SEI >< nar SEPULCHRAL MONUMENTS FROM ANCIENT CONTAINING ILLUSTRATIONS OF OVER SIX HUNDRED EXAMPLES VARIOUS COUNTRIES AND FROM THE EARLIEST PERIODS DOWNS LO THESE ND SOR Eh WEG HsnE 2 Ne EGE INU Rw WILK DESCRIPTIVE SAND (GENERAL INDEX Wal ies MB sR Nec AWS AUMGUSE 1 Wy sire Tele ieglieale av LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHORS BY VINCENT BROOKS, DAY AND SON. MDCCCLXXXVII. PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHORS AT 20, COCKSPUR STREET, | LONDON. | | | | | | | | | i sesoooceceeanao | [ r “a z SRP pe oes IN To EpwINFRESHFIELD [fj | GTOR OF LAWSVICE PRESIDED @ SOCIETY O | | | | = = J a = “And Jacob set a pillar upon her grave.” Fee AGG tee HE present work is the outgrowth of what was originally a comparatively small collection ae of drawings of Ancient Sepulchral Monuments, made at different times, to aid those who, rebelling at the ordinary modern Monument, desired a worthier and more satisfactory memorial. It has been the intention, as far as possible, to make a text-book on Ancient Sepulchral Monuments, which shall supply a need long felt in all Art and Reference Libraries. The work consists of 212 Plates, giving between six and seven hundred examples, which range from Obelisks and Monuments to Headstones and Incised Slabs selected to be practically suitable for modern use or adaptation, and to include typical examples from various countries down to the end of the last century. The drawings are for the most part to a uniform scale of one inch to the foot, which will be found valuable for comparison, the exceptions being where the size has prevented this or the delicacy warranted a larger scale. In numerous instances sections and details one-fourth real size are given. Heraldry formerly introduced with much effect into Sepulchral Monuments is exemplified by specimens which shew a beauty and vigour for which we look in vain in the recent productions of the Heralds’ College. Brasses and Effigies so ably treated by others have only been incidentally touched upon. To add to the usefulness of the book, four Plates are devoted to Alphabets taken from old work. Full descriptive Indices are supplied in place of letterpress, as the latter would have considerably increased the cost and bulk of the book. To facilitate reference, the examples are arranged in groups and when practicable chronologically. To those from whom we have received assistance, we desire to record our great obligations, and in doing so we would specially refer to the sketches so kindly placed at our disposal by T. Blashill, Esq., F. Healey, Esq., Albert Hartshorne, Esq., F. E. Jones, Esq., Cc. R. B. King, Esq., W. R. Lethaby, Esq., John Medland, Esq., J. Norton, Esq., G. Gilbert Scott, Esq., and J. Oldrid Scott, Esq. INDEX TO fHE PLATES. Plate 1. Plate 2. Blatemss Plate 4: Egypt. Assyria | (Nineveh). Egypt. Egypt. OBELISKS.— z. London, A.D. 1878. Erected at Heliopolis by Thotmes III, about B.C. 1500. Removed to Alexandria by Augustus Ceasar about B.C, 23. 2. Heliopolis. Erected by Osortasen, rath dynasty, about B.C. 2000. OBELISKS,— Zz. New York, A.D. 1880. This stood at Alexandria upon four bronze crabs 16 inches by 8 inches. Originally erected at Helio- polis about B.C. 1500. 2. Karnac. Erected by Thotmes L., 18th dynasty, about B.C. 1700. 3. Luxor. This ts the one East of the Palace. The West one was given to the French about AD. 1830, and removed by them to Paris. Obelisks were often covered with metal apex cappings, and their faces were frequently slightly convex on plan. OBELISKS.— London, British Museum.— Z. Set up by Assur-nazirpal at Konjunjtk, B.C 880. White calcareous stone. 2. Set up by Shalmanezer at Nimroud, BC. 850. Black marble, The surfaces between the bas-reliefs are covered with cunt. Sorm inscriptions of the annals of Shalmanezer IT, TABLETS.— London, British Museum.— 1, 2. rath dynasty, about B.C. 2000. 3. 18th dynasty, about B.C. 1700. 4. Thebes, 18th dynasty, about B.C, 1700. SARCOPHAGUS. Mehallet-el-Kebyr, Delta. JUNIE WO. THBUE IPILA IES. Plate Plate 5 Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate 6. Bo Greece. Greece. Greece, Italy, | Italy. England and Wales. | England. S Germany. France. Scotland. England. France. HEADSTONES AND TABLETS.— London, Crystal Palace. Parts, The Louvre. I, 2, 7, 8. From casts. 3 4 5, 6. From casts. There area number of stele in the basement rooms of lhe British Museum. HEADSTONES.— From casts, HEADSTONES.— from casts. HEADSTONES, L£¢éruscan.— About B.C. oo. 2,3. Are spherical with square bases. Bologna Museum. HEADSTONES. £¢ruscan.— Bologna Museum. About B.C. Soo. HEADSTONES and TABLETS, rt. British Museum. Roman.— 2, 4, 7, 8. Carleon, Monmouthshire. 3 Tredonnock, Monmouthshire. 5. Battle, Brecknockshire. 6. Penmachno, Carnarvonshtre. TABLETS. Roman — zr. Binchester, Durham. 2. Lanchester, Durham. 5. Tréves. About 5th century. About 6th century. w 4. Veenne, [stre. HEADSTONE and TABLETS. Glasgow University Museum (Fluntervan ). Roman.— TABLETS. Roman.— Glasgow University Museum (Hunterian). HEADSTONES and TABLETS. Roman.— 1, 4, 5: Alnwick Museum, Northumberland. 2. Chesters Museum, Northumberland. _ Netherhall, Cumberland. . Netherby, Cumberland. Gs nan 7. Nismes Museunt. INDEX PO TE sPIgAt fe S: Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate 2 Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate 16. 1s is) 2 ° xy England. Italy. Germany. Italy. Italy. England. France. France. France. France. HEADSTONES. Roman.— Z, 2, 3, 4. Lincoln Cathedral, Clotster. 5, 6. British Museum, SEPULCHRAL ALTAR — Rome. fatican Museum. SEPULCHRAL URNS.— British Museum. MONUMENT. Roman.— Lgel, near Tréves. To the Secundini family. About 2nd century. SARCOPHAGUS, £truscan.—- British Museum,.— Brought from Grotta Dipinta at Bomarzo. SARCOPHAGUS.— Rome, Vatican Museum.— To Cornelius L. Scipio Barbatus. B.C. 298. In Peperino. For- merly in the Cataconb of S. Hermes. SARCOPHAGUS. Roman.— British Museum — The ornamental lid of lead coffin is preserved among the Anglo- Roman antigueties. SARCOPHAGI.— zZ. Autun, Museum. Formerly in S. Pierre l Etrier. About 7th century. 2. Bordeaux, Museum. SARCOPHAGI. Roman, Early Christian — zr. Narbonne, Museum. 2. Toulouse, Museunz. SARCOPHAGI. Roman.— Arles, Museum. The centre one to a musician. SARCOPHAGI. Roman, Early Christian. Arles. In Greek white maréle. TINIE TO TORE, PILATES, Plate 26. Plate 27. Plate 28, Plate 29. Plate 30. Plate 31. Plate a2. Plate oo oo Italy. Italy. Italy. Italy. Italy. Greece. Italy. Italy. Italy. England. Scotland. CANO rome, S. Lorenzo. In the Pronaos. SARCOPHAGUS— Rome. S. Lorenzo. Ln the Pronaos. SARCOPHAGUS.— Ravenna. S. Apollinare in Classe. SARCOPHAGUS.— Ravenna. S. Apollinare in Classe. SLABS.— SARCOPHAGUS.— CROSSES, Byzantine.— Z, TABLETS. Syzantine.— HEADSTONE CROSSES.— 1, 3, 6. Meigle, Perthshire. These with several others were discovered 2,3 ‘HS PIED MONUMENT.— Greck white marble. About A.D. 500. Greek white marble. About A.D. 500. I. Bologna. S. Stefano. 2. Athens. In the Portal of a ruined Church. 3. Venice. SS. Giovanni e Paolo. 9. Venice. (Built in old buildings y): , 6. Bologna, Museum. Formerly at Ravenna. 7. Torcello, Cathedral. 8. Bologna, Museum. 1. Rome, Forum. In Greek white marble. 2. Rome, Lateran Christian Museunc. Bo Lorelle: im 1858. 2. Rothesay, Bute. In the Castle. 4. Warkworth, Northumberland. In the Church. 5. S Andrews, Fifeshire. Plate 34. Plate 35. Plate 36. Plate 37. | Isle of Man. Isle of Man.| Scotland. Isle of Man. Scotland. England Wales. HEADSTONE CROSSES.— z. S. Orlands, Cossins, Forfarshire. the Castle of Glammits. 2. Meigle, Perthshire. In the churchyard. This cross has projections like tenons similar to those at Fowlis-Wester and Crieff. Ln the churchyard. In a field about a mile from 3: Aberlemno, Forfarshire. HEADSTONE CROSS and Two Fragments.— Kirk Michael. Ln churchyard. the son of Thorolf the Red erected this cross to his Mother Frida.” The wnscrip- The inscription is translated by Mr. Cumming “ Joalf Z. Built in churchyard wall. Probably r1th century. tion 1s given as“ Suag ? erected this cross to Rémon.” 2. The figure of Our Lord with nimbus is partly draped, to the left a cock, the symbol of the Resurrection and to the right an angel with the triquetra, the emblem of the Trinity. CROSS.— Braddon.— Ln blue clay schist. Mr. Cummins gives the inscription “ Thorla f Neaki erected this cross to Fiak, his son, brother's son to Sabre Probably rath century. HEADSTONE. CROSSES.— Kirk Michael.— Z. [nclay schist. Inscription translated “ Malbrigd, the son of Athakan the Smith erected this (cross) for his soul, but his kinsman ? Gaut made this and all in Man.” Probably roth century. 2. Ls of rather later date. CROSSES and HEADSTONES. (fvragments).— eyllshive. Part of shaft. Flead of a cross. 3. Kilkerran, Kintyre, Argyllshire I, Saddell, Kintyre, 2 iN) . Lileanmor, Argyllshire. 4 Kilchoman, Islay, Argyllshire. 5. Lona, S Oran's, Argyllshire. 6. Strachur, Argyllshire. HEADSTONE “CROSSES — z. Kirk Lonan. 2, Conchan 3. Kirk Maughold. Zh, OS 7 S. John's Church. &. Laugharne, Carmarthenshire. Chester. Probably roth century, LINIDIE ES WO WEE IPILA ITIES,. i Plate 39 Scotland. HEADSTONE CROSSES.— 1,2 Muillport, Buteshire. || 3. Kirk Madrine, Wigtonshire. In Whinstone. Monogram on both \| sides, | | 4. Whithorne, Wigtonshire. 6. S. Blane, Buteshire. | ro. S. Calmag, Buteshire. England. | g . Jarrow. Found in nave walls, 1865, now in Museum, Newcastle. °. Gainford, Durham. . Alnmouth, Northumberland. West face of stone. Ye) iS) ON Plate 4o. | Wales. | HEADSTONE CROSSES.— z. Llandyssilio, Pembrokeshire. In South wall of Church, 2. Diserth, Flintshire. In the churchyard. . Llanspyddid, near Brecon About 4 inches thick. S 5 4g. S. Dogmael’s, Penibrokeshtre. | | n | | 5. Tythegston, Glamorganshire. | About rrth and rath cen- | 6. Neath. Formerly at Resolven. | lurtes. | 7. Tregaron, Cardiganshire. y) 8. Llan Pympsaint, Carmarthenshire. } 9. Merthyr Mawr, Glamorganshtire. 10. Porth Farm, New Radnor. Plate 41. Wales. CROSSES.— | 1. Margam, Glamorganshire. In the Chapter Flouse ruins. 2. Llantwit, Glamorganshire. Preserved in the Church Porch. | Thought to be of the oth century. Plate 42. | Wales. COPED TOMB.— | | || | | Newcastle Church, Bridgend, Glamorganshire. Probably early 12th | century. CROSS.— Llanynnis, Brecknockshire. In the wall of a cottage, much defaced. Margam, Glamorganshive. Preserved in the Chapter House. | | | HEADSTONE CROSS.— | Plate 43. Wales. HEADSTONE CROSSES.— Merthyr Mawr, near Bridgend, Glamorganshire. I, 2, 3. Len Arthur Farm, near S. David's, Pembrokeshire | Probably roth century. LINO MMO) IGS, JOU IIE, Plate 44. Ireland. CROSSES,— | Craigue-na-managh, Ullard. County Carlow. In Granite. HEADSTONES. (frag ments ),— Clonmacnotse, King’s County. In churchyard. Probably of the roth and rth centuries. Plate 45. | England. EROSSES — Cornwall, — Z. Bossinney, Tintagel. 2. S. Columb Major. 3. Linkinhorne. This has a cross within the circle both sides. 4. Sancreed. In the churchyard. 5. Cury. In the churchyard. | 6. Blisland. | | All about 13th century. Plate 46, Wales. CROSS. — Maen Achwynfau, Flintshire. Near the road side, 3 miles East of Newmarket. Probably rith century. Plate 47. | Ireland. CROSS.