J . ^aadmajL THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY ff.J.Snell *% Y PRACTICAL J NSTR^UCTIONS IN MMk^ h ?Al ^Tn\Q> GLASS. i m a 0 S am £n ETO. TO WHICH IS ADDED FULL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF THE VITREOUS PIGMENTS REQUIRED, WITH JpEweloe ^§>ag$s of ^lustrations, BY HENRY JAMES SNELL, For many years one of the principal Analytical Painters in the Profession. LONDON : ^RODIE 8 j ^VS. I DDL ETON , 79, J^ONG y^CpE ; jSlMPKIN, yVL AI^SHALL, pO., Stationers’ Hall Court. nk S5o Per Tube s. d. BROWN. Tracing 1 0 Ancient 1 0 Umber 1 0 Vandyke 1 0 Black Shade ... 1 0 BLACK. Copper, Soft 1 0 Tracing 1 0 Per Tube 8 . d. Sliming 1 0 Shining Ground 10 RED. For Flesh 1 6 SILVER STAIN ... 16 FLUX GROUND. Strong 1 0 Pale 10 ENAMELS, FOR MODERN GLASS PAINTING. IN “TUBES. Crimson, 2 /- ; Purple, 2 /- ; Pink Ferrara, 2 /- ; Blue, 1 / 6 ; White Mat, 1 /-. In most cases the Colors ground in Water are recommended. MAJOLICA COLORS; also UNDEE-GLAZE PAINTING AND PRINTING COLORS, on Short Notice. 1 /- per Bottle. V~ l 301, Bottle. Spirit, 1 /- ; Oil of Aniseed, 1 /-. AMATEURS’ WORK FIRED at 1 /- PER SQUARE FOOT. Messrs. BRODIE <& MIDDLETON cannot be answerable for Breakages in Firing. BRODJE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. SABLE-HAIR PENCILS OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY. Red Sable BrownS. Red Sable Brown S. S. (1. Miniature s. d. 0 4 s. d. 0 3 Small Swan S. (i. 2 0 Crow Quill ... 0 4 0 3 Middle ,, 3 0 Duck ,, 0 5 0 4 Large „ 4 0 Goose ,, 0 8 0 6 Extra Large do. 5 0 Large ,, 10d., 1/-, & 1 6 8d.&l/ Eagle Quill, 10/-, 12/-, & 15 0 10 6 IMITATION SABLE-HAIR PENCILS. Crow Quill, l^d. ; Duck do., 2d. ; Goose do., 3d. ; Extra Large do., 4d. ; Small Swan Quill, 6d. ; Middle do., 9d. ; Large do., 1/- ; Extra Large do., 1/6. SABLE-HAIR BRUSHES, IN METAL FERRULES, WITH BLACK POLISHED HANDLES. RED OR BROWN HAIR— FLAT OR ROUND. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 5d. 6d. 7d. 8d. 9d. lOd. each. For larger sizes see Artists ’ Catalogue. SABLE-HAIR BRUSHES, IN ALBATA FERRULES. RED OR BROWN HAIR-FLAT OR ROUND. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8d. 9d. lOd. 1/- 1/2 1/3 each. TRACING PENCILS, SABLE Crow, 4d. ; Duck, 6d. ; Goose, 9d. each. CAMEL-HAIR Crow, Duck, Goose, lOd. per dozen. BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. FRENCH TOOLS or HOG-HAIR BRUSHES, FLAT AND ROUND— FOR MAKING SCRUBS. Flat or Hound, same price , No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2/6 2/6 3/- 3/- 3/6 4/- 4/6 5/- 6/- 10 11 12 7/- 8/- 8/- doz EXTRA FINE HOG-HAIR TOOLS, YELLOW HANDLES. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 5d. 6d. 6d. 7d. 8d. 8d. 9d. lOd. 1/- 1/2 1/3 1/4 each. LONG AND SHORT-HAIR STIPPLERS, FOR GLASS PAINTING. No. 1 6d. 8 3/3 each. RADGER-HAIR SOFTENERS or BLENDERS. 6 5 inch. 13/- each. ROUND BADGER-HAIR TOOLS, FOR SOFTENING. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6d. 8d. lOd. 1/- 1/3 1/6 2/- 3/6 3/- 3/9 4/6 5/- each. GLASS MULLERS. 6d., 7d., 9d., 1/-, 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, 2/-, 2/3, 2/6, 2/9, 3/- each. Stone Mullers of all sizes, Granite , Purbec , <&c. GLASS SLABS. 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, 2/-, 2/4, 2/6, 3/- each. Qlass Slabs in Frames. Slabs made to order, any size, From 21/-- each. BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG A'CRE, LONDON GLASS PAINTING EASEL, FOLDING MAHL STICKS. 3/- each. RESTS, FOR glass and tile painting 2/6 each. PALETTE AND STONE KNIVES. From 6d. each, MA TERIALS FOR Water Color Painting, Illuminating Glass Painting, &e. 