DERBY Mixed Paints Ready for immediate application, requiring no addition of oil, thinner or dryer. PURE Linseed Oil, Lead and Zinc PAINTS. The Most DURABLE, BEAUTI- FUL and ECONOMICAL Paints ever offered the public. FOR EITHER INSIDE OR OUTSIDE USE. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY JAS. H. PRINCE PAINT CO. Boston, Mass. 2 - 0 .->- 98 « have for their base PERFECTLY PURE WHite Lead, Linseed Oil and Zinc WHite. Will cover as thoroughly as any Paint that can be made, and cost no more than the very inferior grades of Paint. They Are Waterproof, and will Work Equally well on Wood, Brick, Stone, Iron or Plaster. We make also Two Kinds of Mixed White for Outside and Inside Work, also Black. Our Inside White v Is a Perfect Snow White and Will Not Turn Yellow. ALL THE LIGHTER TINTS will be found Especially Adapted for Inside as well as Outside Painting. For inside, they are incomparably Better than Kalsomine, as when dirty they can be cleaned with weak soap suds, which will not injure but Brighten the Colors. These Paints DUlRI^Y IIVCIIXIIEID !F> AJAX'S, Manufactured only by JAS. “NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE,” .... THE .... PUREST, HIGHEST GRADE PAINT .... FOR .... EITHER INSIDE OR OUTSIDE House Painting ONE QUALITY ONLY SAME PAINT IN ALL SIZES. i PINT 1 PINT i GALLON i GALLON 1 GALLON 5 GALLONS 10 GALLONS i BARREL BARREL We make also Inside and Outside White and Blac Chocolate 433 Stone 413 Pearl 31 Medium Drab 402 Spruce 404 Light Fawn 441 Russian Gray 440 Light Cream 432 Light Gray 430 Lemon 128 French Gray 435 Light Lead 39 1 i I t 1 (4-04-5M). This card being varnished darkens with age, therefore when selecting colors consider the paint to H. PRINCE PAINT CO., BOSTON, ols. which are not represented on this card. Light Blue 436 Piazza Blue 41 Dark Blue 42 Terra Cotta 439 Cherry 57 f Indian | Red ‘ 58 Vermilion 49 Light Sage 438 Apple Green 65 Medium Green 55 Bronze Green 117 Light Brown 21 Cinnamon 44 Olive Drab 419 ) be a shade lighter than card. It is always uniform. DERBY WHITE is made as follows:— OUTSIDE WHITE For use on all regular outside white work. It is ready for the brush. SUBSIDE WHITE For all ordinary inside white paint- ing. This is a perfect snow white. It dries with an egg shell gloss, and will not turn yeliow with age. GLOSS WHITE For inside use where a higher gloss than usual is desired. Rule for Ascertaining the Amount of Paint required Add the number of feet in width ( front and rear ) to the number of feet in length ( both sides). This multiplied by the average height, gives the number of square feet to be painted. This divided by 300, as one gallon of this Paint covers three hundred square feet ( two coats), gives the amount required in gallons. REM ARKS.— There can be no definite rule established as to the exac t quantity it will require, but the above is sufficiently near for all practical purposes. Should the surface be smooth and hard, less than the above would be required; if old and weather-beaten, it will require more. EXAMPLE: Front, 20 feet. 120 feet. Bear, 20 “ Multiply Heilt, 20 “ Side, 40 “ — Side, 40 “ 300)2400 120 8 gallons in round nnntUers for 2 coats.. w most respectfully call the attention of PRACTICAL PAINTERS to these Paints as being Paints upon the quality of which they can rely. They are easily applied, spreading with less labor, and possess greater body and covering capacity than pure white lead, drying with a hard, elastic and beautiful surface, with the appearance of having been varnished, although no varnish enters into their composition, being wholly the natural gloss of the Pure Linseed OH. In climates with their extremes of heat or cold, These Paints Will be Less Affected by exposure to the atmosphere Than Other Paints. They will not fade, Grack, chalk, or pee / off, but will remain firm and retain their freshness and brilliancv for vears. aknays be found - r UNIFORM , ■ HIW III— MU— —— HH—J— m GF.TTV CENTER USRftRy