■ Hi _ €W Volume 18 ymtnttl} by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to wnHMAwa I and will, in the event of the Library being broken up, be returned to the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Westminster* s. d C JO • d 13 CCD Eh W a PS W Q W o w en w w 3 ■xj 03 +3 03 03 03 £ -3 ■* J O ^2 O 03 0} 03 © Oh X 03 Ph 03 :f3 03 i-=l HALIFAX PUBLIC LIBRARY, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. $ 3 6 C ~'-rss £ jy Class Dates when this Book was consulted. PRINTED CALENDARS. The Editors of Calendars published under the direction of the Master of the Rolls are requested to confine any Prefatory Remarks they may consider necessary to prefix to their Volumes to an explanation of the Papers therein contained. (Signed) Romilly. 13th June 1867. 35255. CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS, IRELAND, 1171-1251. a 2 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 http://archive.org/details/calendarofdocume01grea_0 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS, RELATING TO ICELAND, PRESERVED IN HER MAJESTY'S PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, LONDON. 1171-1251. EDITED BY H. S. SWEETMAN, B.A., Trin. Coll., Dub., M.R.I.A., Barrister-at-Law, Ireland. PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHORITY OP THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OP HER MAJESTY'S TREASURY, UNDER THE DIRECTION OP THE MASTER OF THE ROLLS. LONDON: LONGMAN & CO., Paternoster Row ; TRUBNER & CO., Ludgate Hill : ALSO BY PARKER & CO., OXFORD ; and MACMILLAN & CO., CAMBRIDGE ; A. & C. BLACK, EDINBURGH ; and A. THOM, DUBLIN. 1875. Printed by Eyre and Spottiswoode, Her Majesty's Printers, Por Her Majesty's Stationery Office. • CONTENTS OE THIS VOLUME. Pack Preface vii I. Table of Public Records ----- lxvii H. Persons who have edited Public Records - - lxix III. Persons who have given their attention to Public Records ... Ixx Abbreviations Calendar -------- 1-480 Index 481-581 List of Justiciaries ------ 582 Alphabetical List of Abbeys, &c. - - - „ Glossary -------- 583-585 Corrigenda and Notes ------ 587, 588 PREFACE. This volume contains a Calendar of all instruments and entries relating to Ireland found, from 1171 to 1251 in- clusive, upon or among the Public Records of England. To the official recommendation of the late Lord Romillv, to whom the public owes so much in regard to Calendars, approved of in 1872 by the Lords of Her Majesty's Trea- sury, this Calendar owes its origin. .It was commenced in April 1873. The vast mass of documents now concentrated at the Public Record Office refers in some respects to many countries ; but with the single exception of England herself, we find in it more ancient instruments and entries relating to Ireland than to any country. Some of the reasons why this should be are not far to seek : — 1st, England having assumed the government of Ireland in 1171, more than seven centuries ago, and subsequently continued it, we might naturally expect to find among the muniments of England many records relating to that government; 2ndly, royal grants affecting Ireland when passed under the Great Seal of England would, we apprehend after the practice, so to speak, of Records became settled, be gene- rally enrolled, like grants affecting the latter country, on the English Patent or Charter Rolls ; 3rdly, mandates emanating directly from the Sovereign in relation to Ire- land would, after the same period, be enrolled, like man- dates affecting England, on the Close Rolls. Now these two classes, namely, grants and mandates, include, we Yiii PREFACE. believe, by far the largest portion of the ancient English Public Records relating to Ireland ; 4thly, records of judg- ments and orders passed or made in England on cases and appeals from Ireland would naturally be enrolled here; accordingly we have in this volume references to early entries of this kind, and the number will probably increase hereafter. The reasons above given may perhaps explain why records of some of the documents in question should be found in England ; but the presence here of the many which remain must be differently accounted for. We append to this preface No. I. a Table of Public Records containing instruments and entries relating to Ireland, abstracts of which are given in this volume ; we also append a Table No. II. of persons who have edited a part of those instruments and entries, and a Table No. III. of persons who to our knowledge have given their attention or referred to portions of them in their works. Ere we proceed to notice some of those instruments and entries we beg to premise a few words by way of explanation. To persons unacquainted with ancient records, it may be desirable to state that those abstracted in this volume are all written in mediaeval Latin and in the usual ab- breviated court hand. One of the peculiarities to be found in writing of the olden time is the uncertainty of spelling. The name of Shakspere for instance was, as is well known, variously spelt, and Sir Walter Raleigh is stated to have written his own name in different ways at different times. If this was so in the reigns of Eliza- beth and James I., what must have been the uncertainty of spelling more than three centuries previously, in the period from Henry II. to Henry III. ? The Anglo-Norman scribes, especially if they wrote from dictation, must have found it difficult to render Irish names of persons and PREFACE. ix places ; and hence we find great variance in this respect. The name of Connaught for instance, a comparatively simple one, will be found rendered in five or six different ways at least. The plan which the Editor adopted in this respect has been generally to write the name as contained on the record, to combine in the index all the names which he believed to refer to the same place or person, and occasionally to give between brackets his own version of the name. But each reader is of course entitled to draw his conclusions from the name as given from the Record. In regard to topographical names, the Editor does not deem it a necessary part of his duty to identify all the Irish names of places that occur. He is not acquainted with Irish, and the various and all engrossing exigencies of this work have prevented him from devoting much time to this point. He has, however, endeavoured to identify some, and he is indebted to Mr. W. M. Hennessy, M.R.I.A., of the Public Record Office of Ireland, a distinguished Irish scholar, to whom he begs here to return his best thanks, for most kindly and ably enabling him to identify others. The Editor must leave the identification of those which remain to Irish archaeologists. It may not be out of place to mention here that the Editor has been led into error by the abbreviated form of May, which appears more than once on the Rolls, and by a footnote to p. 505 of Archdall's Irish Monasticon, in rendering in English the name of the Monastery de Magio. That monastery was not situated in the county of Mayo, but was that of Maigue, so styled from the river on which it stood, or more commonly called Monasternenagh, in the county of Limerick. The Editor unfortunately discovered this mistake too late to correct it in a portion of the text, but he has not failed to do so in the Table of Corrigenda at the end of the volume. We have only to add that the abstracts have in general X PREFACE. been made very full, so as to comprise, it is believed, every- thing of importance in the documents. In reference to dates, wherever the record contained one it has been given, otherwise the date has been taken from that of the roll ; and when the Editor has himself ventured to assign a date to the abstract of an undated document, he has inserted it between brackets in the margin. We read in Hoveden that, in 1171, King Henry II. having collected a large fleet ordered it to assemble in the port of Milford, near Pembroke. He himself having gathered a great army of horse and foot came to the latter place to meet his ships, and with his army embarked on Saturday the 16th November 1171. On the next day, the 17th November (Giraldus Cambrensis and Matthew Paris say the 18th), he landed at Crook, near "Waterford. This volume opens with extracts from the Pipe Rolls of 17, 18, and 19 Henry II. (Nos. 1-40), of accounts of money paid by the sheriffs and others in various counties of England for hogs, wheat, and oats, beans, cheese, and other supplies, for this army of Ireland, as it is called ; of pay to masters, seamen, and equippers of ships to carry supplies ; hire of ships, canvas and apparel for them ; and payments for horses and their passage ; axes, handmills, wooden towers, bridges, spades, pickaxes, and nails, &c., all for Ireland. After very curious accounts of articles sent to the king in Ireland, we have, in No. 34, payments of 40£. for her- rings bought at Wexford, and of 55s. lid for horses and garments for Robert, Richard, and Roger, the king's fowlers. No. 37 contains payments of 781. 18s. 6d., to buy garments for 163 cottagers, who were in the king's service in Ireland; 26s. 2d. for furbishing the king's swords, and gold to adorn them, and 40s. in sterling silver for their points and hilts. In No. 39, the sheriff of Hamp- PREFACE. xi shire renders his account of 61. for delivering the hostage of the son of the King of Cork ; corody for the same, for Murtough Mac Morrough, and burgesses of Wexford, one night at "Winchester, 6s. 8d. ; corodies for the same for 10 nights, 40s. ; and six robes for Murtough Mac Morrough, and the burgesses of Wexford, 10/. 14s. lid, all by the king's writ. No. 40 contains items of 45s. for eight ships to carry over 20 knights and five attendants who went with Adam the Archbishop into Ireland ; of 27s. 6d. for the passage into Ireland of William Eitz Aldelm, his associates, and their armour ; and of 8s. for that of the Archbishop of Dublin. In Nos. 72 and 73, we have the following items : — . paid for the passage into Ireland of the knights and attendants of John, the king's son, 34/., by the king's writ ; for fully making up 1,600 crannocks of wheat, which the king gave to John, his son, to carry with him into Ireland, 9/. and 12d. ; paid to Robert Ruffus and other attendants of John, the king's son, to procure requisites for his bake- house and kitchen, 91. 5s. ; carrying them from Gloucester to Bristol, 6s. ; cost of conveying the harness of the king's son, 8s. ; and corodies for the king's son and his house- hold while staying at Gloucester, 40/. and 14c/. For other items of this kind we must refer to the abstracts themselves, Nos. 1-84. In connexion with this expedition to Ireland, the feudal exaction known as scutage (described in Madox's Hist, of the Exchequer, Vol. I., p. 629) was levied out of knights' fees in the counties of England. It was called the " Scutage of Ireland," in the same sense as we have sub- sequently the scutages of Wales, of Scotland, and of Poitou, and amounted, according to the Red Book, to 20s., a knight's fee. The accounts relating to it are entered at great length on the Pipe Rolls. The first mention of this scutage of Ireland occurs under the county of Lancaster ; xii PREFACE. Pipe 18, Henry II., Hot. 5 dors. (No. 26) ; from No. 43, it appears that the Bishop of London owed 20/. for this scutage, and 17/. 16s. Sd. for scutage, which he did not acknowledge to be dne. In No. 47, the citizens of London render their account of 100/. 34s. 4d, of the " gift " of the city for this scutage ; this account is continued in Nos. 49, 57, 61, 68, and 77. Several persons are charged to this exaction under the general title of " scutage of knights " who neither went into Ireland, nor sent knights or " money thither ; " on the other hand we have in Nos. 4, 10, and 24 accounts of money levied out of the lands of persons who went into that country against the king's command. The accounts of this scutage are continued through 15 subsequent Pipe Rolls of Henry II., and even occasionally occur on those for Richard I. to that for the 10th year of his reign. The Editor had taken from these accounts extracts to the number of upwards of 230, but on conside- ration has deemed it advisable to omit them for these, among other reasons, because what is called the scutage of Ireland concerns England more than that country ; and the printing of these abstracts would have overburdened the text and index of this volume with a multitude of names, most of which would probably be of little interest in Ireland. In No. 38 we have abstracts of three letters from Pope Alexander III. on the conquest of Ireland. The first is to the Papal Legate and the four archbishops of that country, exhorting them to aid the king in governing it ; the second is to the king himself, admonishing him to remove certain practices, to recall the people to the wor- ship of Christian faith, and to preserve and enlarge the rights of the church ; the thud is to the kings and princes of Ireland, exhorting them to persevere in their fealty to PREFACE. xiii the King of England. No. 50 refers to an undated charter of grant from Henry II. to the Abbey of Mellifont. It is difficult to fix precisely the date of this charter. The entries on the Pipe Rolls, the three papal letters and the charter above referred to, comprise all that we have been able to find relating to Ireland for the reign of Henry II. The reign of Richard I. which follows is bar- ren of records relating to Ireland, and, save the accounts of scutage on the Pipe Rolls already mentioned, nothing relating to that country has been found during any part of that monarch's reign. We now come to the reign of John, in which instru- ments and entries relating to Ireland become much more numerous and diversified, for in it commence the great series of Patent, Close, and Charter Rolls. Copies of all the entries on the Patent, Close and Charter Rolls, for this reign, and of those on the Close Rolls to the 11th year of Henry III., have as mentioned in list No. II., been printed, under the Record Commission of 1831, in four volumes folio, by Sir Thomas Duff us Hardy, the present Deputy Keeper of Records. These volumes are among the most valuable contributions to record knowledge that have ever been given. At the end of entries on the Patent, Close, and Charter Rolls generally, and occasionally on other Rolls, the names of places where the instruments and entries were dated are given. These places are of impor- tance, because until the reign of Richard II. they show where the early monarchs were at the date mentioned. In the introduction to his printed volume of Patent Rolls Sir T. D. Hardy fully enters into this subject, and gives us from these places a very valuable itinerary of King John, showing at a glance where that monarch was on most of the days of his reign. These names of places have been retained in the abstracts, but, none of them relating xiv PREFACE. to Ireland, it has been thought unnecessary to enter them in the index. The items contained in that index, and especially those under the general titles of the King, Ireland, and the various justiciaries (of whom a list follows the index), will give references to abstracts of many important documents re- lating to Ireland of the reign of John ; but among them, those referring to the following persons and matters, may perhaps be entitled to especial attention as being important or remarkable in themselves, or as materially illustrating the history of that monarch's reign in connexion with Ireland. Those persons and matters are : — Walter de Lacy, John de Courcy, Hugh de Lacy ; the king's Scotch adherents in Ireland; the king's passage to Ireland in 1210, and the entries from the Prestita Roll of the same date ; his dealing or relations with the church ; his deal- ings with Irish kings and magnates ; grants and mandates generally ; legal matters, and miscellaneous. We there- fore proceed to notice in the order we have indicated some of the abstracts relating to those persons and matters. The first mention which we find of Walter de Lacy's name is in a mandate to the justiciary of Ireland dated 4th September 1199, and commanding him to inquire whether Henry Tirol had sided with John de Courcy and W. de Lacy (the initial only of his Christian name is given) and aided them in destroying the king's land of Ireland (No. 90) ; in 204 we find the names of hostages given for Walter; 402 is a remarkable document containing his submission offered by his emissaries to the king at Dublin, June 28, 1210 ; 596 refers to a deed of agreement July 5, 1215, made between the king and him ; and in 628 the king receives him into grace, and restores his lands, July 28, same year. As to John de Courcy, the justiciary and Walter de PREFACE. XV Lacy are commanded to cause him to come to the king's service ; if he does not do so they shall cause judgment in the king's court to he taken out against him ; and if it deprives him of his land, they shall cause eight cantreds thereof to he given to Walter and Hugh de Lacy (224) ; in the next entry the Barons of Ulster are commanded to cause John to come to the king's service (225) ; then follows a grant dated November 13, 1204, to Walter and Hugh de Lacy of eight cantreds in Ulster (240) ; and we next have the names of hostages for John de Courcy, of Ulster (259). The latter appears subsequently to have come to the king's service, for there is a prest of 20 marks paid at Dublin to Richard cle Chambre on John's behalf (409) ; and the justiciary is commanded to provide Afirica, his wife, with ]and for her maintenance (482). In reference to Hugh de Lacy there is a charter of grant to him, dated May 29, 1205, of the land of Ulster, whereof the king had belted him earl, to hold as John de Courcy held it when Hugh conquered and took him prisoner in the field (263 and 260) ; the king shortly afterwards directs the justiciary to place reliance on Hugh's representations regarding the king's interests ( 268) ; but the king sub- sequently writes to Hugh that he will appropriate this land, as Walter de Lacy had not paid the fine which he had made with the king for its restoration, though the king had been a long time in his neighbourhood (550) . Of the king's Scotch adherents in Ireland we have men- tion of Alan of Galloway, and of Thomas Earl of Athol, his brother. To the first the king granted no less than 140 knights' fees in the North of Ireland, near the Bann, which the Bishop of Norwich [as justiciary] delivered, in May or June 1212, to persons on his behalf at Carrick- fergus before the knights and men of the province (427) ; the forest, fairs, and markets belonging to that land were i. b xvi PREFACE. also granted to him (463). To the Earl of Athol there is a grant of O'Neill's lands in Kenlion [Kinel-Owen] (468) ; six knights' fees (474) and other lands, all in the North of Ireland (565). The Misge Roll of the 11th of John gives the first intima- tion of that monarch's intended passage to Ireland, for we find on it items for 45 dozen skins of parchment to be carried with the king into that country. There are also items for making a scarlet cape for the king, and thread for William the tailor (400). To collect the army which accompanied the king to Ireland feudal exactions were put in force, and each holder of a knight's fee in the counties of England who did not present himself had to pay a fine amounting, as stated in one place, to 40s. a fee. The accounts of this exaction are entered at great length on the Pipe Roll of the 12th of John, under the general title of Eines or Scutage for the Passage of Ireland, and are continued on the Pipe Rolls of the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th John. There is subsequently on each of the Pipe Rolls of the 8th, 10th, 11th, and 13th Henry III. one entry relating to the passage of Ireland. The Editor had taken extracts of all the entries relating to this pas- sage, but for the same reasons which actuated him in regard to the entries of the scutage of Ireland in the previous reign of Henry II. he has deemed it advisable to omit most of them. The Prestita Roll of the 12th of John, a copy of which has been edited by Sir Thomas Hardy under the Record Commission, gives much information regarding the move- ments of that king when on his way to, and while in, Ireland. We find on it accounts of moneys paid for fees to officials ; prests {i.e. loans or advances) to knights and mariners, and pay to soldiers of the king's army, with the names of places in Ireland where, and the date when, those pay- PREFACE. xvii ments were made. The abstracts taken from this roll are to be found in Nos. 401, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 409, 410, and 418. The entries on this roll are all the more valuable, because owing to some lamentable mischance the Patent, Close, Charter, and Pine Rolls for the 12th of John, being in fact all the principal Chancery Records of that period, are not to be found at the Public Record Office, and are even supposed not to exist ; the same may be said of those rolls for the 11th and 13th of John ; and as regards the Close Rolls for the 10th of John also. That they once existed can scarcely be doubted. We have thus lost, as regards the rolls for the 12th of John, records of all the grants and mandates regarding Ireland made by that king when actually present in that country for some months in 1210. Among these would doubtless have been found records of the appointment of John de Grey, Bishop of Norwich, as justiciary of Ireland ; of the charter of King John, mentioned hereafter in No. 1602, which the mag- nates of that country sw x ore to obey, touching the obser- vance of English laws and customs in Ireland ; and most probably some information regarding the preferment of Henry de Londres to the see of Dublin. The Prestita Roll above referred to contains an army list, as it were, of the king's knights who were with him in Ireland ; but the names are so numerous, that it has been thought expedient merely to give selections from them, though all the names had been copied by the Editor. It is curious that among those names are to be found several existing in Ireland at the present day, such as Mara, Staunton, Darcy, Butler, Rochfort [de Rupe Porti], Savage [Salvagius], Barnewall, Barry, Clery, Pitz Simon, and others ; but this is a point which must be left to genealogists. b 2 xviii PREFACE. In regard to John's relations or dealings with the church, there appear to be no records of regular licences to elect or conges d'elire, and few of royal assents to elec- tions to Irish sees in this reign, hut the records referred to in the following abstracts are, among others, worthy of attention. We have first references to some documents evidencing a controversy between the king and the church regarding the archbishopric of Armagh. In No. 168, August 15, 1202, the king writes to the Papal Legate that certain Irish bishops therein named and the Archdeacon of Ar- magh, having shown a manifest desire to work against the king's right and dignity in regard to that see, the king renewed the appeal he had made ; No. 177 refers to a document remarkable for being in the form of a grant (the words being Noveritis nos concessisse) to Master Humphrey, of Tickhill, of the church of Armagh and the primacy of Ireland; in No. 178 the king commands the suffragans of Armagh to join him in his appeal regarding Eugene called elect of Armagh, who had gone to Home that he might be promoted to that see, and by no means to receive him as archbishop ; in No. 200 the king ap- proves of Ralph Archdeacon of Meath, who with two others had been elected or nominated for this see; but Eugene was nevertheless actually preferred to the arch- bishopric, for in No. 331 the king sends him, under the title of Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland, to execute the episcopal office in the see of Exeter ; and in No. 338 letters of protection are granted to him as arch- bishop. In No. 276 the king commands the justiciary to restore to John Archbishop of Dublin all the lands and liberties which he had when dissension first arose between him and the king regarding foresters. PREFACE. xix Having learnt the death of Matthew Archbishop of Cashel, the king notifies to the chapter and suffragans his approval of Albin Bishop of Eerns as successor, and directs them to hasten his promotion (291) ; the king's directions, however, in this respect do not appear to have been carried into effect. In No. 444 the king commands William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, in reference to his council as to establishing the peace of the church, that he notify under what form it seemed meet to the common council of the king's subjects of Ireland that this peace should be confirmed without detriment to the king's independence and rights. Then follows a very remarkable declaration of the mag- nates of Ireland regarding the Pope, No. 448. This docu- ment is undated, but the names of the magnates clearly point to the reign of John. This being so, the Editor has no doubt that it refers to the controversy between that king and the church regarding the preferment of Stephen Langton to the see of Canterbury, and has therefore assigned to it the date of in or about 1212, in which year, according to Hume, the Pope actually took the step, which the magnates had heard he was about to take, of absolving the subjects of the king from their fealty. No. 475, July 30, 1213, refers to a grant by the king to Henry Archbishop of Dublin of the bishopric and Abbey of Glendalough, saving for his life to Abbot Thomas his tenement of half a cantred, with other grants to the archbishop. In 481 the king commands that archbishop honourably to entertain the Archbishop of Tuam, so long as he shall be in exile and remain with him. No. 489, October 3, 1213, is an abstract of the well known charter of King John, whereby he offers to God, the church, and the Pope his kingdoms of England and Ireland, and taking them back as fees swears fealty there- XX PREFACE. for to the Pope. In token thereof the church shall yearly receive in lieu of service 1,000 marks sterling, namely, 700 for England and 300 for Ireland. The king binds himself and his successors, on pain of forfeiting their right to the kingdom, never to contravene this grant. Then immediately follows (490) a writ of Liberate to the treasurer and chamberlains for payment to the Legate of 1,000 marks of the farm of England and Ireland, being, as it would seem, the first year's payment of the annual tribute or subsidy to the pope mentioned in the previous number. No. 521 refers to a bull of Pope Innocent [III.], Oct. 28, 1214, commanding the archbishops, bishops, abbots, pre- lates, princes, earls, barons, knights, and people of Ireland to preserve in fealty to John King of the English. No. 566, June 27, 1215, relates to a grant to the canons of the church of St. Patrick in the suburbs of Dublin of the church of Crumlin which the King, when Earl of Morton, had given as a prebend to the former church, and No. 621 July 13, same year, to one to the church of the Holy Trinity, Dublin [Christ Church], and to the Archbishop of Dublin, of the cantred of Okonach' [Old Connaught, near Bray] with the vill and advowson of Tibrary ; No. 649, Sept. 6, same year, is an abstract of a grant of vills and two islands in the sea to Patrick's church, Cashel, and to Donat archbishop thereof ; while in No. 651 the king urgently begs the Cardinal Stephen de Eossa Nova to let Henry Archbishop of Dublin have 500 marks on loan. The following are some of the abstracts referring to the king's dealings with the native kings and princes of Ireland. In No. 205, about March 1203-4, John writes to the King of Connaught that he will hold good whatever the justiciary of Ireland and the Archdeacon of Stafford PREFACE. xxi may do by counsel of Walter de Lacy regarding matters between the king and the King of Connaught. In No. 222, Aug. 31, 1204, the king approves of a quit- claim or release to be made to him by the king of Connaught of two-thirds of Connaught, the other third to remain to the latter at a yearly rent of 100 marks ; and the king commands the justiciary to select for his use the two-thuds in which lie the best towns and harbours and which are fittest for fortifying castles, &c. ; No. 279 refers to further negotiations on the subject. In No. 385 the king commands the King of Connaught and the other kings and magnates of Ireland to give credence to what the Bishop of Perns, the justiciary of Ireland, and Philip of Worcester shall tell them on the king's behalf ; and Nos. 509 and 530 contain protection for Cathal, King of Connaught. In No. 531 the Archbishop of Dublin is commanded to buy scarlet cloth for robes for the kings of Ireland ; No. 654, Sept. 13, 1215, contains an abstract of the king's charter of grant to the King of Connaught of the land of Connaught, rendering yearly to the king at the Exchequer, Dublin, 300 marks, with a re- servation of the Castle of Athlone ; and in No. 656 the king directs certain persons to receive from the King of Con- naught 2,500 marks, being the amount due at Michaelmas out of 5,000 marks for which the land of Connaught had been granted to the latter ; with further mandate to take from him 12 marks for the chancellor's fee. We now come to grants of lands in Ireland. The Charter Rolls show that, especially in the beginning of his reign, John bestowed them profusely among his adherents. In addition to those we have already drawn attention to, the following may be noticed : — Grant to Thomas Pitz Maurice of five knights' fees in the cantred of Pontimel (93) ; to William of Naas of the castle of Karakitel, with knights' X xii PREFACE. fees (94) ; to "William de Burgh, the father no doubt of the great Richard de Burgh, of Ardpatrick, the residue of the cantred of Eontimel (95), and of the Castle of Tibrach' (122) ; to Milo le Bret of lands near Dublin with licence to take foxes and hares in the forest of Ireland (100) ; to Hugh Hose of land without the city of Dublin between the stone gate near the bridge and the grange lands of the canons of the Holy Trinity, &c. (121) ; to William de Breouse of the honor of Limerick (147) ; for this grant William gave to the king 5,000 marks (146) ; to William de Barry of three cantreds in Corcaia [Cork] to hold by the service of ten knights (340) ; to Jordan Lochard of the land of Kilsanehan to hold of the king, by the service of one archer to be rendered in guarding the city of Dublin (346) ; to Philip de Prendergast of 40 knights' fees, of which 15 were between Cork and Insovenach' (348) ; to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, of his land of Leinster, to hold by the service of 100 knights (381) ; to the king of Man of one knight's fee on the sea near Carlingford, which the Bishop of Norwich assigned to him, and of 100 seams of wheat receivable at Drogheda (428) ; to persons who had taken lands from the citizens of Limerick that they might have and hold those lands (579) ; to Muriard OBren [O'Brien] of cantreds in Thomond (629 and 669) ; and to Richard de Burgh of all the land of Connaught which William his father held of the king (653). Of grants to monasteries and religious bodies we have besides others those to the Knights Templars (85) ; the Knights Hospitallers of Ireland of liberties similar to those previously granted to the Knights Hospitallers of England (123) ; the Monastery of Mary, Dublin (127, 130, and 131) ; the Abbot of Glendalough (132) ; the Abbey de Magio [Monasternenagh or Maigue], lands in the county of Limerick and elsewhere (136), this grant is remarkable for PREFACE. xxiii the great number of Irish names of places it mentions. In No. 220 we have the king's confirmation of the union entered into between the convent of St. Peter of Bath and the Hospital of St. John of Waterford. Curious particulars follow of the articles of union. The grants to cities and towns comprise four to Dublin, namely, of metes, liberties, franchises, and fishing (138 and 577), of a fair (510) ; and of power to make a bridge over the Liffey (511) ; one to the burgesses of the bridge of Drogheda of the law of breteill' [bridge-toll] (473) ; and a similar grant to the burgesses of Dungarvan (578) . Of grants of appointments we have those of Meyler Eitz Henry as justiciary of Ireland (133) ; of John Mar- shall as Marshal (353) ; of Henry Archbishop of Dublin as justiciary (466) ; and of Geoffrey de Mariscis also as justiciary (608). Mandates relating to Ireland in this reign are numerous and multifarious. No. 125 contains one to all persons holding lands in the Marches to fortify their castles other- wise the king will seize their lands. In No. 235 the king commands Walter de Lacy to deliver to the justiciary the city of Limerick committed to William de Breouse, as the king could not maintain peace in Connaught and Cork unless he held that city in his hand. Mandate to the justiciary to cause an inquisition to be taken whether the Castle of Kilmehal [Kilmallock] and certain cantreds belong to the kingdom of Cork or the kingdom of Limerick, and if to the former the justiciary shall take them into the king's hand as his demesne (289). No market established in Ireland after the king's passage into England shall be held (349). Mandate to William, Earl of Pembroke, to come to the king at Chester with J ohn Bishop of Norwich and the king's Irish subjects. They shall bring 200 knights and such a force of foot and horse, xxiv PREFACE. with supplies, as may prove to the king that they desire his advancement and the confusion of his enemies (435). Mandate to the Archhishop of. Dublin, then justiciary, to inspect the king's charter to Richard de Burgh, and the letters of the Bishop of Norwich, formerly justiciary, and according to their tenor to cause seisin of Richard's Irish land to be given to him (506). Then follows a mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause to be inquired what pur- prestures [encroachments] had been made in the king's demesne lands of the county of Waterford, by whom, and to cause them to be amended (571). No. 586 refers to a mandate to the justiciary to deliver seisin to Maurice Eitz Gerald of the lands of Gerald, his father, on his giving security for a fine of 60 marks. In 688 the justiciary is commanded to cause to be delivered to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, the house of Ernye of the earl's inheri- tance called the Salmon Leap ; and in No. 709 there is a mandate to the same that if he have in his possession hides and wool of the king to the value of 300 marks he deliver them to Henry Archbishop of Dublin. As to legal matters in Ireland there are records of but few in this reign. No. 116 refers to an abstract of a curious criminal pleading on the Coram Bege Bolls, one of the very few entries relating to Ireland contained on the earlier rolls of this class. It relates to the murder of William le Brun in the dike of the then castle of Dublin ; and from No. 114 we learn that Bichard Gille Michel and two others gave to the king 66 marks 2s. 3d. for licence to agree in an appeal had against them by Owen le Brun of the death of his father, probably William le Brun above mentioned. In No. 126 the king wills that no recognizances be made and no outlawry issue in Ireland save in or by the king's court. No. 209 contains a commission to Walter PREFACE. XXV de Lacy and others to hear the complaints of the justiciary against William de Burgh ; the justiciary has been commanded to abide judgment before the justices re- garding William's charges against him ; in No. 213, however, the king grants to William respite of all com- plaints, takes him into Normandy, and orders all his lands and castles in Ireland to be restored to him, saving the land of Connaught which remains in the king's hands during pleasure. In No. 236 the king regulates the issuing of writs by the justiciary, and defines their limitation ; and in No. 328 after giving to the justiciary various orders in criminal cases, he commands him to seize the lands, chattels, and body of Norman Clatere, a citizen of Dublin, who had left that city, and gone to reside on the land of Walter de Lacy. Of miscellaneous documents the following may be noticed : — In No. 91 Hamo de Yaloignes gives to the king 1,000 marks to have peace touching his Irish account, no doubt as justiciary ; in No. 115, Roger de Ki villi gives to the king 10 besants for letters of protection in going to and trading in Ireland; No. 151 states the amount due by the citizens of Dublin [to the king] as 400i marks, with 5 palfreys and 1 goshawk. It may not be unworthy of remark here that palfreys are frequently mentioned in records of this time as objects of debt ; an ordinary palfrey appears to have stood for 5 marks or SI. 6s. 8d. 9 and one of the best for double that amount. In No. 201, the king urges the Irish clergy to give him such an aid against the King of Prance as shall be pointed out to them, and writes similar letters to the earls, barons, knights, citizens, burgesses, and the king's subjects generally in Ireland. No. 226, dated about the end of August 1204, is a document of great interest. It contains letters of the xxvi PREFACE. king to the justiciary of Ireland, who had apprised the former that he had no place in which to deposit royal treasure ; the king thereupon commands him to cause a castle to he constructed in Dublin with good dikes and strong walls; and for this purpose to take 300 marks. The king further commands the justiciary to compel the citizens of Dublin to fortify their city, and wills that there be a fair there. The letters in No. 315, February 1206-7, are also of interest. In them the king thanks his barons and knights of Meath for the fidelity they had preserved towards him when dissension arose between Walter de Lacy, their lord, and the justiciary of Ireland touching the city of Limerick. The king exhorts them to persevere in that fidelity for he will not bear it lightly that his justiciary suffer damage or dishonour. Similar letters to the barons and knights of Leinster. In No. 352, November 9, 1207, the king commands all persons in Ireland not to answer in any court respecting their free tenements save by writ of the king or the justiciary, nor touching any plea of the Crown save before the king, his justiciary, or the justices sent to administer law. The king forbids selling or purchasing by any money save that of Ireland, which he wills to be current throughout the whole kingdom. No. 426, May 9, 1212, is an order for delivery from prison of Sir William de Audley, knight, taken prisoner in the Castle of Carrickfergus. References to several other orders of the same kind will be found in the index under the head of the Castle of Carrickfergus. In 674 the king commands William de Serlaund, constable of Carrickfergus, to admit the justiciary into that castle with any force he may wish to place in it for its defence. We here end our notice of abstracts of Public Records PREFACE. xxvii relating to Ireland in the reign of John, and now proceed to notice some of the documents of the reign of Henry III. relating to the following subjects or topics in connexion with Ireland : — The king's accession ; the church ; Irish kings and magnates ; justiciaries ; the government of Ire- land ; legal matters ; Hugh de Lacy's war ; the king's in- tended visits to Ireland ; Richard Earl of Pembroke's war ; the king's expedition to Scotland ; his expedition to Wales ; the crusades ; subsidies and aids ; monasteries ; muni- cipalities ; Chancery ; the Mint ; inquisitions ; grants ; mandates ; castles ; commerce ; and miscellaneous. Shortly after the coronation of Henry III., October 28, 1216, the king writes to the justiciary of Ireland letters which read very like a speech from the throne at the present day. After notifying the death and obsequies of King John, it was, he said, his will to forget the angry feeling which once existed between his father and some of his nobles, and by a renewal of liberties to restore the good days of their ancestors. He had granted to the pre- lates, earls, and barons of England the liberties asked for, and they had returned home rejoicing. In regard to sending the queen mother and his brother to Ireland he should consult his council. The same liberties should be granted to the justiciary and the king's subjects of Ire- land as had been granted to his subjects of England (723). These letters were soon after followed by the grant here- after mentioned to the king's subjects of Ireland of the promised liberties. The documents relating to the church are more nume- rous than those relating to any other subject during the 36 years of the reign of Henry III. comprised in this volume. We vhave first mandates from the king com- manding the justiciary not to allow Irishmen to be elected or promoted in cathedral churches in Ireland ; the clerics xxviii PREFACE. of the Archbishop of Dublin and other Englishmen shall be promoted to sees and dignities when vacant (736 and 739). The archbishops and bishops of Ireland having, on the other hand, subsequently issued an ordinance that no Englishman should be received as a canon in their churches, Pope Innocent IV. commanded them to revoke their ordinance (3084). We have also several documents relating to a dispute in 1219 between an official of the king and Henry Arch- bishop of Dublin regarding the forest of Dublin, com- plaints by the archbishop of false aspersions, &c, and a complaint against him by the citizens of Dublin. In No. 849, August 27, 1218, the king had commanded that no forester should be troublesome or burdensome to the archbishop, by exacting food from him, the king granted him freedom from that grievance. In No. 892, however, Thomas Eitz Adam, keeper of the king's forest in Ireland, writes to the Dean of Lichfield that he had requested the archbishop to cause the officials of the forest to feed, as in the reign of King John, the servants placed in the forest for its custody. The archbishop answered that the forest and beasts were his, and that he would not allow his men to feed the servants against his liberty and the rights of his church. In No. 926 Thomas Eitz Adam writes to the king complaining that he had been excommunicated because he had arrested on the archbishop's land a malefactor who from the time of King John had spoiled the forest. Thomas, as he alleges, was persecuted ; intercourse with men and the convenience of towns were denied to him. Then follows a letter from the archbishop to the king complaining of Thomas for afforesting his land, introducing new customs and ex- actions, and seizing his men (932). The king in his pungent reply dated March 10, 1219-20 (933), prays the PREFACE. xxix archbishop to be as solicitous in preserving the king's rights as he wished the king to be in guarding the arch- bishop's liberties. Had commanded Thomas Fitz Adam to desist from troubling the archbishop with unjust ex- actions, hoping that when they met amends would be made for any trespass against either of them. Nos. 951, 1317, 1757, and 1769 had no doubt the effect of ending this controversy with the church of Dublin regarding the forest. By the two last of these, dated respectively November 8, and December 4, 1229, the king commanded that all woods within the lands of the see therein de- scribed should be disafforested. Nos. 904 and 925 are letters from the archbishop to the king complaining of false aspersions, reminding the king of his services, and praying that the latter would command his justiciary to refrain from infringing on the possessions and dignities of the archbishop and his church. No. 927 is a letter from the archbishop to the Dean of Lichfield on the same subject. The archbishop cannot believe that the king would wish to impair the great liberties conferred on the church by King John, or to revoke those granted by himself in the flower of his youth. The complaint of the citizens of Dublin against the archbishop for an infringement of their liberties, dated soon after March 22, 1219-20, will be found referred to in No. 935. Later in the year 1219 a controversy having arisen between the king and the Archbishop of Cashel regarding the new vill of Cashel, we have several documents bearing on this poiDt. In No. 920 the Archbishop of Dublin writes to the king that the Archbishop of Cashel being about to depart for Rome had ordered his province to be placed under an interdict and the justiciary to be excom- municated, unless restitution were made to him of the new XXX PREFACE. vill. The Archbishop of Dublin thereupon supplicates the king by restitution of the vill to withdraw the Archbishop of Cashel from his purpose of proceeding to the pope. The king in his answer dated Jan. 24, 1219-20 (923), thanks the Archbishop of Dubliu for his solicitude in obtaining that the vill should be sequestered into the archbishop's hand until the octaves of Easter. The vill had come into the king's hand by the finding of a jury of persons of the highest station in those parts. The king then being in possession prays the archbishop to restore the vill to him at the expiration of the above term. A bull of Pope Honorius III. follows May 19, 1222, com- manding the Archbishop of Cashel to relax the sentence of interdict he had published against the king's subjects and lands (1034). In No. 1051 the king constitutes the Archbishop of Dublin as his proctor in the cause between the king and the Archbishop of Cashel brought by autho- rity of papal letters touching the vill in question, and will by him hold valid the decree of certain bishops therein named ; and in No. 1633, Nov. 16, 1228, the king remits his claim, and grants the vill in frankalmoign to the then Archbishop of Cashel. Then follow documents of various kinds relating to the church, namely : — Protection, April 3, 1225, for the preachers of the fabric of the church of St. Patrick, Dublin, going through Ireland to beg alms for that fabric (1241) ; the king writes to the pope about Dec. 1225, that he is well pleased if it pleases his holiness that the churches of Limerick and Waterford be united ; the seat of the see to remain at Waterford (1337) ; mandate, Jan. 18, 1226-27, that when the king shall have received letters from the Archbishop of Armagh testifying that certain of his canons of Louth, excommunicated for con- tumacy and excesses, had persisted for 40 days, the justi- PREFACE. xxxi ciary shall, according to the custom of England, judge the excommunicated persons by their bodies till they shall have made satisfaction to holy church (1481) ; grant, May 21, 1227, in consequence of the poverty of the clergy, that the justiciary may give in place of the king free power to the proper parties to elect to all vacant sees save 11 therein enumerated (1519) ; the king grants, Oct. 10, 1227, so far as in him lies, that the see of Clogher be united to that of Armagh ; and prays the pope to give his consent to the union of the two sees (1559) ; grant accordingly, Peb. 8, 1240-41 (2505) ; the king prays Pope Gregory IX., July 16, 1228, to consent to the union of the sees of Waterford and Lismore, the bishops of which are so poor that they are obliged to beg without their sees for necessaries (1616) ; inspeximus of three charters of King John, April 13, 1230, granting and confirming to the Archbishop of Dublin the lands and possessions of his see, with the bishopric of Glendalough and liberties and free customs (1787, 1788, and 1789) ; mandate to the abbots, priors, earls, barons, knights, citizens, and burgesses within the see of Dublin to pay tithes for pools and fisheries, as the king did not wish to imperil his soul by withholding such tithes (1798) ; letters of the king to the pope, May 20, 1231, complaining that the bishops of Ireland strove to deprive him of his right of having the custody of vacant sees, and contended that the tenants of the sees should no longer require justice from the king's court (1890) ; bull of Pope Gregory IX., July 20, 1231, prohibiting archbishops and bishops in Ireland from fulminating unjust sentences of excom- munication against the king's justiciaries, sheriffs, and bailiffs (1901) ; letters of the king to the cardinals, Peb. 25, 1234-35, respecting 500 marks of the annual tribute to the church, which they felt aggrieved at not being paid to them ; according to King John's charter the whole 1. c xxxii PREFACE. amount ought to go to the pope (2252) ; Hubert Bishop of Limerick to the king, praying that he will regard the oppressions brought on his church by Geoffrey de Mariscis and William his son (2267) ; Griffin Bishop of Lismore to the king, beseeching him to avoid Geoffrey de Mariscis, William his son, and others as excommunicated (2268) ; mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, Feb. 10, 1236-37, to hear the complaints of the Bishop of Clogher touching the injuries inflicted on him by the Archbishop of Ar- magh (2377) ; letter of Thomas Bishop of Down to the king, complaining of the exactions of Sir Walter de Burgh, Earl of Ulster; supplicates the king that as preceding bishops of Down were wont to stand against the earls of Ulster in defence of kingly rights, so the king will now give ear to the bishop's grievances. Erom the first coming of the English into Ulster the king's name had been commemorated in each mass throughout the Down diocese, where there are more priests and religious than in any other equal part of Ireland (2551) ; it is difficult to fix precisely the date of this interesting letter which is un- dated. Mandate, Oct. 28, 1243, to the justiciary not to interfere if the Archbishop of Cashel should sue the Bishops of Limerick, Lismore, Killaloe, Ardfert, and Emly, his suffragans, touching their spiritualities ; not to permit the archbishop to disturb the bishops regarding their temporalities, and not to lay his hand on the latter, at the archbishop's mandate, without the king's special order (2640). The Archbishop of Armagh has given two subjects of complaint to the king ; first, because he obtained from the pope that the king's subjects should be sued out of the realm concerning lands and advowsons of churches ; and, secondly, because his petition made men- tion of the king's privilege (2717) ; the Pope having on the king's petition ordered the celebration of the nativity and PREFACE. xxxiii translation of King Edward the Confessor, the king's predecessor, the king prays the Bishop of Killaloe to cause this feast to be solemnly observed in each church of his diocese (2725) ; a similar letter to the Bishop of Waterford (2726) ; letters of the king dated about the end of April 1245, expressing his astonishment that through fear of excommunication the justiciary should have deferred to give judgment regarding the disseisin which the Bishop of Cloyne confesses he has wrought against the Bishop of Emly ; the justiciary shall proceed to judgment, amerce the disseisor, and restore seisin to the latter bishop. As for the judges who proceeded in the ecclesiastical court, and the Bishop of Cloyne who prosecuted this plea, the justiciary shall cause them to be arrested and imprisoned (2741) ; June 1, 1245, the magnates of England murmur on account of the oppressions which the pope inflicts on religious men ; having learnt that John Ruffus had been sent to Ireland to cause similar oppressions, the king commands the justiciary not to allow any person bearing papal letters to extort money from religious men, or to do anything which may cause injury to Ireland (2746) ; bull of Pope Innocent IV., July 21, 1245, confirming all the privileges, indulgences, and immunities granted by the papal see to the churches of England and Ireland (2764) ; the Archbishop of Cashel [had stated] that if he found the election to the see of Limerick to be canonical he should confirm it notwithstanding the king's dignity ; he was enjoined to revoke whatever he had attempted in prejudice of the king, and his temporalities were ordered to be taken into the king's hand if he did not recall his error (3125). In addition "to the above documents relating to the church in Ireland we have a considerable number of licences to elect, or conges d'elire, and of royal assents c 2 xxxiv PREFACE. granted to elections made of archbishops and bishops in various churches. References to these will be found under the titles of the several dioceses in the index. That the formalities of a previous conge d'elire, and of the royal assent to elections were insisted on we have proofs in the documents referred to in Nos. 750, 797, 856, 1838, 1862, 1908, 2318, and 2319, 2698, 2769, 2829, 2844, 2933, and 2953. In reference to Irish kings and magnates we have the following documents. Protection for Kathal, King of Connaught (928 and 1164) ; letter from him to Hubert de Burgh, justiciary of England, assuring the latter that he is anxious to preserve his friendship, and begging of him to agree to his petition to the king (980) ; July 18, 1222, the king accepts the fine of 200 marks which the King of Thomond has made with the justiciary for the land of Thomond, and commands that it be delivered to him (1046) ; same date, grant to him of that land to hold till the king's full age at 100L a year rent, and a fine of 200 marks (1050) ; letter of Kathal, King of Connaught, to the king regarding Hugh de Lacy (1174), this will be noticed among the documents relating to the war of the latter; another letter from the same Kathal to the king assuring him of his fidelity and praying that the king will grant to his son Aedth a charter in fee of Connaught, &c. (1184) ; mandate to the justiciary to cause the said Aedth to have for his maintenance on the king's service seisin of lands of William de Lacy, the king's enemy (1195) ; June 30, 1226, mandate to the justiciary to cause Oethus, or Aedth, son of the King of Connaught to be summoned before him at the king's court to surrender the land of Connaught which he ought no longer to hold on account of his father's and his own forfeiture (1402) ; mandate to the justiciary that if it be to the honour and PREFACE. XXXV advantage of the king lie take a ransom from Iviena, who was the wife of the King of Connaught, for her release from prison, if not that he suffer her to go free (1688) ; Richard de Burgh, justiciary of Ireland, having seized and imprisoned Eedhlim, son of a former King of Connaught, the king commands that he be liberated on finding sureties to abide any charge that may be made against him (1975) ; ere Eedhlim, son of the late King of Connaught, came to England to confer with the king he should strive to take the castle of Miloc ; when the castle should have been taken, Connaught quieted, and both delivered to the jus- ticiary it was the king's pleasure that he should come (2039) ; letters of safe conduct for the said Eedhlim about to come to England to confer with the king (2644 and 2738) ; letters of protection for him till the king's arrival in Ireland (2778) ; the king wills that for 2,200 marks, to be rendered to him, Conor O'Brien shall hold during good service the land which his father held by charter of King John (3054) ; the king to O. O'Brien of Thomond ; had commanded his justiciary to inquire regarding the offer he had made of 500£. for a grant in fee of the land which he holds to farm of the king (3114). Justiciaries appear to have exercised judicial as well as executive functions in Ireland. A list of those mentioned in this volume follows the index as already stated ; and grouped under their names in the latter will be found references to the principal mandates given to each jus- ticiary for the government of Ireland or otherwise. The first justiciary mentioned in the reign of Henry III. is Geoffrey dc Marisco, who had been appointed in the last year of the reign of John. On April 23, 1219 (No. 872), the king notifies that as Geoffrey was bound to the Crusades and had been called before the king touching the state of Ireland, the care and custody of that country had been xxxvi PREFACE. committed to Henry Archbishop of Dublin. Geoffrey, however, still continued in office as the mandates addressed to him show. But subsequently on July 17, 1221, the king writes to Thomas Eitz Anthony making certain com- plaints against Geoffrey, in consequence of which he is provoked, he says, to desire that Geoffrey no longer preside over Ireland (1001). On the 4th of October following Geoffrey resigned his office, and in November following surrendered the king's castles (1015). His successor was Henry Archbishop of Dublin (997, 1001), to whom the king on August 8, 1223, wrote letters of complaint, founded on representations of the men of Dublin, regarding certain proceedings of his in the government of Ireland. These things, says the king, are contrary to the king's right and dignity and are more disparaging to the justiciary's fame, because great power had been given to him as the king's lieu- tenant in Ireland. The king therefore commands the jus- ticiary to refrain from these things, otherwise the king will lay heavy hands on them (1130). The Archbishop of Dublin remained in office till Hugh de Lacy's war ; he was then succeeded by William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, May 2, 1224 (1185). When we come to mention this war we shall have occasion to draw attention to a very remark- able letter or dispatch regarding it, written by the earl when justiciary. On November 8, 1224, the king having called the earl into England Geoffrey de Mariscis was in his absence appointed to attend to the king's affairs and the preservation of peace in Ireland (1224). The Earl of Pem- broke having subsequently on the 22nd of June 1226 sur- rendered his office (1380), three days afterwards Geoffrey de Mariscis was again regularly appointed (1383). The sum of 580Z. a year was granted to him as salary (1413). Having proceeded to Ireland Geoffrey writes to the king a letter dated about August 1226, giving a remarkable PREFACE. xxxvii account of the then state of that country. On arriving at Water ford the magnates there met him, he says, and gave assurances that they would obey the king's mandates. Was about to proceed thence to Dublin when he heard that William Earl Marshall was going to oppose his passage with all the force of Leinster. In Dublin the king's subjects had rendered their oaths of fealty with some exceptions. Theobald Walter on being asked to do so excused himself, asserting that he could not, unless in presence of the earl, part with the custody of the castles con- fided to him by the latter. Theobald had fortified the castle of Dublin with a force against the king. All the castles of Ireland were fortified against the king save the castle of Limerick in custody of Richard de Burgh. The Irish were so banded together and so wheedled by William Cras- sus that they could not be recalled from their conspiracy. The King of Connaught had become heedless of the king's mandates. Theobald Walter had so misconducted himself in regard to the king that, though he had married the justiciary's daughter, he would if it were the king's will deprive him of all his land. So long as the justiciary's life should be prolonged the king need not fear the wickedness or craft of his Irish enemies or others. All these he, Geoffrey, should root out (1443). Geoffrey de Marisco continued justiciary till the beginning of 1228, when he expressed a wish that some other person should be appointed (1572) ; and accordingly on the 13th of February in that year the office was committed to Richard de Burgh (1571 and 1573). The sum of 500Z. a year was granted to Richard as his salary (1577). Among the mandates given to him as justiciary#are some very remark- able ones. Richard de Burgh continued in office till the 15th of June 1232, when Hubert de Burgh, justiciary of England, was appointed for life justiciary of Ireland, xxxviii PREFACE. with power to name a deputy (1955, 1957, and 1964). It appears from the document referred to in the last No. that Richard de Burgh acted as Hubert's deputy. Hubert, however, did not long continue justiciary of Ireland, for on August 25, 1232, he was ordered to quit England within 15 days (1974). On ceasing to be justiciary Richard de Burgh did not readily deliver up his custody of the king's castles, though several times ordered to do so (2003, 2008, and 2009). In the first of these the king com- mands him for the third time by virtue of his oath and homage to deliver up that custody. If he acted otherwise he should incur perpetual infamy. In No. 2012 the king mentions Richard's trespasses against him ; in No. 2032 the justiciary is ordered to labour to recover the castle of Milloc if Richard would not surrender it ; and in No. 2039 the king, as already stated, commanded Eedhlim, son of the late King of Connaught, to take it and then to come to the king. In No. 1977 we have the appointment of Maurice Eitz Gerald as justiciary of Ireland, September 2, 1232, with the form of oath administered to him as such. The appointment is repeated in No. 1978, and the next No. contains an order for payment to him of 500 marks a year for his maintenance (1979). A reference to the index will show that the mandates given to Maurice Eitz Gerald as justiciary are of great number and importance. Having continued in office for upwards of 13 years Maurice, about November 1245, surrendered it (2785). He appears to have fallen into disgrace with the king, but the latter pardoned him, July 2 and August 8, 1248, and released to him. all receipts, accounts, complaints, and demands of the time when he was justiciary. If Maurice held any lands which belonged of right to the king he should be tried thereupon according to law of Ireland without any rancour on the king's part. An inquisition PREFACE. xxxix should be held by the justiciary as to the killing of the king's Irishmen in Anglesey when the king was at Gannoc, in order that the king might inflict due vengeance on the guilty. Eor this release Maurice should give a fine of 500 marks (2952 and 2962). In No. 2963 we have letters of protection for Maurice gone on the king's service to Gascony. On November 4, 1245, John Eitz Geoffrey was appointed justiciary (2785), and continued so during the remainder of the period comprised in this volume. As to documents relating to the government of Ireland, we have first the grant, already mentioned, made in the commencement of the reign of Henry III. In it the king commands the fealty which his subjects in Ireland have manifested to his father and will manifest to himself, and in token thereof, grants that they and their heirs may enjoy for ever the liberties conferred by his father and himself in England (759) ; Nos. 1390 and 2850 contain ordinances for the observance in Ireland of the laws and customs of England, as King John when last in the former country ordained ; and in No. 1602, dated May 8, 1228, the justiciary is commanded to cause all the archbishops, bishops, abbots, earls, barons, knights, and free tenants, to come before him ; to cause to be publicly read to them the charter of King John, which the magnates of Ireland swore to obey, touching the observance in that country of English laws and customs ; to enjoin them to keep those laws, and to cause the same to be proclaimed throughout Ireland. "We next have a mandate to the justiciary to make such a provision regarding the king's uninhabited cantreds as may best conduce to the king's honour and advantage (1852) ; the justiciary is commanded to take into the king's hand the lands of those of the king's household in Ireland, who receive from the king an annual fee, but would not come to his service to preserve the peace (1915) ; xl PREFACE. the king wills, Jan. 25, 1234-5, that England and Ireland he common to each other, and that his men of "both coun- tries trade hither and thither for the profit and improve- ment of the latter (2242) ; the king commands, June 1244, that proclamation he made throughout all cities and vills in Ireland for uniformity of weights and measures ; the model to be taken from the weights and measures used in Dublin (2713) ; the king notifies his will to the seneschal of Leinster, June 18, 1246, that there be in Ireland one justiciary, one treasurer, one chancellor, and that writs shall issue under the king's seal borne by the latter ; that there be one Exchequer sitting in Dublin, at which both the seneschal and the sheriffs under him shall answer ; the seneschal shall hold no assizes, but allow the king's writs to run through his bailiwick, arid the king's justices to take their eyre as they were wont to do before the late Earls Marshall ursurped to themselves royal liberties (2836); the king notifies, July 28, 1248, that he sends under his seal to the barons of Ireland particulars of the liberties which he is prepared to grant to them, commanding the justiciary to ascertain their views, and let the king know what they are prepared to do on their side to obtain those liberties (2956) ; June 11, 1250, mandate to the Arch- bishop of Dublin, Maurice Eitz Gerald, and others, to counsel the king whether it is better to settle and cultivate the king's waste lands of Ireland, or to let them to the men of Ireland (3061). In regard to these ordinances or mandates made up- wards of 600 years ago, we may be permitted to remark that some of them seem not unworthy of the wise and beneficent rule of the successor of King Henry III. now on the throne, Her most gracious Majesty Queen Victoria. Of documents relating to legal matters, we have the PREFACE. Xli following among others : — Eeb. 21, 1217-18, the king commands the justiciary of Ireland to cause a record of the plaint before him at Dublin, between Eva de Burminge- ham, wife of the justiciary, complainant, and Reginald Talbot, defendant, touching four carucates of land in Dalkey., to be brought with this writ before the king (817) ; April 18, 1218, William Earl of Pembroke having shown to the king that Albin Bishop of Eerns had sued him touching his lay fee, which the king is bound to warrant to him when he reaches his age, the king prohibits the Arch- bishops of Dublin and Tuam and the Bishop of Clogher from holding this plea while the king is under age (823) ; April 20, same year, if the Archbishops of Dublin and Tuam and the Bishop of Clogher held pleas in the ecclesi- astical court touching the lay fee of William Earl Marshall in Leinster, and the Bishop of Eerns prosecuted this plea, the justiciary shall bind over the first-named parties to show why they have held, and the Bishop of Eerns why he has prosecuted this plea (825 ) ; March 8, 1220-1, the practice in Ireland regarding justices itinerant differing from that in England, the king and his council ordain that to the sole justice itinerant in Ireland, two be added (985) ; mandate to the justiciary that pleas of bounds in Ireland be held and framed as in England. The laws of Ireland and England are and ought to bethe same (1033). Limita- tion in writs of Mort cV Ancestor in Ireland to be changed to that in England (1042) ; Dec. 10, 1226, mandate to the barons, knights, and free tenants of Leinster regarding the law of tenant by the courtesy in Ireland (1458) ; October 28, 1233, pleas shall not be held in the ecclesiastical court in Ireland, touching advowsons, lay fees, or chattels not connected with testamentary or matrimonial matters (2069); mandate that the writ de Divisis faciendis shall run in Ireland as in England (2232) ; Aug. 30, 1236, English law xlii PREFACE. and custom regarding coparcerners shall be proclaimed and maintained in Ireland (2356) ; the king commands the justiciary to cause changes in regard to writs of course to be made and proclaimed throughout Ireland. The same laws should prevail in that country as in England (2379). The first intimation which we have of Hugh cle Lacy's intention to wage war against the king is contained in No. 1110, dated June 4, 1223. Under that date the king writes to the Archbishop of Dublin, then justiciary, that the king had offered to commit for five years to "Walter de Lacy and others the land which Hugh demanded to have restored to him, but as those persons were unwilling to incur the obligation, nothing was done. Hugh, as the king had heard, was plotting to invade Ireland, wherefore the justiciary is commanded to provide against the attack. Sends the pope's letters of excommunication against Hugh and his accomplices if they invade that land. We have then a letter from Kathal King, of Connaught, to the king ; it is undated, but the Editor has assigned to it the date of about March 1224. Hugh de Lacy, says Kathal, enemy of the king, the king's father, and Kathal, who was ex- pelled from Ireland by King John, has come to that country to disturb it. Kathal remains firm in his fidelity to the king, but the closer he adheres to the king's service, the more he is harrassed by those who pretend fealty to the king, and shamefully fail against his enemy; so that between Hugh de Lacy on the one hand, and those who pretend to be faithful on the other, Kathal is placed in great difliculty. Wherefore, unless it is better that the peace of Ireland should be subverted by this disturber, Kathal prays the king to send a force thither to restrain Hugh's insolence (1174) ; we have then a mandate dated March 30, 1224, that Walter de Lacy have the hall, houses, and chambers in the castle of Trim to dwell in while he is PREFACE. xliii fighting the enemies of the king and of himself (1176) ; next follows a letter of Joan, Qneen of Scotland, to Henry III., her brother, telling him that she had been grieved to hear of the trouble which Hugh de Lacy had caused to the king and his subjects in Ireland ; the war would soon be at an end ; the King of Scotland did not wish his soldiers to go to Ireland to injure the king ; any who did so should be punished (1179). We have then an agreement, dated about March in the same year, made between the king and Walter de Lacy, whereby the latter undertook to go to Ireland, and with the king's force to fight his enemies (1180) ; then follows another letter from Kathal (1184) ; we have next the appointment on May 2 in the same year of William Earl of Pembroke as jus- ticiary (1185) ; same date, power is given to him to receive into the king's peace all those, excepting Hugh de Lacy, who will come to it within 40 days after his arrival in Ireland (1186) ; same date, he is to take sureties from such of the king's adherents as he does not confide in (1187) ; and in Nos. 1202 and 1203 we have two letters from the carl himself. In the second of these, dated August 5, 1224, he gives a spirited account of his arrival in Ireland, and of his proceedings against the enemy, which were attended with immediate and signal success. How truly did the Queen of Scotland write that the war would soon be at an end ; the earl came, saw, and conquered. It will be seen that he was materially aided by the assistance of O'Reilly, an Irishman, powerful in those parts, who besieged and assisted in taking the castle called Cronoc O'Reilly. The earl appears also to have been aided by the Earl of Athol and his brother. On the conclusion of peace they both wrote to the king asking confirmation of the lands given to them by King John (1218 and 1219.) To this period apparently belongs the curious inventory in xliv PREFACE. No. 1227, hereafter noticed, of the king's stores found in the castles of Athlone, Limerick, and Dublin. There is mention of the pledges for Hugh de Lacy. That the king intended to visit Ireland we have several proofs in the documents abstracted in this volume. Pre- parations were actually made for the purpose. No. 2046 contains a mandate, dated July 18, 1233, to Henry de Hastings to be at Gloucester with three knights in the Quinzaine of the Assumption prepared to go with the king to Ireland; July 22, same year, the sheriff of Kent is with others commanded to cause to be seized all ships capable of carrying 16 horses, and to take security from them that they be at Ilfracombe at the same date, prepared to go on the king's service ; a similar mandate to John de Sandwich and seven other English sheriffs (2048) ; August 4, same year, the king prays Robert de Berkeley to permit the sheriff of Gloucester to make hurdles in his woods for the king's passage to Ireland ; similar letters to six other persons (2049) ; August 7, same year, mandate to the sheriff of York to cause to be proclaimed that all those who hold of the king in capite shall be at Gloucester in the Quinzaine of the Assumption prepared with horses and arms to cross over with the king into Ireland ; similar letters to all the sheriffs of England (2052) ; same date, mandate to the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk to cause the ships ordered to be arrested to come to Milford in place of Ilfracombe, in order to cross over with the king ; they could be more readily equipped at the former port ; similar letters to seven other sheriffs (2053) ; same date, mandate to the barons of Sandwich to come to Milford in the Quin- zaine of the Assumption in well equipped ships to cross with the king into Ireland ; similar letters to the barons of Dover, Hythe, and Eomney (2054) ; three weeks after- wards, however, on August 28 in the same year, the king PREFACE. xlv intimated that he had changed his purpose and ordered the sheriffs to set the ships free (2058) ; No. 2059 counter- mands the order for hurdles and bridges. That the king still continued to entertain the project of proceeding to Ireland appears from various subsequent documents. In No. 2410, dated October 5, 1237, the king writes to the justiciary that he had commanded him to come to England to certify how the king could most conveniently go to Ireland in person; whether with or without provisions, and with a small or a great force. In No. 2438, dated March 23 following, the king writes to the Treasurer of Ireland that matters having lately arisen requiring his attention in England he could not go to Ireland. In No. 2495, dated September 18, 1240, the king refers to his approaching arrival in Dublin ; in the following number dated about the 22nd of the same month he states that it was his firm purpose to go to Ireland after the ensuing Easter, and commands the justiciary to purchase 400 hogs- heads of wine to be placed in his manors and castles ; to provide corn, provisions, and other articles he required on his arrival, and to repair and improve his houses where necessary (2496). We have, however, no proof that the king went to Ireland after Easter 1241. But in No. 2612, dated August 24, 1243, the hall at the Castle of Dublin is commanded to be completed by the king's arrival; and on October 21, 1245, Eedhlim, son of the King of Con- naught, had letters of protection till the king went to Ireland (2778). We now come to the war brought in Ireland against the king by Richard Marshall, third Earl of Pembroke. On the death, about April 1231, of William Earl of Pembroke, who played so distinguished a part in Hugh de Lacy's war, the king, as was usual in such cases, caused his lands in Ireland to be seized until Hichard his brother and heir came xlvi PREFACE. and did homage. The latter was a liegeman of the King of Prance, the king's chief enemy as he is called (1892). By No. 1905, however, we find that on Angust 8, 1231, Earl Richard rendered homage to the king, and the jus- ticiary was then commanded to give seisin to him of all Earl William's lands and castles in Ireland. By No. 1950 dated June 8, 1232, we learn that the earl had named certain vills and lands therein mentioned for the dower in Ireland of Alienor Countess of Pembroke, widow of Earl William, and the king's sister (1950). On March 27, 1234, the king writes to the mayor and citizens of Dublin thanking them for their information regarding the arrival in Ireland of Earl Richard. The magnates had been con- vened regarding this matter, and the king would com- municate what should be done when they met (2099). We have nothing further about the war until May 19, 1234, when Maurice Eitz Gerald, then justiciary, is com- manded safely to keep the lands in Ireland of Richard late Earl of Pembroke, and to accept no ransom for any knight taken with him (2111) . Earl Richard died in the interval between the last two dates. Richard de Burgh having sided with the king in this war, by letters of the last-mentioned date the king thanks him for his defence of Ireland and his strenuous resistance to the earl (2112). Six days afterwards the king pardons Gilbert Marshall, brother and heir of Earl Richard, receives him into favour, and restores all his hereditary possessions in England, Ireland, and Whales. The king wills that by this act of grace there be no further dissension between Gilbert and the mag- nates of Ireland and England by reason of the death of Earl Richard, his brother (2120). This pardon is re- peated in Nos. 2151 and 2175. In No. 2153 the justiciary is commanded to inquire in presence of the Archbishop of Dublin or his bailiffs what loss the archbishop suffered PREFACE. xlvii during Earl Richard's war ; what money and jewels, &c. were taken in the king's name in the church of Dublin and other churches and monasteries in the province, &c. Prom No. 2168 it appears that a treaty of peace was made between Gilbert Earl of Pembroke, his brothers, the magnates, and the king's subjects of Ireland. On September 26, 1234, the king thanks the earls, barons, knights, and his subjects in Ireland, for their services in the war, and prays that they will assist the justiciary in administering the king's affairs (2174) ; on the following day he commands the justiciary to cause to be inquired what knights and others were against the king in the war ; when certified thereupon he shall take fines for trans- gressions, cause the fines to be inrolled, and send one of the rolls to the king (2190) ; four days later the jus- ticiary is directed to repay to the citizens of Dublin 4161. 16s. 4 * lxviii No. of Entries. ■■:}{ Hen. II.— Hen. land III. Entries relating to Ire- 12. Cartae tiqua3 f Series commences temp. Rich. I. Letters"] 13. Royal Letters < relating to Ireland to Dec. 31, 36 Hen. > 1 ni. / 14. Coram Rege") f Series commences 3 Hen. III., and ends 411 Rolls, Tower > < Edw. III. Entries relating to Ireland to > Series -J [ 36 Hen. III., 18 rolls - - -J ''One roll of 1130-31. Series commences nTl 1155-56,and continues with only two breaks j till 1833, when the Pipe Office was abo- ! lished. Number of entries relating to Ire- [ land found from 17 Hen. IL— 36 Hen. III., | 81 rolls - - - - - J 15. Pipe Rolls 16. Chancellor Rolls 1 1 Duplicates of the Pipe Rolls 17. Originalia Rolls, L. T. R. - Series commences 11 Hen. III., and con- tinues at the Record Office to 1837. Number of entries relating to Ireland to Dec. 31, 36 Hen. III., 17 rolls - fTwo rolls of 9 Rich/L— 1 John, and 10 John/ 18. Memoranda^ | Series commences 2 Hen. III., and con- Rolls, L. T. X tinues at the Record Office to 5 Will. IV. R. - -J j Entries relating to Ireland to Dec. 3J, 36 L Hen. IIL, 29 rolls {Series commences 2 Hen. III., and con- tinues at the Record Office to 1837. Entries relating to Ireland to Dec. 31, 36 Hen. III., 25 rolls 20. Exchequer,"! , 26 _ 4Q H m E trf relating to Ireh Q R., Mis- U 36 Hen m _ m * _ cellanea ■ J !} 21. Ditto, Irish 1 Exchequer - J 22. Misa3 Roll (Wardrobe Account) Hen. III. Entries relating to Ireland 14 John, 1 roll. Entries relating to Ireland 23. Prestita Rolls 24. Black Book 25. Red Book - 26. Registrum " Munimento- rum Liber A., s. Chapter L House 1 14 John, 1 roll. Entries relating to Ireland - 17 John, 2 rolls - {Hen. II. — Hen. IIL Entries relating to"J Ireland to 36 Hen. IIL - - -/ f Hen. I. — Hen. V. Entries relating to Ire- "1 \ land to 36 Hen. IIL - - - j f Fourteen entries relating to Ireland, John ' Edw. I. : of these we have to 36 HI. hn— "I Hen. > 52 484 10 36 39 33 Ixix No. of Entries. QUEEN BENCH SN'S f NCH < COMMON PLEAS Rege, Rolls &c 27. Treasury of "1 , Hen m Entr ; elating to Ireland to 36 Rece.pt, Mis- W Hen . m . . . S . cellanea -J 28. Issue Rolls 1 f 25-36 Hen. III., 5 rolls. Entries relating to (Pells) -J 1 Ireland - 29. Coram f Series commences temp. Rich. I. Entries re- "1 lating to Ireland to 36 Hen. III., 183 J> rolls - - - - -J Series commences at Michaelmas, 25"^ Hen. II. [1179], and continues till 3 and 4 Will. IV., when fines of lands were abo- ! lished. There are some eight feet of fines [ of Irish lands to the end of the reign of J Edw. I. ; of these we have to 36 Hen. III. J 30. Feet of Fines «< II. Table of Persons who have edited Public Records containing early Instruments and Entries relating to Ireland. Thomas Rymer, Fcedera - i Sir Thomas DufFus Hardy Charles Roberts Henry Cole - J. T. Gilbert Rev. Walter Waddington Shirley. William Prynne - Thomas Carte Frederick Devon - Various records - 'The Patent Rolls „ Close „ » „ Charter „ Rotuli de Liberate „ de Misis - „ de Pra?stitis Fine Rolls - {Praestita Roll - Misa3 „ f Historic and Munici- d. of the new ; pardon of William Fitz Aldelm, Dapifer, 46s. 4d, by the K.'s writ ; and Adam is quit. [Ibid., Rot. 4.] 47. London and Middlesex. Scutage of Ireland : — The citizens of London render their account of 1001. 34s. 4cZ. of the gift of the city ; paid into the Treasury, 61.; and they owe 951. 13s. 4d [Ibid., Rot. 11 dors.] 1177- 1178. 48. Gloucester: — William Fitz Stephen renders his account of 300 seams of wheat, which the K. gave to Hugh de Laci to b& con- veyed into Ireland, 161., by the K.'s writ. [Pipe, 24 Hen. II, Rot. 4 dors.] 49. London and Middlesex. Scutage of Ireland : — The sheriffs render their account of 801. 18s., aid of the city for this scutage ; paid into the Treasury, 46s. 8d. ; payments by writ of Richard de Luci to Deodatus Bishop of the Jews [Episcopus Judseorum,] Benedict, son of Sarah, Moses, his brother, and Vivo, Jews, 10s. ; and they owe 781. and 16d. ; they render their account of this debt; paid into the Treasury, 1 mark, and they owe 771. 8s. ; RELATING TO IRELAND. 1177- 1178. The citizens of London render their account of 95?. 13s. 4c£ of the gift of the city; paid into the Treasury, 8?. 13s. 4c?., and they owe 87?. ; they render their account of this debt ; paid into the Treasury, 66s. 8c?., and they owe 80?. 66s. 8c?. [Pipe, 24 Hen. II, Rot. 9 dors.] [20-30 50. Grant by King Henry II., in frankalmoign to the Monks of Hen. II.] Mellifont of their abbey and the following granges, &c. : — Culbudi and Muingratan, Melle, Drochatatha, Raithmolan and Finnavir, Theslumni, Rosmaring', Cuillen, Cnogva, Chelcabria, Tuelacnacornari, Callan, Betedors, and Finnavir. Witnesses, Ralph, Treasurer of St. Hilary of Poitou, Earl William de Mandaville, Earl Hamelin de Warenne, Gilbert Malet, Dapifer, Hugh de Laci, William Mauveisin, Reginald de Pavelli, Girard de Canville, Ralph Fitz Stephen, Chamberlain, and Eustace, his brother. Reading. [Cartce Antiquce, U. U.] 1 178- 1179. 51. Norfolk and Suffolk. Scutage of Ireland : — Roger de Kenete- well renders his account of 6?. 16s. 8c?. ; payments by the K.'s writ to Deodatus Bishop, Benedict, Moses, and Vivo, Jews, 6?. 16s. 8c?., and he is quit. [Pipe, 25 Hen. II, Rot. 2.] 52. Sussex. Boseham : — Roger de Boseham renders his account ; for the passage of the Archbishop of Connaught [Cunnac] and the Irish bishops going to the Council, 35s., by the K.'s writ. [Ibid., Rot. 4.] 53. Gloucester : — William Fitz Stephen renders his account ; for 200 seams of wheat, which the K. sent to his household [familia sua] in Ireland by the servants of Hugh de Laci, with the cost of convey- ing them to Bristol, 19Z. 2s. 8c?., by the K.'s writ. [Ibid., Rot. 8.] 54. Stafford : — Hervey de Stratton renders his account ; for 100 seams of corn sent to the servants of Hugh de Laci to be conveyed into Ireland, 100s., by the K.'s writ. [Ibid., Rot 8 dors.] 55. Hants : — Cecilia, wife of Robert de St. Laurence renders her account of 2 marks of gold, of her promise touching Ireland [de promissione Hibernire]. [Ibid,, Rot. 9.] 56. Kent. Dover : — Robert Fitz Bernard renders his account ; for the passage of S. [ ] Legate of Ireland, Laurence Archbishop of Dublin, and Brictius Bishop of Limerick, 15s., by the K.'s writ. [Ibid,, Rot, 10.] 57. London and Middlesex: — William Fitz Ysabell and Ernulf Buzell render their account; redeeming amerciaments [pro redimendis vadiis] for the Archbishop of Dublin, 30s., and for the Bishop of Limerick, 10s., by the K.'s writ. Scutage of Ireland : — The sheriffs render their account of 771. 8s. of the aid of the city towards this scutage ; paid into the Treasury, 121. 6s. 8c?., and they owe 65?. and 16c?. The citizens of London render their account of 80?. and 66s. 8c?. of the gift of the city ; paid into the Treasury, 17?. 5s. ; and they owe 66?. and 20c?. [Ibid., Rot. 10 dors.] 10 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1179- 1180. 58. Dorset and Somerset : — Robert de Bello Campo renders his account ; for 200 seams of wheat sent to Robert Puher in Ireland, SOI, by the K/s writ. [Pipe, 26 Hen. II., Rot. 8.] 59. London and Middlesex. Scutage of Ireland: — The sheriffs render their account of 6ol. and 16d., aid of the city, towards this scutage ; paid into the Treasury 2 marks, and they owe 631. 14s. 8d. ; The citizens of London owe 661. and 20d. of the gift of the city. [Ibid., Rot. 11 dors.] 1180- 1181. 60. Stafford: — Hervey de Stratton renders his account; for de- fraying the passage of John, Constable of Chester, Richard de Peche, Geoffrey de Hay, and Wido, the clerk, sent as messengers into Ireland, 111. lis. 8d., by writ of Ranulph de Glanville ; and for 40 seams of wheat, and 20 hogs which the K. gave to Richard de Peche - going to that country, 66s. 8d., by the K/s writ. [Pipe, 27 Hen. II, Rot. 8.] 61. London and Middlesex. Scutage of Ireland : — The sheriffs render their account of 631. 14s. 8d. aid of the city towards this scutage ; paid into the Treasury, 13s. 4d. of the old aid, and RELATING TO IRELAND. 11 1183- 1184. 66?. and 20d. of the gift of the city. Total, 168?. 9s. 9c?. [Pipe, 30 Hen. II, Rot 10 dors.] 69. Northumberland. Land of William de Vesci : — Adam de Cardvil renders his account of 40?. paid to Ranulph de Glanville, to make thereout to the Countess of Ireland a loan of 20?. for her support in the marches of Wales. [Ibid., Rot 11 dors.] 1184- 1185. 70. Cambridge and Hunt. : — Ralph Bardul renders his account of 20 marks paid on loan to the Countess of Ireland, by writ of Ranulph de Glanville. [Pipe, 31 Hen. II., Rot 4 dors.] 71. See of York : — Laurence, Archdeacon of Bedford, Master Roger Arundel, and William le Vavassur render their account ; for the residue of stores [victus] of the canons of St. Oswald, 211. 5 s. ; paid to the use of John, the K.'s son in Ireland, 211. 5s., by the K.'s writ ; and they are quit. [ Ibid., Rot 5 and 5 dors.] 72. Warwick and Leicester: — Bertram de Verdun, Arnald de Barton for him, renders his account; paid for the passage into Ireland of the knights' and attendants of John, the K.'s son, 34?., by the K.'s writ. [Ibid., Rot 7.] 73. Gloucester : — William Fitz Stephen renders his account ; for cost of conveying 1,600 crannocks of wheat from places in Glouces- tershire to Bristol, 109s. 4c?., by the K.'s writ ; and for fully making up this quantity, which the K. gave to John his son, to carry with him into Ireland, 9?. and 12c?., by writ of Ranulph de Glanville ; paid to Robert Ruffus, and other attendants of John, the K.'s son, to procure requisites for the bake house and kitchen of the K.'s son, 9?. 5s., by writ of Ranulph ; carrying them from Gloucester to Bristol, 6s., by the K.'s writ ; cost of conveying the harness of the K.'s son by land from Gloucester to Bristol, 8s. ; and for corrodies for the K.'s son and his household while staying at Gloucester, 40?. and 14c?., all by the K.'s writ. [Ibid., Rot 10.] 74. Land of the Earl of Gloucester : — Hugh Bardul renders his account ; for payment to ships which went with J ohn, the K.'s son, into Ireland, 64?. 6s. 3c?., by writ of Ranulph de Glanville, and to ships which returned from Ireland to convey the household and har- ness of the K.'s son to that country, 64?. 16s. 3c?. ; to David Fitz Dun for his ship to carry the supplies of the K.'s son into Ireland, 8?. ; 400 crannocks of wheat to the use of the K.'s son, 22?. 13s., all by the same writ ; necessaries to Passemore and Reginald, men of the K.'s son, 26s. ; and for hire of a ship to the use of Robert Ruffus, and the attendants of the K.'s son, 40s., by the K.'s writ. [Ibid., Rot 10 dors.] 75. Devon : — William Briewerre renders his account ; for passage into Ireland of the following persons : Thomas Briewerre and his 2 associates, 30s. ; William Puher and 9 associates, with 50 horses, 66s. 8c?. ; Stephen of Flanders and 9 associates, with 50 horses, on service of John, the K.'s son, 66s. 8c?. ; Roger de Nonant, with 2 associates and 15 horses, 20s. ; Brother Hugh de Morton, with 12 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1184- 1185. 5 horses, 9s. ; Joscelin de Pomerey, 60s., all by the K.'s writ. [Pipe, 31 Hen. II, Rot. 11.] 76. Dorset and Somerset : — Robert Fitz Pagan renders his ac- count ; for a cheese bought to the use of John, the K.'s son, 101. 19s. Ad., by the K.'s writ ; hire of a ship to carry into Ireland Roger Rastel and other sportsmen, with their horses and dogs, 23s., by writ of Ranulph de Glanville ; and to the said Roger, 2 marks to spend on the road, by writ as aforesaid. Somerset : — Ywein de Chrikeston renders his account of 100s. [fine] because his men crossed over into Ireland without licence ; paid into the Treasury; and he is quit. [Ibid., Rot. 12.] 77. London and Middlesex : — William Fitz Ysabel renders his account ; for horses and arms of John, the K.'s son, 1 6 marks ; for a tun, and cost of carrying the arms from London to Gloucester, 13s. 3d. ; fittings for the chamber and kitchen of John, the K.'s son, 151. 17 s. 3d. ; carriage of the fittings from London to Gloucester, 12s., all by the K.'s writ ; to Baldwin Fitz Godescall Vanin and his asso- ciates who returned from the service of John, the K.'s son, in Ireland, 251., by writ of Ranulph de Glanville ; carriage from London to Bristol of the treasure which the K. sent to John, his son, 8s., by the K.'s writ. The citizens of London owe 63Z. and 16d, of the scutage of Ireland, with 221. 3s. Aid. of the old aid, and QQl. and 20d, of the gift of the city; total 1682. 9s. 9d. [Ibid., Rot. 14 dors.] 78. Kent : — Alan de Valeines renders his account ; paid to Godes- call of Flanders, chief attendant [magistro servientium], who went with John, the K.'s son, into Ireland, 24s., by writ of Ranulph de Glanville. [Ibid., Rot. 15.] 1185- 1186. 79. Nottingham and Derby: — Ralph Murdach renders his ac- count ; for carrying from Nottingham to Stutebury the moneys of the Archbishop and of Aaron, which the K. gave to John, his son, to go into Ireland, 18s., by the K.'s writ. [Pipe, 32 Hen. II., Rot. 8.] 80. Gloucester : — William Fitz Stephen renders his account ; to complete 100 marks which the sheriff received from the clerk of Ranulph de Glanville to buy wheat for Ireland, 32s. Aid., by the K.'s writ. [Ibid., Rot. 9.] 81. Honor of Chester: — Bertram de Verdun, Adam de Almon- delegh for him, renders his account ; for the passage to Ireland of 9 ships with men, of John, the K.'s son, and their harness, 231. 5s. Ad. ; hire of a ship to carry the supplies of Gilbert Pipard from Lancaster to that country, 1 mark ; for a ship to convey the supply of Bertram de Verdun to Ireland, 10 marks ; a ship for the passage to that country of Gilbert Pipard, 10 marks; passage to Ireland of William Cumin and his men on service of the K., and of John, his son, 6s. ; passage to the same country of William de Caisneto, his associates, and 10 horses, 2 marks, all by the K.'s writ. [Ibid., Rot 10 dors.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 13 1186- 1187. 82. Honor of Chester : — Bertram de Verdun, Adam de Audeley for him, renders his account ; for the passage of John de Courci into Ireland, 101. 3s. 4d ; passage of the Prior of Dublin, 2s. 4d; pay for 7 days for 13 archers whom Robert de Multhalt retained in the K.'s service, 45s. 6d, all by the K.'s writ. [Pipe, 33 Hen. II. , Rot. 2.] 83. Devon : — William Briewerre renders his account ; for hire of a ship to the use of Roger Puher to cross over into Ireland, 46s. 8d., by the K.'s writ. [Ibid., Rot. 11.] 1187- 1188. 84. Kent. Dover: — The "sheriff renders his account; for a ship for the passage of the Archbishop of Dublin, 25s., by the K.'s writ. [Pipe, 34 Hen. II., Rot. 15 dors.] JOHN. 1199. 85. Grant in frankalmoign and confirmation to the Knights July 16. Templars of gifts made to them by King Henry II. of lands in England ; and of the following tenements, lands, and possessions in Ireland : — Mills in Waterford ; mills in Wexford ; the vill of Clum- torf; Crocum with 10 carucates of land; the vill near Waterford, called of St. Barri ; a small marsh near that town ; the church of St. Alloch with the land belonging thereto ; and Agnile, burgess of Wexford, with all his chattels. Seez. [Chart., 1 John, p. 1, m. 33. Extract.] [About 86. Ireland : — Walter Crop gives to the K. 40 marks to have July.] the two islands of Asmundeshey and Clere, by the service of 1^ knights fee. Mandate to Meyler Fitz Henry to take security thereupon. [Obi., 1 John, m. 12.] Aug. 6. 87. Grant to Walter Crop of one knight's fee at Karverthi and Kalke, in the fee of Hochtierne, and of a fee of 2 knights at Kildeyn, in the cantred of Huhene, South of the castle de Aq'i ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 1 knight. Further grant to Walter of the islands of Asmu'deshay and Clere for a fee of 5 knights ; [to hold] by the service of 1 and one half knights fee. If there are not in the islands 5 knights fees, Walter shall still hold them by the same service ; if more, the residue shall remain in the K.'s hand. Further grant to Walter of 5 burgages within the walls of Limerick, delivered to him by Hamon de Valoignes, when K.'s justiciary of Ireland ; to hold of the K. by free service of 5s. a year. Witnesses, Robert Earl of Leicester, Wlliam Earl of Arundel. Rouen. [Chart, 1 John, p. 1, m. 1.] [About 88. Ireland : — Henry Tirel gives to the K. 30 marks to have the Aug.] K.'s benevolence. [Obi., 1 John, m. 15.] 14 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1199. [About be- 89. Ireland: — William de Nas [Naas] gives to the K. 100 marks ginning of to have an inquisition of Mort a" ancestor against the abbot and Sept.] monks of Balenglas [Baltinglass], touching the lands whereof they deforce him. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary of Ireland. [Obi, 1 John, m. 15.] Sept. 4. 90. The K. to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland. Pardons Henry Tirol, receives him into grace, and restores his land of Ireland with the serjeantry. Mandate that the justiciary take sure- ties from Henry for payment of 30 marks, for which he has made a fine with the K. ; that he cause seisin of the lands and serjeantry to be given ; that he inquire how Henry has served ; whether he sided with John de Courcy and W. de Lascy, and aided them in destroying the K's land of Ireland ; and that he send to the K. the inquisition taken thereupon. Roche Orival. [Obi, 1 John, m. 16 dors.] [About 91. Kent : — Hamo de Valoignes gives to the K. 1,000 marks to Sept. 6.] have the K.'s peace touching his Irish account. [Obi, 1 John, m. 16.] Sept. 6. 92. Grant in fee to Hamon de Valoignes of the 2 cantreds of Hochenil in the land of Limerick ; to hold of the K. by the service of 10 knights; as the charter given thereupon granted by the K. when Earl of Morton witnesses. Rouen. [Chart., 1 John, p. 1, m. 13.] Sept. 6. 93. Grant to Thomas Fitz Maurice of 5 knights fees in the fee of Eleuri, and cantred of Fontemel ; and of 5 knights fees in the fee of Huamerith in Thomond on the river Shannon [super aquam de Sinan] ; to hold in fee by the service of 3 and one-third knights fees ; further grant in fee to Thomas of a burgage near the bridge on the left, at the entrance of the vill towards the north, within the walls of Limerick, which Hamon de Valoignes, when K.'s justiciary of Ireland, delivered to Thomas; to hold of the K. by free service of 12 pence a year. Witnesses, W. Archbishop of Rouen and Geoffrey Archbishop of York. Rouen. [Chart, 1 John, p. 1, m. 13.] Sept. G. 94. Grant to William de Naas, of the castle of Karakitel, with 5 knights fees, near the castle, in the fee of Syachmeclth and cantred of Huhene ; to hold in fee by the service of one knight's fee, and two parts of a fee. Further grant in fee to William of a burgage within the walls of Limerick, which Hamon de Valoignes, when justiciary of Ireland, delivered to him ; to hold of the K. by the free service of 12 pence a year. Witnesses, W. Archbishop of Rouen, Geoffrey Archbishop of York, and William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke. Rouen. [Chart, 1 John, p. l,m. 13.] Sept. 6. 95. Grant in fee to William de Burgh of Arpatric, with the residue of the cantred of Fontimel which remained in the K.'s hand when the K. enfeoffed Thomas Fitz Maurice and Maurice Fitz Philip in 5 knights fees each in that cantred ; to hold to the said William of the K. in fee by the service of 3 knights fees. Witnesses, W. Arch- bishop of Rouen, Geoffrey Archbishop of York, and William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke. [Chart, 1 John, p. \, m. 13.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 15 1199. Sept. 6. 96. Grant to Lambekin Fitz William, the K/s servant, of a fee of 5 knights in the cantred of Huhene at Imsculin, Baliederthawin, Corbali, Cullene, Cadergathir, and Balidermode ; to hold in fee of the K. by the service of one knight's fee and two parts of a fee. If the lands contain less than 5 knights fees, the K. will supply the defi- ciency ; if more, the surplus shall remain to the K. Further grant in fee to Lambekin of a burgage within the walls of Limerick, which Hamon de Valoignes, while K.'s justiciary, delivered to him; to hold of the K. by free service of 12d. a year. Witnesses, W. Arch- bishop of Rouen, Geoffrey Archbishop of York, S. Bishop of Bath, Herbert Bishop of Salisbury, William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, &c. Rouen. [Chart, 1 John, p. 1, m. 12.] Sept. 6. 97. Grant to Robert Sergant, of 1 knight's fee at Chonhuhirde- chan and Clomomincan, in the fee of Huerthern' ; to hold in fee of the K. by the service of one-third of 1 knight's fee. Further grant to Robert in fee of 4 burgages without the city of Limerick, two between the city and the bridge, on each side of the latter near the wall, and two in the island towards the city near the bridge, where- ever the bridge may be [ubicunque pons fuerit], which Hamon de Valoignes, when K.'s justiciary of Ireland, delivered to him ; to hold of the K. by free service of 4s. a year. Witnesses, W. Archbishop of Rouen, Geoffrey Archbishop of York, Herbert Bishop of Salisbury, S. Bishop of Bath. Rouen. [Chart., 1 John, p. 1, m. 12.] Sept. 12. 98. Grant to Elyas Fitz Norman of the vill of Adlongport, on the river Sur, in the direction of Clu'mor ; to hold in fee of the K. by the service of fifth part of a knight's fee. Witnesses, W. Arch- bishop of Rouen, Geoffrey Archbishop of York, Herbert Bishop of Salisbury, S. Bishop of Bath, &c. Bourg-le-Roi. [Chart, 1 John, p. 1, m. 11.] 99. Grant to Humphrey of Tikeull, of Keldruma', with the 3 cir- cumjacent knights fees ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 1 knight. Further grant in fee to Humphrey, of a burgage within the walls of Limerick, which Hamon de Valoignes, when K.'s jus- ticiary of Ireland, delivered to him ; to hold of the K. by free service of 1 2d. a year. Witnesses, W. Archbishop of Rouen, Geoffrey Arch- bishop of York, Herbert Bishop of Salisbury, S. Bishop of Bath. Bourg-le-Roi. [Chart, 1 John, p. 1, m. 11.] Sept. 13. 100. Grant to Milo le Bret of 12 carucates of land at Loug', in the fee of Othothel and cantred of Huhene, in exchange for six carucutes of land near Dublin, and in the same fee of 10 that Milo and his heirs may have in the same fee 31 carucates of land of by the service of 1 knight. Further grant to Milo and his heirs of which Hamon de Valoignes, when K.'s justiciary of Ireland, delivered to him ; to hold of the K of 12d. a year. Further grant to Milo in fee without the walls of Dublin, between the monastery of St. George and the street near .... . . . in the vale of Dublin ; to wit, Ratfornam, Dru'faran, Bali- louchan, and another moiety of Kemige, Cookelithe, 16 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1199. Techmealloc, the vill of Tormet Machelli, and Thachewort ; to hold of the K. by the service of 1 knight's fee and one-fifth part of a fee Further grant to Milo of licence to hunt and take foxes and hares throughout the K.'s forests of Ireland. Witnesses, W. Archbishop of Rouen, Geoffrey Archbishop of York, Herbert Bishop of Salisbury, S. Bishop of Bath. St. Remy. [Chart., 1 John, p. 1, m. 12.] [About end 101. Ireland : — Maurice Fitz Philip gives to the K. 400 marks, of Sept.] that he may have right according to judgment of the K.'s court touching Gessil and de Lega, whereof G[erald] Fitz Maurice deforces him, as is testified by charters which the K., when Earl of Morton, granted to Reginald de Boterell and William, his brother. Mandate to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Maurice Fitz Philip to have right and judgment in the K.'s court according to those charters. [Obi., 1 John, m. 12.] [About end 102. Grant of the K.'s letters of protection for Gerald Fitz of Sept.] Maurice of Ireland, his chattels, men, and possessions. [Chart, 1 John, p. 1, m. 6.] Oct. 14. 103. Grant to Geoffrey Fitz Robert of a fee of 5 knights at Ra- doger, in the cantred of Huhene ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 1 and one-third knights fee. Further grant to Geoffrey of a burgage within the walls of the city of Limerick ; to hold of the K. by free service of 12d. a year. Witnesses, Geoffrey Archbishop of York, R. Bishop of St. Andrew. Aurival. [Chart, 1 John, p. 1, m. 2.] The same grant repeated. [Ibid., m. 3.] Oct. 15. 104. Grant to John de Gray of a fee of 3 knights between Kara- kitel and Castle Dany, lands of William de Nas [Naas] ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 1 knight. Further grant to John of the houses within the walls of Limerick, which Hamon de Valoignes, then K.'s justiciary of Ireland, delivered to Reginald de Limerick ; to hold of the K. by free service of 12d. a year. Wit- nesses, Geoffrey Archbishop of York, W. Archbishop of Rouen, Her- bert Bishop of Salisbury, &c. Roche -Aurival. [Chart, 1 John, p. I, ra. 3 ] 105. Ireland : — Ralph de Bedeford gives to the K. 20s. to have right of 9 marks of silver, which he demands against Leo de Brum- iarde. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to take the money in that country. [Obi., 1 John, m. 17.] 106. Ireland : — Arnold Ketin' gives to the K. 30 marks, to have an exchange for the cantred of Traderi, and took in exchange the middle one of the 3 cantreds which the K. retained to his use in Corkinbaskin. [Obi., 1 John, on. 15.] 107. Ireland : — Alberic de Curtun gives to the K. 60 marks to ransom his son, who had been hostage for G. de Angle, and 10 ounces of gold for peace of the appeal which Hubert de la Mare has against him. [Obi., 1 John, m. 15.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 1199. 108. Ireland : — Manser Arsic gives to the K. 20 marks to have an inquisition of Novel disseisin against Theobald Butler, touching his free tenement. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary of Ireland. {Obi., 1 John, m. 15.] 109. Ireland : — Theobald Walter gives to the K. 80 marks, that the plaint of Novel disseisin between him and Manser Arsic may come before the K. \0bl., 1 John, m. 14.] 110. Ireland : — Roger Pipard gives to the K. 200 marks, that he may have the K.'s grace and be quit, touching his hostages and the hostages of Gilbert de Angulo. Mandate to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to take from Roger good security thereupon. [Obi, 1 John, m. 12.] 111. Ireland : — Stephen of Flanders gives to the K. 100s. sterling to have writs of Mort $ ancestor, touching 30 carucates of land which he demands against Adam Rudipat, and touching 20 carucates which he demands against Reginald le Poer. [Obi., 1 John, m. 11.] 112. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to cause Richard Mairno to have seisin of a fee of 10 knights at Tula'coch, in Kenel- larue. [Obi., 1 John, m. 18 dors.] 1200. 113. Ireland: — Stephen de Cruwes gives to the K. 15 marks sterling to have his land, whereof he was disseised by the K.'s order. Mandate to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Stephen to have seisin of that land ; and if within the time of disseisin any thing has been taken therefrom, it shall be accounted to Stephen in the 15 marks. Further mandate to Meyler Fitz Henry, that by coun- sel of the Barons of Ireland he inquire and certify how much land there is there, what it is worth, and what service it owes to the K. The K. until fully certified will not give Stephen his charter. [Obi., 1 John, on. 7.] 114. Ireland: — Richard Gille Michel gives to the K. 6 G marks, 2s. 3d. for licence to agree in an appeal had against him by Owen le Brun, of the death of his father ; Warinus de London does the like ; Philip Fitz Elie does the like. The same [ ], 20 ounces of gold. [Obi., 1 John, on. 2.] 115. London : — Roger de Ki villi gives to the K 10 besants for letters of protection in going to and trading in Ireland, and return- ing thence. If any one confiscate his goods, the justiciary of Ireland shall cause amends to be made to him. [Obi., 1 John, m. 8.] Easter. 116. Dublin : — Robert Kernel, tenant and kinsman of William le Brun, Roger le Brun, his nephew and tenant, Philip de Livet and Henry de Frudebi, his kinsmen, Say that a dispute having arisen between William le Brun and Warin de London, Elias Fitz Philip, Richard Fitz Gilemichal, Thomas le Noreys, and Robert de Win- chester, deceased, William le Brun came to the court of the county of Dublin, and the aforesaid were bound before Peter Pipard, jus- ticiary of Ireland, to keep the peace to William. By order of the justiciary William subsequently came to the castle of Dublin ; on his return he and Robert, Roger, Philip, and Henry, when standing l. b 18 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1200. on the bridge, saw Warin, Elias, Richard, Thomas, Robert, and another man with a hatchet ; they tried to interpose between them and their lord, but he with the hatchet, by command of the others, struck William le Brun, and he fell into the castle dike, dying 3 days afterwards ; 2 of the party went down into the dike to help their lord ; 2 others raised the hue and cry, and followed until Warin gave refuge to the murderer, and enabled him to escape through a gate which Warin guarded, so that they could not over- take him. On the cry being raised the justiciary came with Ralph Morin, who well knows these facts, and many others also who saw William thus stricken. offers to prove that he carrying the hatchet thus struck his lord by command of Warin feloniously and against the peace which they had pledged ; and Roger le Brun offers to prove in like manner against Elias, Philip against Richard, and Henry against Thomas, that the wrong-doer so killed their lord as aforesaid. And Warin defends the charge as one maimed of his leg which was broken, as the knights sent to see him testify ; and the others in like manner defend the charge, and offer GO marks for an inqui- sition to inquire whether they ever pledged the peace as aforesaid. Judgment given that Warin defend himself by ordeal of iron ; he wages law ; And the others defend themselves by wager of battel ; Elias wages battel ; Richard in like manner ; A day is given in the Quinzaine from the morrow of St. George [April 24] to make their law before the K. himself, wheresoever the K. shall be, whether in England or beyond the sea. [Coram Bege, &c, John, No. 1, Rot. 3 dors.] April 27. 117. The K. orders the justiciary of Ireland that the monks of Fumes be quit of toll and other customs when buying and selling for their own use. Protection for them, as is witnessed in the letters Patent granted when the K. was Earl of Morton. Witnesses, God- frey Fitz Peter, Roger Fitz Roger, Hugh Bardulf, &c. Porchester. [Chart, 1 John, p. 2, m. 6.] April 28. 118. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to cause the abbot and monks of the Vale of St. Mary of Crokeden to have an annuity of 100s. receivable at the Exchequer in Ireland, in exchange for their land in that country, which the K., when Earl of Morton, gave to them ; to hold till the K. shall assign a rent to them. Porchester. [Chart., 1 John, p. 2, m. 13 dors.] [About 119. Ireland : — The K.'s letters of simple protection for William April.] and Roger Cordewaner. [Chart, 1 John, p. 2, m. 13 dors.] [About end 120. Letters Patent of simple protection for Hamon de Valoignes, of May.] with licence to lead his men to colonize his land [ad terram suam hospitandam], saving the demesne lands of the K., and the Assise of the Barons of Ireland touching their villeins. [Chart, 2 John, m. 35 dors.] June 4, 121. Grant and confirmation to Hugh Hose of land without the city of Dublin, between the stone gate near the bridge of that city RELATING TO IRELAND. 19 1200. on the other side of the river towards Meath, and the Grange lands of the canons of the Holy Trinity ; and between the Granges of the canons and the river of Dublin, and so along that river to the rivulet towards the castle of Knock. Further grant to Hugh of the land of Coperan, to wit, one half carucate of land ; to hold of the K. in fee by free service of 1 sore hawk a year ; as is witnessed by the charter granted to Hugh when the K. was only Lord of Ireland. Witnesses, Hubert Archbishop of Canterbury, the K.'s Chancellor, Herbert Bishop of Salisbury, William de Breouse, Walter de Lasci, &c. Falaise. [Chart, 2 John, m. 31.] June 25. 122. Grant to William de Burgh of the castle of Tibrach' ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of one third of one knight's fee ; if the K. go to Ireland, or send a person to regulate that kingdom, and the K. or that person desire to retain the castle in the K.'s hand, the K. will give William and his heirs an exchange for the castle. Witnesses, William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, William Earl of Salisbury, William de Rupibus, Seneschal of Anjou, Gua- rinus de Glapion, Seneschal of Normandy, Philip de Wigorn, Meyler Fitz Henry. Chinon. [Chart, 2 John, m. 29.] [About end 123. Grant to the Knights Hospitallers of Ireland of a charter of June.] of liberties, in the same form as that previously granted to the Knights Hospitallers of England. [Chart, 2 John, m. 27.] [The charter referred to, enrolled Chart., 1 John, p. 1, m. 17, com- prises the following grants to the Knights Hospitallers of England : — Confirmation of all gifts made to the knights ; freedom from actions, the K.'s toll, passage, pontage, vinage, wayte [weitagium], carriage, sumage, works regarding castles, parks, bridges, and vivaries ? army and cavalry, summonses, aids and tallage, wastes, regards of the forest and assarts, amerciaments ; if any of the knights men commit a crime involving loss of life or limb, or fly from justice, or are guilty of any offence whereby they forfeit their chattels, the chattels shall belong to the knights ; and so of amer- ciaments ; the knights shall not be impleaded save before the K. or his chief justiciary ; reserving nevertheless to the K. judgment of life and limb. Roche Andely, Aug. 20.] Oct. 28. 124. Grant to Meyler Fitz Henry of 2 cantreds of land in Kerry, namely, Akunkerry and Huerba, and of a third cantred belonging to Humurierdac in Cork, namely, Yoghenacht Lokhelen ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 15 knights. Witnesses, John Arch- bishop of Dublin, H. Bishop of Salisbury, R. Bishop of St. Andrews, Robert Bishop of Waterford, and Robert de Turnham. Winter- bourne. [Chart, 2 John, m. 22.] Oct. 28. 125. The K. commands all persons holding lands in the inarches of Ireland to fortify their castles before the ensuing feast of St. John the Baptist [24 June], otherwise the K. will seize their lands. Winterburn. [Chart, 2 John, m. 28 dors.] Oct. 28. 126. The K. wills that no recognizance be made and no out- lawry issue in Ireland save in or by the K.'s court. Mandate accordingly. Berkeley. [Chart, 2 John, m. 28 dors.] b 2 20 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 127. The K. grants to the Cistercian monks of the monastery of St. Mary, near Dublin, the following lands, &c. : — Clunlith, in which lies the site of the monastery, with the adjoining plain near the sea ; Drissoc ; Culmin ; Kilmereske ; Balimachelmer ; Cnoccror ; Karreth- nethen ; Merlegan ; Dovenaehbric ; Carmbrenman ; Rathechni ; Glassechet ; Balilbachel ; Balilugan ; Balligaurich' ; Thechelsi ; Por- mumoc ; Lisloan ; Muinocon' ; Wuonbristi ; Balliomurkaid ; part of the land of Baliokerde which Adam de Feypo added to the aforesaid land of Baliomerchedi ; the churches of Serin and Santref ; Dysser- dal; Killecroth ; Balioketh ; Telachstelan ; Glicunin, with moun- tain pastures belonging to those lands ; Bosreshil ; Bru'salen ; Den- genumongan; the burgages of the monks within and without the walls of the city of Dublin, on each side of the Anna Liffey ; their burgages at Wicklow ; their boat on the Anna Liffey, with liberty to fish as freely as the K.'s boat ; to hold in frankalmoign, free from all custom, exaction, and secular service, as is witnessed by the charter which the K. granted to them when only Lord of Ireland. Witnesses, John Archbishop of Dublin, Meyler Fitz Henry, Robert de Turnham, Robert de Berkelay. Berkeley. [Chart., 2 John, m. 21.] 128. Ireland : — Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, gives to the K. 10 marks for a lease of the land of Fulk de Cantilupe, for 10 years from the feast of All Saints. Cancelled by command of the K., because the agreement between them was not kept [Obi., 2 John, m. 22.] Oct. 30. 129. Agreement made before the K. between Meyler Fitz Henry and Fulk de Cantilupe, whereby Fulk lets for 10 years to Meyler 3 carucates of land at Corkach' in the fee of Hubrim, at a yearly rent of 2 marks if there be 3 carucates there ; if not, Meyler to pay 20s. yearly to Fulk ; consideration 10 marks and a palfrey. Wit- nesses, Godfrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex, Hamo de Valoignes, William le Poerh', &c. Westbury. Quashed ; agreement not kept [Chart,, 2 John, m. 22.] [About end 130. Ireland : — The abbot and monks of St. Mary, near Dublin, of Oct.] give to the K. 30 marks for the K.'s confirmation of their lands ; for the K.'s charter touching 90 acres of land perambulated by order of the K., when he was Earl, against the Archbishop ; and for a writ that they be not impleaded save before the K. or his chief justiciary. [Obi, 2 John, m. 22.] Oct. 30. 131. The K.'s letters of protection for the abbot and monks of St. Mary, near Dublin, their lands, tenants, and chattels. Grant of freedom from toll, stallage, passage, pontage, lestage, and forfeiture ; they shall not be impleaded touching their tenements in Ireland, save before the K. himself, or his chief justiciary, as the letters of the K., granted when he was Earl of Morton, witness. Witness, Godfrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex. Gloucester. [Chart, 2 John, m. 22.] 1200. Oct. 29. Oct. 30. 132. Grant for life, to Thomas Abbot de Glindelechan' [Glenda- lough], of 40 carucates of land in Fartir, Humayl, Maccherse, Glen- RELATING TO IRELAND. 21 1200. bathili, Kelmehenoc, Balmecruti, Dregni, Crebelpi, Ardmaccbrein, Kellbelet, with Magicatha, Balimenig', Durand', Kellevachi, Achad- mudi, Balitarsne, Domnachinor, Kellnamach', Rassan', Raith'salach, Culisil, Ardmacc'revan, and Cluandarteda. If there be more there than 40 carucates, it shall remain to the K. and his heirs. Witnesses, John Archbishop of Dublin, Meyler Fitz Henry, Hamo de Valoignes, Godfrey de Costantin', William Poher. Gloucester. [Chart, 2 John, m. 20.] [About 133. The K. commits to Meyler Fitz Henry the care and custody Oct.] of all Ireland, and appoints him chief justiciary thereof. Mandate that the archbishops, &c. of Ireland be intentive to Meyler accord- ingly. The K. reserves to himself all Irish pleas touching the crown, the mint, and exchange. [Chart, 2 John, m. 28 dors.] [About Mandate to Robert de Lascy, Richard de Tuit, Robert Oct.] Flaimang, William Petit, Hugh Hosatus, G. de Nugent, Richard de Capella, and Richard de Feypo, to deliver to Meyler Fitz Henry the hostages whom the K. has directed Meyler to take from them. [Chart., 2 John, m, 28 dors.] [About 135. Ireland: — The abbot and monks of May [Mayo] give to Nov. 1.] the K. 20 marks for the K.'s confirmation of their lands. [Obi., 2 John., m. 22.] Nov. 1. 136. The K. grants and confirms to the abbey and monks of Blessed Mary de Magio [Mayo] of the lands, &c, which they have of the gift of the K.'s ancestors, of their benefactors since the K. arrived in Ireland, and of the Kings and Princes as well of the Irish as of Franks, to hold in frankalmoign, free from all secular service, accord- ing to the liberty of the Cistercian order, namely : — Kenelmegan, where the monastery is situated, Athecrokain, Cealcon'ata', Ceal- congi, Athen, Ceallmor, Cluaincollam, Cluain Mecsradin, Baliidubdi, Baliiduban, the grange of Briddain, Cluain Melrach, Ceall Mecceril, Balitarsim, Cathirnachongearr, Baliiedain, Baliiriagan, the grange of Nahava, Enachchuli in Corbali, Culocdir, Bali Idubguirim, Leass- waribin, Baliisoder, Cluain Crectain, Cluain Ichadin in Taballgort, Iglassain, the grange of Coracoimgillain, Bali Icarrig', Bali Ieda, Bali Ichunin, Bali Ibrenain, Bali Isatchill, from the marsh on the east of the grange near the river on each side to the ford of Denndirg, Onruadmon Icarrig to Gortnaren Ifedomair, the grange of Nagloch- mib, Bali Idub, Leasconmaig, Leasciarmocan, Bali Idelgussa, Magna- hengi, from the ford of Scivil towards the east with the whole marsh to KilkiUin and Kealkillin itself, the grange of Cathircormi, Salcua- rain, Bali Ichudin, Bali Inacalligi, from the ford of Crether to Cran- gulligin, Makelkellan, and the ford of Seagainlag, the grange of Locgeir, a moiety of Dungeir, the island which belongs to the vill of Locgeir, Finnen, Corthascin, Clughur, Cromcon, the mill of Almarain, with its land of Arddarigan, Greal Laochilonbegan to Catercurrith, Rathean, Liamin, Cathirflenn', Magdorach, the grange in Camuis, Ceallseanig', Bali Ichearbain, Bali Ilemi, Bali Icunin, Conacad, Ceallconill, with its appurtenances in length and breadth to Tulach- bracci, Brug, Cathircuain and Chillconill aforesaid, the grange of 22 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1200. Intlevi, Ceallcrumtirlapan, Cuillean in Corbali, Bali Imelinnan, Cuthicathil, Cealcodigi;Cealladleach in Rapalach, Cellpian, Lathrach- lami, Bali Igerridir with its appurtenances, to wit, from the river Gleannoneolain where it enters Isinbecthig to Imeleachdregingi, and so to Cillnarath as the Samir runs from it, to wit, Tulachmin, and hence to the river Darachmuchua, and the court of the monks in Limerick, with its appurtenances, to wit, Bearninnalith. That this grant may for ever remain unbroken the K. has put his seal hereunto, confirming all herein contained, as is witnessed by the K.'s charter granted hereupon when he was Earl of Morton. Witnesses, John Archbishop of Dublin, Godfrey Fitz Peter, Meyler Fitz Henry, &c, St. Briavells. [Chart, 2 John, m. 21.] Nov. 6. 137. Grant to Geoffrey de Costentin of a cantred in Connaught, called Tirieghrachbothe, in exchange for the land of Leis and Houk- reuthenan which the K. by desire of Geoffrey has given to Meyler Fitz Henry ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 5 knights. Witnesses, S. Bishop of Bath, Godfrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex. Hugh Bardolf, Hamon de Valoignes, Geoffrey de Marisco. Ledbury. [Chart., 2 John, m. 20.] Nov. 7. 138- Grant to the K.'s citizens of Dublin of privileges and liber- ties, namely : — That the citizens within and without the walls have the metes settled by ordinance of King Henry, the K.'s father, as follows : — East and south sides of Dublin, the pasture which extends to the door of St. Kevin's church, and so along the road to Kil- meracaregan ; by the bounds of the land of Duvenelbroc to the Dother [Dodder] and thence to the sea, to wit, from Clarada near the sea, and from Clarada to Renniuelain : west side of Dublin, from the church of St. Patrick by the vale to Karnanclonengunethe, thence to the bounds of the land of Kilmeinan, and beyond the water of Kilmenan, near the Avenelith [Anna Liffey], to the fords of Kilme- hafoch, and beyond the river Avenelit [Anna Liffey] towards the north by Ennocneganhoc, to the barn of the [canons of the] Holy Trinity ; thence to the gallows ; so by the bounds between Clumlith and Grinan to Tolekan, and thence to the church of St. Mary de Osmaneby : No citizen of Dublin shall plead without the walls in any plea save pleas of tenements not belonging to the hundred of the vill ; they shall be quit of murder within the metes of the vill ; and no citizen shall wage battel in the city, touching an appeal made against him, but shall purge himself by the oath of 40 lawful men of the city ; no man shall take lodging [hospicium] within the walls by assise or livery of the marshals against the will of the citizens ; the citizens shall be quit of toll, lestage, passage, pontage, and all other customs throughout the K.'s realm; no man shall be amerced in money, save according to the law of the hundred, that is to say, by forfeiture of 40s., so that he who is amerced shall be quit of a moiety and give the other moiety as amerciament, excepting the three amerciaments of bread, beer, and watch, each of 2s. 6d. ; the hundred court shall he held once a week only ; no man shall be troubled by Meskeningam ; the citizens shall have their lands, tenures, mortgages, RELATING TO IRELAND. 23 1200. and debts throughout the K.'s realm, and may distrain their debtors by their sureties in Dublin ; right shall be done to the citizens ac- cording to the custom of the city, regarding their lands and tenures within the vill ; pleas of debts contracted and mortgages made in Dublin shall be there held according to the custom of the city ; if any man within the K.'s realm take toll of the citizens the provost of the city shall take distress for it at Dublin, and compel it to be restored ; no strange merchant shall buy corn of a stranger within the city, or hides or wool, unless of the citizens ; no stranger shall keep a wine tavern unless on board a vessel, reserving to the K. the liberty that out ef every ship arriving with wines in Dublin the K.'s bailiff may select two hogheads for the K.'s use, one ahead and the other abaft of the mast at the price of 20s. each ; no stranger shall sell cloth in the city in cut pieces [ad decisionem] ; no strange merchant shall remain in the city to sell his goods for more than 40 days ; no citizen of Dublin shall be taken as surety in any part of the realm, or be distrained for any debt, unless he be a debtor or surety ; the citizens, their sons, daughters, and widows, may marry without licence of their lords ; no lord shall have custody of the sons, daughters, or widows of citizens on account of foreign lands, but only custody of the tenements of the lord's fee until the tenants attain their age ; no recognizance shall be made in the city. The citizens shall have their guilds as the citizens of Bristol are wont to have them ; and no citizen unless he pleases shall be obliged to replevy any man, although he be resiant on the land : Grant to the citizens of all tenures within and without the walls to the extent of the metes aforesaid, to dispose thereof at their pleasure by the common assent of the city, to hold in free burgage by service of land-gable to be rendered within the walls ; the citizens may make improvements in building on the shore without damage to the city, and hold all vacant places within the metes to build thereon at will ; the Knights Templars and Hospitallers shall have no man or messuage save one quit of the common customs of the city within the metes ; saving the tenures of those who held lands without the walls or within the metes previous to the grant of liberties, and who have the K.'s charter, of which lands the city may not dispose, but the tenants shall render the common customs of the city like the other citizens. Further grant to the citizens of Dublin of the fishing of a moiety of the river Anna Liffey ; with confirmation of all the liberties, laws, and free customs which they had of the K.'s gift when he was Earl of Morton. Witnesses, S. Bishop of Bath, Godfrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex, Robert Count of Mellent, Robert de Harecurt. Upton. [Chart., 2 John, m. 20 ; Cartce Antiquw, I. 23.] Nov. 9. 139. Grant to Geoffrey de Marisco, of Katherain, with 10 knights fees, retained by the K. in exchange for Seinbois and a moiety of Coillach ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 1 knight's fee. Witnesses, S. Bishop of Bath, Godfrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex, Robert Count of Mellent. Feckenham. [Chart, 2 John, m. 20.] Nov. 17. 140. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, to cause Geoffrey de Mariscis to have 20 marks of silver which the K. gives him to fortify 24i CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1200. his house of Katherain. Witness, Godfrey Earl Fitz Peter. Mel- burn. [Liberate, 2 John, m. 1.] [About 141. The K.'s letters of simple protection, directed to the justiciary Dec] of Ireland, for Richard of Meath. [Chart., 2 John, m. 18 doi*s.] 142. Ireland : — Robert Fitz Richard "gives to the K. 100s., where- of the citizens of Bristol are sureties, for seisin of 7 carucates of land in Pellicranauh', Cnoketomy, and Balymorhedy, Richard his father having died before receiving seisin. Mandate to the justiciary for seisin to Robert. [Obi., 2 John, m. 22.] 143. Ireland : — Walter de Ridellesford gives to the K. 20 marks to have the K.'s confirmation of his lands, licence to hunt hares and foxes, and for a writ of bounds between him and his neighbours. Cancelled because the K. suspects Walters charter ; oblation not received. [Obi., 2 John, m. 22.] 144. Ireland : — Herbert de Rissebif and Elias de Say give to the K. 10 marks, that the plaint in which they claim land in Meath against William Petit may proceed. [Obi., 2 John, m. 22.] 1200-1201. 