- ' - ' ■ /z . 0-A.T-A.XjOOXTE OF A COLLECTION OF OLD CHINESE & JAPANESE PORCELAI N, AND AN Old Worcester Porcelain Dessert Service, THE PROPERTY OF THE RT. HON. LORD RODNEY; ©bjttts of Art and Derorattbr Jfxmttturc OF THE LATE F. B. PULTENEY, ESQ. {by Order of Executors ) ; OBJECTS OF ART AND DECORATION OF THE LATE FREDERICK CLARK, ESQ., Of Great Cumberland Place (by Order of the Executors); FiailTtFll 1S» MK1MH GENERAL SIR THOMAS MACMAHON, Deceased, removed from 40 Q,ueen’s Gate : WHICH SEtll be Solb bo Auction bo Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THESE ©EEAT E©@MS» 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1896, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, James's Square , S. W. E ISA** tf a_ 3. 6's. s&. n- f /&9 I cTD-^CS 4-2. . Q0. /Q4- - /£>'/ /5~8-. //c / , j /**-. i 3 £?> /00 / / to Sh. Pa-y &~f /£+ o , fv-t> . /So. / 1> t> ■ s*^ r. TSocSt^* 2o. Z .% . x(d -3o .3/. 4-0. ^-2-- j - , (p 4^ ' ^~o, ^ £> '^/ - ^^ * //$". 7?? 3 -?<>-?r./os-.c ! g L . /zu / 36 ~ i>. . / CU<. ^J7r^ /g~/. /6'f . /£> . I 3. U-. rz~. /¥•■ 2 3. 2.V--2F 3 2. 47 . s/. ss: 6i3. £s : £ s^- 2 /oo. /p5~. / h / tLc£ct^cJ> ///. /2y 77 5'. /^i 2 , /J/* /^o. /5o. /6'Z ./& z. . /£g- a. /o . /2. . /ty~ ■ - 2 3 . Z S'. Jz.i£ /s *■ /So S34-. /3r. /fa /&2. ,/6%. /57. 6 . ?■ /6~- Z r. 4*- / /+3 . So. 8 cl S3, jy/oo./so. /z /*/-/. /So. /if3. / 88 . 3 - /5 " 5 ' /OO. //O . /■£' *z . 4<- 3 /3o. 3. / 2 .‘ /*/— . /9 - 2 3 - zi+-- 2 y.z 9. 7 3 (o. 4- 3. 4-7. c*~0 cT/. J 2 - o 3. /k ^y 72 - fv-■^ a - ■ ■■ < 7 6 ' /OO . /oS . //o > ///. A<£ //r /2 ^ ^ZcCc^a Hz. 7 ~y^ . /S2 Sst. /S/ /S. 9 (to? 4-jK /- J. 4*. Vv, vV, ?>L &. /2- /P-. 2/. lt>. Sc?' 3 3.3 3 j. J_£. / £&ia*t /7V*Sch. / ^ 44 - ll 5 , 77 %- 44 . y>V> 3 . d S ~r 5 . / 3 C 04 SCJ> 7 V .fk 5*•/. V . <4-. 4p. bQ .^0 . 73 . TI : : 7 " 4k. 7 7 k_- 79. <757 < 7 £. ^7.90. v/- Pj2 .93 /£ faacexUt*^*; / ' / 9P-. /^/ . ■ 4s - . /*>3. /V. // ^- - kk / ^ . Ju?// _ . p/ , FT’' t^ y, ^ ^37 / 42 V. 444 V /^ yjy . A?* &£7>OaA±£L,. A / 3 tr. / , /a^al . /4 , /k_£ / r p^~ 4^-4 /SS. /*TS~ , /& 3 , S. . //. / 5 ". 2T. 4 ^/ A~3.7>3 7z .$-0. /oo ■ /o . //o . 7% 3 . / 4 ^- /, /^a 7>. /ty &. / 5 3 . i-> . (3 . /O. / 2 . . /v- . /&' /O . 2 3 . 2 W-. ZP: •32- .35. 3to. 4^3.4y. 3'/. 3~2. .3 3" 3^. Cs. h-f' 2 - y^ ■ FS-- ^ .^6". ' /oc>. /o5~. ///. //^f /;?£>. /ZtF / 2 F. fat*.-C/c>~cA /3o. /33 /a***.*-*. . - / 3 „ /5X /4^ o . /6~^ /^T7 /(Fz, . / / . 32 ■ SS . 5~&. /// /3y-. rf/Ui&Cxx-cA <*>. J. /A.//-/f .23. V- /o o . ///. // vr. /3y~. / 4 •-<>. / 6 - 0 . / y. /£ !r. 1 'On^l^S /V S-. i. /4-r. / / CONDITIONS OF SALE. - o - I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manbon and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed duriug the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall bo forfeited ; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any; attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE On FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1896, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are the Property of the Right Hon. LORD RODNEY. OLD JAPAN PORCELAIN. 