CATALOGUE /$ / OLD ENGLISH SILVER PLATE AND USEFUL (®l& plati'ii Articlrs, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN; A FINE SINGLE-ROW PEARL NECKLACE, A PAIR OF LARGE PEARL DROPS, and other Jewels; OLD ENGLISH AND FRENCH MINIATURES, GOLD BOXES, ETUIS, FANS, LACE, &c., FROM VARIOUS SOURCES: Hol b£N n WHICH jj Mill bu ^olb by Jltuiton by Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS. AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. I -■ oS *°— May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. I IT. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, M anson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale Khali be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. -- On TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1 898, % AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. MINIATURES. * & 1 Portrait of a gentleman, in black coat and large white cravat—in leather case 2 A lady, in white dress ; and a gentleman, in blue coat and white cravat—in leather cases 2 /'S' ? ' j / ^7 3 The Marquis of Anglesea—in black frame ; and a gentleman, in buff coat and wig—in shagreen case 2 O 4 A gentleman, in purple coat and white cravat— signed D —in oval gold clasp >o'' -' / : ' - 5 Portrait of J. L. David, in embroidered and fur-trimmed blue . O robe and powdered wig, holding a pencil, and with a sculptured marble head and foot on a table at his side—in chased or-molu frame with cherubs and amorini B o 4 4 * 4,0 George II., in flowing wig and ermine robe, wearing the Garter collar and George, and bolding a sceptre—a half-length^^^ A /^' ° miniature, in leather case Pope Gregory the Sixteenth, in fur-trimmed robe, with bands of gold embroidery—a circular miniature, in leather case A General, in armour— signed —in old black shagreen folding case Mareohal le Marquis de Maillebois, in armour —signed Klingstet—in octagonal ditto, studded with monogram and , coronet A- 7. 7, ^ 10 1 % / J Comtesse Mirepoix, with folded arms, in white dress —signed Hall Comtesse Briz£, in blue dress, wearing pearls in her hair— ^ signed Castrique, Van 4 ou 1796—circle Prince Joachim Napoleon, and his Wife Caroline —a pair, ^ in green morocco leather case 2 Czar Alexander, in uniform, wearing- orders and blue riband - h. O 16 sash— signed Edouard, 1826—in or-molu frame Frederick the Great;- a bronze medallion relief of the same; and an ivory medallion portrait of Bishop Gardiner Portrait of a Lady, with powdered hair, in dress embroidered with pearls, and blue scarf—a small oval enamel, signed / J. Barbette, pinxit, Ad 1692 d Venus and Cupid, with doves and emblems—a small oval enamel painted in grisaille on pink ground ; a sleeping youth, nymph and Cupid—circle; and an oval enamel, painted with a classical subject —three in one frame 5 DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. .i MINIATURES, BOXES, Etc. an Portrait of Barbara Villieks, Duchess of Cleveland, after tlie Portrait by Sir Peter Lely at Hampton Court—a largo/^ miniature, by Nathaniel Dixon— signed —in silver-gilt locket 18 Admiral Edward Popham, in armour, with a pillar in the back¬ ground, and coast scene with vessel—an oval miniature, by I. Oliver “ In St. John's Chapel, Westminster Abbey, was laid the fierce Independent, Edward Popham, distinguished both by sea and land. His body was removed at the Restoration, but his monument was left in St. Johns Chapel, on condition that the inscription was erased." Vide Dean Stanley's “ Memorials." i 19 Portrait of Mr. Justice Stubbs, in plum-coloured coat and ^ white cravat—a large miniature on ivory 20 Admiral Viscount Keppel, in powdered wig, blue ceat with O gold embroidery, white waistcoat and