Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute / https://archive.org/details/objectsofartvertOOchri CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTED BY WILLIAM REED, Esq., Deceased, Late of the Mount, Sunning Hill; Comprising Oriental, Sevres, Dresden, and other Porcelain; Silver and Silver-Gilt Objects, Snuff-boxes, Old Watches, Marble Busts, &c. &c.; ALSO, A FINE STATUE OF A HUNTRESS, 33'ST 3R_ J". WYATT, THE PROPERTY OF A BARONET; VERY FINE OLD CHELSEA VASES AND BRONZES, FROM CULHAM HOTJSK : A PAIR OF MAGNIFICENT MOSAIC TABLES; MARBLE BUSTS AND FIGURES, &c. : ."'l' M.W- K ' ' j j fflaUjidj hull he jjolti fog Auction, fcg AT THEIR 6RSAT ROOMS, 8, KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, APRIL 19, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. 1866, -OOj^JO-O- May be viewed Two days preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8, King Street , St. James's Square , S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IY. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of any Lot. Y. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. YI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1866, AT ONE O’CLOCK ’PRECISELY. The following are the Property of the late W. REED , Esq and sold by order of his Executors . 1 A jug; a basin; and a cup and saucer, of Oriental porcelain, with figures and flowers in blue and other colours 2 A fine large bowl, richly enamelled inside and out, with figures, flowers, and butterflies in brilliant colours 3 A Dresden ecuelle, cover and stand, green and gold borders, painted with flowers 4 An oval snuff-box, painted with flowers, mounted with silver gilt, and subject of figures inside 5 An Abruzzi-ware dish, painted with a landscape and Cupids 6 A circular medallion of Limoges enamel, with the birth of Hercules in grisaille and flesh colour 7 A pair of gilt brackets, covered with crimson velvet, and with biscuit groups of children; and a smaller ditto 8 A scroll-pattern vase and cover, of or-molu, the handles formed of infant Tritons # 4 SEVRES. 9 A gros-bleu milkpot, pencilled with gold and painted with flowers 10 A pair of openwork vases, turquoise and gold, encrusted with flowers and goats 11 A ditto, encrusted with flowers 12 A gros-bleu and gold plate, richly pencilled with gold >* 13 Three circular dishes, gros-bleu, green, and gold, painted with figures and flowers 14 A gros-bleu and gold cup and saucer, painted with portraits in medallions, and a trophy in jewelled borders 15 A ditto 16 A cabaret, gros-bleu and gold, painted with marine deities: consisting of plateau, teapot, sucrier and cover, milkjug, and a cup and saucer 17 A plate, with gros-bleu, rose, and green border, painted with a portrait and flowers 18 An ecuelle, cover and stand, with jewelled ornaments on gros-bleu ground 19 An ewer and basin, with bands of richly jewelled ornaments on gros- bleu ground 20 A Pair of handsome Yases and Covers, gros-bleu, white, and gold, painted with pastoral subjects and flowers in medallions in jewelled borders 21 A Sevres cup and saucer, turquoise and gold, painted with a portrait and flowers GLASS. 22 A glass and cover, engraved with the arms of England 23 A ditto, with a coat-of-arms and inscription 24 A green tumbler, engraved with the arms of England, arabesque figures, birds, and flowers 25 A tall ditto, of Vitro di Trina, with spiral-work lines 26 A glass, of the same, on foot of metal gilt 27 A pair of blue glass bottles, with gemmed ornaments 5 28 A tankard and cover, of ruby glass, mounted with rim, foot and cover of silver gilt 29 A casket, of light-blue enamel and metal gilt, chased with scrolls and flowers 30 An oblong casket, formed of slabs of agate, mounted with metal gilt 31 An ewer and stand, of mother-o’pearl and metal gilt 32 A pair of figures of children, carved in ivory 33 A pair of Oriental gourd-shaped boxes, pierced and carved with foliage, with silk tassels 34 A small male figure—on *wood pedestal 35 A fine large Ivory Tankard, carved with the Triumph of the Marine Yenus in high relief, lined and mounted with silver gilt, the cover surmounted by a figure 36 A circular brass dish, embossed with ornaments, and with figures in the centre 37 A very large rose-water dish, of metal gilt, chased with figures and arabesques 38 A pair of gilt ewers, chased with pastoral figures and scrolls 39 A large chased gilt chalice, with arabesque ornaments set with gems 40 A pair of metal-gilt cups on feet, with openwork stems 41 An oval bonbonniere, of matrix of amethyst, mounted with