1 Three circular dishes—9^ in. diam. if) 2 A pair of small octagonal vases and covers; and a beaker , ' y 3 A pair of circular bowls and covers—*». diam. ' 4 A fluted bowl, with alternate bands of dark blue and trellis, deco- " 11 diam rated with flowers and emblems—10^ in. 5 A bowl, with a river scene, figures and buildings ; three old Japan , -7>U cups and seven saucers; and four small bowls 6 A pair of vases and covers, the handles formed as jdieasants, the ^ sides decorated with three oblong panels of raised prunus, &c. ^ —18 in. high 7 A Set of Three Large Octagonal Vases, and One Beaker, A decorated with leaf-shaped panels containing peonies and A* kylins, wild game and figures below—33 in. high A 8 A Pair of Oviform Vases and a Pair of Beakers, en suite, painted with shaped panels of chrysanthemums and prunus on a flowered ground—24 in. high B 2 4 OLD CHINESE PORCELAIN. ^ 9 e/7 /i/T 6 10 £ , . o 11 £ s . <5 12 A /, / 13 y4 / /S', /S . o /f: 7 . /P',7, 6 ir, o i/", o-~rt> , 0,0 0&/ / ■ & t o *f~* A . ^ /J + * * * DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. 37 A Derby-Chelsea Fluted Basin, with alternato bands of maroon and white ; and a basin, similar t/Z'A* 2 38 A Pair op Coffee-Cups and Saucers, similar 39 A Pair of Tea-Cups and Saucers, similar 40 Another Pair, similar 41 A Berlin Cabaret, painted with medallion heads in grisaille on brown ground, consisting of oval plateau, tea-pot, coffee¬ pot, sucrier, milk-jug and covers, and two cups and saucers— in old box covered with leather 41a A Clock, in Empire case of or-molu, with a group of Cupid and Psyche at an altar N>-, A The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of R. B. PULTENEY, Esq., deceased , formerly of Cadogan Gardens. t 42 An oval enamel, painted with a saint in ecstacy, in silver filigree frame ; a pendant, of silver filigree and enamel; and two ^ others, in Italian glazed frame of ebony and metal-gilt 43 Another frame, similar, containing eight specimens of antique Boman and old Spanish jewellery 44 A gilt frame, containing five old enamels, &c., painted with saared subjects in silver filigree and metal frames 45 Another, with male and female miniature portraits in oil and water-colour in metal-gilt frames 46 A large globular Capo di Monte toa-pot and cover, with classical figures in relief in colours 47 A pair of coffee-cups and saucers, en suite y 48 An oblong rose-wood table, with oblong top and carved borders ; and metal-gilt gallery, on lyre-shaped supports with shelf and carved feet ? 49 The companion - — 50 A Circular Dark Wood Table, with beaded edge, supported by three figures of four birds, the top formed of jasper, agat and other precious materials of geometrical designs 0 51 The Companion Jh —' ^52 A chess table, on supports formed as terminal monsters, the top of inlaid giallo, verde antique and other marbles o 53 A pair of tulip-wood etageres, with three kidney-shaped shelves, , mounted with metal-gilt ^ J>4 A Tulip-Wood Cabinet, with three glazed panels beneath enclosing shelves, four smaller glazed panels above, and shelf ^ A/ . supported by four or-molu figures, and looking-glass back, mounted with chased or-molu—56 in. wide 55 A Clock, by Ledure, in Empire pedestal-sliaped case of metal- ° gilt, chased with a lion, cornucopiae and other ornaments, with a large bronze group of a nymph crowning Cupid with roses, on pedestal of verde antique mounted with chased or-molu— 34^ in. high —on black stand with marble slab and looking- glass A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. 56 A Small Louis XV. Secretaire, of inlaid tulip-wood, drawer beneath and folding front, elaborately mounted with scrolls, flowers, &c. in chased or-molu 57 A Louis XVI. Clock, by Jolin a Orleans, in upright architectural case of chased or-molu with scrolls and leaf ornaments, sur¬ mounted by a recumbent male figure 58 A Pair of Louis XVI. Candelabra, for two lights, formed as infant Satyrs, on veined marble plinths mounted with chased or-molu 8 D/* /# £. /£. , *J- J , t>2' / / I. S-' /O , •2 * / k , L? . /0 . The following are the Property of FREDERICK CLARK , Esq., deceased, Deputy Lieutenant for Herefordshire, late of Great Cumberland Place and of the Stock Exchange. Sold by Order of the Executors. PORCELAIN. 