Ulrich Middeldorf / > RHYMES ON ART OR, THE 3^emott0trance OF A PAINTER. S. GosNELL, Printer, Little Queen Street, Holborn. %^mt3 on M ; OR, THE KEMONSTMANCE OF J PAINTER: IN TWO PARTS. WITH NOTES, AND A PREFACE, INCLUDING STRICTURES ON THE STATE OF THE ARTS, CRITICISM, PATRONAGE, AND PUBLIC TASTE. BY MARTIN ARCHER SHEE, R. A, Quis leget haec ? Nemo hercule, nemo. Persiu», Sat. I. The Muse desponding, strikes her lyre in vain. She finds no ear at leisure for the strain ; Art's toiling sons their slighted stores unfold. Each eye is vacant, and each heart is cold. Part II. LONDON : PBINTED FOR H. EBERS, SUCCESSOR TO THE LATE JOHN KERBY, 33, OLD BOND STREET, CORNER OF STAFFORD STREET. 1805. PREFACE. Few writers have the confidence to appear before the public for the first time^ without attempting in some degree to excuse or account for their intrusion. Why do you pubb'sh ? is a question ahvays anticipated from the reader; and to answer or evade it is most commonly the business of the preface. To speak^ indeed^ with propriety, either from the press or the rostrum, requires qualifications from nature and education, which, perhaps, it is some degree of arrogance to suppose we possess. He, therefore, who voluntarily presents himself in the character of an author. Who dares ask public audience of mankind should be sensible that he gives a proof of confi- dence in his own powers, which both occasions, and * Young, a vi authorizes an examination of them^ that no deprecating introduction can, or ought to pre- vent. If he will start from the crowd, jump on the literary pedestal, and put himself in the atti- tude of Apollo, he has no right to complain if his proportions are examined with rigour ; if com- parisons are drawn to his disadvantage ; or if, on being found glaringly defective, he is hooted down from a station which he has so unnecessarily and injudiciously assumed. A conviction of this perhaps, it is, which has so often occasioned young writers to assure the public with great eagerness, that they have come forward with reluctance ; that they have been, as it were, thrust upon the stage, under all the em- barrassment of conscious incapacity and anxious trepidation. In the hope of disarming censure by diffidence, and obviating the imputation of pre- sumption, it became a kind of established etiquette for a virgin muse to bind up her blushes in an introductory bouquet, and present them to the reader as an offering of humility and conciliation. But the good sense of the present day has in a great measure exploded, as idle and impertinent, this species of literary prudery. Whatever a writer may profess, praise or profit will always be 4 vii considered his real motive ; and when he has once overcome his feelings so far as to venture upon the public stage, if his other merits are only in proportion to his modesty, he will find that he has overrated his pretensions. An author should disdain to fight under false colours, or owe his security to any thing but his strength ; his object is not to escape with impu- nity, but to acquit himself with credit ; and it can neither provoke his fate, nor prejudice his recep- tion, to avow honestly, that he has more ambition than prudence ; that he pants for distinction, and pursues it at the hazard of disgrace. His valour, surely, is not much to be respected who cries out " Quarter !" on coming into the field. Under the impression of these sentiments, the author of the following little work would have sent it in silence to its fate, if the evident incom- pletion of the design proposed in the first page of it did not require some explanation ; he would have dropped his bantling at the public door with- out a word, but for some strong marks of mutila- tion, for which, that his offences may not expe- a 2 viii rieiice unnecessary aggravation^ he thinks it pru- dent to account. It is proper, therefore, to state to the reader, that the following pages include the first book of a poem in four books, written on the subject of painting, in which, more particularly, the early progress of the student is attempted to be illus- trated and encouraged. But though the author has found some plea- sure in the composition of his work, he is not quite convinced that the public would participate in that sensation if he submitted it to their perusal. How far such an article of his manufac- ture may be acceptable in the market, he confesses he is unable to determine ; and although he has received some favourable intimations from his friends on that head, yet he lays but little stress on assurances so often found to be fallacious. Before he obtrudes upon the public, therefore, with a more extensive publication, he wishes to ascertain, in some degree, how far he may be qualified for his subject, and how far his subject may be suited to the taste of the time. As an experiment to these ends, and as affording an opportunity of touching on some points connected ix with the present state of the arts^ he has been in- duced to publish the first book of his intended work, with some additions necessary to its inde- pendent appearance. Though, with respect to his general plan, it may be acting somewhat like the man who put a brick in his pocket, in order to enable a purchaser to form a judgment of his house, yet he offers the present production as a fair sample of the com- modity he deals in ; he sends it up as a small bal- loon, to ascertain the current of air before he com- mits himself to the mercy of the elements in his larger and more hazardous machine. It happens conveniently enough for this pur- pose, that the portion of his work now published admits of being detached from the remainder with- out any great violence, as it is not so much a part of his plan, as an introduction to it ; and contains also, a remonstrance in favour of pursuits which unfortunately, have been latterly but little distin- guished by public notice or protection. It is here, indeed, that the author feels more particularly in- terested ; — that the collateral subject has gained upon the principal ; — that the incidental has super- seded the direct. It is here, that he could wish a 3 X himself possessed of powers adequate to what he conceives the importance of his theme. Every person interested for the fine arts^ or concerned for the reputation of his country, must perceive with more than regret at the present mo- ment a growing disregard to the fate of the one, which cannot fail materially to affect the splendour of the other. All patriotic interest in the cultiva- tion of British genius appears to be at an end ; those who should be the patrons of artists have ceased to be even their employers ; cedant arma togae" — the painter gives way to the picture-dealer:, they who possess taste are indifferent, and they who pretend to it are hostile. This general blight of the field is the more to be lamented, as, though the season has been cold and the crop unsheltered, yet the harvest pro- mised to be abundant. ^ In sanctioning the establishment of the Royal Academy, and graciously condescending to place himself at its head, his Majesty has done much to promote the interests of the arts in his dominions, and has displayed a beneficent desire to recommend them to attention and respect. Although the contracted scale of that institution, and its de- xi pendance for support on the exertions of its mem- bers^ necessarily exclude many of the advantages which otherwise might be expected to result from it, yet, had the distinguished honour conferred upon it, in this instance, been seconded by the sensibility of the public, and the generous patronage of our nobility and men of fortune, enough might have been effected to reflect credit on the gene- rosity, as well as the genius of the nation. But, unfortunately, the august example set by the Throne has not had the influence which might have been expected ; and while the artists of Great Britain maintain by the profits of their united labours, an institution, from which their country derives both credit and advantage, they are them- selves neglected, unsupported, and unemployed. In the general apathy which prevails, upon this subject, and the consequences which must unavoidably ensue, there is more to be regretted than is included in the mere fate of the artist or the art : there is something to affect more general interests — to excite the reflections of the politician, as \vell as the feelings of the man of taste, and to implicate seriously the reputation of the country. Whatever may be the power or prosperity of a state, whatever the accumulations of her wealth, a 4 xli or the splendour of her triumphs^ to her intellec- tual attainments must she look for rational estima- tion ; on her arts must she depend " For living dignity and deathless fame." They are the vital principle — the breathing soul of empire, which, after its cumbrous body has de- cayed, — after it has shaken off the mortal coil" of greatness, survives in spiritual vigour through- out the long futurity of time. What now of all that Rome or Athens grac'd ? In war or conquest — wealth or splendour plac'd ; Their gods^-^their godlike heroes — princes^ powers, ''^ Imperial triumphs, and time-braving towers ? What now of all that social life refin'd, ^' Subdu'd, — enslav'd — or civiliz'd mankind ? What ROW remains ? — save what the Muse imparts. Relate their ruins, or unfold their arts." Their influence indeed has been acknowledged in all ages ; and their interests have been protected in all countries, in proportion as man became more enlightened, and the principles of society have been better understood. " Sunt lacrymae rerum, et mentem mortalia tangunt." The present, and the future, are alike within the grasp of their power ; they humanize the tempers of the living, and they perpetuate the memory of the dead. They are the crystals of immortality, in which all the forms of greatness are imperishably fixed to gratify the wondering eye of time. xiii . If there be a nation in which we might expect more particularly to behold their powers protected with public solicitude^ and their advancement a general concern , — it is Great Britain ; for what other state has such a treasure of reputation to confide to their charge? — such triumphs to transmit — such heroes to commemorate ? Where shall we find in such glittering abundance the materials of renown? Had the ancients possessed them? had Greece or Rome, in the zenith of their glory, been able To boast the heroes, statesmen, bards divme. That bright in Albion's happier annals shine ! What wondrous works had grateful taste essay'd ! ^' What monumental miracles display 'd ! *^ What trophied arches — temples taught to rise ! What sculptur'd columns proudly pierc'd the skies ! " What, art achiev'd l^what rocks to statues sprung ! What climes had echo'd, and what paeans rung !" In Great Britain, however, the fine arts seem never to have been viewed by the public as a national object, nor to have experienced from the state that paternal protection, which less prosperous countries have been forward to bestow^. We * In the Academic Correspondence, for 1803 (a work for which the members of the Royal Academy are highly indebted to the liberal zeal and ability of Mr. Hoare, their Professor of Foreign Correspondence, and the regular continuation of which, U is to be hoped, will be encouraged and assisted by every xiv have been always cold, and at the present moment we are unkind to their interests. Whether we shall be characterized hereafter as a people no less polished in peace, than powerful in war ; no less distinguished for our pre-eminence in taste, than our superiority in trade ; or whether we shall relapse into rudeness, and revive by our insensibility the sarcasms of our enemies ; are considerations which seem to be of no importance at present with any class of society ; and there is much reason to fear, that, after having, by ex- traordinary efforts, wrested the palms from the means within the reach of that establishment), we find the following communication from the Secretary of the Imperial Academy of Petersburg : The munificence of our sovereigns is unquestionably the most solid and infallible support that can be found for the advancement of our artists. Influenced by this principle^his Majesty the reigning Emperor has deigned not only to increase the salaries of the professors and other persons em- ployed in the Academy, but still further to extend his bounty, by lately appropriating, for the maintenance of this institution, the annual sum of 146,000 rubles, instead of sixty thousand, for- merly assigned for that purpose, and by moreover adding the yearly sum of 1 0,000 rubles, for the payment of those artists whose works shall be judged worthy of adorning the public institutions." And in another part of the same communication we find the following passage : " The Academy has had the advantage of experiencing a fresh proof of his Majesty the Emperor's favour, by seeing several of its members recently decorated with various orders of the empire." XV hands of our competitors^ they will be suffered, for want of commom care and shelter, to wither in our grasp. Many circumstances have co-operated to deprive the artist even of those inadequate resources, which the active spirit of trade, and the scanty remains of patronage, had lately afforded to him . The dis- orders of the continent in particular, have cut up his interests, with a double edge of operation ; for while they disconcerted all those commercial spe- culations, through which he might have expected employment from the printseller, they also oc- casioned such an inundation of foreign art to be poured upon us, as at once swept away all his hopes of encouragement from the patron. Our arts, indeed, have experienced the fate which was denounced against our liberties — they have been invaded from every port upon the continent, — overrun by a posse of picture- dealers ; and yet we have seen no defence hills passed for their pro- tection — no patriotic funds appropriated to their use — no voluntary offers of service tendered through- out the districts of Taste : dangerous principles have spread in their very camp of defence, and all the corps of criticism are disaffected : our connois- seurs are become catamarans to blow up our own pretensions; and even the small craft of critics xvi are proud to shew the colours of the enemy, and cruise against us on our own coasts. The superior wealth of this country, and the al- most incredible prices paid here for some celebrated collections, set in motion the trading tribes of Taste in every corner of Europe ; a general rum- mage took place for our gratification ; all the ma- nufacturers of originals — the coiners of antiques — the dryers, smokers, and stainers, of the wor- shipful company of Ciceroni, were put in requisi- tion to supply the voracity of our appetite : all rushed eagerly with their commodities to so pro- fitable a market ; and he was more than an unlucky traveller who could not turn his tour to account, and pick up a Titian, or a Corregio on his road. Thus, has the nation been glutted with pictures of every description and quality, from the best that genius can boast, to the worst that fraud can manufacture ; until all the wealth of individuals disposable for the objects of virti^i has been diverted into channels from which our native arts can derive no adv^antage. Who will now risk his property, or implicate his taste, in the hopeless encouragement of living talents ? when he may increase the one, and esta- xvii blish the other, by purchasing pictures of acknow- ledged reputation and ascertained value ? Thus circumstanced, the arts of the country have no resource left, but in the liberality — in the policy of the state ; and unless some public exer- tion be made in their favour, they must sink under difficulties which neither zeal, industry, nor genius can withstand. When it is considered, at what a trifling charge all the great objects which usually result from an enlightened national patronage of the arts might be obtained ; it seems scarcely credible, that a people, generous to prodigality in every other department of expense, should, in this instance, betray a par- simony, as ungracious as it is ineffectual. Can it be thought consistent with the liberality, the dig- nity, the glory, or the sound and comprehensively understood interests of this great empire, to re- main the only example of a civilized nation, in- different to those softeners of human life, those refiners of the rough and drossy ore of humanity, the support and protection of which have been, in all ages and countries, amongst the primary objects of the politician and the pliilosopher ? Shall it be said of Britain, that from the millions supplied by her industry and wealth to answer the exigencies xviii of the state for all the purposes of power and commerce, not a guinea can be spared, to promote her moral ascendancy — her intellectual triumphs ; to save her arts from utter extinction, or to co- operate with those praiseworthy efforts, which oppressed and desponding individuals have made with such perseverance and success ? In vain, however, will it be expected, that they can main- tain the honourable position they have taken, if timely succours are not afforded to them ; if the spirited sallies of genius are not seconded by those resources of vigour and defence, which the state only can effectually supply ; and which the peculiar desertion of all the ordinary powers of support has rendered indispensable