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Photo, 102 *9 Tiie Duke of Osuna and his Family Le Due d'Ossuna et sa Famille {Prado, Madrid ) {Prado, Madrid) Der Herzog von Osuna und seine Familie {Madrid, Prado) £). A ndersoti, Photo , 2D The Duke of San Carlos Le Due de San Carlos Der Herzog von San Carlos {El Conde de V i U agon za lo ) M. Moreno , Phot#. The Duchess of Alba La Duchesse d’Albe ( The Duke of Alba) ( Le Due d’A Ibe) Die Herzogin von Alba (Der Herzog von Alba) M, Moreno, Photo, 22 The Duchess of Abrantes La Duchesse d’Abrantes {The Duchess of Abrantes) {La Duchesse d' Abrantes) Die Herzogin von Abrantes {Die Herzogin von Abrantes) M. Moreno , Photo. 23 El Marques de San Adrian {El Marques de San Adrian) M. Moreno , Photo. 2 4 La Marques a de Caballero (£7 Marques de Carver a) M. Moreno, Photo. La Marquesa de Pontejos {La Marquesa de MartorelV) M. Moreno , Photo. 20 General Palafox Le General Palafox {Prado, Madrid ) {Prado, Madrid ') Der General Palafox {Madrid, Prado) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. General Urrutia Le General Urrutia {Prado, Madrid) {Prado, Madrid) Der General Urrutia {Madrid, Prado) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. Don Leandro Fernandez de Morati'n {Academy of St. Ferdinand, {Academie de S t - Fei d in and, Madrid) Madrid ) {Madrid, Akademie des St. Ferdinand) D. Anderson, Photo. 29 Don Juan MelUn-dez Valdi2s (Bowes M use'll ni) p. H anfstaen°l, Photo , 30 Don Juan Antonio Llorente {Don Francisco Llorente) Mi Moreno i Phot (t. The Ambassador Guillemardet Der Gesandte Guillemardet L’Ambassadeur Guillemardet ( Louvre , Paris) {Paris, Louvre ) ( Louvre , Paris') P raun, Clement &r Co., Photo , Maria Fkrnandisz (“La Tirana”) {Academy of St. Ferdinand , ( Academie de St-Fei dtnand, Madrid) Madrid) (. Madrid , Akademie dcs St. Ferdinana) P, Anderson ; Photo, Matvei ths Actv* L Acte (Prm£r, Mtmdrid) (Pr Dti SsArsr^Ei Matvei F. H in| "jrxLi-sf Finer. rx M=r ‘ 3 Don Juan dk Villanueva (Academy of St. Ferdinand , (Academie de St- Ferdinand, Madrid) Madrid) (Madrid, Akademie des St. Ferdinand) D. Anderson, Photo. Xfc: jisi iff -IPrT.^janr -dmit/nz- wT£z J-miiuatu. .n-rmi/Mn a, .I ?-? rrunmmri JButb'ai HimrirJ Ulur u. tiauLsuii. nr Zh ^vmuuuul jLiuts^m. 36 Don Francisco Bayeu {Prado, Madrid ) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. T Has* H aacn 5*gsr ZZin r Zxr^at ■ Zterrc: X' leretm. r <;;. Senora de Cean Bermudez (£/ Marques de Casa Torres') F. Hanfstaengl , Photo . 31 Donna Manuela de Alvakez Coinas {El Marques de Bai oja) M. Moreno , Photo. Donna Isabel Cobos de Porcel (National Gallery , London) ( Galerie nationale, Londres ) C London , Nationalgalerie) F. H an/staengl , Photo . Donna Tadea Arias de Enriquez {Prado, Madrid ) D. Anderson , Photo, Portrait of a Lady Portrait t>e Dame (. Louvre , Paris) ( Louvre , Paris) BlLDNIS FINER DaME {Paris, Louvre) Levy ct son Fils, Photo, The Mayi-oi.k (La Cucana) Der Maibaum Le Mai (Pt Marques dc Casa Torres) M. Moreno , Photo. 44 A Procession Einf. Prozfssion Unk Procession (Academy of St. Ferdinand , (Madrid, Akademie des St. Ferdinand) (Acadimie de St- Ferdinand, Madrid ) Madrid) D. A rider so>i, Photo. 45 A Sitting of the Inquisition Une Audience de l’Inquisition {Academy of St. Ferdinand , Madrid ) {Academie de St- Ferdinand, Madrid) Gerichtssitzung der Inquisition ( Madrid , Akademie des St. Ferdinand) D. Anderson , Photo. 46 (Madrid, Akadetnie ties Si. Ferdinand') D. Anderson , Photo. 47 A Bull-Fight Unf. Course de Taureaux (Academy of St. Ferdinand, Madrid) (Academic de St-Ferdinand, Madrid) ' Ein Stierkampf (Madrid, Akademie des St. Ferdinand) D. Anderson, PJieto. The Meadow of St. Isidore Die Wiese des hi.. Isidorus Le Pr£ df. St-Isidore ( Prado , Madrid ) ( Madrid , Prado) {Prado, Madrid) F. Han/siaengl, Photo. 