59 O Dresden Dinner Service, painted with birds, insects and foliage, in raised trellis and spirally fluted borders, consisting of— Soup-tureen, cover and stand Two entree-dishes and covers Pour vegetable-dishes and covers Four sauce-boats Four oval-shaped dishes Five circular dishes Forty-five dinner-plates, and Ten soup-plates ’ j- 60 A pair of square-shaped Dresden bottles, painted with flowersy^^/’ 61 A pair of white and gold Vienna vases and covers, on pedestalsy painted with flowers and iusects—19 in. high GROUPS AND FIGURES. ) 62 The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche, with Juno seated on clouds above : a group—12 in. high //VZs^KPl 7 63 The Swing ; and The Apple Gatherers : a pair of groups— 15rfn. high ? 64 A lady writing; and a lady, with a spinning-wheel: a nahf * ''HPv — 65 The toilet ; and chess players : two groups * 9 , 9 66 A lady, with Cupid, in costume : a pair of groups 6? 67 Boy and girl gardeners, mounted with metal-gilt as candlesticks : cJhr~~ -z> a pair 68 The Youthful Bacchus, seated : a large figure in old French/ / biscuit porcelain—36 in. high OBJECTS OF ART. 69 A Pair of Small Shaped Bowls and Covers, of matrix of - amethyst, mounted with open rims, handles and feet of chased, rA, or-molu • 70 A Pair of Venetian Altar Candlesticks, of rock crystal, on 0 baluster stems mounted with silver nozzles and triangular- » shaped feet, inlaid with polished plaques of rock crystal— 12g in. high From the Murrieta Collection 71 Homan Senators : a pair of antique busts of statuary marble, with ^ coloured marble draperies, on socles— 16 in. high ; and a pair of square-shaped pedestals, of giallo marble 72 Bust of a Eoman youth, on socle—14g in. high * 73 An Old Spanish Carved Wood Life-Size Bust of a Knight ly £ of the Golden Fleece, in ruff, studded with coloured stones, on square-shaped mahogany pedestal with carved borders and/? • ornaments FRENCH and ITALIAN BRONZES. O 74 Cupid playing a viola—10 in. high —on circular black marbl pedestal O 75 The Dauphin: a bust— 16 in. high —on square griotte marble pedestal mounted with metal-gilt fleur-de-lis ,h 76 The Education of Apollo: a group— Id in. high — on ebonised plinth . ,, ... 77 The Cesars : a set of twelve old Italian draped busts partly gilt, f t o on socles—12 in. high Purchased in Rome , from the Collection of a late cardinal 10 DECORATIVE OBJECTS AND FURNITURE. J J?' J . o /O ' /o s< r. :e j/t ,78 A pair of candlesticks, formed as Roman lamps, of partly gilt bronze, with seated figures representing the Arts—designed, by Flaxman 79 A vase-shaped candelabrum, of pierced and chased metal-gilt, of Louis XV. design, with branches for three candles, and glass centre fitted for the electric light 80 A centre piece, of or-molu, formed as a palm tree, with bronze figures of monkeys throwing nuts to boys below, bearing a large cut-glass dish—29 in. high & 81 An oblong or-molu jardiniere, of Louis XV, design, with figures of Cupids playing musical instruments—20 in. by 12 in. > 82 A Pair of Andirons, of or-molu, with figures of drago chased scroll plinths —15 in. high $ 83 A Pair of Ditto, with figures of prancing horses partly