EX BIBLIOTHECA FRANCES A. YATES HOMER ILIAD, BOOKS XIII-XXIV D. B. MONRO II. HENRY FROWDE, M.A. PUBLISHER TO THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD LONDON, EDINBURGH, AND NEW YORK HOMER ILIAD. BOOKS XIII-XXIV WITH NOTES D. B. MONRO, M.A. PROVOST OF ORIEL COLLEGE, OXFORD HON. . LL.D. (GLASGOW); HON. D. LITT. (dUBLIn) FOURTH EDITION, REVISED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS M DCCC XCVII CONTENTS. PACK ILIAD, Books XIll-XXIV . i NOTES 263 lAIAAOS N. I Ma)(t] €7r\ Ta?9 vavcriv. Zevs 8* eTTet ovv TpQds re kol '^EKTopa vrjvcrl TreXaoro-c, Tovs ixev ea Tiapa rr/o-t 'ttoVoz; r €xe/x€z; koX oLCvv iuM/^ z;coA.6fX€co9, airo? 66 TrdXiv rpiirev ocra-e (^aetz^w, J^h^ vocTiptv tTTTTOTroAcoz/ QpTjKo^v KaOopdpievos atav » Mucrwr T dyyeixdyoiv /cat ayav&v ^iTnrrjiJLoXycov .5 'A/3twz; re, 6tKatorara)z; avOpdiro^v. €9 TpoLTjv 6' TrdixiTav ert rpiirev oo-ae cpaeivd' yap o y' aOavdrcov tiv HXnero ov Kara Ovp^bv ekOovT rj Tpdeo-aiv dprf^iiiev rj Aavaola-iv, Ovb^ dXaoorKOTTLrjv et^e Kpetoiv evoorixOoov' 10 KOL yap 6 Oavpid^cov rjaTO TTTokejJLov re P'dxjjv re t5\//-o{} eTr' aKpordrris Kopvpai, h^LVOv^ 0 ov HOT iyd ye r6Aei;rr](7€o-^at k(\>a(TKOVy 100 T/owas e<^' rjperepas livat vias, dl to irdpos ir^p (pv^aKLvfjs ikd(poL(rLv €0LK€(Tav, at re KaO^ vkrjv ^ 1 6(io)v TTapbakioov re kvKOiv t r^jiSunikovTai /^o^ avTiii'i j\kd(TKOV(Tai avdkKibes, ovb^ €7n ydpp.ri' Tpwej ro iipiv ye /xez^oy Kal yjdpas ^ AyaiCiiv 105 ^ pLipiveLv ovK iOek^a-KOv kvavTiov, ovb^ rj^aiov vvv be kKOLS TTokios KOikrjs €776 vTjval pidxpvTat, ^^y^^l riyepovos KOKOXXp^t pieOT^p^odvvrjo-L re Aawz/, ^(^^/^^ ol KetVo) ipCcravTes dpiVvepLev ovk iOekovo-L vr}(ov d)KVTT6p(i)v, dkkd KTeivovTai dv airdj. no dW' ei 6r) Kal Trdpurav eTrjTvpiov auTLOs €(ttlv rjpcos ^ATpdbrjs, evpvKpdo^v ^Ayap^ipvoov, ovv€K diTr]Tipirio'€ 77060 /cea Ylrjke'iMvay Tjpiias 7' oif 770)9 ecrrt /xe^tejtxerat iiokipoLO, dAA' aKecdpeOa Oda-aoV dKeaTaC tol (j^pives korOkOiV. 115 v/xets 5' ovKeTL Kaka peOUTe Oovpibo^ dkKrjs irdvTe^ dpLCFTOi eovTes dvd aTpaTov. ovb^ dv eycJ ye dz^Spl pLax^o-craLpLTjv os tls irokipLOLO /xe^efr] ^^•/v^ Avy/jo y ecui^* i/xti/ 5e i^e/xeo-o-w/xat 77e/)l K?Jpt. 13. IAIAA02 N. 5 3> TriiToves, raya 87} ri KaKov TToirjo-ere fxeiCov 120 rfjbe fieOrjixoovvrj' dA\' h (jypeo-l OicrOe eKaoroy alboi Koi vifieo-Lv' br} yap jiiya veiKOs opodpev, "EKToyp br) irapa vr]V(rl [Sorjv ayaObs TroXe/xt^et Kaprepos, epprj^ev be 7Tv\a9 Kal jiaKpov QX^ot" ''12? pa KeXevTiocav yair\oyos aypaev ^Ax^atovs. 135 apLcjA 8' ap' AXavra^ boiov^ t(TTavTO ^oXayyes Kaprepai, as ovr av k€V "^Aprjs dv6(raiT0 pLeTeXOiav . Jl^i^yj ovre K ^AOrjvaiTj Xaqaa-oos* ot yap apKTTOi v aeioixev' ol 8' t^v? (jypoveov, ixipLao-av be fxdxeo-Oai* 135 Tpwe? 86 irpovTV^av doWees, rjpxe b" dp ''Ektco^ dvTLKpv /xefxawy, o XooiTpo xo^ ciTro TTerprjs, ^ '^^^ oz; re Kara crTe(l)dvr]S Trora/xoj x^^M^PP^^^ omJ*^^ / pT^^a? da-Tieno ojjilBpcd dvoLbios '^Xii2I^ 'TreVpr^s* ^ ^^o-^^ CA/r-t 8^ dva6p(oa-K0)v Trererat, KTViriei be 6' vt: avTov 140 SAt]- 6 8' d(i^a\eo)9 Beet eixuebov, tJoj iKTjrai o/n^c/i^^ 6(T07r€8o2/, rore 8' ov rt KvXLvberai ecravp^evos iiep' 0)5 ''EKrcop ^09 p.ev d-neiXei /xexpt daXdo-o-rjs pea bteXevo-eo-Oai KXicrias kol vrjas 'AxaiQv Ajuisii^ KTeuf^V dXX' ore brj TTVKLvfjs eveKvpce (fydXay^t, ri 45? IxdX' iy^m^Ods' oi 8' dvnoL vies 'AxaiQ^v ^ vvao-ovres ^t(/)e^r^r6Kat eyx^o-tv dp.^Lyvoi(nv Z- eJ-J^ S)(Tav dirb (TcjyeLOiv' 6 be xao-cdpevos TreXejuxOrj. ijvo-ev be biaT:pv(Tiov Tpdecro-L yeycovds' ' Tpwes Kal AvKiOL Kal Adpbavot dyxtM^X^T-at, 150 TTapfiever'' ov rot brjpbv e/xe (rxwovo-iv 'Axatot, km 6 13- 1AIAA02 N. Koi fxdXa TTVpyr^bov crcpeas avrovs dprvvavres, dX\\ otft), xaacrovTaL vir eyx^oy, el kriov /xe Spcre OeSiv wptcrro?, kpiyhovnos ttoo-is "Hpryy." ^Qls €1770) z; oiTpvve ixivos koX Ovpiov e/cdorou, 155 Ar]L(f)ol3os 6' €z/ TOL(TL [xiya (jypovtcov e^e^rjKei npiaiJiLbrjs, TTpoaOev 5' €)(^€V dairiba rrravTocr etcrrjv, Kovcpa tto(tI TTpo^i^as koX viracKihia TrpoTTobiCo^v. MripLovr]^ 6' avrolo titvck^to bovpl (j)aeiV(2, KOL I3dkev, ovb^ dcfydpLapre, Kar dorikiha navrocr kt(T7]v 160 j^Tavpeirjv' rrjs 8' ov ri biriXacrev, dWa ttoXv irplv iv koaAco idyr] hoXtxov bopv Arjicpo^os be dcTTTLba ravpeCrjv cryiO' duo eo, beio-e be OvpiS ey\os Mr]pL6vao batcppovos' avrap o y rjpods ax//- erdpoyv els edvos exd^eTo, ^cHxraro 8' alvQiS 165 diJL(f>6Tepov, vUrjs re Koi ly^eos 0 ^vvia^e. I3rj 8' levai irapd re /cXtcrta? Koi vrjas ^AyaiQiV olorOfXeVOS bopV liaKpOV, O ol KXL(TLr](l)L XeXeLTTTO, 01 8' aWoL pidpvavTo, /Borj 8' ac^eo-Tos 6po)peL. TevKpos be irpooros TeXajjicovLOS dvbpa KareKra, 170 "'JfjilBpLov alyjxriTriv^ ttoXvlttttov Mevropos vlov vale be YlrjbaLov, irplv eXOeiv vlas ^AyaiC^v, Kovpr]v be I\pid[xoio v66r]v e^e, Mr]be(TLKd(TTr]v* avrap eirel Aavacov vees ijXvOov diJi(pLeXi(ycraL^ a\/r els "^IXlov riXQe, ixereirpeTTe be Tpcoecrcn, 175 vaie 8^ Trap ITptajuta)* 6 be fXLv rlev la-a TeKeca-u Tov p vios TeXapLOJVos vtt^ ovaros ^yxe'C /xa/cpw vv^\ eK 8' eo-TTaorev eyxos' 6 8' avr eireo-ev pieXm i] T opeos Kopvcfyf] eKaOev Trept^atvoiJLevo LO j^^^ \aXK' 'ISo/xereu, KprjrQv ^ovXr]^6p€y ttov tol aTreiXal ol)(^ovTaif TCLs Tp(0(rlv aireCKeov vies ^AyaiQ>v 220 Tov 6' avT ^IhoixevevSi KprjT(av dyos, clvtlov rjvba' " S &6av, ov TLS avrjp vvv y atrtoy, oa-aov eyco yc yiyvdxTKd^' TravTes yap iTncrrdjieOa TrroAe/xt^etz/. ovre rtz;a beos t(r)(6t aKripiov ovt^ tis okvco €LK(i)v avbveraL Tiokeixov KaKov aXKa ttov ovto) 225 [xeWeL brj (piXov eivai virepfjieviL KpovLcovL, vodvvjjLvovs a-noXecrOai air "Apyeo? ivOdb' ^A)(^atovs. dAXa, @6av, Koi yap to napos fxevebrjios rjcrOay oTpvveLS be Kal aWov, 6O1 jJicOUvra Ibrjai' TO) vvv fMrfT airokrjye k4\€v4 re (fxarl kKacrro^r 230 Tov 6' TjixeilSeT iueira Yloa-eibao^v IvocriyOoav " 'I6o/xei^6i}, /xr) k^ivos avrjp €tl voaTrjo-eLev e/c Tpolrjs, dAA.' avOi kvvcov ixiXirrjOpa yivoiro^ OS TLS €7r rjfJiaTL rwSe kK^v ixeOirjcn ixa)(e(TQai. dXh! aye rev^^a bevpo \a^oi)v Wc rama 6' d\xa XPV 235 o-TTevbeiv, at K o(/)6Xo9 TL yevcip^eOa Kal bv^ eovre* ^^^g^ o-vixcjyepTrj 6' aperrj TreAet avbpc^v Kal fxaXa Xvypcov* ^ v(siL be KaL K ayaOoL(nv k'nia-raiixea-Oa ixa^ea-Oair ^X2s diridv 6 [lev avTis e^r] Oeos a/x ttovov avbpcov* ^IbojjLevevs 6' ore brj KXL(TLr}v €Vtvktov iKave, 240 hv(r€To revxea KaXa irepl xpot, yivro b\ bovpe, j8r} 5' ijxev aa-repoTTfj evaXiyKLOs, rjv re Kpovicov \€Lpl Xal3o)v eTLva^ev (Xtt' alyXrjevros ^OXvixttov^ beiKvvs crrjixa ^poroicnv' apLQqXoi be ol avyaC' &9 TOV x^-Xkos iXapure irepl (rTrjOeo-crL deovTOs* 245 MrjpLOvrjs 6' dpa ol Oepdiroiv evs dvTe^6Xr](rev eyyvs eTi kXlo-ltis* /utera yap bopv ^aXKeov fjef, 13. lAIAAOS N. olo-oixevos' Tov h\ TTpoa-icjyrj aOhos M.7]pi6vi(], MoXov vU, -nohas raxVy v ayo?, clvtlov r]vba' olb' apeTTjv olos icro-L' tL ae XPV ^^^^^^ XiyeaOai; et yap vvv irapa vr]V(Tl XeyoipeQa ndvTes apiaroL h Xoxov, hOa /xaAto-r aperr) 8ta6t8€rat dvbpQ^v, evff o re beiXbs dvrjp 09 r aXKipos e^e^aaz;^r)- TOV ixev yap re KaKov Tpiir^TaL XP^j dXXvbis aXXrj, lo 13. lAIAAOS N. fj^jJlp ^ ^^^^ 0^ arpifjias rjo-Oat ip-qrver kv (fypecrl OvpiS^, 280 , to aWa i x€TOK\dC€L koI 67r' afxfpoTepovs irobas lC^i, ^ ^g^jl^ iv hi ri ol KpabCrj ixeyaXa (rrepvoLCTL irardo-o-eL Ktjpas OLOfxivc^^ Trdrayos hi re yiyver dbdvrayv' Tov 8' ayaOov oiJr' ctp TpiireTai XP^^ ovre n Xiy]v TapjBel, eTTeibav Trpcarov ecri^rjrai Xo^ov avbpQVi k 285 dparai 8e raxia-ra [xiyrnxevaL iv 8al Xvypfj* J^cJjul^ ovbi K€V €v6a reov ye [xivos koX ^/ipas ovoito. €t Tiep yap k€ jSXeio irovevixevos rj^ TVireCrjs, ovK av kv av^^v^ oTTicrOe TricroL /3eAoy ovb^ ivl vdrca, aXkd K€V rj aripvcov rj rrySlJos avTidcreLe 290 Ur»AA,*^^7rpoo"crco Upiivoio [xera irpoixayj^v oap LcrTvv . ^dXX! aye, ix7]KiTL ravra keycofxeOa vrjirvTLOi &s €(TTa6T€S, fJirj TTOV TLS V7Tep(f)ld\(0S V€iJi€(Triv, er ipoKT L be Kvbo9 ebooKav •r'At^ TOLOL MrjpLovTjs T€ KOL ^lbo}JLevev9y dyol dvbpcov, ijio-av es TToXefiov KeKopvOfxevoL olOottl )(aXKa). 305 TOV KOL MrjpLovrjs irporepos Trpo? [xvOov eetire' *' AevKaXibrj, irfj t dp jxejiovas KaTabvvai opaXov^ rj eTTL be^LocpLV iravros (rrparov, rj dva fxecro-ovs, jpo<^ iir dpi(TTep6(l)iv ; enel ov ttoOl eXiroixai ovTOj^ ck> ^ heveo-Qai TroXepioio Kdprj KOjiooovras 'Axatovj." 3!o Tbv 8' avT ^IboixevevSj KprjT(av ayoy, dvriov rivba' 13. IAIAA02 N. II " vr]V(Tl fx€v h ixeo-a-Tjcnv aiivveiv elcrl kol aA\ot, Atavres re hvo) TevKpos 0\ 09 apLo-Tos 'Axatwy To^ooijvT}, ayaObs be kol h crrahCri vo-ixLvrj' ^ ^ 01 fllV ohjV 6 X00)0-6 KOL €(T(TVIX€V0V TToXijXOLO, ^ 315 S <^J^ ''EKTopa nptaixibrjv, /cat et [idXa Kaprepos eo-riv. aim ol io-o-eirai [xoXa irep /xe/xawrt jxay^ea-Qai. K€LV(ov viKTicravTi jxevos Koi xetpa? ad7;Tovs vrjas eviiTpr](Tai, ore jxrj avros ye Kpovicov epL^aXoL aWofjievov ba\ov vrjea-o-i Oo^criv, 330 avbpl bi K ovK d^eie [xiyas TeAa/xwz/tos Atas, 05 OvrjTos T eir] koX eboi ArjpLTjrepos dKT7]v, )(aXKa) re prjKTos fxeyaXoLcri re yepixabioia-iv. ovb^ av ^ K^iKXri'L prj^rjvopi yj:Apr](jei€v €v y avToo-rabtr}' iroo-l 5' ov irm eo-riv epi^etv. 325 v&'lv 8' (35' 677' dpto-rep' 6)(e (rrparov, o(f)pa rd^icTTa elbopLev rji ro) eC)(09 dpe^o/xer, rji T19 T^/xtz/." *X2? (^dro, Mr]pL6v7]9 be 60Q droXavros "Apr]l ?ip\ tfjiev, o(f)p^ a(j)[KOVTO Kara o-rpaTov^ fj p.iv avdyei. 01 b^ 0)9 ^Ibojievrja Xbov ^Xoyl eUeXov dXKrjv, 330 avTov KoX OepdiTOvra, avv evrecTi baibaXeoicri, ^ KeKXopievoi Koff^o^i^ov eii avr(D Trdvres elBrjcrav {^Mu.^ '^J^ T&v 8' ojxoy tcrraro veiKOS eirl irpvixvrjcn veeaaiv. cf ^ ti*^ 0)9 8' off VTTO Xiyecov dvepioov (TTripxo^cnv deXXai • J, fjixari rw ore re irXeLo-rr} kovls afxcj)! KeXevOovs, 335 06 T afJLvbiS KOvir]S [leydXriv la-rdo-iv 6pLxXr]v, &9 apa T(ov ofxoo-' rjXOe /xax^?, p^eiiaaav 8' ev\ Ovp.^ aXXrjXovs KaB' ofJuXov evaipifxev o^i'C xa^/^6i(Tiix^poTos eyx^irjo-t fjbJ^ ' IJLaKpfjs, hs etxov Tajxealxpoas' oacre 8' dfxe^bev 340 avyr] xa^Ketr? KopvOcxiV airo Xap^TTOixevdcov Jf^^^ doiprjKCov re vega-yLJiKTCdV (raKea^v re (paeiv&v epxojxevcov afxvbLS' [xdXa Kev OpacrvKdpbios elr] 12 13- IAIAA02 N. OS t6t€ yrjOrjcreiev lb(s)v ttovov ovb^ clkolxolto. To) 8' cLfXipls (l)poviovT€ bv(o Kpovov vie Kparaiin 345 avbpda-Lv Tjpdeo-o-LV krevyjETOv aXyea Xvypd. Zeis [xiv pa Tpdeo-cri kol "E/cropt jSovXero vUrjv^ KvbaCvoov ^A)(tA?5a irobas Taxvv' ovb4 tl 7ra/x7ray rjOeXe \a6v oXiaOaL ^AyjxiiKov ^IXloOl irpo, dXXa Qiriv Kvbaive koX vlia KaprepoOvpiov, 350 ^^^i^tt^ 8e Uo(T€Lbdo)v opoOvve pLereXOcav, ^K^^ 2av4o ^^^PJ] V 7r€^avabv 9 iroXirjs aXos* ijxOero yap pa Tpcoalv bapivaix€V0V9, Ail bi Kparepo^s evefxeaa-a. rj fxav aix(f)OT€poLa-Lv Sfjibv yivos r]b^ la Trdrprj, aXXa Zev9 upor^pos yeyovei koX irXeiova fjbrj, 355 r(o pa KOL ajjLcpabirjv jxev dXe^ipievaL aXieive, XdOprj 8' alev eyeipe Kara o-rparov, avbpl eoiKcos. I „ l~ i j^^^^ ^' ^pibos Kpareprjs Kal oixouov TToXipLOio j^touW»vj T T^Lpqp € 7TaXXd^avT€ S 677* dixcporepoLCL rdvva-arav^ ( . dpprjKTov T dXvTov re, to TioXXQiv yovvar eXvceir. 360 ^J2r^ *'E^^ct ixe o-aiTT 6X16 9 7T€p €0)v Aai^aolcn KeXevcras ^lbopL€V€vs TpcoeccTL ixeraXpLevos kv ^6^ov oopcre, TTecpve yap ^OOpvovrja Ka^r]0'66€V €vbov k6vTay OS pa viov TToXipLOLO [xera KXios elXrjXovOei, ^766 8^ TlpidfJiOLO dvyarpcov elbos dpLCTTrjVy 365 I. ^ I Kaa-o-dvbprjv, avdebvov, vT:i(T)(jETo be fieya epyov, ^^dt^AC, i ipoirjs aeKOvras aircoo'eixev vtas A\ai(i)v. j 7(3 8' 6 y€pa)v ripta/xo? v7t6 t ea-yero Kal Karevevo-e - OtWt^, KOVLOS bebpayixevos aljxaToeaorrjs* eK. be ol rjvLOXos irXriyr] (j)pevaSi as irdpos elx^v, ovb' o y eT6Xp.7](Tev^br}ta)v vtto x^tpcts dXv^as^ 395 hxjr LinTovs a-rpexl/ai, rov 5' 'KvtLXoxos pevexdpp^Tls bovpl ixeaov irepovrjcre rvx^V ovb' ijpKecre Odprj^ XdXKeoSy ov ^opeecTKe, p.e(rrj 5' ev yacrrepi irrj^ev. avrap o y do-Op^aiVoyv evepyeos eKi^ecre bicppov, tinrovs 8' 'Avrikoxos, ixeyaOvp^ov Neoropo? vlos, 400 €$ekaaibiixa yvla' 435 ^ ydp i^OTTLact) (pvyeeiv bvvar ovr dXiacrOai^ /JL^ dXX' m re o-rriXrjv 7] bivbpeov vyjrjjrirrjXov t*. to\^ ^o'^^^^ drpepas ko-raora arrjdos p^iaov ovrao-e bovpl rjpais 'I8ojui€Z^evy, prj^ev be ol djbt^t X^roJi/a 13. IAIAA02 N. 15 XaA/ceoz;, os ol TTpoaOev airb xpoos rfpKu ok^Opor 440 hr] t6t€ y avov av(T€V ep eLKOuievos irepl bovpi W^" bovTTrjo-ev be ireo-dv, bopv 8' h Kpahtrj €7r€7r?}y€4, rj pa ol ao-TTaCpovaa kol ovpiayov TreAe/xtfez; 1M - ^(L eyx^os' ivOa 5' ^tt€LT a^teTjila^os ofipiixos "Aprir 'Ihoixevevs V hirayXov kirev^aTo, [xaKpov avaarJjuuYr^U " Ar]L(f)ol3\ ^ apa brj n H(tkoii€v ol^lo^ elvai cr^ rpeh hbs avrl TT^cjydG-OaL ; iirel aij Tiep ^vx^at ovTcd' baLfiovi, akka Koi avros evavriov taracr e/xcto, o(j)pa Urj 0I09 Zrjvbs yovos hOah' t/cdi/co, OS TTpo^Tov Mivcoa T^Ke KprjTrj luiovpov* 450 MtVco? 8' av TeKeO^ vlov apivixova AevKakicova, AevKakmv 6' e/jte n/cre Tiokeacr avbpeo-cnv dvaKra KprfTTj €v evpetrj' vvv 5' evOdbe vijes eveiKav (TOL T€ KaKOV KOL TTaTpl KOl akkOKTL Tp(0€Cr(TLP,^' *12s <^dro, Arjtcpo^os be bidvbixa ixepixr\pi^€v, 455 7] Tiva Tiov Tpdicsdv krapiG-aaiTo jxeyaOviJicov axjr avaxciopricraSi rj 'i:eipr]craLTO Koi olos. ojbe be ol (j)poviovTL boda-aaro Kepbiov eTvai, ISrjvai eir' AiveiaV rbv 5' vaTaTov evpev ojiikov JyiiM earaoT* alel yap riptd/xa) ei:e\irivie btco, 460 I ovveK dp' iaOkbv eovra /xer' dvbpd(nv ov ri rieaK^v. t\OvvW ayxov 8' lardixevos eirea TTTepoevra irpocrrjvba' ] ?AA:cLl^'< AlveCa, Tpwcox; jSovkrjcjyope, vvv cre \xdka xPV yapL^pQ dpLVvep^evai, ei irep tl ae Kqbos iKdvei. akk' eirev, 'AkKa66(o eTTap.vvop.ev, os (re irdpos ye 465 yap^jBpbs eo)v eOpe\j/e b6p,ois evi rvrObv eovra' Tov be TOL 'Ibop^evevs bovpLKkyrbs e^evdpi^ev." ''X2s ^dro, r<2 8' apa Ovp^bv evl aTrjeecro-iv opive, Br] be ixer 'Ibop^evrja p.eya iTTokep.oio p.ep.rjku>s. akX' ovK 'Ibop^evrja (l)6^os kdjSe TTjkvyeTov ^ 47o dAA' eixev\ o)S ore tls (tvs ovpeaiv oXkI ne-noiOdsy i6 13. 1AIAA02 N. OS T€ fxivet KoXoovpTov kirepxpixevov ttoXvv avbpQv X^P<^ oloTTokiD, (ppCarcreL Se re vcorov virepdev 6cf)6a\ix(i) 6' dpa oi irvpl XdpiiTeTOv' avrap obovras OriyeL, aki^ao-Qai /xe/xao)? Kvvas rjbe Kai dvbpas' 475 &s fjiivev ^Ibofxevevs bovpLKkvTos, ovb^ VTre^c^pet, AlveCav einovTa ^orjOoov' aZe 8' kralpovs^ 'Ao-KaXa^oz; r eaopcov 'A(^ap?J(i re Arjiirvpov re Mrjpiovrjv re Koi ^ Avrikoyov, [irjaTCdpas aVTrjs' Tovs o y' €TTOTpvva)v €TT€a TTTepoevra Trpoo-iivba* 480 " bevre, (f)[koL, Kai /x' oto) dpivveTe' beibia 8' alvm AlveCav kmovra irobas to^vv, os jutot eireio-Lv, oy pidka Kaprepos ion p^dxjj evL (/xSray IvaipeiV Kttt 8' e)(€t ^'/3r]y dvOos, o re Kpdros ia-rl pciyLorov. el yap bp.r]kLKir] ye yevolp^eOa r yS' eiu 6vp .$, 485 at\//-a Kez; rje epoipir]v.^^ '^129 e(pa9\ oi 8' dpa TrAvres eva ^peoX 6vp.ov e^ovres ttXtjctiol eo-TTjo-av, craKe' &pLOL(n KkCvavres. Alvetas 8' erepcoOev eKeKkero oh erdpoKTL^ A'qt(j)op6v re Yldpiv r' eo-opcov /cat ^Ayrjvopa bTov, 490 01 ol dp! rjyepLOves Tpdcov ecrav' avrap eireira \ao\ eTT0v6\ q)S et re /xera Krikov ea-irero pirjka Ll^ifiy^ -Kiop.ev eK ^oravris* yavvrai 8' dpa re (l>peva iroLpLriv' 0)9 AlveCa Ovpos evl a-rrjOeo-cn yeyriOei, t8e kaOiv eOvos eino-TTopevov eol avrco. 495 Ot 8' a/x09 avXQiTiis Tpv(j)dXeLa xot^at ^6p.^r](Te irecrovcra. 53° Miiptovrjs 8' e^avTLS eirdXpevos, alyvTnb^ 0)9, . Il jLrt/ . e^epvcre irpvp^vow l3pa)(JjiJJX>s o/Sptpov eyxos, JAfirtJ- axf/ 8' erdpoiv els eOvos exKeTO, rbv be UoXltyjs, avTOKa(TLyv7]T09, irepl /xeVcro) X^'-P^ nTrjvas, e^rjyev TToXepoio bvo-rjX^os, ocfyp* Ueff tinTOVS 535 VOL. II. c i8 13. IA1AA02 N. cofceay, 01 ol oTiiaOe /xa\?79 7786 TTToXifjiOLO €(TTa(Tav 7}vioxpv re koX apfxara ttolkCX.' ^xovres' 0% rev ye irpoTi dcTTv ^epov jSapea crrevayovTa retpoixevov Kara 8' aljuia veovraTov eppee \€ip6s» 01 8' aXXoi fJLapvavTo, /3o?) 8' ao-^ea-ros opdpei. 540 evO^ Alveas ^Acjiaprja Y^aki)Topihr]v eTTopovo-as ^ XaLjJLov Tvxj/^ iirl ol rerpajjiiiivov o^eC bovpC' . eKKivOr] 8' k T€p(OG;€ Kapr], ejTU 8' acnrls k a^Orf 7^ ^^^^ Kol Kopvs, dfjL(j)l be oi Odvaros x^7"0 OvpLOoaLo-rris* ' AvTiXoxos be Qocova iJieTa(TTpe(p6evTa boKevcras 545 ovracT eiraL^as, dirb be cjiXel^a Tiacrav eKepaev, rj T dva vQira Oeovcra biainrepes av\ev iKavec Tr]v aiTo TiOLG-av eKepcreV 6 8' vtitlos ev kovltjo-l KCLTTTTecrev, a/x^o) x^'-P^ (j)iXois erdpOKTi 'nerda-a-as. ' AvTiKoyos 8' eiropovae, kol aivvro revyj^ oltt* o>ijl(jov 550 iraiTTaivcov' TpQes be TTepio-rabov aXKoOev dXKos ovraCov adKOS evpi) iravaioXov, ovb^ ebvvavTO eL(TO) eTnypdxj/ai repeva Xpoa vrjXeC )(aA.Ka) ^AvtlXoxov' TiepL ydp pa Ylocreibdc^v evoo-CxOcov Ne(TTopos vlbv epvro Kal ev ttoXXoIo-l ^eXe(T(Tiv. 555 Ji^ ov fjikv ydp iTOT dvev brjtoiv rfVy dXXa ko/t avrovs ^ (T Tpoicpa T ovoe ol ey^os e)( arpefias, aXXa /xaA atet ^ aeioixevov eXeXiKTo' TiTvcrKeTo be (ppealv ycriv t.t - 'a 1] rev aKovrLcrcrai, 776 (T\ebov 6ppLr]0r]vau 'AAA' ov XrjO' ^ Abajxavra riTva-KopLevos Ka0* opuXov, 560 ' A(TLdbr]V, 6 ol ovra [xeaov adKOS o^eC x<^Xk^ eyyvOev 6piii]6eis' dpLevrjV(i}(rev be ol aiyjjJr]v KvavoxaiTa YlocreibdoiVy ^lotolo [xeyripas. c^^^Ji^^ Kal TO [xev avTov [xelv ojs re o-kwAo? 7rvpCKav(TT09, ev (TttKet ^AvtlXoxolo, to 8' rjjJiLav Kelr eirl yairjs' 565 ayj/ 8' eTdpoav eU eOvos eyd^^ro Kijp^ aXeeLV(ov' MtjplSvtjs 8* uTTLovTa ixeTao-TTopievos /3dAe bovpl 57 13- IAIAA02 N. alloUvT^ l^ecrrjyh Kal diicjyaXov, hOa ixdkicTTa yjyver' ""Aprjs iX^yeivbs oiCvpolai ^poroicnv. hOa oUyxos ^TTTji^v' 6 6' k(r7T6iJLevo, ^epl bovpl -^cTiratp' (J), St€ ^ovs, t6v r' oip.cri ^ovk6\oi &vhpe, lX\6^iv ovK eOiXovra ^iji ^cavre^ &yov(nv' floUi &9 6 TV7T€h rjo-TTaipe IlivVvOd 7T€p, Oi Ti fX^Xa h^v, ocjypa ol iK Xpobs eyxos ivecnrdcraT' lyyiQ^y l\oL rjpm MrjpLovrjr rov he (tkotos oacre KaXyxj/e. 57 Ar^tiTvpov b' ''E\evo9 ^^el* cxebbv ^Kaae K6pcTrjv @py]iKi(^ /xeyaXo), a-no he rpvcj^dXeiap apa^ev. f) ix€v diTonXayxOelaa xap.al iricre, kul tls 'Axatcov ixapvaixivoiv fiera tto(T(tI KvXivhoixivrjv eKoixKrae rhv h€ Kar d^l9aA//a)z; ipejSevvrj vv^ iKdXvxjrev. 580 'Arpeihrjv 6' axo? dXe, jBorjv dyaOov MeviXaov ^i] h' eTTaTretXrjo-as 'EXevoy fjpm avaKTi, 6^v hopv Kpahdoov 6 he to^ov ttt^xw dveXice. TO) 8' dp' oiiaprrihrjv 6 fxev eyxel o^voevTi Ut aKOVTLo-o-ai, 6 8' diro vevprjcjyLv dtoTO). 585 npLaixLhr]s jxev eireira Kara o-TrjOos ^dXev l& 0(iprjKO9 yvaXov, cltto h\ eirraTo ttlkoos olo-tos, 0)9 0 or UTTO irXareos TiTvoctyiv jieyaXriv Kar dXo)rjV Opo)(TKO)pevas epLfxevaL aWcov, 13. IAIAA02 N. 21 olov br] avhp€(T(Ti xapt^^at vl3pL(TTfj(n, i^trn^d Tpcoo-LV, TO)v ixivos alev aroLG-QaXov^ ovbe hvvavTai (pvXoTTibos KopioraaOaL opiouov TToXifioLo, 635 7TdvT0)V ixkv KOpOS €(TTL, Kal VTTVOV Kal (jyiXoTrjTOS IxoXtttjs T€ yXvKepT]^ koL afivpiovos dpxrjOpLolo, T(av -nip Tis kol [loXXov UXherai epov elvaL fj TToX^fxoV TpS>€9 be pidxrjs aKopiqroL eao-tz;." ''12? etTTcbz; ra fx€v eVre' cltto xpoos aljiaToevra 640 (TvXrj(Ta9 krapOLo-L bibov MeveXaos dfivficdv, avros 5' aSr' e^adns i^poiiayoKTiv eiii^Oy], *'Ftv6a ol vlos It^oXto TlvXaLjiiveo^ (BacnXrjos, ^ApiraXioov, o pa irarpl (jyiXco €7T€to TTToXefJLt^cov €9 TpOLTJV, Ovb^ aVTLS CKpLK^TO TTaTpiba yoLaV 645 OS pa TOT 'ArpetSao iiicrov aaKos ovTacre bovpl eyyvOev, ovbe biairpo bvvrjcraTO ^(^aXKOv eXaa-crai, a\\r 8' eTapcov els eOvos eyJi^eTO Krjp* dXeetvcov, TTavTocre TTaTTTaivoov, fXTj tls XP^^ X^^'^^ eTravprj, Mrjptovrjs 5' clttlovtos lei x'^^^W^ oiaTov 650 /cat p 6/3 aXe yXovrbv Kara be^tov avrap oCo-tos dvTLKpv KaTCL KVCTTLV VTT ocTTeov e^e7Tep7]0'ev, e(6iJLevos be /car avOi (piXoov h x^P^^^^ haipcov OvfJiov diTOiTveib^v, S)S re (r/ccoAr?^ enl yair\ KeiTo TaOeLs' e/c 5' alfxa jiiXav pie^ beve be yaiav. 655 Tov ixev Ua4>Xay6ves p^eyaXriTopes aiKpeirevovTo, es bicppov 8' dvea-avTes dyov TTpoTi "lAtor IprjV dxvviievoi' fxeTCL be (T(j)i T^aTrjp de baK pya XeilBcov , X S"-^'^^- TTOLvr] 8' ov TLS TTaibos eyiyveTO TeOviqCoTos. Tov be Udpis pidXa dvp^bv aTroKTafieuoLO xoXdOr]' 660 ^eivos ydp ol erjv iroXeo-iv iieTa UaipXayoveo-o-L* TOV o ye x^^ojjLevos TTpoteL xa'VK?;pe' olcttov. fiv be TLS Eix^z/wp, UoXvibov {idvTLOS vlos, 22 13- TAIAA02 N. ac^veios ayaOos re, KopivOodt olKia vatcov, OS p €V €iO(i)S KTjp OAOTjV €171 ViqOS €paiV€' 665 TTokXcLKL yap ol eetTTe yipcov ayaObs TloXvibos vov(r(D VTT apyaXirj (l)6L(T6aL oh ev fieydpotcnVy Tj fX€T ^AyaiQiv vrjvo-lv vno Tpdecrcn bafirjvai* Toj p OLjia T apydkir]v Oayrxu akieivev ^ Ay^aiQiV vovdov T€ o-Tvyeprfv, tva [jlt] irdOoL aXyea Ovfxo^, 670 Tov /3aA.' viTO yvaOpLolo kol ovo.tos' coKa be Ovpibs (^Xer aiTo /xeXecoz/, orvyepbs 6' apa [jllv aKoros elXev* ^12? ol pkv [xapvavTO hiixas irvpbs aWofjievoio' "FiKTojp 6' ovK. iTriTTVCFTo biL(f)LXos, ovbi TL jjbr] OTTL pa ol vr]QiV 67r' dpLo-repa brjLOoovTO 675 Xaol VTT ^Apyeicov, Ta^a 8' av /cat Kvbos 'A)(ata)i/ €tt\€TO' T0I09 yap yairioyos evvocriyaios SiTpvv ^Apyeiovsy irpbs be crOivei avrbs djjivvev* dAA.' e\€v 7^ ra 7Tp6)Ta irvXas Kal r6t)(oy icraXro, pr]^aix€V09 Aavacov irvKLvas (Trt)(a? do-TTtoracor, 680 €v6^ ecrav Aiavros re vies Kal Upcorea-LXdov Oiv 6(^' aXbs TToXirjs elpvpLevai' avrap virepQe Tei\os ebebpLTjTO x^OafxaXdrarov, evOa ixakiara ^axpy]eis yiyvovTO pAxTf^roi re Kal Itttiol, ""EivOa be Botcorot Kal ^Idoves eAK6Xtra)z;ey, 685 I AoKpol Kal ^Oioi Kal (\)aibip.6evTes 'ETTftot, k!C4/^tJ^ ^^crjisxi^bff eTTatcro-ovra veQiV e)^02/^ ovb^ ebvvavro • So-at dirb o-^etcor (^Xoyl eXKeXov "EKTopa blov, ol piev ^A6r]va[oiv irpoXeXeypiivoL' ev 8' apa rolcriv qpX vlbs rierewo 'M.evecrOevs^ ol 8* a/x' e-novro 690 ^4>et8a9 re 2rtx.to9 re Bta? r evs' avrap ^Fiiretcov ^vXetbrjs re Meyrjs *Api(f)LCjov re ApaKios re, TTpb ^Oi(jt)v bi Mebcov re pieyeTTTokeiJLOs re YIobdpKr}S» 77 rot 6 piev voOos vibs 'O'CXrjos Oeioio ecTKe MeScoz;, AXavros dSeA^eo?* avrap evaiev 695 13- IAIAA02 N. 23 h i^vXaKT}, yaCrjs cltto TraTpibos, avhpa Kara/era?, avrap 6 'lcj)LK\oio ird'Cs rov v\aKibao. ol iJL€v TTpb ^Oloov pLeyaOvpLcav 6(apr]\0ivT€Sc vavcpLv ajivv6pL€V0L [xeTct Botcorwz; kixay^ovro' 700 Ata? 6' ovkItl TrdpLiTav, 'O'ikrjos ra^vs vlos, XcTTar OLTt* KlavTos TeXapioovLOV ovb^ rjISaLov, dkX! &s t' €v v€hS /3o€ olvo7T€ tttjktov apoTpov laov OvpLOV €x^ovT€ TLTaiverov api(j)l 5' dpa (t(\)i 7TpvpLV0L(nv Kepdea-CTL Trokvs dvaKrjKL€L ibpds' 705 ro) piiv T€ ^vybv dlov iv^oov ap.(jns eepyei ol^oTc^^ lepiivco Kara S)XKa' 76^6^ bi re riXcrov apovpi-js* 0)9 TO) irap^ejSaCjTe jbcaA.' eo-racrav akkrjXouv, aXA.' 77 rot TeXapLOiv idbrj ttoXKol re koI eo-dXol Xaol eiTovO^ eTapoi, ol ol aaKOS e£e5e)(orro, 710 oTTTTore pitv KapLaros re Koi ibpo)S yovvaO' Ikolto, ovb^ ap^ ^O'CkLabrj p^eyakriTopi AoKpol eirovro' ov yap (T(^L aTabiy va-piivrj /xt/xye (f)LKov Krjp' ov yap €yov KopvOas )(aXK7\p€as iTTTTobao-eias, Civ^^ ov5' e'xoz^ aa-nibas €Vkvk\ovs Kal p^eCXiva bovpa, u>*^ 715 > dXV &pa To^oicrtv Kal eiJ o-rpe^e t dlos owt^ j^Lw ^ "lAtoi; ety a/x' eirovro ireiioiOoTes, olaiv eVetra • rap(t)ia j^dXXovTes Tpd)0)V priyvvvro ^aAayyaj' 6r/ pa ro^' ol p^ev iipoa-Oe (tvv eWeo-t baibaXioKn p.dpvavT0 Tpo)criv re Kat "EKTopi x«^^o'^op2;o-rr/, 720 ot 5' OTTLOev (BdXXovres eXdvOavov' ovbi tl xdpp.r]S \ Tpwe? p^ipLvrjo-KOVTO' (tvv€kX6v€0V yap oiaroL ^'EvOa K€ X€vyaX€0)s vr]5)V diro Kal KXLcrido)V Tpcoes €X(ipr](Tav Tiporl ""IXtov Jivep.oea-craVy d fxr) UovXvbdp^as Opaavv ''EKTopa etTre mpaaTdr 7^5 ''^Ektop, dp^rixavos kaai 7rapap^i(n TiMo-Oai. "f^^J^ ovv€Kd TOL -nipi bo)Ke 6eo*^ a\X(D ixev yap ebcoKe Oebs TToXeixri'ia epya, 730 [aAXw 5' 6pxj]0-TVv, erepo) KiOapiv koX aoih-qv^ a\\(D 5' aTr]Oe(T(TL tl0€L voov evpvoTra Zevs €(tOX6v, TOV bi 76 TToWol kTia VplGrK OVT avOpCOTTOL, o' KaL T6 TToAea? ecracoo-e, pLaXicrTa be KavTos aveyvoa. " avTCLp iyo)v €pi(o 009 [xoi boKei elvat apLo-ra* 735 -navrrj yap ere nepX crre^aro? noXiixoio bibrje' Tpcaes b^ ixeydOvpLOL, iirel Kara reixos ejSrja-aVf oi [xev a(j)€(TTa(TLV avv t€v\€(tiv, ol be ixa^ovrai iravpoTepoL nXeoveaai^ KebaaOevres Kara vrjas. aAA' avayao-caixevos KoXei evOdbe iravras dpLcrrovs' 740 €V0€V 8' av [JidXa iracrav €Tn(f)pao'0'aLpL€9a (BovXriv, 1] K€v €vl vrjecTO'L TToXvKXrjLcn irio-oifjiev, at K iOeXrjcTL Oeos bopLevai KpaTOS^ rj k€V eneira nap vrjcov eXOoopiev diTripLoves. ^ yap eyco ye ^^j^^ beibo) pLTj TO x^^&i^ aTTqajrqo^ovTaL 'A)(atot 74, XpeL09, €776 6 TTapCL VrjV(Tlv dvTjp CLTOS TToXepiOLO piLfjLvei, ov ovKen irayxy fJidxris ayjia-eo-Qai otco." '^12? ^aro HovXvbdjxas, abe (J' ''E/cropt pivOos dirripcov, ^avTLKa i' 6^ oyicov avv Tev^ecnv clXto X^M^C^] Kttt pLiv KeKXrjyd^i bia be Tpdcov Trerer rjb^ eiTLKovpoiV, 755 ol 5' is YlavOotbrjv dyanrivopa YlovXvbdpLavra N Trdvres eireo-o-evovT , eirel '^E/cropo? eKXvov avbrjv. avrap 6 Ar]L(pol36v re ^ltjv 0^ ^EXevoio dvaKTos Wo-idbriv T ^AbdpiavTa Kal "Ao-toi/, '^TprdKOV vlov. 0 13- IAIAA02 N. 25 0otra ava Trpoixdxovs biCriiJievos, d ttov k(\)evpoi, ^fjo Tovs 6' €vp ovKin naii-nav aurnxovas ovb' avokiOpovr a\)C ol ixkv hi] vr]vcnv Itti TrpvpLvrjcrLv ^ kyaiCdv X€p(TLV vt: 'ApyeLcov Kearo \j/vxas dXioravres, ol d' h T€LxeL €(Tav jSe^Xr^ixivoi ovrdiievoL re. Tov b€ TCLX eSpe p^dxrjs 67r' dpia-repa baKpvoiao-rjs 'jGs biov 'AXi^avbpov, 'Ekevrjs tioo-lv rjVKopLOLOy OapavvovO' krdpovs koL lnorpyvovra pidxeo-OaL, dyxov 6' lardp^evos 'JTpO(ri(j)r] alaxpoLS knUo-aC AwTiapi, ethos dpidre, yvvaipiavis, rinepOTievrd, 7T0V rot Ar;t<^o/3o9 re IBlt] 6' 'EXivoLO dvaKTos 770 ^Aaidhris r ^Khdp^as rjbi* '^Acrtoy, ^Tprd/coi; vlos ; TTOV bi TOt ^06pvov€VS ; vvv Sikero nacra /car' dKpr]9 *'IAtos aLTT€Lvri' vvv Toi (TO)? aiTivs okeOpos*^ Tov 6' aSre Tipocriemev ^AXi^avbpos OeoeLbris* "''EKrop, eTrec tol Ovpbs dvairiov aiTidao-Qai^ 775 dXKoTe brj irore piaXXov ipodrjcraL TTokipLOio /xeAXcOj eTret ovb^ e/xe irdpiTrav drdXiaba yeCvaro prjTrjp* e£ ov yap irapa v-qval pidxrjv rjyeipas kratpcov, eK TOV 5' €v6db^ iovres opaXeopLev Aavaolcn I'ooXepiecos' erapoL be KareKraOev, ovs (rv pieraXXas, 780 OLO) Ar]idXKrjv 'Opealov re Kal avrLOeov UoXv(i)riTy]v z6 13. IAIAA02 N. TlaX-ixw t' 'AcTKaviov re Mopvv 0', vV 'Ittttotlcovos, ot p ef ''A(TKavCi]s ept^coAaKos ^Kdov a yioi^o l i/n- r]oi T?] irporiprj' roVe be Zevs Zpcre ixayjecrOai, ol 8' idav apyaXecov avepioyv araKavroi aekXy, ^*'?95 rj pa 0^ viTO ^povrris irarpo^ Ato? elcri Trebovbe, 0€v aviovres, o(roi ^e^kifjaTo xaA/cw^ Tvb€Lhr}9 ^Obvaevs re kol ^Arpe'ihrjs 'Aya/xe/xrcoz/. TToWbv yap p' aTrdvevOe jJidxrjs elpvaro vrj^s 30 ^ /} 6lv €(^' aXoy TToXtrjr ras yap tt ^to s Trebiovhe yf^uA^yUj^ ' eXpvcraVy avrap ret^o^ ^'^^'^t TTpvfJivricnv ebeipiav. ^cf^ ovbe yap ovb' evpvs Trep ioiv ebwrjcraTo Trdo-as alyiaXos vrjas x^^^^^^y crreLVOVTo bi Xaoi' ^tm^ rw pa ir poKpoao-a s epvcrav, Kal irXrjo-av ajidcnqs 35 Tj'iovos oTo/xa fxaKpov, oaov avv^ipyaOov a/cpat. r(5 p' ot y 6y\ reiovT€ S dvrrjs Kal ttoX^ijlolo {Ai[,dn/^htL ^ eyx^t epeibofievoi kCov dOpooC ayvvro bi (T(f)i ^ Ovpios ivl (TTrjOecrcrLv. 6 be ^Vji^XrjTO yepaioSy ^io-Toyp, TTTrj^e be Ovfjiov evl a-rrjOea-cnv ^Axaicov. . 4c Tov Kal (poovriaras TrpocrecpT] Kpetoyv ^ Ayap^efivoov "cD NeVrop 'NrjXrj'idbr], fxeya Kvbo9 ^Axai(^v, Ti-nre Xlttcov iroXeixov (pOLo-rivopa bevp' d(j)iKdveL9 ; beiboy [17] brj jiOL reXea-rj eiros ojSpLfios ''E/crcop, (S? TTOT eirrjireiX-qo-ev evl Tpweo-cr' dyopevoiv, 45 fx?/ TTplv Trap vrjcav irporl *'lXiov aTTOveeo-Oai, TTplv TTVpl vrjas evLTTprjo-at, KTeivaL be Kal avrovs, Kelvos ra)9 dyopeve' ra 6r) vvv irdvra TeXelrat. o) TTOTTOi, rj pa Kal dXXoL evKvrifiibes 'Axatot ev Ovp.^ jBdXXovrai efjLol xdAoz/, irep 'AxiXXevs, 5^ ovb' eOeXovo-i pLaxeoSai eirl irpviivrjcn viecrcn'' Tov 5' rnxeC^er eireira TeprjVLOS LTTTTora NeVrcop- ^ br] ravrd y erot/xa reTevxd'TaLy ovbe Kev aXXm Zevs vfilBpeixeTrj^ avrbs Trapore/p^atT-o. oMZ^ Teixos [xlv yap brj Karepripmev, w e-ne'niQixev 55 30 14. IAIAA02 H. appr]KT0V vr](ov re kol avTO)v eTXap eVeo-^at* ol 6' €776 vr]V(rL Opfiai pid)(r]v oKiao-rov €\ov(ti vcoXefJiis* ovb^ av €Tl yvoirjs ixaXa irep crKOTTid^oDV oTTTTorepo^Oev 'A)(atot dpivopievoi KXoviovTat, WS eTTipl^ KT€LVOVTaL, dvTT] 6' OVpaVOV LK€L, 60 Tipiels be <^pa^(dpieO^ otio^s earai rahe epya, €L TL POOS p€^€L' TToX^pLOV 6' OVK dpLpL€ KeXeVO) hvp^evai' ov yap 7T0)s l3e[3kr]piivov eort /xa)(€o-^at." Tbv 6' avre TrpocrieLTrev ava^ avbp(ov ^AyapiipLvodv* " Necrro/), iirel 8r; vrjvcrlv eiri TTpvpLvrjo-L pLoyovrai^ 65 rd^os 8' OVK €XpaL(Tp.e reTvypevov, ovbi n Tdv T€ Ktti avT(ov eTXap eo-ecrOaiy ovT(jd 7T0V All piWei v-neppevil <^iXov elvai, vo)vvpvovs diToXea-OaL dii "Apyeos evOdb' 'Axatovs* 70 778€a pev yap ore TTpocppoyv Aavaoicnv apivvev, olba be vvv ore rovs p^ev o/xcoy p^aKapeo-cn Oeoicri Kvbdvei, rjperepov be pevos Kal yjeipas ebrjo-ev. d\X' ayeO\ o)S av eyo)v €6770), TTetOcopeOa iravres^ vfjes oaat upGiTai elpvarai dy^i daXdcro'rjs, 75 eXKCopiev, irdaas be epvo-aopLev els aXa blav, ^ v}l^i b^ ejf evvdoov opixicrcroixev ^ els o Kev e\6rj vv^ d^poTT], ffv Kal TTj duoGyjjdVTai irokepoLO Tpa)€S* eireira be Kev epva-aipieOa vrjas airdo-as. ov ydp TLS vep^eais (pvyeetv KaKOv, ovb^ dva vvKTa, 80 ^ekrepov os (jyevyoyv 7Tpo(j)vyrj KaKov ?]€ aXdrjJ^ Tov 5' a/)' vTTobpa Ibtbv Tipoa-e^r] 7roX.vpLrjTLS 'Obva-aevs' " ^ATpe'tbr], TTOiov ere eiros (\)vyev epKOS obovTcov ovXopLev, aW &(l)eWes deLKekiov (TTparov aWov o-Y}paiveiv^ pLTjb^ apipLLV dvaao-epev, olcnv apa Zevs 85 €K veoTTjTos ebcoKe Kal es yrjpas roXviteveiv Jk^ apyaXeovs iroXepovs, o(f)pa (\>0i6p.e^a %Ka(rTos, 14. IAIAA02 H. 31 oi!ra) 8^ fxifxovas Tpdoov ttoXlv evpvdyviav Ka\\€L\l/€LVy rjs dv€K oiCvoix^v KaKOi TTokXa; CTLya, ixT] Tis T aAAo9 'Axaio^v tovtov aKovo-rj 90 l^vOov, ov ov K€V avrip ye bia (rroixa -naixirav ayoLTo, OS TLS k-nio-raiTo fjcn (i>pe(T\v d gria QiiCe iv if^cv(i U J fMn^eJ^ (TKr]7iTOvx6s T dr], KaL ol ireiOoiaTo Xaol Toaro-oit) oo-oroio-LV (TV iX€T 'ApyeLOLCTLv avdo-o-eLs' vvv hi aev oivoardixriv nayxv (t)pivas, oloi; kiTres' 95 . -69 KeAeat TioAe/xoto crv v^g-TaoTn Q kol avrrjs • C S J&i -a ^ ^ f^vrjas ivo-o-eXixovs aXab' eX/ce/xei^, ocbp hi uaWov . / - . lpa}(TL ixev evKTa yevr^rai ei nKpaTeovo -L irep ej^?, 'jk,^, - y]\dv aliTvs oKeOpos kinp^iTir\, ov yap 'Axatot Ji.JiJi*^i'' ir o-xyjo-ovcTLV iTokeixov viqSiv dkab' €XKOjjL€vd(ov, JhjSi ^ auy\ l&C ^^aA\' aTTOTTaTTTaviovo-Lv, ipo)rj(rov(n be x^p^s. - K€ 0-7] IBovXt] b- qXTjcrer ai, opxapie kacov/' i^K ^^i^fW^ Tbv 8' rjiiet^er e-neira ava^ avbpQiv ' Aya\xeixvoiiv' . ; ''ObvaeVy ixdXa ttcos [xe KaOiK^o Ovpcov evLirfj ho^t Ocru.(J^^ apyaKery arap ov [xev eyo)v aeKOvras avcoya 105 vrjas eva-criXixovs akab' iXKepiev vlas 'A^ato)!;. vvv 8' etrj OS rrjcrbi y ap^elvova \kr\Tiv Ivlanoi^ rj veos Tje nakaios' epiol be kev do-jiivij^ eXr],^^ Tola-i be kol iderienre IBorjv dyaObs Atoft?;^?]?* ^a/ifJi eyyvs dviqp — ov brjOa jjj arevcrojjL ev — , at k eOekrjre no - TTeiOeo-Oat^ Kal ptrj n /coVo) dydo-rjo-Qe eKao-ros, ovveKa br] yeverjcj^i vecoraros elfiu ixeS" vpiLV' TTarpos 8' 1^ dyaOov Kal eyo) yevos evxop^ai elvai, Tvbeosy ov Grj^rjo-L x^^V ^^'^^ y^*-^ KakviTTeL. TlopOel yap rpels ira'tbes djivixoves e^eyevovTo, 115 tdKeov 8' ev UkevpQ>vi ml alTreivfj KakvbcovL, ''Aypios ribe Mekas, Tpiraros 8' riv iTr-nora Olvevs, irarpbs e/xolo Trarrip' dpeTjj 8' e^oxos avrSiv. akk' 6 fxev avTodt jjieive, TraTrjp 8' efxbs "Apye'i vdoSr) 32 14. 1AIAA02 E. TTkayxOeLS' &9 yap ttov Zevs rjOeXe kol Oeol aWot. 120 *Abpri(TTOLO 6' eyqjjie Ovyarpo^v, vaie be Sw/xa a(l)V€Lov ^LOTOLO, a\L9 bi ol ^(Tav apovpai /iqI/^I 7rupo(/)opot, TioXXol b\ (f)VT(ov eaav o pj^arg L a/x^t?, TToXXa be OL TTpojBar' ecKe' KeKacTo be Travras 'A;(atoi;s ^ /^H,/t eyx^e^JJ' tcl be fieXXer aKovefxev, el ereov irep, 125 k^c^/M- yevos ye KaKov kol avaXKiba (f)dvTe9 jjivOov aTLpLTjo-aLTe TTecpacrpievov, 6v k ev eXiroo, bevT Lopev TToXepLOvbe kol ovrdpievoL irep dvdyKrj, evOa 6' e^neir avrol pcev e\(!)pe6a brj'CoTrjros €K l3eXeo)v, pufj ttov tls ecf)* eXKe'C eXK09 ap-qrai' 130 dXXovs b' OTpvvovTes evr\(Topev, o\ to ndpos irep ^i^^Ovjx^ ^£a (jyepovres atpea-TaG-^ ovbe pLayovrau^ ^ ^^Is e(pa6\ ol 6' apa tov pidXa pev kXvov rjb^ eiriOovro' I3av 6' Xpiev, VPX^ ^' ^P^ o-(j)Lv dva^ dvbpQv ^Ayapepvcov^ Ovb^ dXaocTKOTT 17] V e'i)(^e kAi^to? evvoaLyaios^ 135 dXXa pier avTovs '^XOe TraAatw ^cort €ot/cco9, be^iTeprjv 5' eXe x^'-p' ^ Ayap.ep.vovos ^Arpetbao, Kai piv (poovrjo-as eirea Trrepoevra Trpoo-qvba' ''Arpe'ibrjy vvv 877 ttov ^A^iXXijos oXoov Krjp yiqOeZ evl o-TrjOecro'L, (j)6vov Koi (j)vCo.v 'A)(citcoz; 140 ^ bepKopev(x>, errel ov ol evi (ppeves, ovb^ r]^aiai, ^ ^jjM ^ OLTToXoiTo, Oeos be e ai( j)X(io(re Le' dpoL(Tiv lb\ (l)p€(rl tevKakifjirjo-L. 165 I3rj 6' tfxev is OdXapiov, tov ol 4)tAoy vlos erev^ev "H^atoToy, TTVKLvas be Ovpas &TqiOjioi(Tiv eTTrjpcre <^^^ ^ ^i^/^ KX-qlbi KpvTTTrj, Trjv 6' ov Oebs dXkoT^vi^yev' €vO' rj y elcreXOovcra Ovpas eireOrjKe (f)aeivds, dfxl3po(TLrj [xev Trpcarov duo xpobs Ip^epoevTos 17^ [^^^ dpij3po(T[(o ebav§, to pd ol teOvoijjtJvov rjev* SC^*^ jA^^^^ (*/^ TOV Koi Kiv ^evo LO jAtoy Kara xttA/cOySarey boy ehk ^imd ** €/£jr|2s|69 yataz; re kol ovpavbv iKeT dvTpLr\. o^cun^ ro) p' rj ye XP^^ KaXbv dkei^ap^evr]^ Ibe xatra? 175 Tre^apLevT], X^P^^ irXoKdp^ovs eirXe^e (paetvovs KaXovs dpi^poo-Lovs eK KpdaTos dOavdToio. 1. ,J afxcj)! 5' ap' dp^^pocriov eavov eaaO^ ov ol 'AOrjvri ^ fpjft^ t/^^y^^^^^ e ^vcr dcrKri(Ta(Ta^ TiOei b' evl baibaXa TToWd* Xpva-eCrjs b' eveT^cri KaTa o-Tjjdos irepovaTO, ^^iA^ 180 foSo-aro 6e ^dvrjv eKaTov Ovcrdvois dpapvtav^ ev d' dpa e pixara rjKev evTpi]TOL(TL ko^olcn T piyXrjv a fjLopoevTa' x^P''^ ^' ^^^^/^^^^ TfoXXrj, VOL. II. iC ^ . I '^^lfflJ^ " 3 '^^^2, 34 14. IAIAA02 H. 7ro(T(ri 5' i57ro XLirapoicnv Ibrjo-aTO KaXa TreStXa. avTCLp iirel brj iravra irepl xpoL drjKaTo Kooriiov, ^Tj /5' Ip^ev €K 6a\dpL0L0, KaXeao-ap^^vrj 8' ^Acfypobirrji' T(t)v aXkcdv airdvevOe OeQiv irpbs jxvOov eeiire' " ^ pd vv fxoL Ti ttlOolo^ (I)[Xov T€kos, ottl k€v etTTO), 190 K€v apvri(raio, Kor^o-aaixivrj to ye OvpLOd, ovveK eyo) Aavaoio-L, av be Tpdecra-Lv dprj-yeis ; " Trjv 8' fnxeij^er eireira Ato? Ovydrrjp ^AcjypobiTri' ^'"Hpr;, 7Tpe(Tj3a Oed, Ovyarep fieydkoio KpovoLO, avba o TL (jjpoveeis' reXecrai be jie Ovpios dvooyev, 195 el bvvaixai reXecrai ye kol el rereXea-pievov eortV." Trjv be boXo(f)poveov(ra TTpoo-qvba irorvia ''Hp?]* bos vvv poi cjyiXoTTjTa kol tp,epov, w re crv irdvTas ^ bapLva dOavdrovs r]be OvrjTovs dvOpdirovs. elpLL yap oxj/opevrj 7ToXv(f)6pl3ov ireipara yairjs, 200 ^D^Keavov re, BeG>v yeveo-LV, kol prjTepa TrjOvv, o? fxe (TcfyolorL bopoLOTLV ev rpicpov ryS' aTLTaXXov, be^dpevoL ^Feias, ore re Kpovov evpvona 7.evs yaCrjs vepOe KaOeicre kol drpvyeTOLO OaXdcro-rjs' Tovs eip^ o-^/opevrj, Kai acf) aKpira veUea Xvo-co* 205 'Ijbrj yap br]pbv \p6vov dXXrjXcov dTTe)(OVTai — evvrfs Kal (f)LX6Tr]T0Si eirel x^Xos epLireae 6vpL(D. el Keivoo y eneecrcri TrapaLTreiTLOovo-a (f)[Xov K^p els evvTjv dueo-aipn opicoOrjvaL (f)LX6Tr]Ti, alei Ke crcpL iXop.peib7]s 'A(l)pob[Tr]* ovK ear ovbe eoiKe rebv eirps apvrjo-aorOaL' , Zrjvos yap tov apto-rov ev dyKOLvrjo-LV tavety." t^^^ 'Hj Kal a77o (rTri6e(rv aleiyeverdcov p€ia KaTevvrjcratpiLy koI av TroTapoio pieOpa 245 ^Q^KeavoVy 09 Ttep yheais irdvTeo-cri rervKvai' Zrjvds 5' ovK &v eyd ye Kpoviovos aaaov iKo[ixr,v, D 2 36 14. IAIAA02 H. tfluu WT^^^^^ KaTevvrja-aifx^, ore fxrj avros ye KcXfiJoe. fit JUnh^ y^/^ '^^^ aWo re^ iirLvvacrev i(l)€T[irjy l^lVOcIL jjfjLaTL T(D 6t€ k€lvo9 viripOvixos Aios vlos 250 €7r\€€V 'IXto^er, Tpdxov ttoKlv e^akaird^as. ^ 77 rot eyo) fxer e\e£a A to? z/ooz; atyto)(oto i;r]6r/xoy afxcfiLxvOeCs' a-v bi ol KaKa ixrjo-ao dvixSy opaaa apyaXicov avifxcdv €7rl ttovtov arjras, ^ci 1^0.^ I^tz; €7T€LTa Kocdvb^ €V vaLOfJLevrjv aTT^v€iKaSj 355 v6(r(f)L (f)Lk(jov TiavTOiv* 6 6' iireypoixevos xakiiraLve, •jj^ p^T^TOL^^v Kara bcofxa Oeovs, e/xe 6' efo)(a 7rai;ra)z; t ^T^ref fca^ /ce fx aia-Tov ai: aWipos epL/BaXe ttoVto), el fxrj Ni)^ bfxriTeLpa Oecav i(rda)(r€ koL avbp(ov' Tr]V LKopirjv (f)€vyoi)v, 6 6' knavcraro yjjdopievos irep* 260 j| afero yap fxr} Nvktl Oofj airoOvixLa epboL. vvv av TovTo pi avooyas dpirixavov aWo reXio-o-ai" Tbv 5' aSre TrpocreetTre /3oa>7rts TioTvia "^Hpr]' "''Twe, rti] Se craTo ^atSoj eoto ; aXS^ iB\ eyo) 8e Ke rot 'KapLTcov p.Lav oirXoTepdoov b(ipoveov(Ta TTpoo-rjvba TTOTVLa '^Hprj' 300 " epxopiaL oylropiivrj TToXvcjiop^ov Tretpara yaCrjs, ^£lKeav6v re, 6eo)v yeveoLo-L hopiOLo-Lv ev Tpe(f)ov 178' cltCtoXXov' Tovs et/x' 6\j/opLevr], KaC (T(j)^ aKpLTa veUea Xvo-o)' rjbrj yap hrjpbv XPOJ^ov aXXriXo)v OLTTexovTaL 305 evvrfs Kol (pLXoTTjTos, €TTel x^Xos ep^TTeae 6vp,Q, LTTTTOL 8' ev TTp V^COpel rf TToXVTTLbaKOS '^Ibrjs ^ ('^^ eo-Taa, OL p! OLo-ovcTLV eTTt Tpa(l)epriv re kol vyprjv. vvv h\ (rev eLveKa bevpo KaT OvXvpTTov ro8' Uaz^co, fi-q TTcas pLOL /xereTTetra x^Xdo-eaL, at fce (TLcoTTrj 310 14. lAIAAOS H. ot)(ODiJLai TTpbs 8a)/xa jSaOvppoov ^ ^iKeavolo.^^ Ttjv 8' GLTiaiiu^oyievos upo(Ti(pr] vecjyeXrjyepiTa Zevs* "''Hpr;, K€L(r€ piev ^cttl kol vcrTepov 6ppir]0rjvaL, vSi'i 8' or/ €V (j)Lk6T7]TL TpaTTeCopiev €vvr]OivT€, ov yap TTCo irori fx' wSe Oea^ €po9 ovbi yvvaiKos 315 Ovpidv ivl crrrjOeo-o-L irepLTTpoxvOeh ibapLaaaeVf oiS' oiroT Tjpao'dpirjv ^]^L0VLr]s aX6)(^oiOy fj rcKC YleipiOoov, Oeocpiv prfo-Tcop' aroXavTov* 0^8' ore Trep ^avaiqs KaXKi(T(\)Vpov 'A/cpt(rta>i'7]9, r} riKe Ylepo-fja, Tiavraiv apibeiKeTov avhpSiv* 320 oi8' ore 4>o^z/tfco? Kovpr]^ T-qKeKX^iroio^ fi T€K€ jiOL Mlvcov t€ KOL olvtLQ^ov ^Pabdixavdvv* oi8' ore Trep ^efiiXrjs ovb^ ^AkKpLrjvris ivl @ri[3r}, rj p' ^HpaKXrja KpaT€p6(l)pova y^Lvaro Tralba' fj bk AL(avv(Tov ^epiiXr] tIk^^ X^Pl^^ ^poTOLCLV* 325 oi'8' ore ArjpLrjrpos KaWiTrXoKapoio avd(rcrr]9, oi8' OTToVe ArjTOvs epiKvb^os, ovbi aev avrrjsy ws o-eo. vvv epapcai KaC jute ykvKVS tpiepos atpet." Toz; 8e bo\o(f)pov€ovo-a Trpoa-qvba iroTvta ''Hpr^* " aivorare Kpovtbr], ttolov tov pivOov eetTres. 330 ei vvv €v cj)LX6TrjTL XuXaUaL evvrjOrjvai "Ibrjs iv Kopv^riai, ra b\ upoTie^avTai airavTa' 7T<39 K €0L, €L TiS vQil OeG>V al€Ly€V€Td(OV evbovT d6pri(T€L€i OeoLac be ttclctl pLerekOiav TTecfypdboL ^ ovk av eyd ye redv irpbs bcofia veotprjv 335 ef eivfjs dvdTacra^ vepLeaorqTOV be Kev eXr], dAA.' et 877 p' eOeXets Kai rot ikr]v eo-aavTo 350 wi'O) Kai (])LX6TrjTL 6a/x66y, e^e 5' dy/cd? clkoitlv l^rj be OUiv iirl vrjas ^kyaiSiv vrjbvfxos '^Tttvos, ayyeXLTjv ipeoyv yatr^o^o) Ivvocriyand' 355 dyxov 8' i(TTdix€vos eTrea irrepoevTa irpoo-rjvba* " TTpoippoiv vvv Aavaol(TLf Uoo-eCbaov, eTrdpivve, Kai (TcpLv Kvbo9 oTTa^e piivvvOd irepj o(\)p' hi evbet, Zi^vs, €7766 avT(^ iyls) [xaXaKov nepX Ko^pL €KdXv\lfa' '^Hp-q 6' €v (fyiXoTT^TL TTapriTTa(f)ev €vvr\6r\vai'^ 360 '^I2y 61770) Z/ 6 jUt6Z; W)(6r' 677t kXvTOL (j)vX^ dv9p(0TT(Ji)V, Tov 8' 6rt fjLaXXov dvrjKev dp.vvip.evai Aavaoicnv. avTLKa 8' 62; TTp(0T0L(n piiya irpoOopcov eKeXevaev' ^^^ApyeloL, KOL brj avT€ p^eOUp^ev "EKTopL vCktjv YlpiafjLibrjy Iva vrjas eXrj koL Kvbos dprjraL ; 365 dAA' 6 p.€v ovTco (l)7](rl Koi evx^Tai, ovveK ^Axf-XXevs vqvalv eiTL yXacpvpjjcn p.ivei KexoXcxipivos rjTOp' Keivov 8' ov TL Xltjv ttoOt] eo-o-erai, d k€V ot dXXoL 1^ orprnM^eO' dfj^vvipev dXXi^XoLa'iv. ^''^ dAA' dy6^', 0)9 av €yo)V diroi, i^eiOdipeOa Trdvrer 37© do-Tiibes oa-aai apiCTTaL hi (TTpaT(^ rjbe iieyia-rai k(T(rdp.evoL, K6(/)aAds 86 TTavaiOr\cnv KopvOecra-L Kpv\lravT€S, x^P^^^ ixaKporar eyx^' eXovres, Lop.€V' avrap eyoiv rjyrjcropaL, ovb' hi (i>r]pl. 40 14. IAIAA02 H. "Eicropa TlpLaixLbrjv fxeveetv [laXa irep /xe/txawra. 375 OS 8e K avrjp iievixapyios , 5' 6\iyov (tclkos &iJL(d, \€ipovL ^(OTL doVo), 6 8' €V acTTrihi jxeCCovL Svrco/' ^X2s €(f)a6\ ol 5' apa roO /xaAa /xez; kKvov 7]5' iiriOovTO' T0V9 8' airol jSacrtXryes eKOcrfxeov ovTCLfxevoL irep, Tvbeibrjs ^Obvcrevs re Kat ^ATpetbrjs ^Ayaixijivcov' 380 ot)(o/x€rot 8' eTTt Trdz/raj ^AprjCa ret;^^' ay^ei^ov* iaOXa [xkv €(t6\os ebvve^ X^P^^ X^^V^^^ boo-Kev. avrap €TT€l /5' io-aavTo 7T€pl XP^^ vcopoira ^aXKOV, ^dv /5' t/x6i^* ?7PX^ rToo-etSacoi; ivoaCxOcov, beivbv aop ravv-qKes e^aov kv x^^pl TraxeCrj, 385 6?K6Aoz; a(TT€poTTfj' 7(0 5' ov ^6/xt9 €crrl payrjvai iv bal XevyaXerj, aWd b€os IcrxcLvei avbpas. Tp(oas 6' aS^' kripcoBev eKocrfxei (paLbifxos ^FtKTCop, bri pa TOT alvoTCLTYjv epiba UToXip.oio Tavvacrav KvavoxaiTa Ilocr€Lbd(ov kol c^atSc/xoy ''E/crcop, 390 ^ TOL 6 fiev TpdeaaLVi 6 5' ^ApyeCoLo-Lv ap-qycov. €KXva6r] be BaXaaa-a tiotl KXicrias re vias re ^Apyeicov' ol be ^vvia-av pieydkco a\a\r]T<^, ovTe OaXd(Tar]s KVfxa Tocrov ^oda ttotl xepaoVy TiovToOev opvvyievov Trvoifj Bopeo) akeyeLvfj' 395 oiJre TTvpbs t6(T(tos ye irekei ^poptos aWopievoLO ovpeos ev iBrjo-crrjs, ore r' oopeTO Katepiev vXrjv' ovT dvepLOS Tocrcrov ye irepl bpva-lv vyjnKopiOKri rjTTveL, OS re /txaXto-ra /xeya iSpepLeTau ^^aXeTratz^coi;, oa-arj apa Tpcoayv kol 'Axatwz; evrAero (jxjdvrj 400 beivbv dv(rdvT(t>v, ot eTr' aXKrikoKTiv opovorav. AlavTOs be irpcaTos aKovTia-e (\)aLbipios ''Ekto^p eyx^i'y ^'TTel TeTpaiTTo irpbs lOv ol^ ovb^ d(l)dp.apTe^ ysf*^ pa bvoi Tekapicove irepl aT-qOea-ori TeTdaOrjv, ^ TOL 6 p.ev adKeos, 6 be (l)a(rydvov dypvporjkov' 405 roi oi pv(rd(T0r]v Tepeva xpoct- x^^^''^ ^' ''E/crcop, 14. IATAA02 H. 41 OTTL pa ol /3eAo9 d>Kv irfio-Lov €K(j)vy€ x^tpos, Tov iikv €7T€LT CLTTLovTa juteytt? TeXapidvLos Aias Xep/xa6ta), t6, pa ttoWcl, 6od(ov '^yjxara vrjc^v, 410 Trap 7T0(n papvapL€voiv eKvXivbeTO, To^v ieipas ^-^ Li/ / tJ (TTT]6os Pe^Xr\Kei vi:\p avrvyos ayyodi betprjSi iiu]It h^<^ a rpofxlSov 6' 0)9 e ayeve ^aXdv, irepl j 5'_€5/ )a^€ ttclvty), # 0)9 6' o^' T^TTo TTkr]yr]9 Tiarpos Aibs i^epLTrrj bpvs ^ ^'Ux^ Trpoppi^os, beivrj be Oeeiov yiyverai obp-q 415 avTrjs, rov 6' ov irep e^^et Opacos 6s K€v XbrjTaL iyyvs edv^ x.^A€7T09 be Alos peyoXoio Kepavvos, 0)9 €7r€o-' ''EKTopos S)Ka yapLal pievos ev KWirjo-L. [ 0 Xeipbs 5' eKjBaXev eyx^os, 677 ' avT(2 5' acTTrh kdtpOr] KOL Kopvs, ap(f)l bi ol ^potxe revx^cL TioiKiXa \akK^, 420 ol be piiya iayovres enibpapov vies 'A^^atfiy, eXTTopievoL epvecrOaij clkovtl^ov be Oapeids alxP'ds' dXX^ ov TLS ebwrjo-aro TTOipeva Xacov ovTCLo-at ovbe /BaXelv' irplv yap T:epi^r](rav aptorot, YlovXvbapas re Kal Alveias Kal bios ^Ayrjvcop 425 'EapTTTjbdv t\ apxbs Avklcov, Kal TXavKOs apvpcov. T(ov b' aXX(o.v ov TLS ev aKribeaev, aXXa irdpoLOev ao'irCbas evKVKXovs cT^iOov avrov, rov K ap^ kralpoi XepcrXv aeipavTes (^epov e/c ttovov, ov ovTa Kara Aairaprjv o 0 averpaTrer , a/x(/)t 0 ap ai/ro) Tpwey Kal Aaz;aol crvvayov Kpareprjv vo-pLLvrjv. d' 6776 Ylov\vbdp.as iyx^eaTraXos rjXOev dp^vvrayp n.av6oLbr]9, ^dXe be UpoOorjvopa be^tbv S/xoz/, 4^0 VLov ^AprjlXvKOLO, bi^ (5/xoi> 5' o^piyiov eyyos 6o-)(6r, 6 8' 6z; KovCrjcTL 7T€(T0)v 6A6 yataz/ dyocrcS. RovAvSa/xay 8' eKirayXov enev^aro ixaKpov dvaas' ixav avT dto) [xeyaOvfjiov IlavOotbao )(6tpos a770 crTL^aprjs aXiov TTrjbrjo-aL ctKOvra, 455 n aA\a tls ^Apyeucov KopLLcre xpot, Kai pnv oto) L ^ airo) (TKTiTTTOjxevov Karipiev bopLOv ''At8oy 6tcra).'* 12s 69ar , ApyeioiaL 0 ayos yever ev^ap^evoio AXavTL be pLaXio-Ta batcppovL 6vp.bv opive^ Tv 1^, aWa Kao-CyvrjTos ' AvTvvopos t7r7ro5a/xoto, 7] TTOLs' avT<^ yap yeverjv ayxLo-ra ew/cet." V ^' ytyi^c^o-Kcoi;, TpQas 8' ^xoy e'AAa/^e ^i;/xoz; 475 hO' 'A/ca/xas ITpo/xaxoz; Botcortoz; ovracre bovpl, apcj)! Kaa-iyvriTw ^e^ads' 6 5' il^eAKe 7ro8oui;. 7(5 5' 'A/ca/xay €K7Tay\ov eTrev^aTo [xaKpov avaar "'Apyetot ioixcopoL, aireiXdoiv CLKoprjTOL, ov Orjv OLOLo-Lv ye ttoVo? t eWrat /cat 480 fjfxtv, aXkd TToO' &b€ KaraKTevUa-e^ koX iJ/x/xe?. (t)pdC€(re' 0)9 i/xtz; Upop^axos bebi^rjixivos €vb€L €yx€i e/xo), ha p^rj tl Kao-LyvrjTOLo ye noivr] brjpbv aTLTos erj' Kat tls t evx^rai dvrjp yvoiTov hi peyapoioriv dpijs dXKTrjpa AtTreV^at." 485 ''129 €^ar', 'ApyeCoLo-L 6' axoy yeVer ev^apivoLO* UrjviXei^ be p^dkio-ra bat(l)povi Ovpbv opivev 0)ppri67] 8' ^AKdpavTos' 6 8' ov^ viiip^eivev ipcorjv UrjveXicoo dvaKTos' 6 8' ovrao-ev 'iKiovija, vlbv ^op^avTos iroMjprjXoVj tov pa pdXia-To. 490 ^Eppeias Tpcionv i(l)LkeL Kal KTrjo-Lv OTracra-e* 7(3 8' dp* VTTo prjTYjp povpov TeK€v 'IXiovrja, TOV t66* ill 6ri K^beiav dvaa^(s)v iricppabe re Tpcoeo-cL Kal evxdpevos eiros rjvba* 500 " eiirepevai /xot, Tpcoes, dyavov ^IXtovrjos iraTpl (j)[X(D Kal prjrpl yorjpevai ev peydpoia-iv* 44 14. IAIAA02 H- ovbe yap rj Upofxdxpio bdfxap ^ AXeyrjvopCbao avbpl (piXco kkOovTi yavvo-deraiy oinTOTe k€V brj e/c TpoLTjs (Tvv vrjval vedjxeOa Kovpoi 'Axatwz;." 505 *12s ^aro, tovs 5' apa iravras virb Tpofxos ^XkajBe yvia, TTaTTTrjvev Se ^Kacrros oirrj (jyvyoL alirvv okedpov. ''Eo'TreTe vvv fiot, Movcrai ^OkvpLTna 6co/xar ^xpvo-aiy 09 TLS hr] irpo^Tos i^poroevT avhpaypi 'Axatwr rjpar, iireC p €kXlv€ pidxV^ kXvtos ivvoaCyaLOS. 510 Atas pa irpcoTos TeXa/xcoz/ioj ^Tpriov ovra TvpTidbrjv, Mvacav fjyqTopa KaprepoOvpLoov' dkKr]v 8' ^AvtlXoxos Kal Mipfxepov €^€vdpL^€* MrjpLovrjs be Mopvv re Kal ^IinroTCoova KareKva, TevKpos 8e UpoOocovd r evrjparo Kal TLepLCpriTTjv' 515 '^ATpetbrjs 6' a/)' cTret^' ^Tireprivopa, TTOLpiiva \a(av, ovra Kara \aTrdpr]v, bia b^ evrepa xciA.kos a6^ov opcrrf. IAIAA02 O. HaX/w^f? Trapa twv vecov, Avrap iirel bid re (TKokoTras kol Td(l)pov e/Brja-av (l>€vyovT€S, TToXXol 8e Sa/xei; Aavao^v vtto \€p(Tiv^ oi [xev 8r) Trap 6\€(Tv dirb jSrjkov, o(\>p hv iKrjTaL d^S ^a^^ ^ftr dtuLt^ 46 15. 1AIAA02 O. yrjv dk iymr^ oiv' Ijote S"* oi8' Ovjjiov avUl rov orv ^vv Bopirj av€ix(a 7T€Tn6ov(ra OviXkas TTeixyj/as iir arpvyeTov ttovtov, Ka/ca ixr]TL6(0(Ta^ Kai fjiLV €7T€LTa Kooivb* €v vaiopL^vrjv airivetKas* Tov fxev iyojv evOev pva-apjqv kolI avriyayov avris "Apyos 69 Itttto^otov, Koi TToWd iT€p aOkria-avTa. tS>v (t avTLS pLvrjo-cdj iV arrokk'q^rjs airaTdoiv, 6(f)pa ibr] i]v TOL yj)aL(rixrf <^ik6Tr]s re koX evvrj, fjv €ixLyrj$ ikOova-a Oe&v airo Kai ix aTTdrrjo-as*^^ ^0.9 (f)dTO, pLyrjcrev be ^ocottls irorvLa '^Hprj, Kai ixiv (p(xivri(Ta(T eirea Trrepoevra -npoa-qvha* iOTO) vvv ro8e Taia Kal Ovpavbs evpvs virepOe Kal TO KareL^Qpievov Sruyoy vboip, oy re /uteyto-roy opKOs beivoraTos re TreAet pLaKdpecrcn Oeoia-i, crrf 0^ leprj Kecpakr} Kal vcotrepov Ae;(oy avT&v Kovpibiov, TO pikv ovK hv iyco TTOTe pLayj/ opLoaaLpLf pLT} bi epirjv loTYjTa Uocreibdoiv ivoo-ixOcov TTrjpiaiveL Tpcods re Kal '^EKTopa, tolctl 8' dpriyeij akkd TTov avTov Ovpibs eiroTpyvei Kal dv(ay€L, T€Lpop.ivov9 S' eTTt vqvxrlv Ib^v ekerjo-ev 'A)(at07;y. avTap TOi Kal Keivco eyo) TTapapivdr](raipLrjv Tjj ipL€V fj K€V br] arv^ K€kaLve(l)es, rjyepLOvevrjs.^^ ^12? (\)dTO^ pieibrja-ev be iTaTrjp avbpcov re Oecov re Kai piLV dpLei^opievos eirea iTTepoevTa irpoo-rjvba' el p.ev brj oij y eVetra, /^owTTty noTvia "Hprj, L(TOV epLol (jypoveova-a /xer aOavdTOKTi KaOi^ois, r(o Ke I\o(Teibdo}v ye, Kal el pidka ^ovkeTai dkkrj^ aixj/a pLeTaa-Tpixj/eie voov /(xera crov kolI epiov Ktjp, dAA.' el brj p eTeov ye Kal drpe/ce'co? dyopevets, epxeo vvv juierd (f>vka 6e&v, Kal bevpo Kdkecra-ov '^Ipiv T ekOepLevai Kal ^ATTokkoova KkvTOTo^ov^ 15. lAIAAOS O. 47 ^ o(/)p' 7j fx€v [xera Xaov ^AyaiQi>v xaKKoyjLTc^voav €\6rj, Koi eLTTTjo-L Tlo(r€Lba(ovL avaKTL TTava-dfJLevov TToXifjiOLO ra a irpos bdfxaO' tfceV^at, "EKTopa 8' drpvvrjo-L {J^axyiv h 4>ot/3o9 ^ATToXKoiv, avTLS 8' ifJLTTvevo-rjo-i ixivos, XeXdOrj 5' dbvvdcav 60 at vvv iiiv rdpovcri Kara ^pivas, avrap ''kyaiovs avTi^ a7T0O'Tpi\l/r}(TLV dvakKtha ^v^av ivopaas, ^ (pevyovTes 5' iv vr}V(rl TToXvKXrj'Ccri Trecrcoo-t WlryXeiSeo) 'AxiXrjos' 6 8' dvcrr-ZiaeL hv kraipov fe'^eWt^tfe- nldrpoKXov' Tov 86 KTevei 'iyxei ^at8t/xoy "YiKTOt^p 65 OlXtov TTpoirdpoLOe, iroXias oXicravr alCi-jovs Koiy dXXovs, /xera 8' vlov epidv ^apirrjbova otor. Wfov 86 xoXoixrdixevos KT€va. "Y^KTopa hlos ^AyjiXXevs* JmK TOV 8' dv TO 6 67r6tra TraXioy^iv Trap a z^r;wz/ a66z; 6y(t) revyoipii btaixirepis, els o k 'Ax^atol 70 ''IXiov aiiTv eXoiev ^AO-qvairjs 8ta ^ovXds. TO TTpLV 0 OVT ap €y(t) 7:aV0) X^AOV OVT€ TIV akkov dOavdroiv ^avaoiaiv djxvviixev evOdb^ idorco, Trpiv ye to TlYjkeibao TeXevTr}6rjvai eiXbcop, coy oi VTTeo-TTjv irpcoTov, 6jut(5 8' eirevevcra KdprjTL, 75 ijpiaTL T(3 OT 6/X610 Oea SeTis rj\l/aT0 yovvo)v, XKTcroixevr] rt/x^crat ^ AxiXXrja TTToXiTTopOov.^' ^Sls ecjyaT, ovb^ aTTiO-qcre Oea XevK(6Xevos "Hp?/, I3rj 8' 6^ ^Ibaiodv opecov es ixaKpov ""OXvpLirov. 0)9 8' oT av dt^rj voos dvepos, os t enl TToXXrjv So tyaiav eXrjXovOo)^ (fypeo-l irevKaXCfJirjo-L vorjo-jj, " evO' elr]v, rj evOa," pievoLvrirj(TC Te iroXXd, &s KpaLTTvm ixeixavla bienTaTO TTOTVLa' Uprj' tKeTO 8' aliTvv "'OXvjiTTOv, oixiqyepieo-a-i 8' eTTrjXOev dOavdTOLo-i Beoi(n Alos bofico' ol be IbovTes , 85 TrdvTes dvrj'i^av kol beiKavooovTo beirao-o-LV. ^ ff 8' dXXovs ixev eaae, GepLLcrTL be KaXXLiraprjCO 48 15. IAIAA02 O. biKTo biiras' Trpdrr] yap ivavTLrj ^\6€ 6€0V(ra, KaC fj.LV (l)Oi)vrj(ra(r eTrea irrepoevTa TTpocrrjvba* ^'"'Hprj, TLTTTe ^e^TiKas ; aTvCopiivrj be lotfcas* 90 ?7 fxaXa brj (r eifyo^-qae Kpovov ttols, os rot aKOLTrjs.^^ Trjv 8' riix€L^€T cTretra dea kevKco^evos ''Hpr^' ^' pLrj ix€, Oea Sifxt, ravra bieCpeo' otaOa koX avrrj, OL09 €K€Lvov OvfJLOs VTTepc^idkos KoX a Trrjvr js. kansk, akka (TV y apx^ 6eoi(n 80/xots €VL bairos ita-qs' 95 ravra b^ Kal fxera ttclg-lv cLKOvcreai aOavdroLcnv, ola Zevs KaKCL epya Tncjyavo-KeraL' ovbi ri r]ixi TTCLO-LV 6/xG)9 OvfJibv Keyap-qo-iixev, ovre ^poroiariv ovre Oedis, et nip ris en vvv haivvrai €V(j)pa)v" *H ixkv ap St)S elnovcra KaOi^ero irorvLa "Hpr/, 100 Siy6r] (l)Lkraro9 avbp&v, 'Ao-Kakacpos, rov (f)r}a-LV hv epLfxevat o^pLfios *^Aprj9.^^ '^^^ i(t>o.r y avrap '"Aprjs Oakepca nertkriyero \xr]p(a - yep^ K ara7:pYjve(T(r \ dko(f)vp6fxevos 8' eiros rjvba' " [XT] vvv [loi veixecrrjcrer, '0Xv/x7rta bdpiar exovre^, 115 - rLa-aaQai ^ovov vlos lovr enl vrjas 'Axatwr, '■ el TTep pLOL Kal fxotpa Alos Trkrjyevn Kepavv^ Kela-Oai ofMOv veKvea-ci fxeO^ atfxarL Kal Kovlrja-iv.*^ *I2s (fydro, Kai p lttttovs Kekero AeCjxov re 4 >oj3o r re (\ |y4/A^ ulrM ^/IcS 15. IAIAA02 O. 49 CevyvuiXtv, avros 5' evre' ebvo-ero iTaiJi(f)av6(ovTa. ^ 120 €vOa K €TL fxeiCcov re kol apyaXedrepos aWos Trap Ato? aOavoLTOKTL yoXos Koi {jltjvls hvxOrj, el fXTj ^AOrjvr] iiacn T^epiheiaao-a Oeoicnv S)pTo 8t6K TTpoOvpov, kL7T€ be Opovov evOa OAa(r(T€, Tov 5^ aiTo fiev KecfyaXrjs KopvO^ eikero kol (tolko^ wjotcoi;, €yxo? 8' eariqa-e ty, dyyov 8' larapLevri Trpoaecprj kXvtov evvoo-iyaiov* " dyyeXirjv TLvd rot, yatrioye Kvavoxalra, rjXOov bevpo (pepovcra Trapal Atbs alyLOXOLO. 175 Travo-dpievov (t' eKekevcre p-dyjis 7]be TTToXepLOto epxecrOai pLera (pvka Oecav fj els oka blav. el be ol OVK eireecTG'* eTnTreicreaL, aAA' dkoyrjorets, rjireikei kol Keivos evavri^iov TTokepLi^odv evOdb^ ekevo'eo'OaC ae 8' vTre^akeaaOat dvdyeL 180 Xetpas, eTiel aeo (l)r]cn ^Lr\ irokv (fyeprepos elvai KoX yevefj irporepos' (tov b' ovk oOeraL (f)Lkov ^Top lo-ov OL (pdaOaL) tov re orvyeovcn kol aAAot.'"' 15- lAfAAOS o. «r CO ^OTTo^, rj p ayae6s irep Po^v iT^ipoiAov hiir.v, d II oiioTLfiop iovra jStrj aUovTa KaOi^ei. rpeh ydp r' U Kp6vov dix\v ^beXcj^eoi, ots rUero Te'a Ze'v, Kal iyci, rpiraros 6' 'Mhr^s, hipoLcnv ^vdacro^,. rpixOh he ^dvra Ulacrrai, ^Kacrros b' l/x/xope np^ij,' V TOL iy^v ^Xaxov ttoXl^v SiXa vaiip^ev aid 190 J iraXXo^vcov, 'Atbrj, b' e^Aa^e Cdcj^ov ^epdevra, ^ ^ Zeij9 6' iXax' oipavhv eiphv h alOipi Kal vecj^iXrjaL' yata 5' ht ^vv^ T^dvrcov Kal paKphs "OXvp-nos. ^ ji r,^JC ^ Ti^Ja Kal oj TL Aib, fiio^mt cj^pecrLv, dXXh '^ki^Xos Kal Kparepos irep icbv p^evirco rpLrdrrj hi p^otprj. 195 X^pcrl be p^ t[ p,€ irdyxv KaKhv &s beLbKra-idOco' Ovyarepeacnv ydp re Kal vldai ^eXrepop dr] eKirdyXois e-nieaatv ivj^ajj^ejiev, 0V9 reKev avros, rixJ^f^"^ OL kOev drpvvovTos dKova-ovrai Kal avdyKT].'' Tbv 6' ripdj^er eireiTa nobrivepos WKea /Ipts' ovTOi yap brj tol, yanqoxe Kvavoxaira, Tovbe (j^epco Ail p^vOov aTrrjvia re Kparepov re, r/ Ti perao-Tpexj/ets ; (rrpeTTTal p.iv re ^pives eaOXcav. ^Ifjv V avT€ TTpoa-ieiTre noo-etbdcav evoo-ixO^v * ^^^^<4»(iMM; Ipi Oed, p^dXa tovto e-nos Kara pLoipav hmes' ko-eXov Kal TO TeTVKTai, ot dyyeXos aicripa eibfj. dXXa ro6' alvbv axos Kpabtrjp Kal Ovpov Udvec, OTTiTOT av Icrop^opov Kal 6p.f] TreTTpaypievov ato-rj veiKdeiv iOeXrjo-L xoXooto'lotlv eTreeara-iv, 210 dXX Tj TOi vvv p.iv /ce vepLeaarjOeh viroei^co* aXXo be rot epeo), Kal aTTeiXrjo-o) to ye 6vpi(^' at Kev dvev epLeOev Kal ^AOrjvairjs dyeXeCrj^, ''Hprjs 'EpjLtetco re Kal *H(j)aiaTOio dvaKTos^ 'IXiov aiireLvrjs 7T€(t)ibrjo-€TaL, ovb' edeX'qcreL 215 200 E 2 5^ 15- IAIAA02 O. eKTripo-ai, bovvai §6 [xiya Kpdros ' kpyeioia-iVy toTco TOvd\ on vQiiv avrjKecrTos xo^o? eorau" ^X2s €1770)1; XtTre Xabv ^Axclukov kwocriyaios^ bvV€ h\ TTOVTOV l(iv, TToOeo-av rjp(Jd€9 ^AxaiOL, Koi TOT ^ATToWoiva TTpoa-icf)!] v€(f)€Xr]y€piTa Zevs' 220 " €pX€0 VVVi (f)L\€ 4>Ot/36, [JL^O' ''EKTOpa XakKOKOpVG-TrjV' rjbr] piev yap rot yairjoxos evvocriyaios oV)(jeTai ds oka blav, akevap^evos x^kov aiirvv fipiiTepov' pidXa yap k€ p^dxV^ knvOovTO koX aXXoi, OL 7T€p kvipTepoL eio-L Oeoi, Kpovov a/xc^t? eorres. 225 aWa ro6' rjpiev ipLol ttoXv Kepbiov rib€ ol avT(S eVAero, ottl irdpoiOe vepLeo-o-rjOels viroei^e ^ X^pas epids, eTrel ov k€v dvibpayTL y eTeXio-Or], dWa (TV y' Iv x^^p^<^<^^ Aa^' alyiba Ovcro-avoecrcrav, Ty /xaA.' ^TTLo-o-^Coov (pojBieLv r/pcoas 'A)(atovs' 230 (Tol 8' avT(2 /jteXeVco, iKaTrj/SoXe, (jyaibLpos "EKrcop* Tocjypa yap ovv ol eyeipe piivos peya, ocj^p^ av 'Amatol (f)€vyovT€S vrjds re Kal ^EWrjo-iTovTov tKcovTai. KeWev 8' avTos eyo) (ppdcropLai epyov re eiros re, a)s K€ Kal avTLs 'A)(atol dvaTTvevcrcocn Troroto." 235 *X2s eVy os /x' etpeat dvTriv ; 15. IAIAA02 O. 53 ovK clUls o fxe vqvorlv €7TL TrpvixvYjCTLv 'Axatwz; ovs krdpovs oXiKovra [Borjv ayaOos ^dXev Ata? Xep/xa8t(i) Trpoy o-rrjOos, eVavo-e be OovpLbos a\Kr]s ; 250 Kot brj eyco y' icjxxixrjv v€Kva^ koL Sw/x' 'At6ao 1 rjixan rw8' t^eo-Qai, eirel (pikov a Coy ^rop." j^<\jAi.oL (n*X Tbv avT€ TTpocrieiTrev ava^ eKaepyos 'AttoAXcoz;' ^^■Odpo-eL vvv Toiov rot docro-rjr^a Kpovicov k J^m. » e^'TSr/s TTpoir]Ke Tiapea-rdiievai kol apivveLV, 255 ^oi^ov ' AiToWoiva ^pvcraopov^ os ere iiapos irep pvofx, 6/^0)9 avTov re kol anreivov TrroXieOpov, dAA' aye vvv iTTTreva-iv eTTorpvvov TToXeeo-crt vrjv(rlv eTTL y\a(f)vpfj(nv ekavvep^ev w/ceas lttttovs* avrap eyo) TTpOTrdpoiOe KL(i)v LTnTOLcn KeXevSov 260 -nao-av keiaveo), Tpe\j/oi) 6' i^'pcoa? 'A^cito?;?." '^Hs" etTTcbz; epLTTvevcre p.evos p.eya TTOip^evL XaQv. to)S 8' ore Ti9 o-TaTos lttttos, dKocrria-as eiil (fyaTvrjj bea-pbv airoppri^as Oetrj Trebioio KpoaCvooVj eio)6o)s Xoveo-Qai eyppelos TTorapoio, 265 KvbiooiiV' v^ov be Kapr] eyei^ dpLcf)! be )(atrat ai/xotj dtcrcrovTaC 6 8' dyXatrjcpL TreTTOiOcos, pLpLcjja e yovva (jyepec perd t ijOea kol vopbv iitnoiv' ''E/crcop Xaiylr-qpa Trobas kol yovvar evdpa oTpvvcov l777r?}a9, €7766 Oeov eKXvev avbrjv. 270 ^ol 8' (09 T rj eXacpov Kepabv rj dypiov atya icro-evavTo Kvves re koX dvepes dypotcSraf rbv piiv T riXi^aros Trerpr] kol bdcKLOs vXrj elpvo-ar, ovb' apa re (Tcj)L KLxripevai al/xat, oXov br] avT E^avns dvicrrr] Kijpas dXv^as "Ekto^p' ^ Oriv [Xiv ixdka eATrero evpios e/caorou X^po-lv v7t' AtavTos Oaveeiv TeXafjicovLdbao, dWd TLs avT€ Oecov ippvcraTo kol i(Tdo)(r€v 290 Ektop , o br] 7To\ko)v Aavacov viro yovvar e\v(T€V, 0)9 Kal vvv ecro-eo-Oai OLOfjLar ov yap drep ye Zr]vos ipcybovTTOv irpopios Lararai (SSe p.evoivQ)v. dXX dy€6\ o)s civ €yo)v etirooy TT€i0d)jj.e6a Trdi^res. ^jS^t) ' ttXtjOvv fx€v TTOTL vjjas dv(a^ojxev d7rov€€(r0aL' 295 avTol b\ ocrcroL dpicrroi ivl (Trpar^ evxdp^eO' etrat, (TTTjop^ev, €L K€v iTpcoTov ipv^ofikv dvTido-avTes^ bovpar dvao-xdpLevoL' tov b'' otco Kal /xe/xawra Ovp.^ beicreo-Oai AavaGiv Karabdvat o/xtAoz;.'^ 'X2y €(f)a6\ ol 8' dpa rod /xaAa jxev kXvov 778' kiridovTo' ol fiev dp' dfxcf)' Alavra Kal ^Ibopievija dvaKTa, 301 TevKpov Mr]pL6vrjv re Meyrjv r\ drdXavrov " Aptii, v(T\kivy\v ijprvvov, dpLo-rrjas KaXio-avre^, 'EKTopL Kal Tpcoeo-o-Lv havTLov' avrdp ottlo-g-co rj irXrjOvs iirl vrjas 'A^atwz; aiioviovTo, 305 TpQ^es bl TrpovTvxj/av aoXXees, ^px€ 8' ap' "Ektco/) (xaKpa ^L^ds' TTpoo-Oev be kC avrov ^oljSos 'Att6XXo)v elfxivos S)iioiiv V€(f)eXrjv, 8' alyCba OovpLv, '^'^ J^^^^ «M0t^ao^taz^ dpi-npe-ne, rjv dpa xaA/cei/? (f^jo^ Hcpaio-Tos Au b6)Ke (f)oprjiJievaL TTa Iboov AavaQv ra^VTrcoXcoi/ 3^0 (TetcTj eiTL 8' avTos avae [xaXa {JLeya^f^oicn be OvjjLOv ev (TTTiOecra'iv eOeX^e, X&Oovro be Oovpibos clXkyj^. OL 0 m T Tje po(s)v ayeXrjv rj iro^v /xey otcoz; Orjpe bvo) KXavecaci fieXaivrj^ vvktos a/xoAyw, eXOovT e^aiTLvq^ (Trjiiavropos ov irapeovros, 325 0)9 e(j)6[3r}9ev ^A\aLol dvaXKibes* ev yap 'AttoAXcoz/ rjKe (j)6l3ov, Tpcocrlv be Kal '^EKTopi Kvbos oira^ev, "Ez^^a 8' dvr]p eXev dvbpa KebacrOeLa-ris vo-pLivqs. ''Ektcop fjiev ^Tiyjiov re Kal ^ kpKea-iXaov eirecpve, Tov ixev Botcorwz; rjyrjTopa x,ciXKOXiT(ovo)v, 330 Tov be Meveo-Orjos pLeyaOvpiov itkttov eralpov* klveias be Mebovra Kal ''laa-ov e^evapi^ev, fj TOL 6 [xev voOos vlos 'OtA?5o9 Oeioio ea-Ke Mebo)v, Atavros dbeXcpeos' avrap evaiev ev ^vXcLKrj yairjs diro irarpibos, dvbpa KaraKrds, 335 yvotirbv p.r]rpvLrjs 'EptwTTtSo?, fjv e^ 'O'iXevs' ''lao-os avr dpxos ixev 'A6rjvaiO)v erervKro, vtbs be 2(/)7]Aoto KaXeo-Kero BovKoXibao. Mr]Ki(Trr] 8' eXe UovXvbdpias, 'Ex^ov be UoXtrrjs TTpcorrj ev vaixivri, KXovlov 8' eXe bi09 'Ayrjvayp. 340 Arjtoxov be Udpis jSdXe veiarov o)fxov oTTLcrOe (t)evyovr ev Trpopidxoio-t, biaTrpb be xaX/cor eXacrcrev, *'0<^)p' 01 rovs evdpiCov aTr' evrea, ro(/)pa 8' 'Axatot 56 15. IAIAA02 O. TCLippiD KOL a-KoXoTTea-a-Lv ivLirXri^avT^s dpvKTrj €v6a Kol €v6a ipijBovTo, bvovTO be T€lxos avdyKrj, 345 ""Ektcop be Tpdecro-LV eKeKkero fxaKpov avaas* vrjv(Tiv i7n(T(r€V€(T6at, eav 8' evapa ^poToevra' avTov ol Bavarov ixrjTLo-ofJiaL, ovbi vv tov ye yvcoToi Te yvcorai re Trvpbs Xekdx^ctxrL Oavovra, 350 ^0^\ka Kvves epvovai irpb aoreos rjixerepOLo,^^ I i ^'D.s dircbv pid(TTiyL KaToofxabbv ijkacrev lttttovs, '^k€k\6ix€Vos Tpdeao-L Kara arixas' ol 5e avv avT<^ TTCLVTes 6p.0KkricravT€s e^ov ipvadpiiaTas lttttovs \vXV Beo-TTeo-LTj' TTpoTTapoiOe be aXayyr]b6v^ irpb 8' 'AttoAAcoz; 360 aiyib^ e\(iiv epLTLpiov' epenre be relxps 'Axcttwz; peia p,aA', ore ris y\rdp.a6ov ttols dy^}' OaXdao-rjs, OS T eiTel ovv TTOLrjo-rj dOvpixara vrjiTLerjcLv, ayjr ovtls avveyeve ttocfIv kol x.^po'tz^ advpcov . (jds pa (TV, rfCe 4>otj3e, ttoXvv Kdpiarov K.al oi^vv 365 (Tvy)(^eas 'Apyetcoi;, avToion be (pv^av evcapcras. : j '^Xls ol fiev TTapa vqvalv eprfTVovro p^ivovres, \ dXXr\Xoi(Ti re KeKXop^evoi koX Tracrt Oeolai \eipas dvLo-yovres pieydX* evxerooovTO eKacrros* 'Neo'TOdp avre p^dXicrTa TeprivLOs, ovpos WxaiQiVf 370 evyero^ X^p' dpeya^v eh ovpavbv dcrrepoevTa' '* Zev Trdrep, el iTore tis tol ev "Apyet Trep TToXvnvpif ri ^obs rj oios Kara ULOva jutr^pta Katcov evxero voaTrjcraL, av 8' virecrxeo koX Karevevcras, rOiv p^vfiaai koX dp,vvoPj 'OAv/xTite, vrjXeh ^ftap, 375, '^^^^ 15. IAIAA02 O. ^ ^^^^ 57^^^^ apaoiv atcov Nr;A.r]td6ao yipovros* Tp(a€9 6' 0)9 ilTvOoVTO At09 KTV7T0V aJyto)(oto, [xaWov €7r' ^Apy^LOKn 66pov, ixvYjcravTo X^PM^* 380 - ol 6' (2s r€ /xeya Ki;/xa Oakdo-o-qs evpvjTopoLO A) Jlo^Ji - z/ryos ^776/) roL)(^cov KaTafBrjo-eraLi ottttot^ iiTeiyr} J^ijlSaa^ X€/)(7t KaTaTTprjvio-a, 6ko(j)vp6pLevos 8' ctto? 7]iJ8a* " EipvTTvX', ovKin tol hvvapai ^(areoi^rt Trep ^pltttjs ivOdbe 7TappL€V€pL€V brj yap juteya va.KOS opcopev 400 d\Ad (re /xez; Oepdiroyv TTOTLTepiriToo, avrap iyd ye (TTTevo-opiaL eh ^Axikija, iv drpvvoii TToAe/xtfetz/. rts 8' 068^ e? Kez/ ol avv baip^ovi Bvpibv opivco irapeLTrdv ; dyaOrj be irapaCcjyao-Ls eo-riv eratpov.^^ Tbv ixev ap Ay elirovra TTobes (jyepov avrap ^Axatot Tpcoas eirepxopievovs p^evov epLirebov, ovb^ ebvvavro 406 iravpoTepovs isep eovras andxracrOai irapd vr\Qiv* gee ^ ^ 58 15. 1AIAA02 O. I o^Se 7T0T€ Tpw6? Aavac^v khvvavro (^akayya^ pr^^a/xerot KXtcrLrjcrL fjnyrjiievai rjbe vieo-cnv, riKTOvos €V TTaXdjlr}(TL harniovos^ os pa re irdo-qs €v elbfj cro(pCrjs VTToOrjixooiJvrjcnv ^AOrivrjSy 0)9 fxev tS>v 6776 lea i^ayy] riraro TTToXefxos re' aWoL 6' a/x^' aWrjcn licLyjiv eixayovro vieacnv, "Ekt(jop 6' avT AtavTos ielo-aro KybaXipioio, 415 TO) 66 jLttrJ? irepl vrjbs eyov novov, ovh^ khvvavro ovO' 6 Tov e^eXdo-aL Kal kviirprjcrai nvpX vrja OV0' 6 TOV ayj/ ixTacrOai, eirei p eireXacro-i ye baCpiOdv. €vd^ via KXvTiOiO KaXrjTopa (jyatbtpos Atas*, TTvp €s VTja /pepovra, Kara arrjOos (Bake bovpi' 420 bovirrjaev be irecrcav, baXbs be ol eKnea-e -yeipos. "Ekto^P 8' 0)9 €v6r}(T€v ave'^Lov 6(j)6aXpioio-Lv iv KovirjcTL ireo-ovra vebs irpoTiapoiOe pLeXaivrjs, TpoxTi T€ Kal AvKiOKTLV eKeKXeTo piaKpbv dv(ras' "Tp6)€9 Kal AvKLOL Kal AdpbavoL dyxipLaxrjraL, 425 ^C^Jd dX)s^ via KXvTiOLO oracoa-arey pLTj pav 'A^atot T€vx^(^ (TvXrjcrcoa'i vecov ev dycdvi ireo-ovTa.** eliTchv AtavTos dKovria-e bovpl (^aetz/w. TOV p!ev dpLap6\ 6 8' e-neiTa AvK6(l)pova, MdcrTopos vlov, I ^ AtavTOS OepdiTovTa KvOrjpLOv, os pa Trap* avT<^ 431 vai\ 67766 avbpa KareKTa KvOripoLo-L (aOeoLai, TOV p e/BaXev K€(l>aXrjv virep ovaros o^i'L yaXK^^ karaoT dy\ Atavros' 6 8' vtttlos iv KOVirjcrL vrfbs diTO irpvpvYjs xot/^^^^t? TreVe, Xvvro be yvia, 435 Alas 8' ippiyrjo-e, Kacriyvqrov b\ Trpoo-rjvba' ''TevKpe TTeiTOV, brj vmv aTTeKraro TTLa-rbs eTaipos ^ .J^ MaaropCbrjs, ov vwC KvOrjpoOev ev bov iov ra >. tot^o9 'Atto'AXcoz; ■^Ils (pdO'y 6 be ^vvi7]K€, 6eo)v be ol ay\i TTapio-Trfj To^ov eyjj^v ev xeipi irakivTovov r\be (fyapirpriv h^^^J)"^^ ioboKoV fxdXa 8' coKa ^eXea Tpdeao-LV eopo9 dyXaov vlov, 445 UovXvbdfjiavTos eroipou, dyavov UavOoibao^ 7]via yepaXv eyovra' 6 \xev ireTTov-qro KaS* lttttov^' rfj yap ex fj pa ttoKv TrAetorat KXoveovro (f)d\ayye9, "EKTopt Kal Tpcoeo-ort xapi(6ixevos' rdxa 8' avr^ fjXOe KaKov, to ol ov tls epvKaKev lep^evo^v irep. 450 ahxevi yap ol oiricrOe t:oXv(ttovos e\n:e(Tev 16s' . ijpL^e 8' e^ oxecov, vire^irjorav be ol Ittitol v^^cA, Keiv o^ea Kporeovres, dva^ 8' evorjcre rdxtcrra YlovXvbdfjias, kol TrpcSro? evavrios yjXvOev Ittttoov. Tovs piev o y ^Aorrvvocd Upondovos vU'C bo)Ke, 4=5 TTokka 8' eiTOTpwe axebov laxeiv ela-opooovra LTTTTOVS' avTos 8' avTLS lo)v upopidxoKnv epLxOr], ^ TevKpos 8' dWov oia-rov e(p^ ''EKropt x^^^i^oKopva-Trj trtr^^^ aiimji, KaC Kev enavcre pt^dx'^s eirl vqvcrlv ^Axat^ov, 6t pLiv dpicTTevovra I3a\(bv e^eCXeTo Ovpiov. 