frilled shirt—oval miuiature, by Samuel Shellev, 1779, after the portrait by^ Sir Joshua Reynolds — in gilt frame 21 Francesco Bartolozzi, the celebrated engraver—a circular miniature, by Peter Violet (who was miniature painter to Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette)— signed and dated, 1794 Formerly in the possession of Abraham Haimbach, the y engraver 21a Portraits of Two Girls, in a landscape—a large miniature^ signed Rochard—in Empire or-molu frame and velvet mount 22 Portrait of a gentleman, in pink coat and embroidered waistcoat / —in oval gold locket, with hair y 23 Portrait of a gentleman, in black coat and white cravat—in gold folding locket, with hair 24 Portrait of a lady, after an old Flemish picture— dated 1520— painted on marble, in ebonised and gilt frame 6 /?>- g? p 24a An Empire Oval Snuff-Box, formed of two plaques of striated ^ onyx, mounted with gold, chased with arabesque foliage in low relief / 25 An oval gold Louis XVI. snuff-box, with engine-turned panela 7 and engraved borders / is t&l 26 Another, with chased and jewelled borders, with panels of salmon- y.t c> / & coloured enamel, painteff with coast scenes and shipping ii^ / sepia - 27 A circular tortoise-shell box, gold mounted, the lid inlaid with a ^ * ' minifttnrfi • rvf ftiA TVineesH Tinnisn TiinVit.Anstnin hv 4 — miniature portrait of the Princess Louise Lichtenstein, by Werner / / /— q 28 Portrait of Mdlle. Mars, actress de la Comedie Fran^aise '' signed Isabey, 1807 ^ 7 0—7-0 29 A mother and child—oval miniature —signed f.r t/7 o 33 A Louis XV. Etui, formed of plaques of brown moss agate, fitted and mounted with gold, and inlaid with vertical bands of rose diamonds 34 A Shell-shaped Box, of Dresden porcelain, painted with / ^/ ' / ^ / & Watteau subjects in white and gold borders, and with a subject of three figures inside the lid, mounted with gold 2 ■ /Z., 35 A shell-shaped silver snuff-box, the lid chased with a fox and prey in shell and scroll border— Hall marie , 1733 Ay , Ay , O 36 A shaped ditto, the lid chased with panels of flowers in shell borders /■/? ■ ‘ 37 A snuff-box, formed of a small polished tortoise-shell, mounte^ ' y / with silver-gilt Uty /7 /> /<> r ^ d 8 A large circular Chinese tortoise-shell box, carved with figures, buildings and trees, in high relief /«/r / O 39 A larger ditto 7 ✓ 0 40 A Louis XVI. carved and pierced ivory fan, painted and gilt,/ s tlie mount painted with a landscape and figures , , O 41 Another, pierced and inlaid with trophies in gold, the mount // painted with a vase, trophies and foliage, and embroidered^*^ ^ with gold thread and spangles / ^ 41a Portrait of a lady, in pink and white dress, and large hat with // feather and roses—a French miniature, in metal-gilt frame C & 41b A lady, in crimson and white robe and straw hat —signed E. Tontain—in metal-gilt frame /- " 42 Master John Brandon, in white dress and blue sash, by Barry mounted in oval gold locket, with blue enamel back Ze ^-43 Mrs. Ker, in pink and white dress, with a rose in her hand —- / mounted in silver frame 44 A lady, in pale blue dress, by Hall—in metal-gilt frame 45 Lieut. Oldway, by Sherriff, in scarlet coat with green facings—in gold locket » 46 The Hon. Miss Berkeley, in white dress, by Sanders—wood frame 47 A lady, in white dress— signed G. E. 1790 — in locket X - 48 Mrs. Powell, in white dress and violet sash, by W. Hobday, 1795 -’ " —in gold locket with hair, enamel back / 49 Madame Victoire, after Nattier—in square metal-gilt frame ** 50 Queen Henrietta Maria—circle—by I. H. Hunter, 1782 y) f Oh\ A lady, in green and white dress—mounted in gilt frame ^752 Lady Hart, in white dress, by Mrs. Mee ^ r- f O o o Of O . 