caparisoned, on oblong plinths with masks and scrol feet — 16 in. high 84 A Timepiece, in case of painted and gilt metal formed as a bosquet, fitted with coloured porcelain flowers and figures ; and a pair of candelabra, with branches for two lights epch* * /f L onsuite a/T*~ ^ ' r ' 85 A Pair of Or-molu Candelabra, of Louis XV. design, with flower branches for three lights each, and biscuit porcelain , groups of children with dolphins and shells—16 in. high 12 / /- / f ?; . />r. 100 An Upright Secretary, of inlaid woods, with fall-down front, drawer above and folding doors beneath, inlaid with Chinese jade and soapstone, carved with birds and flowers in three sunk panels, and mounted with metal-gilt—56 in. high' 34 in. ivide Chippendale Mirror, in box-wood, elaborately carved with children gathering grapes, festoons and wreaths of flowers, foliage and scroll ornaments, the Fox and the Grape^ below- 9 ft. high by 6 ft. 3 in. icide 101 A O 6 'o i /*r OLD FRENCH DECORATIVE FURNITURE. 102 A Yernis-Martin Kidney-Shaped Table, with drawer and shelf beneath, painted with a musical trophy, doves, flowers and arabesques on green ground, mounted with or-molu'apd / brass gallery—27 in. wide 103 A Rare Astronomical and Musical Clock, in case of mahogany and chased or-molu formed as a circular temple supported by O four columns, with chasings of the signs of the Zodiac above. The astronomical part requires winding once a year. It , shows the earth, which revolves upon its axis once in twenty-// four hours, and indicates astronomical time at every part of the globe; the moon revolves upon her axis and round the earth, showing her age, quarters and relative position towards our planet; and the earth and moon revolve round the sun once in every year, showing the days and months of the year, and the sun’s position on the Ecliptic. It also times the three communal years and leap year. The clock part requires winding once in three weeks. It marks the days of the week, hours and minutes, striking the hours and half hours. The musical part requires winding daily, and plays every hour. Glass shade and mahogany stand Formerly in the possession of Louis Philippe Similar to the cloclc in the possession of H. M. the Queen at Windsor Castle 13 04 A i Shaped Mahogany Side Table, on eight fluted legs with stretcher and shelf beneath, mounted with or-molu, veined pink and yellow marble top—34 in. wide 105 A small oval table, of red, black and gold lacquer, with three drawers and shelf beneath, with aquatic and other birds and*/ / J ' . 106 A V , a flowers, brass gallery—19 in. wide ~ small circular table, of king wood, on tripod stand with shelf ' beneath, richly mounted with terminal figures of Cupids and other ornaments of or-molu, and brass gallery—12 in. diam. Z' 107 A pair of ditto, of mahogany, on tripods with stretcher, mounted with or-molu, white marble tops and brass galleries—14 in.' diam. 108 An oblong-shaped jardiniere, of mahogany, on fluted legs with 1 ^ ribbon stretcher, mounted with borders and ornaments of or-molu—30 in. wide ^109 A Louis XY. Three-Leaf Folding Screen, of Vernis-Martin, the lower panels painted with garden scenes and figures o bronzed ground, and with glazed panels above—5 ft. high 110 A Louis XY. Cartonniere, of parqueterie, with seven drawers, ^ ’ O 111 A o covered with crimson morocco leather, mounted with borders and ornaments of or-molu, on rose-wood folding table— 28 in. wide Louis XV. Parqueterie Secretaire, with fall-down front, and