145. William de Breouse gives to the K. 5,000 marks, that the [About K. may deliver to him the lands of Franks and Englishmen in Jan. 12.] Ireland which King Henry, the K.'s father, gave to Philip, uncle of said William ; excepting the land of William de Burgh, which William de Breouse held at Christmas in this year, and the service of William de Burgh, which William de Breouse assigns to the K. The sum of 1,000 marks a year to be paid on livery of the land until the whole be discharged. Cancelled because the oblation is received in another form. [Obi, 2 John, m. 17.] [About 146. Hereford : — William de Breouse gives to the K. 5,000 marks, Jan. 12.] that he may have the honor of Limerick. The K. retains in his demesne the city of Limerick, the gift of bishoprics and abbeys and all royalties, the cantred of the Ostmen and the Holy Isle, and the tenements and service of William de Burgh. The K. will cause the honor of Limerick to be delivered to William de Breouse by all men save the Irish and those who are with them. William de Breouse shall pay the amount aforesaid in England at the rate of 500 marks at every Exchequer until the whole be discharged. [Obi., 2 John, m. 15.] Jan. 12. 147. The K. grants to William de Breouse the honor of Limerick, retaining in the K.'s demesne the city of Limerick, the gift of bishop- rics and abbeys, the cantreel of the Ostmen and the Holy Island, as King Henry, the K.'s father, gave that honor to Philip de Breouse, uncle of William ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of GO knights, excepting the service of William de Burgh, touching all his lands and tenements of whomsoever held on the Nativity of our Lord [Dec. 25], next after the K.'s second coronation [Oct. 28. A.D. 1200]. Witnesses, H. Archbishop of Canterbury, R. Bishop of St. Andrews, Ranulph Earl of Chester, Robert Earl of Leicester, Godfrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex, William Briwerr', Hugh Bardolf, Waiter de Lascy, Simon de Pateshull'. Lincoln. [Chart, 2 John, m. 15.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 25 1200-1201. Jan. 12. 148. The K. commands the justiciary not to implead William de Breouse or permit him to be impleaded, concerning his tenements while in Ireland on business connected with his honor of Limerick. Witness, Godfrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex. Lincoln. [Chart., 2 John, m. 1G dors.'] 149. The K.'s letters of protection directed to the justiciary of Ireland for the monks of Holmes Cultram, in England. [Chart., 2 John, m. 10.] 150. Kent. New Oblata : — Hamo de Valeines owes 1,000 marks for obtaining the K.'s benevolence, and for acquittance of his Irish account. [Pipe, 2 John, Rot. 15.] 151. Sum due by the citizens of Dublin accounted, as far [as the entry relating to] Herbert de Rissebir, 400 marks and one half, 5 palfreys, and 1 goshawk. The 10 marks promised by Sibil, wife of Herbert [are comprised] in this sum ; but they are doubtful. [Obi, 2 John, m. 22 dors.] 152. Stephen de Bladi gives to th K. 15 marks and 1 palfrey to have seisin of the land which William de Blaby, his uncle, and whose heir he is, held of the K. in Ireland. Mandate to the sheriff to take sureties from Stephen for payment of the 15 marks and palfrey. [Obi, 2 John, m. 7 dors.] 1201. 153. Cantreds in Connaught granted to Geoffrey Costentein: — [About end Tirmane ; Tirechbecrachbothe : to Richard Tirel — Dungalue. [Chart, of April.] 2 John, m. 8 dors.] May 2. 154. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Protection for the lands and tenements of the abbot and monks of St. Mary, near Dublin. Cirencester. [Chart, 2 John, m. 4 dors.] May 14. 155. The K. orders Henry Fitz Warin to find necessaries for Warin of Ireland, for his 2 horses, 24 of the K.'s dogs, 5 greyhounds, and 5 of Warm's men. Portsmouth. By Hubert, the Chamberlain. [Liberate, 3 John, m, G.] 156. Letters of protection and of freedom from being impleaded for Master Humphrey of Tikehull', so long as he shall be in the K.'s service in Ireland. [Pat., 3 John, m. 8.] 157. The K. commands the barons of Meath to have faith in what Meyler Fitz Henry, the K.'s justiciary, William de Burgh, and Geoffrey de Costentin, shall tell them on the K.'s behalf. St. Barbe. [Pat., 3 John, m. 8.] 158. Letters of simple protection and of freedom from being im- pleaded respecting his tenements for Geoffrey de Costentin. No bounds of his land shall be made so long as he shall be on the K.'s service in Ireland. Argentan. [Pat, 3 John, m. 8.] 159. Grant to Richard de Felda, the Queen's servant, of the land which belonged to Elias de Pinkeny, in Ireland. Mandate to Meyler [About Oct.] Nov. 2. Nov. 3. Nov. 7. 26 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1201. Fitz Henry, justiciary, for livery of the land to Richard. Bures. [Liberate, 3 John, m. 2.] Dec. 22. 160. The K. commands Meyler Fitz Henry, if he will not perform what the K. has signified by Thomas de Burgh and by his letters close touching the affair of William de Breouse in Ireland, that he come to the K. and commit the custody of Ireland and its castles to Master Humphrey de Tikehull' and Geoffrey de Costentin. Man- date to the K.'s subjects of Ireland to be intentive to Humphrey and Geoffrey until the K. provides a justiciary in that country. St. Pierre sur Dive.. [Pat., 3 John, m. 6.] 161. Bristol : — Jordan Ruffus and Matthew, his brother, give to the K. 1 palfrey for letters patent of protection in duplicate, directed to the justiciary of Ireland and the justiciary of England. [Obi., 3 John, m. 14.] 162. Ireland: — The Hospitallers of Kilmainan give to the K. 1 palfrey for letters patent, that they be not impleaded, save before the K. or the K.'s justiciary, and that they may not be disturbed contrary to the liberties granted to them by the K.'s charter ; and another palfrey for a grant of bounds between their lands and those of their neighbours. [Obi., 3 John, m. 6.] 163. The Master of the Knights Templars of England gives to the K. 1 palfrey for the K.'s letters of protection to the Knights Templars in Ireland, that they be not impleaded, save before the K. or his chief justiciary in that country. [Obi., 3 John, m. 6.] 164. Ireland : — Alberic de Curtun gives to the K. 30 ounces of gold that he" may have an inquisition by 12 men of Ireland whether Hugh de Lascy, deceased, disseised him of land in Grenoc and Kelle- glan, and of 1 carucate in Ratoure, being 1 knight's fee. Mandate to ... . the justiciary of Ireland that, having taken from Alberic security for the gold, he cause 12 men to be summoned at the first county court of Dublin, if the state of the land of Ireland permit this to be done without danger, to inquire on oath whether Hugh disseised Alberic of those lands ; and if so, that the justiciary cause the latter to have seisin if he subsequently did nothing to prevent his having it. [Obi., 3 John, m. 4.] 1201-1202. 165. Sussex: — William de Breouse owes 5,000 marks for having the honor of Limerick ; the K. retains the city of Limerick, the grant of bishoprics and abbeys, and all other royalties, the cantred of the Ostmen ; the Holy Isle, and the tenements and services of William de Burgh in all their integrity and with all their appurtenances of whosesoever fee they were held on the feast of Christmas next after the K.'s second coronation [25 Dec, A.D. 1200]; to hold of the K. in capite ; and the K. shall cause the honor to be delivered of all men except the Irish and those who are with them ; William de Breouse shall pay 500 out of the 5,000 marks at each Exchequer until the whole be discharged. [Pipe, 3 John, Rot 6 dors.] March 8. 166. The K. commands his justiciary and faithful subjects of Ireland, that they maintain, protect, and defend the lands of Adam RELATING TO IRELAND. 27 1201- 1202. de Hereford in Offaly and Ossory, to wit, the cantred of Hatebo ; that they permit not that Adam, his brothers, or tenants be dis- turbed ; but that they cause him to enjoy those lands, saving the right, if any, of Meyler Fitz Henry; that they provide bounds between him and his neighbours, and that they maintain him in peace until he is attached before the K. touching the appeal between him and Meyler Fitz Henry. Conches. [Pat., 3 John, m. 4.] 1202. 167. The K. commands Meyler Fitz Henry and his Irish bailiffs [About to allow the canons of Cartmell to purchase corn in Ireland and June 17.] export it, having granted licence to them for that purpose, Brione. [Pat, 4 John, m. 14.] Aug. 15. 168. The K. to John, by the title of St. Stephen in the Coelian Mount, Cardinal Priest and Legate of the Apostolic See. The Bishops Clocharen' [of Clogher], Cloanen' [Clonmacnois], Cenanen' [Kells], and Ardacen' [Ardagh], the Archdeacon of Armagh, and others having shown a manifest desire to work against the K.'s right and dignity regarding the church of Armagh, the K. has appealed ; and now renews that appeal before the Legate. Le Mans. [Pat, 4 John, m. 10.] [About 169. The K. commands Philip de Wigorn' forthwith to deliver to 15-18 Aug.] William de Breouse, or his messengers, all his lands, the castle of Cnocgrafan, and the other castles of the honor of Limerick, which the K. has restored to William. [Pat, 4 John, m. 10.] Aug. 16. 170. Mandate to all Irish tenants of the lands which the K. had restored to William de Breouse, to be intentive to William and his bailiffs in respect of their holdings. Le Mans. The K. willing that William de Breouse shall have his lands and castles in Ireland according to his charter, his agreement with the K., and the fine made thereupon, commands all his bailiffs and sub- jects in that country that they do not impede William's enjoyment thereof, but that they aid the K.'s justiciary in performing what has been enjoined. Le Mans. [Pat, 4 John, m. 10.] 171. Ireland : — Jordan Locard gives to the K. 30 marks of silver that he may have the land which Osbert his father had in Ireland on the day of his death. Mandate to the justiciary of that country that ho take security for the money, and thereupon give seisin to Jordan. [Obi, 3 John, m, 3.] 172. Ireland : — The Abbot of St. Thomas, Dublin, gives to the K. 1 5 ounces of gold for a confirmation of his charters, one half of the gold to be paid at Michaelmas, the other half at Easter. Cancelled, the Abbot having the K.'s letters of acquittance en- rolled on the Close Rolls. [Obi., 3 John, m. 2.] 1202- 1203. 173. Letter of protection for the friars and sisters of the Hospital [About end of St. John of Waterford, with licence to hold in peace all their of Jan.] chattels, lands, and tenements. [Pat., 4 John, m. 5.] Feb. 13. 174. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to cause to be delivered to Richard de Thwit, lands of the K.'s demesne in Ireland 28 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1202-1203. to the value of 251. in exchange for the land of Thwit, which, by consent of Richard, the K. has given to Richard de Haracort. Rouen. [Norm. Contrabrevia, 4 John, m. 4.] 1203. 175. Confirmation and grant to the Church of St. Mary of Droch- April 1. dach' [Drogheda] and the monks there of the following granges and lands : — Lognamanach, and in the land which Occaerwelle held of the K., a salt grange ; the lands of Deallytgerrun, Dunwabair, Egias Moahdeo, and Mullaichoys, which they had before the arrival of the Franks in Ireland ; the grange of Balimecedhogan, namely 4 carucates of land, pasture and waste ; the lands of Ybhartigiliban, Ynchean', granted before the arrival of the K.'s father and of the K. himself in Ireland. All these the K. confers in frankalmoign of his own proper gift, as they were of his demesne in the year of our Lord 1188. Further grant to the monks of a free fishery in the Boyn [Boign'] so far as their lands extend on each side of that river, as the charter made when the K. was Earl of Morton, testifies. Witnesses, Godfrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex, justiciary of England, Baldwin Earl of Albemarle, William Earl of Salisbury, William de Breouse, Hugh de Gurney, Robert de Harecort, William Briwerre. Rouen. [Cartas Antiques, U. U.] April 11. 176. The K. notifies that for the sake of peace he grants to Bishop E. [? Eugene], 20 marks a year, payable at Luvethe [Louth] until the vacancy of some see. If he be elected to that see canonically, and according to the custom of the kingdom, the K. will give his assent. Witness, William de Breouse. Falaise. [Chart, 4 John, m. 1.] May 4. 177. Grant to Master Humphrey of Tikehull' of the church of Armagh, and of the primacy of Ireland, Bishop E. [? Eugene], who, contrary to the K.'s dignity, hitherto opposed Master Humphrey's promotion, having desisted from this vexation. Mandate that the suffragans of the see write to the Supreme Pontiff on this clerk's behalf, and attend to his promotion. Falaise. [Pat, 4 John, m. 1.] May 22. 178. The K. to the suffragans of the see of Armagh. Eugene, called elect of Armagh, has against the K.'s consent, and after the K.'s appeal to the Pope, gone to Rome that he may be promoted to that see. As Eugene is manifestly working as the K.'s enemy, the K. commands the suffragans for the sake of their church and dignity to join the K. in his appeal. And if the so-called elect return to the K.'s land of Ireland, the suffragans shall by no means receive him as archbishop. Rouen. Letters in the same form to all faithful subjects within the archbishopric of Armagh. [Pat, 5 John, m. 10.] June 18. 179. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Acquittance to Geoffrey Fitz Robert, for 300 marks. Orival. [Liberate, 5 John, m. 12.] [About 180. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland, that, notwith- July-Nov.] standing the prohibition regarding diminution of the K.'s demesnes, he cause John Archbishop of Dublin, or his messenger, to have seisin of the castle of Balimore, of his lands whereof he was disseised by the K.'s order, and of so much of the Forest of Coillach as he RELATING TO IRELAND. 1203. ought to have by the K.'s charter. The Archbishop shall abide law in the K.'s court, touching matters for which he ought to answer ; he has apprized the K. that he would be in his province at the ensuing" feast of All Saints. Protection for him. Rouen. [Liberate, 5 John, m. 12 dors.] July 7. 181. Safe conduct having been granted to William de Burgh to and from the K.'s court, provided that he answer Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, his officers, and all persons complaining against him, except William de Breouse and his men, the K. wills that William de Burgh shall answer the latter touching any com- plaint ; the safe conduct to endure till Christmas, a. r. 5. Rouen. [Pat., 5 John, m. 8.] July 8. 182. Grant to William de Breouse of the custody during pleasure of the K.'s city of Limerick, with its appurtenances, which the K. had retained in his demesne ; yearly rendering at the K.'s Exchequer, Dublin, the amount which William de Burgh ought to have rendered therefor. Witnesses, Eustace Bishop of Ely, John Bishop of Nor- wich, William Marshall, the Earl of Arundel. Rouen. [Chart, 5 John, m. 23.] [About 183. Letters of protection for J[ohn] Archbishop of Dublin and his July.] men so long as they [do] no injury to the K. or his land. [Pat., 5 John, m. 8.] 184. Letters of presentation to the church of Dungarvan, directed to the Bishop of Waterford, for David, clerk of Meyler Fitz Henry. [Pat, 5 John, m. 8, and Liberate, 5 John, m. 11.] Aug. 21. 185. The K. notifies to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, that he commits to Nicholas cle Verdun, custody of the bridge of Drogheda, as it was in the K.'s hand, and as Nicholas's father held it. Mandate for seisin thereof. Witness, John Bishop of Norwich. Cambray. [Liberate, 5 John, m. 9.]] Aug. 28. 186. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Protection for the prior and canons of Cartmell ; licence for them to purchase necessaries throughout all the K.'s land of Ireland, free from toll. Witness, William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke. Montfort. [Chart., 5 John, m. 21.] Oct. 13. 187. The K. notifies to Meyler Fitz Henry, that William de Burgh has redeemed his pledges for coming to the K. ; mandate for livery of his castles of Killefecle and Hinneskesti, and of his lands which he had pledged. The justiciary shall safely keep William's sons and other hostages. The K. retains William until the justiciary or his emissaries come to the K. Caen. [Liberate, 5 John, on. 8.] Oct. 27. 188. The K. notifies to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, that he has received at Caen, from [ ] Fitz Hugh, Maurice Fitz Philip, and William, the clerk, 400 marks of silver, and 200 ounces of gold of the K.'s money of Irelaud. Acquittance therefor. Bures. [Liberate, 5 John, m. 8.] 30 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1203. Nov. 11. 189. The K. notifies to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, that the abbot of St. Thomas, Dublin, has paid by brother W., his canon, for confirmation of the abbey's charters, 15 marks of silver for 15 ounces of gold. Mandate for enrolment of acquittance to the abbot. Rouen. [Liberate, 5 John, m. 7.] Nov. 18. 190. Grant to Heverbrict of Dunmor, with the church of St. Eoth, Culech', Fornach', Ardricdan, to wit 4 knights fees ; to hold of the K. in fee, by the service of 1 knight in Waterford, as the charter of King Henry, the K.'s father, testifies. Witnesses, William Earl of Arundel, William de Breouse, Roger de Toney, &c. Le Plessis- Grimould. [Chart, 5 John, m. 18.] Dec. 5. 191. Mandate to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to cause to be given to William de St. Lizier, seisin of the land of Mainioc', in Archemide, which the primate of Armagh withholds from him ; to hold of the K. by the service of 5 marks. [Pat., 5 John, m. 4.] 1203-1204. 192. Hants : — Werrick Pecchie renders his account of 40 marks and a palfrey, for having the K.'s confirmation of his land of Liuican in Ireland ; paid into the Treasury, 20 marks and 5 marks for the palfrey, and into the Treasury 20 marks by the K.'s writ in the Marshal's bundle ; and he is quit. [Pipe, 5 John, Rot. 11 cfors.] 193. Sussex. Oblata: — William de Breouse [ ] 5,000 marks for having the honor of Limerick, as is contained in the Roll of the K.'s 3rd year. [Pipe, 5 John, Rot. 15 dors.] 194. Lancaster : — Theobald Walter owes 2 palfreys for licence to go to Ireland. [Pipe, 5 John, Rot. 18 dors.] Jan. 15. 195. The K. commands Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to cause to be delivered to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, his seneschal or messenger, the castles of Lega and Geisil, with other lands of inheritance, whereof G[erald] Fitz Maurice was seised in his demesne as of fee at his death ; and the heir of the latter. Witness, Geoffrey Fitz Peter. Bradenstoke. [Pat., 5 John, m. 4.] Jan. 17. 196. Mandate to Richard Tirel to forthwith deliver to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, the K.'s castle of Lowth [Luveth'J. Bradenstoke, by Peter de Rupibus. [Pat., 5 John, m. 4.] Jan. 24. 197. Confirmation to Wyrrys Peche of Alard Fitz William's gift in fee of his land of Liuekan. Witnesses, J. Bishop of Norwich, Godfrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex, Robert Fitz Roger, William Briwerr. Westminster. [Chart, 5 John, m. 15.] [About 198. The K. to all his faithful subjects, clerical and lay, in the Jan. -Feb.] archbishopric of Armagh. The aid which the K. begs in his urgent necessity shall not be drawn into a precedent. [Chart, 5 John, m. 15 dors.] Feb. 9. 199. The K. notifies to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, his pleasure that for the escheats in the justiciary's hand, or which reach the K.'s hand, while W. de Lascy, the Archdeacon of Stafford, RELATING TO IRELAND. 31 1203-1204. Godfrey Luterell', and William Petit remain in Ireland, the jus- ticiary take fines by their counsel, reserving marriages to the K. ; and that the justiciary see that the K. have speedy payment of the amount of the fines as W. de Lascy and the Archdeacon of Stafford shall tell him. Nottingham. [Chart., 5 John, m. 15 dors.] 200. The K. to the clergy and laity of the see of Armagh. Three persons having been elected to this see, namely, Simon Bishop of Meath, Ralph Archdeacon of Meath, and H. de Tikehull', deceased, the K. approves of the archdeacon, and commands the clergy and laity to consider him elected, and to give him counsel, aid, and obedience as such. Nottingham. [Chart, 5 John, m. 15 dors.] 201. The K. to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, and all the clergy throughout Ireland. The King of France, contrary to God, reason, his charter, and his oath, ceases not to wage war against the K.. and to seek to disinherit him. Wherefore the K. has come to England, where all had honorably received him as their Lord, and in his urgent necessity offer him aid, as well by joining his service in Normandy as by sending knights and money. In this necessity the K. urges the Irish clergy to render him such an aid as shall be pointed out to them by the justiciary of Ireland, W. de Lascy, the Archdeacon of Stafford, and the K.'s other messengers, so acting herein, that the K. may the more readily heed their petitions. Nottingham. Letters in the same form to the earls, barons, justices, sheriffs, knights, citizens, merchants, burgesses, free tenants, and all the K.'s other faithful subjects throughout Ireland. [Chart, 5 John, m. 15 dors.] 202. Mandate to John Archbishop of Dublin to come to the K. in security ; the archbishop shall cross over to his see in Ireland on the K.'s safe conduct. Nottingham. [Pat, 5 John, m. 3.] 203. Mandate to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, that no persons [in Ireland] shall come to the K. for a writ of Novel disseisin, unless they have been disseised after the K.'s first coronation [27 May, A.D. 1199]. [Liberate, 5 John, m. 6 dors.] [About Feb. 204. Hostages for Walter de Lascy : — The sons of Robert de Lascy, or March.] of William Petit, and William de Alneto ; Friar Richard de Bellafago, and the sons of Richard de Capella, and Hugh Hose. [Liberate, 5 John, m. G dors.] [About 13- 205. The K. to the King of Connaught. Sends Meyler Fitz 15 March.] Henry, justiciary of Ireland, and the Archdeacon of Stafford, the K.'s clerk, and will hold good whatever they may do by counsel of Walter de Lascy, regarding matters between the K. and the King of Connaught. Bridgnorth. [Liberate, 5 John, m. 5.] " [About 206. Letters of protection, directed to the sheriff of Hertfordshire, March.] for Walter de Lascy, so long as he shall be on the K.'s service in Ireland. Similar letters to the sheriff of Salopshire. [Pat, 5 John, m. 3.] Feb. 10. Feb. 10. Feb. 10. [About Feb.] 32 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1203-1204. [About 207. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to cause Geoffrey March.] Luttereli' to have 101. sterling for his maintenance on the K.'s service in Ireland. Woodstock. [Liberate, 5 John, m. 5.] March 23. 208. Mandate to the persons bringing the K.'s treasure from Ireland into England to deliver it with hides and other articles to Thomas de Rochefort, constable of Bristol ; the amount so delivered to be notified to the K. Westminster. [Pat., 5 John, m. 3.] 1204. 209. The K. commands Walter de Lascy, H[ ] Archdeacon of March 26. Stafford, Godfrey Luttereli, and William Petit, that they hear the complaints of Meyler Fitz Henry, the K.'s justiciary of Ireland, and of all others touching whom the justiciary has sent letters patent against William de Burgh ; that they associate with themselves other faithful subjects of the K. connected with neither party, whom they may deem it advisable to call ; and that they deal justice so dis- creetly between the parties that their judgment be not impeached ; to which end the K. has constituted them justices. The justiciary has been commanded to abide judgment concerning these and other charges to be made against him before the justices by William de Burgh. Witness, Geoffrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex. Westminster. [Pat, 5 John, m. 2.] [About 210. Letters patent for John Marshall, directed to all sheriffs in April.] whose bailiwicks he has lands, giving him licence to go to Ireland on the service of William Marshall. Mandate that the sheriffs meanwhile maintain his possessions, and that he be not impleaded concerning any of his tenements while on service in that country. Further letters patent for John Marshall, giving him licence to go to Ireland on the Earl's service, and to remain there at the Earl's pleasure. [Pat, 5 John, m. 2.] [About 211. Mandate to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to April.] cause Earl Marshall to have all such liberties and free customs throughout his by land, sea, and fresh water, as he is entitled to have by the K.'s charter. [Pat, 5 John, m. 2.] [About 212. Letters patent of simple protection, directed to all Irish April.] bailiffs, for Michael of London, clerk of William Marshall. [Pat, 5 John, m. 1.] April 29. 213. The K. to W. de Lascy, the Archdeacon of Stafford, Godfrey Luttereli, and William Petit. Has granted respite to William de Burgh, touching all complaints and actions, and takes him into Normandy ; has moreover commanded the justiciary to cause to be delivered to William de Burgh, Elyas Fitz Norman, or Giles de St. Leger, full seisin of all William's lands and castles in Ireland, as he held them when he was lately disseised on account of those com- plaints ; saving the agreement between the K. and William de Brcouse, whereof William de Burgh has the K.'s charter; saving also to the K. the land of Cannoch', with its castles, which remain in the K.'s hand during pleasure. If the justiciary refuse to deliver seisin they shall forthwith deliver it. In testimony whereof the K. sends his letters patent with these countersigns [intersigna] that the RELATING TO IRELAND. 33 1204. K. said that for no fine which Walter shall make, he refrain from proceeding by legal means touching those complaints. The arch- deacon shall take with him to the K. the hostages of William de Burgh, with the messengers of Walter de Lascy. Witness, Geoffrey Fitz Peter. Marlborough. Cancelled because subsequently enrolled. [Pat, 5 John, m. 2.] April 29. 214. The K. to W. de Lascy, the Archdeacon of Stafford, Godfrey Lutterell, and William Petit, respecting respite to William de Burgh, as above. [Pat, 5 John, m. 1.] April 29. 215. The K. notifies to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, that he has granted respite as above. Mandate that the justiciary cause to be delivered to H. Archdeacon of Stafford, the hostages of William de Burgh, with the messengers of Walter de Lacy, to be taken to the K. ; and that he find them safe conduct to the sea. [Pat, 5 John, m. 1.] May 9. 216 to the justiciary and barons of Ireland. John Marshall, by the K.'s order, and at the desire of William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, has gone into Ireland to receive the stewardship of the lands and castles of his uncle in Leinster. Mandate that the justiciary and barons give him aid and counsel in faithfully and firmly upholding the K.'s rights and those of the Earl. Southwick. [PaU, 5 John, m. 1.] Aug. 3. 217. The K. commands Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to cause to be given to Walter Abbot of Tewkesbury, full seisin of all the lands in Ireland, which Abbot Alan, his predecessor, held at his death, and whereof the house was then disseised. Oxford. [Pat, 6 John, m. 10.] Aug. 22. 218. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland, if it be found before him that Daniel Fitz John was unjustly and forcibly disseised of his land of Carrudan' by Richard de Barreu, that he cause Daniel to have the land although it be in the K.'s hand. Gecldington. [Close, 6 John, m. 18.] [About 219. Somerset: — The prior and monks of Bath give 5 marks Aug. 2G.] that they may have the K.'s confirmation of the agreement made between them and the friars of the hospital of Waterford. [Fine Rolls, 6 John, m. 14.] Aug. 26. 220. The K. confirms the union made between the convent of St. Peter of Bath, and the hospital of St. J ohn of Waterford. Articles of Union : — Peter, master, and the other monks of the hospital, by Brothers Osbert and W., sent to Bath, give their house to the convent of Bath and become monks thereof ; Robert Prior and the House of Bath, by common livery of the chapter, ordain that the infirmary in Waterford be maintained out of a tenth of the bread, meat, fish, cheese, drink, and old clothes of the monks, brothers and sisters, and out of wearing apparel bequeathed. Bequests made to the infirmary shall be applied to its maintenance, but money specially bequeathed shall be appropriated to the use of the infirm ; deficiencies shall be supplied out of the common substance; any excess shall be devoted c 34 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1204. to the maintenance of hospitality. Of the brethren a fourth in number, and of the sisters a third shall be maintained. The religious shall have one and the same diet [corredium] and habit according to their order. A sufficiency shall be at the disposal of the prior and procurator. An account of all substance and casualties shall be rendered. The prior of Waterford shall be named by the prior and convent of Bath, and so long as he bears himself meekly and be- comingly, is obedient to the prior of Bath, and faithful and useful to each house, he shall govern his priory. Regulations for the reception of monks : — All monks received shall come to Bath, be professed, and promise obedience before the prior there, &c. As is witnessed by the charters of each house thereupon made and sealed. Witnesses, J. Bishop, of Norwich, William Earl of Salisbury, Roger de Toney, Peter cle Stokes, Simon de Pateshull. Aslacton. [Chart., C John, m. 11.] Aug. 30. 221. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to take into the K.'s hand the city of Louth [Luvenensis], and to make what improvement he can in it. Geddington. [Close, 6 John, m. 18.] Aug. 31. 222. The K. to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland. The justiciary has advised that the King of Connaught quit-claimed to the K. two third parts of Connaught, the other third to remain to the King of Connaught by right of inheritance, at a yearly rent to the K. of 100 marks. The K. and his council claiming this expedient, the K. commands the justiciary that he select for the K.'s use the two thirds in which lie the best towns and harbours, those fittest for the K.'s interest and for fortifying castles ; that he take from the King of Connaught hostages and security for his faithful service, for which service the third of Connaught shall remain to him ; that he cause the ^villeins and. fugitives who have fled from the K.'s two thirds to return with their chattels and retinue ; that he strengthen castles, found towns, and assess rents in those parts ; that to the best of his judgment he forwards the K.'s interests ; and that for these purposes he take if necessary the issues of the land and the K.'s rents. When the justiciary shall have advised what he has done in this matter, the K. will give his charter to the King of Connaught. Geddington. [Close, 6 John, m. 18.] Aug. 31. 223. The K. to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland. Donald Uffeld having quit-claimed to the K. the province of Dungarvan, one of 3 cantreds held by him, the K. commands the justiciary to take that province into the K.'s hand, and cause the villeins and fugitives therefrom with their chattels and retinue to return. Donald shall hold the other 2 cantreds on his giving hostages for faithful service. Geddington. [Close, 6 John, m. 18.] Aug. 31. 224. The K. commands Meyler Fitz Henry and Walter de Lascy that they cause to be summoned John de Curcy to come forthwith to the K.'s service, as he had sworn and given hostages to do ; that by counsel of the barons and the K.'s faithful subjects of Ireland, they assign him a limit for that purpose ; that if he do not come within that limit, they cause judgment thereon to be taken out of RELATING TO IRELAND. 35 1204. the K.'s court ; and if this judgment deprive him of his land, that they cause to be delivered to Walter de Lascy and Hugh, his brother, 8 cantreds thereof, the nearest to their land of Meath, to be held of the K. by service to be agreed upon ; and that they shall deliver the residue to the K. with a reasonable aid, due once a year, out of the K.'s land of Ireland. Geddington. [Pat, G John, m. 9.] Sept. 1. 225. The K. commands and summons all the barons of Ulster who pledged their oaths and gave hostages for John de Curcy, that they cause their lord to come to the K.'s service, and if he do not come within the limit assigned by the justiciary, the K. will betake him- self to their hostages and their lands. Geddington. [Pat, 6 John, m. 9.] [About end 226. The K. to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland. The of Aug.] latter having apprised the K. that he had no place in which to deposit royal treasure, the K. commands him to cause a castle to be con- structed in Dublin for the uses of justice in the city, and if need be for the city's defence, with good dikes and strong walls ; and for this purpose to take 300 marks of the debt of G. Fitz Robert. The K. had commanded that the citizens of Dublin fortify their city, and that the justiciary compel them if they do not do so. The K. wills that there be a yearly fair at Dublin [Divelin], on the feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross [May 3], to last for 8 days, and another fair for as many days at the bridge of St. John the Baptist, with stallage and tolls as at the 8 day fairs at Waterford on the feast of St. Peter ad vincula [Aug. 1], and at Limerick on the feast of St. Martin [Nov. 11]. The justiciary shall cause it to be proclaimed that merchants may freely come to those fairs. [Close, G John, m. 18.] Sept. 1. 227. The K. commands Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to cause to be delivered to Hugh de Lascy, when he has given hos- tages for faithful service, a fee worth GO marks a year, which the K. grants to him during good service. Northampton. [Pat, G John, m. 9.] Sept. 1. 228. The K. to the barons of Leinster. Thanks them for their aid and the good service they render to him, as he is informed by the justiciary of Ireland ; prays that they forthwith deliver to the justiciary the promised aid, and that as they have hitherto borne themselves well and manfully in his service, they continue to bear themselves in like manner. Geddington. Other letters patent directed to all faithful subjects of Ireland, whereby the K. thanks them for their good service and commands that they be intentive to the justiciary. Further letters patent directed to the citizens of Dublin, whereby the K. thanks them for their good service, and commands that they attend to the fortifying of their city, every one for his part, and unless they do so, mandate that the justiciary compel them. [Pat, G John, m. 9.] Sept. 3. 229. Grant in fee to Walter de Lascy of fairs at Lochseveth on the vigil of the Nativity of St. Mary [7 Sept.], at Keneles' on the c 2 36 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1204. vigil of St. Michael [28 Sept.], and at Adtrum on the vigil of the Chair of St. Peter [21 Feb.], all to last for 8 days. Witnesses, J. Bishop of Norwich, Godfrey Fitz Peter, &c, William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, William Earl of Arundel, William Earl of Salisbury, Hugh de Neville, Roger de Toney, Peter de Stokes. Woodstock. [Chart, 6 John, m. 11.] Sept. 16. 230. The K. to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, and all the K.'s barons. William de Burgh has appeared before the K. in his court of Ireland to answer all appeals touching the K. or others ; wherefore the K. has restored to him all his land of Munster, with its fortresses (respecting which the K. retained his service when he delivered that land to William de Breouse), and his land in Desmond, the ward which he held without Dublin, and all his other possessions, save Connaught, whereof he was disseised by reason of the appeals aforesaid, and the dissension between the justiciary and himself ; provided his hostages ramain until he shall have purged himself in the K/s court. Mandate that seisin be given to him of all his tenements, except Connaught, which the K. retains in his hand until the K. knows how he shall have discharged himself ; and that the justiciary cause him to have judgment of the K.'s court touching those appeals ; and if by judgment he incur peril of life or limb, that the justiciary acquaint the K. therewith, and defer execution until further mandate. Grant of the K.'s peace to all William's tenants, who, on his account have fled from their land, pro- vided they give good pledges or hostages to abide judgment in the K.'s court. Marlborough. [Pat, 6 John, m. 8.] Oct. 3. 231. The K. orders Hugh de Nevill to pay to his justiciary out of the K.'s treasure from Ireland 40 marks, for transmission to Poitou. Winchester. [Close, 6 John, m. 16.] Oct. 19. 232. The K.'s acquittance to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, for 1,000 marks of the K.'s Irish treasure. Brill. [Close, 6 John, m. 14.] Oct. 19. 233. The K. to Matthew Archbishop of Cashel, the clergy, and people of the see of Waterford. Has given his assent that David, clerk, cousin of the justiciary of Ireland, be promoted to the see of Waterford, provided he be one of those named. Brill. [Pat, 6 John, m. 7.] Oct. 21. 234. Safe conduct till Mid Lent for John de Curcy and his re- tainers, in coming to the K. and returning. Brill. [Pat, 6 John, m. 7.] Nov. 2. 235. The K. to Walter de Lascy. Has been informed that he cannot maintain peace in his lands of Connaught and Cork, nor rule those lands unless he holds in his hand his city of Limerick, with the cantred, committed in custody during pleasure to William de Breouse ; wherefore the K.'s barons and faithful English subjects have counselled him to take this city into his hand for the peace, security, and advantage of his land. The K. therefore commands RELATING TO IRELAND. 1204 Walter de Lascy that on sight of these letters he deliver the city to Meyler Fitz Henry, the K.'s justiciary of Ireland, to whom the K. has commanded to take it into his hand. Westminster. Letters in the same form to the bailiffs of William de Breouse, in Ireland. [Pat, 6 John, m. 7.] Nov. 2. 236. The K. to his justiciary, barons, knights, and all his faithful subjects of Ireland. Has granted power to his justiciary of Ireland, that the writs of the latter shall run throughout all the K.'s land and realm of Ireland, that is to say, the writ of right, and the writ of Mort d 'ancestor, each of half a knight's fee and less ; and the limi- tation of Mort d 'ancestor shall be after the passage of King Henry, the K/s father, from Ireland into England ; of the writ of Novel disseisin after the K.'s first coronation at Canterbury [27 May 1199] ; of the writ of fugitives and villeins after the capture of Dublin ; and of the writ of bounds between two vills, except baronies [ ]. Westminster. [Pat, 6 John, m. 6.] Nov. 12. 237. The K. commands archbishops and bishops to place un- doubted .reliance on what David Elect of Waterford, Henry Biset, Godfrey Lutterel, Ralph of Cirencester, and Reginald le Cordewaner, whom the K. sends, shall expound concerning the K.'s Irish affairs. Christchurch. [Pat., 6 John, m. 6.] Nov. 13. 238. The K. commands Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to audit the account of Godfrey Luterell and Ralph de Cirencester, sent by the K. into that country, touching 15 marks paid to them. The justiciary shall cause to be found whatever they may require during their stay and on their return. Christchurch. [Close, G John, m. 12.] 239. Ireland : — Term limited for payment of 550 marks by Walter de Lascy, namely, 200 marks yearly, at 2 Exchequers until the whole shall be paid. [Fine Rolls, 6 John, m. 10.] Nov. 13. 240. Grant to Walter de Lascy and Hugh his brother, of 8 can- treds in Ulster, in the locality which Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, David Elect of Waterford, Geoffrey Lutterell, Henry Biset, Ralph de Cirencester, and Roger de Cordwaner, the K.'s mes- sengers, shall deem most advantageous to the K. and to Walter and Hugh. Witnesses, David Elect of Waterford, William Earl of Salisbury, William de Breouse, Robert Fitz Roger, Roger de Thoney, Henry Biset, Peter de Stokes, Geoffrey Lutterell, Ralph de Ciren- cester, Roger le Cordewaner. Christchurch. [Chart, 6 John, m. 8.] 241. Grant and confirmation to Hugh de Lascy of 6 cantreds in Cunnoct [Connaught], nearest to those of Walter de Lascy of Meath ; namely, Trichtonthes, Moylupatirlele, Moyhee, Corhin, Scleflunede, and Lume ; to hold of the K. in fee, by the service of 20 knights, as is witnessed by the charter made by the K. when Earl of Morton. Witnesses, David Elect of Waterford, William Earl of Salisbury. These charters are cancelled because Ralph of Cirencester brought them bach, and they were torn at Woohuich, the manor of Godfrey Fitz Peter, justiciary. [Chart, 6 John, m. 8.] 38 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1204. Dec. 15. 242. Licence for the Cistercian monks of Whitland to sell and buy whatever they may desire throughout all the K.'s land of Eng- land and Ireland, they paying the customs due thereon. Mandate that no one disturb them in this respect on pain of forfeiture. Burbage. [Pat., 6 John, m. 5.] [About end 243. Letters patent of simple protection, directed to the justiciary of Dec] of Ireland and others, for Master Simon de Ponte. [Pat, 6 John, m. 5.] 1 204. 244. Ireland : — Roger de Siarnefeld' gives 30 marks to have an in- quiry of Movt d' ancestor against the Archbishop of Dublin, the Bishop of Glendalough [Glindelaghan], and Hugh de Sciarnefeld', touching 21 carucates of land in Baligodinan, Baliokelin, Balimaclinan, and at Kip. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to take security for the money, [Fine Rolls, 6 John, m. 17.] 245. Ireland : — Matthew Juvenis gives 5 marks to have seisin of 1 carucate of land in Balicuritld', which is in the K.'s hand, and whereof he was disseised without judgment. Mandate to the justi- ciary of Ireland, that having received security for the 5 marks, he cause Matthew to have seisin. [Fine Rolls, 6 John, m. 17.] 246. Ireland : — Roger Waspaill and Margaret his wife give 4 marks that they may have a writ of Movt cV ancestor against Robert de Stanton, touching half a knight's fee in Sacfithenet. [Fine Rolls, G John, m. 14.] 247. Ireland : — Robert Fitz Jordan gives to the K. 1 palfrey and 1 goshawk, that he may have a writ of Novel disseisin against Walter de Lascy touching the land of Armuclhan. Cancelled. [Fine Rolls, 6 John, m. 12.] : 1204-1205. 248. Lancaster :— Theobald Walter owes 2 palfreys for licence to go to Ireland ; he renders his account, and paid into the Treasury 10 marks for the 2 palfreys. [Pipe, 6 John, Rot. 1.] 249. Sussex. Oblata: — William de Breouse [ ] 5,000 marks, for having the honor of Limerick, as is contained in the Roll of the K.'s 3rd year. [Pipe, 6 John, Rot. 8 dors.] 250. Dorset and Somerset : — The prior and monks of Ba. [Bath] owe 5 marks for the K.'s confirmation of the charter made between them and the friars of the hospital of Waterford. [Pipe, G John, Rot. 14 dors.] 251. Warwick and Leicester. New Oblata : — Nicholas de Verdun owes 100 marks, a war horse, and a palfrey, for having his lands in Ireland, whereof Bertram his father was seised in his demesne as of fee at his death, and for having the custody during the K.'s pleasure of the lands which were acknowledged to belong to the Primate of Armagh ; the justiciary shall not take rent out of the lands so long as Nicholas shall have them. Nicholas de Verdun renders his account of 100 marks, a war horse, and a palfrey, for his fine as above ; paid into the Treasury nothing; pardon for Nicholas, 100 marks, by the K.'s writ, which he RELATING TO IRELAND. 39 1204-1205. Jan. 21. produced, allowing him the 130 marks in the passage for Sextus Scutifer, the writ being in the Marshal's bundle of the following year; and he owes a war horse and a palfrey. [Pipe, 6 John, Rot 17 dors.] 252. Safe conduct till Pentecost for the Lord Archbishop of Dublin in coming to and returning from England. Westminster. [Pat, 6 John, m. 5.] Feb. 8. 253. Safe conduct till the Quinzaine of Easter, for John de Curcy and his retainers in coming to the K. and returning. Woodstock. [Pat., G John, m. 4.] Feb. 13. 254. Letters of protection for John Marshall, his tenants, lands, and possessions, so long as he shall be on the K.'s service in Ireland. If any one shall meanwhile seize anything belonging to him or his tenants, it shall be made good. Northampton. [Pat, 6 John, m. 4.] March 9. 255. Writ ordering the Barons of the Exchequer to respite till the Quinzaine of Easter the demand of Nicholas de Verdun touching his debt for the fine which he made with the K. to have his land in Ireland. Brotherton. [Close, 6 John, m. 8.] March 23. March 23. 256. Safe conduct till Michaelmas for Hugh de Lascy in coming to Worcester. [Pat,, G John, m. 3.] and returning from England. 257. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to cause to be given to Stephen de Nevein seisin of his burgage in Drogheda, taken into the K.'s hand owing to Stephen's arraignment for being present at the pillage of a ship at Leyn. Pardon of his outlawry. Wor- cester. [Close, G John, m. 7.] 1205. 258. Writ of Liberate to W., treasurer, and W. and R., chamber- April G. lains, for payment to the Bishop of Ferns and the elect of Cashel of 10 marks by the hands of Godfrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex, as the Battle. [Close, 7 John, m, 13.] [About April ?] May 2. K.'s gift. 259. Hostages for John de Curcy, of Ulster : — Young Milo Fitz John de Curcy ~\ To be delivered in custody to Robin, son of William Salvage - J Robert de Yipont ; John de Curcy, son of Roger de"\ To be delivered to William Bri- Chester - - -J werr; Wilekin Fitz Austin - -1 To be delivered to William de Augustine de Ridal - - J Boterell, sheriff of Cornwall ; -n x tj'i TTT-n- tt i l fTo be delivered to Reginald de Peter Fitz William Hacket - 1 c]ifton> constaUe of Dunster . Alexander Fitz William Sara- ~\ To be delivered to William de • J Blunvillo, constable of Corf ; zem John Fitz Adam, the chamber- lain - John Fitz Richard Fitz Robert - To be delivered Neville. to Hugh de [Pat, 6 John, m. 1 dors.] 260. The K. to Meyler Fitz Henry and the barons of Ireland. Grant to Hugh de Lascy of the land of Ulster, with its appurte- CALENDAR OF DO CUMENTS 1205. nances, to hold as John de Curcy held it on the day when, or on the day before, Hugh defeated him in the field ; saving to the K. the right of episcopal investiture [crocise] in the land. Mandate to Meyler Fitz Henry and the barons to keep, maintain, and defend, as the K.'s demesne, the lands and possessions of Hugh, whom the K. retains in his service. Windsor. [Pat, 6 John, m. l.j May 11. 261. The K. to Meyler, justiciary of Ireland. Grant to Geoffrey Costein of peace of all pleas and plaints so long as he shall be on the K.'s service in England by the K.'s order. Marlborough. [Pat, 6 John, m. 1.] May 27. 262. Order to the barons of the Exchequer to allow Robert de Vipont his expenses in carrying 400 marks of Irish money from Nottingham to Exeter. Marlborough. [Close, 7 John, m. 26.] May 29. 263. Grant to Hugh de Lascy of all the land of Ulster, whereof the K. belted him earl ; to hold of the K. in fee as John de Curcy held it on the day when Hugh conquered and took him prisoner in the field ; rendering the service of 1 knight for every cantred, and saving to the K. ordinatio erociarum [episcopal investitures]. Witnesses, H. Archbishop of Canterbury, W. Bishop of London, Godfrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex, Ranulph Earl of Chester, Roger Bigod', Earl of Norfolk, Robert Fitz Roger, Roger Constable of Chester, Peter de Stokes. Winchester. [Chart, 7 John, m. 12.] June 6. 264. Acquittance for Robert de Ropeley touching 300 marks of the K.'s Irish treasure received from Roger Cordewaner, and paid to Andrew de Bello Campo. Stoke. [Close, 7 John, m. 25.] June 6. 265. The K. to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland. Pro- tection for Hugh de Lascy, Earl of Ulster, whom the K. holds dear and estimable, and takes into his service. Stoke. [Close, 7 John, m. 24.] 266. Prest of 100 marks, Irish money, for Hugh de Lascy, Earl of Ulster. [Prestita, Excheq. Q. R., 7 John, m. 1.] June 21. 267. Acquittance to Nicholas de Verdun of a fine for 100 marks made with the K. for his land in Ireland, and of 30 marks of his passage to Poitou. Dartmouth. [Close, 7 John, m. 23.] June 30. 268. The K. to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland. Directs him to place undoubted reliance on the representations of Hugh de Lascy, Earl of Ulster (whom the K. sends) regarding the K.'s interests, and the peace of the land, in which respects Hugh will prove a useful coadjutor. The justiciary shall wage no war against the marchers unless by advice of Walter de Lascy, the same Hugh his brother, and of the other subjects of the K. whose fidelity and service are necessary to maintain war. If they deem war expedient, the justiciary shall employ the K.'s money in holding a force together at the least expense ; he shall first do what he can to carry on and end the war by means of the services due to the K. out of the kingdom of Ireland ; and he shall afterwards employ the K.'s money RELATING TO IRELAND. 41 1205. by advice as above, and as he may deem expedient, for the K.'s advantage. Ludgershall. [Close, 7 John, m. 22.] July 11. 269. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland for payment to Walter Aleman of 100s. for his expenses. Woodstock. [Close, 7 John, m. 21.] Aug. 23. 270. The K. prohibits the justiciary of Ireland from exacting in the land of William de Breouse, customs other than those which he exacts in the lands of William Marshall or Walter de Lascy, or a Douredum, unless in the army. Corfe. [Close, 7 John, m. 16.] Aug. 23. 271. The K. to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland. Grant to William de Breouse of custody of the K.'s city of Limerick during pleasure, his bailiff to give security for payment of the arrears of its farm and toll. Mandate that the justiciary lend his aid in distraining the men of Munster for the K.'s toll when in arrear and William's bailiffs cannot distrain for it. Corfe. [Close, 7 John, m. 16.] Sept. 10. 272. Grant to Master G. of Bristol, of the church of Dungarvan, with its chapels and appurtenances ; to hold for life in frankalmoign. Witnesses, John Archbishop of Dublin, William Bishop of Glenda- lough, Joscelin de Welles, John de Plesseto, Ranulph Chaplain, Adam de Essex, Simon de Waltham, Richard de Meath. Bristol. [Chart, 7 John, m. 7.] 273. Grant and confirmation in frankalmoign to the abbey of Connall, founded by Meyler Fitz Henry, and to the Canons of Lanthony there, of the vill of Tachenohea ; Lisnerguith ; Athcargr' ; Kellin ; Balehumochan ; Fosseth ; Crommoch ; Madruchcan ; Clon- bragan ; Mulinkerly ; Baletarsna ; Bithelan ; Oluvartheda ; 3 caru- cates of land at Connal, to wit, the moiety of Balibochel which Meyler had in exchange from Roger Gernun ; 1 carucate on the other side of the water which Stephen Carpenter held ; 1 carucate in the vale of Dublin which Meyler had of Dermitia ; at Wicklow Kilpol, a rent of 8 meases of herrings ; 5 burgages at Dungarvan ; 4 carucates of land at Karebri, at Atornorohor, the vill of Rathit with 5 carucates of land ; 10 carucates of land at [? in] Kerry ; with all churches and benefices in the founder's land in Ireland ; a tenth of the household expenditure of him or his wife in bread, drink, kitchen, and chamber, and a tenth of his rents, and of all perquisites of his lands ; the chapelry of his court ; a tenth of all his mills and fisheries, wool, flax, hay, gardens, yards, and increase of animals, &c, as is witnessed by the charter of Meyler aforesaid. Witnesses, John Archbishop of Dublin, William Bishop of Glendalough, David Bishop of Waterford, Godfrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex, Earl Alberic, Saier de Quency. Bristol. [Chart., 7 John, m. 7.] 274. Ireland : — Owen le Brun gives 30 marks for custody of the land and heir of David le Bas, which the K. had previously granted to Richard Marshall, his serjeant.' Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland that on Owen giving security for payment of the money at London within the Quinzaine of Michaelmas, he cause seisin of the Sept. 10. 42 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1205. custody to be delivered to Owen. [Fine Rolls, 7 John, p. 1, m. 17.] Nov. 30. 275. Writ of Liberate to William de Ely, Treasurer, and to G. and R, for payment to the Archbishop of Dublin of 25 out of the 100 marks which the K. gives him. Lambeth. Cancelled because above on the Roll of Richard de Meath. [Close, 7 John, m. 8.] Dec. 6. 276. The K. to Meyler, justiciary of Ireland. On the Pope's peti- tion, has pardoned John Archbishop of Dublin his ire and received him into grace ; wherefore the K. commands the justiciary to maintain, protect, and defend the Archbishop, his tenants and possessions, and to cause him to have all his lands and liberties which he had when dissension first arose between the K. and him respecting foresters and other the K.'s officers. If any custom has been exacted in the Archbishop's land, which had not been levied before this dissension, the justiciary shall cause him and his tenants to be quit thereof. The justiciary shall further, without delay, cause the Archbishop to have the land of Lisloe held by the White Monks of St. Mary, notwithstanding the provision in the K.'s letters that they shall not be disseised thereof unless by judgment of the K.'s court ; and this the K. orders by advice of his bishops, earls, and barons ; pro- vided nevertheless that when this restoration shall have been made, the Archbishop shall abide judgment if sued. The justiciary shall also inquire by inquisition whether the land formerly of Aldelm [Alelmus], which the K. gave to the monks of Tewkesbury, be appurtenant to the abbey of Glendalough ; and if Aldelm held it of the Archbishop when the dissension arose, the justiciary shall cause seisin thereof to be given to the Archbishop, and provide land in exchange for the monks. The Archbishop shall have judgment of the K.'s court of Ireland whether he ought to recover the fee de Sancto Bosco by reason of the exchange which Geoffrey cle Marisco, his nephew, has for that land, and which he does not hold of the Archbishop, the exchange not having been made by the latter as he alleges ; and the justiciary shall cause the Archbishop to have what- ever is thereupon adjudged to him by the court. The justiciary shall further cause the Archbishop to have such seisin of lands whereof there has been adverse occupation or disseisin, as the latter had when the dissension arose. The Archbishop having released to the K. the custody of the forest de Coliaco and the chattels taken by the K.'s bailiffs when the Archbishop was despoiled and exiled, the K., in compensation thereof gives to the Archbishop 200 marks of silver, 100 receivable in England and 100 receivable in Ireland. London. [Pat., 7 John, on. 1.] Dec. 7. 277. Mandate to Meyler, justiciary of Ireland, that he deliver to John Archbishop of Dublin, on his arrival in Ireland, 100 marks of the K.'s gift, which shall be allowed to the justiciary ; and that he make good to the Archbishop the arrears due out of a knight's fee which the K. gave to the Archbishop on the occasion of the plaint between them regarding the abbey of St. Thomas, Dublin. West- minster. [Pat, 7 John, m. 1.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 1205. Dec. 9. 278. Writ of Liberate to the Treasurer and W. and R. , chamberlains of the K., for payment to the Archbishop of Dublin of 25 marks, gift from the K. Cancelled. [Pat, 7 John, m. 1.] Dec. 20. 279. The K. to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland. Deremunt [Dermot] has laid before the K. that the King of Connaught de- mands to hold in fee of the K. a third part of Connaught as a barony, at 100 marks a year; and for two-thirds of that land he will render a tribute of 300 marks. He will moreover grant to the K. 2 cantreds out of those two thirds, with their villeins, to farm or do the K.'s pleasure therein. Mandate that the justiciary carry out this arrangement if he deems it for the K.'s advantage. He is however, if possible, to procure an increase in the gift ; for the K. has heard that the King of Connaught would give a fine [gersum] of 400 marks at least. The justiciary is moreover to procure a yearly gift of cows and other contributions to maintain the K.'s castles. Brill. [Close, 7 John, m. 5.] 280. Ireland : — John de Penris gives to the K. 50 marks for a writ of Mort cV ancestor against Theobald Walter, touching the third part of a cantred in Arclo. Hugh de Lascy binds himself to find in Ireland sureties for payment of the money. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland that on receiving security he cause the inquisi- tion to proceed. [Fine Rolls, 7 John, p. 1. m. 1G.] 281. Ireland : — Regina, who was the wife of Richard de Carr', gives 5 marks that she may have her dower out of her late husband's free tenement in Leinster. Mandate to the bailiff of William Earl Marshall that he cause her to have dower in his bailiwick. [Fine Rolls, 7 John, p. 1, m. 11.] 282. Ireland: — Nicholas de Basing', nephew of Nicholas de Basing', gives half a mark for a writ of right of half a knight's fee in Muscri. [Fine Rolls, 7 John, p. 1, m. 9.] 1 205-1 20G. 283. Warwick and Leicester. Oblata : — Nicholas de Verdun ] a war horse and a palfrey for having his lands as is con- tained in Pipe Roll, 6 John, Rot. 17 dors. [Pipe, 7 John, Rot, 3.] 284. Gloucester : — [Au]doenus Brun renders his account of 20Z. for having the custody of the land and heirs of David le Bas in Ireland. [Pipe, 7 John, Rot 8.] 285. Sussex : — William de Breouse renders his account of 5,000 marks for having the honor of Limerick, as is contained in the Roll of the K.'s 3rd year ; paid into the Treasury, 408/. ; and he owes 2,8G5£. Gs. Set, whereof he ought yearly to render 500 marks. [Pipe, 7 John, Rot 9.] Feb. 15. 286. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to send to Car- lisle 20 tuns of the best and soundest wine he can find in his dis- trict. Richmond. [Close, 7 John, m. 3.] 287. Writ directed to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to distrain the lands and chattels of Geoffrey Fitz Robert for a debt March 2. 44 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1205-1206. of 3001 duo to the K. Middlewich. By the K. himself. [Pat, 7 John, m. 4.] 1206. 288. Mandate to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to take April 3. into the K.'s hand all the lands which belonged to William de Burgh on the day when William de Breouse made a fine with the K. for Munster, and the lands which belonged to Theobald Walter when he left Ireland. Canterbury. [Pat., 7 John, m. 4.] April 3. 289. The K. commands Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to cause an inquisition to be made by liege men of the kingdom of Cork and kingdom of Limerick, whether the castle of Kilmehal', the cantreds of Karebry Wuh'trah, Slevardah, Cumsy, and Heyghana- cassel, and the cantred in which the castle of Harfinan is situated, belong to the kingdom of Cork or the kingdom of Limerick. And if they belong to the kingdom of Cork, the justiciary shall take them into the K.'s hand as demesne of the K. Canterbury. [Pat, 7 John, m. 4.] April 3. 290. Protection for Simon Fitz Peter, his lands, &c, so long as he shall faithfully serve the K. ; he shall not be impleaded touching his tenements unless before the K. or the justiciary. Canterbury. [Pat, 7 John, m. 5.] April 3. 291. The K. to Thomas Archdeacon and the chapter of Cashel. Having learnt the death of Mathew Archbishop of Cashel, the K. notifies his approval of A[lbin] Bishop of Ferns as his successor. The K. wills that they unanimously consent to and hasten Albin's promotion, assuring them that the K. wishes no one but the bishop to be promoted. Canterbury. Letters in the same form to all suffragans of the archbishopric. Similar letters to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, and it is added at the end that Peter Bishop of Winchester, who during the Archbishop's life was present at the court of Borne had testified before the K. that he had never attempted to obtain from that court any provision adverse to the K., the dean and chapter, or the K.'s kingdom of Ireland [regnum nostrum Hibernire]. [Pat., 7 John, m. 5.] April 4. 292. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that he allow the bailiffs of William Earl Marshall, with the K.'s bailiffs, to prevent anything being removed from the land formerly belonging to Theobald Walter, of the Earl's inheritance. Dover. [Close, 7 John, m. 1.] [About 293. Letters patent of simple protection for the hospital of St. April.] John the Baptist without the gate of the city of Dublin, and for the friars of the same. [Pat., 7 John, m. 5.] April 18. 294. Grant and confirmation to the priory of Athsissel, in Mus- kery, to Prior Edmund and the canons regular there, of all lands and possessions conferred or to be conferred upon them, without the demesne of William de Burgh, as the charters of their benefactors witness. Protection for the priory and canons. Witnesses, J. de RELATING TO IRELAND. 45 1206. April 26. May 25. May 26. May 27. June 27. [About Aug.] Aug. 30. Oct. 25. [About Dec] Dec. 26. Welles Elect of Bath, Ranulph Earl of Chester, William Earl of Arundel, William Earl de Ferrariis, Roger de Lascy, Constable of Chester, Robert Fitz Walter, Hugh de Neville, Peter de Stokes, Simon de Pateshull', Adam de Hereford, Walter Alemann, Richard Tyrel, Milo le Bret. Clarendon. [Chart., 7 John, m. 1.] 295. Writ to William de Ely, treasurer, and G. and R., chamber- lains, to pay out of the K's treasure to John Archbishop of Dublin, 50 of the 100 marks which the K. gave to him. Westminster. [Close, 7 John, m. 1.] 296. The K. notifies to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, that he has delivered to William Earl Marshall the land of the Earl's inheritance held by Theobald Fitz Walter in Ireland, saving the K.'s right and the money advanced by the justiciary on the land, if he can show that it was advanced and ought to be repaid. Mandate for seisin accordingly. Porchester. * [Pat, 8 John, m. 4.] 297. The K. to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland. Gives to Audoenus Brunus, clerk of the K. and of the justiciary, the tithes of 2 carucates of demesne lands in Tirinuer and Camung', which belonged to Walter Aurifaber. Mandate thereupon. Porchester. [Close, 8 John, m. 6.] 298. The K.'s acquittance to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, Adam de Hereford, Walter Alemann, and Henry Archdeacon of Stafford, for 64 marks, 7 ounces and 9 pence of gold; 356 marks in bullion ; 5 ounces and 1 penny ; 51 marks, 10s. Id. ; and 40£. 0s. Id., of the K's treasure of Ireland. Stoke. [Close, 8 John, m. 6.] 299. Gilbert de Lasci appeared against Walter de Lasci, his brother, in a plea of trespass in Ireland ; Gilbert came not nor essoined himself. [Coram Rege, &c, John, No. 29, Rot. 15 dors.] 300. Letters patent of simple protection for Thomas Archdeacon of Cashel, and appointment of him as clerk of the Lord the K. [Pat., 8 John, m. 4.] 301. The K. commands Hugh de Lacy to perform what Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, shall tell him on the K.'s behalf, touching the lands found before Hamo de Valoignes, formerly the K.'s justiciary of Ireland, to belong to the church of Armagh. Clifton. [Pat, 8 John, m. 3.] 302. The K. commands Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to cause custody of the prison of Dublin to be given to Silvester le Droeys, as he previously held it, with the payments belonging thereto. La Rochelle. [Pat, 8 John, m. 3.] 303. Letters patent of protection for Cornelius Bishop of Kildare [Darensis]. [Pat, 8 John, m. 3.] 304. The K. to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland. Acquit- tance to Roger Cordewaner of Bristol for 300 marks paid to the K. on behalf of the justiciary. Winchester. [Close, 8 John, m. 4.] 46 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1206. 305. Ireland : — The Prior of the Hospital of St. John the Baptist without the gate of the city of .Dublin gives 1 otter skin that he may have the K.'s letters patent of simple protection. [Fine Bolls, 7 John, p. 1, m. 2.] 306. Ireland : — The Prior of Kilfekel gives 20 marks and 1 palfrey to have the K.'s confirmation of his lands, tenements, and churches conferred as the charters of the donors witness. Sureties that the prior shall render the money and the palfrey on the feast of All Saints, 8 John ; Philip de Lucy and Otenus de Albeny. [Fine Rolls, 7 John, p. 1, m. 2.] 1206-1207. 307. Warwick and Leicester. Oblata: — Nicholas de Verdun ] a war horse and a palfrey for having his lands, as is contained in the Roll of the 6th year of the K. [Pipe, 8 John, Rot 1.] 308. Sussex :— William de Breouse [ ] 2,865Z. 6s. 8d. for having the honor of Limerick, as is contained in the Roll of the K.'s 3rd year ; of this debt he ought yearly to render 500 marks. [Pipe, 8 John, Rot. 6.] 309. Irish hostages : — ■ Hugh, son of Robert de Lacy, in custody of Henry Biset ; Hugh, son of Richard de Tut, at Winchester ; Robert Fitz William le Petit, in custody of William Marshall ;] Maurice, son of Hugh Husat, in custody of John Fitz Hugh at Windsor ; Adam son of Richard de Capella, in custody at the castle of Salis- bury. [Pat, 8 John, m. 3 dors.] Feb. 12. 310. The K. to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland. William de Breouse has complained to the K. that the justiciary and M[eyler] his son have seised his constablewick, his knights, men, land, and chattels, although he has not been wanting in right. As William has well served the K., mandate that these and his arms be restored to him. But the justiciary shall till further orders retain to the K.'s use the city of Limerick, if it has been taken into the K.'s hand. Woodstock. [Close, 8 John, on. 3.] Feb. 12. 311. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Grant, if the justiciary deems it expedient, of the K.'s peace to Gilbert de Angulo. Mandate thereupon. Further grant that Gilbert have the cantred of Mome- niach' which the King of Connaught delivered to him, saving the K.'s part of Connaught, according to the charter made with that King. Mandate that Gilbert be retained in the K/s service as the justiciary may deem expedient. Rockingham. [Close, 8 John, m. 2.] Feb. 14. 312. Writ to the constable of Bristol to find a ship for 15 of the K.'s crossbow-men whom the K. sends into Ireland. Brill. [Close, 8 John, m. 3.] Feb. 19. 313. Protection for the lands and tenants of William Earl Marshall, so long as he shall be in Ireland by the K.'s licence. RELATING TO IRELAND. 47 1206-1207. Mandate that he shall not be impleaded concerning any of his tene- ments, which he peaceably held when he commenced his journey. Witness, the K. Langeport. Letters patent in the same form for Henry Hose and John de Erlegh, who go with William Earl Marshall. [Pat, 8 John, 711. 3.] Feb. 21. 314. The K. commands Meyler, justiciary of Ireland, to hold in the K.'s hand the city of Limerick, because the K. wills that Meyler, the justiciary's son, shall not answer for the taking of it, unless before the K. Rockingham. [Pat, 8 John, on. 2.] Feb. 21. 315. The K. to his barons and knights of Meath. Thanks them for the fidelity and allegiance which they preserved towards him when dissension arose between Walter de Lascy, their Lord, and the K.'s justiciary, touching the K.'s city of Limerick, the custody of which the K. has delivered during pleasure to William de Breouse ; and because they had done their utmost to avert evil from their Lord. The K. now exhorts them resolutely to persevere in that fidelity and allegiance, for he will not bear it lightly that his jus- ticiary suffer damage or dishonor so long as he shall be in his service. The K. further begs that for love of him they give an aid to the justiciary towards fortifying the K.'s city of Dublin, so exerting themselves therein, that the K. may with greater readiness heed their just petitions. Rockingham. Letters in the same form to the barons and knights of Leinster. [Pat, 8 John, on. 2.] Feb. 21. 316. Grant to John Archbishop of Dublin, that he may make a park and erect a deer-leap at Kicopsentan, and that he may have in that vill all the liberties which he has in his other lands, regarding- the non-feecling of foresters. Mandate thereupon to the justiciary of Ireland. Rockingham. [Close, 8 John, on. 3.] Feb. 21. 317. The K. commands Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to assign to Adam de Hereford half a carucate of land in Femessid, which in addition to 3 J carucates already assigned, makes up the complement of 4 carucates granted to Adam by the K.'s charter. Rockingham. [Close, 8 John, m. 3.] Feb. 21. 318. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Walter de Appetot to be put in possession of the serjeantry of Limerick [Limerac] if he deem this expedient to the K. Rockingham. [Close, 8 John, m. 2.] Feb. 22. 319. Grant to Eustace de Rupe, constable of Dublin, of 3 caru- cates of land in the manor of Luske, which the justiciary of Ireland has delivered to him ; to hold at a yearly rent of sixty shillings. Mandate thereupon to the justiciary. Rockingham. [Close, 8 John, on. 3.] Feb. 22. 320. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to cause to be inquired by the oath of 12 men of the vicinage of Thasagard and Esker, what lands are appurtenant to the churches in those vills 48 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1206-1207. belonging to Bartholomew, the K.'s clerk, and justly and in accordance with the customs of Ireland, to cause the churches to have what is found to belong to them. If any houses of the K. have been built on those lands, the justiciary shall cause an exchange to be made as he deems expedient to the K. Rockingham. [Close, 8 John, m 2.] Feb. 22. 321. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Acquittance to Bartho- lomew de Camera, Thomas Fitz Anthony, and Walter de Abbetot for 272 marks of silver, and 100 ounces Irish weight of gold, treasure of Ireland, received at Northampton. Rockingham. [Close, 8 John, m. 2.] Feb. 22. 322. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, to deliver to Bartholo- mew de Camera, the K.'s clerk, the land of Cork near Bren' which belonged to Fulk de Cantilupe. Bartholomew is to answer in the K.'s chamber for the issues of this land. Rockingham. [Close, 8 John, m. 2.] March 23. 323. Acquittance to the justiciary of Ireland, and to Robert' Cordewaner, for 128 marks of the K.'s treasure of Ireland received at Winchester from the latter. Clarendon. [Close, 8 John, m. 2.] 1207. 324. The K. commands Walter de Lascy to come before him to April 14. abide judgment and to do right in the K.'s court. Windsor. [Pat., 8 John, m. 2.] April 14. 325. The K. commands Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to permit Walter de Lascy to come to the K. if he will do so, to abide judgment concerning the charges against him in the K.'s court, and meanwhile his lands shall not be forfeited. The justi- ciary shall send persons by whom the injuries and trespasses against the K. may be more fully proved against Walter. Windsor. [Close, 8 John, m. 1.] 326. Letters patent of simple protection for Hugh Bishop of Ossory. [Pat, 8 John, m. 1.] [About April 327. Letters patent of simple protection for W[ ] Bishop of to May.] Glendelough [Glindelacensis]. [Pat, 8 John, m. 1.] May 23. 328. The K. commands Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, that he seize the lands and chattels of Adam le Bret and Hugh de Leghe, who had committed robbery in the K.'s land and broken the K.'s peace ; and that he take their bodies and them safely send to the K. ; he shall likewise take into the K.'s hand the lands and chattels of the nephew of Walter Tirel, to wit, of Walter Tirel, Simon Tirel, and Alexander de Keking, who were present at that robbery, and in like manner send their bodies to the K. ; he shall distrain the said Richard Tirel to send to the K. the hostage agreed on for the faithful service of Walter de Lascy. As to Norman Clatere, who has left the K.'s city of Dublin, of which he was a citizen, and gone to reside on the land of Walter de Lascy, the K. commands the justiciary to seize into the K.'s hand his lands and chattels, and his body, if he can be found, and retain them at the K.'s. plea- sure. The K. grants to be stable the gifts made by his justiciary in RELATING TO IRELAND. 49 1207. Desmond ; and further commands the justiciary to hold in the K.'s hand the cities of Limerick and Cork ; to remove the persons who have there gone against the K., and whom the justiciary and other faithful subjects may deem prejudicial to the K. and the K.'s land ; and to distribute their tenements among the K.'s faithful subjects to the K.'s advantage and honor. Doncaster. Before Walter de Gray, the K.'s chancellor, and William Briwer. [Pat., 8 John, m. 1.] May 23. 329. The K. to Walter, Hugh, and Robert de Lascy, William Petit, Richard de Tut, Adam de Hereford, Philip de Prendergast, William Baron of Nas [Naas] John de Clahille, Maurice de London, Thomas de Hereford, and the other barons of Leinster and Meath. Marvels much at what they tell him in their letters, from which it appears that they are about to create a new assise in the K.'s land without the K. It is unheard of that a new assise should be esta- blished in the land of another without the consent of the Prince of that land. Unjust indeed, and unusual is what they ask, namely, that the K.'s justiciary of Ireland should restore, without the K.'s order, what has been taken into the K.'s hand by his order. The K., therefore, commands them to desist from their demand to the justiciary touching Offaly. For the K. wills not that the justiciary answer to anyone without his order concerning tenements taken into the K.'s hand by his order. As to what they write, that they will not be wanting in seeking the right of their Lord, the K. notifies that by the help of God he will seek his right according to time and place. Doncaster. [Pat., 8 John, m. 1.] July 16. 330. Grant to William Petit of a fair at Admulingar, for 4 days, beginning on the vigil of the Ascension. Witnesses, John Bishop of Bath, William Briwerr, Walter de Lascy, Roger de Thoeny, Simon de PateshulL Winchester. [Chart., 9 John, m. 8.] July 19. 331. The K. notifies to the keepers of the see of Exeter, that he sends Eugene Archbishop of Armagh, and primate of Ireland, to execute the episcopal office in that see. Mandate, that when he passes through the demesne lands of the see the keepers find him reasonable estovers, with six horses, and it will be accounted to them at the Exchequer. Devizes. [Close, 9 John, m. 17.] July 20. 332. The K. commands William de Breouse to cause to be given to Robert le Vavasor, or his messenger, possession of the dower of Matilda, his daughter, who was the wife of Theobald Walter, namely, the third part of the free tenements which Theobald held of the K. in Ireland ; the K. had restored to Matilda her whole dower. Devizes. Letters in the same form to Walter de Lascy and William Mar- shall. Earl of Pembroke. [Pat., 9 John, m, 5.] July 20. 333. The K. commands Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to cause to be given to Robert le Vavasor, or his messenger, posses- sion of the dower of Matilda his daughter, who was the wife of Theobald Walter, namely, the third part of the free tenements which he held of the K. and others in Ireland ; Robert had given a fine to 50 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1207. the K. for her marriage and her dower. Devizes. [Pat, 9 John, m. 5.] Aug. 22. 334. Order to the constable of Bristol to release on good pledges Norman Clater with his chattels in order that he may appear before the K. on the arrival of his justiciary of Ireland, to answer a charge of attempting to pass from the K.'s land by sea without the K.'s licence. The constable shall hold in custody Norman's son till further orders. Worcester. [Close, 9 John, m. 15.] Aug. 30. 335. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Benedict, the monk, and Brother Gerald of Mellifont, having come to the K. and offered him, on behalf of the Archbishop of Armagh, 300 marks of silver and 3 marks of gold to have the lands and liberties found before Hamo de Valoignes, formerly justiciary of Ireland, to belong of right to the church of that see, the K. commands the justiciary to act therein according to his discretion, as the K.'s advantage, the state of the country, and the time require. Had commanded Hugh de Lascy to do what the justiciary shall tell him on the K.'s behalf regarding those lands. Clisson. [Pat, 8 John, m. 3 dors.] Oct. 1. 336. The K. commands William de Breouse to cause to be given to Fulk Fitz Warin, and Matilda (who was the wife of Theobald Walter), possession of her dower in Theobald's free tenements in Ireland. The K. has restored to Fulk and Matilda her marriage and dower as the K. had previously granted them to Robert Vavasur, her father. Witness, Godfrey Fitz Peter. Winchester. Letters in the same form to Walter de Lascy, and William Earl Marshall. Letters to the justiciary of Ireland, for Fulk, in the same form as those given to Theobald Walter. [Close, 9 John, m. 14.] Oct. 30. 337. The K. commands William de Boterell to cause Ingeram de Pratell or his messenger to have 2 goshawks from Ireland. Waltham. [Close, 9 John, m. 12.] [About 338. Letters of simple protection for : — Nov.] Eugene Archbishop of Armagh ; David Bishop of Waterford ; The abbot and canons of Bangor ; The prior and canons of St. Katherine of Waterford ; The monks, lay brothers, and men of the house of St. Brandan de Monte ; Richard Reymond. [Pat, 9 John, m. 4.] Nov. 8. 339. Grant to Robert Fitz Martin of 40 knights fees, namely, in the cantred of Insovenach', 20, and 20 elsewhere, which the K. ordered to be assigned to Robert, by counsel of Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, John Marshall, and Philip de Prendigast ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 4 knights. Witnesses, J. Bishop of Norwich, David Bishop of Waterford, Simon Bishop of Meath, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, John Marshall, Philip de Prendigast, David de Rupe, William de Barri, Eustace de Rupe, Ranulph Ear] of Chester, Saier Earl of Winchester, Robert f RELATING TO IRELAND. 1207. de Vipont, H. de Nevill, Geoffrey de Nevill. Woodstock. [Chart, 9 John, m. 5.] Nov. 8. 340. Confirmation to William de Barry of the gift made by Robert Fitz Stephen to Philip de Barry, William's father, of 3 can- treds in his land of Corcaia, namely, Olethan, Muscherie, and Dun- egan, and of the cantred of Killede ; [to hold] by the service of 10 knights, as is witnessed by Robert's charters. Witnesses, J. Bishop of Norwich, David Bishop of Waterford, Simon, Bishop of Meath, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, John Marshall, Philip de Prendigast, David de Rupe, Ranulph Earl of Chester, Saier Earl of Winchester, Robert de Vipont, H. de Nevill', Geoffrey de Nevill'. Woodstock. [Chart., 9 John, m. 5.] Nov. 8. 341. Grant to Adam de Hereford of 4 carucates of land in Cold- reyn, Aderderc, Clugurgan, Fainesith, and Kiltom' ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of half a knight's fee. Witnesses, John Bishop of Norwich, Simon Bishop of Meath, David Bishop of Water- ford, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, John Marshall, David de Rupe, William de Aencourt, Robert Fitz Martin, Eustace de Rupe, Ranulph Earl of Chester, Saier Earl of Winchester, Robert de Vipont, H. de Nevill', Geoffrey de Nevill', William de Cantilupe. Woodstock. [Chart, 9 John, m. 5.] Nov. 8. 342. Grant to Richard le Latimer of the land of Tircahin and Killinglas, as held by David, father of said Richard ; to hold of the K. in fee per servitium latimerise faciendiie in the county of Dublin. Witnesses, John Bishop of Norwich, David Bishop of Waterford, Simon Bishop of Meath, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, John Marshall, Philip de Prendigast, William de Barry, Robert Fitz Martin, Ranulph Earl of Chester, Saier Earl of Win- chester, Robert de Vipont, H. de Nevill'. Woodstock. [Chart, 9 John, m. 5.] Nov. 8. 343. Grant to David de Rupe of the cantred of Rosselithir, saving the demesne of the bishop of that place ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 5 knights. Witnesses, J. Bishop of Norwich, David Bishop of Waterford, Simon Bishop of Meath, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, John Marshall, Philip de Prendigast, William Barri, Robert Fitz Martin, Ranulph Earl of Chester, Saier Earl of Winchester, H. de Nevill', Robert de Vipont. Woodstock. [Chart, 9 John, m. 5.] Nov. 8. 344. Grant to Henry, Maurice, Eneas, and Audoenus Fitz Philip, brothers, of the cantred in which Dunlehoth' is situated ; to hold of the K. in capite for ever, by the service of 5 knights. Witnesses, J. Bishop of Norwich, David Bishop of Waterford, Simon Bishop of Meath, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, John Marshall, Philip de Prendigast, William de Barry, Eustace de Rupe, Robert Fitz Martin, Ranulph Earl of Chester, Saier Earl of Winchester, Robert de Vipont. Woodstock. [Chart, 9 John, m. 5.] Nov. 8. 345. Grant to Eustace de Rupe of 3 carucates of land in the honor of Luske, namely, Radmoletric, Baliocartan, and Arskatan, 52 1207. Nov. 8. Nov. 8. Nov. 8. Nov. 8. Nov. 8. Nov. 9. CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS which he previously held by the service of 60s. a year ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of half a knight's fee, to be rendered by guarding the K.'s city of Dublin. Witnesses, J. Bishop of Norwich, David Bishop of Waterford, Simon Bishop of Meath, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, John Marshall, Philip de Prendigast, William de Barry, Robert Fitz Martin, Richard Tyrell, Ranulph Earl of Chester, Saier Earl of Winchester, Robert de Vipont, H. de Nevill'. Woodstock. [Chart, 9 John, m. 5.] 346. Grant to Jordan Lochard' of the land of Kilsanehan, as held by Albert his father ; to hold of the K. in fee, by the service of 1 archer, to be rendered in guarding the K.'s city of Dublin. Wit- nesses, John Bishop of Norwich, David Bishop of Waterford, Simon Bishop of Meath, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, John Marshall, William de Barry, Robert Fitz Martin, &c. Woodstock. [Chart., 9 John, m. 5.] 347. Grant to Richard de Cogan of a cantred called Muscry Omittone ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 5 knights. Witnesses, John Bishop of Norwich, David Bishop of Waterford, Simon Bishop of Meath, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, John Marshall, Philip de Prendigast, William de Barry, Ranulph Earl of Chester, Robert de Vipont, Hugh de Neviir. Woodstock. [Chart, 9 John, m. 5.] 348. Grant to Philip de Prendigast of 40 knights fees, namely, 15 between the ports of Cork and Insovenach' and 25 knights fees which the K. ordered to be assigned to him elsewhere by counsel of Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, and John Marshall ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 4 knights, saving to the K. the ports aforesaid and the K.'s demesne lands. Witnesses, J. Bishop of Norwich, Simon Bishop of Meath, David Bishop of Waterford, Meyler Fitz Henry, John Marshall, David de Rupe, William de Barry, Robert Fitz Martin, Eustace de Rupe, Ranulph Earl of Chester, Saier Earl of Winchester, Robert de Vipont, Hugh de Nevill'. Woodstock. [Chart, 9 John, m. 5.] 349. The K. commands his justiciary, bailiffs, and faithful sub- jects of Ireland not to hold, or allow to be held, any market esta- blished after the K.'s passage from that country into England [A.D. 1185, Dec] ; and the K. forbids any person from presuming to contravene this order. Witness, the Bishop of Norwich. Wood- stock. [Pat, 9 John, m. 4.] 350. The K. forbids the justiciary and bailiffs of Ireland, on pain of forfeiture, from disturbing, or allowing to be disturbed, the K.'s citizens of Waterford contrary to the liberties granted to them by the K.'s charter. Witness, the Bishop of Norwich. Woodstock. [Pat,, 9 John, m. 4.] 351. The K. commands Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to cause to be brought to judgment of the county of Dublin, God- frey de Marieys and others indicted for arson, robbery, homicide, and other offences against the Crown. Tewkesbury. [Pat, 9 John, m, 4.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 1207. Nov. 9. 352. The K. grants to all in Ireland : — That on their fealty they answer not for any thing or in any court respecting their free tene- ments, save by the K.'s order or writ, or those of his justiciary, nor touching any plea of the Crown save before the K., his justiciary, or the justices whom the K. or his justiciary shall send to administer law ; and the K.'s subjects shall aid the justiciary in administer- ing that law. If any one presume to contravene these letters, the K.'s subjects shall have recourse to the justiciary, who is enjoined to afford a remedy. The K. forbids, on pain of forfeiture of life and limb, selling or purchasing by any money save by the K.'s money of Ireland, which he wills to be current throughout the whole kingdom [per to turn regnum]. Woodstock. [Pat, 9 John, m. 4.] Nov. 12. 353. Grant to John Marshall of the marshalry of all Ireland ; and of the cantred in which the vill of Kylmie' is situated ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 5 knights. Witnesses, Godfrey Fitz Peter Earl of Essex, Ranulph Earl of Chester, Saier de Quency, Earl of Winchester, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, Philip de Prendygast, David de Roka, Robert Fitz Martin, Gilbert de Angulo, Eustace de Roka. Tewkesbury. [Chart., 9 John, m. 4.] Nov. 12. 354. Grant to Gilbert de Angulo of a cantred of land in Estyre, Wintelmolman, Ul'unan, and Nyaki ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 4 knights. Witnesses, Godfrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex, Ranulph Earl of Chester, Saier Earl of Winchester, Robert de Vipont, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, John Marshall, Philip de Prendigast, William de Barry, Eustace de Rupe, Robert Fitz Martin. Tewkesbury. {Chart,, 9 John, m. 5.] Nov. 12. 355. Grant and confirmation, to the convent of St. Mary of Grane and the nuns there, of the land of Grane and Dolkae, given to them by Walter de Ridelesford, namely, 20 carucates of land, and 1 carucate between Dolke and the Long Ford ; all the profit of benefices, tithes, and obventions in those lands ; the mill of Uggressy with the water of Lirva running thereto ; liberty of toll throughout all Walter's land; all benefices of churches and chapels in his barony of Bre, namely, the churches of Derdac, Kilmohud, and Kilescosather ; the tithes of his mill of Bre ; the church of Tristel- dermot with its tithes and benefices, and all his patrimony ; and the tenths of the expenditure of his house in meat, drink, and everything belonging to his table ; as is witnessed by Walter's char- ters held by the nuns. Witnesses, Godfrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex, Ranulph Earl of Chester, Saier de Quency, Earl of Winchester, Robert de Vipont, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, John Marshall, Philip de Prendigast, William de Barry, Eustace de Rupe, Robert Fitz Martin. Tewkesbury. [Chart., 9 John, on. 5.] Nov. 12. 356. Grant to Dermot Mac Gilmeholmoc of all the land held by Gilleholmoc, his father, namely, Lymerhim with 15 carucates of land in the vale of Dublin, and a burgage in Dublin ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 1 knight, and 2 otter skins to be rendered at Michaelmas at the Exchequer, Dublin, and by the 54 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1207. service due for that burgage ; saving to the K. the cantred in the land of Limerick which the K. gave to the said Dermot and Rotheric his brother, when the K. was Earl of Morton. Witnesses, Godfrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex, Ranulph Earl of Chester, Saier Earl of Winchester, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, John Mar- shall, Philip de Prendigast, David and Eustace de Rupe, William de Barry. Tewkesbury. [Chart, 9 John, m. 5.] Nov. 14. 357. Acquittance to the justiciary of Ireland and the barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, for 1,500 marks of the issues of Ireland, received at Marlborough from Bartholomew de Camera and Audo- enus le Brun. Gloucester. [Close, 9 John, m. 11.] Nov. 14. 358. Grant to John de Curcy of licence to come to England and remain with his friends ; and when it is the K.'s pleasure that he shall no longer remain, the K. will give him 40 days notice. Witness, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland. Gloucester. [Pat, 9 John, m. 4.] Nov. 14. 359. Pardon to Gilbert de Angulo of his flight and of the out- lawry promulgated against him by Hamo de Valoignes, justiciary of Ireland. Gloucester. Letters patent in the same form for Philip de Angulo. [Pat, 9 John, m. 4.] [About 360. Protection for Milo le Bret ; he shall not be impleaded Nov.] touching his tenements in Ireland save before the K. or his chief justiciary in that country. [Pat, 9 John, m. 4.] Nov. 15. 361. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to cause Milo Briton' to have an exchange without the K.'s demesnes for 6 carucates of land, which Milo released to the K. in the vale of Dublin. St. Briavells. [Close, 9 John, m. 11.] Nov. 17. 362. The K. to Meyler, justiciary of Ireland. Grant to Hugh de Nevill, for a fine of 2001., of the custody of the land and castles of Hamo de Valoignes in Ireland which the K. has restored to Hamo's heir as his inheritance. Mandate for seisin to Hugh. St. Briavells. [Close, 9 John, m. 11.] Dec. 5. 363. The K. commits to Walter de Lascy, during pleasure, the cantred of Ardmull, for which he is to answer to the K. Mandate thereupon to Meyler, justiciary of Ireland, with protection for Walter, while in England. The peace negotiated between him, William, and Gilbert de Angulo shall be firmly observed. Freemantle. [Close, 9 John, m. 11.] / Dec. 5. 364. The K. to Meyler, justiciary of Ireland. Grant to Master Geoffrey, parson [persona ecclesise] of Dungarvan, of the vacant see of Dungarvan, to which the K. wills and assents that Geoffrey be appointed. Mandate, that the justiciary cause him to have the see, and that he admonish and induce its clergy to elect and receive Geoffrey as bishop. Freemantle. [Close, 9 John, m. 11.] [About 365. The charter of private agreement made between the K. Dec. ?] and the Bishops of Ireland is delivered by the Bishop of Nor- RELATING TO IRELAND. 55 1207. wich to the Abbot of Reading for custody. [Pat, 9 John, m. 5 dors.] 366. Ireland : — Haket de Nugent gives 60 marks to have a writ of Mort d 'ancestor touching 3 knights fees which belonged to his brother, Gilbert Nugent, and which Richard de Capella holds in Dublin, Eubasfard', Dunsanency, Delo', Lisfoban, Hundrenan', and Culoc. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland that he take security for the money, whether Haket follows his suit or not. [Fine Rolls, 9 John, m. 11.] 367. York : — Robert le Vavasur gives to the K. 1,200 marks and 2 palfreys, that he may give in marriage Matilda, his daughter, who was the wife of Theobald Walter, and that he may have her marriage and her dower out of the free tenement which belonged to the said Theobald as well in Ireland as in England. She shall not marry any of the K.'s enemies nor out of the K.'s land, &c. [Fine Rolls, 9 John, m. 11.] 368. Stafford. Ireland : — Hugh Hose gives 200 marks and 2 pal- freys to have the manor of Pencriz [Penkridge], which belonged to Walter, his father. Mandate to Thomas de Ardinton', sheriff of Stafford, to take security, and to Meyler Fitz Herny, to receive the money from Hugh in Ireland, with 2 marks of gold for the Queen's use, and a horse of the value of 20 marks. [Fine Rolls, 9 John, m. 8.] 1207-1208. 369. Sussex : — William de Breouse owes 2,865/, 6s. 8d. for having the honor of Limerick, as is contained in the Roll of the K.'s third year ; He also owes 801. for the tallage of Limerick, and 100 marks for the farm of that vill for 1 year. [Pipe, 9 John, Rot. 4 dors.] 370. York : — Robert de Vavasur owes 1,200 marks and 2 pal- freys for the marriage of Matilda, his daughter, who was the wife of Theobald Walter, and for having her marriage portion and dower and the free tenements of her late husband, as well in Ireland as in England. [Pipe, 9 John, Rot. 7.] 371. Gloucester, Bristol: — Robert de Roppelai and Henry de Amundeville render their account : — For the cost of a ship to carry cross-bowmen into Ireland 40s. ; by the K.'s writ. [Pipe, 9 John, Rot 21.] [About 372. Simple protection for Walter de Lascy ; he and his men, so end of Jan.] long as they shall be on the K.'s service in England, shall not be impleaded touching any of their tenements which they held in peace when they crossed over from Ireland. [Pat, 9 John, m. 3.] Feb. 18. 373. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to deliver to Bartholomew, the K.'s clerk, sent to him, land or money of the K. for his maintenance, until an ecclesiastical benefice of the K.'s gift shall be conferred/ upon him. Witness, John Bishop of Norwich. Havering. [Close, 9 John, m. 8.] 56 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1207-1208. Feb. 20. 374. The K. commands the mariners of the Welsh coast and others, that as they love their lives and chattels they do not cross to Ireland or elsewhere for any one ; but that they credit what shall be told to them by Robert Fitz Richard* on the K.'s behalf, about entering his service at Ilfracombe [Aufredyncomb] to pass the K.'s forces into Ireland ; and they are to be prepared at Ilfracombe for that purpose at Mid Lent ; otherwise the K. will hang them and the owners of their ships, and order all their chattels to be seized for his use. London. [Pat., 9 John, on. 3.] March 7. 375. The K. to Meyler, justiciary of Ireland. Had arrived at Bristol on Wednesday before the feast of St. Gregory [March 5] ; thither came without invitation William Earl Marshall, who showed himself sufficiently submissive to the K.'s will. The K. will go to his Council at Winchester on Wednesday before Lent, and although the K. wills that the Earl go to see his lands previous to the Council, the Earl will not quit the K., but accompanies him thither, ready as he says to perform the K.'s will. Mandate that the justiciary until further orders keep Ireland in the same state and in the same peace as it was in ; and if any raids [interceptiones] have been made by the justiciary's people on the Earl's land, the justiciary shall make the best amends he can, the Earl having undertaken that he will cause the , same to be done by his people. The justiciary shall raise no war against the land or men of the Earl until he shall have laid before the K. the state of Ireland and the K. has notified his plea- sure. The justiciary shall give credence to what Roger Cordewaner shall tell him in this business. Bristol. [Close, 9 John, on. 7.] March 19. 376. The K. to M., justiciary of Ireland. W alter de Lascy has made peace with the K. for his lands in Ireland, in the same form as the K. had commanded regarding William Earl Marshall. Mandate that the justiciary desist if he has made war against Walter, his land or people ; that he cause him to have his lands in peace, and that he do not until further orders suffer him to be molested contrary to the tenor of the Earl's charter. Clarendon. [Close, 9 John, 7)1. 6.] March 20. 377. The K. to Meyler, justiciary of Ireland. William Earl Marshall has performed the K.'s Avill ; wherefore the K. sends Philip of Worcester, Master Robert of Cirencester, the K.'s clerk, Roland Bloet, and William Petit, commanding that the justiciary have faith in what they shall tell him on the K.'s behalf regarding his affairs, and that he do it; if not, the K. has enjoined the messengers to cause it to be done. Clarendon. [Close, 9 John, on. G.] March 21. 378. The K. commands Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to cause seisin to be given to William Earl Marshall of the land of Offaly, with its castles, provided he give pledges to render to the K. 300 marks for that land. Clarendon. [Pot., 9 Johoi, on. 2.] March 21. 379. The K. to Meyler, justiciary of Ireland. Sends to the jus- ticiary Philip of Worcester, Roland Bloet, and Master Robert of Cirencester, to survey the state of Ireland, to be present at the RELATING TO IRELAND. 57 1207-1208. councils of the justiciary, and to expedite the K.'s business. Mandate that they be summoned to the councils of the justiciary, and that he find horse-meat for them during their stay. Clarendon. [Close, 9 John, m. 6.] March 23. 380. The K., by counsel of William Earl Marshall, "Walter cle Lascy, and the K.'s other barons of Ireland who were with him in England, and of his subjects in the latter country, wills and ordains that Irish robbers be expelled from the K.'s land of Ireland, and that they and their receivers be brought to judgment according to the law of England ; mandate accordingly to Meyler Fitz.-Henry, justiciary of Ireland. Southampton. [Pat., 9 John, m. 2.] 1208. 381. Grant and confirmation to William Marshall, Earl of Pern- March 28. broke, on his petition, of his land of Leinster [de Lagneia] ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 100 knights ; saving to the K. pleas of the Crown, appeals of the peace, &c, and crocise [epi- scopal investitures], and the dignities thereto belonging. Further grant to the Earl of the custody of his fees, the lords whereof hold in capite ; saving to the K. the marriages of the heirs of those fees. Witnesses, P. Bishop of Winchester, J. Bishop of Norwich, Godfrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex, William Earl of Salisbury, William Briwerr, H. de Nevill', Thomas de Sanford, William de Cantilupe, Adam de Port. Marlborough. [Cltart., 9 John, m. 2.] April 24. 382. Grant and confirmation to Walter de Lascy, on his petition, of his land of Meath ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 50 knights ; and of his fees of Fingal, in the vale of Dublin ; to hold in fee by the service of 7 knights ; saving to the K. pleas of the Crown, appeals of the peace, &c, and crocic© [episcopal investitures], and the dignities thereto belonging; the K.'s writs to run throughout Walter's land. Further grant to Walter of the custody of his fees, although the lords thereof hold elsewhere in capite ; saving to the K. the marriages of the heirs of those fees. Witnesses, J. Bishop of Norwich, William Earl of Salisbury, William Earl de Warenne, Roger de Thoeny, Walter de Clifford, Simon de Pateshull', William de Kantilupe. Hereford. [Chart., 9 John, m. 1.] [May- June.] June 3. 383. Simple protection for Walter de Lascy, so long as he shall be on the K.'s service in Ireland. [Pat., 10 John, m. 5.] 384. The K. to Meyler, justiciary of Ireland. Licence for Walter de Lascy to erect a mill at the bridge of Drogheda. Witness, Godfrey Fitz Peter. Ludgershall. [Pat, 10 John, m. 5.] June 19. [About July.] 385. The K. to the King of Connaught and the other kings and magnates of Ireland. Commands them to give credence to what Albin Bishop of Ferns, Meyler Fitz Henry, the K.'s justiciary, and Philip of Worcester, whom the K. sends, shall tell them for the K.'s honor and advantage. Bristol. [Pat, 10 John, m. 5.] 386. Simple protection for the chattels and holdings of the Knights Templars in Ireland. [Pat, 10 John, on. A] 58 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1208. Dec. 29. 387. Letters of simple protection directed to the justiciary of Ireland, for Ralph Bloet so long as he shall be on the K.'s service in England or Wales. Ludgershall. [Pat, 10 John, m. 2.] 388. Ireland : — Earl William Marshall gives 300 marks of silver to have seisin of the land of Offaly, with all its castles and appur- tenances. Mandate to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to cause the Earl to have seisin when he shall have found sureties for the money. [Fine Rolls, 9 John, m. 3.] 1208- 1209. 389. Sussex :— William de Breouse owes 2,865Z. 6s. Sd. for having the honor of Limerick, as is contained in the Roll of the K.'s 3rd year. He also owes 801, for the tallage of Limerick, and 100 marks for the farm of that vill for one year. [Pipe, 10 John, Rot 5 dors.] Jan. 4. 390. Simple protection for Godfrey de Costetin, the Prior of Lanthony of Gloucester, Hamo de Berlingeham and Peter de Barewa, their tenants and lands, so long as they shall be on the K.'s service in Ireland. Aldingbourn. [Pat, 10 John, m 2.] Jan. 6. 391. Protection for Amfridus de Dene, with freedom from being impleaded, and from suits of shires and hundreds, aids of sheriffs and bailiffs, so long as he shall be on the K.'s service in Ireland. Knapp. [Pat, 10 John, m. 2.] Jan. 23. 392. Licence till Easter for Thomas Bloet to convey into Ire- laud, 120 seams of wheat, provided that he does not go into Wales. Worcester. [Pat, 10 John, m. 2.] Feb. 3. 393. The K. notifies that he sends to Ireland as his envoy Friar John, a monk of Worcester ; protection for him. Worcester. [Pat, 10 John, m. 2.] 1209. 394. Friday [after] the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. [Sept. 18.] to Ireland as messenger of the K., 10 marks by William Briewer ; to Sir Hugh de Bernevall, Knight, going with him into Ireland as the K.'s messenger, 5 marks. [Misai, 11 John, m. 2.] 1209- 1210. 395. Sussex :— William de Breouse owes 2,8651. 6s. Sd. for having the honor of Limerick, as is contained in the Roll of the K.'s third year. He also owes SOL for the tallage of Limerick, and 100 marks for the farm of that vill for one year. [Pipe, 11 John, Rot. 1.] [Jan. 2.] 396. Saturday on the morrow of the Circumcision of our Lord, at Guildford to Tyet, messenger of the Bishop of Norwich, going to his lord in Ireland, 5s., by the K. [Misce, 11 John, m. 3.] [Feb. 7.] 397. Sunday after the Purification of the Blessed Virgin, at Windsor. To a messenger of the Bishop de Ferlis [ ? Ferns] going to Ireland, 5s. } by the K. [Misce, 11 John, m. 4.] [Feb. 9.] 398. Tuesday, at Marlborough. To Meyler Fitz Henry, formerly justiciary of Ireland, 10 marks gift, by the K. [Misw, 11 John, m. 4.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 59 1209-1210. [About 399. Wednesday. To a messenger of Richard Torel' going to March 24.] Ireland, 5s., by the K. [Misce, 11 John, m. 4.] 1210. 400. Tuesday, at Winchester. For 26 doz. skins of parchment [May 11.] to carry with the K. into Ireland, 1 mark; making a scarlet cape for the K., trimmed with green silk tissue, lid ; thread for William, the tailor, 9c?. ; to Sir Ivo de Lascelles, Knight, companion of Peter de Croum, 10 marks gift, by the K. ; 19 doz. skins of parchment to carry with the K. into Ireland, 9s. 7d. ; 3 doz. skins of parchment, lid. ; to William Desarme, messenger, going with the Queen, 6c?. ; 5 doz. skins of parchment, 3s. 8d. ; to Watkin de Bello Campo, to prepare himself to cross with the K., 20s., by the K. [Misce, 11 John, m. 4.] [June 3.] 401. Thursday [after the feast of the Ascension], at Cross. To Henry de Ver, for pay to 55 soldiers [servientes] and 5 ballivi going to Ireland with John Marshall and W. Mauclere, 60?. 15s., paid to Nicholas, Henry's clerk. [June 4.] Friday, at same place. To Thomas Fitz Henry and Hugh de Monasteriis, servants of the treasurers, London, who came with treasure to Cross, when the K. went to Ireland, 40s. ; the same, received by Peter de Maulay, 40s., to make a prest to the carters who brought the treasure. [June 6.] Pentecost day, at Cross. To Henry Fitz Earl, 1001. , for prest to mariners going to Ireland on the K.'s service ; by the K. ; [June 7.] Monday, morrow of Pentecost. To the same, 100?., prest to mariners going to Ireland on the K.'s service ; [June 8.] Tuesday following. To the same and Geoffrey de Lucy, 100?., prest to mariners going to Ireland on the K.'s service ; Same day. To Hugh Talemasch', 20s. ; Alan de Monnay, 1 mark, and Richard de Eschal, 1 mark, knights going to Ireland with the K. ; [June 9.] Wednesday in Pentecost week, same place. To Henry Fitz Earl and Geoffrey de Lucy, 100?., prest to mariners going to Ireland with the K. ; Same day. To the same, 100?., for the same purpose ; [June 10.] Thursday following, same place. To the same, 100?., prest to seamen and sailors ; Same day. To the same, 50?., for the same purpose ; [June 11.] Friday following. To the same, 40?., for the same purpose ; [June 15.] Tuesday after the feast of the Holy Trinity, same place. To the master of the galley called Portenuvel', 20s., by the Earl of Salisbury and Henry Fitz Earl ; [June 16.] Wednesday following, same place. To Henry Fitz Earl and Geoffrey Lutterell, 40?., pay for mariners and sailors ; to the same, 30?. ; to the same, 10?. ; in all, 80?. [June 16.] Prests made to knights at Cross, near Pembroke, on Wednesday after the feast of the Holy Trinity. Among the names of knights mentioned occur those of the Earl of Salisbury, Robert de Mara, Henry, son of Earl David, and others. Amount, 183^ marks. First total, 1,433?. 13s. 6c?. proved. [June 20.] Sunday in the octave of the Holy Trinity, at Crook, near Water- 60 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1210. ford. To the Bishop of Norwich, 100?., for pay to Irish soldiers [servientes], whom he retained in the K.'s service ; [June 21.] Monday next before the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. To Henry Fitz Earl and Geoffrey Luterell to make a prest to mariners and galleymen, who came with the K. into Ireland, 500 marks, by the K. ; Same day, at Pontem Novum [Newbridge]. To Aymar and Reiner de Cleri, and Ralph de Samford, for their pay, 40s. ; [June 22.] Tuesday following, at a wood [apud Boscum] near the land of Thomas Fitz Anthony. To John de Winterburn, clerk, to make a prest to 6 galleys going with G. de Lucy to search for pirates, 42?.; Same day and place. To Henry de Ver, for pay to 7 knights, soldiers [servientes], and bailiffs, on board the galleys, 40 marks, paid to Nicholas, clerk. [June 24.] Prest made to knights at Kilkenny, on Thursday in the feast of St. John the Baptist, before the Earl of Salisbury and R. de Marisco. Among the names of knights mentioned, occur those of William de Muncell, John de Regny, Henry de St. George, Reginald de Moyun, and William Fitz Simon. Total, 151 marks. [June 24.] Thursday on the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, at Kilkenny. To the Earl of Salisbury, on account of his fee, 10 marks, paid to William Talebot ; at Naas [apud Nassam], to the same Earl, 10 marks, paid to Robin de Camera, when the K. lay in a tent ; [June 26.] Saturday following, at Naas [apud Nassam]. To Robert de Burgate, for play, 5s., on account of the debt due to him. [Prestita, 12 John, m. 8.] [June 28.] 402. William Parvus, Richard de Tuyt, Richard de Futipo, Richard de Capella, and Hugh Heese, came before the K. and his court in Dublin, on the vigil of the Apostles, in the 12th year of the K., and as messengers of Walter de Lascy, said on his behalf as follows : — " Walter salutes the K. as his liege Lord, of whom he " holds all he possesses ; and prays the K. to relax his ire, and suffer " Walter to approach his presence ; Walter will not plead against " the K., but places all his castles and lands in the hand of the K., " as his Lord, to retain or restore as he pleases." They added that Walter, the messengers, and Walter's tenants had incurred great loss by Hugh de Lascy, his brother; let the K.'s pleasure be done regarding the lands of the latter, the castles which he holds of Walter, and the lands and castles of such, if any, of Walter's tenants, as sided with Hugh ; Walter will make amends for any excesses he has been guilty of against his tenants or the neighbouring tenants of the K. [Red Book, Exchequer, Q. R, fo. 180 b.] [June 28.] 403. Monday in the vigil of the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, at Dublin; to the Earl of Salisbury, on account of his fee, 15?., paid to William Talebot. Same day ; to Henry de Ver, to pay bailiffs and soldiers [ballivi et servientes], 400?. Prests made to knights at Dublin on Monday in the vigil of the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, before W. Earl of Salisbury, Robert de RELATING TO IRELAND. 61 1210. Burgate, and J olm de Bassingeburne. Among the names of knights mentioned, occur those of Robert de Sutton, Eustace de Vescy, Hugh de Steinton, Adam le Butiller, Richard de Furnell, Drwe de Vernon, Robert de Mara, the Earl of Evreux, Saier Earl of Winchester, Walter and Roger de Clifford, the knights of Earl Alberic, Warin and Henry Fitz Gerald, the knights of the Bishop of Salisbury, Ralph Gernun, and others. To knights of Flanders, namely: — William de Cresci, 100a on account of his fee ; Hostis de Curinham, 4d., by the K.'s writ ; cost of carrying into Ireland 476 quarters of wheat, 152 quarters and 1 bushel of barley, 429 quarters of oats, 300 hogs, 5 tuns of wine ; expenses of soldiers to guard those supplies, 71. 13s. 7\d. ; and for 1 tun of wine sent to Ireland out of the foregoing 5 tuns, 42s. Priory of Kenilworth : — Master Henry de Cerne renders his account of Ml. 2s. out of fines for the passage to Ireland. [Pipe, 12 John, Rot 1.] 412. Lancaster : — Gilbert Fitz Reinfrid, Adam Fitz Roger for him as custodee, renders his account; for 117 quarters of wheat, 291. 5s. ; 113 quarters of oats, 61. lis. lOd. ; 200 hogs, 15Z. ; 500] cheeses, 101. 8s. 4c£ ; 2 tuns of wine, 100s. ; 1,900 horse shoes with nails, 78s. 10d.; 260 hens, 10s. lOd, all sent to Ireland, by the K.'s writ; cost of conveying the wheat and hogs to that country, 70s., by the same writ. [Pipe, 12 John, Rot. 7.] 413. Dorset and Somerset : — William Mallet renders his account ; for preparing bridges and conveying them into Ireland, SQL, by the K.'s writ ; Richard de Cumbe, by Humphrey de Scoville his brother, renders his account of 40 marks, 2 palfreys, and 1 hawk, and shall more- over find sureties for his faithful service, as he can return to the K.'s peace and hold his land whereof he was disseised when he went over to William de Breouse in Ireland; paid into the Treasury, 10 marks, and he owes 30 marks, 2 palfreys, and 1 hawk. [Pipe, 12 John, Rot. 7 and 7 dors.] 414. Sussex. Boseham : — William de Breouse owes 100 marks for the farm and 801. for the tallage of Limerick. [Pipe, 12 John, Rot. 8 dors.] 415. Hereford in Wales : — Mathew de Clivedon owes 25 marks for having his land whereof he was disseised for not crossing over into Ireland with the K., the fine of 10 marks not having sufficed to entitle him to the K.'s peace regarding his passage. [Pipe, 12 John, Rot. 9 dors.] 416. Bristol : — Engelard de Cygoni, Richard Burge for him, renders his account ; for the passage from Bristol into Ireland of wheat, supplies for the K. and prisoners, 13s. 4, p. 1, m. 8.] 945. Henry de Audley to Ralph de Neville, Dean of Lichfield. Prays that the latter will, with the aid and counsel of Hubert de Bugh, induce the justiciary of Ireland to give him seisin of his land of Balebuin, in that country, which King J ohn granted to him after the departure of Hugh de Lascy from Ireland. Further prays that the Dean will procure for him the K.'s letters touching this seisin. Should have attended the court at Nottingham, but frequent casual- ties in the marches obliged him to join a conference on that Friday after the feast of the Holy Trinity. [Royal Letters, No. 292.] July 26. 946. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause the Arch- bishop of Armagh to have such seisin of the lands and tenements of his see, as his predecessor had when he died. Westminster. [Close, 4 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 6.] July 28. 947. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to respite till the K.'s full age the plaint between the Abbot of Mellifont, defendant, and Nicholas de Verdun, plaintiff, touching 1 and -J carucate of land in Mellifont, which the Abbot holds of the gift of King John, and which the K. is bound to warrant, as the Abbot alleges. The latter is not to be disturbed meanwhile. Westminster. [Close, 4 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 6.] Aug. 8. 948. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. A question having arisen before Pandulph, the Legate, to whom the Pope committed cognizance of the cause, between Master Robert of Bedford, now Bishop of Lismore, and Robert Bishop of Waterford, in regard to the possession of the see of Lismore, the possession of this see was, through the absence and contumacy of the Bishop of Waterford, finally adjudged to the Bishop of Lismore ; and as he cannot obtain [About June.] CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1220. that possession without the K.'s order, the K. commands the justi- ciary to cause such possession to be given to the Bishop of Lismore. Oxford. [Close, 4 Hen. Ill,, j). 1, m . 6.] [Aug. 11.] 949. Agreement made at Oxford, on Tuesday before the feast of the Assumption, between the K. and Geoffrey de Mariscis, justiciary of Ireland, in the presence of Pandulph Elect of Norwich, Chamberlain and Legate of the Pope, Henry Archbishop of Dublin, Peter Bishop of Winchester, Hubert de Burgh, justiciary of England, William Earl of Salisbury, William Briwerr, Fulk de Breaut', Walter de Lascy, Reginald de Breouse, J ohn Mar', Robert de Curten', Walter de Clif- ford, Stephen de Segrave, Roger Bertram, Henry de Trascy, Geoffrey de Costentin, and Roger Waspaill ; as follows : — Geoffrey shall answer at the K.'s Exchequer, Dublin, for the escheats, wards, fines, gifts, tolls, reliefs, and aids accruing in Ireland, and for all the profits thereof ; and when answered for, they shall be rendered to the K. at his mandate : As to the rent of assise of Ireland and profits beyond the above, Geoffrey shall maintain the custody of the K.'s land and castles in that country, which custody shall be sur- veyed by counsel of the Archbishop of Dublin, Thomas Fitz Adam, and Richard de Burgh ; Geoffrey shall answer by view of the afore- said touching the residue of the rent and profits, and all shall be subject to the control of the K.'s clerks ; the justiciary shall appoint proper constables to keep the K.'s castles, and they shall swear faith- fully to keep them ; if by death of the justiciary, caption of his person, or by his wrong-doing, the castles are withdrawn from the K., the constables shall surrender them to the latter or to the person he shall appoint ; and the constables shall give into the hands of the Archbishop and of William Earl Marshall, their sons and daughters, or their nearest relations, as sureties, and shall make charters of faithful service to the K., which the Archbishop shall send to the latter. For greater security of the foregoing, the justiciary delivers to the K., Walter, his son, as a hostage, in custody of William Earl Marshall, until the justiciary's son Thomas shall come to the K. to remain during pleasure ; further, William Earl Marshall offers himself as surety that the justiciary shall faithfully serve the K. and obey his mandates and orders, and that neither of his sons shall recede from the K.'s custody without licence of the latter, of the justiciary of England, and of the K.'s Council : Moreover, the justiciary pledges all his land to the K. as security for observance of these stipulations, so that in case he violates them, all the land which he holds of the K. shall accrue to the K., and all the land which he holds of the Earl shall accrue to the Earl. The justiciary further binds himself by oath to observe the foregoing stipulations, and subjects his per- son to an excommunication and his land to an interdict if he does not do so, or in case of transgression, fails to amend his acts if admonished by the Archbishop. The justiciary having committed his seal in Ireland for purposes of justice, the seals of the Archbishop of Dublin and of William de Mariscis are, on his petition, put to this deed until it shall be sealed with the justiciary's own seal. [Pat, 4 Hen. III., v> m - 3, dors.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 1220. Aug. 13. 950. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland that on his fealty and oath he take into the K.'s hand all the demesne lands and escheats in Ireland which he had aliened without the K.'s order or warrant, from the time when he first became justiciary ; that he safely keep them to the K.'s use ; and that he inform the K. what these lands are, where situated, what they are yearly worth, and who holds them. The K. further commands the justiciary to dis- train all those who owe debts to the K. in Ireland. Cirencester. [Close, 4 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5.] Aug. 13. 951. The K. commands Geoffrey de Marisco, justiciary of Ireland, to take into the K.'s hand his forest, of which Thomas Fitz Adam has the custody, and cause it to be safely kept to the honor of the church of Dublin by two of the K.'s men of Ireland, and two of the Archbishop of Dublin's men. No damage shall accrue to the church or the K. through the forest ; the justiciary shall have the chief care and custody thereof, and provide for the K.'s indemnity. Ciren- cester. [Close, 4 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5.] Aug. 13. 952. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Has restored to Walter dc Lascy all his lands in the plains of Ireland which he had when King John last came to that country, and whereof the latter dis- seised him. The K. retains in his hand the castle and Walter's vill of Drogheda, for which he shall annually receive at the Exchequer, Dublin, by the justiciary's hand, 20£. ; he shall have the toll and aid of that vill belonging to the castle, and 20 marks a year at the same Exchequer for the land of Blathac, which he says is his. Mandate for seisin of those lands and of the land of Armail, and for payment of the money, the arrears whereof shall be allowed to him in the fine which he made with King John for the castle and vill of Drog- heda. The justiciary shall permit him to have the liberties which he enjoyed ere he was disseised by King John, and shall use his diligence in causing him to have the castle of Adamirthur, which Walter de Rideleford held. Cirencester. [Close, 4 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 5.] Cancelled because otherwise enrolled below. Aug. 13. 953. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Restores to Walter de Lascy all the lands and castles he had in Ireland when King John last came thither, and whereof the latter disseised Walter. The K. retains the castle and Walter's vill of Drogheda, for which Walter shall annually receive at the Exchequer, Dublin, 201. ; and he shall have the toll and aid of that vill belonging to the castle. He shall also have 20 marks yearly at that Exchequer for the land and castle of Balthac, in the K.'s hand, which Walter says are his. Mandate for seisin to be given to him of all the above lands and castles and of his land of Ardmail, and for payment of the money to him. The arrears from the vill of Drogheda, with all issues from the land of Ardmail and the castle of Blathac, and from the aids and tolls of Drogheda, shall be allowed to him in the fine which he made with King John for the castle and his vill of Drogheda. The justiciary shall cause the K. to be informed of the amount of the arrears and of the issues of the lands, in order that the K. may know what is to K 146 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1220. be allowed in the fine ; and the justiciary shall permit Walter to have all the liberties which he had ere he was disseised by King John, and shall cause Walter to have the castle of Armirthur, held by Walter de Ridelesford. Cirencester. [Close, 4 Hen. III., p. 1, on. 5.] Aug. 14. 954. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to cause Richard de Burgh to have seisin of all the lands which belonged to William, Richard's father, in Ireland, and whereof the latter was disseised by King John. Berkeley. [Close, 4 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5.] Aug. 15. 955. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Some of the canons of Ossory, during a late vacancy in their church, came to the K., and having obtained from him licence in proper form elected as Bishop Master Peter Malveisin, their brother canon. The K., believing the election to be valid, gave his assent. But it appears ex post facto that Master Peter was ineligible, because he was not born in lawful wedlock ; and though he obtained from the Pope an indulgence ot legitimacy, the Pope did not confirm his election, and the K. did not grant a second licence to elect. Wherefore the K. revokes what has been done in this election as of no effect, and commands the jus ticiary to take into the K.'s hand the see of Ossory, and deliver the custody thereof to Thomas Fitz Adam. The K. has written to the Dean and Chapter in favour of John de St. John, that he may be promoted as Bishop, and wills and commands that the issues of the see from the time when the custody thereof was assigned to Master Peter be restored to the K. The justiciary shall exact from Master Peter the restoration of the issues, and safely keep them till the K. shall other- wise order. Berkeley. Letters from the K. to the Dean and Chapter of Ossory to elect John de St. John as Bishop. Mandate that Thomas Fitz Adam shall take the custody of the see ; that the justiciary shall deliver it ; that Thomas shall safely keep the issues ; and that the justiciary shall cause them to be answered for to the K. [Close, 4 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 4.] Aug. 16. 956. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to cause seisin to be given to Maurice Fitz Gerald of all the lands in Ireland which descend to him by hereditary right from Gerald, his father, and whereof the latter was seised at his death. Berkeley. [Close, 4 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5.] Aug. 17. 957. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Walter Sanc- melle to have seisin of the lands which he has inherited from Geoffrey Sancmelle, his brother, in that country. Monmouth. [Close, 4 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 5.] Aug.. 17. 958. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give aid to Thomas Fitz Adam in fortifying his land of Corcumbasky and Etherac. Monmouth. [Close, 4 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 5.] Aug. 17. 959. Grant to Thomas Fitz Adam of the land of Chapel Ysolde and Kilsalthan, which Richard de la Feld held on lease from King RELATING TO IRELAND. 147 1220. John; to hold during pleasure at 100s. rent. Mandate for seisin. Monmouth. [Close, 4 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5.] Aug. 17. 960. The K. commands Geoffrey de Marisco, justiciary of Ireland, that, notwithstanding the mandate to take into the K.'s hand all demesne lands and escheats alienated by him, he permit Thomas Fitz Adam to hold in peace his lands of Baliscadan, Baliavelin, Lissekilli, Balionenny, and Statgrum, assigned to him by the K.'s order for his maintenance. Monmouth. [Close, 4 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5.] Sept. 11. 961. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Godfrey de Serlande to have out of escheats falling to the K. in that country an exchange for his land of Dunnoure. Wilton. [Close, 4 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 4.] Sept. 12. 962. The K. notifies to Geoffrey de Mariscis, justiciary of Ireland, that William Baron of Nas [Naas], and Eve his wife, have made a fine of 100 marks to have the manor of Gren in dower to her, to which she is entitled out of the free tenement which belonged to Philip de Breouse, her late husband, in Ireland. Mandate that, having taken security for the 100 marks, the justiciary give seisin of the manor to William and Eve. Wilton. [Fine Rolls, 4 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 2.] Sept. 12. 963. The K. commands Geoffrey de Mariscis, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Henry Archbishop of Dublin to have at the K.'s Exchequer, Dublin, 100 marks for 5 years, in payment of 500 marks for his expenses touching the affairs of King John at the General Council in the Court of Rome. Wilton. [Pat., 4 Hen. Ill, p. 1. m. 3.] • Sept. 13. 964. Ireland : — The K. restores to Richard de Tuit his land of Kilbarroc, which, while in the K.'s hand by reason of Richard's minority, was wont to render to the K. 14 marks. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give seisin. Wilton. [Close, 4 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 4.] Sept. 18. 965. The K. to the knights, free tenants, and others of his demesne lands in Ireland. Is indebted to the JPope, Queen Beren- garia, the Lord Louis, the Viscount de Thouars, and others; and therefore prays that they make an efficient aid to him. Specially sends Ralph de Norwich, his clerk, to assist the justiciary of Ireland and the Archbishop of Dublin in collecting this aid. Winchester. [Pat, 4 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 1.] Sept. 24. 966. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that when the aid shall have been assessed by him, the Archbishop of Dublin, and Ralph de Norwich, it be collected at the Exchequer, Dublin, and then safely deposited with the Templars or Hospitallers under their seals ; that the money which the justiciary has promised to pay to the K. be similarly deposited ; both sums shall then be safely sent to England by divers messengers ; and the Templars or Hospitallers shall answer to the K. for the amount. K 2 148 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1220. The K. prays John de St. John to attend diligently to this matter, and cause him to be apprised how much each has done for the K. Northampton. [Close, 4 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 3.] Sept. 24. 967. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. The good men of Dublin have informed the K. that a house has been newly erected in the city of Dublin in the middle of a place and of a highway, to the nuisance of the city. Mandate that the justiciary cause the house to be viewed by good and lawful men, and if it be a nuisance to the city, that he cause it to be removed. Northampton. [Close, 4 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 3.] Sept. 24. 968. