J)ia o-t-erc *V ^3yzwTji^ '- fC&wv^J^ l (a/ cnA ^(y~Cy^r? ol > • w-fi-V C ,p, (4votU‘ Ww chdi A** y »*'\ fz/>Uv f -f t rcjiT ^ 1 ' w ^ {f ff CATALOGUE OP A CHOICE COLLECTION OP Old French Enamelled Gold and other SNUFF-BOXES AND (§fe dEnglisb Silver plktc, THE PROPERTY OF A NOBLEMAN; ALSO OLD ENGLISH DECORATIVE & TABLE PLATE, THE PROPERTY OF A NOBLEMAN; MAGNIFICENT JEWELS AND OLD LACE, TEE PROPERTY OF A LADY OF RANK, Including 1 an Emerald and Brilliant Necklace, Pendant and Bracelet, and a Brilliant Tiara of the highest quality ; A CASKET OF FINE JEWELS, THE PROPERTY OF A LADY, DECEASED; AND JEWELLERY, MINIATURES, &c., FROM VARIOUS PRIVATE SOURCES: {Jim 6 WHICH Mill Dp tig Humon bn Messrs. CHRISTIE, M ANSON & WOODS, AT TMEIR GREAT 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1895, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY, May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S.W. n CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. YI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Monev must absolutely be paid on the delivery. Y1I. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; ail Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. I CATALOGUE. Oil THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1895, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. 3^0 The following are the Property of A NOBLEMAN. O _ 3, ' /O An Oval-Shaped Gold Box, chased and engraved with arabesque foliage, the lid richly set with numerous brilliants, the centre enamelled and with the name of the Sultan of Turkey in gold , 2 An Oblong Box op Old Dresden Porcelain, painted with six subjects of garden scenes and figures in the style of Watteau, and a similar subject inside the lid, mounted with chased gold 3 An Old Dresden Porcelain Box, formed as a spaniel’s head, the lid painted with figures and a horse in a landscape, and poultry inside, mounted with silver / 4 A Circular Tortoiseshell Box, lined with gold, the lid inlaid with an enamel portrait, tne Duke of York, by H. Bone, B.A.— in gold frame with flat chasings \ 9 A SHAPED BLOODSTONE BOX, finely carved with scrolls and shells, mounted with chased gold, the lid set with a vase of flowers and foliage of brilliants, in shagreen case 10 A Shaped Oval Box, of avanturine lined with gold, the lid inlaid " with an oval miniature of Cardinal Pucheli&m by Petitot, in chased gold frame and border of blue enamel Zj 11 An Oval Transparent Agate Box, mounted with gold, the lid inlaid with an enamel portrait of Henrietta of England, by Petitot, in border of gold and blue enamel amei Cl . teL/dx-c ^ tv <_ From Count Bruhl’s Collection 12 An Oval Tortoiseshell Box, lined with gold, the lid inlaid with an enamel miniature portrait of Mile. Fontanges, by Petitot, in chased gold frame with blue enamel border From Count Brulil's Collection > / 13 An Oval Miniature Portrait of Louis XIV., by Petitot, in oval engraved gold box with translucent blue enamel / ... .. / i - 14 An Oval Gold Snuff-Box, with striped translucent green enamel, mounted with chased and pierced gold of foliage and beading, surmounted by an enamel portrait of Philip, fourth Earl of Chesterfield, by Zincke, in wig, ruffle, brown coat and brocaded waistcoat w: 3 5 A Square-Shaped Tortoiseshell Box, the lid inlaid with an oval enamel by Petitot of Madame La Marquise du Daffand, m blue dress trimmed with fur, and pearl necklace, chased gold mounts and frame 5 16 A LOUIS XVI. OVAL GOLD BOX, enamelled dark blue, with / ^ white borders and bands of jewelled decoration, the lid inlaid ~ “ with an oval miniature of Sir John Stepney, Bart., in frame of brilliants, and with band of numerous smaller brilliants round the edge Ol - UL <- <- c, 4 -l 17 A LOUIS XVI. OVAL GOLD BOX, decorated with a musical ^ „ _ «, trophy, draped vases and other ornaments in flat chasing, and inlaid with lapis lazuli, on the lid is a bust of a negro, of striated onyx set with diamonds {/'Zr^ < j 7 p 3 18 A LOUIS XVI. OCTAGONAL GOLD BOX, delicately chased >. and engraved in compartments under translucent enamel, and inlaid with miniatures of mythical subjects and cupids painted in grisaille 19 A LOUIS XVI. OVAL GOLD BOX, with chased borders, painted 7rr5 —/ * — v with two large subjects of nymphs at their toilet, and four nereids, by Boucher ■XT —tT> <■- . 