' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/parischicagoexhiOOunse_O /MP . H.LAAS. I6.R.P/EBRE LEVEE.PARIS. \ 1 I J 1 B ^S| MAROQUINS, CHEVREAUX, MOUTONS, VEAUX Poor Chaussures, Relinre, Tapisserie, Carrosserie, Gainerle EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE. — PARIS 1889 CROIX DE LA LEGION D’HONNEUR SEUL GRAND PRIX ACCORDE A LEUR INDUSTRIE Trois Medailles accordees a leitrs Collaborateurs DEPOT PARIS — 55, Rue des Petites-Ecuries, 55 — PARIS MAROQUINS DE CHOISY LE-ROI FONDLE EN 1 TOG FADLER & BAYVET F RES titpont a- r PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION 9 , Rue Boudreau, 9 PARIS Gh. Bianehini & C° ROBES MANTEAUX COSTUMES SORTIES DE BAL TEA GOWNS LINGERIE lWNTAISIE Sous la direction de ]Dassir)ciIeur da l'Qpapa zt dz let 0®rr)e<^ic--Rpa:r)ca:isc ARIS-CHICAGO EXHIBITION iii GolumMa International Exhibition AT CHICAGO 1893 c $6 > «*»**■ I IV PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION lb, Rue Daanou, PARIS Special house for Dresses Mantles and court Mantles highest Fashion Speciality of Trousseaux for Weddings Fine Linen Laces Appointed to the Foreign Courts Fournisseurs de Mesdames A. PATTI-NICOLINI & SARAH BERNHARDT PARIS-CHICAGO EXHIBITION TO THE PUBLIC In editing this book,* our aim is to place before the wholesale trade of the United States, Mexico and South America, a complete Guide of Paris, its surroundings, its different places of amusement, its churches and monuments. To facilitate your commercial relations, we have given you the most reliable firms in Paris and France, whose reputations alone are a self-guarantee. They have cordially given us their support in the collaboration of this “ Souvenir You will very easily judge of the standing of the various firms, by their representation at the Columbian International Exhibition at Chicago . Our direct object has been to bring you in contact with the various firms of commerce in our Republic, wherein, you will find great facilities and advantages VI PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION offered to the merchants in general, while visiting our beautiful France. You will not only find the largest manufacturies, but will also enjoy the many amusements offered by our gay and festive Capital. Hoping that “ Paris-Chicago ” will receive a cordial greeting and that the many informations will be of service to you, We are Respectfully. The Editors. ,i , — LOUIS VUITTON’S Trunk exhibit in the Columbian World’s Fair is situated in the Leather Palace. Paris Address , i, T{ue Scribe, i. London Branch. 454, Strand, 454 . NO WHERE ELSE •!• See Page N° 88. 28, ^ae Taitboat, 28 PARIS ROBES CONFECTIONS LINGERIE TOILETTES de BAL MANTEAUX de COUR TEA GOWNS 2 PARIS-CHICAGO EXHIBITION House established in 1821 Manufactering Jeweller Impo^ei^ and of Grem^ if Special attention given to Artistic and Ornemental works in Gold Silver and Enamel 11 VEVEH 19, Rue de la Paix, 19 (Near the Grand Opera) GRAND-PRIX Universal Exposition of Paris i88g - MEDALS OF HONOR --- Universal Exposition Paris 1855 » » London 1862 - HORS CONCOURS - Member of Committees for the awarding of Prices at the Universal Exposition of Paris 1867 » » » » Paris 1878 » » » » Moscow 1891 JPHS COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION 0HI0A0O 1893 Opera House of Paris PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION ^cwre cfe ^ P. I M SllilE S PHILADELPHIE 1876 , (1 Diploma for Excellency MEDAILLE D’OR PARIS 1878 ^ ^ s . ETS Of 1889 Membre du Jury «|w- j - l_C | «.|» Finer & oimiiii -O- PARIS TC *•"--O- General Agents for the United States OTTENHEIMER BROS 444 & 446, Broadway, NEW-YORK PARIS-CHICAGO EXHIBITION 5 jSpetciHDiTei DE PRUNES D’ENTES J. pflU 87, RUE DU JARDIN-PUBLIC BORDEAUX PARIS-CHIC A G O EXHIBITION PARFUMERIE ED. PINAUD PARIS — 37, Boulevard de Strasbourg, 37 — PARIS ••• SPECIALTIES Paris Exposition 1839 GRAND PRIZE! HIGHEST AWARD! ED. PINAUD’S EXTRACTS For the handkerchief are considered by Parisian Ladies as the most Delicate, Fragrant and Lasting of all Perfumes. ED. PINAUD’S Eau de Quinine The Celebrated Hair Tonic, prevents the hair from falling out; for Removing Dandruff it has no equal in the world. ELIXIR DENTIFRICE and PATE DENTELAIRE (TOOTH PASTE) The Best and Safest Preparations for the Teeth. Sold everywhere. 