f HE MASTERPifCES OF From the Library oi Frank Simpson Telegraphic Address i 44 GALERADA, LONDON . 44 Telephone No. 1117 , MAYFAIR. CLAUDE & TREVELYAN, THE CARLTON GALLERY, PALL MALL PLACE, LONDON, S,W. PURCHASERS AND SELLERS OF FINE PICTURES BY THE BEST OLD MASTERS. Messrs. CLAUDE & TREVELYAN also invite the attention of anyone desiring Portraits painted in Miniature or Pastel, to the works of Mr. Edward Taylor, the acknowledged first Miniaturist of our time, and Mr. E. F. Weils, the clever painter of Portraits in Pastel. Attention is also directed to the work of Mr. Gregory Robinson, an exceptionally clever painter of Marine Pictures in Water Colour, and to the exception- ally fine Portraits of Horses by Mr. Lynwood Palmer. Pictures and Engravings Cleaned and Restored. Valuations mads for Probate or otherwise. Collections Classified and Arranged, Where to get Gowans’3 . Art Books abroad. . . France.— A. Perche, 45 Rue Jacob, Paris. 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If you have never purchased a copy, do so, and you will be struck at the lead that Great Britain has taken, at any rate, in the production of a really artistic, and at the same time, thoroughly instructive and interesting publication. — — — — 1*. Net. 12a. Pen Annum, of all Bookscllirq. 16a. Post Preb for tmi United Kingdom. 17a. Post Frbe for Abroad. Publishers; t Carmelite House, E.C. Advertising & Editorial Offices; 95 Temple Chambers, E.C. GOWANS’S ART BOOKS Nov. 1 st, 1 90S. The following havt already appeared : I. THE MASTERPIECES OF RUBENS. 1. THE MASTERPIECES OF VAN DYCK. 3 - THE MASTERPIECES OF REMBRANDT. 4 - THE MASTERPIECES OF RAPHAEL. 5 - THE MASTERPIECES OF REYNOLDS. 6. THE MASTERPIECES OF TENIERS. 7 - THE MASTERPIECES OF THE EARLY FLEMISH PAINTERS. 8. THE MASTERPIECES OF TITIAN. 9 THE MASTERPIECES OF FRANZ HALS. 10. THE MASTERPIECES OF MURILLO. 11. THE MASTERPIECES OF WOUWERMAN. IS. THE MASTERPIECES OF VELAZQUEZ. * 3 - THE MASTERPIECES OF HOLBEIN. 14. 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As new editions of the earlier volumes are required, improvements are being introduced and doubtful pictures replaced by genuine works well-known authorities — whose names are given — being followed in every case. Rubens , V an Dyck, Rembrandt , Raphael , Reynolds , and Teniers have already appeared in this improved form, and the others which require revision are being actively pro- ceeded with. The publishers hope to accelerate the issue of the series by publishing future volumes at regular monthly intervals, and their efforts will be very much assisted if those who appreciate the books will place standing orders, “ till further notice,” with their booksellers. They beg to announce the following: 22. THE MASTERPIECES OF TINTORETTO. [November, 1 908. 23. THE MASTERPIECES OF POUSSIN. [December, 1 908. 24. THE MASTERPIECES OF PERUGINO. [January, 1 909. 25. THE MASTERPIECES OF MICHELANGELO [February, 1909. 16. THE MASTERPIECES OF GOYA. [March, 1909. Gowans's Nursery Pictures '“JpHE publishers believe that the complete novelty of a series of four coloured pictures by Mr. Stewart Orr, which they have just published will ensure their immediate success. No similar series is in existence, and the attractive appearance of the prints will delight every child who is presented with them. They are supplied in neat brown paper frames, ready to hang up, at Sixpence each, net, Postage, threepence extra. THE FOUR SUBJECTS ARE: Old Mother Goose Humpty-Dumpty Tom the Piper’s Son Three Blind Mice The pictures are to be had through any