— Clonmacnotse, King’s County. East face. About roth century. In siliceous sandstone. Plate 48. |. Ireland. CROSS.— Clonmacnoise, King’s County. West face and South side. Plate 49. | Ireland. CROSS, — Monasterbowe, County Louth. Plate 50. | Ireland. CROSS.— Kilklispeen, County Kilkenny.— This is the larger of the two crosses. The right hand lower band of the circle ts missing, but completed in the drawing. In grit stone. | “ Cap” probably of later date than the cross. Plate 51. Ireland. CROSS.— Tuam, County Galway, circa A.D. 1121-1156. About 30 feet high | built in eight stones morticed into cach cther. | A cast ts at the Crystal Palace. Plate 52. | Scotland. CROSS.— Lona, Argyllshire. Known as S. Martin's Cross. Resembles the Irish type at Clonmacnotse (Plates 47 and 48). JUNIE WO) Wii JALAL IIE. Plate 53. Plate 54. Plate 55. Plate 56. Plate 57. Plate 58. Plate 59. Plate 61. Plate 62. | England. Scotland. Scotland. Scotland. Ireland. Ireland. Wales. Wales. Scotland. England. CROSSES.— 1. Aycliffe, Durham (fragment). 2. Knapdale, Keils, Argyllshire. 3. Kirkapol, Tiree, Argyllshire (fragment). Plan of base-stone. CROSS.— Kildalton, Islay, Argyllshire. North side of ruined church. This and the S. Martin's Cross (Plate 52) resemble the Irish type (see Plates 47 and 48). CROSS.— Kildalton, Islay, Argyllshire. CROSS.— Moone Abbey, County Kildare. The “ Cap” ts missing, but the tenon remains at the head of cross. CROSS.— Killamery, near Kilkenny. In whitesh sandstone. CROSS.— Carew, Pembrokeshire. CROSS.— Nevern, Pembrokeshire. East, South and West sides. The shaft ts a separate stone. Probably roth century. CROSS.— Gosforth, Cumberland. In churchyard. The interlacing patterns are similar to some upon the Isle of Man crosses, The lower half of shaft circular, the upper square. Ln red sandstone. CROSS.— Kiuldalton, Islay, Argyllshire. Near the churchyard. Keils, in Morvern, Argylishire. In the churchyard. Dearham. near Maryport, Cumberland. In the churchyard. The interlacing work resembles that on the Isle of Man crosses. SEAR DT OF CROSS ,— Bewcastle, Cumberland. Lt 1s thought to record the death of King Alfred. The socket for cross remains at the head of shaft. Plate 63. Plate 64. Plate 65. Plate 66. Plate 67. Plate 68. Plate 69. Plate 70. Scotland. Scotland. Scotland. Wales. France. England. England. France. England. JUNIE WO) TEUE, JPILAL WIS S, CROSS.— Oransay, Argyllshire. | To the South West of the Priory Church. Probably late 15th century. CROSS.— Campbeltown, Argyllshire. Probably about A.D. 1500. CROSS.— Lnverary, Argylishtre. In dark grey stone. Probably 15th century. CROSSES.— Z. Coychurch, Glamorganshire. Destroyed by the fall of the Tower some years ago. 2. Llandough, near Penarth, Glamorganshire. In the churchyard. The upper part has gone. CROSS.— Grisy, Normandy. CROSS. (Base of.)— Walton, Yorkshire. GRAVE SLAB with FOOT STONE.— Strixton, Northamptonshire. This appears to be the original arrangement. There is no inscrip- tion. Late 13th century. HEADSTONES.— zr. Raunceby, Lincolnshire. 2. S. Bee's, Cumberland. Probably of the 12th century. In memory of two children. HEADSTONE CROSSES.— 1, 2, 3, 4 Carcassonne, Museum. No. 2 1s dated A.D. 1325. 5. Grenoble, La Grande Chartreuse. CROSSES.— Cornwall. Lanhern tu Py der. Blisland. fleock. Stythians. rath century. In the churchyard. LNIDIB 2X TRO) TENE JALAL IIS, Plate 79. | Plate 80, H Rlaterrirs | Plate 72. Plate 73. Plate 74. Piatevz5. i | | | | | Plate 76. Plate 77. Plate 78. Isle of Man. France. France. France. England. Spain. Spain. England. England. England. CROSS.— Kirk Manghold. In the churchyard. In red sandstone much decayed. rath century. CROSS.— JSouarre, Seine et Marne. Early rath century. CROSS. — S. Cirgues, Auvergne. CROSS,— Turcey, Céte d’Or. About 15th century, In hard limestone. CROSS.— Somersby, Lincolushire. Ln the churchyard. About A.D. 1500. CROSS.— Tarragona. White limestone. 16th century. CROSS,— Toledo. San Juan de los Reyes (cloister). There are figures in relief of the Blessed Virgin and S. John on either side. 16th century. SLAB. Half Effizy.— Winchester Cathedral. In Purbeck marble. To Bishop Ethelmar (1250-1261). He died at Paris, from whence his heart was brought to Winchester and burved. Upper part restored in drawing. TOMBS.— Winchester Cathedral. Lady Chapel. In Purbeck marble. 13th century. ALTAR TOMB.— Chapel of S. John Baptist, Westminster Abbey, To Mary and Hugh de Bohun, grandchildren of Edward rst. Ln Purbeck marble. Traces of colour still exist. Early rath century, GRAVE SLAB.— Yarmouth, S. Nicholas’s, HUNIOIE 2X. TO) WKB IAILZN TUES. Plate 81. Plate 82. Plate 83. Plate 84. Plate 85. Plate 86-87. Plate 88. Plate 89. Plate go. | England. Scotland. England. England, England, fea 5 England. England. France. France. CANOPIED MONUMENT.— York Cathedral. Zo Alp: Sewal de Bovill (A.D. 1256-1258). Some attribute this tomb to Abp: Ludham, who died A.D. 1264. ALTAR TOMBS.— Kilmichael Glassary, Argyllshire. This type ts special to the West Coast. Probably rgth century. TOMB.— King’s Lynn, S. Nicholas’s. The inscription plate has gone, but the lead plugs remain by which tt was secured. Igth century. TOMBS.— r. Rushden, Northamptonshire. 2. Devizes, S. Mary's, Wiltshire. 15th century. TOMB— Clayworth, Nottinghamshire. Brick and stucco. To “ Humfray Fitzwilliam” and Anne his wife, About A.D. 1556. MONUMENT. Cofed— Canterbury Cathedral, Trinity Chapel. Known as Abp: Theobald’s( A.D. 1139-1161). In Purbeck marble. Shafts are delicately attached with small trefoil leaves. Cope probably completed with a cresting. CANOPIED MONUMENT.— York Cathedral. To Archbishop Walter de Grey. The gable-canopies and plinth, stone. Effigy and other portions, except Finials, Purbeck marble. finials plaster as restored by Bernasconi about A.D. 1780. CANOPIED MONUMENT.— Aubazine, Corréze. Date about A.D. 1250. CANOPIED MONUMENT.— Anbazine, Corréze. End elevation. Plan and detatls. JON IOIEOS SRO INGO PME ZG/LIe Ss Plateton: England CANOPIED MONUMENT.— London, Westminster Abbey, S. Edmund's Chapel, To John of Eltham, Earl of Cornwall, second son of Laward 11. Died A.D. 1334. Altar-tomb. The lower part stone. Arcading and small figures alabaster—back of niches thin slate. Top slab Purbeck marble. Effigy alabaster. In Stothard’s illustration the effigy ts slightly gilded and coloured. The stone canopy was removed about A.D 1760. (Lt ts drawn from Darts “ VWestmonastertum,’ and existing evidences. ) Plate 92. Italy. MONUMENT.— Orvietto, S. Domenico. To Cardinal G. di Brago. Died A.D. 1282. By Arnolfo. In white marble and mosaic. There is a structure above seemingly | later in date. In all probability twisted shafts for angels or | candelabra existed at angle pedestals. | Plate 93. Italy. MONUMENT.— Florence, S. Croce. | The centre panel removed, now filled with an tron grille. rath century. | Plate 94. | Italy. | CANOPIED EFFIGY.— | Florence, The Certosa. | To Niccolo Acciajola. By Andrea Orcagna. | The apex of canopy touches the vaulting. Plate 95. | Italy. MONUMENT.— Venice. S.S. Grovanni e Paolo. To the Doge Michele Morosint. Date about A.D. 1382. | | Ln marble and enamel mosaic. Plate 96. | _ Italy. MONUMENT.— | Venice. S.S. Grovanni e Paolo. To the Doge Pietro Mocenigo. In Istrian ston. } Plate 97. | England. | CANOPIED MONUMENT — Arundel, Fitzalan Chape . | To Earls Thomas and Willian of Arundel. | | | | Erected A.D. 1596. Built of Petworth marble in slabs about § | inches thick. LIMO ORE ELE GP [OAT FES, Plate 98. Plate 99. Plate 100. Plate 101. Plate 102. Plate 103. Plate 104. | France. Scotland. Scotland. Scotland. Scotland. Scotland. Wales. MONUMENT.— Carcassonne, Old City, Cathedral. To Lishop Radulph. 13th century. In fine white hard linestone. The treatment ts similar to the Ivories of the period. HEADSTONES and GRAVE SLABS. — Abercromby. Ln red sandstone. Kirriemur. Found in the foundations of the old Parish Church. Lona. Two from the beautiful series of slabs. Benvie. In warn tinted sandstone, Now tn old chure hyarit. CROSS. (fragment).— Lona, S. Oran's Chapel. SLABS.— Kuldrummy Castle, Aberdeenshire. North side of old castle. rth century. Keuls, Knapdale, Argyllshire. GRAVE SLABS.— zr. Kilceven, Argyllshire | ; ; About rth century. 2, 3, 4. Killean, Argylishire | GRAVE SLABS.— Lona, Argyllshire. — I. S. Oran’s churchyard. About rath century. 3. About 13th century. 4. Cathedral. About 15th century, 2. Krels. rth century. 5. Killean. 15th century. GRAVE SLABS.— r. Oransay, Argyllshire. Within the ruined church. About rath century. 2, 3, 4. Lona, Argyllshire, About 15th century. GRAVE SLABS.— r. Llandrillc-yn-rhos. Early 13th century. Valle Crucis Abbey. iN) Llanfair. rath century. NS Gresford. North aisle. rth century. HINIDIB XS INO) IIEHE JEL IIS. Plate 105. Plate 106. Plate coy: Plate 108. | Plate 109. Plate 110 Platé 111 | England. Wales. France. England. England. England. Wales. England. Wales. GRAVE SLABS.— r. Stanground, Northamptonshire. 2, 3,4. Ross, Herefordshire. No. g has an inscription round circle com- prising cross. 5 Wells Cathedral Late 13th century. 6. Brecon, South Wales. Priory church. The inscription reads outwards. TABLETS and SLABS.— I. Toulouse, Museum. 2, 4. Carcassonne, Museum. rath century. 3. Arles, Museum. 7th century. 5. Nimes, Maison Carrée. 14th century. GRAVE SLABS.—- Whaplode, Lincolnshire. Westborough, Lincolnshire. Early 13th century. North Cray, Kent. J Chester Cathedral, Cloister. About A.D .1200. Taken out of the foundations at the restoration by Sir Gilbert Scott. GRAVE SLABS,— zt. Blanchland, Durham. In black marble. 2, 3. Chester, S. John's Church. 4. Cockfield, Durham. 5. Bristol, S. Mary's Church. GRAVE SLABS.— Rhuddlan, Denboghshire. Cilcain, Flintshire (fragment). Attenborough, Nottinghamshire. Rivenhall, Essex. Wilford, Nottinghamshire. 14th century. GRAVE SLABS — flerefordshire. 1. Mansell Gamage. About A.D. 1350. 2, 3, 4. Hereford Cathedral. Late 13th century. SLABS.— Brecon, Priory Church. Plate 112. Wales. Plate 113. Wales. Plater. Wales. | Plate 115. | England. Scotland Plate 116. | England. | Plate 117. England Plate 118 England. LUNIDIB AX. THO. TIBUE, JILIN WISS. SLABS. — Brecon, Priory Church. One dated A.D. 1569. SLABS,— Z. Llanfilo, near Brecon. 2. Aberyskir. 3. Brecon. S. John's Church, SLABS — Brecon. Priory Church. A.D. 1618 to 1689. Many characteristics of the early examples among the Brecon series are retained until the close of the 17th century. GRAVE SLABS.— Z. Newton Rigney, Cumberland. 2, 3. Brougham, Westmoreland. 4. Orkney Cathedral (Kirkwall). 5. Chester Cathedral. 6. Hereford Cathedral. GRAVE SLABS.— Barnard Castle, Durham. 13th century. Ainstable, Cumberland. To Johannes de Dentoun. About A.D. 1350. Thornton Abbey, Lincolnshire. To Robertus Gudyk and Johanna his | wife. About A.D. 1463. GRAVE SLABS.— | Bakewell, Derbyshire. seth and 13th centuries. HEADSTONES.— Bakewell, Derbyshire. Probably rrth century. GRAVE SLABS.— rt S. Peter's at Gowts, Lincoln, 13th century. Possibly to commemorate three children. Bakewell, Derbyshire. 13th century. ty 3. Papplewick, Nottinghamshire. 14th century. | Small stone for a child. S. Peter's at Gowts, Lincoln. 13th century. 