CATALOGUE I AH j om.(3 LeCU OF PICTURES BY ANCIENT & MODERN MASTERS, THE PROPERTY OF MR, GEORGE ATTENBOROUGH, Deceased, late of 72 Strand ( sold by order of the Executors) ; ALSO PICTURES, &c., OF THE ITALIAN, DUTCH AND ENGLISH SCHOOLS, From Various Private Sources : WHICH Mill foe bp Auction fog Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT YEK8X& (SWEAT 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1894, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. -- May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues Rad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. Jamess Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. Ho person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. YI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. YII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1894, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The Property of Mr. GEORGE ATTENBOROUGH, deceased, late of 72 Strand. DRAWINGS. G. H. ANDREWS, 1867. 1 The Canal at Rotterdam Exhibited at the Institute , 1867. 2 Thirst H. CAMPOTOSTO. JL4 »/£ ^ J 3 Helen op Troy F. SANDYS. B 2 JO ^ 4 PICTURES. J. CONSTABLE, R.A. 4 Hampstead Heath T. S. COOPER, R.A. 6 In the Meadows §> „ r /2. /s LUCAS CRANACH. 7 Male Figures Fighting for the Graces a ' DOMENICHINO. 2 A. 8 St. Paul, with angels 0 v / J - 's " EARLY ENGLISH. 9 Portrait of a Gentleman, in brown dress and wig c/V W. ETTY, R.A. 4 10 The Sisters— oval /s^/2 4 SIR J. REYNOLDS. 11 Portrait of General Wentworth, in Brown Dress a4o X JZXr r % GAINSBOROUGH (SCHOOL OF). 12 Portrait of a Gentleman, in grey dress x M GUIDO. 13 St. Fbanois AA6Z&. GUIDO. /**■ <*- - _> 14 The Saviour Rising from the Tomb • 4s> x & 0 5 HOGAETH. J 15 Portrait of a Lady, in blue dress <24 J. CALLCOTT HOESLEY, E.A., 1875. 16 Stolen Glances A finished sketch for the large picture /J / 4 /* W. C. HOESLEY, 1879. 17 Going to the Front: India, 1878 Exhibited at the Royal Academy , 1879 £ c E. LUNDGEEN. /#. — 22 Interior of a Chapel, with figures at a tomb MUEILLO. 23 The Magdalen, kneeling in prayer cftf x <5't? 6 MISS M. D. MUTRIE. /g 24 Camelias and Azalias PANNINI. /0& 25 A Composition of Roman Ruins x j ~ * 4 & PANNINI. 26 A Composition of Roman Architecture *4 27 A Ruined Temple PANNINI. /?£ A. PYNACKER. 28 An Italian Scene, with peasants and animals JA? /A SIR J. REYNOLDS. 29 Portrait of a Gentleman, in grey coat and wig, holding letters in his hand ROMANELLI. 30 A Legendary Subject etters /!■£ MARINUS VAN ROMERSWAEL. 31 The Misers c From Hamilton Palace , No. 33 - 20 S. ROSA. 32 The Flaying of Marsyas 2 F. SANDYS. //x/2. 33 Passion Flowers 7 2 J VELASQUEZ SCHOOL. 34 Portrait of a Queen of Spain VELASQUEZ. 35 Portrait of an Actress, crowned with laurel, and holding mask & x /J 5 J. VERNET. - 36 A Harbour Scene R. WILSON, R.A. 20 37 Snowdon; and the engraving, by Woollett From the Collection of T. Woolner, R.A. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1872 J ^ c R. WILSON, R.A. / / p 38 An Italian Lake Scene, with figures in the foreground /#** ^ R. WILSON, R.A. // 39 A River Scene, with tower and figures R. WILSON, R.A. /f 0 40 A Landscape, view near Naples, with a monk and figures in the foreground ^ JV R. WILSON, R.A. 41 A River Scene, with bridge and figures /c 8 . + JA. /o0 2 The Property of the late JAMES WARD HARPER , Esq. 42 A Paib of Coloured Engravings SIR J. REYNOLDS. 