'it & Middll U.OJVG ACI LONDON, MOIST ICOBALT.I HALF PAN. JBrodie & Middleton 79. LONG ACRE. LONDON. WHOLE PANS. WHOLE CAKE. SUPERFINE WATER COLORS, PREPARED IN CAKES, HALF-CAKES, AND QUARTER-CAKES; MOIST IN PANS, HALF-PANS, AND TUBES. BLUES, Antwerp Blue Cobalt Cerulean French Ultramarine . Indigo . Intense Blue Prussian Blue Royal Smalts . Ultramarine, genuine or Tubes. Dry. Moist. s. d. s. d. s. d. ‘ # 0 6 O 3 O 34 % # 4 I 6 O 9 O 9 I o o 6 o 6 I 6 o 9 o 9 , # o 6 o 3 o 34 m . # 2 o I o I o O 6 c 3 o 32 ; ; , I 6 o 9 o 9 16 o 8 o 8 o J-Cakea. s. d. BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. SUPERFINE WATER COLORS — Continued. Cakes Moist, Pans J Cakps or Tul'ps. Dry. Puns Moist. REDS. s. d. s. d. S. d. Burnt Sienna . 0 6 0 3 O 3 4 Carmine ...... 2 6 I 3 I 3 Crimson Lake .... Indian Red . . . 1 • each I 0 O 6 O 6 Light Red . . . ... > O 6 O 3 O 34 Madder Carmine .... 3 6 I 9 I 9 Madder Lake 2 0 I 0 I 0 Magenta 1 0 O 6 O 6 Pink Madder .... 2 0 I 0 I 0 Pure Scarlet . . . 3 6 I 9 I 9 Rose Madder .... 2 0 1 I 0 I 0 Scarlet Lake . . . , . \ Scarlet Vermilion. \ * each 1 0 O 6 O 6 Venetian Red . . . . • . < Vermilion \ t each 0 6 O 3 O 3 4 PURPLES. Burnt Carmine 3 6 I 6 I 6 Dahlia Carmine .... 2 6 I 3 I 3 Mauve ...... 1 0 O 6 O 6 Purple 0 6 O 3 0 34 Purple Lake 0 9 O 44 O 44 Purple Madder . j Violet Carmine . . . 1 | each 2 0 I 0 I 0 BROWNS. Bistre Brown Ochre . . . Brown Pink ..... Burnt Umber Cologne Earth .... . each 0 6 O 3 O 34 Madder Brown ..... 1 0 O 6 O 6 Raw Umber ..... # 0 6 O 3 O 34 Roman Sepia 1 0 O 6 O 6 Vandyke Brown .... 0 6 O 3 O 34 Warm Sepia ..... • 1 0 O 6 O 6 WHITES. Chinese White .... 0 6 O 3 O 34 Constant White .... 0 1 0 O 6 O 6 Flake White .... 0 6 O 3 O 34 BLACKS. Blue Black ) Ivory Black > b-amp Blapk , , , * , ] ■ each 0 6 0 3 O 34 I Ouk^s s. d. O 2 o 9 O 4 0 2 1 O o 6 o 4 0 6 1 o o 6 o 4 o 2 o 10 o 9 o 4 O 2 O 3 o 6 O 2 O 4 O 2 O 4 O 2 O 4 O 2 O 4 O 2 0 ? BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG A?CRE, LONDON. SUPERFINE WATER COLORS — Continued. YELLOWS AND ORANGES. j- en Emerald Green Green Lake, No. 1, Pale . Ditto No. 2, Middle . Ditto No. 3, Deep . Ditto No. 4, Extra Deep Hooker’s Green, No. 1, Pale Ditto No. 2, Deep Malachite Green Oxide of Chromium Olive Green .... Sap Green .... Terra verte . Verdigris .... Veronese Green ^ each | each | each > each GREYS. Neutral Tint Payne’s Grey . Ultramarine Ash each Cakes Moi^t, Pans £-Cakes Pans each each Aureolin Cadmium Yellow, Pale . Ditto Deep Chrome Yellow, No. 1, Pale Lemon Ditto No. 2, Golden Tint Ditto No. 3, Orange Ditto No. 4, Red Gallstone Gamboge . ' . Indian Yellow .... Italian Pink .... King’s Yellow .... Lemon Yellow .... Mars Orange .... Mars Yellow .... Naples Yellow ...... Orange Vermilion Raw Sienna . . . . • ( ^ rh Roman Ochre ( Royal Yellow (or Chinese Orange) Strontian Yellow Yellow Lake ... ^ each Yellow Ochre .... Yellow Madder GREENS. each s. d. s. d. s. d. 3 0 i 6 i 6 3 .6 1 9 1 9 0 6 0 3 0 34 3 0 1 6 1 6 0 6 0 3 0 34 1 0 0 6 0 6 0 6 0 3 0 34 0 6 0 3 0 34 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 6 0 9 0 9 0 6 0 3 0 3i 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 6 0 3 0 34 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 6 0 3 O 34 2 6 1 3 I 3 0 6 0 3 0 34 1 0 0 6 0 6 0 6 0 3 0 34 1 6 0 9 0 9 0 6 0 3 0 34 1 6 0 9 0 9 0 6 0 3 0 34 3 6 l 9 l 9 J-Cakes. s. d. I O O 2 O IO O 2 O 4 O 2 O 2 o 6 O 5 O 2 o 6 O 2 o 6 O 2 o 9 O 2 o 4 O 2 O 5 O 2 O 5 0 2 1 Q BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. BOXES OF SUPERFINE WATER COLORS. Box No. 15, £1 7s. 6d. (MAHOGANY,) LOCK AND KEY. No. I. — Containing 12 5-Lakes, Brushes and Slab . No. 2. — Containing 14 5-Cakes, Slab, Brushes, Indian Ink, Lead Pencil, &c. . . No. 3. — Containing 18 5-Lakes, Slab, Brushes, Pencil Rest, Indian Ink, and Water Glass, &c. No. 4. — Containing 27 J-Cakes, Slab, Brushes, Pencil Rest, Lead Pencil, Indian Ink, and Water Glass No 5. — With Drawer and Tray, containing 12 ^-Cakes, 4 Saucers, Brushes, 2 Slabs, Water Glass, Indian Ink, India Rubber, Pencil Rest, Lead Pencil, Sky Brushes, and Thumb Palette in Drawer . . ... No. 6. — The same as No. 5, with 18 ^-Cakes . . No. 7. — The same as No. 5 > with 24 |-Cakes No. 8. — (Narrow) with Tray and Drawer, containing 12 Cakes, 