four drawers beneath and cartonniere above, mounted with busts, masks and wreaths of foliage of chased or-molu, and surmounted by a clock, by Martinot, in scroll-shaped or-molu case—6 ft. 9 in. high, 3 ft. 9 in. wide 112 An Upright Secretaire, of Old French Marqueterie and Parqueterie, with fall-down front, drawer above and folding doors beneath, inlaid with the gardens of a chateau, figures, flowers, a musical trophy, and a small landscape with buildings above in variously coloured woods, in key-pattern border’s mounted with corner ornaments, scutcheons and borders of chased or-molu, and surmounted by a Breccia marble slab—56 in. high, 37 in. wide - 25 ^ 0 / 14 7 " . with The Battle of Granicus in border of laurel and acanthus foliage, with military trophies—10 ft. 6 in. high by 17 ft. 6 in. wide An Upright Bordered Panel, en suite, with a Roman standard bearer and one other equestrian figure in a woody landscaj —7 ft. 6 in. by 6 ft. *“&/, . . 129 An Upright Panel, en suite, with equestrian and other figures of soldiers with a bound prisoner in a landscape—9 ft. 6 in. by 6 ft. 3 in. THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. 130 An Old English Cartel Clock, in shaped case of marqueterie with thermometer above, mounted with borders of pierced and chased metal-gilt — 30 in. high s 131 An Oblong Sheraton Casket, of satin-wood, with inlaid rose- ® * ° wood borders, rounded rising top and drawer beneath, painted > , a with vases and festoons of flowers and arabesques, on stand the same—38 in. high, 21 in. wide 16 132 An Old French Oval Maequeteiue Table, with drawer form¬ ing writing slide, and parqueterie shelf below, mount chasings of or-molu and brass gallery—22 in. ivide (*/¥*'** 133 A Small Square-Shaped Toilet Table, of Vernis-Martin, with rising top, a mirror inside and two drawers beneath, painted with pastoral subjects on avanturine mounted with or-molu—12 in. square In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division , Wheeler v. Tootell. Hie following Tapestries were formerly the property of HENRY BELWARD RAY, Esq., of Hill Street, and The Pymmes, Edmonton, and have been removed from The Pymmes. 134 A Panel of Old Flemish Tapestrt, representing the garden of a palace, with Cupids in the foreground, with bord boys, birds and fruits—.9 ft. 3 in. by 16 ft. t/6c* 135 An Oblong Panel of Old Flemish Tapestry, with a garden ^ scene and birds and buildings in the background, in border of flowers and foliage—9 ft. 5 in. by 15 ft. 17 THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. y 136 A Panel of Old Flemish Tapestry, representing a manege in rich borders of trophies of armour, vases, bits, spurs, p -//- - festoons of flowers and emblems—11 ft. by 14 ft. 6 in. 137 Another Panel, en suite, with an equestrian figure in £ romanesquo costume, similar border of trophies, &c.— —— ' 12 ft. 3 in. by 10 ft. > DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. Z^.138 An old Persian prayer carpet, with border—6 ft. 6 in. by ^ - 4 ft. 6 in. o 139 A piece of Venetian rose point lace—“ Punto tagliato a foliami”—17 th century O 140 A Flemish tapestry border, with a female figure caryatides, fruits ? ^ ^ and flowers—17 th century Three Pairs of Old Crimson Genoa Velvet Curtains— 12 ft. 6 in. long by 3 ft. 3 in. wide; two valances; and one other piece 142 A Six-Fold Screen, of old Flemish gilt leather, painted with a O, C> garden scene, ladies and gentlemen dancing, peacocks and other birds—8 ft. high C 18 The following are from the