"^11/92 to 12/20/92 ^-^-itv^fTSfrnP"?^ i^^ \m lloyB U: .K 'nj^'^. 'J^'Y-^\ ■^Tl m y xf, '9:'^m- / V, C.4 :^ ; PICTURES, B^ ©16 masters, OP THE ITALIAN, DUTCH, FLEMISH, & FRENCH SCHOOLS; INTERESTING HISTORICAL & OTHER PORTRAITS, WOEKS OF THE EAELY ENGLISH SOHOOL ; ALSO, |pirtur£s from tljr (i>olkctt0n of SIR JOHN VAN HATTEN; AND OTHERS FROM DIFFERENT PRIVATE SOURCES: WHICH Mill be Solti bu Auction bp Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS. AT THmiE QnmAT EOQMS, 8, KING STEEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUAEE, On miBAY, JULY 29, 1892, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues liad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8, King Street^ St. James's Square, S. W. \-\j ^\o\ CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. n. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of tlie Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names und Places of Abode, and to pay down 5.s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if rf quired ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Biiyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the sale : Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault, or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-eold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1892, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. MOLENAER. 1 A Brazier, with utensils LANCRBT- 2 A Garden Scene LAIREESSE. 3 Nymphs Bathing BERCHEM. 4 Peasants Driving Animals P. LASTMAN. 5 The Worship of the Golden Cali- 4 UNKNOWN. 6 Two Harbour Scenes BOEGOGNONE. 7 A Battle-piece KNELLEK. 8 John, Duke of Marlborough UNKNOWN. 9 An Austrian Prince UNKNOWN. 10 A Lady as St. Catherine Signed PANNINI. 11 The Forum, Kome BASSANO. 12 Study for an Altar-piece UNKNOWN. 13 Venice TENIERS. 14 Bowl Players TASSI. 15 A Bay Scene UNKNOWN. 16 EcoE Homo F. D. HULST. 17 A EiVKR Scene, with buildings and boats Signed KNELLER. 18 Portraits of a Lady and Gentleman — a pair KNELLER. 19 Portrait op Miss Emma Charlton 20 Don Quixote — in needleivorh G. MORLAND. 21 Portrait of a Gentleman SIR J. REYNOLDS. 22 A Lady Sketching R. WILSON, R.A. 23 Bay Scenes — a pair of sketches, oval CORNEILLE DE LYON. 24 Portrait of Francis I. W. VAN DE VELDE. 25 Men-of-War at Anchor 6 E. WESTALL, K.A., 1799. 26 The Cottage Door — in water colours CANALETTO. 27 The Capital, Eomb D. TENIERS. 28 A Pair of Landscapes, with peasants MOMMERS. 29 Market Figures J. MOUC HERON. 30 A Landscape, with classical figures P. QUAST. 31 Figures Singing and Drinking MOLENAER. 32 The Village Surgeon P. VAN BRUSSELL. 33 Flowers and Fruit — a pair — in water colours HONDEKOETER. 84 Exotic Birds 'i C. JERVAIS 35 Peg Woffington KUYSDAEL. 36 A Woody Rivek Scene, with cascade WYCK. 37 A Hawking Party at a Fountain P. BKEUGHEL. 38 A Harvest Field EARLY VENETIAN. 39 The Descent from the Cross C. COENE. 40 A Village Festival TOORNVLIET. ^^ 41 Peasants, with fish and vegetables — a pair From the BorgJiese Collection L. GIORDANO. 42 The Triumph of Amphitrite FANTIN. 43 Chrysanthemums C. HUYSMAN. 44 A Landscape, with horsemen on a road WOUVERMANS. 45 A River Scene, with figures, horses, and boats A. CROOS. 46 A Chateau on the Bank of a River Signed and dated, 1660 FRANCES. 47 EccE Homo — on copper MARTIN HEEMSKIRK; 48 St. Jerome BASSANO. 49 The Israelites Journey VAN DER WEEFF. 50 A Shepherd and Shepherdess M. J. WADELAERT. 