out of Paradise — — t 18 ] Painters. G. Jones, R. A. C. O. Bowles, H. J. Jackson, R. A. R. R. Reinagle, R. A. W. Daniell, R. A. — W. R. Bigg, R. A. T. Barker — — W. R. Bigg, R. A. W. Daniell, R. A. T. C. Hofland — W. Daniell, R. A. R. R. Reinagle, R. A. S. Drummond, A.R.A. J. Constable, A.R.A. R. Westall, R. A. R. Westall, R. A. T. Phillips, R. A. — Proprietors. {Major Gen. Sir Henry Bunbury, Bt. K.C.B. ^ Rt. Hon. Sturges Bourne, \ M. P. Earl of Carlisle, K. G. Col. Hugh Baillie. W. Daniell, Esq, D, E. Morris, Esq. T. Cockburn, Esq. John Higgins, Esq. W. Daniell, Esq. J. G. Lambton, Esq, M.P, Duke of Norfolk. T. H. Bird, Esq. S. Drummond, Esq. John Tinney, Esq. R. fVestall, Esq. The property of a Nobleman Earl of Egremont. Subjects. 117 Landscape; a River Scene — 1 18 The Seventh Plague of Egypt — 119 Sun-set at Sea, after a Storm — 120 Land Storm — — 121 The Brewer's Yard — — [ 19 ] Painters. J. Constable, A. R. A. J. Martin — F. Danby — — G. Arnold, A. R. A. G. Garrard, A. R. A. SOUTH ROOM.— ^OM^A End, 122 Lavinia, from Thomson's Seasons 123 The Bath of Diana — — 124 Poor Relations — — 125 Portrait of His Royal Highness the Duke of York — — 126 Portrait of the late Lord Viscount Avonmore, Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland 127 Warrior's of old times in England, in the shade of a mountain glen, lis- tening to the songs of their Minstrel M. A. Shee, R. A. G. Arnold, A. R. A. F. P. Stephanoff - T. Phillips, R. A. M. A. Shee, R. A. F. Danby — SOUTH ROOM.— ^e*^ Side. 128 The Game of Put — — 129 Landscape — — 150 Portrait of Earl Fitzwilliam 131 The Larder invaded — 132 The Mischievous Boy — 133 Domestic Happiness — 134 The Blind Fidler — — 135 The Welsh Harper — — 136 The Fish Stall - — 137 The Judgment of Solomon Proprietors. Archdeacon Fisher. J. G. Lambtoriy Esq.M.P, Sir T. Lawrence, P.R. A, Countess of Bridgewater. Lady Elizabeth Whitbread. T. Heaphy — Sir Ab. Hume, Bart. J. Jackson, R. A. E. Landseer — R. Farrier — L. Cosse — D. Wilkie, R. A, - L. Coss6 — .— A. Eraser — B. R. Haydon — W. Chamberlain, Esq.M.P. Countess of Bridgewater. Lord Bea^ley. Corporation of Liverpool. M. A. Shee, Esq. Charles Hare, Esq. H. T. Heaphy, Esq. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Earl Fitzwilliam. Sir C JV. Coote, Bart. Sir C. Forbes, Bart. L. Cosse, Esq. Sir George Beaumont, Bart. L. Cosse, Esq. Sir M.JVhiteRidley, Bart. M.F. W. Prideaux\ Esq. Subjects, 138 Portrait of Major General Sir Hussy Vivian, K, C. B. — — 139 The Fifth of November — 140 A River Scene, with a Ferry Boat 141 The Holiday refused — L 20 J Painters. M. A. Shee, R. A. W. F. Witherington J. J. Chalon — R. Farrier — — Proprietors, John Fivian, Esq. Marquess of Lansdowne, Earl of Egremont, James Kinlock, Esq, '4 Printed by W. Nicol, CI«T«land-roTr^ St James's. //A fs, //(^, 4^^- ^ ^^>^/ I ,/ ^^^^^^^^ ^4^'^.//. FOR FROMOTINQ THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, K. T. PRESIDENT. THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G.C.B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, SUCCESSOR TO W. BULMER AND CO. CLEVELAND-ROW, ST. JAMES's. 1826. PRICE ONE SHILLING. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. * The * The * The The * The * The * The The HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. Earl of Aberdeen, K.T. President and Director. Lord Farnborough, Deputy President and Director. Duke of Bedford, Vice President and Director, Duke of Marlborough, Vice President. Marquess of Stafford, K. G. Director. Earl of Dartmouth, Fice President and Director. Earl of Egremont, Vice President. Lord Northwick, Vice President. Marquess of Abercorn ^ Earl of Ashburnham Earl of Aylesford Sir Emanuel Felix Agar John Angerstein, Esq. George Aust, Esq. Marquess of Bute, Director Earl Brownlow, Director. The Earl of Bridgewater Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Director Lady Bernard Lord Barrington Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. Director Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. Colonel Hugh Bailie James Evan Bailhe, Esq. Rev. James Baker Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. Director John Bayford, Esq. Thomas WentworthBeaumont,Esq.M.P. Lord Bexley John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Robert H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. Marquess Camden, K. G. Earl of Carlisle Earl Cowper, Director Earl of Carysfort Lord Carrington * Rev. William Holwell Carr, Directc * George James Cholmpndeley, Director. N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. Thomas Coutts, Esq. The Duke of Devonshire * Lord de Dunstanville Lord Dundas. Col. A. J. Dalrymple, M. P. Su- George Duckett, Bart. * Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P, John Dent, Esq. M. P. Charles Devon, Esq. Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam. Lord Feversham. Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. Francis Freeling, Esq. John Fuller, Esq. Earl Grosvenor Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. Fraaeis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. Earl of Hardwicke, K. G. GOVERNORS OP THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. * Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Director Rt. Hon. Wm. Huskisson, M. P. John Hambrough, Esq. » Hugh Hammersley, Esq. George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bart. Hylton JollifFe, Esq. M.P. Lord Kinnaird John Knight, Esq. Marquess of Lansdowne, Director Earl of Liverpool, K.G. Director Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. M. P. * Rev. William Long, Director Mrs. Law Thomas Legh, Esq. M. P. « William Long, Esq. * Samuel Long, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. * Earl of Mulgrave, Director * Earl Man vers « John Meheux, Esq. « Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. Earl of Normanton John Nash, Esq. Charles Savill-Only, Esq. M.P. Earl of Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Hon. E. Petre Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. ^ Earl of Rosebery Lord Viscount Ranelagh * Samuel Rogers, Esq. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M P. Sir Claude Scott, Bart. Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. John Symmons, Esq. * Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. * GeorgeWatsonTaylor,Esq.M.P.Z)/rec^or Richard Thompson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. Charles Flanbury Tracy, Esq. The Rev. Thomas Vialls The Earl of Upper Ossory Sii-Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart.M. P. Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M.P. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. Frederick Webb, Esq. Mrs. Weddell William Henry Whitbread, Esq. M. P. William Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Those marked * have signified their con*efit to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their Uves. Lord Arden John Proctor Anderdon, Esq, Miss Atherton Earl of Breadalbane Lord Burghersh Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. LIFE GOVERNORS. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. Edward Bilke, Esq. William Blake, Esq. Samuel Boddiugton, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Walter Boyd, Esq. B 6 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Henry Broadwood, Esq. Archbishop of Canterbury Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill Lord Colchester Earl of Darnley Lord Dynevor Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex Rev. Howell Holland Edwards The Hon. G. Agar Ellis, M. P. Director Rt. Hon. W. Vesey Fitzgerald, M. P. William Fitzhugh, Esq. Earl Grey Lord Garvagh James Goding, Jun. Esq. John Green, Esq. David Gi 'een, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. John S. Hudson, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Lord Lovaine, M. P. Right Hon. Sir John Leach Edward Lee, Esq. John Lowther, Esq. M. P. Lord Maryborough Sir Scrope Bernard Morland, Bart. M. P. Treasurer. Sir John Murray, Bart. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. M. P. John Maitland, Esq. E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. William Manning, Esq. M. P. Miss Middleton Lord Northwick Rt. Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M. P. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. Hon. General Phipps, M. P. Philip Perry, Esq. Roger Pettiward, Esq. George Philips, Esq. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq; Rev. Sir John Robinson, Bart. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M.P. Peter Rainier, Esq. George Reveley, Esq. Earl Spencer, K. G. Director Lord Selsey Lord Stowell WiHiam Scrope, Esq. J. B. Scott, Esq. George Smith, Esq. M. P. Edmund Solly, Esq. R. H. Solly, Esq. William Sotheby, Esq. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. Robert Walpole, Esq. Subscnbers of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors Jor Ltfe, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, and of introducing two friends each day. is Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission, to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscriptions are received by Messrs* Morland and Co., Bankers, No, 57, Pall-MaU, [ 7 ] SUBSCRIBERS. £iARIi OF AbERDEKNj K.T.. £ 105 0 Robert H. Bradshaw, Esq M. P. £ 105 0 105 0 John Brickwood, Esq> • ID 10 ISidLtX of Ashburnhfirn 105 0 T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. 105 0 £3.rl of Aylcsford 105 0 Henry Broadwood, Esq. * 52 10 Lord. Ardcn • ■ 52 10 Lord Burghersh - - 52 10 l-v^tf'tro'A A net • « 105 0 Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. - - 52 10 AtViprton - - 53 10 William Bosanquet, Esq. 52 10 Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart. M. P. 10 10 Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. 105 0 Sir Smanucl F6lix Agar 105 0 Archbishop of Canterbury 52 10 John Proctor Anderdon, £iS(|. 52 10 Marquess Camden, K. G. - 105 0 John Angerstein, fiscj. 105 0 Lord Churchill - » - 52 10 Duke of Bedford 105 0 Earl Cowper • * 105 0 AIar(^uess of Bute • 105 0 Earl of Carlisle - - 105 0 Eorl of BTidg€wcit€T " 105 0 Earl of Carysfort 105 0 Elarl of Breadalbane - ■ 52 10 Lord Carrington 105 0 Earl Brownlow 105 0 George James Cholmondeley, Esq* 105 o Sir George Beauniont> Bart. - 105 0 Rev. William Holwell Carr 105 0 Lady Bernard 105 0 James Christie, Esq. 10 lo Colonel Hugh Baillie - • 105 0 N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. 105 0 James Evan Baillie, Esq. 105 0 Lord Colchester 52 lO Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. 105 0 Thomas Coutts, Esq. 105 0 Rev. James Baker 105 0 John Craufurd, Esq. 10 10 Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Duke of Devonshire 105 0 Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Earl of Dartmouth 105 0 Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Earl of Darnley 52 10 Lord Barrington 105 0 Colonel A, J. Dalrymple, M. P. 105 0 John Bayford, Esq. - 105 0 Sir George Duckett, Bart. 105 0 T. W. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Lord Dynevor 52 10 Charles Bell, Esq. 10 10 Lord Dundas 105 0 Lord Bexley, 103 0 Lord De Dunstanville 105 0 Edward Bilke, Esq. 52 10 Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M.P. 105 0 William Blake, Esq. - 52 10 Alexander Davison, Esq. 105 0 Charles Birch, Esq. 10 10 Miss Dehaney 105 0 John Blackall, Esq. 105 0 John Dent, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Samuel Boddington, Esq. 52 10 William Joseph Denison, Esq, M. P. 105 0 Samuel Boddington, jun. Esq. 10 10 Charles Devon, Esq. 105 0 Thomson Bonar, Esq. 105 0 Charles Dixon, Esq. 53 10 Walter Boyd^ Esq. - 105 0 Enosh Durante Esq. 52 10 SUBSCRIBERS. Earl of Essex - - £52 10 Earl of Egremont - - 105 O Sir William Elford, Bart. - 10 10 The Hon. George AgarEllis^ M. P. 52 10 Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. 1 05 0 William Evans, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Rev. Howell Holland Edw^ards - 105 0 Earl Fitzwilliam - 105 0 Lord Farnborough - - 105 0 Lord Feversham - - 105 0 Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. 105 0 William Fitzhugh, Esq. - - 52 10 Right Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P. 52 10 Robert Frankland, Esq. M. P. - 10 10 Francis Freeling, Esq, - 105 0 John Fuller, Esq. - - 105 O James C. Fyler, Esq. - - 10 10 The Countess de Grey - annual 5 5 Earl Grosvenor - - 105 0 Earl Grey . . 52 lo LordGarvagh, - - - 52 10 Sir William Geary, Bart. - 10 10 Sir James Graham, Bart. M.P. 105 0 Francis Gosling, Esq. . 105 0 George Gostling, Esq. - 105 0 John Green, Esq. - - 52 10 David Green, Esq. • « 52 10 James God)ng,jun. Esq. - 52 10 Joseph Gvnlt, Esq. - - 10 10 Earl of Hard wicke, K. G. - 105 0 Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. - 105 0 Hugh Hammersley, Esq. - 105 0 William Hamilton, Esq. . 52 10 Jeremiah Harman, Esq. - 52 10 Charles Hatchet, Esq. - 10 10 George Hibbert, Esq. - 105 O Henry Hoare, Esq. - 105 0 Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M, P. 105 O Frederick Hodgson, Esq. - 52 10 J. H. Holder, Esq. - io5 0 Robert Holford, Esq. - 10 10 Henry Hope, Esq. - - 105 o Thomas Hope, Esq. - 105 o Henry Philip Hope, Esq. - 105 0 William Haldlmand, Esq. - 52 lo John Hambrough, Esq. - 105 o John S. Hudson, Esq. - £62 10 Right Hon.William Huskisson, M. P. 105 0 Rev. Sir Samuel C. Jervoise, Bart. 105 0 Hylton JollifFe, Esq. M. P. - 105 O George Johnson, Esq. - 10 10 Lord Kinnaird - . 105 0 William King, Esq. - - 105 0 Henry King, Esq. - - 105 0 John Knight, Esq. - - 105 0 P. C. Labouchere, Esq. - - 10 10 Marquess of Lansdowne - 105 o Thomas Legh, Esq. - - 105 o Earl of Liverpool - - 105 u Earl of Lonsdale - - 105 o Lord Lovaine, M. P. - 53 10 Rev. William Long . 105 0 Samuel Long, Esq. - - 105 0 William Long, Esq. - - 105 0 Thomas Lack, Esq. - 10 10 Mrs. Law - - - 105 O Right Hon. Sir John Leach - 52 lo Edward Lee, Esq. - 53 10 John Lowther, Esq. M.P. - 52 10 Sir .John Wm. Lubbock, Bart. M.P. 105 0 William Ludlam, Esq. - io5 O William Manning, Esq. M.P. 52 10 Earl Man vers - - 105 O Duke of Marlborough - 105 0 Lord Maryborough * - 52 10 G. Morant, Esq. - annual 3 3 Earl of Mulgrave - - 105 O Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. - 10 lo Sir John Murray, Bart. - 53 io John Maitland, Esq. - 53 jq E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. 53 10 Thomas Potter Macqueen, Esq. M. P. 52 10 P. S. Marett, Esq. . - 10 10 John Meheux, Esq. - 105 o Miss Middleton - - 52 10 SirScrojie Bernard Morland, Bart. M.P. 52 10 Fnmcis Bernard Morland, Esq. 105 0 James Moss, Esq. - iq 20 Lord Northwick - - 52 10 JoJin Nash, Esq. - 205 0 Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. - 53 iq Right Hon. Sir John NichoU, M.P. 52 lo SUBSCRIBERS. George Nicole ESsq. - annual x>3 o o Henry Seymour, Esq. - JE 105 A i^an oi uriuaniun • • 1 nK llJO Richard Simmons, Esq. - xUo v/ Plinrloa Offlotr Van - OZ vv uiiam omiin, iijsq. ivi. ir. - 1 OK n r\ yj vreorge ouiitn, iiisq. ivi, i . KO 1 n XV/ OA 1 ft XjIJUo OlUllll, X^bq. in in Eiirl of T*nwiQ — - A^fu A vx A KJ yy 1 o xt. xi. oolly, xiSq. KO 10 Trtlin T'oMM ii^ art IUd 0 xjuiiiunu ouiiy, x^isq. - 1 f\ IVJ in Xv/ wiiiiani ootneoy, xiisq. • KO 10 J iiuiiiaa Ajisier jrurKer^ JCiS(|> 1 nK «i . VV . oiccrs, x^isq. - in 10 If x^uru OtOWcLi ■ " 10 LiOuis IJa.y6s Petit, EiScj. 1 nK iUo 1/ Tonti SvmiYif^TiG "Ren « in»; 0 oir rvooen jreei, Daxx,. ivx. x . • tl 105 0 J C PnrVpr "Pen 1 n xu VV iXllctlll X aooic, X!ibq* • 10 Charles Pieschell, Estf. xUO O vrcurgc VV dibuii xdyiur, xjais.MXtx. () Philip Perry, Esq. xO odiiiuci xiiuriiiuii, x!ibq. in'i Q rion. jui. X eire - • 0 William xnornniii, J!isq. 1 AK XUO Hon. General A. Phipps, M. P. - 52 10 George Xownley, Esq« - 1 A IV/ W^. Tyringhani Praed, Jun, Esq. lU T,r»r/1 /^linrlpa TrnwncVifnfl TVT P XjUrU vylldXlCa X (J WilollCiiU, ITX. X » 105 Q jrryse x ryoe, jiibUa jxxt xr . - u v^narica xxaiiuury x rtii-y, x:/bq. X WiJ 0 Lord P^iscount Ranelagh 105 0 X ne xve> . x iiuxucto v laxib in*i o Peter Rainier, Esq. 52 10 vViiiiaul V augiiaii, x:4sq> ■ XV/ 10 George Reveley, Esq. 52 10 Earl of Upper Ossory * in^i lyjo 0 air Matthew White xvialey, Bart. M P. 52 10 xvODeiT w aipoic, x^sq. - - 10 Rev. Sir John Robinson^ Bart. - 52 10 Right Honourable sir George War- ^r Christopher Robinson, Bart. 10 10 renuer, xjcin. ivx. xr. 52 10 Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. 10 10 Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Samiipl Rnp'pr*! T?tin - rj u Robert Williams, Esq. 105 0 Earl of Rosebery 105 0 Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P. 105 0 M.P. 105 0 Marquess of Stafford, K. G. 105 0 Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Earl Spencer, K. G. - 52 10 Frederick Webb, Esq. 105 0 Sir Claude Scott, Bart. 105 0 Mrs. Weddell 105 0 Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Wm. Henry Whitbread,Esq. M. P. 105 0 J. B. Scott, Esq. 105 0 William Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. 105 0 William Scrope, Esq. 52 10 John Smith Wright, Esq. 105 0 Lord Selsey . - 53 10 Roger Wilbraham, Esq. 105 0 c The Subscribers to the Print from Mr. West's Picture of " Our Saviour Healing the Sick in the Temple," who have »ot already received their Impressions, may receive them upon pay- ment of the remainder of their Subscriptions at the British Institu- tion. Notwithstanding the invariable protection and encouragement afforded by His Majesty, the Directors of the British Institution could scarcely have ventured to hope that it would ever have been in their power to gratify the Publick by an Exhibition of the Works which now adorn its walls. His Majesty has, however, been graciously pleased to entrust to their care for this purpose, the whole of his Private Collection of Pictures at Carlton House Palace. The Directors confidently anticipate that, in thus availing themselves of His Majesty's gracious permission, they shall not only be the means of giving very general satisfaction, but that the Exhibition will prove highly beneficial to the Students in the Art ; for they are persuaded it must be admitted by every one, that the Collection is not more honourable to the munifilcence, than to the taste and judgment of the Prince by whom it has been formed. The Directors have on former occasions adverted to the peculiar merits of the Dutch and Flemish Schools of Painting, of which this Collection is principally composed— the briUiancy, force and harmony of colouring, the truth of character and expression, and the wonderfiil facihty and power of execution, — all these characteristick excellencies are apparent in many of the exquisite specimens now offered for pubHck inspection. The lovers of British Art will observe with feelings of pride, that the Pictures of Sir Joshua Reynolds in the present Exhibition are such as fully to justify the eminent station in which he is placed among the professors of the Art of Painting. These Pictures are among the most briUiant productions of his pencil; they attest the extent and variety of his powers, and prove that there are few indeed of his predecessors to whom he can be considered inferior as an Artist. June V7th, 1826. Attendants are placed in different parts of the Gallery to prevent any Person from touching the Pictures. CATALOGUE OF HIS MAJESTY'S COLLECTION OF PICTURES FROM CARLTON HOUSE PALACE, The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the upper end of the North Room, and in the Middle and South Rooms, at the North End, on the left hand. North End. N«. Subject 1 Landscape, with Figuif as ; representing the story of St. George. Portraits of Queen Hen- rietta Maria, and Charles the First, for whom it was painted — — — 2 Landscape, with Water-Mill — — 3 Portrait of Queen Henrietta Maria — — 4 Portrait of Sir Joshua Reynolds — — 5 Portrait of Queen Henrietta Maria — — 6 View of a Village, with Figures — D Paintersi. Rubens. Hobbema. Vandyke. Reynolds. Vandyke. Hobbema. [ 14] No. Subjects. NORTH ROOM.— ^«*^ Side. 7 An Italian Market-place, with Figures — - 8 An Interior of a Room, with Figures at Cards 9 Travellers at an Inn Door — — — 10 Landscape, with a Windmill — — 11 His own Portrait — — 12 View on a River in Holland, with a Passage- boat — — — — 13 A Group of Cattle, with Figures, in a Land- scape — — — — 14 A Lady with Lap-dog — — — 15 A Rocky Landscape, with Figures — 16 Portrait of a Jew Rabbi — — — 17 Portraits of the Bourgomaster Pancras, and his Lady at her Toilette — — 18 The Adoration of the Magi — — 19 Portrait of a Lady with a Fan — — 20 An Encampment ; a Grey Horse and Trooper in the fore-ground — — — 21 Landscape; with Cattle and Figures — 22 Cavern Scene, with Figures — — ■ 23 An Interior, with Figures smoking — 24 Christ appearing to Mary Magdalene — 25 A Skirmish — — — — 26 The Family of Verbeest — — 27 A Hawking Party — — — NORTH ROOM— South End. 28 Dutch Merry-making — — — 29 Grocer's Shop — 30 A Dutch Family _ — 31 A Sea- shore, with Boats and Figures — 32 An interior of a Bed-chamber, with a Lady dressing — — — — Painters. Lingleback. P. Da Hooge. J. Ostade. J. Ruisdael. Rembrandt, 1642. Cuyp. A. Vandevelde. Mieris. Teniers. Rembrandt. Rembrandt. Rembrandt. Rembrandt, 1641. Cuyp. A. Vandevelde. D. Teniers. A. Ostade. Rembrandt. Wouwerman. Gonzales. Wouwerman. Jan Steen. G. Dow. ^ A. Ostade. W. Vandevelde. Jan Steen. r 15 ] No. Subjects. 33 Inside of a Room, with a Female suckling a Child — 34 Boors smoking — — — 35 View of the old Palace at Greenwich, with Portraits of Charles I., Queen Henrietta Maria, Lord Arundel, &c. &c. — — 36 Sea- shore, with Fishermen — — 37 Sportsmen at an Inn Door — — 38 A Female with a Candle — — — 39 Landscape, with Travellers — — 40 Le Roi detrouss6 — — — 41 An Italian Building, with Peasants and an 42 A Boy with a Guinea-pig, and a Girl with a Kitten — — — — NORTH ROOM— ^e*^ Side. 43 Interior of a Chamber, with a Lady making 44 A Dutch Family — — — 45 A Landscape, with a Lady and Gentleman stopping at an Inn-door for refreshment — 46 A Calm, with a variety of Boats and Figures 47 The Assumption of the Virgin — — 48 Christ Healing the Sick — — — 49 A Horse Fair — — — — 50 Dutch Courtship — — — 51 A Cavalier with a Female — — 52 His Own Portrait — — — 53 Marriage of St. Catharine — — 54 Portrait of Gaston de France — — 55 The Ship-builder and his Wife — — 56 Portrait of Rubens's first Wife — — 57 Landscape, with a variety of Cattle and Fi- gures — — — — Painters. Slingelandt. A. Ostade. Vandyke. Teniers. P. Potter. Schalken. Berghem. Schalken, K. du Jardin. Vanderwerf. Van Tol. B. Graet. Wouwerman. W. Vandevelde. Rubens. Vandyke. Wouwerman. A. Ostade. Mieris. Rubens. Vandyke. Vandyke. Rembrandt, 1633. Rubens. P. Potter. [ 16] No. Subjects. 58 A Mountainous Landscape, with Figures 59 A Boy with an Ass — — 60 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures — 61 Pan and Syrinx — — 62 The Alchymist in his Study — 63 Attack of a Market Cart — 64 A Group of Cattle in a Landscape — 65 The Young Gamblers — — North End. 66 Cattle on the Banks of a River — — 67 A Lady at a Repast — — — 68 A Conversation (called Le Corset Bleu) — 69 The setting out of a Hawking Party — 70 Figures and Cattle passing a Brook — 71 A Lady drinking a glass of Wine — — 72 Lot and his Daughters — — 73 A Landscape ; with Portraits of Teniers, his Wife and Gardener — — — 74 Landscape, with Travellers — — 75 Horses and Figures, in a Landscape — 76 An Out-door Scene — — — 77 An Interior, with Figures — — 78 Figures at Cards — — — 79 An Interior, with Figures — — SO A Camp Scene — — — MIDDLE ROOM-^East Side. 81 Figures on Horseback 82 Cattle in a Landscape Painters. Berghem. K. d-u Jardin. Rubens. Rubens. Teniers. Wouwerman. P. Potter. Le Nain. Cuyp. W. Mieris. Metzu. A. Vandevelde. Berghem. G. Terburg. Vanderwerf. Teniers. Cuyp. Cuyp. J. Ostade. A. Ostade. Teniers. A. Ostade. Wouwerman. Cuyp. Berghem. [ 17 ] No. Subjects. 83 A Village Fete, with Portraits ; Painted for the top of the Artist's Harpsichord — 84 Dead Game — — — 85 A Market Woman passing a Brook — 86 A Lake Scene, with Cattle and Figures — 87 Cymon and Iphigenia — — — 88 Landscape, with Cattle — — — 89 Study of Horses and Figures — — 90 View on the Coast of Scheveling, with Figures 91 A Concert ; (Portraits of the Painter and his Family) — — — — 92 A Woman paring Turnips — — 93 A Merry-making — — — 94 The taking down from the Cross — — MIDDLE VJdOM.— South End, 95 A Boy blowing Bubbles — 96 A Woman chopping Onions — — 97 A Woman scouring a Kettle — — 98 A Sick Chamber — _ 99 Portrait of Henry IL of France — 100 Landscape, with a Flock of Sheep 101 Portraits of Charles I. with Queen Henrietta Maria — — 102 Live Fowls, &c. 103 Man with a Hawk — 104 A brisk Gale, with a Man of War. — MIDDLE KOOM—fFest Si^e. 105 A Village Fete — — 106 A slight Gale; (View of the Brill) 107 Cattle in a Landscape 108 A Merry-making E Painters. Teniers. Weenix. G. Flink. Berghem. Sir J. Reynolds. A. Vandevelde. Vandyke. A. Vandevelde. Schalken. Teniers. Teniers. M. Angelo and Venusti. F. Mieris. G. Dow. G. Dow. Janet. Titian. My tens. Hondekoeter. Rubens. Vandevelde. Teniers. Backhuysen. Cuyp. Jan Steen. [18] No. Subjects. 109 A Horse Fair — — — 110 The Death of Dido — — — 111 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures — 112 A Female at a Window — — 113 Portraits of Charles I. in three positions. The original Picture sent by Queen Henrietta Maria, to Bernini, and from which he made his celebrated Bust — — 114 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures — 115 Portrait of Himself — — — 116 The Hay-field — _ _ 117 Horses and Figures in a Landscape — 118 A Lady writing a Letter — 119 A Sea Calm — _ — _ 120 A Domestic Scene — — — SOUTH ROOM— A^or^A End. 121 Interior of a Room in Buckingham House, with Portraits of li. R. H. the Duke of Clarence, and the Queen of Wurtemberg, when Children — — 122 Landscape with Figures — 123 A Merry-making — 124 His Royal Highness Frederick Prince of Wales with a Shooting-party — 125 The interior of a Room at Kew Palace ; with Portraits of Her late Majesty, Queen Char- lotte ; His Majesty, and His Royal High- ness the Duke of York, when Children 126 Boors regaling ' — 127 View of a Town in Holland — Painters. Wouwerman. Sir J. Reynolds. K. du Jardin. Metzu. Vandyke. K. du Jardin. Metzu. Wouwerman. Cuyp. Terburg. W. Vandevelde. Greuze. ZofFani. Breemberg. Jan Steen. Wootten. ZofFani. A. Ostade. j Vander Heyden, ajid 1 A. Vandevelde. [ 19 ] No. Subjects. SOUTH ^OQM.^East Side. 128 Sportsmen in a Landscape 129 A Woman selling Fruit — 130 View of a Town in Holland 131 A Gentleman playing on the Violincello — 132 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures 133 Portrait of Count de La Lippe 134 Portraits of Mr, and Mrs. Garrick — — 135 The inside of a Convent, with Monks at their Devotions — 136 Portrait of the Marquess of Granby _ 137 A Camp ; (called Le Coup de Pistolet) — 138 A Woman listening — 139 Landscape, with Figures Hawking — 140 Interior of a Chamber — 141 Landscape with Cattle and Figures SOUTH KOOM—South End. 142 A Woman suckling a Child _ 143 A Lady with a Parrot ^ 144 A Fruit Shop — _ _ 145 Merry-making — 146 Ducks in a Landscape — 147 Landscape ; with Figures representing Philip baptizing the Eunuch — 148 Landscape with Cattle and Figures 149 The Wife of Teniers — — _ 150 Cattle in a Landscape 151 Merry-making — — Painters. Cuyp. Metzu. r Vander Heyden, and 1 A. Vandevelde. Metzu. A. Vandevelde. Sir J. Reynolds. Hogarth. Granet. Sir. J. Reynolds. Wouwerman. Maaes. fWynants and Wou- 1 werman. Jan Steen. Berghem. W. Mieris the Younger. F. Mieris. W. Mieris. Teniers Cuyp. Both. A. Vandevelde. Teniers. K. du Jardin. Teniers. [20] No. Subjects. SOUTH ROOM— PFest Side. 162 A Mans' Portrait — — — 153 Pigs _ ^ ^ _ 154 A Musical Party — — — 155 Portrait of the Marquess of Rockingham — 156 View of St. James's Park ; with Portraits of H. R. H. Prince Frederic, and several dis- tinguished Noblemen of the time; painted about the year 1740 — — — 157 The Drummer — — — 158 The Royal Academy — — 159 St. Michael ; Copy from Guido — — 160 Portrait of His Royal Highness the Duke of York _ _ — ^ 161 Merry-making — — — — 1*62 The Florence Gallery — — — 163 The Roman Charity — — — 164 The Death of Cleopatra — — — Painters, Holbein. P. Potter. P. Vanderwerf. Sir J. Reynolds. Teniers. ZofFani. Sir J. Reynolds. Sir J. Reynolds. Jan Steen. Zoffani. Vanderwerf. E. Vanderneer. WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper, Printed by William Nicol, Caeveland-row, St. James's. 3$ritt0f) 3fn0titut(ott FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, K. T. PRESIDENT. THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G. C. B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, SUCCESSOR TO W. BULMER AND CO CLEVELAND-ROW, ST. JAMES's. 1827. PRICE ONE SHILLING. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * The Earl op Aberdeen, K.T. President and Director. , * The Lord Farnborough, Deputy President and Director. * The Duke of Bedford, Vice President and Director. The Duke of Marlborough, Fice President. * The Marquess of Stafford, K. G. Director. * The Earl of Dartmouth, Vice President and Director, m The Earl of Egremont, Vice President. The Lord Northwick, Vice President. Marquess of Abercorn The Duchess of St. Albans Earl of Ashburnham Earl of Aylesford Sir Emanuel Felix Agar John Angerstein, Esq. George Aust, Esq. Marquess of Bute, Director Earl Brownlow, Director. The Earl of Bridgewafer Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Lady Bernard Lord Barrington Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. Director Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. Colonel Hugh Bailie James Evan BaiUie, Esq. Rev. James Baker Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. Director John Bayford, Esq. Thomas Wentworth Beaumont,Esq.M.P. Lord Bexley John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Robert H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. L. Broad head, Esq. Marquess Camden, K. G. Earl of Carlisle Earl Cowper, Director Earl of Carysfort Lord Carrington * Rev. William Holwell Carr, Director * George James Cholmondeley, Esq. Director. N.W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. Director The Duke of Devonshire * Lord de Dunstanville Lord Dundas. Col. A. J. Dalrymple, M. P. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. * Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney William Joseph Denison, Esq. M.P. John Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam. Lord Feversham. Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. Francis Freeling, Esq. John Fuller, Esq. Earl Grosvenor Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. Earl of Hard wick e, K. G. * Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Director Rt. Hon. Wm. Huskisson, M. P. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. John Hambrough, Esq. * Hugh Hammersley, Esq. George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J.H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq, Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bart. Hylton Jolliffe, Esq. M. P. hord Kinnaird. John Knight, Esq. Marquess of Lansdowne, Director Earl of Liverpool, K.G. Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. M. P. * Rev. William Long, Director Mrs. Law Thomas Legh, Esq. M. P. « William Long, Esq. * Samuel Long, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. * Earl of Mulgrave, Director * Earl Man vers * John Meheux, Esq. * Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. Earl of Normanton John Nash, Esq. Charles Savill-Only, Esq. M.P. Earl of Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Hon. E. Petre Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. * Earl of Rosebery Lord Viscount Ranelash * Samuel Rogers, Esq. # Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M P. Sir Claude Scott, Bart. Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. Henry Seymour, Esq. # Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. John Symmons, Esq. # Lord Charles Townshend, M. R * George Watson Taylor,Esq .M. V. Director Richard Thompson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. WiHiam Thornhill, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. The Rev. Thomas Vialls The Earl of Upper Ossory Sir Wat kin Williams Wynp, Bart.M. P. Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M.P. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. "Frederick Webb, Esq. Mrs. Weddell William Henry Whitbread, Esq. M. P. William Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors to allou their mterest m the Institution to terminate with their lives. Lord Arden John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton Earl of Breadalbane Lord Burghersh Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. LIFE GOVERNORS. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P ' Edward Bilke, Esq. William Blake, Esq. Samuel Boddington, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Walter Boyd, Esq. M. P. B 6 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Henry Broadwood, Esq. Archbishop of Canterbury Benjamin Bond Cabbell;Esq. Lord Churchill Lord Colchester Earl of Darnley Lord Dynevor Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durantj Esq. Earl of Essex Rev. Howell Holland Edwards The Hon. G. Agar Ellis, M. P. Director Rt. Hon. W. Vesey Fitzgerald, M. P. William Fitzhugh, Esq. Earl Grey Lord Garvagh James Goding, Jun. Esq. John Green, Esq. David Green, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. Wilham Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. John S. Hudson, Esq. WiUiam King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Lord Lovaine, M. P. Right Hon. Sir John Leach John Lowther, Esq. M. P. Lord Maryborough Sir Scrope Bernard Morland, Bart. M. Treasurer. Sir John Murray Bart. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. M. P. John Maitland, Esq. E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. William Manning, Esq. M. P. Miss Middleton Lord North wick Rt. Hon. Sir John NidioU, M. P. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. Right Hon. Robert Peel, M. P. Director Hon. General Phipps, M. P. Philip Perry, Esq. Roger Pettiward, Esq. George Philips, Esq. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. Rev. Sir John Robinson, Bart. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M.P. Peter Rainier, Esq. George Reveley, Esq. Earl Spencer, K. G. Director Lord Selsey Lord Stowell William Scrope, Esq. J. B. Scott, Esq. George Smith, Esq. M. P. Edward Solly, Esq. R. H. Solly, Esq. William Sotheby, Esq. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. p The Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. Robert Walpole, Esq. William Wells, Esq. Subscribers of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, and of introducing tivo friends each day. ** Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions. %X Subscriptions are received by Messrs. Morland and Co., Bankers, No. 57, Pall-MalL Mir C 7 ] SUBSCRIBERS. Earl of Abkrdeen, K. T. £l05 0 Walter Boyd, Esq. 105 0 Marquess of Ahercorn 105 0 Robert H. Bradshaw, Esq M. P. £ 105 0 The Duchess of St. Albans 10.5 0 John Brickwood, Esq. 10 10 Earl of Ashburnham 105 0 T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. 105 0 Earl of Aylesford 105 0 Henry Broad wood, Esq. 52 10 Lord Arden 52 10 Lord Burghersh 52 10 George Aust, Esq. 105 0 Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. - 52 10 Miss Atherton 52 10 William Bosanquet, Esq. 52 10 Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart. M. P. 10 10 Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. ~ 105 0 Sir Emanuel Felix Agar 105 0 Archbishop of Canterbury 52 10 John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. - 52 10 Marquess Camden, K. G. 105 0 John Angerstein, Esq. 105 0 Lord Churchill - - - 52 10 Duke of Bedford 105 0 Earl Cowper 105 0 Marquess of Bute 105 0 Earl of Carlisle 105 0 Earl of Bridgewater 105 0 Earl of Carysfort 105 0 Earl of Breadalbane 52 10 Lord Carrington 105 0 Earl Brownlow 105 0 George James Cholmondeley, Esq. 105 0 Sir George Beaumont, Bart. 105 0 Rev. William Holwell Carr 105 0 Lady Bernard 105 0 James Christie, Esq, 10 10 Colonel Hugh Baillie 105 0 N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. 105 0 James Evan Baillie, Esq. 105 0 Lord Colchester 52 10 Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. 105 0 John Craufurd, Esq. 10 10 Rev. James Baker 105 0 Duke of Devonshire 105 0 Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Earl of Dartmouth 105 0 Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Earl of Darnley 52 10 Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Colonel A. J. Dalrymple, M. P. 105 0 Lord Barrington 105 0 Sir George Duckett, Bart. 105 0 John Bayford, Esq. - 105 0 Lord Dynevor 52 10 T. W. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Lord Dundas 105 0 Charles Bell, Esq. 10 10 Lord De Dunstanville 105 0 Lord Bexley, 105 0 Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P 105 0 Edward Bilke, Esq. 52 10 Alexander Davison, Esq. 105 0 William Blake, Esq. - 52 10 Miss Dehaney 105 0 Charles Birch, Esq. 10 10 John Dent, Esq. 105 0 John Blackall, Esq. 105 0 WiUiam Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Samuel Boddington, Esq. 52 10 Charles Devon, Esq. 105 0 Samuel Boddington, jun. Esq 10 10 Charles Dixon, Esq. 52 10 Thomson Bonar, Esq. 105 0 Enosh Durante Esq. 52 10 8 SUBSCRIBERS. Earl of Essex - - £52 10 Earl of Egremont - _ 1 05 0 Sir William Elford, Bart. - 10 10 The Hon. George Agar Ellis, M. P. 52 10 Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. 105 o William Evans, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Rev. Howell Holland Edwards - 105 0 Earl Fitzwilliam - 105 O Lord Farnborough - - 105 o Lord Feversham - - 105 O Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. 105 0 William Fitzhugh, Esq. - - 52 10 Right Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P. 52 10 Robert Frankland, Esq. M. P. - lo 10 Francis Freeling, Esq. - i05 o John Fuller, Esq. - - 105 0 James C. Fyler, Esq. - - lo 10 The Countess de Grey - annual 5 5 Earl Grosvenor - - 105 0 Earl Grey . - 52 10 LordGarvagh, - - - 52 10 Sir William Geary, Bart. - 10 10 Sir James Graham, Bart. M. P. 105 o Francis Goslings Esq. . 105 o George Gostling, Esq. - 105 0 John Green, Esq. - - 52 10 David Green, Esq. - - 52 IQ James Goding, jun. Esq . - 52 10 Joseph Gwilt, Esq. - lo 10 Earl of Hardwicke, K. G. - 105 0 Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. - 105 0 Hugh Hammersley, Esq. - 105 0 William Hamilton, Esq. - 52 10 Jeremiah Harman, Esq. - 52 10 Charles Hatchet, Esq. - 10 10 George Hibbert, Esq. - 105 0 Henry Hoare, Esq, - 105 0 Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M, P. 105 0 Frederick Hodgson, Esq. - 52 10 J. H. Holder, Esq. - io5 0 Robert Holford, Esq. - 10 10 Henry Hope, Esq. . - 105 0 Thomas Hope, Esq. - 105 0 Henry Philip Hope, Esq. - 105 0 William Haldimand, Esq. - 52 lo John Hambrough, Esq. - 105 0 John S. Hudson, Esq. - £52 10 Right Hon. William Huskisson, M, P. 105 0 Rev. Sir Samuel C. Jervoise, Bart. 105 0 Hylton Jolliffe, Esq. M. P. - 105 O George Johnson, Esq. - 10 10 Lord Kinnaird. - . 105 o William King, Esq. - - 105 O Henry King, Esq. - - 105 O John Knight, Esq. - - 105 0 P. C. Labouchere, Esq. - - 10 10 Marquess of Lansdowne - 105 O Thomas Legh,Esq. - - 105 0 Earl of Liverpool - - 105 () Earl of Lonsdale - _ io5 O Lord Lovaine, M. P. - 52 10 Rev. William Long . 1Q5 q Samuel Long, Esq. - _ 105 0 William Long, Esq. - - 105 O Thomas Lack, Esq. . 10 lo Mrs. Law - . - 105 0 Right Hon. Sir John Leach - 52 lo John Lowther, Esq. M.P, - 5^ 10 SirJohnWm. Lubbock, Bart. M. P. 105 0 William Ludlam, Esq. . 105 o William Manning, Esq. M.P. 52 10 Earl Man vers - - 105 o Duke of Marlborough - 105 o Lord Maryborough - _ 52 10 G. Morant, Esq. - annual 3 s Earl of Mulgrave , - 105 O Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. - lo 10 Sir John Murray, Bart. - 53 iq John Mai tland, Esq. - 53 iq E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Thomas Potter Macqueen, Esq. M. P. 52 lo P. S. Marett, Esq. . - 10 10 John Meheux, Esq. - 105 o Miss Middleton - . 52 lo Sir Scrope Bernard Morland, Bart. M.P. 52 1 0 Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. 105 o James Moss, Esq. . 10 10 Lord Northwick - _ 52 10 John Nash, Esq. . 105 0 Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. - 52 10 Right Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M.P, 52 10 George Nicol, Esq. - annual 3 3 SUBSCR Earl of Normanton £105 0 Charles Offley, Esq. - 52 10 Charles Savill-Only, Esq. M. P. 105 0 George Philips, Esq. M, P. . 52 10 Earl of Powis 105 0 John Penn, Esq. 105 0 Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. 52 10 Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. 105 0 Roger Pettiward, Esq. 52 10 Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. 105 0 Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Right Hon, Robert Peel, M. P. 105 0 J. C. Parker, Esq. 10 10 Charles Pieschell, Esq. 105 0 Philip Perry, Esq. 52 10 Hon. E. Petre 105 0 Hon. General A. Phipps, M. P. - 52 10 W. Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. - 52 10 Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Lord Viscount Ranelagh 105 0 Peter Rainier, Esq. 52 10 George Reveley, Esq. 52 10 Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M P. 52 10 Rev. Sir John Robinson, Bart. - 52 10 Sir Christopher Robinson, Bart. 10 10 Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. 10 10 Samuel Rogers, Esq. 105 0 Earl of Rosebery 105 0 Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P, 105 0 Marquess of Stafford, K. G. 105 0 Earl Spencer, K. G. ■ 52 10 Sir Claude Scott, Bart. 105 0 Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. 105 0 J. B. Scott, Esq. 105 0 William Scrope, Esq. 52 10 Lord Selsey 52 10 IBERS. 9 Henry Seymour, Esq.- - £105 O Richard Simmons, Esq. - 105 0 William Smith, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 George Smith, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 Enos Smith, Esq. - - 10 10 R.H. Solly, Esq. - - 52 10 Edward Solly, Esq. - 52 10 William Sotheby, Esq. - 52 10 Lord S to well - - 52 10 John Symmons, Esq. - 105 O Richard Thompson, Esq. - 105 0 William Tassie, Esq. - - 52 10 George Watson Taylor, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Samuel Thornton, Esq. - 105 O William Thornhill, Esq. - 105 O George Townley, Esq. - - 52 10 Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. 105 O Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. - 105 O The Rev. Thomas Vialls - - 105 0 William Vaughan, Esq. - - 10 10 Earl of Upper Ossory - 105 0 Robert Walpole, Esq. - . 52 10 Right Honourable Sir George War- render, Bart. M. P. - 52 10 Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Robert Williams, Esq. - 105 0 Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M. P. - - 105 0 Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. 105 O Frederick Webb, Esq. - 105 0 Mrs.Weddell - - 105 O Wm.Henry Whitbread,Esq. M.P. 105 0 William Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. 105 0 John Smith Wright, Esq. - 105 0 Roger Wilbraham, Esq. - 105 o William Wells, Esq. - - 103 0 c / The Subscribers to the Print from Mr. West's Picture of " Our Saviour Healing the Sick in the Temple," who have not aheady received their Impressions, may receive them upon pay- ment of the remainder of their Subscriptions at the British Institu- tion. The attraction to this Gallery in the course of the last year, occasioned by the Exhibition of His Majesty's Private Collec- tion, and the disappointment expressed by many Persons who had not an opportunity of seeing it, induced the Directors to request His Majesty's permission to allow them again to offer it for public Inspection. His Majesty most readily and graciously coinplied with their request ; and to give further interest to the Collection, directed that several Additions should be made to it, consisting chiefly of the Works of British Artists. The Collection will be found to exhibit a most striking dis- play of talent; will prove His Majesty's Taste in the selection of the Works themselves, and his anxious desire to interest the pubHc feehng in the advancement of the Fine Arts. May 18th, 1827. I /' Attendants are placed in different parts of the Gallery to prevent any Person from touching the Pictures. CATALOGUE OP HIS MAJESTY'S COLLECTION OF PICTURES FROM CARLTON HOUSE PALACE, The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the tipper end of the North Room, and in Middle and South Rooms, at the North End, on the left hand. North End. N«. Subjects. 1 Portrait of the Painter — 2 The Death of Dido — — _ 3 Portrait of Henry II. of France — 4 Interior of a Chamber, with a Lady making Lace — 5 The Hay-field — — . _ 6 The setting out of a Hawking Party 7 The taking down from the Cross 8 Landscape, with Figures Hawking — D Painters. Vandyke. Sir J. Reynolds. Janet. Van Tol. Wouwerman. A. Vandevelde. M. Angelo and Venusti. fWynants and Wou- 1 werman. [ 14] No. Subjects. 9 A Lake Scene, with Cattle and Figures — 10 Figures on Horseback — 11 A Female playing on a Guitar ; aMan listening Painters Berghem. Cuyp. K. de Moor. NORTH ROOM.— East Side. 12 A Market Woman passing a Brook - 13 The Adoration of the Magi — - 14 Dead Game — ^ , 15 A Party stopping at an Inn Door for refreshment 16 An Interior, with Figures drinkmg 17 Lot and his Daughters — — 18 An Interior, with a Musical Party — 19 Christ appearing to Mary Magdalene 20 Cattle on the Banks of a River "~ , _ 21 A Village Fete, with Portraits ; Painted for the top of the Artist's Harpsichord — 22 Pigs — _ 23 A Lady feeding a Parrot — ^ 24 A Rocky Landscape, with Figures 25 Portraits of the Bourgomaster Pancras, and his Lady at her Toilette , ^ ^, , 26 Landscape, (supposed to be a View of the Old Palace at Richmond) with Figures, repre- senting the story of St. George. Portraits of Queen Henrietta Maria, and Charles the First, for whom it was painted — - 27 Garrick in the character of Kitely — 28 Landscape, with Travellers — — 29 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures — 30 Cattle in a Landscape — — 31 Landscape, with Travellers — — 32 Horses and Figures, in a Landscape — 33 A Gentleman playing on the Violincello — 34 Head of a Jew Rabbi — 35 Sportsmen stopping at an Inn Door for refresh- ment — G. Flink. Rembrandt, 1657. Weenix. Wouwerman. A. Ostade. Vanderwerf. A. Ostade. Rembrandt, 1638. Cuyp. Teniers. P. Potter. F. Mieris. Teniers. Rembrandt, 1641. Rubens. Sir J. Reynolds. Cuyp. Rubens. K. du Jardin. Berghem. v Cuyp. Metzu. Rembrandt. P. Potter. [ 15 ] I^T^. ' Subjects. 36 The Interior of an Apartment, with Figures smoking — ' 37 Sea Shore, with Boats and Figures 38 An interior of a Bed-chamber, with a Lady dressing — 39 An Italian Market-place, with Figures — 40 Landscape, with Herdsmen driving a Flock ot Cattle — — NORTH ROOM— Sow^/i End. 41 Portrait of Queen Henrietta Maria — 42 Landscape, with Horses in a Stable, a Woman milking a Cow, &c. 43 A Card Party — — — 44 Dutch Boors smoking 45 A Landscape; with Portraits of Teniers, h^ Wife and Gardener — — 46 Portrait of Queen Henrietta Maria — 47 A Woman paring Turnips — — 48 A Boy blowing Bubbles — — 49 A Sick Chamber — - NORTH ROOM— ^e^^ ^ide. 50 A River View, with Ducks — 51 Man with a Hawk — — 52 Interior of a Cottage, with a Family at a Repast — 53 A Lady drinking a glass of Wine — — 54 Sea Shore, with Fishermen — — 55 A Horse Fair — — — 56 Landscape, with Figures and Cattle ; a woman milking a goat — 57 A Dutch Family _ — — Painters. A. Ostade. Vandevelde. Jan Steen. Lingleback. Titian. Vandyke. P. Potter. Teniers. A. Ostade. Teniers. Vandyke. Teniers. F. Mieris. Cuyp. Rubens. A. Ostade. Terburgh. Teniers. Wouwerman. A. Vandevelde. A. Ostade. / [16] No. Subjects. 58 A Boy with an Ass — — 59 A Dutch Courtship — — — 60 A Lady writing a Letter — — 61 View on a River in Holland, with Boats and Figures — — — 62 Cattle in a Landscape — • 63 A Mountainous Landscape, with Travellers 64 A Cavalier and his Mistress — 65 Portraits of a celebrated Ship-builder and his Wife — „ _ 66 Cymon and Iphigenia — — — 67 His own Portrait — — — 68 A Warrior with a Grey Horse ; a Camp in the back-ground — — ^ 69 A Shepherd and Shepherdess, with Cattle, in a Landscape — . — — 70 Children with a Cat and Guinea-pig — 71 Cattle in a Landscape — -— 72 Study of Horses and Figures — — 73 Interior of a Room, with Figures at Cards 74 Travellers at an Inn Door — — — 75 A Village Festival — — — 76 A Rocky Landscape, with Figures — 77 A Female with a Lap-dog — — 78 A Card party — Portraits of Wouwerraan, Jan Steen, Heeraskirck, &c. &c. — — 79 A Lady singing, with a Gentleman accom- panying her on the Guitar — — 80 The Marriage of St. Catharine — 81 Pan and Syrinx — — — Painters. K. du Jardin. A. Ostade. G.Turburgh. Cuyp. A. Vandevelde. Berghem. ( F. Mieris. Rembrandt, 1633. Sir J. Reynolds. Sir J. Reynolds. Cuyp. A. Vandevelde. Vanderwerf. K. du Jardin. Vandyke. P. da Hooge. J. Ostade. Teniers. Teniers. Mieris. Jan Steen. Metzu. Vandyke. Rubens. [17] North End. No. Subjects. 82 Harvest Scene, with Villagers regaling — 83 Archbishop Markham — — 84 View of the old Palace at Greenwich, with Portraits of Charles I., Queen Henrietta Maria, Lord Arundel, &c. — — 85 Lord Erskine — — — 86 A Village Fete — — MIDDLE ^OOM^East Side. 87 Portrait of the Painter — — 88 Death of Cleopatra — — — 89 Horses and Figures in a Landscape — 90 A Horse Fair — — — 91 The Family of Verbeest — — 92 A Merry-making — — — 93 Cattle in a Landscape — — 94 A brisk Gale, with Men of War — — 95 The Drummer — — — 96 Figures and Cattle passing a Brook — 97 A slight Gale (View of the Brill) — — 98 Landscape, with Cattle — — 99 Portrait of His Royal Highness the late Duke of York — — — 100 Christ Healing the Sick — — 101 View on the Banks of a Canal, with Build- ings and Figures — — — 102 Portraits of Charles the First, Queen Hen- rietta Maria, and the Infant Prince Charles, afterwards Charles the Second — E Painters. Teniers. Hoppner. Vandyke. Sir J. Reynolds. Teniers. Rubens. E. Vanderneer. Cuyp. Wouwerman. Gonzales. Jan Steen. P. Potter. Vandevelde. Teniers. Berghem. Backhuysen. A. Vandevelde. Sir J. Reynolds. Vandyke. f Vander Heyden, and I A. Vandevelde. Mytens. ///r / [18] No. Subjects. 103 An Italian Market-place — — 104 A Female descending a staircase ; listening 105 The entrance of a Town in Holland, with. Figures — — — — 106 An Italian building, with Peasants and an Ass 107 Portrait of Gaston de France — — MIDDLE ROOM-South End. 108 An attack of Cavalry on a Bridge 109 A Female with a Candle — 110 Henry the Eighth — — 111 A Lady at a Repast — 112 The Assumption of the Virgin — 113 Sir David Dundas — — 114 Dutch Merry-making — 115 Figures and Cattle passing a Brook MIDDLE ROOM— ^e*^ Side. 116 Portrait of a Lady with a Fan — ■ — 117 Sportsmen in a Landscape — — 118 Cattle in a Landscape — — — 119 Figures and Cattle passing a Brook — 120 A Concert ; (Portraits of the Painter and his Family) — • - — — — 121 The Alchymist in his Study — — 122 The Roman Charity — _ _ 123 A Domestic Scene — — — 124 A Camp (called Le Coup de Pistolet) — 125 The Young Gamblers — — 126 A Calm, with a variety of Boats and Figures 127 Landscape; with Figures representing Philip baptizing the Eunuch — — 128 Portrait of Count de La Lippe — — Painters. Polenburgh. Maes. rVander Heyden, and 1 A. Vandevelde. K. du Jardin. Vandyke. Vander Meulen. Schalken. Holbein. W. Mieris. Rubens. Owen. Jan Steen. Berghem. Rembrandt, 1641. Cuyp. Cuyp. A. Vandevelde. Schalken. Teniers. Vanderwerf. Greuze. Wouwerman. Le Nain. W. Vandevelde. Both, i Sir J. Reynolds. [ 19 ] No. Subjects. 129 A Merry-making — — — 130 A Sea Shore, with Boats and Figures — 131 Landscape, with Water-mill — — 132 View on the Coast of Scheveling, with Figures 133 His own Portrait — — — 134 Le Roi detrousse — — — 135 Attack of a Market Cart — — 136 Grocer s Shop — — — 137 A Woman selling Fruit — — 138 A Merry-making — — — 139 Portrait of Rubens's first Wife — — out!) 3^oom4 North End. 140 The Interior of a Room at Kew Palace ; with Portraits of Her late Majesty, Queen Char- lotte; His Majesty, and His Royal High- ness the Duke of York, when Children — 141 Portrait of Colonel St. Leger — — 142 His Royal Highness Frederick Prince of Wales with a Shooting-party — — 143 His Majesty, and His Royal Highness the Duke of York, when Children — — 144 Portrait of Earl Moira — — SOUTH ROOM— ^a^^ Side. 145 Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Garrick 146 Portraits of a Dutch Family — 147 The Royal Academy — — Painters. Teniers. W. Vandevelde. Hobbema. A. Vandevelde. Rembrandt. Schalken. Wouwerman. G. Dow. Metzu. Jan Steen. Rubens. ZofFani. Gainsborough. Wootten. Zoffani, Sir J. Reynolds. Hogarth. B. Graet. ZofFani, [ 20 ] No. Subjects. 148 Landscape, with a Windmill — — 149 Portrait of William Duke of Cumberland -— 150 Portrait of the Marquess of Rockingham — 151 The Florence Gallery — — 152 A Woody Scene — — — 153 The Mall in St. James's Park ; with Portraits of H. R. H. Prince Frederic, and several dis- tinguished Noblemen of the time; painted about the year 1740 — — — 154 Portrait of the Marquess of Granby — 155 The Duke of Berg — — 156 Landscape, with Cattle — — SOUTH ROOM-^South End. 157 Portrait of Lord Nelson — — 158 A Shepherd Boy, with Cattle — — 159 Head of Luther ^ ^ ^ 160 A Hawking Party — — 161 Portrait of the Painter ^ — — 162 A Woman scouring a Kettle — — 163 The inside of a Convent, with Monks at their Devotions — ~ — 164 Live Fowls — — — 165 Portrait of Earl St. Vincent — — 1 66 A Female at a Window — — 167 A Woman chopping Onions — — 168 A Merry-making — — — 169 A Camp Scene — — 170 Louis the 14th on Horseback (small) — Painters - Ruysdael. Sir J. Reynolds. Sir J. Reynolds. ZofFani. f Hobbema and A.Van- I develde. Sir J. Reynolds. Vandyke. Berghem. Hoppner. K. du Jardin. Holbein. Wouwerman. Metzu. G. Dow. Granet. Hondekoeter Hoppner. Metzu. G. Dow. Jan Steen,. Wouwerman. Mignard. [ 21 ] SOUTH ROOM— ^e«< Side. No. Subjects. 171 Portraits of two old Men — — 172 Portrait of Lord Southampton - - — 173 Portrait of Lord Ligonier on Horseback — 174 Interior of a Chamber — — 175 l^he Royal Family — ^ — 176 A Grocer's Shop — - — 177 A Lady playing on the Guitar (a Portrait of the Painter's Wife) — — — 178 Portraits of C harles I. in three positions. The original Picture sent by Queen Henrietta Maria to Bernini, and from which he made his celebrated Bust — — 179 The Itinerant Musician — — 180 A Dutch Family — — __ 181 St. Michael. Copy from Gaido — — 182 Lord Rodney ~ — . _ 183 Battle Piece — — 184 Interior of a Chamber, with a Female suck- ling a Child — — — 185 Portrait of Sir Henry Guildford, Comptroller of the Household to Henry VIII. — 186 Painters. ZofFani. Sir J. Reynolds. Sir J. Reynolds. Jan Steen. ZofFani. W. INIieris. Teniers. Vandyke. J. Ostade. W. Mieris. Sir J. Reynolds. Sir J. Reynolds. Wouwerman. G. Dow. Holbein. WILLIAM BABNARD, Keeper. Printed by William Nicol, Cleveland-row, St. Jame«'i. Britisf) fnstttutton FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, K. T. PRESIDENT. THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G.C.B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, SUCCESSOR TO W. BULMBR AND CLEVELAND-ROW, ST. JAMES's. 1828. PRICE ONE SHILLING. GOVEBNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * The Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. President and Director. * The Lord Farnborough, Deputi/ President and Director. * The Duke of Bedford, f^ice President and Director. The Duke of Marlborough, f^ice President. * The Marquess of Stafford, K. G. Director. * The Earl of Dartmouth, F'ice President and Director.' * The Earl of Egremont, Fzce President. The Lord Northwick, F'ice President. Marquess of Abercorn The Duchess of St. Albans « Earl of Ashburnham Earl of Aylesford Sir Emanuel Felix Agar John Angerstein, Esq. George Aust, Esq. * Marquess of Bute, Director * Earl Brownlow, Director. The Earl of Bf^idgewater Sir George Beaumont, Bart. * Lady Bernard Lord Barrington Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. Director Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Bailie * James Evan Baillie, Esq. Rev. James Baker * Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. Director John Bayford, Esq. Thomas Wentworth Beaumont,Esq.M.P, * Lord Bexley John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Robert H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. Marquess Camden, K. G. Earl of Carlisle Earl Cowper, Director Earl of Carysfort Lord Carrington * Rev. William Holwell Carr, Director * George James Cholmondeley, Esq. Director. N.W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. Direct&r The Duke of Devonshire * Lord de Dunstanville Lord Dundas. Col. A. J. Dalrymple, M. P. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. * Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. Robert Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwiliiam. Lord Feversham. Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Earl Grosvenor Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. M. P. Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. Earl of Hard wick e, K. G. * Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Director Rt. Hon. Wm. Huskisson, M. P. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. John Hambrough, Esq. * Hugh Haramersley, Esq. George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J.H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq, Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bart. Hylton Jolliflfe, Esq. M. P. Lord Kinnaird. John Knight, Esq. Marquess of Lansdowne, Director Earl of Liverpool, K. G. Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Sir John WiUiam Lubbock, Bart. M. P. * Rev. William Long, Director Mrs. Law Thomas Legh, Esq. M. P. William Long, Esq. * Samuel Long, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. * Earl of Mulgrave, Director * Earl Manvers * John Meheux, Esq. * Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. Earl of Norm an ton John Nash, Esq. Charles Savill-Only, Esq. M.P. Earl of Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Hon. E. Petre Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. * Earl of Rosebery Lord Viscount Ranelagh * Samuel Rogers, Esq. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P. Sir Claude Scott, Bart. Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. Henry Seymour, Esq, * Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. John Symmons, Esq. ^ Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. * George Watson Taylor,Esq .^l.V»Direetor Rickard Thompson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. The Rev. Thomas Vialls The Earl of Upper Ossory SirWatkin Williams Wynn, Bart.M. P. Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M.P. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. Frederick Webb, Esq. Mrs. Weddell William Henry Whitbread, Esq. M. P. William Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their lives. Lord Arden John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton Earl of Breadalbane Lord Burghersh Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. LIFE GOVERNORS. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. Edward Bilke, Esq. William Blake, Esq. Samuel Boddington, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Walter Boyd, Esq. M. P. B 6 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Henry Broadwood, Esq. Archbishop of Canterbury Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill Lord Colchester Earl of Darnley Lord Dynevor Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex Rev. Howell Holland Edwards The Hon. G. Agar EUis, M. P. Director Rt. Hon. W. Vesey Fitzgerald, M. P. William Fitzhugh, Esq. Viscount Goderich Earl Grey Lord Garvagh James Coding, Jun. Esq. J ohn Green, Esq. David Green, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. John S. Hudson, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Lord Lovaine, M. P. v Right Hon. Sir John Leacli John Lowther, Esq. M. P. Lord Maryborough Sir Scrope Bernard Morland, Bart. M. Treasurer. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. M. P. John Maitland, Esq. P. E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. William Manning, Esq. M. P. Miss Middleton Lord North wick Rt. Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M. P. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Joseph Neeld, Jun. Esq. Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. Right Hon. Robert Peel, M. P. Director Hon. General Phipps, M. P. Philip Perry, Esq. Roger Pettiward, Esq. Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. WilUam Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. Rev. Sir John Robinson, Bart. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M. P. Peter Rainier, Esq. ^ ^ George Reveley, Esq. Earl Spencer, K. G. Director Lord Selsey Lord Stowell WilHam Scrope, Esq. J. B. Scott, Esq. George Smith, Esq. M. P. Edward Solly, Esq. R. H. Solly, Esq. William Sotheby, Esq. Wilham Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. Robert Walpole, Esq. William Wells, Esq. Subscribers of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors f ir Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions^ and of introducing two friends each day. " Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission io the Morning Exhibitions. tT Subscriptions are received by Messrs, Morland and Co., Bankers, No. 57, Pall-Mali. C 7 ] SUBSCRIBERS. Eari. of Aberdeen, K. T. £l05 0 Marquess of Abercorn 105 0 The Duchess of St. Albans 105 0 Earl of Ashburnham 105 0 Earl of Aylesford 105 0 Lord Arden 52 10 George Aust, Esq. 105 0 Miss Atherton 52 10 Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart. M. P. 10 10 Sir Emanuel Felix Agar 105 0 John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. - 52 10 John Angerstein, Esq^ 105 0 Duke of Bedford 105 0 Marquess of Bute 105 0 Earl of Bridgewater 105 0 Earl of Breadalbane 52 10 Earl Brownlow 105 0 Sir George Beaumont, Bart. 105 0 Lady Bernard 105 0 Colonel Hugh Baillie 105 0 James Evan Baillie, Esq. 105 0 Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. 105 0 Rev. James Baker 105 0 Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Lord Barrington 105 0 John Bayford, Esq. - 105 0 T. W. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. ■ 105 0 Charles Bell, Esq. 10 10 Lord Bexley, 105 0 Edward Bilke, Esq. 52 10 William Blake, Esq. - 52 10 Charles Birch, Esq. 10 10 John Blackall, Esq. 105 0 Samuel Boddington, Esq. 52 10 Samuel Boddington, jun. Esq 10 10 Thomson Bonar, Esq. 105 0 Walter Boyd, Esq, - £ 105 O Robert H. Bradshaw, Esq M. P. 105 O John Brickwood, Esq. - 10 10 T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. 105 O Henry Broadwood, Esq. - 52 10 Lord Burghersh - - 52 10 Sir Henry Bun bury, Bart. - - 52 10 William Bosanquet, Esq. - 52 10 Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. ~ 105 0 Archbishop of Canterbury - 52 10 Marquess Camden, K. G. - 105 0 Lord Churchill - - - 52 10 EarlCovsrper - - 105 O Earl of Carlisle - - 105 O Earl of Carysfort - - 105 O Lord Carrington - - 105 0 George James Cholmondeley, Esq. 105 0 Rev. William Holwell Carr - 105 o James Christie, Esq, - 10 10 N.W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Lord Colchester - - 52 10 John Craufurd, Esq. - - 10 10 Duke of Devonshire - 105 0 Earl of Dartmouth - - ' 1 05 O Earl of Darnley - - 52 10 Colonel A. J. Dalrymple, M. P. 105 0 Sir George Duckett, Bart. - 105 O Lord Dynevor - - 52 10 Lord Dundas - - 105 o Lord De Dunstanville - 105 O Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P 105 O Alexander Davison, Esq. - 105 o Miss Dehaney - - 105 0 Robert Dent, Esq. - 105 O William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. 105 O Charles Devon, Esq. - 105 O Charles Dixon, Esq. 53 10 Enosh Durant, Esq. 52 10 SUBSCRIBERS. 8 Earl of Essex £52 10 Earl of Egremont 105 0 Sir William Elford, Bart. 10 10 The Hon. George Agar Ellis, M. P. 52 10 Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. 105 0 William Evans, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Rev. Howell Holland Edwards 105 0 Earl Fitzwilliara 105 0 Lord Farnborough 105 0 Lord Feversham 105 0 Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. 105 William Fitzhugh, Esq. 52 10 Right Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P. 52 10 Robert Frankland, Esq. M. P. 10 10 Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. 105 John Fuller, Esq. 105 KJ James C. Fyler, Esq. 10 10 The Countess de Grey - annual 5 5 t^^firi GtTfcCivpnnT' _ _ Viscount Goderich 105 KJ Earl Grey 52 10 Lord Gan'agh, - - 52 10 Sir William Geary, Bart. 10 1 r» Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. M. P. 105 u Francis Goslings Esq. 105 George Gostling, Esq. 105 0 John Green, Esq. 52 1 n David Green, Esq. 52 1 n i.U James Goding, jun. Esq . 52 1 rt Joseph Gwilt, Esq. 10 in Earl of Hardwicke, K. G. 105 U Sir Abraham Hume, Bart, 105 (\ \f Hugh Hammersley, Esq. 105 r\ U William Hamilton, Esq. 52 1 (\ IVJ Jeremiah Harman, Esq. 52 1 n Charles Hatchet, Esq. 10 1 n xw George Hibbert, Esq. 105 0 Henry Hoare, Esq. 105 0 Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M, P. 105 0 Frederick Hodgson, Esq. 52 10 J. H. Holder, Esq. 105 0 Robert Holford, Esq. 10 10 Henry Hope, Esq. 105 0 Thomas Hope, Esq. 105 0 Henry Philip Hope, Esq. 105 0 William Haldimand, Esq. 52 10 John Hambrough, Esq. - £ 105 0 John S. Hudson, Esq. 52 10 Right Hon.W^illiam Huskisson, M. P. 105 0 Rev. Sir Samuel C. Jervoise, Bart. 105 0 Hylton JollifFe, Esq. M. P. 105 0 George Johnson, Esq. 10 10 Lord Kinnaird. 