460 dAA.' ov \7j6e Aibs tivkivov voov, os p e(pTjKa(T(Tev "EKTop\ arap TevKpov TeXap^dviov eS^o? aTrrjiipa, OS ol evorTpet(^' S>ixoL(n (tclkos Biro re TpaOikvixv ov, Kparl ^tt' l(j)6Lix(^ Kvvirjv €Vtvktov €6r]K€v 48c LTTTTOvptVj heivbv be \6Lkr]v es Trarpiba yaiav^ ^Q.s eliTchv &Tpvve ixevos kol Ovixbv eKdorov. foo Ata? 8' aW eTepcoOev eKeKkero oh erdpoLcriv* albdiSi 'Apyetof vvv dpKiov rj dirokeo-OaL ije cracoOrjvaL kol dudxraaOai kuku v7]0)v. 15. IAIAA02 O. 6t fj €k'jre(T0\ rjv vrjas eXrj KopvOaCoXos "EKroop, /j p ^ (fj^bbv t^ecrOai rjv iraTpiba yalav eKacTos ; ' / 505 ?7 ovK OTpvvovTOs aKOV€T€ Xoov airavra "EKTopoy, OS brj vrjas ivLirprjo-ai fxeveaivei; ov ixav €S ye yopov Keker eXOifieVy aWa /xa)(€(r0at. fjlJLlV 8' ov TLS TOvbe VOOS KoX IJLT]TLS CtpieLVCOV, fj avTocryehirj jM^ai x^^P^^ p^ivos re. 510 ^ikrepovj rj aTToKicrOai € va xpovo v 176 /3ta)z;at, (rn^U, f\ brjOa (TTpevyea-Oai kv alvfj b-q'CoTrjrL t^^*"^ c56' avTOis irapa vrjvalv vtt^ avbpdon yj^iporepoLcriv^^ ^^Is ellTCaV &TpVV€ piivOS KOl OvpLOV kKCLO-TOV, €vff* '^EKTCdp iJi€v eke 2)(68t02;, Ueptpiribeos vlov, 515 apyhv a)K77Coz;, Alas 8' eXe AaobdpLavra rjyepLova TrpvXeoiv, ^AvTrjvopos dyXaov viov' YlovKvbap.as 8' ^^Itov KvWrjVLOv e^evdpiQe, ^vXetheo) erapov, pLeyaOvpicov dpyhv 'ETretwi^. 70) 8e Mey7]s e-nopovaev Ibdv* 6 8' VTiaiOa Xida-Qt] 520 Ylovkvbdpias' KoX rov p!ev aTTrip.l3poTev' ov yap ^AttoXXcov eXa Udvdov vlov evl TrpopudyjoKn bapiijvai' avrap o ye KpoCo-piov arijOos pieo-ov ovraae bovpi. bovTrrjo-ev be irecrcov' 6 8' aTr' S^p^oiv revy^e ecruXa. Tocjypa be ra> knopovcre A6Xo\j/, alxp^rjs ev elbds, 525 AapLTTeTLbrjs, ov AdpLiros eyeivaro (l)epTaTov vlov, AaopLebovTidbrjs^ ev elbora Oovpibos dXKjjsy OS Tore ^vXeibao [xeo-ov crdKos ovraore bovpl eyyvOev oppuriOeLs' ttvkivos be 01 ijpKeo-e Ocoprj^, Tov /5' ecfyopei yvdXoKriv dpripora* rov TTore ^vXevs 530 r\yayev e^ ^E [xev eeL(rd(r6r]v x^^kVP^^ Tev)(^e^ aTr' w/xcoz; crvXrioreLV' ''EKTcop be KacnyvriTOLo-i Kekevcre 545 . Tracrt pidka, T7po)Tov 8' ^iKeraovibrjv evevLireVi {/^/ny 1(1)0 f^ij^Qjj MeXdvLTiTTov, 6 8' o ^a p tev elXCiTobas ^ovs ^6s bvvaro prj^ai pdXa irep pieveaCvcov' La")(ov yap irvpyrjbbv dprjpores, rjvre TreTprj rjkL^aTos peydXrj, iroXiij^ aXbs eyyvs eovaa, ^ rj re pievei Xiyeayv dvepLcov XaL\j/r]pa KeXevOa 620 Kvpiard re rpocpoevra, rd re TrpocrepevyeTai avTrjv' Sis Aavaol Tpwa? p^evov epnebov ovb^ e(f)e^ovTO, avrap 6 Xapiropevos irvpl TrdvroOev evQop* opLiXiD, ^ y eV 8' €7760-' 0)9 076 KVpa dofj eV VT]): 'ne(Tr](Tl f^^^^ Xd^jpou vital ve(l)e(ov dvepoTpe(f)es' fj be re TTaaa 625 dxyrj v7reKpv(f)6rji dvepLoio be beivbs dr^rr;? loTio) epI^pepLerai, Tpopeovci be re (l)peva vavrat beibiores* rvrObv yap VTreK Qavdroio (pepovrai' — $)S ebatCero Ovpibs evl a-TrjOecrcnv ^KyaiQiV, avrap o y co? re Xeoiv 6Xo6(\)p(ji)v ^ovcrlv eireXOdv, 630 at pd r ev elapLevfj eXeos pieydXoLo vepovrai 15. IAIAA02 O. 65 ' fj.vpiaL, €V §6 re rr/crt vo}jl€V9 ov ttco crdipa etScbs 77 rot o /xez; irpcoTrjo-t kol va-raTLrjcn ^oeao-Lv al^v oixocrnyaei, 6 be r iv [xicro-rja-iv opovcras 635 ^ovv €566, al re 'nacrai VTrirpecrav' ror' ^A)(aiol Oea-ireo-Lcos €(t)6prj0€v vcjy' ''E/cropt Kal Au irarpl TTCLVTes, 6 b' oiov e7r6ikov vlov, os F,vpv(r67]09 avaKTos TOV y€V€T €K TTaTpOS TToXv ^^ipOVOS VIOS CLfJieLVOCiV iravTOias aperds, rjiJihv irobas rjbe ixd\e(TOaiy KOL voov ev TtpdroKTL MvK7]vai(ov erervKTo' 09 pa ToO^ "E/cropt Kvbos viriprepov eyyvdXt^e. hjj^ L^f^i^ (TTpecjyOel^ yap ixeTOTTiaOev ev da-TTibos avrvyi TToXro, 645 Tr]v avTos (popiea-Ke 7Tobr)V€K€\ ep/co? aKovrcov" rfj o y^ €vl I^KacpOels iria-ev vtttlo^, dfjicj)! be TrrjXrj^ cTfjiepbaXeov Kovd^rice irepl Kpordipoicn 'KecrovTos* "YiKTCfip 5' 6^v vorjae, Oeoov be ol dyyi Trapio-rr], aTrjOe'L 6' ev bopv irrj^e, (piKcov be {jllv eyyv9 eratpcor 650 KTeiv^' OL 6' ovK ebvvavTo Kal d)(vvixevoi Trep traipov ^oLCiyyi^ ^paio-pLeiv' avTol yap fxdXa beibta-av '^EiKTopa blov, • ' ir^ Etj^coTTOt 6' eyivovTo vedv, ire pi 6' eayjeOov aKpai rr/e?, ocrai irpo^raL elpvaro' vol 6' eirexyvro. st^fKAreX t^tJ^A^ ^ApyeloL be veQiv fxev ex(!>pr](Tav Kal dvdyKrj 655 Tcov irpodTeoov, avTov be irapa KXto-irjcnv epieivav '^£^0p6oi, ovb^ eKebacrOev dva a Tparoy ' Icrxe yap aibo)S Kal beos' d(r])(e9 yap oixoKXeov dWrjXoLcrt. NeWcop avre /otaAtcrra TeprjvLOS, ovpos ^A^ato^v, ^ Xioro-eO^ VTrep roKecov yovvovpievos dvbpa eKaarov' 660 " S (piXoi, avepes eare, Kal alb& Oecd' evl 6vix(^ a\\(ov dvOpdrrcov, eirl be fxvrj(rao-6e eKaaros iraiboov 776' dAo)(coi; Kal KTrjo-Lo^ rjbe TOKrfcav^ VOL. II. F 66 ^15. IAIAA02 O. rifjiev 0T€(d C^^ovin kol w KaraTeOvriKacn' tG>v v7T€p ivOdb^ eyo) yovvaC^oixai ov iiapeovTcov 665 kcTTOLix^vai KparepQis^ ixrjhe rpoiTrao-Oe (/)o/3oi'86." ^ *«129 eiiTOJV SiTpvve fxevos koL 6v\xbv kKaa-rov. jrolcri 5' dir' ocjyOaXjjiOJv v^v jiapvapievcov' pee 6' at/xart yaia [xeXaiva, 715 ^fjfj^^KTOi^p he TTpvpLvrjOev eirel Xd^ev ovyl jieOCeL, acp XaorT ov pLera yepaXv eyoov, TpOLicrlv be KeXeve' " oXaere irvp, a/xa 5' avrol aoXXees opvvr dvTrjV* vvv fjpiv TrdvToyv Zevs d^iov rfpap ehoiKe, vrja^ eXelv, ai hevpo 6eQ>v deKrjrt pLoXova-ai 720 riplv Tirnxara uoXXa Oicrav, KaKorrjTL yepovrcov, OL II eOeXovra jidxeo-OaL em irpvpivrjcrL veeo'O'LV avTov T layavdacTKOv eprjTvovTo re Xaov' dAA' el hr] pa rore ^Xdirre ^pivas evpvoTra Zevs fjpLerepas, vvv avrbs eirorpvveL kol di^coyet." 725 ^^Sls e^a6\ ol K apa jiaXXov eif 'Apyeioto-iv opovaav, Alas 5' ovKer e/xt/xz/e* ^id^ero yap /BeXeecra-LV' F 2 68 15. IAIAA02 a 6 dXA.' av€\dC€TO tvtOov, OLOfievos daviearOai, O^rjvv v €7TTa7T6br]v, Xltt€ 5' LKpta vr]os €i(Trj9> ap o y €(TTr]K€i oeqoKrjjJ^os, ey)(6t 0 atet Tpwa? aiJLVve rewz;, 09 rtj (pepoL aKapiarov TTvp* U H^}^^^ ^^^^ o'pi€pbj7X)v ^oooov AavaoLCi K^Xeve' \j S ^tAot rjpcoes AavaoL, Oepdirovres *^Aprjo9, avipes eare, (piXoi, pLvrjaaaOe be Oovptbos a\KT]S 7]€ TLvds (pap.€v etvai doa-G-qrripas dnio'a'Oi), 7/e TL Tei\os dpeiovy 6 k dvhpdai Xotybv dpLvvai ^Imt^^ ov pL€v TL (Txebov k(TTi TTokis TTvpyoLS apapvla, J3^' dTrapLvvaipLea-O^ krepaXKea brjpiov €xo^T€S' dW' €v yap Tpdatv irebii^ irvKa OcoprjKTacov - T(3 iv x^P^^^ (^ocoy, ov fxetA^t^^ TroAe/xoto." ^H, Kal paipcocov €Vy hoLKpva Oepixa yjio^v &s re Kprivr] ixeXdvvbpos, rj T€ Kar alyiXi'nos Trirprj^ bvoixoLLv TOL (Ttt Tev)(^ea Ooiprjj^^Orjvai, 40 at K €/x6 (TOL LOKOvres a7;6(T)(^(ovTaL TroAe/xoto Tpa)€9, avanvevcrodcrL 8' ^Apr\loL vies ^Ayai(3i>v TeLp6}xevoL' dkCyrj be t avanvevcTLS TTokejjLOLO. peia be k aKjj^es KeKpirjoTas avbpas avTrj &(TaLpLeV TTpOTL OLdTV Ve(OV duo Kal KkL(TLa(iiV,^^ 45 ^D.s (fyoLTO kLccroiievos [xeya vrjiTLos' 77 yap efxekkev ol avT(^ OavaTov re KaKOV Kal Krjpa kLTeo-QaL, Tov be [xey o^Oricras 7Tpo(Te(j)ri irobas oi)KVs ^ A)(^Lkkevs' "o) /xot, bLoyeves YlarpoKkees, olov eeLires* iuJ<*^ * ovTe OeoTTpoTTLTjs e/ xTTa^o /xat, rjv TLva ot8a, 50 ovTe TL fioL Trap Zr]i'bs eTrec^paSe iroTVLa pLrjTrjp* akka ro8' alvbv a)(09 Kpabu-qv Kal Ovfxbv LKcxveLy ^ ' T OTTTTOTe br) Tbv opLOLOV avr]p eOekrfdLV d/^ ^pp -gc ^ J^^^^^^ Kal yepas a^ a(j)ekea-6aL, 6 re KpaTe'C T^po^^^rjKrj* alvbv a^os to [jlol ea-TLv, eirel ttuOov akyea ^i;/x<3. 55 i6. IAIAA02 n. 71 Kovprjv rjv apa ixol yepas e^cXoz/ vies 'A)(at(Si;, bovpl b\iix<^ KTeaTicrcra^ ttoXlv evreCx^ea Tripcras, Ti]v a\j/ iK \€ipoi>v eXero Kpetuov 'Aya/xe/xz/coi; . ^Arpdb-qs o)S el tlv aTLpLrjTov fJLeTavdo'T'qv. (^ JllL y. 3^ akKa TCL ixev TT pgreTv^Oai ea^^ A^^itef Xev(T(rco brj Trapa vrjvcrl irvpos brjioLO l(^v» J^oist" fxr] br] vrjas €Aa)crt koI ovkItl (pvKTa TriKcovraL' bv(T€0 Tev^^a 6acr(Tov, eyo) bi k€ Xabv ayetpco." *^I29 (jxxTOy YldrpoKXos be Kopvo-aero vs^ppin )(aAK(3. 130 Kvrjfjubas p^ev irpo^Ta irepl K vr^jxp cnv eOrjice Kakds, dpyvpioiariv iino-cpvpLOis dpapvLas' bevTepov av OdprjKa irepl cTTiqOea-o-iv ebvv€ ttolklKop dcTTepoevra irobcoKeos Alanibao, dps dypiOcpdyoL, tolctlv re 776pi (^pecnv aai^eros aXK?], 0? r' eKatpov Kepaov iiiyav ovpeat bi^dcravTe^ hdiTTOvo'Lv' TTaa-LV be TTaprjCov at/xart (f)0Lv6v* Kai T dyekrjbbv laaiv duo Kprjvrjs piekavvbpov ^j^^ 160^ kdyj/ovres ykcocro-rjcrLv dpaLrjcnv \xekav vboop ^^^3 aKpoVy epev^ojxevoi cpovov oipiaTor ev be re Ovixb^ \ ^ l^^^/t^^ TOLOL Mvpixibovoyv riyrjTopes rfhe ixibovres dpLcf) dyaObv Oepdnovra TTobdKeos AlaKibao 165 pdovr'* ev 5' dpa toI(tlv ^Apifios ta-rar ^ A\iK\evs, orpvvcov LTTTTovs Te Kal dvepas dorTTibiddTas* IlevTr]K.ovT rj(Tav vi]es Ooac, fjcTLV ^A^LWevs 69 TpOLrjv JjyeLTO 6u'(/)tAo9* ev be eKdo-rrj TTevTrjKOVT eorav dvbpes eirl KKrjC(rLv kralpoC 170 irevTe 6' dp* riye\x6vas TTOLrjaraTo tol9 €77€7roWet (TTjixaiveLV* avTos be fxeya Kpareoov 'r]vaorcre. rrfs ixev IrjS aTiYp s ripye Meveo-Otos aioXoOcopr]^, r^MAr*^ 2776^X^^010, 5 0 776760 9 TTOTapLOiO' ov reKe Ylrjkrjos 6vydTr]p, KaXrj UoKvbdprj, 175 2776px.^t(5 dKd[xavTL, yvvYj 6e(^ evvrjOeicra, ^ ^y\jgyff\J^ CLVTCLp €7rLKkrj(rLV BcopCi), n6pt75p609 vi<^, I 09 p dva(l)avbbv oirvie, iropcbv d-nepeiaia ebvcu »^ 0 8' eTepr]9 Evboopos ^Aprf'Cos rjyefjioveve, TrapOevLOs, rbv eriKre X^P^ KaXi) YloXvpLriXr}, i8o ^vXavTos Ovydrrjp' Trjs be Kparvs ^ ApyeKpovrris TipdcraT, dcpOaXfjLolG-iv Ibchv pLerd pLekiropLevrjo-LV ev X^P^ 'AprepLibos x^vajjXoK^ov fSeXabeivjls. ^ ^ jJtrt».A ^ ^ ^ 16. IAIAA02 n. 75 avTLKa 6' eh v'iT€p(2)^ ava^as irapeXe^aro XdOprj j/ii^j *Epj[X€ta9 aKCLK-qT a, iropev 6e 01 aykabv vibv 0 185 airap €7r€U^ 7oV ye Mo;ii0^oK09 EtVWuta 'T^-^Xi rr/F p,6z; 'E)(6kA^09 Kparepbv ixivos ^AKTopibao Tj-ydyero irpos 6a)p,ar , evret Trope pivpCa ebva, 190 roz/ 6' 6 y^pcov ^vkas eS erpecpev 7]5' aTLToXkev, /l^ouv * aixcbaya-na^oiievos €t ^' eoz; vtoz; eoVra. fu.«/CLt^ ttJs 6e TpLTr]s Yleicravhpos ' Aprjios rjyepioveve Mat/xaXt8r;9, o? Traa-t /xereTrpeTre Mvpixihoveo-o-Lv eyx^i ixdpvacrOaL /^tera IlT^Xetcoz/os kralpov. 195 rrjs 8e reTapTrjs ^px^ yepcov tTTTrrjXdTa ^olvl^, TTefjLTTTYjs 6' ' AAKt/xeScoz^, AaipKeos vlbs dp^vpiODv. avrdp eTTei 6?)^ Trdrra? a/x' fjyepoveo-o-iv 'AxtAAeis (TTTjcrev iv KpLvas, Kparepbv 8' evrt pivOov ereXAe* " Mi>p/xtooVe?, /X?] rt9 /xot aTretXdcoz; AeAa^eV^co, 2co a? eTrl vrjvo-l OofjcrLV aTretXetre Tpcoeo-crt Trai^^' ^TTo p.rjvL6pL6v, KaC pH ri Tiaacr Oe OLKabe TT€p (Tvv vrjvcrl vedpieOa TrovTO-nopoicriv 205"''^ ^nuM^- avTLS, €7T€i pd TOL o58e KttKo? x^^^^ e/xTTeo-e 6vp<2,^ ravrd pH dyeipopLevoi 6dpi k^d^ere' vvv 8e 7r€(f)avTaL (pyXoTTibos /xeya epyov, erjs rb irpiv y ipdaaOe* evOa Tis dXKLpiov rjrop e\oiv TpdeacrL /xaxeV^o)." '"'Xlj etTTcbi; o)Tpvv€ piivos Koi Ovpbv eKdarov. a 10 piaWov be crrtxe? dpQj ev, iirel ^acnXrjos aKovaav. (^o^-cA/ COS 8' ore tolxov dvr]p dpdprj TrvKLVolaL XlOoktl # bcipiaros vxj/rjXo'io, /3tas dvipioiv dXeetVcoz;, j^^^ ''^^^^^iJ/ia^ dpapo v Kopvdis re Kal do-'n't8es dp.(l)aX6e(T&au ^t^^iJl ^^^^ jl d(T7TLS dp' do-TTib' e peibj E, Kopvs Kopvv, avipa 8' dz^^p* 215 ^ti^ *3f**' 76 16. IAIAA02 n. \j/avov b Ittttokoixol KopvOes XaixTrpoia-t (fx iXoi crL vev6vT(ji)v, G)s TTVKvol i(t)€(rTa(Tav akkrjXoLO'u TTCLVTcov TTpOTvdpoiOe bv avip€ dcoprfQ-a'ovTO, ndrpoKkos T€ Kol AvTOfjiibcoVy eva Svpibv €\ovt€9, TTpocrOev MvppLibovcDV TToXepLL^epiev. avrap 'A^iW^vs 220 /3?y p Lfxev es kXlo-ltjv, x 97X0 1; 5' airb ttw^' avi(^ye (^-cr^x KaXijs baLbaXiirjs, rrjv ol Qirts dpyvpoire^a . /Ik • ^'^^ ^^09 ayeaOaL, iv irXrio-aa-a yltcovcov \ ^ mA^X X^^^^^^^ CL V^lMXTKeTTe OdV OVACOV T€ TaTTTJTCOV. ^ \ €v6a be ol beiras ea-Kc Tervypievov, ovbi tls dWos 225 ovT avbpoov TTLveoTKev air avTov alOoira olvov, ovT€ reco (TTTivbecTKe 6€0)Vy ore jtxr) Au irarpL • TO pa TOT €K Xl^OLO ka^Ci)V €KdQl]p€ 6€€i(i> ^iJCf^^ 7rpo)Tov, eireLTa 5' ivLxjr vbaTos KaXfjori pofjo-Ly viyj/aTo 5' avTos )(6tpas', acpvo-aaTO 8' aWoira oTvov* 230 €V)(^eT €7T€LTa (TTcis pLi(r(D epKe'C, Xel/Se be dlvov Gvpavby elo-avibdv' Ata 5' ov kdOe TepiTLKepavvov* Zed dva, AcoScoz^ate, YleXacryiKe, tyjXoOl vatoiv^ — — > Aajbcovrfs piebecov bi^oxHJ^ov' dpLcf)! be 'EeXkol ^'^^"^^o^ (Tol vaicvcT vTTo^^Tat dvLTTTOTTobes yapiaievvai. ''^^^^^35 ripiv by] TTOT epbv eiros eKkves ev^apievoLO, TipLr]oras piev epii, pieya b' L\lrao Kabv ^A\ai&Vy r}b^ eTL Koi vvv pioi ro8' eiTLKprjTjvov eekboip' avTbs piev yap eyo) pieveo) vrjcou ev dycSz^ t, >jiiiaM'< dkk^ eTapov Tre/xTico nokea-iv //era Mvpp.ib6ve(Tcri 240 IxdpvacrOai' T(2 Kvbos ap.a irpoe^, evpvoira Zed, Odpavvov be ol rjTop evl (ppeaCv, ocjypa Kal ''E/crcop J eio-eTai li^pa Kal olos e Triorm Tai TTokepii^eiv ^ ^ YjpieTepos OepdiToyv, rj^ol roVe xelpes daiTTOL pxiLvovO\ OTTTTOT eyco TTep L(ji> jtxera pQ>kov ''Apryo?. 245 avTap 67761 K dirb vav(f)L pidxrjv eyoir fiv Te birjTaLf rA^^ CAv^ ^Q-i^YlQ-^^ Ij^oi eireiTa 6oas eiTL vfjas lkolto ■ 6IAIAA0.n. r(3 6' erepov iiev ^bcoKe TTarrjp, erepov 8' aviv^vae 250 i;?7Ce)z/ /xeV 06 aTidxrao-Oai TTokefiov re liayr]v re 8a)/ce, (Tooz; 5' aviv^vcre fJidxrjs e^ aTToveeorOaL. rj TOL 6 fxh (TTTeCo-as re kol ^v^dpievos Ail irarpl (TTT] 5e irdpoiO^ ikOcbv /cAto-t/]?, m 5' rjOeke OvpL(^ 255 eWihieiv Tpdcov kol 'A^aicdv (jyvkoTrtv alvriv. 01 5' a/xa riarpoKAo) pLeyaXrjropL Ooyprj^Oivres €(TTiyoVy 6(f)p^ €V Tpoocrl piiya (ppoviovres 6pov(rav, ^qjJO^^ 4^"^^ avTLKa 8e o-c^rj/ceo-o-tz/ €olk6t€9 i^^x^ovro -|-' et£o5tot?5 o^s TTttt^e? epib jiaLvcoo-Lv eOovres, atel K€pToixiovT€S^ 68(5 eTTt oi/ct' exovra^, t/l/VA/t*^ vrjTTLaxoL' ^vvhv 8e KaKov nokiecrcn TLOei(Ti» Tovs 8' et Trep 7ra/9a rts re Ktwz; dvOpoiiros obiTrj^ KLvrjcrr] deKcor, 8' akKipiov rjrop exoi^re? / 7r/ )Q(nr a) Tra? Trererai kol apLVveu oIcl TeKeo-a-L. 265 rcSz; rore Mi;p/xt8oVes Kpabirjv Koi Ovpibv e^ovres €K vr](ov ix^ovTO' j3or] 8' dar^ecrTOS opdpeu HdrpoKkos 8' kTdpoioriv €KiK\€TO [xaKpov dvaas' Mvppaboves, ^rapoL nrjkrj'Cdbeo) 'A)(tA.^o?, dvepes eare, (pikoL, p^vrjo-aa-Qe 8e Oovpibos d\K7]9, 270 0)9 az; Ylrjk^ibrjv TipLrjo-opiev, bs /xey' dpLorros 'Apyeicov Tiapa vrjvcrl kol dyx^p^axoi Oepdirovres, yv(^ 8e KOL 'Arpei8?jy evpVKpeioov 'Ayapiepivcov rjv drrjv, o t dpicrrov 'A)(at5r ov8ez; hicev" "^Hs etTTcbz; SiTpvve pitvos koI Ovpibv kKdarov, 375 8' eireo-ov Tpcoeacnv dokkies' dpLcj)! 8e vrjes v* TpG)€s 8' 0)9 et8oi'ro M^voitlov dkKip.ov vlov, avTov KoX Oepdirovra, avv ivTecri pLapp^aCpovras, 78 16. IA1AA02 n. TTuaLV opLvOr] 6v\x6s, €KLvr}6€V be (l)dXayy€S9 280 ekiToixevoL irapa vav(j)L irohcoKea HrjXetoyva fxrjviOiJLOv jjiev a7T0ppi\j/ai, (f)L\6Ti]Ta kXicrQaC 7rd7TTr]V€V be eKao-ros otttj (l)vyoL alirvv okeOpov, . UcLTpoKXos be Trpwro? a KovTjj re bovpl (^aetz^o) ^j^JtJ^ avTLKpv Kara fxecra-ov, oOl irXeto-TOL KXoveoyro, fVtJ^zS^ vrjL TTapa Trpvpivrj ixeyaOvfjiov UpcoTeo-iXdov, wX^^ Kttt jSdXe IlvpaL)(^iJir]v, 09 YlaCovas linTOKOpvo-Tas ijyayev e^ ^ApLvbo^vos dir' 'A^tou evpv peovTOS' I Tov /3dXe be^Lov copiov 6 8' vtttlos ev KOvCrjo-t ^j\A/f^^^ i W KdiTTTecrev olpd^as, erapoi be pnv dpL^^^if^Ji^Oev ^^290 YlaCoves' ev yap UdrpoKkos (l>6^ov rjKev airacTLV fjyefxova Kvelvas, 09 a picrTeye a'Ke pid^ecrQai. ^ eK V7JC0V 8* eXacrev, Kara 8' ea^eaev alOopievov irvp. v iMbav s 8 dpa vrjvs XiireT avToOc rol 8' ecpofBriOev ^ . Tpcoes" 6e(nre(TL(d 6/xa8o)* Aavaol 8' eireyyvTo 0^*^295 vrjas dva yXa(^vpds' op^abos 8' q^iaaros eTV)(Br], coy 8' or dcf)' v\j/r]Xr]9 KOpv(prjs opeos pieydXoLO i. rio^^J^ o ^ KLvrjo-rj 7TVKLV7]v vev 7rpoTp07Tdbr]v (polBeovTo pLeXaivdoav dirb vrjcov, aAA 67 ap avoLo-ravTO, ve (ov 0 VTToeiKOj u^jmayKrf, 305 '^EvOa 8' dz^^p e'Aez' dvbpa Kebaa-Oeia-qs vcrpivrjs fjyeiJLOvcov. 7rp(i>Tos be MevoLTcov aXKipiOS vibs ^ ajLjrtK' apa (TTpe ^Oey ros ^Aprj'CXvKov /3dAe pirjpbvl ^d*^ t?^^ ^yX^'' ^^udoji, biairpb be x^^^f^ov eXao-cre' t 4^^-^^ ^'^'^^^ prj^ev 8 dcrreov eyxpSy 6 be irprji'Tj^ eirl yatrj 310 KaTTTTetr'* drap Mez^eAaoy 'Api^'toy oSra Goavra 79 1 6. IAIAA02 n. thy t" >U/W\, (TTipvov yvfxvoiOivTa Ap' ao-Trt'Sa, AOo-e 8^ yvla. ^^^^ 7Tpvjn;bv aKi\o9, hOa ^dxtcrro^ 'vjt Necrroptaa. b o fxev ovracr' 'Ati^ixvlov dii'C bovpl Jc^^x^/ 'Az;rrAoxo9, Ao^o^ry? b^e bajXace x^^Keov ^y^os' %7r€ b^€ TrpoTTdpoLOe. Mdpts b' airo^h bovpl (^^^ 'AvTiX6x(d iiTopovG-e Ka(Tiyvr]Toio xoXooOeCs, Uf^2o^ o-ras TrpSa-Oev vUvor rov 8' dvrtO^os epa(TVfjL/]brjs eJyOrj 6pe^dfX€V09 irplv ovTacraL, ovb' dcfydixaprev, Sifxov a(l>ap' TTpvfxvbv be /Spaxiova bovpb^ a/ccoK^ b£vjr' dirb ixvdvcov, d-nh 8' dcrriov dj^tsa^aie' '^^'^ JL^ boi^TTrja-ev b^€ TTeo-oJz;, Kard be ctk6tos Saae KdXvxIfev. 325 0 m TO) [lev boLOto-L KaoriyvriroKTi bapiivTe l3i]Tr]v eh 'Epe/3o9, ^apTrrjbovos ea-OKol kraipoi, vies dKovTidTol 'AiiLG-cobdpov, 09 pa Xifiatpav Opefev dixaiixafUrrjv, TToXecrtv KaKov dvepdTTOio-Lv, Amo^^ Mas be "KXeoQovXov 'OiXidbr]s eiropovo-as 330 Coiov eke, ^XacfyOevra Kara kKovov dkXd ol avOc ^ kvare fxevos, TrXri^as ft(/>€t avxeva KooTrrjepTL. kMUj TTCLv b' VTTeeepjxdv6r] ^r^o? at^arr t-^TsI /car' oWe kpt Od. ekXafie iropipvpeos Odvaros Kal pLoipa Kparairj. ^twJL Urjvekem be Avkcov re (rvvebpapLOV eyxecri ptev yap 335 WfBpoTov dkkrjkcov, fxej^v 8' rjKovTKTav dp.(f)0)' 7FU/w TO) 8' avTLs ^i(i)iecrz', Kara 6(f)6akjji(ov /ce^vr' d)(Avs, 'I6of>c6i^6i's 6' ^Epvixavra Kara crroixa vrjX^C x^aAK(5 345 iw^e' TO 8' avTLKpv bopv ^(aAKeoz; i^eirip-qo-e vipOev V7T iyK€(f)dXoio, Kiaaae 8' ap' oa-ria kevKo.' 6fc 8' kTivayOev ohovres^ eviTrXriaOev be oi aix(f)(a aiixaros ds 8' i57ro XaCkaTTL Trao-a KekaLvrj jBij^Oe x^^v cOti ^^'^^'^^^ ^ ^'jWttT-' d7ra)/)tz;w, ore KajSporarov x^'et i/Scop 385 ^^IJ^jj Ze?;?, ore 877 /5 ' avbp€(Tcn Koreo-crdiJievos xaAeTTT^z^r/, ot ^tr; elv ayopfj o-koXlcls Kpivo^orL OepLLaras, €fc 86 bUrjv ekdo-axTL, Oecav ornv ovk dXiyovres' ^/t^f^"^^^ rOiv bi T€ TTavres ixkv TTorapiol ttXt^Oovo-l peovres, ..^ K^y-S^^oXkas be kXltvs tot aTTOTpirjyovo-L \ qpdb paL, t^OAd^t^o €9 8' aXa TTop(j)vpir]v pceydXa (TT€vdxov(ri piovcrai A^ct^t^^'^Sb- / dp€(ov iTTLjcdp, ixLjwdeL bi T€ €py avOpdiToop' au. ^<^^ , i)y LTTTTOL Tpojat [xeydXa aTevdxovTO OiovcraL, oi^ UaTpoKkos 8' eTret ovv Trpwraj kTrUepg-e (fydXayyas, , h\r IttX vrjas hpye ttoXj^xtt€t^s, ovbe ttoXtjos ^^^95 €?a Uixivovs iTTL^aLvipiev, dkXa [xeo-rjyv vr]Qiv KoX TTOTapLOv Kol T€Lxeos v\[rr]\ollo KTelve fX€Tcd^(T(av, TToXeoov 8' diTeTLvvTo TTOLvrjv. ^ €V9^ ^ TOL IlpoVOOV TTpSiTOV fidke bovpl (l)a€LV(^y (TTepvov yvpLvoiOivTa Trap' da-TTLba^ Xvcre be yvla' 400 bovTTrjcrev be TTecrdv' 6 be GiaTopa, ^'Hvottos vlov, bevTepov opjirjOeCs — 6 [xev ev^eaT(D evl bCcfypco d/io^^^^^ ^(TTO 4^€t y* eK yap TTXrjyrj (ppevas^ eic 8' apa x^^P^^ rjVLa rjLxOr](Tav — 6 8^ ^yx^^ ^^i^ TTapaaTas yvaOpiOv be^LTepov, bLa 8' avTov TTelpev obovToyv, ^ 4^5 tXKe b\ bovpos eXo^v VTTep avTvyos, 0)9 ore tls ct)(os TTeTprj eTTL TTpo^XrjTL KaOrnxevos lepov ixOvv VOL. II. G I Sz jL^ 16. lAIAAOS n. y|/|/ii^ '^SiP ^' ^p' ^'^^ (TTOjx icoa e* neaovra hi fxiv XtTre Ovjjios. 410 V ^ avTCLp €7r€iT ^EpvXaov iirea-aijfxevov jSaXe irirpia ixicra-qv kclk Ke^aX?]!;* rj 6' az/Scxa Tracra Kedcrdr] kv KOpvOi pptapfj' 6 6' apa 7Tpr]vr}9 €ttI yairj KCLinrea-ev, ajxcj)! bi yav Oavaros xuro dvixopdCcTTris. ' avrap iTietr 'EpvpLavra Koi ^ Aix(l)OT€pov kol ^EirdXT-qv, 415 TXrjTTokeiJLov re AafjLaa-Topibrjv 'E)(toi^ re IT^^ptz; re, 'I<^ea r' Evlttttov re Kai 'ApyedS/]!; IToXv/xr^Xoz;, in - A*"*^ Trdz/ras ^'nacrcrvripovs neXacre \6ovl TTOvXv^OTeipr}, t^j.^^ T,^^^ *^'ljj.U X^P^' ^'"'^ riarpoKXoto Mei'otrtdSao 8a/xei;ras, 420 Af^^^^JP^ KeKker ap dvTiOioiari KaOairropievos AvkCoktlv' ^ ^ ^ " atSco?, S A^y/ctof iroo-e (ftiis noTvia "Hpr;* 2j^UCi ^MOXA [aJCC Soj^ Uam\ 16. IAIAA02 n. 83 " alvoraTe KpovCbrj, ttolov tov fivOov eetTrey. 440 &vbpa Qvy^rhv I6vra, ^dXa^ Tre^rpc^j^h^^ h^^u.c, >KoS^ axjr e^eAets Oavaroio bva-rjx^os k^avaXvcrai ; arap ov tol ttolvt^s kuaLviop^^v Oeol clWol. &\\o 66 TOL ipico, (TV b' hi 4>p€(t\ /BdWeo o-fjo-Lv* at K€ C!^v Tiip.ylrris 2ap7Tr]b6va ovbe bop^ovbe,' 445 #aCeo /xr/ ny eVetra decov ieiXrjcn Kal akKos TTc/xTretz; ov (pCXov vlbv duo Kpareprjs vo-p^ivrjs* TTokkol yap 7T€pl darv ixiya Upidp^oLo p.dxovTaL vUes dOavdrcov, Tolcriv kotov alvou ivrjo-et^, ^ aAA' droi ct)[Kos iarC, rebv b' oAo^iJperat ^rop, 450 ^ rot p.iv p.iv €a(Tov evl Kparepfj va-p^ivq X^pcr' VTTO UarpoKKoLO MevocTLdbao baixrjvac ^ avrdp iTTi]v bi] TOV ye AtTrr/ fyxv re Kal aldv, 7Tip.7T€Lv iiLv GdvaTov T€ (pipetv Kal VT]bviJLov ''Tttvov, €is o K€ brj AvKLYjs €vp€Lr]s brjp^ov tKCOVTai, 455/) hda 6 Tapxv(TOV(T L KaaiyvrjTOL re erat re Jl^ i A^^^ Tvix^i^ re (Ti^Xrj re* to yap yipas IcttI OavovTc^v^ s^^t^ 129 e(^ar', ovV aTTiOrjo-e TraTrjp dvbpQiv re Oew re* alixaToia-a-as be i/oaSa? KaT^x^vev epa^e -nalba (ptkov TLfxo^v, tov ol UdTpoKkos e/xeXAe 460 (t)6L(reLV ev Tpoirj epi^cokaKi, TrjXoOi irdTprjs. 01 8' ore brj ax^bbv rfdav eir' dWijXoLaLv lovTes, he' ri TOL UdTpoKXos dyaKkeiTov SpaoiJixrjkov, ^ 09 /)' rjvs OepdiTcov 2ap7Tr]b6vos ^ev dvaKTOs, Jttrw*^ * TOV /3aAe veiai^av KaTa yaaTepa, kvae be yvla. 465 >^ ^apirrjboiv b' avTov fxev diiriix^poTe bovpl ^aeiv^ aei;repo2; opp^rjOeis, 6 be U-^baaov omaaev Unov JjX ^^J*"^ eyxeZ be^ihv Sipov 6 5' e/gpgye Ovpibv dto^v, Kab 8' eTreo-' ev Kovirjcn ULaKCov, duo b' eVraro dvp,6$. ^ TO) 8e 8tao-r7^r7yz;, K^e be tvyoV, fjvCa be (r(f)L ^'^\fo o-yyX'^T, eirel br} KeiTo irap^pos ev iwjny^ i^^"^^ 84 Iff. IAIAA02 n. ' . ^ ' (TTTaa-craiJievos T CLvvm es aop Tra^eoy Trapa ^r\poy^ dt^as cLTriKoyj/e Traprjopov ovb* 6/^4222^^* /u<^ / ^ jiJ^ ^^^hjLt: '"^ I 0yv9^ rr]v, iv be pvTrjpg-L T avva Oev'"'^ 475 ^ , . ^f'^ ri) 8' avTis ovvlttjv e pibos iri pi Qvixo^opoio. ^ Tf^^^^ "^EvO^ av '2ap7nrjbQ)v pkv aTirnx^pore bovpl (jyaeLvcS, ' UarpOKkov 8' VTrep copLov apio-Tepov rikvS* aKOiKrj eyx^os, 0^8' ej3a)C avrov 6 8' varepos S>pvvTo yaXKi^ OAC'ti^kJi cP^^'^P^^^^^' roD 8' o^x oXiov (Bikos €K(f>vye X^^pos^j 480^^^^ dXX' €/3aX' apa re (^yphe^ eoyara i ap(j>^ abivov K^p, a jt ripine 8' o)? ore rtj 8pi;s rjpLirev rj dyepcot'y, ulWo "(i^jlaAy ^ ^tcJ^ TTLTVS ^ XcoOp rj, TTjv t' ovpecTi reKTOves avbpes. u,J ^j- i^irapLOv TreXe'/cecro-t v erjKec n vrjCgv etvai' ^f^iJcM Hi^tV^ t &9 6 irpoaO^ LTTTTOiiv Koi bicffpov /cetro TavvcOeCSi 485 pe^pv^diS^ KOVLOS bebpaypivos alpaToi(T(rr]s. j. .> . . , £^JK?.^/ ?5l;re ravpov eTre^re Xe'coz; ayiK-q^i perekOdv, qM**^^^ aWo)va pieydOvpoVy iv elknTobeo-a-L ^oeo-crL, &\€t6 re o-rez^dx^oz; vtto ya^lo5* 6 6' ovb^ ov iraibos apvvei, aXXa (TV 776/0 piot, ava^, robe Kaprepov eXKOs ciKeo-craiy KOipLTjcrov 5' obvpas, bos be Kpdros, ocfyp^ erapoicn KeKX6(jLevos Avkloktiv eTTOTpvvo) TioXepi^eiv, 525 avTos T apcpl veKVi KaTaTe6vria>TL p.ayjitip.ai,^^ "^llj ec^ar evxpp.evos, rov 5' eKXve ^oifios ^AttoXXcov, avTLKa TTava obvvas, airo 8' eXKeos apyaXeoio alpa p,eXav Tepcrrjve, piivos be ol ep/BaXe 6vp.(2, TXavKo^ 5' eyvo) fj(Tiv evl (ppeoi yrjOrjcrev re, 53° OTTi OL S)K fjKOVG-e /x€ya? 6eb9 ev^apievoLO, 7Tpo)Ta piev SiTpvvev Avkloov ijyrjTopas avbpaSy TTCLVTr] eiTOixopLevos, ^apiTrjbovos dp.^Lp.a\e(T6ai' avrap eVetra piera Tpojas kU p.aK£a^^L^(T6(t)v, si^-kJL$f 86 i6. IAIAA02 n. UovXvha^avT iin UavOo'thrjv kol ^Ayrjvopa btov, Brj iJL€T^ Alv€Lav re kol ''EKTopa yjaXKOKOpvcTTriv^ ayyov 6^ IcrTaixevos eVea Trrepoevra TTpocrrjvba' ""Efcrop, vvv brj nayyv XeXacrpiivos els iiriKOvpcov, ot (riOev eiveKa rrjXe cfyCkoiv kol TTarpibos atrjs OvpLov a7TO(f)6ivv6ov(rL' av b' ovk eOekets knaixyvuv. I K€trat ^apirrjbdv, AvKmv ayos ao-TrLo-rdodv, 09 AvKir}V €L£VTO bLKrj(TL T€ Koi (r0iv€L (S* Tov 8' VTio YlaTpoKki^ bdfxao-' eyye'i yakKeos ''Apr]S* aXKa, (f)L\oL, TrdparrjTe, v eu€(r(Tr i6vT€ be Ovp.^, 1X7] dirb revyji ekoavrai, aeLKicra-coo-L be veKpov Mvpixiboves, Aavacav Kexo^^copievoL octo-ol oKovrOy Tovs eirl vrjv(rl OofjcLv eT7evoixev eyyeiricnv!^ jj^ *I29 ecjyaTO, Tp6!)as be K ara KpvOe v kdj^e TievOos (;i/U^^*/j a(T\eTo v, ovk eTueucrpv, eireC (T(f)L(nv epjxa ttoAtjos ^e^^*^*^ IcTKe KOL dWobaiTos irep edv' iroKees yap a\x avr^ Xaoi eiTOVT, ev 8' avTos apLCTTeveo-Ke ixa)(e(r6aC ^av 8' lOvs AavaSiv Xe hirjiie voL' iypx^ ^' ^P^ (Tiv '^EKTOip xoiopievos ^apirrjbovos. avTctp 'Ax.atovs Zpae MevoLTidbeo) Ylqr^OKkrjos XdaLOV K^p* v (JgjlJu Atavre TTpcarco 7rpo(T€(pr}, pLepiaQiTe koX avrd' AtavTe, vvv cr(l)mv dpLVvecrOai ^iXov ecrro}, 0606 TTep TTapos 7]Te pier dvbpdcriv, r] koX dpeiovs* %0 ftK-tZ- ^'^[^ijar^^yj^pjSros earjXaro relyois 'Axatwr, 'Eapirrjbdv dXA.' eX pav deiKL(T(Taip.eB' eXovres, revxed r &piouv dcpeXoCpieOa, Kai tlv eraCpcov avTov dpLvvopLevoov bapiacraipieOa vrjXeC )(aA.K(3." *X2y e(l)a6\ ol be Koi avrol dX e^acrO ai pLeveaivov. 06 8' €7766 dpLcporepooOev eKaprvvavro (\)dXayyaSy Tpcoes KOL AvKLOL Koi MvppLiboves kol ^Axatot, (Tvp^^aXov dpi(j)l v€KVL KarareOvrjcdrL pdyecrOai heivov dvcravres* p.eya 8' e^pa^e Tev\ea (jycor&v. i6. 1AIAA02 n. 87 Z€V9 8' 67rfc viSkt 6\or]V Tdvv(T€ Kparepfj vo-ixivrj, o(^pa (fyikcd irepl Tratbl piAxi^ okoos ttovos etr;. ^£l(rav be irporepoi Tpcoes IXtKcoTra? ^Axatovs' jSXrjro yap ov tl KaKi(TT09 avr]p [xera Mvpixtboveo-o-LV, 570 vlo9 'AyaKXrjos fxeyaOviiov, bios 'Eireiyevs, /OS p' €V Bovb€L(d €V vaiopL€V(d rjvaa-a-e TO irph' drap roVe y eo-Okbv dv€\lrkov e^evapi^as 69 rir^XrJ' tKcVevo-e kol h Sinv dpyvpo-rreCav' ol 8' a/x' 'AxtAXrjt pTj^rfvopi -nipL-nov eirecrOaL i / ■ "IKlov els €V7T(jd\oVy ha Tpdeo-ai [xaxoiTO. ' a^crcx^cr^ ^ Tov pa t66^ cLTTTOfxevov vUvos pdke <^at5t/xo9 "^Ektc^^p kmlti X6p/xa8ia) K€(f)akriv' fj 8' avbtxa Trao-a Keda-Qr] h KopvOi ppiapfj* 6 8' apa 'npr]V7]S em v€Kp(2 Kdinr€(T€V, djjicpl be jxiv Odvaros x^'^o OviiopdicrTris. 580 UarpoKkid 8' ap' axo? yerero ^^t/xeW erapoto, v/ WvG-ev be bia TrpopLaxoiv tpr]KL eoLKcbs . 1 J)K€% T i(l>6l3r}(re koXolovs re ylfrjp&s re^ ^l^t/i^ &9 J^vs AvKtcoi^, UarpoKkees iTnroKeXevde, ea-o-vo KOL Tpdoiv, Kexokcaa-o be Krjp iTapoio. 5^5 Kal p e^aXe I^OeviXaov, 'lOaifxeveos (f)lXov vlov, avx^va x^p/xaSto), pv^ev 8' ctTTo roto revovras, omavIcJ-^j X(!ipr](Tav 8' vtto re irpop^axoi /cat (paibiixos ''EKTOip. 00-0-7] 8' a lyavir ]s pLTTj] ravaoio rervKrai, tMo^^ ipM^ rjv pi T avrip dcperj TTeLpdfxevos r) ^^'^^^ 59° 776 Kal 7roX€ix(d, brjioiv vtto evp.opdL(rTeo)v, ^• ro'0-0-02; €XCopr70-az; Tpcoe?, a>o-az;ro 8' 'Axatoi. rXavKOS be Trpwro?, AvKtcoi; ayo? d(r7n(TTdoiv, erpdirer, eKTeivev be Ba^i^KArJa ixeydOvp^ov, XdXKOiVos (jyiXov vlov, os "EXXdbi olda vaCcov 595 o\/3(o re ttXovt(d re fxeTeTrpeTre Mvpfxibovea-a-L. TOV lev apa TXavKOS a-rrjOos ixecrov ovTacre bovpl (TTpecfyOels e^airlvrjs, ore p^iv KaTeiiapnTe bidKcoV 88 16. 1AIAA02 n. bovirrjorev 8^ irea-ojv' ttvklvov 8' axps eXXa^S' 'Axcttovj, 0)9 €TTe(T icrdXos dvrip' [xiya 8^ T/xSe? K€)(^apovTo, 600 o-raz/ 8' a/x(^' avrbv 16vt€9 aoAXees* oi8' a/)' 'Axatol aXfc^? e^ekdOovTo, piivos 8' Wvs (f)€pov avrSiV* ^^^.^tX f}(MM£\ €v6* av Mrjpiovqs Tpwooz; eXei; &vhpa K opvo-rr iv, Aaoyovovy dpacrvv vlbv 'OvrjTopo^, 09 Atoj tpei)? "i" 'I8atoi; irirvKTO, Oebs 8' rtero 877/jt(i). 605 rbv jSaA.' VTTO yvaOp^OLO Koi ovaros' 3)Ka hi Ovpibs ^X^'^^ ^'^^ fxeXecor, oruyepo? 8' Spa pnv (tkotos elXev. ^ hXv^las 8' eTTt MrjpLovrj bopv x^X/ceoz; ^k6i;* ^j^/iJjtJ^ ^^^^ ^ r^^j - €\tt€TO yap Tev^eorOat v -naG-nih ia TTpo^i^avros. f 9lix6v irep eovra 620 TTCLVTOiv avOpdiroiv o-jBio-aaL /xeVos, 09 k6 o-6V arra lA^r; apivvop^evor Ovqrbs be vv Kal av rirv^au d Kal iyco (re ^aXoip^i rvx'^v p.i(Tov o^i'i xaXKcS, aixj/a K€ Kal Kparepos irep €(i)v Kal x^P^-^ 7r€TT0t^a)s evxos ipol boCrjs, yjrvxr}^ 8' *'At8i kXvtottcoXc^. 625 ^Xl? (^aro, roz; 8' evivnre MevoiTLOV aX/ct/xoy t;to9* " MrjptoVr/, rt cri) Ta{5ra Kal iaOXbs €0)V ayopev^LS ; ^ S TTeiTOV, OV TOt TpW69 6v€ib€L0LS €7T€€(r(rL . ^ 'Tt*^ V€Kpov x^t^P^o-OUO-l* Trr7£)nc_Tq;v ^((pecTiv re /cat eyyeaiv aix(piyvoi(nv. JljjtM^ ' 0^8' az; ert jpppLpjjLcov Trep avrjp '2ap7T7]h6va blov mtJO ^^'^ lyvo), eTrei /3eXeeo-(rt kol at/xart Kai Kovtrjo-Lv jj^^jljtMj J^f^^ eK K€(baX.rjs €l\vto biauLTrepes e? irobas aKpovs, ©40 / OL 0 aiei TrepL veKpov ofxikeov, (o? ore /xvtat (TTaOjjL^ evL j3popi€(i}m ireptyXayias Kara iriWas coprj €v elapivfj, ore re yXdyos ayyea bevei' S>s apa rot Trept veKpov ofxtkeov, ovbi ttot€ Zevs Tpiyj/ev ttTTo Kparepjj^ vcriiLvrjs oao-e (paeivd, 645 aWa Kar avTovs alev Spa kol (ppd^ero OvpiQ, TToWa pidy dpL(j)l ipoi'CD UarpoKkov pieppLrjpi^ooVy rj i]brj KOL K€Lvov €vl Kparepfj vo-pLivrj avTov eTr' avriOico 'EapTTijbovL (paibipos ''EKrcop XakKi^ brjdo-rj, diro r copotiv revyje eXr]Tai, 650 17 ert /cat 'nkeovecraiv ocpikketev ttovov aiirvv* cS5e 8e ot (j)poviovTL bodcroraro Kipbiov etrac, . o^p^ Tjvs OepdiTCdv Urjkrjidbeo) 'Axikrjos e^avTis TpcSa? re Kat "EKTopa yakKOKopv(TTi]v SaaaiTo TTporl do-rv, TTokio^v 8' aTro Ovpov ekotro, 655 "E/cropt 8e Trpcorto-ro) dvdkKiba Ovpov ivrjKeV es bicfypov 8' dva^as (fyvyab^ erpaire, Ke/cAero 8' dkkovs Tpcoa? (f)€vyepi€vaL* yvo) yap Atbs Ipa rdkavra, hO' ovb^ '[(pOipLOL AvKLOL pevov, dkk' ecjyolBrjOev sUpf^Ji xraz^re?, eTret ISao-ikrja Ibov ^€^2^^{vov rjTop, 660 Keipevov €v v€KVcov dyvpeC irokies yapTrr* airw J^ii^ K^yMT Kdirirecrov, eSr' ept8a KpaT€pi]v eroiwcre Kpovicov. 90 i6. IAIAA02 n. OL ap a'n 3>ixouv ^apirrjbovos ivT€^ ekovTO XOL^Kea [xapfjiatpovra, ra fxev Koikas eirl vrjas b(aK€ (^ipeiv krdpoLo-L MevoLTLOV clXklplos vlos. 665 Koi TOT ^ AiTokXcova 7Tpo(T€(j)r] v€(f>€\r]y€peTa Zevs" " el 6' aye vvv, (f)C\€ 4>otj3e, KeXatvecjyes alfxa KaOrjpov i\6o)v ^eXi cov ^apTrrjhova, Kai [iiv eireiTa TToWbv aiTOTTpb (^epcor Xovcov iroTaixoio pofjcn )(^PI(t6v t apijBpoalr}, irepl b' afi^poTa et/xara ecrcrov' 670 TTe/xTre bi pnv tt ojittolo 'lv afxa Kpanivoicn (})€p€(r9aL, "TTn^o) Koi 0ai;ar(i) bibvixdocnv, oi pa [xiv S>Ka OrjCOVa €V AVKLTJS €Vp€ir]9 TTIOVL brjixcd, €v6a 6 TapyycTovai Ka(riyvr]Toi re erat re Tvix^dd re (TTr\Xr\ re* to yap yepas eo-rt davovTcov^ 675 ^X29 €. YlcLTpOKko^ 8' Ittttoicti Kal AvTopiebovTi KeXevoras Tpcoa? Kal Avklovs peTeKiaOe, Kal fxey aicOrj 685 rrjTTios' el be eiros Tlr]kri'Cdbao (\)vXa^ev, rj T av v7TeK(pvye Krjpa KaKrjv peXavos OavaToio, dX\' alet re Ato? KpeLcrcraiv roo? rje irep dvbp&V [os re Kal 6XKip.ov avbpa (po/Bei Kal dt^etXero vCKr\v pr\ibms^ oTe 8' avTos eTTOTpvvrjo-i fxdxea-Oai'^ 690 oy 06 Kal rore ^v/xoi^ ert o-Ti]6eo-(nv avrjKev. ""EvOa Tiva irpSiTov, Tiva 8' vo-TaTov e^evdpi^aSy HaTpoKXeiSy ore 877 ae Oeol OavaTovbe KoXeo-crav ; "AbprjcTTov juter irpQiTa Kal Avtovoov koi *'E)(eKA.oi; Kat Wkpi\kov MeyaSr^z; /cat 'ETrtVropa Kat MeXartTTTroz;, 695 avTCLp ^ireiT ''Ekacrov kol MovXlov rjbe HvXdpTrjv' , • Tovs eKev' ol 5' aXXoL (t) vyab€ fjivc& ovTo e/cacrTos. Im/^^, , ^ "EvQa K€v ixIfCiTvXov Tpol-qv 'Aov vUs 'Axato^v ^^^^ ^Vrf TlarpoKkov vtto X^P^^' ir epmp o yap ey)(6t Over Vi^M . ot/3o9 'AttoAXcoi^, 715 dvipL elddixevos at^rj^ re KpaT€p(2 re, c^dtute » ^ 'Ao-IG), 09 /X^TjpC09 171; '''EKrop09 tTTTToSa/XOtO, TnouWl^Jf avTOKao-uyvrjTOs 'EKa/3?]9, i;to9 Az;/xai/ro9^ 09 ^pvytrj vaU(TK€ pofjs €TTL XayyapioLO' r(2 juttz; €€L(rdix€vos 7Tpo(T€(l)r] Ato9 i^to9 'ATToAAcor* 720 '^''EKrop, rtVre p,dxr?9 a7ro7ra7;€at ; ovbi tl ere XP^- . j^^^^ aXff oo-ov rj(T(ro)V et/xt, roaov aio <^eprepo9 etr^i^* Co ''^jtj r(3 Ke rdy^a (TT vyepo os TroAefxou a7repa)?7a;eta9. ^^iJl^^^^i^!^^^ aAA' aye, IlarpoKAw e^eje Kparepcovvxcf-s Ittttovs, ^^^^^^^^^^ at Kh 710)9 juttr eA7]9, Story 6e rot eSx^^ 'ATTo'AAtor." 725 ''129 etVcbz; 6 /utez; aSrt9 e^r; ^eo9 a/x ttoVoz; dz^Spwr, 92 16. IAIAA02 n. KejBpLovT] 5' €Ki\€V(T€ batcfypovL (fyaCbLfjios ''E/crcop X^Tiovs is 77 oAe/xoz^ irei^Xiqyiixev, avrap ^ AttoWcov ^ iL^lM^ o/xtXoz/ tcoz^, k Xov^ v ^ ApyeioicTiv r}K€ KaKov, Tpodcrlv he Koi "EKTopt Kvhos OTra^ev. 730 ''Ektcdp 6' aXXovs fJiev Aavaovs €a oiS' ivdpi^eV avrap 6 narpo/cXco ecfyeire Kparepcovv^as tirirovs. TldrpoKXos 5' krepooOev acf)* LTnToov aXro xapia^e cTKaifi 6yxos €yjiiv' krepiqc^L h\ Ad^ero nirpov AM^f^ ^Laa^ f^top/xapoz/ dj<£L6€vO\ 6u 01 7T€pl )(^tp eKaXvyj/eVj | 735 -^/ce S' €p€LcrdiJL€Vos, ovbe brjv yj^ro (pooros, ^^m. o{i5' aXtdiore jSeXos, jSdXe 6' ''KKTopos 7]VLoyjia, KejBpLovrjv, voOoi' vlov ayaKXrjos Opta/xoto, 0 Jj'*^^ id't^y^ 177770)1; rjpr eyjovra^ fjie zcom ov o^il Koii. — ^([m-J^ ^ diKporipas 8' d^prs (T vveX ev XiOos, ovbi ol €(T)(^ev 7^o"^ oo-riov, 6(f)9akpLol 5e yjnial Tzicrov kv Kovirjo-Lv . • airoi; irpocrOe 7Tobo)v' 6 5' ap' apvevr^pt eotKO)? (M/VV^ KCLiTTTea d-n evepyeos bL(f)pov, At Tie 5' dorea dvp.69. Tov 6' €7TLKepT0ii€(iiV TTpo(re(l)r]9, IJarpOKkees linTev' fi "^o) 7707706, ?/ /xdA' eXacppos dvrjp^ o)S pela KV^KTra, ^^745 €t 6?7 770?; Kal irovTCit ev l\6v6evTL yivoiro, J * Aji/rtdL 'tj/i ^ TToWovs dv Kopio-€L€v dvTjp obe TijOea bjL^^p, (^A/'^^J' 6^ 177770)2; peta KvjSLcrra. kx ^ pa Kal iv Tpd^ecrcn KV^ia-Tr]Tripes eaortr." 750 '^^s eluQiv €776 KelBpLovT} rjpoo'C ^e^riKei 1^5^ XiovTos €xo)F, 09 re o-raOpLOvs K€ £aX( o)v \ elBkrjTo TTpbs o-rrjOos, aj ri pav wAerrez; aXKYp 0)9 6776 KejSptovr], UarpOKXees, dXao pepads. "EKTodp 6' avO^ eTepooOev dcfx ittttcov clXto )(ajuca^e. 755 . . TO) 776p6 KejSpLovao bripLvOrjTrjVy CO T opeos Kopv(t)f]o-L irepl Krapei^rjs iXdcpoto, dp(\)(o 7T€ivdovT€, pL€ya (f)poviovT€ pidxeo-Oov' i6. IAIAA02 n. 93 7r6/?l KefBpLovao bvco fjirjo-ro^pes avrrjs, oj\}^^^ ^ i^M^ '^^^ ndrpoKKos T€ MevoLTidbrjflcaT^aibLiJLOs ''Ektcop, 760 ''Efcrcop piev K€(l)aXrj(f)Lv evrel XdjSev, ov)(l /xe^tet* ndrpoKkos 6' €T€p(i)6€v €xev irobos' ol be brj dWot Tpwe? Koi Aavaol crvvayov Kparep-qv vo-piLvrjv. *X2s b' ESpo? re NoVos r kpibaLverov aXKriKouv 765 ovpeos ev jBrjo-o-rjs (SaOerjv ireXepaCepLev vkriv^ (prjyov T€ pLeXCrjv re T ogwcbXo iov re K pdveia v, ai re Trpos dKkr\Kas ejBaXop ravvmieas o^ovs 6onM€L\M ^^Jti/UM Tjxfj Oecnreo-Ljjy Trdrayos bi re dyvvpL€vda)v, ^ o)s Tpwes Kol 'A\aLol eiv dXXrjXoLcn Oopovres 770 byovy, ovb^ erepoL pLvdovr okoolo (l)6j3oLO, TToXXa be Ke^pLovrjv djKp^ o^ea bovp" eirenriyeL ioL re TTTepoevTes dirb vevprjcfjL Oopovres, TToXXa be x^epjuiaSta p.eydX' dairibas eo-TvcfyeXi^av fxapvapievaiv apap^ avrov b b^ ev cyr poc^dXiy yi kovltjs 775 /cetro p.eyas pLeyaXoocrriy XeXaapievos iTnrocrvvdaiv. JjWtr^^ Tocfypa pidX' dp.(j)OTepcov 1^^^' rjiTTero, Tiinre be Xaos' n£cL^^ sw/>(^ rore 677 p v irep ato-g v 'Amatol (pe pre pot '^aav* 780' eK /xez; Ke^pLovrjv (BeXeoiv 'rjpo)a epvacrav '^^^^T^^'^ Tpdoov e£ e vo-nm , kol oltt ixa)i; f.'^'^' ao-uls orvv TekajxcovL xajxal uecre r epixLoedd a. H^Vttllifl^ kvae be ol OdprjKa ava^ Atoj vlo^ 'AttoAAcoi;. VlVj*'PV*r' TQv b" arr] (fypevas elke, kvOev b' vtto (t>aibLixa yvia, 805 (TTrj be Ta^(i>v' OTiiBev be ixeTd(i)pevov o^el bovpl cofxujv ixeacrriyvs axehoOev ^dke Adpbavos dvrjpy .a ( . Uav6otbr]s Ev^op^os, 09 fjktKLrjv e/^^KaoTo e^^*^^ eyx^'i^ 0' iTTTToavvrj re -nobeaa-L re KapirakLixoLo-L' Koi yap brj Tore (/xSray eeUoo-L /Brjaev a(l> Uiro^v, 810 TTpwr ekd^v (Tvv oxe(T(f>L, bibao'Kop.evos TroAe/xoto* OS rot TipQi^os e(t>rjK€ /Bekos, HarpoKkees linrev, ovbe bdixao-a' 6 p.ev avris dvebpafxe, pllkto b' ojutAw, €K xpoos apird^as bopv ixeLkivov, ovb' vireixeive UdrpoKkov yvixvov irep eovr ev brfiorrjTi. 815 UdrpoKkos be Oeov TTkrjyfj koi bovpl bafxaaOeh \ ^^^^^^ axj/ erdpcov els eOvos exdCero Krjp akeeivoov. -S^^^'^'^if ''Ekt(op b' m elbev UarpoKkrja fieydOvpiOv axjf dvaxaCoixevov, jBejSkrjfjLevov d^eC xa^'cw, dyx^H'Okov pd ol ^kOe Kara (rrixas, ovra be bovpl . 820 veioTov es Kevecova, btairpo be x^kKov ekaacre ^^f^^\ bovirrjaev be irea^i;^ p.iya 8' r^a^ e kaov 'Axatwz;- }^^^ 16. 1AIAA02 n. 95 o)S 6' ore cri;^; CLKCLfxavTa Xioov e j^triGrji To ^dpixYj, CO r' o/)eo9 KOpv(pf](TL [xiya (ppoviovre ixayjecrQov TTibaKOS a/x(^' oAiyr^s* kOikovcri h\ irUixev a/x(^co* 825 TTokka bi T acrO^xaLvovra Xioiv ehap^acrcre [3LrjLKov Mevikaov, YldrpoKko^ Tpdearcn bafx^h iv brj'CoTrjTL. I3t] be bta TTpoixayjisiv KeKopvOpieios aWoin xa\K(2, d/x(^l 6' a/)' avT<^ ^aiv cos tis irepl nopra Ki P'Tfrrip TTpOOTOTOKOS KLVVpri, OV TTplv elbvla TOKOLO' jJlay[/i 0)9 TT€pl YlarpoKkiD ^alve ^avOhs MeWAaoj. TTpoaOe bi ol bopv t etr^^e kul acmLba navTocr etcrrjp, Tov KTapievaL /xejutaw? Ss tls tov y avrios ekOou . ovb' apa lldvOov vlb^ evjjjj^irjs dpiik-qae a/vr*u^ ^ ^ ^fpj^eJU YlarpoKkoLo TTeaovro^ apLvp^ovos' CLy)(^L 6' dp* avrov lo earrj, Koi TTpoaieLTrev dpr}L(l)i\ov MevekaoV yhicyi ^^'ATpdbrj MeviXae 6torpe(^e9, o o\aui€ Aawr, t • X^Ceo, AetTTe be veKpov, ea 5' evapa fSpoToevra' OV yap rts irporepos Tpdojv KXeiTo^v r eTTLKOVpoov YldrpoKkov (SdKe bovpl Kara Kpareprjv v(rp.Lvr]v' 15 TO) /xe ea /cXeo? eaSkov evl Tpdeo-o-LV apeoSat, pirj ere jSaAco, diro be pLeXirjbia Ovpov e'Aco/xat." Tov be pey oxOrjo-as irpoa-etf)!] ^avObs Mevekaor ^' Zev irdrep, ov pev Kakbv virep^iov evxerdaa-OaL, ovT ovv irapbdkios rocrarov p.evos ovre XeovTos ovre avbs Kdirpov okoo^povos, ov re p^eyicrros Ovpibs evl (TTTiOeacrL ire pi crOeveL ^kep^eauveL, oxro-ov YldvOov vies evpLpLeXCai ct)poveov(rLV. Vol. II. H 98 17. IAIAA02 pr >,ovb€ jjLev ovbe ^Lrj^Tireprivopos tTTTrobdixoio ^dJ^ 9/^^ ' rjs rjfirjs a7T6vr]6\ ore /x' ^j^aro Kai ix we/xetz^e 25 - Kai fjL €(^aTl kv ^qivaoifCnv ek jyy lct tov TToXeixKTTrjv (^QiMlJ"^ €V(l)prjvai aKo\6v re (pCXrjv Kebvovs T O^rja s, ^af\P^ &s Orjv Koi (Tov 6ya) Xv(r(o fiivos, €t K€ fxeu avTa- (TTrjjjs' ak\d cr iyd -y ava\ojpr](TavTa KeXet^co^ 30 ks TT\r)6vV UVUL, fJLTjb^ aVTLOS LdTaa €IJi€LO, TTpLv TL KUKOV TiaOi^iv' p^X^^^ '^^ vr\iiios eyi^co," (^OLTo, TOV b^ ov TTeWev dixeLjSoiJievos bi Trpoa-rjvba' ^' vvv [lev brj, Mevikae bioTpf(f>€Sy rj fxdka rLo-eis yvoiTov ipiov, TOV €7T€(f>V€9, lT^€vr)(6ixevo'$ b\ dyopev€LSi 35 ^ yjipo^o-as be yvvoLKa ixv)(J^ OaXdixoio vioio^ op-qT ov be T0K€V(TL yoov Koi irivOos eOr]Kas. rj K€ (T^iv beikoi(n yoov KaTcn^avixa yevoipir]v^ ^ e? Kev eyw Ke^oXy]]) re r6r)z/ koI TevyJ iveiKa^^ IldvOio €V yjeipe(T(Ti [3dka} koL ^poVTibi birj. 40 dAA' ov fxav €TI bripov cmeipi^Tos ttovos ecrrat ovoe T a orjpLT os iyr aKKrjs r/T6 (popoLO, lis 61770)1; ovTYiae Kar do-TTiba irdvTocr €L(rr]v' ovS* eppxj^ev xaXKOV, dveyvdixcfyOr} be ol al\fxr] d(T7TLbL €v KpaTepfj' 6 be bevTepos oipvvTO xaX/c(3 45 WTpetbrjs MeveXao^, eirev^dnevos Au TraTpi' ^ 1^ ^\OjJ^ a\j/ b^ dvaxciC^IJLevoLO.KaTa (T TpfjLd\ 0L0 OejxeOXa vv^\ 67rl6' avTos epeice ^apeCr} x^'-P^ TnOrjo-as'- dvTLKpv b' ccTTaXoLO bt avx^i^os ifkv.O^ aKooKri, bovTrrja-ev be ireordv, dpd(3r](re be Tevxe eii avT(^. 50 atixaTL ol bevovTo KOfJiat Xaptreo-o-tz; 6/ixotat itm^^^ ^ ttXoxP'OL 9^; ot XpvcFW r€ kol dpyvp(D e acfyriKoo vTO. olov be Tpe(t>ei epyos dvr)p epi6r]Xes eXatrjs p ^ £(n^*5^ ^(ipi^^jj oloTToX xi), o^' dXis dv a^elBp Qxev i/Scop, |ifnAoj; TrjX fJ idovr to be re ttvolol boveovcn 55 [ 7TavT0i(t)v avifxcoVi Kai re ^pv€i avdeC XevK^'- . €X6g)v 6' e^aiTLvrjs ave\xo^ crvv AatXaTrt iroWfj TOLOV TldvOoV vloV ivfJLIJL€\ir]V E,V(f)Op^QV ^Arpetb-qs Mevikaos €7766 Kvave, revx^^^ lavXa, 60 *I29 8' or€ rts" re Xicov opeo-trpo^oy, oAkI TTeiroLBdsy ^0(TK0ix€vrj9 ay4Xr]s j^ovv apirdo-rj, rj T.i9 dpLo-rr)'- Trjs 6' avyiv ea^€ Xa^oiv KpaTepoimv obovaL J(iLn;o<^^^^ irputTOVy €7r€tra be 0* atpLa koL €yKaTa irdvra Xa^v^aei brjcav' afJLcf)! be rov ye Kvves r avbpes re vofirje^ 65 TToXXd /jtaA' lv^ov(rLV airoirpoOev ovb^ eOiXovcnv dvTLOv eXOefxevai' fxdXa yap x^Acopoz^ bios alpel' &s TO)v ov Tivi Ovfxos ivl o-TrjOeo-cTLV eroXpia ) '^^^^^ dvTLOV eXOepLevat MeveXdov KvbaXtpoLO, ^ ^ evOa K€ p€ta cbepoi KXma Tev\ea YlavOotbao . 7P i 'Arpdbrjs, el p.ri ol dvdcra-aT o 4>ot^o9 'A7roXAa)r, J'^'j^'^ pd ol "FiKTop* eTT&pcTe 6o<^ ardXavrov ' AprfLj. dvepi elo-dpievos, Klkovo^v rjyriTopL MevTrj' H Kai piv (Ixovrfcras eirea uTepoevTa TTpocrrjvba' ^^g^/CoM/rt ^^^^ '^"EKTop, vvv (TV piev &b€ Oeeis aKi^r a Stcokcor, 75 677770^9 AlcLKibao batcfypovor oi 6' aA€y€ti^ot dvbpdai ye 6vr]Toi(TL bapripevat 976' 6 \ee(ri_a L, dJ^^^^ aXX(o y rj 'AxtArjt, rov dOavdrrj t€K€ prirrjp.. y i bi TOL MeviXaos, ' Ap^los 'Arpios vlos, ONi^^l^^ riarpoKXci) 77 €£tga y Tpcocoi; rov dpiarov eVe^i^e, JUsm/^^ Uav6oibr]v EvcjyoplBov, eiravcre be Oovpibos dXKrjs'' ''f2s €6770)2/ 6 pev avTbs e^y] 6eos ap ttoPov dvbpQiv, ^J^J^ a.^W^ "EKTopa 6' alvov a^os -nuKaa-e (jypevas dp(\n peXaivas' ^^^^^ TTdiTTrjvev b' dp' eireira Kara crrixa^y avrUa 5' eyvo) ^(yU/V^'''jf TOP pev ap ^vvpevo v kXvtcl revx^a, rhv 6' €77 1 yaiji 85^ KeipevoV eppei b' alpa Kar ovrapevrjv i)TeiXr]V. be bia 7rpop.dxo)v KempvOpevos alBoin x^^^^^ H 2 loo 17. lAIAAOS P. o^ea K€K\r]y(as, (^Xoyi etKekos ^H(j)aL(TTOto aaf^ia-Tio' ovb' vlov XaOev ^Arpeos o^v j^orjora^' oxOrfo-a^ 6' apa ^lire Trpos ov pLeyakrjTopa Ovpiov' 90 *' w fxoL iydv, 66 fxiv k€ AtTTco Kara revyjea Kaka YlarpoKkov 0\ 09 Kelrai epirj^ €V€k ivOdbe npLT]^, ixrf TLS jxoL Aava(av veixea-rjo-eTai, os K€v IbrtraL. €L be K€V "EKTopL fxovvos €(ji)v Kttt Tpoial ixdyo>ixai albeaOets, /xry irds fxe irepLcrTrioiia eva ttoWol' 95 Tpwas b' €v6dbe Tiavras dyei KopvOaioXos ''E/crcop. dA.A.a Til] jjiOL ravra (l)[ko9 bieke^aTo Ovfios ; ' ^^1/ oTTTTOT dvj]p iOikrj TTpoy baCpiova (fxorl pid)(^€G'0aL ov K€ Oeos TLpia, rdxa ol /xeya TTrjpia Kvki(rOr], ra> pi ov TL9 AavaoHiv vepLeo-rjo-eTat, os k€v cbrjTaL 100 'EKTopt yo^pri(TavT\ eTrel €k Oeocfyiv irokepiL^eL. €t be iTov AlavTos ye jBorjv dyaOolo T:v6oLp,r]Vy ap(f)(D K avTLS iovres eTrLpLvrjaaipieOa )(^dppLr]s Kal irpos baipiovd irep, el ttcos epva-aip^eOa veKpov Ylriketbr] 'A)(tX?}'6* KaKo^v be Ke (f>epTaT0v etr;." 105 ^Ho9 G ravO^ coppaive Kara (t)peva Kal Kara Ovpov, , Tocfypa 6' €776 TpCdctiV (rTL)(^es ijkvdov' rjpx^ ^' ^p' ''EKrcbp. Pj^^^'^j^^'^^P ^ y ^^0776(70) dvexd^ero, keiire be veKpov, ^/uO**^ ev ^oirakLCofx evo^ s re kh rjvyeveios, ov pa Kvves re KaX dvbpes dub aTaOpiolo bio^vrai ..^^^^ — ^^^f.^^ , — — ey^eo-L kol (f)(jdvfj' rou 5' ev ^pealv dkKipov ^rop ^^o**^ f~ \^ Tr axvov Tai, deKoiv be r e^-q duo p^eacravkoL^' v/V*^ 0)9 duo YlarpoKkoLO kU ^avOos yievekaos. orr/ 56 pieTa(rTpe(f)0eL9, eirei iKero eOvos eratpcov, TTaTTTaivoov Aiavra pieyav, TekapidvLov vlov. i Tov be p,dk! alxjr^ evorjo-e pid)(rj^ ei: dpiarepa irdo-ris OapavvovO' erdpovs Kal eTTOTpvvovra pidxeo-Oat' Oea-irea-iov yap (r(f)Lv (f)6^ov epij^ake 4>06/3os 'AttoAAcoi;' ^rj be OeeiVy etdap^ be irapLo-rdpievos eiros rjvba* 17. IAIAA02 p. Id " Ataz^, bevpo, TreTTOz;, Trepl rTarpoKXoto ^ai/oi^ro? 120 anevo-oixev, al k€ v^kvv irep 'AxtAX^t 7Tpo(l)€po)iJL€v yvfxvov' arap rd ye revx^' ^X^'- KopvOaCoXos "E/crtop." "^Xly €(j)aTy AlavTL be batcfypovL Ovjxov opive' jBrj be bia iTpojxciyociV, a\xa be ^avOos MeveXaos. ''Ektcop [xev YlarpoKkov e-nel kXvtcl revye' airrjvpa, 125 e\x\ tv dii Saiioiiv Ke(^aXr]v ra/xot o^ei yaXK^^ Tov be veKVv Tpcofjcnv epvcrordixevos kvctX boir], Ata? 6' eyyvOev rjXOe (fyepoov (tclkos rjvre TTvpyoV ''Ektoop 6' axj/ es oijllXqv Ig)v apexd(eO^ eraipoiv, es bi(ppov 6' dvopovcre' bibov 6' o ye rev^ea KaXd 130 Tpoxrt (f)epeLV irporl d(TTv, fxeya KXeos epLfievaL avT(^. Aia? 5' dfxcfyl MevoLTidbr} adKOS evpv KaXvxj/as e(TTrjKeL co9 tLs re X^Ltyv irepl olcrt reKeo-av, {Atr^^A^i^ ru^iJMja4 ^tec^Tv 1 02 i;;. IAIAA02 p. 09 TOL TTokX! 0(^eAos yiveroy tttoK^'I re koX avT(2, ^oiibs €€pT€p69 6(rrt." Tbv 6' a/)' vTTobpa Ibcov irpoaicpr] KopvOaioXos ''EiKTcop' *' FA a{;K6, tlt] be crv rotos eo)v VTrepoirkov eemes ; 170 o) 7707701, ?7 T e(\)dp.r]v are irepl (l)pevas epipievaL aAAcor, rwr oiToroL AvKirjv epi^dikaKa vaierdovo-L' vvv be aev o)jjoadpir]v Trdyxv (\)pevas^ olov eeLires, OS re pie (t>fjs Atavra irekdpLov ovx_ viropLelvaL, ov TOL eyo)v eppiya pid)(r]v ovbe ktvttov iTnioav' 175 dAA' aieL re Atos Kpeto-o-cov voos alyio^OLO, 09 re Kal akKupiov dvbpa (fyo^el Kal dcfyeikero vUrjv p?7t6tcos, ore 5' avros enorpifvei p.a\eGa(T6aL» dkk' aye bevpo, ireiTOv, Trap" epC Lo-Taao Kal tbe epyov, Tje TravrjpiepLOs KaKos ea-a-opLai, 0)9 ayopeveis, 180 7/ TLva Kal Aavacov dkKrjs p.dka irep /x6/xaa)ra vxTjao} dpLvvepievaL irepl llaTpoKkoLO OavovTos.^^ X^aJ^ ^12y einiav Tpcaea-aiv eKeKkero p lok^^ dvcras' 17. lAIAAOS p. 103 "Tpa)€9 Kat Az^Ktot KCtt :Aap6az^ot ayxLjiaxrjraLi avepes €(tt€, (/)tAot, ixvifjcrao-Oe be Oovpibos (xAk^?, 185 o(^p' az/ eycbi^ 'A)(tA7jo9 aixvixbvos evrea bvdo KaXd, Tct UarpoKkoLO jSt-qv kvapi^a KaraKrds.^^ ^''Hs apa cf)0}vrj(Tas dTTejSr] KopvOaioko^ '^EKTO)p br]Lov €K TToAe/xoto* ^€0)1/ 5' ^Kiyavev kTaipovs ojKa jotaA.', oi5 ttco rrjAe, Trocrt Kpamvoiai p^eTacnKav, 190 ot TTporl a(TTv (f)epov Kkvrd T€V)(^€a YlrjXetojvo^, ora? 6' CLTrdvevOe pid)(r]s TTokvbiXKpvov 'ivre apiei^ev' TOi 6 fiev TCL u 6a)K€ (\)ipeiv TTporl "lAtoi; lpr}v Tpaxrl (pLkoTTTokepLOLo-Lv, 6 6' apL^pora revx^ea bvve H-qketbeoi) 'A)(tA7/09, a ol Oeol Ovpavioaves 195 TiarpX <^tA(t) eiTopov' 6 6' apa (p 7rat6l oTraa-ae yrjpds' d\)C ov)(^ vlbs iv ^vreai irarpos iyrjpa. Tov 6' ovv dirdvevOev tbev vecji^krjyepeTa Zevs revx^o'i' Hrjketbao KopvcrtropLevov OeLoto, KLvrjcras pa Kdprj TTporl hv pivOri&aro Ovfxov 200 " a b€tk\ dvbe rL rot Odvaros KaraOvpaos ecrLV, OS bri roL o-)(^€bdv €tcrt' crv 6' dp^pora rev^ea bvveLS avbpbs dptcrrrjos, rov re tpopiidvo-t kol dWoL' jJf rod br] eraipov €TT€(t)V€S Ivqla re Kparepov re, ^MtA/^ revx^(^ ^' Kara Kocp^ov drro Kparos re Kal S)p.(£iV 205 eXkeV drdp rot vvv ye p^eya Kpdros eyyvakC^co, ro)v TTOivr]v ^roL ov rt pdyjis eK voo-rrjcravn be^erat ^ kybpop^dyj] Kkvra rev\ea UrjXetoivos'^ ^H, Kal Kvavejjo-LV err 6(ppv(rL vevcre Kpovio)v. "EKropL 6' rjppoae revx^' cttI xP^t, bv be p.iv ^'Aprjs 210 betvbs ei ^dki os, TrXijaOev b' apa ol piiXe' evrds W^aU/K^ dkK7]s Kal o-0eveor perd be KXetrovs eTTiKOVpovs I pa pieya id^o^V Ivb^i^ro be acpio-L TTacri a^«A^ revyea-L XapTTopievos pieyaOvpov Ylr]\eto)vo9* &rpvvev be eKaarov eTTOLXPp.evos eTTeeara-i, 215 I04 1 7. lAIAAOS P. /JO-*/ 230 MeV^Xr/i^ 76 TXavKov re Mihovra re Q^paiXoyov re, ^A(TT€poTTai6v T€ AeKTrjvopd 6^ ^IttttoOoov re, ^OpKVV T€ XpOfJiiOV T€ KOL ^'KvVOjJLOV olo)VL(rTr}V'- .Tovs o y €TTOTpvv(ov 67760 7TT€p6€VTa TTpocrrivba' ^KkvTe, fivpta (fivXa Tre^iKTio^.Ciiv eTTtKOvpoiv' • 220 ov yap iyts) ttXtjOvv bi C^ue vos ovb^ -yaTi^oav i**^'^*^ evOab^ a(f> vpLeTepcov ttoXlcov ijyetpa eKacrrov, aAA' Lva /xot Tpdcov aX6)(^ovs ical vrjiria reKva TTp Qcjypq vio^s pvoLcrOe v* ^ C/Q( TO. cjypovioov bcopoLori Ka rarpy xco kol €bo}bfj 'jkSbo ' Xaovs. vixirepov be kKCLCTTov Ovpidv aJ£co, s}f^^^ly^ Tw rt9 vvv l Oys '^ fTp"ikl'h'^^ i? airoXicrOa} ^^^^JC 7/6 (Taco67]T(o' fj yap irokepLOV oa^Lorvs* ({^t/»*^^^ 09 bi K6 YlcLTpOKkoV Kal T€6vr](£)Td 7T€p (\x'nr\s Tp(aa9 69 LTnTobdfjLOVs ipvo-rj, el^r) be ol Alas, rjiJLL(TV 7(2 evdpoov dTTobdcro-ofiai, rjfii(rv 5' avros sfqco eyo) to 06 ol KAeos ecrareraL oa-aov 6/xot irep. j '^129 e(l>aB\ ol 6' t^i;9 AavaQiv HpiaavTe s ejSrjcrav^ bovpar avaayjojxevoi' fxdka be (rcfyLcnv ekirero OvjJio^ veKpbv VTT AlavTos epveiv TeXafxaiVLdbao, vrjTTLOL' Tj re TTokecrcnv eir avT(2 Ov^bv dirrjvpfx. Kal TOT dp Alas elire ^orjv dyaObv MeveXaov' S TTeiTOVy S) MeveXae 6torp6<^6 9, ovKeTi eXiTOfjiai avTca irep voo-T/qo-epiev eK iroXepLOLO. ov TL Toaov veKVOS irepibeibia YlaTpoKXoio^ 09 K6 Tdya Tpoocdv Kopeet Kvvas rjb^ oloovovs, I oo-(rov epifj KecjyaXfj Trepibeibia, pn] tl TrdOrjo-ty I Kal o-r), 67761 TToXepoLO ve(^os irepl irdvTa KaXvTTTei^ i ''Ektoop, fjpiiv 6' avT dvaipaLveTai aiirvs oXeOpos, dAA' dy dpto-Trjas Aavau>v KdXei, ijv tl9 aKOVcrr}.^^ '^129 e(f)aT\ ovb' diTi6ri(re j^oi]v dyaOos MeveXaos^ y^f^^rivaev be bi aT^pvc riov Aavaoiai yeyoovds* 235 240 245 J 17. IAIAA02 P. 105 '^S/^tAot 'ApyetW rjyriTQpes rjbe [jL^bavre^, 01 /re Trap' 'ArpetS?]?, ^ kyap^iixvovi koX Mez/eXd^)., hiQp.ia 7TLV0V(Tiv Koi crrjiJLaivovcnv eKaaros i> J[ 250 Xaois' €K be Alos TijjLrj koL Kvbos OTrr^Set. ""^^ apydkeov be fXQL eort bt acTKOTna crOaL eKaa-rov 7]yefx6vo)v' t6(T(tici yap epis TToAe/xoto bebrjev aXAa TLS avrbs iVo), vefiecn^ecrOoi 5' ei^t ^i^/xw riarpoKAoz^ Tpwj/o-i kv(tIv pteXTT-qOpa yeveorOaiy 255 '^Xly e(paT\ Q^v 6' aKovaev ^O'ikrjos ra^vs Atas"- 'iTpo)T09 6' avTLOs TjkOe Oecov ava brjLOTrjra, %ov be pier ^Ibo^euevs Kal ottcloov ^Ibopevrjo^, M-qpLovrjs, ardkavTos 'EyuaAto) dvbpei(l)6vTrj. rSiv 6' akkoov tls Kev fj(TL (ppealv ovvopar etTrot, 260 o(T(TOL by] peroTTLcrOe p^OLXqv rjyeipav W\ai(av ; . Tpcoe? be TT povTv\lm v aokkee^' rjpx^ b' ap ''Ektoj^. 7^UiX«oi 0^9 8' or eirl Trp oyoijo n biLTTereo^ TTorapoLO VX^^ ^a yevecrOm Tpodijaiv' T<2 Kai ol dpvvepev oopcrev eratpovs, ''Q.a-av b^ Trporepot Tpcoe^ ekiKOOTra^ 'Axai^ovs' veKpov be irpokmovTe^ vireTpeo-av, ovbe tlv avTcov Tpwe? vTTepOvpot ekov eyx^o-LV UpevoL irep, dkka veKvv epvovro' pLvvvOa be kol tov 'Axatol pekkov direo-aeaOaC pdka ydp (repeat S)k ekekc^^ev r . Atas, OS TTepl pev elbos, irepl b' epya rervKTO 106 17. IAIAA02 P. T(av akkoov Aava^v fxer afjiVfjiova nrjXdoova. 280 Wvorev b€ bia irpofj^oLxoov (rvl ecKekos akKr]v /cttTTpto), 09 T h opeoro-L Kvvas OaXepovs r aiCrjovs ^^^^^^ ^ pr]tbL(i)9 €K€ba(r(T€v, cAt^a/xez/o? bia ^ri^aar /i[a/*m^ ois vlbs Tekapicovos ayavov, (f^aibipos Alas, ^ ^^^^ M^X^to-a//,6i/o? Tp(i(ov eKebaacre (fxxXayyas, 285 dl Tiepl UarpoKki}^ fie^acrav, (fypoveov be p^akidTa aarv ttotl (TcfyiTepov kpveiv koX Kvbos apiaOai. 'H Toi Tov AriOoio IleXaoyov aibip,os vios, iirTToOoos, TTobbs €Kk€ Kara KpaT€pr]v v(rp,ivi]v, brjo-dpevos reXap^QvL irapa (T(f)vpdv ap,^l rivovtas, 290 'EKTopi Koi Tpdea-o-i xa/)tfo/xez;o9- rdxa 6' aircp 7]\6€ KaKov, TO ol ov TLs ipVKaK€v Upivinv irep, TOV 6' VLos Te\ap6)vo9 eirat^as bt opLiKov H^^i^iuA^ j^jj!jJ^^^^' C'VToo-xebirjv Kvvirjs bid xaAKOTrapr/oV ^ ^ ^' tTTTToSao-eia Kopvs irepl bovpo^ cLKOiKfj, - 295 TTkrjyeta iyxet re p^€yd\(p Kal xetpt iraxeirj, > iyKe(f)a\os be Trap' qy^i; dvebpap^ev e^ wreiA^j $9^^ alpaToeLr tov 6' avOt kiierj p^evos, 6k b' dpa x^^P<^v UaTpOKXoio TToba pieyakrjTopo^ rjKe X^H-^C^ Kelo-Oai' 6 6' dyx avToio ireare 7rpr]vrj9 €7tl V€Kp(^, 300 . ii'^V^' «™ Aapto-rjs ept^coAa/co?, ovbe TOK evat r\ ^6Ao6y dTTeb coKe, pivwed^Los bToi alo)v PM/^^^^^ Q cirKeO' vtt Aluvtos peyaOvpov bovpl bap^ivTL. 'Ektcop 8' avT AtavTos oLKOvTicre bovpl (t)a€LV(^' aAA' 6 pev dvTa Ibcov rjkevaTO x^AKeoz; ^VX^^ 3^5 tvtOov' 6 66 2x€6toz/, pieyaOvpov 'IcjyiTov vlov, ^PaiKrjoDV ox dpLo-fov, 09 ev KAetro) navoirrjC OLKLa vateTdao-Ke irokecrcr dvbpecro-iv avdcractiv, TOV /3aA' virb Kkrfcba p,€0"r]v' bta b' dpireph UKpr] ^'^XM X^^'^^^1 Trapa veiaTov S)piov dveo-xe' 310 bovTTrjo-ev be ireo-dv, dpd^i(](re be Tevx^' eir* avr^. 17. IAIAA02 P. 107 A?a9 5' av 6pKVva, batcppova ^atvoTTos vlov, 177770^0(1) TT€pL[^vTa iJL€(Tr]v KaTCL ya(TT€pa Tv-^e' o^*^^ . {[(pvu -^' 6 6' ei^ KOVLrj(TL 77€(7coi' eAe yaiaz; axoora). 315 yot)pi(](Tav 6' ?;77o re irpoixay^oi koI (paibLfJiOs ''EKTcop' 'Apyetot §6 /xeya 6a)(oz;, epioravro 6e veKpovs, ^opKVV 6^ ^IttttoOoov re, Xi;oyro 5e r€i;)(e' 0177' w/xcoz.'. *'E2;^a Ker aSre Tpwe? aprjicj) iKoov vii ^Ayai^v "Ikiov €laavi^y](rav ava\K€Lrj(TL bapLevres, 320 'Apyetot be k€ Kvbos eKov kol virep Aids atcrav Kaprei koI crOeuei (Tt6y 'A77oAAcoi;' " Atz/eta, 770)9 az/ Kat 7;77ep 6ebv elpvcro-ato-Oe "lAtoz^ at77eti;r7z; ; 0)9 5r) t5oz; avipas aXXovs ^^Jli^^Jkf KCLpTet re crOivd re 77e770t^oVa9 rjuq^ir] re TTXrjOeL T€ a(f)€Tepco^ kol VT:e pblih ,bviLov €\ovTas* 330 6e Zei'9 /xez^ 77oAi; (Bovketai rj AavaoiaL VLKr]v' dAA' airoi rpetr' ao-ireTov ovb^ p^ax^crOe.^^ ''129 e0ar , Ati;eta9 b' kKarrj^okov ^AiroXXoova €yv(o io-dvra Ibdv, piiya 8' ''EKropa et77e jBorfo-ar "''EKrop r' 7)5' aAAot Tpcicov dyol rjb' eTTLKOvpoiV, 335 albojs p^ev vvv rjbe y , dpr]'i(pLKO}v ^77' 'A^ato)!; "lAtor elo-avafSrivaL avaXKeirjcn bap^ivras* dAA' ert ydp rt9 ^r^o-t ^€0)z^ e/xot ayx^ irapacrras . jj , Zrjv virarov pLrjo-Ta^pa p^dy^qs einjappodov ehau' L(TLV eKirero OvfJios, 395 TpooiTLP [xev epveiv Trporl "lAtor, avrdp 'A^^atotj vrias eiTL y\av T€ kol iWcoi/ 400 -qixan ro) erdwao-e KaKov ttovov' ovb' dpa tto) tl jjbee n.dTpOK\ov reOvrjoTa bios 'AxtAAei;?* TToAAoz; yap dirdvevOe vecov ixdpvavro 6odo)Vy ret}(et vtto Tpcocov to pav ov TTore eATrero O'vp.io a^^^f^^^ TeOvdpiev, dAAa (coov evL \pijx^ 6evTa 7rvkrj(TLV 405 axj/ dTTOvoo-TrjcreLV, eirel Ovbe to eATrero Trd/XTraz/, eK-nepa-eiv TTToXieOpov dvev eOev, ovbe avv airw* no 17. IAIAA02 P. . TToWcLKi yap TO ye fJLrjrpbs iirevOeTo vocr^ Lv v,kovcov, rj 01 cnrayyeWeaKe Aids fxeyaXoio vornxa, brj t6t€ y ov 01 letTre KaKov roa-ov ocrcrov €TV)(^9f] 410 lxriTr]p, OTTL pa ol ttqXv (pLXraros wXe^' eraipos, ^lian^ Ql g' g^i^i ^^pi i^^icpov aK Qiytxi va bovpar exovresi z;a)\€/x69 kyxpiixTTTovTo Kal aKkr]Xovs ivdpi^ov* a)b€ be rt9 et-necrKev ^AxaiQ^v \aXK0xiT(iiV(i)v' "2) (fyiXoL, ov [xav rjixiv evKXees airoveeaOat 415 vrjas eiTL yXa(l)vpds, dXX' avrov yala fxeXai^va TTaci yavoC to Kev tjixlv acpap ttoXv Kepb^ov eXr], el TovTov Tpdea-ai p.e6r](Toixev iTniobdixoLo-iv dcTTv TTOTL cr(f)eTepov epvaai Kal Kvbo9 apeaOaiJ' ^^£ls be rts av Tpdojv pLeyaOvpiOiv avbrjo-aa-Kev* 420 S (jyiXoi, el Kal iioipa nap' dvepi TOdbe bajJirjvai, TTOLVTaS OfJL&S, pLTj TTOO Tt? epCOeiTOd TToXefXOLO.^' *^f2y dpa tl9 eLTreo-Ke, fxevos 6' opaaaKev eTaipoVi a ^ &y ol \xev fxdpvavTOy o' ibripe j.os 5' opvpiaybbs i-^* (J^^^*^*''^ xdXKeov ovpavQv Ik6 bi alOepos drpvyeToio' 425 1777701 5' AlaKibao pid\r]s cnravevOev eovTes KXalov, €7766 brj i:pG>Ta nvOeaOriv r]vi6)(Oio ev KOVLTjo-L TTeaovTos v(f) ''FiKTopos dpbpo(l)6voLO* I I Tj pxLV AvT0{jieb(ji)v, Aidpeo^ aAKt/xo? f tp?, t(r^*^^^ TToXXa piev ap fxddTLy^ Ooff ei Tefiaie TO Oeivcov, 420 TToXXa be p.eLXixioLo-L TTpoo-qvba, iroXXa b^ dpjeifi' TO) b\ ovT a\j/ eirl vrjas eirl TiXaTvv ^^XX'r](nT0VT0V TjOeXeT-qv levai ovt es noXep.ov pteT ^A^aLOvs, dAX' a>9 Te (TTrjXr) pevei ep^irebov, rj t eirl TvpLjBio dvepos ea-TrjKr] TeOvrjotos rje yvvaLKQ$, 435 ^9 pievov do-(^aA.ea)9 irepiKaXXea bi(l)pQV e^ovTes^ y^ff^^^^^ibei ev KJKiixylr avTe KaprjaTa' bdKpva be o-(f)i Oeppa KaTa l3Xe(f)dp(ov )(a/xd6t9 pee pA)popevoxcnv rjvioxoto TToOoy, OaXeprj 6' e\xi^J^eTO \aiTr] , ^ t/ ^ dinLjT^ 17- lAIAAOS P. Ill C ^yyXrj S e^yytirovo-a irapa Qvyov afjLcjyor^podOev. 440 lxvpo\xiv(ti 5' apa rd ye ibo)v iXa-jo-e KpovLOiv, Kivr\(ras he Kap-q Trporl ov pLvOrjcraTo Ovfxov **a ^etAct), TL (r(f)(OL bofxev n.r]X7]'L, avaKTL 6vrjT(2, vpiels 6' eaTov &YUB^ aOavdro} re. AJA>oct^ 7} Lva bv(TTrjvoL(rL \x€T avbpd(Tiv dXye eyy]Tov; 445 ov [xkv yap tl ttov ecmv oi^vpdrepov dvbpbs TTavTOdv, oacra re yaiav €776 irveUi re kol epiret, aAX' ov \xdv vpiiv ye kol apjiaci baf,baXeo(.(Tiv "FiKTO}p Upta{jLLbr]9 e-noyjicreraL' ov yap ed(TO), rj ov)(^ aXt9 0)9 Kal Tev\e €)(6t Ka\ ei^ev^erai avrcos ; 450 o-(j)mv 6' ev yovveo-cn ^aXco fxevos rjb^, evl Ovpii^, o(l)pa Kal kvToixebovTa (radxTerov eK TroXe/xoto vrjas eiTL yXa^vpds' en yap a(\)i(n Kvbos ope^o}, KT€LV€LV, €19 o K€ vTjas evcro-eXjjLovs dcf^LKcovrai bvT] T r^eXios Kal eirl Kve(f)as lepov eXOrj,^^ 455 ■^129 eliTcbv LTnTOio-LV eveTTvevaev [xevos r]v: TO) 5' diro yaiTaoov kovltjv ovbdabe (BaXovre pifxcf)' ecpepov Ooov dpixa ixerd TpQas Kal 'Axaiovs. Toi(Ti 6' €77* kvToixebodv lid^^T dxrvpievos irep eraipov, 67777019 aL(T(TOiv 009 T alyv-TTLo^ fxerd \rivas' 4^° pea ixev yap (f)eifye(TKev vireK TpdoDV opvixaybov, pela 5' eTTat^ao-Ke ttoXvv Kaff oixiXov otto^v. /fAtAf<^ aXX! ovx jip^f' Keas lttttovs. j .465^ oxj/e be bri jjnv era'tpo^ dvrfp Ibev d-^OaXfxoLaiv d^^*^ ' AXKipiebooi^, vtbs AaepKeos Alixovibao' (TTrj b' oiTiOev bL(f)poio, Kal AvropiebovTa TTpoo-rjvba' AvTopiebov, TLs TOL vv Beow vrjKepbea povX7]V ev (TTrjOea-o-LV e6r]Ke, Kal e^eXero (ppevos eaOXds ; 47© olov 77/009 T/oo)a9, /xax€at irpcoTio ev 6/xtA(p 0 112 17. IAIAA02 P. IJLOvvos' arap tol kraipos aireKTaro, Tev^^a 5' ''EKtcop avTos eyotiv (ofjiOLcnv aydWeTai AtaKtSao." Tbv 6' avT AvTOfJiiboov Trpoaicfyr], Aidpeos vlo^' ^AkKLixebov, Ti9 yap tol ^Axat(av aWos 6/xotos . 475 iiTTTOJV aOavdroov kyjyiev bfj^Cv re fxivos r€, t cww^ ^fi ei [17] YldrpoKko^, 0e6(f)Lv p-rj^ro^p ardkavTo^, tv^^''^ ^(ob^ €(ov ; vvv av Odvaros koI p,oipa KL^dveL, h dkkd (TV fxev pidcTLya koL rjvLa (ny aXoevT a jf(\MM^^^^^ be^ai, iyo) 6' lttttcov dT:o^r](Topai, ocppa jmax^co/xat." 480 ^Ai^ "^X2s €(^ar', ^ AkKipiibcov be ^or]66ov dpp! kiiopoixras KapiraAipLcos pLao-nya Kac rjvia KaQeTO yjepcriv, \l " AvTopiebcov 8' diTopovcre' vorjae be (paibipio^ ''FiKToop, ^ avTLKa 6' AlveCav irpoo-ecpciveev eyyvs iovra* " Alveia, Tpcocoz; IBovk7](p6pe yjaXKOx^irdivoi'Vi 485 tTTTTco rco8' ev6r](Ta iTobdKeos AiaKibao is TTOkepOV 7TpO(j)aP€VT€ (TVV 7]vi6yoicn KaKol&c ^ ro) K€v eekiTOLpirjv atprjcripLev, el arv ye 6vpL(^ o-(i) eOekeLS, eirel ovk av e(popp.r]6evTe ye vQ)i rkaiev evavri^iov ardvies piayj.(ra(r6ai *'Aprj*t." 490 ^€^^^^0) 5' lOvs ^riTr]v ^oerjs elkvpievo) &p.ovs h 4^1 ^ ]^^fU^ gyyi^i ' oTepen^ i' iTokvs 5' e Trekrikgr o xakKOS. AJLoli^ TOLCL b^ dpa Xpo/xtd? re Kal "AprjTos Oeoeibrjs ificrav dpiporepoL' pidka be (rcl)L(rLV eklreTo Ovpibs 495 avTco Te KTeveeiv ekdav t epiav\evas lttttovs' n]7noi^ ovb^ dp epekkov dvaipiO)TL ye veecrOai avTLS air' AvTopiebovT09» 6 8' ev^dp^evos Atl narpX ^ dkK7]9 KOL aOeveos irkrjro (f)pevas apicf)! piekabas' avTLKa 8' ^ AkKip^ebovra TTpoo-Tjvba, Tuarbv eralpov 500 AkKipebov^ pLj] bri poi dirdTTpoOev layep.ev lttttovs, ^ dkka pidk' epLiTveiovre pieTa(f)pev(o* ov yap eyca ye '^EKTopa Y]pLap(brjv p.eveos (T)(jicre&6ai otod, i;. IAIAA02 P. 113 TTpiv y 67r' 'A)(tXX7/09 KaXXCrpLxe ^r}ix€vai tTTTico vQ>i KaraKTeivavra^ (fyolBrjcrai re (rriya^ avbpoov 505 ^Apyeicop^ 7] K avTos ivl TTpdroio-iv aXotr;." ^12? 61770)1; Alavre Kokio-aaro kol MeviXaov AXavT, ^ApyeCodv rjyrjTope, kol Mevikae, \ ^1^^ ^ a-Titi ^ rot /xez; ror veKpov e' niTpaTT eB'' ot v rep apLo -roL, ^' "^^^Jy-t a/x(^' ai/ro) ^e^dpiev kol apivveo-OaL (ttlxcls avbp(ov, 510 vmv be ^oooIo-lv apLVvere vqXees rjpiap' ^ f^vt Tjjhe yap e^^iaav TToXepLOV Kara baKpvoevra "^^^f ''FtKT(i)p Alveias 0\ ot Tpdcov elalv apiaroi, oXk' ri rot piv ravra OeQiv iv yovvacn KeiraC ktU^ ^^^'^ ijn-Q) yap Kal eyw, ra bi Kev Att iravra p^eXiqcrei.'^ 515 'H pa, Kat api7T€7TaXo)v Trpotet boXi^oarKLov eyx^^' Kttt j3dkev ^AprjTOLO Kar dcnriba irdvToa-' itcrrjv' y ^ 5' oi/c eyx^os epvTo, biairpb be eXoraro xakKos, ^ ^^H* veLaiprj 5' yacrpt 5ta ^oio-rrjpos eXaorcrev, ^ 0)9 0 or az; o^'i'i; ex^oz; ireAeKW ai^rjios avrjp, 520 K6\l/as i^oTTiOev Kepdcuv /3ooy ay/[)aiJAoto, ic>^5 tW ra/xj] 6ta iracrav, 6 be 7T po6op o)V epLTrrjo-LV, j TuiT^'vH^'v^ o)9 ap' o ye irpoOopi^v Treaev vtttlos' ev be ot eyyos • vr jbvLOK ri fxaX' o^i; Kpabaiv6p.evov Xve yvla, st^TnoitA. ''EKro)p 6' AvTop^ebovTos dKovno-e bovpl ([)aetv(o' 525 aAX' 6 /xez; ai;ra tScbr rjkevaro x^^f^^ov eyxos' TTpoaorco yap KareKVxj/e, to 6' e^o-niOev bopv p^aKpov ovbei evL(rKLpi(f)6rj, eirl 5' ovpiaxos TTekep^Cx^rj eyxeos' evOa b' e-neir a(/)t€t p.evos o^pip^os ''Apr;?. Kttt vv Ke br] ^Kpeeo-a avroaxebbv 6pp.r]0riTr]Vj 53° et fir; o-^o)' Ataz^re buKpLvav pte/jtawre, ot p' ^A^oi; Ka6' op^iXov eratpov klkXtio-kovtos' Tovs VTTOTaplBricravTes ex^^PW^^ irdXiv avris . ^'EKrcop AtVet'a? r 7]b\ Xpop.[os Oeoeibris, ^eA^#A ^/^^ ''Apr]Tov be /car avOi Xlttov 6e2aj^i££€z^z; ^rop, 535 VOL. II. I 17. IAIAA02 P. K€LiJ.€Vov' AvTOjjiiboiv be 6o(a ardXavTos "^Aprj'C Tev)(^€d T i^evapi^e kol evx^dfxevos eiros rjvba' y^^tJi " ^ oKiyov ye M^evoindbao BavovTos KTjp dx^os iJLeOiv Ka \epeiovd irep KaTa7Te(j)vcov.^^ '""lis €1770)2; is bi(f)pov €\(i)v evapa jBporoevra 540 6r]K.\ av 5' avTos efSaive irobas kol xelpas virepOei^ aljxaroeLS &s tls re Xioov Kara ravpov ibrjbds. ^^A\jr 5' €77 1 HarpoKkcD riraro Kpareprj vcrpLivr] dpyaXirj iroXvbaKpvs, eyeipe be veiKOS ^AOrivr] ovpavoOev Kara^acra' TTporjKe yap evpvoTra Zevs 545 opvypievaL Aavaovs' brj yap voos erpdirer avrov, rjvre iTop(^vper]v Ipiv Ovtjto'lo'l ravvo-ar] MJjL Zeis ovpavoOev, repas ep^pievat rj iroXepiOLo, 0 rj KOL \€ipi(£>vo9 bva-OaXirios, os pd re epyoav dv6p(07T0vs dv€7Tava€V fnl yOovL^ pjiXa be Kr]bei, 550 0)9 7} Tiop(^vpir\ v€(peXr} irvKdcrao-a e avTr]v bvcreT ^ AyaiQiV eOvos, eyetpe be (/)0)ra eKaarov, TTpcoTov b^ ^Arpeos vlbv eitorpyvovcra irpoo-qilba, Lcf)6LpLov MeveXaov — 6 ydp pd ol eyyvOev rjev — elaapievr] ^olvlkl bepias kol dreipea (jyoavriv' 555 crol piv br]y MeveXae, KaTr\^eir] koI oveibos ecro-erai, €t k ^A^^tXrjos dyavov ttlo-tov eraipov r€t)(€t VTTO Tpcooov rax^ees Kvves eXKrjo-ovcnv, dXX^ eyeo Kparep cos, orpvve be Xaov diravTa.^^ Tr]v 6' avTe Tipocreeiire j3o7]v dyaObs MeveXaos' 560 " ^olvL^, drra yepaie iraXaiyeves, el ydp ^AOrjvr] * boCr] KdpTos epiOL, jSeXeoov 6' d-nepVKOi e payp v /l^/^ ^^^^/Jf^ro) Kev eyd y iOeXoipa nap ear dp.ev ai Ka\ dpLVveiv t oiAA^^*^^^/^^'^'^^' M^^tt y^P Oavo)v eo- eimcTaaT o 6vp.6v. ^ dX\' '%KTcop TTvpbs alvbv eyjei pievos, ovb^ d-noXrjy^L 565 XaXKO) br]'C6(£>v' 7(3 yap Zevs Kvbos 077a^Et." I '^i2s ^aro, yrjOrjcrev be 6ea yXavK^ins ^AOrfv-q, 17. lAIAAOS P. 115 OTTL pa ol Tra/xTTpcora Oedv riprjcaTo 7rdvT0)v, €V be j3ir}V oiiioKTi kol iv yovveo-criv eOrjKe, Kai 01 [xvLTjs Odpcros evl crTrjOeao-iv evrjKev, JiAA'tfipi^^ ij T€ KOL epyofxivrj [xaka irep xpoo? d vhpoixio io . la^avaa baKeeiv, X apo v re ol alp! dvOpcoTToV '^^^^'^^ J(j^tMsS ToCov ptv 6dp(T€VS TTXrjcre (jypivas dpcpl peXatvas, ^rj 5' eiTL narpo/cAo), kol aKovno-e bovpl (j)a€LV(2, €(TK€ V ivl TpdecrcTL Ylobrjs, vlos 'Hertcoz^os", 575 dipveios T dyaOos re pdXiG-ra hi piv tUv ''EKrcop brjpov, €7r€L OL kraipos erjv (^tAo9 el kainvaaTr is Tov pa Kara (ooo-Trjpa ^dke ^avOds Mevikaos dt^avra (f)6l3ovb€y biairpo be )(^a\Kov eXacro-e' bov7Tr}(Tev be irea-dv' drap ^Arpetbris MeveXaos 580 veKpbv vTTeK Tpdojv epvaev perd eOvos kraipo^v. "FiKTopa 6' eyyvOev lo-rdpevos &Tpvvev 'AttoAAcoz;, ^aivoTii ^Aaidbj] evakiy klos, 09 ol d-ndvToov ^eivoov (piXraros ecKev, ^AjBvboOi oiKia vaCoyV [ro) ptv eeicrdpevos 7Tpo(Te(pr] eKdepyos ^ AnoWcov \' 585 ''''Ekto/), Tis Ke a er aAAo? 'Axatcoz^ rap^iqo-eiev ; olov brj MeveXaov vneTpeaaSy 09 to irdpos ye paXOaKo^ alyjxr\Tr\s' vvv b^ olxerai oXos deipas^ [I veKpov vireK Tpdcov , aov 5' eKrave ttlcttov halpov, ^ ^ eo-Okov evl iipopdyoKTi^ Ilobriv^ vlbv 'H€rtcoz/09." 59° <^aro, rbi^ b' d^eos vecpekr] eKakv^e pekaiva^ j3r] be bid irpopaxoiv KeKopvOpevo9 aWoTTt x^^^i^^ Kal TOT dpa Kpovibr]9 ekeT alyiba 6v(T(rav6eaaj pa ppaper ]v, ''Ibi^v be KaTa ve(\)ee(TaiKd}^v=^^^, d(TTpdy\ras be pdka peydk' e KTViie, ttjv b' hum^e, ^j^^^^ be Tpdeo-ai bibov, e(l)6j3r]cre 5' "Axaiovs. ITpwro? U-qvekem Bokotlos rjpx^ (i)6^oio. jBkrjTO yap oopov bovpl TrpoVco TeTpappevos alel OLKpov e iTikCyb rjv' ypdxlrev be oi oaTeov dxpis I 2 ii6 17. IAIAA02 P. alxM T[ovXvbd[jLavTO^' 6 yap p 6/3aXe axebov eX6(!