®ngtatte» British portraits. CATALOGUE ^ OF A RARE COLLECTION: OF English portraits' SERVING TO ILLUSTRATE Granger’s Biographical History of England, * AMONG THEM ARB MANY OP THE CHOICEST WORKS OF FAITHORNE, elstracke, PASS, &c. TOGETHER WITH A FEW BOOKS, AK» Twenty-Six Portfolios, Atlas Form, HANDSOMELY BOUND IN RUSSIA, Which will be Sold by AuEiion , b y Mejfrs. KING &LOCHEE, At their GREAT ROOM, No. 38, Kihg-ftreet, Covent Garden, On FRIDAY, MAY II, 1810 And Four Following Days , at Twelve o'clock. May be viewed on Thursday preceding the Sale, and Catalogues, Price One Shilling , then had at the Room. j. Barker, Printer, Great Rutiell-ftieet, Covent-Garden. Conditions of Sale I. Tke highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and, if any Dispute arises between two or more Bidders,' the Lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than 6d.; above One Pound, Is.; above Five Pounds 2s. 6d. and so pa in Proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound in Part of Payment of the Purchase-Money ; in Default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold ; and all Lots to be cleared at the Buyer’s Expence, at the Expiration of one Day after the Sale. IV. The Books are presumed to be perfect , unless otherwise expressed; but if upon collating , ax the Place of Sale, any should prove defective , the Purchasers will be at Liberty to take or refuse them. V. Upon Failure of complying with the above Con¬ ditions, the Money Deposited in Part of Payment shall be forfeited; and all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may hare their Commissions faithfully executed by their Humble Servants, r King and Loches^ A CATALOGUE, Firft Day’s Sale* FRIDAY, MAY 11. OCTAVO ET INFRA. 1 C^UARLE’S Emblems, port, and plates 1675 2 Elizabeth, Countesse of Kent, Secrets in Physick, port. — — —— 1659 3 Manchester al Mondo, port. — 1658 4 Accomplished Ladies’ Rich Closet, front. 1687 5 Ignoramus, by Ruggfe, port. — 1658 6 Salgado (JamesJ Intimate Converse of Pope and Devil, plate — —- 16 81 7 Life and Death of Lady Falkland, port. 1653 8 Fonseca on Holy Love, by Sir George Strode, portrait — — 1652 9 Heywood (Thomas) England’s Elizabeth, her Life and Troubles — — 1631 10 Marvell (Andrew) Works, port. 1726 11 Smith (Thomas) Commonwealth of England, front, with port. ■— — 1635 12 Royal Charter granted to Kings, by God Himself, front, by Marshall — — 1649 13 Randolph (Thomas) Poems, front, with port. 1652 14 Arnway (John) Tablet, or Moderation of Charles the First, port. — — 1661 15 Malvezzi, David Persecuted, Englised by Ashley ? front. — — 1647 16 Taylor’s Opuscula, portrait — 1684 17 Oglio of Tray tors, port. 18 Thetford’s Perfect Horseman — 1680 19 Wharton (Geo.) New Almanack, with Gesta Bri- tannorum, port. — — 1662 20 Rome Rhymed to Death, front. — 1683 21 Overbury on the United Provinces, port. 1651 22 Everard on the Virtues of Tobacco, port. 1659 23 Caii (Joan.) Opera —. Lovanii , 1556 24 Beydon (John) Glory of the Rosie-Cross, port. 1664 25 Saints Memorials, or Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver — 1671 26 Nalton (James) Twenty Sermons, portrait 1677 27 Matthew (Ed.) Most Glorious Star, or Charles’s Waine, front. — — 1664 28 Sparrow (Anth.) on the Common Prayer, por¬ traits by Hollar — 1661 29 Plot in a Dream, front, and other plates 1681 30 Histone of the Life and Death of Mary Queen of Scots, with portraits of Elizabeth , Mari/, and Dudley , Earl of Leicester 1636 31 Mercurius Rusticus, front. — 1647 32 Duncan (John ) Life of Lady Falkland, portrait by Marshall — 1649 33 Life of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, port. 1655 34 Austen (Win.) Hsec Homo, port. — 1639 35 Augustus Anglicus, or Life of Charles II. portrait in Armour *— — 1686 36 Historic of Edward theVth. and Richard the Hid. with their portraits — — 1642 37 Anabaptist Washt and Washt, and shrunk in the Washing, portrait by Cross 38 Bisse (James) Two Sermons at Paule’s Crosse, &c. 1581 39 Metcalfe (Thcophilus) Short-hand, port. 1652 40 Warmstray (Thomas) Baptized Turk, port. 1658 41 Carter (John) Tombstone, cuts — 1653 42 Heydou (John) Harmony of the World, port. 1662 43 Tradescant’s Rarities, with four portraits and viezo of the House — —*1656 44 Walton’s Lives of Donne, &c. with portrait of Donne by Lombart — 1675 45 Lupton’s History of Moderne Divines, portraits 1637 46 Lives of Fathers Angel, Bennet, and Archangell, with portrait of the first Douay , 1623 47 Wright (Thomas) Antiquities of Halifax 1738 48 Dingley (Robt.) Spiritual Taste, port, by Cross 1649 49 Ecclesiastical History Epitomized, with portraits 1682 50 History of Prince Erastus, and the Se ven Wise Masters of Rome, by KirkmaD, with his port* and other plates «- «— 1674 51 Horace, by Brome, portraits — 1666 52 Beck (Cave) on a Universal Character, port. 1657 53 Bennett, Theatri Tabidorutn , fine portrait by Lom~ bart — — 1654 54 Henry the VHIth’s Primer, b. 1. reprinted 55 Life and Errors of John Dunton, port. 1705 56 - of Robert Sanderson, Bishop of Lincoln, port. — — 1678 57 Eikon Basilike, portraits, one by Hollar 1649 58 Memoirs of Denzil, Lord Holies, port. 1699 59 Ames (Joseph) Catalogue of English Heads 1748 60 Granger’s Biographical History of England, 4 vol, 1775 QUARTO. r>l Magnexical Advertisements, by Gilbert and Bar- lowe, with fine port, of Mark Ridley 1616 62 Papillon (David ) on Fortification, with small oval port, by Cross — 1645 63 Blagrave and Palmer Catholique Planisphere, front. with portraits — — 1658 64 Narrative History of King James, for first four¬ teen Years, with front, by Droesliout, and portraits of Sir Thomas Over bury, and Carr , Earl of Somerset, with his Wife — 1651 §5 Godwin (Francis) Catalogue of Bishops, b. 1. 1619 66 Lilly (William) Astrological Predictions for 1648- 1649-50 67 Clark (Samuel) Marrow of Ecclesiastical History, 2 vol. with portraits — 1650 68 --——- Lives of the Fathers, portraits 1654 69 Historic of St. George, by Heylyn, front, by Marshall — — 1633 70 Comenius on the Reformation of Schooles, port. by Glover — 1642 71 Funeral of Monck, D. of Albermarle, front. 