105 0 William Kins:, Esq. 105 Q Henry King, Esq.. 105 0 John Knight, Esq. 105 f) P. C. Labouchere, Esq. 10 10 Marquess of Lansdowne 105 Q Thomas Legh,Esq. 105 Q Earl of Liverpool 105 () Earl of Lonsdale 105 0 Lord Lovaine, M. P. 52 ] 0 Rev. William Long 105 0 Samuel Long, Esq. 105 0 William Long, Esq. 105 Thomas Lack, Esq. 10 lo Mrs. Law - - . 105 0 Right Hon. Sir John Leach 52 1 n John Lowther, Esq. M. P. 52 Sir John Wm. Lubbock, Bart. M. P. 105 (J William Ludlam, Esq. 105 f\ \J William Manning, Esq. M.P. 52 1 Ct Earl Manvers 105 \j Duke of Marlborough 105 f\ w Lord Maryborough 52 1 n XV G. Morant, Esq. - annual 3 3 Earl of Mulgrave 105 0 Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. 10 lO John Maitland, Esq. 52 LO E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Thomas Potter Macqueen^ Esq. M. P. 52 lO P. S. Marett, Esq. 10 10 John Meheux, Esq. 105 u Miss Middleton 52 10 Sir Scrope Bernard Morland, Bart. M.P. 52 10 Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. 105 0 James Moss, Esq. 10 10 Lord Northwick 52 10 John Nash, Esq. 105 0 Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. 62 10 Joseph Neeld, Jun. Esq. 105 0 Right Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M.P. 52 10 SUBSCR George Nicol, Esq. - annual £3 3 Earl of Nonnanton 105 0 Charles Offley, Esq. - 52 10 Charles Savill-Only, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. - 52 10 Earl of Powis 105 0 John Penn, Esq. 105 0 Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. 52 10 Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. 105 0 Roger Pettiward, Esq. 52 10 Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. 105 0 Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Right Hon. Robert Peel, M. P. 105 0 J. C. Parker, Esq. 10 10 Charles Pieschell, Esq. 105 0 Philip Perry, Esq. 52 10 Hon. E. Petre 105 0 Hon. General A. Phipps, M. P. - 52 10 W. Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. - 52 10 Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Lord Viscount Ranelagh 105 0 Peter Rainier, Esq. 52 10 George Reveley, Esq. 52 10 Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. 105 0 Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M. P. 52 10 Rev. Sir John Robinson, Bart. - 52 10 Sir Christopher Robinson, Bart. 10 10 Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. 10 10 Samuel Rogers, Esq. 105 0 Earl of Rosebery 105 0 Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Marquess of Stafford, K. G. 105 0 Earl Spencer, K. G. ■ 52 10 Sir Claude Scott, Bart. 105 0 Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. 105 0 J. B. Scott, Esq. 105 0 \^'^illiam Scrope, Esq. 52 10 IBERS. 9 Lord Selsey - - £52 10 Henry Seymour, Esq. - - 105 0 Richard Simmons, Esq. - 105 0 William Smith, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 George Smith, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 Enos Smith, Esq. - - 10 10 R. H. Solly, Esq. - - 52 10 Edward Solly, Esq. - 52 10 William Sotheby, Esq. - 52 10 Lord Stowell - - 52 10 John Symmons, Esq. - 105 0 Richard Thompson, Esq. - 105 0 William Tassie, Esq. - - 52 10 George Watson Taylor, Esq. M.P. 105 O Samuel Thornton, Esq. - 105 0 William Thornhill, Esq. - 105 O George Town ley, Esq. - - 52 10 Lord Charles Townshend, M.P. 105 0 Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. - 105 0 The Rev. Thomas Vialla - - 105 0 William Vaughan, Esq. - - 10 10 Earl of Upper Ossory - 105 0 Robert Walpole, Esq. - - 52 10 Right Honourable Sir George War- render, Bart. M. P. - 52 10 Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Robert Williams, Esq. - 105 0 Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M.P. - - 105 0 Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Frederick Webb, Esq. - 105 0 Mrs.Weddell - - 105 O Wxa. Henry Whitbread,Esq. M. P. 105 0 William Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. 105 0 John Smith Wright, Esq. - 105 0 Roger Wilbraham, Esq. - 105 0 William Wells, Esq. - - 105 0 c The Subscribers to the Print from Mr. West's Picture of " Our Saviour Healing the Sick in the Temple," who have not already received their Impressions, may receive them upon pay- ment of the remainder of their Subscriptions at the British Institu- tion. Attendants are placed in different parts of the Gallery to prevent any Person from touching the Pictures. CATALOGUE OF P I C TURE S BY ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, AND DUTCH MASTERS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE EAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room 5 and in the Middle and South Rooms, at the North End, on the left hand. North End. No* Subjects. 1 The Duchesse de St. Croix 2 The Spanish Courtesan 3 The Temptation of St. Anthony — 4 Landscape, with Classical Figures — 5 Innocent the Tenth 6 Hippomenes and Atalanta 7 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures — 8 St. George. From the Borghese Collection 9 Portrait of a Spanish Gentleman 10 Don Balthazzar, Son of Philip the Fourth of Spain — Painters. Vandyke — Murillo — . A. Carracci - N. Poussin — Velasquez — Guido — — Claude — — Raphael — - Velasquez — Velasquez — Proprietors. HIS MAJESTY. Lord Hey teshury, G. C. B. Earl of Dartmouth. Earl of Mulgrave. Duke of fFellingtorij K. G. Earl Gower. Earl of Dartmouth. Lady Sykes. Duke of Ifellington, K. G. William Wells, Esq. [12] No. Subjects. 11 The Embarkation of St. Paul — 12 Landscape, with Figures on the Banks of a River — — — Painters. Claude — N. Poussin — NORTH ROOM— Side, 13 Landscape, with Figures — 14 An Allegorical Portrait, or Triple Head, representing Charles the Fifth, The Pope Paul, and Alphonso Duke of Ferrara — 15 A Preceptor and his Pupil — — 16 Joseph and Potiphar's Wife — — 17 Landscape and Figures. From the Fal- coniera Palace — — — 18 The Death of Regulus. From the Colonna Palace — — — 19 Landscape, with Travellers. Painted at Naples for the Spinelii Family — 20 Landscape, with Tobit and the Angel. From the Colonna Collection — 21 The Magdalen in the Desert. From the Borghese Collection — 22 The Virgin, with the Infant Saviour, St. John, and a Female Saint. From the Barberini Collection — — — 23 Moses and the Burning Bush. From the Colonna Collection — — 24 Dead Christ, with Angels. From the Borghese Collection — — 25 Landscape, with Mercury and the Wood- man. From the Colonna Palace — 26 Noah sacrificing after The Flood. From the Colonna Collection — — G. Poussin — Titian — L. Bassan — Guercino — G. Poussin — Salvator Rosa — Salvator Rosa — Domenichino — A. Carracci — Parmigiano — Domenichino — Guercino — Salvator Rosa — N. Poussin — Proprietors. Duke of TVellingtoriy K. G. Lt. Col. Sir William Gomm. Lt. Col. Sir William Gomm. The Earl of Aberdeen, K, T. HIS MAJESTY. Honourable Mrs. Phipps. J TVilbraham Egerton, Esq. I M.P. Earl ofDarnley. J. Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Rev. W. Holwell Carr. Lady Syhes. G. Watson Taylor, Esq. M.P. Alexander Baring, Esq.M.P* Rev. W. Holwell Carr. Lord Durham. [ TVilbraham Egerton, Esq. I M.P. [ 13 J Nco. Subjects. TH The Magdalen — — 2© Portrait of the Painter — - — 2£9 Charity. From the Ruspighosi Palace in Rome — — — 3(0 Portrait of the Painter — — 311 Virgin and Child — — NORTPI -moyi—South End. 3S2 Landscape ; Morning ; with the Flight into Egypt ~ _ 3S St. Rufina — — 344 St. Peter — _ 3f5 St. Justin — — 3(6 Sea Port ; Evening — NORTH KOOM^ fVest Side. 37 St. Peter __ ___ 3© Landscape — 3^9 The Madonna — — __ 4(0 Virgin and Child — 411 Landscape — 4S Titian's Daughter — _ 43 The Flight into Egypt — — 444 The Assumption of the Virgin — 4£5 The Holy Family — _ 4(6 The Water Seller — — _ 477 Mars and Venus 4B The Shepherd's Offering — 49 The Holy Family, with Saints, in a Landscape D Painters. Guercino — Jan de Bellini A. del Sarto Parmigiano - Jan de Bellini Claude - Murillo — Carravaggio Murillo — Claude — Guido — — G. Poussin — Sasso Ferrato — G. Romano — F. Mola — Titian — Francisco Vanni A. Carracci — A. Carracci — Velasquez — P. Veronese — N. Poussin — Garafolo — Proprietors. Lord Heyteshury, G. C. B. Earl Dudley. J, Proctor Anderdon, Esq. George Byng, Esq. M. P. Earl Dudley. Viscount P aimer ston, M. P. Marquess of Stafford, K. G. HIS MAJESTY. Marquess of Stafford, K. G. Viscount Palmersfon, M, P. Lady Sykes. Peter Rainier, Esq. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. Duke of fVellington, K. G. W. Sloane Stanley, Esq. Duke of Wellington, K. G. Lord Heyteshury, G. C. B. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. Duke of Wellington, K, G. Lord Saye and Sele. Samuel Rogers, Esq. G. J ames Cholmondeley, Esq . [14] Ko. Subjects. 50 The Trojan Women burning the Ships of Ulysses — — — 51 The Holy Family, with St. Catharine — 52 Portrait of Anthony Trieste — 53 The Holy Family — — 54 Landscape, with a Man Fishing — 55 Landscape — — — 56 St.Appolonia^ from the Borghese Collection 57 The Shepherd's Offering — — 58 St. Francis, with the Infant Christ — 59 An Incantation — — 60 Vanity and Modesty — — 61 Job in Distress — — 62 The Communion of the Virgin, from the Orleans Collection — — 63 The Assumption of the Virgin — 64 Head of a Saint — — 65 Landscape and Figures — , — Painters. North End. 66 Beggar Boys — — — 67 Waterfall _ ^ _ 68 Live Birds _____ 69 Beggar Boys — — — 70 Woody Landscape, with a Fall of Water Claude — Spagnoletto — Vandyke — G. Romano — Francesco Mola Francesco Mola Seb. del Piombo Lud. Carracci Murillo — r Spagnoletto, 1 \ from a design of [Raphael — J Leo. da Vinci — Salvatar Rosa — Albano — — Murillo — Spagnoletto — G. Poussin — Murillo — — Ruisdael — Hondekoeter — Murillo — — Proprietors. Abraham Roharts, Esq.M.P. Sir Thotnas Baring, Bt. M. P. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. George Byng, Esq. M. P. Lt. Col. Sir William Gomm. Lt. Col. Sir William Gomm. Rev. W. Holwell Carr. Lady Syhes. Earl Gower. Duke of Wellington, K. G. Earl Dudley. Colonel Hugh Baillie. G. Watson Taylor, Esq. M.P. George Vivian, Esq. Hon. G, Agar Ellis, M.P. George Townley, Esq. { Ruisdael and Wouwerman Dulwich College. Abraham Roharts, Esq.M.P. Alexander Baring, Esq.M.P, Dulwich College. Colonel Hugh Baillie. [ 15 ] No.. Painters. Proprietors. MIDDLE ROOM— Side. 71 A Madonna — — — Carlo Dolce — Lord Heyteshurii, G, C. B. 72 TheCIytie _ _ _ A. Carracci . — William Wells, Esq. 73 Head of a Youth — — F. Bol — Lt. Col. Sir William Gomm. 74 Landscape, with a Farm House and Cattle Paul Potter — Duke of Somerset. 75 Frost Pippp i A 1 \^ Mill ■■■■ IVUloUctcl — — • — ~ JJjUI i JL^Ulll/CU, 76 Landscape, with a Cavalier on horseback >Vouwerman — Earl of Carlisle. 77 His Own Portrait — — Teniers — — His R. H. Prince Leopold. 78 A River View — — — Vanderneer — G. Watson Taylor, Esq. M.P . 7Q /y An old Lady with a Lap-dog — 1 eniers — — ( A*". W Ridhll Cn1hnrnf> I Esq. M. p. 80 A Village Feast — Teniers — — (Lord Charles Townshend, 1 M. P. 81 j^anascape, witn a ruined xSuilciing ana Cattle — — Berghem — E.John Littleton, Esq. M.P. 82 Head of an Old Man — Rembrandt — Lt. Col. Sir William Gomm. 83 Cattle in a Landscape — — Cuyp — J It Earl of Carlisle. 84 View on the Bank of a River — Hobbema — Hon. G. Agar Ellis, M.P, 85 A Female Figure, with a Child — Rembrandt — Peter Rainier, Esq. 86 The Fox and the Crane — - - Snyders — — Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. 87 A Stable, with Horses and Figures — Wouwerman — Earl of Plymouth. 88 An Interior, with Children — — Maes — — Lord Farnborough, G. C. B. 89 Landscape ; Sun -set — — Teniers — Lt. Col. Sir William Gomm. 90 The Virgin and Child — — Sasso Ferrato — Mrs. Pocock. 91 River View by Moonlight — Vanderneer — Thomas Hamlet, Esq. 92 A Sea Engagement — — Vandevelde — Lt. Col. Sir William Gomm. 93 The Outside of a House, with Figures — De Hooge — . William Wells, Esq. 94 Figures Playing at Bowls — Teniers — — Colonel Hugh Bailtie. 95 Portraits of the Painter and his Son — Teniers Earl of Carlisle. 96 A Brisk Gale — — — Backhuysen — Colonel Hugh Baillie. 97 Boy blowing a Bladder — F. Hals — Sir Abraham Hume, Bart, [ 16 ] No. Subjects. 98 A Dutch Village, with Figures — 99 A Man playing the Hurdygurdy at the Door of a Farm House — 100 An Interior, with Figures — 101 A Man Drawing on the Bank of a River 102 Sea-Shore, with Boats and Figures — 103 Landscape, with Figures — — 104 A Man Smoking — — 105 A Light Gale — — 106 A Lime Kiln, with Figures — 107 Sea-Shore, with Boats and Figures — 108 Small Sea Piece — — MIDDLE ^OOyi— -South End. 109 A Merry-making — — — 110 Landscape, with a ruined Building • 111 Philip the Fourth of Spain — 112 The Nursing of Hercules — 113 Portrait in Armour — —- 114 A Landscape, encircled with Flowers Painters. Teniers — Du Sart Teniers — K. du Jardin Vandevelde - Wouwerman Brauwer — Vandevelde - Teniers — Vandevelde - Vandevelde ■ MIDDLE ROOM— /re*^ Side. 115 Boys blowing Bubbles. From Sir J. Rey- nolds's Collection — — 116 A Merry-making — — 117 The Inside of a Dutch Church — 118 A Lap-dog — — — 119 Portrait of De Vos the Painter — Proprietors, Lord Farnborough, G. C. B. George Townley, Esq. William Hastings, Esq. Alexander Baring, Esq.M.P. Lt. Col. Sir William Gomm. Henry Chawner, Esq. N. W. Ridley Colhorne, Esq. M. P. Lt. Col. Sir William Gomm. Lord Heytesbury, G. C. B. Lt. Col. Sir William, Gomm. Lt. Col. Sir William Gomm. Teniers — Ruisdael — — Velasquez — Tintoretto — Vandyke — Brauwer & Segers Peter Rainier, Esq. William Hastings, Esq. Dulwick College. Earl of Darnley. Dulwich College. LordF. Leveson Gower, M.P. Rubens Jan Steen Berkheyden Velasquez Vandyke Earl of Darnley. Thomas Hamlet, Esq. Hon. G. Agar Ellis, M. P. Comte UAglid. H. R. H. Prince Leopold, L 17 ] No Subjects. 120) The Return from the Chase — 1211 Flowers — — — 12S Landscape, with Cattle — 123 Fruit _ — 1244 A Sea Engagement — — 12S A Venetian Merchant — — 12(6 A brisk Gale, with a Fleet under weigh 127r A Woody Scene, with Sportsmen — 12^8 The Presentation of the Virgin — 12^9 The Virgin and Child — 13(0 A distressed Boy asking Alms of a Lady 13 1 Cattle and Figures passing a Brook — 13S5 Moonlight _ — . 13S A Female Saint — — North End. 134 The Battle of Joshua — — 1315 A Forest Scene — — 1316 The Nursing of Jupiter — — 13^ The Battle of Alexander and Darius ■ 13J8 A River View, with Boats and Figures Painters. Wouwerman — Van Huysum jHobbema and| 1a. Vandevelde / Van Huysum — Vandevelde — Franc. Moioni — Backhuysen ■ — • Hackert and A. Vandevelde P. Veronese — Maas — — Berghem — - Vanderneer — Parmigiano — Bourgognone Hobbema Jordaens — Bourgognone Pynacker — Proprietors. Duke of JVellington, K. G. J. Deas Thomson, Esq, E. John Littleton, Esq.M. P. J. Deas Thomson, Esq. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. H. R. H. Prince Leopold. Charles A. Bredel, Esq. Marquess of Stafford, K. G. William Wells, Esq. William Wells, Esq. William Wells, Esq. {N. W. Ridley Colbome L Esq. M. P. Thomas Hamlet, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. Mrs. Lloyd. George Vivian, Esq. W. Parry Hodges, Esq, Mrs. Lloyd. William Wells, Esq. E / [ 18] No. Subjects. SOUTH ROOM— East Side. 139 Sea Shore, with Boats and Figures : a Calm 140 St. John baptizing Our Saviour 141 The Gallery of Teniers — — 142 A Cock seized by a Cat 143 The Death of the Virgin — _ 144 The Horse Fair at Delft — — 145 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures 146 Sea View, with a Yacht and Men-of-War in the distance — 147 The Last Supper — 148 The Angel appearing to the Shepherds 149 A Merry-making — 150 Landscape ; Sun-set 151 Portrait of Erasmus 152 Landscape, with a Sportsman 153 A Farrier's Shop — _ 154 Landscape, with a Waterfall — 155 View on a Canal, with Passage Boats SOUTH ROOMSouth End. 156 The Halt of an Army — 157 St. John baptizing Our Saviour 158 The Holy Family in a Landscape 159 An Allegorical Sketch from the Life of Constantine 160 An Allegorical Sketch from the Life of Constantine — 161, The Battle between Constantine and Max- entius : a Sketch — _ Painters. Vandevelde - Luini — Teniers — • Snyders — P. da Cartona W^ouwerman Cuyp — Backhuysen - A. del Sarto - Berghem - Jan Steen — Vanderneer - G. Pens — Wouwerman Wouwerman Ruisdael — Cuyp — Wouwerman P. Veronese Titian — Rubens — Rubens — Rubens — Proprietors. Earl of Mount Edgcumhe. Lord Heyteshury, G. C. B. Lord Saye and Sele. Marquess of Stafford, K. G. Sir Thomas Baring, Bt.M.P. Earl of Mulgrave. Earl Dudley. Duke of Somerset. [The Hon. William Fox 1 Strangeways. C. Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. George Morant, Esq. Earl Dudley. HIS MAJESTY. Earl of Plymouth. HIS MAJESTY. Viscount Palmerston, M. P. Earl of Carlisle. Duke of Wellington, K. G. Lord Heyteshury, G. C. B. Sir Thomas Baring, Bt.M.P, Henry Brooksbank, Esq. Henry Brooksbank, Esq. Henry Brooksbank, Esq. [ 19 1 No.. Subject. Painters, oprietors. 1652 An AJlegorical Sketch from the Life of Constantine — — Rubens — — Henry Brookshank, Esq. 16^3 An Allegorical Sketch from the Life of Constantine — — Rubens — — Henry Brooksoank, Jbsq. 16^4 Landscape, with Fishermen — Teniers — — Lord Heytesbury, G. C. B. V\ii.O JLidUUoCclUCj WllH cl VV Ullldll lllilrvXlJg^ cV IJ V V '^Pp Ml prft _. - -. fjOy'd, rTeiifpshijirii Cr f~! 7? 16(6 Figures at Bowls — — Teniers — — Duke of W dlington, K. G. 16)7 The Coral Fishery. From the Collection of the Duke D'Ascoli at Naples — kjalValOi XvOad *J . JT 1 ULtUi XllUJiei UU/tj JCdoCI. SOUTH ROOM — West Side. 1618 View of Rome Claude Comte D' /Iglie. 161Q TVfoonlio'ht' • ViPvw nn n Tlivpr %.\J'^ XTJLVJW IJ llg 11 L , V lOV UU cl XvlVCl — ~ V dlltlcl Ilccl — ■ 17^0 Jjanrlsranp • Fvpnino* v_/ltlU.vJC — — — vviJl.inm StlfinnfSkfn'nlp^i TPun V dlltlcl IlCCl - C A IRredp] E^n \^ • UK* JL9I CtXCtj JUJ'jU , 17'2 The Death of St Sehastian 111 nr» IIP — ■ f-r » Tnui ^s: i:hn]m ht) up Hi T^.^n 17'3 A brisk Gale nrlpvplrlr' — JLdV • \^\JV» KJlf rr ttvtiXiiif XJ \J lH/iik* 17 4 Travellers in a Landscape » T LII.IWCI lllClLl HIS MAJESTY 17^5 View of a VillaP'P in T-Tollanrl . rvUlalldcl 17'6 A Philosopher ^ r\*i ^ 1 pt f" r o HIS M4.TESTY 177 A Sea Port — JJddvllli Y>5c 11 J^l . K^Ul. Ull rr lll/lU.llt KJiU/ll/ll. i/'O 1 ne salutation — — Sasso rerrato — Henry oeymour, iLsq. View in Venice — — Canaletti — John Soane, Esq. lo)U Cleopatra — — — Giiido — — HIS MAJESTY. 181 View on the Coast of Holland — Backhuysen — Lt. Col. Sir William Gomm. 182 llie Interior of a Chamber, with Portraits 01 a Dutch Family — De Hooge — Abraham Robarts, Esq. M.P, 183 Dead Game — _ _^ Fyt — — G. Watson Taylor, Esq.M. P. 184 Frost Piece, with Figures skaiting — Vanderneer — Mrs. Pocock. 185 The Holy Family _ Garafolo — — HIS MAJESTY. [20] ISTo. Subjects. 186 A Calm ; with Men-of-War in the distance 187 Landscape — — 183 A Sea Calm — — 189 A Storm, with a Ship in distress — 190 The Shepherd's Offering — Painters. Vandevelde Ruisdael Vandevelve Vandevelde Boltrafio Proprietors. ht. Col. Sir William Gonm. J. Claudin, Esq. Earl of Mount Edgcumbe. Earl of Mount Edgcumbe. Sir George Shiffher, Bcerl. WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper. Loiuioii: Prii:te(l LyW.Niooi, CJevelaiid-Row, St. Jaoics's. ^ --^^ C ""^T-y^ ^ ^C^^, ^^^x '^'^^ ^^'^ y/^^, /4^y^y^ /^.^f ^^^^^ g^Zr^^^i^^^^ X^: /<:i7z^. y^Z y^^-, ^^I^ ^ ^ -^^^^ x;>r /^^< . ^ X^ yj^ .^3^7 /^^-/^ /^^^ ^x A:/^, ,^^ ^^/./^ x^ x^. y^^^^^ ^ . ^^^^^^^ /j2^^ /^^^ Institution FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, K. T. PRESIDENT. THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G.C.B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, SUCCESSOR TO W. BULMER AND CO. CLEVELAND-ROW, ST. JAMES's. 1829. PRICE ONE SHILLING. / GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, K. T. President. * THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G. C. B. Deputy President. Marquess of Ahercorn The Duchess of St. Albans * Earl of Ashburnham Earl of Aylesford Sir Emanuel Felix Agar John Angerstein, Esq. Mrs. Aust. * The Duke of Bedford, Director iit Marquess of Bute, Director * Earl Brownlow, Director. The Earl of Bridgewater * Sir George Beaumont^ Bart. * Lady Bernard Lord Barrington Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. Director Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Bailie * James Evan Baillie, Esq. Rev. James Baker * Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. Director John Bayford, Esq. Thomas WentworthBeaumont,Esq.M.P. * Lord Bexley John Blachall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Robert H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. Marquess Camden, K. G. Earl of Carlisle Earl Cowper, Director Earl of Carysfort Lord Carrington * Rev. William Holwell Carr, Director * George James Cholmondeley, Esq. Director * N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. Director The Duke of Devonshire * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director * Lord de Dunstanville Lord Dundas. Col. A. J. Dalrymple, M. P. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. * Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. Robert Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. * The Earl of Egremont Lady Grey Egerton. William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitz William. Lord Feversham. Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Earl Grosvenor Sir Sandford Graham, Bart, M. P. * Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. * Earl of Hard wi eke, K. G. * Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Director ^ Rt. Hon. Wm. Huskisson, M. P. John Hambrough, Esq. * Hugh Hammersley, Esq. George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. 5 Henri/ Hope, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bart. Hylton Jolliffe, Esq. M. P. Lord Kinnaird. John Knight, Esq. * Marquess of Lansdowne, Director Earl of Liverpool, K. G. Earl of Lonsdale, K. G, Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. M. P. * Rev. William Long, Director Mrs. Law Thomas Legh, Esq. M. P. * William Long, Esq. * Samuel Long, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough * Earl of Mulgrave, Director * Earl Man vers * John Meheux, Esq. * Francis Bernard Morland, Esq. Earl of Normanton * John Nash, Esq. Charles Savill-Only, Esq. M.P. Earl of Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. * Hon. Edward Petre Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. M. P. Charles Pleschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. * Earl of Rosebery Lord Viscount Ranelash * Samuel Rogers, Esq. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P. * The Marquess of Stafford, K. G. Sir Claude Scott, Bart. Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. John Symmons, Esq. * Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. * George Watson Taylor,Esq.M.RZ)/Vec'^or Richard Thompson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. The Rev. Thomas Vialls The Earl of Upper Ossory SirWatkin Williams Wynn, Bart.M. P. Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M.P * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. Frederick Webb, Esq. Mrs. Weddell William Henry Whitbread, Esq. M. P. William Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. Roger Wilhraham, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, fo allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their lives. LIFE GOVERNORS. Lord Arden John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton Earl of Breadalbane Lord Burgh ersh Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Bat ing, Esq. M. P. William Blake, Esq. Samuel Boddington, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Walter Boyd, Esq. M.P. Henry Broadwood, Esq, B 6 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION, Benjamin Bond Cabbell,Esq. Lord ChiHchiil Earl of Darnley Lord Dynevor Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex Rev. Howell iioiland Edwards The Hon. George AgarEllis,M. P. Director Rt. Hon. William Vesey Fitzgerald, M. P. William Fitzhiigh, Esq. Viscount Goderich Earl Grey Lord Garvagh James Goding, Jun. Esq. John Green, Esq. David Green, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. John 8. Hudson, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Lord Lovaine, M. P. Right Hon. Sir John Leach Sir John Lowther, Bart. M. P Lord Maryborough Sir Scrope Bernard Morland,, Bart. M.l Treasurer. T. Potter Macq ueen, Esq. M. P. John Maitland, Esq. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. William Manning, Esq. M. P. Miss Middleton Lord Northwick Rt. Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M. P. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Joseph Neeld, Jun. Esq. Charles Offley, Esq. Viscount Palmerston, M. P. Right Hon. Robert Peel, M. P. Director GeiieralThe Hon. E.Phipps, M. P. Philip Perry, Esq. Roger Petti ward, Esq. Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. Rev. Sir John Robinson, Bart. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M. P. Peter Rainier, Esq. George Reveley, Esq. Earl Spencer, K. G. Director Lord Selsey Lord Stowell William Scrope, Esq. J. B. Scott, Esq. George Smith, Esq. M. P. Edward Solly, Esq. R. H. Solly, Esq. William Sotheby, Esq. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. Robert Walpole, Esq. William Wells, Esq. Subscribers of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are entitled to be balloted for as Governor^, for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, and of introducing two friends each day. . i - a Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of tntroducmg one Jr tend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. . . Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions. pr Subscriptions are received by Messrs. Morlands and Co., Bankers, No. 57, Pall-MaiL C7 ] SUBSCRIBERS. Earl of Aberdeen, K.T, £l05 0 Robert H. Bradshaw, Esq M. P. £ 105 0 Marquess of Abercorn 105 0 John Brick wood, Esq. 10 1 0 The Duchess of St. Albans 105 0 T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. 105 Earl of Ashbnrnhani 105 0 Henry Broadwood, Esq. 52 10 Earl of Aylesford 105 0 Lord Burghersh 52 1 0 Lord Arden 52 10 Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. - 52 i \f Mrs. Aust - - 105 0 William Bosanquet, Esq. 52 1 ( 1 Miss Atherton 52 10 Beniamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. - 105 0 Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart. M. P. 10 10 Marquess Camden, K. G. 105 () Sir Emanuel Felix Agar 105 0 Lord Churchill - - - 52 10 .lohn Proctor Anderdon, Esq. - 52 10 Earl Cowper 105 0 John Angerstein, Esq. 105 0 Earl of Carlisle 105 0 Duke of Bedford 105 0 Earl of Carysfort 105 o Marquess of Bute 105 0 Lord Carrington 105 0 Earl of Bridgewater 105 0 George James Cholmondeley, Esq. 105 Earl of Breadalbane 52 10 Rev. William Holwell Carr 105 11 Earl Brownlow 105 0 James Christie, Esq, 10 lU Sir George Beaumont, Bart. 105 0 N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. 105 \f Lady Bernard 105 0 John Craufurd, Esq. 10 1 n X V/ Colonel Hugh Baillie 105 0 Duke of Devonshire 105 CI James Evan Baillie, Esq. 105 0 Earl of Dartmouth 105 Sir Frederick Baker, Bart 105 0 Earl of Darnley 52 10 Rev. James Baker 105 0 Colonel A. J. Dalrymple, M. P. 105 o Sir Thomas I3aring, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Sir George Duckett, Bart. 105 0 Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Lord Dynevor 52 10 Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Lord Dundas 105 () Lord Barririgton 105 0 Lord De Dunstanville 105 0 John Bayford, Esq. - 105 0 Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P 105 0 T. W. Beaumont, Esq. M, P. - 105 0 Alexander Davison, Esq. 105 0 Charles Bell, Esq. 10 10 Miss Dehaney 105 0 Lord Bexley, 103 0 Robert Dent, Esq. 105 0 William Blake, Esq. - 52 10 William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Charles Birch, Esq. 10 10 Charles Devon, Esq. J 05 0 John Blackall, Esq. 105 0 Charles Dixon, Esq. 52 10 Samuel Boddington, Esq. 52 10 Enosh Durant, Esq. 52 52 lo Samuel Boddington, jun. Esq 10 10 Earl of Essex 10 Thomson Bonar, Esq. 105 0 Earl of Egremont 105 0 Walter Boyd, Esq. 105 0 Sir William Elford, Bart. 10 10 ^ / / 8 SUBSCRIBERS. The Hon. George Agar Ellis, M. P.£52 10 Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. 105 0 William Evans, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Rev. Howell Holland Edwards - ] 05 O Earl Fitzwilliam - 105 O Lord Farnborough - - 105 0 Lord Feversham - - 105 0 Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart, 105 0 William Fitzhugh, Esq. - - 52 10 Right Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P. 52 ] 0 Robert Frankland, Esq. M. P. - 10 10 Sir Francis Freeling, Bart, - 105 0 John Fuller, Esq. - - 105 O James C. Fyler, Esq. - - 10 10 The Countess de Grey - annual 5 5 Earl Grosvenor - - io5 o Viscount Goderich - - 105 o Earl Grey - - 52 10 LordGarvagh, - - - 52 10 Sir William Geary, Bart. - 10 10 Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Francis Gosling, Esq. - 105 0 George Gostling, Esq. - 105 0 John Green, Esq. - - 52 10 David Green, Esq. • - 52 10 James Coding, jun. Esq . - 52 lo Joseph Gwilt, Esq. - 10 10 Earl of Hardwicke, K. G. - 105 o Sir Abraham Hume, Bart, - io5 o Hugh Hammersley, Esq. - 105 0 William Hamilton, Esq. - 52 10 Jeremiah Harman, Esq, - 52 10 Charles Hatchet, Esq, - 10 10 George Hibbert, Esq, - 1 05 0 Henry Hoare, Esq. - 105 0 Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M, P. 105 0 Frederick Hodgson, Esq. - 52 10 J. H. Holder, Esq. - io5 0 Robert Holford, Esq. - 10 10 Henry Hope, Esq. - - 105 0 Thomas Hope, Esq. - 105 0 Henry Philip Hope, Esq, - 105 0 William Haldimand, Esq, - 52 10 John Hambrough, Esq. - io5 0 John S. Hudson, Esq, - 52 lo Right Hon, William Huskisson, M, P. 105 0 Rev. Sir Samuel C. Jervoise, Bart. £ 105 0 Hylton Jolliffe, Esq. M. P. - 105 O George Johnson, Esq. - 10 10 Lord Kinnaird. - - 105 0 William King, Esq. - - 105 O Henry King, Esq. - - 105 O John Knight, Esq. - - 105 O P. C. Labouchere, Esq. - - 10 10 Marquess of Lansdowne - 105 O Thomas Legh, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Earl of Liverpool - . 105 ^ Earl of Lonsdale - - 105 u Lord Lovaine, M. P. - 52 10 Rev. William Long - 105 0 Samuel Long, Es([. - - 105 0 William Long, Esq. - - 105 0 Thomas Lack, Esq. - 10 lo Mrs, Law - - - 105 0 Right Hon, Sir John Leach - 52 10 Sir John Lowther, .M.P. - 52 10 Sir J ohn Wm , Lubbock, Bart. M, P. 105 0 William Ludlam, Esq. - 105 0 William Manning, Esq, M.P, 50 lo Earl Manvers - - 105 o Duke of Marlborough - 105 o Lord Maryborough - _ 52 1 0 Francis G. Moon, Esq. - annual 3 3 G. Morant, Esq. ^ - annual 3 3 Earl of Mulgrave - - 105 O Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. - 10 10 John Maitland. Esq, - 53 iq E, Fuller Maitland, Esq, M. P. 52 10 Thomas Potter Macqueen, Esq. M. P. 52 lo P. S. Marett, Esq, . - 10 lo John Meheux, Esq, . 105 q Miss Middleton - . 52 10 Sir Scrope Bernard Morland, Bart, M,P. 52 1 0 Francis Bernard Morland, Esq, 105 o James Moss, Esq, . 10 10 Lord Northwick - _ 52 lo John Nash, Esq, - 105 0 Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. - 62 10 Joseph Neeld, Jun. Esq. - X05 Right Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M.P. 53 William Nicol, Esq. . annual 3 3 Earl of Normanton - 105 0 SUBSCRIBERS. Charles Offley, Esq. Charles Savill-Only, Esq. M. P. Sir Georg-e Philips, Bart. M. P. Earl of Powis John Penn, Esq. Viscount Palmerston, M. P. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. - Roger Petti ward, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. M. P. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Right Hon. Robert Peel M. P. J. C. Parker, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Philip Perry, Esq. Hon. E. Petre General the Hon, E. Phipps, M. P W, Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. Lord Fiscount Ranelagh Peter Rainier, Esq. George Reveley, Esq. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M. Rev. Sir John Robinson, Bart. Sir Christopher Robinson, Bart Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Earl of Rosebery Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P Marquess of Stafford, K. G. Earl Spencer, K. G. Sir Claude Scott, Bart Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. John Soane, Esq. R. A. J. B. Scott, Esq. William Scrope, Esq. Lord Selsey Henry Seymour, Esq. £*52 10 105 0 52 10 105 O 105 0 52 10 105 0 52 10 105 0 105 O 105 0 10 10 105 0 52 10 105 0 52 10 52 10 105 0 105 0 52 10 52 10 105 0 P. 52 10 52 10 10 10 10 10 105 0 105 0 105 0 105 0 52 10 105 0 105 0 600 0 105 0 52 10 52 10 105 0 9 Richard Simmons, Esq. - £i05 O William Smith, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 George Smith, Esq. M. P. - 50 k) Enos Smith, Esq. - - 10 lo Reynolds H. Solly, Esq. - 52 10 Edward Solly, Esq. . 52 10 William Sotheby, Esq. . 52 10 Lord Stowell - . 52 10 John Symmons, Esq. - 105 0 Richard Thompson, Esq. - 105 O William Tassie, Esq. . - 52 10 George Watson Taylor, Esq . M.P. 1 05 o Samuel Thornton, Esq. - 105 0 William Thornhill, Esq. - 105 O George Town ley, Esq. . - 52 10 Lord Charles Townshend, M.P. 105 0 Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. - 105 o The Rev. Thomas Vialls - - 105 O John Vincent Thompson, Esq. - 105 0 William Vaughan, Esq, - - lo 10 Robert Vernon, Esq. - annual 3 .3 Earl 0/ Upper Ossory . 105 0 Robert Walpole, Esq. - . 52 10 Right Honourable Sir George War- render, Bart. M. P. - 52 10 Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M. P. 105 O Robert Williams, Esq. - 105 O Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M. P. Charles Baring Wall, Esq, M. P. Frederick Webb, Esq. Mrs. Weddell Wm. Henry Whitbread, Esq. M.P. William Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. John Smith Wright, Esq. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. William Wells, Esq. 105 105 105 105 106 105 105 105 105 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 C The Subscribers to the Print from Mr. West's Picture of " Oun Saviour Healing the Sick in the Temple," who have not already received their Impressions, may receive them upon pay- ment of the remainder of their Subscriptions at the British Institu- tion. Attendants are placed in dijBFerent parts of the Gallery to prevent any Person from touching the Pictures. C ATALOGU E OF PICTURES BY ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, AND ENGLISH MASTERS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. JUNE, 1829. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room ; and in the Middle and South Rooms, at the North End, on the left hand. North End. No. Subjects. 1 Portrait of Sophia Charlotte, Princess of Brunswick Lunenburg — — 2 Landscape, with Boors at the door of a public house — — — 3 The Holy Family — — 4 Landscape, with Horses and Figures — 5 Portrait of Mons. Le Roi — — 6 A romantic Landscape, with Figures repre- senting the Judgment of Paris — 7 Portrait of a Lady — — 8 A Sea Calm — — D Painters. Netscher — Teniers — — Sir Josh. Reynolds Cuyp — — Vandyke — — Both & Polemburgh Rembrandt — Vandevelde — Proprietors. HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. British Institution. William IVells, Esq, Earl Brownlow. A lexander Baring, Esq ,M.P. Lord Wharncliffe. A. W. Roharts, Esq, M, P. [14] NORTH ROOM— 'East Side. Painters. No. 9 Portrait of A. Ostade — — 10 Portrait of Rembrandt — — 1 1 The Holy Family in a Landscape — 1 2 Landscape, with Figures — — 13 St. Francis, with an Angel — — 14 The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence — 15 Landscape, with a Waterfall — — 16 A Merry-making — — — 17 Landscape, with an Ass, Goats, &c. — 18 Full length Portrait of an elderly Gentleman 19 The Marriage of Joseph — — 20 Landscape, with Europa 21 A Woman milking a Cow — 22 The Temptation of St. Anthony — 23 Full length Portrait of an elderly Lady 24 St. John, with Angels — — 25 Cattle on the banks of a river — 26 The Interior of a Stable, with Horses and Figures — — — 27 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures; a rainy day — — 28 The Death of Abel — — 29 Landscape, with Horses and Figures — 30 St. James — — A. Ostade — Rembrandt — Garofalo — Sal. Rosa — Murillo — Le Sueur — Ruisdael — Jan Steen — Paul Potter - Vandyke — J. da Imola - Claude — — Cuyp — - Teniers — - Vandyke — Murillo — - Cuyp — - Wouwerman , — John Wouwerman A. Sacchi — ■ Cuyp — — A. Carracci — NORTH ROOM— South End. 31 A River View, with Travellers — 32 The Interior of a Chamber, with a Lady sleeping — — — Proprietors. Charles Dixon, Esq. Alexander Baring, Esq . M.P. G. J. Cholmondeley , Esq. G. J. Cholmondeley, Esq. Charles Dixon, Esq. Duhe of Buccleuch. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. C. A. Bredel, Esq. M. M. Zachary, Esq. Rt. Hon. Robert Peel, M. P. Earl of Caledon. HIS MAJESTY. M. M. Zachary, Esq. W. JVilhins, Esq. Rt. Hon. Robert Peel, M. P. Duke of Buccleuch. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. William Wilkins, Esq. Earl of Mulgrave. Viscountess Cremorne. James IVardrop, Esq. F. B. Morland, Esq. Vanderneer Metzu — HIS MAJESTY. William Wells, Esq. [ 15 ] No. Painters. Proprietors. 33 The Entrance of a Town in Holland — Vander Heiden V\nvl, OT C^nl pfinn 34 A Masquerade Scene — — Watteaii - — XA.KHI U J.t,U^CI o, XVoy. 35 A Musical Party — — 36 An Interior, with Boors smoking" ; Still Life, &c. — — — Teniers — William fVells, Esq. 37 A Lady playing on the guitar ; a Cavalier listening" to her — — Terburg — — William Wells, Esq. 38 Landscape, with a Water-mill — Hobbema * — Joseph Bar chard, Esq. 39 Landscape, Cattle and Figures — Teniers — Duke of Wellington, K. G. 40 Landscape, with Figures and Cattle — Cuyp — — F. PerJdns, Esq. 41 The Outside of a Cottage, with still Life, Fish, &c. — — A. Ostade — William IVells, Esq. 42 A Landscape: a Road Scene, with Travellers Wouwerman — Hon. G. Agar Ellis, M. P. 43 Latona — — — Teniers — — Earl of Caledon. 44 Landscape, with Horses and Figures — Wouwerman — William Wells, Esq. 45 A Female and Child at the door of a Cottage A. Ostade — Alexander Baring,Esq. M.P. 46 Figures dancing — — Teniers — — a A. Bredel, Esq. NORTH ROOM— West Side. 47 Battle Piece — — Bourgognone — Sir Richard Frederick, Bart. 48 The Virgin and Child — — Murillo — — Duke of Buccleuch. 49 Portrait of a Dutch Gentleman — Vander Heist — Marquess of Lansdowne. 50 Buildings on the Banks of a Canal, with Figures — — — Vander Heiden Duke of Wellington, K. G. 51 Saying Grace — — — Cuyp ~ Duke of Buccleuch. ^ V lew \Jl CL XJU\jKjIx X liWiJ — " — Vander Heiden Duke oj" Buccleuch. 53 The Prodigal Son _ Rubens — — William Wilkins, Esq. 54 The Holy Family — — Camillo Procaccini M. M. Zachary, Esq. 55 The Marriage of St. Catharine — H. Howard, Esq. 56 The Rape of the Sabines — — Rubens — — Alexander Baring, Esq. M.P. 57 Interior of a Church — — DeWitt ~ — Duke of Buccleuch. [ 16 -] No. Painters. Proprietors . 58 A Skittle-ground, with Figures — Fan Steen — Alexander Baring, Esq. M.P. 59 Landscape — — ^ Claude — ^ Frederick PerMns, Esq. 60 St. Francis. From the Balbi Palace 4. Carracci — Earl Brownlow. 61 The Holy Family — — Camillo Procaccini M. M. Zacliary, Esq. 62 The Reconciliation of the Romans and the Sabines Rubens — — Alexander Barmg,Esq. M.F. 63 An Interior, with Still Life — A. Ostade — Lord Wharncliffe. 04 1 ne i^apnves — — ■ Ttiibprm — Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. A ^nnrin nn tliA f^nnet nf TrTnlland With an approaching Storm — — Ruisdael — — Marquess of Lansdowne. 66 Portrait of a Venetian Admiral, said to be Vetor Pisani — — Paul Veronese — Sir Abraham Humej Bart. 67 Prince Charles, afterwards Charles the Second — — — Vandyke — — HIS MAJESTY. 68 The Angel appearing- to Hagar — Fran. Mola — Henry Rogers, Esq. 69 A Family at a Repast — — Le Nain — — G. Watson Taylor, Esq. M.P. 70 Holy Family, with Angels — Seb. Bourdon ~ 77 7 ^ 71// 7 ™ Earl oj Mulgrave. 71 Our Saviour, with the Virgin and Saints Carlo Dolce — Duke of Buccleuch. 72 Saint Francis — — Spagnoletto — Viscountess Cremorne. 73 Portrait of a Lady — — Rembrandt — J iV. ^v. txialey iyOloome, { Esq. M. P. 74 View on a River in Holland, with Boats and Figures — — Cuyp — Duke of Buccleuch. llfU/ l/l JZiflU. 75 Cattle and Figures passing a River — Berghem — — fViUiam ^rilkins, Esq. 76 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures — J Moucheron and] 1a. Vandevelde J William TVilkins, Esq. 77 Harvest Scene, with a View of the House of the Painter — — Teniers — — Duke of Buccleuch. [ 17 ] No. 78 Live Fowls — — _ 79 A romantic Landscape, with St. John — 80 View on the Banks of a River, with Horses and Figures — — 81 River View, with Cattle — MIDDLE -mOU— East Side. 82 Road Scene, with Figures 83 Portrait of Ignatius Loyola — 84 Design for a Ceiling — — 85 The Bleaching Ground 86 Landscape, with a Church — 87 St. John — 88 Landscape, with Market-people 89 Landscape and Cattle 90 Landscape and Cattle — 91 Landscape and Cattle _ 92 An Old Woman watering Flowers 93 View on the Grand Canal at Venice 94 The Pembroke Family. From the brated Picture at Wilton House - 95 Adoration of the Magi 96 Europa 97 Portrait of a Venetian Senator — 98 The Vision of Saint Felici 99 View on the Grand Canal at Venice 100 A Cavalier smoking 101 An Attack of Banditti — 102 A Study of Monkies — — . Painters. Hondekoeter G. Poussin Wouwerman Cuyp cele- Hobbema — Titian — P. da Cortona — Teniers — — Hobbema — Murillo — — Gainsborough — Berghem - — A. Vandevelde — Berghem — Gerard Douw — Guardi — — Gainsborough — Ludovico Caracci Fra. Mola — Titian — — Ludovico Caracci Guardi — — Mieris — — Vander Meulen Teniers — Proprietors. Earl Howe. Duke of Buccleuch. John Falrlie, Esq. ( Abraham JV. Robarts^ Esq. I M.P. E Lord Wharncliffe. Earl of Hardwicke, K. G. Hon. G. Agar Ellis, M. P. Marquis of Ailesbury. M. Zachary, Esq. Earl Grosvenor. The British Institution. William Wells, Esq. Col. Hugh Baillie. Lord Wharncliffe. HIS MAJESTY. Hon. G. Agar Ellis, M. P. Hon. G. Agar Ellis, M. P. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Sir Richard Frederick, Bart. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Hon. G. Agar Ellis, M. P. HIS MAJESTY. M. W. Barnes, Esq. Viscountess Cremorne. / [ 18] No. 103 Portrait of Titian. From the Orleans Collection — — — 104 Sea View — . — — 105 View of the Prate della Valle at Padua in its former state — — — Painters. Titian — -- Wouwerman - Canaletti — MIDDLE ROOU-South End. 106 Christ praying on the Mount — — 107 A Philosopher — — 108 Outside of a House, with a Woman spinning — — — 109 The Holy Family, with St. Francis — 110 A Shepherd with a Lamb — — 111 The Inside of a Kitchen — — 112 An Italian Sea-port, with a Slave and other Figures — — 113 A Road, with Cattle and Figures — 114 Study of Monks' Heads — Bassan — - F. Mola — P. de Hooge Tintoretto - Spagnoletto - Maas — - Linglebach - Betghem — Gainsborough MIDDLE ROOM-^fFest Side. 115 Sea Port, with Buildings and Figures — 116 Interior of a Church — — 117 The Angel appearing to Hagar — 118 A woody Landscape, with Figures — 119 St. Peter relieved from Prison, with guards in the foreground — — 120 The Holy Family — — 121 Landscape, with Sand Bank and Figures Claude — — Pe Witt — — F. Mola — — Gaspar Poussin — Teniers — — Carlo Maratti — Teniers — — Proprietors. Earl of Carlisle. William Collins, Esq. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Sir Richard Frederick Bart. Sir Richard Frederick, Bart. HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. N. IV. Ridley Colbarne.M.P. Thomas Hamlet, Esq. M. Barnes, Esq. Earl of Orford. Hon. G. Agar Ellis, M. P. Sir Richard Frederick, Bart. William Hastings, Esq. Sir William Gomm. Duke of Buccleuch. Earl of Plymouth. Duke of Buccleueh. Lady Holland. No. 122 Landscape and Figures — — 123 The Toilet of Venus. From the Orleans Collection — — — 124 Portrait of Vandyke — — 125 Man's Portrait — — 126 Study of Heads ■— — — 127 View in Italy, with Fall of Water and Figures — — — 128 Landscape, with Water-fall — 129 The Holy Family, with St. Catherine — 130 Figures at Bowls — — 131 Distant View of Dort, with Sheep, Horses and Figures — — 132 The Holy Family, with St. Catherine — 133 Portrait of Sir Endymion Porter, Gentle- man of the Bedchamber to King Charles the First — — 134 An Interior, with a Lady knitting — [ 19 ] Painters. Hobbema — Proprietors, f Abraham W. Robarts, Esq. I M.P, North End. 135 Mount Parnassus — — 136 View on the Grand Canal, Venice 138 Portrait of Guido — ^ 139 St. Catherine in Meditation 140 Christ before Pilate — - 141 The Holy Family, with St. John 142 Portrait of Queen Henrietta Maria Titian — — Earl of Darnley, Fran. Halls — Sir Richard Frederick^ Bart. I'intoretto — Earl Brownlow. Velasquez — - Lord Holland. Both — — Thomas Hamlet, Esq. Ruisdael — — Earl Brownlow. Titian — — Sir J. Rae Reid, Bart. Teniers — — John Fairlie, Esq. Cuyp — — Earl of Carlisle. Garofalo — Duke of Buccleuch. Vandyke — — Earl of Hardwicke, K. G. TinTep nf Hi/irplpi/rh. 1 Cavaliere D'Arpino Lord Heytesbury. Canaletti — [Rev. Sir Samuel Clarke \ Jervoise, Bart. I Canaletti — {Rev. Sir Samuel Clarke \ Jervoise, Bart Guido — — Earl of Darnley. Titian — — ■ Charles Dixon, Esq. Schiavone — HIS MAJESTY. Raphael — — Lord Heytesbury. Vandyke — Duke of Buccleuch. No. 143 Distant View of the Rialto, Venice — 144 View of St. Mark's Place, Venice — 145 Philip the Second superintending- the Building of the Escurial — [ 20 ] Painters. Canaletti — SOUTH "mOU— East Side. 146 A Village Fete — — 147 Lady in a Fancy Dress — — 148 Portrait of Charles the Second. This Picture was presented by the King to his daughter, Charlotte Litch- field : the Frame made from a part of the Royal Oak — — — 1 49 A woody Landscape, with Figures — 150 View of the Doge's Palace — — 151 Dead Birds — — ^ 152 A Sea-port — — — 153 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures — 154 A Musical Party — — 155 Exterior of a Dutch Mansion, with Por- traits of the Family — 156 The Tribute Money — — 157 Dead Birds — _ 158 Landscape, with Banditti — 159 A Guard Room — 160 Portraits of Aretine, and Leyva, General to Charles the Fifth — 161 Titian's Daughter — — Canaletti — Luca Giordano Teniers Dietricy Sir Peter Lely — Salvator Rosa — Canaletti — Wee nix — Isaac Moucheron Cuyp — De Hooge f De Hooge and \ Gonzalez — Rubens — — W^eenix — — Pynacker — Gerard Douw — Titian — — Titian — — Proprietora. i Rev. Sir Samuel Clarke I Jervoise, Bart. K Rev. Sir Samuel Clarhe \ Jervoise, Bart. Lord Heyteshury. Earl of Plymouth. iN. W. Ridley Colhourne^ I Esq. M.P. Earl of Tyrconnel. G. Wilhraham, Esq. M, P. Hon. G. Agar Ellis, M, P. William Wells, Esq. William Wilkins, Esq, Charles Dixon, Esq. T. Hamlet, Esq. C. Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. I George James Cholmondeh \ Esq. William, Wells, Esq. William Hastings, Esq. Earl of Mulgrave. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. G. Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. [21 J SOUTH ROOM— 5ow^/i End. No. 162 St. Peter — — — 163 Discovery of Achilles : a Sketch — 164 Figures in Conversation — 165 A Musical Party — — 166 A Magdalen — — — 167 St. Chrysogonus carried up to Heaven by Angels — — — 168 A Magdalen — — 169 Cattle in a Landscape — 170 St. Francis — — — SOUTH ROOM.— ^e^^ Side. 171 Landscape, with Figures — — 172 View on a River in Holland, with Boats and Figures — — 173 Portrait of Rembrandi, — 174 Interior of a Cabaret — — 175 Interior, with Figures smoking — 176 Landscape; View of a Chateau, with Figures — — 177 Battle Piece — — 178 A Flemish Wedding — — 179 The Faiuily of the Painter — - 180 Dead Peacock, with other Birds — 181 An Interior, with a Musical Party — 182 Battle Piece — — 183 Abraham and Rebecca — 184 Joseph and Potiphar s Wife — 185 The Converted Chinese — F Painters. Guercino — Rubens — - M. Zorg — De Hooge — P. Veronese — Guercino — Titian — — Gainsborough - Guido — Swaneveldt — Vander Capella Rembrandt — F. Mieris — A. Ostade — Rubens — — Vander Meulen Jan Steen — Pordenone — Weenix — — De Hooge — Vander Meulen Netscher Leonardo da Vinci Sir Godfrey Kneller Proprietors. HIS MAJESTY. Sir William Beechey. T. Jones, Esq. Lord Wliarncliffe. Earl of Hardwiche, K. G. Marquess of Lansdowne. H. Briggs, Esq. Earl of Darnley. George Wilhraham,Esq. M,P. { Ge(>rge James Cholmondeley , Esq. Earl of Caledon. Duke of Wellington, K. G. Duke of Buccleuch. Sir William Gomm. Earl of Carlisle. Earl of Carlisle, HIS MAJESTY. Robert Palmer, Esq. M. P. Duke of Wellington^ K. G. Earl of Carlisle. William Wilkins, Esq. J. P. Anderdon, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. [ 22] No. 186 The Flagellation — — 187 A Card Party — — 188 Head of Christ — ^ 189 The Escape of Clelia — — 190 Shepherd, with Cattle on the Banks of a River — — — 191 Live Fowls, in a Landscape — 192 Cardinal Antonio Sartorius, translator of the Vatican Septuagint — — 193 Landscape, with Travellers — 194 A Landscape — — Painters. Titian — — kjraspar Netscher Correggio — — 'Rubens — — Cuyp — — Hondekoeter — Scipio da Gaetano Gyselles — — Bourgognone — Proprietors. JEarl of Darnley, Col. Hugh Baillie. George Wilbraham, Esq.M.P. Earl of Mulgrave. Charles A. Bredell, Esq. Hon. Heneage Legge. Sir James Stewart, Bart. Duke of Wellington, j^. G. Sir Richard Frederick, Bart, WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper. Ica^: Fiioted by W. Niecd, CleTeland-vow, St James's. ^^^^^^ /^/^^ Xjy^ y^j- /s^^/j4.^/^^^ I ^^^^^ ^^v/jy///. ^^^^ A^^^, ^/y. ^.5^^^ ISnttsIb 3fn0ttttttion FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATEON. THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, K. T. PRESIDENT. THE LORD FARNBOROUGH. Q.C.B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, CLEVELAND-ROW, ST. JAMBS*S. 1830. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBEBS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. ♦ THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, K.T. President. ♦ THE LORD FARNBOROUGH,G.C.B. Deputy President. Marquess of Abercom The Duchess of St. Albans * Earl of Ashburnham, K. G. Earl of Aylesford Sir Emanuel Felix Agar John Angerstein, Esq. Mrs. Aust. * The Duke of Bedford, Director * Marquess of Bute, Director * Earl Brownlow, Director The Earl of Bridgewater * Sir George Beaumont, Bart, * Lady Bernard Lord Barrington Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. Director Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Bailie * James Evan Baillie, Esq. Rev. James Baker * Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. Director John Bayford, Esq. Thomas WentworthBeaumont,Esq.M.P. * Lord Bexley John Blackallf Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Robert H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. Marquess Camden, K. G. Earl of Carlisle Earl Cowper, Director Earl of Carysfort Lord Carrington * Rev. William Holwell Carr, Director * GeorgeJames Cholmondeley, Esq. Dzrec^or * N.W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M.P. Director The Duke of Devonshire * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director * Lord de Dunstanville Lord Dundas. Col. A. J. balrymple, M. P. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. * Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. Robert Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. * The Earl of Egremont Lady Grey Egerton William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam. Lord Feversham Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Earl Grosvenor Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. M. P. * Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. 4i» Earl of Hardwicke, K. G. * Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Director Rt. Hon. Wm. Huskisson, M. P. * John Hambrough, Esq. * Hugh Hammersley, Esq. George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. I Henry Hope, Esq, Thomas Hope, Esq. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. 5 Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise,Bart. Hylton JoUiffe, Esq. M. P. Lord Kinnaird John Knight, Esq. ^ Marquess of Lansdowne, Director Earl of Liverpool, K. G. Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. M. P. * Rev. William Long, Director Mrs. Law Thomas Legh, Esq. M. P. Lieut. Colonel Long * Samuel Long, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough * Earl of Mulgrave, Director * Earl Manvers * John Meheux, Esq. * Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. Earl of Normanton * John Nash, Esq. Charles Savill-Only, Esq. M.P. Earl of Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. * Hon. Edward Petre Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. M. P. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. * Earl of Rosebery Lord Viscount Ranelagh * Samuel Rogers, Esq. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M.P. * The Marquess of Stafford, K. G. Sir Claude Scott, Bart. Samuel Scott, Esq, M. P. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. John Symmons, Esq. * Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. * George Watson Taylor,Esq.M.P.2)/ref^or Richard Thompson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. Wilham Thornhill, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. The Rev. Thomas Vialls The Earl of Upper Ossory SirWatkin Williams Wynn, Bart.M. P. Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M.P. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. Frederick Webb, Esq. Mrs. Weddell WiUiam Henry Whitbread, Esq. M. P. William Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. Roger TVilhraham, Esq. Robert WiUiam s, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their lives. LIFE GOVERNORS. Lord Arden John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton Earl of Breadalbane Lord Burgh ersh Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. William Blake, Esq. Samuel Boddington, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Walter Boyd, Esq. M.P. Henry Broadwood, Esq. The Archbishop of Canterbury Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill Earl of Darnley B GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. 6 Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. Lord Dynevor Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex Rev. Howell Holland Edwards The Hon. George Agar Ellis, M. V. Director Rt. Hon. William Vesey Fitzgerald, M. P. William Fitzhugh, Esq. Viscount Goderich Earl Grey Lord Garvagh James Goding, Jun. Esq. David Green, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. John S. Hudson, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Lord Lovaine, M. P. Right Hon. Sir John Leach Sir John Lowther, Bart. M. P. Lord Maryborough T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. M. P. John Maitiand, Esq. Fuller Maitiand, Esq. M. P. William Manning, Esq. M. P. Miss Middleton James Morrison, Esq. Lord Northwick Rt. Hon. Sir John NichoU, M. P. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Joseph Neeld, Jun. Esq. Charles Offley, Esq. Viscount Palmerston, M. P. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Director. General The Hon. E.Phipps, M. P. Roger Pettiward, Esq. Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. Rev. Sir John Robinson, Bart. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M.R Peter Rainier, Esq. George Reveley, Esq. Earl Spencer, K. G. Director Lord Selsey Lord Stowell William Scrope, Esq. J. B. Scott, Esq. George Smith, Esq. M. P. Edward Solly, Esq. R. H. Solly, Esq. William Sotheby, Esq. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. Robert Walpole, Esq. William Wells, Esq. Subscribers o/"100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, and of introducing two friends each day. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions, Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions. p$r Subscriptions are received by Messrs, Morlands and Co., Bankers, No* 57, Pall-Mall, C ^ ] SUBSCRIBERS. iLARL OP Aberdeen, K.T. £ 105 0 Robert H. Bradshaw, Esq M.P. £ 105 0 Marquess of Ahercorn 105 0 John Brickwood, Esq. 10 10 The Duchess of St. Albans 105 0 T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. 105 0 Earl of Ashburnham, K. G. 105 0 Henry Broadwood, Esq. 52 10 Earl of Aylesford 105 0 Lord Burghersh 52 10 Lord Arden 52 10 Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. - 52 10 Mrs. Aust 105 0 William Bosanquet, Esq. 52 10 Miss Atherton 52 10 The Archbishop of Canterbury - 105 0 Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart. M. P. 10 10 Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. - 105 0 Sir Emanuel Felix Agar 105 0 Marquess Camden, K. G. 105 0 J ohn Proctor Anderdon, Esq. - 52 10 Lord Churchill - . - 52 10 J ohn Angerstein, Esq. 105 0 Earl Cowper 105 0 Duke of Bedford 105 0 Earl of Carlisle 105 0 Marquess of Bute - 105 0 Earl of Carysfort 105 0 J^ari oj Bridgewater 105 0 Lord Carrington 105 0 luaxi ot Breadalbane 52 10 George James Cholmondeley, Esq. 105 0 Earl Brownlow 105 0 Rev. William Holwell Can- 105 0 Sir George Beaumont^ Bart. 105 0 James Christie, Esq, 10 10 Lady Bernard 105 0 N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq, M. P. 105 0 L/Olonel Hugh Baillie 105 0 John Craufurd, Esq. 10 lo James Hi van Baillie, Esq. 105 0 Duke of Devonshire 105 0 Sir fredenck Baker, Bart. 105 0 Earl of Dartmouth 105 0 Rev, James Baker 105 0 Earl of Darnley 52 10 Mir J. iiuiiids jjariiig, x>ari. iXL. ir • 105 0 Colonel A. J. Dalrymple, M. P. 105 0 Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Sir George Duckett, Bart. 105 0 Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Lord Dynevor 52 10 Lord Barrington 105 0 Lord Dundas 105 0 John Bayford, Esq. - 105 0 Lord de Dunstanville 105 0 T. W. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. . 105 0 Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. 105 0 Charles Bell, Esq. 10 10 Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P, 105 0 Lord Bexley, 105 0 Alexander Davison, Esq. 105 0 William Blake, Esq. - 52 10 Miss Dehaney 105 0 Charles Birch, Esq. 10 10 Robert Dent, Esq. 105 0 John Blackallf Esq. 105 0 William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Samuel Boddington, Esq. 52 10 Charles Devon, Esq. 105 0 Samuel Boddington, jun. Esq 10 10 Charles Dixon, Esq. 52 10 I'homson Bonar, Esq. 105 0 Enosh Durant, Esq. 52 10 Walter Boyd, Esq. 105 0 Earl of Essex 52 ] LO SUBSCRIBERS. 8 Earl of Egremont - - £ 105 0 Sir William Elford, Bart. 10 10 The Hon. George Agar Ellis, M.P. 52 10 Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. 105 0 William Evans, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Rev, Howell Holland Edwards - 105 0 Earl Fitzwilliam 105 0 Lord Farnborough 105 0 Lord Feversham 105 0 Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. 105 0 William Fitzhugh, Esq. 52 10 Right Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald, M. P. 52 10 Robert Frankland, Esq. M. P. 10 10 Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. 105 0 John Fuller, Esq. 105 0 James C. Fyler, Esq. 10 10 The Countess de Grey - annual 5 5 Earl Grosvenor 105 0 Viscount Goderich 105 0 Earl Grey 52 10 Lord Garvagh, - - 52 10 Sir William Geary, Bart. 10 10 Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Francis Gosling, Esq. 105 0 George Gostling, Esq. 105 0 David Green, Esq. 52 10 James Goding, jun. Esq . 52 10 Joseph Gwilt, Esq. 10 10 Earl of Hardwicke, K. G. 105 0 Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. 105 0 Hugh Hammersley, Esq. 105 0 William Hamilton, Esq. 52 10 Jeremiali Harman, Esq. 52 10 Charles Hatchet, Esq. 10 10 George Hibbert, Esq. 105 0 Henry Hoare, Esq. 105 0 Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Frederick Hodgson, Esq. 52 10 J. H. Holder, Esq. 105 0 Robert Holford, Esq. 10 10 Henry Hope, Esq. 105 0 Thomas Hope, Esq. 105 0 Henry Philip Hope, Esq. 105 0 William Haldimand, Esq. 52 10 John Hambrough, Esq. 105 0 John S. Hudson, Esq. 52 10 Rt.Hon.WilliamHuskisson,M.P. £ 105 0 Rev. Sir Samuel C.Jervoise, Bart. 105 0 Hylton JoUiffe, Esq. M. P. 105 0 George Johnson, Esq. 10 10 Lord Kinnaird. 105 0 William King, Esq. 105 0 Henry King, Esq. 105 0 John Knight, Esq. 105 0 P. C. Labouchere, Esq. 10 10 Marquess of Lansdowne 105 0 Thomas Legh,Esq. M. P. 105 0 Earl of Liverpool 105 0 Earl of Lonsdale 105 0 Lord Lovaine, M. P. 52 lo Rev. William Long 105 0 Samuel Long, Esq. 105 0 Lieut. Colonel Long 105 0 Thomas Lack, Esq. 10 lo Mrs. Law - - _ 105 0 Right Hon. Sir John Leach 52 10 Sir John Lovi^her, Bart. M. P. 52 10 Sir John Wm. Lubbock, Bart. M, P. 105 0 William Ludlam, Esq. 105 0 William Manning, Esq. M.P. 52 10 Earl Manvers 105 0 Duke of Marlborough 105 0 Lord Maryborough 52 10 Francis G. Moon, Esq. - annual 3 3 G. Morant, Esq. - annual 3 3 Earl of Mulgrave 105 0 Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. 10 10 John Maitland, Esq. 52 10 E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Thomas Potter Macqueen, Esq. M. P ^52 10- P. S. Marett, Esq. 10 10 John Meheux, Esq. 105 0 Miss Middleton 52 10 Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. 105 0 James Morrison, Esq. - - - 105 0 James Moss, Esq. 10 JO Lord Northwick - * 52 10 John Nash, Esq. 105 0 Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. - 62 10 Joseph Neeld, Jun. Esq. 105 0 Right Hon. Sir John NichoU, M.P. 52 10 William Nicol, Esq. - annual 3 3 SUBSCRIBERS. 9 Earl of Normanton - £ 105 \/ Henry Seymour, Esq. - £ 105 0 Charles Offley, Esq. 52 In Richard Simmons, Esq. 105 0 Charles Savill-Only, Esq. M. P. 105 A V William Smith, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Sir George Philips^, Bart. M. P. - 52 1 n George Smith, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Earl of Powis 105 f\ V Enos Smith, Esq. 10 10 John Penn, Esq. 105 KJ Richard H. Solly, Esq. 52 10 Viscount Palmerston, M. P. 52 1 A Edward Solly, Esq. 52 10 Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. 105 n 17 William Sotheby, Esq. 52 10 Roger Pettiward, Esq. 52 1 A Lord Stowell 52 10 Louis Hayes Petit, Esq . M. P, 105 Kf John Symmons, Esq. 105 0 Sir Robert Peel, Bart. 105 A Richard Thompson, Esq. 105 0 The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, William Tassie, Esq. 52 10 Bart. M. P. 105 o George Watson Taylor, Esq.M. P. 105 0 J. C. Parker, Esq. 10 I A 10 Samuel Thornton, Esq. 105 0 Charles Pieschell, Esq. 105 0 William Thornhill, Esq. 105 0 Hon. E. Petre 105 0 George Townley, Esq. 52 10 General The Hon. E. Phipps, M. P. 52 10 Lord Charles Townshend, M.P. 105 0 W. Tyringham Praed, Jun, Esq. 52 1 A Charley Hanbury Tracy, Esq. - 105 0 Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. 105 U The Rev. Thomas Vialls 105 0 Lord Viscount Ranelagh 105 0 John Vincent Thompson, Esq. • 105 0 Peter Rainier, Esq. 52 10 William Vaughan, Esq. 10 10 George Reveley, Esq. 52 10 Robert Vernon, Esq. - annual 3 3 Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. 105 0 Earl of Upper Ossory 105 0 Sir Matthew White Ridley,Bart. M. P. 52 10 Robert Walpole, Esq. 52 10 Rev. Sir John Robinson, Bart. 52 10 Right Honourable Sir George War- Sir Christopher Robinson, Bart. 10 10 render, Bart. M. P. 52 10 Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. 10 10 Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Samuel Rogers, Esq. 105 V Robert Williams, Esq. 105 0 Earl of Rosebery 105 0 Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P. 105 0 M. P. 105 0 Marquess of StaiGFord, K. G. 105 0 Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Earl Spencer, K. G. 52 10 Frederick Webb, Esq. 105 0 Sir Claude Scott, Bart. 105 0 Mrs. Weddell 105 0 Samuel Scott, Esq. M. P. - - 105 0 Wm. Henry Whitbread, Esq. M.P. 105 0 John Soane, Esq. R. A. 500 0 William Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. 105 0 J. B. Scott, Esq. 105 0 John Smith Wright, Esq. 105 0 William Scrope, Esq. 52 10 Roger Wilbraham, Esq. 105 0 Lord Selsey 52 10 William Wells, Esq. 105 0 c The Directors, under the gracious sanction of His late Majesty, The Patron of this Institution, are much gratified in offering this interesting and splendid Collection for the inspection of the Pubhc. It will afford at once an instance of His Majesty's munificence in the encouragement of the Arts, and a proof of the high degree of excellence to which this branch of them has been carried, by one of the most eminent Painters which our Country has produced. CATALOGUE OF THE WORKS OF THE LATE SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, p. R. A. North End, The whole of the Pictures in this Room were painted by Order of His late Majesty FOR THE WATERLOO GALLERY AT WINDSOR. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room ; and in the Middle and South Rooms, at the North End, on the left hand. No. Proprietor. 1 HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY GEORGE THE FOURTH His Majesty. 2 Small Portrait of His Most Gracious Majesty George the Fourth His Majesty. 2«= HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY WILLIAM THE FOURTH His Majesty. 3 The Prince Metternich — — — — His Majesty. 4 General Tchernicheff — — — His Majesty. 