I V A LU ABLE PRINTS. A CATALOGUE ' ' * * ■ ... Vjf OP A VERY VALUABLE COLLECTION OF PRINTS, LA*TE THE PROPERTY OF j | Mr. JOHN E M E S, (Deceased;) T Including a fine Assortment from the Works of WOOLLETT, BARTOLOZZI, BYRNE, )<^ POUNCY, LANDSEER, HEATH, SHARPE, &c. MANY OF THEM PROOFS ^atji ETCHINGS 9 Particularly some of the Scarcest Etchings by Wool, lett. Also a capital Drawing Apparatus. Ditto Mahogany Cabinet for Prints. Which will be Sold by Auftiotfo BY / Mejrs . KING &LOCHEE, At their GREAT ROOM, No. 38, King-ftreet, Covent Garden, On THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1810. And Two Following Days, at Twelve o'clock. May be Viewed on Wednesday preceding the Sale, and Catalogues had at the Room. J. Barker, Printer, Great Rufiell-btreet, Coveat Garden. Conditions of Sale . I. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and, if any Dispute arises between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than 6 d, ; above One Pound, Is. ; above Five Pounds, 2s. 6 d. and so on in Proportion. IJI. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound in Part of Payment of the Purchase-Money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold ; and all Lots to be cleared at the Buyer’s Expence, at the Expiration of one Day after the Sale. IV. Upon Failure of complying with the above Con- ditions, the Money Deposited in Part of Payment shall be forfeited; and the Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their Humble Servants, / King and . Lochee? A CATALOGUE, &c. Firft Day’s Sale. THURSDAY, MARCH 22. PRINTS. 1 A PARCEL of about fifty, various 2 A ditto, thirty-nine n 3 Twenty- three ditto, by Rowlandson 4 A large parcel of Caricatures, by Donaldson 6 5 Twenty, various 6 Twenty-one of Cattle, from Berghem, &c. and n J Prints for Shakspeare, by Edwards V 0 7 Seven Mezzotintos 0 ^ 8 Eight in Colours, by Ackerman, of Muses, &c. § Thirteeh, the Annunciation, by Goltzius, -atuf 0 twelve more 6 10 Thirty by old Masters', Titian, Albert Durer, &c. ^ • ' 11 Fifteen byMiltoii, the Birds of New South Wales 12 Seven Friezes from Tetelin 13 Eight, Puck from Fuseli, the Bard, a proof, and six more 14 Sixteen engraved by Taylor from Smirke, from Shukspeare’s Plays 15 Nineteen, the Presentation in the Temple, and 18 more 16 Two by Sharp, the Portraits of Thomas Paine, and „ / Brothers, the Prophet & 17 Fifteen by Edelinck, Ddrigny, &c. J (4 ) / - J8 Six by Landseer, Scott, &c. from Daniels’s Rural / Sports * * $ 19 Six by ditto, Etchings and finished Proofs Z 20 Fite Portraits of celebrated Botanists, by Holl, n two of them proofs before any letters . 0 21 One, a fine Proof of General Washington, by Nutter, after Stuart * 22 Six, some of them Etchings by Vivares, Wool- lett, &c. ^ * & 23 Six, Architectural, by Lowry, Etchings and Proofs 1 ‘ 24 Four by Byrne and Landseer, viz. Fonthill House, lately pulled dowu, and Proofs of the Monu- ment to the Duke of Bedford, at Hafod, „ Twickenham Meadows, and Albury ^ * 25 Two Aqua-fortis Proofs by Ryder and Chapman, viz. Hogarth’s Portrait, and Stothard’s Othello, £ from Boy dell’s large Shakespear 26 Ten by Landseer, Pouncy, &c. aqua-fortis proofs * 27 Twelve of Smith’s Italian Views, by Byrne, Land- seer, Pouncy, &c. 28 Twelve Aqua-fortis Proofs of Vignettes, by Land- ■' seer ? v }29 Eighteen various Landscapes by Landseer, &c. 6 . 6 30 Eight by Ditto, Proofs of Vignettes, after Lou- therbourg, &c. A « 3 i Twelve by Ditto Ditto Smirke, &c. * . 