E SllaK |w WKi 3 mm Pelt. IIIIBIl Hllw] “mL. wjk., 4>. Mm&i k, !l.. *slk . . l&m, -Hart Ml, ^88 §£. ^sj _ - sijgry' -, j£5^% c; yKL!''' : ^5? IteTl !W3 ;*' £#;.* ^ tv/ 'i? 11 k/ pj|p >"' ji"§i»fe' v Xi/^S&Twt^W flj I*nmi Bateman ant 3 S Hrf $han 1 muntc mr forth the mpfttrt to kottun %t amaitrb it- anon montrrlti writ qbilt UBitfi arrhrs on focritb half ant boUttrho tjtorwn tBith rrorhrtrs on rormrts mth hnottrs of qolb Bi)tr mintoros ijreronqht prim fnll thihb JHitpim raith koptn sinks ftwtsm aboutr UBitfi mrrks of mrrrhatmt-rs prtflfb betreme" Birrs Blotman’s rrrtr SioFge BfU SublifofF JFIfrt Sf fp on0 cTiT aijurrljeo of tflr i+naair agos. I&t ant) Description of % flutes. Volume Ht. I.—S. ^Utah's, jtrliingta, fintjliisjjirt. n tile Piute.) Perspective View from the South East. Ground Plan. West Elevation. Perspective View from the Smith West.—(Erroneously marked G on the Plate.) East Elevation. South Elevation. Interior Perspective View, looking West. (Double Plate.) Longitudinal Section, looking South. Transverse Section through Transepts, looking East. Elevations of Belfry Window, and West Window of Nave, with Sections of the Mouldings, and Details, enlarged. Elevations of North and South Clerestory Windows, with Sections of the Mouldings, ami Details, enlarged.—(Erroneously marked 28 o Plan of Base of Spire, uud Section of Parapet and Cornice of Tower. Elevations of Lower, Middle, and Upper Lucames, and Fiuial of Spire, with Mouldings and Details enlarged. Elevation of one Bay of Chancel on South Side.—(Erroneously marked 17 on the Plate.) Elevation of peat S»tt WMo. of Sontt ,1,1, . podtai ft, T „„, y . M ,„ of j„ b , nd ^ , rf ^ Elevations of Prat's Doorway, and Doorway to S.eri.ty, with Seetinn, of 11. Jamb «td ire! MooMing* and other Detail^ enlarge,]. Elevations (Front and Side) of Lower Canopies on Chancel Buttresses; Plan of Niche, and Sections of the Mouldings enlarged. Tracery (enlarged) of South Chancel Windows, with Sections of Jamb and Arch Mouldings, Sill, &c.; Elevatiou ami Se. Elevations of Pinnacle at East End of Chancel, and of Upper Canopies ti Elevation of East Window of Chancel. Sections of Mouldings and other Details, enlarged, of East and Side Windows of Chancel; Sections of Copings of Nave and Chancel Gables. Elevations of Pinnacle and Canopy to Buttresses at the North Eust and North West Angles of Sacristy, and Plan of same. Selection of Nine Patera! in Chancel Cornice, and Section of Mouldings. Elevation of Pinnacle at foot of East Gable of Nave, with Plan of same. Elevation of one of Canopies to Buttresses of Ditto. Selection of Four of the Figures at springing of Canopies of Chancel Buttresses. Selection of Twelve Heads, forming Terminations of Hood Moulds, to different Windows in the Church. Elevations of Windows between Transepts and Chancel, and of Eust Windows of North Transept, with Sections of the Mouldings, and Details, enlarged Elevation of North Doorway, with Sections of Jamb and Axel. Mouldings, enlarged. Plan of Nave Piers; Sections of Capitals and Bases to Piers c Nave, Chancel, Transept, and Tower Arches; and Section of Nave Arch Mouldings. Plan and Elevation of Sonth Porch. Section through Porch, and Elevation of Inner Sonth Doorway; other Details, enlarged. Elevation of Sedilia in Chancel. Sections of Sedilia, with Jamb and Arch Mouldings, and