CATALOGUE OP APPAEATUS AND MATERIALS USED IN THE ART OF SOLD BY PTAKVEY AND REYNOLDS, AND lllS.lli II S€ISl^Ii'S€ IfMMf lip , Vi, BEIGGATE, LEEDS. ILLUSTRATED BY PHOTOGRAPHS OF APPARATUS. LEEDS : PRINTED BY ALEXANDER PALK.NBK, GREEK STREET, PARK ROW. 1855. PROFESSIONAL PSOTOGRAPEERS supplied with Chemicals, Plates, Cases, Passe Partouts, 8fc., on liberal terms. HARVEY & REYNOLDS, 13, BRIGGA^I, LEifBli I. TOWGOOD'B PAPER. ■ IVvTRATHIOiVATE TiNTING SoLUTlOJy. (Harclwich, Formula B.) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 COMPLETE SETS OF APPARATUS. £ 9. d. 1. Camera of French Polislied Walnut Wood, mounted with Achromatic combination of Lenses for taking portraits up to 4^ in. by 3^ in., with rack and pinion ; gutta-percha bath and dipper, tray for fixing, &c. ; 2 doz. glass plates, ground edges ; glass measure ; a supply of iodized collodion, nitrate of silver, ditto developing and fixing solutions, in glass-stop- pered bottles, black varnish ; with practical treatise on the Collodion process . . . . 3 10 0 2. Camera of French Polished Walnut Wood, mounted with Achromatic combination of Lenses for taking portraits up to 6i in. by 4|^in., with rack and pinion ; tripod stand, with ball and socket joint, folding legs, &c. ; gutta- percha bath and dipper ; tray for fixing, &c. ; 2 doz. glass plates ; box of scales and weights ; glass measure, and supply of iodized collodion, nitrate of silver, protosulphate of iron, glacial acetic acid, pyro-gallic acid, hyposulphite of soda, black and transparent varnish; with practical treatise on the Collodion process 7 0 0 3. Portable Folding Camera, No. 13, with Achro- matic Lens for views, 8 in by Gin, with rack and pinion; mahogany stand, with metal top; three porcelain dishes for preparing sensitive paper, &c.; horn forceps for handling ditto; glass triangle ; glass measure ; scales & weights in oak box ; and a supply of Canson's negative paper, extra thick bibulous paper, white wax, iodizing solution, exciting solution, gallic acid, and hyposulphite of soda ; with practical trea- tise on the Waxed Paper process . . . . 7 10 0 4 HARVEY & REYNOLDS, 13, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. MANUALS, &C., OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Hunt's Manual 0 6 0 Hardwich's Photographic Chemistry 0 6 6 Delamotte's Practice 0 4 6 Home's Guide 0 2 6 Archer, on Collodion Process 0 2 6 Hennah ditto 0 1 0 Le Gray, on Waxed Paper process . , Bingham's Photogenic Manipulation, pts. 1 & 2, ea. 0 1 0 0 1 0 Heliochromy, or Painting by Light 0 1 0 How, on Positive Printing . . 0 1 0 CAMERAS FOR PORTRAITS, 8cC. 1 . Expanding Camera of French Polished "Walnut Wood, with sliding body, focussing glass in frame, two exposing frames and three holders, for portraits on glass or silver plates up to 4i in. by 3i in. . . . . . . ..100 2. Ditto, fitted with superior double combinations of Achromatic Lenses, mounted in brass, with rack and pinion adjustment, for portraits up to 4iin.by3iin. .. . . 2 15 0 3. Camera, same pattern, &c. as No. l,for portraits up to 6i in. by 4f in. . . . . ..1100 4 Ditto, fitted with superior double combination of Achromatic Lenses, mounted in brass, with rack and pinion adjustment, for portraits up to 6| in. by 4f in. . . . . ..500 j^p^" See No. I. in Photograph. 