3 2 Scene before Gibraltar, by Ernes, three lettered impressions ' 33 Ditto, Proof and Etching * 34 Ditto, proof , before the letters */35 British Archer’s, two proofs ' 58 ' 59 • 6 60 / .6 61 4. / 62 /0 j / * ' 0 64 ^ -65 - Q 66 '// ' G - 67 A 6 ^.6 68 69 Two, the Snuff-box, a proofs and Cupid Inspir- ing Plants, India paper Two Aqua-fortis Proofs, with Bartolozzi’is Figures, viz. one for Cook’s First Voyage, and another of Cupid, &c. both very scarce Two, The Etching and Unfinished Proof of a Boy Extinguishing Fire, after Ramberg, very scarce Seven Proofs before any Letters, of Vignettes to Montolieu's Poem of the Gardens Two, an Unfinished Proof of Flora, very scarce , and one before any letters of Mr. Rogers’s Portrait Two, the Etching and Proof, before any letters, of Lord Howe’s Victory Two, the Etching and Unfinished Proof of Cupid in Paradise One, an Aqua-fortis Proof of Andrea del Sarto’a Madona of the Sack, very scarce One, an Unfinished Proof of Ditto Ditto Two, the Portrait of Buonaparte, by Bartolozzi, and Hogarth’s Captain Coram, a proof \ by Nutter A Pair after Carlo Dolci, by Bartolozzi, Madona’s, proofs One after Cipriani, by Ditto, View of the Free- Mason’s Hall, proof One afrer Pelegrino, by Ditto, Divine Admo- nition / ( 7 ) ^ £-70 Three after Cipriani, by Ditto, Frontispiece tm Bach’s Canzonettes, Ditto, Sonates, and Cu« / / pid’s Enclosed, a proof y ‘ * 71 Three after Ditto, by Ditto, Tickets * 72 A Pair after Ditto, by Ditto, Locke’s Statutes, " * proofs 3 7$ A Pair Ditto, St«» James and St. Giles Beauty, proofs „ 74 One, Westminster Abbey, after Collier , >£ -75 Ditto S 0 76 Two Ditto, and Norwich Cathedral > 77 One, the Roy^l Society of Archer’s, proof and a outline ' £ 78 Ditto, in colours 79 One by Ernes, the Scene before Gibraltar, proofs • SO Ditto, unfinished 81 Four, Pouncy, the Progress of a Cutter, proofs * « 82 A Pair, Ditto, Wind and Water Mills, ditto -<•0 83 Two, Hearne after Pouncy, Joseph Andrews, and . the Oak, a proof 0 . 84 One after Cipriani and Hearne, by Byrne, Barto- lozzi, and Pouncy, Adam and Eve, fine im - , * pression ' ' < + 85 Ditto, etching /0 . 0 86 Five after Alexander, by Pouncy, to Macartney’s Embassy, proofs 87 Ditto, etchings / •J ^ 88 Five Ditto to Cook’s Voyage, Ditto ' ♦^><7 89 Six' Ditto, proofs 6 . 90 j&Se^Ditto, Views of the Lakes, unfinished proofs * *91 Two Ditto, Sortie of Gibraltar, proof and * etching / ■ 92 A Pair Ditto, Sea Fight, June 1 ^ * 93 Ditto, etchings * ’94 Three, Vivares 0 . 95 Two Ditto after Rubens, one unfinished 90 Eight Views in Dorsetshire, by Ernes, some / proofs . - 97 Six Ditto, etchings * - 98 One after West, by Stow, the Three Women at // the Sepulchre, proof 99 Two after Loutherbourg, by Smith, the Storm, proof and etching /A/ '-V 100 One after Webber, by Byrne and Bartolozzi, f / the Death of Capt. Cook, fine '"^QJ.01 Two, Byrne, Hermit of Warkworth, proofs and Children in the Wood ; / ^'102 One, Westminster Abbey, by Collier /b-tflOS Twenty after Smith, by Athens, Aquatint Views * in Switzerland y '■ 104 Eight by Sanders, View near Bath, aquatint 105 Four Views, by Fittler and Smith, Chepstow Castle, and Kiddestone House ^ ' 106 Twenty-three Foreign Views, by Israel ^ • 107 One by Alexander, the Dinner given to the Kentish Volunteers, a proofs with the outline and table v 7 - 108 A Pair, proofs , Burning the Flotilla, Gibral- tar • 109 Scene before Gibraltar, three lettered impres- sions ‘ * 110 Ditto, proof , before the letters 1 * 111 Ditto, proof and etching y 1 12 British Archers, two lettered impressions * yiX3 Ditto, two proofs $ . 