51 View off a Dutch Port FRENCH SCHOOL. 52 A Fete Champ£trb ; and Horsemen SNAYERS. 53 A Skirmish F. N. 54 An Italian Coast Scene, with buildings and figures SOLEMACKER. 55 A Landscape, with peasants and animals RUSSELL. 56 The Countess of Skfton P. BATTONL 57 A Lady with a Guitar ROMNEY. 58 A Child with a Toy GAINSBOROUGH. 59 A Girl COSWAY. 60 Mrs. Fitzhbrbbrt UNKNOWN. 61 Portrait of a Gentleman of the Stanley Family Purchased at the Sale of Colonel Stanley's Pi(aur€8, near Preston LARGILLIERE. 62 A French Prince HOUBRAKEN. 63 Maey Queen of Scots Engraved 10 WISSING. 64 The Earl of Burlington HOLBEIN. 66 Portrait of the Emperor Charlbb V. — on a roundel 66 Henry Brokeley — with arms, inscription and date, 1569 Sir John Brokle, Lord Mayor of London temp. Henry VJ ., hore these arms CLOUET. 67 Portrait of Francois II. HOBBEMA. 68 A Woody River Scene, with watermill, figures, and animals REMBEANDT. 69 Portrait of Rembrandt, when young, in gorget, with hat and feathers From the Collection of W. Hardman, Esq. L. CARACCI. 70 The Entombment ISAAC OSTADE. 71 A Pair of Village Scenes, with figures T. WYCK. 72 Interior of an Artist's Studio 11 EARLY FLEMISH. 73 Thk Virgik anb Child in a Landscape F. LIPPI. 74 Thb Nativity VAN DER POEL. 75 A Conflagration DUTCH SCHOOL. 76 Village Merrymaking J. Y. HURLSTONE. 77 The Student ROTTENHAMER. 78 The Nativity MINDERHOUT. 79 View off a Dutch Port, witli shipping MIGNARD. 80 Anne of Austria PARMEGIANO. 81 A Lady with a Squirrel C. CIGNANI (After). 82 Charity 12 SPANISH SCHOOL. 83 A Lady with a Dog UNKNOWN. 84 Salvator Mundi ; and Mater Dolorosa — two in one frame MYTENS. 85 Portrait of an Officer UNKNOWN. 86 A GiBL WITH A Dog and Parrot 87 Capt. Littleton Clint, of Knightchurch, Worcestershire 88 A Ladt, in crimson dress 89 St. John with the Lamb P. POTTEE. 90 A EiVER SoBNB, with animals BEEUGHEL. 91 Heaven ; and Hell — a jpair A. KAUFFMANN. 92 Head op a Lady — a $ketch \ UNKNOWN. 93 Judith and Holofernbs 13 C. GESNEK, 1805. 94 A Hunting Subject EUBENS. 95 Milking Time BAPTIESTE. 96 A Garden Scene, with a vase of flowers and birds BAPTIESTE. 97 The Companion TINTOKETTO. 98 Portrait op a Venetian Warrior, in armour, attended by his page, who is presenting him with his helmet With coat-of-arms and intcription BAMSAT. 99 PORIBAIT OF A LADT HUDSON. 100 A Lady, with a wreath of flowers G. EOMNEY, 1762. 101 Portrait of George Knott, 'Esq. o WYNANTS. 102 A Landscape -i^J.-^v'":^ 14 SCHALKEN. 103 Intebiob of a Cellar, with a woman with a lighted candle MIERIS. 104 A Lady at heb Toilet F. BOL. 105 A Gentleman, in black dress and cap, with gold chain, holding a scroll in his right hand .Ui . . . UNKNOWN. 106 Figures Drinking BRACKEN BOEG. 107 An Interior, with figures merrymaking OSTADE. 108 Boobs REMBRANDT. 109 Solomon and the Queen of Sheba S. ROSA. 110 A Bay Scene TENIERS. 111 A Cavern Scene, with the Magdalen ■^iy 15 G. STUBBS. 112 A PuQ Dog ^-^O'^'C^^ ,. VAN DEE WERFF. 113 Theseus and Aeiadne, with Cupids VANDYCK. L^- 114 The Magdalen •'■; E. WILSON. 115 The Bridge of Augustus at Rimini ZUCCHERO. 116 Chbist Falling under the Oboss A. DUREE (Aftee). 117 Portrait op the Artist ; and the engraving '.^a-i-<''2^-v^. A. DUREE (After). , 118 Portrait of John Maximilian ; and the engraving 16 THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. EUBENS. 119 Tkiumph of the Infant Bacchus MARIESCHI. 