1722 72 Greatrak (Vah) Strange Cures, fine portrait by Faithorne — — 1666 73 Prynne (Wm.) New Discovery of the Prelate’s Tyranny, portraits of Prynne , Burton and Bastwick 74 Hoffmann’s History of Families, in German, with two portraits —■ — 1777 75 Sym (John) Life’s Preservative Against Self-Kil¬ ling, fine portrait by Marshall 1637 76 Bulwer (John) Artificial Changling, portrait by Faithorne , and other plates •— 1653 77 Carleton (GeorgeJ Thankful! Remembrance of God’s Mercie, with fine portrait and plates by C. Pass, gilt leaves — — 1627 78 Voyage of Captain Thomas James for the Disco. very of a North-West Passage, with portrait , 1633, and Copies of Letters, MS. relative to the Voyage 79 Braithwait (Rich.) Survey of History, or Nur. sery for Gentry, front, with portrait by Mar. shall — —- — 1638 80 --English Gentleman, front, with portrait , whole length by Vaughan 1633 81 --—--Gentlewoman, front, with port, whole length by Marshall 1631 82 Den of Thieves Discovered, by Thomas Atwood Rotherham, port, by Marshall 1743 83 Supplement to Granger, 1774, and a copy of same imperfect 34 Bromley (Henry) Catalogue of British Portraits 1793 85 Vertue’s Anecdotes of Painting in England, pub¬ lished by Walpole, with Catalogue of Engra¬ vers, 5 vol. several prints wanting Strawberry.Hill , 1762 86 Narration of Parliamentary Proceedings, cuts 1651 87 Billingsley (Martin) Coppie Booke, with port. rare — — — 1637 88 VoxPopuli, with whole length port, of Gondomar , and other plates —- — 1620 89 Assembly Man, with port. 90 Sermon (Funeral ) for Elizabeth Stanley, Countess of Huntingdon —- — 1635 91 Examinations, Arraignment and Conviction of George Sprot — — 1609 92 Abraham’s Interment, a Sermon at the Funeral of John La Motte, withfine portrait by Faithorne 1656 93 Hopkins (Matt.) Discovery of Witches, with port. extra rare — — 1647 94 Briefe Description of the Notorious Life of John Lambe, front. 95 Blaxton (John) English Usurer, port. 1634 96 Vox Regis, with curious front. King James on his Throne, the People offering up their Hearts 97 The Quaker’s Dream, or the Devil’s Pilgrimage in England, front. — — 1655 98 Clavell’s Recantation of an Ill-Led Life, port. 1634 99 Letter from Robert, Earl of Warwick, to John Pym, 1642; and Ditto Surrender of the Or¬ dinance of Parliament, 1645 100 News (Wonderful) from Bristol, How a Hen brought into the World a Young Killing or Cat, both now Alive — 1676 FOLIO . 101 Newcastle Methodede Dresser les Chevawx,^?^.. Anver s, 1658 102 Larrey’s History of England, in the Dutch Lan¬ guage, with a number of portraits by Gunst , 4 xol. fme copy — Amst. 1728 103 Du Bartas, his Divine Weekes and Workes, port. 1633 104 Woodall (John) Surgery, port, in title , by Glover , and Charles I. on Horseback by Marshall 105 Fortescuede Laudibus Legum, port, whole length by Vandergucht — 1741 106 Clark (Samuel) Lives of Eminent Persons, por¬ traits — —- 1683 307 Sturmy (Sam.) Mariner’s Magazine, port. 1679 308 Camden (William) History of Queen Elizabeth, port. -— — — 1635 109 Saunders (Richard) Physiognomic and Chiro- mancie, port. —- •— 1671 110 Wither (George) Emblems, port, and plates 1635 111 Segar on Honor, with portraits , large paper 1602 112 Benlowe’s Theophila, a Poem, plates 1652 113 Simpson (Chr.) Division Violist —- 1659 114 Orlando Furioso, by Harrington, port, andplates best edit. — — 1634 115 Fuller (Thos.) Holy State, portraits 1641 116 Lomatius on PaiutiDg, by fiaydocke, plates 1598 117 Gage (Thos.) Survey of the West Indies, 1648. Smith’s History of Virginia, zcitli front, in¬ cluding three portraits , and the portrait of Copt. Smith , in 1 vol. — 1632 118 History of Charles I. by H. L. with front, in¬ cluding the portrait of Charles I. by Faithorne 1655 119 Howard (Hen.J Defensative Against supposed Prophecies — — 1620 120 Vere’s Commentaries, with plates, and the three portraits , fine impressions Camb. 1657 121 Rathborne ("Aaron) Surveyor, with portraits of Prince Charles and the Author 1616 122 History of Richard the Third, by Buck, with portrait of Richard by Cross — 1647 ENGRAVED BRITISH PORTRAITS. 1 Ten —Alfred, Edward the First, Edward III., Queen Philippa, Richard II. &c. 2 Two—R ichard the Second at his Devotion, by Hollar, rare 3 Four—Richard the Third, Jane Shore, Catharine, Daughter of John IV. of Portugal, and Ead- win the Monk 4 Two—Thomas a Becket 5 One—John Dunscotus, with Emblems, &c. by Kilian 6 Two—Robert Eglesfield, by Faber, whole length, mez .; and William of Wykcham, whole length by Grignion 7 Two—Richard Whittington, by Elstrackc; and Hugh Lupus in Parliament, by Hollar 8 Seven—Sir John Fortescue, byFaithorne; John Hawkwood, (2), Judge Littleton, Geoffrey Chaucer, (2), and Mat. Paris 9 Eleven—John Froissart, John Lydgate, Friar Bacon, Sir William de la More, &c. 10 Eighteen— John Rous, Sir William Walworth, Henry Fitzalaine, Lord Cobham, &c. 11 Thirty-two to Fuller’s Holy Slate 12 Thirty-three—Philip the Good, of Burgundy, (3), Charles the Second, Maximilian Robert Men- telius, Emanuel de Meteren, Ferdinand, Duke of Alva, &c. 13 Three—Henry VI. Fundator. B ( IO ), Second Day 5 s Sale, SATURDAY, MAY 12. BRITISH PORTRAITS. 14 J^WQ— Frank Van Borselin and his Wife, by Folkema 15 One—The Genealogy of the Scottish Kings, from Ethel red and Margaret, up to William and Mary- 16 Twelve—James the Fourth of Scotland, sold by Compton Holland; Robert Bruce, James the 1st. IVth. and Vth. Five from Drummond’s History of Scotland, with Margaret and Hen= rietta Anne 17 Seven of the Scottish Kings, from Johnstone TEMP. HENRY VIII. 18 Eight— -Henry the Eighth, by Valck, Faber, White, &c. 19 Three—The same, with Family, by Bartolozzi, &c. 20 One—As granting the Charter to the Barber Sur. geons, by Brown, private plate 21 Seven—Catherine Howard, Anna Bullen, Anne of Cleves, Jane Seymour, by Vermeulen, &c. 22 Five—Anne of Cleves, by Hollar, large and,fine , Jane Seymour, Anne Boleyn, &c. by Ditto 23 Five.