to their very existence. It is a mistake unworthy of an enlightened government, to conceive that the arts, left to the influence of ordinary events, turned loose upon society, to fight and scramble, in the rude and revolting contest of coarser occupations, can ever arrive at that perfection which contributes so ma- terially to the permanent glory of a state. This is the true handicraft consideration of the subject — the warehouse wisdom of a dealer and chapman, who would make the artist a manufac- turer, and measure his works by the yard. The xix arts treated commercially^ — intrusted to that vul- gar and inadequate impression of their importance, which is to be found in the mass of society, never did, and never can flourish in any country. The principle of trade, and the principle of the arts, are not only dissimilar, but incompatible. Profit is the impelling power of the one — praise, of the other. Employment is the pabulum vitce of the first — encouragement, of the last. These terms are synonymous in the ordinary avocations of life ; but in the pursuits of taste and genius, they differ as widely in meaning as coldness, from kindness — as the sordid commerce of mechanics, from the liberal intercourse of gentlemen. Wherever the fine arts have been carried to any extraordinary degree of perfection, we find these observations corroborated. Amongst the ancients or the modems, in Greece, in Italy, or in France under Louis the Fourteenth, it was neither the agency of the commercial spirit, nor even the more congenial operation of private patronage, that kindled those lights of genius which irradiate with such splendour the hemisphere of Taste. The spark was struck by a collision more exalted. — The impulse was given from above — from all that was powerful in the state, respecting all that was ingenious in the time ; attending with solicitude to the birth of Ability, fostering and invigorating the first struggles of his weakness, — stimulating and rewarding the utmost exertions of his strength — setting an example of homage to Genius, which rescued him from the ever ready contumely of vulgar greatness, and taught him to respect himself* Noble and national objects are not to be effected by common and contracted means : the stimulus must ever be in proportion to the exertion required ; and they must be themselves honoured, who are expected to do honour to their country. What re- sults can be looked for, from the desponding struggles of genius in a state which shews such dis- regard to the cultivation of her arts, as not to em-^ ploy a thought on their influence, or even hazard an experiment for their protection ? The effects likely to be produced in this coun- try, by the animating powers of national patron- age, cannot be calculated, because we have had as yet no experience to govern our conclusions ; but there is the strongest reason to believe, that if the field of Taste were properly protected — care- fully fenced off from the common of life, it would not prove A soil ungrateful to the tiller's care." Dryden. xxi Without any adequate assistance^ nay, ob- structed and oppressed by circumstances peculiarly hostile to their interests, the arts of England have already advanced beyond our hopes, and taken precedence of their age. What may we not there- fore anticipate from their exertions, if they shall be so fortunate as to experience those inspiring proofs of public estimation, which, in all former instances, have been essential to their existence ? Surely, in concerns of this kind, there can be no room for the considerations of petty economy — for the demurrings of estimate and calculation : — there is an expense which enriches and adorns a state, — -and an economy which impoverishes and degrades it. The one is the enlightened policy of the merchant connected with the commerce of the world ; who, calculating on the broad scale of profit and loss, comprehends remote advantages, combines complicated operations, and pours out his funds with apparent profusion, through a thou- sand outlets of hazardous adventure, — secure in the general result of his principles, and calmly tracing the progress of his interests through all their cir- cuitous channels of return : the other is the short- sighted solicitude of the pedlar, whose ideas are confined to his counter ; who, incapable of gene- ralized views, or extended operations, sees not be- A xxii yond the first links of vulgar advantage ; but casting up in his terrified imagination the paltry items of daily disbursement, suffers the apprehen- sions of expense to overcome the hopes of profit, till he has neither understanding to speculate nor spirit to adventure. It is the policy of a great nation to be liberal and magnificent ; to be free of her rewards, splen- did in her establishments, and gorgeous in her public works. These are not the expenses that sap and mine the foundations of public prosperity ; that break in upon the capital, or lay waste the income of a state : they may be said to arise in her most enlightened views of general advantage ; to be amongst her best and most profitable specula- tions: they produce large returns of respect and consideration from our neighbours and compe- titors—of patriotic exultation amongst ourselves : they make men proud of their country, and from priding in it — prompt in its defence : they play upon all the chords of generous feeling — elevate us above the animal and the machine, and make us triumph in the powers and attributes of man. ^ The examples of her taste and genius, — the monuments of her power and glory — all the me- morials of her magnificence, are, to a great state. xxiii what his dress and equipage are to a great man^-— necessary to his rank^ and becoming his dignity ; but amongst the more trifling charges of his esta- blishment. What expense can be more gracious — more be- coming — more popular? can tend more directly " to bless him that giveth, and him who receiveth/' than that which is directed to adorn and dignify our country, — which does honour to her valour and her virtue, — which calls forth the energies of her genius, and directs them to the celebration of her fame ? Are these objects of less consequence than the erection of a public office, or the widening of a street? Do they appeal with less force to " men's business and bosoms," to their pleasures or their pride ? But were they even as trifling as they can be proved to be important, the means of attain- ment they require form an object too small for the eye of national economy. A drop from the ocean of our expenditure would sufficiently impregnate the powers of taste, in a country naturally prolific in every department of genius. As far as the interference of the government would be required, every thing necessary, or even A 2 xxlv expedient, to the liberal patronage of arts and ar- tists in this powerful and wealthy empire might be effected at an expense amounting to little more than the perquisites of a clerk in office, or the pension of a superannuated envoy. To impress these sentiments on the minds of the few who may be led to look into this little volume — to stir with his pebble the slumbering lake of public feeling, on the subject of the arts, has been a strong motive for the author's publica- tion at the present moment. He has long delayed, in the hope that superior powers would advocate the cause — that some abler hand would own, derived immediately from Nature ; drawn pure from the fountain^ without passing through those ducts and channels of intermediate communication, which always tinge the stream, and betray the soil through which it flows. His path of art was before him tin- opened, and it appears to have closed after him. But wliile his works remain to be consulted, Britain may confidently boast of having produced one of those distinguished spirits, those daring navigators of the intellectual ocean, who launch boldly forth in quest of new discoveries, and bring home unexpected treasures from territories before unknown. Yet notwithstanding the reputation which Hogarth, during the latter part of his life, enjoyed, he .had much reason to complain of that coldness and neglect, which so frequently depress the vi- 5 16 Sad o'er his grave^ regardless of the storni^ The weeping Woodman bends his toil-worn form ; 135 His dog half-conscious hears his master mourn. Looks in his furrow'd face, and whines forlorn. gour of genius, and disgrace the sensibility of taste. Poets and painters are, generally speaking, estimated with little justice while they live ; they may be said to stand in their own light ; to inter- cept, as it were, the eye of the critic, who cannot discover the merits of their works till the authors are removed from his view. " Le tems," says a French writer of the Lives of the Painters, " qui est I'arbitre de la reputation des artistes, ne pent en augmenter la valeur, qu'apres avoir soumis a sa puissance, celui qui en est I'objet : dans la peinture plus qu'on tout autre genrer on est, pendant sa vie, son propre rival." The Marriage a-Ia-Mode, that celebrated series of pictures now in the collection of Mr. Angerstein, affords a striking in- stance of the supercilious indifference with which the connoisseur too often allows himself to regard the happiest productions of his day, Altliough a work possessing the most valuable qualities of art ; as moral in design, as masterly in execution ; striking Vice irresistibly in. her strong holds of fashionable dissipation, and compressing the experience of a life to a compendium of instruc- tive example, the Marriage a-la-Mode found no purchaser amongst its admirers, and Hogarth was reduced to the mortifying neces- sity of attempting to procure by a raffle that reward for his la- bours, which the generosity, if not the justice of taste, ought to have conferred upon him. 17 There too, Lavinia her swellM heart relieves In grateful tears, and for her patron grieves ; His model now^ no more — no more to share 140 The picture's triumph, or the painter's care. But even this expedient failed of success ; the prize was not sufficiently attractive to excite the spirit of adventure, and for a sum too contemptible to be named, a Mr. Lane, whose taste in this instance was amply rewarded by his good fortune, became the proprietor of a work which merits to be considered an orna- ment to the noblest collection. Though as the dramatist of art, as a satirist exposing by his pen- cil the vices of his time, Hogarth may be said to have left behind him no legitimate successor; yet in the display of broader cha- racter and lighter humour, his place has been ably supplied by an artist now living, and it is to be hoped, likely long to remain amongst us. With talents distinguished in the higher sphere of art, Mr. Smirke has, on various occasions, displayed such proofs of comic ability as entitle hira to the praise of original humour; and his illustrations of the Arabian Nights Entertainments shew a picturesque fancy, a power of characteristic expression, which rank him among the ablest artists of his age. Line 132. The cottage group their Gainsborough bemoan.~\ — This excellent artist, (whose pastoral subjects, and peculiar representa- tions of rural scenery, raise him to a competition with Murillio and Hobbima) is said, in some of his walks about the neighbourhood of London, to have been particularly struck with the family of a cottager, from which he was supplied with some of his most c ]8 But lo ! where Reynolds lies, without a stone To mark his grave, or make his relics known ; No pomps of death the pious eye engage. No trophies testify a grateful age ; 145 No sculptur'd lays of love memorial flow, To indicate the hallow'd dust below : But he, whose genius rais'd his country's name, Refin'd her taste, and led her arts to fame ; Whose powers unrivalFd Envy's self disarmed, 150 Whose pen instructed, and whose pencil charm'd ; He, summon'd hence, submits to nature's doom, And sleeps unhonour'd in a nameless tomb. Yet nobler trophies sooth his hovering shade, Than e'er sepulchral pageantry display'd : 1^5 picturesque models of children ; and to which he, during the remainder of his life, shewed much kindness and protection. In his Lavinia, the Girl and Pigs, Children by a Cottage Fire, &c. there are characters of affecting simplicity and rural beauty, which nature only could have supplied, and taste and sensibility selected. Line 135. The creeping Woodman^ &c.] — The picture of the Woodman and his Dog in a Storm, is equally known and admired. Line 155. Than eer sepulchral, &c.] — Surely, no character in society can have stronger claims to all the honours of the sepul- chre, than he whose taste has contributed to render them credit- able to the present age, and interesting to posterity. While 19 Genius, like Egypt's monarchs timely wise, Constructs his own memorial ere he dies; Leaves his best image in his works enshrin'd. And makes a mausoleum of mankind. Hail, star of art! by whose instinctive ray i6o Our boreal lights were kindled into day ; Reynolds ! where'er thy radiant spirit flies, By seraphs welcom'd ^midst acclaiming skies ; grateful to the valour that defends us, ought we to neglect the virtue that improves, and the genius that exalts us ? Can he be more reasonably said to die in the service of his country, who lays down his life in the field, than he who exhausts it in the pur- suits of science, or devotes it to the interests of morality ? The subalterns in arts as well as in arms, must doubtless be content to pass away unhonoured and unknown ; but the distinguished leaders in each pursuit have equal claims to immortality ; and while the soldier, and the sailor, are commemorated with all the zeal of public gratitude, the sage, the bard, and the artist, should not be forgotten. But it is the pride and boast of genius, to confer immortality ra- ther than to receive it. Masonia is known by her poet, Urbino by her painter ; and Britain will derive honour and consequence from the name and genius of Reynolds, when many of those to whose deserts she has been more munificent will be remembered, only in their monuments. C 2 20 Whether by friendship fondly led to rove. With Learning's sons in some elysian grove, 165 Where moral Johnson, bright in all her beams. To listening angels treats celestial themes; Or join'd by him, the sage whose reverend form Was seen amidst the tumalt of the storm. High waving Wisdom's sacred flag unfurl'd, 170 In awful warning to a frantic world. Prophetic Burke ; thou share the patriot glow, To mark Britannia's bright career below. To see her time-built throne unshaken stand. And law and order triumph through the land : 175 Line 168. Or joined by hirriy &c.]] — Alluding to the intimate friendship which subsisted for many years between Sir Joshua Reynolds, Dr. Johnson, and Edmund Burke, the three great lu- minaries of their age in literature, politics, and art ; and to each of whom we may with more than ordinary propriety apply the lines of Virgil : " Dum juga montis aper, fluvios dum piscis amabit, Dumque thymo pascentur apes, dum rore cicadas Semper honos, nomenque tuum laudesque manebunt*.*' * The author understands, that, despairing of any national or public tribute to the memory of Reynolds, his relatives have determined to pro- cure the erection of a monument at their own expense. Mr. Flaxman is said to be the sculptor appointed ; and from that able artist something may be expected worthy of his subject, and suitable to his reputation. 