bookseller, printseller, or stationer, or direct from the publishers, GOWAN 5 & GRAY, Ltd., 58 Cadogan St., Glasgow Gowans's Nature Books T HE object of these little books is to stimulate a love for nature and a desire to study it. All the volumes of the series that have been issued so far have been very successful, an d the publishers hope to be able to maintain the very high standard of excellence which has made this series so well known all over the country. Some of the photo- graphs included in the different volumes are unequalled and unique triumphs of the nature- photographer's art. No. i.— WILD BIRDS AT HOME. Sixty Photo- graphs from Life, by Chas. Kirk, of British Birds and their Nests. No. 2.— WILD FLOWERS AT HOME. First Series. Sixty Photographs from Nature, by Cameron Todd. No. 3.— WILD FLOWERS AT HOME. Second Series. By the Same. No. 4.— BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS AT HOME. Sixty Photographs from Life, by A. Forrester. No. 5.— WILD BIRDS AT HOME. Second Series. By Chas. Kirk. No. 6.— FRESHWATER FISHES. Sixty Photographs from Life, by Walford B. Johnson and Stanley C. Johnson, M.A. No. 7. — TOADSTOOLS AT HOME. Sixty Photographs of Fungi, by Somerville Hastings, F.R.C.S. No. 8.— OUR TREES & HOW TO KNOW THEM. 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Reprinted , July , /go/, Januaiy, igo8. Third Edition ( from entirely new plates), September , igoS. Reprinte l, January, tgog, May, /gog. Fourth Edition (corrected), November, igio. y ' HIS new edition of “ The Masterpieces of Raphaet ” has been very greatly impi-oved, no fewer than 26 photographs being new, and is now thoroughly representative of the work of the Artist. The book contains only such pictures as are con- sidered genuine by Mr. Berenson. In his opinion alt are entirely by Raphael's hand , except those on pp. 28 , jo, J2, 54, which he believes to be “ in great part ” by the Master; those on pp. 2j , 4J , 46, SJ-j8, and 60-62 , m which he thinks the execution is by , or chiefly by , Giulio Romano or others ; that on p. 48, which he says is on!y in ‘ ‘ very small part ” Raphaels; that on p. 41 , of which he thinks the upper part only is by Raphael ; and that on p. if, which he thinks is completely repainted. 6 Pope Julius II. Portrait de Jules II. assis (. Pitti , Florence) ( Galerie Pilti, Florence) Bildnis Julius II. in einkm Stuhle sitzf.nd (Florenz, Galerie Pitti) D. Anderson , Photo. 7 Julius II. and his Cardinals Jules II. et ses Cardinaux (Fresco) (Fresque) ( Vatican , Rome) (Vatican, Rome) Julius II. und seine Cardinals (Freskk) (Rom, Vaiikan) D. Anderson , Photo , Pope Leo X. ( Pitti , Florence ) Le Pape L6on X. ( Galerie Pit'i, Florence) Papst Leo X. {Flore nz % Galerie Pitti) F, Han/staengly Photo, 9 Perugino Perugino (Borghese Gallery , Rome ) ( Galerie Borghese, Rome) Perugino (Rom, Galerie Borghese) D. Anderson , Photo » Balthazar Castiglione Balthasar Castiglionb {Louvre, Paris) ( Louvre , Paris ) Balthasar Castiglione {Paris, Louvre) Neurdein Freres , Photo* II Navagero und Beazzano {Rom, Galerie Doria ) D. Atuitrson , Photo. Angiolo Doni Angiolo Doni (Piiti , Florence ) ( Galerie Pit/i, Florence) Angioi.o Doni (, F/orenz , Gale ie Pitti ) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. >3 MADDALENA Dovi M ADD ALENA DoNI (Pitti, Florenc ) ( Gilerie Pitti Florence) Maddalena Poni (Florenz, Gal vie Pitti) F. Han/staengl, Photo. M Portrait of a Cardinal Portrait d’un Cardinal {Prado, Madrid) {Prado, Madrid) Bildnes eines Cardinals ( Madrid , Prado) F. Hanfstacngl, Photo , *5 Portrait of a Lady Portrait de Dame (“La Donna Gravida”) ( Galerie Pitti % Florence) ( Piiti , Florence) Bildnis einer Dame ( Florenz , Galerie Pitti) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. It Thf Lady with the Veil La Dame au Voile (“La Donna Velata”) (Gnlerie Pitti, Florence ) (Pit ti, Florence ) Die Dame mit dem Schirikk (Florenz, Galerie Pitti ) F. // anfstaengl, Photo . I? Portrait of a Young Man Portrait de jeune Homme (Museum, Buda-Pesth) 1 ( Musee , Buda-Pesth) BlLDNIS EINES JUNGEN MaNNES (Budapest, Museum) F. Hanfstacngl , Photo. 