5 General Overoff — — — His Majesty, 6 The Earl Bathurst, K. G. — — — His Majesty. //// C 12 ] NORTH ROOM-^East Side. No. 7 Field Marshal The Prince Blucher — 8 The Cardinal Consalvi — — 9 Field Marshal Arthur Duke of Wellington, K.G. bearing the Sword of State — — 10 His late Holiness Pope Pius VII. — 11 The Hetman Platoff - — Proprietor. His Majesty. His Majesty. His Majesty. His Majesty. His Majesty. NORTH KOOM—South End. 12 The late Earl of Liverpool, K. G. — 13 The Baron Hardenburg — — 14 The Count Capo d'Istria — 15 The Count Nesselrode — — 16 The late Marquess of Londonderry, K. G. His Majesty. His Majesty. His Majesty. His Majesty. His Majesty. IS^OKTR ROOM-^West Side. 17 Frederick William the Third, King of Prussia 18 Francis the Second, Emperor of Austria 19 Charles the Tenth, King of France — 20 The Arch Duke Charles — — 21 Alexander, Emperor of all the Russias His Majesty. His Majesty. His Majesty. His Majesty. His Majesty. C 13 ] North End. No. 22 The Lady Emily Cowper — 23 Mrs. Harford — — 23* Mrs. Hart Davis, Jun. — 24 The Countess of Normanton — 24* The Hon. Mrs. Stewart Mackenzie 25 The Marquess of Londonderry, K. G. 26 The Countess Gower — — 27 The Honourable Mrs. Hope — 28 Master Hope — — MIDDLE ^OOM— East Side. 29 Lady Georgiana Gordon, the present Duchess of Bedford — — — 30 Lady Grantham — — — — 31 Sir Francis Baring, Bt. John Baring, Esq. and J. Wall, Esq. — — 32 Lady Georgiana Agar Ellis and Son — 32* The Hon. George Agar Ellis, M. P. — 33 Hamlet — — — 34 His Royal Highness Prince Leopold, K. G. 35 Lady Baring, Mrs. Wall, Sir Thomas Baring, Bt. Master Baring Wall, and Master Francis Baring — — — D Proprietors. Earl Cowper, R. H. Davis, Esq. M. P. R. H. Davis, Esq. M. P. Earl of Normanton. J. A.Stewart Mackenzie, Esq. Marquess Camden, K. G. Earl Gower. Thomas Hope, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. The Duke of Bedford. Lord Grantham. Sir Thomas Baring, Bt. M. P. The Hon. George Agar Ellis, M.P, The Hon. George Agar Ellis, M.P. Sir Thomas Baring, Bt. M. P. H.R.H. Prince Leopold, K. G. Sir Thomas Baring, Bt. M. P. [14] Proprietors. 36 The Baron Gentz — — — His Majesty. 37 The late John Julius Angerstein, Esq. ^^^^ Angerstein, Esq, 38 Lady Georgiana Fane — ~ -^^^^ Westmorland, K, G. MIDDLE ROOM—South End. 39 The Countess Cowper — 40 Her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte ; a Drawing — — — 41 The Earl of Aberdeen, K.T. — — 42 The Right Hon. Sir William Grant — 43 The Children of John Angerstein, Esq. — 44 The Marquess of Lansdowne — 45 Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M. P. — 46 Miss Thayer — — — _ — Viscount Melbourne, John Meredith, Esq. Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. The Rolls Court. John Angerstein, Esq, Marquess of Lansdowne. R, H. Davis, Esq, M. P. F. Knight, Esq, MIDDLE "ROOM— West Side, 47 Sir Edmund Carrington, M. P* — 48 Mrs. Littleton — ^ — 49 The Hon. Charles William Lambton 50 The late Earl of Liverpool — — 51 The Lord Durham — — 52 Donna Maria de Gloria — — 53 The Dukeof WelHngton, K.G. — 54 The Children of Charles B. Calmady, Esq. 55 Lady Peel - — ^ Sir Edmund Carrington, M,P, E. J, Littleton, Esq. M. P. Lord Durham. Rt, Hon. Sir R. Peel, Bt, M,P. Lord Durham. His Majesty. Rt. Hon, Sir R. Peel,Bt,M,P. Charles B. Calmady, Esq, Rt. Hon. Sir R. Peel, Bt.M.P. C 15 ] No. 56 The late Right Hon. George Cannmg 57 Right Hon. John Wilson Croker, M. P. 58 Miss Croker _ _ 59 Miss Murray — — — 60 The Duke of Bedford — — 61 The late Sir Thomas Lawrence, P. R. A. Proprietors. Rt Hon. Sir R. Peel, BtM.P. Rt Hon. J. W. Croher, M.P. Rt Hon. J. W. Croher, M P. Rt Hon. Sir G. Murray, M. P. The Duhe of Bedford. His Majesty. DRAWINGS. 62 Mrs. Wolfe — _ _ Miss Croft 63 The Hon. Miss Upton — — — Viscount Tenvpletown. 64 The Countess Rosalie — — — Miss Croft 65 The late Duchess of Devonshire — — The Duhe of Devonshire. 66 The Cardinal Consalvi _____ Marquess of Bristol. North End. 67 The late John Kemble in the character of Cato " Eternity ! thou pleasing, dreadful thought!'' Executor of Sir 71 Lawrence. 68 Lady Wigram — — — Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. 69 The Viscount Seaham — — — Marquess of Londonderry. [16] No. 70 The Marchioness of Londonderry — 71 Mrs. Angerstein — — 71* Francis Lord Seaforth — — 72 MissCapel _ — — 73 MissSiddons — — — Proprietors. Marquess of Londonderry. J. Angerstein, Esq, Francis Lord Seaforth. John Capel, Esq. M. P. Duke of Bedford. SOUTH ROOM— East Side. — — — His Majesty. 74 His Royal Highness Prince George of Cum- berland — 75 The Marchioness of Londonderry and Lord Seaham — — — 76 The Duke d'Angouleme — — 76* The Children of Charles B. Calmady, Esq. 77 Mrs. Angerstein — — — 78 Benjamin West, Esq. — — — The Marquess of Londonderry. His Majesty. Charles B, Calmady, Esq. John Angerstein, Esq. His Majesty. SOUTH ROOM— South End. 79 Sir Jeffry Wyatville — — — 80 Francis Chaplin, Esq. M. P. — 81 Vice Admiral Sir Edward Codrington, G.C.B. 82 Satan !— Awake, arise, or be for ever fallen ! 83 The late Samuel Lysons, Esq. — — 84 Mr. Samuel Woodburne — — — His Majesty. Executor of Sir T, Lawrence. Sir E. Codrington, G,C.B. Executor of Sir T. Lawrence, Rev. Daniel Lysons. Mr, Samuel Woodburne, [ 17 ] SOUTH ROOM— ^^^^ Side, No, 85 John Soane, Esq. R. A. — 86 His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, K. G. 87 The late John Kemble in the character of Hamlet — — 88 His Royal Highness the Duke of York, K. G. 88* The Children of Sir Watkin WiUiams Wynn, i Bart. M. P. — _ _ — | The Prince Schwartzenbur^ The late Right Hon. George Canning, M. P. The Portrait of the late Sir Thomas Lawrence, P. R. A. at the Age of Sixteen; his first attempt in Oil Painting — 89 90 91 Proprietors. John Soane, Esq, R. A. His Majesty. His Majesty. His Majesty. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M. P. His Majesty. His Majesty. John Meredith, Esq, WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper, Printed by W. Nicol, Cleveland-row, St. James's. ^^^^ /y^^^^, 2/ :2^r Mvitisf) In0ttturtott FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, FATRON. THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, K. T. PRESIDENT. THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G. C. B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, CLEVELAND-ROW, ST. JAMES's. 183L PRICE ONE SHILLING. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. //// GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. « THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, K. T. President. # THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G.C.B. Deputy President. Marquess of Ahercorn The Duchess of St. Albans Earl of Aylesford Sir Emanuel Felix Agar John Angerstein, Esq. Mrs. Aust. ^ The Duke of Bedford, Director * Marquess of Bute * Earl Brown low, Director The Earl of Bridgewater * Lady Bernard Lord Barring-ton Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. Director Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Bailie, M. P. * James Evan Baillie, Esq. Rev. James Baker * Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. Director John Bayford, Esq. Thomas WentworthBeaumont,Esq.M.P. * Lord Bexley John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Robert H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. Marquess Camden, K. G. Earl of Carlisle Earl Cowper, Director. Earl of Carysfort Lord Carrington * N.W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M.P. Director The Duke of Devonshire * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director * Lord de Dunstanville Lord Dundas. Col. A. J. Dalrymple * Sir George Duckett, Bart. * Richard Hart Davis, Esq. Alexander Davison, Esq. Miss Dehaney William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. Robert Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. * The Earl of Egremont Lady Grey Egerton William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitz William. Lord Feversham Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. John Fuller, Esq, Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. M. P. * Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. * Earl of Hard wick e, K. G. * Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Director * John Hambrough, Esq. * Hugh Hammersley, Esq. George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq, Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise,Bart. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Hylton Jolliffe, Esq. M. P. Lord Kinnaird John Knight, Esq. # Marquess of Lansdowne, Director Earl of Liverpool^ K. G. Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. « Rev. William Long, Director Mrs. Law Thomas Legh, Esq. M. P. Lieut. Colonel Long « Samuel Long, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough m Earl Manvers m John Meheux, Esq. « Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. Earl of Norm an ton * John Nash, Esq. Charles Savill-Only, Esq. Earl of Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. * Hon. Edward Pet re Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. M. P. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. « Earl of Rosebery Lord Viscount Ranelagh * Samuel Rogers, Esq. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. * The Marquess of Stafford, K. G. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. M. P. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. John SymmonSjEsq. * Lord Charles Townshend, M. P- * GeorgeWatsonTaylor,Esq.M.P.i>/Vec-^or Richard Thompson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. WilHam Thornhill, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. The Rev. Thomas Fialls The Earl of Upper Ossory SirWatkin Williams Wynn, Bart.M. P. Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. Director. Frederick Webb, Esq. Mrs. Weddell Marquess of Westminster, Director William Henry Whitbread, Esq. William Wilberforce, Esq. Roger IVilbraham, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their hves. Lord Arden John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton Earl of Beverley Earl of Breadalbane Lord Burghersh Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. LIFE GOVERNORS. William Blake, Esq. Samuel Boddington, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Walter Boyd, Esq. Henry Broadwood, Esq. The Archbishop of Canterbury Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill B 6 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Robert Henry Daiibeney, Esq. Lord Dover, Director. Lord Dynevor Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex Rev. Howell Holland Edwards Rt. Hon. William Vesey Fitzgerald, William Fitzhugh, Esq. Viscount Goderich Earl Grey l^ord Garvagh James Goding, Jun. Esq. David Green, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. John S. Hudson, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Right Hon. Sir John Leach Sir John Lowther, Bart. M. P. Lord Maryborough T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. John Maitland, Esq. Fuller Maitland, Esq. William Manning, Esq. Miss Middleton James Morrison, Esq. Lord Northwick, Director Rt. Hon. Sir John NichoU, M. P. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P^ Charles Offley, Esq. Viscount Palmerston. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Director, General The Hon. E. Phipps, M. P. Roger Petti ward, Esq. Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. Rev. Sir John Robinson, Bart. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M.P. Peter Rainier, Esq. George Reveley, Esq. Earl Spencer, K. G. Director Lord Selsey Lord Stowell William Scrope, Esq. J. B. Scott, Esq. George Smith, Esq. M. P. Edward Solly, Esq. R. H. Solly, Esq. William Sotheby, Esq. Sir James Stuart, Bart. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. Robert Walpole, Esq. William Wells, Esq. Director Subscribers of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors J or Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, and of introducing, twojrtends each day, lo * Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one i'ricvd each day to the Morning Exhibitions, Marling ExUm '''' Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the •r Subscriptions are received by Messrs, DueTiett, Morlands and Co., Bankers, No. 57, Pall-MalU C 7 ] SUBSCRIBERS. Earl op Aberdeen, K.T. £ 105 0 Marquess of Ahercorn 105 0 1 ne Duchess or St. Albans 105 0 J^arL of Ashhurnham, K.G. 105 0 Ciarl of Aylesford 105 0 Lord Arden 52 10 Mrs. Aust 105 0 Miss Atherton CO lO oir iionn oi. AUDyn^ x>arc. ixi. r. IV 1 r» oil Xiiiitinuei J; cux Agar - r\ U .fohn Proctor Anderdon, £sq. 52 10 lOo 0 105 0 ivj arnicas OX JDUlc - LOo 0 IVo \) Eiirl of Breadalbanc - 10 X-tfdi 1 XJiUWIllOW — * lOo 0 1 r»K u 1 f\ti lUo 0 r\ V Sit hrfifJprioh' Tirrl*a'r TinTi . 1 v/O V ^■vtv, «/ dill Co XJcllvtri "■ • 0 Sir TTlinmflQ Tiarinp* Rart IVT P r\ Kj Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Lord Barrington 105 0 John Bayford, Esq. - 105 0 T. W. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Charles Bell, Esq. 10 10 Earl of Beverley 52 10 Lord Bexley 105 0 William Blake, Esq. - '52 10 Charles Birch, Esq. 10 10 John Blackallf Esq. 105 0 Samuel Boddington, Esq. 52 10 Samuel Boddington, jun. Esq. 10 10 Thomson Bonar, Esq. 105 0 Walter Boyd, Esq. 105 0 Robert H. Bradshaw, Esq M. P. £ 105 0 John Brickwood, Esq. 10 10 T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. 105 0 Heniy Broad wood, Esq. 52 10 Lord Burghersh 52 10 Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. - 52 10 William Bosanquet, Esq. 52 10 The Archbishop of Canterbury - 105 0 Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. - 105 0 Marquess Camden, K. G. 105 0 Lord Churchill 12 10 Earl Cowper 105 0 Earl of Carlisle 105 0 Earl of Carysfort 105 0 Lord Carrington - - 105 0 N.W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. 105 0 John Craufurd, Esq. 10 10 Duke of Devonshire 105 0 Earl of Dartmouth 105 0 Earl of Darnley 52 10 Colonel A. J. Dalrymple 105 0 Sir George Duckett, Bart. 105 0 Lord Dynevor 52 10 Lord Dundas 105 0 Lord de Dunstanville 105 0 Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. 105 0 Richard Hart Davis, Esq. 105 0 Alexander Davison, Esq. 105 0 Lord Dover 52 10 Miss Dehaney 105 0 Robert Dent, Esq. - 105 0 William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Charles Devon, Esq. 105 0 Charles Dixon, Esq. 52 10 Enosh Durant, Esq. . 52 10 Earl of Essex 52 10 Earl of Egremont 105 0 Sir William Elford, Bart. 10 10 8 SUBSCRIBERS. Sir John Grey Egerton, Bart. jG 105 0 William King, Esq. - ^6 105 0 William Evans, Esq. M. P. 105 0 xienry i\.iiig, jiisq. " 105 0 Kev. Howell riollana li*awaras lOo \j Tr»V»n TTnicrVlf Eqo - - Ulill XVlligilt, J-iOL£. 105 0 Earl Fitzwilliam 105 0 "P T nViriii/^Vi AT'A "Ren — •> 10 10 Lord Farnborough - 0 105 0 Lord Feversham 105 0 XllUIIlds X^cgll, Hioq. IVX. X. 105 0 Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. 105 0 Earl of Liverpool ■ " 105 O VVilliam Fitzhugh, Esq. 52 1 n Earl of TjOTisdalp - - 105 u Right Hon. W. V. Fitzgerald 52 10 Rfv William \jC\X\ft > 105 0 Robert Frankland, Esq. M. P. 10 10 Samuel Long, Esq. - - 105 0 Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. 105 0 XilCUL. V^UlLriiCl XJUiJg * x\JO 0 John Fuller, Esq. 105 nrhniYiaQ Tvapk Esn - 10 10 James C. Fyler, Esq. 10 10 Mrs. Law - - - 105 0 The Countess de Grey - annual 5 5 Right Hon. Sir John Leach 52 10 Viscount Goderich - iUO 0 Sir John Lowther, Bart. M. P. 52 10 Earl Grey o« 10 Sir John Wm. Lubbock, Bart. 105 0 Lord Garvagh, - - 10 William Ludlam, Esq. 105 0 Sir William Geary, Bart. ~ 1 n 10 William Manning, Esq. 52 10 •Sir odnuiuru vTrd.iid.iii, x>uri>. ivx. x . I wo 0 Earl Man vers 105 0 i? rdllClo VIUollll^j X!iB^. 1 CiK i. \JO 0 Duke of Marlborough 105 0 George Gostling, Esq. 1 f\K 0 Lord Maryborough 52 10 J^dVlll Vjrccll, £ibU. ^9 10 G. Morant, Esq. - annual 5 5 U alUCa VTUUIXl^, |UL1. XJOLj • 52 10 Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. 10 10 joscpn uwiii, xuaq. 1 n 10 John Maitland, Esq. 52 10 Earl of Hardwicke, K. G. 105 0 E. Fuller Maitland, Esq. 52 10 Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. 105 () Thomas Potter Macqueen, Esq. 52 10 Hugh Hammersley, Esq. 105 0 John Meheux, Esq. 105 0 William Hamilton, Esq. 52 10 Miss Middleton 52 10 Jeremiah Harman, Esq. 52 10 Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. 105 0 Charles Hatchet, Esq. 10 10 James Morrison, Esq. - - - 105 0 George Hihbert, Esq. 105 0 James Moss, Esq. 10 10 Henry Hoare, Esq. 105 0 Lord Northwick 52 10 Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. M, P. 105 0 John Nash, Esq. 105 0 Frederick Hodgson, Esq. 52 10 Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. 52 10 J, H. Holder, Esq. 105 0 Joseph Neeld, Esq.M. P. 105 Robert H'>lford, Esq. 10 10 [light Hon.SirJolin NichoU, M.P, 52 10 Henry Hope, Esq. 105 0 William Nicol, Esq. - annual 3 3 Thomas Hope, Esq. 105 0 Earl of Normanton 105 Q Henry Philip Hope, Eiq. 105 0 Charles Offley, Esq. 52 10 William Haldimand, Esq. 52 10 Charles Savill-Only, Esq. 105 0 John Hambroiigh, Esq. 105 0 Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. - 52 10 John S. Hudson, Esq. 52 10 Earl of Powis 105 0 Rev. Sir Samuel C. Jervoise, Bart. 105 0 John Penn, Esq. 105 0 Hylton Jolliffe, Esq. M. P . 105 0 Viscount Palmerston, M.P. 52 10 George Johnson, Esq. 10 10 Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. 105 0 Lord Kinnaird 105 0 Roger Petti ward, Esq. 52 10 SUBSCRIBERS. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. M. P. £. 105 0 Six Robert Peel, Bart. - - 105 O The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. - - » 105 0 J. C.Parker, Esq. - - 10 10 Charles Pieschell, Esq. - 105 0 Hon. E. Petre - - 105 0 General The Hon. E. Phipps, M. P. 52 10 W. Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. - 52 10 Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Lord Viscount Ranelagh - 105 0 Peter Rainier, Esq. - 52 10 George Reveley, Esq. - 52 10 Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. - 105 0 Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M. P. 52 10 Rev. Sir John Robinson, Bart. - 52 10 Sir Christopher Robinson, Bart. 10 10 Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. - 10 10 Samuel Rogers, Esq. - 105 0 Earl of Rosebery - - 105 0 Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. - lp5 0 Marquess of Stafford, K.G. - 105 0 Earl Spencer, K. G. - - 52 10 Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. M. P. - 105 0 John Soane, Esq. R. A. - 500 0 J. B. Scott, Esq. - 105 0 William Scrope, Esq. - 52 10 Lord Selsey - - 52 10 Henry Seymour, Esq. - 105 0 Richard Simmons, Esq. - 105 0 William Smith, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 George Smith, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 Enos Smith, Esq. - 10 10 Richard H. Solly, Esq. - 52 10 9 Edward Solly, Esq. " £.52 10 William Sotheby, Esq. - 52 10 LordStowell - - 52 10 Sir James Stuart, Bart. 52 10 John Symmons, Esq. - 105 0 Richard Thompson, Esq. - 105 O William Tassie, Esq. - - 52 10 George Watson Taylor, Esq. M, P. 105 <> Samuel Thornton, Esq. - 105 0 William Thornhill, Esq. - 105 0 George Town ley, Esq. - - 52 U) Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. 105 O Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. - 105 O The Rev. Thomas Vialls - - 105 O John Vincent Thompson, Esq. - 105 O William Vaughan, Esq. - - 10 10 Robert Vernon, Esq. - annual 3 3 Earl oj Upper Ossory - 105 0 Robert Walpole, Esq. - - 52 10 Right Honourable Sir George War- render, Bart. M. P. - 52 10 Sir Robert Wigratn, Bart. - 105 O Robert Williams, Esq. - 105 0 Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M. P. - - 105 0 Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. 105 O Frederick Webb, Esq. - 105 0 Mrs.Weddell - - 105 O Marquess of Westminster - - 105 O Wm. Henry Whitbread, Esq. - 105 0 William Wilberforce, Esq. - 105 O John Smith Wright, Esq. - 105 O Roger Wilbraham, Esq. - 105 O William WeUs, Esq. - - 105 0 c Attendants are placed in different parts of the Gallery prevent any Person from touching the Pictures. CATALOGUE OF PICTURES BY ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, AND ENGLISH MASTERS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. JUNE, 1831. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room ; and in the Middle and South Rooms, at the North End, on the left hand. No. Subjects. 1 St. Agnes — — — 2 Cupid stung by a Bee in his finger, com- plains to Venus — — 3 Portrait of Alonzo Ercilla, the Author of the " Araucana" — — 4 1 he Two Sons of Villiers, Duke of Buck- ingham — — — 5 The Holy Family in a Landscape, from the Orleans Collection — ■ — ■ 6 The Snake in the Grass — — 7 The Holy Family, an unfinished Picture 8 Portrait of a Jew — — North End. Painters. Dominichino — Proprietors. HIS MAJESTY. Luca Cangiagi — Moroni — Vandyke — Titian — — Sir Joshua Reynolds Baroccio — Rembrandt, 1637 Sir A. Hume, Bart. Lord Dover. HIS MAJESTY. I^illiam Wilhins, Esq. J Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, I Bart, M. P. Sir A. Hume, Bart. Sir A. Hume, Bart. [ 12 ] NORTH ROOM.— ^a*^ Side. No. Subjects. 9 Lady with a Fan — — 10 Portrait of a Venetian Lady from the Co- lonna Collection — — 11 An Inn Door, with Figures — 12 Landscape and Figures — Forest Scene 13 Landscape with a Fall of Water — 14 View of the Rialto at Venice — — 15 The Virgin, with the Infant Saviour and St. John attended by Saints — • — 1 6 Sea Port, Evening — — 17 Portrait of Christian Bruce, Countess of Devonshire, Daughter of Edward Lord Bruce, and Sister to Thomas Earl of Elgin 18 Landscape with Setting Sun — 19 Raphael and Fornarina — — 20 View on the Grand Canal at Venice, with the Rialto — — 21 View of Tivoli with Rome in the Distance 22 A Rocky Landscape with Figures — 23 The Birth of St. John — — 24 St. Catherine receiving the Crown of Mar- tyrdom . -r- • — — NORTH VJdOU.-^South End. 25 St. Catherine and St. Theresa — — 26 Charity ^ — 27 Portrait of Navagero, a celebrated Latin poet, and friend of Titian — — 28 The Nativity — — — Painters. Cuyp — Pordenone — Isaac Ostade Hobbima — Gaspar Poussin Guardi — Garofalo — Claude — Vandyke — Rubens — Raphael — Guardi — Claude — Gaspar Poussin Schiavone — Paul Veronese P. Tibaldi Raphael Titian Baroccio Proprietors. Rev. Heneage Finch. Lord de Dunstanville. William tVells, Esq. Edward Gray, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. A. Arcedeckne, Esq. M. P. Joseph Neeld, Esq, M. P. HIS MAJESTY. Marquess of Aileshury. Lord Farnborough. Lord Northwich. A. Arcedechne, Esq. M. P. HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. Henry Rogers, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. William Wilkins, Esq. Joseph Neeld, Esq, M. P. Sir A. Hume, Bart. HIS MAJESTY. [ 13 ] No. Subjects. 29 The Coronation of the Virgin, from the Royal Collection at Madrid — — 30 The Death of Mary Magdalen, from the Orleans Collection — — 31 Cardinal Borromeo with Saint — 32 St. Francis presenting the Infant to the Virgin — — — 33 The Virgin and Child — — 34 A Man's Portrait — - — 35 Boors Quarrelling — — 36 The Holy Family in a Landscape — 37 Boors at Cards — — — 38 Frost Piece — — . 39 St. John in the Isle of Patmos— Cursing the Fig Tree — The Widow's Mite — 40 Camp Scene with Cavalry Officers — NORTH ROOM.— ^e^/ Side. 41 Rebecca at the Well — — — 42 Head of a Rabbi — — _ 43 The Infant Don Balthazar on Horseback, attended by the Conde Duke d'Olivarez 44 Landscape with Figures — 45 The Fable of the Bundle of Sticks — 46 Landscape with Market People — 47 The Triumph of Silenus — — 48 The Marriage Feast — — 49 Bear Hunting — — 50 A Winter Scene, with a fall of Snow — 51 Jonas — D X Cllll tCl 9« Guido — William Wells, Esq. Albano — — G. Watson Taylor, Esq. M.P. JTCllCglllJl JL lUcllUl JVillinw. TVilkinx Kso Luca Giordano HIS MAJESTY. Vandyke — HIS MAJESTY. Vandyke — HIS MAJESTY. A Ostade — SirM. White Ridley, Bt. M.P. Wouwerman — Edward Gray, Esq. A. Ostade — William Wells, Esq. Won wp I'm an . T T \J\.\. TV CI ilJCllI ■ - Charles Br e del, Esq. J Mazzolini di 1 1 Ferrara j Lord de Dunstanville. Wouwerman — Lord George Cavendish. Paul Veronese — Sir A. Hume, Bart. Rembrandt — HIS MAJESTY. Velasquez — Gaspar Poussin Salvator Rosa Rubens — Rubens — Murillo — Rubens — Rubens — Gaspar Poussin Earl Grosvenor. HIS MAJESTY. Marquess of Aileshury. HIS MAJESTY. Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Marquess ofAileshury. N. W. Ridley Colbome, Esq . M.P. HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. C 14 ] No. Subjects. 62 Absalom and Tamar, painted for the Cornaro Family in 1645 — — 53 A Woman looking from a Window - North End. 54 Landscape with Figures — — 55 Moonlight with Shipping — — 56 Portrait of the Wife of the Doge Grimani, from the Colonna Collection — 57 Sybil la Libia — — — 58 Landscape, with the Flight into Egypt — 59 The Marriage of St. Catherine — 60 The Woman at the Well — — 61 Portrait of — — 62 A Sunset, View in the Mediterranean 63 A Lady at her Toilette — — 64 Horses Watering — — Painters. Guercino Rembrandt MIDDLE KOOM.-^-East Side, 65 Portrait of the Painter — 66 Portrait of a Lady — 67 Simeon with the Infant Christ 68 Landscape with Cattle — 69 A Girl with Doves — — 70 Cadmus slaying the Dragon — 71 The Annunciation — - 72 Stag Hunt — — Wynants and A. Vandevelde Cuyp — — Paul Veronese Guercino — Claude — Paul Veronese — Guercino — Claude — — Eglon Vanderneer Wouwerman Gerard Douw Frank Hals Guercino — Berghem — Greuze — Salvator Rosa Carlo Maratti Wouwerman — Proprietors. Rt. Hon. Sir G. Warrender, Bart. M. P. Sir Mattheiv White Ridley , Bart. M. P. Charles Bredel, Esq. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. Lord de Dunstanville. HIS MAJESTY. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. HIS MAJESTY, HIS MAJESTY. Marquess of Lansdoivne. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. Charles Bredel, Esq. Lord George Cavendish. Daniel Mesman, Esq. William Hastings, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. Edward Gray, Esq. fVilliam Wells, Esq. Rev. James Brownlow. Sir A. Hume, Bart. Edward Gray, Esq, t 15 ] No. Subjects. 73 "View in Venice — — 74 View in Venice — — — 75 A Woody Landscape — — 76 A Musical Party called Le Corset Bleu 77 A Landscape with Figures — 78 View in Venice — — — 79 View in Venice — — — 80 Portrait of Mrs. Lloyd — — 81 Moonlight — — — 82 Cattle in a Landscape — — 83 Salvator Mundi — — — 84 Landscape with Ruins, with a Portrait of Claude in the foreground, drawing — 85 Portrait of his Wife — — 86 Sea Shore with Fishermen — 87 A Man Shooting Wild Fowl — 88 View on a River with Boats and Figures 89 Virgin and Child — — 90 March of an Army — — 91 The Holy Family with St. John — 92 Design for an Altar Piece — — 93 Virgin and Child with St. John — 94 Battle Piece — — 95' View of Henney Church, Suffolk, the Birth- place of Gainsborough 96 Head of a Girl — — MIDDLE ROOM.— ^ow/A End. 97 A Man's Portrait — — 98 Portrait of the Marquis del Guasta, his Page buckling on his Armour — — Painters. Proprietort. Guardi — hord Dover. Guardi — Lord Dover, Ruysdael — Lord George Cavendish, Metzu — Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. J Wynants and 1 Lord Dover. [A. Vandevelde j Guardi — Lord Dover. Guardi — — Lord Dover. SirJoshuaReynolds A. Arcedechne, Esq. M. P. Vanderneer — - William Hastings, Esq. Cuyp — William Wells, Esq. Carlo Maratti HIS MAJESTY. Claude — HIS MAJESTY. Rembrandt — William Wells, Esq, Teniers — A, Jones, Esq. Teniers — Sir A. Hume, Bart. Van Goyen — Col. Keate. Carlo Cignani HIS MAJESTY. \7jinrlpi* IVTpnIpri V dlXUCi iTXCU.J.CLl William Hastings, Esq. Parmigiano — Sir A. Hume, Bart. Murillo — Sir A. Hume, Bart. Guido — • Lord C. Townshend, M. P. Vander Meulen William Hastings, Esq. Gainsborough Lord Dover. Greuze — Lord C. Townshend, M. P. Titian — HIS MAJESTY. Titian — HIS MAJESTY. [16] No. ^ Subjects. 99 Landscape, with Waterfall — 100 Jacob's Journey — — — 101 Portrait of Milanos, a Venetian Senator 102 A Fete Champetre — — 103 Landscape with Banditti — — 104 An Interior, with Portraits of the Painter and his Family — — MIDDLE ROOM.— ^^e^^ Side. 105 View of the Ponte Mola — 106 Horses in a Landscape — — 107 View of Scheveling, with Fishermen selling Fish — — — 108 A Rejoicing Night in Holland — 109 Child with Fruit — — 110 Field of Battle — — 111 Portrait of a Venetian Nobleman — 112 View on a River, an Evening Effect 113 Figures shooting at a Target 114 Portrait of Sir William Hamilton — 115 Portrait of a Venetian Nobleman and his Son — — — 116 Woody Landscape with a Water Mill 117 An Interior with Figures gambling 118 A River Scene, with Boats and Figures 119 A Landscape with Fall of Water, and Captive Figures — — 120 A Landscape with Sportsmen and Deer Painters. Ruysdael — Leandro Bassano Tintoret — Watteau — J Wynants and "I 1 Wouwerman J Jan Steen — Jan Asselyn — Cuyp — Wouwerman Vander Poel — Netscher — II Borgognone Tintoret — Vanderneer — Teniers — Sir J oshuaRey nolds Titian — Hobbima — Teniers — Vander Capella Both — Pynacker — Proprietors. SirM, WhiteRidley.Bt.M.P. HIS MAJESTY. Sir A. Hume^ Bart. Marquess of Stafford, K. G. Lord C. Townshend, M. P. IVilliam Wells, Esq. John Slater, Esq. Hon. Mrs. Cawthorne, fVilliam PTells, Esq. A. Jones, Esq. John Slater, Esq. Thomas Hamlet, Esq. Lord Northwick. Fis count ess Hampden. Earl of Bandon. r Trustees of the British \ Museum. Earl of Bandon. Viscountess Hampden. Lord C. Townshend, M. P. Hon. Mrs. Caivthorne. Edward Gray, Esq. Sir M, fVhiteRidley,Bt. M.P [17] North End. No. Subjects. 121 The Angel appearing to the Shepherds 122 Sea View on the Dutch Coast — 123 Landscape with Fishermen 124 Portrait of a Venetian Gentleman with a Dog — — _ 125 The Holy Family — 126 Portrait of Giorgio Barbani 127 The Nativity — — _ 128 Landscape with Cattle and Figures 129 Moonlight — _ SOUTH ROOM^^a^^ Side. 130 Magdalen _ _ 131 Portrait of a Lady ^ 132 The Creation, an Allegory 133 Portraits of distinguished Connoisseurs, painted at Rome 134 View of Rome from Tivoli 135 Holy Family ^ 136 Christ Triumphant 137 Landscape, Cattle and Figures — 138 A Musical Party — — 139 Portrait of V^illiam Duke of Cumberland E Painters. Cuyp — De Vlieger — Van Uden &Teniers Titian — Cristofano AUori Titian — — Schidoni — Van Uden & Teniers Vanderneer — Spagnoletto — Sir Peter Lely — Guercino — SirJoshuaReynolds Gaspar Poussin Marco Uggione Rubens — — Claude Giorgione — SirJoshuaReynolds Proprietors. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. Mrs. West. Earl of Bandon. HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. fVilliam fVilkins, Esq. Earl of Ban don. Daniel Mesman, Esq. SirM. White Ridley, Bt. M.P. C. H. Phillips, Esq. Sir A. Hume, Bart. Lord George Cavendish. William Wilhins, Esq. r Rt. Hon. Sir George JVar- \ render, Bart. M. P. G. Watson Taylor, Esq.M. P. Thomas Hamlet, Esq. Lord Northwick. HIS MAJESTY. //// [ 18 ] No. Subjects. 140 View in Calabria with Banditti 141 Daedalus and Icarus — 142 Marriage of St. Catherine — 143 View on the Grand Canal at Venice 144 Cattle in a Landscape — SOUTH ROOM— South End 145 Head of a Cow — — 146 The Visitation — — 147 Landscape with Peasants Travelling 148 Girl and Dog — — 149 St. Jerome — — 150 The effects of Intemperance — 151 Girl Drawing — — 152 Holy Family — — 153 Landscape with Water Mill — SOUTH ROOM.— Pfe^^ Side. 154 A Cabinet with Still Life 155 The March of an Army — 156 Banditti — — 157 The Noli me tangere — 158 Portrait of a Flemish Gentleman 159 St. Sebastian — — 160 A Hawking Party — 161 Landscape — — 162 I^andscape — — 163 A Recumbent Venus — Painters. Salvator Rosa — Domenico Fetti Parmigiano — Canaletti — Clomp — Proprietors. LordCharlesTownshend, M.P. G. WatsonTaylor,Esq,M.P. J, Harford, Esq. Mrs. West. M. W. Barnes, Esq. Berghem — Bonvicino — Isaac Ostade SirJoshuaReynolds Paul Veronese Jan Steen SirJoshuaReynolds Paris Bordoni Decker an Isaac Ostade t } Hentz — — Salvator Rosa Salvator Rosa Holbein — Rubens — Dominichino — Weenix — Guercino — Caspar Poussin Titian — Hon. Mrs. Cawthorne. Lord Northwich. George f^ivian, Esq. Thomas Hamlet, Esq. George Vivian, Esq. Duhe of Wellington. Henri/ Rogers, Esq. J Rt. Hon. Sir George War- \ render, Bart. M. P. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. Sir A. Hume, Bart. Rev. Heneage Finch. George Vivian, Esq. Mrs. West. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. [ 19] No. Subjects. 164 Portrait of Lord Ligonier on Horseback 165 The Immaculate Conception — 16(J Landscape — — 167 Landscape — — 168 Meleager and Atalanta — — 169 Girl with a Letter — — 170 Holy Family and a Bishop, from the Colonna Collection — — 171 St. John — — 172 Portrait of the celebrated traveller Sebastian Cabot — — Painters. Sir J oshuaRey nolds Murillo — Guercino — Caspar Poussin Dominichino Greuze — Bonifacio — Carlo Dolce — Holbein — — Proprietors. HIS MAJESTY. Dr. Tupper. George Vivian, Esq. Mrs. West. William fVilkins, Esq. Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. Lord de Dunstanville. Thomas Hamlet, Esq. Richard Biddle, Esq. WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper, London : Printed by W. Nicol, Cleveland-row. z-^^z z-^^/ -^-^"^ ' ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ /^r^ z^-^^- .y^^iy^^^i^^ iL, ^^^^^ ^ . ^^^^^ ^ y^^^ j*^^ /-^ t Brtttsf) f nstitutton FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, K. T. PRESIDBNT. THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G. C. B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, CLEVELAND-ROW, ST. JAMKs's. 1832. PRICE ONE SHILLING. « GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, K. T. President. * THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G.C.B. Deputy President. Marquess of Abercorn. The Duchess of St. Albans. Earl of Ashburnham. Earl of Aylesford. Sir Emanuel Felix A^ar. John Angerstein, Esq. Mrs. Aust. The Duke of Bedford, Director. Marquess of Bute. Earl Browniow, Director. The Earl of Bridgewater. Lady Bernard. Lord Barrington. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. Director. Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. Colonel Hugh Bailie, M. P. James Evan Baillie, Esq. M. P. Rev. James Baker. Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. Director. John Bayford, Esq. Thomas WentworthBeaumont,Esq.M.P. Lord Bexley. John Blackallf Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Robert H. Bradshaw, Esq. M. P. T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. Marquess Camden, K. G. Earl of Carlisle. Earl Cowper, Director. Earl of Carysfort. Lord Carrington. , N. W. RidleyColborne,Esq. M. P. Director The Duke of Devonshire. * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director. * Lord de Dunstanville. Lord Dundas. Col. A. J. Dalrymple. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. * Richard Hart Davis, Esq. Lt. Col. Hugh Percy Davison. Miss Dehaney. William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. Robert Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. * The Earl of Egremont. Sir John Malpas Grey Egerton, Bart. William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitz William. Lord Feversham. Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. M. P. * Francis Gosling., Esq. George Gostling, Esq. * Earl of Hardwicke, K. G. * Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Director. * John Hambrough, Esq. * Hugh Harnmersley, Esq. George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq, Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bart. Hylton JollifFe, Esq. M. P. Lord Kinnaird. John Knight, Esq. * Marquess of Lansdowne, Director, Earl of Liverpool, K. G. Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. * Rev. William Long-, Director. Mrs. Law. Thomas Legh, Esq. M. P. Lieut. Colonel Long. * Samuel Long, Esq. ^ William Ludiam, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough. * Earl Man vers. * John Meheux, Esq. * Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. Earl of Normanton. * John Nash, Esq. Charles Savill-Only, Esq. Earl of Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. * Hon. Edward Petre. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. M. P. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. * Earl of Rosebery. Lord Viscount Ranelash. * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Director. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. * The Marquess of Stafford, K. G. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. M. P. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. M. P. John Symmons, Esq. * Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. * George W^atson Taylor,Esq.M.P.Z)/rec'/or. Richard Thompson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. Charles Flanbury Tracy, Esq. The Rev. Thomas Fialls. The Earl of Upper Ossory. SirWatkin Williams Wynn, Bart.M. P. Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. Director Frederick Webb, Esq. Mrs. Weddell. Marquess of Westminster, Director. William Henry Whitbread, Esq. William Wilberforce, Esq. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their lives. Lord Arden. John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton. Earl of Beverley. Marquess of Breadalbane. Lord Burghersh. Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. LIFE GOVERNORS. William Blake, Esq. Samuel Boddington, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Walter Boyd, Esq. Henry Broadwood, Esq. The Archbishop of Canterbury. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill. B GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. Lord Dover, Director. Lord Dynevor. Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. Earl of Essex. Rev. Howell Holland Edwards. Lord Fitzgerald and Vesey. William Fitzhugh, Esq. Viscount Goderich. Earl Grey. Lord Garvagh. James Goding, Jun. Esq. David Green, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. John S. Hudson, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Right Hon. Sir John Leach. Sir John Lowther, Bart. M. P. Lord Maryborough. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. John Maitland, Esq. William Manning, Esq. Miss Middleton. James Morrison, Esq. Lord Northwick, Director. Rt. Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M. P. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. Charles Offley, Esq. Viscount Palmerston. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Director. General The Hon. E. Phipps, M. P. Roger Pettiward, Esq. Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. Rev. Sir John Robinson, Bart. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M. P. Peter Rainier, Esq. George Reveley, Esq. Earl Spencer, K. G. Lord Selsey. Lord Stowell. William Scrope, Esq. J. B. Scott, Esq. George Smith, Esq. M. P. Edward Solly, Esq. Richard H. Solly, Esq. William Sotheby, Esq. Sir James Stuart, Bart. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. f John Vincent Thompson, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bart. M. P. Robert Walpole, Esq. William Wells, Esq. Director. Subscribers q/lOO Guineas or upwards in one sum, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, and of introducing two friends each day. ^ Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscriptions received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cross. C 7 ] SUBSCRIBERS. Earl of Aberdeen, K.T. £ 105 0 Marquess of Abercorn, 105 0 The Duchess of St. Albans, 105 0 Earl of Ashburnham, 105 0 Earl of Aylesford, 105 0 Lord Arden, 52 10 Mrs. Aust, 105 0 Miss Atherton, 52 10 Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart. M. P. 10 10 Sir Emanuel Felix Agar, 105 0 John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. - 52 10 John Angerstein, Esq. 105 0 Duke of Bedford, 105 0 Marquess of Bute^ - 105 0 £arZ of Bridgewater, 105 0 Earl of Breadalbane, - 52 10 Earl Brownlow, 105 0 Lady Bernard, 105 0 Colonel Hugh Baillie, M. P. - 105 0 James Evan Baillie, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. 105 0 Rev. James Baker, 105 0 Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. 52 10 Lord Barrington, 105 0 John Bayford^ Esq. - 105 0 T. W. Beaumont, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Charles Bell, Esq. 10 10 Earl of Beverley, 52 10 Lord Bexley, 105 0 William Blake, Esq. - 52 10 Charles Birch, Esq. 10 10 John Blackall, Esq. 105 0 Samuel Boddington, Esq, 52 10 Samuel Boddington, jun. Esq. 10 10 Thomson Bonar, Esq. 105 0 Walter Boyd, Esq. 105 0 Robert H. Bradshaw, Esq M. P. £105 0 John Brickwood, Esq. - 10 10 T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. . 105 0 Henry Broadwood, Esq. - 52 10 Lord Burghersh, - - 52 10 Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. - - 52 10 William Bosanquet, Esq. - 52 10 The Archbishop of Canterbury, - 105 0 Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. - 105 0 Marquess Camden, K. G. - 105 0 Lord Churchill, - - 12 10 Earl Covv^per, - - 105 0 Earl of Carlisle, - - 105 0 Earl of Carysforty - - 105 0 Lord Carrington, - - 105 0 N.W. Ridley Colborne, Esq, M. P. 105 0 John Craufurd, Esq. - - 10 10 Duke of Devonshire, - 105 0 Earl of Dartmouth, - - 105 0 Earl of Darnley, - - 52 10 Colonel A. J. Dalrymple, - 105 0 Sir George Duckett, Bart. - 105 0 Lord Dynevor, - - 52 10 Lord Dundas, - - 105 o Lord de Dimstanville, - 105 0 Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq, - 105 0 Richard Hart Davis, Esq. - 105 0 Lieut. Col. Hugh Percy Davison, 105 0 Lord Dover, - - 52 10 Miss Dehaney, - - 105 0 Robert Dent, Esq. - 105 0 William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. 105 O Charles Devon, Esq. - 105 0 Charles Dixon, Esq. - 52 1 0 Enosh Durante Esq. - 52 10 Earl of Essex, - - 52 10 Earl of Egremont, - - 105 0 Sir William Elford, Bart. - lo lo /S2 SUBSCRIBERS. 8 Sir J. Malpas Grey Egerton, Bart. £ 105 0 William Evans, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Rev. Howell Holland Edwards, 105 0 Earl Fitzwilliam, 105 0 Lord Farnborough, 105 0 Lord Feversham, 105 0 Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. 105 0 William Fitzhugh, Esq. 5^ 10 Lord Fitzgerald and Vesey, 52 10 Robert Frankland, Esq. M. P. 10 10 Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. 105 0 John Fuller, Esq. 105 0 James C. Fyler, Esq. 10 10 The Countess de Grey, - annual 5 5 Viscount Goderich, 105 0 Earl Grey, 52 10 Lord Garvagh, - - 52 10 Sir William Geary, Bart. 10 10 Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. M. P. 105 0 Francis Goslings Esq. 105 0 George Gostling, Esq. 105 0 David Green, Esq. 52 10 James Goding, jun. Esq. 52 10 Joseph Gwilt, Esq. 10 10 Earl of Hardwicke, K. G. 105 0 Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. 105 0 Hugh Hammersley, Esq. 105 0 William Hamilton, Esq. 52 10 Jeremiali Harman, Esq, 52 10 Charles Hatchet, Esq. 10 10 George Hibbert, Esq. 105 0 Henry Hoare, Esq. 105 0 Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. 105 0 Frederick Hodgson, Esq. 52 10 J. H. Holder, Esq. 105 0 Robert Holford, Esq. 10 10 Henry Hope, Esq, 105 0 Thomas Hope, Esq. 105 0 Henry Philip Hope, Esq. 105 0 William Haldimand, Esq. 52 10 John Hambrough, Esq. 105 0 John S. Hudson, Esq. 52 10 Rev. Sir Samuel C. Jervoise, Bart. 105 0 Hylton Jolliffe, Esq. M. P 105 0 George Johnson, Esq. 10 10 Lord Kinnaird, 105 0 William King, Esq. - £ 105 0 Henry King, Esq. 105 0 John Knight, Esq. 105 0 P. C. Labouchere, Esq. 10 10 Marquess of Lansdowne, 105 0 Thomas Legh,Esq. M. P. 105 0 Earl of Liverpool, 105 0 Earl of Lonsdale, 105 0 Rev. William Long, 105 0 Samuel Long, Esq. 105 0 Lieut. Colonel Long, 105 0 Thomas Lack, Esq. 10 10 Mrs. Law, - - 105 0 Right Hon. Sir John Leach, 52 10 Sir John Lowther, Bart. M. P. 52 10 Sir John Wm. Lubbock, Bart. 105 0 William Ludlam, Esq. 105 0 Robert Ludgate, Esq. - annual 3 3 William Manning, Esq. 52 10 Earl Manvers, 105 0 Duke of Marlborough, 105 0 Lord Maryborough, 52 10 G. Morant, Esq. - annual 5 5 Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. 10 10 John Maitland, Esq. 52 10 Thomas Potter Macqueen, Esq. 52 10 John Meheux, Esq. 105 0 Miss Middleton, 52 10 Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart, 105 0 James Morrison, Esq. - - - 105 0 James Moss, Esq. 10 10 Lord Northwick, 52 10 John Nash, Esq. 105 0 Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. 62 10 Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. 105 0 Right Hon. Sir John Nicholl, M.P, 52 10 William Nicol, Esq. - annual 3 s Earl of Normanton, 105 0 Charles Offley, Esq. 52 10 Charles Savill-Only, Esq. 105 0 Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. - 52 10 Earl of Powis, 105 0 John Penn, Esq. 105 0 Viscount Palmerston, M, P. 52 10 Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. 105 0 Roger Pettiward, Esq. 52 10 SUBSCRIBERS. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. M. P. £. 105 0 5ir "Robert Peel, Bart. - - 105 0 The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. - - - 105 0 J. G. Parker, Esq. - - 10 10 Charles Pieschell, Esq. - 105 0 Hon. E. Petre, - - 105 0 General The Hon. E. Phipps, M. P. 52 10 W. Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. - 52 10 Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 Lord Viscount Ranelagh, - 105 0 Peter Rainier, Esq. - 52 10 George Reveley, Esq. - 52 10 Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. - 105 0 Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M. P. 52 10 Rev. Sir John Robinson, Bart. - 52 10 Sir Christopher Robinson, Bart. 10 10 Cornelius H. Rodes, Esq. - 10 10 Samuel Rogers, Esq. - 105 0 Earl of Rosebery, - - 105 0 Jesse Watts Russell, Esq, - 105 0 Marquess of Stafford, K.G. - 105 0 Earl Spencer, K. G. - - 52 10 Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. M. P. - 105 0 John Soane, Esq. R. A. - 500 0 J. B. Scott, Esq. - 105 0 William Scrope, Esq. - 52 10 Lord Selsey, - - 52 10 Henry Seymour, Esq. - 105 0 Richard Simmons, Esq. - 105 0 William Smith, Esq. M. P. - 105 0 George Smith, Esq. M. P. - 52 10 Enos Smith, Esq. - lo 10 Richard H. Solly, Esq. - S3 10 9 Edward Solly, Esq. - - £52 10 William Sotheby, Esq. - - 52 10 LordStowell, - - 52 10 Sir James Stuart, Bart. 105 0 John Symmons, Esq. - 105 0 Richard Thompson, Esq. - 105 O William Tassie, Esq. - - 52 JO George Watson Taylor, Esq . M . P. 105 o Samuel Thornton, Esq. - 105 O William Thornhill, Esq. - 105 0 George Townley, Esq. - - 52 10 Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. 105 O Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. - 105 O The Rev. Thomas Vialls, - - 105 O John Vincent Thompson, Esq. - 105 0 William Vaughan, Esq. - - 10 10 Robert Vernon, Esq. - annual 3 3 Earl of Upper Ossory, - 105 0 Robert Walpole, Esq, - . 52 10 Right Honourable Sir George War- render, Bart, M, P, - 52 10 Sir Robert Wigram, Bart. - 105 0 Robert Williams, Esq. - 105 0 Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart, M.P. - - 105 0 Charles Baring W^all, Esq. M.P. 105 0 Frederick Webb, Esq. - 105 0 Mrs.Weddell, - - 105 O Marquess of Westminster, - - 105 0 Wm. Henry Whitbread, Esq. - 105 0 William Wilberforce, Esq, - 105 O John Smith Wright, Esq. - 105 0 Roger Wilbraham, Esq. - 105 0 William Wells, Esq. - - io5 0 c Attendants are placed in different parts of the Gallery to prevent any Person ifrom touching the Pictures. CATALOGUE OF PICTURES BY ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, AND ENGLISH MASTERS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. JULY, 1832. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room ; and in the Middle and South Rooms, at the North End, on the left hand. No. Subjects. 1 Charles the First and Attendants — 2 Portrait, one of the Medici family — 3 The Sybil's Temple, Tivoli — — 4 A Sea Shore with Vessels — — 5 Christ Feeding the Multitude, — a finished Model for a large Work — 6 A Sea Calm — — - — 7 The Niobe ^ — — 8 The Emperor Claudius — — Nwth End. , Painters. Vandyke Parmagiano - Salvator Rosa Vandevelde - Murillo Vandevelde Wilson Titian Proprietoni. Duke of Grafton. George Vivian, Esq. William Scrope, Esq. fVilliam Wells, Esq. Hugh A. J. Munro, Esq. M. M. Zachary, Esq. Hugh A. J. Munro, Esq. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. AS. 1/ [ 12] NORTH ROOM.— £a«< Side. No. Subjects. 9 The Guardian Angel — — 10 Fruit with Insects — — 11 St. John _ _ __ 12 The Horrors of War, from the Balbi Palace. Genoa — — — 13 Portrait of a Knight of Malta — 14 Portrait of a Man — — 15 Venus presenting the Arms, forged by Vulcan, to ^^Ineas — — 16 Spanish Peasants — — . 17 Magdalen — — — 18 Christ in the Garden — — 19 Landscape — — — 20 St. James — _ _ 21 The Discovery of Pythagoras — 22 Dead Christ with the Marys — 23 Head of a Child — ^ 24 Holy Family— The Virgin washing the Feet of Our Saviour — — 25 The Emperor Charles the Fifth on Horse- back — From the Orleans Gallery — 26 The Holy Family _ — 27 The Resurrection — — 28 Abraham dismissing Hagar — 29 Buildings, with a Triumphant Procession Painters. AlexanderVeronese Rachael Ruysch Parmagiano — NORTH ROOM.— A^ow^A End. 30 An Avenue with Sportsmen — . 31 Sea Shore with Figures — } Rubens — Tintoretto — rSebastiano del \Piombo — Nicholas Poussin Velasquez — Titian — Bronzino — Gaspar Poussin Andrea del Sarto Salvator Rosa — Annibale Caracci Titian — - Nicholas Poussin Titian — — Nicholas Poussin Paul Veronese — Rembrandt — VanderUlft ~ 1 JHackart and \ A. Vandevelde / Bonington Proprietors. George Vivian, Esq. William Wells, Esq. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Samuel Rogers, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. Marquess of Lansdowne. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. Mrs. West. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. William fVilkins, Esq. Lord Farnborouffh. o Peter Du Cane, Esq. Charles HanhuryTracy, Esq. Lord Yarhorough. Earl Brownlow. Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. Samuel Rogers, Esq. William Scrope, Esq. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. P. C. Crespigny, Esq. Lord Dover. Marquess of Stafford. ^Marquess of Westminster. -c [ 13 ] No. Subject. 32 View on the Coast of Holland with Boats and Figures — — —r 33 Samson and Dalilah — 34 View in North Holland — — 35 Landscape, with Portrait of the Artist, Drawing — — 36 An Exterior with Peasants Merry Making Vander Capella - Vandyke — — De Koning — Cuyp — — Adrian Ostade NORTH "mO^.^West Side. 37 A Lady at her Toilet — — 38 View of a Dutch Town — — 39 The Doctors of the Church — 40 Macbeth with the Witches — — 41 A Frost Scene, — View on a River in Hol- land with Figures Skating — 42 Landscape with Peasants and Cattle passing a Brook — — — 43 Landscape with Figures — — 44 Lucretia — — — 45 Frost Piece — — — 46 Marchesa Spinola, painted at Genoa - 47 Frost Piece with Figures Skating — 48 Man's Head — — — 49 Landscape with Water Mill — 50 Landscape with Nymphs Bathing — 51 Landscape with Figures — ~ Painters. Terburg — — Ruysdael — — Titian — Zuccherelli — Vanderneer — Karl du Jardin Claude — — Rembrandt — Vanderneer — Vandyke — — Cuyp — — Rembrandt — Hobbima — — { De Heusch and Polemberg Gaspar Poussin } Proprietors. Lord Northwich. HIS MAJESTY. Charles Hanhury Tracy, Esq . The Duke of Bedford, William fFellSf Esq. P. C. Crespigny^ Esq, Marquess of Lansdowne. George Vivian^ Esq. Charles HanhuryTracy, Esq. M. M. Zachary, Esq. Charles HanhuryTracy, Esq. Charles HanhuryTracy, Esq. Hugh A, J. Munro, Esq. Joseph Bar chard, Esq. Earl of Caledon. Lord Yarhorough. N. W, Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. f Rt.Hon. Sir Robert Peel, \ Bart. M. P. { Mrs. IVest. M. M. Zachary, Esq. D [ 14] No. Subject. 52 Landscape and Cattle with Figures 53 Landscape with Cattle and Figures 54 Flowers — — — 55 St. Peter — _ North End. 56 Landscape with Cattle and Figures — 57 Landscape with Figures and Cattle — 58 Banks of a River with Figures and Cattle 59 An Allegory — — 60 Cattle in a Landscape — — 61 Merry-Making — — — 62 Ruysdael's Arch — — MIDDLE ROOM.— ^a*^ Side. 63 Landscape and Cattle — 64 Interior with Figures — 65 A Cupid, Unfinished — 66 Sea Shore — — — 67 Dutch Village — — 68 Sea Calm — — - 69 Innocence — 70 Horses and Figures — Painters. Karl du Jardin — Wynants andl A.Vandevelde f Rachael Ruysch Guido — — { THobbimaand ^ \a. Vandevelde.J Both — — Cuyp — — Tintoretto — ' Cuyp — — Teniers — — Ruysdael — — Berghem — — C. Bega — — Sir J oshuaReynolds Gainsborough — Ruysdael — — W. Vandevelde — Greuse — — Wouwerman — Proprietors. Charles HanhuryTracy^ Esq. Charles Hanhury Tracy , Esq. William JVellSf Esq. Charles Brind, Esq. Charles HanhuryTracy ^Esq. Charles Bredel, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. Earl of Harrowhy. Charles Hanhury Tracy, Esq . Charles Bredel, Esq. Robert Ludgate, Esq, Charles Bredel, Esq. George Vivian, Esq. Sir George Philips, Bart. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. George Byng, Esq. M. P. Lord Yarborough. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq, [ IS ] riO. oUDjeCt. X cUIllCI a« Proprietors. ^'Rnvsiflapl anH "1 Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. 71 Landscape — — 1 A ^anrlpvplnp 1 1 T dilvicYCiuc J '7'9 Sit TrkCnim rlpwir»lHo 1^ Oil trUsLiUCIi XVC Y "viltlO Sit* Tr»olina TlpvTinlnsi Oil V UQllUaXVv Y 11U1U8 SUf donrirp Philins Hart. X ^1 Lr ill William Wells, Esq. ^7 A T .EiTirlcr'fi'nA nrirl •'nfflA t\, V dlltlCYCltlC f^hnvJps Tirptlpl, Jilso. i iJ J^cluU.oCaUc dllU. flg^Ulco — — — ■ ^ 1 ^r* Yl 1 CllflO 1 eniers — — T?nt*l nf JSFnrfyi.fififnn. 7fi TThi'PP ssmall Vipws in Ttalv — /^iiarni > VJIUCILUI — — — — Tjord Dover. / / V levy 111 V cIllLc — vjudrui — " JLjUi (* xVl/l/c/ • 78 Vipw in Vpnipp — — § *J T ACVT 111 T Wlllv/^ liriiarHi — VJlUUilUl Lord Dover, 7Q Tjanrl«>par»p witli a T?p1io*innQ Proppssiifin # «/ 1 ici^imov^ci/tJv^j vrivui d* x«i\^iici iv/uo x i v/vfi^QoivFii Annihalp f^a.rrappi XxililllLfdlC V^dtllCltwwl Marquess of Lansdowne. 80 VlPW in VPTllPP — vjrudiui TjOvd, DoDP.r. Q"! 1/1 OUT ITl X/OTIli***! — ^ OA T IcW 111 V cUlUc ~— — " ijruarai — — T nvn Tlni^pv 8Q T jflnrlsipa'np atiH 'Pio'iirpc — XCUICIS Earl (yf Normanton. 855 Tfirpp «tinall Vtpws! in Ttalv — C/O XIJIC/O Ollldill T It^WO lit XtdlV vrlldltll Tjftrd Dnvpr 8^ A Him fa I 1 .rki*ri TvArkTipl _ _ OTt /xuiilllcli xjUIU. XvcUUcl """" oiru osnudivcy iioiuo HD/i'vl n'f' /tlhpfnnriP 8fi Sir .Tfmhna T?pvnnlfls! -» _ Si !• Trkclin a Tl pvn a1 n S! Olltl UOllUdXVC Y UV/lUo TjOvd Dnvpi''. 86 Water Mill ^ — — Ruysdael — — Colonel Hugh Baillie. 87 An Advocate in his Study — Adrian Ostade — Robert Ludgate, Esq. 88 Landscape and Cattle — — Cuyp — — Lord Northwick. 89 Nativity, a Sketch — - — Vandyke — — Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. on J-Jr\r\A f\f n '\lf n-r\ yu rieau ot a Man — - — — Giorgione — — Ci** jtlTifriJinm TJiiniP nfivf tjtr xxUTillvvLllti i.±Uiinc, jJUii 91 A River Scene with Boats and Figures Vander Capella — George Byng, Esq. M. P. 92 Henrietta Maria, Wife of Charles the First Vandyke — — Rev. J. Havolisley. MIDDLE KOOM-^South End. 93 River Scene, with Fishermen — Teniers — — Henry Fulton, Esq. 94 Virgin Mary, with Infant Christ and St. William Wilkins, Esq. [16] Subjects. 95 A Fragment from Pompeii painted prior to A. D. 79 — _ 96 A Fragment from Pompeii — 97 A Fragment from Pompeii — 98 An Interior; Boors drinking — — 99 The Woman taken in Adultery — 100 A Lady Drawing — — 101 Portrait of Don Diego Ortiz de Zuniga, Annalist of Seville, and the Patron of Murillo — — 102 Milk Girl — ^ _ 103 A Musical Party; with a Portrait of the Painter, his Wife, and Jan Steen 104 An Interior with Figures MIDDLE "^OOU.^West Side. 105 Sea Shore with Horses and Figures 106 Landscape, with View of Tivoli 107 Man's Head — _ 108 Landscape with Ferry Boat 109 A Turk reposing — 110 A Man playing on the Violin 111 Landscape and Figures 112 Sea Storm — . ^ Painters. Adrian Ostade — Paris Bordoni — Sir JoshuaRey n old s Murillo — Gainsborough — Metzu — — De Hooge — — Proprietors. Sir Matthew fFhite Ridlet/^ Bart. M. P. Sir Matthew TFhite Ridley, Bart. M. P. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M. P. Charles Brind, Esq. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Sir George Philips, Bart. Colonel Hugh Baillie. Sir George Philips, Bart. Frederick Perkins, Esq. M. M. Zachary, Esq. Cuyp — — Breemburg — Rembrandt — Breemburg — Bonington — Berkehyde — {Moucheron & "| A. Vandevelde J Backhuysen — Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M. P. J. Wright, Esq. Colonel Hugh Baillie. J. Wright, Esq. C. B. Wall, Esq. M. P. Robert Ludgate, Esq. Joseph Bar chard, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq, [ 17 ] Nto. Subjects. 113 Henry Howard Earl of Surrey — " Portrait of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, in the fine Tournament dress, in which he wooed the fair Geral- dine, painted by Tizian, sometime about the year 1531j when the gallant Knight assisted, and broke a lance in honour of his incomparable Lady, at the grand Joust given by the Emperor Charles V. on the celebration of the Nuptials of Jlessandro (detto il Moro) with the Emperor's Natural Daughter. The Earl's dress is studded all over with the enigmatical device of ' The True Lover's Knot," and he holds in his left hand the Symbol of constancy to a Lover's plighted faith, to which he did not adhere." Vide Walpole'i Royal and Noble Authors. 114 A Concert with Family Portraits — 115 Landscape with Figures and Cattle — 116 Magdalen — — - — 117 Landscape — — — 118 Sea Shore with Vessels and Figures — 119 Landscape, with Portrait of Prince Maurice 120 Hawking — — 121 The Entrance of the Forest of Soignies Painters. Titian Velasquez - Gainsborough Guido — Caspar Poussin Backhuysen Cuyp — — Wouwerman Artois — Proprietors. Lord Northwick. North End. 122 Landscape and Figures — 123 View in Venice — — 124 Landscape with Fishermen — 125 Children of Henry the Seventh - 126 Musical Party — — — 127 The Interior of a Tailor's Shop - 128 A Farmyard with Cattle and Figures E Waterloo — Guardi — Teniers — Holbein — Jan Steen — Bracklencamp Teniers — P. Langford Brooke, Esq. JVilliam Scrope, Esq. Robert Ludgate, Esq. P. Langford Brooke, Esq. Lord Dover. Charles Brind, Esq. Charles Brind, Esq. Marquess of Stafford. Robert Ludgate, Esq. Hugh A. J. Munro, Esq. William Wells, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. Charles Brind, Esq. William Hastings, Esq. Mrs. West. [ 18] SOUTH ROOM— Side. No. Subjects. 129 Hagar and Ishmael — — 130 Christ bearing his Cross — 131 Christ Healing the Sick in the Temple 132 The Nativity — — - 133 Portrait — — 134 Virgin Mary with Infant Christ and St. John 135 The Nativity — _ _ 136 The Birth of Jupiter — _ 137 Presentation in the Temple, Portrait of Murillo in the foreground — 138 Cupid — — _ 139 A Man's Portrait — — 140 Virgin with Infant Christ — 141 Landscape — - 142 St. Sebastian SOUTH ROOM.—^omM End. 143 An Exterior, a Dutch Family, a Man clean ing Fish — 144 Landscape and Figures — - 145 Frost Piece — 146 An Interior with Figures — 147 A Musical Party — 148 The Water Doctor — — 149 An Interior with Figures — 150 View on the Grand Canal, Venice — Painters. Francisco Mola — Giorgione — Tintoretto — Perino del Vaga Titian — — Titian — — Paulo Veronese — vSchiavone — Murillo — — Titian — -— Paris Bordone — Fra. Bartolomeo Sir J oshuaReynolds Spagnoletti — Adrian Ostade Pynacker Vanderneer Adrian Ostade Schalken — Adrian Ostade C. Dusart — Canaletti • — Proprietors. Colonel Hugh Baillie. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Earl of Harrowby . Sir Abraham Hume, Barf. IViUiam IVells, Esq. Earl of Aberdeen. Countess of Mulgrave. Sir Matthew Wfiite Ridley, Bart. M. P. I. JJdney, Esq. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Sir George Philips, Bart. Sir Abraham Hume, Barf. M. M. Zachary, Esq. Colonel Hugh Baillie. Charles Brind, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tr-acy, Esq. Robert Ludgate, Esq. Lord Farnborough. [ 19 ] No. Subjects. 151 St. Martin dividing his Garments — 152 Rocky Shore with Boats and Figures 153 An Interior, a Gentleman presenting Fruit to a Lady — — — 154 An Inn Door with Figures and Cattle - 155 Landscape with a Fall of Water — 156 A Mountebank — — 157 Landscape with Peasants — — SOUTH ROOM.— ^e*^ Side. 158 Admiral Lord Keppel — — 159 Bacchanalians by Torchhght — 160 Moonlight View on a River in Holland 161 The Marriage of Jan Steen's Daughter 162 Prometheus — — 163 The Grand Council Hall, Venice - 164 Abraham's Offering — — 165 A Brisk Gale — — 166 A Magdalen — — 167 A Hawking Party — — 168 View on the Coast of Holland; a Man of War in the distance — — 169 A Merry Making — — 170 An Inn Door ; a Traveller halting for Re- freshment — — — 171 Peter the Great with Shipping in the back- ground — — Painters. Rubens — Pynacker — • Metzu — ■ Berghem — Ruysdael — • Karl du Jardin Le Nain — ■ Proprietors. HIS MAJESTY. Hugh A. J. Munro, Esq. Earl of Harrowhy. Charles HanburyTracy^Esq. J. J. Martin, Esq. P. C. Crespigfiy, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. SirJoshuaReynolds Earl Brownlow. Schalken — — ^\^illiam WilkinSyEsq. Vanderneer — Charles Brind, Esq. Jan Steen — — ^Charles Brind, Esq. Old Palma — HIS MAJES IT. Tintoretto loeorge J^ivian, Esq. Dominichino — \ William IVilkins, Esq. Backhuysen — iHugh A. J. Munro, Esq. Titian — — iLorc? Northwick. Linglebach — fVilliam Hastings, Elsq. Backhuysen — Jan Steen — Isaac Ostade — Sir Godfrey Kneller & W. Vandevelde William Wells, Esq. Henry Fulton, Esq. William Wells, Esq. I HIS MAJESTY. [20] No. Subjects. 172 Portrait of a Mathematician — 173 Battle Piece — _ 174 A Scene on the Dutch Coast: a Fleet in the distance — — 175 A Man's Portrait — _ Painters. Young Palina Parrocel — Backhuysen Vandyke — I Proprietors. HIS MAJESTY. C. O. Bowles, Esq. Charles Brind, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper. London : Printed by W. Nicol, Cleveland-row. ^ X/. / /^^/ y^/ y .^g,;^ ^..^^ ^./^ - V. /Jy^^^Z^^ ^ ^4^. Britisf) f tistitution FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, K. T. PRESIDENT. THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G. C. B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, CLEVELAND-ROW, ST. JAMES's 1833. PRICE ONE SHILLING. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, K. T. President. * THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G. C. B. Deputy President. Marquess of Abercorn. The Duchess of St. Albans. Earl of Ashburnham. Earl of Aylesford. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar. John Angerstein, Esq. Mrs. Aust. The Duke of Bedford, K.G. Director. Marquess of Bute. Earl Brownlow, Director. The Earl of Bridgewater. Lady Bernard. Lord Barrington. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Director. Sir Frederick Baher, Bart. Colonel Hugh Bailie. James Evan Baillie, Esq. M.P. Rev. James Baker. Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. Director. John Bayford, Esq. Thomas Wentworth Beaumont, Esq. M. P. Lord Bexley. John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Robert H. Bradshaw, Esq. T. H. L. Broadhead, Esq. Marquess Camden, K. G. Earl of Carlisle. Earl Cowper, Director. Earl of Carysfort. Lord Carrington. N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. Director. The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director, * Lord de Dunstanville. Lord Dundas. Col. A. J. Dalrymple. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. * Richard Hart Davis, Esq. Lt. Col. Hugh Percy Davison. Miss Dehaney. William Joseph Denison, Esq. M.P. Robert Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. * The Earl of Egremont. Sir John Malpas Grey Egerton, Bart. William Evans, Esq. M.P. Earl Fitzwilliam. Lord Feversham. Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. * Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. * Earl of Llardwicke, K. G. * Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Director, * John Hambrough, Esq. * Hugh Hammersley, Esq. George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hohhouse, Bart, J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq, Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise,Bart. Hylton Jolliflfe, Esq.M. P. Lord Kinnaird. John Knight, Esq. * Marquess of Lansdowne, Director. Earl of Liverpool, K. G. Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. * Rev. William Long, Director. Mrs. Law. Thomas Legh, Esq. * Lieut. Colonel Long. * William Long, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough. * Earl Man vers. * John Meheux, Esq. * Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. Earl of Normanton. * John Nash, Esq. Charles Savill-Only, Esq. Earl of Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. * Hon. Edward Petre. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. Those marked * have signified their consent to their interest in the Institution * Earl of Rosebery. Lord Viscount Ranelagh. * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Director. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. * The Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. John Symmons, Esq. * Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. * George Watson Taylor, Esq. Director. Richard Thompson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. M. P. The Rev. Thomas Vialls. The Earl of Upper Ossory. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M. P. Sir Robert TVigram^ Bart, * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. Director, Frederick Webb, Esq. Mrs. Weddell. Marquess of Westminster, Director. William Henry Whitbread, Esq. M. P. William Wilberforce, Esq. Roger JVilhraham, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. the recommendation of the Directors, to allow to terminate with their lives^ Lord Arden, John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton. Earl of Beverley. Marquess of Breadalbane. Lord Burghersh. Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. LIFE GOVERNORS. William Blake, Esq. Samuel Boddington, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Walter Boyd, Esq. Henry Broadwood, Esq. The Archbishop of Canterbury. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. 