> O -A. T .A. X_i O G "O" E OF MODERN ARTISTS’ PROOF TCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, THE PROPERTY OF GEORGE STEVENSON, ESQ. Late of Rosslyn House, Dowanhill, N.B.; ENGRAVINGS, after Sir E. LANDSEER, FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE JOSEPH TOYNBEE, ESQ., F.R.S.; MODERN ENGRAVINGS, SOLD BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF HENRY DEWHURST, ESQ.; After J. L. E. Meissonier, Rosa Bonheur, B. W. Leader, R.A., F. Walker, A.R.A., G. Mason, A.R.A., &c. do. FROM VARIOUS PRIVATE SOURCES: WHICH Mill bf ^olb bg junction bg Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues bad, t Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ O^ccs. 8 King StreeU 1 James's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - o - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1G, 1898, AT ONE O OLOOK PRECISELY. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. ^^^ 7 — In the Folio. 1 1 The Return of Persephone, after Lord Leighton— artist's signed 2 Perseus and Andromeda, after ditto —ditto /l 3 A Bacchante, after ditto —ditto t 4 Return of the Lover, after Marcus Stone, R.A .—ditto / ^ 65 The Pied Piper of Hamelin: ‘Children’ and ‘Rats,’ after G. J. > , , Pinwell, by R. W. Macbeth— proofs—a pair 2 /fJ&s 66 The Elixir of Love, after ditto, by ditto — artist's proof itytf ,67 The Harbour op Refuge, after F. Walker, A.R.A., by ditto— ^ artist’8 proof J? ' ^^ 68 The Wayfarers, after ditto, by C. Waltner— artist's proof 69 The Evening Hymn, after G. Mason, A.R.A., by ditto— remarque ^ proof 70 The Harvest Moon, after ditto, by R. W. Macbeth— proof r ff La Confidence, after J. L. E. Meissonier, by H. Yion —remarque proof, on vellum, signed JT2 The Same— remarque proof, on vellum, signed J 3 The Serjeant’s Portrait, after ditto, by J. Jacquet— remarque proof, on vellum, signed 74 U 1814,” after ditto, by J. Jacquet —remat painter and engraver, framed ■qm proof, signed by Sold, by Qrder of the Exechtors of JOHN LANCASTER, deceased. C ( / 75 Bridej 1 of Lammermoor, after Sir J. Millais, by T. 0. Barlovv- arlist's proof, signed 76 Effie gleans, after ditto, by ditto— ditto 77 Changing Pastures, after Rosa Bonheur, by H. T. Ryall— artist s prpof, signed 78 Land^is Peasants, after ditto, by, ditto— ditto 79 Ploughing, after Rosa Bonheur, by W. T. Davey— artist s proof 8 80 Coming, from the Horse Fair, after ditto, by Dsjvey— artist’s proof \ 81 A Eun for the Market, after ditto, by Alais— ditto 82 Haymaking, after ditto, by Yy. T. Davey— ditto 88 From Waterloo to Paris, aftei/Marcus Stone, E.A.; tfc. 2 84 Lux in fenebris, after Sir N. Paton, by J. Faed— artists proof 85 Three Evenings, by Beatrix Pol^itt; and three Photographs 6 Sold by Order of the Trustees of HENRY DEW HURST, Esq. Framed. 85 Little Swansdown, after Story, by G. Zobel— artist’s proof c / 87 Yes or No ? after Sir J. Millais, by S. Cousins, E.A.— proof before ' ^ 7.s/ letters f/f '< 7. / 88 School Eevisited, after G. D. Leslie, E.A., by F. Stacppple—y artist's proof , signed -E * & . & 89 Home Sweet Home, after ditto, by ditto —ditto ^ 0 0 00 Pen, Brush and Chisel, after Sir E. Landseer, by T. Landseen A.K.A.