>v. Ari'iTOv avS* ''EKTO)p p-)(€bdv ovracre X^'-p' ^'^^ KapTTw, 601 vlbv ^AXeKTpvovos pieyaOviJiov, iravo-e be ^dpfxrjs* Tpiaae be nanrrivas^ iirel ovKen eXuero 6vix(^ eyyos eyjuav kv xeipX ixayjicreo-QaL Tpcoeo-aiv. *'EKTopa 6' ^Ibofxevevs [xera Arj'Crov opfirjOevTa 605 (Be/BXriKeL OdprjKa Kara (rrrjOos irapa [xa^ov Iv KavXcD 6' edyrj boXtxdv bopv^ rol 5' ejBorjo-av Tpb)€S' 6 6' ^IbofjLevrjos aKovTiae AevKaXibao bL^p(£>^(f)€(TTa6Tos' Tov [xiv p CLTTO tvtBov CLfJiapTeV* ^avTOLp 6 Mrjptovao dudovd 0* fjvLOxdv re, 610 KoLpaVOV, 09 p €K. AVKTOV eVKTipLevqS 67767"' aVT(0 — TT€^bs yap TCL IT pear a Xlttcov veas dpiCpieXLo-o-as jjkvOe, Kttt K6 Tp(0(TL jjiiya Kpdros eyyvdXi^ev, el pLT] Kotpavos S/ca irob^Kea^ ijkaorev lttttovs' Kal T(2 fxev (pdos 7]X0ev, dpivve be vrjXees rjp.ap, 615 avTos 6' (5A.60-6 Ovfjibv v(f)* ^^EKTopos dvbpo60 OLO ekoop hrfioicri XliroLev. re Kal Ataz'recro-' iTrereXXev AtavT /ApyeCoov rjyrjTopej M-qpiovT] re, ^ ai/^^lx>f^^^ ITarpoKAryo? ^etXoto 670 )^ pLvrjG-do-Oco' Tiacriv yap e TTiaraT o /xetAt)(09 etmt ^K/tuoX' • C^os €(ov' vvv av BavaTos Kal /xotpa KixciV€L,^^ apa ^(jdvri(Tas aTre/Br] ^avOds MeveXaos, irdvTO(r€ TTaTrraLvoiv &s r auros^ ov pd re (pacnv o^vrarov hipKeaOai v7TovpavLO)v Tiereryz^wz/, 675 1^ '^ot^ y^dO^ idvTa irdbas Taxps ovk ekaOe ^roj^ k^^^^"^ 6a^V(o VTT ajx^LKOfxco KaTaKeipievos, dWd r €tt avrdo eo-avTOy KaC re pav S/ca Xa/Boov e^etXero Ovpcv. G)S Tore (TOL, MeveXae bLOTpe(j)is, oo-ae (paeLvco TrdvToo-e bLvei(r0r]v iroXioov Kara eOvos eTalpcov, 680 e? 7T0V Ne(rro/)09 vloi; ert ^dovra XboLTO, Tov be p,d)C alxj/' ivdrjae pd)(r]9 eir dpi(TTepa 7rd(rr]s Oapa-vvovO^ erdpovs kol iiroTpyvovra p^dy^ecrOai^ ayxpv 6' lo-rdpevos T:poa-i(l)r] ^avObs MereXaoj' ^AvTL\o\y el 6' aye bevpo, 6torpe^e9, o^pa irvOrjaL 685 kvypij^ dyyeXirjSi rj pirj &€ pidwyjoLS tirirovS' Tbv pev bcLKpv yiovra irobes (jyepov e/c iroXipLOLo, 700 TLrjXetbrj 'A^tXT^'t KaKov eiros ayyeXeovra, ovb^ apa (TOi, Mevikae biOTp€(l)is, fiOeke Svpos Teipop^ivois krapoLCTLv apvvepev, evOev aTrrjkOev ^AvTikoxoSi pieydkr] be ttoOyj YlvXioicnv eTvyOr)' a\)C o ye tolo-lv p.ev GpacrvpLrjbea b'iov avijKeVy 705 avTos 6' avT eirl UarpoKXco ijpco'C ^e^riKei^ (TTT] be Trap' Aldvrecro-L Oeoov, eWap be TTpocrrjvba' y Keivov pXv 8r) vrjvalv eTmrpoe-qKa Oofjcnv, eXOeiv els 'Ax^tAr/a irobas rayyv ovbe piv otco vvv ievai pidXa irep Ke\oXoip.evov"YiKTopi bCia' 710 ov yap 770)9 hv yvp^vos ecbz/ Tpcoecro-t p^dyoiro. T]peis 8' avToL irep (ppa^dpeOa prjTLv apiaTrjv, Tjpev 0770)9 Tov veKpov epV(T(Topev, r}be Kal avrol Tpdoov e^ evoTTrjs Odvarov Kal Krjpa (^vyo)/x€i;." Top 6' ripei^er eiretTa pAyas TeXapdvios Alas' 'jis Trdvra Kar aiaap eeiires, dyaKXees co MeveXae' dXXa Q-y piev Kal MrjpLOurjs vTTobvvre /xaA.' S)Ka veKpov deipavres (jyeper €k itovoV avrap oirLcOe vm piayr](T6pie0a Tpcoo-iv re Kal ^EKTOpL bi(o, torov Ovpov eyovres opcovvpot, ot to irdpos irep 720 ^ piipvop^ev d^vv ""Aprja irap' aXXriXoKTL pLevovTes'' ijJ^^ J^jw^^ ''X29 6(^a^', ot 8' dpd veKpov dito xOovos dyjig£avTO tf^- v\l/L pdXa pLeydXoos' eirl 8' iaxe Xads oinaOe Tpoo'iKos, 0)9 et8orro veKVV aipovTas ^Axo-iovs. XOvcrav be Kvveaa-iv eoLKOTes, ot r' €77t Kd7Tp(o 725 l3Xr]p.ev(o at^coa-i irpb Kovpoov 6r]pr]Tripo)V' § €0)9 pkv ydp Te Oeovcn biappalo-ai pep.au>Tes, wwifiJfc- SC^ xj-^vv dXX' ore brj p ev tolo-lv eXt^erat dXKL 77€77ot^o)9, 4^. 7m,' IAm W ^ \/Covi€^ AJlOCAAje, bto- Ceu^ 120 17. IAIAA02 p. a\/r r avex^dp-qaav b td t eTpeo -av aWvbLs aXAos. Tpcoes ^09 jLt6i; o/xtXaSor atei' €7tovto, 730 vv(r(TOVT€s ^t(j)e(TLv re Kat 'iy^eaiv aixcpiyvoiariv' a\)C ore brj p Atavre fJL€Ta(TTp€(p6€VT€ Kar avrovs TTpoao-o) atfa? Trept veKpov brjpidao-OaL, '^12? ot y' ifjjiejxoMTe veKVv (f)€pov eK ttoX^ixolo 735 i^^a? €776 yka(f)vpds' €TTl be iTTokeiJLos reraTo cr(j)Lv dypios r\vT€ irvp, to t lueo-avixevov iroXiv dvbpQiv opfjievov e^aicjyvrjs (pXeyiOei, {jllvvOovctl be olkol ev aiXdi p.eydK(s^' to 6' e iTilSpeiJLe i dvepiOLo, &9 ixev Tois LTTTTcov Tc KOL dvbpcav alyjxif]T Gidiv 740 . dCrjyhs opvpLaybbs eirrjiev ep xpjJievoLo -Lv' 04 fUA/UAri^ OL 5' CO? rjfjLLOvoL KpaTepov fxevos dfx^i^oXoyres '^vJm^ (TK ekK(ji)(r e^ opeos KaTa TTCujToXoea-G-av aTapirbv A^^^ ri boKov Tje bopv [xeya vrfCq v' ev be Te Ovpibs TeipeS* opLOV KafjLaTiD Te kol l^pco (ntevbovTecrcnv' 745 0)9 06 y e/x/xe/xawre veKVV (pepov. avTap OTnaOev vKrjeLS, irebiOLo b iaupvo-i ov T eTVxr]Km , wkoit ^ot^ OS Te Kol l(f)6Lixo)v TiOTap^Qiv dkeyeiva peeOpa JiJi^txJ: j^^V)(665 a(^ap be Te irao-L poov irebiovbe tlOtjo-l 750 ^ ttXA^v' ovbe TL [XLV aOeveL prjyvvo-t peovTes' . I to /ic*'^ a6€6 AtavTe yidr)(r]v dveepyov OTiLcraroi A«.J^' Tpcocor* 06 6' ap^ eiTovTo, bvo) 5' ev Toiai pLoXicrTa^ AlveLas t ^ Ayy^icridbr]s koX (fyaibipos "E/crcop. T^^V cos re xj/apcav veevy6vT(ov Aavao^V irokep^ov 8' ov yiyveT epiorf. IAIAA02 2. 'OTrXoTToaa. '^Ily ol ix€V jiapvavTo ^^a? irvpbs alOoixivoio, ^AvTiKoyos 6' 'A)(tA^t -nohas raxvs ayyeXos rjXde. Tov 6' ^vp€ TTpoirapoiOe veQ)v dpOoKpaipacov TOL (f)pov€OVT ava OvpLov a br] TereXeo-p^iva fjeV 6)(^0rj(ras 5' apa eTire irpbs ov peyaXrjTopa Ovpov* w pLOL eyco, tl t ap avre Kaprj Kop6o)VTes 'A)(atol vqvo-lv €7TL K koveovTai a TyC6pL €V0L TT^biOLO ; • ' pj] brj poL T€\€cro)(n Oeol KaKa KTfbea 6vpL(2, 7T0T€ pOL pLTjT-qp bL€7T€(j)pab€, KaL pOl €eLTT€ MvppiboVOiiV TOV apKTTOV €TL ((OOVTOS e/X6tO yjEpo-Xv V1T0 Tpdcov k€L\l/€Lv (pdos TjeXiOlO, j^^^fy^AA^ul^dXa br} Ti6vr]K€ MevoiTiov aXKipLos vlos, o')(JxAws' V ^K^Xevov ctTToocrdpevov brj'Cov irvp a\j/ eirl vrja^ tp.ev, /xr]5' ''EKTopu l(f)L payeaOair "^Hos 6 raW &ppaLve Kara (j)peva Koi Kara 6vp6v, Tocjypa OL eyyvOev rjXOev ayavov Nicrropos vlos, bcLKpva 6eppa xio^v, (jxxro b' dyyeXirjv dXeyeivriv' poL, UrjXios vie batcppovo^, p^dXa Xvyprjs TT€V(r€aL ayyeXiriSy rj pLrj w^eAXe yevecrOai. Keirai UdrpoKXos, vUvos b\ br] dpcj^ipdxovTai yvpvov' drap rd ye revx^ ^x^t KopvOaLoXos ''EKT(t)pJ' , (TixepbaXeov 8' w/xco^ei/* aKovcre be irorvLa fjufjrrjp 35 Tjixevrf ev ^evOea-criv aXos irapa Trarpl yepovTL, K(!iKV(Tev r ap eireira' Seal be {jllv dix(l)ayepovTo, TTaaai ocrat Kara (3ev6o9 aXds ISlrjp-qtbes i^crar. ev6^ dp erjv TXavKrj re QdXetd re KvixoboKt] re, ^rjo-aLT] 27r6tw re &6q 6^ ^AXlt] re ^owttu, 40 KviJLoOoT] re kol 'A/cratT] kol Aifivcdpeia KOL MeXiTT] KOL "lat^tt KOL ^AlXipiOoT] KOL ^AyavT], Acorco re ITpcorco re ^epovo-d re AvvapLevr] re, Ae^aixevT] re kol 'A/x<^tro/x7; kol KaXXtdveipa, Acopty KOL UavoTTT] KOL dyaKXeiTT] VaXdreia^ 45 NrjixepTrjs re kol ^Axj/evbrjs kol KaXXidvacraa' €V0a 8' er]v KXviievrj ^Idvetpd re kol 'Idvacrora, Matpa KOL ^D^peCOvLa evirXoKaixo^ t 'Ajuta^eta, aXXac ^* at Kara f3ev6o9 aXbs IS^rjprjtbe^ ^(rav, a-rrjOea TreirXriyovTo, Qeris 8' e^rjpye yooLO' " KXvre, KacTiyi-qTaL l^^rjp-qibe^, o(l)p^ ev TTaaaL €t86r' cLKOVovcraL ocr 6//(3 evL Kribea 6vix^» & [loi eyo) beiXrj, & /xot bvo-apKTTOTOKeiay ij T eirel ap reKOV vtov dfJLVfJLovd re Kparepov re, 55 i8. IAIAA02 2. 123 €^oyov 7]p(!)iov' o 8' avibpaiJLev epveC Icros' rbv ixkv eyo) Opiyj/acra, (^vrbv obs yovvt2 aXcorjs, vr]V(Tlv eTTLTTpoiriKa Kopcoviav ^'IXlov eto-co Tpoicrl iiaxrjo'OjjLevov' rbv b' ov^ ^Tro^e^o/xat avTis o^LKabe voarrio-avTa bopiov Hr]\ri'iov €L(tco, Co o(f)pa be jioi (dei kol Spa (pdos rjeXiOLo axyvraif ovbi tl ol byvafxai xpaio-fjirja-aL lov(ra. dAA' 6t/x', o(l)pa iboopLL (piXov T€kos, rjb^ iiTaKOvaro) OTTL [XLV iKero TT€vOos CLTTO TTToXifjLOLO juteVoz^ra." ^129 apa (poovrjo-ao-a AtVe crTreo?' at be crvv avrrj 65 baKpyoeoraai torav, irepl be (T(j)L(n Kvpia OaXdcrcrr]^ priyvvTO' ral 8' ore bi] Tpotrjv epCjBooXov lkovto, aKT7]v eldave^aivov e7rto;^€^ji), evBa OafxeLoi 'ic^v Mvppiibovoov eXpvvTO vees rayyv apicj)* 'A)(tA.7/a. TO) 66 ^apv (TT€va\ovTi TTapLo-raTo Trorvia ixr]Trip^ 70 o^v be KdiKvaacra Kaprj XdjBe iraibbs eoto, Kau p 6\o(j)Vpoixevrj eirea Trrepoevra 77po(rrjvba* " TeKvov, Tl KXaUis ; tl be ere (^ypevas 'UeTO irevOos ; e^avba, /xr) KevOe' tcl [xev brj tol TeTeXeaTai €K A toy, 0)9 apa bi] irpLv y €V\eo x<^tpa9 avaa-yj^v^ 7 s TTavTas eirl TTpvpLvrjO-LV aXrjpLevai vlas ^ AyaiS>v ^ vv\, (rev eiTibevoixepovs, iraOeetv t n^^Xia epya'' Ai«ait/^«*^ Tr]v be (Bapv (TTevdxoiv TTpoo^ecpr] irobas o)kvs 'AxiXXevr " IxrjTep e\xriy Ta ixev dp /xot 'OXvp.'nio^' e^eTeXeo-aev* dXXct tC fxoi tQ>v 77809, €7r6t (^tXo9 &XeB' halpos, 80 YldTpoKXos, Tov eyo) irepl TrdvToov tiov haipcov, T(TOv ipLrj Ke(l)aXfj' tov dirdXeo-a, Tevyea 8' ''E/crtop brjdaas direbvo-e TreAwpta, Oavp^a IbiaOaL, KoAa- Ta ixev UriXrii Oeol bocrav dyXad bQ>pa ijfjLaTL r(p ore ae jSpOTOV dvepos ep^jBaXov evvfj, 85 aXO' ocl)eXes (tv ixev ayOi ixeT dOavaTrjs aXirja-i vaieiVy Ur]Xevs be evqTrjv dyayeaOai aKOiTiv. 124 1 8. IAIAA02 2. vvv 8' tva KoL crol nivOos €VjL (fypeal [xvpCov etrj TTaibbs aTTocpdiixevoLo, rov ov^ vTrobi^eaL avris OLKabe vocrTrjo-avT , iirel oi»6' e/xe Ovfxbs avcaye 90 C(a€LV ovb' avbp€(T(rL /xerejotf^emi, at Ke ijltj ''E/crcop UarpoKkoLO 8' l48iSSt ^^^^^^^^^^^ airoTiay,^^ Tbv 8' avT€ TTpoorieLTTe 0€rts Kara baKpv yiovaa' o)KVixopos 8r/ /jtot, reKoy, eo-aeaL, oV ayopev^LS' 95 avTLKa yap tol e-neira /xefl' ''EKropa 7ror/xo9 kroiiios.^ T7]v 86 /x€y' ox^>?o-as Trpocricj^ri irobas o)kvs ^A)(^lK\€Vs' " avTLKa TedvaLTjv, CTret oi/c a/)' epiekKov kraipio t Ukl/Jl- ^ €fi€i;o brjCTf^jJ nAK-r^jonf yfVfcrOau 100 JijLoXL. vvv 8' €7766 OL' viopaL ye (pikijv €9 TiaTpLba yalav, ovbi TL riaTpoKkco yevoprjv ^dos ovb^ krdpOLo-L ^ | ^ rots aAAot?, 01 8^ TroAees 8a ^ ez; "EKropt 86/ctW pikiTos KarakeL^opiivoLO ^ / c* . fj avbpo^v €v (TTr]Oe(T(Tiv di^erat -vjvTe Kairvos' I'^tcvC; no y 0)9 e//e i;i;z; exdkoocrev ava^ avbpcav ^ Ayapip^vo^v, dkka T u jxkv 7rpoT€TV)(^9aL kdaopev dyvvp.€voi Trep, 6vpx)v kvl (TTTiO^crcn (ptkov bapdcavTes avdyKy^ vvv 8' et/x', o(^pa ^ikr]s Kecjyakrjs okerrjpa Kt^^to), '^E/cropa* K^pa 8' eyo) roVe bi^opau, oinTOTe K€V br} 115 Zei;9 iOekrj rekicraL 778' dOdvaroi Oeol dkkot. oi'8e yap 0L'8e /3tr; ^HpaKkrjos (jyvye Krjpa, 09 Trep (pikraros €(tk€ All KpovLOiVL dvaKTL' dkkd e jutotp' ibdpiaaae Kal dpyakios X0A09 "HpT;9. i8. IATAA02 S. 125 0)9 KOi iydv, €1 bri [xoi ojioCr] ixolpa rirvKTai, 120 K€i(TO}X 67766 K6 OaV(£>' VVV ^6 kX^OS kdOkoV apOlfJLYJV, ] Kai TLva Tpmdboov kol /Sapbavibodv ^aOvKoXiio^v apLcfyoTeprja-LV X^P^^^ TTapetdoov aTraXdcov ^ ^ hcLKpv opLOp^apiivrjv abLuhu aTovayjicrai 606(?]r, '^^^ :>A yvoi^v 5' 0)9 hr] brjpov iyo) iroX^piOio Triiravp.ai' 125 pLTjbe pi €pVK€ M^X^^ (\)lk€OV(Ta 776/3' Ovhi /X6 77660-669.'* Tov 6' 97/x66/36r eireira Oea 0eV69 dpyvpoT^e^a' ^^--^ " z/al 6r) ravrd y6, T€kvov, errfrvpov ov KaKov ecTi, T€ipopL€VOLS erdpoKTLv dp.vvip.ev alirvv oXeOpov, aXXd TOL evrea KaXd pierd Tpdeo-cnv e^ovrai, 130 ydXKea pLappiaipovra' ra piev KopvOaio)\os"^KTcop avTos e\(i>v &poL(Tiv dydXXeTai' ovhi e ''EKTopos dvbpocjyovoLO (t)€vyovT€S vrjds re Koi 'EXXrjcrTTOVTOV lkovto. 150 ovbi K€ UdrpoKXov irep evKv/jp^ibes 'AxaLol 126 i8. lAIAAOS 2. avTis yap brj rov ye Ktj^or Xaos re kol lttttol (fWtr "Yakto^p t€ UpidpLOLO irais, (pXoyl eiKeXos aXKrjv. L ' rpls fJiiv piiv [JLeTOTno-Oe iTob(£>v KdjSe (jyaibipios "Ektco^ 155 k\Kiix€vai fxepiads, piiya Tpdecro-LV ojuto/cAa* Tpls be bv^ Aiavres, Oovptv eTTULpiivoL okKriv. . 0 V€Kpov d7Te(rTV(p€Xi^av' 6 5' epLTTebov d\Kl 7T€7Tol6o)S ' akXoT €7Tat^a(rK€ Kara pioOov, ak\oT€ 6' avre • ^ • (TTCLcrKe fxeya layjj^v' ottCo-o) 5' ov x^a^erp ,7rajut7rar. ; l^fees, dvaiTvev(Tcocn 6' 'ApT^'tot vies 'A)(auoF 200 reipop^evoi' oXiyy] be r avdirvevas TToAe/xoto." ti piev ap o)s eLTTOVcr airepr] irooas (OKea ipiS, avTOLp ^ K\iXXevs oopro bucj^iXos' dpi(pl 6' ^AOrjvr] G)/xot9 l(l)6ipoL(Ti /3dX' alyiba Ovo-cravoecro-av, dpLcf)! be ol Ke(t)aXfj ve(p09 e(TTe(t)e bla Oedcov 205 Xpvp-eov, €K 8' avTov bate (j)X6ya nap^^avocj^crav^ 0)9 8' ore KaiTvos lo)V e^ do-reos alOep LKrjTai, Tr]X66ev eK vrjo-ov, ti]v brj'ioL d iKpLtxdycovT aii ol Te TTavrjpiepLOi o-Tvyep<^ Koivovrai "Ap-q'C dareos e/c (r(l)eTepov' a/xa 5' rjeXiCD KarabvvTL 210 TTvpo-OL 76 (\)Xeye6ov(Tiv 67T?/7pt/xot, v\l/6(Te 8' avyr} .t\c/K>^ yuyveTai dto-aovcra TTepLKTLOveao-LV ibeaOai^ |^,^ /(^^^ Acr^^' ' at Kev 770)9 (Tvv vrjvalv dprjs^dXKTrjpes tKcorraf 0)9 d77' 'AxiXXrjos KecjyaXrjs creXas alOep Uave' o-TT] 5' e77l Td(\)pov lo)V dird reix^os, ovb' es 'AxaLovs 215 128 1 8. lAIAAOS 2. J J [XLcryeTO* fJLrjrpos yap ttvklvtjv WTTtfer' ecfyeTixrjv. j / €v6a (TTCLS r]V(r\ aTrdrepOe be UakXa9 ^AOrjvr] * i (\)diy^aT* arap Tpdea-aiv ev ao-Trerov o^pae Kvbotjxov, ^/uiSff^ ^' o-pf-Cv^V ore r layje o-dXiriy^ I fy"^*; . ^ d(TTV TTe pLTrXofx evcov br]to)v vtto Oyix q^in-j-ec^ v. 220 , TOT apL^riXr] cj)covrj yiveT AiaKibao. wtJ"*^ ' , OL 5' 0)9 oSz/ ator 07ra )(aAK6or AlaKibao, I a\j/ o\€a TpoTTeoV oo-ctovto yap akyea OvjjL^, >jviej«^^£^ ^^ff^™'/ j^vioyoi 6' eKirXrjyev, €7T€l Ibov aKayLaTov mp 225 beLvbv virep KecjyaXrjs pieyaOvixov YlrjXetoovos baLOfjievov' to be bale Oea yXavK^in^ WBrjvrj, Tpls [xev virep Tacppov iieydX^ 6a)(6 bios ^AyjXXevs^ TpXs be KVKrjdrjo-av Tpcoes KXeiToi t eiTLKovpoi. evBa be Kal tot oXovto bvdbeKa (jy&Tes dpio-TOL 230 dfjL(f)l (70019 6)(^ee(T0'i Kal ^yx^o'f-v^ avTap 'A)(atot dcr7racrta)9 YlaTpOKXov vireK jSeXecov epvaavTes KCLTOeo-av ev Xeyjeeacri' c^tAot 6' dpiCpeaTav eTaipoi fxypopievoL' jieTa be cr(f)i TTobcoKrjs eiTieT ^ AyjXXevs boLKpva Oepiia xeodv^ eirel eXcribe ttlo-tov eTalpov 235 ^yxjR^^ Keifxevov ev (f)epTp(o beba'Cyixevov o^ei )(aX/c(S, , \^ 0 Tov p ri Toi fxev eTTeixire avv I'mioia'iv Kal oye(T(l)iv €9 TToXefJLoVy ovb^ avTLS ebe^aTo voo-Trjo-avTa, \ ^HeXiov 5' cLKCLfjiavTa ^oGnns irOTVLa '^Hprj \ 7reix\j/ev eir ^Q^Keavoio poas deKovTa veecrOaC 240 ^ TjeXios ixev ebvy TravaavTo be bloi ^Axaiol (f)vX6Tnbos KpaTeprjs Kal opiodov TToXefioLO. Tpo^es 5' avO^ eTepa^Oev airb KpaTeprjs vo-fxivrj^ Xo^pWavTes eXvaav v^' apiiaaiv o)Keas lttttovs, €9 6' ayoprjv ayepovTO, rrdpos bopiroio fxebeo-Qai, 245 opBidv 6' eo-TaoTcDv dyopr\ yeveT ^ ovbe tls eTXrj y e^ecrdar iravTas yap e^e TpopLOs, ovveK ^A^iXXevs 1 8. IAIAA02 2. 129 i^€(f)dvri>i brjpbv be^fxdxrjs CTreTravr' aXeyeivrjs^ TOL(TL be JJovXvbdixas TreTTi^vflivos ^px' dyopeveLv YlavOotbris' 6 yap otos opa 'npojja-in koX ottlo-ctco* 250 ''E/cropt 5' rjev Iratpos, l^b^ ev vvktI yivovro, oXS! 6 ixkv ap [xvOoLo-Lv, 6 6' eyxe't ttoXXov ivUa' o (T(\)iv €V(f)pove(i}v ayoprjcraTo kol [xeTieiirev* " 4^^)^ /xaAa ( bodCecrOe, (^tAof /ceAo/xat yap eyw y€ ■ '''^ if ' d(TTvb€ vvv Uvai, [XT] pLLpLvetv ?5(S blav 255 6r 77€6ta) Trapa vqvcriv' €Kas 6' aTTo ret^eos el^Vk * l^ytitU o0pa /xer o5ro9 dz;^p ^AyafxifxvovL pLrjVLe 6ta), . A/JOt T6(ppa be prjiTepOL noXeixi^eLV rjo-av 'A^atot* ^ 'f'^Z yjoLipecTKOv yapeyd ye6of\s eirl vrjvcrlv iavcov, eKiTOfjievos vrjas alprjo-epiev diJi(pLeXL^vyfl ^ T(av TLva ^ikrepov ecrfiv e-navpijxev r/ Trep ^Ayaiovs, c TTpm 6' VTrrjoloi crvv Tev\ea-i 6odpr])(^6ivT^s vr]V(TLV €111 yXa(f)vpf}(Tiv eyeipop-ev o^vv *^Apr]a, ei 5' €T€Ov irapa vav(f)Lv dveo-rr] bios 'A)(^LXXev9, 305 dXycov, ai k iOeXrjai, ro) eo-crerai' ov pav eyd ye (l)ev^opLai 6/c TTokepLOLO bv(rr])(^eoSi dkXa /xaA' avrrjv (TTrjo-opaL, Tj K6 (^epr/ort /xeya Kpdros^ rj Ke (pepoipLrjv, ^vvos ^Ewdkios, KUL re Kraveovra KareKra^ ^Q^s^EiKTcxip dyopev^ 67rl^6~Tpa)€9 KeXdbrjo-av, 310 vrjTTLOL' €K ydp acfyeoov ^pevas etXero YlaWas ^AOrjvr}^ 1 8. lAIAAOS 2.. 131 ''EKTOpL ix€v yap kT:r\v7](Tav kukcl iirjTLoayvTi, UovXvbd[xavTL 5' ap ov tls, os ioSkrjv (ppdCero /Bovkriv. bopTTOv 67r€t^' eikovTo Kara arparov avrap 'A^atot iTavvv\ioi YlarpoKkov avea-Tevayovro yoa>vT€s, 315 Toiat be Ylrjkdbrjs abivo v e^rjpxe yooLo, Za^^ Xe^pa? 67r' avbpocf)6vovs Oepievos (TTrjOeo-a-w hmpov, TTVKva fjidka crrevaxoiv m re Xh r}vyiveios, ^'^^vov batbaka irokkd, ifi^jp^ owiW^ T^Tray re y v^iTTd^ 0' eXjLKOS KoJ^^ms xe kol o ptxovs ^t^'^^ ev (JTTrjL ykacpvpiD' TrepToe poos a(f)p<2 pLOpjjiVpcov peev dqjrreTos' ovbe tls dkkos jjbeev ovTe OeQiv ovTe Ovtjt&v avOpdiroiv, dkka 0eVt9 re koL Eipwopir] tcav, at fx ecrdo)crav. 405 rj vvv r]ixiTepov bofjLOv iKeC rw /xe [xdka xpeii p soat^ TrdvTa GeTL KaAXtTrAoKa/xw ( Tcfeovpca TLveiv. Al^'^ -^ct/^^ i8. IA1AA02 2. oKKa (TV fX€V vvv oi irapdOes ^eLvrj'Ca Ka\d, ocjyp^ av eyct) (^was aTioOeLo^xai oirka re 7rai/ra.'^^ ^H, Koi aiT aKjioO^TOLO ireXcop qd^jQy dz^ecrrrj ^• \o)\€V(ov' VTTO be KvijfxaL pdovTo a^aiaL jA<>nA^ (pvaas fxev p airdvevO^ TiOei nvpos^ oirXa re navra kapvaK 69 apyvperjv cri;AAe£aro, rots €TTOV€Lto' (TTToyyco 6' diJL(f)L 7Tp6(T(07ra kol cLfJicfxi) x^ip' anoixopyvv av)(iva re crri^apov kol (TTrjOea XayjuiqevTay 415 hv he y^iTS)v\ eXe he crKfjiTTpov Traxy, ^rj he Ovpa^e Xa}\ev(ov' vtto 6' ayL(f)iT:okoi pdovTO avaKTi Xpyaeiaij C^fjai ver\vi(Tiv eioLKvlai, TTjS ev \xev voos eo-rX fxera <^/)€0-tVj ev he Koi a vhri iJ*^^ Koi aOevoSy aOavdrcov he Oecov diro epya Lcracnv, 420 at [xev viratOa avaKTo^ eiroinvvov' avrap o eppcov ^'^"^^^^^ TTkrjo-LOv, evOa Sens irep, eirl Opovov l^e (l)aeLvov, ev T apa ot 91; X^'P^ €7ros r ecpar e/c r ovopiaQe TiTTTe, &eTL TavvTreirke, Udz^ets rjfjieTepov hco aihoCr] re (f)Lkr] re; irdpos ye }xev ov rt Oaixi^eLS. 42c^ avha o TL ^poveei^' rekecraL he fxe Ovpibs dvooyev, el hvvajxai rekeaai ye kol el rerekea-ixivov ecrriv/^ Tov 6' rjfJieLlSeT eneira Sins Kara hdKpv yeovaa' "''H(/)at(rr , 17 dpa hri tls, ocrat OeaL elcr ev ^OkvpLTTCD, Toacrdh^ evl ^peaXv fjo-iv dvecrxero Krjhea kvypd^ 430 oacr epLol eK irao-eaiv Kpovihrjs Zevs dkye^ ehcoKev ; €K [xev pi dkkda^v akidoiv dvhpl hdixaaaev, AlaKihrj Urjkrj'C, Koi erkrjv dvepos evvi]v TTokkd pidk^ ovK eOekovaa, 6 fxev hr} yrjpai Auypw KeiTai evl pieydpoLS d nr^uLevos . dkka he jxoL vvv' 435 VLov eirei /xot hQ>Ke yeveaOai re Tpa(\)epiev re, e^oyjov rip(io)v' 6 h'' dvehpap^ev epve'C laos' TOV piev eyo) Opexjrao-a (pvTov yovv(2 dAco^y, vr]V(rLv eiTLTrpoerjKa Kop(t>vi(nv '^Ikiov eto-co i8. IAIAA02 2. 135 Tpcoal ixaxqcToixevov' rbv 6' ov^ VTrobe^ofiai avris 440 OLKabe vocrrrjo-avTa bofjiov YlrjXrj'Cov eto-co. o(f)pa be iJLOL ^coet Koi opa Lyvrieir / cii ''Odpo-ei' [iri TOL ravra p^era (ppecrl afjcn peXovTOiv, ^^^^ /»4Aa<^ at ya p piv Oavaroto bvg-qx^os < S5e bvvatprjv v6(T(j)iv aTTOKpv^jrai, ore pav p.6pos alvbs LKavoL, 4^5 COS ol revx^cL Kaka irapeo-creTaL, old tls avre dvOpdiToyv TTokeoi)v Oavpaao-erai, os Kev tbrjrai. "129 etTTwr TT]v p.ev kCirev avrov, 5' enl (i>v(Tas' ras 5' es irvp erpexj/e Kekevae re epydCeo-Oai. (t)V(TaL b' ev \odvoicrLV eeUocri Tracrat "^7° 7TavT0Lr]V €V7r£^^aT0V dvTp.i]v e^avLelo-ai, - ^ • [ : u j 136 1 8. IAIAA02 S. I > akkore fJi€V < 1^ \ v atoToj T iOiXoL koL epyov ovolt o, iv TTVpi IBdXk^v a T€ipAa KaacriTepov re Kal y^pvcTov TipirjvTa koL apyvpov' avrap eireLra 475 6r]K€V €v aKfjLoOeTio fxeyav cLKjiova, yivro be X^^P^ pato-Trjpa KpaTeprjV, kTepr](f)L be yevro TTvpdyprjv, ^ ^ ITotet be irpcoTLo-Ta (tclkos ixeya re ari^apov re TTCLVTOo-e b aibd\A(ii v, irepl b avTvya (BdWe cj^aeiv^jv TpLirXaKa iJiapfjLaper]v, e/c 5' dpyvpeov rekajxiova, 480 A -n ^ TTevre b^ dp avrov ecrav (rdKeos Uj^^^' avrdp ev avT(2 0 TT oiet baibaXa iroWa Ibvirjo-i TrparnLbeao'LV' ^ 'Ei; ixev yaiav eTev^\ ev b' ovpavov, ev be Odkacra-aVy 'fl^J^S rjeKiov t aKdfjiavTa o-eXrjvrjv re TrkrjOova-av, ^ jc^t/lo^^ ^^1^&}|y^*>f^ev be ra r^ea irdvTa, rd r' ovpavij^ e arechdvoiTa L, 485 Ylkr]'Ldbas 6^ *Ta8a9 re to re aOevos '^IpLoavos "ApKTov 0\ rjv KOL dpia^av eiTLKXrjo'Lv Kokeovaiv, Tj T avTov aToecbeTa i Kai r '^Iptoova boKevei, otrj 6' dpipiopos e(TTL Xoerpcov ^Q^Keavoio, 'Ei; 86 bvixi 7TOL7](re TToKets pLepoircuv dvOpdiro^v 490 Ka\ds* ev rrj piev pa ydpLOt r' ecrav elXaiiivai re, vvp.(\)as 5' 6K 6a\dp(j)v batbcov vtto XapiTTopievdoiv rjyiveov dvd darvy ttoXvs 5' vp^evaios opdper KOvpOL 8' opxrjo-rrjpes ebiveov, ev b' dpa roicnv avkol (\>6ppLiyyes re ^o^v e^ov al be yvvaiKe^ 495 la-TapievaL 6avpia(ov eirl '^poOvgouiiv eKacrTT]. \aoi b eiv dyopfj ecrav dOpooC evOa be veLKOS ipdpei, bvo 8' dvbpes eveUeov eXvena iroivrjs |. ^r'j^ _ dvbpb^ d7TO({)6Lpievov* 6 piev ey^jX9 '^o.vr dirobovv^C JiJ^ .nbev ekeoSau^l^ t'^^oo . 4^k u 8r]/x(i) TTLcfyavo-KOiyv, 6 8' dvoLvero p^rfbev 'a/Lt<^co 8' leaOrjv e7r\ l(ttop i T Telpap eXicrOaL . \ao\ b' dpLcfyoTepOKTLv ^jij^lu£>v, dpicjyls dpoDyoC' KripvKes 8' dpa kabv eprjTvov' oi be yepovres i8. IAIAA02 2. i;fe,^i27 (S-^-^c^-ii cf^^ri'v ,flka.M XT €716 ^e(TTOl(TL XlOoiS t6p(3 €l^t KtJkXo), orjcrjTrrpa KrjpvKoyv ev X^P^^ ^X^^ ri€p^o(f)(ovoov^ 505 r r olai v eireiT i]iG-crq v^ aixoL^rjbh be hiKa^ov. K€iTo 6' ap" €v ixeoraoL(TL hvo) xpvoroio rdXavra, ^ ^j^^ ^ ^ouiM^ T(t) hoixev OS [xeTCL toio-l biKr^v lOvvTaTa €lito l. ^"^tjp ^ ImM Tj]v 6' kTepr]v TTokiv d/x^t bvo) aTparol rjaro ^a^v '^^^^ ^ revx^o-L XapLTTopievoL' ^t^a bi (r(j)L(nv rjvbave j3ov\ri, 510 rje bianpaO iew v avbiya navTa bdo-acrOat, . ^ ' ' ^ KTrjaiV o(rrjv uroXUOpov e i^igpaTov evTos eepyev' 4 1 I JXjj€«^%l^' oi! 770) TTeiOovTo, Ao)((i) 5' v TTeQoip'qa-croTj To. ciA^tf^m^ {/4m ^ J r€txo^ M^'^ dXoxoi re (f)[Xai koI vrjina reKva tt -fHli^t pvar ecpearaores, pLerd b' dvepes ovs ex^ yripas' 515 oi 5' laav' fjpx^ b^ dpa ac^iv "Apr]? koX YlaXXas ^A6riv7], apicfxi) Xpv(^^i(*>, XP^^^^^ etfxara eaOrjv, KaXii) KOL pLeydXd) avv revx'^^^^i '^^pj ^^^^ J h t/lL d/x0t9 dpiCriXoo' Xaol b' v]t^>JjCqj;€S ^aav, ^ ycL^-^k^^- ol b' ore 677 p' Uavov oOi acjyio-iv euce Xox^o-at,*%^ J^52o ■ €v6' apa TOL y ICpvT elXvp^ivoL aWoin x^^^i^^- TOi(TL 6' 677617 d77dr6i;^6 bvod (TKOTTol ijaTO XaCOV, biypi€V0L 07777076 /x^Att IboLaTO Koi eXiKas jBovs. ol be TCLxa -npoyevovro, bv(x) 6' ap! eirovro vop^rjes 525 . TegTrojMevoL avpiy^i' boXov 6' ov tl i;pov6i](Tav. ^cU^ 'Min/*^ 01 pL€V TO. TTpo'ibovTes iirebpapiov, ojKa b' 6776tra k ^ r d j ui^oi^r diJL ^ ^oStv dyeXas koL irdea KaXd dpyevv€0)v 6io)v, Kreivov b' em p^riXo^orripas, OL 6' 0)5 ovv eiTvOovTO TToXvv KeXabov irapd ^ovo^ 530 e iodcoiz TTpOTrdpoiOe KaOrip^evoL, avriK ecj)' 177770)1; IBdvres depo-LirobaiV pLereKiaOov, aifa b' Uovto, '^^^va^ (TTr](Tdp.evoi b' ep.dxovTo pdxvv -norap.olo irap' oxOas, ^ ^dXXov 8' dXXrjXovs xaAKrjpecrtz; lyxetrycrtz;. 6z; a' ''Epts ev be Kyboi^os op^tXeov, ev 8' oAor) K77P, 535 138 1 8. lAIAAOS 2. akkov fcoor exovcra veovraTov, aWov clovtov, aWov T€6vr]G)Ta Kara fxoOov ekK€ irohoiiv' elfxa 6' €)(^ d/x(/)' S)ixoi(n bacf)OiV€bv ai}xaTi (f)0)Tc^v, G)jXLk€vv 5' &S re C^ol ^porol 7]5' e^xayovro, ^Ji^ ^.uhcn^ ^v€Kpov9 T aWrjkcov ipvov KarareOvrjcoTas. J^cCT^^ 'Er 6' efiOei v^lov fxakoKriv, nUipav apovpav, *^ evpeiav mcTroAor * ttoXAoi 5' apoTrjpe^ iv avTj] ^ u.»»c5 Y*^' fei^yea Su^^^^fl^e? ikdcTTpeov evOa kol ivQa. 4^ oi 6' oTToVe ( TTpi\j/ gy res iKOLaro rikaov apovpr]s, - fvti.'V\c/t^ rotcrt 6' €7T€lt kv X^pcri beiras jJLekirjbios olvov 545 bocTKev avrjp eTTidv rot 5e o-Tpi-^aa-KOV av oypiovs, UfjL€VOi vetoLO l3a6€Lr]s riko-ov LKicrOai. 7] be ixekaLver oincrOev, ap- q^uLev ri be 6.^ ^ Tea-crapes^ evvea be cr(f)L Kvves TTobas dpyol e-novro, oa-iv^.n^ a-pLepbakeco be Xeovre 8v' ev irpcorrjo-L jSoea-aL ravpov f^i ^ yp^jj ^ ^n v exirrjv 6 be piaKpa pepvKO)^ 580 eknero' rov be Kvves pereKiaOov rjb^ al^rjoi, ^ ^ -"^ TO) pev dvapprj^avTe (Sods peydXoLo j3oeLr]v Xvrl.ft_ eyKaTa kol piekav alpa \a(f)V(T(reTov' ol be voprjes avToas e vhUaa v Toyeas Kvvas oTpvvovTes. \)^^ ol 5' ri Toi baKeeiv p.\v direTpcoTT&vTO XeovTOJV, J^^^^ lo-Tdpevot be pidX* eyyvs vkdKTeov ^ r dkeavTO. (I 'Er be vopibv 'noLr](Te TrepLKkvTos dp^Lyvrie:LS KaXfi jBrjo-o-rj peyav oio^v dpyevvdoDV, '(TTaOpovs Te Kktaias t^ KaTr]pe4>ea9 Ibe crnKqvs. fA^l' 'Ev be xopbv iroLKLWe TTeptKXvTos dp(i)Lyvrieis , 59° r(j) iKeXov olov ttot evl Kvoia^ evpeij] AaibaXos r}(TK7](rev KaXAtTrAoKa/xo) 'Apidbvrj, ^ ' ''^ f evOa pev rfteeoL Kal -napOhoi dX^i^sl^oiai (j)pXevvT\ dXXrjKcov eirl Kopi:^ x^'^P"^ exovTes. ^ j^-r tG)v 6' al p.ev XeiTTas oOovas exov, ol be xiTwras 595 etar' evvvriTovs, -qKa (TTiX0ovTas eXato)* Kai p al pev KaXoT'ori/xxm? e'xoz/, ol be p^axatpas ' Ktu^v^ etxov xp^^o-^ta? e$ dpy^peoiv Te\ap(ovo)v. ol 6' ore p.ev Ope^acTK^v einmQ'mFS'^'' "^^^^^^^ 140 1 8. IAIAA02 2. . pela fxd\\ 0)9 ore tls Tpoyjbv apfxevov kv T rakduvo 'LV 6oo k^oixevos Kepa/xei)? ntLpricreTai, at k€ OerjaLV' dWoT€ 6' av Opi^ao-Kov e irl^crTi^q s aXXrjkoLo-L, ^ ^^i. TToWbs 6' Lixepoevra \opov 77€pu(rTa0^ o/xtAo9 TepTTOfxevoL' ixera bi /i/£^09 OL7r6ppr](Tig, 'Ha)9 fJi€v KpoKOTTeirkos air^ ^Q.K€avoio podoDv &pvvO\ tv aOavcLTOKTL (^00)9 (l)€poL rjbe ^poroicnv f] 5' €9 vrja9 LKav€ Oeov irapa b(apa (f)ipov(Ta. €vp€ be UaTp6K\(D irepLKeipievov bv (fyiXov vlov, KXaiovra Aty€co9* 'noKies 5' d//(^' avrbv kToipoL IxvpovO^' 7] 6' iv TolcTL TTapLCFTaTO bla Oedaiv, €v T apa OL cpv x^^P^ ^'^09 r ecpar €k r oro/xafe* riKvov kixov, TovTov [xkv kdcropL^v axyvpLevot 7T€p KetcrOaL, eirel br) irpcara Oecav Iottjtl bafxdo-Or]' TvvT] 6' ^Hcf)ai(TTOLo irdpa kXvtol rev^ea bi^o, Ka\a jutaA', oV ov ttco tl9 dvrjp &ixol(tl (f)6pi](r€V.^^ *f29 dpa (jxiivria-ao-a Oed Kara Tev\^ ^07] k€ na^*^ TTpoo-Qev ''A)(tAArjo9' tcl 6' a vippay e baibaXa Tidyra. Mvpixibovas 5' apa Trdvras eke rpopLos, ovbe tls erkr] dvTTjv el(TLbeeLV, dX)C erpecrav. avrap ^Axt-kkevs W9 €t5', 609 piLV fjiaWov ebv xoA.09, ev be ol oace 04 beivov vTTo pXe(t)dpa)v 0)9 ei crekas e^e(l)dav0ev' TepireTo 6' ev xeipea-criv e^cov 6eov ayXaa bQpa. avrap eitel (ppecrlv jjctl TerdpTrero baibaXa kevaa-oiv, avTLKa fxriTepa fjv eirea Tirepoevra Trpoo-rjvba' p.r]Tep epLTj, rd p.ev oirka 6ebs iropev oV eineLKes epy epiev dOavdroov, pirjbe jSporbv avbpa TeXeaaaL, vvv 5' tJ tol piev eyo) Ooiprj^opLaf dkka fxaX' atr&)9 142 19- IA1AA02 T. 1 L beCbo) fJiTj [JLOL Tocppa MevoLTiov clXklijlov vlov ixviai Kabbvcrat Kara ^(^aXKOTVTTOvs (iretXay 25 P eiAay iyyeLvoovraL, detKto-orcoo-t be veKpov — /\ffjr eK b^ alo)v Tre^orat — Kara be xpoa iravra (rairrirj.'^ ^^)s^^' Toi/ 6' rjixeCfieT eTieira Oea Qeris apyvpoiie^a' ^'reKVov, pLrj tol ravra fxeTa (^ypecrX affCn pieXovrcov, -f* r(3 ixev eyo) Treiprjo-o) oXakKeiv aypia (fyvXa, 30 . , pivias, at pa re (^oira? aprjX^arovs Karebovcnv' *S^44/vt >^^ufJ^ ^xC^^ 7/z; i;ep yap K^aC ye Teke(r(l)6pov eh eviavrov, alel y' eorat XP^^ epLirebos, rj Kai apeicov, aWa (TV y eh ayoprjv KaXeaas rjpcoas 'A)(0ttov9, pLrjViv aTToeL7T0i)v ^AyafxefxvovL, iroipLevt Xacov, 35 alyj/a /ixaA' 6? TTokepiov Oooprfcro-eo, bv(reo 6' akKrjv.^^ ^12y apa (jycovrjo-ao-a fxevos TTokvOapaes evrjKe, flarpoKXa) 6' aSr' aixjBpoo-Lrjv Kai veKTap epvOpbv ara^e Kara ptv&v, iva ol XP^^ epurebo^ elr], Avrap 6 I3r] irapa Olva Bakaa(Tr]s bios ^Axikkevs 40 a-fxepbakea ldxo)v, Sypcrev 6' rjpoyas ^Axaiovs. Kai p' ot irep to irapos ye veGiv ev ay5>v i ixevecTKOv^ ot re KvfiepvrjraL Kai e^ov ol^la v7]cov 4^t«/v*^p^ Kai TajJiiai irapa vrjvalv eaav, (tLtolo borrjpes, Kai [xrjv ol Tore y els ayoprjv Xcrav, ovveK ^ A\ikkevs 45 e^ecpdvrj, brjpov be pidxv^ eireTravT akeyeivrjs* TO) be bvoi o-Ka^ovTe IBaTrjv ''Apeos OepairovTe, Tvbetbr]s re ixevenrokepios Kai bios ^Obvaaevs, eyx^i epeibopievo)' ert yap exov ekKea kvypcc Kob be jieTo, TTpdrt] dyopfj t^ovTo KLOvTes. 5° avTap 6 bevTaTos rjkOev ava^ dvbpCtyv 'Aya/xe/xz^cor, ekKOs exo^V Kai yap tov evl KpaTepfj vapLivr] ovTa K6a)v ^ AvTr]vopibr]s xciAKiJpft bovpL avTCLp 67766 bj] TTCLVTes ao\\iO'0r](Tav 'AxcttOL, Tola-L 6' dvL(rTdp.evos fxeTecpr] TTobas (s)kvs ^Ax^kkevs' 55 19. lAIAAOS T. 143 '''Arpdbr], ^ &p ri rob" aixcfyoTepoioriv apuov ui/L^ €7Tk€T0, (TOI Kttl efXOL, OJTe VOJi 776/) CiXWIlivoO KTfp ^ ^ CkcJj 0vfxo(36p(£> eptSt ixeverjvafjLev dv€Ka Kovprfs; TTjV 0(^6A' iv vrjecrcrL KaraKTapLev ''AprepLLs tw, ijp^aTL rw or eycbv k\6p.r]v Avpvqa-crbv ok&o-ar 60 r(3 k] ov Toa-croL 'Axatot o5a£ e'Aoz; acnrerov ovbas bv(Tp,€vioiv VTTo x^P^l-v, ip.€V aTToprjvLo-avTo^. "EKTOpL p.€v Koi Tpcocrl TO K^pbiov' avTCLp 'Axatovs brjpdv ip.T]S Kal crrj? eptbos pvrjoreo-Oai dtoo, aXka ra piv irporeTvxOai ka(Top.€v axvvp.evo[ irep, 65 Ovpbv €vl (TTriOe(T(Ti (\)LkQv bap.d(TavT€s avdyKj]' vvv K rj rot p.€v eyo) Travoo xokpv, ovbi tC /xe XPV s/i dqj^^m alel p^eveatvepev d\X' aye Oaa-aov i^t^\^^^^^Jr^ orpvvov TTokepovbe Kctprj KopLOODvras 'Axaiovs, ^ 6(l)p €TL KOL TpCOOOV TTeipTjCTOpiai CLVTLOV kkOdv, 70 al K iOekodcr iirl vrjvo-lv laveiv' dkkd riv oioi ao-naa-m^ avroov yovv KCLfjAj/eLv, 09 k€ (l)vyr}(TL /Itf^ brjtov €K TTokep^OLo V7t' eyx^os rjpLeripoLo'' ^^Is €(t)aO\ ol b' exdpy](Tav evKvripibes 'Amatol prjviv d-neiiTovTos pieyaOvpLOv Ylrjkdoivos. 75 roto-6 be Kol pereeiTTev dva^ dvbpcov ^Ayapepvoov \_avT6dev e^ ebpr]^, ovb^ ev peaaoKTLv ai^aords]* 0) (jyCkoi rjpoyes Aavaoi, OepduovTes "Aprjo?, ea-TaoTos p^ev Kakbv aKOveiv, ovbe eoiKev • / v/B^ak^eLv' x^^^'^^^ 7^9 ^Tnarapievc^ Trep eovn. 80 ^^"'^^^^/^ avbp(ov 8' iv iTokk^ opdbco ttwj Kev tls aKOvaai fj etiTOL ; /Skd^eraL be kiyvs Trep eo)V dyopr]Trjs, TLrjketbrf p^ev eycov evbei^opiai' avrap ol dkkoL . ^ crvvOecrO' 'Apyetot, pvdov r ev yvcore enacTTOs. ^'^'^ TTokkdKL bri pLOi TovTov 'Axottoi pLvdov eeLTTOP, 85 Kttt re pie veiKeiecrKOV eyo) 8' ovk atrtoy elpi, dkka Zevs kol Motpa kol rjepocpotTLS 'Eptz^v?, 144 19. lAIAAOS T. 0? re /xot CLyopfj (f)pe(nv efx^aXov aypiov arrjv, rjlxaTL r<3 or ^AxtkXrjos yepas avrbs aTrrjvpoiv. a\ka TL Kev pi^aifjn ; Oeb^ bua iravra rekevra. 90 npia^a Atoy Ovydr-qp "Arry, rj Travras aaraL, ovkopiivr]' rfj [xiv 0' airaXol irobes' ov yap iir ovbei TTtAiiflXttt, dW apa rj ye kut^ avbpcov Kpdara ^aivei l JjjJ^ (] j^KdiTTova dvOpcoTTovs' Kara 5' ovv erepov ye irebjia-e, 0 KOL yap brj vv irore Zei;? daaTo, top irep dpKTTov 95 dvbp(ov Tjbe Oeojv (fyaa epipLevai' dAA.' apa Kal tov ^'Vipr\ OrjXvs eovcra bo\o(l)po(ruvr}s aTrdrrjorev^ TjixaTL 7(1) OT efxeWe (Bltjv ^HpaK\r]eLr]v ^ AXkixtivt] re^ea-Oai €vaTe(f)dv(o evl &rjl3rf. ^ rot o y evx.^pLevo9 fxerecfyr] Trdyreao-i Oeol&i' 100 ' KeKkvre fxev, irdvTe^ re 6eol Tidarai re deatvat, o(f)p^ eiirco rd \Le OvfJibs evl aTrjOecro-LV dv(!>yeu (rrjixepov dvbpa (^oaiabe pLoyoaTOKOS KlkeCOvia eKcpavei, 09 TTdvTe(T(Ti TrepLKTLOveo-crLv dvd^ei^ rOiv dvbp(hv yever\s oL aipLaros epiev el&i^ 105 TOV be boXocppoveovaa irpoo-qvba Tiorvia "Uprj' jWu ' \l/ ey(TTri o:.eLS. ovS* avre TeXos pLv6(o einOrio-eis, ^6tA^^^ €t 6' dye vvv pLOi opLoa-aov, 'OXvjuiTrte, Kaprepov opKOV, fj piev TOV 'ndvTeaari TiepiKTiovecraiv dvd^etv, 09 Kev eiT^ TjpiaTL T^be ireo-rj pieTa ttoo-ctI yvvaiKos no To^v dvbpcov o\ (rrjs e^ at/xaroy elai yeveOX-qs* 0)9 e(f)aT0' Zevs 6' ov tl boXocppoaiJvrjv evorjaev, dXX^ opLoaev piiyav opKov, eireLTa be ttoXXov ddaOr]. . jj 'Hp?/ 6' ai^acra Xiirev qi^v OiXvpuroio, KapiraXipioo^ 5' ?K€r ''Apyo? ^AxauKOV, ev0* apa fjbr] 115 l(j)OipLr]v dXoxov 'EOeveXov Ylepa-rjldbao. 7} 5' eKvei (piXov vlov, 6 5' e/BbopLos eo-TrjKeL jieCr -r^,-^-' €K 8' dyaye irpo (l)6o)0'be Kal rj XLTopLrjvgv eovTa, ^kXKp.rivr]S 6' dueTiavare tokov, crxi^Oe 8' ElXeLOvCas, 19- lAlAAOS T. if 45 avrrj 8' ayyekiovcra Aia Kpovicova TTpoorrjvba' 120 ^ Zev TTCLTep apyLK€pavv€, Ittos tl tol iv cjypeal Orjao)' ijbr] avr\p yiyov iaOkos, 'ApyeCoLo-iv avd^et, Evpva-devs, ^Oevikoio Trats Yiepo-rj'Cdbao, (Tov yevos' ov ol deiK^s dvao-o-^piev ^ Apy^ioi&iv? o)S (^idro, TOV b' axos 6^v Kara (Ppiva Tvyj/e jBaOelav' 125 avTiKa 6' €tX' "^Attjv Kcc^aArJs XtirapoTTkoKapLoto yjio6pi€vos (f)p€(rlv fjcrt, koI (opLOcre Kaprepov opKov [xri TTOT €S OvkvpLTTOv T€ KOL ovpavov acTTepoevTa avTLS ikevcrecrOaL "Attjv, rj navras darat. 0)9 eiTTOiv ^ppixj/ev dii ovpavov darepoevros 130 ' X^tpl 7T eni(TTp i^|/as' rd)(a b' lk€To epy dvOp(07r(av. imUfJ*^ T7]V aWi CTT€Va\€(T\ , o6* koV v 'Aydp.ep.vov, 146 bOtpa pev at k eOekrjaOa Tiapao-x^V^^j eiTLeLKes^ rj T ex^p^ev TTapa GTOL' vvv be p^vrjadp^eOa x^^Pl^V^ \f^dil^ ^ alxjra /xdA.'* ov yap XPV Kk oroTTeve LV evOab eovTas ovbe bLaTpLjSeLV Itl yap p^eya epyov dpeKToV 150 (09 K€ TLS avT ^Ax^krja p^eTa irpcoTOLO-LV tbrjTaL VOL. il. L 146 ^ 19. IAIAA02 T. eyX€6 )(a\K6t6) Tpdcov oX^KOvra (pdkayyas. Tdv 8' aiTaiX€Ll36ix€VOs irpocricfyr] TTokvixrjTis ^Obv(rcrev^' [JLT] brj ovt(j09 ayaOos Trep idv, 6eoeLK€)C 'A)(tAA.€u, 155 ■^^IJ^^W J^ TJp'Tli l^ orpvve TrporX ''IKlov vlas ^KyaiQiv Q Tpcoo-l pLa)(r](rofJiivovSy eirel ovk oXCyov xpovov ecrrai ^(Li(SSsA<^i (pvKoTTLS, €VT civ TTp&TOv OfxtkricroocrL (f)d\ayy€9 ^cU#vv^ avbp(i)v, kv h\ Oeos Trvevo-rj [xivos dpLcfyoripoLo-LV, ^ (TiTov Kai OLVOLO TO yap fxevos cart Kat aAKT). ov yap dvrjp TTpoirav 'qfxap €9 r}i\iov Karahvvra 4 cj KjJLTjvo s (TLTOLO hvvr](T^Tai cLVTa jxax^o-Oai' 0 66 776/) yap OvfjLOd ye ixevoivda iroXeixL^eLVy aXkd T€ XdOprj yvla ^apvverai, r]h€ Ki\dvei 165 h -A hLylfa T€ Kal Xtju,09, ^Xd^erai hi re yovvar lovri. t OS be K dv-qp OLVOLO Kopeccrdixevos KaX ibcobrjs ^ dvbpdcTL bv(rpL€V€€(TcrL T:avr]ixepLOS TTokepLLCrj, 0^- 4^ tUiL OapcraXiov vv ol rfTop kvX (fypecCvy ovbe tl yvla ^ 'TTpLV KafjLveL, TTpLV TTavTas epcorjo-aL TroAepiOLO, 170 ctXA.' dye kabv pkv cTKebaarov Kal belirvov dvoayOL OTiXecrOaL' tcl be b(Dpa dva^ avbp&v ^Ayapiepivoov olaiTco 69 fxeao-rjv dyopi]v, tva irdyres ^ A\aLo\ 6(1)6 a\pLOL TTLeLprj, tva pirj tl bU-qs eiTLbeves exjjO'Oa, 180 ^Arpetbr], eo-aeaL, ov piev ydp tl vepLeo-arfTov IBaa'tXrja dvbp duapeca-acrOaL, oTe rt? itpoTepos yakenrivrfJ^ 19. IA1AA02 T. j^y Thv b' aZre irpocrieiiTev 'dva^ avbpS^v ' Ayaix^ixvc^v' Xaipc^ (T€v, AaepTtdbrj, rhv pLvOov &KoiicTar 185 iv ixoipri yd,p Trdvra btUeo kul Karike^as, ravra 6' iycov ^Oikco'SixScraL, Kikerat bi p.^ Ovpos, oib' iiTiopKi^crco 7T^ baCixovos. airhp 'Axikkeh iJLu^ fXLixvirco airSOt 7^09 trreiydpiei^d, irep 'Aprjor oT ixiixvere b' 'ikkoi iidvT^s hokkies. Scf^pa k€ bc^pa ' 190 KkLcr(r]9 €keriai Kal SpKLa ma-rh rd^ev. 7naA/(t oJtk ^ (To\ V airc^ T6b' iycbv iiTLTikkopLaL ^b'e /ceA^iJco' iCLt/\Lfi(i^ Kpivdp.€vos Kovprjras dpLarijas Uavaxai^^v b(opa €p,rjs irapa vrjds €V€LK€pL€v, oo-a 'AxLkrj'C X^f-Cov V7T€OTr]p.ev b(i(T€i,v, ay€p,€v re yvvaiKas. 195 Tak6v/3L09 be p.01 £/ca Kara (rrpardv evpvv 'Axatwir KUTTpov kroip^aGrdTco, ra/xeetr Au r 'HeAt'w re." ^ Tdv b' dTTap,€Ll36p.€V09 TTpoo-ecfyr] TTobas o)kvs 'Axikkevs' "'Arpdbr] Kvbio-re, dva^ dvbpw 'Aydp^epivov, akkori TTep Kal p^akkov ocjyikkeTe ravra iriveo-daL, 200 OTTTTore rty p^er aTTava cokri irokep^oLO yivrjrai >(\ajU^ Kal iiivos ov roo-ov 'po'tv ivl o-rrfOeo-o-tv ipoLo-L. vvv b' ol p.€v Kiarat bebaiyp^ivoi, oh ibdp^ao-aev "EKrcop UpLap.Lbrjs, ore ol Zeh Kvbos ebcoKev, vp^eXs b' es jBpcorvv orpvveroV r av iyd ye 205 vvv ixev dvdyoLpLL rirokepiL^eiv vlas ^ AxaiSiv vrio-rias dKp,rjvov9, dp.a b' r}eki(^ Karabvvri rev^ea-Oai p^eya bopirov, eirrjv rio-aip.e6a kd^rjv. TTplv 6' ov 770)9 CLV e/xoty6 (jyCkov Kara kaipLOV leLrj ov TToVis ovbe ^pCdxTis^ eraipov re0vr](aros, 210 ^ OS fxoL evl KkLo-LTj bebaXyp^evos o^eC xakKp ert pLakkov avbpacTL bv(rpi€V€€(r(TL f/a^co/jte^a z^coAe^es aJet. €(r(rdpL€VOL xpoi x^Akoz; dreipia. fxrjbi tls akkrjv kaOiv OTpvvTvv TiOTibiypievos ia^^avaaa-Oo^' rjbe yap drpvvTvs kukop ecraeTaL 09 Ke kLTtrjTaL vrfvalv eiT 'ApyeloDV dAA' dOpooi 6ppir]6ivT€9 j Tpcoalv e(/)' tTTTToSajutoto-ti; iyetpopiev o^vv "Apr^a." ^jat^J^*** "^H, Ka6 Nea-Topos vlas O TTdcrq-aT o KvbakipiOLO, ^vketbrjv re Meyr^ra ©oaz^ra re MrjpLovqv re /fal K/[?etoz/r6a8r;i; Av/co/xrySea Kat MeAaz;t7r7roz;* 240 ^az^ 8' Lpiev e9 Kki(Tii]v ^ Ayapiivovos * Arpetbao. avTLK eTTet^' afxa pivBos er\v^ Terekeo-ro be epyov' eiTTa pL€v €K. KkiCTirjs rpiTTobas (pepov, ovs ol virio-Trj, aWoovas be kejBrjras eet/coort- bcabeKa 8' t7r7roi;9* e/c 8' dyov a1yj/a yvvaiKas dpLvpiova epya ibvCas 245 eiTTj drdp oybodr-qv BpLarjiba Kakkiirdprjov. xpv(rov be aji^o-as ^Obvaevs beKa irdvTa rdkavra 235 1 9- IATAA02 T. 149 77PX'j ^' o,k\oL hcapa (fyipov Kovprjres 'A^atwi'. KOL TCL iJL€V €v ixiorcrYj CLyopfj Oicrav, av 5' ^ Ayafxifjivcov L(TTccTo' TaX6v[3L09 be Oeco evaXiyKios avbrjv 250 KCLTTpOV €\(siV kv'yjEpCri TrapLCTTaTO TTOLflivL Xacdv, 'Arpetbrjs be ipvcrcrdixevos^ xeipecro-t pLayaLpav, . 1 rj ol Trap ^tcjyeos [xiya Kovkeovaikv acopro, SdciP^^ 'a KCLTTpov aiTo Tpi^as ap ^aiX£ VOs\ Ati yjEipas avacryiiv iu/V Cmr' €v\eTo' Tol 6' apa iravre^ €tt' avro^iv rjaro o-iyfj Ji^S ^^%^iJL^ ^Apyeioi Ka ra jixo^ az;, aKOVovTes (Bao-iXrjos. oUJiu ^ ev^cLjievo^ b' apa elirev ibcbv els ovpavbv evpvv (j '^la-Ton vvv Zevs irp&Ta, Oecov viraros Kal apia-ros, ^ Vrj re Kal 'HeXto? Kal ^Epiiwes, at 0^ vtto yaiav i^AijL '^^''^^ av6p(i)7TOV9 Tivvvrai, oris k einopKOV Ofxaao-rj^ 260 (jLTj fxev eyo) Kovprj Bpio-rjibi x^'^p' eiTeveLKat, ovT evvrjs irpocpaa-Lv Ke\pr]ixevos ovre rev aXkov. t I aXX^ eixev aiipoTijxacTTos evX KXio-irjaiv eixfjaLV. v^i^ ^ ei be TL T(avb' eiTLopKOV, 6/xot 6eol aXyea boiev TToXXa /xaV, 0(T(ra bibovo-LV ons orcf)' aXiTr]Tai o/xoWa9."265 ^H, Kal airb aroixaxov Kairpov rdfie vrjXeC x«:^'<4^« / Tov [xev TaXOvPios TToXtrjs aXds h fxeya Xairixa 0^pa be Mvpixiboves ixeyaXr]Topes dix(f)eTrivovTO, C 0(n^ ^ iBdv b' eiTL VT]a (j)epovTes Wx^XXrjos Oetoio: 150 ^ 19. IAIAA02 T. [4.C ^'^j KaX ra pkv iv KXia-tjicn Oicav^ KaOio-av be yvvaiKas, 280 LTT7T0VS 6' els ayeXr]v ekacrav OepdiTOVTes ayavoi. BpLcrrjis ap eneiTy iKeXr] y^pva-irj ^ A^pohiTT], 0)9 Ihe YldrpoKkov bebdCyixevov o^eC ^aXKw, ^ apLcj) avT<^ ')(Vixivrj Aty' eKt^Kve, X^P^^ ^' aixvcrcre i/C^ (TTrjOed T 7\b^ airakTjv beip-qv Ibe KaXa Trpoo-ioira. 285 €1776 5' apa Kkaiovcra yvvrj elKvla Oeffo-i' YldrpoKke [xoi beiXfj TrXelo-Tov Ke\apiG-piive OvpicSy ((i)6v [liv ere eXeiirov kyii KXi(Tir]0ev loOcra, vvv bi Vj ay\r dviovcr' &s pioi b eyeTC Li KaKov €k KaKOv alet, 290 dvbpa fxiv, (2 ebocrdv pie irarrjp kol iroTVia pLriTr]p^ elbov TT/oo tttoXlos bebdCypiivov o^ei xctAKw, rpels T€ KaoTLyvriTCVS, tovs p^oi piCa yeivaro piriTr]p, K-qbeiovs, dl irdwes oXeOpiov rfpap iireaiTov. ovbe piev ovbe pi eacTKes, or dvbp epibv o)kvs' A^iXXevs 295 €KT€iv€V, TTepaev be ttoXlv Oeioio Mvvr]Tos, KXaieiv, dXXd p! ecpacTKes 'A)(tXA7jo9 Oeioio KovpLbir\v dXo^ov Orjcreiv, d^eiv t evl vrjvcrlv es ^Oi-qv, baLa-e iv be ydpov pLerd Myppaboveora-L, ^ l^' iLjJ^ ^ ^' ^41212^ KXaico TeOvqoTa, pLetXi^ov alety 300 ^Oiv^^^^^ g ^12? e^aro KXaiov(r\ eirl be a-revdyovro yvvaiKes, UdrpOKXov irpocpa&Lv, (r(j)(ov 6' avTcav Krjbe^ eKdarr]. avTov 5' d/x(^6 yipovres ^AyjoLiQiv rjyepeOovTO XiaaopievoL benrvrjo-aL' 6 6' ripveiTo aTeva^i^cav' " Xi(j(Top.aLy ei Tis epLOL ye (^iXo^v einTieiOeO^ eraLpoiv, 305 prj pie TTplv (TLTOLO KeXevere pirjbe TTorrjTos do-QLO-Oai (f)iXov rjrop, eireC fx' a\os alvbv LKdveC bvvra 5' es r^eXiov pieveco kol TXrforopiaL epLir-qs^ (! oJtw^lA.^^' *^X29 61770)1; dXXovs pev direo-Kebacrev fBaaiXijas, ^ boL(i) 6' ^Arpetba pLeverqv koX bios Obvcraevs, 310 ^ecTToop ^Ibop^evevs re yepoov liTTTrjXdTa ^1>olvl^, 19- 1A1AA02 T. 151 T^piTovTes TTVKLv6)s OLKayjux^vov' ovbi n 6vix<2 i .^jj^*^ ivo^^^^j ripneTO, TTplv TToX^ixov (TTOfxa bvfjievaL aifjiaToevTosL Ll^^'L^'^'^^^ fivr](TdfX€V09 abi'voos a veveiKaTO (^(iv-qn-iv re* ^^--ACr^ir^M*, JCTfW^ \^ ^' -q pa liu [XOL irore koL av, bvo-dfjLiJLope, ^LXraGi* kraipcuVi 315 avTos €vl KKi(rir\ Kapo v Trapa beiirvov eOrjKas i^{/\rfv^ alxj/a KOL 6T £ak€ Ot)9, OTTOTe (TTT^pxoiaT ^Ayaiol fU^MJL, (/jiX^ Tpoicrlv €(f)^ L'jTTTobdfJLOKn (^yepeiv iroXvbaKpvv '^Aprja. 0 \\ vvv be (TV \xkv KeicraL bebdiypievo^, avrap epibv Kjjp aKpLr]vov 'nodios koI ibr]Tvos, evbov e6vT0)P, 320 o-fj 7To6^' ov pi€v yap ri KaKcirepov dXXo irdOoLpiLy Ovb^ €L K€V TOV TTaTpO^ d7TO(j)6 LpitVOLO TivdoLpirjV^ 09 TTOU VVV ^6Lr](l)i T€p€V KttTtt boLKpVOV €t/36t A jS Xr?r€6 Toiovb^ vlor 6 6' dkXobaTT(^ evl brip.(D ^ /) g J 4 €iv€Ka p iyebav ris ^Ekevqs TpoDalv tto\€ixCC(x>' 325 JMxMa/^ 776 TOV OS 1,Kvp(o fxoL evL Tpe6ir]vbe veeaOaiy 33° 0)9 dv pLOi Toviraiba Oofj ivl vr]i p^eXaivrj 'EKvpoOev e^aydyois Kau ol 6et^eta9 eKaara, KTrjo-LV kpi7]V bp.Sids re Kal v\l/€p€cl)€s fxiya 8&)/xa. 7/677 y^P riT/ATja y oLop^aL 17 Kardjw^av cUaJ- ^ ^^''^^ Tebvdp^ev, 7/ ttov rvrObv ert (dovr aKdxw^^^ 335 yrjpa'C re aTvyep^, Kal epirjv TTOTlbeyp^evov atet Xvyprjv dyyeXirjv, or' aTTOCpOipLevoLO TTvOrjTaL/ ^'129 e(^aro KXaUv, eirl be (rrevdxovTo yepovres, p.vr](rdpievoi ra eKacTTos evl pLeydpoicriv eXenrov' pLvpop,€vovs 5' dpa Tovs ye Ibcbv eker](Te Kpovtcov, 340 alxl/a 5' 'AOrivaLrjv eirea irrepoevTa Trpoo-qvba' " tUvov ipov, br] irdp^irav duoixeai dvbpos erjos. , ^ vv roL ovKeri Tidyxv p^era cjypeal p,ep,^keT 'AxtAXev9 ; yi/tdOf . 1 5^. 19. IAIAA02 T, Keivos o ye TTponapoiOe. vew dp6oKpaipdccp rjcTTaL obvpofjievos erapov (f)LKov' oi 6e 5^ aWou 345 otxovTai fxera beiirvov, q bi* aKpL-qvos kol aTraoro?. aAA' Wl 06 veKTap, re kol apLl3po(Tir],v ipareivrjv (ttA^ov kvL (TTr}Oecrcr\ iva ixr^ fjLtv XifJiQS iKrjrai" *12y eLTTcov &Tpvv€ Trdpos fxefxaviav ^AOrjvqv' ( Cff\ fj apirrj elKvla Tavvnrepvyi \Lyv(p(av(d, 350 ovpavov €fc KCLTeTTaXro bi al6(pos, avrap ^ AyaiqX avTVKa 6odpr](T(TOVTo Kara o-TparoV fj 6' 'A^tXTyl* veKTap evl arriOeo-a-L kol aiJil3po(rLr]v iparetvrjv (TTaJ^\ Lva ixT] [xiv At/xo9 OLT^p-nrjs yovvaff lkolto' p. avTT) be irpos iraTpbs eptoSeveos nrv Kivo y^ 5a> '/^^355 (D)(eTo, Tol 5' OLTrdvevOe veSyu eyjovro Oodcov. &S 6' ore Top^ej^l vLcfydbes Ato? eKiroTeovraL, ^ (j^Jj^A. 0)9 TOTe TaptpeLOL KOpvOes Xapurpdv yav6(t)(raL V7](ov eK(f)opeopTO kol dcnribe^ oiK^yaXoecra-aL ^ 360U Q(iipy]Kes re Kp aTaiyv aXot kol ixeiXiva bovpa. SvW^^^ alyXy] 6' ovpavov iKe, yeXacro-e be iracra irepl x^^r \aXKOV VTTO (TTepoiTrjS/ vtto be ktvtto's &pvvTO TTOcraiv dvbpcov' ev be ixeaoia-i KOpvo-crero bios ^A^iXXevS' [rovjcal obovTOiv fxev Kavaxrj TreXe, rw be oi ocra-e 365 XafxirerrOrjv 0)9 et re irvpos (reXa9, ev be ol rjrop bvv d^os drXrjTov' 6 5' apa Tpcoalv pLevealvcov bvo-ero boopa Oeov^ rd ol ''H^atoro? Kdfxe Tev)(^(ov,^ KvrjfJLibas fiev irpSiTa irepl Kvrjixrjcriv eOrjKe KaXdSi dpyvpioKTLv eino-cpvpLOis dpapvias' 37^ bevTepov av OdprjKa irepl (rrriOeo-o'LV ebvvev^ dpLcfyl 5' ap' &fJiOL(TLV IBdXero ^icfyos apyvporjXov xdXKeov* avrap eireLra crdKo^ [leya re (TTi^apov re eXXero^ rov 6' airdvevOe creXa^ yever ypjre pirivrjs. its 8' or av eK ttovtolo (reXas vavrrjcrL cl)avirirj 375 19. IAIAA02 T. 153 Kaioixivoio TTvpos' TO b€ KaUrat vy\r6Q' op€(T(\)i (TTaOfjii^ iv otoTToAo)' Tovs 5' ovK eOiXovra^ aeXXat TTovTov €7r' i)(^9v6evTa (pikcov airdvevO^ (f)€pov(nv' 6>9 aiT ^ Ax^iWrjos (raKeos criXas aiOip] iKave KaXov baibaXeov' irepl be Tpv(pd\€Lav detpay 380 Kparl Oiro iBpLaprjv' fj 5' ao-Tijp aireXapLTrev XiTTrovpLS TpvcpdXeta^ Trepicra-eLOVTo 6' eOeipai XpvcreaL, a9''H<^at(rro9 tet Xocjyov d/x^t ^a/xetd?. TTeLprjOrj 5' €o avrov ev evreai bios 'A)(tAA.6T;s', fia/y^ JivuL^ el 06 €(f)apfJL6(r(r€L€ koI ki^xi^i^i dyXa,a yvta' 385 rw 6' €Sr6 TTTepa ytyver, aetpe 66 TTOt/xera Xacov. €K 6' dpa o-i5£ty2^09 iraTpd'Cov eo-Trdo-ar ey)(os, ^^lui/t^ tf*t/t^ ^piOv ^fxeya crT-ijSapov' to [xev ov bvvaT dXXos 'A)(at(3r TrdXXeiv, dXXd pnv olos kirio-TaTO TTrjXat ^A)(^lXX€Vs, Ylr]Xidba [xeXLr]v^ Tr]v iraTpl (piXcD Trope Xeipoyv 390 rir^AtW 6K Kopv(j)r]^, c^ovov epLfjievai rjpdeacrLv' LTTTTOVS 6' AvTOfxibot)V T€ KOL "AA^t/XOy df icj) U 77 0V T€ 9 ^evyvvov dpicf)! be KaXd XejTo^v ecrav, ev be xaXivovs ^^^^^^UL, yaix(j)r]Xys, ej^aXov, KaTa 6' rjvia Teivav OTTiaa-co KoXXrjTov ttotI bi(j)pov. 6 be ixdaTiya (paetvrjv 395 X^tpi Xa/3(i)v dpapviav e(f)^ itttiouv dvopovcrev, AvTOfieboov' oinSev be Kopvcrcrdixevos ^rj ^AxtXXevs, ^ Tevye(TL 7Tapi(paLV(jdv cS? t rjXeKTciop ^Tirepmpt ap^epbaXeov b' i-mroKTiv eKeKXeTo rraTpos eoio' "SdvOe Te KOL BaXU, TrjXeKXvTa TeKva llobdpyr]^. 400 dXXm bq (jypdCeaOe (raoicreixev 7]viox'l^ a\jrf ^avaodv es opciXov^ eirei x ^'^M^^ TToXe/xoto, [xrjb' i>9 UdTpoKXav XLireT avToOi xeOvrj&Ta'' Tbv b' ^dp VTTO Ci^yoc^t Trpoo-e^?] iroba^ aloXos 1777709 Hdi^^09, a(t)ap 5'' rj^vae KaprjaTi' irao-a be x^^^ 405 (evyXrfs e^epi-novaa irapd (vybv ovbas iKaveV avbrievTa b" eOrjKe Bed XevKciXevos "^pr\' 154 19- IAIAA02 T. KOL \ir]v piaTos^ ov riVKopLOs T€Ke Arjrd, €KTaV €VL TTpOlXay^OKTL KOLL ''EiKTOpL Kvbo9 e^COKe. vm be Kat k€v afxa ttvolt] Z€(j>vpoLO OeoLiiev, 415 rjv TT€p k\a(l>poTaTriv (j)d(r epLfxevaL' a\ka (tol avT(^ fx6p'(TL[Ji6v €(TTL ^eco T€ KOL av4pL IcpL SajULT/mt." '^X2s apa (p(ji>vri(ravT09 ^Epivv€9 ecryeOov avbrjv. Tov 8e fxey' dyjdricras Trpoarecfyrj irobas cdkvs 'A)(6XAeiJs* " Eai^^e, Ti [XOL Oavarov ixavreveai ; ovbi tl ae XPV* €V vv TO olba Koi avTos o fxoL ix6po9 €v6db' oXiaOai, v6or(l)L^L\ov TiaTpbs Ka\ jjirjTepos* dWa kol e/x7r?/5 ov Arj^co irplv Tpwas abrjv eXacrat 7ro\e'fxoio." pa, ml lu irpcoTOLS id\(jov €\€ ixdwxas I'ttttovs, IAIAA02 Y. ^^£ls ol iJi€v irapa vqvcn Kopcoz/tVt Ooipria-crovTO aiKjyl 0-6, Tlrjkios vU, ixaxv^ aKopnT ov 'A^atot, Tpa)6s 5^ av6* erepoiOev eirl 6p(oajjL<2 Tre^toto* ^ou^f^ Zei;? 56 0€/u,icrra KcAeixre ^eoi;? ayopT^z/Se KoKia-crai Kparbs CLTT* OvXvixttolo TToXvurvyoV fj 6' apa iravTr] 5 cf)OLTri(Ta(ra fceAeixre Ato? Trpo? 6a>/xa vieaOai. ovT€ ^ ovv TTorapicov airirjv, voorcj)* ^^iKeavolo, So^^^>^ ovT apa- vvpicjydodv, at t akaea KaXa vifjiovraL . Koi ifqyas irorafjicov kol T riers TroirjeVTa. ^hu^i^^ iXOovreib^ 69 Sco/xa Atos" ve^eK-qyepirao 10 ^eo-Tjjs aWovarjaLv ivCCavov, as Atl Trarpi '^HcfyaLCTTOs iroLrjcrev Ibvirjcn irpaTTLbecrcnv. vr\ Kpv(TT7] (T€ OeCLS, aAX' akos rjXOe fxer avTovs, ^^Is OL p.€v Aibs evbov ayrjycpar' ovb^ hoa-ixOa^v . * ICe 6' ap" iv ixia-aoLcn, A169 6' e^ejpgro IBovXrjv' "^^r^ " riTTT aSr , apyiK^pavve, Oeovs ayoprjvbe Kakecrcras ; ^ TL Trepi Tpcocor /cat 'Axatwi' iiepp.r]piC^is ; rwz/ yap ri^i^ ay\i(TTa }xa)(ri 'irok^ixos re hihr\€» Tbv 6' a7ra/x€t/3o/x€ro9 -npoari^y] z^e^eAr/yepeVa Zevs' " €yvm, hvoo-Cyace, ipirjv kv (TrriOea-L (Bovkrjv, &v eveKa ^vmyetpa' fxekovo-C piot okkvp^evoi irep. akk' rj TOi pikv' eytb juiereco Trrfxi Ovkvp^iroLO rjp.€vos, h^^p0O)v (f)piva Tepxj/of^iaL' oi be brj akkoi 156" 20. IA1AA02 T. : S ocfyp^ ctv LKYjaOe fjL€Ta Tp(aas Koi 'A)(atov9, aiJi(f)OTepoLO'L 8' apriy€0\ ottj/ roo? eorti; eKcioToi;. 25 €t yap 'AxtXAei/y otoy cttI Tpcoeo-o-i /xa)(€trat, ovbe fjLivvvO^ e^ovcTL irobcaKea Ylr]\€icova, ^ KOi T€ /Ut6Z; Kol TTpOdOeV VirOTpOpiieCTKOV 6p&VT€S' \ \ vvv 8' ore 8^ koX 6v\xov kraipov xderat alvo^s, beiboi) jjiT] Koi r6t)(09 vir^pixopov e^akaTrd^rj.^' 30 €v ecrav avbpcav, ^^^^ 'A)(atot fxev [xeya Kvbg^^, ovveK ^ A\ikKevs e^e(l)dvr], br]pbv bk [xdx'qs eireiiavT dXeyeivrjs' 0 Tpwo? 8€ rpofxos alvbs vTTrjkvOe yvla eKacTov^ beibioras, 59^ opQivro TTobdKea Ylrjke'Coiva 45 revx^o-f' XapLTTOfxevov, (Bporokoiy^ i(tov "^Aprji, avrap eirel [xeO^ opuXov ^OXvpLmoi rjXvOov dvbpQ>v, S)pTo 8' *'Epts Kpareprj Xaoaados, ave 8' ^AOrjvrj^ j^^Jbu^f (TTaa ore fxev irapa rdcfypov opvKrrjv Teix^os eKToSy J clXXot 67r' a KToo ov epibovTroiv fxaKpov dvreL, 50 ^JiojtsMave 8^ *'Ap?/? erepcoOev, e pefxy fi kaikaTn to-os, o^i; Kar aKpoTdr^s uokios Tpdeo-crL KeXevoiV, dWoTe Trap ^LfjioevTL Oe c^v^e m-KaWLKokdyrj, ^X2s T0V9 dpL(l)OTepov9 fxdKapes Oeol oTpyvovres (T VuSoXo v. ev 8' avTois epiba Qr ^yj u^o (BapeiaV 55 m^WCtu. ^o.IAIAA02T. 157 Seti^oz; 66 l3p6vTr](T€ 7TaTr}p avbpcav re ^eoiz; re v-^oOeV avTCLp vipOe Hooreibdcov hiva^e yalav a7T€ip€orLriv opioov r al7T€Lva Kaprjva, TTCLVTes 6' €cr(T€LOVTo TToSes TToXviribaKOs ^'Ibrjs Koi Kopv(f)ai, Tpdojv re ttoXls koL vrjes 'A^atwz^ 6q ^ €bei(T€V b' vnivepO^v ava^ i vipoi v ^A'Cboivevs , tJ^oU. b€L(Tas 5' €K Opovov clXto Kol La)(^€, p.r] oi virepSe -Kr d-u.4^J>Vt- gtwCJ yalav arappT^feteJJoo-etSdcoz; kvocriyOo^v, C^Afc^ fH"eUjv<£A*4' otKta 6e OvrjTOL(rL Kal aOavaTOLai (f)av€i7] ^j^tfiAJ^^*^*!^ o-pLepbake e ypde vra, rd re (rruyeoixrt ^eot irep' 65 ro(7o-09 apa Kri^TTO? Spro ^eoiz/ ept66 ^vvlovtcov, fj TOi pkv yap evavra Yloaeibdodvos avaKTo^ larar 'AtioAAcoz; ot/3os, e)(6oz; la TTTepoevra, az;ra 6' ^EvvaXioLo Oea yXavKc^ins ^AOrjvq' "HpJ] 6' avrio-rrj )(^pvar}kdKaros KeXab^Lvrj 70 "Apre/xts loxiaLpa, KaaLyvrjrrj e/caroto' ^ Ar^rot 5' avTicrrrj cf cokos epiovvLOS *Ep/jt?Js, avTa 5' ap' *H(|)ato-roto /xeya? TTorapios jSaOvbivrjs, ^ bv EdvOov KaXiovG-L OeoC, avbpes 5e ^Kapiavbpov, ^D.s ol pev 6€ol dvra Oecov iaav' avrap W^yjiXk^vs 75 "^AKTopos dvra pidkLaTa XikaUro bvvai opiKov UpLapibeo)' tov ydp pa pdki(TTd e Bvpos dvdiyei . t^^*!^ alparos acrai ^'Ap-qa r akaym vov TTokepicrTriv. N '^/i^^^Ljl Aiveiav 8' iOvs kaocraoos copaev 'Airokkcov f'^'^^r dvTia UrjketoivoSy ivrjKe be oi pivos r]v' 80 vU'i be UptdpoLO AvKdovL eLcraTo (/)coz^r]z;' rw piv eeiadpevo^ irpocrecpr] Alos vibs Airokkoiv* Aiveia, Tpdcov jBovkrjcpope, ttov tol dTTeckaC, ay Tpdoov f3a(TLkev(TLv v-nLcryeo olvoiroTaCcov, Hrjketbeo) 'AxtAT/o? evavTi^Lov iiokepi^eiv ; " 85 Tor 8' avT Alveias diiapei^opevos Tipoa-eeme' " Upiapibr], tl pe ravra koi ovk eOekovra Kekeveis, 158 20. IAIAA02 T. avTia nr^Xetcoro? virepOvixoLo }xa\e(T6ai ; ov fjikv yap vvv irp^ra TTobcaKeos avT 'A)(tX?}o9 cTTrjo-opLaL, dXA' ijbr] pi€ /cat aXXore hovpX cfyofBrjo-ev 90 e^^lSrys, ore fiovcrlv eTTrjkvOev fjixeriprjcrL, iripae he Avpvqa-xrbv Koi Tlrfbaaov' avrap ifxe Zevs €lpvcraO\ OS fJiOL eTrcSpcre fxivos Xai\\rr]pa re yovva, 7} K iKCLiirjv VTTO \epG\v ^ Ay^iWrjos koX ^AOrjvrjs, rj ol TTpodOev lovaa r.LOei ^aos r]h^ eKekevev 95 6y)(6t xct^/^^^V AeXeyas koL Tpwas evaCp^iV' 7(5 ovK €(TT 'A)(tX7jo9 ivavTiov avhpa ixa\ecrBaL* alel yap Trdpa els ye Oecov^ os kotybv aixvvei , Ka\ 5' aXXm rov y lOv (BeXos irereT, ovb^ airoXriyei T^lv xpoos avhpoixeoio hieXOepiev: el he Oeos Trep 100 iaov Teiveiev irokepLOV reXos, ov Ke ixaka pea VLKTjo-eL, ovh^ ei 7Tay)(^dkKeo9 evxerat €tmt." Tbv 6' avre irpocreeiikev ava^ A to? vlos ^ Airokkcov' " rjpo)S, aAA' aye Kal crv Oeots aleiyeverricnv ev\eo' Kal he ae (fyao't Atos Kovprjs ^AcfypohtTrjs 105 eKyeydfjLeVy Keivos he x^P^^ovos eK 6eov eaTiv (j^oA/M'^'M^^ yap Atoy eaO', rj 5' e^ akioio yepovros, p dAA' l Oys^j^ pe x^tA/coz; areLpea, fxrjhe ae ndpLTiav kevyakeois eTreecra-Lv diTOTpeTreTO} Kal dpetr/." eliTcav eixirveva-e fievos [xeya Trot/xeVt Aawr, no ^T] he hia TTpoixdyoiv KeKopvO^xevos aWoTn xctAKw. oi6' lAa^' 'Ay^tcrao ird'Cs kevKcokevov ^'Hprjv . ^ avrla Uriketoivos l(i)v dva oykajxbv dvhpcav' v^fryj ^^jjiiA^^^^ 6* ai xvhLS oTij craq-a Oeovs /utera [xvOov eeLire* (ppdCeo-Oov hr] acpm, Yloo-eihaov Kal 'AOrjvrj, 115 ev (ppealv vixeTeprjaLV, oirois eaTai rdhe epya> AiveLas oh^ ejBrj KeKopvOpievos aXOoin xakK^ dvTia Ylrj\ei(iivos, avrjKe he 4>ot/3o9 'AttoAAcoz;. dAA' dye6\ rjfxeLs irep [xiv aTroTprnTrcouev OTrtVo-co avToOev* fj rt? eTietra kol fjixeLcav ^A)(^Lkr}L 120 7Tap(TTair], boCrj be Kpdros fxiya, ixrjbi tl Ovfxi^ beveo-Qo), iva eibfj o ixiv (jiLkiovcnv apicrToi m^(f^r^ ^^^1 aOavoLToiv, ol 5' avr aveixdiXioi o\ to irdpos irlp ^J^Jj^ ^\/^rJHJ Tpoo(Tlv a\xvvov(Tiv TToKefj^ov kol brj'iorrjra. ^jyt ^j p'{](javTa KeXevo) 69 irXrjOvv UvaL, /xt]6' olvtlos Xaracr e/xeto, TipLv TL KaKov 7TaO€€Lv' pe^Oev be T€ vrjiTLOS eyvcoJ' Tdv 5' avT Alveias cmap^eL^ero (fxovqo-ev re' " Urjketbr], /xr) brj /x' eiieedcrL ye vrjirvTLOV 200 ekireo beLbL^eaOaL, eirel (rac^a dlba koX avTos jj Tjpiev KepTop^ias rjb' alaxAa pivOrjo-aa-daL, u/ixltfi^^^^*^^^ tbpiev 8' aXXrjk(i)v yeverjv, lbp.ev be roKrjas, n upoKXvT CLKOVOvres eirea 6vr]T6)v avOpdircov' ^ oxjreL b' ovt ap ttco (tv ep.ov9 ibes ovr ap eyw (TOVS. 205 v br] vvv erepoL ye (piXov TToiba KXavo-ovrai 210 (TTip^epoV ov yap (^yiqp! eireecra-L ye v^-uvtlolctlv &be bLaKpLvOevre p^dxns t$ diroveea-eaL. el 5' eeeXeL9 /cat ravra barip^evaL, o^p ev elby^ TjpLereprjv yeverjv^ ttoXXoI be pLLV avbpes IcaaC Adpbavov av irpcoTOv rUero ve^eX'qyepera Zevs, 215 VOL. II. M l62 20. IAIAA02 T. KTio-ae be AapbavCrjv, iirel ov tto) ''lAioj Ipr} vmo£€Las (DK€Ov TroXviTibaKOs Ibrjs. Adpbavos av reKeO^ vlbv ^EpixOovLov jBacnXrja, OS brj CLipveLOTaros yiv€TO 0vr]TS>v avOpdiTiodv' 220 ^^i^.^^ rpto-xtAtat Ititioi eAoy Kara ^ovKoXiovro OrfXeiaL, TrdkotorLv ayaXXopLevai araXrjcn, U/ivcWt- rdoiiv KOL Bopirjs rjpdo-a-aTo IBoo-Kopievdcov, tTTTTO) 6' elordfjievos irapeXi^aro Kvavoyairrj' al 5' VTTOKVcrdixevaL €T€kov bvoKaibeKa irdXavs. 225 J^/\AAiJ<^^ ^' ^'^^ (TKtprwez; ctti CeLb oojJov dpovpav, J^^jjJlJ'^^P^^ €7r' d vOepLK cov Kapirbv 6iov ovbe KarcKXcoi;* a AX' ore 87) o-KtprcSez; e^r' eipea rwra ffaXdo-arjSy 5Ua/^ cLKpov eirl pry^juvos aXbs ttoXloIo OieaKOv, Tpa>a 5' 'Eptx^^ortos riKero Tpcoecaiv dvaKTa' . 230 Tpcoo? 5' aS rpets 7rat8es dpjviioves i^eyevovTo, ^IXos T ^ AcTo-dpaKOs re /cat avriOeos Tavvfxribr]9f 09 brj KdXXio-Tos yivero 6vr]To^v dvOpcoiTOdv' Tov KoX dvr]p€iy\ravTo OeoX Ad otz^o^oe^^etr KaAAeos etveKa olo, tV dOavdroLo-i ixeTeiTj, 235 "^lAo? 8' av reKeO^ vlbv afxypLova AaofxibovTa' Aaofjiiboov 8' dpa TLOcavbv reKero Upta/xoV re AdfjLTTov re KAurioi; 0' 'iKeraoz^a r', "Apr^os* 'Acro-apaKOS 8e Kdirvv, 6 8' ap^ 'Ayx^to-r^i; re/ce 7rat8a* avTap e/x' 'Ay)(t(Tr]9, Ylptafios 8' erex' ''EKropa 8 tor. 240 raT^rryy rot yere^9 re kol aip.aTos €v\oixai etvai, ■i Zevs 8' dp€Tr]v drbpeo-a-LV dc^eAAet re fjuvvOei re, 071770)9 Ker k6iXr\(Tiv' 6 yap Kaprio'Tos airavTCdV. aAA' aye pLriKirt ravra XeydjJieOa vrjirvnoL co9, eo-raoV er [leo-o-rj vo-fjiLvrj brj'CoTrjTos* 245 eo-rt yap a/x(^orepo tcrtr oz^et8ea pLvOrjcracrOaL TToXXd ixdX\ ovb^ hv vr]v$ kKaTo^vyos dyOos apoiTo. ^ 20. IAIAA02T. 163 (T TpeTTT rj be yXwcro-' earl j^porcov, iroKees hi [xvOoi^ TTavToloL, €7T€0}v be TToXvs vojxos evOa Kol evOa. ^(P^^ oTTTTOLov K eLTTTjcTOa €7709, TOiov K enaKovams. 250 oXKa TIT] epibas kol veUea vQiiv avdyKr] veLKeiv aW-qkoLo-Lv evavrCov, cos re yvvaiKa^^ at re xoXa^o-onxev ai epibos irepi OvpLojSopoLO veiKeva akXrj\rj(n pieo-rjv h ayvtav lovcraL, i/u^ TToXA.' erea re kol ovkl' )(oAo9 be re kol tcl KeXevei, 255 akKTjs y ov [x eTTeecra-Lv airoTpexj/eLS fxe/xacura TTplv xaX/co) [xaxeaao-OaL evavrLov aAA' aye Oaadov yevo-ojjieO* aWrjkoov yaXKr}pecnv ey^eiricriv,^^ "^H pa, Ka\ ev beivQ (roLKei ijXao-ev o/Bptfjiov eyxos, (riiepba\e(D' fxeya 6' d/xot/3os 'AttoXXodv' 20. IAIAA02 T. 167 akXa Kara ttXtjOvv re kol €k (t)XoLakos be u)- U J^A^ evbov airas -n ejidkaKT O' bdixaaae bi ixiv fxefxa^Ta. 400 *l7r7ro6d/xaz;ra b' eireiTa Kaff iTTTrcoz; aC^avTay Tipoadtv eOev (f^evyovTa, fxeTdcjypevov oiiTacre bovpL ^ avTdp 6 Ovfxbv dLcrOe Kal ijpvyev, o>s Sre Tavpos jm^ J^^^ fipvyev kkKOfxevos 'EkiKcimov ajJ^ ^^^'^^^ /L(r^ ^ wtTctA Kovpa^v ekKOVTCoV ydvvTai bi re tols evoaixOc^v' 405 &s apa TOV y epvydvTa kCir ocTTia Ovixbs dyrivcop' avTap 6 /37j avy bovpl /xcr avTiOeov Uokvboypov 168 20. lAIAAOS T. YlpLajxCbrjv, rov 6' oi! rt irar-qp eXacKe ixayjecOai^ t^'^t^ ovv€Ka OL /xera TTatat v ^Taro ^ ecrKe y oz^ot o, J LLrtyny naC ol (j)[kTaTos eo-Ke, irobeo-aL be Travras ivLKa' 410 brj t6t€ vrjirUrja-L irobcov aperrjv ava(l)aiv(ov 6vv€ biCL 7:poixd\o}v, rjos ^ikov SiXecre Ovpiov, Tov ^ake p.i(T(Tov clkovtl irobdpKrjs bios 'A)(tA.A€i): vCiTa TTapatcraovTos, 06 l ^coo-rrjpos qxfjes ^^^^^^^fa^iA^ y^pvaeioL orvve^ov koX bL uXoos nvTej o Odprj^' 0^^^^ 415 avTLKpv be biecrxe nap 6pi(pa\bv eyx^eos alxM) yvv^ 8' eptTr' olpid^as, ve(f)i\rj be ixiv dp.^eKaXvylre Kvaver], irporl ol b^ eAajS' evrepa x^P^^^ XiaaOeLS. ''Ektco/) 6' 0)9 €v67](T€ KacTLyvTjTov HoXvboipov evrepa \epa\v expvra^ Xia^ojxevov ttotl yairj, 420 Kap pa OL ocpdaXpLcav Ke^vr a^Xvs ovo ap er erXr] brjpov €Kas a Tp(i^ij mo'0\ dXX^ avrios rjXO^ 'A^tA^'i 6^v bopv Kpabdcov, (jyXoyl elKeXos' avrap ^ AyjiXXevs 0)9 €tb\ dvenaXTo^ Kal ev^pixevos eiros rjvba' iTN^^f^A^ ^* eyyvs dvrjp 6s' epiov ye ixaXio-r ea^^maaaro dvj^ov, 425^ 09 /xot eraipov e7Te(f)ve reriixevov* ovb' av en brjv dXXrjXovs 7TT(0(r.(T0LiJiev dva TTToXepoLO ye^vpas»^ 'H, Kat vTTobpa Ibcav Trpocrectxiveev ''E/cropa blov \ " acrorov X0\ &s Kev Oaa-crov oXeOpov i reipad ^ t/cr^at." Tov 8' ov Tap^ricras irpocrecfyrj KopvOaCoXos '^FtKTcop' 430 " UrjXetbrj, /xr) brf fx' eTieeaa-L ye vrjirvrtov 0)9 eXireo beibi^ecrOaL, eirel (rd(f)a olba Kal avrbs rjiJiev KepTOfjiLas 7]8' alcrvXa pLvOrjo-ao-OaL. OLOa 0 on prv p.ev eauXos^ eyo) oe creuev ttoXv ^eiponv. dXX^ rj TOL piev ravra Oecov ev yovvaa-i KetraL, 435 at Ke ae x^^poTepos Trep etjjv dirb Ovp.ov eXcopiaL bovpl iSaXdvy eirel rj Kal epibv IBeXos d^v i^dpoiOev.^^ pa, Kal dpL7Te7raXo)'j irpoteL bopv, Kal to y ^AOrjvr] TTVOLT] 'AxiXXfjos TidXiv erpaire KvbaXipLoto, . 20. IAIAA02 T. 169 T/Ka /xaAa xjrv^aaa' to 6' a^^ LKeO' '^EKTopa biov, 440 avTov be TTpOTrdpoiOe Trohcov Triorev. avrap ^ AyjXKevs 6/x/ix6/xaa)9 iiTopovo-e KaTaKrajxevai pLeveaCvodV) (TjiepbaXia ldx(»y2^' tov 5' e^rjpTra^ev 'AttoAXcoz; pela ixak' &s re ^eoy, €K.dXv\j/€ b^ dp rjept iroXXfj, rpls ixkv eiieiT iiropovcre 7robdpK7]s bios ^AxiXXevs 445 dAA' ore 6^ ro rirapTov eirecra-vTo balpiovL lctos, beLva b* dixoKXrjcras eirea TTTepoevra Trpocrrjvba' 6^ av vvv €(f)vy€S Odvarov^ kvop' 77 ri rot ay)(t riXOe. KaKOv'. vvv avri cr ipvcraro 4>ot/3os ^ AttoXXcov, 450