2TEW-YOB3S BBA1TCH: 42, East W* Street , TJ1TI01T SQUARE. Latest nove/ties: CE1LLET VERT (Green Carnation). BORGHETTO. AURORA-TULIP exquisite perfume. Haw finest TOILET SOAP N°528 assorted odors. Boulevard de 8 PA RIS- CHIC A G O EXHIBITION MAISON FONDLE EN 1802 FABRIQUE DE LIQIEVRS FRUITS & SIROPS NDYENS 4 C BORDEAUX-FRANCE -- MEBA1LLES OR ET ARGENT ©XBOfflTIONjE) UNIVB^EmB^ Bordeaux, Bareelone, Bruxelles, Paris, Moseou 1882 1888 1889 1889 1892 Chez MM. ACKER, MERRALL et CONDIT ) PARK et TILFORD ) GROMMES et ULLRICH j NEW-YORK CHICAGO PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION 9 PARIS 2,447,957 HABITANTS. Presidence .. Ministere des Affaires etrangeres . — de VInterieur . — des Finances . — des Travaux publics. . . — de VInstruction publique et des Beaux-Arts. — de VAgriculture .... — du Commerce, de Vlndustrie et des Colonies. — de la Guerre . — de la Marine . — de la Justice et des Cultes. Direction des Postes et Telegraphes . Prefecture de la Seine. ..... — de police . Chambre des Deputes. . . . . Senat . Gouvernement militaire de la place de Paris . Chancellerie de la Legion d’honneur . Conseil d’Etat . Palais de l’Elysee. Rue de l’Universite, r3o. Rue Cambaceres, 7 , 9 , 11 et i3, rue de Grenelle, io3, r. de l’Universite, 176 . Palais du Louvre. Boulevard Saint-Germain, 244 . Rue de Grenelle, no. Rue de Varennes, 78 . Rue de Varennes, 80 et rue Royale, 2 . Boulevard Saint-Germain, 23 1 . Rue Royale, 2 . Place Vendome, n. Rue de Grenelle, 99 , io3 et io5. Hdtel-de-Vill e. Rue de la Cite, 7 . Palais-Bourbon, quai d’Orsay. Palais du Luxembourg. Place Vendome, 5. Rue Solferino, 1 . Palais-Royal. IO PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION L. STORCH PARIS WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER OF MANTELS & CAPES SILVER MEDAL PARIS EXHIBITION 1889 NOVELTIES AT MODERATE PRICES PA RIS- CHIC A G O EXHIBITION 11 JVLaison fondee en 1797 E. GERARD, DUFRAISSEIXIC 18 SUCCESSEURS DE CH. FIELD HAVILAND PORCELAINS - LIMOGES - . . — HAVILAND & ABBOT. — Wholesale Agents 29, Barclay Street, NEW-YORK In addition to porcelain decorated by the ordinary methods, the house exhibits a large quantity of articles with underglaze decoration, in colors produced by furnace heat and absolutely unalterable. 2 i 2 PARIS-CHICAGO EXHIBITION Pams H. LEPRINCE Corsets French Exhibition CHICAGO WORLD’S FAIR See my PATTERNS ' (CL. 26) j 44, Boulevard de Sebastopol. (FRANCE) Cathedral of Notre Dame laisiSTiiiiii '4 PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION MEUBLES El BRONZES ©ESNI^E AN0IEN DART et Medaille d’Or Exposition Universelle Paris 1889 -* AMAZON ES LADIES AND GENT’S TAILORS 28 , BOULEVARD DES JTALJENS PARIS PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION i5 PEpFUGQEpY ■Fords of Toilet Extra Fine Soaps A. BOURJOIS & C IE 12 & 14 Boul fl Martin PARIS Factory Rue As la Bare PANTIN Perfumery Louis XV CHICAGO EXHIBITION (Class 19) fevard poissonniere. i6 PARIS-CHICA GO Cos \ Extra Dry G.H.Mumm & C! REIMS MPAG^ 75880 Dozen Bottles Sole Agents for the UNITED STATES Canada & Mexico Messrs. FRED! DE BARY & C°, Warr & en 3 St NEW'YORK PARIS-CHICA GO 7 champagne Her Majesty the Queen of England H. R. Highness the Prince of Wales His Majesty the Emperor of Germany His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway His Majesty the King of Denmark His Majesty the King of the Belgians Her Majesty the Queen of Holland Agents : London,M essrs. W. J. & T. Welch , 10, Corn Exch9 e Chambers Paris, Mr. E. Jourdan, 10, Rue du Monthabor 18 PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION Horticultural Palace B. Comite N° 7 CLARETS & SAUTERNES 0*^0 QE OVER 500.000 GALLONS Ed. DE braekeleer & c° 36, REAVER STREET, NEW YORK Sole AGENTS for the UNITED STATES PARIS-CHICAGO EXHIBITION 19 Chateau BON-AIR ESTATE OF S. LARCHER FERE The Chateau Bon-Air considered to be one of the very best growths in the red Graves district of the Gironde is most appreciated in 'the whole world by all the « Connoisseurs ». 