K ~^rf i4^. N %f^ ^5u-««fiir 5^'^ ^utitrBa I15 (Bih Jfl aster h.i^^vV THE PROPEKTY OF AYSCOUGH FAWKES, Esq., OF FARNLEY HALL, YORKSHIRE; GEORaB ROMNEY, FROM THE COLLECTION OP WALTER J. LONG, Esq., OF PRESHAW, HANTS; ALSO, Portraits by Vandyck, Sir J. Reynolds, G. Romney and others, from different private Collections ; By J. GIBSON, R.A., AND OTHER SCULPTURE: WHICH mm he 5olti tig ^iiftion, tig Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUAKE, On SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1890, AFTER THE SALE OF THE STOVER COLLECTION. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8, Kin^ Street, St. James's Square, S. W. L i-f^^^ ■\ lA •r\ri 1 ^.'^x -N CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. n. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at tiiis Sale. n (3ATAL0GUE. On SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1890, After the Sale of the Stover Collection. The following are the property of A YSCO UGII FA WKES, Esq., of Famley Hall, Yorkshire. J. B. GKEUZE. 77 THE RELENTLESS FATHER 23. »«. by 28^ in. ^--^ J. B. GREUZE. I 78 A GIRL AND KID I / ^ 18 in. by 15 in A. CUYP. 79 A VIEW OVER A RIVER, with churches and windmills in tho distance, two gentlemen with horses in the foreground, looking l-^K at the prospect J ^.f-^ Signed 13 in. by I6f in. — panel 7^/ . From the Orleans Gallery p. POTTER. / 80 DOMESTIC POULTRY Signed 20^ in. by 28 in. i J. RUYSDAEL. 81 A Woody Landscape, with cottages and three peasants with a dog on a road 131 in, by 18^ in. A. CUYP. 82 Domestic Poultry Signed 23i in. by 28^ in. HOLBEIN. 83 POBTEAIT OF A LaDY . , 19^ in. by 15 in. N. HONDIKOETER. 84 A GARDEN SCENE, with a peacock and peahen, and other birds 49 in. by 40 in. J. WEENIX. 85 A GARDEN SCENE, with a dead hare suspended from a sculptured vase, a dead turkey, partridge, and fruits, a chateau in the foreground Signed and dated, 1705 48 in. by 40 in. From the Orleans Gallery : / J. WEENIX. 8C DEAD GAME AND DOG, witli implements of the chase 28 in. by 43 in. I. - ' BKONZIXO. 87 PoRtBAiT OF A Gkntleman, in black dress, seated at a table 44 in. by 34^ in. I '/ '^'^i^ k ANOTHER PROPERTY. UX^fVy^ J. M. W. TUENER, E.A. View of Otley Mills, with the river "Wharfe and mill weir — drmcing Presented hy^ Mr. FawJces to the family of the present owner vv \ FROM DIFFERENT COLLECTIONS. F. GUAEDI. S9 A View neae Venice ■ ^P F. GUAEDI. 90 A View near Venice, with a ruined arch and figures F. GUAEDI. 91 Coubt-yard of the Doge's Palace, with the giant's staircase ; and a view near Venice 2 B 3 6 F. GUAEDI. 92 Views near Venice, with ruins — a pair F. GUAEDI. J y 93 The Piazetta op St. Mark, Venice, facing St. Giorgio F. GUARDI. >\ 94 The Piazza of St. Mark, Venice, showing the church of S. ^ Geminiano, by Sansovino, which was removed during the French occupation (1796-1814) r COSIMO ROSELLI. 94a an ALTAK-PIECE, with the Madonna and Infant Christ enthroned, surrounded by SS. John the Baptist, Andrew, / /]~Y) Bartholomew, Zenobius, and two female saints with flowers — ' dated, Nov. 28, 1443 — on panel, 74 in. by 68 in. From the Earl of Craven's Collection at Comhe Abbey CLAUDE LORRAINE. 95 MOUNT PIELICON Described in Smith's Catalogue Baisonne, No. 193 In the Liber Veritatis y From the Colonna Palace y^ J From the Beo. Holwell Can- Collection From the Walsh Porter, Esq., Collection From the Wynn Ellis, Esq., Collection From the W. Graham, Esq., Collection. Engraved by Dubourg 1 d(> A. CUYP. 06 A Guoou, witli a black anil white horso in a stable J. VAN DEE HEYDEN. 