21 Whether on Titian's golden pinion borne, BathM in the bloom of heaven's immortal monij Thou sunward take thy sympathetic flight. To sport amidst the progeny of light ; Or rapt to thy lov'd Buonaroti's car, i8o ^Midst epic glories flaming from afar, With him, in awful frenzy fir'd to rove The regions of sublimity above, Seize Grandeur's form, astride the lightning's blast. On death's dark verge, or danger's summit cast : 185 Immortal spirit ! lo ! her virgin lays. The Muse to thee an humble tribute pays ; A muse unknown, unequal to aspire, A truant from the pencil to the lyre 3 Alternate cool'd, and kindled to a blaze, 1 90 As fear, or fancy, whisper blame or praise 5 Who, though she oft has mark'd, with moral aim. The harpies hovering o'er the feast of Fame ; Has heard, in hollow sounds with awe impress'd. The nightmare moanings of Ambition's breast ; 195 Yet touch'd to rapture oft, her thrilling soul Through all its chords, aspiring thoughts control ; And, fondly musing o'er what time may crown. She feeds wild hopes in visions of renown. No rhyming parasite of travell'd pride. She courts no coxcomb from the Tyber's side ; c 3 200 22 Suborns no pedant from the critic throng. No mock Maecenas supplicates in song ; x From all that meanness courts, that pride reveres. She asks no sanction, and no censure fears ; 205 Or sink, or soar, on her own strength relies. And scorns the flatterer's passport to the skies. But lend a ray of thy peculiar light. Guide of her art, and guardian of her flight ! Through Nature's paths conduct her doubtful way, 210 Nor let a thought unworthy stain the lay. Of all th' adventurous spirits who disdain To plod in dull content, life's level plain. The painter only, with the poet dares An equal flight, and combats equal cares ; 2*15 Alike aloft, their arduous progress lies. O'er shoreless seas, amid unshelter'd skies; Where, dread expanse ! fierce-driving tempests blow, And only genius shuns the gulf below : Where fools half fluttering and half floating still, 220 Who flounder on against Apollo's will. Become the general jest, the vulgar game. And sink at last beneath a weight of shame. Who boldly then the common track depart, Toil after fame, and take the paths of art ; 225 23 Ye finer souls ! in Fancy's eye who see Whatever young hopes, and sanguine hearts decree ; While yet unspell'd, unplighted you remain. Pause, ere you join the art-enamour'd train ; Line 229. Pause, ere you join, &c.J — The choice of a profession is always a subject of serious consideration. To fix on the path in which we are to travel through life, which is to lead us to fame, to fortune, and to happiness, is a decision we are called upon to make at the outset of our career, though demanding a degree of judgment and experience, seldom attained before the end of it. The wisdom of our parents may indeed assist us to select one of the many avocations, in which industry, prudence, and plain sense only are required : whether a youth shall be made a farmer or a mechanic, a merchant or a manufacturer, may be easily determined by motives of mere convenience, without any scrupu- lous investigation of his powers, or attention to his propensities. Common qualities are sufficient for such employments ; they may descend, as they do in China, from father to son, through different generations, without any danger to the necessary stock of ability. But with respect to the professions which are con- nected with genius and taste, the case is different : in these, in- terest and inclination rarely coincide; our parents are seldom competent to assist our choice ; for, generally speaking, they are either ignorant of the qualities required to excel, or so prejudiced as to suppose we possess them. Left, therefore, to our ov/n guidance, and actuated by what is commonly considered the impulse of nature, we should anxiously endeavour to ascertain the C4 24 Consult your powers, the fancied passion prove, 230 Nor transient liking take, for lasting love ; The nymph once wedded, you repent too late. To change your fortune, or to check your fate; precise direction in which that impulse may most effectually operate ; for if we mistake or misapply our powers, the error is irretrievable, and the consequence fatal. Adventurers in poetry and painting are a kind of intellectual desperados ; they may be said to go on the forlorn hope of life, from which few are found to escape with safety or reputation. How necessary, therefore, to deliberate, before we proceed in so hazardous an expedition ! before we embark on a service, in which failure is not only disap- pointment, but disgrace ; at once condemning us to poverty, and exposing us to contempt. *< Of all vain fools with coxcomb talents curs'd. Bad poets and bad painters are the worst." Yet how shall we distinguish between genius and inclination ? With what line shall we sound our capacity, so as to discover the extent of its powers, and find out the proper channel in which they should be directed ? Whether we are inspired by genius, or possessed by vanity, is to be ascertained by a long and painful process only, and unhappily the prime of life is lost in the experiment. In the arts, the most flattering indications of talent are often found to be fallacious; gleams of ability frequently brighten the first years of study, which afterwards prove to have been false lights, tending only to render the subsequent darkness more conspicuous. There 25 When time shall tinge her beauties in your sight. And all seem labour which was once delight ; 235 From hope^s fond dreams unwillingly awake. When slow conviction whispers your mistake ; is a kind of superficial ingenuity, well calculated to take the lead in drawing-schools, and academies, which, assuming all the airs of genius, often passes for that quality amongst inaccurate ob- servers : but this glittering tinsel kind of talent, rarely attains to eminence ; it belongs more to the hand than the head ; and most commonly ends in a manufacture of mannered insipidity, and un- feeling mechanism. But if it be thus dijfficult for the student to estimate with accu- racy the extent of his abilities for the fine arts, it is doubly in- cumbent on him, at least to ascertain the strength of his attach- ment to them ; let him beware lest, as the text observes, " He transient liking take for lasting love lest his disposition to painting should prove but the fickle avidity of a child, who, this moment seizes his plaything with rapture, and the next throws it from him with disgust. Enthusiasm, though not always a sign of genius, is always essential to excellence ; nothing great or elevated in poetry or painting was ever produced without it : it is the only quality which can enable the mind to surmount the obstructions of difficulty, and support the pressure of disappointment. A strong love for the art is always good security for a steady ap- plication to it ; and without steady unremitting application, the best opportunities are lost, and the best abilities unavail- J 26 Then, shall you wish some less adventurous aim Had fix'd you safe below the cares of fame; To some obscure mechanic toil had sway'd 240 Or left you humbly diligent in trade ; ing. — The young votary of art should, therefore, look into his own mind with attention, and examine its dispositions ; he should contemplate the profession he is about to adopt, not only in its pleasures but in its pains ; in its defeats as well as its successes. Let him reflect, that what has hitherto captivated him, as the amusement of his leisure, must now become the serious occupa- tion of his life, losing (like all serious occupations) much of its agreeable character in the obligation by which he is bound to it : demanding an attention undivided, a patience inexhaustible, and a perseverance steady and energetic, under every change of hu- mours, seasons, and situations. If, on this candid examination, he finds not in his breast a passion for the art that rises superior to remonstrance, that cannot calculate consequences, or compro- mise with prudence; if he can balance advantages, if he can doubt or hesitate, let him be assured that his call is not genuine ; let him lay aside his pencil, and forbear to toil in a pursuit for which he wants the most essential qualification : which can tend * " Soyez plutot ma9on, si c'est votre talent Ouvrier estime dans une art necessaire Qu'ccrivain du commun et poete vulgaire." BOILEAU. 27 While foil'd ambition weeps his wasted prime, And disappointment drags the load of time. To gain th' immortal wreath of art requires. Whatever of worth, or Muse, or Grace inspires; 245 Whatever man, of heav'n, or earth, obtains. Through mental toil, or mere mechanic pains ; A constant heart, by Nature's charms impress'd. An ardour, ever burning in the breast; A zeal for truth, a power of thought intense; 250 A fancy, flowering on the stems of sense ; A mem'ry, as the grave retentive, vast; That holds to rise again, th' imprison'd past; A feeling, strong, instinctive, active, chaste ; The thrilling electricity of taste; 255 That marks the muse on each resplendent part. The seal of nature, on the acts of art ; An eye, to bards alone and painters given, A frenzied orb, reflecting earth and heaven ; Commanding all creation at a glance, 260 And ranging Possibility's expanse ; A hand, with more than magic skill endow'd. To trace Invention's visions as they crowd; only to unfit him for common enjoyments, and expose him to all the misery of disappointed hopes and mortified pretensions. 2S Embody thoughts beyond the poet's skill, And pour the eloquence of art at will ; 265 ^Bove all_, a dauntless soul to persevere, , Though mountains rise, though Alps on Alps appear; Though Poverty present her meagre form. Though patrons fail, and Fortune frown a storm. O! rare assemblage ! rich amount of mind ! 270 Collective light of intellect refin'd ! Scarce once an age from Nature's niggard hands Bestow'd on man, yet such the Muse demands; Such, where'er found, let grateful states hold dear. Reward them wisdom, wealth and rank revere. 275 Line 275. Reward them (wisdom, ^wealth and rank re'vere.2 — Great talents, when directed to improve and adorn society, can never be too highly esteemed, nor too conspicuously distinguished. Men of genius are seldom mercenary: as the qualities which characterize them are above all price, so money alone, however necessary to their wants, can never be considered the adequate reward of their exertions* They require and deserve a nobler recompense ; the homage of wisdom and virtue ; the respect of their own times, and the re- gard of posterity. There is no other description of subjects, from which a state can derive so much reputation, at so little expense. They are the pillars of its present dignity, and the foundations of its future 29 Alas! how many cast of meaner mould, Life's common clods, we every day behold, In evil moment to the Muse aspire. Degrade the pencil, and abuse the lyre ; Persisting toil, by no one talent grac'd, 280 And rot like fungi on the field of Taste, What plumeless bards still pine as poetasters I What graphic dunces drop to drawing-masters ! fame. The acts of heroes live only in the enterprises of mind, and Csesar's pen has done more to immortalize him than his sword. Men of genius are luminous points on the great disk of society, which shine even after the sun of power and prosperity has withdrawn its beams, and rescue the nations they adorn, from total darkness in the long eclipse of time. Commerce may make a people rich, and power may render them formidable : in the one case, they excite envy without admira- tion, in the other, fear without respect. But exploits of intellect only, can secure that genuine estimation, that grateful homage of the heart, w^hich it is almost as honourable to pay as to receive. The powers of genius consecrate the claims of greatness, invest wealth with dignity, and add veneration to submission. Line 284. What graphic dunces drop to dranjuing-masters I'} — To teach an art, even in its rudiments, must always be con- sidered an honourable occupation ; and the preceptor in drawing, if he be competent to his office, has a just claim to esteem amongst thosfe who devote themselves to communicate agreeable 5 30 Blockheads pursu'd through every nobler shape, 285 In miniature take refuge, and escape. But chief, all you whom vulgar thirst of gain Degrading sways, the graphic fount refrain ; talents, or useful knowledge. But unfortunately, we too often find, that the drawing-master himself wants the instruction he pretends to give to others ; and that (however paradoxical it may- appear) an incapacity to learn his art, has made him a teacher of it. Though some professors of eminence have occasionally un- dertaken the task of tuition ; yet, in general, artists of talent will not submit to the drudgery of such an employment : hence the greater number of those who would add to their other accom- plishments a little skill in the fine arts, are obliged to apply to persons but ill qualified to direct them, and become rather per- verted than improved. They lose the light of natural understand- ing in the mist of imaginary knowledge, and confound the sim- plicity of plain sense, in the prejudices of mistaken principles and false taste. Line 286. In miniature take refuge, &c.]— To paint a good miniature requires no mean exertion of talent. That so few have excelled in this kind of painting amongst the multitude who practise it, suflaciently proves that it requires no common qualities. It is natural to conclude, that the operation must be somewhat arduous, of which it may be said, that though the labourers are many and the competition great, yet the work is rarely well per- formed. But from the prompt means of subsistence which minia- ture-painting affords to every manufacturer of a face, it will 31 Th' insulted spring dries up as Avarice sips, Or turns to poison on his tainted lips ; 290 Each muse, the mercenary suitor spurns. Nor fires the breast, but where ambition burns. Ye venal herd ! to Pluto's fane repair. And breathe your souls in sordid incense there ; Pay court to power, or sooth inflated pride, 295 And fortune bears you buoyant on her tide : But search of wealth is here a vain pursuit. The groves of Taste produce no golden fruity They sprout in palms alone, or bloom in bays, O'erpaid the culture, when the crop is praise. 300 Nor yet too sanguine, fondly deem that fame Awaits to crown your triumphs, and proclaim 5 That honour still on excellence attends. And praise in clouds at Merit's shrine ascends; Foes pleas'd to crush coeval worth combine, 305 And censure circulates, the critic's coin; always be the refuge of imbecility : a receptacle for the poor and disappointed in art ; where all who want the vigour that impels to higher game, or the means to support a longer pursuit, will sit ■down with humbled expectations, consoled by the reflection, that if their fame be more confined, their profit is less precarious. 32 The modem's claim, fastidious taste denies. Or, while he lives, reluctant grants the prize Fame lurks behind, till Merit's death delay'd. And, having lost the substance — crov^ns the shade. 310 What time on Arno's silver tide entliron'd. Her sceptred sway, exulting Commerce own'd 5 Exhausted climes to grace her fav'rite's seat t. And pour'd the wealth of empires at his feet; When, phoenix-like, (triumphant o'er their foes,) 315 The arts from their own mould'ring ruins rose. Reviving Science felt Protection's hand. And Leo finish'd, what Lorenzo plann'd 3 Then, due regard the Muses' offspring found J, Then, public wreaths exalted Genius crown'd : 320 Sagacious power his path with roses strew'd. And praise, and honour, all his steps pursu'd; * Thus, Martial : " Miraris veteres, Vacerra solos Nee laudes nisi mortuos poitasP f Lorenzo de Medici. J « Tunc par ingenio pretium ; tunc utile multis Pallere, et vinuni toto nescire Decembri." Juvenal. 33 Their best ambition, and their fairest fame. Princes were proud to boast the patron's name ; Creative art earth's admiration rais'd, 325 And grateful nations gloried as they gaz'd. Line 324. Princes Power's proudest immortality below ! 400 In Time's decay, ere Albion's empire dies. To leave her constellation in the skies ; Eclipse the glories of the world combin'd. And give a fifth great aera to tnankind. RHYMES ON ART; OR, THE REMONSTRANCE. PART 11. Omnia, si nescis, loca sunt plenissima nugis Quarum tota cohors, est inimica tibi. John of Salisbury. Far other views our age exclusive claims, Repress our hopes, and check our flight to fame. As- sickness fouls the palate, and no more We bear those sweets, the sense enjoy'd before ; Line i. Far other -vienvs our age exclusi've claim.~\ — Though the wreath of art has for some years bloomed upon the brow of Britain, it must be confessed, that neither the spirit of the times, nor the liberaHty of the state, have much contributed to place it there. If she has excelled her neighbours, in every department of painting; in history, portrait, and landscape ; if she has displayed a power, a vigour, a spirit, a richness of effect in water-coloured drawings, which rival the productions of the easel, and surpass 44 Distemper'd times each finer feeling lose. Disrelish taste, and turn from every muse i And as the passive patient, for his good. Will swallow physic, while he nauseates food ; the efForts of every other age, and nation ; to her genius, her un* fostered, un sustained, uninvigorated genius the praise is due. We have seen no great exertions of power, to stimulate ambition, or to revi^ard desert : there have been no fruits forced in the hot-beds of patronage ; individuals have done every thing — the nation, nothing. The plants of Taste have sprung up around us, to a luxuriance suffi- cient to prove the fertility of the soil, though the care of the gardener has been wanting, and the shelter of the green-house unknown. Thus, though the character of the natives of these countries has been rescued from the imputation of dulness, and inability to excel in the pursuits of taste ; yet the character of the nation, as far as it is connected with the fine arts, or can be ex- emplified in the various forms of public patronage and the protec- tion afforded to those who profess them, remains yet to be re- lieved from an aspersion more mortifying, because better founded. The Royal Academy (the only * institution for the cultivation of art, of which we can boast) was formed by artists ; and though it was fortunate enough to obtain the countenance and high sanc- tion of his Majesty, and to be assisted in its first years by his bene- * The Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, may here occur to the reader : but the plan formed by this very respectable body, is so extensive, and the cultivation of thefne arts appears to be so inconsiderabre,and subordinate a part of it, that the author does not conceive how, in his view of the subject, it can be considered an exception to his observation. 