7 . i ^53 Sir George Beaumont, in plum-coloured coat, by John Eoberts —^ set in gold brooch Miss Hanson, in white dress, by Buck—in gold frame with blue^^ enamel back, enclosing three locks of hair 0 55 Lady Young: enamel by Bone—mounted gold case to form locket 56 A gentleman, wearing the Order of the Garter small enamel, in metal-gilt frame , O 57 Hope, after Romney—a large oval miniature, in gold frame 0 58 Miss Farren, as Surprise—a circular ditto, in gold frame -- JEWELS. l?d * L ' 'V 59 A Ring, with a large emerald and two brilliants S'*7 /^ 60 An engraved gold cross, set with twelve large sapphires sttl ^ - 61 A pearl half-hoop ring $ '/ 62 A PAIR OF FINE PEAR-SHAPED PEARL DROPS— 2 weight 51.^ grains each— set as earrings, with large single . a d/ ^ ^ ' brilliant collet tops The property of a lady, deceased p £6 A SINGLE-ROW PEARL NECKLACE, composed of forty - /? * df d * ' nine graduated pearls, with cluster brilliant snap & LACE, Etc. ■/f.o /lJ& 1 lT‘■ 64 A shaped piece of fine point d’Argenta; pair of ditto sleeves; and /(J$A one piece, ditto—1J yd. 65 A point d’Angleterre lappet; ditto lace, 4f yds.—in four pieces / 1 Lf 66 Point de Yenise—48 in. long ; and one small piece, ditto d 67 A small square of old English embroidery, on white silk, with the crucifixion, Virgin and Child, sacred emblems, flowers and A? foliage, in coloured silk, and with lace work border, with sacred monogram, &c .—signed Elizheth Broolce—late 17 ih century 4 r 68 A large cashmere shawl, with ornaments in colours on crimson Jf/ and green ground ^ 9 The folioicing are the Property of A GENTLEMAN, and have been Exhibited. LACE. lappet; fortiksmall pieces of point d’Alen^pn and old Valen¬ ciennes 7d Fine old Brussels— If yet, sv; and a narrow piece ditto' DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. SILVER .—At per Oz. oz. dwt. 75 A Set of Three Oblong-shaped Tea-Caddies, finely chased in relief with pastoral and other subjects of figures, in the style of Boucher, in rich borders of scrolls and flowers, the covers chased with panels of flowers and buildings, and surmounted by flower branch knobs—1765 —maker s marie F A. rectangle . . . • • . iA In Oblong Mahogany Casket, mounte pierced silver escutcheon, handle and claw feet From the Shandon Collection B 3 10 oz. dwt. 76 A William III. Labor Plain Tankard, with dome cover, scroll handle and spiral billet, with ribbed band in relief round the lower part, and on reeded f 00 t —London hall mark, circa 1695— makers mark, W. D., with trefoil branch above, in shaped shield/%- 27 Engraved with a shield-of-arms and inscription, “ Won at Yarme by Thunderbolt, 1726 ” It has remained in the family ever since it was won 77 A Charles II. Shallow Cup or Bowl, chased with large flowers and foliage and two plain shields 3§ in. cliam., 2f in. high—York hall mark, 1670—6?/ Thomas Mangy . . . • • • & * 78 A Charles I. Tall Beaker, chased with large foliage, flowers and fruit, and pricked with scroll ornament, the foot reeded—7 in. high — London hall mark, 1635 — maker's mark, an escallop shell, in outlined shicldd^^O 79 A Set of Three Oblong Scroll-shaped Tea-Caddie^, chased with panels of flowers and scrolls in low relief, on a matted ground, and fluted and chased bamboo and riband ornament at the angles, the covers sur- mounted by cone knobs— by Phillips Garden, 1754; and a set of sis tea-spoons, en suite, with shell bowls, and handles chased with masks and entwined by serpents ...... ^ In Old Black Shagreen Casket, mounted with pierced silver handle, escutcheon and claw feet 30 A TULOE JUG, of mottled brown stoneware mounted with silver-gilt neck band, finely chased with a narrow band of arabesque foliage, cover