5 xvuuert jrieDry uaiiucucy, xj&cj. uojjepii i>ieeiu, xijSq. ivi. Jr. juoru uover, uivtcior. Vvuaiies v^iiiey, XiSq. Lord Dynevor. y jisLou nr. i riinieision, ivi. r. v^naues uixon, JiiSq. iiie rvigni oon. oir rvODerc Jreei, ijUil. -niiiosn JL/uranij iLsq. ^VI. P. Dircctov. Earl of Essex. ueneral 1 he Hon. hi. rhjpps. Rev. Howell Holland Edwards. Roger Pettiward, Esq. Lord Fitzgerald and Vesey. Mr ueori^e i^nuips, oart. M. r. William Fitzhugh, Esq. William Tyringham Praed, Jnn. Esq. Hiari drey, Jy.Ij. Earl of Ripon. Lord Garvagh, oil jonn ivae iveia, oart. M. i . James Goding, Jun. Esq. oil iviaiinew vvnite rviuiey, tsart. ivi. i . jL/dviu viicen, jiiSq. Peter Huinicr, Esq. vviuiam riaiuimana, JiiSq. George Reveley, Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Earl Spencer, K. G. t/ciciiiidlJ Jnidl Iiid.Ilj xljoq. Lord Selsey. i/icuciicK. nougson, xLisq. Lord Stoweil. jonn k5. riuason, Jiisq. William Scrope, Esq. \y iiiidiii rvmg, HiSO. J. ij. ocoii, JCiSq. neniy jving, xLsq. George Smith, Esq. Kignt Hon. oir John JLeacij. Edward Solly, Esq. oil jonn ijOWiner, rJart. iuciiaici ri. ooiiy, iiisq. Lord Maryborough. Wiliiani ootheby, li^sq. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. Sir James Stuart, Bart. John Maitiandj Esq. William Tassie, Esq. William Manning, Esq. George Townley, Esq. Miss Middleton. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. James Morrison, Esq. TheRight IJon. Sir George\Varren(ler, Burt. Lord Northwick, Director. Robert VValpole, Esq. Rt. Hon. Sir John Nicholl. William Wells, Esq. Director. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. SUBSCRIBERS. Sir John Soane, R. A. - - 3^500 O | William Nicol, Esq. - - annual £S 3 Subscribers of 100 Guineas or upwards in one sum, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, and of introducing two friends each day. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. lo Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morrnng Exhibitions. Subscriptions received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cross. B Attendants are placed in diflFerent parts of the Gallery to prevent any Person from touching the Pictures. C ATA L O G U E OF A SELECTION OF THE WORKS OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, BENJAMIN WEST, ESQ. AND SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, THE THREE LAST PRESIDENTS OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. 1 Sir Joshua Reynolds. Presented to his late Majesty by the Marchioness of Thomond — — 2 An Infant Head ; a Study — 3 Girl with a MufF — ~ _ 4 Contemplation — - — 5 The Marquess of Rockingham — — 6 The Penn Family, 1764 — — — Proprietors. HIS MAJESTY. Sir Ahraham Hume^ Bart. The Marquess of Lansdowne. William Wells, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. John Penn, Esq. [8] 7 Head of a Boy ; a Study — — — 8 Innocence — — 9 Virgin and Child — — — 10 The Lord Chancellor Lifford — — 11 Portrait of Miss Hickey — — — 12 The late Marchioness Camden — — 13 Admiral Lord Rodney — — — 14 Ugolino — — — — 1' non piangeva, si dentro impietrai : Piangevan elli : ed Anselmuccio niio Disse : Tu guardi si, padre, che hai ? Perb non lagrimai, nfe rispos' io Tutto quel giorno, n6 la notte appresso Dante. Inferno. 15 Admiral Lord Rodney. Painted after his Action in the West Indies — — — 36 The Sleeping Girl — — — 17 Master Crewe as King Henry the Eighth — 18 The Strawberry Girl — — — 19 The Death of Dido ^ — 20 Portrait of Colonel Barr6 — — — 21 Admiral Lord Keppel, holding in his hand the . Order for the relief of Gibraltar, &c. — 22 The Fortune Teller — — 23 Admiral Lord Keppel — — — , 24 Nelly O'Bryen, 1773 — — — 25 Portrait of Sir James Hall, Bart. Painted 1782 26 Portrait of Mrs. Hartley — — — 27 Portrait of Dyer — — — 28 Portrait of Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. — — 29 Figures by Torch-light. One of the compartments of the Window in New College, Oxford — 30 Design for a large Picture of the Marriage of George the Third and Queen Charlotte — — Proprietors. William Wells, Esq. The Earl of Lonsdale , K. G. The Earl of Egremont. The Lord Lifford. T. H. Burke, Esq. The Marquess Camden, K. G, The Earl of Egremont. The Earl of Plymouth. HIS MAJESTY. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Hon. Mrs. Cunliffe Offley. Samuel Rogers, Esq, HIS MAJESTY. The Marquess Camden, K. Q. HIS MAJESTY. The Earl of Plymouth, The Lady Ashburton, The Lord Dover. Sir John Hall, Bart. The Marquess of Westminster. N. TV. Ridley Colborne, Esq. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. 1 j Mrs. Woodburne. [9 ] 31 Mary, Countess of Thanet — — — 32 The Lady Amelia Hume — — — 33 Portrait of William Strahan, Esq. — — 34 Portrait of Mr. Hickey — ^ _ 35 Portrait of a Lady — — — — 36 The Hon. John Tufton — _ 37 The Dowager Lady Spencer — — — 38 Ariadne — — — — — 39 Cymon and Iphigenia. Presented to his late Majesty by the Marchioness of Thomond 40 The Infant Academy. Bequeathed by Sir Joshua Reynolds to the late Lord Palmerston — 41 Robinetta — — — — — 42 Lady Townsend, Mrs. Gardiner and decorating the Statue of Hymen — — 43 The Infant Samuel — — — — 44 The Laughing Girl — — — — 45 The Student _ — _ 46 Portrait of Dr. Johnson, painted for Mr. Thrale 47 The First Marquess ofLansdowne, Lord Ashburton and Colonel Barre — — — 48 Lord Carrington, painted in 1779 — 49 The Countess Cornwallis and her Son Lord Broome 50 Lady de Clifford — Proprietors. The Earl of Thanet. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart, E. Snow Strahan^ Esq, T. H. BurJte, Esq. Mrs. Scott. The Earl of Thanet. f The Hon. Wm. Ponsonhy, \ M.P. Alexander Baring, Esq. M.P, HIS MAJESTY. The f^iscount Palmerston, 31. P. The Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. ( The Lord Farnborough, \ G. a B. The Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. The Earl of Warwick. The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M, P. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. The Lord CafTington. The Marchioness Cornwallis. Major the Hon. W. KeppeL C [ 10 ] SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE. Proprietors. 1 Mrs. Hart Davis, Jun. — — JR. Hart Davis, Esq. 2 His Grace the Duke of Bedford — The Duke of Bedford, K. G. 3 The Hon. Mrs. Ashley ■— — Colonel Hugh Baillie, 4 The late Admiral Viscount Exmouth — • The Viscount Sidmouth, 5 His Royal Highness Prince George of Cumberland HIS MAJESTY. 6 Miss Macdonald — — — Major General Macdonald, 7 Richard Hart Davis, Esq. — — R. Hart Davis, Esq. 8 The late Dr. Pemberton — — Mrs, Femberton. 9 The Young Napoleon, painted at Vienna Samuel fFbodburn, Esq. 10 The Countess of Blessington — — The Countess of Blessington. 1 1 The late Marquess of Abercorn, K. G. — The Marquess of Abercorn. 12 Benjamin West, Esq. President of the Royal Academy — — — HIS MAJESTY. 13 Lady Burghersh and Child — — The Lord Burghersh. 14 Sir Thomas Lawrence, President of the Royal Academy — — — The Earl of Chesterfield. 15 The Hon. J. Fane — ~ — The Lord Burghersh. 16 Portrait of an Artist — — Sir Jeffery Wyatville. 17 Lady E. Lowther — — — The Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. 18 William Fawcett, Esq. — - — Robert Vernon, Esq. 19 Kemble as Hamlet — ^ — HIS MAJESIT. 20 The Marchioness of Worcester — r The Duke of Wellington, 1 K. G, < [11] 21 Head of a Child — — — — 22 Her Royal Highness the late Princess Amelia — 23 Study of a Girl — — — — 24 The late Rt. Hon. William Huskisson — 25 The Marquess of Londonderry — — 26 Sir Walter Scott, Bart. — — 27 The Lady Dover and Son — — — 28 The Lord Dover — — — 29 Hart Davis, Jun. Esq. — — — 30 HenryFuseli, Esq. R.A. — — — 31 The Baron Gentz _ — — — 32 William Linley, Esq. — 33 The late John Julius Angerstein, Esq. — — 34 Donna Maria da Gloria — — — 35 His late Majesty George the Third — — 36 His Present Majesty, painted when Duke of Clarence — — — 37 His late Majesty George the Fourth — — 38 Her Royal Highness the late Piincess Charlotte 39 The Earl of Durham — — — — 40 Her late Majesty Queen Charlotte — — 41 The Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. — — — 42 Mrs. Harford — — — — 43 Lady Georgiana Gordon, the present Duchess of Bedford — — — — Proprietors. David Baillie, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. H. A, J. Munro, Esq. f The Right Hon, Sir Robert { Peel, Bart. M. P. The Marquess Camden, K.G. HIS MAJESTY. The Lord Dover. The Lord Dover. R. Hart Davis, Esq. r The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert { Peel, Bart. M. P. HIS MAJESTY. Dulwich College. HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. f The Lord Farnborough, \ G. a B. HIS MAJESTY. The Earl of Durham. J Sir M. TVhite Ridley, Bart. 1 M.P. [The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert \ Peel, Bart. M. P. R. Hart Davis, Esq, The Duke ofBedfm^d, K. G. [ 12 ] BENJAMIN WEST, ESQ. 1 Labourers resting ; a Scene in the neighbourhood of London — — — 2 A Sacrifice; a Sketch — — 3 Queen Philippa at the Battle of Nevil's Cross 4 Edward the Black Prince receiving King John of France prisoner — — 5 The Overthrow of the old Beast and false Prophet ; from the Apocalypse — — 6 Phaeton solicitingApollo for the Chariot of the Sun 7 The landing of Telemachus and Mentor in the Island of Calypso — 8 The Combat between Hector and Diomed prevented by the lightning of Jupiter — _ 9 Young Wolfe — _ _ _ 10 Angelica and Medora — 11 View from the Terrace of Windsor Castle — 12 Sheep Shearing — 13 The Triumph of Death — — 14 The Maries at the Sepulchre _ _ 15 The Departure of Regulus. Painted by command of His Majesty, George the Third — — Proprietors. W. J. Ward, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq, W.J. Ward, Esq. W.J. Ward, Esq. B. West, Esq. T. R. Smith, Esq. James Dunlop, Esq. B. West, Jun. Esq. The Marquess of Westminster, James Dunlop, Esq. W. J. Ward, Esq. Sir M. White Ridley, Bart. M.P. The Earl of Egremmt. Robert V ernon, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. [ 13 ] 16 St. George killing the Dragon. Pciinted by command of His Majesty, George the Third — 17 The Death of General Wolfe. Painted by command of His Majesty, George the Third 18 Hamilcar swearing Hannibal never to make Peace with the Romans. Painted by command of His Majesty, George the Third — — 19 Alexander and his Physician — — 20 Christ Healing the Sick in the Temple. The Sketch for the large Picture, purchased by the Directors of the British Institution, for 3000 guineas, and presented by them to the National Gallery — — — 21 Belisarius — — — 22 The Resurrection ; a Sketch — — 23 A Study of one of the series of Pictures recording memorable events in the reign of Edward the Third. Painted by command of His Majesty, George the Third — — 24 The Surrender of Calais — 25 Daniel interpreting the Writing on the Wall — 26 A Subject from the History of Cyrus. Painted by command of His Majesty, George the Third 27 The Dead Ass ; from Sterne — 28 The Family of Mr. West — — — 29 The Captive ; from Sterne — 30 Thetis bringing the Armour to Achilles — 31 Cicero discovering the Tomb of Archimedes 32 A Subject from the History of Cyrus. Painted by command of His Majesty, George the Third D Proprietors. HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY. The Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P, Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Robert f^ernon, Esq, Robert Vernon, Esq. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. jSir M.lVhite Ridley, Bart, 1 M.P. HIS MAJESTY. B. West, Esq. R. West, Esq. B. West, Esq. J Henry Thomas Hope, Esq, I M.P. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. HIS MAJESTY. //JJ [ 14 ] 33 King Edward the Third placing his own chaplet on the head of Eustache de Ribaumont at Calais 34 The Couch of Venus, Cupid stung by a Bee 35 Landscape with Figures — ~ — 36 The Angel delivering St. Peter ; a Sketch — 37 The Golden Age — — — 38 The Raising of Lazarus — — — 39 Death of The Chevalier Bayard. Painted by command of His Majesty, George the Third 40 Narcissus — — — — 41 The Wise Men's Offering — — 42 Penn's Treaty with the Indians — — 43 Venus and Adonis — — — 44 Death of Epaminondas. Painted by command of His Majesty, George the Third — — 45 St. Paul shaking the Viper from his hand — 46 View of Windsor Castle from the Great Park — 47 View on the River ; an Evening Scene — 48 Procession of Queen Elizabeth to St. Paul's, after the defeat of the Spanish Armada — — 49 View of Cranford Bridge — — — 50 Sketch for the Picture of St. George and the Dragon. Painted by command of His Majesty, George the Third — — — 51 A Fishing Party — — — Proprietors. Joseiph Neeld, Esq. M. P. Edward W. Lake, Esq. W, J. Ward, Esq. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M, P. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. W. J. Ward, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. John Penn, Esq. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. HIS MAJESTY. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. W. J. IVard, Esq. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. W. J. tVard, Esq. W. J. Ward, Esq. W. J. Ward, Esq. WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper. Printed by W. Nieol, Clereland-row, St. James's. / ^ v^.t/' j/. 4^. J'j^ jir ^ Jz^^^^, /A/y ^^^^ /a/, Brittsl) Snsttittttion FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, PRESIDENT. THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G. C. B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, 61, PALL-MALL. 1834. PRICE ONE SHILLING. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBERS OP THE ROYAL FAMILY. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, President. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G. C. B. Deputy President, * The Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. Director. The Marquess of Abercorn. The Duchess of St. Albans. The Earl of Ashburnham. The Earl of Aylesford. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar. John Angerstein, Esq. Mrs. Aust. * The Duke of Bedford, K.G. Director. * The Marquess of Bute. * Earl Brownlow, Director. The Earl of Bridgewater. * Lady Bernard. Lord Barrington. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Director. Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Baillie. * James Evan Baillie, Esq. M. P. The Rev. James Baker. * Alexander Baring, Esq. M. P. Director. John Bayford, Esq. Thomas Wentworth Beaumont, Esq. M. P. * Lord Bexley. John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Robert H. Bradshaw, Esq. Sir T. H. L. Broadhead, Bart. The Marquess of Camden, K. G. The Earl of Carlisle. Earl Cowper, Director. Earl Carysfort. Lord Carrington. * N.W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M. P. Director The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director, * Lord de Dunstanville. Lord Dun das. Col. Sir A. J. Dalrymple, Bart. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. * Richard Hart Davis, Esq. Lt. Col. Hugh Percy Davison. Miss Dehaney. William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. Villiers Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. * The Earl of Egremont. Sir Philip Egerton. William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam. Lord Feversham. Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Sir Sandford Graham, Ba;'t. * Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. ^ The Earl of Hard wick e, K. G. * Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Director, * John Hambrough, Esq. * Hugh Hammersley, Esq. George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hob house, Bart, J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise,Bart. Hylton Jolliffe, Esq. M. P. Lord Kinnaird. John Knight, Esq. * The Marquess of Lansdowne, Director. The Earl of Liverpool , K. G. The Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. * The Rev. William Long, Director. Mrs. Law. Thomas Legh, Esq. * Lieut. Colonel Long. =* William Long, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough. * Earl Manvers. * John Meheux, Esq. Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. The Earl of Normanton. * John Nash, Esq. Charles Savill-Only, Esq. Earl Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. * Hon. Edward Petre. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. * The Earl of Rosebery. Lord Viscount Ranelagh. * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Director. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. John Symmons, Esq. * Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. * George Watson Taylor, Esq. Director. Richard Thompson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. M. P. The Rev. Thomas Vialls. SirWatkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M. P. Sir Robert Fitz Wygram, Bart. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. Director. Frederick Webb, Esq. The Marquess of Westminster, Director. William Henry Whitbread, Esq. M. P. William Wilherforce, Esq. Roger JVilhraham, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their lives. LIFE GOVERNORS. Lord Arden. John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton. The Earl of Beverley. The Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Bagot, G. C. B. Director. Lord Burghersh. Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. William Blake, Esq. Samuel Boddington, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Walter Boyd, Esq. Henry Broadwood, Esq. The Archbishop of Canterbury. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Lord Churchill. Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. Lord Dynevor. Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. The Earl of Essex. The Rev. Howell Holland Edwards. Lord Fitzgerald and Vesey. William Fitzhugh, Esq. Earl Grey, K.G. Lord Garvagh. James Coding, Jun. Esq. David Green, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. John S. Hudson, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir John Leach. Sir John Lowther, Bart. Lord Maryborough. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. John Maitland, Esq. William Manning, Esq. Miss Middleton. James Morrison, Esq. Lord Northwick, Director. 5 The Rt. Hon. Sir John Nicholl. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Director. General The Hon. E. Phipps. Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. The Earl of Ripon. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. M. P. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M. P. Peter Rainier, Esq. Earl Spencer, K. G. Lord Selsey. Lord Stowell. William Scrope, Esq. J. B. Scott, Esq. George Smith, Esq. Edward Solly, Esq. Richard H. Solly, Esq. Sir James Stuart, Bart. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. Robert Vernon, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bart. William Wells, Esq. Director. SUBSCRIBERS. Sir John Soane, R. A, - - 3^500 0 | William Nicol^ Esq. - - annual £3 3 Subscribers of 50 Guineas, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, of introducing two friends each day, and to Two Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions ; but Subscribers of 100 Guineas are entitled to the same privilege, and to Four Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions. ' Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. »5 Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or q/"25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscriptions received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cross. Attendants are placed in different parts of the Gallery to prevent any Person from touching the Pictures. CATALOGUE OE THE WORKS OF ANCIENT MASTERS; THE PROPERTY OF HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY WILLIAM THE FOURTH, THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUESS OF WESTMINSTER, AND THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR CHARLES BAGOT, G. C. B. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the South Room. EXHIBITED BY PERMISSION OF HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY. 1 Charles the First on Horseback, attended by Mons. St. Antoine — — — — Van Dyck. 2 Portraits of Killigrew and Carew — — Van Dyck. 3 Portrait of the Duchess of Richmond — — Van Dyck. 4 Portrait of Madame St. Croix — — — Van Dyck. 5 The Children of Charles the First — — Van Dyck. 6 Herodias with the Head of St. John — — Carlo Dolce. [8] 7 Portrait of the Marquess of Hamilton — — 8 A Ruffian with a drawn Sword — — 9 Portrait of a celebrated Dutch Antiquary — 10 The Nativity — — — — 11 The Misers — — — — 12 Landscape and Figures — — — 13 Sybilla Libia — — — — 14 Portrait of the Artist — — — 15 St. Cecilia — — — — 16 The Children of Charles the First — — 17 Jonah — — — — 18 Cleopatra — — — 19 The Virgin and Child — — _ 20 St. Catherine — ^ 21 The Virgin and Child _____ 22 Queen Henrietta Maria — — — 23 The Magdalen — — — — 24 Portrait of the Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery 25 St. Sebastian — — — — 26 Portrait of a Man with a Book — — 27 The Gardener of the Grand Duke of Florence — 28 Portrait of a Man — — — — 29 A View of Rome from Tivoli — — — 30 Portrait of Anne, Duchess of York — — 31 The Virgin presenting the Infant Christ to St. Francis 32 Portrait of the Lady Venetia Digby — — 33 The Interior of a Picture Gallery — — 34 Landscape and Cattle — — — 35 Portrait of a Man with a Hawk — — 36 Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk — — 37 Edward the Sixth — — — Hanniman. Spagnoletto. Myttens. Barocci. Quintin Matsys. Gaspar Poussin. Guercino. Guercino. Domenichino. Van Dyck. Gaspar Poussin. Guido. Carlo Cignani. Domenichino. Van Dyck. Van Dyck. Carlo Dolce. Van Somer. Guido. Parmagiano. Leonardo da Vinci. Parmagiano. Claude. Sir Peter Lely. Tintoretto. Van Dyck. Erasmus Quellinus. Berghem. Bronzino. Holbein. Holbein. [ 9 ] 38 The Countess of Dorset — — — 39 The Emperor Charles the Fifth — — 40 Virgin and Child with St. John — — 41 Landscape with a Fall of Water — 42 Sir Kenelm Digby — — 43 A Man's Portrait — — 44 The Woman at the Well — — 45 The Holy Family with St. Francis — _ 46 A Sea Port — — ^ 47 Virgin and Child — — 48 The Sons of Villiers Duke of Buckingham 49 Portrait of a Venetian Gentleman — 50 The Salvator Mundi, encircled with Flowers 51 The Duke of Alva, Governor of the Low Countries 52 The Holy Family with St. Elizabeth — — 53 Landscape — — 54 Charles the Second when Prince of Wales, in Armour 55 Henrietta Maria — — Van Dyck. Sir Antonio More. Andrea del Sarto. Gaspar Poussin. Van Dyck. Rubens. Guercino. Rubens. Claude. Carlo Maratti. Van Dyck. Bassan. {Carlo Maratti & Mario de Fiori. Sir Antonio More. Andrea del Sarto. Gaspar Poussin. Van Dyck. Van Dyck. C [ 10] THE COLLECTION OF THE RT. HON. SIR CHARLES BAGOT, G. C. B. 56 View of a Town in Holland with a procession of the Host — — — — 57 Landscape and Cattle, a Woman Milking a Cow 58 A Waterfall — Norwegian Scenery — — 59 Discovery of Mars and Venus — — 60 Man's Head _ — — — 61 Portrait of A Lady — — — 62 Portrait of the Chevalier de Waal — — 63 Portrait of a Dutch Gentleman — — 64 A Sandy Road with Figures, by the side of a River 65 View on a River by Moonlight — — 66 Group of Flowers with a Bird's Nest — — 67 An Interior with a Man Smoking — — 68 His own Portrait — — — 69 View on the Coast of Holland, with a Man of War and Fishing Boats — — — 70 Head of a Saint, a Study — — — 71 Dead Game, in a Landscape — — — 72 An Interior, Portraits of the Artist and his Family {Van Heyden and A. Vandevelde. A. Vandevelde. Ruysdael. Ute WaaL Frank Hals. Vander Heist. Frank Hals. Vander Heist. Wynants. Vander Neer. Van Huysum. Teniers. G. Metzu. Schotel. Van Dyck. Jan Fyt. Jan Steen. [ 11 ] 73 View on a River in Holland — — A. Everdingen. 74 Head of an Old Man _____ Rembrandt. 75 A Dead Swan, Peacock and other Birds — Weenix. 76 Village Scene with a Man crossing a Bridge — Hobbema. 77 A Woman with Spinning Implements — — Gerard Dow. 78 View on a River in Holland — — Hobbema. 79 View of the Jean Straat and Great Church in Haarlem Berkheyden. 80 View of the Great Church of Haarlem — — Berkheyden. 81 Monkeys with Fruit — — — Snyders. 82 Inside of the Old Church at Delft __ H. Van Vliet. 83 The F^te of St. Nicholas — — Jan Steen. 84 His own Portrait — Francis Mieris. 85 The raising of the Cross _____ Rembrandt. 86 The Trumpeter — _ __ William Mieris. 87 A Dutch Boor — __ _ A. Ostade. 88 The Martyrdom of St. Catherine — — Van Dyck. 89 Portrait of a Dutch Lady — — F. Bol. 90 Infant Twins — _ _ __ S. De Bray. 91 The Family of Van Goyen — __ Frank Hals. 92 Landscape with Cattle and Figures— Ruin of an Aqueduct — _ _ _ Jan Asselyn. 93 A Gale with Fishing Boats — — Bakhuysen. 94 Sheep — — _ __ _ A. Cuyp. 95 Two Females in Conversation — Breckelencamp. 96 Man's Portrait — — Van Dyck. 97 Dead Game — — _ — Hondekoeter. 98 Frost Piece with Figures Skating — _ Isaac Ostade. 99 Landscape with Fall of Water — Ruysdael. 100 View in Holland — — — __ rPh.deKoninck& I^A. Vandevelde. 101 The Assumption of the Virgin, a design for an Altar- ^^^^^ - - ~ - Van Dyck. [ 12 ] 102 A Woody Scene with Hunting Party — — 103 'The Intruder — — 104 Landscape with Cattle and Figures — — 105 The Prize Garland ^ ^ — 106 View on a River in Holland with Boats and Figures 107 An Interior with a Lady giving orders to her Servant 108 River View with Fishing Boats — — 109 Horse Fair — — . — 110 Dead Game _ _^ — ^ 111 Portrait of a Gentleman — — — 112 An Interior with Figures — — — rHackart and \a. Vandevelde. Metzu. Berghem. F. Bol. Vander Capelle. De Hooghe. Bakhuysen. Wouvermans. Weenix. Rembrandt. Du Sart. [ 13 ] SELECTION FROM THE GROSVENOR GALLERY. 113 Mrs. Siddons in the Character of the Tragic Muse 114 The Virgin meeting St. Elizabeth at the Gate of the Temple — — — 1 15 The Interior of a Bedchamber, a Lady nursing a Child — 116 A Group of Children at the Door of a Cottage — 117 A Young Gentleman inra Landscape. The Picture known as the Boy in Blue — — 118 The Holy Family 119 The Virgin adoring the Sleeping Christ — — 120 Cattle in a Sunny Landscape — ^View near the Hague 121 Portrait of the Contessina Mattei . — — 122 Portrait of Mrs. Hartley — — 123 A Horse Fair — — — _ 124 Interior with Figures Smoking — — . D Sir Josh. Reynolds. Rembrandt. Gerard Dow. Gainsborough. Gainsborough. Chev.Vander W^erf. Guido. Paul Potter. A. del Sarto. Sir Josh. Reynolds, W^ouvermanSk Teniers. [ 14 ] 125 Landscape, Evening — — — 126 Christ Preaching on the Mount — — 127 Portrait of a Man with a Hawk — — 128 Landscape, — with Portraits of Teniers,his Wife,and Gardener, with a View of his Chateau in the background — — — — 129 Ixion embracing the False Juno — — 130 The Israelites Worshipping the Molten Calf, Painted for Sir Peter Lely — — — 131 A Lady with a Fan — — — « — 132 Landscape, — Morning — — — 133 Fruit and Flowers — — — 134 Farm Yard with Cattle — — — 135 Areas and Calisto — — — — 136 A Forest Scene — — — — 137 The Marriage Feast — Design for the large Picture 138 Landscape — — — — 139 Forest Scene — — — — 140 Holy Family with Angels — — — 141 The Temple at Tivoli — — 142 St. John with the Lamb — — — 143 The Woman accused of Adultery — — 144 A Group of Children at Play — — — 145 The Conversion of St. Paul, a Sketch — — 146 Morning, with a distant View of the Colosseum — 147 Portrait of Berghem — 148 Landscape with a Bridge — — — 149 Landscape, — Sunset, with Figures introduced by Teniers, the Picture having originally belonged to him — — — — — 150 The Bear Hunt — — Claude. Claude. Rembrandt. Teniers. Rubens. Claude. Rembrandt. Claude. Van Huysum. A. Vandevelde. N. Poussin. Hobbema. Paul Veronese. Gaspar Poussin. Hobbema. N. Poussin. Gaspar Poussin. Murillo. Titian. N. Poussin. Rubens. Claude. Rembrandt. Claude. Rembrandt. Snyders. [ 15 ] 151 The Wife of Berghem — — _ 152 Landscape with Market People, one of the earliest Works of the Master — — — 153 Evening with a ruined Aqueduct — — 154 Landscape with Sleeping Nymph and Satyr, — the Town of Cadore, the birth-place of Titian, in the distance — — — — 155 The Israelites returning thanks for the Water in the Desert — — — — 156 A Group of Sheep with a Goat — — 157 A Landscape with Cattle and Figures — — 158 An early Portrait of the Painter — — 159 A Dutch Family saying Grace — — 160 Moonlight with Cattle — — — 161 View of Dort with Boats and Figures — — Rembrandt. Rubens. Claude. Titian. N. Poussin. Cuyp. John & And. Both. Rembrandt. Teniers. Cuyp. Cuyp. WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper. t^niNTED BY W, NICOL; 51, PALL-MALIi, Brttisib 3nstitution FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, PRESIDENT. THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G. C. B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, 61, FALL-MALL. 1835. PRICE ONE SHILLING. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. / GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, President. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * THE LORD FARNBOROUGH,G.C.B. Deputy President. «= The Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. Director. The Marquess of Abercorn. The Duchess of St. Albans. The Earl of Ashburnham. The Earlof Aylesford. * Lord Ashbiirton, Director. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar. John Angerstein, Esq. Mrs. Aust. * The Duke of Bedford, K.G. Director. * The Marquess of Bute. * Earl B rownlow, Director. The Earl of Bridgewater. * Lady Bernard. Lord Barring-ton. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Director. Sir Frederick Baiter, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Baillie. * James Evan Baillie, Esq. The Rev. James Baker. John Bayford, Esq. Thomas Wentworth Beaumont, Esq. M. P. * Lord Bexley. John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. * William R. Bradshaw, Esq. Sir T. H. L. Broadhead, Bart. The Marquess of Camden, K. G. The Earl of Carhsle. Earl Cowper, Director. Earl Carysfort. Lord Carrington. * N.W. Ridley Colborne,Esq.M.P.Z>/rec^or. The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director, Lord Dun das. Col. Sir A. J. Dalrymple, Bart. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. * Richard Hart Davis, Esq. Director. Lt. Col. Hugh Percy Davison. Miss Dehaney. William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. Villiers Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. * The Earl of Egremont. Sir Philip Egerton. William Evans, Esq. M» P. Earl Fitzwilliam. Lord Feversham. Sir Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bart. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. * Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. * Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Director, * John Hambrough, Esq. * Hugh Harnmersley, Esq. George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart, J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Henry Hope, Esq. M. P. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Ba; 4 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Hylton JollifFe, Esq. Lord Kinnaird. John Knight, Esq. * The Marquess of Lansdowne, Director. The Earl of Liverpool, K. G. The Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. * The Rev. William Long, Director. Mrs. Law. Thomas Legh, Esq. * Lieut. Colonel Long. * William Long, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough. * Earl Manvers. He John Meheux, Esq. * Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. The Earl of Normanton. Charles Savill-Onley, Esq. Earl Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart, * Hon. Edward Petre. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. * The Earl of Rosebery. Lord Viscount Ranelagh. * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Director. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. William Smith, Esq. John Symmons, Esq. * Lord Charles Townshend, M. P. * George Watson Taylor, Esq. Richard Thompson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. William Thornbill, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. M. P. The Rev. Thomas Vialls. SirWatkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M.P. Sir Robert Fitz Wygram, Bart. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. Director Frederick Webb, Esq. The Marquess of Westminster, Director. WilHam Henry Whitbread, Esq. William Wilberforce, Esq. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their lives. LIFE GOVERNORS. Lord Arden* John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton. The Earl of Beverley. The Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Bagot, G. C. B. Director. Lord Burghersh. Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. William Blake, Esq. Samuel Boddington, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Walter Boyd, Esq. Henry Broad wood, Esq. The Archbishop of Canterbury. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Lord Churchill. Robert Henry Daiibeney, Esq. Lord Dynevor. Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. The Earl of Essex. The Rev. Howell Holland Edwards. Lord Fitzgerald and Vesci. William Fitzhugh, Esq. Earl Grey, K.G. Lord Garvagh. James Goding, Jun. Esq. David Green, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. John S. Hudson, Esq. Edward N. Hurt, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Sir John Lowther, Bart. Lord Maryborough. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. John Maitland, Esq. Miss Middleton. James Morrison, Esq. Lord Northwick, Director. 5 The Rt. Hon. Sir John Nicholl. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. The Rifjht Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Director. General The Hon. E. Phipps. Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. The Earl of Ripon. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. M. P. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. M. P. Peter Rainier, Esq. Lord Selsey. Lord Stowell. WiHiam Scrope, Esq. J. B. Scott, Esq. George Smith, Esq. Edward Solly, Esq. Richard H. Solly, Esq. Sir James Stuart, Bart. William Tassie, Esq, George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. Robert Vernon, Esq. TheRight Hon. Sir GeorgeWarrender,Bart. William Wells, Esq. Director SUBSCRIBERS. Sir John Soane, R. A. - - ^6 500 0 | William Nicol, Esq. - - annual £3 3 Subscribers of 50 Guineas, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of * ersonal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, of int-oducing two friends each day, and to Two Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions ; but Subscribers of 100 Guineas are entitled to the same privilege, and to Four Tickets for tlie Evening Exhibitions. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. " Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 9.5 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions Subscriptions received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cross. B LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE PRESENT EXHIBITION. HIS MAJESTY, 4:^^ The Duke of Sutherland. ^ 2^ il^ The Duke of Wellington, K. G. ^. The Duke of Bedford, K. G. ./^^ A/T The Duke of Somerset, y^. The Marquess of Lansdowne. //^.//p/^-H. The Marquess of Abercorn. //J^ The Earl of Dartmouth. //^. The Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. 2/,y/^4^,/44 The Earl of Coventry. /^^/^^^ ^Z*^ Earl De Grey. j^. The Earl Brownlow. yZ/^^yS^. The Earl of Wemyss. ///,/^/, The Earl of Normanton. The Earl Granville, ^/ j^^/^ The Viscount Lifford. ^. ^ Lord Farnborough, G. C. B. 3/^ Js7 Lord Northwick. /^^ /> 4 Lord Yarborough. iZ2, /^o/}/^/). Lord Ashburton. (^<^^ ^// f/- Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. ^jC Sir W. W. Wynne, Bart. Hon. George J. Vernon, M. P. SZ. ^o^ y^f^^r/,Y Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M.^^^^^^, Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. J.^jzy^^ Right Hon. Henry Pierrepoint. Sir Robert Frankland, Bart. Sir Robert Fitz Wygram, Bart, c/4 The Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. f^. N. W. R. Colbourne, Esq. M. P. Thomas Henry Hope, Esq. M.P. 44^^/^ William Wells, Esq. Newman Smith, Esq. /^^^x^T^^^^^^ * H. A. J. Munro, Esq. ^3, /J^yj^- William G. Coesveldt, Esq. /S3, /^tT Brooke Greville, Esq. ^^^i'/-^^ M. W. Barnes, Esq. The Lady Cremorne. Z-^^, ^^^^ Lady Clarke, p^jy^ /^3^ /^^, Lady Stepney. , Mrs. Marryat. /jt^/:zr . Miss Rogers. J <^y- CATALOGUE OP PICTURES BY ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, AND FRENCH MASTERS. WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. MAY, 1835. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room, in the centre; and in the Middle and South Rooms, on the left hand. JtortJ) l^oom. North End. No. Subjects. 1 The Apotheosis of St. Paul — — 2 Female Portrait — — 3 The Holy Family — — 4 The Daughter of Titian holding a Casket 5 St. Cecilia — — - 6 View of a Town in Holland — Pamters. Guercino rll Cav'^ Mas--, \ simo — J Baroccio — Titian — Domenichino Vander Heiden Proprietors. Duke of Sutherland, Duke of Sutherland. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart Earl de Grey. William Wells, Esq. Duke of W dlington, K. G [8] Subjects. 7 Cattle in a Landscape — — 8 Landscape. Evening — — 9 View of the Stathouse, Antwerp, with the Burgher Guard — — 10 The Woman taken in Adultery — 11 Landscape — — 12 Mother and Child — _ 13 Head of Christ — _ 14 The Ship Builder and his Wife 15 Duke of Richmond — — 16 The Adoration of the Shepherds — 17 Apollo and Daphne — — 18 Christ crowned with Thorns — 19 The Entrance to a Town in Holland — 20 Landscape and Figures, Morning 21 Landscape and Figures — — 22 Landscape and Figures — — 23 A Road Scene — — 24 A Sea Calm — _ _ 25 A Musical Party — — 26 Cattle and Figures in a Landscape — 27 Travellers in a Landscape — 28 A River Scene with Fishing Boats, &c. 29 A Boar Hunt — — _ 30 Landscape — — — 31 A Musical Party — _ 32 Sea Calm — _ 33 Landscape, Cattle and Figures — 34 Brisk Gale _ _ Painters. Paul Potter Claude — Teniers — Giorgioni — Ruysdael - Guercino — Murillo — Rembrandt — Vandyke — Titian — N. Poussin — Guido — Hobbima — Claude — r Moucheron and 1 A. Vandevelde G. Poussin — Wouverman — W. Vandevelde Le Nain — A. Vandevelde Wouverman — W. Vandevelde Snyders G. Poussin — Teniers — Vandevelde — Both — — Vandevelde — Proprietors. Duke of Somerset. Paul Methuen, Esq. M. P. Viscount Lifford. Lord Northwick. IVilliam Wells, Esq. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Lionel Harvey, Esq. HIS MAJESTY. Paul Methuen, Esq. M. P. Earl of Lonsdale, K. G, Lord Northwick. Samuel Rogers, Esq. [Right Hon. Sir Robert 1 Peel, Bart. M. P. Paul Methuen, Esq. M. P. Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Lord Varhorough. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. Brooke Greville, Esq. Charles Br e dell, Esq. Brooke Greville, Esq. Brooke Greville, Esq. Brooke Greville, Esq. J. M. Barnes, Esq. Lord Varhorough. Lord Farnhorough, G. C. B. W. Hastings, Esq. P. Rainier, Esq. Miss Rogers. [9] No. Subjects. Painters. Proprietors. 35 Boors Smoking — — Teniers — — Lord Farnborouo[?i, G. C. B, 36 Sea Calm VP n rl p vpI fl p — K.llt XKUUt JC tlX> rr If si' U/ll/y JJllf tm 37 Landscape and Figures — — Hobbima — Earl Granville. 38 Travellers Fording a Brook — Wouverman — Earl Granville. 39 River Scene, with Boats and Figures — Van Goyen — Earl Granville. 4U 1 ne V irgin — — — iviuniio — J. M. JBrachenhury , Esq. 41 Water rail — — Ruysdael — Sir Rob. FitzWygram^ Bart* 42 An Encampment, with the Portrait of the Painter — — — Cuyp — — HIS MAJESTY. 43 Samson discovering; the Honeycomb Guercino — Lord Northwick. 44 Paul Veronese between Virtue and Vice Paul Veronese — Henry Tho. Hope, Esq.M.P 45 Portrait of a Man — — — Vandyke — Lord Francis Egerton, M.P, 46 Landscape with Cattle and Figures Berghem — — Lord Northwick. 47 Mendicants receiving Alms at a Convent Murillo — William Wells, Esq. 48 Portrait of Philip the IVth of Spain Velasquez — Lionel Harvey, Esq. A f\ TXT* 1 J C^J- 2.1 49 Wisdom and Strength — — Paul Veronese — Henry Tho. Hope, Esq. M.P. 50 The Mother of Rembrandt — — Rembrandt — William Wells, Esq. 51 The Battle of Maxentius Rubens — — Miss Rogers. 52 The Coronation of the Virgin Annibal Carracci Samuel Rogers, Esq. 53 The Woman taken in Adulter}^ — Rocco Marconi C. Saville Onley, Esq. 54 A Village Entertainment Teniers — — Duke of Bedford, K. G. c [ 10 ] North End. No. Subjects. 55 An Interior with Dutch Boors — Painters. A. Ostade — 56 A Moonlight — — — Vanderneer — 57 An Interior — — 58 Head of an Old Woman — — 59 A Mountainous Landscape, with Cattle and Figures — — — 60 The Wife of Snyders — — 61 The Field of Battle — — 62 The Lion and the Mouse — — 63 The Chateau of Teniers, with Portraits of Himself, his Wife, and his Gardener Teniers — Rembrandt — Cuyp — Vandyke — Rnn roTicriinnp Snyders — Tpniprs — 64 Head of a Girl — — Greuze — 65 The Onion Woman — — W. Mieris — 66 Boy blowing Bubbles — Netscher — 67 Landscape with Cattle — Berghem — 68 Italian Peasants — 69 Head of a Girl -~ — 70 A OstaHp in V»1S! Pninfimv TJ r\r\r-r^ 1 \J .CM.' vyoi/CH-ic 111 iHi3 JTcHlltllli'^ xvOOm ■— 71 An Inn Door with Travellers 72 The Spinner — 73 Our Saviour in the Storm — K. du Jardin Greuze — A. Ostade — J. Ostade — Domenicho Fetti Rembrandt — 74 The Interior of the Arch Duke Leopold's Gallery — Teniers — Proprietors. Charles BredeLl, Esq. \N. W. Ridley Colhorne, 1 Esq.M.P. Hon. G. J. Vernon, M.P. Hon. G. J, Vernon, M.P. Hon. G. J. Vernon, M. P. Hon. G. J. Vernon, M. P. Earl of Normanton. Sir Robert Frankland, Bart. George Townley, Esq. {Right Hon. Henry M. \ Pierrepont. {Robert Ferguson, Esq. of \ Raith,M.P. Lord Ashburton. N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq.M.P. William Scrope, Esq. Lady Stepney. Peter Rainier, Esi^ . Paul Methuen, Esq. M. P. Dr. Franks. Henry T. Hope, Esq. M. P. Earl Brownlow. [ 11 ] No. Subjects. 75 Landscape with a Bridge — — 76 The Soldiers casting lots for the Garment of Christ — — — 77 Venus and Cupid, formerly in the Borghese Palace — — — 78 Brisk Gale — — 79 Christ bearing the Cross — — 80 Horses and Figures in a Landscape — 81 Landscape with Travellers — 82 The Flight into Egypt by Moonlight 83 Design for an Altar Piece — 84 Dutch Villagers — — 85 Landscape, with the Artist Sketching 86 Hippolytus thrown from his Car — 87 Portrait of the Marquess Spinola in Armour 88 Our Saviour and his Disciples on the way to Emmaus — — 89 Le Conteur — — — — 90 A Mother and Child — — 91 Landscape and Cattle — — 92 Boys Blowing Bubbles — — 93 A Sketch for the celebrated Picture of the] Lion Hunt — — — J 94 The Nativity — — 95 The Restoration of Briseis to Achilles, Patroclus being dead in the back ground 96 Landscape with a Farm Yard — 97 A Head, in the Dress of a Student of Seville 98 St. John writing the Revelations — 99 The Due d'Epernon, a Study for the large Picture of Charles the First — Painters. Ruysdael — Salvator Rosa P. Veronese — Vandevelde Raphael — Wouvermans Cuyp — Rubens — Rubens — Teniers — Cuyp — Rubens — Vandyke — Domenichino Watteau — Rembrandt , K. du Jardin — Netscher — Rubens — Jan Steen — Rubens — Teniers — Zarbaran — Valdez — Vandyke — Proprietors. Duke of Bedford^ K. G. Lord Northwick. Lady Clarke. Hon. G. J. Vernon, M. P. Duke of Sutherland. (Robert Ferguson^ Esq. of i Raith, M. P. Earl Granville. Sir Abraham Hume Bart. Sir Abraham Hume. Barf. Earl Granville. Earl Granville. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Lord Ashburton. Lord Northwick. Henry Broadwood, Esq. Peter Rainier, Esq. Lord Ashburton. J Right Hon. Sir Robert 1 Peel, Bart. M. P. \ Right Hon. Sir Robert 1 Peel, Bart. M. P. Dr. Franks. Hon. G. J. Vernon, M. P. Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. Woodbine Parish, Esq. J. M. Brackenbury, Esq. The Lady Cremorne. [ 12 ] No. Subjects. Painters. Proprietors, 100 Landscape, View near Rome — Claude — Earl of Coventry. 101 The Discovery of Achilles — Rubens — Hon. G. J. Vernon, M.P. 102 The Holy Family — — IVTiiPiIln i^iu/ici Jrturvey, HjSq. 103 The Crucifixion — — — Vandvke ■M-JUiU/U y^l/Llf ttc 104 Sea Shore, with Boats and Figures — jujUI t \jri UflUlvie. 105 Fresh Breeze — — — Vanflpvplrlp h^fl'vl f-wYTIYtlMiio X^tC/ If \J 1 UillV ll/lit! . 106 A Frost Piece with Fisfures Skating Vaiiderneer — 107 A Dutch Family — — — Maas — \ jxuueri j^erguson^ jcjSO. of 1 'D^Jj.'L 71/f" n L Kaitn^ M, Jt*. 1 OS Tjandspflnp Clattle and Fip'iirps v^uyp Earl oj^ Coventry . luy iiie laacniiLe oi ipiiigcnici — Jan Steen — I he Lady Cremorne. J. L^staae — ILarL of Uartmoutn. 111 An Interior, with Peasant smoking" — iVletzu — Earl brranville. 112 An Incantation — — — Teniers — j 1 he Right Hon. Sir Robert \ Peel, Bart. M. P. 1 13 St. Sebastian — — Guercino — Willia7n Hastinfrs, Esq. 114 The Baptizing of the Eunuch — Both — Paul Methuen, Esq. M, P. 115 The taking down from the Cross — Rembrandt — The Marquess of Ahercorn. ■ Ir^ All CkfY/\r*\T ft TnTi'mCr^ia/ii 1 ID xin /iLiicgoiy ^unnnioueuy — Titian — The Earl of Wemyss. 11/ ine norrors or war — Rubens — Samuel Rogers, Esq. lift T Q n/l c/^o i^o iTTi M^t #vn i»i:icj 1 lO XjcHlUoLcipt! Willi jrigUlco -— V elasquez — Marquess of Lansdowne, 111? j_iciiiu.acd.pc Willi j/iguies — — . Velasquez — — Marquess of Lansdowne. 120 Stag Hunting — — r RprfrhpiTi nnH [ Hackaert j Earl Granville. 121 A Monk Reading — — Rembrandt — Earl of Wemyss. 122 An Incantation — — Teniers — Duke of Sutherland. 123 A Sea View — — Claude — Sir W, W. Wynne, Bt. MP. 124 A Man's Head — — _ Holbein — The Lady Cremorne, 125 Interior of a Dutch Kitchen — Peniers — — Mrs. Marryat, MM [ 13] ISIorth End. No. Subjects. Painters. Proprietors 126 Landscape with Travellers — Wouverman — J Robert Ferguson, Esq. of \ Raith, M. P. 127 Landscape — — — Maupertuis — Mrs. Marryat. 128 La Toilette — — Watteau — Henry Broadwood, Esq. 129 The Holy Family — — Murillo — J. M. Brachenbury, Esq. 130 The Angel — — Tintoretto — George f^ivyanj Esq. 131 The Resurrection — — Tintoretto — Georse Vivvan. Esq. 132 The Virgin — — Tintoretto — George Vivydn, Esq. 133 An Infant with a Bird — — Guido — William G. Coesveldt, Esq. 134- Tjandsioanp with a distant River — Wnnvprmnn r T O U V CL llIClll Jjjlll t UTI U/lVltit/C. loo xvivcr ^^ccnc wmi vcaacio — ■ Van Goyen — Earl Granville. 136 A Girl — — — Schalken — George Townley, Esq. 137 A Sketch for his celebrated Hunting Piece — — — Velasquez — Lionel Harvey, Esq. 138 Sea Shore, a Calm — — Vander Capella — H. A. J. Munro, Esq. 139 Landscape — — Rembrandt — C. Saville Onley, Esq. 140 The Interior of St. Peters at Rome — P. Panini — — Henry Broadwood, Esq. 141 Frost Piece — — Ruysdael — \ Right Hon. Sir Robert \ Peel, Bart. M. P. 142 A Gale — — — Vander Capella Marquis of Lansdowne. 143 A Town in Holland — — Vander Heyden Earl Granville, 144 Landscape, with a Fall of Water Ruysdael — Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. 145 A Rocky Landscape, with Tobit and the Angel — — — Salvator Rosa — William G. Coesveldt, Esq. D [14] No. Subjects. Painters. Proprietors. 146 La Foire de Beson — — Watteau — Henry Broadwood, Esq. 147 Coast Scene, a Gale — — Ruysdael — Robert Vernon. Esq. 148 Landscape — — Ruysdael — Earl of Lonsdale, K. G, 149 View of St. Peters, the Vatican, &c. with the Procession of the Due de Choiseul from Mass — — — P. Panini — Henry Broadwood, Esq, 150 Saying Grace — — Jan Steen — H. A. J. Munro, Esq. 151 A Woody Landscape, Sunset — Rubens — Sir TV. Wynne, Bt. M.P. 152 A Man s Portrait — -"t. Sebastian Bourdon I he Lady Lremorm, 153 A Portrait — — Frank Hals — JSIewman ibmith, Esq. 154 Finding of Moses — — Murillo — vVoodbine ifarish. Esq, 155 Tiie Crucifixion — Murillo — J. M. Brackenbury, Esq. 156 Henry the Seventh — — J. de Mabuse — Earl Brownlow. 157 The Triumph of Scipio — — Andrea Mantegna George Vivyan, Esq. 158 Dead Christ supported by Angels — Paul Veronese — T\ 7 /* #7 1 7 uuke oj iSut her land. 159 Portrait of a Dutch Lady — Frank Hals — Newman Smithy Esq. 160 Tobit and the Angel — — Murillo — yyoodome Parish^ Esq, 161 The Virgin of the Conception — Murillo — J. M. Brackenbury, Esq. 162 The Adoration of the Shepherds Juan de Carreno Woodbine Parish, Esq. 163 View on the Coast of Holland — De Vlieger — Robert Vernon, Esq. 164 Children in a Landscape Brauwer — Dr. Franks. 165 Romantic Landscape, with Gypsies Teniers — Lord Yarborovish. 166 The finished Model for the Celebrated Picture of Paradise — — Tintoretto — Georse Viviian, Esq. 167 The Shipwreck of St. Paul — Backhuysen — Lady Clarke. 168 A Mountainous Landscape, with Monks at Devotion — — Teniers — Lord Yarborou^h. 169 A Sea Piece _____ Vander Capella George Townley, Esq. 170 A Gale, with a Fleet of Dutch Men of War — _ — Backhuysen — Charles Bredell, Esq. 171 The Adoration of the Kings — Juan de Carreno Woodbine Parish, Esq. [ 15 ] No. Subjects. 172 A Landscape ; a View in Norway, with a Fall of Water — — 173 The Nativity — _ — 174 Entrance of Philip IV. into Pampluna 175 A River Scene — — 176 Landscape and Cattle — — Painters. Ruysdael Velasquez Pynacker Teniers Proprietors. Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Woodbine Parish, Esq. J. M. Brachenhury, Esq. The Lady Cremorne. Earl Granville. Collection of Enamels by the late Henry Bone, Esq. R. A. of Distinguished Persons of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. (See Catalogue published by Mr. R. T, Bone.) WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper. W. NICOL, 51, VALh MALL. Mtimff mt^titntion FOR PROMOTINa THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805 : OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE KING^S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, PRESIDENT. THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G.C.B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON: PRINTED BY W. CLOWES AND SONS, 14, CHARING-CROSS, 1836. PRICE ONE SHILLING. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, PRESIDENT. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. *THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G.C.B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. * The Earl of Aberdeen, K.T. Director. The Marquess of Abercorn. The Duchess of St. Albans. The Earl of Ashburnham. * Lord Ashburton, Director. The Earl of Aylesford. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar. John Angerstein, Esq. M.P. Mrs. Aust. * The Duke of Bedford, K.G. Director. * The Marquess of Bute. * Earl Brownlow, Director. The Earl of Bridgeivater. *' Lady Bernard. Lord Barrington. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Director. Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Baillie. * James Evan Bailhe, Esq. The Rev. James Baker. John Bayford, Esq. Thomas Wentvrorth Beaumont, Esq. M.P. * Lord Bexley. John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. William R. Bradshaw, Esq. Sir T. H. L. Broadhead, Bart. The Marquess Camden, K.G. The Earl of Carlisle. Earl Cowper, Director. Earl Carysfort. Lord Carrington. * N. W.Ridley Colborne,Esq.M.P.i>2Wor The Duke of Devonshire, K.G. * The Earl of Dartmouth, i>tVec XJdlKlSCttpC jN. W. Ridley Colhome, Esq \ M.P. 49 Cattle in a Landscape p. Potter Lord Francis Egerton, 50 Landscape, with a Bridge Berghem Lord Francis Egerton. 51 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures A. Vandevelde Frederick Perkins, Esq. 52 Halt of Travellers, in a Landscape Wouverman William Hastings, Esq. 53 An Encampment Wouverman William Wells, Esq. 54 Landscape, with Figures Ruysdael Earl of Burlington. 55 Goats in a Landscape . . . . P. Potter M. M. Zachery, Esq. 56 View in Padua . . Canaletti Sir Abraham Hume, Bart, 57 Grey Horse in a Landscape Wouverman William Wells, Esq. 58 An Encampment . . - . . Wouverman William Wells, Esq. 59 Cattle and Figured in a Landscape Berghem G. Movant, Esq. 60 Landscape, with Cottages Ruysdael Earl of Burlington . 61 Temptation of St. Anthony Teniers M. M. Zachery, Esq. 62 Dutch Boor Sleeping A. Ostade E. W. Lake, Esq. 63 The Lover Ary de Vois E. W. Lake, Esq. 64 A Lady at her Toilette F. Mieris, Sen. Lord Francis Eserton. . o 65 Christ going to Emmaus Both E. W. Lake, Esq. 66 Dutch Boor in a Landscape A. Ostade E. W Lake, Esq, 67 A Brisk Gale Vandevelde W^illiam Hastings, Esq. 68 Landscape Seb. Bourdon William Hastings, Esq. 69 Landscape View from Nature Hobbima Earl of Burlington. 70 Corps de Garde . . Teniers G. Morant, Esq. 71 Portrait of Cardinal Gozzadini, painted at Bologna in 1692 Dominichino S. Boddington, Esq. 72 San Julian . . Murillo J. M. Brackenhury , Esq. 73 Portrait of Signora Niccolini of Florence Andrea del Sarto S. Boddington, Esq. 74 Christ Healing the Sick m the 1 emple 1 intoretto Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. 75 The Virgin with the Infant Jesus Sleeping Sassa Ferrati J. B. Heath, Esq. 76 Christ disputing with the Doctors Paris Bordone J. B. Heath, Esq. 77 The Itinerant Musician F. BoL Duke ofJVorfolk, K.G. 78 Tantalus [ 11 ] South Mootn. No. Subjects. 79 The Market-place at Rotterdam 80 View in Venice 81 The Meeting of Jacob and Rachael 82 View of St. Mark's Place, Venice . . 83 The Last Supper 84 An ancient Fresco Painting, representing the half bust of a Tibicen, or player on the double flute, from the roof of a Columbario, discovered about the year 1823, in the Vine- yard of Signor Sante Ammendola, in the Via Appia . . 85 Study of Dogs . . . . 86 Eloise . . . . . . • . 87 The Holy Family (a Pasticcio) 88 Portrait of Lord Strafford 89 St. Joseph leading the Infant Saviour, who carries a basket of Carpenter's tools 90 Landscape, with a Bridge 91 A Sportsman with Dogs 92 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures 93 Santa Rosa — espousing the Infant Saviour 94 Virgin of the Assumption 95 A Repast 96 Landscape and Figures 97 Venus and Cupid . . . . 98 A Female Portrait 99 Interior, with Dutch Boors 100 View of a Town in Holland, with Figures, by A. Vandevelde Masters. M. Zorg Canaletti Antolines Canaletti Raphael Weenix Greuze Teniers Vandyke Proprietors. [Robert Fergusson, of Raith, 1 Esq.M.P. Lord Prudhoe. J. M. Brackenbury, Esq. Lcyrd Prudhoe. Lord Cowley. SirM. W. Ridley, Bart. M.P. SirM. W. Ridley, Bart. M.P. {Major- Gen. Sir J. Hanbury, \ K.CH. Sir M. TV. Ridley, Bart. M.P. Duke of Grafton, K.G. Murillo J. M. Brackenburyy Esq. Claude Earl of Carlisle. Velasquez Lord Cowley. Both Frederick Perkins, Esq. Murillo J. M. Brackenbury, Esq. Murillo J. M. Brackenbury, Esq. Velasquez Lord Cowley. G. Poussin Earl of Coventry. Cangiagio Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. L. da Vinci M. M. Zachery, Esq. A. Ostade N. TV. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M.P. Vander Heiden E. TV. Lake, Esq. [ 12 ] No. Subjects. 101 Girl's Head 102 Portrait of the Painter 103 Portrait of the Marchese Balbi, painted at Genoa 104 A mountainous Landscape, with Cattle and Figures, painted in 1655, by order of Sir Peter Lely, for Sir Ralph Banks, the an- cestor of the present possessor, who has Berghem's receipt for the payment of it, which, including a frame, amounted to about £30 sterling [05 Christ's Agony in the Garden 106 Landscape 107 Christ Scourged 108 The Magdalen 109 Portrait of Don Andres de Andrade and his favourite Dog 110 Female Head 111 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures 112 Man's Portrait 113 Small whole-length Portrait of a Cardinal 114 The Birth of St. John 115 Landscape (Evening) 116 The Inside of the Pantheon at Rome 1 17 Portrait of Vandyke 118 Holy Family 119 Landscape (Morning) 120 View on the Coast of Scheveling 121 Landscape with Figures 122 Ganymede; formerly in the possession of Signor Sante Ammendola, found with the Flute Player, No. 84. . . fW Clowes and Sons, 14, Charing Cross.] Masters. Greuze Parmigiano Vandyke Berghem Correggio Claude Vandyke Guido Murillo Greuze Teniers Velasquez Velasquez Herrera Claude P. Panini Vandyke Procacinni Claude Ruysdael Hobbima and Ostade Proprietors. M. M. Zachery, Esq. George Byng, Esq. M.P. J. B. Heath, Esq. TV. J. Banks, Esq. G. Fairholme, Esq. TV. Wells, Esq. G. Fairholme, Esq. Lady Clarice. J. M. Brackenbury, Esq. [Major-Gen. Sir J. Hanbury, 1 K.C.H. Earl of Coventry. Lord Cowley. Lord Cowley. Lord Cowley. C. Tolcher, Esq. Marquess of Abercorn. Duke of Grafton, K G. M. M. Zachery, Esq. C. Tolcher, Esq. Earl of Carlisle. {Robert Fergusson,of Raith, \ Esq. M.P. Sir M. TV. Ridley, Bart. M.P. Wm. BARNARD, Keeper. i$riti«(1b £ii0titution FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805 : OPENED, JANUAKY 18, 1806. THE KING^S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, PRESIDENT. THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G.C.B., DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON: PRINTED BY W. CLOWES AND SONS, 14, CHARING-CROSS. 1837. PRICE ONE SHILLING. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE PRESENT EXHIBITION HIS MAJESTY. The Duke of Devonshire, K. /-^^ The Duke of Sutherland, /j. /a . 2&,La, /tkI^^^ The Marquis of Lansdowne, K.G./^/^^d^^,^^^ Earl of Burlington. yf^y?% Earl of Tyrconnell. /z I '^^"/^^ Lord Viscount Powerscourt. <^p/^z Lord Farnborough, G.C.B. Lord Northwick Jrd, ^4 c/^/f //^, . Lord Ashburton. 314., //Sl^ '' Lord Francis Egerton. ^^r^f, ^a, '''^0 Right Hon. Sir Robert Gordon, G.C.B.>2/^ j/?, Hon. John Coventry, /iftJ^. Sir Charles Burrell, Bart, ^p/ua^ /u^ Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. 4^ Sir Abraham Hume, Ba|t. //, Vivian, Esq. Sir Herbert Taylor, G.C.B.'^'&^^k//.?^. Sir Robert Price, Bart., M.P. /j-Y. /i>s; H Sir W. Middleton, Bart. /s,/;i/. Lady Clarke. ^is^, George Byng, Esq., M.P. 36^4/. Frederick Perkins, Esq./?;^^^^^ /^^tZ^/STi. H. T. Hope, Esq., M. P. JS;/si^- W. Wells, Esq. 4>*<7^y Charles Bredel, Esq. J4 »^7/ z/'^- E. W. Lake, Esq. ^ -'^/^ Joseph Barchard, Esq. t^^/c^^- C. T. Tower, Esq. y/^/^p/'fi^' W. G. Coesvelt, jun., Esq. z/^;///- M. M. Zachery, Esq. ^/^/^^///-.f^/^^. William Hastings, Esq. //^^ /^/', J. M. Brackenbury, Esq. /<^c^^///^/^J' Charles Brind, Esq. ///, /3z,/3Z^- Rochard, Esq. 7/4?, M. J. Barnes, Esq. /t^f,//^- GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRON. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, PRESIDENT. *THE LORD FARNBOROUGH, G.C.B. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * The Earl of Aberdeen, K.T. Diredtor. The Marquess of Abercorn. The Duchess of St. Albans. The Earl of Ashburnham. * Lord Ashburton, Director. The Earl of Aylesford. Sh- Emanuel Felix Agar. John Angerstein, Esq. M.P. Mrs. Aust. * The Duke of Bedford, K.G. Directs. * The Marquess of Bute. * Earl Brownlow, Director. The Earl of Bridgewater. * Lady Bernard. Lord Barrington. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Director. Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Baillie. * James Evan Baillie, Esq. The Rev. James Baker. John Bay ford, Esq. Thomas Wentworth Beaumont, Esq. M.P. * Lord Bexley. John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. William R. Bradshaw, Esq. Sir T. H. L. Broadhead, Bart. The Marquess Camden, K.G. The Earl of Carlisle, K.G. Earl Cowper, Director. Earl Carysfort. Lord Carrington. * N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. M.P. Director. The Duke of Devonshire, K.G. * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director. Lord Dundas. Col. Sir A. J. Dalrymple, Bart. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. * Richard Hart Davis, Esq. Director. Lt.-Col. Hugh Percy Davison. Miss Dehaney. William Joseph Denison, Esq. M.P. Villiers Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. * The Earl of Egremont. Sir P. M. G. Egerton, Bart. William Evans, Esq. M.P. Earl Fitzwilliam. Lord Feversham. Sir Walter R. Farquhar, Bart. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. Sir Robert Fitz Wygram, Bart, John Fuller, Esq. Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. * Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. * Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Directoi- * John Hambrough, Esq. * Hugh Hammersley, Esq. George Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Henry Hope, Esq. M.P. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bart. Hylton Jolliffe, Esq. Lord Kinnaird. .Tohn Knight, Esq. *The Marquess of Lansdowne,2)iVec^or, K.G. The Earl of Liverpool, K.G. The Earl of Lonsdale, K.G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. Mrs. Law. Thomas Legh, Esq. * Samuel Long, Esq. * William Long, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough. * Earl Man vers. * John Meheux, Esq. * Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. The Earl of Normanton. Charles Savill Onley, Esq. Earl Powis. Sir Robert Feel, Bart. * Hon Edward Petre. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Ix>uis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Those marked * have signified their consent to their interest in the Institution Pryse Pryse, Esq., M.P. *TheEarlofRosebery. Lord Viscount Ranelagh. * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Birectw. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. Benjamin Smith, Esq. * Lord Charles Townshend, M.P. * George Watson Taylor, Esq. Richard Thompson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. Charles Hanbury Tracy, Esq. M.P. The Rev. Thomas Vialls. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M.P. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. Director. Frederick Webb, Esq. The Marquess of Westminster, Directw. William Henry Whitbread, Esq. William Wilberforce, Esq. George Wilbraham, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. the recommendation of the Directors, to allow to terminate with their lives Lord Arden. John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. IMiss Atherton. The Earl of Beverley. The Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Bagot, G.C.B., Director. Lord Burghersh. Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Hei] Daring, Esq. M.P. WW. : n Blake, Esq. Sam- Hoddiijgton, Esq. ^Vil. iiosaiiquet, Esq. LIFE GOVERNORS. Walter Boyd, Esq. Henry Broadwood, Esq. The Archbishop of Canterbury Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill. Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. Lord D3 'nevor. Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. The Earl of Essex. Lord Francis Egerton, Director. The Rev. Howell Holland Edwards. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Lord Fitzgerald and Vesci. William Fitzhugh, Esq. Earl Grey, K.G. Lord Garvagh. Right Hon. Sir Robert Gordon, G.C B. James Goding, Jun. Esq. David Green, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. John S. Hudson, Esq. Edward N. Hurt, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Sir John Lowther, Bart. Lord Maryborough. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. John Maitland, Esq. Miss Middleton. James Morrison, Esq. Lord North wick. Director. The Rt. Hon. Sir John Nicholl. Sir Thomas Neave, Bait. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M.P. Charles Ofiley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M.P. Lord Prudhoe. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M.P., Director. Frederick Perkins, Esq. General The Hon. E. Phipps. Sir George Phihps, Bart. M.P. M'^illiam Tyrringham Praed, Jun. Esq. The Earl of Ripon. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. M.P. Peter Rainier, Esq. Lord Selsey. William Scrope, Esq. J. B. Scott, Esq. George Smith, Esq. Edward Solly, Esq. Richard H. Solly, Esq. Sir James Stuart, Bart. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thomson, Esq. Robert Vernon, Esq. The Rt. Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bart. William Wells, Esq. Director. SUBSCRIBERS. Sir John Soane, R.A. Sir Charles Bell Charles Birch, Esq. Sir Robert Frankland, Bart. Joseph Gwilt, Esq. Charles Hatchett, Esq. £500 0 i:io 10 ^10 10 £\0 10 „£'iO 10 £10 10 Robert Holford, Esq. J. C. Parker, Esq. William Vaughan, Esq. Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. Lieut.- General Thornton . i'lO 10 ^10 10 . ^10 10 £10 10 annual £3 3 annual £3 3 Subscribers ofbO Guineas, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, of introducing two friends each day, and Two Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions ; hut Subscribers of 100 Guineas are entitled to the same privilege, and to Four Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a-year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a-year, or of 25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscriptions received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cross. The Duke of Devonshire having determined upon removing a considerable portion of his fine Collection of Pictm-es from his town residence to his noble mansion at Chatsworth, very liberally offered a selection of them to be exhibited at the British Gallery, before their final removal from London. The Directors have availed themselves of this very handsome offer, and have accepted between thirty and forty, which, added to the contributions of the Duke of Sutherland, Lord Francis Egerton, Lord Northwick, Mr, Wells, Mr. Perkins, and others, will, they feel confident, make this one of the finest Exhibitions they have been enabled to offer to public view. His Majesty, with his usual liberality and love for the Fine Arts, has been graciously pleased to allow five of his finest Dutch Pictures to be exhibited on the present occasion. CATALOGUE OF PICTURES BY ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, AND FRENCH MASTERS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE EAYOURED THE INSTITUTION. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room, in the centre ; and in the Middle and South Rooms, on the left hand. No. Subjects. 1 Pope Gregory, with St. Francis and St. Au- gustine 2 Nicholas Cappellus, Admiral of the Venetian Fleet 3 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures 4 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures 5 Portraits . . Masters. Guercino Tintoretto A. V andevelde K. du Jardin Quintin Matsys Proprietors. Duke of Sutherland. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. His Majesty. William Wells, Esq. William Wells, Esq. 8 No. Subjects. 6 Landscape and Cattle, with Figures crossing a Brook 7 Merry-making 8 Phillip the Second of Spain 9 A rocky Landscape, with Banditti 10 A Jew Rabbi . . 11 A Marriage 12 Virgin and Child, attended by Female Saints 13 Study of an Old Head 14 View on a River, with Boats and Figures 15 Susanna and the Elders 16 VieAv in Holland, with Cattle and Figures 17 The Archbishop of Spalatro 18 St. Francis 19 The Virgin and Child, with a Choir of Angels 20 A Monk blessing a Cripple at the Door of a Convent — a Model for a large picture 21 Portrait of Lorenszo Pucci, in his Robe of Office as Grand Penitentiary. It was for this Cardinal, who was a great favourite of Leo X., that Raphael painted his famous picture of St. Cecilia . . Raphael 22 St. Jerome in his Chamber . . , . Albert Durer 23 Dead Christ . . . . _ Guido 24 Landscape, with Travellers . . . . Cuyp 25 Don Balthazar, son of Philip IV. . . Valesquez 26 Architecture, with Figures representing the Marriage in Cana . . . . . . Paulo Panini 27 Moses and the Burning Bush . . Bassan 28 Christ bearing his Cross . . , . Morales 29 The Circumcision : a Model for the Picture in the Church of St. Rocque, Venice . . F. Barrocci Masters. K. du Jardin Teniers Titian Salvator Rosa Rembrandt Velasquez Correggio Schidone Van Goyen Paul Veronese fVanderneer and ( Cuyp Tintoretto Murillo Jan de Mabuse Murillo Proprietors, William Wells, Esq. His Majesty. Duke of Devonshire y K.G. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Duke of Devonshire, K G. Sir' Abraham Hume, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart Duke of Sutherland. Duke of Devonshire, K. G. Lord Farnborough; G.C.B. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Frederick Perkins, Esq. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Herbert Taylor, G.C.B Rt.Hon. SirR.Gordon, G.C.B. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Lady Clarke. His Majesty. William Wells, Esq. Duke of Sutherland. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. No. Subjects. 30 Flight into Egypt ; from the Sampieri Gallery at Bologna . . . . . • 31 A Dutch Family, &c. — Man cleaning Fish 32 A Road through Corn Fields 33 Cottages in a Landscape 34 View of a Town in Holland 35 A Trumpeter waiting for the orders of his Officer . . 36 A Calm 37 Dogs quarrelling in a Larder 38 Strife between Abraham and Lot's Herdsmen 39 Poulterer's Shop — a Woman bargaining for Rabbits . . 40 Landscape, with a Fall of Water . . 41 A Herdsman, Mdth Cattle in a Landscape 42 An Interior, with the Portraits of the Painter and his Wife . . 43 Figures, with Fish in a Larder 44 Rustic Courtship . . 45 A Landscape, with Cottages — Sunset 46 La Petite Pleureuse 47 The Battle between Alexander and Porus 48 Portrait of Navagero, a Venetian Nobleman and celebrated Latin Poet . . 49 Portrait of Vesalius 50 Reception of a Spanish Prince at a Monastery 51 A Rocky Landscape, with Boats and Figures 52 Moonlight . 53 Jacob wrestling with the Angel 54 St. Anthony 55 An Old Man meditating . . 56 David vanquishing Gohah Masters. Benvenuto Garofolo A. Ostade Ruysdael Wynants V. Heiden and A. Vendevelde Proprietors. nt. Hon.SirR.Gordon,G. C.B. M. M. Zachery, Esq. Earl of Burlington. Charles Bredel, Esq. Lord Askburton. Terburg H. T. Hope, Esq., M.P. W. Vandevelde (xeorge Hyng, Misq., Irl.l^. Snyders Hon. Phillip Pierrepont. Pietro da Cortona Duke of Devonshire J K.G. W. Mieris William Wells, Esq. Pyn acker Duke of Sutherland. Berghem G. Byng, Esq., M.P. Jan Steen Lord Ashburton. Wm. Mieris William Wells, Esq. A. Vandevelde E. W, Lake, Esq. Rembrandt Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Greuze Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Berghem Sir Robert Price, Bart., M.P Titian Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Tintoretto Sir Charles Burrell, Bt.,M.P. Velasquez Duke of Sutherland. Salvator Rosa Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Vanderneer Joseph Barchard, Esq. Salvator Rosa Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Murillo Frederick Perkins, Esq. Rembrandt Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Salvator Rosa Duke of Devonshire, K.G. B 10 No, Subjects. 57 Landscape, with Figures 58 Jacob's Dream 59 V TJmana FragiUta 60 Portrait of a Spanish Gentleman 61 The Holy Family, with Angels bringing Pre- sents to the Saviour 62 Lady with a Fan 63 St. Andrew Masters. Swanivelde Salvator Rosa Salvator Rosa Murillo N. Poussin Rembrandt Zurbaran Proprietors. Charles Bredel, Esq. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Lord Northwick, Mrs. Hicks. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. His Majesty. Duke of Sutherland. No. Subjects. 64 Five Boors at an open Window, Carousing 65 Soldiers Gambling 66 Landscape and Figures 67 St. Peter denying Christ 68 St. Jerome 69 Esther before Ahasuerus 70 A River Scene, with Boats and Figures 71 Landscape. — Painted when he was 12 years old . . 72 Landscape — a Sandy Road 73 A Portrait, supposed to be John Lutma, the Goldsmith ... 74 His Own Portrait 75 A Girl at Work 76 A Philosopher in his Study 77 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures 78 Christ calling St. Peter . . Masters, A. Ostade fPietro de la \ Vecchia Ruysdael Velasquez Guido Le Sueur Cuyp Ruysdael Ruysdael Rembrandt Jan Miel N. Maes S. Koninck Cuyp Pietro da Cartona Proprietors. E. TV. Lake, Esq. Sir Robert Price, Bart. M.P. Sir Robert Price, Bart. M.P. Viscount Powerscourt. Lord Northwick. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Sir Robert Price, Bart., M.P. C. T. Tower, Esq. Sir Herbert Taylor, G.C.B. Sir William Middleton, Bart. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Lord Francis Egerton, 31. P. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. Frederick Perkins, Esq. Duke of Devonshire, K. G. 11 No. Subjects. 79 Interior of a Kitchen, , a Woman paring Apples 80 A Child receiving Religious Instruction 81 Christ's Charge on delivering the Keys to St. Peter. This Picture was presented by Rubens, to be placed over the Monument of Peter Brughell, in the Church of Notre Dame de la Chapelle at Brussels 82 A Girl feeding Chickens 83 A mountainous Landscape, with Cattle and Figures, on the Banks of a River 84 A Child, with an Attendant, offering Fruit 85 San Jerome, in a Landscape . . 86 Salvator Mundi 87 The Portrait of Thomas Parr . . 88 Alexander bidding adieu to the Family of Darius, from the Tanari Palace, Bologna 89 Landscape, the Fall at Tivoli . . 90 Landscape and Figures . . . . 91 Landscape, with Sportsmen and Dogs . . 92 Landscape, with a Fall'of Water . . 93 Landscape, with Figures, on the Bank of a River 94 Tobit and the Angel 95 Landscape 96 Head of a young Man . . 97 Landscape 98 The Crucifixion 99 Portrait of Marchino, the faithful servant of Guido Reni; from the Aldovrandi Col- lection 100 Head of a Spanish Girl 101 The Holy Family, with a group of Angels Masters. |J. B. Van \ Slingelandt Rembrandt Rubens Crespi Berghem Gasper Netcher Titian Carl Dolce Rubens Ludovico Carraci G. Poussin G. Poussin G. Poussin G. Poussin G. Poussin Salvator Rosa Rembrandt fPietro de la 1 Vecchia Rembrandt Salvator Rosa Guido Murillo Murillo Proprietors. hord Francis Egerton, 31. P. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. Lord Northwick. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Duke of Devonshire, K G. am Wells, Esq. Duke of Devonshire, K G. Duke of Devonshire, KG. Sir Robert Price, Bart., M.P. Rt.Hon.SirR.Gordon,G.C.B. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Sir Robert Price, Bart., M.P. Sir Robert Price, Bart., M P. Sir Robert Price, Bart., M.P. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Rt. Hon.Sir R. Gordon,G. C.B. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. 12 No. Subjects. 102 Landscape, with Nymph going to bathe 103 The Infant Moses 104 Ecce Homo 105 David, with the Head of Goliah. This Pic- ture belonged to Pope Benedict XIV., and was purchased from a descendant of the Lambertini family, of which the Pope was a distinguished member 106 Landscape, with a Mill. Painted at the age of ten years . . 107 Interior of a Room, with Figures at Cards 108 A Boy piping 109 A woody Landscape 110 Cupids with Leopards 111 A Milk Girl 112 Salmacis and Hermaphroditus 113 Frost Piece, with Figures skaiting . . 114 Belisarius 115 A Forest Scene 116 An Attack of a Town 117 Europa 118 Landscape and Waterfall 1 1 9 A Vase, with Flowers, Insects, and a Bird's- Nest 120. Cattle in a Landscape 121 Head of an elderly Female 122 Head of a Friar Masters. (Both and Po-1 I lenburg j Murillo Guercino Domenichino Ruysdael De Hooge Murillo Ruysdael N. Poussin N. Maes Albano Vander Neer Murillo Hobbima Won verm ans Albano Ruysdael P. F.VanBrussel A. Vandevelde Rembrandt Titian Proprietors. M. M, Zachery, Esq. DuJce of Devonshire, K.G. Rt.Hon.Sir R. Gordon.G. C.B. Rt.Hon.SirR.Gordon,G.C.B. Earl of Burlington. His Majesty. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. C. T. Tower, Esq. TVm. Hastings, Esq, Charles Brind, Esq. W. G. Coesvelt, Jun. Esq. Charles Bredel, Esq. Duke of Devonshire, K. G. Earl of Burlington . Lord Northwick. W. G. Coesvelt, Jun. Esq. M. M. Zachery, Esq. Lord Northwick. M. M. Zachery, Esq. Sir TVm. Middleton, Bart. Sir Robert Price, Bart., MP. 13 No. Subjects. 123 The Master and Scholar— from the Mares- chalchi Collection, at Bologna 124 View of St. Mark's Place, Venice . . 125 The Rialto, at Venice 126 View of the Doge's Palace, at Venice 127 Le Petit Boudeur . . 128 His own Portrait 129 St. Martin dividing his Cloak . . 130 Cattle in a Landscape 131 Landscape — Sunset. . 132 An Artist in his Study . . 133 Holy Family 134 A Man Smoking 135 Medona . . . . . • 136 Sea-shore 137 A Cavern, with Cattle and Figures 138 Landscape, with Building and Figures 139 An Infant, supposed to be one of the Royal Children, Spain . . 140 The Deluge . . 141 A Fresh Breeze, with Men of War in the Distance 142 An Inn Door, with Travellers refreshing 143 Portraits of the Prince and Princess of Orange 144 Building the Ark . . 145 Fishing Boats, with Men of War in the Distance . . . . . . • Masters. Caravaggio Carle Varies Canaletto Carle Varies Greuze K. du Jardin Pordenone K. du Jardin Teniers G. Doru Schidone Slinglandt Albano Wouvermans Berghem G. Poussin Velasquez Bassan Vandevelde Isaac Ostade Jordaens Bassan J. M.W.Turner Proprietors. \Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Gordon, \ G.G.B. Earl of Tyrconnell. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Earl of Tyrconnell. Edward TV. Lake^ Esq. Sir Thomas Bating, Barf. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Sir Robei't Price, Bart., M.P. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Charles Brind, Esq. Sir Herbert Taylor, G.C.B. Charles Brind, Esq. M. M. Zachery, Esq. Charles Bri?id, Esq. Sir Robert Price, Bart., M.P. William Hastings, Esq. Marquis of Lansdowne, K.G. Sir Chas. Burrell, Bt., M P. Lord Francis Egerton. Frederick Perkins, Esq. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. SirCharles Burrell, Bt.„ M.P. Lord Francis Egerton. 14 No. Subjects. 146 Les Fourgeons Tallandiers . . 147 Model for the large Picture, the Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple, in the Stalla sihaula della Carita, at Venice . . 148 Dogs, with Dead Game 149 Silence 150 Salvator Mundi 151 Landscape, with Figures dancing 1 52 The March of an Army 1 53 Our Saviour's Charge to Peter 154 An Equestrian Portrait of Don Luis de Haro, Minister to Philip IV. at the Treaty of the Pyrenees. 155 A Landscape, with Cattle under the shade of a Tree 156 Horses going to Water . . 157 A Landscape, Avith Cattle and Figures 158 A Battle 159 The Virgin grieving for the Death of Christ, supported by Mary Magdalen 160 Conversation . . 161 Mars and Venus 162 Sea Piece — a squal coming on 163 The Marriage of Saint Catherine, from the Sampieri Gallery at Bologna 164 A Musical Party 165 Head of our Saviour 166 Landscape, with Cattle . . 167 Charles the First . . 168 The Crucifixion 169 The Country Surgeon Masters. Proprietors. Metzu Edward TV. Lake, Esq. Titian KDi/ ariam riwne, HaTi. Fyt Schidone Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Guido H. T. Hope, Esq., M.P. Maucheron Duke of Sutherland. Bourp-offnone -«_rfM/ V \Jf XJl^l Vlili^ vU/im L. Carracci Lord Northwick. Velasquez Lord Northwick. K. du Jardin Lady Clarke. Wouvermans Frederick Perkins, Esq. A. Vandevelde J^aay ijiarke. JDOurgognone Earl of Burlington. Domenichino Rt.Hon. SirR. Gordon, G. C.B. VVatteau Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. uiorgione bir Abraham Hume, Bart. J. Kuysdael ±L award Juake, Esq. j Bonviccino, i 1 rallpfl IVTni'Ai+ri I ^ L/aiicii liKJltJltO j Rt.Hon. SirR. Gordon, G. C.B. atteau iT-ioi dies George T^ivian. Ruysdael C. T. Tower, Esq. Cornel. Jan sen Duke of Devonshire, K.G, Murillo J. Jyi. Brackenhury , Esq. Jan Steen M. J. Barnes, Esq. 15 No. 170 fl71 172 173 |m 1 175 176 177 il78 179 180 181 Subjects. Adoration of the Magi. The Portraits of the two brothers (Hubert and Jean) are introduced looking through the casement of a window, and Philip the good Duke of Burgundy is represented as the prin- cipal of the Magi . . A gentle Breeze The Last Supper. This Picture was for- merly in the Chiesa di San Justizia at Padua . . Landscape, with Mercury and Battus The Marriage of Canaan A Woody Landscape, with Sportsmen Boors quarrelling . . The Virgin of the Crescent. A model for a large Picture . . Mary Queen of Scots A Calm . . A Hawking Party The Alpine Pass 182 The Holy Family 183 A Bacchanalian Boy Masters. r Jean Van Eyck,l I b. A.D. 1370 J W. Vandevelde Tintoretto Claude Jan Steen Hackart Brouwer Murillo F. Zucchero W. Vandevelde Berghem Berghem (Innocenzio da 1 Imola Murillo Proprietors. luord Northwiok. Lord JVortliwick . Viscount Powerscourt. DuJce of Devonshire, K. G. Lord JVorthwick. Marquis of Lansdowne, K.G. M. J. Barnes, Esq, J. M, Brackenhury y Esq. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Lord Northwick. J. Barchard, Esq. ^. JV. Lake, E.sq. Rt.Hon.SirR.Gordon,G. C.B. Miss C. Brackenhury. Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, 14, Charing Cross. Brttisf) ^nstitntion FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M. P. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, PALL-MALL. 1838. PRICE ONE SHILLING. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO th:i^ PRESENT EXHIBITION. The Duke of Sutherland. /; ^, s/^ ' The Lord Francis Egerton, M. V.2^'a4,3S The Viscount Alford, M Pr^if-^^l'if The Lord Cowley. The Count ^Smk'^-0k^^^;M^ The Lady Dover, . 0Z^M/, Right. Hon. T. Spring Rice. ^ 7^ Sir Charles M. Burrell, Ba^t^^'P/^^/A^j Sir Simon Clarke, Bart. J^//,4^"^S' ^^^^0 Sir Charles Coote, Bart. [^Jfi Sir Robert Price, Bart.,. M. P. ji, ^iT Lady Mildmay.^^. N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. J-^]f i>. George Byng, Esq., M. P. W. Feilden, Esq, M. P. General Ramsay. ^'~z^ //j7 Lieutenant-General Thornton. ^/ Colonel Cornwall, Colonel Fitzgibbon. i'^ ,^/; /-^ Reverend John Vane. d7, ^<^'E. W. Lake, Esq. George Vivian, Esq. XT/:?. //^^^^^^^ Samuel Rogers, Esq. 2. Charles Bredel, Esq. z^/:;; y^?, William Wells, Esq./^^//^^^/^/i^v^2 Edmund Higginson, Esq. J'^, 4^ i^v^ Joseph Barchard, Esq. ^ Robert Vernon, Esq. John Biddulph, Esq. ^^tC S. C. Weston, Esq. . Charles Towneley, Esq. ^4 - ^^3 . George Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. /J;^7M'/^ John Bellamy, Esq. z-^^. Charles Heusch, Esq. t/i^, ^f^^^r p/. I. S. Harford, Esq. ^4,. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, PRESIDEN r. THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M. P. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * The Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. Director. The Marquess of Abercorn. The Earl of Ashburnham. The Earl of Aylesford. * Lord Ashburton, Director. Sir Emanuel Felix A^ar. John Angerstein, Esq. Mrs. Aust. * The Duke of Bedford, K.G. Director. * The Marquess of Bute. * Earl Browniow, Director. The Earl of Bridgewater. * Lady Bernard. Lord Barrington. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Director. Sir Frederich BaJcer, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Baillie. * James Evan Baillie, Esq. The Rev. James Baker. John Bay ford, Esq. Thomas Wentworth Beaumont, Esq. * Lord Bexley. John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Wilham R. Bradshaw, Esq. Sir T. H. L. Broadhead, Bart. The Marquess of Camden, K. G. The Earl of Carhsle, K. G. Earl Cowper. Earl Carysfort. Lord Carrington. * N. W. Ridley Colborne, Esq. Director Miss Burdett Coutts. The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director, Col. Sir A. J. Dalrymple, Bart. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. * Richard Hart Davis, Esq. Director. Lt. Col. Hugh Percy Davison. Miss Dehaney. William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. Villiers Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. Sir P. M. G. Egerton, Bart. William Evans, Esq. M.P. Earl Fitzwilliam. Lord Feversham. Sir Walter R. Farquhar, Bart. Sir George Henry Freeling, Bart. Sir Robert Fitz Wygram, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. * Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gostling, Esq. * John Hambrough, Esq. * Hugh Hammersley, Esq. George Hihhert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq, Sir Benjamin Hohhouse, Bart, J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Thomas Henry Hope, Esq. M. P. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bart. Hylton JoUifFe, Esq. Lord Kinnaird. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. John Knight, Esq. * The Marquess of Lansdowne, K. G. Director, The Earl of Liverpool, K. G, The Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. Mrs. Law. Thomas Legh, Esq. * Samuel Long, Esq. * William Long, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough. * Earl Manvers. * John Meheux, Esq. * Sir Fr ancis Bernard Morland, Bart. The Earl of Normanton. Charles Savill Onley, Esq. Earl Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. * Hon. Edward Petre. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. * The Earl of Rosebery. Lord Viscount Ranelagh. * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Director. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. Benjamin Smith, Esq. Lord Sudeley. * Lord Charles Townshend. * George Watson Taylor, Esq. Richard Thompson, Esq. Samuel Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. The Rev. Thomas Vialls. SirWatkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M P * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. Directm- Frederick Webb, Esq. The Marquess of Westminster, Director William Henry Whitbread, Esq. William Wilberforce, Esq. George Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Earl of Zetland. LIFE GOVERNORS. Lord Arden. John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton. The Earl of Beverley. The Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Bagot, G. C. Director. Lord Burghersh. Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. William Blake, Esq. Director. Samuel Boddington, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. B. Walter Boyd, Esq. Henry Broadwood, Esq. The Archbishop of Canterbury. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill. John Curteis, Esq. Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. Lord Dynevor. Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. The Earl of Essex. The Rev. Howell Holland Edwards. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Lord Fitzgerald and Vesci. William Fitzhugh, Esq. Earl Grey, K.G. Lord Garvagh. Right Hon Sir Robert Gordon, G. C. B. James Goding, Jun. Esq. David Green, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. John S. Hudson, Esq. Edward N. Hurt, Esq. Willi am King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Sir John Lowther, Bart. Lord Maryborough. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Miss Middleton. James Morrison, Esq. Lord Northwick, Director. The Rt. Hon. Sir John Nicholl. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. Lord Prudhoe. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Director. Frederick Perkins, Esq. Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. The Earl of Ripon. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. M. P. Lord Selsey. William Scrope, Esq. J. B. Scott, Esq. Edward Solly, Esq. Richard H. Solly, Esq. Sir James Stuart, Bart. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. Robert Vernon, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bart. William Wells, Esq. Director. Henry James Wheeler, Esq. SUBSCRIBERS. Sir John Soane, R.A. Sir Charles Bell Charles Birch, Esq. Sir Robert Frankland, Bart, Joseph Gwilt, Esq. Charles Hatchett, Esq. ^500 - 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 Robert Holford, Esq. J. C. Parker, Esq. William Vaughan, Esq. Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. Richard Hodgson, Esq. Lieut. -General Thornton ^10 10 10 10 - 10 10 10 10 annual 3 3 annual 3 3 Subscribers of 50 Guineas, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, of Introducing two friends each day, and to personal admission and Two Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions ; but Subscribers of 100 Guineas are entitled to the same privileges, and to Four Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscriptions received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cross. B Owing to the interest excited by the Two Historical Works of P. de la Roche, recently brought into this country, the Directors have much pleasure in placing them in the present Exhibition of Antient Masters. If exhibited among the Works of the Modern Artists, they would necessarily have occupied the room of many Pictures intended for sale. CATALOGUE OF PICTURES BY ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, AND FRENCH MASTERS. WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. JUNE, 1838. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room, in the centre ; and in the Middle and South Rooms, on the left hand. No. Subjects. 1 Lord Strafford going to Execution " The next morning," says Laud, " as he past by, he turned towards me and took the solemnest leave that I think was ever, by any at distance, taken one of another." Solemn indeed it was, beyond all example ; for Strafford halted before the window, and when his old and venerable friend came to it, bowed himself to the ground and said, " My Lord, your prayers and your blessings !" Laud lifted up his hands and bestowed both, and then overcome with grief, fell to the ground senseless j while Strafford, bowing himself a second time, said, ''Farewell, my Lord, God protect your innocency." Southey. Book of the Church. 2 The Infante, Son of Philip IV., at the Manage Painters. P. De la Roche Velasquez Proprietors. Duke of Sutherland. Samuel Rogers, Esq. [8] ^o- Subjects. 3 Mercury and Argus - - . 4 A Saint at Devotion 5 St. John with the Lamb 6 The Boar Hunt 7 Portrait of a Venetian Noble 8 A group of Peasants 9 Portrait of Tasso 10 The Virgin and Child, with St. John pre- senting a bird 11 The Good Shepherd 12 Portrait of Cornelius Van Hooft, the trans- lator of Homer into Dutch 13 Venus at her toilet 14 Portrait of a Bolognese Nobleman 15 Landscape with Figures - - 16 Cattle in a Landscape . 17 Sea Shore, with Boats and Figures 18 Landscape, with Buildings and Figures 19 A Dutch Family - . 20 Landscape, with Fishermen - 21 Banditti in a Landscape 22 Lady and Child - 23 A Cabaret, with Boors at a Table : the Artist has introduced his own Portrait - 24 A Female knitting _ 25 An Old Woman reading - 26 An Old Man reading 27 An Italian Landscape, with Cattle and Figures - - _ 28 Interior of a Kitchen Painters. Proprietors. Salvator Rosa V iscount Alford, M. P. J. D. Cabezalero Duhe of Sutherland. Murillo Sir Simon Clarke, Bart. Velasquez Lord Cowley. ■ Giorgione E. W. Lahe, Esq. Murillo Sir Charles Coote, Bart. L. Bassan discount Alford, M P. F. Zurbaran Duke of Sutherland. ?>hiriIlo Sir Simon Clarke, Bart. Rembrandt Fis count Alford, M. P. Tintoretto Duke of Sutherland. Parmegiano Duke of Sutherland. Ruysdael George Vivian, Esq. Berghem .Charles Br e del, Esq. W. Vandevelde Charles Bredel, Esq. Teniers fVilliam IVells, Esq. Gonzales IVilliam IVells, Esq. Teniers William Wells, Esq. P. della Vecchia Duke of Sutherland. Vandyke Viscount Alford, M. P. A. Ostade E. Higginson, Esq. G. Netscher Colonel Fitzgihhon. Van Toll Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. Van Toll Lord Francis Egerton, M P, K. du Jardin i Joseph Bar chard, Esq. Maes E. IV. Lake, Esq. [ 9 ] No. Subjects. 29 A Female at a window 30 The Brother of Philip IV. of Spain - 31 A Conference 32 The Conde Duke d'Olivarez 33 The Counsellor Triest 34 Landscape, with Diana and her Nymphs 35 A Musical Party - - _ 36 Portrait of a Natural Son of the Duke d'Olivarez, from the Altamira Collection The history of the recognition of this young man by his father, then Prime Minister of Philip IV., is to be found in the last volume of Le Sage's novel. The padlock which he holds in his right hand is probably the decoration of the Order of Alcantara, mentioned by Gil Bias as one of the favours con- ferred upon him at the instance of the favourite, and the costume a specimen of the new outfit which, on the same authority, we learn was provided. It may be conjectured that the picture was left unfinished, in consequence of the Minister's fall from power, which occurred soon after the act of recognition. The feathers of the hat are obviously merely sketched. 37 A River Scene, with Boats and Figures 38 The Holy Family, with Saints in a Land- scape - 39 Christ disputing with the Doctors 40 Christ blessing Little Children, from Marshal Soult's Collection 41 A Man drinking 42 The Holy Family, in a Landscape Painters. Metzu Velasquez Velasquez Velasquez Vandyke Dominichino Valentin Velasquez Cuyp Titian Spagnoletto P. Legote Muriilo Campagnola Proprietors. R. Vernon, Esq. Sir Robert Price, Bart. M.P. Duke of Sutherland. Sir R. Price, Bart. M.P. Fiscount Alford, M.P. George Byng, Esq., M. P. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. Viscount Alford, M. P. George Byng, Esq.., M. P. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. Duke of Sutherland. Colonel Fitzgibhon. Sir Robert J^rice, Barf, M.P. C [ 10 ] No. Subjects. Painters, Proprietors. 43 An Engagement between the English and Dutch Fleets W. Vandevelde Lord Francis Egertorif 31.P. 44 The Entombment of Christ Schiavone Duhe of Sutherland. 45 Fox and Cranes Snyders FiscQunt Jlford, M. P. 46 The Annunciation Carlo Maratti Viscount Atford, M. P. 47 Landscape, with the Fable of Mercury and Arffus : from the Collection of the Duchess de Berri A. Vandevelde E. Higginson„ Esq. 48 St. Matthew with the Angel Carlo Dolce Sir Simon Clarhe, Bart. 49 St. Jerome - - - L. da Vinci W. Feilden, Esq., M. P. 50 Christ with his Disciples at Emmaus Spagnoletto Duhe of Sutherland. 51 A Village Fete Teniers Rev. John Fane. 52 The Dead Bird - - . - Greuze General Ramsay. 53 The Guardian Angel A. Veronese George Viviem, Esq. 54 St. Francis in ecstasy Zurbaran Lord Cowley. 55 The Death of the Virgin Murillo John Biddulph, Esq. 56 The Bonnet Rouge Teniers George Byng. Esq., M. P. 57 The Draught Players Eckhout Duke of Sutherland. 58 Interior, with Dutch Boors Teniers N. fF. Ridley Colborne, Esq. 59 Landscape, with Horses watering Wouverman Robert Fernon, Esq, 60 The Flight into Egypt Rubens Fiscount A If or d, M, P. 61 An Allegory, a sketch Rubens Fiscount Jlford, M. P. 62 Christ bearing his Cross Caravaggio Lady Dover. [ II ] No. Subjects. Painters. Proprietors 63 A Kermesse at the Village of Wannent ; the Artist has introduced the portrait of himself and family, with his contempo- rary brothers in art. A. Ostade, 1< . Hals, Van Goyen, &c. Jan Steen E. Higfj^inson.) Esq. 64 The Angel appearing to Hagar iVlOltl discount Atjora, ivi. r^. 65 Hippolytus thrown irom his Car rvUDcIlis IS count Aijora, iri. r. 66 Portrait of the Doge Gritti Titian Viscount Alford, M. P. 67 Head of a Boy Muiillo Lord Cowley. 68 A Dutch Farm Rembrandt Viscount Alford, M. P. 69 An Elderly Female A. Ostade Robert Vernon, Esq. \^ 70 A Dutch Kitchen Maid by candle light Schalken Charles Bredel, Esq. 71 A View in Haerlem Wood, with Figures - J Hobbema 1 [Jd. (jrraat J E. Higginson, Esq. 72 Portrait of Martin Luther rordenone IS count JiiTora, ivi. Jr. 73 Landscape with Cattle and Figures Smith 01 Chichester I, S. Harford, Esq. 74 Portrait of a Knight of Caiatrava Murillo Viscount Alford, M. P. 75 Landscape with Figures - Both George Byng, Esq., M. P. 76 A Dutch Family W. Mieris Lady Mildmay. 77 The Annunciation, a sketch Rubens Viscount Alford, M. P. 78 Christ crowned with thorns Lud. Caracci Duke of Sutherland. 79 Head of a Girl Greuze r Right. Hon. T. Spring Rice, \ Ml* \^ IVl. 80 Landscape, with Cattle ana l^igures - Ruysdael o. c yy eston, Misq. g/ Holy tamily Coello Lord Cowley. 82 Christ in the House of the Pharisee Bassan Lady Dover. 83 Landscape and Cattle Eglon V ander Neer William Wells, Esq. 84 Landscape with Figures Decker & A.Ostade Charles Heusch, Esq. 85 Fruit and Flowers Van Os Robert Vernon, Esq. 86 The Wife of Rubens Rubens Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. 87 The Virgin and Child with St. John - Andrea del Sarto Duhe of Sutherland. [ 12 ] No. Subjects. 88 The Incredulity of St. Thomas 89 Fruit and Flowers 90 The Raree Showman 91 The Chateau of Rosindal 92 The Favorite 93 The Virgin of the Crescent 94 Monks 95 St. John writing the Revelations Painters, Caravaggio Van Huysum W. Mieris J. V. Heyden & A. Vandevelde Greuze Alonzo Cano Subleyras Carlo Dolce Proprietors, George Bi/ngy Esq.^ M, P. Charles Heusch, Esq. Charles Heusch, Esq. Charles Heusch, Esq. Colonel Fitzgihhon. Lord Cowley. Charles Towneley, Esq. Sir Simon Clarke, Bart. •out!) 3^oom. 96 The Pantheon and Market-place at Rome Canaletto A'', ff^. Ridley Colborne, Esq. 97 Dead Christ in the lap of the Virgin A. Mantegna Colonel Cornwall. 98 A Philosopher in his Study Bramer Lieut. Gen. W. Thornton. 99 St. Andrew - - _ Tintoretto Lord Cowley. 100 The Entombment of Christ Pordenone Fiscount Alford, M P. 101 St. Peter Spagnoletto Lord Cowley. 102 A Sketch Velasquez Lord Cowley. 103 Salvator Mundi L. da Vinci Charles Towneley, Esq. 104 Landscape - Rembrandt Sir Charles Coote, Bart. 105 A Battle Piece Salvator Rosa E. W. Lake, Esq. 106 Landscape and Cattle Berghem E. W. Lake, Esq. 107 The Virgin of the Crescent Murillo George Vivian, Esq. 108 Landscape with Buildings and Figures Ferg J. Bellamy, Esq. 109 Landscape with Buildings and Figures Ferg J. Bellamy, Esq. 110 The Nativity Julio Romano Lord Cowley. 111 The Holy Family with Angels Correggio ^ Viscount Alford, M.P. [ 13 ] No. Subjects. 112 The Shepherds' Offering 113 Study of a Horse 114 A Venetian Senator 115 A Masquerade Scene 116 I^andscape, with a Man shooting Wild Fowl - - 117 Captives - - 118 A Flemish Entertainment 119 The Scourging of Christ 120 An Engagement between the English and Dutch Fleets - 121 A Merry Making 122 A Dutch Family 123 A Venetian Senator 124 The late Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. 125 An Incantation _ _ 126 Landscape with Figures 127 The Infant Christ Sleeping 128 The Triumph of Galatea 129 The Ecce Homo 130 King Charles I. in the Guard Room The following passage from Sanderson's Life of Charles I. explains the subject of this picture — "After sentence, the King being carried away, was mocked of the soldiers (suffering many things, like Christ), they laying aside all reverence to sovereignty, acted triumph on the prisoner, crying out, ' Justice, justice !' That one defiled his venerable face with spittle, I abhor to say it, was wittingly done, but we are assured he wiped it off with his handkerchief 3 they puffed tobacco fume (no smell to him more offensive) and cast their tobacco pipes at his feet." 131 St. John Painters, Vandyke Vandyke Tintoretto Dietricy Teniers Rubens Jan Steen Lud. Caracci Vandevelde Van Harp Maes Tintoretto Sir J. Reynolds Teniers Claude Mnrillo Albano Carlo Dolce P. de la Roche Annibale Caracci D Proprietors. Viscount Alford, M.P. Viscount Alford, M.P. George Vivian, Esq. General Ramsay. Viscount Alford, M.P, Viscount Alford, M.P. Sir Charles Coote, Bart. Viscount A ford, M.P. Viscount Alford, M, P. Lord Cowley. Duke of Sutherland. George Vivian, Esq. Viscount Alford, M. P. cThe Count St. Martin 1 UAglie. Sir Simon Clarke, Bart. E. W. Lake, Esq. W. Feilden, Esq. M. P. Lord Francis E^erton,M.P. Viscount Alford, M. P No. Subjects, 132 Landscape - - - 133 A Woman paring Apples 134 Rebecca at the Well 135 Landscape - - 136 The Church of the Trinita del Monte at Rome, where Claude was buried 137 The Doge's Palace at Venice 138 Landscape with Cattle and Figures 139 Portrait of the Doge Marino Grimani 140 A Dead Swan, Peacock, &c. 1 41 The Bridge at Verona 142 St. Mark's Place, at Venice 143 Landscape with Cattle and Figures 144 Portrait of a Gentleman 145 View of Antwerp 146 Dead Game with Fruit 147 Twelfth Night 148 Storm at Sea - . _ 14 ] Painters. Caspar Poussin Maes P. Veronese r Ruysdael, < painted at the I age of 12. Claude Canaletto Huysman Tintoretto Weenix Canaletto Canaletto Huysman Mireveldt Van Goyen Jan Fyt Jan Steen Vandevelde Proprietors. H. Taylor, Esq. Duke of Sutherland. Viscount Afford, M. P. G. Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. The Count St. Martin HAglie. William fVells, Esq. r Sir Charles M. Burrell, 1 Bart. M. P. Duke of Sutherland. Viscount Alford, M. P. Lady Dover. William Wells, Esq, Sir Charles M. Burrell, Bart. M. P. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. G. Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. G. Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. E. W. Lake, Esq. Sir R. Price, Bart. M. P. WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper. t'RlN'TED BY W N'ICOL, PALL MALL, Britts!) In0t(tuttoii FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M.P. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, 60, PALL-MALL. 1839. PRICE ONE SHILLING. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE PRESENT EXHIBITION, The Duke of Norfolk, K. G. //^L The Marquess of Lansdowne, K. G.//^5^^ The Marquess of Westminster. Rt. Hon. Lord Francis Egerton, M. P.//74 J. Lord Northwick. /di J" Lord Sandys, Lady Dover. J^, 3/^ S7. Rt. Hon. The Speaker, x?^. The Count St. Martin D'Aglie. /s-/, Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Gordon, Q^C^.^B.X^^si^ Hon. Col. Fitzgibbon, M. I'.J^^/j^f^^ Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. /^4/^^/j7, '^^Z Sir Charles M. Burrell, Bart., M. P. /J^. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. / 4 /^^/3^2o,/^z Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. /(^/^^^^^^^^^^ Sir Robert Price, Bart., M. P. /^,/>2/^^ Sir Edmond Temple, /^d, Revd. I. Sandford. J;/^^. 4^ <^^/J/Z,//d, Joseph Barchard, Esq. ^6 J. Barwise, Esq. /S/. 7 Charles Bredel, Esq. /f x^, ^3, Henry Broadwood, Esq. M. P-/^/^^/^^^/^ George Byng Esq. M. P. ^y^x^- W. R. Cartwright, Esq. M. P. /^-jt,;^^ R. Hart Davis, Esq.^^^^^^f^^J^/' ' Edward N. Dennys, Esq. Andrew Fountaine, Esq. //, 4,^'^^'^, 1. b. Harford, Esq. Lionel Harvey, Esq./^^, ; Charles Heusch, Esq.^^^^^ ~ R. S. Holford, Esq. 4^. H. J. Munro, Esq. /S'Z, y/^ N. Ogle, Esq. T. Raven, Esq. amuel Rogers, Esq. 4^ 4:^^^^/ /^^/ /ubscnoers oj 10 and to Four Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions. , ^ , Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. , ,^ • r- SubscHbers ofS Guineas a year, or of, 5 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Mormng Exhibitions. Subscriptions received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cross. B /Ay CATALOGUE OF PICTURES BY ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, AND FRENCH MASTERS. WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. JUNE, 1839. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room, in the centre ; and in the Middle and South Rooms, on the left hand. Painters. No. Subjects. 1 An Altar-piece, the upper part of which re- presents the Virgin Mary and the Infant Jesus, with two angels playing on musical instruments. In the lower part are seen Lewis King of France, St. Joseph, St. Francis, and St. Augustine presenting to the Virgin Mary a youth in a kneeling posture in the Spanish Costume. From the Collection of Count Bolza of Dresden. Guercino Proprietors. 2 From the History of Joseph, painted for Pier Francesco Borgherini, and bought from his descendants by the present pro- prietor. - Francesco Ubertini (called Baccbiacca pupil with Raphael of Pietro Perugino) Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Rev. J. Sandford. [ 8 ] No, Subjects. 3 The Abbe Scaglia 4 Portrait of a Spanish General in armOur 5 From the History of Joseph 6 Christ disputing in the Temple 7 Saying Grace 8 An Out-door Scene with Figures 9 The Virgin and Child with St. John - 10 The Virgin and Child 1 1 Fruit, Flowers and Bird's Nest 12 View of Dort with Shipping 13 Pastoral Scene 14 Jacob's Journey » _ . 15 Diana surprised by Actseon 16 Rembrandt's Mill 17 Susanna and the Elders 18 Tobit and the Angel 19 Fruit and Flowers 20 Cattle in a Landscape 21 Cattle and Figures in a Landscape 22 Portraits - . . _ 23 Portrait of Boerhaave 24 Portrait of a Lady in the Character of Er minia putting on the armour of Ciorinda "Meanwhile Erminia had her robes unbound, That, to her feet descending, swept the ground. Now, in her vest, the lovely damsel shin'd With charms superior to the female kind. In stubborn steel her tender limbs she dress'd. The massy helm her golden ringlets press'd : Thus, clad in arms, she darts a radiant light With all the dire magnificence of sight ; Love present laugh'd, as when he view'd of old The female weeds Alcides' bulk enfold." tloole s Tasso, Book 6. 2d a Musical Party _ . Painters. } Vandyke Velasquez Francesco Ubertini {Mazzolino de Ferrara Jan Steen P. d6 Hooge P. del Vaga Fra Bartolomeo Van Huysum Cuyp Bassano Bassano Titian Rembrandt P. Veronese Rembrandt Van Huysum P. Potter Berghem Quintin Matsys Cornelius Janssen Vandyke Ph. Van Dyck Proprietors. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Rev. J. Sandford. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Charles Bredel, Esq. George Byng, Esq. M. P. George Byng, Esq. M. P. Rev. J. Sandford. Andrew Fountaine, Esq. Marquess of Lansdowne K. G. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Andrew Fountaine, Esq. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. Lady Dover. Lord Northwick. Marquess of Westminster. Sir Thomas Baring, Bai^t. Lord Francis Egerton, M,P. William Wells, Esq. N. Ogle, Esq. I. S. Harford, Esq. Charles Heusch, Esq, [9] No. Subjects. 26 A Boy saying Grace 27 View of a Dutch Town with Figures 28 A Gale with Men of war in the distance - 29 Inside of a Cabaret 30 A Philosopher by Candlelight 31 Spanish Peasants - 32 A Youth with Fruit and Flowers 33 A Market-cart in a Landscape 34 The Advocate in his Study 35 Landscape with Ruins and Figures 36 Landscape with Rocks and Figures 37 Landscape with Travellers fording a brook 38 Landscape, a road scene with a sand bank 39 A Musical Party 40 Head of St. John - - - 41 The Flagellation 42 Landscape with Figures - 43 A Sybil - - - - 44 Woody Landscape - 45 St. Catharine _ . _ 46 Orion - - 47 A Market - - - 48 Discovery of Calisto 49 The Virgin and Child 50 Landscape with a road through a wood 51 An Italian Sea Port - 52 Charity - 53 The Virgin and Child with St. John 54 Lazarus at the Rich Man's door Painters. Jan Steen { J. V. Heydenl & E. V. Neer J Vandevelde F. Mieris G. Dow Murillo r Guercino and'1 X Paolo Antonio > Barbieri J Wonwerman A. Ostade Polemberg Polemberg Wo u we r man Wynants A. Brauwer A. del Sarto Raphael Caspar Poussin Guido Ruysdael Guido Nicolo Poussin Bassano Titian Guido Ruysdael Salvator Rosa Romanelli Raphael Bassano C Proprietors Hon. Col Fitzgibbon, M. P. Charles Heusch, Esq. Charles Heusch, Esq. Charles Bredel, Esq. Hon. Col. Fitzgibbon, M. P. Lady Dover. I. S. Harford, Esq. Joseph Bar chard, Esq. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. Hon. Col. Fitzgibbon, M. P. Marquess of Lansdowne K.G. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Lord Northwick. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. fF^illiam JVells, Esq. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Andrew Fountaine, Esq. Rev. J. Sandford. Andrew Fountaine Es^. Lord Francis Egerton, M. P. R. S. Holford, Esq. Sir Thomas Baring. Bart. Lady Dover. {Right Hon. Sir Robert Gordon, G. C. B. Rev. J. Sandford. Samuel Rogers, Esq. [10] No. Subjects. Painters, rroprietors. 55 Landscape _ _ _ Claude »J .. _ Velasquez R. Hart Davis, Esq. 131 Zaleucus consenting to lose one of his own eyes in mitigation of the punishment of his son. — Vide Lempriere. J. Barwise, Esq. 132 Fete Champetre Paterre H. Broadwood, Esq. M. P. 133 Landscape - _ _ Ruysdael Sir R. Price, Bart. M. P. 134 The Rialto at Venice Guardi Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. 135 Flowers in a Vase Van Brussel Lord Northwick. 136 Cattle iu a Landscape Van Bergen Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. 137 Scene on the Coast of Nupli^s Vernet Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. loo rieaa or a remaie oaint Pji t* m p o*i anck J Right Hon. Sir Robert \ Gordon, G. C. B. 139 Fete Champetre Watteau H. J. Munro, Esq. 140 Philip IV of Spain Velasquez Lionel Harvey, Esq. 141 Diana going to the Chase Rubens Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. 142 View on the Grand Canal, Venice Canaletto Joseph Bar chard, Esq. 143 The Custom House, Venice Guardi Andrew Fount aine, Esq. 144 The Doge's Palace, Venice Canaletto Joseph Barchard, Esq. 145 Les deux petites Marquises Watteau H. J. Munro, Esq. 146 Portrait of the late Duke of Norfolk Gainsborough The Duke of Norfolk, K. G. 147 Portrait of himself Agostino Caracci f Right Hon. Sir Robert { Gordon, G. C. B. 148 Winter - Watteau H. Broadwood, Esq, M. P. D [ 14 1 No. Subjects, Painters. Proprietors. 149 Head of a Female Dominichino /. S. Harford, Esq. 150 A Recumbent Magdalen Fernando Gallego Sir Edmond Temple 151 Dead Birds, a Peacock, &c. Weenix Sir Simon H. Clarke, Bart. 152 The sending away of Hagar Both H. J. Munro, Esq. 153 A Skirmish of Cavalry V tiuuci ivieuien { Sir Charles M. Burr ell, 1 Bart. M. P. 154 Iriumph of Julius Caesar Giorgione Lord Northwich. 155 Landscape with Figures Caspar Poussin H. J. Munro, Esq. 155 Fythagoras addressing his pupils Rubens Dr. Stohoe. 157 A Lap-dog - _ _ Velasquez Count St. Martin UAgUe. 158 A domestic subject Le Nain G. Wilhraham Esq. M. P. 159 Landscape with Travellers Both George Byng Esq. M. P. 160 Dutch Boors Teniers Samuel Rogers, Esq. 161 Summer - - _ Wat tea u H. Broadwood, Esq. M. P. 162 Coronation of the Virgin G. Frabriano Rev. J. Sandford. WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper. PRINTED BY W. NICOI., PALL MALL FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M. P. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, 60, PALL-MALL. 1840. PRICE ONE SHILLING. LIST OF CONTRIBUTO RS TO THE PRESENT EXHIBITION. The Duke of Norfolk, K. G. The Duke of Buccleuch, K. G.^^.<^,^^/^x, The Duke of Sutherland. '/^^ The Marquess of Westminster, The Earl of Carlisle, Earl De La Warr. /^^/f^/j23. The Earl of Burlington. /. The Earl of Lichfield. /ojr. The Earl of Normanton. ^/^^/. Viscount Duncannon. Viscount Powerscourt, M. F. //A Viscountess Anson. J/, Lord Feversham. Lord Ashburton Lord Colborne. ^ /^i?': Hon. W. T. Fox Strangways. /^^^^. Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P.^ Sir John Swinburne, Bart. /J^, Sir Thomas Barins, Bart. 2-/o,/^, //:/^/^,^/ Sir Charles Sullivan ,^Bart. ,^^^^7;^<^/-4^V«^ Sir George Philips, Bart. /j^. John AUnutt, Esq. Joseph Barchard, Esq. ^/,4(^. D. Barclay, Esq. /3. C. O. Bowles, Esq. . Charles Brind, Esq. ^^c/;^^/^//^ Henry Broadwood, Esq. M. P. /ij^^/^. George Byng, Esq. M. P. So, Rev. J. Coles. Dr. Darling. /^^. P. De Wint, Esq. Executor of the late Mr. Hilton. /^^- /^/- ^^.^^^^g^^/^/'' Andrew Drummond, Esq. //rrJTT^^f/I^ //^ Richard Elison, Esq. /fS., /^,/^f-/A^//- ^, Evans, Esq. Sd. M-'^f- Andrew Fountaine, Esq. v/X /^3\J^:^ The Rev. Thomas Gronow. Thomas Hamlet, Esq. ^ /z/r. John Hardwick, Esq. John Heathcote, Esq. /^^, Charles Heusch, Esq. ^^^^^^4/2^- R. S. Holford, Esq. Z2,4-2. H. T. Hope, Esq. M. P. /^/ George Jenkins, Esq. ^4,1^^, H. A. J. Munro, Esq. '^^r/j^. Dr. Ne Vinson, /ef-o^ /4s: A William Parker, Esq. /^/f., Newman Smith, Esq. //a, William Smyth, Esq. Lt. General Thornton. J. H. Turner, Esq. //^, Robert Vernon, Esq. /So, Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. fJ, William Wells, Esq. M,5y/ /^/, /^J^^ /sS. S. C. Weston, Esq. George Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. /^/^/i'/. Colonel Wyndham. The Executors of the late Mr. Carr. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M. P. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * The Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. Director. The Marquess of Abercorn. The Earl of Ashburnham. The Earl of Aylesford. * Lord Ashbiirton, Director. Sir Emanuel FeUx Agar. John Angerstein, Esq. Mrs. Just. * The Marquess of Bute. * Earl Brownlow, Director. The Earl of Bridgewater. * Lady Bernard. Lord Barrington. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Director. Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Baillie. * James Evan Baillie, Esq. The Rev. James Baker. John Bayford, Esq. Thomas Wentworth Beaumont, Esq. * Lord Bexley. John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. William R. Bradshaw, Esq. Sir T. H. L. Broad head, Bart. The Marquess Camden, K. G The Earl of Carlisle, K. G. Earl Cowper. Earl Carysfort. Lord Carrington. * Lord Colborne, Director. Miss Burdett Coutts. The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director, Col. Sir A. J. Dalrymple, Bart. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. * Richard Hart Davis, Esq. Director. Lt. Col. Hugh Percy Davison. Miss Dehaney. William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. Villiers Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. Sir P. M. G. Egerton, Bart. William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam. Lord Feversham. Sir Walter R. Farquhar, Bart. Sir George Henry Freeling, Bart. Sir Robert Fitz Wygram, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. * Francis GosUng, Esq. George GostUng, Esq. * John Hambrough, Esq. * Hugh Hammersley, Esq. Nathaniel Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart, J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Henry Thomas Hope, Esq. M. P. Director Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bart, Hylton JoUifFe, Esq. Lord Kinnaird. John Knight, Esq. 4 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. * The Marquess of Lansdowne, K. G. Director, The Earl of Liverpool, K. G. The Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. Mrs. Law. Thomas Legh, Esq. * Samuel Long, Esq. * William Long, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough. * Earl Man vers. * Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. The Earl of Normanton. Charles Savill Onley, Esq. Earl of Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. * Hon. Edward Petre. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. * The Earl of Rosebery. Lord Viscount Ranelagh. * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Director. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. Benjamin Smith, Esq. Lord Sudeley. * Lord Charles Townshend. * George Watson Taylor, Esq. Richard Thompson, Esq. John Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. The Rev. Thomas Vialls. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. Director. Frederick Webb, Esq. The Marquess of Westminster, Director. WilHam Henry Whitbread, Esq. William Wilberforce, Esq. George Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Earl of Zetland. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their interest m the Institution to terminate with their lives. LIFE GOVERNORS. John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton. The Earl of Beverley. The Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Bagot, G. C. B. Director. Lord Burghersh. Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. William Blake, Esq. Director. Samuel Boddington, Esq. WilHam Bosanquet, Esq. Henry Broad wood, Esq. M. P. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill. John Curteis, Esq. Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. Lord Dynevor. Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. The Rev. Howell Holland Edwards. Lord Fitzgerald and Vesci. William Fitzhugh, Esq. Earl Grey, K.G. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Lord Garvagh. Right Hon Sir Robert Gordon, G.C.B. James Goding, Jun. Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. James Hall, Esq. William R. Hamilton, Esq. Frederick Hodgson,Esq. M.P. Edward N. Hurt, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Sir John Lowther, Bart. Lord Maryborough. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Miss Middleton. James Morrison, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. Lord North wick. Director. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. Lord Prudhoe. The Rii^ht Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Director. Frederick Perkins, Esq. Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. The Earl of Ripon. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. William Scrope, Esq., Director. J. B. Scott, Esq. Edward Solly, Esq. Richard H. Solly, Esq. Sir James Stuart, Bart. Wilham Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. Robert Vernon, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bart. William Wells, Esq. Director. Samuel Charles Weston, Esq. Henry James Wheeler, Esq. Colonel Wyndham. SUBSCRIBERS. Sir John Soane, R.A. Sir Charles Bell Charles Birch, Esq. Sir Robert Frankland, Bart. Joseph Gwilt, Esq. Charles Hatchett, Esq. ^500 0 - 10 10 10 10 - 10 10 10 10 10 10 J. C. Parker, Esq, William Vaughan, Esq. Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. Richard Hodgson, Esq. Lieut.-General Thornton - £\0 10 - 10 10 10 10 annual 3 3 annual 3 3 Subscnhers of 50 Guineas, are entUled to be balloted for as Governors for Life and have the r^ght of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, of ^trod^c^g t.o friends each day, and to personal adm^ss^on and T.0 Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions ; but Subscr^bers of 100 Guineas are ent^tled to the same prrvUeges, and to Four Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscnbers of 3 Guineas a year, or of ^5 Gu^neas ^n one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscriptions received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cross. B The Directors of the British Institution have been enabled by the liberaHty and kindness of the Proprietors, to collect for their Second Exhibition some fine Works of the Ancient Masters, that have never been exhibited on any former occasion. Some few of singular merit appear for a second time, but it is after a lapse of several years. The Directors have this year made an alteration in the usual plan, and have dedicated one room entirely to the reception of the Works of Mr. Hilton, the late Keeper of the Royal Academy. His merit is too well known, and his character too highly appre- ciated, to render it necessary to say one word on the subject. They flatter themselves that the Public will be gratified with an Exhibition, that will at the same time do credit to the memory of the Artist. The Directors take this opportunity of announcing their intention of giving next year Four Prizes of Fifty Guineas each to Pictures which have never been exhibited to the Public before their admission to the British Institution ; it being understood that no artist will be entitled to more than one prize. CATALOGUE OF PICTURES BY ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MASTERS. WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. JUNE, 1840. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room, in the centre ; and i ri the Middle and South Rooms, on the left hand. No. Subjects. 1 Mount Parnassus _ - - 2 Christ bearing the Cross and Santa Vero- nica - 3 The Holy Family and Monk of the Convent 4 The Holy Family and St. John 5 St. John the Baptist 6 The Magdalen with Angels 7 Christ and the Woman of Samaria 8 Angels' Heads, _ _ _ 9 The Vision of Ezekiel, from the Orleans Gallery _ _ _ » 10 The Holy Family with Angels 11 A Musical Party 12 Minerva and Cadmus Painters. Claude A. Caracci A. Caracci Francesco Mola Andrea del Sarto Schidone A. Caracci Correggio Raphael Murillo Gonzales Rubens Proprietors. The Earl of Burlington. Sir Thomas Sir Thomas Sir Thomas Sir Thomas Sir Thomas Sir Thomas Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Baring, Bart. Baring, Bart. Baring, Bart. Baring, Bart. Baring, ^Bart. Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Charles Brind, Esq. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. L 8 ] No. Subjects. 13 The Magdalen at Devotion - 14 Portrait of Sir Thomas More 15 A Girl's Head 16 Abraham and the Angels 17 Infant Christ and St. John 18 Portrait of one of the Medici Family 19 Bathsheba at the Bath 20 A Forest Scene 21 Magdalen, Contemplation 22 A Forest Scene _ . - 23 Fishermen in a Landscape 24 Stag Hunt at one of the Country Houses of the Kings of Spain 25 The Magdalen 26 Landscape with the ruined Castle of Bre- derode - - - - 27 Mater dolorosa . - - 28 The Holy Family and St. Catherine - 29 Virgin and Child, from the collection of Le Senateur Cambasio of Genoa 30 Stag Hunt - - - - 31 A Domestic Scene 32 Christ bearing the Cross, from the Riccardi Palace - - - - 33 The Virgin with Joseph adoring the infant Christ . - - - 34 Descent from the Cross 35 The Holy Family with Angels 36 Dutch Courtship _ . _ 37 The outside of a Cottage with a Pedlar 38 A Lady washing her hands 39 Milking Goats - - - 40 Female at a window Painters. Guercino Holbein Schidone Rembrandt Pietro da Cortona Agnolo Bronzino Ludovico Caracci Hobbima Carlo Dolce Hobbima Dominichino Velasquez Titian ' Hobbima Carlo Dolce Old Palma Julio Romano Wouwerman Guercino Carlo Dolce Luca SignoreUi of Cortona Vandyke Garofalo A. Ostade Dusart Eglon Vander Neer Berghem Gerard Dow Proprietors. D. Barclay, Esq, The Executors of Mr. Carr Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Hon. IV. T. Fox Strangways. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Lord Feversham. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. R. S. Holford, Esq. Lord Feversham. Lord Ashhurton. Lord Ashhurton. Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Hon. IV. T. Fox Strangways. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. William Wells, Esq. William Wells, Esq, Charles Heusch, Esq. Charles Brind, Esq. Lord Ashhurton. No. Subjects. 41 An Interior with Dutch Boors ^ 42 Landscape with figures 43 Contemplation _ _ 44 Landscape with figures 45 A dead Partridge 46 An Interior - _ . 47 The Village Surgeon - - 48 Fruit and Flowers 49 Hilly Landscape - . . 50 Landscape - - . 51 Horses and figures - - 52 A Rocky Landscape 53 The Virgin of the Crescent 54 Tobias preaching over the dead 55 The Baptism of Christ 56 Landscape with figures 57 Virgin and Child 58 Landscape with a waterfall 59 The finding of Moses, from the Justiniani Gallery - _ _ 60 A Reposo - _ _ _ 61 The fall of the Angels 62 Theseus finding the arms of iEgeus 63 Holy Family and Monk of the Convent, from the Collection of Le Senateur Cambasio, at Genoa ; the outline hy Michel Angela. 64 A River scene on the coast of Holland 65 Daughter of Herodias with head of St. John 66 Susanna and the Elders 67 Virgin and Child and Monks 68 Flead of a Young Man, from the Riccardi Palace - - _ 69 Temptation of Saint Benedict [9 ] Painters. A. Ostade G. and N. Poussin Sir J. Reynolds Gainsborough Cuyp A. Ostade A. Brauwer Van Huysum Ruysdael Ruysdael Wouwerman Salvator Rosa Murillo Le Sueur Paul Veronese Caspar Poussin Onorio Mariani Ruysdael Dominichino Murillo Luca Giordano Champagne Sebastian del Piombo Ruysdael Giorgione Caravaggio Fra Bartolomeo Raphael Lud. Carracci C Proprietors. Joseph Barchardf Esq. R. S. Holford, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. Rev. J. Coles. Charles Brind, Esq. Lord Colborne. William Wells, Esq. Joseph Bar chard, Esq. Charles Brind, Esq. TV. Evans, Esq. Viscountess Anson. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Lt. General Thornton. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring. Bart. Andrew Fountaine, Esq. Sir Charles Sullivan, Bart. The Earl of Lichfield. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. George Byng, Esq. M. P. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Andrew Fountaine, Esq. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. The Duke of Norfolk, K. G. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart, Sir Charles Sullivan, Barf. /MP [ 10 ] No. Subjects. 70 Girl with a Dog 71 Holy Family — a sketch 72 Infant Christ and St. John, a sketch - 73 The Shepherds offering 74 A boat race on the Grand Canal, Venice 75 St. Mark's Place with the ceremony of the Doge wedding the Adriatic, Venice 76 The Grand Canal, Venice 77 St. John with the lamb 78 Water-Mill - - - - 79 Landscape, an Italian scene - 80 Foote in the Character of Major Sturgeon in the farce of the Mayor of Garratt 81 Garrick in the Character of Abel Drugger with John Palmer and Burton, in the Alchymist - - - - 82 Foote and Weston in the Characters of Dr. Last and the President, in the farce of Dr. Last. ~ - 83 Cupid as a Pickpocket 84 Landscape with buildings and portraits of George IV. and the Princess Royal when children - - - 85 Cupid as a link boy - - - 86 The Annunciation - - - 87 A Skirmish of Cavalry 88 Portrait of the Painter 89 A Moonlight 90 A Portrait - - - - 91 March of an Army 92 The Assumption of the Virgin Painters. Sir J. Reynolds Murillo * Murillo Lud. Caracci Canaletto Canaletto Canaletto Murillo Ruysdael R. Wilson Zoffanii Zoffanii Zoffanii Sir J. Reynolds Gainsborough Sir J. Reynolds Rubens Vander Meulen F. Mieris Vander Neer F. Mieris Vander Meulen Murillo Proprietors. C. O. Bowles, Esq. John Hardwich, Esq. John Hardwick, Esq, Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. The DukeofBuccleuch,K. G. The DukeofBuccleuch,K.G. The DukeofBuccleuch,K.G. Marquess of Westminster. Charles Brind, Esq. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. The Earl of Carlisle, K. G. The Earl of Carlisle, K. G. The Earl of Carlisle, K. G. Earl De la fVarr. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Earl De la Warr. Thomas Hamlet, Esq. The Earl of Normanton. Charles Heusch, Esq. Lord Colborne. Charles Heusch, Esq* The Earl of Normanton. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. [ 11 ] No. Subjects. Painters. Proprietors. 93 A Market Girl Crespi C. Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. 94 View in Venice Canaletto George Jenkins, Esq. 95 Landscape with Meleager and Atalanta R. Wilson Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. 96 View of Whitehall Canaletto The Duke of Buccleuch,K. G. 97 Woman of Samaria Gaetana Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. 98 Head of an Old Woman Denner The Rev. Thos. Gronow. 99 The Custom House, Venice - Canaletto George Jenkins, Esq. 100 Head of an Old Man M. Zorg G. Wilhraham, Esq. M. P. 101 Mendicants in a Landscape Zolfanii Andrew Drummond, Esq. 102 A Camp Scene - . _ Paterre H. Broadwood, Esq. M. P. 103 The Church of St. Giorgio Maggiore, Venice _ - - _ Canaletto The Duke of Buccleuch,K. G. 104 View in Venice _ _ - Canaletto The Duke of Buccleuch,K. G. 105 View on the Grand Canal with the Cus- tom House - - - - Canaletto The Duke of Buccleuch,K. G, 106 March of an Army - Paterre H. Broadwood, Esq. M. P. 107 Head of a Man Rembrandt The Earl of Lichfield. 108 Cupid - Rubens G. Wilhraham, Esq. M. P. 109 Mary, Queen of England Sir Antonio More Viscount Duncannon. 110 View on the coast at Scheveling De Vlieger Newman Smith, Esq. 111 Joshua conducting the Ark over the River Jordan, painted on oriental Ala- baster - - - - N. Poussin Viscount Powerscourt, M.P Hz A Woody ocene with Ueer - V dntier i>ieei Charles Brind, Esq. 1 1 0 J^d.llU oCaUc Willi ilgUIco - - •T Assplvn Sir Thomas Barins;, Bart. 114: vjiduu L^dtidi, V eiiiLe - - The Duke of Buccleuch,K. G. 1 lo ir^oiiidiL or oeneidi ocoii - Sill' T RpT7nr»lnsi Andrew Drummond, Esq. 116 Head of an Old Man W. Owen, R. A. Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. 117 A Boy with cabbage nets Sir J. Reynolds Earl De la Warr, 118 A Gale on the coast of Holland Ruysdael Andrew Drummond, Esq. 1 19 Landscape with Woodcutters Teniers Sir Chai'les Sullivan, Bart. 120 Philip the IV. on Horseback Velasquez Thomas Hamlet, Esq. 121 Contemplation - Sir J. Reynolds John Allnutt, Esq. [ 12] No. Subjects. 122 The Student 123 Landscape, with a ruined bridge 124 Landscape with Figures, from the Col- lection of the Duchess de Berri 125 Flowers in a Vase - - _ 126 The Port of Amsterdam 127 General Amherst - - - 128 The Magdalen 129 View on the Grand Canal, Venice 130 Landscape with Cattle and Figures - Painters. Sir J. Reynolds Ruysdael W^ynants and Lin- gelback Van Huysum Storck Sir J. Reynolds Guercino Guardi Both Proprietors. Earl De la Warr, Andrew Fount aine, Esq, Charles Heusch^ Esq. William Wells, Esq. O. Wiibraham, Esq. M. P. Andreiv Drummond, Esq. G. Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. S. C. Weston, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. >out|b 3Room» The Works of the late William Hilton, Esq. R. A 131 Queen Philippa interceding with Edward the III. for the lives of the Burgesses of Calais - 132 The Entombment of Christ - - 133 Cupid, a sketch _ _ _ _ 134 Christ crowned with thorns, a Drawing in chalk for the large Picture _ 135 The Massacre of the Innocents, a sketch 136 The Picture of ditto - . - 137 Adam and Eve, a sketch . . _ _ 138 Diana and Cahsto, a sketch - . - _ 139 Comus, a sketch - - _ _ _ 140 The Graces dancing, a sketch 141 A Girl and Child at a fountain, a sketch 142 A sleeping Boy, a sketch - - ^ 143 Ecce Homo, a sketch _ 144 A Boy reposing, a sketch _ _ _ . 145 Head of a Polish Jew, a sketch 146 Cupid on a cruise, a sketch - _ . _ 147 Nessus and Dejanira, a sketch H. T. Hope, Esq. M.P. The Duke of Sutherland. The Executor, P.De Wint,Esq. The Executor. The Executor. The Executor. Dr. Nevinson. Dr. Nevinson. Dr. Nevinson. W. Smyth, Esq. The Executor. The Executor. The Executor. The Executor. Dr. Nevinson. Dr. Nevinson. Dr. Nevinson. [ 13 1 No. Subjects. 148 Scene from a Monkish Legend, a sketch 149 Rebecca at the Well, a sketch _ - _ 150 The Old Prophet, an upright sketch 151 Nature blowing bubbles - - - _ 152 The Triumph of Amphitrite - - _ _ 153 Nature blowing bubbles, a sketch - _ _ 154 Una entering the Cottage of Corceca 155 Head of an Old Man, Study from Nature 156 Jacob parting with Benjamin _ _ _ 157 Study of the Head of an Old Sailor - - 158 The Angel releasing Peter from Prison 159 The Graces teaching Cupid to play on the Lyre 160 Rebecca at the Well - 161 Cupid sailing on his quiver - - - _ 162 Una entering the Cottage of Corceca, a sketch 163 The Old Prophet finding the body of the disobedient Man of God, a sketch _ _ _ _ 164 The Rape of Europa, a sketch - _ _ 165 The Three Maries at the foot of the Cross, a sketch - 166 The Head of a Jew, a sketch - 167 The Rape of Ganymede, a sketch _ 168 Rebecca taking leave of Laban, a sketch 169 Una in the Wood - - . . . 170 Christ blessing little Children, a sketch 171 Sir Calidore's first interview with Pastorella - 172 The Crucifixion, a sketch - . ' . 173 The Children deriding Ehsha - _ 174 A Nymph and Cupid - - - _ _ 175 Cupid and Nymphs - 176 Edith and Monks discovering the body of Harold 177 Una driven from the Cottage of Corceca, a sketch 178 A Nymph and Cupid - - _ _ _ 179 Ophelia on the Willow - . . ... D Proprietors. Dr. Nevinson. The Executor. The Executor. Sir John Swinburne , Bart, Richard Elison, Esq. The Executor. Richard Elison, Esq. Lord Colborne. William Wells, Esq. The Executor. The Executor. Sir George Philips, Bart. Robert Vernon, Esq. JVilliam Smyth, Esq. The Executor. The Executor. The Executor. The Executor. The Executor. The Executor. The Executor. Richard Elison, Esq. Richard Elison, Esq. The Executor. The Executor. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart, Robert Vernon, Esq. The Executor. Robert Vernon, Esq. The Executor. J. H. Turner, Esq- The Executor, ¥4^ [ 14] No. Subjects. 180 St. George and the Dragon . - - - 181 The Sketch of discovering the body of Harold 182 Sabrina releasing the Lady from the Enchanted Chair, a sketch 183 Christ crowned with thorns, a sketch - 184 Cupid and Nymph, a sketch - - - 185 Nessus and Dejanira, a sketch . _ _ 186 Comus and the Lady - 187 Meleager and Atalanta _ - _ - 188 Una driven from the Cottage of Corceca 189 Boy and Cat - - . 190 The Brethren of Joseph shewing the bloody garment to Jacob 191 Sir Calepine rescuing Serena " Sir Calepine by chaunce more than by choyce, The self-same evening fortune hither drove, As he to seek Serena through the woods did rove. * * * * ' Eftsoons he saw one with a naked knife Readie to launch her breast and let out loved life. With that he thrusts into the thickest throng;" Spenser's Fairie Queene, Book VI. Canto VIII. *^* Several Amateurs and Artists have commenced a Subscription for the purchase of this fine specimen of Mr. Hilton's Genius, with the intention of presenting it to the National Gallery. The Books will remain open for the completion of this object a few weeks longer, at Messrs. Colnaghi and Co. Pall Mall East ; and at Mr. Carpenter's, Old Bond Street. 