CATALOGUE AN EXTENSIVE ASSEMBLAGE OF COM PRISING A Number of Proof Etchings, by the most Celebrated Engravers of the English School, Bratotngs, BOOKS % BOOKS of PRINTS ENGRAVERS* TOOLS, ARTISTS’ IMPLEMENTS, TOGETHER WITH A Variety of miscellaneous useful Articles , OF ME TAGG, ENGRAVER* Of Kenningtoji, Deed. OTtel toll be Siolb bp Shiftfatt* BY 9 J AT HIS ROOM, No, 1 01, St. Martin’s Lane, On TUESDAY, 19th of DECEMBER 1809, 4tfD THREE FOLLOWING EVENINGS, At Six o’Clock. To be Viewed on the Days of Sale CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The higheft Bidder to be the Purchafer, and if anyDifpute arifes between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed ftiall be immediately put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfcm to advance lefs than 6d.— -above One Pound, is. — above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d.— and fo in Proportion. III. The Purchafers are to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and pay down 5s. in the Pound, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed to be immediately re-fojd. IV. The Lots to be taken away within Two Days after the Conciufion of the Sale, and the Remain- der of file Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on the Delivery. V. Upon Failure of complying with the aforefaid Conditions, the Depofit Money lhall be forfeited, and all Lots uncleared within the Time fpecified lhall be re- fold, by public or private Sale, and all Deficiences and Expences attendant thereon, fhail be made good by the Defaulters at this pre- fen t Sale. Gentlemen, who cannot attend the Sai.e, may have their Commiflions faithfully executed, by their humble Servant, THOMAS DODD. 3 Printed by J. Sc W. Smith, King Street, Seven Dials. | ao^eeooesscc HMgcMroNMHteMtonnM ^ A Catalogue , S?c. Firft Evening’s Sale, TUESDAY, the 19th Day of DECEMBER, 1809. LOT t Three Hundred from the Lady’s Magazine 2 Three hundred ditto 3 Three hundred ditto 4 Three hundred ditto 5 Three hundred ditto 6 Three hundred ditto 7 Eighty, His Mnjefty on the Throne 8 One hundred and fifty Englifh portraits 9 One hundred and fifty ditto i O Seventv-four fcriptural fubject? 1 1 Eight (beets of (ketches from Morland, &c. 12 Eight ditto 13 Eight ditto 14 Fiftv portraits from the Female Plutarch 15 Fifty ditto 16 Seventy-two foreign views 17 Sixty-eight plans, maps, &c. 18 Thirty-four Englifh portraits 19 Seventeen caricatures 4 20 Twelve, after Berghem, Sec, 21 Forty-four children’s drawing bocks, 6 dozen horn ditto, and 4 dozen of tmn-ups 22 Three dozen of modern Plays ♦ 23 Three dt zen of ditto and pamphlets * 24 Twenty-four Songs fet to mufic 25 Lackingt n’s Catalogue and 12 other bcoks 26 A large parcel of drawings 27 One hundred ditto 28 A large parcel of ditto 29 Twenty-four caricatures 30 Forty, by old matters 31 A book containing fundry (ketches 32 A large parcel, humorous and political 33 Forty ditto, curious 34 Thirty-three portraits and views to Pennant 35 Tlyrty portraits 36 A parcel, various 37 Four, the Scafons, sold by P. Stent, curious 38 Five portraits, Mr. Tatterfall, Duke of Qutcnfbury, &c. 39 Seven, Mrs. Darner’s butts of the Countess of Aylefbury, &c. 40 Four, Mrs. Tollemache in the character of Miranda, &c. after Sir J* Reynolds 41 Cupid afleep, after Westall 42 A book