1/2/97 to U/29/9T W 'J w- M v »• > V"V« \ ^ / • © 1 t * Jp c#3 r ypA- ^-f R -JP PL>* U€ Ka £J~4. THE Condover Hall Collection Of OLD PICTURES OF THE LATE REGINALD CHOLMONDELEY, Esq. SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1897. OA.TA.X-.OOTJE OF THE COLLECTION OF PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS OF THE LATE REGINALD CHOLMONDELEY, ESQ. REMOVED FROM CONDOYER HALL, Sold by Order of the Rev. B. H. Gholmondeley : WHICH WiiXi ht £ol& t>i> Auction t>y Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THS1E GSEAT EO0DSS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUAKE, On SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1897, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. xT c O . CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall bo immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5a. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or aiithenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1897, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. PORTRAITS. ' q I Portrait of Colonel Cromwell, in highland dress /&&£%£■£ Small whole length 29§ in. by 25^ in. Exhibited at the National Portrait Exhibition, 1866 / 2 Head op a Gentleman, in black dress and white collar /s-^^c^ 15 in. by 12 in. O 8 Henry Fitz-Alan, Earl of Arundel, in black dress and ruffy-with the Ribbon of the Garter ; died 1581 29 in. by 23 in. 4 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black dress lined with sable, black cap and ruff, holding his gloves in his left hand and a letter in bis right With inscription, and date 1515 311 i n , by 27 In. Exhibited at Leeds b 2 J 7 5 Pobtbait of Charles Needham, Lord Kilniorey, in pink and /rt<- white dress, with collar 24 in. by 20 in. / /? 6 Portrait of a Nobleman and his Son, in richly jewelled dress ^/^ // 7 Queen Maby, in black dress and black and white collar, and ^X^ head-dress with pearls and jewels On panel 16 in. by 15 in. S-^ 8 A Lady, in black dress embroidered with gold lace, and white i^^^ embroidered sleeves, with jewelled necklace and pendant On panel 29 in. by 191 in. From Overhigh . j? / 9 Henry de la Pole, Lord Montacute, son of Margaret, Countess of Salisbury, sister of Eeginald, Cardinal Pole. He was born in the Tower, and remained a prisoner from the cradle to the grave, being beheaded there at the age of 26. A view of the Tower and Thames in the distance On panel 301 in. by 241 { n . 10 The Protector Somerset, in black dress and hat, with jewel On panel 21 in. by 19£ in. 11 Portrait of Sir Henry Sydney, in black robe trimmed with / ermine, ruff, black cap with jewels, and Chain and Badge of the Garter, and shield-of-arms Inscribed " an dni 1573, aged 44 " On panel 26i /„, by 201 i n . 5 /, 12 Francis Walsingham, Friend and Councillor of Queen Eliza- beth, in black dress and ruff 30 in. by 25 hi. ? ? /?y 'j?^" 14 Portrait of Queen Elizabeth, in rich white dress with jewels and pearls, and large lace ruff On panel 22J in. by 17J in. ,? y ,, 15 Lord Chancell o r Bprqhlby , in fur robe and ruff, with black^ cap with jewelled badge, and chancellor's bag, holding a staff in his right hand — inscribed " 1579, setatis suae 68, mediocria firma " t ^<- /? /^<- **<£. ' ^> &£&*? i'st nn&csi^z. ^^^ ^ze^*. On panel -*£&■ ^/*&^^ &/*&*^y&*&e^ ' 25 in. by 20 in. ^/^/ 16 Eiohard Fox, Bishop of Winchester, with inscription ^£?