IIVIF^ORTJDLNT pictures bp Old masters I I EARL OF DUDLEY FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1900 OA.'r^^3L.ooxj:B OF IMPORTANT PICTURES B^ ©lb fllbastevs, FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE EAEL OF DUDLEY, Formerly hanging in the Gallery of the Earl of Dudley's late residence, Dudley House, Park Lane, and sold by his direction : WHICH Mill he .^oltr b^ Ruction h^ Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, U^^D^^ J Om S^LTUROAY, JUNE X6, X900, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 Kin^ Street, St. James's Square, SJV. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Poimd, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-]\toney, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Cheistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, fMEQETTYCENIBI CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1900, AT ONB O CLOCK PBECISKLY. OLD PORTRAITS. 1 Portrait of Loms XIV., in robes, seated 55 in. by 42 in. 2 Portrait of Charles II., in robes of the Garter — whole length 87 in. by 54 in. 3 Portrait of the Duke of Monmouth, in robes : battle scene in tbe distance 87 in. by 54 in. DUTCH SCHOOL. A. BEEESTRAATEN. 4 A View in a Town, with church and buildings, with figures skating on a frozen canal Signed and dated 36 in. by 50 in. B 2 p. p. RUBENS. 5 A Farm Sckne, with peasants, milkmaid and cows H.GC^^f.^ 4^ *'«• by 55 in S. RUYSDAEL. 6 A Village on a Dutch River, with figures, boats and ferry ^ AW^J^,^ ^^ '"• ^y ^^ '■"• A. VAN DE VELDE. 7 A RIVER SCENE, with peasant driving cattle over a broken bridge towards a tower on the opposite bank ; two anglers in ■^ - (0 . r. ^itcA'tL" ^^6 foreground, and a man watering two horses on the right Signed, and dated 1645 30 in. by 47 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 W. VAN DE VELDE. 8 A STORM, with shipwreck ^.\X . I Vvjiw 58 in. by 37 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 4-1^ ) ^ ITALIAN SCHOOL. ■ ■ 9 Thk Salutation 27i m. by 38 in. . Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 V.'^*'^ CANALETTO. Z3.^. CJ-^Ui^.^ 10 A Canal Scene, Venice, with gondolas and figures 22 in. by 37 in. L. CARACCI. 11 Christ Cbowned with Thorns i < m- • j «^m 19 in. by 26 in. A>^ 7 '^^-^ ' Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 I Z^% j CORREGGIO. , / J/ i 12 The Marriage of St. Catherinb On panel — 38 in. by 30 in. 13 Pilate Washing his Hands ' / A i On panel — 17^ in. by 27 in. i ^ • v Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 ' "^-^ ' "^ ''-yW-^ L . <^10 JcDPtNO , H. GOLTZIUS . //^ J-, /cMu^^^c,,^ 14 EccE Homo On paneZ— 17^ in. by 27 in. (/j <:>tc^ | *^^^ Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 : '^ -• ^ l^^^Oth' W^^^ 6 GUIDO RENI. 15 Saint Sebastian 45^ in. by 34^ in. '^l-^- Mentioned by Dr. Waagen ^^^^ffUsr^^l/}^-, JExhihited at the Art Treasures ExMbition at Mancheatery fh.^ 1857 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 ^^^} GUIDO RENI. 16 Cain and Abbl I /J (0 102 in. by 74 in. /L( .Ctf^A/vwA*' Mentioned by Dr. Waagen Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 J^l^j RAPHAEL MENGS. 17 Study of a Head 23 in. by 18^ in. Cc /V*^ Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 BALDASSARE PERUZZI. 18 THE ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS 129 in. by 69 in. Attributed by Dr. Waagen to Prospero Fontana -^cX-^U^^" From the Fesch Collection Exhibited at Manchester, 1857 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 h^.o i v-io SEBASTIAN DEL PIOMBO. 19 A Nun 32 in. by 26^ in. r f, .^ Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 i i£'o J EAFFAELLE (Afteb). 20 The Madonna dell Caedelino r ■ Onpanel~U^ in. by 28^ in. '^ ) EAFFAELLE (School of). 21 The Kei'osk of the Holy Family, with St. John and the lamb On panel — 20^ in. by 15 in. GIULIO KOMANO. . . 22 Neptune and Amphiteite 64 in. by 37^ in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 IzU) SA.LVATOE EO?A. 23 PoRTEAiT OF THE Aetist, in mask drees ^4 . 3 45 in. by 37^ in. From the Sciarra Gallery, Borne SALVATOE EOSA. 24 The Knight 22-, f. 43 in. by 33 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 l^^7^/ ANDREA DEL SARTO. (^ At . O^^rC 25 THE HOLY FAMILY, attended by an angel with a book On panel — 66 in. by 51 in. • - rM^j ^ - • - Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 ( •^14'j BARTOLOMMEO SCHIDONE. . ^ ^ C^ / 26 Venus and Cupid 62 in. by 37 in. r Exhibited at Burlington Bouse, 1871 V "^ I (Wx^ l<\0 *) (C7n\ 6/^. BAETOLOMMEO SCHIDONE. 