45 The feverish state rejects the healthful fare, The cordial cup Apollo's sons prepare, lo While pill, drop, drug, and potion, all go down, As mountebanks discharge them on the town. In heat of brain, a rude, eruptive race. Break out in blotches on the public face. Ferment each acrid humour to offence, 15 And propagate the leprosy of sense ; Till lazar life, unseemly grown and sore. Begs for relief again at Giffard's door. ficence ; yet, from the nature of its plan, and the necessary limita- tion of its expenditure, if we except the utility of its exhibitions, already noticed, it affords but slender means of improvement, and ' no encouragement to rising genius. This establishment, which ought to be national, and compre- hensive ; which should include within its walls, every thing that is essential, expedient, or inviting, to the progress of the student; which should rest on a foundation worthy of the freest, the richest, the most powerful, and the most generous people on earth ; and which by foreigners is supposed to be a splendid example of public munificence, derives its income from the disinterested labours of artists, possesses not a single original example of the old masters ; and, excepting the advantage of apartments at Somerset Place, has not for many years received the smallest assistance from the state. With means of support, so inadequate to what ought to be the prime object of the institution, the surprise is not, that so little has been done, but that so much has been effected. 4& Why, Giffard, why like Dives dost thou hoard Those crumbs of wit thou canst so well afford ? 20 Why fly to former ages — foreign climes * ? Thou Juvenal of more prolific times ! Beneath thy club though Hydras dire have bled. Again, mis-shapen monsters rear the head; Again, th' Antasus folly, from the ground, 25 Starts into strength, and struts, and swells around ; Another labour yet demands thy pen. To drag each critic Cacus from his den : With generous zeal to Art's assistance haste ; And free once more the suffering state of Taste. 30 * Alluding to Mr. GifFard's late translation of Juvenal's Satires. Line zg. With generous %eal to Art's assistance haste. '\ — Could the author of the Baviad condescend to follow in the track of another bard, what a subject for his muse would the Pursuits of Taste afford ! — what a rich field for the exercise of his powers ! Nor shoots up folly to a nobler bloom, " In her own native soil — the drawing-room." Young, Compared to this prolific theme, the Pursuits of Literature are but a dry and barren topic. W ere Mr. Giffard inclined to canter his satirical Pegasus over the course of Criticism, and sport a little with the follies of Virtu, he can be at no loss for the necessary technical knowledge, — he has 47 The blooms of life, the flowers of heaven that blow, To deck the souPs dark gloomy grave below ; That breathe refining fragrance through the air. And purify this atmosphere of care 5 Chill'd by the blast, fall wither'd in our walk, 35 Or droop the head, and die upon the stalk. The fence neglected, lays the garden bare. For all life's ruder herds to revel there. With horn and hoof who ravage root and spoil. Browse every sweet, and batten on the soil, 40 Ungrac'd, ungracious, dull, demure, and vain, A caviling, cold, pert, disputatious train ; The nation's obloquy, the time's offence, Infest philosophy, and torture sense ; Pervert all truth, proscribe each finer art, 45 Fire the weak head, and freeze the feeling heart ; Adrift in Passion's tempest turn the mind. And cut the moral cables of mankind. In patchwork of exploded follies wrought. Close quilted in good housewifery of thought, 50 a friend well qualified to place the subject in a picturesque point of view — Hoppner, would aid the Muse with hand and heart, And bring in bold alliance wit, and art. 48 Their heads with straws from Rousseau's stubble crown'd. Our metaphysic madmen rave around : With kings and priests, they wage eternal war, And laws, as life's strait waistcoats they abhor. As crafty means to check the mind's career, 55 And put inspired philosophers in fear; To cramp the energies of soul and sense, And constitute enjoyment an offence. Line 58. And constitute enjoyment an offence.~\ — If history did not sufficiently prove that nations, like individuals, have their periods of weakness, and their paroxysms of frenzy, it would be matter of wonder, that the opinions here alluded to, should have made such a progress in society, in opposition to the strongest current of experience, and the clearest deductions of common sense. The ingenious speculations of men whose minds are wound up to an Utopian enthusiasm ; who seek in human nature for something which the sifting scrutiny of ages has not been able to find in it ; and fondly expect from the future, results materially different from the past, might indeed be considered amusing sub- jects of discussion, if they were not dangerous causes of discontent. But it never can be safe to trifle with doctrines, which inculcate contempt for the gathered wisdom of ages ; which unsettle the established relations of right and v^rong, and seduce us from the just estimation of our present state, by visions of impracticable good, and unattainable perfection. The author's quarrel with them, however, in this place, arises on other grounds — from the conviction, that they tend not only 49 What food for ridicule ! what room for v/rath ! When study works up folly to a froth ! 60 When dulness bubbling o'er ambition's fire. In cloud, and smoke, and vapour will aspire ; to disorganize, but to vulgarize society, and despoil it of all those graces, and refinements, which have grown out of that order of things they are professedly directed to amend. Of this, it is no bad illustration, that amongst many disciples of what has been emphatically termed the nenu school, it became a frequent subject of doubt and discussion — whether mankind had derived most good, or evil from the introduction of the fine arts ! ! ! Indeed, it is impossible to say, to what excess such extravagant notions might not have proceeded, if the good sense of the time had not stepped forward to expose them. We were in some danger of seeing the whims of Cornelius Agrippa* revived with more serious- ness, and less learning ; of witnessing new declamations on the va- nity of arts and sciences, issuing from the prurient brain of dis- ordered speculation, and denouncing those ornaments of life at the bar of political regeneration, as the pestilent promoters of in-, equality, and the corrupters of all civic virtue. But even if it should be allowed (and it is certainly highly pro- bable) that the founders of the new philosophy could never have had it in contemplation to pluck up, and eradicate as pernicious * Cornelius Agrippa, a learned philosopher and reputed magician of Belgia, who flourished in the sixteenth century, and amongst other extra- ordinary and ingenious productions, published a treatise on the vanity of the arts and sciences ; ascribing them to the sgeacy of the devil, for the corruption of man. S 50 Through each foul funnel of the press will rise. And fill with fog the intellectual skies ! Caught by the chemic mania raging round, 65 The votaries of the crucible abound ; luxuries those tender plants of civil culture ; yet vSurely, that result could scarcely fail to follow from the general adoption of the principles they avow. Though the author does not consideV himself very well qualified to analyze the materials of human society, or to discriminate nicely, between causes and concomi- tants, in the confused and puzzling progrer« of moral and political operations, yet he thinks he can see all the finer arts and orna- ments of life, all the delicate flowers of taste and genius blooming on the very stems of the garden, to the roots of which the axe of modern amelioration seems most particularly directed. From the innumerable complications of civil interest and social dependance ; from the influence of wealth and luxury in their most unrestrained and extended operations ; from the inequalities of fortune, rank, and degree, holding out object to ambition, and impulse to la- bour ; spurring the poor by necessity, the rich by distinction ; offering ease to diligence, and leisure to curiosity ; and furnishing every individual with his appropriate motive of exertion in the general struggle, may be traced to arise, whatever softens, refines, elevates, adorns, and dignifies the character of human nature. From the grand collision of mind operating, and operated on, in this unremitting contest of rival hopes, pretensions, and powers, are struck out those brilliant sparks of civilization, those electric 51 The moles of Science ! who her soil explore, And buried deep in matter's darkness pore ; Who, cold to wit and beauty, bend their cares, To earths and acids, alkalis and airs ; 70 lights of arts and sciences, which irradiate the otherwise sombre scene of oUr existence, and shine the beneficent planets of the social firmament. T 0 simplify society therefore, (as far as that expression means, to check the progress of wealth, luxury, and inequality) would be (in the author's opinion) to do it a very great injury : it would be to take a direction the very reverse of that in which cultivation has travelled, since first the simple shelter of the forest and the cave was forsaken for the less equalized accommodations of the cottage and the town. Wherever society is most refined, there also, its forms appear the most complicated. Society is a grand machine, all the parts of which depend on each other in such dehcate and intricate con- nexion, and are so nicely adjusted by the cautious hands of time and experience, that it seems no easy matter for the most expert political mechanic to ascertain exactly what pin or wheel can be pulled out, or removed, without danger to its most ingenious and essential movements. Interest, self-interest, is the firm sup- porting pivot on which the whole enginery rests and turns ; want, passion, ambition, are the main springs of its operation ; wealth, power, pleasure, glory, luxury, the principal wheels, which, communicating motion to all the dependant arrangements of minuter mechanism, at length set forward the golden hands of E 2 52 Slight e'en the sage endowed with skill refin'd. To mark the whole phenomena of mind ; With nobler zeal develope virtue's plan. And analyze the properties of man. But chief their toils with zest peculiar charm, 75 Who teach to feed the flock, and till the farm ; Who still in view man's lofty function keep, To fatten calves, and mend the breed of sheep : A rough- shod race ; who Fancy's flowrets scorn, And trample down as tares among the corn ; 80 The Muses' hill reclaim as common waste, Parnassus plough, and rake the field of Taste. genius and taste to move on the dial of existence, and point to the brightest periods of time, and the most memorable epochas of man. But these, as Mr. Burke says, " are high matters" not to be dispatched in a note, or touched by a rhymer on art ; the author, therefore, had better check his presumptuous pen, lest the reader should suspect that he intended to set himself forward as a philo- sopher. Luckily there is now but little to be apprehended from the ameliorating mania he has noticed ; the new lights of civiliza- tion are nearly burned down, at least in this country ; but while a spark remains in the socket, the extinguishers of reason and ridi». cule should be applied, for we may be offended by the snuff, after we have blown out the candle. I 53 What bliss to live ! if life's best hopes decay, And thoughtless folly fling each flower away 5 If low-born toils usurp the public hive, And from the utile y the dulce drive ; If partial zeal, perverting Reason's plan. Regard the animal, and not the man 3 Provide with provender the stalls of sense. And pamper appetite at wit's expense. A morbid pride, a torpor has surpris'd Taste's leading nerve, and life is paralyz'd ; The blood still circulates, though feeling 's dead. The body fattens, but the mind is fled. Line 94. The body fattens, but the mind is Jled.'} — Gibbon re- marks, in his Essai sur I'Etude de la Literature, " That all ages and countries have seen some particular sciences made the subject of an unjust preference, to the irrational neglect and exclusion of the rest." The observation seems to apply to the present period with peculiar force; physics, politics, and rural economy bear down all competitors for public notice and protection. If you cannot explain, or describe some new chemical phenomenon, construct an ingenious system of civil polity, or discuss with learned prolixity the merits of the drill, the hoe, and the oil-cake, your productions are of little importance, and can expect but little attention. The press groans vv^ith agricultural reports, sta- tistical surveys, and chemical controversies ; " system on system in «3 85 90 54 Each nobler aim that bids ambition rlse^, And wings the soul of genius for the skies. Pursuits, which on the vulgar world look down, And lead to life immortal in renown ; confusion hurled^'' shake to their foundations the established prin- ciples of past times, and loosen the concerns of society, to toss and fluctuate in the troubled sea of experiment and speculation. Much credit is certainly due to that investigating spirit which has for its object the amelioration and accommodation of man ; which penetrates the inmost recesses of the state edifice ; detects the injuries of time and storm ; and roots out lurking abuses from the neglected nooks, and cobwebbed corners of society. But still we should not suffer an inconsiderate zeal to mar its own projects; " est modus in rebus we should reflect that the operations of altering and refitting, in the political as well as in the domestic establishment, are attended with great confusion, exposure, and inconvenience to regular habits and sober inhabitants ; that with- out the judgment of the skilful surveyor, we are *in danger of mistaking the settlements of time, which confirm security, for the symptoms of decay, which demand repair ; and may be led by capricious ignorance, or unfounded fears, to disturb and dila- pidate, where we intended to arrange and improve. We should also consider, in the fervour of our devotion to favourite pursuits, that experiments may be multiplied till the principles to be de- duced from them are forgotten ; that our kitchens may be con- verted into laboratories without improving our cooks j and evi^n,^ that oxen may be fattened — to disease. 55 Neglected, slighted, rue the tasteless hour. When every Muse laments her lessening power; loo When dull projectors crowd from every clime. To prey upon the follies of the time ; Their crafty schemes of low ambition lay. And sweep the meed of wit, and worth away. Philosophy, no more content to dwell, lo^ With hermit Study whispering in his cell ; ' Forsakes in speculative pride the sage. And walks the wildest maniac of the age. Spell'd by her eye where'er the spectre strays, Insurgent shouts the maddening rabble raise ; i lo The more elegant, the more refined, and surely in an enlight- ened view, not the least useful pursuits of life, experience in the present day but little kindness ; they are out of the pale of public solicitude, unnoticed in the press of bolder claimants. We hear of no institutions formed to protect and encourage them ; of no prizes granted to the caterers of mind, to the prime feeders of in- tellect, to the best culti'vators of taste and refinement : the growth of genius is neglected for the propagation of monsters ; and again the fatted calf has become the most acceptable offering at the shrine of power and patronage. " Pingue pecus domino facias is the universal prayer, but the " et caetera praeter ingenium," is forgotten. * Horace. K4 56 Life raves around through each infected brain. Confusion reigns and chaos comes again. Science, that erst on eagle pinion soar'd, Where wisdom wonder'd, and where faith ador'd To regions, whence eternal truths diffused, Enlighten'd man, and bless'd a world abusM ; Now with clipp'd wing, familiar flirts away In Fashion's cage, the parrot of the day ; The sibyl of a shrine where fops adore, The oracle of culinary lore. On every side th' insatiate passion spreads. Subdues all hearts, and occupies all heads ; Rank, sex, and age possess'd beyond belief, To physics fly, and Fuscus for relief. Who, like a nursing mother at command. With soup, and science, suckles all the land. Lo ! e'en the fair with learned fury fraught ! On beauty's brow affect the frown of thought. To studious seeming discipline their face. And wear the mask of meaning in grimace. Clorinda with electric ardour glows. And frights with fuU-charg'd battery her beaux, The common conquests of her eyes disdains, And holds her slaves in scientific chains ; 57 Each weeping Grace her shrine deserted views, 135 And calls for vengeance, on th' indignant Muse, While Cupid trembling, flies th' infected ground, Scar'd at the philosophic scowl around. Line 138. Scared at the philosophic scoivl around.