4 Saucers, Brushes, Pencil Rest, Lead Pencil, Sky Brush, and a Divided Palette in Drawer £ s. d. 050 060 086 0150 017 6 1 2 6 1 7 o 0176 BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. BOXES OF SUPERFINE WATER COLORS— Continued. No. 9. — With Drawer and Tray, containing 12 Cakes, 4 Saucers, 2 Slabs, Indian Ink, India Rubber, Water Glass, Brushes, Lead Pencil, Sky Brush, Pencil Rest, and Thumb Palette in Drawer . . . . . .1 No. 10. — The same as No. 9, with 18 Cakes . . .1 No. 11. — The same as No. 9, with 24 Cakes . . .1 No. 12. — Caddy Lid, with Drawer and Tray, containing 12 4 -Cakes, 4 Saucers, 2 Slabs, Indian Ink, India Rubber, Water Glass, Brushes, Lead Pencil, Sky Brush, Pencil Rest, and Thumb Palette in Drawer . . . . .1 No. 13. — The same as No. 12, with 18 J-Cakes . . 1 No. 14. — The same as No. 12, with 24 4 -Calces . . .1 No. 15. — Caddy Lid, with Drawer and Tray, containing 12 Cakes, a Bottle of Chinese White, and Water Color Mygulph, 4 Saucers, 2 Slabs, Indian Ink, India Rubber, Water Glass, Brushes, Lead Pencil, Sky Brush, Pencil Rest, and Thumb Palette in Drawer . . , . . .1 No. 16. — The same as No. 15, with 18 Cakes . . .1 No. 17. — The same as No. 15, with 24 Cakes . , .2 No. 18.— Caddy Lid, (Rosewood) with Fittings as No. 15. , 3 7 15 7 i5 7 i5 2 3 Fancy Wood Color Boxes oj various descriptions , at equally low prices. MAHOGANY SLIDING TOP BOXES, CONTAINING 6 quarter Cakes and Brushes s. d. i 6 18 half Cakes and Brushes s. 6 12 2 6 6 whole ,, ,, 3 ,, ,, 4 0 12 6 6 half ,, 2 6 18 1 1 1 1 .9 *2 >* 4 0 d- O 6 o o 6 o 6 o o o d. o 6 6 6 BOXES OF COLORS. ARRANGED AS RECOMMENDED BY THE SOCIETY OF ARTS. No. I.— Slide Lid Box, containing the 10 Colors and 3 Brushes, with practical directions for use .... No. 2. — Lock Box, containing 10 Colors, Slab, 2 Water Glasses, Brushes, Pencil, &c. . . » ♦ • s. d. 1 o S Q BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. MINIATURE AND OTHER SIZE JAPANNED SKETCH BOXES. FILLED WITH MOIST COLORS. JAPANNED TIN WATER COLOR BOXES. (EMPTY.) WITH PALETTE FLAPS, FOR MOIST OR DRY CAKE COLORS MINIATURE. contain 3 Colors . J-Cakes s. d. i-Cak'^s s. d. J-Cakes s. d. 2 3 „ 6 yy 2 3 2 3 2 9 „ 8 yy 2 6 2 6 3 3 ,, 10 yy . 2 9 2 9 3 9 „ 12 yy 3 0 3 0 4 3 „ 14 yy . . 1 3 3 3 3 4 9 ,, 16 yy 3 6 3 6 5 0 ,, 18 yy 3 9 3 9 5 9 ,, 20 yy • — — 6 0 „ 22 yy — — 6 9 >» 24 yy • . . ■ . — — 7 0 Cakes S. d. 2 6 BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. WITH FOLDING PALETTE LID. Holl 'wed & divided Lids 12 Moist Tube Box I Fitted, s. d. 14 O Empty, i S. d. I 6 6 I 12 Moist Tube Box Fitted, s. d. 12 O 14 17 6 7 6 14 15 O 16 20 0 9 0 lb ,, ,, 17 6 , 18 „ „ 25 0 10 0 18 20 0 Flat Lids Empty s. d. 5 6 6 6 7 o 8 o MOIST TUBE COLOR BOXES. PALETTE BOXES. For holding a small supply of color for a few days’ use ; the Well to be filled from the Tubes. — 5/- and 6/- each. RIMMED DIPPER, (A), to prevent the water spilling, 1/6. Ditto ditto (S), ditto, 1/-, 1/3, and 1/6 each. BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. The following arrangement of Colors has been selected and recommended by Water Color Artists of the first celebrity : — JAPANNED TIN SKETCH BOXES, FILLED WITH MOIST COLORS. THE FLAPS OF WHICH SERVE AS PALETTES. Three Cake Boxes, for Light and Shade Drawing. Containing French Blue, Sepia, Chinese White Six Cake Boxes, for Landscapes. Raw Sienna, Gamboge, Crimson Lake, Venetian Red, Prussian Blue, Vandyke Brown .... Six Cake Boxes, for Landscapes and Figures. Vandyke Brown, Light Red, Indigo, Cobalt, Indian Yellow, Crimson Lake ...... Eight Cake Boxes, for Landscapes. Whole Pans s. d. | 6 o 6 6 8 6 i Pans s. d 4 O 4 9 5 6 Cobalt, Indigo, Vandyke Brown, Light Red, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Gamboge, Crimson Lake Eight Cake Boxes, for Landscapes and Figures. Yellow Ochre, Light Red, Cobalt, Vermilion, Madder Brown, Rose Madder, Prussian Blue, Vandyke Brown . Ten Cake Boxes, for