tV ' I urj r ■£,«.'( ' t.-c». Kc•^ **>,' A^j?t JJoIUtnt . I rt.iir ■//, '^/v/z/^/^^y^^y^/ Imdon J'ublMni br J. rai/or. SH.ffSjf BUkti, . I I ^ m m HI =5 m iU A LIST OF BOOKS ON THE VARIOUS BRANXHES OF ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING, I'UDLISHED BV J. TAYLOR, at tlie Architectural Library, No. 59, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. DOMESTIC AND ORNAMENTAL ARCHITECTURE. 1. "pvESIGNS FOR VILLAS ami other Rural Buildings. By \_J Edmund Aikin, Architect, with I'lans and Explanations. I'ogether with an introductory Essay, containing Remarks on the prevailing D-efects of Modern Architecture, and an Inves- tigation of the Style best adapted to the Dwellings of the pre- sent Time. On 31 Plates, large Quarto, il. lis. 6d. Boards. 2. A Se>-w.i of Des'igm for Villas and Coiailn/ Houses; adapted with Economy to the Comforts and to the Elegancie? of Modera Life ; with Plans and Explanations to each ; to which is pre- fixed, an Essay on Modern architectural Taste. By C. A. Busby, Architect. Elegantly engravctl on 24 Plates, large Quarto, il. 5s. Boards. 3. Architectural Designs for Rustic Cottage:, Picturesque Duell- ings, Villas, &c. with appropriate Scenery, Plans and Descrip- tions; to which are prefixed some critical Observations on their Style and Character ; and also of Castles, Abbies, and ancient English Houses; concluding with Practical Remarks on Build- ing, and the Causes of the Dry Rot. Bv W. E. Pocock, Architect. Elegantly engraved on 33 Plates, large Quarto, Price il. IIS. 6d. in Boards. 4. Sketches in Architecture, consisting of original Designs for Cot- tages and Rural Dwellings, suitable to Persons of moderate For- tune, and for convenient Retirement ; with Plans and appro- priate Scenery to each ; also some general Observations. Bv T, D. \V. Dearn, Architect lo His Hovnl Highness the Duke of Clarence. Elegantly engraved on 20 Plates, large Quarto, Price ll. 7s. in Boards. 5. Plans, Elevations and Sections of Hot-Houses, Green-Houses, an Aquarium, Conservatories, &c. recently built in different Parts of England, for various Noblemen and Gentlemen. By G. Too, Surveyor and Hot-House Builder. Including a Hot- House andaGreen-House in HerMajestv'sGardensatFrosmore. On 27 Plates, elegantly coloured, with proper Descriptions, (Folio.) 2I. I2S. 6d. in Boards. 6. Lt/gar's Country Gentleman's Architect, containing a Variety of Designs for Farm Houses and Farm Yards of different Mag- pitudes, arranged 011 the most approved Principles for Arable, Books pullisked hj J. TAYLOR, High Uollorn. Grazing, Feeding and Dairy Farms, with Plans and Sections, shewing at large the Construction of Cottages, Barns, Stables, Feeding Houses, Dairies, Brewhouse, &c. with Plans for Stables and Dog-kennels, and some Designs for Labourers' Cottages and small Villas. The whole adapted to the Use of Countrv Gen- tlemen about to build or to alter. On 21 Plates, with full Ex- planations to each. Quarto, il. 5s. in Boards. 7. Lugar's Architeclural Sketches, for Cottages, Rural Dwellings, and Villas ; with I'lans ; suitable to Persons of genteel Life and moderate Fortune ; preceded by some Observations on Scenery and Character. On 38 Plates, Quarto. Boards il. ifs. 6d. 8. Raiidall's Designs for Villas, Casinos, Mansions, Lodges, and Cottages, in the Grecian, Gothic, and Castle Styles; engraved in Aquatinta, on 34 Plates, iolio, 2I. I2s. 6d. — ^The same ori Imperial Folio Paper, 3I. 13s. 6d. 5. Gjiffwd' s Designs (or SmdW Picturesque Cottages, Hunting Boxes, Park Entrances, &c. Part L On 20 Plates, Quarto, il. is. Boards; or elegantly coloured, 2I. 2s. 10. Gyfford' sDcsigns for Elegant Cottages, and small Villas, in Per- spective, with General Estimates. Part n. on 26 Plates, Quarto. ll. 1 16. 