0 114 Etchings to the Leasowes (7) *4 - 115 Smith’s Views in Italy, 2 vol. in 1, fine impres- sions (9) Second Day’s Sale, FRIDAY, MARCH 23. PRINTS. Vf if, v ’7 /a /a J4 l. o . ^ 114 X WO, Frontispiece to Ireland’s Avon, with Portrait of Shakspeare, and Shakspeare Sa- crificed 5 '117 Six various 0H8 Four, Felina, after Sir Joshua, Boy Blowing Bubbles, Etching, &c. • 119 Eight Etchings by the Princess Royal 120 A Pair after Smirke and Catton, by Pollard, Love Subdued and Companion • '121 Four Cipriani, Friezes ^ 122 Nine after Vanloo, by Demarteau, Academy / Figures '^123 Three after Loutherbourg, by Landseer, proofs 0 124 Pair after Zuchi, by Baldrey, Disarming Cupid - 125 Four after A. Kauffman, by Ryland 126 Four ditto, Circles . 127 Twelve, Emes’s Views in Dorsetshire, etchings and unfinished pro of s y some duplicates 128 Eight ditto, some proofs and lettered • 129 Twenty from Claude Loraine, by Earlom . 130 Two after Murillo, by Stow, the InfantSt. John, proof and etching • 131 Scene before Gibraltar, proof and etching *132 British Archers, 3 lettered impressions At 33 Ditto, two proofs 0 134 Etchings to the Leasowes, (7) B Q * t */i A J 135 / 0 136 / 6 137 138 ♦ 139 ^140 * 141 142 / ^143 One after West, by Stow, the Three Women at the Sepulchre One after Dayes, by Ncagle, the Procession to St. Paul’s, a proof One, Piranesi, Candelabro Antico Fifty-Seven, Salvator Rosa, Banditti Four Portraits, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons, by Smith, and 3 Foreign, Edelinck Seveu ditto, Warren Hastings, Andrew Marvell, Mas r . Crotch, and Sir Gilbert Talbot Three ditto, Dr. Willis, by Collier, proof; Rob. Mylne, Architect, proof , and Sir W. Young One Portrait, after Russell, by Collier, the Prince of Wales A Pair ditto, the Queen, and ditto, proofs ** ' b 144 Two, Sir B. Warren, after Drummond, by St . < /./ 4- i. % & AX 2 JO / and Sir R. Curtis, by Caldwell, proof • 145 One ditto, Gen. Washington, proof , by Heath 146 Eight by Sharpe, Book Plates, proofs • 347 Ditto Ditto 0 148 Ditto 0 149 Six Ditto . 150 One after Sir Joshua, by ditto, the Holy Family, proof before the letters or name to 151 One ditto, Portrait of the Bishop of Connecticut, proof ' 152 Ditto, Etching 153 One after Sir Joshua, by ditto, John Hunter, fine - 154 One after Guido, by ditto, the Doctors of the Church, proof before the letters 155 Two, Mr. Johne’s Bust, proof and unfinished to 156 Three Etchings, Pouncey, to the Leaseowes 157 Two, Vivares, after Pastel, etching and lettered impression '158 Four ditto, after Zuccarelii • it 159 Two ditto, after Berchem, Happy Peasant, print and etching 160 Three ditto after Zuccarelli and Patel 161 Scene before Gibraltar, by Ernes, three lettered impressions 162 Ditto, proof and etching 163 Ditto, proof before the letters ( II > / 1 64 British Archers, three lettered impressions 6/165 Ditto, two proofs o. t> 166 Etchings to the Leasowes, Pouncy, (7) . 167 One after Wright, by Heath, the Dead Soldier A/j 168 Ditto, a brilliant proof /i . 169 One after Wilson, by Smith, the Niobe /: /£ 170 Ditto, Proof A * . 171 Ditto, Etching /Q 172 One after Ruysdale, by Smith, the Waterfall « 173 Ditto, the Etching **■ 174 Six Views in Dorsetshire, etchings , by Ernes < «. \ *-175 Ten ditto, lettered 0-6 176 Four Mr. Johne’s Bust, finished proof , Ditto, on , India paper y and 2d and 3d proof rt'V/S.7 7 Ditto 3*917g Three Views, Medland, Byrne, &c. 1 an etching to Cook's Voyage *4 ♦ 179 Smith’s Views in Italy, many proof s before the letters , not quite complete — Etchings, vol. II. and ^ , / vol. I. not quite complete - $ 181 — - — 2 vol. in 1, a fine copy v? -A 82 Another Copy 3, 0 183 One, the British Archers, in colours . 