—Thomas, Lord Cromwell 24 Two—Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, with the Staves of Office, by Vorsterman, and small oval by Parr ( "• ) 25 Three—Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk with Mary, Queen of France, by Trotter; and his Two Children, by Chamberlayue 26 Eight—Mr. Morett, Lord Denny, Henry Gulde- forde, Lady Guldeforde, by Hollar, Thomas Docura, &c. 27 Five—Cardinal Pole, (3), one from the Crozat Collection, fine, and Cardinal Wolsey, ('2), by Foudrinier, &c. 28 Eleven—John Collett, (2), Thomas Cranmer, (2), Nicholas Ridley, (2), Richard Fox, John Fisher, (2), Cuthbert Tonstall, and Ignatius Loyala 29 Eighteen—John Sleidan, Philip Melancthon, John Wicliffe, Martin Bucer, Martin Luther, &c. 30 Two—Erasmus, by Albert Durer 31 Five—Sir Thomas More, by White, Burghers, Wierx, &c. 32 One—The Family of More, outline by Cochin 33 Seven—Hans Holbein, (4), by Hollar and Gay- wood ; Matt. Merian, by Hollar; Will. Som¬ mers, copy, &c. 34 One—Charles the Fifth, by Fr. Hogenberg, rare 35 One—The same, with Emblematical Devices, by iEneas Vico, very fine and rare 36 Seven—Francis the First, Ferdinand the First, William de Croy, John Rantzau, &c. 37 Eight—Francis the First, Louis the VHth, Charles the IXth, Henry the Hid. and IVth. of France, &c. TEMP. EDWARD VI. 38 Threi— Edward the Sixth, by Vaughan, Passe, and Gunst 38 Seven—Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, by White and Houbraken; Thomas Seymour, Lord Sudley, Edward Courtney, Earl of De» vonshire, &c„ 40 Eight—Nicholas Ridley, Hugh Latimer, Robert Farrar, John Hooper, Martin Bucer, John Alasco, &c. 41 Two—Dr. John Chambers, by Hollar, fine , with copy 42 Three—Sir Thomas Smith, (2), and John Hey- wood, whole length 43 Four—Lady Jane Grey, by White, &c. TEMP* 6VEEN MARY. 44 Eight—M ary with Philip, as Medallions, by Perry ; Philip II. (6), -various Engravers, &c. 45 One— Philip the Second, by Wierx, rare and fine TEMP. QUEEN ELIZABETH. 46 Seven— Elizabeth, by Faithorne, &c. 47 One-—The same, with Globe and Sceptre, whole sheet 48 Four—The same, by Elstracke, &c. 49 Four—The same, one whole length, mez. &c. 50 One—Elizabeth, from Benlowe’s Theophila, wood print , scarce 51 One—The same, from Compendiosa Anatomise, rare 52 One— Elizabeth in the rich Dress she went in to St, Paul’s, by Crispin Passe, extra rare 53 Sis—Mary, Queen of Scots, by De Leu, &c. 54 Five—The same, by Gaywood, &c. 55 Four—The same, by Gunst, Vertue, &c. 56 Two—The same, mez. after Zucchero, and whole length, with James the First, by Bartolozzi 57 One—The same, large oval, with Emblematical Devices, and View of her Execution 58 One—The same, with View of her Execution, by Conway, very fine 59 One—Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, sold by Stent ( ! 3 ) 50 Four—Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, by Mar- shall, &c. 61 Two— George, Earle of Cumberland, arrayed for a Tournament, by White, extra rare , with copy 62 Seven—Matthew Parker, Edmund Grindall, &c. 63 Five—William Perkins, by Elstracke ; John Fox, by Glover ; Edmund Geninges, Sec. 64 Nine—Richard Rogers, Henry Smith, Alexander Nowell, George Buchanan, John Knox, &c. 65 Four—John Clench, by Hollar; Edmund An¬ derson, by Faithorne; James Dyer, and Ni¬ cholas Bacon 66 Thirteen—Sir Philip Sidney (2), Sir John Ogle, by Faithorne and Thane ; Sir Walter Raleigh, (3), Sir Francis Drake, (3), by White, &c. 67 One—Sir Francis Drake, a Globe suspended, whole sheet, fne 68 Two—Sir John Hawkins, and Sir Martin Fro¬ bisher, rare 69 One—Thomas Candyssh, Nobilis Anglus, iEt. suae XXX. 70 One—The same, larger oval, six Latin verses under 71 Fire—Sir Thomas Gresham, Sir Henry Tyrrell, Richard Haydocke, in title to Lomatius ; Wil¬ liam Cunningham, and Thomas Gale 72 Two—Peter Levens, rare and fine , and John Hall 73 Nine—Sir George Baker, wood print , John Donne, George Buchanan, Alexander Boyd, William Camden, Ralph Brooke, &c. 74 Six—William Camden, by White; William Lara- barde, by Vertue, Sir Thomas Bodley, (2), one by Burghers, fne ; John Gerard, &c. 75 One—Cornelius Ketel, H. Bury, sculp, rare 76 Ten—Theodore de Bry, John Daye, John Hall, &c. 77 One—Rodolphus the Second, by Martin Rota, rare 78 Six—Henry the Third of France, and Henry the Fourth, (5), by De Leu, &c. ( 14 ) 79 One—The Marriage of Henry IV. with Mary dc Medicis, by Granthome, fine 80 One—The Duke of Sully, whole sheet, very fine 81 Eight—Charles the Ninth, (3), Lewis Frederick, Duke of Wurtemburgh, &e. 82 One— Henry the Third of France, by Wierx, large and fine 83 Nine—Rudolph the Second, by Sadeler; Daniel Heinsius, (2), Haral Huitfield, Du Bartas, (2), Ortellius, Sec. 84 Three—Charles Clusius, by Martin Rota; Daniel Heinsius, by Suyderhoef, very fine \ and J. Gruterus 85 Twelve—Charles Clusius, (2), Paulus Tossanus, Petrus Molinaeus, &c. TEMP. JAMES THE FIRST. 88 One —The Genealogy of King James I. from God¬ frey and Matilda, 1153 87 One—The Royal Progeny of the Kings of Eng. land, from William the Conqueror to James I. 88 Six—James the First, by Elstracke, &c. 89 Six-—The same, by Gunst, J. Smith, Faber, &c. 90 Eight—James in his Parliament. Ditto, on his Throne, with Globe and Sceptre, by S. Passe, &c. 91 One—James on his Throne, Sword in his Right Hand, a Skull in his Left, with Henry his Son whole length, his Left Hand on a Skull 92 One—James with Hat and Feather, Gloves in his Right Hand, four English Verses under, sold by Stent 93 One— James, with Anne his Queen, whole lengths, on one sheet, brilliant impression , and extra rare 94 Three - The Apotheosis of James, from the Ceiling at Whitehall, by Gribclin 95 One—J ames and Anne his Queen, whole lengths, with their Genealogy , on one large sheet, Viss- cher excudit, very rare ( >5 ) 96 Two—Henry, Prince of Wales, C. Boel, fecit; Henry, Prince of Wales, and Lord Harrington, by Clamp 97 Four—Henry, Prince of Wales exercising with a Lance, (2), Charles, Prince of Wales, by Passe, (2) 98 Four—Frederick of Bohemia, (3), and Elizabeth of Bohemia 99 One—Frederick of Bohemia, with various tro¬ phies 100 Eight—Sackvill, Earl of Dorset, by Vertue ; Francis Manners, Earl of Rutland, Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton, &c. 101 Nine—-George Abbot, Archbishop of Canter¬ bury; John King, Bishop of London ; Laun- celot Andrews, Bishop of Ely, (2) ; Robert Abbot, Bishop of Salisbury, (2) ; William James, Bishop of Lincoln, &c. J02 One—Arthur Lake, Bishop of Bath and Wells, by Payne, fine 103 Twenty-three—George Carleton, Bishop of Chi¬ chester, with the Prints from the Thankful Re¬ membrance of God’s Mercy 104 Six—Gervase Babington, by Elstracke; John Boys, by Payne; John Donne, by Merian ; Ditto,in his Winding Sheet, by M. Burghers; Francis White, by Cookson ; and John White 105 Eight—Donne in his Winding Sheet; John Hart, a woodprint ; Thomas Scot, Robert Burton, in Title to the Anatomy of Melancholy • Ri. chard Stock, (2), Thomas Wilson, &c. 106 Two—Henry Airy, and Henry Robinson 107 Eleven—John Dod, (2), Arthur Hildersam, by Vaughan ; Abraham Aurelius, John Overall, (2), the Jesuits in Council, &c. 108 Two—Anthony Shirley, by Orlandus: Sir Dud¬ ley Carleton, by Delfif 109 Five—Sir Ralph Wimvood, William Trumbill, Sir Hugh Myddelton, (2), Sir Thos. Roe 110 Seven—Thomas Egerton, Baron Ellesmere, Sir Francis Bacon, (2), Sir Edward Coke, Sir Henry Hobart, by Passe; Sir James Ley ( 16 ) HI Seven—Sir Edward Coke, Sir Francis Bacon, ( 3 ) William Butler, &c. 112 Three—Sir Edward Coke, by Loggan ; Francis Moore, by Faifhorne; and Thomas Craig 113 Six—Sir William Segar, by Delaram; A. Rath. bone, &c. 114 Three—Capt. John, original and copy, with map , and Arthur Severus O’Toole, copy 115 Three—Sir William Wadd, Jenner, excudit. Tho- mas Sutton, ( 2 ), one by Elstracke 116 One— Alderman Leate, by Payne 117 Seven—Samuel Daniel, George Wither, John Barclay, ( 2 ), &c. 118 Fire—William Camden, by Gaywood, fine° t Henry Spelman, by Faithorne ; Francis Beau¬ mont, &c. 119 Four—The Family of Roelans, by Hollar 120 Two—Michael Drayton, by Hole; and George Chapman, large circle, by Ditto 121 Two—John Taylor, the Water Poet, by Cook- son, in Title to his Works, with the copy 122 One— Lady Mary Sidney, by S. Passe, rare 123 Four—.John Speed, Sampson Lennard, William Lithgow, copy; and William Pemble, with other portraits in Oxford Almanack, 1749 124 One— Frances, Duchess of Richmond, by Delaram, rare , and fine 125 Eight—Katherine, Marchioness of Buckingham, by Magd. Passe ; Anne Bill, by Simon Passe, Ac. 126 Two-—Matoaka, alias Rebecca, with copy 127 One— Lady Arabella Steuart, J. W. sculp. sold by Geo. Humble, extra rare 128 Two— The Gunpowder Conspirators, rare , with the copy 129 Three—Thomas Percy, John Wright, and Chris¬ topher Wright 130 Two—Eve Fliegen and Mull’d Sake, copies 131 One— Eve Fliegen, an oval, sould in Pope’s- Head-Alley, by Geo. Humble, rare J32 One— Eve Fliegen, And. Stoe, sculp, large and fine ( >7 ) X33 Four—Christian, Duke of Brunswick, by C. Passe; Christian the IVth and Vth 134 Three—Maurice, Prince of Orange, by Crisp, Van Quebooren, Albert, Count Aremberg on Horseback, by Bailliu, fine 135 One—Count Gondomar, whole length, 1624 136 One— Count Gondomar, large oval, by VVm, Passe, very rare 137 Five—Frederick of Bohemia, by Del If; Wil¬ liam of Nassau, by Visscher ; Henry Frede¬ rick, Prince of Orange, by Delff; Christian, Duke of Brunswick, by Delff; Jacoba Wil- helmi VI. Filia 138 Six —Frederick Christian, of Norway, by El- stracke; William Henry, Prince of Orange, Cardinal Barberini, Nic. Fabricius de Peiresc, &c. 139 Eleven—Ernest, Count Mansfeldt; Emanuel de Meteren, &c. 140 Five—.John Barneveldt, with View of the Exe¬ cution 141 Seven—A. Contarenus, by Vorsterman; A. Ri- ret, by Suyderhoef; R. Pauw, by Matham, TEMP. CHARLES I. 142 Eight —Of Charles the First, by Faithorne, De Jode, &c. 143 Six—The same, by White, Faithorne, Vander- gucht, &c. 144 Five—Charles at his Devotions, by Hertocks * Ditto, Dictating to his Secretary, &c. 145 Six—Charles and his Queen, small whole lengths, with five similar small 146 Three—Charles on his Throne; Ditto, with Hat on, by Gay wood; and in oval, surrounded with four small prints, Dutch inscriptions 147 Seven—The same, on Horseback, by Hollar, &c. 148 Two—The same, with Hat on, by Hollar, and Marshall. C Third Day's Sale. MONDAY, MAY 14. BRITISH PORTRAITS . 149 OnE—C harles, in oval, surrounded with 17 small heads, sold by Speed ; fine impression 150 One—The same, with his Worthies, and 18 small portraits by Nutting, rare 151 Three—The same, by Faithcrne, Faber, Cor~ ruptibiiem pro Corruptible, mez. &c. 152 Three—The same, mez. by Simon Smith 353 Five—-The same, mez. by Becket, Smith, Faber, whole length by Boydell, &c. 354 One—Charles on Horseback, View of Edinburgh, Van Dalen, sculp. 155 One—The same, whole sheet, with View of a Tournament; printed and sold by It. P. rare 156 One—The same, in Armour, left hand on a large Globe, mez. sold by Browne, rare 157 One—Charles Sitting, Child at his Knee, mez. first , and very fine impression, sold by Cooper 158 Two—Charles on Horseback, with the Duke D’Espernon, by Baron; Ditto, with his Queen, after Vandyck, by Voerst 159 Two—Charles, and Henrietta Maria, by Suy. derhoef 160 Three—Charles and Family, by Baron ; Ditto, with his Queen, after Vandyke, Vertue excu. dit; and ditto at the Marriage of the Princess Mary 161 One—Charles on Horseback, Mons. de St. An,, toine holding his Helmet, by Lombart ( l 9 ) 162 Three—Hen. Maria, Frederick, King of Bohe¬ mia, and Elizabeth his Queen, by Delff, on satin 163 Five—Henrietta Maria, by Hollar, De Jode, &c. 164 Three—The same, by Couchet, De Jode, and Meyssens 165 One—The same, mez. sold by Browne, rare 166 One—The same, with three Princesses, whole lengths 167 Four—Charles, Prince of Wales, (2), by Hollar, and James, Duke of York, (2), Moncornet excudit. and Meyssens 168 One—William of Nassau, whole length, by Hollar 169 Two —Charles Lewis, Count Palatine of the Rhine, by Hollar; and William, Prince of Orange, by Delff 170 One— Mary, Pkincesse of Orange, by Fai- thorne,^?we and rare 171 Two—Mary of Orange, mez. by Faithorne and by Van Dalen 172 Two—Charles, Prince of Wales, with James and Mary, by Strange ; and the same with Elizabeth and Anne, by Cooper 173 Two—Prince Rupert, by Hollar, and mez. by Phillips 174 Six—Henry, Earl of Manchester; Henry, Earl of Arundel, (2), one by Lombart, &c. 175 One —Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel, on a Monument, with emblematical Figures, whole sheet, by Hollar, fine and rare 176 Two —Thomas Howard, and Alatheia Talbot, by Vorsterman ; and Philip Herbert, Earl of Pem. broke, by Van Voerst 177 One — George Villiers,DukeofBuckingham, by Delff, rare and fine 178 One—Philip Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, by Hollar 179 Three—The Pembroke Family, by Baron ; Ro¬ bert Veere, Earl of Oxford; and Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, in a Print from his Book- on Horsemanship 180 Twelve—Mildmay, Earl of Westmorland ; Cecily Earl of Salisbury ; Cavendish, Earl of Newcas¬ tle j Cranfield, Earl of