20 PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION MAISON DU PHENIX FONDEE EN 1830 S. HAYEM AINE JULIEN HAYEM EXPOSITION VIENNE 1873 Grand dipldme d’honneur Chevalier de iordre de Francois-Joseph -tsr EXPOSITICN DE PARIS 1878 Hors concours, President du Jury Ofhcier de /a ttgion d’honneur EXPOSITION PARIS 1889 Hors concours. President du Jury Officier da la Ligion d’honneur EXPOSITION DE CHICAGO 1893 President du Comite 26 {Admission et Installation) J. HAYEM & O MAGASINS j MANUFACTURE 38, rue du Sentier, 38 ; 145, boulevard Voltaire, 145 PARIS •E3- COLLARS AND SHIRTS CUFFS AND DRAWERS FLANNEL VESTS : LINGERIE DE DAMES J HANDKERCHIEFS , j NECKWEAR ) * j ECHARPES \ LAVALLIERES SUSPENDERS-BUTTONS FOULARDS-FICHUS PIECE GOODS SILK, LINEN, WOOL, COTTON WHITE AND PRINTED llUllirmTnmrn IN 5 DEPARTMENTS EMPLOYING MANUFACTORIES 6500 WORK PEOPLE PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION 21 THEATRES & CONCERTS Opera . Theatre-Frangais ...... Opera-Comique. ...... Odeon .. . . Gymnase . Vaudeville . Porte Saint-Martin . Palais-Royal . Varietes . Nouveautes . Gaite .. Bouffes-Parisiens . Folies-Dramatiques . Chatelet . Renaissance ........ Ambigu . Menus-Plaisirs . Chateau d’Eau (theatre historique). Cluny . Eden-Theatre . Deja^et . Theatre libre . Folies-Bergeres . Eldorado . Place de l’Opera. Place du The'atre-Francais. Place du Chatelet. Place de l’Odeon. Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle Boulevard des Capucines. Boulevard Saint-Martin. Rue Montpensier. Boulevard Montmartre. Boulevard des Italiens. Square des Arts-et-Metiers. Rue Mon signy. Rue de Bondy. Place du Chatelet. Boulevard Saint-Martin. Boulevard de Strasbourg. Rue de Malte. Boulevard Saint-Germain. Rue Boudreau. Boulevard du Temple. Rue Blanche. Rue Richer. Boulevard de Strasbourg. Continued on fol. page 27. 22 PARIS- CHIC A G O EXHIBITION ESTABLISHED in 1866 -G 3 - CONFECTIONS POUR DUES HIGHEST AWARDS AT THE International Exhibitions MELBOURNE PARIS and DUNEDIN 1888 1889 1890 HlgiPif i. Statue of Gambetta Situated in the Louvre court 24 PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION deposee PIHAN 4 , Faubourg Saint-Honore PARIS CHOCOLATS EN TABLETTES ] D’UNE PURETE ABSOLUE Bonbons, Bouchees Pihan, Cremes Pralines, etc. SPECIALI1ES LUNCHS, GAUFRETTES, BATONS MARECHAL Etc., Etc. PARIS-CHICAGO EXHIBITION 25 CHEYREAUX HOIKS GLACIS, MS k BORIS POUR CHAUSSURES —— It Fils lit f EMM MU Bureaux & Magasins 29, tie des Petites-Eeames FAKES m a n u f'/\ cture de chevreaux LE FILS deV v , e CALIXTE BARR'ANDE Manufacture a LAGNY (3eine-et- EXPOSiTIONS UN1VERSELLES Medaille d’Argent Medaille d’Or Medaille d’Or Paris 1878 Paris 1889 Eclimboarg 1890 26 PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION Gastave SAftDOZ 146, 147, 148, GALER1E DE VALOIS PALAIS-ROYAL Jowols-y DIAMONDS AND PRECIOUS STONES WA TCHES, CL 0 CKS, REG ULATORS % MEDALS OF HONOR at the^National and Universal Exhibitions 1867, 1868, d875, 1878, 1883 HORS CONCOURS 1869, 1875, 1876, 1884, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890 Officer of Legion of honor 1889 FACTORY: 21, RUE DE VALOIS — PARIS PAR1S-CHICA GO EXHIBITION 27 THEATRES & CONCERTS ( Continuation) Casino de Paris . . . . Scala . Theatre Moderne . . . . Concert Parisien . Montagnes russes . Eden Concert . Cirque d'hiver . Nouveau cirque . Cirque Fernando . . . . Bal Bullier . — Elysee Montmartre . Moulin Rouge . Musee Grevin . — Guimet . Rue de Clichy et rue Blanche. Boulevard de Strasbourg. Faubourg Poissonniere. Faubourg Saint-Denis. Boulevard des Capucines. Boulevard Sebastopol. Boulevard des Filles du Calvaire. Rue Saint-Honore. Boulevard Rochechouart. Avenue de l’Observatoire. Boulevard Rochechouart. Place Blanche. Boulevard Montmartre. Avenue d’lena. IN SUMMER Concert des Ambassadeurs . . . . — de VAlcazar . — de VHorloge . Cirque d’Ete ........ Jardin de Paris (great attraction ). . Hippodrome . Gran Pla^a de Toros du bois de Bou¬ logne . Champs-Elysees. Avenue de TAlma. Rue Pergolese. 3 MJiDAILLE POUR DAMES Exposition Paris _— 1889 E. Prevet, 3o, RUE DU MAIL PARIS Place de la Republique 3 o PARIS-CH 1 CAG 0 EXHIBITION L. A. PRICE BORDEAUX (France) PACKER OF Peas — Sardines — Champignons AND OTHER VEGETABLE IN TINS & GLASS PRUNES — OLIVE OIL OLIVES MACCARONI & OTHER PASTES FRUITS, ETC., ETC. -C3SX«€»—- New-York Agents : J.