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. The good men of Waterford grievously complain that vessels carrying merchandise, wines, and other necessaries from ports of various countries, which used to unlade at the K.'s port of Waterford, now unlade at other ports, to the K.'s loss and that of the vill of Waterford. By these means the vill is reduced to such want that the inhabitants, who formerly enjoyed abundance, have scarcely enough to live upon. The K., anxious to correct a state of things so injurious to himself, commands the justiciary that, notwithstanding any orders to the contrary, he do not allow ships to unlade at any port save the K.'s port of Waterford. The K. moreover commands the justiciary that he do not further burden the men of Waterford with prisage of their wines, merchandise, and food, nor take from them anything by way of loan or otherwise unless at their will ; and that he restore what- ever he has taken in this way. Northampton. [Close, 4 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 3.] Sept. 24. 969. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Collations to churches of the K.'s gift having been irregularly made in Ireland without the K. being consulted, the K. commands the justiciary that for the future in case of vacancy he do nothing without the K.'s assent. Northampton. The K. commands in like manner regarding cathedral churches. [Close, 4 Hen. Ill, p. 1, on. 3.] Sept. 24. 970. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that if it be expedient to the K. and his land that the castle in Delven, Richard de Tuit's land, be fortified, he cause Richard to have for that purpose one year's service due for the land of Walter de Lascy of Meath. Northamp- ton. [Close, 4 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 3.] Sept. 24. 971. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. A grave complaint has reached the K. from some merchants frequenting Ireland and from the good men of Dublin, that they are so burdened by the justiciary and his bailiffs with undue exactions, as well by prisage as by loans of wines, clothes, victuals, and other articles, that little is left to them to live on ; and their goods are taken from them whether they will or not under the name of loan, which makes the opprobrium greater. This violent taking has rendered the city of Dublin and other Irish cities so hateful to merhants of various countries that none will go thither. The K. cannot longer bear with things so RELATING TO IRELAND. 149 1220. manifestly damaging to himself and his kingdom ; and he therefore commands the justiciary that he do not further take anything by way of loan in the vill of Dublin, or the K.'s other cities or vills, or from a stranger, unless by the will of the sellers. If he take any- thing on loan from the K.'s subjects he shall make satisfaction within 40 days, and if from a stranger, he shall cause satisfaction to be made at once. Otherwise the K. will cause amends to be made. Northampton. [Close, 4 Hen. III., p. 1. m. 3.] Sept. 25. 972. The K. sends Ralph de Norwich, his clerk, as the K.'s emissary to Ireland, and commands all bailiffs and subjects to give Ralph counsel and aid in promoting the K.'s business. Northamp- ton. [Pat, 4 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 1.] Sept. 28. 973. The citizens of Dublin give to the K. a moiety of the debt which Meyler Fitz Henry owes to them, and the other moiety for the fortification of their city. Mandate to Geoffrey de Mariscis, justiciary of Ireland, to distrain Meyler to pay the debt, and to take security from the men of Dublin for the K.'s moiety. Newport Paynell. [Fine Rolls, 4 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 2.] Oct. 5. 974. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. The good men of the K.'s city of Dublin have informed the K. that the city was al- ways wont to have the Anna Liffey [Avelith] in such a condition that any kind of victuals could be conveyed in boats up and down to the city ; and the citizens and others always had a fishery on that river. The prior and friars of the hospital of Kilmainham have however lately made v a pool [stagnum] there, whereby the city and citizens are much damnified ; their fishery is totally destroyed because the pool prevents the fish from ascending ; and their boats can no longer pass up and down as they used to do. Mandate to the justiciary that, on view to be made by good men of the venue of Dublin other than the citizens, he cause the river to be so enlarged and the pool so rectified that ships and boats with every kind of victuals, with stones and wood, may have free passage up and down the river, and that fish may have free approach to the fisheries of the K. and his subjects, and free return therefrom. Westminster. [Close, 4 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 2 dors.] Oct. 6. 975. Letters of protection for the men of Dublin, their merchan- dise, chattels, and possessions, to last for 2 years from Easter, 5 Henry III. [April 11, A.D. 1221]. Westminster. [Pat, 4 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 1.] Nov. 4. 976. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Reginald King of Man informs the K. that the King of Norway lays snares for him and threatens his land with evil because he rendered homage to the K., and Reginald prays the K. for assistance in case his country be in- vaded. Mandate that the justiciary aid Reginald in his defence, and protect the kingdom from the King of Norway. Westminster. [Close, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 21.] Nov. 4. 977. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Mandate that he satisfy Reginald King of Man as well touching 1 knight's fee as 2 hogsheads 150 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1220. of wine and 120 crannocks of wheat granted to him by King John. "Westminster. [Close, 5 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 21.] Nov. 20. 978. The K. commands the justiciary, magnates, and others in Ireland to receive with honor Master James, the Pope's chaplain and penitentiary, sent as Papal Legate to Ireland. If anything new should arise touching the state of that country, they shall have re- course to his counsel and aid. Westminster. [Pat, 5 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 7.] Dec. 7. 979. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Has intimated that he had granted to Thomas Fitz Adam the land which belonged to Richard cle la Feld in Chapel Ysold and Kilsalthan, and which Richard had on lease from King John ; to hold to Thomas during pleasure for 100s. yearly rent. But the justiciary had caused the land to be extended for 30 librates, and taken it into the K.'s hand. The K. is well pleased with that extent ; but it is his pleasure and that of his Council that Thomas have and hold the land for 101. a year payable at the Exchequer, Dublin. Mandate that the justiciary demise the land to Thomas at a yearly farm of 101. Westminster. [Close, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 19.] [About 980. K[athal] King of Connaught to Hubert de Burgh, justiciary 1220.] of England. Assures the justiciary that he is anxious to preserve his friendship, and begs him as governor and counsellor of the K. to agree to his petitions to the latter ; and to give credence to P. Archdeacon of Aghadoe, and H. Hardis, his messengers. [Royal Letters, No. 790.] 1220-1221. 981. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Hugh de Bernevall Jan. 24. before his death constituted Reginald, his brother, heir of all the land which Hugh had in Ireland of the gift of King John. Man- date for seisin to Reginald, with protection for him. Westminster. [Close, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 16.] Feb. 15. 982. Mandate to ihe justiciary of Ireland to permit the monks of the order of Vaudey [de Valle Dei], dwelling at Kyr [? Kircud- bright] in Galloway to purchase in Ireland for 5 years, corn, flour, and other provisions for themselves and their house. Bytham. [Pat, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 5.] Feb. 27. 983. The K. commands Geoffrey de Marisco, justiciary of Ireland, to cause to be surveyed by good and lawful men of the venue of Dublin, the pool which the Hospitallers have made in the Anna Liffey [Avenesliz], so that boats bearing wood and other necessaries to the vill of Dublin may pass and repass, and fish may ascend and descend ; the Hospitallers shall have multure of the mills they have there erected. Tower of London. [Close, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 14.] March 8. 984. Letters of presentation directed to the dean and chapter of Kilkenny for Bartholomew de Camera, touching the prebend held by Alexander Fisicus in that church, now vacant, and which belongs to the K/s gift, owing to vacancy in the see of Ossory. Huntingdon. [Pat, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 4.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 151 1220-1221. March 8. 985. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. The practice in Ire- land of having only one justice itinerant differs much from the practice in England, where there were always several justices itine- rant. It is not the custom for one justice itinerant to keep a record, and the danger of there being only one roll is obviated by several justices each having his roll. The K. and his Council therefore ordain that to the sole justice itinerant now in Ireland two be associated, namely, a knight and a clerk, and for this purpose the K. names Thomas Fitz Adam and Bartholomew de Camera, the K.'s clerk. With the present sole justice the latter shall make their Eyre and administer justice according to the laws and customs of the kingdom. The K. commands the justiciary to cause it to be so done, and to provide Bartholomew with wherewithal to maintain himself on the K.'s service. Huntingdon. Mandate to Thomas Fitz Adam to diligently attend to the office. [Close, 5 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 14.] [March.] 986. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Master Alex- ander de Suwell to have of the K.'s gift the prebend in the church of Kilkenny which the K. conferred on Bartholomew de Camera. [Close, 5 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 14.] 1221. 987. The K. to John de St. John, treasurer, and the other barons Easter. of the Exchequer, Ireland. Roger de Tuit made with King John a fine of 20 marks for his release from prison ; the Prior of Lanthony and Walter de Lascy, sureties for the fine, have answered for it at the Exchequer, Westminster ; wherefore the K. commands John de St. John and the barons' of Ireland to restore any portion of the fine they may have received. [Memoranda, Q.B., 5 Hen. III., m. 11.] Easter. 988. Ireland : — Writ commanding John de St. John, treasurer, and the barons of the Exchequer, Ireland, to pay to the Prior of Lanthony and Walter de Lacy, sureties for Roger de Tuyt, whatever may have been taken from them on account of the fine of 20 marks which Roger made with King John for his release from prison. [Memoranda, L. T. R, 5 Hen. Ill, m. 1.] May 1. 989. The K. grants to Jordan de Sauckeville respite in fortifying his lands in Ireland till Easter, a. r. 6 Henry III. Mandate to the justiciary not to distrain him meanwhile. Westminster. [Close, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 12.] [May.] 990. Mandate to Geoffrey de Mariscis, justiciary of Ireland, to forthwith send to the K. in a good ship and under safe conduct, by Thomas Fitz Adam, John de St. John, Ralph de Norwich, and Pentecost, the K.'s servant, all moneys arising from fine and debts, other fines, promises or tolls, &c. in Ireland. Similar letters to the Archbishop of Dublin. [Fine Bolls, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 5.] May 8. 991. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Master Robert of Bedford having been canonically elected Bishop of Lismore, and the K.'s assent duly obtained, he was consecrated as Bishop ; and the K. commanded possession to be given to him. Robert Bishop of 152 1221. May 9. May 9. July 2. July 2. July 2. July 3. CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Waterford, however, subsequently claimed a right to the possession of the see of Lismore as united to that of Waterford, and demanded its instant restitution to himself. He was not, as he alleged, sum- moned to the election, nor was he absent by contumacy, but he had gone by precept of G[ ], late Legate of England, to the consecra- tion of the Bishop of Carlisle, and was thus prevented opposing. Possession was therefore restored to the Bishop of Waterford. The question between the Bishops having subsequently by mandate of the Pope been referred to Pandulph Bishop elect of Norwich, Apostolic Legate, Stephen Archbishop of Canterbury, and Benedict Bishop of Rochester, possession was by definitive sentence assigned to the Bishop of Lismore. The K. therefore, by assent of his Council, decrees accordingly, and commands the justiciary to give seisin of the see of Lismore to the Bishop of that see. Westminster. [Close, 5 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 12 dors.] 992. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and F. and R., chamber- lains, for payment out of the K.'s treasure to Pentecost, the K.'s servant, going as his messenger to Ireland, of 5 marks for his expenses. Westminster. [Close, 5 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 12.] 993. Ireland : — The K. commands Geoffrey de Marisco, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Ralph de Norwich, the K.'s clerk, to have 5 marks for his expenses. Westminster. [Close, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 11.] 994. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to respite till Easter, a. r. G Henry III., the assise of Mort cV ancestor, which Ivo de Dun- lere arraigned against Henry de Audley, touching 1 carucate of land in Dunleer ; the plea of dower in the same vill before the justiciary between Margaret de Blaby and the said Henry ; and the plaint on a writ of right between the Archbishop of Armagh and Ralph de Mittun touching the manor of Drumminiskeli, the said Henry and Ralph being so engaged on the K.'s business in England, that they cannot till that term attend to the plaints in Ireland. Westminster. [Close, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. G.] 995. Theobald Walter being of full age, the K. has taken his homage, and commands the justiciary of Ireland to cause Theobald to have seisin of all the lands which he ought to hold of the K. in capite in that country, and which descend to him by right of inhe- ritance from Theobald his father. Shrewsbury. [Close, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. G.] 996. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to respite till Easter, a. r. G Henry III., the plaint between Nicholas de Verdun and Adam de Naptun touching half a knight's fee in Bernemeth ; and the plaint between Adam and Matilda de Feipau, defendant, touching 2 carucates of land in Logheleugh'. [Close, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. G.] 997. The K. commits during pleasure to Henry Archbishop of Dublin the custody and care of Ireland, with everything touching the K. in that kingdom, lands, escheats, wards, rents, fines, amercia- RELATING TO IRELAND. 153 1221. merits, debts, arrears, profits, and other issues, and the Exchequer in Dublin. Mandate that archbishops and others be intentive and respondent to the Archbishop as their keeper. Kidderminster. Similar letters to the men of the cities of Dublin, Drogheda, Waterford, and Limerick, the barons, knights, and free tenants of Ulster, the burgesses of Carrickfergus and Louth, the citizens of Dun [Downpatrick], Cassel [Cashel], and Cork. [Pat, 5 Hen. III., j). 1, m. 3.] July 3. 998. Grant during pleasure to John de St. John, for his mainte- nance on the K.'s service, of the lands of Drummenac and Tyrmwer, which Hugh de Bernevall held on lease from King John. Mandate to the justiciary to give him seisin thereof. Further grant to John de St. John, for his good service to King John and the K., of a lease of the K.'s manor of New Castle, as the justiciary had demised it to him. Shrewsbury. [Close, 5 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5.] July G. 999. The K, to Henry Archbishop of Dublin and Geoffrey de Mariscis, justiciary of Ireland. Acknowledges 1,693£. 2s. 8c?. of the aid and promises of Ireland received by the hands of Thomas Fitz Adam, William Heose, John de St. John, Geoffrey de Turevill, and Ralph de Norwich. Worcester. [Pat, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 2.] July 15. 1000. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin. Sends to Ireland John Mar', Thomas Fitz Adam, and John de St. John, praying the Archbishop to have faith in what they shall tell him on the K.'s behalf touching the state of that country. Westminster. [Pat, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 2.] July 17. 1001. The K. to Thomas Fitz Anthony. Since the death of King John the K. has received nothing whatever from the demesne lands, rents of assise, or escheats of Ireland. Geoffrey de Marisco, justiciary of that country, made a fine with the K. in England to satisfy the K. for his shortcomings, and appointed a day for render- ing the fine, undertaking that he would restrain the expenditure of the keepers of the K.'s castles, and give security for those keepers ; and he confirmed all this by oath and by deed. He has, however, cared to observe none of these things. The K. commanded that all the revenues of Ireland should be paid into the hands of the treasurer and other bailiffs of the Exchequer, to be dealt with as the K. should order ; Geoffrey nevertheless caused those revenues to be received in his chamber, disposing thereof rather according to his will than the K.'s mandates. The K. is thereby provoked to desire that Geoffrey no longer preside over his land of Ireland ; and by the common counsel and assent of his magnates and subjects of England ordains and wills that Henry Archbishop of Dublin have the custody and care of that land. Mandate that Thomas Fitz Anthony be respondent and intentive to the Archbishop as the K.'s bailiff. Westminster. Similar letters to — Kathel King of Connaught. Muriardac Obren. O. King of Keneleon. Dermot Macarthi. Dunekan Obren. Loueth MacDoncwhod. 154 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1221. Walter de Lascy. Milo de Bret. Thomas de Galweie [Galloway], Roger Waspail. Earl of Athoyl [Athole]. Philip de Prendegast. Robert de Mandeville. Thomas Fitz Anthony [erased]. Walter de Logan. Richard de Cogan. John de Chester. Odo de Barry. Roger Pipard. Richard de Burgh. Godfrey de Costentin. Robert de Karrew. Walter de Ridelesford. Patrick de Curcy. Richard Tyrel. Robert le Poher. [Close, 5 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 6 dors.] July 18. 1002. The K. to his justiciary of Ireland. Grant to the men of Dublin of the following customs to enable them to inclose their city for the security and defence of that city and of the adjacent parts : — For each sack of wool on sale in Dublin, 3d. ; each last of hides, 6<#. ; and from each hogshead of wine, 2d. This custom to be leviable till the K. shall reach hisTull age, and then to cease. Mandate that it be so proclaimed and observed. Westminster. A similar mandate to Geoffrey de Mariscis, justiciary of Ireland. [Pat, 5 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 2.] July 20. 1003. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and F. and R., chamber- lains, to pay out of the K.'s treasure to Ralph de Norwich 7 marks for his expenses in Ireland, whither he was sent as the K.'s emissary, and to Thomas Fitz Adam, John de St. John, the said Ralph, and Pentecost of London, SI. 9s. 4td,, for their expenses in returning from Ireland with the K.'s treasure, &c. Woodstock. [Close, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 5.] July 20. 1004. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and F. and R, chamber- lains, to pay to Pandulph Bishop elect of Norwich, and Legate, 201. which he lent to the K. to make a gift to John Marshall, going to Ireland, &c. Westminster. [Close, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 6.] July 25. 1005. Sussex: — The Archbishop of Dublin owes 100 marks for William Cusac. [Memoranda, Q. R., 5 Hen. Ill, m. 19 dors] July 26. 1006. The K. to the treasurer and chamberlain of his Exchequer, Dublin. Acquittance for 50£. received at Shrewsbury by the hand of John de St. John. Westminster. [Pat., 5 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 2.] July 26. 1007. The K. to Geoffrey de Marisco, justiciary of Ireland. In reward of the service of Thomas Fitz Adam, the K. wills that he have and hold all the lands and tenements which he has on lease from King John for his maintenance on the K.'s service. Mandate accordingly. Westminster. [Close, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 5.] July 26. 1008. Mandate to Henry Archbishop of Dublin to provide John de St. John with an ecclesiastical benefice of the K.'s gift when an opportunity shall offer. Westminster. A similar mandate to Geoffrey de Marisco, justiciary of Ireland. [Close, 5 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 155 1221. July 28. 1009. Letters of presentation to the church of Kilbidan, belong- ing to the K.'s gift, for Master Henry, Archdeacon of Waterford. Westminster. [Pat, 5 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 2.] July 29. 1010. The K. notifies to the justiciary of Ireland that by order of the Council he shall have fairs for 8 days at his castle of Athlone on the feast of the Ascension ; at his vill of Drogheda on the feast of the Apostles Sts. Peter and Paul [29 June] ; and at his vill of Louth on that of St. Martin [Nov. 11]. Mandate that the fairs be proclaimed and held. Westminster. [Pat, 5 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 2.] July 29. 1011. The K. commands the mayor and men of La Rochelle that they do not, without the K.'s special order, take from the men and merchants of Dublin any customs for their merchandise save those they were wont to take in the time of King J ohn ; that they allow the merchants to have in peace the liberties which they had in the vill of La Rochelle in the time of that monarch ; and that they do not distrain but protect those men and merchants. These letters to endure till the K.'s full age. [Pat, 5 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 3.] Sept. 17. 1012. Safe conduct until Christmas for Hugh de Lascy and his retinue in coming to England to the K. [Pat, 5 Hen, III., p. 1, m. 2.] Oct. 1. 1013. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to postpone till the Nativity of St. John the Baptist [June 24], a. r. 6 Henry III., the making of bounds between the K.'s land of Louedhe [Louth] and the land of Nicholas de Verdun in Dundalk, unless bounds shall previously have been made by judgment of the K.'s court. West- minster. [Close, 5 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 2.] Oct. 21. 1014. The K. commands the Archbishop of Dublin and the justiciary of Ireland to respite till the feast of St. John the Baptist [21 June], a. r. G Henry III., the plaint between William de Aencourt, plaintiff, and Richard de Burgh, defendant, touching the manor of Clunmel [Clonmell]. Westminster. [Close, 5 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 1.] Oct. 28. 1015. The K. to his bailiffs and subjects. Geoffrey de Mariscis, late justiciary of Ireland, according to the K.'s mandate conveyed to him by John Marshall, Thomas Fitz Adam, and John de St. John, and the K.'s letters patent, surrendered to the K., on Monday after the feast of Michaelmas [Oct. 4], all the K.'s land of Ireland and the office of justiciary ; but as it is not customary to surrender castles by messengers or letters, Geoffrey sent to the K. Roger Huscarl and David Basset, who in Geoffrey's name, at Westminster, on Monday after the feast of Sts. Simon and Jucle [Nov. 1], before Stephen Archbishop of Canterbury, J[ ], penitentiary of the Pope, Richard of Durham, the K.'s chancellor, Simon Bishop of Exeter, Richard Bishop of Salisbury, and William Bishop of Worcester, Hubert de Burgh, the K.'s justiciary, Ranulph Earl of Chester and Lincoln, William Earl of Salisbury, William Earl Marshall, Geoffrey Earl of Gloucester, William Earl de Ferrers, William Briwer', Fulk de Breaut, Brian de Insula, Richard de 156 1221. Oct. 28. Nov. S. Nov. 2. Nov. 3. Nov. 4. Nov. 5. Nov. G. Nov. 7. CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Ripariis, and Stephen de Segrave, surrendered to the K. the follow- ing Irish castles, namely : — Dublin, Limerick, Roscre, Clumakenois, Athlone, the castle of the bridge of Drogheda, Rath, Kerlingeford [Carlingford], Dundunnelan, Balimichgan, Carrickfergus, and An- trum ; and the K., for the faithful service which Geoffrey rendered to King John and himself, quit-claims to Geoffrey, 1,080 marks due out of the fine which he made with the K. when he last came to England; and the K. further quit-claims to Geoffrey all account, question, and quest touching his office. Westminster. [Pat., 6 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 6.] The K. to Geoffrey de Mariscis. R. Huscarl and David Basset have come to the K. on Geoffrey's behalf and surrendered the castles to the K. as above. The K. therefore directs Geoffrey, by G. de Craucumb and R. de Norwich, to deliver the castles to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, the K.'s justiciary. [Pat, G Hen. III., p. 1, m. 6.] The K. to Henry Archbishop of Dublin. Roger Huscarl and David Basset came to the K. on behalf of Geoffrey de Mariscis, and in presence as above surrendered to the K. the castles aforesaid. The K. sends to Geoffrey, Godfrey de Craucumb and R. de Norwich, directing him to deliver the castles to the Archbishop. Mandate that the latter receive the castles and give them into safe custody. Westminster. [Pat., 6 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. G.] 1016. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and F. and R., chamber- lains, to pay out of the K.'s treasure to Godfrey de Craucumb and Ralph de Norwich, going to Ireland, 30 marks for their expenses. Westminster. [Close, 6 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 21.] 1017. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and F. and R., chamber- lains, to pay out of the K.'s treasure, of the K.'s gift, to Thomas, son of Geoffrey de Marisco, going to Ireland, 3 marks for his ex- penses. Westminster. [Close, G Hen. III., p. 1, m. 21.] 1018. The K. notifies to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, that he grants to Geoffrey de Marisco the custody of the land and heir of John de Clahull, with the marriage of the heir. Mandate that when Geoffrey shall have restored to the Archbishop into the K.'s hand the K.'s castles of Ireland, which he held as justiciary, the Archbishop cause him to have seisin of the custody and marriage. Westminster. [Close, G Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 21.] 1019. Letters of protection, till the K. shall be of age, for Geoffrey de Mariscis. Westminster. [Pat., G Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 6.] 1020. The K. commands the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, that when he shall have received the castles of Ireland from Geoffrey de Marisco, he give the custody of one of them during pleasure to Thomas Fitz Adam. Westminster. [Close, G Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 21.] 1021. The K. to Henry Archbishop, justiciary of Ireland. Man- date to take into the K.'s hand all the K.'s demesnes and escheats, both new and old, in Ireland, unless the holders have charters of RELATING TO IRELAND. 157 King John, of the K.'s predecessors, or special letters of the K. ; ex- cepting the K.'s demesnes of Newcastle, the vill of Baliscadan, and the escheats held on lease by Thomas Fitz Adam and John de St. John. Westminster. [Close, G Hen. III., p. 1, m. 20.] 1022. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ire- land. Restores to Walter de Lascy all his lands and castles in Ireland, which he had when King John last went to that country, and whereof the latter disseised him ; retaining in the K.'s hand the castle and Walter's vill of Drogheda, for which he shall yearly re- ceive 20Z. ; he shall also have the toll and aid of that vill, which belong to the castle ; and 20 marks yearly for the land and castle of Blathac. Mandate for seisin of the lands and castles, of the land of Ardmail, and for payment of the money. The arrears from his town of Drogheda, with all the issues from the lands of Ardmail and the castle of Blathac, and from the aids and toll of Drogheda, shall be allowed to him in the fine which he made with King John for the castle and vill of Drogheda. The justiciary shall certify the amount of arrears and issues, that the K. may know what has been allowed for them in Walter's fine, and shall permit him to have the liberties which Walter had before he was disseised by King John; the jus- ticiary shall further use his diligence that Walter may have the castle of Armirthur, which Walter de Ridelesford holds. Westmin- ster. [Close, 6 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 20.] [Nov. 19.] 1023. Walter de Lacy owes 10 marks as surety for Roger Tuit, taken prisoner. Morrow of the octaves of St. Martin. [Memoranda, L. T. R, 5 Hen. III., m. 9.] Nov. 29. 1024. Sussex : — Account of Gilbert lc Barrer ; the Archbishop of Dublin owes 100 marks for William de Cusac. [Memoranda, Q. R, G Hen, III, m. 12.] 1221-1222. 1025. Southampton : — Hugh de Neville renders the remainder of his account for the port of Southampton : for wool and hides from Ireland, 24£. 15s. O^d. [Pipe, G Hen. Ill, Rots. G dors, and 9.] Jan. 7. 1026. The K. commands Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to take into the K.'s hand the bishopric of Laon' [Killaloe], with the castles of Killaloe and Lother, and the bishopric of Art- fartt' [Ardfert], whose bishops have been deposed and sent to the Court of Rome by J., the Pope's penitentiary, and late Papal Legate of Ireland. The justiciary shall commit the custody of those sees and castles to Thomas Fitz Anthony, and the lands shall be well cultivated. Tower of London. Mandate to Thomas Fitz Anthony to receive the sees and castles ; and if the Archbishop is loath to take them into the K.'s hand, Thomas shall take them. [Pat., 6 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 5.] 1222. 1027. The K. commands the Archbishop of Dublin to receive the April 24. attorney of Walter de Lascy in Ireland, if he should wish to name one, in the plaint before the K.'s justices at Westminster between the Bishop of Worcester and Walter, regarding the relief which the 1221. Nov. 10. 158 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1222. Bishop exacts from him for his free tenement in Crowle and Bish- ampton. Westminster. [Close, 6 Hen. III., p. I, m. 12.] April 28. 1028. The K. to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ire- land. Mandate to cause to be inquired whether the Archbishop of Cashel was seised of the new vill of Cashel in the time of King John, and whether he was disseised thereof in the K.'s reign, whereby the archbishopic was subjected to an interdict ; and if it appear by the inquisition that this is so, then the justiciary shall cause the Archbishop of Cashel to have such seisin of the new vill as he had before his disseisin. Westminster. [Close, G Hen. III., p. 1, m. 12.] April 30. 1029. The K. notifies to the Archbishop of Cassall [Cashel] that on the resignation of R of Durham he has conferred on Master William of Dublin the church of Crocraffan, of the K.'s gift ; man- date to the Archbishop to admit and institute Master William to that church. Westminster. [Pat, 6 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 3.] May 7. 1030. The K. notifies to the Archbishop of Dublin that he grants to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, in aid of the fortification of one of his castles in Ireland, the service which the Earl owes for the 7th year of the K.'s reign. Mandate that he be quit of his service for that year. Westminster. [Close, 6 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 11.] May 7. 1031. Mandate to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Walter de Lascy to have all his lands and castles in Ireland, as before in No. 1022. Westminster. [Close, 6 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 11.] May 17. 1032. The K. to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. Is informed that foreigners not dwelling in the cities or good towns of Ireland receive ground and messuages in the K.'s cities of Water- ford and Limerick and other vills, whereby the custom is diminished to the loss of the K. and of the vills. Mandate to the justiciary not to allow ground and messuages to be thus taken in those vills and cities. Westminster. [Close, 6 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 10.] May 17. 1033. The K. to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ire- land. Is informed that pleas made in Ireland by . Writ of Bounds are framed differently from what they are in England, for those against whom such writs are taken out in the former country, having no defense, sometimes lose seisin of their lands by the sole verdict of those by whom, as perambulators, the bounds are made. This is contrary to the law of England, where such persons have the defense of duel [duelli] and other defense, as if the plea had been moved by writ of right. Mandate that henceforth pleas of Bounds in Ireland be held and framed as they are held and framed in England. The laws of Ireland and England are and ought to be the same. Westminster. [Close, 6 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 10.] [May 19.] 1034. Bull of Pope Honorius [III.] to the Archbishop of Cashel. Henry King of England has complained that the Archbishop, by his own authority, against the statutes of the general council, and with- out reasonable cause, after appeal to the Pope, published a sentence of interdict against the K.'s subjects and lands. The Pope com- RELATING TO IRELAND. 159 1222. mands, if this be so, that within 15 days the Archbishop relax the sentence. Otherwise the Pope commands the Bishops of Kildare, Meath, and Ossory, that they, after notice according to ecclesiastical form shall have been given, relax that sentence, hear any question that may remain, decide absolutely without appeal, and cause their decree to be observed by the Pope's authority. Alatri, 14th of the calends of June, in the 6th year of the Pope's pontificate. Protestation to the Bishops of Kildare, Meath, and Ossory, by letters of the Bishops of Winchester and Killaloe, and the Priors of Lanthony and St. Oswald, that on Saturday next before the feast of St. Peter ad vincula [July 30], these letters of the Pope were exhibited to the Archbishop of Cashel, at Gloucester, in presence of the aforesaid bishops, priors, and others. [Close, 6 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 6 dors.] June 13. 1035. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. Gilbert de Kentewell has submitted to the K. that Peter Bishop of Ossory disseised him of the land in Kilfan which he held from the Bishop, because it was reported that Gilbert was dead. As Gilbert is in good health in the K.'s service, the K. commands the justiciary to give him seisin of his land unless he was disseised for some other reason. Westminster. [Close, 6 Ren. III., p. 1, m. 9.] June 23. 1036. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin. Henry de Verneuil was in England in the K.'s service in the time of war, when by his default he lost seisin of his land of Duvenacbroc, whereof there was a plea between him and Walter de Ridelesford. Mandate that the justiciary do not suffer Henry to be a loser by that default, which the K. warrants to him. Westminster. [Close, 6 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 8.] June 26. 1037. The K. to Geoffrey de Mariscis. Has instructed Henry Archbishop of Dublin to take into the K.'s hand the bishopric of Laon' [Killaloe], with the castles of Killaloe and Lother, and the bishopric of Arfart [Ardfert], whose bishops have been deposed and sent to the Court of Rome by J., the Pope's penitentary and late Papal Legate of Ireland ; and to commit the custody thereof to Thomas Fitz Adam. Mandate to Geoffrey to deliver the castles to the Archbishop. Westminster. [Pat, 6 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 3.] June 26. 1038. The K. commands the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to give aid and counsel to Walter de Lascy in recovering seisin of his lands of Armail, Atmirthur, and Minaluwy, whereof King John disseised him, and which are not in the K.'s hand. Westminster. [Close, 6 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 8.] July 8. 1039. Mandate to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, for Walter de Lascy, as before [June 26], touching the reco- very of his lands of Arthmayl and Arthmirthur ; with this addition, that if the justiciary find any force resisting in those lands, he remove it. Cambridge. [Close, 6 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 7.] July 8. 1040. The K. commands the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Reginald King of the Isles to have his yearly revenue of 100 crannocks of wheat and 2 hogsheads of wine, which 160 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1222. King John gave to him and confirmed by his charter. Cambridge. [Close, G Hen. III., p. I, m. 7.] July 15. 1041. Mandate to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to restore to J. Bishop of Killaloe, when he shall have departed for the Court of Rome, the see of Killaloe, with its issues from the time when it was taken into the K.'s hand, and the castles of Killaloe and Lother. Westminster. [Pat., 6 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 3.] July 18. 1042. The K. to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. On petition of the latter and of the magnates of Ireland, grants that the limitation in writs of Mort d' ancestor in Ireland shall be changed to that used in England, namely, that in place of after the first coronation of King Henry, the K.'s grandfather [19 Dec. 1154], the limitation shall be after the first coronation of King Richard, the K.'s uncle [3 Sept. 1189]. Mandate that for the future writs of this nature be drawn in this form. Saving, however, recognizances and pleas, which are moved under the first form. The K. has signified the same to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, knights, and free tenants, &c. of Ireland. [Pat, 6 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 2.] July 18. 1043. Mandate to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ire- land, to cause seisin to be given to Theobald Pincerna, of all the lands whereof Theobald Walter, his father, was seised when he died, which descend to the former by right of inheritance, and which by reason of his minority were in the custody of King John. The Tower of London. [Close, G Hen. III., p. 1, m. C] July 18. 1044. Mandate to Thomas of Galweia [Galloway] to deliver the castle of Antrum [Antrim] to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary. Tower of London. [Pat., 6 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 2.] July 18. 1045. Mandate to Geoffrey de Marisco to cause Henry Arch- bishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to have all the rolls and writings of the time when Geoffrey was justiciary, necessary to the Archbishop for despatch of the K.'s business. The Tower of London. [Close, G Hen. III., p. 1, on. G.] July 18.' ' 1046. The K. to Henry, Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ire- land. Accepting the fine of 200 marks which the King of Thomond [Tosmund] has made with the justiciary for the land of Thomond, previously held during good service at an annual farm of 130 marks, but now at a farm of 100£., the K. commands the justiciary to deliver the land to the King of Thomond, with the K.'s Letters Patent thereupon sent, if the justiciary shall deem it expedient. The K. further commands the justiciary not to permit ships to touch at or take harbour in the port of Ros to the damage of the K. and of Waterford, otherwise than they did in the time of King John, before the war between him and his English barons. The justiciary shall not allow persons to be quit of toll or customs in Waterford or elsewhere on account of the lands which they hold in that vill unless they live there and be at scot and lot with the burgesses. He shall not permit the barons, knights, or others, to take toll or RELATING TO IRELAND. 161 1222. other customs in their lands which they were not wont to take in the time of King John before the war aforesaid. He shall take into the K.'s hand all the K.'s demesne lands and escheats, unless the holder has a warrant ; saving to Thomas Fitz Adam and John de St. John the lands granted to them for their maintenance on the K.'s service. He shall inspect the rolls of the K.'s Exchequer, Dublin, and by counsel of the barons there, rescind and abolish all frivolous and superfluous liveries of that Exchequer, and improve its state. The K. has commanded Richard Tirel to deliver to the justiciary the castle and the vill of Cnoc, accepting therefor an exchange. Otherwise the K. will cause the castle to be levelled. Tower of London. [Close, 6 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 6.] July 18. 1047. The K. to Richard Tyrel. Mandate that, for the security of Ireland, he deliver the castle and vill of Cnoc to Henry Arch- bishop of Dublin, justiciary, receiving from him an exchange in a competent situation according to their value. Otherwise the K. will cause the castle to be levelled. Tower of London. [Pat, Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 2.] July 18. 1048. The K. to the barons and others who hold of the K. in Munster, Des [Decies], Desmonia [Desmond], and the Yale of Dublin. Mandate that when the justiciary goes with an armed force into Ulster and Keneleon, or other remote parts, to fortify castles, &c, they render in money the service due to the K. Tower of London. [Pat, 6 Hen, III, p. 1, m. 2.] July 18. 1049. Mandate to the men of Dublin, Waterford, Drogheda, Limerick, and of the other ports of Ireland, to cause galleys to be made in each of their ports for ,the defence of the K.'s realm of Ireland, so exerting themselves herein that the K. may have to thank them. Tower of London. [Pat,, G Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 2.] July 18. 1050. The K. to D. [?Donnchadh] King of Tosmund [Thomond]. Grant of the land of Thomond, which the latter had previously held to farm, for 130 marks; to hold of the K. during good service until the K.'s full age, at 100/. a year rent, and a fine of 200 marks which the King of Thomond had made with the justiciary. Tower of London. [Pat, 6 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 2.] July 29. 1051. The K. to the Bishops Darensis [of Kildare], Audensis [ ], and Osseriensis [Ossory], In the cause before the K. between the K. and Donat Archbishop of Cashel, brought by autho- rity of Papal letters touching the new vill of Cashel, and the relax- ation of the interdict published against the K.'s tenants and lands in Munster, Decies, and Desmond, the K. constitutes Henry Arch- bishop of Dublin as his proctor, and will by the Archbishop hold valid the Bishops' decree, and suffer it to be executed ; the K. has signified the same to the opposing party. Gloucester. [Pat, 6 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 2.] Aug. 2G. 1052. The K. to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ire- land. Licence till the K.'s full age for the abbots and monks of Holme Cultram to buy in Ireland corn, flour, and other provisions, 1. * L 162 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1222. for the maintenance of themselves and their house. Rayleigh. [Pat, 6 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 2.] Aug. 27. 1053. Protection till the K. be of age, for the" preachers of the new work of St. Mary of Salisbury, in coming to Ireland to preach in favour of that work. Rayleigh. [Pat, 6 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 2.] Oct. 2. 1054. Mandate to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to respite, until Richard de Burgh returns from his journey to St. James, the plaint between William de Aencurt, plaintiff, and the said Richard, defendant, touching the vill of Clunmell [Clonmel]. Westminster. [Close, 6 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 3.] Oct. 16. 1055. The K. commands Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to cause 500 quarters of wheat and 40 hogsheads of wine to be sent at the K.'s expense to Carlisle, and there delivered to Walter Mauclerc, constable, to provision the castle of Carlisle. The cost shall be accounted to the justiciary at the Exchequer, Dublin. Westminster. [Close, 6 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 2.] Oct. 20. 1056. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and F. and W., chamber- lains, to pay out of the K.'s treasure to Edmund Bishop of Limerick 5 marks on loan. Westminster. [Close, 6 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 1.] Oct. 21. 1057. The K. commits during pleasure to Henry Bishop Ime- lacensis [of Emly] the custody of all vacant archbishoprics and bishoprics in Ireland ; the Bishop to answer for the issues at the K.'s Exchequer, Dublin. Mandate to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to cause the Bishop to have seisin of all those sees when vacant. Westminster. [Close, 6 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 1.] Oct. 28. 1058. Mandate to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, not to permit any ship with merchandise to touch at the port of Ros [Ross] otherwise than ships were wont to touch there in the time of King John, before the war between him and his English barons. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 29.] Nov. 5. 1059. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. Righerid le Walleys has offered homage and relief to the K. for 6 carucates of land in Clogheran and Balibren, which Kenewreth Makanan, his brother, deceased, whose heir Righerid is, held, as he says, of the K. in capite. As the K. is not informed of these facts, he sends Righerid to the justiciary, commanding him to cause to be inquired by inquisition how much land Kenewreth held of the K. in eapite, by what service, and who is his heir ; and if it appears that Righerid is his heir, and that Kenewreth held the 6 carucates of the K. in capite, then the justiciary shall give Righerid seisin of those carucates, sending him to England to render to the K. due homage and relief. Further, the justiciary shall certify to the K. the truth concerning the above facts. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 29.] Nov. 13. 1060. The K. commits the custody of the counties of Waterford and Desmond and of the city of Cork to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary, and commands the K.'s bailiffs and subjects, as RELATING TO IRELAND. 1222. well English as Irish, to be intentive and respondent to the Arch- bishop as the K.'s bailiff. Westminster. [Pat, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 8.] Nov. 18. 1061. Mandate to the Mayor and men of La Rochelle, not to dis- train in their vill the men of William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, of Weseford [Wexford]. These letters to endure for 2 years from the feast of St. Martin [Nov. 11]. Westminster. Similar letters to the men of Bordeaux. [Pat., 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 7.] Dec. C. 1062. The K. orders John de Ferentin to cause John Marshall to have at the K.'s expense a ship to cross over into Ireland as the K.'s emissary. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 24.] Dec. 6. 1063. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to put faith in what John Marshall, sent to Ireland on the K.'s affairs, shall lay before him. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 24.] Dec. C. 1064. The K. to Henry Archbishop of Dublin. Sends John de Tiwe, whom the Archbishop shall maintain in the garrison as one of his men, until he can provide him with an escheat for his main- tenance on the K.'s service. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 24.] Dec. 7. 1065. Protection for John Marshall, so long as he shall be on the K.'s service in Ireland. Westminster. Similar letters for Roger Huscarl and John de Tiwe. [Pat, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 6.] Dec. 7. 1066. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and F. and W., chamber- lains, to pay to Roger Huscarl and John de Tiwe, going to Ireland as the K.'s emissaries, 5 marks each for their expenses. Westmin- ster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 24.] Dec. 7. 1067. The K. to Henry Archbishop of Dublin. Sends Roger Huscarl to attend with the justiciary to the K.'s affairs and pleas. Mandate that the justiciary admit him, call him to his councils and the K.'s affairs, and cause him to be provided with maintenance on the K.'s service. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 24.] Dec. 7. 1068. The K. to Henry Archbishop of Dublin. Sends John de Tiwe, whom the justiciary shall retain in the garrison on the K.'s service. Mandate that he be entertained until he be provided with an escheat for his maintenance. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 24.] Dec. 8. 1069. The K. prohibits the earls, barons, and knights of Ireland from meeting in tournaments ; if they presume to tilt contrary to this prohibition, the K. will have recourse to their persons and their lands. Westminster. [Pat, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 6.] Dec. 8. 1070. The K. notifies to the justiciary of Ireland that he grants on lease during pleasure to Geoffrey de Tureville, clerk, the land of Obrun, as it may be extended by the justiciary and by those ordered to extend the K.'s demesne lands. Geoffrey who, as he alleges, is L 2 164 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1222. parson of Obrun, shall answer therefor at the Exchequer, Dublin. Mandate accordingly. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 24.] Dec. 8. 1071. Writ of Liberate to J., treasurer, and A., chamberlain of the Exchequer, Dublin, to pay 100 marks a year to Henry Arch- bishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, until he shall have received 500 marks, which the K. owes him for his expenses in the Court of Rome during the last General Council in the time of King John. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 24.] Dec. 8. 1072. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. As Geoffrey de Ture- ville, clerk of the latter, is making a longer stay in England than he expected, the K. commands the justiciary to defray the expenses he has incurred by his stay over and above those he has been paid for coming to the K. in England. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 24.] Dec. 27. 1073. The K. notifies to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, that he grants to Hugh de Lascy the land which Walter de Lascy, his brother, gave to him, and the land which formed the marriage of his wife in Ireland, retaining in the K.'s hand the lands and castles other than his. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary. Woodstock. Mandate to Walter de Lascy to give Hugh seisin of the land which he gave him, and which is in Walter's custody. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 23.] Dec. 27. 1074. The K. to Hugh de Lascy. Sends Gilbert de Lascy, his brother, in whom Hugh shall place faith regarding the K.'s Irish affair, as agreed upon by the majority of the K.'s Council, and as the K. has signified to Ranulph Earl of Chester and Lincoln. Wood- stock. [Close, 7 Hen, III, p. 1, m. 23.] 1222-1223. _ 1075. Stafford :— Ranulph Earl of Chester, Philip de Kinton for him, renders his account ; to the Archbishop of Dublin, 20£., in Penk- ridge. [Pipe, 7 Hen. Ill, Rot. 1 dors.] 1076. Sussex: — Henry Archbishop of Dublin owes 100 marks for William de Cusac, for having the marriage of [ ]. [Pipe, 7 Hen. Ill, Rot. 3.] 1077. [Somerset.] Account of Bristol, from the Purification [Feb. 2], a. r. 5 Henry III., till the feast of St. Vincent [Jan. 27], a. r. 8 Henry III. : — Hire of ships to the use of Richard de Burgh, 2J marks ; of John Marshall, 69s. Qd. and 60s. ; and of Geoffrey de Cerland, all crossing over into Ireland ; by the K.'s writ. [Pipe, 7 Hen. Ill, Rot. 3 dors.] [About 1078. William, dean, and the canons of the church of Waterford, 1222 or to the K. Send Thomas, a canon, and Roger, vice-archdeacon of 1223.] Waterford, bearers of these presents, and will hold good whatever they may decide as well in regard to an election as the other affairs of their church. [Royal Letters, No. 820.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 165 1222-1223. Jan. 29. 1079. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin. Henry de Verneuil has informed the K. that a plea having been moved when Geoffrey de Marisco was justiciary of Ireland, between Henry, as defendant, and Walter de Ridelesford, as plaintiff, touching the land of Dovena- broc, Henry came to England and remained long on the K.'s service. Meanwhile, having been adjudged out of the possession of the land by default, owing to his absence, Henry obtained of the K. letters to warrant his default, and handed them to the justiciary ; but the latter would do nothing herein because the letters came after judg- ment. The K. therefore commands the justiciary to inquire into the truth of these facts, and if they are as stated, then to give Henry such seisin of the land as he had before judgment given. It would be unjust that Henry should lose his land by default, when the K. has duly warranted that default to him. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 22 dors.] Feb. 5. 1080. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. Sends Reginald de Bernevall to remain on the K.'s service for the defence of Ireland. The K. by assent of his counsellors has com- mitted to Reginald for his maintenance the land in Drummenlac and Tirniwer, which Hugh de Bernevall, his brother, held on lease from King John, and which the K. afterwards committed to John de St. John. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 19.] Feb. 6. 1081. Mandate to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, that in land inhabited by Irishmen bounds shall be made accord- ing to the custom of Ireland ? and in land inhabited by English- men, according to the custom of England. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. III.,}?. 1, m. 19.] Feb. 9. 1082. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and F. and W., chamber- lains, to pay out of the K.'s treasure to Henry the K.'s messenger, going to Ireland to the Archbishop of Dublin, 5s. for his expenses. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 18.] Feb. 10. 1083. The K. commands archbishops, &c, and faithful subjects in Ireland to aid and assist the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary, and John Marshall, whom the K. sends to that country, in trans- acting the K.'s affairs. Westminster. [Pat., 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 5.] Feb. 12. 1084. The K. commands his bailiffs of Bristol to cause John Marshall, going to Ireland as the K.'s emissary, to have a ship besides the one ordered to be delivered to him. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 18.] Feb. 12. 1085. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin. Sends Roger Bacon, Philip Bastard, Richard Bridenel, Markade, Roger Passavant, William de Scardeburg, and Robert Garlet, the K.'s balisters on foot, commanding the justiciary to place them in the K.'s fortresses and cause them to have their pay. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 18.] 166 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1222-1223. Feb. 12. Feb. 12. Feb. 23. Feb. 23. March 11. March 11. March 12. 1223. March 29. April 5. April 6. 1086. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and F. and W., chamber- lains, to pay to Roger Bakun, Philip Bastard, Richard Bridenel, Markade, Roger Passavant, William de Scardeburg, and Robin Gar- let, going to Ireland with John Marshall, 20s. each, &c. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. TIL, p. 1, m, 18.] 1087. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to receive John Marshall ; to entertain at the K.'s expense those on the K.'s ser- vice ; and to provide by his aid and counsel that all the castles in the K.'s hand may be supplied with men, victuals, and arms. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 18.] 1088. Further mandate by the K., prohibiting the earls, barons, and knights of Ireland from meeting in tournaments. Lincoln. [Pat, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5.] 1089. Mandate to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to prohibit tournaments in that country. He shall cause to be taken into the K.'s hand the lands of those who presume to tilt after his prohibition. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 17.] 1090. The K. notifies to the Archbishop of Dublin that he com- mits, during pleasure, the custody of the vacant bishopric of Limerick to the Prior of Athissill [Athassel], to answer therefor at the Excheqer. Mandate accordingly. Kidderminster. Similar letters to the same, subtracting the clause " To answer at the Exchequer." [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 16.] 1091. The K. notifies to the Archbishop of Dublin that he com- mits, during pleasure, to Nicholas Fitz Leo, the manor of Kiltenenan, for his maintenance on the K.'s service. Mandate accordingly. Kidderminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 16.] 1092. The K. empowers the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary, to approve in the K.'s name of the Prior of St. Edmund of Athassell, John de St. John, Masters Philip de Bray and Ralph de Bristoll, for the sees of Limerick, Lismore, Waterford, Ferns or Kildare [Kildarensis], now vacant. Worcester. [Pat, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 4.] 1093. Protection for 3 years for the abbot, monks, and brothers of Dundreinan in Ireland. Marlborough. [Pat, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 4.] 1094. Mandate to the knights and free tenants of the bishopric of Waterford to be intentive and respondent to William Wace, late Dean of Waterford, elected as Bishop of that see, and to whom the K. gives his assent. Westminster. Mandate to the Archbishop of Cashel to do what is his in this matter. [Pat, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 4.] 1095. The K. gives his assent to the election made of William, late Dean of Waterford, as Bishop of that see. Mandate to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to cause the Bishop to have seisin of all the lands and tenements belonging thereto. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 14.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 1223. April 14. 1096. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. Very many merchants of England, Poitou, and Gascony, and princi- pally Stephen de Croy, have complained that when they arrive at the city of Dublin they are not permitted to remain beyond 40 days unless they unlade their merchandise. In consequence thereof, Richard de Naurs, Stephen's servant, last year made a fine of 100s. with the bailiffs and burgesses of Dublin, for his lord's merchandise, that so long as he remained in Ireland he might be free from a similar exaction. Nevertheless, they have taken from him half a last of hides in order to compel another fine. As it seems to the K. unjust and hurtful to the kingdom to oblige merchants when un- willing to unlade their merchandise ; and the K. does not believe that the bailiffs and burgesses of Dublin obtained a warrant to do so from himself or his predecessors, the K. commands the justiciary to cause them to desist from this harassing of or extortion from merchants, and to restore to Richard what they have taken, until they show warrant for the purpose. Kennington. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 13.] Easter. 1097. Writ to John de St. John and the Barons of the Exchequer, Ireland, to restore to Walter de Lascy 10 marks, to which amount he had been surety for Roger de Tuit in a fine for 20 marks for Roger's release from prison. [Memoranda, L. T. R., 7 Hen. III., m. 12 dors.] April 26. 1098. The K. notifies to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, that in place of the land which belonged to Hugh de Berneval in the vale of Dublin he grants to J ohn de St. John, until the K.'s age, 20 marks a year out of the manor of Newcastle de Leuan, which John has on lease, besides the 40 marks which he receives out of the same manor, to maintain himself on the K.'s service. Mandate to the Archbishop to cause the 20 marks besides the 40 marks to be yearly allowed to John in the farm of the manor. St. Albans. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 13.] April 26. 1099. The K. commits, during pleasure, to John de St. John the custody of the vacant bishopric of Ferns. Mandate accordingly to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. St. Albans. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 13.] April 27. 1100. The K. to the Dean and Chapter of Limerick. Grant to Geoffrey de St. John, on resignation of John de St. John, of the office of treasurer of the church of Limerick, with the prebend appertaining thereto, which belong to the K.'s gift owing to the vacancy of the church. Mandate that the Dean and Chapter induct Geoffrey, and assign a stall in the choir and a place in the chapter to him. St. Albans. [Pat, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 4.] April 27. 1101. Grant during pleasure, to John de St. John, of custody of the vacant see of Ferns. Mandate that the knights and free tenants of that see be intentive and respondent to him accordingly. St. Albans. [Pat, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 3.] 168 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1223. May 4. 1102. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and F. and W., chamber- lains, for payment to Geoffrey de Toreville, messenger of the Arch- bishop of Dublin, of 2 marks for his expenses. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. I, m. 12.] May 13. 1103. The K. notifies to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, that he has taken the homage of Hugh Tyrel for the lands which he holds in capite in that country. Mandate to the justiciary that, having accepted from Hugh security for the relief due out of those lands, he give him seisin thereof. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen, III., p. 1, m. 11.] May 14. 1104. Letters of presentation to the vacant church of Dungarvan, directed to the Bishop of Lismore, for Geoffrey de Tureville. Westminster. [Pat, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 3.] May 14. 1105. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and F. and W., chamber- lains, to pay to William Fitz Benedict, 91. 18s. for 6 hogsheads of wine of Anjou, bought of Irish merchants for the K.'s use, being 33s. a hogshead. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 11.] May 18. 1106. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and F. and W., chamber- lains, to pay to the Bishop of Ardfcrt, 30 marks loan till Michael- mas, &c. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 10.] June 3. 1107. The K. commits, during pleasure, to John Marshall the custody of the lands of Cork, Decies, and Desmond, with their castles. Mandate to the knights, free and other tenants thereof, that they be intentive and respondent to John as the K.'s bailiff. Westminster. [Pat, 7 Hen, III, p. 1, m. 3.] June 3. 1108. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. As Thomas Fitz Anthony has not come to the K. with the charter of King John touching the custody of Cork, Des [Decies], and Desmund, whereof he has detained some of the K.'s escheats, the K. commands the justiciary to take those lands with their castles into the K.'s hand, and to deliver the custody thereof during pleasure to John Marshall. Westminster. Mandate to John Marshall to receive those lands and castles from the Archbishop. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 9.] June 3. 1109. The K. commands the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, 'to inquire by good and lawful men whether Walter de Ridelesford impleaded Henry de Vernoil touching the land of Dovenadbroc, before or after he came into England ; and if it appears by the inquisition that Henry was impleaded by Walter after he came thither, then the justiciary shall cause him to be re- seised of the land, for the K. then warrants to Henry his default by absence, for Avhich he was disseised ; and if Henry was impleaded by Walter before he came into England, then the justiciary shall cause Walter to have the seisin of the land which he previously had by judgment. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 9.] June 4. 1110. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. A conference having lately been held in London before the K.'s RELATING TO IRELAND. 169 1223. Council touching the land which Hugh de Lascy demands to have restored to him in Ireland, the K. offered to commit that land with its castles to the Earls of Chester, Salisbury, Gloucester, and to Walter de Lascy for 5 years from Easter last past, to be restored at the K.'s pleasure into the K.'s hands at the end of that term ; provided they submitted to be compelled by their lands and ecclesiastical jurisdiction to make this restoration ; but as they were unwilling to undertake such an obligation, nothing was done. Hugh, as the K. hears, is now plotting forcibly to invade the K.'s land of Ireland ; wherefore the K. commands the justiciary to pro- vide against Hugh's attack by fortifying with victuals and men the K.'s Irish castles. Sends the Pope's letters of excommunication against Hugh and his accomplices if they invade the K.'s land. The justiciary shall use those letters at the proper time, and prepare all things for the K.'s security and for Hugh's injury. Sends William de Serland with his companions for the custody of the castle of Carrickfergus and its wards. The justiciary shall provide William and his companions with men and victuals for the fortifi- cation of the castle as he may deem expedient. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 9.] June 4. 1111. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. Sends William de Serland with his associates ; grants to him, during pleasure, the custody of the castle of Carrickfergus. Man- date for livery of the castle. Westminster. [Pat., 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 3.] June 4. 1112. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. Has heard the record of the plaint between Geoffrey de Marisco and Eve, his wife, plaintiffs, and Reginald Talebot, defendant, touching 5 carucates of land in Dalkeia [Dalkey]. It is contained in this record that when Reginald had answered what was objected to him, he showed a charter of King John referring to that land, and by reason thereof prayed peace till the K.'s age. He also called the K. to warranty, and as he did not, as appeared to the court, have the K. to warranty, Geoffrey and Eve, his wife, by judgment of the court, recovered seisin of the land. A conference having been there- upon held between the magnates of the kingdom and legal experts, the sentence was that there is error in two respects ; 1st, because Reginald did not have peace till the K.'s age, which according to the custom of the realm he ought to have had by reason of the charter aforesaid ; 2ndly, because when any person impleaded in the K.'s court touching land has called to warranty, it is not in the power of the caller, nay of the court, that the person called to warranty should be summoned and compelled to appear to warrant, or to show why he ought not to do so. If therefore Reginald did not have the K. to warranty it ought not to have been reputed a default, as the K.'s court is not above the K. to summon or compel the K. unless he wills it ; wherefore there is error here also. The K. therefore com- mands the justiciary to reseise Reginald in the land, the seisin of Avhich he has lost by an unjust judgment. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 9.] 170 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1223. June 5. 1113. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and F. and W., chamber- lains, to pay to "William de Serland, going to Ireland as the K.'s messenger, 40 marks for the expenses of him and his companions ; and to Francis de Bresne going thither in the same capacity, 100s. for the same purpose, &c. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 9.] June 5. 1114. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. The threatened raids of foes" render it expedient to constitute as bailiffs in Ireland persons who can and will see to the safety of the land, and if need be vigorously attack the K.'s enemies. Wherefore, the K. commits during pleasure to Richard de Burgh the seneschal- ship of Munster, with the castle of Limerick ; that he may be the K.'s bailiff under the justiciary, and be intentive and respondent therefor to the latter. Mandate for livery of the seneschalship. Westminster. Mandate | accordingly to the knights and free tenants of the seneschalship of Munster. [Pat, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 8.] June 6. 1115. The K. commands the bailiffs of Bristol to cause William de Serland to have a ship at the K.'s expense to cross over into Ireland. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 9.] June 7. 1116. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and F. and W., chamber- lains, to pay to Geoffrey de Tureville, clerk, going as the K.'s messenger into Ireland, 3 marks for his expenses. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 9.] June 7. 1117. The K. commands the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Richard de Burgh to have seisin of all the lands which belonged to William his father in Ireland. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 9.] June 8. 1118. Mandate to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to abide by the advice of John Marshall in matters appertaining to the K., and to provide him with necessaries for 5 knights. West- minster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, 1, m. 8.] June 17. 1119. The K. commands the bailiffs of Bristol to cause Richard de Burgh, about to' cross overlto Ireland on the K.'s service, to have a ship at the K.'s expense. Woodstock. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 8.] June 2G. 1120. The K. notifies to the bailiffs of the Countess Augy de Hastings that Reginald de Berne vail is on the K.'s service in Ireland, so that he cannot join the K.'s army at Worcester. His absence shall not be set down as a default. Woodstock. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 7.] July 6. 1121. The K. commands the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to permit until further orders, John de St. John, Elect of Ferns, to hold in peace the manor of Newcastle de Leuan at the farm which he was previously wont to render therefor. Worcester. [Close, 7 Hen, III, p. 1, m. 7.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 171 1223. July 6. 1122. The K. relieves John de St. John, Elect of Ferns, from the trammels of the court and of the office of the Exchequer he has executed, that he may have freer access to the Sovereign Pontiff. Worcester. [Pat, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m . 3.] July 6. 1123. The K. commands the Archbishop of Dublin to respite, from Christmas last past until Michaelmas ensuing, the demand which he makes of Ralph Bluet for the farm of the vill of Uggare. Worces- ter. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 7.] 1124. The K. commits, during pleasure, to William de Serland, the custody of the seneschalship of Ulster, and commands the barons, knights, and free tenants of that province to be intentive and re- spondent to William as the K,'s seneschal. Gloucester [Pat 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 2.] 1125. The K. notifies to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, that he grants to William de Worcester, for his maintenance on the K.'s service until the K.'s age, a cantred of the land which Philip de Worcester, William's uncle, held on lease from King John, and which is in the K.'s hand ; with the vill of Kiltevenan. The cantred and vill shall be restored to the K. at his pleasure when he reaches his age. Mandate for seisin. Gloucester. [Close, 7 Hen. III. p. 1, m. 6.] 1126. Mandate to Thomas de Galweia [Galloway], Earl de Athel, that if in Ireland he carefully guard the castle of Antrum [Antrim] against the raids of Hugh de Lascy ; mandate if he is not in Ireland that he repair thither to guard the castle ; and if he does not do so, the K. commands the Archbishop of Dublin to take it into the K.'s hand and deliver it to William de Serland, seneschal of Ulster, to to be safely kept during pleasure to the K.'s use. Gloucester \Pat 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 3.] 1127. Mandate to Thomas de Galweia [Galloway], Earl of Athol, to deliver the castle of Antrum [Antrim] to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary, to whom the K. has committed the custody of it during pleasure. Gloucester. [Pat, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 2.] 1128. Mandate to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary, to de- liver to John de Tiwe the castle of Rath, the custody of which the K. commits during pleasure to John. Gloucester, [Pat 7 Hen. Ill, p.l,m. 3.] 1129. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. The good men of Dublin having complained that they suffered great loss and grievance by mills which the friars of Kilmainham erected to the nuisance of the city, and by a pool which they made across the Avenelif [Anna Liffey], the K. commanded Geoffrey de Marisco, then justiciary of Ireland, that he cause the mill and pools to be placed in the same state as they were in at the departure from that country of King John ; and that taking with him knights, free tenants, and others from Ireland, he cause the course of the river to be rectified, so that ships with merchandise might have free ingress to and egress from the city of Dublin, and fish might ascend to^and 172 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1223. descend from the city as they were wont to do. Geoffrey de Marisco not having performed the K.'s orders in this respect, the K. com- mands the Archbishop to do so. Tower of London. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5 dors.] 1130. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. Is informed by the good men of Dublin of some matters regarding the justiciary, which the K. is unwilling to believe, namely : — That the justiciary tries to make free from tolls and aids his men, who participate in the liberty enjoyed by the citizens of Dublin, and share in common with them the contract for things on sale ; his clerks resort to the ecclesiastical court touching lay fees which they bought within the bounds of the city ; if any of the clerk's men, even a servant, have an action against a citizen, the latter is dragged into that court, there to answer and abide the law ; if any of the justiciary's men, on the contrary, commit an offence against one of the citizens, that citizen is obliged to seek justice in the justiciary's court ; if a baker is attached for light bread, and is even convicted before the K.'s bailiffs, the justiciary thereupon has re- course to his court, and demands the transgressor from the bailiffs, dealing with him as he will ; the justiciary has erected a pillory in the K.'s highway, claiming for himself what belongs to the K. ; religious houses plead in the ecclesiastical court touching lands ; and the justiciary leaves unredressed the purpresture which religious houses make on the city of Dublin. These things are contrary to the K.'s right and dignity, and to the custom prevailing from olden time in all cities, vills, and places in the kingdom ; and are more grievous and offensive to the K., and more disparaging to the fame of the justiciary, because the K. has given the justiciary great power as the K.'s lieutenant in Ireland. The K. therefore com- mands the justiciary to refrain from these things ; otherwise he will lay heavy hands on them. Tower of London. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5 dors.] Aug. 12. 1131. The K. commands the Archbishop of Dublin to permit the Abbot and monks de Jugo Dei [ ] to convey into England or elsewhere 200 crannocks of wheat, and sell it for profit. Guild- ford. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 4.] Aug. 17. 1132. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. Having learnt that the Abbot of St. Thomas, Dublin, is so spent with age that he is no longer able to rule his church, and is about resigning, the K. commands the justiciary that, if this be so, he grant licence to the prior and canons to elect, and give the K.'s assent to the election, and seisin to the elect of all the lands, rents, and possessions belonging to the abbey. Winchester. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 4.] Aug. 19. 1133. The see of Cashel being vacant, owing to Donat Arch- bishop thereof having obtained from the Pope licence to resign, the K. grants to the chapter his licence to elect to that see a man suit- able to them and their church, faithful to the K., and useful to the kingdom. Winchester. [Pat., 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 2.] Aug. 8. RELATING TO IRELAND. 173 1134. The K. grants to Walter de Lascy that he receive, during pleasure, for his maintenance in the K.'s service, 40Z. yearly at the Exchequer, Dublin. Mandate to the Archbishop of Dublin to cause Walter to have this sum. Winchester. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 4.] Aug. 27. 1135. Protection for 2 years for the Abbot of St. Thomas, Dublin. Westminster. [Pat, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 1.] Sept. 12. 1136. The K. to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. Luke Archbishop of Armagh has informed the K. that during a late vacancy Geoffrey de Mariscis, then justiciary of Ire- land, who held the see in the K.'s hand, committed to William de Tuit, one of his knights, a carucate of demesne land of the see in Kylmon. The K. therefore commands the Archbishop of Dublin that, calling before him the Archbishop of Armagh or his bailiff and William de Tuit, he cause an inquisition to be held ; and if the] above facts are proved before it, that then he cause the carucate to be restored to the Archbishop of Armagh. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 2.] Sept. 18. 1137. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. Election having been made of Luke, as Archbishop of Armagh, and the royal assent granted, the K. commanded Geoffrey de Marisco, then justiciary of Ireland, to give him such seisin of the lands of the see as Eugenius, his predecessor, had when he started for the Court of Rome, on which journey he died. As Geoffrey did not carry the K.'s order into execution, the K. commands the Archbishop of Dublin to give this seisin to Luke. Protection for him and his men. Westminster. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 2.] Sept. 29. 1138. Stafford :— The Archbishop of Dublin owes 100 marks for William de Cusac. [Memoranda, L. T. R., 7 Hen. III., m. 9.] Oct. 14. 1139. Mandate to the Archbishop of Dublin to send to the K., in England, the son and heir of Richard Tirel, whom Richard delivered to the justiciary as a hostage for his good service and the safe custody of the castle of Knok. Kidderminster. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 1.] Oct. 1G. 1140. Grant to John Marshall, during pleasure, of custody of the bailiwick of Ulster, with the K/s castles therein. Mandate to persons in the bailiwick to be intentive and respondent to John. Evesham. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to deliver to John Marshall the said bailiwick, with the issues thereof and the castles of the country, he to answer therefor at the Exchequer, Dublin. [Pat, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 1.] Oct. 18. 1141. The K. notifies to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, that he grants to Thomas Fitz Adam, for 2 years from Christinas, a. r. 8 Henry III., the demesne lands which Thomas holds on lease for his maintenance, unless meanwhile some escheat CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1223. to the value of those lands be assigned to him. Mandate accord- ingly. Oxford. [Close, 7 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 1.] Oct. 18. 1142. Grant, during pleasure, to Thomas Fitz Adam, of the cus- tody of the castle of Athlone. Mandate to the justiciary to deliver the castle to Thomas. Oxford. [Pat, 7 Hen. III. p. 1, m. 1.] Nov. 6. 1143. The K. approves of the election of Master Griffin Chris- topher as Bishop of Lismore ; mandate to the' knights, free tenants, and others of the see, to be intentive and respondent to Master Griffin in all things appertaining to that see. Westminster. [Pat., 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 12.] Nov. 6. 1144. The K. gives the royal assent to the election made of Master Griffin Christopher as Bishop of Lismore. Mandate to the justiciary to cause the elect to have seisin of all the lands and pos- sessions belonging to the see. Westminster. [Close, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 18.] Nov. 8. 1145. Mandate to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to give seisin to the Prior of Rather [? Kather, Cahir], of the land of Rathomer', if it appears by the inquisition which the justiciary sent to the K., that Geoffrey de Camville bought that land from Thomas Fitz Maurice, and conferred it on the Prior in frankalmoign, as it is extended from the ford of Kilmelach to Glimecloch ; that the Prior was disseised thereof by William of Wigorn ; and that the right of the Prior is that which Geoffrey de Camville bought of Thomas Fitz Maurice, and conferred on the Prior. Westminster. [Close, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 18.] Nov. 1G. 1146. The K. notifies to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, that he retains Walter de Lascy on his service in England. Mandate to the justiciary to respite, till Easter, a. r. 8 Henry III., all pleas, except pleas of the Crown, moved against Walter in Ireland, after his last departure from that country. Gloucester. [Close, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 17.] Nov. 16. 1147. Mandate to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, that if it appears by inquisition that King John was not seised of the fee of Uhachath, in the port of Lismore, when he committed the custody of the country of Desmond to Thomas Fitz Anthony, and that Thomas disseised the Abbot and monks of Tewkesbury thereof, after he had undertaken the custody, that then the justiciary cause the Abbot and monks to have seisin of the fee. Gloucester. [Close, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 17.] Nov. 18. 1148. The K. to his Barons of the Exchequer. The Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, John de St. John, treasurer, Au- doenus Brun, chamberlain, and the barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, have notified that Roger de Tuit has paid at that Exchequer 20 marks, the amount of a fine made with King John for his release from prison. Mandate that the barons withdraw from the Rolls of the Exchequer the names of Roger and his sureties, and acquit them. Gloucester. [Close, 8 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 17.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 175 1149. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. It appeared by the justiciary's letters that Nicholas de la Feld sought by assise of Mort d 'ancestor before the K.'s justices, to recover against the Abbot and canons of St. Thomas, Dublin, 2 carucates of land in Kelredheri, but an objection of bastardy having been made against Nicholas, the proceedings were stayed in that court. Nicholas thereupon, by order of the justices, sought to establish his legi- timacy in the ecclesiastical court before the Archbishop, and pro- duced witnesses. After publication of proofs, the Archbishop was about to give sentence, when two minors, daughters of Richard de la Feld, father of Nicholas, appealed that the Archbishop should not proceed to sentence, because they would be thereby precluded from hereafter seeking the inheritance. Deferring the appeal, the Arch- bishop thereupon transmitted the cause to the Pope. The K. is much moved with wonder at this proceeding, because by the produc- tion of witnesses and the publication of proofs, there was ample evidence before the Archbishop as to the legitimacy of Nicholas. The minors were not parties to the assise, and the Archbishop erred in declining, as it were, the K.'s inquiry, and transferring to a foreign dignitary what ought to be determined by the K. Had Nicholas acquired possession of the land by the assise, the minors might still have claimed it by writ of right in the K.'s court. Wherefore by council of his magnates and subjects, the K. commands the Arch- bishop that, notwithstanding the appeal, he give sentence, and remit the plaintiff with letters testimonial to the justices, that they may in the plaint before them exhibit justice according to the law and custom of Ireland. [Close, 8 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 17 dors.] 1150. The K. notifies to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, that he has taken the homage of William Fitz Geoffrey de Marisco, and retains him of his household. Mandate to the justi- ciary to provide for his maintenance on the K.'s service until the K. shall do so. Tower of London. [Close, 8 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 17.] Dec. 12. 1151. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and F. and W., chamber- lains, for payment to Laurence, servant of Thomas Fitz Adam, going to Ireland as the K.'s messenger, of 2 marks for his expenses. Tower of London. [Close, 8 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 16.] Dec. 31. 1152. The K. notifies to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, that he retains William Fitz Geoffrey de Marisco of his household, and grants to him an annuity of 40 marks until the K. shall otherwise provide for him. Mandate for payment of the money. Northampton. [Close, 8 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 15.] 1223-1224. 1153. Stafford :— Ranulph Earl of Chester renders his account; to the Archbishop of Dublin in Penkridge, 50s. ; William Earl of Salisbury, John Bonet as custodee for him, ren- ders his account ; to the Archbishop of Dublin, in Penkridge, 71. 10s. for three fourths of a year ; Henry Archbishop of Dublin owes 100 marks for William de Cusac, for having a marriage and for his livery. [Pipe, 8 Hen. Ill, Rot. 2 dors.] 1223. Nov. 19. Nov. 29. 176 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1223-1224. Feb. 5. 1154. The K. commits, during pleasure, to Theobald Walter the custody of the castle of Roscrea, Theobald by his letters patent undertaking that the castle shall be restored whenever the K. or his heirs shall wish to have it back ; and William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, gives mainprise for the same. Mandate for livery of the castle. Westminster. [Pat., 8 Hen. III., p. 3, m. 10.] Feb. 0. 1155. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland that if the King of Connaught be willing to augment his service by 200 marks, and Richard cle Burgh place his charter of Connaught in safe custody as if in trust, then the justiciary shall cause Richard to have 250 marks a year for his maintenance during pleasure ; and if the King of Connaught be unwilling to augment his service, then the justiciary shall not assign the 250 marks a year to Richard de Burgh. Westminster. Mandate to Richard that the justiciary is so commanded. [Close, 8 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 12.] Feb. 10. 1156. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. It appears by the inquisition sent by the justiciary that William Fitz Henry held of Philip de Wigorn 10 carucates of land in Cnon- cowrth and Baliduvelin ; that William, under form of peace and against his will, Philip having inflicted some injury on him, granted to Philip 2 carucates of land in Cnoncowrth ; and that Philip un- justly disseised William of J carucate in Baliduvelin. As William granted to Philip as above the 2 carucates in Cnoncowrth, the K. is not advised by his Council that William have seisin thereof at present. But the Council decrees that William have seisin of the | carucate. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary. Westminster. [Close, 8 Hen, III., p. 1, m. 12.] Feb. 24. 1157. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. Having been requested by the good men of Dublin to give them aid in fortifying that city, the K. grants for this purpose 50 marks, which the justiciary shall cause them to have out of the moneys at the Exchequer, Dublin. Westminster. [Close, 8 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 11.] March 1. 1158. The K. commits to Roger Waspail the seneschalship of Ulster and the custody during pleasure of the castles of Carrickfergus and Rath. Mandate for livery of seisin to him. Mandate thereupon to the knights and free tenants, &c. of Ulster. [Pat, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 9.] March 1. 1159. The K. notifies to the sheriff of Sussex that Reginald de Bernevall is on his service in Ireland, and therefore directs the sheriff to respite for 1 year from Easter the demand against Regi- nald for 30 marks, and not to distrain him meanwhile to make suits of county and hundred courts. Marlborough. [Fine Rolls, 8 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 8.] March 1. 1160. Protection for 1 year for Reginald de Bernevall on the K.'s service in Ireland. Marlborough. [Pat, 8 Hen. III., p. 3, m. 10.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 177 March 2. March o. 1223-1224. March 2. 1161. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to deliver to Duncan de Kerric the portion which remains to be delivered of the land given to him by King John in Ireland, unless this portion shall have been conferred on another person by order of King John or of the K. Marlborough. [Close, 8 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 11.] 1162. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause the ransom of John de Tiwe, taken prisoner in the K.'s service in Ireland, to be acquitted, and to provide for his maintenance with, one of the K.'s escheats. Devizes. [Close, 8 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 9.] 1163. Grant to the citizens of Waterford of customs to enable them to inclose the K.'s town of Waterford, as follows : — For every hogshead of wine coming to the city for sale, 3d. ; From the merchant who buys the wine, 2d. ; For the ship's freight, Id. ; Every hogshead of honey coming to the city for sale, 5d. ; From the merchant buying the honey, 4d ; The ship's freight, Id ; For every sack of wool exported, 4d ; Every dicker of hides, %d. ; Every 100 ells of cloth, 3d. ; A weigh [pisa] of iron, 3d. This grant to last for 4 years from the feast of John the Baptist [24 June]. Bristol. [Pat, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 9.] 1164. Protection for Kathel King of Connaught ; to endure so long as the King of Connaught shall faithfully serve the K. Bristol. [Pat, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 9.] 1165. Protection for 1 year for Roger Waspail, on the K.'s service in Ireland. Bristol [Pat, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 10.] 1166. The K: commands the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to take into the K.'s hand 2 carucates of land, which the Abbot of St. Thomas, Dublin, holds in Kilrecheri, which belonged to Richard de la Feld, and whereof Nicholas his son brought a writ of Mort d'ancestor in the K.'s court, Dublin. An allegation of bas- tardy haying been objected to Nicholas, mandate that the Archbishop hold an inquisition in the ecclesiastical court as to whether Nicholas is or is not a bastard. The justiciary shall keep the land in custody till further orders. Bristol. [Close, 8 Hen. IIP, p: 1, m. 11.] 1167. The K. notifies to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, that he commits to Roger Waspail the seneschalship of Ulster, with the castles of Carrickfergus and Rath ; and grants him, during pleasure, 201. a year for his maintenance. Mandate accord- ingly. If the 201: do not suffice for Roger's maintenance, and the custody of the castles, the justiciary shall, at his discretion, compe- tently provide for those objects. Bristol. [Close, 8 Hen. IIP, p. 1, m. 11.] March 12. 1168. The K. commands the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Reginald Talbot to have seisin of his land of i. M March 5. March 7. March 10. March 11. 178 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1223-1224. Dalkey, as given to him by judgment of the K.'s court, and by the K.'s order. Bristol. [Close, 8 Hen. Ill;, p. 1, m. 11.] March 12. 1169. Nicholas Fitz Richard de la Feld offers to the K. 60 marks to have the land which Richard held of the K. in the vill of Chapel Ysold and Kilselhan, to hold of the K. at 201. a year. Mandate to the justiciary to inquire how much land Richard held in capite in those vills; how much the land is worth yearly; and whether Richard held that land on lease from King John, or by gift. The justiciary shall send the inquisition to the K., and signify his coun- sel whether it is expedient that the land be let to Nicholas. Bristol. [Close, 8 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 10.] March 21. 1170. Protection for 1 year for Brothers Vincent and Constan- tine, Cistercian monks, sent to Ireland for affairs of their church. Reading. [Pat, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 9.] 1224. 1171. The K. commits to Theobald Walter the custody of the March 27. castle of Roscrea ; to be restored at pleasure. Mandate to the jus- ticiary for livery of the castle. Westminster. [Pat., 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 9.] March 29. 1172. The K. commits to Walter de Lascy the custody of the castles of Rattoure and Nober ; the castles to be restored at pleasure. Westminster. [Pat, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 9.] March 30. 1173. The K. commits during pleasure to Richard de Tuit the custody of the castle of Clunmakenois ; Richard to receive at the Exchequer, Dublin, 201. a year for the custody. Mandate to Henry Archbishop of Dublin to deliver the castle and pay the money to Richard, taking from him surety for faithful service. Westminster. [Pat, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 9.] [About 1174. K[athal], King of Connaught, to the K. Hugh de Lascy, March ?] enemy of the K., of the K.'s father, and of Kathal, whom King John by Kathal's advice expelled from Ireland, has without consulting the K. come to that country to disturb it. Against Hugh's coming, Kathal remains, as the Archbishop of Dublin knows, firm in his fidelity to the K. But the closer Kathal adheres to the K.'s service, the more he is harassed by those who pretend fealty to the K., and, as the justiciary knows, shamefully fail against his enemy ; so that between Hugh de Lascy on the one hand, and those who pretend to be faithful on the other, Kathal is placed in great difficulty. Where- fore, unless it is better that the peace of Ireland should be subverted by this disturber and by default of some of the K.'s subjects, Kathal prays the K. to send a force thither to restrain Hugh's insolence. [Treasury of Receipt, Miscell., -f-f> No. 16.] March 30. 1175. Mandate to the Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, to respite so long as the war in Ireland, brought against the K. by Hugh de Lascy and the men of Meath, shall last, the plaints touch- ing lands in Ireland between Hugh Cheinel and Haket de Nugent, plaintiffs, and Walter de Lascy, defendant. Westminster. [Close, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 9.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 179 1224. March 30. 1176. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Walter de Lascy to have the hall, houses, and chambers in the castle of Trum [Trim], in which he and his retinue may dwell while he is fighting the enemies of the K. and of himself. Westminster. [Close, 8 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 9.] March 30. 1177. Mandate to the sheriff of Hereford to cause the demesne lands of Walter de Lascy, in his bailiwick, to be quit of suits of counties and hundreds so long as Walter shall be on the K.'s service in Ireland for the war brought against the K. by Hugh de Lascy and the men of Meath. Westminster. Similar letters to the sheriff of Salop. [Close, 8 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 9.] March 30. 1178. The K. commits during pleasure to Richard de Tuit the custody of the castle of Clummakeneis [Clonmacnoise]. Richard shall receive for the custody an annuity of 201. at the Exchequer, Dublin. Westminster. [Close, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 9.] [About 1179. Joan, Queen of Scotland, to the K. Had joyfully received March ?] his letters, but was grieved to hear of the trouble whieh Hugh de Lascy had caused to the K. and to his subjects in Ireland ; the war will soon be brought to an end. The King of Scotland had told her that he did not wish any of his soldiers to go from Scotland to Ire- land to injure the K. ; and any who did so should be punished. The King of Norway will go to Ireland in the approaching summer to aid Hugh. [Royal Letters, No. 850.] [In or 1180. Agreement made between the K. and Walter de Lascy, about touching the service of the latter and the transgressions of his men March.] of Meath in harbouring Hugh de Lascy in Ireland, pillaging and burning the K.'s land, killing and holding his men to ransom ; namely : — Walter delivers to the K. his castle of Ludlow in England, and his castle of Trum [Trim] in Ireland, to hold for 2 years from the ensuing Easter ; Walter shall go to Ireland, and with the K.'s force fight the men who have done those deeds ; the K. shall for a year and a day hold in his hand their funds when seized ; and afterwards it shall be done to Walter as the K.'s court shall decide ; Walter shall have free access into and egress from the castle of Trim, and refuge in it for his force when fighting the K.'s enemies ; if it chance that the K. die during the foregoing 2 years, Walter shall nevertheless have his castles at the end of that term ; and if Walter die, his heirs shall have them. Witnesses, the Archbishop of Canter- bury, Eustace Bishop of London, Joceline Bishop of Bath, Richard Bishop of Salisbury, John Bishop of Ely, and Benedict Bishop of Worcester, Hubert de Burgh, justiciary of England, William Earl of Salisbury, William Earl Marshall. [Pat, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 9 dors.] April 1. 1181. The K. to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ire- land. Has been informed that the last extent of his demesne land of Obrun is such that his tenants cannot abide by it without loss and grievance, so that they will be obliged to leave the land and m 2 180 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1224. beg. Mandate to the justiciary to cause this extent to be rectified, and then to deliver the land to Geoffrey de Tureville, the K.'s clerk, to whom the K. grants it according to the new extent for 4 years. Geoffrey shall answer therefor at the Exchequer, Dublin. Waltham. [Close, 8 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 9, and Royal Letters, No. 199.] April 2. 1182. The K. to Henry Bishop of Emly. Mandate that he deliver to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, justiciary, the arch- bishopric of Cashel ; that the Archbishop, by view of the Bishop of Emly and of John Bishop of Ferns, receive all issues of the see from the time of its vacancy, which the K. grants to the Archbishop in part payment of 500 marks due to him by King John for a loan ; and that the Bishop of Emly cause all issues received by him during the vacancy to be scheduled so that the K. may know how much he has received. Mandate to the Archbishop to receive the see. Waltham. [Pat, 8 Hen. III., p. 3, m. 9.] [April or 1183. Henry Archbishop of Dublin to the K. K[athal] King of May ?] Connaught, and his son, the K.'s faithful subjects, who have loyally assisted the Archbishop and obeyed the K.'s mandates, send the bearers of these presents, their messengers, to the K. If it please the K. to receive them they will expound matters to the honour and profit of the K. [Treasury of Receipt, Miscell., No. 5.] [April or 1184. K[athal] to the K. The K. must be aware how faithful he May ?] has been to King John, and after his death to the K. himself ; as long as he lives he shall never be wanting in that fidelity. Cathal has a charter from King John touching Connaught, granted to him and to his heirs, and to Od [Aedth] his son and heir ; prays that the K. will grant a charter to his son in fee touching that land ; Cathal, his son, and Cathal's people will thereby become more de- voted to the K.'s service. Further prays that the K. will deliver to his son Ubrim, Conmacin, and Caled in Connaught, detained by Wil- liam de Lascy, Cathal's enemy, and kinsman of the K.'s enemy ; and that he will give credit and reply to what S. and F., his messengers, shall communicate on his behalf. [Treasury of Receipt, Miscell., ff> No. 2.] May 2. 1185. The K. commits during pleasure to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, as justiciary, the custody of his land of Ireland, with its castles. Mandate to Henry Archbishop of Dublin to cause William Marshall to have the office of justiciary of Ireland, with the castles. Westminster. Mandate to the men of Dublin, Cashel, Waterford, Limerick, Cork, Droghecla, Louth, and of the other cities and vills of Ireland, to be intentive and respondent to the Earl as justiciary. A similar mandate to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, knights, free tenants, and all throughout Ireland. [Pat, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 8.] May 2. 1186. The K. gives power to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, to receive into the K.'s peace all those who will come to it within 40 days after his arrival in Ireland, excepting Hugh de Lascy and RELATING TO IRELAND. 181 1224. the other rebels to the K. who had given charters that they should lose their lands if they receded from the K.'s service. From those who come to the K.'s peace the Earl shall take ample amends for having gone against the K. in the war, and also good security for faithful service. The Earl may give to the adherents of the K. and himself the lands of those who will not come to the K.'s peace, to hold during pleasure. Westminster. [Pat, 8 Hen. III., p. 3, m. 8.] May 2. 1187. Power to William Marshall Earl of Pembroke, justiciary of Ireland, to take sureties for faithful service from all those of the K.'s adherents in the war against Hugh de Lascy in whom he does not confide. Westminster. [Pat, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 8.] May 2. 1188. Licence to those who hold of the K. and are in the retinue of William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, to cross over with him into Ireland on the K.'s service ; provided they return at the K.'s plea- sure. [Pat, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 8.] May 2. 1189. Grant to all those who have crossed into Ireland in the K.'s service with William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, justiciary, that they be not impleaded in England during their absence while the war between the K. and Hugh de Lascy shall continue. [Pat, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 8.] May 11. 1190. Protection until ensuing Christmas for Ralph de Ralegh', with Earl Marshall on the K.'s service in Ireland. Westminster. [Pat, 8 Hen: III, p. 3, m. 8.] May 24. 1191. Protection for Walter de Lascy so long as he shall be on the K.'s service in Ireland. Westminster. [Pat, 8 Hen. III., p. 3, m. 8.] May 24. 1192. Mandate to the bailiffs of Sandwich to allow the ship of Stephen de Bleden, merchant, of Dublin, freely to depart if she cannot carry 10 horses. Westminster. [Close, 8 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 4.] May 26. 1193. Protection until Christmas for Gilbert de Turbervill', Robert Marmiun, Bartholomew de Crek, Geoffrey Martel, Richard Joscelin', Robert de Vallibus, John de Erelegh, and Robert de Hereford, gone to Ireland with Earl Marshall by the K.'s order. Westminster. [Pat, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 8.] June 2. 1194. Protection until Easter for William Earl Marshall. Win- chester. [Pat, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 7.] June 14. 1195. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause 0[ethus] [Aedh], son of the King of Connaught, to have for his maintenance on the K.'s service seisin of the lands of Obrun, Commacin, and Caled, which William cle Lascy, the K.'s enemy, held in Ireland. Wallingford. [Close, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 3.] June 15. 1196. Safe conduct along the coasts of England and Ireland for the ship in which William of Dublin conveys timber for the fabric 182 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1224. of the church of Salisbury, and for William himself, the captain, and his sailors. [Pat, 8 Hen. III., p. 3. m. 7.] June 15. 1197. Protection until Christmas for William de Sifrewast, gone to Ireland with William Marshall. [Pat, 8 Hen. III., p. 3, m. 7.] June 16. 1198. The K. notifies to the justiciary of Ireland that Rotheric le Waleys has made a fine of 10 marks for his relief, and rendered homage and fealty for 10 carucates of land held in capite in Cloke- ran and Balibron, which Kenewrek his brother, deceased, also held in capite, and which descend to Rotheric by hereditary right. Mandate to the justiciary that, accepting security for the 10 marks from Rotheric, he give him seisin of the 10 carucates. Brill. [Close, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 3.] [June 20.] 1199. Bull of Pope Honorius [III.], directed to Henry King of the English. John, the priest, who has caused himself to be conse- crated as Bishop of Ardfert, having failed to come to the Pope's presence to answer Gilbert Bishop of that see, the Pope has directed the Archbishop of Dublin to cause John to resign, to put Gilbert in possession of the see, and then to hear John's objections. The Pope prays the K. not to impede Gilbert, or suffer his subjects to impede him, in possessing the bishopric according to the Pope's mandate. Lateran, 12th of the calends of July, in the 8th year of the Pope's pontificate. [Papal Bulls, Honorius III] Aug. 4. 1200. The K. to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, justiciary of Ireland. King John, by his charter, conferred on Duncan de Carrie, land in Ulster called Balgeithelauh ; Hugh de Lascy dis- seised him of that land, and conferred it on another. Mandate that the justiciary inquire who holds the land, and by what services ; if the holder has no sufficient warrant, the justiciary shall take the land into the K.'s hand and commit it to Duncan to hold during pleasure. The justiciary shall also certify to the K. the inquisition held thereupon. Bedford. [Close, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 8, and p. 3, m. 8.] [Soon after 1201. Duncan de Carrie to King Henry III. Thanks the K. for Aug. 4.] the mandate directed to the justiciary of Ireland restoring Duncan's land. The mandate not having been executed, prays that the justiciary may be commanded in stronger terms to restore that land. [Eoyal Letters, No. 88.] [About 1202. William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, to the K. Had Aug. 4.] received the K.'s letters at Trum, on Sunday after the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula [Aug. 4], Rejoices to hear of the prosperity of the K. and of England. The castle of Rath is a competent one, and is situated near Dublin ; before receiving the K.'s order he had caused the castle to be retaken into the K.'s hand. [Royal Letters, No. 832.] Aug. 5. 1203. William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, to the K. Landed at Waterford on Wednesday next before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist [June 19], and proceeded to Dublin, where, according to the K.'s letters, he received from the Archbishop of that see the RELATING TO IRELAND. 183 1224. office of justiciary, Thence he rode to the castle of Trum, where he found some knights and others not assigned for its custody ; he shut them up in the castle and besieged it with William de Lascy, its lord. On hearing of the Earl's arrival, the K.'s Irish barons, with the King of Connaught in partibus Mauthie [Meath ?], held a confer- ence, came over to the Earl, and the barons rendered their service. The latter will render material service in the war, and more espe- cially Sir Geoffrey de Marisco, who by no means favours Hugh de Lascy. The K. would do well to commend Geoffrey and the other Irish barons in his letters. The K.'s citizens of Ireland are prompt in the K.'s service, and they also deserve commendation. Arrived at Trum, the Earl despatched Sir W. le Gros, his eldest cousin, with 20 armed knights and 20 armed soldiers to Carrickfergus [Cnocfergus], in Ulster, where they found Hugh de Lascy besieging the castle. The latter sent 8 boats with armed men to harass them ; but the knights and soldiers all safely entered the castle. When Hugh saw this he raised the siege and retired. The Earl remaining at Trum, sent a force of horse against William de Lascy conquered him, and he with difficulty escaped. He had a brother killed there. William killed his horse with his own hand, aban- doned his arms, fled into a moor, and was obliged to throw himself on the mercy of the Irish. The Earl's force took a great booty, which was of much service to the army, and returned by a castle of Michael le Gros, burning it, but saving what was there. Owing to William's defeat the castle was abandoned. The same day an Irishman named O'Reilly [Orauly], powerful in his country, who had come to the K.'s peace after the Earl had received the office of justiciary, rode over to a castle called Cronoc [Cronog] Orauly ; sat down in an island and besieged the castle, praying succour of the Earl. The latter sent knights and soldiers to him, who took the castle. In it were the wife of William de Lascy, the daughter of Llewellyn, Griffin's sister, the wife of Thomas Blund, William's brother, and the mother of William, of Thomas, and of him who was killed. Of these the wives of William de Lascy and Thomas Blund are in custody ; and within 15 days after these letters shall have gone, the mother of William, of Thomas, and of him who was killed will be prisoners, unless her nephew, the King of Connaught, return to the K.'s peace through her. The Earl's knights besieged the castle of Kilmore and found there Sir Henry Blund, William's brother, the constable, and other knights and soldiers. These surrendered the castle, saving their persons and harness, on condition of finding sureties for their faithful service. On Wednesday, in the vigil of St. Peter ad Vincula [July 31], the castle of Trum [?] was granted on condition that they should give sureties for surrendering the castle on Sunday next after the feast of St. Lawrence [Aug. 11]. On the latter day 7 weeks shall have elapsed since the castle was besieged. On each day of the siege the Earl paid 161., excepting expenses and the pay of foot soldiers. The lands of those within [the castle] are worth little except that of William [Sanc]medle, which he has by his wife. Since he has been in Ireland the Earl has only received 201. to this date. Many knights, foot soldiers, and even free tenants, will defend CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1224. the K. if any fresh attack be made on him. [Royal Letters, No. 833.] [Aug. 5 ?] 1204. When the bearer of these presents was about to depart, our messenger reported to us that on Sunday before the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula [July 28], the castle of William de Lascy, called Grennoch Oraely, was taken by ORaelly, and Walter de Ridelesford and Richard de Tuit sent to his assistance. In the castle they took William's mother and wife, Luke, brother of Michael Grossus, and many others. On Monday the castle of Kilmor was taken, and in it were taken Henry Blundus, the brother of William de Lascy, and a clerk called Hugh. William de Lascy's brother was killed, and his head presented to Earl Marshall. [Indorsed.] The castle of Rathune, the castle of Walter Sancmell, the castle of Rathfay, the castle of William Fitz John, and the castle of Rathor, were taken before the arrival of Earl Marshall. [Royal Letters, No. 319.] [Soon after 1205. John Marshall to Hubert de Burgh, justiciary of England. Aug. 11.] Roger de Cruus, the bearer, faithfully served the K. in Ireland ; having been disinherited he prosecuted his plea in that country for 9 years, but has not obtained justice. Prays the justiciary to order justice to be exhibited to him. The castle of Trum was, after a siege of five weeks, to have been surrendered on Sunday next after the feast of St. Lawrence [Aug. 11]. Remains in Ireland on the K.'s service at his own expense ; has received nothing from his lands in England, and but little from his land in Ireland. Prays that Hubert will cause the justiciary of Ireland to provide for him, or that the K. will grant him licence to return to England. [Royal Letters, No. 831.] Aug. 25. 1206. The K. gives the royal assent to the election made of Maurice Bishop of Cork, as Archbishop of Cashel. Mandate to William Earl Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Maurice to have seisin of all the lands and possessions belonging to the arch- bishopric. London. [Close, 8 Hen. J/J., p. 2, m. 6, and p. 3, m. 7.] 1207. The K. gives the royal assent to the election of Florence, late Archdeacon Beleghatensis [of Belaghathe] as Bishop Cloenensis [of Cloyne]. Mandate to the Elect of Cashel to do what is his in this matter. London. [Pat, 8 Hen. III., p. 3, m. 4.] ( 1208. The K. notifies to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, justiciary of Ireland, that he gives the royal assent to the election made of Florence, late Archdeacon of Beleghath, as Bishop Clonensis [of Cloyne]. London. [Close, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 6, and p. 3, m. 7.] Aug. 25. 1209. The K., on the Pope's petition, gives the royal assent to the election of Maurice Bishop of Cork as Archbishop of Cashel. Mandate accordingly. London. [Pat, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 4.] Aug, 25. 1210. The K. to William Earl Marshall, justiciary of Ireland. Nicholas de Verdun represents that his lands in Ireland are laid waste by Hugh de Lascy's war against the K., and he demands com- pensation out of the lands of the K.'s enemies, which are of his fee Aug. 25. Aug. 25. RELATING TO IRELAND. 185 1224. without Meath, and out of lands of the fees of other persons within Meath. Mandate that, estimating the damage which Nicholas has suffered in the K.'s service by his lands being laid waste and burned, the justiciary provide him with compensation as above. London. [Close, 8 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 6, and p. 3, m. 6.] Aug. 29. 1211. The K. gives the royal assent to the election of Master Deodatus, as Bishop of Meath. Mandate to Luke Archbishop of Armagh to do what is his in this matter. London. Mandate to the knights, free and other tenants of the see, to be intentive and respondent to Deodatus. [Pat, 8 Hen. III., p. 3, m. 4.] Aug. 29. 1212. The K. to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, justiciary of Ireland. Although the election of Master Deodatus, the justiciary's clerk, as Bishop of Meath, has not been duly made, the K.'s licence to elect not having been demanded according to the custom of Ire- land and England, yet as the justiciary has given assent, the K., out of love for the justiciary, also gives his assent for this once to the election. Mandate for seisin to the elect. London. [Close, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 2, on. 6, and p. 3, m. 6.] Sept. 6. 1213. Mandate to the sheriff of Essex, to respite till further orders the demand against the land of John de Tiwe, who is in Ireland by the K.'s order, and holds of the fee of Robert Fitz Walter. [Fine Bolls, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 2.] Sept. 7. 1214. The K. commands William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, that if he has disseised J ohn Bishop of Ferns of the manor of New- castle de Leuan, which the Bishop held on lease at 40£. a year, he cause the Bishop to have 40 marks a year at the Exchequer, Dublin, Westminster. [Close, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 5, and p. 3, m. 5.] SeptMO. 1215. The K. ratifies the collation made by Henry Archbishop of Dublin, of Geoffrey de St. John, clerk of John Bishop of Ferns, to the church of St. Nicholas of Carrickfergus. London. [Pat, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 3.] Sept. 10. 1216. The K. commits during pleasure to Richard de Burgh, the seneschalship of Munster, with the castle of Limerick ; Richard to answer therefor to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, as the K.'s justiciary. Mandate to the Earl for livery of the castle accordingly. London. Mandate thereupon to the knights and free tenants of the senes- chalship. [Pat, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m; 3.] Sept. 15. 1217. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin. On the Pope's petition to the K. in favour of Gilbert Bishop of Ardfert, the K. thinks that Gilbert ought to be held recommended for the bishop- ric, and prays the Archbishop accordingly. Woodstock. [Close, 8 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 5 dors., and p. 3, m. 5 dors.] [About Oct. 1218. [? Alan, son of] Roland [de Galloway], constable of Scot- or Nov.] land, to the K., relative to his expedition into Ireland, and the conclusion of peace between Lord William Marshall and Hugh de 186 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1224. Lacy. Begs that the K. will grant confirmation of the lands given to himself and his brother, the Earl of Athol, by King John. [Royal Letters, No. 822. Decayed.'] [About Oct. 1219. Thomas de Galweia [Galloway], Earl of Athol, to R. [ ] or Nov.] Bishop of Chichester. Peace had been concluded between William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, and Hugh de Lacy, and the latter had been brought under safe conduct to the K. His and his brother's lands and a castle in Ulster. [Royal Letters, No. 823. Decayed.'] Oct. 15. 1220. Mandate to the Barons of the Exchequer to respite till Easter, a. r. 9, the demand against Theobald Walter, for scutage for King John's last journey to Poitou, and the K.'s scutage. Walter is in Ireland with Earl William Marshall, on the K.'s service, by the K.'s order. Westminster. [Fine Rolls, 8 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 1.] Oct. 24. 1221. The K. notifies to William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, that he grants to the Prior of St. Edmund of Atishull [Athassel], that until the K.'s age he have a yearly fair at his manor of Atishull [Athassel], on the morrow of Pentecost and the 7 following days. Man- date to the justiciary to cause the fair to be proclaimed and held. Westminster. [Close, 8 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 1, and p. 3, m. 1.] Oct. 24. 1222. The K. commands William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, to cause the Prior of Kather to have seisin of the land of Rathemer, if it appears by the inquisition held by Henry Archbishop of Dublin, when justiciary of Ireland, that Geoffrey de Camville bought that land of Thomas Fitz Maurice ; conferred it in frankalmoign on the Prior, as it is extended from the ford of Kilmelach to Glunelech ; that the Prior was seised thereof until William of Wigorn dis- seised him, and that the right of the Prior is that which Geoffrey de Camville bought of Thomas Fitz Maurice and conferred on the Prior. Westminster. [Close, 8 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 1, and p. 3, m. 1.] Oct. 25. 1223. Letters of protection for Thomas de Regny so long as he shall be in Ireland. Westminster. [Pat., 8 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 2.] Nov. 8. 1224. The K. to Geoffrey de Mariscis. Thanks him for his good and faithful service at all times, but especially after Earl William Marshall went into Ireland. Having called the Earl into England, the K. prays Geoffrey, that during the Earl's absence, he attend in place of the latter to the K.'s affairs, and the maintenance of peace in Ireland. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 19 dors.] [In or about 1225. Reginald Bishop of Connor to the K. The House of St. 1224.] g Mary of Carrickfergus, endowed by John de Courcy to the use of the canons of the Premonstratentian order, is by extortion and malice reduced to such poverty that it can now with difficulty maintain 3 canons. Audoenus Bruis, clerk, abusing the kingly dignity, has taken violent possession of the church of St. Nicholas of Carrick- fergus, and other churches conferred on the canons by the said John, and confirmed by the Pope, the Metropolitan, and the Bishop ; and the canons will be deprived of their right unless the K. takes pity on them. Wherefore the Bishop implores the K. to cause what RELATING TO IRELAND. 187 1224. has been subtracted to be restored. The K.'s enemies had despoiled the Abbot of all the moveables of his house, because he had faith- fully adhered to the K. in the war, and placed such stores as he could in the castle of Carrickfergus. [Royal Letters, No. 799.] [About 1226. Henry Archbishop of Dublin to the K. Believes that the 1224.] K. has heard of the fidelity and devotion of Sir J. de Tiwe, knight, who was taken prisoner by Hugh de Lascy, had his esquire and cousin killed, and lost his horses, arms, and all he had. Having been at length liberated, the Archbishop is anxious to confer on him in compensation of his losses the custody, as it were, of a parcel of land called Risse, formerly belonging to Ralph Bloet. Prays the K. to forward the promotion of Sir J. [Royal Letters, No. 803.] [In or about 1227. Inventory of the K.'s stores found in the castles of Athlone, 1224 ?] Limerick, and Dublin: — In the castle of Athlone, 4 coats of mail, two with and two with- out head pieces [coiphse] ; 9 iron hats [capelli ferrei] ; 1 helmet ; 2 mangonels, with 120 strings and slings ; 1 cable ; 1 crossbow with a wheel [balissa ad troil] ; 2,000 bolts ; 1 small brazen pot ; 2 pairs firgiorwm ; 5 broken tuns; 5 basins; 4 broken tubs; 2 anchors; ironwork of 2 mills ; 1 chasuble ; 1 consecrated altar ; 1 figured cloth [pannus inscisus], to put before the altar. In the castle of Limerick there were found [articles] worth scarcely 18c?. ; as broken dishes. In the castle of Dublin, 2 mangonels ; 1 crossbow with a wheel ; a tent, and 1 [crossbow] for the foot; 4,500 bolts; 6 boards with tressels ; 1 great chest in the chamber, another in the chamber beyond the sheriff's chamber, and another in the alms hall ; 1 horse mill with harness, without horses. In the workshop, 3 great hammers ; 2 pairs of pincers ; 1 anvil. At the pantry, 2 pairs of ? gridirons ; 1 pair of fetters, 1 pair of rings ; 1 great chain to guard the prisoners, and another for the bridge Turniz [ad pontem Turniz]. In the kitchen, 1 cauldron ; 2 platters ; 1 foot stool [b'radil] ; 1 tripod ; 1 axe to cut wood with ; 100 dishes. In the butlery, 5 cups ; 5 pitchers ; 1 new rope for the well ; and a tun for arms . . . Sureties — The brothers of William de Lascy, Nicholas Fitz Leo. Pledges for Hugh de Lascy touching the truce [Royal Letters, No. 839. Partly decayed.] [In or about 1228. William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, to the K. Thomas 1224.] Brun, who sided with Hugh de Lascy against the K., being deceased, and 5 carucates of his land which is of the tenement of Walter de Lascy being retained in the K.'s hand, the Earl prays the K. to restore his land to Walter. [Royal Letters, No. 623.] [In or about 1229. Walter de Lascy to Richard Bishop of Durham. Prays 1224 ?] that the latter will give credence to what P. de Aveill, the bearer, shall tell him on Walter's behalf, and that he will be pleased to assemble the Lord Legate and other magnates of the K.'s Council touching his affairs in Ireland, the justiciary of that country being at present in England. [Royal Letters, No. 830.] 188 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1224-1225. 1230. Warwick and Leicester : — Hugh de Neoville renders his account of 2U. 15s. O^d. for wool and hides from Ireland. [Pipe, 9 Hen. III., Hot. 8 dors.] [1224- 1231. Thomas Fitz Adam to R. Bishop of Chichester, concerning June 1226.] the delivery of the castle of Trum, Ireland, to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke. [Royal Letters, No. 824. Partly defaced] Jan. 25. 1232. Mandate to Earl William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, or his bailiff in that country, to cause 200 ashen oars to be made, 12, 13, and 14 ells in length, and sent to Winchelsea. The justiciary shall also send to the K., 2 good shiploads of boards for making galleys and long vessels. Robertsbridge. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 13] Jan. 30. 1238. Royal assent to the election made of M. Bishop of Cork as Archbishop of Cashel, which the Pope has confirmed. Man- date to the justiciary of Ireland to cause the Archbishop to have seisin of the lands and possessions belonging to the see. West- minster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 13.] Jan. 30. 