20 A Circular Tortoiseshell Box, the lid formed of a miniature of t,( a garden scene, with numerous figures watching a Punch show, in ^ • border of gold C& . 21 An Oval Box, of old Sevres porcelain, painted with river scenes and figures in pink, in three medallions in gilt borders on dark blue marbled ground, and with Leda inside the lid 22 A Louis XV. Shell-Shaped Gold Box, with the Sacrifice of Iphigenia in flat chasing and partly enamelled,, find,engraved with masks and scrolls f S—.. - r . / U _ / 4 - ) Wd 23 A Louis XVI. Oval Gold Box, with engraved panels, and borders of pink and white enamel V 24 A Circular Gold Box, and dark blue, white and gold enamel, the ^ lid inlaid with an oval miniature of three figures in a landscape, in border of ribands and wreath of flowers in gold 25 A Globular-Shaped Bonbonniere, of tortoiseshell, elaborately picque with gold W CC lTZTVs t(s V D 26 AN OBLONG GOLD BOX, engraved with trellis and stars, and beautifully inlaid with two large subjects of peasants merry- - 1 making, and four other subjects of figures in coloured mother-o’- pearl, tortoiseshell and other materials, the front of the lid richly mounted with diamonds (/^~ ~o — zr~y- 27 A PLAIN GOLD OBLONG BOX, inlaid with two large subjects of an Oriental sun worshipper at his devotions, a figure and child with hells, and a dog, bird, flowers, fruit and foliage on the sides, in lapis lazuli, jasper and other precious materials * . _ -1759 SILVER—.4* per Oz. SERVICE OF PLATES AND DISHES, with shaped gadroon borders Twelve dinner-plates- Twelve ditto—1804 Five ditto ( two 1699) Fourteen soup-plates—1759 Twelve larger dinner-plates Twelve ditto . Twelve ditto . Eighteen ditto Seventeen soup-plates cL<$ Ol ir-tr'*—*•- Four circular entremet-dishes—1760 . Five ditto A pair of circular dishes—12 in. diam. A set of four oblong-shaped entree-dishes, fluted at the corners—1775 .... oz. dwt. • 204 10 • 215 0 • 87 10 • 243 10 • 241 0 • 237 5 • 231 5 • 350 0 • 360 10 • 83 5 • 137 10 -» 71 0 • 96 10 A set of four shaped oval ditto . CO&cx-^, A set of four larger ditto—14 in. long —1775 A pair of octagonal-shaped dishes—14£ in. by 10i in. 97 82 123 82 5 0 4 15 7 < 3 > */■ ‘A ■■h 3 > «A / ^, Vo 45 A pair of oval meat-dishes—14 in. long— 1759 j 46 One ditto; and a deep dish—14 in.— 1765 . ^ \Ct*> . 47 Four oval meat-dishes—15 in .—1759 . . 48 A pair of ditto—16 in .—1761 . t ^ 49 A pair of ditto—16 k—1765 . ^ ' 50 A pair of ditto—19 in. (one 1761) C 'cl.’JCx-v^C-lZ 51 A pair of ditto—19^ in. . 52 A pair of ditto—21£ in. —1759-65 53 A venison-dish—24 in. /O 1 f/ fj oz. dwt. 49 0 w- • Q-t —r> and plated heater 54 The companion ; and heater . < r~y/'V» * . 55 Three oval mazarins—13 in., 18 in. and 20 in. long 56 A plain oval pie-dish..... . 57 A plain silver cigar-case, gilt inside .... A SILVER TOILET-SERVICE -temp Charles II.— finely engraved with figures, birds, foliage and flowers in Chinese taste, each of the larger pieces hearing the London hall mark of 1684 or 1685, and maker’s mark B.B. with crescent beneath in shaped shield, consisting of— 58 An Octagonal-Shaped Casket, on open scroll feet, the lid engraved with a viaduct, equestrian and other figures, &c.—lOf in. by 8^ in. —1684 . 59 An Octagonal Box and Cover —5 in. by 5 in. —1685. 