6d. Boards. ^ — The saine elegantly coloured. 2I. I2s. 6(1. 11. Flaw's Sketches for Country Houses, Villas, and Rural Dwell- ings; calculated for Persons of moderate Income, and for com- fortable Retirement. Also some Desicrns for Cottages, which may be constructed of the sini])iL'st Materials; with Plans and general Estimates. On 42 Plates, Quarto, il. i is. 6d. in Boards. j2. Flaw's Ferme Ornee, or Rural Improvements, a Series of De- signs, suited to Parks, Plantations, Rides, Walks, Rivers, Farms, &c. consisting of Fences, Paddock House, a Bath, Dog-kennels, i'avilions. Farm-yards, Fishing-houses, Sporting Boxes, Shooting-lodges, Single and Double Cottages, 8cc. cal- culated for Landscape and Picturesque Effects. On 38 Plates, with appropriate Scenery, Plans, and Explanations. Quarto. In Boards, il. lis. 6d. 13. Flaw's Rural Architecture, or Designs from the simple Cottage to the decorated Villa, including some which have been exe- cuted. On 62 Plates, with Scenery, half bound, 2I. 2s. 14. Laing's Hints for Dwellings, consisting of Original Designs for Cottages, Farm- house;;, Villas, &c. plain and ornamental ; in- cluding some Designs for Town- houses. On 34 Plates, Quarto, ll. 5s. in Boards. 15. Soane's Sketches for Cottages, Villas, &c. with their Plans and appropriate Scenery; to which are added six Designs for improv- ing and emlelUshing Grounds, with Explanations. On 54 Plates. Folio. 2I. 12s. 6d. half bound. 16. Soane's Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Bmlii'mgs, executed in the Counties of Norfolk, Suifolk, York, Wilts, Warwick, Stafiord Sopcrset, fccc. Ou 47 Folio Pates, 2l.12s.6d. Books pullished hj J. TAYLOTt, H'lgli HoUorn. 17. Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Nohhmen' sand Genlhmen's Houses, Stabling, Bridges, 6cc. By James Paine, Architect. 2 Vols. 176 large Folio Plates. 61 i6s. 6d. half bound. 18. .^11 Essai/ on British Cottage Architecture, exemplified by fourteen Designs, with their I'lans, &:c. on 23 Plates. By James Malton. Quarto, Boards, il. iis. 6d. 19. Miller's Designs for Cottages, Farm-houses, Country-houses, Lodges for Park Entrances, and wooden Gates, with Plans the Offices. On 32 Quarto Plates. Sewed, los. 6d. 20. A Series of Plaits, for Cottages or Habitations for the Lalozcrer. To which is added, an Introduction, containing many usefu Observations on this Class of Building, tending to the Comfort of the Poor, and Advantage of the Builder; with Calculations of Expcnccs. By the late Mr. J. Jf'vod, of Bath. 30 Plates, large Quarto, il. is. 21. Cmndcns Convement and Ornamented Architecture. Original Designs ; calculateei\gr\s for Chinese Buildings, &c.hf. bd. il. iis. 6d. 31. The Rudiments of Aiicient Architecture; containing an Histo- rical Account of the Five Orders, with their Proportions, and Examples of each from Antiques ; calculated for the Use of those who wish to attain a summary Knowledge of the Science of Architecture ; with a Dictionary of Terms j illustrated with II Plates. Octavo; Boards, 8s. Mooks pulUshed hj J. TAYLOB, High Hollorn. 33. Designs fur the Decoration of Rooms, in the various Styles of modern Einbellishinent ; with Pilasters and Frizes at large. On 20 Folio I'lates, drawn and etched by G. Cooper, Draftsman and Decorator, il. is. Some Copies coloured according to the original Drawings, shew the full Effect of the Rooms when finished. 4I. 4s. 33. A Collection of Designs for Modern EmbeUi^hmenls, suitable to Parlours, Dining and Drawing Rooms, Folding Doors, Chimney Pieces, \'arandas, Frizes, &c. By C. A. Bushy, Architect. Neatly engraved on 25 Plates, 15 of which are elegantly coloured. Price il. iis. 6d. — — —^ PRACTICAL ARCHITECTURE. 