THE COLLECTION OF PORCELAI N, |Mate & Haorattbc (Blrjratr. OF SIR CHARLES BOOTH, BART. Deceased, late of Netherfield, St. Margaret’s, Herts: WHICH (by Order of the Executors ) &Eill be isolb bo Suction bo Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIB (SEUAT BOOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square , S. W. 20,45' ‘It t> CONDITIONS OF SALE. - o - I. THE highest bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall he immediately put up again and re-sold II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to paydown 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to he immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Chkistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. — »o» — On MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. PLATED. 1 Six fish-knives and forks, with ivory handles 2 Twelve dessert-knives and forks, with ivory handles / 3 A pair of gravy-spoons ; a soup-ladle ; a fish-slice ; a sugar-sifter ; a butter-knife ; a wine-funnel ; a small basket cruet; and a sauce^^^^Av'"' pan 4 A melon-shaped tea-pot, coffee-pot and cream-jug ; a stand; and a J? A, toast-rack 5 A chased tea-kettle, on stand with lamp ; and a cruet-frame, with ; foliage and gadroon border, and six cut-glass cruets (two with silver mounts) 6 A hot-water jug, chased with flowers ; a gadrooned cruet-stand, with rp seven cut glasses ; and a ditto soy-frame, with four glasses 7 A waiter, with foliage and gadroon border ; a pair of escallop shells ; four decanter-stands, with gadroon edges ; and two smaller ditto 8 A circular beaded entree-dish and cover, on stand with lamp; and a pickle-frame, with two cut-glass bottles 9 A set of fonr shaped oblong entree-dishes, covers and heaters, fluted, and with foliage handles and feet 10 An oval soup-tureen and cover, with gadroon border and reedec handles 4 12 //, /S~, O 13 14 f'„/^-.o 16 y */' /& ,*yi ^,/J , O 19 20 ^ A pair of campana-shaped ice-pails, with gadroon borders, the lower y part fluted J An oblong-shaped epergne, with gadroon borders and four branches for dishes, on claw feet A pair of oval meat-dishes, the borders chased with foliage and shells—16 in. long ; and a pair, en suite—18 in. long An oval soup-tureen and cover, richly chased with flowers, shells and scrolls, on claw feet &/7 4 An oval venison-dish, with gadroon border, on heater \ An oval two-handled tea-tray, with gadroon border and chased centr^ —29 in. long A set of six oval dish-covers, partly fluted and with gadroon borders —13 in. to 18 in. long CCZy #ijj Five pierced candle-shades, with four extinguishers ; and a gadroohed chamber candlestick // A set of four column candlesticks, wreathed with laurel, on square gadrooned feet with medallions and festoons in relief; and a pai^t < of piano candlesticks, nearly similar SILVER —At per Oz. A Plain-Pattern Service, consisting of— Eighteen table-forks Twenty-two table-spoons Eighteen dessert-forks Eleven dessert-spoons Two gravy-spoons A soup-ladle Two sauce-ladles A fish-slice A skewer Twelve tea-spoons Two sugar-sifters Two mustard-ladles, and A pair of sugar-tongs . oz. dwt. ; 1 } . 161 10 5 oz. dwt. 21 A Fiddle-Pattern Service, consisting of- - / 0 0 Eighteen table-forks Eighteen table-spoons Eighteen dessert-forks Eighteen dessert-spoons Eighteen tea-spoons Four egg-spoons Six salt-spoons Two mustard-spoons, and A pair of threaded and shell sugar-tongs . .181 22 A butter-knife, with pearl handle; a sugar-scoop, with ' / y ivory handle; and two leaf-pattern caddy-spoons— all at 23 A boat-shaped snuffer-tray, with gadroon border and scroll^ ends; and a pair of snuffers . . . . y.& 9 24 A fluted and engraved cream-jug, with threaded bordery^/ 3 25 A helmet-shaped ditto, repousse with baskets of flowers and fruit, on round foot . . . . . /3 26 A vase-shaped pepper-caster, chased with flowers and spirally fluted ..... . /#> 27 A set of four circular salt-cellars, with gadroon borders and feet, chased with medallion ornaments and laurel festoons in high relief, gilt inside—1774 ; and four salt-spoons, with shell bowls ..... 22 28 A set of four ditto, en suite ; and four spoons . ^7/1 ^2 29 A mustard-pot 30 A pair of sauce-boats, with gadroon borders, chased with flowers, and grotesque handles, on three shell feet —- f 1753 .27 31 A circular waiter, with beaded border, on ball and claw 2 16 14 feet—8 in. diam. 7/j 11 32 An oval pierced and engraved bread-basket, with beaded border and handle—1781 .... ^y"C 24 6 ^~TT 6 ORIENTAL PORCELAIN. 