of Var ley’s views 43 Forty topographical 44 Nine humorous, after Bunbury 45 Twenty views in Staffordshire, by Burgher's 46 Eight of Soldiers, Bunbury 47 Five etchings of horfes, P. Potter 48 Ten by Weirix, Viflcher, Callot, Sec, 49 Three, Kings of Poland, Denmark, Sec, 50 One, Lord Kenyon, by Hall, fine proof 51 Three of Sieges, Vander Meulen 52 Thirteen various, by old matters 53 Three large allegorical, by Bolswert and Pontius 54 Twenty.fcur views in Scotland, coloured 5 5 T wenty-t wo portraits, by Houbraken, &rc. 56 Four large humourous drawings, by Newton, and the prints from ditto 57 T welve, the fet of the Paffion of Chrift, by Goltzius v 58 Twenty landfcapes, after *BoIognele, Sec. Twenty-four by Callot, fome fine 60 Twenty, by and after Rembrandt, See; 61 Two drawings of landfcapes, Payne 62 Four ditto 63 Four ditto of Chapels neat London 64 Six ditto of Marine views 65 Four drawings of Cotrages 66 Four ditto 67 Four ditto 68 Four ditto 69 Compleat Herbal, 3 vol, 70 A racket eafel 71 One, Death of General Abercrombie, by Mitchell 72 Rubens and his Wife, by Heifs, fine 73 The Duke of Clarence, after Shee, ditto 74 Three, William Godwin, Lords Moria and Kenyon 75 Two, Sir Sidney Smith and Mifs Duncan 76 Four of friezes, Cipriani 77 Four of ditto, in colours 78 Seven landfcapes, after Cuyp and Van Gocn 79 The Archery, by Heath, fine 80 Six portraits of Colonel Wardle 8 1 Six ditto, in colours 82 Six, the Birth of Shakfpeare, &c. ditto 83 Thirty-one after Parmegiano, by Boffi, fine 84 Six drawings by Marcellus Laroon, &c. 85 Twelve, the Idle and Induftrious Apprentices, by Hogarth 86 Five, Midnight Converfation, &c. by ditto 87 Nine, the Sleepy Congregation, &c. 88 Two, Aminto and Theodora, by Tomkins, See . 89 Eleven drawings. Views o Nine ditto of Shipping, by Bretherton 6 mt 91 Twelve portraits, views and etchings, after Guer? cino 92 Three, Death of Lady Jane Grey, & c. by Barto- lozzi 93 Four hiftorical by ditto 94 Four ditto 95 Two, the Fortune-teller and Queen Katherine’^ Dream, in colours 96 Four by Ryland and Burke, in colours 97 Five, Tragedy, the Dance, &c. in colours gS Si^c, Beauty, Prudence, &c. ditto 99 Six, after Bunbury, by Bartolozzi, ditto joo Five, Eloifa, &c. by Ryland, ditto 101 Eight (he'ets of (ketches from Morland 102 Eight ditto 103 Eight ditto 104 Fifty portraits- from the Female Plutarch 105 Six, Trial abd Execution of Lewis XVI, 106 Fifteen caricatures, coloured 107 Twenty ditto 108 Twenty ditto 109 A portrait by Kneller, apparently Wycherley the Poet no Margaret of Stafford, 5 vol. and Madam Barrie- velt, 2 vol. in Seven old Novels, Queen of Tunis, &c. 1 68 1 1 12 Primiday’s French Academy, imprinted by Balii - faut, 1586 113 Siow’s London, 1599 anc ^ Knovyles's Turkish Hiftory, 2 vol. •with portraits, 114 D’Ewe’s Journal with notes in margin 1 15 Fuller’s Church Hiftory, plates by Hollar 116 An atlas portfolio with leaves, russia bach and corners 1 1 7 Camilla, 5 vol. 1 18 Collection of Plays, 5 vol, plates 1 19 Epion Turc, in 6 vol. wanting vcl. 4, plates 1 20 Memoirs of Count D’Eftrades 121 Martin’s Philology, 2 vol; maps and plates 7 122 Gordon’s Accountant, 2 vol. 123 Curiofities of Paris, 3 vol. plates 124 Bloomfield’s Farmer’s Boy and the Shepherd’s Boy 125 Life of Du Due D’Efpernon, 3 vol. and a vol. of Plays 126 Connor’s Hiftory of Poland, 2 vol. 127 Curious Tracts on Natural Hiftory, 2 vol. 128 Wilkes’s Letters, 4 vol. 129 The Gentleman’s Dictionary, plates 1 30 The Gordian Knot and Pomfret’s Poems 1 31 Chimney Piece Maker’s Companion, 2 vol. plates 132 Buchan’s Domeftic Medicine 133 Cobbett’s Annoal Regifter, vol. 1, »^and 3 QUARTO. 