('.>,/. Bomvell. or Builders Companion &7z/awiJ>n& 7a///'/// f>///r ><"///// DESIGNS Jbr oors .Gate wavs Peer sPavi lions .Temples , CliinmeyReces, ^lah Tables, Pier Glalses, or Tabernacle Frames, Ceiling PeiceS &fc. ■ teoplcuned cr/h n'//////- //////',, Bv W^JoNES Architect PiMi/turd 'occo/t/ina tc //<■£ i>f Piv/uunent J73J London Pmi&d/vr g/ul /Zt/mcr, and 'Jj-/,/ ar Ait Aau/c near the iAap/t/e in ZCtna Jtrycr /sodden J~aua/\> . Ut/ r lc of t/ie y&ivral J^lat&f Plate 1. Resign of cl JtxnitzJjoiece for it Sfroirr dreff'd nrilA^ ^Architrave a/nd, vuu/n SftuJtiok l r urch/ .— Plate %. S2)ilto of the {Tuscan Orzl&r roit/i icr plan „ Plate 3. ^Outo and SnrichJcL nrith fhhft or Jcenror-h Plate. 4 ■ SO OJ if 7Z of the. SDoHck order 7irah ^Pittas t&r& <9htd UcJuUecL . — Plate S- .Plan ond SletrcUum of uto of the Cerrv?ztJzuin order Plate jo. Elesian'd for a, lja£eava/y or large £n£rwrice of die ^arick orzter cut - vn tftcrck-Tirzrrk Plate n. 3)eJwrvd for d)itto of the donick order Plate 1%. J-'eerd of die Uwfco/rL order nruh J^rost-tirork de tfto a ?i Op&?z de?nT?4e ?wtA eight ^ ire lie J . Plate ig. fbitto of a Circular faiallioii of die fnintJuan order. PImJ^ so- $)itto of a J f tare zfLovrn ^edwnd at die end of a middle. 71/alk to a. f/cvrdesti. Plate. %i. < d>eJuf7iL Jcuif?. U:Zmss JhiA 'de£. p-3- 3 " . ) d i n I i ao Feet Xforrtntnam Jcu-lp. + "%^t ^ h^^ r z 3 4- 5 7 S • ' ' S. Ulk.. r aiip . H?Z>ms /hv:rfc/. r> LriffK I* < 3 \ 4 £ I*- f /ii-j//?i:.fr,S . *7- J}, t-rftjculp . nC/.g. HE Ar Hs/snxs Jhif;&£. p. ^%Jf J\ H^£rmj /fu/-'Zfeet H'-Jsmj Trtu.'tte^ . P.1S, feiiiSfe3i# I If.'TiflAf 7ru<. &/. JB.Ccie Sbtfy . L_ H:7Jn*zs Dif.'dcJ. p '$>■ 8. tck. Jlulfl . WMMMT — — '■ — -~»— *' /£Sft4 T mz" ;:■*■■■ .■ a 1 ■ J^,, tt:Jates Tnv. : <&/ . p- zz. Y^:/ir7i£s Jhv.'dd/. ^k^f kuj^ I- Canvimam xfcujp /?■ 2 Z- ^=sy^\ Hl'/Jtnca J?u/:d££ . J- OsLrnritruim %Jcju4a r- r li.Tonjs Jru/.'&/, \rv\\v:. ■■' -L3- -tfFe&t J. icuyintharrv /JcuXp- p- Z4 IWJtms J/u'.'dcl. I- Gu-nritli- H W }'Ul/anA/ 7ru/.' del '» I- Carryi&iOJix >fculf? ; Pjj. W.Zsacs fn. tk&hxf/iu^p.- P-M. t- r '_4_^^ a f W.'fhn&rJru/.' P.3S. Kline, fm- dt/w^/ctdj? .■ P.3 6- -a ./•/■ '! ££/tu£? ■ ■ Pj;. _£i-r' jU Tjtws Jru/' JJeoen. xc/1't/fo . F.38. jr- £= f f.^^ r V>:Jj-rL£*/ Jru,-.' Jtc£uvt£_/ex4p: _|— ■ 6 II* 9 •P.3J. WsTon&r X/ti Hefaxr/cH//*.- j P*o. W'.Jon^Iw: ^ f r / &.x l Jtt/irt-ef JtuZc . |^ |-£- 4 hj UN t- i 4. N ^abui^^r'i >3 P 4 S , Yt'Tortej /nt/. /b&n :c*~_/cufy ■ ' p.+e. W£/# uu fnv: 2?e£n dt/euty. p. d£i*=fcH - ^■•j'- : ~S*.£J.J:.*^JLJ3L£XJ^g r h lt -Tents T/ur- dtliq:£C/ti*//' p. It /.' &tm:ccfe-tt/f* Ji-4p. Wlcnss fnv-' ^Z? e/tsi.\zl-/c u/f? ' P.so. k> \\.Zeri£j J no; de/ui ec/'i-u^p ■ Zri. 3 " Jl J IT I I J_ 7 w ~%. _l£. lEL ~3L .i£i iS^.-lfc— JLIrEl- ^ ^HET-SjE-.Sl. 9E Wc/anes Tni/-' £>slt/l Xt/cuQ?- f P.s*. 'if. 1 t' Jsms Tn, tfe&rcet/cu/p. J /'. S3- r?4. I UZ/fftAf It *r dc/*n ;sf /cu/if . & " ■ _ - — 7T _ lllllliilllllMllliiilWilllllgliity -; ■ : ' '■ ' ' /, ;.. :^ -;3::asL_ _ __T™g5g ^iW g : fij ty'-fotej- /nts: tk/irvc^/iuA a I I5o/o /^!i> ^ 7 GETTY CENTER LIBRARY