120 A Paie of Views of Venice . J,^v 17 The following are chiefly from the Collection of SIR JOHN VAN HATTEN, 2vho came to England with William III. PICTURES. 127 A Monkey with a Basket of Feuit 128 A Fruit-piboe Signed J. J. C. o ^ 129 A EoMAN Procession / Signed ^ 1600 130 Angels Presenting Flowers to the Infant Christ 131 An Old Man - 132 Still Life 133 A BivER Scene, with Chateau — 134 A Classical Landscape, with ruins . ^ BAEKER OF BATH. Vf:- 135 An Old Shepherd R "^^ REMBRANDT. 136 Moses Trampling on Pharoah's Crown LE SUEUR. 137 St. Elizabeth op Hungary WEENIX. 138 A Hunting Scen« ^"^^W ^J J>^ 18 SIR P. LELY. 139 The Madonna and Child — in crayona SCHALKEN. 140 A Burgomaster ; and his Wife — a pair n'^ BREUGHEL. 141 Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden VANDYCK. 142 Judge Crawley N. JANNEN. 143 The Holt Family R. WILSON. 144 A River Scene, with figures HOLBEIN. 145 Head of Melancthon FRANCES. 146 The Journey to Calvary ROTENHAMER. 147 Cyclops Foa«i»o thb Armour of Achilles 19 VANDYCK. 148 The Descent from the Cross J. t FULLER. 149 Portrait op the Artist and his Sow J. D. 150 A Landscape, witli Banditti H. NAI WINCH. 151 A Landscape, with sportsman Signed H. K, 1645 DE CASTRO. 152 A Seaport, with shipping SIR P. LELY. 153 Mrs. Lbmok WOUVERMANS (After). 154 A Skirmish of Cavalry DE VLIEGEE. 155 A Coast Scene VAN DIEST. 156 Entrance to a Harbour WYCK. 157 Interior of a Chemist's Shop 20 CLAUDE (After). 158 A Landscape, with Hagar and the Angel L. BRAUWER. 159 Christ before the High Priest D. SEGHERS. 160 Flowers and Fruit Signed S. HARDINE. 161 A Flower-piece Signed F. WAUTERS. 162 A Group of Ladies as the Muses R. SAVERY. 163 An Ox Lying Down C. DOLCE. 164 EccE Homo; and Head of the Madonna R. ROENSTRATEN. 165 Still Life F. MIERIS. 166 Head of St. Francis 21 Q. DOW. 167 S*. Anthony Prating JOEDAENS. 168 Bacchus ALBANO. 169 Justice and Peace kissing each Other BREEMBOEG. 170 A Landscape, with soldiers TITIAN. 171 Head of Christ VANDERMEULEN. 172 Battle-pieces — a pair HUGHTENBORG. 173 The Finding of Moses DOMENICHINO. 174 St, Cecilia BLOEMART. 175 Joseph and Potiphar's Wife 22 ESTATE OF A GENTLEMAN, deceased. PORTRAITS. 176 A Gentleman, in wig — VJth century 177 Two Gentlemew, in blue hunting coats, with horse and groom 178 A Gentleman, in red coat 179 A Gentleman, in wig and blue coat — temp. Queen Anne 180 Philip Herbeet, Earl of Pembroke, in yellow dress and lace collar 181 The Duke of Marlborough, ship in background 182 A Venetian Nobleman, in head-dress with feather, his left hand resting on a helmet 183 A Boy, in black dress and lace collar, called the Young Pretender 184 A Gentleman, in wig and blue coat — early 17th century 185 A Lady, in blue mantle — oval 186 A Gentleman, with open coat and collar 187 A Gentleman, in embroidered gold lace coat 188 Queen Elizabeth, in richly embroidered dress, lace collar, and head-dress 189 A Gentleman, in red dress 190 A Gentleman, with lace collar — in sculptured oval 191 A Gentleman, in wig — early 18th century 192 A Gentleman — temp. Commonwealth 193 A Gentleman, in green dress, one of the Churchill Family 194 A Landscape, with a sacrifice 195 A Group of Bacchanalian Boys 196 A Landscape, with Jacob and Eachael FINIS. Loudon : Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Sfcimford Street and Charing Cross. 4.^^^^5fe: w^ ■m.s ^4 s^v ^. u T «?*-;' GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 00987 9566 ;^&^'