Middlesex, &c. small ovals, by Hollar 181 One—M ildMay, Earl of Westmorland, by Williamson, rare and fine 182 One—Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, by Hollar, very fine 183 Four'—The same, by White; De Jode; and the Progeny, by Vertue, &c. 184 Two—Robert, Earl of Carnarvon, by Baron; Lord John and Lord Bernard Stuart, mez. by M‘Ardell 185 One—William, Lord Craven, Baron of Hamp- steed, in Armour, on Horseback, rare 186 Six—Archbishop Laud, mez. by Watson, and by White, &c. 187 One—The same, by Loggan 188 Three—Ralph Brownrigg, Bishop of Exeter, by Faithorne; Walter Curie, Bishop of Winches¬ ter, by Cecil; and George Webbe 189 One—John Howson, Bishop of Durham, very fine 190 One—Thomas Morton, Bishop of Durham, fine 191 Three—Joseph Hall, Bishop of Exeter 192 Seven—Spotiswood, Archbishop of St. Andrews, by Hollar; and Usher, Archbishop of Armagh, (6) by Landry 193 Ten—Dean Bargrave, Christopher Wren ; Josias Shute; William Alabaster, &c. 194 Nine—Daniel Featley, by Marshall; Samuel Bolton, (2), by Faithorne and Payne; Thomas Taylor, by Marshall; William Gouge, (2), by Faithorne and Dunstable, &c. 195 Eight'—William Fenner, by Hollar; Thomas Fuller; Edmund Calamy ; Joseph Caryle; and 59 small Heads to the Farewell Sermons 196 Five—William Cartwright, by Lombart; William Oughfred, (2), by Faithorne and Hollar; Francis Roberts; and William Bernard (.97 Eight—John Sym, by Marshall, fine ; William Wbatelie ; John Rogers; Jer. Burroughs, &c« ( 21 ) 198 One—Edmund Gregorie, by Marshall, fine 199 Three—William Ames, by Marshall; Alexander Henderson, bv Hollar: Thomas Maurois, by Matham 200 Four—Augustin Baker; Richard Carpenter; and Thomas Albius, (White), (2), one proof 201 Five—Martin Woodcocke; Father Powel; Chris- topher Colman, &c. 202 Eight—Sir Tobie Matthews, by Gammon; Tho¬ mas Beard ; Anthony Tuckney, by White; Francis Roberts, &c. 203 Three Sir William Curtius, copy ; John Pym; after Bower, Visscher, excudit; and William Noy 204 Six — -Sir Edward Deering, by Glover ; Sir John Hotham, copy; Edmond Waller, &c. 205 One— -Thomas Lord Coventry, sould by Stenk, very rare 206 One—Edward Lord Littleton, rare 207 Three—The same, mez. William Jones, by Sher- win ; and George Cooke, by Marshall; 208 Five—Sir Richard Hutton, Sir George Crookej Sir Benj. Rudyerd ; Sir Robert Barkley ; and John Pym, small ovals, by Hollar 209 Five—Sir Alexander Gibsone, of Durie, by White; Sir George Croke, by Vaughan, &c„ 210 Seven—James Graham, Marquis of Montrose; Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, by Marshall ; Sir William Waller, &c. 211 One—Sir Thomas Fairfax, on Horseback, by Marshall, very fine 212 Five—The same, one with the Anagramma Pax erit Famosa, &c. 213 One— Sir Thomas Fairfax, by Faithome, proof etched, extra rare 214 One-—James Ramsay, in Armour, a Helmet on a Table 215 Two— Heer Wilhelm Brog, in Armour, by Crisp. Van Quebooren, rare, with the copy 216 Two—William Brereton, by Basire, private plate , and Algernon Sydney 217 One— John Webster, by Matham, with eighl Latin Versses ( 22 ) 218 One— James Carthorpe, fine and rare 219 Two—John La Motte, by Faithorne, with the copy 220 Three—Henry Welby, by Marshall, with two copies, one a proof 221 One— George Rodolph Weckerlin, by Fai¬ thorne, fine 222 Four—Sir Benjamin Rudyerd, by Payne ; Con- rad Ruten, by Coelmans; Sir William Dick, copy, &c„ 223 Nine—James Shirley ; Nicholas Culpepper, (2j, Thomas Brown ; Theodore de Mayerne, &c. 224 Five—James Shirley, by Marshall; Robert Sta* pylton, by Lombart; Nathaniel Richards, original and copy, &c. 225 Five—Arthur Jonston ; William Drummond; (2), by Gaywood, and mez. by Finlayson ; John Price, &c. 226 One—Peter Colins, by Gall e,fine 227 One—William Hodgson, small oval 228 One—Captain Thomas James, ditto 229 Seven—William Somner; James York; John Weever ; Sir Kenelm Digby, John Parkinson ; Richard Braithwait; and John Hall 230 One—James Stanier, by Hollar 231 Six—Lewis Roberts, by Glover; John Bate; John Lilbtirne, by Hollar; Sir Thomas Ur. chard, copy, &c. 232 Ten—Mark Garrard, by Hollar; Daniel My tens; Rubens, (4) Ruben’s Wife, (2), &c. 233 One—Sir Peter Paul Rubens, by Hollar, fine 234 Four—The same, mez. by Dickinson; Ditto, by Audran ; Ditto, by Watts ; and Helena For¬ man, Watts 235 Three—The same, with his Wife and Child, mez. fine proof ; Ditto, with his first Wife, by Hess; anil Helena Forman, by Sailliar 236 Seven—Sir Anthony Vandyck, (3 ), Vandyck’s Wife and Child, by Bartolozzi; Gerard Hon. thorst, (2), and William Dobson 237 Seven—David Beck; Henry Vanderborcht, by ( 2 3 ) Hollar; Henry Steenwyck ; Francis Wowters, (2), C. Polemburgh, and John Torrentius 238 Six—Sir Balthasar Gerbier, (3), Inigo Jones, (3) 239 Eight—Adam Elsheimer, by Hollar; Henry Hondius, Gerard Honthorst; Robert Van Yoerst; Peter Oliver, &c. 240 Seven —Anthony More, Enoch Seeman ; Titiau ; Simon Vouet; Henry Vroom, &c. 241 One— Elias Allen, by Hollar, rare 242 Nicholas Lanier; James Gouter; the Trades. cants, &c. 243 Two—Mary, Duchess of Richmond, whole length, mez. by Vaillan t proof, Eliz. Villars, Duchess of Richmond and Lenox, by Hollar 244 Two—Alathea Talbot, Countess of Arundel, by Hollar, with the copy 245 Two— Elizabeth Countess of Huntingdon, by Payne, rare , with copy 246 One—Rachel, Countess of Southampton, mez. whole length, by M‘Ardell,y?«e proof 247 One— Frances Bridges, Countess of Exeter, by Faithorne, extra rare 248 Seven—Lucy Percye, Countess of Carlisle; Mar¬ garet, Countess of Carlisle ; the Lady Morton, &c. 249 Five—Countess of Carnarvon, by Morin ; Frances Stuart, Countess of Portland, mez. sold by Browne; Mary Stuart, Countess of Portland, by Hollar, &c. 250 One—The Lady Catharine Howard, by Hollar 251 Four—The Honourable Lady Howard, mez. whole length, by Smith; Lady Philadelphia Wharton, mez. by Dunkarton ; Jane, daughter of Lord Wenmao, mez. by Roydell ; and Ma. dame Kirk, mez. whole length, by Becket *252 One —Margaret Smith, by Faithorne, rare 253 Five— Lucy Sacheverell , by Faithorne; Anna Wake ; Margaret Lemon, (2), Gertrude More 254 Eleven—Archee, the King’s Jester; Mr. Hobson; Jeffrey Hudson; Battallia; Moll Cutpurse; Matthew Hopkins, all copies; Old Parr, (2) and Young Parr 255 Four—-Mary de Medicis, (3 ) by'De Leu, Fob- tiers, &c. and Mary Duchess of Chevreuse 256 Twelve—Bassompiere ; John Polyauder, (2), by DelfF; John de Reede, by Hollar; Francis Junius, Voiture, Descartes, (3), &c. 257 Four—Descartes, by Edelinck ; Polyauder, by Suyderhoef; Olaus Worm ; and Siamese Priest 258 One—JoHANNis Banfi, small circle, by Hollar, rare 259 Six—Frederick Henry Prince of Orange the Death of Henry, Prince of Orange, he. 260 Two—Count Corlitz Ulfield, and Leonora Chris- tine, with copy 261 One—Prince William of Nassau, whole length TEMP. INTERREGNUM. 