chased gold or metal gilt 42 An oval gold box, with blue chequered ground, and an enamel of a sacrifice to Yenus on the lid 43 An old English watch, with gilt dial, in outer case of gold, chased with figures and scrolls 44 Another, by Fleetwood, in chased gold case, and outer case of tortoise¬ shell 45 A ditto, with silver dial, in case enamelled with Susannah and the Elders in colours 46 A gold chatelaine, chased with figures and scrolls 47 The Yirgin and Child, enamel after Raftaelle, in frame of chased silver gilt f 6 48 A group of flowers: a beautiful circular Mosaic, in frame of chased or-molu 49 A miniature-easel, of chased silver gilt 50 An agate cup, on foot, of silver gilt, set with gems; and one nearly similar 51 A small Indian Gold Box, chased with ornaments, the lid set with rubies 52 A Circular Indian Silver Betel Box, elaborately pierced and chased with ornaments, with liner. From the French Exhibition 53 A Pair of very handsome Essence Sprinklers and Stands, of silver gilt, richly chased with flowers 54 A case, containing a paper-knife, pen-knife, seal, and penholder, with chased silver handles 55 A case, of metal gilt, chased with figures and scrolls, and containing a scent-bottle, with silver-gilt top 56 An inkstand of silver, formed as a cock 57 A circular box of silver gilt, with chased scroll border, and a medallion of George IY. on the lid: containing writing implements of silver gilt, gold, and ivory 58 An oval dish, of silver gilt, chased with children in a car drawn by panthers, and border of fruits in high relief 59 A Circular Box, of amber, carved with animals and foliage in high relief, a subject of figures on the lid 60 A Gilt and Glazed Cabinet, with plate-glass shelves for china, lined with velvet MARBLES. 61 A Male Bust, on green marble socle 62 A Veiled Female Bust 63 A Bust of a Bacchante 64 A Female Bust 7 The following is the Property of a BARONET. 65 A HUNTRESS, WITH A BOW AND QUIVER, CARRYING A DEAD BIRD: A BEAUTIFUL STATUE, BY R. J. WYATT—on square scagliola pedestal—4 ft. 6 in. high 66 Winter: a fine Bust by Benzoni, of Rome —on circular pedestal of Oriental alabaster 67 Pharaoh's Daughter : a fine Bust by J. Adams Acton, of Rome —on similar pedestal of Oriental alabaster, with movable top 68 A MAGNIFICENT CENTRE TABLE, formed of a slab of fine ..j old Florentine mosaic, with birds, animals, &c.—on fine old French carved and gilt stand, with stretcher—5 ft. 8 in. by 2 ft. 10 in. i • *> 69 THE COMPANION TABLE C The following are by TERELLO A MB U C HI, of Rome. 70 CHARITY. A beautiful group in marble , exhibited at the Royal Academy , 1862 71 GIOTTO FEEDING SHEEP. Exhibited at the International Exhibition , 1862 * 72 HEAD OF CHRIST. Exhibited at the Royal Academy , 1860 73 DAVID. A beautiful statuette 74 Venus 75 Bust of H.M. The Queen 76 A Group of Boys with a Goat f( JL h^u L-j / l ^*v ‘** t*+y ' l ^’ ir l^rfc U h~ />*.^ *ji 1^ ^ A-^zdrfj I* f K. 8 {tit •r S>r The following are the Property of the late JOHN SHA W PHILLIPS, Esq., of Culham House, Oxon. 77 A Pair of fine Old Bronze Beclining Figures of Boys 78 A group of boys, with a globe and horse in bronze 79 A figure of Cleopatra, in bronze 80 Daedalus and Icarus : a group in bronze 81 A SET OF TITBEE VASES, OF THE FINEST OLD CHELSEA, of very elegant form, with scroll, white and gold handles, deep-blue ground richly pencilled with gold and exquisitely painted with children, birds and flowers in medallions 82 A Pair of Ditto Two-handled Vases and Covers, on pedestals, with birds in gold on deep-blue ground 83 A BEAUTIFUL TwO-HANDLED BASIN, COVER AND STAND, of the same, deep-blue and gold, with subjects after Watteau in medallions 83a The Companion iU Jiw. V-<\vtw di ii wq hi- (**^\ fcn A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. 83b A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL VASES OF OLD CHELSEA, with birds in colours on white ground, and birds in gold on deep- blue ground, in alternate flutings, the handles of white, green, and gold scroll pattern LpA fwo-HANDLED Vase, bf olcl Chelsea, on pedestal, with birds in gold, Af /3 84 A Two- on dark-blue ground L PAIK OF OLD CHELSEA VASES, with openwork necks and covers, painted with birds in medallions in light-green borders 86 A Pair of Light-Green Vases, with openwork necks, painted with birds and flowers 87 A pair of white bottles, with flowers encrusted 88 A pair of two-handled vases, encrusted with flowers 89 An old Sevres bottle, painted with Cupids and flowers in pink It T hi it (A fls^/u l ( L A) A V L-«v v 9 v \jjsfr~ 90 