OF A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS #f tjje €avlg Cnglislj Jkjroal THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN, COMPRISING Choice Examples, in Stipple and Colours, after F. Wheatley, R.A. W. Bigg, R.A., G. Morland, H, Singleton, H. Bunbury, A. Kauffman and others: PORTRAITS, In Mezzotint and Colours, after Sir J. Reynolds, J. Hoppner. R.A. R. Cosway, R.A., Adam Buck, &c. &c.: WHIOU mill be SoIb by Auction by Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT YHKtK ©KBLAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed. Saturday arid Monday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, § King Street, St, Jamess Square, S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - 1. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. HI, In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs- Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall bo made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. ENGRAVINGS— In the Folio. 1 Rural Music, after Westall, by T. Gaugain— printed in colours 2 Garrick as “Abel Drugger,” after Zoffany, by Dixon 3 Viscount Nelson, after Beecliey, by Hodgetts 4 Idleness, by and after P. Violet— printed in colours 5 The Liberal Fair— oval,printed in colours ; L’Enfant Jesus— ditto ; and six others 8 6 Rosina; and Stella, after Dunthorno, by Mile. Papavoine— a pair, printed in colours 7 Hebe (Duckoss of Devonshire), after Hamilton, by T, Eginton— printed in colours 8 Mrs. Crouch, after G. Romney, by F. Bartolozzi— proof before all letters, in brown 9 Jenny at the Spinning Wheel, after Walker, by ditto— printed in colours 10 The Spell, by and after J. R. Smith— printed in colours 11 Eliza, after Ehrman, by T. Ryder— printed in colours B 2 4 12 The Curate and The Vicar of the Parish, after Singleton, by T. Burke —a pair 2 13 The Gleaning Girl, after Do Koster, by Burke —printed in colours 14 William Pitt, after W. Owen, by Goed; and General Suwarow, by ditto 15 General Washington, after Trumbull, by T. Cheesman H. BUNBURY. 16 Fille de Montmelian, by C. Knight; Charlotte, by C. White— proof; and Buxoma, by Shepherd 3 17 The Gardens of Carlton House, by Dickinson —open letter proof , in brown 18 Blouzelind; and Black-Eyed Susan, by ditto —a pair 2 19 “ As you like it,” by C. Knight—printed in colours 20 Morning Employments, by P. W. Tomkins A. BUCK. 21 Step by Step, by Cooper ; and First Steps in Life, by Freeman— printed in colours 2 22 The Father’s Darling ; and The Mother’s Hope, by Freeman and Stadler —printed in colours 2 23 Brother and Sister —printed in colours * 24 I could not learn my book, Mamma; and the Companion; and The Darling Awake, by Freeman —printed in colours 3 25 Maternal Instruction, by Meyer; and What’s that, Mother, by Agar and Black —printed in colours 2 26 Mamma, don’t make me beg in vain, by Bate; and Sleep, by Freschi —printed in colours 27 The Father’s Hope; and The Mother’s Pride, after Lodder and Pickersgill, by Cardon and Cook —printed in colours 2 5 R. COSWAY, R.A. 28 Mrs. Cosway, by L. Schiavonetti; Luigi Marcbi, by Ditto; and Le Chevalier d’Eon do Beaumont, by T. Chambers 3 29 Mrs. Baldwin, as “ A Grecian Lady,” by Bartolozzi— in red ; and Lady Catherine Powlett— in colours 2 30 Madame Le Brun— printed in colours 31 Mbs. Fitzherbekt, by J. Conde 32 The Fair Moralist (Mrs. Hardinge), by F. Bartolozzi— printed in colours 33 Madame Reoamier, by A. Cardon— printed in colours 34 Andromache and Ascanius, by J. Conde— printed in colours 35 Mrs. Abingdon as “ Thalia,” by Bartolozzi — in brown; and Youth, by ditto— in colours 2 GEORGE MORLAND. 