Landscapes. Gamboge, Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Venetian Red, Olive Green, Vandyke Brown, Crimson Lake, Cobalt, Indigo, Neutral Tint ...... Ten Cake Boxes, for Landscapes and Figures. Yellow Ochre, Indian Yellow, Burnt Sienna, Light Red, Vermilion, Cobalt, Rose Madder, Olive Green, Prussian Blue, Vandyke Brown ..... Twelve Cake Boxes, for Landscapes. Vandyke Brown, Brown Pink, Indigo, Crimson Lake, Cobalt, Neutral Tint, Indian Red, Burnt Sienna, Vermilion, Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Italian Pink Twelve Cake Boxes, for Landscapes and Figures. Gamboge, Indian Yellow, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Light Red, Scarlet Vermilion, Rose Madder, Purple Lake, Vandyke Brown, Brown Pink, Indigo, French Ultramarine 9 o 10 6 10 6 12 o 12 o 14 6 6 6 7 6 7 6 8 6 9 o 10 Q MODlE & MIDDLETON, 79 , LONG ACRE, LONDON. PHOTOGRAPHIC WATER COLORS. CHESTNUT BRIGHT GREEN FLAXEN Sixpence per Cake. BROWN BLACK AUBURN LIGHT GREY CHINESE WHITE GOLDEN YELLOW DEEP BLUE MAUVE FLESH SHADOW, No. i ,, No. 2 „ „ No. 3 ULTRAMARINE Ninepence per Cake. | VERONESE GREEN One Shilling per Cake. PALE FLESH FLESH DEEP FLESH SCARLET LEMON YELLOW ITALIAN BLUE CARMINE ROSE TINT THE One Shilling Box of Photographic Colors, Containing 12 Colors and 3 Brushes. WATER COLOR MEDIUM, ADAPTED EQUALLY FOR WATER COLOR OR PHOTOGRAPHIC PAINTING. This preparation overcomes a difficulty long felt by Colorists, viz : the greasy ten- dency of the paper. One application of the Medium (diluted with water,) evenly laid on with a brush and allowed to dry, entirely removes the grease. The Medium can then be used with the color, giving the Picture an Ivory Surface appearance. Sixpence and Shilling per Bottle. GOLD, SILV ER, & ALUMINIUM SHELLS. GOLD. each s. d. dozen s. d. SILVER, &c. each s. d. dozen s. d. Half Shell . O 4 3 6 Silver Shells . 0 3 2 6 Whole Shell 0 5 4 0 Aluminium Shells 0 3 2 6 Extra Large Shell 0 7 6 0 Green Gold Shells . 0 6 5 0 2 dot Gold Shells, is. each. GOLD SAUCERS. i-in. Gold Saucer each s. d. 0 5 dozen s. d. 4 6 if Gold Saucer, 3 dots i each | s. d. 1 6 dozen s. d. l6 O if-in. „ 0 7 1 6 0 24 ,, 6 dots 1 3 0 32 O GOLD and SILVER CAKES, in China Pans. Gold Cakes 4s. each. Silver Cakes is. each. Liquid Gold, in Stoppered Bottles, 5s. Gold & Silver Ink, 6d. & is. Bottle. BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. I5KOD1E & MIDDLETON’S IN PANS AND TUBES. For Painting Magic Lantern Slides , &c. GLASS PAINTING WATER COLORS (IN BOXES,) No. I. — Slide Lid, containing 6 Colors in Pans, Brushes, and I Fixing Varnish 2. — Slide Lid, containing 12 Colors in Pans, Fixing Varnish, and Brushes ...... 3 » — Lock Box, containing 12 Colors in Pans, Slab, Fixing Varnish, Brushes, &c. ..... 4. — Lock Box, containing 9 Colors in Tubes, Slab, Fixing Varnish, Brushes, &c. ..... 5. — Lock Box, containing 12 Colors in Tubes, Slab, Fixing Varnish, Brushes, Etching Needle, &c. . 6. — Caddy Lid Box, elaborately fitted 7- — Ditto ditto ditto with drawer and extra fittings Etching Needles , 9 d. each. Outlining Pencils , 2 d. each. TRANSPARENT MOIST WATER COLORS, CLASS PAINTINCl COLOR. YELLOW BRODIE &MIDDLETON.| 79. LONG ACRE. LONDON. Blue, No. 1 . Pans, s. d. O 6 Tubes, s. d. i 6 Black Pans, s. d. 0 3 ,, No. 2 O 3 0 9 Light Green 0 3 Crimson 0 6 1 6 Dark ,, . 0 3 Amber . 0 3 0 9 1 Orange . 0 3 Brown 0 3 0 9 Purple 0 4 Mauve , 0 6 1 6 1 Scarlet . . Q 6 BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. BOXES OF COLORS (varnish,; No. 1. — Contains 9 Colors, Medium, Palette, Spirit, Brushes, Palette Knife, &c. ..... ,, 2. — Contains 12 Colors, Medium, Spirit, Varnish, Palette, Eraser, Brushes, Palette Knife, Outlining Pen, &c. R.S. — In ordering, to prevent mistakes, please describe them as VARNISH COLORS. d. 12 O 21 O BRODIE & MIDDLETON’S VARNISH COLORS AND MEDIUMS, For Painting Magic Lantern Slides, &c. VARNISH COLORS, IN TUBES. Raw Sienna s. d. 0 6 Light Blue . Burnt ,, 0 6 Orange . Green 0 6 Crimson Black 0 6 Purple . Yellow, No. 1 0 6 Rose „ No. 2 . 