-M. CHAPMAN & C° PARIS- CHIC A G O EXHIBITION 3 1 AMBASSADES & LEGATIONS Allemagne . Angleterre . Autriche-Hongrie. . Baviere . . Belgique . Chine . Danemark « . . Espagne . Etats- Unis d’Amerique. Grece . Italie . Japon. ...... Luxembourg . Ho Hande . Portugal . Russie . Suede et Norvege . . . Suisse . Turquie . Rue de Lille, 78 ... . Faubourg Saint-Honore, 39. Rue de Varennes, 57. Rue Bellechasse .... Rue Bizet, 6 . Place Victor-Hugo, 7. . Rue de Courcelles, 21. . . Boulevard de Courcelles, 34. Avenue Hoche, 35 . . . Rue Pierre-Charron, 46. Rue de Penthievre, 11 . Avenue Marceau, 75. Rue Bizet, 6 . Rue Lubeck, 29 ... Rue de Courcelles, 78 . . Rue Grenelle-St-Germain, 79 Rue Bassano, 12 . Rue Cambon, 4. Rue de Presbourg, 10. . Comte de Munster. Lord Dufferin. Comte Hoyos. Baron Tucker. Baron Beyens. Sieh-Ta-Ten. Cte de Moltke Hvitfeldt. Due de Mandas. Withelaw Reid. Delyanni. Ressmann. Vicomte Nomura. Vannerus. De Stuers. Navarro. Baron Mohrenheim. Due. Lardy. Essad Pacha. 32 PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION Victor VAISS1ER SAVONNERIE & PARFUMERIE DU CONGO 4, Place de VOpera, PARIS ARTICLES RECOMMANDES Savon des Princes du Congo. » aux Roses du Congo. » peau d’Espagne. » fleur du Lekele. » Paris-Chicago. » des Immortels. Extrait du Congo, p r le mouchoir. » Lilas blanc, » » Heliotrope, Reseda, » » CEillet, peau d’Es¬ pagne, » » Yiolette, Muguet, » » fleur du Lekele, » Eau de Cologne, Yinaigre, Eau de Lavande, etc., etc. TITHES «SC RECOMPENSES Fournisseur en titre de la Cour royale de Belgique De S. A. Leopold 11, souverain du Congo De S. M. le Bey de Tunis, de S. A. R. Mme la Comtesse de Flandre 1890. Exposition de Londres, Medaille et Diplome de i ro classe. » Diplome de membre de l’Academie nationale de Paris. 1891. Exposition du Travail, Palais de l’lndustrie, Paris, Medaille et Diplome de i r# classe. » Exposition de Moscou, Medaille et Diplome. 1892. Academie parisienne des Inventeurs, Medaille d’or grand module et Diplome de i r8 classe, avec le titre de membre d’honneur correspondant. » Academie universelle de Bruxelles, Me'daille d’or de i r ® classe. » Exposition de Boulogne-sur-Mer, Medaille d’or et Diplome d’honneur, avec felicitations du Jury. v Academie nationale de Paris, Medaille d’or et Diplome de i re classe. » Exposition de Lille, Medaille d’or et Diplome de i r ® classe. » Exposition de Scheweningen-La-Haye, Medaille d’or et Diplome de i re classe. > Academie du Progres commercial de Paris, Diplome et Croix du merite de 2® classe. » Exposition d’Ajaccio, Medaille d’or et Croix, avec Diplome d’honneur. » Exposition de Nice, Medaille d’or et Croix, avec grand Diplome d’honneur. » Exposition internationale des inventions nouvelles, Paris, Medaille d’or et Dipldme de i r ® classe pour la Congoline. » Exposition de Saint-Gilles, la Palme d’honneur. » Exposition de Bruxelles, le Grand Prix d’honneur. » Exposition de Paris, Academie du Progres commercial, Croix d’officier du merite ■ du travail de i r * classe. Les Halles The Central Market oj Paris 34 PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION PAUL KAHN IB, SO, SS, rue du Mail, PARIS - — ♦ «i»;» » - VEtements en GROS H ,£ NOUVEAUTE Place VendoMe 36 PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION MERCANTILE GROUP OF FIRMS in B^flfiDIES of COGNAC (FRANCE) (HORS CONCOURS) MARTELL & C°. Established 1715 AGENTS: MESSRS RENAULD & NIEDERSTADT fiem-Yot de Marigny. . . . . Rue de la Vrilliere. . Rue de Lille, 56. . Rue de Rivoli, place des Pyramides. . Rue des Capucines. . Champs-Elysees. • . Rue de Berri, 5. . Carre Marigny. 