262 Six—Oliver Cromwell, by Sheppard ; Purcell, 263 Four—The same, mez. by Faber, Pelham, SfC. 264 Two—Oliver Cromwell, an oval, with head of Charles I. and Royalists in the corners ; and Ditto with emblematical figures, Clemendt de Jonghe excudit. 265 Three—The same, whole length in Armour, crowned, with Globe and Sword in his hands; View of Whitehall, with the Execution of Charles I. a Figure of Justice, with Sword in her right hand, the Head of Charles I, in a Balance, and trampling on the Doemons of Re¬ bellion ; ten small prints in compartments, Descriptions in Dutch; Oliver Cromwells’’ Ghost; and Ditto as in a Pulpit preaching 266 One—Oliver Cromwell on Horseback, with at. tendants holding his Helmet, by Lombart 267 Eleven—Of Oliver Cromwell, and Richard Grom- well, and Elizabeth Cromwell, &c. 268 One—The Newcastle Family, by Clowet, rare andfine 269 One—Giovanni Viscount Mordaunt, with Ar¬ morial Bearings 270 One—Brian Walton, by Lombart ( 2 5 ) 271 Three—Edward Parry, rare, John Richardson, copy; and James Usher 272 Six — Sydrack Sympson, Nicholas Lockyer, Lambroch Thomas, Doctor Hewitt, (3) 273 Three — Benjamin Spencer, Edward Terry, scarce ; and John Trapp, by Gay wood 274 Six — William Bridge, Thomas Cawton, John Frost, by Vaughan; with Pordage and Sedg¬ wick, copies 275 One—Hezekiah Holland, fine 276 Three—Thomas Morket, (2), John Durant 277 One—Hugh Peters, preaching, rare 278 Two—Alexander More, by William Pass ; and John Murcot, the copy 279 Seven —Alexander More; John Ganden, by Cross; James Usher, by Dunstall, &c. 280 Eight—Samuel Morland, (2); one by Lombart; Edward Nicholas, (2) Thurlow and Peters receiving a Petition, by Sherwin; Algernon Sydney, (2), and Henry Rolle 281 One—Samuel Morland, small oval, rare 282 One—George Fairfax, holding the head of Charles I. in his left hand, an Ax in his right, Dutch inscription 283 One—Thomas Sanders de Ireton, by Loggan Fourth Day’s Sale. TUESDAY, MAY 15. BRITISH PORTRAITS. 284 One —Robert Blake, mez. very fine and rare 285 One— Sir William Paston, by Faithorne, very rare D ( 26 ) 286 Two—Sir Peter, and Lady Eleanor Temple, by- Gay wood, rare 287 One— Sir Hugh Cartwright, by Vorster- man 288 Six—John Milton, by Vertue, Simon, &c. 289 Seven—-Robert Bayfield, by Faithorne; John Bulwer; Tobias Vernier, by Faithorne; Tho¬ mas Stanley, by Faithorne, &c. 290 Two—Edward Benlowes, from the Thcophila 291 One— Sir William Lower, rare 292 Two—John Qnarle, by Faithorne, fine ; Hugh Crompton, copy 293 Five—Catharine Philips, by Faithorne ; William Hicks, by Loggan, fine ; Edward Leigh, &c. 294 Four—Edward Chisenhale, rare, &c. 295 Two—Francis Rous, by Faithorne, aud copy 296 One—John Sparrow, by Loggan, 297 Five —James Howell, whole length, (2 ), one ar« unfinished proof; Sir George Strode ; William Sanderson; and James Howell, in title to his Letters, by Marshal, fine 298 Six-—Cary, Earl of Monmouth, (2), one by Faithorne; William Dugdale, by Hollar; William Burton, by Hollar, and Dclaram ; and Richard Kilburn, by Cross 299 Six—John Graves, by Vertue; William Ley- bourn, (3), by Gay wood and White; Wil¬ liam Bagwell, &c. 300 Two—Sir James Harrington, mez. by Marchi; and by Faithorne 301 One —Sir J. Harrington, by Hollar, rare 302 Five—Robert Loveday ; William Lilly, by Mar¬ shall ; Richard Rawlins, by Gaywood ; Tho¬ mas Wilsford; and William Bariffe 303 Three— William Ramsey; Robert May, aud James Ware 304 Nine—Walter Charlton, by Lombart; John Paulet, Marquis of Winchester; Richard Tom. linson, &c. 305 Four—Alexander Ersham; Bunge; and Nim.. whole lengths, rare y Ac. 306 One—Edward Mascali, by Gammon,y?/ze ( 27 ) 307 Two—Henry Lawes, rare; and Christophe? Simpson, both by Faithorne 308 Six—John Brown ; John Evelyn, by Hollar; Sir Peter Lely, by De Jode, &c. 309 Two Lady Katharine Harrington ; and Susanna Perwich, the copy 310 Seven—James Naylor, with Print of his standing in the Pillory ; the Dress of the Time in three prints, Sec. 311 One— Menasseh Ben Israel, Salem sculp, rare and fine 312 Two—Christianus Ravius; and Henry Due de Longueville 313 One—Catherine Lethieullier, rare TEMP. CHARLES THE SECOND » 314 Four— Charles II. mez. by Williams; Bloote- ling, &c. 315 Nine—The same, by Drevet, Van Hove, &c. 316 Seven—The same, by various Engravers 317 Five—The same, (2) on Horseback, &C. 318 Two—The same, in Armour, by Chantry, and in mez. 319 One—Charles II. in Armour, by Chantry 320 One—The same, fine proof 321 One—The same, on his Throne; Prynne, present¬ ing his Book 322 One—The same, on his Throne, by Loggan ,fine^ from Atkyns on Printing 323 One—The same, whole length, by White 324 One—Charles II. small whole leugth, in Armour, with Crown and Sceptre, three Crowns on a Table, rare 325 Two—The same, by Hollar 326 One—Queen Catherine, whole length, by Davis 327 One-by Ditto 328 One—James, Duke of York, Truncheon on a Cannon, mez. sold by Browne, rare 329 One—The same, on Horseback, by Hollar 330 One—Henry, Duke of Gloucester, by Van Dales ( 25 ) 331 Two-—William Henry, Prince of Orange, mez. by Valck; and James, Duke of Monmouth, by Chantry 332 Two—The Princess Elizabeth, by Hollar, with print of her Coffin 333 One—His Highness Prince Rupert, mez. Tomp¬ son, excudit. 334 Four—James, Duke of Ormonde, mez. by Smith; Ditto, in Armour, mez. by Pelham; ant} Monck, Duke of Albemarle, (2) 335 One—George, Duke of Buckingham, with his Brother Francis, whole lengths, mez. by M‘Ardell 336 One—James, Duke of Monmouth, Biooteling, excudit. 337 One— James, Duke of Monmouth, on Horse¬ back, very rare 338 One—John Baptist Colbert, by Audran, fine 339 One— James, Duke of Ormond, by Loggan 340 One—Henry, Duke of Grafton, mez. by Beckett 341 One*— George Fitzroy, Earle of Northum¬ berland, whole length, after Gascar, mez. rare 342 One-—Charles, Earl of Derby, mez. by Biooteling 343 One—Burleigh, Earl of Exeter, mez. Tompson, excudit. 