An old Plymouth shell-shaped sweetmeat stand, encrusted with shells, and with dark-blue borders ■ y o 91 A smaller ditto, with light-blue borders 92 A Tournay cup and saucer, painted with figures 93 A Dresden cup and saucer, painted with Watteau figures, on green ground 94 A ditto, painted with views and flowers 95 A female figure holding a vase, of old Chelsea porcelain 96 A Tournay dish, with plants in blue and gold 97 A Louis XV. Carved White and Gold Sofa 98 A Pair of Vergere Fauteuils— en suite 99 Eight Chairs —en suite 100 A Three-leaved Screen, covered with stamped and gilt Venetian leather 101 A Pair of Dark-blue Vases, mounted with or-molu, and with flower branches for seven lights each 102 A Library Table, of kingwood, with leather tops and drawers, mounted with or-molu 103 Another, nearly similar 104 A pair of Sevres tureens and covers, with blue borders, painted with flowers 105 A set of elaborately carved Chinese chessmen; and a papier-mache chess-table 106 A pair of bottles of Oriental porcelain, enamelled with figures 107 A pair of beakers, with plants in white on sea-green ground 108 A Pair of Noble Blue and White Nankin China Vases and Covers, 3 ft. 4 in. high, penciled in figures and other devices. Brought from China by Lord Macartney , and for many years in the Old Palace at Kew 109 A curious Oriental teapot, formed as a bird 110 A vase of Oriental sea-green celadon, with dragons in slight relief, mounted wfith foot and rims of or-molu 0 111 A grey crackle bottle, with bands of or-molu 112 An old German cabinet, with twisted columns and carved friezes 113 An Old Marqueterie Cabinet, with fall-down front, enclosing drawers, &c.—on stand, with twisted legs and stretcher c ^ (rivL < C mcj £ 'b-tf^c fl> . *Lt~i t ^ ir^c^ 4u til— i / j\ ci^ (j tZasu. Lfi'* ^ J 10 114 115 116 An Astronomical Clock, in old French upright case of kingwood, richly mounted with or-molu A clieval glass, in old frame of carved oak A Louis XVI. Library Table, of tulip wood, with leather top and three drawers, mounted with or-molu o 117 A two-handled Worcester vase, deep-blue and gold, painted with birds A pair of tureens and covers, painted with flowers A crimson and gold vase, of old Chelsea, painted with river scenes kt y O * 0 118 (S'. t > 119 120 Four Liverpool plates, with birds in black 121 An oval bulb-stand, of old Wedgwood, with Apollo and the Muses in white on sage-green ground 122 A coloured figure of Buen Betiro porcelain; and white ditto 123 Four Chelsea plates, with flowers in slight relief, and painted with flowers 124 Five knives, with white porcelain handles; and seven handles, similar 125 A pair of Nant-garrow dishes, painted with flowers 126 A Wedgwood medallion of the Prince of Wurtemberg 127 A ditto, of Earl Fitzwilliam 128 The Duchess of Cleveland, after Sir P. Lely; a miniature, by Sir W. Boss 129 The Virgin and Child, after Baffaelle : a painting on porcelain in gilt frame 130 The Descent from the Cross, after Buhens: in similar frame 131 A cartel clock, in old French scroll-shaped case of or-molu 132 A pair of Japanese bronze figures of storks 133 An oak jewel casket, with drawer, mounted with engraved metal gilt 134 Two Dresden bowls and covers, painted with flowers; an old Japan basin; and a French flower-pot 135 A Japan lacquer casket, inlaid with mother-o’pearl, and mounted with silver 136 A large Oriental howl, enamelled with coats-of-arms and flowers 137 A set of three crimson vases, painted with views and flowers 138 A box and cover, formed as a cock 139 A Dresden cabaret, of scroll pattern,painted with flowers: consisting of chocolate-pot, milkpot, sucrier, and two cups and covers / 11 140 A bust of Napoleon I., carved in ivory 141 An Amsterdam dish and cover, with a spout formed as a head, and painted with insects 142 A two-handled bronze tazza, supported by dolphins—on marble pedestal 143 An Oriental circular dish, of bronze, chased with birds and foliage 144 A comb, with top of Goojerat metal-work, inlaid with gold 145 A bracelet; and a brooch of the same 146 Three solitaires 147 A clock, in or-molu case, formed as the trunk of a tree, with a serpent in relief 148 The Crucifixion : a group of four figures, carved in boxwood in high relief, by Walterus Pompe, 1740—in ebonized glazed case, lined with velvet 149 A Eussian picture of a Pope, in frame of chased and perforated silver, with inscriptions FINIS. Loudon: Printed by W. Clowes & Sons, Stamford Street and ChariDg Cross, ■ . . : r ' . I 111 u ■* '• /ip' .« < '. * < ■;• - ' -• ^ 1U : : ; •• - , ■'■■■_ :u ■ ~ .r