54 PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION 3, Rue Pasquier PARIS BOIN-TABURET 3, Rue Pasquier PARIS ea ORFEVRERIE EM ARGENT DE STYLE Services de Table, Couverts, Coutellerie, Plats, Legumiers, etc., Surtouts, Corbeilles, Candelabres, Compotiers, etc., Garnitures de Toilette, Petite Orfevrerie fantaisie, reproduction d’objets d’art. BIJOUTERIE JOAILLERIE ANCIENNE ET MODERNE Les plus HADTES RECOMPENSES aux EXPOSITIONS UNIVERSELLES AMSTERDAM, ANVERS, BRUXELLES, etc., etc. PARIS iS8g Louis AUCOC Fils tABinr.UT HUOmjDR JOAULIER Membre du Jury a l’Exposition Universelle 1889 9, Rue du Quatre-Septembre, PARIS SPECIALITE DE BROCHES DENTELLES MINIATURES ET AUTRES FANTAISIES NOUVELI.ES BRACELETS, EPINGLES DE COIFFURE ET DE CRAVATE BAGUES, COLLIERS, SOLITAIRES, BOUTONS DE MANCHETTES ET DE CHEMISE Church of la Madeleine 56 PARIS-CHICAGO EXHIBITION Maison MARINDAZ BREVETEE M LLE MARIE SUSSE 3, Rue de la Paix, 3 PARIS ELEGANT SPECIALITY FOR CHILDSEM AMP YOHHG! LADIES COSTUMES Tijou^feaux and Itaipelfef AUX MOBTAGNES D'ECOSSE 47 and 49, Faubourg Saint-Honore, PARIS TAILLEURS ANGLAIS POUR MESSIEURS RAYON SPECIAL DE COSTUMES D’EHFAHTS TAILLEURS ANGLAIS I POUR DAMES RAYON SPECIAL DE BONNETERIE ANGLAISE ENGLISH TAILORS AND HOSIERS ESTABLISHED IN 1862 EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE SALE OF BRITISH FABRICS PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION 5 7 HOSPITALS Consultations are held free of charge daily from 8 to 9 a. m. Visitors can only call upon the patients Thursdays and Sundays from 1 to 3 P. M. Beaujon. . . . Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honore, 208. Bichat .... Boulevard Ney. Broussais . Rue Didot, 96. Charite. . . . Rue Jacob, 49. Cochin .... Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Jacques, 47. Enfants malades. Rue de Sevres, 149. Hotel-Dieu. . Place du Parvis Notre-Dame. Laennec. . Rue de Sevres, 42. Lariboisiere . Rue Ambroise-Pare, 2, boulevard Magenta, i 52 . Lourcine . . . Rue de Lourcine. Midi . Boulevard de Port-Royal, 111, Faubourg Saint-Jacques, Mate mite . . . Boulevard de Port-Royal, 123. Necker .... Rue de Sevres, 1 5 1. Pitie . Rue Lacepede, 1. Saint-Antoine. . Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Antoine, 184. Saint-Louis . Rue Bichat, 38 et 40. Tenon . . . . Rue de la Chine, 4 (Menilmontant). Trousseau. Rue de Charenton, 89, Faubourg Saint-Antoine, no. MILITARY HOSPITALS Des Invalides. . . A l’Hotel des Invalides. Gros-Caillou . . . Rue Saint-Dominique, 106. Saint-Martin . . . Rue des Recollets, 8. Val-de-Grace. . Rue Saint-Jacques, 277 bis . De Vincennes. . . A Vincennes. 58 PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION Exposition Universelle 1878 9 Medaille d*or s PARIS Hors Goncours 1889, Membre du Jury MANUFACTURERS Ladies Felt & Straw hats Bonnet & Hat frames • Felt hoods. Dress & Millinery Materials, Ribbons, Silks, Velvets, Ornaments, Crapes, Tulles, Laces Flowers, Feathers I Speciality in Buckram, \ Marly & Sparterie 1 i, Finished \ j MANUFACTURES | \ De Chapeaux de paille et feutre > \ pour Dames i | Cloches de feutre \ j Fournitures et fantaisies j | pour Modes et Couture \ Rubans, Soieries, Velours, > Ornemenls > \ Crapes, Tulles, Dentelles J Fleurs et Plumes \ Spdcialite de Linons, | \ Tulles, Marlys et Sparterie Appretds FABRICAS De Sombreros de Paja y Fieltro para Senoras Cascos de Fieltro Fornecimientos y Fantasias para Modas y Sastras Cintas, Sederias, Terciopelo Adornos Crespones, T.ules, Encages Flores y Plumas Especialidad de Esparteria Marly, Tules y Linones \ Aderezados 5 Place de la Concorde et avenue des Champs-Elysees, Paris 6o paris-chicAgo exhibition BEHIND THE OPERA HOUSE The only House of the kind in Paris SPECIALLY ORGANISED FOR LADIES AND FAMILIES INFORMATION GRATIS on all subjects such as Fashion, Hotels, Pensions, Apartments furnished or unfurnished, Medical Attendence, Schools, Classes, Professors, etc. Large Reading, Writing, Tea and Toilet Rooms Telegraphic and Postal Department Competent Lady Guides for Excursions, Shopping Artistic Researches, etc. STEAMER AND RAILWAY TICKETS Luggage stored or forwarded to all parts at very low rates COMMISSIONS EXECUTED FOR ALL PARTS ABROAD TEA OFFERED from 3 to 6 p.m. Cable Address : EXCHANGE — PARIS ELEVATOR TELEPHONE PARIS-CHICAGO EXHIBITION POST OFFICE TARIF All correspondance in France is forwarded at the rate of i 5 centimes per 15 grammes. For foreign countries an additional charge of io centimes is agregated. Poste Restante. Registered letters are delivered personnally, or upon the production of identity, otherwise returned to the sender after 3 o days’ detention. Newspapers, Magazines,... are forwarded as per tarif below in Paris only 25 grammes. . .. o fr. oi c. 5o » . o oi 1/2 73 » .. o 02 100 to 125 grammes. o 02 1/2 . 