^ — ^Thc reader will readily believe the author cannot mean to cast a reflection on the serious pursuits of science in general, or the regular cultiva- tion of chemistry in particular, from which so much unequivocal advantage has resulted in almost every department of life. The la- bours of a Fourcroy, a Kirwan, and a Davy, must always attract our regard and gratitude ; and he should regret to find himself for a moment suspected of designing to depreciate their value, or dimi- nish their just influence. " Ludimus tnnocui?'' He has the highest respect for the physical sciences, but he thinks they have at pre- sent more than their share in the partition of public favour ; that they engross too much of the little disposable attention the requi- sitions of politics and war have left us to bestow. He would only rally that exclusive preference of inanimate, to animate ; of matter, to mind ; of earth, to heaven, which exists to the utter neglect of objects more elevated, more in need of protection, and not less important in every liberal view of morals, of manners, and of national estimation. He would in particular venture to call in question the advantages to be derived from that rage for scientific amusement, which has for some time operated on all ranks and degrees. He would ask what is expected from this nenu union of fashion and philosophy, this alliance of antipathies, this treaty offensive and defensive between natural enemies? " A little 58 Nor yet in private life alone display'd, A solemn farce in Fashion's masquerade; 140 To higher spheres th' ambitious rage resorts. Pollutes e'en politics, and catches courts : learning is a dangerous thing." It seems to be the peculiar dan- ger of the age we live in — the distemper of the times, which taints the whole mass of mind, and converts society into a general hos- pital of disordered wits and disabled faculties. It is safer not to see at all, than to see only to be deceived ; as in dense fogs the blind are found to be the best guides. In the darkness of igno- rance we are humble and cautious ; we feel our way step by step, and make use of old marks and established conductors to assist our progress ; but in the glimmerings of superficial knowledge we rush on our danger, because we presume on our light ; we dash against difficulties unseen or misconceived ; we mistake forms for things, and shades for substances ; and are either terrified to in- action by false fears and erroneous appearances, or stimulated to rashness in the confidence of imaginary safety. What beneficial effects can result from this superficial smatter- ing of science at present so prevalent ? this duck and drake dip in the profound of physical erudition, which seems calculated only to divest ignorance of her diffidence without removing her de* fects; which flatters folly and frivolity with the semblance of skill ; and heightens affectation by tricking her out in all the airs of philosophy ? Though the author is far from being one of those who would restrict the studies of the fair to the mere economy of the household, the productions gf the tambour-frame, or the 59 Professors there in pride of power elate. Would try experiments on every state. Reorganize the globe on Reason'' s plan, 145 New-temper Nature, and new-model man. precepts of Glasse's Cookery ; yet he confesses he has no relish for science in coteries, and professors in petticoats : he thinks the new chemical nomenclature makes an awkward addition to the vocabulary of the loves and graces. The very sounds of oxygene, and hydrogene, and caloric, and carbonic, proceeding from the delicate lips of Beauty herself, operate like a chill on the heart, and a check to the ardour of admiration. It is to be feared also, that as yet there are no very convincing examples to prove, that the fair derive much improvement in person, manners, or mind, as women, as wives, or as mothers, from dabbling in the crucible with the chemist, or charging a battery with the electrician. The author acknowledges that he is jealous of those favoured rivals, whom he thinks neither sufficiently sensible of their charms, nor grateful for their attentions ; he has so much regard for the gentler sex, that he would spare them the pain of traversing the dry and thorny wilds of science ; and seduce their graceful steps through flowery paths to the more congenial regions of taste, and the more amusing bowers of fancy. But the accomplished belle of the present day, slights the muses and graces for the more alluring charms of physical phenomena ; she performs with a grave face the farce of philosophical experi- ment, and terrifies her unscientific papa, by mimic thunders, electric shocks, and artificial earthquakes. 6o No more her ancient settled system priz'd, Lo ! Europe like a compound analyzed ! Her laws, modes, morals, melted down, to try What forms the fighting elements supply; 150 What shapes of social order rise refin'd. From Speculation's crucible combined ; While cool state chymists watch the boiling brim, And life's low dregs upon the surface swim. What ! though 'midst Passion's fiery tumults toss'd, 155 A generation 's in the process lost. Regardless of his raw material, man, The calm philosopher pursues his plan ; Looks on the ruin of a race with scorn. And works the weal of ages yet unborn, 160 Caught by the desolating blasts that sweep. With sable pinions o'er the social deep, Life's gentler joys, that spread their silken sails. In calmer seas, and summer-breathing gales, Disaster'd wander o'er the waste that roars 165 In threat'ning tumult round Refinement's shores. The public mind with pond'rous cares oppress'd. While Europe's dangers throb in every breast. Can scarce a thought on humbler claimants waste, The drooping sons of genius, and of taste. 170 6l Stunn'd by the crash of empires falling round, The deafenM sense admits no softer sound ; Each Muse desponding strikes her lyre in vain. She finds no ear at leisure for the strain ; Art's toiling sons their slighted stores unfold, 175 Each eye is vacant, and each heart is cold. Line 176. Each eye is vacant, and each heart is cold."} — Not only- have our native arts to combat this general indifference to theif interests, and the preference of the public attention, which inferior pursuits have so unaccountably obtained, but even circumstances which might naturally be supposed to assist their progress are deprived of all beneficial influence, and converted into a means of depressing their exertions. Thus, the influx of foreign art, which the convulsions of the continent have occasioned here, were it the means of establishing accessible public or private collections, might, by contributing to his improvement, afford the painter some consolation for the diminution of his profits ; but unfortunately, from the spirit of j-eserve and seclusion which pervades all our establishments, pub- lic and private, this immense mass of ancient art at present ope- rates only to engross completely that wealth and attention, some portion of which would, under other circumstances, be directed to stimulate and reward the exertions of British genius. In this country, indeed, more than any other that pretends to the cultivation of the fine arts, public collections of the works of taste are wanting to facilitate the studies of the painter. The many fine pictures we possess, are dispersed in the cabinets of 61 Nor harder fate neglected Art attends From open foes, than false affected friends ; Ungenerous guardians^ who their trust betray. And squander her inheritance away ; i8o private individuals, who, for the most part, are little disposed to communicate beyond their own circles the advantages to be de- rived from contemplating their beauties. In many cases they are wholly removed from the examination of the student ; and almost in every case where the opportunity of viewing them for the pur- pose of improvement can be procured at all, it is attended with so many forms and difficulties, that he must have more zeal than spirit who would not rather forego the privilege in disgust, than encounter the obstructions which stand in the way of its attain- ment. It is not in the cursory and confused view of fine art, occasion- ally caught at sales and auction-rooms, and still less, in that tan- talizing glimpse, en passant, allowed by the Ciceroni, who con duct the gazing groups of periodical visitors in procession through our celebrated collections, that the young painter can obtain from the works of the great masters that improvement which they are so well calculated to afford. To study a picture with advantage, we must see it at our ease ; there must be leisure for observation, and tranquillity for thought ; in the eagerness of hurried examination the mind is confused, one impression is obli- terated by another, till all our remarks are jumbled together in a chaos of imperfect recollections, which neither satisfy curiosity nor improve taste. 63 Fame*s older sons with fruitless love embrace. But look repulsive on the rising race. To her first ages partial, critics find. That Nature all her stores of wit assigned. A few fine examples of the different schools, collected with judgment, and placed within the reach of the student, either to copy or contemplate at leisure, is a desideratum of the highest consequence to the advancement of British art, and an object certainly not unworthy the interference of the government to cjffect. Without attempting to rival the treasures of the Louvre, by imitating either the plunder by which they have been amassed, or the parade with which they have been produced to public in- spection, it would be a graceful act in those who superintend the interests of the state, to assist in establishing a national depot of art, which might supply to native genius the advantages of foreign travel, and secure to us the superiority which our unas- sisted efforts have so honourably obtained. There is more real knowledge, more solid instruction to be derived from the study of one fine work of art, than can be supplied by all the powers of precept, or the laboured refinements of criticism. The late excellent President of the Royal Academy (Sir Joshua Reynolds) lost a noble opportunity of setting an example of pub- lic spirit and munificence, which might have been attended with the best effects, and would have entitled him to be considered the benefactor of his profession by his generosity, as well as by his genius. If, instead of leaving several excellent pictures from his collection to enrich the cabinets of his noble friends, which pro- 64 Heirs of her love endowM above the rest^ By right of primogeniture possessed : But we, dull sons of her exhausted powers, Brought forth in Time's degenerating hours. Cut off from genius, and curtail'd of sense. Are left to prey at large on Providence ; A refuse race, unfinished, unrefin'd ; Drawn from the dregs and sediment of mind. In better times, ere pride had yet suppressed The generous love of country in the breast ; Ere philosophic lights had clearly shewn, 195 ^Tis vulgar prejudice prefers our own; bably stood but little in need of the addition, he had selected a successful specimen of his own powers, with two or three good examples of the old masters, and bequeathed them to the Royal Academy, expressly to operate as the germ of a future collection, they would have formed a nucleus, round which a gallery might liave grown by this time, from the liberal contributions of those who would have been induced to follow an example so truly patriotic, and thereby connect their names most honourably with the arts of their country. Had Sir Joshua done this, it had been worthy the greatness of his character, though perhaps, more than either his country or his profession had any right to expect of him. But his memory has sufficient claims to our veneration, although it should be said, " Hoc defuit unum Fabricio." i8s 190 65 That pure benevolence impartial glows Alike for Albion's, and for Afric's woes ; High soars on philanthropic flight refin'd. In bird's-eye view embracing all mankind. 200 In better times, when better feelings ruPd, The patriot kindled, ere the critic cool'd ; Though candour freely spoke, yet kindness cheer'd. And fann'd the embers while a spark appear'd ; In wit, or war, whate'er the field of fame, 205 Each honest heart upheld his country's claim, And deem'd with equal wound the treason harms. That stabs her arts, or counteracts her arms. But now those narrow, local views unknown. We learn to prize all countries but our own; 210 Find wit, and art, and taste, and genius given To every happy nation under heaven. Save just at home 5 — there Nature's bounty fails, And critic pride o'er patriot worth prevails. O ! dead to shame, to life's best feelings lost ! 215 Whose taste can triumph at his country's cost 1 Painting dejected views a vulgar band. From every haunt of dulness in the land. Line 217. Painting dejected views a 'vulgar hand^ — Though painting is evidently a subject less within the grasp of the unprac- F 66 In heathen homage to her shrine repair. And immolate all living merit there; 220 From each cold clime of pride that glimmering lies. Brain-bound and bleak, 'neath Affectation's skies. tised amateur than perhaps any other object of criticism, yet there is no topic upon which the ignorant are less reserved, or the superficial more confident. The objects of art are supposed to be familiar to every eye ; the forms of animals, the effects of light and shade, the varieties of colour, the characteristics of passion, offer themselves on every side to our contemplation ; and no man willingly admits that he is unimpressed by his experience, or that he has cast his eyes around him through life, and yet observed nothing. We find also, that what is supposed to be received from nature, is more a subject of vanity than that which we bestow upon our- selves ; we may perhaps be content to be thought deficient in those things which depend upon our own exertions, but do not like to be ranked amongst Nature's neglected children, or to be supposed ungraced with those qualities by which she usually distinguishes her favourites. Thus, he whose vanity never affects the praise of learning, does not so easily resign his pretensions to taste ; he may admit that he has little wealth of his own acquiring, but he^puts in his claim to that which he considers his inheritance, rience it is, that all descriptions of people would be thought critics in painting, and that the professor encounters in all societies with those who unceremoniously contend with him in his proper pro- vince, and seem as little disposed to respect his judgment as to 67 In critic crowds new Vandal nations come, And worse than Goths — again disfigure Rome ; With rebel zeal each graphic realm invade, 225 And crush their country's arts by foreign aid. encourage his skill. Dissent, indeed, may be hazarded with im- punity where an ipse dixit decides ; and there is no great fear of conviction before a tribunal, the competence of which it seems the privilege and boast of criticism to question. To study an art systematically, to trace it by long and labo- rious efforts from its rudiments to its refinements, has been gene- rally considered the most effectual means of acquiring not only skill, but judgment ; indeed, a plain understanding would suppose that the former, included the latter ; and that the same process which improved the one, must necessarily refine the other. In the pursuits of taste, however, this, opinion has been often doubted ; and with respect to painting in particular, it is now unreservedly denied. Lookers-on, we are gravely told, know more of the game than those who play it; and, strange to say ! the best judges of art are not to be found amongst those who de- vote to it their lives, but those who bestow upon it their lei- sure ! not amongst those who pursue it as an occupation, but those who sport with it as an amusement ! What the dull artist cannot hope to obtain by years of assiduous application, divided between the study of art and the contemplation of nature, the enlightened critic receives by inspiration, acquires without an 68 Dolts from the ranks of useful service chasM, Pass muster in the lumber troop of Taste; Soon learn to load with critic shot, and play Their pop-guns on the genius of the day. effort — by lounging a few idle mornings in an auction-room — poaching in Pliny and Pausanias, for classic scraps, that he may " With learning lard the leanness of his sense or by a pop visit to the Louvre and the Vatican. The moment " Some demon whispers — 5trephon, have a taste," all the mysteries of art are unfolded to his view ; he falls in love at first sight with — the old masters: " Insanit veteres tabulas Damasippus emendo." He assumes without farther ceremony the character of a connois- seur, and expresses upon all occasions a laudable contempt for the ignorance of the profession. Were that profound critic, and formidable assailant of the judgment of artists, Mr. Daniel Webb, to indulge the world in the present day with his lucubrations, he would have little reason to observe, " That nothing is a greater hindrance to our advances in art than the high opinion we form of the judgment of its profes' son, and the proportionable diffidence of our own*." He would be charmed to find how completely this obstruction to the science * Inquiry into the Beauties of Painting, Dial. II. 69 No awkward heir that o'er Campania's plain, Has scamper'd like a monkey in his chain; No ambush'd ass that, hid in learning's maze. Kicks at desert, and crops wit's budding bays ; of connoisseurship is removed ; how very little " a diffidence of their own judgment" operates on the Webbs of the day. To this happy effect he certainly contributed both by precept and ex- ample ; he inculcated no respect for the persons or opinions of artists, who, according to his polite and discriminating expression, seldom like gentlemen and scholars rise to an unprejudiced and liberal contemplation of true beauty." And in a work, (the best parts of which Winkleman roundly asserts to be taken from a manuscript communicated to him by Mengs the painter) he with equal modesty and liberality declares, that " a sketch" from his pen, " rude as it is, will carry with it more of the true features of the original than any you could collect from the ^writings of our painters f or the authority of our Ciceronis f ! ! !" Quid dignum tanto feret hie promissor hiatu ?" Let it be remembered, however, that these sentiments have pro- ceeded from a " subtilis veterum judex," who talks of " the f Winkleman, in a letter quoted in the Memoirs of the Life of Mengs, says of Webb's book : *' Ce qu'il y a de meilleur dans ce livre est tire d'un manuscr'tt sur la pienture que Mengs communica a I'auteur, que j'ai beaucoup connu. Cependant le Fat ose avancer, qu'il n'y a point de peintre que soit en etat de faire par lui-meme, les observations qu'il donne tandis que c'est de Mengi quil a emprunte ces observations," ^3 70 No baby grown, that still his coral keeps, 235 And sucks the thumb of Science till he sleeps ; No mawkish son of sentiment who strains Soft sonnet drops from barley-water brains ; No pointer of a paragraph, no peer. That hangs a picture-pander at his ear ; 240 No smatterer of the ciceroni crew. No pauper of the parish of Virtu ; But starts an Aristarchus on the town. To hunt full cry dejected Merit down; With sapient shrug assumes the critic's part, 245 And loud deplores the sad decline of art. The dunce no common calling will endure. May thrive in taste, and ape the connoisseur; No duties there, of sense, or science paid. Taste 's a free port where every fool may trade ; 250 A mart where quacks of every kind resort. The bankrupt's refuge, and the blockhead's forte. splendid impositions of Rubens, and the caricatures of Michael AngeloJ." Line 252. Tbe bankrupt's refuge, and the blockhead's forte.'] — The real connoisseur is a character almost as rare and estimable, as X To oppose the annihilating dictum-of this trenchant critic respecting these two great artists, we have only the 'vulgar testimony and tasteless admiration of such men as — Reynolds and fuzeli. 