27 A Ntmph with a Dog f) . 62 in. by 37 /n. I Exhibited nt Burlington House, 1871 " '^ -^ ' BAETOLOMMEO SCHID;)NE. 28 The Virgin anb Child; and St. John U^^^-^y^- [I . 2^H On panel — 17 en. by 15 ?m. ^X . P (fl^v'iii ExTiihited at Burlington House, 1871 (_ ^ '^ ^ ) From the Razzi Collection TINTOEETTO. 29 Cueist Delivebed to the Jews I ^^ 35 in. by 49^ in. IrLj lv/vU/2>^ Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 [zxi) XMl^l TITIAN. 30 POETEAIT OF A CAEDINAL, in red robes, seated, with a book on the table before him ^^ 52 in. by 38 in. tV>J^ .^v>X( Exhibited at the Ait Treasures Exhibition, Manchesterr, • 1857 I'X (ft . J . J VvulL' Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 TITIAN. 81 SrSANNAH AND THE ElDEBS 52 in. by 71 in. . Ei:hibited at the Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester, \-^' '^^' 1857 Exhibited at Burlingtou House, 1871 j \\j\' \ tU->fU , W-V. ^^^ f^p' TITIAN. 32 Danae and CopiD ( ^ ^ ^. I^^Um 38 in. by 58 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 j^J ^v/^v^ ^ LEONAEDO DA VINCI 33 LiBEUALrrT and Modesty v-^ -- LEUNAKDU DA VINCI. '^ f> . ,/ OU L iLiTT AND Modesty , ^ On panel— 2P, in. by 32^ in. ^^^ ^f>- nf^^^^^^ A replica of the celebrated picture in the Sciarra Collection LEONARDO DA VINCI. 34 The Madonna and Child, with St. Jerome and St. Catberiue 21 in. by 27J in. j- Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 '^^1 ' ^^ • ^^W^<^,...w^ EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL. BARKEE. 35 Dudley Castle 44 in. by 60 in F. BARTOLOZZI, R.A. 36 A Landscape, with ruins and girls dancing ; and The Companion — a pair 2 39 in. by 49 in. F. BARTOLOZZI, R.A. 37 A Hilly Landscape, with a river and figures in the foreground ; numerous buildings cover the heights 48 in, by 67 in. 10 F. BAETOLOZZI, R.A. 38 A Landscape, with colosseum ; figures on the foreground ; Thk Companion Dated 1739 48 in. by 67 in. T. GAINSBOROUGH, E.A. 39 A WOODY LANE, with peasant walking in the foreground; ' / 2-'>'? • "^ • felled timber ou the left; two donkeys on a grass slope in the /\-Cj /- middle distance, church and buildings beyond 39 in. by 48^ in. SIR. E. LANDSEER, R.A. 40 OFF TO THE RESCUE : Portrait o^ Bashaw, John William Earl of Dudley's favourite dog 53 in. by 71 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1829 Engraved by T. Landseer W. MARLOW. 41 A Coast Scene, with castle, figures and boats 40 in. by 50 in. W. MARLOW. 42 An Italian Lake Scene, with peasant and goats 44 in. by 58 in. 11 W. MARLOW. 43 A EooKY Coast Scene, with figures and boats 40 in. by 50 in. VANDYCK. 44 -The Madonna, in red and green dress, holding the Infant Saviour On copper — 12^ in. by 10 in. FRENCH SCHOOL. CLAUDE. f^fi^ 45 A Bay Scene, with fort on the left and a palace on a hill on the right, figures and boat in the foreground : Sunset 44 in. by 61 in. G. POUSSIN. 46 A View at Tivoli Y^ - '^^^ 37| in. by 511 m. ' ' "] Tt G. POUSSIN. ^ 47 St, John Preaching in the Wilderness ^ /^ • ' ^^^^^ ^"^^^ 48 in. by 68 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 f ^dh) N. POUSSIN. 48 A Woody River Scene, with The Repose of The Holy Family in the foreground 21^ in. by 29 in. ^ /, 12 J. VEENET. 49 A View in the Mediterranean, with a storm, and a ship striking on breakers ; in the foreground are figures saved from the wreck of another vessel, fragments of which men are dragging on shore ; a round tower and fortress are seen on the rocky coast 38^ in. by 53^^'n. Signed, and dated 1765 From Stowe Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 \^ *^} GERMAN AND SPANISH SCHOOLS. J t/H/-v/<^tVlj_^ ELSHEIMEE. 50 TuK Garden op Gethsemane ^rt/^. On panel — 20^ in. by 25^ in. MURILLO. -^ 51 Ihe Infant Saviour • 22 in. by 18 in. RIBERA. 52 St. Jerome 50 in. by 39 in. Signed, and dated 1642 tf^ J . J-Tr,/l^iM>, RIBERA. 53 St. Peter Holding the Keys 05 in. by 52^ in. ^ 1. ■ ^ 6«'cL>i . GfCiA-^-^M^ From the Salamanca Sale, 40,000 francs Exhibited at Leeds, 1868 ZURBARAN. 55 St. Francis / 38 in. by 31 ^ in. MOSAIC WORK. C. RINALDI. 56 THE TEMPLES AT PAESTUM- a mosaic 251 in. by 681 in. From the Exhibition of 1851 LEONARDO DA VINCI (After). 57 THE LAST SUPPER— « mosaic 221 in. by 43| in. FINIS, London: Printed by William Clowes & 8ons. Limiten, Stamford Street and Charui" Cro.-s. GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00954 6587