repousse and chased with lion and female masks in three cartouches, and alternate groups of fruit, with pierced lyre-shaped billet chased with a male mask, and on foot with narrow band of egg and tongue orna¬ ment, and cut and engraved foliage border above Each piece bearing the London hall mark of 1556, and maker s mark, a bird, in escalloped shield ^ 4 11 AS J Jr- 11 oz. dwt. —ZJ / 80a Eighteen Gilt Steel Dessert Knives and Forks, and a silver-gilt fruit knife and fork, all with reeded silver-gilt handles ; and six ditto dessert knives and forks, the handles chased with vines and shells —in rose-wood case From Stowe 80b Twelve large steel knives and forks, with silver mounted buck’s horn handles From Stowe 81 Two rat-tailed table-spoons—1714-1730 ; and four plain ditto—1750-71. ty /10 82 A plain vase-shaped sugar-caster—1736 . 83 A smaller ditto, engraved—1780 . . 2 84 A plain ditto, with reeded borders, on square foot ///& 5 10 86 A plain ditto, with gadroon border, on ball feet 87 A sugar-basin, similar, chased with flowers. 88 A Anted chamber-candlestick aud extinguisher 89 An Indian silver tea-pot, chased with temples, foliage, &c., a kneeling warrior on the cover . . yr 36 t p90 A punch-ladle, inlaid with a George III. spade gmnea, and with bone handle ; and a plain silver ditto —all at ~ (p9l A pair of open trellis-pattern decanter-stands, with gadroon borders—1770 —all at 92 A Siiaped Tankard, with dome cover and scroll handle, chased with flowers and scrolls, and en¬ graved with a greyhound and hare—“ Duchess , tli(i property of Mr. S. Lawrence —1764 . . 93 Twelve plain table-forks; twelve dessert-forks; k six table-spoons ; a pair of gravy-spoons ; a soup-ladle ; four sauce-ladles ; a sugar-sifter; four salt-spoons ; and a mustard-ladle . / ^7* 94 Six threaded dessert-spoons; twelve tea-spoons; and Jy pair of sugar-tongs . . • » ^ 95 A punch-ladle, with fluted bowl—1742; a lemon-straanei —1751 : and five wine-labels 6 0 Ak 85 An engraved cream-jug, with reeded border '/•?/& 3 19 u 3T 7 14 0 ^ 30 15 12 12 2. 0-7-z> 7 • 7 - 6 , oz. 90 Four oblong-sliaped salt-cellars, with chased foliage, shell and gadroon borders, gilt inside . 13 97 A flat-shaped tea-pot, with gadroon border . 23 98 A cream-jug, with gadroon border, on ball feet . y//-, 5 99 An octagonal-shaped sugar-basket, with engraved border ...... . 8 100 A pair of plain goblets, on square feet—1783 10 101 A silver mounted lacquer snuff-box; a silver pencil- case ; and two cut-glass muffineers, with silver tops —all at 102 A Venetian censer, fluted and chased with foliage, and suspended by chains from three pierced scroll arms PLATED. 40 15 ,//& * ^ two ditto snuffer-trays; three pairs of snuffers; a taper candlestick; two nutcrackers; and a telescopic toasting- fork /, 7C* , & 100 A gadrooned cruet-frame, with seven glasses (two with silver mounts); and a gadrooned liqueur-frame, with three blue t/ glass decanters lOiiA A -tr oval shaped looking - glass pltUeUU, with gilt bord e r studd e d - wi th . rose ttes,.-and on (daw feet—^58 ht. long, 234 in. wide~- in three divisions - 10h« A Metal-Gilt Table SEBVTcn, on fluted stems, the bases chased with camels, drapery, &c., with ruby aud white cut-¬ glass dishes, consisting of— Centre-piece, with branches, and four glass dishes, on — looking-glass plateau — 'P an 1 of oandelabi'ft, on ditto —; Pnir .- of sti i Tuls, wit J i trumpet vauw L.un> wit]i Hann dhil i r n j - fa oak. c aser- fitie t l - 13 The following are the Property of G. A. BAIRD, Esq., deceased , late of Stichell House , Kelso, N.B. SILVER —At per Oz. oz. dwt. 107 A small two-handled sugar-basin, with beaded borders ; and a pair of sugar-tongs „ tf /5 108 A tea-pot, richly chased with flowers and scrolls/31 109 A fluted tea-pot, with beaded borders and bandfc of trellis ornament ..... y? 25 110 A muffineer, chased with flowers and scrolls . 