38 An oviform canister and cover, two milk-jugs, two cups and X r. t saucers, a stand and three covers, enamelled with figures on red and gold trellis ground; a helmet-shaped milk-jug, nearly similar; a basin, and two cups and saucers, with figures ; seven small old Japan cups and saucers, with flowers in red, blue and . gold; and a blue and white coffee-cup Ly/lcy , / 0 0 39 A large bowl, enamelled with Chinese hunting and hawking subjects in medallions on red and gold trellis ground, and ■mth a Euro- ' pean fox-hunting subject inside—16 in. diam. £ £'• 40 A pair of figures of storks, on rocks, black and white—19 in. high /, /£ , 0 41 A pair of vases and covers, enamelled with figures in scroll borders/^ on gilt ground— 10 J in. high /y^ /* 9 / & 42 A pair of vases, enamelled with birds, flowers and butterflies iny£ colours FRENCH PORCELAIN. 4J? ✓ j , P 43 A cylindrical Tournay match-pot, gros-bleu and gold, painted wffh birds, and mounted with rim and plinth of metal-gilt / ^ ^ 44 A pair of gros-bleu, white and gold bottles, with long necks, painted with seaports and figures —10 in. high /Cy , 50 A Cabaret, painted with cornflowers on white ground in richly gilt borders, consisting of oblong-shaped plateau,, tea-pot, sucrier and covers, milk-jug, and cup and saucer @ 51 A. Gros-Bleu and Gold Coffee-Cup and Saucer, painted with figures and a landscape in two medallions — — 7 52 Another, painted with landscapes and buildings in two medallions, and gilt wreaths on the borders —\/^c ? 53 A Larger Ditto, with a lady with music book, a man playing a guitar, and a musical trophy and flowers in three medallions on gros-bleu and gold oeil-de-perdrix ground ^ 7 ~ ' 54 A turquoise and gold tea-cup and saucer, painted with garden scenes ; and figures in three medallions - 55 A Gros-Bleu and Gold Ecuelle, Cover and Stand, painted , , , with children in landscapes and trophies in seven medallions/ // 7 56 A beaker-shaped two-handled cup and stand, painted with arabesque - foliage and black and gold borders ^ 57 A shallow bowl, turquoise and gold, painted with garden scenes and figures, and band of flowers and pink ribbon on white ground cm? /Sj? the outside 8 DRESDEN. l / f 0 58 A small cylindrical-shaped bowl, cover and stand, painted with birds and foliage in five medallions on pink and gold scale-pattern ground / ’ y, / J 0 59 A pair of two-handled vases and pierced covers, painted with gmrlen / scenes, figures and flowers—12 in. high t /0'* /&, 0 60 A white mayflower cup, cover and saucer, encrusted with coloured flower branches and figures of canaries ; and a small oval white / and gold basket, painted with a view of Dresden 61 A pair of pear-shaped bottles and stoppers, marbled with pink and gold and encrusted with spiral bands of flowers—81 in. high ; andk/ a Yienna vase and cover, on tripod stand y 62 The Toilet; and The Bird-Cage : a pair of groups—6 in. high $ 63 Gardeners —a pair—8 in. high ^Tir- /S', 0 64 A group of three children at an altar, with terminal female busts— ^ 10 ^ in. high *?, o 65 Music : a group of five children—10 in. high ^ ENGLISH PORCELAIN. Jy. tf". o /C t? , o //r/7 66 A large Worcester blue and white willow-pattern two-handled cup and saucer, with gilt borders ; a pair of small dark blue and gold / Derby bottles ; and a pair of Spode pastille burners L-'/* 67 A pair of small oviform two-handled vase 3 and covers, white and J gold, printed with flowers —8 in. high off. 68 A pair of Crown Derby flower-pots and stands, painted with bands of^ roses in red and gold borders 69 A Bow Figure of a Peacock — coloured—Q § in. high 70 A Lowestoft Dinner Service, each piece curiously painted with 0 subjects ot a sleeping nymph and other figures, scroll decoration and flowers in Indian ink and gold, and with crest, consisting of soup-tureen, cover and stand, three sauce-boats, sauce-tureen, two covers and stands, two salad-bowls, ten octagonal dishes, % oval ditto, twenty-three plates and twenty-two soup-plates 9 71 Four bowls, en suite 72 Three larger ditto ; and a pair of bottles 73 A Tea. Service, en suite, consisting of tea-pot, cover and stand, milk-jug, bowl, cover and stand, bowl and stand, basin, eight . cups and ten saucers 74 A pair of large Lowestoft ewers, enamelled with flowers and coats- of-arms in colours and gold—15 in. high 75 A pair of oviform Wedgwood vases and covers, blue jasper, with Satyr’s mask handles, and The Dancing Hours in relief—10 in. high Xvf 76 A pair of Bristol glass beaker-shaped vases, painted with foliage an flowers—8 in. high CHELSEA. 