5. Camera, same pattern, &c. as l^o. 1, for portraits up to 8i in. by 6Hn. , . . . ..200 6. Ditto, fitted with superior combination of Achromatic Lenses, mounted in brass, with rack and pinion adjustment, for portraits up to 8i in. by 6| in. . . , . . . 10 0 0 The above Cameras are of square form, which permits of groups, views, &c. being taken by placing the holder length- ways in the exposing frame. HARVEY & REYNOLDS, 13, P.RIGGATE, LEEDS. 5 7 . Expanding French Polished Mahogany Camera, sliding body, focussing glass, exposing frame, three holders, for portraits up to 6| in. by 4| in. 2 0 0 8. Ditto, fitted with superior combination of Achromatic Lenses, mounted in brass, with rack and pinion adjustment . . ..550 9. Expanding Camera for miniatures, sliding body, focussing glass, exposing frame, holder for plates, 2i in. by 2 in., fitted with superior combination of Achromaiic Lenses, mounted in brass, with rack and pinion adjustment . . 2 0 0 10. Ditto, larger, fitted with lenses, &c., for pic- tures up to 3^ in. by 2f in. . . . . 2 5 0 CAIV1ERAS FOR TAKING VIEWS, COPYING ENGRAVINGS. &C. 1 1 . Expanding Camera of French Polished Walnut Wood, focussing glass, two exposing frames, fitted Avith superior single Achromatic Lens, mounted in brass, with rack and pinion adjust- ment, for pictures 4i in. by 4i in. . . . 2 5 0 12. Ditto, larger, with superior single Achromatic Lens, mounted in brass, with rack and pinion adjustment, for pictures, 8^ in by 6^ in. . . 4 0 0 13. Portable Folding Camera, French Polished Ma- hogany, sides hinged to fold inwards, focussing glass in frame, two double paper frames, shifting front to regulate the proportion of foreground and sky, with one opening for views only, fitted with superior single Achromatic Lens, mounted in brass, with rack and pinion adjustment, for views 8 in. by 6 in. The whole in neat Case, with lock and key for travelling . . . . 5 15 6 14. Ramsden's Tourists' Camera, supplying the de- siderata of great portability, with simplicity and steadiness, with superior Achromatic Lens, mounted in brass, improved oak tripod stand, &c., for pictures on glass or paper lOj in. by Si in. . . . . . . ..990 HARYEY & REYNOLDS, 13, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. [Size of Camera when packed-up with lens, focussing glass, exposing frame, &c.. 13| by 11| by 3 inches. — Weight of ditto, with strap, 91i5s.] STANDS FOR CAMERAS- Tripod Stand for Portrait Cameras, with Table, , . 0 5 6 Ditto, with jointed legs, ball and socket joint, &c. 0 12 6 See No. V. in Photograph. Ditto, larger size, .. .. ..0140 Ditto, of mahogany^ with circular metal top . . 0 10 6 See No. IV. in Photograph. Stand of iron, for operating room of Artist or Ama- teur, elegant . . . . . . ..110 1^^=" See No, III. in Photograph. PHOTOGRAPHIC LENSES. The Lenses denominated guaranteed quality " liave their chemical and optical foci coincident — are rapid in their action — and produce a clear and well-defined picture. Single Achromatic Lenses, for taking landscapes, inani- mate objects, engravings, works of art, &c. Diam. of Lens. Focal length about Size of Picture. Mounted