5. Darlington, Durham. rath century. Probably in memory of a man, wife and child, 6. Monkton Farley, Wiltshire. 15th century. JUNIE WO) WBE PALA IVES, Plate 119. Plate 120, | Plate 121. Plate 122. Plate 123. Plate 124. iplatemmcrse Plate 126, | Er gland. England. Wales. Italy. France, England. France. Italy. Italy. Italy. GRAVE SEABS— S. Bees, Cumberland. 13th and r4th centurves. GRAVE SLABS.— SLABS. — Rome, S. Sabina. SLAB.— Chélons sur Marne. SLABS.— SLAB.— Stena, Cathedral. SLAB.— Szena, Cathedral, Llorence, The Certosa. Allin marble. rath century. z. Utterby, Lincolnshire. To Wilhiam de Cumberworth. 2. Llanvaes, now at Baron Hill, near Beaumaris. To Princess | Joanna. About A.D. 1240. 3. Chester, S. John's. To Agnes de Ridelegh. 4. Bredon, Worcestershire. rgth century. Were filled in with black. rath century. In fine limestone, The incised lines were filled with coloured mastics. About A.D. 1338. rt. S. Denis, Paris. Attributed to Abbot Pierred Autewtl Dred i ee 2. Wyberton, Lincolnshire. In black marble, 54 inches thick. Dated A.D, 1325. 3. Boston, Lincolnshire. (Now built in wall, Spain Court.) Dated LE IL GEE All were filled in with mastic. Many slabs of this class exist an Derbyshire and Staffordshire executed in alabaster. Incised and filled in with black. A.D. 1468. White marble filled in with black. Figures in relief — JUNI DIES TRO) WIEE JOU A TTES,. Plate ia Plate 128, Plate 129. Plate 130. Plate 131. Plate 132. rs Plate 133. Plate 134. Plate 135. Italy. Italy. Italy. Italy. Italy. Italy. Italy. Italy. Germany. | SLAB, wth Effigy — Prato, S. Francesco. To Francesco di Marco Datinz. The figure and canopy in low relief. The border in white marble tnlaid with Vérde de Prato, SLAB, with Effigy. — Florence, S. Croce. To Domenico Biordi Ubertint. Border of marble inlay. Dated A.D. 1358. SLAB, with Effigy — Florence S. Croce. Part of the background and inscription are drawn one-fourth real size. SLABS, with Effigies.— Rome, S. Maria sopra Minerva. To Giovacchino Torriani and Leonardo Mansuett. roth century, SLABS.— Pisa, Campo Santo, In marble, SLABS.— Lome. zr. S. Maria in Ara Coeli. To Brigida Francesco Milit?. AD. 1500. With Effigy. 2. S. Maria in Ara Coeli. To Gerardo Maffeo. A.D. 1466. 3. S. Onofrio. To Pietro Pintori. A.D. 1500. In marble. SLABS.— Rome. S. Sabina. About A.D. 1666. MONUMENTAL SLAB, with Effigy.— Rome. In the English College. AD. 1574 SLAB, with two Effigtes.— Romhild, near Metningen. In bronze, dated A.D. 1507. a LUNIDIB OX SRO) SIBUE JPILA TIES, Plate 136. | Plate 137; Plate 138. Plate 139. Plate 140. Plate i4r. Plate 142. Italy. Germany. Germany. | Spain. Italy. Spain. France. Italy. Italy. SLABS, with Effigies. — 1. To a Jurisconsult. South Kensington Aluseum, formerly m a church near Bologna. r5th century. 2. To Lucas Cranach. South Kensington Museum, formerly in the churchyard S. James's, Weimar. Dated A.D. 1553. SLAB, with Effigy. Fleilbron, Minster. from the Altar Tomb to the Llectoress Anna von Brandenburg. About A.D. 1512. TABLETS,.— rt. Barcelona, Museum. 2, 3, 4, 5. Barcelona, Cathedral. Cloister. These are fronts of small sarcophagt containing bones. In the Museum are some of these sarcophagt with their coped lids. 6. Bologna, Museum. TABLETS.— z. Tarragona. 2, 3.4. 5. Tortosa. Cloister. TABLETS.— 1, 2. Toulouse, Museum. Dated A.D. 1320 and A.D. 1282. 3, 4. Carcassonne, Museum. Dated A.D. 1290 and A.D. 1420. 5. Arles. Cloister. Dated A.D, 1227. 6. Carcassonne, Old City, Cathedral. About A.D. 1500. TABLETS. AHeraldic— 1, 2,4, 5,6, 7. Florence, S. Maria Novello. 3. Bologna, S. Stefano. SLABS.— 8, 9, 10, 11. Pisa, Campo Santo. Entrances to vaults. Dates between A.D. 1450 and A D. 1480. 12, Pisa, S. Paolo. Dated A.D. 1464. TABLETS. Heraldic.— 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7. Florence, S. Croce. Clozster. 8, 9. Florence, S. Maria Novello. Cloister. ro. Florence, Museum. 11, 12. Venice, S. Giovanni e Paolo. 15th and 16th centuries, some dated. INDEX TOWHEAPLALES. Plate 143. Plate 144. Plate 145. Plate 146. late 147. Plate 148. Plate 149. England. England. Italy. Italy. Germany. Italy. England. | England. TABLETS. Aeraldic.— Milan, S. Ambrosio. Ln the Atrium. About 15th century. GARTER Pe Adn ES == Windsor, S. George's Chapel. Selected as specimens of heraldic design. GARTER PLATES.— Windsor, S. George's Chapel. Selected as specimens of heraldic design. PANEL. Aeraladic.— Cesena. Now in the South Kensington Museum. Ln Istrian stone. 15th century. TABLETS and SLABS. I, 3. Piacenza, Cathedral. fleraldic, Crypt. 2, 4. Piacenza, S. Sisto. Ln pavement forming entrance to vaults. 5, 6,7. Florence, National Museum. SLAB.— fof, Bavaria To the Countess Catharina von Niirnberg, Abbess of S. Clara. AD. 1409 PANELS, Aeraldic.— Rosstall, near Hetlbronn. TABLETS.— 1. Milan, Abbey of Chiaravelle. 2, 3. Bologna, Cemetery. 5. Braybrook, Northamptonshire. SLAB—- 4 Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire. TABLETS, Etc— Chippenham Waltshire. Some have traces of gilding and colour. Plate 151. | England. TABLETS.— 1. Barrow, near Chester (external). 2, 3. Kensington, S. Mary Abdot's. | No. 2 is now in the churchyard. | | 4. Boston, S. Botolph's. | || 5. Market Lavington, Wiltshire. | Gilded and coloured. \| 6. Bromham, Wailtshire. Plate 152. England. TABLETS — z. Great S, Helen's, Bishopsgate, London. | In alabaster and black marble. Dated A.D. 1542. 2. Harrow on the Hill, Middlesex. Gilt and coloured. } This was part of a larger memorial, Wales. | SLAB— || 3. Brecon Priory Church, South Wales. Dated A.D. 1646. | | | Plate 153. | England. MONUMENT. Mural— Chester Cathedral, South Transept. Dated A D. 1581. | | Plate 154. | Holland. | MONUMENT. Jfural.— H Breda Cathedral. To Count de Borgnival. Dated A.D. 1533. Plate 155. | England. MONUMENTS. Jeural— | | | Windsor, S. George's Chapel. Dated A.D. 1603. Southwark, S. Saviour's. About A.D. 1630. Windsor, S. George's Chapel. Dated A.D. 1634. All these have been decorated with gold and colours. land. | MONUMENTS. JMMural.— Westminster, S. Margaret's. | Plate 156. rea ie) ne To “ Blanche Parrye,” chief gentlewoman to Queen Elizabeth's Privy Chamber. Died 1589. Originally gilded and coloured. | To“ Alexander Tomkyns.” Dated A.D. 1615. Plate 157. | England. TOMB.— || Pilton Church, Barnstaple. The “ Chichester Tomb.” Dated A.D. 1569, | MONUMENT. Mural— \| London, Chelsea Church. Lo “ Thomas Larrance.’ About A.D. 1630, TNE SO ERE PEA Tues. Plate 158. Plate 159. Plate 160. Plate 161. Plate 162. Plate 163. Plate 164. England. England. Italy. England. Italy. England. England. MONUMENTS. Mural— Westminster Abbey. S Edmund's Chapel. z. To Lady Jane Seymour, daughter of the Duke of Somerset. Ln alabaster and marbles, Erected about A.D. 1560. Rimint, Cathedral. 2. To Vescovo Sebastiano Vauzt. In marble. Died A.D. 1571. MONUMENTS. JMural— Westminster, S. Margaret's. ln white marble, largest one black and white. The tablet to Mrs. Judith Carey ts wteresting as the date r71* seems to indicate that 2 was not erected until after the introduction of the new style im 1752. The lower wnscription on the tablet to Mrs. Corbett would appear to have been added after L7. 52. MONUMENT. JMMural.— Monserrato. Formerly in S. Giacomo de Spagnuolt, Rome. In marble, MONUMENT. Mural— London, Cripplegate. S. Giles's, To Robert Cage. Dated A.D. 1625. Chiefly in stone, now painted. Frame to inscription panel white mar ble. MONUMENTAL MEDALLION.— South Kensington, Museum. To Antonio Bassano, Jurdsconsult of Brescia, and Caterina his wife In Istrian Stone. About AD. 1520, The centre panel ts MISSING. MONUMENT. JMural— Kinnersley, Herefordshire. To Francis Smalman and Susan his wife. Chiefly tn alabaster and richly decorated. MONUMENT. Mural— Westminster, S. Margaret's. To Sir John Crosse, Bart. (died AD. 1762). In various coloured marbles, Plate 165. Plate 166, Plate 167. | Plate 168. Plate 169. Plate 170. Plate a 71, Place 172) | 1 | England. England. | England. Italy. Italy. Italy. Italy. Italy. MONUMENT.—- Braybrook, Northamptonshire. In stone. For plan see corner of elevation, MONUMENT.— Chitham, Kent. To Margaret, sister of Sir Dudley Diggs. In Kentish rag stone. The effective diaper upon the columns and the enrichments to mouldings, etc., are produced by slightly cutting away the polish. MONUMENT.— Westminster Abbey. North aisle of Nave. Dated A.D. 1683. MONUMENTS.— Lone. r. S. Agostino. To Carlo Verardi. 2. S. Maria della Pace To Beatrice and Lavinia Ponozetti. 3. S. Maria sopra Minerva. To C. Cantacuzeno. All in marble. MONUMENT — Rome. S. Maria sopra Minerva. To Francesco Tornabuont. A sectional plan is given through pilaster, MONUMENT.— Rome. S. Maria in Ara Coeli. To Philip Della Valle. Ln marble, MONUMENT.— Rome. S. Maria del Popolo. To Marco Antonio Albertont. In white marble. Dated A D. 1485. MONUMENT.— S. Maria del Popolo, Sacristy. Bp. of Polenza. Lome. To Giovanni Ortega Gomeel. In marble. r6th century. Plate 173. Plate 174. Plate 1 Nr on Plate 176. Plate NI Nn Plate 178. Plate 179. Plate 180-81. Italy. Italy. | Italy. Italy, Italy. England INDIES OLE PLA TES, MONUMENT,.— Pisa. Canrypo Santo. To Filippo Decio. About A.D. 1530. MONUMENT — Rome, S. Cecilia in Trastevere. To Cardinal Fortiquerra. By Mino da Fiesole, Ln white marble. Dated A.D. 1473. MONUMENT.— Rome, S. Agostino. Cloister (formerly in the church). To Costanza Prccolomint. Plan given across elevation. In marble. Dated A.D. 1477. MONUMENT.— Kome, S. Gregorio. Clotster. Dated CIOIOXCIL. (1592). This way of imitating Roman numerals 1s more Srequently met with in German aud Flemish work. MONUMENTS.— I Rome, S. Maria sopra Minerva. To Andrea Bregno. A.D. 1506. 2. Rome, S. Maria in Ara Coelz. To Giacomo Sanzio. MONUMENT.— Rome, S. Maria sopra Minerva. Lo Bernardo Nicotine. MONUMENT.— Rome, S Maria sopra Minerva. To Antonio Castalio. In white marble. Dated A.D. 1533. ALTAR TOMB, wth Baldachino. Wing, Buckinghamshire. To Sir Robert Dormer. Dated A.D. 1552. Chiefly in stone. Steps, base, and slab to Altar, Purbeck marble. The frieze and large wall slab behind Altar, black marble. The ceiling ws plastered and panelled in oblones and ovals. UNDE DE TO Ede PL AM ke S. Plate 182. Plate 183. Plate 184. Plate 1 oo on Plate 186. | co “NI later Plate 188. | England. England. France. England. Italy. Africa. Turkey. MONUMENT.— Westminster Abbcy. South Aisle of Nave. To Sir Thomas Richardson, Knight. The work of Le Sueur, and dated A.D. 1635. The bust of Ann Cottington in S. Paul's Chapel is Le Sueur's, but the best known of his works is the equestrian statue of King Charles I. at Charing Cross. ALTAR TOMB, with Effigies.— Battle, Sussex, S. Mary's To Sir Anthony Browne and“ Dame Alis his wy'fe.” In alabaster. Traces of gold and colour remain. About A.D. 1549. Blanks are left in the inscription for his dates. MONUMENT.— Tours, Cathedral. To the children of Charles VIII. and Anne of Bretagne. MONUMENT.— London, Rolls Court Chapel. To Dr. John Young. Effigy terva-cotta, traces of the colouring exist. Believed to be by Pietro Torrigiano previous to his being commissioned by Henry VILL. to make the tombs to his father and mother and to the Countess of Richmond in Henry VII.s Chapel, West- minster Abbey. MONUMENTS.— florence. z. SS. Annunziata. In marble, by Francesco de S. Gallo. Dated AD. 1546. 