1234. The K. commands the knights free and other tenants of the see of Cashel that in all things touching the see they be in- tentive and respondent to M. Archbishop of Cashel. [Pat, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 7.] Feb. 3. 1235. The K. commits during pleasure to M. Archbishop of Cashel, the custody of the vacant see of Cloyne, to answer at the K.'s mandate for its issues. Mandate to the justiciary to cause the Archbishop to have seisin thereof. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 13.] Feb. 3. 1236. Royal assent to the election made of Florence, late Arch- deacon of Belaghathe [Belaghadensis] as Bishop of Cloyne [Cloenensis]. Mandate thereupon to the knights and free tenants of the see. [Pat, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 7.] Feb. 5. 1237. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause to be re- stored to the Archbishop of Cashel the chattels which the justiciary's bailiffs took from the see and from the lands of his clerks, after the K. had ordered seisin to be given to him, and the Archbishop had started for the Court of Rome. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 13.] Feb. 18. 1238. Protection till Easter for Walter de Lascy. Westminster. [Pat, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 7.] Feb. 23. 1239. Ireland :— The K. commands Earl William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, to let go in peace, notwithstanding the claim of Ellen, formerly wife of Ralph, the clerk, the ship which Richard de Caune, servant of Gilbert Livet, citizen of Dublin, obtained possession of in the land of the Earl of Britany, after the capture of La Rochelle. It is not just that Richard should lose a ship which he acquired in the land of the K.'s enemy because Ellen subsequently lost a ship there. The justiciary shall take security from Gilbert that he will RELATING TO IRELAND. 189 1224-1225. enter the ship in the K.'s service. The New Temple, London. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 10.] March 12. 1240. Mandate to William Earl Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Reginald King of the Isles to have the revenue due to him during the justiciary's time, according to the K.'s mandate to the Archbishop of Dublin, and to Geoffrey de Mariscis, when they were justiciaries. Winchester. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 8.] [1225. 1241. Protection for 4 years for the preachers of the fabric of the April 3.] church of St. Patrick, Dublin, going through Ireland to beg alms for that fabric. Windsor. [Pat, 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5.] April 3. 1242. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to respite, till the re- turn to that country of Henry '(Archbishop of Dublin, the plaint between Milo Brito, plaintiff, and the same Archbishop, deforciant, touching the advowson of the church of Ratfernan. Windsor. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 7.] April 3. 1243. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to respite, till the re- turn to that country of Henry Archbishop of Dublin, the plaint between Milo Brito, plaintiff, and the same Archbishop, deforciant, touching the advowson of the chapel of Dumavet. Windsor. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 17.] April 11. 1244. Protection for 2 years for the Abbot and monks of Melli- font, Ireland. Westminster. [Pat., 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 5.] April 11. 1245. Mandate to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, to make such restitution to the house of Mellifont for the 600 cows and 40 marks he had taken from it to maintain the war against Hugh de Lascy as may save the K. from sin and the house from loss. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 6.] April 13. 1246. Protection for Robert de Vallibus so long as he shall be on the K.'s service in Ireland. [Pat, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 5.] April 14. 1247. Mandate to Earl Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, to permit Alan de Galweya [Galloway] to fortify and fence the land which he has of the gift of King John in Ireland Protection for him. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 6.] April 15. 1248. Mandate to the justiciary of ^Ireland in favour of Alan de Galloway, similar to that of April 14 in this year. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 5, and p. 2, m. 17.] April 15. 1249. Protection for 2 years for the Prior and Canons of Muke- mor' [Muckamore], Ireland. Westminster. [Pat, 9 Hen. III., p. \, m. 5.] April 15. 1250. Mandate to Earl William Marshall to cause Luke Arch- bishop of Armagh to have seisin of all the lands of the see whereof Eugenius, his predecessor, was seised at his death. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5, and p. 2, m. 17.] April 19. 1251. Licence for the Dean and Chapter of Waterford, by Walter chaplain of Waterford, to elect a Bishop. The K. grants that the justiciary shall give his assent if they elect an Englishman. 190 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1225. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give assent to the election according to the tenor of the K.'s letters directed to him. West- minster. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to do as aforesaid and not otherwise. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 16.] April 19. 1252. Mandate to R. Bishop Cemerensis [? of Cambray] to per- mit the Prior and convent of Mukemore [Muckamore] to possess, unless there be some canonical impediment, the churches appropriated to them by the ancestors of those who were in the custody of King John. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to permit the Prior to enjoy these churches. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5, and p. 2, m. 16.] April 19. 1253. The K. to William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland. Hugh Tirel has given security by his charter that whenever the K. or the justiciary desire it, he will deliver up his castle of Cnoc to have a gar- rison placed in it for the defence of Ireland ; the castle to be restored on Ireland being pacified. Mandate to the justiciary to allow Hugh to hold the castle in peace. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5, and p. 2, m. 16.] April 19. 1254. Licence for the Dean and chapter of Waterford to elect a Bishop. The K. will give his assent if they elect an Englishman. Westminster. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary of Ireland. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5.] April 19. 1255. Bond by the K. to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, for 934 marks due to the Archbishop for a loan to King John, for his ex- penses at the Council in the Court of Rome, and on the K.'s service in Ireland while justiciary ; whereof the K. will pay to him, to his executors, or his church of Dublin, 200 marks in each year, until the debt shall be discharged. [Pat, 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5.] April 20. 1256. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and his chamberlains, to pay to Henry Archbishop of Dublin 200 marks/as above. Witness the K. Westminster. Cancelled because he had it not. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 16.] April 20. 1257. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and the chamberlains, to pay to Henry Archbishop of Dublin 200 marks a year in payment of 934L which the K. owes to him for a loan made to King John, and for his expenses incurred at the Council in the Court of Rome, and in the K.'s service in Ireland while justiciary. The payment to be made till the debt shall be discharged. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 5.] April 21. 1258. The K. commands Maurice Archbishop of Cashel, John Bishop of Ferns, and Griffin Bishop elect of Lismore, to meet at Limerick, and in presence of Geoffrey de Mariscis or his deputy to inquire as well by clerics as laymen, whether Bartholomew de Camera was, before the war between King John and his Barons, RELATING TO IRELAND. 191 1225. seised of the tithe of a fishery and mills in Limerick, and of the land of Dromyn in right of the chapel of Limerick, of which he is parson ; or whether William de Caerdif was seised of that tithe in right of the treasuryship of the church of Limerick. If all three cannot be present at the inquisition, two shall hold it. Westminster. [Pat, 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5.] April 21. 1259. Mandate to Earl William Marshall, j usticiary of Ireland, to assign during pleasure, out of escheats, to Henry Archbishop and the church of Dublin, 20 librates of land in which King John, when Earl of Morton, bound himself by his charter to the Archbishop's predecessor and that church. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 16.] April 21. 1260. Licence for two years for Thomas Le Corner, citizen of Dublin, freely to pass through the K.'s realm with his ships and merchandise for purposes of trade. Mandate to Geoffrey de Lucy and the barons of the Cinque Ports not to impede or allow him to be impeded. Westminster. [Pat, 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5.] Cancelled because otherwise inrolled below. April 21. 1261. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to assign to Richard de Twit, out of the K.'s escheats, 15 librates of land for the vill of Adlon [Athlone], the mills, and 1 carucate of land near that vill, which the K. has in his hand. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 16.] April 21. 1262. The K. grants to Hubert Bishop of Limerick that he have a market weekly on Tuesday at his manor of Muntgaret. Mandate to William Earl Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, to cause the market to be proclaimed and held. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 16.] April 21. 1263. Mandate to William Earl Marshall to take into the K.'s hand the land in Ulster which belonged to Robert Talbot, who was against the K. in the war with Hugh de Lascy, and to commit it to Thomas Bishop Dunensis [of Down]. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. IIP, p. 2, m. 16.] April 21. 1264. The K. commits during pleasure to Thomas Bishop Dun- ensis [of Down], for the damage which he sustained in the K.'s service during the war with Hugh de Lascy, 2 carucates of land of the K.'s demesne in Arte, lying near the Bishop's manor of Archi- whyn, about the lake of that vill. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give seisin to the Bishop of the 2 carucates, retaining in the K.'s hand the Irishmen dwelling on that land, whom the justiciary shall place elsewhere on the K.'s land. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. IIP, p. 2, rn. 16.] April 21. 1265. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to repay, out of the K.'s Irish treasure, to the citizens of Dublin, 366£. which they lent to the K. to maintain his force in the war against Hugh de Lascy. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. IIP, p. 2, m. 16.] 192 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1266. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to repay to the monks of St. Mary, Dublin, 2001. taken in their church to maintain the K.'s force in the war against Hugh de Lascy. Westminster. Mandate to the Abbot and monks of St. Mary that the K. has so commanded the justiciary. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 16.] April 21. 1267. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Richard de Twyt to have the K.'s service of Meath for 20 days to fortify a castle in his land of Dalun. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 16.] April 21. 1268. William de Wigorn makes with the K. a fine of 300 marks, payable within 3 years, to have the following 4 cantreds in Munster which belonged to Philip de Wygorn, his uncle, namely : — Slevar- dach, Cumsy, Arflnan, and Muscrioquirt. Mandate to Earl William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, that, receiving from William de Wigorn security for payment of the 300 marks, he give the latter seisin of the 4 cantreds, with the castle of Cnoccraffan ; saving to Richard de Burgh the 5th cantred, namely, Ioganach Cassel, which Walter de Lascy gave to Richard in marriage with Egidia, his daughter ; and also saving to the K. the homage of Richard for the tenements which he holds of the K. within the 5 cantreds. West- minster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 14.] April 22. 1269. The K. grants to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, the service due to the K. in Ireland for the 10th year of the K.'s reign, to enable the Earl to fortify a castle in Ireland. Mandate to the justiciary of that country to cause the Earl to be quit of the service for that year. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 16.] April 22. 1270. Ireland : — The K. has taken the homage of Nicholas de la Feld for the land which Richard his father had of King John in Clensuerd. Mandate to the justiciary to give Nicholas seisin of the land. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 16.] April 22. 1271. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Roger Hus- carl to have during pleasure, out of the K.'s escheats, 20 librates of land, to maintain him in the K.'s service. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 16.] April 22. 1272. Mandate to Earl William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, to cause John Flanders to have during pleasure, out of the K.'s escheats in that country, 100s. worth of land, to maintain him in the K.'s service. Similar letters to the justiciary for : — William de Marisco, for the land of William de Lascy, or 40 marks worth of land in escheats ; Geoffrey de Costentyn, 201. worth of land ; Richard de St. Michael and David Bass, 201. worth of land ; Roger Huscarl, 201. worth of land ; Roger Waspaill, 201. worth of land ; John de Tywe, 201. worth of land ; Hugh de Tywe, 100s. worth of land ; Ernisius de Dunehevet, 101. worth of land ; 1225. April 21. RELATING TO IRELAND. 193 1225. Frank de Brene, 151. worth of land; William de St. Michael, 100s. worth of land; Geoffrey de Altaribus, 100s. worth of land ; William de Foleville, 100s. worth of land ; Reginald de Bernevalle, 151. worth of land ; Duncan Owyffelan, the land which he holds of the honor of Lymede ; John Flanders, 100s. worth of land ; Thurstan de Perepunt, 100s. worth of land; Humphrey de Harland, 100s. worth of land. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 1G.] April 22. 1273. Michael Grossus makes with the K. a fine of 1001. to have grace, and seisin of his lands taken into the K.'s hand because he was against the K. in Ireland with Hugh de Lascy. A moiety of the fine to be paid at Michaelmas, and another moiety at Easter following. Mandate to Earl William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, that, having taken from Michael security for the fine, he give him seisin of all his lands. Westminster. Nicholas de Slane makes with the K. a fine of 100 marks to have grace, and seisin of his lands as above. Richard Dullard makes with the K. a fine of 80 marks as above. [Close, 9 Ren. III., p. 2, m. 14.] April 22. 1274. Thomas le Corner makes with the K. a fine of 40 marks to have grace and good will regarding what was said of him that he had^ sided with Hugh de Lascy against the K. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause the 40 marks to be allowed to Thomas in the prest which he made to the K. with other citizens of Dublin to maintain the war against Hugh de Lascy. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 14.] April 23. 1275. Protection for 2 years for Thomas le Corner, citizen of Dublin. Westminster. Licence for 2 years for the said Thomas, that his ship, called " La Bulrele," may safely and securely pass through the realm with his merchandise for trading purposes. Mandate thereupon to G. de Lascy. Further licence in the same words for Thomas's other ship called " La Salvee." [Pat, 9 Hen, III, p. 1, m. 5.] April 24. 1276. Licence for 5 years for the Master of the Templars in Ireland, to convey his wheat whither he will throughout all Ireland for trading purposes. Mandate that he be not impeded. [Pat, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 5.] April 27. 1277. Letters of protection for 2 years, for Hubert Bishop of Limerick. Westminster. [Pat, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 5.] May 6. 1278. The K. commits to Geoffrey de Tureville, clerk, the lands of Obrun in the K.'s hand ; to hold for 3 years, rendering 221. yearly at the Exchequer, Dublin. Mandate to William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Geoffrey to have seisin. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 14.] i. N 194 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1225. May 7. 1279. The K. gives his assent to the election made of Gilbert, late Dean of Ardfert, as Bishop of that see. Mandate to the jus- ticiary of Ireland to cause Gilbert to have seisin of the lands, rents, and possessions belonging to the bishopric. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 14.] May 7. 1280. The K. gives his assent to the election made of Gilbert, late Dean of Ardfert, as Bishop of that church. Mandate thereupon to the knights and free tenants of the see. Westminster. [Pat, 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 5.] May 11. 1281. The K. grants during pleasure to Nicholas de la Feld the custody of the door of the Exchequer, Dublin. Mandate to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, justiciary of Ireland to cause Nicholas to have this custody. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 13.] May 11. 1282. Mandate to the provosts and bailiffs of Dublin to cause Henry Archbishop of Dublin to have, out of the farm of the city, during pleasure, an annuity of 201., on account of -a sum of like amount which King John, when Earl of Morton, bound himself by deed to pay to the church of Dublin. Westminster. [Pat, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 5.] May 11. 1283. The K. to William Marshall, &c, justiciary of Ireland. Has commanded the bailiffs and provosts of Dublin to cause Henry Archbishop of Dublin to have, during pleasure, out of the K.'s farm of Dublin, 201. a year, in which sum King John, while Earl of Morton, bound himself to the church of Dublin. Mandate to the justiciary to cause the Archbishop to have this amount, and to cause it to be allowed to the provosts and bailiffs in their farm. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 13.] May 11. 1284. The K. to William Marshall, &c, justiciary of Ireland. Has committed for 3 years from Pentecost, a. r. 9 Henry III., to Joan, who was the wife of Hugh de Feypo, 3 carucates of land in Derkan Shenebuyle, and Boychonevet, which Martin de Mandeville gave to Hugh in free marriage with Joan. Mandate for seisin thereof. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 13.] May 11. 1285. Mandate to Geoffrey de Lucy and the Barons of the Cinque Ports not to impede the persons conveying to London 1,000 crannocks of wheat bought of William Earl Marshall in Ireland by Richard Renger, Mayor of London, and John Travers. Westminster. [Pat:, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 4.] May 11; 1286. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give seisin to Henry Archbishop of Dublin of 2 carucates of land near Dublin, which the Archbishop had on lease during pleasure from the K., and which the justiciary took into the K.'s hand by reason of the K.'s order touch- ing his demesne lands. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill:, p. 2, m. 13.] May 11, 1287. The K: grants to Brian de Scalariis 2 carucates of land in Lard, which Robert le Puinnur held, for his maintenance in the K.'s RELATING TO IRELAND. 195 1225. service. Mandate accordingly to Earl Marshall. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 13.] May 12. 1288. The K. commits during pleasure to Richard de Burgh the seneschalship of Munster, with the keepership of the castle of Lime- rick. Mandate thereupon to the knights and free tenants of the seneschalship. Westminster. Mandate to Earl Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, to cause seisin to be given of the seneschalship and castle. [Pat, 9 Hen: III., p. 1, m: 4.] May 13. 1289. The K. to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, justiciary of Ireland. Walter de Lacy makes with the K. a fine of 300 marks to have seisin of the lands of his knights and free tenants in Ireland, taken into the K.'s hand because they went against the K. in Hugh de Lascy's war. The fines which Walter's tenants made with him to have their lands shall remain to Walter, excepting the fine of Michael Grossus, Nicholas de Slane, and Richard Dallardin. The latter fine shall remain to the K, as also Walter's fine for having his castle of Trum [Trim], and Kibnor in Ireland, and Ludelawe [Ludlow] in England. According to the agreement made between King John and Walter, the K. retains the castles of Ratour, Nober, and of the bridge of Droghecla. The K. grants to Walter by this fine his liberties touching the death of Irishmen, as he had them in the time of King John, before the war between that King and his barons. For this fine Walter shall render 500 marks at each Ex- chequer, until he shall have paid the 3,000 marks. Walter binds his lands in England that he will find sureties for payment in that country of 2,000 marks of the fine, and sureties in Ireland for pay- ment of the remaining 1,000 marks. Mandate for seisin to Walter of the lands, fees, and castles aforesaid. Westminster. Schedule. Sureties of Walter de Lascy : — Earl Marshall, 100 marks. Walter de Clifford, 100 marks. Richard de Burgh, 100 marks. Peter Fitz Herbert, 50 marks. John Marshall, 40 marks. Henry de Braibof, 20 marks. William de Lucy, 20 marks. Godfrey de Crawecumb, 20 marks. The Constable of Chester, 40 marks. William de Stuteville, 20 marks. Henry de Aldithel, 10 marks. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 13.] May 15. 1290. The K. commands William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, to cause to be extended by oath of good and liege men of the venue of Chapel Isold, the land of that chapel ; and to cause Richard de Burgh to have that land according to the extent. The justiciary shall apprise Thomas Fitz Anthony of the extent, so that it may be allowed in the payment of 250 marks assigned by the K. to Richard for his maintenance on the K.'s service. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 13.] N 2 196 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1225. May 16. 1291. The K. pardons to Roger Bacon the usury of 1 year on the debts which he owes to Bona, who was the wife of Moses, to Bene- dict Fitz [ ], to Angevin Fitz Bonevie, Master Josceus de Lincoln, Abraham and Pictavinus, his associate, for his expenses incurred in the K.'s service in Ireland before and after the arrival there of Hugh de Lascy. Mandate to the justices for custody of the Jews to acquit Roger of the usury of those debts. For the residue of the debts which Roger owes those Jews the justices shall cause him to have such fine and terms as, according to the extent of his land, he can bear without hardship. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 13.] May 17. 1292. The K. assigns to Richard de Burgh, for his maintenance in the K.'s service, a rent of 250 marks, which he paid yearly at the Dublin Exchequer out of Des [Decies] and Desmund. Mandate to Thomas Fitz Anthony to be answerable to Richard for the rent, excepting the extent which the K. caused to be made of the land of Chapel Isod. The K. has also assigned the latter land to Richard for his maintenance. The justiciary shall cause Thomas to be apprised of the extent. Westminster. [Pat, 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 4.] May 19. 1293. Protection till Easter, 10 Hen. III., for William de Lucy, on the K.'s service in Ireland with Earl Marshall. Westminster. [Pat, 9 Hen. III., p: 1, m. 4.] May 20. 1294. Ireland :— The K. grants to Richard de St. Michael and David Basset, for their maintenance on his service, 20Z., namely, 10 marks which Reginald Finegal was wont to render to Robert Talebot for the land which he held of him in Fynegal, and 20 marks receivable at the Exchequer, Dublin. Mandate accordingly to Earl William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 13.] May 20. 1295. The K. grants to Geoffrey de Costentyn 20Z. a year, re- ceivable at the Exchequer, Dublin, for his maintenance. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary of Ireland. Westminster. Similar letters to the justiciary regarding payment at the Ex- chequer, Dublin, to Roger Huscaii of 201. a year for his maintenance. Similar letters to the justiciary regarding payment at the same Exchequer to William de Marisco of 40£. a year for his maintenance. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 13.] May 22. 1296. The K. grants to the good men of Dublin, out of the 100 marks farm of the city, due at Michaelmas, 50 marks to inclose and fortify their city of Dublin. Mandate to William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, to permit them to have the 50 marks. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 13.] May 25. 1297. The K. commits during pleasure to Frank de Bresne, for his maintenance, the land in Ulster which belonged to William le Puinur. Mandate to William Earl Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Frank to have seisin of the land. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p, 2, m. 12.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 197 1225. May 26. 1298. The K. grants to Reginald de Bernevall 101. a year, receivable at the Exchequer, Dublin, for his maintenance on the K.'s service. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary of Ireland. West- minster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 12.] [May.] 1299. The K. to Earl William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland. The good men of Dublin have complained that the friars of the hospital of Kilmainham have caused them great loss and grievance by mills which the friars have erected to the nuisance of the city, and by a pool which they have made across the Avenelyf [Anna Liffey], so that ships with merchandise have not free ingress to and egress from the vill, and fish cannot ascend to or descend from it, as they were wont to do. The K. has sent to Geoffrey de Mariscis his mandate thereupon. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 12.] June 3. 1300. Mandate to William Earl Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, to permit the K.'s good men of Drogheda towards Uriel to have free ingress to and egress from the port of Drogheda with their chattels and merchandise, as they were wont to have in the time of King John. The justiciary shall not exact from them customs or tolls which they did not then render. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 12.] June 3. 1301. Protection for 3 years for the men of Drogheda towards Uriel, their lands and possessions. Mandate thereupon to the K.'s bailiffs. Westminster. [Pat., 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 4.] June 5. 1302. The K. gives his assent to the election made of Gilbert, late Archdeacon of Cork, as Bishop of that see. Mandate there- upon to its knights and free tenants. Westminster. Mandate to the Archbishop of Cashel to do what is his in this matter. [Pat, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 4.] June 5. 1303. The K. gives his assent to the election made of Gilbert, late Archdeacon of Cork, as Bishop of that see. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give seisin to the Elect of all the lands, rents, and possessions belonging to the bishopric. Westminster. Mandate to M., Archbishop of Cashel, to do what is his in this matter! [Cancelled because on the Patent Rolls:] [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 11.] July 1. 1304. Sussex: — The Archbishop of Dublin owes 100 marks for the release of Robert de Cusac ; to be paid out of . . . which he ought to receive of the Exchequer. [Memoranda, L. T. R., 9 Hen. Ill, m. 6 dors.] July 2. 1305. The Archbishop of Dublin owes for the release of Robert de Cusac, 100 marks, which he acknowledges to have received. [Memoranda, Q. R., 9 Hen. III., m. 1 dors.] July 7. 1306. The K. grants to John Bishop of Ferns, that he have till the K.'s age a weekly market on Monday at his manor of Senebod. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary of Ireland. Westminster. Grant to the same Bishop of the manor of Newcastle of Leuan, to hold for 3 years at the farm to be rendered according to the extent 198 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1225. of that manor made when all the K.'s manors were last extended by the K.'s order before Earl William Marshall was justiciary of Ireland. Mandate to the justiciary to permit the Bishop to enjoy the manor in peace at the farm aforesaid to the end of the term. [Close, [9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 9.] July 8. 1307. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Master Griffin, Elect of Lismore, to have such seisin of the lands of the see as the K. had when its custody fell into his hand after the death of Robert of Bedford, late Bishop. The justiciary shall exhibit to the Elect justice according to the law and custom of Ireland regarding the other lands withheld from him in that country. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 8.] July 23. 1308. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Richer de Rothomago has made with the K. a fine of 20 marks to have the K.'s grace for having been, as was said, with Hugh de Lascy against the K. Mandate that, having taken security from Richer, the justiciary cause him to have peace. Marlborough. Similar letters to the justiciary for Warin Pe de Argentan for 10 marks. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m: 7.] July 24. 1309. The K. approves of William de Radeclive, chaplain, to minister in the chapel of the K.'s castle of Dublin, receiving yearly of the K.'s gift, during pleasure, 50s. for his maintenance. Mandate to the justiciary to permit William to minister accordingly, and to provide him with a benefice of the value of 100s. Marlborough. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 7.] July 30. 1310. The K. grants to Richard de Burgh, that he have, till the K.'s age, a yearly fair at Clunmel [Clonmel], on the vigil of All Saints and the 7 days following [Oct. 31 -Nov. 7]. Mandate accordingly to William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland. Windsor. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 7.] Aug. 7. 1311. Protection for 1 year for Henry Waspail, gone to Ireland on the K.'s service. Westminster. [Pat, 9 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 3.] Aug. 7. 1312. The K. to the Archbishop of Armagh, primate of Ireland. Prays that he do not impede the justiciary and his bailiffs in forti- fying the K.'s castles in the K.'s demesne lands of the Archbishop's province ; and that if a favourable site be found the Archbishop take an exchange for it. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 6.] Aug. 7. 1313. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause to be ob- served the fine of 101. and 1 goshawk, which Peter de Meset made with King John to have seisin of the land of his fee held by Walter Sangmedle, and which was taken into the hand of King John because Walter was in the castle of Carrickfergus with Hugh de Lascy against that King. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 6.] Aug. 8. 1314. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to provide for the indemnity of the Abbot of St. Thomas, Dublin, in regard to the RELATING TO IRELAND. 199 1225. lands occupied by the fosse thrown up around the city of Dublin. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 9.] Aug. 11. 1315. The K. to Earl William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland. Sends Nicholas le Waleys, who has well served the K. Mandate that the justiciary receive him with kindness, place him on the K.'s service in Ireland, and provide him with a benefice. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 6.] Aug. 12. 1316. The K. commits to Master Sephen de Lucy, for his main- tenance on the K.'s service, the land of Balyorgany, which William de Mariscis held on lease from the Archbishop of Dublin, when justiciary of Ireland. Mandate accordingly to the K.'s knights and free tenants in that land. Westminster. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause seisin to be given of the land. [Pat, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 3.] Aug. 13. 1317. Grant to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, that the forest of Dublin, Glendalough, and Cuillah', shall remain for 5 years in the same state as it was in when the Archbishop and William Earl Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, came to England to confer with the K. ; and that the men and vills in the forest shall not be disturbed. Westminster. Letters close, in a similar form, to the justiciary of Ireland, with the following clause added : — For this grant the Archbishop forgives to the K. the first payment of 200 marks on account of the K.'s debt of 934£. due to the Archbishop for a loan made to King John, for his expenses at the Council in the Court of Rome, and in the K.'s service in Ireland on the arrival of Hugh de Lascy, of which debt the K. ought yearly to pay 200 marks until the whole be discharged. Mandate accordingly. [Pat, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 2.] Aug. 26. 1318. The K. grants during pleasure to John de Tywe, for his maintenance on the K.'s service, the land in Risse which Ralph Bloet, and Nesta, his wife, held on lease from King John. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give John seisin thereof. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 5.] Aug. 28. 1319. Mandate to William Earl Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Richard de Burgh to have the house which belonged to William le Noreis in Waterford, and of which the K. has granted the custody to Richard. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 5.] Aug. 28. 1320. The K. grants during pleasure to William de Mariscis, for his maintenance on the K.'s service, the vill of Baliscadan ; saving to Roger Huscarl the portion of that vill which he has on lease. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give seisin to William. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 5.] Aug. 29. 1321. Robert Talbot makes with the K. a fine of 100Z. to have the K.'s grace and benevolence, which he lost because he was against the EL with Hugh de Lascy in Ireland, and to have seisin of all his lands there whereof he was then disseised. Mandate to the justiciary 200 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1225. of Ireland that, having taken from Robert security for the fine, he give him seisin of his lands. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 5.] [Aug.] 1322. Mandate to William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, to [ ], the assise of Mort cV ancestor brought between William de Blundeston, plaintiff, and Daniel Halfcnict, defendant, touching the vill of Clumcridan. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 5.] Sept. 6. 1323. Mandate to Hugh de Neville to allow William Earl Marshall to take 20 does of the K.'s gift in the K.'s forest of Chedder, and to convey them to Ireland. Wallingford. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 4.] Sept. 10. 1324. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to respite till the first Irish assizes after Easter, a. r. 10 Hen. III. the assize of Mort d' ancestor brought between William de Millers, plaintiff, and Daniel Fitz John, defendant, touching a tenement which John Marshall, on the K.'s service in England, holds near Waterford, Woodstock. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 4.] Sept. 24. 1325. Ireland : — The K. grants to Hamon Crassus, for his main- tenance on the K.'s service, the custody of the land and heir of Robert de Praeres. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give Hamon seisin thereof. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 3.] Oct. 2. 1326. Protection for the Abbot of Carrickfergus till the K.'s full age. Westminster. [Pat, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 1.] Oct. 3. 1327. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Maurice Edred to have during pleasure, near the sea, an escheat of the value of 1 carucate of land, to maintain him and his children. Welhop. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 3.] Oct. 5. 1328. Walter de f Lascy being on the K.'s service in England, the K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to respite till Easter, 10 Hen. III., the plaints between Nicholas Parvus, plaintiff, and the said Walter, defendant, touching land in Faghelet ; between Philip de Boyn, plaintiff, and the said Walter, defendant, touching land in Armuifhan ; between William desHope, plaintiff, and the said Walter, defendant, touching land in Cluncolan ; between Haket de Nogent, plaintiff, and the said Walter, defendant, touching land in Culloc ; and between Christiana, who was the wife of Robert Fitz Jordan [ ] in Arnmulfhan. Alton. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m, 3.] Oct. 22. 1329. The K. notifies to the justiciary of Ireland that he respites till Easter, 10 Hen. III., the payment of 500 marks, part of the fine of 3,000 marks, due at Michaelmas by Walter de Lascy. Mandate accordingly. Westminster. [Close, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 1.]] [Oct.] 1330. Further entry regarding the debt of 934Z. due by the K. to the Archbishop of Dublin for a loan to King John, for his expenses at the Court of Rome, and in the K.'s service in Ireland, &c. [De- cayecl] [Pat, 9 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 1.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 201 1331. Protection till the K.'s full age for Roger Huscarl, in Ireland on the K.'s service. Westminster. [Pat, 10 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] 1332. The K. to the Barons of the Exchequer. Writ to allow to the K. at Michaelmas, out of 800/. 13s. 4>d., due to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, 50 marks which the Archbishop owes to the K. for corn and hay sold to him out of the manor of Watlington, and 101. 8s. lOd. for stock of the same manor, also sold to him. Mandate to the custodee of the honor of Wallingford, to make no distraint thereof. Westminster. [Close, 10 Hen. III., m. 28.] 1333. Stafford: — Henry Archbishop of Dublin owes 100 marks for William de Cusak. [Memoranda, L. T. R., 10 Hen. III., m. 13 dors., and Memoranda, Q. R, 10 Hen. III., m. 9 dors.] 1334. Grant to Thomas de Galweye [Galloway], Earl of Atlon', of 100 marks, receivable at the Exchequer, Dublin, until an escheat of the value of 100 marks shall be provided for him. Mandate to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, to cause him to have the 100 marks. Westminster. [Pat., 10 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] 1335. The K. to his justiciary of Ireland, and his bailiffs of ports of the Irish Sea. Licence for 3 years, for Thomas de Muleton to send his ship and men from his land of Coupeland to Ireland to purchase provisions. Mandate that he be allowed to do so. West- minster. [Pat, 10 Hen. III., m. 9.] 1336. Mandate to Thomas de Langeley to permit the men of the Archbishop of Dublin to take two does in his bailiwick, which the K. gives to the Archbishop for Christmas. Waltham. [Close 10 Hen. Ill, m. 29 dors.] [About 1337. The K. writes to the Pope that he is well pleased, if it Dec] pleases his Holiness, and the chapters of Limerick and Waterford, that the two churches be united. The seat of the see to remain at the K.'s city of Waterford. [Close, 10 Hen. Ill, m. 28 dors.] 1225-122G. 1338. Cumberland :— The Prior of Carlisle [ ] 201., which he owed to Henry Bishop of Dublin. [Pipe, 10 Hen. Ill, Rot. 3.] 1339. Berks :— Henry Archbishop of Dublin renders his account of 50 marks of the farm of the vill of Wattlinton ; 50 marks for hay and corn, and 101. 8s. 8d. for stock out of that manor, sold to him ; 100/, which he received out of the K/s treasure at the feast of St. Peter's Chair [Jan. 18] ; to the same Archbishop, in part payment of the debt of 800/. and 1 mark, due to him by the K., 177/. 2s. 2d., by the K.'s writ ; due to the Archbishop, 623/. lis. 2d., whereof he, his executors, or the church of Dublin, in case of his death, shall annually receive 100/. out of the farm of Limerick, and 50 marks out of the farm of the city of Dublin, until the whole debt be paid [Pipe, 10 Hen. IIL, Rot. 6.] 1340. Stafford : — Henry Archbishop of Dublin renders his account of 100 marks for William de Cusac ; John Bishop of Ferns, the K.'s treasurer in Ireland, notified that William paid 100 marks at the 1225. Dec. 5. Dec. 8. Dec. 9. Dec. 11. Dec. 12. 202 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1225-1226. Exchequer, Dublin, when Geoffrey de Mariscis was justiciary in that country ; therefore the Archbishop is quit here by the K.'s writ. [Pipe, 10 Hen. III., Rot 8 dors.] Jan. 8. 1341. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Of the 1902. 4s. 4Jd, exacted at the Exchequer, Dublin, from Theobald le Butiller, for the debt of Theobald, his father, the K. assigns to the former 902. in place of the 302. granted to him yearly, for 3 years, for his main- tenance on the K.'s service ; and of the remaining 1002. 4s. 4Jd, grants him respite for 3 years from Christmas, a. r. 10 Hen. III. Mandate to the justiciary to acquit Theobald of the 901., and to cause him to have respite of the remaining 1002. 4s. 4Jd Marl- borough. [Close, 10 Hen. III., m. 25, and Liberate, 10 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Jan. 14. 1342. Mandate to William Earl Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, that in place of the 10 marks which Reginald Finegal was wont to pay to Robert Talebot, for land held of him in Finegal, which the K. afterwards granted to Richard de St. Michael, and David Basset, he cause the 10 marks to be paid to them out of Robert's fine of 1002., made with the K., to have seisin of his lands. Marlborough. [Close, 10 Hen. III., m. 25, and Liberate, 10 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Jan. 15. 1343. Letters of protection till Michaelmas, a. r. 12 Henry III, for the Prior and monks of the hospital of St. John of Waterford, and of Cork. In duplicate. [Pat, 10 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] Jan. 17. 1344. [Wilts] : — Mandate to the constable of Marlborough to inquire by 12 lawful men of the hundred of Selkley, whether the Master of the Templars in Ireland was wont in the time of King Henry II., to hold a pasture in the wood of Selkley, and if so, to cause him to have it in peace. Marlborough. [Liberate, 10 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Jan. 17. 1345. Letters of Darrein presentment, directed to the justiciary of Ireland, for William Earl Marshall, touching the church of St. Bridget of Kildare, the advowson of which Ralph Bishop of Kildare withholds from the Earl. Marlborough. [Close, 10 Hen. III., m. 25 dors.] Jan. 22. 1346. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to inquire, by the oaths of good and lawful men, whether the custody of the land formerly of Robert de Praeres belongs to Henry de Audley, Robert having held the land of Henry by knight service ; and if so, to cause Henry to have seisin thereof. Marlborough. [Close, 10 Hen. III., m. 24, and Liberate, 10 Hen. Ill, on. 3.] Jan. 26. 1347. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to allow the Abbot and monks of Holme-Cultram to purchase in that country, till the K/s full age, corn, flour, and other provisions for their main- tenance. Marlborough. [Pat, 10 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] [Jan. 29.] 1348. Bull of Pope Honorius [III.], directed to the Archbishop of Dublin. Mindful of the fealty and love which the Archbishop RELATING TO IRELAND. 203 1225-122G. has ever exhibited to the Kings of England, exhorts him to use his wonted diligence in causing a subsidy to be paid to the K. by the churches of Ireland, according to Papal rescripts, to lighten the heaviness of expenses weighing on the K. Reati, iv. kal. Feb., in the 10th year of the Pope's pontificate. [Pat, 10 Hen. III., m. 3 dors.'] [Jan. 29.] 1349. Bull of Pope Honorius [III.] to the Archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, and other prelates and rectors of churches in Ireland. Ecclesiastical liberty is not injured but defended when aid is given to its protector in time of need. As many expenses weigh on the K, has commanded the clergy of England to yield him a subsidy ; and now exhorts the Archbishops and Bishops of Ireland to do the like. They shall elect by counsel of the Archbishop of Dublin, some of their number to receive the money ; the latter shall hand it to the Archbishop and two others, who shall administer it in meeting the necessary expenses of the K. and his kingdom. The Pope is un- willing that the offering of this subvention shall be drawn into a precedent, or cause prejudice to ecclesiastical liberty. Reati, iv. kal. Feb., in the 10th year of the Pope's pontificate. [Pat, 10 Hen. III., m. 3. dors., and 11 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 12 dors.] Feb. 5. 1350. ThelK. to the masters of English, Irish, Welsh, and Gascon ships crossing to Gascony. Mandate that they aid and assist the great ship commanded by Brother Thomas of the Temple and the K.'s men on board of her, on her passage to Gascony. They shall not quit her until she safely touches at her destined port. Windsor [Pat, 10 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] Feb. 18. 1351. The K. grants to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, till the K.'s age, a weekly market on Thursday in the Archbishop's vill of St. Kevin. Mandate accordingly to William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland. Grant to the same, till the K.'s age, that he have on St. Patrick's day the fair which he is wont to have in the suburbs of Dublin. Grant during pleasure to the same of 20Z. out of 22Z. paid at the Exchequer, Dublin, for the land of Obrun [as in Close, 10 Hen. Ill m. 22.] Westminster. [Liberate, IWHen. Ill, m 1.] Feb. 18. 1352. Grant during pleasure, to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, that he yearly receive 20Z. out of 22Z. paid at the Exchequer, Dublin^ for the land of Obrun, in place of 2QZ. which the K. ordered to be paid to the Archbishop out of the farm of the city of Dublin in satisfaction of 20£. in which King John, when Earl of Morton, was bound to him. Godfrey de Turville, or the holder of the above land, shall answer at the Exchequer, Dublin, for the remaining 40s. Mandate thereupon to the justiciary. Westminster. Cancelled because otherwise inrolled of May 17. [Close 10 Hen. Ill, m . 22.] L Feb. 18. 1353. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Is informed that the 20s. which Vincent Mainwrench pays at the Exchequer, Dublin, of the gift of William de Kilmainham, are escheats of the K. and do CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1225-1226. not belong to the farm of the vill of Dublin. If this be so, the K. grants the 20s. during pleasure to the Prior of the Holy Trinity, Dublin, in place of the 40s. rent which the Prior states he lost by the fortification of the K.'s castle of Dublin. Mandate accordingly. Westminster. Cancelled because othenvise inr oiled in June. [Close, 10 Hen. III., m. 22.] A similar entry uncancelled. [Liberate, 10 Hen. III., m. 2.] Feb. 18. 1354. The K. grants to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, that he have till the K.'s age a weekly market on Thursday in his vill of St. Kevin. Mandate to William Marshall, justiciary of Ireland, to cause the Archbishop to have this market. Westminster. This writ was afterwards directed to Geoffrey de Mariscis, sub- sequently justiciary, because William Marshall did not receive it ; and its teste was changed to Reading, 28 June. A similar letter for the Archbishop, changing the day for holding the fair, which he has till the K.'s age in the suburbs of Dublin, from the Finding of the Holy Cross [May 3] to St. Patrick's day [March 17]. [Close, 10 Hen. Ill, m. 22.] Feb. 18. 1355. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland, to cause to be accounted to the burgesses of Drogheda, in the farm of their vill for a. r. 7 Hen. III., 25?. which they paid to William de Mariscis, John de Tywe, and William de Bray, by order of Henry Archbishop of Dublin, then justiciary of Ireland, for the maintenance of themselves and other knights in the K.'s service during Hugh de Lascy's last war. The justiciary shall also cause to be accounted to the citizens of Limerick, in the farm of their vill for the same year, 221. which they paid to Milo de Cogane and Nicholas de Bretteville by order of the same Archbishop, for the maintenance of soldiers in the K.'s service during the same war. Westminster. These letters were changed as in the above writ concerning the market of St. Kevin. [Close, 10 Hen. Ill, m. 22.] A similar entry with the exception of the alterations in the letters. [Liberate, 10 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Feb. 19. 1356. The K. grants, on petition of the Prior of the Holy Trinity, Dublin, that he may divert into his neighbouring land a street under the church of the Holy Trinity and the Prior's chamber. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause the street to be viewed by good and lawful men, and diverted if it can be done. Westminster. Cancelled because otherivise inrolled in June. [Close, 10 Hen. Ill, m. 22.] A similar entry not cancelled. [Liberate, 10 Hen. Ill, m. 1.] Feb. 20. 1357. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and his chamberlains, for payment out of the K.'s treasure, to William de Mariscis, 10 marks, to go to Ireland on the K.'s service. Westminster. [Close, 10 Hen. III., m. 22, and Liberate, 10 Hen. Ill, m. 1.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 205 1225-1226. Feb. 21. 1358. Writ of Liberate to E., treasurer, and his chamberlains, for payment out of the K.'s treasure, to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, of 1001. in part payment of 8001. 13s. 4 1 m. 2 dors.] ' '* 1 ' Dec. 9. _ 1560. Licence for two years, for the Abbot of Furnes to purchase in Ireland wheat, flour, and other provisions, and to convey them to England for the maintenance of his house. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary of Ireland and the K/s bailiffs. Durham "[Pat 12 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] ' Dec. 9. 1561. Grant to Ralph Fitz Nicholas of custody of the land and heir of William Pipard, who held in capite, with the marriage of the heir. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give seisin. _ Protection for Ralph touching the lands, &c. of William Pipard in his custody. [Pat, 12 Hen. III., m. 7.] 1227-1228. 1562. Stafford :- Henry de Audley, Robert de Leia as custodee for him, renders his account ; to Henry Archbishop of Dublin 101 m Penkridge. [Pipe, 12 Hen. Ill, Mot 11 dors.] 1563. Gloucester :— The burgesses of Bristol render their account • for hire of a ship to the use of John Marshall, crossing over into Ireland on the K/s service, U. 13s. 10Jd, by the K.'s writ [Pine 12 Hen. Ill, Rot 13 dors.] ' an. 3. 1564. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, to give seisin to Amory de St. Amand of 2 carucates of land in Baliscadan, which ™ A i committed to him during pleasure, for his maintenance. Blyth. [Close, 12 Hen. Ill, m. 14.] an. 7. 1565. Protection directed to the justiciary of Ireland and the K 's bailiffs, for Ralph de Trubleville. Newark. [Pat, 12 Hen III m. 6.] * m. 27. 1566. Protection for the Abbot of Stanley while in Ireland visiting Cistercian houses, by mandate of the Abbot of the Cistercians Westminster. [Pat, 12 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] . de Insula, R. Fitz Nicholas, Godfrey de Cracumbe, Godfrey Dispenser, Henry de Capella. Woodstock. [Chart., 16 Hen. III., m. 3.] July 28. 1970. The K. to Hubert de Burgh, justiciary of England and Ireland. Grant for life to Peter de Rivall of the office of treasurer and chamberlain of the Irish Exchequer. Mandate for seisin to Peter. Woodstock. 294 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1232. Similar letters to the Barons of the Irish Exchequer ; with mandate to be intentive and respondent to Peter in all things appertaining to the office of treasurer and chamberlain of the Irish Exchequer ; Letters concerning the prisage of wines, the custody of escheats and wards, and of the Irish exchange ; Letters to the bailiffs of ports and of the sea coast in Ireland ; Letters to the Jews in Ireland to be intentive to Peter, &c. ; Letters to the justiciary of Ireland touching livery of the castles of Athlone, Drogheda, Reddon, and the 5 cantreds ; Letters to all the K.'s subjects that the K. has committed to Peter cle Rivall for life, the custody of all archbishoprics and bishoprics when vacant ; Mandate to Peter de Rival], to provide Walter de E vermuth with 30 or 40 librates of escheat lands, for his maintenance on the K.'s service. Oxford. Mandate to the same to provide Thomas de Burnham with 10 librate of escheat or ward lands, for his maintenance on the K.'s service. [Pat, 16 Hen. III., m. 3.] July 28. 1971. The K. commits for life to Peter de Rivall the custody of the city and castle of Limerick ; mandate to Hubert de Burgh, justiciary of Ireland, to give seisin thereof. Oxford. Mandate to the men of Limerick and the tenants of the castle to be intentive and respondent to Peter. [Pat, 16 Hen. III., m. 3.] Aug. 1. 1972. The K. commits for life to Peter de Rivall, the custody of the castles of Athlone, Drogheda, Limerick, and Reindon ; mandate to Richard de Burgh to deliver these castles to Peter, or for the same purpose to come to the K. in England, or send some person in his place with power to surrender the castles. Worcester. The K. commits for life to the same Peter the custody of the city of Cork ; mandate to Hubert de Burgh to cause seisin thereof to be given to Peter ; Mandate to the men of the vill to be intentive and respondent to Peter. [Pat, 16 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Aug. 20. 1973. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause to be paid to Nicholas le Petit, an annual rent of 5 marks out of the farm of Duncan de Carebrach, which he receives at the Exchequer, Dublin, and to satisfy him regarding the arrears, if any. Oxford. [Close, 16 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] Aug. 25. 1974. Mandate to Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Kent, to quit Eng- land within 15 days. Kenton. [Pat., 16 Hen. III., m. 2.] [About end 1975. The K. is informed that Richard de Burgh, justiciary of of Aug.] Ireland, seized Frethelin [Fedhlim], son of a former King of Con- naught, imprisoned and treated him grievously and shamefully. Mandate to the justiciary to liberate Frethelin on his finding sureties to abide any charge that may be made against him ; and to certify to the K. by letters under his seal and the seals of Walter de Ridele- ford, Maurice Fitz Gerald, and Geoffery de Marisco, for what cause he imprisoned Frethelin. [Close, 16 Hen. III., m. 5.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 295 1232 Sept. 2. 1976. Grant for life to Peter de Rivall of the treasury and cham- berlainship of the Exchequer, Ireland, with all liberties and free customs thereto belonging; of prisage of the K.'s wines in that country by himself or his assigns, to answer therefor by the proper customs at the said Exchequer ; power to make the K.'s purchases by the K.'s money at Dublin and all fairs in Ireland ; custodies of the Jewry of Ireland, of all ports and the sea coast [marina], and of the exchange in that country; of the castles of Cork, Limerick, Dungarvan, Athlone, Drogheda, and the castle of Randon, with the K.'s 5 cantreds in Connaught, retained to the K.'s use before the K. granted Connaught to Richard de Burgh, as is more fully contained in the K.'s letters patent. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to allow Peter's bailiffs to have in his stead free adminis- tration in all matters contained in the letters patent, and to call in their aid and counsel in the K.'s affairs. The K. wishes nothing to be done regarding him in Ireland without their presence. Lambeth. [Close, 16 Hen. III., m. 4.] Sept 2. 1977. The K. commits to Maurice Fitz Gerald the office of justi- ciary of Ireland, to hold during pleasure. Mandate that John Bishop of Ferns, the Elect of Meath, Walter de Rideleford, and the Archdeacon of Dublin, administer in the name of the K. an oath to Maurice in this form : — That he shall be faithful to the K. ; that he shall render justice to every one according to his lawful power, his legal know- ledge, and the custom of the kingdom ; and that he shall faithfully preserve the rights, liberties, and dignities of the K. Mandate to J ohn Bishop of Ferns to call before him the persons aforesaid and in their presence receive the oath of the justiciary in the above forih. Lambeth. [Close, 16 Hen. III., m. 4.] Sept. 3. 1978. The grants during pleasure to Maurice Fitz Gerald the office of justiciary of Ireland. Mandate to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, and all the K.'s bailiffs and subjects in that country to be intentive and respondent to Maurice. Lambeth. [Pat, 16 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Sept. 4. 1979. The K. to his treasurer and chamberlains. Order for payment out of the K.'s treasure to Maurice Fitz Gerald, of 500 marks a year, for his maintenance, so long as he shall be justiciary of Ireland. Lambeth. [Pat, 16 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Sept. 5. 1980. The K. having been informed that the course of the Avenliff [Liffey], Dublin, is arrested at Chapelizod at the will of Richard de Burgh, formerly justiciary, otherwise than it used to be in the times of the K.'s predecessors, the K. commands Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, that by view of good and discreet men who best know what the course used to be, he cause the water to flow as it ought, so that boats may have free ascent and descent. Rochester. [Close, 16 Hen. III., m. 4 dors.] Sept. 6. 1981. The K. grants for life to Peter de Rivall the treasury of Ireland. Mandate to John Bishop Ferlensis [of Ferns], to deliver it to Peter's bailiff. 296 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1232. Similar letters to Geoffrey de Turville, Archdeacon of Dublin, for delivery of the office of chamberlain. [Pat., 16 Hen. III., m. 2.] Sept. 6. 1982. The K. commits to Peter de Rivall for his life the custody of the manor de Novo Castro [of Newcastle], in Ireland ; to answer for the issues thereof at the Exchequer, Dublin. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give seisin to Peters bailiff in his stead. Rochester. [Close, 16 Hen. III., m. 4.] [Sept.] 1983. Protection for Eustace, chancellor of Chichester, gone to Ireland on the K.'s service ; Similar letters for Robert de Cocham, who accompanies the chan- cellor. [Pat, 16 Hen. Ill, on. 2.] Sept. 19. 1984. Bond by the K. to return within 2 years to the Cistercian Abbot, 200 of the 300 marks taken in the Cistercian church of St. Mary, Dublin, to carry on the K.'s war in Ireland against Hugh de Lascy. Lambeth. [Pat., 16 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] [Sept.] 1985. Protection for Gerard Bishop of Dromore. [Pat., 16 Hen. III., m. 2.] Sept. 28. 1986. Mandate to the sheriff of Essex to permit Luke Archbishop of Dublin to have free access to Hubert de Burgh, in order to confer with him. Lambeth. [Close, 16 Hen. Ill, m. 4 dors.] Sept. 28. 1987. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause to be given to Roger Owein and Aufrica, his wife, seisin of the land of Balimadun which they recovered against Ralph de Trubleville, notwithstanding the seisin given to Henry de Trubleville, by the K.'s order, after Ralph's death. Westminster. [Close, 16 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Sept. 28. 1988. Grant to Ralph Bishop of Chichester, Chancellor of England, of the Chancery of Ireland ; to hold for life, with ail the liberties and free customs thereto belonging, as the K.'s charter thereupon wit- nesseth. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to admit Geoffrey de Turville, Archdeacon of Dublin, whom the chan- cellor with the K.'s assent assigns in his place, to execute the office ; and to cause him to have free administration of the office of Chancery and the seal with which the affairs of the K. and of the land of Ireland are transacted. The justiciary shall first take from Ralph an oath of good service and fealty to the K. and to his chancellor. Ralph shall be present at the councils of the justiciary and the management of the K.'s affairs, and shall have his clerk at the Ex- chequer, Dublin, to keep a Roll counter to the Roll of the Treasury of Ireland ; and likcAvise a clerk at the assises before the justiciary to keep a Roll De Banco and writs of pleas ; as the chancellor has in England. Westminster. Mandate to the treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, to admit for this purpose a competent clerk to be presented to them by Geoffrey. [Close, 16 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Sept. 30. 1989. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary, to cause Philip de Angulo yearly to have at the Exchequer, Dublin, 10 marks, RELATING TO IRELAND. 1232. which he was wont to receive in the time of King John and King Henry himself, for the cantred of Roscuman [Roscommon], until Richard de Burgh was made justiciary of Ireland. Kennington. [Close, 16 Hen. III., m. 3.] Oct. 8. 1990. Mandate to the bailiffs of Bristol that prisage be not taken there, from any ship laden with wines and bearing letters under the seal of the city of Dublin or other port in Ireland, to the effect that prisage had been taken, unless the ship shall discharge her cargo. [Pat., 16 Hen. III., m, 1.] Oct. 8. 1991. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that prisage be not taken at Dublin or elsewhere in Ireland, from ships laden with wines and bearing letters to the effect that prisage had been taken, unless the ship shall discharge her cargo. [Pat., 16 Hen. III., on. 1.] Oct. 12. 1992. Letters of protection, directed to the justiciary of Ireland, for the friars of the Cistercian order about to go to that country to visit and correct their order there ; with a clause directing the jus- ticiary to give the friars aid in taming " the mad pride and the proud madness " of those who rebel against the reformation of the order. Abingdon. [Pat., 16 Hen. III., m. 1.] Oct. 12. 1993. The K. confirms to the abbey of the port of St. Mary [Dunbrody], the order of the abbot and chapter general of the Cis- tercian order regarding the abbey of Ghinewadam, reducing it on account of its poverty to a grange of the former abbey of port St. Mary, or Dunbrody, in its neighbourhood. Abingdon. [Pat., 16 Hen. Ill, m. 1.] [Nov.] 1994. Licence for the chapter of St. Bridget of Kildare, [sent] by their messengers William Precentor, John de Taunton, and Geoffrey le Chamberlengh, to elect a Bishop in their church, vacant by the death of Ralph, late Bishop of Kildare. [Pat., 17 Hen. Ill, m, 9.] Dec. 9. 1995. Licence to the Abbot and monks of Furnes to send a friar of their house to Ireland to purchase corn and other provisions for their maintenance. Protection for the friar sent. [Pat., 17 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] Dec. 19. 1996. The K, gives the royal assent to the election made of Friar Stephen, late prior of St. John the Evangelist of Waterford, as Bishop of Waterford. Mandate to Marian Archbishop of Cashel to do what is his in this matter. Chepstow. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that when Marian Archbishop of Cashel shall have confirmed the election he give seisin to the Elect. [Pat, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] [Dec] 1997. Licence for the Dean and chapter of Waterford, [sent] by Walter do Waterford and Henry de Bath, canon of Waterford, to elect a Bishop of their see, vacant by the death of Walter, late Bishop thereof. [Pat, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] 298 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1232. [About end 1998. The prior of Lanthony attorns Walter de Dunye and John of Dec] de Brockworth in an assise before the justiciary of Ireland, between Nicholas le Petit, complainant, and the same prior, defendant, touching the advowson of the church of Admuling ; and in an assise between the same parties touching the advowson of the church of Radkenny. [Close, 17 Hen. III., m. 15 dors.] 1232-1233. 1999. Essex and Herts. Prests: — 10 knights of the justiciary in Ireland [ ], 10 marks ; Hugh de Bernevall owes 18 J marks; whereof Sir Hugh de Ber- nevall, knight, of Ireland, owes 5 marks ; and so the said Hugh owes 13i marks; Hugh de Bernevall renders his account of 13J marks; pardon for Henry de Bernevall, who has the custody of£the land and heirs of Hugh de Bernevall, 11 J marks by the K/s writ, and he owes 2 marks ; he renders his account of this debt; paid into the Treasury, and he is quit. [Pipe, 17 Hen, III., Rot 3 dors.] 2000. Stafford : — Peter de Rivall. Robert de Haye for him, ren- ders his account ; to the Archbishop of Dublin, 10?. in Penkridge. [Pipe, 17 Hen, III., Rot. 5 dors.] 2001. Cambridge and Hunt. : — Luke Archbishop of Dublin renders his account of 32?. 4s. 4c?, for 2 debts, as in Roll of a. r. 15 ; paid into the Treasury, 12?., and he owes 20?. 4.s. 4td. [Pipe, 17 Hen. III., Rot, 9 dors.] Jan 12. 2002. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Reginald de Finegal, or his messenger, to have at the Exchequer, Dublin, 100s. yearly, which he was wont to receive for his land of Thothmunt in Hocassy, before the justiciary had it by the K.'s order. Woodstock. Similar letters to the treasurer of Ireland. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 14.] Jan. 13. 2003. The K. to Richard de Burgh. When the K. lately com- mitted to Maurice Fitz Gerald the office of justiciary, he commanded Richard to deliver to the former the custody of the Irish castles which he still holds in his hand. As he has not performed the K.'s first or second mandate in this respect, the K. commands him for the third time, by virtue of his oath and homage, to deliver that custody. If he act otherwise he will incur perpetual infamy. Woodstock. [Pat, 17 Hen, III, m. 7.] Jan. 13. 2004. Writ to the treasurer and chamberlains of the Exchequer, Dublin, to pay out of the K.'s treasure to G. de Turville, Archdeacon of Dublin, and Robert Pollard, citizen of Dublin, custodians of the houses of the friars minors [Franciscans], in that city, 20 marks of the K.'s gift for repairs of their church and houses. Woodstock. [Liberate, 17 Hen, III., on. 10.] Jan. 13. 2005. The K. retains Water de Lascy on his service. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to respite, till Michaelmas, a. r. 17, all plaints against Walter, except assises of Novel disseisin, Darrein RELATING TO IRELAND. 299 232-1233. presentment, and pleas of dower. Woodstock. [Close, 17 Hen. III., m. 14.] Jan 26. 2006. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to inquire by good and lawful men whether the abbots of Buill [Boyle], of the order of Cistercians, were seised in the cantreds of Tyrmany' Trichata, and Magne, of a rent of25 bushels of barley, of the gift of Roderic, formerly King of Connaught ; and whether Richard de Burgh, when justiciary of Ireland, disseised them thereof ; and if so, to give them seisin of this rent. Windsor. [Close, 17 Hen. III., m. 14.] Jan. 26. 2007. Protection for Neemaym, Bishop of Clogher. Windsor [Pat, 17 Hen. III., m. 7.] Jan. 27. 20 08. The K. to Richard de Burgh. The latter has sent to the K. William de Caunteloup, and P. prior of Athassel [Adhissel], praying that the K. put faith in what they shall tell him regarding the delivery of the Irish castles to the justiciary. The K. has answered that it was his pleasure that the castles should be so delivered. Mandate that Richard assign to the justiciary the cus- tody of all the castles which are in his hand. Windsor I Pat 17 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] Jan 27. 20 09. Richard de Burgh has sent to the K. William de Kantilup and P. prior of Athassel [Athisill], praying that the K. put faith in what they shall tell him regarding the delivery of the Irish castles to the justiciary ; the K. answered that it was his pleasure that the castles be delivered to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, and has commanded Richard to deliver them. Mandate to the justiciary, that when this shall have been done he retain in his hand the K.'s castles of Dublin, Athlone, Roscret [Roscrea], and Clumakenois [Clonmacnois], and that he deliver to Eustace, ' trea- surer, and Benedict, chamberlain of the Irish Exchequer, bailiffs of Peter de Rivall, the K.'s castles of Limerick, Drogheda, Dungarvan, and Reindon, with the 5 cantreds in Connaught. Windsor. [Pat ' 17 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] Jan. 30. 2010. The K. caused Richard Duket, whom he sends to Ireland on his affairs, to be paid his wages to the close of Easter [April 10] a: r. 17. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland E[ustace], treasurer, and B., chamberlain, to cause Richard to have from that time 3s. a day for his maintenance on the K.'s service. Windsor. Letters for G. de Langeclon and Henry de Pilardinton, the K.'s servants, sent to the same country on the K.'s affairs, to whom their wages were paid, namely, 12d, to each, from Thursday in the octave of St. Hilary [Jan. 20], a. r. 17, till Thursday next after the close of Easter in the same year [April 14] inclusive. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill: m. 13.] ' *' Feb. 1. 2011. Protection for Richard Duket, whom the K. sends to Ireland on his service. Westminster. [Pat, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] 300 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1232-1233. Feb. 4. 2012. The K. assigns Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, Geoffrey cle Turville, Archdeacon of Dublin, Richard Duket, and Eustace, chancellor of Chichester and treasurer of the Dublin Ex- chequer, to audit the account of Richard de Burgh touching all the K.'s issues of Ireland, from the time when Richard became justiciary ; Richard shall answer before them, and make amends for all the trespasses he has committed against the K. Mandate accordingly to Richard de Burgh. Westminster. Mandate to the K.'s bailiffs of Ireland to aid the justiciary in administering justice regarding trespasses committed by Richard against the K., and in hearing the complaints of others. Mandate to John Bishop of Ferns to attend at the audit with the Avrits and rolls in his keeping, and to give counsel and aid in per- fecting it. [Pat, 17 Hen, III., m. 6.] Feb. 4. 2013. The K.^sends to Ireland on his affairs Geoffrey Arch- deacon of Dublin and Richard Duket. Mandate to all the K.'s burgesses, farmers, and tenants in Ireland, to give counsel and aid for the purpose. Westminster. [Pat., 17 Hen. HI., m. G.] Feb. 4. 2014. The K. sends to Ireland Richard Duket and Geoffrey de Thurville, to prosecute the K.'s plaint against Richard de Burgh, and to administer justice to all complaining against him before Maurice Fitz Gerald and them, and such others as they choose to associate. Mandate to the justiciary to admit Richard and Geoffrey, and to labour to bring the matter to the issue desired, according to the K.'s injunctions. Further mandate to provide for the safety of Richard Duket. Westminster. [Pat, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] [Feb.] 2015. Ireland : — Luke Archbishop of Dublin attorns John de Horsye in the plaint between Richard de Burgh, plaintiff, and Andrew le Blund, tenant, whereof he called the Archbishop to warranty, of tenements in Keneshal. [Close, 17 Hen, III, m. 13 dors.'] [Feb.] 2016. Ireland : — Andrew le Blund attorns Richard de Bray and William Pipard against Richard de Burgh, plaintiff, of the manor of Kneshal. [Close, 17 Hen, III, m, 13 dors.] Feb. 8. 2017. Grant during pleasure to Geoffrey de Turville, Arch- deacon of Dublin, of an annuity of 20 marks receivable at the Dublin Exchequer, for his maintenance on the K.'s service. Man- date to Eustace, treasurer, and Benedict, chamberlain of the Ex- chequer, Dublin, for payment accordingly. [Pat., 17 Hen. Ill, m. C] March 1. 2018. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to give such seisin of the see of Ardagh to Jocelin, consecrated Bishop thereof, as Robert his predecessor had at his death. Westminster. Mandate by letters patent to the knights, free and other tenai ts of the see, that in all things appertaining to it they be intenthe and respondent to the Bishop as their lord. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 301 1232-1233. March 5. 2019. Grant for life to Peter de Rivall, captain of Poitou, of the office of treasurer of the Exchequer in England and Ireland, and of the custody of the wardrobe chamber and treasury of the K.'s household. If Peter change his state by attainment of ecclesiastical or secular dignity, he shall nevertheless by his deputy be treasurer in England and Ireland, keeper of the K.'s wardrobe, and treasurer and chamberlain of the K.'s household ; the deputy shall render fealty, and be presented to the K. The servants and ministers of the offices aforesaid shall be subservient, intentive, and respondent to Peter, and he may remove the officers of the wardrobe chamber and treasury of the household, and substitute others. Kennington. [Chart, 17 Hen. III., m. 11.] March 14. 2020. Mandate to the coroners of Herefordshire, to cause to be valued the horse of John, formerly Bishop of Ardfert, in their cus- tody, by reason of the accidental drowning at Hereford of Robert le Chamberleng, the Bishop's groom ; the value of the horse to be handed to the Bishop, who shall account for it before the justices at the first assizes. Kennington. Mandate to the next justice in eyre in the above county to cause the Bishop to have as a deodand the horse so valued. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] March 24. 2021. Protection for Walter Bishop of Ossory. Otford. [Pat, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] 1233. 2022. Mandate to Eustace, chancellor of Chichester and trea- March 25. surer of Ireland, to permit Walter Elect of Ossory to have free administration of all the temporalities of that see, and to cause him to have all the issues thereof from the time when the K. granted him the custody of the see, while Richard de Burgh was justiciary of Ireland. Otford. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 11. J March 30. 2023. Pardon to William Haket of 5 marks exacted by Ex- chequer summons for prest made to him in Ireland in the time of King John. Mandate accordingly to the Barons of the Exchequer. Canterbury. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 11.] April 24. 2024. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to give seisin to Rohesia de Verdun of the lands and wards in Ireland, whereof Nicholas de Verdun was seised at his death. Lambeth. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] April 27. 2025. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to hold an inqui- sition as to what chattels the Bishop of Ferns received with the manor of Newcastle, which he held to farm from the K., and a due portion being allowed for the use of the K., to permit the Bishop to remove the residue, and dispose thereof at his will. Westminster. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] April 27. 2026. Writ to the tr easurer and chamberlains to pay to the messenger of the Cistercian abbot 50 marks at Easter, 50 marks at Michaelmas in this year, and a like amount at Easter, a. r. 18, of the fine of 200 marks made by the K. with the abbot for the cGO 302 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1233. April 27. May 4. [About beginning of May.] [About beginning of May.] May 4. May 4. marks taken in the Cistercian church of St. Mary, Dublin, to sus- tain the war against Hugh de Lascy. The K. has caused 50 of the 200 marks to be paid to the abbot at Michaelmas, a. r. 16. West- minster. [Liberate, 17 Hen. III., m. 7.] 2027. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give seisin to John d'Evreux of all the lands which he held of the gift of Thomas Fitz Anthony, and of which Richard de Burgh, when justiciary retained a portion in his hand. Westminster. [Close, 17 Hen. III., m. 10.] 2028. Walter Elect of Ossory, by order of the K., remains in England. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that if any plaints are moved against him in the K.'s court after confirmation, he cause them to be respited till one month of Easter. Westminster. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] 2029. Rohesia de Verdun attorns Robert de Everdon and Richard de Wuditon against Robert le Mor, plaintiff, and Richard de Fold, tenant, who calls Rohesia to warranty, of 2 carucates of land in Ricardefeld ; against Henry Durant, plaintiff, of 1 carucate in the same vill, whereof Richard calls Rohesia to warranty ; against Richard de Tavernac, plaintiff, of a moiety of a lake in Balibandric, whereof Richard de Molendino calls Rohesia to warranty ; and against Denis Bagot, plaintiff, of the third part of 2^ carucates in Raz, held by Rohesia. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 10 clors.] 2030. Milo de Verdun attorns Robert de Verdun against Geof- frey Bagod and Agnes, his wife, plaintiffs, of 2 carucates of land in Lissenden. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 10 dors.] 2031. The citizens of Waterford supplicate the K. to grant to them in aid of inclosing their city, a custom on articles coming by land and water to their vill for sale. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to provide, with the consent of the neighbouring parts, how the citizens may for a time take a custom for the above purpose. Westminster. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 10 dors.] 2032. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, that if Richard de Burgh will not surrender the castle of Milloc, and the prisoners of Connaught, the justiciary shall labour to recover them ; and that he take the land of Connaught into the K.'s hand, and by his bailiffs keep it to the K.'s use. The justiciary having signified that it would be for the K.'s interest to settle the 5 cantreds in Connaught retained in the K.'s hand, the K. answers that it is his will that the justiciary strive to subject the whole of Connaught to the K., and to establish peace in Ireland as well as in Connaught. The justiciary shall endeavour, with moderation and mildness, nevertheless, to induce the bishops and their tenants to render to the K.'s court the customs which they were wont to render in the time of the K.'s predecessors ; and if they can be induced to do so he shall apprize the K., who will give his aid in the matter. The justiciary shall restore Macharthy, whose amerciaments in plaints the K. was wont to have, to the state from which he was removed RELATING TO IRELAND. 303 1233. by Richard de Burgh ; and shall further revoke all alienations of matters belonging to the K. made by Richard. Westminster. [Close, 17 Hen. III., m. 10 dors.] May 4. 2033. Grant for life to Ralph Bishop of Chichester, chancellor of England, of the Chancery of Ireland. Witnesses, Peter Bishop of Winchester, Stephen de Segrave, justiciary of England, Peter de Ryvall, captain of Poitou, Robert Passelewe, Ralph Fitz Nicholas, Godfrey de Craucumbe, John Fitz Philip, Godfrey Dispenser. [Chart, 17 Hen, III., m. 8.] May 4. 2034. Grant to Ralph Fitz Nicholas of the custody of the lands which belonged to William Pipard, as well in Ireland as in England, and of the custody of the heir and his marriage ; to hold to Ralph and his assigns till the age of the heir. Witnesses, Peter Bishop of Winchester, Stephen de Segrave, justiciary of England, Peter de Rivall, captain of Poitou, Robert Passelewe, Godfrey de Craucumbe, John Fitz Philip, Godfrey Dispenser. Westminster. [Chart., 17 Hen. III., m. 5.] May 5. 2035. Writ to the treasurer and chamberlains to pay to William le Grant, messenger of the justiciary of Ireland, 2 marks of the K.'s gift for his expenses. Westminster. May G. Further writ to pay to the same 1 mark for the same purpose. Westminster. [Liberate, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] May 6. 2036. Mandate to Richard de Burgh to deliver to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, the castle of Miloc in Connaught, and the K.'s prisons. If he does not deliver the castle and prisons he shall answer for the cost incurred by the K. in recovering them. Westminster. [Pat., 17 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] [About 2037. Ireland : — The prior of Lanthony attorns William de Ger- May.] nay and Henry le Franceis, against Nicholas le Petit, plaintiff, touching the advowsons of Mullingar and Ratkenny. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 10 dors.] May 24. 2038. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to give to Henry de Trubleville, by his messenger, such seisin of the manor of Balimadan as Ralph de Trubleville had, whose heir the said Henry is. Tewkesbury. [Close, 17 Hen, III, m. 9.] May 28. 2039. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. F[edhlim] son of K[athel], late King of Connaught, has signified that he proposes to come to England to see and confer with the K. re- garding their affairs. The K. answered that ere he came he should strive to take the castle of Miloc, which is in the hand of Richard de Burgh. When the castle shall have been taken, Connaught quieted, and both delivered to the justiciary, it is the K.'s pleasure that he come. The justiciary shall give him safe conduct and shall send with him messengers who can certify the state of Ireland to the K. Tewkesbury. [Pat, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] May 29. 2040. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Ralph Fitz Nicholas to have the K.'s service of Meath for 40 304 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1233. days to inclose his castle of Donalamein, the custody of which and of the son and heir of William Pichard he has of the K.'s grant. Worcester. [Close, 17 Hen. III., m. 9.] June C. 2041. The K. to the sheriff of Gloucester. Alienor Countess of Pembroke, the K.'s sister, having demanded of Pichard Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, her dower out of the lands in Ireland and South Wales,~which belonged to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, the younger, her late husband, the parties agreed that the Earl should pay the Countess 400Z. a year in name of dower at Michaelmas and Easter, the Earl's lands in England to be distrained in case of non- payment. The K. orders the sheriff to distrain the Earl's chattels in the bailiwick for 1001. due to the Countess on this account. Wenlock. Similar writs to the sheriffs of Sussex, Worcester, and Berks. [Close, 17 Hen. III., m. 9 dors.] [ About end 2042. Letters of protection, directed to the justiciary and bailiffs of June.] of Ireland, for the Abbot of Oseney. [Pat, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] July 15. 2043. The K. to Eustace, treasurer of Dublin. The justiciary of Ireland notifies that the bridge of Athlone can be completed for 80 marks, 30 marks to be employed on carriage, and 50 marks on works. As it would be advantageous to Ireland that the bridge should be finished, the K. commands the treasurer to pay the money out of the K.'s treasure, the masonry work of the ward of the castle of Reindon to be suspended. Mandate that the maintenance for the justices in Eyre, in Ireland, be also provided out of the K.'s treasure. As the sum employed by the justiciary in the custody of the castle of Dublin exceeds by 6 pence daily the money which he receives for this pur- pose at the Exchequer, it is the K.'s pleasure that the amount be made good to the justiciary out of the K.'s treasure of Ireland. If any emergency in Ireland should render necessary the advance of money, the K. commands that this be done by counsel of the jus- ticiary, Walter Bishop of Ossory, and Geoffrey de Tureville, &c. Westminster. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 7 dors.] [About 2044. Mandates to the justiciary of Ireland, that he labour to July 15.] subjugate to the K.'s power the land of Connaught ; that he take the castle of Milloc, held by Richard de Burgh, and intimate the same to the K., who will communicate his pleasure ; that he distrain Richard de Burgh by his lands and chattels for his account, pro- vided that Ireland be not disturbed thereby ; that he admit the Archdeacon of Dublin to his councils touching Ireland ; and that he put faith in the words which the K. placed in the mouth of his knight, bearer of these presents. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 7 dors.] July 1G. 2045. The K. commits during pleasure to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, for his support in the K.'s service, the land of Gren, which Matilda del Punt del Arche held. Westminster. [Pat, 17 Hen. III., m. 3.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 305 1233. July 18. 2046. Mandate to Henry de Hastings on his fealty to be at Gloucester with L 3 knights in the quinzaine of the feast of the Assumption [Aug. 15], prepared to go with the K. to Ireland. Westminster. [Close, 17 Hen. III., m, 7 dors.] [About 2047. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to July 20.] provide William, the chaplain ministering in the chapel of the castle of Dublin, with an ecclesiastical benefice of 101. as soon as a vacancy shall occur. Similar letters to Eustace, Treasurer of Dublin. [ Close 17 Hen. III., m. 7.] July 22. 2048. Mandate to the sheriff of Kent to go with Henry de Sandwich or other discreet person to the ports in his county, and cause to be seized all ships able to carry 16 horses; and to take security from the ships that they be in the port of Affridecumbe [Ilfracombe], Devon, in the quinzaine of the Assumption [Aug. 15], prepared to go on the K.'s service to Ireland ; and to enroll the names of the masters and send those names with the number of ships to the K. Mandate to John of Sandwich, and to the sheriffs of Norfolk, Essex, Sussex, Hants, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall. [Close 17 Hen. Ill, m. 7 dors.] Aug. 4. 2049. The K. prays Robert de Berkeley to permit the sheriff of Gloucester to make hurdles out of the twigs in his woods in the county of Gloucester, for the K.'s passage into Ireland. Windsor. Similar letters to Richard de Clifford, the Abbot of Gloucester, Fulk Fitz Warrenne, the Prior of Deerhurst, the Bishops of Worcester and Hereford. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 7 dors.] Aug. 6. 2050. The K. grants to Master Odo de Cheriton, that for the present he do not cross over into Ireland with the K. Mandate to the sheriff of Kent not to molest or distrain him on this occasion Windsor. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] Aug. G. 2051. Royal assent to the election made of John de Tanton canon of Kildare, as Bishop of that see. Mandate to Luke [Arch- bishop] of Dublin to do what is his in this matter, and to certify to the K. the confirmation of the election ere he consecrates the Elect Windsor. [Pat, 17 Hen, III, on. 3.] Aug. 7. 2052. Mandate to the sheriff of York to cause to be proclaimed throughout his county, that all those who hold of the K. in capite a knight's fee, half a knight's fee, or more, and all those who hold of the honors in the K.'s hand, or escheats of Normans, or otherwise, whereby they owe knight service to the K., shall be with the k! at Gloucester in the quinzaine of the Assumption [Aug. 15], pre- pared with horses and arms to cross over with the K. into Ireland. Windsor. Similar letters to all the sheriffs of England. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill m. 7 dors.] Aug. 7. 2053. Mandate to the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk to cause the ships which the K. had ordered to be arrested, to come to Mil- ' u 306 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1233. ford in place of Ilfracombe, prepared to cross over with the K. to Ireland, in the quinzaine from the Assumption [Aug. 15]. The ships can be more readily equipped at Milford. Windsor. Similar letters to the sheriffs of Essex, Kent, Hants, Sussex, Dorset and Somerset, Devon and Cornwall. [Close, 17 Hen. III., m. 7 dors.] Aug. 7 2054. Mandate to the barons of Sandwich to come to the K. in the port of Milford in the quinzaine of the Assumption [Aug. 15], with all the service which they owe the K. and ships well equipped with men and victuals, to cross with the K. into Ireland. Windsor. Similar letters to the barons of Dover, Hethe [Hythe], and Rumenal [Romney]. [Close, 17 Hen. III., m. 7 dors.] Aug. 8. 2055. The K. commands Maurice Fitz Gerald, as he before commanded him, to cause John d'Evreux to have seisin according to his charter of the land which he had of the gift of Thomas Fitz Anthony in Galles, Bellibrannyn, Arda, Lisnaan, Gurbetha, and Culma, whereof the K. disseised John, and which the K. subse- quently granted to him by charter aforesaid. Windsor. [Close, 17 Hen. III., m. 6.] Aug. 26. 2056. Letters of safe conduct, till Easter, a. r. 18 Henry III., for Richard de Burgh in coming to England, remaining, and returning. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary, to meanwhile pro- tect the tenants, lands, and possessions of Richard in Ireland. Hereford. [Pat, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Aug. 27. 2057. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to respite, till Hilary, a. r. 18, all plaints moved against Walter de Lascy in Ireland, save pleas of dower unde nil habet and assises of Novel disseisin and of Darrein presentment. Hereford. [Close, 17 Hen. III., m. 5.] Aug. 28. 2058. The K. changes his purpose of crossing over into Ireland. Mandate to the sheriff of Hants, that notwithstanding the K.'s order to arrest ships at Southampton, he suffer them to go free. Here- ford. Similar letters to the same sheriff regarding the 2 ships, Clay and William Ster, and the 3 ships of Erm' [Herman] Kanteman and his associates from the land of the Duke of Brabant. Similar letters to the sheriff of Kent to set free ships arrested within the ports of his bailiwick ; likewise to the sheriffs of Norfolk, Suffolk, Sussex, Dorset and Somerset, Devon and Cornwall, the bailiffs of Rye and Pevensey. [Close, 17 Hen. III., m. 6 dors.] Sept. 1. 2059. Mandate to the sheriff of Dorset and Somerset not to cause hurdles and bridges to be further made within the bailiwick of Richard de Wrotham and in Cheddar Wood, for the crossing over of the K. into Ireland, the K. having for the present revoked his purpose. Similar letters to the sheriff of Devon not further to make hurdles in the woods of knights and free tenants about Ilfracombe. [Close, 17 Hen, III, m. 5.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 1233. Sept. 21. 2060. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to ascertain where Robert de Cinpiton married Slana, who sues Nicholas Fitz William, a minor, for her dower ; and if it appears by inquisition before the bishop of the place that marriage actually took place between her and Robert, the justiciary shall cause her to have her dower out of Robert's free tenement ; saving the K/s right. Kidderminster. [Close, 17 Hen. III., m. 3.] Sept. 24. 2061. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. The Abbot of the Holy Cross prays the K/s confirmation of a grant of lands made to his abbey by King John, while Earl of Morton, and in Ireland. The K. cannot properly grant the confirmation without an inspection of King John's charter. If it cannot be sent to Eng- land without peril by sea and land, and if Hugh Blanchard impleads the Abbot touching a portion of the lands, the K. is unwilling to refuse the Abbot what by right the K. ought to do. Mandate to the justiciary to inspect the charter, and if it contains the land which Hugh claims against the Abbot, to respite the plaint till further mandate. Oddington. [Close, 17 Hen. III., m. 3 dors.] Sept. 27. 2062. The K. to his justiciary of Ireland. The Abbot of the Holy Cross de Hosterlan' supplicates the K. to confirm lands which the house has of the gift of King John, but which Hugh Blanchard claims against it. The K. cannot grant the confirmation, not having inspected the charter of King John ; but being unwilling to deny to the Abbot the benefit of warranty, if by the charter the K. is bound to warranty, the K. commands the justiciary to respite the plaint till further mandate, if on inspection he find the charter to be as stated. Oddington. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 2 dors.] Sept. 30. 2063. Protection for the Abbot and monks of the Holy Cross of Hosterlan', in Ireland. Oxford. [Pat, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Oct. 12. 2064. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that by the safe conduct granted by the K. to Richard de Burgh till Easter, a. r. 18, his property shall remain as it was, but plaints previously moved against him shall run in common course, according to the custom of Ireland. Westminster. [Close, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Oct. 14. 2065. Licence for the Abbot and monks of Furnes, to send a friar of their order to Ireland to purchase corn and other provisions. Mandate to the justiciary for protection. Westminster. [Pat, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Oct. 25. 2066. Mandate to the men of Dublin, that they lend to the men of Bristol their great galley which they have lately constructed ; that she be well supplied with sailors, arms, and armaments, so as to fit her for the K.'s service and pay ; and that she come to Bristol under safe conduct. The K. will satisfy the wages of the men. Windsor. [Pat, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 1.] Oct. 27. 2067. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to deliver to the burgesses of Bristol the K.'s great galley at Dublin. [Pat t 17 Hen. Ill, m. 1.] u 2 308 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1233. Oct. 28. 2068. Grant to the mayor and good men of Dublin for 3 years, from Christmas, a. r. 18 Henry III., of the following customs on articles or beasts brought for sale, to enable the mayor and men of Dublin to inclose and fortify the city : — For every crannock of wheat, \d. ; a crannock of oats, \d. ; a horse or mare, ox or cow, Id. ; 5 hogs, Id. ; 6 sheep, Id. ; a last of hides brought for sale, to be carried elsewhere, 12d. ; a sack of wool, 3d.; a hogshead of wine, 2d. ; a weigh of wheat, 2d. ; a cartload of lead, 2d. ; a truss of cloth or other merchandise, 2d. ; a crannock of salt, \d. ; a crannock of woad, 2d. ; & weigh of tallow and a weigh of cheese, lei ; a hogs- head of honey or butter, 4; 10 two-year old sheep, Id; a hog and pig, Jd; 100 boards, Id ; a weigh of cheese, suet, butter, and lard, \d. ; the burgesses to pay the same customs for their wares and merchandise, and the customs to cease at the end of 3 years. Mandate by letters close to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to allow these customs to be taken by view of two men whom he shall assign for the purpose. [Pat, 18 Hen. III., m. 10.] June 14. 2136. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Roger cle la Hyde to have all the chattels taken in his lands in Leynester after the first proclamation of peace following the war between the K.'s Irish subjects and Earl Richard Marshall. Tewkesbury. [Close, 18 Hen. III., m. 18.] 2137. Mandate to the mayor and citizens of Dublin, not to take for the corn and victuals of the Abbot and canons of St. Thomas, Dublin, the customs to enable the citizens to inclose their city^ granted by the K. out of merchandise and articles coming to Dublin for sale. Tewkesbury. [Close, 18 Hen. Ill, on. 18.] 2138. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to respite, till the Purification [2 Feb.], a. r. 19, the plaint in the K.'s court at the assise of Limerick by writ of right, between Maurice of London, plaintiff, and Donatus Abbot of May [Monasternenagh], tenant, which went before the Cistercian chapter, touching land in Balihodor, Enaghculy, Culether, Kalmarkan, and Grano-fnhava Winchcomb. [Close, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 18.] June 22. 2139. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald to cause to be liberated Robert de Grendon, who was taken in the war of Kildare with Earl Marshall, and is in Walter de Rideleford's prison; his land and chattels shall be restored. If he be subjected to ransom, Maurice shall respite it till further order. Woodstock. Similar letters to Walter de Rideleford for the same Robert [Close, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 18.] June 22. 2140. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give seisin to William de Rughedon of all the lands whereof he was disseised in Grathelach [Carlow] during the war between the K. and Richard Earl Marshall, he having then been with the K. in England. Restoration of his chattels. Woodstock. [Close, 18 Hen * III. m. 18.] July 1. 2141. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Had conferred with Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, in presence of Luke Archbishop of Dublin, Richard Bishop of Durham, Ralph Bishop of Chichester, the K.'s chancellor, William Bishop of Exeter, Walter Bishop of Carlisle, Henry Bishop of Rochester, and Hubert June 17. June 19. 318 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1234. de Burgh Earl of Kent, touching the making of peace between the justiciary and the K/s Irish subjects. Mandate that the justiciary come to the K. to confer on this subject. Westminster. [Close, 18 Hen. III., m. 17.] July 1. 2142. The K. grants to Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, all the issues of his lands from Tuesday next before the Ascension [May 30], a. r. 18, and all the corn sown in those lands. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause the Earl to have possession thereof. Westminster. [Close, 18 Hen. III., m. 17.] July 2. 2143. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Mandate that when he shall have committed to safe custody the castles and land of Ireland, he come to England to confer with the K. Safe conduct for him. Westminster. [Pat, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] July 13. 2144. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause to be delivered to William le Gras, for the use of Gilbert Marshall, all the lands, &c. in Ireland which belonged to Richard Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, and which descend to Gilbert by right of inheritance. Westminster. [Close, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 15.] July 15. 2145. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give seisin to Franke le Treys of the lands which he holds of Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, in Ireland, and which had been taken into the K/s hand. Westminster. [Close, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 15.] July 17. 2146. The K. to Edmund Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England. Grant that Maurice Fitz Gerald, justicaiy of Ireland, may commit himself and his retinue to the protection of the Arch- bishop and of his church in coming to England to confer with the K., remaining and returning. Rochester. Aug. 2. Similar letters to Luke Archbishop of Dublin, and Earl Richard, the K.'s brother. Westminster. [Pat., 18 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] July 20. 2147. The K. to Edmund Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England. Is well pleased that Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, commit himself and his retinue to the protection of the Archbishop and of his church in coming to England to confer with the K., remaining and returning. Havering. [Pat., 18 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] Cancelled because inrolled below. July 24. 2148. Safe conduct for John de Bereford on his journey to Ire- land with letters of safe conduct from Edmund Archbishop of Canterbury for Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Pro- tection for John. Rochester. [Pat, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] July 25. 2149. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, that so long as William de Marisco shall be in the K.'s prison, the jus- ticiary cause William de Stafford to have the custody of the land which belonged to Adam le Bret, in Rathgole and Drungan, and which land was previously in the custody of William de Marisco. Rochester. [Close, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 14.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 319 1234. Aug. 16. 2150. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland to respite till the quinzaine of the feast of St. John the Baptist [July 8], a. r. 19, the assise of Mort d 'ancestor which William Fitz Alan and Agnes his wife, arraigned against Henry de TrubleviUe, seneschal of Gascony, of the land of Balimagdun, formerly held by Ralph de Trubleville, uncle of Henry. Abingdon. [Close, 18 Hen. III. m. 10.] ' Aug. 22. _ 2151. The K. remits to Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, the ire which the K. had conceived against him on the occasion of the war between the K. and Richard Marshall Earl of Pembroke, his brother, and receives him into grace. Restoration of all the Earl's hereditary rights in England, Wales, and Ireland. As further security for his faithful service, the Earl has delivered to Edmund Archbishop of Canterbury, his castle of Chepstow, and to Luke Archbishop of Dublin, his castle of Dumas in Ireland, to hold in their hands during the K.'s pleasure. But the K., relying on his faithful service, grants that he may himself hold the castles ; and wills that there be no further dissension between him and the magnates of Ireland and England. Reading. [Pat, 18 Hen. III. m. 8.] '* Aug. 22. 2152. Ralph de Pycheford makes with the K. a fine of 300 marks to have the marriage of the heirs of John Mac Deremot and custody of his lands in Ireland. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald justiciary of Ireland, to give Ralph possession of the heirs and lands, he having provided security to pay the fine to the K. in England! Reading. Sureties for the fine : — Ralph Fitz Nicholas, 100 marks. Walter de Baskerville, 100 marks. Geoffrey Dispensar, 30 marks. William de Picheford, 40 marks. Richard Fitz Hugh, 10 marks. Henry de Capella, 10 marks. [Fine Rolls, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Aug 22. 2153. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, that in presence of the Archbishop of Dublin or his bailiffs, he inquire by the oaths of lawful men of the Arch bishop's and the K/s fee what loss the Archbishop suffered by the K.'s bailiffs during the war in Ireland, between Richard Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, and the K. ; what money, jewels, and chattels were taken in the K.'s name in the church of Dublin, and other churches and monasteries of the Archbishop's province, and were carried away on account of the war ; by whom, and whether to the use of the K. or others ; and what was their value. The inquisition, when made, to be sent to the K. Reading. [Close, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 9 dors.] Aug. 23. 2154. Grant to M[aurice] Archbishop of Cashel, his successors and ; suffragans, their knights and free tenants, of licence to make a will of their goods and chattels, as well in corn as in lands sown. Reading. [Exchequer, Q. R, Miscellanea, m. 5.] Aug. 23. 2155. Grant to William de Radeclive, the K.'s chaplain, that whenever any dignity shall fall vacant in Ireland, he be provided by Luke Archbishop of Dublin, with a revenue or 15 marks. 320 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1234. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause this to be done. Read- ing. [Pat, 18 Hen. III., m. 6.] Aug. 25. 2156. The K. commits during pleasure to Geoffrey cle Turville, Archdeacon of Dublin, the custody of the Treasury of the Exchequer in that city. Mandate accordingly to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Odiham. The K. to Eustace de Leveland, chancellor of Chichester, or his assigns, in Ireland. Notifies that he has committed during pleasure to Geoffrey de Turville, Archdeacon of Dublin, the custody of the Treasury of the Exchequer in that city. Mandate that he deliver to Geoffery, the treasure, the Rolls of the Exchequer and all other matters belonging to it which are in his custody. Mandate in the same words to Peter de Ryvall. The K. notifies to the Barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, that he has committed during pleasure to Geoffrey de Turville, Archdeacon of Dublin, the Treasury of the Exchequer in that city, and commands that in everything regarding the Treasury they be intentive and respondent to Geoffrey as the K.'s treasurer. [Pat., 18 Hen. III., m. 6.] Aug. 25. 2157. The K. to Luke Archbishop of Dublin, Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, and the master of the Templars in that country. Mandate that every year after the Treasurer and Barons of the Ex- chequer shall have audited the accounts of the issues of Ireland, they go to the Exchequer and there make a View of the Treasurer's receipts and expenditure, and of the amount of treasure remaining ; that they cause a writing thereof to be transcribed in the form of a chirograph, comprising receipts and expenditure, and sealed with their seals ; and that one part of this writing remain with the trea- surer, while the other shall be sent to the K., whereby he may be certified in the premises. Odiham. [Pat, 18 Hen. III., on. 6.] Aug. 28. 2158. The K. commits to Warin de Fisacre, clerk, the custody during pleasure of the K.'s chamberlainship of the Exchequer, Dublin. Mandate to Geoffrey de Tureville, Archdeacon of Dublin and Treasurer of the Exchequer, to give Warin seisin thereof. Odiham. [Close, 18 Hen. Ill, on. 10.] Aug. 28. 2159. The K. to Eustace de Leveland, chancellor of Chichester, or his assigns, in Ireland. Has committed to Geoffrey de Turville the custody of the Treasury of the Exchequer, Dublin. Mandate thereupon to the justiciary of Ireland. Odiham. [Pat, 18 Hen. Ill, on. 5.] Cancelled because inrolled above. Aug. 28. 2160. The K. grants to Geoffrey de Turville, Archdeacon of Dublin, an annuity of 20 marks, payable half yearly, for his main- tenance in the K.'s service so long as he shall be Treasurer of the Exchequer, Dublin. Guildford. [Pat, 18 Hen. Ill, on. 6.] Aug. 28. 2161. The K. notifies to Geoffrey de Tureville, Archdeacon of Dublin and Treasurer of the K.'s Exchequer in that city, and to the RELATING TO IRELAND. 321 1234. Barons of the Exchequer, that he has commanded Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, and the Master of the Templars there, to make a View of all receipts and expenditure of the Exchequer, &c, as before, No. 2157. Odiham. [Pat, 18 Hen. III., m. G.] 2162. Grant during pleasure to Warin de Fisacre of custody of the office of chamberlain of the Exchequer, Dublin. Mandate accordingly to Geoffrey de Tureville, Archdeacon of Dublin and Treasurer of that Exchequer. Odiham. Mandate to Benedict Fitz Ambrose, or his assigns in Ireland, to deliver the office to Warin. Guildford. Mandate in the same words to Peter de Ryvall. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to admit Warin as the K.'s Chamberlain of the Exchequer. The K. grants to Warin de Fisacre, chamberlain of the Exchequer, Dublin, an annuity of 10/. to maintain him in the K.'s service so long as he shall be chamberlain. Mandate thereupon to Geoffrey de Turville. [Pat., 18 Hen. IIP, m. 6.] [About be- 2163. The Prior of Lanthony, near Gloucester, attorns Henry le ginning of Fraunceis and John le Messager against Nicholas le Petit, plaintiff, Sept.] and the Prior, defendant, touching the advowsons of Admulingar and Rathkenny. Letters [thereupon] to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. [Close, 18 Hen. IIP, m. 8 dors.] Sept. 8. 2164. The K. commands his justiciary of Ireland, his bailiffs, and subjects, to permit Brother John, Prior of Lanthony in England, to convey his corn and other substance from Ireland into England for the maintenance of his house, or to dispose thereof for its benefit. Windsor. [Pat, 18 Hen, IIP, m. 5.] Sept. 10. 2165. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Geoffrey de Turreville, Archdeacon of Dublin, represents that John d'Evreux, William Walensis, and others, present their clerks to the chapels of their lands, which chapels are members of his church of Dungarvan, and have been held to farm for many years by his clerks. This tends to the K.'s prejudice and to the loss of the church which belongs to the K.'s advowson. Mandate to the justiciary to restore the rights of the church. Windsor. [Close, 18 Hen. IIP, m, G dors.] Sept. 12. 2166. The K. to Luke Archbishop of Dublin. Has granted to William de Radeclive, his chaplain, that on the vacancy of a dignity in Ireland he shall be provided with a revenue of the value of 1 5 marks. Mandate accordingly to the Archbishop. Windsor. [Pat, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] Sept. 23. 2167. Licence for one year for Richard le Curteys, burgess of Bristol, to cause to be purchased in Ireland 40 quarters of corn, for conveyance to England ; mandate to the justiciary to give protection to Richard's messenger. Marlborough. [Pat,, 18 Hen. HI, m, 5.] Sept. 23. 2168. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Grant to Maurice Fitz Gerald that, notwithstanding the treaty of peace made between Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, and his brothers, with the eom- Aug. 28. Aug. 29. 322 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1234. monalty of the magnates and K.'s subjects of Ireland, he have judgment of the K.'s court there touching the tenements of Geoffrey deMariscis, William his son, Duncan Carbregh, and John Travers. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary. Marlborough. [Pat, 18 Hen. III., m. 5.] Sept. 25. 2169. Grant and confirmation of the gift which David Fitz William, Baron of Naas [Nas], made to Maurice Fitz William, his brother, of land which belonged to Simon de Bigard in the cantred of Wykinglo [Wicklow] ; to hold in fee of David, as the charter of the latter, which Maurice has, witnesseth. Marlborough. [Exchequer, Q. R., Miscellanea, m. 5.] Sept. 25. 2170. Grant in fee to David de Barri of a weekly market on Saturday at his manor of Botavant, and of a yearly fair there on the vigil and feast of St. Luke the Evangelist and C following days [17-24 Oct.]. Further grant of a weekly market on Friday at his manor of Karetto Thell'. Witnesses, Edmund Archbishop of Can- terbury, &c. Marlborough. [Exchequer, Q. R, Miscellanea, -^4, m. 5.] Sept. 25. 2171. Grant in fee to Hugh de Legh of a moiety of a burgage in the parish of St. Audeon's, Dublin, formerly of Nicholas de Chep- stowe, who was drowned, and which belongs to the K. because Nicholas held it in capite, and died without heirs. Marlborough. [Exchequer, Q. R., Miscellanea, -^p-, m. 5.] Sept. 25. 2172. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, to give to Walter Bishop of Ossory, such seisin of the lands and tenements of the see as Peter, his predecessor, had at his death. Marlborough, [Close, 18 Hen. III., on. 6.] Sept. 26. 2173. Grant to Kichard de Twyd of an annuity of 151. for the land of Athlone which Richard claims as his, until the K. go to Ireland or provide him with the value of the land. The K. has commanded his treasurer at Dublin to pay Richard this amount on the justiciary's order. Mandate to the justiciary to cause Richard to have the annuity. Marlborough. [Pat, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Sept. 26. 2174. The K. to the earls, barons, knights, and all his subjects in Ireland. Returns them thanks for their fidelity and their good service to his predecessors and himself, but chiefly in the late war in Ireland against Richard Marshall, Earl of Pembroke. Prays that they assist Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, by giving him aid and counsel in administering the K.'s affairs. Marlborough, [Pat, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Sept. 26. 2175. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Remits to Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, the K.'s ire conceived against him on account of the war between the K., Richard Earl Marshall, Gilbert's brother, and himself; receives Earl Gilbert and his brothers into grace ; restores all his lands and castles in England, Wales, and Ireland ; and takes his homage therefor. Mandate to the justiciary for livery of seisin to him of all the lands and castles of his inheritance in Ireland whereof Earl Richard was seised on RELATING TO IRELAND. 323 1234. the day when war first broke out between the K. and the latter. Marlborough. Mandate to Hugh de Lascy, Earl of Ulster, to give seisin to the messenger of Gilbert Earl of Pembroke, of the castle of Cabry in his custody owing to the war between the K. and Richard Earl of Pembroke. [Pat, 18 Hen. III., m. 4.] Sept. 26. 2176. Writ to the treasurer and chamberlains of Dublin, to pay to Richard de Twyd, on the mandate of the justiciary of Ireland, an annuity of 151. for the land of Athlone to which he claims right. The annuity shall be paid to Richard until the K. shall go to Ireland, or provide him with the value of the land. Marlborough. [Pat, 18 Hen. III., m. 4.] Sept. 26. 2177. The K. restores to Luke Archbishop of Dublin and his church, the vill of Stagunnyng belonging to that church.' Witnesses, Edmund Archbishop of Canterbury, Joceline Bishop of Bath, Henry Bishop of Rochester, and Walter Bishop of Carlisle, Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, Richard Earl of Cornwall and Poitou, Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, William de Ferrariis, Walter Marshall, Walter de Clifford, Ralph Fitz Nicholas, Godfrey de Crau- cumb, John Mar', Peter de Birmingeham, Richard de Tuyd. Marlbo- rough. [Pat, 18 Hen. III., m. 4.] Sept. 26. 2178. Grant to Luke Archbishop of Dublin, and the Prior and canons of the church of the Holy Trinity in that city, that in order to lengthen and enlarge their church they may occupy and close up a street lying near it towards the west ; provided that in place of the street they carry a road along the neighbouring land of the Prior and canons extending to the old street on the other side of that land. This road will give free access to the church. Mandate to the mayor and good men of Dublin to allow this change to be made, notwithstanding that the obstruction be a nuisance to the city Marlborough. [Pat, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Sept. 26. 2179. The K. restores to Luke Archbishop of Dublin and his church, the vill of Stagunning as the right of the latter. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give seisin of the vill Marlborough [Close, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] Sept. 26. 2180. Writ to the treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin, yearly to pay to Maurice Fitz Gerald so long as he shall be justiciary of Ireland, 500/, for his maintenance in the office of justiciary. Marl- borough. [Close, 18 Hen, III, m. 5.] Sept. 26. _ 2181. The K. notifies to the justiciary of Ireland, that at the instance of Alienor, Countess of Pembroke, the K/s sister, he quit- claims to Robert de Grcndon 40 marks, for which the latter had made a fine to have remission of the K/s ire, conceived against him because he had stood against the K. in the war with Richard Mar- shall, late Earl of Pembroke. Mandate to the justiciary to cause Robert to be quit thereof. Marlborough. Similar letters patent directed to the justiciary, April 14 a r 19 Windsor. [Close, 18 Hen, III, m. 5.] x 2 324 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1234. Sept. 20. 2182. Grant to Maurice Fitz Gerald of a weekly market on Saturday at his manor of Yohyll, of a yearly fair at the same manor on the vigil and feast of St, Michael and 13 following days [Sept. 28 Oct. 12]; and of a yearly fair at his manor of Gren on the vigil and Nativity of St. John the Baptist and 13 following days [June 2 3- July 7]. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause the market and fairs to be proclaimed and held accordingly. [Close, 18 Hen. IIP, on. 5.] Sept. 26. 2183. Grant to David Barri of a weekly market on Saturday at his manor of Buttavant ; of a yearly fair at the same manor on the vigil and feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, and G following days [17-24 Oct.] ; and of a market on Friday at his manor of Karecto- hell. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause the markets and fair to be proclaimed and held. Marlborough. [Close, 18 Hen. III., on. 5.] Sept. 27. 2184. Ireland : — Protection for 2 years for Robert Fitz Alured, brother of Walter Bishop of Ossory. Marlborough. Similar protection for Jordan Fitz Alured, brother of the Bishop. [Pat, 18 Hen. III., on. 4.] Sept. 27. 2185. Grant to Maurice Fitz Gerald, so long as he shall be justi- ciary of Ireland, of an annuity of 50 marks for his maintenance in that office. Marlborough. [Pat., 18 Hen. III., m. 4.] Sept. 27. 2186. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Has made with Luke Archbishop of Dublin a fine of 300 marks for damage done to him and his in that diocese by the late war between the K. and Richard Earl Marshall. The K. has commanded his treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin to cause the Archbishop to have this amount on mandate of the justiciary. Mandate accordingly to the latter. Marlborough. [Pat., 18 Hen. Ill, on. 4.] Sept. 27. 2187. The K. orders his Treasurer and Chamberlain of Dublin to pay to Luke Archbishop of Dublin, on mandate of the justiciary, 300 marks, the amount of a fine made with the Archbishop for damage done to him and his in the late war between the K. and Richard Earl Marshall. Marlborough. [Pat., 18 Hen. IIP, on. 4.] Sept. 27. 2188. Pardon to John Bishop of Ferns of 501. which he owed to the K. for prest made to him in the time when he was treasurer. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, and Geoffrey Archdeacon of Dublin, to cause it to be so inrolled, and to acquit the Bishop of 50?. Marlborough. [Close, 18 Hen. Ill, on. 5.] Sept. 27. 2189. The K. restores to Richard de Burgh all his land of Con- naught, which he previously had of the K.'s gift. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to give to Richard such seisin thereof as he had when the K. ordered him to be disseised. Marlborough. The same is signified to Richard, with a mandate that he strenuously exert himself to take possession of the land. Marl- borough. [Close, 18 Hen. Ill, on. 5.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 325 1234. Sept. 27. 2190. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that he cause it to be inquired what knights and others of Ireland, besides those whose names inrolled, the justiciary, when in England, showed to the K. were against the K. in the war with Richard Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke ; that when certified thereupon in the presence of the Archbishop of Dublin and other subjects of the K. in Ireland, he take a fine from them for their transgression ; that he cause the lines to be inrolled, and that he send one of the rolls under his seal and that of the Archbishop to the K. in England, and himself retain the other roll. Marlborough. [Close, 18 Hen. III., m. 5.] Sept. 27. 2191. Grant to Nicholas Parvus, until the K. shall go to Ireland or otherwise provide for him, of the annual rent which Robert, his brother, was wont to receive for the land of Corcumbast. Duncan de Karebrac holds that cantred on lease from the K. Mandate to the justiciary to ascertain from the Rolls of the Exchequer the amount of that rent, and to cause Nicholas to have it. The K. has com- manded his treasurer and chamberlains of Dublin to pay that rent on the justiciary's mandate. Sanderford. [Pat, 18 Hen. III., m. 4.] Sept. 28. 2192. Writ to the Treasurer and Chamberlain of Dublin to pay to Nicholas Parvus, on mandate of the justiciary, until the K. shall go to Ireland or otherwise provide for him, the annual rent which Robert, his brother, was wont to receive at the Dublin Exchequer for the land of Corcumbast. Duncan de Carebrac holds that land on lease from the K. Sanderford. [Pat., 18 Hen, III., m. 4.] Sept. 28. 2193. Writ to the Treasurer and Chamberlain of Dublin to pay yearly, on mandate of the justiciary, to Reginald Finegal 100s. for a moiety of the cantred of Occasin, which the K. retains in his hand. The K. has commanded the justiciary accordingly. Sanderford. [Pat, 18 Hen. III., m, 4.] Sept. 28. 2194. The K. for a fine of 400 marks remits to Duncan de Car- bragh the ire conceived against him for siding against the K. in the war with Richard Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, and receives him into favour. Grant that he hold, during pleasure, the land which he has on lease. The K. has commanded the justiciary that on Duncan giving security for the fine he allow him to hold the land. Sander- ford. [Pat, 18 Hen, III, m. 4.] Sept. 28. 2195. Letters of protection for Reginald Finegal, sent by the K. on a mission to Ireland, so long as he shall be on that mission. Sanderford. [Pat., 18 Hen. Ill, m, 4.] Sept. 28. 2196. Chant, during pleasure, to Peter de Burmingeham of an annuity of 20 marks, to maintain him on the K.'s service. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary. The K. has commanded his treasurer and chamberlains to pay this sum on the justiciary's mandate. Sanderford. [Pat, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Sept; 28. 2197. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to give seisin to John Fitz Geollrey de Mariscis of all his lands and castles, as he was in England with William Earl Warenne during the war between 326 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1234. the K. and Richard Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke. Sanderford. [Pat, 18 Hen. IIL, m. 4.] Sept. 28. 2198. The K. takes under his protection the Ostmen of Water- ford, with their wares and merchandise. Sanderford. [Pat, 18 Hen. III., m. 4.] Sept. 28. 2199. The K. notifies to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, that J ohn Fitz Geoffrey de Mariscis during the whole war in Ireland between the K. and Richard Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, was in England with Earl Warenne. Mandate that seisin be given to John of all his lands and chattels seized by reason of that war. Sandford. Cancelled because othertvise inrolled on the Patent Rolls. [Close, 18 Hen. IIL, m. 5.] Sept. 28. 22 00. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to permit Walter de Ridelford, until the K. shall go to Ireland or further order, to hold 3 carucates of land which he has on lease from the K. in Theachkony, Kilmacehe, and Kilminen, and which he claims by charter of King Henry II. and confirmation of King J ohn. Sand- ford. [Close, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] Sept. 28. 2201. The K. pardons to Hugh Purcel, the K.'s ire conceived against him because he stood against the K. in the war between the latter and Richard Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, and receives him into grace for the fine which he made with the K. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that having taken from Hugh security for the fine, he cause him to have seisin of his land, and of all chattels found therein after proclamation of the K.'s peace. The fine shall be accounted to Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, in the 1,000 marks which the K. granted to him for the ransom of his men of Ireland. Sandford. The same is signified to the K.'s treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin, that they may cause the fine and allowance to be inrolled. [Close, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] Sept. 28. 2202. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Duncan de Carbrac has made with the K. a fine of 400 marks, to have remission of the K.'s ire conceived against him because he stood against the K. in the war between the latter and Richard Marshall, late Earl of Pem- broke. By this fine he shall hold during pleasure the land which the K. granted to him to farm. Mandate to the justiciary, that having taken from Duncan security for the 400 marks, he allow him to hold the land, saving to the K. the arrears of the farm. Sandford. The same is signified to the treasurer that he may cause the fine to be inrolled. [Close, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] Sept. 28. 2203. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Reginald de Bernevalle to have out of the K.'s treasure, Dublin, 201., in part payment of arrears of 151. a year which he was wont to receive at the Exchequer, England, for his maintenance on the K.'s service RELATING TO IRELAND. 827 1234. Mandate to the treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin to cause him to have this money. Sandford. Writ to the treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin to pay this money at the mandate of Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. [Close, 18 Hen. IJL, m. 5.] Sept. 28. 2204. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause to be sold of the corn and chattels of Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, to the value of 5001., and to cause the proceeds to be delivered to Alienor, Countess of Pembroke, the K.'s sister, saving to the Earl seed out of the corn to cultivate his lands in Ireland. Sandford. [Close, 18 Hen. III., m. 5.] [Soon after 2205. Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to the K. In Sept. 28.] pursuance of the K.'s mandate, dated Sept. 28, a. r. 18 Hen. III., commanding him to take an inquisition as to how much land Hugh de Berneville held in Obride, whether of the gift of King John or of another, by what service it is held, and its yearly value ; he had taken an inquisition by the oaths of 12 knights and free tenants, who say that J[ohn] Bishop of Norwich, then justiciary of Ireland, by order of King John, gave to Hugh seisin of the fee of Obride, but Hugh did not dwell there, or avail himself of the seisin, unless in 7 vills, namely, Feychmolin, Kylcol, Clonluman [ ? ], Bali- nicher [ ? ], Seskinculkeran [ ? ], and Kelinruy [ ? ], being 49 caru- cates of land. Of demesne they know nothing ; and they have not heard of any charter. [Royal Letters, iVo. 828. Partly defaced by gall.] Sept. 29. 2206. Grant during pleasure to Peter de Byrmingeham, of an annuity of 20 marks, payable at the Exchequer, Dublin, to maintain him on the K/s service. Reading. [Pat., 18 Hen. III., m. 4.] Sept. 29. 2207. The K. pardons Reginald Fitz William, miller, for acci- dentally killing John Carpenter, and for thereupon flying from Ireland. Reading. [Pat., 18 Hen. III., m. 4.] Sept. 29. 22 08. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Ralph de Picheford, the K.'s constable of Drogheda, to have his maintenance for the custody of the castle of that town, as enjoyed by his predecessors. Reading. [Close, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Sept. 29. 2209. Grant to Luke Archbishop of Dublin, of a weekly market on Saturday at his manor of Stagunnild, and of a yearly fair at his manor of Glannor', on the vigil and feast of the Assumption, and 6 following days [14-21 Aug.]. Reading. [Exchequer, Q. P., Mis- cellanea, 9-° -9-, m. 5.] Sept. 30. 2210. Inspeximus and confirmation of charter made by Margaret, daughter of Richard Gillemichelle, to the abbey of nuns at Hogges, near Dublin, granting in frankalmoign for her soul and that of Sir Alexander, anchorite of St. Clement's near Dublin, &c. as follows : — A yearly rent of assise of 3 marks out of her land in Cornar', near St. Audeon's, Dublin ; 3 marks rent of assise out of her land near St. Patrick's Gate, in that city, and out of her land in Palla ; 3 marks 328 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1234. yearly, namely, out of her lands in Housmantun, 26s. ; out of her land in Vico Sibulatorum 6s., and 4s. out of her land in the parish of St. Mary de Monte, which Albridus, provicar, holds in fee out of a message in Vico Sutorum, Dublin, all for masses in the church of St. Mary in the Abbey. Further grant of a pittance of 20s. yearly [20s. annuos ad pitanciam] out of the land which Lady Letitia Bella held in fee of the said Margaret ; 21s. yearly for clothing of the convent receivable as follows : 5s. 6c/, out of a messuage near the church of St. Nicholas, 40c?. out of land held in fee of Margaret by the heirs of John de Cantim', 20c?. out of land which Lady Elena de Plumton holds in fee of Margaret, 10c?, a year due by the convent of St. Thomas to the latter, 12c?. out of her land in Bertram Court [Curia Bertram] which Edward Palmer held of her, 2s. out of a stone mes- suage which John Marlborough held of her in Bristol, and \ mark which Richard Cordwainer held in fee in that vill. Further grant of \ mark receivable out of Margaret's land in Corner' aforesaid, near St. Audeon's for the yearly maintenance of 3 wax tapers at the mass of the Blessed Virgin in the enclosure of the church, and in 20s. annually out of that land for the poor in the abbey, any increase in this rent to be applied to the same purpose. Witnesses to the charter, the Archbishop of Dublin, &c. Witnesses to the inspeximus, Gilbert Marshall, &c. Reading. [Exchequer, Q.R., Miscellanea, m. 5 and 6.] Sept. 30. 2211. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to repay to the citizens of Dublin 416?. 16s. 4c?., which they lent to the justiciary to carry on the war against Richard Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke. Reading. [Close, 18 Hen. III., m. 4.] Sept. 30. 2212. Grant to the Archbishop of Dublin, of custody of the lands which Richard Fanyn, who died in the war with Richard Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, held of the Archbishop ; to hold till Richard's heirs make a fine with the K. for his transgression in standing against the K. in that war. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give the Archbishop seisin of the lands. Reading. [6'?osc, 18 Hen. III., m. 4.] Oct. 1. 2213. Grant to Geoffrey de Tureville, Archdeacon of Dublin, of the marriaoe of the heir of Robert de Chester, who held of the K. in capite. Reading. [Pat., 18 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Oct. 1. 2214. Mandate to John de Neville to cause Luke Archbishop of Dublin to have 5 deer in the forest of Which wood of the K.'s gift. Reading. [C'?ose, 18 Hen. Ill, m, 4.] Oct. 1. 2215. Licence for the burgesses of Carmarthen to purchase a ship's freight of corn in Ireland. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland not to allow the burgesses to be impeded in purchasing the corn, or shipping it to Carmarthen. Reading. [Close, 18" Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Oct. 2. 2216. Grant to William de Radeclive of an annuity of 3 marks receivable at the Exchequer, Dublin, until the K. shall provide him RELATING TO IRELAND. 329 1234. with an ecclesiastical benefice of 15 marks, as is contained in letters patent directed to Luke Archbishop of Dublin. Reading. Writ to the treasurer and chamberlains of Dublin for payment to William de Radeclive of an annuity of 3 marks, as above. [Pat., 18 Hen. III., on. 3.] Oct. 7. 2217. The K. notifies that Richard de Burgh has made a fine with him of 3,000 marks to have such seisin of his land of Connaught as he had when the K. disseised him owing to his account at the time when he was justiciary of Ireland, and the strife with Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Kent, his uncle ; to have and to hold of the K. in fee ; rendering yearly to the K. 500 marks with the service of 20 knights ; and saving to the K. 5 cantreds nearest to the castle of Athlone, the gift of crosiers [ecclesiastical investitures] in Connaught, royal dignities, and the office of justiciary, as is contained in the K.'s charter thereupon. On account of his faithful service in the war with Richard Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, the K. remits to Richard the ire conceived against him by reason of Hubert, Earl of Kent ; and fuither quit-claims to him all receipts and accounts during the time he was justiciary of Ireland. Richard shall give security to the K. by hostages for the faithful service of himself and his heirs. Westminster. [Pat, 18 Hen, III., m. 3.] Oct. 7. 2218. Grant to Richard de Burgh of the land of Connaught, as in Charter Roll of 11 Henry III., p. 1, No. 1518, with a clause that Richard shall render to the K. the service of 20 knights, and a saving to the latter of all royal dignities and the office of justice in Connaught. Witnesses, Edmund Archbishop of Canterbury, Luke Archbishop of Dublin, &c. Westminster. [Exchequer, Q. R, Mis- cellanea, m. G.] Oct. 7. 2219. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Richard de Burgh has made a fine with the K. of 3,000 marks, to have seisin of his land of Connaught, whereof he was disseised by reason of his account when justiciary of Ireland, and of the conten- tion between the K. and Hubert de Burgh, his uncle. The land to be held in fee, rendering to the K. 500 marks and the service of 20 knights. The K. retains 5 of the best cantreds of that land near to the castle of Athlone, with gifts of crosiers [episcopal investitures], kingly dignities, and the administration of justice. For this fine, and the service which Richard de Burgh rendered in the war with Richard, late Earl of Pembroke, the K. remits his ire against Richard on account of Hubert Earl of Kent, and releases to him all receipts and accounts, &c. of the time when he was justiciary of Ireland. Richard shall, by charter and hostages, give security for the faithful service of himself and his heirs. Mandate that the justiciary take security for payment of the fine in presence of Luke Archbishop of Dublin, the treasurer of the Exchequer, the clerk acting for Ralph Bishop of Chichester, chancellor of Ireland, and the chamberlain of Dublin. The fine shall be inrolled on the Rolls of the K.'s Exchequer, Dublin ; and the security shall be certified to the K. under the seal of the justiciary and the persons last mentioned. Westminster. The same, down to the clause for inrolment of the fine, is signi- 330 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1234. fied to the Archbishop of Dublin. Mandate to him to certify the security. The same, down to that clause, is signified to the treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin, and to the clerk acting for Ralph Bishop of Chichester, the K/s chancellor. Mandate to inrol the fine, and certify the security to the K. [Close, 18 Hen. III., on. 3.] Oct. 18. 2220. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, to cause Walter Bishop of Ossory to have all the issues of the see of Ossory when last vacant and in the K.'s hand, and which issues were not received to the K.'s use at the Exchequer, Dublin. Westminster. [Close, 18 Hen. III., on. 2.] Oct. 18. 2221. Gilbert Earl Marshall attorns William de Evesham and Richard Fitz Warin against Walter Bishop of Ossory, tenant, of the manor of Dervagh. Westminster. [Close, 18 Hen. III., on. 3 dors.] Oct. 20. 2222. William, son and heir of Jordan de Mariscis, makes with the K. a fine of 300 marks for his ransom, he having been taken with Richard Earl Marshall in the war against the K. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, to inform the Barons of the Exchequer in England, when he shall have received security for the 300 marks. Westminster. [Fine Rolls, 18 Hen. Ill, on. 1.] Oct. 20. 2223. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause to be given to William, son of Jordan de Mariscis, seisin of the lands and castles which belonged to the latter, and were taken into the K/s hand by reason of the war with Richard Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke. The justiciary shall first take from William security for 300 marks, amount of his ransom for having been taken prisoner in that war. Westminster. [Pat, 18 Hen. Ill, on. 2.] Oct. 27. 2224. The K. remits to David Basset the K/s ire, conceived against him because he sided with Richard, late Earl of Pembroke, against the K. in the war of Kildare, in which David was taken prisoner. Grant that David's ransom of 100 marks be allowed to Gilbert Earl of Pembroke out of the money given to the Earl for ransom of prisoners in that war ; David to be quit regarding his ransom. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary of Ireland. Wood- stock. [Close, 18 Hen. Ill, on. 1.] Nov. 12. 2225. The K. commands the Barons of the Exchequer to respite till Easter, a. r. 19, the demand against Richard de Percy for prest of Ireland. Westminster. [Fine Rolls, 19 Hen. Ill, on. 16.] Nov. 21. 2226. Licence for Richard Curteis, burgess of Bristol, to ship at Cork 100 quarters of wheat and 100 quarters of oatmeal for export to England. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, not to allow Richard, or those whom he sends to Cork for this purpose, to be impeded. Westminster. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 1, on. 24.] Nov. 22. 2227. The K. notifies that the ransoms of those who were taken in the war of Kildare between the K. and Richard Earl Marshall have been settled in the K/s presence by the Common Council of RELATING TO IRELAND. 1234. the K.'s Barons on the arrival in England of Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Westminster. [Pat, 19 Hen. III., m. 18.] Nov. 27. 2228. The K commands Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, that in presence of Luke Archbishop of Dublin, and by view of liege men, he assign out of issues of neighbouring lands a sufficiency for the maintenance of the castles of Kylorgelan and de Sancto Bosco [Holywood], belonging to G. de Mariscis, and of the castle of Connaught, belonging to W. de Mariscis, which castles the K. retains in his hand as security for their faithful service. St. Albans. [Pat, 19 Hen. IIP, m. 18.] Nov. 27. 2229. The K. to his barons, knights, free tenants, and other subjects in Ireland. Having learnt that bands of malefactors rode through Ireland to perpetrate fire, robbery, and other injuries, fre- quently disturbing its peace, the K. commands that they be not harboured, but that they be arrested in their passage through the land, and brought to trial in the K.'s court. St. Albans. The K. notifies to the justiciary the tenor of the letters patent aforesaid, commanding that he cause them to be carried out. [Pat., 19 Hen. III., m. 18.] Nov. 27. 2230. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to summon before him in the K.'s court William of Worcester, to show by what war- rant he holds the manors of Crocrachan and Kiltanenach, which King John leased to Philip of Worcester, William's uncle. If William can show no warrant, the justiciary shall take the manors into the K.'s hand, and certify to the K. that he has done so. St. Albans. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 23 dors.] Nov. 27. 2231. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to cause an inquisition to be taken as to what purprestures on land, fresh water, or sea were made against King John and against the K. ; who hold them, by what warrant, and what each is yearly worth. The inqui- sition to be sent to the K. under the seal of the justiciary and the seals of those who take it. St. Albans. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 1, on. 23 dors.] Nov. 27. 2232. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Is informed that justice is much impeded in regard to the making of boundaries between the lands of divers vills in Ireland, because the K.'s writ De divisis faciendis does not run in that country. Mandate that the justiciary cause this writ to run in the same form as it runs in England. Has entered the form of the writ on the K.'s letters patent, to be transmitted to the justiciary. The K. sends to the justiciary the form of the writ. The K. to the same. Being informed that homicides and other grievous crimes frequently arise from disputes concerning boundaries between the land of Peter de Bermingham in Totemoye, and the land of Maurice Comin in Karnekedach, the K. commands the jus- ticiary, that if either party bring a plaint before him he administer justice according to the K.'s writ De divisis faciendis, and according to the custom of England. St. Albans. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 23 dors.] 332 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1234. Dec 20. 2233. Grant and confirmation to William de Lunda, nephew oi Henry de Trubleville, of the gift made to him by the latter, of the vill of Baliamadon in Ireland ; to hold of the K. in tail, rendering- due service. Witnesses, Walter Bishop of Carlisle, William Lunge- spee, Walter de Kirch', Dean of St. Martin's, London, Godfrey de Craucumbe, John Fitz Philip, Henry de Capella, Godfrey de Cauz, Ralph Gernim, Bartholomew de Sackville, William Gernun. Wind- sor. [Chart, 19 Hen. III., m. 18; and Exchequer, Q. R., Miscel- lanea, -^p, m. 6.] Dec. 2:3. 2234. Mandate to Gerald de Prendegast to cause to be restored to Anselm Marshall the stores and chattels removed from his land, and also the hostages, if any, taken from him, after he came to the K.'s peace. If Gerald does not do so, the K. will command Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause it to be done. West- minster. [Close, 19 Hen, III., p. 1, m, 21.] Dec. 28. 2235. The K. grants to Henry de Longo Campo, that of the 9 marks exacted of him for prest of Ireland made to Henry, his father, in the time of King John, he render to the K. one moiety at Easter and the other moiety at Michaelmas. Mandate 'accordingly to the Barons of the Exchequer. Keneton. [Fine Bolls, 1 9 Hen, III, m. 14.] 1234-1235. 2236. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary, and the K.'s J an. 2. treasurer and chamberlain of Ireland. Out of the fines of knights taken in the war in Ireland between the K. and Richard Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, the K. grants to Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, 1,000 marks, which the Earl prays to be allowed to him out of the fines of Matthew Fitz Griffin, Milo de Rupe Forte, Stephen de Hereford, and Geoffrey de Northach, his knights. Mandate that the knights have peace touching the 1,000 marks, and that the justiciary cause it so to be entered in the Rolls of the K.'s Exchequer of Ireland ; saving to the K. 200 marks which remain of the fine of Mathew Fitz Griffin. Waverley. [Pat, 19 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] Jan. 3. 2237. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to allow the servants of Henry de Audley to convey his corn and other chattels whither they will into England. Waverley, [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 21.] Jan. 3. 2238. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause seisin to be given to the knights and free tenants in that country, of the lands and tenements whereof they were disseised after proclamation of peace in the war between the K. and Richard Earl Marshall ; saving to the K. the fines they made with him for their transgression. Waverley. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 20.] Jan. 7. 2239. The K. notifies to the justiciary of Ireland that at the instance of Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, he has pardoned to Milo de Rupe Forte 200 marks, Stephen de Hereford 300 marks, and Geoffrey de Northach 100 marks, of the fine made with the K. for having been taken in the war with Richard Marshall, late Earl RELATING TO IRELAND. 333 1234-1235. of Pembroke. Mandate that the justiciary cause Stephen and Geoffrey to have seisin of the lands whereof they were disseised on that occasion. Winchester. [Pat, 19 Hen, III., m. 16.] Jan. 7. 2240. The K. pardons to Matthew Fitz Griffin 300 marks of the fine of 500 marks made with the K. for having been taken in the war with Richard Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that on taking security from Matthew for the remaining 200 marks, he cause him to have seisin of all the lands whereof he was disseised on that occasion. Winchester. [Pat., 19 Hen. Ill, m. 16.] [About 2241. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Has 22-25 Jan.] ordered all the merchants of France found in England to be arrested, because the King of France caused to be arrested William, the K.'s tailor, and all the merchants of England found in France. Mandate to the justiciary to cause to be arrested all the merchants of the realm of the King of France found in Ireland ; and to cause them to be safely kept till further orders. The merchants from the land of the Countess of Flanders shall not be arrested or molested. [Close, 19 Hen, III., p. 1, m. 19.] Jan. 25. 2242. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. It is just and the K. wills that England and Ireland be common to each other [communes sint ad invicem], and that the K.'s men of England and of Ireland trade hither and thither for the profit and improvement of those lands. The K. therefore commands the justiciary not to impede the men of Ireland wishing to bring corn into England for sale, or the men of Bristol or elsewhere in England wishing to buy corn in Ireland for exportation to England. West- minster. [Close, 19 Hen, III., p. 1, m. 19 dors.] [About end 2243. List of keepers of galley works and galleys : — In Ireland, of Jan.] six galleys. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 1, on. 19 dors] Feb. 11. 2244. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, that he cause to be constructed with the K.'s money 6 good galleys, 2 of GO oars and 4 of 40 oars, and that he send them well equipped to the K. in England. Canterbury. [Pat, 19 Hen, III, on. 14.] Feb. 12. 2245. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to send to the K. in England the galley which Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, gave to the K., with 2 more galleys, and all others which the justiciary can acquire for the K.'s use. At the first fair wind the galleys well equipped shall sail to Portsmouth. Faversham. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 1, on. 18 dors.] [Soon after 2246. Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, asserts that the ship Feb. 12.] called La Gundewyn', arrested in the port of Cork because suspected of coming from hostile lands, is his ship ; and the K. credits his assertion. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to allow the ship freely to proceed whither ordered by the Earl. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 1, on. 18 dors.] 334 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1234-1235. Feb. 16. 2247. Grant to Ralph de Picheford, that of the fine of 300 marks which he made for having the lands and heirs of John MacDere- mand', with the marriage of the latter, he render yearly 50 marks until the whole be discharged. Mandate accordingly to the Barons of the Exchequer. Westminster. [Fine Rolls, 19 Hen. III., m. 12.] Feb. 18. 2248. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to permit Amory de St. Amand freely to convey into England the corn which he has in Ireland. Westminster. [Close, 19 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 18.] Feb. 20. 2249. The K. to the citizens of Waterford. Approves of their proposal to construct an edifice for the use of the Dominicans in a vacant space under the walls of their city in which anciently existed a small field. Westminster. [Pat, 19 Hen. Ill, m. 13.] Feb. 23. 2250. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Rejoices to learn that he had safely "arrived in Ireland. All is prosperous and pleasant with the K. and his kingdom ; and he much desires frequently to hear the like, touching the justiciary and Ireland. Thanks the justiciary for the intelligence that certain persons had procured that a legate be appointed for that country ; had previously heard the intelligence, and had sent to the court of Rome to prevent a legate coming thither against the K.'s will. As many complaints reach the K. from those in whose favour he has sent letters to the justiciary that the latter is little pleasant, nay, beyond measure harsh, in executing the K.'s mandates, the K. prays the justiciary to receive his letters in kindness. Westminster. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 18 dors.] Feb. 23. 2251. The K. to Joan, Queen of Scots, the K.'s sister. Is con- vinced that she will rejoice in honour conferred on their sister Isabella as on herself. Frederick, Emperor of the Romans, having sent envoys to the K. to demand Isabella in marriage, the K: by counsel of his magnates had given her to the Emperor as his wife ; she by the K.'s will consented, and Peter de Vinea, the Emperor's special envoy, swore that the Emperor would marry her. The Arch- bishop of Cologne, the Dukes of Lorraine and Lemberg, and other envoys will conduct her to the Emperor. Westminster. The same is signified to Luke Archbishop of Dublin, the justiciary of Ireland, and others. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 18 dors.] Feb. 25. 2252. The K. to the cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. Has been informed that they feel aggrieved because they do not receive 500 marks of the annual tribute due to that church by the kingdom of England and the land of Ireland ; but by the charter of King- John granting the tribute it was provided that the whole amount of it should go undivided to the Supreme Pontiff ; and the K. has so paid it. If then the cardinals prevail on the Pope to order that the K. answer to them separately for the 500 marks, they will find the K. prompt in answering. Westminster. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 6.] [About 2253. The K. to Richard de Burgh. The prisoners taken in the Feb.] Irish war by Richard and Walter de Rideford are detained in prison RELATING TO IRELAND. 335 1234-12.35. m order to obtain a ransom from them; while the K. betakes him- self to their lands and tenements for the ransom due to him. It follows that the prisoners are twice ransomed, which is unjust and contrary to all law. Mandate that Richard deliver the prisoners to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland ; saving however to Richard the power to take from each imprisoned knight 100s. and his harness, as is the custom in other countries. Similar letters to Walter de Rydeford. [Close, 19 Hen. III. v 1 m. 18 dors.] r ' 1 [About 2254. The K to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Thanks * eb.] him for his laudable and faithful services, and prays him to continue labouring for the tranquillity of Ireland. The K. being eno-ao-ed on matters requiring some expenditure, commands the justiciary to endeavour to Obtain money out of the fines of Richard de Bur4 and of prisoners taken in the Irish war; and as more profit would accrue by converting to farm the Irish demesne lands than by retain- ing them, the K. further commands the justiciary to let to farm b V counsel of Luke Archbishop of Dublin and Geoffrey de Turville at as high a rent as he can, the manors of Newcastle and Chapelizod the city of Limerick with its fishery, and all the other demesne lands of Ireland. The expense of the custody of Irish castles ought to be reduced ; therefore the K. commands that fees be diminished and that the castles be committed to custody for a certain sum according to the exigencies of each. As payment of the fines of those who were taken m the war by Richard de Burgh and Walter de Kadeford is impeded by their persons being imprisoned in order to obtain ransoms from them, and the K. betakes himself to their lands for the ransom due to him, it follows that the prisoners are twice ransomed. As this is unjust, the K. commands Richard and Walter to deliver the prisoners to the K., with liberty to Richard and Walter to take from each knight imprisoned, as is the custom in other kingdoms, 100s. and his harness. Ralph Bishop of Chi- chester, the K.'s chancellor, having committed the execution of his office m Ireland to Robert Luteral, treasurer of St. Patrick's Dublin, and it being necessary that the latter take share in the K 's counsels and business, the K. commands Luke Archbishop of Dublin that m the presence of the justiciary and treasurer he take from Robert an oath to be faithful to the K. and his chancellor, and not to reveal their counsels. The K. signifies to Luke Archbishop of Dublin the articles con- tained m these letters, and prays him to carry them into effect ; A similar mandate to Geoffrey de Thureville, Archdeacon of Dublin, and treasurer of Ireland. [Close, 19 lien. Ill p. 1 m 18 dors.] ' 1235. 2255. Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, represents to the K April 3. that William Marshall, formerly Earl of Pembroke, his father and William Earl Marshall, his brother, were seised by right of inheritance of the vill of Comyn ; and Richard Earl Marshall, his brother was seised thereof till the war between the K. and him, when Walter de Ridelford occupied, and still retains it. When Gilbert Marshall came 336 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1235. to the K.'s peace the K. granted to him such seisin of lands as Earl Richard had before the war. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give Gilbert seisin of the vill. Abingdon. [Close, 19 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 15.] April 10. 2256. Writ to the treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin to pay out of the K.'s treasure to Alexander Cordele to the use of William Joyner 1001. for silk apparel and other articles bought of William for the K. Windsor. [Pat, 19 Hen, III., m. 11.] April 13. 2257. Letters of safe conduct and protection, directed to the K.'s justiciary, bailiffs, and subjects of Ireland, for 0[laf] King of Man and the Isles. Windsor. [Pat, 19 Hen. Ill, m. 11.] April 24. 2258. The K. having special confidence in the prudence and dis- cretion of Wfilliam] Bishop of Leighlin, commands the justiciary of Ireland to admit him of the K.'s councils. Westminster. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 13 dors.] April 25. 2259. Grant during pleasure to Robert Cambiator that he may have for his maintenance the land of Aes in Uriel which he held of the bailiff of King John and afterwards at the K.'s pleasure. West- minster. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to permit Robert to hold the land. [Pat, 19 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] April 27. 2260. If the ship of William de Cumpton, tenant of Gilbert Earl of Pembroke, was arrested at Ross after proclamation of peace, the K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to set her free. Windsor. [Close, 19 Hen, III, p. 1, m. 13.] April 28. 2261. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause the Rolls of the K.'s Exchequer to be searched, and if he find that 50 marks a year or less, were wont to be paid to Walter de Lacy for the castle of Droweda [Drogheda], that he compute the time when the payment ceased, and cause the arrears to be paid to him. Windsor. [Fine Rolls, 19 Hen. Ill, on. 8.] May 1G. 2262. Mandate to Richard Earl of Cornwall and Poitou to cause to be arrested William de Marisco and other persons charged with killing in an inn before the K.'s gates at Westminster, Henry Clemens, clerk of Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. West- minster. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p, 1, m. 11 dors.] June 1. 2263. Letters of protection in Ireland for the Abbot of St. Mary de Voto. Guildford. [Pat, 19 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] June 11. 2264. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland, that if Ralph de Southwark, who was Master of the Templars in that country and abandoned his habit, go to Ireland, the justiciary shall arrest him. Reading. Mandate to the same justiciary to admit Friar Roger le Waleis as Master of the Templars in Ireland, and to maintain his tenants lands and rents, &c. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, r p. 1, m, 10 dors.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 337 1235. June 12. 2265. Letters of protection, directed to the justiciary of Ireland and the K.'s bailiffs, for the Master and brothers of the Knights Templars in Ireland. Reading. [Pat, 19 Hen. III., m. 8.] [About Ireland: — June.] 2268. Maurice Fitz Gerald. Robert de Carreu. Walter de Lascy. Patrick de Curcy. Hugh de Lascy. David de Barry. Richard de Burgh. Henry le Buttiler. [sic] Walter de Ridelford. Richard de Twyt. Peter de Birmingham. Richard de Feipo. Gerald Prendergast. Geoffrey de Tureville. Adam de Stanton. Cancelled. [Close, 19 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 9 dors.] [About 2267. Hfubert] Bishop of Limerick to the K. Prays that the June.] K. will mercifully regard the oppressions and injuries brought on the church of Limerick by Geoffrey de Mariscis and William, his son. The bishop has lately denounced them to the K. as excommu- nicated on account of their excesses. [Royal Letters, iVo. 806.] [About June 2268. G[riffin] Bishop of Lismore to the K. Has received a or July.] mandate from Pope Gregory IX., dated the 3rd of the nones of June, in the 9th year of his pontificate [June 3, A.D. 1235], directed to him and confirming the sentence of excommunication promul- gated by the Bishop of Limerick against Geoffrey de Mariscis, William, his son, and others. The bishop, having by inquiry satisfied himself of the justice of the sentence, beseeches the K. strictly to avoid Geoffrey as excommunicated. [Royal Letters, No. 807.] July 10. 2269. Grant during good service to Elarius [Olaf], King of Man and the Isles, for his service in guarding at his cost the coast of the English sea towards Ireland and the Isle of Man, and the coast of the Irish sea towards England and that island, of 40 marks, 100 crannocks of wheat, and 5 hogsheads of wine, receivable yearly in Ireland at Easter, by the hand of the K.'s justiciaries. If need be the King of Man shall send at the K.'s mandate and cost 50 galleys to sail with the K. whither he pleases, and shall himself come at the K.'s mandate to the K.'s service at sea. Witnesses, Edmund Arch- bishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, Richard Bishop of Durham, Joceline Bishop of Bath, Hugh Bishop of Ely, Thomas Bishop of Norwich, Walter Bishop of Carlisle, William Earl Warenne, John Earl of Lincoln, constable of Chester, Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Kent, Ralph Fitz Nicholas, Godfrey de Craucumb, John Fitz Philip, Amory de St. Amand. Westminster. [Chart., 19 Hen. Ill, m. 5, and Exchequer, Q. R., Miscellanea, m. 6.] July 10. 2270. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, that if he find by inquisition that William Fitz Hugh and Tangard Fitz Godfrey sided with Richard, late Earl of Pembroke, against the K., he deal with them as enjoined by the latter ; and if he find that they 1. Y 338 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1235. were not against the K., he shall not molest or summon them. West- minster. [Close, 19 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 7 dors.] July 11. 2271. Grant to Olaf, King of Man and the Isles, for his homage and services in guarding at his expense the coast of the English sea towards Ireland and the Isle of Man, and the coast of the Irish sea towards England and that isle, of 40 marks, 100 crannocks of wheat, and 5 hogsheads of wine, to be yearly received from the justiciary of Ireland so long as he shall faithfully serve the K. in guarding the coasts. Mandate accordingly to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Westminster. [Pat, 19 Hen. III., m. 6.] July 15. 2272. Ernisius de Dunhevet and Joan, his wife, represent that a service of 100s. with 6 years arrears, are newly exacted from them by summons of the Exchequer, Dublin, for the land of Derkeham and Shoneboil, lately restored to them, being of Joan's right and marriage. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that he inquire by good and lawful men whether the land ought to answer, and whether Joan's ancestors answered to the K. for 100s.; that he send the inquisition to the K., and meanwhile that he cause Ernisius and Joan to have peace touching the service. Westminster. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 7 dors.] July 16. 2273. Letters of safe conduct for Peter Fitz Robert and Walter de Arundel, messengers of Maurice Fitz Gerald. Westminster. [Pat, 19 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] July 16. 2274. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, to cause the K.'s clerks, resident at the Exchequer, Dublin, and the clerks of Ralph Bishop of Chichester, &c, to have their usual salaries. Westminster. Mandate to the Archdeacon of Dublin, treasurer, that at the mandate of the justiciary he cause the clerks to be paid their salaries. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 7.] July 17. 2275. Grant to the Bishop of Down [Dunensis], for the losses which he sustained by Hugh de Lascy's war, of an annuity of 201. until the K. shall provide him with 20 librates of land in wards or escheats. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary. Westminster. Order to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, and Geoffrey de Turreville, Archdeacon of Dublin and treasurer of Ireland, for payment of an annuity of 201. as above. [Pat., 19 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] 2276. The Abbot of Mellifont attorns Nicholas Fitz Joseph and Eugene le Clerc against Rohesia de Verdun, plaintiff, of 3 carucates of land in Tauliban ; and against Hugh de Ardis, plaintiff, of 2 carucates in Crochinchel. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 6 dors.] July 25. 2277. Grant to Richard le Bret, until the K.'s arrival in Ireland, of custody of the door of the K.'s Treasury, Dublin. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Richard to have this custody. Oddington. The same is notified to Geoffrey de Turville, Archdeacon and treasurer of Dublin. [Close 19 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 6.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 1235. July 26. 2278. Grant to Richard le Bret, until the K.'s arrival in Ireland, of custody of the door of the Treasury, Dublin. Gloucester. [Pat., 19 Hen. III., m. 5.] Aug. 3. 2279. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Ernisius de Dunhevet to have seisin of his lands, whereof the justiciary disseised him, owing to the K.'s ire against Geoffrey de Mariscis for siding against the K. with Richard Marshall in the war of Ireland. Bath. Similar letters to the justiciary for William Fitz Jordan de Mariscis, with a clause of protection for him and his men. [Close, 19 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 6.] 2280. The K. remits his ire against Geoffrey de Mariscis, takes him into favour, and receives his homage. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Geoffrey to have seisin of all his lands taken into the K.'s hand, retaining the lands and castles which by his fine ought to remain with the K., and saving to the justiciary the lands which Geoffrey granted to him. If any of Geoffrey's chattels have been distrained or removed from his lands, they shall be restored. Mandate that the justiciary do not, until further orders, distrain Geoffrey or his sureties, and that he in- flict no grievance on him, or his retainers who have made a fine with the K, excepting William de Mariscis. Bath. [Fine Bolls, 19 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] [About 2281. Letters of protection for George Defuble, so long as he 3 Aug.] shall be on the K.'s service in Ireland. [Pat., 19 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] Aug. 9. 2282. The K. grants to Amauricus de St. Amand that he be quit for his life of suits of counties and hundreds due to the K. for his land of Finegal, in Ireland. Marlborough. [Pat, 19 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] Aug. 25. 2283. The K. grants to Richard de Burgh, for his grievances and expenses this year in the war of Connaught, that in place of 250 marks due at Easter and a similar amount due at Michaelmas out of the fine of 3,000 marks for the land of Connaught, he pay at Michaelmas 100 marks, and that he then have respite of the debt till Easter, a. r. 20, when he shall pay 250 marks, and so at each term till the fine shall be discharged. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary of Ireland. Waltham. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 4.] Aug. 29. 2284. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Brother Robert le Archer and William Grant having come to Nottingham on the justiciary's behalf, the K. had listened attentively to their representations. Is aware how faithfully the justiciary has devoted himself to the K.'s affairs, how strenuously he has laboured for the defence of Ireland ; and has confidence that he will for the future as manfully oppose the assaults of the K.'s enemies. If any one seeks to disturb Ireland, or to wage war, the justiciary and the K.'s subjects ought not to be under anxiety. The K. never will b6 wanting to him or them. They ought then to cast aside all fear. The K. has written to his subjects, but the justiciary ought to assemble and exhort them to remain firm in their wonted fidelity. Let not the Y 2 Aug. 3. 340 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1235. justiciary be moved if the K. has conferred his grace on any one, for if that person make an attempt against the K. or the justiciary, it will not tend to his advantage, but to his confusion. Having heard that Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, had caused the form of peace made between him and the K. to be invalidated by authority of the Pope ; that Gilbert intended to make another peace between himself, the justiciary, and the K.'s subjects in Ireland, and that he had for that purpose sent the Abbot of Tintern to the justiciary, the K. had written to Luke Archbishop of Dublin to certify the truth thereupon ; but as the Archbishop can more readily gain this infor- mation from the justiciary than from any other person, the K. com- mands the justiciary to communicate', to the Archbishop what he has heard on the subject. Nottingham. [Close, 19 Hen. III., p. 2, m. 1 dors.] [About 2285. The K. to Hugh de Lascy, Earl of Ulster. Thanks him Aug.] for his service and for remaining faithful to the K., while others recede from their fealty. Prays that he will manfully assist the justiciary of Ireland ; should any one rise against him or the K.'s subjects, or wage war in the land, the K. will share good or evil fortune with Hugh ; and will give him such aid, that he need not fear the enemy's raid. Let not Hugh be moved if the K. has con- ferred his grace on any one ; for if that person attack Hugh, or Hugh's men, it will not tend to his advantage, but to his confusion. Similar letters to the Archbishop of Dublin, the Bishops of Ossory, Ferns, and Meath, Walter de Lascy, Hugh de Lascy, Nicholas le Petit, Thomas Fitz Leo, John Fitz Thomas, John le Poer, Richard lc Tuit, Richard de Feypo, Hugh Tyrel, Walter de Ridelford, Richard de Burgh, Richard de Cogan, Peter de Birmingham, Hugh de Leghe, Richard de St. Michael, Adam de Stanton, David cle Roche, Godfrey de Costantin, Gerard de Prendregast, David de Barri, Odo de Barri, Robert cle Karreu, Patrick de Curz. [Close, 19 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 1 dors.] Aug. 29. 2286. The K. to Frederick Emperor of the Romans, King of Jerusalem and Sicily. In return for the constancy and fidelity of his subjects of Ireland, prays the Emperor to obtain for them the Pope's favourable consideration of their petition. Nottingham. [Close, 19 Hen. III., p. 2, on. 1 dors.] Sept. 9. 2287. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to respite, till the octaves of the close of Easter, a. r. 20, the assise of Mort a" ancestor, which William Fitz Alan and Agnes his wife arraign against Henry de Trubleville, seneschal of Gascony, of the land of Balimadun. Chesterfield. [Close, 19 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 3 dors.] Oct. 4. 2288. Letters of protection for 5 years for Richard de Gardino, nephew of Luke Archbishop of Dublin. Reading, [Pat, 19 Hen. III., m. 3.] Oct. 20. 2289. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Having learnt by an inquisition made by the K.'s order that the monks of Adlon [Athlone] have been wont to receive at the Ex- RELATING TO IRELAND. 341 1235. chequer, Dublin, an annuity of 10 marks for the vill, castle, mill, and fishery towards Connaught, which John Bishop of Norwich, when [justiciary], constructed in their land, the K. commands the justiciary to cause the monks to have this annuity. Westminster. [Pat, 19 Hen. III., m. 2.] Nov. 7. 2290. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, that if Milo de Rochefort, taken prisoner in Richard, late Earl of Pem- broke's war, satisfy Maurice regarding his ransom, for which he has made a fine with the K., the justiciary shall restore his hostages to him. If any part of the ransom belongs to Richard de Burgh, who took Milo prisoner and detains the hostages, it ought to be paid to him by the K. Banbury. [Close, 20 Hen. III., m. 24.] Nov. 9. 2291. The K. caused to be bailed Maurice Cumyn, confined in the K.'s prison for the death of Henry Clement. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause such seisin of Maurice's lands to be given to him as he had when he was taken prisoner. Northampton. [Close, 20 Hen. III., m. 24.] Nov. 12. 2292. Letters of protection for the Abbot of St. Mary de Melli- font, in Ireland. Clive. [Pat, 20 Hen. III., m. 14.] [About end 2293. The Abbot of Stratford gives to the K. 15 marks, to have of Nov.] confirmation to the use of the Abbot of Beau Bee [de Bello Becco] in Ireland, of lands and tenements which Walter de Lascy gave to the abbey in that country, as is fully contained in the K.'s confirma- tion, which the Abbot of Beaubec has thereupon. [Fine Rolls, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 17, and Orig., 20 Hen. Ill, m. 1.] Dec. 1. 2294. Cambridge : — Respite, till the quinzaine of Easter, for Luke Archbishop of Dublin, touching 2 debts. [Memoranda, Q. R., 20 Hen. III., on. 5.] Dec. 2. 2295. Ireland : — Grant and confirmation in frankalmoign to the church of St. Mary and St. Laurence, of Beaubec [de Bello Becco], and the monks there, of the gift and grant which Walter de Lascy made to them of all the demesne of his carucates in the vill of Gille- keran ; of all his land which Bocham and the English had of Walter in that vill ; of a burgage in the vill Marenariorum ; of liberty to have a boat for their use without toll, custom, or demand ; of free entry into Walter's land, with liberty to buy and sell merchandise without toll. Witnesses, Walter Bishop of Carlisle, Roger le Bygod, Earl of Norfolk, Ralph Fitz Nicholas, Amory de St. Amand, God- frey Dispenser, William de Picheford, John de Plesseto, Richard Fitz Hugh. Westminster. [Chart, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 8, and Ex- chequer, Q. R., Miscellanea, m. 6.] Dec. 5. 2296. The K. to the Dean and chapter of Tuam. Denis de Tuyd [Tuit], clerk, had come to the K. with their letters, announcing vacancy of the see of Tuam by the resignation of Felix, late Arch- bishop thereof, and he prayed on behalf of the Dean and Chapter licence to elect. The K. grants that licence, asking them to elect a 342 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1235. bishop able to rule the church, faithful to the K., and useful to the kingdom. Westminster. [Pat, 20 Hen. III., m. 14.] Dec. 11. 2297. Bond by the K. to the citizens of Bordeaux for 640 marks, which they lent to Henry de Trubleville, the K.'s seneschal of Gas- cony, to expedite the K.'s affairs in those parts. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to pay this money to those citizens out of the K.'s treasure which he has in Ireland. Alton. [Close, 20 Hen. III., m. 22.] Dec. 27. 2298. Writ to the justiciary and treasurer of Ireland to pay to Walter Le Flemming, burgess of Southampton, 21 61. which the K. owes for wines bought of him. Writ to the same to pay to Barnabas de Barbefle, or his messenger, 102 marks which the K. owes him for his wines seized at sea by the K.'s bailiffs. Merewell. [Pat, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 13.] Dec. 27. 2299. Writ to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary, and Geoffrey de Tureville, treasurer of Ireland, to pay out of the K.'s treasure 1181. 10s. for wines of merchants of Bordeaux seized at sea by the K.'s bailiffs. Warewell. Mandate by letters close to the justiciary of Ireland to cause the money to be paid to the messenger of those merchants. [Pat, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 13.] Dec. 31. 2300. The K. grants to Geoffrey de Mariscis that payment of 1,000 out of the 3,000 marks for which he has made a fine with the K. to have grace for himself and William, his son, be suspended, and Geoffrey shall not till further orders be distrained therefor ; of the remaining 2,000 marks he shall render in England 1001. at Easter and the like amount at Michaelmas in every year, until the whole amount be discharged. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, that he cause Geoffrey to have till further orders peace touching the 1,000 marks, the remaining 2,000 marks being paid as above ; that he certify to the K. what portion of the fine Geoffrey paid in Ireland ; that he cause an inquisition to be taken as to what became of the issues of Geoffrey's lands in that country from the time when they were taken into the K.'s hand, and that he inform the K. how much was paid to the K.'s use after the fine made. Marlborough. [Fine Bolls, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 15.] [About end 2301. Grant to Geoffrey de Mariscis respecting payment of 1,000 of Dec] and 2,000 marks, as in the previous abstract, down to the mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. [Orig., 20 Hen. Ill, on. 2.] 1235-1236. 2302. The Abbot of Stratford renders his account of 15 marks to have the K.'s confirmation to the use of the Abbot of Beaubec [de Bello Becco] of lands and liberties which Walter de Lascy gave to that abbey ; paid into the Treasury, and he is quit. [Pipe, 20 Hen. Ill, Hot 17 and 17 dors.] 2303. Cambridge and Hunt. : — Jeremiah de Caxton, as custodee, renders his account : — Luke Archbishop of Dublin [ ] RELATING TO IRELAND. 343 1235-1236. 162. Os. 12d. for 2 debts, as in Roll for a. r. 15. [Pipe, 20 Hen. III., Rot 7.] 2304. Stafford : — Robert de Hay, as custodee, renders his ac- count: — To the Archbishop of Dublin, 101. in Penkridge. [Pipe, 20 Hen. Ill, Rot. 12.] 2305. Cambridge and Hunt. : — Account of Jeremiah de Caxton. The Archbishop of Dublin, owes 161. Os. 12d. for 2 debts. Dis trained. [Memoranda, Q. R, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 15.] 2306. Essex and Herts : — Account of William de Culworth : — 10 knights of the justiciary in Ireland owe 10 marks for prests. [Memoranda, Q. R, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 15 dors.] [Early in 2307. Somerset : — Ernisius de Dunheved gives to the K. 10 Jan.] marks to be quit of a rent of 100s. exacted from him in Ireland for land which he there holds of the K. ; whereupon it was pro- tested by inquisition that nothing is due to the K. out of that land, save service of the third part of a knight's fee. [Orig, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Jan. 4. 2308. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland not to permit Richard de Burgh to distrain John Travers to pay him a ransom by reason of his capture in the war against the K. As the ransom belongs to the K. and John has paid a portion of it, it is not just that he should also pay ransom to Richard. John shall be allowed freely to return to his lands. Marlborough. [Close, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 20.] Jan. 4. 2309. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that for the time during which Maurice Cumyn was in prison in England, namely, from Pentecost [May 27] a. r. 19, till the feast of All Saints [Nov. 1] next following, he shall not be placed in default respecting any plea in the K.'s court ; and if any one recover his land by default it shall be restored, as the K. warrants the whole time to him. Marlborough. [Close, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 20.] Jan. 4. 2310. Having learnt by the inquisition sent by the justiciary of Ireland that 100s. a year exacted by summons of the Exchequer, Dublin, are not due to the King out of the land of Derkeham and Sheneyhal heretofore restored to Ernisius de Duneved and Joan, his wife, the K. commands the justiciary to cause them to be quit there- of, and of all arrears, saving to the K. the service of one-third of a knight's fee due out of those lands. Marlborough. [Close, 20 Hen, III, m. 20.] J an. 4. 2311. The K. commits, during pleasure, to Reginald de Bernavall, for his maintenance on the K/s service, the land of Obride, which Hugh, his brother, had by assignment from John, formerly Bishop of Norwich, when justiciary of Ireland. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to give Reginald seisin thereof. Marl- borough. [Close, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 20.]] Jan. 28. 2312. Somerset and Dorset :— Account by Robert de Cirencester, sheriff: — George de Fubble, knight of the justiciary of Ireland, owes 3M CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1235-1236. 100s. for prest of Britanny. [Memoranda, Q. R, 20 Hen. IIL, m. 17 dors.] Feb. 9. 2313. Letters of protection for the Prior of St. John the Evan- gelist of Chork, in Ireland. Winchester. [Pat, 20 Hen. III., m. 12.] March 6. 2314. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to respite till Christmas, a. r. 20, the assise of Mort a" ancestor, which William Fitz Alan and Agnes, his wife, arraigned against Henry de Trubleville, of the manor of Balimadon. Northampton. [Close, 20 Hen. III., m. 16.] A similar entry on Fine Roll, 20 Hen. IIL, m. 12, cancelled. 1236. 2315. The K. to Pope Gregory IX. The canons of the vacant April 6. church of Tuam having prayed licence to elect as is the custom in cathedral churches in Ireland, and having obtained that licence from the K., elected as archbishop Master Marian, their dean. The K. having given the royal assent to this election, apprises the Pope thereof that his Holiness may vouchsafe do what is his in this matter. Kennington. [Pat, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] April 8. 2316. Royal assent to the election made of Thomas Dean of Clonmacnois [Cloenensis] as bishop of that church. Mandate to the Archbishop of Armagh to do what is his in this behalf. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that when the Archbishop shall have confirmed the election, he give seisin to Thomas of all the lands of the bishopric whereof El[ias], his late predecessor, was seised when he resigned. Windsor. [Pat, 20 Hen. IIL, m. 10.] Cancelled because inrolled below. April 15. 2317. Protection for William de Sutton, chaplain, messenger from Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to the K., touching the affairs of the latter. Windsor. [Pat, 20 Hen. IIL, m. 1 0.] April 18. 2318. The K. to D[onat] Archbishop of Armagh. On account of the poverty of the see of Clonmacnois the K. gives the royal assent to the election made by the justiciary's licence of Thomas Dean of Clonmacnois as bishop of that see, although the election ought not to have been made without the K.'s licence first obtained. Man- date that the Archbishop do what is his in this matter. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, that when the Archbishop shall have confirmed the election, he give seisin to the elect of all the lands of the see whereof Elias, his predecessor, was seised when he resigned it. Windsor. [Pat, 20 Hen. IIL, m. 9.1 April 18. 2319. Although the election of Thomas Dean of Clonmacnois [Cloenensis] as bishop of that see ought not to have been made without the K.'s licence, yet the K. on account of the poverty of the see gives the royal assent. Mandates to D[onat] Archbishop of Armagh, that he do what is his in this matter, and to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, that when the Archbishop shall have certified that he has confirmed the election as Metropolitan, the RELATING TO IRELAND. 1236. justiciary give Thomas seisin of all the lands, &c, whereof Elias, his predecessor, was seised when he resigned the see. Windsor. [Close, 20 Hen. III., m. 14 dors.] Easter. 2320. Essex, Herts : — Nicholas, son and heir of Ralph de Bello Campo, having represented that the sheriff demands of him 10 marks for prest made to his father in the army of Ireland, in the 12th year of the reign of King John, that his father held no tenement for which he owed service in the army, and that he was not in Ireland when the prest was made, the K. commands the sheriff to inquire whether Ralph held in the above year any tene- ment for which he owed military service, and whether he was at that time in the army in Ireland. The inquisition to be sent to the K. on the morrow of Trinity. [Memoranda, Q. B., 20 Hen. III., m. 10 olors.] [April.] 2321. Deed whereby Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, under- takes as follows : — That he will not harbour in his land of England, Wales, Ireland, or Scotland the following persons outlawed for the death of Henry Clement, clerk and messenger of the justiciary of Ireland, namely : — William de Mariscis, John Cabus, Walter Sancmelle, Philip de Dynant, Thomas de Erdinton, Henry de Colombieres, William Fitz William du Pont de l'Arche, Eustace Cumyn, or Roger de Mariscis, &c. ; that none of his men shall for the future go about armed in the K.'s land to do evil against the K.'s peace, but that be will firmly keep that peace, &c. This he swears to perform before Edmund Archbishop of Canterbury, Ralph Bishop of Chichester, the K.'s Chancellor, Walter Bishop of Carlisle, William Elect of Valence, Richard Earl of Poitou and Cornwall, John Earl of Lincoln, constable of Chester, Simon de Montfort, Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Kent, William Earl of Albemarle, William de Raleigh, William Lungespee, Henry de Trubleville, Hugh de Vivon, Herbert Fitz Matthew, John de Vipont, Peter de Maulay, and Godfrey de Craucumb. [Close, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 14 dors.] 2322. The K. grants to Richard de Burgh, on account of his great expenses in Connaught and elsewhere in Ireland, respite of 250 marks due to the K. at Easter, and of the like amount due at Michaelmas, a. i\ 20 ; provided that at Easter, a. r. 21, he pay to the K. 250 marks, and the like amount at every term, as he was wont previously to do. Mandate accordingly to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Mandate to Geoffrey de Tureville, justiciary of Ireland, to cause this to be done and inrolled. Westminster. [Close, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 13.] 2323. The new constitutions of Merton. Answers to questions put to the K. by George Desaffuble, on the part of Luke Archbishop of Dublin and Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, regarding persons born before and after wedlock, and regarding warranties. Mortlake. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. The bearer of these presents having before the K.'s justices constituted by the justiciary recovered seisin of his free tenement, his adversary again May 1. May 9. 346 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1236. disseised him. The K. thereupon sends under his seal to the justiciary the constitution in such a case lately made before the K, and his magnates of England, commanding that the justiciary, by counsel of Luke Archbishop of Dublin, cause this constitution to be read and for the future to be observed in the K.'s court of Ireland; and that he administer justice to the complainant accordingly. [Close, 20 Hen. III., m. 13 dors.] May 18. 2324. Writ to the K/s justiciary and treasurer to pay to Walter Tyrel, merchant of Kilkenny, or his messenger, 24 marks due for 6 hogsheads of wine which the K. purchased of him at Bristol. Win- chester. [Pat, 20 Hen. III., m. 7.] May 19. 2325. Safe conduct for Master Walter de Ocra, clerk, envoy of Frederic Emperor and Isabel Empress of the Romans, the K.'s sister, in passing through England, Wales, and Ireland. Winchester. [Pat, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] May 24. 2326. The K. grants to the men of Baliscadan that they hold, as they previously held, that manor to farm for one year from Michaelmas ; and that they be not distrained to render stock during that term. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary. Merwell. [Close, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] May 24 ; 2327. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause to be delivered to 0[laf], King of Man and the Isles, the residue of his yearly revenue of 100 crannocks [of wheat], 5 hogs- heads of wine, and 40 marks. Merwell. [Close, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 12 dors.] June 3. 2328. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to inspect the charter which King John granted to Henry Archbishop of Dublin touching the land of Okenauth ; and to send him a tran- script thereof, in order that the K. may order what he deems meet. Merwell. Mandate to the Archbishop of Dublin to allow the justiciary to inspect the charter. [Close, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 11 dors.] June 11. 2329. Ireland: — Safe conduct till the Purification [Feb. 2], for Richard de Burgh and his retinue in coming to confer with the K. Winchester. [Pat, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] Trinity. 2330. Essex : — Colinus de Bello Campo has peace touching 10 marks of prest of Ireland, for Ralph, his father, as it appears by inquisition that this prest was never made to the latter. Mandate accordingly to the sheriff. [Memoranda, Q. K, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] June 14. 2331. Licence to elect for the Dean and chapter of Emly, Thomas, clerk of that church, having brought to the K. letters of the Dean and chapter notifying its vacancy. Winchester. [Pat., 20 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] June 28. 2332. The term for taking customs in the city of Dublin is pro- rogued for four years, from Christmas, a. r. 21 Hen. III. Bristol. Mandate to the justiciary to permit this to be done. [Pat, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 347 1236. July 2. 2333. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to hear the plaint on an appeal brought by William de Harewud, Henry and John [his brothers], against Elias de Wardon, John and Alexander, his brothers, and Adam de Cusac, touching the death of Robert de Harewud, William's brother ; and to do justice according to the law and custom of Ireland, to both appellants and appellees, provided that the former have the K.'s peace while prosecuting the appeal. Woodstock. [Close, 20 Hen. III., m. 7 dors.] July 6. 2334. Rohesia de Yerdun having fortified a castle in her own land against the Irish, which none of her predecessors was able to do, and having proposed to raise another castle near the sea for the greater security of the K.'s land, the K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to cause her to have the K.'s service of Meath and Uriel for 40 days for this purpose. Tewkesbury. [Close, 20 Hen. III., m. 9 dors.] July 11. 2335. The K. commits to Geoffrey de Turville, Archdeacon of Dublin, the lands of Obrun for his maintenance. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to give seisin thereof. Tewkesbury. Letters patent thereupon for Geoffrey. [Pat, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] July 11. 2336. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, and Geoffrey de Turville, treasurer of that country, to send to the constable of Bristol for safe custody 5 oil. which they have in hand, The K. wills that all farmers, sheriffs, castellains, constables, and other bailiffs in Ireland, answer at the Exchequer, Dublin, for the K.'s rents, profits, and issues, and sends to the justiciary and treasurer his letters patent directed to bailiffs, sheriffs, and others in Connaught, Thomond, and elsewhere in Ireland. The demesnes leased by Richard de Burgh, Geoffrey de Turville, and Richard Duket for 7 years now expired shall be still further leased for 3 years. The K. prorogues for 1 year the fortification of the castle in the 5 cantreds of Connaught. The demesne which Mac Chiteroc, an Irishman, held near Waterford shall be delivered to Geoffrey de Turville to make the K.'s profit thereout. The K. will signify his pleasure regarding the fine made by Walter de Lascy with King John and afterwards with the K. ; and sends his letters directing John Bishop of Ferns to deliver to the justiciary and treasurer the rolls of the Exchequer of the time when the Bishop was treasurer of Ireland. The justiciary and treasurer shall commit the custody of the K.'s castles in Ireland at the lowest rate possible. The citizens of Waterford and Drogheda shall attend to the inclosing of their vills ; and the justiciary to the safe keeping of the K.'s forest in the vale and mountains of Dublin, saving the liberty of the Archbishop of Dublin. Tewkesbury. [Close, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 9 dors] July 11. 2337. Mandate to the constable of Bristol to receive to the use of the K. the treasure which the justiciary and treasurer of Ireland shall send to him, and to keep it till further orders in the castle of Bristol. Tewkesbury. [Close, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] 348 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1236. July 11. 2338. Writ to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, and Geoffrey de Turville, Archdeacon of Dublin and treasurer of Ireland, to pay to the friars minors [Franciscans] of Dublin, 50 marks of the K.'s gift in aid of the construction of buildings which they have commenced in that city. Tewkesbury. [Close, 20 Hen. III., m. 8.] July 12. 2339. Mandate to constables, sheriffs, farmers, castellains, and all the K.'s other bailiffs in Connaught, Thomond, and elsewhere in Ireland, to answer at the Exchequer, Dublin, for all rents, farms, amerciaments, and other issues and profits belonging to the K. The K. wills that his Irish bailiffs answer at that Exchequer as his English bailiffs answer at the Exchequer, Westminster. Tewkes- bury. [Pat, 20 Hen. III., m. 5.] July 23. 2340. Mandate to Geoffrey de Tureville, Archdeacon of Dublin, and the K.'s treasurer, to cautiously inquire into the position of Master Walter, the Emperor's clerk ; what are his object and the cause of his going to Ireland ; with whom he converses ; whether he directs his inquiries to anything touching the K. or his kingdom ; by whose counsel he acts ; and to secretly send to the K. what he may learn. Worcester. [Close, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] Aug. 6. 2341. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that in reference to the K/s mandate to maintain N[ehemiah] Bishop of Clogher in the possession which he had acquired in the ecclesiastical court before delegates against A. Archbishop of Armagh, the justiciary do not afford the Bishop defence or protection ; and that he do not by any means interfere therein. Woodstock. [Close, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] Aug. 24. 2342. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, and Geoffrey de Tureville, Archdeacon of Dublin, treasurer. Of the fine of 3,000 marks made by Richard de Burgh for his land of Connaught, and for acquittance of rendering an account of the time when he was justiciary of Ireland, whereof he has paid, as he says, 300 marks, the K. pardons to him 1,000£., and grants that of the 1,200 marks residue he render at Easter 50 marks, and the like amount at Michaelmas in every year till the whole be discharged. Mandate accordingly. Nottingham. [Fine Rolls, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Aug. 24. 2343. The K. pardons to Richard Fitz Ely 201. of the issues of the land of John d'Evreux granted to him in compensation of the damage which he sustained in the war between the K. and Richard Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, and which issues Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, and Geoffrey de Tureville, the K.'s treasurer, exact from him by summons of the Exchequer, Dublin. If the issues exceed 201. Richard shall answer for the surplusage at that Exchequer. Mandate to the justiciary and treasurer to cause Richard to be quit of the issues to the above extent. Notting- ham. [Fine Rolls, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Aug. 24. 2344. The K. pardons to Robert de Scalis 10Z. fine made with the K. to have custody of land held in capite by Odo Fitz Benedict in Munster, which fine is exacted from him by summons RELATING TO IRELAND. 349 123G. of the Exchequer, Dublin. Mandate accordingly to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, and to Geoffrey de Tureville, Arch- deacon of Dublin, the K.'s treasurer. [Close, 20 Hen. III., m. 4.] Aug. 24. 2345. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Robert Whithay to have seisin of lands held in capite, which he had let to Richard Bolet, and which the justiciary took into the K.'s hand because Richard was against the K. in Richard Marshall's war. Nottingham. [Close, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] Aug. 24. 2346. The K. pardons to Maurice of London 100 marks out of the fine of 200 marks for having been against the K. with Richard, late Earl of Pembroke. Nottingham. [Close, 20 Hen. III., m. 4.] Aug. 25. 2347. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Luke Arch- bishop of Dublin to have seisin of the viH of Okenath, which William de Mariscis, outlawed for the death of Henry Clement, held of the Archbishop. King J ohn by his charter had given the cantred of that name to Henry, formerly Archbishop of Dublin. Notting- ham. [Close, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Aug. 27. 2348. Grant during pleasure to Adam de Staunton of an annuity of 101. receivable at the Dublin Exchequer, to maintain him on the K.'s service. Nottingham. [Pat, 20 Hen. III., m. 3.] Aug. 27. 2349. Writ to the justiciary and treasurer of Ireland for pay- ment of an annuity of 101. to Adam de Staunton. [Pat, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Aug. 27. 2350. The K. commands the Barons of the Exchequer to respite till the quinzaine of Easter, a. r. 21, the demand of 16^ marks which they make against Henry de Trubleville for Hugh, son and heir of Robert de Mortuo Mari, regarding prest made to Robert in Ireland in the time of King John. Nottingham. [Fine Rolls, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Aug. 27. 2351. The K. notifies to his justiciary and bailiffs of Ireland, that he grants pardon to William Cachepol of Dundalk for his abjuration of Ireland on account of the death of Robert Laundri. Nottingham. [Pat, 20 Hen. Ill, on. 3.] Aug. 27. 2352. The K. grants to Hamo de Valoines that of the fine of 400 marks made with the K. because he was against the latter in the war with Richard Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, he yearly pay at the English Exchequer 501. until the whole debt be discharged. Mandate that Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, apprise the K. how much of the fine Hamo has paid at the Exchequer, Dublin, in order that it may be allowed to him in England ; that he permit him to pay the residue of the fine at the Exchequer in England ; and that he no further distrain him for the debt. Nottingham. [Fine Rolls, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Aug. 28. 2353. The K. for his faithful service pardons to William de Cantilupe, who married one of the daughters and heirs of Thomas 350 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1236. Fitz Anthony, 10 marks, his portion of the fine which Thomas made with King John to have custody of the land and heir of John Fitz Thomas, with the marriage^ of the heir. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary of Ireland. Nottingham. [Close, 20 Hen. III., m. 4.] Aug. 28. 2354. The K. for 601. restores to William de Canville, son and heir of Geoffrey de Cannville, the land of Fedemercum, which Leuca, mother of said William, held in dower of the gift of Geoffrey, her late husband. The K. takes William's homage therefor, and com- mands the justiciary to cause seisin to be given to him, having first taken security for payment of 601. Nottingham. [Fine Rolls, 20 Hen. III., m. 4.] Aug. 30. 2355. The term for taking customs in the city of Waterford is prorogued for 4 years from Michaelmas, a. r. 20 Henry III. Not- tingham. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause two men to be assigned for taking those customs on oath, who shall see that they are solely employed on the inclosure of the city. [Pat, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Aug. 30. 2356. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Knights of the latter from that country had submitted to the K. that when an inheritance in Ireland devolves upon sisters, the justices in Eyre there are uncertain whether after-born sisters ought to hold of the eldest one, and to do homage to her for their portions, or to hold of the chief lord and do homage to him ; and had asked the K. to certify what was the usage in England. The K. thereupon states the law and custom in England as fol- lows : — If a tenant in capite had daughters heirs, on his death the K. and his ancestors always had the homages of all the daughters ; each of them held of the K. in capite ; and if they were within age the K. had custody of them with their marriage. If they held of any one but the K., and were within age, their lord had the custody and the marriage of each, and the eldest rendered homage to the lord for the rest ; the other sisters when they reched their age rendered their services to the lord by the hands of the eldest, nor could the eldest demand from the after-born sisters homage, custody, or other feudal subjection, for this reason, that as all the sisters are quasi one heir of one inheritance, if the eldest could have the homage and custody of the other sisters, then the inheritance would be divided, so that the eldest would be lady and heir in one inheritance, heir namely of her own and lady of her sisters portion ; this could not be, since the eldest can claim no'more than the youngest, unless the capital messuage by right of Esnecy. And moreover, as the eldest is heir of all the other sisters who die without issue, if she could have the custody of her sisters or of their children, this would be as it were " to give the lamb to the wolf to devour." Where- fore the K. commands the justiciary to cause the English customs in this case to be proclaimed and maintained in Ireland. Nottingham. [Close, 20 Hen. III., m. 4 dors.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 351 1236. Aug. 30. 2357. Mandate to Richard Marshall, that out of the horses in his custody, he cause Richard de Burgh to have one, neither of the best nor of the worst. Nottingham. [Close, 20 Hen. III., m. 4.] [About end 2358. Ireland : — Safe conduct, till Easter, a. r. 21 Henry III., for of Aug.] Peter de Byrmyngeham and Hugh de Legh, and their men, in coming to confer with the K. regarding his affairs. [Pat, 20 Hen. III., m. 3.] [About end 2359. The K. grants to Walter de Lascy, as he granted in a. r. of Aug.] 20, that he pay 100 marks of the debt he owes to the K., and a similar amount in the ensuing year, namely from Michaelmas, a. r. 20 to Michaelmas, a. r. 21. [Fine Rolls, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Sept. 1. 2360. Mandate to Richard Marshall, that retaining to the K.'s use Great Ferand, the K.'s war horse, and Liard, he cause William le Graund to have for the justiciary of Ireland, of the K.'s horses which remain, a horse equal to that which he delivered to Richard de Burgh, by the K.'s order. Nottingham. [Close, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Sept. 2. 2361. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. The vill of Waterford being much injured, as the K. had heard, by ships touching at Ross and the island in the land of Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, in place of the port of Waterford, the K. had commanded the Earl to cause this to be prohibited. Mandate to the justiciary, that if the Earl does not do so, the justiciary cause it to be proclaimed and prohibited that no ships save those from the Earl's land shall touch for the future at Ross or the island, under pain of forfeiture ; but that masters of ships shall go with their merchandise to Waterford. Peverel Thorp. [Close, 20 Hen. III., m. 4 dors.] Sept. 5. 2362. The K. to the justiciary and the treasurer of Ireland. Of the fine for 200 marks which John le Chenu made with the K. for his ransom, because he had been against the K. in the war with Richard Earl Marshall, the K. pardons to William Grant 10 marks for which he had been surety. Mandate for acquittance accord- ingly. York. [Close, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Sept. 6. 2363. Nottingham : — The K. grants to William Fynche, that of 7 marks exacted from him for prest made to his father in Ireland in the time of King John, he render annually 1 mark. York. [Orig., 20 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] Sept. 9. 2364. The K. to the justiciary and the treasurer of Ireland. Is well pleased that William Bartholomi shall have on lease, at 10 marks a year, until the K. goes to Ireland shortly, the land which belonged to an Irishman in Balitarsne and Mainehone, near Dun- garvan. Allerton. [Close, 20 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] [About be- 2365. The K. being bound in a large sum of money to the ginning of Emperor, by the marriage of his sister Isabella, and also to the Pope, Nov.] the K.'s subjects of England have paid him an aid. The K. there ■ 352 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1236. fore prays the archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, knights, and free tenants in Ireland to confer a like favour on him in his necessity. Without their aid he will not find it easy to free himself from so heavy a load of debt. The K. to his good men in the counties, burghs, and demesnes in Ireland. Has commanded the justiciary of Ireland to assess a toll on them, in order to acquit his heavy debts, as he had assessed a toll on the cities, burghs, and demesnes in England. Mandate that they be intentive and respondent in this respect to the justiciary of Ireland. The K. to Walter de Lascy. Requires Walter's succour in the urgent necessity which Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, will explain to him ; and prays that Walter will so heed his request as to show how sincerely he loves the K. Similar letters to the Barons of Ireland. [Close, 21 Hen. III., m. 22 dors.] Nov. 2. 2366. The K. to his justiciary of Ireland. Thanks him for his service, for his diligence in transacting the K.'s business in Con- naught during the previous summer, and for the treasure he had lately sent. Having learnt from Luke Archbishop of Dublin and others that it would much conduce to the tranquillity of Connaught if, in addition to the 3 castles which the justiciary has fortified there, he should fortify 2 more in the ensuing summer, the K. is well pleased that it should be so. The justiciary shall draft men for this purpose [attractum fieri faciatis] in Lent, and the K., whether he goes to Ireland in person or not, will send some one on his behalf to assist the justiciary with his counsel in carrying on the work. Being much is need of money, has determined to ask the magnates of Ireland, as well prelates as others, to grant him an aid in his necessity, as the prelates and magnates of England have done. If the justiciary believe that the Irish magnates will comply with the K.'s request without repining and without complaining of the losses which they have suffered for the K. in the war, then the justiciary shall lay this request before them, and cause the aid to be collected, and the money thence arising to be safely kept till further orders. Otherwise he is not to communicate the K.'s request or his letters. But in either case he is to cause the cities, burghs, and demesnes in Ireland to be taxed as in England, and to collect the proceeds with all other moneys which he can obtain. Westminster. [Close, 21 Hen. III., m. 22 dors.] Nov. 14. 2367. Geoffrey de Mariscis represents to the K., that whereas William his son, outlawed for the death of Henry Clement, held of Geoffrey the land of Kylmenhalloc, Ireland, and Geoffrey held it of the Bishop of Limerick, the latter caused the justiciary to seize the land as his escheat. But as the land cannot, according to the custom of the country, be the Bishop's escheat, and as William did not hold it immediately of the Bishop, the K. commands Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to give seisin of the land to Geoffrey. Windsor. [Close, 21 Hen. Ill, m. 21.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 353 1236. Nov. 17. 2368. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to respite, till the ensuing octaves of Trinity, the assise of Mort $ ancestor, summoned before the justices in the K.'s court, Dublin, between William Fitz Alan and Agnes his wife, plaintiffs, and Henry de Trubleville, tenant, of the manor of Ballimadun. Windsor. [Close, 21 Hen. III., m. 20.] Nov. 28. 2369. Grant to John, son of John Marshall, that William Mar- shall, brother of the former, may supply his place in the office of K.'s Marshal of Ireland, granted to John Marshall, senior, by King John. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to receive William Marshall for this purpose in place of John, his brother. Woodstock. A similar mandate by letters close to the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer, Dublin. [Pat, 21 Hen. III., m. 12.] Dec. 6. 2370. The K. to Luke Archbishop of Dublin and Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. The Dean and Chapter of Ardfert having, during vacancy by resignation of G[ilbert], late Bishop of Ardfert, elected another bishop without the K.'s licence, they urgently prayed the K. to give the royal assent to their election. As it is usual on vacancy of a see to demand the K.'s licence before proceeding to elect, the K. does not deem proper to derogate from his right by granting the petition of the Dean and Chapter ; this election is therefore void as regards the K. Nevertheless, hearing that this see is poor, the K., to save it from expense, gives to the Archbishop and justiciary power to grant on his behalf to the Dean and Chapter licence to elect ; and on their again proceed- ing to do so, to give the royal assent to a clerk faithful to the K. and to Ireland. Mandate accordingly to the Archbishop and jus- ticiary. Marlborough. Mandate thereupon by letters close to the Dean and Chapter of Ardfert. The K. to Mfarian] Archbishop of Cashel. During vacancy of the see of Ardfert the Dean and Chapter having, without the K.'s licence, elected a bishop, sent to the K. in England to pray the royal assent. The K. will not and ought not to hearken to their prayer ; but in order to spare trouble and expense to the Dean and Chapter, he has granted power to Luke Archbishop of Dublin and the justiciary of Ireland to give them licence to elect. Lest the K. should seem to derogate from his right, it is necessary that the Dean and Chapter should demand this licence and again elect ; and as by allowing six months to elapse they may afford the Archbishop an opportunity of laying his hand on the see, the K. prays the latter that he will attempt nothing against the K.'s dignity and wishes. [Pat., 21 Hen. III., m. 12 and 11.] Dec. 9. 2371. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to allow the Prior of Carmel to convey 200 crannocks of wheat from his manor of Kylros to his house in England. Marlborough. [Close, 21 Hen. III., m. 19.] 1236-1237. 2372. Essex and Herts: — Peter cle Tany, as custodee, renders his account. Prests : — 10 knights of the justiciary in Ireland, 10 marks. [Pipe, 21 Hen. Ill, Rot 3.] 1. z 354 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1236-1237. 2373. Cambridge and Hunt. : — Luke Archbishop of Dublin renders his account of 161. Os. 12d. for 2 debts; paid into the Treasury, SI., and he owes SI. Os. 12c?. [Pipe, 21 Hen. III., Rot. 4] 2374. Stafford: — John Strange, custodee, Robert de Acton for him, renders his account: — To the Archbishop of Dublin, 10£. in Penkridge. [Pipe, 21 Hen. III., Rot. 6 dors.] 2375. Essex, Herts : — 10 knights of the justiciary in Ireland owe 10 marks for prests. [Memoranda, Q. R., 21 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] Feb, 2. 2376. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to respite, till the ensuing feast of St. Michael, the plaint in the K.'s court between Granta, who was the wife of William de Rockere, plaintiff, and Alan Pruefoth, tenant. Kennington. [Close, 21 Hen. Ill, m. 17.] Feb. 10. 2377. Mandate to Maurice, justiciary of Ireland, to hear the complaints of N[ehemiah], Bishop of Clogher [Clochorensis], touch- ing the injuries, grievances, and spoils of lands and churches inflicted on the Bishop by the Archbishop of Armagh ; and thereupon to administer full and speedy justice according to the law and custom of Ireland. Justice is not to be delayed by reason of the K/s letters to the justiciary in favour of the Archbishop touching the caption of the Bishop's men, who, the Archbishop suggested, were excom- municated. In obtaining these letters by his proctors, the Arch- bishop circumvented the K., for when they were obtained the Archbishop and his supporters were excommunicated, as the K. subsequently learnt by letters of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Chichester, Chancellor of the K., and maintainers of the Bishop's cause, who, at the mandate of Luke Archbishop of Dublin and D. Prior of All Saints, Dublin, deputed by the former to act for them in regard to the excommunication, have so signified by their letters. Kennington. [Close, 21 Hen. III., m. 1C dors.] Feb. 10. 2378. The K. grants to Luke Archbishop of Dublin, all the lands which William de Mariscis held of the fee of the church of Dublin, when he was taken prisoner in Richard Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke's war against the K. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give to the Archbishop seisin of 2 carucates belonging to those lands. Kennington. [Close, 21 Hen. Ill, m. 16.] March 20. 2379. The K. notifies to archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, knights, and free tenants in Ireland, that by counsel of Edmund Archbishop of Canterbury, and other magnates of England, changes have been made regarding some of the K.'s writs of course, as follows : — The limitation of descents in writs of Right shall be from the time of King Henry II., in place of the death of King Henry I. [Dec. 1, A.D. 1135] ; of writs of Mort a" ancestor and of Villeins, the last return of King John from Ireland [A.D. 1210], in place of the first coronation of King Richard I. [A.D. 1189] ; and of Novel disseisin, the K/s crossing over to Britany, May 1, A.D. 1230, in place of the K.'s first coronation at Westminster [Oct. 16, A.D. 1216] ; these limi- RELATING TO IRELAND. 355 1236-1237. tations shall not be in force till Pentecost, a. r. 21 ; writs previously sued out to be as heretofore. The K. commands his justiciary of Ire- land to cause this provision to be proclaimed and observed throughout Ireland, as it is his will that the same laws and customs should prevail in that country as in England. Westminster. [Pat, 21 Hen. III., m. 10.] 1237. 2380. Safe conduct for 3 years for Richard RufTus, tenant of April 5. the Earl of Winchester, in going with his ship to trade in Ireland, remaining there and returning. Kennington. Similar letters for Erkyn de Kirkcudbright, tenant of the same Earl. [Pat, 21 Hen. III., m. 9.] April 8. 2381. Letters patent of protection for 0[laf], King of Man, to last till his return from Norway, whither he is gone by licence of the K. Kennington. Mandate by letters close to the justiciary of Ireland, to maintain and defend the King of Man. [Pat, 21 Hen. III., m. 9.] April 11. 2382. Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, attorns Richard Wale- rand in a plaint in the court of Dublin, between him and the Bishop of Ossory, of the castle and manor of Dervach. Merton. [Close, 21 Hen. Ill, 15 dors.] April 15. 2383. William de Canville attorns Geoffrey de Canville and William Russell in an assise of Mort oV ancestor, which Maurice Fitz Gerald arraigned against William in the K.'s court, of tenements in Toyse of Honningek, and in Clommor ; and in a plaint in the same court between Walter Bacun and Felicia, his wife, complain- ants, and the said William, deforciant, of the manors of Kanter- dunestek and Fedemer. Westminster. [Close, 21 Hen. Ill, m. 15 dors.] April 25. 2384, As it behoves the K. to dispose differently of his affairs in Ireland and of the state of the country, and he cannot carry out his project without the presence of the justiciary, the K. commands the latter, that, having placed the K.'s Irish castles under safe custody and made provision for the management of the K.'s affairs, he do not omit to be in England before the ensuing feast of the Holy Trinity [June 14]. Kennington. Similar letters to the Lord [Archbishop] of Dublin, the Arch- deacon of Dublin, and Hugh de Lascy, to come to England with the justiciary at the time named. Mandate to the justiciary to bring with him all the moneys of the K.'s treasure, and those which he can obtain in the meanwhile. [Close, 21 Hen. III., m. 15 dors.] April 27. 2385. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to respite till the octaves of St. John the Baptist [July 1], the assise of Mort d' ancestor before him at Dublin, between William Fitz Alan and Agnes, his wife, plaintiffs, and H. de Trubleville, the K.'s seneschal of Gascony, tenant, of the manor of Balimasdun. Kennington. [Close, 21 Hen. Ill, m. 14.] z 2 356 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1237. May 1. 2386. Geoffrey de Mariscis represents, that whereas William, his son, outlawed for the death of Henry Clement, held of Geoffrey the land of Kilmeh alloc, in Ireland, and Geoffrey himself held it of the Bishop of Limerick, the latter has caused the justiciary to seize the land as the Bishop's escheat. But as this land cannot be the Bishop's escheat, unless William held it immediately of the Bishop, the K. commands the justiciary to cause Geoffrey or his messenger to have seisin of the land. Reading. [Close, 21 Hen. III., m. 14.] May 2. 2387. Adam Abbot de Magio [of Monasternenagh], complains that Maurice of London having impleaded touching lands and tenements in Ireland, Brother William, formerly Abbot of that house, his predeces- sor, who afterwards retired from the abbey, and Brother Donatus, his successor, subsequently deposed, Maurice pursues his plaint against the abbey during vacancy caused by the retirement of Brother William and the deposition of Brother Donatus, till the promotion of Adam. As there is no one to answer the plea during that time, Maurice seeks grievously to damnify the abbey for the defaults which he says it then made. It being manifestly unjust and contrary to law that the abbey should suffer under these circumstances, the K. com- mands Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, not to summon the abbey, nor allow to be reputed as defaults what occurred in the time aforesaid. Reading. [Close, 21 Hen. III., m. 15 dors.] Easter. 2388. Cambridge and Hunt. : — Respite till the quinzaine of Mi- chaelmas, for Luke Archbishop of Dublin, touching 161. Os. 12d., which he owes for 2 debts. [Memoranda, Q. R., 21 Hen. III.,m. 22.] May 27. 2389. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause to be held by view of good and lawful men, an assise of both white and red wines in Ireland. Westminster. [Close, 21 Hen. Ill, m. 13 dors.] May 27. 2390. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that if those who sided with Richard Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, and the K.'s enemies in the battle of Kildare, and remained to guard the lands of those enemies, pillaging the lands of their neighbours in the K.'s service, will come to the K.'s peace, the justiciary shall receive them into that peace, taking sufficient ransom. Westminster. [Close, 21 Hen. Ill, m. 13 dors.] June 6. 2391. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to take into the K.'s hand and safely keep till further orders the arch- bishopric of Cashel, and all its lands, tenements, and possessions, whereof Marian, formerly Archbishop of that see, was seised at his death. Westminster. [Close, 21 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] June 8. 2392. Gilbert Earl of Pembroke puts in his place Richard Wale- rand, in a plaint summoned before the justiciary, between the Earl, plaintiff, and Walter Bishop of Ossory, of the castle of, and 4 caru- cates of land in Dervath. Westminster. [Close, 21 Hen. Ill, m. 12 dors.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 1237. June 8. 2393. Fulk Fitz Warin attorns before the K. John d'Evreux and Richard de Rochfort in an assise of Mort d 'ancestor, arraigned by Fulk against John Travers and Hugh Purcell, of land in Docoinell Glencaveran. [Close, 21 Hen. III., m. 12 dors.] [About 2394. Mandate to the justiciary and treasurer of Ireland, that on June.] their coming to England before the feast of the Assumption [Aug. 15], they bring with them 2,000 marks, which they had ready at last Pentecost, with all moneys which they can meanwhile obtain. [Close , 21 Hen. III., m. 11 dors.] July 13. 2395. Mandate to the bailiffs of Bristol to cause to be restored to the Cistercian monks of Beaubec, the chattels found in a vessel lately pillaged by malefactors, and arrested at Bristol. Woodstock. [Close, 21 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] July 13. 2396. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Philip de Barry to be brought under judgment of the Exche- quer for debts exacted from him by summons of that court. Wood- stock. [Close, 21 Hen. Ill, m. 7. J June 18. 2397. Certain malefactors, among whom were William de Marisco, Robert his brother, and their accomplices, from Scotland, lately gone to sea in galleys, having seized the K.'s men and merchants of Bristol and Dublin on their way from Ireland to England with their mer- chandise, killed and wounded some, and held others to ransom, the K. commands his barons of Sandwich to cause two of the K.'s galleys with their boats and one ship to be well equipped, manned, and armed at Winchelsea ; to cause them to come to Portsmouth, there to await the K.'s orders ; and to certify to the K. the clay of their arrival. Windsor. A similar mandate to the barons of Dover, Rye, Romney, Hythe, Winchelsea, Hastings, and Pevensey. [Pat, 21 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] July 18. 2398. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, and Ralph de Turville, Archdeacon and treasurer of Dublin. Has made a fine of 100 marks with the Abbot and monks of Mellifont for 600 cows and 40 marks which William Marshall, junior, late Earl of Pembroke, when justiciary of Ireland, received on loan from them, to maintain the war against Hugh de Lacy. Mandate to the jus- ticiary and treasurer to cause the Abbot and monks to have at the Exchequer, Dublin, 50 marks at Michaelmas, and the like amount at Easter, in discharge of this fine. Westminster. [Pat., 21 Hen. Ill, on. 5.] Aug. 11. 2399. Inspeximus and confirmation of charter of King John, granting to the church of St. Mary, of Drogheda, and the monks there, the following granges and lands of the King's inheritance, namely : — Lisnamanach ; in the land which Ocaruel [O'Carroll] held of the King a salt grange ; the lands of Le de Leact Gerran, Dunwabair, Egias Mocabdeo and Mullachois, which the monks had before the arrival of the Franks in Ireland ; the grange of Balimeit Edugain, to wit, 4 carucates of land, Ibar, Tygi, Libain, and Incean, conferred upon them after the arrival in Ireland of King Henry II., and before 358 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1237. the arrival of King John ; the following lands of King John's gift to hold from the year A.D. 1188, namely, the grange of Balimeit Edugain, Ibar, Tygi, Libain, and Incean. Further grant to the monks of their free fishery in the water de Buin [of the Boyne], so far as their lands extend on each side of the river ; no person shall have an interest or common of fishery in the river, save through the monks, so far as their lands extend, as is witnessed by the charter of the K., granted when he was Earl of Morton. Witnesses, Geoffrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex, justiciary of England, Baldwin Earl of Albemarle, William Earl of Salisbury, William de Breouse, Hugh de Gurnay, Robert de Harecourt, William Bruer. Rouen, April 1, a. r. 4 [A.D. 1203]. Witnesses to the inspeximus, John Fitz Geoffrey, William de Ralegh, Amory de St. Amand, Geoffrey Dispenser, John de Plessetis, Robert de Muscegros, William Gernun, &c. Windsor. [Chart, 21 Hen. III., m. 3, Exchequer, Q.B., Miscellanea, 9 -^-, m. 7, and Cartce Antiques, U. U.] Aug. 14. 2400. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause William de Marisco to have seisin of his lands in Ireland whereof the justiciary disseised him on account of the robbery lately committed on the sea between England and Ireland by William de Marisco, his cousin. Windsor. [Close, 21 Hen, III., m. 5.] Aug. 18. 2401. The K. receives Ralph Fitz Nicholas into grace, and com- mands the justiciary of Ireland to allow him to have his Irish lands in peace, and not to allow him to be molested on account of the con- tention between the K. and him. Oxon. [Close, 21 Hen. III., m. 3 dors.] Aug. 22. 24 02. Mandate to the bailiffs of John Earl of Lincoln, constable of Chester, to cause Geoffrey de Turville, Robert Luterell, and Hugh de Legh' to have safe conduct to Nottingham in conveying Irish treasure to the K. Woodstock. [Liberate, 21 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Sept. 11. 2403. Writ to the justiciary of Ireland and the treasurer of Dublin to pay out of the K.'s Irish treasure to William de Radeclive, the K.'s chaplain officiating in the K.'s chapel at Dublin, 20s. of the K.'s gift, to purchase a robe. Nottingham. [Pat., 21 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Sept. 11. 2404. Letters whereby the K. acknowledges to have received in his wardrobe, by Hugh de Vivon, constable of Bristol, 1,000 marks of Irish treasure, sent by Robert, brother of George de Turville, on behalf of the justiciary and treasurer of Ireland ; and in his wardrobe at Nottingham 2,000 marks of the same treasure, likewise sent on behalf of the justiciary and treasurer. Notting- ham. [Pat, 21 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Sept. 12. 2405. Grant to the K.'s good men of Limerick, that they may take for six years from Michaelmas, a. r. 21, to enable them to in- close their city, the following customs, namely : — For every crannock of wheat coming to the city on sale, \d. ; every crannock of oats, \d. ; every horse, ox, or cow, Id. ; every 4 hogs, Id. ; every 6 sheep, Id. ; every last of hides, 20d. ; every sack of wool, 4td, ; every hogshead RELATING TO IRELAND. 359 1237. of wine, 2d. ; every wey of iron, 2d. ; every cartload of lead, 2d. ; every truss of cloth or other merchandise, 4d., or less, he render yearly 100s. at Michaelmas of that debt ; and if he owes more, the justiciary shall cause him to have terms according to his ability. Bordeaux. Similar letters to Geoffrey de Turville, treasurer of Ireland. [Close, 27 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 11.] 2605. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to provide John de Brademere, out of the K/s first escheats of Ireland, with 10 librates of land, which the K. grants for life to John for his maintenance. Bordeaux. [Chart., 27 Hen. III., m. 15.] 2606. The K. commands Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Master David, surgeon, to have possession of the sons and heirs of John de Kaerdif, the K. having granted to David the custody of John's land. Bordeaux. [Close, 27 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 11.] 2607. Extent of manors which belonged to Richard de Burgh in Munster, made by the sheriff of that province, as follows : — Total value. £ S. 37 11 d. 6i 57 10 Hi 8 3 20 14 6 19 Si Manor of Estclone - „ Castle Conign - „ Wethemcire - Kilfecle ----- Burgh of Clomele - Manor of Kilsilan. The jury says that there are""! 2 J carucates of land in demesne yearly worth 100s. The Irish hold 23 carucates, worth in all [ ^ ^ q 281., and 4^ vills of land, worth 131. ; the mill is worth 60s. ; the land of Baliglassan the like amount, and the fishery 1 mark Manor of Castle Wilekin - - - - 7 8 2| Balihodan and Tristelaveran - - - 2 J marks. The above are two thirds of the lands which Richard de Burgh held in Munster. The Lady Egidia is endowed of the manor of Tiperacht, extended at 14>l. 9s. 4id., Cloncridan at 5 marks, the mills of the burgh of Clomele at SI. 13s. 4d, the manor of Listrothorach at 261. 16s. 4eZ., Oleithach at 14£. 10s., the manor of Lother at 100s., the manor of Grellach at 311. 6s. ; and in Tristelaveran and Balyhodan 61. 9s. 4d [Inq. P. M., 27 Hen. III., No. 34.] 2608. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. William de Rupe having arraigned an assise of Mort d'ancestor against Tankard de Rupe and others before Waleran de Welleslegh and his associates, justices in Eyre at Cork, touching tenements in Ochilardich and other neighbouring vills, the defendants essoigned themselves, and the justices named a day at the first assise when they should again come to Cork. This delay being prejudicial to RELATING TO IRELAND. 389 1243. William and against reason, because assises of this nature ought to be hastened, as the claimant may, by the death of one of the parties or other casualty, lose the benefit of the assise, and only have the remedy of a writ of Right, the K." commands the justiciary to cause in this and similar cases the assise to be taken, if even the Eyre of the justices be finished. Otherwise writs of Mort $ ancestor will be deprived of their utility. Bordeaux. [Close, 27 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 10.] April 4. 2609. Writ to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary, and Godfrey de Turville, Archdeacon of Dublin and treasurer of Ireland, to pay out of the K.'s treasure to the Master of the Templars in England 500 marks of the K.'s gift, in aid of the Holy Land. Bordeaux. [Chart, 27 Hen. III., m. 13.] Cancelled because otherwise inrolled belovo. April 6. 2610. Writ to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary, and Godfrey de Turville, Archdeacon of Dublin and treasurer of Ireland, to pay out of the K.'s treasure to the Master of the Templars in England 500 marks of the K.'s gift, to acquit the debts he had incurred in con- structing a chapel at the New Temple, London. Bordeaux. [Chart., 27 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] April 19. 2611. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to send to Gascony, as speedily as possible, the moneys which the K. had ordered to be sent to England ; with all other moneys which the justiciary can procure in Ireland. Bordeaux. [Chart., 27 Hen. Ill, m. 11.] April 24. 2612. Mandates to the justiciary and treasurer of Ireland, that they send to the K. in Gascony as much money as they can — 3,000 marks at least ; that out of the K.'s profits they cause to be constructed, in the castle of Dublin, a hall 120 feet in length and 80 feet in breadth, with glazed windows [cum fenestris et vermis], after the manner of the hall of Canterbury ; and that they cause to be made in the gable beyond the dais a round window 30 feet in diameter. They shall also cause to be painted beyond the dais the K. and Queen sitting with their baronage ; and a great portal shall be made at the entrance of the hall. The whole shall be completed by the K.'s arrival. Bordeaux. [Close, 27 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 9.] April 25. 2613. Grant to the K.'s citizens of Waterford, for 3 years from Michaelmas, a. r. 27, of customs to be applied in inclosing their city with walls, by view of 2 lawful men whom the justiciary of Ire- land shall assign for the purpose, as follows, namely : — From every ship coming to Waterford carrying 100 hogsheads of wine or more, 2s. freight ; every ship carrying less than 100 hogsheads, 12d. freight; empty ships coming to lade, 12d. ; every hogshead of wine, Id. ; every hogshead of honey, 2d. ; every thousand of timber for making tuns, \d. ; 1,000 boards, Id, ; every 100 boards for ships, Id. ; a dicker of dried and cured hides, \d. ; a dicker of tanned hides, Id. ; a dicker of stags', goats', and horses' hides, ^d. ; 100 skins of rabbits and sheep, ; 100 skins of lambs, kids, hares, and squirrels, \d. ; a timmer [tymbra] of skins of wolves and martens, 390 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1243. \d. ; a dozen furs of lambs and a dozen tippets [penularum], Id ; a sack of wool, 2d. ; 100 ells of dyed cloth, 4d ; 100 ells of canvas, \d. ; 100 bundles or bales [capita] of sendal, 2d. ; 100 lbs. of wax and pepper, 2d. ; 100 lbs. of cummin, \d. ; 100 lbs. of alum, Id ; a frail of woad de Vermundeis, 18d ; a frail of woad de Kaam, 9d ; a hogshead of coals, Id ; a weigh of wheat, salt, and iron, Id. ; one hundred of iron, ^d. ; a cartload of lead, Id. ; a weigh of lard, soap, and butter, -|d ; 100 salmon, conger, and mullet, Id ; 100 hakes, \d.\ a mese of herrings, \d. ; a dozen plates and kettles [cauderiarum], \d. ; each ox, cow, and horse sold for profit, namely, from the buyer, \d. ; and each hog and pig in like manner, \d. The citizens shall during the above term give the same customs out of their own chattels and merchandise; and at the end of, 3 years the customs shall cease and be abolished. Mandate accordingly to the citizens. [Chart, 27 Hen. III., m. 10.] April 25: 2614. The K. grants to the good men of Drogheda, as well in Meath as in Uriel, that they may take for 2 years from Michaelmas, a. r. 27, the customs to inclose their vill already granted for 3 years from a. r. 24. Bordeaux. [Chart, 27 Hen. III., m. 11.] April 25. 2615. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Emelina, who was the wife of Hugh de Lacy, to have out of his lands in Ulster 40 librates, until he shall otherwise provide for her. Bordeaux. [Close, 27 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 9.] April 25. 2616. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland and Walter de Godarville, to take into the K.'s hand the manor of Nober, part of the lands of Hugh late Earl of Ulster, and to keep it till the K. shall be certified regarding the agreements made between the K. and the Earl touching that manor and the Earl's other lands. Bordeaux. [Close, 27 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 9.] May 1. 2617. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause to be inquired whether dower was assigned to Margaret de Lacy ad ostium ecclesiw, when she married Walter de Lacy, or whether she was endowed of the third part of his land ; and conformably to the finding of the inquisition to render her full and speedy justice according to the custom of Ireland. Captieux. Similar letters to Walter de Godarville. [Close, 27 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 9 dors.] 2618. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. A[lbert] Archbishop of Armagh had lately come to the K. in Gascony, demanding in right of his church restitution of the vill of Drogheda, Logh'da, and other vills, and of the manor of Nober, which belonged to Hugh de Lacy, late Earl of Ulster. The K. being ignorant of the rights of the Archbishop's church cannot give answer to his demand, and therefore commands the justiciary that, taking with him the Arch- deacon of Dublin, treasurer of Ireland, and Walter de Godarville, the K.'s seneschal of Meath, he inquire regarding those rights. The K., when certified thereon, neither will nor ought to subtract from the Archbishop's rights. St. Sever. [Close, 27 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 9 dors] May 6. RELATING TO IRELAND. 391 1243. May 9. 2619. Mandate to the justiciary and treasurer of Ireland to cause the Abbot and monks of St. Sever to have 40£. of the K.'s gift for the fabric of their church. St. Sever. [Close 27 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 8, and Vascon Rolls, 27 Hen. III., m. 10.] Cancelled because the money was paid at the Exchequer of England. [May.] 2620. The K. to the men of Dublin. The Abbot and monks of St. Mary, Dublin, represent that certain abbots of their order were wont to have boats on the Liffey ; and other abbots had granted to them the use of boats to fish therein ; but the men of Dublin will not allow them to enjoy this grant, nay are rude and affrontive to them. The K. therefore commands the men of Dublin that if such a grant has been made, they shall not prevent the Abbot and monks from enjoying it. Mandate to the good men of Dublin to permit the Abbot and monks of St. Mary, Dublin, to enjoy the liberties which they have hitherto possessed. [Close, 27 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 9 dors.] June 1. 2621. Herbert Fitz Matthew, seneschal of Gascony, having given security that William de Marisco shall come before the K. in the K.'s court to stand his trial, the K. commands the Archbishop of York, the Bishop of Carlisle, and William de Cantilupe, to give William seisin of the lands whereof he was disseised by the K.'s order. Bordeaux. Similar letters to the justiciary of Ireland. [Close, 27 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 8.] June 3. 2622. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin, his suffragans, and all the clergy in the province of Dublin. Thanks them for com- plying with his request sent by Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, that they would grant him a subsidy to continue his war in parts beyond the sea ; and prays that, as he has a great stake in the war and is much indebted, they will liberally aid the K. The subsidy shall not be drawn into a precedent ; and they shall be as free in regard to further subsidies as is the clergy of England. Bordeaux. Similar letters to all the archbishops of Ireland, their suffragans, and all the clergy in their provinces. [Chart, 27 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] June 8. 2623. The K. notifies his approval of the account which Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, rendered by the K.'s order of all the issues of Ireland and other receipts from Michaelmas, a. r. 22, to the feast of St. Dunstan [May 19], a. r. 26, before Luke Archbishop of Dublin, Brother R. Wallensis, Master of the Templars in Ireland, Godfrey de Turville, Archdeacon of Dublin and treasurer of Ireland, and Walerand de Weleslecrh, assigned to audit that account ; and the K. discharges and acquits Maurice in respect of it. Bordeaux. Similar letters to the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer, Dublin ; whatever Maurice has expended on the K.'s service shall be allowed to him ; he shall be quit of 1001. which he received of the K.'s gift in a. r. 24, and of 200 marks received in a. r. 25 ; but 392 1243. June 15. June 18. June 18. June 22. July 8. July 8. July 10. July 15. CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS he shall answer at the Exchequer, Dublin, for a prest of 1001. made to him in England in a. r. 24. Mandate accordingly to the Trea- surer and Barons of the Exchequer, Dublin. [Chart, 27 Hen. III., m. 9.] 2624. Writ to the Treasurer for payment out of the K.'s treasure to the messenger of the Abbot and convent of St. Sever, of 40£. for the fabric of their church, in place of 45£. given to them by the K.'s writ out of treasure of Ireland, which writ the K. caused to be revoked. Bordeaux. [Vascon Rolls, 27 Hen. III., m. 9.] 2625. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland not to molest Luke Archbishop of Dublin, or his tenants, regarding the manor of Holy wood [de Sancto Bosco], which he took on lease from G. de Marisco. Bordeaux. [Chart, 27 Hen. III., m. 8.] 2626. Mandate to the justiciary and justices in eyre in Ireland to inqaire regarding treasure trove in that country, whereof no payment was made to the K. and no recognizance was entered into in the K.'s court, and to whose use it was applied from the time when Geoffrey de Mariscis was justiciary till Maurice Fitz Gerald became so ; and to send their finding under their seals to the K. Bordeaux. [Chart, 27 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] 2627. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that if William Crok, on the K.'s service in parts beyond the sea, has after obtaining the K.'s letters of protection lost seisin of any land by any plea other than the 3 pleas contained in those letters, the justiciary shall reseise him, unless Richard de Burgh shall have recovered seisin of the land by reason of such letters. Bordeaux. [Close, 27 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 7 dors.] 2628. Mandate to the justiciary and G. de Turville, treasurer of Ireland, to acquit the freight of the ships which Richard de Burgh hired for the use of himself and retinue to come to the K.'s service in Poitou and Gascony. Bordeaux. [Chart, 27 Hen. III., m. 7.] 2629. The K. notifies that on Monday in the octaves of Sts. Peter and Paul [July 6], a. r. 27, Philip de Intebergh, Walter de Stafford, chaplain, and William de Brochol, clerk, paid by the K.'s order to Peter Chaceporc, keeper of the K.'s wardrobe, 2,000 marks of trea- sure of Ireland, sent on the part of Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary, and Godfrey de Turville, Archdeacon of Dublin and treasurer of Ireland. Bordeaux. [Chart, 27 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] 2630. Writ to the Treasurer for payment to the Archbishop of Armagh or his messenger, of 57 marks granted to him by the K. for certain chattels belonging to the archbishopric which the K. received after confirmation of the Archbishop. Bordeaux. [Vascon Rolls, 27 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] 2631. The K. grants to Gerald Fitz Maurice, William Crok, and Henry de la Chapelle, that they and their tenants by knight service RELATING TO IRELAND. 393 1243. be quit of the aid assessed in Ireland to the K.'s use. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary of Ireland. Bordeaux. [Close, 27 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 6.] July 15. 2632. Pardon to Henry de la Chapelle of 8 marks which he owes to the K. for the chattels of a fugitive. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary and treasurer of Ireland. Bordeaux. [Close, 27 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 6.] July 15. 2633. Mandate to the justiciary and treasurer of Ireland to discharge the freight of the ships in which Gerald Fitz Maurice and his retinue shall cross over to the K.'s service in parts beyond the sea. Bordeaux. [Close, 27 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 6.] July 17. 2634. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary, and G. de Turville, treasurer of Ireland, to cause Gerald Fitz Maurice to have 2001. of the K.'s gift to acquit his wages. Bordeaux. [Chart, 27 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] July 24. 2635. Essoign before the K.'s council. Nicholas de LafFeud v. the Abbot of St. Thomas, Dublin, of a plea of land. Without day, because the plaintiff did not come. [Coram Rege, &c, 27 Hen. III., No. 56, Hot. 1.] Aug. 28. 2636. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to take into the K.'s hand the castles, lands, and tenements whereof Richard de Burgh was seised when he died, and to safely keep them till further orders ; saving to Egidia, who was Richard's wife, her estover until dower be assigned to her. The justiciary shall also send to England Richard's 3 previously born children. Bordeaux. [Close, 27 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 4.] Sept. 3. 2637. Mandate to the justiciary and treasurer of Ireland* to cause Gerald Fitz Maurice to have 50Z. of the K.'s gift. Bordeaux. [Close, 27 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 4.] Cancelled because Letters Patent were subsequently made. Sept. 6. 2638. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary, and G. de Turville, Archdeacon of Dublin, and treasurer of Ireland, to cause Gerald Fitz Maurice to have 501. of the K.'s gift. Bordeaux. [Chart, 27 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Oct. 12. 2639. As Walter Bishop of Ossory is dead, mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to take into the K.'s hand and cause to be safely kept all the property of the see. The justiciary shall answer therefor at the Exchequer, Dublin. Westminster. [Vascon Rolls, 27 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Oct. 28. 26 40. The K. commands Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ire- land, not to interfere if D[avid] Archbishop Casserensis [of Cashel] should sue H[ubert] Bishop of Limerick, G[riffin] Bishop of Lismore, D[onaid or Daniel ?] Bishop Lannensis [of Killaloe], Bfrendan] Bishop of Ardfert, and C[hristian] Bishop Imilicensis [of Emly], the Archbishop's suffragans, touching the spiritualities of their sees ; not to permit the Archbishop to disturb the Bishops regarding their 394 1243. Oct. 29. Nov. 12. Dec. 1. Dec. 13. Dec. 15. Dec. 16. Dec. 17. Dec. 19. CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS lands and temporal matters belonging to the K.'s crown and dignity ; and not to lay his hand on their temporalities at the Archbishop's mandate without the K.'s special order. Westminster. [Close, 27 Hen. III., p. 1, m. 2.] 2641. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause to proceed to judgment according to law in Ireland, from assize to assize wherever assizes are held in that country, the plaint in the K.'s court before the justices in Eyre, between Geoffrey le Bret, Jane his wife, plain- tiffs, and William Dundowonald, deforciant, touching tenements in Nareth'. Westminster. [Close, 28 Hen. III., m. 19 dors.] 2642. Mandate to the custodians of the archbishopric of Can- terbury to cause the late retinue of Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to have out of the issues of that archbishopric, 20 marks of the K.'s gift. Canterbury. [Liberate, 28 Hen. III., m. 19.] 2643. Agreement between the K. and Richard Earl of Cornwall, his brother, that the latter shall release and quitclaim to the K. all demands and actions touching lands, castles, counties, honors, and knights fees in England, Ireland, and parts beyond the sea, held by King John ; saving to the Earl the county of Cornwall, and the honors of Wallingford and Eye, according to the tenor of a chiro- graph made between the K., the Earl, and the Lady Senchia, his wife. Deed of release thereupon. [Pat, 28 Hen. III., m. 11 dors.] 2644. Letters of safe conduct for 1 [year], from Christmas, for Fedelin O'Concainor [Fedhlim 0'Conor],son of the King of Connaught, about to come to England to confer with the K. Windsor. [Pat, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 11.] 2645. The K. gives to Fulk of Newcastle the custody of the lands and the marriage of Christiana, daughter and heir of Robert de Marisco ; and as it is the K.'s will that Fulk should marry her, mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to deliver Christiana to Fulk's messenger, with seisin of her inheritance and all issues from the time when the lands fell into the K.'s custody by Robert's death. Windsor. [Close, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 17.] 2646. The K. being bound to John Maunsel in a custody of 80 librates of land, grants to him the custody of the land and heir of John le Poher in Ireland. Windsor. [Pat., 28 Hen. Ill, m. 11.] 2647. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give to the bearer of these presents, to the use of W[illiam] de Cantilupe, seisin of all the lands which belonged to Hamo de Yaloignes in Ireland. The K. has given to W[illiam] the custody of those lands with the marriage of Hamo's heirs. Witness, Walter Archbishop of York. Windsor. [Close, 27 Hen. Ill, p. 2, m. 9.] 2648. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to assign to Egidia, who was the wife of Richard de Burgh, her dower out of all the lands and tenements whereof Richard was seised in fee when he died. Windsor. [Close, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 17.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 395 1243. [About 2649. Memorandum that Sir John Maunsel is to be requested on Dec] behalf of the justiciary of Ireland to speak to the K. to obtain for the justiciary custody of the land which belonged to Sir John le Poer with the marriage [of the heir]. The land at Dunoyl in the K/s holding, is worth 40Z., and in the justiciary's holding at Clonethe 201. ; besides a knight's fee of waste land in Connaught. Item, Sir John is to be requested on behalf of the justiciary to speak to the K. to procure the K/s letters directed to the justiciary granting to the latter all that had been promised to him at Waltham before Earl Richard, the K/s brother, Sir Peter de Sabaud, and the Archbishop of York. [Close, 28 Hen. III., m. 17 dors, in cedula.] Dec. 26. 2650. Letters of protection for 3 years for Hugh de Pilardinton gone to Ireland in the service of J. Maunsel. WalWford [Pat ' 28 Hen. Ill, m. 11.] ' Dec. 26. 2651. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland to cause to be let to Henry le Bret the land of Richard de Mariscoi in the K.'s prison at Chester, charged with having been an accomplice of William de Marisco. Henry shall, till further orders, render such rent for the land as another would give for it. Wallinoford [Fine Bolls, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] fe ' Dec. 29. 2652. Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to the K, setting forth the K.'s writ commanding him, after assignment of dower of Egidia, who was the wife of Richard de Burgh, to cause all the residue of Richard's lands, which he held in fee at his death, to be extended ; and the justiciary sends, under his seal and the seals of those by whom it was made, the inquisition taken thereupon. Una P. M., 29 Hen. Ill, JSTo. 28.] i * [About end 2653. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to respite, till the of Dec] Nativity of St. John the Baptist [June 24], the plaint in the K 's court, between John cle la Hyde, plaintiff, and William de la Lunde deforciant, of the manor of Balibadan. [Close, 28 Hen III. m 17 dors.] ' 1243-1244. 2654. The K. becomes surety to Simon de Montfort, Earl of Jan. 9. Leicester, and Alienor, his wife, the K/s sister, that Wfalter] Earl of Pembroke shall pay to them 400J. a year, as her dower, out of the lands of William, late Earl of Pembroke, her former husband in Ireland If there be failure in payment, the K. will pay the amount ot the deficiency to the Earl of Leicester and his wife, and recover it against the Earl of Pembroke, and not against the former West- minster. [Pat, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] Jan. 10. 2655. Grant to Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, and to the Countess Alienor, his wife, the K.'s sister, that on failure of payment by W[alter] Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, of 400£. a year, assigned as !^n UnteSSS d ° Wer 0ut of the lands in Ir eland and South Wales ol William, late Earl of Pembroke, her former husband, the K will cause that dower to be assigned out of all the lands of the latter in Ireland. Westminster. [Pat, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] 396 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1243-1244. Jan. 12. 2656. The K. commands Geoffrey de Turville, Archdeacon of Dublin, and treasurer of Ireland, to cause the work on the hall of the castle of Dublin, ordered by the K, which had been interrupted, to be well covered in, so that it may not be injured by weather ; and to stop the work during the ensuing summer, because the K. is much in want of money. Further mandate to the treasurer to diligently seek for money and send it quickly to the K. in England. Westminster. Similar letters to the justiciary of Ireland. [Close, 28 Hen. III., m. 16.] Feb. 5. 2657. Licence for the Dean and chapter of Ossory, by John Long and Ralph de Baligaveran, to elect a Bishop. Reading. [Pat, 28 Hen. III., m. 8.] Feb. 12. 2658. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that if any mill has been erected to the damage of the mills of the Knights Templars of Waterford, he shall cause it to be prostrated. No mill shall be built in Waterford to the damage of the Templars mills. Woodstock. [Close, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 15.] March 9. 2659. The K. gives to William de Burgh the prebend in the church of Ossory, vacant by the death of Walter, late Bishop of Ossory, and which is of the K.'s gift, owing to vacancy in that see. Mandate thereupon to the Dean and chapter of Ossory. Clarendon. [Pat, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] 1244. 2660. Robert de Dunach, in the presence of the justiciary and Easter, treasurer of Ireland, produced before the barons letters patent of the former, commanding, by virtue of the K.'s letters, William de la Hay, custodian of the see of Connor, to give possession of the lands of that see to A[dam] Abbot of Wardun, as soon as the latter should have been confirmed as Bishop by the Archbishop of Armagh. Date of the K.'s letters, Jan. 27, a. r. 26 [A.D. 1241-2]. Robert also produced letters of Sturstan de Petraponte, notifying that on the morrow of St. Clement, A.D., 1241, he had, at the man- date of the justiciary of Ireland, delivered to William de la Hay all the temporalities of the see of Connor, and that William had re- ceived the issues thereof up to that day. [Memoranda, L. T. K, 28 Hen. III., Rot 11 dors.] May 10. 2661. Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to the K., setting (Date of in- forth the K.'s writ, dated 5 March, a. r. 28, commanding him to quisition.) inquire how much land Adam de Adudno held of the K. within the justiciary's bailiwick, by what service, what the land is yearly worth in all issues, and who is his next heir, &c. ; and transmitting inqui- sition thereupon, as follows : — Inquisition taken before Philip de Inteberg', sheriff of Munster, and 12 men, who say that Adam de Anno held of the K. Kilcallan, to wit, 7^ carucates of land for 1 knight's fee, by the yearly service of 1 soarhawk or -J mark of silver ; whereof he held in demesne 3J carucates, each worth 40s. a year ; the rent of assise there is worth 40s. and 16(7. a year ; the miil is yearly worth 38s. 4 ] RELATING TO IRELAND. 399 1244. June 10. 2675. Mandate to the bailiffs of Bristol to cause Richard, canon of Athassel, Ireland, to have out of the farm of their vill, 40s. of the K.'s gift, for his expenses in returning to his country. St. Albans. [Liberate, 28 Hen. Ill,, m. 8.] June 10. 2676. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to render speedy justice to Margaret, who was the wife of Walter de Lacy, in a plaint which she had brought in the K.'s court, Ireland, against several persons, and which had been delayed because Walter's heirs, who are in the K/s custody, have been called to warranty. The K. had restored their inheritance to the heirs. St. Albans. [Close, 28 Hen. III., m. 9.] June 10. 2677. Mandate to John Strange, justiciary of Chester, to deliver to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, John and Richard de Mariscis, detained in the prison of Chester. St. Albans. [Pat., 28 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] June 11. 2678. The K. having learnt by inquisition made by Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, that John and Richard de Mariscis were not concerned in the felony of William de Mariscis, their kinsman, had commanded John Strange, justiciary of Chester, to deliver John and Richard to the justiciary of Ireland. Mandate to the latter to liberate them, and deliver seisin of their lands when they shall have given security that no injury shall thereby accrue to the K. or his kingdom. St. Albans. [Close, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] June 11. 