12 5 to ; 5.0 » . o o 3 France. 25 grammes. o fr. 02 c. 5 o » .' o o 3 75 » . o 04 100 » . o o 5 125 to i 5 o grammes. o 07 Continuation on fol. Page 67 . 62 PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION CHICAGO Class 26 And Women Building FRANCE LINEN WARE 7, Rue de la Paix, PARIS : • 'Jm TROUSSEAUX’S - HOUSE LINEN 9 j TABLE LINEN I ELEGANT UNDERGARMENTS /. • \ . A.: LARGE SELECTION OF ANCIENT LACES PARIS Universal Exhibition Gold Medal Jiff i li f * . ! i Hiiii 2 IS Rue de la Paix, Paris PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION Avenue de l’Opera 66 PARIS-CHICAGO PLUS DE PAR L’EMPLOI DE MAUX DE DENTS! X L’ELIXIR, POUDRE S' ET PATE /W S DENTIFRICES O > v v DETAIL tozs toafes Zes i!Ji 27255 Maisons de France & de VStranger PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION 67 POST OFFICE (Continuation) TARIF Postal Cards At the uniform price of. o f ioc. Answer prepaid. 0.20 Registered. o.a 5 The address only allowed on Stamp side. Samples not exceeding 100 grammes. o' 10 c. for every. 5 o » extra. o.o 5 Packages containing samples should be so arranged in order to render examination easy for the customs. Parcels containing liquids or oily products, should be sent in wooden boxes and are not receivable for England, Russia and the United States. Parcels wherein samples occasion custom duties, are not received at the P. O. Money orders are forwarded at the rate of 1 0/0 upon the value of re¬ mittance. Money orders can be telegraphed at the fol. rates; i° 1 0/0 on amount of remittance. 2 0 Amount of telegram. 3 ° An additional charge of 5 o centimes to notify the receiver. These orders if not called for within 5 days of notice, are telegraphed back at the expense of the forwarder. 68 PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION ^SC^RLEr $ ^ A 21, rue Turbigo J^id Gloves MANUFACTORIES IN PARIS & MILLAU (FRANCE) SPECIALITY OP TANNED GLOVES, PIQUES, BIARRITZ HIGHEST AWARDS AT THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION AMSTERDAM 1869 VIENNA 1873 PHILADELPHIA 1876 PARIS 1878 PARIS 1889 Sculpture daily except Monday from 11 a. m to 4 p. m. winter » » » » 11 a. m to 5 p. m. summer Ethnographie daily with cards of admission from 11 a m. to 5 p. m. » public at large Thursdays and Sundays 11 a. m. Aquarium daily from 9 to 11 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. m. PARIS-CHICAGO EXHIBITION IT MARGUERITE Fournisseur de la Trincesse de Galles MODES 35, Avenue de l’Opera PARIS ENGLISH SPOKEN SE HABLA ESPANOL Boulevard des Italiens 72 PARIS CHICAGO EXHIBITION (odubjj op sonaioiA xnt?) djvidSd^ uoiiop l p]vu?diu[ nvg — 1 VU°^2I uoiio’j — ‘dssn# djviuddmj uoiio'j Hnod saxnvioaas PARFUMERIE AU CHYPRE, AU MUGUET, AU LILAS BLANC Heliotrope , — Peau d’Espagne, — Leopold Bouquet, Ess-Bouquet , — Mimosa , — Ylang-Ylang , —Chevrefeuille The central Dome Building of the Exhibition i 88 g , Paris 74 PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION MANUFACTURE d’O^n^metd^; d’Egli^e RAISON FONDEE EN 4 T 82 Fournisseurs de N. S. P. le Pape 74, RUE BONAPARTE, 74 PARIS -eg- ATELIERS DE BRODERIES, LINGERIE, BRONIE ET AMEUBLEMENT COMPLET DES EGLISES PARIS, 74, rue Bonaparte, 74, PARIS Fabrique de Soieries, Salons & Passementeries LYON, 15, rue Lanterne, LYON Voir a la Section Francaise, Comite 26, l’importante exposition de la maison BIAI8 Ain© & O lie Church Saint-Sulpice 76 PARIS-CHICAGO L.C milliner 10, RUE DE LA PAIX, 10 PARIS-CH1CAG0 EXHIBITION 77 VERSAILLES St. Augustin. Park Monceau, Arc de Triomphe, Bois de Boulogne, the Lakes, Grande Cascade and Racecourse of Longchamps, View of the Citadel of Mont Valerien, Town, Park, and Palace (ruins) of St. Cloud, Montretout, Forest of Ville-d’Avray, Avenue de Picardie, Boulevards de la Reine, Grand Trianon, Private Apartments of the Empress Josephine, Napoleon I., and Mme. de Main- tenon, and State Carriages. LUNCHEON. Palace, Galleries and Park of Versailles, Avenue de Paris, Viroflay, Chaville, Sevres, and its Porcelain Manufactory (exterior), Billancourt, Fortifi¬ cations of Paris, Viaduct of Auteuil, Palace of the Trocadero, Seine Embank¬ ment, Cours la Reine, Place de la Concorde, and home. SAINT-GERMAIN Place de la Concorde. Champs-Elysees, Place de l’Etoile, Neuilly, Courbevoie, Nanterre, Rueil, visit the church of Rueil with the tombs of Empress Josephine and Queen Hortense, mother of Napoleon III., La Malmaison, residence of Empress Josephine (exterior), Bougival, Marly-le-Roi, Saint-Germain. LUNCHEON. Visit the Castle and the Church, containing a monument erected to the memory of James II. of England. Drive on the Terrace and in the Forest; return to Paris by Le Pecq, Le Vesinet, Chatou and Nanterre. V FONTAINEBLEAU Palace of Fontainebleau. — Cour du Cheval Blanc or des Adieux, Chapelle de la Trinite, Apartments of Napoleon I., Cabinet de l’Abdication, Salle du Trone, Apartments of Marie Antoinette and Empress Eugenie, Galerie de Diane or Library, Salons de Reception, Salon Louis XIII., Salles de St. Louis, Salle des Gardes, Escalier du Roi, Salle des Fetes or Galerie d’Henry II., Apartments of Madame de Maintenon, Galerie Francois I er , Appartements des Reines Meres, Appartements du Pape Pie VII., Appartements de Louis XV., Galerie des Assiettes, Salle du Theatre, Cour de la Fontaine, Cour ovale or du Donjon, Cour des Princes, Cour Henry IV., the celebrated Carp Pond, Jardin Anglais. LUNCHEON. The Forest. — Avenue and Gorges de Franchard, Point de vue des Artistes the Weeping Rock, Route du Grand Veneur, Rocher des Deux Sceurs, Gorge, du Houx, the Moving Rock, Fontaine Sanguinede and Point de Vue, Pharamond and Charlemagne (the two oldest trees in the Forest), Vallee de la Solle, view of the Racecourse, Queen Amelia’s Rock, Sponge Rock, Croix du Calvaire (or Point de vue de Fontainebleau). 7 § PARIS CHIC AGO EXHIBITION GENTLEMEN’S COMPLETE SUITS Overcoats and Ulsters LADIES ULSTERS JACKETS & RIDING HABITS English Tailors o y* & eP cV < 9 *. DRESS MAKERS Costumes de Voyage et de Ville MANTEAUX & FOURRURES PARIS, y & 7, Rue Scribe, y & 7, PARIS RIMMEL’S PERFUMERY - ■ » - » --- RIMMEL’S TOILET VINEGAR hish rr s “^^ RIMMEL’S SPECIALITIES ; " NESSARI ” a new and delicious perfume just out TILLA a most delicate bouquet THE EXQUISITE a highly concentrated perfume. RIMMEL’S MEW PERFUMES s Nessari, Chinese B f , Britannia, CEillet vert, Perdita, Moscovite, etc., etc In Soaps, Extracts for the handker¬ chief, Toilet waters, Cold Cream, Brillantine and Powders. E RIMMEL L ted LONDRES 96, Strand. PARIS 9, B d des Capucines . The Elysee The residence of President Carnot, situated rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honore, Paris So PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION MANUFACTURE DE SOIERIES LYON MARIX Freres Jeunes 9 6, RUE HOTEL-DE-VILLE io, RUE DES ARCHERS PARIS-CHICA GO EXHIBITION 81 LYON 438.077 INHABITANTS. The richest and most industrial city, and second of the Republic in size and importance. It is the center of the silk trade, as well as the most important for the manufacturing of Cheese, Sausages, and Preserves of all kinds. Some of the most important Museums of France are found in Lyons. BORDEAUX 2 50.000 inhabitants. Situated 56 1 kilometers from Paris. The harbour of Bordeaux is very im¬ portant, being able to contain in its basin 1200 deep water Vessels. It is the center of the wine trade, also most important for its many manufactories of Preserves and canned Goods. ) COGNAC 15.OOO INHABITANTS. Is situated 460 kilometers from Paris. It is one of the ancient cities of France, it is world reknown for the manufacturing of Brandy and Spirits. The annual commerce agregates an average of two hundred millions francs. LIMOGES 7O.OOO INHABITANTS. 