^^s?s?^* -^ On panel " 16 in. by 13 in. Exhibited at the National Portrait Exhibition, 1866 / ENGLISH SCHOOL. W. DOBSON. £1^- ry^ ? 17 Portrait of Mr. Hanley, with long white hair, in black silk robe with white collar 30 in. by 25 in. From Overhigh W. DOBSON. / 'S? 18 Portrait of Philip Constable, in black dress and white ^carf, holding a book 30 in. by 25 in. X£?^ A 6 W. DOBSON. 19 Portrait of Old Pars, with inscription ~^ / / f ^^" i, 24 in. by 19 in. Exhibited at Wrexham, 1876 HOLBEIN. / 11 J. DE MABUSE. •7 47 A Gentleman, in black robe trimmed with sable, and black cap, holding his gloves in his left hand On panel Jk&t/' 15£ in. by 13£ in. Exhibited at Wrexham, 1876 JAN VAN DEE MEEE (OF HAAELEM). /&L?.^& ?, ^ 48 AN EXTENSIVE BIED'S EYE VIEW over a landscape, ' with a castle in the centre and a river on the right ; a road on the left, with travelling peasants halting at an inn door J"0 Signed *^^~ 271 i n . by 391 i n . F. MILLET. y 49 Adonis and Cupid, in a landscape with dogs 12 in. by 16^ in. r F. MOUCHEEON. 50 An Italian Eiver Scene, with buildings, a horseman and dog on a road in the foreground Signed 24 in. by 31 in. D. MYTENS. 51 Pobtbait op a Young Girl, in pink and red drese with lace collar, and pearl necklace and rose pendant On panel 20 in. by 16| in. Exhibited at Leeds B. VAN OELEY. ^/jfr 52 Joseph and Potiphar's Wife Oa panel 221 i n . by 211 in, sCVO 12 G. SCHALCKEN. $. ^2L 53 A Candlelight Scene, with a cavalier presenting a ring to a lady 14^ in. by 11^ in. COKNELIUS SCHUT. . 54 Vulcan, Venus, Cupid and Nymphs, in a landscape M/ ^t>C£, On copper 12JL in. by 17 in. A. DE VOYS. 55 A Teumpeteb at a Window, holding a glass of wine, in re slashed dress On panel 12^ in. by 11 in. CHEVALIEK VAN DEE WERFF. 56 Two Giels and a Boy, at a sculptured window covered with a Persian carpet, playing at knucklebones On panel 12 in. by 9| in. Exhibited at Wrexham, 1876 SPANISH SCHOOL. 57 The Gabdens of a Palace, with a dwarf and numerous dogs 52 in. by 62 in. C. COELLO. ^ /ts&iM^t^^L* 58 A Spanish Youth, in black slashed dress with violet sleeves and lace collar and cuffs, holding a rapier, and placing a flower in a glass vase with his right hand 28£ in. by 23 in. s 13 SIR ANTONIO MORO. ^/^ &&§h^*. 59 Portbait of la Belle Isabel, daughter of Henry II. of France, second wife of Philip II. of Spain, in rich crimson and white slashed dress and ruff, with head-dress, necklace and girdle of jewels and pearls /av On panel ^<£*/: 41 {n by 33 in MURILLO. $. /&£*^^<^ 60 Portrait of a Spanish Nobleman, in black and white slashed dress with lace ruff 23 in. by 19 in. PANTOJA DE LA CRUZ. 61 The Infanta Maria Theresa, in black dress slashed with blue, embroidered with silver, lace collar and cuffs ; holding a fan in her left hand, her right resting on the back of a chair Whole length 81 J in. by 43 in. PANTOJA DE LA CRUZ. 62 A Lady, in richly embroidered white dress with high lace collar lined with pink, pearl necklace ; holding a fan in her left hand, her right hand resting on a book on a table 51 in. by 39 in. RIBERA. 