184 One, the Scene before Gibraltar, proof ■ 185 Ditto, before any letters . .486 Ditto, Etching „ ^-i>187 Three, Mr. Johne’s Bust, 2 proofs, and 1 finished 188 Ten Views in Dorsetshire, Emes’s Etchings ' • y /1 89 Seven Ditto, and unfinished proof s 6/ 6 190 One, Westminster Abbey, by Collier * / 3 * 191 One, the Sea Fight at La Hogue, etching A Q 192 One, the Restoration 4 * * - 193 One ditto, finished proof before the letters 2 - 194 One, Ditto 4 195 Two, Woollett, Views of Gentlemen’s Seats * 196 One, by Ernes, Scene before Gibraltar, proof * v */197 Ditto, Etching J • 6498 Three, Pouncy to the Leasowes 0 199 Two, the British Archers, and Outline A J 200 One after Wilson, by Woollett, Ceyx and Alcyone » < 12 ) One WooJlett, Celadon and Amelia, fine One Ditto, Macbeth, Jim One Ditto, Fishery One Ditto, Tobias and the Angel, proof One Ditto, Etching, Jim One Ditto, Dido and iEneas, Jim Ditto, proof SCARCE PROOFS by LANDSEER , #c. From BOWYER's ENGLAND , and MACKLIN’s BIBLE. $ • 208 Six Proofs of Vignette Head Pieces to Macklin’s // Bible, by Landseer '*1 '209 Ten Aqua-fortis Proofs of ditto, by ditto J * 6 210 Eight ditto, from Loutherbourgh and Smirke, for History of England - 211 Six finished Proofs for ditto, 4 of Coins, and 2 (one of them on India paper) of Sir Charles Wager’s Victory ■ v - 212 Eight Aqua-fortis Proofs by Sharp, Landseer, &c. j / / of Vignettes, from Smirke /(i * 3 213 Eight Proofs by Landseer, of Vignettes, to Mack. / / / lin’s Bible ' ^ • % 214 Twelve ditto, by ditto, and Heath, ditto 215 Two ditto, by ditto, Historical, the Etching and finished proof of the. White Horse, from Re- . velations 9 * 216 Three ditto, by ditto, the Etching, unfinished and finished Proof of St. Michael and the Devil, from ditto J 217 Two ditto, by ditto, the Etching and India Proof of St. John, after West * • 218 Scene before Gibraltar, by Ernes, 3 lettered im- pressions ■ 219 Ditto, proof and etching » /220 Ditto, proof before the letters / - 0 221 British Archers, 3 lettered impressions A * 222 Ditto, two proofs A . 323 Etchings to the Leasowes, by Pouocey (7) 201 202 - 203 . 204 . 205 206 . 207 SO // » ( *3 > Third Day’s Sale. • SATURDAY, MARCH 24. PRINTS. • • 224 ScENE before Gibraltar, 3 lelleredimpressions ' 225 Ditto, proof and etching - * 226 Ditto, proof before the letters J , /./ / . X# /JO A/? Ai SCARCE PROOFS CONTINUED from BOWYER’s ENGLAND , and MACKLIN’s BIBLE. ^227 Eight proofs , by Landseer , Aqua-fortis Proofs of Vignettes, from Smirke and Loutherbourg - 228 Six, by Ditto, finished Proofs from Smirke, with Medallions of Warriors, Divines, Navigators, &c. *■229 Six Proofs by Sharp, Holloway, &c. from ditto, with Portraits of Cromwell, Admirals, Re- formers, &c. 230 Six Proofs by Landseer, &c. from ditto, after Smirke, with Medallions of Poets, Statesmen, Historians, &c. &c. ‘231 Four, the Etchings and finished Proofs, by ditto, after Hearne, of Castle Acre Priory, aud Ro- chester Castle - 232 Two by ditto, the Etching and finished Proof on India paper of Margaret and the Robber, after Smirke and Hodges * 233 Four by Ditto from Loutherbourg, the Etchings and finished Proofs of the Vignette Head-pieces to the Normans and Saxons ( *4 ) / - 234 Four by Ditto, after ditto, the Etching and finish- ed Proofs of ditto, to the Houses of York and Lancaster $ 235 Five by Ditto, after ditto, the Etchings and finished Proofs of ditto to the Britons (with a variation) and the Heptarchy * '/236 , ? ■ o 237 < - 238 ■'4 -239 ■ //. 0 g4o /K&241 V.tf . 242 ,^*43 '■v . 244 7. 