2. Uffizi Gallery. In bronze, by Lorenzo Ghilberte. TABLETS and HEADSTONES.— 1,5. Tlemsen, Algeria, Museum, 2,3, 4,6, 7. Algiers, Museum. No. 2 is delicately coloured. Drawn one-cighth real size. HEADSTONES — Constantinople. INDEX TO THE PLATES | Plate 189. | Scotland. HEADSTONES,— 4, 5. Culross, “ West Kirkyard.” een 6,7. Rothsay, Bute. Plate 190. | England. | HEADSTONES.— | | Z, 2, 3, 9. London, Bunhill Fields Burial Ground. | 4, 5,6. Frant, near Tunbridge Wells, Kent. | | 7. Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire. &. Rushden, Northamptonshire. These are very typical specimens of last century headstones. Plate 191. | England. HEADSTONES.— Frant, near Tunbridge Wells, Kent. England. | HEADSTONES.— I,4 5,6, 7,8. Folkestone. 2. Chiselhurst. | | 3. Leighton Buzzard. Plate 192. Old stone headstones were usually thick. | Plate 193. England. HEADSTONES.— I, 2. Moreton in Marsh, Gloucestershire. 3. Wroxton, Oxfordshire. 4,6, 9. Brailes, Warwickshire. 5. Shennington, Oxfordshire. 6. Hornton, Oxfordshire. TABLET.— 7. Horley, Oxfordshire. Plate 194. | En rland. HEADSTONES — | 1,2, 3, 4.5. London, Clerkenwell, S. James's 6. London, Kensington, S. Mary Abbot's. All of the 18th century. | C vf Plate 19 Germany. | CROSSES.—Wrought iron. | nr 1. Untergeissenberg, near Reichenhall. | | | | | | Beet 159 3 | | 2. Grossgemein, near Reichenhall, | 3. Bavaria, National Museum, formerly at Amberg. | : 4. Grossgemetn, near Retchenhall, Parcel gilt and otherwise decorated. Waithin the shrine cases Meat | | and also on the front and back of the doors to same paintings \| | and inscriptions are often found. INDEX, TO THE PEA TES: Plate 196. | || Plate 197. Plate 198. Plate 200. \\ Plate 20 vd Plate 199. Germany. England England. | England. England. Germany. | Scotland, CROSSES.— Wrought tron. 1. In the possession of G. Gilbert Scott, Esq. 2. Convent of S. Zeno, near Reichenhall, 3. South Kensington Museum, CROSSES.— Wood. Grand Duchy of Baden, Those placed against walls were usually larger. dated A.D. 1770, See the one given GRAVE INSCRIPTION BOARDS,— 1. Wing, Buckinghamshire. 2, 3. Perivale, Middlesex. 4, 5. End Posts, Perivale, and from Leighton-Buzzard and Harrow. Memorials of this class were frequent in our country village churchyards during the last and at the beginning of the present century. SLABS.— zt. Chilham, Kent. 2. Chippenham, Wiltshire. 3. London, Piccadilly, S. James’s. These were most frequently in black marble. SLABS.— 1, 2. Windsor, S. George's Chapel. No. 2 white marble. 3. London, Bishopsgate, Great S. HLelen’s. (Formerly within the chancel of S. Martin Outwich.) SLABS — Frant, near Tunbridge Wells, Kent. In Sussex cast tron. There ts an tron slab at Crowhurst dated A.D. 1591, and another at Burwash with a small cross and inscription in relief. ALTAR TOMB.— Churchyard, Rothsay, [sle of Bute. Dated A.D. 1669 Top stone in a single slab. LENO i XO ew eA RDS, Plate 203. wo Plate 204. Plate 205, or Plate 206, Plate 207. co Plate 208. | Plate 209. England. England. England. England. England. France. Holland. England, TOMBS.—Churchyard. 1. Rushden, Northamptonshire. Double coped, in memory of man and wife. 2. Rowde, Wiltshire. TOMB.— Churchyard. Chippenham, Wiltshire. Some have pilasters in place of shafts, m which cases the caps are square and the pilasters have four flutes without cabling. TOMB.—Churchyard. London, Clerkenwell, S, James's, rdth century. TOMB.— Churchyard, Hampstead Parish Church, Middlesex. Ln stone, with top slab black marble. Dated A.D. 1777. HEADSTONES.— ALTAR TOMB.—Red érick, S. Peter’. s, Thanet, Kent. MONUMENT .— Obelisk type. London, Bunhill Fields Burial Ground. In Portland stone. ALPHABI ETS.— Ln stone or marble. z. Roman. Used during the Middle Ages and to the end of the Renatssance period. Half real size. 2. Roman type, in slight relief. Chiefly from Renatssance monument in Breda Cathedral. See Plate 154. Real size. See also Plates such as 11 to 17, 20, 24, 114, 124, 128, 129, 130, 132 to 136, 141, 145, 147, 150 to 153, 158, 162, 168 to 179, 185 and 186. LONIDIE ES TO) W1etie (AIL ZA IIE). les} Wi Plate 210, England. Italy. Plate 211. | England. Plate 212. | England. ALPHABETS.— 1. Westminster Abbey. Outlines from Queen Eleanor's Tomb, A D. 1290, and other sources. In slight relief, about one-tenth ofan inch. See Plates such as63-65, 100, 105, 112,122 and 123. 2. Gothic period. Italy, South of France and Spain. The hore- zontal lines are drawn in with the chisel. See Plates such as 98, 121, 126, 738, 139, 740 and 149. 3. Prato. See Plate 127. Letters filled with mastic. Real size three inches. ALPHABETS.— Westminster Abbey. Outlines from King Richard [1s tomb and others about the same date. In slight relief. See Plates such as 69, 84, 139, 144, 145 and 148. ALPHABETS.— Ln stone or marble. r7th century. z. Westminster Abbey. Chiefly from Monuments in North aisle. LS} . From slabs at Chippenham and others of the date. See Plate 199 3. Lrom Westminster Abbey and Hereford Cathedral. See also Plates such as 167, 189 to 194, 197 to 204, 206, 207 and 208. PLACES. ABERCROMBY, Scotland. Headstones and Slabs 35 5 Bod ga 99 ABERLEMNO, Scotland. Headstone Cross... 34 ABERYSKIR, near Brecon. Slab Bee he Ts AINSTABLE, Cumberland. Incised Slab on 116 ALEXANDRIA. Obelisks ce a a06 I-2 ALGIERS. Tablets and Headstones ac hts 187 ALNMOUTH, Northumberland. Headstone Cross 39 ALNWICK, Northumberland. Museum. Head- stone and Tablets. Roman... ove ate 15 ARLES, Museum. Sarcophagi. Roman... aan 24 ARLES, Museum. Sarcophagi. Early Christian. 25 ARLES, Museum. Slab. Byzantine 388 sor CLS) ARIES Cloistenus Mabletrc ae ad oar 140 ARUNDEL, Fitzalan Chapel. Monuments to Earls Thomas and William of Arundel 300 97 ATHENS. Tablet. Byzantine ... 300 oe 30 ATTENBOROUGH, Nottinghamshire. Incised Slab cnc aa oe nee das PereELOO) AUBAZINE, Corréze. Canopied Monument... 89-90 AUTUN, Museum. Sarcophagus ... ace oes 22 AYCLIFFE, Durham. Cross, Fragment of are 53 BADEN, Grand Duchy of. Cemetery Crosses, wood oe cas bac pao ado Be 197 BAKEWELL, Derbyshire. Headstones and Slabs ie 3AKEWELL, Derbyshire. Slab, Fragment of ... 118 3A RCELONA, Cathedral. Fronts of Sarcophagi used as Tablets ... : ee Se ae 38) 3ARCELONA, Museum. Tablet... tae poo Sys) BARNARD CASTLE, Durham. Incised Slab... 116 3ARROW, near Chester. ‘Tablet ... 300 oeg BATTLE, Brecknockshire. Tablet. Roman... Il BATTLE, Sussex, S. Mar Browne and Alice his v To Sir Anthony Altar Tomb with Eiisics see. RS 308 oan see noe 183 BAVARIA, National Muscum. Formerly at Am- berg. Wrought-iron Cross oe Se — 195 3EAUMARIS, Wales. To Princess Joanna. Slab with Effigy. See Llauvaes ae ae bee 120 BENVIE, Scotland. Headstone ... Soe sue 99 BEWCASTLE, Cumberland. Cross, Shaft of ... 62 BINCHESTER, Durham. Tablet. Roman... 12 BLANCHLAND, Durham. Incised Slab Ra 108 BLISLAND, Cornwall. Cross oe 45-70 BOLOGNA, Museum. Headstones. Etruscan ... 9-10 BOLOGNA. Crosses. Byzantine. Formerly at Ravenna ... abn Bag 805 énd B08 31 BOLOGNA, from a church near, now in South Kensington Museum. Slab with Effigy and 136 BOLOGNA, Museum. Tablet B0d sa ee 138 BOLOGNA, Cemetery. Tablets ... we con) BOLOGNA, S. Stefano. Slab oon ae Ba 30 BOLOGNA, S. Stefano. Tablet ... aie godt BOMARZO, Grotta Dipinta. Sarcophagus. Etrus- can Sn ae Ai edt ae eae 19 BORDEAUX, Museum Sarcophagus ... ans 22 BOSSINNEY, Tintagel, Cornwall. Cross aa 45 BOSTON, Lincolnshire. Incised Slab with Effigy. 123 BOSTON, S. Botolph’s. Tablet ... ae poo. BRADDON, Isle of Man. Cross ... 208 Eas 36 BRAILES, Warwickshire. Headstones ... ves OY 3RAYBROOK, Northamptonshire. Tablet oae 149 BRAYBROOK, Northamptonshire. To Sir Nic- holas Griffin. Monument 560 308 ee | 165) BRECON, Priory Church. Slab ... ea0 sen 105 BRECON, Priory Church. Slabs ... seoliiis, Mi, TUL BRECON, S. John’s Church. Slab ve ws 113 3RECON, Priory Church. Slab ... S66 a0 152 3REDA, Holland. Cathedral. To Count de Borg- nival. Monument fees sot oi Roan RELIG AE 3REDON, Worcestershire. Slab with Effigies ... 120 3RISTOL, S. Mary’s Church. Slab aes aes 108 3ROMHAM, Wiltshire. Tablet ... een cos, RIC 3ROUGHAM, Westmoreland. Slabs... cod 11 3URWASH, Sussex. Cast-iron Slabs. See Index to the Plates Es aoc 8 Zon CAMPBELTOWN, Argyllshire. Cross ... aon 64 CANTERBURY, Cathedral, Trinity Chapel. Coped Monument. Known as Abp. Theo- bald’s oan aot one sen adn boo Oey CARCASSONNE, Cathedral (Old City). Monu- ment to Bp. Radulph_ ... as ae ona 98 CARCASSONNE, CARCASSONNE. CA CA CA CA CE XC O SR Gua ane RTOSA, Florence. Canopied Mural Effigy ... TOSA, Florence. Sla SSENA, Heraldic Panel JI A HA. INDEX OF Museum. Museum. Slab and Tablet Headstone Crosses RCASSONNE, Cathedral. Tablet RCASSONNE, Museum, Ww EW, Pembrokeshire. stone. Roman Kensington Museum ural Monument. tSTER, Cathedral, C leat 2R, Cathedral. Monument. wu Boe LONS-SUR-MARNE. ELSEA, Parish Church. Tablets (Crossiyen XLEON, Monmouthshire. Tablets and- Head- To Niccolé Acciajola. bs with Figures in relief from. Now in the South Incised Slab. Effigies To Thomas Larrance. oister. Slab R, Cathedral. Slab o Sir W. Gerrarde, Knt. tR, S. John’s Church. Headstone Crosses SSTER, S. John’s Church. Slabs ies] Slab with Eff SJ ESTERS, Northumberland. ,HAM, Kent. To ,HAM, Kent. Slab SLEHURST, Kent. LAYWORTH, Nottinghamshire. Tomb to “ Humfray Fitzwilliam.” PPENHAM, Wiltshire. stone pon see see PPENHAM, Wiltshire. PPENHAM, Wiltshire. R, S. John’s Church. To Agnes de Ride- WW Goo Roman Tablet... Margaret, sister of Sir Dudley Diggs. Monument Tablets and Head- Slab Churchyard Tomb Headstone LCAIN, Flintshire. Slab, Fragment of Stucco Altar CLONMACNOISE, King’s County. Cross E ,ONMACNOL stones, etc., COCKFIELD, Durham. ECOVEHUREH G CRAIGUE stone Cross \ Ss low. C CROWHURST, Sussex. Index to the Plates SE, King’s County. Head- Fragments ‘of do 568 io Slab CONSTANTINOPLE, Cemeteries. NS, Scotland, S. Orland’s Stone. Head- Headstones amorganshire. Cross... ANAGH, Ullard, comity. Car Cast-iron Slabs, See CULROSS, Scotland, West Kirkyard. -Head- stones CURY, Cornwall. Cross DARLINGTON, Durham. Slab... INV AMIIES (OM? JPIL AU CIES. 2G 166 44 108 188 JEARHAM, near Maryport, Cumberland. Cross 61 DEVIZES, Wiltshire, Churchyard Tomb 84 DISERTH, Flintshire. Cross 40 EILEAN MOR, Argyllshire. Cross, Part of By *‘LEOCK, Cornwall. Cross a8 ae 70 S To Niccold , 199 to 202, 206 to 208, DAMS'’S “Temples, Tombs, etc., of Antient Greece.”—Allen’s “ Antiquities of London: he Celtic Ornament.”—A nderson’s “ Scotland in Early Christian Times.”—A ppell’s “ Monu- ments of Early Christian Art.”—* Archzeologia Cambrensis,’—‘ Archzeologia Cantiana.”— “ Archzologia Scotica."—“ Archeological Album.”—“ Archzxological Journal.”—* Archzeolo- gist.” —“ Archiiologische Zeitung.” —“ Archéologie de Empire de Russie.” — Aringhi's “Roma Subterranea.”—Arundel Society’s Publications.—Bartoli’s “ Gli. antichi Sepolcri Romani ed Etruschi trovati in Roma.’—Bateman’s “Antiquities of Derbyshire.”—Bell’s “Application of the Entasis to the Obelisk.’—Benvenuti’s “ Monumenti Sepolerali della Toscana.”—Berbrugger’s “ Le Tombeau des Rois Mauritaniens.”—Bettoni’s “ Le Tombe ed i Monumenti d'Italia.’"—Birch’s ‘“ Obelisks: Egyptian Monuments, and Tablets.’”—Blight's “ Crosses in the East of Cornwall.’—Blore’s “ Monumental Remains.’