14 i3 The Dispute on the Holy Sacrament La Dispute sur le Saint-Sacrement (Fresco) (Fresque) ( Vatican , Rome) ( Vatican , Rome) Disput uber das hl. Sacrament (Freske) {Rom, Vatikan) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. r 9 The School of Athens (Fresco) L’Ecole d’Athenes (Fresque) ( Vatican , Rome ) ( Vatican , Rome ) Die Schule von Athen (Fkeske) {Rom, Vatikan) p. Hanjstaengl , Photo. 20 The Knight’s Vision La Vision d’un Chevalier {National Gallery , London) ( Galerie nationale , Londres) Die Vision eines Ritters ( London , N ationalgalerie) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. 21 Justice (Fresco) La Justice (Fresque) ( Vatican , Rome) ( Vatican , Rome) Die Gerechtigkeit (Freske) (Rom, Vatikan ) D. Anderson, Photo. 20 The Three Graces Les Trois GrAces (Co tide Museum , Chantilly) (Musee Conde, Chantilly) Die drei Grazien . ( i Chantilly , Museum Conde) Levy , Sons Co., Photo. *3 The Vision of Ezekiel La Vision d’Ez^chiel ( Pitti , Florence) ( Galerie Pitti, Flo >e nee) Vision des Ezfchiel \F Lorenz, Galerie Pitti) F, Han/staengl , Photo. 24 The Judgment of Solomon Le Jugement de Salomon (Frksco) (Fresque) (Vatican, Rome) ( Vatican , Rome) Das Ukteil Salomons (Freske) {Rom, Vatikan ) D. Anderson , Photo. Thb Marriage of the Virgin Le Mariage de la Vierge (. Pinacotktca , Milan ) ( Pmacotheque , Milan) Die Vermahlung der Jungfrau Maria ( M ail and % Pinakothek) F. Han/staengl t Photo . 26 The Adoration of the Magi [Pkedella] L’Adoration des Mages {Vatican, Rome) i ( Vatican , Rome) Die Anbetung der Weisen {Rom, Vatikan) D. Ande>son , Photo. The Presentation [Predella] I^a Presentation in the Temple Die Darstellung im Tempel , A u Temple ( Vatican, Rome) (Rom, Vatikan) ( Vatican , Rome) D. Anderson , P/toto. ' The Holy Family (“Madonna Cangiana’’) ( Pinacotheca , Munich) Dm Heiligb Familie (Mitnchen, Pinakothek) La Satnte Famille (Pinacotheque, Munich) Ft Hanfstaengl, Photo. 29 The Holy Family La Saint e Famili b (“La Virgen del Cordero”) (Prado, Madrid ) (Prado, Madrid ) Die Heilige Familie (Madrid, Prado) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo . 3 ° The Virgin and Child La Vierge et l’Enfant (“ Madonna di Casa Colonna”) ( Galerie royale , Berlin ) ( Royal Gallery , Berlin) Maria mit dem Kinge (Berlin, Kgl. Galerie ) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo . The Virgin and Child L\ Vierge et l’Enfant (Solly Collection) (Collection Solly) {Royal Gallery , Berlin) ( Galerie royaie, Berlin) Maria mit dem Kinde (Sammlung Solly) ( Berlin , Kgl. Galerie) F. Han/staengl, Photo. i The Virgin and Child La Vierge et l’Enfant (Conde Museum, Chantilly ) (“Madone d’Orl£ans”) i (A fusee Conde , Chantilly) Maria mit dem Kinde ( Chantilly , Museum Conde) Levy , Sons & Co., Photo. The Virgin and Chii.d (“Madonna di Tempi”) {P inacotheca, Munich ) Maria mit dem Kinde {Milne ken, Pinakjthek) La Vierc.e et l’Enfant {Pinacotheque, Munich) F. H anfstaengl, Photo . 15 The Virgin and Child La Vierge et l’Enfant (“Madonna del Granduca’*) ( Galeiie Pitti , Florence) (. Fitii , Florence) Maria mit dkm Kinde ( Fiorenz , Galerie Pitti) F. Han/staengl , Photo. 