I . r Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute . v '* • i > % \ •’ "’t \ \ / https://archive.org/details/newlargetextdutcOOtomk PubUiVi’d ns tin? Act directs . ; / 'Pul'lilh.'d as tkeAct &«.» Mncli ?s\8.S . Pulili fil'd as die Act directs A larch. flj'N/fij PubUfh'd as the Act directs March 3j 'h-7 85 Publish 3 as the Act directs March a 5 *Sj*;\ Publith'd as Vhe Acl diveclsMar ch *5^785 / f'/Z/SU/ /./ s>'/ //// w/r/Z fo Z // j / / s/ // //srfy/i /f/// ff /'/ rrs/Z arrom// /.jZs/Z /fZ/rs/fam ■ 1 . W K i. ’i : - . i \ \ \ •• Pubuiva a - . • ' • ■ ’’ r * . . - " ” . . ■ ' - , - , , v £ \ Act directs March 25^1785 . r , \ S \ 'x \ X ’ublifK'd the Act directs March 25 th ' 785 . y/ Oft r r\ V V V N I X X s X X 'V X X X jS 5s' X X X X X // // /sir/ /////// /'/ //yy //) r //„, , * r/y /•) /// z/t /.) oJ„ ./Ztt/tZ vay// ^ ^ ^ ~ . Z . y, . /? . ( >v yyyy r/rrr/ Z/r /ry/yy/rr '~^-yr/y try/' ,/ /‘.yyy/ y/rrr/ z/r /„///, y/yyy // ////.///* V '/////>/ /// ./////, / ///y ZZ Z * Z„ y// /tty v/ / /// //yy /yy. y Z ) //y/y , yy- //yyyy y.y y/trrt/r/y c y/yyy /./ tytt ^//y yyyyyyyyy /yy ZZ///// /yy tr. /y yy . Z/y /yy/ try y/z/y > y.y //yyy // r y yyy y/yy/ /yyy /yy/ // r y yy/y /y/yy v/y//y //y .// Z/yyy // />// // y/yyy y/yy yyy/ // ////., /// / ’/>/// ; /tr /> yyy r y/yyy try//// yy // ~ // ///' // Z/rr/.y //y/yy t t/Z/ // tr/y/Z/y/yy fublrlli’d ~by T .Tomldns , as die Act directs 25*Mar.i785. ijt : ' \'5S