134 A book with heads and piints 135 Rufceli Imprefe Illuftri, numerous plates 1 36 Brown on Poetry and Mufic 137 Boucher on Foreft Trees 138 Twifs’s Travels in Spain and Portugal, plates FOLIO. 1 39 Lord Grofvcncr’s Trial and Praxis’ Geometry 140 Englifti Pilot and Weft India Pilot, charts End of the First Evening’s Sale. 8 Second Evening’s Sale, WEDNESDAY, the 20th of DECEMBER, 1809 . - ) _ 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 ■■■" - 1 " LOT 1 41 IToRTY various 142 Seven after Titian, &c. 143 Ditto 144 Ditto 145 Ditto 146 Ditto 147 Forty German and other Matters 1 48 Twenty-two by Perelle, &c. 149 Twenty various, after Hopner 150 Nineteen portraits after Vandyke and Titian 15 1 A parcel various, Old German, &c. 152 Seven drawings 1 53 A parcel, various, in a folio 154 A parcel of hojd/ers 155 A book, containing a large parcel various 156 A large parcel in a folio 157 A ditto 158 Two books of prints and 3 portfolio^ 159 Fifty hiftorical 160 One hundred drawings, various 461 A parcel of maps 162 Twelve odd vol. 163 Fifty hiftorical 164 Sixty ditto, old Makers. 165 Fifty ditto 166 Blair’s Grave and Yorick’s Letters 167 Bentley’s Life of Lord Nelfon and Taylor’s Ste- nography 168 Athenian Magazine and si other books 169 A parcel various in a folio 170 Gambado’s Horfemanfhip 171 Six drawings of Views, by Bretherton 172 Two fine heads by Piazetti 173 Five drawing jmoks, Morland 174 Eight ditto, Rudiments of drawing, by Rrether- ton 175 .Fifteen Topographical, by Vertue 176 Sigifmunda, after Hogarth, proof - — — - 177 Six by Marc Antonio, Sec. 178 FiVe ditto, some curious 179 Four ditto 180 Diana’s Fables by Frezza 1 81 Seventy-three Grofe’s Views, mostly proofs 182 Ten iliuftrious heads, Houbraken 183 Ten ditto 184 Ten ditto 185 Ten ditto 186 Ten ditto 187 Ten ditto J 88 Temptation of St. Anthony, by Callot 189 The Miferies of War, the large set by ditto, fine 190 Five of friezes, by Bartolozzi, proofs 191 Four, Hiftory of Painting, &c. in colours 192 Seven, Venus and Cupid, by ditto 193 Five, Lady Smith, Sec. by ditto 194? Two, the Archery by Heath, fine 195 His Majefty rev ewing the Guards, in colours 19 6 Pair, Nymph Bathing, & c. by Bartolozzi 197 Venus on the Bed of Mars, fine 198 T he same print, in colours 199 Four, Jupiter and Dana?, &c. 200 A book of medalions, by Tomkins 201 Seven portraits, Win, Bromfield, & c. 202 Four, Owen M c Swiney, G. Lambert, &c. by Faber 203 Forty- feven various portraits 204 Twenty three. Marquis of Rockingham, Lady Ha r c< urt, he. 205 Mother Damnable, of Kentifti Town, a curious drawing 206 Fift en portraits, by Faber, Purcell, he. 207 Twenty-one, Herbert Croft, &c. by Skelton 208 Henry, Duke of Gloucefler, by Van Dalen, scarce 209 Twenty twp copies from fcarce portraits 210 Twenty, Robert Junius, by Viflcher, &c. 2 1 1 Twenty, feveral of them theatrical performers 212 Twenty-four of royal and noble perfcns *13 2 wenty-two of nobility, by Faber, &c. 214 Fourteen, Charles II. by Van Dalen, &c. 215 Twelve, the Kentish Petitioners, &£. 