in Brass, with Stops. Mounted in Brass, with rack and pinion adjustment and stops. in. in. in. in. £ s. d. £ s. d. Guaranteed Quality H H 3 5 12 20 5 9 11 by )} yf 4 7 9 1 2 3 5 0 10 0 0 0 Lerebour's ■ 3 9 11 yy yy 7 9 2 4 0 10 0 0 2 9 6 yy 5 3 0 0 4 0 0 Ross's 3 12 15 H H yy yy 4 5 10 10 0 0 5 6 10 10 0 0 H 18 12 yy 10 8 0 0 Small Lenses n 15 lOi yy 8* 2 10 0 HARVEY & REYNOLDS, 13, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. II. ALBUMENIZED PAPER. Tetrathionate Tintikg Solution. (Hardwich, Formula E.) HARYEY & REYNOLDS, 13, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. 7 CoMPOTJND Achromatic Lenses for portraits, groups, &c., when rapidity of action is required. Size of Picture. Mounted in Brass, with rack and pinion adjustment. Guaranteed 1 Quality. J in. in. 2i by 2 8^ „ &i £ s. d. 1 4 0 16 0 1 15 0 3 10 0 8 0 0 ( Lerebour's < 4i „ 31 6* „ 4f 8* „ 6i 3 0 0 4 10 0 10 0 0 4 „ 3 5 „ 4 No. 1 5 „ 4 No. 2 5 0 0 8 0 0 10 10 0 Eoss^s 1 fii 4:2 8i „ 6i 16 0 0 36 0 0 Goddard's &c., &c. Focussing Giasses, 16/-, 21/- each. PAPERS FOR PHOTOGRAPHY. SIZE. PHICE in. in. W Quire. Canson Preres' JN'egative . , 222 17i 0 3 0 Ditto ditto waxed 11 9 0 3 6 Ditto ditto waxed and iodized 11 9 0 8 0 Ditto ditto Positive 22J 22J ?> i^i 0 4 0 Marion's ditto albumenized . . 17i 0 5 0 Ditto ditto ditto extra 22i 23 m 0 6 0 Pine Saxony I^egative Towgood's, for Positives 18 19 yy 15i 0 2 6 E,equires no Salting- Turner's JS'egative 15 yy 9* 0 2 9 Ditto Positive 19 yy 15 0 3 0 Whatman's ditto or JN'egative 19 yy 15 0 3 0 HARVEY & REYNOLDS, 13, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. PAPERS FOR PHOTOGRAPHY (Continued). Bibulous Papers Pure white, glazed Ditto ditto extra tliick Papier Joseph . . Swedish ^Filtering Paper Circular Cut Filters to filter rapidly Ditto ditto ditto Ditto ditto ditto Portfolios for prepared papers, mounted prints, &c. . . 100 0 0 9 0 1 0 0 1 6 Gutta Percha Dishes. 5in.by4|in. 8 by 6 H by 7i Moulded. 10.i by 7i i>y H lU by 8i Moulded. 5/0 1/9 2/6 3/6 3/6 4/6 Porcelain Dishes for Preparing Paper, &c. 7by5 8 by 6 10 by 7i 11 by 10 12 by 9 13 by 11 14 by 10| 16 by 12 0/10 1/0 1/4 2/0 2/6 3/3 3/9 4/6 PLAT GLASS DISHES SLOPING DIPPIiS'G BATHS of Gutta Percha, with Dip- pers for Collodion or Albumenized Glass process : — Supports moveable, Por Plates up to 4| by 3^ . . . 2/9 . . 3/0 Ditto 6iby4| .. 4/0 .. 4/6 Ditto Sihjei.. ..6/0 .. 6/6 Ditto lOibySi .. 9/6 10/0 The above, with water-tight Lid, for carrying the silver solution : — For Plates up to 8^ bv 6i Ditto lOi by H HARVEY & REYNOLDS, 13, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. 9 Glass Plates for Collodion and Albumenized Glass Processes. PATENT PLATE GLASS, GROUND EDGES. Price W Dozen. 2i by 2 3iby2f 5 by 4 6i by 4f 8| by 6| 10|by 8 J 7by3i 1/0 1/6 2/0 3/0 4/3 7/0 12/0 3/6 Silvered Plates for Daguerreotype. 