60 The Companion —1685 ...... 61 A Pair of Smaller Ditto — 3^ in. by 3£ in. —1684 . 62 An Octagonal Pincushion, on scroll feet—7| in. by 5| in. —1685 ....... 63 A Pair of Octagonal Toilet-Pots and Covers— 21, in high — maker's mark only .... 64 A Brush, with silver back— maker’s mark only ; and A Small Brush, with straight silver handle—a?? at 16 6 Cto 15 0jLr^ 15 4 6 15 oLc 5 oz. diet. 113 An Oval Soup-Tureen, Cover, Liner and Stand, with fluted and beaded borders, the handles chased with lions’ masks and scroll foliage, and with a figure of an elephant in high relief, on feet formed as winged sphinxes —by Paul Storr ..... 391 0 114 The Companion ...... Engraved with inscription —“ Presented to His Excellency the Hon. Frederic North, lade Governor of Ceylon, on his departure, by the unanimous vote of the civil, judicial and military servants of His Majesty, then at Colombo, as a mark of their high sense of his virtues and talents, and of attachment to his person.” 393 0 cL, 115 A Pair of Candelabra, on round stems chased with foliage, lion’s claws, and corded bands, and feet with borders of laurel foliage and figures of elephants in relief, with spiral branches for four lights each— 28 in. high ....... 347 Engraved with similar inscription 10 ¥ - 116 A King’s-Pattern Dessert-Service, consisting of— Twelve table-spoons Twenty-four dessert-spoons Twenty-four dessert-forks A pair of ice-spades } A pair of sugar and cream-ladles A pair of grape-scissors Four salt-spoons .... Also Twenty-four dessert-knives Twenty-four ditto, with steel blades, and Two metal-gilt nut-crackers —all at In mahogany case fitted with trays 158 0 13 117 A Massive Parcel-Gilt Fountain, with octagonal-shaped base, boldly chased with four groups of children holding an urn over shell-shaped dish, dolphins and bulrushes at the angles in high Lf —,, -~ relief, surmounted by a cupola supported on chased columns, and draped female figure bearing a vase above— 42 in. high — on ebonised plinth mounted with four silver-gilt plaques Written directions for the management will be given to the 'purchaser 118 A Long Looking-Glass Plateau, with or-molu border chased with vines, and gallery formed as flaming vases, with festoons of fruit and flowers—in five pieces—123 in. —in two oak cases 119 A Circular Ditto, with or-molu gallery pierced and chased with military trophies, laurel and oak wreaths, &c., and with four [ / _ ,, _ ^ , vases for flowers—40 in. diam.—in oak case Iona by 27 in. wide DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. r 4 ? 7 120 A LOUIS XIY. OBLONG GOLD BOX, the lid chased with Cupid leading a dog in a landscape, in border of gold inlaid with '' tortoiseshell, a second lid inside inlaid with a large oval enamel . ) painted with the portraits of a lady and gentleman, by Zincke \/lv-A 121 Admiral Sir Robert Sloper, K.C.B., miniature by R Cosway, ' r A._in gold locket frame engraved \vith-arms and set round ^^ with pearls . 122 Portrait of the Earl of Strafford, son of Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, temp Charles I., with curling hair and wearing ( o cuirass and lace collar, in landscape background : a small oval / miniature, by Samuel Cooper —signed, and dated 165^—mounted in open pendant of silver-gilt filigree work c * V" The following are the Property of A LAD Y OF RANK. JEWELS. C 7* S 2 - /5. /O SO ' 2 SS - * 123 A brooch, formed as a dragon-fly, set with black pearls and diamonds — , 124 A Scarf-Pin, with fine black pearl surrounded by brilliants 125 A Pair of Ear-Drops, each with a single brilliant 3*" cr-pt ■ 126 A SQUARE-SHAPED PENDANT, formed of a large emerald ~ in border of twelve brilliants, and with pearl drop and loop set with smaller brilliants 3 127 A BRACELET, with square centre, similar ta the pendant above, and set with small brilliants at the sides rSS'hl 128 A BRILLIANT HEAD ORNAMENT, formed as a waved band, elaborately set with numerous brilliants 'l 129 AN EMERALD AND BRILLIANT NECKLACE, imposed of fourteen fine graduated emeralds, each surrounded by bril¬ liants, and a brilliant connecting each cluster, and with three 7 pear-shaped emerald and brilliant pendants & CX~i OLD LACE. 2. CL & 6 s (* L+.L+ . IS-.. - « 3 } . / & 3. is //. // //. //. 