2 111 A circular waiter, with engraved centre—7^ in. diam^f 8 112 Another, nearly similar—9^ in. diam. 15 113 A circular salver, with gadroon border, the'centre chased with flowers and grapes—13 in. diam. 44 114 A pair of goblets, with beaded borders, embosseef with .*P///. 24 o ip z 3 conventional flowers and foliage 18 15 C ^V 2 fP£ZZ 13 / 14 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. SILVER — At per Oz. oz. dwt. 115 Abutter-knife; cheese-scoop; three caddy-spoons ; six small beaded salt-spoons; and two ladles, with , chased handles and bowls .... 8 116 A gadrooned wine-funnel ; four vine-leaf wine-labels: and four knife-rests ..... 9 117 A plain flat-shaped hot milk-jug and cover, with beMed *7 /f / S border and foot ..... &/f? 8 6 rT/ff 14 oz. 118 A coffec-pot, chased with flowers, foliage, trellis ancU^, other ornament in relief, on tripod stand with lamp 69 119 A pair of oval two-handled sauce-tureens and cover^, with beaded borders —17 75 . . . 120 A circular bowl, on foot, chased with a band of flowers and foliage in relief; and a serving-spoon, with fluted bowl ..... ,*y 0> 121 An oblong toast-rack .... ' 122 An oval wire toast-rack. . . . .' <£/// dwt. 12 drdr. 44 18 16 8 5 J-J- 123 A beaded pepper-caster—1769 . . . 124 Sis circular pierced and engraved salt-cellars, on tkr- 27 142 Four cylindrical pierced and engraved muffineers, with blue glass liners ; two others ; and a pipkin ^ 0 1^3 A small plain cylindrical sugar-dredger, with threaded handle— old Newcastle liall mark ; a pair of miniature partly fluted bowls ; and a miniature parcel-gilt beaker, engraved with a boar hunt s ^143a A small r und pierced cruet-frame, with five silver-mounted^ '' glass cruets—1780 144 A plain punch-ladle ; one, inlaid with a coin ; and a butter-knife ^ ^7 115 A cylindrical writing-case, with fittings —by Tiffany ; a purse, in the form of an oyster shell; and a copy of a Roman lamp f 146 A horn hunting-flask, with silver mount; and one, with plated^^ mount 147 A silver ruler; scroll-shaped ditto paper-knife; tortoise-shell ditto ; a spirally fluted glass scent-bottle ; and five tortoise¬ shell napkin rings O 148 An oblong Dutch tobacco-box, the lid engraved with a river scene 149 A small bowl, spirally fluted and chased ; one other pioce ; and jAc — > a o (V1 a Russian molloed snull-box 1G ^ ^ ^ 150 A cut-glass claret jag, witli liammered-silver mount— Jw? Tiffany / yff * O 151 Another, with plain silver mount A j, p/py- 152 A set of four table candlesticks, on round stems and feet, with /•f * i 4:7 gadroon borders; and a pair of plated branches for threeAf^^ lights each to form candelabra ' PLATED. ’/* S'. ^153 A pair of pierced decanter-stands, with chased vine borders and glass liners ; a champagne bottle holder ; a soda-water bottle stand; three hand candlesticks; pair of salt-cellars ; sij pannikins; and two nutcrackers & 154 A set of four plain oval dish-covers, with beaded handles O 155 A pair of oblong entree-dishes and covers, with gadroon borde/s ,fa C? 156 A two-handled venison-dish, with gadroon border ; and a small /? engraved tea-urn, on plinth, with lamp / f /if O 157 An oval two-handled soup-tureen and cover, partly fluted 158 An oak plate-chest c ?> /. / 173 An oval-shaped plateau, of old English lacquer, with animals, birds and foliage, mounted with plated border and claw feet —5 ft. long , 13 in. wide, in four divisions ^ In wooden case ^ .-171 \ pmj|H plntn-rOiftai---- FINIS. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross,