Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/oldcolonialarchiOOgofo 2 W \tc m.c - Old Colonial Architectural Details IN AND AROUND PHILADELPHIA, 80 PLATES OF SCALED AND MEASURED DRAWINGS BY . W. Davenport Goforth AND William J. McAuley, ,i Architects. COPYRIGHTED 189 0. NEW YORK: W M. H R L B U R N, 65 E. 9th STREET. Preface. W E desire here to state, that our endeavors have been to collect as good specimens of ’’OLD COLONIAL ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 1 ' of their respective classes, as could be found in and around PHILADELPHIA The plates are arranged as nearly as possible in Historical order. In the early part of the work we were assisted by Mr. Howard S. Richard, Archit., who was compelled to retire on account of the pressure of other business. WM. DAVENPORT GOFORTH, WILLIAM 0. McAULEY. Philadelphia, Oct. 31st, 1890, LIST 0F G0NTENTS. PLATE 1. Independence Hall. Built 1729. One-half Elevation of Main Corridor. PLATE 2. Detail of Main Corridor, showing Entablature. PLATE 3. Detail of Corridor, showing Finish over Doors PLATE 4. Detail of Tablet in Corridor. PLATE 5. Elevation and Del ail of Tablet containing Declaration of Inde- pendence. PLATE G. IJrn on Independence Hall. Cornices on Mayor’s Office and House, Lombard Street, below Fourth, Philadelphia. PLATE 7. Thomas Mansion. 1754. One-half Elevation and Detail of Drawing-Room . PLATE 8. Elevation and Plan of Stair- Hall, showing Window-Seat. PLATE 9. Side Elevation and Detail of Stairs. PLATE 10. Elevation of Lintel, First Floor Hall, and Details of Window and Cornice in Halls, Second and Third Floor. PLATE 11. Elevation and Detail of Window, First Landing of Stairs. Detail of Window Trim and Wainscot Caps, Second Floor PLATE 12. Elevation and Detail of Door and Window, First Floor. PLATE 13. Outside Cornice of Thomas Mansion and Door, Window Trim and Sill, and Coping of Wall, Stenton. PLATE 14. Arnold Mansion. Built 17(11. One-half Elevation of Drawing- Room. Entire Side of Room Oak. PLATE 15. Klevation of Door, and Detail of Door, Wainscot Caps and Window Trims. PLATE 1G. Elevation of Lintel. Detail of Lintel, Cornice and Wainscoting. PLATE 17. Elevation and Detail of Hall Window, Second Floor. PLATE 18. One-half Elevation of Lintel. Detail of Lintel, Cornice and Wainscot ing, First Floor. PLATE 19. Fisher Mansion. Built about 1770. Elevation and Detail of Porch. PLATE 20. Detail of Stairs and AVainscot, First and Second Floor. Detail of Washboard and Window Trims. PLATE 21. Elevation and Detail of Fire-Place in Drawing-Room. Hazard Mansion. PLATE 22. Elevation and Detail of Door and Window in Drawing-Room. PLATE 23. One-half Elevation and Detail of Back Drawing-Room. PLATE 24. Elevation and Detail of Lintel of First Floor Hall, and Detail of Drawing-Room Cornice. PLATE 25. Elevation and Detail of Fire-Place in Drawing-Room. PLATE 2G. Hamilton Mansion. Woodlands. Elevation and Detail of Rear Facade. PLATE 27. Elevation and Detail of Door in Rear Facade. PLATE 28. Elevation and Detail of Fire-Place. PLATE 29. Elevation and Detail of Window. PLATE 30. Wister House, E'ourlh, below Spruce Street. Elevation and Detail of Doorway. PLATE 31. Wister House, Germantown. Elevation and Detail of Fire-Place. PLATE 32. PLATE 41. Upsnl Mansion. Built 1790. Elevation ami Detail of Fire-Place. Elevation and Detail of Doorway, Locust Street, below Fifth, Philadelphia. PLATE 33. PLATE 42. Philosophical Society Building. Elevation and Detail of Main Stairway. Elevation and Detail of Doorway, Germantown. PLATE 34. PLATE 43. Elevation and Detail of Doorway of Dr. Dun ton’s House, Ger- Elevation and Detail of Fire-Place, Woodfern Mansion. mantown. PLATE 35. PLATE 44. Elevation and Sections of Two Outside Cornices. Elevation and Detail of Fire-Place in Dr. Garrett’s Residence, Germantown. PLATE 36. PLATE 45. Elevation and Plan of Old Doorway, Fifth and Powell Streets, Philadelphia. Two Inside Cornices. PLATE 46. PLATE 37. Detail of Door and Window Trims, Cornice, Wainscot and Wash - Detail of Entablature of Doorway, Fifth and Powell Streets. Board. PLATE 47. PLATE 38. Balusters and Hand-Rails. Detail of Spandrel, Panel Molding and Horizontal Section Through Side Light, Fifth and Powell Streets. PLATE 48. PLATE 39. Gate, Balcony and Newel Posts. Elevation and Detail of Fire Place, Germantown. PLATE 49. PLATE 40. Fan aud Side Lights. Elevation and Detail of Doorway, Union Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Pan Lights. PLATE 50. PLAN. INDEPENDENCE HALL.* PH I LADA. PA. ®3 ttl O o L Q o a: dJ > o < 1 — i ILI dO Q z tU c n in n u £ < < z o 5 > iL! iU INDEPENDENCE. HALL c - •INDEPENDENCE HALL PH I LADA., PA. 1 A 0 X z u 9 X x z < - d £ li-J O o o S CJ> K a u z Ur (0 < IU (p h - U < Z x £ O aJ U Q t- z z XI 0. iLI Q y I — ilJ I tO i* ' ■ I . , I t z J2. « i r 1^1 FJ iS3 ion- GV> °. ° o o o o 0^0 o o o o o Nllel-T.1 o o o o o 9^ A !U 0 l J 1 q&R MAIN TOWN, PA. s'a 36 ELEVATION A *o SECTION O^-r. /f^-r *r- L-i.l = n rt - Trrt -c ii t ~ : . : .T ± Z- -1 1 ~ I : ; " ' j 'Mb/, OLD DOORWAY PLAN. SIT*. ^k d povYEL 5T5 - PH I LADA., . PA. - WIU.IAM Sf. N.Y. ROBERT HE PHOTO UTH I7B DETAIL OP ENTABLATURE: SECTION . DETAIL OP PILASTER. DETAIL Or SILL a n d PANEL BELOW SJDEtLIQHT&L JL SECTION . - OLD DOORWAY: HORIZONTAL SECTION THROUGH SIDE-LIGHT. o r t^E =n= T— ■ , ■ I r-v 5~r a n d POVYEiL STS. PHILADA., PA. RORERTA.WELKE. PHOTO - L IT H 170 WILLIAM ST NY. ' I ■■ OLD DOORWAY t k - locust st. dllow st? st.,- philada. pa. MANTEL in WOODELRN MANSION * ' ' ' •