49 Carnival Scene Sc^ne de Carnaval ( Academy of St. Ferdinand , ( Academie de St-Ferdinand, Madrid) Madrid) Karnevalszene {Madrid, Akademie des St. Ferdinand) 104? P>, Anderson , Photo , Bmnd-M an’s-Buff Das Bi.indekuhspiel Le Coi;in-Maii.i.ard (Prado, Madrid) ( Madrid , Pi add) (Prado, Madrid) The Kite {Prado, Madrid) Der Drachen {Madrid, Prado) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. Le Cerf-voi.ant {Prado, Madrid) The Vintage (Prado, Madrid) Die Weinlese (Madrid, Prado) p. Hanfstaengl , Photo , Les Vendanges (Prado, Madrid) The Flower-Girls Les Vendeuses de Fleurs {Prado, Madrid) {Prado, Madrid) Die Blumenmadciien {Madrid, Prado) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo . Maja, clothed Maja, bekleidet Maja, v&tve (Prado, Madrid) (Madrid, Prado) (Prado, Madrid) F. H anfstaengl, Photo. Maja, nude Maja, nackt Maja, nue ( Prado , Madrid) ( Madrid , Prado ) ( Prado , Madrid) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. 56 The Guitar-Player Le Joueur de Guitare (Prado, Madrid) (Prado, Madrid) Der Guitarrespiei.er (Madrid, Prado) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo . 57 Tiie Milkmaid Das Milchmadchen La Laiti&rk (Condesa Viuda de Muguiro) M. Moreno , Photo . The Knife-Grinder Der Messerschleifer L’Emouleur {Museum, Buda-Pesth) {Budapest, Museum) {Musee, Buda-Pesth ) F. Hatifslaengl, Photo. (HH 59 The Water-Carrier La Porteuse d’Eau {Museum, Buda-Pcsth) {Muste, Buda-Pesth) Die Wassertragerin {Budapest, Museum) F, Hanfstaengl, Photo. ALLEGORY OF THE ClTY OF Madrid All£gorte de la Ville de Madrid {Town- Hall, Madrid) {Hotel de Ville, Madrid) Allegorie der Stadt Madrid {Madrid, Rathaus) M. Moreno, Photo. 6i The Holy Family Die iieilige Familie La Sainte Famit.i.e (. Prado , Madrid) {Madrid, Prado) {Prado, Madrid) P. Anderson , Photo, 62 Christ praying at Christi gebet am La Priere de J£sus Gethsemane Olberg a Geths£manj (El Rector de San Antdn) M- Moreno , PhotQ , Christ on the Cross Le Christ sur la Croix {Prado, Madrid) {Prado, Madrid) Christus am Kreuz {Madrid, Prado) F. Hanfstaetigl, Photq, 64 An Episode of May 3RD, 1808 Un Episode, du 3 Mai (■ Prado , Madrid ) {Prado, Madrid ) Eine Episode deb 3. Mai 1808 A Complete List of Published Photographs of GOYA’S PICTURES to be had of Mr. Franz Hanfstaengl \ 1 6 Pall Mall East , London , S.JV. SIZES and PRICES or PHOTOGRAPHS— F = Folio (io" x 8") Silver Print. 1/6 ; Carbon Print, 2/6 R =Royal (15" x 12") - ,, 6/- 1 = Imperial (21" x 15") - ,, 12/- Facs = Facsimile (28" x 20 £*) - ,, 30 j- E = Extra (34$" X 26") - ,, 50/- Average Dimensions are quoted. In ordering it is essential that both Gallery and Order Number are stated as well as the Size. Title. Gallbrt. No. Size. b ^ sg a 5 S 3 * A Reunion, Portrait of the Marquis de Berlin 783 F F Caballero, .... Budapest 122 FR F A Girl with a Pitcher, - f . U 123 F R I F The Knife Grinder, A Majo, Cadiz, Capuchin Monastery U 124 R F R I 14 in. by 10 in. at 3/6 F A Maja, Portrait of Dona Isabel Cobos de » R ” Porcel, ..... N.G.. Loudon U 563 FRI F Portrait of Dr. Peral, • Equestrian Portrait of Don ” U Fat 5/ Carlos IV. of Bonrbon, * Episode of May 3rd, 1808 : A Group of Peasants shot by Madrid, Prado 104 FR F Murat’s army, near Madrid, - n 105 FR F The Family of Don Carlos IV., - Portrait of Don Carlos IV. (full- " 106 FRI F leugth, standing), • ” 107 FRI F 63 Title. Gallery. No. Size. II £* 55 £ (L CLs Portrait of Don Charles Marie Isidor, son of Charles IV., - Madrid, Prado u I Portrait of Queen Maria Louisa (full-length, standing), - ,, 108 F R I F Portrait of Don Francisco, de P. Antonio, younger son of Charles IV., - Portrait of MAiquez, the Actor. - U I 109 F R F Portrait of Dona Maria Josepha, daughter of Charles III., f| Y F Portrait of a Guitar Player, 110 F R F St. Isidore's Meadow, - 111 F R F A Picador on Horseback, u Fat 5/ Portrait of General Urrutia, 112 F R I F Designs for Tapestry : 29 further subjects all to be had, size 14 by 10. price 3/6 : — A Brawl near an Inn, #f 113 F R F The Kite, .... 