400 kilometers from Paris. One of the old cities of France and well known for the manufacturing of porcelain, china and glassware, its products being spread over the entire world. AMERICAN BRANCH MENIER, 86, 88, West Broadway, New-York 82 PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION Annual Sales Exceed 33 Million LBS. The only Chocolate that can be used for both EATING and DRINKING CHOCOLAT MENIER Paris — Noisier — London ESTABLISHED 1825 AMERICAN BRANCH MENIER, 86, 88, West Broadway, New-York The Paris Stock Exchange EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT THE ARE COVERED BY THE BRAND OF ALMONDS — PRUNES — WALNUTS — FRUITS AND VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION BORDEAUX - FRANCE PACKERS OF THE : BEST FRENCH PEAS, BEST MUSHROOMS, PUREST OLIVE OIL, Their Cracked Glass Bottle is a BEAUTY BEST CAPERS, BEST OLIVES FINEST MACARONI Their “SWAN ” Brand in fancy sheathes fears no competition ASK EVERYWHERE : TALBOT Freres ’ Mushrooms Powder This product recommends itself by its exquisite flavour TALBOT FRERES Grand Theatre of Bordeaux (France) 86 PARIS-CHICAGO EXHIBITION MOM MtDAlLLE D’OR EXPOSITION ONIVERSELLE PARIS 1889 LA PLUS HAUTE RECOMPENSE EN VENTE DANS TOUTES LES BONNES XAISONS The Stock Exchange of Bordeaux 88 PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION v o»' sVU,7 >0 occupe 45o ouvriers ou employes, et utilise une force de 35 o chevaux-vapeur dans ses six usines. — M. Eugene Cusenier, directeur en chef de la Maison, a ete nomme chevalier de la Legion d’honneur, par decret du 9 juillet i 883 , rendu sur la proposition du Ministre du Commerce, avec cette mention : « A realise d’importants progres dans 1 ’industrie de la fabrication des Liqueurs. » A la suite de ^Exposition de Bruxelles en 1888 et de l’Exposition de Barcelone de la meme annee, ou les produits de la Maison etaient classes hors concours, M. Elisee- Cusenier a ete nomme chevalier de 1 ’ordre de Leopold ainsi que de l’ordre d’lsabelle la Catholique, et, par decret en date du 14 juillet 1891, il a ete promu chevalier de la Legion d’honneur pour avoir favorise le developpement de l’exportation franfaise. 102 PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION LADIES UNDERWEAR EMBROIDERIES NOVELTIES TROUSSEAUX IN ALL STYLES ETC. SILK UNDERWEAR TEA GOWNS COMBINATIONS HAUTES NOUVEAUTES ETC. GERsoyy ^ v- Manufacturers of LADIES UNDERWEAR ^ 1} ES PETITES-ECUR^ PARIS S6 COSTUMES HATS and BONNETS FOR CHILDREN CHILDREN UNDERWEAR SPECIAL DESIGNS FOR THE UNITED STATES SKIRTS WRAPPERS MATINEES DUSTERS ETC. Arc du Carrousel Situated in the Louvre court , garden of the Tuileries 104 PARIS-CHICAGO EXHIBITION Impressions de Iiu*e O CHROMO i$> GAUFRAGE r ^ V ^ ^ ° * P* r ^ V ,v Vv NS'' GJartes HLtstm^ (Stiquettesi ot tons gcnv«h J AFFEIES DE TODIES DIMENSIONS © IMPRIMERIE JOUAUST LEOPOLD CERF iovi SUCCESSEUR IMPRESSIONS ELZF.VIRIENNES OUVRAGES DE BIBLIOPHILES TRAVAUX DE GRAND LUXE 13, EJJE DE MEDICIS — TELEPHONE PARIS PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION io5 MIRABEAU HOTEL ET RESTAURANT 8, Rue de la Paix , 8 PA^IjS Best Situation in the finest part of the city, between the Boulevards and the Opera, the Place Venddme and the Tuileries gardens. Apartments of all sizes for families and gentlemen. Cellar in high repute amongst Ame¬ rican people. '°G PA RIS-CHIC A G 0 EXHIBITION PARIS ,, 12, RUE PERNELLE, PARIS DRAGEES, GOMMES, FONDANT, ETC, -- MARRON AU SIROP Tour'Saint-Jacques io8 PARIS-CHIC AGO EXHIBITION & J. “4au ROSES & MANTEAUX 'Q# 5 , Rue du Helder, PARIS e 00LEV4„ 0 des ^UENS * Maison universellement connne pour ses creations de Modeles exclusifs. Hautes nouveautes Voir tout partioulierement nos Expositions Classe XXVI UN MARIAGE PARISIEN Palais des Femmes A FIVE O’CLOCK TEA B- Les dentelles et broderies qui figurent sur les toilettes exposees sortent de la Maison ANCELOT, 12, rue de Hanovre. — PARIS PARIS-CHICAGO EXHIBITION 109 & Mantles 5, Rue du Helder, PARIS s0 ULE VAf)Q des v ^UENS * House universally known for its creation of exclusive Models. Latest novelties -•~@3S~ 5 h- NOTICE PARTICULARLY OUR EXHIBITIONS Classe XXVI A PARISIAN WEDDING Women's Building A FIVE O’CLOCK TEA N. B- The laces and embroideries on the dresses exhibited come from ANCELOT, 12, rue de Hanovre. — PARIS IIO PARIS-CH1CAG0 EXHIBITION ^ *■ • j* '• .v” - '" Corsets 8, Place de la Madeleine, 8 Place de la Madeleine 112 PARIS-CHICAGO EXHIBITION Ameublements Complets GRAND PRIX Exposition Universelle, Paris 1889 MAISON KRIEGER aA. G Damon ef Colin 74, Faubourg Saint-Antoine Oihcccursci/e : 13, Boulevard de la Madeleine Ebenisterie, Tapisserie, Literie, Sieges, Tentures ^decorations el S7/itiad/ations &>ny/eles d’Appartements, Chateaux, Villas //lejsro/uctions c/e Aldeu^/es a/ictenS