Collection of GENERAL SIR THOMAS MA CMAHON, deceased. (Removed from 40 Queens Gate). DRESDEN PORCELAIN. Z O 143 if, /C> . ° 144 A/* /*/ - O 145 /. /-/ t 6 £' / O # O 147 A pair of groups, of Mars and Venus, with Cupids A pair of groups, of a gentleman with a dog, and aMady with a lamb, holding flowers T An ecuelle, cover and stand, white and gold, painted with exten¬ sive landscapes with numerous figures, in gilt borders A pair of barrel-shaped mugs, covers and stands, painted with bouquets of flowers, and gilt borders PhsQA/0 A pair of circular dessert-baskets, with branch handles, encrusted with flowers ; and a pair of small jardinieres, with scroll borders, painted with flowers /£, /Z . O 148 A tea service, painted with flowers and with Chinese figures in medallions, consisting of tea-pot, milk-jug and covers, bowl,^' and two cups and saucers Two cups and saucers, with similar decoration, with silver-gilt covers; and a tall cup and cover, similar o 150 A set of three ecuelles, covers and stands, similar 7 A tall cup, of old Dresden porcelain, the lower part painted with Chinese figures in panels in gilt borders //» O , & 149 A , 7* • ‘ 151 /•> . 152 A pair of small Berlin pastile-burners, white and gold, painte with figures, on open stems with similar decoration Ay , o 153 An old Sevres ecuelle, cover and stand, with dark blue and gold trellis decoration, and painted with wreaths of flowers >ld / : /Tv 19 o 154 O 155 o 156 • *157 A ditto oval-sliaped dish, painted with bouquets of flowers and blue line border A pair of Sevres eventail jardinieres, turquoise and pink, painted / * with children in panels and jewelled ^ A ditto rose-water ewer and cover, and a basin, turquoise and , gold, painted with garden scenes and figures in medallions A ditto vase, turquoise, white and gold, painted with a garden scene and figures, and a trophy, in two large medallions, and .158 y - & 160 female masks in relief—15 in. high A pair of large Vienna vases, covers and stands, with metal-gilt handles, painted with the Triumph of Bacchus and other ^ mythological subjects in medallions on chocolate-coloured <( j;^^^^ t ^ ground, richly gilt—28 in. high y O 159 An old Sevres oval dish, dark blue and gold ceil-de-perdrix, painted with birds and mounted with chased or-molu border and stand A ditto circular dish, turquoise and white, [tainted with fruit and flowers, and mounted with or-molu borders, handles and stand r A bronze group of three children, with musical instruments, on veined green marble pedestal—8 in. high A pair of oviform Vernis-Martin vases, painted with domestic subjects after Greuze on chocolate-coloured ground, and mounted with silver borders, handles and stems, chased with caryatid figures, cherubs’ heads and scrolls—22 in. high A Large Dish, formed of plaques of carved rock crystal, - in elaborately chased silver holders partly enamelled in colours—19 in. diam. A Ewer, of turquoise enamel, with dragon handle, with raised bosses of variously coloured enamels, and mounted with «$~TT' metal-gilt figures and arabesques 161 162 ' . * - 168 / o -> 1G1 r O 20 FRENCH DECORATIVE OBJECTS AND FURNITURE. 