0 6 Medium . Blue 0 6 Spirit, per Bottle . Brown f . . 0 6 Varnish ,, , OMiPKOWii BRODIE k MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. BEST DRAWING PENCILS. H, HH, HHH, HHHH B, BB, HB F, FF HHHHHH . . 4d. each, or 3s. 6d. dozen. BBB . . . 5d. ,, 4s. 6d. ,, 3^d, each, or 3s. dozen. DRAWING PENCILS. Polished , Gilt Lettered. RECOMMENDED FOR SCHOOL USE AND GENERAL PURPOSES. HB, H, HH, HHH, B BB, BBB, F, FF ALSO Faber’s Drawing Pencils ) , , , - A Gilbert’s „ „ j 2d. each, or is. gd. doeen. Brockendon’s Pure Cumberland Lead Pencils, 5d. each, or 4s. 6d. dozen. 2d. each, or is. 9d. dozen. BRODIE & MIDDLETON’S BEST EXTRA BROAD LEAD, Ninepence each. PENNY DRAWING PENCILS. 4 Degrees HB, B, BB, H. BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. JAPANNED TIN SKETCH BOXES— Continued. Fourteen Cake Boxes, for Landscapes. Cobalt, Indigo, Neutral Tint, Emerald Green, Brown Pink, Vandyke Brown, Madder Brown, Crimson Lake, Indian Red, Light Red, Burnt Sienna, Indian Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Gamboge ...... Fourteen Cake Boxes, for Landscapes and Figures. Indigo, French Ultramarine, Neutral Tint, Olive Green, Emerald Green, Madder Brown, Vandyke Brown, Purple Lake, Rose Madder, Scarlet Vermilion, Light Red, Indian Yellow, Gamboge, Yellow Ochre .... Sixteen Cake Boxes, for Landscapes and Figures. Lemon Yellow, Gamboge, Indian Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Light Red, Burnt Sienna, Vermilion, Purple Lake, Rose Madder, Vandyke Brown, Madder Brown, Olive Green, Emerald Green, Indigo, French Ultramarine, Crimson Lake Sixteen Cake Boxes, for Landscapes, Figures, & Flowers. Royal Yellow, Indian Yellow, Gamboge, Chrome, Vermilion, Pure Scarlet, Indian Red, Rose Madder, Carmine, Burnt Carmine, Vandyke Brown, Ivory Black, Olive Green, Emerald Green, French Ultramarine, Indigo Twenty Cake Boxes, for Landscapes, Figures, & Flowers. Lemon Yellow, Indian Yellow, Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Chrome Yellow, Vermilion, Light Red, Indian Red, Rose Madder, Carmine, Purple Madder, Vandyke Brown, Brown Pink, Sepia, Sap Green, Emerald Green, Indigo, French Ultramarine, Cobalt, Cerulean .... s. 14 16 19 26 j 27 d. s. d. 6 10 6 6 o 13 o o 16 6 o 18 6 JAPANNED TIN WATER BOTTLES, WITH CUPS. BOTTLES. BOTTLES. BOTTLES. s. u. Japanned Water Bottle, with Cups, Oval 2 o „ Middle Size ditto ,, 26 „ Large Size ditto „ 30 ., Water Bottle ditto, ditto. Plated inside . • 5 0 Japanned Water Bottle, Middle Size, with Cups, Oval, Plated inside 6 o Large Size ditto, ditto, ditto 7 6 Broad Oval Water Bottle, with Cups . . - 3 s „ Long ditto, ditto, ditto . 5 6 BRODlE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. COLORS AND MATERIALS FOR No. I. — Slide Lid Box, containing 12 Colors, 3 Brushes, and Practical directions for use .... ,, 2. — Hook and Eye Mahogany Box, containing 12 Colors, Brushes, and 3 Saucers ..... ,, 3. — Hook and Eye Mahogany Box, containing 12 Colors, Gold and Silver Shells, Slab, Brushes, &c. ,, 4. — Hook and Eye Mahogany Box, containing 18 Colors, Gold and Silver Shells, Slab, Brushes, &c. ,, 5.— Lock Mahogany Box, containing 12 Large Best Colors, Gold and Silver Shells, Slab, Water Glass, India Rub- ber, Brushes, See. ..... ,, 6. — Lock Mahogany Box, containing 14 Large Best Colors, Gold and Silver Shells, 2 Water Glasses, Slab, Indian Ink, Brushes, &c. ..... ,, 7. — Lock Mahogany Box, containing 10 Best MOIST Colors, Large Gold Saucer, Silver Shell, Tube Chinese White, Burnisher, Slab, Water Glass, Brushes, &c. ,, 8. — Lock Mahogany Box, with Tray, containing 18 Large Best Colors, Gold and Silver Shells, Slab, Indian Ink, Rub- ber, Saucers, Burnisher, Brushes, Water Glass* &c. £ s. d. 010 026 040 056 066 086 o 10 6 o 15 0 BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. ILLUMINATING COLOR BOXES— Continued. No. 9. — Lock Mahogany Box (Caddy Lid) containing 18 Best MOIST Colors, Large Gold Saucer, Silver Shell, Tube Chinese White, Burnisher, Slab, 2 Water Glasses, Pot Water Gold Size, Pencil Rest, Brushes, &c. . . 