1. "Nicholson's Carpenter s New Guide; a complete Book of Lines for Carpentry and .Joinery, treating fully on Practical Geo- metry, Soffits, Lines for Roofs aryd Domes, with a great Variety of Designs for Roofs, Trussed Girders, Floors, Domes, Bridges, &c. Stair-cases and Hand-rails of various Constructions. The whole founded on true Geometrical Principles; the Theory and Practice well explained and fully exemplified on 78 Copper- plates; including some Practical Observations and Calculations on the Strength of Timber. Quarto. 15s. 2. Nicholson' s Carpenter and Joirner's Assistant; containing Prac- tical Rules for making all Kinds of Joints, and various Methods of Hingeing them together; for fitting up Windows and Shut- ters to answer various Purposes, with Rules for hanging them ; for constructing Roofs in the best Manner from a given Quantity of Timber; for placing of Bond-Timbers ; with a new Scheme for constructing Stairs and Hand-rails, Sec. 8cc, To which are added. Examples of various Roofs executed, with the Scantlings from actual Measurements ; with Rules for Mortices and Tenons, and for fixing Iron Straps, &c. Also Extracts from M. Belidor, M. du Hamel, M. de Buffon, &c. on the Strength of Timber, with practical Observations. Illustrated with 79 Plates, and copious Explanations. Quarto. i8s. bound. 3. Nicholson's Student's Instructor, in drawing and working the Five Orders of Architecture. On 33 Plates, Octavo. 6s. bound. 4. Pafre'i British Palladio, 42 Plates, Folio. i6s. 5. Paiw'i Carpenter and Joiner's Repository, 69 Plates, Folio. i6s. 6. Pai^f-s Practical Builder, 83 Plates, Quarto. 12s. 7. Pain's Practical House Carpenter ; containing a great Variety of useful Designs in Carpentry anJ Architecture; as Centering for Groins, Niches, Sec. Examples for Roofs, Sky-lights, &c. The Five Orders. Mouldings, Sec, at large, with their En- richments. Houses for Town and Country, Lodges, Stables, Sec. Varietv of Stair Cases, with many other important Articles and useful Embellishmcnis. To which is added, a List of Prices tor Materials and Labour, Labour only, and Day Prices. 71ie Books pullhhed ly J. TAYLOR^ High UoR-ortu vshole illustrated and made perfectly easy by 148 quarto Copper- l)Iatc5, with Expkmations. 'I'lic si.vth Edition, with huge Ad- ditions. 18s. bound. — N.B. This is PAIN'i, last Work. %. The Carpenter' s Pocket Directory ; .containing the best ISlelhods ,ot framing Timbers of all Figures and Dimensions, with their several Parts; as Floors, Roofs, Spires and Domes, 'I'russing Girders, Partitions, and Bridges, with Abutments ; Centering for Arclies, \'aulls, &c. cultiiig Stone Ceilings, Groins, &c. with their Moulds ; Centres for drawing Gothic Arehes, Ellipses, &c. On 24 Plates, with Explanations. By IV. Pain. Bound, 5s. 9. Langley's Builder's Complete Assistant, or a Library of Arts and Sciences. Exemplified on 77 large Quarto Plates. 2 Vols. Royal Octavo. Bound, 15s. 10. Langley's Gothic Architecture improved, 64 Plates, Quarto. 153. 11. /^/ey'^ Builder's Bench Male, 184 Plates. 4s. 6d. 12. Designs for Shop Fronts and Door Cases, Quarto. los. 6d. 13. Richardson's Fancy Capitals and Frizes from the Antique. 15s. 14. Designs for Monuments, including Grave-Stones, Wall-Pieces, and Tombs. Quarto. i6s. 15. Elevation and Plan of Elackfryars' Bridge. 5s. 16. JMans, Elevations, and Sections of the Maclimes and Centcrintr used in erecting Blackfryars' Bridge, los. 6d. or with the Ele- vation, 15s. 17. Observations on Brick Bond; containing an Investigation of the best Disposition of Bricks in a Wall^ tor procuring the greatest possible Strength, with Figures. Octavo, is. PERSPECTIVE. 