2679. The K. grants to the earls, barons, and commonalty of Ireland, that if the service which the K. exacts from them of coming to maintain an expedition of his army is to be rendered without Ire- land, it shall not hereafter be turned into a precedent. St. Albans. The K. notifies that the service of his magnates and other subjects of Ireland in joining his expedition against the K. of Scots is rendered of their free will. The K. further notifies that he will cause to be restored and allowed to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, all the booty which he shall devote to the maintenance of the K.'s army in Ireland. The K. commands the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, to allow in their farm to the good men of Dublin, Drogheda, Waterford, and Cork whatever they may advance for the K.'s army ; and to cause to be restored out of the K.'s treasure of Ireland what- ever may be taken for the same purpose throughout that country. [Pat, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] June 11. 2680. Grant to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, of free chase and warren in Conmakonekule and Luyne. Witnesses, [Richard Earl of] Cornwall, the K.'s brother, William de Cantilupe, Fulk Fitz Warin, Peter de Geneve, Philip Basset, Richard de Dover, John Gumbaud, Anketil Malore, Nicholas de , Geoffrey de Childwik, and Walter de Luton. St. Albans. A similar charter for John Fitz Thomas, of free chase and warren in Okonyl, Muskry, Kery, Yonach, and Orathat. [Chart, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 3, and Exchequer, Q. R., Miscellanea, m. 9.] 400 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1244. June 11. 2681. Grant during pleasure to William Crok of the land of Rattvire [Rath wire], Ireland. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of that country, to give seisin accordingly. St. Albans. [Close, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] June 11. 2682. The K. grants to Richard de Dovor, his cousin, for his maintenance on the K.'s service, the custody of the lands which belonged to Geoffrey de Costentyn in Ireland, as well of those lands which he held of the K. in capite, as of those which he held of Walter.de Lascy ; to hold till the age of Geoffrey's heir. St. Albans. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Richard to have the custody. [Pat, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] June 11. 2683. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, that if Geoffrey de Mariscis, outlawed, held of C. Bishop of Emly^ his lands in Kelpriokes, Kelkalan, Danachgulian, Kellinery, Kelgoban, and Balidimedir, and these lands were in the K.'s hand for a year and a day after outlawry declared, the justiciary shall give him seisin of them. St. Albans. [Close, 28 Hen. IIL, m. 8.] June 11. 2684. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Matilda, who was the wife of William de Marisco, to have seisin of all the lands which he had in free marriage in Ireland. St. Albans. Mandate to Luke Archbishop of Dublin to allow her to hold those lands in peace. [Close, 28 Hen. IIL, m. 8.] June 11. 2685. Grant to Hugh le Fraunceis of custody of the land and heir of John de Kardif, which the K. had formerly granted to Master David, surgeon. Mandate accordingly to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. St. Albans. Letters patent thereupon for Hugh. [Close, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] June 11. 2686. The K. has taken the homage of Theobald, son and heir of Theobald Pincerna. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give seisin to Theobald accordingly. St. Albans. [Close, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] June 11. 2687. The K. commands the mayor and good men of Dublin to purchase, for his expedition [to Scotland], 500 crannocks of wheat, and to cause them to be delivered to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. The cost shall be allowed to them in the farm of their vill. They shall retain in their port all the ships and boats capable of carrying 40 men, and shall send them to Carlingford by the octave of St. Peter ad Vincula [Aug. 8], to transport the K.'s army of Ireland whither the justiciary shall lead it. St. Albans. Similar letters to the bailiffs and good men of Cork, for 200 crannocks of wheat ; to the bailiffs and good men of Waterford, for 500 crannocks ; the bailiffs and provosts of Drogheda, for 300 cran- nocks of wheat and 300 of dry oatmeal. All those vills are to retain ships as above. [Close, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] June 12. 2688. Mandate to Geoffrey de Turville, treasurer of Ireland, to deliver to John Grimbaud and Henry le Bretun 1,900 marks which RELATING TO IRELAND. 401 remain with him of the K.'s treasure of Ireland ; to be conveyed whither the K. has ordered. St. Alban's. [Pat, 28 Hen. III., m. 4.] 2689. The K. to Geoffrey, Elect of Ossory, and treasurer of Ireland, the Master of the Templars in that country, and Walter de Godarville. Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, having at the prayer of the K. surrendered to the use of Fulk of Newcastle, cousin of the K., the custody of the land and heir of Robert de Marisco and Walter de Ridelisford, the K. has undertaken to provide the justiciary with land in Ireland to the value of 881. 8s., at which the land of Robert and Walter has been extended. Mandate that lands of that value be assigned to the justiciary by the oaths of good men ; the lands to revert to the K. when the heir shall reach his age. St. Albans. [Pat, 28 Hen. III., m. 4.] June 12. 2690. Licence by Master Thomas de Kunnocth [Connaught] for the Dean and Chapter Delfmensis [of Elphin] to elect a Bishop. [Pat, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] June 12. 2691. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary, and Geoffrey de Turville, treasurer of Ireland, to deliver to good seamen of Drog- heda, Waterford, and Dungarvan, 2 of the K.'s galleys at Drogheda, 2 at Waterford, and 1 at Dungarvan, to trade with; rendering a farm to the K. at his Exchequer, Dublin. The seamen shall give security that they shall well and safely keep the galleys with their armaments, and answer at the Exchequer for the farm. St. Albans. [Pat, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] June 12. 2692. Mandate to the Treasurer and Chamberlain of Dublin, to cause the hall in the K.'s castle of that city to be completed accord- ing to the K.'s directions ; to provide that 4 wax tapers, each 1 lb. in weight, shall continually burn before the Cross in the church of the Holy Trinity, and to cause the anchorite living in the church of St. Mary de Dame [Les Dames], to have 3 half-pence a day of the K.'s alms for his maintenance, with 10s. a year for his clothing. St. Albans. [Pat, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] June 12. 2693. The K. gives to Fulk of Newcastle custody of the lands and heir of Robert de Marisco and Walter de Ridelesford, with the marriage of the heir ; saving the K.'s right in the land of Kerry, which the K. claims as an escheat. St. Albans. Mandate accordingly to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. [Pat, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] June 13. 2694. Mandate to W. de Haverhulle, the K.'s treasurer, that in place of the 700 marks which the Treasurer of Ireland ought to have delivered to him by the K.'s order in part payment of 1,000 marks due to the Pope, he take 700 marks of the K.'s treasure derived from the Jewry. The K. is unwilling that the 700 marks of Irish treasure should be sent to England at present. St. Albans. [Close, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] June 13. 2695. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to provide Stephen Longespee with 50 or GO librates of land for his maintenance on the K.'s service. St. Albans. [Close, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] 1244. June 12. 402 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1244. June 13. 2696. Mandate to Walter de Godarville, seneschal of Meath, to cause to be retained all the wines, hides, wool, cloth, and, iron which he can find at the fair of Trim, together with 500 crannocks of wheat and 500 crannocks of dry oats, and to cause them to be con- veyed to Drogheda by the octave of St. Peter ad Vincula [Aug. 8], to be delivered to the justiciary of Ireland as supplies for the K.'s expedition. St. Albans. [Close, 28 Hen. III., m. 8.] June 13. 2697. Mandate to the Treasurer and Chamberlain, Dublin, to have a valuation made of the corn which the justiciary of Ireland caused to be sown in the lands of Robert de Marisco and Walter de Rideleford, when he had custody of them, which custody, with the marriage of the heirs, the K. granted to Fulk of Newcastle. They shall also cause the oxen, horses, and other stock on the lands to be valued, and then delivered to Fulk ; and the value of the whole shall be paid to the justiciary. St. Albans. [Close, 28 Hen. III., m. 8.] June 13. 2698. The K, notifies to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, the royal assent to the election of Geoffrey de Turville, late Archdeacon of Dublin, as Bishop of Ossory. Although Luke Arch- bishop of Dublin, in order to avoid, as it is said, imminent peril to the church of Ossory, has confirmed the Archdeacon before he was presented to the K. and his election received the royal assent, as is the custom in Ireland and England, the K. commands the justiciary to give seisin to the Elect of the lands of the see, having first re- ceived letters of the same Archbishop, of the Dean and chapter of St. Patrick's, the Prior and convent of the Holy Trinity, Dublin, and the Dean and chapter of Ossory, protesting that no prejudice shall be caused to the K. by this confirmation made contrary to the custom of the kingdom ; and that the proceeding shall not be drawn into a precedent. St. Albans. And lest in progress of time prejudice be caused to the kingly dignity by this confirmation, the Archbishop is ordered to make such reparation as the K. will permit, namely, by sealing with the Archbishop's seal the letters patent sent, and other letters patent, with the seal of the chapter, as well as with the Archbishop's seal. [Close, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] June 13. 2699. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, that by oath of 12 knights and free tenants of the venue of Meath, he cause to be assigned to John de Verdun and Margaret, his wife, Peter de Geneve and Matilda, his wife, their portion of the lands in Ireland of Walter de Lacy, grandfather of Margaret and Matilda, of their inheritance ; saving to the K. the castle of Meath and 40 marcates of land to be assigned by the jury for the custody of the castle. If any one of the parties shall within 2 years be dissatisfied with his portion, the partition shall be revised by a new jury of the same venue ; and if any one make a profit out of his portion, it shall not be taken into account in the new assignment. St. Albans. [Close, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 403 1244. June 13. 2700. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that if those against whom Egidia de Burgh claims her dower in Ireland call to warranty Richard, son and heir of Richard de Burgh, in the K.'s custody, the justiciary shall nevertheless proceed in the plaint until it be determined. St. Albans. [Close, 28 Hen. III., m. 8.] June 13. 2701. Mandate to John Strange, justiciary of Chester, to cause Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to have in the forest of Wirrall 4 stags and 6 fallow deer of the K.'s gift. St. Albans. [Close, 28 Hen. III., m. 8.] June 13. 2702. Mandate to W. de Haverhulle, the K.'s treasurer, to cause a piece of cloth of gold to be bought and given to Richard Canon of Athassel, Ireland, to be conveyed to his priory, to make a cope of the K.'s gift. Dunsley. [Close, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] June 16. 2703. The K. quit-claims to Geoffrey de Turville, treasurer of Dublin, all receipts and expenditure of Irish treasure, from the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist [Oct. 18], a. r. 18, till the vigil of the Apostles Philip and James [April 30], a. r. 28, of which receipts and expenditue Luke Archbishop of Dublin, Maurice Fitz Gerald, jus- ticiary of Ireland, and Brother Roger Wallensis, Master of the Templars in Ireland, made a view by the K.'s mandate, as is con- tained in writings in the form of a chirograph. There remained in the Treasury, according to that view at the last-mentioned date, 1551. 8s. 5\d. Barnwell. [Pat, 28 Hen. III., m. 4.] June 16. 2704. Letters of presentation to the church of Culard for William, brother of Master Laurence de St. Martin. This church is vacant by the confirmation of Geoffrey, treasurer of Ireland, as Bishop of Ossory, and belongs to the K.'s gift. Chippenham. [Pat, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] June 17. 2705. Grant to Geoffrey de Turville, treasurer of Dublin, of custody of the lands which belonged to Nicholas Labank, near Dublin, and which he may hold to farm till the age of Nicholas's heir, rendering the yearly value of the lands. Chippenham. [Pat, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] June 17. 2706. Mandate to the bailiffs and good men of Kingeston' to build on their holdings in security, and to cultivate the lands belonging thereto, as in regard to their liberties they will be as liberally dealt with under the K. as the good men of other Irish vills. Barnwell. [Close, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] June 17. 2707. Mandate to Edward Fitz Odo to cause Geoffrey de Tur- ville, treasurer of Ireland, to have two pieces of cloth del Areste to make two copes, and to place the latter in the K.'s 2 chapels in Ireland. Chippenham. [Close, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] June 19. 2708. Letters of protection, so long as he shall be on. the K.'s service, for Matthew de la Mare, gone to Ireland with Stephen Lungespee. St. Edmund. [Pat, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] c c 2 404 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1244. June 20. 2709. William de la Lunde being about to join the expedition against the King of Scots, the K. orders the justiciary of Ireland to respite till the quinzaine of Easter, a. r. 29, the plaint by writ of entry before the justiciary between John de la Hyde, plaintiff, and the said William, of the manor of Balimadon'. St. Edmunds. [Close, 28 Hen. III., on. 8 dors.] June 24. 2710. The K. grants to Peter de Geneve and Matilda, his wife, all the issues of the lands in Ireland forming her portion, from the feast of the Purification [Feb. 2] to that of St. John the Baptist [June 24], a. r. 28. Mandate accordingly to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Ely. [Close, 28 Hen. III., on. 7.] June 24. 2711. Mandate to Edward Fitz Odo to cause Geoffrey de Tur- ville, treasurer of Ireland, to have 2 copes of silk in place of 2 pieces of cloth del Areste, which he ought to have delivered to Geoffrey according to the K.'s order. Ely. [Close, 28 Hen. Ill, on. 7.] June 25. 2712. The K. grants to Peter de Geneve all the corn, ploughs, and stock in the lands which belonged to Walter de Lacy in Meath. Mandate to Walter de Godarville to cause them to be valued by the oath of good men, and to give them to Peter at their value, having first taken from him security that he shall answer therefor at the Exchequer. Ely. [Close, 28 Hen. III., on. 7.] [About 2713. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. As June.] it is expedient that weights and measures should be equal in coun- ties and vills in Ireland, and that provisions and other articles should be sold and bought everywhere by one and the same weight and one and the same measure, the K. commands the justiciary to cause proclamation to be made accordingly throughout all cities and vills in Ireland. The model to be taken from the weights and measures used in the city of Dublin if they be such as can be followed. Ere causing this to be done, the justiciary shall communi- cate the advice of the burgesses of Ireland. [Close, 28 Hen. III., on. 8 dors.] [About end 2714. Grant to Peter de Geneve and Matilda, his wife, from the of June.] Purification [Feb. 2] till the receipt of these letters, of all issues of rents and lands which belonged to Walter de Lascy in Meath, to which Matilda is entitled by right of inheritance. Mandate accordingly to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary, Geoffrey de Turville, treasurer of Ireland, and Walter de Godarville, seneschal of Meath. [Pat, 28 Hen. Ill, on. 4.] 2715. The K. notifies that he will cause to be allowed to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, all the expenditure incurred by him in raising knights and foot soldiers to overcome the K/s enemies. Clive [Pat, 28 Hen. Ill, on. 4.] July 6. July 7. 2716. The K. to Dovenald [Donald] King of Tirch'unilT [Tir- connell]. Being about to march against the King of Scots, the K. prays Donald to give him his aid by joining in person and with a RELATING TO IRELAND. 405 1244. force the justiciary of Ireland and other subjects of the K. about shortly to depart for Scotland. Stanford. [Letters on the same subject to] : — Conehor O Briun, son of Dun- can Carbrach' de Thodmond, Cormaclethan' Macardhy de Dessemon', Ros Folan de Dessia, Richard Mac Hermekan de Dessia, Core Ochenn' de Fermuy, Ohonethor Olaff'cy de Corr'ait', Macchulan' Okellyc de Ochonyl', Murchod Mac Briun de Nather- lach. Felim, son of the late King Oraly, O Hanlon, Brian O Nel, King of Kinelun', O Chatan', O Hynery, Donald Mackadmel, Mac Anegus, Mac Kartan, Mac Gilemuri, O Flen, King of Turteri, Mac Mathaven, Mac O Calmery, The K. to G[erald] de Prendegast. Thanks him for the good ser- vice which he is prepared to render. As Alexander King of Scots has made peace, Gerald may return to his own country. But the K. prays that he will be ready for service by the ensuing summer. Similar letters to John de Cogan, John Fitz Thomas, Adam de Staunton, Ralph Fitz Ralph Fitz Nicholas, Peter de Bermingham, R. Tut, G. de Norhach', R. de Cogan, B. Flemeng, and all the Irish- men above named. [Close, 28 Hen. III., m. 7 dors.] July 7. 2717. The K. to the Archbishop of Armagh. Did not believe before this occurrence that the Archbishop could wish to obtain any- thing prejudicial to the kingly dignity, and the K. is grieved to think that this is not so. The Archbishop has given two subjects of complaint to the K., first because he obtained from the Pope that the K.'s subjects should be sued out of the realm concerning lands and advowsons of churches ; and secondly, because his petition makes mention of the K.'s privilege. Wherefore the K. forbids the Archbishop, as he values the possessions which he holds of the K., from suing the Prior of Lantony or any other person regarding lands and advowsons without the realm, or in an ecclesiastical court. To do this would be subversive of the K.'s crown and dignity. Stanford. [Close, 28 Hen. III., m. 7 dors.] July 13. 2718. Mandate to Geoffrey, Elect of Ossory and treasurer of Ire- land, to deliver until further orders to Maurice Fitz Gerald, jus- ticiary, all the money in the Treasury or which Geoffrey can borrow in the K.'s name, to be employed as directed in leading the K.'s army into Scotland. Nottingham. [Pat, 28 Hen, III., m. 3.] July 17. 2719. Letters of presentation to the church of Dungarvan, directed to Gfriffin] Bishop of Lismore, for Master "William le Brun. This church is vacant by the confirmation of Geoffrey, Elect of Ossory, and belongs to the K.'s gift. Nottingham. [Pat, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] July 18. 2720. The K. wills that Ralph Fitz Ralph Fitz Nicholas remain in Ireland with the other persons commissioned for the custody of 406 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1244. that country while the justiciary of Ireland is absent on the ex- pedition against the King of Scots. Mandate that Ralph do not leave Ireland. Nottingham. Mandate to the justiciary to allow Ralph to remain in Ireland. [Close, 28 Hen. IIL, m. 5.] Aug. 19. 2721. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause to be allowed to Egidia de Burgh, in the debts which she owes to the K. at the Exchequer, Dublin, all the issues of the lands which she holds in dower in Ireland, which issues fell to the use of the K. after her dower had been assigned to her. If any persons have appropriated the profits of Egidia's dower lands, the justiciary shall distrain them to make restoration. Rippon. [Close, 28 Hen. III., m. 3.] [About end 2722. The K. commands the chapters of cathedral churches, and of Aug.] of the order of Friars Minors [Franciscans] in Ireland not to elect any friar of that order as Archbishop or Bishop without the consent of the minister, provincial, and friars of that order. The K. will give the royal assent only to elections made in this form. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to prohibit such elections. [Pat, 28 Hen. III., m. 2 dors.] Oct. 17. 2723. The K. having received letters of the Archbishop [of Dublin], the chapters of the Holy Trinity, and St. Patrick, Dublin, of Geoffrey de Turville, Bishop elect of Ossory, and of the chapter of Ossory, and having granted the royal assent, commands Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to give to Geoffrey possession of the see and its temporalities ; and to signify to the knights and free and other tenants thereof, that they be intentive and respondent to Geoffrey as their Lord. Westminster. [Pat, 28 Hen. III., m. 1.] [About end 2724. Ralph de Picheford, being engaged on the K.'s service in of Oct.] fortifying a castle in the marches of Wales, the K. commands Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to respite till 1 month after Easter, a. r. 29, the plaint in the K.'s court, Dublin, between Baldwin le Flemeng, plaintiff, and the said Ralph, tenant, of 5 carucates of land in Dunech. Ralph shall not be summoned if he makes default. [Close, 29 Hen. IIL, m. 21 dors.] Nov. 7. 2725. The K. to the Bishop of Killaloe. The Pope having, on the K.'s petition, ordered the celebration of the nativity and trans- lation of King Edward the Confessor, the K.'s predecessor, the K. prays the Bishop to cause this feast to be solemnly observed in each church of his diocese. Westminster. [Royal Letters, JS T o. 785.] Nov. 7. 2726. The K. to the Bishop of Waterford. Prays him to cause the feast of the nativity and translation of King Edward the Con- fessor, the K.'s predecessor, to be solemnly observed in each church of the Bishop's diocese ; as in the preceding entry. Westminster. [Royal Letters, No. 786.] Nov. 13. 2727. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to allow the executors of A[dam], late Bishop Cunerensis [of Connor], RELATING TO IRELAND. 407 1244. to have free administration of his goods and chattels ; saving to the K. crops adhering to the soil. Westminster. [Close, 29 Hen. III., m. 20.] Nov. 20. 2728. The K. commands Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary, and Geoffrey, Bishop elect of Ossory, and treasurer of Ireland, to pay out of the treasure of that country, to William Fitz Hugh, and Amabilia, his wife, 50£. for their manor of Kent well, Suffolk, sold to the K. Westminster. [Pat, 29 Hen. III., m. 10.] Nov. 28. 2729. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland, the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, to inspect the Rolls of that Exchequer, and certify to the K. under their seals what debts are or may be exacted by Exchequer summonses from Walter Marshall, Earl of Pembroke ; the reason why each debt is exacted ; what debts are clear, and what not clear ; and meanwhile to cause the Earl to have peace touching all demands. Marlborough. [Close, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 18.] Dec. 16. 2730. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to inquire by oath of good and lawful men, of what lands Walter de Rideleford, grandfather of Christiana, daughter and one of the heirs of Robert de Mariscis, was seised in fee at his death ; what lands fell to the share of Christiana, and what to ; that of the Countess of Ulster, aunt of Christiana, and wife of Stephen Longespee ; and to give seisin to Fulk de Newcastle, of all the lands which fell to the share of Christiana, and of all the lands whereof Robert de Mariscis, her father, died seised in fee. The K. has granted to Fulk cus- tody of Christiana's lands with her marriage. Woodstock. [Close, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 17.] 1244-1245. 2731. Stafford : — John Strange renders his account : to the Archbishop of Dublin, 101. in Penkridge. [Pipe, 29 Hen. Ill, Mot. 6.] 2732. Chester: — Account of John Lestrange, from Christmas, a. r. 27, to Michaelmas, a. r. 29 : — To John Gumbald and Henry le Bretun, to convey Irish treasure to Nottingham, 65s. Gd. ; passage into Ireland of Walter Biset, Master William le Brun, and their men, 19L 10s. ; all by the K.'s writ. [Pipe, 29 Hen. Ill, Pot. 13.] Jan. 10. 2733. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. David, son of Llewellyn, late Prince of North Wales, having broken the treaty of peace with the K., invaded the K.'s land of Wales, killed his subjects, and endeavoured to seduCe the Welsh Barons from their allegiance, the K. prays the justiciary, the magnates, and K.'s subjects of Ireland, to join him in revenging such treachery. Mandate that the justiciary provide by the ensuing summer, wine, corn, and hogs for the maintenance of the K.'s army. Will send a person in whom he confides to join the justiciary in making pre- parations. Meanwhile the justiciary shall certify what provisions and what force he can send from Ireland to Wales in aid of the K.'s expedition. Wishes Ireland to share in his conquest. Further mandate that the justiciary hold a conference with the magnates of 408 CALENDAR, OF DOCUMENTS 1244-1245. Ireland, as to an aid being made, and as to whom the K. may rely- on ; and to certify thereupon to the K. Westminster. [Close, 29 Hen. III., m. 16 dors.] Jan. 14. 2734. Letters of protection for the Abbot and canons de la Deucross, Ulster. Westminster. [Pat, 29 Hen. III., m. 8.] Jan. 25. 2735. Mandate so Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause to be made in that country, as near the sea as possible, 4 good wooden towers [bretachise]. They shall be ready at latest by the feast of St. John the Baptist [June 24], and be conveyed by sea whither the K. shall order. Westminster. [Close, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 16.] [Feb.] 15. 2736. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, that besides the 4 wooden towers [bretachise] which the K. ordered, the justiciary cause 4 others to be made, so that 8 shall be ready to be conveyed and erected when and whither the K. shall order. Guild- ford. [Close, 29 Hen, III, m. 15.] March 12. 2737. Inspeximus and confirmation of charter whereby Walter Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, granted to Geoffrey de Langel' his manor of Staunton which Resus de Arden', son and heir of Geoffrey de Arden', gave to the Earl for 10 librates of land in Ireland. Dunsley. [Chart, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] 1245. 2738. Letters of safe conduct for 1 year for Fethelinyth Okonhoer March 29. [Fedhlim O'Conor] in coming to the K. in England. Wymondham. [Pat, 29 Hen. III., m. 7.] April 4. 2739. Royal assent to the election of Master Isaac of Newcastle as Bishop of Connor. Mandate to the Archbishop of Armagh to do what is his in this matter. Dinton. [Pat, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] April 8. 2740. Grant to Peter de Geneve of the manor of Dilun at 40£. a year, and of 2 parts of the land which Henry, the King's son, held on lease in the soke of Waltham, both in part payment of Peter's annual fee of 1001. ; to hold till the dower lands of Matilda de Lacy, Peter's wife, in England and Ireland, shall revert to Peter and Matilda. Waltham. [Pat, 29 Hen. III., m. 7.] | [About end 2741. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. The latter having of April.] written to inquire the K.'s pleasure regarding an assise of Novel disseisin, arraigned by Christian Bishop of Emly against Alan Bishop of Cloyne, touching a tenement in Kelconmyr, the K. ex- presses his astonishment that, through fear of excommunication, the justiciary should have deferred to give judgment regarding the manifest disseisin which the Bishop of Cloyne confesses he has wrought, and to restore seisin, according to law and custom in Ireland, to the Bishop of Emly. The K. therefore commands the justiciary to proceed to judgment, notwithstanding the threats of the Bishop of Cloyne ; and amercing the disseisor, according to the extent of his offence, to restore seisin to the Bishop of Emly, with the damages adjudged to him. As for the judges who, spurning the RELATING TO IRELAND. 409 1245. K.'s prohibition, proceeded in the ecclesiastical court regarding this tenement, and the said Bishop of Cloyne, who prosecuted this plea against the K.'s crown and dignity, the justiciary shall cause them to be arrested and imprisoned until they shall have made reparation for their contempt. The justiciary shall pursue the like course in other similar cases. Westminster. [Close, 29 Hen. III., m. 10 dors,] [About 2742. The K. having granted to Tancard Burdun, Richard de April.] Aencurt, Richard Fitz Adam, and Robert le Veel, that they shall not be made knights until Richard de Burgh shall have become so, commands the justiciary of Ireland not to distrain them for that purpose until Richard shall have been made a knight. [Close, 29 Hen. III., m. 10 dors.] May 7. 2743. Letters of protection for the Prior and canons of All Saints, near Dublin. Reading. [Pat, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] May 8. 2744. Royal assent to the election of Master Isaac, of Newcastle upon Tyne, as Bishop of Connor. Mandate to the knights, free and other tenants of the see, that they be intentive and answering to the Bishop as their Lord. Reading. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause the Bishop to have seisin of all the lands and tenements belonging to the see. [Pat., 29 Hen. III., m. 5.] [May- 2745. Mandate to the archbishops, bishops, and other prelates June.] of Ireland and Gascony, assembled with English archbishops and bishops at the Council of Lyons, to devote their attention to the advancement, preservation, and defence of the rights of the K. and his kingdom. [Pat, 29 Hen. III., m. 5 dors.] June 1. 2746. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. The magnates of England murmur and are disquieted on account of the grievances and oppressions which the Pope inflicts on religious men and clerks. They are therefore about to send messengers to his Holiness praying that he desist from those oppressions. Having learnt that Martin, clerk, messenger of the Pope, at present in England, had sent John Ruffus, clerk, into Ireland, to cause similar oppressions, the K. commands the justiciary, until further orders, not to allow John, Martin, or any other person bearing Papal letters, to extort money from religious men, to make promises to Romans or Italians touching the benefices of such men or other ecclesiastical persons, or to do anything which may cause injury to Ireland. Missenden. [Close, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 9 dors.] June 2. 2747. The K. had learnt by inspection of the charter of Henry, formerly Archbishop of Dublin, to which the seals both of the Arch- bishop himself and of the chapters of the Holy Trinity and St. Patrick's, Dublin, are appended, that he had given to William de Mariscis the cantred of Okonach in free marriage with Matilda, who was William's wife. This cantred, with William's other land, was taken into the K.'s hand on William's outlawry, and cannot belong 410 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1245. to the Archbishop, as he claims, or be the escheat of any other per- son, for William could not forfeit land forming his wife's marriage portion. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to take the cantred into the K.'s hand, and then to give Matilda seisin of it, saving the right of any person who can claim it against her in the K.'s court. Westminster. Afterwards letters patent, dated Westminster, Feb. 6, a. r. 30, were granted to Matilda. [Close, 29 Hen. III., m. 6.] June 7. 2748. The K. pardons to Kalph de St. Amand 2 marks, exacted from him out of his Irish land for scutage of the K.'s army of Gas- cony. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Ralph to be quit thereof. Westminster. [Close, 29 Hen. III., m. 8.] June 22. 2749. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, and Geoffrey Bishop of Ossory, treasurer of Dublin, to pay out of the K.'s treasure to Walter Byset 60 marks of the K.'s gift for his ex- penses. Windsor. [Pat., 29 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] June 22. 2750. The K. notifies that he will cause to be restored, by view of Walter Byset, Masters William le Brun, and Henry de Wingeham, all the booty which Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary, shall take to the use of the K. in Ireland ; such as wines, corn, flesh, fish, and other articles and victuals. Windsor. [Pat, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] [About 2751. The K. sends to Maurice Fitz Gerald, [Walter] Biset, Henry June 22.] de Wyngham, and Master William le Brun, the K.'s clerks, to confer with Maurice regarding affairs of the K. Mandate that Maurice place credence in them, and give them a favourable reception, and counsel and aid in transacting those affairs. [Pat, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] June 22. 2752. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, and Geoffrey Bishop of Ossory, treasurer of Dublin, to cause Walter Byset to have out of the K.'s Irish treasure 60 marks for a horse, which the K. owes to him. Windsor. [Pat, 29 Hen. III., m. 4.] June 22. 2753. The K. commands Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, and Geoffrey Bishop of Ossory, treasurer of Dublin, to pay out of Irish treasure to Maurice de Burmingeham 10 marks of the K's gift, for his expenses while in England. Windsor. [Pat, 29 Hen, III, m. 4.] June 23. 2754. Mandate to the justiciary or constable of Chester to cause Walter Byset, Master William le Brun, and the servants with them, about to cross over into Ireland as the K.'s messengers, to have such ships as they may require for their passage. Windsor. [Liberate, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] June 24. 2755. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to cause the galleys from Ireland to be well equipped and sent to the K. in Wales by counsel of Walter Byset and John Byset, his brother. Windsor. [Close, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 411 1245. June 25. 2756. Fine made in the K's court at Westminster on the morrow of St. John the Baptist, a. r. 29 Henry III., before Robert de Notingeham, John de Cobeham, William de St. Edmund, and Master Robert de Shardelawe, justices, &c, between Margery, who was the wife of Walter de Lascy, complainant, and Peter de Geneve and Matilda, his wife, tenants; whereby the said Peter and Matilda granted to Margery, as her dower, 40 librates of land in England and Ireland, to wit, 131. 15s. 2\d. worth of lands in England, and 261. 4s. 9±d. worth of lands in Newcastle and Armurthur, Ireland, with all liberties to which Peter and Matilda are entitled in those lands. For this grant Margery quit-claims to Peter and Matilda and the heirs of the latter all her right and claim to all the remain- ing lands which belonged to Walter de Lascy. Margery shall not have power to sell or alien the lands or commit waste ; and after her death the lands shall revert to Peter and Matilda and the heirs of Matilda for ever. [Feet of Fines. Divers Counties, Hen. Ill No. 204.] [About end 2757. Licence to Master J. de Frussyn, clerk, and Envoy of the of June.] Pope, to cross over into Ireland to give absolution to those who have laid violent hands on clerks ; and to collect money in aid of the Holy Land. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to receive him for that purpose ; but till further orders not to allow him, although the prelates may do so, to exercise any other jurisdiction [Close, 29 Hen. III., m. 7 dors.] [About the 2758. As pleas in dower ought not to be adjourned because beginning heirs under age are called to warranty, the K. commands the of July.] justiciary of Ireland to proceed to render justice to Stephen Longespee and Emelina, his wife, in a plaint in the K.'s court of Ireland touching her dower, although Richard de Burgh who is under age and in custody of the K. has been called to warranty [Close, 29 Hen. III., m. 7 dors.] July 4. 2759. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Matilda, who was the wife of William de Mariscis, has shown that Henry, formerly Archbishop of Dublin, gave Castelblathac to her by his charter before her marriage. This castle, after the outlawry of her husband, was taken into and still remains in the K.'s hand. Mandate to the justiciary to inquire into the truth of these facts, and if he find that they are true, to give to Matilda seisin of the castle as her right of the Archbishop's gift. Westminster. [Close, 29 Hen. III., m. 6.] [July 5.] 2760. D. [Donatus] Bishop of Killaloe [Laoniensis] to the K, (date of m- thanking him for commanding the justiciary of Ireland to cause an quisition.) inquisition to be taken as to what lands the Bishop's church had been deprived of. Transmits the inquisition, and prays the K. to persevere in his good purpose of exalting the Bishop's church. Inquisition as to whether the lands of Roscrea ought to belong to the bishopric of Killaloe, by whom they were alienated, and what they are yearly worth, taken at Roscrea on Wednesday next after the feast of St. Peter and Paul, a. r. 29, before John Travers, Henry Fitz Maurice, John de Bileburn', Walter Fanyn, Robert Boscer 412 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1245. Adam de Sydeinne, Henry de Legy, Henry Baret, Nicholas de Swetun', Adam de Lutre, Walter de Barry, Henry de Lund, jurors ; who say that in time past Murchercath Mac Bren ravaged the land of Hermon' and Hely Okarvill, and levelled 5 castles there, whereupon the K.'s force and council in Ireland assembled at Roscrea to expel Murchchert. The lands were at that time in the hand of Cornelius O'Heny, then Bishop of Killaloe, as of right belonging to his bishopric. The K.'s council commenced fortifying a castle in the vill of Roscrea by erecting a moat and a wooden tower [britagium]. Meanwhile Henry Archbishop of Dublin from England, justiciary of Ireland, repaired by King John's direction to the vill. Hearing this Bishop Cornelius came thither and prohibited a castle or any fortification from being constructed in his ecclesiastical possessions ; and said that if they proceeded further therein he should ex- communicate the justiciary and the whole army. Thereupon the justiciary and the army prayed Bishop Cornelius on behalf of the K. and for the common good, that they might be allowed to fortify the moat and wooden tower until the termination of war, undertaking in the K.'s name that the Bishop should then have the vill and its appurtenances, or the just value thereof; the Bishop thereupon granted permission accordingly. In this manner the lands of Roscrea were alienated. These lands are annually worth 35 marks of silver ; and the custodee of Roscrea receives the marches as his fee. [Inq. P. M., 29 Hen. III., Ao. 43.] July 13. 2761. The K. acknowledges to have received from Earl Marshall 200£. due by him to Simon, Earl of Leicester and the Countess Alienor, his wife, the K.'s sister, for dower of the latter out of the lands which belonged to William Marshall, her late husband, in Ireland and Pembroke. Woodstock. [Pat, 29 Hen. III., m. 4.] July 18. 2762. The K. commands Peter de Burmingeham, Hugh Purcel, Eustace de Roche, and Peter de St. Leger to inquire by 12 knights of Leinster and 12 knights of Meath whether Rfichard] Bishop of Meath seized in her castle of Clonard Isabella de Beaufo when non compos mentis, carried her away at night, detained her in his custody, dispossessed her of her castle and placed his bailiffs there, and now sues her by writ of right, &c, and to render full justice to Isabella. Woodstock. [Close, 29 Hen. III., m. 7 dors.] [About 2763. Commission to Peter de Bermingeham, Hugh Purcel, July 18.] Eustace de Roche, and Peter de St. Leger, as justices, to hold a plea between Isabella de Beaufo, plaintiff, and Rfichard] Bishop of Meath, deforciant, of the castle of Clonard ; to take an appeal made by David de Rochefort against William and David de Sumery for the death of Maurice de Rochefort, David's brother, and to inquire who received the wrongdoers and were present at Maurice's death ; and to hold a plaint in the K.'s court of Cashel by writ of right between Felix and John le Bret of the manors of Rathgale and Drongan. [Close, 29 Hen. III., m. 7 dors.] [July 21.] 2764. Pope Innocent [IV.] to the K., confirming all the privi- leges, indulgences, and immunities granted by the Papal see to the RELATING TO IRELAND. 413 1245. churches of England and Ireland. Lyons, 12th of the calends of August, in the 3rd year of the Pope's pontificate. [Exchequer, Q. K, Miscellanea, m. 3.] July 26. 2765. The K. has taken the homage of Godfrey de Anno, nephew and heir of Adam de Anno, for all the lands and tenements which the latter held of the K. in capite in Ireland. Mandate to the justiciary of that country, that having taken from Godfrey security for 100s. as his relief, he give the latter seisin of all the lands of which Adam died seised in fee, and which descend to Godfrey by right of inheritance. Gloucester. [Close, 29 Hen. III., m. 4.] Aug. 19. 2766. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Isaac Bishop of Connor to have all the issues of his see from the 9th of May, on which day he rendered fealty to the K. at Oxford. Chester [Close, 29 Hen. III., m. 3.] Aug. 28. 2767. Stephen de Longespee being on the K.'s Welsh expedition, mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to respite, till the quinzaine of Easter, a. r. 30, the plaint in the K.'s court, between Matilda de Lacy, plaintiff, and John de Cogeham, tenant, touching Matilda's dower, whereof John has called to warranty Stephen and Emelina, his wife. The Camp at Gannok. [Close, 29 Hen. III., m. 4 dors.] Aug. 29. 2768. The K. to the men of Dublin. Is staying at le Gannok on his expedition, and is fortifying a castle there. Nothing prevents success but the want of provisions, which is much felt by the K. and a great part of the army. Wherefore the K. commands the men of Dublin to send to him all the provisions which they can collect in their vill or parts adjacent, together with the merchants of those provisions, to whom the K. will cause good payment to be made. The Camp at Gannok. ^ Similar letters to the men of Waterford, Drogweda [Drogheda], Limerych [Limerick], Cork, and Carrickfergus. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to raise on loan, or on the Michaelmas rents of Ireland, or out of the K.'s treasure on hand, 500 marks to purchase corn and flour, which he shall send as quickly as possible to the K.'s army by 1 or 2 ships. He shall also cause to come to the army from the cities and vills of Ireland as many wine and provision merchants as he can, with masons and other workmen. Letters patent to all provision merchants in Ireland to come to the army with their provisions ; the K. has undertaken that they shall be well paid by himself and others. [Close, 29 Hen. III., m. 4 dors.] Sept. 4. 2769. The K. to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland. Although the ordination by the Pope of J[ohn], late Archdeacon of Elphin, as Bishop of that see, is derogatory to the K.'s liberty, having been made without the K.'s assent, yet as the K. has received through the Pope's letters laudable testimonials of the said John, and M[arian] Archbishop of Tuam refuses to consecrate him without the K.'s assent, the K. gives that assent, and commands the justiciary to cause the Bishop to have seisin of the lands of the see. Camp at Gannoc. CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1245. The same is signified to the Archbishop of Tuam. [Pat, 29 Hen. III., m. 2.] Sept. 20. 2770. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to respite till the close of Easter, a. r. 30, all the debts which Peter de Geneve owes to the K. on his own account or that of Walter de Lacy, and which are exacted from him by summons of the Exche- quer, Dublin. Meanwhile the justiciary shall certify to the K. the amount and particulars of those debts. The Camp, Gannok. [Close, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] ' Sept. 24. 2771. Grant in fee to Ralph Pel de Lu, of the land of Invre and Dumnal', which he has of the gift of Hugh de Lacy, late Earl of Ulster. Witnesses, Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, William de Fortibus, Earl of Albemarle, Roger de Quency, Earl of Winchester, Hugh de Veer, Earl of Oxford, Warin de Montchensey, John de Plessetis, Hugh de Vivon, Paulinus Peivre, and John de Lexinton. The Camp, Gannoc. [Chart, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 2, and Exchequer, Q. R, Miscellanea, -2-° °-, m. 9.] Sept. 30. 2772. Licence to Richard of Dover to sell the custody of the lands in Meath and Fingal, which belonged to Geoffrey de Costantin, and the marriage of his heirs, both of which Richard has of the K.'s gift. Camp at Gannoc. [Pat., 29 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Oct. 1. 2773. The K. notifies that Geoffrey Bishop of Ossory, the K.'s treasurer of Ireland, paid at Gannoc, to P. Chaceporc, keeper of the K.'s wardrobe, 3971. 10s. 6d. of Irish treasure. Acquittance for the treasurer. Camp at Gannoc. [Pat, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Oct. 1. 2774. Royal assent to the election of Master Andrew, late Arch- deacon of Dromore, as Bishop of that church. Mandate to the Bishops of Rathlure [Radlurlensi] and Down, to do what is theirs in this matter, according to the mandate of the Archbishop of Armagh. Camp at Gannoc. Mandate to the tenants of the see, that in all things relating to it they be intentive to the Bishop as their lord. [Pat, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Oct. 7. 2775. Mandates to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary of Ireland, to send to the K. 4 wooden towers [bretachire] which came from Ireland, and are in the Island of Anglesey ; to find shipping from that island to the K. for John Byset, Walter his brother, Guy de Rocheford, Fulk of Newcastle, and other knights of the K.'s retinue ; and to advise how the K.'s wines can be sent from that island to the K. The Camp, Gannok. [Close, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 1.] Oct. 15. 2776. Mandate to the treasurer and chamberlain of the Exchequer, Dublin, that they yearly spend 201. of the K.'s treasure in purchasing 100 tunics for the use of the friars minors [Franciscans] of Dublin, Waterford, Drogheda, Cork, Athlone, and Kilkenny, of the K.'s alms, during pleasure. Camp at Gannoc. [Pat, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Oct. 21. 2777. Mandate to the K.'s treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin, to cause 3,000 foot soldiers who came from Ireland with the justi- RELATING TO IRELAND. 415 1245. ciary to the K.'s service at Gannoc, to have their pay of 2d a day for 10 days namely, from Friday next after the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist [Oct. 20], a. r. 29, to Sunday on the morrow of Sts Simon and Jude [Oct. 29], a. r. 30. Camp at Gannoc. Mandate to the same to cause Forminus de St, Valery to have 8 ¥ marks, that is to say, 100s. for a beam for the K.'s catapult at Gannoc; and 1 mark for his expenses in Wales. [Pat, 29 Hen III m. 1.] *' Oct. 21. 2778. Letters of protection till the K.'s arrival in Ireland, for 1 ethel [Fedhhrn], King of Connaught. Camp at Gannoc. [Pat, 29 Hen. III., m. 1.] L Oct. 27. 2779 Mandate to Hugh Tyrel, seneschal of Ulster, to cause the K. s castle of Camckfergus and its buildings, to be so maintained that they do not fall into ruin. The Camp at Gannok. [Close 29 Hen. 111., m. I.] Oct. 28. 2780. Grants to Geoffrey Bishop of Ossory of a yearly fair in his manor of Kilkenny to last for 8 days, namely, on the morrow of the octave of the Holy Trinity and 7 following days; a weekly market there on Wednesday ; a yearly fair in his manor of Athethur if iT na ™S¥ on the morrow of the translation of St. Thomas the Martyr and 7 following days [8-15 July] ; a weekly market there on luesday ; a yearly fair in his manor of Derevald for 6 davs namely on the day of St. Swithin and 5 following days T15-20 Julvl • a weekly market there on Thursday; a yearly fair in his manor of fachsquithm for G days, namely, on the day of St. Kenelm King and Martyr and o following days [17-22 July] ; a weekly market there on Iriday; a, yearly fair in his manor of Clinnmore for 8 days namely, on the day of St. Martin and 7 following days [11-18 Nov l' and of a weekly market there on Monday. Further grant to Geoffrey and his successors, Bishops of Ossory, of free warren in all the demesne lands of the above manors. Witnesses, Richard Earl of Cornwall the K.'s brother Roger le Bygod, Earl of Norfolk, William de Fortibus, Earl of Albemarle, William de Cantilupe, John £ « eoff rey, Maurice Fitz Gerald, Peter de Birmingeham, Adam de Staunton, Paulmus Peivre, John de Lexinton, and Geoffrey de Child- JLSS, VSJ 30 *~ IIL ' m - 12> "** Q - R > Nov. 1. 2781. Mandate to the justices in Eyre in Ireland, to respite till the arrival of John Fitz Geoffrey, lately created justiciary, the appeal brought by Richard de Notmgeham against Alan de Chamberlain the K. has enjoined to the justiciary that if there be error in the process of the appeal, he cause amendment to be made. Chester [Close, 30 Hen. III., m. 25 dors.] Nov. 2. 2782 Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Thurstan de Dorepunt to have till the K. shall go to England or otherwise order 10Z. a year at the Exchequer, Dublin, as he wai wont to have m the time of Maurice Fitz Gerald, formerly justiciary. Chester. [Close, 30 Hen. III., m. 25.] y 416 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1245. Nov. 3. 2783. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, and to the treasurer of Ireland, to cause to be defrayed out of Irish treasure the freight of the 2 ships in which Peter de Birmingeham and Adam de Staunton, who came to the K. in Wales, shall return to their own country. Chester. [Pat., 30 Hen. III., m. 10.] Nov. 4. 2784. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, and to the treasurer of Ireland, to cause Geoffrey de Dunwich to have 30 marks for the freight of his ship called la Damaysel in coming to the K. at Gannoc from Ireland and in returning to that country ; and for his loss by the detention of that ship at Gannoc on the K.'s service. Combermere. [Pat, 30 Hen. III., on. 10.] Nov. 4. 2785. Appointment of John Fitz Geoffrey as justiciary of Ireland during pleasure. Mandate to Irish Archbishops and others to be intensive and respondent to Geoffrey in all things belonging to the office of justiciary in that country. Combermere. The K. to Archbishops and others in Ireland. Maurice Fitz Gerald having surrendered to the K. the office of justiciary of Ireland, the K. has committed it and all the castles, vills, and lands of which he had custody in that country, to John Fitz Geoffrey during pleasure. [Pat,, 30 Hen. III., m. 10.] Nov. 5. 2786. Writ for payment to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ire- land, of 1001. of the K.'s gift to provide him with harness [ad se harnechiandum] previous to his passage to Ireland on the K.'s service. Lilleshall. [Liberate, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 25.] Nov. 5. 2787. Mandate to the mayor and bailiffs of Dublin to cause John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to have of the K.'s gift 23 hogs- heads of wine which remained in their custody. Lilleshall. [Close, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 25.] Nov. 5. 2788. As the 201. which the treasurer and chamberlain of the Exchequer, Dublin, yearly apply at the feast of All Saints [Nov. 1] in purchasing 100 tunics for the Franciscans of Ireland, do not suffice, the K. commands that 5 marks besides the 201. be devoted to that purpose. Lilleshall. [Pat., 30 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] Nov. 6. 2789. Grant to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, that he yearly receive from the treasurer at the Exchequer, Dublin, 5001. for his maintenance on the K.'s service in time of peace ; if that sum does not suffice, the K. will make such an addition that the justiciary shall suffer no loss. If war should arise in Ireland, the justiciary shall take by view of the treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin so much Irish treasure as may be necessary to maintain the war and defend Ireland. The justiciary shall render an account of treasure received beyond the 5001. Lilleshall. Mandate to the treasurer and chamberlain of Ireland to cause the justiciary to have 5001. [Pat, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] Nov. 13. 2790. Mandate to the keeper of the Mint to cause Geoffrey Bishop of Ossory to have, out the issues thereof, a silver chalice of the weight of 15 or 1G shillings, in place of the chalice which the RELATING TO IRELAND. 417 1245. Bishop caused the K. to have for the chapel of the castle of Gannok. Evesham. [Liberate, 30 Hen. III., m. 24.] Nov. 13. 2791. Order to the bailiffs of Bristol to cause the Bishop of Ossory, treasurer of Ireland, to have a ship for his passage to Ireland. Evesham. [Liberate, 30 Hen. III., m. 24.] Nov. 1G. 2792. Mandate to Philip de Interberg, constable of the K.'s castle of Limerick and of Castle Coning, to deliver those castles with the counties of Munster and Limerick, to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, or his assigns, bearing letters patent of the K. and of the justiciary. Woodstock. Similar letters to the following persons regarding the delivery of castles, &c. : — Simon Muridac, constable of the K.'s castle of Dublin, touching the delivery of that castle and of the county of Dublin. John de Cravill, of the castle of Athlone, with the bailiwick thereto belonging. Hugh Tyrel, the castle of Drogheda. Robert de Capella, the castle of Randon. William Croc, the castle of Meylac. Meyler de Bermingeham, the castle of Roscre. Adam Buse, the castle of Mayllonach. [Pat, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] Nov. 18. 2793. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, and to the K.'s treasurer there, to cause the K.'s hall of Dublin to be completed, and water to be conveyed to it from the conduit of the city of Dublin, so that at the approaching summer the K. may find the hall complete. Woodstock. The K. prays the mayor and good men of Dublin to allow water from the conduit of their city to be conve} r ed by a pipe to the hall aforesaid. [Pat., 30 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] Nov. 18. 2794. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, and to the K.'s treasurer there, to cause Meyler de Bermingeham to have out of the Exchequer, Dublin, an annual fee of 20 marks, and Maurice de Bermingeham one of 10 marks. Woodstock. [Pat, 30 Hen. III., m. 10.] Nov. 18. 2795. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, and to the K.'s treasurer there, to cause to be paid out of Irish treasure all the money which the K. owes in Ireland for cloth, hides, iron, salt, wines, corn, hogs, and other provisions sent to the K. at Gannoc. Woodstock. [Pat, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] Nov. 18. 2796. Mandate to Robert Luterel, the K.'s chancellor of Ireland, to be intentive and respondent as concerns the chancery to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, when he shall arrive there, and meanwhile to Geoffrey Bishop of Ossory, whom the K. assigns in his place. Woodstock. [Pat, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] Nov. 22. 2797. Mandate to the treasurer and chamberlains of Dublin to employ in enlarging and better building the house of the Franciscans *' D D 418 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1245. in Waterford, 35 marks in a. r. 30, and the like sum in the follow- ing year, which the K. ordered to be applied in purchasing tunics. Woodstock. [Pat, 30 Hen. III., m. 9.] Dec. 3. 2798. The K. to Robert de Turberville, seneschal of the lands which belonged to W[alter] Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, in Ireland. On the death of the K.'s barons holding in capite, the K. is entitled to have primer seisin of all their lands and castles, and the heirs after rendering homage and relief ought to receive their seisin from the K/s hands. As W[alter] Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, Robert's Lord, is deceased, the K. commands Robert to deliver to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, or his messenger, all the Earl's lands and castles in that country ; to hold till Anselm, the Earl's brother and heir, shall come to the K., and do his duty as above. Windsor. Similar letters to the constables of castles in Wales, Monmouth and Hereford shires. [Pat, 30 Hen. III., m. 9.] Dec. 4. 2799. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, and to the treasurer of Ireland, to cause John Byset to have out of Irish treasure 50 marks of the K.'s gift. Windsor. [Pat, 30 Hen. III., m. 9.] 1245-1246. 2800. Stafford: — John Strange renders his account: To the Archbishop of Dublin, 101. in Penkridge. [Pipe, 30 Hen. Ill, Rot 13.] 2801. The K. commits to William de Cheeny all the lands and castles of Walter Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, in Ireland. Man- date by letters close to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, out of the issues of the lands, to provide William with a sufficiency for his maintenance while he holds the custody. Westminster. Mandate to the same justiciary to cause William, when he arrives in Ireland, to have out of Irish treasure 25 marks of the K/s gift, to purchase a horse. Mandate to Robert de Turberville to deliver to William all the above lands and castles. Mandate to the knights, free and other tenants of the lands and castles to be intentive and respondent to William as custodee thereof. [Pat, 30 Hen. Ill, on. 9.J 2802. The K. commits, during pleasure, to William de Cheeny custody of the lands and castles of Anselm Marshall in Ireland. Mandate to Walter de Samford and Richard le Moine, custodees of the lands and castles, to deliver them to William. Westminster. [Pat, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] 2803. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause to be purchased for the K.'s use 300 hogsheads of wine, 3,000 quarters of wheat, 2,000 quarters of oats, 2,000 hogs, and 5,000 quarters of lime. Westminster. [Close, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 21.] Jan. 19. 2804. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey to cause to be given to Matilda, who was the wife of Anselm Marshall, 60 librates of land in Ireland, for her maintenance until the K. shall cause her dower to he Jan. 16. Jan. 16. Jan. 17. RELATING TO IRELAND. 419 1245-1246. assigned to her out of all Anselm's lands. Westminster. [Close 30 Hen. III. m. 21.] [About 2805. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland to Jan. 21.] take into the K.'s hand the cantred of Okenach, with its castle and safely keep it till further orders. [Close, SO Hen. Ill, m. 21 dors.] Jan. 25. 28 06. Mandate to John Fitz rey, justiciary, and to the treasurer of Ireland, to cause Master Robert de Sardelawe to have on his arrival in that country 40 marks of the K.'s treasure for his expenses, and 60 marks yearly for his maintenance, so long as he shall remain on the K.'s service. Westminster. [Pat, 30 Hen III m. 7.] ' ' J Jan. 27. 2807. The executors of Walter, late Earl of Pembroke, orant to the K. custody of a moiety of the lands which belonged to Walter de Rideleford in Leinster, and which descend to Christiana one of Walter's heirs. The K. commits this custody to Fulk de Newcastle. Mandate to William de Cheeny to cause Fulk to have seisin of those lands. Westminster. [Pat, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] Jan. 28. 28 08. The K. notifies to his barons of the Exchequer that the executors of Walter Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, have made a fine of 200 marks, and have granted to the K. custody of a moiety of the lands which belonged to Walter de Rydeleford in Lagenia [Leinster], in order to have free administration of the Earl's chattels in England, Wales, and Ireland. Mandate to the barons, that, having taken from the executors security for the 200 marks' they cause them to have full administration of all the Earl's chattels in England. Westminster. [Fine Rolls, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 15.] Jan. 28. 2809. The K. to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland. William de Mariscis has shown that Jordan de Mariscis, his father, having been disseised of his manor of Crokeduffeny during the war in Ireland between the K. and Richard Marshall, late Earl of Pem- broke, the K. had commanded Maurice Fitz Gerald, then justiciary to give seisin thereof to William, as son and heir of Jordan. Man- date, that if John Fitz Geoffrey find that this is so, and that the K.'s order was not executed, he give seisin of this manor to William. Westminster. The justiciary shall take security from William for 10 marks for this writ. [Close, 30 Hen. Ill, on. 20.] Feb. 13. 2810. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland to inquire whether Maurice Fitz Gerald, while justiciary, was seised of 4J vills of land and £ a knight's fee in Kennennard, Manumrechan Innesflasferchi, Mommorgan, Rahbochi, Conyn, Balihechun, Boli- colgon, Maislisme, Kilgorvi, as appurtenant to the castle of Ach- makm. The custody of those lands fell into the K.'s hand after the death of Walter de Rideleford, and the K. granted custody to Fulk of Newcastle. If by this inquisition the justiciary find that Maurice was seised of the lands in the K.'s name, he shall cause Fulk to have seisin thereof. Reading. [Close, 30 Hen. Ill m. 18.] DD 2 420 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1245-1246. Feb. 15. 2811. Mandate to William de Cheenay and Master Gervase de Pershore, eustodees of the lands which belonged to Walter, late Earl of Pembroke, in Ireland, to cause the custodian and chaplains of St. Saviour of Rendenam to have such maintenance in money and otherwise as they had of the Earl's gift in his life-time, with all arrears due to them from his death. Reading. [Pat, 30 Hen III., on. 7.] March 5. 2812. It having been intimated to the K. as certain that the see of Armagh is vacant by the resignation of the Archbishop, the K. commands John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to take into the K.'s hand all the lands and possessions of the archbishopric, and safely keep them till further orders. Marlborough. [Close, 30 Hen. III., m. 17.] March 22. 2813. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to assign on the K.'s behalf men capable of extending the lands of Walter Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, in Ireland, and to cause the lands to be extended by them and those whom the Earl's heirs shall assign. The extent, when made, shall be sent to the K. Westminster. [Close, 30 Hen. III., m. 16.] March 23. 2814. Grant to Paulinus Peivre of custody of the lands which belonged to Ralph de St. Amand as well in Ireland as in England ; to hold till the age of Ralph's heirs, with custody and marriage of the heirs. Westminster. [Pat, 30 Hen. III., m. 6.] 1246. 2815. Protection for Geoffrey de Wuleward, gone to Ireland on [About the K.'s service ; freedom from suits of counties and hundreds, and March 25.] all pleas save those of dower Unde nihil habet, assise of Novel disseisin, and Darrein presentment. [Pat, 30 Hen. III., m. 6 dors.] March 25. 2816. Protection for Master Robert de Shard elawe on the K.'s service in Ireland; with acquittance of suits of counties and hundreds, excepting pleas of dower Unde nihil habet, assise of Novel disseisin, and Darrein presentment. Westminster, [Pat, 30 Hen. IIP, m. 6.] March 25. 2817. The K. commits to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, custody during pleasure of the castle of Trum [Trim]. Mandate to Walter de Godarville to deliver this castle to the justiciary. Westminster. [Pat, 30 Hen. III., m. 6.] March 26. 2818. William de Wilton, Simon de Kilkenny, Master Richard de Averburgh, and William de Horsendon, executors of Walter Mar- shall, late Earl of Pembroke, having given security for payment of debts due by the Earl to the K., mandate to the sheriff of Notts to allow them to have free administration of the Earl's goods and chattels within his bailiwick. Westminster. Similar letters to William de Kemose, seneschal of Leinster ; Similar letters to William de Cheenay, custodee of the Earl's land in Ireland. [Close, 30 Hen. IIP, m. 15.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 1246. March 28. 2819. Grant to Paulinus Peivre of custody of the land and heirs of Ralph de St. Amand, which the K. had previously granted to Matthew de Coudray; to hold till the age of the heirs, with their marriage. Mandate to Matthew to give seisin to Paulinus of all Ralph's lands, with the ploughs and stock on them. Westminster. Similar letters to the justiciary of Ireland. [Close, 30 Hen. III., m. 15.] March 28. 2820. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to take an inquisition as to what lands Geoffrey de Mariscis, before he had been outlawed, held of Christian Bishop of Emly, and to re- store to the church of Emly all those lands which remained in the K.'s hand for a year and a day after the outlawry. Westminster. The K: pardons to the same Bishop 100s. in which he was amerced before the K.'s justices at the assizes of Cashel for a dis- seisin. Mandate to the justiciary to cause the Bishop to be quit thereof. Writ of Liberate to the treasurer and chamberlain of the Exche- quer, Dublin, for 100s. payable to the Bishop, being the amount of his amerciament which he had paid into the Exchequer, and which the K. had pardoned to him. [Close, 30 Hen. III., m. 15.] March 29. 2821. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause to be restored to the proctors of the Archbishop of Armagh all the chattels of the latter taken into the K.'s hand at the time of his translation or resignation. Westminster. [Close, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 14.] April 9. 2822. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to admit John of London, chaplain, to minister in the K.'s chapel of the castle of Dublin ; and to cause him to have his salary and robes as the former chaplain was wont to have. Westminster. [Close, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 14.] April 11. 2823. Protection for Adam de Cocfeud, gone to Ireland with John Fitz Geoffrey on the K.'s service ; acquittance from suits of counties and hundreds, and freedom from all pleas save those of dower Uncle nihil habet, assise of Novel disseisin, and Darrein 'presentment. Merton. [Pat., 30 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] April 20. 2824. The K. grants to Geoffrey de Wuleward, whom he sends on his service to Ireland, that when Geoffrey shall have been there for 1 or 2 years he may return to England. Windsor. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to provide Geoffrey de Wuleward with a benefice of 100 marks, or with 2 benefices of that value. The K. grants to Geoffrey de Wuleward 60 marks a year, re- ceivable at the Exchequer, Dublin, so long as he shall be on the K.'s service in Ireland, and afterwards at the Exchequer in England, until the K. shall provide him with a benefice of 100 marks. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, and Geoffrey Bishop of Ossory, treasurer of Ireland, to cause Geoffrey de Wuleward to have 60 marks yearly, so long as he shall be in Ireland on the K.'s service. 422 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1246. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, that when he shall have arrived in Ireland, and Robert Luterel shall have delivered to him the K.'s Irish seal, he commit it to Geoffrey de Wuleward, with custody during pleasure of the office of the K.'s chancery in that country. Mandate to Robert Luterel to deliver this seal to the justiciary, who is commanded te commit it to Geoffrey as aforesaid. {Pat, 30 Hen. III., m. 5.] April 20. 2825. Mandate to the treasurer and chamberlain of the Ex- chequer, Dublin, to pay out of the K.'s treasure to Richard de la Rokel, when he shall have come to Ireland with the justiciary, 20 marks of the K.'s gift, to purchase a horse. Windsor. Mandate to the same to defray the passage of the justiciary when he shall have arrived in Ireland. [Pat., 30 Hen. III., m. 5.] April 22. 2826. Peter de Geneve and John Fitz Geoffrey having become sureties that Fulk de Newcastle should deliver within a year to Jordan Fitz John, merchant, 20 sacks of wool in Ireland, the K. commands the justiciary of that country that if the wool be not delivered he levy the value thereof out of the goods and chattels of Fulk in Ireland. Windsor. [Pat., 30 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] April 23. 2827. The K. to the Bishop of Ossory. Well' remembers the immense labour, the no small odium, and the contumely which the Bishop had undergone in so ceaselessly attending to the K.'s business. The K. thanks him ; and as to what he had advised that the K. should order William de Chaeney, seneschal of Leinster, to suspend for the present the use and sealing of writs of course and the taking of assises, the K. certifies that he has ordered this to be done ; and as the Bishop has notified that there is in Leinster a larger supply of wine and corn than elsewhere in Ireland, the K. has written to William to send him 300 hogsheads of wine and a similar supply of corn. Order to the Bishop to cause 10 ships to be seized to convey the corn and wine to the K. in Wales by the ensuing feast of Pente- cost. The K. would willingly grant the Bishop's petition for custody of the manor of Achebo, which Walter Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, held of the Bishop's predecessors, but to do so would be prejudicial to the K., because it would form a precedent, and other persons as well of the kingdom of England as of the land of Ireland would petition for similar custodies. Prays that the Bishop will continue to devote his solicitude to the K.'s affairs ; the Bishop may consider his labour and expenditure as indemnified, and will besides earn the grace and favour of the K. Windsor. Mandate to the said William to desist for the present from using the above writs and to devote all his diligence in obtaining wine and corn for the maintenance of the army which the K. is about to lead into Wales. [Close, 30 Hen. III., m. 13.] 2828. The K. having granted to Walter de Lascy and his heirs 50 marks a year for the lands and castles of Drogheda until lands of that value shall be assigned to him, mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Peter de Geneve and Matilda de Lascy, his wife, April 25. RELATING TO IRELAND. 423 1246. one of Walter's heirs, yearly to have J part of 50 marks from the time when Peter married her, until lands of the above value shall be assigned to the heirs. Windsor. [Pat, 30 Hen. III., m. 4.] [About end 2829. Having learnt that the Pope intends by all means to of April.] ordain to the archbishopric of Armagh, the K. gives power to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, in lieu of the K., to grant to the chapter of that church licence to elect, and to assent to the election. Mandate to the justiciary to take security by letters patent from the chapter that this course shall not hereafter tend to the K.'s prejudice. The chapter is instructed to demand licence to elect from the justiciary. [Close, 30 Hen. III., m. 12 dors.] May 1. 2830. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to permit the men of the Bishop of Galloway [Galawathensis], suffragan of the Archbishop of York, to purchase in Ireland wines and other necessaries, and to convey 2 ship-loads of them to Galloway for the Bishop's maintenance and that of his retinue. Westminster. [Close, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] May 2. 2831. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, on his arrival in that country, to send to the K. to Chester, for supplies of the K.'s castles in the marches, 300 hogsheads of wine, 3,000 quarters of wheat, 2,000 quarters of oats, and 2,000 hogs, besides Irish treasure. Westminster. Similar letters to the Bishop of Ossory, the K.'s treasurer of Ire- land. [Close, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] May 4. 2832. Mandate to the justiciary and treasurer of Ireland to cause Peter de Geneve to have out of the issues of Ireland 50 marks, com- pensation for 2 chargers which he lost in the K.'s service at Gannoc. Westminster. [Pat, 30 Hen. III., m. 4.] May 4. 2833. The K. commands John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause, in presence of the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, the Rolls of that Exchequer to be searched ; and to certify what debts are exacted from Peter de Geneve on account of Walter de Lacy, one of whose heirs Peter took to wife ; and for what reason those debts are exacted from Peter ; meanwhile the latter shall have peace. Westminster. [Close, 30 Hen. III., m. 11.] June 4. 2834. For the Dean and chapter of Armagh. Licence by Regi- nald and Thomas, canons of that church, to elect a bishop. Windsor. [Pat, 30 Hen. III., m. 4.] June 17. 2835. As corn, wines, and other supplies are dearer in Ireland than the K. believed, for which reason the K.'s castles of Wales cannot be provisioned as speedily as the K. had ordered, the K. commands William de Axemuth to cause the K.'s castles of Dissard and Gannoc to be supplied with 100 quarters of wheat in addition to the 200 quarters already purchased. Beaulieu. [Close, 30 Hen. III., m. 9.] 424 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1246. June 18. 2836. The K. to William de Cheeny, his seneschal of Leinster. It is the K.'s will that there be in the kingdom of Ireland one chief justiciary, whom the K. has appointed, one treasurer, one chancellor, and that under the K.'s seal, borne by the latter, all writs which run throughout the whole kingdom shall issue ; and that there be one Exchequer sitting not elsewhere than in Dublin, at which the seneschal shall answer for all receipts and issues of his bailiwick, and the vice-sheriffs under the seneschal shall answer as the K.'s sheriffs do. The seneschal shall not meddle with the granting of writs under the K.'s seal, these belong to the K.'s royalty, and the K.'s sheriffs shall not meddle with the issuing of those writs ; the seneschal shall hold no assizes, but allow the K.'s writs issuing out of chancery to run throughout his whole bailiwick, and the K.'s justices to take their eyre as they were wont to do before the late Earls Marshal usurped to themselves royal liberties. It is likewise the K.'s will that the seneschal send to the K. to Chester, for the supply of his castles of North Wales, all the corn found in the manors of Walter, late Earl Marshall, in payment of his debts to the K. Beaulieu. The same is notified to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, who has been ordered to provide for the K. 3,000 quarters of wheat, 2,000 quarters of oats, 300 hogsheads of wine, 2,000 hogs, and 5,000 quarters of lime. Similar letters to the Bishop of Ossorv, the K.'s treasurer. [Close, 30 Hen, III., m. 9.] June 21. 2837. Waleram de Wylylee having been provided by the K.'s order with 20 librates of land, mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, and the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer of Ireland, that they do not henceforth, until further orders, pay to him at that Exchequer an annual revenue of 251. for his maintenance on the K.'s service. Clarendon. [Close, 30 Hen. III., m. 9.] July 3. 2838. Letters of protection for John de la Rochelle [Rokel], gone to Ireland on the K.'s service. Clarendon. [Pat, 30 Hen. III., m. 3.] July 20. 2839. Licence during pleasure to the Abbot and convent of Furness to purchase in Ireland corn, wines, and other necessaries, and to convey them to their house without hindrance of the justi- ciary or other bailiffs of the K. Protection for the Abbot and convent. Oxford. [Pat, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Aug. 4. 2840. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, and Geoffrey Bishop of Ossory, treasurer of Ireland, to pay out of the treasure there to the messenger of the Abbot of Re, of the Cistercian order, 60 marks in compensation of damage which the abbey sustained by the K.'s force in taking the Island of Re, when the K. passed by it in going to Gascony. Marlborough. [Pat, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Aug. 8. 2841. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that the K. considers as saved the provision made for G[riffln] Bishop of Lismore, after his resignation, of 50 marcates of rent and 2 carucates of land out of the RELATING TO IRELAND. 425 1246. possessions of that see, according to the mandate of the Pope through Geoffrey Bishop of Ossory. Further mandate to the justiciary to restore to the Bishop such seisin as he had thereof on the arrival of the justiciary in Ireland. Marlborough. [Close, 30 Hen. III., m. 6.] Aug. 12. 2842. For the Dean and chapter of Lismore. Licence by Christian de Chaumery, canon of that church, to elect a bishop. Marlborough. [Pat, 30 Hen. III., m. 2.] Aug. 21. 2843. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to inquire, as well by knights as others in Ireland, whether Hugh de Lascy, late Earl of Ulster, disseised Thomas de Petrapont, late husband of Margery, bearer of these presents, of 2 carucates of land of Margery's inheri- tance, and gave them in exchange a carucate which another person recovered by judgment against them, so that Margery neither has the land exchanged nor her inheritance ; and if he find that it is so, he shall give Margery seisin of that inheritance. Woodstock. [Close, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] Aug. 21. 2844. Royal assent to the election of Thomas, Dean of Archar- duna, as Bishop of Elphin. Mandate to M[arian] Archbishop of Tuam to do what is his in this matter. Woodstock. Although the Dean and chapter of Elphin have made this election without first obtaining the K.'s licence, the K. has given his assent lest danger should accrue to the church ; but no prejudice to the K. shall thereby be generated, and this election shall confer on the chapter of Elphin no privilege to elect during vacancy without first obtaining the K.'s licence to do so.. [Pat, 30 Hen. III., m. 2.] Aug. 22. 2845. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause the attorney of Paulinus Peivre to have all the issues of the lands of Ralph de St. Amand, in Ireland, from the time when the K. granted to Paulinus custody of those lands and of Ralph's heirs, namely, from the vigil of the feast of the Annunciation [March 24], a. r. 30. Woodstock. [Close, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] Aug. 28. 2846. Grant to Master Laurence de St. Martin of custody of the land and heirs of Hugh de Clahull in Ireland ; to hold till the age of the heirs, together with their marriage, provided they marry without disparagement. Woodstock. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause custody of the heirs and of the issues of the land to be given to Master Laurence, notwithstanding that one or both of Hugh's daughters and heirs are married. [Pat. 30 Hen. Ill, m. 1.] Aug. 30. 2847. Grant to John Maunsell that the person to whom he gives or sells custody of the land which belonged to John le Poer in Ireland may have and hold it till the age of John's heirs, and also custody and marriage of the heirs, provided they marry without disparagement. Woodstock. [Pat, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Aug. 30. 2848. Mandate to the justiciary and treasurer of Ireland to col- lect all the moneys they can and to send them to the K. at Chester. Woodstock. 4 426 1246. Sept. 8. Sept. 9. Sept. 17. Sept. 25. Oct. 25. Nov. 2. Nov. 6. CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Mandate to the same to cause William Frank to have out of the K.'s Irish treasure 100 marks for 57 hogsheads of wine which Henry de Trubleville, formerly the K.'s seneschal of Gascony, took from him to provision the K.'s castles in the Isle of Oleron. [Pat, 30 Hen. Ill,, m. 2.] 2849. Mandate to William de Cheenay to deliver to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, custody during pleasure of all the land and castles of Leinster ; and to return to the K. in England as quickly as possible. Woodstock. Mandate to the same justiciary to take possession of the land and castles and safely keep them till further orders. Mandate to the justiciary and to the treasurer of Ireland to collect all the moneys they can and to send them with the K.'s treasure by the said William to the K. in England. [Pat., 30 Hen. III., m. 1.] 2850. Whereas for the general good of Ireland and the uniformity of the realm, the K. wills and it is ordered by his council, that all laws and customs observed in England shall be observed in Ireland, and that the latter kingdom shall be ruled by the same laws as King John when last there ordained and ordered ; and whereas the K. wills that all writs of common right which run in England shall also run in Ireland under the K.'s new seal, the K. commands that Ireland be ruled accordingly. Woodstock. [Pat, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 1.] 2851. As Fulk of Newcastle cannot proceed to Ireland on account of infirmity, mandate to the justiciary of that country to cause to be given to Stephen de Noyllac, Fulk's associate, and to his use, such seisin of all things belonging to Fulk as the justiciary should cause him to have if he personally came thither. Windsor. [Close, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] 2852. Writ to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, and to the treasurer of Ireland, to pay out of Irish treasure to Richard de la Rochelle [Rokel] 20£. for his fee, as he was wont to receive at the English Exchequer. Windsor. [Pat., 30 Hen. Ill, m. 1.] 2853. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Matilda, who was the wife of Geoffrey de Mariscis, to have seisin of the castle and land of had in free marriage of the gift of Henry, formerly Archbishop of Dublin. Security shall be taken from her that when she shall have received seisin she shall come to confer with the K. in England. Westminster. [Pat., 30 Hen. Ill, m. 1.] 2854. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to provide Reginald de London, the K.'s emissary at the Papal Audience Chamber [custodiens pro Rege audienciam Domini Papse], with a benefice of the K.'s gift worth from 20 to 30 marks. Read- ing. [Pat, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] 2855. Mandate to the justiciary and treasurer of Ireland to cause the friars minors [Franciscans] of Kilkenny to have 30 marks of the K.'s Irish treasure, namely, 10 marks for the K, 10 marks for RELATING TO IRELAND. 427 1246. the Queen, and 10 marks for the K's children, to construct their buildings and discharge their debts. Reading. [Pat, 31 Hen. III., m. 9.] Nov. 10. 2856. Mandate to the justiciary and treasurer of Ireland to re- pay out of the K.'s treasure to the good men of Chester 100 marks which the K. had on loan from them. Sandford. [Pat:, 31 Hen. III., m. 9.] Nov. 20. 2857. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to send to the K. one of his knights who has power to surrender the castles of Walter, late Earl of Pembroke, in Ireland, in order that they may be surrendered to the K., and the latter may restore them to the Earl's right heirs. Marlborough. [Pat, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] Dec. 5. 2858. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause the executors of Walter Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, to have seisin of all the wards which the Earl held in Ireland during his life. Clarendon. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 14.] Dec. 28. 2859. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to permit the Abbot of Holme Cultram to purchase in that country 300 crannocks of corn and export them whither he pleases. Winchester. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 13.] 1246-1247. 2860. Stafford: — John Strange renders his account: — To the Archbishop of Dublin, 101. in Penkridge. [Pipe, 31 Hen. III., Rot 5 dors.] Jan. 2. 2861. Grant for life to John de Br adeere, groom of the K., of 10 librates of land in Dauy', Ireland, which belonged to Geoffrey de Mariscis, and which the K. had previously granted to John for his maintenance on the K.'s service. Westminster. [Pat, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] Feb. 3. 2862. The K. pardons to the Abbot of Kells [Kenles] 3 marks in which he was amerced before the K.'s justices at Dublin, and 3 marks for which he made a fine at the Exchequer there for a writ of attaint. Westminster. [Close, 31 Hen. III., m. 12.] Feb. 9. 2863. Fulk of Newcastle, the K.'s cousin, having died burdened with immense debts which the K. had taken upon himself, to be repaid out of the issues of a custody granted to Fulk in Ireland, the K. commands the justiciary of that country to cause the young gentlewoman [domicella], of whom the K. had given the custody to Fulk, to be safely kept, so that the K. may not be defrauded of her marriage, and also to cause Fulk's lands with the chattels therein to be safely kept, so that the issues thereof may be answered for in England. Westminster. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 11.] Feb. 22. 2864. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to take into the K.'s hand all the lands and tenements which belonged to Rohesia de Verdun, deceased. Windsor. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 11.] 428 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1246-1247. Feb. 22. 2865. The K. takes the homage of Richard, son and heir of Richard de Burgh, for all his father's lands and tenements in Ire- land, which the K. restores to the son. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to give him seisin thereof, with all ploughs, corn, and chattels therein ; saving the dower of Egidia, who was Richard's wife. Windsor. [Close, 31 Hen. III.,m. 11.] Feb. 24. 2866. Grant to Richard Earl of Cornwall and Henry his son, to said Henry's use, of the first and best marriage which shall accrue to the K. in England or Ireland, with its lands and other appurte- nances. Windsor: [Pat, 81 Hen. III., m. 7.] Feb. 28. 2867. The K. grants to Ebulo de Geneve custody of the lands in Ireland and of the marriage of one of the heirs of Robert de Marisco, which the K. had previously given to Fulk of New- castle. Ebulo shall yearly render at the Exchequer, Dublin, out of the issues of the lands till the age of the heir, 200 marks. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that having taken from Ebulo security for payment of the 200 marks, with the value of the corn and chattels, he give him seisin of the lands. Windsor. [Close, 31 Hen. III., m. 10.] March 3. 2868. Mandate to Adam de Spaldinton, custodee of the lands which belonged to Rohesia de Verdun, to allow the executors of her will to have free administration of her chattels. The moneys arising therefrom shall be deposited in a safe place until the K. shall be certified regarding the debts which she owed to him. West- minster. Similar letters to the justiciary of Ireland. He shall take from the executors good security that they shall discharge the debts if auy due to the K. [Fine Rolls, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] March 18. 2869. The K. had written to the justiciary of Ireland to restore her lands in that country to Matilda, who was the wife of William de Marisco, and to name a day for her in a month after Easter to come to the K. in England. If her coming at that time be pre- vented, it is not the K.'s will that a penalty be inflicted, but that a longer day be given to her, as it is not his intention maliciously to usurp the lands of his subjects. Canterbury. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] March 20. 2870. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to bring over to the K. in England 2,000 marks, if he cannot receive more in Ireland at this Easter's Exchequer. Faversham. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] 1247. 2871. Mandate to the treasurers of the New Temple to deliver to April 2. Master G. de Persouer, in order that it may be delivered to William Hardel, the Irish treasure which by the K.'s order Master G. had handed to them. Westminster. Mandate to Master G. to deliver it to William. [Pat, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 429 1247. [16-26 2872. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, that April.] so long as the lands of Walter, late Earl of Pembroke, shall be in his hands he shall cause the custodian and chaplains of St. Saviour of Rendenan, who there built a tower as a beacon for ships, to have out of the issues of those lands a maintenance in money and other- wise, with all arears due to them. [Pat, 31 Hen. III., m. 6.] April 25. 2873. Memorandum that on Thursday on the feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, Matilda, who was the wife of William de Marisco, came before the K. at Woodstock to learn his will. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m, 9 dors.] May 3. 2874. John de Verdun made a fine with the K. of 1,300 marks to have seisin of the lands, both in England and Ireland, which belonged to Rohesia de Verdun, his mother, and whose heir he is. Mandate to Adam de Spaldinton, to give seisin to John of all Rohesia's lands in his custody. Woodstock. Similar letters to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, no mention being made of the fine. [Fine Bolls, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] j May 9. 2875. The K. restores to Richard de Burgh all the lands and tenements which were in the K.'s hand and custody while Richard was under age. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Richard to have seisin of the lands and tenements committed to Stephen de Longespee till Richard's age ; and as Stephen holds in dower of his wife more of Richard's inheritance than belongs to them, mandate to the justiciary to cause the dower to be surveyed, and] to restore to Richard what of right belongs to him. Reading. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] May 19. 2876. Mandate to William Hardel, that out of 1,329Z, lis. Sd. received by the hand of Master Gervase of Pershore, of the issues of the land of Walter Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, in Ireland, he pay to the K.'s treasurer and chamberlains 996£. 5s. to be delivered to William de Plessetis, to acquit debts of the K.'s great wardrobe. Westminster. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] May 21. 2877. Grant to William Bishop of Leighlin of a yearly fair in his vill of Welles, to last for 4 days, namely, on the vigil and day of St. Giles the Abbot and 2 following days [Aug. 31 -Sept. 3] ; and of a weekly market there on Wednesday. Witnesses, Richard de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, Roger le Bigod, Marshal, Earl of Norfolk, John de Plessetis, Earl of Warwick, R. Abbot of Westminster, Robert Passelewe, Archdeacon of Lewes, Ralph Fitz Nicholas, Henry de Bath, John de Lexinton, Richard de Clifford, Ralph de Wauncy, Robert le Norreys. Westminster. [Chart, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 5, and Exchequer, Q. K, Miscellanea, m. 10.] May 25. 2878. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause the Franciscan friars of Tristeldermot to have 15 marks of the K.'s gift. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] [About end 2879. Letters of presentation to the church of Carrickfergus, of May.] directed to the Bishop of Connor, Ireland, for William de Plessetis. [Pat, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] 430 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1247. June 15. 2880. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Robert de Milers of Blundeston, heir of Richard de Milers of same place, to have seisin of the land of Killotheran, Ireland, which Richard held of the K. in capite. The justiciary shall first take security from Robert that he shall not alienate the land. Reading. [Close, 31 Hen. III., m. 7.] June 16. 2881. Grant to the burgesses of Drofgheda] in Meath of the following liberties and franchises, namely : — the K.'s vill of Drogheda shall be [a free burgh] for ever ; the burgesses shall have a mer- chant's guild with a hanse ; no foreign merchant shall trade there any more than foreign merchants trade in the city of Dublin ; grant of [soc, sac, thol], theam, and infangenethef ; freedom through- out the K.'s demesnes from tallage, lestage, passage, pontage, and stallage ; no burgess shall plead without the hundred of the burgh touching any plea, save pleas of exterior tenures ; the burgesses shall be quit of murder within the metes of •their vill ; no one shall take lodging in the burgh by force ; the burgesses shall have their lands, tenures, mortgages, and debts; and right regarding their lands and tenures shall be dealt to them according to the custom of the burgh ; pleas shall be held in Drogheda regarding debts and mortgages contracted there ; the burgesses may distrain their debtors by their sureties in Drogheda ; free entry into and exit from the port there for the burgesses with their merchandise ; the hundred court shall only be held once in 15 days ; no burgess shall be adjudged in a pecuniary amerciament in that court unless ac- cording to ancient custom, namely, an amerciament of 12d. ; power to nominate seneschals and provosts every year, and to elect before the K.'s justices when they come to the burgh to the assizes 2 legal and discret burgesses to keep the pleas of the Crown and to see that the provosts justly and lawfully treat the poor of the burgh ; no one shall take from the burgesses any thing on credit or by force, unless by their consent ; grant of fishery in the water of Drogheda as fully as they enjoyed it in the time of the K.'s ances- tors ; no strange merchant shall sell cloth in pieces there, or wine by the flaggon [ad brocham], unless by their will ; they may improve themselves by raising buildings along the banks to the thread of the river Boyne, and elsewhere within their metes ; they shall have all the liberties and free customs which they ever enjoyed in the time of the K.'s predecessors ; no one shall make attachments within the metes, save the provosts and coroners elected to keep pleas of the Crown ; no one shall be impleaded touching any tenement within the metes save by writ of right, and right shall be administered to plaintiffs according to the custom of the burgh ; if any one within the realm shall unjustly take toll or custom of the burgesses and not re- store it when required, it shall be lawful for the burgesses and provost within the burgh [to take distress for it within the burgh ; the burgesses shall have their burgages and acres within their metes] ; no burgess shall be pledged or distrained for any debt unless he be debtor or surety ; they may marry [themselves, their sons and] daughters, and widows, without licence of their lords ; no bailiff of the K. or of any person in the burgh shall take or imprison a RELATING TO IRELAND. 1247. burgess, provided he find safe pledges [unless for felony] ; [the bur- gesses shall not wage] battel touching any appeal, but shall right themselves by 24 lawful men ; [no bailiff shall take anything from] disabled ships of the burgesses in the port of Drogheda or elsewhere in the K.'s realm, [but] they may collect and have all the arma- ments and freight of the ships in peace ; freedom from wreck of the sea ; no one shall prevent any kind of merchandise from freely coming to the burgh, either by sea or land ; Grant to the burgesses of a yearly fair in their burgh, to last for 8 days, namely, on the vigil and day of the Assumption and 6 days following [14-21 Aug.], and of a weekly market there on Wednesday ; the burgesses shall have and hold the burgh of the K. in fee-farm at a yearly rent of 40 marks, payable at Easter and Micheelmas at the Exchequer, Dublin, by the hands of the provost. Witnesses, Richard Earl of Cornwall, the K.'s brother ; John de Plessetis, Earl of Warwick ; John Fitz Geoffrey, then justiciary of Ireland; John Maunsel, provost of Beverley ; Peter de Genfeve] ; Robert Passelewe, Arch- deacon of Lewes ; Ralph Fitz Nicholas, Stephen Longespee, John de Lexintun, Robert de Muscegros, Bartholomew Peche. Reading. [Chart, 31 Hen. III., m. 4, and Exchequer, Q. P., Miscellanea, m. 10.] June 16. 2882. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause S[imon] Bishop of Sodor, to have at Dublin 3 hogsheads of wine and 40 quarters of wheat of the K.'s gift to relieve his poverty. Reading. [Liberate, 31 Hen. III., m. 5.] [About 2883. Mandate to the bailiffs of Bristol to cause the 1,000 marks 16 June.] of treasure of Ireland which John Fitz Geoffrey brings with him, to be safely conveyed to Marlborough. [Liberate, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] June 25. 28 84. The K. notifies that John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, delivered to Peter Chacepork, keeper of the K.'s wardrobe, on Monday in the feast of the Nativity of St. John [June 24], at Marlborough, 6611. 8s. lOd. of Irish treasure. Marlborough. [Pat, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] July 10. 2885. The K. confers on William de Nortfeld the archdeaconry of Uryel, of the K.'s gift by reason of vacancy in the see of Armagh. Mandate to the Dean and chapter of Armagh to provide William with a stall in the choir and a place in the chapter. Clarendon. [Pat, 31 Hen. IIP, m. 4.] July 24. 2886. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Walerand de Withil to have yearly at the Exchequer, Dublin, 25 marks, as he was wont to receive when on the K.'s service in the office of justice. Marlborough. [Close, 31 Hen. IIP, m. 5.] July 27. 2887. Grant to Richard Earl of Cornwall, for 7 years from the feast of All Saints [Nov. 1], a. r. 32, of half the profit of coining new money in England, Ireland, and Wales. Further grant to the Earl, that ere any division of profits be made he shall receive as much out of the new money as he employed of the old money in making the new ; and that the K. will cause the ancient and approved laws, 432 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1247. dues, and customs relating to the Mint to be observed during the term aforesaid. Woodstock. [Pat, 31 Hen. III., m. 4.] July 27. 2888. Grant to Richard Earl of Cornwall, the K.'s brother, for 7 years from the feast of All Saints [Nov. 1], a. r. 32, of licence to coin money in the K.'s name in England, Ireland, and Wales ; the K. and the Earl to have each a moiety of the profit of the coinage ; before a division of profit the Earl or his assigns shall be paid as much out of the new coinage as they devoted out of the old coinage to make the new. All ancient or approved laws, dues, and customs relating to the Mint shall remain in force during the term above- mentioned. Woodstock. [Pat, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 1.] July 30. 2889. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to permit the Coun- tess Warrenne, and the other heirs of Walter Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, to enjoy the same liberties and customs in their Irish lands as the Earl and his predecessors enjoyed ; saving to the K. four principal liberties. Woodstock. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] July 30. 2890. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Margaret de Lascy to have for her dower, out of the castle of Blathac and for her portion of the vill of Drogheda towards Meath, the third part of 50 marks which Walter de Lascy, her late husband, was wont yearly to receive at the Exchequer, for that castle and vill. Woodstock. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] July 31. 2891. Writ to the treasurer and chamberlain of the Exchequer, Dublin, to pay to William Gaynard 10 marks a year as a fee. Woodstock. [Pat, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Aug. 1. 2892. The K. pardons to Godfrey de Wuleward 50 marks of the fine for 1001., which Godfrey made with the K. for custody of the land and heir of Henry Tyrel. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Godfrey to be quit thereof. Woodstock. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] Aug. 1. 2893. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to carry out regarding Geoffrey de Wulward the K.'s grant of 50 marks of rent, in addition to 100 marks granted to him when he went to Ireland by the K/s order to exercise the office of the K.'s chancery. Woodstock. [Pat, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Aug. 6. 2894. Writ to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, com- manding him to inquire whether a concord in a plea before Hugh de Lega, Walleram de Welesl', and Robert de Beauver, the K.'s jus- tices in Eyre, between Walter le Sauncmedle and Walter Fitz Alured, touching the land of Kinnelen', was made by Walter de Sauncmedle when he was suffering under alienation of mind ; and whether he had named attornies in the plea, and if so, whom. Northampton. Inquisition thereupon made by Nicholas Duf, William de Frenes, Hugh de Boneboce, Alan Chamberlain, Richard de Feypo, Robert de Boneboce, Jordan Cumyn, and Peter le Ferun, jurors; who say that Walter le Saunmelle made Peter de St. Leger and John, the RELATING TO IRELAND. 433 1247. clerk, his attornies in the plea ; that he was then non compos ; that when the concord was made touching the land of Killene, he said nothing but what his keepers told him ; that he had often been placed in custody for a month, and is still detained for insanity, &c. [Inq. P. M., 31 Hen. Ill, lS T o. 55.] Aug. 7. 2895. The K. commands the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, to cause John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to have out of the K.'s treasure 500 marks of the K.'s gift ; 1001. for his expenses in coming to the K. in England ; and a similar sum in coming and returning hereafter. If war should break out in Ireland, and it should become necessary to repair castles there, or any expenditure should arise, the treasurer and barons shall advance what may be necessary by view of the justiciary, to whose discretion the K. leaves the matter. Northampton. [Pat, 31 Hen. IIL, m. 3.] Aug. 7. 2896. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, to cause Peter de Bermingham to have 39 librates of land in Ireland until the K. shall provide him with 40 librates of waste land without the K.'s demesne. Northampton. [Pat., 31 Hen. IIL, m. 3.] Aug. 7. 2897. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to retain Hugh Purcell and John le Butillier of the K.'s household, and to cause each of them to have in Ireland 201. a year, one moiety at Michael- mas, and the other at Easter. Northampton. [Pat, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Aug. 9. 2898. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause the keepers of the K.'s works at Bristol to have 100 marks for those works. Northampton. [Pat, 31 Hen, III, m, 3.] Aug. 10. 2899. The K. pardons to Master William le Brun 40 marks which he received on loan from the Exchequer, Dublin, for his expenses. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Master William to be quit thereof. Dunstable. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] Aug. 13. 2900. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause William de Valence, the K.'s brother, and Joan, his wife, to have seisin of the lands which belonged to John de Muntchesny, of the inheritance of Walter Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, and which after John's death ought to descend to Joan, as his sister and heir, with all liberties and free customs enjoyed by the Earl and his predecessors. Saving to the K. 4 principal liberties belonging to his crown and dignity. Windsor. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Aug. 15. 2901. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Meyler de Burmingeham and Geoffrey de Norragh to have of the K.'s treasure of Ireland, 10 marks of the K.'s gift. Windsor. [Pat, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Aug. 19. 2902. William de Marisco shall render at the Exchequer, Dublin, of the 300 marks for which he has made a fine with the K. for his ransom, 10 marks at Easter, and 10 marks at Michaelmas, i. EE CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1247. until the whole debt shall be discharged. Windsor. [Close, 31 Hen. III., m. 4.] Aug. 25. 2903. The K. grants to Anion Turbern' custody of the lands which belonged to William Fitz Maurice in Ireland, until the age of William's heirs, with the marriage of the latter. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Amon to have seisin accordingly. Windsor. Letters patent thereupon. [Close, 31 Hen. III., m. 4.] Aug. 28. 29 04. Matilda, who was the wife of William de Mariscis, returns to Ireland. Mandate to the justiciary of that country to protect her, her tenants, lands, rents, and chattels. Windsor. [Pat., 31 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Sept. 2. 2905. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause the lands of William de Valence in Ireland to be stocked. The K. will cause the expense to be allowed to the justiciary at the Exchequer. Odiham. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Sept, 3 2906. The men of Droweda [Drogheda] towards Meath have made a fine to give to the K. 1001. for certain liberties which the K. has granted to them by his charter, remitting to the K. 201., which he owed to them for freight to Gannok. Mandate to the justiciary to receive the 1001., and not to pay the 201., but to cause the liberties to be observed according to the tenor of the K.'s charter. Odiham. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] 2907. The K. grants to Amon Turbern' the chattels and corn on the lands which belonged to William Fitz Maurice in Ireland, and of which custody had been granted to Amon. Mandate accord- ingly to the justiciary of Ireland. Guildford. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] 2908. The K. having restored to Richard de Burgh all his lands and tenements which were in the K.'s hand while Richard was under age, with all the issues thereof from the first week of Qua- dragesima, last past, mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause seisin to be given to Richard of his castle of Wylekin held by William de Eskales ; his land of Miloc held by William Crok ; his land of Mecherye held by Peter de Ber ; his land in Iocherye held by John Livet, Richard de Burgh, and Marmaduke de Eschales ; his castles of Caylly and Kyrky held by Maurice Fitz Gerald ; all the islands in the lakes of Lochhurse and Lomaske held by the said Maurice, which ought to be in the K.'s hand by reason of the custody ; together with the issues of those lands, castles, and islands from the above-mentioned date. The justiciary shall distrain those lands, castles, and islands to render to the K. the issues thereof from Richard's death to the first week of Quadragesima above named. Westminster. [Close, 31 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Sept. 5. Sept. 17. Sept. 23. 29 09. Richard de Burgh having prayed theK. to commit to him the custody of the county of Connaught, as well for the K.'s benefit RELATING TO IRELAND. 435 1247. as for his own, mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to commit to Richard during pleasure the custody of that county, if this may be done without disadvantage to the K. Westminster. [Close, 31 Hen. III., m. 3.] [1247 ?] 2910. [ 1 Dean, G., Archipresbiter, M., Chancellor, R., precentor, and all the chapter of Armagh, to the K., praying licence to elect an Archbishop in the room of A[lbert ?], who had resigned on being translated to another diocese by special license of the Pope. [Royal Letters, No. 59.] Sept. 30. 2911. The K. caused to be delivered to A[lienor], Countess of Leicester, 300 marks as her dower, for Michaelmas term. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to distrain the Earl [of Pembroke's] heirs to repay the 300 marks to the K. Westminster. [Close, 31 Hen. III., m. 2.] Oct. 28. 2912. The K. sends to Ireland 20 Serjeants at arms, to remain so long as the justiciary in that country may deem advantageous to the K. Mandate to the justiciary, that from Friday next before the feast of Sts. Simon and Jude [Oct. 25], he cause each of them to have lZd. a day for their pay, so long as they shall remain on the K.'s service in Ireland. Westminster. [Close, 32 Hen. III., m. 18.] Oct. 28. 2913. Protection for Richard de Rading, the K.'s servant, gone by the K.'s order to Ireland. Westminster. [Pat, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] Oct. 28. 2914. The Archbishop of Armagh having rendered fealty, the K. commands John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to give him seisin of all the lands and possessions of the see. Westminster. [Pat, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] Nov. 26. 2915. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to cause the Master of the Templars in England to have out of the issues of Ireland 100 marks, on account of the 50 marks which he was wont annually to have at the Exchequer in England. Merton. [Pat, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] Dec. 26. 2916. Hawise, wife of Hugh de Werlegh, attorns Roger Fitz Peter in a plaint summoned before the justices, Dublin, between Thomas Fitz Leo and the said Hugh and Hawise, touching the taking of homage. Mandate thereupon to the justiciary of Ireland. Win- chester. [Close, 32 Hen. III., m. 14 dors.] Dec. 28. 2917. The K. pardons to William de Chaeny 101. out of 201. for which he had made a fine to have custody of Balbrigan. Mandate to the justiciary and the treasurer of Ireland to cause William to be quit of 101. Winchester. [Fine Rolls, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 13.] 1247-1248. 2918. Sussex : — The executors of the will of W[alter] Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, [ ] 200 marks to have administration of his chattels in England, Wales, and Ireland, by the K.'s writ, in which it is contained that they had made with the K. a fine of that amount for administration as aforesaid, and for custody of a E E 2 436 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1247-1248. moiety of the lands which belonged to Walter de Rideleford. [Pipe, 32 Hen. III., Rot 3 dors.] 2919. Stafford : — J ohn Strange [renders his account] ; to the Archbishop of Dublin, 101. in Penkridge. [Pipe, 32 Hen. III., Rot 4.] Jan. 11. 2920. Grant in fee farm to Robert de Muscegros of all the cantred of Tradery in Tothmonia [Thomond], Ireland ; rendering yearly at the Exchequer, Dublin, 30£., namely, 151. at Michaelmas, and lot at Easter. Witnesses, John Mansell, Provost of Beverley, Robert Passelewe, Archdeacon of Lewes, Hugh de Vivon, Bertram de Crioyl, John de Lexinton, Bartholomew Pecche, William de Chenney, Anketil Malore. Westminster. [Chart, 32 Hen. IIP, m. 7.] Cancelled because renewed with additions, in a. r. 36, as appears by Charter Roll of that year. Jan. 26. 2921. Letters of protection, directed to John Fitz Geoffrey, justi- ciary of Ireland, and the K.'s bailiffs in that country, for Robert de Muscegros. Westminster. [Pat, 32 Hen. IIP, m. 9.] Jan. 29. 2922. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause the Arch- bishop of Armagh to have out of the issues of the K.'s Irish land 40 marks of the K.'s gift. Westminster. [Close, 32 Hen. IIP, m. 13.] Feb. 19. 2923. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to send to the K. all the moneys he can out of the issues of the K.'s land in Ireland, so that the K. may have them by mid-Lent. West- minster. [Close, 32 Hen. IIP, In. 12.] Feb. 19. 2924. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to allow the Abbot of Holme-Cultram to carry away from the K.'s land of Ireland 4 ship- loads of corn and flour for sustenance of his house. Westminster. [Close, 32 Hen. IIP, m. 12.] 1248. 2925. Grant to Walter Byset, who has fortified a castle in Scot- March 26. land, of licence to buy corn in Ulster to provision it. Mandate accordingly to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, and the K.'s bailiffs of Ulster. Norwich. [Pat, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] April 27. 2926. Grant to Richard Earl of Cornwall, the K.'s brother, of power to coin new money in the K.'s name in England, Ireland, and Wales, for 12 years from the feast of All Saints [Nov. 1], a. r. 32, with the same stipulations as to profits, and observance of ancient laws, dues, and customs, as before. It has been lately ordained in the presence of the said Earl, and. of the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer, and confirmed by the oath of the mayor and 24 liege men of the city of London, that for every pound of old money there shall be taken 1 6d, namely, M. for the K.'s and the Earl's farm, and lOd. for the money ers for loss in coining; for every pound of pure silver Q>d. for the farm, and for silver not pure, to the use of the moneyers, as much as shall be lost in coining it. Mandate ac- RELATING TO IRELAND. 437 1248. cordingly to William Hardel, keeper of the K.'s Mint. Windsor. [Pat, 32 Hen. III., m. 8.] April 27. 2927. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to take into the K.'s hand all the lands and tenements in Ireland of Matilda, late Countess Warenne, deceased, so that neither Roger le Bigod, Earl of Norfolk, nor any other person, shall have seisin thereof till further orders from the K. Windsor. [Close, 32 Hen. III., m. 10.] [About 2928. As the seneschal of the lands of William de Valence, the April.] K.'s brother, in Ireland, had come to his lord in England, to remain there for some time, the K. prays the Countess of Pembroke and Lincoln to refrain till the quinzaine of St. John the Baptist from claiming assignment of her dower out of William's portion of the inheritance of W[alter] Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, the Countess's late husband. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary of Ireland. [Close, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 11 dors.] May 1. 2929. Writ to the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, for payment to William de Valence, the K.'s brother, of 181. out of the issues of the lands which belonged to John de Munchanesy in Ireland, of the time when those lands were in the K.'s hand. Windsor. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause William de Valence to have the 181. [Liberate, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] May 2. 2930. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause William de Valence, the K.'s brother, to have 100 marks, to be delivered to Guy de Rocheford, as the K. enjoined ; and to send to the K. all the residue of his moneys. Windsor. [Close, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] May 4. 2931. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to allow the men of John de Balliol to purchase in that country corn, wine, and other necessaries for his use, and to export it, first taking from them security that the articles shall not be converted to the uses of others. Windsor. [Pat, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] May 5. 2932. Protection for Henry de Bradelegh, knight of Peter de Geneve, while he shall be on the service of the latter in Ireland. Windsor. [Pat, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] May 5. 2933. The K. of his special grace and on account of the merit of the elect, gives the royal assent to the election made of Gilbert, Archdeacon of Kilmacduagh [Duocensis], as Bishop of that church, although licence to elect was not demanded nor obtained by the canons. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to take from the chapter and canons of Kilmacduagh letters undertaking that they shall never hereafter proceed to election without first demanding and obtaining from the K. licence to elect. Having obtained those letters the justiciary shall not oppose the elect, but shall cause him on confirmation to have the temporalities of the see. Windsor. Similar letters to the justiciary for L[aurence], late Dean of Cashel, as Bishop of Cork. [Close, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] 438 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1248. May 5. 2934. Mandate to John de Grey, justiciary of Chester, to cause the K/s galley at Chester to be equipped with good armaments and sailors, so that she can quickly go to Ireland to convey provisions for the K/s castles of Gannoc and Dissard. Windsor. [Close, 32 Hen. LLL, m. 9.] May 10. 2935. The K. grants respite to the good men of Dublin till the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula [Aug. 1], a. r. 32, touching all the articles respecting which the justiciary of Ireland had granted them respite till Pentecost in the same year. Reading. [Close, 32 Hen. LLL, m. 9.] May 14. 2936. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause William de Valence, the K/s brother, to have out of the issues of Ireland 200 marks of the K/s gift, to deliver his land of Poitou, which is invaded. Woodstock. [Liberate, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] May 20. 2937. The K. grants to R[oger] de Quincy, Earl of Winchester, that he may freight 2 ships with wines and provisions in any port in Ireland, and take them whither he will. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary of Ireland. Woodstock. [Close, 32 Hen. LLL, m. 8.] May 25. 2938. Royal assent to the translation of A[lan], late Bishop of Cloyne [Clonensis], to the see of Lismore. Mandate to John Fitz Geof- frey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Alan to have seisin of the latter see with its appurtenances. Woodstock. [Pat, 32 Hen. LLL., m. 6.] May 30. 2939. Letters of protection till Christmas for John Byset of Ire- land on the K/s service ; with freedom from suits of counties and hundreds and all pleas, save those of dower Unde nihil habet, assises of Novel disseisin, and Darrein presentment Woodstock. [Pat, 32 Hen. LLL., m. 6.] [About 2940. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to allow Richard de May.] Clare, Earl of Gloucester, one of the heirs of Walter Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, to have the same liberties and customs in his lands in Ireland as the Earl and his predecessors were wont to have ; saving to the K. 4 principal liberties. [Close, 32 Hen. LLL., m. 9 dors.] June 3. 2941. Having learnt by inquisition taken by the justiciary of Ireland that the Abbot and monks of St. Mary, near Dublin, are damnified to the extent of 10 marks a year by the K/s mills lately erected near the castle of Dublin, the K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to assign, as compensation to that abbey, land or an annual rent to the value of 10 marks, unless the K. himself or his pre- decessors were wont to have mills there before the monks. The justiciary shall certify particulars of the land or rent assigned, in order that the K. may confirm it by his charter. Marlborough. [Close, 32 Hen. LLL, m. 7.] June 3. 2942. The K. having learnt by inquisition made by the justiciary of Ireland, that it would be to the K/s advantage that Robert de Blunteston should make an exchange with Geoffrey le Butiler of 5 carucates of land held of the K. in capite in Killotheran, for RELATING TO IRELAND. 439 1248. Geoffrey's land in England, the K. grants licence accordingly. Man- date thereupon to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland. Marl- borough. [Close, 32 Hen. III., m. 8.] June 10. 2943. The K. notifies to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, that he has taken the homage of Roger le Bigod, Earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, son and heir of Matilda, late Countess Warrenne, touching all the lands which the Countess held of the K. in capite, as well in England as in Ireland ; and the K. restores those lands. Mandate to the justiciary to give seisin of them. Win- chester. [Pat, 32 Hen. III., m. 5.] June 10. 2944. The K. grants respite to the good men of Ireland until Michaelmas, a. r. 32, respecting all matters regarding which he had given them respite till Pentecost, and subsequently till the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula [Aug. 1]. Mandate accordingly to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland. Winchester. [Close, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] June 10. 2945. Peter de Geneve had shown that Ralph, son and heir of Nicholas le Petyt, held of him lands and tenements of his inherit- ance, and that those lands and tenements were taken into the K.'s hand because Nicholas was wont to receive an annual fee of 5 marks at the Exchequer, Dublin ; mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that if this be so he restore the lands to Peter as Ralph's lord. Win- chester. [Close, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 8 dors.'] June 10. 2946. Protection for William de Wheland, so long as he shall be on the service of Aymar, the K.'s brother, in Ireland. Winchester. [Pat, 32 Hen, III, m. 5.] June lie 2947. The K. having been informed that lands held in' capite by Walter de Rydelesford at his death had been occupied by other persons while the K. had the custody of them, the K. commands the justiciary to inquire on oath into the truth of these allegations, and to cause all the lands alienated from Walter's inheritance to be re- stored to Stephen Longespee and Emelina, his wife, one of Walter's heirs, and to Ebulo de Geneve and Christiana his wife, another of Walter's heirs. Winchester. [Close, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 8 dors.] June 16. 2948. Grant to Stephen Longespee and Emelina, his wife, of a yearly fair in their manor of Tristeldermod, Ireland, to last for 8 days from the vigil of the Ascension. Witnesses, John de Plessetis, Earl of Warwick, Ralph Fitz Nicholas, Hugh de Wy von, John de Lexinton, Paulinus Peivre, Robert de Muscegros, Nicholas de Bol- leville, William Gernon, William de Belmont. Clarendon. [Chart, 32 Hen III, m. 3, and Exchequer, Q. R., Miscellanea, m. 10.] June 28. 2949. Margaret, late Countess of Lincoln, having by judgment of the K.'s court recovered her dower out of the lands in Ireland of W [alter] Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, her husband, and that dower having been taken out of the portions of the inheritance which accrued to William de Vescy and Agnes his wife, Reginald de Moun and Isabel his wife, Matilda de Kyme, Francis de Boun CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1248. and Sibil his wife, William de Vallibus and Alienor his wife, John de Moun and Joan his wife, Agatha de Ferrers in the K.'s custody, and Roger de Mortimer and Matilda his wife, whereby they were deprived of those portions, the K. commands the justiciary of Ire- land to cause all the lands, excepting Margaret's dower lands, whereof the Earl died seised in fee, to be divided among all the Earl's heirs, so that each shall have his portion according to law of Ireland. Windsor. [Close, 32 Hen. III., m. 5.] June 28. 2950. Although the portion of the inheritance of Walter, late Earl of Pembroke, in Ireland, which fell to Roger de Mortimer and Matilda, his wife, has been, with other portions, assigned in dower to Margaret, who was the Earl's wife, it is not just that Margaret should have the stock, ploughs, or other moveables of Roger and Matilda and the other heirs. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that if Margaret has taken any of these he shall cause them to be restored. Windsor. [Close, 32 Hen. III., m. 5.] June 28. 2951. The portion of the inheritance in Ireland of Walter Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, to which Agnes, wife of William de Vescy, was entitled, having been assigned to her and her husband, the justiciary of Ireland shall assign to John de Moun and Joan his wife, for the portion of the latter, 10 librates of land by extent, in the same manner as the said William and Agnes had 10 librates of land in Kildare as the portion of the latter before the manor of Kildare was assigned in dower to Margaret, who was the Earl's wife, in exchange for 10 librates of land in Karlyun [Caerleon]. Windsor. [Close, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] July 2. 2952. The K. notifies to the justiciary of Ireland, that he remits his ire against Maurice Fitz Gerald on condition that the K. recover against him by law and custom of Ireland the lands and tenements, if any, which he occupied against the K. ; and if found guilty by inquisition, that he satisfy the K. regarding the slaying of Irish- men in the island of Anglesey, on their return from Gannoc, where they had been on the K.'s service. For this remission Maurice shall be bound to the K. in 500 marks. Mandate that by oath of good and lawful men the justiciary inquire by whom and by whose order and assent these Irishmen were killed, and that he certify to the K. thereupon. Risborough. [Close, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 6 dors] 2953. Although the Dean and chapter of Cloyne [Clonenses] had, after electing Brother Daniel as their Bishop, refused to present him to the K., as is the custom, in order that the K. might give or withhold his assent, yet as men of eminence and religious men had urgently supplicated the K. on behalf of the Bishop, the K. commands the justiciary of Ireland, that having taking security by letters under the seals of the Bishop and the Dean and chapter that they shall not again proceed to elect without the K.'s licence, and that they shall present the Elect to the K. after election and before consecration, the justiciary shall cause the Bishop to have seisin of the lands and July 2. RELATING TO IRELAND. 