1 1 o ,, 10. — Caddy Lid, Walnut or Rosewood Lock Box, containing same as No. 9, with Drawer containing Palette, &c., and superior Brushes . . . . .220 No. 11 . — £2 2s. No. 12 . — £3 3?. Moist or Dry Colors. ILLUMINATING COLORS. MOIST, IN CUPS. 6d. each. Grey Light Green Dark Venetian Red Neutral Purple Black Prussian Blue Orange Yellow Ochre Chrome Vandyke Brown Vermilion Is. each. Lemon Cobalt Mauve * Ultramarine Madder Brown Scarlet Vermilion Crimson Lake Sepia Veronese Green Is. 6d. each. Carmine Rose Madder Intense Blue CHINESE WHITE, in Tubes, 6d. and Is. each. „ „ in Bottles, 8d. LARGE ILLUMINATING COLORS (dry.) 6d. each. Chrome Bright Green V ermilion Neutral Burnt Sienna Black Yellow Ochre Venetian Red Vandyke Brown Orange Prussian Blue Purple Grey Is. each. Ultramarine Mauve Sepia Veronese Green Permanent White Lemon Madder Brown Cobalt Crimson Lake Scarlet Vermilion Is. 6d. each. Rose Madder Carmine Intense Blue BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. SUPERIOR Messrs. B. & M. having been solicited by many of their customers to turn their attention to the manufacture of superior Photographic Water Colors, they beg to say, that while paying particular attention to the pureness of the Colors, they have not lost sight of the necessity of producing the same at prices within the reach of all classes — at least, 50 per cent, less than is generally charged for such articles. These Colors are warranted not to contain anything injurious to the Photograph. BOXES OF PHOTOGRAPHIC WATER COLORS No. I. — Sliding Lid Box, contains 12 Cakes, Pencils, &c. . ,, 2. — Sliding Lid Box, contains 18 Cakes, Pencils, &c. ,, 3. — Mahogany Lock Box, contains 12 Cakes, Pencils, Palette, Water Glass, Tube of Chinese White, and a Bottle of Liquid Carmine ...... ,, 4. — Mahogany Lock Box, contains 18 Cakes, Pencils, Palette, Water Glass, Tube of Chinese White, and a Bottle of Liquid Carmine ...... ,, 5* — Mahogany Lock Box, contains 24 Cakes, Pencils, Palette, Water Glass, Tube of Chinese White, and a Bottle of Liquid Carmine, Water Color Mygulph, &c. ,, 6. — Mahogany Lock Box, Caddy Lid, contains 24 Cakes, Pencils, Palette, Water Glass, Tube of Chinese White, and a Bottle of Liquid Carmine, Water Color Mygulph, Preparation, & c. , , , , x, s. a. 076 o 12 o 0 15 o 1 I o 1 II 6 2 2 Q BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. FINELY GROUND BY MACHINERY. IN PATENT COLLAPSIBLE TUBES. Single, 3d. Double Size, 6d. Larger, 9d. & Is Yellow Ochre Roman or Golden Ochre Brown Ochre Raw Sienna Burnt „ Prussian Blue Antwerp „ Indigo „ Permanent Blue Indian Red Light „ Venetian Red Bone Brown Cappah „ Vandyke „ Pale Naples Yellow Deep ,, ,, Extra Deep Naples Yellow Patent Yellow Chromes. Nos. 1,2, 3, 4 Raw Umber Burnt ,, Sacrum, or Dryers Mineral Green Mummy Bitumen Asphalt um Dutch Pink Brown „ Italian ,, Neutral Tint Red Lead Cologne Earth Yellow Lake Purple „ Indian ,, Lake Ivory Black Lamp ,, Blue „ Terravert Verdigris Emerald Green White Cassell Earth Blue Verditer 5d. each. Crimson Lake Scarlet „ Vermilion Sap Green 6d. each. Royal Yellow Cerulean (blue) French Ultramarine Green Lake ,, No. 1 8d. each. Oxide of Chromium Mars Yellow Strontian Yellow Indian ,, Gamboge 9d. each. Cobalt Scarlet Vermilion 10d. each. Madder Brown Mars Orange Is. each. Lemon Yellow Pink Madder Madder Lake Malachite Green Rose Madder Pale Ultramarine Ash Veronese Green Is. 6d. each. Carmine Violet Carmine Cadmium Yellow Deep Ultramarine Ash 2s. 6d. each. Aureolin Purple Madder Madder Car- SINGLE. The more expensive Colors are put in Tubes 2 inches long ; the middle prices art put in 3-inch, and the cheaper Colors in \-inch Tubes . DOUBLE. 6d. Double. 8d. Treble. WHITE. 2S. 6d. i-lb. is. Quadruple. 