97 A View in a Dutch Town, with a canal, boats and figures N. MAES. 98 PoRTKAiT OF A Lady, in a black dress 1 Signed, and dated 1670 SIR D. WILKIE, R.A. ^ 39 The Evening Party f Unfinished sketch RUBENS. ,fy 100 Peace and War SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. 101 FRANCES CATHERINE, COUNTESS OF DARTMOUTH, . daugbter and heiress of Sir Charles Gunter Nicoll, K.B. ( /^ . 50 in. by 40 in. Painted in January, 1757 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. ^ l'^ 102 WILLIAM, 2nd Earl of Dartmouth, in peer's robes 50 in. by 40 in. Painted in January 1757 SIR J. REYNOLDS. '^-^ 103 PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF. 'Hv^n^* ^/^"-^ Ivx From the Earl of Dunmore's Collection ^ J-fT ^ 8 SIR JOSHUA EEYNOLDS, P.R.A. 104 THE MAEQUIS OF GEANBY, leaning on a mortar, an engagement in tLe backgroiind — whole length 92 in. by 67 in. Formerly at Stowe VAN DYCK. 105 THE MAEQUIS DE VIEUVILLE, in a white dress, and i black cloak, whole length— he was killed at the battle of Qd Auburn Chase 83 in. by 47 in. Formerly at Stowe. V^' % k G. EOMNEY. 106 Miss Janet Brocas G. EOMKEY. 107 POKTRAIT OF WiLLIAM WlLBEEFCKCE, EsQ. ^AT^-'ijy^. H. B. 108 INTERIOR OF AN APARTMENT, with a lady in white -^ satin dress and yellow jacket trimmed with fur, pearl neck- *^ lace and other ornaments, offering a biscuit to a spaniel, a gentleman in black robe, seated, holding a i^eu, on her left, at a table covered with a Persian carpet, en which is an inkstand, papers and book, a stove behind him Signed with monogram a ^ / a u ^JC- ' 45 in. by 59 in. J The following are the Property of WALTER J. LONG, Esq,, of Preshaw, Hants, and have been in the possession of his family from the time they were painted- G. EOMNEY. ,^^ 109 THE BASHFUL CHILD r y i^ 21m. by 17 in. \J^\^^ G. ROMNEY. 110 TFTF, STTY CHILD y 110 THE SHY CHILD rl 232 '"• ^y 21 in. G, EOMNEY.' Ill LADY HAMILTON, with her hands clasped ; a Sketch of a lady on the back o lady on the back OO 23i m. by 20^ t». ' \j. G. EOMNEY. 112 THE COY CHILD ^ /) / /* "^ 7^0 231 i«. by 21m. '^'^ '^ -^M/^/U^ G. EOMNEY. I - 113 A MOTHER AND CHILD ^\\!\aj^ ^ 23^ m. by 19 in. G. EOMNEY. ^ -, 114 LADY HAMILTON AS CIECE— ic^oZe lengih J 93 m. by 58 m. (^ 50 in. by 39^ in. 10 G. EOMNEY. 115 CDPID AND PSYCHE ytx G. ROMNEY ) 116 MACBETH AND THE WITCHES, (Henderson as Macbeth) // J Engraved 541 in. by 64^ in. k^-^^ ^^ G. EOMNEY. s 'T^ 117 Nessus and Dbjanira — a sketch ^TO^r^'^^ 36^ in. by 28 in. G. ROMNEY. } ^ J '^ 118 Portrait of Hayley ^ / I J J 22^ era. by 16 in. ^^ G. ROMNEY. 119 Head of Lady Hamilton — a sketch 21 in. by 17 in. G. ROMNEY. A ) 120 Head of a Priest 14^ in. by 13 in. G. ROMNEY. ^ 121 King Lear and his Daughter — an early work 22 in. by 17 in. 11 SCULPTURE. 122 HEAD OF A BACCHANTE From Stoke Park 123 VENUS, after Canova 40 in. high On marble pedestal B. E. SPENCE. 124 HIGHLAND MARY 43 in. high Sold by order of Executors J. GIBSON, R.A. 125 VENUS The celebrated statue designed and executed far the late B. B. Preston, Esq. in 1851-2, lent by the owner for the International Exhibition in 1862 It was the first modern work upon which the experiment of colour teas tried The gold ornamentation was added by Castellani tTo FINIS. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Crtarinp; Cross GETTY CENTER LIBRARY lilll llllllllllll III iiiillii 3 3125 00956 2139 .^^J ■■'•^J' t4 .15 % /.^\ '^ ii V