71 E'en they, with learning, spirit, sense endow 'd. Whom real feeling rescues from the crowd ; The finished few, on whom each Muse depends 255 For candid judges, and for generous friends. the affected connoisseur is common and ridiculous ; but as there is no counterfeit of less value than the latter, so there is none more easily detected ; the eye of taste discovers him at the first glance ; and it would be no disadvantage to society if in all cases the impostor were to be exposed on the spot, as bad coin is some- times nailed to the counter at which it has been fraudulently uttered. The true connoisseur is a man of sense and sensibility, led by the love of nature to the contemplation of art ; superior to common cant and vulgar prejudice, his feelings are alive to mei^it, ancient or modern, living or dead : having formed to himself a standard of reference, the result of attentive observation, accurate comparison, and mature reflection, he can measure merit without consulting the critical scale of reputation ; he can give his opinion of a picture without first inquiring the painter's name ; and has even the courage and the kindness to distinguish contemporary talent, though unsanctioned by time or authority. The affected connoisseur, on the other hand, is the dupe of delusion, the crea- ture of caprice ; his code of criticism is a catalogue raisonne ; he talks in technicals like a parrot, and takes a picture-dealer as his oracle of art ; he judges of nature by pictures, and sees the model only in the imitation ; having no criterion of judgment but that which is derived from the " whistling of a name," or the whis- perings of an auction-room; he is unable to discriminate, and 72 E'en they unmov'd behold the bower defac'd. Nor more delight to raise the plants of Taste. O ! doubly grac'd to rival worth, and raise, Worth " fallen on evil tongues and evil days." 26a L , B , H , must th' unwilling strain Accuse your coldness also, and complain ? Complain that high in Fortune's favour plac'd, Fashion's chief umpires in the court of Taste, blames and praises by the lump ; borne down by the bulk of repu- tation, he has no test by which to assay its real purity, and sepa- rate the metal from the dross ; conscious of his incapacity, he never hazards approbation but on the back of authority, and therefore sacrifices without mercy or remorse, the claims of his contemporaries to the security of his own judgment, and covers his ignorance, and insensibility of the merits around him, with a cloak of affected and indiscriminate contempt. But the name of a great master is a passport through all the outposts of criticism; Raphael, Titian, Rubens, Correggio, are sounds with which all the beauties of art are associated. The question is not so much the excellence, as the authenticity of the work ; the latter established, the former follows of course, and the contented enthusiast forgets in the fervour of his zeal, that the greatest genius proceeds at first in ignorance, and rises late from mediocrity ; forgets, that the accomplished master he admires was once an unskilful scholar ; and often bestows on the abortive efforts of his inexperience that applause which should be reserved for the best productions of his maturity. 73 Aloof in careless apathy you stand, 265 And leave the arts unshelter'd in the land. So long our passion, and so late our prize, Must hapless Painting fly our faithless skies ? Shut from our sordid view her opening charms, — Lur'd by our vows, yet slighted in our arms; 270 While each low interest which assumes to aid Th' o'erwhelming powers of politics and trade. Stirs the whole state to work th* imagin'd weal. And shakes the senate with superfluous zeal ; Will no warm patriot take the Muses' part, 275 And rouse his country in the cause of art ? Plead for her present glory — future fame. And save the age from everlasting shame ? Line 278. And save the age from e'verlas ting shame. ~\ — It ap- pears somewhat extraordinary, that among the many liberal and enlightened individuals who adorn the senate of the nation, there should not be found one, desirous of distinguishing himself by an exertion to excite the attention of the state to the neglected in- terests of the fine arts. And yet, on what subject could zeal be employed more gracefully, or eloquence plead with more effect ? In what light more favourable could the patriot present himself to the view of his country, than that which exhibits him as the guardian and advocate of those pursuits on which her present splendour and her future estimation so materially depend ? Such 74 Is Taste the only suffering stranger known. That finds no refuge 'neath Britannia's throne ? 2S0 What hope remains when public spirit fails ! When power forsakes, and prejudice assails ! a cause is in itself so honourable, that but to appear in it must be reputation, and to fail in it could be no disgrace : but, unhappily, we have no representative of the Muses — no volunteer deputy of the department of Taste. The fine arts are considered as little better than a sort of vagrants — a kind of wandering gypsies, without home or settlement, who must be content to glean the stubble of society for a precarious subsistence, and to whom even the claim of commonage is allowed as a favour. Let us hope, however, that the children of Taste, like the chil- dren of Israel, will, ere long, find an establishment in the Canaan of public munificence ; that some enlightened Moses will arise to lead them to the promised land of patronage and protection: already, a light has dawned which omens well for their deliver- ance. Surely, while we are expending thousands to preserve, as mere curiosities, the mutilated remains of ancient arts, we shall not see with indifference our own arts falling to decay ; while we generously contribute to enshrine in splendour and magnificence the sacred relics of Egyptian genius, v^re shall not shut the temple of patronage against the living genius of Britain, or refuse to ex- tend the shelter of the state to those interesting claimants, who 75 When not e'en praise the churlish time supplies, And patronage in picture-dealing dies ! The tide of fortune in full current view, 285 PourM on each upstart trader in virtu. While the skilPd artist finds each prospect fly. The stream exhausted, and the fountain dry. No high excitements from the state addressed. Wake slumb'ring genius in the painter's breast; To themes divine recall his truant hand. And bid proud Art her heav'n-ward wing expand 5 No patriot acts adorn our public halls ; No Gospel glories grace Religion's walls ; No martial pomps in pictur'd lore allure — In taste alone is public spirit poor : Art's mild complaint still sleeps in Power's ear, And lavish ministers are misers here. 290 295 repay with such grateful interest whatever favour they experience, as to make protection policy, and stimulate the sensibility of taste by the purest considerations of patriotism. Line 297. And laws h ministers are misers here.~\ — About three years since, at a time when an attempt was made to raise a sub- scription for the purpose of commemorating, by a naval pillar, the maritime glories of Great Britain, Mr. Opie, an eminent artist well known to the public, pointed out through the medium of a newspaper, the inadequacy of such a memorial ; and sug- 76 Say, what avails it, from Italia's plains. Her ransackM palaces, and plunder'd fanes. That fraud or folly draw delusive stores, 300 And empty Europe's refuse on our shores ? gested a plan more comprehensive in its objects, and calculated at a comparatively trifling expense, at once to celebrate the heroism, and encourage the genius of the country in a way that would reflect credit on its taste and liberality. Mr. Opie, supported by the zealous co-operation of Mr. Flax- man and other members, submitted his ideas to the Royal Aca- demy: that body, conceiving the moment propitious for making an exertion in favour of the arts over which they preside, adopted his plan ; and, impressed with the danger of total annihilation, to which the failure of all private encouragement had exposed the higher classes of art, presented an address on the subject to their gracious founder and patron, his Majesty. This application, the author understands, has not hitherto produced any effect. As his Majesty's beneficent disposition to countenance and promote the advancement of every useful under- taking-is well known, and as it is not to be expected, that the pri- vate purse of the Sovereign should defray the charges of a plan designed for the attainment of objects peculiarly public and na- tional, we must attribute the unfortunate failure of the Academy's endeavours in this instance, to the coldness and indifference of those to whose management the treasures of the state were in- trusted ; who perhaps conceived it no part of their duty to attend to such applications, and thought that the public money (even in 77 That pedigree'd on proud patrician walls, In cloister'd cabinets, and costly halls. The time-touch'd wonders of meridian taste. In close-kept solitudes of state are plac'd ? 305 so small a portion as was required to effect the plan proposed) might be better employed than in cultivating the flowers of taste, ^ encouraging the productions of art, or stimulating by public honours the achievements of patriotism. Line 305. In close-kept solitudes of state are placed.'] — It would be worthy the liberality and patriotism of some of our distinguished collectors, to set apart one day in the week during the most convenient season of the year, for the untaxed admission to their galleries of every person with the appearance of a gentleman. The curiosity of taste is neither so strong, nor so generally diffused among the British public, as to render such an arrangement either prejudicial or incommodious. The mere idle lounger would soon discontinue his visits in pursuit of novel attraction, while the man of taste, and the artist, would frequently enjoy a pleasure, which their admiration and respect would, to a generous mind, abundantly repay. Or should the domestic habits of society in this country, and the contracted scale of our houses, render a general admission so inconvenient as to infringe on private comfort, still means might be adopted to facilitate the admission of those, whose professional studies make such an advantage of the greatest consequence. The President of the Royal Academy, for instance, might be empowered to grant cards of access on particular days, to those students and artists who might be desirous of such per- jnission, and his character and station would be a sufficient secu- 78 If cold, and kindless to our country's arts, We shut our eyes, our houses and our hearts; With foreign blooms long faded, fill our bowers. Yet find no fragrance in our native flowers ; rity that the privilege would not be abused. What an advantage to the painter ! during the composition of his work, to have the means of occasional, unceremonious intercourse with the old masters ; to have opportunities of refining his taste, of kind- ling his enthusiasm, and elevating his ideas of perfection, An the unembarrassed contemplation of such examples of art as are to be found in the collections of the late Duke of Bridgewater, Lord Carlisle, Mr. Angerstein, Lord Radstock, Mr. William Smith, Mr. Agar, and others. This privilege of admission, however, if granted at all, should be allowed to be enjoyed in perfect ease and independence ; the artist should be left to himself, to his own observations and reflec- tions : there is no enjoying a picture in peace while the proprietor is expatiating on its beauties ; all pleasure is destroyed, all im- provement prevented, when The connoisseur his cabinet displays. And levies heavy penalties of praise ; Exacts your admiration, without end, Watches your eye, nor waits till you commend. Neither politeness nor prudence will allow you to dissent, how- ever erroneous you may think his remarks, or misplaced his pane- gyric ; for in the present day, when old pictures bear a price so extraordinary, to hint a doubt of the various, and often incompa- 79 If that high impulse, which the bounding soul 310 Of genius urges to its utmost goal. The great refuse, nor grant one favouring smile, 1^ gild the hope, or glad the heart of toil : tible merits, which the owner of a celebrated work chooses to ascribe to it, seems not only an insult, but an injury, since it tends to depreciate his property, as well as to disparage his taste. Criticism may roam at large in the library, and discuss without ceremony, the merits and defects of the poet, the historian, and the philosopher ; but in the cabinet of pictures, her privileges are circumscribed ; there " the walls have ears," and no sounds are safe but the echoes of admiration. In this city alone, there are examples of the old masters of suf- ficient variety and excellence, to commui^icate to the student almost as much improvement as perhaps can be obtained outside the walls of the Vatican, were the means of studying the treasures we possess liberally placed within his reach, were they not un- fortunately too often With selfish zeal, in pride's recesses plac'd, Secluded from the curious eye of taste. Till squandered thousands leave the spendthrift poor, And Coxe, or Christie, break the prison door. -When a celebrated collection is brought to the hammer, it affords a transient treat to the connoisseur, and particularly to the artist. An auction-room is a privileged place ; a sale of pictures is the painter's Saturnalia, when, like the slaves amongst the ancient Romans, he may enjoy full liberty of opinion, and speak his mind freely, even of his masters. 80 Their various uses, meaner toils commend. And commerce finds in every want a friend; 315 Like plants of bold and vigorous growth, they bear Spontaneous fruit, and ask but room and air y But arts, a tribe of sensitives, demand A hot-house culture, and a kinder hand ; A taste to cherish every op'ning charm, 320 A shade to shelter, and a sun to warm. Few now the gen'rous spirit feel, or feign. That prides to call forth genius, and sustain ; Line 323. That prides to call forth genius y and sustain.'] — Mr. West, the able artist who fills the chair of the Royal Academy, in his last discourse, delivered on the anniversary of the establishment of that institution, observed, " that the encouragement extended to the genius of a single living artist in the higher classes of art, though it may produce but one original work, adds more to the celebrity of a people than all the collections of accumulated foreign productions." This remark, at all times just, seems to apply with particular force to the peculiar taste of the day ; never was there a time when picture-dealers occupied so much of the public atten- tion, and painters so little ; when there was more disposition to traffic in the arts, and less to cultivate them ; when the possession of celebrated pictures was so much contested, and the protection of native genius so little attended to. Works of art are now not so much objects of taste, as articles of trade ; and a fashionable gallery, or cabinet, is little more than a warehouse of established 4 81 That flies e'en Failure's drooping wing to raise, To sooth with kindness, and console with praise : 325 No learnM Maecenas fans the Muse's fires* ; No Leo lives, no Medici inspires : reputation, in which goods are exposed to view before they are brought to market : unluckily, however, the living artist is ex- cluded, from all share in the profitable speculations of taste, for his wares are not in demand : the cast is of no value till the mould is broken : life is an apprenticeship to reputation, which the painter must serve to the last, before his name can be suffered to sound in the firm of virtu, or he can arrive to be made free of the guild. " Indignor quidquam reprehendi, non quia crasse Compositum, illepideve putetur, sed quia nuper.'