—Boutell’s “ Christian Monuments: Monumental Brasses and Slabs.” —Boys’s ‘“ Theobald’s Tomb, Canterbury Cathedral,” See ‘ Archzeologia,” Vol. XV.—Brayley's “ History of the Abbey Church, West- minster.”—Breton’s “ Antiquities of Autun.”—Britton’s “Churches of London.”—Bruce’s ‘“‘Lapidarium Septentrionale.’”—Buckler’s “ Abbey Church of Iona.”—Burgess’s “ Egyptian Obelisks in Rome.”—Camden Society's Publications.—Campagna’s “‘ Di du Sepoleri Romani.” —Carter's “Remarks on Christian Grave Stones."—Caumont’s “ Abécédaire: Bulletin Monu- mental.”—Cerboni’s “ I] Cimeterio di San Miniato al Monte, Firenza.”—Chalmers’s “Sculp- tured Monuments of Angus.”—Chapuy’s “Le Moyen-ige Monumental.” — Clerisseau’s “Antiquités de Nismes.”—Clochar’s ‘‘ Monumens et Tombeaux Mesurés en Italie.” —Cochet’s “Archeologie Sepulcrale: Le Tombeau de Childeric I” —Cooper’s ‘“ Obelisks.” —Cross’s “Le Mausolée de lEvéque Radulphe, Carcassonne.’”—Crull's “Antiquities of S. Peter's, Westminster.’"—Cumming’s “ Runic Remains of the Isle of Man.’—Cutts’s “ Sepulchral Slabs and Crosses.’—Dart's “ Westmonasterium.”—Delafeville’s “ Emblemes Anciennes et Moderne.”—Dennis’s “Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria.” —« Description de l’Egypte.”— Deville’s ““Tombeaux de la Cathedrale de Rouen.’—Didron’s “Annales Archéologiques : Histoire de Dieu: Iconographie Chrétienne.”—Drouyn’s “ Croix de Procession de Cimetieres.” —Drummond’s “ Noble British Families.” — Dugdale’s ‘‘ Monasticon.”—Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society’s Publications.—Feydeau’s “ Des usages Funebres et des Sépultures.”— Fischer's ‘ Catalogue of Tombs, Gravestones, etc., in Churches from S, Katharine’s, Tower Hill to Temple Bar.”—Fontana’'s “‘ Obelisco Vaticano Roma.”-—Ford’s “ Antient Alphabets.’”— French's ‘ Interlaced Ornamentation on the Sculptured Stones of Scotland and Uinclancee== Furlanctto’s “ Antico Monumento Sepolcrali presso Padova.” —Garnier’s “ Les Tombeaux de la Cathedrale d’Amiens.”—‘ Gentleman's Magazine.”—Giordani’s “ Certosa di Bologna ora Cimi- tero Comunale.” —Gori’s ““ Museum Etruscum Florentiz.”—Gorringe’s “ Egyptian Obelisks. ’”— | | | | LIST OF WORKS CONSULTED. Gough’s “ Sepulchral Monuments.”—Gozzadini’s “ Sepolcreto Etrusco presso Bologna : Necro- polia Marzabotto nel Bolognese : Necropoli de Villanora.”—Grandjean de Montigny’s ‘‘ Tom- beaux in Italie dans les XV™ et XVI"* siécles.”—Gray’s ‘Tour to the Sepulchres of Etruria.” — Gropp’s “ Monumenta Sepulchralia.”—Hahn’s “ Monuments Celtiques de Luzarches.”—Haines'’s “ Manuel of Brasses.’”—Hartland’s ‘‘ Tombs of Royal Families, etc.” —Hartshorne’s “ Effigies of Northamptonshire.”—Hartshorne’s, E. S., “ Enshrined Hearts: Discourses on Funeral Monuments.”—Hefner-Alteneck’s “ Eisenwerke: Die Kunst-Kammer Anton von Hohenzol- lern-Sigmaringen : Costume du Moyen-ige Chrétien.’—Hingeston’s ‘ Antient Cornish Crosses.” —Hittorff’s ‘‘ Obélisques Pyramidions en bronze doré.”—Hodgkin’s ‘‘ Monograms Antient and Modern.”—Hollis’s ““ Monumental Effigies in Great Britain.” —Hunson’s “ Brasses of Northamptonshire.”-—Husenbeth’s “‘ Emblems of Saints.’—Hyett’s “ Sepulchral Memorials in Northamptonshire.” —“ Instituto di Correspondenza Archzeologica di Roma.’—Jacquier de Terrebasse’s ‘“ Tombeau découvert 4 Vienne.”—Jahn’s ‘ Monument zu Igel.’”—Jorio’s “ Cata- combe di S. Gennaro, Naples.’”—Journal of the British Archzeological Association.—Kelke's “ Sepulchral Memorials in English Churches.”—Kenrick’s “ Roman Sepulchral Inscriptions.” King’s “‘ Medizeval Architecture and Art.”—Kinnebrook’s “ Runic Monuments in the Isle of Man.”—Kite’s ‘Brasses of Wiltshire.’—Laborde’s ‘‘ Obélisques de Luxor.”—La Feuille’s “ Devises et Emblémes Anciennes.’—Larking’s ‘“‘ Heart Shrine, Leybourne Church.’—Lasi- nio’s “ Monumenti Sepolcrali della Toscana.”—Layard’s ‘‘ Nineveh.”—Lebas’s “ L’Obélisque de Luxor.”—Le Laboureur’s ‘‘ Les Tombeaux des Personnes I]lustres.”—Leguay’s “ trouveés 4 Couvent des Mathurins, Paris.’”—Libert’s ‘‘ Monument d’Igel.”—Litta’s “ Famiglie celebri d’Italiane.’—London and Middlesex Archzeological Society’s Transactions —Luebke’s Sepultures Works.—Lysons’s “‘ Magna Britannia.”—Maitland’s “ Church in the Catacombs.”—Manning’s “List of Brasses.”—Markland’s ‘“ Sepulchral Memorials of Past and Present Times.”— Marriott’s “‘ Testimony of the Catacombs.”—Mellen’s “ Historia Urnze Sepulchralis Sama- ticae.”—‘‘ Mémoires de la Société Royale des Antiquaires de France.’—Moses’s, H., ‘ Collec- tion of Antique Vases, Sarcophagi, etc.”—Murcier’s “ La Sépulture Chrétienne en France du XI au XVI siécles."—Nadasdy’s ‘‘ Mausoleum Ungarize Ducum.”—Nealeand Braley’s “ Abbey Church of Westminster.”—Neale and Le Keux’s ‘“‘ Screens, Fonts, Monuments.’”—Newton’s “ Display of Heraldry.’—Norris’s “ Architectural Antiquities of Wales.”—Ogborne’s “ His- tory of Essex.’”—O'Neill’s “Crosses of Antient Ireland.”—Oriolius’s “ Dei Sepolcrali edifizi dell’Etruria.”—Palmer’s ‘ Early Christian Symbolism.”—Parker’s “ Archeology of Rome.” Paul’s “‘ Monumental Slabs of Parsons’s ‘‘ Monuments, etc., in Churches of Eastern Kent.” North-West Somersetshire.”—Perez de Villa Amil’s ‘ Espafia Artistica.”—Perret’s “ Eccle- siastical Architecture of Ireland.”—Pettigrew’s ‘Chronicles of the Tombs.”—Pooley’s “ Old Crosses of Gloucestershire.” —Proceedings of the Archzeological Society of Russia.—Procho- row’s “ Christian Art and Archzeology.”—Rabe’s “Das Grabmal des Kurfiirsten Johannes Cicero von Brandenberg.”—Reiber’s “‘ L’Art pour Tous.’—“t Revue Archéologique.’”—Richard- son’s ‘ Tombs, etc., in Elford Church, Staftordshire.’—Rimmer’s “‘ Ancient Stone Crosses of LIST OF WORKS CONSULTED. England.”—Ring’s “Tombes Celtiques de 1'Alsace.’—Robertson’s “ Sculptured Stones of Leith."—Rogers’s ‘Monuments in Scotland.”—Rossi’s ‘La Roma Sotterranea.”—Royal Institute of British Architects’ Transactions.—Ruggiero’s “ Monumenti Sepolecrali.”—Rys- brack’s “‘ Designs for Monuments, A.D. 1733.’—Salazaro’s ‘“Monumenti della Italia.”— Schmidt’s ‘‘ Bandeukmale der Rémischen Periode in Trier: Die Grabdenkmiler des Hauses Nassau-Saarbriicken.”—Seghers’s “ Antike Alphabete.”—Shaw’s “ Alphabets, etc.’—Simpson’s “List of Sepulchral Brasses in England.”—Smith’s “Roman Monuments discovered in London.” —* Society of Antiquaries Report on Sepulchral Monuments.”—“ Spring Gardens Sketch Book.’”—Steuart’s “ Monuments in Lydia and Phrygia.’—Stephens’s “ Runic Monu- ments of Scandinavia and England.”—Stillfried-Rattonitz’s ““Hauses Hohenzollern.”—Stirling’s “ Heraldry of the XVI" century.”—Stothard’s “‘ Monumental Effigies.’”—Stroobaut’s “ Monu- ments d’Architecture en Belgique.’—Stuart’s “Stones of Scotland.”—Suckling’s ‘County Histories.’—Sussex Archzeological Collections.—Taylor’s “Stones of Etruria.’——Thompson’s “Sculptured Ornaments of the Monastery of Batalha, Portugal.’—Tite's “Egyptian Obelisks.” —Tosi’s “ Monumenti Sepolcrale in Roma.’—Trollope’s “ Manuel of Sepulchral Memorials.” —Troyon's “Tombeaux de Belair, Lausanne.”—Twining’s “Symbols of Medizeval Art.’”— Uggeri’s “ Monumenti antichi Giornata Toscolana.” — Ungewitter’s “ Monuments funéraires du Moyen-age.”—Vermiglioli’s “T1 Sepolcro dei Volunni in Perugia.’—Vietty’s “Monumens de Vienne.”—Visconti's “ Antichi Monumenti Sepolcrali nel Ducato di Ceri.’—Vogiié’s “ Mélange d’Archéologie: Syrie Centrale.”— Walcott’s Works.—Waller’s “Monumental Brasses.’— Waring’s “ Architectural Art in Italy and Spain: Art in Central Italy : Stone Monuments.” —Weever’s ‘‘ Antient Funeral Monuments.” Westwood’s ‘ Lapidarium Walliz.’—Whit- aker’s “ Richmondshire.’—Wild’s “ Cathedrals.”—Windele’s “ Runic Crosses Isle of Man.” —Zoéga’s “‘ De origine et usu Obeliscorum.” i ; Meks fete 3.0. 1560, Alma dria BC. 23. 55 flio legs 0.1876. Ake, he fata go zo vo 40 ip fllain Kkhislg _ 7+. M-heur Gov 2. af Matwmae 3. a Laxor. Us Buter he Mecsenene, Ae x Dhelj te terw eG’ Z My 4 Addie nag rr pat. aay B.C. 66a. tong Ze YO td S Mir Pree oO. LEE NEE, Alkire. Lack Senta. We- Jf ye az x | <4 7540 Pree XT. Dg 205K 38 XH 4 w Jacl reat. a yee Big OR GEES AOE ge EE ED Grace. | 42.7. &. Miha. Near Tin ¢ Vat te LCN Camm, trios, Capris Sane, Tach scale fis fuct rg. JtlecLy, 6 fp peerge) “2 Hi a eS 6 e ‘ pat ERO oot ee Lag CLE RGUSCFIT ZY Bridle, Epes. Pile Selb cos) | wl way ore W735 poy wel g te gy yy fo mertpreced 2 sje07 ag . aoe | eg ty mare vee PUG Ue 70. Ue Wea haxis . y nek. Sead 22 oO a ae r aoe — — | oy Cand, Males PPitat Ftrect teem ee: Oe bere cen | 27 8. Carter, Jenn seths her ee Gan 3. fteerHece tk SOU aime eee ee : Arch. toate FCNIVRSASO! V eR 3 PVT ly 4 i IANVS!) | Ll GI LAG: 2 ea i HANNORSE? SINVSESE | = PRDESTCUMNEA( | ONE 7 nee mT A i RPUSSMA SECK STV S WIM PATRI. POSVIE Ne “CARASNS| HICIACIT } “JN HOCCONT CCERIESLA i “PIDWM, 4 y be CRM NCAS : AB 72. SylaI. Pease, Vasil Wat Se A No MOL TAS SDEG | ne ve NEM" ||| | | NCT\ SERAGEERR ||| U ES TAN ENC JFECERT || : {Site 2 ; eer NTGROAY | NSPIAIG PANIMG cM | SECAQTSINARVXT | | | RENTYEL Ne : | ay (e PR PRC: } ] ENA.Z | Al | Alovnins te aa MANT, NPA Ek. \ -ETINTWAY ee yeas PROC SSVBDEX TE ISVITFONT ERE | NATADE! *ADNVNECAART BVSSEDEMy | TRIBVEN TIB\S APE MOCERB! xsi iM | PRx ) CEREMPRO WOCGLI TEM \BAMREQVEEM VOSSRTASDELL : WeOnERSSATET SAN. STEERS ALAC CRE RTACET. Abe SE BS Se a SN Ett Bs. 3 — | 2 g py he a, | 78. Peay pote pire very prety nays crys poy jpn yy, SOFELL SPILL isociclaedat ? 4 we) = aan ar?” | Ei af oe 7s yyy energy, Spor obex, 4 TL et, 4 ben aes. : | Vatty Se eo foyer haere Abeer tees, i | | Jack Seale and | fe ft rege ED, | pcre = | a a. & | |} } g x | | i | | ee zs ce o g 2 3 fet Fd bet 1 be. S- fre Mc Vecttams, Blewecl, Cor lle, fry thin eau dD) Coe Bi 2 , Beckers. Be LLB ALE, 6 4 Aetliinly Bi LTE Pitt, Lue Ack. toate TINSACHIAN IPRAGEGHIDENN fp lowe). Ez Mirus Meats ties A founds: Covert, a2 She, Peete) a. he Clatrlin Lacerta frees hee Ib. Ax ths Vniteck frescr corm. Ach Seale, Ah SN ‘Oh CRE XT FRINGENYAGO | | INIVGI PosvIr: | ea eV | SKMOX « | | t : ca hn be ECV by (| Pa K 3) JDISE\ IER: AER oe PRANA | ERIA satiee, P2 SEA Stir ion We PEHAS We, nd ee 17. Rbrnac a a) OO (Sefeelelinal RGor-. Icttw po bitevia Lorne. S ae enae | SYPHAX NYMIDIAEREX | A-SCPIONE-AFRCIVRBILCAVSA’ | UL PROMANRIVMPH-SVMORNY CAPTIVS PERDYCTVS SVPREM B CLAVSIT ETATIS-ANN XLVIL-MVi-BXI CAPTIVITSV: OBRVT PC-SCPIG-CONDITO SEPYL Ad be, 18. Toa a6 ae Abe Hed, Ack tent, Yen fet ope Ital. 2 2 A fat — ér2.6s by 20. T0e2 robe Ce S ie i = ‘* ‘neey wenn comsne is fe preenarey 1 Gam mn OPV Oe a aaa FL SAAN gl Cibr 7 gf) wrerpiag thas poy eng? oy ‘eteaoy entu gpa aa Ng Ser a te aS ee om RS z2 ALM. S pute/Ostccte) " Dervapegy pe ~wvmemagg Ty ente pfores pore Ge ly 7 ED Ed FET LR EE Gane OE sepia POP GL 2D Ly | ACaedftowe i Atos. Ze Aires eveon ). GE, USS ee Law ig a Arca = An Cao, 4c £224 Pls. Oy PAX AETERNAZ I \ EMPLOPVIT AW TARCIN RVPLAVRENTIVS WAG BE eT na a PEIN 2 aah pooremne 2772 ae = SS CPL SY ORK LE Ora en oe ALOE ALL? 7, Send tly E leach To Fhe ba. 2:3 awe, 4p Le % ade % ZZ, Vite. > 7 Ard 28, a Wee pods pee ee Cac rco a omasy Eonex ph png yh you) WY ps Lif ney n4 ER ea 4 eae ets efor: Bee el aii jee eee | § { ‘ap ear Gan meay* Orr ph pry wet ey ee ve pote foo wr 7 A Tah a Jancephapas. S Opertlusare vis ate, Hatinna? eee Ya fete ripe Jha £;. L?. Ii ae S. Opelliimre ay Lafre, Maveuna, Srcl Seale ~ Ju full tige, Jlely. Am hm hm 2 (OV. GrOVOVOM oaprmenemaresshinhifat etranmpaanrnowynE ee QOOOG z Cz re or a et i re oe Fisthe, 30. Habs, Fae 4 Dyeligna. [ S. Stifars) 2. Wihias [tm Me pert ofa tamed Cloarek / 1 Heme. (LS. Grvann e Fart.) Peden AGMUAVELSS: ICEDS TAVRE Eas & N n bh i Jeet aa, J. a 12.3.9. Fiecee, {ballin 1. td age. ASC Cb pws» fortenen by a ad cme. Li Gh. CathDenl, Eads & (Pr bepma Atec7 x0), GEA Grn ds 3d. = d, Ciaran CAF \y Yop ¢ fate Pages ia | | Jerid, Cand), od dec: WGC At Peggle, (tht, - Mrthitay , Bate Ae hen Waker, fetllin beta) 1. 