114 F R F A Game of Balls, 115 F R F Las Floreras,” - 116 FR F The Vintage, ,, 117 F R F Blind-Man’s-Buff, 118 F R F Portrait of a Cardinal, - f| 119 F R F Portrait of Francisco Bayeu, the Painter, 120 FRI F Portrait of Josefa Bayeu, Goya’s Wife, ----- 121 FR F Portrait of General Palafox on Horseback, - |f 122 F F Christ on the Cross, #f 123 F P. F The Maja nude, .... ,, 124 F R F The Maja clothed, , f 125 F R F Portrait of Ferdinand VII. when young, |f R About 14 in. “ L’exorcis6,” T by 10 in. at 3/6. Frescoes by Goya : — Witches’ Sabbath, - R Gathering of Witches, - R A rrival at the Sabbath, - R Witches in Mid-Air, R ,, Witches pursuing their ne- farious business in Mid-Air, t| R Witches brewing, - - - R Witches preparing, ,, R Witch transformed into a He-Goat, .... Witches throwing dice,- R Two Herdsmen fighting with Cudgels, .... av R An Old Man, - - - - R Saturn devouring his Sons, - R A Maja, ,, R Head of a Dog, ,, R „ Gunpowder-making in a Wood, - Gunpowder-making in a Forest, - Madrid, Escurial (Casila de Abajo) R R ;; Portrait of Charles IV. in Hunt- ing Costume, ... - Madrid, Royal Palace R •• 67 Title. Gallery. No. Size. Permanent Prints 1/ Portrait of Queen Maria Louisa with Mantilla, Madrid R About 14 in. Royal Palace by 10 in. at St. Bernardin de Sena preaching Madrid, Church 3/6 to King Alphonso of Aragon, of S. Francisco el Grande R Portrait of the Ninth Duke of Osuna, Madrid, OBuna Palace R Portrait of the Duchess de Bena- venti and Osuna, ... R Portrait of the Ninth Duke of Osuna surrounded by his Family, ..... YR F & M The Feast of Saint Isidore at Madrid, R Bulls coming from la Muuoza, - R A Village Procession, ... R Carting building material for the construction of a great Tower, S R A Fall : Riding Mishap, M R Highway Robbers waylaying a Coach, R Climbing the Greasy Pole, - ' # R 99 The See Saw, R W inter— Return from Market, - R Spring — Gardening, M R ** Summer — Corn Threshers, - R Portrait of General Urrutia, R M A Picnic, R The Chapel of St. Isidore on the 99 day of his Feast, ... R The “Cueharon” (a Spanish Game)," R Women and Children near a Fountain, .... R The Wounded Peasant, R Witches beariug a naked body through the air, R Witches surrounding a big Goat, R 99 The Goat disappearing through the Chimney, .... R Witches pursuing a Woman, R “ El burlador de Sevilla,” - R “ Bewitched by Force,” R Portrait of the Tenth Duke of 99 Osuna,” R Portrait of Jovellanos,- Madrid, Cortes R Portrait of la Tirana, a celebrated 99 Actress, ..... Madrid. Academy of St. Ferdinand B I A Bull Fight, .... B F at 5/ The Funeral of a Sardine: Car- nival Scene, .... B F at 5/ The Good Friday Procession, B F at 5/ The Lunatic Asylum, ... B F at 5/ Portrait of F. Guillemardet, Paris, Louvre B F at 5/ I A young Spanish Woman, - Fat 5/ Trrr.it. Gallery. No. Size. a * Portrait of M. de Castro, Portrait of a Lady seated, - Portrait of a Lady -with a Fan, - Paris, Louvre 209 F at 5/ 1 F at 5/ I F Portrait of Charles IV., Sevilla R About 14 in. Portrait of Queen Marie Louise, - San Telmo Palace R by 10 in. at 3/6 Portrait of Ferdinand VIL when Prince of Asturias, R Portrait of the Widow-Queen of Sieily, aged 12, R Portrait of Asensio Julid, - M R A Lady with a White Mantilla, - M R „ Manolas on a Balcony, - ft R „ A Group of Heads, R f . Saint J usta and Saint Rufina, - Sevilla Cathedral R PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. Majai on the Balcony, - A Meeting of the Philippines, under the Presidency of Fer dinandVII., - Portrait of an Artist, • Portrait of a Man in Uniform, - Portrait of a Woman, - Goya's Maja, “ La famosa Librera," - Portrait of Don Ramon Salad, - Las Manolas, Portrait of Lorenza Correa, - Portrait of Lota Uunena, - A Picador on the Horns of a Bull, Portrait of a Man, Portrait of Juan Antonio Melen- dez Valdes, .... Portrait of La Seuora de Cdan Bermudez, .... Portrait of the Duchess Del Parque, Madrid R About 14 in, by 10 in. at 3/6 ,, R „ E „ R ,, R „ R „ »• | Paris I I .. 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