77 A Chelsea bowl and cover, painted with rose branches and other ✓ flowers in pink and green on canary ground J8 An Oviform Chelsea Yase and Cover, with gilt Satyr’s mask handles and bands of white and gold foliage in relief, painted - with seaports and figures in two medallions on pink ground with flower sprays in gold—lOf- in. high 79 A 80 A Pair of Old Chelsea Vases and Covers, with ring handles, and festoons of drapery in relief, turquoise, white and gold ; one, > ' with bands of purple—11 in. high Pair of Chelsea Figures, of a lady and youth carrying baskets on their heads, forming nozzles for candles, on square scroll¬ shaped plinths, white and gold, encrusted with coloured branches . , of flowers—8 in. high 81 A Ditto Figure of a Man, carrying a basket of fruit on his arm and a larger basket on his head, on scroll plinth encrusted with coloured flowers — 11 in. high 10 WORCESTER. /#*/0 ,^83 A /J/,/4,, 0 8i A Worcester Vase, with gilt dolphin and shell handles, painted with a view of Tintern Abbey on pale salmon ground —13 in. high—by Barr, Flight and Barr Smaller Ditto, painted with a view of Yalle Crucis pale blue marbled ground, with gilt bands and scroll handles—■ J 10 £ in. high—by the same green, white and gold two-handled vase, painted with groups of flowers —10 in. high richly gilt Abbey on BRONZES. tf, /j. p . o *2 ,/ ebonised case mounted with metal-gilt ~ j/l A small clock, in case of metal-gilt and porcelain, formed as a, cabinet, with figures of Cupids, &c. in relief—14^ in. high * y A pair of gros-bleu porcelain ewers, mounted with figure handles, lips and tripod stands of chased metal-gilt—15 in. high M /, /£. 6 112 113 * / & , An Ink-Stand, formed of an old Dresden porcelain plateau painted with flowers in pink scale borders, mounted with Louis XV. handles, rim and feet of chased or-molu, and fitted with two porcelain ink-pots, and a figure of a girl with a vase forming,! taper-stand ™‘\ A Sevres Sucrier and Cover, gros-bleu and gold, painted with Cupids in four medallions, and mounted with pierced and engraved silver rim and foot, and surmounted by a figure ofy Cupid—7f in. high A Pair of Vases and Covers, apple-green, white and gold, with O oak foliage festoons in high relief, each painted with children and a pastoral trophy in sepia in two medallions, and mounted on square plinths of or-molu—13 in. high 13 114 A Pair of Small Candelabra, formed of groups of rocks with ^—r? shrines and figures of fakirs, of old Chinese coloured porcelain, mounted with or-molu foliage branches for two lights each, fitted with coloured Dresden porcelain flowers—on plinths of . . or-molu chased with lizards and foliage in relief—8^ in. high a 115 A Pair of Or-molu Candelabra, of Louis XY. design, with figures of youthful Bacchanals and scroll branches for four lights each, on pedestals formed of a pair of cylinders of Sevres / . porcelain, painted with children, fruit and flowers on turquois%^<-0*t-/vC and white oeil-de-perdrix ground—22^ in. high 116 An Oviform Sevres Vase, gros-bleu marbled with gold, painted with children fishing and flowers in two medallions, and mounted with scroll,foliage handles, rim and foot of chased or-molu—15 in. high 117 An oblong ink-stand, of coloured Boulle, mounted with masks apd borders of chased or-molu 118 A Louis XYI. cartel clock, by Bruel, in small circular or-molu case chased with flower branches in relief and suspended from ribbon/^' y' loop 119 A Louis XV. Clock, by C. Baltazar, in drum-shaped case of or¬ molu, on stand formed as a figure of a rhinoceros, of bronze, yj and scroll plinth of chased or-molu—24 in. high 120 A Pair of Empire Or-molu Candelabra, chased with eagles, lions’ masks and foliage, with branches for three lights each, on pedestals of black marble mounted wfitk vine wreaths and other > chasings of or-molu—25 in. high 121 An Or-molu Candelabrum, on palm stem entwined with vine O branches and figure of a dragon, on plinth chased with fruit in high relief, with branches for four lights—26 in. high :uit /7 / DECORATIVE FURNITURE. /SSI 122 An Old French Marqueterie Commode, with two drawers, inlaid with architectural ornament, festoons of drapery and utensils, and mounted with goats' heads and other ornaments of chased or-molu, and surmounted by a dove-coloured marble slab 50 in. ivide Pair of Arm-Chairs, of Ebony, with open spiral rail backs, carved with scroll foliage and flowers in relief, on legs with stretchers, and with velvet seats //,//, & 124 A Chair, en suite ^jhr /#, /0 , 0 125 A Pair of Ebony Chairs, with open spiral rail backs carved with ' £ 123 arches, flowers and foliage in relief, and with figures of lions / holding shields-of-arms on the pillars finis. London : Printed by AA m. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.