21b Eighteen, Founders of the Colleges at Cambridge, by Faber a 1 7 Four, Francis Valdefius, &c. by VifTcher 218 Seventeen portraits, monuments and autographs 2 lq Four hiftorical, after Rembrandt, &c. by Watfon 220 Four, Mrs. Davenport, Captain Forbes, Lady Legg and Vifcount O c Neil, privite plates 221 Portrait of Mr. Robert Orchard, size of -ife, rare 222 Three drawings, Views of Exmouth, &c. by- Sherlock 223 A fine n iniature of Matthew Prior 224 Eight ovals and circles, by Ryland 225 Six, a Sacrifice to Cupid, &c by Bartolozzi 226 Sever, Lydia, Lucretia, &c. by Dickinfon, in " colours 227 Ten, Maternal Affection, &c. by ditto 228 Eight, Conjugal Love, &c. by Bartolozzi, proofs 229 Four, Poetry, Painting, he. proofs, in colours 230 Seven, Bunbury’s Military Characters, in colours 1J 131“ Six circles, by Ryland, fine proofs 232 Six, Cymon and Iphigenia, &c. by ditto 233 Six, Tancred and Erminia, See, very fine 234 Venus on the Bed of Mars, by Bovi 235 Sampfon and Delilah, after Rubens, by Green 236 Two, Horfe and Lion and Tigers, by Stubbs 237 His Majefty reviewing the Guards 238 Eight, Cleopatra, &c. 239 Seven portraits, Captain Cook, Nelfon, Fox, Sec. 240 Two, Venus and Satyr, and the Rape of the Sabines 241 Nine various views of Copenhagen, &c. 242 Nine, after Julio Romano, by Sadeler, Sec. 243 The Battles of Alexander, on 13 sheets 244 The Triumph cf Julius Caesar, after A. Mantegna 245 Fourteen etchings of landscapes, by Mason 246 Three, Clytie, by Bartolozzi, Sec. 247 Four, the Triumphs, of Religion, See. after Titian 248 Six, After Raphael, by Georgio Ghisi 249 Twenty, the set of Saints and Apoftles, by Vifcher 250 Six Landscapes, by Loutherbourg, Woollett, See. 251 Fourteen etchings of Saints, by Parmegiano 252 Eight ditto, by ditto, rare 253 Craig’s Sports of Love 254 Nine, the Seafons and Senfes, by Glover, very curious 255 Seven drawings, by Antonio Carne, &c. 256 Porter’s View of the Siege ot Seringapatam, on 3 sheets, with the key 257 A volume if curious and rare tracts 258 Two oval frames for miniatures 259 Defer iption of the Grotto at Verfailles \ 260 A large Atlas, maps coloured 261 Alfred, an Epic Poem 262 Ditcovery of the French in the South of New Guinea with maps 263 Naval Chronicle with plates 264 Hiftory of England, 3 voJ. 12 265 Children’s Friend, 2 vol. *266 Parnell's Poems, Charles Grandison and Fatal Legacy 267 Winchefter Poems, 1 vol. 268 Sermons and Harvey's Meditations 269 Two of Reed's Improved Difcount Books 270 Two ditto 27! Two ditto 272 Three sets, Hogarth's prints and 12 various 273 A set of drawing inftruments 274 A japanned bread bafket, 2 candlefticks a caddy and 2 waiters 275 A pair of plated candlesticks 276 A pair of sliding ditto 277 Twelve white handle knives and forks 278 A pair of rich cut glafs decanters 279 A painting, Holy Family 280 A pair of pictures, framed 28o*A china bowl and 2 ditto mugs End of the Second Evening's Sale . Third Evening’s Sale, THURSDAY, the 21st of DECEMBER, 1809. LOT a8 1 A Portfolio with fundry nos. of the Biographical Magazine, &c. 282 A large parcel of magazine prints 283 A ditto of Shipping 284 A ditto of Antiquarian prints, with Ietter-prefs 285 A large parcel in a portfolio 286 A ditto of Englifh topography 287 Twenty-eight