165 A Louis XYI. Clock, by Cronier, of Paris, in drum-shaped case of or-molu, with a bronze figure of Cupid bolding a medallion portrait at the side, on or-molu pedestaW;hased . with scrolls and military attributes—16 in. high ' 166 A Pair of Louis XYI. Candelabra, formed as bronze figures of children bearing or-molu cornucopiie branches for two lights each, on cylindrical porphyry. pedestals and square porphyry bases—18 in. high o~~ 167 A Pair of Louis XVI. Candelabra, formed as bronze figures p of boys blowing conches and bearing or-molu branches for Jt 168 o— A. o three lights each—on square chased or-molu plinths— 18 in. high Louis XVI. Clock, by Lepaute, in drum-shaped or-molu case supported on one side by a bronze figure of Cupid kneeling, on the other by an or-molu group of a cock, books and scroll, on oblong grey marble pedestal inlaid with plaques painted with classical figures, on or-molu plinth chased with friezep of foliage and classical figures —21 in. high 169 A Pair of Ditto Gilt Bronze Candelabra, formed as figures of infant Satyrs bearing branches for four lights each, on fluted or-molu pedestals chased with festoons of foliage, and/ square bases —22 in. high {Sfe* 170 A Louis XVI. Clock, by Le Boy, in drum-shaped case of or¬ molu surmounted by a reclining figure of “ Flora,” and figures of Cupids at the sides, supported by a fluted statuary marble column mounted with festoons and trophies of or-molu, on statuary marble plinth inlaid with chased or-moln plaques—23 in. high (y^7^ 171 A Pair of Louis XVI. Candelabra, formed as statuary marble figures of children bearing marble cornucopias which support or-molu branches for three lights each—on statuary marble pedestals and plinths— 27 in. high 21 . 172 A , a 178 A Clock, in case of architectural design of statuary marble and or-molu, and mounted with a group of doves, friezes and columns of or-molu, and surmounted by a flaming vase— 16 in. high ~Q 179 An Old English Chime Clock, by Jennings, of London, with chased dial, in upright ebony case with fluted metal-gilt pilasters, and pierced panels at the sides 180 A Clock, by Yulliamy, of London, 1832, with silvered dial, in tall regulator case of mahogany, with glass panel in front, mounted with reclining figures of children, mask of Appollo and other masks in carved and gilt wood, and surmounted by a ditto group of ‘ Time ’ Louis XVI. Mahogany Kidney-Shaped Table, with drawer, and shelf below, mounted with borders of or-molu, and 181 a mounted by a jasper marble slab and open brass gallery-> 26 in. wide 99 r./s-,6 182 /#' /* . 183 ^ *TS 184 A 49 ' 0-~r-v J-l, / .o™ /f'/. / ’<■ 7. / A Circular Mahogany Table, with drawer, the side panels painted with festoons of flowers on gold ground, with jasper marble slab and open gallery—20 in. diam. A Louis XVI. Cabinet, of mahogany, with door in front and open shelves at the sides, on mahogany stand with five drawers, surmounted by a marble slab and open gallery— 34 in. wide Louis XVI. Semicircular Cabinet, of mahogany with glazed doors in front and at the sides enclosing shelves, mounted with a frieze of or-molu, and surmounted by a veined pink marble slab—31 in. wide A Louis XVI. Mahogany Cabinet, with glazed door iu front and glazed sides, mounted with friezes and ornaments of chased or-molu, and surmounted by a veined marble slab--/** „ Ar ■ -7 \JHU 45 in. wide A Louis XV. Marqueterie Library Table, with three drawers, mounted with borders, escutcheons and corner ornaments of chased or-molu, the top inlaid with green morocco leathci —44 in. wide 187 A Louis XVI. Mahogany Library Table, with three dravfers, ( . A mounted with borders and escutcheons of chased or-molu, the top inlaid with brown morocco leather—63 in. wide\ Another, similar 185 188 FINIS. Loudon: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and dialing Cro.-s. etty research institute