eL pieydXco e^aCvvTo OvpLoV avTCLp 6 Aaoyovov kol Adpbavov, vie Bluvtos, 460 a/x(|)co e(popp.r]6eh e^ lttttoov So-e x^l^^C^y TOV. p.ev bovpl ^aXdv, tov be (rxebov dopi TV\lras» Tpwa b' 'AXaaTopibrjv, — 6 piev dvTLos ijXvOe yovvoov, el 770)9 ev '7Te(f)LboLTo Xa^o)V kol Co)bv d(f)eir], pLTjbe KaTaKTeiveiev opLrjXiKLrjv eXerjo-as, 4^5 vrjTTLO^, ovbe to fjbr], o ov 77etcreo-^at ep^eXXeV ov ydp TL yXvKvOvpLOS dvrjp rjv ovo dyav6(ppo)V, dXXa p.dX' e/x/xe/xao)?- 6 piev ijiTTeTo x^tpeo-t yovvo)v Upievos XLar(reo-0\ 6 be ct)a(Tydv(o oSra KaO^ rjirap' eK be 06 ^77ap oXtcrOev, cLTCtp piiXav alp.a KaT avTov 470 koXttov eveTrXrjo-ev tov be otkotos oaae KdXvyj/e 170 20. 1AIAA02 T. jQ^^-crtL^ OvjJi'O y ba) ^€Vov' 6 be MovXlov oJ/Ta TTapacTas Q hovpL Kar ovs' eWap be be ovaros rjkO^ krepoio dlxpLTj \akK€Lr]' 6 8' ^Ayrjvopos vidv *'Ex€kXoi; \xi(Ta"qv kolk K€€L ijXaa-e KOiTTrjevn, 475 TTOLV 8' vireOeppLavOri ^Cipos atpLaTL* tov be Kar ocrce ekXa^e 7Top(l)vpeos Oavaros koX ixoipa KpaTairj. AevKakicova 8' eTieiS*, iva re ^vveyovai revovres ayKcovoSy rfj tov ye (f>Lkrjs bia x^^pos eireipev alXH-fi X^^'^^^V' ^ /xeVe X^'^P^ (BapvvOeis, 480 upocrS* opocov Oavarov' 6 be (paaydvco avxeva Oeivas A Trj}C avrfi irrjKrjKL Kaprj (Bake* ixvekbs avre j^jdt^" XP^^^ovbvkioov eK7rak6\ 6 8' eirl x^^^^ Kelro TavvcrOeis, avrap 6 ^rj p levat [xer apiviJiova Heipeoi viov, ^FCyiJLOv, 09 6K &pT]Kr]s epi/3(akaK09 elkrjkovOeL' 485 TOV I3dke ixeaaov olkovtl, nayr] 8' ev vr]bvi xciA.ko9, ripiTie 8"* oxecov' 6 8' ^AprjiOoov OepdirovTa axj/ LTTTTovs (TTpixj/avTa jxeTCLCppevov o^e'C bovpl vv$\ CLTTO 8' apfJLaTos o}(Te' KVKrjOrjcrav be ol lttttol tyA.^jbJj'^^t *I2s 8' avauaiixa eL ^aOe aynea Oeo-inbaes TTvp 490 Agj^^i^Ji oiJpeos a^akeoLo, (BaOeia be KaleTai vkr}, Ar^UL. * * < TrdvTrj 76 Kkovecov avepLOS (^koya elkv(l)d^ei, 0 &s o ye TrdvTTj Ovve crvv eyxel baipLOVL Taos, mKTeivop^evovs ec^ejuov' pee 8' alp^aTi yaia iiekaiva, m 8' ore tls C^v^rj j36as apaevas evpvpLeTdirovs 495 fJjP^y^H>d k eiTT eyev ovTo pocov vtto TTocrcr epLfxVKCov, &s VTT ^Axf'kkrjos pLeyaOvp^ov pidwxes Ittttoi OTTj^^oi; opiov veKvds re koX acnTibas' olp.aTi 8' d^oiv vepOev alias TreirdkaKTO Kal dvTvyes at Trept 8t<^poi;, 500 hs dp' d(\) LTnTeLcov o^icov pa£djuyyes e^aXkov at T aTr' eTTLo-o-dTpcov' o be tero Kvbos dpecrOai Uriketbrjs, kv6p(D be TiakdcrcreTO x^^pct? daTrrovs. r IAIAA02 Md')(fj TrapaTrordfJLiog, 'AW' ore 8r) iropov l^ov eiippeto? iroTaixoio, SdvOov bivrjevTos, ov aOavaTo^ reKero Zevs, €v0a oiarixri^as rovs ixkv -nehiovhe biooK^ TTpOS TToklVy fj TTep 'A)(atOt aTv(6lJi€V0L (pol^eovTo ijfxaTL r(2 TTporepo), ore jxaivero cfyatb LfjLos ''EKT(i)p' 5 Tji p ot ye TTpox^ovTo Tr e^r^oVe y, T^epa ''Hpry 1^ JJj^iT^ iTLTva TTpoaOe ^aOetav epvK^jlev' rjfXLo-ees be t (/ es TTOTapidv elXevvro ^aOvppoov apyvpobivqv, i €V 8' €7r€(rov ixeyaKco Trardyo), ^pay^e b' aiTra p j^Opa ^ ClA**"'*^''^^^'^ o;(^a6 8' d/x(^t Trept fxeydX' ?a)(oi^* ot 8' oXak-qT^ 10 ^vveov €vOa kol €v6a, kXicra-oixevoi irepl bivas. (f)evy€iJL€vaL iroTafjiovbe' to be c^Xeyet aKaixarov irvp opjxevov k^ai(f)vr]s, rai be ttt(1)(T(tov(ti KaO^ vboop' &s VTT 'A;(tXA^09 advOov ^a6vbivr]evTos 15 7r\?Jro poos Kekdboov eTrt/xt^ lttttoov re kol avbpQ>v, AvTctp 6 bioyevrjs bopv [xev XiTrev avrov eTr' oyOrj KeKkiixevov pLVpiKridLV, 0 8' eaOope baiixovi Icros^ ^ * (jydcyavov otov eyo^v, KaKa be (^peal \xr\beTO epya, [/UMl/t/^ ^h\A^ m TVTTTe 8' e TncrTpocbd bnv' rair 8e arovos &pvvT aeu^s 20 I yM^lnAA aopi Oeivofjievoov, epvOaivero 8' at/xart {;8a)p. ^ J^jtfee^^ 0)9 8' VTTO bekcplvos ixeyoKrjreos IxOves akXoi if / i ^ (jyevyovres 7rt/x7rXd(n ixvyoh Xifxevos evo^ov^ jLdjjth<^^^*'*^ 17a 21. lAIAAOS 6a\\xol(Tiv op^dp.aC ri juaAa 8^ Tpa)e9 [xeyaXriTopeSy ovs irep eTrecj^vov, 55 21. IAIAA02 4>. 173 oSriy avarrTrjo-ovTai vtto fo^ou rjepoevros, olov br] Koi ob' ^kOe (f)vyG)v vtto vrjXeh rfixap, Arjixvov h rjyaOerjv Treireprjixivos' ovbi ^xiv eVxe TTOVTOS akbs TToktrj^y o TToXeas aeKovras ipVKei, dAX* aye 8^ kol bovpo9 cLKcoKrjs fjixeripoLO 60 yevcreTat, ocjypa t6co/xat ivl (ppea-lv rjbe baeico fj ap^ opL^s KOL KdOev iXevo-eraL, ^ jjllv epv^ec yi] (l)V(rCCoos, rj re Kara Kparepov irep epvKei,^' "^£ls &pixaive ixivcav' 6 be ol crxebov rjXOe T€6r]7:m, yovvcov axjracrOaL /xe/xaw?, irepl 5' rjOeXe OvpiLD 65 €K(l)vyi€iV Odvarov re kukov Kal Krjpa ixiXaivav, Tj TOL 6 fxev bopv [xaKpov avia^ero bios ^A\L\kevs ovTOLixevai fxefiads, 6 8' vTrebpapie kol XdjBe yovvcov Kvxjras* ^yx^^V ^' ^p' virep vdrov evl yair] / 60-77], lefJiivr] xpoos dfxevai avbpop.ioio, (So/f^ ^ |7o avrap 6 rrj ereprj piev kkcbv eXXto-oreTO yovvcov, Trj 8' €T€prj ex^v eyxos aKaxp-^vov ovbe pLeOier ^k^/tfi^ Kai piLV (l)(i)vri(Tas evrea iTTepoevra Trpoo-rjvba' yovvovpat (t, ^AxtXev' av be p atbeo Kai pH eXer](TOV* avTL TOL elpL LKerao, 8torp6<^€S, alboLoio' t/t>'t^ ^ ^5 Trap yap aol irpdrco TraadpL-qv Ai]priTepos clktu v, (Itn/i^ rip,aTi 7(0 076 p! elkes evKTcpevj] ev dXo)fj^ Kai pJ eirepao-o-as dvevOev dyoov irarpos re ^iXo^v re ^ ArjpLvov es rjyaOerjv, eKorojx^oipv be tol 7]X(t)op. ^ff^^ 09*^ vvv be XvpLTiv Tph Too-aa iropdv 770)9 be pot ecrTiv 80 rjbe bvcobeKarr], or es '^IXtov elXriXovOa TToXXa iraQdiv* vvv av pie rem ev x^po-tr 6^7;k6 fxotp' oXoTj' peXXo) TTOV a7r6X^^'o-^at Ad irarpL, 09 pie (Tol avTis eboiKe' pLLVvvOdbiov be p.e priTr]p yeLvaro AaoOorj, Ovydr-qp ''AXrao yepovros, 85 *'AX76a), 09 AeXeyecrcTi (f)LXoTTToXep.OL(riv dvda-aei^ ^ Ylribacrov alTrrjeo-crav ex'^^ ^'^^ ^arvioevri. 174 -=^21. IAIAA02 *. row 8' ex€ dvyarepa UpCanos, ttoXXus 8e Kot aXXas' Trjs be 8va> yevofxecTOa, crii b' aji^c^o) beipoToix-qa-eis. rj TOL Tov TTpdroLo-L fxeTCL iT pyXjeo- a-L bdixacro-as, 90 avTiOeov TIo\vbo)pov, eirel (Bakes d^i'C bovpi' jL eras x^^P^^ (l)€V^€(T0aL, eirei p iT reXaa cre ye baipLcov. nNi^ [^4A^ aXXo roi epeo), av 5' ez^t (f)p€(Ti /BdWeo o-fjcn' J^^p/fS. ^ t P-^ KTelv, €7T€l OVX OfJ iOy CLOT p LOS "EfCTOpOJ ei/ixt, 95 jA4»ve tuff^^^^s Tot kralpov eirecpvev €vr]ia re Kparepov re." apa fxtz^ riptajutoto irpocrrjvba (/)at8t/xo9 vlos Xto'crop.eros 67ree(ro-tr, ap^eiKiKTOv 8' ott' a/covcre* " rr/Trte, fx?] /xot anoiva 7n(f)av(rK€0 jutr;8' ayopeue* TTptr jutez; yap rTarpoKXoi^ eTiio-neiv aXcripiOv rjpLap, 100 T6(f)pa TL pLOL 7T€(l)Lb€(r6aL €vl cf)p€(rl (fytkrepov rjev Tp(i(i)Vf Kal TTokkovs C^^ovs ekov Tjb^ iirepaacra' vvv 8' ovK €(T0* OS TLs OcLvaTov (f>vyrj, ov K€ Oeos ye 'IXtov TTpoTcapoiOev e/xr/s er X^P^^ jBaXrjcn, Kal TrdvToyv Tpcoodv. nipL 8' aS ETpta/xoto ye 7rat8a)i;. 105 dAXa, (^ tXog, ^dre Kat cn;* rtr; dXo(pvpeaL ovtohs ; KarOave Kal YldrpOKKos, 6 Trep cre'o ttoWoz; apL€LV(ji)V. ovx bpaas olos kol eyo) koKos re /xeyas re ; Trarpbs 8' ei/x' ayaOolo, Oea 8e /xe yeivaro pLrjrrjp* aW €771 Toi Kal ep,ol fldraros fcai p.olpa Kparairi' no eo-crerai rj rjcbs rj 8etXr] r) p^iaov rjpiap, OTTTToTe TLS Kal e/xeto *'Apr7 e/c Ovpibv eXrjTaL, 7/ o ye 8oi>pt jSaXcbv rj diro vev£^LV o'C(ttid, *I2s c^dro, roi; 8' airoO X?;ro yo?Jmra Kal (f)LXov ^rop* eyxo? fxez; p d(j)ir]K€V, 6 8' e^ero x^^P^ TieTaaaas 115 opi(f)oripas' ^AxLXevs 8e epva-crdpievos ^Cc^os o^v Tvy\fe Kara KXrj'Cba nap avx'^va^ ttclv 8e ol etcrco 80 ft(^os dpi(f)r]K€S' 6 8' dpa irprjvrjs em yatry Ketro raOeCs, e/c 8^ at/xa piiXav pie, beve be yaiav* ^'ai. IAIAA02 175 Tov 8' 'AxtXevs TToraixovbe ka[3(i)v TTobos rjKe (jiipeo-Oai^ Ka[ ol eTTevxpix^vos eirea irrepoevT ayopeveV 121 " kvTavBoi VVV K€LCrO IX€T IxOvCTLV, OL (T i)T€iXr]V al/x' aT:o\L\ixr](TOVTaL a Krjbie s' ovhe ere fJ-rjTrjp iouulLj^ ivOepiivrj Aexeeo-crt yorja-erai, aWa ^Kapiavbpos OL(T€L bLvrjeis eio-co aAoy evpia koXttov, 12^ 6p(p(TK.(jov TLS Kara KvpLa [leXaivav (l)pix i57rat^6t Ai/fihu^ IxOvSy OS K€ (j)dyr](n AvkAovos apyira brjfxov. (l)6€Lpe(r6\ els 0 k€v olcttv Ki\€iop.ev 'IXtov Iprjs, vp^eis pi€v (f)€vyovT€S, kyi^h^ oinOev KepatCcov. ovb^ vplv TTorap.os TT€p ivppoos apyvpob iV7]s 130 apK€(T€L, pp.Yjv€v 8' avd 6vp.bv ottojs Travcreie ttovolo blov 'AxtAArJa, Tpdeaai be Xoiybv clXclXkol. Tocppa be Ylrjkeos vlos eyo^v boXi\6(TKiov eyyos ^AaTep07TaL(D eTraXro KaraKTap^evai pLeveaLvo)Vy 140 vleC Ylr]\ey6vos' rbv 8' 'A^to? evpvpeeOpos yeivaro koX UepL^ota, ^ KKecr(Tap.evoio OvyarpSiV TTpealBvTdrr]' tt] yap pa p^iyrf TTorap^bs /BaOvbivrjs. ^cUt/nji ro) 8' ^AyjXevs eTTopovaev, 6 8' d vjios en nor a^lo (7 ^Jta/vCO*" eo-TT] eyjdiv bvo bovpe' pievos be ol ev (fypea-l OrjKe 145 Edv6os, eirel KexdXcoTO baiKTapLevoav alCrjoiv, Tovs ^A^iXevs ebaCCe Kara podv ovb' eXeaipev. oi 8' ore br] crxebbv rjaav eir' dXXrjXoLcnv lovres, TOV TTpoTepos TTpoo-eeLTre TrobdpKrjs 8 toy Ax^XXevs' "719 TTodev els avbpcov, o p.ev erXiqs avrios eXOeiv ; 150 bv(TTriv(jiV be re iralbes ep^ pievei avTLoaxn'' 1^ 21. IAIAA02 Tbv 8' av Tlrjkeyovos Trpoo-e^wree <^a^8tfxo9 vlos' -|- " rTriXetSr] fjieyddvixe, tlt] yeverjv ipeeiveis ; €t/x' 6K riaioz^tr;? €pL(3(i\ov, Tr]X60* eovcrrjs, Tlalovas avbpas ayo)v bokcx^yx^f^^' be imol vvv 155. 170)9 kvbeKCLTr], or ey ^lAtor etXT^Aozj^a. avrap e/xol yez^e^ 'A^toi; €vpv piovros, \^A^LOv, 09 koXKkttov vba)p €ttI yaiav tr^crti^,] 09 re/ce n?7X6yo2/a kXvtov eyxe'C' tov 8' e/xe (/)a(rt yeivaarBai' vvv avre piaxcopieOa, (paibLfx 'A)(tXA€i5." 160 *^129 (^ar' d7r€tA?](ra9, 6 8' avicrxero bios ^AxikXevs ^J^UAtf Tlr]kLdba pLeXCriv' 6 8' ajxapr^ bo vpao-LV aj xcjyls ^ t 1^ ^/»4aA T^^V^^ 'Aa-repoTraio?, eTret irepLbi^ios rjev. o/vnik^*^ JStijyV Kat /)' kripcD pkv bovpX (tolkos ^dXev, ovbe biairpo P^t^ craKOs' XP"^^^^ 7^9 ^p^/^ctKe, ocopa deoio 165 7(5 8' kripi^ pLLv TTTjxw k inypd^b riv (BdXe x.^tpo9 b^LTeprjs, crvTo 8' al/xa KeXaivecjyis' rj bj lyirep avTov yairj eveo-rripLKTo, kiXaLopievr] xpoo? acrat. 8evr6po9 avT ^Axikevs p.ekir]v iOvTrrUova 'Ao-repoTrato) e, 177 " K€t(r' ovTods" x^aXeiTov rot epicrOevios KpovLMvos iraia-lv ept^e/ixerat 7rora//oto Trep kKyeyaGiTi, 185 ^rfcrOa crv [xkv irorafjiov yivos ^iifxevai evpv peovro^, avTCLp iyo) yev€r]v fxeydXoy Alos evx^ojiai etvat. TiKTe avrjp TTokkoi(rLv avd(r. €6 rot Tjowas eScoKe Kpoz;ov Traty Trai^ra? dXeVo-at* 7rA7]^6t yap 67/ /xot veKVODv eparetra pi^Opa, M*AX ovbe TL TTTj bvvafxai irpoyeeiv poov els aka biav iff JjlAJt/ (TTeivopLevos veKveao-L, av be Kreiveis aibriXm * 220 ^^(a*^^^^ aXV aye brj koa. eaaoV ayrj fx e\ei, op\a\xe KaMV*" )l^f\j\xr^ Toz/ 6' OLTiapiei^ojievos irpoo-ecprj irobas o)kvs ^ A)(^LWevs' ^' ecrrai ravra, ^Kapiavbpe bLOTpe(pes, 0)9 (tv KeXeveis. Tpwa? 6' ov irplv ArJ^co virepclyiaXovs evapC^oiv^ + TTptr ekcraL Kara acTV kol "EKTopt ireLprjOrjvaL 225 avTL^lr]v, 7] Kev pie bapid(r(reTaL, ff Kev eyo) tov" ^^£ls el7T(i)v Tpdeo-OTLV eireacrvro baipiovi Zeros' KOL TOT ' ATToWoiva TTpoQ-ecpr] TTOTapios I3a0vbivr]s^^ " o) TTOTTOi, apyvpoTo^e, Atoy TeKos, ov av ye j3ovXas •f** elpvarao KpovCoovos, o tol /xaAa ttoXX' eireTeXXe 230 Tpcocl TTapeo-TapievaL kol apxfveiv^ els o Kev eXOrj e/H^*^ ^^^^m^ ^ o\/^6_Wa)i;, crKLao-r} 5' epi^oAov apovpav'^ + flJjJJJv CJ^y^' '^^^ 'A)(tX\6i/9 /xer bovpiKkvTos evOope ixe(r. 179 ^etVa?* ovbe r* eXryye Oeds jJiiyas, S)pTo 6' ctt' avr^ fiO 1 a KpoK^Xaivio oaVy iva [xlv iravaeie ttovolo ^^^^^u^^ UajvKi^JL^ hlov 'AxtAX^a, Tpcoeo-crt he koiyov oKoXkou 2^0^^*^'^^'^^ ' YlrjXeibr]^ 5' airopovo-ev oaov r bovpos ^poorj, /L«,«.(i4/ alerov otpLar €\o)v /xeAaroj, tov 6r]pr]T7]pos, -f* OS ^' afJLa KapTLo-Tos re koX S)kl(ttos ireTerjvo^v' . r(o €tKa)9 ij'C^ev, iirl (TTrjOeo-o-t be )(aXK09 ^^£^ ap^epbaXeov Kova^iCeV vTraiOa be toIo Xiao-deh 255 lg^4/Ytuhi <^ei}y', 6 6' o-niaOe pecov eirero fxeydKio opxjpiayb^, oJh^^ iws 6' oV ai;^/) 0X£II/^^^ Kprjvrj^ ixekavvbpov , ^ ^4/^ ^ lapL (^ura kol ktittovs vb ari poov rjy eiJiovevTi ^ctUW*f Jj^ yCKo^ yov piev re irpopeovTos vtto •^r]4>Lbes airacTdi 260 loxXevvTai' to be t S)Ka KaTei/Sopievov K eXapy^ i -jf TTttcrunuoLj Ixwpa) evL TTQoakeL, (jyOdvei be re kcu tov ayopTa' S^cf\tAMs 0)9 aiel 'A)(tA.?ya KLxrjo'aTo Kvpia pooio Q KoX XaL\l/r]pbv eovTa' 6eol be re ^epTepoi dvbp^v. ^ ocTcrdKL 5' oppLrjoreie TrobdpKrjs 6t09 ^A^iWevs 265 (TTrjvaL evavTL^LOv kol yvcopLevai et pnv duqiVTes ^ aOdvaTOL (^o^eovai, rol ovpavbv evpvv exovtJCL, TOcradKt pitv /xeya Kvpia buireTtos iroTapioio * J^J ^^j^^^p^ irkd^l w/xovs KaOvTTepOev' 6 5' v\\f6(Te Troo-alv eiTrjba +- 6vpL^ dvid^diV TTorafxos 8' V7rb yovvaj ebap.v(i 270 * Xd^pos viraiOa peodv, KOvC-qv 8' virepeiTTe TTobouv. ui«t/AtM- IlrjXetSrys 8' wjutco^er lOwz/ €t9 ovpavbv evpvV tL^i " Zei; Trarep, oi! rt9 /X6 ^€§2^ eXeeivbv vTreo-TT} + €K TTOTapLOLO (TaG)(TaC e-neiTa be Kai ti irdOoLixL. (t trn6t^h^}' aWos b' ov TLs fxot too-ov atrtoy OvpavLcavoiv, . 275 aXXd (jyiX-q fxriTrip, rj p.e y^revbeacriv eOeXyeV j(^^AjMtjr ij pi e(l)aTo Tpdodv virb TeCx^'C OcoprjKTaaiv XaLyj/rjpoh oXeeaOai ^AiroXXoivo^ ^eXeeo-cnv. m o(f)eX' ''EKTcap KTeivai, 09 evOdbe y hpacp' apL^TOs' N 2 i8o 21. lAIAAOS ^^^^'^^ r(t) K ayaOos /xer €'n€(f)v\ ayaObv be k€V k^evdpi^e* 280 ^ i^Or /X6 AevyaX€a) Oavarod eifxapro aXQivai |vrt/*vioJ^ 6V pa r' €vav\os a TToep o-j} yjujxm^i Trepcorra.'^ a. j/i^^ ^ (TTr\Tr]v iyyvs lovre, befxas 6' avbpeo-aiv iiKTrjv, 285 Q cLSh*^^^^^*^'^ TOL(TL be fjivOoov rjpx^ Yloceibdoov kvoo-iyOodv' ^^H-qkeibr], pnqr dp ri kirjv rpie ixrjre tl rdp^ei' roLO) ydp TOL vco'i Oecov eTnrappoOco elp^iv, Zr]vo9 €7raLvri(TavT09, eyo) /cat riaWa? ^AOrivr]' 290 0)9 ov TOL TTorajuto) ye bafjufjiJievaL aia-Ljiov io-Ttv, » 7rpQ 9 ^ oov dta-a-ovTos dv l^v v. ovbe pLLV Icryev *^*^^io^ifl^' ^ff^^^ ^ypv picov TTOTapLOS' pieya ydp aOivos epL/BaX! 'AOrjvr], ovbe I^Kdpavbpos eXrjye to ov p^evos, aAA' eTL pxikXov 305 05,#il^* X^^^^ ^f]XeL(£iVL^ KopvcTG-e be Kvp^a pooLO ^ v\^6a deipopievos, ^tpioevTL be KeKkeT dvaas' ^ jl^c^tAe Ka(TLyvr]Te, crOevos dvepos dpicfyoTepoL irep I ayj^p^ev, eiieX Taya daTV piiya ITpta/xoto dvaKTos I e/cTrepo-et, Tpa)€9 Kard pioOov ov p.evlov(TLV, 310 •laW eirdpLvve Ta^io'Ta^ /cat epLTrLirXrjOL peeOpa 21. lAIAAOS 4>. i8i vbaT09 €K TTrjyiodv, nravras 5' o poOvv ov evavXovs, LCTTr] juteya KVjjia, iTokvv 8' opvixayhov optve (f)LTj^' KOL Kacov, iva uavcroixev aypiov avhpa, Jf^uM-^^Oii OS Sr) vvv KpaT€€L, fxepiovev 8' o ye to-a Oeolcri. 315 (/)77jLtt yap oi;r€ ^1171; y^pai(Tix'r](Tiixev ovre tl elbos, OVT€ TCL TeVX^CL KttAa, TCL TTOV fXCiXa V^LO^ L kifJLVqS K€L(T€6' VTT^ l )^vos KeKakvpLfJiiva' Kab bi jjllv avTov pLVpiov, ovbe ol oore' eTncTTrjo-ovTaL 'Amatol 320 dWe^at' T6(T(Tr}v ol acriv KaOvirepOe KaXvxj/o), -P avTov ol KOL o-rjjjia Terev^eraL, ovbi tl pav XP^^ /) €(TTai T vjij3o^ or]s, ore p^iv Odnroicnv 'A)(atotV fi/U^dlwij a y IxeLkLXiOLs e-neeo-criv dTTOTpeTrero) kol dpeif]' ^ ^^^M^ pLTjbe irplv diroiTave rebv pievos, aXA.' ottot av br] 34° / (pOey^op.' eyo)v idxov(Ta^ rore ax^lv dKdp.aT0v irvp" fUM€^ ^'12g 6(^a^'/'H(/)atoT09 be T iuucrKer o OeaTTLbaes irvp. 0 /^n^^ -npCdTa piev ev Trebico -nvp batero, Kate 8e veKpovs 182 21. IAIAA02 S. ' + 4- 350 l 355 TToAAoi;?, 01 pa Kar avvbv akis €. 183 I Kaioixivrj, Kataxn 5^ ^Aprjiot vie? 'A)(ata)i;." AvTCLp iirel to y aKovcre Oea \eVK(i\evo9 ''Hpr), avTLK ap ''HcfyatoTov 7Tpo(Te '\fi^Jf€ TO) av vvv oto) aTTOTLo-epiev oaa-a /x' eopyas^ ^12s ei7T(i)v ovTr](re Kar aiyCba Ovo-cravoeo'o-av 400 y a'pLepboXer]v, rjvjoybe Alos bdpLvrja-i Kepavvos' _ ff^ kivwi fe^iAlcru TJ] piiv "A/37]? ovTiqa-e pLiai^vos eyxeC paKp^. S^X^Uo' I^. Tevxed r' afji? ovv evorjae Oea kevKciXevos ' Uprj, avTLK 'AOrjvaL-qv eirea TTTepoevra TTpoo-qvba' ^^^^^to/u-*'^^ " o) TTOTTOL, alytoxoio Aids reKO?, ^Argt^T^vrj, 420 KOi br] av0^ 7] KVvdpLVia dyei [BporoXoiydv "Ap7]a brjiov 6/c TToXepiOio Kara kXovov' dXXa jitereX^e." (fydr, ^AOrjvair] be pLerea-crvTo, x^^P^ Ovp(o, Kai p eiTieio-apLevT] irpbs cTTrjOea x^^P*- '^^X^^V 7]Xa(re' rrjs b' avTov Xvto yovvara koI (piXov fjTop. 425 TO) fxev dp^ dpicpoo KelvTO eirl x^o^^ novXy^oTeipri, rj b' dp eTTevxop^evT] eirea urepoevT dyopeve' " TOiovTOi vvv TrdvTes, ooroi Tp(ie(T(riv dpoyyoL, e2ev, OT ' ApyeiOiai /xaxotaro OciipiiKTrjcnv, (s)be re OapcraXeoi Kal rXripoves, o)S 'Acjypobm] 430 rjXOev ^'Aprj eiTiKOVpos €/x(2 pLeveL avnocoG-a' 7(2 Kev br} irdXai dpp^es eiravo'dpeda iTToXepLOLO, ^IXiov eKTiepcravTes evKrLpevov uroXLeOpovy (t^dro, pLeibrjcrev be Bed XevKciAevos ''Hpry avrdp ^ AiToXXojva irpoaecpr] KpeCoov evoo-ixOoov' 435 " 4>ot^6, TiT] br] vm biecrrapev ; ovbe eoiKev dp^dvToov eTepoiv' to pev alarx^ov^ at k a/xax^T-l lopev OvXvpiTovbe Aibs ttotI x<^^Ko^aTes 6a). dpxe' (TV yap yeveri^i vedrepos' ov yap epoiye 21. IAIAA02 ^. 185 Kakov, €7T€l TTpoTepos yevofjirjv kol irXeiova olba. 440 vq-nvTiy 0)9 avoov Kpabirjv ex^s* ovbi vv t(ov irep [xepLvrjaL, ocra 6r) irdOoixev KaKa '^IXlov a/x^t fxovvoL vco'i 6eo)v, or ayrfvopi AaofxibovTL Trap Ato9 ikOovres Oiqjevaaixev els eviavTov ^^^^^^^^^'^^JLu lxL(r6(^ €7TL pr]T<^' 6 be ( rnuaLv cov eT zireXX ev. ^^"^ ^'^^ rj TOL eyo) Tpdecrai ttoKlv Tript reixos ebeipia ^-^y^^a^ €vpv T€ KOL jjidKa KaXov, Iv d ^riK Tos ttoKls etrj' "t* ot/3e, (TV 6' elXiTTobas eXcKas (Bovs ^oviiokieo-Kes ''Ibrjs €v K vr]iJiOLc rL TToXvirrvy^ov vk-qiaa-qs. ^p4AA,l 4- aA\' ore br] pLLaOoLo reAo? iroXvyrjOies ojpai 450 -f- e^ecpepov, rore im'i ^ir\aaTO ixktOov diTavTa -) Aaojjiibcov eKirayXos, dneikricras 5' aTreTrejotTre. \crvv pikv 6 y r}TT€i\rj(T€ irobas kol )(€tpa9 vTrepOe ^Mbr|(T€LV, Kol TTepdav j^ijjrjov^ejrj^riXebaTTa^ \(TT€VTO b^ o y djictyoTepoyv diroXeylriiiev ovara ^aAKw. 455 vm be T d\j/oppoL Kto/xer KeKorrjoTt OvfJica, fiLo-Oov x^^ofxevoL, Tov vTToaTCiS ovK iriXecro^e, Tov br] vvv XaoLGTL (pepeis x^P^^^ ^^^^ M^^' ^/xecoz; 7T€Lpa 0)9 K6 TpO)69 V1T€p(pLaXoL aTToXoyVTai ' jL ^^TlOStt TT poyv v KttKcS?, avv TTatcrl kol alboirjs aXoxoLcri/^ ^^^fjtiC^Ci Tov b' avT€ irpoaiemev dva^ eKaepyos ^AttoXXoov' /^^u«^ ivvocjiyai i ovk av fxe aaocj^pova fxvOrjcraio ej^ixevaL, el brj (tol ye jBpoTcov eveKa TrroAe/xt^o) - beiX^v, dl 4>vXXoL(Tiv eoiKores aXXore p^ev re AjX ^ -ftH-^ (a^Xeyees reXeOovcnVy dpovprjs Kapirov ebovres, ' ^^^ff f) ^ aXXoTe be (f)6Lvv6ov(Tiv a /<7|pjo t. dXXa raxtora X/JkXX-^^ iravcapieo-da /xaxr;?* ol 5' avrol br]pLad(rOcov'' J^JlX ^^^^'^^u-* ''129 dpa (t)0)vri(Tas irdXtv erpdirer* atbero ydp pa TTaTpOKao-LyvrjTOLO pLiyrijJiepaL ev TraXdjirjo-L. ^ tj^ ^t^^ TOV be Kao-LyvrjTr] pidXa veUeore, irdrvLa Orj^^, ^ 47° + *'Ap7€/xt9 d-j ^g^j pr?, kol oveibeiov (fydro [xvOoV i86 ^ 21. IAIAA02 4>. TTCLo-av eTrirpe-^aSi fxiKepv be ol ev^os eboDKas' r^^Lt^ vr]7TVTL€, Ti vv t6^ov €\€is av ejx(!>K iov avT(09 ; fXTj (T€V VVV €TL TTaTpOS €vl jJi€ydpOL(TiV CLKOVCTCO 4' evx^opiivov, o)S to %plv iv aOavamicn Oeoia-LV, avra Ylocreibdaivos evavTi^iov TToAejotifetz'." '^12? pevos avTL(l)epeo'6aL TO^o(f)6p(o irep eovo-jj, eireC ae Xeovra yvvai^l Zevs 6rjK.ev, kol ebooKe KaraKrapLev rjv k e6eXr\(T0a. ri TOL ^eXrepov ecTTL KaT ovpea Orjpas evalpeiv aypoTepas t e\a(f)ovs rj Kpeicraoo-Lv T<^t pd)(^ecrOai, ei 5' eOekets noKep^oio barjpevat, ocfyp* ev elbfi9 ocrcrov (l)epTepr] €i/x', otl pot pievos avTic^epiCeisy pa, KoX dpcfyoTepas eirl Kapir^ \eipas epapiTTe o-Kaifj, be^LTepfj 5' dp* air &pio)v aivvTo To^a, avToicTLV 6' dp^ e&eive nap ovaTa /xetdtooxra evTpoTTakiCopevrjv* Ta)(^ees 8^ eKitiiTTov 6'l(ttoL baKpvoeorcra 8' viraiOa 6ed (l)vyev co? re TreAeta, 0^ rj pd 6^ vii LprjKOS Koik-qv elcreTiTaTo TreTprfv, ^ ^ X2j[jP^M.^ ^^' ^f? 7^ akdpevai aicnpiov "^ev* 0)9 77 baKpv6eo-(ra ({)vyev, ktiTe 8' avToOi To^a. ^ . ArjTO) be 'TTpoaeetTTe btdKTopos ^ ApyeL(j)6vTT]s' -jpr jL " ArjTOLj eyo) be tol Ov tl p.ayr]O'0p.aL' dpyaXeov be V ^ jr krfKTLC^P 'O^ dk6yoL(TL Ato9 ve(\)eXr]yepeTao' '^J^ dAAa pdka 'T Tpouppa crcra p.eT dOavdTOLo-L Oexno'Lv fM^^X^^^^^ rtKiyo-at KpaTep^fpL ^Lr]^LV\^ ^D^s dp^ €(|)?], Ar]ro) 8£ avvaivvTo K a^jf ^a To^a (JiV »^ TTeTrrecSr aAAi;8ts aAAa /xera aTpocpdkLyyL K0VLr]s. 21. IAIAA02 ^. 187 rj iJL€v To^a Xajiod&a irakiv kU Ovyatepos Tjs* fj 6' ap' ^'OXVfjLTTOv iKave Abbs ttotI xaA/co/^ares 6avos Kekabeivrj' ' () " (j-q [x aAo)(os (TTV(j)iki^€, iraTep, kevKcikevos 'Uprj, . / ^9 aOavatoicnv epis Kal vetKos i( f)V7TT aL.^' has ^ ^ A^vM. *^vQ9 ol [xev Totavta irpbs akkrjkovs ayopevov* avrap 'AttoAAcoz; 4>ot/3o9 kbvdero "Ikiov Iprjv' 515 fjiefi^kero yap ol relxos evbjJiriTOLO TTokrjoS) fjLT} Aavaol irepo-eiav vireppLopov ijpLaTL Keipio, ol 5' akkoL TTpbs *'OkvfJL7rov laav Oeol alev eorre?, ol fxev \o)6iJL€vot, ol be [xeya KvbLooovres* Kab 6' l^ov irapa nrarpX KekaLve\/^vyov' 6 b€ (TC^ebavdv €(/)67r' ^yx^h ^yo-cra be ol Krjp ^ 0 alev Kpareprf, fxeviaive be Kvbos apecrOai. "FivOa Kev vxj/LTTvkov TpoCrjv eXov vies 'A;(ata)z^5 el fjLrj ^AiTokXcov ^oi/^o? ^Ayrfvopa biov avrjKe, 545 ' ?/€pt ttoXXtj, avrap o y o)s evorjcrev 'A)(tXX^a TTToXiTTOpOoV) 550 ecTTTj, TToXXa be ol Kpablt] 7T Qg4>vp e [xevovrc W^t l/v(Hwli^ 6xOr](Tas V dpa elire irpos bv ixeyaX7]Topa Ovpiov' CO ixoL eycov' el p.ev Kev vtto Kparepov 'AxiXrjos (pevycj, r^ irep ol dXXot drvCdixevot KXoveovrat, tpwet jjie Kal &s, Kal dvaXKiba beLporopLTja-ei. 555 tl b av eyo) .zmrovs p^ev viTOKXove^dai edo-o) YlrjXetbrj 'Ax^tA^t, ttoctIv 6' diro retxeos dXXrj ipevyoi TTpbs rrebiov ^IX-qLov, oipp av LKcopLai, Ibrjs re Kvrjpovs Kara re pmnriia bvo^* ^ eairepLos 6' av eneira Xoeaadpevos irorapiolo 560 f6pa) d7TO\j/vxOels rrporX ''XXiov airoveoiprjv' — aXXa riT] pioi ravra ^tAo? bieXe^aro 6vp.6s ; piri p! dr iaeipop .evov ttoXlos irebiovbe vorjcrrj Ko? pe perat^as p^dp-^rj raxeecrcTi irobeo-o-LV. ovKer' erretr earai Odvarov Kal Krjpas dXv^aC 565 Xir]v yap Kparepbs irepl irdvrcov ear dvOpd-rroyv. )el be Ke ol TTpoTrdpoiOe rroXeos Karevavriov eXOoa (if ^ 21. IATAA02 c^. 189 !■ Kol yap Or]v tovt(^ rpa^rbs XP^s o^i'i )(aXK(j), €V be la yj/vxri, Ovqrbv be e (j^aa avOpo)7TOL efJifxevaL' avrap ol Kpovibrjs Zevs Kvbos OTra^ei." 570 '^129 eiircbv 'Axckija aXels fxivev, iv bi ol xfTop aXKLfjiov iipixaro TTVokepLLCeiv rjbe /xa^ecr^at. 771)76 irapbaXis elcn fSaOeirjs €k ^v Xoxouj dofi^l-C^ - avbpds 6ripr]Tripos kvavriov, ovbi tl OvfxG JLo>fyi/^^ Tap/Bet ovbe (pojSelTai, iireC k€V vXayixov cLKOVcrr]' '^75 U €L 7T€p yap (l)6diJL€v6s ixiv Tj ovrdari rje l^dXrjaiv, dXkd T€ Kal Trepl bovpl Tre Trapfxi vr} ovk diroXriyei f\ clKktis^ TTpLV y r\e ^v fj^lBXri fxevai rje bajirjvai' t^tj^ ^ kvT-qvopo^ vtos dyavovy bios ^Ayrjvcjop, ^^aWAj^ OVK eOeXev (j)evy€LV, irplv Treiprjo-aLT 'A^^tAr/o?,, 580 d\)C o y dp'' do-TTiba fiev iipocrO^ €(T\eTo Trdvrocr ita-rjv, ey\eir\ b' avrolo TiTvoKeTo, Kal \iiy avrei" iW^^^L "17 by] TTov fxdX' eoXiras evl cj^peorC, (^at5t/x' ^AxLkXev,jj »m i]\xaTi 70)56 ttoXlv 7T€po-€iv Tp(io)v dye£(^oiv, ^(HMaMx vy]TiVTi' ri T €TL TToXXa rerev^erai dkye 67r' avTjj, 585 €V ydp ol TToXies re Kal dkKLfjiOi dvepes elfiev, 0% Kal TrpoaOe (plkoov roK€0)v dX6x(i)v re Kal vliov 4-"^ PW'lAtoi; elpvoixeo-Oa' av 6' 6z;^a66 ttotjiov ecj^^i^s, '»^^f- ^^1(38' eKirayXos ecov Kal OapaaXios TroXepaarris'^ '^fV* ''H pa, Kal o^vv aKOvra jSapeirjs x^tpo? dcprjKe, 590 Kttt p efSake KvrjfJL-qv virb yovvaros ovb^ d(f)diJ.apTev. ^ diJL(f)l bi [Jiiv KViqpXs v€OT€vktov Kao-aLrepoLo ^ a-jjiepbaXiov Kovd^-qcre irdXiv 8' diro xaAfco? opovae jBkrjfievov, ovb' iireprjo-e, Oeov 8' rjpvKaKe bcopa, Ur]\€tbrj9 5' o>pixr\(TaT 'Ayrfvopos dvriOioio 595 bevrepor ovbe r eaaev 'Att6\\o)v Kvbos dpeadaL, dkkd pLiv e^rip7Ta$e, Kdkvxj/e b' dp' rjepi iroXXfj, rjoijxiov b' dpa pav noXep.ov eKTrep^ire veeaOau avrdp 6 UrjXetoDva b6k(o diroepyaOe Xaov' 4" 190 . 21. 1AIAA02 . airo) yap eKaepyos ^Ayrfvopi iravTa eotKO)? 600 eorr; TrpocrO^ irobo^v, 6 6' iirio-crvTO TTOo-al 8iWK€tr, . 7^09 6 ror TTebiOLO bmKero T TvpochQP Of'O, kUt^vt-^Jea^i^ rpiyfras Trap iroTafwv ^aOvbLvrjevra ^^Kdfxavbpov, ^ tvtOov vTTeKTTpoOeovra' SoAo) 8' ap* eOeXyev 'AttoAXcoz^) 0)9 atet ekTTOLTO KiyjicrecrOai TToalv otq-f 605 To^p' akXoL Tpcoes 'ne(^o^r]iJuivoi ^X.6ov o/xiAo) aa-TTCLcrLOL TTporl acTTv, TToAt? 8^ e/xTrXr^ro akevTcov* ovb^ apa rot y trXav noKios koX rei^eos ^ktos [xeivai €T dAAr^Aovy, kol yvdiixevai 09 re Trecfyevyoi, 09 T^* €6av iv TToXe/jtw* dAX' io-o-vpiivcos kcre^vvT.o 610 €9 TToAtr, 6V nra rwi^ ye 7ro6e9 fcal yoCi^a o-ad^aau. / IAIAA02 X. ^EKTopog apalpeari^r ^X2s ol fjikv Kara clcttv TrecjyvCoTes rjvTe ve/Bpol Ibpco aT Teyl/vyov TO ttlov t' cLKeovTo re hi\lrav, itrJU^ ^ k€k\lii^vol KaXf](rLV k'naX^€cnv* avrap 'A)(atol T€L\€Os acraov to-av, craKe' (oixolctl Kklvavres, ^'^KTopa 5' avTov ix^ivai okoirj ixoip eTribrjo-ev 5 'lAtov TTpOTTapoLOe ttvXclcov T€ ^Katacor. avrap Urjketoova Trpoo-qvba ^ot^oy ^AttoWcov' TLTTT€ IJL€, UrjkeOS vUy 7T0(tIv Tayiecrori hi(iK€L9, avTos dvrjTos €G)v Oedv afJLjSpoTov ; ovbi vv ird \xe €yvo)9 0)9 Oeos elfXL, av 5' acrirepx^^ pLeveolveis. 10 -j- Tj vv TOL ov TL fjieXei Tpcocov 7701/09, 0V9 e(f)6^r](Tas, ot brj TOL eh ao-rv aXev, crv be bevpo Atacr^r;?. /- / • "* f r>\v f f J if J j^,^ J Co QV pL€V jtX6 KT€Ve€L9i 67761 OV TOL /Xfi/iS[tj[^09 €i{JiL, ol Toz^ 6.6 piiy 6)(^9ri(ra9 irpoo-icpr] TTobas cok^? ^ AxiXkevs' " e^kayj/ds ix\ eKaepye, OecHiV okodraTe Trdvroiv, 15 evOdbe vvv rpiyj/as airo reCxeos' rj k en irokkol yaiav oba^ elkov TTplv ^'Ikiov elo-acpiKearOau 4- vvv 6' 6/X6 jxev fiiya Kvbos a(f)€Ck€0, rovs 5' €(rda)(ras prj'ibim, 67761 ov TL TUTLv y ebeLcas duLa-orcii, ri LV, ' 1 I PjL 09 pd Te pela Oerjo-L TLTOjj^evos irebioLO' ^ "fiCoX>^ ig2 22. IA1AA02 X. Tdv 5' 6 y€pa)v Dpta/xo? TTpcoro? 66€Z/ 6(1)0 aXiJiolai, 25 7raix(f)aLvovB^ &s r aarip eirecrcruiJievov Tredtoto, 09 pa t' OTTcoprjs etaLV, api^rjXot be ol avyal 4* (f)aLvovTaL 7roX\oL(TL [xer aaTpacn vvktos apioXyc^' ^^e^T^f^^ OLf T€ KVV ^Q.pL(J)V09 i7TiK\r](rLV Ka\iov(Ti, if ukafJLTTpoTaTos ixkv o y kcrrL, KaKov bi re o-^fxa T ervKT ai, 30 ^JLoX^jiKaL T€ (t)ep€L TToWbv TTVpeTO V b^iXoio-L l3pOTOL(rLV' 0)9 Tov )(^a\Kds eAa/xTTe ire pi aTrjOeacn Oiovros. (D[jio)^€v 6' 6 yipcov, Ke(f)aXr]v 6' o ye Koxjraro yjEpaXv vyf/oa ava(T)(6iX€V0S^ fxeya 5' olfjid^as iyeydvei Xio-o-opLevos (f)ikov vlov' 6 be irpoTiapoiOe irvXdcov 35 ^^•i^Juatc €(rTrjK€iy ojxoTov /xe/xacos 'A)(tX^6 ixay^eaOai* ^bv 6' 6 yipa)v e\e€Lva TTpocrrjvba x^erpaj dpeyz^?;?* "''Ektop, jutT] pLOL jutt/xre, (fyiXov t€kos, avepa tovtov olos av€v6' aAAcor, tVa /ix?) ra^a irorp.ov iiTLcnrrj^ V[r]k€La)VL bapLeis, eTrel rj ttoXv (piprepos ka-ri, 40 ayirkios' aWe Oeoi(Ti (piXos roaaovbe yivoiro ocraov e/xot* rdx^a Kev k Kvves kol yvires ebocev KeCfxevov' rj Ke /xo6 alvdv cltto TTpairibcov dx^os ekOoL* KTeCvodv KOL TTepvas vrjcrcov em Tr]\eba7Td(ji)v. 45 /cat yap vvv bvo iroibe, AvKaova Koi YJokvboopov, ov bvvapiaL Ibeetv Tpdcop eh daTV dkevToor, Tovs /xot AaoOor] reKero, Kpeiovcra yvvaLKO)V, aAA' 66 piev ^coovcn ptera (TTpaT(2, rj r av eireira XclXkov re XP'^^^ov t dir oX.v cr 6 pie 0^' ea-ri yap evbov* 50 TToXXa yap ^iracre iratbl yepcov ovopidKXvTOs '^AXrrj^, el 6' ijbri reOvacTi Kal elv ^Atbao bopLOLO-LV, aXyo9 e/x(t) 6vpL(^ Kal pLrjrepi, toI TeKopLeaOa* ^ XaoicTLv 6' dXXoKTi pLLvvvOabtcoTepov dkyos eo-o-eraL, rjv /xr) Kal crv Odvrjs 'A)(tArJt bapLacrOeLS. 55 22. IAIAA02 X. 193 dAA' eicepx^o Teixos, €[xbv reKOs, ocppa oradcrrjs Tpcoas Kal Tp(^ds, fJLTjbe [Jiiya Kvbos opi^rjs ^ (^i/^H^'^'y Ylr]k€tbr}, avTos be (ptXrjs alcovos a ixepO^s , ^ irpbs 6' e/x€ rov bvarrjvov en 4> povJ ovT i\ir]a-ov, cJi^^^ bv(TiJ.opov, ov pa iraTTjp KpovCbrjs iirl yr\paos ovb(S 6o ato-rj €v apyakirj (l)6i(T€L, KaKa ttoAX' einbovTa, vlds T okXvixivovs kkKyjOeicras re Bvyarpas^ KoX OaXdpLovs KepdCCofxivovs, kol vrfina T^Kva ^a\k6[jL€va TTpoTi yatrj kv alvfj brj'CoTrjrL, ' L TnOrjaas wAeo-e Xaov^ 0)9 epeovcTLV' e/xot 8e roV ai/ ttoAi; Kepbtov eh] avTTjv Tj 'A^Lkija KaraKTelvavTa veeaOai^ it,%j\t>i^O%\jie Kev cuvjy okecrdaL eiiKXetwy Trpo 7ro\r;os. 110 el be Kev acrirCba [xev KaraOeLOjjiaL 6)x(\)ak6e(j(Tav KoX KopvOa l^pLaprjv, bopv be irpbs Teiyos epetVaj avTos lo)v 'Ax^tA.7709 apLVfjiovos clvtlos ekOo) Kai ol vTTocrxo^P'CLL ^Ekevrjv kol KriJ/xa^' a/x' avTrj^ TTCLvra /xaA' oo-aa r ' AXe^avbpos kolXtjs evl vrjv(rlv 115 riydyero Tpoir]vb\ rj t eVXero veUeos dpxrj, ^ ^ bcocrepLev ^ATpeibrjcTLV dyeiv, dp.a 8' ajxc^s 'Axatotj " aXA.' d7ro8ao-o-ea-flat, o(ra re TrroAtj ^'8e KeKevOe* j| Tpcoo-ti; 8' av ixeTOTTKrOe yepovaiov opKOv eAcofxac 22. IAIAA02 X. 195 ixri TL KaTaKpv\l/€LVy dAV avbixa itavra bd(ra(r0aC 120 [KTrjo-LV 0(T7]V TTTokUOpOV €7TripaT0V ivTOS 6€py6f] aWa TL7] [xoL Tavra (/)tAo9 bieX^^aro Ovixos ; liri iiLV eyo) [xev iKco/xat Idv, 6 bi [x ovk €Xerj(T€L ovbi TL IX albeo-eTac, kt€V€€L bi [xe yvixvov iovra avTO}^ m re yvvoLKa, kird k cltto revx^a bvoj, 125 OV ixiv 770)9 VVV €(TTiV aTTO bpVOS Ovb' aiTO 1T€Tpr]9 T<2 6api(iix€vaiy a re irapOivos rjt0€6s re, TTapOivos -qtOeos r dapiCerov aXXrjkouv. fiikrepov avT epcbi ^vveXavvejxev orri rdxto-Ta' etbofxev OTTiroripio k€v 'OXvixttlos eSxo? op^^rj/' 130 ''Xly &pixaLV€ ixevo)v, 6 bi ol crxebov rikOev 'AxtAAev? XvTo' Toi(TL 6e px)B(i>v rip\€ irarrjp avbpcov re ^ewz^ re* o) TTOTTOi, 17 (pCXov dvbpa bLcoKOfJievov TTepl rei^oj 6(1)6 aXpLolcTLV 6pG>ixai* ipLov 5' oXoipvperai rjTop ''FtKTopos, OS fJLOL TToXXd ^oQ)V em /xr^pt' eKrjev 170 ''ISr/s ez^ Kopv(t)fj(rL TToXv-nrvyov^ dXXore 5' aSre eV TToXei aKpordrr}' vvv avre e Stos ^A^iXXevs dcFTV 7T€pL YlpidpiOiO TTOalv TaX^e€(T(TL bL(aK€L. dXX^ dyere (fypd^ecrOe, 6eoL, kol fJLrjTidao-Oe r]t fXLV €K OavdroLO o-adcrofjievy rji fJLLV Tjbrj 175 TlrjXetbr] 'AxtArJt bapido-crojjiev ecrOXov eoWa." Tdv 6' avT€ TTpocreeLTTe Oed yXavKoyTns ^AOrjvrj' S) Tiarep dpyiKepavve, KeXaLvecfyis, olov eeiires' dvbpa OvrjTov eovra, irdXat ireTTpooiJievov alo-r}^ dxj/ eOeXeis Oavdroio bvo-rjx^os e^avaXvaai; 180 ep6'* drdp ov tol ndvres iTratviofjiev Oeol aAAot." Trjv 6' duaix^L^oixevos 7Tpo(T€(j)r] vecfyeX-qyepira Zevs' " Odpcreiy TpLToyiveLa, <\>iXov reKos' ov vv tl 6vijl(2 ^ 22. IAIAA02 X. IQ7 TTpo^povL fivOiofjiai, e^eAco hi rot rjirios elvaC ^ JjuJi ep^ov oTTTj brj TOL v6o9 eirXero, piy be r c/ocoe t/^ 185 ' ' ^12? eliTcav S)Tpvv€ 7rdpo9 fxepLaviav \\6rivr]v* ^rj be Kar OvKvyLiioio Kaprfvcov at^ao-a. f^^^^t ''EKTOpa 6' ao-TTepxes KXovicov €<^eif o)kvs ^A)(^i\\€vs, 0)9 ore ve[3pov opeacpi kvo )v iXatpoLO bi -nraL, "h op(m^€^evvr]s, bid r dyKea kol bia ^rjcro-as' ^*''^**^9o TOV 6' €L 7T€p T€ \d0r](TL KaTaiTTTI^aS VITO OdfJiViO, dXXd T dvixyevoav Oiec ejiTrebov, ocfypa k€v evprj' 0)9 ''Exrcop ov krjOe TrobooKea YlrjXetcova, occrdKL 6' opiiTjcreLe 7Tv\do>v Aapbavidcov dvTLOv dt^aorOai evbpirjTovs virb TTVpyovs, 195 €L 770)? oi KaOvnepOev dXdkKouv [BeXeeo-cn, Tocro-dKL piLV TTpoTrdpoiOev dTToo-Tpixj/ao-Ke 7Tapa(f)6as TTpos TTebiov' avTos be ttotI tttoXlos Trirer aUi, 0)9 6' ev ovelpcd ov byvarai (pevyovra bidKeiV ovT dp 6 TOV bvvaraL v7T0(l)€vy€tv ovO^ 6 bidiKeiv* 200 o)9 6 TOV ov bvvaTo p.dpy\rai ttoctlv, ovb^ os dXv^ai. 770)9 be Kev '^Ektoop Krjpas v7Te^e(t)vyev OavdTOLO, el ixri 01 TTVixaTov re kol vaTaTov ijvTeT ^AttoXXcov eyyvOev, 09 ol eirCiipcre [xevos XaLxjfqpd Te yovva ; Xaoiaiv b' dveveve KaprjaTt 6t09 ^ A^iXXevs, 205 ovb^ ea le[xevai eirX "EKropt iriKpa ^eXep^va, pLTj rt9 Kvbo9 dpoLTO (3aX(iv, 6 be bevTepos eXOoi. dXX' oTe br] to TerapTov eirl Kpovvovs d(f)LKOVTO, y I KOL TOTe br} \pv(Teia rraTrjp h^roLve TdXavTa, ^^^^^^^^^^ eX ev 5' eTiOei bvo Krjpe Ta vrjXeyeo s OavdTOLO, ^0^4/^^^ TTjv [lev ^ AyjXXrfoSy ttjv 5' ''E/cropo9 LrrTTobdjioLO, ^ eXKe be pLeo-aa Xafidv pejTe b' ""EKTopos alqi^ov fjp,ap, S^kM^ (DxeTo b' els 'Atbao, XCirev be e ^01^09 'AttoXXo^v. UrjXetoiva 6' LKave 6ed yXavKcoins 'AOrfvr], dyxov b' l(TTap.evrj eirea iTTepoevTa Trpoo-rjvba* 215 IAIAA02 X. vvv h)\ v&'t y ^oKira^ 8tt(/)6\€ ^at8t/x' 'AxtA^XcC, OLo-ecrOaL ixiya Kvbos ^kyoLioi(TL irporl vrjas, i j ov ol vvv €TL y icTTi irecfyvyixivov ajjLfxe y^vecOai, /yluiuL^^' TioWa ttclOol ^Kaepyos 'AttoXAcoz; 220 ^ 0 A jj iirpoTipOKvXLvhoyL^vos -narpos Aios alyioyoio, aXka (TV [JLev vvv orrj^t kol apLirvve, Tovbe 8' iyd tol oiyoixivr] TTeTnOrjo-a) kvavrL^iov yLayj^aaaOair *^Q.s (i>oiT ^AOrjvair], 6 8' ineiOeTo, x^'-P^ OvjiS, ^ (TTT] 8' ap' em /xeXtr;? x^^^^^y^^X^^^^ ip^LaOeis. .225 ^ 8' apa roz/ /xez; eAeiTre, Ktx^^o'ct^o 8' "E/cropa Stoz/ ^ AriL(f)6^(o liKvia 8e/xa9 Kat areipia (l)(ovriv' ayxov 8 larapiivr] eirea Trrepoevra irpocrrjvba' Jlfl^J^^^ r]6jfC^ 77 [xaka 8?] /3ta^erat wki;? 'AxtAXe^Jj, aarv Trept ITpta/jioto nocrXv Tayi^crcri biiaKcov' 230 dW' aye 8^ opKia Tnord, oi8€ XvKoi re Kai Spres 6p.6(t>pova Ovixov ^xo^tiv, aWa KaKtt (Ppoviovffi htap-Trfph dXXijXoto-iv, 6$ o^K eVr' e/xe Kal ae tkifiix€vai, oire ri vmv 265 SpKta €aivr}(Tas elpvcaaro ^dayavov 6^v, TO o.t virb XaTrdprjv TeTaTo peya Te o-TilBapov Te, olp,r](rev be dXels &s t aleTos v^j/nreT-qeLS, 09 T elo-iv TTebiovbe bta vecjyecov epe/Bevv^v apTrd^oiv rj apv^ dixaXrjv rf 7TT(aKa Xayo)6v* 310 &9 ''Efcrcop otpLTjce TLvd(T(TO)v (\>d(Tyavov o^v. 22. TAIAA02 X. 201 aypLOVy TTpooSev be (tclkos o-ripvoLO Kdkv\j/€ KaXdv baLbdXeov, KopvBi 6' iireveve (l)a€Lvf] xh«^ / T erpacbaX c^' Kahal be Trepicra-eiovTo eOecpat ^/ Xpycreai, as "Hc^atoros tet ko^v aix(f)l OapLetas. 4!AJt^ olos 6' d(TTi]p ei(TL [xeT ao-rpdo-L vvktos a/xoAy(3 eWepo?, 09 KdWicTTos eu ovpav^ la-rarai dcrrrip, i &s alxMS aTTeAa/xTr' e vriKe QS> W ^^X^sXevs f^mJlX^' '^o\/^f^^^ TidWev be^trepfj (ppoveoov KaKov ''^KTopi bica, 320 elaopooov XP^'a t^^oXov, oirrj et^eie ixdXiaTa. j Tov be Koi dWo roaov fxev ^xe XP^^ x^^^^^ revx^cLj KaXd, TO, UarpoKkoLO jBirjv evdpi^e KaraKrds' (f)aLveTo 8' 77 KXrjlbes dir w/xcof avx'^v ^XSE^^^^^^^ajSI^ Xa vKavi rjv, tva re \l/vxv^ wKtoros okeOpos* • ^325 rrj p eiTi ol /xe/xawr' eXaa eyxei' bios 'A^tAAevs, + dvTLKpv 8' airaXoLo bt avx^vos ijXvO^ aKCdKYj' . ovb^ dp d'n d(r_(l)dpa yov pLeXirj rd/x€ ocppa TL fjLLV TTpoTLeiiTOL dpLeL^ofJievos eireeaaiv, yjpLTTe 8' ev kovltjs' 6 6' eTrev^aro bios 'AxtAAei;?* 330 "''E/crop, drdp ttov e(f)r]s YlarpoKkr]' e^avapC^cav (TMS e(T(re(rO\ e/xe 8' ovbev oiTiCeo voacpLv eovra, vrjirte' tolo 8' dvevOev doaaryrrip p,ey a/xetVcor c'A vrjvo-lv eiTi yXa(f)vpf](rLi^ eyo) fjieTOincrOe XeXeifXfxrjv, OS TOL yovvar eXvcra' ere fiev Kvves 7]8' otcorol (X'S.a 335 eXKriG-ovcT d'iKcos, tov be Kreptovaiv 'Axcttot." "i* Tov 8' oXcyobpaveoov irpoo-icf)!] KopvOaioXos ''EKrcop* -f- " Xiacoix virep yj/vxv^ f^ol yovvcov (to)v re roKrjoov, IXT] fxe ea irapa vrjvcrl Kvvas KaTabdyp-ai 'Axatwz^, "V aAAa crv piev xoAkoV re dXts xP^croV re bebe^o^ 8copa ra rot 8&)(rovo-t Trar-qp koL noTvia P'Tfrrip, o-co/xa 86 o?Ka8' ep.bv bopLevai irdXiv, o(f)pa nvpos fxe Tp(aes Kol Tpcaoov aXoxoi XeXdxoiCL Oavovra^' 202 22. IA1AA02 X. +- So Tov b'' ap vTTobpa lba)v T7por] Tiobas w/cvy ^Ay^iKk^vs' ixri /xe, Kvov^ yovvcov yovvd^eo /xr;86 TOKrjoov' 345 ^ ^ at^^^2£_^cos avTov /ute /xeVos Kat ^v/jtos aveir] ' oi/x' aiTOTaixvofxevov Kpia ebfxevaL, old [x eopyas, 0)9 ovK €(t6^ OS aijs ye Kvvas KecfyaXrjs diraXaXKOi, 0V8' et K€V beKUKLS T€ Koi ^iKOCTLVripLT diTOLva Zo C^"^ aTi]s ye TTorvta ixrjTrjp ivOefxivT] Aexe'eo-o-t yorjaeTai, ov T€K€V avTrj, aXXa Kvves re koX ola^voX Kara TjdvTa bdo-ovrat,^^ Tov 8e KaraOvfjo-Kcov irpoo-i^r] KopvOaCoXos "EKrcop* 355 ^ JC " ^ 0-' eS yLyv(i(TK(ov Tr portocro-O Mat, el's' ap' e/xeAAoz^ TTeiaeiv' 'q yap aoC ye o-tbripeos €v a^da(T6ai ''YiKTCjap rj oTe vrjas eveirprjcrev TTVpl Kr/\ea>." '^12y apa tls etireaKe Koi ovTrja-acKe Trapaa-Tds. 375 22. IAIAA02 X. 203 Tov 8' €7r6t k^evapi^e. TTobdpKr]s bios 'A^tAXezJ?, CTTCLS €v ^A)(aLOL(rLV eirea Tfrepoevr' ayopeveV " S) (f)LkoL, 'Apyetcor i]yriTop€s TySe p^ihovres, e7r€6 hr] rovb^ avbpa Oeol bapLCLo-ao-QaL ebcoKav, OS KaKCL TToAA' €pp€^€V, o(T ov (rvfji7TavT€9 ol aAAot, 380 €t 8' ayer' d/x(^l ttoKlv s TOV p.ev KeKovLTO KdpT] airav' rj be vv p^rjTrjp 405 TiWe Kop^rjv, duo be kLTraprjv eppiy\re Kak'VTiTpr]v TTjXoa-e, KCOKVo-ev be pidXa p.eya 7rat8' e(nbovaa' 204 22. IAIAA02 X. 4- ^[xco^ev S' eXeeiva irarrjp (f)Lkos, afxcf)! b€ Xaol KOOKVTCO T €l\OVTO KoX olfJiOOyfj KaTCL a(TTV, 7(3 be ixaKi(TT ap €7]v IvaXiyKioVy o)? el aTTaaa 410 5ih.*T*^ Aao6 [JL€v pa yipovra /xoyts €\ov ao^^aKocovra^ i^eXOeXv /xejixawra ttvXcloov AapbavLao>v, TTCLvras 8' ikXcrdveve KvkLvbojjievo^ Kara Koirpov, 6^ ovoixaKXrjbrjv ovopLa^oiv avbpa eKaaToV 415 ''crx^eo-^e, ^tAot, Kat /x' otoz^ cacrare KrjboixevoL Trep e^eXOovra ttoXtjos iKiaS* kiu vrjas ^A^aLOiV, qjM^/B^o/^ XLo-o-cojx avipa tovtov a TacrOakov 6l 3j)Lixo€py6v ,. *tfuf*^ ^^^'^v TTo^s rjkLKLTjv albl(r(T€TaL 778' iXerjo-rj yrjpas' kol be vv ro) ye Trarrjp Toiocrbe TervKTai, 420 Tl7]\evSy OS pLiv eTLKTe kol eTpe(f)e irrjixa yevecrQai Tpo)(TL' ixakLo-ra 8' e/xot irepl TravTo^v akye eOrjKe, t6(T(tovs yap 1X0 i Tralbas aneKTave r r)\eOaovT as' T(ov TTCiVToov ov t6(T(tov obvpofxaL ayvvpievos irep^ 0)9 evos, ov [x a^o? 6^v KaroLo-erai ''k'ibos ettrco^ 425 "¥iKTopos\ 0)9 o^eKev Oaveeiv ev \epg-lv eixfjcn' r(2 K€ Kopeo-Q'dp.eOa KXaiovre re ixvpofxevco re, pLrjTTjp 6\ rj ixLv eriKTe bv(Tap.p.opoSy 778^ eyo) airo's." ^D.s ecjyaro KXaia^v^ eiil be (jreva^ovTo TToXlrai' Tpi^jjo-Lv 8' ^KKajBrj abivov e^rjp^e yooLO' 430 TeKVOv, eyo) beiXrj' rC vv (BeiOfxaL alva iraOovo-a, aev d'noTe6vr]Q>Tos ; o /xot vvKTas re /cat rjixap ^ e vx^oX r] Kara ao-rv TreXeajceo, ttclo-l t oveiap Tpoxrt re Ka\ Tpcafjcn Kara tttoXlv, ol ere Oebv ws bejM^ar' ^ yap KaC (T(^i fxdXa fxeya Kvbos erjcrOa 435 ^0)09 ewi'* vvi^ av Odvaros Kal fxolpa KLxdveu^ '^^Is e(f)aT0 KXaL0VG'\ dXoxos 8' ov ird tl TreitvcTO "YiKTopos' ov ydp ot tl9 eTrjTvixos dyyeXos eXOojv TjyyeOC ottl pd ot ttootls eKToOi fxtixve 7rvXdo)v, 22. IAIAA02 X. 205 aAA' rj y \(ttov v(f)aLV€ /xv)(<2 bojjLOV v\j/r]koio -h 440 k€kX€TO 6' aiJL(l)L7T6\oicnv ivirXoKCLiJiOLs Kara ^w/xa -^cruKfU e^tfJtoxJi^AtJi ajjicf)! TTVpl (TTrjo-ai Tpiiroba jiiyav, o(ppa iriXoLTo ''EKTopt Oepfjia Xoerpa jw-ax^^ voo-rrjo-avTL, vrjTTLrj, ovb^ kmr](T€V o [xlv jxaXa rrjXe Xoerpo^v 445 Xepclv 'AxtAX^o? bdfjLao-e yXavKWTrt? ^ AOtivt]. KCOKVTOV 5' rjKOvae kol olfJLOiyrjs cltto irvpyov' rrjs 6' i XeXL^O r] yvla, yaixai hi ol eKirecre KepKL?' J^*"^^ fj 6' avTLS biJLOifia-iv IvttXo kclixo ici \ieTiqvba' " bevre^ bvod pLOi eirecrOov, t6co/x' onv^ epya rirvKrai, 450 alboiris eKvprjs 6t;6s €kXvov, iv 6' ifjiol avrfj (TTrjOecn irakXeraL ^rop ava crrofxa, vipOe b\ yovva TrrjyvvTai' eyyvs brj tl kukov Flpta/xoto TeKecra-Lv. at yap air' ovaros elr] ipiev eiros' aWa /xaX' alvcas beiboi [XT} bri [XOL Opaavv "^KTOpa bios ^AyjXKevs . 455 [xovvov aTTOTiXTj^as ttoXlos irebiovbe 6tr^t, (J^^w. KOL brj \xiv KaraTTava-ri ayr]vop[r]9 aXeyeivrjs, fj ixiv iyjECTK , iirel ov ttot ivl ttXtjOvl [xivev avbpcov, akka TTokv 7rpo6€€(TK€y TO ov ixivcs ovbevl etKcoz;." -f- *X29 ipapiivr] [xeydpoLO biiao-vTo fiaivabi tcrrj, 460 TTakkopLevrj Kpabi7]v' Hfxa 6' apicfyLTTokoL kiov avTrj, avrap eiTel nvpyov re Koi avbpQiv l^ev opakov, €(TTrj TTaTTTrjvao-^ iirl Tei\ei^ tov 6' evorjaev ^ a . . kkKopievov irpocrOev irokios' rax^es be pav litttol /. ^ ekKOv a Kr]be(TT(o s KOikas eirl vrjas ^ kxaiQiV, 4^To T-qv be Kar dv 8^ eXerjo-dvTcov KorvXrjv tl9 tvtOov enecr^ey f- \eiXea piev r ebirjv, virepiirjv 8' ovk ebirjve. 495 Tov be Kal a pi(f)L0aXr }s 6/c baiTVos eo-TvcfyeXi^e, ^ X^epclv 7re7TXr]yo)s /cat 6z;6t86tpto-t2; evL(rao)v' * Ipp' ovTCds' OV cros ye Trarrjp peTabaivvrai fjpXv.^ baKpvoeLS be r aveici ttclCs is pirjTepa xVPV^f ^ A(TTvava^, os irplv p.ev eov eirl yovvaai narpos 500 JC piveXbv oXov ebecKe Ka\ olQv iTLova brjpLoV a?,omaaa^ avTap 00^ vTTVos eXoL, iiavaaiTo re vr]ma^ey(»iv, D^cP r. evbedK ev XeKTpoiaiv, ev ayKaXCbeo-cn TLOrjvqs, ^/jJlA 22. IAIAA02 X. 207 evvfj €VL [JLaXaKr], Oc^icdv kinrX-qcraixevos Krjp' '^oJT vvv 6' av TTokka 7Td6rj(rLy <^lAoi; airb iraTpos a/xaprwz;, 505 ^AaTvdva^, ov Tpwey iTriKk-qcnv KaXiovcnv' olos yap (T(I)LV epva-o 7:v\as kol r^iyjea [xaKpa, 4- vvv be (re fjikv irapa vrjvcrl Kopaivicri z^oo-<^t TOKYfOiv aloXai evXal ehovrai^ iirei k€ Kvves Kopio-oovTaL, yvfxvov' ardp tol eipLar evl ixeyapoia-i Keovrai 510 XeTTTCL 76 KOL \apUvTa^ Tervyixeva xepcrl yvvaiKo^v, 4* dAX' rj TOL Tabe iravTa KaTa(l)Ki^a) irvpl Ki^A^eo), ovbev aoL y 0(^)6X09, eTrel ovk lyKeicreai avrols, aWa TTpos Tp(a(t)v kol Tpmdboov k\€os etmt." ^12? i(f)aTo K\aLOV(Ty eirl b^ (rrevaxovTO yvvalKes. 515 IAIAA02 ^. ^12 J Ot IX€V (TT€vd\OVTO KaTCL TTTOkiV aVTCLp ^ A)(aLOL eirel brj vrjds re koL ^Ekkrj&TTOvrov ikovto, 06 iJL€v ap^ eo-KibvavTo kr}v €ttl vrja €Ka(TT0Si Mvoyabovas ovk eta duoaKLhvaaOai ^ AyjXXev^^ dAA' o ye ols krapoLai (pLXoTrroXepiOLo-L pi^Trjvba' MvpiJubdves Taxy7Ta)\oL, e/xol ept?]pey eratpot, /xr/ 8?7 TTco V7T^ o)(^€(T(j)L Aucu/xe^tt ixdvvyas lttttovs, a\X* avTois iTTTTOtcrt Kat apixaaiv acra-ov lovres HdrpoKkov Kkaicofjiev' o yap yipas eort OavovTcov. avrdp eir^L k oXoolo TerapTrdpieaOa yooio^ L7T7TOVS Xvordp^evoL bopTTrjCTOiJLev kvOdbe Trdvres/^ ^Q^s €(l)a6^, OL 6' (SfjLco^av doXAeey, rjp)(^€ 8' 'A)(tXAei5s ot be Tpls 7T€pl V€Kpdv €VTpLX^CLS ijka(rav lttttovs IxvpofjievoL' fxera 8e crc^t 0eVts yoov ijiepov Spo-e. 6e7;oz;ro y\rdp.a6oiy bevovro be rev^ea (^corwz; bdKpvo-f TOLOV yap iroOeov fxr^crrcopa (l)6fioio, TOLCTL 5e n7]Aet8r]9 abtvov ^^fjpx^ yooLO, Xetpas eTT^ dvbpocjyovovs Oefxevos crTrjOeo-o-tv kraipov* Xcdpi [xoiy S) HdrpoKXe, Kal elv ' At5ao bop^oLcn' TrdvTa yap rjbr] tol reXeco ra irdpotOev vireo-T-qv, "'E/cropa SeOp' kpyaas bcocreiv kvcflv a)/xa Sdo-ao-^at, t)o58eKa 8e TTpOTrdpoLOe irvprjs d-nobeipoToixricreiv Tp(io)v dykaa riKva, creOev KTafjiivoto ^(oAco^ets." 23. IAIAA02 4^. 209 /5a, Kal "EKTopa btov aeiKia \xr]heTO epya^ TT^rjvia Trap Ae^eeo-cri MevotTLahao ravv&cras f^^''^5 j- iv KOVLTjS' OL 5' €VT€* CKpOiTlXiCoVTO €Ka(rTO^ ^'' / / ^dkKea \xapixaipovTa, kvov 6' v\ l/r]y€a s itittovs, ^^^^^^^^ ^' ^jd^ Kcib 5' l^ov irapa vrji TTobdKeos AlaKibao \xvploi' avTap 6 Toiai rdchov ixevoetK^a baivv, £Lf^aJL'' ^^^^^J^ TToWol pxv /3o69 apyoi d peyOeo v up.(l)\ . (^{at ^ '^'^ Kai juot 00s T7]v X^ip ^ oK o^vQp iiac ov yap €t avrts 75 viaofxai ^Atbao, iirriv /x€ irvpos \e\d)(rjT€. ov pi€v yap (o)OL ye (f)L\oov dirdvevOev eratpcov l3ovXds eCofxevoL fSovXevaopiev, dXA' efxe piev Krjp djx^e^q^e aTvyepri, rj irep Xd^e yiyvoixevov Trep' Kal be crot avT(D jxoLpa, Oeoi^ eTTieLKe)C 'A^tAAeVj 80 Tei\ei VTTO Tp(i)0}v evrj^eveodv dirokeorOaL, aAAo be tol epeco Kal e(fyri(roixaL, at K6 iriOrjaL' pLT] epLCL acov dirdvevOe TiBrnxevai 6(TTe\ ^ AyjXXev, ^ dAA' b\xoVy 0)9 eTpdiprjv irep ev vpLeTepoto-i bopLOiaw, evTe ixe tvtOov eovTa MevoLTL09 e$ ^OTToevTos 85 rjyayev vpieTepovb^ dvbpoKTaa-irjs vtto Xvypijs, rjixaTL 7(5 ore iralba mTeKTavov 'A/x<^t^d/xarros, 23- IAIAA02 ^. 211 vrjTTLOs, ovK iOiXayv, afjL(f)^ an-TpayaXoicri yoKa^Oeis' €vOa fX€ be^cLfMevos iv b(ijJLa(TLv LTTiTOTa Ylr]\ev9 ^ (ntA> €Tpa(f)€ T i vbvK€c os Koi (Tov OepoLTTOVT 6v6ixr]V€v' ^' 3 90 &s be Kal da-Tea vS>'lv (Topos aiK^iKokv-nToi ijaal^ XpvGreos ai x^i(f)op €VS, tov tol Trope TTOTvta ixr\Trip,^^ ^ Tov 5' aTTaixeL^ofJievos 7Tpoo-e(f)rj irobas (s)kvs ^A)(^i%\ev^' " TLTTTe [xoL, -qQeir] Kecpakrj, bevp^ elXriXovOas, Kai fJiOL TuvTa eKacTT eiiiTeKKeai ; avTap eyd tol 95 TTCiVTa /xaA' eKTeXeo) kol Tretcro/xat £)s av KeXeveLS. ^^^yr^**"^ aXXd fJiOL aaaov o-ttjOl' fXivvvOd irep d/x^t^aXoWcr ^ jvii ^f a Xkriko vs oXooLO TeTapTTCojieo-Qa yooio,^^ L ' "^fly apa (^coz^r^craj cope^aro X^P^'^ (f)L\7](TLV, ovb^ e\al3e' "v/^i^x^ Kara xOovb^ rjVTe Kairvos 100 (^XeTo TeTpiyvia' Ta(p!j)v 8' avopovaev 'AxtAAeis^, ^ y^^L. XepcrL Te avixTTkaTdyqcrev, Itto? 8' 6 Ko(l)yb^} )v eeLirev' aA'*'^-*^ ^ o) TTOTTOt, 17 pa rt9 €0T6 Kal elv 'At8ao bdfxoLo-L. h n ^ \j/vxrj Kal elbcoXov, aTap (f )peves ovk evi TrdpLTrav' XaJU^ TTavvv^Lrj ydp [jlol HaTpOKArjos betkolo 105 "^VXV ^<\>eo'TriKeL yooo^ad Te iivpofxevr) re, f^anJ^^^^ ^ Kai [XOL eKacT eireTeXXev, euKTO be 6 i(rKeX ov avT^. '^12? <^aro, Tola-L be ttclo-lv vcf) ifxepov oipae ydoio' fxvpofxevoio-L be tol(tl (j)dvr] pobobdKTvkos 'Hws djjLcfyl veKVV eXeeivdv. aTap Kpeioiv ^ AyapLepLvcov no ovprjds T (OTpvve Kal dvepas d^e\xev vkriv ndvToOev €K k\lo-l(ov' ejn 8' dvrjp eo-Okbs opi^eiy ^ fj ^ Mrjpiovrjs, Oepdiroov dy anrivo pos Tbofxevrjos. M^M^ ol 8' Lcrav vkoToixovs ireXeKeas ev x^pa-lv e\ovTes (TQ^s T evTTkeKTOvs' TTpd b' dp' ovprjes klov avTOJV. 115 /lOptA TToWa b' dvavTa KdTavTa nd^avTd Te b6j(jud t rjKOov' dXX' oTe brj KvrjfjLOvs irpoa-e^av TrokvirCbaKOs "ISr??, ndiM <^ avTLK apa bpvs vxjnKOfJLOVS TavarjKeC xa^/^^p de/Uj^ Tdfxvov eiieiyoixevoC rat 56 ixeydka KTVueovcaL p 2 212 23. IAIAA02 ^^cla' Pg^^^Cr*^ ^ e/cSeor TjixLovcoV ral be yOova TTOcrcn h arevvz o CfJt^ tJ^ Juxy^ TiavTes 6' vkoToixoL (fyiTpovs (j)€pov' yap avdyei MrjpLovrjs, OepoLTToov ayaTrrjvopos ^Ibofxevijos* ^ Kob 5' ap iiT aKTr\s ^aXXov €7rt(r)(6pa), ev6^ ap ^ A\iXXevs + MiU^^'^^ S^^^^ '^^ riarjOOKAw /xeya ? 2p6Q z^ 7]5€ ol airw. (^orJ^ 126 AvTCLp 67766 TTCLVTrj TTapaKCL^^aXov acTTieTov vXrjv, rjar ap' avOi [xivovres aokXies. avrap ^ Ay^iXKevs V avTLKa Mvpixib6v€(ro-L (fyLXoTTToXipLOLo-L KiXevae •jjj^ X^aXKov ((ovvvo-QaL, C^v^at 6' vtt o)(^€(Tv» evvea ro) ye dvaKTi Tpaire^rjes Kvves rfo-aVy Kal piev TO)v eve^akke TTvpfj bvo beLpoTopLrjoraSy bdbeKa be Tpdcov pieyaOvpLOiv vUas eaOkovs J 75 )(aXK(2 brj'iooDV' KaKa be (f)pe(rl pajbeTo epya' ^ ev be TTVpo^ p.evos rjKe (vibripeov, ocppa vejxotTO, icn^{^wtrotj8os 'AttoAAcoi^ ^ . ovpav60€V irebiovbe, KdXvxj/e be yOipov airavTa, ocrcrov eireixe veKV9, pir] irplv pevos rjekCoLO ^ 190 /jxafi^^^ (T KrjXeL apL(f)l irepX XP^'a XveoLv 7]be pie\e(T(TLv. S^^^ -j-^ Ovbe TTvpT] YlarpoKkov eKaiero TeOvrjcaros' evO^ avT aA.X' ev6r](re irobdpKrjs bios ^A^iWevs' (TTCLS dirdvevOe TJvprjs boLois ripaT dvepLOLai, Boper] Koi Zecfyvpco, kol viricrxeTo Upa Kakd' 195 TToWa be Koi (Tirevbcdv xpvore(^ beiTdC Xirdvevev ekSepiev, o(f)pa rdxicra irvpl (pXeyeOoiaro veKpoi, vkrj re aevaiTO Karip^evai. Sfca b^ ^Ipt? dpdoiv dtovaa p^erdyyeXos rjXO* dvepLOi(TLV. 'ZiecjyvpoLo b v(rae os aOpooi evbov 200 " elXaTTLvrjv baivvvro* Oeovo-a be ^Ipt9 enecrTr] /3r;\(i> €7rt XiOei^' tol V Ibov 6(1)6 aXfxoLo-L, Trdvres avrjC^av, KdXeov re pnv els e eKaaros' rj 0 avU e^earUai piev avrjvaTo, eiire oe pivdov' " ovx. ^bos' etpLL yap avTLS eir ^^Keavoio pieOpa, 205 AlOiOTToov es yalav, 06 l pe^ovcr eKaropi^as dOavdroLS, iva brj kol eyo) pLeTabataopLaL Ipcav. dXX^ ^A^iXevs Boperjv rjbe Z4(l)vpov KeXabeivov eXOeiv dpcLTat, kol VT:L(T\eTai Upa KaXd, o(\>pa irvprjv oparjTe Karjpevai, fj evi Kelrai 210 HdrpOKXos, Tov irdvTes dvaarevdyovcriv 'Axatot." *H pev dp^ 0)9 eiTiova direlSrio-eTo, rol 6' opeovro VXV ^eo-ireo-LT], vecfyea KXoveovre irdpotOev. alxj/a be ttovtov iKavov dripievaL, oypTo be Kvpia J>V*^ Trrotrj vno Xtyvp fj' Tpoirjv 8' ept^oiXov lK4a-6r]v, 215 23. lAlAAOD ^. €V b€ TTvpfi 7T€(ritr}v, jxiya 6' layje O^o-'nihaks TTvp, T;avvv\ioi V apa tol ye irvprj^ afxvbLS iKV'ne\Xov^ oLvov a(pV(T(r6iJi€V09 x^l^o.bL^ x^'^j ^^^^ yaiuvy 220 + \I/V)(T]V KLKkri(TKO)v IlaTpoKXrjos beikoio, i)^ be iraT-qp ov Traibos obvperai oorea KaL(av, * / v vii(t)Lo v, 09 re Oavi^v beikovs aKa)(j](Te toK^d^^ 0)9 'A^Lkevs erdpoLO obijpero ocrTea Kaicov, kpwu^v irapa TTvpKdCriv, abiva aTeimyJ'C^v, "f" 'H/X09 6' k(ii(T(^6pos etcTL (pows epeoov €7rt yaiav, "f" ov re fxira KpoKOTreirXos virelp aXa Kibvatai 77C09, TrjpLO^ TTvpKdir] efiapaiveTo, navaaro be (/)Ao'£. oi b' avefjLOL iraXtv avris ejBav otKovbe vee&Oai Spr]LKLOv Kara ttovtov' 6 6' earevev oibjxaTi Ovtov, 230 YlrjKeibr]9 b' airb 7TVpK.aLrj9 krepooo-e XtacrOels kXlvOv KeKixr](as, eirl be ykvKVS vttvos opovcreV el(rtr\. oi b' afjicj) 'Arpetoiva aoWees rjyepeOovro' ^ tS>v pLLV euepxpixevoiv opcabos kol boviros eyeipev, e^ero 6' dpOooOel^ Kat (T(f)eas irpo^ pivOov eemev* 235 Arpetbr] re Kai aAAot apio-Trjes Ilavaxaiwv^ TTp&Tov ptev Kara i:vpKdir\v a^iaar aWoTTi otv(o TTaaav, onoaaov eireo-xe irvpo^ pievos' avrap eireiTa oarea YlarpoKXoio MerotrtaSao XeyaypLev ev btayLyvda-KOvres' apicfypabia be rervKTai' ^40 ev pLeo-arj yap eKeiro 'TTVpfj, rol 6' aWot avevdev ea-xo-Tifj KaiovT eiTLpu^ lttttol re kol avbpe^. KOL ra piev ev xpvcrer/ (t>ioJ^ kol biirXaKL 6r;/x(t) f It/V Oeiopiev, eh o Kev avrbs eyb)v '^Aibi KevOoyp^at. ^ TvplBov b' ov /xaAa irokkov eyo) noveeo-Oai avoyya, 245 aAA' enieiKea Toioy' eireira be kol tov 'Axatot a u.^ evpvv 0^ vxj/rjXov re TiOrjpLevaL, at Kev epLelo 3l6 23. lAIAAOS "f. 250 260 ^'129 ^'^a^', 06 6' eiriOovTo TTob^Ke'C Ur]\€t(i)VL. Qo-a-ov iTTl ^Ao^ ^A^6, l3a0€La be KdirTTeae T^cf^prf Kkaiovres 6' kTapoio ivrjep^ da-Tea XevKa aXkf.yov h xpvo-erjv (t>Ld\r]v /cat 667rAaAca gqjotoV, iv i<\L(TLrj(TL be Sevres eav£ Xltl i^dkv\l/av' . J- TopydcravTo be arjiia OejieiXtd re Trpo^dkovrp i^i^^^ dixc^l TTvpi^v' elOap be kul yacav ^x^vav, ^ju^" X^vavres be to arjpLa ttclXlv klov. avTap 'AxtWevs •''^ avTov Xabv epvKe koX tC avev evpvv gycS ra. vr]w b' ^K(t>ep deOka, xl^rjTds Te Tphobds re Uttovs ff fjiiLQvovs Te l3oG)v T Icf^eijxa Kdpr^va, Vbe yvvaLKas evCdvovs t^oXlov Te (rtbrjpov. 'iTTTTevo-Lv fxev irpc^Ta irobmeo-Lv ayXd' deOXa 6i]Ke yvvaiKa dyedOai dpivpiova epya Ibviav Kat TpuTTob' G)T(ievTa bvayKaLecKoo-LpLeTpoy, TTpwro)- drap av t^ bevrepco lttttov eerjKev ir ^i^'^^' dbp,riTr]v, Ppe xpvLdXrjv dirvpo^Tov eOi^Ke. ^^270^' (TTTi b" opOos KoX JxvOov kv ' ApyeiOKTiv eei-nev 'ATpetbr] Te Kal dXXoL evKvrip.Lbe9 'Axatol, iTTTTrjas rd6' de6Xa bebeyp^eva KeiT ev dyc^vu €t p.ev vvv eTTi aXXca deeXevoip.ev 'Axatot, ri T av eyo) tcl irpcoTa Xa/Bcbv KXiCirjvbe ^epoip^riv. l(TTe yap oo-cov ep.0L dpeTrj -nepi^dXXeTov lttttol' dOdvaToL Te ydp etVi, Uoaeibdc^v 6' eirop avTovs irarpl ep.a> UrjXrjC, 6 6' avT ep.ol eyyvdXt^ev. aXX' 77 rot p.ev eyo) p^evea) Kal p.(ivvxes lttttol' 265 275 2,^. IAIAA02 9. 217 TOLOV yap. kX€os €(t6\ov aircoXea'av r]Vi6yoio^ 280 r^TTLOv, OS o-cjyoo'LV [idXa ttoWclkls vypbv ekatov )(at'raa)z/ Kariyev^^ Xoiaaas vbart AevxaJ. Toi^ rco y loraoVe? TTevOeierov, ovb^'C b4 (T(l>i / ; / ] yalrai epi gpihar ai. rw 6' eaTarov ayvvixivo^ Krjp, RjL^ akKot be o-rikXecrOe Kara o-Tpar-ov, os ris 'Ax^atwi; 285 l[7T7TOL(TLV T€ 7T€7TOl6€ KOL apixaCTL KOkkrjTOiCTiV.^^ fUjOu^AJi^ *^X2s (jf)aro W-^Xeib-^s^ razees b] 177777)6? ayepOev* 0 oopTO TTokv TTpo^Tos [JL^v cLva^ avbpcov E{!/xr]Ao9, ^AbpLrjTov (f)ikos vlos, 09 LTnroonjvrj €K€KaaTo* 7(0 6' €77t Tvbetbrj^ oopro Kparepbs ALopufjbrjs, 290 1777701;? §6 Tp(jL>ovs VTTaye C^yov, ovs ttot^ a7Tr]vpa Alvetav^ arap avrov vTre^eadajcrev ^ AttoKXcov. 7(0 b^ dp €77' ^ATpetbrjs oopro ^avOps MeveXaos bLoyevrjs, vtto be ^vybv ijyayev 0)Kea9 6777701;?, IAWrjv TTjv ^ Ayafxepivovirjv tqv kov re YlobapyoV 295 T7]v ^ Ayaixeyivovi b&K ^ Ay\i(TLdbr]s 'E)(677coXos 1 b^p\ Lva pLTj ot eiToiGi* vtto *^lXiov rivepioea-a-av, aXX^ avTOV Tepnoiro fxevoiV p.eya ydp ol eboxKe 'j* Zevs dcjyevo^, vaiev 6' o y ev evpvxopio ^lkv&vl' T^iv o y VTTO Cvybv T/ye, piya bpopiov lo-yjOLVOo^.a-av. 300 ^ AvTiXoyos be rerapros evTpi\as SdnXidaO^ ltttiovs, ^ecTTopos dyXabs vlbs vTrepOvfjiOLo dvaKT09, Tov NrjXrj'Cdbao' YlvXoiyevees be ol lttttol cdKVTTobes ^epov dpjxa' 77a7T]/) be ol dy\i 77apao-7as^^a^iunA ^'JWa^/u IxvOeiT els dyaOd (b ^oveoiv voe^ovTi Kal^ avT(2' 305 v/^ ^ % 'AvTi^o)(^, ^ 7ot piev ere veov irep eovT eipiXrjo-av ^^^Ui^ Zev9 re Yloo-eibdcov re, kol linTOo-vvas ebiba^av ^(.Sti. TTavToias' 7(2 Kai ere bibacTKep^ev ov n pdXa XP^^' oTcrOa ydp ev irepl repp^aO^ eXia-aeixev' dXXd tol lttttol l3dpbL(TT0L OeleiV 7(j) 7' otco Xoiyi ecea-Oai, TOiv 6' t77770t puev eacTiv d( pdp]j ^0L, ovbe piev avrol 218 23, 1AIAA02 i\os, iJLrjnv e/x^aAAeo Ovixca iravToCrjv, tva ixrj ae 7TapeKTTpo(l)vyrj(TLv aeOXa, ixriTL Toi hpvTOfxos /xey' afxeCvodv rje /3t77<^r 315 IxrjTt 6' avT€ Kv/SepvTiT-qs evl olvottl 7t6vt(o vija 6oi]v l6vv€L epej6^vr]v avepiOLcn' VcooiA. IxrjTL 6' rjvLoxo9 TreptyLyveraL 7}vi6xoio. ak)C 09 l/.€V e' llTTTOKTl KoX apfXacnV OL&L TT€r:0L6(i)S acppabeco^ eTrl ttoWov kXicTo-erai evOa Km evOa, .320 LTTTTOL be irXavocovTaL ava bp6\xov, ovbe KarCo-x^t' OS be Ke Kepbea eibfj eXavvcov ijo-crovas lttttovs^ aiel repfi' 6p6(ov (TTpe(t>ei eyyvOev, ovbe e Xrjeei q , ^- 07 7770 )9 TO TTpo^TOv Tavvan ^oioKTiv Ipiacnv, JicrU> aAA' ex€L a ospaXem Kal rov Trpovxovra boKevei.^ ha^^ (Tijfia be TOi epe(A fxdk' apt^pabk, ovbe ae krja-eu e(TTr]Ke ^vXov avov ocrov t opyvC virep atrjs, rj bpvbs fj TTevKr]s' to fxev ov KaTairvOeTaL oix^pio, Kae be tov UarepOev ep-qpebarat bvo XevKoi (PI ev ^vvo^aiv obov, Xeios 5' 177770^^09 aix^is' ^j^o ?/ rev o-rji^a jSporolo irdXaL KarareOvriwroSy J^'JiM^ . 7] TO ye vvaaa rirvKTo eiil irporepcov avOpdiroov, ^ ^''^^ Kal vvv Tepixar e6r]Ke irobapKrjs bi09 'AxiXXevs. (TV ixdX' ey^pi}x}lras eXdav crx^bbv apfxa Kal lttttovs, 335 avTos be KXivOrjvai evirXeKTco id bi^pco riK €77' dpLo-repa touv' urdp rov be^Lov lttttov ^jus^t oixoKXrjo-as, el^ai re ol rjvia x^po-tz;. ev vvo-orrj be tol 1777709 dpiorrepos eyxpilx<^Or]Tco-, 0)9 dv TOL ttX^^t] ye bo do-g-etai aK pov iKea-QaL kvkXov TTOLrjTOLo' XtOoii} 6' dXeao-9 aL e TTavpei v, ^Jc^4o ^Uii^l^ '^^^ t77770t;9 re Tpdo-rjs Katd 6' dpfJLaru d^rjs- Xdpfxa be rots dXXoLCLV, eXeyx^Crj be orol airoS ecrcreTaL' aXXd, (puXos, (t>poveoDv irecpvXaypievos ehat.^ 23. IAIAA02 219 €1 yap K €v vvcrarj ye Trape^eXdo-rjo-Oa StWKCor, ovK €(tO^ 09 K€ 0"' ekrj(rL iJLerdkfjievos ovbe irapikOrj, 345 ovS' 6t K€v ix^TOTiLO-Oev ^ Apiova hiov eXavvoL, ^Abprjarov ra^vv lttttov, 69 €k 0€6(I)lv yivos rjev, rj T0V9 Aao/x€8orro9, oi ivOdbe y €Tpa(f)€v ecr^Aot." ^12? eLTTchv NecTTcop NrjXri'LOS ax/r Ivl x^dprj ^ €^eT y €7761 TratSl 6Kacrroi? ireipaT eetTre. 350 MryptoVr;? 5' dpa Tre/xTrro? evrpLxas wTrAtVa^' ittttov?. ai; 5' e^az; es b[(t)povs, iv he KXrjpovs k^dXovTo' TraAA' ^ A^iXevs, €k KXrjpos Bope Neo-ropibao ^AvtlXoxoV jierd top 6' eAa^e Kpetcor EiJ/xr^Ao?* r(5 6' a/)' eTr' ^ATpetbrjs, bovpLKXetTos MeviXaos, 355 7(5 6' €7rl Mr^ptoVr^s Xd^ kXavvlixev' vo-raros avre Tvbetbr]9 ©x.' dpKTTOs icov Aa)(' eXavve\x€v iTnTov^, (TTCLV be ix€Ta(TTOLXi, (rrifi7]i^€ be Tepfiar 'A^tAAeis it^Ct. TrjXodev iv Xet^o TreSto)* Trapa (tkottov elcrev dvTiOeov ^OLVLKa, o-ndova Tiarpbs kolo, 360 0)9 ixepividoro bpofjiov^ koL dX-qOetriv diroeLTTOL, Ol 5' dfia Trdvres €<^' ittttollv [xdariyas detpav, TTiirXrjyov 6' l/xacrti;, opLOKX-qadv t eTiieo-aiv €(T(rviJLevo)9' 01 8' S)Ka bUTTprjo-aov irebiOLO voo-cfn v€(DV rax€co9* VTTO be arepvoio-i kovlt) 365 LCTTaT deipoixevr] &s re ve(f)09 rje OveXXa, ^airai 8' eppa\as KaraOivre 7T€TicrOr]v. Kai pv Kev Tj TTapiXaora r) aixcjyripLo-Tov eOrjKev, j 09 pd QL €K \€Lp(di} €^a\€V [xdo-TLya (f>a€Lvriv. I roto y diT d(f)Oa\iJiSiv x.vto bcLKpva )(coo/x€i;oto, 385 ovveKa ra? /xer opa Irt Kat ttoAi/ fiaWov lovcrasi, -j- ol ot €l3Kdxy^ O pvXCx Or] be [jl€T(07tov eir 6(f)pvcn' ro) be oi oaa-e -j"^ ^^^•^^ baKpvocjyL 7r\r](T0ev, OaXep-q be oi ea\eTO (fxovrj, 4* Tv8€t5r]9 5e TiapaTpe\lras eye fxdvvyas lttttovs, TToWov rOiV akXoav e^dkfxevo^' ev yap ^ AOrjvq L7T7TOL9 TjKe [xevos KoX €7r' avT(id Kvbo9 eOrjKe. 400 T<5 8' a/)' 67r' ^Arpetbrj^ eiye ^avOos MeveXaos. ^ AvTlXoyOS 8' LTTTTOKTLV €K€kX670 TTaTpOS koLO' epi^rjTov Koi (Tcf)^' T LTaiver ov ottl rdyto-Ta. Tj TOL fxev KeivoKTiv epi^efxev ov tl Kekevo), Tvbetbeo) iTmoicn batcftpovos, Oicrtv ^AOrfvrj 405 vvv &pe^e rd\09 kol ei: avT^ Kvbos eOrjKev' LiTTTOvs 8' 'Arpetbao KLxdvere, fxrjbe Xtirrjo'doVf 23- IAIAA02 ^. 221 KapirakifJiOds, /otr) o'(f)(o'LV kX€y\e[r]v Karaxevj] AWrf Orjkvs eovcra' tlt] XeLTrecrOe, (pipLcrroL; ciO\ ol bi avaKTOs virobeio-avres opiOKXrjv [jLaWov iirLbpafJiiTrjv oXLyov \p6vov' atyj/a 5' eireira (TTetvos obov KOiX-qs tbev ^ AvtlXo)(^os \xev€\apixr]s, | poayjibs ^rjv yairjs, fj \eiix€piov oXkv vbo)p 420 €^€ppr]^€V oboio, j3d6vv€ be yjSipov airavra' Tj] p ' el^ev MeveXao^ a/ xarpo )(^as' aXeetvcov. ' AvtlXo)(^os be iTapaTpe\j/as e\e \x(!)vvyas litttovs eKTos obov, oXLyov be napaKXivas ebiooKev. ^Arpetbr]^ 5' ebeta-e kol ^AvTiX6\(aVr](T€V T€' ^' ^Tj jjLOi epVK€cr6ov fJLrjdi* eo-rarov ayvvyiivoi Krjp. ipOrjaovTat tovtolctl Trobes kol yovva KafJLovra rj vfuv' CLfxcpo} yap arijxQjQiJ^mi veorrjTosr 445 €(pa6\ OL he avaKTos v-noheLaavTes djjLOKX-qv jjlclWov €7TLbpaiJi€Tr}v, rdxa be cr(f)L(nv ay\i yivovro, 'Apyetot 8' ev aycovL KaOrjixevot elcopocovTo LTTTTOVS' Tol be TTeTOVTO KOVlOVTeS TieblOLO, 7rp(jjTos b' ^Ibofievevs KprjTQv dyo? e(f)pd(ra9' ittttovs' 450 rjo-To yap ckto? dycovo^ vnepraTos ev Trepu oTTj]' jjutcuit Toto 8' dvevOev eovros ojxoKXrjrrjpos aKOva-as ^ TniMj eyv(i), (f)pdo'(TaTv 8' Xtttiov dpLirpeirea Trpovxovra, ) ^ l. 09 TO \iev dWo Toaov ( kp^v ij rjv, ev be )ut6rco7ra> c^W^^ kevKov (njfx erervKTo Tiepirpoyov r]VTe [xrjvrj. 455 (TTrj 8' 6p96s KOL [xvOov ev ^ ApyeiOKriv eeiTtev- , " S (f)LXoL, ^ApyeCcov rjyriTopes ribe fxebovres, otoy eyo)v lttttovs avyd^ofxai -qe Kal vpiels ; akXoL fxot boKeovo-L irapoLTepoL efjLjxevaL lttttol, dk\o9 8' r]viO)(^os IvbdXkeTat' at be ttov avrov 460 ejBkajBev ev irebico^ a% Keio-e ye (fyeprepat rjcrav'- Tj TOL yap ras TTpoora ibov irepl repixa /SaXovaas, vvv 8' OV 777/ bvvapLai IbeeLv,- — irdvrrj be fxoL oa-ae TpoiLKOV CLfji irebiov TraiiTaLveTov el(rop6a)VTL' Tje Tov rjvLO\ov (f)vyov rjvLa, ovb' ebvvdo-Orj 465 ev ayeOeeiv irepl Tepfxa, Kal ovk ervxria-ev ekL^as ' evOa fjLLV eKTieoreeiv oto) avv 0^ apfxara a^at, at 8' e^rjpd'qo'av, eirel fxevos ekkal3e Ovpiov, j/C^dkka ibeo-Qe Kal vpLpies dvaarabov' ov yap eyd ye ev biayiyvdxTKco* boKeei be fxoL efxpievai avrjp 470 AtrcoAoy yeverjv, /xerd'8' ^ Apyeioio-Lv avdcro-ei^ 23- lAIAAOS ^. 223 Tvbeos LTTTTobdiJLov vid^, Kparepos Ato/x7^8r;9." Toz; 5' ato-)(pa)9 evivtirev 'O'CXrjo'i rami's Mas' t " 'ISo/xez/ei;, rt irapos X adpj veaL ;■ at 6^ t av^vOev LTTTTOL aepaiiTobes irokios TrebtoLO bUvrai, 475 ovre vedraTos €(T(tl [X€T ^ Apy^ioicn toctovtov, ovT€ TOL o^vraTov K6(^aA^9 €K bipKerai ocrcrc ak)C alel fivOoLS Xa^peveai' ovbe tl ere xprj Xa^pay6pr]v ejievai' napa yap Kal afxeCvoves aWoL, LTTTTOL 5' avTal €a(TL TTapOLTepaL, at ro irapos TT€p, 480 Kvfjirikov, iv 6' avTos ^xcov €v\rj£a ^€/3?7K6." Aju/^ Tdv be xokooo-dfjievos Kp-qrcov dyo? olvtlov rjvba' h y " Ataz^, v€LKOs dpL(TT€, KaK0^£a8ey, aAAa r£ TTavra ^OtT^fK beveaL 'Apyetcoz;, ort rot z/oW eortz; aTTrjvrjS. bevpp vvvy Tj TpLTTobos TTepLbcofxeOov 776 Ae^ 77709, 485 L(TTOpa 6' ^ArpeLbriv ^ AyapL^pivova OeCopiev a/x0co, OTTTTorepaL TTpoaO^ lttttol, Lva yv(!>r\s aTTOTLvo^vJ^ ^^Q.s e(j)aT, &pvvTo 5' avTLK 'OtA^os rax^'? Ata? ^^(oopLevos yjaXeTTOLCTLV dpi^L\l/ao-6aL kTT^ecrarV KaL vv K€ brj TTporipoo er epLS yiver api(f)OT€poLo-iv, 490 €t piT} 'A^tAAei;? avrbs dvLaraTo Kal (jyaro pivOov " pirjK€TL vvv xakeTToicTLv api€L(3e(T6ov €TTie(r(TLv, Alav ^lbopL€V€V re, KaKOLs^ ^vret ovb€ €0tK6. Kat 5' aAAo) i^epeaarov, otls ToiavTa ye pe^oL, dAA' vpieLS iv dycdVL KaOrfpievoL elaropaaa-Oe 495 LTTTTOVs' oi be ray^ avroi €TT€Ly6pi€V0L TTepX vlktjs evOdb^ iXeva-ovTat* rote be yvdcreoSe eKacrros LTTTTOvs ^ApyeCoiv, ot bevrepOL ol re TTapoLOev^^ *^X2y ^dro, Tvbetbr]s be p.dKa cry^ebov rjXde bL(0Ka)v, p.d(TTL 5' at€z; eXavve Karoopiabov' ol be ol lttttol 500 vy\r6a deipeo-Orjv pLpL(f)a TTprfcnrovTe KeXevOov, alel 6' fjvLOxov Koviris paOdpLLyyes e^akXov, appiara be XP^^^ TTeTTVKacrpLeva KaanLTepco re 224 23. lAIAAOS 4^. ZTTTTot? wKVTToSeo-o-iz^ iiriTpexov' ovbi ft ttoWtj "^cut^ yiyver eiTLo-o-dTpcov ap jxarpo x i^] KaToinaOev 505 I €V XeTTTrj Kovirj' ro) 6e (rirevbovTe jericrOrjv. LinrCOV 6K T€ KocfxDV Koi CLTTO (TT€pVOLO )(a//a{€. ^dfQ avTos 5' €K 6t(^/)oto \apLal 66p€ TrafJufyavvoavTos, J^^Ca. kX.lv€ b^ apa ixaaTiya ttotI ^vyoV ovbe ix dfria ev 510 X(f)6ifxos ^OeveXos, dAA' ecrcrvixivoo'i kdjS^ aeOKov, bo)K€ 6' dyetv krdpoLariv VTTepOvpLotcn yvvaiKa Kal TpLTiob^ ojrdevra (pipeiv' 6 5' ekvev vcf)^ lttttovs, To) 5' ap' 67r' ' AvtlXoxos Nr]\ri'LOS rjXaa-ev lttttovs, KipbecTLV, ov tl ra)(et ye, irapacjyOdiJLevos MeveXaov 515 aAAa Kal MeviXaos e^' iyyvOev WKeas cttttoi??. oaaov be rpoyov lttttos d(t)L(TTaTaL, os pa r avuKTa eXKrjcTLv TTebiOLO riraivoixevos crvv o)(€(r(jbf Tov piev re \j/avov(rLv eiTLo-ordTpov TpL)(^e^ CLKpaL t^M^v o^p(^^P 'f'' ^ ^' ^yX^ fxaXa rpeyei^ ovbe tl ttoAXt) 520 X^pr] pLecrarjyvs, iroXeos TTebioio OeovTos' Tocrcrov 6r) Mevekaos apivpLOvos ^ AvtlX6)(^olo keiirer' ardp rd irpojTa kol es bicTKOvpa keXeLiTTO, d}jXd piLV aL\l/a KiyjaveV 6(f)eWeT0 yap p^evos r]v iHTTOV Trjs ^AyapLepivover]s, KaWiTpixos AWrjs' 525 ei be K en t: pore poo yevero bpopos dpi(poTepoLaL, 7(5 Kev pLiv irapekaaa ovb' dpi(f)ripL(TTov eOrjKev, avrap M-qptovqSj Oepdircov evs ^Ibopievrjo^, , XeLTTer dyaKkrjos MeveXdov bo vpos ep coriv' iffinS ^ ^ jSdpbio-TOL piv ydp ol eaav KaWirpiye^ lttttol, 530 ijKL(rT09 5' ijv avTos eXavvep.ev app! ev dycovL. vLos 5' ^AbpirjTOLo iravvo'TaTos ijXvOev aXXoov, eXKOiv dppLara KaXd, eXavvouv irpoo-croOev lttttovs, TOV be lbG)v (^KTetpe 7TobdpKr]s 6to9 ^ A^iXXevs, (TTCis 5' a/)' ev Apyeiois eirea iTTepoevT dyopeve' 535 ^3. lAIAAOS *. 225 ^' \oL(rdos avrjp wpia-tos iXavveu yidivvyas lttttovs' aAA' aye brj ol bcofJLev aiOkiov^ 0)9 €t:l€LK€s, hevrep' arap ta Trpwra (^epeo-^co Tvbios t;t09.'' ^129 €(l)aO\ ol 6' apa Trdvres iTTrjveov eKeAeve. Kai ^vv Ke 06 iropev lttttov, €7Trjvr](rav yap 'A)(at04, 540 el jtxr) a/)' ''Az^rtAox^o? jjieyaOvfxov NeWopo? vtos ^ , ^ H7]\etbr]v 'A^iATja Su^r/ rjixeiyj/aT avacrrds' ^«vM* " £ 'A^tAei;, /xaAa rot Ke^oXdaofxat, al Ke Te\e(r(Ttjs ' TovTo €770?* fieWeis yap acfyaLprjcreo-OaL deOXov, TO. (fypoveoDV on 01 ^Xd/Bev apixara Kal raye* iTnro) 545 avTos T eaOkos edv' dAA' S)(^e\ev dOavaToicnv evxecrOai' 7(3 k ov tl TTavvarraros ^kOe bidKcov. ei be pnv OLKTeLpeis /cat rot (pCXos eirXero dvfxco, ecTTi rot ev kXlo-li] ypvads ttoAi;?, eo-rt be xakKo^ Kal TTpo^ar y elcrl be rot bpicoal Kal pidvvxes lttttol' 550 To^v OL eireLT dveXo)v bopLevat Kal pieiCov deOkov, rje Kal avTiKa vvv, Iva a alvrjaccKTLV 'A^atot. Tr]v 5' eyo) ov bdaco' irepl 6' avTrjs TTeLprjOrjTQ) dvbpcov OS K e6ekr}(TLv efxol ^eipecrai p^dyjeo-Oai^^ ^12? (^aro, pieib-qaev be irobapK-qs 6tos 'A;(tAAeiy 555 yaCpoiv 'Az^rtAo'xo), ort ot (f)Lko9 rjev eralpos' 'f* ^ [^^ fffJ UJ , Kai pLiv dpLeLjBopievos eirea Trrepoevra 7Tpoar]vba' "'ArrtAox^^ el p.ev br} pie Kekeveis oiKoOev dkko Kvp^rjkiD einbovvaL, eyo) be Ke Kal to Tekecro-o). bdo-o) ol 0(opr]Ka, rov ^ karepo'nalov d7Tr]vpcov, 560 XdkKeov, (p TTepL xevpia (l)aeLvov KaaairepoLO a d«cH<.#i^ ... dpcjyj^ebivriTai' irokeos be ol d^L09 earaL^ "t" ^ f * J '^H pa, Kat kvropebovTL cj)Lk(o eKekevaev eraLpco olcrepievaL KkLaC-qdev' 6 6' ^X^*^^ '^^^ eveLKev, EifXT^Aw 6' ev x^P<^i rt^ef 6 be^aro xatp^»>^. 5^5 Toto-t Kat Mevekaos dvLo-raro Ovpov dyevcov, 'Az;rtAox<{) dporov Kexok(op.evor ev S** apa Krjpvi VOL. 11! Q 226 23. 1AIAA02 ^. X€lpl (TKrjTTTpOV €dr]K€, (rt(07Tr](Tai T €Ke\€V(r€V 'Apyeiovs' 6 5' eireLra fJLer-qvba IcroOeos (f)(dS' AvTikoyje^ TrpoaOev neirwixive, ttolov €p€^as. 570 T0V9 (rov9 TTpocrOe /3a\(iv, 01 rot ttoXv x^tpoi/ej rja-av. aKX! ayer, Wpyeicov rjyrjTopes rjbe fxebovre^, ^ ks ixeaov api(t)OTipoL(rL biKacrcraTe, pir ^d** eir^ apfpy ^^ [xri TTori ns eLTTrja-iv ^Ayaiodv yaXKO^irddvodv' T*^^5 AvTikoyov yj/evbea-cTi ^irjcrapievos McreAao? OL\€Tai LTTTTov CLyodv, oTi 01 TToXv \€ipoves ^cav LTTTTOL, avTos be Kpei(T(j(3dv aperfj re (Btrj re.' -f* el b^ ay eyoDv avT09 bLKaao), Kai [x ov riva (prjixi /^J^iJ^ clWov e TUTTKr i^eiv Aavacov Wela yap earai. 580 ^AvTiKo^\ el &ye bevpo, bLOTpe(l)es, rj Oeyns eori, (i^iijL^ (Trhs 177770)1/ TTpOTTapoiOe Kal apfxaTo^, avrap IfjLoa^rjv ^^Ij^^^iJ^X'^pfy'^v ex^ p o-bivj iv, fj TTep to irpocOev eXavves, LTTTTcov axf/dfjievos yairjoxov evvoaiyaiov ojjLvvOi [XT] fxev kK(»>v TO epibv b6\(o apjia Trebrjo-ai/^ 585 Top 5' avT ^ AvTiXoxos^^ nenwixevos clvtlov rjvba' avcrxeo vvv ttoWov yap eyd ye vecoTepos elpn 1 a-elo, ava^ Mevekae, av be irp oTep os Kal dpeCcov, ca-w/^^ otad^ olai veov dvbpos vi^epj^ao-iaL TeXeOovcrc )\^1||t$t KpoLTTVoTepos [xev yap re voos, XeiTTr} be re fxijTis. 590 r(3 Toi eiTLTkriTa) Kpabirj' lttttov be rot avTos b(0(r(t), Tr]v ap6iJir]v. el Kai vv Kev OLKoOev aXXo ixel^ov eTraLTrja-eiaSi acpap Ke tol avTiKa bovvai (3ovkoi[JLr]v 7) aoL ye, 8tor/3e<^e9, ry/xara iravTa ^(,^^^,v|/x, eK dvpLov ireaeeLV Kal baip.0(Tiv elvai a kiTQO s*^ 595 "^H pa, Kal LTTTTOV aycav fxey^hSvpiov NeVropo? vlbs ev x^tpecrcrt rWet Mez/eAaoV toIo be Ovyios 4- IdvOy] ft) 9 el Te ire pi (TTaxveaaiv eeparj ^ \rjtov a\ bri(TK0 ^ v T09. oTe (fyfua^iijMJUMs dpovpai* 23. IAIAA02 vJ'. 227 ^^9 apa (Toif Mez^eXae, fxera (f^peal Ovjxos ldv6r], 600 Kttt fxtr (f)a)vri(Ta9 eirea Trrepoevra Trpoor-qvba' 'ArrtAoxe, /xeV rot 6ya)i; VTroei^opiaL avTo^ 1 yoioixevos^ ln^i ov ri Tr aprjop o^ ovb^ a€(TL(f)pa)v ^xjUfi y rjo-Qa TTCLpos' vvv avre voov vUrjae v eql r], «4,(7tc>fc^Vf^ '^tcUpur^ bevrepov avr akiaa-Oai afxeCvovas rjTT€poiT€veLV, cru/V'^iStx/C ov yap Kev fxe rax akXos avr]p TTapiireicev ^ Ayai^v' akXa (TV yap 6r) ttoAA' eiraOes Kal ttoAA' ep^oyrjaas, (709 re TTarrip ayaOds Kal dSeAc^eo? €iV€K ipe^o' rw TOL \Lo-(Topev(o eiTLTTeLo-opaL, fjbe Kal lttttov b(£>(TO) epriv irep eovaav, iva yvdaxn Kal otbe 610 0)9 6fx69 ov TTore Ovpbs V7T€p(l)iaXos Kal ai:r]vr}s pa, Kal ^ AvTiKo^oio IS^orjpovL bo^Kev kraipio LTTTTOP ayeiV 0 6' eTretra kejSrjO^ eXe 7Tap,(pav6a)VTa. Mr)pi6vr]9 6' avdeipe bvoi xpvao'io raXavra TeTparos, a>9 eXaaev, nipurov b^ vireXeiTTeT aeOkov, 615 apcpiOeTOs (pidkr]' rrjv Nccrropt bcoKev 'A^tWevs ^ Apyeioav av ayG>va (j)€p(i}v, Kal eetire TTapaards' TT] vvv, Kal (Tol TovTo, yipov, Keipr\Xiov eorco, YiarpoKXoio rdcpov pivrjp.^ ^ppevai' ov yap €T avrbv oxj/r] €v ^ Apyeioiori' bibuipi bi tol rob^ deOkov 620 avToos' ov yap ttv^ ye payjiaeai, ovbe Tiakaiaeis, ovbi T CLKOVTLo-Tvv iabvo-eaL, ovbe irobeaa-L 'f" OevaeaC ijbrj yap xakeTTov Kara yrjpas eTretyet." *I29 €1770) €v x^P^'t TiOeL' 6 b' ibi^aTo yaipoiv, KaC pLLV (l)(jdvrjo-a^ eirea Trrepoevra irpoa-qvba' 625 val br] ravrd ye irdvra, r€K09, Kara pioipav eeiires' ov yap er epTieba yvla, s 7T0T eov' vvv avre vedrepOL avTLodvTcov epyodv TOLOvruiv' ejute be XPV yvp^^ kvyp(^ TretOeorOaL, rore 5' avre p.ere'npe'nov 7jp(ae(T(riv, 645 dAA' Wl kol (tov eToipov aeOkoKn KTepei^e, TovTo 6' eyo) irpocppoiv de^o/xat, yaipei be fxoL rjrop, <5s fxev ael jiepivrjo-aL evrjios, ovbe ere krjOoo^ ^ rtjUL^y ^9 re fx eot/ce reTLpirjaOat juter 'Axatots. crol be 6eol rcovb^ avrl yapiv p^evoeiKea boievT 650 ^12? (fycLTO, Ylrjketbrjs be iTokvv KaO^ opakov ^AxcLL(av (pXer , eTrel ttclvt atvov eireKkve l^r]ketbao. l^tY^^avTOLp 6 TTvypLaxCrjs akeyeLvrjs OrjKev aeOka' ^ ' r)pLLovov roj^^qte^Qi; ayoiv Kareb-qa ev ayOivi e^ere abpLrjTrjv, rj r akyicrTr] bap^aa-aaOaC 655 ro) 8' apa viKr]OevTi riOei beiras api(f)LKV7:ekkov. a-TT] 5' opObs KOL pivOov ev ^ ApyeioLcriv eemev " ^ ATpetbr] re Ka\ akkot evKvrjpubes ^ Ayjxioi^ avbpe bv(i> irepX rcavbe Kekevopiev, & irep apicrTco, TTV^ /xaA' avacyopievcii TTeirkrjyepLev' w be k ^Airokkhv 660 bdrj KapLpLovCrjv, yv(ao)(TL be Travres ^Ayaioi, fjpLiovov Takaepyov ayoiv KkL(rLr]vbe veeaOo)' avTCLp 6 VLKr]Oeh beiras OLO-eTai apL(f)LKVTTekkov.^^ 23. IAIAA02 ^. 229 iZj € X^P^^ (rri^apfiaiv ap! ap(f)o) (Tvv p eireo-ov, crvv be o-(f)L /Bapelat x^^P^^ epixOev, .j^Jj^^ beivbs be Xp6jxabo9 y ej^vcov yever, eppee 5' t5pa)s 6 ^^^^J^j^ TTCLVToOev eK pieXecov' eirl 6' wpi^vro bios 'ETreto?, Koxfre be TraiTTrivavTa iraprjCov ovb' ap en brjv 690 eo-TrjKeiv' avrov yap VTrrjpiTTe ^aibipa yvla. "f* 0)9 b' bO' VTTO ( /)ptK6 y Bopeco avaTraXXerai IxOvs fU^tJ^JIju 6iv ev (pVKLoevTL, pekav be e Kvp.a KdXvxjrev, &9 irX'qyeU aveiraXro' arap pieydOvpos 'ETreto? Xepo-t Kaft^v ojpOooae' (f)L\oL 6' dpc^earav eratpot, 695 230 23. IAIAA02 ^. ol [JiLV ayov be aycovos €(f)€)^KOjX€vpL(rL irobeora-LV '^ aljua Trax^ iTTVovTa, Kapr] ^aXKovO^ Irepcocre* ^^^^^'^jlJ '^^^ ^' aWocppoviovTa ixera (r(f)[(TLv elo-av ayovTes, rni^ airol 8' oI\oix€vol KOjito-av biiras d/x^tKi^TreXAoz/. n97A.et5r]9 8' at\//'' aXAa /cara rptra OrjKev aeOXa, 700 beLKvvpL^vos AavaoL(TL, TrakaLo-fjLooiJvrjs akeyeLvrjs, , p TO) VLKrfcravTL jxiyav rpiTrob^ ei xuvpiBrnj ov^ "^^^^J^ (f^ Tov be bvodbeKCL^OLov ivl (T(I)[(tl tlov 'Ax^atot* 0^^/ avbpl be viKTjOivTL yvvaiK €9 ixicrcrov eOrjKe, i TToAAa 8' €7rLK*^ rerpLy ei 8' apa z^wra Opaa-eLaoiv airb yjeipQiV kkKopieva (TTepecos' Kara be votlos peev Ibpm, 715 i^crtJ^i TTVKval be (Tjuobt/yyes ava irkevpas re Kat oi/xous OLfxaTL (\)0iviK6e(T(TaL avebpajxov ol be fxaA' aiel VLK-qs leaOrjv Tpiirobos ire pi ttoltjtolo' ovT ^Obvcrevs bvvaro (T(f)7]kaL ovbeu re iTekaa(Tai^ ovT Pdas bvvaro, Kpareprj 8' e^ev ts ^Obvarjos. 720 akk^ ore brj p avia^ov evKvrnxibas ^AxaLOvs, br] Tore [xiv TTpoaeeLTre fxeyas TekafxcavLos Alas' " bioyeves AaepTidbr], Trokvixrjxav ^Obvcraev, T] IX avaeip , rj eyo) ere ra 0 av Au iravTa ixekiqaei* €1770)1^ avaupe' bokov 8' ov krjOer ^Obvcra-evs' 725 cl vvi'^^ Kox//-' oTTiOev KcakrjTTa Tvx(!i>v, VTiekvcre be yvla, ^^J^ Kd8 8' 6'/3aA' ^^OTTtVco- enX be (rT-fiOeadiv 'Obvaraevs 23- IAIAA02 ^. 