etchings, by S. Ireland, Banditti regaling, &c. 288 Twelve ditto, by Delamotte, &c. 289 Eighteen topographical, by Tomkins 290 Thirteen ditto, by Vertue, &c. 291 Seventeen views of the Lakes in Cumberland, & c. 292 Eighteen ditto 293 Twenty-eight, after Bunbury, &c. 294 Sixteen topographical defigns for Bridges, &c. 295 Eleven impreflions from drawings on ftone, by Cozens, & c. 296 T welve ditto, by Cooper, &c. 297 Eighteen vignettes, by Delatre, &c. proofs 298 A large parcel of portraits 14. 2*99 Eleven portraits, Roger Flexman, &c* 300 Seven ditto, Lord Camden, &c. by Spilfbury 30 l 7'wenty caricatures 302 Twenty ditto 303 Twenty ditto 304 P our, the Pembroke, Naftau and Cornaro Families 305 Fourteen landfcapes, after BaraJet, &c. 306 Seventeen etchings, after Claude, by Larlom 307 Nineteen ditto 308 Fifteen landfcapes, after Zuccarelli, by Vivares 309 Fifteen ditto, by Vivares, Major, See. 310 Fifteen hiftorical, etchings by Adam Bartsch 311 Nineteen various, by Sebastian le Clcrc, See, 312 Six from the Orleans ColIe 395 Semi, the Southfield Sharpers, &c. by Sherwin 396 Ten large views in Norfolk and Yorkfhire 397 Seven drawiogs of Leads 398 Seven ditto, fir.: 399 Six ditto, ditto 4 CO Seven ditto, ditto 401 The fir ft premium landfcape, by Woollett, fun 402 Three lanifcaoes, after Zuccarelii, by Byrne 4:3 Three, The Death of Seneca, by Ravenet, &c. 40A Bight, after Rem brant, by Ravenet, & c. 4C5 Five from the Orleans Gallery, fine 4.0& Niue.after Salvator Rof2, Vifcher, &c f 407 Tr.e Paflion of Chrift, after Holbien, by Mechel 408 Tne Earl of Derby’s Collection, by Win ft an ley 409 Picart’s Innocent Irmpoftures 410 Meleager and Atahnta, after Le Brun, 8 sheets, fine 411 Sixty-eight Sperling's yiews in Germany 412 A portfolio ‘with leaves i containing an extensive collec- tion. f tickets and the choicest •works of Baitslyzai 413 A la r ge ads* 414 Court of Henrv VI 11. by Dalt*i 415 A portfolio containing a quantity of vignettes, by G.avelot. Ya refer Gucnc, &c. 416 Mr. Pitt, aper Romney, by Jones, proof 417 Five, the J nnce of Wjles, See. on itrainers 418 Two miniatures, Lady Mary Wortiey Montague, Sec. 419 Two vie, rs cf Caernarvon Castle, framed 420 A Undicape, flyle of Vangoyen 421 Naval Biography, 2 vbl. portraits 422 Antiquities c; t ie Inns of C urt 423 Danes of Heath, by Deuchar 4:4 Cotton’s Work? and 4 others 425 Pour Gofpels and 4 others 426 Tour through Holland and 4 ethers End of the Third Evenings Salt* Fourth Evening’s Sale, FRIDAY, the 22d Day of DECEMBER, 1809, lot r p 427 X WENTY caricatures 428 Twenty ditto 429 Twenty ditto 430 Three calls, head of Sufanna, Venus, & c. 431 A pair of prints, framed 432 A large parcel of (ketches 433 Forty-one drawings, topographical 434 Twenty ditto 435 Fifteen ditto 436 Thirteen views in and about London, by §torer 437 Fourteen ditto 438 A large parcel of views in different Counties 439 Eleven ditto of Cathedrals 440 Nine ditto of Mount Edgcombe, &c. 44 r T wenty topographical 442 Fifty ditto and Antiquities 443 Twenty-two, Stonehenge, &c. 444 Fifty views and Antiquities 445 Twenty-five ditto in Nottinghamfhire, by Walker, &c. 446 Thirteen ditto by B. Green, An colours 447 Twenty-five drawings by Mr. Tagg 19 v///' 448 T wenty-nine fmall prints, Life of Chrift 449 Fourteen various by Bartolozzi 