344 One—Walter, Count di Leslie, rare 343 One— John Egerton, Earl of Bridgwater, mez. 346 One—Robt. Earl of Yarmouth, by Vandrebanck 347 One— Thomas, Earl of Elgin, by Faithorne, rare 348 Nine—Henry Heri, Lord Coleraine, John Lord Belasyse, William Seymour, Duke of Somerset, by Vertue, &c. 349 One—Henry Beaufort, Marquis of Winchester, iu Armour, large sheet, by Picart 350 Ten—John Wallis, by Faithorne ; Sam. Clarke, by Cross; Wm. Falkner, Edward Sparks, &c. 351 Twelve—Edward Rainbow, Clement Ellis, Wm. Walker, William Bates, Thomas Manton, See, ( 2 9 ) 352 Seven—John Owen, by Verlue; Thomas Good. win, by White; David Clarkson, John Pear, son, Edmond Casfell, Edward Simpson, &c. 353 Twelve—Stephen Charnock, Richard Allestry, Samuel Cradock, John Codings, Isaac Am¬ brose, James Janeway, &c. 354 Nine—Ralph Venning, by Hollar; Henry New. come, by White; Edward Boys, Oliver Plun- ket, &c. 355 One—P. Fr. Bonaventura Baro, by Kalian 356 Two—John Hopwood, by Drapentier; and Han. sard Knollis 357 Thirteen—Joseph Beaumont, Wm. Dyer, Oliver Plunket, John Conant, Hugh Peters, Thomas Watson, &c. 358 Three—John Lighlfoot, (2), by White, &c; Richard Baxter, mez. by Spilsbury 359 One—Titus Oates, anagrama, Testis Ovat, rnez. Tompson, excudit. 360 One—Henry More, by Faithorne, fine 361 Two—Matt. Pole, by White ; and Ben. Calamy, underwrote, the Hon. Henry Finch 362 One—Samuel Clarke, by White, fine 363 Two—John Newton, rare , and John Goad, by White 364 One—Philip Howard, Cardinal York, by De Poilly 365 Five—Leoline Jenkins, Andrew Matvell, Sir William Davidson, &c. 366 One—S ir William Temple, by Vandrebanc 367 One—John Hervey, Esq. mez. Tompson, excudit. 368 Three—Edward, Earl of Clarendon, (2), by White, and mez. by Johnson ; Orlando Bridge, man, by Faithorne 369 One—Anthony Ashley Cooper, mez. Tompson, excudit. 370 One—A nthony, Earle of Shaftesbury, Sit¬ ting, Blooteling, sculp, fine 371 One—The same, by White 372 One—H eneage, Earl of Nottingham, by White, fine ( 3 ° ) 373 One— Heneage, Earle of Nottingham, rncz> rare 374 One— Francis, Lord Guilford, by Loggan 375 Two—Sir Matthew Hale. byVertue, and in mez, 376 Four—John Vaughan, by White; Roger North, byVertue; Sir Robert Heath, by Hollar, &c. 377 Two—Giorgio Aiscue, Ammiraglio della Flotta, and Sir George Rawdon, by White 378 One—Giovanni Lawson, Ammiraglio Inglese 379 One—Sir Thomas Allen, by Vandrebanc 380 Two—Odoardo Montagu, Conte di Sandwich, and Don Stefano di Gamarra 381 One—Christofero Mingh, Ammiraglio della Flotta Inglese 382 One— Thomas Isham de Lamport, by Loggan, fine 383 Two—Sir John Lowther, mez. sold by Browne; Sir Robert Clayton, mez. by Smith 384 One— Sir John Moore, Lord Mayor of London, mez. by M‘Ardell, fne 385 One—Thomas Thynn, of Longbcate, Esq. by White, fne 386 One—John Cotton Bruce, by Vandrebanc 387 Two—Daniel Colwal, by White; and the Hon- Col. Rob. Fielding, mez. by Beckett 388 One'—Robert Fielding, Fondling a Dog, mez. proof 389 Two—Wm. Black, Esq. by White and Van Hove 390 One- Edward Back wall, Esq. 391 Five—Henry Sidney, whole length, mez. Robert Fielding, mez. John Kenrick, byVertue, &c, 392 One-John Moyser, of Beverley, Esq. mez. by Place 393 One—Mr. Philip Woolrich, mez. by Place 394 One—Thomas Killigrew, mez. by Vandervaart 395 Five—of the Perceval Family, mez. by Faber 396 Twelve—Robert Johnson, John Archer, William Sermon, Francis Glisson, Th. Garencieres, &c. 397 Ten—Geo. Thomson, John Browne, by White; T..os. Will is, Dr. Sydenham, &c. 398 Eleven Joseph Moxon, Sir Thos. Brown, Thos. Binning, William Salmon, John Evelyn, &c* ( 3 1 ) S99 Seven—John Rushworth, and Sir Roger L’Es- trauge, by White; JohnEvelyn, by Worlidge; Thomas Hobbes, by Hollar, &c. 400 Two— Valentine Greatrakes, by Faithorne, fine , with the copy 401 Five—William Ramesey, Robt. Turner, Gideon Harvey, (2), by Philippe and Hertocks; Nath* Highmore 402 Five—Jonas Moore, by Cross ; John Middleton, Samuel Gilbert, by White; John Kersey, and Vincent Wing 403 Six—John Heydon, by Cross; John Aubrey, Andrew Suape, Samuel Sturmy, Edw. Water, house, by Loggan, &c. 404 Four—Richard Sanders, (2), by Cross; Sir John Pettus, bySherwin; JohnEvelyn, byNanteuil 405 Three—John Johnston, Leonard Plukenet, and Robert Morison 406 Three—Sir John Pettus, by White; Sir William Petty, mez. by Smith; and Thos. Hobbes, by Hollar 407 Two—William Sermon, bySherwin; and Hadrian Beverland, fine 408 One—William Davison, by Lombart, fine 409 One—John Ogilvie, by Faithorne, fine 410 Ten—John Milton, by Faithorne; Wm. Cham. berlain, by Hertocks; Wm. Winstanley, &c. 411 Six—Lord Brouncker, by Hollar; Sir William D’Avenant, by Faithorne; John Ogilvy, by Lombart; John Dryden, by Edelinck; Samuel Butler, mez. See. 412 One—Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle, Standing in a Nich, Van Schuppen, sculp. 413 One—The same, Sitting in her Study, under a Canopy, by Van Schuppen, fine 414 Two—Eliz. Countess of Northumberland, mez. and Mrs. Behn 415 Five—Sylvanus Morgan, Dr. John Blow, Sec. 416 One—Thomas Mace, by Faithorne 417 One—Richard Gethinge, six English verses under 418 Five—Rembrandt, (4), by Gole, &c. and his Wife, mez. by Earlom ( 3 *) Fifth Day’s Sale* WEDNESDAY, MAY 16. BRITISH PORTRAITS. 419 FlVE —Wm. Vande Velde, mez. by Smith; Hollar, by Meyssens; Alexander Browne, by DeJode; and Vaillant, mez. 420 Four—Sir Godfrey Kneller, William Wissing, mez. by Smith; Nic. de Largilliere, and Hollar 421 One—.Vailianf, mez. F. De Wit, excudit. 422 One—Sarah, Duchess of Somersst, by Vertue 423 One— Frances Theresa, Duchesse ofRichmont, whole length, after Gascar, mez. rare 424 Six—The Hampton Court Beauties, mez. by Watson and M‘Ardell 425 One—TheDuchess of Monmouth, mez. by Van= der Vaart 426 Two—Barbara, Duchess of Cieaveland, mez. sold by Browne, and Tompson, excudit. 