231 KCLTTTTeo-e' kaol 6' av Orjevvro re Odix/Brjcrdv re. '^fcr bevT^pos avT dvdeLpe TToXvrkas bi09 'Obvcraevs, KLvrjaev 5' apa tvtOov cltto yOovo's, ovbi t aeipev, 730 iv be yovv yvdfxyjrev' iirl §e x^oz;6 KdirTrea-ov ajot^co TTkrjaLOL aWrfkoio-L, fxidvOrjcrav be kovltj^ Kai vv K€ TO rpLrov avTis dvat^avr endkixiov^ el pLTj ^A)(^Lkkevs avTos dvLcrraTo kol KarepvKe' "/xr/KeV^ epeibeorOov, pirjbe rpilSeaOe KaKolcn' 735 VLKTj 6' diJL(f)OTipoL(Ttv diOkia la dvekovres ep)(^e(TO\ o(j)pa Kal dkkoi de6kevo)(TLv 'A)(a606V ^ily €(/)a^', ol 6' dpa tov [xdka fxev Kkvov 776' eTTiSovTo^ Kai p diTOfjiop^aixevo) Kovir]v bvo-avro xtrwm?. rTr;Aet5?7s 6' aL\l/' dkka riOei Ta-xyTrjros deOka, .740* dpyvpeov Kprjrrjpa, Tervyixevov' S"* dpa [xerpa tk^jfJb xdvbavev, avrdp Kdkket eviKa Traaav eir^ atav TTokkcv, eirel ^tboves TTokvbaibakoL ev 7jcrKr]G-aV) ^ "f" ^OLVLKes 6' dyov dvbpes eii yepoeibe a ttovtov, d-tcru/^'V-/- (TTrjarav b^ ev kiixevecrcny Soavn btopov eb(OKav* 745 vlos be UpidfjiOLO AvKdovos covov ebooKe ^a/i\s YlarpOKkio rjpooL ^IrjaovLbris Kvvrfos* I KOL TOV ^A\Lkkev9 OrjKev deOkcov ov eTdpota, 09 Tt9 ekacppoTaTos ttoo-ctI Kpanrvoio-L irekoLTO' bevTep(a av ^ovv OrjKe fxeyav Kal it [ova brjfji^, 750 rjixLTdkavTov be \pv(rov koiaOriC e6r]Ke, CTTT] b* opObs Kal pivOov ev ^ Apyeioicriv eeiirev opvvo-Q^ 01 Kal TovToD aeOkov ireLprja-eo-Oe.^^ 0)9 e(paT\ SipvvTo 6' avTLK 'OtA^o? Taxvs Aia?, av 5' ^Obvaev^ irokvix^fis, eireiTa be NeaTopos vlbs 755 'AvTLko)(^os' 6 yap avTe veovs ttoctI TidvTas evUa. \crTdv be yLeTa(TTOi\L' o-rnxrjve be TepfJiaT 'Axf-kkevs.J TOLo-L 5' diro vvao-rjs TeTaTO bpofios' ooKa 5' eireiTa ' eKcpep^ 'O'CkLdbris' eirl 5' SipvvTO bios ^Obvacrevs 2^0, 23. IAIAp«d2 4^. ^' wcv — ^kdxj/ev yap ^AOrjvrj — rfj pa j3o(av k^xvt ovBos aTTOKrapiivcov ipifJLVKcoVy 775 ovs eTTt rTarpoKAo) 7T€(f)V€v TTobas co/cv? 'AxtAAei^s* er 8' ovOov ^oiov TrA^ro o-ropia re ptz/fJ? re* Kpr]Trip avT avdeipe TroAvrAas 8109 '08v(ro-evs', 0)9 T^A^e (f>6aix€vos' o 8e /^oOi; eAe aT^, S)pTo 8' eiretTa /xeyay TeXapLtivLOS AXas, av 8' dpa Tvbetbr]^ S/^ro, Kparepo^ ALoprjbris* oi 8' €7766 oSi; eKdrepOev opLiXov OcoprixO'qcrav, €S piiorov dpL(j>oTepoi) avvCrrjv jutefxawre pidxecrdaL, b€Lvbv b€pKopL€vaj' OdpL^os 8' Trd^ra? ^ A\aiovs. 815 dAX' ore 8^ G')(€bbv rjo-av 67r' dXXr}Xoi(TLV 16vt€9, Tpls pi€v €7Trjl^av, rpls be cxebov o)ppirj6r](Tav, €vO^ Atas piv €7T€LTa Kar dcriTLba TrdvToo-' eto-rjv vv^\ ovbe xpo" iKavev' epvro yap evboOt Odprj^' Tvbetbr]9 8' dp' eVetra virep crdKeos pieyaXoLO 820 auv €TT avx^vL Kvpe (paeivov bovpbs aKooKj], KOL t6t€ 877 p AXavTi TTeptbeio-avTes 'Axatot TTavcrapiivovs eKeXevaav diOXia la dveXicrOai, ^34 23- IAIAA02 ^. avTctp Tvbdbrj b(OK€v fxeya ipdayavov rjpois (Tvv KoA€(3 re cfyipojv kol ivrpuriTio reXaixSiVi, 825 AvTap tl-qXeibris 6r]K€v aoKov avro^^ocovov, "y^aJh^ ov TTplv fJL€V pLTTTacTKe /x€ya aOivos 'H^tCoovos' dAA' 77 TOL TOP €7r€(pV€ TTobdpKTJS blOS ^A\Lk\€V9, Tov 6' ayer' kv vrjeaaL arvv akkoLcn Kredreo-o-L, (TT7] 5' OpOoS KOL jlvOoV €V ^Apy€LOL(TLV €€LTT€V' 830 " opwaS* 0% Koi TovTov diOkov TreiprjcrecrOe. €L ol Koi jxdka TTokkbv diTOTTpoOL TTLOVeS dypoL, €^€L pLLV KOL 7T€VT€ 7r€ pLirkopievOVS €VLaVT0V9 Xp€(li>ixevos' ov fxev ydp ol dTepL/Bofxevos ye aLbripoH) ^fgjii. TTOLpLTjv ovb^ dpoTr]p eZo"' is irokiv, dkkd 7ra£e£et." 835 Cl^ ^ ec^ar, Spro 5' eVetra /xei^eTrroAefxos HokvTTOLrrjs, av be AeovTrjos Kparepov fievos dvTtOeoLO, av 6' Alas TekapLcovidbrjs kol bios 'ETretoy. e^eirjs 6' iaravTo, crokov 8' e'Ae bios 'ETretoy, rjK€ be bivrjo-as' yikacrav b' iirl irdvTes 'A)(atot. 840 bevrepos avr dc^er^Ke Aeoi;re^;y, o^os '^Aprjos' TO TpLTov avT ippLxfre fxeyas TekafidvLos Acas, X^f-pos diTo (TTLlBaprjs, kol v-nip^ake arjixara iravTOiv. dkk' ore br} aokov elke iieveirrokeixos YlokvTioLTr]s, oaraov tls t eppL\l/€ K aXavp oTia ^ovKokos dvrjp, 845 f] be 0^ ekto-aopievr] TrereTai bta jSovs dyekatas, t6(T(tov iravTos dycovos virep^ake' toI 5' elSorjo-av, dvo-Tdvres 8' erapot YlokviroLTao Kparepolo vrjas eiTi yka(f)vpas e(f)epov jBacTLkrjos deOkov, Avrap 6 To^evTfi(TL riOei ioevra o-ibrjpov, 850 Kab 8' erLOei beKa ixev 'irekeKeas, beKa 8' fjjUTrekeKKa, IcTTov 8' e(TTr](Tev vqos Kvavoirpiopoto Tr]kov eirl yj/apidOoLS, eK be Tprjpcova nekeiav \^^l^jtJ^ keTTrf] pL ripCvO io bfjo-ev irobos, fjs dp^ dvdyet * To^evetv' " OS p.ev Ke ^dky rpripojva Treketav, 855 23- IAIAA02 ^. 235 TTCLVTas aeipaiievos n^kiKeas OLKovbe cfyepiorOo)* OS bi K€ fJLTjpLvOoLO Tvyr\^ opviOos afxaprdv, rj(r(r(s)v yap brj Kelvos, 6 5' oLo-erai ^fxtTreAeKKa/' ^I2s €(l)aT\ S)pTo 5' eVetra ^lt] TevKpoLO avaKTos, av 5' apa Mr]pL6vr]s^ Oepairoyv €V9 ^Ibofxevrjos. 860 Kkripovs 6' iv Kvvir\ yaKKr^p^'L ttclXXov eXovres, + TevKpos be irpcoros Kkrjpi^ kax^v* avriKa b' iov r]K€V eiTLKpaTioos, ovb^ rjTreikrja-ev avaKTi Inru) ijii^C/w^ apvcov 7rp (^Toy6v o)v pi^eLV KXeiTrjv kKaTopL/S-qv, ^ t opviOos fJiev apLapre' n ^yrjpe yap ol to y 'AttoAAcoi;* 865 ^^^"^j^ avrap 6 pjipivOov (Bake Trap iroba, tt] biber opvis* avTiKpv 6' anb p.r]piv6ov Tafxe iTLKpos olcttos. fj pL€v €7T€LT ij'i^e TTpos ovpavov, 7] b\ TTapeiOr] p.ripivOos TTorl yaiav* arap KeXabrja-av 'Axatot. (T7T€pxopi€vos b' apa MrjpLovqs i^eipvore x^^-pos 870 To^ov arap 8r) oio'Tbv e\€V nakai, coy Wvvev , avTLKa 8' rjireiXrjcrev €Krjj36k(o 'ATToAAcoz/t apv6)v irpcoToyovoiv pi^eiv KkeiTrjv eKaTopL^rjv. vxj/L 5' vTTo v€(l)io)v €t8e Tprjpoova niXeiav' Tj] p o ye bivevovaav vtto irrepvyos ^dke [xeacrrjVi 875 avTLKpi) be birjXOe jBeXos' to p.ev axj/ eirl yatr] TTpoaBev Mrjptovao irdyr] irobos' avTap fj opvis 6(770) e(\)e^op.evr] vr]bs KvavoirpiDpoLO Livn i AvTap nr?Aet87]9 Kara p.ev bokixdcTKLov eyyos, e^^^cff^ Kab be XejBrjT airvpov, ^009 d^iovy dv Oeuoev Ta (j^^^.^^ ^ OrjK h dy(ova (jyepoiv' KaL p rjfxovesjivbpes dveaTaV av p.ev dp' 'ATpetbrjs evpvKpemv ' Ayap.eixva)V, 23- lAIAAOS 4^. av 8' apa Mrjptovqs, OepdiTcov evs ^Ibofxevrjos. TOLCL be Kol fxerieLTre iTobdpKr]s bios 'A)(tA.\€vy ^ATpeibrj' Xbfxev yap ocrov TTpojBejBrjKas aTiavTo^v 890 ^8' ocro-ov bwdfieL re kol rjixaaLv eirXev apLaros' a\ka (TV fjiev ro6' deOKov ey^cor KoiKas cttI vrias epyjev, drap bopv M-qptovr] rjpo)'i TTopco/xep, el (TV ye crQ OvpiCd eOekeis' KeXoixai yap eyd ye." ^12? ecjyar, ovb^ dTrCOrjcev dva^ dvbpSiv 'Ayafxe/xrcoi^* 8a)Ke 8e MrjpLovr} bopv \dXKeov' avrdp o y ijpcDS 896 Ta\6v^C(o KTjpvKL blbov 7reptKaAA.es ae^Aor. IAIAA02 Q. AvTo 8' aydv, Aaol be 600,9 eirl vrjas eKaaroi €Lkov krdpov \x€\xvr\ixivos, ovbi pav vttvos flp€i TTavbapLaTcdp, aAA' €o-Tp€(l)eT ev6a kol €v6a, 5 -j- YlarpoKkov TToOiayv avbpoTrjra re koI p.ivos t^u, 778' o-noaa To kvTT€ VO'€ avv avT(^ kol irdOev aXyea, (Itn^U/lK^ avbpGiv Tz TTToXip.ovs aXeyeiva re Kvpara Tr eCpc ov' T(ov ptfxvrjo-Kopevos Oakepov Kara boKpvov el/Bev, aWoT e77t Tikevpas KaTaKeCp^evo^, aAAore 8' aSre 10 /j i/ VTTTL09, aAAore 8e 7Tpi]vris' rore 8^ 6p6bs dvaaras jy^pi/^ Uf^^^^jf bi veve(TK d\vo)v^ irapd Olv aXos' ovbe piv 7)0)9 "f (f)aivopivr] krj6€(rK€V virelp aKa t rjCovas re. aAA o y eTret fef^etez^ v(p appaaiv coKeay ittttoi;?, "EKropa 8' ekKeaOat brjo-do-K€T o bicjypov oino-Oev, 15 rpt? 8' kpV(Tas irepl arjpa MevoLTidbao OavovTos avTis €vl KXiairj iravio-K^TO, top be r eacKev €v KOVL eKTavvaas TTpoirp-qvea' tolo 8^ 'AttoAAcoi; Traaav deLKeCrjv aTre^e XP^^ (jycar iXeaCpcov Koi reOvrjoTa irep' irepl 8' alyibi irdvTa KaAvTrre 20 Xpvo-etT/, tVa /XT] /xtr aTTobpvcfyoL kkKVo-rdCcov, ^^Is 6 pkv ''EKTopa biov deUiCev peveaCvooV Tov 8' ekeaipecTKOv p,dKapes 6eo\ dcropooiVTes, 238 24. IAIAA02 a. €vO^ a\\oi9 ix\v TTCLo-LV krjvbavev, ovbi tto^' '^Hpri^ 25 ^^gJ^^KuJl,^^^^ ^o(T€ibd(ov ovbe ykavKd-mbi Kovprj, ^ a X)C €xp v tSy (7(^12/ TTpcoTov OLTiriyOeTQ "lAto? ipj] KoX UpiafJios Koi Aao? ^AXe^avbpov €V€k cltt]^, 09 veiKeo-o-e Beds, ore ol pLeo-cravXov lkovto, XjAyi ^ r\vy](T rj ol irope i xaxXoa-yv'n v dXeyeivrjv. 30 aAA' ore brj p €k tolo bvcobeKarr] yever rjcas, ^ Koi ror' ap^ aOavdroLcn fjLerrjvba 4>ot/3o9 'AttoAAcoz;* J^ci/if[U4JL (T\iTXLOL 6OT6, Oeoi, b r]krfiJL0V €9' oiJ vv iroSf* vpav ^'Ekto^P fJLTjpL eKTje [3o(ov alyOiv re reX^icov ; rov vvv ovK erXrjre v€kvv irep iovra cracaaai, 35 fj T dAo^w lb€€LV Kol fjLrjrepL kol reKei (o Kol TTaripL ripta/xa) Xaoiai re, rot Ke ixlv S)Ka €v TTvpl Krjaiev kol iirl KTepea KT€picrai€V, , dXA' oAoo) 'A)(tA^t, ^eot, (BovkeorO^ iirapriyeLV, /^^^ ^ ovT ap (pp€V€9 €L(TLV ez^ottoij^ ovT€ vorjpia 40 yvapLTTTov ivl (rrridecro-i, Xeoiv 8' 0)9 dypta otbev, 09 r^ evrel ixeydXrj re /^tr/ Kat dyr\vopi Ovpici et^a? eto-' eTrt //^Aa j3poTo^v, tva baira kdj3rjo-iv' 0)9 'A)(tAei/9 eAeoz^ fxer aTTwAeo-er, ovbe ol aib(i>s j^cj\/r^ yiyverai, rj t avbpas ixiya ort^erat 778' dvivqaL, 45 /xeAAet /xei^ ttot; rt9 /cat (^lArepoz; oKXov okio-crai, T^e KacrLyvr]Tov oiioydo-rpiov f]€ /cat i>toz^* -J^ ^ ^ dAA' ^,,rpt KXavcras koX 6bvpdfji€V09 tx eOivK e' J^^fT^l^jz^ jJU. rArjroi^ ya^Motpat Ovfxov Oiorav dvOpca-noKTiv, ^ avrdp o y ''EKTopa blov, eTret (\)ikov rjrop aTrrjvpa, 50 LTTTTOdV e^dlTTOdV TTept o^^/x' krdpOLO (f)ikoio eAKet* oi /xryi^ ot ro ye KaAAtoi^ o{'8e r' afMeivov. fXTj dyaO^ irep kovri veixea-a-rjOeodfjiev ol fjfxels' j^^jjLli^ ^jy^^ ^ yo^/> yataz^ detKt^et fxereatVo)!/." Toz/ 8e xoXcocrapiivrj irpoo-ecpr] kevKciXevos ''Hpr]' 55 24. 1AIAA02 a. 239 " €17] K€V Koi TovTO Teov eTTOs, apyvpoTo^e, €6 br] oj^rjy 'A)(tArj*6 Koi "^EKTopL Orjo-ere rifxriv. HjJldb '^Ektcop [xev OvrjTos re yvvaiKa re Brjo-aro jia^ov' "^^ avrap ^A^iWevs eart O^as yovos, rjv iyo) avrrj Opiyj/a T€ Kol aTLTrjXa koL avbpl iropov TrapaKOLTiv, 60 ^ UrjXi'i, 09 7T€pl Krjpi avrbv kroLpOL €v, bcapa 5' ^A^tA^X^t (f)epepLev, rd k€ Ovfiov irivrj^ olov, ixr]be tls akXos d/xa Tpdcdv trco dz^ryp. KTjpv^ TLS ol eiTOLTO yepaiTepos, os k Wvvol 7]ixl6vovs Koi cLfxa^av evTpo\ov, r\be Kal avT is 150 veKpbv ayoi irpoTL ao-rv, rbv eKvave btos ^A^i'XXevs. VOL. II. 242 24. IA1AA02 12, TOLOV yap OL TTOfXTTov OTkCiao-oixev ^ Apy€L(f)6vTr]v, OS a^€L Tjos K€v ayoov 'A)(tA^t TreXdo-arj. avrap €7Tr]v dydyricriv eVco kXlo-ltjv 'A)(tX^09, 155 n n oiJr' airoy KTeviei duo r dXkovs irdvTas epv^et' suv^ oi;r€ yap eor acppo^v ovr ao-Koiros ovr aAj^rrjjxcdv, dkXd jxdX^ evbvKicos Uereco 7T€9 ttoOl Motpa Kparair] yiyvopLevio eirevqa-e XCvid, ore pav reKOV avrrjy 210 dpyLTTobas Kvvas ao-at kSiV dirdvevOe roKrjcov, dvbpl Trdpa KpaTep<2, rod eyo) pLeaov rjirap e^oipi /.(^^'^ ^ eo-OepLevai irpoacjyvo-a' tot av tltcl epya yevoiTo "iicu^ Traibos epiov, eirel ov e KaKiCdp^evov ye KaTeKTa, ' aAAa Trpo Tpdoiv Kal Tpco'Cdboiv ^aOvKoXnoav 215 K 2 .44 24. lAIAAOS a. Triv 8' avT€ TTpoo-ienre yipcov Upiafxos Oeoetbrj^' fjLrj fx iOiKovT livai KarepVKave, purfbi p.oi avrr] opvLS €VL ixeydpOLCTL KaKos iriXev ovhe /x€ TretVety. el fxev yap tls [jl akXos kiiiyOoviodv eKiXevev, /j 220 ^ rj 0% ixdvTiis elcL OvocrKOOi rj Uprjes, ^^dM-fufc ^^^^^^yfrevbo^ Kev (l>aiiJL€V kol v oacpL^oiixe Oa fxaXXov' vvv 8' avTos yap aKOvaa Oeov Kal eaibpaKOv avrrfv, etpLL, Kal ov)(^ aXiov eiros ecra-eTaL. €t 8€ /xot alcra TedvdixevaL irapa vqva-lv ^AyaiQiv yjikKoyjLT(!)V(»iv, 225 u j3ov\o}xaL' avTLKa yap [xe KaraKTeiveiev 'A^^tAAei;? ;v4A/a^ 8a)8€Ka 8' airXotbas )(XaLvas, too-ctovs be raTrrjTas, 230 Toao-a be (f>dpea XevKa, Toaovs 8' em rotcrt ^(trwi^aj. Xpv(7o{) be aTTja-as e^epev beKa Trdvra rdXavra^ €K be bv aWcavas rpiirobas^ TTLavpas be XejBrjras, €K be beira^ irepLKaXXes, o ol QpfjKes iropov dvbpe^ rA. ^ e ^eo-Lr ]V eXBovri^ [xeya Krepas' ovbi vv rov irep 235 . m^^ioj^ ^eio-ar evl [xeydpois 6 yepuov, irepl 8' -^OeXe Ovpi^ XvaacrOai cfytXov vlov. 6 be Tpcoa? jj.ev airavTas alOova-qs direepyev eireaa alTos evaipepiev, avrdp eycaye TTplv dXaTTa^opievrjv re ttoXlv Kepa'iCopiivrjv re 245 d(\>6aXixoi(TLv Ibeiv, ^at-qv bop^ov *'At8oy 660-co." H, Kat (TKYjiravLio Oieir avepas ol 0 i^aav e^co 24' IAIAA02 a. 245 ^'ne QYOixiy oio yipovTos* 6 b' vlclo-lv olcriv ofioKka, /^**^^ *^*7^K^ veLKeCcov "EXevov re IldpLV r ^AydOoyvd re blov Udixixovd T ^ AvTLcfyovop re fiorjv dyaOov re HoXlttjv 250 Ar]t(\)o^6v re koX ^IttttoOoov kol Alov dyavov' . ivvia rot9 6 yepato? ojJLOKXrjo-as eKe'Xeve* ^^^tyU-K^ j'A'*^^^^*^ " (nT€V(TaT€ [XOL, KaKCL reKva, K aTrj(j)6v€ S' aW dyia TidvTe^ "EiKTOpos ctx^eXer dvrX Oofjs iirl vrjval '77€(f)d(T0aL, ^Jg^ uaM^^ S) piOL eyo) ir avd'noTii os, eTret reKov vlas apCa-Tovs 255 TpoLTj €v evpeirj, tQv bi* ov Tivd (jy-qpa X^XelcpOai, JjiJkts ^ ^ MrjCTTopd T dvTiOeov kol TpmXov LT TTnoydpfxr iv ^ ''EKTopd 0\ OS ^eo9 eo-/ce /xer' dvbpd(nv, ovbe ewKet t* dvbpos ye OvrjTov irdis ^pixevai, dXXd Oeolo, 259 rovs pi€v dirdXea "Apr; 9, ra 6' eAey)(ea Trarra XeAetTrrat, . ^//■e^;(7ra^ r dp^iqo-rai re, y opoLTviTLrja-L V dpicTOi, ([m^^^^^^^ dpvCliV 7)5' epCipcov i TnbrjiM OL apiraKTrjpes. ^ ^^^itrpSt^ ovK av bri jtxot dp^a^av i(p07TXL(rcraiT€ Td)(^L(rTa, ravrd re 7raz;r' eTrt^etre, iVa irprio-araypiev oboLO ; " '^vll? €(f)aO \ oi 5^ apa Trarpbs virobeLaavTes opiOKXrjv 265 e/c jtxez^ dpia^av deipav e vTpox^o v rjpLLOv^Crjv S^(^(fijy.'^ n^*^^^^'*^^^^ KaX7]v Tr pcoroTrg yea, TreipivOa be brjcav iir avTfjs, -^e>tt) Ka5 6' (XTTo 7TaaaaX6(j)L ^vybv fjpeov rjpiLOveLOv ' w ^ 7rv£u^i; opLCpaXoev, eS ot^Keo-crtr dprfpos' /lA^^ 4- , • e/c 5' e(p€pov Cvy ohecr pov dp.a C^yw €vvedT:r]\v, 270 ^^^^^ KoL TO pi€v €V KareO-qKav ev^ecrrco pvpi(S, n/^y '^aslinuyj ^^^leTTt TTpdrrj, eTrl 6e kqUov earop L ^dXXov, -^u^^ /^S^ ^ e£etr]s Karibrja-av, vtto y Xco\iv a 5' eKOjxj/av. Ima^^L 4/ T^^''*^^ e/c OaXdpLOV be ^epovres ev^ea-rrjs eir dTTrivr]s 275 z^r^eoz/ ^EKToperjs Kecp&^Xrjs d-nepeLcrC diroLva, (4(n/(tL4A^ Cei5^ai; 6' fjpLLovovs Kparepdivvyas evTe^gjj^pc^fOVS, ^/^ roiJ? pa TTore ITpia/xa) Mucrot SoVaz^ dyAaa bOipa. cTTTTovs be ITpta/xa) i/Trayor C^yov, ovs 6 yepatos 246 24. IAIAA02 12. avTos ex'^v aTiraXXev ev^ia-rrj em (jydrvrj, 280 To) ix€V Cevyvvo-Orjv €v bdixacnv yyj/rjXota-L Krjpv^ KoX YlpLaixoSy TTVKiva (l)p€crl fxrjbe^ €\ovt€9* ayxijxoXov hi (rkl KpovLcovL 290 'I6at(i), OS T€ Tpoirjv Kara iracrav oparac, atret 8' olodvov, Ta^vv ayyeXov, 09 re 01 avT(2 (l)LkTaT09 0lc0V(aV, Kat €V KpCLTOS €(Tt\ p.€yi(TTOV, be^Lov, o(f)pa pLLV avrbs iv d(f)0a\pLOL(TL vorjo-as T<2 TTLcrvvos €7TL vrjas LTjs Aavacav Ta)(y7r(okodv. 295 €t be TOL ov bdorei kov ayyeXov eipvoira Zi€V9, OVK av iyd yk cr' eiretra eTrorpvvovo-a KeXoipirjv vijas €77' 'Apyetcoi; Uvat pidXa irep pLepLacDTa^ Tr]v 8' a7Tapi,€Ll36pL€vos irpoo-iipr] UpiapLOS OeoeLbris' S) yvvai^ ov p.iv rot rob' €(f)L€pL€vrj dinOria-o)' 300 iaOXov yap All x^tpa? avacryep-^v, at eXerjo-rj,^^ pa, Kal ap.<^L'KoXov rapiLrjv corpvv 6 yepaibs Xepa-lv vboop eTTLxevai aKrjparov' rj be irapea-Tr] If^^^^ X^pvL^ov ap(j)LTroXo9 upoxoov 6^ apia x^pcrti; exovca, j VLxf/apievos be KvireXXov ebe^aro r]9 aXoyoLO' 305 ^^y>r^ i!f €vx€T eireLTa oraj pLecrco e pKe'i , XeLjBe be olvov ovpavbv elcravLbcov, Kal (jxtivrjo-as eiros rjvba' " Zev TTCLTep, ''Ib'qOev pebeodv, KvbLo-re pieyLcrTe, bos pi es ^ Axf'XXfjos (jyCXov eXOelv rjb^ eXeeLvov, irepyj/ov 8' olcovov, rayyv ayyeXov, os re (rot avrdi 310 (f)LXTaTos oliiivQiV, Kai ev Kpdros earrl peyio-rov, 24. IAIAA02 12. 247 be^Lov, o(f)pa fJLLV avrbs ev 6(j)0a\iJLOi(rL vorfcras T(5 TTLavvos €776 VTjas LCD Aavao^v rayyudikmK ^ vrUa 8' aUrbv rjK€, reXeioraTov 7T€T€r]v(av, ii^^f^lK " U QPcbvQP 6r]pr}Tr]p\ ov Koi irepicvov KaXiovcnv. ^ ^J^M, ^ 0(Tcr7] 8* v\l/op6(f)OLO Bvprj OaXapiOLO rirvKTai avipos af)gt^eos voov epya rirvKTau avbp^ opoo), ra)(a 5' a/x/xe biappaio-eaOai oloo, 355 aAA' aye br] (fyevyoipiev €(/>' lttttcov, ?/ /xti; evretra yovvcov a\l/d[X€V0L XiTavevaojxeVy al k iXerjcrr].'^ '""lis (^aro, (Ti/z; 8e yepovri v6o9 Xvto^ beibie 6' atrw?, dp^at 8e TpLX^s earav ivl yvaixnToicn ixiXecraL, (TTTj 8e Ta(f)(ov' avTos 6' ipiovvLos iyyvOev iX6(av, 360 Xelpa yepovTos eX(s)V e^eipero Kal TTpoceemC LXov reKOS, ws ayopeveLS. aXX^ ert tls kol efxelo 6e(ov virepecrxeOe X^^P^y +" OS" jutot roLovb^ rjKev obonropov avn^oXijaaL, 375 ^ 24. IAIAA02 12. 249 a ldLOju . otos* brj cri/ bifias Koi eibos ayrjTos, TriiTvva-ai re v6(d, fxaKapcov 6' 6^ icra-L roKiJcor." Tbv 5' aSre TTpoa-ieme hiaKTopos ^ Apy€LpL(TTOs oAcoXe 0-09 TTCLLS' ov pJkv ycLp TL //ax^^ eirebever 'Axatwz;.'^ 385 Toz^ 6' riixeL^er eireira yepcov ITpta/xo? deoeibris' " rts be (TV ecrac, (pipiare, reoiv 5* e^ iacn TOKrjoov ; cos /xoi KaXa top oTtov airoTpiov TratSo? evicmes*^^ Tov 6' avre TTpoo-ieLire biCLKTopos ^Apyei(f)6vTrjs' " ireipa e/xeto, yepate, kol etpeai ''EKTopa blov, 390 701/ //er eyo) fxdXa iroWa fJidxrj evi KvbtaveLpr] 6(f)6a\ixoL(rLv OTTcoira, Kal evT eTrl vrjvo-lv ekdao-as ^ApyeLOvs KTeCveo-Ke, bat^oov o^ei ^a\K(^' rjfjieLS 6' ecrraores Oavixd^ofjiev' ov yap 'AxiAAei/s eta [xdpvacrOaL, Ke)(oAcojUL€z/o9 'Arpetcoi/t. 395 TOV yap eyo) Oepdircov, [xia 5' ijyaye vrjvs evepyrjr Mvpfxibovoiv 6' e^ eipLL, TTarrjp be [jlol eort YloXvKToop. d(f)veLd£ ixev o y eort, yepcov be bi] i>s (tv irep ojbe, e^ be OL vies eaaiv, eyo) be ol ejBbofjios elfxc TGiv [xera iraXXoiJievos KXrjp(o kdyov evOdb^ e^necrOaL, 400 vvv b' rjkOov irebiovb^ aTio vrjojv' rjcadev yap Orjo-ovrai irepl darv ixdyj]v ekiKajTres 'Axottot. ^/Vt daj^aXoo)(ri yap oibe KaOriixevoi, ovbe bvvavrai 'io-)(^eiv eaavixevovs TTokepiov ^aaLXrjes 'A^atwr." Tbv b' rifxeL[3eT eireira yepo^v UpCapLOs Oeoeibris' 405 el fxev brj Oepdiroiv YlriXrj'Cdbeoi) 'Ax^^^os 619, dye brj [xol Traaav dXrjOeLr]v Kardke^ov, 250 24. IAIAA02 a. jg^jJU^ en Trap vrfea-o-iv 6fxo9 irats, /xtz; rjbr] Tor 5' avT€ TTpoo-i^LTTe bLCLKTOpos ^Apyei(f)6vTr]9' 4^0 S) yipov, ov TTco Tov ye Kvves (fxxyov ovb' otcorot, avrco? ez; KXio-irjai' bvcoheKCLTr] be ol rjcos K€Lix€V(o, ovbi TL 06 XP^^ (TTiTTeTaiy ovbi [xiv evXoX eo-Oova, at pa re (\)QiTas aprj'CcpoLTovs Karibovcnv* 415 ri [xh \xiv irepl (rr)/xa kov hapoLO aTO, yrjOrjo-ev b' 6 yipcov, Kal aixd^ero ixv0(^' S T€KOS, fj p ayaObv Kal haLgjjxa bcopa btbovvai 425 aOavdroLS, eirel ov ttot 6/X09 ttclCs, et ttot erjv ye, XrjdeT evl [xeyapoKTi 6eQ)v^ 0% "OXvimov exov&C . . TO) ol CLTTejxvrio-avTO Kal ev OavaroLO irep ato-rj. g^^JlhJ^i/e^ aXX' aye br] robe be$ai efxev irdpa KaXbv aXej^pv, avTov re pvaat, TTeix\}/ov be [xe (rvv ye Oeoia-LV, 43° o(^pa Kev 6S KXLo-[r]v YlrjX-q'Cabeo) acfyiKoyixaL,^^ Tbv b' avre irpocreei'TTe btaKTopos ' Apyei(f)6vTr]r f r;;/^.'' 7T6tpa 6jui6to, yepaie, vecorepoVy ovbe [xe neiceis, v «f**^^^ K6A6at creo bcopa 7 ra|Q6^ 'AyLX ya bexecOaL. * *^ " TOV piev eyo) betboiKa Kal albeopLai Trepi KT]pi 435 ovXeveLV, jXTj \xoi ri KaKov ixeTOTnaOe yevqrai, (Tol 8' av lyo) TTOjULTTO? Kttt K6 kXvtov "Apyo? lKOiixr]v, evbvKeoos ev vrjl Ooy rj TTe^ds opiapTeoiv' ovK dv tLs tol TTopLiTov 6voo-(Tdixevos fxaxeiraLTO, 24. lAIAAOS n. 251 ^H, Koi avat^as kpiovvios apfxa Koi Xtittovs 440 KapTTa\iixa}s fxdcrTLya kol fjvia Aa^ero x^epo-Lv, €v 6' €7TV€va tinTOLa-L Kal 7}ixl6vois ixivos riv, aXV ore hi] Tivpyovs re i^ewz; Kal rdcjypov lkovto, ol be v€ov irepl bopira (^vXaKTrjpes iroviovro, Tola-L 6' e<^' V7TV0V ix^ve bicLKTopo^ ^ Apyei(\)6vTr\v €^lk€To brjfxov, avbpds €s acfyveiov, Oaix^os 8' €;(6t elo-opooovra^, 0)9 'AxtXei*? ddpL^rjaev lb(bv YlpCapiov Oeoeibia' 0dix[3r](rav be kol dkkoL, es dXXriXovs be ibovTO, Tov Kal Xicra-oixevos Upiafxos 7rpo9 fJLvOov eetire* 4!^5 pLvrjaaL irarpd^ croLO, Oeols cTrtetKeA' 'A^tXAci), ttjKlkov &s Trep eydv^ oAo(5 iirl yripaos ovb^* OlcLot^*v5, j '^cii 'TOV Keivov nepLvaiiraL d\x(^ls eovres T€Lpov(r\ ovbe tls eanv dprjv kol Xoiyov dpxvai, dAA.' ri TOL Kelvos ye aeOev C^ovtos clkovcov 490 Xaipei T ev Ovjic^, eiri t eKireraL ijixara ndvTa oy\re(r6ai <\)iXov viov oltto TpoCrjOev lovra' avTap eyo) 'navd'KOT\xos^ 67766 reKOv vlas dpicTTOv^ Tpoirj ev evpeCrj, rOiv 8* ov rivd Xe\e'L(p0aL. TrevrrjKOVTd jotot '^cav, or' ijXvOov vle9 'A)(ata)z;* 495 evveaKaCbeKa [xev [xoi Irj^ eK vqbvos rjaav, Tovs 8' aXXovs /xot eriKTOv evX [xeydpOLo-L yvvaiKes. tG)v fjiev TToXXcov Oovpos "Ap'qs vtto yovvar eXvcrev* 09 be pLOL 0L09 erjVy etpvTO be daTv kol avTOVs, TOV (TV TTpd^rjv KTelvas dfxvvojjLevov ire pi Trarpryy, 500 ''EKTopa' TOV vvv eive\ LKdvo) vrjas 'Axatwi; Xvaop^evos Trapa o-elo, (f>epa) 8' direpeCo-L diroLva, dXX^ albelo Oeovs, 'AxiXev, avTov t eXerja-ov, 24. IAIAA02 P.. 253 ixvijcrdixevos (tov irarpos' eyw 6' eXeeivorepos Trep, €Tkr]v 6' ol' oi! TTco rt9 €7n\66vL09 ISpoTos akkos, 505 avbpbs iraibocfyovoLo ttotl aropLa x^'-p' opiyecrOaL.^^ *I29 <^aro, 6' apa irarpbs v(\) tpiepov Sypo-e yooto' axj/dpLevos 6' apa )(^€ipd9 airdcraTo rjKa yepovra, TO) be pLvrj(Tap.evcti, 6 piev ''EKTopos dvbpofpoi^oto /lawy^^-M/ kKoi abiva Tipo-ndpoiOe irobcov 'A}(tX^09 e \v(r6e[S f 5 jo 0 avTap ^A^iWevs Kkalev edv Trarep', akkore 6' avre YldrpoKkov rOiV be a-rovayy] Kara bdpar opdpet, avrap eirei pa yooto Terdpirero bios ^ A^ikkevs, Kai ol CLTTo TrpairCbcov -^kO' tpiepos rjb^ diro yvtcov, avTiK dub Opovov Sjpro, yepovra be \eipbs dvCa-rr], 515 oiKTeipoov TTokiov re Kdprf irokLov re yeveiov, KaC pLLv (^coz^?](ra9 eTrea iTTepoevra irpoo-rjvba' " a beLk\ 77 5r) irokka KdK dvayjeo abv Kara Ovpiov. TTws eTkr]s eTTt vrias ^AyjaiQiv ekOepev oTos, dvbpbs es ocjiOakpovs 09 rot TTokeas re Kal eaOkovs 520 vleas e^evdpi^a ; cnbripeiov vv rot ^rop. d/\X' dye 8^ Kar ap' e^ev eirl Opovov, dkyea 8' epirrjs iv 0vpL(^ KaTaKelaOaL edaop^ev dxyvpLevol irep' //"f* J^ji}^ ov ydp TLS n prin ts irekerai K pvepoio yooco, dJuM^^ ^ yap eireKkdo-avTO Oeol beLkoicn fipoTolaL, 525 ^(ieiv axyvpievoLS' avTol be r aKrjbees elcrL boLol ydp re ttlOol KaraKeiarai ev Ato9 ovbei J O/IA b(ip(t)v ola bibodo-L, KaKcov, erepos be edcoz/' JfiL^^i^^ joieV K dpipiL^as b(orj Zevs repiriKepavvos, akkoTe pLev re fcaKO) o ye KV^erai, akkoTe 8' eaOk^' 530 f 8e fJLLV di/trrry ere 1 9, irplv kol KaKov aXko TrdOrjaOa,^^ Tbv 8' rjfjL€L^€T €7T€LTa yepodv UpCapLOS Oeoeibrir pLTj 7T(a p! is Opovov iCe, biorpecpis, o(\)pa k€V ''E/crtop KrjraL ivl KXto-LrjaLV dK'qbrjs, aWa Td)(^i(rTa kvaov, Lv d(f)9aXpLol(rLv tdco* av be be^ai airoiva 555 77oXAd, rd rot cfyipopiev' (rv be T(ovb^ aTrovaio, Kal ekOoLS (TTiv es narpLba yatar, eTret /xe irp^Tov eaaas l^avTov re fcoetz/ Kat opdi; (pdos T^eXtoto]/' Tbv 8' ap' VTTobpa lbG>v irpoaecpri irobas imvs ^ AyjXkevs' "/xr^fcert vvv p! epe^t^e, yipov' voeo) be kol avTos 560 ''KKTopd rot Xi}crat, Atd^ez^ 8e /xot dyyeAoy rjkOe pufjTTjp, rj p,' ereKev, 6vydTr]p akioLo yepovTos. KOL be ae yiyvdo-Koo, ITptafxe, (f)pe(TLv, ovbi fxe k'qOeLS, OTTL OeSiv tLs (t riye Ooas ein vrjas ^Ayaioiiv, ov ydp Ke Tkair] ^poTos ekOipiev, ovbe p,d\' fjjBQv, 565 es (TTpaTov' ovbe yap av (l)vkdK0vs Ad^ot, oi'8e k o^^a ^ |j«t>t^'^ pela /xero^AtVorete dvpdoiv fjfxeTepdoiV, ^24. IAIAA02 12. '00 ro) vvv fjLTi /xot [laXkov iv aXyeart Ovixov opivrjs, fjirj (T€, y^pov, ovb\xivTov ivl KXia-iriaiv idaoo Kol LKir-qv TTep iovra, A to? 6' dAtVco/xat i(l)€TiJLds.^' 570 ^flj ecfyar, ebeio-ev 5' 6 yipcov kol eTret^ero jjLvOi^, Yl-qXetbrjs 6' ot/coto Xecoz^ aAro Ovpa^e, ovK 0109, a/xa rcS ye hvod OepdirovTes eirovro, rjpo^s AvTopiebcdv 7]5' *'AAKt/xo9, oi/s* /5a iidKiara tV ^ A\iXevs krapcov jxera YldrpoKXov ye Oavovra^ 575 ot ro^^ vTib ^vy6(l)Lv Xvov lttttovs rjpiLovovs re, €9 6'- ayayoz^ KrjpvKa KaXrjTopa rolo yipovros, Kdb 6' €ttI bicjypov elcav Iv^iorov b' avr' dirrivrjs fjpeov ^EKTopirjs K€(j)aXri9 aTrepeiVt' aTTOLva. Kdb 5' €Xlttov bvo cfydpe' evvvrjTov re ^.^^^^^15 58c , o(jf)pa v^KVV TiVKoaas boLt] o^Kovbe (\)ip^(TOaL, n^t^^i^ jivAc^*^ bpLoaas b^ ^KKaXicras Xovaai KeAer' a//(^t r' dXeixjrat, v6(r(pLV deipdo-aSy o)S jJir] Ylpiap^os tboL vlov, fxi] 6 ixkv d^vv\xivr\ Kpabir\ yjdXov ovk ipvcraiTo 77at6a Ibdv, 'Ax^cXryl* 5' opLvOetri (fyiXov rjTop, 585 /cat e KaTaKTeLV€i€y Ato? 6' dXinqrai ec^er/xa?. ror 6' eTTel oSi; bfJLcjoal Xovaav koX y^plaav eAato), d/x(^l 6e' [xiv (j)apo9 KaXov j^dXov r]b\ XLTcova, avTos Tov y ^ KyjX^v^ Xexioav eiriOrjK^v deCpas, (Tvv b' erapOL ijeipav iv^iarriv ki: durivriv, 590 (DpLOi^iv T ap eireLTa, cpCXov 8' ovopL-qvev eraipov " /XT] /xot, UdrpOKXe, (TKvbpLaiV€p.€v, at k€ T^vOrjai €lv "At^os Tiep €0)v OTL ^FiKTopa blov 'iXvaa iraTpl (^tAo), eTTet ov [jlol deiKea biOKev diroiva, ro€ hepoVy ttotl be UpLapLOV (jydro p/dOov vl^y \x€v hri Toi XiXvrai, yepov, S)S exeAeve?^ 256 24. IAIAA02 n. Kelrai 5' ev Xe^iecrcr' aixa 8' rjoi (f)aLvoix4vr](j)LV 600 o^eau avTo^ aycov' vvv he. fxvrjo-dixeOa bopirov, KOL yap T rjVKOfxo9 Nio/3?7 ii^vrjcraTo (tltov, rfj irep bdbeKa TTOibes €vl p^eyapoiaiv oKovto, €^ fxev Ovyaripes, 8' vUes rj^dovTes. T0V9 fxev ^ AttoWojv 'iri(j)V€V air apyvpioco ^lolo 605 Xcoo/uteros Nto/^r/, ras 8' " Aprep^is loyiaipa, ^ ovv€K apa ArjTOL lo-dcrKeTo KaXXLirap-pio' (f)}] boLO) T^Kieiv, rj 8' avrrj yeivaro ttoWovs' TO) 8' apa Kal botd irep iovr airo iravra^ oXearorav, ol fiev ap^ €vv7]ixap Kear ev (jyovco, ovbi rt? rjev 610 Karda^aL, Xaovs be kiOovs TTOirjo-e Kpovioiv' T0V9 8' apa rfj beKarrj 6d\lrav 6eol Ovpavidyves* rj 8' apa (tltov pLvqcrar, eirel KapLe boLKpv yjovcra, vvv be TTov ev TTirprjaiv, ev ovpecLv oloTTokoLaLVy . ev 2t7r?;A(i), 06 l (jyacrl Oedoov e/x/xez/at evvas 615 vvpLcfydodv, at r djui(^' ''A)(^e\mov eppjaaa^ro^ ^Nf^ / . , ^j-* evda \l6os Trep eovcra 6e(ov €k K-qbea n iaa eu JjVWr^K dAX' aye 8r) Kal vm pLebcipteOay ble yepaie, ^-^"^ G-LTOV eireLTd Kev avre (f)[kov iralba KXaCoLaOa, ^'Wlov el(Tayay(x>v' TToXvbdKpvTos be tol eorai.'* 620 "^H, Kal dvai^as oCv dpyvcfyov o)kvs ^A^iWevs (T(\>d^'' erapoi 8' ebepov re Kal dpLcpeirov ev Kara Koo-fiov, fjLLcrTvkXov T dp' eTTLo-TapLevcos nelpdv r o^eXoiaiv, coTTT-qadv re TrepLcfypabecdS, epvaavro re ndvra. |^t/»*^^ ^ AvTopLeb(j)v 8' apa ctltov e\o)V fTzivfi p.^ rpaTi eCr] ^^^^^25 Kakols ev KaveoLoiv' drdp Kpea veipiev ''AxiWevs. OL 8' €77^ oveLaO^ eTolpLa irpoKeCpieva x^tpas taWov. avrdp eirel ttoVios Kal ebrjrvos e^ epov evro, Tj TOL AapbavLbr]s Hpiapios OavpLa^^ ^A^Lkija, oacros er]v olos re' OeoLCL yap dvra ei^KeL' 630 avrdp o AapbavCbriv YlpCapiov 6avpLa(ev 'A^tXXevs, 24, 1AIAA02 12. 257 elcropocov oyJ/Lv r ayaOrjv kol [jlvOov aKOVcov. avTCLp 67766 TapTTrjcrav 6? aXkrjkovs 6p6o)VT€9, Tov TTporepo^ TrpocrieLTre yipcav rTpta/xo? O^oeibrjs' ki^ov vvv )Lt6 raxtora, hiOTp€(\>es, ocfypa kol -qbrj 635 'f' virvio V7T0 yXvKep(^ TapirdixeOa KOLpLrjOivres' ov yap 770) pLXxrav oo-cre vtto l3X€(f)apoL(TLv epoicriv ov crfjs VTTO x^porli/ epos ttclCs (5X6(76 Ovpov, dXX' at66 (TT€vdxo^ koI KTjbea pivpCa ireo-o-o), a«A^ avkT]9 €v xofiiuto-t KvXivbopevo^i Kara Koirpov. I 640 vvv brj Kol (TLTOV TTaaapiqv kol aWoTra otvov kavKav 1 7]^ Kadir]Ka' Tidpos ye pev ov tl TreTrda-prjv.^^ '^H p\ ^A^ikevs 6' krdpoio-iv ihe bpcoyo-t k€\€Vg-€ bipvL V7T aWovcrrj Bipevai kol prjyea Kaka Tiopclyvpe €p[3aki€LV, (TTopicrai r 6^W6p^6 ra77r/ray, 645 ^kaivas T evOipevai ovkas KaOvirepOev eo-acrOai, iT al 6' icrav 6k peydpoco bdo9 pera x^po-lr ^xovcraLy atxj/a 6' dpa (rropeo-av boiG) ke)(^€^ kyKoviovcrai, TOV 6' €TTLK€pTOIJL€Cd V TTpO(T4(f)r] TTobaS CtWcis* ^ A)(^LkkeVS' eKTos piev brj ki^o^ yipov (ftike, prf rt? 'Axatcov 6^0 ivOdS' iirikOrjo-Lv l3ovkr](t)6pos, oi ri poi aU\ l3ovka^ ^ovkevovcTL irapripevoL, rj Oepis karL' Tcav el Tis (re Xbotro 6o7]v bia vvKTa pekaivav, avTLK av 6^617706 ^ Ayapipvovi noipevi kao^v, JlimA KaC K€V dv dfikr ](TLS kvaios veKpoio yivrjraL. /^55 aAX' aye poi robe elire Kal drpeKecos Kardke^ov, TTOo-aijpap pepovas Krepei^ipev "^KTopa blov, ocjypa Teo)9 avros re pevo) Kal kaov epvKO),*' Tov 6' ripei^er eneira yepcov Ylptapos OeoeLbrjs' " el pev brj p eOekeis Tekeaat Td(j)ov "EKTopi 6ta), 660 (abe K6 pot pe(o)v, ^Ax^kev, Kexapicpeva 6eLy]s. otcrBa yap £)S Kara aarv eekpeOa, Tr]k60i 6' vkr] a^ep,ev e^ opeos, pdka be Tpo^es bebCao-iv, VOL. II. s \/JaJkAASJ<^ Ua iDckJULo P^^^^ Uai/W ^ fy^uxji^ cc^ycu^ 258 24. 1AIAA02 a, hvfjixap \xh K avTov hi fxeyapots yoaoiixev, rfj b€K&Tri hi K€ e&TTTOLfxev haivvTo 76 Xads, 665 hbeKCLTribi K€ TVix^ov 67r' avT^ TTOLTiaaiixev, Tj] be bvcobeKCLTTj TToXeixL^ofxev, d irep avdyKJ].'' ' Tdv 5' avT€ 7rpo(7€€t7r6 iiobapKrjs bios 'AxtXXei;?- lo-rai rot Kat rai;ra, yipov Upiaix\ o)? o-i; j^^^^^'^^^^' (Txr](Ta) yap TToAe/xor roVo-oz/ XP^i^^^ ^'^^^^ Srcoyay." 670 apa (fxiivriaas eirl KapTT(2 x^tpa yipovTos OL ixev &p h 7rpo5o/xa) boixov avroOi KOi\xr](TavTO, Kijpvi Kal Upiafxos, irvKiva (fypeal fxribe ^xovres, avrap ' kx^Wevs elbe [xv^^ kXkti^s iv-ni^KTOv' 675 r(5 5e Bpt(7r]ls TiapeXi^aTo Ka\XiTTapr}OS. ' "AKXoL \xh pa 6eoL re Kal avipes iTTiTOKopvo'Tal evbov iravvvxioh p^aXaK^ 5e6/x7]/x€rot v7TV(^' aXX! ovx 'Epixeiav epiovviov vttvos eiiapurev, SpixaivovT avh Ovpiov Sttco? Upiaixov ^aatKrja 680 vr]&v €K7:€ix\lreL€ XctO^v Upovs, irvXacopovs. (TTfj 6' ap vTTep K6(^a\^9 Kai [xiv -npos ixvOov hiiiev' £ yepoz;, ov vv ri aoL ye \xeXeL KaKov, olov eff evbeis hvbpadiv h brjtoLaiV, eneL a elacrev ' kxiXXeis. Kal vvv ixev (\>iXov vVov iXvaao, iroXXa 5' ebcoKas' 685 0-610 be K6 (oyov Kal rpls roVa 50161; airoiva TTaibes Tol ixerdmaOe XeXeifxp^hoL, al k 'kyapAiiViov yvcorj a 'ATpetbr]s, yvcooycn be iravres 'Axatoi" ''tis e(f)aT\ ebeiaev b' 6 yepa^v, KTfpvKa 6' avL(rT7]. roLaiv 5' 'Epfxelas (ev^' t^^^ovs wi6vovs re, ^ ^ 690 ^tV»v^^«t>*^*^ ay^ov be ^vixjSX-qvTo nvKao^v veKpbv dyovri, TTpwrai TOV y aXo^ds re (jytXr] kol irorvLa pLTjTrjp 710 j TL ^Xea Oriv^ €7r' d\xa^av evTpo\ov dtfao-at, eru/v^"^-^ cLTTTopLevai Kecpakrjs' Kkamv 6' dfji(l)L(rTaO^ ofxiXos. Kai vv Ke brj irpoirav ri\xap Is rjekiov KarabvvTa '^EKTopa bcLKpv xeovres obvpovro irpd Tivkdoov, t el fXTj ap €K bL(f)pOLO yepoiv Xaoia fxerrjvba* ^^^^715 " / et^T e pLOL oypeva L biekOepiev' avrdp eireira aaeo'Oe Kkav6p.0L0, eir-qv dydyoopn bopiovbe.^^ '^I2s e(l)a6\ ol be biecrrricrav Kal el^av airrivrj. 1 oi b' eirel elordyayov Kkvrd bdpLara, tov piev eireira l^a^/L T pi]TOL S ev kex^^cro'L Oecrav^ napa V elaav aoibovs j?2o Oprfvoov e^dpxovs, ol re (TT ovoecraa v dotbrjv ^iLOfifv¥^f(^ oi piev dp* eOprjveov, eirl be crTevdxovTO yvva^Kes. TrjcTLv 6' ' Avbpopidxri kevKcokevos rjpxe yooLO, '^EKTopos dvbpocpovoLO KdpT] pteTCL \ep(Tiv exovaa* '^avep, air' alQivos veos S)keo, Kab be pie XVP^^ ^'^^ XeLireis ev p.eydpoi(TC irais 5' In vriinos avTO)s, ov TeKop^ev (tv t eyd re bvo-dpipLopoL, ovbe p.iv otco s 2 2,60 24. IAIAA02 n. rj^T]V l^eaOaL' Trpiv yap ttoXls rjbe Kar^ aKpr]s Trip(T€TaL' ^ yap oKo)\as eTrio-KOTros, 09 re fXLV avTr]v pv(TKev, 6X€? 5' aXoyovs Kebvas Kal vq-nia reKva, 7 at 8^ TOL TCL^a vrjvalv ox/icrovTaL y\a(pvpfj(TLy Kal jjikv eyco jiera Trjai' crv 8' av, T€ko9, rj e/>tot avTrj ^xj/eaL, evda k€V epya a€LKia kpya^oio, ^33r2[ a^A^voii; TTpo avaKTos aixeLkixov, ^ tls ^Axcll^v piy\rei \€ipos kkcov airo TTvpyov^ Xvypbv okeOpov, 7 \(jo6pi€vo9, w brf TTOV abe\(f)€bv eKravev ^'EKT(op 7j Trarep'j rjl Kal vlov, eTrel p.aXa iroWol ^ Ayaiodv i "EiKTopos €V TTaXdjjLrjorLV oba^ €\ov a(r7T€Tov ovbas. fl^jpCAJL ov yap /x6tAtx.09 €(tk€ TTarrjp rebs iv ^0^ ^'^ypfi' T<3 Kai [XLV \aol \x\v obvpovrai Kara clo-tv, 7 aprjrbv be tok€V(tl ydov Kal TrivOos e67]Kas^ "Efcrop* 6/xot b\ ixaXicrra XekeiyjfeTaL akyea Xvypa, ov yap [XOL OvrjCTKcov Xex^ioiv €k )(€tpa9 operas, Ovbi TL fXOi €17769 TTVKLVOV ItTOJ, OV T€ K€V aUl IJL€iJivri{xr]v vvKTas re Kal ri\xaTa bcLKpv \iov(Ta!^ 7 ^12y icfyaro Kkaiova, errl be arevayjovro yvvaiKes. Tjjo-LV 8' avd^ ^EKajSr] abtvov e^rjpxe yooLO' ""Exrop, e/x(5 Ovpiio iravrcov ttoKv T€s) which causes silence : in fact, the description of the Greeks in 3. 8, 9 has come to apply to them, auiaxos is for d-fiaxos, the f being vocalised, as in raXa-vpivos, c-uaSe. 42. Here and in several other places the MSS. vary between irap' avToOt (or vapavToOi) and irap* avT6i. The latter can hardly stand for ' beside them,' viz. the ships, since this would require a Fern. For trap' avToOi cp. 23. I47, also Kar avToOi (10. 273., 21. 20l), &c. 45. cLo-djjievos, ' putting on the likeness.' 8€p.as, Acc. § 37, 4. 47. o-aa)wtv, because taken closely with the Inf. €o-Td|X€vai. See on 2. 113. 57. €pcaT|o-aiT€, * drive ' or * force back': elsewhere the Verb cpcoioo is always Intransitive, but the Transitive force appears in direpcucvSf 8. 361. 60. KCKoirois. The Pf. of Verbs oi striking apparently has an intensive force. There was an ancient variant k^kokojv, a form like K€K\r}yovT(s (16. 430., 17. 756). 63. aiYiXtiros, a word of unknown meaning (§ 57, 2). / 64. Join ireSioLo SttoKctv (§ 39, 3, b). 66. Touv, Gen. in a partitive sense, * first of them.' 68. The clause circC tis k.t.X. has no apodosis expressed. The in- tended apodosis, * let us be encouraged to fight,' is suggested by II. 73-75, which however is grammatically part of the protasis. See on 3- 59v 6- 382. 70. ovS' o 7€ KdXxas ka-rl should not be separated by a colon or dash ( — ) from the preceding lines : the sense is, ' since it is a god who is bidding us fight, and not Calchas.' 71. ixvwa, 'the outlines,' * fashion.' The notion seems to be that Poseidon began to assume his own form as he departed. 72. Join p€i' €"yvtov, cp. 15. 490 p€Ta 5' dplyvojTos Aius dydpdai yiyveTat dXfcrj. The scholiasts take pcia with diriovTos, comparing 1. 90 pua JJ.€T€LadfJL€VOS. 73. Kat 8* €^,01 aviTb) k.t.K. is put as another reason for recognising the presence of a god, and at the same time- expresses the encouragement which is the main point of the speech. 78. wpop€, sc. 6e6s. Most editors suppose wpope to be intransitive; but the assumption of an ellipse seems less harsh, especially as Oebs wpope is a recurring phrase (Od. 4. 712., 23. 222). 79. €cro-vp,ai expresses the state of eager excitement : § 26, 2. 82. X^PhTl' 'jc>y>' perhaps literally the ' brightness ' or ' glow,' of the combat ; hence simply = * battle.' 83. T64)pa, * meanwhile.* tovs omOev, 'the others behind,' — not simply * those behind,' as in Attic. 88. -utt' o^^va-i. The Gen. is commoner in this use ; but cp. 18. 244 €\vaav vcr€p.€vai, ' for the hope that you will save/ 98. €t8€Tai, ' seems,' * is like to be.' Tjfiap, in a vague sense, as in the phrases kXevOipov ^jxap * freedom/ Sovkiov ^fJ-ap, rjpLap opcpaviKov (II. 22. 490) : *the time seems to be come for you to be subdued.' Cp. 15. 719 vvv r)ixLV iravTOJV Zeus d^iov ^fxap edcofce vrjas kXfiv. 99. 0a€p,a, in sense the Predicate: 'a great marvel is this that I see.' loi. TpcDas Uvat, Inf. after Oav/m rode opcu/xaL = ' this is wonderful.' The Acc. c. Inf. is not used with bpacx:. 103. T]ia, * food.' The origin of the word is unknown. 104. avTCDs gives emphasis to T|Xa(rKovo-aL, ' seeking to escape and nothing more.' ov8* cirt x^^PP-l explains avrcas, * there is no spirit in them.' For cm cp. i. 515 ov rot tin Scos. 108. KaKOT-qri, ^ by the fault.' jji€0Tr)(xo(n5vT] €pio-avT€s K.r.X. The notion that the rest of the Greeks were angry with Agamemnon for his treatment of Achilles appears here and in the next book (14. 49-51). In this place it is put forward as an excuse for the defeat of the Greeks: cp. 6. 326 ff., where Hector makes a similar excuse for the cowardice of Paris. 110. KTcCvovTat, in a peculiar Middle sense, ' suffer themselves to be killed.' 115. dK€a)p,€6a, ' let us set it right,* 'heal the breach,' viz. between us and Agamemnon (not the quarrel with Achilles). Tothasan affirmative force, * surely,' ' after all ;' see on 9. 158. Some ancient authorities had t€, which would suit the gnomic character of the sentence (§ 49, 9) ; cp. 15. 203 (XTpeirTal piiv t€ (ppeves kaOKwv. 116. oiK€Tt softens the rebuke, as though he said ' you are going too far in slackening.' 118. jjiaxccro-aiji-qv, ' quarrel with,' * complain of,' cp. 5. 875. |X€0€Liri, Opt. § 34, I, a, 119. Xvypos, lit. 'woeful,' 'pitiable,' hence 'contemptible,' a * coward.' TTcpl KTjpi, ' with my whole heart ' ; lit. ' all over the heart,' or per- haps ' beyond measure with my heart.' See Iloffi. Gr. § 186, n. 2. 120. w TTcirovcs, a familiar form of address, 'good friends' : see the note on 5. 209. Tt is adverbial, nearly = ' methinks,' 'perchance'; cp. 8. 282., 9. 197., 19. 56., 20. 184 (La R.). 121. €v (()p€o-l 6€o-9€, cp. 15. 561, where atSa) QkaQ' IvX Ovjic^ is ex- plained hy a\\-q\ovs aideiaee, and 15. 661. ai8ws, as used in Homer, includes all sensitiveness to the blame of others, vcfxeo-is all sense of wrong-doing : thus the two words together express such rudiments of 'moral sense' as were then recognised. Cp. Od. 2. 64 vcfx^aaridrjT^ Koi avToij dWovs t aihiadrjTe irepiKTiovas dvOpuirovs. 270 ILIAD. BOOK XIII. 124. oxr,a, cp. 12. 455. 128. Xaoo-o-oos, 'urger on of armies*: -croos is to a^voi as x^^^ to X^vo: (x^7^<^)j ^00? to Bko3, &c. 01 -yap dptcTTOt is best taken as a Relative clause (sc. etc/), cp. 1. 313 OS dpicTTos (sc. kari). 130. TTpoOcXtijjLva), ' overlapping,' i.e. so close that each shield over- lapped the next (as in the Roman testudd) ; see on 9, 541. 132. The <|)a\os was a ridge of metal (hence Xajxirpos), in which the plume of horse-hair was set. 133. v€v6vTCDv, with KopvOes (of the warriors), 'as they nodded.' ws = oTi ourcus, cp. 4. 157. T34. €TrTijaX€(i)s, 'unswervingly,' ' in unbroken course.' 143. €los p<€v, ' so far,' i.e. until he reached the Greek lines (cp. 1. 145 dXX' oT€ . . .). The form ' he boasted so far, but when he reached . . .' is the regular Homeric way of saying ' he boasted until he reached, and then . . . cp. 15. 277., 17. 277, and so with o(ppa /icV (^15. 547), and roaov fjL€V (4. 130, &c.). 146. €YXP^H'4*®^^s ' pressing close on them.' 147. djjLiYt»oicriv, probably ' two-edged,' i. e. with a leaf-shaped head (see Helbig, das horn. Epos, p. 245). 148. Tr€X6p.ixOT], ' was sent reeling.' 151. TTap|ji€V€T', 'stay by me.' 152. TTvpY-qSov, ' in close column' ; for -nvpyos cp. 4. 334. 158. irpoiroBCJcov, 'advancing foot by foot,' one foot in front of the other; irpo having the same force as in irpoOiXv^xvos (1. 130) and npoKpoaaos (14. 35). ■uirao-'iriSia, adverbial Ace, ' under cover of the shield.* 162. €v KavXw, i.e. where the head of the spear is joined to the shaft. 166. viKT|s, • for (the loss of) his victory,' Gen. § 39, 5. NOTES. LINES 124-222. 175. at|/, ' back/ — the first time being when he went as a suitor. 177. €YX*'^*- Elsewhere Teucer fights only with his bow. 178. p-cXiT] ws. When ws goes with a single word it almost always follows it, and is treated for metrical purposes as if it began with a con- sonant, — as was originally the case (os for jos, Sanscr. jj/^zj). 185. TVT06v, ' by a little.' 190. 6p€jaTO, ' made a thrust at.' 191. ov TT-j] xpoos €icraTO, lit. 'nowhere in the flesh did he go straight' (to the mark): cp. 11. 358 oQi 01 KaraeiaaTo yairjs, and the recurring phrase diairpb be eiaaro, ' went right through.' cl'o-aTo expresses the straight course taken (nearly = i'^uae) : cp. Od. 22. 89 'OSvo-^os UiaarOy ' went (straight) at Ulysses.' It takes a Gen. of the aim, but in this place it is better to construe xpoos with o\J irr). 192. ovTa, ' pierced ' ; usually of wounding a perso7t. 197. dXKf,s, here equivalent to ' battle' : cp. 5. 732 fie/jLavT' epiBos kol avrris. Editors generally put a full stop at d\Kf]s, understanding Kojiio-av from the preceding clause. It is better to consider the sentence 'TjjiPpLov Xvfxaiveadai . . . rd TTpiirei fidXXov ^ap- Pdpoicn rroUfiv 7]Ti€p"EX\Tjai. 204. cratp'r]86v, ' like a ball,' i.e. as though he were playing at ball. €A.tJdp.€vos, ' wheeling round ' (towards the Trojans). hi b\ki\ov, with r\K€. 207. vltovoto, viz. Amphimachus, since Poseidon was the father of the 'AKTopicuves (11. 750). But it is unlike Homer to leave this to be un- derstood. The Gen. is to be taken with cxoXwOt]. 210 ff. This incident is not made as clear as is usual in Homer. The name of the companion who has been wounded (1. 211) is not given, and there is nothing to show why Idomeneus is going to his tent in quest of armour (1. 214). 211. ol is an ' ethical Dative ' (§ 38, i) : *a companion whom he had found coming.' 217. II\€vpwvi, KaXvSwvL are loc::tival Datives. 222. otJ Tis civTjp, ' no man ' (but a god). 272 ILIAD, BOOK XIII. 223. €m€Tai, lit. * emerges from/ hence * shirks,' *gets out of: the opposite of hvvai {tt6\^\ioVj &c.). Cp. the Attic use (which may be imitated from Homer), Plat. Theaet. 154 C avabvov rd oJiJLoXoyrjfieua : Demosth. 109. 12 dxpt rov Oopv^rjaai Kal kwaivicrai airovdd^ovTcs, kdv 5^ 5€77 Tt 7roi€iy dvadv6ii€V0L. 226. ixcWcL. Cp. 2. 116 ovTOj irov Atl fJieWci inripfxfvu €pT^ 8' dp>:TT\ mXci, lit. * brought together it becomes prowess,' i. e. union makes prowess. dpcTtj is in sense the Predicate, to which tdXcos, 'in scornful fashion,' or perhaps 'impatiently,' his ill-humour breaking out. The word virep piaXos is generally taken as =^ vn€p(l>vr)s, lit. ' over-grown ' : cp. oiaXos from avs. 294. eXev, ' get for yourself.' The meaning ' choose ' is later than Homer. 301, 302. According to Strabo the Homeric ''EcJ)vpo: were the people of Kpavvwv, and the ^X^yv^s the people of Tvpruvr] — both in Thessaly, and exposed to invasion from the neighbouring Thracians, VOL. II. T 274 ILIAD, BOOK XIII. the favourites of Ares (Od. 8. 361). Neither name occurs in the Catalogue. 307. irf) T ap, § 49, 3. 308. S€Jl6<()iv and dpicrT€p6<()tv may be either Locatives or Genitives. 309. cXirojjiai with a Pres. Infin. means properly ' I comfort myself,' trust (that something is the case), ov ttoBl eX-no^JLai is = e^irofiai on ov TToOi (as ov c}>r]/jLi is often equivalent to ' I deny '). ovrTT€o-x€TO belongs in sense to the relatival clause, = ' and for which he promised.' 381. o-wa)p.€0a, ' agree ' {(rvvirjfxi). The regular Homeric form would be ovvrjopLeOa, § 13. em vT]\JcrC, 'by the ships,' i.e. in the camp. 382. €€8va)Tal KaKoi, hard to satisfy in our character as receivers of the price for the bride. The verb kedvvoj is used in the Middle of the father, with the meaning ' to give away for a price* (ee5i/oi/), as Od. 2. 53 ojs K avTos UdvcuaaLTo OvyaTpa. For this use of verbs in -oco cp. fjiLoOovfiai I lend for hire, XvTpov\xaL I ransom. 385. Kar' wp,a)v, ' over his shoulders,' close behind him. 393. Peppvx^s, SeSpa^fxcvos, § 26. 395. dXt»|as, with o-Tp€i|;ai, the Aor. Part, expressing exact coinci- dence : wheeling the horses would have been equivalent to escape. We T 2 276 ILIAD, BOOK XIII. might rather have expected aXv^ai arpixpas, * to escape by wheeling ' ; but o-Tpsi|/aL is better, as giving the particular thing which his terror prevented him from doing (ouk €T6\p,T]cr€v). 397. irepovTjcre, properly 'pinned,' * fastened with a brooch' (ircpour]) : the use of such a word for a spear-thrust may be a piece of grim play- fulness. 407. 8tvwTT|Vj * rounded,' 'made of round pieces': Dat. of material. as Od. 19. 56 dLVQJTTjv k\ii, which is used adverbially. XiTwva xa.^K€ov is apparently a periphrasis for the thorax. (See the note on 4. 133.) The chitojt proper was worn under the thorax, and was not a piece of armour ; but the word is used loosely, as in the epithet Xa\Ko-x'^TQjy€s, ' in garb of brass.' Cp. also 11. 3. 57 XaCvos x^'^^^^? ' ^ shirt of stones,' = ' death by stoning' (Helbig, p. 198). 443. 01, again an ethical Dat., ' his panting heart shook' : cp. i. 200 Seivcb be ol uaae (paavOev, ' her eyes appeared terrible.' 444. d<|)Ui p.cvos, ' let go the fury ' of the spear, i. e. allowed it to rest. NOTES. LINES 397-524. 277 The ''ApT;? spoken of here as controlling the \ikvos of the spear is not the personal god (who was in Olympus, and did not even know what was passing, 11. 521 ff.), but the 'spirit of war' that is always present in battle, and is thought to inspire weapons as well as men. 446. T) upa K.T.K, * surely we may reckon it a fair set-off.' ti is ad- verbial, see on 1. 120. a^iov, * an equivalent,' ' a good price, — three for one': cp. 14. 471 TlpoOorjvopos clvtl TrecpdaOai d^ios. 450. KpTjTT], ' for Crete,' the Dat. proper. 456. IrapLo-craiTO, * should take as comrade.' 460. This quarrel of Aeneas with Priam is not elsewhere noticed. 461. Join €o-0\6v |X€t' dvSpdcriv, cp. 17. 590 kaOKuv Ivl irpofxaxoKTi. 464. KT^Sos, the grief due to a kinsman. iKavci, ' reaches,' ' touches.' 470. <})6pos, ' flight,' as elsewhere. TT]XiJY€Tov, a word of unknown etymology (see on 5. 153), probably meaning * tender ' or * caressed,' hence in the contemptuous sense, ' a spoiled boy,' ' minion.' Idomeneus, on the contrary, was fxeaanroXLos (1.361). 473. vwTOv, Acc. of 'part affected,' cpplaaco being properly Intrans. 477. PoT]06ov, ' swift to the battle-call,' to be taken with cmovra as a predicate ( = swiftly). 481. p.' oi'tpj A*^* ^'*V' ^ 485. cjjLTjXiKiT], a collective Noun, here used as a predicate = ' ©ne of the ufjL7]\iKirj ' ; cp. II. 12. 213 brjfiov kovra, ' being one of the brj/jLOs' Tw5' €m 6\^p.cp, ' with this spirit,' ^ keeping the spirit that we have ' ; €771 somewhat as in 4. 175 dreXevT-qTco (irl '^pycu. 491. ol, governed by a|xa, as l. 251 01 01 irpuaOev d/xa Tpd(p€v. 493. €K PoTavqs, ' after feeding^ : c'k expresses coming straight from. 499. dWTjXcov, governed by TLTV<7K0[X€va)v, which again is governed by xaXKos (1. 497). Cp. 6. 3. 504. Kara Yaitjs, ' down to the earth.' 507. YvaXov. The thorax consisted of two ^viaXa, breast-plate and back-plate, joined at the side and over the shoulder : see on 4. 133. 8id, with T]<))va€, by Tmesis. 512. opjJL-qOevTi, with €Trai^at and dXcao-0ai, implying coincidence (see on 1. 395) : the quick movement {dpfirj) might be either charging forwards (ciraijai), or springing aside (dXcatrdai). The two infinitives follow cjjnreSa Tjv, 'were not sound so as to,' 'had not the sureness for.' 515. Tpeo-craw is a similar Inf.: 'for taking to flight,' = ' so that he could escape by flight.' 516. pd8T]v, ' step by step,' ' at a foot's pace.' 521. Ti, ' at all.' ppu-TjiTvos, ' mightily shouting' (ppi- as in o-^pifios, Ppi-apos). 524. €€> p,€vos, ' confined.' 278 ILIAD. BOOK XIII, 525. €€pY6p.€voi, * suffering themselves to be debarred,' cp. 1. no. 530. avXwms, ' with tubes for eyes/ i.e. eye-holes (Helbig, p. 205). This seems better than the explanation given on 5. 182. 532. TTpvp-voLO, the upper arm, the part next the shoulder. 542. TGTpaji[JL€vov, with 'A<(>apTia (not \aip,6v). 543. €m — cd(j)9T], ' fell over ' or ' with ' him. cdcj)©!] is probably from a root fa-n-, expressing violent motion, seen also in the reduplicated Present lainw. It only occurs here and in 14. 419. 545. (ji€Tao-Tp€\iPa, ' artery.' 552. iravaioXos, an epithet generally applied to light or flexible parts of the armour. It expresses the play of light on a shifting surface : see on 12. 167, 208. 556. av€v, ^away from in this sense dvcvOev is more usual. 558. cXeXiKTO, * shook,' 'quivered': cp. 22. 448 rrjs 5' kkekixOr} yvTa (of shaking in terror). Or perhaps ' kept wheeling/ /. e. turning this way and that; cp. 8. 340 kXiaaofxevov t€ Sok€v€i, also 18. 372 and 12. 49 (note). On the forms with eKeX- see Horn. Gr. § 53. 559. crxeSov opix-rjOTjvat, *^to attack, charge, in hand to hand conflict,' i.e. to make a sudden thrust (opp. to aKovTiaaaC). 562. dp,€VTivo>o-€v, 'deadened the force of; cp. 5. 887. 563. Plotolo p,€YT|pas, ' begrudging it the taking of life.' The spear is baulked of its natural prey, the life of an enemy. For the personifica- tion see on 2. 444. The words might also be referred to Adamas, 'grudging him longer life'; but this does not fit the context so well. fxcyaipoj is used of disappointing an effort, as 23. 865 fxeyrjpc yap ol to y 'AirukXctjv, 'refused success in this.' Plotoio is a gen. of material, § 39, 4. 569. "^Ap-qs, in the half-impersonal sense, ' the fate of war ' ; see the note on 1. 444. 570. €TrT]|€v, sc. Mrjpi6vT]s. co-irojjLcvos, 'giving way' to the force of the blow : cp. 12. 398. 571. T^o-iraipc, ' plunged,' 'struggled.' 577. 0pTr]LKicp. Thrace was famous for swords, cp. 23. 808. 584. cp,apTTj8ir]v, 'together,' 'at the same moment,' cp. ofxaprrjaavTc (12. 400). 585. oicTTw, with dKovTio-o-at by Zeugma. 590. €pcofj, the ' swing ' or impulse from the winnower. 592. diroirXaYx^^^s, ' glancing off,' cp. 11. 351. 597. irapaKpeixdcras, 'letting it hang at his side.' TO 8' €0Ccr0ai. The Aor. Inf. is used as with Okacparov kcxri (Od. 4. 562). 669. 0a)Tjv, ' penalty,' for refusing to serve. 676. Tttxa 8' Slv . . . cirXcTO is subordinate in sense, — part of what Hector did not know : ' so that soon victory (kvSos) would have been with the Greeks.' 678. irpos £€, ^ and besides.' 679. €X€v, 'kept on,' fought in the same direction. 682. 0iv', z, e. Qlva: cp. i. 350, Od. 6. 236. 685. 'Idov€s. This is the only place in Homer where this famous name occurs. Apparently it is 'AO-qvaiot, cp. 1. 689. (\K€XLTajv€s, ' with long trailing c/iz'ton.' In archaic art, according to Helbig (p. 116), the long chiton is generally a mark of old age or high position, but was worn by all as a festival dress. 686. #6101, a name only found here. 687. Join o-ttovBt] vewv €Xov, ' were hard put to it trying to keep him from the ships.' 689. The structure of this sentence is irregular. The poet intended to say that the leaders of the Athenians were Menestheus, who was their chief, then Pheidas, &c. ; but after the announcement of the subject {01 fi€v 'AOrjvalojv npoXeXey/jLevoi) he goes on with a parenthesis about Menestheus (€v 8' dpa roicriv . . . M€v€cr0€ijs\ and then completes his list in a fresh clause (ot 8' ap,' cttovto k.t.X.). Cp. the anacoluthon in 11. 833 ff. IrjTpol jxlv yap . . . toi/ pL€v . . . o 5€ . . ., where (as in the text) a subject is divided between two clauses, the Jirst of which is gram- matically a parenthesis. Cp. also 8. 268-271 (with the note), 16. 401. 691. 'EiT€iwv, sc. ^pxo^, repeated from r\px^y 690. 692. In the Catalogue the 'Eircioi have four leaders (2. 620 ff.), none of whom occur here: while Meges is there said to have been banished to Dulichium, and to be leader of the ships from that place and the Echinades. 693. Medon and Podarces appear in the Catalogue as commanders of two different contingents, both however from southern Thessaly (2. 704, 727). Th^re is a slight contradiction involved in the statement that Medon dwelt in ^vXclkt], since the force from that place, according to 2. 695, was commanded by Podarces. 700. va'0ap . . . eicTL, lit. 'are straightway,' 'are (ready) at once,' i.e. you will speedily find that we too have hands to defend ourselves. 817. crxeSov €p,|x€vai ottitotc, ' the time is at hand when — 820. ireSioto, ' over the plain,' § 39, 3, h, 824. djjLapTOcirls, ' blundering in speech,' cp. 3. 215. 825. ovTcu -yc . . . u)S, ' as surely — as.' 829. '7r€<|)T|(r€ai, ' shalt be slain,' from the root <^^v-. BOOK XIV. The fourteenth book is entitled Afo? airarr] — * the beguiling of Zeus ' — from the contrivance by which the aid of Poseidon is secured to the Greeks for a little while longer, and the critical moment once more postponed. The agent in this last effort is Here. The story is as follows : — The sudden noise of the battle is heard by Nestor, who is still with Machaon, and also by the three wounded chiefs, Agamemnon, Ulysses, NOTES, 283 and Diomede. They come forth from their tents, and resolve to do what they can in spite of their wounds to stir up and direct the defence. Poseidon encourages Agamemnon and the rest of the army (11. 1-152). At this point Here resolves upon a new and bold device. She furnishes herself with the magic girdle of Aphrodite, obtains the aid of "tirvos, and lulls Zeus to sleep on Mount Ida (11. 153-353). On hearing of this Poseidon again encourages the Greeks, who under the guidance of the wounded kings arm themselves afresh for the final struggle. Hector, on encountering Ajax, is struck down by him with a stone, and compelled to retire. The Trojans are driven back across the rampart (11. 354-522). The anger of Achilles and his consequent absence are mentioned in two places, a speech of Agamemnon (1. 50), and a speech of Poseidon (1. 366). These references make us feel that he is uppermost in the thoughts of the Greeks. Much difficulty has been felt in reconciling the part now played by Here with the action of Poseidon in the preceding book. If Poseidon has been watching for the moment when the eye of Zeus is withdrawn, and at once takes advantage of his opportunity, how comes it that Here, who is watching with no less interest (14. 153), does not also act? And when she does act, after much scheming and preparation, what really new result is attained ? These considerations led Hermann to condemn a large part of the thirteenth and fourteenth books as an interpolation. By striking out 13. 39 — 14. 152 he made the action of Here follow immediately on the coming of Poseidon to the Greek camp. On the other hand it has been pointed out by Nutzhorn ^ that this backwardness on the part of Here is justified by the earlier part of the Iliad. In the eighth book Here and Athene come down to the battle- field in spite of the command of Zeus, and are called back and rebuked by him. It is natural that a new attempt should be made by a different god, and that Here should wait a little before she is sufficiently en- couraged by Poseidon's success. And this form of the episode has dramatic value in other ways. In the first place it is so contrived as to give variety to the poem. The thwarting of the will of Zeus (which is the ground idea) arises in an unexpected quarter. Poseidon is a new figure, and his presence leads to a series of new situations. In the second place the scenes of the episode are of gradually increasing interest. We see Poseidon first with Ajax and Idomcneus, and again, as the danger grows more pressing, with the three greater chiefs. Then the intervention of Here marks a new stage in the development of the action Without ^ Entstehung der honi. Gedichte, p. 160. 284 ILIAD. BOOK XIV, some such new element there would be a want of the sense of gradation or ' thickening of the plot ' which is essential to dramatic effect. If it is objected that the action of the two gods leads to no tangible result, the answer is that the poet's object is to raise expectations, not to satisfy them. The episode does not end with any definite event, precisely because it is an episode. Why does the victory of Menelaus over Paris, or the irresistible career of Diomede, lead to no solid advantage for the Greek cause ? The reason lies in the poetical unity of the Iliad as a whole, which does not tolerate the appearance of a satisfying conclusion before the true conclusion is reached. In this case, accordingly, it is essential that Zeus should awake in time to turn the course of events back into its proper channel ^. It must still be admitted that the situation at the opening of the fourteenth book does not quite harmonise with the end of the thirteenth. There is indeed an excellent formal transition : the noise of battle described in the last lines of book XIII is heard by Nestor in his tent. But what he sees, and presently relates to the wounded chiefs, is the storming of the rampart and disorderly flight of the Greeks, — not the comparatively successful resistance which is now being made by the help of Poseidon. We seem to be taken back to the end of the twelfth book, when the fortunes of the Greeks were at their lowest point. But in Nestor's view the main fact evidently is that the Trojans have carried the Greek fortification. Moreover, the poet wishes to find a motive for the action of the wounded kings. And the dark colours in which the state of things is now painted belong to the general heightening of the interest in the fourteenth as compared with the preceding book. The last part of the book tells us how the Trojans were driven back across the palisade and ditch, the chief event being the combat of Hector and Ajax. This is introduced with curious abruptness (1. 402 hiavros 6€ ^ When the rational sequence of events is neglected, we can generally see that it is sacrificed to some dramatic necessity. At the very beginning of the Iliad we are met by the insuperable difficulty that there is no sufficient reason why Achilles should have allowed Briseis to be taken from him (see the note on II. i. 221). So in the present instance w^e might ask, not only why Here is so slow to act, but also why Athene and other gods who take the Greek side do not act at all. A modem scholar (Bischoff, in the Philologus^ vol. xxxiv. p. 20 f.) has pointed out with perfect justice that the sleep of Zeus gave them time to secure all that they desired, — the victory of the Greeks and the destruction of Troy. It seems very unlikely, when we think of it, that they should have thrown away the opportunity. The true explanation is that the story is not, and cannot be, free from improbability. The poet is satisfied if the improb- abilities do not jar upon his hearers, or injure the general effect of his work. NOTES. LINES I-31. 285 TTpwTos aKovTiae (pai^ifios "EKTcop), as though the meeting of the two heroes had been already described. Lachmann accordingly conjectured that we have here the latter part of a ' lay ' which begins in the eleventh book, and breaks off there with a meeting of Ajax and Hector (ii. 557 ff.). An equally good point of junction is obtained without going further back than the end of book XIII, where Ajax challenges Hector, and Hector replies with confident words. It is harsh, however, to suppose that even this meeting is still fresh in the mind of the hearer. Perhaps the difficulty is best got over by supposing the loss of one or two lines before 1. 402. The last fifteen lines of the book (11. 508-522) da not stand well after 11. 440-507. Both passages describe the series of individual victories which marked the retreat of the Trojans : but evidently there is not room for two such descriptions, each with its own beginning and end (cp. 1. 442 €u6a iroKv irpcuTKTTos k.t.K. with 1. 509 os tis 5?) iTpixjTos, and again the concluding 1. 507 irdTTTTjuey be eKaaros k.t.K. with 1. 522 oLudpSju TpeacrdvTQjv, k.t.X.). It seems probable, therefore, that one of the two passages is an interpolation. 1. mvovrd ircp. This takes us back to the scene in Nestor's tent, where Nestor and Machaon drink the icvk^lwv of Pramnian wine : sec esp. II. 641 ff. € jJLTTTjs = the Attic ofiajs. 3. oTTcos cCTTai TciSc €p7a, ?'. e. ' what is to be done ' : cp. 1. 61. 8. €LO-ojxat, Fut. of dlZa Join cXOwv €S irepicoTTTiv. 14. 6pivo[jL€Vovs, * driven,' 'in rout,' cp. 9. 243. 16. 'Trop<|)tjpT|, 'is stirred,' 'troubled': vopcpvpeos was applied originally to any turbid, murky colour. Kcow, t.e. making no plash ; ' noiseless,' * sullen.' 17. 6o-o-6|jL€vov, 'looking for,' awaiting with dread. 18. avTWS, z. c. ' doing no more,' explained by ovS' cpa t€ k.t.X. 19. KeKpip.€vov, ' decided,' ' settled.' 26. vvcr(TO}jL€vtov, ' as they pierced each other,' Mid. The Gen. depends on xci^Kos, cp. 13. 499. We might have had the Dat. agreeing with o-e uttered such a speech. a)VO(rdp."r]v, * I blame ' ; properly ' I have blamed ' (like e-rrXero, ' has come to be,' ' is '). The idiom is common in Attic, as ijaOrji/, ' I am pleased,' kir-rjveaa, ' I approve.' 98. €viKTd, * boasting,' see on 13. 726. €\Lirr\s, 'still,' see on 1. i : the meaning is, 'have (more) cause to boast, though they are (already) victorious.' 99. cirippcTTT), ' turn the scale,' ' be decided as our lot' ; the metaphor which is turned into a symbolical act in 8. 69-74. loi. diroiraTTTaveovicri, 'will look about them away ' (from the war), z. e. look out for escape, and so give up the fight. 104. Ka0iK€o, ' hast hit,' ' touched.' •108. d(rp,€V({) is in sense the predicate : ' it would be welcome to me.' So in prose, PovKofxePco fj.oi kari, &c. 113. yivos is Ace, see on 5. 544. 119. aviToOi, ' where he was,' at home. 121. Gvy^'Tp^Vj partitive Gen., (one) ' of the daughters.' 123. opxaroi, 'rows,' z.e. plantations. djJi<|)Cs, 'round ' the fields, e. separating them : cp. 3. 115. 125. p.€X\€T€, see on 13. 226. aKov€\L€v, ' to have heard.' Homeric language does not distinguish the faa of hearing from the impression that remains with the hearer ; cp. Od. 15. 403 v7]a6s ris ^vpirj KiK\r](TKerai, el irov anovfis, also II. 20. 204., 24. 543., Od. 3. 193., II. 458. The Pf. dKT)fcoa, which would be the proper tense to express the reszcU of hearing, is not found in Homer. €T€6v (sc. k(TTi) is construcd as a substantive, ' truth.' The principle is the same as in olfc dyaOuv iToXvKOipavir^ (2. 204), &c. 288 ILIAD, BOOK XIV. 126. o\)K av with the Opt. is a gentle form of request ; see on 2. 250. 7€vos, Acc. of reference with KaKov. 127. 'n'€ao-jjL€Vov, * set forth,' uttered: cp. 18. 295 vorjfxara (palv^ kvl SrjfK^, Od. 4. 159 iireafioXias avacpaiu^iv. 130. €K PeXccov, ' out of range of weapons/ cp. 4. 465., 16. 122, &c. 132. OvjjLw Tjpa Xijp.Troio, with elcreiSe, is further defined by diro piov, ' looked forth from Olympus, from a peak.' 158. €i Subj., expresses Here's purpose where she is herself the agent, in contrast to lp.€ipaLTo, an expected consequence of her action. The use, however, is irregular, the poet forgetting that the whole depends on a Past Tense (a€tvoiJS, ' shining/ viz. with oil. 177. €K KpdaTos, i. e. hanging down from the head. 178. cavov, see on 3. 385. 1 79. €|vcr€, ' smoothed ' ; do-KTjo-ao-a, ' having wrought it ' : the two words = ' wrought to due smoothness,' cp. 4. no aaKqfjas . . . ijpapc. 180. €V€Tfjo-i, ' clasps/ ' brooches.' Kara ctttiGos, ' on the breast/ i.e. at a point on it : Kara with Acc. as in fcar u)fxov (used of a wound h\ the shoulder), kqt damda, &c. See Helbig, p. 200 of the second ed. 182. €pjAaTa, ' ear-rings.' 183. rpiy\-r\va, of three drops or beads, see on 8. 164. fjLopoevTa, probably ' consisting of berries/ i.e. clustering, from ficpov, ' a mulberry/ 184. The KpT]8€^vov appears to have been a kind of mantle, covering the back of the head and the shoulders, but leaving the face free Helbig). 185. vir]YaT€cp. The meaning of this word is unknown ; see on 2. 43. 190. iriOoto, Opt. equivalent to a gentle Imperative, see on 4. 93. 191. TO 7€ = ' therefore/ 'at the idea that,' § 37, i. 196. T€T€\6crp<€vov, ' accomplishcd ,' i. e. that can be accomplished. 199. 8a|jLva, 2 Sing. Mid. cf dafxi/dco. But we should perhops read 8dp,vacrat, which is metrically better. 203. 