450 Fourteen portraits, chiefly by Heath 451 Twenty-one old portraits, by Edelinlc 452 Twenty-six proof etchings, by Tagg 453 Six ditto, by Heath, Smith, &c. 454 Foity-fiye ditto, by LawTfeer, Tagg, &c. 455 Thirty fjrontifpieces, by Heath, Tagg, &c, fine 456 Twenty-one fine proof etchings, by ditto 457 Fourteen ditto, of (hipping, by ditto 458 T wenty-four landfcapes, by Rerelle, &c. 459 Forty-two drawings and sketches 460 Four etchings by Watts and 5 by Ridinger 461 Twelve ditto by Tagg, for Macklin’s Bible, &c. 462 Fourteen proofs and etchings to Du Roveray’s edit, of Thomfon’s Seafons 463 Fourteen ditto to Milton, very fine 464 Nine ditto to Homer, ditto 465 Nine ditto, after Smirke, by Delattre, &e. 466 Nine ditto, by Fittler and J, Taylor, extra fine 467 Nine ditto, by Stow and Nt agle, ditto 468 Eight ditto, by Heath and Worthington, ditto 469 Nine ditto, by Heath and Bromley 470 Twelve proofs and etchings to Milton, by Sharpe and Anker Smith 471 Nine by Cromek, Fitler and Bromley 472 Seven by Schiavoneiti., beautiful 473 Eight by Heath, and Stow, very fi;ie 474 Eight by Schiavonetti, Heath and Fsfter, ditto 475 Ten by Neagle, and Sharp 476 Nine by How, Engtehsarr and Rhgxjes 477 Eleven by Rhodes and Bromley, very fine 478 Eight by Heath and Fitter, ditto 479 Ten by Bromley, Stow ju;d Croitieic 480 Eight by Schiavonetti, Heath and Noble 481 Six from Boyddi’s Sfcakfpeaie, profs, ami tteh frigs 482 Six ditto 483 Six ditto 20 484 Canadians at the Tomb of their Infant, by Ingouf 485 The Treaty of Munfter, by Suyderhoef 486 Seven portrait?, after Sir J. Reynolds 487 Ten landfcape?, chiefly by Major 488 Ten ditto by Major, Mafon, Vivares, &c. 489 Six ditto by Major and Laurent 490 Two fine landfcape, by Mafon and Peake, proofs 491 Two grand scenes of Ruins, after Taylor, by Lerpiniere 492 Pair after Gafpar Pouflin, fine proofs 493 St. John Preaching, after S. Rofa, by Browne, fine proof 494 Philip Baptizing the Eunuch, by ditto * 495 Two, Teniers Kitchen, &c. by Michel, proofs 496 Two, the Doctors of the Church and the Witch of Enuor, by Sharp 497 Four after Teniers, Watteau, &c. by Baron 498 Eight portraits, Mary Queen of Scots, by Bar- tolozzi 499 Seventeen fheets of Religious Ceremonies, by Picart 500 Twenty-five Scriptural, by Le Potre 501 Eight vignettes, by Heath and Parker, proofs and etchings 502 Eight ditto, by Heath, Warren and Edtfard Smith 503 Eight ditto by Schiavonetti and Stow, fine 504 Fourteen ditto to Goldfinith’s Poems, by A. Smith, Sc c. fine 505 Eight by Fitler, Warren, &c. capital 506 Two, the Sortie from Gtbralter, by Pouncy and etching 507 Five views in the Eafl, proof etchings, by Pouncy 508 Seven of Head-lands, &c. by ditto 509 Six views in Moccai Park, &c. by ditto, on India paper 510 Four Dy Parker, Sherwin, Sec , 5 ! i Five Views iu the Irte of Tbancf, by Potirwdby 512 De2th of Lord Robert Manner?, p;oof etching by Sherwin 513 Four proof etchings, by Pouncey, Parjcer and Sharp 514 Four ditto, by Pouncey, Legat, Sherwin and Parker 51 5;' Six landicapes by Vivares and Chatelairt 516 Two, Scene in . Tom Jones, Scuffle in the Church Yard, proof etching, by Wool let t 517 Three, Landing of William III. by Parker, proof etchings 518 Eight to Cook s Voyages, proof etchings, very fine 5 {9 Two, after Dufart and Jan Mid, capital 520 Adam