441 1248. tenements belonging to his bishopric. Risborough. [Close, 32 Hen. III., m. 6 dors.] July 11. 2954. The K. had on a former occasion commanded the justiciary of Ireland to take an inquisition and do what was just touching the complaint of Richard Earl of Gloucester, one of the heirs of Walter Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, alleging that while the Earl's lands were in the K.'s hand, the Bishop of Ossory had diverted the course of the river of Kilkenny and of a mill stream, and raised a mill on that stream to the damage of the Earl's inheritance ; but the Earl having informed the K. that the above-named inquisition had been taken by the K.'s justices of the Common Pleas, Dublin, whereby the truth of the matter had been explained, though judgment had not yet been given, the K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to cause judgment to be given and execution to be had thereupon. Westminster. [Close, 32 Hen. III., m. 8 dors.] July 1G. 2955. The K. commands John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to allow Richard Earl of Gloucester, one of the heirs of Walter, late Earl of Pembroke, to enjoy in the lands which he has of Walter's inheritance in Ireland all the assises, pleas, and liberties enjoyed by the latter ; and if the Earl of Gloucester' has been deprived of any of those assises, lands, or pleas since Tuesday after the feast of St. Mark the Evangelist [April 30], a. r. 31, they shall be restored to him. Westminster. [Pat, 32 Hen. III., m. 4.] July 28. 2956. The K. to the Barons of Ireland. Having heard the representations of their emissaries, the K. by advice of his council approves of some of those representations ; but as the emissaries had not power to conclude the matter for which they had come, unless the K. granted all they asked, the K. sends under his seal to the justiciary of Ireland particulars of the liberties which he is prepared to grant to the Barons, commanding the justiciary to ascertain their views, and to let the K. know their answer, and what they are prepared to do on their side to obtain those liberties ; the K. will then conclude the matter to his and their honour. The K., while unwilling to do anything calculated to disinherit himself, is ready to act towards the Barons as his most dear friends, whose constant, faithful, and devoted services he has much reason to extol. [Close, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 6 dors.] July 30. 2957. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause the Fran- ciscan friars of Dun [Downpatrick], and Cracfergus [Carrickfergus], to have of the K.'s gift provisions and garments to the amount of 10 marks. Risborough. [Close, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] Aug. 3. 2958. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that having taken from Margaret, who was the wife of Theobald Pincerna, security that she shall not marry without the K.'s licence, he cause dower to be assigned to her out of all her husband's lands, The justiciary shall certify to the K. what he has done thereupon. Brill. [Close, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1248. Aug. 4. 2959. The K. confirms the sale made by Aymon Turbern' to William de Dene, of custody of the land and heirs of William Fitz Maurice in Ireland ; to hold till the age of the heirs, together with their marriage. Brill. [Pat, 32 Hen. III., m. 3.] Aug. 7. 2960. The justiciary of Ireland having by the K.'s order assigned to Peter de Bermingham 40 librates of land in the plain near Dublin, which the justiciary prefers to retain in the K.'s hand as well situated in regard to the castle of Dublin; mandate to the justiciary to assign to Peter the same quantity of waste land where he may deem expedient, retaining in the K.'s hand the land near Dublin as demesne of the K. henceforth belonging to the K.'s castle of Dublin. Woodstock. [Close, 32 Hen. III., m. 5.] Aug. 8. 2961. A jury of 12 knights before the K.'s justices in Eyre at York, having acquitted Hugh de Tywe of the death of Master Lau- rence, formerly Archdeacon of York, whereof Hugh was indicted ; mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to restore to him his lands and tenements and chattels if they were seized. Woodstock. [Fine Rolls, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Aug. 8. 2962. The K. receives Maurice Fitz Gerald into grace, pardons all the K.'s ire and indignation, and releases to him and his heirs all receipts, accounts, complaints, and demands for the time when he was justiciary of Ireland, and when John Fitz Geoffrey held that office till the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula [Aug. 1], a. r. 32. If Maurice held any lands which belong of right to the K., he and his heirs shall be tried thereupon according to the law and custom of Ireland, without any rancour or malice on the part of the K. An inquisition shall be held by John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, as to the killing of the K.'s Irishmen in Anglesey when the K. was at Gannoc, in order that the K. may inflict due vengeance on the guilty. To obtain the above release from the K, Maurice shall give 500 marks. Woodstock. [Pat, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Aug. 8. 2963. Letters of protection for Maurice Fitz Gerald, gone on the K.'s service to Gascony. Woodstock. [Pat, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 3, dors.] Aug. 21. 2964. The K. had learnt, by inquisition ordered to be made by the justiciary of Ireland, that a plea had been moved in the K/s court before Hugh de Legh, Waleram de Wylelee, and Robert de Beauver, the K.'s justices in Eyre, between Walter Fitz Alured and Walter Sauncmelle, of land in Kymel'en, and that when concord was made between the parties, Walter Sauncmelle appearing in person, the latter was and still remains out of his mind. Mandate to the jus- ticiary of Ireland to cause to be set aside as void whatever was done or adjudged, or was acknowledged by Walter Sauncmelle in regard to this land, and to cause him to be re-seised thereof. Woodstock. By the K. and Council assembled on the feast of the Assumption. [Pat, 32 Hen. Ill, on. 4.] Aug. 28. 2965. The K. has requested Maurice Fitz Gerald to cross over to Gascony on his service, and has commanded the justiciary of Ireland RELATING TO IRELAND. 1248. to offer Maurice adequate ships on the K.'s part, and to cause equipment to be found for him out of the issues of that country if he will accord the K.'s request. Oxford. [Close, 32 Hen. III., m. 3.] 2966. The K. notifies that he received in his wardrobe at Marl- borough, on Tuesday, in the feast of the Nativity of St. Mary [Sept. 8], a. r. 32, by the hands of Fromund le Brun, clerk of John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, 1,200 marks of treasure of Ireland. Marl- borough. [Pat, 32 Hen. III., m. 2.] Sept. 14. 2967. The K. had lately commanded the justiciary of Ireland not to impede the confirmation of L[aurence], elected Bishop of Cork, and to cause him to have on confirmation possession of the tempo- ralities of the see when the justiciary should have received from the canons of Cork letters undertaking that they should never hereafter proceed to the election of their bishop, without first praying and obtaining from the K. licence to elect ; but the canons fearing that they should be deprived of their freedom of election by the appo- sition of one word in those letters, the K. of his grace accords to their supplication that the word be omitted, and commands the justiciary, that having received from the canons letters undertaking that they should never hereafter presume to proceed to an election of this kind without first at least praying licence to elect, he carry the K.'s mandate above mentioned into execution. Reading. [Close, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Oct. 20. 2968. The K. assigns the Bishops of Ossory and Ferns, P. de Bermingham, and Master W. le Brun, to audit the account of John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, touching the money received by him out of Irish treasure, to expedite the K/s affairs in those parts. Mandate thereupon. Westminster. Mandate to the justiciary to render that account. [Pat, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Oct. 22. 2969. Grant to Richard de Burgh of power to make his will of rents due to him at Easter next ensuing. Westminster. [Pat, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 1.] [1248. 2970. Extent of a moiety of land which belonged to Walter de about Oct. Ridelisford, in the vale of Dublin, and which ought to have belonged or Nov.] to Robert de Marie' in right of his wife, who was one of the daughters and heirs of said Walter, and died before him, made by the following persons, namely : — Nicholas de Feld, William Lyssebon, Richard de Stanconi, Ralph Clement, Anger Lyssebon, Robert Thurskem, Edulph Fitz William, Roger Fitz Thurstam, Jordan Heort, John Old Westun, clerk, John de Wich, Henry de Leye, and Henry Tyrel ; who say that Walter held in demesne 4 carucates and 25 acres of land worth 22£. 15s. ; in rents of assise, 61. 3s. 7\d. ; a carucate of pasture land worth half mark a year ; 2\ carucates of land with a moiety of a mill held to farm from year to year at 117s. \0d. They further say that Walter rendered to the K. the service of 1 knight's fee for that land ; that Robert de Marie' held no land of the K. in the vale of Dublin ; and that Christiana, Sept. 7. 444 1248. Nov. 4. Nov. 4. Nov. 4. Nov. 5. Nov. 5. Nov. 5. Nov. 5. CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS daughter of the said Robert, is his next heir, and is almost 7 years of age. The rent is 1J lb. of pepper. [Inq. P. M., Incert temp. Hen. Ill, JS T o. 97. 2971. Grant to Ebulo de Geneve and Christiana de Mariscis, of a yearly fair at Tristedermot, Ireland, to last for 8 days, namely, on the vigil and day of St. Barnabas the Apostle, and 6 following days [10-17 June]. Witnesses, John Mansel, provost of Beverley, Ralph Fitz Nicholas, Peter de Geneve, Robert de Muscegros, Bartholomew Peche, William de Chayne, Robert le Norreys, William de Belmont. Windsor. [Chart, 33 Hen. III., m, 7.] 2972. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to respite till the age of Christiana de Mariscis, one of the heirs of Walter de Rydelesford, the demand of 20 marks out of 40 marks loan, which the latter received at the Exchequer, London ; and the demand of 8 marks 5s. 4*d. exacted from Ebulo de Geneve, to whom the K. granted the custody and marriage of Christiana, for aids granted to the K. to marry Isabella, formerly Empress of Almaine, the K.'s sister, and to carry on the war in Gascony. Windsor. [Fine Rolls, 33 Hen. III., m. 9.] 2973. The K. pardons to William de Valence the amount in which James de St. Martin, his seneschal, and Adam and William Uncle, were amerced in the plaint between William and Richard Fitz Simon, bailiff of Humphrey de Bohun of Carnebothe. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause them to be quit thereof. West- minster. [Fine Rolls, 33 Hen. III., m. 9.] 2974. Letters of protection, directed to the K.'s subjects of Ireland, for Peter de Geneve, about to depart for foreign parts. Westminster. [Pat, 33 Hen. III., m. 9.] 2975. The K. commits to Peter de Bermingham custody during pleasure of all the lands and castles which belonged to Richard de Burgh and Theobald le Butyller in Ireland. Peter when ordered shall account therefor. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to commit to Peter the lands and castles accordingly. Windsor. Mandate to Peter to receive custody of the lands and castles. [Fine Rolls, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] 2976. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to inquire on oath touching the tenements and sites of mills whereof Robert de Mariscis at his death was seised in his cantred of Ossuris [Ossory] ; and to cause Ebulo de Geneve, to whom the K. has granted the custody and marriage of Christiana, Robert's daughter '"and heir, to have seisin thereof. Windsor. [Close, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 16.] 2977. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause to be observed in favour of Peter de Geneve, who married one of the heirs of Walter de Lascy, all the liberties which Walter had or enjoyed until the war broke out in Ireland between the K. and RELATING TO IRELAND. 1248. Richard Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke. Windsor. [Close, 33 Hen. IIL, m. 16.] Nov. 5. 2978. Mandate to Peter de Bermingham 'to cause dower to be assigned to Alice, who was the wife of Richard de Burgh, out of all Richard's Irish lands and tenements within the K.'s peace [in terra pacis]. Windsor. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Alice, who was the wife of Richard, son and heir of Richard de Burgh, who died in the K.'s service at Bordeaux, to have dower out of all the lands whereof Egidia, who was the wife of the latter, was endowed ; and to cause Alice's third of all her husband's chattels to be delivered to her. Westminster. [Close, 33 Hen. III., m. 16.] Dec. 18. 2979. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause to be paid out of Irish treasure, to Richard le Norreis and 22 others, 2 marks each for residue of their wages when the K. was engaged in fortify- ing the castle of Gannoc. Windsor. [Close, 33 Hen. III., m. 14.] 1248-1249. 2980. Essex and Herts : — Prests : — Ten knights of the justiciary in Ireland [ ], 10 marks. Sir Hugh de Bernevall, knight, of Ireland, owes 5 marks of prest of Poitou, as is contained in the Roll of a. r. 17. [Pipe, 33 Hen. Ill, Rot. 3.] 2981. Stafford : — Thomas Corbet renders his account : — To the Archbishop of Dublin, 10£. in Penkridge. [Pipe, 33 Hen. III., Rot. 7 dors.] Jan. 8. 2982. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland not to disseise any of the heirs of W [alter] Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, of their portions of the Earl's inheritance in that country, and not to distrain them to make satisfaction to any person out of the lands till further orders. Westminster. [Close, 33 Hen. IIL, m. 14.] March 24. 2983. The K. commands John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to assign to William de Valence, brother of the K., the liberties belonging to assises and pleas in the vill of Ross, Carnebothe and Clumene, in the county of Wexford, extended to him as his purparty in right of his wife, one of the heirs of W[alter] Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke ; saving to the K. the liberties belonging to his Crown and dignity. Westminster. [Pat, 33 Hen. III., m. 7.] 1249. 2984. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to inquire on oath March 26. whether those who extended the lands of Walter de Lascy only assigned the service of William Badleu, touching the custody of the castle of Trum [Trim], and William's homage remained to Peter de Geneve as his purparty in right of his wife, one of Walter's heirs ; and if so, to give to Peter custody of William's land and heir, provided he cause to be rendered to the castle the service thereof. Westminster. [Close, 33 Hen. IIL, m. 11.] April 5. 2985. The K. had lately commanded the justiciary of Ireland not to disseise any of the heirs of W[alter] Marshall, late Earl of CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1249. Pembroke, of their portions of the Earl's inheritance, and not to distrain them to make recompence to any person out of the lands till further orders. The justiciary having disseised Roger de Mortimer of his portion, the K. commands the justiciary to give to Roger such seisin of the lands as he previously had thereof. Westminster. Allerton. [Close, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 11.] April 11. 2986. Mandate to the justiciary and treasurer of Ireland to cause John Bone to have out of the K.'s Irish treasure 224£. 14s. for 107 large lasts of herrings bought for the K.'s use, whereof 50 were delivered into the K.'s larder at Westminster, and 57 were deposited in the New Temple, London, to be applied as alms from the K. Merton. [Close, 33 Hen. III., m. 11.] April 15. 2987. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause to be repaid to Martin Kech, John le Flemeng, and other burgesses of Trister- dermot, out of 200 marks yearly payable to the K. by Ebulo de Geneve for the issues of the lands of Robert de Mariscis and Walter de Rydelesford, which were in Fulk of Newcastle's custody, the sum of 65 marks advanced by them as sureties to William Dornun and Jordan Fitz John, merchants of Gascony, for 8 sacks of wool, portion of 12 sacks which the said Fulk in his lifetime had undertaken to supply to the merchants. Westminster. [Close, 33 Hen. III., m. 11.] April 27. 2988. The K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to cause all the lands and castles, except the lands held in dower by Margaret, late Countess of Lincoln, whereof W[alter], late Earl of Pembroke, died seised in fee, to be divided among all the Earl's heirs, so that each shall have his portion as before, No. 2949, with the exception of the names of Matilda de Kyme, Francis de Boun and Sibil his wife, and William de Vallibus and Alienor his wife, [Close, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] April 30. 2989. M[argaret] Countess of Lincoln, who was the wife of W[alter], late Earl Marshall, having by judgment of the K.'s court in England recovered seisin of a third part of all the Earl's lands and tenements in Ireland, the K. had commanded the justiciary in that country to cause that third to be assigned to her as dower ; and the justiciary having divided all the lands into 3 parts, had assigned her third, namely, the whole county of Kildare, the manor of Fothered, and lands of the value of 621. 17s. 4cZ. in the manor of Aboy. But as the justiciary had given to the Countess no seisin of her castles in Kildare, because there was no mention thereof in the K.'s letters, the K. now commands the justiciary to cause the Countess to have seisin of the castles of Kildare and Carbery in that county, and further commands, that notwithstanding the seisin made by the K.'s order to William de Cantelupe of lands worth 621. 17s. 4>d. in the manor of Aboy, the justiciary shall cause the Countess to be re-seised thereof, because they belonged to her late husband ; and William de Cantilupe shall recover against the co-heirs of Earl RELATING TO IRELAND. 1249. Marshall the deficiency in his purparty. Westminster. [Pat, 33 Hen. III., m. 5 ] May 1. 2990. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that, in place of the marriage in Ireland granted to Fulk of Newcastle, and which the K. afterwards gave to Ebulo de Geneve, he cause William de Monte Revelli to have 160 marks in which Fulk was bound to William. Westminster. [Close, 33 Hen. III., m. 10.] May 1. 2991. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to permit Margaret Countess of Lincoln to have the same liberties in the lands in Ireland of the inheritance of W[alter], late Earl of Pembroke, her husband, which she has in dower, as the Earl's heirs have in their portions. Westminster. [Close, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] May 17. 2992. The K. commands Peter de Burmingham to send to him by Master William de Nortsend, clerk, all the issues of the lands which belonged to Richard de Burgh and Theobald le Butiler in Ireland. Reading. [Pat, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] Cancelled. Master William surrendered the writ, not having received the issues. June 22. 2993. Writs to the treasurer and chamberlain of Ireland, for payment out of Irish treasure to Adam de Basinges, citizen of London, of 221. 16s. 7d. for capes, silken cloth, and fringe of gold; of 651. lOs. O^d. for wares and jewels bought by William dePlessetis, the K.'s chamberlain, all for the K.'s use ; also of SOI. in which the K. is bound to Adam for Fulk de Newcastle ; of 50 marks for 40 marks which Adam paid for the K. to Stephen de Noylac, and of 10 marks paid also for the K. to Peter le Vineter. Windsor. [Liberate, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] July 1. 2994. The K. notifies that he had received in his wardrobe at Windsor, on Friday, morrow of St. John the Baptist [June 25], by the hand of Roger de Crumba, servant of John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, 1,200 marks of Irish treasure. Westminster. [Pat, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] July 1. 2995. Protection for George Desfuble, Thomas Desfuble and John le Noble, his esquires, gone with him as K.'s messengers to Ireland. Westminster. [Pat, 33 Hen. III., m. 4.] July 2. 2996. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that having taken from Margaret, who was the wife of Theobald le Butiler, security that she shall not marry without the K/s licence, he allow her to enjoy her dower in peace, and if she has not as yet had her dower, that he cause it to be assigned to her. Westminster. [Close, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] July 9. 2997. Licence to Geoffrey Bauzan, Hospitaller of the House of St. John of Jerusalem, to come, with or without his superior, to England, Ireland, and Wales. Protection for him. Westminster. [Pat, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] us CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1249. July 9. 2998. The K. commits during pleasure to Ralph de Norwich the office of the K.'s Chancery in Ireland, with all things belonging thereto. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, to deliver to Ralph the K.'s seal of Ireland. Westminster. [Pat, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] July 12. 2999. The K. had learnt from the letter of the justiciary of Ireland, that the Earls Marshall were always wont to have the custodies of lands in Leinster, whether the lands were held of the K. in capite or of others ; the heirs of Walter Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, with the exception of Roger le Bigod, Earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, are in possession of such custodies, and the K. wills that, as his purparty, the Earl have seisin of the vill of Tulak with its castle, and of other custodies when they offer. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary. The K. makes this grant on condition that the Earl and his co-parceners show to the K. in the quinzaine of Michaelmas, by charter or otherwise, by what right they claim such custodies. Westminster. Mandate to Peter de Bermingham to give seisin to the Earl of the vill of Tulak and its castle. [Close, 33 Hen. III., m. 7.] July 13. 3000. Grant to Ralph de Norwich, till the K. more liberally provides for him, of 60 marks a year, receivable at the Exchequer, Dublin, so long as he shall be on the K.'s service in the office of Chancery, Ireland. Westminster. The K. notifies the same to Geoffrey Bishop of Ossory, his trea- surer, and John Fitz Geoffrey, his justiciary of Ireland. Mandate that they cause Ralph to have 60 marks. [Pat,, 33 Hen. III., m. 4.] July 21. 3001. The K. having learnt that the Earls Marshall were always wont to have custodies of lands in Leinster, and that the heirs of Wfalter] Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, with the exception of R[oger] le Bygod, Earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, were in possession of such custodies, the K. wills that the latter have seisin for his purparty of the vill and castle of Tulak. Mandate accordingly to Peter de Burmingham. [Close, 33 Hen. Ill, on. 6.] July 22. 3002. The K. commands Peter de Bermingham to cause Roger le Bygod, Earl of Norfolk, to have seisin of the vill and castle of Tulac, as before. Woodstock. [Pat., 33 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] July 26. 30 03. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause James de St. Martin to have out of the 200 marks yearly paid at the Exchequer, Dublin, by Ebulo de Geneve, for the lands which belonged to Fulk of Newcastle in Ireland, 291. lis. Id. in part pay- ment of 145L 18s. 11c?. in which Fulk was bound to James. Woodstock. [Fine Rolls, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] July 30. 3004. Mandate to Peter de Bermingham to cause Rfoger] le Bygot, Earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, to have seisin of the vill and castle of Tulac, as before. Woodstock. [Close, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 1249. July 30. 3005. Further mandate to Peter de Bermingeham to cause Roger le Bigod, Earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, to have custody of the vill and castle of Tulac. Woodstock. [Pat, 33 Hen. III., m. 4.] Aug. 27. 3006. Stephen Longespee having recovered against Richard de Burgh in the K.'s court before the K.'s justices in Ireland, the manor of Melok, by warranty of a third part of 5 cantreds of land as dower of Emeline his wife, who was the wife of Hugh de Lascy, late Earl of Ulster, Richard had given him in exchange thereof the manor of Tristelaurent ; but the justiciary of Ireland had disseised him and given the manor in dower to Alice, who was Richard's wife, by virtue of the K. Ymandate to assign to her the lands which Egidia her mother held in dower. Mandate to the justiciary to cause to be made to Stephen and Emeline out of Richard's lands in his custody an exchange for the manor of Tristelaurent ; and out of what belongs to the K. to pay them their damages. Hereford. [Close, 33 Hen. III., m. 4.] Aug. 29. 30 07. The K. having learnt by inquisition made by the justiciary of Ireland, that 1 carucate and 14 acres of land in the K.'s holding of Newcastle, which he proposes to assign to the Abbot and monks of St. Mary, near Dublin, in compensation of the damage which they sustained by the K.'s mills lately erected near the castle of Dublin, are of demesne of the crown, the K. wills that some other land not of demesne be assigned to them. Mandate to the justiciary to provide them with other lands not of demesne to the value of 10 marks a year, and meanwhile to assign 10 marks to them at the Exchequer, Dublin. Waltham. [Close, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Aug. 29. 30 08. The Abbot of Wetheney [Abbington] has shown to the K. that one of his predecessors let the land of Meyfern' to Geoffrey de Mariscis for 15 years, and subsequently took it from Geoffrey at 5 marks a year during the term. Geoffrey afterwards committed felony, for which he was outlawed ; and the K.'s Irish bailiffs, alleging that this rent was due to Geoffrey, compelled the Abbot to pay it to the K. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that if on inquisition he find these facts to be so, he discharge the Abbot from payment of the rent. Waltham. [Close, 33 Hen. III., m. 4 dors.] Sept. 4. 3009. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that he cause to be allowed at the Exchequer all the K.'s debts paid out of those in which Walter de Lacy was bound to the K. ; that he inquire how much of those debts remains due; and that until further orders he cause Matilda de Lacy to have peace touching all demands for debts. Westminster. [Close, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Sept. 9. 3010. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to assign to William de Trubleville, for the annual fee of 25 marks which he receives at the Exchequer, London, 25 marcates of rent in the manor of Balimacdon. William shall yearly answer during 1. F F 450 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS pleasure at the Exchequer, Dublin, for the residue of the extent of that manor. Westminster. [Close, 33 Hen. III., m. 3.] 3011. Writ to the justiciary and treasurer of Ireland, for payment out of Irish treasure to Thomas de Comera, to the use of Walter de Burgh, of 20 marks for Walter's expenses in coming to the K. in England by the K.'s order. Westminster. [Liberate, 33 Hen. III., m. 2.] 3012. The Dominican friars of London have shown to the K. that Egidia, who was the wife of Richard de Burgh, senior, received 180 marks in which Richard was bound to Hubert de Burgh, late Earl of Kent, and which the Earl had left by his will to the friars ; and that Richard of Rochester, who subsequently married Egidia, wasted her chattels, which the K. had ordered to be retained until satisfaction should be made to the friars. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, to take possession of Egidia's chattels wherever they may be found in Ireland, and thereout to cause the money to be paid to the friars. Westminster. [Close, 33 Hen. III., m. 3 dors.] Michaelmas. 3013. Mandate to the Barons of the Exchequer to pay to Alienor Countess of Pembroke and Leicester, sister of the K., the money due to her for her dower in Ireland, if that money has been deposited at the New Temple, London ; if not, they shall cause the heirs to be distrained to pay it. [Memoranda, L. T. R., 33 Hen. III., pt 2, Rot 2.] Oct. 23. 3014. The K. having granted to John Maunsel custody of the lands and heirs of John le Poer, who held of the K. in capite in Ireland, and Robert eldest son and heir of the latter being deceased, mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Robert's brother, heir of the said John le Poer, wherever he may be found in Ireland, to be delivered to John Maunsel. Westminster. [Close, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 1.] [34 Hen. 3015. Ireland : — William Fitz Robert clc Blundestone acknow- III. ?] ledges that he has granted and by his charter confirmed to W T illiam Morrow of de Welaund the manor of Killokeran ; to hold in fee by the services All Saints, thereunto belonging. [Coram Rege Rolls, Tower Series, No. 15, Rot 35 dors.] [34 Hen. 3016. Ireland : — William Fitz Robert de Blundestone acknow- III. ?] ledges that he has granted and by his charter confirmed to William Morrow of Welaund 4 carucates of land in Clonclidan ; to hold in fee by the All Saints, services thereunto belonging. [Comm. Rege Rolls, Toiver Series, No. 15, Rot 35 dors.] Nov. 3. 3017. Richard de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, having given surety for William le Gros, to whom the justiciary of Ireland had committed his castle of Asferkerlon, that he should faithfully serve the K. and stand his trial in the K.'s court if any one should charge him, mandate to John de Gray [sic ?], justiciary of Ireland, to cause William to have seisin of that castle, with delivery of his castle. Canterbury. [Close, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 20.] 1249. Oct. 8. Oct. 8. RELATING TO IRELAND. 451 1249. Nov. 4. 3018. The K. cofnmands John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Guy de Rochefort to have 100 marks of Irish treasure. Faversham. [Pat, 34 Hen. III., m. 9.] Nov. 12. 3019. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, and to the treasurer of Ireland, to cause Raymond Makeyn, citizen of Bordeaux, or his messenger, to have 942 marks in which the K. is bound to him, and 20 marks for his expenses, of the K.'s gift. Windsor. [Close, 34 Hen. III., m. 20.] Nov. 28. 3020. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to take into the K.'s hand all the lands of William de Valence in Ireland ; to cause the corn, ploughs, and every thing therein to be sold ; and to cause Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, to have the proceeds to fortify his land of Gascony. Clarendon. [Close, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 20 dors.] Nov. 28. 3021. Grant to Edward, the K.'s eldest son, of the K's land of Gascony, and of the issues of Ireland, for 2 years from Michaelmas last past, to fortify the former land. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, husband of the K.'s sister, to have for that purpose all the revenues of Ireland during that term out of rents, wards, escheats, and other profits. Clarendon. [Pat, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] Nov. 28. 3022. The K. to Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, notifying that he had granted, as in the previous abstract, to Edward, his eldest son, the land of Gascony and the issues of Ireland, to fortify that land ; and that he had commanded the justiciary to send those issues to the Earl for that purpose. Mandate to the Earl to receive the issues and apply them in making fortifications and castles. ° The K. wishes to be certified by the justiciary what amount of issues he shall send to the Earl. Clarendon. [Pat, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] Dec. 10. 3023. The K. to Peter de Burmingham, informing him that he had given to Edward, his eldest son, the land of Gascony and the issues of Ireland, to fortify that land. Mandate to Peter to cause the justiciary of Ireland to have all the issues and profits out of wards, escheats, and tenements in his custody, to be sent to Gascony to Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, to make fortifications there. Clarendon. [Pat, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] Dec. 12. 3024. Florence, Precentor of Emly [Imlicensis], having intimated that his church was vacant by the death of Christian, late Bishop thereof, praying licence to elect on behalf of the Dean and chapter, the K. commands the justiciary of Ireland to give this licence if the see was taken into the K.'s hand after the death of Christian. The justiciary shall pray the Dean and chapter to elect a clerk who shall be fit to rule the church, useful to Ireland, and faithful to the K. Clarendon. [Pat, 34 Hen. Ill, m, 9.] Dec. 28. 3025. Protection for 2 years for John of Ireland, gone to that country for affairs of Reginald Fitz Peter and Alice, his wife. Win- chester. [Pat, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] F F 2 452 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS [1249, About Dec] 3026. P[ ] Bishop of Albano, to King Henry III The Pope having raised G[ilbert] to the see of Emly, and the Bishop of Albano having by special command of his Holiness consecrated him, prays that the K. will put Gplbert] in possession of the temporalities of the see. [Royal Letters, No. 99.] [About Dec.] ' 3027. R[einer] Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland, to the K. Prays the royal assent in favour of Gilbert Bishop of Emly [Ymilacensis], who had been consecrated by the Pope. [Royal Letters, No. 798.] [About end 3028. The Dean and chapter of Tuam to the K. ; praying the of Dec] K.'s licence to elect in the room of Marian, late Archbishop of Tuam, deceased. Send Cristian, Canon of Tuam, as their proctor to obtain this licence. [Royal Letters, No. 819.] 1249-1250. 3029. Stafford :— Thomas Corbet for the first half, and Robert de Grendon for the second half of the year, render their account : — To the Archbishop of Dublin, 101. in Penkridge. [Pipe, 34 Hen. III., Rot. 13 dors.] 3030. Essex and Herts : — Sir Hugh de Berne vail of Ireland, knight, owes 5 marks, prest of Poitou, as is contained in the Boll for the K.'s 17th year. [Pipe, 34 Hen. III., Rot. 14.] Jan. 10. 3031. The K. orders that all the issues of Ireland, as well from rents as custodies, be paid to Simon de Montfort, to fortify the K.'s castles and cities of Gascony. Westminster. [Close, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 17.] Jan. 10. 3032. Grant to Geoffrey Gascelin of the custody and marriage of Margaret, daughter and one of the heirs of Walter de Godarville. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Margaret to be delivered to Geoffrey. Westminster. [Close, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 17.] Jan. 15. 3033. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that if he receive letters of the K. pardoning to G[riffin], late Bishop of Lismore, certain amerciaments amounting to 12J marks, which he had incurred in the administration of his diocese, the justiciary shall not distrain but cause him to be quit thereof. Westminster. [Close, 34 Hen. III., m. 17.] Jan. 16. 3034. Christian, Canon of Tuam, having informed the K. that his church was vacant, owing to the death of Marian, formerly formerly Archbishop thereof, praying on behalf of the Dean and chapter licence to elect, the K. commands the justiciary to give licence accordingly, if the archbishopric was taken into the K.'s hand on Marian's death. The justiciary shall pray the Dean and chapter to elect a clerk who shall be fit to rule the church, useful to Ireland, and faithful to the K. Westminster. [Pat, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] Jan. 18. 3035. The K., for an annual fee of 25 marks, which William de Trubleville was wont to receive at the Exchequer of England, RELATING TO IRELAND. 453 1249-1250. commits to him the manor of Balimadun ; to hold till the K. shall cause him to be provided for in wards or escheats. This manor was extended by John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, at 211. and 22d. William shall yearly pay at the Exchequer, Dublin, 6 marks 8s. 6d., by which the extent exceeds his fee. Mandate to the justi- ciary of Ireland to cause William to have seisin ; saving to Roger Owen and Aufrida, his wife, the dower which they previously had in the manor. Westminster. [Fine Rolls, 34 Hen. III., m. 14.] Jan. 20. 3036. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that if the corn sown in the manor of Balimadum, which the K. committed to William de Trubleville as his annual fee, ought to be converted to the K.'s use, he shall give it to William for 12^ marks, which remain to be paid to him on account of his fee for Michaelmas, a. r. 33 ; and if the manor has been let, the money shall be paid to him out of the rent ; saving to the farmer of the manor the corn sown until William obtained seisin of it. Westminster. [Close, 34 Hen. III., m. 16.] March 7. 3037. Letters of protection and safe conduct for 1 year for Simon de Pascey and brother Richard of Derby, their horses and retinue, whom the Abbot of Clairvaux sends to Ireland to visit the houses of his order. Westminster. [Pat, 34 Hen. III., m. 7.] March 11. 3038. The K. to D[avid] Archbishop of Cashel. Royal assent to the election of Master Henry, Archdeacon of Waterford, as Bishop of that church. Westminster. [Pat, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] March 11. 3039. Royal assent to the election of Henry Archdeacon of Waterford as Bishop of that church. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, after confimation and fealty received, to give seisin to the elect of all the lands and tenements of the see. The K. forbids the justiciary to give licence to elect during vacancies of archbishoprics, bishoprics, and deaneries, without application to the K. West- minster. [Close, 34 Hen, III., m. 14.] April 25. 3040. Mandate to G. de Langel', justice of the Forest, to cause John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to have 6 deer in the forest of Brentwood, of the K/s gift. Westminster. A similar mandate for the justiciary to have 4 live deer in the forest of Whittle wood. [Close, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 13.] April 27. 3041. Grant to Elias de Rabayn, out of the fine which Margaret, who was the wife of Theobald Pincerna, made with the K. to marry whom she pleases, of 1001. of the K.'s gift. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to pay 1001. out of the first moneys accruing from the fine. Westminster. [Close, 34 Hen. III., m. 13.] April 29. 3042. The K. gives respite during pleasure to Maurice Fitz Gerald for 500 marks which he owes to the K. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, not to distrain Maurice for this sum till further orders. Westminster. [Fine Bolls, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 11.] 454 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1250. May 7. 3043. The K. for a fine of 500 marks grants to Margery, who was the wife of Theobald le Butiler, licence to marry whom she pleases. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland . to permit her to do so, and to cause her to have reasonable terms for payment of the 500 marks. Westminster. [Pat, 34 Hen. III., m. 5.] [Shortly 3044. The Dean and chapter of Tuam to the K. Their church previous to had been without a pastor since the death of Archbishop Marian ; May 27.] having previously obtained the K.'s licence, they had unanimously chosen as Archbishop Florence, chancellor of their church, and sub- deacon of the Pope, an honest, prudent, and learned man, needful [necessarius] to their church and faithful to the kingdom ; and they pray the K. to give his assent to their election. [Royal Letters, No. 62.] Ma}^ 27. 3045. The K. gives the royal assent to the election of Master Florence, Chancellor of Tuam and sub-deacon of the Pope, as Arch- bishop of Tuam, and sends the Elect to the Pope, to whom belongs his confirmation. [Pat., 34 Hen. III., m. 5.] May 27. 30 46. Licence to the Dean and chapter of Kilmore [Tirbrunen- sis], by Patrick their clerk, to elect a Bishop in their church, vacant by the resignation of Congal [Conoglattus], late Bishop. Windsor. [Pat, 34 Hen, III, m. 5.] 3047. A similar licence repeated. [Pat, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] May 27. 30 48. Licence to the Dean and chapter of Enachdune [Enac- dunensis], by William Brun, to elect a Bishop in their church vacant by the death of Thomas, late Bishop. Windsor. [Pat, 34 Hen. Ill, on. 5.] May 27. 30 49. Grant to Walleram de Wellesl' of custody of the land and heirs of Nicholas Labanc in Ireland ; to hold till the age of the heirs, with their marriage. Windsor. [Pat, 34 Hen. III., m. 5.] May 27. 30 50. The K. for a fine restores to Walter, brother and heir of Richard de Burch, all the lands, tenements, and castles of the latter in Ireland ; saving Walter's marriage. Mandate to Peter de Bermingham to give seisin to Walter of all Richard's lands, tene- ments, and castles in his custody. Windsor. [Pat., 34 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] May 28. 3051. Protection for 2 years for Gilbert de Gloucester, gone by the K.'s licence with John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, on the K.'s ser- vice in Ireland. Windsor. [Pat., 34 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] May 29. 3052. Grant to Jordan of Exeter of an annuity of 25 marks, receivable at the Exchequer, Dublin, until the K. shall provide him with 25 librates of the K.'s waste lands in Ireland. Windsor. [Pat, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] May 29. 3053. The Prior of the Holy Trinity, and Master B. of Cornwall, canon of St. Patrick's, Dublin, had come to the K. praying on behalf of their chapters that the K. would provide for their indemnity in regard to the land of Oconak. The K., well knowing that that land RELATING TO IRELAND. 455 1250. with the castle was wrongly alienated by the chapters aforesaid, has thought well to determine, by advice of his council, that in place of that land, which shall remain to the K., a competent provision of 30 librates of land be made for the chapters. Mandate to the j usticiary of Ireland to cause this provision to be made in the vale of Dublin. This done, the justiciary shall certify to the K. in order that he may provide for the security of the chapters. The chapters shall then convey to the K. all the muniments in their possession relating to the land ; meanwhile the justiciary shall commit the tenancy of the land to them. Windsor. A similar mandate to Luke Archbishop of Dublin. A similar mandate to the Prior and convent of the Holy Trinity, and to the Dean and chapter of St. Patrick's, Dublin. [Close, 34 Hen: III., m. 11.] May 29. 3054. The K. wills that for 2,200 marks to be rendered to the K. on terms to be settled by John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, Conehorn Obren shall hold during good service the land which his father held by charter of King John. Security shall be taken from him that he shall not alienate the land, but that it shall revert to the K. if Conehorn goes against his fealty. The justiciary may commit to him the land which he holds to farm of the K. Windsor. [Close, 34 Hen. III., m. 11.] May 29. 3055. The K. grants to R. [Reynard] Archbishop of Armagh, that he have justices to be assigned from month to month, if need be, by the justiciary of Ireland, to hear and determine the plaints and pleas touching the Archbishop and his church. Mandate to the justiciary to cause the Archbishop to have such justices. Windsor. [Close, 34 Hen. Ill, m 11.] May 29. 3056. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause to be allowed to Peter de Burmingham, in the issues of the lands which belonged to Theobald Pincerna and Richard de Burgh, 2001. which Peter spent in the custody of those lands to the feast of St. John [June 24], a. r. 34 ; and from that date the justiciary shall yearly cause to be allowed to Peter for the custody of the lands which belonged to Theobald 100 marks. If war should arise, Peter shall be allowed the expenses incurred by him for both custodies. Windsor. [Close, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 11.] May 30. 3057. Grant for 3 years to the citizens of Dublin of the folio wing- aids, to enable them to fortify or inclose their city, namely : — For every crannock of wheat, \d. ; every crannock of flour entering or leaving the port of Dublin, \d. ; every hogshead of wine, 2d. ; every hogshead of honey, ; every weigh of wool, Id ; every dicker of hides, Id. ; every dicker of stag, goat, or horse hides, \d, ; every great ship, lQd. ; every smaller ship, 8d. ; every [piece of] English or foreign cloth, \d. ; every [piece of] Irish cloth, \d. ; every crannock of woad, 2d. ; every crannock of salt entering or leaving the port, Id. ; every band of iron, \d. ; every last of herrings entering or leaving the port \d. ; every ox, cow, or horse, Id. ; 8 two -years old sheep, Id. ; every hog or pig, \d. ; 100 boards, \d, ; 100 horse shoes, \d. ; every weigh 456 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1250. of tallow, butter, or grease, ; 100 lbs. of pepper, 2d. ; 100 lbs. of wax, 2d. ; 100 lbs. of alum, 2d. ; every mill stone, \d. ; 100 ells of linen cloth, Id. ; 100 ells of canvass ; every load of lead, 2d. ; every crannock of beans, \d. ; a dozen of kitchen utensils [bateria], \d. ; 100 lbs. of brass or copper, Id. ; 100 lbs. of hogs lard, Id ; 100 lbs. of tallow, Id. ; 3s. worth of small wares, \d. ; 100 lamb skins, \d. ; 100 squirrel skins, Id. ; 100 lbs. of pitch, \d. ; every 1 horse load of iron, \d. ; a dozen cords of Linden wood [cordse de Tyl], \d. Bisham. [Pat, 34 Hen. III., m. 4.] June 10. 3058. Mandate to the treasurer and chamberlain of the Exche- quer, Dublin, to cause the Recluse of St. Mary de Dam [les Dames] to have payment of the ancient alms , of the K.'s predecessors, and of her wonted allowances. Woodstock. [Close, 34 Hen. III., m. 11.] June 10. 3059. Writ to the treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin, for payment out of Irish treasure to Jordan de Exon of 25 marks a year, which the K. grants to him at the Exchequer, Dublin, until he shall have provided him with 20 librates out of waste land in Ireland. Woodstock. [Liberate, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] June 11. 3060. Writ to the treasurer and chamberlain of Ireland, for pay- ment to J ohn de Verdun and Margery his wife, one of Walter de Lacy's heirs, of one third part of 50 marks which Walter was wont yearly to receive for 1 moiety of the vill of Drogheda, for the castle of that vill and the castle of Blathach. Woodstock. A similar writ to the same for payment to Matilda de Lacy, one of the heirs of said Walter, of one third part of the said 50 marks. [Liberate, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] June 11. 3061. Mandate to Luke Archbishop of Dublin, Maurice Fitz Gerald, Peter de Burmingham, and others, to impart their counsel under their seals to the K., whether it is more expedient to settle and cultivate [hospitari et excolere] the K.'s waste lands of Ireland, or to let them to the men of Ireland. Woodstock. [Pat, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] June 11. 3062. Mandate to Peter de Burmingham to assign to Alice, who was the wife of Richard de Burgh, her dower out of the services of knights holding of Walter de Burgh, brother and heir of Richard, who is in the custody of the K. Woodstock. [Close, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] June 12. 3063. As Agatha de Ferrers, who was in the K.'s custody, has by the K.'s court been adjudged of full age, mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause her to have seisin of her portion of the lands, in Ireland, of W[alter] Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, of whom she is one of the heirs. Woodstock. [Close, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] June 14. 3064. Mandate to the bailiffs of Dover to allow G[eoffrey] Bishop of Ossory, with his retinue, freely to cross over from their harbour. Woodstock. [Close, 34 Hen. III., m. 10.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 457 1250. June 14. 3065. The K. grants to R. [Reynard] Archbishop of Armagh, that he have on the K.'s part justices in Ireland to hear and deter- mine from month to month plaints and pleas touching the Arch- bishop and his church. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause the Archbishop to have justices accordingly. Woodstock. [Close, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] June 15. 3066. Entry similar to that of June 28, A.D. 1248, No. 2949, re- garding the dower of Margaret Countess of Lincoln, who was the wife of W[alter], late Earl of Pembroke, and the. partition of his lands ; and when equal portions shall have been assigned to the heirs the justiciary shall assign to John de Moun and Joan his wife, out of the portion of William de Vescy and Agnes his wife, 10 librates of land by extent, they having previously had that quantity of land in Kildare out of the portion of William and Agnes, before the manor of Kildare was assigned in dower to the Countess. Woodstock. [Close, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] June 16. 3067. The K. to the Archbishop of Dublin. According to Papal letters which the K. sends, the Pope had conferred on the K. special grace by granting many boons to the promotors of the Crusades on account of the K. having assumed the cross. The K. proposing to caray out his vow, prays the Archbishop to have the cause of the Crusades preached throughout all Ireland, and the Pope's letters published, sending copies to some persons. The Prior of the Holy Trinity, Dublin, shall convey the letters to the Arch- bishop ; and when they have been published, the latter shall cause them to be deposited in the priory, so that he may have recourse to them when necessary. Woodstock. Letters to the Archbishop of Cashel to the like effect, except that he is directed to cause the Pope's letters, which Walter Maunsel bears to him, to be deposited after publication with the Dominicans of Cashel. Letters to the Archbishop of Armagh, the Prior of the Dominicans, and the minister of the Franciscans, provincials of Ireland, to the like effect, except that there is no mention of the Papal letters being deposited. [Close, 34 Hen. III., m. 11 dors.] June 16. 3068. Mandate to the treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin, that henceforth until the K. sends new money to Ireland they shall not receive money at the Dublin Exchequer but by weight ; so that the pound which they shall receive shall weigh 1 pound legal weight. Woodstock. [Close, 34 Hen. III., m. 10.] June 17. 3069. Mandate to the treasurer and chamberlain of the Exchequer, Dublin, to send to Chester 700 marks of Irish treasure, to be de- posited with the Abbot of the latter city to the K.'s use. Woodstock. [Pat, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] June 17. 3070. Grant to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, that he and his heirs be quit regarding all receipts and expenditure of which accounts have been rendered, for fortifying the K.'s castles in Ireland, maintaining war, or pacifying the country, &c., from the 458 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1250. time when John became justiciary till Easter, a. r. 34. Woodstock. [Pat, 34 Hen. III., m. 4.] June 18. 3071. Geoffrey Bishop of Ossory, the K.'s treasurer of Ireland, Luke Archbishop of Dublin, John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, Maurice Fitz Gerald, and Brother Roger Wallensis, Master of the Templars in that country, having rendered their account of the office of the K.'s treasury in Ireland touching all receipts and expenditure from the feast of the Apostles Sts. Philip and James [May 1], a. r. 28, till Easter, a. r. 34, when a view was made, the K. quit-claims the treasurer and his church of Ossory regarding that account, as is contained in chirographs made between the auditors aforesaid and the treasurer. Woodstock. [Pat, 34 Hen. III., m. 4.] June 20. 3072. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to retain Walter Achard and Walter his son, on the K.'s service at the same wages as before, and to cause them to have compensation for arrears lest the K. should be guilty of wrong. Farringdon. [Close, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] July 1. 3073. Letters of protection for 1 year, directed to the K.'s bailiffs in Ireland, for Walter de Burgh. Marlborough. [Pat, 34 Hen. Ill, on. 4.] July 9. 3074. Richard de Burgh having owed to the K. 100 marks, arrears of 500 marks which he was wont yearly to pay to the K. at the Exchequer, Dublin, for the land which he held of the K. in Kunnok [Connaught], mandate to Peter de Burmingham and the other executors of Richard's will to cause the 100 marks to be paid at that Exchequer, otherwise the justiciary of Ireland is commanded to compel payment by them. Winchester. [Close, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] July 25. 3075. Royal assent to the election made of Florence, late Chan- cellor of Tuam, and sub-deacon of the Pope, as Archbishop of Tuam. Mandate to John Fitz- Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Florence to have seisin of the see and of the lands and posses- sions belonging thereto. Clarendon. Letters patent commanding all persons to be intentive to the Elect as their lord. [Close, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] July 31. 3076. Mandate to the keeper of the K.'s forest of Slescho, Ireland, to cause Walter de Burgh, groom of the K., to have out of that forest 4 stags of the K.'s gift, Gillingham. [Close, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] Aug. 2. 3077. The K. appoints Geoffrey de St. John, with another to be associated with him by the justiciary of Ireland, to the office of escheator in that country during pleasure. Mandate accordingly to the justiciary. [Fine Rolls, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 5.] Aug. G. 3078. Mandate to the Abbot of St. Werburga, Chester, to de- liver to Alan la Zuch, justiciary of that city, 700 marks of Irish treasure which the Abbot had lately received ; to be transmitted to the New Temple, London. Exeter. [Pat, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 1250. Aug. 26. 3079. Appointment, during pleasure, of Geoffrey de St. John as the K.'s escheator in Ireland, to receive and keep lands and tene- ments falling into the K.'s hand by reason of custody or otherwise ; and to answer for the issues thereof at the Exchequer, Dublin. Mandate to seneschals, sheriffs, and their bailiffs, that when lands and tenements within their bailiwicks fall into the K.'s hand, they cause seisin thereof to be given to Geoffrey or his attorney. Bristol. [Pat, 34 Hen. III., m. 2.] Aug. 26. 30 80. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Margaret Countess of Lincoln, having by judgment of the K.'s court been endowed of the third part of the lands in Ireland of Wfalter] Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, and that third having been taken out of the portions of William de Vescy and Agnes his wife, Reginald de Moun and Isabel his wife, William de Fortibus and Matilda his wife, Francis de Boun and Sibil his wife, William de Vallibus and Alienor his wife, John de Moun and Joan his wife, Agatha de Ferrers in the K.'s custody, Roger de Mortimer and Matilda his wife, and William de Cantilupe and Eve his wife, whereby they were deprived in part of those portions, excepting William de Cantilupe and Eve his wife, of whose portion the Countess has in dower to the value of 62/. 17s. 4cZ. worth of land, the K. commands the justiciary to cause partition to be made of the Earl's lands among his heirs, so that each shall have his portion ; and to assign to John de Moun and Joan his wife 10 librates of land out of the portion of William de Vescy and Agnes his wife, as before in the entry dated June 15, No. 3066. Bristol. [Close, 34 Hen. III., m. 6 dors.] [Aug.] 3081. Writ to the treasurer and chamberlain of Ireland for payment out of Irish treasure to Richard de Rupella, of 40 marks of the K.'s gift,in compensation of Richard's fee, which is abolished. [Liberate, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Sept. 1. 3082. As the K. has doubts regarding the plaint before R. de Shardelawe and his associates, justices in Eyre in Ireland, between Matilda de Lacy, plaintiff, and the Prior of Conal, deforciant, touch- ing the advowson of Arnurch' [Ardnorcher], the K. appoints to the parties a day before himself on the morrow of Michaelmas. Mandate to the justices to adjourn the plaint till the morrow of St. Martin [Nov. 12]. Worcester. [Close, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 5 dors.] Sept. 20. 3083. Letters of protection, directed to the K.'s bailiffs in Ireland, for John Fitz Thomas of that country, to endure till his return. Windsor. [Pat, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Sept. 24.] 3084. Bull of Pope Innocent [IV.], directed to the Archbishop of Dublin and the Bishop of Ossory. The K. having submitted to the Pope that Archbishops and Bishops in Ireland and their chapters had ordained that no Englishman should be received as a canon in their churches, his Holiness commands those Archbishops and Bishops, within 1 month from the receipt of his letters, to revoke this ordinance ; and if not, it shall be denounced as void. Lyons, 460 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1250. 8th of the calends of October, in the 8th year of his pontificate. Duplicate of the above. [Papal Bulls, Innocent IV.] Oct. 18. 3085. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, that having received from the executors of G[eoffrey], late Bishop of Ossory, security that out of the first chattels of the deceased they shall satisfy debts due to the K. and moneys of the Crusaders, if the Bishop received any during his life, he cause the executors to have free administration of the goods and chattels of the deceased. West- minster. [Close, 34 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] Oct. 23. 3086. Writ to the treasurer and chamberlains of the Exchequer for payment to the keepers of the K.'s works at Windsor of 43?. 6s. 3d. out of Irish treasure. Westminster. [Liberate, 34 Hen. III., m. 2.] Nov. 4. 3087. Licence to the Dean and chapter of Limerick, by Master Thomas, Dean of that church, to elect a Bishop. Merwell. [Pat., 35 Hen. Ill, m. 14.] Nov. 9. 3088. The K. prays Luke Archbishop of Dublin not to prevent Stephen Longespee, the K.'s cousin and a crusader, who proposes to cross over sumptuously in aid of the Holy Land, from availing him- self of the grant made to him by the Pope, and collecting money in the land of Leinster for redemption of the vows of crusaders. Win- chester. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 25 dors.] Nov. 14. 3089. As John Fitz Thomas remains by the K.'s order with the K. in England, mandate to the justices in Eyre in Ireland to respite till one month after Easter, a. r. 35, the appeal made before them by Blanche, who was the wife of Alexander de Rupe, against the latter and his tenants. The same is commanded to the sheriffs in whose bailiwicks the appeal has been made. Marlborough. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 24 dors.] Nov. 28. 30 90. The K. orders his bailiffs of Bristol to cause to be pur- chased within their bailiwick, and conveyed to Marlborough for the K.'s works there, 3 loads of lead, and 1,000 boards of Ireland. Clarendon. [Liberate, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 16.] Dec. 12. 3091. Master William of Kilkenny, clerk, and John Long, canons of St. Canice in the diocese of Ossory, sent to the K. with letters patent of the Dean and chapter of Ossory to demand licence to elect a Bishop, have licence accordingly. Clarendon. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 13.] Dec. 29. 3092. Mandate to the treasurer and chamberlain of the Ex- chequer, Dublin, not to molest, contrary to the K.'s charter, Walter de Burgh, regarding the debts to the K., if any, of Richard de Burgh, when justiciary of Ireland. Winchester. [Close, 35 Hen. IIP, m. 22.] Dec. 29. 3093. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that he distrain all those from Ireland who promised 3001. for the head of Carbri Huin Aleklin, to pay that sum each one according to his share to David RELATING TO IRELAND. 1250. de Rupe, if he has cut off Carbri's head, as has been provided by the baronage and magnates of Ireland. Winchester. [Close, 35 Hen. III., m. 22.] 1250-1251. 3094. Stafford: — Robert de Grendon renders his account: — To the Archbishop of Dublin, 101. in Penkridge. [Pipe, 35 Hen. III., Rot. 3 dors.] 3095. Account of the Mint of London and Canterbury, from Thursday next before the feast of St. Margaret, a. r. 34, to May 9, a. r. 36, by John Silur', for the K., and Henry de Wrokeshull for Earl Richard, the K.'s brother : — Paid to Henry de Wroxhill out of 2,27l£. 15s., the K.'s old money sent from Ireland, which the K. caused to be coined in the said Mint, 281. 7 s. lid.; and to the said Henry for his portion of this money, the like amount, whereof Henry answers in Bucks and Beds. [Pipe, 35 Hen. III., Rot. 4.] 3096. Essex and Herts : — Sir Hugh de Bernevall, of Ireland, knight, owes 5 marks prest, as is contained in the Roll of the K.'s 17th year. [Pipe, 35 Hen. III., Rot. 8.] Jan. 9. 3097. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause William de Valence, the K.'s brother, to have 200 out of 500 marks which the K. granted to stock his Irish land. Westminster. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that if 270 marks remain to be paid to William de Valence out of 500 marks which the K. gave him to stock his land in that country, the justiciary shall cause these 200 marks to be paid to him out of the K.'s Irish treasure. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 21.] Cancelled because othenvise inrolled beloiv. Jan. 16. 3098. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause William de Valence, the K.'s brother, to have 270 marks which remain to be paid out of 500 marks given to him by the K. to stock his lands in Ireland. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 20.] Jan. 17. 3099. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause to be de- livered to Simon de Montfort, out of the K.'s treasure of Ireland, 550 marks by weight and " lackum," for pay till the Purification [Feb. 2], of knights and foot soldiers employed in fortifying the K.'s castles of Fronzac, Bourg, and Miramont. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 21.] Cancelled because othenvise inrolled on the Liberate Rolls. Jan. 21. 3100. The K. for a fine of 3,000 marks made by John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, grants to him the custody of the land and heirs of Theobald Pincerna ; to hold till the age of the heirs, with their marriage. Mandate to Peter de Burmingham, custodee of Theobald's lands in Ireland, to cause John to have seisin of the land and castles whereof he has the custody. Similar mandates to H. de Wengham and Thomas de Stanford, the K.'s escheators, to give seisin to John. The K. grants to John Fitz Geoffrey, that of the 3,000 marks, he render at the Exchequer of Ireland 500 marks a year, namely, 462 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1250-1251. 250 marks at Michaelmas and 250 marks at Easter. Windsor. [Fine Bolls, 35 Hen. III., m. 5.] [About 3101. Grant to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, of Jan. 21.] custody of the land and heir of Theobald Pincerna, as well in Ireland as in England. For this custody the justiciary shall give 3,000 marks, payable at the rate of 500 marks a year. [Orig., 35 Hen. III., m. 3.] 3102. Writ to the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer, Ireland, for payment to William Durnun, messenger of the mayor and citizens of Bordeaux, of 1,000 marks for the war regarding the castle de Saltu [of Saut], and other places in Gascony. Windsor. [Liberate, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 14.] 3103. The K. gives to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, all the ploughs in the lands which belonged to Theobald le Butyller, in Ireland, with all the corn sown in those lands according to its sworn value. Mandate to Peter de Bermingham to cause the jus- ticiary to have the ploughs of the K.'s gift and the corn at its sworn value. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 20.] 3104. Mandate to G. de Langel' to cause Maurice Fitz Gerald to have 12 deer in the forest of Selwood, of the K.'s gift. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 20.] 3105. The K. desiring the promotion of Master Henry, his surgeon, who has well served him, commands the justiciary of Ireland to provide him with 10 librates of land in Ireland out of the first escheat which shall accrue to the K., and to certify thereupon. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, on. 20.] 3106. Grant for ever to Walter Maunsell, of the sergeancy of Muncster [Munster], which Walter de Abbetot had of the K.'s gift, and afterwards forfeited. Witnesses, John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, Ralph Fitz Nicholas, John Maunsell, provost of Beverley, Maurice Fitz Gerald, John Fitz Thomas, Bertram de Crioyl, Paulinus Peivre, Robert Wallerand. Windsor. [Chart, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 13.] [About Jan.] 3107. Mandate to. the mayor and bailiffs of Bristol to deliver to the Abbot and canons of St. Thomas, Dublin, the stone which the latter had caused to be collected at Bristol to construct their church at Dublin, and which the bailiffs had caused to be arrested to repair the K.'s castle of Bristol. If any of the stone has been employed on the K.'s works in the latter city it shall be restored to the Abbot and canons; and as often as they make a collection of stone there they shall be permitted to convey it whither they will. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 21 dors.] Feb. 4. 3108. In exchange for the cantred of Oconagh and its castle which King John granted to the church of the Holy Trinity, Dublin, the K. gives in frankalmoign to that church and to its Prior and canons, the following lands, &c, namely : — Three carucates, 89 acres, and a mill in the K.'s demesne of Baliscandan, with the homage and service of Robert Passelewe, William Fitz Milo, and Andrew Passe- lewe for the lands and tenements they hold in that vill ; likewise 1 Jan. 21. Jan. 22. Jan. 22. Jan. 22. Jan. 23. RELATING TO IRELAND. 463 1250-1251. carucate and 12 acres which Walter le Blund and his parceners held to farm of the K. at pleasure; 1 carucate which William Fitz Gillekeran held to farm of the K. ; and 4 acres which Matthew Cristin also held to farm of the K. at pleasure, in the said vill of Baliscadan ; which lands were extended at 30 librates. The Dean and chapter of St. Patrick's, Dublin, shall yearly receive by the hands of the Prior and canons of the Holy Trinity a moiety of the issues of those lands ; saving nevertheless to the said Prior and canons the tithes of the church which they were wont to have, expenses of collection, custody and repair. Witnesses, Richard Earl of Cornwall, the K.'s brother, John de Plessetis, Earl of Warwick, John Fitz Gooffrey, justiciary of Ireland, Maurice Fitz Gerald, John Maunsell, provost of Beverley, Master William de Kilkenny, Arch- deacon of Coventry, Robert Waleraund, Stephen Bauzan, John de Jersey, John de Freehorn, John Gubaud. Woodstock. [Chart., 35 Hen. III., m. 12, and Exchequer, Q. R., Miscellanea, f-|4, on. 11.] Feb. 4. 3109. Grant for life to Alexander de Tunderleg' of all the lands of Adam of Lyons, and of Comethatfech, Gilmelash and Ascoly, his brothers, in Thirneborhys ; rendering at the Exchequer, Dublin, G marks a year. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 11.] Feb. 4. 3110. The K. restores to Agatha de Ferrers, one of the heirs of W[alter], late Earl of Pembroke and Marshal of England, all the lands in Ireland which came to her by right of inheritance. Man- date to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to deliver the lands to Ralph Fitz Nicholas, the K.'s seneschal, as guardian of Agatha. Woodstock. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 19.] Feb. 8. 3111. As the manor of Balimadun in Ireland, which the K. has committed to William de Trubleville in place of his fee, exceeds in value that fee by 6 marks 8s. 6d., the K. for the loyal service of William and his ancestors, releases that amount to him. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause William to be quit thereof. Wallingford. [Close, 35 Hen. III., m. 19.] Cancelled because otherwise inrolled on the Patent Rolls, and William surrendered the writ. Feb. 9. 3112. The K. commits for life, to William de Trubleville, the manor of Balimagdun for his yearly fee of 25 marks ; William shall henceforth be quit of 6 marks 8s. 6d., at which the manor was extended beyond the 25 marks, and which he was wont to render for that manor at the Exchequer, Dublin. Reading. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to permit William to hold this manor for life, and to cause him to be quit of the 6 marks 8s. 6d. If it can be shown that the manor is not demesne of the K., the justiciary shall give it to William in fee. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 11.] Feb. 14. 3113. Licence to the Dean and chapter of Achonry [Achadensis], by Christian O'Coscryg, to elect a Bishop, Elias formerly Bishop having resigned. Windsor. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 11.] 464 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1250-1251. Feb. 18. 3114. The K. to O. Obrien of Tuadam [Thomond], Ireland. Had heard of the offer he had made by Matthew, his clerk, of 5001. for a grant in fee of the land which he holds to farm of the K., render- ing 80?. The K. not knowing whether this offer is advantageous, has commanded the justiciary of Ireland to inquire thereupon and to inform him whether it ought to be accepted or not. The K. will require reasonable payment. As to the confirmation of the charter of King John, nothing can be done unless the K. sees a transcript thereof under the seal of his justiciary. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. III., m. 19 dors.] March 18. 3115. The K. prays the Archbishop of Dublin to diligently execute with Master John de Frusinon, his colleague assigned by the Pope, the K.'s business regarding the collection for 3 years before the passage of the K. of the tenth for the Holy Land. It is the K.'s will that Master John receive his necessary expenses for him- self and his retinue in this business. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. III., m. 13 dors.] 1251. 3116. The K. grants to Maurice Fitz Gerald, that of the fine for April 10. 500 marks which he had made with the K., he render 100 marks a year at the Exchequer, Dublin, namely, a moiety at Michaelmas and the other moiety at Easter, till the whole be discharged. Mandate to the Barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, to cause it to be so done and inrolled. Westminsier. [Fine Bolls, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] April 11. 3117. The K. notifies to the Archbishop of Cashel, that the see of Emly being vacant and in the K.'s hand, he has granted to Master Roger of Bristol the prebend which William de Warham held in that church. The K. prays the Archbishop to admit Master Roger. Westminster. [Pat., 35 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] April 11. 3118. Royal assent to the election of Robert Archdeacon of Limerick as Bishop of that church. Mandate to the Archbishop of Cashel to do what is his in this matter. Westminster. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] April 12. 3119. The K. notifies that for 40£. which his men of Baliogary in Fingal have promised to give, the K. grants to them the manor of Baliogary ; to hold to farm of the K. at 1071. a year, payable at the Exchequer, Dublin. The farm shall not be increased or diminished without the K.'s mandate. Westminster. Mandate to the Barons of the Exchequer to assign to them terms for payment of the 40£. ; and to cause it to be so done and inrolled. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] April 12. 3120. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to allow the Prior of Conall and the other executors of the will of Geoffrey de Turville, late Bishop of Ossory, to have administration of his chattels ; debts due to the K. to be first levied thereout. Westminster. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, on. 10.] April 13. 3121. The K. grants to Reginald de Berne valle, that of 20 marks ransom of Geoffrey de Mariscis, for which he was surety to RELATING TO IRELAND. 465 1251. the K. ; he render 5 marks 4 times a year at the Exchequer, Dublin. Mandate to the barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, to cause it to be so done. Westminster. [Fine Bolls, 35 Hen. III., m. 10.] April 17. 3122. Royal assent to the election of Hugh Archdeacon of Dublin, as Bishop of Ossory. Mandate to the Archbishop of Dublin to do what is his in this matter. Westminster. [Pat, 35 Hen. III., m. 9.] April 20. 3123. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Luke Archbishop of Dublin, to have in the K.'s park of Clinker' 7 does and 4 bucks of the K.'s gift. Merton. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 15.] April 23. 3124. The burgesses of Southampton and merchants from Ire- land and elsewhere, not having brought, as they were wont to do, their merchandise to the fair on St. Giles's Mount, Winchester, the K. commands the sheriff of Southampton to cause Aymer, Bishop Elect of Winchester, to have such seisin regarding this fair as was enjoyed by Pierre and William, Bishops of Winchester. Windsor. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] April 29. 3125. The Archbishop of Cashel having cited the Elect of Limerick to appear before him in the church of Limerick on Thurs- day next before the Passion of Our Lord [March 30] last past, [had stated] that if he found the election to be canonical, he should confirm it, notwithstanding the K.'s dignity. He was enjoined to revoke whatever he had attempted in prejudice of the K. ; and Richard of Rochelle was commanded to take the Archbishop's temporalities into the K.'s hand if he did not recall his error, and to renew the K.'s appeal. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen, III, m. 15 dors.] May 2. 3126. The K. gives for 2 years to Robert de Muscegros, to enable him to fortify his castles of Tradery and Ocorm', in Ireland, the farm of SOL a year, which he ought to pay to the K. at the Exchequer, Dublin, for his land in Thomond. Mandate to the barons of the Exchequer to cause Robert to be quit of the above farm for 2 years. Bisham. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] May 4. 3127. Protection for 3 years for Brother Thomas de Shotindon, Abbot de Valle Salutis [Baltinglass], Ireland. Westminster. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, on. 9.] May 5. 3128. Mandate to William le Brun and the other barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, to send to Chester, to be delivered to the Abbot of St. Werburgh there, all the moneys which shall have come into that Exchequer up to Easter, a. r. 35. The Abbot has been com- manded to receive these moneys and reserve them till further orders for the K.'s use, excepting 1,000 marks which he shall assign to the mayor and citizens of Bordeaux, for debts which the K. owes to them. Westminster. Mandate to the Abbot to receive and safely keep the moneys till further orders. [Close, 35 Hen, III, m. 14.] 1. G G 466 1251. May 8. May 8. May 8. May 9. May 9. May 12. May 15. May 16. May 20. CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 3129. Grant to Richard Earl of Cornwall, the K.'s brother, of licence to coin new money in Ireland in the K.'s name, for 12 years from the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin [Sept. 8], a. r. 35, as in Pat., 31 Hen. III., m. 1, No. 2888. Westminster. Mandate thereupon to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] 3130. Royal assent to the election of Hugh Archdeacon of Dublin, as Bishop of Ossory. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, that after confirmation he take from Hugh an oath of fealty, and cause him to have the temporalities of the see. Westminster. [Pat., 35 Hen. III., m. 9.] 3131. Royal assent to the election of Concord, Canon of Annagh- down [Enachdune], as Bishop of that church. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, that after confirmation he take from Concord an oath of fealty, and cause him to have the tempo- ralities of the see. The Dean and chapter shall not for the future proceed to elect without the K.'s licence, and after election shall seek the K.'s assent. Westminster. Mandate to Florence] Archbishop of Tuam, to do what is his in this matter. [Pat, 35 Hen. III., on. 9.] 3132. As Nicholas de Samford and his co-executors of the will of William de Vallibus, formerly husband of Alienor de Ferrers, one of the heirs of W[alter] Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, have given security for debts which the latter owed to the K., mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause to be restored to the executors all the issues which the justiciary had received for William's portion, in right of his wife, of the Earl's inheritance in Ireland, from June 28, a. r. 32, when the K. ordered that inheritance to be divided among the Earl's heirs, to the death of William de Vallibus. Westminster. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 14.] 3133. Mandate to the constable of St. Briavells to deliver to the justiciary of Ireland, or his messenger, 12,000 quarrells in his cus- tody. Westminster. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 14.] 3134. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause full and speedy justice, according to law and custom of Ireland, to be exhibited in the K.'s court there to Maurice Fitz Gerald, re- garding all pleas and quarrels between him and others in Ireland. Westminster. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 13 dors.] 3135. Protection for 3 years from Michelmas for Hugh Bishop of Ossory. Westminster. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] 3136. Protection for Geoffrey de Appelby, in the service of M[ar- garet], Countess of Lincoln and Pembroke, in Ireland. Westminster. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] 3137. Grant to Maurice Fitz Gerald of free warren in his de- mesne lands of Carbri, in the county of Limerick, and Makeylly, in the county of Cork, Ireland, provided those lands are not within the metes of the K 's forest. Witnesses, Ralph Fitz Nicholas, Master RELATING TO IRELAND. 467 1251. William of Kilkenny, Archdeacon of Coventry, John de Lessinton, Robert de Muscegros, Robert Walerand, Robert le Norreis, John de Jersey. Windsor. [Chart., 35 Hen. III., m. 6, and Exchequer, Q. K, Miscellanea, m. 11.] May 21. 3138. Protection for John de Frusinon', whom the K. sends to Ireland. Windsor. The K. sends to Ireland John de Frusinon' on the K.'s affairs in that country, touching the crusade ; and prays archbishops and bishops to favourably receive him. [Pat., 35 Hen. III., m. 8.] May 22. 3139. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Jordan of Exeter to have 20 librates of land as tenant, until the K. please to give him 20 librates of land defined by metes. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] May 22. 3140. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause the messenger of William de Valence, the K.'s brother, to have to the use of Hugh de Brun, late Count of Angouleme, 125 marks by weight which the K. owed to Hugh for arrears of his fee receivable by him at the Exchequer. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] May22. 3141. The K. having granted to John de Fruisinon an annual fee of 20 marks receivable at the Exchequer, Westminster, until he is better provided for, commands the justiciary of Ireland that if any church of the K.'s gift more valuable than that fee be vacant in Ireland, he confer it on Master John. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] May 22. 3142. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause obstructions in the K.'s weir [gurges] of Chapelizod to be removed, and to cause it to be open, as it used to be in the time of Stephen of Hereford. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] May 22. 3143. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Ralph Fitz Nicholas, junior, to have an aid from his knights and free tenants in that country, to fortify his land of Uriel. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] May 22. 3144. Mandate to the keeper of the forest of Bradenstoke, to cause Maurice Fitz Gerald to have of the K.'s gift 12 deer, to be taken by William de Clare. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 12.] May 22. 3145. It having been proclaimed in the counties of Cork, Dublin, and Connaught that money should be levied and paid to those who had killed the K.'s enemies, and the disturbers of his peace in Ire- land, the K. commands the justiciary to cause the money to be levied, and to pay to John de Cogham and his men what they ought to have, according to the proclamation for the malefactors they have killed. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. III., m. 12.] May 23. 3146. Grant to John Fitz Thomas of 251. a year, receivable at the Exchequer, Dublin, till the K. provides for him in wards or escheats, in compensation for his portion of Des [Decies]. Windsor. G G 2 468 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1251. Mandate thereupon to the treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin. [Pat 35 Hen. III., m. 8.] May 23. 3147. Protection for 1 year for Baldwin le Flemeng of Ireland. Windsor. [Pat, 35 Hen. III., m. 8.] May 23. 3148. Protection for 2 years for John de Verdun, gone to Ireland by the K.'s licence. Windsor. [Pat, 35 Hen. III., m. 8.] May 26. 3149. Letters of unlimited protection for the Abbot and convent of St. Mary of Ferns. Beading. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] [Soon after 3150. Charter of Robert, Prior of St. Patrick's in Duno [Down], May 28.] Andrew and Nicholas, Abbots of Cummor and de Jugo Dei [Gray], of the Cistercian Order, and Crilt . . ur and Gilbert, Abbots of Membile and St*. John in Down, of the Arroasian [Arroacensis] Order, notifying that they had been present at a visitation held by Bandal Bishop of Down in the monastery of Bangor, on the 5th of the calends of June [May 28], A.D. 1251, to inquire regarding the conduct of Michael, then Abbot of Bangor ; when it was found that this Abbot had been guilty of such excesses against the rule of his order as to require his deposition. The Bishop of Down thereupon pronounced sentence of removal. [Royal Letters, No. 812.] June 4. 3151. The K.'s writ to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, commanding him to cause a sworn inquisition to be taken as to the value of half a carucate of land in Kilmetom, which the Abbot de Albo Tractu [Tracton] lost by default against the K. in his court at Dublin. Winchester. Extent of half a carucate of land, which the Abbot of Tracton lost by default against the K. in his court at Dublin, made by William Fitz Maurice, Alexander White, Adam Brun, Richard Scurlage, William Fitz Nigel, Peter Ragelan, Roger Blaby, Matthew Michach, Henry Hubert, David Martel, Patrick Michach, Henry Malefaunt ; who say that the said half carucate of land is worth 60s. a year. [Inq. P. M., 35 Hen. III., No. 11.] June 5. 3152. Letters of simple protection for 3 years for John Fitz Geoffrey. Winchester. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 8.] June 14. 3153. Mandate to the treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin to cause John Fitz Thomas to have of the K.'s Irish treasure 121. 10s. for Michaelmas term, out of 251. which the K. has granted to him yearly for his portion of the land of Des [Decies], until the K. pro- vides him with compensation in wards or escheats. Clarendon. Cancelled because otherwise inrolled below. Grant to John Fitz Thomas, until the K. provides for him in wards or escheats, of 251. a year receivable at the Exchequer, Dublin, for his portion of the land of Des [Decies]. Mandate accordingly to the treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, on. 11.] s June 14. 3154. The K. having granted to Oliver de Aspreville 20 librates of land in Ireland, to hold of the K. by knight service, commands RELATING TO IRELAND. 469 1251. John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, to provide where this land can be assigned. The justiciary shall signify to the K. its locality and metes. Clarendon. [Close, 35 Hen. III., m. 10.] June 16. 3155. Mandate to the barons of the Exchequer to attend on the morrow of St. John the Baptist to the partition to be made between the heirs of Walter Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, touching the portion of 4001. a year which each ought to pay to Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, and Alienor his wife, for her dower in Ireland, whereof the K. is surety ; and to cause the heirs to have respite until the quinzaine of Michaelmas for the arrears payable to the K. of 4001. a year. Clarendon. [Fine Rolls, 35 Hen. III., m. 15.] June 20. 3156. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. As an attempt against the kingly dignity has been made by F[lorence], Archbishop of Tuam, and Thomas who bears himself as Elect of Achonry [Acha- densis], in regard to the promotion of the latter, the K. trusts to the prudence of the justiciary to find a remedy for the irregularity, so that the latter may be enabled to give assent in the name of the K. to Thomas's election, and to restore the temporalities to him. Clarendon. Similar letters to the justiciary of Ireland regarding Simon, who bears himself as Elect of Kilmore [Tyrbrynnensis], against R. [Rey- nard], Archbishop of Armagh. [Pat, 35 Hen. HI., m. 7.] Trinity 3157. Mandate to the barons of the Exchequer to attend to the term. partition made between the heirs of Walter Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke, regarding the portion of each of them in a sum of 400?., payable to Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, and Alienor his wife, as her dower in Ireland, for which the K. is surety. [Memoranda, L. T. R., 35 Hen. III., pt 1, Rot 14.] The same entry repeated. [Memoranda, L. T. R., 35 Hen. Ill, pt 2, Rot, 10 dors.] June 22. 3158. The K. appoints H[ugh] Bishop of Ossory as treasurer of Ireland. Mandate to the K.'s barons and subjects in that country to be intentive and respondent to the Bishop as treasurer. Claren- don. [Pat, 35 Hen. III., on. 7.] June 22. 3159. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to assess a toll on the K.'s cities, burghs, and vills in Ireland, and out of the proceeds and the K.'s other moneys to cause the K.'s castles, houses, and fortresses to receive the repair they require by view of good and lawful men, who shall answer therefor at the Exchequer ; and to employ 80 marks of the K.'s money in aid of the inclosure of the K.'s vills of Adlon [Athlone] and Rendun, and repair of their castles. Clarendon. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] June 22. 3160. Protection for Doveneldunus God, his wife and children ; pardon to them for all transgressions in Ireland in the war before the justiciary of that country took them into the K.'s peace. Cla- rendon. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] 470 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1251. June 22. 3161. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, by oath of good and lawful men to cause the K.'s demesne lands and manors in that country to be extended ; and to let them according to that extent to those who can best answer at the Exchequer, to the tenants thereof, or to others, as the K.'s interests may demand. Clarendon.. [Pat, 35 Hen. III., m. 7.] June 24. 3162. The executors of Paulinus Peivre, formerly seneschal of the K., having given security for his debts to the K., mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause seisin to be given to them of the lands which Paulinus had in that country by reason of the custody of the land and heir of Ralph de St. Amand. Cla- rendon. [Close, 35 Hen. III., m. 10.] June 24. 3163. Mandate to the treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin to cause John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to have out of Irish treasure 501. for his expenditure regarding the K.'s army in Ulster and Desmond in a. r. 33, and which remains credited to him in the account of the K.'s clerks who received the money from the justiciary for the above purpose. Clarendon. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 10.] June 24. 3164. Grant to Roger Waspayl of free [warren] in his demesne lands of Radguel in the county of Limerick, Ireland, unless these lands are within the metes of the K.'s forest. Witnesses, Ralph Fitz Nicholas, John de Lessinton, Master William de Kilkenny, Archdeacon of Coventry, Robert de Shotend, Elias de Rabam, William Gernun, John de Jersey, Ralph de Wauncy, Henry of Poitou. Ludgershall. [Chart, 35 Hen. III., m. 5, and Exchequer, Q. B., Miscellanea, -1^-, m. 11.] July 2. 3165. The K. pardons to William de Valence, the K/s brother, his portion and that of Joan his wife, of 400£. a year due to Alienor, the K.'s sister, who was the wife of W[illiam] Marshall, formerly Earl of Pembroke, for her dower out of the lands of the latter in Ireland. Mandate to the barons of the Exchequer to cause William and Joan to be quit regarding the dower until the date of the presents. Marlborough. [Fine Rolls, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 16.] July 8. 3166. Letters of simple protection for 3 years for Thomas Bishop of Clonmacnois [Cluanensis]. Woodstock. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] July 8. 3167. The K. orders his bailiffs of Bristol to cause Thomas Bishop of Clonmacnois [Cluanensis] to have out of the farm of their vill 100s. of the K.'s gift, for his expenses. Woodstock. [Liberate, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] July 8. 3168. The K. having been informed that Hospitallers, Templars, and other men of religion in the city of Dublin and other Irish cities desired that the tenants of the houses and possessions which they had acquired should be free from tolls and other exactions, commands the justiciary of Ireland not to permit the Hospitallers, Templars, &c. to acquire for the future houses or possessions in RELATING TO IRELAND. 471 1251. those cities without the K.'s special licence. Woodstock. [Close, 35 Hen. III., m. 10 dors.~\ July 8. 3169. Letters of simple protection for 3 years from Michaelmas for John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland. Woodstock. [Pat, 35 Hen. III., m. 6.] July 8. 3170. The K. acknowledges to have received on loan from Richard Earl of Cornwall, his brother, 2,000 marks, to make new money and maintain the Mint in Ireland. The K. will cause this amount to be restored to the Earl when coined. One half of the amount of profit on the coinage shall, until the time mentioned in the other letters patent to the Earl, go to the K., the other half to the Earl. Woodstock. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 6.] July 9. 3171. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, that out of the K.'s moneys coming from Ireland he cause Ebulo de Rocheford to have 100 marks of the K.'s gift. Woodstock. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] Cancelled because otherwise inrolled on the Liberate Rolls. July 20. 3172. Licence to the Dean and chapter of Waterford, by William of Waterford, canon of the same church, to elect a Bishop. Wher- well [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m 6.] July 24. 3173. The K. gives to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, 3 bucks in the forest of Dean. Mandate to the constable of St. Briavells to allow the justiciary to take them there. Winchester. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] July 25. 3174. Grant in fee farm to Alexander de Tunderlegh of all the lands and tenements which belonged to Alan of Lyons, Cumeth, Atfeyth, Gilmelash and Asscoly in Tyrnabroys, Ireland ; rendering yearly at the Exchequer, Dublin, 6 marks, one moiety at Michaelmas and the other moiety at Easter. Witnesses, Ralph Fitz Nicholas, Master William de Kilkenny, Archdeacon of Coventry, Bertram de Criojd, Robert Waleran, William de Clare, Robert le Noreys, William Gernun, Roger de Lokinton, John de Jersey. Where well. [Chart., 35 Hen. III., m. 4, and Exchequer, Q. R., Miscellanea, m. 11.] July 25. 3175. Mandate to the constable of St. Briavells to allow the justiciary of Ireland to take 3 bucks in the forest of Dean, of the K.'s gift. Wherwell. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] July 25. 3176. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to provide Thurstan de Pierrepont with 10 librates of foreign waste lands there, which he caused to be inhabited ; to render to the K. such service as the justiciary shall think proper. It is the K.'s will that for his service to King John and the K., Thurstan be provided with such lands before any other person save Oliver de Aspreville. Wherwell. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 7.] July 27. 3177. The K. takes the homage of Thurstan de Pierrepont for the lands and tenements of his father's gift in Ireland. Mandate to 472 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1251. John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to allow Stephen to enjoy those lands and tenements in peace. Reading. [Close, 35 Hen. III., m. 7.] July 29. 3178. The K. had commanded the justiciary of Ireland to pay to William de Valence 200 marks remaining due out of 500 marks granted to him to stock his land in Ireland. Mandate to the treasurer and chamberlain in that country to pay the money to William if it has not been paid on the justiciary's order. Reading. [Close, 35 Hen. III., on. 7.] [J uly.] 3179. Amicia, who was the wife of William de Lucy, puts in her place Philip de Lucy and William of Kilfeacle, clerk, or either of them, in her plea to prosecute in Ireland a writ of dower Unde nihil habet against Philip Keling, Robert le Flemeng, Simon Serle, and Henry of Balimalidan. [Close, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 7 dors.] Aug. 2. 3180. Mandate to the treasurer and chamberlain of Ireland to cause to be paid by weight to William de Valence, the K.'s brother, 270 marks remaining due out of 500 marks granted to him by the K. to stock his lands. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. III., m. 7.] Aug. 4. 3181. The K. pardons to William de Valence, his brother, 20L in which Richard de Brackel', his seneschal in Ireland, was amerced at the Exchequer, Dublin, for several defaults. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Richard to be quit of 20£. Windsor. [Fine Rolls, 35 Hen. III., m. 18.] Aug. 7. 3182. Letters of simple and unlimited protection for the Prior and canons of Fertakerach and Ackidmacarth in Ireland. Windsor. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Aug. 7. 3183. Mandate to the Abbot of St. Werburgh, Chester, to cause to be delivered to the justiciary of Chester, the treasure of Ireland lately committed to his custody ; to be conveyed whither the K. has ordered. Windsor. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Aug. 16. 3184. Mandate to Alan la Zusche, justiciary of Chester, to cause the treasure of Ireland, which the Abbot of St. Werburgh shall de- liver, to be conveyed to Westminster. Westminster. [Liberate, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 4.] Aug. 18. 3185. As Walter Achard had served the K., mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to provide him with some escheat or ward for his maintenance, and to certify the value to the K. Ham. [Close, 35 Hen. III., m. 5.] Aug. 20. 3186. The K.'s writ to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, (Date of commanding him to cause it to be inquired by oath of good men writ.) what lands were alienated from the manor of Balimadun, by what means, by whom, who holds them, and how much they are worth a year. Havering. RELATING TO IRELAND. 473 1251 Aug. 20. Aug, 26. Sept. 6. Inquisition thereupon taken by a jury of 16 men, who find regard to lands alienated from the manor of Balimadun, as follows : m Holders Names. Hugh Not John Juvenis Walter Chartre - Roger Not - Henry Magister - Robert Ruffus William Coterel - Wyly le Messager Alexr. Franceys - Land held. Kent. Value by Extent. 140 acres 140 acres 1 carucate 1 carucate ■| carucate 40 acres 12 acres 10 acres 30 acres 3 marks, and 4 for royal services. 3 \ marks 3 marks 3 marks \ mark 1 mark 3s. A pair of spurs orl2cZ. 7s. 71. ; value of acre, 12d. 71. ; value of acre, 12c?. 61. ; value of acre, 12d. 61. ; value of acre, 12 d. 60s. ; value of acre, 12c?. 40s. ; value of acre, 12c?. 12s. ; value of acre, 12d. 10s. 30s. ; value of acre, 12c?. All these hold at the will of the lord within the bailiwick of William de Trublevile. In this manor there are 2 mills, whereof 2 third parts are in the hand of the lord, the other third in that of Roger Oweyn and Aufrica his wife ; A third part of the whole of the land is in the hand of Roger Oweyn and Aufrica his wife, in name of dower ; The mills are worth 20s. a year ; All the foregoing tenants are enfeoffed by Roger le Cordewener ; 60 acres of Strineland are escheats of the K. ; he can give them to whom he will ; the rent thereof is 34s., and they are worth by extent 60s. ; Pleas and profits are worth 1 mark a year. [Inq. P. M., 35 Hen. III., i\ r o. 46.] 3187. As H[ugh] Elect of Ossory has attended to the K.'s directions at the Irish Exchequer, the K. wills that the manor of Obruy in the territory of Dublin be committed to him by a reason- able extent, and commands the justiciary of Ireland, that having received from the Elect security for payment of the yearly rent, he deliver the manor go him during pleasure. Havering. [Close, 35 Hen. IIL, m. 5.] 3188. Mandate to the sheriff of Kent to distrain to become knights by the ensuing feast of the Purification [Feb. 2] all those in the sheriff's bailiwick who have 20 librates of land, or a whole knight's fee worth 201., and who ought to be knights but are not so. Waltham. Similar letters to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, regarding the making of new knights in Ireland before the ensuing feast of Pentecost [May 19, A.D. 1252]. [Close, 35 Hen. IIL, m. 5 dors.] 3189. Mandate to Robert de Sikelinghal', treasurer of the New Temple, London, to deliver to W. de Haverhulle and Edward of CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1251. Westminster the Irish treasure which Eudo la Zuche brought to London. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. III., m. 4.] Sept. 10. 3190. The K. having heard that he has in his treasury, Dublin, 2,000 marks, commands the justiciary of Ireland to send them by safe messengers to Chester, to be delivered there to the Abbot of St. Werburgh, as the K. had ordered. Chertsey. Mandate accordingly to the treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin. Mandate to the Abbot to receive and safely keep the money till further orders. {Close, 35 Hen. III., m. 4.] Sept. 10. 3191. The K. having conferred the vacant church of Dungarvan on Master William of Kilkenny, Archdeacon of Coventry, commands the justiciary of Ireland to present Master William by his proctor to the person who ought to institute him. Woking. The K.'s letters of presentation to the vacant church of Dungarvan, directed to the Bishop of Lismore, for Master William of Kilkenny. [Pat, 35 Hen. III., m. 3.] Sept. 17. 3192. Mandate to the treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin, to cause Roger de Haverhulle, keeper of the K.'s Exchange, Ireland, to have at the Easter Exchequer 40 marks for his maintenance on the K.'s service. Guildford. [Close, 35 Hen. III., m. 4.] Sept. 17. 3193. Letters of protection for Roger de Haverhull, whom the K. sends to Ireland on his affairs ; to endure so long as Roger shall be in that country. Guildford. [Pat, 35 Hen. III., m. 3.] Sept. 17. 3194. Appointment during pleasure of Roger de Haverhull, clerk, as keeper of the Exchange in Ireland. Mandate to moneyers and the other officers of the Exchange and Mint in that country, to be intentive and respondent to Robert as keeper. The K. wills that officers of the Exchange in Ireland shall have the same customs and liveries as officers of the Exchange in England. Guildford. [Pat, 35 Hen. III., m. 3.] Sept. 17. 3195. The K. orders the bailiffs of vills in which money is coined in Ireland, that when required by Roger de Haverhull, keeper of the Exchange, they employ the prisons of those vills in confining offenders among the officers of the K.'s Mint, and bailiffs receiving a fine or amerciament for trespasses against the assise or constitution of that Mint, until they shall have been punished for their offences. Guildford. [Pat, 35 Hen. III., m. 3.] [About 3196. The K. gives to Roger de Haverhull, clerk, the church of 17-18 Sept.] Kyngeston', which is vacant and of the K.'s gift. The K. knows not in what diocese this his church is situated, but commands the justiciary of Ireland to present Roger to the person to whom it belongs to institute him. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 3.] Sept. 20. 3197. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause Walter de Burgh to have in the K.'s forest of Slefco 4 does of the K.'s gift. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. III., m. 3.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 475 1251. Oct. 2. 3198. The heir of William le Clerk of Dungarvan, having shown that William in his lifetime yearly paid at the Exchequer, Dublin, 2 marks in satisfaction of debts due to the K. ; but that Geoffrey de Tureville and the other barons of the Exchequer, after the death of William's wife, committed to other persons the land out of which William was wont to raise the 2 marks, the K. commands the jus- ticiary of Ireland and the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, that having taken from the heir security for payment of the 2 marks, they cause him to have the land. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen, III., m. 3 dors.] Michaelmas. 3199. Bond by James de St. Martin to Sir William de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, for 551. 16s. 8^cl., arrears while the former was the Earl's seneschal in Ireland. [Memoranda, L. T. K, 35 Hen. III., pt 2, Hot. 3, in cedulct.] Oct. 12. 3200. Royal assent to the election made of Gilbert, formerly Dean of Emly, as Bishop of that church. Mandate to the barons, knights, and other tenants of the see to be intentive and respondent to Gilbert as their Bishop and Lord. Westminster. Mandate to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, to cause Gilbert to have seisin of the temporalities of the see. [Pat, 35 Hen. Ill, m. 2.] [1251, 3201. Expenses incurred in the Mint, Ireland, from Saturday Oct. 14, next after the translation of St. Edward, a. r. 35 Henry III. to 1252, £ s . d. Sept. 8.] Cloth bought to cover the Exchequer of the Mint - 2 11 A pair of scales to weigh money - - 20 6 Parchment to make rolls - - - - 0018 A knife to make tallies - - - 4 Carrying 2,000 marks from the castle of Dublin to the Mint - - - - 3 An iron-bound chest to hold the money - 9 6 3 locks for the same - - - 3 32 ells of canvass to make sacks, and for the window of the Mint - - - - 5 9 Small scales bought for the Mint in divers places - 110 5 pairs of wallets [besaccise] to carry new money to be coined - - - - - 008 Carriage of treasure from Dublin to Limerick for 6 days - - - - - 41 3 Watchmen to guard the treasure - - - 6 8 A house hired for a Mint at Limerick for 1 year and 29 weeks from the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, a. r. 36 [Sept: 8, A.D. 1252], to the 3rd of the calends of April, a. r. 38 [March 30, A.D. 1254], at U. a week - - - - 27 Making an Exchequer there ; for benches and doors, and improving the house - - - 11 5 J Hiring of servants and horses to carry 2,000£. from Limerick to Carrickfergus to form a Mint in Ulster - - - - - - 13 11 4 476 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS [1251, Oct. 14, Wages of doorkeepers of the Mint in Ireland for £ s. d. to 1252, 2 1 years at 1 mark a year - - 33 4 Sept. 8.] To the keeper of the coffer with the K.'s treasure, and chamberlain, for the same time, at 40s. a year - - - - - - 100 Total - - 27 6 5| [Ancient Miscellanea, Irish Exchequer, Bundle 530.] Oct. 26. 32 02. The K. to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland. John de Curcy was till his death ever faithful to King John and the K., and was never deprived of any of his lands by judgment of law. The K. certifies this in order that in regard to John's affairs the justiciary may do what of right he ought to do. Windsor. [Close, 35 Hen. III., m. 1.] [1251, 3203. Benneer and Dufglas: — Inquisition as to the lands of Oct. 28, Gerard de Prendegast. The jury of 12 men say that Gerard held of to 1251-2, the K. in capite, in Belnar' and Dufglas, 11 fees, 8 carucates and 13 March 17.] acres of land, by the service of 2 knights ; Of which lands the heirs of Thomas Bloet hold 1 fee by the service of J of 1 knight's fee ; Hugh Bigod, i of a fee, by the ser- vice of J of 1 knight's fee ; Alan Fitz Milo, 13 carucates, by the service of ^ and \ of 1 knight's fee ; Patrick de Curcy, 1 fee, by the service of ^ of 1 knight's fee ; William de Prendegast, J of 1 fee, by the service of i of 1 knight's fee ; Michael de Cogan, 6 carucates, by the service of \ of 1 knight's fee ; Philip de Borrehard. \ of 1 fee, by the service of J of 1 knight's fee ; Philip de Stanton, \ of 1 fee, by the service of j of 1 knight's fee ; Philip Stakepol, 3 caru- cates, by the service of J of 1 knight's fee ; Henry de Viteworthe, i of 1 fee, by the service of \ of 1 knight's fee ; Alexander de Rupe, 1^ carucate of land, by the service of J of 1 knight's fee, which land is in the Lord's hand and is let at 2 marks a year. The burgesses of Bellonar' hold in fee farm 10 carucates of land for 71. 6s. a year, and J of 1 fee for 30s. a year ; William Fitz Henry, 1 carucate of land in fee farm for 8s. a year ; Robert Michach, 3J carucates of land in fee farm for 60s. a year, and 32 acres in fee farm for 3d. a year ; Risot, 3 J carucates in fee farm for 60s. a year ; Henry de Briddeshale, 3 carucates in fee farm for 30s. a year ; Henry Uncle, 1 carucate in fee farm for 2 marks a year ; Gerard de Stanton, 1 carucate in fee farm for 20s. a year ; Nicholas the miller, 1 2 acres in fee farm at 2s. a year ; Matthew Fitz William held 1 carucate, whereof Richard de Karrew holds a moiety at Qd, a year, and the other moiety is extended at 20s. a year ; Stephen the chap- lain holds 51 acres of land to farm for 2s. 6d. a year; Alan Fitz Milo, 20 acres at Sd. a year ; Thomas Fitz Milo, 20 acres at 3d. a year ; Philip de Prendegast, 40 acres without rent or service ; Milo de Benneer, 18 acres at 2s. Qd. a year ; from a fisherman for a weir [gurges] and 3 acres 12cZ., and for the 3 other weirs [gurgites] 3s. a year; the Betagii hold 1\ carucate at 30s. a year for rent and all exactions. The jury extend the mill at 5 marks a year ; pleas and profits at 20s. a year. Bernard de Shendon holds 2 carucates in fee RELATING TO IRELAND. 477 1251. farm for 2 lbs. of pepper a year. In demesne there are 8 carucates of land and meadow, whereof they extend 1 carucate at 60s., 4 caru- cates at 4£., and 3 carucates at 3 marks. In Dufglas, 7J carucates in free burgage at 81. 9s. ; the mill there 6 marks ; pleas and profits 7s. Gerard de Prenclegast married the sister of Theobald Pincerna, and by her had one only surviving daughter, whom John de Cogan married ; by her John had an only son, who at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, a. r. 35 [Sept. 8, A.D. 1251], was 8 years of age. Afterwards Gerard married the daughter of Richard de Burgh, and by her had an only surviving daughter, who at the feast of St. Patrick, a. r. 36 [March 17, A.D. 1251-2], will be 10 years of age. Thus John's son and Gerard's daughter are the said Gerard's heirs. Total revenue of Benneer and Dufglas, 49£. 13s. Id. Balacha : — The jury of 12 men say that Gerard de Prendegast held of Sir David de Barry in capite, 14 fees, 4 carucates and 16 acres by the service of 2 knights, and of the Bishop of Cloyne [Clo- nensis], 1 fee for -| mark. Of which lands Sir John de Cogan holds 3 fees, by the service of 1 knight's fee ; Richard Fitz Philip, 1 fee, by the service of -J of 1 knight's fee ; Peter Fitz Geoffrey, \ of 1 fee, by the service of \ of 1 knight's fee ; David Fitz Adam, \ of 1 fee, by the yearly service of \ of 1 knight's fee ; David de Prendregast, 1 fee, by the service of J of 1 knight's fee ; J ohn Stakepol, -J of 1 fee, by the service of J of 1 knight's fee ; Maurice de Prendegast, 4 of 1 fee, by the service of \ of 1 knight's fee ; Henry de Capella, \ of 1 fee, by the service of \ of 1 knight's fee ; Maurice de Prendegast, the same, by the same service ; Elias de Prendegast, 1 fee, without rent or service because given in free marriage ; William de London, 4 carucates, without rent or service by exchange ; William Fitz Philip, 2 carucates, without rent or service because given in free marriage. The burgesses of Balacha hold in free burgage 7 carucates, at 7 marks and 40c?. a year ; John Thebaut, 3 carucates in fee farm at 20s. a year; Simon Trenedin, \ carucate in fee farm at 10s. a year; Henry de Capella, 1 carucate in fee farm at 9s. a year ; the same John Thebaut, 3 carucates in fee farm at 6 marks and 10s. a year ; Elias de Prendegast, \ a carucate at 30s. a year ; Ralph, the miller, 1 carucate in fee farm at 2 marks a year ; David Hantlan, 5 caru- cates in fee farm at 18 marks a year ; Keneleth Erach, 1 carucate in fee farm at 3 marks a year ; Hugh Not, 30 acres in fee farm at 5s. 9d. a year; Richard Dod, 16 acres in fee farm at 4s. a year; William Dod, 4 acres at 2s. a year ; Adam, the clerk, 5 acres at SOd. a year. From the Irish of Muscry, for 2 fees, 18 J marks a year. In demesne, 4 carucates for 20 crannocks of wheat, price of the crannock, 40cZ. ; and 160 crannocks of oats, price of the crannock, lSd. At Dunhuge, 3 carucates for 120 crannocks of wheat, price of a crannock, 40cZ. ; and 120 crannocks of oats, price of a crannock, lSd. Maurice de Prendegast holds 1 carucate for 1 lb. of pepper a year ; 478 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1251. Philip de Barry, 1 carucate for the same ; Roger Chesney, 1 caru- cate for the same; Elias Mangonel, 1 carucate for the same; 21 acres of meadow in demesne, 21s. a year. The mills are extended at 8 marks a year ; pleas and profits, 30s. a year ; toll, 5s. ; wood sold, 5s. a year. They also say that Gerard de Prendegast held of David de Barry, ■J cantred in Corkoyhe, by the service of 1 knight, and John Fitz Thomas held that land of Gerard by the same service, which was never rendered. Tiberneyum : — They also say that Gerard de Prendegast held of Richard de Burgh in Desbeg, 7 fees, 7 carucates and 59J acres, by the service of 2 knights ; and of the Bishop of Limerick, 1 carucate at ^ mark ; whereof Gerald Fitz Milo holds 3 fees by the service of ^ of 1 knight's fee ; Henry de Prendegast, 1 fee, by the service of \ of 1 knight's fee ; Alexander Baard, \ of 1 fee, by the service of J of 1 knight's fee ; William Barat, \ of a fee, by the service of \ of 1 knight's fee. In this vill there are only 3 free tenants in fee, namely, Ralph Gar, holding ^ of 1 carucate at 1 mark a year, and 10 acres at 3d. ; Thomas, the chaplain, 1 acre at 3d. a year ; and Richard Kartere, 30 acres at 5s. a year. David Hantlan holds 1J carucate at 20s. a year ; John Gos, 1 carucate at 1 mark a year ; Konewore O'Lougan, 1 carucate at 1 mark a year ; Richard Wilde, \ of 1 carucate and 30 acres at 47s. 6d. a year ; Alexander Baard, 1 carucate at 20s. a year ; Robert le Chance, 1 carucate at 20s. a year ; John Tebaut, -J carucate at 10s. a year ; William de la Hare, 1 carucate at 30s. a year ; Elias le Cordewaner, \ carucate at 40c£. a year. The Irish hold 3 carucates of land for 3 J marks a year. The jury extends the work of the Irish at 1 mark a year. Finegole Ymene O'Conni holds 10 acres of land without rent. In demesne, 5 carucates 4J acres, let for 220J crannocks of wheat, price of the crannock, ¥)&. ; and 220J crannocks of oats, price of the crannock, 18d, ; meadow, 34 acres for 34s. a year; mills, 3 marks a year ; pleas and profits, 20s. ; curtilages, 6s. 8d. David Fitz Adam holds 1 fee for 1 lb. of pepper. In regard to the heirs and their age, the jury of Tiburneyum says the same as that of Benneer. £ s. d. Total revenue of Tiberneyum in money - 17 17 in corn - 48 13 20 Oct. 28, 3204. The lands which belonged to Gerard de Prendegast in the to 1251-2, county of Weseford [Wexford], are extended at 195£. 8s. Id. ; Sir March 17. William de Yalence has custody of those lands ; 26 librates of land of the free marriage of the grandmother of the son of Sir John de Cogan, who is one of the heirs of Gerard de Total revenue of Balacha in money „ „ in corn £ s. d. , 49 10 11 - 65 2 4 [Inq. P. M., 36 Hen. III., No. 61.] RELATING TO IRELAND. 1251. Prendegast, ought to descend to him ; and the marriage of the heir would be so much the more valuable. [Inq. P. M., Incert. Temp. Hen. III., No. 90.] Oct. 29. 3205. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to search the Rolls of the K.'s Exchequer, Dublin, and otherwise inquire whether 60 marks are due to Richard de la Rochelle for arrears of his fee of 20 marks ; if so, the justiciary shall pay this amount to Richard. Reading. [Close, 36 Hen. III., m. 32.] Nov. 14. 3206. As Magnus Mac Olave Duff proposed to raise a force in Ireland to invade the territory of the King of Norway in the Isle of Man, the K. commands John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary, that no force shall be permitted to leave Ireland for that purpose. Pershore. [Close, 36 Hen. Ill, m. 32 dors.] Nov. 16. 3207. Mandate to the Abbot of St. Werburgh, Chester, to deliver to Alan la Zuche, justiciary of Chester, to be conveyed to London, 1,000Z. V of Irish treasure received by the Abbot to the K.'s use. Worcester. [Pat, 36 Hen. Ill, m. 16.] Nov. 16. 3208. Mandate to W. de Haverhulle, the K.'s treasurer, and to the K.'s chamberlains, to cause 1,000£. of Irish treasure, old money, which Alan la Zuche, justiciary of Chester, shall deliver at West- minster, to be exchanged for new money, and to send the old money by safe messengers, to the K. [Close, 36 Hen. Ill, m. 31.] Nov. 20. 32 09. The K. to his justices of the Common Pleas, Ireland. Agnes de Ruedon' has shown to the K. that Adam Talebot having claimed against her in the K.'s court before the K. 26 acres of land in Wrath- elagh as his right, she had called to warranty, by aid of court, the heirs of William Marshall, late Earl of Pembroke ; the justices how- ever could not give her full aid of court because some ol the heirs had no land in Ireland by which they could be summoned. But as the K.'s power is correlative in Ireland and England [quia vero po- testas nostra coadunata est hie et ibi], and he is bound to administer justice to each person, the K. has caused all the Earl's heirs to be summoned before the K. to warrant the land to Agnes, according to the custom of the kingdom. Mandate to the justices not to proceed in the plaint in Ireland until the K. and his court shall have decided whether the heirs ought to warrant the land to Agnes, or not. Lichfield. [Close, 36 Hen. Ill, m. 31 dors.] Dec. 8. 3210. The K. pardons to Eustace Cumin the outlawry declared against him for the death of Henry Clement, killed in England, for which he was indicted. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland, that if Eustace was not indicted for any other offence, and was not outlawed there for Henry's death, the justiciary shall cause his lands and chattels to be restored to him. Nottingham. [Close, 36 Hen. Ill, m. 29.] Dec. 27. 3211. Writ to the K.'s treasurer and chamberlains for payment out of Irish treasure to P. Chaceporc, keeper of the K.'s wardrobe, of 952£. 1.5s. 3d. to discharge expenses of the K.'s household. York. [Liberate, 36 Hen. Ill, m. 9.] CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS. 1251. Dec. 29. 3212. Mandate to the treasurer and chamberlain, Dublin, that if the state of Ireland permit, they cause all the money in the Exchequer, Dublin, to be sent by the last quinzaine of Lent to Chester, to be delivered there to the Abbot of St. Werburgh. York. Mandate to the justiciary of Ireland to cause the money to be sent thither and delivered to the Abbot by safe messengers. [Close, 36 Hen, Ill, m. 27.] Dec. 29. 3213. As the receiver of the K.'s prisage in Ireland has not answered therefor as he ought to have done, there being much prisage in that country, both of wines and other merchandise, the K. commands the justiciary to appoint Roger de Haverhulle, the K.'s clerk, or other subject of the K. in the receiver's stead, who shall faithfully answer to the K. for the prisage. Thorp. [Close, 36 Hen. III.,m. 27.] 1251-1252. 3214. Stafford: — Robert de Grendon renders his account: — To the Archbishop of Dublin, 101. in Penkridge. [Pipe, 36 Hen. III., Rot. 11.] 3215. Essex and Herts : — Sir Hugh de Bernevall of Ireland, knight, owes 5 marks prest of Poitou, as is contained in the Roll for the' K.'s 17th year. [Pipe, 36 Hen. III., Rot. 16.] GENERAL INDEX. N.B. — The numbers are those at the head of each entry. A. A. [Audoenus or Owen le Brim], Chamber- lain of Exchequer, Dublin, 1071. Aaron, 79. Abbeys retained by the K., grant of, 165. Abbetot, Walter de, 321, 570, 921, 3106. , , to have the Serjcantry of Mini- ster, 570. , William de, 896. Abbot, the Cistercian, 1933. Abbotsbury Abbey, England, 425, 500. Abel, Richard, citizen of London, 2540. Abernun, Adam, 1727. , Christopher, ib. , Walter, ib. Abingdon, England, 9. Aboy, manor of, 2989. Abraham, a Jew, 1291. Achadmudi, 132. Achard, Walter, 3072, 3185. , , Walter, his son, 3072. , , to be provided with an escheat or ward for his maintenance, 3185. Achebo, manor of, 2827. Achmakin, castle of, 2810. Achonry, see of [Acadensis], 933. , the Dean and Chapter of, 3113. , Elias, formerly Bishop, ib. , , his resignation, ib. , licence to Dean and Chapter of, to elect, ib. , Thomas, bearing himself as elect of, 3156. Ackidmacarth, prior and canons of, 3182. Acton, Robert de, 2374. Adam, the Archbishop, 40. , Brother, of Wardon, when confirmed Bishop of Connor, to have possession of temporalities, 2553. , the clerk, 3203. Adamirthur, Armirthur, [Ardnorcher ?], castle of, 952, 953, 1022. Addare [Adare], manor of, 1415. , fair at, ib. L Adentein, 1680. Aderderc, 341. Adferne, 1680. Adlongport vill, 98. Adlumny, Adlimini, [Athlumney], 1682 1684. Admolenger, Admolinger, Admuling, [Ath- Mullingar, Mullingar], , fair at, 330. , manor of, 1381, 1673. , free warren in demesne of, 1673. , advowson of church of, 1998, 2037, 2163. Adneri, 2674. , fair and market at, 2674. Adtruill [? Adtrum, Trim], 1682. Adtrum [Trim], 229. Aencourt, William de, 341, 448, 1014, 1051. , Richard de, 2742. , , not to be made a knight, ib. Aes in Uriel, land of, 2259. Affrica, wife of John de Curcy, 482. , land for her maintenance in Ireland, ib. Aghadoe, P. Archdeacon of, messenger of K. of Connaught, 980. Agnile, Agmile, burgess of Wexford, 85, 1488. Aguillun, Aguillion, Robert, 1693, 1694, 1696, 1817. Aid, clerical, in Ireland, 1459, 1464, 1466, 1549, 1612, 1699, 1755. from knights of Ireland, 810. Ailard, Alard, Roger, 1420, 1780, 1832. Akunkerry, 124. Alard, chamberlain, 1788. Albano, P[ ] Bishop of, 3026. , , prays that the K. will deliver the temporalities to G[ilbert] raised by the Pope to the see of Emly, 3026. Albany, Albeny, Otenus de, 306. , Philip de, 684, 1633 bis, 1675, 1680, 1772, 1829, 1909, 1969. Albemarle, Aubemarle, Baldwin Earl of, 175> 407, 409, 2399. , William de Fortibus, Earl of, 1829, 2321, 2771, 2780. Albcric, Earl, 273, 403, 407, 408, 409. , , his knights, 403, 407, 409. , , sends 10 dogs to the K. in Ireland, 411. H H 482 GENERAL INDEX. Alberic, ditcher, 404, 406, 407, 409. Albin, Bishop of Ferns, 291. Albo Tractu, de, [Tracton], Abbot of, 3151. Albridus, pro vicar, 2210. Albus, Geoffrey, 512. , , approval of his preferment as Bishop of Cork, 512. , , the K. prays the Archbishop of Cashel to exert himself for his prefer- ment to the see, 513. Aldelm. See Alelmus. Aldithel [Audley], Henry de, 1289. , Henry de, grant to him of lands in England and Ireland, 1505. , , Adam, his brother, ib. , , lands which he held of the gift of Hugh de Lacy, ib. Aleklin, Carbri Huin [Carbri Hu Maleklin, or O'Melaghlin, now McLaughlin], 3093. Alelmus [Aldelm], 276. Aleman, Alemanus, Walter, 269, 294, 298, 2483. Alencim, Alentjon, Herbert de, 1658. , Geoffrey de, 2519 bis. Alexander [III.], Pope, his letters to Irish Bishops, the K., and Kings and Princes of Ireland, on the conquest of that country, 38. [II.] , King of Scotland, 936. , , his council, ib. , Sir, anchorite of St. Clements, near Dublin, 2210. , hostage for Adam Rudipat, of Ire- land, 606. Alfinan [Ardfinane], Munster, 601, 613, 838. Alienor, the K.'s sister. See Marshall, Wil- liam, Earl of, the younger, and Leicester, Simon de Montfort, Earl of. All Saints, without Dublin, Prior of, 1619. , , protection for him, ib. , , D. Prior of, 2377. , , Prior and canons of, 2743. , , , protection for them, 2743. Allard, Ralph, 829. Almarain, mill of, 136. Almondelegh, Adam de, 81. Alneto, William de, 204. , Adam de, 1812. Altaribus, Geoffrey de, 1272, 1642. Alta Ripa, Richard de, 486. Alta Rupe, Richard de, 453. Amundeville, Henry de, 371. Anach, 1680. Anglesey, Wales, Island of, 2775. , , Irishmen slain in, 2952. Anglicus, Thomas, 446. Angouleme, Hugh de Brun, late Count of, 3140. , , to have from the justiciary 125 marks, which the K. owed to him, 3140. Angulo, Angle, Gilbert de, 107, 110, 311, 353, 354, 359, 363. • — , Philip de, 359, 529, 630, 656. .rr. , William de, 363, 496, 673. , Walter de, 619. , , his land in Ireland, ib. .., Philip de, 1989. Anjou, Fr., 122. , wine of, 1105. Anno, Alno, or Adudno, Adam de, 1402, 1926, 2661, 2765. , , inquisition regarding his land, 2661. , , Godfrey de Anno, his nephew and heir, 2661, 2765. Antrim [Auntrum or Antrum], 407. , the K.'s castle of, 567, 611, 1015, 1044, 1126, 1127, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1374, 1385, 1386. , bailiwick of, 1468. Anye, Anya [? Aney or Knockaney] , men of, fine for holding their lands, 529. , knights of the valley of, fine to have their liberty, 673. , manor of, 1415. , fair at, ib. , advowson of church of, 1555. Appelby, Godfrey or Geoffrey de, 1625, 2487, 3136. , , to hold land in Balibren, 1625. Appetot, Walter de, 318. Aq'i, castle of, 87. Arcediacne, Arcedekne, Stephen le, 2426, 2575. , Desiderata, his wife, 2426. , Sir Stephen le, knight of Richard de Burgh, 2591, 2601. , , pardon to him of part of a debt due for Thomas Fitz Anthony, 2591. , , terms regarding his debt, 2604. Archarduna, the Dean of, 2844. Archdeacon, David, 24. Arche, Matilda del Punt del, 2045. Archemide, 191. Archer, Brother Robert le, 2284. Archiwhyn, manor of, 1264. , lake of, ib. Archmachach'. See Erchmarchach'. Arclou, Arclo, [Arklow], 1757, 1769. , a third part of a cantred in, 280. Arcy, Norman de [Darcy], 407 bis. , Robert de, 407. Arda, 2055. Ardagh [Ardacensis] , the Bishop of, 168, 2410. , see of, 2018. , Jocelin, Bishop of, ib. , Robert, his predecessor, ib. Ardauch, 1680. Arddarigan, land of, 136. Arden', Geoffrey de, 2737. , Resus de, his son and heir, ib. GENERAL INDEX. 483 Ardfert [Artfarttensis, Arfart], see of, 102.6, 1037, 1199. , the Bishop of, 1106, 2410. Gilbert Bishop of, 1199, 1217. , royal assent to election of Gilbert Dean of Ardfert, as Bishop of, 1279, 1280. , , his resignation, 2370. , knights and free tenants of, 1280. , , John, formerly Bishop of, 2020. , his horse, ib. , , his groom, ib. , the Dean and chapter of, 2370. , , to have licence to elect, ib. , royal assent to election of Brendan as Bishop, 2425. , B[rendan] Bishop of, 2640. Ardinton', Thomas de, sheriff of Stafford, Eng., 368. Ardis, Hugh de, 2276. Ardmaccbrein, 132. Ardmacc'revan, ib. Ardmail, Arthmayl, Armail, Airmaill, cantred or land of, 743, 835, 952, 953, 1022, 1038, 1039. , castle of, 601, 613. , restored to Walter de Lacy, 743, 791. , to be again restored to the K., 743. Ardmull, cantred of, 363. Arnurch' [Ardnorcher], 3082. , advowson of, 3082. Ardrian, 1787. Ardricdan, 190. Arfinan, [Ardfinane], 851, 1268. Argentuem, Argentein, Richard de, 1402, 1505, 1554, 1633, 1951, 1955, 1958, 1963. Arglas, land of, 775. Argueil, Arkiln', Arquill', Lucian de, taken at Carrickfergus, 454, 625, 687, 704, 705, 720, 834. , , Thomas, his elder son, 454, 834. , , Godfrey, his younger son, ib. , , Ralph Fitz Vivian, eldest son of his brother, 454. , , his land of Knoc, 625. Armagh, the city of, site fit for a castle, 1482. , Gelasius, archbishop of, 38. , Eugene, called elect of, 178. , Archbishop of and Primate of Ireland, 331, 338. , Luke, elect of, 797. Luke, Archbishop of, 1136, 1J37, 1211, 1250, 1368. , , seisin of lands for him, 1137, 1250. , , Eugene, his predecessor, 1137, 1250. , , protection for Luke, 1137. , the Primate of, 191, 251. Armagh — cont. , the Archbishop of, 335, 946, 994. '., Church or See of, 168, 177, 178, 198, 200. 