18. Dr. Brook Taylor's Method of Perspective made easy, both in Theory and Practice, by J. Kirly, with 35 Plates, large Folio, ll. i6s. half bound. 19. The Perspective of Architecture, deduced from the Principles of Dr. Brook Taylor; by J. Kirly; with 73 Plates, large Folio. 2I. 2s. half bound. 20. The Descriptit)n and Use of a new Instrument called the Archi- tectonic Sector, by J. Kirhj. 25 Platcjij large Folio, il. los. half bound. MEGHAN res. In Octavo, illustrated ly Fifteen large Plates, Price los. dd. Boards, 1. A Treatise on Uie Teeth of IVheels, Pinions, ^c. demonstrating the best Forms which can be given them for the various Purposes of Machinery; such as Mill-work, Clock-work, &c, and the finding of their Numbers. Translated from the French of . M. CAMUS, with Additions. 2. Sffieaion's Experiments on Mills, Collision of Bodies, Sec. Octavo. Five Plates. 5s. 3. reH/2/n'.yExpfrimental Enquiries concerning the Motion of Fluids. Octavo. Two Plates. 3s. £ooks pullisked by J. TAYLOR, High Bottom. hi Two Volumes, Imperial Folio, Containing 142 Plates, engravad in Aqiia-tinta, Price iil. us. half bound and lettered^ The Nem Vitruviiis Britanniciis ; CONSISTING CW Plans and Elevations of modern Buildings, Public and Private, ERECTED BY THE MOST CELEBRATED ARCHITECTS. BY G. RICHARDSON, ARCHITECT. FINE ABTS. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. This Day was pulUshed, a New Edition, elegantly printed ly Bensley, on Imperial Quarto Paper, illustrated by numerous Plates, many of ivhich are coloured. Price ^l. ^s. in Boards, I. Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Garden- ing, inckiding some Remarks on Grecian and Gothic Architecture, collected from various Manuscripts in the Possession of the different Noblemen and Gentlemen for whose Use they were originally written. The whole tending to establish fixed Principles in the respective Arts. By H. REPTON, Esq. Also by the same Author, in Octavo, Price 55. 2. An Enquiry into the Changes of Taste in Landscape Gardening, to which are added some Observations on its Theory and Practice, including a Defence of the Art. 3. Hints for Picturesque Improvements, in ornamented Cottages and their Scenery; including some Observations on the Labourer and his Cottage. By E. Bartell. With Six Plates, Royal Octavo, los. 6d. Boards. 4. Cro^n*'' considered as a Watering Place, with Observations on the Picturesque Scenery in its Neighbourhood. By E. Bartell, with two Views and a Map. Octavo. 8s. Boards. 5. A Treatise on Painting, by Leonardo da Vinci. Translated from the original Italian, and digested under proper Heads, by J. F. Rigaud, Esq. R. A. Illustrated with 23 Copper-plates ani other Figures. Octavo. 9s. 6d. in Boards; large Paper, 13s. 6d. Books published ly J. TAYLOR, High Holhorn. FURNITURE DRAWINGS. Dedicated [with Permission] to His Royal Highness the PRINCE OF IFALES. THIS DAY WAS PUBLISHED, Elegantly engraved in Aqua-tinta, on 158 Plates, with Explanations in Letter-press. Royal Quarto. Price, in Boards, 4I. 143. 6d. and elegantly coloured, 7I. 173. 