192 John of Gaunt reproving Richard II. - 193 The Rape of Europa - 194 The Infant Warrior - 195 Meleager and Atalanta, a sketch _ . - 196 The triumph of Amphitrite - - - - 197 An unfinished Study of a Nymph Proprietors. The Executor. The Executor. The Executor. The Executor. The Executor. The Executor. The Executor. The Executor. The Executor. The Executor. John M. Heathcote, Esq. Dr. Darling. Colonel fVyndham, William, Parker, Esq. The Executor. The Executor. The Executor. WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper. PniNTED BY W. mCOL, PALL MALL. Brtt(0|) In0ttttttton FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G, PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M. P. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, 60, PALL-MALL. 184L PRICE ONE SHILLING. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE PRESENT EXHIBITION. The Duke of Wellington, K. G. ^Jl. The Duke of Sutherland, K. G. cP,/3ys: The Marquess of Lansdowne, K.G.^J, The Marquess of Westminster, K. G. A^m^ The Earl Cowper. ^ The Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. /JJ^ /J^ The Earl of Normanton. M-f^- Rt. Hon. Lord Francis Egerton. 74,^4^ Viscount Powerscourt, >^4^^2/i1'/%''^ ' His Royal Highness Prince Albert, K. G. /^S Samuel Boddington, Es Thomas Boddington, Esq. Charles Bredel, Esq. ^r^ jy Lord Robert Grosvenor. tS/. Lady Holland. 2/^- Lord Crewe. <5///^ S:2^ y^J^y>'^^/^(^^^3. Lord Cowley. Lord Ashburton. ^^^4. Lord Colborne. Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Gordon, G. C. B^^i John Martin, Esq. ^Ji Hon. W. T. Fox Strangways. ^^^^^^ " " ^ ^""^ Hon. G. Dawson Damer. //^ Rt. Hon. Sir Augustus J. Foster, Bart.^r Sir John Swinburne, Bart, x//^ /^^, Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. /^J? Sir Thomas Baring, Bart^c^^^^^^/ ^ /^"/f^- Sir George PhiHps, Bart, ^^ij^^^ General Grosvenor. Colonel Hugh Baillie. ^4,^/^^ Sir Edwin Pearson, /j^., C. Sackville Bale, Esq. /J/. W. J. Bankes, Esq /^/f.; ^a. Charles Brind, Esq. 4^ ^^^^^ Henry Broadwood, Esq. Dr. Darling. ^/^^ ^z^- Edward N. Dennys, Esq. ^ John Disney, Esq.^/ - Dr. Durnsford. ^z^- George Hayter, Esq. /.^ //, ^ T. C. Harrison, Esq. J. B. Heath, Esq. 4-- R. S. Holford, Esq. ^,y^ Z/, 33 H. T. Hope, Esq. Zf, //S^ WiUiam Hornby, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. z^'^/ John Nussey, Esq. //. Charles Henry PhiUips, Esq. Miss Rogers. ^S"^/^/, z^/^, /^/. Samuel Rogers, Esq. A^/^z^/^/^/f^^^^. W. Sharp, Esq. /^^ J. Tollemache, Esq. y^^^ //^ j. Martin Tupper, Esq. ir,//,/3. Robert Vernon, Esq. /fy^^f_^^^ /^J2^/za, George Vivian, Esq. 'j2d, /^^^/^ William Wells, Esq. 4^4 1/^/ IlJl^/^/.s GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G. PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M. P. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * The Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. Director. The Marquess of Abercorn. The Earl of Ashburnham. The Earl of Aylesford. * Lord Ashbiirton, Director. Sir Emanuel Felix Ag-ar. John Angerstein, Esq. Mrs. Aust. * The Marquess of Bute. * Earl Brownlow, Director. The Earl of Br^idgewater. * Lady Bernard. Lord Barrington. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Director. Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Baillie. * James Evan BaiUie, Esq. The Rev. James Baker. John Bayford, Esq. Thomas Wentworth Beaumont, Esq. * Lord Bexley. John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Wilham R. Bradshaw, Esq. Sir T. H. L. Broadhead, Bart. The Marquis Camden, K. G. The Earl of Carlisle, K. G. Earl Cowper. Earl Carysfort. Lord Carrington. * Lord Colborne, Director. Miss Burdett Coutts. The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director. Col. Sir A. J. Dalrymple, Bart. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. * Richard Hart Davis, Esq. Director. Lt. Col. Hugh Percy Davison. Miss Dehaney. William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. Villiers Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. Sir P. M. G. Egerton, Bart. WiUiam Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzivilliam. Lord Feversham. Sir Walter R. Farquhar, Bart. Sir George Henry Freeling, Bart. Sir Robert Fitz Wygram, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. * Francis Gosling, Esq. George Gosthng, Esq. * John Hambrough, Esq. Nathaniel Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir Benjamin Hohhouse, Bart. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Henry Thomas Hope, Esq. M. P. Director. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bart. Hylton JollifFe, Esq. Lord Kinnaird. John Knight, Esq. /My 4 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. * The Marquess of Lansdowne, K. G. Director. The Earl of Liverpool, K. G. The Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. Mrs. Law. Thomas Legh, Esq. « Samuel Long, Esq. * William Long, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough. * Earl Man vers. * Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. The Earl of Normanton. Charles Savill Onley, Esq. The Earl of Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. * Hon. Edward Petre. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Perm, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. * The Earl of Rosebery. K. T. Lord Viscount Ranelagh. * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Director. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. Benjamin Smith, Esq. Lord Sudeley. * Lord Charles Townshend. Richard Thompson, Esq. John Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. Charles Marsh Vial Is, Esq. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. Director. Frederick Webb, Esq. The Marquess of Westminster, K. G. Director. WiUiam Henry Whitbread, Esq. William Wilberforce, Esq. George Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Earl of Zetland. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their lives. LIFE GOVERNORS. John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton. The Earl of Beverley. The Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Bagot, G. C. B. Director. Lord Burghersh. Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. William Blake, Esq. Director. Samuel Boddington, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Henry Broad wood, Esq. M. P. Beriah Botfield, Esq. M. P. The Archbishop of Canterbury. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill. John Curteis, Esq. Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. Lord Dynevor. Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. The Rev. Howell Holland Edwards. Lord Fitzgerald and Vesci. William Fitzhugh, Esq. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Earl Grey, K.G. Lord Garvagh. Right Hon Sir Robert Gordon, G. C. B. James Goding, Jun. Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. James Hall, Esq. William R. Hamilton, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. M.P. Edward N. Hurt, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Sir John Lowther, Bart. Lord Maryborough. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Miss Middleton. James Morrison, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. Lord North wick. Director. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. Lord Prudhoe. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Director. Frederick Perkins, Esq, Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. The Earl of Ripon. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. William Scrope, Esq., Director. J. B. Scott, Esq. Edward Solly, Esq. Richard H. Solly, Esq. Sir James Stuart, Bart. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. Robert Vernon, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bart. Vl^illiam Wells, Esq. Director, Samuel Charles Weston, Esq. Henry James Wheeler, Esq. Colonel Wyndham. SUBSCRIBERS. Sir John Soane, R.A, Sir Charles Bell Charles Birch, Esq. Sir Robert Frankland, Bart. Joseph Gwilt, Esq. Charles Hatchett, Esq. J. C. Parker, Esq. £bOO 0 - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 William Vaughan, Esq. Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. Richard Hodgson, Esq. Lieut. -General Thornton Thomas Martin, Esq. Edward N. Dennys, Esq. Robert D. Mercer, Esq. ■ £10 10 10 10 annual 3 3 annual 3 3 annual 3 3 annual 3 3 annual 3 3 Subscribers of 50 Guineas, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, of introducing two friends each day, and to personal admission and Two Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions ; but Subscribers of 100 Guineas are entitled to the same privileges, and to Four Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or o/25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscriptio7is received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cross. B The Directors this year, have to offer for the inspection of the PubUc, through the hberaUty of His Royal Highness Prince Albert, and several Noblemen and Gentlemen, Patrons of the Fine Arts, a Collection of the Works of the Ancient Masters. Two Rooms have been appropriated principally to the reception of the Works of deceased British Artists,— Reynolds, Wilson, Gains- borough, Hogarth and others,— forming a Collection which they flatter themselves will be as interesting to the PubUc as it is honourable to native talent. They have added also a Selection of the Works of the late Thomas Stothard, Esq., R.A., whose taste and poetic feeling have been rarely excelled. With the hope of encouraging the exertions of young Artists, the Directors take this opportunity of again announcing their intention of giving, next year. Four Premiums of Fifty Guineas each, for Pictures that have not been previously exhibited. CATALOGUE OP PICTURES BY ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MASTERS. WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. JUNE, 1841. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room, and in the Middle and South Rooms, c No. Subjects. 1 Sibylla, V^ife of The Elector John Fre-i derick of Saxony , and her Son - J 2 The Elector John Frederick of Saxony 3 The Madonna - - - - 4 St. John Baptizing Christ 5 The Pentecost - - - 6 The Magdalen - - - 7 The Holy Family, unfinished 8 An Equestrian Portrait - _ _ 9 Cosmo, Founder of the Family of Medici, and known by the title of Pater Patriae 10 Landscape with Figures 11 The Flight into Egypt )n the left hand. Boom* Painters. Luca Cranach Luca Cranach Sasso Ferrato Schidone Joannes Joannis Guercino Raphael Vandyke Bronzino Caspar Poussin Albert Durer Proprietors. r His Royal Highness Prince \ Albert, E.G. (His Royal Highness Prince I Albert, K.G. Lord Francis Egerton. J. B. Heathy Esq. Martin Tupper, Esq. R. S. Holford, Esq. Right Hon. Sir Augustus J. Foster, Bart. Duke of Sutherland, K.G. R. S. Holford, Esq. Lord Francis Egerton. Martin Tupper, Esq. [8] No, Subjects. 12 Study, for one of the Heads in the Cupola at Parma - - - 13 The Virgin of the Crescent 13*Virgin and Child, with Saints 14 Portraits of a Gentleman and Lady 15 The Consistory _ _ _ 1 6 The Marriage of the Virgin 17 St. Sebastian - - - 18 Portraits of the Grand Dutchess Leonora (wife of Cosmo I. of Florence) and her Son Don Garzia - - - 19 The Magdalen 20 St. John Baptizing in the River Jordan 21 Holy Family, in a Landscape - 22 Head of the Virgin - - 23 Joseph and Potiphar's Wife 24 The Coronation of the Virgin with Saints, from the Camaldoli Convent 25 Landscape, with the Angel appearing to Hagar - - _ , 26 The Infant Saviour, with St. John and the Lamb _ - _ 27 Landscape with Figures - - - 28 The Virgin and Child 29 A Female Saint, from the Borghese Palace 30 Holy Family, in a Landscape 3 1 The Adoration of the Shepherds 32 The Last Supper - - , 33 The Virgin and Child 34 The Infant Christ 35 The Virgin and'Child Painters. Correggio Murillo Julio Clovio John Van Eyck Tin to ret Primaticcio Guido Bronzino Dominichino Dominichino Francesco Penni Raphael Guercino Andrea Sacchi Caspar Poussin Leonardo da Vinci Gaspar Poussin Raphael Raphael Schidone Bonifazio Andrea del Sarto Fra Bartolomeo Dominichino Guercino Proprietors. Viscount Powerscourt. Martin Tupper^ Esq. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Colonel Hay. Duke of Sutherland, K.G. Lord Cowley. I Right Hon. Sir Robert I Gordon, G.C.B. George Vivian, Esq. R. S. Holford, Esq. Sir Thomas Baring, Barf. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. {Right Hon. Sir Robert { Gordon, G.C.B. George Vivian, Esq. Viscount Powerscourt. Miss Rogers. Lord Ashhurton. R. S. Holford, Esq. Earl Cowper. H. T. Hope, Esq. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Lord Robert Grosvenor. Hon. IV. T. Fox Strangways- R. S. Holford, Esq. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. '(Right Hon. Sir Robert I Gordon, G.C.B. [ 9 ] No. Subjects. 36 Landscape with the effect of Moon and Firelight 37 " Les Plaisirs des Paysans" 38 A Hermit Reading 39 Ruins and Figures 40 Landscape, with Figures and Cattle 41 A Gale, with Men-of-War in the distance 42 Horses and Figures at an Inn Door 43 Figures and Cattle crossing a Brook 44 Landscape, with Portrait of the Artist drawing - 45 A Slight Gale with Men-of-War and Fish- ing Boats - 46 Christ and his Disciples at Emmaus - 47 St. Francis and St. Dominick in Prayer 48 A Landscape, Travellers passing along a Sandy Road 49 Peasants Dancing to a Bag-pipe 50 Itahan Peasants 51 The Broken Bridge 52 Sea-Piece, View on the Coast of Holland, with Fishing-boats, and a Man-of-War in the Distance. 53 A Flemish Family - - » 54 Italian Peasants 55 "View of a Fortified Town, with Figures 56 His Own Portrait - - 57 View of a Fortified Town, with Figures, Portraits. Van der Neer Jan Miel Van Staveren Ferg D. Van Berghen W. Vandevelde Wouwerman Berghem Karl du Jardyn W. Vandevelde Nogari Dionysius Calvart Isaac Ostade Teniers Jan Miel Pyn acker W. Vandevelde Gonzales Jan Miel Vander Heyde 1 & A. Vandevelde J Vander Werf r Vander Heyde 1 ^& A. Vandevelde J Proprietors. hord Crewe. Charles Brind, Esq. Charles Brind, Esq. Charles Brind, Esq. William Wells, Esq. H. T. Hope, Esq. Lord Colhorne. Lord Colhorne. Lord Aslihurton. H. T. Hoye, Esq. Hon. Colonel Fitz . 148 The Scotch Fire side 149 Family Portraits - - _ 150 Sans Souci - - _ 151 Bacchanalian Dance 152 Landscape with Cattle at a Ford 153 Tam o' Shanter And, wow ! Tam saw an unco sight ! Warlocks and witches in a dance ; &c. 154 Young's Night Thoughts, Night 1st 1. 44. Painters. Proprietors. Morland William IVells, Esq. Morland Morland William IVells, Esq. Tin to ret Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Titian Sir Edwin Pearson. Barroccio Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Stothard H. A. J. Munro, Esq. Stothard C. Sachville Bale, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard H. A. J. Munro, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Samuel Rogers, Esq. Stothard Samuel Rogers, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard William Sharp, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard H. A. J. Munro, Esq. Stothard Robert y prnnn TPcn M,m,yjiy\jf V r c/ ivyJil, AJjoU . Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Sir George Philips, Bart. Stothard Robert Fernon, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. [ 14 ] Ko. Subjects. 155 Sketch from the Rape of the LoqI^ 156 Ditto - - - 157 Ditto . - - - 158 Young's Night Thoughts, Night 1st 1. 135. 159 Sketch for the Staircase at Burleigh 160 Amphitrite - - - 161 Subject from Don Quixote 162 Diana Sleeping 163 Subject from Don Quixote 164 The Shakespeare Characters - 165 The Elements 166 The Dance 167 Peace 168 Subject from Don Quixote 169 The Vintage 170 Subject from Don Quixote 171 Canterbury Pilgrimage - 172 A Fete Champetre 173 Subject from the Spectator 174 Cleopatra - 175 Vertumnus and Pomona 176 The Bath of Diana 177 Subject from the Arabian Nights 178 The Judgement of Paris 179 Subject from Moore's Melodies - 180 Sketch from the Rape of the Lock 181 Sketch from the Arabian Nights 182 Sketch from the Rape of the Lock 183 The Banquet 184 Ruth and Boaz 185 The Repast Painters. Proprietors. Stothard Samuel Boddlngion, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Miss Rogers. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Miss Rogers. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Robert f^ernon, Esq. Stothard Sir John Sivinburne, Bart. Stothard Samuel Rogers, Esq. Stothard Miss Rogers. Stothard Miss Rogers. Stfttha.rd Miss Roger's. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Robert Vernon, Esq. Stothard Lady Holland. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq . Stothard Robert Vernon, Esq. Stothard Sir George Philips, Bart. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Miss Rogers. Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. Stothard Samuel Rogers, Esq. [ 15 ] No. Subjects. Painters. Proprietors. 186 Subject from Spensei-'s Faerie Queen - Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. 187 Ixion, embracing the false Juno Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. 188 Victory . . _ _ Stothard Samuel Rogers, Esq. 189 Amphitrite - - Stothard Samuel Rogers, Esq. 190 The Waterfall at Hafod Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. 191 Adam and Eve Stothard Miss Rogers, 192 Cleopatra - - _ Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq 193 The Triumph of Peace Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. 194 Cottagers - - _ Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. 195 Subject from the Arabian Nights Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. 196 Cottagers - Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. 197 Sancho and the Dutchess Stothard Sir John Swinburne, Bart. 198 War Stothard Robert Vernon, Esq. 199 The Dance Stothard Robert Vernon, Esq. 200 Subjects from the Arabian Nights Stothard Miss Ros;ers. 201 Subject from Burns Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. 202 The Farewell - Stothard Miss Rogers. 203 Amphitrite, a Sketch Stothard Thomas Boddington, Esq. 204 The Tournament _ _ _ Stothard Samuel Boddington, Esq. 205 The Dance Stothard Robert Vernon, Esq. 206 Vertumnus and Pomona Stothard H. A. J. Munro, Esq. 207 Venus reposing Stothard H. A. J. Munro, Esq. ^Uo Vv an lor arter jjattle i5. Jtiosa j Right Hon. Sir Robert 1 Gordon, G.C.B. 209 The Fire of London, seen from one of the Arches of Old London Bridge - Loutherburg Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. 210 St. Bruno in ecstacy - - Zurburan Dr. Durnsford. 211 View of Nimiguen - _ , Van Goyen General Grosvenor. 212 A Calm Scene, Coast of the Mediterranean Vernet Lord Francis Egerton. 213 St. Peter's, Rome — with the Procession of the French Ambassador P. Panini Lord Francis Egerton. [ 16 ] No. Subject. 214 Portrait of a Gentleman 215 Mary Magdalen washing the feet of our Saviour _ _ . 216 The Conquest of Mexico 217 A Gallery of Painting and Sculpture, with Portrait of the Artist 218 Portrait of a Lady 219 The Rabbit Warren 220 A Storm on the Coast of Italy - Painters. Cornelius Janssen Otho Venius Hogarth P. Panini Cornelius Janssen Morland Vernet Proprietors. Dr. Darling. T. C. Harrison, Esq. Lady Holland. Lord Francis Egerton. Dr. Darling. Willinm Wells, Esq. Lord Francis Egerton. WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper. PRINTED BY W. NICOLj 60^ PALL MALL. l^vittsff institution FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G, PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M.P. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, 60, PALL-MALL. 1842. PRICE ONE SHILLING. 4 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN. The Duke of Bedford. /4^,/^>^^. Beriah Botfield, Esq. M.P. /^^ The Duke of Wellington, K. G./^^^/,^<^^' Charles Bredel, Esq. d';4.cP. The Duke of Sutherland, K. G. 4^. The Marquess of Salisbury. /e> • The Marquess of Westminster, K. G. /^cc The Countess of Mulgrave^ t^c^/^cP^ 73 /// ^ The Earl of Essex, Y^"^ The Earl of Warwick. /^jz^ /^Z^ /yU;/ao The Earl of Mansfield. //^^ The Earl of Orford. /j/, /J^- The Earl of Lonsdale. K. G. The Earl of Morley. /S:^. The Earl of Wicklow. The Earl of Normanton The Baroness Basset, /z/. Lady De Dunstanville. Lord De LTsle. //^ Lord Colborne, 4^ Lord Monteagle. //^- Lord Charles Townshend. /^^^ z;^ ^/^^ Hon. Col. Fitzgibbon. /dZ, /4^^^ Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M.P. /a Henry Broadwood, Esq. M.P. ^^^z^.^. T. B. Brown, Esq. George Byng, Esq. M. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M, P./ir John Martin, Esq. M. P. /f/- Sir John Swinburne, Bart. 26- Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart, Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. /^i/f,^J~: Sir Charles Forbes, Bart. < Sir George Philips, Bart. (^Z. Rt. Hon. Henry Labouchere, M. P./^^^T"/^^, Lady Chantrey. d%. Sir Peter Laurie, ^^/y^^^^^/: Colonel Hugh Baillie, M. P. //^^/^^^ Colonel Chaplin. //^/. Colonel Wyndham. j^. Rev. Dr. Moberley. /^^. Rev. H. Cholmondeley. Rev. W. A. Fitz Hugh. Dr. Darhng. iTZ^^^^- Mrs. Baillie. JT^. Mrs. Collins. /^7j", Mrs. Coppard. //^ . Mrs. Emmerson. ^/;^/ Mrs. Winfield. /Zf. . j^-f; //2r Miss Rogers. Miss Wilkie. t/^,- /a^^ /2^. John AUnut, Esq. ^^r/^2,/j2/. Thomas Baring, Esq. ^. M. W. Barnes. Esq. /^f- P. 7^^^^^- J. Clarke, Esq. Alexander Colvin, Esq. ^^y^/ John Davis, Esq. //^« Bonamy Dobree, Esq. ^X. John Donne, Esq. ///. Wynn Ellis, Esq. M. P. /^^ E. Foster. Esq. Andrew Fountaine, Esq. /^^ John Gibbons, Esq. ti<^. John Grant, Esq. /^4^- James Hall, Esq. 7^,c^4^,y4//^-^ Charles Heusch, Esq. /^^ /^^j"- R. S. Holford, Esq. M Archer Holdsworth, Esq. x/X John Bellenden Ker, Esq. ///^. T. H. Longden, Es-q. /Jf. John Marshall, Esq. M. V,//. F. G. Moon, Esq. J. Morrison, Esq. M. P. S/. H, A. J. Munro, Esq. //^^ z^/ R. P. Nichols, Esq. /4c3^/<^a. Dudley Perceval, Esq. /^/; Frederick Perkins, Esq, 4^^/4^ Henry Rice, Esq. 4:0. Samuel Rogers, Esq. W. Seguier, Esq. John Sheepshanks, Esq. John Abel Smith, Esq. M. P. /Z. Ralph Sneyd, Esq. /S3' M. Stodart. Esq. j«/r//^' 1). Tighe, Esq. /^/. E. R. Tunno, Esq. 0^ Robert Vernon, Esq. Z/, Charles Baring Wall, Esq. /2. William Wells, Esq. W. H. Whitbread, Esq. 34. Thomas Wilkie, Esq. ./^ 6/, , /^-f J W. Woodburn, Esq. ^^^/^ ff,/^/.y^<^^ George Young, Esq. • The Royal Academy, Governors of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. /J The Medical Officers of the Army. HMtaHMiiiMiMiiiliilii GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G. PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M. P. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * The Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. Director. The Marquess of Abercorn. The Earl of Ashburnham. The Earl of Aylesford. * Lord Ashburton, Director. Sh* Emanuel Felix Agar. John Angerstein, Esq. * The Marquess of Bute. * Earl Brownlow, Director. The Earl of Bi^idgewater^ * Lady Bernard. Lord Barrington. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Director. Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Baillie. * James Evan Baillie, Esq. The Rev. James Baker. John Bayford, Esq. Thomas Wentvvorth Beaumont, Esq. * Lord Bexley. John Blackall, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. William R. Bradshaw, Esq. Sir T. H. L. Broadhead, Bart. The Marquis Camden, K. G. The Earl of Carlisle, K. G. Earl Cowper. Earl Carysfort. Lord Carrington. * Lord Colborne, Director. Miss Burdett Coutts. The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director. Col. Sir A. J. Dalrymple, Bart. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. Lt. Col. Hugh Percy Davison. Miss Dehaney. William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. Villiers Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. Sir P. M. G. Egerton, Bart. William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam. Lord Feversham. Sir Walter R. Farquhar, Bart. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. Sir Robert Fitz Wygram, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. * Francis Gosling, Esq. Benjamin Gostling, Esq. * John Hambrough, Esq. Nathaniel Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir John Cam Hobhouse Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Henry Thomas Hope, Esq. M. P. Director. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bart, Hylton JollifFe, Esq. Lord Kinnaird. John Knight, Esq. ^ The Marquess of Lansdovvne, K. G. Director. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. The Earl of Liverpool, K, G. The Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. Mrs. Law. Thomas Legh, Esq. * Samuel Long, Esq. * William Long, Esq. George C. Loftus, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough. * Earl Man vers. * Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. The Earl of Normanton. Charles Savill Onley, Esq. The Earl of Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. * Hon. Edward Petre. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. * The Earl of Rosebery. K. T. Lord Viscount Ranelagh. * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Director. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. Benjamin Smith, Esq. Lord Sudeley. * Lord Charles Townshend. Richard Thompson, Esq. John Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. Charles Marsh Vialls, Esq. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. Director. Frederick Webb, Esq . The Marquess of Westminster, K. G. Director, William Henry Whitbread, Esq. William Wilberforce, Esq. George Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Earl of Zetland. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their lives. LIFE GOVERNORS. John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton. The Earl of Beverley. The Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Bagot, G. C. B. Director. Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. William Blake, Esq. Director, Samuel Boddington, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Beriah Botfield, Esq. M. P. Henry Broadwood, Esq. M. P. The Archbishop of Canterbury. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill. John CurteiSj Esq. Lord Dynevor. Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. Hart Davis, Esq. Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. The Rev. Howell Holland Edwards. Lord Fitzgerald and Vesci. Earl Grey, K. G. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Right Hon Sir Robert Gordon, G. C. B. James Goding, Jun. Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. James Hall, Esq. William R, Hamilton, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. M.P. Edward N. Hurt, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Sir John Lowther, Bart. Lord Maryborough. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Miss Middleton. James Morrison, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. Lord Northvvick, Director. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. The Rio-ht Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Director. 5 Lord Prudhoe. Frederick Perkins, Esq. Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. The Earl of Ripon. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. William Scrope, Esq., Director. J. B. Scott, Esq. Edward Solly, Esq. Richard H. Solly, Esq. Sir James Stuart, Bart. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. The Earl of Westmorland. Robert Vernon, Esq. TheRight Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bart. William Wells, Esq. Director. Samuel Charles Weston, Esq. Henry James Wheeler, Esq. Colonel Wyndham. Sir John Soane, R.A. Sir Charles Bell Charles Birch J Esq. Sir Robert Frankland, Bart. Joseph Gwilt, Esq. Charles Hatchett, Esq. SUBSCRIBERS. ^500 O - 10 10 10 10 . 10 10 10 10 10 10 J. C. Parker, Esq. William Vaughan, Esq. Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. Thomas Martin, Esq. Edward N. Dennys, Esq. Robert D. Mercer, Esq. - 10 10 5610 10 10 10 annual 3 3 annual 3 3 annual 3 3 Suhscrihers of 50 Gumeas, are entitled to he balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning ExMbitions, of introduang t.o friends each day, and to personal admmion and Tv^o Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions ; hut Suhscrihers of 100 Guineas are entitled to the same prtvdeges, and to Four Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Suhscrihers of ^ Guineas a year, or of '25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscriptio7is received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cross. B f » CATALOGUE OF THE WORKS OF THE LATE SIR DAVID WIL.KIE, R. A. TOGETHER WITH A SELECTION OF PICTURES BY ANCIENT MASTERS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. JUNE, 1842. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room, and in the Middle and South Rooms, on the left hand. WORKS OF THE LATE SIR DAVID WILKIE, R.A. No. Subjects. 1 King George the Fourth's Entrance to his Palace of Holyrood House, the 15th of August, 1822. In front of His Majesty, the Duke of Hamilton First Peer of Scotland, in the plaid of the Earls of Arran, is pre- senting the Keys of the Palace, of which he is hereditary Keeper ; on the right of the King, is the Duke of Mon- trose, Lord Chamberlain, pointing to the entrance of the Palace, where is stationed the Duke of Argyll in his family tartan, as Hereditary Keeper of the Household ; behind him is the Crown of Robert the Bruce supported by Sir Alexander Keith j on the left of the Picture in the dress of the Royal Archers, who served as the King's Body Guard, is the Earl of Hopetoun, and close to him in the character of Historian or Bard, is Sir Walter Scott. 2 The Siege of Saragossa . _ _ Painted. 1830 1828 Proprietors. HER MAJESTY, HER MAJESTY. \ [8 ] Painted. Proprietors. ^ Thp Oiiprilla takine* leave of his Confessor 1828 HER MAJESTY. 4 Hpr TVTaipsstv Oiippn Victoria - ~ ~ 1840 Sir Charles Forbes, Barf. 0 1 ne ijueniia s rveiuin lo ui& raiun^ 1830 HER MAJESTY. 6 Guerilla Council of War in a Spanish Posada - 1828 HER MAJESTY. 7 Finished Sketch for the picture of the Chelsea Pensioners ----- 1 Q01 IflOS. ±ilU IflQj IJjolj . 8 Finished Sketch for the picture oi tilina Mans Buflf ------ 1 O 1 1 Charles Bredel, Esq. 9 Her Majesty Queen Victoria at her First Council 1839 HER MAJESTY. 1832 r /?/ Hot) Sir Robert Peel 10 John Knox Preaching - - - - 1 Bart. M.P. 11 The Penny Wedding - - - - 1818 HER MAJESTY. 12 The Fortune-Teller. The occurrence here repre- sented took place in St. Domingo. The Lady was afterwards the Emperess Josephine 1837 John Abel Smith, Esq, M.P. 13 Portrait of His Grace the Duke of Wellington - 1835 Marquess of Salisburu. 14 Chelsea Pensioners reading the Gazette of the Battle of Waterloo - 1822 Duhe of IVelUnaton, K.G. 15 Blind Man's Buflf - 1812 HER MAJESTY. 16 The Sick Chamber _ - - - 1808 F. G. Moon, Esq. 17 Napoleon and Pius VII. at Fontainbleau 1836 John Marshall, Esq. M. P. 18 Columbus _ - - - - 1835 R. S. Holford, Esq. 1 9 The Rabbit on the Wall 1816 T. B^ Brown, Esq, 20 The Wardrobe ransacked 1810 Lady De Dunstanville. 21 Sketch of Reading the Will 1820 Mrs. Emmerson. 22 The Death of Sir Philip Sydney 1818 Bonamy Dobree, Esq. 23 Study of the Gentle Shepherd 1840 James Hall, Esq. 24 Finished Sketch for the Picture of the Village Festival ~ isoy ffllliam Wells, Esq. 25 The Errand Boy . _ - - 1818 Sir John Sivinburne, Bart. 26 Death of the Red Deer 1821 Miss Rogers. [9] No. Subjects. 27 The Newsmongers _ 28 Portrait of Sir Peter Laurie - . . 29 Portrait of the late Sir David Wilkie - 30 Portrait of James Hall, Esq. 31 The Jew's Harp - _ . _ 32 The Bagpiper - - - _ 33 Scene from The Gentle Shepherd 34 The Cut Finger - . , _ 35 The New Coat - - _ . 36 The Nursery 37 Head of John Norman, Blacksmith of the Village of Cults 38 Scene from The Abbot of Sir Walter Scott 39 Sketch for the Picture of John Knox preaching 40 Benvenuto Cellini and the Pope 40*" Not at home " - - . . 41 William the Fourth 42 The Parish Beadle - - _ . 43 The Breakfast - . . 44 Distraining for Rent - - _ 45 George the Fourth in Highland Costume 46 H. R. H. The Duke of Sussex in Highland Costume 47 Duncan Grey - 48 The Card-players . 49 " Guess my Name ?" - 50 The Pedlar - . . _ . 51 Queen Mary escaping from Lochleven Castle - 52 The Village Politicians, the first picture of the subject - _ , ' , 53 A Landscape _ _ _ 54 A Sketch for the Village School Painted. 1821 1840 1841 1841 1807 1812 1809 1807 1835 1813 1830 1825 1840 1833 1833 1823 1817 1815 1832 1836 1814 1808 1821 1814 1837 1804 1822 1821 Proprietors. Robert Vernon, Esq. Sir Peter Laurie. Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. James Hall, Esq. William Wells, Esq. Robert Vernon, Esq. Thomas Wilkie, Esq. W. H Whitbread, Esq. M. Stodarf, Esq. John Gibbons, Esq, W. Seguier, Esq. W. Seguier, Esq. Colonel Wyndham. Henry Rice, ' Esq. Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart. Duke of Wellington, K. G. L^ord Colborne. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. William Wells, Esq. Duke of Wellington, K. G. HER MAJESTY. J. Sheepshanks, Esq. Charles Bredel, Esq. Frederick Perkins, Esq, Mrs. Baillie. E. R. Tunno, Esq. Dr. Darling. Robert Vernon, Esq. Miss Wilkie, [ 10 ] WORKS OF THE LATE SIR DAVID WILKIE, R. A Subjects. No. 55 The Rent Day - 56 Scotch Baptism 57 The Confessional . - - - 58 Portrait of the late Lady Lyndhurst 59 Portrait of Thomas Wilkie, Esq. 60 Portrait of Sir James Macgrigor, Bart., M.D. 61 The Highland Family - - 62 The China Menders - 63 Sketch of two of the daughters of the late Rev. Dr. Thomson of Long Stowe, Cambridgeshire Studies /rom No. 64 to 107 inclusive, excepting No. 84, which is a jinished picture. 64 Sketch for a Picture of burying the Regalia of Scotland - - - - - 65 Two Figures in the Picture of The Bride 66 Portrait of Miss Wilkie _ . - 67 A Mother teaching her Children to pray 68 The Sick Chamber, a Sketch - 69 Portrait of a Gentleman in a Dutch Dress 70 The Duke of Wellington and his Charger 71 William the Fourth - 72 Prince Talleyrand - - - - 73 The Cut Finger, a Sketch 74 Portraits of the Children of Major and Mrs. Winfield Painted. 1807 1829 1827 1832 1837 1835 1824 1818 1838 1833 1808 1822 1838 1809 1835 Proprietors. Countess of Mulgrave. Lady Chantrey. J. Morrison, Esq. Duke of IVellington, K.G. Miss Wilkie. r The Medical Officers of the I Army. Earl of Essex. Sir George Philips, Bart. John Donne, Esq. Miss IVilkie. Thomas IVilkie, Esq. Lady Laurie. Thomas IVilkie, Esq. Countess of Mulgrave. George Young, Esq. Thomas fVilkie, Esq. Lord De L Lisle. C. Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. Countess of Mulgrave. Mrs. Wirifield. [ 11 ] No. Subjects. 75 Queen Adelaide on Horseback 76 A Spanish Senorita with her Nurse, a native of the Asturias, walking in the Prado of Madrid - 77 Samuel and Eli _ 78 Two Figures in Spanish Dresses 79 A Female adjusting her hair - - . 80 The Breakfast, a Sketch 81 The Encampment of the Sheik and Arabs who accompanied Sir David Wilkie to the Dead Sea and Jericho. — Painted in Jerusalem. 82 Our Saviour at Emaus. Painted in Jerusalem. 83 Christ before Pilate. Painted in Jerusalem 84 The White Boy's Cabin 85 Small Landscape - _ _ _ 86 The Errand Boy - _ . . 87 Portrait of the late Sir David Wilkie - 88 PortraiJ of Thomas Wilkie, Esq. 89 Portrait of Mrs. Riddell, a Niece of Sir David Wilkie - . . . _ 90 The Blind Fiddler, a Sketch - 91 Reading the Will, a Sketch 92 The Wardrobe Ransacked, a Sketch - 92*Portrait of John Cartwright, Esq. Her Majesty's Consul at Constantinople, with his Drago- man, Mustapha - 93 A View, looking to the East, of the Church and Manse of Cults, in which Sir D. Wilkie was born, as they appeared in 1792— drawn from recollection - - _ 94 The Nativity— the Figures in the Dresses of the Country - . _ _ Painted. 1828 1840 1817 1841 1841 1841 1836 1817 1817 1835 1806 1820 1810 1840 Proprietors. Sir Peter Laurie. Samuel Rogers, Esq. James Hall, Esq. Thomas fFilkie, Esq. Thomas Wilkie, Esq. Miss Wilkie. Miss Wilkie Miss Wilkie. Alexander Colvin, Esq. Robert Vernon, Esq. Alexander Colvin, Esq. Dr. Darling. Mrs. Winfield. Mrs. Winfield. Mrs. Winfield. John Allnut, Esq. Mrs. Emmerson. Alexander Colvin, Esq. W. Woodhurn, Esq. 1841 Miss Wilkie. James Hall, Esq. [ 12 ] No. Subjects. 95 William the Fourth - 96 Sketch for an Allegorical Picture 97 Queen Adelaide - 97*Portrait of the Persian Prince Halakop Mirza 98 The Turkish Letter-writer.— Pam^e^^ at Con- stantinofle _ - - - - 99 View, looking to the West of the Church and Manse of Cults, as they now appear 100 A Jewish Woman and her C\n\di,— drawn in Jerusalem - - - - - 101 Two Figures for the Picture of Josephine and the Fortune-teller _ - - - 102 The Interior of Pitlessie Mill in the Parish of Cults . - - - - 103 The Letter of Introduction, a sketch - 104 Female Figure in the Picture of Queen Mary 105 A Jewish Family - 106 Five Heads, the commencement of a Picture of Samuel and Eli - 107 H. R. H. The Duke of Sussex 108 The Pifferari, with Pilgrims playing Hymns to the Madonna « _ - 109 Portrait of Mrs. Moberley 110 Portrait of William Stodart, Esq. 111 Portrait of Master Robert James Donne 112 Portrait of Mrs. Winfield, a Niece of Sir David Wilkie - - - - - 113 The Princess Doria washing the Pilgrims' feet 114 Portraits of Mrs. Coppard and Daughters 115 Digging for Rats , _ ^ - 116 A Lady taking Tea , . - - Painted. 1840 1840 1840 1817 1841 1837 1818 1837 1841 1840 1827 1838 1806 1823 1827 1817 1811 Proprietors. Sir Peter Laurie. Thomas Wilhie, Esq. Sir Peter Laurie. W. Woodhurn, Esq. Lord Charles Townshend. Thomas Wilkie, Esq. Lord Charles Townshend. Thomas Wilkie, Esq. John Allnut, Esq. Miss Wilkie. Thomas Wilkie, Esq. Mrs. Collins. ^ James Hall, Esq. James Hall, Esq. HER MAJESTY. Rev. Dr. Moherley. M. Stodart, Esq. John Donne, Esq. Mrs. Winfield. HER MAJESTY. 'Mrs. and Miss A* and C Coppard. The Royal Academy, Lord Monteagle. i 13 i No. Subjects. 117 The Blind Fiddler, a Sketch - 118 Sunday Morning _ _ _ _ 118*The Village Politicians _ _ . 119 The Hookabardar _ . _ - 120 The Card-players, a Sketch - - _ 121 The Cotters' Saturday Night - - - 122 Portrait of Daniel O'Connell, Esq. 123 The Duke of Wellington and his Charger 124 Alfred in the Neatherd's Cottage, with Portrait of Sir David Wilkie in the back ground 125 Landscape, with Sheep-washing 126 Portrait of Matthias Prime Lucas, Esq. Presi- dent of St. Bartholomew's Hospital - 127 Landscape, Sheep- washing, Study for the Picture 128 The Recruiting Party 129 Portraits of the late Rev. David Wilkie, Minister of Cults, and of Mrs. Wilkie, the Parents of Sir David Wilkie - 130 Portrait of the Lady Mary Fitzgerald Painted. 1806 1805 1806 1840 1808 1837 1838 1834 1806 1817 1839 1816 1805 1807 1807 Proprietors. Countess of Mulgrave. Countess of Mulgrave. Earl of Mansfield. Jacob Bell, Esq. Countess of Mulgrave. G. F. Moon, Esq. Rev. H, Cholmondeley . r The Company of Merchant \ Tailors. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. f The Governors of St. Bar- I tholomew's Hospital. ' John Allnut, Esq. Wynn Ellis, Esq, M.P. Miss Wilkie. Countess of Mulgrave. D C 14 ] No. Subjects. 131 Italian Buildings with an Itinerant Mu- sician, and other Figures 132 The Bird's Nest 133 A Woody Landscape 134 Portrait of Hubertus De Het - 135 Head of a Bull 136 The Madonna 137 A Sandy road with a Grey Horse and Traveller resting 138 The Virgin and Child 139 A Man selling Lemons 140 Portrait of an Abbe - - _ 141 Environs de Gueldres 142 The Environs of Dresden 143 The Woman taken in Adultery 144 Fete Champetre 145 The Itinerant Musicians 146 A Young Woman returned from Market 147 Landscape with Pigs - - - 148 Italian Peasants in a Landscape 149 The Virgin weeping over the dead body of our Saviour _ _ > 150 The Daughter of Herodias with the Head of John the Baptist 151 A Slight Gale 152 A Family at a Repast li53 The Family of Oliver St. John, Earl of Bolingbroke - ^ - Painters. Lingelback Vander Werf Gaspar Poussin Vandyke Paul Potter Elizabetha Si rani Paul Potter Murillo Teniers Teniers JRuysdael & A. [Vandevelde Canaletto J. C. Proccaccini Watteau Jan Steen W. Mieris Karl du Jardin Sebastian Bourdon Guercino Carlo Dolce W. Vandevelde W. Mieris Vandyke Proprietors. Earl of Orford, Hon. Colonel Fitzgihhon. Ralph Sneyd, Esq, Andrew Fountaine, Esq. John Or ant, Esq, Beriah Botfield, Esq. M.P, Hon. Colonel Fitzgibbon. Sir IVathin JV. Wynn, Bart, James Hall, Esq. M. W. Barnes, Esq, Charles Heusch, Esq. Henry Broadwood, Esq. M.P. R. P. Nichols, Esq. Frederick Perkins, Esq. M.P. Charles Heusch, Esq, Charles Heusch, Esq. Charles Heusch, Esq, Hon, Colotiel Fitzgibbon. Duke of Bedford. Rev. fV, A. Fitz Hugh. Archer Holdsworth, Esq. Hon. Colonel Fitzgibbon, Earl ofMorley. [ 15 ] No. Subjects. 154 Landscape with Historical Figures 155 Adonis going to the Chace 156 Landscape with Figures and Cattle 157 The Flemish Ball 158 St. Peter repentant _ - - 159 An Interior, with an old Woman sleeping 160 A Breeze - 161 The Virgin and Child, with St. John encircled by Fruit and Flowers 162 Full length of a Child, with a toy in a Garden Scene _ _ - 163 Dutch Boors - 164 Landscape - - - 165 Scene on the Coast of Holland, with Boats and Figures - - - 166 Cicero, at his Villa - 167 Portrait of Mrs. Robinson 168 The Adoration of the Magi 169 Heads . . . _ 170 The Virgin and Child with Joseph, in a Landscape - 171 A Cottage Girl going with her pitcher to the brook - - - 172 Head of a Female - 173 The Madonna 174 Landscape and Figures, with a Fall of Water - - _ _ 175 Sea-shore, with Figures 176 Portraits of John Bellenden Ker and his brother Henry Gawler 177 Live Fowls - - „ , Painters. Caspar Poussin Titian Berghem A. Ostade Vandyke Teniers W. Vandevelde JG. Seghers and |C. Schut Rubens Teniers Francesco Mile Vander Capella Wilson Sir Josh. Reynolds Palma Vecchio Titian Carlo Maratti Gainsborough Giorgione Sasso Ferrato Ruysdael Gainsborough Sir Josh. Reynolds Hondekoeter Proprietors. George Byng, Esq. M.P. Rev. JF. A. Fitz Hugh. Earl of Orford. Edmund Foster, Esq. Earl of Warwick. T. H. Longden, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. D. Tighe, Esq. Earl of PTarwick. Sir W. PFatkin Wynn^Bart. John Davis, Esq. Rt.Hon.H. Labouchere,M.P Rev. W. A. Fitz Hugh. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. R. P. Nichols, Esq. Earl of Normanton. Baroness Basset. Hon. Colonel Fitzgihbon. J. Clarke, Esq. Col. Hugh Baillie, M. P. Marquess ofJV 3StminsterKG John Bellenden Ker, Esq. Lord Charles Toivnshend. [ 16 ] >lo. Subjects. 178 Animals in a Landscape 179 Landscape, with a Fall of Water 180 The Last Supper 181 Interior of a Dutch Church 182 Landscape, with the Fisherman present- ing to Polycrates, the Tyrant of Samos, a Fish, inside of which was afterwards found the ring he had cast into the Sea 183 The Virgin presenting the Infant Saviour to a Female Saint ~ - - 184 St. Francis, with the Infant Christ 185 i-andscape, with the Story of the cruel death of Polycrates - - - 186 Job and his Friends - - - 187 An Exterior, with Figures drinking 188 Landscape, with Figures 189 The taking down from the Cross, a Vision — a Pasticcio 190 A Boar Hunt - 191 Diogenes - 192 View in the Environs of Dresden" 193 Dead Christ supported by the Virgin, with Joseph of Arimathea Painters. J. H. Roos Ruysdael Sasso Ferrato Cuyp Salvator Rosa Paul Veronese Murillo Salvator Rosa Salvator Rosa P. de Hooge Wynants Teniers Rubens Salvator Rosa Canaletto Pietro Perugino Proprietors. Dudley Perceval, Esq. Hon. Colonel Fitzgibhon. Duke of Bedford. Colonel Chaplin. Earl of IV irivick. Earl of JVicMow. George Byng, Esq. M.P. Earl of Warwick. Col. Hugh Baillie, M.P. George Byng, Esq. M.P. Hon. Colonel Fitzgibhon. M. W. Barnes, Esq, Earl of IVarwick. John Martin, Esq. M.P. Henry Broadwood, Esq.M. P. Rt. Hon,H.Labouchere, M,P WILLIAM BARNARP, Keeper. /M3 FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G, PRESIDENT, THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M. P. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, 60, PALL-MALL. 1843. PRICE ONE SHILLING. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN, /^f . Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester. J^- Her Royal Highness The Princess Sophia Matilda. ^ ^ - The Archbishop of Canterbury. 32, The Lord High Chancellor. /^«^t The Duke of Grafton, K. G. ^4 ^-^//^/i'^. The Duke of Bedford. //A ///^.//^-.^TM The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. c/i^ The Duke of Wellington, K. G. The Duke of Sutherland, K. G. ^^/^A/ The Marquess of Lansdowne, K. G. The Marquess Camden. T/^^^'^- The Marquess of Westminster, K. G. The Earl of Penibroke. "^^^ The Earl of Carhsle, K. G./^^: The Earl of Aylesford. t.^/ Earl Cowper. //, /^^ M <^ The Earl of Warwick, K. T. /,3. The Earl of Powis. 74/.^////. The Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. ^^,//i.r//4/^ Earl Amherst, /^,/x^^,^^c/^,/^-^J'^f/f^j'^^^ Greene, Esq. M. P. The Earl of Zetland, o/'. The Earl of Normanton. ^4 The Rt. Hon. Lord Francis EgertonrM.P. Viscount Palmerston, M. P. Viscountess Palmerston. ^sj/^S'^/^^ Viscount Alford, M. P. 6^ Lady Holland. Lady Dover. Lord Colborne. cA^/^/^/^^. The Hon. Mrs. Cunhffe Offley. Jr. The Hon. Edmund Phipps. a3^, /Ji?^/^^. The Hon. Frederick Byng. . £24 ^/ The Rt; Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M.P.^ The Rt. Hon. T. Frankland Lewis, /a^. Rt. Hon. Henry Labouchere, M.P. 4^o^/j^dl The Rt. Hon. Francis T. Baring, M. P. //^ T. Welsh Sir John Swinburne, Bart. /^s. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. /^/^/-^'/^ Sir George Philips, Bart. 7 Sir James Cockburn, Bart, / Sir Hugh Hume Campbell, Bart. M. P. Lady Woolmore. /y^^, ^ ' Colonel Wyndham. cr;^f,^;^^^' The Hon.& Very Rev. The Deanof Clogher. The Rev. Dr. Penrose. 2/^^^ The Rev. Heneage Finch. f^-' John AUnutt, Esq. J^; ^ /"^^ John Angerstein, Esq. ii^^^/- M. W. Barnes, Esq. J. ^ Charles Bredel, Esq. //^Z^^ /^^/^- John Britton, Esq. /^Z< C. Brown, Esq. /^^. Edward Turst Carver, Esq. Z^/ Thomas Chamberlayne, Esq. M-^^ ^/f J. Clarke, Esq. Wynn Elhs, Esq. M. P. /S2. James Coding, Esq. V Robert Gwilt, Esq. J eremiah Harman, Esq. R. S. Holford, Esq. /r^Z, //^ H. T. Hope, Esq. Philip Henry Howard, Esq. M. P. Samuel Long, Esq. /S^^ M^. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. /^J; /J/^3^/3^/i^, /> R. P. Nichols, Esq. LiV' Samuel Rogers, Esq. J, 4^^; . Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. //^. William Scrope, Esq. ^4 . Newman Smith, Esq. ^S'^ 4^/. E. R. Tunno, Esq. j}^/". Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. a^^.^^^, William Wells, Esq.//,/4, //3- ^-./^a^./A h, Esq. /// '^7^^/<7^//^/^/^^-/1 T. Wright, Esq. The Royal Academy. 4 . Dulwich College. J?3, The Governors of the Foundling Hospital. ^1 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G. PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M.P. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * The Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. Director. The Marquess of Abercorn. The Earl of Ashburnham. The Earl of Aylesford. * Lord Ashburton, Director. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar. John Angerstein, Esq. * The Marquess of Bute. * Earl Brownlow, Director. The Earl of Bridgewater. * Lady Bernard. Lord Barrington. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Director. Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Baillie. * James Evan Baillie, Esq. The Rev. James Baker. John Bayford, Esq. Thomas Wentworth Beaumont, Esq. * Lord Bexley. John Blackall, Esq. H. Blagrove, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Sir T. H. L. Brinckman, Bart. The Marquis Camden, K. G. The Earl of Carhsie, K. G. Earl Cowper. Earl Carysfort. Lord Carrington. * Lord Coiborne, Director. Miss Burdett Coutts. The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director, Col. Sir A. J. Dalrymple, Bart. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. Lt. Col. Hugh Percy Davison. Miss Dehaney. William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. Villiers Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. Sir P. M. G. Egerton, Bart. William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam. Lord Feversham. Sir Walter R. Farquhar, Bart. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. Sir Robert Fitz Wygram, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. * Francis Gosling, Esq. Benjamin Gostling, Esq. * John Hambrough, Esq. Nathaniel Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir John Cam Hobhouse Bart. M. P. i J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Henry Thomas Hope, Esq. M. P. Director, Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bart. Hylton JoUiffe, Esq.. Lord Kinnaird. John Knight, Esq. ^ The Marquess of Lansdowne, K. G, Director. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. The Earl of Liverpool, K. G. The Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. Mrs. Law. Thomas Legh, Esq. * Samuel Long, Esq. * William Long, Esq. George C. Loftus, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough. * Earl Manvers. * Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. The Earl of Normanton. Charles Savill Onley, Esq. The Earl of Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. * Hon. Edward Petre. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. * The Earl of Rosebery. K. T. Lord Viscount Ranelagh. * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Director. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart- Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. Benjamin Smith, Esq. Lord Sudeley. * Lord Charles Townshend. Richard Thompson, Esq. John Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. Charles Marsh Vialls, Esq. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. Director. Frederick Webb, Esq . The Marquess of Westminster, K. G. Director. William Henry Whitbread, Esq. William Wilberforce, Esq. George Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Earl of Zetland. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their lives. John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton. The Earl of Beverley. Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. William Blake, Esq. Director. William Bosanquet, Esq. Beriah Botfield, Esq. M. P. Henry Broadwood, Esq. M. P. The Archbishop of Canterbury. GOVERNORS. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill. John Curteis, Esq. Lord Dynevor. Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. Hart Davis, Esq. Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. The Rev. Howell Holland Edwards. Earl Grey, K. G. GOVERNORS OF TH Right Hon Sir Robert Gordon, G.C.B. James Coding, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. James Hall, Esq. William R. Hamilton, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. M.P. Edward N. Hurt, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Sir John Lowther, Bart. The Earl of Mornington. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Miss Middleton. James Morrison, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. Lord North wick. Director. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart M. P. Director. BRITISH INSTITUTION. 5 Lord Prudhoe, Director. Frederick Perkins, Esq. Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. The Earl of Ripon. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. William Scrope, Esq., Director. J. B. Scott, Esq. Edward Solly, Esq. Richard H. Solly, Esq. Sir James Stuart, Bart. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. The Earl of Westmoreland, Director. Robert Vernon, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bart. William Wells, Esq. Director. Samuel Charles Weston, Esq. Henry James Wheeler, Esq. Colonel Wyndham. SUBSCRIBERS. Sir John Soane, R.A. Sir Charles Bell Charles Birch, Esq. Sir Robert Frankland, Bart. Joseph Gwilt, Esq. ^500 0 - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Charles Hatchett, Esq. J. C. Parker, Esq. William Vaughan, Esq. Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. Robert D. Mercer, Esq. - 3610 10 30 10 10 10 10 10 annual 3 3 Subscribers of 50 Guineas, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, of introducing two friends each day, and to personal admission and Two Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions ; but Subscribers of 100 Guineas are entitled to the same privileges, and to Four Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each do?/ to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of<2b Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscriptions received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cross. B In offering the present Collection of Pictures for Exhibition, the Directors of the British Institution flatter themselves, that it will prove as gratifying to pubhc taste, as it is honourable to British genius. The North Room is hung entirely with the Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds and includes many of his finest productions. The South Room is occupied with the Paintings of deceased British Artists, which attracted no small degree of public attention in their day. The Middle Room contains some of the finest specimens of the Antient Masters, principally of the Dutch School. The Directors cannot omit this opportunity of expressing their thanks to the Proprietors of these Pictures, who have so kindly and liberally aided their object in the encouragement of the Fine Arts by affording to the Public the opportunity of seeing specimens of such high merit. CATALOGUE OF THE WORKS OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, TOGETHER WITH A SELECTION OF PICTURES BY ANCIENT, AND DECEASED ENGLISH, MASTERS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. JUNE, 1843. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room, and in the Middle and South Rooms, on the left hand. WORKS OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. No. Subjects. 1 Robinetta 2 Laughing Gii-i 3 Sleeping Girl 4 George III. in his robes 5 The Death of Cardinal Beaufort 6 Portrait of Sir Joshua Reynolds 7 Piping Boy 8 Strawberry Girl Proprietors. Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Samuel Rogers, Esq. The Royal Academy. Colonel fVyndham. The Royal Academy. Sir George Philips, Bart, Samuel Rogers, Esq. [8] No. Subjects. 9 Girl leaning on a Pedestal - - _ 10 Queen Charlotte - - _ - 1 1 Portrait of a Lady - . _ . 12 Portrait of a Lady - - _ > 13 Lord Lansdovvne, Lord Ashburton and Colonel Barr6 14 Chinese Youth 15 Sir William Chambers - - - _ 16 Lady Cockburn and her three Sons 17 The Fortune teller 18 Admiral Lord Rodney - _ _ 19 The Marquis of Granby - - - 20 The Snake in the Grass 21 The Infant Academy - - _ > 22 Admiral Lord Keppel - _ _ _ 23 Lord Camden - 24 Contemplation - 25 Lady Melbourne - 26 Garrick between Tragedy and Comedy 27 The Rev. Thomas Warton, the Historian of English Poetry 28 The Rev. Dr. Joseph Warton, Master of Wincliester College 29 Mrs. Musters - - . _ _ 30 Her Royal Highness the Princess Sophia of Gloucester 31 Robinetta 32 Dr. Newton, Bishop of Bristol - _ . 33 Children of the late Lord Melbourne 34 Lady Hamilton as a Bacchante - _ _ , 35 The Pet Lamb - - - _ , 36 Madame Schindelin - - _ _ _ 37 Mrs. Nisbett _ . . . 38 Portrait of a Lady - _ , . . Proprietors. Viscount Palmerstorii M.P. The Royal Academy. Earl Cowper. Earl Cowper. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Earl Amherst. The Royal Academy. Sir James Cockburn, Bart. Earl Amherst. HER MAJESTY. HER MAJESTY. ( Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, [Bart. M.P. Viscount P aimer ston, M. P. HER MAJESTY. Duke of Grafton, K. G. John Alnutt, Esq. Viscountess Palmer ston. John Angerstein, Esq. Rev. Dr. Penrose. Rev. Dr. Penrose. Colonel Wyndham. H R. H. The Duchess of Gloucester. (Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, [ Bart. M. P. Archbishop of Canterbury. Earl Cowper. Thomas Chamberlayne, Esq. Thomas Chamberlayne, Esq. Earl Amherst. Hon. Edmund Phipps. \Rt. Hon. Lord Francis L Egerton, M.P. [ 9 ] No. Subjects. 39 Sleeping Child - _ . _ 40 Portraits of Richard second Lord Edgciimbe, George James Williams, and George Augustus Selwyn 41 John Julius Angerstein, Esq. - _ _ . 42 His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester 43 The Student - - - - . 44 Cupid and Psyche 45 Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. - 46 Lady Amelia Hume - 47 Count La Lippe - - . _ _ 48 Count Ugolino — (Vide Dante) 49 Puck 50 Virgin and Child - - - _ 5 1 Master Crewe in the Character of Henry VIII. 52 Baretti 53 Girl warming her hands _ - » 54 Dr. Johnson - - 55 Lord Richard Cavendish - - - - 56 Resignation - - 57 Innocence 58 Portrait of Mr. Dyer - - - - - 59 JefFery first Lord Amherst - - - - 60 Mr. Stonehewer - > » . Proprietors. Earl of Aylesford. jRt. Hon, H. Labouchere, 1 M.P. John Angerstein, Esq. (H. R. H. The Princess \ Sophia Matilda. Earl of Warwick . Samuel Rogers, Esq. Viscount Alford, M.P. Viscount Alford, M.P. HER MAJESTY. Earl Amherst. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Colonel Wyndham. Hon. Mrs. Cunliffe Offley. Lady Holland. Earl Cowper. Duhe of Sutherland, K, G. Duke of Devofishire, K. G. John Allnutt, Esq. Jeremiah Harman, Esq. Lord Colborne. Earl Amherst. Duke of Grafton, K. G. C [ w ] MMt iloom. No. Subjects. Painters. Proprietors. 61 A Boy's Head F. Hals. Charles Bredel, Esq. \)Z Joatiie-piece T»r»n vcrn ori on p JJU U.1 gugiiuiic M IV Tinrnps J^sn Do JDaiiie-picce - - Rr»n voTicrn fwi p JDUUl gUgllUilC HI JV Jinrnp^ Ksn J.fJ.m WW m J-MlXI /C'CO^ JJJ*jtM m 64 Boy with a dog F. Hals Charles Bredel, Esq. 65 Landscape with Horses watering Wouwerman \Rt, Hon. Lord Francis fifi A T?nad IpndinP" fn a villao'P wifli a IVTill Rembrandt Kjli JL ftUfivtlo JJLli titti y JLfLlf . 67 Landscape with a bay cart Wouwerman r Hf TTon Tjord Francis 1 Egerton, M.P. 68 Holy Family with St. John Paris Bordoni [Rt. Hon. Lord Francis \ Egerton, M.P. fiQ Pni'trait nf a IVTan wifh a linr^L" in Viia Iiqtk-I jruiii.ciii/ ui d XTxciLj witij cx uuuiv iii mo iicllltl T'l n t nrpt f r» X ill liUl C\jh\J (Rt. Hon. Lord Francis \ Egerton, M. P. 70 The Aees Titian [Rt. Hon. Lord Francis \ Egerton, M. P. 71 An Exterior with Fish A. Ostade fFilliam Wells, Esq, 72 Landscape with Cattle and figures - Berghem {Rt. Hon. Lord Francis 1 Egerton, M. P. 73 The Virgin and Child Carlo Dolce Marquess of Lansdowne,K. G 74 An Interior with Dutch Boors at cards Teniers IVilliam Wells, Esq. 75 Landscape with Horses and Figures Woiiwerman Dulwich College. 76 Study of Owls - Rubens Earl of Powis. 77 A Female Procession Peruzzi (Rt. Hon. Lord Francis \ Egerton, M. P. 78 View of a Dutch Town Vander Heyden Duke of W ellington, K. G, 79 Portrait of a Doge of Venice r P. Vecchio ^Rt. Hon. Lord Francis I Egerton, M. P. [ 11 ] No. Subjects. 80 Lady and Child 81 A Group of Children 82 View on a River in Holland by Moonlight 83 Portrait of the Painter 84 Saint Sebastian 85 The Wife of Poelemburg 86 Mary, Queen of England 87 Landscape with Horses and Figures - 88 The Dentist 89 Cattle in a Storm 90 The Princess Charlotte of France 91 Portrait of the Painter 92 Christ crowned with thorns 93 Cattle at a Fountain 94 Frances Duchess of Suffolk, Mother of Lady Jane Grey, and her second Husband, Adrian Stoke 95 Aurora, Design for a Ceiling 96 Princess Mary daughter of Charles L - 97 A Battle-piece - - _ 98 Christ triumphant over Sin and Death, a Sketch - 99 Study for the centre of the Southern com- partment of the Ceiling at Whitehall 100 Portrait of a Venetian 101 Head of an Old Man . 102 A Breeze, with Men of War 103 View in North Holland - 103*Portrait of Andrea Doria 104 Portrait of a Venetian Senator Painters. Proprietors. Vandyke Viscount Alford, M, P, Rubens Earl of Pembroke. Vander Neer Earl of Normanton. ^Rf. Hon. Lord Francis \ Egerton, M. P. Vandyke William Scrope, Esq, Poelemburg Newman Smith, Esq. Lucas De Heere Rev. Heneage Finch. Paul Potter H. r. Hope, Esq. Teniers Charles Bredel, Esq. Paul Potter H. T. Hope, Esq. Janet C. Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. Poelemburg Newman Smith, Esq, Correggio ^Rt. Hon. Lord Francis 1 Egerton, M. P. Berghem Dulwich College. Lucas De Heere Guercino Vandyke Wouwerman Rubens Rubens Giorgione Rembrandt W. Vandevelde De Koning Tintoretto Tintoretto Rev. Heneage Finch. Earl of Poivis. Earl of Normanton. Earl of Zetland. Charles Bredel, Esq. [Sir Hugh Hume I bell, Bart,, M.P. Camp- R, P. Nichols, Esq. Lord Colborne. R. S. Holford, Esq. Fiscount Palmerston, M.P. Marquess ofLansdowne , K. G Hon. Frederick Byng, [ 12 ] No Subjects. Painters. Proprietors. 104*Portrait of a Doge _ . - Tintoretto Marquess ofLansdowne, K. G 105 View on the Coast of Scheveling - De Vlieffer Viscount P aimer ston, M.P. 106 A Breeze, with the Prince of Orange's Yacht _ _ - - Backhuysen Sir Thomas Barin";. Bart. 107 A Girl looking from a Window Rembrandt Dulwich College. 108 Head of our Saviour - _ - Carlo Dolce J. Clarke, rjsq. 109 Madonna and Child with St. Jerome and St. Francis Francesco Francia Rt.Hon. T.Franhland Lewis. 1 10 Dives and Lazarus, a sketch Murillo { Rt. Hon. Lord Francis \Egerton, M.P. 111 Landscapes with Travellers Both Duke oj Bedfor'a. 112 Portrait of Henry Liberti, Organist of Antwerp - - - « 118 Christ disputing with the Doctors Vandyke Spagnoletto Duke of Grafton, K,G. j Rt. Hon. Lord Francis \ Egerton, MP. 114 Landscape with Cattle and Figures raul rotter Duke of Bedford. 115 View of Dort from the River Cuyp It. o. jnoijora, tijsq. 116 The Visitation Paul Veronese Earl of Powis. n7 A Musical Party Valentin { Rt. Hon. Lord Francis 1 Es^erton, M.P. 118 A Village Fete Teniers Duke of Bedford, 119 A River Scene — Fishing under the Ice Cuyp Duke of Bedford. 120 Portrait of the Earl of Strafford Vandyke Duke of Grafton, K.G. 121 Portraits of the Painter and his Wife Dietricy C. Baring Wall, Esq. M, P. 122 Landscape, Sunset Claude Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. [ 13 1 No. Subjects. Painters. 123 Portrait of the late James Northcote, Esq., R. A. Harlowe 124 Portrait of Sir William Beechey, R. A. Harlowe 1 25 Sin and Death Fuseli 126 Venus and Adonis Opie 127 A View in Italy Wilson 128 Brood Mares in a Landscape Stubbs 129 A Lady with a Spaniel • - H. Wyatt 130 Child praying Bonington 131 Study of a Female Liversiege 132 Portrait of the Painter Harlowe 133 Landscape with Cattle Gainsborough 134 Jessica - G. S. Newton 135 Sketch of a Greek Bonington 136 The Fair Student G. S. Newton 137 View in Venice Bonington 138 A Landscape Bonington 139 Sketch of a Greek Bonington 140 Shylock G. S. Newton 141 Study of a Landscape Bonington 142 Portrait of Captain Coram Hogarth 143 Mrs. Woffington - Hogarth 144 King John signing Magna Charta Mortimer Proprietors. Sir John Swinburne, Bart. James Goding, Esq. H. A. J. MunrOy Esq. E. Turst Carver, Esq. Hon. The Dean of Clogher. \ Marquess of fVestminster, 1 K. G. IVilliam Wells, Esq. Hon. Edmund Phipps. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. James Goding, Esq. William Wells, Esq. William Wells, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. Hon. Edmund Phipps. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. William Wells, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. ^The Governors of the L FoundUng Hospital. Colonel Wyndham. Lord Colbonie. [ 14 ] No, Subjects. 145 PorCrait of Viscountess Palmerston when a Child 146 Portrait of John Flaxman, Esq. R A. 147 View on the Banks of the Tiber with Rome in the distance 148 Shylock and Jessica 149 Taste in High Life 150 The Death of General Wolfe - 151 Crossing the Brook _ ~ _ 152 Niobe - _ - _ 153 Le Malade malgre lui 154 Opening of W^aterloo Bridge 155 Lady at her Toilet - . . 156 Cattle on the Banks of a River 157 Portraits of Hayley, Romney, Flaxraan and T. Hayley - 158 Portrait of the Painter - - _ 159 Sea-shore with boats and figures - 160 A Fisherman's Wife and Children alarmed at a Storm . _ . 161 A Calm with a Royal Yacht 162 Full length Portrait of John Mortimer - 163 Portrait of the late Lord Farnborough - 164 The March to Finchley 165 Charles the First demanding the Five impeached Members, viz : Denzil Hollis, Sir Arthur Haslerig, John Pym, John Hampden, William Stroud 166 Portrait of the Rt. Hon. Francis T. Baring when a Bov - / Painters. Sir T. Lawrence John Jackson Wilson G. S. Newton Hogarth Benjamin West H. Thompson Wilson G. S. Newton John Constable G. S. Newton Gainsborough Romney John Jackson C. Brooking F, Wheatley C. Brooking Wilson Hoppner Hogarth John S. Copley Sir T. Lawrence Proprietors. F^iscountess Palmerston. Lady Dover. H. A, J. Munro, Esq. Rt. Hon,II.Labouchere,M.P Robert Gwilt, Esg. (Marquess of PFestminster, 1 K. G. Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. tVynn Ellis, Esq., M.P. E. R. Tunno, Esq. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart, a Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. Samuel Long, Esq. Thomas Greene, Esq., M.P. Lady Dover. William Wells, Esq. C. Brown, Esq. William Wells, Esq. John Britton, Esq. Samuel Long, Esq. (The Governors of the L Foundling Hospital. The Lord Chancellor. (Ris^ht Hon. Francis T. I Baring, M.P. [ 15 1 No. Subjects. Painters. Proprietors. lo/ X lib ivoindii i>iurse - - Jri. 1 nompaoii I . yy ri^tlt, HtSO. lOo Jrorrrair oi i^nanes ijanng^ wdii, Esq. WiJcIl d, Doy - - k5n 1. JUdWIcULC L/. JjCIi mg yrdll, jLjSfjj.lVl.Jr. 1 flQ T.rif'rl lUmrippllnT r^nmrlpn Tin n pp ifXvbl UUCoS K^U/llt/Uidl» Dll U UUnS OT OUlflcTLiinUf IV.ljr, 171 Portrait nf Mr Porter X XUHuL Lll I i Zi 1 lie oiradd iXUIIicIJldlia Wilson I/O J_/dVlilld - — , Opie Lady IVoolmove. 