36 Belinda, by Burrows; Summer, by Nugent; and The Pledge of Love, by W. Ward 3 37 Louisa, by T. Gaugain— a pair 2 38 Bovs Bathing; Skating; Robbing an Orchard; and The Angry Farmer, by E. Scott —printed in colours, set of four 4 39 The Squire’s Door ; and The Farmer’s Door, by B. Duterrau —printed in colours, a pair 2 40 The Soldier’s Farewell ; and The Soldier’s Return, by G. Graham —a pair, in brown 41 Children Playing at Soldiers, by G. Keating— printed in colours 42 The Miseries of Idleness ; and Comforts of Industry, by H. Hudson— a pair, printed in colours 2 43 The Lass of Livingstone, by T. Gaugain— printed in colours 43a Affluence Reduced, by H. Hudson—ditto 43b Delia in Town, by J. R. Smith— ditto 6 44 Morning, or The Benevolent Sportsman; and Evening, or The Sportsman’s Return, by W. Ward— open letter proofs, printed in colours 2 45 The Same Subjects —mezzotints 2 46 A Party Angling; and The Angler’s Repast, by W. Ward and G. Keating —a pair,printed in colours 2 47 The Same Subjects —mezzotints 2 48 Milkmaid and Cowherd, by J. R. Smith— printed in colours 49 Breaking the Ice, by ditto— printed in colours 50 Feeding the Pigs, by ditto— open letter proof,printed in colours 51 Inside of a Country Alehouse, by W. Ward— printed in colours 52 The Public House Door, by ditto— open letter proof 53 The Elopement ; and The Fair Penitent, by J. R. Smith — printed in colours 2 54 Constancy ; and Variety, by Bartolotti —printed in colours 2 55 The Billeted Soldier, by J. Hogg— printed in colours 56 Effects of Industry and Idleness by W. Ward ; and Dancing Dogs, by T. Gaugain 3 57 Rustic Ease; and Fishermen, by J. Young —printed in colours 2 58 First of September : Morning and Evening, by W. Ward— a pair, printed in colours 2 59 Morning, or The Higglers Preparing for Market; and Evening, or The Post Boy’s Return, by D. Orine— a pair, printed in colours 2 60 St. James’ Tare; and A Tea Garden, by T Gaugain— a pair, printed in colours 2 60a Children Birds’-Nestikg ; and Juvenile Navigators, by W. Ward— ditto, ditto 2 61 A Forgo, after Garrard, by Pothor —printed in colours /%// 7 W. BIGG, R.A. 62 Dulce Domum ; and Black Monday, by J. Jones— a pair, printed in colours 2 63 The Romps, by W. Ward— printed in colours 64 The Peasant’s Integrity ; and The Plundering Vagrants, by W. Barnard— a pair , printed in colours 2 65 Saturday Evening, or The Husbandman’s Return from Labour, by W. Nutter— printed in colours 66 The Stormy Night; and Morniug after the Storm, by W. Ward —printed in colours 2 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. 67 The Hon. Miss Bingham, by F. Bartolozzi — printed in colours 68 Jane, Countess of Harrington and Children, by ditto— in brown 69 Lady Smythe and Children, by ditto— in brown, with untrimmed margins 70 David Garrick between Comedy and Tragedy, by E. Fisher 71 Sylvia; and Collina, by J. Jones; and Prince Frederick, by Caroline Watso 3 72 Mrs. Sheridan as “ St. Cecilia,” by T. Watson— printed in colours 73 The Same, mezzotint by W. Dickinson— second state 74 The Hon. Mrs. Damer, by J. R. Smith; and Lord Rodney, by J. Watson— first stale 2 7 5 Miss Horneck, by R. Dunkarton 70 The Bird, by J. Dean— printed in colours 77 Emma (Lady Hamilton), after G. Romney, by J. Jones —in brown 78 Sensibility (Lady Hamilton), after ditto, by R. Earlom —first state, in brown, with untrimmed margins 8 79 Mrs. Jordan as “ The Romp,” after ditto, by J. Ogborne— printed in brown 80 Innocent Revenge, after Westall, by C. Jose —printed in colours 81 The Same ; and Innocent Mischief, after ditto, by ditto —printed in colours 2 82 The Dancing Girl, after Hamilton, by C. White —in red; and Children Feeding Ducks, after ditto, by C. Knight 2 83 The Seasons : The Hop-Girl; Milk-Girl; Flower Girl; and Wood Girl, from drawings by a lady, by P. W. Tomkins— printed in colours 84 Children Fishing— oval, printed in colours 85 Children with Lamb, after Hamilton, by C. White ; Children and Sow— coloured ; “ Shan’t have my Puss ”; &c.