130 Two long Maltese lace collars • a ditto lappet; and four small ditto , 131 A white Maltese lace shawl 132 A ditto deep flounce _r 133 A ditto shawl 0 u f/ 134 An Italian point flounce—8 yds. long by 6 in. yoide ; and three small pieces L3 0*^X1*— 135 A piece of Greek lace oto / 136 A piece of curious old lace—14 ft. long by 4 in. wide c ' cl37 A parasol cover, of old Irish tatting £138 A Black Chantilly Lace Flounce— 16 ft. long by 18 in. wide ; and a similar piece—12 ft. long, 18 in. wide 139 A Black Chantilly Lace Shawl 15 THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. 139a A Pair op Old English Lace Lappets —each 24 in. Iona —* / l A L ^ -./& • L - fo , f — // — * S-» 7 - >o —, U - D — '< — t-f- — /, — - Z 5 -> S -- >S _« 15b -„ - The following are the Property of A LADY , deceased . 141 A gold wire bracelet, with ruby and brilliant centre , 142 A Gold Brooch, with onyx cameo and intaglio heads, the border enamelled pale and dark blue, painted with flowers in colours 143 A Small Brooch and a Pair of Earrings, with cabochon rubies and brilliants 144 A Gold Band Bracelet, with four pearls and five brilliants t cxs t- 145 A Gold Wire Bracelet, with a cat’s-eye surmounted by 146 A Bar Brooch, with a fine Brazilian brilliant in the centre (weight 12 carats), and a smaller brilliant at each end ^ 147 A Flexible Gold Bracelet, with a large emerald surmounted by a double row of fine brilliants V fy cl ^ m ' 148 Another, with seven pearls and brilliants 149 A Pair of Pearl and Brilliant Cluster Eartops 150 A Set of Five Brilliant Stars, on tortoiseshej^hoop; and a gold frame to form tiara . / - _ _ _ 151 A Pair of Earrings, each with a large4ingle brilliant /'sL 152 A Pair of Earrings, with opals and brilliants / 153 A PAIR OF EARRINGS, each with one large and one smaller brilliant and pear-shaped pearl drop 154 A PEARL NECKLACE, FORMED OF FIVE ROWS WITH 197 PEARLS (averaging 13 to 14 grains), the ends set with brilliants 16 ANOTHER PROPERTY. ( 8 . -*V — 0«5L „ __ ' 1-55 A PAIR OF BRILLIANTS, of unusual size, mounted as earrings 155 a A NECKLACE, formed of 291 pearls in four rows, with lozenge- ;? o shaped pendant, formed of a large round pearl in border of brilliants, with large pear-shaped pearl drop ANOTHER PROPERTY. 155b A LOUIS XYI. GOLD BOX, of oval form, finely chased with ¥6~ /o a large subject of children at play on the lid, and four smaller subjects in compartments with altars between, and trophies in circular medallions decorated with applique moss agate, the borders chased with flowers and jewelled in colours CC. foSo THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. 156 A NECKLACE FORMED OF THIRTY-FIVE FINE GRADUATED PEARLS and thirty-four diamond discs with ' t —*' faceted borders, and with clasp formed of a large emerald surrounded by brilliants (fl*. — THE PROPERTY OF A LADY . ~ $ —* —/ 157 A Half-Hoop Brilliant Bracelet, with rosette centre JSL . _^.58 A Gold Bracelet, with a large brilliant and six smaller stones cLo ^ _^159 The Companion oLo 160 A Brilliant Necklace, with numerous flower-pattern and drop pendants C~C^j 161 Another, formed as a wreath of foliage with ribbon centre, and /inr~'< grey pearl drop js—* - FINIS. London: Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Croee. **. t ' ■ >. - ■ • • ■ , , d j . - 'I • . . 1 1 . • V Mk ■ ,. ■ • > ARCH INS 3 3125 01074 5707