* Horace. Doubtless, many of those persons, who, at an immense epcpense, form collections of old pictures,- are impressed by the conviction, that while they gratify their own taste, they also enrich their country, and take the most effectual means of assisting the efforts of native talent, by introducing the best examples for study and imitation. But though good examples are highly useful in the education of a painter, they will lose much of their beneficial in- fluence on him, if instead of being offered to his emulation with encouraging kindness, they are held out with invidious comparison to his defects ; if they are brought to triumph over him, rather * Quis tibi Maecenas ? quis nunc erit aut Proculeius, Aut Fabius ? quis Cotta iterum ? quis Lentulus alter ? G 82 The patron is a name disowned — disgrac'd; A part exploded from the stage of Taste. While fierce, from every broken craft supplied, Pretenders, arm'd in panoply of pride, ^Gainst modern merit take the field with scorn. And bear down all in our dull asra born ; With bigot eyes adore, and beating hearts. The time-worn relics of departed arts ; Gem, picture, coin, cameo, statue, bust. The furbish 'd fragments of defrauded rust. All, worship all, with superstitious care. But leave the living genius to despair. Dug from the tomb of taste-refining time, 340 Each form is exquisite, each block sublime ; Or good, or bad, disfigur'd, or deprav'd. All art, is at its resurrection sav'd 3 All crownM with glory In the critic's heav*n. Each merit magnified, each fault forgiven*. 345 Taste views indignant pagan rites restor'd. And idol monsters in her shrine ador'd ; than to assist him ; and operate only, to sharpen the asperity of the critic, and intercept the munificence of the patron. * Ingeniis non ille favet, plauditque sepultis Nostra sed impugnat, nos nostraque lividus odit. 33€> 335 / 83 With holy rage each prostrate pedant spurns, And in a Proctor's fate, a Phidias mourns. Seclude me, Heav'n ! from every light of art, 350 Cloud every joy that Painting can impart ! All love of nature, sense of taste confound, .And wrap me in Cimmerian gloom around ; But never more, in mercy, let me view Timander's pictures — and Timander too ; 355 "Tis past all human patience to endure. At once the cabinet, and connoisseur: Behold ! how pleas'd the conscious critic sneers, While circling boobies shake their asses ears; Applaud his folly, and, to feed his pride, 360 Bray forth abuse on all the world beside ; Hear him, ye gods ! harangue of schools and styles. In pilfer'd scraps from Walpole and De Piles ! Direct the vain spectator's vacant gaze. Drill his dull sense, and teach him where to praise ; 365 Of every toy, some tale of wonder frame. How this, from Heav'n, or Ottoboni came ; Line 349. And in a Proctor^ s fate, a Phidias mourns.'} — Proctor, a young sculptor of uncommon powers, who, a few years ago, died neglected and unknown. Line 367. How this fromHea'v'ni or Ottoboni came.'] — Ottoboni, 84 How that, long pendant on plebeian wall. Or lumber'd in some filthy broker's stall. Lay, lost to fame, till by his taste restored, 370 Behold the gem — shrin'd, curtain'd, and ador'd ; Hear hitn, ye powers of ridicule ! deplore, The arts extinguish'd, and the Muse, no more; With shrug superior now in feeling phrase. Commiserate the darkness of our days; 375 Now loud against all living merit rage, And in one sweeping censure — damn the age. Look round his walls — no modern masters there, Display the patriot's zeal, or patron's care ; a celebrated Italian cardinal, collector, and connoisseur : such was the reputation of his taste, that, for many years after his death, no picture was esteemed in the market of virtu, that could not be traced to have been in his collection ; or that was not by some ingenious picture-dealing anecdote connected in some way or other with his name. On the dissolution of the Jesuits, a late Doctor, of high renown in the annals of picture-dealing, expressed himself in the following terms, to an eminent artist now living : The dissolution of the Jesuits ! heavens, what an occurrence ! what a bait for the connoisseurs ! ! Oh ! that I were young again ! Sir, the only lucky event that happened in my time, was the death of Cardinal Ottoboni, and I ran his name with success against the field for five-and-twenty years." 85 His Romish taste a century requires, ' 380 To sanctify the merit he admires ; His heart no love of living talent warms. Painting must wear her antiquated charms. In clouds of dust and varnish veil her face. And plead her age, as passport to his grace. 38 5 To critic worship, time's a sacred claim. That stocks, with fools, the calendar of fame. Shame on the man, whatever his rank or state. Scorn of the good, and scandal of the great ; Who callous, cold, with false fastidious eye, 390 The talents of his country can decry. Line 385. And plead her age, as passport to his grace.~\ — To pre- vent idle conjecture, or absurd misapplication ; it may not be improper to state, that the character drawn above is not a por- trait : on the contrary, every thing has been studiously avoided which could be suspected of an allusion to any particular person. The features, indeed, like those of the celebrated Helen of Zeuxis, are all derived from nature, in various models ; but the whole face is ideal, and intended to represent the species, not an individual. " Hunc servare modum nostri novere libelli ; Parcere personis, dicere de vitiis." Martial. 86 Can see unmov'd^ her struggling genius rise. Repress the flight, and intercept the prize. Profuse of fame to art's past efforts roam. And leave unhonour'd, humble worth at home, 3 Nor less in every liberal mind debas'd, The servile tribe — the tadpole train of Taste, Who crown each block, as Jove in jest decrees. And skip, and sqnat around such fops as these : Wherever power, or pride, or wealth keep court, 4 Behold this fulsome, fawning race resort; A motley group — a party-colour*d pack. Of knave, and fool — of quidnunc, and of quack, Of critic sops insipid, cold, and vain. Done in the drip of some poor painter's brain, 4 Dabblers in science — dealers in virtu. And sycophants of every form and hue. Low artists too, a busy, babbling fry. That frisk and wriggle in a great man's eye, Feed on his smiles, and simp'ring at his side, 4 Catch the cold drops that flatt'ry thaws from pride; A cunning kind of fetch and carry fools. The scum of taste, that bubbles up in schools; Savcalls of art, that shed a glimmering ray. And burn the snuffs their betters cast away; 4 As abject, crouching, void, and vile a train. As wit cari well deride, or worth disdain. 87 But turn the verse^ my Muse, indignant quit These common counterfeits of worth, and wit — This lacker'd coin of critics, cHpp'd, debas'd, 420 The dross and residue of sterling taste : To hail the few, who friendly shine to cheer This graphic gloom, this cold inclement year ; To greet with glowing heart, and grateful lay. The War wicks, Lockes, and Cecils, of the day : 425 Line 425. The Waruoicks^ Lockes^ and Cecils, of the day^] — At a time when the antipatriotic affectation of criticism considers it a kind of stigma on the taste of a connoisseur, to shew any favour to living talent ; or to employ the pencil of pining genius, except for the preservation of family physiognomy in the subordinate depart- ment of portraits, the author is happy to offer the humble homage of his verse, to those who disdain to found their preten- sions to taste on a contempt for their contemporaries, and do not forget the claims of the hving, in their veneration of the dead. The conspicuous characters named above, have sufficiently evinced their favourable disposition to the merits of the day, to justify their selection on the present occasion ; and it is to be hoped, that the patriotic partiality, so honourably displayed, will yet ripen to a strength of patronage, and protection, which may rescue the interests of the arts from ruin, and succeed in placing them upon a footing at once liberal, national, and secure. Lord Warwick and Mr. Locke are too well known as the friends of arts, and artists, to require any instances of their kindness to be enumerated here. G 4 88 And you, proud Fortune's favourite sons, who guide The helm of trade triumphant o'er the tide, - Ye Angersteins I , through whose expansive hearts, Britannia's commerce cultivates her arts ; 429 Who, though well stock'd from Time's maturing store. Can prize the greener growth of Albion's shore. With fostering care the curling tendril twine. And hope a vintage from the grateful vine. IMor^ venerable Boydell, thou refuse This passing tribute from no venal Muse; 435 The Marquis of Exeter (unfortunately deceased since the lines were written in which his name occurs), in affording to the fertile pencil of Mr. Stothard, on his own terms, a liberal opportunity of displaying his powers in his noble residence of Burghley, has set an example to the higher orders of the state, as worthy of record as of imitation. Nor, 'vejierable Boydell, &c.] — The claims of the venerable patriarch of public spirit, Alderman Boydell *, rest upon a different, but not less honourable foundation ; whether we con- sider the gigantic project of the Shakspeare Gallery, as a vast commercial speculation, combining views of laudable and liberal advantage, with the cultivation and advancement of the arts, from which his profits were to be derived : or whether we look on it, as a plan originating in the patriotic ambition of a man, already by a long course of honourable industry raised above * While this work was printing the worthy Alderman paid the debt of nature. 89 Who, though uncall'd her inexperienced hand, To aid the edifice thy spirit plann'd ; Yet owns thy worth, asserts thy honest claim. And 'mongst the friends of art enrolls thy name. Yet while the Muse's ready wreaths extend, 440 To crown the few whom candour dare commend. the temptation of interest, and enthusiastically determined to risk the accumulations of his life, in an effort to encourage the de- pressed genius, and promote the peaceful glories of his country ; in either case, whether we view it as arising from the enlightened spirit of trade, or the liberal impulse of patriotism, the Shakspeare Gallery, in its origin and its completion, must be an object of interest to every generous mind, and has claims on our admira- tion, which neither malignity can misrepresent, nor prejudice deny. Whatever may be the final result of this nobly conceived scheme of national embellishment and splendid poetical illustra- tion ; if we reflect on the talents it has called into action, the persevering spirit with which through the most unpropitious period it has been conducted, and the animating impulse it has communicated through all the minor operations of typographic taste, we shall pay our just tribute of applause to the merits of the projector, and hail with respect the name of Boydell, as de- serving to be held dear by every friend of art, and to be recorded with honour in the fairest annals of his country. Line 441- To cronun the feiv uohom candour dare commend. ~\ — Though an ambition to encourage and protect the efforts of rising 90 Shall Egerton* depart without a tear ? And press in silent state a plumeless bier ? No, though his tomb no martial glories grace, No trophies won in wild Ambition's race, 445 Though no vain pen on History's pompous page Paint the deep statesman to th' astonish'd age ; Lay open all the labyrinth of his breast — What plans he form'd — what factions he suppressed; What flames of war broke forth as he desir'd — 450 Cool'd as he calm'd, or kindled as he fir'd ; genius, is not, unhappily, the fashion of the day ; yet the author would be sorry, either to believe, himself, or to impress upon his reader, that there were not many other individuals, whose zeal and liberality form an honourable exception to the general indif- ference he deplores. He has heard many persons mentioned with respect, as not only distinguished for taste, but as displaying to- wards the arts of the day, a cordiality of feeling, which, if not amounting to patronage and protection, at least shews a friendly interest in their reputation, and advancement. In the text, how- ever, he has confined his verse to the few only, of whom such in- stances of kindness, and encouragement to contemporary talents, have been reported to him, as warrant his paying homage under their names, to all those whose liberal qualities in this respect, may perhaps be deserving of more particular, as well as more eloquent commendation. * The late Duke of Bridgewater. 91 Yet life's mild arts their spotless ensigns wave, And grateful swains strow garlands on his grave : Though crown'd with all in rank or wealth that charms, And lulls th' enfeebled soul in Pleasure's arms, 455 Behold him, yet in man's meridian hour, Fly the false glare of pomp, and pride, and pow'r : Decline the court's intrigues, the senate's strife, To serve his country in secluded life ; Line 452. Tet life s mild arts -their spotless ensigns wave.^ — To the spirit and example of the late Duke of Bridge water may in a great measure be attributed the important advantages we derive from the extension of our inland navigation; with a zeal and perseverance more than meritorious in persons of his exalted rank, he prosecuted his canal speculations until their success repaid his exertions with interest, and roused the spirit of enterprise and emulation in every part of the country. The principal amusement of his leisure in the latter years of his life, was the formation of a collection of pictures, which, in merit, it not in number, may perhaps proudly vie with any private gallery in Europe. But though possessed of the finest examples of the old masters, he was not one of those affected admirers of art, who regard the productions of their own time with indiffer- ence or contempt ; nor did he conceive it an impeachment of his taste, to place as an ornament in his collection, a work of ability from the pencil of a living artist (Mr. Turner), though selected at a price, which even the merit of Wilson could never extort from the parsimonious patronage of his day. 92 To ope new arteries of public health, 460 Propiote her pride, and circulate her wealth ; Call forth a Brindley's genius, and command. To pierce opposing mountains with his wand. Through wondering vales, in liquid course to lead Corrimercial keels, and navigate the mead ; 465 Bid in bright tracks obedient currents glide, And, like a river-god, direct the tide. When love of painting (late a passion) came. With kindling zeal he caught the novel flame. To joys unfelt before with rapture sprung, 470 Forgot his age and found he still was young. Though late he fell, had fate deferred the blow. And left him yet a few short years below ; His country's genius sure, had found a friend, Pleas'd to reward, and pow'rful to defend. 4^5 The sons of Taste had shed the grateful tear. And Painting wept the patron, in the peer. Gods ! what a glory would invest his name ! What palms perennial spring around his fame ! Line 462. Call forth a Brindleys genius^ &c.] Brindley, 3 most ingenious mechanic and skilful engineer, employed by the Duke of Bridgewater in planning and executing his operations ©f inland navigation. 