— in colours 4 86 Children with Bird-Cage; and Children with Dog, by and after P. W. Tomkins —printed in colours 2 87 Amusement; and Refreshment, after ditto, by Zaucon —printed in colours 2 88 ’Tis my Doll ; and We’ll make a Feast, after Singleton, by C. Knight —printed in colours 2 89 Cupid Concealed ; and Cup of Felicity, by Craig —printed in colours; Boy Gathering Apples, after Hamilton ; and Blind Man’s Buff 4 90 Cries of London, published by Fuller ; Children Feeding Ducks; Pius Augustus— printed in colours ; and two others, after Russell 6 91 How smooth, Brother, feel again, after Hamilton, by T. Gaugain —printed in colours 92 La Priere, after Miss Conyers, by Le Grand; and Bacchus and Cupids, after Lady D. Beauelerc, by M. Bovi —both in colours 2 93 Public Amusement, after Ramberg, by W. Ward —printed in colours 94 The Soliloquy, by and after W. Ward —printed in colours 9 95 Lucy of Loiustor, by and after ditto 96 Louisa Landgravine of Hesse Darmstadt, after Schroeder, by T. Burke —printed in colours 97 Duohess of Devonshire, after J. Downman, by F. Bartolozzi— printed in colours ANGELICA KAUFFMAN. 98 La Belle Gabrielle, by Bartolozzi— printed in colours 99 Eloisa, by Ryland; and Faith, by Brocas— both in colours 100 Maria; and Musidora, by Josi— both printed in colours 2 101 Genius and Beauty, by Bartolozzi— printed in colours 102 Abelard presenting Hymen to Eloisa, by Ogbornc— proof, in brown ; and Una, by T. Burke— in red 2 103 Ludit Amabiliter, by Ryland— printed in colours 104 Ariadne; aud Fair Fatima, by ditto— both printed in colours 2 105 Rinaldo and Armida; and Companion, by ditto— printed in colours 2 106 Una ; and Companion, by T. Burke— ovals, printed in colours 107 Venus Attired by the Graces, by Bartolozzi— printed in red 108 The Judgment of Paris, by ditto— printed in red 109 Duchess of Richmond, by Ryland— proof, in red 110 A Sacrifico to Cupid, after Cipriani, by Bartolozzi— printed in colours 111 Fire; and Water, after ditto, by ditto— printed in colours 2 112 Psyche going to Dress; and Psycho going to Bathe, after ditto, by ditto 2 113 Beauty ; and Meekness, after ditto, by ditto— printed in colours on satin 2 114 Peasants with Fruit, after Peters; and Astronomy, after P. Violet, by Bartolozzi— both in colours on satin 2 10 115 A Bacchanalian Nymph, after Amiconi, by Bartolozzi ; and A Bacchante, after Pellegrini— both in colours 2 116 Hobbinol and Ganderetta, after T. Gainsborough, R.A., by P. W. Tomkins— printed in colours 117 Young Sailors, after Paye, by J. Young— printed in colours 118 The Sailor’s Return, after Stothard, by W. Ward— printed in colours 119 The Industrious Mother, after Singleton, by W. Ward— printed in colours 120 Fonrose, after Benwell, by Bartolozzi; and Dorothea Surprised, after Shelley, by Collyer— both printed in colours 2 121 The Broken Pitcher, after Hoppner, by Jukes 122 Eliza (Mrs. Hoppner), after ditto, by J. Young 123 Lady Mulgrave, after ditto, by G. Clint 124 Evelina (Mrs. Burney), after ditto, by Baldrey 125 Cupid and Psyche, after ditto, by J. Young 126 George IV., Prince of Wales, after Gainsborough, by J. R. Smith 127 Somerset House; Westminster Bridge ; Blackfriars Bridge ; and London Bridge, after Farington, by Stadler— printed in colours 4 128 Princess Louisa, after Bardon, by J. Collyer— printed in colours 129 The Credulous Lady and Astrologer, after J. R. Smith, by P. Simon— printed in colours 130 Earl Howe, 1st. June, 1794; and Duke of York at Famars, after Brown, by Orme— printed in colours 131 Scarcity in India, after Singleton, by C. Knight— printed in colours 132 Miss Stephenson, after Peters, by Dickinson— first state 133 The Ballad Singer, after Rising, by Jones ; and The Highland Piper, after Singleton, by C. Turner— a pair, printed in colours 2 11 134 Lady Dyko Acland, after Sir T. Lawronco, by S. Cousins, R.A. 135 Reading Ovid, aftor J. R. Smith, by Meadows— printed in colours 136 Robert and Thomas Drummond, after Bonjamin West, by V. Green— first state 137 Cupid’s Revenge; and Cupid Disarmed, after Ben