63 Ecce Homo c @&J-4£*f' 15 in. by W\ in. Exhibited at Wrexham, 1876 xt^y 14 J. SUSTERMANS. / s - 64 Giovanni de Medici (Knight of Malta), in the dross of tho Orderf and ruff 33J in. by 25 in. Exhibited at Leeds, 1868 Exhibited at Wrexham, 1876 VELASQUEZ (after). %£^V ,//? 65 The Infant don Baltazar Carlos, by Sir D. Wilkie, R.A. 23 in. by 16^ in. Exhibited at Wrexham, 1876 VELASQUEZ. ^ JtLy^' o//) 66 The Back Door of a House, with a peacock and dead game ^ above ; a goat, a duck, a cock, fish and utensils on the ground >• beneath ; a servant at a window in the background * S^a 90 in. by 64 in. £&. ^^^-— '* <0^4c From the Collection of Cardinal Fesch Exhibited at Burlington House, 1879 VELASQUEZ. r *?,4£*S' 1 c> tf 67 Portrait of a Spanish Princess, in grey damask dress with pink sleeves and lace collar and cuffs ; holding a puppy in her left arm and a fan in her right hand Whole length 43 in. by 30 in. E. ZUCCHERO. '-y 68 Maet Queen of Scots /£^£stj£. 1\ in. by 6 in. Engraved ivory and, tortoiseshell frame / 15 F. ZUCCHERO. 69 A Nobleman, of the Court of Queen Elizabeth, in white cut doublet, black and gold hose and embroidered trunks, black and white ruff; his left hand resting on a rapier, right hand resting on a crimson cushion Panel 48^ in. by 35 in. /'/. //yv-. ■- F. ZUKBAEAN. 70 Head of a Monk 20 in. by 18 in. ITALIAN SCHOOL. 71 Portraits op Sis Italian Poets, with their names inscribed On panel 29 in. by 24 in. EARLY ITALIAN. ^ /f^L^^ 72 St. Catherine and St. Jerome: wings of a triptych — a pair 2 10£ in. by 3^ in. , J. AMICONL 73 The Triumph op Neptune and Ceres, with Cupids On copper 12| in. by 17 in. V'&c& MARCO BASAITI. 74 St. John, standing in a landscape 38^ in. by 15 in* ^^-^ X /u 16 L. BASSANO. yy 75 Portrait of a Venetian Senator, in robo y^/i^-f £ & 29£ in. by 23^ fo. J» tortoiseshell frame Exhibited at Wrexham, 1876 G. BELLINI. /^ /? /I ^ ^ Gentleman, in black dress and cap, witb white collar On panel 14 a'ra. by 11^ in. JACOPO BELLINI. ^ J^L — /yp 77 Portrait of Dante, in red dress and cap, with laurel wreath 12^ in. by 9 in. Exhibited at Wrexham, 1876 BOCCACCIO BOCCACCINI. /%/^^Jc/?~ /s - 78 The Madonna Enthroned, with the Infant Saviour on her lap^ holding a bird On panel 44 in. by 20| in. A. BOEGOGNONE. /. /ya^tis /4y) 79 The Madonna, with the infant Saviour seated on a ledge r before her On panel 16| in. by 12§ in. Exhibited at Wrexham, 1876 P. BOEGOGNONE. 80 ARCHBisHor Sambro XIV. On panel 35 in. by 17 in. / ' 17 A. BRONZINO. ^L^e* 'fj' 81 Portrait op a Lady, in black dress, white collar, muslin veil and gold chain, her left hand resting on a book On panel 31 in. by 22^ in. Exhibited at Wrexham, 1876 A. BRONZINO. ^SCJ&S' sg 82 Portrait of Signora de Crombach, in crimson dress slashed with white, and jewels, cap, and jewelled hair-net On panel 11 in. by 9 in. ^ CAMPIDOGLIO. ~£? 83 A Garden Scene, with a dead kid, and birds, duck and turkey, fruits and vegetables 57 in. by 85 in. CAMPIDOGLIO. / 84 Peaches Jft. ^W^^?^ 6^ in. by 18 in. CAMPIDOGLIO. y 85 A Cock 26 in. by 20^ in. Exhibited at Wrexham, 1876 Exhibited at Leeds, 1868 A. CANALETTO. o 86 St. Mark's Place, looking towards the Cathedral, with a charlatan and numerous figures 33 in. by 44 in. c << /x V CORREGGIO. /£ ^j /* 87 Colossal Figures 66 in. by 94 in. L. DA COSTA. 