'Pctas, Gen. with ScJajxevT), as i. 596. 205. oLKpLTa, lit. 'undistinguished,' as in 7. 337, hence 'involved/ 'with measureless issues.' 2c6. dWTjXcov, governed by euvfjS Kal 4)i\6t7]tos. 208. K€LV(o, with dv€o-aip,i (see on 13. 657). 213. ia-u€is, cp. 9. 325 (with the note), 18. 258. 214. KccTTov tp,dvTa, a thong or band of pierced work ; probably not a piece of dress, but simply a charm. It was placed in the bosom (cp. L 219) simply as the easiest way of carrying it safely (Helbig, p. 156). Cp. 3. 371, where the band of the helmet is ttoXtuk^otos lp.ds. 215. 0€\KTT|pta irdvTa, 'all manner of seduction': (onrdvTa cp. i. 5. 217. 'Trdp<|)acris is in apposition to 4>i\6'nr]S ijA^pos and oapto-Ttis : 'these things are the persuasion (means of persuasion) which beguiles' &c. For the concrete sense cp. yiueais (1. 201), dvcnTVivais (11. 800), &c. 221. dTrp-qKTOv, ' without accomplishment,' in the active sense. o ti with ellipse of the antecedent ; (in respect oO whatever &c. 225. dijao-a, 'with a swift movement,' 'shooting down.' 226. nL6pCT]v, east of Mt. Olympus. 'Hna0iT]v, the later Macedonia. 228. dKpoTOLTas Koptj<))ds, in apposition, explaining cpea : a common construction in Homer, see 1. 284, also 2. 145 , 8. 48. 210. Note that Lemnos and its king take no part in the war. VOL. II. U 290 ILIAD, BOOK XIV. 240. TTOo-Cv, * for the feet ' ; viro being adverbial, ' under it.' 248. 0T6 jjLT], see on 13. 319. 249. aWo is used adverbially with €mvvcro-€v (§ 37, i), 'taught me in another matter/ i.e. once already gave me a lesson. Some MSS. have the reading of Zenodotus, refj kmvvaa€v €<(>€tjjlt), ' taught me by reason of, on the occasion of, a behest of thine.' For d\Xo cp. roSe in 1. 298. 252. cXcJa, 'laid to rest.' 253. vT|8vp,os, see on 2. 2, 256. xcL^^iraive pW'7rTdJcov = ' showed his rage by hurling.* 258. atcTTov, as a predicate with €jjLj3aX€ ttovto), 'would have cast me so that I had perished.' 265. tj <()Tis, ' dost thou indeed think?' ws — ws — , 'will as surely — as he was angered about (ircpi-) Heracles.' 271. ddarov, an obscure word, found in the Od. with a different scansion (addTos). It is probably derived from aaoj (which shows the same variation of quantity), and means ' not to be done foolishly against,' not to be treated with oitt/, befooling. 272, 273. So in 9. 568 Althaea beats the earth in calling Hades and Persephone to witness. The gods of the nether world, however, are beneath sea and land alike, cp. 8. 478 ovV u k€ ret v^iara Tr€ipa6' iKrjai yaiTjs /cat ttovtoio, iV 'IdiriTus t€ Kpovos re k.t.K, Accordingly a victim sacrificed in taking an oath by them might be thrown into the sea, as in the case of Agamemnon's oath, 19. 267 ; see on 3. 310. 282. €o-o-ap,€va> is subordinate to irpTjo-o-ovTC. 284. A€kt6v, in apposition, see on 1. 228. 286. irdpos Aios 6cro-€ i8€o-0ai, ' before he met the gaze of Zeus,' i.e. came into his presence: cp. 15. 147 €777)1/ eKOrjre Aids 5' eh cDrra id7j(T0€. Commentators generally take oo-ae as subject. 288. dT|p is the lower misty region, al0T|p the bright upper air. 290. cvaXiYKios, i. e. taking the shape. 6v op€o-crt belongs in sense to the principal clause ; see on 13. 340. 291. XQ-Xi^^Sa, so called from its bronze colour. The divine name is the one which has a good meaning, see on i. 403. 295. ircp strengthens the whole phrase olov ore irpwTov — , ' even as when first.' 298. t68€ is adverbial, * thus/ *this time/ § 37, i. Cp. Hdt. 5. 76 T^rapTOV TOVTO €TTL TTjV ^AtTLK^V aTTlKdflCVOl, 308. TpaavTaL airavra is subordinate in sense, ' on the top of Ida, where all is open to view/ rd, ' the place ' (vaguely). The clause €l vOv k.tX. has no grammatical apodosis. The intended apodosis — ' we should be seen ' — is sufficiently implied in rd h\ -npo-nk- dos blends the notions of ' light ' and ' eye-sight.' 347. TOLCTL, ' for them,' vtto being adverbial. 349. €€p7€, 'kept them off' (the ground). 354 ff. This message serves as a transition from the scene on Mt. Ida to the field of battle. 357. 'irp6<|>pa)V, ' with your will,' i. e. as much as you desire. 360. €V cj)LX6TT]Tl, with €VV7]0fivaL. 363. p-cya, with cKcXevo-e, ' aloud.' 369. CTpxjvwp,€0a, * bestir ourselves.' 370-387. Exception has been taken, not without reason, to the scene described in these lines. Poseidon puts himself at the head of the Greeks, and urges them to make a general exchange of arms, — the best warriors taking the largest shields &c. and giving inferior weapons to the less brave men. Such a proceeding is exceedingly improbable in itself — any exchange of arms being exceptional — and especially if it is to be imagined as carried out in the crisis of a battle. The difficulty is con- siderably diminished if (with Cauer and otliers, quoted in Hentze's Introduction to the book, p. 63) we strike out 11. 376, 377, 381, 382, thus getting rid of the idea of an exchange, and reducing the incident to a general putting on of the best arms within reach. 371. dilated in 11. 592-654. The first words of this passage have been objected to. They tell us that the Trojans ' rushed upon the ships ' — whereas the attack upon the ships had then been going on for some time. This however involves no contradiction. The tense is the imperfect {vrjvalv kneaaevovro), which does not imply a new event, and the words are to be read with the next clause — Atos 5* (t4\€iov liperpids, K.T.X. A later writer would say that ' the attack which was going on began to prevail' : Homer makes this into two clauses, — ' the attack went on, the Trojans prevailed.* It would S2em, on the whole, that the difficulties now in question arise from our ignorance of the conditions of Homeric warfare, or from the tendency to lay undue stress on isolated expressions. For cases in which there is some reason to suppose interpolation see the notes on 11. 63 ff., 1. 214, 11. 263-268, 11. 668-673. AOTES. LINES 3-86. 297 3. irap' ox€crao'Tdi/Tcs, 'at close quarters' ; cp. 1. 105 dcrcrov i6vt€3. The opposite word is a-noarabov (1. 556). XdpoijjLi, Opt. § 34, I, b. 23. iKT]Tai, the Subj. after a past Tense generally implies that the event is still future (§ 34, 2, c). Either this is meant here — of course ironically, — or the Opt. ikoito should be read. 24. dvL€L, ' let go its hold of/ ' left.' 33. T|v is cognate Ace, § 37, 2. 37- TO) § ^7, 2, h \ see on i. 340. os re, Masc. by attraction to the predicate cpKos. 41. p-T] is the negative used in swearing : it belongs only to the words 5l' €pavcrK€Tai, 'puts forth,' allows to be seen as his deeds; cp. 12. 280 m(pav(Tfc6fievos ra a KrjKa. 103. idvOi], * softened,' * cheered.' v€jjL€(rcnr)96io-a, ' in self-rebuke,' checking the rebellious temper ; see on 1. 211. 105. ao-o-ov i6vT€S, see on i. 567. 109. €X€T€, Imper. no. €\'irop,ai, see on 1. 288. III. See 13. 518 ff. 116. iovt', i.e. lovra, see on 1. 58. 124. 8i€K TTpoSvpov, i.e. following Ares, who had already left the hall of Zeus. 128. avTcos, i.e. without being the better for them. 1 29. ai8(us has a vague meaning, ' sense of fitness,' ' discretion ' (in a moral sense) : see on 13. 121. 130. ovK di€is, *hast thou not heard' ; for the tense see the note on cLKOvifiev, 14, 125. 136. KvSoip,T|o-cov, • to drive in wild confusion.' 153. 0v6€v v€4)os, cp. 14. 350. 154. irdpoiOc Aios, with a)iv Heyne rightly proposed 'a)€ : so Cobet, Misc. Crit. p. 258. €Xo\w(raTo, i. e. was right well pleased, § 59. 162. The combination €i oiik ( = €t ^17) is regular in Homer, but only when the verb is in the Indicative : cp. II. 4. 160., 9. 435., 20. 129. 164. Ta\d(rcrT|, construed with paj€(r0a), ' let him take heed,' as with a verb of fearing. 167. lo-ov is adverbial, * alike,' 'on equal terms,' see on i. 187. 171. aiGpT]Y€V€os, 'born of clear skies,' because the north wind comes with clear weather. 1^5. d^aOos Tr€p Icov is put in apologetically, like our ' with all respect.' 189. irdvTa, with Tpix^o-* as in phrases with numerals, such as IkKa irdvTa, *ten in all' (19 247). 191. iraXXop.cvcov, partitive Gen., 'of us when we drew lots': cp. Hdt. 3. 128 TTaWojjievajv be Xayxav^i ttclvtojv Ba'yaTos. 194. ov p€0|jiai, ' I will not live ' : Peiofiai or Peo/jiai is 2 Aor. Subj. from the root giv, Gr. ^i- (/3t-os). The true form is perhaps ^Lo^ai (cp. moiiai), which is preserved in the MSS. of the Homeric hymn to Apollo, 1. 528. For the Subj, with ov see § 29, 6. NOTES. LINES 87-247. 299 Atos €pa) is Subj., 'am I to bear?' 203. p.€TaorTp€i)/€is, Intrans. 204. 'Epivv€s, see on 9. 456. cirovTai, ' attend upon,' ' are at the service of.' 207. This line is referred to in Pind. Pyth. 4. 494 a-yyeXov kcrXdv e(pa [sc. "OfjiTjpoij Ti/jLoLu fi€yL(TTav Trpdy/xaTi iravTL (f>€p€Lv, 209. av is out of place here, as the meaning is general, not referring to a future case. The original doubtless was dmroTe {f)la6^o pov. 6p.fj TTCTrpcoiJLcvov aicTT) is an epexegesis of lcr6p,opov : lit. ' destined with like portion,' i. e. ' one to whom a like fortune is given.' 211. v€p.€cro"r]0€is, 'with self- rebuke,' i.e. repenting of his purpose of resisting Zeus. For this sense of v€p,€o-aojjLat cp. Od. 2. 64 vcjjLCcraTjOrjTe Koi avToi, dWovs 5' aiBeaOrjTC k.t.K. So vcficai^o/xai in Od. I. 263., 2. 138. 212. 0v|xcp, ' in my heart,' i. e. in earnest, not with words only. 214. This line is doubtless an interpolation, suggested by the 6€0fiaxia of book XX — the only place where Hermes and Hephaestus are ranked as enemies of Troy. 215. 'Tr€<)>i8T|(r€Tai, Fut. with ai k€v. 224. 1]p.€T€pOV, cp. 13. 257. €Tnj0ovTO, of hearing the actual noise : cp. 20. 61-66. 227. citXcto, cp. 14. 95. v€|ji€(roT]0€Cs, see on 1. 211. 228. x^ipcis, with inrocL^e, an unusual construction. 230. TT], 'therewith,' is the reading of the best MSS. : others have TTiv. The construction with the principal verb is generally preferred to that of the participle. 240. v€Ov, ' newly,* /. e. lately. €o-aY€ip€To, ' was collecting again,' ' recovering.' 242. voos, ' the purpose* ; Zeus here acts without instruments, by his mere will. 245. T]avT] (which implies motion). 277. Tjos |JL€V, * so far,' explained by avrdp €'ir€i /c.t.A, to be =* till they saw Hector ' : cp. 13. 143. 282. OLKOVT-, * with the lance,' i.e. in wielding it. 284. irepi \ivOn3v, lit. * over words,' for superiority in the play of words; as Od. 8. 225 kpi^ea/cov irepl ro^oov. The reference is probably not to the serious debate of the Agora, in which the elders took the chief part : cp. Hdt. 6. 129 ws h\ diTo hniTVOv k'yevovro ol fii/rjaT^pes epiv tJxov d/X(pi T€ pLOVCLKT} KOL TO) XcyOpiPO) ks TO fl4 otA\\ 350. \€\dxt»Jcri, Subi. with ot; as an emphatic negative, § 29, 6, 354- «Xcv, ' guided.' 357. €S jjL€crcrov, i.e. of the trench, so as to fill it up. Y€<()iJpcocr€v, ' embanked ' ; Y€4)vpa in Homer means a mound or dam, not a bridge. 360. Trpo 8' 'AttoXXccv, sc. ePaivc, understood from irpoxcovTO. 362. i|;d[jLa0ov, sc. kpelnrf, or a similar verb understood out of ^'peiir^. 363. dOiJpp,aTa, ' a plaything,' i.e. of the sand. 364. dOupcov, ' playing ' : we should make this the principal verb, 'amuses himself with levelling it agcnin.' 365. T]L€, an epithet of unknown meaning. 369. €v\€t6(ovto. We expect a Participle, answering to KCKXojxevoi, see § 58, i, also the notes on 3. 79., 8. 347. 371- X€^P', X€LP«. 372. iv^Apy^t TTcp, ' in Argos,' not merely here : the point being that they did not start without the promise c:f return from Zeus. 382. KaTapT|(r€Tai,, I Aor. Subj. : so in 1. 384 Kara tclxos (paivov, ' passed over the wall.' 389. vai'|jLaxci, Nom. from the attraction of the clause rd . . . €K€ito. Naval battles are unknown in Homeric times ; ' ship-fighting ' weapons, however, were needed for such a defence rs the Greeks were now- making. KoXXT)€VTa, ' made with clinchers,' e. of pieces clinched together : cp. 1. 678. 391. T€ix€os, Gen. because c4JL4>6p,dxovTO licre means ' fought about,' i. e. disputed the possession of. 393. XoYOts, ' with talk ' : the word kuyos occurs only here and in Od. I. 56. 394. dK€cr[jLaTa, with 68vvdocv, ' as means of healing the dark pains.' 409. jjLi7Tip.€vai, ' to get among.' 410. o-TdOjXT], 'a rule.* 412. o-o<|)LT]s, 'art': the word only occurs here, and the Adj. o-ovTa, ' keeping him in view,' watching the battle. 460. dpio-T6uovTa, ^ as he was proving himself the dptcTTeus,' the hero of the day. 465. €m Tcp €piJovTi, '■ as he (Teucer) was drawing it on him (Hector).' 467. cirtKcCpei, '■ cuts short,' brings to naught. 468. o T€, * in that,' ^ in respect that,' § 48, 2 : the snapping of the string is a proof that a god is working against him. 473- H'^yV^^s, ' taking up a grudge ' : cp. 13. 563. 476. jjLTj €Xoi€v, deprecatingly, ' let us at least hope that they will not take' : see on 8. 512. 484. |3Xa<)>0€VTa, 'broken down,' * failing' : cp. 16. 331. 489. Ai60€v, ' by power from Zeus ' ; this is the only x\dverb in -BfiV formed from the name of a person. 490. Alos dXKTj, ' the valour that is from Zeus.' dv8pdo-i, ' among men ' ; i, e. it is easily seen in man when Zeus gives or takes away valour. 491. kOSos vircprepov, * the glory of overcoming ' (cp. 12. 437). 492. oOk €0€XT)oto-TaTiT|cri, i.e. now with the foremost, now with the hindmost. 635. cfxocTTLxaei, ' ranges himself with.' 640. dYY€\LT]s, according to some ancient grammarians a Nom. = dyy€Xos, but see on 3. 206. 641. Tov . . . €K irarpos, ' from him as his father.' 642. dpcTcts, cognate Acc. with d|X6iva:v. 645. irdXTO, ' he was thrown against,' ' let himself be dashed against.' 646. iroSTjvcKca, in the relatival clause, see on 13. 340. 647. p\a<))0€is, ' caught,' see on 6. 39., 16. 331. 653. cLo-coTToi, ' facing ' ; they (the Greeks) were now behind the first line of ships, and therefore had them in sight as they looked towards the Trojans. That this is the meaning seems to be shown by the next words, irepl 8' €crx€9ov aKpat vfjes, ' the furthest ships encircled them.' 656. a\)rov, ' where they were.' 662. €Tri p-VT^o-acrOe, Tmesis. 666. p,Tj8€ Tpcoirdo-Oe, return to a finite Verb : cp. 1. 369. 668-673. These lines were condemned by Aristarchus, on the ground that no darkness has been mentioned. The distinction that is made in 11. 672,673 is also unsuited to the context, since all except Ajax had fallen back {dcpearaaav, 1. 675\ 670. v,p.€v — Kat, for ijfxlv — vySe. irpos, ' in the direction of.' 677- vavjxaxov, see on 1. 389. 678. pXTiTpown, 'clamps,' or 'clinchers,' for fastening the several pieces together : cp. KoW-qevra, 1. 389. NOTES. LINES 609-742. 679. k€Xt]tCJ€iv, 'to ride,' cp. Od. 5. 371, where Ulysses bestrides a plank Ke\rj6* ojs itnrov kXavvojv, It is evident from these passages that riding was known as a show jDerformance, but it does not seem to have been in ordinary use : see on 10. 513. 680. o-vva€Cp€Tai, Aor. Subj., 'has harnessed together': for this sense of the word see on 10. 499. 681. fT^vas, ' urging on their way.' 8iT]Tai, ' drives at speed ' : so dicuKcu. 684. clWot' €7t' dWov dp,€CpeTai, * passes in turn to (k-na/jiei/SeTai) now one, now another,' cp. 6. 339 vi/ctj 5' kna/jLci^fTai dvdpas. ol 8c TTCTOvrat, ' while they still fly on.' 685. cTTi, as in Itt^x^to (1. 676). 690. aiOcov, * dark red.' 695. x^'-P^* This immediate personaj^^gency is not elsewhere ascribed to Zeus : cp. 1. 242, where it is his mind which influences events. 705. npa)T€o-i\aov. As he wjs the first to be slain in the war (2. 701 ff.), so his ship is the first to be set on fire. 709. djjL(|)LS, * apart.' The MSS. have ot*5€ t' uKovTajv, but t€ has no force here, § 49, 9 : read ou5' €t'. 713. p,€\dv8€Ta, 'bound with black,' with black 'i.e. iron) bands to secure the hilt. 714. dir' wjjLcov, viz. when the warrior was not using his sword at the moment. 716. o\i\\. is a form which only occurs here and in 16. 762. Zenodotus read ovk €jjl€9i€i. Aristarchus rejected the form efieOUi, but we do not know what he read : perhaps ov n. 'Jig. Tjixap, in a wide or metaphorical sense, ' day of requital' ; see on 13. 98. For d^Lov cp. 13. 446. 720. vijas cXetv explain d^tov 'q^ap, the requital of taking the ships. 721. Occrav, cp. I. 2 d\ye' eOrjKe. KaK6TT]Ti, cp. 13. 108. 729. 9p\vvv, probably (as Mr. Leaf suggests) the bridge or gangway over the hold, connectinij the after and fore decks. 730. SeSoKTqjjLcvos, ' on guard,' ' at bay.' 735. doao-rjTTjpas, ' helpers,' ' comrades.' The root is se^, Gr. en-o/^ai, Lat. sequor^ sociiis. 736. T€Lxos dpeuov, as 4. 407, ' a wall built for war.' 738. crepaXKea, = lT6/)ai/ dXfcrjv dibuvra, 'giving fresh help,' able to furnish a reserve force : see the note on 7. 26. hr^\x,os does not properly mean the actual body of men (Aaa?\ but the district which they belong to 740. K€K\Lp.€voi, ' hard upon,' cp. 5. 709 \'ifxvr) KeK\i[xkvos KijcpiaidL. 741. €v x^po'^ ' in the strong hand' ; cp. 16. 630. OX) p-clXixit), * not in lukewarmness.' 742. €<|)€'n-€, 'went to work,' plied his spear. VOL. II. X 3C6 ^ ILIAD, BOOK XVI. 744. xapy-v, Acc. describing the sum or result (§ 37, 3), ' the pleasure of Hector who had commanded it/ i.e. yielding compliance to Hector's command. BOOK XVI. With the sixteenth book the story of the Iliad returns once more into its main channel. The sense of expectancy roused by the vicissitudes and delays of the preceding books is fully satisfied ; and from this point to the end of the poem the march of events is not sensibly inter- rupted. The argument of the book is simple ; it is as follows : — Achilles allows Patroclus to go with the Myrmidons to the aid of the Greek army, warning him not to pursue the Trojans too far. Meanwhile Ajax is at length forced to retreat, and a Greek ship is set on fire (11. 1-129). Patroclus, wearing the armour of Achilles, falls upon the Trojans, and forces them back from the burning ship. After some resistance he drives them across the trench, slaying many (11. 130-418). The Lycian chief Sarpedon comes to the rescue. Zeus wishes to save his life, but yields to Here, and suffers fate to take its course. Sarpedon is slain by Patroclus. His companion Glaucus is healed by Apollo of the wound which he received in the Teixo/J-axLci, and defends the body. The battle which follows ends with the flight of the Trojans. Zeus commands Apollo to send Sleep and Death to carry the body of Sarpedon home to Lycia (11. 419-683). Patroclus forgets the warning of Achilles and pursues the Trojans to the city wall. Hector is encouraged by Apollo to attack him. Patroclus slays Hector's chariot- driver, Cebriones : a long battle follows over his body. At length Patroclus is disarmed by Apollo, an4 slain by Euphorbus and Hector (11. 684-857). The sixteenth book is in some respects the most important in the Iliad. The episode which it relates — the Patrocleia or story of the victorious career and death of Patroclus— is of the highest tragic interest, and is also the poetical device by which the denouement or * untying of knots' in the story of the Iliad is brought about. The * knots ' or dramatic problems which meet us in the earlier part of the poem are mainly two, viz. (i) what is to be the result of the defeat which Zeus is bringing upon the Greeks? and (2) how is the wrath of Achilles to be appeased ? In the natural course of things the victory of NOTES. the Trojans would mean the destruction of the Greek army, except Achilles and his men. The poet's task is to find a different issue from the position which he has created, — one that shall be at once interesting in itself, consistent with the memories or legends of the war, in harmony with the character of his hero, and springing naturally out of the previous circumstances. The story of the sixteenth book fulfils these requirements. The intervention of Patroclus at the supreme moment saves the Greeks : the death of Patroclus brings the wrath of Achilles to an end, quenched in the stronger passion of grief for his friend. Thus the book constitutes the pivot upon which the plot of the Iliad hinges. It opens an escape from the difficulties which up to that point have been closing round the Greeks ; and it prepares the way for the events of the remaining books, — the victory of the Greeks, the reconcilia- tion with Achilles, and the final appeasing of his spirit. Along with the cardinal importance of the Patrocleia in relation to the structure of the Iliad, we have to notice its value in other ways for the development of the story. The agents and forces which it brings into play do not merely give a new turn to events, and lead to new combinations; they bring about a change in the whole position and circumstances of the hero. Achilles, who has been losing our sym- pathies by his arrogance and indifference to the distress of his covntry- men, suddenly becomes an object of the profoundest compassion. Such a change, amounting to a ir^pinereia or complete reversal of fortune, has always been recognised as the most powerful source of dramatic effect. Moreover, the d^tcTTaa of Patroclus forms an excellent prelude to the later battles. Coming after the defeat and humiliation of the other Greek chiefs, and before the final manifestation of the prowess of Achilles, it has the effect of an additional grade in a scale, a middle platform, by which the chief hero is set aloft, out of reach of all com- parison with other warriors. It remains to consider the means by which the leading incidents of the sixteenth book, the sending forth of Patroclus, and his death, are brought into connexion with the preceding narrative. Why is it, in the first place, that Achilles allows Patroclus to come to the aid of the Greeks, but will not aid them himself? And again, what is the necessity or ground for the determination of Zeus that Patroclus shall be slain ? In regard to the former question it must be admitted that it is difficult to account for the action of Achilles on an intelligible principle, and still more difficult to trace any such principle in the text of Homer. What we do find in Homer is the art by which this want of motive is disguised. The sending of Patroclus in place of Achilles is first heard of in the eleventh book, where Nestor suggests a reason for it. ' If,' he says, * Achilles is held back by fear of some warning given from Zeus, let him send thee forth' (ii. 794 ff.). This is duly 3o8 ILIAD. BOOK XVL^ repeated by Patroclus (i6. 36 ff.), and Achilles at once answers that that is not the reason of his holding aloof from the war. But he gives no reason which does not equally tell against sending Patroclus. His answer is virtually the confession of the poet that there is no reason. Yet the two speeches (16. 20-100), though they do not logically account for the action of Achilles, nevertheless furnish it with a tolerable poetical motive. That is to say, the entreaty of Patroclus, and the reason which he gives, are sufficient to prepare us for what follows and to remove the sense of harshness which entire absence of motive would involve. On the question of the death of Patroclus it is worth observing, that the poet takes pains to lead up to it, and even to suggest a cause which will bring it about. When Achilles first sends Patroclus to enquire as to the wounded Machaon, we are told that ' it was the beginning of evil for him' (11. 604). And when Patroclus addresses his entreaty to Achilles, ' he was destined to entreat death and fate for himself (16. 44, 45). Then we have the more definite warning of Achilles, which we know will be disregarded, against pursuing the Trojans to the city (16. 91 ff.), with the reason given, that *a god may step in — Apollo loves them right well.' These intimations serve not only to lay stress on the death of Patroclus as a crisis in the story, but also to soften the causeless -nature of the event. Among the subordinate actors of this book we have especially to notice the Lycian leaders, Sarpedon and Glaucus. These were pro- minent in book XII, but are not heard of in the intervening books XIII-X V. The fortunes of Sarpedon form in several ways the counterpart to those of Patroclus. The sense of being determined by an irresistible fate is the leading motif in both. Ajax, who is so prominent in the last books, is now in the background; but this is because he is especially a hero of defence. 4. aiYtXtiTos, an unexplained word. 7. SeSaKpvo-at, ' art in tears,' § 26. 22. Toiov, referring to jxt] v€jjL€n their course, 10. 252), Tipo odov kyevovro, *had got forward on the way * (4. 382), &c.- ot»8' dpa ircjs t)V, = ' it may not be,' see on 1. 33. 61. T) Toi, = Attic Ka'iTOi, 'though I did think.' i<\>r\v need not refer to any actual speech ; cp. however 9. 650-655. 62. dW ottot' dv 8t|, 'but only when': this form is more emphatic than the Inf. after irpiv. 66. djjL<|)ip€pT]K€, ' has settled round ' ; elsewhere afxcpi^aivoj with a Dat. means * to bestride ' (a fallen warrior). ILIAD. BOOK XVI, 68. KCKXiarai, see on 15. 740. 69. cm irdcra pkp-x\K€, * has all come upon them' ; the * whole city' put for ^all the citizens,* as (15. 738). 71. cva-uXovs, * channels/ * water-courses.' 72. This is one of the passages which Grote regarded as inconsistent with the Embassy of book ix. But Achilles does not refer to a re- conciliation, such as Agamemnon then offered ; he rather means that if Agamemnon 'were of gentle mind' to him, i.e. behaved as a good friend generally, such mischief would not arise. For this meaning of i]ma clSciT] cp. Od. 15. 557 avaKreaiv ijina cidojs (of Eumaeus), also II. 4. 361 Tjma Srjvea oide' to, yap (ppoveus a t kycu 'n€p. 74. riere, as in the earlier books (v-viii), Diomede is recognised as the chief warrior after Achilles. 75. ^taiv€Tai, * rages unchecked,' said of a Adctorious career, cp. 8. iii. 76. ou8€ TTO) €kXvov, ^ I havc not yet heard,' z. e. he has not yet come to the rescue. 78. irtpiaYvvTat, ' echoes round.' 80. c.X\d Kal ws, * even so,' 2.^. although it is Agamemnon's own fault that the Trojans are so triumphant. This is the leading thought of the speech, as we see from 11. 61-64 rj toi €<)>t)v . . . ttjvt] 8' k.-t.X. — * I did resolve not to help the Greeks, but — .' Thus dXXd Kal ws — in substance repeats 1. 60 dAAd rd yXv irpoT^rvx'^o.f- k.t.K. — * Agamemnon has done a grievous wrong, but I will send him help.' 81. €jjnr€(r€, * throw yourself.' irvpos, Gen. oi materialy § 39, 4. 83. p.t»Oov TcXos, the final, decisive word. 0€ia), Subj. of purpose, § 29, i. 84-86. As Grote pointed out, Achilles has already (in book ix) rejected the very things which he is now anxious to secure. But this is only part of the change of temper which he proclaims. And now the danger is (as Phoenix warned him, 9. 601-605) that the Greeks will be victorious without him, and thus he will sacrifice his revenge and the gifts of Agamemnon as well. Patroclus therefore is only to relieve the immediate danger, and to leave him to do the rest on his own terms (Itti dwpois, 9. 602). Afterwards, indeed (19. 147 ff.), Achilles treats the gifts with as much disdain as ever : but the change is equally true to nature. Grief for Patroclus then fills his mind with the same absorbing force which the wrath had exercised. The present passage may be defended as shov/ing him in a calmer mood, when the glory and rewards of victory have their natural place in his thoughts. Possibly, however, the lines 84-86 are interpolated. They come in awkwardly between the introductory irciOeo k.t.X. and the injunction itself. They may have been suggested by the words aTiixorepou hi /x€ Orjaeis in 1. 90, which some rhapsodist wished to make more explicit. 97. at "ydp K.T.X. The wish has the tone of a curse (like Nestor's NOTES. LINES 6 8- 1 62. Iv TTvpL br) povXai t€ ycvoiaro fc.T,\., 2. 340), = * I do not care if Trojans and Greeks both went to perdition, and you and I were left to take the city of Troy.' 99. vwiv can only be a Nom., as acpwCv in Od. 23. 52. €K8{)p,€v is 2 Aor. Opt. : cp. ^vrj (for bv-irj) in Od. 18. 348., 20. 286. 104. <|>a€LVT|. The adj., at the end of the line, belonging to a substan- tive in the next line, is against Homeric usage. 106. €'ir€v, * was busy with,' ' took hold of.' 127. icoT|v, the ' rush ' or * blast.' 128. \xi\ cXoJo-i, * they must not take !' expressing fear that they will, § 29, 5. The clause is grammatically independent. <^vKr6., * means of fleeing,* * flight ' ; see on 13. 726. 129. dy^Lpoi, Aor. Subj., expressing conditional purpose, § 31, i. 1 31-139, nearly the same as 3. 330-338. 140-144. These lines were rejected by Zenodotus. Apparently they are intended to account for the circumstance that the spear of Achilles is not lost with the rest of his armour: cj. 19. 387 ff., where the four lines describing the spear (11. 141-144) recur. 142, 143. The play of sound in the words irtiXat and IlTjXidSa is evidently intentional. 145. j€UYv{j|X€V, Inf. with irregular v, cp. TiOrjfievai, 23. 83, 247. 150. aprrvLa, a personification of the storm-wind, imagined as a semi-divine being in the form of a mare. 152. irap-rjopiTio-LV, * the side harness': the vaprjopos was a spare horse, fastened to one of the yoke-horses or to the yoke itself. 154. €Tr€TO, ' kept up with,' played his part with. 157. TTcpl <[>p€crCv, * about/ i. e. filling, the (ppiv€s. 160. dird KpTjVT)S, with Xd'J'^vT^s. This use of diro is rare : but cp. 1. 226, also I. 598. 162. uKpov, *on the surface.' 312 ILIAD. BOOK XVI. <|)6vov aifjiaTos, ' life-blood' (of their prey). 6vos is ' slaughter/ then, in a concrete sense, ' slaughter-stuff,' ' blood-shed.' ai^jiaros is a kind of Gen. of material, — ^ (povos consisting of af/^a' — , like avk^oio OveKXa, vkcpos ax^vos. In such phrases it is the wider notion that is put in the Gen. 163. TTcpio-TcvcTai, 'is choked,' 'chock-full*: the verb only occurs here and in 21. 220 areivoixivos veKveaoi^ said of the river choked with dead. The point here is that the wolves, though gorged, are still ravenous. 172. crTifiaiv€Lv, with i|Ycp.6vas TTonqcraTO. A distinction is intended between crjixaLi/dv, * to lead ' (the divisions), and iivacro-cv. 177. tTriKX-rjo-iv, ' in name,' i. e. his surname was ' son of Borus.* 180. X°P K.T.\. The form of the clause is changed, so that ovdi Tis dWos (1. 225) does not construe with it : see § 58, 1. oT€ p,T|, like €1 firj, ' unless,' ' except.' 231. p.€o-a> €pK€i. The tent, like every house, had its court-yard in front, where the altar of Z€vs kp/ccios was. 234. ZcXXoi. There was an ancient variant dfxcpl cr' 'EXXoC, prob- ably giving the true form of the name, of which 'E\A.as, ''EWtjv, &c. are derivatives. But SeAAot is at least as old as Sophocles (cp. Trach. 1167). 235. 'U'n-o<(>'fjTai, = 7rpo9t] 6p€|dp,€vos, ' was first in delivering a blow,' with an Acc. of the part wounded ; so in 1. 322, and 23. 805. It appears to be a con- struction ad sensum, ecpOrj ope^dpLevos being = €^a\e. 321. ToO 8' — cop,ov. After 6 p,€V (1. 317) we expect 6 Be (Qpaav/xTjSrjs), but the form of the clause is changed, to-0 may be taken with c9T| (cp. II. 51 0€VTa. The word describes any failure or break -d own : here probably ' hustled,' ' entangled,' and so put at a disadvantage. Cp. 15. 484, 647. 333. v'ir€0€pp,dv0T], ' was hot with blood' ; vtto = ' by reason, of.' 3M ILIAD, BOOK XVL 338. Ka-uXov, here the hilt of the sword. 340. €a-x€0€, * held on,' i. e. was not cut through. 341. irapTjcpO-r], * swung (loose) at his side' ; cp. irap-qopos. 343. €mPT]o-cp.€v3v, Aor. Part. (Indie. i-nePrjcreTo)^ see on 5. 46. 350. irpTjo-e, * blew out,' ' made to spirt'; cp. i. 481. 352. Iirexpctov, 'assail,' Aor. of similes. The Pres. is not found: it would be x/>(^'^y (for xpaf-ycy, like naioj, daioj). For the form cp. ddrjraiy 2 Aor. Subj. of daioo, hum. 353. ai T€ refers to upvecrcriv and €pC<|)oto-u, instead of following jtTjXcov in Gender. For similar cliange between Fem. and Neut. cp. 5. 140., II. 245. 354. dc 8i-r]s, ' coming out of the clear upper air.' This phrase does not contradict dir' OuXtjixttov : the cloud seems to come out of the cloudless sky, and the overclouding spreads from the top of the mountain. T61VX), so 1. 567 Zeus 5' knl vvkt* oXotiv rdvvac : cp. also 17. 547. 367-383. The narrative here is not free from difficulty. It has been asked (1) why is the trench mentioned while nothing is said of the wall? (2) how is Hector able to cross the trench, when the other chariots are stopped by it (1. 3^9) ? (3) what has become of the space levelled by Apollo, through which the Trojans have already passed (15. 355 ff.) ? On the two last points it may be enough to point out that the trench is not represented as a complete or insuperable barrier. It is only said that manjy chariots broke down in it (1. 370), and that this caused fatal disorder (1. 377). The omission of the wall is less intelligible. As it was a mere palisade (12. 36), perhaps the hearer in Homeric times would understand that when once passed by an attacking army it would no longer be a serious obstacle. 367. oii8€ Kara p,oipav, ' in no regular fa-hion,' t. e. in hideous dis- array ^ § 59. 369. oijs, after Xaov, is a construction ad sensum : cp. 1. 281. There seems to be a play of sound in opvKTT] — cpvKc. . 371. dJavT*, i.e. a^avr€^ the Dual being used distributively for each pair of horses. So for app.aT' dvaKTwv the original reading doubtless %vas apiia favaKTojVj the Sing, being used as in 1. 351 dvhpa efcaaros. NOTES. LINES 338-419. TrpcaTcp f)vjjico, the foremost point, where the yoke was fastened. It is evident that traces were not used ; cp. 6. 38. 374. acWa, the whirl of dust. 375. VTTO v€<(>€cov, sce On 15. 625. TavijovTO, ' strode out,' i.e. galloped : cp. Od, 6. 83. 378. a^oo-t, sc. of their own chariots. 381. This line is wanting in the best MSS. 384. j3€pptOe, 'is loaded,^ 'oppressed,' viz. by the rain, cp. 5. 91 or €iTtPplaT} Alos 6/x^pos. 388. 0€cov OTTLV, ' the regard of the gods.' 389. Twv, ' of these men ' 390. kXut-Os, ' slopes,' such as would be cultivated. 392. Ctrl Kap is obscure. The corresponding adjective kmfcapaios is used in Od. 9. 70 of ships driven by a wind that comes suddenly from a new quarter (at fx€v €tt€it €i, Dat. 'amid the herd/ = 6y dXnro^^aai ^o^aaiv, 491. jji€V€aLV€, ' was full of mettle ' — * showed fight/ 492. 7roX€}xicrTd (1€t' avSpdcri, * warrior (chief) among men'; ^er' dpSpdai implies comparison, like the Gen. in dia eedwv, dia yvvaiKuy. 494. €€X8€cr9co, ' be thy desire.' 0o6s has a wide meaning, — a man of action, spirit, &c. : cp. 1. 442. 500. v€wv €v d-ycovi, see on 15. 428. 504. avTcp, sc. the spear. 506. iTTTrous, viz. the horses of Sarpedon. 507. €ir€l XiTTov, ' when they (the horses) had parted from,' cp. 1. 371. Aristarchus read Xiirev (so Ven. A. and other good MSS.), taking it as an Aor. Pass. = TjprjfxajOrjaav, ' when the chariot was bereft of its masters.' 509-531. This passage is rejected by Hentze as an interpolation, inserted to reconcile the account of the battle over the body of Sarpedon with the wounding of Glaucus in^the r^ixofiaxicL (12. 387 ff.). It is true that in the preceding speech (16. 497) Sarpedon takes no notice of the wound, which in 12. 392 he is expressly said to have observed. But unless 12. 290-429 is condemned on other grounds (see the intro- duction to book xii), this contradiction cannot have much weight. 510. avTov is emphatic : he was himself suffering from a wound. 512. T€iX€Os, with €TT€£ro-vjjL€vov, as in 12. 388. 515. irdvTOcr', z. e. -navToa^: Verbs of hearing take an adverb of motion to a place, as 11. 21 mvO^To yap Kvwpov^e piya fcKics. 516. dv€pi. The Dat. with Verbs of hearing is rare in Homer, and only used in prayer to a god, — doubtless to indicate that the hearing is a favour to the suppliant. 517. dp,c|)C, ' on both sides,' i. e. all over. 519. Tcpcrfjvai, 'to get dry' (also T^paijpevai, Od.) : cp. (pcpioj, Inf. (popr)p,€vai, (fyoprjvat. avrov, the wound. 522. ov Trai86s, so Aristarchus: the MSS. have cp iraiSt. The Dat, i^ more usual with cl/jlvvo}. 531. €v»JajjL€voio, Gen. with r\Kovcr€, in spite of ol: see on 14. 26. In this place €tiJap,€voLo is nearly = €ux'7^' so that the construction may be compared with Od. 4. 767 Oed di oi €kKv€u dprjs. 540. d'iroUi jjL€vos, see on 13. 444. 614. 615. These tw^o lines, which repeat 13. 504, 505, are omitted here by nearly all the MSS. 617. opx'HO'TTiVj ' ^ dancer,' a contemptuous way of accounting for the nimbleness with which Meriones had avoided the spear (1. 610). 621. OS K€, after irdvTOJV, used distributively. 628. eircccro-L, with x'»JpT;cro\;cri, 'will not give way before words.' 630. cTTccov 8' €vl j3ot>Xf]. The sentence takes this form because the phrase t€\os TroXkpLov suggests tcAos pLvOov (9. 56., 16. 83). Thus, instead of the simple point that the issue of war lies in deeds, not words, wc get the conceit that as the issue of war lies in deeds, so the issue of words lies in counsel, i.e. it is only an issue of words that is settled by counsel. Cp. Ion, fr. 63 (Nauck) : povXrj fjilv dpx^ti X^^P ^' (Tr€^€pyd^€Tai. 635. Tujv, with SoOiros, which also governs xo-^'^O'O tc pLvov t€ — 'a noise of them, the noise of brass.' 636. powv, 'shields.' Aristarchus proposed to omit the t' after pou.v, doubtless on the ground that pivo-O and Pouv are not distinct, both words referring to the shields. 637. vvcro-op.€va)v, with twv, ' piercing one another' ; cp. 14. 26. 638. pd5p,a:v, ' watchful,' acute. 642. irepiYXa-ycas, ' overflowing with milk.' 646. avTOTJS, ' the men ' implied in iio-jiivTis. NOTES. LINES 544-687. 649. auTO-O, explained by W LvriQkoo l,apTrrj8uvi. 650. Stjwctt], cXr^rai, Subj. of deliberation, though depending on a past tense, § 34, 3. Possibly we should read 8T)u)cr€t' and cXoito, like 64>€X- X€i€v in 1. 651. If anything were meant by a change of mood it should be that the Opt. expressed the less immediate alternative, whereas the reverse is the case. 653. 6<^pa, properly ' until' : ' thought it to be better imti/ he should drive back,' seems to mean ' thought it better that he should go on so far as to diive back,' i.e. that he should at least drive back. See on 4. 465- 657. €TpaT:€, ' turned,' sc. his chariot. 658. tpct rdXavTa, ' the heavenly scales,' cp. 8. 69 ff. No visible sign is meant here ; the phrase is a concrete way of representing the de- cisive influence of Zeus. 660. p€pXa}jL[jL€vov does not necessarily mean 'dead,' but 'struck down,' the powers of life ' thrown out of gear' : cp. 1. 331. 661. d-yvpet, ' the gathering-place.' 662. €Tdvi;o-o-€, see on 13. 359. 666-683. This digression has been suspected on the ground that Apollo is not now on Mt. Ida with Zeus. We have seen that in the corresponding passage, 11. 432-458, the same question arises as to the presence of Heie. It is difficult to know how much weight should be given to inconsistencies of this kind, which may be due to the vague notions of the poet as to the nature and i^owers of the gods. In this place it is clear that 1. 684 does not fit on smoothly to 1. 665. And we expect some account of the fate of Sarpedon's 1)ody. Still it seems by no means improbable that these two passages were interpolated in order to bring the Homeric story of Sarpedon into harmony with local legend, as well as with monuments or places which were associated with his name. 667. €L 8* d'ye, a formula in which €l is i practically at least) a mere interjection: see on i. 302., 6. 376. Kd0T]pov takes a double Ace, like Verbs of taking away. cp. 18. 345., 21.122. 668. €K p€X€u)v,».see on 14. 130: not to be taken with eXGcbv; the sense being, ' go, and when out of range of weapons cleanse,' &c. 670. cjippoo-iT], thought of as an unguent; so 19. 38, cp. 23. 186. 671. <|)€p€o-0ai, in the Middle sense, ' to carry with them ' ; cp. pov€OVT€, "' with high spirit.^ NOTES. LINES 688-827. 321 762. K€iv, Gen., ^ by the head.' 766. ireXcjjLiJcjjLcv, with epiSaCvfrov, ' contend in tossing about, swirl- ing.' 767. Tavij<(>Xovov, ' with well stretched bark,' i.e. smooth and stiff (Helbig, p. 134). 768. TavvT|K€as, ' long-pointed,' epithet applied elsewhere to a sword. 775. (xapvap.€Vojv, 'as they fought,' governed by xepH-aSLa and do-- iTiSas. 777. |jL€(rov ovpavov dp,(t)tP€j3T)Kei, 'bestrode, stood high in, mid heaven.' No precise point of time is meant : nevertheless it is hard to reconcile this passage with 11. 84 ff., where the Aristeia of Agamemnon takes place about the time of the midday meal. 779. }X€T€VLcr€TO, ' movcd past * : /xerd as in /xcTaPaivcu, &c. 781 ff. Notice the change from the position described in 11. 760 ff., where Hector and Patroclus contended for the body of Cebriones. Hector now seems to be in a different part of the field : cp. 11. 818, 820. 789. Seivos, with emphasis, ' in terrible fashion.' lovra, ' as he went ' : tcv does not go closely with iovtcl. 792. iv a.|xiJvco. The Art. 6 is used as a Relative, with a causal force, = ' in that I — / 852. p€T], ' shalt live,' see on 15. 194. 857. dv8poTf|Ta is the reading of nearly all MSS., here and in 22. 363., 24. 6. If the meaning is ' manhood ' we may conjecture that the true form, required by the metre, is dSpoT-qra. Such a form, with d8p- instead of dv8p- (for the original dvp-), would be parallel to dp pores in- stead of dfippoTos (for d/xp-). Another trace of this ddp- may be found in the phrase 'Ei/vaXicp dvdp€i(p6vTri (2. 651, &c.), in which the metre clearly points to the form d8pL-(p6vTr]s (or ddpo-4)pf]vai, * has gladdened.' 31. p,T]8' . . . €|X6Lo is subordinate in sense, 'instead of standing up against me,' § 57. Accordingly irpiv in the next line goes with Uvai. 32. So Hesiod, Op. 216 iraOwv re vtjttlos eyvcu. Cp. Liv. 22. 39 neque eve7iHis modo hoc docet^ — sttdtonivi iste inagister est. 35. cirevxo^ievos 8' d7op€ti€LS, * and (over whom) thou dost utter boasting speech.' 37. dpT]T6v, * prayed about ' {i.e. against), ' accursed.' Many MSS. have dppTjTOv, ' unspeakable,' but the word is not Homeric in this sense. 42. d8TjpLTOs, unfought,' since irovos implies battle. r\ T€ — 1^ T€, cp. II. 410. qA.kt,s and <|)6poio, are governed by irovos, the Gen. being used to express a vague connexion or description : ' whether the struggle end in (take the side of) victory or flight.' This Gen. appears when two alternatives are opposed; as Od. i. 24 01 \i\v dvao/jiivov ^Tirfpiovos ol 5* clvluvtos. 44-46. Repeated from 3. 348-350. 47. dvaxaJop,€vo:o, governed by €poi, 'would have carried off,' Opt. with k€v used as the Indie, with dv in Attic, § 30, 6. 326 ILIAD. BOOK XVII, 71. aYacrcraTO, ^ had grudged' : cp. p,€Yaipa) (13. 563). 73. MevTT], In the Catalogue Tlvcprj/xos is the only leader of the KiKor^s. The name Mentes recurs in the Odyssey. 75. aKLx^^'ra, Neut. Plur. used in a half abstract way, 'without hope of attainment': cp. vKTd, 'escape' (16. 128). 76-78. Repeated 10. 402-404. 83. irvKacre <|)pcvas d|X(()L jxcXatvas, ' covered (lit. packed close) the midriff (till it was^ black on both sides': cp. 10. 271 irvKacrcv Kaprj d/jicpiTfOeica, and see on i. 103. 89. The -co of dcrpccTTcp must be scanned as one syllable with o\J8\ Perhaps we should read oii8' via \d0'. 93. v€p,€aivofxai, only found here: cp. ii. 147 dvaos as Object after KaXwrci : * Hector spreads the cloud of war over the whole field.' This con- struction is supported by 14. 359 ixaXaKov irepl Kw/xa KaXvipa, cp. 14. 343 vecpos dficpifcaXvipoj, also 17. 132. It is possible to take v€<|)os as Nom., with "Ektwp in Apposition (like 11. 347 vwiv 6^ roSe Tr^/^a KvKivhdTaL oPpifjios "EHTwp) : but the metaphor is a harsh one. 250. 8Tjp,La, ' at the public cost,' the yepovaios ohos (4. 259) provided by the people. Cp. the note on 18. 301 {KaTahrjixo^oprjaai). 254. atiTos, ' of himself,' without waiting for exhortation. 256. ' clearly,' 259. dv8p€ip€o-iv, i.e. by his own powers of memory. 264. KOjia, ^the waves' (of the sea), the Sing, in a collective sense; see on i. 482. Pc/Jp^xcv, *roar,'e. ^. dash with a roar, ttoti poov, * against the stream ' of the river. aKpai i|iov€s, * projecting points of beach,' sandy headlands: cp. Od. 6. 138 €7r' "^'iovas Trpovxovaas. 265. dXos, in its proper sense, * the salt water.' cjo), * forth ' (from the sea). 268. 4)paxO€VT€s, 'making themselves a screen' of shields: cp. 15. 566 (ppd^avTO 5e vrjas epKii x^^f^^^V- Join d|x<|)i Kopt»0€o-o-t, taking (r<^iv as a true Dat., ' about their helmets.' 272. p,ip€(^l }jLT|8€a eiSws. Knowledge and feeling are not clearly distinguished: 'whose heart was. ready with kindly wisdom.* See on 327. irws av K.T.\., 'how can you deliver Troy' ? Apollo begins by assuming that Aeneas thinks the gods hostile, this being the most polite way of accounting for his inactivity. €Lpvcro-atcr0€, Plur. meaning ' you and the Trojans.' 328. ws 8t] l5ov k.t.X. Apollo goes on to tell Aeneas that others have not been hopeless, even with the gods against them ; then that the gods. are not really adverse; finally he puts plainly what he had begun by hinting, 1. 332 dW avrol k.t.X. 330. KaC, 'even.' vircpSea, 'very scanty,' by Hyphaeresis for vrtep- Se€a : cp. Iv^€t)s. 331. PovXerai, 'wishes rathc7%^ cp. I. 112. 334. p.€Ya, with poTjo-as, ' with a loud shout.' 338.. €Tt, with €Lvai, which is in sense the main verb. Yap, cp. 1. 221. 340. p.T]8' . . . ireXacraiaTO, /. c. ' let us hope that they will not bring': see on 15. 476. 354. €LX€, ' was able,' cp. 16. no ohhk Tqj dx^^ d/XTrpevaai. cpxaro, ' were packed together,' formed a barrier, cp. I. 268. 359. jxdXa, with a\L<\>' avrw p€pdp,€v, 'to take their stand well over him.' 361. dyx^'O'TivoL, 'thick and fast,' cp. 5. 141. The word does not come from the Superl. dyx^^T^^* but from ciyxh through a verb d7x/C*'- cp. TTpojxvrjaTiuoi, ' one after another.' 363. dvaijxcoTi, ' without bloodshed,' i.e. without some loss. 366-376. As to these lines see the introduction, p. 323. 368. jxaxTis, em 0' oo-o-cv, = €(^' oaov t€ ftdx^ys, ' over so much of the 330 ILIAD. BOOK XVIL battle as,' ' over that part of it in which — This seems to have been the reading and interpretation of Aristarchus. It leaves the t€ unex- plained, for there is no parallel for km 6' o(rov = €(p' ocrov t€. The MSS. have fJtaxv^ k-nL 0' oo-o-oi, Eustathius tm ocra-oi (so Wolf and Bekker). The simplest reading would be lirl ocrcrov, with hiatus after kwi, as in hiriopKOs, kirioil/opiai. 372. ojcia, ' undimmed.' 373. 7aLT]s, Gen. of place after a negative, § 39, 3, a. jjieTaTravop-evoi, lit. ' ceasing by turns/ with intervals of rest. 377-383. These lines seem to be an interpolation. They were probably meant to reconcile the statement that all the dpiaToi were in the middle of the battle over Patroclus with the subsequent mention of Anlilochus. 381. €moo-o-op<€va), 'looking out for,' watching against. 384. 7ravT]p,€pLois. This word often means, * for the 7rs^ of the day' ; but even in this limited sense it is not appropriate here. 6pa)p€i, * was astir,' raged. 387. iraXdo-CTCTO, Sing., perhaps because the parts of the body enumerated are thought of as a mass ( = /xeA€a); or because YovvaTa is the most prominent in the list. jxapvap,€voiiv Dual, generally explained of the two opposed sides. Possibly it is distributive, referring to the several /^z/rj of combatants; see on 16. 370. Some good MSS. have |xapvajjL€voio-iv. The text of this passage, however, can hardly be sound. The com- bination Kajxaxcp T€ Kal tSpw iraXdo-crcTO is defended on the ground that i8p« contains the governing notion {Knfiaros t€ Kal idpws = ' the sweat caused by toil'). But (i) in other places where the phrase occurs (13. 711., 17. 745) KCLfxaros is evidently the important word; and (2) ihpw Tra\da(T€To, 'was bespattered with sweat,' is an extremely harsh expression. On the whole it seems probable that 11. 384-388 were added along with 11. 377-383, in order to mark the return to the main subject. 390. XaolcriV; 'his men.' p.€0t»ovo-av, in the literal sense, * dripping,* * soaked.' 392. kvk\60€VTa TT-uXTjo-iv. AchiUcs had forbidden Patroclus to advance near the city ; but he may be supposed to see that the in- junction had been disobeyed. 406. Achilles did not suppose that he had been slain, nor again (ou8^ to) that he would take Troy: hence he expected him to return. 407. ovS^ o-vv avTw, 'nor with himself/ = nor even with him. 408. TO Y€, that he should not take Troy. v6o-c|)tv, ' apart/ secretly. 410. 8)] TOTe y or) ot €€LTr€, = ' then indeed (it turned out that) she had not told him ' ; i. e. a thing had come to pass which she had never told him. At the beginning of book XVIII Achilles is represented as foreboding the death of Patroclus, and remembering a prophecy of Thetis which pointed to it. 416. -yaia xavoi, a form of wishing for death — not implying an earth- quake, as Virgil seems to have understood, Aen. 4. 24 sed mihi vel tellus opt em prius iina dehiscat: see on 4. 182. 417. a<)>ap, 'at once,' i.e. without doubt. 418. €1 jji€9t|o-0|jl€v, * if wc are to give up.' 424. i, ' our ousct/ governed by xXaicv. The con- struction is 'endure us so as to fight/ = ' endure to fight with us.' 499. dp,<}>i, with ttXtito, see on 1. 83. 502. cjjLirveiovTe [i€Ta<\>p^vco, cp. 13. 385 iryeiovTC Kar' w^ioov, 506. i\ k' — dXoiT), change to independent construction. 509. Tov v€Kp6v, Art. of contrast, to vwiv Jcooio'iv k.t.X. 01 irep dpiOTToi, = tois dpioTOis oven : cp. I. 230. 510. p€|3dp.€v. Inf. of purpose, 'for them (the dptaToi) to bestride it.* 512. cPpio-av, 'have pressed,' ' thrown themselves ' : cp.-l. 233. 514. Oewv €v -yoiivao-i Kcirai. The origin of this famous phrase is obscure. The most probable account is that resting on the lap was symbolical of complete power and possession. Objects were dedicated to the gods by being placed on the knees of their statues, which were sitting figures;, cp. 6. 273 tou Oes 'AOrjvairjs kiri yovvaaiv. 522. iva, the mass of sinew, called in Od. 3. 449 riyovras avx^^tovs. 524. jxdX' 6|v>,.with Kpa8aiv6p,€vov as a predicate, 'right keen as it was.' NOTES. LINES 460-612. 333 526-529, = 16. 610-613. 531. p,€|xacaT€, with cr<()aj€, 'in their eager rush' (with their swords). 538. McvotTiaSao GavovTOS, with ax^os, 'my grief for the death of — / 539. jx€0€'r]Ka, ' I have let, go,' 'lightened.' 540. Join €s 8i<|)pcv 07iK€. 543 ff. The descent of Athene from Olympus can hardly have been at the bidding of Zeus, who is on Mt. Ida, as we hear directly after- wards (1. 594). Moreover, the change in the mind of Zeus (1. 546 li] 7d/) voos erpaiTCT' avrov) is inconsistent with 1. 596, where he still gives victory to the Trojans. Zenodotus rejected 11. 545, 546. There is, however, a further and somewhat marked contradiction between the words of Menelaus about Hector (1. 565) and those of Apollo in 1. 587. Hence many reject the whole scene, 11. 543-592. 547. 'iropc))vp€T]v. This word contains the point of the comparsion ; cp. 'Trop<))vp€T] v€(t)€XT| in 1. 551. Hence it must mean 'dark,' 'turbid,' — an epithet that may be due rather to association with the ideas of storm and gloom than to the violet and indigo among the colours of the rainbow. For its use as a T(pas ttoX^ixoio cp. 11. 27. The sentiment which looks upon it as a sign of hope and comfort is foreign to Greek imagery. 558. IXKT|o-owt, 'are to drag about, tear.' The Fut. with €t kcv is rare: but see 5. 212., 15. 213. 564. Oavcov, 'his death.' ccrcjidorcraTO, 'has touched to the quick.' 571. Kal €pYO^(VT] jtaXa ircp xpo^s, an unusual order, for ml fxaXa TTcp xpoos kpyofitVT) : cp. I. 217 fcal fidXa irep Ovpw K^xoXcxJfxivos. 573. d|JLct)l p,€Xaivas, see on 1. 83. 575. 'HcTiccvos, not the father of Andromache, since his sons were all killed by Achilles, 6. 423. 577. The substantive €iXamvacrTT|s defines (Vaipos (as in the com- binations ^ovs TQvpos, Sec), ' a companion who is a giver offcasts.' 587. olov 8t|, ' considering how,' see on 13. 633. 589. vcKpov, sc. Podes, cp. 1. 581. o-ov 8' cKrave is paratactic, § 57. 594 ff. In this overclouding of Ida, accompanied by thunder, we may trace the original notion of the aegis as the ' storm-cloud ' of Zeus. 599. €mXtY8T]v, shearing away the surface ; the word explains uKpov, cp. Od. 22. 279 Xiydrjv, aKprjv de pivbv ^ijXrjaaTO xctA/coy. 609. 8Cpa), the chariot, as the next line shows, of Meriones. It was a matter of course that Idomeneus, having failed to wound Hector, should retreat to a chariot. 611. aviTw, 'the master,' Meriones. 612. The' sentence here returns to the main subject, Idomeneus, to explain why it was not his own chariot. Tcl irpwra Xittwv, 'when he originally left,' i.e. at the beginning of the day. 334 ILIAD. BOOK XVII, 613. €Y7vdXuj€v, would have 'put in their hands/ 'presented them with.' 615. 'Came as cf>dos,^ i.e. his coming was salvation. 617. Tov pdX' K.T.K. Takes ujD the sentence begun at 1. 610, tov also referring to aviTos in the preceding line. 618. irpu^jLvov can hardly be put for d/cpov, as the commentators say. It is not elsewhere applied to a spear, but might possibly mean the thick part of the head. DUntzer reads irpv^vovs, 621. €K TTcSCoio, with cXa^ev : cp. 16. 668. 627. o T€, after ou5' cXaO' Aiavra Z€t»s, = ' Ajax perceived that Zeus — cp. I. 537 ovde fiLV^Uprj -qyvoirjaev iSova' otl k.t.K €T€paXK€a, 'by strength not their own,' see on 7. 26., 15. 738. 631. dc|>T|T]. The MSS. show great variety here, — ecpeir], dcjyeirj, dcpUi, diprjd, &c. The Subj. is required by the general Homeric rule, § 33, i , c. 633. avTOJS, 'merely,' without doing anything more. 639. o-xT|o-€o-9ai, ' will be held back,' checked in his course. €v vT]wi TTcacecrGaL, ' that he will fall upon the ships,' of a hostile attack, as in 13. 742 : see on 9. 235. 647. Kal points to oXecro-ov as one of two alternatives : ' let it be in the light if you destroy us' (as well as if you save us) : cp. 5. 685 €iT€iTd fi€ fcal Xlttoi aiujv, = ' then I am content to die or live.' 657 ff. This simile has already been used in book XI to describe Ajax, 11. 659-664 being identical with 11. 550-554. 658. OS t' eircl /f.r.A. The sentence is not finished grammatically : it is interrupted by the description 01 tc jjliv k.t.X., and resumed at 664 T|W0€V 8' fC.T.\. 659. podvy Plur. with an indefinite sense : ' the fat of some ox.' 666. irepi, see on line 240. 667. TTpo iK6p.ci>, 'with leaves all round,' ' fuU-foliaged.' 681. i'SoiTO, so Aristarchus, and the best MSS.: 18010 is also an ancient reading. The change to the Third Person is not more harsh than in 16. 586: cp. also 17. 705. Some supply oaro-€ as Nom. to l8oito : but this is not according to Homeric usage. 685. €1 8' d7€, see on 16. 667. 686. p.T| with the led. uS<|)€XX€ because it is an expression of wzs/i. 689. Tpwoiv, 'belongs to, is with, the Trojans': cp. 3. 457. 692. elirciv, ai K€ o-acoo-r], ' say to him if he will save,* i.e. ask if he will : see on 7. 375 {H. G, § 294). NOTES. LINES 6x3-756. 335 694. KaT€(rTV7€, 'sickened' : cp. 14. 158 arvycpds di 01 i-nX^ro Ovfxw, 699. eT€ vckvv <|)€pov come well in 1. 746, after the simile of the mules, but less appropriately here, v/here the preceding lines describe the Ajaces, not those who carried the body. 736. £ttI T€TaTO, 'was intense^ \^as at its height, behind them,' cp. 14. 389 ipiha TTTokepLOLO TCLVvaaav, and the note on 13. 358 ff. 737. iroXwv, governed by €7r€cr(rv|X€Vov (cp. 12. 143, 15. 395, Od. 6. 20), rather than by \€'Y€0€i, which is elsewhere Intrans. : cp. 21. 13. 739. €m)3p€|ji€t, lit. ^ roars on to,' ^. e. the wind drives on to the fire with a loud blast. 741. €pxop,€voLcriv,' as they retreated.' 742. dp,<))uPa\6vT€S, 'putting on,' 'arming themselves with'; we expect the Middle (cp. 5. 738), but the Participle Pa\u{xevos is im- possible in hexameter verse. 747. icrxav€TT]v, ' held back ' (the Trojans) ; the same as 1. 752 p.axr}v dve€pyov dniaaco Tpwcov. 748. T€TVXT1*^''^s, nearly = T€TU7/[xeVos, 'fashioned,' ^ made to be': — ^ whose form stretches out dividing the plain.' Siairpucriov, from diairpo, see on 11. 275. 749. d\€7€ivd, 'grievous,' 'cruel,' the cause of distress {dXeyco). 750. ircSiovSe tiOt]o-i, ' sets,' causes to flow, 'towards the plain.' 751. TrXdfwv, ' thrusting it aside,' i.e. out of its course. 755. Twv has no construction except the attraction of v|;apTT"6 St^icov 7r€pnr\o|jL€va)v, 'by reason of enemies compassing about' ; cp. 16. 591. 224. oo-o-ovTO, 'looked for,' implying dread (as 14. 17 haaoyi^vov avk- yojv KiXivOa) : ' their hearts were filled by images of pain.' 230. For 8€ Kai see on 1. 50. 231. dp,<|)L cr<(>0Ls 6x€€o-o-t Kal cyx^o"*-, * over their own chariots and spears,' i. e. in the confusion of the flight. The expression is a some- what harsh one ; cp. Thuc. 7. 84 -nipl hk rois hopariois Kal (TK€V€(Tiv ol ylv evOvs 5i€(pO€lpovTo, k.t.X. — perhaps a reminiscence of this passage. 240. v€€o-6ai, ' to go,' with ircixij/ev (not dcKovra). 244. vt (1. 254). 252. ji-uOoiatv, 'in speeches,' i.e. in the council.. 257. oi>Tos = Lat. iste, § 45. 259- xo.ip^(TKoy. The Iterative is somewhat strange, since the Tro- jans had only spent one night near the ships. On lavcov, 'spending the night,' see on 9. 325. 262. oios has a Causal force: *so overweening is the man's spirit (that) he will not consent.' 264. ' Divide the rage of Ares,' fight with equal fire (o/xwy fiefxdaoiv), 265. TTcpi, here of the assailant: cp. 9. 327 dv^paai fxappafxevos bdpojv €V€Ka acperepdoju (for /keir wives). 272. Tpwcov with TToXXoiJS. at yap k.tX., * would that it may so happen away from my hearing,' i.e. 'may I never hear of such a thing.' This is of course a way of wishing that it may never happen. u)8€ = * as I say.' dir' ouaros is in sense the predicate ( = dir' ovaros €irj TO cD5e yeveoOai ravra) ; cp. 2 2. 454 at yap dir' ovaros €it] kjxiv eiros. 274. vijKTa [JL€V €LV uYopT] o-0€vos cjojicv, 'during the night (remain- ing) in the Agora we shall keep in reserve our strength.' This seems to be the only possible meaning of the obscure phrase, elv dyop^ implies that they were neither to disperse nor to take the field. crOcvos is generally explained as = 'our forces' {die Heeresniacht, Hentze) ; but there is no trace of such a use in Homer. For aOkvos ex^^^, in the sense of 'checking the exercise of strength,' cp. 21. 308 aOkvos dvcpos dfxcpo- repoi irep ax^l^^v : also the phrase aOivos om kirieiKTov (8. 32, 463), and similar uses of jxivos, as 12. 166 (Txr](^(iy -^fierepov ye piivos.. 279. TTcpl T€LX€Os, ' for the wall,' as ttc/ji tttoXios (1. 265). 280. a\|; TrdXtv k.t.\., an explanation of tw 8' dXyLov : hence the asyndeton, which also serves to bring out the contrast Ik vrjcov — knl vrjas. 281. T|\ao-Kd{a)v, 'scouring idly to and fro' : cp. 2. 470 of flies at re Kara araOpLov TTOipLvrjiov yXdafcovai. 286. dXT|p.€vai, ' to let ourselves be cooped up.' 288. yap refers really to the second of the clauses irpiv jX€v — v{)v8c — , the sense being ' for whereas of old Troy had great possessions, now it has lost them through the siege.' \i(poTT€s avGpco^roL in the Nom. only here : the irregular metre is probably due to the more familiar pLepdjrojv dvOpojirouv. 293. The connexion is, 'after we have suffered so much by being shut up in Troy, now when 1 have a chance of driving the Greeks into 346 ILIAD. BOOK XVIII. the sea you wish to retreat to the city.' In most editions there is a comma at 'Axaio-us, so that 1. 295 is the apodosis to the clause ot€ 'n'€p — . But the passage gains in effect if we regard vvv 8' ot€ as with- out a grammatical apodosis (see on 1. 88 and 1. loi). The apostrophe vT|TrL€, K.rX. fills the blank, finishing the passage in a somewhat abrupt way: 'now when Zeus gives deliverance (you wish to throw it away), — nay, do not let such counsel be heard.' The words }XTr]K€Ti ravTa voTj|xaTa €cy, and the Fut. Part, is only used in Homer with Verbs of motion (like the Lat. Supine in -um). Kravkoj may be a distinct Present, with desiderative force. 317. Ittl, with 0€p.€vos (Tmesis). 319. w, 'from whom,' a 'true' Dat. wo, with dpTrdcTT), ' snatch from under,' i.e. from the possession of. 321. p-ct' LXvi-O', 'following the track,' further explained by cpeijvcav. 341, Kap,6p,€cr0a, ' have gained by our toil.' 344. dp,cj)l TTvpi, ' over the fire* ; dp,i iKatrrcp, ' for them each one,' and vtzo (Qy\K€v) TTvGp.CVL. 376. 0610V dYwva, 'the assembly of the gods,' see on 7. 298, also 15. 428. 378. Tocro-ov . . oiJ TTco iTpoo-€K€iTO, t.e. were finished except that the ears were not yet put on : see on 4. 130 and 13. 143. 379. TjpTVC, 'was fitting on,'' explained by kotttc 5c Scctjjlotjs, 'was forging the fastenings.' 382. Xdpis, a personification • of the beauty which belonged to the work of Hephaestus: cp. 14. 183 xo.pi's S* aTreXdyUTrero iroWrj. In the Odyssey this notion takes the more definite form of the marriage of Hephaestus and Aphrodite. 386. irdpos, with the Pres. Indie, 'before this thou hast not been a frequent comer.' 392. u>8€, lit. 'as things are here,' i.e. 'here at once/ ' to join us.' 395. This is evidently another version of the myth told in II. i. 590- 594, where the fall of Hephaestus is brought about by Here, though in a different way, and is connected with the Sinties and the island 01 Lemnos. 401. The TTopinr] was a brooch ( = TTep6v7]). The cXi^ was probably a kind of brooch or clasp, formed of spiral work (whence the name). The 348 ILIAD. BOOK XVIII. KdXv| seems also to have been a fastening of some sort (Helbig, p. 191). The opfjios was a chain long enough to fall down over the breast. 