4s. 6d. 2-lb. each. MYGULPH (Mastic), Single . . . . 3$d. | Double , , • 7d, BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. JAPANNED TIN OIL COLOR BOXES, FOR CONTAINING TUBE COLORS, BRUSHES, OILS, &c., &c. No. 1 „ 2 >» 3 „ 4 it 5 Box No. 5. Fitted, ,£1 15s.; Empty, 10s. 6d. Size 94 in. by 44 in . , 1 4 inch deep. Containing 8 Colors, 3 Flat Sables in Tin, 6 Hog- hair Tools, Badger Softener, Palette Knife, and Mahogany Folding Palette Size g^-in. by \\-in., 2 -in. deep. Containing 16 Colors, Fittings same as Box No. 1 Size 134 'in. by $-in., \\-in. deep. Containing 12 Colors, Fittings same as Box No. 1 Size 134 'in. by $-in., 2 -in. deep. Containing 16 Colors, 6 Flat Sable Tools, 6 Hog- hair Tools, Badger Softener, Palette Knife, Chalk, Port Crayon, Mahogany Folding Palette, Bottle of Turpentine, Linseed Oil, and Dipper . Containing 19 Colors, Fittings same as Box No. 4. This Box can be placed on the knees, the strap passing underneath the feet keeping it firm. The dot lines representing a canvas or mill board, which can then be adjusted for painting on, being held tight by a hook at the end of a piece of elastic band. Fitted Empty £ s. d. £ s. d. 0 15 O 046 IOO 0 5 6 IOO 060 I s 0 VO 0 1 15 0 0 10 6 BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Fitted £ s. d. I 5 9 o 1 5 o 6 6 JAPANNED TIN OIL COLOR BOXES— Continued, Size 13 in. by 8| in., i| in. deep. No. 6 Containing 20 Colors, 6 Flat Sable Tools, 6 Hog- hair Tools, Badger Softener, Palette Knife, Dipper, Bottle of Mastic Varnish, Pale Drying Oil, and Mahogany Palette ,, 7 The same as Box No. 5, with Recess, containing two Mill Boards, 12 X 8 Size 8f in. by 6f in., 2 § in. deep. „ 8 Containing 12 Colors, 6 each Round and Flat Sable Tools, 6 Hog-hair Tools, Badger Softener, Bottle of Mastic Varnish, Turpentine, Linseed Oil, Pale Drying Oil, Chalk, Port Crayon, Palette Knife, Dipper, and Mahogany Palette . 9 The same as Box No. 6, with Recess, containing two Prepared Mill Boards, 8^ X 6| Size 10 in. by 7 in., 3 in. deep. Containing 16 Colors, Fittings same as Box No. 6 The same as Box No. 8, with Recess, containing two Prepared Mill Boards, 10 X 7 Size 1 1 in. by 8 in. , 3 in. deep. Containing 20 Colors, Fittings same as Box No. 6 The same as Box No. 10, with Recess underneath, containing two Prepared Mill Boards, 11x8 . Size I2| in. by 8^ in., 3 in. deep. Containing 27 Tube Colors, and 6 each Round and Flat Sables in Tin, 12 Hog-hair Tools, Badger, Palette Knife, Chalks, Port Crayon, Bottle of Mastic Varnish, Turpentine, Pale Drying Oil, Linseed Oil, and Mahogany Palette The same as Box No. 12, with Recess, containing two Prepared Mill Boards, 12 X 8 Size 14 in. by 10 in., 3^ in. deep. Containing 27 Tube Colors, 9 Flat and 6 Round Oil Color Sable Tools, 12 Hog-hair Tools, Badger, Palette Knife, Mastic Varnish, Turpentine, Pale Drying Oil, Linseed Oil, Poppy Oil, Preparation Copal, Mahogany Palette, Mill Boards, Dippers, Rest Stick, &c. , &c. . . . -33 7 6 1 10 6 1 12 6 * 15 220 270 Empty 7 6 9 c 7 o 090 o 10 o o 10 o O 12 O O 12 O o 14 ! 00 16 o JAPANNED & PLAIN TIN BRUSH CASES. No. 1 Oval, 11 inch long BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. TABLETS FOR SKETCHING IN OIL. Made on the principle rf the Solid Sketch Books , set page 27. Being composed of a number of sheets of Prepared Paper, fastened at the edges, forming a solid block of paper, from which each sheet may be separated by passing a knife round the edge. EACH TABLET CONTAINS 24 SURFACES OF OIL SKETCHING PAPER. In Covet with Protector s. d. Size i6mo Imperial, 7 inch by 5 8vo ,, 10 ,, 7 4to „ 14 „ 10 Half ,, 20 ,, 14 Black In only. Cover. s. d. s. d. 2 O 3 2 3 0 4 6 5 6 8 0 10 0 14 6 PAPER. per sheet OIL SKETCHING Size Imperial 30 inch by 22 Half Imperial 22 ,, 15 MILL BOARD OR SKETCHING FRAMES. FOR SKETCHING FROM NATURE. And afterwards for carrying two wet Sketches without injury, the frame being made with a rabbet on each side, a Mill Board being placed into each of them. PRICES AND SIZES OF FRAMES. s. d. 3 6 3 6 4 o Any size made to order . ARTISTS’ PALETTE KNIVES. 