2iby 2 3|by2f 4^ by 31 5 by 4 H by 4f 8|by6i 20 30 40 Electro. New Plates bent and polished. EOXES FOE PLATES, to hold 24 silvered plates or 12 glass ditto : — 2iby2 3|by2f 4^ by 3i 5 by 4 6iby4| 8iby 6| 10|by 8J 1/6 1/9 2/0 2/6 3/0 3/6 BOXES to hold 50 glass plates :— 21 by 2 3|by2| HbySi 5 by 4 6| by 4f H by 6i 2/0 2/3 2/9 3/0 3/6 4/0 PNEUMATIC PLATE HOLDEES, for glass plates, each 2/6 H0LDEE8, for securing glass plates whilst being cleaned 2/6 Ditto, ditto silvered plates whilst being polished, with clamp for fastening to table, &c. 10 HARVEY & REYNOLDS, 13, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. PLATE EETOEES, for bending the edges of sHvered plates . . . . . . . . each 5/0 HAND EUFES, of doeskin. IODINE AND EHOMINE PANS. MERCUEY EOXES, with Thermometers LEVELLING STANDS, for supporting glass plates during development, or silvered plates whilst being "gilded. Eent form, for plates up to 4^ by 3i , . . . 4/0 Ditto ditto 6i by 4f . . . . 4/6 Ditto ditto Sihj 6i . . . . 5/6 HEAD EESTS: Simple form, for attaching to the back of a chair . . 2/6 Folding, with extra adjustments . . . . 5/0 PEESSUEE EEAMES, with iron screws and bolts : Eor Negatives on glass or paper, up to 10 2" by 82" . . 10/0 Ditto ditto 15 by 12 11/6 Pressure Erames, with jointed backs, for observing the progress of the printing of the positive picture with- out disturbing its position : Eor Negatives on glass or paper, up to 6-2 bv 4j . . 7/6 Ditto ditto Si by 6^- 8/6 See No. II. in Photograph. HOEN EOECEPS, for handling sensitive paper, each 1/0 GLASS TEIANGLES, for immersing paper in solutions 0/6 Ditto EODS, for preparing papers, . . . . each 0/6 Ditto Ditto, for stirring solutions . . doz. 1/0 CAMEL HAIE EEUSHES for paper processes, &c. : l2"in. 2 -in. 2i-in. 3 -in. 1/6 2/6 3/- 3/6 each. SCALES & WEIGHTS, in oak box, brass pans, steel beam, weights from 1 grain to 2 drachms . . 3/6 Ditto ditto, superior box- end beam . . . . 5/6 Ditto ditto, glass pans, . . . . . . 6/6 GEADUATED GLASS MEASUEES : 2-dr. 1-oz. 2-oz. 4-oz. 10-oz. 20-oz. 1/- 1/- 1/3 1/8 2/6 4/- each. MOETAES AND PESTLES, glass, composition, and porcelain. EUNNELS, for filtration; — glass, composition, and gutta percha. EUNNEL HOLDEES, in black wood. II AKVEV cV llEVNOLDS, 13, BlMUGATi:, l.EEDS. HARVEY & REYNOLDS, 13, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. 11 GUTTA PERCHA BOTTLES, for travelling : 1-oz. 2-oz. 4-oz. 10-oz. 20-oz. . EOXWOOD EOTTLES, with screw cap, for containing mercury, 2/- each. GLASS SPIRIT LAMPS, with ground cap and brass wick holder : 2-oz. 4-oz 6-oz. 2/- 2/6 3/- each. BRASS Ditto, . . . . . . . . each 1/3 ARGAT^D LAMP, with support for evaporating basins, &c. . . . . . . . . . . 9/6 BERLIN PORCELAm BASIN'S, for boiling solutions : 2-oz. 4-oz. 8-oz. 10-oz. 16~oz. 20-oz. 40-oz. 80-oz. 0/6 1/- 1/4 1/8 2/- 2/6 3/6 5/- BOHEMIAJS^ GLASS BEAKERS, for boiling solutions. GLASS STOPPERED RETORTS & RECEIVERS. IROJN' STA]N"DS, with three rings for supporting retorts, &c. over lamp or gas. TIJSr-PLATE STILL, with block-tin condenser, for dis- tilling water . . . . . . . . 16/0 THERMOMETERS : Boxwood scale, for indicating temperature of operating room, &c. . . . . . . . . . . 2/0 Metal Scale . . . . . . . . 3/0 Chemical, for immersing in solutions, &c. : Indicating temperature from — 40° to 212^ Eahr. . . 5/0 Ditto ditto —40' to 600° Eahr. 6/6 METROIS'OMES, for marking seconds and fractions of seconds . . . . . . . . . . 14/0 COLORS, FOR COLORING DAGUERREOTYPE OR COLLODION PICTURES. Mansion's Colors, in bottles, . . . . . . each 1/3 Color Box containing ten colors, gold and silver shell, and supply of brushes . . . . . . 