V f LIST-OF-PLATES # SKET CHESABROAD * By • J- A- SCH WEINFVRTH • ARCH’T • BOSTON- MD CCCLXXXVM I- Plate I. . . Plate II. . . . Plate III. . . Plate IV. . . Plate V. . . . Plate VI. . . Plate VII. . . Plate VIII. . . Plate IX. . . Plate X. . . . Plate XI. . . Plate XII. . . Plate XIII.. . Plate XIV. . . Plate XV. . . Plate XVI. . . Plate XVII. . Plate XVIII. . Plate XIX. . . Plate XX. . . Plate XXI. . . Plate XXII. . Plate XXIII. . Plate XXIV. . Plate XXV. . Plate XXVI. . Plate XXVII. . Plate XXVIII. Plate XXIX. . Plate XXX. Principal tower and one of the smaller turrets flanking the west front Eglise de Notre DSme de Poitiers, Poitiers. One of the side turrets, main front, old church at Angoul8me. Tower of Eglise de St. fitienne, at Chinon. Tower of figlise Notre Dame, at Lamballe. Exterior details from Notre Dame de Porte, Clermont Ferrand. Details, Tower of figlise de St. liusebe, Auxerre. Interior details, figlise St. Nicolas, Caen; Notre ' DSme de Porte; St. Prochain, Poitiers; Old Church at Nevers, and Romanesque details from various sources. Twenty-three capitals, from St. Marco, Venice; Abbaye aux Dames, Caen; St. Agnan (Loir et Cher); Verona; St. Ambrogio, Milan ; Museo de Cordoba, Spain, and various other details. Various capitals and details, St. Marco, Venice; Museo Correo, Venezia; Torcello; Opera del Duomo, Florence; wrought-iron work from Venice. Wrought-iron Candelabra, Venetian XV. century; and XVI. century Italian wrought-iron andiron. Venetian andiron — used for'cooking; XVII. century French andiron. Slated spire, Eglise Notre DSme de Coutiere, near Bernay, France; Church at Rouen; Gables at Vitre, Lannion, and Morlaix. Details of various ^ate and timber work from Sens and through Normandy. Seven early French timbered dormers from Moulins, Beauvais, Vitre, Chartres, and from the “Vieux Manoir Francis I mc ” at Lisieux, and various details. Carved Oak Screen, Evreux Cathedral. “ “ “ “ “ details of same. Doorway to Bishop’s Palace, Sens, and four Italian Renaissance capitals from the Castello di Mondolfo, Urbjno. Capital from Urbino, and two Italian Renaissance fireplaces. Various dormers, mantels in French Renaissance, and street facades from Chinon, etc. Two ceilings in Hotel Allemant, Bourges, and in vestibule Evreux Cathedral, with details, and details of tie-beam ends, Orleans. Chimney-piece, Italian Renaissance, and various Renaissance details. Chateau Azay le Rideau (from a water-color). Old houses at Lannion. Old houses at Rouen and Caen (from water-colors). Chateau Kergrist, and old French Manoir near Falaise. Manoirs Boissy Maugis, and Verger (from water-colors). View in courtyard of an old house at Lisieux (from a water-color). Houses at Lisieux, Azay le Rideau, and two views of Chateau de Lion (Normandy). Manoir Bures Londonieres (from a water-color). Old Manoir at Avranches and at Boissy Maugis. Village churches at Roques and near Bernay; old house near Vitre. Early Gothic spire, Chartres Cathedral; tower and cloister, St. Stefano, Bologna, with details; tower of old church at Viterbo, with details. Old Moorish ceiling in Museo de Cordoba; old Moorish well-curb; perforated parapet and ornament; and ceiling from Museo de Cordoba; church tower of St. Nicolas, Cordoba; capitals from Cathedral at Cordoba; doorway in Madrid; fapde of house at Chateaudun, France; XVth century fireplace from Venice. Furniture from Spain, France, and South Kensington Museum, London. TWO * HVNDRED • AND » FIFTY COPIES * OF * THIS • PORTF- O LI O * PRINTED * OF ■* W H I C H THIS*COPY*I-S o N O • /u A CARVED OAtv% CEILLNC r INT VE3TIBV1CA EVREVX- CATHEDRAE \//. A ACEIUNG 5 ' cornice- tPAlNTED-WHITB-j HoTELALEMANT BoVRGEJ- ’ifW.k r -iyfnE-ni^° ; ; ; #vy 5v N Narco (fa( -M-> e:-) MYtf^DF- BSaSfc (Jlcfed bcodi rnci ^^Acirblc V E fvOK' -\- ) VA- 18 ?>< ,y/AARC -3 _ ■ N1L-\N- .‘ll-AMRFfoGlO- AAaRCo S »4 ■RLA-bTERl/^; " WA'QN Ar^i JVLY- 18 bA *Py\ — A m 2 ^~vAV«v.«'H‘ ; vi«T*4.Ro W «H.Avo2 0 -i8ft6- *RO\/|5M JECTloN A-B ■ DETAILS-FM1- NoTRE-DAME ■DEftoRTECLEPMT- FERRAND- •LAMBALLE- Hi . j.Ui.wr*-,; C!IATEAVKEJ?GP15T ■m fc 1 &&1 ^ W- . <* jJ i DETAI ^PAR?-&IVA* of -XR EEN DETAID'OAK-XREEN'/T ?EVREVXO\THEDBAL , ALb/WDINOTAKEN-WITH- LEAD-JTR1P-,