6d. A COLLECTION OF DESIGNS FOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, AND INTERIOR DECORATION, In the most approved and elegant Taste, viz. Curtains ; Draperies ; Beds ; Cornices ; Chairs and Sofas for Par- lour*, Libraries, Drawing Rooms, &c.; Library Fauteuils; Seats; Ottomans; Chaises Longue; Tables for Libraries, Writing, Work, Dressing, &c. ; Sideboards ; Celerets ; Bookcases ; Screens ; Candelabri; Chiffoniers; Commodes; Pier Tables; Wardrobes; Pedestals ; Glasses ; Mirrors ; Lamps ; Jardiniers, &e. : with various Designs for Rooms, Geometrical and in Perspective, shewing the Decorations, Adjustment of the Furniture, 8cc. also some general Observations. By GEORGE SMITH, Upholder Extraordinarj/ to Mis Royal Hightiess the Prince of Wales. The Parts, each containing 50 Plates, may be had separate, to complete Sets, Price il. lis. 6d. each, plain; or elegantly coloured, 2I. \^i. 6d. ROMAN ARCHITECTURE. THE ANCIENT BUILDINGS OF ROME, Accurately measured and delineated. By ANTONY DESGODETZ, WITH Explanations in French and English, The Text translated, and the Plates engraved. By the late Mr. GEORGE MARSHALL, Architect. Two Vols. Imperial Folio, with 137 Plates. Price 61. i6s. 6d. half bound, or 5I. 15s. 6d. sewed. Desgodetz's Antiquities has ever been highly valued by Amateurs and Professors, for the Accuracy of the Measurements, and th^ Choice of elegant Subjects. Books published hy J. TAYLOR, High Holborn. GRECIAN ARCHITECTURE. The Nobility, Gctftry, Amateurs and Artists, are respectfully in- formed that they may be supplied with good Impressions ot tljiit elegant and elaborate Work, The ANTIQUITIES OF ATHENS, MEASLKED AND BKLINEATED Bij JAMES STUART, F.R.S. and F.S.A. and NICHOLAS MEVETT, Painters and Archileds. Tn Three large Volumes, Folio, Price i^l. lys. in Boards. The Third VoJLmie may be had separate, to complete Sets, Prii-e 61. 1 3s. in Boards. This Work contains 281 Plates, engraved by the best Artists, of Views, Architecture, Plans, &c. with Letter-press, Historical and Descriptive, illustrating by a Research of many Years Labour and great H\peu^e, the purest Examples of Grecian Architecture, many of tvhich no longer exist, and the Traces of them can be found only in this Work. GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE. This Day n as published, handsomely printed in Royal Octavo, 12.?. Boards, 1. Observations on English Architecture, Military, Ecclesiastical, and Civil, compared with similar Buildings on the Continent; in- cluding a critical Itinerary of Oxford and Cambridge; also histo. rical Notices of stained Glass, ornamental Gardening, &c. with chronological Tables, and Dimensions of Cathedrals and Conven- tual Churches. By the Picv. James Dallaway, M. B. F.S.A. 2. Essays on Gothic Architecture. By the Rev. T. Warton, Rev, J. Bentham, Captain Grose, and the Rev. J. Milner, with 12 Plates of Ornaments, &c. calculated to exhibit the various Styles of dif- ferent Periods. The second Edition; with a List of the Cathedrals of England and their Dimensions. Octavo. los. 6d. in Boards. 3. £pecim<;ns of Gothic Ornaments, selecle4 ffom the Parish Church ofLavenham, in Suffolk. On 40 Plates. Quarto. i8s. 4. Plans, Elevations, Sectio?is and P'iews of the Church at Batalha in Portugal. To which is prefixed an introductory Discourse on the Principles of Gothic Architecture. By James Afnrphy. Imperial Folio, with 27 elegantly engraved Plates. 4I. 14s. 6d. half bound. 5. A IVast Elevation of York Minster, elegantly engraved by Land- seer, from a Drawing by J. Maliqn. 15s. Size 27 by 20. 6. The Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, representing the prost beautiful, curious, and interesting ancient Edifices, by J. Brilton. Quarto, in Parts, 8 Plates, each los. 6d.; on large Paper, 16s. ppblished Quarterly. Ten Parts are published. 7. Twelve Perspective Views of the exterior and interior Parts of the Metropolitical Church of Canterbury, accompanied by Two Ichnographic Plates, and an historical Account. By C. IVild. Folio, Price 3I. 13s. 6d, Boards j and with the Views elegantly poloiiredj 5!. 5s, -7^ U.7^i4X'7