9/6 Improved Mahogany Color Box containing six colors, gold and silver shell, and supply of brushes . . 10/0 Ditto containing twelve colors . . . . 14/0 Gold Shells . . .. .. .. each 0/8 Silver. Shells . . . . . . . . each 0/6 12 HAllVEY & REYNOLDS, 13, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. Erusiics for applying color . . . . W doz. 3/0 Ditto for dusting off superfluous color . . . . each. 0/4 Elastic Bottles for removing dust . . . . each 2/3 3/0 Stereoscopic Apparatus, Views, &c. Japanned Tin Stereoscope, open bottom . . 0 3 6 Mahogany Stereoscope . . . . ..066 Ditto, with adjusting eye pieces, transparent screen, &c. . . . . . . . . ..086 See No. VII. in Photograph. Knight's Cosmorama Stereoscope, on brass pillar and stand , . . . . . ..300 See No. VI. in Photograph. Camera, in polished Walnut Wood, for taking Ste- reoscopic portraits, views, &c., on one plate, fitted with double combination of Achromatic Lenses, with rack and pinion adjustment, ad- apted also for ordinary portraits up to 4i in. by 3i in. . . . . . . ..330 See No. VIII. in Photograph. Camera, in Mahogany, Erench polished, fitted with double combination of Achromatic Lenses, rack and pinion adjustment, for Stereoscopic pic- tures up to 3i in. by 2f in. . . ..3100 Daguerreotype subjects for Stereoscope. Transparent Glass ditto views. Ditto ditto, colored. Paper Slides ditto. Ditto ditto, transparent. Ditto ditto, colored. Ditto, views in the Courts, &c., of the Crystal Palace, at Sydenham . . . . each 0 3 0 Geometrical Figures . . . . set 0 1 6 Passe Partouts, for mounting finished Stereoscopic pictures. MOROCCO CASES, &C, A large assortment of plain and ornamental Cases of superior quality. Passe Partouts, Or Molu and German Frames, Rose- wood, Renaissance, Rustic, and Gilt Frames, Prostypes, &c. HARVEY & REYNOLDS, 13, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. 13 CHEMICALS, &C., FOR PHOTOGRAPHY. ACID Acetic, Glacial . . . . per oz. Boracic Formic Gallic. Pyrogallic, per dr. of 60 gr. Is. 6d., Hydrochloric Mtric, specific gravity 1*37 Ditto ditto 1*45 pure Ditto ditto 1*5 fuming Succinic . . . . Sulphuric, specific grav. 1845 Ditto ditto 1 • 845 pure . . Tartaric, crystallized . . JETHEE, sulphuric, sp. grav. -750 6d. per oz. per Is., per 115. per oz. per fb. per oz. per 115. per oz. Acetic . ALCOHOL— Absolute, specific gravity -794 ALUM AMMONIA, solution, sp. grav. -880 Ditto ditto ditto -940 AMMONIUM— Bromide Chloride Iodide Sulphide BARIUM— Chloride BAEYTES— Nitrate BENZOLE. BEOMINE Chloride Water of CADMIUM- Bromide Chloride Iodide CALCIUM— Bromide Chloride (fused) per oz. per 115. 14 HARYEY & REYNOLDS, 13, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. per drachm 6d., per oz. 2i per oz., per ah. per oz. per ffe. per oz. 1 0 0 6 1 a per fluid oz. 0 8 1 6 0 9 2 0 1 0 1 1 CAEBOI^— Prepared for Euffing, . . . . per bottle Animal Charcoal . . . . . , per oz. CHLOROEOEM, specific gravity 1-500 COLLODION^— Plain Iodized, for negatives Ditto, for positives Iodizing solution . . Iodized, Thomas's Ditto, for negatives, Ramsden's Ditto, for positives, ditto COTTO]^— Soluble YYool, best quality