405. icrav, i.e. fiaav, *knew.' 407. fcodypta, ' ransom for life.' 410. aiTjTov is a very obscure word, probably one of those which only survived in the conventional epic language. 414. ' His face on both sides.' dp.<)>C is adverbial, not governing irpocroJTra : cp. 17. 290, also 6. 1 1 7 (note). 417. -UTTO, Adv. * underneath.' dvaKTi, 'for their master,' i.e. supporting him. 418. €LOiKmai, an anomalous form, for kiKviai {fffiKViai). 420. 6€u>v diTO €pYa Lcraai, ' they have skill in working that is of the gods.' Cp. Od. 6. 18 xaptTOJv airo koXKos €Xovp, and lays the case before the court of the Areopagus. 505. o-KfjiTTpa, the indefinite Plural, referring to what was done several times. Each elder received a sceptre in turn from one of the heralds, and held it in his hand while he spoke : see on i. 234. 506. Toicriv, ' with these,' Dat. in the comitative use, § 38, 3. •ilicrcrov, 'started up.' SiKaJov, ' gave judgment.' 507. 508. These lines have been much discussed. The main question is whether the two talents of gold represent the -noLvq in dispute — in which case 1. 508 is to be understood of the disputa7tts, and Siktjv €11701 = * plead his cause,' — or form a kind of prize, to be given to that one of the ciders whose decision (8ikt]) is most approved. The latter interpretation is accepted by Sir Henry Maine {Ancient Law, p. 375), who compares the Roman procedure, and points out that in primitive times the agreement under which two parties resorted to a judicial decision took the form of a wager, and the stake went, as *fees of court,' to the judge. The language of the passage is clearly in favour of this view. The two talents are connected with the description of the elders giving judgment, not with the -noivq, — which was a sum claimed , but not an object to be produced in court. Moreover, the sum is too small for the 'were-gild' of a man: cp. 23. 269, where the two talents serve as the fourth prize of the chariot-race. And the words SiK-qv lOuvTara clttoi apply properly to a judge : so hiKJ] lOeTa (Hes. Op. 36), ' righteous judgment ' ; cp. II. 16. 387 ot . . CKoXias KpivoMXi NOTES. LINES 50 1 -54 1. OefjLKTTas, and Hes. Op. 221 aKoXirjs 5e 8ikt)s KpivwcfL OefiLaras. The chief difficulty urgerl on the other side is that there would have to be some way of deciding which of the elders gave the best judgment. But this difficulty would not arise in practice. Homeric debates end without any formal voting : either some one opinion is adopted by the ^ evident sense ' of the assembly, or else no decision at all is 509 ff. The two armies are probably bntt besiegers (not besiegers and besieged, as has been thought). The artist of the shield could only give the notion of surrounding a city by showing it between two sets of assailants (see the examples given by Helbig, p. 305). The words Sixct 5€ o-4)to-tv T]v8av€ ^oxiKv^ need not refer to the two armies (as though each supported one of the two proposals). They only imply an assembly in which the usual alternatives (cp. 22. 1 1 7-1 21) were supposed to be debated, perhaps with envoys from the besieged. 513. -uTTeGcopTjcro-ovTO, 'armed themselves to meet' (the enemy) : v-no as in vTraj/rtafa;, virofievoj, vTroKp'ii/ofiai. The usual explanation, * armed in secret,' cannot be supported by a good parallel. 515. €4)€crTa6T€s, Masc. because the boys and old men are in the poet's mind : cp. 2. 137. 519. ap.' Linraiv pdvres, ' mounting their chariots.' 533. o-TT]o-dp.€voi, ' setting (the battle) in array.* 537. TToSouv, Gen. 'by the feet.' 539. wjxiXew, versabmitur '. the actions and movements of the groups were like those of living men. 541 ff. At this point a fresh set of subjects begin, doubtless on a new ring of the shield. The chief occupations and pleasures of country life are illustrated, and apparently arranged in the order of the Seasons. Spring is represented by ploughing (11. 541-549 ; Summer by reaping (11. 550- arrived at. 35^ ILIAD, BOOK XVIII 560); Autumn by the vintage (11. 561-572): and Winter by cattle and sheep feeding, with a hunting incident (11. 573-589). 544. T€\o-ov, a word which only occurs here and in 13. 707, clearly means the 'headlands' or boundary of the field at the end of the furrows. 548. The dark colour given to the gold points to the use of an enamel (Helbig, p. 303). 550. T€}ji€vos, a 'close,' exempt from common occupation. Cp. the Tiixeuos given by the Lycians to Bellerophon (6. 194), and Sarpedon (12. 313), and by the elders of Calydon to Meleager (9. 578). Many MSS. have the reading pa0v\T|iov, * deep in standing com ' ; but this epithet could hardly apply to the whole rkiievos, and the character of the Tefievos as a domain attached to the kingly position {rifx-q PacnXrjis) is clearly shown from the passages quoted (Mr. Ridgeway in the y. H. S. vi. p. 336).^ 552. 8pd7p.aTa, 'handfuls,' the stalks of corn grasped by the left hand at each stroke of the sickle : cp. the Part, h^hpa-y^xivos. ji.€t' oyp-ov, 'along the furrow,' as the t^2,\)^\' followed it. 553. SeovTO, ' bound ' : Cobet reads S/Sei/ro. 555. 8paYfJ.€t»ovT€s, ' gathering the handfuls.' 556. Trdpcxov, ' handed on,' kept supplying the binders. 560. SciTTvov, 'for the mid-day meal' (not * supper,' as in Attic) : see on 8. 53. iraXwov, lit. 'sprinkled,' as Od. 10. 520 l-nX V a,K€o-tpoLai, 'oxen-earning,' i.e. purchased with oxen by their suitors. 594. KapTTcp, Sing, used distributively : ' holding their hands (each) on a wrist.' Cp. 13. 783., 16. 371. 621., 24. 647. 596. ciaro, from €ypvfxi, Pf. Mid. elfiai. 600. app,€vov cv iraXa^jLT^o-Lv, ' well-fitted (for holding) in his hands ' : so in Od. 5. 234 (of an axe). 601. ireipTio-CTat, Aor. Subj. Treipaofiai does not elsewhere take an Ace, hence Tpoxov should be regarded as an Aec. de quo, § 37, 7- 602. em (TTtxas dXXT|Xoicri, lit. * in rows as regards each other,' i.e. forming themselves into answering lines, — in contrast to the simple movement in a circle of 1. 599 ff. 604-606 = Od. 4. 17-T9. TCp-n-cjjicvot, in apposition to op.iXos, cp. 16. 281. The words |X€Td o-(j>iv . . . <|>opp,ii^cov are not in any MS. of the Iliad. They were inserted by Wolf from the passage of the Odyssey, chiefly on the authority of Athenaeus (V. p. 181). No trace of them is to be found in the ancient scholia. The picture of the dance and the two tumblers is simpler and more intelligible without the player on the lyre. If the words are not inserted we must read €|dpxovT€s (or possibly cJdpxovTe) in 1. 606. In the other case ejdpxovros is better, taken as a Gen. absolute (sc. aoi%oxj). 613. Kao-aiT€poio. The use of tin is strange, since it is too soft a metal for such a purpose. See Helbig, p. 196. VOL. II. 354 ILIAD. BOOK XIX. BOOK XIX. The chief subject of this book is the 'renunciation of wrath' — fxr]vihos dirSpprjcris — which Achilles has to make in the Greek assembly before he can again take his place in their ranks, and exact the ven- geance for which he is thirsting. There are four scenes, divided as follows : — Thetis brings the new arms to Achilles (11. 1-39). Achilles calls the Greeks to an assembly, declares his quarrel at an end, and presses for immediately taking the field. Agamemnon re^ peats his offer of gifts as atonement. Ulysses warns against going into battle hungry (11. 40-276). The gifts are brought to Achilles in his tent. Briseis laments over Patroclus. Achilles refuses food and drink, but Athene strengthens him with nectar (11. 277-355). The Greeks arm and sally forth. The arming of Achilles is de- scribecf. The horse Xanthus foretells his death (11. 356-424). In this book, as in the last, the narrative stands in the closest rela- tion to the events with which the story of the Iliad begins. Just as the meeting of Achilles and Thetis, which is the first and most important incident of book XVIII, recals their former meeting in book I, so the assembly described in this book takes us back to th^ assembly which was the scene of the quarrel between Achilles and Agamemnon. The ' wrath ' which was then kindled in the sight of the Greek army has its counterpart in an equally public ' renouncing of wrath,' and reconcilia- tion of the two chiefs. The speeches now put into the mouth of Agamemnon contain a reference evidently intended to connect the present position of affairs with the Embassy to Achilles in book IX. The gifts then offered to Achilles by way of atonement are again pressed upon him by Aga- memnon, and his attitude towards the offer is essentially the same as it was then, namely, one of complete indifference. He does not refuse the gifts, for he has formally renounced his quarrel with Agamemnon ; but he makes it clear that they are nothing to him. See the note on 16. 84-86. Mr. Grote and those who with him regard the; Embassy to Achilles as an addition, inconsistent with the original plan of the Iliad, are necessarily led to maintain that the passages in book XIX which refer to it, viz. 11. 140, 141, 192-195, and 243, are interpolations. But 11. 192-195, at least, cannot be spared, unless we also strike out the pas- sages which describe the gifts being brought to Achilles, 11. 238-249, 278-281. Homer would not make Ulysses go to the tent of Aga- NOTES. 355 memnon and fetch the gifts without being first commanded by Aga- memnon to do so; and this command is given in 11. 192-195. It is significant, too, that Ulysses is not told what gifts he is to fetch. He simply goes to bring ' the gifts,' and he finds everything ready to his hand, in a way that would be unintelligible unless the episode of book IX had preceded. These considerations seem to show that if book XIX has been tampered with in order to bring it into harmony with book IX, the changes made must have been greater than Mr. Grote supposed. Among later theories the most plausible is that of Hentze, who would leave out 11. 140-302 (except 11. 270-277), so as to make the final apostrophe of Achilles — ZeO iraTep, ^ fjLcydXas dras dvdp^aai didoiaOa — follow directly on the main speech of Agamemnon. Hentze urges with much show of reason that after the appeal for immediate action which Achilles has made (1. 6S d\k' dye Odcxaov orpvvov iroXefioi/de k.t.X.), the long speeches about the gifts, and on the question whether the army ought to breakfast before taking the field, are tasteless and out of place. This however is a line of argument which we must be careful in apply- ing to Homer. We certainly find speeches made by Homeric heroes at critical moments, when a single word would seem to be more than enough. In such cases a conventional license is given. The speech is allowed to be long enough to give room for a sufficient picture of the situation ; and the improbability is tolerated for the sake of the artistic effect. Now in the present instance the aim of the poet is to bring out the lofty impulsiveness, mingled with grief and desire of vengeance, which now characterises Achilles, and he does this by contrasting him, first with the neutral type represented by Agamemnon, then with the patience and practical wisdom of Ulysses. The debate about the exr pediency of sending out the army without food would doubtless seem to a Greek hearer to be a very fit occasion for the exhibition of these qualities. And in regard to the gifts it is to be considered that the acceptance of them by Achilles would probably be regarded as bind- ing him anew to the cause of Agamemnon. Achilles might himself be willing to return to the war, even without gifts (arcp dojpwv, like Meleager in the story told by Phoenix, see 9. 598-604) ; but the morality of the time may have recognised them as a pledge of good- will which the other chiefs could not safely neglect. In any case the presentation of the gifts tends to exalt the hero (cp. 9. 605), and has the character of a solemn overt act cementing the reconciliation. Many short passages in this book have been rejected by critics as later interpolations. The most important is the passage in which Achilles is made to speak of his son Neoptolemus, whom he had left in the island of Scyros. Some critics content themselves with leaving out 1. 327, in which the name Neoptolemus occurs; others reject 11. A a 2 356 ILIAD, BOOK XIX, 326-337, so as to get rid of all mention of Scyros. The latter view is supported by peculiarities of language in the passage (see the notes on 11. 326, 331, 332), and the complete silence of the rest of the Iliad as to the marriage of Achilles. The Scyros adventure v^as told in the Cyclic poem called the Cypria, and the coming of Neoptolemus from Scyros was an incident of the Little Iliad. The present passage may have been suggested by either of these poems, or may have come from some common source. The dialogue between Achilles and the horse Xanthus (11. 404-424) has been suspected, on the ground that the chariot is not heard of in the next book. But the Homeric chariot, when it has once brought the warrior to the field, has little to do except to wait in case he should be wounded, or hard pressed by an enemy. The scene contains one of the prophecies that are a feature of this part of the poem, and the miraculous incident of the horse speaking — one of a kind that is rare in the Iliad — gives additional emphasis and solemnity. 8. toOtov, Lat. implies some degree of impatience. 15. €Tp€o-av, 'they turned and fled'; cp. 14. 522, also Od. 6. 138 Tpkaaav 8* dWvSis dWrj (of Nausicaa's maidens). 17. 8€tv6v is an Adv. qualifying €|€v, ' wielded.' 49. €xov, ' bore,' ' suffered from '; so in 1. 52. 50. irpwTTi, 'the foremost part.' 56. Tt expresses doubt or hesitation, which here is of course ironical, = ' can we say that it has been well ? ' Cp. Od. 9. 1 1 tovto ti jjloi Kd\' Xlutov kvL (ppcalv eiderai eJvat = ' this seems perhaps best.' apcioy * well (and not ill) ' : Compar. as in 1. 63. NOTES. LINES 8-85. 357 57. This is one of the places in which it is difficult to decide be- tween oT€, 'when ' and o t€, * in that,' Mn respect that' (§ 48, 2). The latter suits toSc, which gains by being taken as an antecedent to the Relatival clause : cp. Od. 20. 333 vvv V ijST] roSe drjXov 0 t ovkcti voarifios koTL : also the combination to — on (II. 5. 406, &c.), to-Oto — OTL (II. 15. 207), TO — o (II. 19. 421., 20. 466). 60. l\6\x.'x\Vj ' gained her ' (as a prize). 62. k\k^v d'Trop,T]vicravTOs, 'from the time of my great anger'; airo expresses that it was an utter quarrel, see on 2. 772. 63. KcpSiov, ' profitable for the Trojans ' (not for me). The Com- parative expresses this contrast, not a higher degree of the quality 'profitable.' 65. irpoTeTTJxOcii €do-o|X€v, see on ]6. 60. 70. €Ti, ' once more,' as before the quarrel. 71. Lav€tv, i. e. ' to bivouac/ see on 9. 325. 77. avToOcv €8pT]s, 'without moving from his seat'; so in Od. 13. 56 avToOcv €^p€cov, opposed to dvd 5' laraTo. Two of the old texts which were used by Aristarchus (those of Massilia and Chios) had instead of 11. 76, 77 the two lines — ToicTi 5' dvLardfi^vos fxeT€(j)7} Kpeioov ' Ayafxe fivojv fxrjviv dvaaTeudxcoy kol v(p' e\K€OS dXyea Trdax^v- The text of Zenodotus had the first of these lines only. The great difference in the two versions of 1. 77, and the fact that both were unknown to Zenodotus, make it probable that both are spurious, — are in fact two different attempts to explain the obscure words at the begin- ning of Agamemnon's speech. 79, 80. Aristarchus understood these lines as Agamemnon's plea for indulgence in speaking from his seat, and apparently took vPpdWeiv (/. e. vTToPdWeiv) as meaning ' to prompt,' to put up some one else to speak for one. ' It is a goodly thing to listen to one standing,' — t. e. it is well for a speaker to stand (which I cannot do on account of the wound) — ' and it is not fitting to speak through the mouth of another ' — so that I am driven to speak \^ edprjs. This explanation is evidently very forced, and is only tenable at all on the assumption that Agamem- non was not standing. If we reject 1. 77 the lines are naturally taken as an appeal for silence : ' it is well to listen to him who stands up (to speak), and unseemly to interrupt.' With 1. 79 so understood cp. Od. I. 370 /jLTjde /3or)Tvs ecTTCUj ewel to y€ /caXbv aKovcfiev kuTiv doibov : and for v^fid\\€iv, ' to take up,' ' interrupt,' see on II. i. 292, where the Adv. vnop\ridT]v has this force. 82. p\dp€Tai, 'breaks down,' see on 16. 331, 83. €v8€iJop,ai, ' will declare the matter.' 84. cnjv0€o-O€, cp. 1. 76 cru be avvOeo, ' give heed.' 85. TOVTOv, Lat. istu7n, 'that word of yours' (§ 45), refers to the 358 ILIAD, BOOK XIX. foregoing speech of Achilles. ^ The Greeks have already said all this that you say now.' For this use of ovtos cp. 11. 187, 213. 89. (xvros oLiTTjiipcov, 'took by my own act/ see i. 356. 90. 8ia, with TfXcvxa, ' brings to the end/ 91-93. Aios ^vyar^p is predicate. Note the shifting play of personi- fication : Ate — moral blindness — is first a thing put into the soul by Zeus, Fate and the Erinys, and then suddenly becomes a living agent. She goes with soft tread ' along the heads of men/ e. she enters men's minds before they are aware of her deadly power. So the Erinys is T|€po<()otTis, ' moving in mist ' (like * the pestilence that walketh in darkness'). Cp. Shelley, Adonais xxiv : Out of her secret Paradise she sped Through camps and cities rough with stone, and steel, And human hearts, which to her aery tread Yielding not, wounded the invisible Palms of her tender feet where'er they fell, ddrai. Mid. in a transitive sense, ' infatuates.' 94. €T€p6v Y€, ' one at least ' (if not both himself and Achilles). 95. Zcvs acraro, so Aristarchus : the MSS. have Zf,v* acraro, sc. "krvT]. The transitive sense may be defended by the use of aarai in 11. 91, 129. 103. jjLOYo-cTTOKos (so divided), probably 'staying labour' (root stek) ; see II. 270. 105. Twv dvBpwv •Y€V€T]s, * ouc of the race of those men.' 01 0' aLp,aTos k\ €|X€€ ciaC, * who are of blood from me.' So in 1, III 01 Gr]s 6^ aifxaTos elai yiviOXrjs, 'who are of blood from thy stock,' joining arjs dai ycveOKTjs : cp. Od. 13. 130 rot v€p tol kfirjs €^ dai y€V€9\T}s, The Gen. aip,aTos is partitive, in the wide sense of ' be- longing to ' ; cp. 20. 241 ravTTjs roi yeverjs T€ Kai aifiaros evxo/Mii €ivai, and Od. 4. 611 aifiaros els dyaOoio. 107. avT€ indicates the relation of promise and fulfilment : ' you will not, when the time comes round, crown your word with fulfilment.' no. cir' TjfiaTL TwSe, ' with this day,' as the event of this day. See on 13. 234. 113. circira, ' thereupon/ i. e. therein. 115. -{JSti, ' knew of,' ' knew that there was.' 117. IcTTTiKci, 'was on/ 'was running' as we say, with a different metaphor. 118. T|XiT6p,T]vov, ' of the wrong month' {aKiT^Lv). 120. aYYcXcovo-a. The Fut. Part, is properly used in Homer only with verbs of motion. Perhaps npocXTjvda has this force : ' addressed herself to Zeus with the news.' 126. XiTrapoirXoKa^oio, 'with plaits shining (with ointment)': cp. 14. 176. NOTES. LINES 89-183. 359 131. IpY* dvOpwirajv means especially 'tillage/ as in i6. 392. In the heroic age this comprehended all settled life, 140. oSe Trapacrxcfxcv, * am here to furnish,' as 9. 688 dai Kat ol^c rdS' 14T. X^^Jos is incorrect, at least according to our mode of dividing time, since the Embassy was in the night before last. But possibly Homer reckoned the day from sunset to sunset, as the Jews still do. 147, 148. The construction here is mainly a question of stopping. Recent editors put a comma after €0€XT|cr0a, and again after Ix^p-ev, and read ircipa ( = Trdp€(TTi) : — 'Gifts it is for thee, if thou wilt, to offer, as is becoming, or to withhold them ' ; or (taking the Inf. for the Imperative) 'Gifts, if thou wilt, do thou offer,' &c. It seems better, with the older editors, to join cOcXtjo-Oa irapacrx^K-cv, and to read ^X^\i€v irapa croC (with the MSS.) : ' Gifts if you choose to offer, as is meet, or to keep them with you, (do so): but now* &c. The ellipse of the grammatical apodosis is quite Homeric: cp. 7. 375 at k' kOeXojcTi wavaaaOai tto\€{j.oio bvarjx^os, eis o fee vcKpovs K-qofx^v varepov avT€ /jLaxr](r6p.€6' k.t.X. See also on 6. 150. The presumption is in favour ofthe interpretation which requires the fewest stops. For irapa aoL = ' in thy keeping ' cp. Od. 11. 175 rj en irap Kiivoiaiv kpLov yepas ^€ Tis ij^T] avhpwv dWos ex^i. r\ T€ is nowhere else used exactly as in this passage, = * or.' Perhaps the true reading is €i t*. 149. KXoTOTrevetv, a word only found here, said to mean ' to make fine speeches ' ; but this is a mere guess from the context. 151. tos K€ TIS . . i8T]Tai is best taken after p,vir]o-a)p,€0a xo-PH-'HS • * that so men shall see Achilles,' &c. Some take cos k€ tis — wSc rts as correlatives : * as each one of you shall see Achilles . . so let him ' &c. But this separates the three lines too much from the rest of the speech. 158. 6p,iXT|crco0i into avroBi (Bekker) or avrov. 193. KoijpT|Tas, used here and in 1. 248, apparently = /^ou/30fs. 194. €V€iK€|ji€v is an exceptional form in Homer; elsewhere ijveL/ca is the Tense-form used, §5,3. 195. xOitov, here an Adv. : but perhaps we should read x^^t^^ (so the passage is quoted in' Strab. X. 467). 202. tJo-iv. The usual Homeric form is er/. 205. oTpwcTOv, ' you two,' viz. Agamemnon and Ulysses. 208. T€t»|€(rOai, the Fut. to show that this is not properly part of the command: cp. 6. 70 oLvhpas KTCLVcu/xiv, eneira . . (TvkrjaeTe. But the Opt. Ti(raip,€0a shows that the clause is grammatically dependent on dvwYoijJLi. See § 34, i, a. 212. dvd TTpoOvpov T€Tpap,jjL€vos, t. c. wlth his feet pointing through the doorway. 213. Ta-Ora, 'your theme,' viz. food, cp. 11. 85, 187. 216. We may read nTjXTjos, scanning vi€ as an iambus (cp. 4. 473., 6. 130, &c.), or n-rjXIos vU ( ). 218. irpoPaXoijjL-qv, 'may surpass,' 'should be found to surpass' ; lit. 'throw myself in front' ; cp. 6. 68 kvapcov kiri^aWofxcvos. 221. T€ marks a general statement, § 49, 9. So Od. i. 392 aiif/d re ol Set) d(pv(ibv iriXeTai, and Hes. Theog. 86 6 5' dacpaXioos dyopevcoy aiipd T€ Kol fieya vukos kiria'Tafievoos KaTenavae (Diintzer). 222. Ka\dp,T]v, 'the straw.' War is a harvest in which there is much cutting down, but little ingathering of fruit. In this fine metaphor the slaughter in war is compared to the work of the sickle, the word xcl^kos applying to both. dp,7]Tos 5' oXi-yio-Tos is an ironical under-statement, a way of saying that in war there is nothing answering to the dfjL7]Tos of the husbandman : — it is a harvest that is all cutting down, no storing up of what is cut. The dfjnjros is clearly not the slaughter (as L. & S.) To understand it of the booty is logical, but somewhat impairs the poetical effect. NOTES. LINES 1 86-26 1. 223. Iinqv K\CvT|crt rdXavra Ze-us, ' when Zeus strikes the balance,' i. e. decides the issue ; cp. the symbolical weighing of opposing champions, 8. 69 ff. 225. -yao-Tcpi, i.e. by fasting. 227. iroTC K€v Tis dvaiTvcvcrcic ttovowo ; ^ when can a man have a breathing-space from the toil ' (of fighting) ? This parenthetical ques- tion simply dwells on the notion implied in iroWoi Kal cTririTpijjLoi — that there can be no respite (and therefore no time for fasting or cere- monious mourning of any kind). Some make it refer to the ' hardship ' of fasting : but this is a post-Homeric sense of irovos, a^nd does not give so good a connexion of thought. 229. VTjXca, for vr]\€€a (Nom. T^T^Xeiys), by hyphaeresis : cp. oArXeas, vwfpdea, also aideo for aide-eo. ctt' TijxaTL, ' for the day,' i. e. on the day only. SaKpvo-avras, Aor. because it means * performing the weeping,' regarded as a single act. 230. ircpl Xi-ircovTaL, ' are left over from ' : irepi as in ircpieifjLi, &c. 234. Xawv, with TLS. 235- T)8€ Yap oTpvvTtis KaKov €(ro-€Tai os k6 XiTrqrai, ' for this call to arms will be ill for him who shall stay behind,' i. e. after this call to arms it will go hard with him who shall stay behind. The conmienta- tors generally take t)8€ orpvvrvs to be the dWrj brpuvrvs of the pre- ceding line. But surely TjSe can only mean ' this present,' opposed to any future or distant one; cp. 7- 358 oioOa kol dXXov fxvOov dfxeivova ToOSc vorjaai. 247. o-TT|o-as, ' having weighed.' iravra, ' in all.* 254. diro TpCxas dp^dfjievos, ' cutting off hair as the beginning of the rite.' dpxeaOai is applied to any preliminary rite, and as the rite is in this case cutting off hair dTrdpxeo-Oat is equivalent to drro- T€fxv€iVj and is construed accordingly: see on i. 471 {kirap^dfxevoL de- irdfaai). 255- ^"n"' avT6<|)iv, generally explained 'by themselves,' 'withdrawn into themselves' (Leaf), as 7. 195 (tux^f^f) oi-'yv W vf^^ioj^- But this reflexive use of auros is very questionable, and ^aOai €(f) kavrcuv can hardly be made to mean ' to sit withdrawn into themselves.' Probably the true reading (as Nauck suggests) is avToQi, and kir' — jjaro means ' sat by' (Lat. adsistebanf). 258-260. The chief deities called upon to witness oaths are Zeus, the Sun, and the Earth. In 1. 197 Agamemnon mentions only Zeus and the Sun. The three are named together in the similar passage, 3. 104, and a ram is allotted to each. The avenging powers 'beneath the earth' appear in the prayer 3. 276-279, but the name Erinyes is only given to them here. 261. |JLT| lirevctKaij ' that I never laid hand' ; for |jlt| with the Inf. in oaths cp. 1. 176 pi-i] TTOTc . . kmprjjxevai. The Nom, €-yw however is 362 ILIAD. BOOK XIX, unexplained: and as the formula io-tco viiv is elsewhere (lo. 329., 15. 36) followed by |jit| with the Indicative, and the form €V€iKat does not elsewhere occur (cp. 1. 194), it is probable that the true reading here is €7r€V€iKa (so La Roche). 262. €vvTis is governed by KexpT^fAcvos in the sense of* desiring/ '7rp64)acriv is adverbial, as in 1. 302, = * professedly.' The irpo- ' for o-iXos mos is construed with the Relatival clause : cp. 13. 340, &c. 330. T€ is not in place here (§ 49, 9) : we should probably read ap|ji6o-o-€L€, ' if the armour would fit' ; the verb is intransitive, as 17. 210 "EvTopi 5' i]p/jLoa€ revx^' ^tti x/^^'^'** Cp. I Sam. xvii. 39 ' And David said unto Saul, I cannot go with these; for I have not proved them.' 386, Cp. Xen. Gyr. 2. 2. 14 l/iot boKci ra rojv ottXohv (poprjfJiaTa TTTCpoTs puaWov eoiKevai ^ (popTia). 388-391 = 16. 141-144. 392. ''AXkijjlos, apparently a shorter form of the name ^AXKi/iidcov (16. 197), like UoLTpoKXos for IlaTpofc\€7]s,"EKaTos for 'EKarrj^oXos. 395. koWtjtov, ' well put together.* 396. €<})' iTTiroLiv, *on to the chariot' : Gen., cp. 18. 531. 399. irarpos, since they had been given to Peleus, 16. 381. 401. dXXws, Mn another fashion,' i.e. better than you did for Patroclus. i, for the Gen., ' from under the yoke.' TToSas aloXos, ' with glancing feet.' The word atoAos is especially used of the effect of quick movement. 418. €piviJ€s, the powers that punish violation of divine laws. So Heraclitus said that if the Sun went out of his due: course the Erinyes as the helpers of justice would find him out (fr. 29 Bywater). 421. o, ' that ' = ort, § 48, 2. 423. aStiv cXdo-ai TToX.cp.oio : cp. 13. 315.- BOOK XX. The next three books, XX-XXII, bring the action of the Iliad to the culminating point. The grief of Achilles for Patroclus, which the preceding book has shown us in its effects on the quarrel with Aga- memnon, is now translated into deeds in the field. He goes forth to avenge his friend ; and the battle ends with the death of Hector. NOTES. In the events which follow three stages may be distinguished, cor- responding to the three books of our text : (XX) preliminary incidents in which Aeneas has a leading part ; (XXI) the fighting by the river, and combat with the river-god himself, -and (XXII) the final combat with Hector. The argument of book XX is as follows : — Zeus holds an assembly of all the gods, and grants them permission to take part in the war. They descend and range themselves accord- ingly (11. 1-75). Aeneas is urged by Apollo to single combat with Achilles. The gods retire to watch events. Achilles and Aeneas meet. In the combat which follows Aeneas is on the point of being slain, but is saved by Poseidon (11. 75-352). Achilles and Hector exhort their followers : Hector withdraws before Achilles (11. 353-380). Achilles slays many Trojans. Hector seeks to avenge the death of Polydoxus, and is about to be slain, when he is rescued by Apollo. Still Achilles rages unchecked (11. 381-503). The plan of the book brings out one of the contradictions which are the stumbling-blocks of critics, but which really lie deep in the nature of epic poetry. Achilles is burning to avenge his friend ; he ought therefore to seek out Hector and bring his quarrel to a speedy issue. Instead of this he is drawn away into a slaughter of Trojan rank and file, with incidents which occupy two books. The reason is that the poet has to fill his canvas. The death of Hector must not stand by itself in the picture, but form the climax of the last and greatest of the days of battle. The difficulty is met, as Hentze has well pointed out, by the Olympian assembly at the beginning of the book. The gods that are friendly , to Troy are again left free to act, and their in- terference brings about the due * retardation ^ in the course of events. The scene is of use at the same time in recalling the former assembly in book VIII, in which Zeus imposed the restraint which he now re- moves. The ' battle of the gods' (Oeofxaxia), from which the book has had the misfortune to take its title, has long been condemned as spurious. The passage announces with great circumstance the breaking out of ' war in heaven,' but no actual conflict follows. What we expect after the speech of Zeus is that the gods should descend to the plain of Troy, and there kindle fresh strife between the opposed armies. Doubtless this was all that was intended by 1. 31 ; but not unnaturally the words TToX^yLov dhiaarov eyetpc suggested warfare between the gods themselves, Hence an interpolator bethought him of bringing all the chief gods on the scene, several of whom— as Hermes, Hephaestus, Leto, Artemis — do not take part in the war on either side. The extent of the interpolation 366 ILIAD. BOOK XX, is not certain. The most natural limits are 11. 33-75, but parts of this passage may be genuine. A little further on (11. 11 2-155) we find a sort of council held by the gods who are ranged on the Greek side,., to whom Here speaks of the danger of Achilles and the need of giving him encouragement. This seems quite out of place here, especially when Zeus had just proclaimed as his motive of action the fear that Achilles would carry everything before him and anticipate fate by the utter destruction of the Trojans. The passage may have been inserted to account for the comparative inactivity which takes the place of the expected Oeofiaxia. A more important question is raised by the next two hundred lines (11. 156- 352), in which Achilles and Aeneas play the chief part. The arguments which Kammer has urged against the genuineness of this episode seem conclusive. It opens with the meeting of the two heroes, which the poet describes as though it came about accidentally, when the two armies approached each other, thus ignoring the encouragement already given to Aeneas (1. 79), and the main impulse of Achilles, his desire to be avenged on Hector. The death of Patroclus seems for the time to be forgotten, and the whole character of the speeches is out of keeping with the fierce and rapid movement which distinguishes books XlX-XXn. Poseidon, who is elsewhere a relentless enemy of the Trojans, now rescues Aeneas, and foretells the glory of his house. It is this prophecy, indeed, which forms the chief interest of the episode. Evidently it has a local source, and is intended to point to some dynasty, ruling in the Troad and claiming to be descended from Aeneas, to which Poseidon may have stood in the relation of family patron-god. Hence if the passage had been undoubtedly Homeric we should have had a strong argument for the connexion of the poem with the actual scene of the Trojan war, the later Aeolis. . As it is, we are rather led to conclude that the local traditions of the Troad were not well known to the author of the Iliad. The remainder of the book, at least from 1. 381 ev S' 'AxtAcvj Ipujecrcn 66p€ K.T.X., satisfies every requirement of epic art. We feel that this Achilles is the Achilles of the Iliad, and that his deeds are bringing us by swift stages to the crisis which is to be reached by the death of Hector. 3. 0pa)v, so that Ares would stand ' on the gods' fair hill.' 55. pT]7vvvT0 seems to mean * caused to break out.' €v aurots, 'among them,' viz. the two armies. Some take it in the reflexive sense, ' among themselves ' : but this use of avTos is extremely doubt- ful. 62. jjLT| K,T.\. This clause should not be taken as dependent on Scio-as, but on SXto Kal i'ax€. 63-65. Cp. the imitation in Virgil, Aen. viii. 243-246. 65. o-Tvyiovo-i, Mread,' see 14. 158. 67. The p of dva/cTos is neglected : but the passage is doubtless spurious, see p. 365. 72. *Ep|XTjs, the contracted form, not elsewhere found in the Iliad. 77. ToO, with aijxaTos, * with Ais blood.' 78. raXavpivov, 'with shield of stout bull's hide,' cp. 5. 289. 83. dirciXaC, ' boastings,' boastful offers. 85. TToXcjiiJeiv. Most MS. have iroXeiii^eLv, but A has irroXcp-iJciv. The Fut. Inf. is usual after a verb of pro77iismg, 87. ravra, Lat. ista ; explained by the next line, Lvria . . //dxccr^at. 95. Tt0€L 4)dos is metaphorical, = * gave him success.' 99. dXXcos, /. e. apart from the aid of a god, ' in any case.' loi. lo-ov T€iv€i€v 'nroX€|jLOv TcXos, 'stretched even the decision of 368 ILIAD. BOOK XX, war/ i. e. pulled evenly at each end of the line. The metaphor of a rope is a favourite one; see on 13. 358. We should say, using a different figure, ^held the balance evenly between us.' loi, 102. o\) K€ is the reading of A : most MSS. have o\J jxc. In the next line viKTjo-ci,* is Bentley's restoration for the vulgate vikt](T€i. The Fut. is clearly out of place in speaking of a purely imaginary case. The adoption of the Opt. does not necessarily involve reading ov k€ : see on 19. 321. 108. IQvs c()€p€, ' bear right on,' * aim straight before you.' 109. \cuYa\cois, * pitiful,' fit for one who is \evja\eos, dp€if|, * scolding.' 114. ap.v8is cTTTio-ao-a, ' bringing together ' : cp. 13. 336. Ocovs, viz. the gods who were on the same side. 117. o8€, 'here.' 120. atiToOev, ' from where he is/ hence ' at once.' cTTCira, = ' failing this, then/ e. as the next best thing, cp. 13. 743. 121. Tvapcrraif], Opt. of gentle command: ' it were well that some one should stand by.' 125. dvTt6cavT€S, Fut. Part- of avTid^w. 126. 7rd0T]o-i, Subj. after KaTT|\Oop,€v, because it refers to what is still future : § 34, 2, c. 129. ou after €1 is not -uncommon in Homer: cp. 15. 162. 131. xo'^^'n'o'^ aCv€cr0ai, * are dangerous in respect of appearing/ t. e. their appearing is dangerous. 135. This verse is wanting in many MSS. 136. eireira, i.e. if there is not to be a strife of gods, cp. 1. 120. 138. dpxoo-i, so Aristarchus and the best MSS. : but Zenodotus read apxxio""" The plural is defended on the ground that it is used as if the subject had been'^A/)?;? Kai ^AtruXXajv. But there is no parallel for such an anomaly. Probably dpxTjo-t is the true reading, changed to suit ifTxoJ(n teal ovK dwai in the next line. 140. Trap' avToOi, 'on the spot/ 'at once,' cp. 13. 42., 23. 147. The MSS. have irap' avro^i. 142. ijJL€v, here in the Fut. sense, * will go/ 145. dp.4>ixvTov, lit. 'thrown up ^. built of earth) round him/ a round earth- work. 147. TO K-fjTOs, ' the sea-monster/ the one sent by Poseidon, in revenge for the faithless treatment which he and Apollo suffered from Laomedon king of Troy. This defining m^q of the Art. is very rare in the Iliad 151. cT€pcoo-€, viz. on the Trojan side. 152. dp,4>l cr€ K.T.X., i.e. the group of which Apollo and Ares were the chief For this use of dp,<)>C see 3. 146. ijic is an epithet of unknown meaning. 154, |3ov\ds is emphatic, opposed to TroXcp.oio. NOTES. LINES IOI-213. 156. Twv introduces tlv8pwv t|8' iinrcov, marking the transition from gods to men. 158. The meeting of Achilles and Aeneas is introduced as if they had not been already mentioned : for' the formula cp. 13. 499. 161. The Aor. Participle direLXTjo-as describes the forward movement of Aeneas expressed by €p€prjK€i : * strode on with (a word or gesture of) defiance.' 162. KopvOi, comitative Dat., § 38, 3. drdp .. . €X€, a fresh sentence, though logically parallel to vevo-rdJcDv, § 58, I. 166. dYp6|jL€voL TTcls 8f|(xos. For the Plur. with a Collective Noun cp. iS. 604 ofiiKos TepTTOficvoi. irds 8fj|xos — the whole people of the drj/xos, like irdaa ttoKis : the local sense of drj^os being the older one. 168. €d\T], ' gathers himself together,' * crouches.' 173. <\>dUrai, Subj. answering to €-(f)6t-To, § 13, A. 178. Too-o-ov, * so much,' qualifies the whole phrase 6p,iXc\; ttoWov €Tr<\0a)v, ' coming far on in respect of the throng,' i. e. far to the front of the battle. 179. €crTT|s, 'hast taken a position' (not ' stopped ') : cp. 17. 342 TToAu irpofACLxaJV €^d\fx€pcs €(XTrj. For the Aor. cp. 21. 561. 181. Ti}xfis,with dvdJcLv, 'wilt be master of the dignity ' : cp. Od. 24. 30. 183.- d€(ri<()p(ov, probably ' smitten in mind,' from the root seen in the Aor. daaa, cp. Od. 21. 296 (ppivas daacu oivcv, II. 16. 805 top 5* aTTj cppivas €Lk€, Od. 21. 301, 302. Tf so, it ought to be written dacricppajv, a form given by Hesych. Others take it from drj/jii, ' to blow,* hence 'light-minded,' cp. H. 3. loS OT€poa;s kvkXovs, the layers of bronze and hide. 282. Kd8 8' dx^s o^. Bentley read kcLS 8' dxXvs. 285-287 = 5. 302-304. OIJ . . 4>€pOL€V, § 31, 4. 289. fjpK€avTos is predicative, * perish and leave no sign.' 306. "qx^TIP^j ' li^is come to hate': cp. 3. 415 tcIs hk a ancxOrjpctj us vvv (KTrayX' k(pikr}(7a, 307. This celebrated prophecy may be taken as evidence that at the time when it was composed (as to which see the introduction to the notes on this book) there was a dynasty reigning in the Troad ,'possibly on the supposed site of Troy\ and claiming to be descended from Aeneas. The story of the escape of Aeneas to Mount Ida is perhaps a subsequent amplification : it is known to have been related by the later epic poet Arctinus in his poem the 'Ikiov irepais. 311. Atv€iav, Acc. de qtco, § 37,*7, 'consider as to Aeneas whether you will protect him or ' &c. cdo-Tjs is found in one good MS., and is more in accordance with Homeric usage than the common reading cdcrcts. 313. TToXtas opKovs, ' by many witnesses ' ; opKOL being the 'objects sworn by,' there may be many to one oath (Buttmann, Lexil, s. v. op/co?, §5)- 315. €171 with dX€^T|(r€Lv (Tmesis). 'That we will not ward off' is an under-statement, really meaning that they would bring it about. 317. See on 21. 376, where this line recurs with a different reading. 322. 6 8€, the subject is the same, see § 47, 1. 325. co-acvcv, ' sent flying.' 329. iT6\€p.ov p.€Ta, ' to mix in the war.' 332. drtovra (scanned v./;, ' playing the madman.' 335. o-i;p,p\T|o-€ai. The Fut. with ot€ kcv is doubtful, but perhaps ad- missible when used of an event sure to happen. But Cobet's conjecture £vjJip\T|€ai is very probable : cp. Od. 17. 471 ottttot' a.vr\p . . ^\rj€Tai, 342. |X€Y* €£t8€v, ' looked with wide open eyes.' 345. t68€, *here.' 347. T) pa . . r\€v, ' is ' (though I thought not). 348. avTws, 'merely': 'that his claim was a mere boast.* B b 2 37^ ILIAD. BOOK XX, 353. €m cTTtxas SXto, ' leaped, flung himself, along the ranks.* 357. €4>€'n'€iv, ' to deal with,' ' take in hand.' 359. (TTop-a. The metaphor is obscure : comparing 19. 313 we should translate ^ face ' or ' edge' rather than ' mouth.' 362. ornxos SiajjiiTcpcs, ' through a rank,' i. e. through the line of men which I find in my way. It would make better sense if we could read o-Tixas, but there is no warrant for an Acc. with diafx-rrepes. This is perhaps one of the cases where the right word — here the gen. plur. anxojv — cannot be used in hexameter verse. 365. <|>dTO 8* ip.€vai, 'said that he would go.' This is the common interpretation : but 4>dTO properly means ' thought,' and the form ip,€vai (with long i) or i|jLp,€vai — whichever we adopt — is anomalous. 370. T€X€€t may be Pres. or Fut. — probably the former, as koXovci. 377. €K <)>Xoio-poio, ' from- amid the press of battle ' (instead of meeting him in front, as a irpofiaxos). 8c8€£o, Pf. of attittuie, § 26, 2. 382. 'IiTio)va, a chief not mentioned in the Catalogue. 385. "T8t| was a place in Lydia, according to the Schol. the Sardis of history. 394. cmo-o-wTpois, ^ with the tires of their wheels.' 8aT€OVTO, lit. ' divided up,' made * mince meat of,' an exaggerated phrase apparently meaning that they gashed or disfigured the body. 397-400=12. 183-186. 403. ai'or0€, ' gasped forth ' ; 16. 468 o 5' ePpax^ Ovfxdv dtaOajv. 404. *EXiKa)viov. Poseidon is so called from 'EKikt] in Achaia. He was also worshipped under this name at Mycale (Hdt. i. 148), where the Panionion or common sanctuary of the lonians was consecrated to him. d^<|>i, ' in the precinct of,' round the altar ; or (generally) in the assembly of which Poseidon was the centre, cp. 1. 152. 405. Tois, sc. Kovpois. The dragging of the bull was a feature of the sacrifice, a sort of game proper to the feast. 408. o-u Ti ciao-Kc, 'would not suffer,' i. e. sought to forbid. 409. vewTaros 76V010, ' the youngest born.' 414. irapato-crcvTos, Gen. with vwra, 'in his back as he sped past.* Some inferior MSS. have TTapaio-o-ovra, in agreement with toy. This gives a more usual construction : but the Gen. avoids the awkwardness of putting together two words (vwra -napataaovTa) which seem to agree and do not. o0t . . 6wpT)£, see on 4. 132, 133. 418. Xiao-Oets, * turning,' sinking to the ground, as 1. 420 \ia^6pL€vov voTL yairj. 424. dveirdXTO, ^started up to meet him': see on 19. 351. If we read dvciraXTO, from dvairdWc/jj it means ' bounded in the air,' viz. in excitement. NOTES. LINES 353-494. 373 425. ccrep-do-aaTo, * has touched to the quick/ cp. 17. 564. 427. iTToXejxoLo Y€<|)ijpaSj see on 4. 371. 431-433 = 11- 200-202. 435. ravra refers properly to the speech of Achilles, 1. 429, which is taken up in 1. 436 : ' as for your threat of slaying me, it rests with the gods whether I, weaker as I am, shall slay you.' 437. TrdpoiOev, 'in front,' i.e, at the point. The expression has the humour of a colloquial phrase. 439. irdXiv, ' back from.' 449-454. This speech has already occurred in it. 362-367. 458. T|pvKaK€, * stayed in his course.' 463. Tpwa 8' K.rX, The parenthesis here is of a marked type : it begins with 6 jjlcv (with a change of subject, the Art. referring to a pre- ceding acaisative) , and the corresponding ^6 84 takes up again and con- cludes the original sentence. Cp. 16. 401 6 Se Qecrropa — 6 /xlv tjctto — 6 b' ^7X^* yv^€, = 6 6€ Qiaropa, os ^crro, vv^e. Also 8. 268 avrap 6 7' ^pojs, €irei Tiva ^€^Xr]KOL — 6 p.\v oXeoKev — avrap 6 dva/civ. In this case the parenthesis is so long that the first words (6 pi€v avrios ^\0€ k.t.X.) have to be taken up again (o fiev t/tttcto k.t.X.) before the final apodosis. 464. Xa|3a)v is commonly taken with yovvuiv, so as to give the mean- ing ' seizing Achilles by the knees.' The order of the words however makes this all but impossible : and moreover Tros is not allowed actu- ally to clasp his conqueror's knees : cp. 1. 469, where he is said to be UpLivos XiaaeaOai. Hence we must recur to the ancient interpretation (Eust.), and join 'n"€vJ6T€s, ' in flight,' an irregular form of the Pf. Part. 7. €pvK€p.€v, 'to check their flight.' This sending of a mist leads to no result ; perhaps the words T|€pa . . €pvK€p,€v are an interpolation. 11. €VV€ov may be either for e-veov (like eWa^e, Sec), or from the Compound ev-veco. irepl 5Cvas, ' round and round in the eddies,' cp. i. 317 kKKJaojxkvq ircpl Kairvcy. 12. T|€p€0ovTaL, ' fluttcr up,' 'rise in a swarm.' 13. % 8*, apodosis to tov 5' ws (1. 49). 54. t68€, *here,' in my sight. 56. 'U'iro, ' from under,' * up from.' 57. olov, * to see the way that,' pointing to an example, cp. 15. 287 olov br) avT k^avris dvearrj K^pas d\v^as "Y^KTOjp, *even as Hector has ' &c. 58. 'n-€ir€pir]p.€vos, from TT€pd(x). The regular form would be neTTprj- fxfvos, which should perhaps be read here. 59. TTovTos dXos, perhaps with a trace of the original meaning of the words, * the pathway of the salt sea.' 62. ofjLcos, ' as well ' (as from Lemnos). 65. TTcpi Ov^cp, ' with all his heart.' 68. ovTdp,€vai, the proper word for the thrust of a weapon. 70. d|x€vai, ^ to glut its desire.' 74. aiSco, ' have regard to ' ; atSa;s is the sense of shrinking from a forbidden act, such as the killing of a suppliant would be. This is again insisted upon in the epithet alSotos in the next line. 75. dvTi, ' as good as,' equivalent to : cp. 8. 163 (note). 76. irpwTO). C p. Od. 6. 175 dWd, 6.vaaa\ kXeaipe' yoip KaKoL noWd fxoyrjaas ks irpuTrju ifcofirjv, also Od. 7. 301., 8. 462. 79. iKarojji^oiov, sc. uvov : cp. Od. 15.452 6 S' vfXLV fivplov wvov Q.\(\os, K.T.X, The tone of the speech changes abruptly into one of sadness and compassion : Achilles sees in the death of Lycaon a reflexion of the untimely death of Patroclus, and the fate which is soon to overtake himself. Such transitions of feeling belong to his character, which is conceived by the poet as one in which reason is entirely under the dominion of impulse. no. €Tri, ' is assigned, attached to,' i. e. .1 too am not exempt. Toi calls attention to something general and obvious : - ' surely you know that — III. 8€iXt], 'evening,' elsewhere 8€t€A.os.(l, 232), and heUx^ov rj^iap. Perhaps we should write ScieXos here. 114. avToO, 'on the spot,' straightway. 120. TjK€ <(>€p€(r0ai, ' ssnt flying': or perhaps 'sent to be carried down ' (by the river). 122. p,€Td with the Dat. Plur. is generally used o( persons: hence jjict' IxOvo-t may have a contemptuous force, ' with the fish for company.' 123. d'iToXtxP'T|o-ovTaw takes an Acc. of the thing taken away (alfxa) the person (ffe), and the part {ojTeiXrjv). But some MSS. have toretX-f^s. dKT]8€€s, ' paying no rites of burial ' = aKrjbioTojs . 126. <|)pix' "WTrai^ei, ' will dart -beneath the ripple,' the surface of the ruffled sea. 127. OS K€ <|)d'yT]o-i, 'which has ^ eaten,' 2'.^. after devouring the flesh. Some take virailci to mean ' will dart up to,' and os k€ <|>dYT)cri, ' which shall eat,' i. e. in order to eat. But the picture of the fish dis- turbed while feeding on the body is much more natural. 129. K€pa I Jcov, ' destroying.' 131. Sir^Od, with the Pres. UpevcTC has the force oi jamdudiun : ' have long sacrificed.' 144. dvTtos €K iroTajJLOio, ' facing him from the river,' i. e. with the river behind him : cp. 20. 377 lie (pKoiu^oio 8ed€^o. 146. 8al'KTap,€va)v, 'slain in combat' (dais): we might write Sdii KTap<€va)v. The Gen. with k€x6\ooto, § 39, 5. 150. o, = oTi : 'who are you that you have dared ?' Cp. 1. 488. 156. Asteropaeus, as a late comer, is not mentioned in the Cata- logue : though, as Mr. Leaf points out (on 2. 848), he must have arrived before the time at which the Catalogue is placed in the poem. 162. n-qXtdSa p,€Xi7]v, cp. 16. 143. ^ 8oijpao-tv dp,f|opTiaTO, tiTcl eiSov is a condensed form = * were still in flight, having taken to flight when they saw.' 215. dvSpwv, Gen. after trcpi, ' beyond all men.' 217. )X€p|X€pa, 'famous deeds.' The demand of the Scamander — 'if you must kill Trojans, chase them on to the plain first' — is ironical, the thing being practically impossible. 220. di5T|Xa>s, 'in all-consuming fashion.' 221. cLY-q p,' €X€i. The phrase is elsewhere used of admiration, as in Od. 3. 227., 16. 243. Here it is rather 'astonishment,' unless it is taken to be ironical, as is very possible. The tone of the speech is one of repressed indignation, which breaks out afterwards. 223. ravra, ' what you ask,' viz. in 1. 217. Achilles puts his refusal into the form of a modified compliance : 'I will stop, as you bid me, but not till I have driven the Trojans into the city.' NOTES, LINES 166-275. 379 225. *'EKTOpu, 'against Hector,' ircip-qO-fivai dvTiPi-rjv being to 226. 8ajjLp,€vos, ' swirling.' 237. 0vpaj€, ' forth.' Cp. Italian /uori, from Lat.y^^rzV. 240. 8€Lv6v, Adv. with k-ukwixcvov : cp. 19. 17. 242. €rx€, 16. no. 244. 8i(oa€v, ' split asunder,' made a gap in. €iT€crx€, ' reached over,' cp. 1. 407. 245. 7€(l)v»pa)cr€v, ' dammed,' cp. 15. 357. p,iv auTov, 'the river itself,' the whole river. 247. ^€81010, with ircTccrGai. 249. aKpoKcXaivLocov, 'darkling on the surface,' cp. 1. 126 fjL^kaivav (ppiKa. 252. ToO O-qpT^TTipos, ' the one called the hunter.' The Art. implies that the OrjprjTTjp is a particular kind of eagle : cp. 20. 181 rijjLrjs ttjs Hpidfiov, and the commoner use with words of comparison, A'ias 6 fxeyas, &c. (§47, 2, d). There was also a reading p.€\av6(rTov, recognised by Aristotle. 254. €LKa)s. The Pf. Participle generally has the long stem in the Masc, the shorter in the Fem. : eidojs WvTa, dprjpws dpapvia, &c., and so koiKojs {h'LKws only here), Fem. k'iKvia. 255. inraiOa toio XiacrOcCs, 'turning to one side from before him' (the river). 257- oxcrrjYos, 'maker (lit. leader) of channels,' one who makes channels for irrigation. 258. v8aTL poov TiY€jxov€VT), ' guides the water in its flow ': construed like obbv rjy€LaBaL nvi, ' to lead one in the way.' 262. irpoaXet, ' overhanging,' 'sloping.' Kal Tov ayovra, ' even the man who is guiding it ' : the Art. with KaC as in i. 340. 267. €, Intrans., see on 2. 661. 281. eip,apTO, 'it is fated' (though I thought otherwise): the Plpf. is used like the Impf. with apa. 283. €vavXos, properly a channel or ' bed,' cp. 1. . 312;. here *a stream.' dirocpo-T), 'sweeps away,' see 6. 348. X€ifJicavi, 'in a storm;' 286. cmo-Two-avTO, 'gave him assurance.' 288. Tp€€, ' shrink back': the word always implies TSkViact of shrink- ing or flight (not merely the feeling of fear). 291. ws K.rX.f to be taken with 1. 288. 292. Xco()>T|o-ci, 'will abate.' clVeai, 'shalt find it out.' 295. 'IXi66T€p3C ir€p, ' both together' (if one is not enough). 312. vSaros, with cp-TTiirXTjOt, 317. o\5t€ rd K.T.X., 'nor again': the Art. emphasises the arms as specially important in the enumeration. : 319. x^pGi^os, an Acc. Neut., according to the best authorities. 322. avTov, 'where he falls.' 323. tvp : ' you cannot have bethought you how much mightier I am, if you match yourself * &c. 412. €pivvas, 'the curses,' Od. 11. 280, elairortvois, 'pay {i.e. suffer) to the full.' TTjs p.T]Tp6s, viz. Here. The Art. is used as in 19. 322. 421. T| KvvdjjLvia, Art. expressing dislike, § 47, 2,^. 431. dvTiowora, Fut. of di/rtdfcy. 437. aiorxiov, a Comparative of contrast between two opposites, i.e. it means, not ' more aXaxpov^ but ' aXaxi^^v instead of KaKov^ So in 1. 486 dyporepas (Ad€pov, • were bringing,' i. e. should have brought. 451. piT|a\\.yyi kovCt]S, * the whirl of dust.' The phrase belongs to descriptions of battles (16. 775) ; here it has a mock-heroic effect. 504. 0VYaT€pos, with ro^a. 513. Tis, * of whose doing.' l^i\TTTai, ' has got a hold among.' 517. vTTcpiJLopov, see on 20. 30. 524. iOr\K€, sc. Ka-nvos, the smoke — more properly the fire. 530. Most MSS. have orpwccov, but the Pres., implying that he called to ihe watchers as he descended, seems more vivid : cp. 9. 709. 534. dva7rv€Tjdos, 'wrought deliverance,' cp. i6. 95 l-nriv (pdos Iv vq€(7(n OrjTjs. 539. cvTLos, 'to meet' Achilles. So in 1. 542 6 means Achilles. Join Tpwcov \oiy6y {\ike \oiydy 'AxO'i(^J^ in 1. 134): aXaXK^lv does not govern an Acc. and Dat. 546. <|)WTa . . vLov, cp. 4. 194. 551. 'iT6pY€u, which fits os t' €0av€ better. There is still more doubt in 8. 270 as to ^ePkrjKoi, the only other instance of a Pf. Opt. of this form. In neither place does the Opt. give a perceptibly different meaning from the Indie. : § 34, i, ^. 384 ILIAD. BOOK XXII. .'BOOK XXII. 'With the twenty-second book of the Iliad the last of the four great days of battle comes to an end. The two mightiest champions are at length brought face to face : the death of Hector deprives the Trojans of all hope of deliverance; and the vengeance of Achilles is accomplished. As we approach this climax the march of. events becomes so simple and direct that it is hardly necessary to. analyse it. Hector at first resolves to make a stand outside the Scaean gate. Then he flies before Achilles, and is pursued three times round the city. Finally the gods resolve that his fate, can no longer be postponed. Athene deludes him with the expectation of succour, and tiien helps Achilles to slay him. Achilles despoils him of armour, and drags the body behind his chariot to the camp. This outline is filled up by several passages of dialogue, which serve chiefly to bring out the character of the two antagonists. In vain Priam and Hecuba, from the walls of the city, entreat Hector to seek shelter with the other Trojans (11. 25-97). He puts aside the. thought of purchasing safety by submitting to terms (11. 98-130). His proposal that each combatant should promise to grant burial to his fallen enemy is fiercely rejected by Achilles (11. 248-272). His dying; prayer for the same boon is received with like bitter contempt (11. 330-366). After his death Achilles summons the Greeks to return for the burial of Patroclus (11. 377-394). The book ends with the laments of Priam (11. 405-429), Hecuba (11. 430-436), and Andromache (11. 437-515). The poetical attraction of the book, to a modern reader, centres in the figure of Hector, whose character, as drawn out in successive speeches and .incidents, appeals profoundly to our. sympathy. The student of the Iliad, however, has to consider the value of .this por- traiture in relation to the main subject. It would ^undoubtedly be a mistake in art to allow Hector , to take away our interest from the chief hero at the supreme crisis of the poem. What, then, is the relation which we find between the two characters that now occupy the stage ? Evidently it is one of the most complete contrast. Achilles, the Greek hero, the ideal of a youthful warrior, is fighting victoriously, and with the aid of friendly gods, in the cause of private friendship. Hector, the champion of the enemy, with inferior prowess, and. therefore with little hope of success,, is devoting himself, as a matter of duty to the defence of his country. His conduct, too, is essentially chivalrous, and in con- formity with the rules which were afterwards recognised in civilised Greece, while Achilles represents mere primitive savagery. Here we have a moral contrast, not unlike those which are often made the source of interest in Greek drama. We may compare the Antigone ^ in which NOTES. duty to a brother involves disobedience to the state : or the Philoctetes, in which just resentment for private wrongs stands in the way of public interest. In the Iliad, indeed, there can hardly be said to be an ethical problem. On every ground of morality Hector seems to us to stand infinitely higher. The question, then, is : are we to infer that the larger share of sympathy would be given to Hector by the original hearers of the Iliad? . The poet does not help us much here, because his dramatic instinct led him to divide the interest between the two great antagonists : but we can hardly doubt that in his intention the chief place remained with Achilles, and that it was in order to heighten the glory of Achilles that he portrayed the noble despair of Hector. If so, we are driven to suppose that the moral superiority which impresses us was not recog- nised as such by the contemporaries of Hom.er, or at least that it was not felt to have more than a secondary value, as an element of dramatic effect. And this view is confirmed by the repulsive piece of treachery by which Athene brings about the death of Hector, as well as the barbarous mutilation of the dead which follows. The soliloquy spoken by Hector while Achilles is advancing (11. 98- 130) is rejected by Hentze, on the ground that it is inconsistent with the vivid simile by which his unconquerable spirit has just been described (11. 93—97; cp. especially 1. 96 acr^eaTov ex^^ ixivos ovx v-ncxoupfL with 1. 98 6x0r](Tas 5' dpa /c.t.X). The change of mood is certainly abrupt, and perhaps the whole speech is somewhat below the level of Homeric art. Another doubtful passage is the dialogue in heaven between Zeus and Athene (11. 167-188), which closely resembles the dialogue between Zeus and Here about the death of Sarpedon (16. 432-458), and also recals that between the same speakers in 18. 356-36S. All three passages are suspected ; and in this case the scene is open to the definite objection that it anticipates, and consequently spoils, the fine description of Zeus weighing the fates of Achilles and Hector in the balance (11. 208-213). After Hector is slain, Achilles addresses the Greeks in a speech which has provoked much criticism. First he proposes at once to attack Troy, and see whether the Trojans will make any defence (11. 381-384) ; then he remembers that Patroclus lies unburied (11. 385-390); finally he bids the Greeks return with the body of Hector, singing a paean of victory (11. 391-394). But instead of the solemn procession which this implies, he drives his chariot at full speed to the camp (1. 400), dragging the body behind it. In all this, however, there is surely no greater inconsistency than we expect from the wayward character of Achilles : see the note on 16. 84. The poet wished to show that grief for Patroclus was now the ruling motive in his hero's mind. Perhaps, too, he wished to explain why the Greeks did not follow up their victory by an assault on the city. Fick maintains that the original Iliad ended with 1. 394 ; and certainly the words of 11. 393, 394 {7)pdfX€0a fiiya kvBos k.t.X.) VOL. II. 386 ILIAD, BOOK XXII. make a fine conclusion. But it is difficult to think that an ancient hearer would have been satisfied without some mention of the burial of Patroclus. 4. o-aKc' (oixoio-i KXivavTCs, in the attitude of readiness to receive an attack; cp. 11. 593., 13. 488. 5. jx€ivai, Inf. oi consequence y ' for remaining,' so that he remained. 10. (TV 8' do-irepxcs |X€V€aLV€is is parenthetical (§ 57) — ' in the hot fury of your pursuit.' av is repeated to mark the opposition to the preceding clause : ' you have not recognised me— (on the contrary) you pursue with unslackened ardour.' So in 1. 12 cts avaaxoiJL^vos (Od. 18. icq). cYeycovct, cp. 12. 337. 38. toiItov, istum, especially used of an enemy : cp. 19. 2. 41. ctxctXios, * hard,' * relentless one,' said of Hector. Most com- mentators refer it to Achilles, both here and in 1. 86, where it is simi- larly used. But o-X€tXios is especially a word of friendly complaint : so Achilles uses it of Patroclus (18. 13), Diomede of Nestor (10. 164), &c. 43. K€Lp,€vov, ' left lying,' sc. unburied. 47. Tpwtov, ' among the Trojans,' partitive Gen. 49. p,€Td o-Tparw, i.e. in the hands of the Greeks. 50. x^'^'^o^j Gen. oi price. diroXvo-ojJLcOa, for the Mid. cp. i. 13. 51. wiraopc, 'gave with,' see on 9. 146. 52. €lv 'AiSao 86|jioicri, sc. ^Ici. 54. dXXoto-i, see on 2. 191. 57. k08os, ^ glory,' = victory, cp. 15. 491. NOTES. LINES \-\0(). 3«7 59. <))pov€OVTa, = fwor/ra (cp. 19. 335) — alive and therefore knowing what evils are impending. 60. oi)8w, lit. ' threshold ' : not however thought of as a door-way (so that the metaphor would imply that Priam was only entering upon old age), but as a * stepping-ground,' ' landing,' which he had fairly reached. 62. IXK-rjOeicras, * dragged away,' cp. kKKrjOixos (6. 465). 63. 0a\d|xot;s, cp. the description of Priam's palace, 6. 244 ff. 64. €v alvfj 8t]lott]tl, ' in the fell havoc' The word has a vague meaning: cp. Od. 12. 257 x^O^^ ^A*ot opeyovras Iv alvrj dr/LorijTi (of the men in the grasp of Scylla). 66. irpwTTjcrL 0\jpT]crL, = ' just outside the door,' cp. 8. 411. 69. TpaTTcJfias, ' eating from the table,' domesticated. 70. TTcpL 0vp.co, ' to the fulness of their hearts,' cp. 21. 65. 71. irdvTa, Nom., as in 1. 73. 72. dpT]tKTap.cvci>, Dat. because it means ' z/h.Q falls in battle ' : see on 2. 113. 73. KctcrOat, cp. 1. 43. onTi <()avT;T|, ' whatever may present itself, befal him in the sight of men ' : see on it. 734. Some take it to mean ' whatever is shown, exposed to view,' (paivoj being used as in Od. 18. 67 i, ' round him,' of the urmour generally : so irepi in 13. 245. 140. oip,T]cr€, ' swoops down.' 141. X€XT]Ka>s, ' screaming' ; see § 23, 3. 143. Tp€o-€, 'shrank away,' 'fled,' see on ii. 546., 19. 15. 145. €V7wv, ' one flying.' The Part, is used like a substantive, or as ii=(p€vycxjv tis : cp. 2. 234., 6. 268., 24. 528. 1 59. l€pT|'Cov, beast for sacrifice, ' festal ox.' 160. dpvvicrGirjv, 'sought to win,' strove for. TTOoro-iv, ' for speed of foot.' a T€, Plur. by the attraction of the predicate dtOXia. 162. TcpjAara, ' the goal,' 7ncla ; cp. 23. 309, &c. 163. TO 5€, ' and it, the prize ' ; the Art. anticipates the word d€0Xov, already suggested by de0\o€7r6, ^ kept in hand as he drove him on' : the phrase would naturally be used rather of attack on a body of men : cp. 1 1 . 496. 