427 Two—The same, mez. by Beckett, Ac. 428 Two—Louisa, Duchesse of Portsmouth, mez. by Valck and Blooteling 429 One— Louisa, Duchess of Portsmouth, hold¬ ing a Dove, a Cupid at her Left Arm 430 One— Mary, Duchess of Beaufort, by Nutt¬ ing, rare 431 Two—The Countess of Stamford, mez. and the Countess of Chesterfield, mez. 432 One—The Dowager Countess of Essex, with her Son and Daughter, mez. 433 Six—Frances Stuart, Duchess of Richmond, in Male Attire, Rachel, Widow of Dr. Pauls, ( 33 ) la charmante Duchcsse, by Lombart; small whole length figure of a Lady, with View of Woodstock, Lady Coleraine, a copy, and Mary, Countess of Warwick 434 One—Mrs. Anne Montague, as a Child, whole length, mez. sold by Browne 435 Three —Madam Hewse, Mrs. Knight, and Anne Killigrew, mez. 436 Three—The Lady Williams, the Countess of Rochester, the Duchess of Monmouth, with the Earl of Doncaster and Lord Henry, mez. 437 Three—The Lady Warner, by Van Schuppeu; Lady Mary Armyne, and Madam Kirk, small ovals 438 One—Madam Mary Kirk, mez. sold by Browne 439 One—Madam Graham, mez. Tompson, excudit. 440 Three—Mrs. Ellen Gwynn, (2), in mez. and by Valck 441 One—The same, with two Children, mez. Tomp¬ son, cxcudit. 442 Six—Mad. Philadelphia Saunders, Mad. Parson, Cooper, the Painter’s Daughter, (2), Lady Isabella, Lady Essex Finch, a reverse, all in mez. 443 Three—Mrs. Anne Warner, mez. by Smith ; and Catherine, Wifeof Sir John Perceval, (2), mez. by Faber 444 One— Madam Helyot, mez. rare 445 One—The Duke and Duchess of Lauderdale, mez. Tompson, excudit. 446 Eight—Lodowick Muggleton, by Casseel; P. Roestrate, mez. Henry Jenkins, by Worlidge; and 5 copies, of Ogle, Turner, &c. 447 Four—Coll. Blood, mez. Miles Prance, William Bedloe, and Stephen College 448 One— Lodowjck Muggleton, mez. rare 449 Two— Jacob Haul, original and copy 450 Two—Charles Le Tellier, by Duflos; and Thos. Maxwell, in Armour, mez . by Smith 451 Three— Mother Louse, rare , with two copies E C 34 ) 452 Twelve—Cosmo the Third, mez. by Simon ; am! Eleven small heads, from Hoffman 453 Two— -Ha met Ben Ha met, by White, fine; and the same by Tomkins, coloured 454 Two—Cornelius Tromp, by Blooteling and Van Dalen 455 Four—Manclni, Duchess of Mazarine, by Viss- cher; Anna Macallama, Mary Davis and Mary Carleton, copies 456 Seven—Cardinal de Refz, by Rousselet; Seig® flalay, by Edelinck; Charles Patin, Sic. TEMP. JAMES THE SECOND. 457 One —James the Second, in Armour, whole length, mez. by Becket 458 One—The same, mez. by Williams, fine 459 One—The same, by White 460 One—The same, on Horseback 461 Four—James the Second, mess, by Smith, &c, 462 Four—Mary, Queen of England, mez. one a proof 463 Four—Maria Beatrix, Duchess of York, one whole length by Vandrebanc, and (3) mez. 464 Three—The same, mez. by Blooteling ; Catherine Queen Dowager, and the Duke of Gloucester 465 One—Mary, Princesse of Orange, whole length by Hollar 466 Three —Laurence, Earl of Rochester, mez. by Smith; Alexander, Earl of Murray, by Van* drebanc ; and Arch. Graaf Van Argyl 467 One'—Charles, Duke of Somerset, mez. by Smith 468 One—Christopher, Duke of Albemarle, mez. by Becket 469 Three—The Lord Euston, mez. by Smith ; Lewis, Earl of Feversham, mez. by Beckett, &c. 470 One—W riothesley, Lord Russell, whole length, mez. Beckett, excudit. fine ( 35 ) 471 Three—The Lord Burleigh, with a Gun and Dog,, whole length, mex. by Smith ; Henry Booth, Lord Delamer, mez. by Smith ; and Lord Cas- tlemaine, Kissing the Pope’s Toe 472 One—The Earl of Melfort, mez. by Beckett 473 One—William Sancroft, Archbishop of Canter¬ bury, by Loggan 474 One—The Seven Bishops, on one sheet in mez. 475 One— Thomas Lamplugh, Archbishop of York, by Van cl rebanc, very fine 476 Three—The Seven Bishops, on one Plate, by Gribelin, &c. and the Bishop’s Council, mez. 477 Five—Gilbert Burnet, mez. by Gole ; William Sancroft, Thomas Lamplugh, &c. 478 Seven—Joseph Carreras, (2), by Faber and Val„ Green; Judge Jefferies, taken at Wapping ; Mr. William Richards, Samuel Pepys, &c. 479 Two—Mr. Charles Townshend, mez. by Smith ; Count D’Ada, mez. by Beckett 480 Four—Godefridus Finger; Hugh Massey, the Merry Fiddler, Hans Buling, &c. 481 Two—The Lady of Lychfelde, by Vandrebanc; and Countess of Litchfield, mez. by Beckett 482 One—Lady Litchfield, rare and fine 483 One—The Countess ofDorchester, mez. J. Smith, excudit. 484 One— The Lady Henrietta, and the Lady Mary Hide, whole lengths, mez. by Smith 485 Two—Madam Brownlow, as a Child, mez. and the Lord Churchill’s two Daughters, whole lengths, mez. by Smith 486 One—Madam Baker, mez. by Beckett 487 Two—Madam Loftus, and Madam Dorothy Mason, mez. by Smith 488 Thirty-two—A set of the Kings, mez . by Faber 489 Eight by Vertue—Mary, Queen of France, and Duke of Suffoik ; three Children of Henry VII.; Edward the Vlth granting the Charter to Bridewell ; Lady Jane Gray, Lord Darn- ley’s Cenotaph, &c. 490 Eighteen of Kings and Queens, from Larrey’s History of England ( 3 ^ ) 491 Thirty.eight—A set of Kings from Rapin, by Verlue 492 Eighty-three—A complete set to Clarendon 493 Sixty-four from Holland’s Heroologia. 494 Seventy.two of Illustrious Heads by Houbraken 495 Nine whole lengths, after Vandyke, by Gunst, the Houghton Collection 456 Twelve after Vandyke, by Lombart 497 Nine from Gullim’s Heraldry 498 Nineteen—A set of Loyalists, by Vertue 499 Nine of Archbishops, by Vertue 500 Forty-two of Founders, mez. by Faber, &c. 501 Thirteen of Poets, by Vertue 502 Sixty-three from Walpole’s Anecdotes of Paint. ing, first impressions 503 Twenty from Athenae Batavae 504 Eight of Reformers, mez. by Houston 505 Seven—The Cries of London, by Tempests 506 Twelve—Thomas, Seventh Earl of Northumber. land, by Harding; Sir John Philips, mez. by Faber; Theodore Gardelle, Humphrey Lloyd, John Trehearne and his Wife, &c. 507 Eight—James, Earl of Abercorn, by Harding ; Mr. Hastings, whole length, by Bretherton; Graves of Miclcleton, Colonel Hutchinson, and Sir Thomas Beaumont 508 Ten of Ladies—Maria Clara de Croy, by Wau. mans, Marguerite-de R.ohan ; Anne, Marchio¬ ness of Hamilton ; Anne, Countess of Car. lisle ; Elisabeth, Duchess of Hamilton ; Mis* Lascelles, Mrs. Jenny Deering, &c. 509 Two—A Lady with Five Children, first state of the plate ; and ditto on satin 510 Two—John Gell, Baronet; and Colonel Gell s private plates ( 37 ) Portfolio's uniformly Bound in Russia Leather. ill One 21f inches by 15, with stout white leaves, new 512 -- 513 - 514 - 515 - 516 -- 517 - 518 - 519 -- 520 --- 521 -- 522 - 523 - 524 - 525 -- 526 ---- 527 - 528 ---- 529 --..- 530 --—- 53 1 -- 532 -- 533 - 534 ---- 535 -- 536 -- 537 Paper for mounting Prints, a parcel 538 - (Dutch) for ditto 539 Two Portfolio’s. 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