7/ (j 245 A/6 3 JJ /./ 3 ‘^7 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 A 254 */255 ^-0 256 257 /•A// A/5 258 - 259 !A * 260 261 « -4 - 262 One by Ernes, Scene before Gibraltar One, Morning, by Scheman, proof on India paper Two Etchings, Pouncy, to Description of Merly WOOLLETT. One, the Restoration of Charles II. proof , be- fore any letters One Ditto One Ditto, unfinished Ditto, Ditto Ditto, the Etching A Pair, Ditto, and Oliver Cromwell, fine Ditto, fine brilliant proof s Ditto, the Etchings One, the Sea Fight at La Hogue, etching Ditto Ditto, unfinished proof A Pair, the Hogue and Boyne, first impression ? One after Lairesse, Tobias and the Angel One ditto, proof One ditto Ditto, unfinished Ditto, etching Ditto One from Tom Jones, a Circle, the etching One, Jacob and Laban, a fine proof \ before any letters One after Wilson, Apollo and the Seasons, an etching One, Cicero at his Villa, a most brilliant proof One, Solitude, ditto Macbeth , a proof 9 9 ■V - < 4 . . O'Jtf ZJl A t _ j./. 4.4 /. i Jj/ //. , /L /.// /. ® /.// U. JJ 7js hf i'.L i .1 4 -y z.l ( *5 ) *63 A Pair, Swanevelt, Morning and Evening, proo/i 264 One Ditto, Morning, //je etching . 265 Ditto, earlier etching 266 Meleagar and Atalanta, brillian f proofs before any letters ' 267 Ditto, etching ' 268 Celadon and Amelia 269 Ditto, the etching 270 Ditto, cm unfinished proof - 271 Ceyx and Alcyone, 272 Ditto, etching 273 Macbeth, *274 Fishery, very fine 6&75 Premium Landscape, after Wilson 0 276 Six Views of Gentlemen’s Seats, fine , 277 One, the Dock Yard, Woolwich, a fine proof .. 278 A Pair, Woollett and Byrne, Storm, Vernet, etchings ' 279 One, the Merry Villager’s, etching . aery scarce to 280 One, the Boar Hunt, proof, ditto % #/l - 281 A Pair, Jocund Peasants, after Seniors, and Companion, etchings 282 One after West, the Death of WoIf e ? an etching t , ,, very rare ^283 One, Diana and Acteon. proof , not quite finished, very mre ’§? y c / n ; 281*A Pair, ditto V 282*One, the Jocund Peasants, fine \283*One, the Cottagers, etching 0 284 One, Roman Edifices in Ruins, unfinished proof 285 Ditto, the etching -.28 6 One, the Phaeton, arc etching -287 Dido and iEneas, unfinished proof 288 Ditto . 289 Ditto * .290 Scene before Gibraltar, by Ernes, three lettered impressions *291 Ditto, proof and etching \ ’ 292 Ditto, proof, before the letters * —2.93 Etchings to the Lease wes (10) 4' /• Z 2, A /'A' 301 * ' 302 -/ 303 2 • ® - -304 305 / / / 0 306 - 307 4 3 •308 a - '309 V? -310 v 7 ‘ 3H - 312 4’ * * 313 314 315 /-. - 316 ^'0 317 — 318 ( 16 ) 294 Two, the Etching and Proof of the Musical Par. nassus, by Loutherbourg and Landseer 295 Two, the Etching and India Proof of Buona- parte, by Landseer 296 Two, the Etchings and Finished Proof, before «he inscription, of Manchester by Ditto 297 t, Etchings and Finished Proofs of Warwick nd Kennel worth Castles, by ditto 298 Twenty Etchings of Farrington’s Lakes in Cum- berland, by Pouncy, Byrne, Landseer, &c. 299 Scene before Gibraltar, by Ernes, 3 lettered im- pressions 300 Ditto, proof and etching Ditto, proof before the letters Smith’s Views in Italy, 2 vol. in 1 Ditto rt'-y'O Ditto Alexander’s Costume of China, coloured plate * , 12 Nos. with a set of Etchings Milton’s Seats of the Nobility, &c, 2 Nos. Six Etchings of Landscapes, after Ilearne, by Pouncy, proofs Sixteen Views of the Lakes, by Aiken Six Views near Margate, by Saunders, proofs Faringdon and Byrne’s 20 Views near the Lakes Rossi’s Anatomy Improved, plates Heads from Michael Angelo, Last Judgment, by Duppa, with Portfolio A small Portfolio, interleaved, blue paper Carey’s New Universal Atlas, 5 Nos, Dietry’s Etchings Chart of Finland, and an Architectural Drawing, rolled O'// ■S i - s j o o n - M ill Boards A capital and compleat nfahogany Apparatus fo: Drawing 319 A Capital Mahogany double Cabinet, with Drawers for Prints FINIS. J. Barker, 19, Great Rullcll-ftreet, Coven t- Gar dec.