43 Miss Stuart 2x 2^ T. GAINSBOROUGH. 44 Portrait of Sir John Stuart, K.C.B., made Governor of Granada about 1806 *> x 2 A'a.&cj DRAWINGS. VAN STREATEN. Subjects from the Bible — a set of four J. CATS. A A? 46 Landscapes, with cattle and figures —a pair A. DESCHAMPS. 47 Children —a pair PICTURES. 4 2 2 P. DE LOUTHERBOURG. £ fl 48 Figures and Cattle at a Ford . /2y /£ VAN DER HELST. ^" 49 Portrait of a Ladt, in black dress, with muslin and lace collar J J 9 - //L J' /J J. NORTHCOTE, R.A. 50 A Boy in a Red Dress ZUCCARELLI. 51 A Landscape, with Muleteer Sx/o S. ROSA. 52 The Artist Sketching Brigands —a pair *2-4^ x /£ UNKNOWN. 53 Portrait of a Lady, in red and white dress, with ruff J ANOTHER PROPERTY. 2 J* /? J/x /J 4 4 . BARKER (of Bath). 54 Barnet Fair 3/? * J. S. COPLEY. 55 Portrait of a Lady, with dog 6 e> X 56 A View in Wales 57 A Forest Scene J. S. COTMAN. J. CROME. /-w/ FRENCH SCHOOL. * 58 Portrait of a Lady 10 J T. GAINSBOROUGH. 59 POETEAIT OP A LADY ^ yC ^ d GUIDO. //. - 60 Hagab and the Angel J’Ad ^

J. RAVENSTEIN. 71 A Knight op the Golden Eleeoe c/~^x.40 REYNOLDS. 72 Portrait op Sheridan c/W 44 REYNOLDS (After). 73 Portrait op a Lady 4 WISSING. 74 Portrait op a Lady, with dove x 4 # 4 ?. 12 DIFFERENT PROPERTIES FROM VARIOUS PRIVATE SOURCES. / JcP ? JA. 2 BEECHEM. 75 A Landscape, with figures jfceJcJt+^/c 6 x x cP VAN AACHEN. 76 Phabaoh giving Joseph the Eing tf-j OSTADE. 77 Interior, with Dutch peasants PALMA. 78 The Virgin and Child, with St. John the Baptist, St. Joseph, and St. Mary Magdalen GIOEGIONE. 79 Three Ages op Man : Infancy, Manhood, and Old Age P. VEEONESE. 80 The Finding of Moses c/-/ CAEAVAGGIO. 81 Peter Denying Christ , cjZ0 VAN DE YELDE. (86 A Sea Piece £^ ^ / CUYP. 87 A Landscape, with horseman ^ x /*£ LUCATELLI. 88 A Landscape, with figures x 4c3' E. VERBOECKHOVEN. 89 A Donkey and Goats in a Landscape 8 R. WILSON. 90 A Landscape, with figures BIRD. 91 The Village Festival, after Wilkie VAN DER NEER. 92 A River Scene : Moonlight VAN DYCK. 93 Prince Rupert —whole length /A P. WOUVERMANS. 94 Carting Hay 14 jf-*- /*■ PAUL VERONESE. 95 The Finding of Moses 4 J' is A J. F. HERRING. 96 A Farm Yard /*/'x /

r / p 98 A Coast Scene ISABEY. /4 x /# / 4. 99 Innocence GREUZE 4J~x/4 THE PR0PERI Y OF A GENTLEMAN . DRAWINGS. J. BURNET. 100 Cattle Reposing / Z */& i /4> W. S. COLEMAN. f^/2~ X 102 The Young Artist 15 J. CROME. /f. — 103 A Woody Road Scene T. LANDSEER, R.A. T04 Stag at Bay, after Sir E. Landseer /* y//' a. 105 At Reigate v S. PALMER. /V x /A £z. J'. ~ C. PEARSON. 106 The Pass of Killiecrankie A ^3. /J'. - 157 Wast Water E. A. PENLEY. ■>C /2 A. SEVERN. 108 A Storm at Brighton 34 *30 S * J. VARLEY. 109 Views in Cumberland —a pair '* S 110 Windermere P. DE WINT. /S*/A P. DE WINT. ^2. —. Ill A Landscape, with figures fx //. A 2 16 PICTURES. J /#• BONINGTON. 112 On the Coast of Normandy . x /o E. BOUDIER. 113 L’Approohe de L’Orage //y/Jl /S' G. COLE. 114 Near Guildford / G. COLE. 115 The Old Forge, at Portsmouth E. CROFT, A.R.A. 116 Returning from a Raid : Early Morning /JL ■> p J&. - J? K. GIRARDET. 118 On the Banks of the Marne A. HUGHES. 119 Saturday Night E. LADELL. /0 X S /&V S