COPPER— Sulphate, crystallized Chloride . . . . . . ,, GELATIJSTE . . GLYCERmE .. GOLD— Chloride, grains in stoppered bottle . . Ditto 15 ditto Ditto solution Hyposulphite with soda(Seld'Or) 7 2 gr. in stopd. bott. Ditto, ditto 15 ditto HONEY. IODINE— Resublimed . . . . . . per oz. Chloride „ . . . . . per bottle. Tincture . . . . . . . . per oz. IRON— Ammonio- Citrate Ammonio-Tartrate Iodide Iodide, Syrup of Perchloride, solid Persulphate, in solution Protosulphate ISINGLASS LEAD— Acetate . . . . . . . . ,, 0 2 Nitrate .. .. .. „ 0 2 0 2 0 6 0 4 2 0 3 0 2 4 3 6 2 0 3 6 0 6 0 9 0 6 HARVEY & REYNOLDS, 13, BRIGOATE, LEEDS. IV. HARYEY & REYNOLDS, 13, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. 15 per bottle 2 6 per oz. 6d., per fb. per oz. LIME— Bromide MAGISTESIA— Carbonate . . Nitrate . . . . per oz., MEECUEY— DistiUed . . Bichloride Protonitrate NAPHTHA— Vegetable rectified . . . . . . per pint JSriCKEL— Sulphate . . . . . . . . per oz. OIL— Lavender . . Olive . . Turpentine. . PLATINUM— Bichloride, in solution POTASH— Pure Fused, in sticks. . . Bichromate Chromate . . . . . . ,, Nitrate . . . . . . . . per lb. POTASSIUM— Bromide . . . . . . . . per oz. Cyanide . . . . . . Ferricyanide Ferrocyanide Fluoride . . Iodide EOUGE, finely prepared SILYEE^ Chloride . . . . . . per drachm Ditto darkened (sub-chloride) . . . . ,, Iodide . . . . . . ,, Nitrate, crystallized . , per oz. 4s. 2d., 4 ozs. ^ Oxide . . . . . . . . per drachm SOAP, Cyanogen (Thomases) for removing photographic stains . . . . . . per jar SODA— Acetate . . . . . . per oz. 0 4 6 0 0 4 0 6 1 6 1 6 2 0 2 0 2 0 1 6 0 6 0 3 0 3 0 6 6 6 9 4 0 0 0 6 0 3 2 0 6 1 0 0 3 16 HARVEY & REYNOLDS, 13, ERIGGATE, LEEDS. Hyposulphite . . . . . . per 115. 1 0 SODIUM— Chloride, crystallized, . . . . . per oz. 0 3 Fluoride . . . . . . „ 10 SUGAE— Grape. . . . . . . . „ 0 4 Of Milk . . . . . . per oz. 4d., per tl5. 4 0 TEST PAPEES— Elue and Red Litmus, &c. . . . . per book 0 2 TRIPOLI, hiiest quality . . . . per oz. 0 4 VAEJN^ISH— Amber in chloroform . . . . ,,10 Black, for backing collodion positives per bottle 0 8 Transparent . . . . . . ,, 2 0 WATEE— Distilled . . . . . . . . per gal. 0 6 WAX, White . . . . . . i^er 2 6 ZIi\C— Mtrate . . . . . . . . per oz. 0 6 SOLUTIONS, &c. Iodizing Solution for Waxed Paper • . . per pint 2 0 Exciting Solution . . . . per oz. 0 6 Silver Solution for Collodion Bath, per oz. 4d., per pt. 6 0 Ditto for printing positives . . per oz. 0 4 Solution of Ammonio-Niteate of Silver for printing positives . . . . ,, 0 6 Developing Solution, for positive Collodion Pictures . . . . . . . . per pt. 1 0 Hyposulphite Solution for fixing Collodion Pictures . . . . . . • • m 10 Hardwich's Tetrathionic Tinting Solution, for imparting a rich tone to positive Pic- tures on paper . . . . . . ,, 3 0 [Formula B. — See Hardwich,'s Photographic Chemistry, pag-e 284.] Tinting Solution, with gold, for imparting a rich purple or black to positive Picture^ on paper . . . . per oz. 4d., 5 0 Preservative Syrup for maintaining the sen- sitiveness of excited Collodion Plates . . ,, • 2 0 Liquid Glue for cementing glass, earthenware, &c. . . . . . . per bottle 6d. and 1 0 Marine Glue for ditto. . . . per oz. 2d., per lb. 2 6