9. OlaudS Styne at Cob iud. Ve Vie Med. / Lies Ef at raddow, Aa . ie Ata Fach. seats . Gufter at Mine beehact, Sehr, Kg Sr’ as 5 Bho, y vi ee ara WIS CE | SAV Gee 1 NG Se YPx va vb & : LL [ Egle. deta. (2. Bulifprt. (utethcw, Te KiAnendrne, iiplirshue ty. Whiff hares, iif lithe SOSlane Sete (00S Chnag , Putithe. Jerrw. sn Ke PE any ar re, le. Gaagrd, Durkan. Lh er fs, Vi ie Por), ols be AKL. 40. Fiales Zi Mavdyre tis UPd bop pen O PovminG at Merrlien ners af beat (1479) 2. Didearth Chanck fad, Feith. 3 Lharapydded Preckonocks hei a. So Dag wacld, Ceutaltir hve, SO [6g thayeli, {lame arth. 7. Tegan, Canlpanrkir. hm, Cyr sacod Corem arthinn bene 9. Facithgr nar, flay tins hve - Wa. Verth Fann. fermen G at fu hadar. Anck reek a z Cee7t at fearpaw. = 7 Coa ale Ach rece. To fect heweaslle- BeSpetd thn Crice. Wales. 4 Seckirn, Lvatern. Sele. awrifaws bee | | Azks, Ack sate, EE ONS Pe Lg Re i Eo Se | ates a Ly é oh, Lillard, County Carlow 7 busfree Grargue-na-mana (front) Srtand. HDR Gore ead: three, Unni acurrie. Ulin, Cru NN Ge ico / Y 2 OO Sav Mek Peale Rei i x FEUL IP 9 fore LET Colsuut Vtrajer. ae = ve Lae (Bods teensy vas ta Lonucall, Auch. scale, 9 eB lerfeer ep laad, Es PN i j “reenianasescbirmmtabercananmiaunnccianiaercenat Q a a y \ is = : NY MN < So PT), 2 S \s e aes ee 8 49. y g , e ; x y ; x ; JX | 1 Nal RY 1 dly \f N) 4 { XN {Ss Y | ‘ } -Z, Jhir Za 5, Aloud. bisfe at Mlttbele's peor. nthe | * <4 i 3 Aaa x + 3 Ss ey x SS § ‘ : NS : Q 4 ml $ Anche Sents Bucky fatecas,, ae Gir, Bye y Yb Seale ease ay ek senk . 4 Dha A. Sects Shp fot Ife. An aaeas Lg. Fy fe Gre a Watew, Seale . Secterie yn fle sje leafy at Ta if Pr PE Ge re Dekecls Lptez 3) Sasi 10 fet Ath, 3 2 Seat lac) Morland), Pispenend gf Crefe, dy chife Denker. 2. Codie at (Caagpdetle, bys Lh. 3. Dade-slrme G + Afi Aufl, Fiver, » ogy Chains, ao Ack scale, | SS is 5h atta. Sag. Aig Heh) eA “ Oe, ad Set ne Loe (ee ate 1 gai} J 55. ofe at” fEclJatlfeo, Sola. ze 3 T feats € lad 60. Ree i a ale tee Eatiae Sip seats lads at Graft; Cswtertard. plana by FAd nt 6/. Sastlac J. Auk. feats. fecwem 7 ans 44 Like. if bef al- Wlete Ay Chae, Auch Sen. 6 al [hh dalirn, “day. P C27 re = : J Sestesic, ewe atl, lebentand., BIR Ghee glade Van tach Sent, een NOT ORE A Ae et IT = pcmcia eens ee creer cn ARNE LION SOLE B EL CMEC Le ge paecpettes ao nail : a Ke phe nets (tee Pa Ahaudon, ede Oops ah lox elunel. 67. badft ob Sriry, Htrrmady. fuck, seals twee Zz Feat fe ; n i N y s N N . Date Cute at bathe, Lb. Sey lend Sint unt. Fook Str Steere lex. , Horta. line bee. nck teak, 4 Ot Nau ccbry , kin erts hare, D2, (PE Se brey, Cre bpood), Jack, ceale Uy fort tije Idacls. T2aee Wea Sy Hime Gar fhee : 4 a ak + NN yas IER WA G2aedy 1 AL heats’. a Si a ae 5 t , ep ; | ; ( xy = ® ee, 3 ws nos 4 on hy, der loreuvall. ym Sy. ie ty * A oth OLS Weel paren bt Beit land. ¢ Laetiener ni Lh sealer Hs , loffs as yl ded. & lt Fb... a Lshauphott (272 L, Arveke Seats wf Maaw. aye at f AG i ie Axed | és cal 72 Feacce. 76 , (porate. A ¢ fas lec epensherale oo Sle pisces ck x 73 Mla, May bah Seabs. GUO cee. bw Spe Cf Tanceg , CFO= In. Tien, : ee PPP Pe) yo Wake, Ven Yaw ack 7 3k poer~ 6207 ae vA aka ‘ Hee oe Peet moh de, Re x | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | i | | i Au, b, GZ 7%. Oxf ne Aap le, SE PPB PS léges. Toles tere. Locke, whet pu eh TD, for Seed aod en fe, 78, ) 25F, f2 67. / LDL CIDE, GH ———— (ae Syn. lr BeahaZ, Eten, 4. fateh Ack ac) 2 fads Then werk where 2-6 hee poor» Vhs werforationr Aare ftom of porated 3 fat 2 Cthidit belered 6K. fort flo bib, Sylrk Vedilecc, i bed 1 Syl. Verbs. Wnrchenler Catt Dat , Late, Chau . (= Fachech / Tach Seale, a co va a 2 3 Apt Addi, Cond Bd ez Vert t Poa, ¢Baphe de Betta paudtrhsidius g Llosa Metemrcla Abbe, te. Jig fecre dehaite , Ache ten Tat. slab (feat Gemma He. AS bcherlars ee Aba, gs ap ep ses Ye lows <0 rasta Ont vty * wore he ef Hf, acca ata Tou Hh fisw-pses/ enegy 20 reg ty yyy, ome 82, =e EL Ie, GAadtear, Mpg llt lad, Stetla. Mie Sorts. Fach, Stale, Comm Fermey sap orp Chea fnoeese OT 79 | polesng yrvene m1 IPE eee: | | | x BY en pee ep Mad te Ir pay neorby ban rel rKp ray 5 yy, Tad iano oaarcoe aerate nner 85. Syon2 Flatter Tp, Clayweth tw Wat Te Mum frar, Plljeerllanme flo) ISA) 00) Beene, hoi trip Ack seat. (2. 6 $s asad fe eee wee ica < *4 aa OLN eeweey poet, Bhp ey “ZEhe Sapp rte Soy prep py Ly aed SS % 2 g NEED GALS fei GLE GD Bee obey Dye y pen mg CA" zy 7h PA wer mney _preze Ly POY LY fT? By p-o » Peper Lap rrce al GA EL, 4 Der ey OMT LY SF PRY-RY Lr, we seceeray aope7 Soper en) pe Sermz ZY, CELE EG Eph LEE TG CRE Soy ! i | D OORT DE LIGI, LS a ye A op 77, =) Berea aEex27 eines BOM fae “29 7927,,2 SSS a ay Deo akene Termes ee | " Preng re aia ZAPe D007 E72 OH, | r 92: ily _ Ge PxViek 9.1 Bea. hark Goa Drmcen. Ozielinn Veg eh sent. MMMM Up LL = Ve, Flaky. Jr hecr@ Beceay ota, A Me Cortota nar Hence. Tha wore F Axdue Acapa. Yip serch sent. ie idol an W A AaNTTLES | Dawe PRIVS & TANGY A QRADA SY 0 GRY: m: a ER AST CE ADM, 9S. Io doye Puivhele Ihtroc tive. , ‘ SS ferraune ¢ bats, be Afi. 12 pe 4 96. Verclentpo i Vor, Pence , 2¢ Ce Bee Lo iS a GETV But € ot S: Lee Gece lo Ce. Jeo Bele. Caz ft fis Loc hy | 4 fect % ‘sy wots pap many ey py ron Hh CY, Ep prey ' POD wey ry Parkg x Lee a ae LEO ad he ~ Dovmeeepreg at ae eae a a ee CO PLL LY GRUMPY YO A ie — Sa ies nena RRS en Pa ns a yO. 100. T3s yoae yn thin re tory ‘ary YY foil DEW) STXNNIX ‘aif OTL IS Parc * : {ECOGH: arrovo' ABRBASIS! 4h 7 k SY ; ees a A Sa i y } g RY RS ee a eee We s ptt uw OLE A) UIE WE corre tay meansy go 7 ‘CUPL BE SESE DE SESE SESE I Cee EE AS as CEMENTS 104. ae Can Deke Z Litt. Cesc0 Hb bes, 3. lla Kaw, te. Gecitperd) Ack Peete. t br a) Art Ar SP CISWK:DAYE HiNk: (IDOCEDEBVELRGP OVE £11299 Ste Jord ea peas rey aad & A IESG? ‘9 eh) EP eT ag) he OD Tay Key 7 6 z erpcueS yey Comer Fras 7 | © = Pearce, /, Panriun Vpnlwe ONE CPE ren UE ay War ep ~ « Late. 3 ied Seal . 107. Whglrle, Lercrtaskir. ese. lett borevphe, Mine Ghocvitere, A sani SE ses Checker Cathedial thetilere 108. I eed rg £ 2 ’ e g = RVAGOVR { ™ Aue 5 “pyety /F SEAS EEA ee BE OS ee Cee ai lyre peas / SLY eae ioe Y) 109. Dpleak Hiles ] SL Ges Pe MbIDNau., Detgp ha bn, Fagtuced fom Clean, Flatshine, | | | (Brodie, Eras aN © | \ 7 é fv on as ms =~ 2, LQ CS ey ee = { | i = Milford Ai eae cd 170. many He el nf — mover pays Read pee orgy Cesare rrpegepraye atone fh apoprry °/ GE fecireg (Ciilk UES, Wales. ck Sead a> Jt fre rage. Zr A~ Desig =| WOES ad Set ee AA all EN ees c 2 Rae Pa ES ‘412% rhe 19+ ty, Cre 3s pom russmity poy Seory oy BE UGE PY We. 4 Af Leragee, ee Fier 2 Gelinas » ee A eccrn (Afr ean lin 26) het Sen Zo Sa £5 AVAV AY, dis? da bY a” fel L (Brecon. Wrnt4. Si pltdegle HELE, Oe ee Le pot the secTia, Aye EZ lhe [tei ere f t G! Sa Gc cae ao ee Oringry/ my Srgeg a op mesriy cry fees 6% aa ee ee copy rye 116. DAE, aaa Nay eae o Sep eee ee, } ohn wy np ta x hon rgb 4 a Pee i) i Y Pes ep p H & by weaon eS weer Cory pene rg 30 emma ay aay, VW) € Sew Xe te C D ponte OWN: ee t ‘ ds Saas: Seat ce ee ce 3&7 ORAL MAI PLEAS) o ch Seale a 42a? Behe Dubey a a EO. ——S : —— — 118. —$——$—<$—<———— —- Bl oem tie et Ps REMI EM (2: Ly SLoowAy-s.) chi |, POD AIAG!) 119. — by lad. Slabs fur §. (eed, Cunbertand, Juche Sate Vag fot tpe debacle. 720. joe ea Pane et Ss a Fat = ose 4 AS ANA Ty Bere “ny pp ied SEO EPL S FUG Ory E sremyy ue Snrrny yh pmo yw Gyr erfas wang povayy 2 IIe GEL EGE yy ULL GEE, J DU ic ates ISUBOUNDIWS Sates UB DDH ENA VROR DAML MCAT AC ARON GTN IE Gon OHI: Siv aon y ARTO-ONI- OU LLO-CCC- ILDIGXVIEMANSI i i SOUW-OBUTTIOBHA fi f Jack scale, 122. Lassen EZ Meise) sibel, rie (tice) af Chibtrwd te uarne, Dea nfr# 339, FOL GISe-Takanvee Mk L142 IND WO pO WES SESW T- WIS VAS OU. OME TP WSSVSDMD (ATU AAVYD BCU IS UAT BT SHWE DDD UW OS LS 19-1 Sich. tent. Ma wrest) leas borra fal diurp. tate dug: tu), OO Fortes Vy Llowe Crtrnne tes eee tek 143. lad) France | & ft VAck Scale. Mannie) slabs. & 1. FT. Mews, Wlbeted bo Abbyt 6 POV SAME PUCNCSIE GY becPan, Lia crbies beice., fi bach taartil. $2 tuithery Teck) [deid 12: a Merve 0 Uetinct 3 bet Brthar, htierleg fui. [ buthus salt Gant), 2. At bs Mian re S DX DUDO: ne OXF Haig OES AIDOW DTI RISD z 5 = ae een ne re ay Rue: oc | | | | | | 4 | a Lae eee | Te EDOC AC IRIS] | ) | a OY | \ : i seaueysseevescesssssseecss ExIILS Ia a we Lees RECRUITER CEUs Cie hee er wencerurecumad . Le J : P8006 0 aPa eda S0-en ae-o cal a ] @) a \ xara eo M5 Was YG999-0-0-0-9-009-0.¢.0:89:0.0-% | nienaniananiad ay i veFLEnustonis(aneupeysqeusrErererssate sc ¥e3 aba ethedent, Teta Unctted) Mabe VEERG Vvats. Ah seat, g 728. Hab will Iulag, Tha Cathidrak, Fes Tes nck seae “| Mh CorBopa., tumr Florence, Slade tw tellin with: bribery, albabcke) O2caria, PE path Hy SoOwwad Wo UNWO! OBI LOTR DOMUNE LPL F 1é. cn ac ee 5 { A WHPEOU STO WLUBY ONL p I SAC ILE ous npaudd Bo $l nud BURSU a= 0 S BIND pO ee MG} 20H ACGIH MID O1 ae) SINOA! WO WAS eT VE taneesco Je Ahercs Paki.’ Hank fA eae ecses, Tach, scale Lid im é B8i8t tld SAe-| 4p fo 728. 4 a Laat slad~ onlay fordam to 2rzccee to taeda Mb oti ce. Kuck of 6 boce Fl Ince. Ack Seale Yep fret x, if Ji nS Ad r Fas ee a Tee te vf Ol. Sat , 4 Aart hoe Ilan t. (ie Pott rg ov Ack Sne. ] IW: () dIHOdWA SUNS It 130. EOLOGO SAP: LuONARDO MAN &% GENERALL CAR, oe B MRO \CITER LX OP CIR Pp VIXTIEANN THEOLOGO EXIMIO ACV LIN PERITISS PER OMKES FRAEDIR. JOACHINO TVBRIANO VE ASSVMPTO ORDO PREDI ORNIS DIGNITAT: Grave slats wo. the Chunek fd Vania dire Manin, ferme Do Gtevacthine Wrtriaui avi hovade Mauss. Macks Dolhstetp. Li v HAM, m4 131. Le. ha Yue ke xe B.S CSA, 7 YO? PE i) Yup fect tye ee ay i a “a9 SPAN t Fy W fie ek p A 4 ¢ Foal el 3/9 « Aoth did t Lt Si Hes) LT a = om | el g fe fore ] 132 TAX O00 W | ANVELSN19 SINO IOWA NV XVW LNOd IAW WAIWAIAON DI NVXIA} WACO LIAN A MIVSIDTIO NTTAS Od SMIWINIVNA. WW TI Wd VW d NYWOU | WAMOWRIATA OLOWE i Avd- MHOW. NOO -WAOIS.E: AVITI-LLIW- rea poy; mY 2 peep ry Le “6 EE PLLA AD Te pb rn pray ery oh 7 Gy iar 133. 134 el of omg a : -retey ~Lop7 yi tg we ae Aea8e | 135. Gorm By [as fe vhech Crake | We SDDOD) “JANI SSE ‘hes pen hy ~ en osm Leprgy <4.4, A fal | 136. ek. Ve ey) AL hee: a Urant lta een [ferdy fo ee C. 7, oe a 4 Hy oi ——— Metin as io 12) fT, faenee, y 137. “STZ. Cece (EEE: Pcl, Dane Menten. yale Ele 2 Peck Seah. Ba Serres = ag te. 4 fal m5 | 138, Vi IES LE, Ar Me CaePea€, GCL: Arch Stale Za Ge ope econ, | |B x tuner a somo ere ESL ET “a 6 ry 137. }@att Sate } & » : N \ @ oe et kh.0, a o OMECALP Tee REZIVeOiVsossioapn: 2S OACEHTARPC OPFREROH -( Sear o o SSS ee ee eae — eae DIOTSe 17) | este area de Hap Teach /4#7. Male . £2. be Sb S. france Bee eee 5. Si Stefan, Btbpna. 