93 Whose gen'rous spirit should our age reprove;, 480 And to the living arts extend his love : Who, leaving to the selfish pedant crew. The barren bliss of impotent virtii; The sterile triumphs which result from taste To buried worth in tardy homage placed, 485 Should to his cares the nobler task assign, To draw the gems of genius from the mine ; Assist the little lustre life allows. And set them blazing on Britannia's brows. Give me the critic bred in Nature's school, 450 Who neither talks by rote, nor thinks by rule; Who feeling's honest dictates still obeys. And dares, without a precedent, to praise ; Whose hardy taste the bigot crowd disclaims, That chorus catalogues, and worship names ; 495 Unbiass'd still to merit fondly turns. Regardless where the flame of genius burns. Whether through Time's long gloom transmitted bright. Or pour'd a later lustre on the sight ; From Rome's proud dome it dart a beam divine, ^00 Or burst spontaneous from a Cornish mine. Where judgment cool, correct, yet kind reveals, A head that studies, and a heart that feels } 94 Where zeal, with sense attemper'd, we discern, A skill to teach, and yet a love to leain ; An eye, to truth attracted strong, a mind. By Nature vigorous, and by Art refin'd; Slave to no system — bigot to no school, Consulting reason, while respecting rule ; Aw'd by no pedant — echo to no peer, In censure civil, and in praise sincere; A soul to rescue worth by pride abas'd. At once the patriot, and the man of taste; There, bow ye sons of Art ! in homage down ; Respect the patron, and the critic crown. Yet rarely, though such merits now combine. And stars like these are seldom known to shine; Ye generous youths ! by Nature's bounty grac'd ! Whose throbbing hearts have heard the call of Taste, With honest ardour in the lists of Fame, 520 Risk every hope, and rival every claim. What though the age on Art unfriendly lowers ! And public apathy benumbs her powers ; Though Painting still deplores her luckless fate. Shut from the church, and slighted by the state; 525 Line 525. Shut from the church, and slighted by the state J\ — While the contest between the two greater sects of Christians was 505 510 95 Denied each nobler theme the soul that fires. That pious zeal, or patriot pride inspires ; Though Fortune's self with Fame confederate flies^ To crown th' overvalued skill of foreign skies ; comparatively new and unabated, it was perhaps, not wonderful that the zeal of the reformer sometimes led him into extremes, and prompted him to reject with horror many things indifferent in them- selves, on no other ground than because they were sanctioned by those from whose principles in other respects he so earnestly dis- sented. From this overstrained spirit of opposition at the outset of the Reformation, it resulted,that our churches were stripped of their ornaments, and pictures expelled as objects of Pagan idolatry and Popish superstition ; the house of God was reduced to the naked- ness of bare walls ; and though the art of architecture was allowed to be displayed in all its capricious varieties, and that of sculp- ture occasionally called in, to adorn the shrine of the hero and the saint, yet the art of painting was proscribed as a profane abomi- nation, unworthy of contributing its portion of pious decoration to the temple, or even furnishing a frontispiece to the book o#- Common Prayer *. But surely, in an age like the present (amongst the dangers of which, certainly those resulting from idolatry and superstition are not much to be apprehended), some relaxation of this puritanical prejudice might be admitted, without any injury to religion, and with much advantage to the arts. As there ap- * Queen Elizabeth is reporled to have reprimanded severely one of her chaplains, for having presumed to present to her a Prayer Book with cuts. 9(i Still undismay'd, let Hope her light impart, 530 And bold Ambition brave the ills of Art. Grac'd by the Muse with all her gifts divine, Or pious led by Taste to Nature's shrine^ pears no very good reason, why a picture should be esteemed more profane than a statue ; v^^hy a prophet in fresco should be con- sidered a less becoming ornament to a cathedral than a statesman in stone ; or why the acts of the Apostles should not be comme- morated in our temples, as well as the exploits of kings and con- querors ? Surely, it would not be inconsistent with the purest piety to take off this long interdict of taste, and admit painting once more within the pale of the church. It has been observed of our national mode of worship, as well as of our national manners, that there is a coldness and reserve about it, an unalluring formality, a repelling plainness but little calculated to excite fervour or to fix attention. Though it may be unworthy of rational piety and a pure faith, to prop their in- terests by meretricious aids, and the author is far from recom- mending such assistance, yet in loose and negligent times it may not be unv/ise to use every innocent means of animating indiffer- ence, to zeal ; and by furnishing the scene of our devotions with objects to stimulate our feelings, and illustrate the events of sacred history, attract those by taste who might not be influenced by piety. A judicious representation of some of those striking incidents which are recorded in the pages of Holy Writ, might warm the heart to a sentiment of devotion, when the best pro- 5 97 The soul to purer worship raisM — refin'd^ Disdains the common idols of mankind ; 53$ Exults in joys to grosser minds unknown, A wealth exhaustless, and a world her own. nounced prayer from the reading-desk, or the most eloquent dis- course from the pulpit, might be delivered without effect * : Segnius irritant animos demissa per aures, Quam quae sunt oculis subjecta fidelibus. A few years ago, a proposal was made by some of our most emi- nent artists, to furnish a number of appropriate pictures for the decoration of St. Paul's Cathedral ; but, unfortunately, it was not approved by those persons vi^hose consent wa.s essential to the plan. However, as an example has been set by the august head of the church in his Majesty's chapel at Windsor, and also, in the chapel of Greenwich Hospital, without any apparent ill conse- quence, it is to be hoped that the remains of this conventicle spirit will be soon exhausted : perhaps the decoration of our reli- gious temples may yet call forth the genius of a British Raphael or Michael Angelo, and become so productive a source of encou- ragement to the arts, as to authorize us to apply the words of Juvenal, and say of the national taste, " Et quam votiva testantur fana tabella Plurima : pictores quis nescit ab Iside pasci V* * ** Pictura, tacens opus et habitus semper ejusdem, sic in intimos penetiat afFectus, ut ipsam vim dicendi nonnunquam superare videatur." QUINTILIAN. 98 The painter's eye, to sovereign Beauty true, Marks every grace, and heightens every hue ; Follows the fair through all her forms and wiles, 540 Studies her airs, and triumphs in her smiles ; Imagines wondrous scenes as Fancy warms. And revels, rich in all Creation's charms : Line 543. And re'vels, rich in all Creation* s charms.'] — ^What has been said of madness, may also be said of painting — ^there is a pleasure in it which none but painters know. The painter en- joys moments of delight in the practice of his art (if he truly loves it), which more than compensate for its anxieties, and cheer with a ray of consolation even the gloom of neglect and obscurity. Accustomed to direct his attention to all that is picturesque and beautiful in nature or in art, in form, character, and senti- ment, his ideas are exalted, his feelings are refined beyond the comprehension of common minds, or the attainment of ordinary occupations ; he is, as it were, let into a new world, and looks around him with an eye conscious of the wonders he beholds ; he is an enlightened spectator in the vast theatre of the universe, under whose critical eye the great drama of human life is per- formed; he observes with discriminating accuracy the actions, passions, and characters, the manners, scenery, and situations; and though the wants of nature, and the duties of society, oblige him to mingle occasionally in the busy group before him, yet the world is not his element ; he is not at home on the stage of active life ; his mind is ever struggling to escape the claims of common incident, and soaring to those heights of abstracted contem,pla- 4 99 His art her homage, and his soul her shrine. She rules his life, and regulates his line ; S4S While rapt to frenzy as the goddess fires. He pours to view the visions she inspires. Presented to the cultur'd eye of Taste, No rock is barren, and no wild is waste ; tion, from which he may view the actors and the scene with the calmness of a looker-on. The painter derives pleasure from a thousand sources, which arc not only unknown to " The plodding herd of coarser clay compbsM," but even generally unappreciated by the most enlightened minds devoted to other occupations ; his art may be said to furnish him with a new sense, through which new qualities appear to exist in things ; objects are invested with new splendours, and the whole face of Nature seems to wear an appropriate charm, whether dressed <* In smiles or frowns — ^in terrors or in tears." Beyond the poet in the strength of his conceptions, as well as in the force and fidelity with which they are expressed, he is more alive to what passes around him ; external objects take a stronger hold of his imagination ; the impressions of beauty, oi, grandeur, of sublimity, sink deeper into his soul. His art, esti- mated according to its noblest examples, considered in every view of mental or majiual ability, appears to be the most arduous en* H Z 100 No shape uncouth, or savage, but in place, Excites an interest, or assumes a grace ; Whether the year's successive seasons roll. Or Proteus passion paint the varying soul ; Whether, apart considered, or combin'd, The forms of matter, and the traits of mind ; terprise of taste, and, without injustice to other pursuits, may be termed the most extraordinary operation of human genius; in its theory and principles unfolding the most subtle refinements of the intellectual power, in its practice displaying the most dexterous achievement of mechanical skill. The only character indeed that can pretend to rank with the pain- ter in the great scale of human ingenuity, is the poet ; but /je has not been satisfied with equality, he, has c-ommonly contended for a higher station ; and having been usually judge and jury in the cause, he has always taken care to decide it in his own favour. Yet an impartial investigation, by abilities competent to the task, of the powers displayed in both arts ; of the qualities from nature and education which they respectively require, would perhaps amend the record, if not reverse the decree. What is there of intellectual in the operations of the poet, which the painter does not equal ? what is there of mechanical which he does not sur- pass ? He, also is one " cui sit ingenium, cui mens divinior." The " OS magna sonaturum," indeed, is not his ; but he has a language more general — more eloquent — more animated ; as much more arduous in its attainment, as it is more extraordinary in its effects. Where their arts resemble, the painter keeps his level 555 101 Nature, exhaustless still, has power to warm, And every change of scene a novel charm : The dome-crown'd city, or the cottag'd plain. The rough cragg'd mountain, or tumultuous main; The temple rich in trophied pride array'd, 560 Or mould'ring in the melancholy shade ; with the poet ; where they difFer, he takes a more elevated ground. The advantage which poetry possesses over painting, in con- tinued narration and successive impression, cannot be advanced as a peculiar merit of the poet, since it results from the nature of language, and is common to prose. The eye of the painter is required to be as much more sensible and acute than the eye of the poet, as the accuracy of him who imitates, should exceed that of him who only describes. What is the verbal expression of a passion, compared to its visible presence ; the nar- ration of an action, to the action itself brought before your view ? What are the ** verba ardentia" of the poet, to the breathing beau- ties, the living lustre of the pencil, rivalling the noblest productions of nature, expressing the characteristics of matter and mind> the powers of soul, the perfection of form, the brightest bloom of colour, the golden glow of light ? Can the airy shadows of poetical imagery be compared to the embodied realities of art ? Where the poet cursorily observes, the painter studies in- tensely ; what the one carries loosely in his memory, the other stamps upon his soul. The forms and combinations of things, H3 102 The spoils of tempest, or the wrecks of time ; The earth abundant, and the heaven sublime : All, to the painter purest joys impart. Delight his eye, and stimulate his art. From sense reclaim 'd to bliss of nobler birth. He envies not the bustling sons of earth, the accidents of light and colour, the relations of distance and degree, the passions, proportions, and properties of men and animals ; all the phenomena of " the visible diurnal sphere," the painter must treasure up in his mind in clear, distinct, indelible impressions, and with the powers of a magician call them up at a moment's warning, like " spirits from the vasty deep'* of his imagination, ** To do his bidding, and abide his will." From the nature of the medium through which the poet ope- rates, he has an advantage over the painter which considerably facilitates his progress. As verse is constructed of language mo- dified by number and measure, the poet may be said to pursue, in some degree, a preparatory course of study from his cradle ; he never talks but he may be considered as sharpening his tools, and collecting his materials ; his instrument is never out of his hands, and whether he reads, writes, or converses, he exercises his faculties in a way that appears to have a direct reference to his art, and to be a prelude to his performance. 56s 103 Who anxious climb the heights of wealth and power. The care-cloth'd pageants of a restless hour; For him, unlock the springs of finer joy, 570 The stores of soul — the sweets that never c\oy y Nature for him, unfolds her fairest day. For him, puts on her picturesque array ; The painter, on the other hand, makes use of a medium that has no analogy to speech, no connexion with any of his ordi- nary habits or acquirements; his art speaks a language of the most uncommon construction, and most comprehensive influence; demanding the unremitting application of a life to produce that facility of expression — that fluency of graphic utterance, by which only, he can hope to address himself effectually to the passions and understandings of men. If to become familiar with the writings of the ancients, to com- prehend their beauties, and compose in their language, be the proudest attainments of the scholar and the poet; how much more worthy of admiration is the skill of him who pours forth his ideas in the glowing language of Nature ! who becomes familiar with all her beauties, who learns by heart all her characters, though numerous and varied, to an extent that reduces the am^ plitude of the Chinese tongue to a contracted alphabet ; and who can trace them through all their combination*, from the simplest blade of grass in the field, to the most complex example of her power, in that alpha and omega of *er hand— the hieroglypjiic miracle, man. 104 Beneath his eye new-brightens all her charms. And yields her blushing beauties to his arms ; His prize, and praise, pursuM in shades or crowds j He fancies prodigies, and peoples clouds ; Arrests in rapid glance each fleeting form, Loves the mild calm, and studies in the storm. Such instances of premature excellence as we so often see with surprise in the other pursuits of genius, are entirely un- known in the annals of painting ; the difficulties of his art, while they condemn the painter to unremitting exertion, at least spare him the mortification of finding himself outdone by rivals from the school-room or the nursery ; no spring of inspired infancy, no sallies of premature vigour, can snatch from his astonished hopes those wreaths which are never yielded but to the patient energies of time and toil. The citadel of art is not to be taken by a coup-de-main ; no forced march of the faculties can surprise it : we must besiege it in form, proceed by regular approaches, and depend more on persevering vigilant investment, than sudden or violent assault. The head and the hand are required to act with such equal in- fluence, the intellectual and mechanical to combine in such cor- dial co-operation, that the most exalted genius must submit in the arts, to be indebted to long and laborious application for those powers which no precocious abilitJy can attain. If we remark the different periods at which poetry and painting have respectively adorned the progress of society, it may still further illustrate the characters of the two arts. Poetry appears 105 to be the first powerful product of human genius *, painting the last and most dehcate of its offspring : the one is a plant that shoots up often to its greatest luxuriance in the open field of society ; the other, a flower never produced till the soil has been long laboured and purified — till the field has been converted into a garden. Poetry attained to its greatest perfection in times comparatively simple and rude, when man was little more than emerging from the shepherd to the agricultural state ; Hesiod poured forth his strains while tending his flocks on Mount Helicon, and Homer exhausted all the treasures of the muse some ages before the combined operations of nature and cultivation had produced an Apelles, a Parrhasius, or a Zeuxis. The works of taste seem to be performed by the last and highest process of the human intellect, when in the full maturity and ex- pansion of its powers, sifted and refined through a long succes- sion of ages : they are enjoyments only to be obtained when the full supply of all our coarser necessities has impelled us to look for higher gratification ; when long possession of the useful has excited a demand for the ornamental, and ease has left us leisure for elegance. Great poets, like the stars of the morning, are often seen to shine in the early dawn of cultivation : great painters gild the horizon of society only in its meridian blaze. The influence of the poet is more general, more commanding, more important in the great concerns of life : but the task of the * Voltaire, Age of Louis XIV. remarks, " Such has been the fate of the human mind in all countries, that verse has every where been the first child of genius, and the parent of eloquence." io6 painter appears more arduous, is m'ore out of the high road of human ability, and demands a more extraordinary combination of natural and acquired powers. The painter may be said to unite the talents of the poet and the actor ; he composes the scene, and fills up the characters of the drama ; he realizes the visions of fancy, and not only recalls the exploits of antiquity, but revives the heroes by whom they were performed. His, are the supepiorities of imitation over description — of sen- sation over reflection ; he writes in the characters of nature the language of action and expression, and approaches nearest to the powers of the Creator in the noblest imij^ation of his works. THE END. S. GosNELt, Printer, Little Queen Street, Holborn. /a 2,