35 T itH Virgin and Child with Infant John C KsterhAzy Madonna”) ( Museum , Buda-Pesth) Maria mit dem Kind und dem kleinen Johannes {Budapest, Muse uni) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo . La Vierge, l’Enfant et St. Jean {Musee, Buda-Peslh) The Virgin and Child with La Vierge, l’Enfant et Infant John St. Jean (“Madonna del Cardellino”) ( Galerie aes Offices, Florence') (Uffi&i, Florence ) Maria mit dkm Kind und dem kleinen Johannes (Floienz, Uffizien) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. The Virgin and Child with La Vierge, l’Enfant et Infant John St. Jean (“Madonna della Sedia”) ( Galerie Pitti , Florence ) (. Pitti , Florence') Maria mit dem Kind und dem kleinen Johannes (Flore nz, Galerie Pitti) F. Han/staengl, Photo. La Vierge, l’Enfant et St. Jean (‘La belle Jardiniere {Louvre, Paris) Maria mit dsm Kind und dem kleinen Johannes {Paris, Louvre) F. II an/st aengL, Photo. The Virgin and Child with Infant John {Louvre, Paris) 39 The Virgin and Child with La Vierge, l’Enfant et Infant John St. Jean (, Imperial Gallery, Vienna ) ( Galerie imperiale , Vienne) Maria mit dem Kind und dem kleinen Johannes (“Madonna im Grunen”) {Wien, Kaiserl. Galerie) F. Hanfslaengl , Photo. 40 The Redeemer Le R£dempteur ( Pinacaikcca , Brescia) (Pinacotheque, Brescia ) Der Erloser {Pinaiothek, Brescia) Frat. A l mat /, B/ioio. The Transfiguration La Transfiguration {Va/icuj/ t Rome) {Vatican, Rome) Die Verklarung (/v om . V a tika n F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. The Entombment La Mise au Tombeau (Borghese Gallery, Rome ) ( Galerie Borghese , Rome) Die Grarlegung Christi (Rom, Galerie Borghese) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 43 The Liberation of St. Peter La Delivrance de Saint Pierre (Fresco) (Fresque) ( Vatican , Rome) ( Vatican , Rome ) Die Bekreiung des Apostei.s Petrus (Freske) {Rom, Vatikan ) F. H anfstaengl , Photo. The Virgin and Child La Vierge et l’Enfant with Saints avec des Saints (“ Madonna del Duca di T frranuova ”) ( Galerie royale , Berlin ) {Royal Gallery , Berlin) Maria mit dem Kinde und IIeiligen ( Berlin , Kgl. Galerie) F. H anfstaengl, Photo. 45 The Virgin and Child La Vierge et l’Enfant with Saints avec des Saints (Royal Gallery , Berlin) { Galerie royale, Berlin) Maria wit dem Kinde und Heiligen (Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) F. 1 I anfstaengl, Photo. 4 6 The Virgin and Child La Vierge et l’Enfant with Saints avec des Saints (“La Virgen del Pez”) ( Prado , Madrid) {Prado, Madrid ) Maria mit dem Kinde und Heiligen {Madrid, Prado ) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. The Virgin and Child La Vierge et l’Enfant with Saints avec des Saints (“Madonna Ansidei”) (Galerie nationale, Londres) (. National Gallery , London) Maria mit dem Kinde und Heiligen ( London , Nationalgalerie ) F. Hanfslaengl, Photo. 43 The Virgin and Child La Vierge et l’Enfant with Saints avec des Saints (" Madonna del Baldacchino”) (Galerie royale , Berlin) (Royal Gallery , Berlin) Maria mit dem Kinde und Heiligen (Berlin, Kgl, Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo . 49 Tub. Virgin and Child La Vierge et l’Enfant with Saints avec des Saints “Madonna di San Sisto”) ( Gaierie royale , Dresde) {Royal Gallery , Dresden) Maria mit dem Kinde und Heiligen {Dresden, Kgl. Gaierie ) F, Hanfstaengl, Photo. 4 a The Virgin and Child La Vierge et l’Enfant with Saints avec des Saints (" Madonna di Foligno”) ( Galerie royale, Dresde) { Royal Gallery, Dresden ) Maria mit dem Kinde und Heiligen {Dresden, Kgl, Galerie ) F, H an fstaengl, Photo, 5i Coronation of the Virgin Le Couronnfment de la Vierge (Vatican, Rome) ( Vatican , Rome ) Die Kronung der Maria (Rom, Vatikan) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo , 52 St. Cecilia Sainte Cecils (. Pinacotheca , Bologna) ( Pinacotheque % Bologne) Die heilige Cacilia ( Bologna , Pinakothek) D. Anderson. Photo 53 St. Catherine of Alexandria Sainte Catherine d’Alexandkie {National Gallery, London ) ( Galerie nation ale. Load res) Die iieilige Katharina von Alexandrien {London, Nationalgalerie ) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 54 The Mass of Bolsena (Fresco) La Messe de Bolsena (Fresque) ( Vatican , Rome ) (Vatican, Rome ) Die Messe von Bolsena (Freske) (Rom, Vatikan) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 55 Pope Leo repulses Attila (Fresco) Le Pape L6on repousse Attila (Fresque) Vatican, Rome ) ( Vatican , Rome) Zuruckweisung Attilas durch Papst Leo (Freske) (Rom, Vatikan) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 5 6 The Fire at Borgo (Fresco) L’Incendie a Borgo (Fresque) (Vatican, Rome) ( Vatican , Rome) Der Brand in Borgo (Freske) (Rom, Vatikan) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. 57 The Expulsion of Heliodorus from Heliodore expuls£ du Temple the Temple (Fresco) (Fresque) ( Vatican , Rome ) ( Vatican , Rome) Vertreibung Heliodors aus dem Tempel (Fresice) {Rom, Vatikan) Hanfstaertgl, Photo. 5 » Leo IV. conquering THE Saracens L&on IV. Vainqueur des Sarrasins (Fresco) (Fresque) (Vatican, Rome ) ( Vatican , Rome ) Seesieg der Truppen Leos IV. Ober die Sarazenen (Freske) (Rom, Vatikan ) F. Han/staengl , Photo . Justinian and Tkebonian Justinien et Tk£bonien (Fresco) *(Fresque) {Vatican, Rome) ( Vatican , Rome) Justinianus und Trebonianus (Freske) {Rom, V auk an) D. Anderson, Photo . 6o Jupiter and Cupid (Fresco) Jupiter et Cupidon (Fkesque) ( Famesina Palace , Rome) (. Palais Famesina, Rome) Jupiter und Cupido (Freske) (Rom, Farnesinapalast) A. Fa sari. Photo. 6 : Mercury conducts Psyciik Mercure CONDUIT PsYCITti to Heaven (Fresco) au Ciel (Fresque) (Farnesina Palace , Rome) ( Palais Fames ina t Rom, ) Merkur fuhrt Psyche in den Himmf.l (Freske) ( Rom, Far nesina pala st') A. Pasari, Photo. 62 The Council of the Gods Le Conseil des Dieux (Frfsco) (Fresque) (Farnesina Palace , Rome') ( Palais Farnesina, Rome) Die Versammlung der Gotter (Freske) {Rom, Fnrnesinapnlast) A. Pasan, Photo. 63 The Triumph of Galatea Le Triomphe de Galat£e (Fresco) (Fresque) {Fames ina Palace, Rome) {Palais Farnesina , Rom ) Df.r Triumph Gai.ateas (Fkeske) {Rom, Farnesinapalast) A. Vasari, Photo , 64 Parnassus (Fresco) Le Parnasse (Fresque) ( Vatican , Rome ) r. ( Vatican , Rome ) Der Parnass (Freske) (Rom, Vatikan ) F. H an/staengl, Photo. A Complete List of Published Photographs of RAPHAEL’S PICTURES to be had of Mr. Franz Hanfstacngl, 1 6 Pall Mall East , London, S.W. SIZES and PRICES or PHOTOGRAPHS— F = Folio (io"x 8") Silver Print, 1/6 ; Carbon Print, 3/- R = Royal (15" x 12") - - „ 6/- I = Imperial (2i"xi6") - ,, 12 /- Facs = Facsimile (28" x 20^") - ,, 30 /- E = Extra (34^" x 26") - - „ 50/- Average Dimensions are quoted. In ordering it is essential that both Gallery and Order Number are stated as well as the Size. Title. Gallery. No, Size. H Madonna del Duca dl Terra Nuora, Berlin 8 F R 1 Kaos F Madonna from the Solly Collection The Virgin and Child with 39 F R I F Sainta, ..... 