6. g- fo. lane Sante, (75H, 12. S. fare, (Pen, [SPBaRI Koc ra IPD ORSPACCISE ODS) -ANOX Arch toate. fhe fold sige ieitltie aa onGOR. haves e ‘pin rcen, : PICO PEEL IO 'ASHAVIOAVIDEIOA! — AUDEN MEREADS »=—SANTONIILEORA RDEDIMACNARSAD| ——TRDILIVIBSANVS} EFAOVES i \ oe ACOSTME geet, CFL! JOR ERED Td SASAHINVI TVA VLINGOLSCINTIVEIIWOTT & 7. oo a =f ms BARTHOMFOMGRL, Pros "SEPOTVRADFRANESGODE ROHWENIES i j = IERODMSORNEGAICHO‘E VTEINGENTO: Fi RE] Be Se JUNE PLAROSARIV OBI at ie Te. FBPISDEMNOVE és Saee j \s 722 ™ rh | AED BGT A Samia sie hae et §. 9. S brava Anes, Plreer. Tin a. Sic pre Pre PyEE), oti Libis, 2 ( va fv as S43, Yep fr aw he OPER Os. i 2 144, iE Geyer (Coy nd Pip Sore atis (Caen, Nag Dat loa Bet 3S Ly oe PA NLENELE : g Aza. | Gata Clats. 5 Gerged Kugel PORX> 07 Ceey Leh MQAT\ VINCE TT: sofiees | a ) ad bith ues if ac : yk & y = Noe, nt DV. CTRESNOBLESHIG ee am oe ON | DEWILTONCHLRDV:- TRESNOBLE-ORDREDE | LATARRETIERE?'V "TENSTAILEAWYNDESOR | | LE‘T7IOVR* DE-IVIN «.LAN +. 30232249» * Ainge | Lz 2 =e zs — 7 ~ OT 2 Sea 5 OP RT EE Sousa 146. GME Gres Dee yore Kh fart Se, Pri flee, Plt ocs,, Posy PGND POP ea) Ke AeG | 43. Lhe Cag fil Maconge Ee, 2,4. Se So, Le Sb J Anke Freres, Loma, PIPE Gr Cnn ICSITE TENVISTUPGRSIAPROIS! _CORKAGINATVSVRESTIRASONAE\AE| Hh 1CATHOUGA:FIDEICVI ORPROBINEDFGR! ICONSITOAVN'STVSREITIGIONENVMANE SYPRORISCRO! AGVBERN'S) | IAPAMYDECYS < ae 4 fae Cees 2 Z pepo file an immmenemnmmncmmemmmememeeeee 28 147. Ik8. Yor eae cy Ke LOZ. a PPE a, COPA BD zs A Clare a Pigg oeitoe Ab IC0AA, secag— OVE fren o Z art -~- PLA rE CF ee aceon cee ere eee rece afl Sr 169. Fs Miphaw. Cera. | Po 105 thovb , berth inf batho (nek Seat (ela tg Fe ; | | vue oman RES PRIUPYSOUANVERE | gorpeiion imogaRNIise: ISAACORDUAMIARE | ORGWHOITA A. A | rp j “fe ee . a Fag Ape Pee. ae ee S| 2 : 2 3 Anfue Atty t i Sd 49. ACE) Lois: PRI IPSS. j { A! aa | 2 i 2 t 2 Aet.e~ “é Err th =k Sa <= cue eeaaies = SEE ar Lag land. Wall Tatlhy HE frame Ke Parc, Church Clafipentans, ditisba, Auch Sat. 1) Yip poalt rye rchizra, O Fee eter O| iY. et veh TY GENT Seay, PN ee peer te OES. iy ve ELSES BY RGESSE OFTHES ie ee : ial we is : L x i ‘SYRSIRE FA MAVET SEDER FTN AS REWORTHY NONE OGNIe HPTHSREROKL-CONSVMING TM HALL ARCAR, AND WIPE OVESEARCH FAVES RECORSTISTH SGN — —_—— Fare iz AAI Re earner awa oars OD | [FHIS LIFE ONTHE ST". ADC S7 AT hob Pre GB fowe, tack SLB Farid) ons7 ball Sete Laat are, 2 2 3 Apt Att. a ———— — — —— = a 15). 4 2 Si fears oe (Alec by 4A. So WrPGfit, "rs tree. cae a 6 Penn A Aas, ALE Ack ten (Seeker BR fp futt ge) CHAVC 1% ¢. pELAVASBVILT gia BEVEY \ ear MisMacetycth <" i ee oF Athos i Carncty whopePe arte i seine rs z the 23 of Mavéh 367.8 Ageds RDS DEPARTED a THIS UPEN 24) 4 DEADE WHICH DI | AUN THE LORD frovria| i i) THE PIGHTEOVSE | I sel Bia) TAD Ls fit bh Won tetas lac), LOnbee, (Sea heafe, opt nde, Marre on. Co Met, ucdd baer). Aivkircale O Jha gicte rage eke BA_R’CL Ms, Bucom Cierze, Lack. Sak, & Ze z J. tat ra inane satan HIS 158. [ lijlaad. Diente T00t Via eflf Lhectle~ Cilla, TRL Gee, | | i f i sree Se anarrs rae acu.) . TF eedn. Glen Caged ene aCe YoU and. , ye 1885, by bd s Pie, DD Mtctesecneet- +0 chard tls, ck tale S herpes Gagt, Widar, Lee fetati oe, Si Sauerurs, Stew ink. Dak att CEI, ferged Hutt li ticdrgy- Pa bert SbF Ln, V5 SVM TEI 7, ¥§, 156. Arenaunobe, S, Heangarte wack, Metlaciler. Auch scale. Chacter, Pax Re Ficrnent ty (lan che Huh, funttotrnuan of Gustin Sezabelt! Arar hee ee ee, f C ee LP open Com wyZ CGO BANE 79777 pH Igy Sg NEN LOG COLE LEE) Us eB 158. wey ey o2er7 2999 ns FEL GIT eS (tenes bag, ay liga of PM. TUDITH CARY departed ye Life of “ytomall Pox arch AU WIE in y? of Her Age’ and tie interrd near y? Place } by Her lather y? REU? FD WARD LQ) Z| CARY ¢_ Clovelly | bh Ge in the County “ ri f_ f& DDUON i | | Enected te Her meyi dy RY {@ ; : i Her Fiend+ | } PAI ice Hi tv He Veu ne i + DAMP, | jh Sari aaa Mother of the above (arc ‘She: dyra tie 2g aay I. ANNE, CHESSHYRE zi tie il SE DM heigapern Lijec PARI Painftitl Sicktir HVEGALE Const Hore retfs.aWenati. Coed untheotTretoace, dN Biesticith [tain Keto deville sobre Spx Ss copies she tub oFe AerSelf desired Ao Lichs ofsayed helnot b be adinired a Pride were B her Soul anhisepin. ch that biplar sly 13 exy-osart So llnafpeetd. 5» Ginypestd «° Wiied bo firme, yrt sopttestrong yet sorcfinid \% Hoar asf Fares? Cold ty Tartyre try \ Saunt sostatn ed Hf, feb ihe Boman yl ieth-alSoinbéee'd ihe Body of fie Right: Hontitthe kady Zizanea Ho: dughter of JAMES Cecit la te FAA L of SAL. who diet a (arGeey, She ives fs nied to SMe aA Le CORBETT Barthee &: Cnances Hoty An of tCeynty of Yorn: Bact u é This Monupeénwas flinehid Wy hep Sone S! RrewAnd Canary Br a wai Eas 160. [ Set, Sttd- forsnirbs 1 S Gercrnee Je Spay’, Keine, tur at fonder. Mack Sotw, Drntte te canal ZO AT po rE WR PE inert sted cuitenet Autres deaths “ies ie rey ne Rie acini anane are Ries Serco CBR Me nes nea peut bods Qasmin > ase Mist ae ee Candies netitiar af Lene Re inte Bot ves nek Et teen pane Unt Pera gad Rieviae dae atv (i tebe | choy Beve tae LEMS TEM Hae, far ere hol tee Cheba pit Tie PA RA sae ThE “wy Deeb HaPeAG Het pucgdagbde Mika yee P is Ge? De Pie Ne ae Cie Aa engi me Vette ¢ GNI ms Sibae ity Fie Naboo i one tee Lbs pte Amis foe Nias 4 e z es vé H eet == cree lal y j | ) i ) 1 | S ry we ! | é ‘ e : wile ! i oon sy WY aS 162. Seelae Log fort 2g attesereen tet Aicdnlicd [aw 0 AMV Chace Toa Ae con) oy N 4 N } Nt Aatint ltdd ane CHe) wefe Ola, dA Cea faint 66 ab nf — Lk Retth. At ad &4 | 163. a4 a. Cylon onpmnyss (pth A ea Ed Stirs lage MSI, 1 "TY SED FE Ne ae sop Steer eae Ye) | He Soe ot Lay ~ Gra Gi “DEH SS orn gloine “pemngg Sy crea ? apr LY AHL 3 WUE AG t2 772 a a ‘ a eB ies A i pope | 164, 8 Jets) ofve. Sark Si aye Gowrk, Net Le Si. Jolin O vo f bye). 165. = Fie SS ae | | | f CEL ay, Ue Ze A ey BSS ¥e. Micd ees, 767. &AL, Da a WEAWASACT “TEs 19) wiwkece ke) Wes Ce | q | | : | ray mommy las orn 0 Praag 9 up GE ELE IS GE Nad i meyer Tray pie) og \ | a FF “yee yey wuby a tac wifes ty j “preeugeas Io Ee bf, | ze 770. WEY IAOAIMESNAIO" TORLEVY La ISNT ie ant TaVt DUTRONO CBD IDC TLANNS TAL DUYSLSTTNGOM ET TIEN WA TAWAD-ATTALNOD SUNMLINT ST TWWISCONMY LT WAL NWI SYLIMOE W DN ANT. ONVINGH GAdY SAEAD OLLDNIWIMOTS WALI vevavavayeava vavavay avers per 7H veney cpp ey ony oo A pe "i Ad EYE) OE Zz a Spates, Dattvmin’ Ve Jaane tetencs thhrkrie Ghenrck f Stearn dt Sifts, lorue. Ack tae. MARCO ANTONI EQVITIS ROMAN | (€ FIT OQEXNOBIT] ALBERTORVM FAMILIA: f CORPORE ANIMO QINSIGNI ‘ QVI ANNVM. AGENS XxX PESTE INGVINABIA INTEBQIT AN SALVYTIS CHRISTIANAE M CCCC LXXXV_ DIE. XXILIVLII abe RO De Seapy INae We 172, fOr ia | Ir Gternied Ctleg ar Gouel ke f (Chas, se] | | A. Ma Sacrevtiy ffl Ahaned Z | So haarn det (Opirlr hire Ya, dates Stale, > Ey 5 a § ‘ PROS TS AOR ENCE TTC RC Ae ee aes cz, By) pee, mh w¥ee 2 211209 WHILE Of, \ Ser | 17% | aly. ay = } Ie Cardinal Toelaguinra, S. Crab i. Fiactecin, Mowe, 1 | Th woke f Ieee ba. Pivot, | Le los fe ee Came eae Tee estate, ee uy VAL F | HINY aa TEA DOMI IN SENTUENTT ee ANIMLEST H? eee a D+XUH- M CCl ———— ae == 1%. br f S dgetae, Khe, Ae the Lleei [Prvmerly oH. Cawrche /) ene Orlane a Ve crlotncid. EE, Buck. State Cie eo aeons Be ile 2 gee “a4 4.0 Bese. OE oe ie 2 DbESs5 lm eaee HS am 8 VEINS 7h Soya he Be BC 8g EC Fler ee ec AgK Ss hee aah Ate aes 1 eS SS By abe # o @R 9 ak Dae eS 226 SA I Lf OX. M. CCCC 1 116, Jtaby . ay a [Pnresy, D AEMILIAE PAV IVOHSSABE! O M LOMELLINAE: ANCERT LT : RI i MP OBIT TUGNANI UX -KAL.. SEP CIdID XC vA EZZA WACNGHI ¥V ANS oe ELL LIWAGE NON, © WELW, AN-ORDILIO} 7 O- HOU VS “Tr Fone wey 77 Ip yd png robes _rusrrh 4, -7 reerepy ‘emmy notin mony pp pang sendagy meer ap 7 | 178. i i | w d 3 te ; , X i : oe ae d | tire —_—__—_— : j > SS eee OOO Oa omm de mL CVRAVET J EPER CORLVQ | ASCEDERE, -LECTGR HIC BONA-DYAT EVERIS VITA. SIT ATO FIDES |HQVORMAOR TL RAPVIVIN Teo ee 780. pe ee ee ae IS A SION PT REE IE EIRENE SEATED IE IEEE RO op went rpengy fie PE BBT IL 787. 4c, on 4 ‘4 $ . gis WS 2 Mi pet ga detects. | Yep eck seate, LEB) z: DB afb. f & flee a 182. Wecnment- ty Sir, Trrsat BileacSrae le bid 1835 htt, Ries. Ah se. ale. Ae thre ae, ee Darts Metlwinsler Vehiae “ol front Kevaber, coe hae Biel? laudattnn, thath he wbed pelfe Merve of Placl oer f 183. Ait by, je e ra 5 { 4 | ¥ & : S | : id 4 | Ae il | ih AS Sot . ; HL = a ee vi CS Rg | ere a NCL AAR SORTED Ah 184. PEE SEE 2 hp fate bac, 4 shee, me iz 2 he IS BELIEVED TOBE THE WORKOF “PIETROTORRIGIANO, THE FIGVRE, “TRE Bo) SII ea i) H) THEMONVMENT-_-- | B wee JT EATNY. ETRIALS) Fy) be pak 185. PA A. t t 186, A Gee | Horxecen. J farcdvec ele ay Prary. Te y r F&F 3, Ka arte 1p Gtacccesto Ie S. Hvac? Vo 4 Hoty, Buel. seal | Gin Vikg Martine, eempe ) ober exes Seitbete é¢ facteg. Figs FELEEE EEET EES ESS DILESCZGS COZENS was SESBS pulecesscees fg O59: I ks & ate, | SSA Ack seme Yan fel rye Delacte. =) oo". Bay EA) oes CIE ILEAE,. UEDA. MIMIC: CH NIWA TANITA Tegecencelt hk Lanes! Ny pel SE SO ZS ORICA BRS BEI Ce iG er 170. yl d. Weadn tenes 42.3.9. Pian hin Tits Bical prod, cdo, , BILE Fiat”, near Feat eden helt, 2 Mijphan Terres, Aa hang fas ho mes LEVIS, & = Ack reat 6 fig feet age Seelam, De 3 Lxged IY. ~— & e nee = 192. wry 1 ei 1H 173. MWiadolees. £ Eva land. Le. pa, VIP EEE Sy Lien cer thar lace. 8. bincitn, Paforbrhuw 4 FG. SLE CW, ua Phen ming Aiefeehs haw, 6 AtrsTie, ile ee Narles, oe 6 e "4 2 3 Mn fet hele, 19%. Syl. PoE PALO, Cs Pen. Bo CPI Si Jamee’, Chorin Ll . © S\ brary Who, leet EGE, Gee, ' UA fA Pye Shem. Arley 3 . Cn NBER SV ee NE N72 Sede. hee NER’ Z Wayhin ca ~ \Ge Wee Sam Sie “2 o 2 4 BAIR corurt lah 794 rye Someta '¢ / am en barge ye as ‘emeregy mre SZeYy Ces : Sexyropntany 7 7 fee yk) replay ap pybusagy — Yarn. Cafe Winget Aty ehtee iz Petsceties of G- Gelber Setl- by tat tart FL» Maoedadan). 4 Uh as fnvcat- Gf Sikece. rear Hevehovtalt. “ Dike Us. Gb, Oe Mh Soe Vleet whic Pfate 13s defeats pelt), [eave 197. Gorman Come Ged fee, (Cred) Grad Druck, Baden. Tuck, Scale . istlion , 2 petits BER IST IN *HLA RIEN TV GENT SANIS | GOTT SERL GES fe \ TOTES ABO VINE. Ne PRAW i X od &e ANKA : i IPH. CREINZINLS nN AVCH-ASNOI772 DEN ZOLEN. 7198. os We Ni % RN oy wee = = Scere neers re — 1 Nene cor SC LIN Mh os ie aVVOR |: 199, ca haa 4 a ape poy pyr Speen prom ss 2 LA ee Ee ge SE ALD Pee ey, eee. 200 purypuy TROY > pie A AIINMWLE NIN 4 a4 2s a HOEAGM ZOE jo i] ‘| 9732s pone (PLLY mete sp ere 72 up Goad / aapen mony pps ¢ (opr rp) ore 9 z ares ee z~Fey pobeal's rpg eee ey) 7) rer 97 GG UD AP ETP eaoy pep) wate Es roms 1} Tope 202. 203. ee har ch-g ad) Farto, LA loa dew. 4 40 fervde hile Li LE Girth a ane made “IE, Pir Fh ae Age hain t j Laer soa cP igh ROARS, etme B SaeTk, 20h. [ 2.22 dt hiigier han. . Vrch a We Eleweckn gard Theh Stenb_ Pieptivge Ilaets. raethe 5 I PP3 wot wy aeinchaltes ts Souths. Re POA TRICO got Be wpeufiher— 205. fylad. Kon cha g aed Toit Lage Gees Peyete ope Ietect. i ies a [ . ae PG mood po See ar ire 5 ata Dir ppd ee S| Sean Jone : Mea oe \, Sint eos : : aaa __ aves Mirthe Casorche, Hesucfstea) H Tid ro Clenrck-fae) | Atett (eal lant ft Taj lal: yt emai ae ar Pr Ard, ’ SN nia Morte Meds eeu filezed 2 é e ’ a 3 4s fe : eee Sst £ 1 es ee fe eee eel cae = 207 irae acdollmas A MEI. baste Toa tu hack pad. SS tin, Vane Het Buck Scat, | Moule is rc Car), Leadon £C. 408 Fuck scale, SPICE E{y") “ORD CASTIESaine| Pescupliern, (acetl fas sde, 209. Evanfpled mn Stra baater, [aeeernases Wag 2eml £Gp~» CO0.G. Bak fos. 2. sacpataa caccaae i Nace pence catersecets z rN lin taus bb es. —~ Z oes, KER | . H i } } | ; | ' t x fee Gf Us Scene Jat. tad Patines slam Chard 123 Camb, eee aanensteenesre see ae mn nervenen nr an rn — ve [Sg era ceunecnec BRS ec aS SAN ssc ; A & _ >A @ a AY habe — cAsea, Biaco. aol | mer Se : hee en LG IPD Sra aufgiiig, MIBCDEIGH. TRIE VOP| ORSTOULYE. 