88 The Madonna and Child, attended by two saints / ^/^£v2^i-s£2~ On panel — in Tabernacle frame 21 in. by 15^ in. CARLO CRIVELLL £^& 89 A Bishop, in robes, with mitre and crosier, treading on two evil spirits, on gold ground On panel 47£ in. by 16| in. A. DOLCE. JU 90 Regina CffiLOBUM Oval 25 in. by 18 in. 91 A YOUNG- LADY, in crimson watered silk dress and gold embroidery, lace ruff, black and gold cuffs, long jewelled chain, with locket and monogram ; holding a fan in her right hand, and a handkerchief in her left Whole length 80 in. by 46 in. GIORGIONE. //} j - 92 The Resurrection. In the foreground the open tomb and ty6 soldiers, alarmed at the sight of Christ hovering above them in mid air ; round the head of Christ float cherubs ; flat land- scape to left and hills to right 46^ in. by 37 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1879 X ^ 19 BENOZZO GOZZOLI. 93 The Madonna Enthroned, with the Infant Saviour on her lap, attended by eight angels, on gold ground In carved walnut Tabernacle frame 13 in. by 10 in. f~ ANTONELLO DA MESSINA. 94 Ecce Homo On panel 16 in. by 10^ in. Exhibited at Wrexham, 1876 yL^?< e ■*z *j- G. B. MORONI. 95 A Youth, in white dress and ruff, with black cap 19 in. by 16 in. Exhibited at Wrexham G. B. MORONI. 96 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black dress and cap with chain 22 in. by 18 in. G. B. MORONI. 97 Portrait of a Lady and Child. Full length figures, the boy holding the lady's right hand ; her left hand rests on a table on which is a book 76 in. by 40^ in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1879 ,c SCHOOL OF PADUA. 98 A Cavalry Fight On panel 8| in. by 11^ in. /^^Z^Z- X- / /s 'z_ 20 S. DEL PIOMBO. 99 The Holy Family, with angels /£/>?*<' On copper 9^ in. by 8^ in. A. POLLAJUOLO. J%&^/' 100 A j^ight outside a City, with a camp in the background / On panel 16 in. by 47 in. GIULIO ROMANO. 101 La Vierge au Beroeau On panel 15 in. by 11^ in. Exhibited at Wrexham, 1876 COSMIO ROSELLL ^W^e 102 Three Studies prom the Life of St. Bernard: the Predella of an altar piece 3 7 in. by 14 in. A DEL SAETO. $ ^Lg^V 103 A Youth Sheathing his Sword, and a lady at an open door ^ On panel 11 in. by 7^ in. CECCHINO DE SALVIATI. 104 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black dress, his hand resting on a manuscript On panel 35 in. by 27£ in. 21 E. SERANI. 105 Head of an Angel 16 in. by 12f in. D. THEOTOCOPULI, IL GKECO. 10G The Supper at Emmaus 31 in. by 40 in. Exhibited at Wrexham, 1876 /^ztL^L G. B. TIEPOLO. y J? 107 The Vision of a Saint, designed for an altar piece 23 in. by 12 in. TITIAN. 108 The Toilet of Venus 51^ in. by 42 in. In massive carved frame z^ty PALMA VECCHIO. 109 The Adoration of the Shepherds On panel 14^ in. by 25 in. PALMA VECCHIO. 7 tf 110 The Eepose of the Holy Family in Egypt, with St. Elizabeth ^ presenting the infant St. John 53 in. by 80 in. x: /o 22 VENETIAN SCHOOL. //?S> HI A Senator, in crimson robe, with white collar and cuffs; his right hand resting on a table on which is a bell 80 in. by 46 in. Exhibited at Leeds /J P. VEEONESE. 112 Portrait of a Lady, in lace dress and ruff 18^ in. by 15^ in. ^^ C A//*/ /