174 A riottap-p Girl _ - - XxUUUIlCl jCjUtl K^uwucr , I/O ine idte jjukg oi Lrraiion Hopptier JJuKe of Lrtajton, A. it. 176 A Woody Landscape VJdllllsUOrOUgil ucsss yy CLiis Jxus,b(ivvy Hiau. 177 Girl with pigs Gainsborough jjjari oj K^CLriiSie^ a. lt. 178 The Kemble Family Harlowe 1 . yyeiSfi, JiiSq. 1 79 The raising of Jairus's daughter H. Thompson Thomas Chamberlayne^ Esq. 1 80 Portrait of Mrs. Allnutt Oil. X. x^dwience .Tnhn /i 11 niitf TPi^n 181 Landscape with Sportsmen, a Pasticcio Gainsborough John ylllnuttj Esq. 18*2 Horses at a Fountain Gainsborough jZiUi V Of juonsaaief JV. tr. 183 Celadon and Amelia vv iiiso 11 .Tnhti /ll'niitt Van tJUini ^tflUllj J2j6u, 184 Sea-shore Bonington XX. /i. u . lYiunTOf jtjfsq. 185 Lady with a Fan H Wvntt rr lil/KJlill rr tlLOf J2j6U » 186 Lord George Sackville Gainsborough Earl Amherst. 187 Romeo and the Apothecary Fuseli H. A. J. Munro, Esq. 188 Christopher Sly and Hostess, — Vide In- duction to Taming of the Shrew Liversiege William fVells, Esq. 189 View in Italy Wilson William Wells, Esq. The two following Pictures have been added to the Exhibition in compliance with a wish that has been expressed to see some specimens of the Modern German School. 190 Head of a Monk 191 Christ blessing the little Children Colbauch Professor Hesse {Marquess of Lansdowne, 1 K. G. Philip Henry Howard, Esq. M P. W. BARNARD, Keeper. 3Brit(s(|) 3^ti»tttutton FOR PROMOTINQ THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G, PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M.P. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, 60, PALL-MALL. 1844. PRICE ONE SHILLING. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. ►^/4'/<^- The Duke of Newcastle, K. G. x^^x?^^/^^ The Very Rev. The Dean of Westminster. //j The Duke of Wellington, K. G./^/f- John Angerstein, Esq. //^, The Duke of Sutherland, K. G. //£, ' " - — The Earl of Derby, K. G. 4 The Earl of Perlfibroke. The Earl of Carhsle, K. G. ^4 ^4. 'A The Earl of Daftniouth. 4^ /^/^ y, The'Earl De laVWarr. /J^, ^ The Earl of Carnarvon. /^^^ ///. The Earl of Powis. /^d The Earl of Harrowby. S/^- The Earl of Falmouth. /^C^ //>r The Earl Cawdor. //^ The Earl Granville. 2lr ^(C The Earl of Zetland.^ The Earl of Normanton. ^(T. The Rt. Hon. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. The Viscount Palmerston, M. P. y^s^^y^r/^. The Viscount Alford, M.P. ^^/a,^4. The Lady Dover. i^^r^^- The Lord Saye and Sele. ^"d, ^4 The Lord Colborne. The Hon. Mrs. Ramsden. //S: The Hon. Fulk Greville Howard. /S/r^A The Hon. Frederick Byng. /Z7, The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M.P The Rt. Hon. H. Labouchere, M.P,M The Rt. Hon. R. Vernon Smith, M. P. /^^ . Baron Rothschild. m,/^, The Rev. Sir H. D^kinfield, Bart. Sir C. M. Burrell, Bart. MJ\^//^jU^^ Sir Thomas Baring, Bart.^~f?7^^^^*^^^'^-^ The Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. M 00, Colonel Buckley. 2^ A/^ J. M. Brackenbury, Esq. K. H. <^^. C. A. Bredel, Esq. <^,// H. Broadwood, Esq. M. P./?, ^Z. W. Coningham, Esq. ^^/^^ /^^ R. W. Fitzpatrick, Esq. /J^^^4^ A. Fountaine, Esq. y^«f: Thomas French, Esq. //^ James Goding, Esq. z^^- James Hall, Esq. J. Heywood Hawkins, Esq. //^-j^^ /ir;?: Nathaniel Hibbert, Esq. J/- R. S. Holford, Esq. H. T. Hope, Esq. ^ ^/ ^/-^ ^f- Philip H. Howard, Esq.'^M. P. William Jerdan, Esq. ///^. W. J. Lockwood, Esq. Jy^. S.Jones Loyd, Esq. 4^ d/^ /^ry^ /J/- C. M'Niven, Esq. z^.^. Lewis Mortimer, Esq. z/;^^. Miss Rogers, aj^^ ^^/T WiUiam Scrope, Esq. aJ-^. Augustus Smith, Esq. rj^ (/^^ W. Sloane Stanley, Esq. /f^^/i^y^^^.y^^', George Townley, Esq. ^S', Robert Vernon, Esq. /I ^f^zjss^^^zz^//'^^- George Vivian, Esq. //. Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. i William Wells, Esq. 27 2^>. 32.. J^,f%z^,zA Mrs. Whyte. ^ The Royal Academy, z/^,/?^^ x^*^;/^^/.^' GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K.G. PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M. P. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * The Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. Director. The Marquess of Abercorn. The Earl of Ashburnbam. The Earl of Aylesford. * Lord Ashbiirton, Director. iSir Emanuel Felix A^ar. John Angeistein, Esq. * The Macquess of Bute. * Earl Brown low. Director, The Earl of Bridgewater. * Lady Bernard. Lord Barrington. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Director. Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Baillie. * James Evan Baillie, Esq. The Rev. James Baker. John Bayford, Esq. 1 homas \^ entwcrth Beaunjont, Esq. * Lord Bexley. John Blackall, Esq. H. Blagrove, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Sir r. H. L. Bi inckman, Bart. The Marquis Camden, K. G. The Earl of Carlisle, K. G. Earl Cowper. Earl Carijsfort. Lord Carrington. * Loi-d Colbonie, Director. Miss Burdett Contts. The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director, Col. Sir A. J. Dalrymple, Bart. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. Lt. Col. Hugh Percy Davison. Miss Dehaney. William .Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. Villiers Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. Sir P. M. G. Egerton, Bart. William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl FitzwilUam. Lord Feversham. Sir Walter R. Farquhar, Bart. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. Sir Robert Fitz Wygram, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. I Sir Sandford Graham, Bart, j * Francis Gosling, Esq. Augustus Gostling, L.L.D. * John Hambrough, Esq. Nathaniel Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir John Cam Hobhouse Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Henry Thomas Hope, Esq. M. P. Director. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Sa.nuel Clark Jervoise, Bart Charles Jolliffe, Esq. Lord Kinnaird. John Kniglit, PJsq. * The Maiquess of Lansdowne, K.G. Direttur, 4 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. The Earl of Liverpool , K. G. The Earl of Lonsdale, K, G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart, Mrs. Law. Thomas Legh, Esq. » 8amuel Long, Esq. « William Long, Esq. George C. Loftus, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough. «= Earl Manvers. * Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. The Earl of Normanton. Onley Savill Onley, Esq. The Earl of Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. * Hon. Edward Petre. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. * The Earl of Rosebery. K. T. Lord Viscount Ranelagh. * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Director. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. Benjamin Smith, Esq. Lord Sudeley. * Lord Charles Townshend. Richard Thompson, Esq. John Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. Charles Marsh Vialls, Esq. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. Director. Frederick Webb, Esq . The Marquess of Westminster, K. G. Director. William Henry Whitbread, Esq. William Wilberforce, Esq. George Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Earl of Zetland. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their lives. LIFE GOVERNORS. John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton. The Earl of Beverley. Sir Henry Banbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. William Blake, Esq. Director. William Bosanquet, Esq. Beriah Botfield, Esq. M. P. Henry Broad wood, Esq. M. P. The Ai'chbishop of Canterbury. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill. John CurteiSj Esq. Lord Dynevor. Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. Hart Davis, Esq. Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. The Rev. Howell Holland Edwards. Earl Grey, K. G. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. The Right Hon Sir Robert Gordon, G.C.B. James Goding, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. James Hall, Esq. William R. Hamilton, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. M.P. Edward N. Hurt, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. The Earl of Mornington. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Miss Middleton. James Morrison, Esq. M. P. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. Lord North wick. Director. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. Charles Offley, Esq. Benjamin Oliveira, Esq, Lord Viscount Palmerston, M.P. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Director. 5 Lord Prudhoe, Director. Frederick Perkins, Esq. Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. The Earl of Ripon. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. William Scrope, Esq., Director. J. B. Scott, Esq. Edward Solly, Esq. Richard H. Solly, Esq. Sir James Stuart, Bart. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. The Earl of Westmoreland, Director. Robert Vernon, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bart. William Wells, Esq. Director. Samuel Charles Weston, Esq. Henry James Wheeler, Esq. Colonel Wyndham. SUBSCRIBERS. Sir John Soane, R.A. - ^6500 0 Sir Charles Bell - - 10 10 Charles Birch, Esq. - 10 10 Sir Robert Frankland, Bart. - 10 10 Joseph Gwilt, Esq. - 10 10 Charles Hatchett, Esq. J. C. Parker, Esq. William Vaughaii, Esq. Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. Robert D. Mercer, Esq. - - ^eiO 10 ]0 10 10 10 10 10 annual 3 3 Subscribers of 50 Guineas, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of persomal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, of introducing two friends each day, and to personal admission and Two Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions ; but Subscribers of 100 Guineas are entitled to the same privileges, and to Four Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, orof^b Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscriptions received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cross. B The Directors of the British Institution offer to the Public attention a Col- lection of Pictures of the Ancient Masters, not inferior to any that have been exhibited in former years, and which they are enabled to do, by the kindness and liberality of Collectors of the first taste and judgement ; to whom they beg to express their thanks. The Third Room is appropriated to the Works of deceased British Artists. The Directors take this opportunity of expressing their intention, on the next Exhibition of the Modern School, to receive only Pictures that have not been on any previous occasion exhibited to the Public. The limited extent of the walls render it incumbent on them to adopt this course, as they were com- pelled to decline on the last occasion four hundred and thirty paintings from want of space. CATALOGUE OP PICTURES BY ITALIAN, SPAxNISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, FRENCH, AND DECEASED ENGLISH, MASTERS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. JUNE, 1844. 'The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room, and in the Middle and South Rooms, on the left hand. NJo. Subjects. 1 Hawking Party in a Landscape i2 Head of a Rabbi :3 A Water Mill ^4 The Temptation of St. Anthony ^5 Our Saviour in the Garden of Gethsemane (6 Our Saviour and the Woman of Samaria \1 Portrait of the Cardinal Ubaldini, from the Spada Palace at Rome B The Watering Place ^9 Landscape and Cattle 1(0 A Dutch Lady Painters. Wouwermans Rembrandt Hobbima AnnibalCarracci Raphael AnnibalCarracci Guido Gainsborough Teniers Rembrandt Proprietors. Viscount P aimer stofif M.P. Earl of Derby, K. G. Viscount Palmerstdn, M. P. Earl of Dartmouth. W. Coningham, Esq. Mrs. Whyte. The Lady Dover. Robert Vernon, Esq. Baron Rothschild, Lord Colborne. [ 8 ] No. Subjects. Painters. Proprietors. 11 Landscape and Figures J. and A. Both Thomas French, Esq. 12 Cleopatra - - Sebastian del Piombo 13 The Discovery of Calisto 1 man \Rt. Hon. Lord Francis \ Egerton, M. P. 14 Sea-piece _ - _ _ Ruysdael JV. Coningham, Esq. 15 Return from the Chase Wouwermans Duke of Wellington, K. G. 16 Landscape - - - Ruysdael J Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, 1 Rnrf M P 17 The Crucifixion - - - N. Poussin Earl of Zetland. 18 Holy Family, with St. John, &c. Titian Rt.Hon.H.Lahouchere,M.P. 19 Going out to the Chase Wouwermans Duke of Wellington, K. G. 20 Sea-piece - Ruysdael W. Coningham, Esq. 91 Thf» SJfncr hnnl- Hackaert and Berghem JjjLLl v \Jf t Ct'/tt/tl'i'Cr 22 The Descent from the Cross 1 lUlOl Clio ^ Rt. Hon. Lord Francia 1 Egerton, M. P. 23 Portrait of a Lady - - - Rembrandt Nathaniel Hibbert, Esq. 24 A Calm W. Vandevelde Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. 25 Landscape and Figures Vander Heyden & x\. V anueveiue George Townley, Esq. Rubens jn. ± . jllouc, Hjiu. 27 The Doctor _ _ _ Brauwer rr llliailli rrCI/io, jj^ou . 28 The Schoolmaster - rl. WolclU.e Cnlnnel Ruckleu. 29 Landscape _ _ - Ruysdael rr i/t/VltlifV rr i^lVO, J^o^. 30 St. John in the Desert - Bassano minmpv rTnll TC^n fj U/illCo XJLti'VV, J^OU . 31 Pnrtpaif of a IVTan in Armniir _ Rembrandt IKl/ifhnnifl TJihhpvf' Win li Uil/lVifllCl/ JLJLIUUCI I/, AltoUt 32 Landscape - - « Ruysdael IVillinm VFells FjSci 33 Gascon de Foix Giorgione Earl of Carlisle, K. G. 34 Tobit and the Angel Dominichino Colonel Buckley. 35 Thomas, Third Duke of Norfolk Holbein Philip H. Howard, Esq. M.P,, 36 Landscape - - Brauwer William Wells, Esq. 37 Horses and Figures Cuyp discount Palmerston, M. P. M44 [9] No.. Subjects. 38 View of a Town - 39 Head of Our Saviour 40' Portrait of a Man - - - 41 The Incredulity of St. Thomas 42! Landscape 43 i Holy Family, with St. Elizabeth and St. John - - - 44 r Georgius Cornelius, brother to Catharine Queen of Cyprus and Jerusalem - 45i Our Saviour washing His disciples' feet 46) Philip baptizing the Eunuch Ml Landscape, with the Flight into Egypt 48i The Virgin and Child 49) Our Saviour betrayed in the Garden 60) The Sybil's Temple, Tivoli 511 Our Saviour and St. Peter 522 St. Agnes - Painters. Vander Heyden Guido Calkar Guercino Gaspar Poussin N. Poussin Titian Tintoretto Both Claude Murillo Guercino Salvator Rosa Titian Carlo Dolce Proprietors. Earl Granville. H. T. Hope, Esq. TV. Shane Stanley ^ Esq. H. T. Hope, Esq. H. T. Hope] Esq. H. T. Hope, Esq. Earl of Carlisle, K. G. Earl of Pembroke. R. S. Holford, Esq. Colonel Buckley. S. Jones Loyd, Esq. H. T. Hope, Esq. JVilliam Scrope, Esq. Viscount Alford, M. P. Philip H. HowardjEsq, M.P, C [ w J ^o- Subjects. Painters. 53 The Teniers' Gallery Teniers 54 The Portrait of the Burgomaster Six, the patron of Rembrandt Rembrandt 55 Fighting Cats Snyders 56 The Wife of the Burgomaster Six Rembrandt 57 The Emperor Leopold's Gallery - Teniers 58 A Calm - ' W. Vandevelde 59 The Doge's Palace, Venice Canaletto 60 Cattle piece - _ . Cuyp 61 Landscape and Figures Berghem 62 River view - _ Cuyp 63 Study of Moors' Heads Rubens 64 River view - _ . Cuyp 65 The Coast of Holland, with Shipping Vander Capella 66 The Grand Canal, Venice Canaletto 67 St. Julian _ - _ Murillo 68 View in Holland De Koninck 69 Landscape and Cattle A. Vandevelde 70 Shooting at a Mark Teniers 71 Landscape and Cattle Berghem 72 Conversation Lancret 73 Nymphs in a Landscape Polemberg 74 Sir William Temple Netscher 75 St. Marks Place, Venice Guardi 76 Feeding Poultry Teniers Proprietors. Lord Saye and Sele. The Lady Dover. Sir Thomas Baring, Barf. The Lady Dover. Lord Saye and Sele, Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Duke df Devonshire, K. G. Earl of Harrowhy. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Earl of Derby, K. G. Sir Thomas Barimr, Ban. Earl of Normanton. Duke of Devonshire, K. G. J.M.Brackenhury,Esq. K.H, Earl Granville. Charles A. Bredel, Esq. W. J. Lockwood, Esq. Charles A. Bredel, Esq. Henry Broadwood,Esq.M.P . Augustus Smith, Esq. Viscount Palmerston, M. P. R. W. Fitzpatrick, Esq. Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. [ " ] Mo. Subjects. 77 The Triumph of Scipio 7'8 St. Francis - . - 7'9 View in Padua - 8^0 The Virgin of the Conception 8a A Calm 852 Dancing - _ 8*3 Lady Temple and daughter 8M View in Venice - 8i5 The Alcalde Ranguiilo 8<6 View on a Canal, Venice 87 A Storm 8J8 Portrait of Isabella, Lady De la Warr, daughter of Sir Thomas Edmonds, Kt., Treasurer of the Household to King Charles the First 8J9 The Marriage of the Doge of Venice 9<0 View on the Grand Canal 9 1 Landscape and Figures 9^2 View of St. Marks Place, Venice - 9.'3 View of Scheveling 9''4 Shooting wild Fowl 9,^5 Interior of a Church 9(6 Rembrandt's painting room 97 Girl with Doves 9^ A Witch entering the Infernal Regions 919 Landscape and Figures 10(0 The Elevation of the Cross 1011 Spanish Girl - - 102 Landscape and Figures lOS A Lad vat her Toilet Painters. A. Mantegna Dominichino Canaletto Murillo W. Vandevelde Lancret Netscher Guardi Velasquez Canaletto Backhuysen Vandyke Canaletto Canaletto Salvator Rosa Canaletto De Vlieger Teniers De Hoogest G. Douw Greuze Teniers Wouwermans Rubens Murillo Teniers Terburg Proprietors. Oeorge Vivian, Esq. Rt. Hon, Lord Francis Egerton, M. P. Viscount Alford, 31, P. J. M. Brachenhury, Esq .K. H. Augustus Smith, Esq. H&nry Broadwood,Esq . M. P. Viscount Palmerston, M. P. R. fV. Fitzpatrich, Esq. James Hall, Esq. Lord Saye and Sele. Augustus Smith, Esq. Earl De la fVarr. Lord Saye and Sele. Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Rev. Sir S. CJervoi^e, Bart. {Rt. Hon. R. Vernon Smi,h, 1 M.P. Fiscount Alford, M. P. Miss Rogers. Duke of Devonshire, K. G fVilUam Wells, Esq. Miss Rogers. Robert Vernon, Esq. Colonel Buckley. R. S. Holford, Esq. Thomas French, Esq. Baron Rothschild. /M4 [ 12] No. Subjects. 104 An Exterior with Figures 105 The Battle of Maxentius 106 Cattle piece 107 A Battle piece 108 Landscape and Figures 109 Distant View of the Doge's Palace, Venice 110 Shipwreck - 111 Distant View of the Rialto, Venice 112 The Last Supper - - - Painters. De Hooge Rubens Paul Potter Wouwermans Ruysdael and A. Vandevelde Canaletto Vernet Canaletto B. Ramenghi da Bagnacavallo Proprietors. William Wells, Esq. Miss Rogers, William Wells, Esq. S. Jones Loyd, Esq, Baron Rothschild, Rev. SirS. C, Jervoise, Bart. John Angerstein, Esq Rev. Sir S, C. Jervoise, Bart. Duke of Sutherland, K, G, [13 ] No. Subjects. 113 Landscape and Cattle 114 Portrait of the Mother of the Artist, in the manner of Rembrandt 115 Portrait of Mrs. Weddel 116 The Forest of Arden — "As you like it," Act. II. sc. I. - 117 Landscape 118 Portrait of a Lady 119 Miss Rich 120 The Piping Boy 121 Conversation 122 Sleeping Child 123 Landscape and Ruins 124 Cupid bound - - _ 125 View in Venice - - 126 Landscape and Ruins 127 A Negro's Head 128 Head of Pope - - 129 Samson and Delilah 130 Henry, Twelfth Earl of Suffolk and Berk- shire, Secretary of State to King George the Third 131 Jacob's Dream Painters. De Loutherbourg Barry Sir J. Reynolds Hodges, Romney and Gilpin. Gainsborough Sir J.Reynolds Hogarth Hone Watteau Wilson Stothard Guardi Wilson Sir J. Reynolds Richardson Rigaud Sir J. Reynolds Stothard D Proprietors. The Royal Academy. William Jerdan, Esq. Hon. Mrs. Ramsden. Sir C. M. Burr ell, Bart., M.P. ^Very Rev. the Dean of \ Westminster, Rev . Sir H. DuMnfield, Bart. J. Heywood HawJcins, Esq. J. Heywood Hawkins, Esq. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. C. Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. Robert Vernon, Esq. Robert Vernon, Esq. A. Fountaine, Esq. Robert Vernon, Esq. Hon. Frederick Byng. J Very Rev. The Dean of I Westminster. The Royal Academy. Hon. Fulk Greville Howard. S. Jones Loyd, Esq. [ 14 ] ^o. Subjects. 132 Landscape and Cattle 133 Silvia 134 Our Saviour at Emmaus 135 Christ Blessing little Children 136 Landscape and Cattle 137 A Shepherdess with Lambs 138 The Late Countess of Powis 139 Samuel Foote, the Comedian 140 Southwark Fair _ _ 141 Distant View of Rome 142 View of the Ghauts at Benares - 143 The Rt. Hon. Hans Stanley, son of Mrs. Stanley, daughter of Sir Hans Sloane, Bart. 144 John Philip Kemble, as Rolla 145 Lady Mendip, daughter of Mrs. Stanley 146 The Indian Widow 147 Distant View of Rome 148 Vortigern and Rowena 149 Portrait of Sir Alexander Craufurd, Bart. 150 Thor battering the Serpent of Midgard, in the Boat of Hymer the Giant. — Edda of Scemundus, 151 Age and Youth - - _ 152 Landscape _ - _ 153 Cupid floating on Clouds 154 Peasant Children 155 Mrs. P'Oyly, sister of Lady Mendip - 156 Nymph and Cupid 157 The Island of Anconetta 158 Landscape - Painters. Gainsborough Sir J. Reynolds Fuseli West Gainsborough Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Hogarth Wilson Hodges Sir J. Reynolds Sir T. Lawrence Sir J. Reynolds Wright of Derby Wilson Mortimer Sir J. Reynolds Fuseli Opie Wilson Sir J. Revnolds Gainsborough Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Wilson Gainsborough Proprietors. Duke of Newcastle. K. G. Rt. Hon. R. V ernon Smith, M.P. Duke of Newcastle, K. G. The Royal Academy. Earl De la IVarr. Hon. Fulk Greville Howard. Earl of Powis. Duke of Newcastle, K. G. Duke of Newcastle, K. G. Earl of Dartmouth. The Royal Academy. W. Sloane Stanley, Esq. Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. W. Sloane Stanley, Esq. C. M'Niven, Esq. Earl of Dartmouth. Lewis Mortimer, Esq Rev. Sir H.Dukinfield, Bart. The Royal Academy. Earl of Falmouth . Robert Vernon, Esq. Earl of Carnarvon. Earl of Carnarvon. W. Sloane Stanley, Esq. R. W. Fitzpatrick, Esq. J. Heywood Hawkins, Esq. J. Heywood Hawkins, Esq. [15] No. Subjects. 159 Mrs. Hartley, the Actress 160 Hubert and Prince Arthur 161 Mrs. Stanley, daughter of Sir Hans Sloane, Bart. - 162 Lord Porchester, as Bacchus with Tigers 163 Landscape - 164 The Temple of Clitumnus, near Rome 165 Child with Grapes 166 The Countess of Carnarvon and Lord Porchester - 167 A Ghost Story 168 The Countess Cawdor 169 Lady Craufurd 170 View near Ringwood, Hants 171 A Girl - Painters. Sir J. Reynolds Harlowe Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Gainsborough Wilson Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Opie Sir T. Lawrence Sir J. Reynolds P. Nasmyth Sir W. Beechey Proprietors. Hon. Fulk Greville Howard. James Go ding, Esq. W. Sloane Stanley, Esq. Earl of Carnarvon. J. Hey wood Hawkins, Esq. J. Hey wood Hawkins, Esq. Rt. Hon. R. Vernon Smith, M. P. ( Earl of Carnarvon. Earl of Falmouth. Earl Cawdor. Rev. SirH.DukinJield,Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. J Fery Rev. The Dean of I Westminster. W. BARNARD, Keeper. FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G, PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M.P. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, 60, PALL-MALL. 1845. PRICE ONE SHILLING. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester. M The Archbishop of Armagh./^. The Duke of Norfolk. /^6~^,/S4r -^^^ The Duke of Bedford. /^iT, The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. o~S: j}A The Duke of Northumberland, K.G. The Duke of Wellington, K. G. iT^/.^/^c/! The Duke of Sutherland, K. G. /J^/^^/^^: The Marquess of Lansdowne, K.G./^^, The Marquess of Westminster. S:^. The Earl of Essex, /^s: The Earl of Albemarle, . The Earl of Warwick, K.T. Z/^- The Earl of Yar borough. ^3^^^^f7. The Earl of Zetland. /^/^^ The Countess of Clare. The Viscount Palmerston, M. P. The Viscount Alford, M. P. /^^^ The Lord Saye and Seie, v^.;^4^*f^z^ The Lord Northwick. . "T/^;^^/^-^ The Lord Stuart de Rothesay. //A The Lord Colborne. //^ ^JZ;/^2. The Lady Dover. 40^ /f/f, f/^ //S; //c^^/M The Lady Garvagh. The Hon. Mrs. Ramsden. The Hon. Frederick Byng. \//! The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M.P. Mr. Justice Coltman. /^^. Sir John Swinburne, Bart. Sir Charles Coote, Bart. ^/^S,/^^- Sir Thomas Barin^^, Bart. Ladv Chantrey. /^/ Sir R. Westmacott, R.A. Sir John M. Brakenbury, K.H. ^^Z^^^-'^- Colonel Wyndham. /^/ Rev. William Tower. M. W. Barnes, Esq. ^/dSJ/2a. Jacob Bell, Esq. /3^. Charles Bredel, Esq.^ J. Jp, ^Z- Charles Brind, Esq. /f, 22,/4.//, //^^ -f'- Miss Brooke. ^ George Byng, Esq. M.P. /, 2^. ""Y' Sir William W. Knighton, B^ Sir John Dean Paul, Bart. SS: iLB- Sir George Philips, Bart.X/^, A^/ Miss Callcott. x^- Edmun'd Calvert, Esq. 4^//^'4/=^''^' Samuel Cartwright, Esq. /z^^. /kTS: E. B. Clive, Esq. Edward Davies Davenport, Esq. ^4 W. P. Freeman, Esq. 2Z ^ R. W. Fitz Patrick, Esq. ^/ R. S. Holfbrd, Esq. 2^ J^y^- H. T. Hope, Esq. Miss Ellen Joyce. ^ John Marshall, Esq. /<^, James Morrison, Esq. M.P. 4/ ^ *^ Robert Palmer, Esq. M.P.^^ Miss Rogers. WilHam Scrope, Esq. ^^r^ Miss Sheepshanks. Richard H. Solly, Esq. . John Tollemache, Esq. M.P. ^Z/Z.^'^^y^A Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. f4^,/^- William Wells, Esq. 2^/^.3^^ £4 ^•^-/^/^i Mrs. Whyte. ^4 - ' The Royal Academy. /2{^; /^ot^/J^, ^^}r GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G. PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M. P. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * The Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. Director. The Marquess of Abercorn. The Earl of Ashburnham. The Earl of Aylesford. * Lord Ashbnrton, Director. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar, John Angerstein, Esq. « The Marquess of Bute. * Earl Brownlow, Director, The Earl of Bf^dge wafer. * Lady Bernard. Lord Barrington. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Director. Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Baillie. * James Evan Baillie, Esq. The Rev. JamesJBaker. John Bay ford, Esq. Thomas Wentwcrth Beaumont, Esq. * Lord Bexley. John Blackall, Esq. H. Blagrove, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Sir T. H. L. Biinckman, Bai t. The 31arquis Camden, K. G. The Earl of Carlisle, K. G. Earl Cowper. Earl Carysfort. Lord Carrington. * Lord Colborne, Director. Miss Burdett Coutts. The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. # The Earl of Dartmouth, Director. I Col. Sir A. J. Dalrymple, Bart. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. Lt. Col. Hugh Percy Davison. Miss Dehaney. William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. Villiers Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. Sir P. M. G. Egerton, Bart. William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam. Lord Feversham. Sir Walter R. Farquhar, Bart. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. Sir Robert Fitz Wygratn, Bart. John Fuller, Esq, Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. * Francis Gosling, Esq. Augustus Gostling, L. L. D. * John Hambrough, Esq. Nathaniel Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir John Cam Hobhouse Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Henry Thomas Hope, Esq. M. P. Director. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bart. Charles Jolli(fe, Esq. Lord Kinnaird. John Knight, Esq. * The Marquess of Lansdowne, K. G. Director. 4 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. The Earl of Liverpool, K. G. The Earl of Lonsdale, K, G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. Mrs. Law. Thomas Legh, Esq. * Samuel Long, Esq. * William Long, Esq. George C. Loftus, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough, * Earl Manvers. * Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. The Earl of Normanton. Onley Savill Onley, Esq. TheEarlof Powis, K.G. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. * Hon. Edward Petre. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. * The Earl of Rosebery. K. T. Lord Viscount Ranelagh. * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Director. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. Benjamin Smith, Esq. Lord Sudeley. * Lord Charles Townshend. Richard Thompson, Esq. John Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. Charles Marsh Vialls, Esq. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. Director. Frederick Webb, Esq. The Marquess of Westminster. William Henry Whitbread, Esq. William Wilberforce, Esq. George Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Earl of Zetland. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their lives. John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton. The Earl of Beverley. Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. William Blake, Esq. Director. WiUiam Bosanquet, Esq. Beriah Botfield, Esq. M. P. Henry Broadwood, Esq. M. P. The Archbishop of Canterbury, GOVERNORS. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill. John Curteis, Esq. Lord Dynevor. Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. Hart Davis, Esq. Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. The Rev. Howell Holland Edwards, Earl Grey, K. G. GOVERNORS OF THE The Right Hon Sir Robert Gordon, G.C.B. James Goding, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. James Hall, Esq. William R. Hamilton, Esq., Director. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. M.P. Edward N. Hurt, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Miss Middleton. James Morrison, Esq. M. P. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. Lord Northwick, Director. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. Charles Offley, Esq. Benjamin Oliveira, Esq, Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Director. Lord Prudhoe,Z)«Vec^or. BRITISH INSTITUTION. 5 Frederick Perkins, Esq. Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. The Earl of Ripon. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. Lord Saye and Sele. William Scrope, Esq., Director. J. B. Scott, Esq. Richard H. Solly, Esq. Sir James Stuart, Bart. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. The Earl of Westmoreland, Director. Robert Vernon, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bt. William Wells, Esq. Director. Samuel Charles Weston, Esq. Henry James Wheeler, Esq. Samuel Wheeler, Esq. Colonel Wyndham. SUBSCRIBERS. Sir John Soane, R.A. - ^6500 0 Sir Charles Bell - - 10 10 Charles Birch, Esq. - 10 10 Sir Robert Frankland, Bart. - 10 10 Joseph Gwilt, Esq. - 10 10 Charles Hatchett, Esq. J. C. Parker, Esq. William Vaughan, Esq. Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. Robert D. Mercer, Esq. - - ^eiO 10 ]0 10 10 10 10 10 annual 3 3 Subscribers of 50 Guineas, are entitled to he balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, of introducing two friends each day, and to personal admission and Two Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions ; but Subscribers of 100 Guineas are entitled to the same privileges, and to Four Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of '25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscriptions received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cross. B The Directors of the British Institution have again the pleasure of adorning their walls with a Collection of Pictures by the Ancient Masters, of the highest merit and value ; and they must take this opportunity of expressing their cordial thanks for the liberal assistance which they continue to experience from the Possessors of these fine Works. They have dedicated the South Room principally to the reception of Pictures by the late Sir Augustus W. Callcott, R. A., which united with the works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Wilson and Gainsborough, must prove as honourable to British talent, as they trust they will be gratifying to the Public taste. CATALOGUE OP PICTURES BY ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, FRENCH, AND ENGLISH MASTERS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. JUNE, 1845. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room, and in the Middle and South Rooms, on the left hand. No. Subjects. 1 VVeritworth, Earl of Cleveland and his Family ; eldest branch of the family of Thomas, Earl of Strafford 2 The Adoration of the Magi 3 Landscape with Ruins 4 Landscape with Figures 5 Landscape, with a view of Tivoli 6 The Virgin and Child, with St. John 7 Porto de Ostia - - - 8 Banks of a River, Figures landing goods 9 Landscape with Figures 10 The Nativitv - Painters. Vandyke Rembrandt Ruysdael Cuyp Claude Raphael Claude Wouwermans Claude Giiadenzio Ferrar: Proprietors. George Byng, Esq., M.P. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Charles Br e del, Esq. James Morrison, Esq., M.P. Duke of W dlington, K. G. Lady Garvagh. Duke of fVellington, K.G. James Morrison, Esq., M.P. Rev. fVilliam Tower. R. S. Holford, Esq. [8] Painters. Proprietors. 11 Stiidv of a Head , - ^ Vandyke Lord Colhorne. ] 2 John, Elector of Saxony Holbein R. S. Holford, Esq. IQ Portrait _ - Vandyke Duhe of Sutherland, K.G. 14. T.nnriopmip — — iTt J-JdllvlSL/ClUC Ruvsdael Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. 15 An T^'ifnliarkation - - - Backhuysen H. T. Hope, Esq. Ifi T tirirlcnnnp with PantllTft of R3.Il(ilttl - Both Earl of Zetland. 17 Thp Assumntion of the Virffin Murillo Lord Saye and Sele. 18 The Assumntion of the Mae:dalen Annibal Carracci R. S. Holford, Esq. IQ Prince Maurice at the Siege of Breda Cuyp Charles Brind, Esq. on T .sinnspnnp XJCllUJOC'ClljC Gaspar Poussin R. S. Holford, Esq. Dominichino Mrs. fVhyte. XAaVvKilig rally Wouwermans Charles Brind, Esq. oed-pieLc W. Vandeveide H. T. Hope, Esq. JUanUsCapc Vander Neer Mrs. Whyte. r^Vir»ict sprtiirfrpn — — ~ Rembrandt Sir R. fVestmacoti, R. A. Ofi Onr Saviour and St. Peter Louis De Vargas Sir J. M. Brahenhury,K.H. 07 fip nnH P'io-nrps on the banks of a river A. Cuyp W. P. Freeman, Esq. iio An interior Slinglandt William Wells, Esq. OQ T'ho Tlrvnnpt ronp^P _ - - 1 ne DoniJict luugc Teniers George Byng, Esq., M P. OU xjdIluaCd[JC Wynants William Wells, Esq. Ql Hr»repU> OUUJ(;(.I/0« P&inters. Proprietors. 1^ ± lie v^diacL'i cttiuii Ui v^uilotcllllllic — rvuUcils Edmund Calvert, Esq. 4t3 Horses and Figures - - - Won wprmans! j^of a Kjuue ufiu oeie. 44 Landscape and Figures Wynants and A. Vandevelde Lady Dover. 45 The Uniust Steward Ouentin IVfafsvs LdOva ijuye ana ijeie. 4fi Franppspo IVTaria dp la T?nvprp Tlnr» d'TIrliiTirt _ r rpdpriPr* Rai»rkr»r»1 X IC^UCll^C xJCtl KjK/yji Hon. Frederick Byng. 47 Studv for the ceiline* at Whifphall Rubens George Syng, Esq., M. P. 48 Jan Steen's Familv - _ Jan Steen uuKe oj rr eiiington, a.Ct. 49 Landscape with Figures Hobbima Marquess of JVestminster . 50 The Flight into Egypt Murillo juora oaye ana tjeie. 51 Virgin and Child. St Catharinp and St John - - - - Parmpo'ianf* James Morrison^ Esq., 31. P. 52 Landscape and Figures Hobbima iriarquess oj w esiTninster . 53 Diana and Actseon - - - Titian Viscount Alfordy M, P. 54 Exterior with Figures - _ I. Ostade XI. o. jnoLjora, Hisq. 55 Landscape with Ferry-boat and Cattle - Berghem Duke of Devonshire, K. G. 56 Portrait of the Archbishop of Trieste Vandyke discount Alford, M. P. 57 Sea-piece - - - - W. Vandevelde Miss Rogers. 58 Portrait of Vandyke - - - Vandyke r Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, 1 Bart,, M.P, c [10] iilititile Mom. .' A Ua O U J vO • Pa.int6rs. Proprietors, ^iQ T^^lowpr«i - * - - Van Os H. T. Hope, Esq. 60 Admiral Keonel - - - Sir J. Reynolds Hon. Mrs. Ramsden. fil TThp T)nphpsi«i of Anoastpr - Sir J. Reynolds Countess of Clare. f^Q T.ivp P'nwls! _ _ — — Hondpkopfpr Lord Colhorne. fi^ IVTrs! Pplham wifp nf thp latp Lord Yar- horoiij>"}i - - - - Sir J. Reynolds Earl of Yarhorous:h. nA. K't'nif' nnn Trlr^xxj'Artt _ _ _ Van Os T CllX V/o H. T. Hove. Esq. VfO JTUll/iClIt \Jl xldUdo vJCUlgC XJ.aiC^^ X^>3U> 111 inTfiTlPV _ _ — . iiiiciiiL'y Sir J Rpvnolds Sir John Dean Paul, JBart. 66 St. Jerome _ _ - - Van Evck Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. fi7 Vipw of a villap"p in Holland Ruysdael Fiscount A If or d, M.P. Rembrandt Lord Saye and Sele. fiQ .Tnlipt r\Ti(\ hpr ^iirsf^ - - - Smii'ke Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. 70 Portrait of His Grace the Archbishop of Armagh - - - Sir T. Lawrence The Archbishop of Armagh. 71 Landscape and Figures Gainsborough John Tollemache, Esq., M.P. 72 Landscape _ - - Wynants Edmund Calvert, Esq. 73 Goats - - - - Wouwermans Edmund Calvert, Esq. 74 Sun-set - Vander Neer Charles Brind, Esq. 75 Deer ----- V^ouwermans Edmund Calvert, Esq. 76 Landscape _ _ , _ Wynants Edmund Calvert, Esq. 77 Skirmish of Cavalry - - - Wouwermans Charles Brind, Esq. 78 Van Tromp Rembrandt Lord Saye and Sele. 79 Landscape and Cattle Gainsborough Robert Palmer, Esq., M.P. 80 Kemble as Coriolanus - - - Sir T. Lawrence Earl of Yarhorough. [11 ] No. Subjects. Painters. 81 Landscape and Cattle . . _ TTT _ J. J A Wynants and A Vandevelde 82 The Vire-in and Child _ - - Sasso Ferrato 8.S Spa-«?horp with T^'iff'nrps landine* 2"Oods Wou wermans 84 H. R. H. The Princess Sophia Sir J. Reynolds 85 Saint Sebastian _ _ - Guido 86 Landscape and Cattle (jrainsDorou^n 87 Tjftdv (rprti'iidp F'itz Patrick Sir J. Reynolds 88 Landscape and Figures Gainsborough Stothard 90 Sleeping Child - - Murilio Ql ioL« tiuaeuii — — — S nap'n olptto IVTrfi! PaP'P IVfrs Oiiirlclv Sip lTn0"h P^vane diXvJ vrniiciiiJ — — — Smirke i2jLl£iOiV}XZ\,\.ly V^UUlll.Cl5& Ol Ul IIJ Ulll UtJI lcin(J flftprwarHs DnoViPss of Northn mhprlanH Sir J. Reynolds IVTnnHi tj(Xi\ cxyiKJi iTiuuvii — — xxclill Uc JJlCa 95 Landscape - - - _ Hnhbi ma 96 William^ Duke of Cumberland Sir J. Reynolds 97 Sir Richard Worsley Sir J. Reynolds 98 TjanHsfanp - _ _ Gasnai* Pnnssin 99 RpH sarins _ - _ _ Wpst 100 Landscape - _ Bran we r 101 Girl with a Hurdv-2"urdv Hofrarth lUJ Landscape Wilson 103 Venus and Adonis - - - N. Poussin 104 An Interior - Abel Grimmer 105 Landscape - - Decker 106 The Repose in Egypt Carlo Maratti 107 Sun-set - - - - Vander Neer Proprietors. Charles Bredel, Esq, Sir Charles Coote, Bart. R. S. Holford, Esq. fH.R.H. The Duchess of 1 Gloucester. Sir Charles Coote, Bart. Robert Palmer, Esq., M.P. R. W. Fitz Patrick, Esq. John Tollemache, Esq., M.P. Miss Rogers. Edward Davies Davenport, Esq. Lady Dover. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. [Duke of Northumberland, \ K.G. C. Baring Wall, Esq. MP. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Earl of Albemarle. Earl of Varborough. William Scrope, Esq. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Miss Rogers. C. Baring Wall, Esq., M P. Richard H. Solly, Esq. George TVilbraham, Esq. George Byng, Esq., M.P. M. W. Barnes, Esq. Rev. W. Tower. William Wells, lEsq. [ 12 ] No» Subjects • Psintcrs. P I* n n 1* 1 A f A 1* G X i V/ Lit ic tOl 9 • 108 Cottage Child _ . . Gainsborough Sit JV. JV» KfiightoUy Burt* 109 An approaching Storm De Koninck J Edward Davies Ddvenporty I Esq. 110 The Doge landing at St. Mark's Place Earl of Warwick, K.T. 111 A Girl's Head Greuze Lord Stuart de Rothesay. 112 An Exterior - - - A Ostade Sir Thomas Saving, Bart. 113 Head of a Rabbi - - - Rembrandt Ftscount Alford, M.P. 114 Frost-piece - - _ Charles Brind, Esq. 115 St. James - _ - _ Annihal Carranci Lady Dover. 116 Cottage Children at a Fire Gainsboroiip"h VJI C4.X 1.J m. \J » w XJ. Sir W. TV. Knighton, Bart. 117 Sea-piece - - - - Vander Capella Geors:e Byns. Esq.. M.P. 118 Sea-piece Backhuysen Lady Dover. 119 Milk Girl - - i>, iVldco Cjharlps Brind Kan 120 Sea-piece .. _ Vander Capella M. W, Barnes, Esq. 121 Group of Fish Velasquez Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. 122 A Crucifix - Murillo Sir J. M. Brahenhury, K.H. 123 St. Peter - - Teniers Sir J. M. Brahenhury, K.H. [ 13 ] No. Subjects. 124 An Italian Landscape, with a Fountain 125 Raphael and the Fornarina 126 Don Quixote and Sancho 127 Lady Clive, Widow of Sir Edward Clive 128 Prospero and Miranda - - 129 Morning - 130 Landscape 131 Landscape with Figures 132 Sea-piece 133 A Study from Nature 134 Sea-piece 135 The Quay at Antwerp 136 Hugh, Earl of Northumberland, after- wards Duke of Northumberland 137 Cottage Children 138 Mr. Haldane 139 The Challenge, from Orlando Furioso, last Canto - - - 140 Passage and Luggage Boats 141 Sea-piece - 142 The Smith's Forge 143 Columbus - - _ 144 An Italian Composition 145 An Italian Landscape 146 Landscape and Figures 147 Boy and Kitten - , . Painters. SirA.W.Callcott SirA.W.Callcott Smirke Romney Henry Thomson SirA.W.Callcott Wilson SirA.W.Callcott Sir A-W. Callcott Sir A.W.Callcott SirA.W.Callcott SirA.W.Callcott Sir J. Reynolds Owen Sir J. Reynolds Briggs SirA.W.Callcott SirA.W.Callcott Wright of Derby SirA.W.Callcott SirA.W.Callcott SirA.W.Callcott SirA.W.Callcott Owen D Proprietors. Sir John Swinburne, Bart. Duke of Norfolk. The Royal Academy. E. B. Clive, Esq. The Royal Academy. The Royal Academy. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart, Lady Chantrey. Lord Colhorne. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Duke of Norfolk. Duke of Bedford. (Duke of Northumberland, \ K.G. The Royal Academy. Earl of Zetland. Jacob Bell, Esq. Sir John Swinburne, Bart. Colonel fVyndham. Viscount Palmerston, M. P. Mr. Justice Coltman. Miss Sheepshanks. Duke of Sutherland, K.G. Marquess of Lansdowne,K. G, The Royal Academy. MA [ 14 ] No. Subjects. 148 Lady Eardley and the late Lady Saye and Sele, when young 149 Trent in the Tyrol 150 Landscape with Figures 151 Portrait of the late Sir Augustus W. Callcott, R.A. 152 Sea-piece - - - - 153 Raphael and the Fornarina 154 Boys and Dogs - - _ 155 Murano, the ancient part of Venice 156 A River Scene - 157 Returning from Market 158 Miss Nelly O'Brien 159 The Stealing the Regalia 160 River View in Holland 161 View of Rochester - - - 162 Newton shewing the effect of the Prism 163 Theory - - . . 164 Approach to Verona from the Tyrol 165 Dutch Market Boats 166 Frances, Marchioness of Hertford, after- wards Duchess of Somerset - 167 View of Rome from the Villa Madama 168 Landscape and Figures 169 View of a Lake _ . . Painters. Gainsborough Sir A. W. Callcott Sir A. W. Callcott Linnell Sir A. W. Callcott SirA.W.Callcott Gainsborough SirA.W.Callcott SirA.W.Callcott SirA.W.Callcott Sir J. Reynolds Briggs Sir A W. Callcott SirA.W.Callcott Romney Sir J. Reynolds SirA.W.Callcott SirA.W.Callcott Sir J. Reynolds Wilson SirA.W.Callcott SirA.W.Callcott Proprietors. Lord Saye and Sele. Samuel Cartwright, Esq. William fVells, Esq. Miss Callcott. William Wells, Esq. Sir George Philips, Bart. John Tollemache, Esq., M.P. Samuel Cartwright, Esq. Miss Sheepshanks. Duke of Norfolk. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. The Royal Academy. Sir Charles Coote, Bart. Sir George Philips, Bart. T. Chamber lay ne, Esq. The Royal Academy. John Marshall, Esq. Earl of Essex. j Duke of Northumberland, I K.G. Miss Brooke. Lady Dover. William Wells, Esq. W. BARNARD, Keeper. 5Srttt0{) iti0titutton FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G, PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF ELLESMERE. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, 60, PALL-MALL. 1846. PRICE ONE SHILLING. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY. ^ ^4 ^^^-^^^^^ -7' The Archbishop of Canterbury. ///r//f/i/^z Admiral Sir C. SuDivan, Bart, The Duke of Norfolk, /rd^^ ""1^ ' Sir John Shelley Sidney, Bart. The Duke of Bedford. /// //^/ /^^/^///^^-Sir Robert Price, Bart. M.P. The Duke of Buccleuch, K. ^ ^ Lady Chantrey. The Duke of Northumberland, K.G./^/. Lt. General Birch Reynardson. /J^. The Duke of Sutherland, K. G. 4,^.4:^: U^^jKeY, Heneage Finch. /^^//; z^^//^;^-^ The Duke of Cleveland, K. G. ^^ 7] ^^^^4 'Christ Church College, Oxford. 3^/^/- The Marquess of Salisbury, K.G.^ Trinity College, Cambridge. -^^^z-^ /r/ ^^^^ College. The Marquess of Northampton^ The Marquess Camden. The Marquess of Westminster. ^^^-^^^^T-^ The Earl of Shaftesbury. /f£. The Earl of Aylesford. 4/-^/ The Earl Fitzwilliam. ^/ //r, //^r The Earl of Hardwicke. /fc/^. The Earl Spencer. The Earl of Clarendon. /^^ /^^^^/O/M Worshipful Company of Drapers. The Earl of Mansfield. ^^^^ //^. Worshipful Conjpany of Barber Surge( The Earl of Liverpool. //^j?^_^^^/^. John Kerrich, Esq. . J. A. LLoyd, Esq. J. H. Mann, Esq. // R. M. Milnes, Esq. M.P. /^S. John Murray, Esq. 4 7 ^ Mrs. Nicholl. /ZZ, W .Nicol, Esq. /^a F. L. Popham, Esq. /J^- W. Sharpe, Esq. J/). R. H. Solly, Esq. W. Sloane Stanley, Esq. /f/ Robert Vernon, Esq. Z^^- Mrs. Whyte,^^/*r ^ GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G. PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF ELLESMERE. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * The Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. Director. The Marquess of Abercorn. The Earl of Ashburnham. The Earl of Aylesford. * Lord Ashburton, Director. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar. John Angerstein, Esq. * The Marquess of Bute. * Earl Brownlow, Director. The' Earl of Bridgewater. * Lady Bernard. Lord Barrington. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Director. Sir George Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Baillie. * James Evan Baillie, Esq. The Rev. James Baker. John Bay ford, Esq. Thomas Wentworth Beaumont, Esq. * Lord Bexley. John BlackalL, Esq. H. Blagrove, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Sir T. H. L. Brinckman, Bart. The Marquis Camden, K. G. The Earl of Carhsie, K. G. Earl Cowper. Earl Carysfort. Lord Carrington. * Lord Colborne, Director. Miss Burdett Coutts. The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director. Col. Sir A. J. Dalrymple, Bart. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. Lt. Col. Hugh Percy Davison. Miss Dehaney. William Joseph Denison, Esq. M, P. Villiers Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. Sir P. M. G. Egerton, Bart. WiUiam Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam. Lord Feversham. Sir Walter R. Farquhar, Bart. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. Sir Robert Fitz IVygram, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. * Francis Gosling, Esq. Augustus Gostling, L. L. D. * John Hambrough, Esq. Nathaniel Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir John Cam Hobhouse Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Henry Thomas Hope, Esq. M. P. Director. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bart. Charles JollifFe, Esq. Lord Kinnaird. John Knight, Esq. * The Marquess of Lansdowne, K. G. Director. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. The Earl of Liverpool, K. G. The Earl of Lonsdale, K, G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. Mrs. Law. Thomas Legh, Esq. >> Samuel Long, Esq. * William Long, Esq. George C. Loftus, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough. * Earl Manvers. * Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. The Earl of Normanton. Onley Savill Onley, Esq. The Earl of Powis, K. G. Sir Robert Peel, Bart, * Hon. Edward Petre. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. * The Earl of Rosebery. K. T. Lord Viscount Ranelagh. * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Director. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. Henry Seymour, Esq. { * Richard Simmons, Esq. j Benjamin Smith, Esq. Lord Sudeley. * Lord Charles Townshend. Richard Thompson, Esq. John Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. Charles Marsh Vialls, Esq. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. Director. Frederick Webb, Esq. The Marquess of Westminster. William Henry Whitbread, Esq. William Wilberforce, Esq. George Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Earl of Zetland. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their lives. LIFE GOVERNORS. John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton. The Earl of Beverley. Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. William Blake, Esq. Director. William Bosanquet, Esq. Beriah Botfield, Esq. M. P. Henry Broadwood, Esq. M. P. The Archbishop of Canterbury. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill. John Curteis, Esq. Lord Dynevor. Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. Hart Davis, Esq. Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. The Rev. Howell Holland Edwards. Earl Grey, K. G. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. The Right Hon Sir Robert Gordon, G.C.B. James Goding, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. James Hall, Esq. William R. Hamilton, Esq., Director. Frederick Hodgson,Esq. M.P. Edward N. Hurt, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq, T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Miss Middleton. James Morrison, Esq. M. P. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. Lord North wick, Director. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P, Charles Offley, Esq. Benjamin Oliveira, Esq, Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Director. Lord Prudhoe, Director. 5 Frederick Perkins, Esq. Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. The Earl of Ripon. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. Lord Saye and Sele. William Scrope, Esq., Director. J. B. Scott, Esq. Richard H. Solly, Esq. Sir James Stuart, Bart. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. The Earl of Westmoreland, Director. Robert Vernon, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bt. William Wells, Esq. Director. Samuel Charles Weston, Esq. Henry James Wheeler, Esq. Samuel Wheeler, Esq. Colonel Wyndham. SUBSCRIBERS. Sir John Soane, R.A. - £500 0 Sir Charles Bell - - 10 10 Charles Birch, Esq. - 10 10 Sir Robert Frankland, Bart. - 10 10 Joseph Gwilt, Esq. - 10 10 Charles Hatchett, Esq. J. C. Parker, Esq. William Vaughan, Esq. Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. Robert D. Mercer, Esq. - - £10 10 ]0 10 10 10 10 10 annual 3 S Subscribers of 50 Guineas, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, of introducing two friends each day, and to personal admission and Two Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions ; but Subscribers of 100 Guineas are entitled to the same privileges, and to Four Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 516 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscriptions received by Messrs. Drumm^nd, Bankers, Charing Cross. B The Liberality of Her Majesty and other Patrons of Art, has enabled the Directors this year to exhibit a collection of Portraits of eminent Persons, which they think cannot fail to prove highly interesting to the Public, from their relation to the History, Literature and Arts of this and other countries. CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS OF ILLUSTRIOUS AND EMINENT PERSONS IN HISTORY, LITERATURE AND ART, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. JUNE, 1846. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room, and in the Middle and South Rooms, on the left hand. Mottlf Boom* No. Subjects. 1 Admiral Lord Rodney, died 1792 2 Sir Francis Chan trey, died 1841 3 Sir Walter Scott, Bart, died 1832 - 4 William the Fourth, when young - 5 William, Duke of Cumberland, died 1765 6 Admiral Barrington, died 1800 7 Lord Byron, died 1824 - . - 8 The Rev. George Crabbe, Poet, died 1832 9 George IV. when Prince of Wales 10 Heneage Finch, First Earl of Aylesford, (Silvertongue) Chief Counsel for the seven Bishops, died 1719 Painters. Sir J. Reynolds Phillips Phillips Sir T. Lawrence Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Phillips Phillips Sir J. Reynolds Dahl Proprietors. HER MAJESTY. Lady Chantrey. John Murray^ Esq. Lord De VIsle. HER MAJESTY. HER MAJESTY. John Murray, Esq. John Murray, Esq. fRt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, 1 Bart, M.P. Rev, Heneage Finch. [ ■8 ] No. Subjects. 11 Gibbon, died 1794 12 General Eliott, Lord Heathfield, died 1790 13 John Scott, Earl of Eldon, Lord High Chancellor, died 1838 14 John Hunter, Surgeon, died 1793 15 Sir Joshua Reynolds, LLD. President of the Royal Academy, died 1792 16 Robert Banks, Second Earl of Liverpool, died 1828 - - - - 1 7 Admiral the Earl of St. Vincent, died 1823 18 Admiral Boscawen, died 1761 19 Dr. Beattie, Author of the Essay on Truth, &c. with allegorical accompaniments, died 1803 . _ _ . 20 The Rt. Hon. William Pitt, died 1806 21 Admiral Viscount Nelson and Duke of Bronte, died 1805 - - 22 Charles Watson Wentworth, Marquis of Rockingham, K.G., died 1782 23 Dr. Richard Terrick, Bishop of London, died 1777 24 Colonel Barr6, died 1802 25 William Markham, Archbishop of York, died 1807 26 Samuel Foote, the Comedian, died 1777 27 John Gay, the Poet, died 1732 28 Mrs. Siddons, as Lady Macbeth, died 1831 29 Admiral Lord Anson, died 1762 30 Thomas Gainsborough, died 1788 - - 31 John Hoppner, died 1810 - . _ 32 David Garrick, died 1779 Painters. Sir J. Reynolds Mather Brown Owen Sir J. Reynolds Himself Sir T. Lawrence Hoppner Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Gainsborough Hoppner Sir J. Reynolds Proprietors. J. H. Mann, Esq. [Augustus Eliott Fuller, 1 Esq., M.P. Earl of Eldon. Royal College of Surgeons. Royal Academy. Earl of Liverpool. HER MAJESTY. Earl of Falmouth. I Executors of the late Rev. L Dr. Glennie. Earl of Normanton. HER MAJESTY. HER MAJESTY. Dance W. R. Hamilton, Esq. Sir J. Reynolds Marquess Camden. Sir J. Reynolds Christ Church Coll, Oxford. Romney after Earl Amherst. Reynolds Dahl Earl Amherst. Harlow James Coding, Esq. Hoare Earl of Hardwicke. Himself TV. Sharp e, Esq. Himself Royal Academy. Sir J. Reynolds Earl Amherst. [9 J No. Subjects. 33 Sir John Banks, Lord Chief Justice, C. P. temp. Ch. I. - - - 34 The Hon. Robert Boyle, died 1691 35 Mrs.Abingdon,astheCoraicMuse,died 1815 36 Richard Payne Knight, Esq., died 1824 37 Robert Burns, Poet, died 1784 - - 38 The Rt. Hon. Spencer Percival, died 1812 39 John Opie, died 1807 - 40 Dr. Samuel Johnson, died 1784 - 41 Marquess of Granby, died 1770 - 42 Mrs. Jane Lane, the loyal Lady who conducted Charles II. to the neigh- bourhood of Bristol. — see Hume 43 Canova, died 1822 44 Admiral Earl Howe, died 1799 - 45 The Lord Chancellor Thurlow,died 1806 46 Lord Chief Justice Mansfield, died 1793 47 Captain Buckle, Lord Keppel'sFlag Captain 48 Field Marshal Earl Ligonier, died 1770 49 George II. 50 Earl of Moira, afterwards Marquess of Hastings, died 1826 - - _ 51 Admiral Lord Keppel, died 1786 52 Dr. Benjamin Franklin, died 1790 53 Arbishop Herring, died 1757 54 Lord Stowell, died 1836 - ... 55 Thomas Betterton, Actor, died 1710 56 The Hon. Heneage Finch, Solicitor Ge- neral, afterwards Earl of Aylesford, died 1719 - - . _ 67 Sir H. Englefield - - . . 58 Sir William Jones, died 1794 C Painters. Sir J. Reynolds Sir T. Lawrence A. Nasmyth Himself Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Dobson Jackson Gainsborough Romney Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds Pine Sir J. Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds West Hogarth Owen Sir T. Lawrence Sir J. Reynolds Proprietors. Earl of Liverpool, Earl of Liverpool. Earl Amherst. Society of Dilettanti. r Sir Hugh Hume Camp- I hell, Bart, M.P. Earl of Liverpool. Royal Academy. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Earl of Aylesford. Earl of Aylesford. Lady Chantrey. Trinity House. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Earl of Mansfield. Earl of Falmouth. J. A. LLoyd, Esq. Lord Brayhroohe. HER MAJESTY. Earl of Falmouth. Earl of Yarhorough. George Stone, Esq. EarlofEldon. Earl Amherst. Earl of Aylesford. Society of Dilettanti. Earl Spencer. [ »o] No. Subjects. Painters. Proprietors. 59 Grotius, died 1645 - - Rubens 60 Rembrandt, died 1674 Himself (Rt. Hon. Lord Erancis 1 ligerton, IVi. y. 61 Lady De Vere - C. Janssen Jinhprf f^pvnon Ji!sfi. oz v^ic veidiiUj lue i^oei, uicu iuui7 - - xJ\)\jts\)\y r lif Unn TjOrd Froncis i Eserton, M. P. 63 Philip IV. of Spain, died 1665 - Velasquez Felton Hervey, Esq. 64 The Duchess of Cleveland Sir P. Lely HnTtp of Cleveland K G 65 The Emperor Charles V., died 1558 Titian JWfv IVhiite 66 Portrait of Berghera, Painter, died 1683 Rembrandt MciTquess oj^ IVestTninsttT . 67 Tasso, died 1595 Bassan l^i^rount Alford, M P. 68 Old Parr, died 1635 Rubens Sir Robert Price, Bart. 69 Robert Devereux, third Earl of Essex, died 1646 - Walker Duke of Sutherland, K. G. 70 Simon Patrick, Bishop of Ely, died 1707 Sir P. Lely John Kerrich, Esq. 71 Sir William Temple, died 1700 - Sir P. Lely F'iscount Palmerston, M.P. 72 Lucius Gary, Viscount Falkland, died 1643 Vandyke Earl of Clarendon. 73 William Sharpe, Engraver, died 1824 - R. H. Solly, Esq. 74 James Stuart, Duke of Richmond and Lennox, died 1655 _ _ ~ Vandyke Duke of Buccleugh, K. G. 75 Cornelius van Hooft, the translator of Homer into Dutch, died 1647 Rembrandt discount Alford, M.P. 76 A. Hanneman, painted 1656 Himself [Sir Hugh Hume Camp- 1 bell, Bart. M.P. 77 The Poet Waller, died 1687 Sir P. Lely Earl of Clarendon. 78 Sir Charles Lucas, died 1648 Dobson Lord Braybroohe. 79 Charles Howard. Lord Effingham and First Earl of Nottingham, died 1624 Zucchero Earl De Grey, K. G. 80 Francis, Duke of Alencon, died 1584 Janet Duke of Sutherland, K. G. [ 11 ] No. Subjects. 81 Henry IV. King of France, died 1610 82 Gerard Dow, died 1674 83 Jeanne D'Albret, Queen of Navarre, died 1572 - - - - - 84 Charles IX. JCing of France, died 1574 - 85 Salvator Rosa, died 1673 86 The Lord Chancellor Clarendon, died 1673 87 Roi)ert Wood, the Traveller and Author of the Essay on the Original Genius of Horner, died 1771 88 The Marquess of Newcastle, died 1676 - 89 Sir Kenelin Digby, died 1665 90 The Lord Commissioner Keble 91 Sir Henry Spelman, died 1641 92 General Washington, died 1799 - 93 Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart., Sir J. Taylor, Mr. Payne Galway, Sir William Hamil- ton, Mr. Richard Thompson, Mr. Stan- hope, Mr. Smith of Heath — see Jcei/No. I. 94 Sir Harbottle Grimston, died 1683 95 Anne Clifford, Countess of Dorset, Pem- broke and Montgomery, died 1675 96 Arthur, Lord Capel, died 1649 - 97 Sir Phineas Pett, Master Ship-builder, temp. Charles I. _ _ - 98 Lord Mulgrave, Lord Dundas, Lord Sea- forth, Hon. Charles Greville, Charles Ciowle, Esq., Duke of Leeds, Sir Joseph Bankes — see hey No. II. 99 William, Lord Russell, died 1683 iOO Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II., died 1705 Painters. Porbus Himself Janet Janet Himself Sir P. Lely R. Mengs Vandyke Vandyke Walker Stuart Sir J. Reynolds Zucchero Vandyke W. Vandevelde, sen', and jun'. Sir J. Reynolds Zoust Proprietors. Duhe of Sutherland, K. G. ^Rt. Hon. Lord Francis Egerton, M. P. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Duke of Sutherland. K. G. Marquess of Westminster. Earl of Clarendon. (Rt. Hon. Lord Francis I Egerton, M.P. Earl of Clarendon. Robert Vernon, Esq, Rt. Hon. The Speaker. Earl of Clarendon. H. T. Hope, Esq. Society of Dilettanti. Earl Verulam. Rev. Heneage Finch. Earl of Clarendon. Earl of Yarhorough. Society of Dilettanti. Duke of Bedford. Earl of Clarendon. [ 12] No. Subjects. 101 Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam and Vis- count St. Albans, died 1626 - 102 The Morning after the destruction of the floating batteries at Gibraltar, with Portraits of General Eliott, Col. Hardy and Captain Roger Curtis 103 George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, Lord High Admiral, died 1628 104 George Calvert, Lord Baltimore, Principal Secretary of State to James I. died 1632 105 Archbishop Laud, died 1644 106 Martin Luther, died 1546 107 The Arrest of the Pensionary De Witt 108 Cosmo the First, Great Duke of Tuscany, . died 1574 . . - - 109 The Cornaro Family . _ _ 110 Sir Walter Aston, Ambassador, died 1589 - - 111 Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canter- bury, died 1575 , _ - 112 William Camden, the Historian, died 1623 113 The Earl of Huntingdon, died 1588 114 Adrian P. Pareja, Captain General of Philip IV. of Spain - 115 Charlotte de la Tremouille, Countess of Derby, who defended Latham House, died 1663 . - , - 116 Portraits of Aretine, and Leyva, General to Charles V. - , - 117 Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, died 1641 - . - - 118 Mary II. Queen of England 119 Pope, died 1744 Painters. Van Somer Carter Mytens Mytens Dobson Pordinoni Vander Heist Tintoret Titian M. Garrard Velasquez C. Janssen Titian Vandyke Vandervaart Jarvis Proprietors. Earl of V erulam. i Augustus Eliott Fuller f E*q, Earl Fitzwilliam. Earl Fitzwilliam. J. H. Hawkins f Esq. Fiscount A If or d, M. P. H. T. Hope, Esq. ■' Earl Amherst. i Duke of Northumberlandf II K.G. Lord Bagot. Archbishop of Canterbury. Marquess Camden, Lord Bagot. Duke of Bedford. Earl of Liverpool. Viscount Alford, M.P. Earl Fitzwilliam. Lord Braybrooke. Earl of Mansfield, [ 13 ] No. Subjects. 120 Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, died 1545 _ - _ . 121 Sir Thomas Gresham, died 1579 122 Henry VIIL - - 123 Lady Katherine Grey, sister to Lady Jane Grey, and wife of Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford, with her infant son, died 1567 - _ . - 124 Henry Sidney, Earl of Romney, died 1704 125 Accepted Frewen, D.D., Archbishop of York, died 1664 126 Ben Jonson, died 1617 - - _ 127 Henry St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke, died 1751 - - _ . 128 Sir Philip Sidney, (died 1586) and Sir Robert Sidney, (after Earl of Leicester) died 1626 - - - _ 129 Lady Jane Grey, wife of Lord Guildford Dudley, beheaded 1553 130 Peregrine, Lord Willoughby of Eresby, died 1601 131 The Infant son of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk 132 Antoinette de la Garde, Dame Des Hou- liers, died 1694 _ _ _ 133 Edward VI. when Prince of Wales 134 Jane Shore - Painters. Holbein Sir A. More Holbein Holbein Mignard Holbein D Proprietors. hord Willoughhy D' Ereshy. Earl Brownlow. Mrs. Nicholl. Lord BrayhrooTie. Sir John Shelley Sidney, Bt T. Frewen, Esq. Sir Henry Peyton, Bart. Lord Bagot. Sir John Shelley Sidney, Bt. Lord Braybrooke. Lord PFilloughby U Eresby. Lord Willoughby D' Eresby. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Earl of Hardwicfee. Eton College. [14] No. Subjects. 135 George Brooke, Lord Cobham, died 1558 Ki6 Sir Robert Dudley, natural son of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, died 1639 ] 37 Francois Rabelais, died 1553 138 Queen Mary - - 139 Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canter- bury, died 1556 _ _ _ 140 Samuel Butler, died 1680 141 Shakspeare, died 1616 - r - 142 Queen Mary - 143 Dean Swift, died 1745 - 144 John Dryden, died 1701 145 Richard Bentley, the eminent Scholar, died 1742 - 146 George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1633 147 The Emperor Charles V.,and Philip Pnnce of Spain ^ _ _ _ 148 Philip and Mary - _ _ 149 Edward Coiirtenay, Earl of Devonshire, died 1554 - 150 The Lord Keeper Coventry, died 1640 151 Robert, Earl of Essex, Lord Deputy of Ireland, died 1601 - 152 John Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, died 1453 - - 1 53 The wife of JohnTalbot, Earl of Shrewsbury 154 Mary Queen of Scots and her son James 155 Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, Lord High Treasurer and Earl Marshal, died 1554 - - - - - Painters. Holbein Dumoustier Holbein after Sir P. Lely R. Burbage Lucas De Heere Sir G. Knell^r Hudson C. Janssen C. Janssen Zucchero Zucchero Holbein Proprietors. F. L, Popham, Esq. Lord De L'lsle. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Hon. C. C. Cavendish, M,P. T. Frewen, Esq. Earl Amherst. W. Nicol, Esq. Rev. Heneage Finch. Earl of Beshorough. Earl Amherst. Trinity College, Cambridge. Archbishop of Canterbury. Lord IVilloughby D'Eresby. Duke of Bedford. Duke of Bedford. T. Frewen, Esq. Duke of Bedford. Marquess of Northampton. Marquess of Northampton. Drapers'* Company. Duke of Norfolk. No. Subjects. 156 Sir Abraham Reynardson 157 Sir Philip Sidney, died 1586 158 Sir Everard Digby, died 1606 159 John Locke, died 1704 - 160 Joseph Addison, the Author, died 1719 161 Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick, died 1589 . . _ - . 162 William Warham, Archbishop of Canter- bury, died 1532 163 The Family of Henry VII. and VIII., &c. 164 Anthony Bastard of Burgundy, brother of Charles the Bold -. - _ 1 65 The Lady Willoughby, Duchess of Suffolk, died 1580 . - - - 166 Gideon De Laune, Physician to James I. 167 Dr. William Hunter, died 1783 - 168 James I. _ _ _ _ 169 Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, died 1680 170 Cardinal de Mazarin, died 1661 171 Charles, Third Lord Cornwallis, died 1692 172 Heneage Finch, Lord Chancellor Not- tingham, died 1682 173 Sir Nathaniel Bacon, died about 1615 174 John King, Bishop of London, died 1621 175 Cardinal Richelieu, died 1642 176 Catherine de Bore, wife of Martin Luther 177 Teniers, died 1649 178 Erasmus, died 1536 . - . 179 The Marriage of Henry VI. and Marga- ret of Anjou - 180 Henry Aldegrever, died 1562 15] Painters. C. Janssen Sir A. More 0th 0 Venius Jarvis Holbein Holbein Van Somer Mirevelt P. de Champagne Sir P. Lely Sir P. Lely Himself p. de Champagne Holbein Gonzales Holbein Himself Proprietors. Lt. Genl. Birch Reynardson. Duke of Bedford. Rev. Heneage Finch. Christ Church Coll. Oxford. Earl Amherst. Marquess of Salisbury, K.G. Archbishop of Canterbury . Lord Willoughby D'Ereshy. DuJte of Sutherland, K. G. Lord IVilloughby D'Eresby. Apothecaries' Company. College of Physicians. Apothecaries' Company. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Lord Brayhrooke. Rev. Heneage Finch. Earl of V erulam. Bishop of London. HER MAJESTY. Duke of Sutherland^ K. G. Earl of Ellesmere. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Duke of Sutherland, K. G, Duke of Sutherland, K. G. [ 16 ] No. Subjects. 