0 abedlefg Z eat “a Lire 100 05: ‘fod defi f I c a fal. MDCLXXXIV/Etat U@XXXVL a9. a, | ES Wy “Qe THE Roya The Most Reverend His Grace the Lorp His Grace the DuKE oF WesrMINSTER, K.G., F.R The Right Honourable the Earn or Browniow. The Right Honourable Lorp Viscount Hair. The Right Honourable Lapy Baroness BuRDE The Right Reverend the Lorp Bisnop or LicHFieLp. The Right Reverend the late Henry Correritt, D.D., Bishop of Edinburgh. The Right Honourable Henry Cuapiin, Esq., M.P. Sir H. B. Bacon, Bart., F.s Sir Wa Rock Str FREDERICK LEIGHTON, Bart., R.A. The Very Reverend the Dean or CANTERBURY. The Very Reverend the DE The Very Reverend the Dr The Right Reverend the Lorp Bisuop or Sr. Davips. | A., Gainsborough. | E FARQUHAR, Bart. N OF St. Davips. oF CHES’ N OF EDINBURGH. | The Very Reverend the late J. S. Howson, D.D., Dean of Chester. | The Reverend Dr. Lrppon, Canon of St. Paul’s. | The Reverend B. Jowett, M.A., Master of Balliol College, Oxford. | L. Atma-TapEma, Esq., R.A., F.S.A., Grove End Road, St. John’s Wood, N.W. Epwarp ArmiracE, Esq., R.A., St. John’s Wood, N.W. Apair, A. C., Esq., Westbank House, Londonderry. Avams, Maurice Bincuam, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Bedford Park, Chiswick. The Very Reverend the I Atmgutst, C., Esq., 28, John Street, Bedford Row. Anperson, Ropert RowanD, Esq., LL.D., Edin., F.R.1.B.A., Edinburgh. Aupstry, GEoRGE AsHpown, Esq., F.R.1.B.A., Chiswick. | Antrosus, The Reverend FREDERICK, The Oratory, London. BARBER, WM. SWINDEN, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Halifax. 3ATTERSON, SEE, and E1seLe, Messrs., 431, Eleventh Avenue, New York. BetcuHeEr, J., Esq., F.R I.B.A., Denmark Hill. BELOoE, E. M., Esq., K' s Lynn. BENNETT, B., Esq., Lewes Road, Brighton. ’ Bisuopp, E. Esq., Ipswich. BLACKL A. W., Esq., St. Mary Church, Torquay. Buanc, Hirrotyrs, J., Esq., F.S.A. Scot., Edinburgh. BuasHILL, T., Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Metropolitan Board of Works. Borteay, L. C. M., Rue du Bac, Paris. Bosvie, Mrs., Thorpe Hall, Bridlington. Bourton, R. L., ., Cheltenham. Bowker and Torrey, Messrs., Boston, U.S.A. | BRIDGEMAN, Ropert, Esq., Lichfield. Brooks, James, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Wellington Street, W.C. Browne, GEORGE WasHINGTON, Esq., Edinburgh. Oxford. s., Kidderminster. Brown, The Reverend F Brown, GEORGE and Son BRUSHFIELD, T. N., Esq., M.D., Budleigh Salterton, Devonshire. SUP RI Sr @sRale Ds sig heor LIBRARY. NTERBURY. Ss: H. H. Armsreap, Esq., R.A., Belgrave Road, S.W. Sir ArtHUR BLomrigetp, M.A., A.R.A., Montagu Place, W. Grorce F 1ck Bopuey, Esq., A.R.A., Park Crescent, Port- land Place, W. Sir Epcar Borum, Bart., R.A., Fulham Road, S.W. ARCHBISHOP OF C E. Burne-Jon Esq., R.A., The Grange, West Kensington. Epwin FresuFiecp, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., Bank Buildings, E.C. The Hon. Mrs. Mey Trent. J. Frercuer Mourrox, Esq., Q.C., F.R.S., Onslow Square, South Kensington. ELL INGRAM, Hoar Cross, Burton-on- A., F.S.A., Mansfield Street, W. isq., M.P., Horton Old Hall, Brad- Joun L. Pearson, Esq., R: Francis SHARP Powel ford, Yorkshire. Ricaarp Norman Suaw, Esq., R.A., Bloomsbury Square, W.C. r, Esq., R.A. (the late), Cavendish GrorcE EDMUND S' Square, W. The Hon. Mrs. James Sruart-Wort ey, 16, Clarges Street, W. Hamo Tuornycrort, Esq., R.A., Melbury Road, W. , F.R.I.B.A., New Cavendish p WATERHOUSE, Esq., R.A Street, W. BuRLISON and Gryits, Messrs., Newman Street, W. Carp, Henry, Esq., Tunbridge Wells. Cares, Artur, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Whitehall Yard. CHAN ., Chelmsford. Cuatwin, J. A., Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Birmingham. CuristiAN, Ewan, Esq., F.R.1.B.A., Whitehall Place. Curisty, ALEXANDER, Esq., Coombe Bank, Kingston-on- Thame LLor, Frep, Esq., F.R.1.B. S.A., Dean’s Yard, Westminster. RKE, Somers, E C Joun R. and Atrrep Bett, Messrs., Regent Street. Cottey, The Reverend RucInatp, Stoneyhurst College. Corts, Hersert, Esq., Camberwell. Cooker, The Reverend Canon WiL11Am, F.S.A., Clifton Place, Sussex Square, W. Corrrer and Co., Messrs., 144, Fifth Avenue, New York. Crane, WALTER, Esq., Beaumont Lodge, Shepherd’s Bush. Creep, Ricarp, Esq., F.R.I.B.A,, Finsbury Circus. Creeny, The Reverend W. Frep, M.A., F.S.A., Norwich. sq.) F Cripps, R., Esq., Bristol. Cripps, SypNey, Esq., Graham Street, N. Crosstey, A. J., Esq., Manchester. CrossLey, JOHN, Esq., Newark-upon-Trent. DAvenporT, Henry, Esq., Woodcroft, Leek. Davipson, D. and A., Messrs., Inverness. Esq., F.R.I.B.A. (the late), Bond Street. Messrs., St. Austell, Cornwall. zy, GEORGE sy and E) ; Downs, Robert, Esq., Denmark Hill. Downs, Wittiam, Esq., Denmark Hill, Earp, Tuomas, Esq., Kennington Road, S.E. Eun, R., Esq., New York. Extiort, C. J., and Sons, Messrs., Ramsgate. Emerson, Wii1am, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., 8, Sanctuary, Westminster. Emtey and Sons, Messrs., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Fapricorti, BERNARDO, Esq., Carrara, Italy. Farrer, W. J., Esq., M.A., A Fawcrtt, Ricuarp, Esq., Wirksworth. FIELDING, Joseru, Esq., Leeds. Fisuer, R. C., Esq., 97, Houston Street, New York. FLockuart, WittiAM, Esq., Old Bond Street. Fiorence, Henry Louis, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Gray’s Inn. Fiower, A. S., Esq., Stanhope Gardens, S.W. Fyre, Joun, Esq., Aberdeen. GaprigL, Jos ., Upper Brook Street. EPH, S., Esq., Lambeth. Garner, T., Esq., Gray’s Inn Square. Garret and Haysom, Messrs., Southampton. Garstin, A., Esq., Monumental Company, Kensal Green. GrorGE, Ernest, and Prro, Messrs., Maddox Street. Gisson, Joun, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., London. Goxpie, Epwarp, Esq., Kensington Square. Gooppy, Cuartes, Esq., Carrara, Italy. Gover, WiLL1AM Sutton, Esq., Denmark Hill. GrirFin, J. Purser, Esq., Rochester. Hatt, Cuartes E., and Co., Messrs., Boston, U.S.A. Hannen, Benj., Esq., 258, Gray’s Inti Road. Hareen, Henry A., Esq., Fellows Road, Hampstead. Harpman, Joun, and Co., Messrs., London. Hart, Son, Pearp, and Co., Messrs., London. Haywoop, Lieut.-Col. Witt1am, F.R.I.B.A., Hamilton Terrace, Regent’s Park, N.W. Heap, Freperick, Mrs., Grosvenor Gardens. Heatey, Frank, Esq., Bradford. HerATHCOTE, CHARLES, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Manchester. Herron, Anprew, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Perth. Hens, Harry, Esq., Exeter. Hitt, Artuur G., Esq., M.A., F.S.A., Hampstead. Hit, Cuarves and Sons, Messrs., Ledbury. Hopces, Cuarves C., Esq., Hexham. Jackson, Tuomas Grauam, Esq., M.A., F.S.A., Nottingham Place, W. James, WILLIAM, Esq., Bond Street. Jenkins, Henry Tozer, Esq., Torquay. Jounson, Rosert J., Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Jones, Francis E., Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Harrow. Jones, W., Esq., Chepstow. KEELING, FREDERICK J., Esq., Colchester. Keen, Arruur, Esq., Cathcart Hill, N. Kemps, C. E., Esq., Nottingham Place, W. Kempson, Freperick R., Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Hereford. Keyser, Cuares C., Esq., M.A., J.P., Bushey, Watford. Kinc, CHares R. Baker, Esq., Spring Gardens, 5.W. Kirson, J. W., Esq., New York, U.S.A. KRaxt, Cart, Esq., 291, Regent Street. Le Brun, Pierre L., Esq., Park Place, New York. Lex, JoHN StiRLING, Esq. (the late), Craven Street, Strand. Leg, THoMAsS STIRLING, Esq., Merton Villa Studio, Chelsea. Esq., Sleaford. Pusiic Lisrary, PETER CowELL, Esq., Libra- Linney, F. D., LiverPooL FREE rian. Lonpon, THe Liprary oF THE Corporation, W. H. OVERALL, Esq., Librarian. Lonpon, THE Art Liprary, Sourn Kensincron Museum R. H. Sopen Smiru, Esq., M.A., Librarian. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS—CONTINUED. Loncspon, ALFRED, Esq., Fairfield House, Denmark Hill. Lovart, Henry, Esq., Wolverhampton. 1 MBE, EpwIn L., Esq., Exeter. H. C. Maxwett, Esq., M.A., F.S McDonatp, ALEXANDER, and Co., Messrs., Aberdeen. McDonatp,, Esq., Aberdeen. Martineau, Epwarp, Esq., F.R.1I.B.A., Weymouth Street, W. Mawson, Ricuarp, Esq., Bradford. Mossman, J. and G., Messrs., Glasgow. Murray, Joun, Esq., F.S.A., Albemarle Street. Narorp, Gustav, Esq., Ennismore Gardens, S.W. ., Portman Square. Nicuotrs, Tuomas, Esq., Wincott Street, Kennington Road. Norton, Joun, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Old Bond Street. Nutr, ALrrep Younc, Esq., Windsor. Osmonp, WILLIAM, Esq., Salisbury. Owen, The Reverend Ricuarp Treyor, M.A., Oswestry. Parry, Epwarp G., Esq., F.R.I.B Lancaster. PapiLLON, The Reverend Joun, F.S.A., Lexden Rectory, Col- ester. Parreson, J. and H., Messrs., Manchester. Pirer, W., Esq., Lower Norwood, S.E. PoLLEeN, JoHN Hun rorD, Esq., Pembridge Crescent, W. Porat, Metviti4, Esq., Micheldever, Hants. Porrat, WILLIAM W., Esq., Overton, Hants. PoweLL, James C., Esq., Whitefriars, E.C. Price, H. Roxesy, Esq., St. Albans. Raptey, ALFRED W., Esq., Congleton. Rickman, THomas Miter, Esq ., Montague St., W.C. REDMAYNE, GEOR Tunstrat, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Manchester. Rosginson, W., Esq., F.L.S., Southampton Street, Strand. Rosson, E. R., Esq., F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., Westminster. Rocers, W. R., Esq., 48, Kensington Park Road, W. | Rotio, Hucu James, Esq., Young Street, Edinburgh. ROOKE, JoHN, and Sons, Me Esq. ssrs., Brighton. Rowe, J. BRooKING ., The Lodge, Plympton. R Louisa, Miss, Barford Hill, Warwick. Scorr, GrorGE GILBERT, Esq., M.A., F.S.A., Hampstead. Scorr, Joun Oprip, Esq., F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., Spring Gardens. Suaw, Georcs, Esq. (the late), Page Street, Westminster. Stmmonps, JouN W., Esq., J.P., York Road, Lambeth. SmirH, Perer, Esq., Glas m T., Esq., Undercliffe, Bradford. s, R. Puenk, Esq., . F.R.I.B.A., Regent Street, W. J. Piers, Esq., F.R.1.B.A., Temple, E.C. , ARrHUR Epmunp, Esq., M.A., F.R.I.B.A., Cavendish Place, W. SuGpEN, WILLIAM, and Son, Messrs., Leek. R, WILL SUNDHEIM, WILLIAM, Esq., Huelva, Spain. Sypney Free Pustic Liprary, New South Wales. Tuompson, JOHN, Esq., Peterborough. nD, W. C., Esq., 20th Street, New York. y, Esq., A.R.I.B.A., Wellington Street, Strand. VicErs, Rosert, Esq., Denmark Hill. WALLER, F. WEATHERLEY, JOSEPH, Esq., Gordon Square. Wesrmacort, J. SHERWooD, Esq., 49, Hugh Street, S.W. WHEELER BRoruers, Messrs., Reading. Wuite, F. A., Esq., Kinross House, Cromwell Road, S.W. WHITEHEAD, J., and Sons, Messrs., Rochester Row, Westminster. Younc, WiLu1AM, Esq., Lancaster Place, Strand. Yute, A. F., Miss, Chester Square, S.W. Tow VACHER, SYDN T’., Esq., Gloucester. me. 4 GETTY RESEARCH — l | | i Mth t = 35 01034 8478 ais 3 om . oa