— engraver’s proof , signed TYy 4 O . O 01 Hunters at Grass, after Sir E. Landseer, by C. G. Lewis— artist’s proof 9 The following are from the Collection of the late JOSEPH TOYNBEE , Esq., F.R.S. After SIR E. LANDSEER. Framed. 92 The Deer-Stalkers’ Return, by C. G. Lewis; and two small Etchings, by Sir. E. Landseer 3 * 93 Princess Royal and Dandie— proof; and King Charles Spaniels, by J. Outrim ^ 94 Odin, by T. Landseer, A.R.A. 95 The Sanctuary, by C. G. Lewis— open letter proof , 96 Bolton Abbey, by W. T. Dayey— artist'8 proof v 97 The Drive of Deer, by T. Landseer, A.R.A. —'presentation artist's proof a 98 The Challenge, by J. Burnet— first state , signed by the painter o 99 Dignity and Impudence, by T. Landseer, A.R.A —first state ^100 Children of the Mist, by T. Landseer, A.R.A. — presentation artist'8 proof from the engraver (101 Portrait of John Landseer— artist's proof (JL02 Portrait of Thomas Landseer, A.R.A.: crayon drawing, by Charles Landseer, R.A. // 10 VARIOUS PROPERTIES. A A , CP 103 New Laid Eggs, after Sir J. Millais, by S. Cousins, R.A.— artist’s proof, signed by painter and engraver <, & ,^>104 The Vintage Festival, after L. Alma-Tadema, R.A.— ditto, ditto A'/ * / 7 / '' ^105 The Maid and the Magpie, after Sir E. Landseer, by S. Cousins, R.A.— artist’8proof, signed by the engraver Ay /JA /y £ 106 Post Horses, after J. L. E. Meissonier, by L. Monzies— remarque proof, signed by painter and engraver «/T /./ , /l07 End of the Skein, after Dendy Sadler, by Boucher —remarque proof t £i i & 108 Over the Nuts and Wine, after ditto, by ditto— ditto £^2 & A* £? * /£> , & 109 Home Brewed, after ditto, by ditto —ditto A £f f & .6 HO Eucharis, after Lord Leighton, by Tomkins— remarque proof / JA - ^ HI The Soul’s Awakening, after J. Sant, R.A., by Scott Bridgewater — engraver’s proof, signed 112 Driving Geese, after Birket Foster— remarque "proof A 113 Ploughing, after F. Walker, A.R.A., by Macbeth— artist's proof t /* f O H'l The Shepherd’s Grave; and The Shepherd’s Chief Mourner, after Landseer, by B. P. Gibbon 2 * /£ , £ u > 114a Lady C. Montagu as “Winter,” after Sir J. Reynolds, by S. Cousins, R.A.— artist's proof, signed ARTISTS’ PROOFS— Framed. t.2,, , & 115 A Little Fortune-Teller, after Sir J. Reynolds, by R. Clouston t < £ «• OllQ The Age of Innocence, after ditto, by ditto H? , /o , 117 Viscountess Crosbie, after ditto, by ditto * . /( . A 118 The Parson’s Daughter, after G. Romnoy, by G. Robinson 11 19 Lady Sligo, after ditto, by ditto ^ < ^ / ^r L 20 A Passing Cloud, after Marcus Stone, R.A., by E. G. Hester oi tu.„ tri:_ l t_t .u__jin.. # _/ 21 The First Love Letter, after ditto, by ditto 22 A Honeymoon, after ditto, by ditto 23 Alethe, after E. Long, R.A., by ditto •^ 1 /— 24 The Defeat of the Armada; and The Armada Sailing from Ferrol, after Sir 0. Brierley, by W. Law 2 Ar- 25 The Windmill, after J. Linnell, by ditto 26 Shakespeare’s House and Garden, by F. S. Walker 27 The Lady of the Woods, after J. MacWhirter, R.A., by , J. Saddler 28 The Lord of the Glen, after ditto, by Brandard and Willmore FINIS. London: t’rinted by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. TTY RESEARCH INSTI 3 3125 01074 7109