44 F R I F Madonna di Casa Colocna, lf 51 F R 1 Facs F Madonna della Casa Diotaleri, • 220 F R I V The Redeemer, .... Brescia V F Portrait of a Young Man, • Galleria. Tosio, 1083 R I The Three Grace*, Buda-Peath Chantilly V R La Vierge d’Orleans. M V R The “ Sistine ” Madonna, - Dresden 1 F R I Fac« K F “Sistine, ’ g length of the Vir gin holdirg the Child. '* Sistine,” The Angela, 2 F R 1 Facs K F n 383 F R F *' Sistine,” 8t. Barbara, „ 384 R F St. Anthony of Padua, Dulwich 68 F St. Francis of Assisi, * • 69 F Madonna del Grauduca, Florence, Pitii 9 RIK F The Vision of Ezekiel, - M 10 R I F Madonna della Sedia, - #l 11 R I E F La Donna Velata, M 12 I F Holy Family dell' Imjnnnata, • ti 13 RIK F Madonna del Baldacchino, - 20 Rid F Tommaso Inghirami, Secretary to Julius II„ .... M 21 R I r m Title, Gallery. No. Size. Maddalena Donl, • Florence, Pitti 29 RI Angiolo Doni, .... M 39 R I La Gravida, .... 34 I Cardinal Uovi 2 i da Bibbiena, Pope Leo X., with Cardinals Guilio de’ Medici and Luigi •• 44 R I Rossi, B&ldacchino Madonna detail, •• 61 R I E Virgin and Child only, - Baldacchino Madonna detail, •• V 1 Two Angela only, * M V I La Fornarina, - Madonna del Cardellino, Florence, Uffizi 17 R I #l 19 R I E 11 is Own Portrait,- ... 39 I Pope Julius II., .... &4 R I Maddalena Donl (T), 70 R I St. John in the Desert. V R I The Holy Family and St. John,- Glasgow 2 F R Portrait of Pope Julius II. seated. London (Nat. Gal.) 76 F R I St. Catherine of Alexandria, The Virgin and Child with St.- John the Baptist and St. Nicholas of Bari, “The Anaidel 77 F R I Madonna,” The Madonna, Infant Christ and 78 F R I St. John (The Gar vagh Raphael) „ 254 F R The Vision of a Knight, 491 F Madonna dei Caodelabri, - Cartoons (7) — *• Miraculous Draught of •• V I Fishes,” .... London S.K. V F I E " St. Paul at Athens,” • *• Elymas stricken with •• V F I E Blindness, ” •‘St. Paul and St. Barnabas at V F I E Lystra,” .... •‘St. Paul and the paralytic •• V F I E Beggar,” .... " Death of Ananias," • „ V F I E V F I E “ Christ and the Apostle,” • V F I E Portrait B Ust.iof A udrea N avagero Madrid, Prado V I Portrait of Agostino Reazz&no, - The Holy Family (Virgin with a “ V I Lizard), l( V I E The Holy Family (La Perla), M V I E The Virgin with a Rose, V I E 'The Visitation, .... |# V 1 E Portrait of a Cardinal, - Christ bearing His Cross (Lo •• V 1 E Spasimo), V I E Virgin with a Fish, |# V I E The Holy Family with a Lamb. - Cartoon of the Fresco for the Milan, V R E School of Archers, ... Tho Marriage of the Virgin (La Arabrosiaua V F R Sposalizio), - Milan 36 Madonna di Tempi, The Holy Family (della Casa Munich. 4 K R I Face Caneg’ana), .... M 12 F R I Facs Madonna della Tenda. - 94 F R I Facs Portrait of Bindo Altovtti, • 95 F R I Facs Head of St. John, „ 457 F R Permanent Tjhj>ij *55 *51 *5 "5 ’’5 *>5 isj 15,131414 Print. Price !/• 67 Title. Galleet. No. S-IZK. Ph Hie Paptism of Christ, Munich 493 F R The Resurrection, ... |t 494 F R Madonna del olvino Amore, Naples, Mus. Naz. 16 W Cardinal Paesarini, V F Portrait of Tibaldeo, • • V F Apollo and Marsyas, ... Paris, Louvre V I Portraits of Men, • V I Portrait of Jeanne of Arragon, - V I Portrait of Balthasar Castlglione M V I 8t, Michael vanquishing the Devil, V I St. George, 9i V R gt. Michael, ..... M V R St. Margaret, |# V I St. John the Baptiat In the Desert, • » V I The Holy Family, V R The so-called ‘‘Great Holy Family of Franc's I.," ... M V I E La Vlerge du Yoiie, M V I Replica of the Vir giu with a Pink, M V R Hea 1 of St. Elizabeth, - V I La Belle Jardiniere, f# V its Infant Christ of St. John, • The Entombment, ... 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