14 inch by 10 . each s. 2 d. 6 18 inch by 12 . each 15 „ 11 • 99 2 9 19 » 13 • 99 16 „ 12 • 99 3 0 20 „ 14 • 99 No. 556. No. 540. 3 inch Si inch 4 inch 4i inch 5 inch 5 i inch 6 inch s. d. S. d. S. d. s. d. s. d. S. d. s. d. — O 6 — O 7 O 8 0 6 O 7 O 8 O 9 O 10 I O I 2 0 7 O 8 O 10 I O I 2 I 4 I 6 0 8 O 9 O 10 I O I 2 I 4 I 6 0 9 O 10 I 0 I 2 • 4 I 6 I 8 — I 6 i — 7 * 8 I 9 I JQ No. 520, Cocoa Handle 540, ,, ,, Artists’ 541, ,, Balance 549, „ „ askew) points . . S 545, Cocoa Balance ) black tips . ) 556, Ebony Handle ) Trowels . S Also Palette Knives in many other varieties , BRODIE & MtDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. For Water Color Painting. SABLE-HAIR PENCILS OF THE VERY REST QUALITY. Red Sable Browns. Miniature s. d. O 4 s. d. 0 3 Small Swan . S. d. ! 2 0 Crow Quill O 4 0 3 Middle „ 3 0 Duck ,, 0 5 0 4 Large ? j 4 0 Goose , , 0 8 0 6 Extra Large, do. . 5 0 Large „ iod., 1/-, & 1 6 8d &i/- Eagle Quill, 10/-, 12/-, & 15 0 ! lied Sable BrownS. s. d. 2 O 2 6 3 o 4 o to 6 IMITATION SABLE-HAIR PENCILS. Crow Quill, ijd.; Duck do., 2d.; Goose do., 3d.; Extra Large do., 4d.; Sinai* Swan Quill, 6d.; Middle do., gd.; Large do., 1/- ; Extra Large do., 1/6. BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON. SABLE-HAIR BRUSHES, FLAT, IN METAL FERRULES WITH BLACK POLISHED HANDLES. REP OR FROWN HAIR. No. 1 23456789 10 11 12 5d. 6d. 7d. 8d. 9d. lod. 1/3 1/6 2/- 3/- 3/9 4/9 each. SABLE-HAIR BRUSHES, IN ALBATA FERRULES. FLAT. RED OR BROWN HAIR. No. 123456789 IO II 12 8d. 9d. iod. 1 /- 1/2 1/3 1/8 2/- 2/9 4/- 5 /- 6/- each. IMITATION SABLE BRUSHES, IN METAL FERRULES. FLAT. No. i 23456789 IO II 12 2d, 2±d 3d. 34d. 344, 4d. 54, 6d. 7d, 9a. iod. I /■ each. BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON, OVAL AND . OBLONG CHINA Size 3 inch, Oval or oblong . each 4 *•> >> 5 »f >> L 5> 6 „ ,, ,, ,, 7 „ C ° 5 9 9 9 99 99 9 „ IO ,, II «N « 41 s. d. 0 5 0 0 0 7* 0 9 1 O 1 3 1 6 1 9 v j BASIN SLANT. 3/- and 3/6 each. |pl pB^R INDIAN INK SLABS. OOO Small Size Middle „ . Large ,, Extra Large Size 4 4f 6i 2§ 3 4i s. d. ° I o 6 0 8 1 6 SQUARE DIVIDED TILES. 3 DIVIDED SLANT TILES. clip f! . . ft 3 division, 4 „ 5 „ 6 „ 12 „ 13 3 4 6 12 deep Divisions 2 . 3 4 • 6 9 • 12 s. d, O 5 o 8 0 IO 1 o 1 6 2 o CABINET NESTS Size 2f in. 2f „ 3 >> 3i » Wells WELL SLABS, Six Saucers s. d. i 6 1 9 2 o 2 6 each In Leather Case s. d. 2 6 3 o 3 6 4 o as above Pencil Rests , 3^. each. Tinting Saucers , various sizes , 8^. afo. Every description of Porcelain Goods required in Painting, in variety. BRODIE & MIDDLETON, 79, LONG ACRE, LONDON 1 . AND COPPER PLATE MATERIALS. £ s. d. Burnishers, finest Steel . . from 0 I O Blotting Paper . per quire 0 2 O Bordering or Banking Wax per stick 0 I O Copper Plates .... from 0 O 9 Boxes for ditto .... . . . 0 2 0 Charcoal (Vine and Willow) . per dozen sticks 0 O 6 Dabbers, Silk .... each 0 I 6 Do. Leather .... * 99 0 I 6 Etching Needles .... • % 99 0 O 6 Do. fixed in handles . . from 0 O 9 Do. double ends .... • * 99 0 I 0 Etching Ground per ball 0 l 0 Do. do. Liquid . . per bottle 0 I 0 Gravers and Handles . . from 0 I 0 Handvices, with handles . . . each 0 3 6 Imitation India Paper . . per sheet 0 0 8 Printing Presses,* with Blanket and Cloth . . each 2 2 0 Do. large size, do, do. • 99 4 4 0 Porcelain Trays .... • • „ 0 1 0 Palette Knives . from 0 0 6 Plate Paper, White and Toned . . per sheet 0 0 6 Printing Ink .... . per bottle 0 1 0 Reducing Oil .... * 9 9 0 0 6 Stopping Out Varnish • 99 0 1 0 Do. Transparent .... • 99 0 1 0 .Scrapers, finest Steel . from 0 2 6 Spirit Lamps .... • • 9 9 0 1 6 Tracing Paper .... per sheet, ,, 0 0 3 ETCHING PENS, i|d. each. Ditto, 12 on Card ', and Holder, 1/-, 1 /3 .&I/ 9 . BURNISHERS, FOR ILLUMINATING, &c. MOUNTED IN ALBATA. AGATE BURNISHERS of either the above forms, 1/6 each.