other Details, etdarged. Plan mid Elevation of Piscina in Chancel, with Sections of Jamb and Arch Mouldings, enlarged. Plan mid Elevation of Easter Sepulchre, on North Side of Oliancel, with Details enlarged. Plan and Elevation of Monument on North Side of Chancel; and Plan and Elevation of Sedilia ii Sections of different Mouldings in the Church (full size.) 1 Section of Chancel Parapet. J Chancel Buttresses; with Plan, and Sections of the Mouldings. s of Jamb and Arch Mouldings, Capitals, and Bases, Gable Coping, and i South Transept, with Mouldings and Details enlarged. I 11.—s. fitter's, ttmlusjlirat, fintaWitt. i North, East, ami West sides of Spire, with Sections of Jamb and Arch Mouldings, Capitals, and Perspective View from the South We3t. Ground Plan. West Elevation. South Elevation. Longitudinal Section, looking Nortli. Elevations of Belfry Windows, and Lower Lut Bases, Ac., enlarged. Elevations of Lower Lucarnes on South side of Spire, and of Middle (two varieties) and Upper Lucuruos, with Mouldings and Details, enlarged; a Details of Cornice at Baso of Spire. Elevations (external and internal) of South and North Doorways of Nave, with Jamli and Arch Mouldings, Capitals, and Bases, Ac., enlarged. Sections (full size) of Capitals tu Navo Piers, and Plan of Pier. Elevations of Windows of Nortli Aisle, and Window at East end of South Aisle, with Sections of Mouldings enlarged. Twelve Varieties of Tracericd Beucb Ends. Ill,—*. Jntaln's, ijtlprmjbain, ft'iiifolnsldrr. l>. Elevation of West Doorway, with Sections of .Iamb and Arch Mouldings, Capitals, and Bases, and Base Mouldings to West front, bi. Elevation of North Doorway of Nave, with full sized Sections of Jamb and Arch Mouldings. IV.—* Joint's, (Ktappnbiirj. SMaituitbsbirc. East and South Elevations of Chancel. Elevations of Eastern Triplet, Lancet Window* on South side of Chancel, and Priest's Doorway (external and internal,; Plan and Elevation of Pis in Chancel, with Details enlarged. V.—?. Jjthr's, Clatgult, ^tnrolnsjjirr. Plan and Elevation of Scdiliu in Chancel. Section of Sedilin, with Details enlarged. Plan, Elevation, Section, ami Details of Looker on North side of Chancel. VI.—is. Ill aril’s Jfnuitpton, fintolnsbirt. Grom 1 Plan Perspective View from the South West. West Elevation. South Elevation. Elevations of Lower aud Middle Luearues of Spire-, with Sections of Mouldings, and Details, enlarged. Elevation of Doorway to Sacristy, with Jamb ami Arch Mouldings, and Details, enlarged. Plan and Elevation of Western I remaining,) with Sections of Jamb and Arch Mouldings, Capitals, and Buses, and other Details, enlarged. Interior Elevaiiou of Priest's Doorway. Elevation of Western Lancets, and West Doorway, with Mouldings ami Details, enlarged. ■ in- . =■ ' mfk ■HH IU H : 0 li-Pr! r|f M ill ; L-jJ ma WSms Ha HuMif n • .!s=i :, i. 1 * H - -= - - - -—- ^ —— ■--=§tD P .'\- . r : T--:■ ^fcxi—^rtr" 4-g !-— ~ J j—' , (- . . r -H-—" i : .._^ k-fr ' ^ T 71 h - ($Jbnitb# if Hit j&tftftlt J S'LsV ID jjjwlc to QjlfiWwn* . in . *! I •> i j ' ■ «'S i -QBLxn&ouj 7 : , r - ^vCjfrr- 1 - Jilt! ' >U i: — :— t-* i l , i m*.-S i., r . r of Us &31 1 Wj - ■ Jifc. v hMy4 ClSr? jJS| fi'f. jp >1 s -'-'osF Ik ? Spy a ft?c. -istSk wSk 1 Ik: -’ L|ff -i (Vr\ '&EM &mgx gJg^Kii mmkm. k WmSaS#, XM w ii 1 HMy. Jg j£r''Ik- Sips ^Vp!te ^ '''®Sfe. 'A