well, by C. Knight— printed in colours 2 138 A Silly Family Dispute, after Penney —printed in colours 139 Socioty in Solitude, after J. R. Smith, by Laneau 140 Tbo Satyr and the Traveller, after Jordaens, by V. Green— printed in colours F. WHEATLEY, R.A. Cries of London 141 Milk Below Maids, by L. Schiavonctti— printed in colours 142 Duke Cherries Round and Sound, by A. Cardon— ditto 143 Sweet China Oranges, by L. Schiavonctti— ditto 144 Peas, by G. Vendramini— ditto 145 New Love Song, by A. Cardon— printed in colours 146 Primroses, by L. Sehiavonetti— ditto 147 Knives and Scissors to Grind, by G. Vendramini— ditto 148 Gingerbread, by Vendramini— ditto 149 New Mackerel, by N. Sehiavonetti, junr.— ditto 149a Do you want any Matcues? by A. Cardon— ditto 150 The Love Sick Maid, by J. Dean ; and The Itinerant Tinker, by A. Freschi —both printed in colours 151 The Deserted Village, by F. Bartolozzi —printed in colours 152 The Benevolent Milkmaid, by W. Barnard —printed in colours 153 Rustic Hours: Morning and Noon, by H. Gilbank —printed in colours 2 12 154 Rustic Hours : Evening, by ditto— printed in colours 155 The Amorous Sportsman, by C. H. Hodges 156 Classical Subjects, by W. Ward— circles, in colours 2 Framed. 157 Lady Bamfylde, after Sir J. Reynolds, by T. Watson 158 Dressing for the Masquerade, after G. Morland, by J. R. Smith —printed in colours 159 The Rustic Ballad, after ditto, by S. W. Reynolds— printed, in colours 160 French Courtship, after Penney ; and Boy and Dog, after Emma Smith, by Harraden— both printed in colours 2 161 Sportsmen Refreshing, by and after Cruikshank ; and May Day —both printed in colours 162 The Return from Market, after Wheatley, by 0. Knight— printed in colours 163 Peasants with Fruit, after Peters— printed in colours 164 Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi, after Kauffman, by Bartolozzi; and I could not learn my book, Mamma, after Buck— both printed in colours 2 165 The Affectionate Brothers (Peniston Lamb Children), after Reynolds, by F. Bartolozzi— printed in colours 166 Going to School ; and The Cottage Door, after Wheatley, by Keating— printed in colours 2 167 The Alpine Traveller, after Northcote, by J. Ward— printed in colours 168 March ; June ; September ; and November, after Hamilton, by Bartolozzi— ovals, printed in colours 4 169 Louisa Mildmay, by and after W. Ward— printed in colours 170 Fancy Subject, a Lady — oval —by and after W. Ward— printed in colours 13 171 Black, Brown and Fair, by and after J. R. Smith— printed in colours 172 Mrs. Siddons, after Downman, by P. W. Tomkins— printed in colours 173 Sylvia and Delia, after Peters— a pair; and Child, with Bird, after Yan Assen— all printed in colours 3 174 Lady Spencer, after Reynolds, by Dickinson 175 Lady Rushout and Child, aftor Kauffman, by T. Burke— in brown 176 Industry; and Idleness (Mrs. Morland), after Morland, by C. Knight— printed in colours 2 177 Sweet Poll of Plymouth; and Black-Eyed Susan, a pair of ovals— printed in colours 178 Run-away Love, after Stothard, by C. Knight— printed in colours 179 Goorge, Prince of Wales, after R. Cosway, by F. Bartolozzi— printed in colours 180 Michael and Isabella Oginscy, after Cosway, by L. Schiavonotti —printed in colours Cries op London, after F. Wheatley 181 Peas, by G. Vendramini— printed in colours 182 Matches, by A. Cardon— ditto 183 Cherries, by A. Cardon— ditto 184 His Majesty Reviewing the Troops at Blackhcath, after Mason, by Pollard 185 The Gamesters; and The Fortuno Teller, after Peters, by J. R. Smith —a pair 2 14 186 Blind Man’s Buff, after Stothard, by C. Knight —in colours 187 Viscountess Crosbie, after Reynolds, by Dickinson 188 Duchess of Ancaster, after ditto, by Dixon ; and another 189 Viscountess Townsend, after Reynolds, by Valentine Green FINIS. London: Printed by William Clowes Sc Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.