and Eve in Paradife, by Heath, fine] 521 Vidfory of the Fir ft of June, by Fitler, proof 522 The proof etching of the same 523 The Siege of Valenciennes, by Bromley, proof 524 The proof etching ot the same 525 Macbeth, by Wooilett, proof etching 52 6 The Dead Soldier, by Heath, ditto 527 Philip baptifing the Eunuch, by Brovytl, ditto 528 The Watering-place, after Rubens, by ditto, ditto 529 The Death of Lord Robert Manners, fine proof 530 The Storm, after Loutherbourg, by Smith, proof etching 531 The Riots in Broad Street, by Heath, ditto 532 St. John preaching, by Brown, ditto 533 Watering Place, by ditto, fine 534 A pair* Victory of the Firft of June, by Pouncey 535 Ditto etchings of the fame 536 Five large ditto, by Vivaresand Browne 537 Twenty-four, hiftorical, by Grigniou 558 Twenty-iheets of fine tracing paper 539 Eight drawings, by Mr. Tagg 540 Six, Various, by Wooilett and Vfvares 341 Adam and Eve in Paradife, proof etching, by Tagg 542 Two, Aurora and Bacchus, from Guido bv J. Frey 543 Nineteen of Watts’s Views, fine,. 22 S W 544 Sixteen, hiftorical, by Heath and Tagg, proofs 545 Celadon and Amelia, by Woollett, proof etching 546 Three, Wood Scene, Kew Gardens and Jocund Peafants, by ditto 547 Two, Rural Lovers, by Vivares, and alandfcape, after A. Caracci, by Woollett 548 Paradife and the Archeryj proof etching, by Tagg 548 # The Riots in Broad Street, by Heath and Tagg 549 Death of Major Pearfon, by ditto 550 Four Portfolios 55 1 Eleven of Madonas, by Poilly, See. fine 552 Four of Rubens, Vanloo, &c. 553 Five, relative to the French Revolution, curious 554 Niobe, after Wilfon, by S. Smith, proof etching 555 Three, the large landfcape from Both, &c. by Brown, ditto 556 Five, the Death of Major Pearfon, &c. by Heath 557 Four of Shipping, by Canot 558 A pair, after Zuccarelli, by Byrne, fine 559 Nine, the Cartoons, by Fitler, proofs 560 Six landfcapes, after Morland by ditto, on India paper 561 An engraver’s work board. Hitler feat, Sec. 562 An engraving board, easel, 5 plates, afphaltum and 6 bails of etching ground 563 A cheft of drawers for engraver’s tools, &c. 564 A drawing board, 3 reducing frames, a bridge, 6 etching points, 2 oil (tones and 6 balls of etch- ing ground 565 A drawing board, an anvil;' an oil (tone, a rule, a parallel ditto, 6 points, 10 etching balls, dabbei, wax taper and a large burnilher 566 A fmall drawing board, a rack for gravers, 7, ferapers, 1 burniflier, 6 etching points, 20 gravers, ftop-out utenfils, 9 etching balls, a glafs frainc, See. 567 A drawing board, a parallel rule, a bridge, 2 oil stones, 6 etching points, hand vice, 8 etching bails and a bundle of etching guards 568 A drawing board, an anvil, a bridge, 2 rules, brafs edges, 6 points, a hand vice, 9 etching balls, an oil ftone. &c. 569 An argand lamp, a globe, an oil vefTel, 5 aqua fortis bottles,, 2 pair of fathers, wax, Sec, 570 Two painters flabs and muller, a pallet, 2 knives, a bundle of brulhes and pencils, an eafel and a frame of dry and liquid colours FINIS. r. • . £ c v»* : n ;":s c 't ' ’ .v “ 7 A «> ^ , vv?> . ■ H 7 3 "■ b b. .:] & f .’o:. 0 f :• .. j ikiJ v :W . -• ■> ( .... ■s ,77d • t- ■ .i 5 lb t:s •- t ~ * ini ,> & < * . n -v ; it.\ C-U. . •' • ' • c : ... . H i O li ii t;;u h w 'As x ■. , i ::.i I 1 J ’ il' i-> Ijf : :*r it / • . . .7 ;v