191. Tov, the dog, grammatically construed as object to \d0T)(n, (§ 58, 4), but placed before the clause €i ircp t€ k.tX., to show that it is the main subject of the sentence. Hence Oeet needs no fresh Nom. : he, even if it hides from him, yet hunts it out with unflagging course.* 193. XfjOe, ' could not hide from.' 194. TTvXdoJv may go with 6pp,T)o-€t€, and also with cLvtlov diJao-Oai, which expresses the same idea : * start for, making a rush towards.' T97. TTpoirdpoiOcv, not necessarily of time, * coming in front.' 198. iroTL TTToXios, ' on the side of the city,' keeping next it. It is difficult to reconcile the description of Hector's successive attempts to reach the gate with the statement that he was pursued three times round the walls (1. 165). One would suppose that Hector,\if he could keep away from Achilles at all, would be able to approach the walls at any point. However the poet's conception evidently is that the speed of the two heroes was so nicely balanced that Achilles, having once got nearer the walls, was able to prevent Hector from passing across his course and reaching them. 199. €V ovetpcp, K.r.X., * in a dream he (viz. the dreamer) is not able.' The subject to Swarav is suggested by kv bvupco {^dvcipajaaojv, 'one dreaming'). 201. ov 8' OS, § 48, I. 202. vTT^^ki^vy^y, * escaped,' viz. during his flight before Achilles when Apollo came and gave him strength for the last time. 205. Xaoio-iv, ' to his men,' the Greeks, dvlvcve, properly ' threw back his head,* i.e. made signs of forbidding, see on 6. 311. Achilles was between Hector and the walls, and the Greek army might therefore have attacked Hector on the other side, had not Achilles signed to them not to do so. This is mentioned as another reason why Hector escaped as he did : hence there should not be a full stop at the end of 1. 204. 208. dXX' oT€ hx\ TO TcrapTOv /c.T.\. The connexion requires that this should follow more closely upon 1. 165 ws tw rpts k.t.X. Probably much of the intervening text is interpolated — esp. the scene in heaven (11. 167-187), and the obscure 11. 202-207, ^^^^ similes (11. 189 ff., and 11. 199 ff.). 209-212. These lines are a repetition of 8. 69-72, except that Hector and Achilles are put for the Greeks and Trojans. The passage was known in later times as the xpvxooTaaiay or * weighing of the souls.' It suggested to Aeschylus a famous passage in the play which he wrote on the subject of Memnon. The final combat between Memnon and NOTES. LINES 1 79-265. Achilles was accompanied by a scene enacted on the 0€o\oy€iov (above the stage), in which the souls of the two heroes were weighed against each other by Zeus. 213- wX^TO €LS 'AiSao. It is not clear whether this is said of the lot C'EKTOpos al'o-tjxov TjjjLap), or of Hector himself. On the former view it is an exaggerated way of describing the sinking of the lot — more exaggerated than 8. 73 at fjL€V 'Axatwi' K^pes em x^oi^i TrovXvpoTeipT] k^eaO-qv, Hpijojv 5e irpbs ovpavbv evpvv dfpOev. IfE/cTcop is the Nom., * he was gone ' is put for * he was condemned to go.' We may compare 9. 413 wK€TO jxcU fxoL voffTos, ' my rctum is (as good as) lost,' 13. 772 vvv wXero waaa Kar* aKprjs '^IKios. But these instances are in speeches^ where such a boldness of expression is more natural. 217. ^.cya KO80S, = victory. 'Axaioio-i, '■ for the Greeks.' 218. aros, 'not to be sratisfied/ is for d'-aros, which is probably the true form in Homer: see on aSj/i/, 13. 315. 219. Tr€<|)i»YfjL€vov, i. e. in a state of safety from, cp. 6. 488. 220. TToWd irctOot, ' were to give himself much trouble.' 2 21. TTpoirpoKvXivSoixcvos. The compound iTpoxvXli/dofjLai means 'to roll on,' 'roll forward ' ; as in 14. 18, where it is said of a wave ' falling over.' The second irpo seems to mean 'before' (Zeus). But in Od. 17. 525 irpOTrpoKvXivdo/xevos must mean 'rolling on and on.' 222. ap-irvve, 'take breath.' The form points to a Pres. ttpvqJj or Aor. €TTVvov (like €k\vov). Elsewhere we find only the Mid. afiirvvro (or epLirvvTo) : hence Cobet {Misc. Crit. p. 348) proposed dpLnvvo here. 229. i^Ocic, see on 6. 518, where Paris so addresses Hector. 234. YvtoTwv, 'kinsmen,' especially brothers, cp. 14. 485., 17. 35. 235. vo€u), 'my mind is,' nearly = So/cer pioi. In this sense voicu, t]S •ye, * though you thought so' : see on 3. 215. 281. dpTi€irr|s, * glib speaker,' the opposite of dfiapToeinjs (13. 824): cp. dpTiiros, * sound of foot.' cmKXoTros p.v0o>v, * trickster in speech' : cp. Od. 21. 397 kmKkoiros Tv^ojVy * cunning about the bow.' cirXco, ' you have become,' — you prove to be. 284. aTTj06o-vpov €K iTTcpvTis, ' from the heel to the ancle.' Thus the strap passed through, or rather perhaps behind, the sinew of the heel. 401. ToO . . KovCcraXos, ' there was dust from (raised by) him as he was dragged along'; Gen. as /cXayy^ PioTo (i. 49), Kvfiara TTavroiojv dvefjiQJv (2. 397), &c. 409. KcoKVTcp of women, oip,a)Yf] of men ; cp. the use of KWKvcrev and w\io)^€v in 11. 407, 408. €i'xovTo, ' were possessed by,' given up to. 410. Tw . . to)S €1 — , ' the case (state of things) as [it would be] if — ' ; see on 11. 467. Cp. Virgil's imitation, Aen. 4. 669 JVon aliter qtiaui si iinmissis mat hostibus oinnis Carthago, &c. 411. 6<|)pv6€cro-a, ' beetling' : 6(ppvs, cp. 20. 151. Kar' aKpT]s, cp. 13. 772. 412. dcrxoiXocovTa, ' chafing,' cp. 2. 293. 416. KT)86p.€voC 'ir€p, 'though concerned for me.' This is the reading of Aristarchus. The best MSS. have kt]86jjl€v6v irep, 'in my great sorrow.' 418. XCo-jjiat, Subj. of purpose or 7vill, § 29, i. to-Otov, istum^ § 45. 419. {iXiKiTjv, *my time of life,' cp. 20. 465 ufirjXiKirjv kx^-qaas. 420. TOL6cr8€, * such a one as I am.' 425. ov ttxos, ' sorrow for whom,* § 39, i. 431. Tt vv p€iop,ai, ' how shall I live ? ' i. e. what is to become of my life? Subj. like rt -naQoj', ri y^vcofiai ; &c. (§ 29, 3). For the form see on 15. 194. 433. ircXco-Kco, * didst come and go about the city.' 435. 8€L8€xaTO, ' saluted,' paid court to. 438. *'EKTOpos may be construed with aXoxos or (better) with €TT|Tup,os, * sure,' /. e. authentic : she first heard only the wailing (1. 447), and feared the worst (1. 455 ff.). 441. SiirXaKa, ' double cloak': so 3. 126, where Helen is embroider- ing pictures of the war. Opova, ' flowers.' ciracro-c, ' embroidered.' 443. c.p, and his intention to throw the body of Hector to the dogs (22. 335, 348, also 261 ff.). On the other hand, there are indications that the agreement is of a superficial kind. The body of Palroclus seems to be no longer in the tent of Achilles (19. 211), but on the beach,, where all the Myrmidons pass round it in procession (11. 13-15). The line rj pa Koi "Efcropa diov deiKea fxrjdero epya (22. 395) is repeated in 1. 24, but applied in a pointless way. The same may be said of 11. 17-18, which repeat 18. 316-317, but are not followed by any such solemn lament as they announce {^^fjpx^ joolo). Further, the connexion of the narrative is unsatisfactory. »It is not easy to see why the solemn farewell address to Patroclus — x^'^P^ /^^^ ^ ndrpoKke, K.T.\. — comes in twice (1. 19andl. 179)* The preparations for the funeral feast are described (11. 29-34) ; but Achilles is taken away to banquet in the tent of Agamemnon. The ghost of Patroclus appears to Achilles and begs for speedy burial (\\. 65-107) ; but the incident does not hasten the burial in any way. Moreover, it is based on the notion, of which there is no other trace in the Iliad, that the souls of the unburied are forbidden to cross the Styx. The funeral procession is formed by the Myrmidons (11. 122-134), but presently the whole Greek army seems to be present : the lament, we are told, would have lasted till sundown, if Achilles had not asked Agamemnon to dismiss the host (11. 154-162). Meanwhile Hector's body is protected by the gods, though we do not yet hear of further outrage offered to it (see the note on 1. 187). The account of Iris carrying the prayer of Achilles to the two winds, Boreas and Zephyrus (11. 198-212), is somewhat strange, as Iris elsewhere acts only as messenger of the gods. Apart from this, it forms an awkward digression, during which the main action — the burning of the body of Patroclus — is at a stand-still. Several of these difficulties may be removed by rejecting particular lines or passages ; but taken together they point rather to general weakness in the construction of the narrative. The description of the Games, which occupies the rest of the book, is open in part to criticism of the same kind. Thus, Nestor addresses a long speech to his son Antilochus (11. 306-348) ; but the advice which he gives has no effect on the issue. In the boxing-match (11. 653-699) Epeius begins by rude boasting, which by all the rules of poetical justice ought to ensure his defeat; but he is victorious. These are defects which seem to be characteristic of the book. In one place, however, the evidence points rather to interpolation, to which a narra- tive made up of distinct unconnected events is peculiarly liable. The three contests described in 11. 798-883, viz. the duel in armour, the throwing of the iron weight, and the archery, are in all probability later additions. The original list is pretty clearly indicated (see the NOTES. LINES 7- 1 6. 399 note on 1. 638), and the account of the three additional contests is full of singularities. The language of the books shows several traces of comparative lateness. Chief among these are the post-Homeric uses of the Article (11- 75» 257, 295, 303, 348, 376, 465, 525), and of the Prepositions (11. 671, 703, 742). In these respects the usage approaches most nearly to that of book X (see vol. i. p. 354). The use of vvv in the sense of * now ' is peculiar to books X and XXIII. Similarly the form TLOrjix^vaL (11. 83, 247) is to be compared with TiO-qixevos (10. 34). In respect of vocabulary there is not so much of a decisive kind. Several words and phrases are common to this book and the Odyssey : e.g. dTToirpoOi (1. 832), dXrjOetTj (1. 361, also 24. 407), drefxPoj (11. 445, 834, also in the doubtful line 11. 705), vypoy e^aiov (1. 281), kvuiK^a Toiov (1. 246, cp. Od. 3. 321 fx4ya tolov, &c.), €7r' i^epoeiBea ttovtov (1. 744), iT€pnT\ofJL€VOvs kviavTovs (1. 833), €i5a)\a /cafxouTOJV (1. 72). Among the dVa^ Xeyofxeva we may notice eojacpopos, ' the morning star/ KTjdejjLoveSj * friends * or * backers/ ro^evTr^s (for to^ottjs), vipihoj^iOov (i Dual), and the Comparative dcpdpTepoi, ' swifter.' Though it is doubtful whether the account of the ' Funeral Games * is part of the original Iliad, there can be no question of its interest, both as a picture of Homeric or nearly Homeric times, and as a fine piece of descriptive poetry. Schiller has gone so far as to say that any one who has lived to read the twenty-third book of the Iliad cannot com- plain of his lot in the world. As a composition it is full of life and picturesque effect. The monotony which might have been expected in a long list of similar incidents is skilfully avoided. The picture of Achilles in his new position as host and president of the Games, is singularly stately and life-like. Here and there, especially in the at- tractive scene between Antilochus and Menelaus, the poet shows in- dependent power of imagining and delineating character. As an epilogue or concluding chapter the book has the essential merit of repose and harmony. The satisfaction of Achilles in his victory over Hector, and in the payment of due rites to his friend, is felt as an undertone through the narrative. The reconciliation with Agamemnon, which is the true conclusion of the 'wrath,' is once more brought into relief. A special honour paid to him as 'king of men' forms the last incident of the day, and may be fairly regarded as striking the key-note of the whole poem. 7. ox€o-<|)i is for the Gen., ' from under the chariot.' 8. a^Tois, ' as they are,' without taking them out, § 38, 3. 9. o ^dp ytpas €6j3oio, cp. 5. 272. ILIAD, BOOK XXIII, 20. The reference is to 18. 334 ff. 21. (ojjLa 8d(racrOat, Neut. Plur., because Kpia is meant. 27. t)i|;-qx^€S, perhaps ' neighing with head aloft/ op. Virg. Aen. 11. 496 ar7'ectisque fremit cervicibus altc (Hentze). 29. Tdcj)ov Saivu, ^ gave the funeral feast'; so Od. 4. 3 Zaivvvia 30. dpYoi, * shining/ i. e. sleek ; elsewhere an epithet of dogs in the sense of * swift.' 6p€x0€ov, probably a Frequentative from opiyo), ^ to stretch out ' ; hence * plunged/ moved convulsively. The ancients generally took it to mean * bellowed.' In any case it seems to be a description of oxen being slaughtered ((T(pa^6fi€voi) : so d)x4)l o-t5T)pcp, * with the iron in their flesh/ cp. TTcpl bovpi (13. 441). This is the only place where a knife of iron is mentioned. 34. KorvX-fipvTov, ' that might be taken up in cups/ z. c. deep enough to dip a cup in : from apioi, * to draw water.' 36. €is 'AYap,€p,vova, ' to Agamemnon's tent.' 40,41, nearly =18. 344, 345. 43. OS Tis T€, the indefinite Relative, seems out of place here. The line, however, is evidently an old formula. The meaning may be, ^ Zeus, or by whatever name the highest of the gods is to be called ' ; cp. Aesch. Ag. 160 Zeus, oy t/? ttot' kariv^ ei rod' avra) cpiXov K€KX7]fX€VQ), where the idea is presented in a refined form. 48. o7rXicro-avT€s. Bentley proposed to read hcpoTrXiaaavTo on account of feKaaroi^ and this is supported by one good MS. (viz. D), and by Eustathius. 63. VTi8\;p.os d|jL<|>txv0€LS, 14. 253. 64. "EKTop', probably "'E/fTO/)a. 65. r\KQ€ 8', apodosis: cp. i. 194. 66. avTw, * the real man,' i.e. the body. 69. XeXacrjicvos, Pf., of the condition of forgetfulness. 70. dKT-8€:s, Impf., * thou wast not neglectful of me in life.' 71. oTTi rdxto-Ta might be taken with either clause, but the parallels are in favour of taking it with the Imperative Odirrc : see on 22. 129. ir€pTio-co is a Subj. of purpose, § 29, I. Such a Subj. is not uncommon after an Imperative : cp. 6. 340 km/xeivov 'ApTj'ia rcvx^a Bvoj. NOTES, LINES 20-Il6. 401 75- x*tpa, ' your hand/ a post-Homeric use of the Art. oXo^vpo^Aai, generally taken as = ^ entreat ' : but there is no other example of this sense. Aristarchus took it as an Aor. Subj. expressing purpose (like -n^p^aw in 1. 71) : ' give me your hand, I will lament,' i. e. that I may lament over our parting. This suits the next words, oh yap €T avTis K.T.K., and the answer of Achilles, 11. 97, 98. Cp. also 24. 328 i\0L 8' dim TTavres enovTO ttoW' d\o(pvp6fx€uoi ws ei BavaTovhi KLovra. 76. vCo-ofiai, a Pres., which in this use is equivalent to a Fut. 79. dfi<)>€xav€, ' has opened its maw for me.' Adx€, ' had me given to it,' became my fate : cp. 20. 128. 80. jjioipa, sc. €T]v irep, 1. 84. 92. This line is perhaps interpolated from Od. 24. 74. The golden jar belongs to a later part of the history, about which the Iliad is silent. 94. T|0€iT], see on 6. 518. 97. dp,<|>iPaX6vT€ dXXTiXovs, casting (our arms) about each other.' The commoner construction (but only found in the Odyssey) is x^^^pas dfx(pifid\X€iv Tivi. We should rather expect the Mid. ; cp. 17. 742. 99. p€V€s, * midriff,' the physical organ of life and thought, the con- dition oi real life. The clause drdp k.t.X, is parenthetical. 110. cXccivov, perhaps an Adv., with p.'upop.cvoicri, cp. 22. 408. 112. irdvToOcv €K kXiCTLCOV, with WTpVV€. cm . . 6pu>p€i, cp. Od. 3. 471 km 5' dvepcs kaOXoi opovTO olvov oivoxo€vvT€s, also 14. 104 km . . opovrai. Some derive these forms from the root var {dp-doj, Lat. ve^-eor, Germ, wahren), comparing kmovpos, * watcher over.' This gives a very satisfactory sense : but the Attic reduplication is against an original f. The alternative is to sup- pose that €7ri opofxai, ^ I bestir myself over,' acquired the special sense, * I look after, am in charge of.' 116. This line may be meant to imitate the galloping of the mules: it has the same peculiar rhythm as the famous Od. it. 598 avris eireira iredovbe fcvXivdero Xdas dvaiSks, viz. three trochaic caesuras in succession : but the jingling effect produced by the repetition of the sound -avra is without a parallel in Homer. VOL. II. D d ILIAD. BOOK XXIII. 1 20. SittirXTicro-ovTes, * cutting up/ cutting in pieces. 121. €k8€ov, so that the mules dragged the wood, cp. 17. 742 ff. 8aT€{lvTo, * cut up/ trampled into mire : cp. 20. 394. 125, €X86|jL€vai, 'making for/ eager to reach. 132. TTapaipdrai. This term for the warrior who ' stands beside ' the driver of the chariot occurs only here : but cp. 11. 104. 135. Karacivvcrav, ' covered/ as with clothing. 138. 'ir€c()pa5€, ' had pointed out to them ' to put him down there. 142. Tp€c|>€, Impf. = * had been cherishing.' 144. aXXcos TjpTjcraTO, Wowed to another purpose/ i.e. made a vow which looked for a different event. 147. Trap' atiToOi, * beside the very spot ' : cp. 13. 42. 148. €s TTTjYCLS, ' into the springs/ i.e. so that the blood should flow into them. 151. oTrdcraifjii, Opt. of concession, ' I may as well give/ 'I am ready to give/ § 30, 4. 156. Yap indicates that this clause gives the reason for the request which follows. This is again divided into two clauses 76010 p.€v — , v€v 8' — , the second of which is the important one. For the double Dat. o-ol JJL1J0OIO-1 see on I. 150. 157. ireio-ovTai, Plur., with the collective Noun Xaos, cp. 15. 305. co-TL Kal acrai, * it is possible to be sated ' ; euphemism meaning that they have had enough. 160. KTj86os, Adj., elsewhere K-qdeios: so xP^(^^^^^ ^.nd xp^^o-^os, &c. 01 t' 0,701, sc. eiaiVf ^ those who are chiefs': cp. 8. 524 fivdos 5' os fjL€V vvv vyiTjs, elpTj/x€vos ecTTco, also 19. 43., 20. 500., 21. 353. 163. kt]8€|jl6v€S, 'mourners/ those to whom he is KTjdeos. 164. €v0a Kal €v0a, ' each way/ i. e. in length and breadth. 167. ap,oi, 'scrape off the skin': the line recurs in 24. 21, NOTES. LINES 120-246. 403 where it is connected with the dragging of Hector's body round the tomb. Here it is quite out of place : indeed there is nothing to show even what is the subject of the sentence. 190. TTpCv can only mean ' before the burial of Hector ' ; but there is nothing in the context to suggest this. 191. crKTi\€L€, ' should parch up/ a form referred to gk^XKoj, which however should give i Aor. eaKeiKa. 192. ovhk €Kai€TO, ' was not like to burn.' 195. Bop€T], a spondee, as in 9. 5 : we should probably read Boppct], cp. the Attic form Boppds. 198. o-€ijaiTO, ' should be stirred to burn,' started burning. So 1. 210 6p(TT]T€ Karjixevai. 200. Z€<)>\jpoi,o €v8ov, like Aius evdov (20. 13). 205. oiix €5os, 'it is not (a time) to sit,' see on 11. 648. 214. iKavov dr|p,€vai, 'came blowing': generally compared with Pr} Uvai, SfpTo nereaOai, &c. : but in all these phrases the governing verb implies the beginning of motion. Perhaps we should read dT]fx€uoi, 217. ap,v5Ls, ' together,' i. e. both blowing on the same point. €pa\\ov, 'beat upon': lit. 'threw at,' as though the blasts were missiles. Others (^as L. and S.) translate 'threw the burning embers together,' viz. by blowing from different sides. 219. dp,c|)LKvi'iT€X.\ov, 'two-handled,' see on i. 584. 222. TratSos may be taken either with oSvperai or with co-rca ; so IrdpoLo in 1. 224. 226. 4)6cos €p€0)v, cp. Od. 13. 94 epx^TaL dyyiWoov (pdos. 230. Because the north and west winds come from Thrace, it has been argued that the poet's standpoint is the coast of Asia Minor. On the other hand, in this very passage the dawn is described as coming over the sea (1. 227 virelp dka KL^varai rjujs), which therefore must lie to the eastward. We must either find some place which satisfies both conditions — such as the island of Chios — or else regard this class of arguments as in their nature indecisive. 232. em opovcrev, ' fell upon him.' 233. oi 8' djjL<|)' 'ATp€iu3va, ' Agamemnon and those about him' : see the note on 3. 146. This line is subordinate in sense to 1. 234 (§ 57) : 'when the other chiefs gathered round Agamemnon, their approach roused Achilles.' 237. Kara o"P€0"aT€, ' quench,' Tmesis. 243. 4>''a'^Tlj not a saucer-shaped vessel, as in later Greek, but a jar or urn (Helbig, p. 266). 244. "A181, a locatival Dat., § 38, 2, so that Hades is here used as the name of a place ; see on i. 3. 246. €7rL€LK€a TOlov, 'just befitting': toiov in this use is not found elsewhere in the Iliad, but is common in the Odyssey. D d 2 ILIAD. BOOK XXIII 247. Ti0T|fjL€vai, Inf. for the Imperative, — here the Third Person, for we cannot well take 'AxaioC as a Voc. €(i,€io 8€iJT€poi, ' behind me,' after my death. 251. Pa9€La is predicative, * had fallen (and lay) deep.* 254. =18. 352. 255. TOpvwo-avTO, * rounded off.^ 6€jjL€LXia, 'groundwork,' 'basement,' op. 12. 28. Mr. Leaf com- pares the description of the tomb of Alyattes, Hdt. i. 93 77 Kprjms ( = 0€//e/Aia) fxev €iO€Tov, 'two-handled,' see on i. 584. 273. 8€8€Yp,€va, * awaiting,' § 26, 2. 274. cm d\Xa>, * over another.' €i dcOXcTJOLjjiev, Opt., § 30, 6. 275. rd irpwra, 'the first prize,' as 1. 538. 276. TTcpijSdXXcTov, ' excel * : PdWcu in composition often has a very vague sense. 280. roiov yap k.t.X., 'they have lost the fair renown of (having) so good a charioteer.' We need not regard kXcos tivioxoio as a periphrasis like Pirj Upidfioio. 283. 7r€V0€L€TOV, scc § 8, B, I. 284. cp-qpcSarai, 'rest on the ground,' because they keep their heads sunk in grief. Cp. 19. 405 -q/xvae Kap-qaTi, irdaa h\ x^'^'^V • • • ovBas iKavev. 285. o-T€XX€c70€, ' make ready' for the start. 287. Tax€€s, predicative = ' quickly.' dY€p0€v, ' assembled,' is the reading of the best MSS. : others have €7€p0€v, which was read by Aristarchus, and has some support from woTO in the following lines (288, 290, 293). See on 7. 434. NOTES. LINES 24^-^25. 405 291. Tpcpovs, ' of the breed of Tros/ see 5. 265 ff. The capture of the horses of Aeneas is told in 5. 432 ff. 295. T^iv 'AYajjL€jjLvov€Tjv, the Art. of contrast^ § 47, 2, d\ 'Aethe — that one Agamemnon's — and (the other) his own.' 299. eupuxopcp, * with wide dancing grounds.' Sicyon was under Agamemnon, hence Echepolus was bound to serve in the war. 300. o -ye, Menelaus. lo-xavooxrav, 17. 572. 305. jivOciT* €LS d^aOd, ' spake to good purpose,' cp. 9. 102 diiuv cts 4>pov€(ov vocovTt Kal avTw, * speaking with judgment to one who had understanding of his own.' So (ppoveojv in 1. 343. 309. Tcpp-ara, ' turning-point/ Lat. meta. 310. t', probably for toi, as i. 170 oloj. But the reading is un- certain, the Syrian palimpsest having tw y' oico, 311. d(t>dpTcpoL, ' swifter.' auTOi, ' the drivers.' 314. 'n-ap€K'iTpo8€ k XT|0€t closely with oirTrcos k.t.X.^ translating * he does not fail to see hozu he must stretch his horses.' But the point is, not that he pulled his horses straight at first, but that he keeps them straight till he rounds the turning-point. And it is better to take the phrase ov5c I X-^dei as a mere parenthesis : see on 1. 649, 325. €X€i dcr{xpi\L^Qi%, lit. ' crushing (the chariot) hard against,' a natural hyperbole for ' driving as close as possible.' So kyxP^f^^^V'''^ 1- 33^- Cp. 1. 381, where KaTaOhre means only ' putting close.' Actual touching, as Nestor goes on to explain, would be fatal. 335. 8i<|)pa), the body of the chariot, kvitXtKr^id, i.e. composed of plaited work of leather. This may refer either to the platform on which the driver stood (as Mr. Leaf thought, see his note on II. 5. 727), or to the breastwork in front (Helbig, p. 102). 336. cir' dpLo-T€pd, i.e. inwards, touv, 'the pair': but Heyne's conj. Toiov is very plausible, cp. 1. 246. tov, § 47, 2, d. 337. cljai K.T.X., 'slacken his reins.' 339. cLKpov iK€(r0ai, ' to reach the surface,' i. c. just to reach and no more. ktjkXo-u, with ttXthjlvt]. 340. cTT-avpeiv, ' to get hold of,' strike upon : used by a touch of irony of a weapon striking, 11. 391. 343. 'n-€<})vXaY}X€Vos, 'on your guard.' L v€wv, * away from the ships ' : the other end of the course was somewhere on the plain, cp. 1. 374. The fortification round the camp is now forgotten. 373. irvp-arov Spofxov, 'the last part of the course.' It is a question whether the chariots had to go round the course more than once. The vvaoa was far off (1. 359), and nothing is said of a second turning- point, or of the number of ' laps.' Hence it is probable that the short tmrodpo/jLos, with its double vvaaa, was a later arrangement. The change is one that would naturally be made in the interest of the spectators. 374. €m with the Gen. expresses direction ' towards,' see on 3. 5. 375. tolOti 8p6p,os, 'the running was strained,' i.e. the speed was raised to the highest pitch ; cp. 1. 518. 376. €K<()€pov, apparently a technical word, ' drew away.' 379. cmP'qo-ojjLevoto-iv, Participle of the Homeric Aorist kire^rjaeTo, see on 5. 46., 16. 343. It is generally explained as a Fut., 'about to mount.* But the Fut. Participle is not used in Homer except after verbs of motion (cp. the Latin Supine in -um). And in this place the expres- sion ' seemed to have mounted ' is only a little bolder than ' seemed to be about to mount.' 381. 0€p|X€TO, Sing., with }jL€Td<|)p€vov as the important word. KaTa0€VT€, cp. 1. 334. 382. dp,T|pto-Tov, *a matter to dispute over': Virgil's ambiguumve relinquat (Aen. 5. 326). 387. €p\dls 680O, ' apart in respect of their track.' For the Gen. cp. Trpo ohov eyevovTo, ' got forward on the way.' 398. iraparp^vl/as, ' turning them aside,' * making them swerve,' z. e. so as to pass the broken down chariot. 403. €p,pT]Tov, 'come on,' lit. step on.' TtTa(v€TOv, 'draw.' 4o8 ILIAD, BOOK XXIII. 408. KapiraXCp-cos, with Kixav€T€. 409. XciTTCo-Gc, ' suffer yourselves to be left behind ' : see on 13. no. 413. ctiroK-qBTio-avTC, * having given up caring,' for want of an effort : the Dual because the horses are the main subject, though by using the First Person dp.€v, Impf., 'we have been saying.' 441. ovi8' cos. I.e. even though you have come in first. 444. 0T|(rovTaL Kap,6vTa, * will sooner be wearied out,' ' give way.' 445. drep-Povrai, * are impaired in.' 450. iiTTTO-us, 'a chariot,* — which proves to be Diomede's. 4=2. TOLo anticipates 6p.oKXT|TTjpos, § 47, 2, a: we might translate 'and while he (or the man) was still far off, he heard the shouting NOTES. LINES 408-519. 409 driver arid recognised him.' We ought not to translate 'heard him shout,' which would be dfjioKXrjaavTos. 454. aXXo Tocrov, see on 22. 322. oiviJ, * bay.' 459. aWoi, * other ' than before. 'iTapo£T€poi, ' in front.' 460. avrov, ' where they were,' = left behind. 461. Kcicrc, 'to that point,' viz. the vvacra. 462. rds is generally taken as a Relative, v€v 8€ being the apodosis; but this is not necessary : see on i. 125. irpwra, * before,' opposed to v€v : see on 2. 572., 9. 34. TTcpl Tcpp.a paXoiJo-as, * rounding, taking the turn round, the post.' Mr. Leaf thinks that this Tcpjxa must be the one at the starting-point, since * at the distant vvaaa the horses could not be distinguishable.' If so, the T€pp,a of the next sentence (1. 466) is a different one, which involves a somewhat harsh ambiguity. But Idomeneus does not need to distinguish the horses. If he followed them with his eye from the start he could tell which passed the vtxTCFa first. 468. €jT)pu)Tjo-av, 'have swerved from the course,' see on 2. 179. 471. 'ApYciowrtv, here in the strict sense, of the city of Argos. 474. Xappcijcai, * talk big ' : Kappas is applied to a violent wind (2. 148), a swollen wave (15. 625), &c. irdipos, * beforehand,' z. e. before you are sure. For al hi r we should doubtless read at 8' W (cp. 22. 300). 476. Idomeneus was fxeaaiiroKios (13. 361), so that *not the youngest' is a litotes, § 59. 480. avraC, *the same,' ^ the very horses.' 483. The T€ seems to connect dXXa 8€t»€ai with the two preceding epithets, the sentence changing from the Vocative form to a finite verb (compare § 58, i). 485. 'n€pi8a)p,€0ov, * let us wager': the only First Person Dual in Homer. 486. lo-TOpa, ' witness.' 494. f)€foi, Opt., because the speaker is making a mere supposition, not looking forward to actual cases : cp. Od. 6. 286. 496. ol 8€, 'the men,' implied in uirirovs, 'chariots,' cp. 1. 252. 500. jJido-Tt, Dat. of a form /xdaTis : cp. firjTi, 1. 315. 504. €ir€Tp€Xov, ' ran behind.' 505. cmcro-wTpwv, with yLyyero, 'no deep chariot rut was made (as the mark) of the tires ' : so rapidly the chariot skimmed over the dust. 510. ji,dTT]o-€v, • loitered.' 513. €Xv€v -UTTO, ' loosed from under' (the yoke). 515. K€p8€(Tiv, 'artful devices,' cp. 22. 247 (note). 517. dCcrTaTat, 'is separated from,' 'is clear of.' 518. Ti.Tatvc|ji€vos, ' straining,' at the top of his speed, cp. 22. 23. 519. Tov, sc. the horse's. 6 8c, 'the wheel.' ILIAD, BOOK XXIII. 521. 06OVTOS is Gen. absolute, * as he courses'; or possibly it is governed by olyx*'- 523. TO. iTpwra, ' the time before,' viz. when he first fell behind. €s, * up to/ as much as. 524. 6ct)€\X€To, * waxed great,' i.e. showed itself great: cp. our colloquial ' came out strong.' 527. Zenodotus read r\ dp.<})T|picrTov, as in 1. 382. 529. Sovpos €pcoTjv, 'a si:)ear's throw': for the Acc. cp. 10. 357 direffav bovp7]V€K€s. 531. i]KicrTOs (al. TjKLo-Tos), * feeblest' : the Positive is only found in the adverb ^/ra, ' faintly.' 533. irpoo-croOcv, 'before him' : the word only occurs here. 536. XoicrOos, predicative, 'is last to drive.' 538. 8€t»T€pa, 'the second prize,' in apposition to dcOXiov. 542. 81KT], 'with a claim of right.' difcrj, 'the setting forth of right,' in the mouth of a suitor is only a I>/ea, though in the mouth of a judge it becomes a decision. 546. )v, from Eiistathius. The change to the finite verb is quite Homeric (§ 58, i), and there is no difficulty in taking the clause avrap — i'Xawcs as a parenthesis. 587. av(rx€o, 'bear' (with me) : cp. i. 586 avaax^^ /cqdofiivr] ircp. 588. TTpOTCpos, * elder,' cp. 15. 166 yevefj irporcpos. 589. V€Ov dv8p6s, with reXcOovo-i, lit. ' what manner of transgressions are brought about (in' the transgressions) of a young man,' i.e. what kind of offences a young man is led to commit. The Gen. is used as often with yi'yveaOai and similar verbs : see on 1. 505. 590. voos, 'his purpose ' : for the whole line cp. 10. 226. 592. Kai, with aWo (jlclJov : thus there is an asyndeton, Hhe horse I won, — (nay) whatever else you should ask for,' &c. 595. €K OvjjLo-O, ' out of thy good-will,' the opposite of kvOvjxios (Od. 13. 421) : cp. II. I. 562 d-Tru Ovfiov. dXiTpos, 'a sinner,' with reference to the false oath which Anti- lochus would have had to make : hence the words amount to an indirect confession of being in the wrong. The drift of the speech is judicious evasion of the question whether he had won fairly or not. 8aCprice (so Hentze). Some explain it as attracted to the antecedent Ttp-iis, but this attraction is not Homeric. 654. TaXacpYov, ' sturdy worker ' ; not exactly 'enduring work/ which would be raXdepyos (proparox.). 655. dSixT^TTiv, see on L 266. 660. dvao-xojjL€V(o, ' raising/ sc. their hands, cp. 22. 34. 661. KajjifiovLT]v, cp. 22. 257. 670. ciri8€v»op,au, cp. 17. 142. The sense is, 'if I am inferior in battle, is not that all the more reason why I should be superior in boxing ? ' 675. 01 K6 €joCo-ovo-t, 'who shall in the case intended/ = 'in order that they shall.' 679. OS, viz. Mecisteus. 8€8ovTr6TOs OiSiiroBao, 'when Oedipus had fallen' : cp. the formula hoif-nrjaev 5^ inauv, also 13.426 avrbs Sovirfjcrat d}ivv(x)v Xoiybv ^Axaiois, where bovirrjaat is = ' to fall in battle ' : and so probably here. It has been thought that EcSovitotos refers to some special incident of the death of Oedipus ; but this seems unlikely. It is clear that the story of his blindness, &c. is unknown to Homer. 680. €S Td4>ov, with T|X0€, ' came for the funeral rites.' 683. irapaKdppaXc should mean 'laid ready to his hand/ as in 1. 127. 684. IjJidvTas, thongs wound about the hand. 688. xpop'aSos, ' grinding' of teeth. 690. irairTTivavTa, ' when he peered out.' The Aor. must refer to a particular occasion or act which gave his antagonist a chance. 691. avrov, ' where he stood ' ; he could not even stagger back. NOTES, LINES 640-757. 4^3 692. viTo 4>pt,K6s, 'at the coming of the ripple': see on 7. 63, 64. iiiro is used vaguely of conditions or accompaniment. Bopcco, ' of,' i.e. raised by, the north wind : cp. 7. 63. dvairdWcTai, * tosses itself,' ' leaps up': cp. 21. 126. 693. 6iv' €v <|)VKi6€VTi, * on a beach full of sea-weed,' i. e. in the shoal water along the beach. The point of the simile is the leap in the air, followed by sudden disappearance. 698. aXXopov€ovTa, * wandering in mind ' : cp. the use of dWoos = 'idly' (Od. 14. 124), and dWorpios (Od. 20. 347) : also Lat. aliena mens. 701. 8€iKvvp,evos, 'offering,' inviting them to contend for it. 702. cjiTTupipTiTTiv, * made to stand (lit. stride) over the fire.' 703. €vi op<|)io-v, ' to each other,' when they saw it produced. 705. T€o-crapdpoiov, * worth four oxen'; but in the Odyssey (i. 431) a female slave is worth twenty oxen. It is natural that captives should be cheap in time of war : but after due allowance has been made for this, the difference points to a considerable change of circumstances. 707. iretpTio-ccrGov, Dual : only one pair of wrestlers was admitted. 709. KcpSea €lScl)S, cp. 1. 322. 712. dp,€CpovT€s, 'rafters,' like wrestlers because locked together above, and leaning towards each other. 714. T€TpCY€t, * creaked/ with the strain upon them. 720. €X€v, ' held firm.' 721. dvLaJov, 'began to vex,' ' try the patience of.' There was an ancient variant €iJKVT|jii8€S 'Axaiot, with which dviajov must be Intrans., with the meaning ' grew impatient. ' 725. dvd€Lp€, Impf , ' proceeded to lift.' 86\ov, * the trick ' to be used in the circumstances : explained by the next words k6v|;' k.t.X. For the asyndeton, see on 5. 805, 819. 726. KtoX-qira, * the hollow of the knee,' which Ulysses on being lifted struck with his heel, and so brought Ajax down. 728. 0t]€\)vt6 t€ 0xp.pT]crdv T€ = ^ecufiei/ot kOd/x^rjcrau. 730. ou8€ t' d€ip€v should probably be ov5* er' deipev. 731. €v yovv yva.\i\\t€y, ' bent in his (Ajax') knee.' 735. €p€i8€cr0ov, ^ strive,' lit. press against each other. There is also a reading cpiJco-Sov, ' contend.' TpiP€o-0€, ' let yourselves be worn out.' 743. 2t86v€S, distinguished from ^oivtK€s : the latter, who are not elsewhere mentioned in the Iliad, are always the sailors or merchants who bring the works of art; while 'Xidoves {'iZidoviij, &c.) is the name of the nation that produced them (II. 6. 290, 291). 745. o-xfjcrav, 'landed,' as Od. 19. 188 orrrjae 5' kv 'kixviao), sc. vrfa, 746. mos. Gen. with wvov, ' the price, ransom, for — 748. deOXiov, read diOMa, cp. Od. 21. 4. 757. Rejected by Aristarchus, see on 1. 35S. 414 ILIAD, BOOK XXIII, 758. diro vTJcro"T]s, 'from the starting-point.' Here (as in Od. 8. 121, where the words recur) there is no mention of a turning-post, which is the meaning oivvaaa in 11, 332, 338. TeraTo 8p6p,oS; 'the running was at their highest speed ' : cp. 1. 374 aip hep' dkos . . . rdOi] dpojxos. 759. €K€p€, 'drew ahead,' cp. 1. 376. 761. aTiqOeos €0"tu, sc. dyxf" The loom was vertical : the Kavoves, horizontal rods, to which the lower ends of the threads of the warp {jjLLTos) were attached. The weaver had to stand close to the warp in order to pass the spool {tttjt/lov) across it (Leaf a. /.). 764. ix^ia, 'the footsteps' of Ajax. irdpos kovlv dp,ct>LX^0'nvai, ' before the dust (raised by Ajax) had time to rise and cover him ' (Ulysses). 767. jjidXa, with o-ir€viSovTi, ' when (already) striving right well.* 768. TTiJixaTov Sp6p,ov, as in 1. 371. 769. ov Kara Bv\i6v, i.e. to himself: see on 6. 524. 773. ciraiJecrOai, 'to rush at, pounce on ' : the best MSS. have the Aor. cirailao-Gai, but /xeAAcy in this sense takes the Fut. Inf. 777. €v, with irXTiTO. 778. ws TjXOc = Od. 5. 43-49 : 11. 340-342 also = Od. i. 96-98. 348. TTpwTOV vTTrjvrjTT), TOV Tiep xaptearaT?; ri^r] (Od. 10. 279). 353. (pdTo . t.). 369. dvZp* dirafxvvaadat ore tis vpoTfpos x^^^^V^V (twice in Od. : a variation on II. 19. 183 dudp dnapiaaaaOai ore k.t.X.). 376. hkpLas KoX dbos dyqTos (Od. I4. 177)* 382. dubpas ks dWobanovs (twice in Od.). 407. d\T]9u7]v KardXe^oy (six times in Od.). 476. €(jOwv /cat mvojv (twice in Od.). 420 ILIAD, BOOK XXIV. 484. €S oXkr]Kov^ 5c I'bovTO (Od. 1 8. 320). 633. Iy dWr)\ovs opuojvres (Od. 20. 373)' 492. {a-rro) TpoirjOev iovra (three times in Od.). 507. ^$ (poLTo, TO) dpa Ttarpbs v(p* ificpov upae yooio (Od. 4. 1 1 3). 546. Tr\ovTQ} T€ Kal vldai (Od. 14. 2o6). 567. peta fX€TOX>^iocr€i€ (Od. 23. 188). 588. dfjLcpi 5€ jjLiv (pdpos KaXbv ^d\ov 7y5e x'-'^^^^ (twice in Od.). 597. efero S' kv K\iafjiw (Od. 4. 136). 604. 6^ fter/ OvyarepeSj €^ 5- vt€€s y^ouovTes (Od. 10. 6). 633. avrdp k-rrel rdpTT-qcrav (three times in Od.). 635' 636, =0d. 4. 294-295., 23. 254-255. 644-647, = 0d. 4. 297-300., 7. 336-339 ' 1- 647 also = Od. 22. 497. 673. 01 fxev dp' kv irpoboptq) dofiov avT^Oi KoijJLrjaavTO (Od. 4. 302). 749. (piXos rjaOa Oeotaiv (Od. 24. 92). 759. ols dyavoLS ^€Kk(:aaiv kiroixofievos fcaTeTT€(pv€ (five times in Od.). 765-766, = Od. 19. 222-223., 24. 310. 802. {daivvvr) kpiKvhea daira (four times in Od.). The most noticeable words common to this book and the Odyssey are, rrprj^LS, dvdpaios, br]\7]fj.ojv, deiKeir], Xvais, yovrj (offspring), k^€ai7j, al(TVpLVT^T7]p, T€TpdKVK\OS, OvOGKOOS, TTeipiVS, (pcOpia/jLOS, kv8vK€QJS (alsO 23. 90), Kpaeaifi^poTos, kiiaKonos, iravhaixaTcup^ also 6a/'^/3a;i/ * prudent ' ; the verb dyaird^o} ; and the phrases yXavKuins /covprj (of Athene), dyKas kKovra, fxeXelarl ra/xouv, dvTira €pya, dixei^ero /J.v6a). To these have to be added some peculiarities of giammar, such as the use of the defining Article (11. 388, 801, also in books X and XXIII, see p. 399) ; cm c. Acc. of extent^ without a verb of motion (11. 202, 535, cp. 10. 213) ; ^\.dvvKTa (1. 363) ; €v with abstract words (1. 568, see //. G. § 220) ; the Opt. in the First Person with k^v (1. 664) ; and, in respect of metre, the neglect of*' Position ' (^11. 324, 795), the toleration of Hiatus {^H. G. § 382), and T€o;s - in 1. 658) : also the formula dAA' dy^ ^jlol toSc dirk (11. 197, 656, so 10. 384, 405, and four times in the Od.). On the whole the weight of argument seems to be in favour of the opinion that the twenty- fourth book is somewhat later than the bulk of the Iliad, and was designed to furnish a conclusion in harmony with the feeling of a more advanced civilisation than that which the original poet represented. 1. cKacTToi, Plur. meaning 'each company.' 2. Uvai, Inf. of consequence, as in jS^ 5' ikvai, irkfiTrc vUaOai, Sec. 3. vTt\ov, as well as 86p7roLO, is governed by jjlcSovto, the Inf. TapirT;- jxcvai being epexegetical, ' to take pleasure therein.* 6. dvSpOTTjTa, see on 16. 857. 7. T|8' oTToo-a k.tA., sc. 'remembering,' understood out of iroOcwv by a kind of Zeugma. NOTES. LINES I-53. 421 8. irToXcjxotJS, epexegetic of oiroo-a : cp. Od. 8. 182 rroWa yap 'irX'qv^ uudpuiu T€ TTToXe/jLOvs K,T.\. Thus TT^Lpojv is addccl with reference to Kv/xara only : * and grievous waves which he passed through/ ' 13. \T|06crK€v, i.e. the dawn found him watching for it: being the time when he dragged Hector round the tomb. 15. 84 marks the apodosis, as the change to the Indie. 8T](rdaK€To shows. €\K€o-0au, 'for being dragged,' that he might be dragged. 18. Toio, governed by xpo'^- The construction direx^i-^ tlvi tl is found in Od. 20. 263, where however the Dat. is a Personal Pronoun. 20. iravTa, Masc, sc. ndrpoKXov. 22. p,6V€aiva)v, * in his rage': the usual meaning of /.Uvos is rather * spirit,' eagerness to fight. 27. €Xov, Intrans., * they kept on being.' 28. aTT]s, so Aristarchus read, others dpxtls, * the beginning made by Paris.' There is a similar doubt as to the reading in 3. 100 and 6. 356. 29. v€iK€0'o-€, ^flouted.' Lines 25-30 were rejected by Aristarchus. There is no other trace in Homer of the ^judgment of Paris,' and the reference to it in 11. 27-30 is vague and indirect, unlike the manner of Homer. 31. €K Toio does not refer to any event given in the context, but means *from the time when all this began,' i.e. the death of Hector. Cp. I. 493. 35. V€Kvv TTcp, 'even dead' — much less to bring him back alive. ovK €T\T]Te, * you had not the heart,' i. e. resolution : meaning that they yielded to mere caprice. 38. €TrL KT€p€a KT€pio-aL€v, lit. ' bum his favourite possessions over him,' hence generally ' perform due funeral rites.' 41. cLYpia ol8€v, cp. 2. 213 (with the note). 42. OS t' IttcI dp K.r.X. The sentence is not finished: cp. 17.658 OS T Ittci ap K€ KCLfxriai k.t.\., also 8. 230 as uttut' Iv Arjfxvo} Kcveavx^^^ yyopdaaOc. 45. This line was rejected by Aristarchus. It occurs in Hesiod, Op. 318, where it is more in place. The al8a)S which does harm cannot be thought of here. 46. jieXXci, see on 18. 362. 47. ojjLO-ydo-Tpiov, i.e. whole brother. Instances of half-brothers, the sons of different mothers, are frequent in Homer. 48. KXavo-as, * having performed the lamentation ' : p.€0€T]K€v, * he leaves it alone,' puts it from him. 49. tXtitov, Act. in sense, ' able to endure.' jjioipai, the Plur. of this personification is only found here. Cp. the KaraKXcuOes, Od. 7. 197. 52. KdXXiov, Comparative used as 19. 56 dpeiov. 53. with the First Person expresses warning : ' see that we are not provoked to indignation.' 422 ILIAD. BOOK XXIV. 54. * Senseless earth,' viz. the dead body. 56. €LTj K€v, *may stand good,' ' may be as- thou sayest.' 57. €1 . . . 0T|(r€T€, 'if you (gods) mean to give like honour to Achilles and Hector.' Note the change to the Plur. 58. jxafov, in apposition to "yiivaiKa, as the part to the whole. 65. diTOO-KijSjiaLve, 'quarrel utterly' : diro as in aTrojUT/i/Zcy (see on 2. 772). 68. T|p,apTav€ Bcopcov, 'failed in gifts/ neglected to offer them. 71. KXcij/at €(l(rojjL€v, 'we will give up taking by stealth.' 81. Kcpas, explained by the scholiasts as a sheath of horn placed behind the hook, to prevent the fish biting through tlie line : cp. Od. 12. 253, €p,p€pavLa, ' set upon,' ' fastened into.' The piece of lead is added to make the hook sink. See the postscript, p. 432. 8S. d<()0tTa, 'imfading,' that cannot come to nought. 96. XidJcTO, 'gave way,' made room for them: cp. 13. 29 ^rjOoavvrj h\ 6d\a(Tcra huaTaro. 97. €|avapd(rat, ' mounting (the beach) out of (the sea).' 102. €<5 = Od. 5. 43-49- l^- 340-342 also = Od. i. 96-98. 347. aicrv|jLVTr)Tf pi, ' a prince ' : so Aristarchus. The word occurs in Od. 8. 258 in the form alavfjLVTjrai, apparently = ' stewards of games.' Some of the best MSS. read aio-VT]Tf|pL, which is supported by the proper name AlavrjTTjs. 348. irpcoTov vir-qvYiTT], ' bearded newly.' 354. 4>P<^S^os, Nom. ' iTrTTcov, ' on our chariot,' leaving the mule-waggon, circira, 4f not, then': see on 13. 743. 358. cTTJv x^TO, Tmesis, yipovn, a ' true' Dat., § 38, i. 360. avTos, of his own motion, without being entreated. 567. ovciara, ' goodly things,' elsewhere only used of a feast. Tis av 8t| Toi voos €it] ; ' what would be your device (for escape) ? ' 368. ovTG — 8c. The second clause would regularly be ovtc ovtos, but is changed to a distinct sentence ; cp. 7. 433. 369. dirap-vfyao-Oai, Inf. of consequence with vcos and yipo^v : ' you and your companion are (too) old to defend yourselves.' But the con- struction is harsh, and the mention of a quarrel (ore rts rrpoTepos x^^^- ■niivri) does not fit the context very well, and may have come from Od. 16. 71 avTos ixlv vkos (ifil Kai ov ttcu x^P^^ niiroiOa dvSp k.t.\. (=21. 132-133). 370. ovi8€V, adverbial, ' in nought.' 376. aio-iov, ' of good omen.' oios = ort toiovtos, ' in that thou art so noble in form and feature.' 377. In sense p,aKdpci>v is the predicate, and the clause is subordinate: ' so that they are happy that call thee son.' 382. iva p-Cp-vT), ' where they shall remain,' in order that there they may remain. 385. p-Ax^is lireScvcT* 'Axaiwv, 'fell short in fighting, failed to keep up battle, with the Greeks.' For the Gen. 'Axaiwv cp. 11. 542 Aiai/ro? 5' d\e(iv€ f^dxT]^ and for €7r€8€i>€TO cp. 1 3. 310 Scucff^at TToXepLOLOj and 17. 342 pidxqs dpa ttoWov kdfveo. 388. ws after a question gives the ground for asking it : ' who can you be that you so ' &c. Tov oiTov, defining K.x\.., cp. 20. 147., 23. 257, 465. 390. c'lpcai, ' dost ask about ' : see on 6. 151. 400. Ttiv p.cTa, a post-Homeric construction, cp. 13. 700. Possibly Twv is a partitive gen. ; ' of them I was chosen by lot to follow hither.' 402. OTjo-ovTai pdx'Hv, 'will bring on a battle'; cp. 17. 15S -nCvov Kox drjpiv eOevTO, 403. oi'8€ Ka0T[p,€voi, * sitting still here ' : so 1. 412 k€ivos ' yonder,' 426 ILIAD, BOOK XXIV, 404. Join itcrxeiv 7ro\€p,ov, * to stay from war.' 413. avTWS, ' the same as ever,' ' unchanging.' 417. aKTjSccTTcus, cp. 21. 123 uK-qhUs (of fish devouring the slain). 419. aijjia is Acc. : ' he is washed clean of blood.' 420. ov, 'reeds,' a kind so called from the use to which they were put in thatching {kpk(poS). 454. €mppT)(r(r€crKov, 'were wont to push home' : for firjaffco, see on 18. 571.^ 457. (o^c, contracted form^ only found here. 464. dYaTTaj€p,€v, 'greet,' hob-nob with : Oeov is subject. 467. T€K€os, Neoptolemus, see 19. 326. avv 6pivT]s, Tmesis. 473. Tto, the Art. is used with Numerals where a distinction is made, § 47, 2, a. 474. AvTop,€8a)v T€ Kai ^'AXkijjlos, 19. 392. 476. CTW Kal K.T.X., added to explain vcov 8' drnXtiycv €8(o8Tjs : hence the asyndeton. 480. If dnr] here means something which is the consequence of blood- guiltiness, we must understand it either of madness or of the exiemal consequences, such as the exile of the manslayer. Neither alternative is satisfactory. The word d-nr) in Homer always implies an act of folly or blindness — not simple misfortune ; and the notion of madness follow- ing on bloodshedding is not to be traced in Homeric times. Probably, NOTES, LINES 404-544. 427 therefore, the reference is to the drrj which brought about the man- slaughter, the clause a>s or' av k.t.X. meaning ' as when a man through arr} has shed blood/ In any case the point of the comparison does not lie in the ar?/, but in the sudden appearance of the exile in the house to which he comes as a suppliant. It is unnecessary to suppose that the manslayer of this passage comes for purification, which is a post-Homeric idea. We may compare the cases of Phoenix (II. 9. 478 ff.)> ^^^^ Patroclus (II. 23. 85 ff.). 487. TT^XiKov COS TTCp € ywv, = TyXtVoy elfxi kycu : cp. Od. 16. 208 i] ri fxe Toiov eOrjfcev ottojs kBlkei. On the phrase cm YT|paos ouSco see 22. 60. 489. ap-qv, see on 14. 485. 493. €7r€L TcKov K.T.X. This clausc is subordinate in sense to twv 8' ou TLva K.T.X. : the two paratactic clauses beings* since of the sons bom to me in Troy none is left.' 498. Twv |jL€v iroWwv, * of them, many as they were.' For the Art. cp. Od. 2. 58 ( = 17. 537) Ta 5€ noXXa KaTav^rai, 17. 457., 22. 273. 499. a^ToiJS, * the men ' (in the city) : cp. Od. 9. 40 iroXiv eirpaOov wXeaa 5' avTovs : also Od. 10. 26 v^as re Kai avTovs. 503. avTov, ' (me) on my own behalf : ' have respect for the gods, and pity for the suppliant on his own account.' 507. Trarpos 76010, 'wailing for his father,' § 39, i. 515. x^'-pos dvCc7TT], ' raised him by the hand.' 522. €jjL7nr]s refers forward to dxviJ|X€voi, ' still amid all our grief.' 524. TTp-fjJis, * result,' * profit ' : a word common in the Odyssey. 526. dxvvfjLcvois, so the best MSS. ; the Acc. dx^vy^evouy would be more regular, since it goes closely with the Inf. ^aj€iv : see on 13. 56. 527. TTiOoi, large jars, used for wine (Od. 2. 340). The good and evil are spoken of as if they were kinds of wine : cp. dp-jxi^as. €v Aids ovSei, ^ on the floor,' viz. of the palace of Zeus. 528. KaKWV, €T€pOS 8€ i6.'JiV, =(ET€pOS fieV KaKCOV, €T€pOS kciQJV, ' OUC of ills, the other of blessings.' Cp. 22. 157 irapahpajxiTT^v , €Tp,ds, not any special commands, but generally the will of Zeus as the protector of the suppliant {kmTifxrjTajp iKirdcov re (eivojv re, Od. 9. 270). 572. oI'koio, viz. the tent : Gen. with Gtipafe. 576. VTTO ^vy6<\>iv, Gen., ' from under the yoke.' 581. irvKdo-as is the important word : * that he might shroud the dead body before giving it.' 584. ovK €pTJo-aiTO, after jjlti, because equivalent to a single positive notion, ' allow to break out.' kpyofmi here has the sense usually found only in the form hpvKoo. 586. dXiTT^Tat, the Subj. can hardly be defended : see on 14. 165., 24. 655. We should probably read dXiroiTo, with hiatus due to the imita- tion of 1. 570 Albs 8* d\LTcup.ai kcpeT^ds : cp. 13. 22. 594. ov d€iK€a, a litotes, § 59. 595. diroSdcrcrop.at, Subj. ' will give a share,' probably in the shape of offerings at his tomb, as in the case of Kripca. NOTES. LINES 545-673. 439 598. Toixov, * by the other wall,' Gen. of place, cp. 9. 219. 601. oLYOiv, * when you bring him ' (to the city). 608. T] 5* avTTj "ycivaro ttoWo-us, in sense subordinate to : ' while she herself was the mother of many.' 610. €v v, ' taunting,' is out of place here. 651. OL T€ refers to poi;\7]c})6pos, 'a counsellor of those who.' 655. Kai Key . . -ycvT^Tai, Subj. perhaps to express the certainty of the consequence, § 29, 4. But some MSS. have ycvoito. 658. o4)pa fc.T.X. depends upon diri in 1. 656. 661. wSc refers forward, * as I shall say.' 662. yap gives the reason for the following sentence : cp. i. 123. 663. a^i\L€v, § 9, 3. SeSiao-iv, the only example of dedia in Homer. 664-666. The Opt. in the Plrst Person with fcev expresses willingness. This usage is common in the Odyssey. On the form SatvOro see on 16. 99. 673. iTpo86}JLa), the regular sleeping place for guests : cp. Od. 4. 302. 430 ILIAD, BOOK XXIV, 68 1. Upovs, cp. 10. 56 ^ with wailing,' Instrum. Dative, in the comitative sense, § 38, 3. 699. Note the paratactic form : * no one knew them beforehand ; but Cassandra ...,' = * no one knew them sooner than did Cassandra, who* &c. Cp. 16. 62., 18. 403-405., 19. 306-308. 701. do-TvPoa)TT]v, cp. KoXrjTopa (1. 577). The proper form would be daTVpOTJTTJS. 702. €<()' -fijiiovcuv, ' on the mule-carriage ' : cp. €(/>' ittttojv = * in a chariot.' 705. €1 iroTc Kai . . . xo-Lp^Tc, * as surely as once you rejoiced ' : cp. the phrase d ttot erjv (1. 426, with the note). 706. 8t|jjic{), * land ' or * district,' in contrast to iroXis. 708. ddaTOs, ' freshly slain.' It is difficult to see how the word acquired this meaning: perhaps it is = irpds (povco (or TaTs cpovaxs) ' close to the slaying,' cp. 1. 610 Kear kv (povo), ' lay in their blood' : also Hdt. 9. 76 €v Trjai (povfjai kovras, = ' red-handed.' 765. €€iKoo-Tdv €TOs. Taken strictly this implies an interval of ten years before the Trojan war began, of which there is no other trace in the Iliad. 767. dcnj 20. 213., 21. 487^ 560, 567., 22. III., 23. 321., 24. 42, 209. Apposition, 13. 600., 14. 217, 228, 284., 21. 495., 22. 325., 24. 58. Article : substantival, 13. 53., 14. 377-. 24. 498. of contrast, 13. 279, 597, 765., 14. 503., 15. 37.305., 17- 509-' 18. 485., 19. 322., 20. 156, 322., 21. 252, 262, 317, 412., 22. 163., 23. 295, 452., 24, 260, 531, 687. with a word of comparison, 13. 83, 745-, 16. 53, 358., 23. 336. with Numerals, 20. 269., 24. 473. of the First Person, 19. 324. defining, 20. 147., 24. 388. of dislike, &c., 13. 53., 21. 421. repeating a Noun, 23. 182. anticipating a clause, 16. 55. as a Relative, 16. 54. post-Homeric uses, 23. 75, 325 (see p. 399). Asyndeton, 17. 398., 18. 279., 22. 295., 23. 725., 24. 149, 476. Attraction : into Gender of Predicate, 13. 237-> 15. 37v 16. 43., 22. 116, 160. construction of following clause, 14.75, 371., 15- 389-. 17. 755. > 18. 192., 22. 191., 23. 649. fromAcc.<:. /;^/],i3.56., 14. 162., 15. 58, 116., 22. 72, 109., 24. 118, 526. avTos, 13.627., 16. 646., 17. 611., 18. 133, 481., 22. 83, n3., 23.311., 24. 360, 503, 729. 'alone,' 13. 252, 729., 17. 239, 254., 19. 89., 21. 467. of a body, 18. 206., 21. 167, 245, 338., 23.66. 'without change,' 14. 457, 498., 17. 236, 300., 20. 482., 21. 491., 23. 8. Reflexive (?), 20. 55. auToOt, avToO, 14. 119., 15. 656., 16. 649, 742., 18. 488., 19. 255., 21. 114, 322., 23. 258, 460, 691. Trap' avToOi, 13. 42., 20. 140., 23- 147. avTws, 'only,' 13. 104, 810., 14. 18., 17. 143, 450, 633., 18. 584., 20. 348., 22. 125, 484, 23. 621. 'without change,' 15. 128, 513., 18. 198., 24. 413. * anticipating, 13. 736., 17. 221, 338, 475., 23. 156, 607, 890., 24. 223, 662. in a question, 17. 475., 18. 182. with a Relative, 23. 9., 24. 68. Catalogue of ships, 13. 301, 685, 686, 692, 693, 701., 21. 156. 7€, 15.418, 508., 19.94., 20.210. Chiasmus, 13. 762., 14. 391., 15. 330- Collective Noun, 13. 431., i7» 264. INDEX. 435 construed with a Plur., i6. 281, 369., 17. 756., 18. 209, 604., 20. 166., 23. 157. used as a predicate, 13. 485. Comparative, 19. 56, 63., 21. 437-> 23. 53., 24.52. Contraction, 13. 622., 20. 72., 24. 457- Crasis, 13. 74. Dative, 13. 211, 326, 439, 443, 450. 7^4' 77O0 14- I4i> 240, 347. 403. 449-. 15- 87, 258., 16.235, 433,5i6,522.,i7. 268., 18. 319., 20. 230., 24. 19, 335, 358, 716. Locatival, 13.217., 15.490., 16. 40., 23. 244. Instrumental, 13. 407., 14.504., 22. 477 : in the Comitative sense, 17. 460., 18. 506., 20. 162., 21. 45., 24. 696. in -(pi(i'), 16. 487. 8€, 13. 260. of the apodosis, 13. 779., 15. 321., 16.264., 17.732., 20.48., 21.53., 23.65., 24. 15, 445. 8id, c. Ace, 14. 91., 23. 806. in Tmesis, 19.90., 13.507. Digamma, 15. 209, 626., 16. 735., 20.67., 23.55-. 24. 154. Dual, 16.371., 17.387., 19.205., 23.362,413. €€8vOV, 13. 382. €1, of Avish, 15.571-. 16.559. €1 5' dye, 16. 667., 17.685., 22. 381. ei TTore, 'as surely as,' 15. 372., 24. 426, 705. €is, 15. 276., 23. 36, 523., 24. 719. e'lactj, 16. 364. Elision : of-o(, 13. 481. of -at of I Aor. Inf., 21. 323. eXirojiai, 13.309., 15. 288., 16.281. cv, 24. 568 : in Tmesis, 23. 777. ^■S. 13-493., H- 154. 177-. 18. 210, 431-. I9-375..20.377., 21.144, 412, 513., 23. 595., 24. 617. kK/3€\iajVy 14. 130., 16. 122, 668., 18. 152. F f €7r€LTa, 13. 743., 18. 357., 19. 113., 20. 120, 136., 23. 551., 24. 356. 4m, 13. 799., 15. 685., 16. 69., 17. 723, 73^., 21. no. c. Dat., 13. 234, 485., 18. 501., 19. no, 229., 23. 274, 574. c. Gen., 14. 77., 19. 396., 22. I53-. 23. 374., 24.356, 702. c. Ace, 13. 4., 17. 368., 20. 353., 23. 320., 24. 202, 532. with form in - i7- 373- Metaphor, 13. 358., 16. 658., 17. 401, 615., 18. 367., 19. 222., 20. loi., 21. 482, 538. Metre, 18. 288., 23. 195. Caesura, 15. 18. Hiatus, 13. 22., 20. 229., 24. 586. metrically impossible forms, 13. 88, 346., 17. 742., 18. 244, 583., 20. 362., 21. 163., 23. 97- |XT|, 15. 164, 476., 17.17,340,686., 18. 500., 20. 301., 21. 475. in oaths, &c., 14. 46., 15. 41, 500., 19. 176, 261. with Aor. Imper., 16. 200., 18. 134- Middle, 13. no, 525., 14. 26., 15. 645., 16. 671., 18. 286, 308., 22. 50., 23. 409, 735. of verbs in -ocu, 13. 382. v€p,€(ris, 13. 121., 14. 80., 15. 103, 211, 227., 16. 544. INDEX. 437 o, o T€, on, = ' because/ ' that,' 1 5. 468., 16. 35, 433., 17. 207, 627., 19. 57, 421., 20. 45., 21. 150, 411. Oaths, 14. 272., 19. 258., 20. 313., 22. 119. o8€, = 'here,' 17. 486., 19. 140., 20. ii7> 345-, ^i- 54v 24. 403- Optative : 24. 664. (1) in Principal Clauses : of wish, 15. 82., 18. 121, 125 : as an Imperative, 14. 190., 20. 121. of acquiescence, 15. 45, 197., 21. 274, 360., 23, 151, 427., 24. 139, 226. with oh, 20. 286. with ovK av, 14. 126. with yn77 (deprecation), 15. 476., 17.340. of unfulfilled condition, 17. 70. (2) in Dependent Clauses : of a remote or imaginary case, 21. 336., 22. 351, 494. of indefinite frequency, 15. 22., 21. 609., 24. 768. by * attraction,' 13. 118, 320, 322., 18. 465., 19. 208., 22. 348., 23. 346. oT€ Yrc\,^d 1X7], 13. 319., 14. 248., 16. 227. OV, OtIK, 15. 162, 492., 18. 90., 24. 296, 584. o^xf, 15. 716., 16. 762. ov^€~a\\* OVK, 13. 712., 24. 25. ovTOS { = iste), 18. 257, 295., 19. 8, 85, 187, 213., 20. 87, 435., 21. 223., 22. 38, 488. 6<(>pa, 16. 653. Oxymoron, 13. 10., 17. 228. Trapd, 13. 267., 16. 115, 312 ; -nap^, 24. 434. ' in Composition, 14. 54. Parataxis, 13. 376, 676., 14. 67, 158, 332, 477-, 15. 684., 17. 31., 18. 33, 55, 248, 288., 19. 273, 306., 20. 162., 21. 80, 190, 202., 22. 10, 123, 237., 23- 173. 577o 24. 207, 377, 430, 493. 608, 699. with Anacoluthon, 15. 369, 666., 17. 506., 20. 50., 23.483,627., 24. 368. Parenthesis, 16. 259., 19. 27., 23. 103, 328. sentence resumed after, 13. 197, 434, 689., 14. 409., 16. 401., 17. 309,6i7.,i8.i5i., 20.463. Participle, 15. 364, 581. indefinite subject understood, 13. 229, 787., 14. 63., 21. 185., 22.157. expressing fad as a thing, 13. 38, 352, 545., 14. 504., 15- 575., 17. 2, 402, 489, 538, 564., 18. 60. constr. with preceding clause, 13. 133, 343, 499-, 14. 26, 141., 15. 450, 609., 16. 531, 637' 775- See also Aorist, Future, iras, 14. 215., 15. 189., 19. 247., 24. 260. -rrep, 14. 295., 15. 372., 16. 31, 245., 17. 121, 239, 571., 21. ^ 308., 24. 35, 749. ircpL, 17. 22. c. Dat., 13. T19., 16. 157., 21. 65., 22. 70, 95. c. Gen., 15. 284., 16. 476., 17. 147, 240, 666., 18. 265, 279., 20. 253., 21. 215. in Composition, 13. 52, 728., 17. 240, 666. in Tmesis, 13. 736., 19. 230, 380.^ irepivpo, 14. 316. Perfect (meaning), 13. 60, 79, 393., 15. 90, 730-, 16. 7, 22, 834., 17. 264, 748., 20. 377., 22.219, 340, 435, 491., 23. 69, loi, 273, 343, 714., 24.775. Personification, 13. 444, 563, 569., 16.150., 18.382., 19.91., 20. 280., 24. 49. Personal constr., 13. 726., 15. 197., 20. 131, 265., 22. 13., 24. 243- 438 INDEX, Play on words, 13. 276, 360., 16. 142. 143., 24.611, 730. Plural : of abstract Nouns, 13. 108., 15. 620., 16.354., 18. 93. oi generality, 15. 741., 17. 487, 659., 18. 491, 505., 21. 185, 190, 499. of oneself, 13.257., 15.224. Post-Homeric : stories, 14. 317.^ 21. 568., 23. 92, 679., 24. 29, 735, 765. arts, usages, &c. 15. 679., 18. 219., 24. 163, 480. Predicate, 13. 99., 14. 108., 18. 272., 20.497., 24- 377- Adjective, 14. 258., 17. 21, 59, 524., 18. 68, 246., 19. 276, 383., 22. 316., 23. 251, 287, 536., 24. 294. Present, 19.312., 23. 76. TTpo, 16. 188. c. Gen., 17.667., 24. 734. in Composition, 13. 130, 158., 14. 35., 17. 121., 20. 204., '22. 221. TTpOTi, irpos, 13. 678., 24. 757. c. Gen., 15. 670., 22. 198. TTpwTov, iTpwra : = 'once,* 'once for all,' 13. 285., 15.297., 24.27, 557. = ' formerly,' 23. 462. rd irpa^Ta, 17. 612., 23. 523. Prothysteron {varcpoy -nporepov), 17. 589., 21.537., 24.206. Relative : koTL, &c., understood, 13. 128., 17.509., 19.43., 21.353., 23. 160, 327. epithet in the ]l. clause, 13. 340., 14. 172., 15. 646., 19. 326. Plural with Sing, antecedent, 14. 410. ellipse of Antecedent, 14. 81, 404., 17.509., 18. 422, 429., 19- 235, 265, 337., 21. 296., 24. 651. oT€, = '(the time) when,' 13. 817., 19- 337. oTos, = oTi TOLOvros, 18. 95, 262., 22.347., 24. 376. olov (Adv.), 13. 633., 15. 287., 17- 471, 587-. 21. 57., 24. . 683. ^ 'JJS, = OTl OVTOJS, 13. 133., 14. 60., 16. 600., 19. 290., 21. 273., 24. 388. ws in a 7ms/i, 14. 142., 22. 286. Singular, used distributively, 16. 371, 621., 18. 594., 24. 647. Indefinite sense: ctos p.€v, 13. 143., 15-277., 17- 727- o 15- 547- Subjunctive : (1) in Principal Clauses: of purpose, 16. 83, 129., 22. 418., 24.595. ^ of deliberatio7i, 15. 202. of solemn prediction, 15. 350., 17. 100., 18. 308., 22. 505., 23- 345-, 24. 55i>655. of prohibition, 16. 128., 17. 17, 93-. 24. 53. (2) in Dependent Clauses : with a Relative, 17. 728., 18. 467. with d, oT€, &c., 15. 17., 16. 243., 21. 323., 24. 382. after a Past Tense, 14. 165., 15. 23., 16. 650., 17. 445., 20. 126., 24. 586. o-vv, 21. 453 (Tm.)., 24. 358 (Tm.), 420 (Tm.), 467 (Tm.). Synizesis, 17. 89., 18.458. Tdp, 13- 307-, 18.188. T€, 13. 734., 16. 688., 19. 221,330., 22. 300., 23.474., 24.632. t/s T€, 14. 90, 484., 16. 263., 23. 43- Tt, 13. 120, 446, 521., 19. 56., 21. 101. TO = ' therefore,' 14. 191, 342., 15. 37., 17.404., 23.547. Tot, 13. 115, 773., 21. no, 184. vir^p, 17. 321., 21. 167. iiiro, 14. 240, 347., 18. 417-j 21. 52., 23. 513. c. Dat., 13. 88. INDEX, 439 c. Gen., 13. 27, 198, 796., 15. 275. 575» 625., 16. 375, 591., 17. 224., 18. 220, 492., 21. 56., 23. 86, 692. c. Ace, 16. 202., 20. 275., 22. 102., 24. 274. with form in -(pi{v), 15. 614., 23. 7- 24. 576. in Composition, 16. 333., 18. 319 (Tm.)., 18. 513, 519, 570 (Tm.). Verbals in -tos, 13. 726., 14. 98, 221, 484., 16. 128., 17. 75., 24. 49. Zeugma, 13. 585., 17. 476., 21. 162,, 24. 7. THE END. OXFORD FRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRE BV HORACE HART, M.A. PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY 1 8/1/99 Clarenbon press Series OF Scbool Classics. Author Caesar Catullus Cicero Horace J uvenal Livy I. LATIN CLASSICS. Work. Editor Gallic War, Books I, IT Moberly „ Books I-III „ Books III~V „ Books VI- VI II „ Civil War . . . Carmina Selecta (text ) only) { Elhs Selections, 3 Parts . . Walford Selected Letters , Select Letters (text only) Watson Prichard & and 1 Stock. Huxley Ramsay Fausset Poynton Stock King. De Amicitia . De Senectute . Pro Cluentio . Pro Marcello . Pro Milone . . Pro Roscio . . Select Orations {In Q. Caec. Div ' \ In Verrem I J Philippic Orations, ) ' I /-///, F, VII, \ • . Catilinarian Orations Upcott . Odes, Carm.SaeCyEpodes Wickham . {Mhtiature Text) . . „ . Odes, Book I ... „ . Selected Odes ... „ . The Complete Works . „ ► XIII Satires . . Selections, 3 Parts . Books V-VII . 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