181 Francis Porbus, died 1622 182 Francis I. King of France, died 1547 183 Jean Baptiste Moliere, died 1673 184 The three brothers Coligny 185 Thomas Corneille, died 1709 186 Sir Isaac Newton, died 1727 187 Queen Henrietta Maria, and Jeffrey Hud- son, the dwarf - 188 Nicholas Ridley, Bishop of London, died 1555 - - - - - 189 Dr. Mead, died 1754 190 Henry Jermyn, Earl of St. Albans, died 1683 - - - - - 191 Sir Hans Sloane, died 1752 192 Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftes- bury, died 1683 193 Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, died 1634 . _ - , . 194 Sir Theodore de Mayerne, died 1655 195 George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, taken after his assassination, 1628 196 Archbishop Tillotson, died 1694 197 Dr. Thomas Burnett, died 1715 - 198 Sir Walter Raleigh, died 1618 - 199 Sir George Villiers, died 1605-6 200 Lady Elizabeth Gray, wife of Thomas, Lord Audley of Warden, Lord Chancellor 201 Sir Christopher Hatton, died 1591 202 Anne Hyde, Duchess of York, died 1671 203 Inigo Jones, died 1652 - 204 William Juxon, Bishop of London, died 1681 Painters. Himself P. Mignard Dumoustier Vanloo Murray Vandyke C. Janssen Sir G. Kneller Sir G. Kneller Dobson Sir G. Kneller Sir G. Kneller Zucchero C. Janssen Holbein Sir P. Lely Vandyke Vandyke Proprietors. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Duke of Sutherland. K. G. Trinity College, Cambridge. Earl Fitzwilliam. Bishop of London. College of Physicians. R. Vernon, Esq. W. Sloane Stanley, Esq. Earl of Shaftesbury. R. M. Mikes, Esq. M.P. Earl Amherst. Marquess of Northampton. Archbishop of Canterbury. Charter House. Earl of Hardwicke. Beriah Botfeld, Esq., M.P. Lord Braybrooke. Rev. Heneage Finch. Earl of Clarendon. Barber Surgeons. Bishop of London. 17 ] No. Subjects. 205 Henry VIII. granting the Charter to the Barber Surgeons - 206 Thomas Sackville, First Earl of Dorset, died 1608 207 Queen Elizabeth - - 208 Count de Gondemar, Ambassador from Spain in the reign of James I. 209 Margaret Audle y, second wife of Thomas, fourth Duke of Norfolk, died 1563 - 210 Lord William Howard, Warden of the West Marches, died 1640 His Bilboa blade, by Marchmen felt, - Hung in a broad and studded belt ; Hence in rude phrase, the Borderer's still Call'd noble Howard, " Belted Will."— Lay of the Last Minstrel, c. v. st. 16. 211 Cecil Calvert, second Lord Baltimore, and his infant son, John - - - 212 Walter Devereux, Earl of Essex, died 1576 213 Sir Francis Walsingham, died 1590 214 Sir Joshua Reynolds, (a Bust) died 1792 215 Benjamin West, (a Bust) died 1820 Painters. Holbein Zucchero C. Janssen Lucas de Heere C. Janssen Soest Zucchero Bacon Nollekens Proprietors. Barber Surgeons. Earl Amherst. Marquess of Salisbury, K. G. Marquess of Salisbury, K. G Lord Braybrooke. Philip Henry Howard, Esq. M. P. Sir iVilliam Eden, Bart. Lord Bagot. Beriah Botfield, Esq. M.P. British Institution. British Institution. W. BARNARD, Keeper. N" I. 1 Sn' W.V/.'%n-n . 2. Sir,) 'I's/lor. M*" Payne (r^alway . 4". Sir Wilhd-ra Hainilton . 5. M' Richard Thoi^psnn . 6.W Sta.Ti'hope. 7. C'tTiitli of llcalh. HuJlmanctfl it Welt on LitJio^xaphers , Nni. . 1 (in-i Mulrttvivr . Z Li.r.i Dun.ks J.ord oeaforlh ^ .1, ,lloti- Charl-;;. '".vevrllc .'j Cliarlen CrowU: Kr,q. G , Dulse nl' Lrivi;; 7 ;jir .lor.cph haTik:i / ISritis!) Itt0tttutton FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G, PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF ELLESMERE. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, 60, PALL-MALL. 1847. PRICE ONE SHILLING. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY, THE QUEEN. The Duke of Manchester. /// The Duke of Wellington, K.G. 4.//^//^/ The Duke of Sutherland, K.G. /£Z, The Marquess of Bute, K.T. ^a-^^. The Earl of Dartmouth. Z/j, /3S^ The Earl of Waldegrave. //^, The Earl of Malmesbury. /^r The Earl Brownlow. /^/, The Earl of Cawdor. t^^^/^Z The Earl of Yarborough. 4,0^ S'd: The Earl of Ellesmere. ZU^ The Viscount Alford, M.P. The Lord North wick. ifz/^. The Lord Colborne. /Z^/Jj- Lord Charles Townshend. 4/.^^ The Hon. Edmund Phipps. A^^fij^/zrz^^ The Hon. Mrs. Ramsden. f^A Jhyr/^, Philip Henry Howard, Esq. M. P. The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M.Pl The Rt. Hon. Henry Labouchere, M.?,^Z^^^ohn Murray, Esq. 4^^. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M.P. Sir Charles M. Burrell, Bart. M.P..^^^^^ Sir Walter R. Farquhar, Bart. yjjf/^/^- Stuart, Esq. J;/^^ ^^-Z Sir John Dean Paul, Bart. /^^. /<^//^t^C. Hampden Turned Esq. V^z?, Sir J. M. Brackenbury, K.H. /^^/^i^/^^. Robert Vernon, Esq. X57, Colonel Buckley. <^,J£^/^^, The Rev. R. F. Elwin. /^^^ /^^- 4^ The Rev. H. Palmer. The Rev. J. Sandford. /A, 26, /S^ / The Royal College of Physicians. d7- The Royal Academy. //^^ /sj^^ Joseph Barchard, Esq. ^ /^^^ M. W. Barnes, Esq. Jacob Bell, Esq. //^^ Mrs. Bonar. i^"^- Beriah Botfield, Esq. M.P. //^ C. A. Bredel, Esq. Z^^- Henry Broadwood, Esq. M.P. William Stafford Dugdale, Esq. M.P. /•3^/4^, George, Folliott, Esq. ^55"r\f> — 1/ XjctliUsUctUc — — — _ Hobbima HjorL of Malmesbury . AO xjauvioi^ciLJC diiu f Jt^uico — _ _ Pynacker Lord Charles Townshend. IQ CJhfli'Ips V anrl lii . 91 A Lady and Boy with fruit 92 Mountainous Landscape with Cattle and Figures on the of a river - - _ _ _ 93 Interior with Figures - - - ^ 94 Landscape with Figures and Cattle 95 Landscape with Figures - - . _ 96 Mary anointing the feet of Jesus Painters. A. Vander Neer. E. Vander Neer. F. Mieris. Van Goyen. Tempesta. A. Vander Neer. Hobbima. Pynacker. G. Poussin. Claude. jRuysdaeland [Wouwerman. Snyders. Rubens. bank Cuyp. De Hooge. Claude. G. Poussin. Rubens. C 12 ] No. Subjects. 97 Head of an Old Man 98 The Cherry-seller 99 L'Embarquement pour Le Cyth^re 100 Westminster Bridge 101 Martha and Mary 102 A Battle Piece - 103 Head of a Female 104 The Young Boat-builders 105 The Virgm and Child - 106 An Interior - - , 107 The Virgin and Child, with Angels 108 Thomas, Fourth Duke of Norfolk, K.G. 109 Playing at bowls 1 10 Cattle in a Landscape 111 Venus and Cupid 112 Shylock and Jessica 113 The Fish Stall - 114 Charity _ _ . 115 Sheep, &c. in a Landscape 116 Queen Margaret and the Robbers 117 Ignatius Loyola 118 A Concert - _ _ 119 Countess of Waldegrave Painters. Denner Collins Watteau Wilson Caravaggio C. Schuyt, (the younger) Denner Collins Alonzo Cano Slingelandt Mabuse Sir A. More Teniers P. Potter Sir J. Reynolds Callcott Caravaggio Stothard Vander Meer de Jonghe Briggs Titian De Hooge Sir J. Reynolds Proprietors. J. C. Freeling, Esq. Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart., M.P. Mrs. Gibbons. Rev. H. Palmer. W. S. Dugdale, Esq. M. P. Sir. J. M. Brachenbury, K.H. J. C. Freeling, Esq. Hon. Edmund Phipps. Sir. J. M. Brachenbury, K.H. B. Botfield Esq. M. P. C. B. Wall, Esq. M. P. P. H. Howard, Esq. M. P. J. Stuart, Esq. H. R. Willett, Esq. Sir C. M. Burrell, Bf. M. P. S. Jones Loyd, Esq, W. S. Dugdale, Esq. M. P. The Royal Academy. J. H. Hawkins, Esq. Jacob Bell, Esq. Duke of Manchester. Duke of Wellington, K. G. Earl of Waldegrave. [ 13 ] No. Subjects. Painters. Proprietors. 120 Mortimer Earl of March surprised with (olueen Isabella by her son Edward 111. Briggs Jacob Bell, Esq. 121 The Water-seller . _ . Velasquez Duke of Wellington, K. G. 122 The Death of Eli _ - - Bird Duke of fautherland, K. G. 123 Interior De Hooge Hon. Edmund Phipps. 124 A Shepherd - Spagnoletto T J 77 Lord Lolborne. 125 The Fathers of the Church Rubens Sir W. W. Wynn, Bt. M. P. 126 Merry-making after the cnristenmg or one of Jan S teen's children Jan Steen J. Stuart, Esq. 127 Skittle-players - - - - De Hooge J. Stuart, Esq. 128 The Duenna - - _ . Stewart Newton HER MAJESTY. 129 Banyan Tree, Colzong, Ganges - T. Daniel C. Hampden Turner, Esq. 130 William, Duke or Cumberland - Sir J. Reynolds Rev. R. F. Elwin. 131 Garrick as Richard the Third Dance Sir W. W. Wynn, Bt. M. P. 132 A Lady at her toilet _ _ _ E. Vander Neer C A. Bredel, Esq. 133 Landscape and Cattle - - _ P. Potter H R. Willett, Esq. 134 Rat-catchers - - - - Sir D. Wilkie The Royal Academy. 135 The Virgin and Child in Glory - Garofolo Earl of Dartmouth. 136 A Farm-yard and Figures C. Dusart C. A. Bredel, Esq. 137 The Assumption of the Virgin Biato Angelico da Fiesole Rev. J. Sandford. 138 Landscape and Figures - - - G. Poussin iSir J. Dean Paul, Bart. 139 Admiral Keppel _ . _ Sir J. Reynolds Rev. R. F. Elwin. 140 Dr. William Hunter Sir J. Reynolds Rev. R. F. Elwin. 141 Battle-piece - Bourgognone M. W. Barnes, Esq. 142 A Study for three separate Portraits Caravaggio Sir J. M. Brachenhury, K.H. 143 An Italian Landscape - - - Wilson Robert Palmer, Esq, M. P. 144 River view with boats - - _ Van Goyen Sir. C. M. Burr ell, Bt. M.P. 145 Boys Fishing - _ _ _ Collins The Royal Academy. 146 Venus seeking for Cupid at the Baths of Diana - Hilton Lord Charles Townshend. [ 14] No. Subjects. Painters. Proprietors. 147 Mrs. Banks _ _ - _ Northcote Ambrose Poynter, Esq., 148 Mrs. Woodhouse - - - bir J. Reynolds Earl of Cawdor. 149 The Beggars' Opera, with the Portraits of Walker, the original Macheath; Miss Fenton, afterwards Duchess of Bolton ; the Duke of Bolton, &e. Hogarth John Murray, Esq. 150 Landscape and Figures - - - Wilson Robert Palmer, Esq. M. P. 151 Happy as a King _ _ _ Collins Robert Vernon, Esq. 152 Orpheus - Dance Sir. W. W. Wynn, Bt. M. P. 153 Thomas Banks, R. A. Northcote Ambrose Poynter, Esq. 154 T.adv Peel . _ _ _ Sir T. Lawrence Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. 155 Cromer - - - - ColHns Jacob Bell, Esq. 156 The Rich Man and Lazarus Teniers J. Stuart, Esq, 157 A Storm _ , _ _ Vernet Sir W. W. Wynn, Bt. M. P. 158 The Fox and the Stork - Snyders Viscount Alford, M. P. 1 59 Portrait of an Artist . _ _ Phillips Lord Colborne. 160 Galatea - Carlo Marratti H. R. Willett, Esq, 161 Buildings and Figures - - Vander Heyden Earl Brownlow. 162 Sea piece W. Vandevelde Colonel Buckley. w. BARNARD, Keeper. Britis!) SnfititutCon FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G, PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF ELLESMERE. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, 60, PALL-MALL. 1848. PRICE ONE SHILLING. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY, THE QUEEN. /J^. The Duke of Northumberland. ^/7^J/j/7^^ The Duke of Wellington, K. G. /jy^A The Duke of Sutherland, K.G 4^/7 The Marquess of Westminster.^^^/2^^ /// The Earl of Pembroke, p'j/. The Earl of Carlisle, K. G. ^ The Earl of Macclesfield. £2- The Earl of Sefton. /^^, The Earl of Malmesbury. 4:^. The Earl of Falmouth. The Earl of Yarborough. vy-^^/^J///^, The Earl of Zetland. /^S The Viscount Canning, /i^f- The Lord Bishop of Winchester. > The Lord Bishop of Ely. /i3A)f/S3 The Lord Elcho. ^"^^^5:^ The Lord Colborne. ^ ^/ Lord Charles Townshend. /J7^/^(^-^. Lord James Stuart. /^cS, Lord William Paulett, M.P. //^ , The Hon. Francis Charteris, M. P. /<^yf^r- The Rt. Hon. H. M. Pierrepont./. The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. MTP^ Baron Lionel de Rothschild. /3f/i/i , Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M.P./?/ Sir John Hanmer, Bart. /^3. Sir Culling Eardley, Bart. J/. 4:^:1, Sir Thomas Cartwright, G.C.H. Slo^^^- The Ven. Archdeacon Burney. //S^ /Zd ■ The Rev. Allen Cooper. Z^^//^, The Rev. John Sanford. c/z>/-C3-, If, o"/, /^.. Major Boyce. ^ ll^jJ/^: The Royal Academy. /J^. J. H. Anderdon, Esq. /^^^^/ M^^^/^- ^ T. Wentworth Beaumont, Esq. /y , C. A. Bredel, Esq. M //^^ Charles Brind, Esq. ^7/ z'/'^/ ^^^^ ^^.^^f t Beriah Botfield, Esq. 2^?; //r^7~l^~^--^~-^ — Thomas Chamberlayne,'iEsq. //(/J Z^^e Edward Cheney, Esq. ^-^z f^- R. H. Cheney, Esq. /y^Sr ^A^/-S^ ■ Robert Clouston, Esq. /Slf.^^ /J^-T, Thomas Davis, Esq. //a/- ^ George Folliott, Esq. 42: Robert Graham, Esq. /^^, W. R. Hamilton, Esq. J. Haywood Hawkins, Esq. /^/ R. S. Holford, Esq. 4^-//; ^4^/ Henry Thomas Hope, Esq. M.P. ^^^^ ^/^ S. Jones Loyd, Esq. 4^d^4^^- ^/'' W. Fuller Maitland, Esq. S7, <^ f/- James Morrison, Esq. /^cP^ Samuel Rogers, Esq. i)^if} Jj ^4/^"^'^ ' ^ ^ Henry Seymour, Esq. ^<^^ /^^/^X-^- — R. H. Solly, Esq. S^^//^/SJ^. W. Strahan, Esq. 2.^ James Stuart, Esq. ^^^^^/^Zr Martin F. Tupper, Esq. Charles Towneley, Esq. G. E. Harcourt Vernon, Esq. • William Wells, Esq. /A <^ Mrs. Whyte. J/^, z^/- Henry Ralph Willett, Esq. Z^/- GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G. PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF ELLESMERE. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * The Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. Director. The Marquess of Abercorn. The Earl of Ashburnham. The Earl of Aylesford. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar. John Angerstein, Esq. * Earl Brownlow, Director. The Earl of Bridgewater. Lord Bari'ington. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir George Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Baillie. * James Evan Baillie, Esq. The Rev. James Baker. John Bayford, Esq. Thomas Wentworth Beaumont, Esq. * Lord Bexley. John Blackall, Esq. H. Blagrove, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Sir T. II. L. Brinckman, Bart. The Marquis Camden, K. G. The Earl of Carlisle, K. G. Earl Cowper. Earl Carysfort. Lord Carrington. * Lord Colborne, Director. Miss Burdett Coutts. The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director. Col. Sir A. J. Dalrymple, Bart. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. Lt. Col. Hugh Percy Davison. Miss Dehaney. William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. Villiers Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. Sir P. M. G. Egerton, Bart. William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam. Lord Feversham. Sir Walter R. Farquhar, Bart. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. Sir Robert Fitz Wygram, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. * Francis Gosling, Esq. Augustus Gostling, L. L. D. * John Ilambrough, Esq. Nathaniel Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir John Cam Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Henry Thomas Hope, Esq. Director. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bart. Charles JoUifFe, Esq. Lord Kinnaird. John Knight, Esq. * The Marquess of Lansdowne, K. G. Director. The Earl of Liverpool, K. G. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. The Earl of Lonsdale, K, G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. Mrs. Law. Thomas Legh, Esq. * Samuel Long, Esq. * William Long, Esq. George C. Loftus, Esq. Miss Ludlam. The Duke of Marlborough. * Earl Manvers. * Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. The Earl of Normanton. Onley Savill Onley, Esq. The Earl of Powis, K. G. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. * Hon. Edward Petre. Thomas Listei Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. Lord Viscount Ranelagh. * The Earl of Rosebery, K. T. * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Director. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. Henry Seymour, Esq. Benjamin Smith, Esq. Lord Sudeley. * Lord Charles Townshend. Richard Thompson, Esq. John Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. Charles Marsh Vialls, Esq. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. Director. Frederick Webb, Esq. The Marquess of Westminster, Director. William Henry IVhitbread, Esq, WilUam Wilberforce, Esq. George Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Earl of Zetland. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their lives. LIFE GOVERNORS. James Hughes Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton. The Earl of Beverley. Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. William Blake, Esq. Director. William Bosanquet, Esq. Beriah Botfield, Esq. Henry Broad wood, Esq. M. P. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill. John Curteis, Esq. Sir William Curtis, Bart. Lord Dynevor. Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. Hart Davis, Esq. Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. James Goding, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. GOVERNORS OF THE James Hall, Esq. William R. Hamilton, Esq., Director. Frederick Hodgson,Esq. M.P. Edward N. Hurt, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Miss Middleton. James Morrison, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. The Duke of Northumberland, Director. Lord North wick. Director. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. Charles Offley, Esq. Benjamin Oliveira, Esq, Lord Viscount Palmerston, M.P. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Director. BRITISH INSTITUTION. 5 Frederick Perkins, Esq. The Earl of Ripon. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. William Scrope, Esq., Director. J. B. Scott, Esq. Richard H. Solly, Esq. Sir James Stuart, Bart. The Marquess of Titchfield. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. The Earl of Westmorland, Director. Robert Vernon, Esq., Director, The Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bt. Samuel Charles Weston, Esq. Henry James Wheeler, Esq. Samuel Wheeler, Esq. Colonel Wyndham. SUBSCRIBERS. Sir John Soane, R.A. - 36500 0 Sir Charles Bell - - 10 10 Charles Birch, Esq. - 10 10 Sir Robert Frankland, Bart. - 10 10 Joseph Gwilt, Esq. - 10 10 Charles Hatchett, Esq. J. C. Parker, Esq. William Vaughan, Esq. Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. Robert D. Mercer, Esq. - aeiO 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 annual 3 3 Subscribers of 50 Guineas, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, of introducing two friends each day, and to personal admission and Two Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions ; but Subscribers of 100 Guineas are entitled to the same privileges, and to Four Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscriptions received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cross. B The Directors and Governors of the British Institution have the satisfac- tion of offering to pubHc view a collection of Pictures of that merit and ex- cellence, which they feel confident will be highly appreciated. There is a novelty on the present occasion to which they cannot but refer, namely, a series of Pictures from the times of Giotto and Van Eyck. The South Room is as usual appropriated to the reception of the Works of deceased British Artists, though many choice specimens of the Dutch School are also introduced. The Directors cannot conclude this brief notice, without expressing their thanks to the Proprietors of these most valuable works, for the kind and liberal support that they invariably receive at their hands. CATALOGUE OF PICTURES BY ITALIAN. SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MASTERS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. JUNE, 1848. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room, and in the Middle and South Rooms, on the left hand. Subjects. Painters. 1 The Banks of a river _ _ Wouwerman 2 Cattle and Figures - _ _ Berghem 3 Holy Family _ Guido 4 An Allegory - _ P. Veronese 5 St. Justinian - Albano 6 The Lace-maker _ N. Maas 7 Head of a Girl - - - _ Greuze 8 Saying grace - - Jan Steen 9 St. Martin - - . . Vandyke 10 Landscape and Cattle - Berghem 11 Sea-piece - _ _ W. Vandevelde 12 An Allegory _ P. Veronese 13 The Magdalen Dominichino Proprietors. James Morrison, Esq, IV, Strahan, Esq. R. S. Holford, Esq. H. T. Hope, Esq. M. P. H. T. Hope, Esq. M. P. C. A. Bredel^ Esq. Rt. Hon. H. M. Pierrepont. James Morrison, Esq. R. S. Holford, Esq. R. S. Holford, Esq. R. S. Holford, Esq. H. T. Hope, Esq. M. P. Baron Lionel de Rothschild. [8] No. Subjects. Painters. Proprietors. 14 Skating - Cuyp Baron Lionel de Rothschild. 15 A Wedding Feast - Jan Steen Duhe of fVellingtoni K. G. 16 A Boar Hunt - Snyders Earl of Macclesfield. 1 7 The Death of Adonis -. Rubens H. T. Hope, Esq. M. P. 18 Landscape - Ruysdael William Wells, Esq. 19 Tlie Nativity - Giorgione T.lVentworth Beaumont, Esq. 20 A Waterfall - Ruysdael Duhe of Northumberland. 21 A Merry-making - Jan Steen Duke of Wellington, K. G. 22 A Wolf Hunt - - Snyders Ear^l of Macclesfield. 23 A Spanish Lady - Spagnoletto Lord Elcho. 24 A Rocky shore - Salvator Rosa H. T. Hope, Esq. M. P. 26 An Interior - Teniers William Wells, Esq. 26 A Dutch Boor - - A. Ostade Charles Brind, Esq. 27 Portrait of his Wife - G. Dow Charles Brind^ Esq. 28 Landscape, Stag Hunt - - J. and A. Both C. A. Bredel, Esq. 29 The Virgin and Child with St. John, attended by Saints - - Bonifacio Beriah Botfield, Esq. 30 Night - - - - Bassan George Folliott, Esq. 31 The Marriage at Cana — — P. Veronese Sir Culling Eardley, Bart. QO T .n n fl dfa r»P - - Both W, Strahan, Esq. 33 Conversation Sorgh James Stuart, Esq. 34 Sea-shore _ - Wouwerman R. S. Holford, Esq. 35 A Rocky Shore „ _ W. Vandevelde Earl of Falmouth, 36 The Salutation _ _ P. Veronese Earl of Yarhorough. 37 xviver ocene Solomon Ruys- dael Earl of Falmouth. 38 Landscape with Deer Moucheron Duhe of Northumberland. 39 Landscape, Hawking A. Caracci Earl of Carlisle, K. G. 40 St. Peter Spagnoletto George Folliott, Esq. 41 An Allegorical Sketch - Rubens Sir Culling Eardley, Bart. 42 Landscape Claude Sir Culling Eardley, Bart. [9] No. Subjects. 43 Portrait of Titian 44 Landscape, with Figures fishing 45 Landscape 46 Jacob 47 The Holy Family 48 A Merry-making 49 Portrait of a Lady Painters. Sebastian del Piombo A. Caracci Ruysdael Spagnoletto Tintoretto Teniers Rembrandt Proprietors. Earl of Malmeshury. Earl of Carlisle, K. G. S. Jones Loyd, Esq. George Folliott, Esq. H. T. Ho'pe, Esq. M. P. James Morrison, Esq. S. Jones Loydj Esq. [ 10 J No. Subjects. 50 From the History of Joseph, painted for Pier Francesco Borgherini, and bought from his descendants by the present proprietor 51 Ascension of the Virgin 52 The Triumph of David 53 The Salutation - - _ 54 From the History of Joseph 55 Coronation of the Virgin, attended by Saints - - _ _ 56 The Crucifixion 57 The Virgin and Child, and St. John 58 The Holy Family, &c. fresco 59 A Portion of a Cartoon Painters. Francesco Uber- tini, called Bacchiacca, pupil withRaf- faelle of Pietro Perugino(died 1557.) Fra Giovanni da Fiesole, called Angelico(born 1387, died 1445.) Dandini Fra Filippo Lippi (born about 1400.) Francesco Uber- tini Lorenzo da Cre- di,(born 1452, died 1530.) Lucas Cranach, (born 1472, died 1553.) Ridolfo Ghirlan- daio, (born 1485, died 1560.) Maturino, (born 1490, died about 1530.) RafFaelle, (born 1483, died 1520.) Proprietors. Rev. J. S an/or d. W. Fuller Maitland, Esq. R. H. Solly, Esq. Rev. J. Sanford. Rev. J. Sanford. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Sir Thomas Carfwright, G.C.H. Rev. J. Sanford. Charles Towneley, Esq. Samuel Rogers, Esq. [ 11 1 No. Subjects. 60 An original design for the painting in the Cappella Sistina . _ _ 6 1 Portrait of Himself _ . - 62 Portrait of the father of Sir Thomas More - - 63 Head of a Female - 64 A Sea-fight - 65 Trie trac - 66 View on a river by Moonlight - 67 Landscape and Cattle - - _ 68 Head of a Youth _ . _ 69 The Virgin and Child - _ _ 70 The Coronation of the Virgin, Bruges in the background. 71 Cherubim's - _ _ 72 Faith - - 73 Cherubims _ _ _ 74 The Dead Christ with the Maries, a drawing from the Crozat Gallery 75 Salome dancing before Herod Painters. Michael Angelo Buonaroti, (born 1474, died 1563.) John Hemlinck, also called Memlinck, (born 1450.) Holbein, (born 1498, died 1554.) Solimene W. Vandevelde Teniers Vander Neer Berghem Giovanni Bellini, (born 1422, died 1512.) Van Orley (born 1490, died 1560.) Vander Goes, (born 1405.) Dominico Cam- pagnola, (flou- rished about 1543.) Giorgio Vasari, (born 1512, died 1576.) Dominico Cam- pagnola Ralfaelle Fra Giovanni da Fiesole, called Angelico Proprietors. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Lord Charles Townshend. The Bishop of Ely. The Bishop of Ely. Lord Colhorne. Lord Colhorne. William Wells, Esq. R. S. Holford, Esq. JV. Fuller Maitland, Esq. W. Fuller Maitland, Esq. R. H. Cheney, Esq. R. IL Cheney, Esq. R. H. Cheney, Esq. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Samuel Rogers, Esq. [ 12] No. Subjects. 76 The Virgin and Child - 77 King Richard II. praying to the Virgin and infant Saviour, attended by his patron Saints, St. John, St. Edmund and Edward Confessor 78 A Knight in golden armour kneeling down, to whom God the Father ap- pears in the air, while the damned are tormented in the abyss 79 The Marriage Feast, St. Matthew, ch. 22. 80 The Virgin, Child and St. John, a drawing from the Crozat Gallery 81 Cherubims - - - - 82 Hope - - - . - 83 Cherubims - - - 84 Portrait of the Doge Christoforo Moro - 85 The Virgin and Child - 86 The Virgin and Child - 87 Peter and John approaching the body of Jesus, a fresco from a chapel in the Church of the Carmelites at Florence 88 Portraits of a Man and Woman Painters. Van Eyck (born 1370, died 1441.) Painted 1377 John Fouquet de Tours, painter to Louis XI. Giulio Clovio, (born 1498, died 1578.) RafFaelle Dominico Cam- pagnola Vasari Dominico Cam- pagnola Gentile Bellini, (born 1421, died 1501.) Lucas van Ley- den, (born 1494, died 1533.) Giovanni Bellini Giotto, (born 1276, died 1336.) Quintin Matsys, (born 1450, died 1529.) Proprietors. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Earl of Pembroke. Samuel Rogers, Esq. W. R. Hamilton, Esq. Samuel Rogers, Esq. R. H. Cheney, Esq. R* H. Cheney, Esq. R. H. Cheney, Esq. Edward Cheney, Esq. W. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Sir Thomas Cartwright, G.C.H. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Mrs. Whyte. [ 13] No. Subjects. 89 Landscape - _ - - 90 St. Peter .« . 91 St. Cecilia - 92 The Procurator Cappello, &c. 93 Landscape _ , - - 94 The Virgin and Child with Saints, &c. 95 A female, a fresco from a chapel in the Church of the Carmelites at Florence 96 Adoration of the Magi 97 St. Dominick - 98 Head of a Man _ _ - 99 The Nativity - - - 100 Portrait of a Lady _ _ - 101 The Virgin and Child - - - 102 The Death of the Virgin 103 The Nativity _ - - - 104 The Virgin and Child ~ 105 The Holy Family with St. John 106 The Virgin and Infant Saviour attended by Saints and Angels Painters. G. Poussin Spagnoletto Alessandro Ve- ronese Tintoretto G. Poussin John Hemlinck, also called Memlinck Giotto Lucas van Ley den Holbein Lorenzo da Credi Sandro Botticelli, (born 1437, died 1515.) ZwoU, (1480.) DomenicoPanet- ti, (born 1460, died 1530.) Timoteo delle Vite, (born 1470, died 1524.) Assisi, (born 1470.) Domenico Ghir- landaio, (born 1449, died 1493.) Piero della Fran- cesca, (born 1398, died 1484.) D Proprietors, Earl of Yarhorough. R. H. Cheney, Esq, The Bishop of Ely. Edward Cheney, Esq. Earl of Yarhorough. G. E. Har court Vernon, Esq. Charles Towneley, Esq. Henry Seymour, Esq. fV. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Marquess of Westminster. Henry Seymour, Esq. Henry Ralph Willett, Esq. Beriah Botfeld, Esq. Sir John Hanmer, Bart. Rev. J, Sanford. Hon. Francis Charter is. Rev. J, Sanford. [ 14] No . Subjects. 107 The Virgin and Child and St. Catharine 108 Pico of Mirandola, born 1463, died 1494 109 The Virgin and Child with St. Francis and St. Sebastian _ _ _ 110 Portraits of Petrarch, Dante and other Italian Poets - _ _ 111 The Virgin and Child with St. John, &c. 112 The Madonna - - _ . Painters. Bonvicino il Mo- retto, (born 1514, died 1564.) Carlo Crivelli, (flourished 1450-76.) Vasari Verocchio, (born 1432, died 1480.) Daniel di Volter- ra, (born 1508, died 1566.) Proprietors. Mrs. Whyte. Henry Seymour, Esq. Marquess of Westminster. H. T. Hope, Esq., M. P. Marquess of Westminster. Rev. J. Sanford. [ 15 J No. Subjects. 113 The Lago di Nemi - - - 114 Hogarth painting the Comic Muse 115 Hilly Scene . - - - 116 Portrait of Charles Burney, Doctor of Music _ - - - 117 Portraits of Masters M. and D. Tupper - 118 The Infant Shakspeare surrounded by the Passions - - - - 119 Ulysses and Polyphemus 120 Portrait of Garrick _ - _ 121 Portrait of Broughton, the Pugilist 122 Coast Scene - 123 Landscape and Figures - - - 124 The Holy Family 125 Landscape and Figures - - - 126 Paris and Helen, from an antique bronze 127 Cupid and Pan, pasticcio 128 Horses in the snow - - - 129 Portrait of the Rt. Hon. George Canning 130 The Virgin and Child - 131 A View in Wales - 132 Miranda _ _ - - 133 Landscape - 134 Portrait of Himself - - - 135 The Triumph of Venus . - - Painters. Proprietors. Wilson C. A. BredeU Esq. Hogarth Henry Ralph Willett, Esq. Ruysdael Charles Brind, Esq. Sir J. Reynolcls JITCfluCUtUtt JljU/I tit:(j • A. W. Devis Martin F. Tupper, Esq. R omnpv Thomas Chamberlayne, Esq. Barry R. H. Solly, Esq. Sir J. Reynolds Archdeacon Burney. Hogarth Henry Ralph Willett, Esq. Morland J. H. Anderdon, Esq, Morland J. H. Anderdon, Esq. A. del Sarto The Bishop of Winchester. Teniers Charles Brind, JtLsq. Howard J. Haywood Hawkins, Esq. Teniers Charles Brind, Esq. Morland J. H. Anderdon, Esq. Gainsborough Viscount Canning. Simon Vouet The Bishop of Ely. Wilson Sir W. W. Wynn, Bt. M.P. Hilton R. H. Solly, Esq. Gainsborough The Bishop of Ely. Hoppner Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart., M.P. Howard Lord Colborne. [ 16 ] No. Subjects, Painters. 136 A Lady in a Florentine dress Howard 137 The four Angels loosed from the river Eu- Howard phrates — Rev. ch. 9. V. 15. 138 The Hon. Mrs. Graham, Lady of Thomas Graham, Esq., of Balg-owan, afterwards Gainsborough General Lord Lynedoch 139 A View in Wales Wilson 140 Portrait of a Lady Sir J. Reynolds 141 Amphitrite - Smirke 142 Mulbarton Gravel-pits - - - Crome 143 Portrait of the first Marquess of Bute Gainsborough 144 The Holy Family - Carlo Maratti 145 Simeon with the Infant Saviour - Westall 146 Portrait of Wilson _ _ _ Raphael Men^s 147 A Pastoral Subject _ _ _ Opie 148 The Temptation of St. Anthony Teniers 149 A Portrait _ _ _ - C. Janssen 150 Peasants dancing- Watteau 151 An Artist in his Study - _ _ G. Dow 152 An Alcbymist - Teniers 153 A Wood, Moon-light _ _ _ Vander Neer 154 Landscape with Horses and Figures A. Cuvp 155 Landscape - _ _ _ Wynants 156 Sea-piece - _ _ _ W. Vandevelde 157 Landscape - _ _ _ Wynants 158 Landscape with ruined Castle and Figures De Loutherbourg 159 The Duchess of Cleveland Sir P. Lely 160 Cassandra - Romney 161 An Interior with Figures smoking A. Ostade 162 Milking Goats - - _ _ Berghem 163 An Overshot Mill - _ . Ruysdael Proprietors. Lord Colhorne. The Royal Academy. Robert Graham, Esq. Sir W, W. Wynn, Bt., M.P. The Bishop of Ely. Thomas Davis, Esq. The Bishop of Ely. Lord James Stuart. The Bishop of Ely. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Sir W. W. Wynn, Bt., M.P. Thomas Chamherlayne, Esq. Charles Brind, Esq. C. A. Bredel, Esq. Charles Brind, Esq. Charles Brind, Esq. Charles Brind, Esq. Robert Clouston, Esq. Charles Brind, Esq. Robert Clouston, Esq. Robert Clouston, Esq. HER MAJESTY. Lord Charles Townshend. Thomas Chamberlayne, Esq. Charles Brind, Esq. Charles Brind, Esq. Charles Brind, Esq. [ 17 ] No. Subjects. Painters. Proprietors. 164 An Anffel _ _ - - L. Caracci Earl of Yarhorou^h. T.nflv T-Tjimilton - - - Romney J. H. AnderdoTif Esq. A Child with flowers _ _ _ Sir T. Lawrence Major Boyce. 167 The Campagna, Rome - - - Wilson Rev. Allen Cooper. 168 Portrait of Lady Hamilton, the original stiidv for Cassandra _ - _ Romney Lord Charles Townshend. 169 Diana and Calisto - Hilton Lord Charles Townshend. 170 The Woodman - - - - Barker Lord William Pauletf. 171 A Study - - - - Romnev J, H. Anderdon, Esq. 172 Portrait of a Child _ _ _ Romney J. H. Anderdon, Esq. 173 Cicero at his Villa _ _ _ Wilson Sir W. W. Wynn, Bt., M. P. 174 A Vipw of Charins* Cross Canalettn Duhe of Northumberland. 175 King John signing Magna Charta Mortimer Lord Colborne. 1 76 I.iadv Charlotte Fitzwilliam Sir J. Revnolds KJ±±. V • JL*^jr XXVXVIO Earl of Zetland. 177 Portrait of Isabella Countess of Sefton - Gainsborough Earl of Sefton. 178 Archbishop Moore . _ _ Sir T. Lawrence Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart., M. P. 179 An Italian Landscape - - - Wilson Rev. Allen Cooper. 180 Death of Achilles _ _ - Howard J. Haywood Hawhins, Esq. 181 Portrait of Jordaens _ _ - Vandyke James Stuart, Esq. W. BARNARD, Keeper. FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G, PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF ELLESMERE. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, 60, PALL-MALL. 1849. PRICE ONE SHILLING. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY, THE QUEEN. /^^^ The Duke of Sutherland, K.G. ^^^^f^f/^ The Marquess of Lansdowne, K. G.^^ The Marquess of Westminster. The Earl of Pembroke. The Earl of Harrowby. ^j^^ ^/J The Earl of Yarborough. Z^^^- The Lady Garvagh. /:2S^ /^/, The Lord Calthorpe. The Lord Colborne. The Ladies Phipps. //^/l, The Hon. Edmund Phipps. ^ The Hon. Philip Sydney Pierrepont /^^^t. The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M.P The Rt. Hon. Henry Labouchere, MJPJ^/^ Lady Frankland Russell. y^J, Sir John Acton, Bart. Sir R. W. Vaughan, Bart. ^/^//^>^///^ //^/t Sir George Hayter. y^^/ The Rev. John Sanford. /S3^ Z^^^- C. Sackville Bale, Esq. /-^z Z^. C. R. Beauclerk, Esq. c/^Z^ ■ Jacob Bell, Esq. Z^^ ZZ^^ Z2,Z^ Z^^Z, John Bentley, Esq. z/O, J. Haywood Hawkins, Esq. Z^. Henry Thomas Hope, Esq. M.P. Philip Henry Howard, Esq. M. P. <^ /4^^ X^h^^- Henry L. Long, Esq. /^^. S. Jones Loyd, Esq. p^/^ //r, James Morrison, Esq. ^Z/: . Abraham Robarts, Esq. Miss Rogers. Ralph Sneyd, Esq. /J^^ Thomas Stokes, Esq. Z3^^ John Tollemache, Esq. M.P. ZJ^/ Charles Towneley, Esq. /^jZj, Z2Zf^f Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. /^^^ /^^, GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K.G. PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF ELLESMERE. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * The Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. Director. The Marquess of Abercorn. The Earl of Ashburnham. The Earl of Aylesford. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar. John Angerstein, Esq. * Earl Brownlow, Director. The Earl of Bridgewater. Lord Barrington. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir George Baker, Bart. » Colonel Hugh Baillie. * James Evan Baillie, Esq. The Rev. James Baker. John Bayford, Esq. Thomas Wentworth Beaumont, Esq. * Lord Bexley. John Blachall, Esq. H. Blagrove, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Sir T. H. L. Biinckman, Bart. The 31arquis Camden, K. G. The Earl of Carlisle, K. G. Earl Cowper. Earl Carysfort. Lord Carrington. * Lord Colborne, Director. Miss Burdett Coutts. The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director. Col. Sir A. J. Dalrymple, Bart. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. Lt. Col. Hugh Percy Davison. Miss Dehaney. William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. Villiers Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. Sir P. M. G. Egerton, Bart. William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam. Lord Feversham. Sir Walter R. Farquhar, Bart. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. Sir Robert Fitz fVygram, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. * Francis Gosling, Esq. Mrs. Gostling. * John Hambrough, Esq. Nathaniel Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir John Cam Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Henry Thomas Hope, Esq. Director. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bart. Charles JoUifFe, Esq. Lord Kinnaird. John Knight, Esq. * The Marquess of Lansdowne, K. G. Director. The Earl of Liverpool, K. G. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. The Earl of Lonsdale, K, G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. Mrs. Law. Thomas Legh, Esq. * Samuel Long, Esq. * William Long, Esq. George C. Loftus, Esq. Miss Ludlam. The Duke of Marlborough. * Earl Manvers. * Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. The Earl of Normanton. Onley Savill Onley, Esq. The Earl of Powis, K.G. Sir Robert Peel, Bart, * Hon. Edward Petre. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Charles Pieschell, Esq, Pryse Pryse, Esq, Lord Viscount Ranelagh. * The Earl of Rosebery, K. T. * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Director. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. Henry Seymour, Esq. Benjamin Smith, Esq. Lord Sudeley. * Lord Charles Townshend. Richard Thompson, Esq. John Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. Charles Marsh Vialls, Esq. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. Director. Frederick Webb, Esq. The Marquess of Westminster, Director. William Henry TVhitbread, Esq, William Wilberforce, Esq. George Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Earl of Zetland. Those markefl * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their interest m the Institution to terminate with their lives. LIFE GOVERNORS. James Hughes Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton. The Earl of Beverley. Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. William Blake, Esq. Director. William Bosanquet, Esq. Beriah Botfield, Esq. Henry Broadwood, Esq. M. P. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill. Sir William Curtis, Bart. Lord Dynevor. Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. Hart Davis, Esq. Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. James Goding, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. The Rev. Thomas Halford. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Williara R. Hamilton, Esq., Director. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. M.P. Edward N. Hurt, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Miss Middleton. James Morrison, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. The Duke of Northumberland, Director. Lord Northwick, Director. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. Charles Offley, Esq. Benjamin Oliveira, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Director. I Frederick Perkins, Esq. The Earl of Ripon. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. William Scrope, Esq , Director. J. B. Scott, Esq. Richard H. Solly, Esq., Director. Sir James Stuart, Bart. The Marquess of Titchfield. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. The Earl of Westmorland, Director. Henry James Wheeler, Esq. Samuel Wheeler, Esq. Sir John Soane, R.A. James Hall Esq. Sir Charles Bell Charles Birch, Esq. Sir Robert Frankland, Bart. SUBSCRIBERS. ^500 0 52 JO - 10 10 10 10 10 10 Joseph Gwilt, Esq. Charles Hatchett, Esq. J. C. Parker, Esq. William Vaughan, Esq. Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. ^eiO 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Suhscnhers of 50 Gmneas, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of ZdZo tTH 1^^^"^"^ -^-^"-^ friends each day, and to personal aLssioi and T.0 l^ckets forthe Evemng Exhibitions, but Subscribers of 100 Guineas are entitled to the same privileges and to Four Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions. pnvtieges, tl^t:!^^^' " ~ ^'^'^ ^/^"'-'^-^ friend each day to Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of Sis Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Mormng Exhibitions Subscriptions received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cross. fi The Directors have the satisfaction of offering to public notice a Collection of Pictures, consisting principally of the Works of Ancient Masters, which they feel satisfied will gratify all admirers of Art. They must express the obligation they are under to the Proprietors of these Works who have so kindly aided their views, but they are especially bound in the strongest terms to thank the Earl of Yarborough, who, in the most liberal manner has placed at their disposal, the whole of his London Collection. The North Gallery is entirely filled with it, and some portion of the Middle Room. The Pictures, numbered 1 to 63 inclusive, are the Property of his Lordship. /^4f CATALOGUE OP PICTURES BY ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MASTERS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. JUNE, 1849. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room, and in the Middle and South Rooms, on the left hand. THE TOWN COLLECTION OF THE EARL OF YARBOROUGH. 1 The Infant Saviour _ 2 The Annunciation : painted in 1629, and formerly in the pos- session of the Confraternity of the Holy Cross at Reg-gio 3 Cupid : from the Borghese Palace - _ _ 4 II Riposo ^ - - - _ _ 5 The Infant Saviour _ 6 The Dead Christ with the Maries - 7 St. Catherine - - - . _ Albano. Guercino. Albano. Albano. Carlo Dolci. Annibale Carracci. Ventura Salimbeni. M4f 8 THE EARL OF YARBOROUGH'S TOWN COLLECTION. 8 Landscape, with figures : painted at Rome for Pope Urban VIIL afterwards in the Collection of Louis XVI. when it was engraved by Le Bas, with the title of " La Recom- pense du Village" - - - - _ ' 9 A Girl with a Letter : from the Royal Collection at Paris - 10 The Nativity - 1 1 St. Peter 12 A Storm off the Coast of Genoa - 13 Cupid - - - - 14 Landscape and figures - _ _ _ _ 15 The Daughter of Herodias 16 The Descent from the Cross: painted about 1550 for a Chapel belonging to the Trinitk di Monte at Rome, whei-e it was copied in fresco. It was afterwards given by the Monks of that Convent to Cardinal Grimani - - _ 17 Landscape and Ruins, with Gypsies - - _ 18 Scene on the Ice - 19 A Mountainous Landscape, with Capuchins at devotion 20 Landscape and figures - - - _ _ 21 The Holy Family _ . . . . 22 Cleopatra and the Asp - _ - . _ 23 Head of Titian - 24 Landscape and figures - _ _ _ _ 25 The Salutation - - - 26 Actaeon surprising Diana at the Bath - _ _ 27 Edward VI., when an infant - _ _ « 28 Mrs. Pelham - 29 Study of Musical Instruments, &c. with a Portrait of Inigo Jones 30 John Kemble, as Coriolanus - _ - _ Claude. Greuze. Parmigiano. Murillo. Vernet. Agostino Caracci. Caspar Poussin. Guido. Daniel de Volterra. Teniers. Cuyp. Teniers. Caspar Poussin. Nicolo Poussin. Murillo. Pietro da Vecchia. Salvator Rosa. Salviati. Titian. Holbein. Sir J. Reynolds. Vandyke. Sir T. Lawrence. 9 THE EARL OF YARBOROUGH'S TOWN COLLECTION. 31 Venus and Cupid - 32 The Circumcision : from the Borghese Palace 33 Portraits of the Dutch Pensionary De Witt and Family 34 The Punishment of Midas - _ _ _ 35 The Nativity ______ 36 A Conversation 37 The Martyrdom of St. Stephen - - _ - 38 The Wreck of a Transport Ship : painted for the Father of the Earl of Yarborough. - _ _ _ - 39 The Virgin and Child with St. John _ _ « 40 The Virgin and Child with St. Ann 4 1 David with the Head of Goliath - - _ _ 42 The Holy Family . _ . . _ 43 The Opening of the Vintage of Macon : painted in 1803 and purchased by the Grandfather of the Earl of Yarborough. 44 The Flight into Egypt - . _ . _ 45 A Naval Action - 46 Hercules and Hesione _ _ _ _ _ 47 The Adoration of the Magi _ _ _ - 48 The Rat-catcher _ 49 Landscape 50 A Farrier's Shop Vander Werf. Garofalo. Vander Heist. Du Fresnoy. Pietro da Vecchia. Palamedes. Dominichino. J. W. M. Turner, R. A. Andrea del Sarto. Leonardo da Vinci. Guido. Titian. J. W. M. Turner, R. A. Scarsalino da Ferrara. Paton. Le Brun. Pietro da Vecchia. Dietrich. Gaspar Poussin. Dietrich. Andrea Sacchi. RafFaelle. Vandyke. 10 THE EARL OF YARBOROUGH'S TOWN COLLECTION. 54 " Love in a Village" — ^Justice Woodcock, Shuter — Hawthorn, Beard — Hodge, Dunstall. . - - - 55 Dr. Franklin - - - 56 Landscape, painted in tempera - - 57 Landscape, with Hagar and the Angel _ _ - 58 Portrait of a Lady - - _ 59 "The Farmer's Return" — Garrick, Mrs. Bradshaw, Master Pope, Miss Heath. - „ . - - 60 A Sacrifice to Pan _ _ _ - - 61 St. Peter walking on the Sea _ - _ _ 62 Venus and Cupid _ _ _ _ _ 63 A Moonlight - - ZofFani. West. Caspar Poussin. Claude. Cos way. ZofFani Nicolo Poussin. Lanfranco. Paggi. Tempesta. Subjects. 64 Landscape and Figures - 65 The Dead Christ with Mary and Angels 66 Live Fowls _ _ - 67 Marriage of St. Catherine 68 A Sea-piece 69 St. Catherine 70 Landscape and Figures 71 Landscape - - - 72 Cattle on the Banks of a River - 73 St. John the Evangelist Painters. N. Poussin Ag. Carracci Hondekoeter Lud. Carracci W. Vandevelde Cesare da Sesto Hackaert and A. Vandevelde Rembrandt Cuyp P. Farinati Proprietors J. Morrison, Esq. Lady Garvagh. John Tollemache. Esq. M.P. P. H. Howard, Esq. M.P. A. Roharfs, Esq. Duhe of Sutherland, K. G. Marquessof Lansdowne,K. G. S. Jones hoyd, Esq, Earl of Harrowhy, Sir George Hayter. 11 Subjects. Painter?. Proprietors. I/L CIl- Oof ViAr5r»P> / t Ol. l^dbllCl lIlC/ - - - - J-lUilil x^. £1. XlOWuTUj HiSq. . /D iV.ll luitJiior - - - — J. tJilJcra M^Ul Ut K^UI/UUTTlfi, /o ine virgin ana v^niiu^ wiiii oi. jonii aim tot. \jcOrgn _ _ - - Cesare da Sesto Sir John Acton, Bart. 77 A Lady receiving a Letter ivieizu 11. 1 . tiope, JtLsq. 31. Jr. /o A Village restivai _ _ - vv 0 werman ri. 1 . xiope, HiSq. iYI.Jl. 79 A Gentleman writing a letter • - irlCLZU TJ T TTnno Wan M P ±1. 1 . nope, JtLSq. Irl.Jr. oU JuallUoLapc •, _ _ _ oi xigues JL/Oiui _ _ _ _ KjcLi lU JL'UICI \j. xi. neuucitr/t, Jiso, iol. iiglieo • - _ _ y^dii 10 i^oici Jr. n. JtlOWUTCL, JlLSO. lYl.Jr, oo ine j-iion ana ine lYiouse rv u uens 05 onyaei s Lady Frankland Russell. O'l J\ lTlt!1 1 y-IIIaKlIlg - - - Jx. X , AlOpt, JCjSQ. IVl. Jr. oO ixll illicllUI - - - - IT y TTnnfi TPvii llf P JOL. jt . xiupe, jjjAU. iri. Jr. oO r rooi Jriece - - - - T n^tnflp 1. W&laUc o/ 1 ne V irgm anu v^niia _ _ _ oasso rerraio Jr. £1. Aiowara, jciSq. 88 Apollo and. Marsyas _ _ _ JB. Schidoiie Sir (xeorge Hayter. otf j-^ . Lord Charles Townshend. ^3 Lord Robert Grosvenor, M.P The Ladies Proby. The Hon. R. H. Clive, M. P. ^. The Hon. Edmund Phipps. The Rt. Hon. J. Wilson Croker. //^ Sir C. M. Burrell, Bart., M.P. ^^-l^ J^^^^ Sir J. P. Boileau, Bart. Colonel Studd. /^^ /il '4^*^The Rev. Heneage Finch. <^f . W. Sloane Stanley, Esq. /AT: William Strahan, Esq.^J^^^^ /^^/^/'/'^• L. Sulivan, Esq. /{^Z ■ E. R. Tunno, Esq. ^^,^^;f/' GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G. PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF ELLESMERE. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. * The Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. Directm-. The Marquess of Abercorn. The Earl of Ashburnham. The Earl of Aylesford. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar. John Angerstein, Esq. * Earl Brownlow, Director. The Earl of Bridgewater. Lord Barrington. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir George Baker, Bart. * Colonel Hugh Baillie. * James Evan Baillie, Esq. The Rev. James Baker. John Bayford, Esq. Thomas Wentworth Beaumont, Esq. * Lord Bexley. John Blachall, Esq. H. Blagrove, Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. Sir T. H. L. Brinckman, Bart. The 3Iarquis Camden^ K. G. The Earl of Carlisle, K. G. Earl Cowper, Director. Earl Carysfort. Lord Carrington. * Lord Colborne, Director. Miss Burdett Coutts. The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. * The Earl of Dartmouth, Director. Col. Sir A. J. Dalrymple, Bart. * Sir George Duckett, Bart. Lt. Col. Hugh Percy Davison. Miss. Dehaney. William Joseph Denison, Esq. Villiers Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. Sir P. M. G. Egerton, Bart. M.P. William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl Fitzwilliam. Lord Feversham. Sir Walter R. Farquhar, Bart. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. Sir Robert Fitz Wygram, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. * Francis Gosling, Esq. Mrs. Gostling. * John Hambrough, Esq. Nathaniel Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir John Cam Hobhouse, Bart. M. P. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Henry Thomas Hope, Esq. Director. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise, Bait/ Charles JoUifFe, Esq. '1 Lord Kinnaird. John Knight, Esq. * The Marquess of Lansdowne, K. G. Director. The Earl of Liverpool , K. G. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. The Earl of Lonsdale, K, G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. Mrs. Law. Thomas Legh, Esq. Mrs. Egerton Leigh. * Samuel Long, Esq. * William Long, Esq. George C. Loftus, Esq. Pryse Loveden, Esq. Miss Ludlam. The Duke of Marlborough. * Earl Manvers. * Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. The Earl of Normanton. Onley Savill Onley, Esq. The Earl of Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart, * Hon. Edward Petre. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Rev. John Louis Petit. Charles Pieschell, Esq. Lord Viscount Ranelagh. * The Earl of Rosebery, K. T. * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Director. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Sir Claude E. Scott, Bart. Henry Seymour, Esq. Benjamin Smith, Esq. Lord Sudeley. * Lord Charles Townshend. Richard Thompson, Esq. John Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. Charles Marsh Vialls, Esq. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M. P. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. Director. Frederick Webb, Esq. The Marquess of Westminster, Director. William Henri/ Whitbread, Esq. William Wilberforce, Esq. George Wilbraham, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq. Earl of Zetland. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their mterest in the Institution to terminate with their lives. LIFE GOVERNORS. James Hughes Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton. The Earl of Beverley. Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. M.P. William Blake, Esq. Director. William Bosanquet, Esq. Beriah Botfield, Esq. Director. Henry Broadwood, Esq. M. P. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. M. P. Lord Churchill. Sir William Curtis, Bart. Lord Dynevor. Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. Hart Davis, Esq. Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. James Goding, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. The Rev. Thomas Halford. GOVERNORS OF THE William Hamilton, Esq. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. Edward N. Hurt, Esq. William King, Esq . Henry King, Esq. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Miss Middleton. James Morrison, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. The Duke of Northumberland, Director. Lord Northwick, Director, Joseph Neeld, Esq., M. P. Charles Offley, Esq. Benjamin Oliveira, Esq. Lord Overstone. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Director. BRITISH INSTITUTION. 5 Frederick Perkins, Esq. The Earl of Ripon. ^ Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. - Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. William Scrope, Esq , Director, J. B. Scott, Esq. Richard H. Solly, Esq., Director. Sir James Stuart, Bart. The Marquess of Titchfield. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. Charles Towneley, Esq. The Earl of Westmorland, Director. Henry James Wheeler, Esq. Samuel Wheeler, Esq. * Colonel Wyndham. Sir John Soane, R.A. James Hall Esq. Sir Charles Bell Charles Birch, Esq. John Crawford, Esq. Joseph Gwilt, Esq. SUBSCRIBERS. ^6500 0 52 10 - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Charles Hatchett, Esq. J. C. Parker, Esq. William Vaughan, Esq. Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. Lady Frankland Russell, James C. Fyler, Esq. - ieiO 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ann. 3 3 10 10 Subscribers of 50 Guineas are entitled to be balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, of introducing two friends each day, and to personal admission and Two Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions ; but Subscribers of 100 Guineas are entitled to the same privileges, and to Four Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or o/25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibition!) Subscriptions received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cro!>s, //JT The Directors of the British Institution have the satisfaction of exhibiting to the PubHc a Collection of Pictures of a very high class. This is the thirty-seventh year, that they have been enabled to adorn their walls with some of the finest Works of the Old Masters, and to retain also a selection of them for the study of Artists, at the close of the Exhibition. Many of the Pictures which have been exhibited, have come from the Country residences of their possessors, where of course only a limited number of persons can have had an opportunity of seeing them. The Directors feel much indebted to the kindness and liberality of the Proprietors of these fine Works. To no one are their thanks more due than to the Earl of Yarborough who having last year placed at their disposal the whole of his London Collection, has this year lent to them no less than thirty-five Pictures, being a considerable portion of his Collection at Appuldurcombe Park. CATALOGUE OP PICTURES BY ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MASTERS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. JUNE, 1850. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room, and in the Middle and South Rooms on the left hand. Subjects. 1 Angelica and Medoro - 2 Earl of Essex 3 Children blowing bubbles 4 An Interior 5 A Calm, with vessels at anchor 6 A Horse Fair 7 Moses striking the rock - 8 Preparing for the Chase - 9 River View with boats - 10 Cattle and Figures 1 1 Portrait of himself Painters. Guercino Sir A. More Van Tol A. Ostade W. Vandevelde Wouwerman Murillo A. Vandevelde Cuyp Berghem J. Memlinck Proprietors. H. T. Hope, Esq., M. P. Earl of Yarb(yrough. C. A. Bredel, Esq. J, Haywood Hawkins, Esq. T. Baring, Esq., M. P. T. Baring, Esq., M. P. Earl of Normanton. T. Baring, Esq., M.P. T. Baring, Esq., M.P, J. Haywood Hawkins, Esq Samuel Rogers, Esq. 8 Subjects. 12 Queen Mary - 13 The Alchymist - 14 The Magdalen - 15 Spanish Peasant Girl _ - - 16 Landscape with a Waterfall 17 The Magdalen - - - 1 8 The Holy Family - 19 Rubens and his wife— from the Collection at He well belonging to the late Earl of Plymouth - - - - 20 Landscape and Figures - 21 The Duchess of Lorraine 22 Holy Family with St. Jerome, ^. ■'^^'-^^^i.-^- 23 Spanish Shepherd - - - 24 The Embarkation of William the Third for England - 25 The Adoration of the Magi 26 St. John in the Wilderness 27 The Toilet of Venus 28 Landscape 29 Infant Saviour and St. John 30 The Ship " Sovereign Royal" built at Woolwich in the reign of Charles the First, with portrait of her builder, Sir Phineas Pette 31 St. John in the Wilderness 32 Portrait - 33 Berghem and his Dog — from the Orleans' Collection - 34 Portrait 'mam Painters. Sir A. More Jan Steen Guido Velasquez Both Titian Tintoretto Rubens and Snyders Cuyp Rembrandt Tintoretto Velasquez Backhuysen Jean Van Eycke Guercino Annibal Carracci Rubens L. da Vinci Proprietors. Earl of Yarhorough. Lord Over stone. Colonel Studd. Earl of Yarhorough. Mrs. Cambridge. Earl of Yarhorough. H. T. Hope, Esq., M P. C^- '11 hm ^.3 Hon. R. H. Clive, M.P. J. J. Martin, Esq. Earl of Yarhorough. ''^ H. T. Hope, Esq., M.P. ^ Earl of Yarhorough. ' Old Vandevelde Annibal Carracci Rembrandt Berghem Tintoretto H. T. Hope, Esq., M.P. Lord Northwick. Charles Peers, Esq. Earl of Yarhorough. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Lord De Mauley. Earl of Yarhorough. Earl of Yarhorough, Samuel Rogers, Esq. Earl of Yarhorough. Samuel Rogers, Esq. Subjects. 9 Painters. Proprietors. 35 Death of Mary of Burgundy Martin Schon Sir a M. Burrell, Bt, M. Mary (the heiress of Charles the Rash, Duke of Burgundy) who married the Emperor Maximilian is represented on her death-bed. On her right is the Emperor Maximilian, and, above him, their son Charles, afterwards Emperor, the fifth of that name. In the foreground and below the Emperor is the Archbishop of Mayence (a prince of the House of Hapsburgh, as indicated by the coat of Arms quar- tered with the bearing of the See) in the act of prayer. The other persons represent the physician and other assistant personages. Above the head of the bedstead is figured a representation of our Saviour bearing a small female figure 5 by which the painter may have intended to pourtray the spirit of the dyinff person. 36 Old Stone and his Son - Young Stone Duke of Northumberland. 37 View of Scheveling . _ _ Ruysdael Earl of Carlisle. 38 Charity ----- Carlo Dolce Lord Overstone. 39 Landscape and Figures - - - Ruysdael and A. Vandevelde H. T. Hope, Esq., M.P. 40 Europa - - - - - Albano Rev. John Sanford. 41 Nessus and Dejanira - . - Paduanino J^arl oj xaroorough. 42 Our Saviour in the Storm Rembrandt H. T. Hope, Esq., M. P. 43 Landscape and Figures - - - Both J. J. Martin, Esq. 44 ine rioiy ramiiy - - - Schidone TTt I /• XT' 7 7 Earl OJ lar borough. 45 Echo and Narcissus _ _ _ Albano Rev, John Sanford. 46 Portrait of a Lady _ . _ Vandyke Duhe of Northumberland. 47 Landscape De Koninck T, Baring, Esq., M.P. 48 An Interior - Metzu T. Baring, Esq., M.P. ' 49 A Female with Cupid offering flowers V. De Castelli Sir Duncan Mac Dougall. c 10 Subjects. Painters. Proprietors. f^n A SVipnViprrl T^ov ioir o. xveynoiub Jum KjUllVUflj JujoU, ^1 T'pmxT'SP T.nnp npfiT' IVTArwriPn - - ill XI LI woe XjaLlCf ilCdi ill W H^Jll Crome lYiid, oiiBTingion, 52 Portrait of Sir Richard Worsley, Bart. - Sir J. Reynolds Earl of Yarhorough. 53 The Larder - Snyders Samuel Rogers, Esq. 54 L'Alleg-ro : Portrait of Mrs. Hale Sir J. Reynolds Earl of Harewood. 55 DionysiuSj the Areopagite, a nobleman of Athens and disciple of St. Paul Sir J. Reynolds John Bentley, Esq. 56 Cattle on the bank of a river Gainsborough Samuel Rogers, Esq. 57 Figures at a repast _ _ _ Jan Steen H. T. Hope, Esq., M.P. 58 Portrait of Bartolomeo Bianchini Attributed to Raphael Lord Norfhwich. oy rieaa oi a i^niia - - - bir r. Lely ozr C. M. ±Surrell, Jot., M.i'. ou j-idnuoLcipej Willi louii ctnu ine /iiigei Salvator Rosa J.J. Martin, Hisq. Dl UedQ vJalllc - _ - _ Weenix JjL. 1 . Hope, MdSq., IVI. Jr. A T^r»mpcfip Sppnp — Jr\. JL»L>111C0 tlly totvCHC — — Jan Steen £1. 1. Jtiope, tLsq.,^. DO Jrniiipj Cidii oi r ciii ui OKc^ juoiu v^iJcimiJci- lain to Charles the First Vandyke Earl of xarborough. o4 ine iviaaonna _ - - oasso rerraio Lord Hohart. 65 St. Sebastian - Dominichino Duke of Northumberland. 66 Hawking _ - « _ W. Mieris C. A. Bredel, Esq, 67 Cattle in a Storm - - _ Paul Potter H. T. Hope, Esq., M. P. 68 Exterior of a Cottage - - _ A. Ostade H. T. Hope, Esq., M.P. 69 Landscape, with horses and figures Paul Potter H. T. Hope, Esq., M.P. 70 A Female Artist - _ _ F. Mieris C. A. Bredel, Esq. 71 A River View _ _ - Cuyp Earl of Carlisle. 72 Our Saviour on the Mount Morales Colonel Studd. 11 Subjects. Painters. Proprietors. 73 Charles the First: this Picture was pre- sented to an Ancestor of Sir Richard Worsley by the King Vandyke Earl of JTarborough. 74 Consecration of a Bishop, with Portrait of Paul III., who officiates - Tintoretto Earl of Yarborough. 75 Landscape and Figures - Moucheron and T ' It, I Linglebach IV. Strahan, Esq. /D J\. xvlvci View _ - _ Vander Capella W, Strahan, Esq. 77 A JtvaDDl - - - Rembrandt James Gray, Esq. 78 Earl of Southampton tiart oj yarborough. 79 Interior of St. Peters S. von Ehrenberg TT 7 ^~Y7 7 7 1 Lord Lharles lownshend 80 A iviver View - - - Vander Neer Hon. Edmund Phipps. oi iiJc iniaiii nercuica t jroriraiis or two brothers - - - Sir W. Beechey H. L. Long, Esq. 0^ ix ivici ry iviaKing - - Jan Steen D. Ker, Esq. 83 Italian Landscape Wilson W. Lambert, Esq. o4: ine vv eeKiy rvegister Liverseege John Bentley, Esq. oD Jroiiiaii 01 a JLadv Sir J. Reynolds bir J. P. Boileau, Bart. 00 A view or uneisea Wilson The Ladies Proby. 0/ A lie oiiiiiiipers - - - Coinns E. R. Tunno, Esq. 00 ine jDreaiciast - ^ _ Sir D. Wilkie Duke of Sutherland, K. G. 89 Portrait of Lady Farnborough Sir J. Reynolds Samuel Long, Esq. 90 Hunting the Deer ibnyders Duke of Northumberland. 91 The Lady Williams TXT* • Wissmg Rev. Heneage Finch. 92 The Penny Wedding O* TV TXT"*!! • Sir D. Wilkie HER MAJESTY. 93 Mrs. Braddyll - - _ Sir J. Reynolds Lord Charles Townshend. 94 Le Mai ad e raalgr6 lui - Stewart Newton E. R. Tunno, Esq. 95 Hunting the Fox Snyders Duke of Northumberland. 96 The Countess Spencer Sir J. Reynolds Lord De Mauley. 97 An Italian Landscape Sir A. Callcott E. R. Tunno, Esq. 98 A Sketch of Lady Hamilton Romney Sir C. M. Burr ell, Bt., M.P. 99 Landscape - Crome W. Smith, Esq, 12 Subjects. 100 Norfolk Landscape - - _ 101 St. John watching the infant Saviour asleep : from the Colonna Gallery at Rome - - - _ 102 Descent from the Cross: from the Orleans Gallery - - . _ 1 03 Portrait of a Lady _ . _ 104 Our Saviour - 105 Landscape, with Nymphs and Satyrs - 106 The Rt. Hon. Sir William Yonge 107 Pope Alexander VI. _ _ _ 108 Portrait of Lady Grenville as Hebe 109 Gypsy Fortune-teller 110 Nessus and Dejanira _ - _ 111 Subject from " As You Like It" 112 Moses and the burning bush 113 Adrian's Villa - - - 114 Subject from " Love's Labour Lost" - 115 Flowers and Fruit _ _ - 1 16 A Lady of the Colonna Family, encircled with flowers - - - 117 The Oysterman - 1 18 Virgin and Child _ . . 119 St. Jerome _ _ - 120 Adam and Eve driven out of Paradise - 121 An English Nobleman - - - Painters. Proprietors. || IMbrSt Sherington. rnrlllHrk Vl Lll VlU Earl of JTarborough. L iHLoreiio Earl of 1 arbor ough. q (^^^ Allan Rnmsiav u . juetf jtiiSq.y Jul. Li, U. Ti flfi V^infi Earl of Yarhorou^h. ZjUCCcH cm Earl of Yarhorough, Sir J. Revnolds Ht JJnn J W Crnlfpf Titian Earl of Yarborough. Madame LeBrun The Lady Grenville. G Dow Kyfiaries ireers^ j1iSQ» P T .a nvi J. . J^Cl Ul 1 The Lady Garvagh. Sf nthnrrl William Smith, Esq. f?,,! A Caracci ± fie luaay xjrarvagii. '\N\ Icnn TV. Lambert, Esq. Stothard William Smith, Esq. Van Huysum W. Shane Stanley, Esq. C. Netscher and P. H. Howard, Esq., M. P. Mario de' Fiori W. Mieris James Gray, Esq. 0. Marinari Sir Duncan Mac Dougall. Salvator Rosa Earl of Yarborough, And. Schiavone Earl of Yarborough. Tintoretto Duke of Northumberland. 13 Sabjects. 122 Landscape and Figures - - 123 Christ at Emmaus - 124 Portrait of Vandyke - - - 125 Portrait of a Cardinal - - - 126 HobbsofMalmesbury .- 127 Sir Balthazar Gerbier, Sir Charles Cot- terell and Dobson - _ _ 128 Landscape - - _ _ 129 Three Children of the Gaddi family, a Florentine family now extinct 130 Our Saviour driving the Money-changers out of the Temple ; with four Portraits of celebrated Painters \ i"^^ 131 Head of a Young Girl - . _ 132 Portrait of — Sulivan, Esq. - ^ ^ - 133 A Snow Storm 134 Queen Mary the Second 135 A Portrait 1 36 French Peasants 137 Landscape 138 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures 139 The Infant Saviour 140 Persian Sibyl - 141 Cupid - - . 142 Prometheus 143 A Cornfield 144 Buildings with Figures 145 Landscape and Ruins - 146 Landscape with Cattle and Figures 147 Cupid conducting Helen to the Vessel ho 6 J Painters, Claude Titian Sir P. Lely Tintoretto Vandyke Dobson Salvator Rosa L. da Vinci P. Veronese Greuze Sir J. Reynolds jA. Vander Neer Netscher Hogarth Le Nain Riiysdael Berghem Murillo B. Gennari Murillo Rubens Ruysdael Vander Heyden & A. Vandevelde Hobbima Berghem Correggio D Proprietors. Earl of Yarhnrough. Earl of Varborough. J. Lee, Esq., L.L.D. D. Ker, Esq. Earl of Varborough. Duke of Northumberland, Rev. John Sanford. Rev. John Sanford. Earl of Varborough. Charles Peers, Esq. L. Sulivan, Esq. James Gray, Esq. Rt. Hon. J. W. Croker. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Earl of Carlisle. J. Haywood Hawkins, Esq. f^. Strahan, Esq. Lord Robert Grosvenor, M.P. Earl of Varborough. The Lady Garvagh. Duke of Manchester. T. Baring, Esq., M. P. T. Baring, Esq., M.P. James Gray, Esq. T. Baring, Esq., M.P. Rev. John Sanford. 14 Subjects. 148 Sibyl - - 149 Joseph holding the Infant Saviour 150 Portrait of a Lady _ _ _ 151 Virgin and Child - _ _ 152 Landscape and Figures 153 Landscape and Figures 154 Interior of a Grange _ - _ 155 Landscape with Figures 156 Three Flemish Musicians 157 Caesar Borgia - 158 Teasing a Cat - 159 Henry VIII: this Portrait was presented by the King to Sir James Worsley, Kt. Governor of the Isle of Wight, after a visit to Appuldurcombe 160 Our Saviour at the Well 161 The Duchess of Bolton 162 John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount of Dundee - - _ > In a Catalogue made about the year 1730 of the Pictures at Melville, Fifeshire, this Picture is entered as the Portrait of Claverhouse, but the Painter is stated to be unknown. He appears to be represented at about the age of 20, when he was in the French service. In 1672 he is stated to have passed into the service of the States of Holland. His subsequent career in Scotland, his abilities, his ardent and inflexible spirit, his severities and his death, have been brought pronainently into notice by Sir Walter Scott. 163 The Salutation - _ , 164 William of Nassau - - ' . Painters. Spagnoletto Llorente Hernan Opie P. Perugino Wynants and A. Vandevelde J. and A. Both D. Teniers, jun. Hackaert and Linglebach Jordaens Correggio Jan Steen Holbein Sebastian Bourdon Hogarth Manzuoli di San Friano Titian Proprietors. Earl of Yarhorough, i Earl of Yarborough. Earl of Falmouth. Beriah Botfield, Esq. J. Haywood Hawkins^ Esq. James Gray^ Esq. James Gray, Esq. W. StrahaUy Esq, Earl of Yarborough. H. T. Hope, Esq., M.P. W. Lambert, Esq. Earl of Yarborough. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Frederick Gye, Esq. Earl of Leven and Melville. H. T. Hope, Esq, M. P. Earl of Yarborough. 15 Subjects. 165 Hon. Mrs. Waldegrave and son, now Lord Radstock _ _ 166 Landscape with Figures 167 A Portrait _ _ - _ 168 Jason and the dragon - - - 169 Portrait of Mahommed IL 1 70 Alexander and Philip, his physician 171 A Nun: from the Borghese Palace Painters. Northcote Van Goyen A. del Sarto Salvator Rosa G. Bellini West Titian 10^ oa i Proprietors. Lord Radstock. W. Strahan, Esq. Lord De Mauley. Lord De Mauley. Lord Northwich. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Earl of Yarborough. GEORGE NICOL, Secretary. ^9 -A