301, 335, 839, 2885. , its lands and liberties, 335. , suffragans of see of, 177, 178. , clergy of see of, 200, 797. , laity of, 200. , Archdeacon of, 168, 2419. , custody of see of, committed to Richard de Marisco, Chancellor, 745. , Dean and chapter of, not to elect without the K.'s assent, 750. , suffragans, not to elect without the K.'s assent, 750. , knights, free tenants, and suffragans of, to be intentive and respondent to Richard de Marisco, the K.'s Chan- cellor, 751. , elect of, 797, 1637. , issues of see of, &c, granted to Arch- bishop of Dublin, 807. , Luke de Muterville, Nuterville, [Net- terville], Archdeacon of, 839. , , royal assent to his election as Archbishop of, 839, 894. , the Archbishop of, 1312, 1459, 1466, 1483, 1493, 1494, 1501, 1524, 1612, 1862, 2410, 2660, 2717, 2774. , , the K. prays that he do not prevent the fortifying of castles, 1312. , , not to admit to Cathedral churches till royal assent granted, 1455. , province of, 1464. , custodian of see of, 1549. , Luke Archbishop of, 1480, 1481, 1482. , , to have seisin of the lands of his see, 1480. , , Eugene, his predecessor, 1480, 1557. , Luke's canons of Louth, excommu- nicated for contumacy, refuse to sub- mit, 1481. ; .......... , resigns site for a castle at Ar- magh, 1482. , vacancy in see of, 1507, 1531, 2812, 2885. , Dean, chapter, and clergy of, 1558, 2885. , , to be united to see of Clogher, 1559. , the K. prays the Archbishop of, to hasten payment of an aid, 1612. , the suffragans of the Archbishop, 1612. , elect of, 1637. , D[onat] Archbishop of, 2318, 2319. ... , A. Archbishop of, 2341. , , the Archbishop's injuries to the Bishop of Clogher, 2377. , the Archbishop and his supporters excommunicated, 2377. H H 2 484 GENERAL INDEX. Armagh — cont. , death of the Archbishop, 2417. , Donat, formerly Archbishop of, 2460. , , all the lands he had when he left Ireland to be taken into the K.'s hand, 2417. , the Dean and chapter of, 2419, 2434, 2829. , grant of Archdeaconry of, durimg va- cancy of see, 2419. , the Archbishop's executors to have administration of his chattels, 2421. , Robert, master, of, 2434. , licence to Dean and chapter to elect, 2434. , Maurus, Dean Armac', 2440. , Robert, canon, 2440. , Laurence, clerk, 2440. , royal assent to the election as Arch- bishop Armac' ? of Robert Archer, of the order of Dominicans {see notes), 2440. , death of the Archbishop of, 2450. , the manor of Tarmenphyghyn and other lands of the see to be taken into the K.'s hand, 2460. , A[lbert] Archbishop of, 2503. , to have seisin of lands of see of Clo- gher, 2505. , the two sees to be united, 2505. , P. Archbishop of, 2554. , , rents of the see to be restored to him, 2554. , A[lbert] Archbishop of, demands restitution of vills and a manor, 2618. , , grant to Archbishop of 57 marks for chattels received out of see after his confirmation, 26.30. , , the K. forbids him from suing the Prior of Lanthony witbout the realm or in an ecclesiastical court, 2717. ., the Archbishop of, 2739. , , vacancy of see by his resigna- tion, 2812. , , its temporalities to be taken into the K.'s hand, 2812. , , ,his chattels taken on his resigna- tion or translation to be restored to his proctors, 2821. , power to the justiciary to give licence to the chapter to elect and the royal assent to their election, 2829. , licence for the chapter to elect, 2834. , Reginald and Thomas, canons of, 2834. , the chapter of, 2910. , the Dean of, ib. , G. Archipresbiter, ib, , M. Chancellor, ib. , R. Precentor, ib. , pray licence to elect in the room of Ajlbert], who had resigned, ib. , the Archbishop of, having rendered fealty, the K. commands seisin of the temporalities to be given to him, 2914. Armagh — cont. , grant to the Archbishop of 40 marks of the K.'s gift, 2922. > R[einer, or Reynard] , Archbishop of, prays royal assent in favour of Gilbert, Bishop of Emly, consecrated by the Pope, 3027. , , grants to him that he have jus- tices assigned by the justiciary to de- termine pleas regarding his church, 3055, 3065. Armolen, castle of, 514. Armuclhan, [Ardmulchan, co. Meath], 247. Armulfhan, Armulfan, Arnulfam, 1328 bis, 1361. Armurthur, 2756. Arnold, balister, 1594. Arpatric [Ardpatrick, co. Limerick], 95. Arsalach [Ardsallagh], 2454. Arsic, Manser, 108, 109. Arskatan, 345. Art, bailiwick del, 1468. Arte, near the manor of Archiwhyn, 1264. , the K.'s demesne in, ib. , Irishmen dwelling in, ib. Arthmirthur, Atmirthur, 1038, 1039. Arundel, Walter de, 2273. Arundel, William, Earl of, 87, 182, 190, 229, 294, 428. Asferkerlon, castle of, 3017. Askclon', the castle of, 585, 599. Asmundeshey, or Asmundeshay, island, 86, 87. Aspreville, Oliver de, 3154, 3176. , grant to him of land in Ireland, 3154. Asscoly, 3174. Atfeyth, ib. Athassel [Athsissel, Athissill, Atishull] , priory of, 294. , canons regular there, 294. , Prior of, 1090. , fair at manor of, 1221. , P. Prior of, 2008, 2009. , Richard, canon of, 2675, 2702. , , to have 40s. out of farm of Bristol to return to his country, 2675. , , a cope of cloth of gold for him of the K.'s gift, 2702. Athcargr', 273. Athecrokain, 136. Athen, 136. Athethur [Aghour, co. Kilkenny], manor of, 2780. , fair and market there, ib. Atbiis, Gerard de, the K.'s bailiff of Wales, 408. Athlone, [Adlon, Aslon], the K.'s castle of, 507, 615, 653, 654, 693, 1015, 1142, 1380, 1403, 1443, 1719, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1976, 2009, 2217, 2219, 2490. , , to be repaired, 3159. , cantreds near it, 508, 590, 653, 1403, 1518. GENERAL INDEX. 485 Athlone — cont. , its tithes, 693. , fair at castle, 1010. , inventory of the K.'s stores in it, 1227. , fortified against the K., 1443. , John de Cravill to deliver it, 2792. , monks of, 507. , , to have one tenth of the ex- pense of the castle in that town, 507. , , their land, 507. , the Prior of, 693. , , to have an exchange for four cantreds in Logseuethy, ib. , , exchange for his meadow, ib. , , his fisheries, ib. , , protection for him, ib. ... , vill of, 1261. , , its inclosure, 3159. , mills at, 1261. , land near, 1261, 2173, 2176. , bridge of, 2043. , , money paid out of K.'s treasure for its completion, 2043. , annuity of 10 marks for monks of, 2289. , the Franciscans of, 2776. , vill, castle, mill, and fishery of, towards Connaught, 2289. Atornorohor, 273. Auctunes, Godfrey de, 833. Audensis [ ], Bishop of, 1051. Audeley, Audley, Adam de, 82. , Luke de. 426. , Sir William de, knight, 426. , Henry de, 994 bis, 1346, 1372, 1393, 1470, 1562, 1659, 1693, 1696, 1703, 1771, 1932, 2237. , his charter, 1373. , mesne lord of Scintbois and Mun- clavery, 1393. , his servants to be allowed to convey corn from Ireland to England, 2237. Audoein, Roger.'; , Aufrica, his wife, who was the wife of Roger le Cordewaner, 1899. Aufredyncomb. Sec Ilfracombe. Augustine, Peter, burgess of Drogheda, 1898, 2510. , , protection for him, 1898. , ,' Alice, his wife, 2510. , , , Isabel, her daughter, ib. Aure, Ralph de, 603. Aurifaber, Walter, 297. A veill, P. de, 1229. Avenmore, water of the, 1680. Averburgh, Richard de, 2818. Axemuth, William de, 2835. Aydevalan, 2446. Aylard, Roger, 1643. Aymar, the K.'s brother, 2946. j his service in Ireland, ib. B. Ba [Bath], the Prior and monks of, 250. Baard, Alexander, 3203 bis. Bacon, Bakun, Roger, balister, 1085, 1086. , Roger, 1291, 1377. Bacun, Walter, 2383. Felicia, his wife, ib, Bada, Henry de, 2086. Badleu, William, 2984. Bagod, Bagot, Ralph, 1467, 1542, 1568, 1628, 1676, 1889. , Denis, 2029. , Geoffrey, 2030. , , Agnes, his wife, ib. Bailiffs, the K.'s, in Ireland, 170, 212, 640, 657, 1301, 1472, 1532, 1560, 1565, 2012, 2110. , , the K.'s chief, 926. , , to answer to the K. for their accounts, 1599. Balach, Balathac, 1757, 1769. Balacha, 3203. , burgesses of, 3203. Balbrigan [Balbriggan], 2917. Balebuin, 945. Balehumochan, 273. Balenglas [Baltinglass] , Abbot and Monks of, 89. Baletarsna, 273. Balgeithelauh, Ulster, 1200. Baliachan, 1680. Baliavelin, 960. Balibadan, manor of, 2653. Balibandric, [co. Louth] , moiety of a lake in 2029. Balibochel, moiety of, 273. Balibren, 1059, 1198, 1625, 2487 bit. , a purpresture on Baliscadan [Bals- cadden], 1754. Baliculen, vill, 469. Balicuritld', 245. Balidermode, 96, Balidimedir, 2683. Baliduvelin, 1156. Balicderthawin, 96. Balifargel, vill, 469. Balifolech, vill of, 1436. Baligaveran, Ralph de, 2657. Baliglassan, Munster, 2607. Baligodinan, 244. Baligoghin, near Dungarvan, 695. Baligosan, 1705. Balihechun, 2810. Balihodan, Munster. 2607 bit. Balihodor, 2138. 486 GENERAL INDEX. Balihogali [Ballyhooley], 1486. Balihogary, 1686. Bali Ibrenain, 136. Bali Icarrig, ib. Bali Ichearbain, ib. Bali Ichudin, ib. Bali Ichunin, ib. Bali Icunin, ib. Bali Idelgussa, ib. Bali Idub, ib. Baliiduban, ib. Baliidubdi, ib. Bali Idubguirim, ib. Bali Ieda, ib. Bali Igerridir, ib. Baliiedain, ib. Bali Henri, ib. Bali Imelinnan, ib Bali Inacalligi, ib. Baliiriagan, ib. Bali Isatcbill, ib. Baliisoder, ib. Balilbachel, 127. Balilemli, cburch of, 2485. Balilouchan, 100. Balilugau, 127. Balimachelmer, ib. Balimachetby, 1680. Balimaclinan, 244. Balimacweres, 2475. Balimadun, Baliniasdun, Balimagdum [Bally- madun] , manor or land of, 939, 1471, 1509, 1534, 1538, 1567, 1611, 1649, 1828, 1842, 1865, 1899, 1907, 1966, 1987, 2038, 2150, 2287, 2314, 2368, 2385, 2709, 3010, 3035, 3111, 3112. , to be cultivated, 1611. , extended at 21/. and 22rf., 3035. , corn sown in, to be given to W. de Trubleville for 12^ marks, 3036. , the farmer of, 3036. , vill of, 2233. , , inquisition regarding manor of, 3186. Balimalidan, Henry of, 3179. Balimecedhogan grange, 175. Balimenig, 132. Balimichgan, castle of, 1015. Balimithyan or Balimichyan, 1680. Balimochan, vill, 469. Balimolgurn, chapel of, 2485. Balimor [Ballymore], 1950. Balimore [Ballymore] castle of, 180, 1723. Balimore, Adam de, chaplain, 1853. Balimoran, 407. Balinoenach, 1680. Balinsrene, 1787. Baliocartan, 345. Baliogary, manor of, in Fingal, 3119. , the men of, 3119. , the manor granted to them to farm, 3119. Baliogassan, 1800. Baliokelin, 244. Baliokerde, part of, 127. Balioketh, ib. Baliomlic, 2485. Balionenny, 960. Baliport, Balumpurt, 2483. Baliradegan, 1787. Balired, chapel of, 2485. Balirese, Baliress, Baliross, 667, 822, 824, 865, 919. Baliscadan, Baliscaden, Baliscandam, [Bals- cadden], 836, 960, 1400 ter, 2487. , vill of, 1021, 1320. , manor or land of, 1564, 1617, 1625, 1644, 1736, 1754. , farmed to men of, 2326. , the K.'s demesne of, 3108. Balishavelgan, 836. Balisketof, 1950. Balisoy, 1950. Balitarsim, 136. Balitarsne, 132, 2364. Balligaurich', 127. Balligaveran, Robert de, 1870. Ballimeit Edugain, the grange of, 2399 bis. Balliogaly, 1528. Baliomerchedi, Balliomurkaid, 127. Ballionenny, 836. Balmecruti, 132. Baltinglass, Abbot of. See Balenglas and De Valle Salutis. Balybrenning, 1680. Balydonan,.^6. Balykennedy, ib. Balymalaly, ib. Balymorhedy, 142. Balynicher, 2205. Balyorgany [Bally organ] , 1316. , the K.'s knight and free tenants of, 1316. Banaster, Banastre, Alard, 15, 19. Bangor, the Abbot and canons of, 338. , Michael Abbot of, 3150. , sentence of removal against him, 3150. Bangor, Wales, the Bishop of, 2108. Bann, the river [Bannus], 407, 474, 565 bis, 942. Barat, Baratte, Robert, 406,407. , William, 3203. Barbefle, Barnabas de, 2298. Barberill', 407. Bard, Adam, 1831. Bardfield, England, park of, 2103. Bardul, Bardulf, Bardolf, William, 1. , Hugh, 67, 74, 117, 137, 147. , Ralph, 70. , William, 2077. Barentin, Richard de, 1764. GENERAL INDEX. 487 Barentin- -cont. , Sibil, his granddaughter, 1764. Drogo de, 2485, 2491, 2550. Baret, Henry, 2760. Barewa, Peter de, 390. Barnewall,[Bernevall,Bernewalle, Berneville] , Sir Hugh, Knt., the K.'s messenger, 394. , Hugh de, 403, 406, 407 bis, 438, 538, 581, 594, 609, 667, 668, 726, 822, 824, 837, 865, 919, 981, "1080, 1098, 1999, 2100, 2311, 2416. , , to he provided for to the value of his land, 594. , , seisin of his lands, 667. , , custody of daughter of Adam Rudipat, 667. , , of son of William Traim, and of daughter of Adam Rudipat, his wife, 668. , , protection for his chattels, lands, and tenants, 680. , , seisin of Drumenach and Tire- nether, in the vale of Dublin, 726. , , his land of Kilbery, Baliresse, and Obride, 824, 865, 919. , , his land in the vale of Dublin, 1098. , , land and heirs of Hugh, 1999, 2100. , , inquisition as to his land, 2205. , Henry de, 1999, 2100. , Sir Hugh de, Knt. of Ireland, 1999, 2083, 2980, 3030, 3096, 3215. Reginald de, brother and heir of Hugh, 981, 1080, 1120, 1159, 1272, 1298, 1495, 1668, 2071, 2311. , , protection for the latter on the K.'s service in Ireland, 1160. , , to have seisin of his land, 1495. , , protection for him, ib. , , restoration of his lands, 1668. , , protection for him, ib. , , a maintenance of 20/. a year for him, 2074. , , to have 20/. of the K.'s treasure, 2203. , , land of Obride committed to him, 2311. , , confirmation to him, of land in Drumelac and Terneure, 2416. , , terms for payment of 20 marks, for which he was surety for Geoffrey de Mariscis, 3121. Baron, Robert, 1759. Barons, the, of Ireland, 113, 120, 216, 224, 230, 260, 792. an aid to be demanded from them, 810. , to assist in paying the K.'s debt, 812. , knights, and others, to fortify their lands in the marshes of Ireland, 574. Barons, the K.'s, Common Council of, in Eng- land, 2227. Barrer, Gilbert le, 1024. Barreu, Richard de, 218. Barri, Barry, William de, 339, 340, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 355, 356. , , Philip, his father, 340. , Odo de, 1001, 2285. , Philip de, Knt., 1778. , Simon, 404. , David de, 2170, 2266, 2285. , , grant of a fair and markets to him, 2170, 2183. , Sir David de, 3203 bis. , lands held of him by Gerard de Pren- degast, 3203. , Philip de, 2396, 3203. Walter de, 2760. Bartholomew, the K.'s clerk, 320, 373, 517. , his lands, 320. Bartholomi, William, 2364. ..' , to have a lease of lands, ib. Barton, Arnald de, 72. Barun, William, 1428. , grant to him of a fair at his manor of Nas [Naas], ib. Barwis, Richard de, 1367. Bas, David le, 274, 284. , his land and heirs, 274, 284. Basing, Basinges, Nicholas de, 282, 697, 698. , Hugh de, 697, 698. Basingeburn, Bassingeburne, Warin de, 12. , John de, 403, 437. Basinges, Adam de, citizen of London, 2993. Baskerville, William de, 1724, 1728. > land escheated by his being nged, 1724, 1728. , Walter de, 2107, 2152. Basset, David, 1015 ter, 1272, 1294, 134^, 2224. , Alan, 1680. , Gilbert, 1680, 1744, 1951, 1955. , Philip, 2680. Bastard, Philip, balister, 1085, 1086. Bath, England, S. Bishop of, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 137, 138, 139. , John, Bishop of, 330. , Joceline, Bishop of, 1180, 1372, 1402, 1508, 1518, 1633 bis, 1675, 1790, 1962, 2177, 2269. , Henry de, sent to Ireland on the K.'s affairs, 2514, 2516, 2517, 2519, 2522, 2550, 2877. , objects of his mission, 2519. ., , convent of St. Peter at, 220. , Prior and monks of, 219. Bathymegait [? Balymegait], 2564. Bauzan, Geoffrey, of House of St. John of Jerusalem, 2997. , licence to come to England, Ireland, and Wales, ib. Bauzan, Stephen, 3108. Bavenn', Andrew de, the Pope's sub-deacon , 2466. 488 GENERAL INDEX. Bawymoel, 1727. Baylmor [Ballymore] , 1787. , its church, ib. Bayonne, France, 407. Bearninnalith, 136. Beaubec, Abbot of [De Bello Becco], 2293, 2295, 2302. , Cistercian monks of, 2395. , church of St. Mary and St. Laurence of, 2295. , grant and confirmation to it, 2295, 2302. Beaufiz, William, 2576. Beaufo, Aumaricus de, 585. , Isabella de, 2762, 2763. , , Inquisition as to her castle of Clonard, 2762. , plea as to, 2763. Beaumont, Robert de, taken at Carrickfergus, 534. Beauver, Robert de, Justice in Eyre, Ireland, 2894, 2964. Beccheford, Richard de, 462. Beche, Gerard de, 12. Bedford, England, Laurence, Archdeacon of, 71, Bedeford, Ralph de, 105. Beds, England, 24. Beffecot, England, 652. Beket, David, 1759. , , D., Ingenchuyn, his wife, 1759. Belaghathe [Beleghatensis] , Florence, Arch- deacon of, 1207, 1208, 1236. , elected BJshop of Cloyne [Cloeuensis] , 1207, 1208. , royal assent to his election, 1236. Bella, Lady Letitia, 2210. Bellafago, Brother, Richard de, 204. Bellibrannyn, 2055. Bello Campo, Robert de, 58. , Andrew de, 264. , Watkin de, 400. , Ralph de, 2320, 2330. , , Nicholas, his son and heir, 2320. , , Colin, his son, 2330. Belmont, William de, 2948. Belnar' or Bellonar', 3203. Inquisition as to lands of Gerard de Prendegast in, 3203. , burgesses of, ib. Benedict, son of Sarah, 49, 51. , the monk, 335. , the clerk, 1884. Bennagh, 2462. Benneer, 3203. , Inquisition as to lands of Gerard de Prendegast in, ib. , Milo de, ib. Bereford, Robert de, 1434. Bereford — cord. , John de, 1796,2148. Berengaria, Queen, 965. Berkelay, Berclay, Berkeley, Robert de, 127, 536, 2049. , hurdles to be made in his woods for the K.'s passage to Ireland, 2049. Berks, England, 9, 18, 484. , Sheriff of, 1867, 2041. Berlingeham, Hamo de, 390. Bermingham, Burmingham, Peter de, justice, 2177, 2196, 2206, 2232, 2266, 2285, 2358, 2716, 2762, 2763, 2780, 2783, 2896, 2960, 2968, 3061, 3103. , to have land in Ireland, 2896. , waste land to be assigned to him in place of land in the plain near Dub- lin, 2960. , custody of the lands and castles of Richard de Burgh and Theobald le Butyller, granted to him, 2975. , to send to the K. the issues of those lands, 2992. , to give to the Earl of Norfolk seisin of the vill and castle of Tulak, 299 S, 3001, 3002, 3004, 3005. , to cause the justiciary to have all the issues of Ireland, to be sent to Gascony to make fortifications, 3023. , to give seisin to Walter de Burgh of all Richard de Burgh's lands and castles in Ireland, 3050. , to have 200/. and 100 marks a year for his custodies, 3056. , to assign her dower to Alice, who was the wife of Richard de Burgh, 3062. , to cause arrears of 500 marks due by Richard de Burgh to be paid at the Exchequer, 3074. , to cause John Fitz Geoffrey to have seisin of the lands and castles of Theo- bald Pincerna, 3100. , Meyler de, 2674, 2794, 2901. , Maurice de, 2488, 2794. Bernemeth, 996. Bertram, Roger, 949. Court, Dublin, 2210. Betagii, the, at Bellonar', 3203. Betedors, 50. Bidcot, William, 1813. Bigard, Simon de, 2169. Bigod, Hugh, 3203. Bildewas, England, Abbot of, 66, 459, 1788. • Bileburn', John de, 2760. Binel, Gilbert, 656. Biset, Henry, 237, 240 bis, 309, 1400. , Isolda or Ysonda, 493, 642, 764, 813, 859. , , Henry, her husband, 493. , , Henry, her late hushand, 813. , , fine due by her for having a vill in Ireland, 859. , Walter, 2732,2750, 2751, 2754, 2755, 2775, 2925. GENERAL INDEX. . 489 Biset — cont. . , his passage to Ireland, 2732. , to confer with the justiciary on the K.'s affairs, 2751. , to have 60 marks due by the K. for a horse, 2752. , licence to him to buy corn in Ulster to provision a castle in Scotland, 2925. , John, his brother, on the K.'s service, 2590, 2755, 2775. , protection for him, 2939. Bishoprics, grant of, Ireland, 165. Bishops, the, of Ireland, 201, 237, 365. , charter of agreement made between the K. and them, 365. , they and their tenants to render to the K. the customs which they were wont to render, 2032. Bithelan, 273. Blaby, William de, 152. , Margaret de, 994. , Roger, 3151. Blacoton, 1491. Bladi, Stephen de, 152. Blakeford, Geoffrey de, 1682 bis. Blanchard, Hugh, 2061, 2062. Blathac, Blathach, Blethoh, the castle of, near Limerick, 835, 1022, 2452, 2465, 2890, 3060. , land of, 952, 953, 1022. Blaunchard, Roger, 2480. Bleden, Stephen de, merchant of Dublin, 1192. Bluet, Bloet, Ralph, 387, 1123, 1226, 1318. , Nesta, his wife, 1318. , Roland, 377, 379. , Thomas, 392, 403 bis, 422, 448, 452, 1363, 1367, 1504. , his heirs, 3203. , Petronilla, wife of the King of Cork, 766. , , Thomas, her brother, ib. , Sir Walter, Knight, to have a portion of the land of Tradere [Traddery], 690. , William, Knight of Countess of Pem- broke, 2435, 2459. , , to be provided with land in Ireland, 2459. Blundeston, England, 2880. , William de, 1322. Blunteston, Robert de, 2942. Blundus, Blund [Blunt], Ernest, 37. , Roger, 37. , John, 673. , Peter, of Drogheda, safe conduct in trading with his ship, 816. , Thomas, 1203, 1372. , , his wife, 1203. , , his mother, 1203. , , his eldest sou, 1372. , Sir Henry, 1203. Blundus — cont. , Andrew, 1401, 2015. , , market at his manor of Kensale [Kinsale], 1401. , , lands purchased of him in Ire- land, 2539. , Ralph, the K.'s servant, 1851 bis, 1856, 1859, 1891. , James le, 2520. , Walter le, 3108. Blunville, constable of Corf, 259. Bochland, Hugh de, 9, 18. Bohun, Eunigerus de, 527. , Humphrey de, of Carnebothe, 2973. Bolet, Richard, 2345. Boleville, Nicholas de, 2475, 2570, 2948. Bolicolgon [Bally-Colgan], 2810. Bone, John, 2986. Bonet, John, 407. , , sheriff of Staffordshire, England, 1470. Boneboce, Hugh de, 2894. , Robert de, 2894. Bordeaux, France, men of, not to distrain men of Earl of Pembroke, 1061. , the Mayor and commonalty of, 2072. , the K.'s citizens of, 2297. , merchants of, 2299. .., Mayor and citizens of, 3102, 3128. Borrehard, Philip de, 3203. Boscer, Robert, 2760. Bosco, Richard de, a Norman, 19. , R. de, 529. , , to render an account touching Grenard, ib. , Walter de, 1883. Boseham, England, 52. , Roger de, ib. Bosreshil, 127. Botavent, Buttavent [Buttevant], manor of, 2170, 2183. Boterell, Boterellis, Reginald de, 101. , William, brother of Reginald, 101, 337. , , Sheriff of Cornwall, England, 259. , John de, 1918. Boulogne, France, 2566. Boun, Francis de, 2949, 3080. , , Sibil, his wife, 2949, 3080. Boundaries between Trybary and the land of the Bishop of Emly to be observed, 849. Bounds, writ of, 236, 1033. , limitation of, 236. , pleas made by, to be framed as in England, 1033. Bourg, France, castle of, 3099. Boychonevet, 1284. Boyle, abbots of, 2006. , inquisition as to whether they were seised of a rent, 2006. 490 GENERAL INDEX. Boyn, Philip de, 1328, 1361. Boyne [Boign'] river, 175, 2399. , free fishery in the, 2399. Brabant, the Duke of, 2058. Brackley, Brackelegh, Walter de, clerk of the chamber, 1483. , , to be promoted to the see of Meath, 1483. , Walter de, 1530, 1539, 1853, 1855. , , , seisin of vacant see of Meath, 1530, 1539. , , the K.'s messenger, 1931. , , the K.'s clerk, canon of Ossory, 1944, 1950. , , discharged from all accounts and trammels of the Court, 1954. Brademere, John de, the K.'s groom, 2602, 2861. , , to have 10 librates of land of the K.'s gift, 2602, 2605. , , grant to him for life of land in Dauy', Ireland, 2861. Bradenstoke, England, forest of, 3144. Bradley, Bradelegh, Ranulph de, fine for lands, 820. , Hugh, his father, 820. , Henry de, 1875. , , Knight of Peter de Geneve, 2932. Braham, Robert de, Sheriff of Kilkenny, 1660. Braibof, Henry de, 1289. Braibroc, Henry de, 1476. Brakenberghe, Braceberg', land of, 643, 663, 888. , William de, 663, 707, 888. Brakley, Simon de, 1959. Braundon, William de, 2538. Bray. See Bre. , Ralph de, 555, 621. , Philip de, 1092. , William de, 1355. Braybuef, Braybuf, Robert de, 1476, 2446, 2538. , , Margery, his wife, 2446, 2538. Bre [Bray], 471, 1753, 2123. , barony of, 355. , mill of, ib. Breand Kylka, manor of, 1394. Breaute or Breaut, Fulk de, 621, 949, 1015. Brecon, castle of, Wales, 408. Breewood, park of, England, 477. Breffny, 1840. Bren', near Cork, 322. Brene, Bresne, Francis de, 1113, 1272, 1297, 1371, 1372. , , his seisin, 1372. , , land in Ulster committed to him, 1297. Bretasch, la, 1883 bis. Breteill'. See Bridge-toll. Bretteville, Nicholas de, 1355. Bretun, Henry le, 2688, 2732. Breouse, William de, 121, 145, 146, 147, 148, 160, 165 bis, 169, 175, 176, 181, 182, 190, 193, 213, 230, 235, 240, 249, 271, 285, 288, 308, 310, 315, 332, 336, 369, 389, 395, 408, 413, 414, 781, 849, 895, 896, 921, 2399. , , Philip, his uncle, 145, 147. , , his lands and castles in Ire- land, 169, 170. , Irish tenants of his lands, 170. , r , , his men, 181. , , his bailiffs in Ireland, 235. , , cantred committed to him, ib. , , statement of the K. regarding him, 408. , , Maud de Haia, his wife, ib. , , William, his son, ib. , William de, his tenant's sons, ib. , Reginald de, 408, 785, 786, 787, 788, 789, 814, 949. , , his father's lands and castles, 786, 789, 814. , , custody of city and castle of Limerick, 787, 788. , , William, his father, 789. , , Philip de, 962. Bret, Milo le, 100, 294, 360, 1001, 1812. , Adam le, 328, 448, 2149. , , his hostage, 672. , Milo Fitz Adam le, 603. , Richard le, 2277. , , grant to him of custody of the door of the Treasury, Dublin, 2277, 2278. , Alan le, 2480. , Geoffrey le, 2641. , , Jane, his wife, ib. , Henry le, 2651. , , the land of Richard de Marisco to be let to him, ib. , Felix le, 2763. , John le, ib. Brictius, Bishop of Limerick, 56. Briddain, grange of, 136. Briddeshale, Henry de, 3203. Bridenell, Richard, balister, 1085, 1086. Bridge-toll [Breteill'], 473. Briewerre, Briwer, Briwerre [Brewer], Wil- liam, 75, 83, 147, 175, 197, 259, 328, 330, 381, 394, 443, 576, 577, 578, 579, 949, 1015, 1372. , Thomas, 75. Brigwerr, William, 428. Brion, Walter de, 2506. Bristol, Eng., 8, 9, 34, 53, 73 bis, 77, 161, 208, 304, 371, 404, 409, 416, 723, 1420, 1875, 1965, 2066, 2080 bis, 2098, 2210 bis, 2226, 2324, 2502. , burgesses of, 1563, 1931, 1958, 2067, 2502. men of, 2066. .bailiffs of, 1084, 1115, 1119, 1990, 2102, 2395, 2675, 2791, 2883, 3090, 3167. GENERAL INDEX. 491 Bristol — cont. , citizens of, 142. , constable of, 312, 334, 526, 819, 1780. , pilots and masters of vessels of, 479. , murage of, 732. , account of, 1077. , castle of, 2337. , constable of castle of, 1939, 2336, 2337. , the bailiffs of, to restore to the monks of Beaubec the chattels found in a vessel, 2395. , merchants of, 2397. , the mayor and bailiffs of, to deliver to the abbot and canons of St. Thomas, Dublin, the stone they had collected, 3107. , Ralph de, 1092. , Roger de, 3117. , a prebend in the vacant see of Emly granted to him, 3117. Brito [? leBret], Milo, 1242. , Robert, 2499. , , in Ir., with R. John, 2541. , , writs to sheriffs of England to inquire who he was, 2541. Briton, Ralph, 37. ,Milo, 361. , Robert, Irish hostage, 557. Brittanny, France, 2312, 2566. , the Earl of, 1239. , his land, 1239. Briwes, Richard de, fine, 673. , Richard de, 1587. Brochol, William de, 2629. Brockworth, John de, 1998. Bromley, Bromlegh, William de, 1771, 1932. Bruer, William, 2399. Brug [Bruff, co. Limerick], 136. Bruis, Audoenus, 1225. Brumiarde, Leo de, 105. Brun, Audoenus or Owen le, 114, 274, 284, 357, 656, 1812. , , clerk of the K., 297. ,...«, , chamberlain of Exchequer, Dub- lin, [1071], 1148. , Roger le, 116. , William le, 116. , Thomas le, 1228. , Eromund le, chancellor of, Ireland, 1840. , , the justiciary's clerk, 2966. , William le, 2514, 2515, 2522, 2719, 2732, 2750. , grant to him of a benefice in Ireland, 2514. , sent to Ireland on the K.'s affairs, 2519. , objects of his mission, 2519. , presented to the church of Dungarvan, 2719. , his passage to Ireland, 2732. Brun, William le — cont. , to confer with the justiciary on the K.'s affairs, 2751, , W. le, 2968. , William le, Baron of Exchequer, Ire- land, 3128. , Adam, 3151. Brunry, vill of, 2584.. Bru'salen, 127. Bucuinte, John, 37. Bucks, England, 24. , sheriff of, 1923. Bucks and Beds, England, sheriffs of, 24. Burdun, Tancard, 2742. , not to be made a knight, 2742. Bureford, Geoffrey de, his wife, fine for her husband's land, 673. Burgate, Robert de, 401, 403. Burge, Richard, 416. Burgh, William de, 95, 122, 147, 157, 165, 181, 182, 187, 209, 213, 214, 215, 230, 288. , , land of, 145. , , tenements and service of, 146. , , his sons, 187. , , his hostages, 187. , , his lands and castles in Ireland, 213. ... , , his land and fortresses in Mini- ster, 230. , , his land in Desmond, 230. , , his ward without Dublin, 230. , , his tenants, 230. , , demesne of, 294. , Thomas de, 160. , Ralph de, 407. , Hubert de, the K.'s justiciary of Eng- land, 576, 577, 578, 579, 649, 652, 653, 877, 878, 884, 896, 940, 949, 980, 1015, 1180, 1205, 1372, 1402, 1505, 1508, 1518, 1554, 1627, 1633 bis, 1675, 1680, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1703, 1735, 1744, 1757, 1772, 1789, 1790, 1812, 1817, 1829, 1909, 1951, 1958, 1962, 1969, 1986, 2269. , Hubert de, Earl of Kent, 1518, 2141, 2321, 3012. , , custody of land of Geoffrey de Camville in Ireland, 916. , , grant to him for life of the office of justiciary of Ireland, with licence to appoiut a deputy, 1955, 1957, 1964. , , mandates, &c, to him as justi- ciary of Ireland, 1956, 1966, 1967, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973. , , to be for ever quit of rendering an account of his office in either coun- try, 1963. , , to quit England within 15 days, 1974. , , the Archbishop of Dublin to confer with him, 1986. , , contention between the K. and him, 2217, 2219. 492 GENERAL INDEX Burgh, Hubert de — cont. , , money left by him to the Domi- nicans of London, 3012. Burgh, Richard de, [senior], 506, 564, 565, 566, 585, 599, 649, 652, 873, 897, 900, 949, 954, 1001, 1054, 1114, 1117,1155, 1216, 1268, 1288, 1289, 1290, 1292, 1310, 1319, 1395, 1403, 1426, 1443, 1462, 1502, 1521, 1543, 2254, 2285, 2290, 2360, 2561, 2573, 2627, 2908, 3074, 3203. , , his land, 506. , , the castle of Askelon' ; 585, 599. , , charter to, 506. , , his Irishmen, ib. , , William de, his father, 653, 954, 1117. .., , grant to him of the land of Connaught held by his father, 653. • , , to deliver thcK.'s castle of Car- lingford, 742. , , protection for his lands in Ire- land, 897. , , his liberties to be preserved in Ireland, 915. , , hire of ships to the use of, 1077. , , seneschal of Munster, 1114, 1216. , , to have a ship at the K.'s expense, 1119. , , his charter of Connaught, 1155. , , Egidia, his wife, 1268. , , grant to him of the seneschalship of Munster, 1288. , , of a fair at Clonmel, 1310. , , a house in Waterford, 1319, 1425, 1725. . , , always assists the justiciary in the K.'s affairs, 1443. , , the counties of Cork and Water- ford, and the castle of Dungarvon com- mitted to him, 1462. , , to cause the cantred of the forest in Connaught to be well kept, 1512. , , to cause the forest of Decies to be well kept, 1513. , , acquisition by him of the land of the K. of Connaught, 1515, 1516, 1521. , , grant to him of the land of Con- naught, 1518. , , all lands alienated by Thomas Fitz Anthony to be delivered to him, 1543. , , custody of Ireland and of the K.'s castles there committed to him, 1572. , Eichard de, justiciary of Ireland, man- dates, &c. to him as justiciary, 1575 to 1975. , , appointed justiciary, 1571, 1573. Burgh, Richard de — cont. , , grant to him of 500/. a year, 1577. , , to cause to be repaid the money of Flemish merchants taken from the church of Dublin, 1586, 1590. , , to cause charter of K. John touching the observance of English laws in Ireland to be proclaimed, 1602. , , custody granted to him, 1647. , , service of Ireland granted to him to fortify castles in Connaught, 1648. , , to have his portion of 500/. 1689. .., , to retain as demesne of the K. the best land in the K.'s hand, 1712. , , to provide for the K's unin habited cantreds in Ireland, 1852. , to substitute another in place of O'Neill late King of Kinel-Owen, 1869. , , to take possession of the Earl of Pembroke's lands, 1880. , , to proclaim that Irishmen come to Wales to attack Llewellyn, 1894. , , to send all the K.'s money to England, 1903, 1911. , , to take into the K.'s hand the lands of those of his household who would not come to his service, 1915. , , to take security from the mer- chants of Ranulph Earl of Chester not to go over to Llewellyn, 1930. , when coming to the K. to leave Ireland in safe custody, 1941. , , deputy of Hubert de Burgh, 1964. , , confirmation of custody of the lands of Theobald Walter, 1962. , , to be intentive to Hubert de • Burgh as justiciary, 1964. , , seized Fedhlim son of the King of Connaught and ill-treated him, 1975. , , formerly justiciary of Ireland, 2006, 2022, 2027, 2032, 2127, 2217, 2219, 2308. , , the K. commands him to de- liver his Irish castles, 2003, 2008, 2009. , , his account touching the issues of Ireland to be audited, 2012. , , his trespasses against the K., ib. , , the K.'s plaint against him to be prosecuted, 2014. , , the justiciary to endeavour to recover the castle of Millock and the prisoners, if Richard will not surrender them, 2032. , , the justiciary to revoke aliena- ations made by Richard, ib. , , to deliver the castle of Miloc and the K.'s prisoners to the justiciary, 2036. , , to be distrained by the justiciary, 2044. GENERAL INDEX. 493 Burgh, Richard de — cont. , , safe conducts for him to come to England, 2056, 2064, 2093, 2329. , , to come with confidence to con- fer with the K, 2097. , , the K. thanks him for his resis- tance to Richard Earl of Pembroke, 2112. , , prays him to preserve peace in Ireland during the absence of the jus- ticiary, ib. , , restoration to him of his land of Connaught, 2189. , , makes a fine of 3000 marks to have seisin of that land, 2217, 2219. , , his account when justiciary, 2217, 2219. , Hubert, Earl of Kent, his uncle> 2217 bis, 2219. , , grant of land of Connaught, 2218. , , the K. remits his ire against him, 2219. , , release of all receipts and ac- counts, ib. , , to deliver to the justiciary the prisoners taken in the war, 2253. , , to take from each knight im- prisoned 100s. and his harness, for ran- som, 2254. , , respite of his debt due to the K.> 2283, 2322. , , his fine for the land of Con- naught, 2283, 2342. , , demesnes leased by him, 3336. , , pardon to him of 1000/. of his fine, with respite, 2342. , , to have a present from the K. of a horse, 2357. , , to be distrained for arrears due for Connaught, 2476. , , grant to him of markets and fairs, 2422, 2423, 2570, 2571. , , respite of all debts due to the K., 2575. , , pardon for 300 marks of debts, 2579. , , Mabel his granddaughter, 2584. , , Richard to have seisin of the vill of Brunry for her maintenance, 2584. , , pardon to him for residue of his debts, 2594. , , adjudged to lose seisin of his lands in Ireland, 2595, 2596. , , reseised of his lands, 2595, 2596. , , Aleys, his daughter, 2603. , , extent of his manors in Munster, 2607. , , freight of ships in which he came to the K.'s service to be acquitted, 2628. , , his castles and lands to be taken into the K.'s hand, 2636. Burgh, Richard de — cont. , , his three children, 2636. , , all the residue of his lands after assignment of dower of the Lady Egidia extended, 2652. , , extent of his lands in Munster, 2607. , , his death in the K.'s service, 2664. , , the Lady Egidia, his wife, 2607, 2978. , , her dower, 2607, 2636, 2648, 2652, 2665, 2700, 2721, 2865. , , its issues to be allowed to her in the debts she owes to the K., 2721. , , her estovers, 2636. , , her marriage lands, 2664. , , Richard of Rochester her sub- sequent husband, 3012. } , wasted her chattels, ib. j ,the justiciary to seize her chattels to pay money to Dominicans of London, ib. , , Richard's daughter married Gerald de Prendegast, 3203. , Richard de, 1969, 1976, 1989, 2015, 2016, 2039, 2266, 2454, 2536, 2865. , AVilliam de, 2659. 9 , gift to him of a prebend in the church of Ossory, 2659. , Richard de, junior, Richard's son and heir, 2700, 2865, 3006. , , in the K.'s custody, 2700,2758- , , persons not to be made knights until he shall have become so, 2742. , .c...., the K. takes his homage, 2865. , ....... his lands restored to him, 2875. , , seisin for him of his lands and castles in Ireland, 2908. , , prays the K. to commit to him the custody of Connaught, 2909. , , mandate for such custody, ib. , , power to make his will of rents, 2969. , , custody of his land committed to Peter de Bermingham, 2975. , , Alice who was his wife, 2978. , , her dower, 2978, 3006, 3062. , Reymund de, 1786. , Thomas de, 1750. Burgh, Walter de, 3011. , , payment out of Irish treasure, of 20 marks to his use, 301 1. , , brother and heir of Richard de, 3050, 3062. , , Richard's lands and castles in Ireland restored to Walter, 3050. , , in the K.'s custody, 3062. , , protection for him in Ireland, 3073. , , the K.'s groom, 3076. , , to have four stags in the K.'s forest of Slescho, or Slesco, 3076. 494 GENERAL INDEX Burgh, Walter de — cont. , to have four does there, 3197. , , not to be molested regarding the debts of Kichard de Burgh when justiciary, 3092. , Sir Walter de, Earl of Ulster, 2551. . , the bishop of Down complains of his oppression, 2551. , , the Earl's court, 2551. Burnham, Thomas de, 1970. Butiller, Butler, Adam le, 403, 405. Theobald le, 108, 1341, 1572. , , his father, 1341. , , his debt to the K., 1341. , William le, 405, 407 bis. , Henry le, 2266. , John le, 2897. , to be retained of the K.'s household, 2897. , Geoffrey le, 2942. , Margery who was the wife of Theo- bald le, 3043. , licence to marry whom she pleases, 3043. Butiller, Butyller [Butler] . Sec Pincerna. Buzell, Ernulf, 57. By set, John, 2799. C. Cabry, castle of, 2175. Cabus, John, 2321. Cachepol, William of Dundalk, pardon for his abjuration of Ireland, 2351. Cadergathir, 96. Caerdif [Cardiff], William de, 1258. Cahir, Kather. See Rather. Caisneto, William de, 81. Caldebec, land of without the walls of Water ford, 1615. Caled, 1184, 1195. Callan [Cullen or Collon], 50, 1735, 2447. , fair at, 1550. , market at, 1735. Camass, co. Limerick. See Camuis. Cambiator, Robert, 595, 2259. , grant of custodies or escheats to, 595. , William, clerk of Archbishop of Dub- lin, 779. , custody of see of Leighlin granted to him. 779. Cambridge and Huntingdon, England, 12, 70, 1841, 1860, 1924, 2085, 2303, 2373, 2388, 2431, 2449. , sheriff of, 1924. Camera, Bartholomew de, the K.'s clerk, 321, 322, 357, 518,740, 984, 986, 1258, 1763. Camera, Bartholomew de — cont. , , gift of the church of Dungarvan to him, 518. , , 20s. remitted to him of the farm of Esker, 740. , , clerk, to have judgment of the Irish Exchequer for 71. 5s., 749. , , associated justice itenerant in Ireland, 985. , , inquisition as to whether seised of tithe of fishery and mills at Limerick, 1258. , John de, servant of the chapel, 406. , Robert de, 403, 407. Camis, William de, 1870. Campania, Robert de, 447. Campo Remigii, Simon de, 407. Camuis [Camass, co. Limerick], grange in , 136. Canning', 297. Cancellis, Peter de, 462. Canterbury England H [ubert] Archbishop of, 147,263. , the K.'s chancellor, England, 121. , Stephen, Archbishop of, 991, 1015. , the Archbishop of, 1180, 2377. , Edmund, Archbishop of, 2120, 2147, 2148, 2151, 2170, 2177, 2218, 2269, 2321, 2379. , letter of the K. to him, 2147. , his letters of safe conduct for Maurice Fitz Gerald, 2148. , church of, 448. , , injury done to the K. regarding it, 448.' , see of, 450, 2642. , hall of, 2612. Cantilupe, Kantilupe, Fulk de, 128, 129, 322. , William de, 341, 381, 382, 589, 590, 624, 700, 1703, 1963, 2008, 2009, 2353, 2475, 2483, 2550, 2552, 2586, 2680, 2780, 2989, 3080. , seisin of lands, &c. in Ireland, of Hamo de Valoignes, 2647. , Eve, his wife, 2353, 3080. Cantim', John de, 2210. , his heirs, 2210. Canville, Camville, Kanville, Geoffrey de, 448, 529, 717, 809, 896, 921, 1145 bis, 1222 bis, 2354, 2383. , respite for his debt, 671, 717. , not to be impleaded touching his tenements in Ireland, 735. , his land in Ireland, 529, 809, 896, 916. Leuca, or Lucy, his wife, 895, 896, 916, 921, 2354. , land in Ireland of William de Breouse her grandfather, 895. , William his son and heir, 2354, 2383, 2481. , restoration to the latter of the land of Federal ercuin, 2354. GENERAL INDEX. 495 Canville — cont. , Gerard de, 50. , Richard, 1694. Capella, Richard de, 134, 309, 366, 402. , , his sons, 204. , , Adam, his son, 309. , Adam de, a hostage, 529. , Sir Adam de, fine for his liberation, 560. , Adam de,fine for his sons liberation, 673. , Adam de, 596. , , his barony, 596. , Henry de, 1505, 1508, 1518, 1554, 1789, 1812, 1909, 1912, 1969, 2233, 2152, 2408, 2422, 3203 bis. , Robert de, to deliver to the justiciary the castle of Randon, 2792. Caperun, Robert, 2483. Carbery, castle of, in co. Kilclare, 2989. Carbonel, Carbunel, Richard, 1664, 2127. Ralph, 2520. Carbragh, Carbregh, Carebrac,Duncande,1936, 1973, 2168, 2191, 2192, 2194, 2202. , Duncan of Thomond, 2716. Carbri, co. of Limerick, 3137. Carbry, Carebrach, Duncan, 673 bis, 1497, 1573. Cardinals, the, of Rome, 2252. Cardvil, Adam de, 69. Carlingford] [Karlingeford, Kerlingeford], 404, 407 quater, 428, 1544,2687. , castle of, 611, 742, 755, 1015. Carlisle, England, 27, 519, 1338. , the castle of, -wheat and wine to be sent to, from Ireland, 1055. , the bishop of, 878, 991. , Walter Bishop of, 1505, 1508, 1518, 1633 6?'s, 1675, 1789,-1962, 2141, 2233, 2269, 2321, 2552, 2586. Carmarthen, Wales, burgesses of, 2215. , licence for them to purchase corn in Ireland, ib. , the constable and bailiffs of, 2109. , Thomas of, 1660. Carnebothe, co. of Wexford, 2973, 2983. Carpenter, Stephen, 273. ,carucate held by him, 273. , Alexander, 673. , John, 2207. Carreu, Karreus, Robert de, 1001, 2266, 2285. , Richard de, 3203. Carrie, Karrach, Duncan de, 408, 427,461, 1161, 1200, 1201. , takes prisoner Maud, William de Breouse's wife, 408. , lands in Ireland given to him, 427. , his nephew, 461. Carrickfergus [Cnocfergus, Knockfergus, CracfergusJ, 404, 405, 406 ter, 407, 408, 427, 430, 1203, 1215, 3201. Carrickfergus — cont. , burgesses of, 997. , house of St. Mary of, 1225. , church of St. Nicholas of, ib. , the abbot of, 1326. , , protection for him, ib. , bailiwick of, 1468. , vill of, ib. , a chaplain of, 1660. , the men of, 2768. , , to send provisions to the K., ib. , church of, 2879. , castle of, 407, 445, 467, 626, 674, 697, 704, 706, 760, 1015, 1110, 1111, 1158, 1167, 1203, 1225, 1313, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1374, 1385, 1386, 2779. , the justiciary to be admitted into castle, 674. , its custody, fortification, and defence, 674, 697, 1110, 1111. , to be well maintained, 2779. , prisoners taken in castle of, 426 bis, 447, 450, 453, 454, 460, 476, 483, 485, 486, 487, 491, 495, 522, 528, 534, 535, 539, 540, 543, 548, 551 ter, 553, 575, 582, 625, 834, 863. , all prisoners to be discharged who are not knights or gentlemen, 548. Carrio, Karrio, Carr', Richard de, 281, 697, 698. , , Regina, his wife, 281. , , his free tenement in Leinster, 281. , , seisin for his son and heir, 697. , William de, 484. , his lands beyond the see of Ireland, ib. Carrubrenmau, 127. Carrudan', land of, 218. Cartmell, Carmel, England, monastery of, 186. , , the canons of, 167. , , the prior and canons of, 186, 2500. , , the prior of, 2371. Casclan, 1680. Cashel [Cassel], citizens of, 997. , the men of, 1185. , the K.'s court of, 2763. , the K.'s justices at assizes of, 2820. , Dominicans of, 3067. Cashel, the new vill of, 857, 920, 1624, 1633. , , does not yield much profit to the K., 920. , , to be sequestered into the K.'s hand, 1624. , , the K. releases his claim re- garding it, 1633, 1639. , , grant of it in frankalmoign, 1634, 1639. Cashel, Donat [Donatus] Archbishop of, 38. , Matthew Archbishop of, 233, 291. 498 GENERAL INDEX. , the elect of, 258. , chapter of, 291. , Thomas Archdeacon of, ib. , suffragans of archbishopric of, ib. , Thomas Archdeacon of, 300. , H. [sic] Archbishop of, 771, 772. , , protection for him, 771. , Donat Archbishop of, 648, 649, 774, 826, 856, 857, 920, 923, 1051, 1133. , , not to be impleaded touching his tenements, 648. , , protection for him, ib. , G. Archbishop of, 767. , , safe conduct for Donat, 774. . , the Pope's order to be executed regarding him, 826. , , disseised of the new vill of Cashel, 857. , , protection for him, ib. , , threatens to place his province under an interdict, and to excommuni- cate the justiciary, 920. , , suffragans and officials of, 920, 923 bis. , , commanded to relax his sen- tence of interdict, 1034. , , obtains licence to resign, 1133. , chapter of, ib. , , licence to elect, ib. , royal assent to election of Maurice Bishop of Cork, as Archbishop 1206. , , the elect of, 1207. , Maurice or Marian Archbishop of, 1206, 1209, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1258, 1633, 1643, 1832,1836,1996,2154,2370. , see of, 1234, 1237, 1638. , knights and free tenants of, 1234. , the archbishop not to admit to cathe- dral churches till royal assent granted, 1455. , province of, 1464. , the K. remits his claim against the archbishop touching the new vill of Cashel, 1633, 1639. , grant to him of a fair at Cashel, ib. , gives to the K. 300 marks for a re- lease, 1634. Cashel, see of, 1638. , , its knights and free tenants, ib. , , to make an aid to enable the archbishop to discharge his debts to the K., ib. , , the archbishop to be quit of amerciaments, 1759. , the Archbishop of, 738, 878 bis, 1028, 1029, 1034, 1094, 1182, 1237, 1302, 1303, 1432, 1459, 1524, 1529, 1549, 1574, 1610, 1624, 1638, 1699, 1759, 1832, 3117. , , licence to him and his suc- cessors to will their goods and chattels, 2154. Cashel — cont. , Marian, formerly Archbishop, 2391. , the see to be taken into the K.'s hand, 2391. , letters of the K. to the Dean and Chapter of, respecting an aid, 2410. , prebend granted by the K. because of vacancy in the see, 2461. , the justiciary not to interfere if D[a- vid] Archbishop of, should sue his suffragans regarding their spiritualities, 2640. , L[aurence], late Dean of, Bishop of Cork, 2933. , D[avid] Archbishop of, 3038. , , enjoined to revoke what he had attempted against the K., 3125. , , his temporalities to be seized if he did not recall his error, ib. Castles, the K.'s, in Ireland, 1375, 1478, 2254. , the Archbishop of Armagh not to impede their fortification, 1312. , , the Pope commands their re- storation, 1375. , , fortified against the K., 1443. , , the expense of their custody and their fees to be reduced, 2254. Castle, the K.'s, of Dublin, 226, 492, 805, 848, 1015, 1353, 1380, 1384, 1443, 1790, 1803, 2009,2043, 2410 bis, 2497, 2960, 3201. , , inventory of the K.'s stores found there, 1227. , , fortified against the K., 1443. , , fortification of, 1353, 1384, 1672. , , custody of, 2043. , , to be filled with poor people who shall be fed, 2497. , , the K.'s chamber there to be ceiled, ib. , , St. Edward's chapel in, ib. , , the work on the hall to be finished, 2581. , , a hall 120 feet in length and 80 in breadth to be there constructed, with a round window 30 feet in di- ameter, 2612. , , the hall to be completed, 2692. , , Simon Muridac, its constable, to deliver it to the justiciary, 2792. , , the K.'s mills lately erected near, 2941, 3007. , , 40 librates of land belonging to, in the plain near Dublin, 2960. , , chapel of, 1309, 2047. , , William de Radeclive to minister there, 1309. , , chaplain ministering in, 1701,- 1702, 1967, 2047. , , grant to him of a maintenance, 1701, 1702, 1967. , , , of a benefice, 2047. , , , with a revenue of 15 marks, 2155, 2166. GENERAL INDEX. 497 Castle, the K's., of Dublin, William de Radc- clive, chaplain — cont. , , grant to him of an annuity, 2216. , , of 20s. to buy a robe, 2403. , , glass windows for the chapel to be made, and divine service to be there celebrated, 2581. , , John of London to minister there, 2822. Castelblathac, 2759. Castle Bret, 407. Castelbridoc, land in, 1782. Castle Cunyn or Conign [Castle Connell], 2422. , manor of, extent, 2607. Castle Dany, 104. Castle-Dermot [Tristeldermot] , manor of, 2948. , , fair at, ib. Castlefrank' [Chastelfranc], Louth, 2127. Castelkam', bis, 833. Castleknock [castle of Cnoc or Knock], 121, 515, 841, 844, 1046, 1047, 1139. , the castle to be prostrated, 515, 1046, 1047. , vill of, 1046, 1047. Castle Wilekin, manor, Munster, 2607. Catercurrith, 136. Cathircormi, grange of, ib. Cathircuain, ib. Cathirflenn', ib. Cathirnachongcarr, ib. Catholicus, Archbishop of Tuam, 38. Caune, Richard de, servant of Gilbert Livct, 1239. Cauz, Godfrey or Geoffrey de, 1680 1693, 1694, 1696, 1703, 1735, 1744, 1757, 1922, 1951, 1955, 1958, 1962, 1963, 2233, 2483, 2485. Cawude [Cawood], England, 423. Caxton, Jeremiah de, 2303. Caylly, the castle of, 2908. Cealcodigi, 136. Cealcon'ata', ib. Cealcongi, ib. Cealladleach in Rapalach, ib. Ceallconill, Chillconill, ib. Ceallcrumtirlapan, ib. Ceall Mecceril, ib. Ceallmor [Kilmore], ib. Ceallseanig', ib. Cellpian, ib. Cerne, Master Henry de, 411. Chaceporc, Peter de, keeper of the K.'s ward- robe, 2568, 2629, 2773, 2884, 3211. Chahamas, William de, 1787. Chamberlain, Alan de, 2781, 2894. Chamberlengh, Geoffrey le, 1994. , Robert le, groom of Bishop of Ard- fert, 2020. Chambre, Richard de, 409. Chance, Robert le, 3203. 1. Chancellor, the Lord, his fee for the charter of the King of Connaught, 656. Chancery of Ireland, 1988, 2116 bis, 2824, 2836, 2998, 3000. , its seal, 1988. Chancellors, Ireland, 1988, 2033, 2219, 2796, 2824, 2998, 3000. , Geoffrey Bishop of Ossory assigned in place of chancellor of, 2796. Chandos, Roger de, 1815. Chapelizod [Chapel Ysold], 959, 979, 1169. , venue of, 1290, 1292. , land of the chapel, 1290. , , extent of, 1292. , church of, of the K's gift, 1620. , advowson of church of, 1744, 1746. , manor of, 2254. , obstructions in the K's weir at, to be removed, 3142. Chapelle, Henry de la, 2631, 2632. , , to be quit of the aid assessed in Ireland, 2631. , , pardon to him for 8 marks, 2632. Chaplain, Ranulph, 272. Chareter, William le, the K.'s messenger to Ireland, 1449. Chartre, Walter, 3186. Chastelfranc. See Castlefrank. Chaurces, Patrick de, 2433. , , his father, 2433. Chaurs, Hubert de, merchant, 712. Chausi, Godfrey de, 1959. Cheddar [Chedder] , England, the K.'s forest of, 1323. , wood, 2059. Cheeny, Cheenay, Chaeny, William de, 2570, 2801, 2802, 2807, 2818, 2827, 2917, 2920. , , the lands and castles in Ireland of Walter late Earl of Pembroke com- mitted to him, 2801, 2802. , , seneschal of Leinster, 2827, 2836. , , to suspend the use and sealing of writs of course and taking of assizes, 2827. , , to send wine and corn to the K. for his expedition to Wales, 2827. , , letter of instructions to him, 2836. , , to send to the K. all the corn found in the manors of Walter late Earl Marshall in payment of his debts to the former, 2836. , , to deliver to the justiciary custody of the land and castles of Leinster, 2849. , , pardon to him of 10/. fo custody of Balbriggan, 2917. Cheinel, Hugh, 1175. Chelcabria, 50. Chenu, John le, 2362. I I 498 GENERAL INDEX. Chepeston, Nicholas de, 1831. Chepstowe, Nicholas de, 2171. Cheriton, Odo de, not to go to Ireland with the K., 2050. Chesney, Roger, 3203. Chester, England, 31 bis, 62, 435, 2448, 2468, 2473 bis, 2501, 2529, 2530, 2531, 2831, 2836, 3078, 3190. , see of, 64. , honor of, 81, 82. , the constable of, 263, 684,1289, 1372, 1554. , , his charter, 1373. , the justiciary of, 2448 bis, 2474, 2477, 2580, 3183, 3184. , castle of, 2468. , the K.'s prison at, 2651. , port of, deer to be sent from, to port of Dalkey, 2671. , protection for them, with licence to purchase corn in Ireland, 2428. , , to be repaid 100 marks out of Irish treasure, 2856. , John de Grey, justiciary of, 2934. , , to equip the K.'s galley at Chester to take over provisions from Ireland to Wales, 2934. , Ranulph Earl of, 263, 294, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 347, 348, 353, 354, 355, 356, 439, 624, 1015, 1075, 1110, 1153. , , grant to him of wine from Ire- land, 439. and Lincoln, Ranulph Earl of, 1015, 1074, 1372, 1801, 1812, 1930, 1969. , , his charter, 1373. , , all merchants of his land to trade in Ireland, 1801. , , his merchants arrested in Ire- land not to go over to Llewellyn, 1930. , John of, 1001. , Robert of, 2213. Cheyn, Nemyn, 2461. Chichester, England, see of, 411. , Ralph Bishop of, the K.'s chancellor, England, 1231, 1484, 1485, 1745, 1773, 1808, 1845, 1847, 1850, 1988, 2033, 2141, 2321, 2377. , , grant .to him for life of the Chancery of Ireland, 1988, 2033. , , chancellor of Ireland, 2219, 2254. , , Geoffrey de Turville, his deputy, Ireland, 1988. , , Robert Luteral, his deputy, Ireland, 2254. , , the clerk acting for him, 2219 bis. , , his clerks in Ireland, 2274. Chichester — cont. , Eustace Chancellor of, 1983. , , protection for him in going to Ireland, 1983. Chilbrid', land of, held by the burgesses de Pont', 677. Childwik, Geoffrey de, 2673, 2674, 2680, 2780. Chillconill. See Cealconill. Choloth, fishery of, 2485. Chork, [? Cork] Ireland, prior of St. John the Evangelist of, 2313. Chrikeston, Ywein de, 76. Christ-Church, Dublin. See Holy Trinity, church of. Church, the, 38, 927, 1481. , Holy Roman, 2252. , , cardinals of, aggrieved because a portion of the tribute from England and Ireland was not paid to them, 2252. Churches, the kings of England freely con- ferred before the coming of the Nor- mans, 448. Cigony, Engelard de, 426, 436. , Matthew de, 409 bis. Cillnarath, 136. Cinpiton, Robert de, 2060. , , Slana, his wife, to have her dower out of his tenement, 2060. Cinque Ports, barons of the, England, 1260, 1285. Cirencester, Ralph of, 237, 238, 240 bis, 241. , Robert of, the K.'s clerk, 377, 379. , A. Abbot of, 652. , Robert of, sheriff of Somerset and Dorset, 2312. Cistercian Order in Ireland, the, 136, 1490. , friars of the, going to Ireland to cor- rect their orders, 1992. , Abbot of the, 1984, 2026. , chapter of the, 2138. , abbots of the, 2586. , , an aid from them, ib. Clahull, Claihill, John de, 329, 448, 1443. , , to give security for 300 marks confirmation of his lands, 697, 698. , , his heir, 1018. , John de, knight, 1778. , , to remain in Ireland, ib. , Hugh de, 2846. , , custody of his land and heirs, ib. Clanauelay, land of, 775. Clanbeg, land of, ib. Clanlechet, 2485. Clairvaux [de Clara Valle], Fr. Abbot of, 1490, 3037. Clarada, near the sea, 138. Clare, Richard Earl de, 408. , William de, 3144, 3174. GENERAL INDEX. 499 Clater, Clatere, Norman, citizen of Dublin, 328, 334. , , his son, 334. Clemens, Clement, Henry, clerk of justiciary of Ireland, 2262, 2291, 2321, 2347, 2367, 2386. , , killed in an inn before the K.'s gates at Westminster, 2262. , Ralph, 2970. , Henry, 3210. Clensuerd, 1270. Clerc, Eugene le, 2276. Nicholas le, 2462. Clere, island of, 86, 87. , William de, 1491. , Matthew de, ib. Clergy, the, in Ireland and England, 1459, 1464. Cleri, Aymar de, 401. , Reiner de, ib Clerk, William le, of Dungarvan, 3198. , , , his wife, ib. , , , his heir to have his land, ib. Cliff, Walter de, junior, 536. Clifford, Walter de, 382, 403, 483, 949, 1289, 1372, 1802, 2177. , , , his charter, 1373. , Roger de, 403, 1372. , Simon de, 1875. , Richard de, 2049, 25 70, 2573, 2877. Clifton, Reginald de, constable of Dunster, 259. Clinker', the K.'s park of, 3123. Clinkinmolan, 565. Clinnmore [Clonmore], manor of, 2780. , fair and market there, ib. Clivedon, Matthew de, 415. Clochon, Sualcayn', 649. Clogher [Clocharensis], the Bishop of, 168, 2410. , Tigernach Bishop of, 823, 825. , Donat Bishop of, 1557, 1558. , , royal assent to his postulation as Archbishop of Armagh, ib. , see of, to be united to that of Armagh, 1559, 2505. , Neemayn [or Nehemiah], Bishop of, 2007, 2341, 2450. , , the justiciary not to afford him aid or protection, 2341. , , to hear his complaints touching the injuries of the Archbishop of Armagh, 2377. , , inquisition as to vills held by him, 2450. Clogheran, 1059. Clokeran, 1198. Clommor [Clonmore], 2383. Clomomincan, 97. Clonard [Clunard], castle of, G12, 2762,2763. Clonbragan, 273. Clonclidan, 3016. Cloncridan, 2607. Clondermot, Clendermot, [Glendermot], 833 bis, 883. Clondulcan [Clondalkin] , 1787. Clone, water of, 2485. , mill of, ib. Clonethe, 2649. Clonhliny, 1641. Clonluman or Clonlinnan, 2205. Clonmacnois [Clumakenois], castle of, 694, 1015, 1173, 2009. Clonmacnois [Cloenensis, Cluanensis], the Bishop of, 168. , royal assent to election of Thomas, Dean, as Bishop of, 2316. , Thomas Bishop of, 2318, 2319. , Elias, his predecessor, 2316, 2318, 2319. , poverty of the see, 2318, 2319. , , protection for Thomas Bishop of, 3166. , , 100s. of the K.'s gift for his expenses, 3167. Clonmel [Clunmell], vill of, 1054. , fair at, 1310. , manor of, 1014, 2422, 2570, 2571. , burgh of, 2607. , mills in, ib. Cloyne [Cloanensis, Cloenensis, Clonensis], the Bishop of, 694, 2410. , , his fruit trees cut down and his oxen taken away, 694. , , royal assent to the election of Florence, late Archdeacon of Belag- hathe, as Bishop of, 1207. , see of, 1235, 1432. , custody of, ^SS." , knights and free tenants of, 1236. , royal assent to promotion of William prior of Fermoy, as Bishop of, 1432, 1433. , the Dean and chapter of, 1442, 2953. , licence for them to elect an English- man, 1442. , Alan Bishop of, 2741. , , assise of Novel Disseisin between him and the Bishop of Emly of a tenement in Kelconmyr, 2741. , , to be arrested and imprisoned for contempt, 2741. , , royal assent to the translation of A [lan] late Bishop of, to the see of Lismore, 2938. , Brother Daniel, elected as Bishop, to have seisin of the temporalities, 2953. , lands held of the Bishop of, by Gerard de Prendegast, 3203. Cluaincollam [Clonconane], 136. Cluandarteda, 132. Cluain Crectain, 136. Cluain Ichadin, in Taballgort, ib* Cluain Mecsradin [now Ballymacadam] , ib. Cluain Melrach, ib. I I 2 500 GENERAL INDEX. Clugurgan, 341. Clughur, 136. Clumcridan, vill of, 1322. Clumene, co. Wexford, 2983. Clumlith, 138. Clum'or, 98. Clummor, 2538. Clumtorf, vill of, 85. Clumtorp', vill of, 1488. Cluncolan, Cluincolan, 1328, 1361. Clunlith, 127. Clunmore [Clonmore, Louth], manor of, 1387, 1829, 1830. Clunnaclois', castle of, 600. Cnarburc [Knaresborough] , England, 423, 431, 524. Cnoc, castle of. See Castleknock. , land of, in the honor of Lober, 704. Cnoccror, 127. Cnocflin, 1396. Cnocgrafan, Knockraffan', [Knockgraffon, co. Tipperary], 169. , castle of, 601, 613, 1268. Cnogva, 50, 2447. Cnoketomy, 142. Cnoncowrth, bis 1156. Cocfeud, Adam de, 2823. Cocham, Robert de, 1983. Cockersand, England, abbot of, 1937. Cogan, Cogane, Cogham, Milo, 422, 452, 690, 798, 1355, 1504. , his land in Ireland, 422, 1504. , his neice, 422, 452. , to have a portion of the land of Tradere [Traddery], 690. , Margery de, 758. , fine for her land in Desmond, ib. , to satisfy Alexander de Munfichet for his farm, 798. , his granddaughter, 1504. , Richard de, 3-17, 1001, 1457, 1537, 1646, 2285. , , to be retained on the K.'s ser- vice, 1457. , , to hold lands of Kilmehanoc, 1537, 1646. , , pardon to him of a demand for 10 cows, 2543. ... , R. de, 2716. , Michael de, 3203. , John de, 2716, 2767, 3145. , , to have according to the pro- clamation money for killing malefactors in Ireland, 3145. , , marries daughter of Gerard de Prendegast, 3203. , , his only son by her, ib. , Sir John de, 3203, 3204. , his son one of the heirs of Gerald de Prendegast, 3204. Cogan, Sir John de — cont. , , lands of the free marriage of the son's grandmother, ib. See Schagan. Coigners, Luke de, 1807. Coillac, Coilac, Cayllac, Coillach, Cuylach, of demesne of see of Dublin, 1757, 1769, 1787. , wood of, 1783, 1823. , moiety of, 139. land of, 475. , the forest of, 276, 475, 1317, 1359. Cointerell, William, the K.'s messenger going to Ireland, 1362. Coldreyn, 341. Cohere, Bernard le, 28. Cologne, the Archbishop of, 2251. Colonia, Ernulf de. 403. , his cog, 403. Columbariis, Colombieres, Philip de, 1916. , , Henry de, 2321. Colun, land of, in Dublin, 860. Comera, Thomas de, 3011. Comin, Cumyn, Maurice, 2232, 2291, 2309. , , seisin for him, 2291. , , Eustace, 2321. Common Pleas, Justices of England, 818. , , Ireland, mandate to Justices of, 3209. Comyn, vill of, 2255. Conacad, 136. Conell, Donell, grant to him of enjoyment of English law and liberty, 659. Confessor, King Edward the, 2725, 2726. ConhaP [Connell], manor of, 2121. Conmacin, 1184, 1 195. Conmakonekule, 2680. Connall [Conall], abbey of, 273. , the Prior of, 3082, 3120. , three carucates at, 273. Connanght [Connacia, Coinactia, Coignacia, Cunnoc' Cunnod], 213, 222, 230, 235, 241, 311, 590, 630, 660, 1395, 1557, 1648, 1674, 1719, 2006, 2032, 2217, 2218, 2289, 2336, 2339, 2366, 2476, 2519,2649, 3074. , the Archbishop of, 52. , cantred in, 137, 153. , one third of, as a barony, 279. , the King of Connaught's part of, 311. , gift of churches in, 926. , this gift not in the K. before, 926. , land of, to be surrendered, 1402. , cantred of the forest in, 1512. , episcopal investitures in, 1518. , marches of, 1581. , expedition to, 1581. , cantred of in which the castle of Athlone is situated, 1719. , five cantreds in, retained to the K.'s use, 1863, 1969, 1970, 1976, 2009, 2032. GENERAL INDEX. 501 Connaught — cont. , the five cantreds to be assessed, 1863. , prisoners of, 2032. , the whole of, to he subjected to the K., 2032, 2044. , office of justice in, 2218. , five cantreds of, near castle of Athlone, 2217, 2219. , castles in, 2228, 2366. , war of, 2283. , inquiry as to how it could best be turned to the K.'s profit, 2457. , county of, 3145. , the King of, 205, 222, 279, 311, 385, 537, 629, 654, 656, 669, 873, 900, 1155, 1203, 1443, 1515, 1516, 1688, 1975, 2039. , grant to him of all Connaught, 654, 656. 'he shall not be desseised without judgment of the R.'s Court, 654. , charter for him, 656. , money payable by him, ib. , the land of, claimed by Richard de Burgh, 900. , K[athal or Cathal] King of, 509, 530, 928, 980, 1001, 1164, 1174, 1184. , pardons for him, 509, 928. , King of, an aid to be demanded from him, 810. , his petitions, 980. , his charter touching Connaught, 1 184. Od[Aedth, Oethus or Hugh], his son, 1184, 1195, 1402. , S. and F. his messengers, 1184. , Kathal, late K. of, 1402. , forfeiture of him and his son, 1402, 1403. , to surrender Connaught, 1402. , heedless of the K.'s mandates, 1443. , summoned to Dublin, but did not come, ib. , a day appointed for him at the castle of Athlone, ib. , Oethus late K. of, 1518. , forfeiture of his land, ib. , Iviena, who was the wife of the K. of, 1688. , her ransom, ib. , Roderic, formerly K. of, 2006. , Fedhlim, Frethclin, son of K[athel] late K. of, 1975, 2039. , to strive to take the castle of Miloc, 2039. , safe conduct for him in comino- to confer with the K., 2644. , Fethel [Fedhlim] K. of, 2778. , protection for him, ib. Connor, Reginald Bishop of, 1225. ,R[ ] Bishop Cemerensis [? Con- nor], 1252. , Eustace, late Archdeacon of, 1366, 1368. Connor, Eustace, late Archdeacon of— con t. , , royal assent to his election as Bishop of that see, 1366, 1368. , , mandate for seisin to him, 1366. , the see of, 1366, 1368. , the elect of, 1369. , seisin for William de la Haye, chap- lain of the temporalities of the vacant see of, 2540, 2546. , Brother Adam, of Warton, when con- firmed bishop, to have temporalities of the see, 2553, 2660. , William de la Hay, custodian of see of, 2660. , , the temporalities delivered to him, ib. , , the executors of A [dam], late Bishop of, to have free administration, 2727. , royal assent to election of Isaac of Newcastle as bishop, 2739, 2744. , Isaac Bishop of, 2766. , , to have all the issues of his see, ib. the Bishop of, 2879. Constantine, Brother, Cistercian monk, 1170. Conyn, 2810. Cookelithe, 100. Coolock, 1840. , Hugh de, ib. Costentin, Constantin, Geoffrey or Godfrey de, 673, 2285, 2772. Coperan, land of, 121. Cophin, Geoffre}', 4, Cor, Walter, 2480. , Alice, his wife, ib. Coracoimgillain, grange of, 136. Corbali, 96, 136 bis. Corbet, Thomas, 2981, 3029. Corbin', Henry, 409. Coreah, manor of, towards Bre [Bray], 1753. Corcaia, land of, 340. Corchan, land of, towards Bre [Bray], 2123. Corcobasky Ethragh, land of, 784. Corcumbasky, 958. Corcumbast,2191, 2192. Cordele, Alexander, 2256. Cordewaner, Cordwainer, Cordewener, Wil- liam le, 119. , , Roger le, 119, 240 bis, 264, 304, 375, 1611, 3186. Ralph, son and heir of Roger, 1611. , Roger's Avife, ib. , the manor of Balimagdon granted to him, ib. , Reginald le, 237. , Robert le, 323. , Elias le, 939, 3203. , John le, 1828, 1842. , Aufrica his wife, 1828, 1842, 1865, 1899. , Richard, 2210. 502 GENERAL INDEX. Cor gran', patronage of church of, 711. Corhin, 241. Cork, the King of, 39, 766. , his son, 39. , the city of, 328, 572, 1060, 1969, 1972. , custody of, 1060. , inquisition as to whether Keriokery belongs to, 572. , the city so far as it belongs to the K., 576, 580, 584. , port of, 348, 2226 bis, 2246. , land of, near Bren', 322. , the kingdom of, 289. , co. of, 124, 235, 572, 1462, 1502, 3145. , to be taken into the K.'s hand, 1502. , the citizens of, 572, 997, 1573. , grant of liberties, &c, to, 2552. , to hold their city in fee farm, 2555. , merchant of, 806. ., the city of, to be fortified, 842. , its farm to be paid for three years for that purpose, 842. , lands and castles of, 1107, 1108. , the men of, 1185, 1972. , hospital of, 1343. , the Prior of, 1436, 1437. , mill and two burgages in, 1437. , the castle of, 1976. , men of, to cause one galley to be equipped, 2532. , justices in eyre at, 2608. , to be allowed what they advance for the K.'s expedition to Scotland, 2679. , to purchase wheat for the expedition and retain ships, 2687. , to send provisions to the K., 2768. , the Franciscans of, 2776. , Maurice Bishop of, 1206, 1209. , elected as Archbishop of Cashel, 1206, 1209. , royal assent to his election as Arch- bishop, 1209, 1233. , see of, 1519. , Gilbert, late Archdeacon of, 1302, 1303. , royal assent to his election as Bishop of that see, 1302, 1303. , its knights and free tenants, 1302. , the Bishop of, 2410. , royal assent to the election of Lau- rence, late Dean of Cashel, as Bishop of, 2933. , possession of the temporalities to be given to him, 2967. , canons of, 2967. Corkach', 129. Corkedofun, 2420. Corkenebasky Kandrach, 1936. Corkinbaskin, 106. Corkoyhe, 3203. Cornwall, England, 2643. , sheriff of, 2048, 2053, 2058. , Eustace of, 2412. , William of, ib. Cornar', Corner', near St. Audeon's, Dublin, 2210 ter. rent thereout for poor of Abbey of Hogges, 2210. Corner, Cornher, Thomas le, citizen of Dub- lin, 1260, 1274, 1275. , , his ships and merchandise, 1260, 1275 bis. , , protection for him, 1275. ,Bichard le, clerk, 768, 1669, 1740, 1756. , , all plaints in Ireland against him to be respited, 1669. , , his lands and chattels to be re- stored, 1740. Cornhill, David de, 37. , Gervase de, 37. Cornwall and Poitou, Richard Earl of, the K.'s brother, 1554, 1829, 1831, 1847, 1849, 1877, 1878, 1906, 2177, 2321, 2570, 2649, 2680, 2780, 2881, 2887, 3095, 3108. , , custody of lands of Theobald Pincerna granted to him, 1874, 187 7, 1878. , , an aid to be given to him by the tenants of those lands, 1881. , , seisin of them, 1906. , , sale of this custody, 1962. , , to cause William de Marisco to be arrested, 2262. , , agreement between the K. and him, that he shall release all claims touching lands and castles held by K. John, 2643. , , the Lady Senchia, his wife, 2643. , , Henry his son, 2866. , , grant to him of half the profit of coining new money in England, Ire- land, and Wales, 2887, 2888. , , further grant to him thereupon, 2887, 2888. .., , of licence to coin new money in England, Ireland and Wales, 2926. , , licence for 12 years to coin new money in Ireland, 3129. Corr'ait' [? Connaught], 2716. Cortelay, the K.'s manor of, 1820. Corthascin, 136. Costentin, Costentein, Costein, Geoffrey or Godfrey de, 132, 137, 153, 157, 158, 160, 261, 390, 508, 590, 612, 615, 653, 847, 949, 1001, 1272, 1295, 1717, 1719, 1722, 1723, 1745. , , grant to him of cantred of Trithweth, 590. , , protection for him and obser- vance of his liberties, 847. , lands given to him, 1719. GENERAL INDEX. 503 Costentin, Geoffrey de— cont. , , homage of Geoffrey, his son and heir for his land in Ireland, 1942. , , custody of the lands which he held of the K., or "Walter de Lascy granted to Richard de Dover, 2682. , , his heir, 2682. Coterel, William, 3186. Coudray, Matthew de, 2819. Council, the K.'s, 222, 2850. Council of the K.'s subjects, 723. Council General at Court of Rome, 804, 963, 1071, 1255. Council, the Roman, 1407. Councils, the justiciary's, 1067. Countersigns for delivering the castle of Dum'as to the Earl of Pembroke, 684. Coupeland, England, 1335. Coupland, William de, 434 . Courcy, Curci, William de, 21, 41. , , his honor, 21, 41. , John de, 82, 90, 224, 225, 234, 253, 259, 260, 263, 409, 482, 833. , , his retainers, 253. , John de, son of Roger de Chester, 259. , , licence to him to come to Eng- land, 358. , , Affrica, his wife, 482. , , Roger de Chester, his father, 833. , the late John de, 901. , , Affrica, his wife, ib. , , to have her dower according to custom of Ireland, ib. , John de, 1225, 1787. , young Milo Fitz John de, 259. , Patrick de, 1001, 2266, 3203. , John de, the K.'s certificate in his favour, 3202. Courtesy, tenancy by, in Ireland, 1458. Coventry, England, W. Bishop of, 652, 653. , custodians of see of, 477. , Alexander Bishop of, 1789. Cranack, Cranac, 1757, 1769. Crangulligin, 136. Crassus, Hamo, 1325, 1884. , William, 1443 bis. Cratelach', Cratalauch, 580, 881. Cratelerch', the K.'s wood in Thomond, 633. Craucumb, Crawecumbe, Godfrey or Geoffrey de, 406, 1015 bis, 1016, 1289, 1372, 1402, 1505, 1508, 1518, 1747, 1757, 1772, 1789, 1790, 1812, 1829, 1909, 1951, 1955, 1958, 1962, 1963, 2033, 2034, 2177, 2233, 2269, 2321. Craville, Thomas de, 2102, 2105, 2484. , ; to be admitted of the K.'s council, 2105. , James de, 2513. Cravill, Sir James de, 2590. Craynville, Thomas de, clerk, 1 700. Crebelpi, 132. Crek, Bartholomew de, 1193. Crenoda, 2447. Cresci, William de, knight of Flanders, 403. Crether, ford of, 136. Creulp, 1787. Crevequoer, Robert de, 636. , , Hamo de, 2080. Crihenelanmerach', 564, 942. Crispus, Baldwin, 37. Croc, Crok, William, 2536, 2595, 2596, 2627, 2631, 2681, 2908. , , seisin for him of the vill of Crokeveyl, 2536. . , , to be reseised of his land, 2627. , , to be quit of the aid assessed in Ireland, 2631. , Adam de, 407. , Reginald, his brother, 407. Crocise, Ordinatio or Donationes Crociarum, [Episcopal Investitures] , 260, 263, 381, 382, 653. Crocraffan [Knockgraffbn] , church of, 1029. Crokeden, St. Mary of, abbey, 118. Cromcon, 136. Crommoch, 273. Crook, near Waterford, 401. Crossbowmen, the K.'s, 312. Croum, Peter de, 400. Cryoyl, Criell, Bertram de, 2472, 2475, 2479, 2550, 2552, 2920, 3106, 3174. Cristin, Matthew, 3108. Croch', 2447. Crochinchel, 2276. Crocrachan, manor of, 2230. Crocum [? Crook, near Waterford], 85, 1488. Crofton, Thomas de, merchant, 1938. Crokeduffeny, manor of, 2809. Crokeveyl, vill of, 2536. Crop, Walter, 86, 87, 1812. Cross, Wales, 401 ter, 403. Croy, Stephen de, 1096. , Richard de Naurs, his servant, ib. Cruce, Brother, Philip de, canon of Holy Trinity, Dublin, 1704. Crumachtan, 1680. Crumech', or Crumeth, castle of, 586, 598. Crumell, 529. Crumlin [Crumeline, Crumelin], 703, 782, 795. , church of, 566. Crusaders, moneys of the, 3085. , redemption of their vows, 3088. Crusades, the, 3067, 3138. Cruwes, Crus, Stephen de, 113. , Roger de, 1205. .......... Robert de, 1527. , Stephen, his father, 1527. 504 GENERAL INDEX. Crynenecredi, 1787. , its church, 1787. Cuillean in Corbali, 136. Cuillen, 50. Culard, church of, in diocese of Ossory, 2704. Culbethach, 1680. Culbudi, [Cooleboy, co. Meath] , grange, 50. Culech', 190. Culega, England, 652. Culisil, 132. CuUen, 2447. Cullene, 96. Culloc, Cullac, 1328, 1361. Culma, 2055. Culmin, 127. Culmore, vill of, 1436. Culoc, 366. Culocdir, 136. Culrath', castle of, 565. Culworth, William de, 2306. Cumbe, Richard de, 413. , disseised of his land, 413. Cumberland, England, 27, 453. Cumbre [Cumber], castle of, 1866. Cumeth, 3174. Cumin, Cumyn, William, 81, 405. , , Jordan, 2894. , Eustace, 3210. , pardon to him for the death of Henry Clement, 3210. Cummor, Andrew Abbot of, 3150. Cumpton, William de, 2260. , his ship arrested at Ross, 2260. Cumsy, cantred of, 289, 1268. , pass of between Eethard and Ossory, 2583. Cungrave, England, 652. Cunnoct. See Connaught. Cunsellard', 404. Curinham, Hostis de, 403. Curten', Robert de, 949. Curtenay, William de, 406, 407. , , Reginald de, 1694. Curteis, Richard, Burgess of Bristol, England, 2226. , , licence for him to purchase corn in Ireland, 2167. Curtun, Alberic de, 107, 164. Curz, Patrick de, 2285. Cusac, Kusac, William de, 497, 520, 657, 700, 831, 1005, 1024, 1076, 1138, 1 153, 1333, 1340, 1365, 1453. , , fine for his liberation and mar- riage, 497. , , , fine with the K. for liberation from prison, 559, 562. , , fine for marriage of his wife, 562. , , his land in Ulster, 700. , Adam de, William's brother, 831, 2333. Cusac, Adam de — cord. , , seisin for him of William's land in Ulster, 831. , Godfrey or Geoffrey de, 529. , Robert de, 1305. Cusin, Roger, Irish hostage, 557. Customs, payment of, 547. Cuthicathil, 136. Cuylach. See Coillac de. Cygony, Cigoni, Engelard de, 416, 522, 535, 540. , Charles, his servant, taken at Carrick- fergus, 540. Cyriton, William de, 652, 653. D. D [ ], king, 1787. Dalkey [Dalkeia, Daukey, Dolkae] 355, 817, 1112, 1168, 1787." , port of, 2671. Dalred, Dalreth, 427, 564 bis, 942 bis. Dalun, Richard de Twyt's land of, 1267. , castle in, ib. Damas, Dumath, Du : mas, castle of, 644, 647, 664, 684, 685. Dammartin, Odo, 639. Damseleston [?Danistown, co. Meath], 2480. Danachgulian, 2683. Dany, or Dauy, castle, 104. Darachmuchua, river, 136. Darcy. See Arcy, de. Dartmouth, England, 479. Dauy', Ireland, 2861. David, Earl, 401, 406, 407, 409. , Henry, his son, 401, 407. David, cousin and clerk of the justiciary of Ireland, 184, 233. David, surgeon, 2549, 2606, 2685. Deallytgerrun, 175. Dean, forest of, England, 3173, 3175. Decies [Des, Dessia, Dissya], 793, 1051, 1292, 1395, 1543, 1678, 1680, 1864, 1914, 1946, 1969, 2426, 2569 bis, 2716 bis, 3146, 3153 bis. , forest of, 892. , barons who hold of the K. in, 1048. , lands and castles of, 1107, 1108. , land of, to be taken into theK.'s hand, 1502. , let to Thomas Fitz Anthony, 1502. Deerhurst, England, the Prior of, 2049. Dehorslepunt, 1883. Delo', 366. Delvin [Delvennya], 884, 1840. , castle in, 970. GENERAL INDEX. 505 Demesne lands, the K.'s, 174, 180,361, 496, 584, 892, 960, 965, 1412, 1641, 1668, 1712, 1755, 1763, 2254, 2487, 2960, 3007. , , in co. of Waterford, 571. , , in province of Armagh, 1312. , , a toll to be levied on tenants of, 1755. , , tolls on, 1763. , , purprestures in, 2487. Demesne lands and escheats, 1495, 1496, 1711. , , tenants of, may hold them to farm for seven years, 1711. Dene, Dena, Ralph de, 41. , Amfridus de, 391, 443, 525, 526, 529, 649, 673. , William de, 2959. , purchases, custody of land and heirs of William Fitz Maurice in Ireland, ib. Dengenumongan, 127. Denham, William de, 1530. , , seisin of vacant see of Meath, 1530. Denmark, Bartholomew of, 1660. Denndirg, ford of, 136. Deodatus, Bishop of the Jews, 49, 51. Derby, William de Ferrers Earl of, 475, 1812, 1829. Derby, Brother Richard of, 3037. Dereham, 1621. Derdac, church of, 355. Derekoneull', part of which belonged to O'Neal, 468. Deremunt [Dermot], 279. Derevald, manor of. See Dervagh. Derevaus, Ralph de, 600. Derkan, 1284. Derkeham, 2272, 2310. Dermitia, 273. Dermot, Deremot, Deremaud or Deremaud, John, nepheAV and heir of Gilleholm', 569. , John, son of, 881, 903, 2081, 2152, 2247. , his land, 881. , to have a fishing boat in the river of Dublin, 903. , his heirs, 2081, 2152. ,his lands, 2081, 2152. Dernan, manor of, 1796.^ Dervach, Derevald, Dervagh, manor of, 2221, 2382, 2780. , fair in, 2780. , castle of, 2382, 2392. , land in, 2392. Desafable, de Fuble, Gregory, 1780. , George, 1781, 1783, 1823, 1851, 1854, 1859, 1904, 1940, 1968, 2281, 2995.^ , George, knight of Richard de Burgh, 2112, 2312, 2323. , Thomas, 2995. Desarme, William, messenger going with the Queen, 400. Desbeg, 3203. Desmond [Desmund], 328, 403, 660, 758, 1051, 1292, 1395, 1864, 1969, 2426, 2716, 3163. , county of, 576, 580, 584, 1060. , the K.'s demesnes in, 584. , custody of, 576, 584, 1060, 1147. , escheats in, 576. , barons who hold of the K. in, 1048. , lands and castles of, 1107, 1108. Desmond and Munster, perambulation made between, 789. Desmond, land of, 1502, 1543. , to be taken into the K.'s hand, 1502. , let to Thomas Fitz Anthony, ib. , William de Burgh's land in, 230. Develeck [Duleek], 407 bis, Devenein, 1896. Devon, England, 4, 40, 75, 83. , , Sheriff of, 2048, 2053, 2058, 2059. Devon and Cornwall, England, 451. , B. de Insula, Earl of, 2570. Desker. See Esker. Dilun, England, manor of, 2740. Dinham, Oliver de, 406. Dispenser, Dispensar, Hugh, 1402, 1508, 1554, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1697, 1703, 1735, 1772, 1812, 1909. , Godfrey, 1554, 1680, 1963, 1969, 2033, 2034, 2152, 2295, 2399, 2422, 2485, 2550, 2552, 2570. Dissard, Wales, the K.'s castle of, 2934. Dives, -Florentine, 799, 800. , , William, his son, of St. Omer, ib. , ...... safe conduct for them in con- veying merchandise from Ireland, 800. , , the Earl of Pembroke authorises persons to receive money and merchan- dise for them, 801. Divisis faciendis writ de, 2232. Docoinell Glencaveran, land in, 2393. Dod, Richard, 3203. , William, ib. Dodder [Dother], river, 138. Dogs, lawing of, 1757. Dolfyn [Dolphin], David, 2406. Dolkae, Dolke. See Dalkey. Dombony, 1854. Dominicans, the Prior of the, Provincial of Ireland, 3067. Dominicans, the, of London, 3012. , 180 marks bequeathed to them by Hubert de Burgh, 3012. Domnachinor, 132. Donoure [Donore], land of, 705. Dorepunt, Thurstan de, 2782. Dories, castle of, 514, 516. , , its lands, 516. 506 GENERAL INDEX. Dornun, William, 2987. Dorset, England 425, 500. , , Sheriff of, 2048, 2053, 2058, 2059. and Somerset, England, 2, 28, 58, 76, 250. , Somerset, and Berks, England, 484. , Alexander of, 423, 485, 524. D other, river. See Dodder. Dovenachbric, 127. Dovenadbroc, Dovenabroc, 1079, 1109. Dover, England, 56, 84. , , bailiffs of port of, 552, 3064. , , barons of, 2054. Dover, Dovor, Richard of, 2680, 2772. , the K.'s cousin, 2682. , licence for him to sell a custody of lands, 2772. Down, Thomas Bishop of, 1263, 1264, 1360, 1377, 1492, 1685. , , protection for him, with licence to export, 1377. , , grant to him of 20/. a year for his losses in Hugh de Lascy's war, 1360, 1492, 1685, 2275. , the Bishop of, 2410, 2774. , , complains of oppressions of Walter de Burgh, Earl of Ulster, 2551. , A [ ], the Bishop's Archdeacon, 2551. , commemoration of the K. in the dio- cese of, 2551. , priests and religious there, 2551. , Randal Bishop of, 3150. Downpatrick [Dun], 404, 407 bis. , citizens of, 997. Dregni, 132. Drissoc, 127. Droeys, Silvester le, 302. Drogheda [Drochatatha, Drochdagh, Dro- cheda, Droweda, Drohheda], 50, 257, 407 bis, 428, 473, 596, 952, 953, 997, 1010, 1022, 1637, 1875, 2447, 2696, 3060. , church and monks of St. Mary of, 175, 2399. , mill at, 384. , the bridge at, 185, 384, 473. , fair at, 1010. , castle of the bridge of, 1015, 1289. , bridge of, land without the, 1568, 1623, 1676. , the K.'s burgesses of the bridge of, 473. , port of, 1300. , the castle of, 596, 743, 791, 808, 811, 835, 952, 953, 1022, 1380, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1976, 2009, 2261, 2452, 2465, 2490, 3060. .., , restored to Walter de Lacy, 743, 791,"808, 811. , , to be again restored to the K., 743. Drogheda, the castle of — cont. , , a jury to determine to whom it belongs, 743. , , custody of, 849. , , Hugh Tyrel to deliver it, 2792. , the men of, to pay freight to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, 686. , the men of, 1049, 1185. , towards Uriel, the men of, 1300, 1540. , to have free ingress to and egress from Drogheda with their mer- chandise, 1300. , , protection for them, 1301, 1540. , , the Barons of Irish Exchequer to compute 40 marks to them for farm of their vill, 1739. , , to cause one galley to be equip- ped, 2532. , , to be allowed what they advance for the K.'s expedition to Scotland, 2679. , , to purchase wheat for the expe- dition and retain ships, 2687. , , to send provisions to the K., 2768. , vill of, towards Uriel, 17 33 passim, 1734, 1739. , burgesses of, 1355. , , farm of their vill, ib. , , money paid by them for main- taining the war with Hugh de Lascy, 1355. , the citizens of, 1573. , the men of, grant to, of customs to build their bridge, 1582. [towards Uriel], the burgesses of, 1733. , , grant of liberties and franchises to, 1733, 1734. , the river of, 1733. , the K.'s subjects of, 1738. , , grant of customs to build their bridge, 1738. , grant to the burgesses, both towards Meath and Uriel, of customs to inclose their vill, 2135,2614. , the K.'s Constable of, 2208. , the citizens of, to attend to inclosure of their city, 2336. , confirmation of grant of lands, &c. to the church of St. Mary of, 2399. , the Archbishop of Armagh demands restitution of the vill of, 2618. , two of the K.'s galleys to be delivered to seamen of, to trade with, 2691. , the Franciscans of, 2776. in Meath, burgesses of, grant to t them of liberties and franchises, 2881. , city of, merchants' guild and house in, ib. , hundred, court in, ib. GENERAL INDEX. 507 Drogheda — cont. , free entry into and exit from the port of, 2881. , seneschals and provosts of, ib. , fishery in water of, ib. , disabled ships in port of, ib. , fair and market in borough of, ib. ... , the vill of, towards Meath, 2890. , the men of, fine for liberties, 2906. , freight due to them, 2906. Dromore, see of, 1500, 1501. , its knights and free tenants, 1501. , royal assent to election of brother Gerard, monk of Mellifont, as Bishop of, 1500, 1501. , protection for him, 1503. , Gerard Bishop of, 1985. , Andrew, late Archdeacon of, 2774. royal assent to his election as Bishop of, 2774. Dromyn [Dromin, co. Limerick], 1258. Dru'faran, 100. Drumenach, Drumelac, Drummenlac [Drim- nagh], in the vale of Dublin, 680, 726, 998, 1080, 1668. Drumlork, Drumlore, 833, 882. Drummeselin, 2450. Drumminiskeli, manor, 994. Drumrath, advowson of, 1618. Drungan, Drongan [Drangan, co. Tipperary], 2149. , manor of, 2763. Drunnannolub', land given to Bishop of Lime- rick, 589. Drunnyng, 2450. Dublin, the Prior of, 82. , walls of, 100, 127. , the vale of, 100, 273, 356, 361, 382, 679, 726, 1098, 2970, 3053. , manor in, 1394. , river of, 121, 903. . , stone gate near the bridge of, 121. , burgages of monks within and with- out the walls, 127. ,ward of William de Burgh without, 230. , gallows near, 138. , the county court of, 164. , fairs at, 226, 510, 577, 597. , capture of, 236. , gate of city of, 293, 305. , prison of, 302. , constable of, 319. , service of guarding the K.'s city of, 345. , burgage in, 356. , knights' fees in, 366. , prests made at, 403, 407, 409. , knights at, ib. , the mead near, 409. , bridge at, 511, 577, 1697. , the K.'s portion of the Liffey, 529, 577, 1697. Dublin — cont. , fisheries of, 529, 577, 1697. , sites of mills at, ib. , monks of, fine of 60 marks for bounds, 529. , their bounds when the English came to Ireland, 529. , fishings of boats at, 573. , fishings of ancient tenure, ib. , metes of, 577. , lands belonging thereto, ib. , English of, 641. , Ostmen of, ib. , inquisition by men of venue of 830. , land in, ib. , assizes at, 926, 1969, 2429. , market place in, 935. , the council of, ib. , 24 men of, excommunicated, ib. , pro-vost of, ib. , interdicted and excommunicated, ib. , Seneschal of, 935. , interdicted and excommunicated, 935. , the K.'s court in, 402, 935, 1166, 1436, 1831, 1889, 2382, 2724, 3151. , city of, rendered hateful to merchants, 971. , the K.'s fisheries at, 974. , merchants of, 1011, 2397. , barons who hold of the K. in, 1048. , bailiffs of, 1096, 1407, 1411. , to refrain from harassing exactions, 1096. , ships laden with merchandise to have free ingress to and egress from, 1129. , purpresture made by religious houses on, 1130. , aid to fortify, 1157. , provosts and bailiffs of, 1282, 1283. , fair in suburbs of, 1351. , farm of, 1339, 1352, 1353, 1376, 1384, 1407, 1411, 1600, 1672. , fosse around, 1314. , street under church of Holy Trinity [Christ Church], to be viewed and diverted, 1356, 1382. , sheriff of, 1536. , St. Patrick's gate in, 1645. , King's gate in, ib. , the land of Martelli near, 1787. , lands and churches within the walls and in the suburbs of, ib. , Leonard Abbot of, 1788. , grant to Prior of the Holy Trinity of land in, 1803. , burning of, 1816. , poverty of its inhabitants, ib. , to be taxed at 200 marks, ib. , plaint regarding messuages in, 1831. , Cistercian church of St. Mary in, 1933. 508 GENERAL INDEX. Dublin — cont. , the K.'s purchases at, 1969, 1976. , seal of, 1990. , prisage not to be taken there from certain vessels, 1991. , customs to fortify and inclose the city, 2068. mayor of, 2068, 2072. , the K.'s constable of, 2095. , two prisages of beer not to be exacted in, 2095. , the great galley of, 2096. , port of, 2687. , the mayor and citizens of, not to take customs from the Abbot and canons of St. Thomas, 2137. , parish of St. Audoon's in, 2171. , prorogation of term for taking cus- toms in, 2332. , forest of, 1317, 1359, 2336. , the mayor and men of, to cause the wares of the K. of Scots to be restored, 2407. , to purchase wheat for the K.'s expe- dition, 2687. , to retain ships in their port, 2687. , church of St. Mary les Dames in, 2692. , weights and measures of, to be followed throughout Ireland, 2713. , the Franciscans of, 2776. mandate to the mayor and bailiffs of, to cause the justiciary to have 23 hogs- heads of wine as the K.'s gift, 2787. , the K.'s hall of to be completed, 2793. , conduit of city of, ib. , water from it to be conveyed to the K.'s hall, ib. , plain near, 2960. priory of Hospital of, 2443. , Daniel Prior of, ib. , the city of, 100, 116, 121, 154, 172, 182,315, 328, 407 passim, 409 passim, 475, 577, 597, 844, 854, 860, 874, 935, 967, 973,983, 997, 1002, 1096, 1192, 1202, 1203, 1296, 1443 bis, 1466, 1645, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698,1787,1816,1891,2415,2495,3201. , Robert of, his ships, 661, 662. , William of, 1029, 1196. , castle of. See Castle of Dublin. Exchequer. See Exchequer. , the county of, 342, 2792, 3145. , judgment of, 351. , the citizens of, 226, 228, 510, 573, 597, 728,917, 935, 1130, 1463, 1573, 1693, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1703. , , sum due by them, 151. , , grant to, of liberties, privileges, and franchises from, 138, 577, 1693, 1696, 1697, 1698, 3057. , , wines sent to the K. by them, 439. , , grants of fairs to them, 510, 577, 597. Dublin, the citizens of— cont. , , power to make a bridge over the Liffey, 511, 577. , , fine to have in fee farm, the city of Dublin, 573, 597, 673. , , their accounts touching arrears of fines to be audited, 655. , , to be distrained, ib. , , justiciary to audit their accounts of fines and debts to the K., and de- ducting allowances to distrain them, 728. , , arrears of prisage to be paid to them, 730. , , debt due to them by Meyler Fitz Henry, 917, 973. , , controversy between them and the Archbishop of Dublin, 935. , , their court, ib. , , money taken from them to main- tain the war against Hugh de Lascy, to be repaid, 1463. , , the K. notifies to them that he commits the office of justiciary to Richard de Burgh, 1573. , , to render the farm of their vill to the latter, ib. , , licence to make a bridge and hold a fair, 1693. , , power yearly to elect a mayor, 1698. , ,Inspeximus of Charter granting metes, liberties, and franchises to, 1703. , , to be intentive and respondent to Henry de Trubleville, 2080. , the mayor and citizens of, 2099. , letter from the K. to them regarding Earl Richard Marshall, ib. , money lent by them to carry on the war against Richard Earl of Pembroke, 2211. , the mayor and men of, to cause the wares of the K. of Scots to be restored, 2407. , the burgesses of, fine of 200 marks that they may hold their vill in fee farm, 529. , to be distrained regarding 500 marks for fortifying their vill, 529. , burgesses of, 1096. , grants of liberties and franchises to, 1694, 1695. , the men of, 686, 967, 973, 974, 975, 983, 1049, 1130, 1157, 1185, 2095. , , to pay freight to William Mar- shall, Earl of Pembroke, 686. , , complaints by them, 967, 971, 974, 1129, 1130. , , protection for them, 975. , , grant to, of customs to inclose their city, 1002. , , grant to them of 50 marks for that purpose, 1296. , , complain of the Hospitallers' mills and weir, 1299. GENERAL INDEX. 509 Dublin, the men of — cont. , , to lend their great galley to the men of Bristol, 2066. , , grant to, of customs to inclose and fortify their city, 2068. , , to send their galley to England, 2072. .......... Mayor and men of, 2178. , to cause anew galley to be made, 2532. , wine sent by them for the use of the K. and Queen, 2537. , to allow the Abbot and monks of St. Mary to have their boat on the Liffey, 2620. , to be allowed in their farm what they advance for the K.'s expedition to Scot- land, 2679. , Mayor and men of, to allow water from their conduit to be conveyed to the K.'s hall, 2793. , grant to them of respite, 2935. Dublin, Laurence Archbishop of, 38, 56. , John Archbishop of, 124, 127, 332, 136, 180, 183, 202, 272, 273, 276, 277, 295, 316, 1787, 1788, 1789. , , his castle lands and forest, 180. , , province of, ib. , , his men, 183. , , formerly Archbishop, 1787. , , inspeximus of grants to him, 1787, 1789. , , inspeximus of grant to him of bishopric of Glendalough, 1738. Dublin, Henry Archbishop of, 459, 463, 468, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 481, 494, 496, 503, 505, 506, 507, 508, 510, 511, 512, 514, 515, 518, 519, 520, 525, 529, 532, 533, 538, 542, 544, 545, 546, 554, 556, 557, 564, 565, 566, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 587, 589, 590, 596, 597, 600, 604, 607, 611, 621, 633, 639, 640, 649, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 672 bis, 709, 712, 716, 726, 727, 729, 734, 739, 746, 769, 770, 778, 779, 780, 783, 792, 804, 805, 810, 823, 825, 826, 849, 894, 899, 926, 930, 932, 933, 963, 965, 966, 997, 999, 1008, 1015. , , custody of Ireland committed to him, and appointed justiciary, 466. , , grant to him of the bishopric and abbey of Glendalough, 475. , , gift of deer to him, 477. , , honourably to entertain the Archbishop of Tuam, 481. , , custody of castle of Dublin to be delivered to him, 492. , , mandate to buy scarlet cloth for robes for kings of -Ireland, 531. , , named as justiciary, 545, 549, 561. , , grant to him of the manor, fair, and advowson of Penkridge and other lands in England, 652. , , grant to his successors who shall not be Irish, ib. Dublin, Henry Archbishop of — cont. , , to be paid 300 marks out of the K.'s rents, fines, wool, and hides in Ireland, 716, 729. , , to have seisin of his land, 727. j , justiciary, 730, 2760. , , prays the K. to listen to the petition of the Bishop of Elphin, 733. , , collations to prebends in church of St. Mary, Shrewsbury, granted to him, 734. , , papal legate, 733, 805, 807, 855, 884, 904, 920, 927, 932. , , to promote improvement of Ireland, 780. , , nothing to be done without his assent, 780. , , to have seisin of library, 781. , grant to him of cantreds for damage done to his churches in forti- fying the castle of Dublin, 805. , , issues of vacant sees granted to him, 807. , , not to be impleaded touching tenements, 849. , , no forester to be troublesome to him, ib. , , custody of Ireland committed to him, 872, 899. , the K.'s keeper and bailiff of Ireland, 873. , , his letter to Hubert de Burgh, 884. , , his lengthened service with King John, 904. , , false aspersions against him, ib. , , prays that the custody of Ire- land be committed to another person, ib. , , David, his messenger, ib. , , protection for him while coming to the K. in England, 930. j , complains to the K. against Thomas Fitz Adam, keeper of the K.'s forest, 932. , , reply of the K., 933. , , the custody and care of Ireland committed to him, 997, 1001. , , mandates, &c. to him as jus- ticiary, 1018 to 1182 passi?n. , , constituted the K.'s proctor regarding the new vill of Cashel, 1051. , , complaints of men of Dublin against him, 1130. , , great power given to him as the K.'s lieutenant in Ireland, ib. , , the Archbishop when justiciary, 1222, 1240, 1255, 1257, 1316, 1358, 1463, 1480, 1698. , Henry Archbishop of, 1183, 1185, 1199, 1203, 1226, 1242, 1243, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1259, 1282, 1286, 1317, 1332, 1333, 1338, 1339, 1340, 1351, 1352, 1358, 1359, 1372, 1376, 1380, 1399, 1402, 1405, 1411, 1412, 1454, 510 GENERAL INDEX. Dublin, Henry Archbishop of— cord. 1459 bis, 1461, 1464, 1466, 1493 bis, 1549, 1562, 1620, 1652, 1661, 1667, 1698. , , his letter to the K. regarding the King of Connaught, 1 183. 5 , his predecessor, 1259. , , annuity for him out of farm of city of Dublin, 1282, 1283. , , seisin of land near Dublin, 1286, 1412. , , grant to him that the forest of Dublin, Glendalough, and Cuillah' re- main in the same state, 1317. , , forgives part of the K.'s debt to him, ib. , , account of the farm of Wat- lington, England, 1339. , , that manor committed to him, 1409. , , grant to him of a market in his vill of St. Kevin, 1351, 1354. , , fair in suburbs of Dublin, 1351, 1354. , ,, statement of the K. regarding his debt to the Archbishop, 1359. , , his church, ib. , , grant to him of annuity, 1376. , , protection for him, 1378. , , his testament to be adminis- tered, 1391. , , custody of vacant Irish sees assigned to him, 1399, 1405, 1507, 1613. , , resigns the deanery of Shrews- bury, England, 1454. , , the K. prays him to induce the clergy to pay an aid, 1459. , , the deanery and advowson of Penkridge, England, granted to him by King John, 1460. , , mandate for canonical obedience to him respecting the deanery, ib. , Master Zachary, his proctor, ib. , , surrenders charter of King John granting lands to church of St. Pat- rick's, Dublin, 1461. j ,Warin, his clerk and proctor, ib. , , his suffragans, 1459, 1464. , , appointed to collect a clerical aid, 1465. , , writ of Computate regarding him, 1489. , , the K. prays him and his suf- fragans to procure speedy payment of the aid, 1549. , money paid to him in Penk- ridge, England, 1562. , , to give seisin of vacant see of Emly, 1591. , , the K.'s debt to him, 1600. , , his account to be audited, 1607. , , his death, 1627, 1628. f , a successor elected to him, 1652. Dublin, Henry, formerly Archbishop, 1758, 1773, 1790, 1794, 1933, 2347, 2747, 2853. , Luke Archdeacon of St. Martin's, Archbishop of, 1652, 1660, 1667, 1671, 1691, 1783, 1793, 1797, 1812, 1814, 1826, 1841, 1860, 1863 bis, 1869 bis, 1876, 1895, 1953, 2001, 2015, 2051, 2085, 2103, 2118, 2120, 2141, 2151, 2157, 2166, 2178, 2210, 2216, 2218, 2219, 2228, 2254 his, 2284, 2285, 2303, 2304, 2323, 2328, 2370, 2373, 2377, 2378, 2388, 2431, 2438, 2449, 2457, 2497, 2556, 2623, 2684, 2698, 2703, 3053, 3061, 3071. , , elected as Archbishop by Dean and Chapter of St. Patrick's, 1652. , , royal assent to his election, 1652, 1663, 1671. , , his account of the disafforesting of the woods of his see, 1657. , , released from trammels of the court, 1663. , , his presence necessary to the K. and to Ireland, 1671. , , all moneys received to his use to be sent to the K. in England, 1717. , , discharged from account touch- ing see of Dublin during vacancy, 1742. , , royal assent to the provision made of him as Archbishop, 1745, 1773. , , grant that lands of his see be disafforested, 1757, 1769. , , fine for disafforesting woods, 1760, 1770, 1783, 1860. , , grant to him out of issues of see, 1765, 1766. , , to have two oak trees in Wind- sor forest, 1774. , , grant to him of liberties, 1789. , , grant to him of the prebend of Stachmuchan, 1790. , , mandate that the canons of Penkridge, England, render obedience to him as Dean, 1794. , , to have timber in the forest of Windsor, 1807. , , confirmation to him of liberties and acquittances, 1810. , , custody of vacant sees within his province, 1811. , , custody of vacant sees in Ire- land during the K.'s absence, 1818. , , 200 marks of his fine for dis- afforesting to be computed to him, 1823. , , sum due by him for executors of Roger Torpel, 1924. , , to induce the justiciary to send all the K.'s moneys to the K., 1943. , , the custody of vacant sees granted to him shall confer no right on his successors, 1952. GENERAL INDEX. 511 Dublin, Luke Archbishop of— cont. , , to confer with Hubert de Burgh, 1986. , , inquisition as to losses by churches and monasteries in his pro- vince by the war, 2153. , , to make with others a view of the treasurer's receipts and expendi- ture, 2157. , , the K. restores to him and his church the vill of Stagunnyng, 2177, 2179. , , 300 marks granted to him for damage done duringthe war,2186,2187. , , grant to him of a market and fair, 2209. , , , of custody of the lands of Richard Fanyn, 2212. , , gift of deer to him, 2214. , , the K. communicates to him the marriage of his sister to the Em- peror of the Romans, 2251. , , his nephew, 2288. , , respite for him of two debts, 2294. , , his questions regarding the new constitutions of Merton, 2323. , , his liberty in the vale and mountains of Dublin, 2336. , , to have seisin of the vill of Okenath, 2347. , grant to him of all the lands which W. de Mariscis held of the fee of the church of Dublin, 2378. , , to come to England with the justiciary, 2384. , , to audit the account of the latter, 2410. , ,respectingan aid from Ireland, ib. , , pardon to him for 100 marks, 2470. , , the K. prays a subsidy from him and the clergy of Dublin, 2622. , , , not to be molested regarding the manor of Holywood, 2625. , , the K. prays him to have the crusades preached throughout Ireland, 3067. , , to have deer in the K.'s park of Clinker', 3123. Dublin, the Archbishop of, 40, 57, 64, 84, 130, 244, 252, 275, 620, 926, 935, 949 passim, 1005, 1014, 1024, 1075, 1079, 1082, 1085, 1102, 1138, 1139, 1153, 1199, 1217, 1304, 1330, 1348, 1349, 1375, 1406, 1407, 1659, 1771, 1855 bis, 1932, 2000, 2082, 2374, 2384, 2410, 2425, 2443, 2519, 2723, 2800, 2860, 3122. , , passage of, 84. , , to audit accounts of keepers of Exchange and Mint, 529. , , his men dwelling in the forest, 892. , , his court, 926, 935. Dublin, the Archbishop of — cont. , , question of the K.'s right brought before it, 926. , , his men from the mountains, 935. , charter for Archbishops of, not Irish- men, 1451. , Archbishop of, to be put in posses- sion of the deanery of Penkridge, Eng- land, 1451. , not to admit to cathedral churches till royal assent granted, 1455. , , money paid to him out of Penk- ridge, England, 1470, 2478,2592, 2731, 2919, 2981, 3029, 3094, 3214. , , his boat on the river at Dublin, 1787. , grant to Archbishops of, of a court to administer justice, 1789. , , grant of prebend of Stachmu- chan, 1790. , , grant to, of deanery of Penk- ridge, England, 1 794. , see or church of, 1255, 1259, 1282, 1339, 1586, 1590, 1651, 1661, 1667, 1691, 1704, 1705, 1717, 1723, 1757, 1787, 1790, 2378. , church of, charters granted to, Avhen the K. was Earl of Morton, 475. , , Glendalough united with it, 892. , lands of see of, 932, 1665, 1757. , , its ancient liberties, 932. , Dean of, 926. , the K.'s forest to be kept to the honour of the church of, 951. , , no damage shall accrue to it through the forest, ib. , province of, 1464, 1549. , abbots, priors, and clergy of, 1549. , moneys of, 1717. knights and free tenants of see of, 1723. , lands of see of, disafforested, 1757. , demesne of see of, ib. , issues of see, 1765, 1766, 1783. , forest of see, 1765. , inspeximus of grants to, 1789, 1790. , abbots, priors, earls, knights, citizens, and burgesses within, to pay tithes for fisheries, 1798. , James de St. Martin, Archdeacon of, 1914. , the Archdeacon of, 2384, 2477 bis. , Hugh Archdeacon of, 3122.' Dudavill, Baldwin de, knight of Flanders, 404, 406, 407, 409. Duf, Nicholas, 2894. Duff, Magnus Mac Olave, 3206. .., proposes to raise a force in Ireland, to invade the Isle of Man, 3206. Duflgas [Douglas], 1680, 3203. , inquisition as to lands of Gerard de Prendegast in, 3203. , water of, 1680. 512 GENERAL INDEX. Duket, Richard, 1578, 1595, 1 615, 1635, 1677, 1709, 1711, 1712, 1714, 1716, 1720, 1721, 1731, 1756, 1822, 1852, 1858, 1863 bis, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2336, 2414. , , protection for him on the K.'s service in Ireland, 1578. , , his harness for the K.'s service, 1658. , , sent to preserve the rights of the Irish Exchequer, 1716. , , demesnes leased by him, 2336. , , justice in eyre, Ireland, 2487. Dulaein, Adam, 553. Duleek. See Develeck. Dullart, Dullard, Richard, 636, 1273, 1706. , Adam, his hostage, 636. Dumas, Dumath, the castle of, 2120, 2151. , the constable of, 1872. , castle of. See Damas. Dumavet, advowson of chapel of, 1243. Du'megan [Donemagan], 1715. DumnaP, 2771. Dun. See Downpatrick. Dun, Henry de, 1812. Dunach, Robert de, 2660. Dunboiny, Dunbuiny [Dunboyne],1904, 1940. , manor of, 1389, 1673. , fair at, 1673. Dunbrody, Dunbrothy. See St. Mary, abbey of port of. Dunbuc, 1787. Duncathel, 565. Duncru [Duncrun], yill of, 871. Dundalk [Dundal], 2351. , bounds of lands at, 1013. , manor of, 1387, 1829. , castle of, 790. Dundowonald [Dundonald], William, 2641. Dundreinan, Abbot, monks and brothers of, 1093. Dundunnelan [Dundonald], castle of, 1015. Dunech, 2724. Dunegan, 340. Dunelamein, Donelamein, castle of, 1632, 1806, 1885, 2040, 2090. , burnt down by the Irish, 1806. Duneyn, Walter de, 529, 673. , his sister and heir, 529. Dungalue, cantred in Connaught, 153. Dungarvan, 695, 1969, 2364. in Decies the K.'s manor of, 2569. , grant of a fair to be held there, 2569. , burgages at, 273. , province of, 223. , the K.'s burgesses of, 578. , grant to them of free custom of bridge toll, 578. , castle of, 586, 598, 1462. , custody of, 576, 584, 1976, 2009. Dungarvan — cont. , church of, 184, 272, 518, 1104, 1574, 1914, 2719, 3191. chapels, members of, 272, 2165. , one of the K.'s galleys to be delivered to seamen of, to trade with, 2691. , Geoffrey parson of, 364. , see of Limerick " granted " to him, 364 (see notes). Dungeir, moiety of, 136. Dungeri, 546. Dunhardach, 1787. Dunhevet, Ernisius de, 1272, 1424, 1621, 1682 bis, 1684, 1768, 2272, 2279,2307, 2310. , Joan his wife, 1682 bis, 1768, 2272, 2310. Dunhuge, 3203. Dunleer [Dunlir], 994, 1505. Dunlehoth', 344. Dunlere [Dunleer] Ivo of, 994. Dunliman [Dunlavan], 1787. Dunoyl, 2649. Dunmeny, 1556. Dunmugyda Inver vill, 649. Dunmor [Dunmore], 190. Dunnoure, 961. Dunsanency, 366. Dunstanvill, Peter de, taken at Carrickfergus, 539. Dunster, England, 259. Dunwabair [Donore near Drogheda], 175, 2399. Dunwich, Geoffroy de, 2784. , freight of his ship, 2784. Dunye, Walter de, 1998. Duole, Robert, of Waterford, his ship, 661, 662. Durand', 132. Durant, Henry, 2029. Durham, England, Eimericus Archdeacon of, 419. , see of, 419. , , bishop of, 858, 878. , , Richard Bishop of, 1229, 1633, 1675. , , Richard of, the K.'s chancellor, 1015, 1029. Durnun, William, messenger of the mayor and citizens of Bordeaux, 3102. Duvedal, William de, taken at Carrickfergus, 551. Duvenelbroc, Duvenacbroc [near Dublin], 138, 1036. Dyer, Richard, 29. Dynant, Philip de, 2321. Dysserdal, 127. GENERAL INDEX. 513 E. E. [? Eugene], Bishop, 176, 177. Ecclesiastical rights, 427. Ecclesiastical court, Ireland, the, 1166, 2069, 2741. Ecclesiastics in Ireland, not to be impleaded in lay courts touching ecclesiastical matters, 849. , not to render service for their posses- sions, ib. Ederdrum [Edermine], vill of, 1950. EdereskeP. See Hedeskel'. Edingrava, land in, England, 24. Edmund Frior of Athassel, 294. Edred, Maurice, 1327, 1517. , an escheat of one carucate for him, 1327. land for him near the sea, 1517. Edward, the K.'s son and heir, 3021. , grant to him of Gascony, 3021, 3022. , of the issues of Ireland, for two years, to fortify Gascony, 3021, 3022. Eglas, Moahdeo or Mocabdeo, 175,2399. Eiflan, Duncan de, 1758. , , to hold land in Lathran, ib. Eimericus, Archdeacon of Durham, England, 419. Eleuri, fee of, 93. Elm, Elyn, Godfrey or Geoffrey de, clerk, 1651, 1655, 1656, 1661, 1665, 1691, 1717, 1773. Elphin, petitions of Bishop of, to the K., 733. , Dean and chapter of, 2690, 2844. , , licence for them to elect a bishop, ib. , J[ohn], late Archdeacon of, 2769. , royal assent to his election, though irregular, as Bishop of, ib. , royal assent to election of Thomas, Dean of Archarduna as Bishop, 2844. Ely, England, Eustace Bishop of, 182. , John Bishop of, 1180. , William de, Treasurer, England, 275, 295, 442, 490. , Thomas de, 1803. , Hugh Bishop of, 2269. Emly, the Bishop of, 552, 555, 2410. , , ship to carry over, 552. , , emissary of the K., 552. , , to send to the K. all the K.'s vases, jewels, &c. which he had on loan, 558. , , his monks, ib. 1. Emly — cont. Henry, Bishop of, 576, 577, 579, 589, 590, 618, 1057, 1182. , grant of fairs to, 587, 618. , , his market at Emly, 618. , the Bishop of, 610. , , the manor of Gren to be let to him, 715. , , protection for him, 752. , , his land, 849. , , custody granted to him of vacant sees in Ireland, 1057. ,see of, 1519, 1524, 1589, 1591, 1592, 1593, 1610, 1650, 1692, 1799. , , custody of, 1589, 1591, 1593. , the Dean and chapter of, 1524, 1592, 1838, 2331, 2443, 3024. , John, Chancellor of, 1524.] , Henry, formerly Bishop of, 1589. , custody of vacant see of, committed to Ralph de Norwich, 1589, 1591. , grant of a prebend on account of vacancy in the see, 1592. , knights and free tenants, 1593. , Master John, bearing himself as elect of, 1650, 1692. , , cause between him and the K. touching election to the see of, 1799. , John, late Chancellor of, 1838. , , elected and consecrated bishop, ib. , , temporalities to be restored to him though K.'s licence not obtained, ib. , , licence for Dean and chapter to elect, 2331. , Thomas clerk of church of, ib. , D [aniel], Prior of Hospital of Dublin, Bishop of, 2443. , ,' royal assent to his election, ib. , Christian Bishop of, 2467, 2469, 2640, 2673, 2683, 2741, 2820. , , seisin for him of lands of his see, 2467. , , to be firmly bound, 2469. , , grant to him of a fair at Emly, 2673. , , his market there, ib. , , arraigns an assise of novel disseisin against the bishop of Cloyne of a tenement in Kelconmyr, 2741. , , seisin thereof to be restored to him, ib. , , pardon to him for 100s., 2820. , , his death, 3024. , , the Dean and chapter pray licence to elect, 3024. , Florence precentor of, ib. , Justiciary to give licence, ib. K K 514 GENERAL INDEX. Emly — cont. , G[ilbert] raised by the Pope to the see of, 3026. 9 , , the Archbishop of Armagh prays the royal assent for him, 3027. , , prebend granted by the K. be- cause of vacancy in the see, 3117. , Gilbert, formerly Dean of, 3200. , royal assent to his election as bishop of, ib. , , to have seisin of the tempora- lities, ib. Enachchuli, Enaghculy, in Corbali, 136, 2138. Enachdune [Enacdunensis] , Thomas late Bishop of, 3048. , licence to the Dean and chapter to elect a bishop, 3048. , , royal assent to election of Con- cord, Canon of Enachdune, as Bishop of, 3131. , the Dean and chapter of, ib. England, 28, 85, 201, 242, 252, 408, 444, 445, 465, 473, 489, 504, 515, 524, 529, 533, 541, 542, 744, 810, 815, 828, 897, 900, 940, 966, 994, 1001, 1033, 1036, 1059, 1072, 1109, 1131, 1139, 1146, 1205, 1224, 1229, 1289, 1317, 1324, 1328, 1380, 1404 bis, 1473,1505, 1506, 1549, 1554, 1560, 1570, 1612, 1615, 1675, 1694, 1706, 1709, 1717, 1743, 1755, 1780, 1808, 1863, 1872, 2093, 2101, 2140, 2151, 2152, 2175, 2226, 2227, 2237, 2241, 2252, 2269, 2271, 2309, 2321, 2356, 2371, 2394, 2397, 2400, 2410, 2415, 2438, 2439, 2448, 2519, 2534, 2557, 2667, 2694, 2738, 2808, 2853, 2874, 2887, 2895, 2915, 2943, 3101. , the K.'s subjects of, 380. , law of, ib. , the justiciary of, 443. , magnates of, 443, 444, 2120, 2151, 2323. and Ireland granted to the Pope, 489. liberties enjoyed in, granted to Ire- land, 759. , wheat to be brought from Ireland to, 827. , sheriffs of, 877, 2052. , custom of, 1081. , Poitou and Gascony, merchants of, 1096. , laws and customs of, to be observed in Ireland, 1390. and Ireland to be common to each other, 2242. and Ireland, men of, to trade for the profit of those lands, ib. and Ireland, churches of, 2764. and Scotland, treaty betweeD, 936. English, the, their arrival in Ireland, 529. , the, of Dublin, 641. subjects, the, of Ireland, 1443. Englishmen, lands of, in Ireland, 145. , to be elected and promoted to sees and dignities in Ireland when vacant, 739. , bounds of lands inhabited by, in Ire- land, 1081. , not to be received as canons in Irish churches, 3084. , the Pope commands this ordinance to be revoked, ib. Engol, Master William, 409. Enichwine, David, 1367. Ennocneganoc, 138. Erach, Keneleth, 3203. Erchmarchach' or Archmarchach, 640. , to have his land in Ireland, ib. Erdinton, Thomas de, 2321. Erkin, merchant of Kirkcudbright, 2424. Erlegh, Erglegh, Erelegh, John de, 313, 444, 1193. Ernald, Master, 409, 410 bis. Ernulf, miner, 404, 406, 409. Ernye, the house of, in Ireland, to be delivered to the Earl of Pembroke, 688. Eschal, 'Richard de, Knight, going to Ireland with the K., 401. Escheat lands, Ireland, 1642, 1664, 1685, 1970. Eskales, Eschales, William de, 2908. , Marmaduke de, ib. Esker [Escar, Desker], the K.'s manor or demesne of, 320, 1731, 1752, 1762, 1763. , lands appurtenant to church of, 320. , farm of, 740. , houses in the manor of, 1752. , church of, a chapel of prebend of Clondalkin, 1763. , canons of church of, ib. Esseford, Reginald de, 1556. , John de, ib. Esselegh, Walter de, 627. Essex, England, 1804, 1813. , Sheriff of, 1213, 1986, 2048, 2053, 2320. , to permit the Archbishop of Dublin to confer with Hubert de Burgh, 1986. and Herts, England, 13, 23, 1999, 2083, 2306, 2320, 2432, 2472, 2479, 2499, 2980, 3030, 3096, 3215. , , Sheriff of, 2499. , Godfrey Eitz Peter, Earl of, 129, 131, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 147, 148, 175, 195, 197, 209, 241, 258, 263, 273, 353, 354, 355, 356, 381, 384, 408, 428, 488. Godfrey Earl of, Justiciary of England, 2399. , William de Maundeville, Earl of, 1372. , , his charter, 1373. , and Hereford, Humphrey Earl of 2667. GENERAL INDEX. 515 Essex — cont. , Adam de, 272. Est Clone, manor, 2607. Estafford, Gregory de, 446. Esteyland, Simon de, 2477. Estyre, cantred of land in, 354. Etherac, 958. Ethragh. See Corcobasky. Eubasfard', 366. Euerbucht, Everubrict, father of Henry, 505. , his land, ib. , Henry, son of, 594. , Hugh de Bernevall's land in Ireland granted to him, 594. Eugene, Archbishop of Armagh, Primate of Ireland, 331, 338. Eustace, brother of Ralph Fitz Stephen, chamberlain, 50. Everdon, Robert de, 2029. Evringham, John de, 403. Everingham, Robert de, 2471. Isabella, his wife, ib. Evermue, Evermuth, Walter de, 1402, 1748, 1751, 1790. , William de, 1790. Evesham, William de, 2221. Evesham, England, the abbot of, 2576. Evreux, Earl of, 403, 406. , John de, 1678, 1680, 2027, 2055, 2165, 2343, 2393. , , grant to him of lands in Decies, 1680. , to be free from maintaining archers, ib. , , seisin of all his lands of the gift of Thomas Fitz Anthony, 2027, 2055. , , issues of his land, 2343. , Stephen, 2107. , , his daughters, ib. Ewyas, Sibilla de, 635. Exchange, the K.'s, Ireland, 3192, 3194, 3195. , keepers of, 529. , moneyers of, 3194. , officers of, ib. , London, keeper of the, 2491. Exchequer of Dublin or Ireland, 182, 356, 443, 529, 537, 576 bis, 577, 581, 584, 589, 596, 616, 620, 654, 710, 714, 740, 749, 754, 776, 777, 780, 899, 905, 909, 949, 952, 953, 963, 966, 979, 997, 1001, 1055, 1057, 1071, 1090, 1122, 1134, 1140, 1173, 1178, 1181, 1214, 1278, 1292, 1294, 1295 ter, 1298, 1334, 1340, 1341, 1351, 1352, 1353, 1365, 1376, 1384, 1399, 1400, 1405, 1410, 1452, 1453, 1458, 1462, 1463, 1497, 1518, 1520, 1535, 1577, 1581, 1587, 1598, 1599, 1622, 1644, 1672, 1674, 1681, 1700, 1711, 1713, 1717, 1733, 1739, 1763, 1768, 1795, 1811, 1819, 1833, 1834, 1853, 1857, 1887, 1925, Exchequer of Dublin or Ireland — cont. 1933, 1935, 1936, 1958. 1969, 1970, 1973, 1976, 1982, 1988, 1989, 2002, 2017, 2043, 2122, 2123, 2191, 2192, 2206, 2216, 2220, 2272, 2343, 2344, 2348, 2352, 2396, 2398, 2417, 2442, 2452, 2453, 2460, 2470, 2488, 2507, 2521, 2543, 2582, 2589, 2591, 2594, 2601, 2639, 2691, 2721, 2770, 2782, 2789, 2794, 2824, 2837, 2862, 2867, 2886, 2890, 2899, 2920, 2945, 3010, 3035, 3052, 3068, 3074, 3079, 3100, 3109, 3112, 3116, 3119, 3126, 3153, 3159, 3161, 3174, 3181, 3187, 3198. , treasurer and bailiffs of, 1411. , custody of door of, 1281, 1475. , improvements in, 1599. , rights of, 1716. , the K.'s clerks resident at, to have their salaries, 2274. farmers, sheriffs, castellains, &c. in Ireland to answer at, 2336, 2339. , Peter Grumbald, sent to inspect it, 2457. , all the money in to be sent to England, 3212. , treasurers of. See Ferns, John, Bishop of ; Rivall, Peter de ; Leveland, Eustace de ; Turville Geoffrey de ; Ossory, Hugh Bishop of. , chamberlains of. SeeBrun, Audoenus or Owen le ; Turville, Geoffrey de ; Benedict ; Fisacre, Warin de. , treasurer of, 1808, 1840,2002,2009, 2010, 2017, 2122, 2125, 2126, 2156, 2158, 2173, 2202, 2254, 2349, 2623, 2729, 2789, 2832, 2833, 2837, 3198. , a view to be made of his receipts and expenditure, 2157. , treasurer and chamberlain of, 616, 1006, 1071, 1148, 1765, 1766, 1969, 2004, 2009, 2010, 2017, 2092, 2176, 2186, 2187, 2191, 2192, 2193, 2201, 2203 bis, 2219, 2236, 2256, 2692, 2776, 2789, 2820, 2825 bis, 3059, 3060, 3069, 3081, 3092, 3146, 3153, 3163, 3178, 3180, 3190, 3192, 3211, 3212. , to give of the K.'s treasure to preserve the peace, 2094. , to complete the hall of Dublin Castle 2692. , to have a valuation made of corn in Ireland, 2697. , to purchase tunics for Franciscans, 2776. , to cause 3000 soldiers who came from Ireland with the justiciary to have their pay of 2d. a day, 2777. , to give the Franciscans five marks, besides 20/., 2788. , to pay for capes, silken cloth, fringe of gold, wares and jewels bought for the K.'s use, 2993. , to cause the recluse of St. Mary les Dames to have her ancient alms, 3058. K K 2 516 GENERAL INDEX. Exchequer of Dublin or Ireland — cont. , to receive money by weight only, 3068. , clerks of, 840. , rolls of, 887, 899, 1046, 2156, 2191, 2219, 2261, 2336, 2729, 2833, 3205. , treasurer and barons of, 1689, 2369, 2543, 2575, 2895, 2929. , to make the necessary advances in case of war, 2895. , treasury of, 1981, 1988, 2122, 2125, 2126, 2156, 2159, 2277, 2703, 3071, 3190. , custody of door of, 2277. , barons of the, 357, 630, 655, 657, 737, 777, 873, 987 bis, 988, 1046, 1097, 1148, 1453, 1599, 1689, 1739, 1834, 1857, 1970, 1988, 2156, 2161, 2623, 2729, 2833, 2837, 3102, 3116, 3126, 3158, 3198. , to allow to men of Irish cities money advanced by them for the K.'s army, 2679. , to assign to the men of Baliogary terms for payment of the farm of that manor, 3119. , William le Brun and other barons of, to send all moneys to Chester, 3128. , to be intentive to Hugh Bishop of Ossory appointed treasurer, 3158. Exchequer, England, 331, 472, 481, 503, 713, 813, 843, 905, 987, 1406, 1857, 1873, 1876, 1888, 1912, 1925, 1935, 1949, 2203, 2352, 2445, 2509, 2546, 2619, 2824, 2852, 2905, 3010. barons of the, 262, 424, 443, 497, 504, 620, 905, 1148, 1220, 1332, 1452, 1477, 1489, 1587, 1741, 1747, 1748, 1749, 1750 bis, 1751, 1764, 1767, 1791, 1817, 1823, 1834, 1844, 1857, 1868, 1873, 1888, 1912, 1922, 1945, 1948, 1949, 2023, 2100, 2222, 2225, 2235, 2247, 2350, 2490, 2509, 2539, 2808, 2926, 3165. , to pay to Alienor Countess of Pem- broke and Leicester the money due for her dower in Ireland, 3013. , 1C , to attend to partition between heirs of Walter Earl of Pembroke, 3155, 3157. treasurer and chamberlains of, 278, 850, 867, 992, 1003, 1004, 1016, 1017, 1056, 1066, 1082, 1086, 1102, 1105, 1106, 1113, 1116, 1151, 1256, 1257, 1357, 1358, 1362, 1420, 1449, 2035 bis, 2501, 2513, 2515, 2534, 2926, 3208. , F. and R., chamberlains of the, 850, 867, 992, 1003, 1004, 1016, 1017. , F. and W., chamberlains of, 1056, 1066, 1082, 1102, 1105, 1106, 1113, 1116, 1151. , chamberlains of, 1357, 1358, 1362, 1420, 1449. Excommunication, custom in England regard- ing, 1481. Exeter, England, 262. , keepers of see of, 331. , Simon Bishop of, 1015. , William Bishop of, 2141. , John of, sent to Ireland as the K.'s messenger, 2088, 2089. , Jordan of, 3052, 3059, 3139. , to have 20 librates of land in Ireland, 3139. Eye, England, honor of, 2643. Eyneford, William de, 2077. Eyre, justices in, Ireland, 1784. , their maintenance to be provided out of the K.'s treasure, 2043. , mandate to them to respite an appeal, 2781. See Ireland. F. Faghelet, Fagholet, 1328, 1361, 1936. Fainesith, 341. Falaise, France, 176, 177. Fanyn, Richard, 2212. , Walter, 2760. Fartir, 132. Favorie, castle of, 612. Fay, Richard de, knight of Sir W. de Lascy, 934. Fedamore, co. Limerick, [Fedomair, Fedemer] , 136. , manor of, 2383. Fedemercum, 2354. Felda, Feld, Richard de, the Queen's servant, 159. , Richard de la, 843, 959, 979, 1166. , his daughters, minors, 1149. , Nicholas, his son, 1166, 1169. , Nicholas de la, 1149, 1270, 2495, 2970. , , his land, 1270. , , grant to him of custody of the door of the Exchequer, Dub!iu, 1281. Femessid, 317. Ferand, Great, the K.'s horse, 2360. Ferard [Ferrard, Louth] , demesne lands of, 1829. Ferchir, Ferthir, Firthir, of demesne of see of Dublin, 1757, 1769. , wood of, 1783, 1823. Ferentin, John de, 1062. Fermay [Fermoy], William Prior of, 1432, 1433. Fermuy [Fermoy], 2716. Ferns [Ferles], manor of, 1429. , market and fair there, 142 " GENERAL INDEX. 517 Ferns, the Bishop of, 258, 397, 721, 2410, 2455. , Albin Bishop of, 291, 385, 658, 823, 825, 1787. , custody of see of Killaloe until he be ordained bishop of that see, 721. , see of, 1099, 1519. , custody of, 1099, 1101. , the elect of, 1121, 1122. , John Bishop of, treasurer of the Ex- chequer, Ireland, 1182, 1214, 1258, 1306, 1340, 1380, 1410, 1452, 1524, 1587, 1605, 1609, 1610, 1611, 1612, 1613, 1699, 1716, 1717, 1808, 1863 bis, 1876, 1896, 1913, 1950. , John Bishop of, 1977, 2025, 2112, 2114, 2285. , , grant to him of a fair at his manor of Senebod, 1306. > , grant to him of markets and fairs, 1429. >...> , assizes touching his lands and fees, 1430. , , appointed to collect a clerical aid in Ireland, 1464. , , grant to him of 40/. a year, 1598. > , to have the crops of the K.'s manor of Newcastle de .Leuan, 1598. , , protection for him, 1605. , , released from the trammels of court and from rendering an account, 1606. , , had long served King John and the K., 1606. , , quit-claim to his church and his successors, 1606. , , to audit the account of Henry Archbishop of Ireland, 1607. , , demise to him of the manor of Newcastle de Leuan, 1819. , , to take the oath of Maurice Fitz Gerald as justiciary, 1977. , , to deliver treasury of Ireland to Peter de Rivall, 1981. , , to ^attend with the writs and rolls at the audit of Richard de Burgh's account, 2012. , , inquisition as to what chattels he received with the manor of New- castle, 2025. , , safe conduct for him in coming to confer with the K. regarding Ireland, 2113. , , pardon of 50/. prest, 2188. , , to deliver the rolls of the time when he was treasurer of Ireland, 2336. Ferrariis, "William de, 2177. Ferrers, William Earl de [Ferrariis] , nephew of William de Breouse, 294, 406, 407, 408, 409 bis, 473, 624, 1015. , Agatha de, 2949, 3063, 3080. , to have seisin of her portion of the lands in Ireland of Walter late Earl of Pembroke, 3063. Ferrers, Agatha de — cont, , , restoration of her lands in Ire- land, 3110. , Alienor de, one of the heirs of W[ab- ter], late Earl of Pembroke, 3132. , William de Vallibus, her late husband, 3132. , , his executors, 3132. , , all the issues of her portion to be restored to them, 3132. Fertakerach, prior and canons of, 3182. Ferun, Peter le, 2894. Fethard, 2583. Feychmolin, 2205. Feypo, Feipo, Adam de, 127. , Richard de, 134. ,R.de, 529. , , his son, 529. , Richard de, his nephews hostages for him, 672. , , his sons hostages, 672. , Richard de, 2266, 2285, 2894. , John de, taken at Carrickfergus, 535. , Hugh de, 1284, 1621. , Joan, who was his wife, 1284, 1621. Fidoyn [Fiddown], 1787. Fine at Westminster of lands in England and Ireland, 2756. Fingal [Fynegal], 764, 813, 1294, 1342, 2282, 2772. , Walter de Lascy's fees of, 382. , Reginald, 607, 629, 669, 1294, 1342, 2002, 2193, 2195. Finnavir, Finnaver [Fennor, co. Meath], 50 bis, 2447 bis. Finnen, 136. Finoure, 1787. Fisacre, Warin de, clerk, 2158. , , chamberlain of the Exchequer Dublin, 2158, 2162 bis, 2494. , Ysaac de, Warin's brother, to be ad- mitted to that Exchequer, in his place, 2494. Fisicus, Alexander, 984. Fitz [ ], Benedict, a Jew, 1291. Fitz Adam, John, chamberlain, 259. , Thomas, 404, 407, 409 bis, 410 ter., 438, 492, 538, 542, 612, 629, 669 bis, 784, 836, 843, 873, 892, 896, 899, 921, 932, 933, 949, 955, 958, 959, 960, 979, 990, 999, 1000, 1003, 1015, 1020, 1021, 1037, 1046, 1141, 1142, 1231, 1812. , to deliver to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, custody of 'the K.'s castle of Dublin, 492. , , to be provided in Ireland, with a maintenance, 744. , , pardon for 40 marks, 754. , justiciary to aid him in fortifying his castle, 784. , , with a clerk of the Exchequer to have custody of all escheats, 840. 518 GENERAL INDEX. Fitz Adam, Thomas — cont. , , to have all escheats in Ireland, 899. ..- , , , grant to him of custody of the K.'s forest of Ireland, 891, 951. , , to be called to the K.'s councils, 893. , , complains to the K. against the Archbishop of Dublin, 926. , , associated justice itinerant, in Ireland, 985. , , to hold all his lands, 1007. , , grant to him of demesne lands, 1141. , , of custody of the castle of Athlone, 1142. , , Laurence, his servant, 1151. , William, hostage for Adam Dulaein, 553. , Richard, 2742. , , not to be distrained to become a knight, 2742. , David, 3203. Fitz Alan, John, 1372. , , his charter, 1373. », William, 2076,2150, 2287,2314,2368, 2385. , , Agnes, his wife, 2076, 2150, 2287, 2314, 2368, 2385. Fitz Aldelm, William Dapifer, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46. Fitz Alexander, John, 907. Fitz Alured, Robert, brother of Walter Bishop of Ossory, 2184. , , Jordan, his brother, 2184. , Walter, 2964. Fitz Ambrose, B. chamberlain of Dublin, 2104. , , , not to be intentive to Peter de Rivall, 2104. , , to deliver chamberlainship to Warin de Fisacre, 2162. Filz Anthony, Thomas, 321, 401, 448, 576, 580, 583, 673, 827, 842, 851,886 bis, 1001, 1026 bis, 1108, 1147, 1290, 1292, 1437, 1513, 1543, 1678, 1680, 1681, 1689, 1714, 1852,2027, 2426, 2591. , , land of, 401. , , grant to him of custodies of counties, castles, and cities in Ireland, 584. , , not to impede English barons in bringing from Ireland their wheat to England, 827. , , the county of Cork leased to him, 1437. , , his lands, 1689, 1714, 1852, 2055. , , his heirs, 1864. , , lands in Decies of his gift, 1947. , , his daughter and heir, 2353. , , his lands of Decies and Des- mond, 2426. , , his daughter and heir, 2426. Fitz Austin, Wilekin, 259. Fitz Benedict, William, 1105. , Odo, 2344. Fitz Bernard, Robert, 4, 40, 56. Fitz Bishop, Milo, 499, 673. , , his son, 499. Fitz Bonevie, Angevin, a Jew, 1291. Fitz Brito, le Butiller, Roger, 1891. Fitz Chinctwine, Thomas, 28. Fitz Dun, David, 74. Fitz Durand, Walter, 1618. Fitz Earl, Henry, 401, 403, 404, 406 bis, 621. Fitz Elie, Philip, 114. , Richard, 649, 2343. Fitz Everbrict', Henry, 581, 609. , his land, 581. Fitz Garin [Fitz Warin], Philip, 455. Fitz Geoffrey, John, 2121, 2399, 2422, 2475, 2485, 2550, 2570, 2573, 2780, 2826. , , Isabella, his wife, 2121. , , Justiciary of Ireland, mandates to, as such, 2770-3213. , , appointment of him during plea- sure as justiciary, 2781, 2785. , , to respite all debts of Peter de Geneve on his own or Peter de Lascy's account, 2770. , , to cause amendment to be made in the process of an appeal, 2781. , , the K.'s gift to him of 100/. for harness, 2786. , , grant to him of 500?. a year or more for his maintenance, 2789. , , in case of war to take treasure to maintain it, ib. , to render an account of trea- sure beyond 500/., ib. , , to cause to be paid what the K. owes for provisions, &c. from Ireland, 2795. , , to cause wine, wheat, oats, hogs, and lime, to be purchased for the K., 2803. , to cause the lands of Walter, late Earl of Pembroke, to be extended, 2813. , , custody of the castle of Trim committed to him, 2817. , , to commit to Geoffrey de Wule- ward the K.'s Irish Seal, with custody of the Chancery of Ireland, 2824. , , his passage to Ireland to be defrayed, 2825. , , to send wines, provisions, and treasure to the K. to Chester, 2831. , , to provide wheat, oats, wine, hogs, and lime for the K., 2836. , , to pay 60 marks of Irish trea- sure in compensation of damage done to the Abbey of Re, 2840. , , his arrival in Ireland, 2841. GENERAL INDEX. 519 Fitz Geoffrey, John — cont. , , to send money to the K. at Chester, 2848. , , to take possession of the lands and castles of Leinster, 2849. , , to send to the K. one of his knights to surrender the castles of Walter late Earl of Pembroke, 2857. , , to cause the custodian and chaplains of St. Saviour of Rendeuan to have a maintenance, 2872. , , to cause Richard de Burgh to have seisin of his lands, 2875. , , to cause the dower of S. de Longespee's wife, to be surveyed, ib. , , Irish treasure brought with him to England, 2883, 2884. , to take inquisition regarding a concord in a plea, 2894. , , to have 500 marks of the K.'s gift, and 100/. for his expenses, 2895. , , to cause the keepers of the K.'s works at Bristol to have 100 marks, 2898. , , to cause seisin to be given to Richard de Burgh [the yr.] of his land and castles in Ireland, 2908. , , if for the K.'s advantage to commit to the same the custody of the county of Connaught, 2909. , , to distrain the Earl of Pem- broke's heirs for 300 marks advanced by the K. for the Countess of Leicester's dower, 2911. , , to send to the K. all the money he can, 2923. , to take into the K.'s hand all the lands in Ireland of Matilda, late Coun- tess Warenne, 2927. , , to allow the men of John de Balliol to purchase corn and wine, &c. in Ireland, 2931. , to give to the abbot and monks of St. Mary, Dublin, land in compensa- tion of the K.'s mills, 2941. , , to divide the lands in Ireland of W [alter], late Earl of Pembroke, among his heirs, subject to the dower of Margaret, who was his wife, 2949. , ,to inquire regarding the slaying of Irishmen, 2952,2962. t , the K. sends to him particulars of the liberties which he is prepared to grant to the Barons of Ireland, 2956. , , to cause the Franciscans of Downpatrick and Carrickfergus to have provisions and garments, 2957. f , to assign waste lands in place of 40 librates in the plain near Dublin, 2960. , , to restore Hugh de Tywe's lands, 2961. Fitz Geoffrey, John — cont. , , his account to be audited by the Bishops of Ossory and Ferns, and two others, 2968. , , to inquire regarding tenements of Robert de Mariscis, 2976. , , regarding extent of Walter de Lacy's land, 2984. , , to cause the Countess of Pem- broke and Lincoln to have seisin of the castles of Kildare and Carbery, and lands in the manor of Aboy, 2989. , , Roger de Crumba, his servant, 2994. , ,to deliver to Ralph of Norwich the K.'s seal of Ireland, 2998. , , to provide the Abbot and monks of St. Mary, Dublin, with lands worth 10 marks a year, 3007. , , mandate regarding the debts of Walter de Lacy, 3009. , , to seize the chattels of Egidia de Burgh, 3012. , to take into the K.'s hand all the lands in Ireland of William de Valence, 3020. , , to cause Simon de Montfort to have all the revenues of Ireland for two years to fortify Gascony, 3021. , , to certify the amount he shall send for that purpose, 3022. , , not to give licence to elect in sees without application to the K., 3039. , , to have deer in the forests of Brentwood and Whittlewood, England, 3040. , , not to distrain Maurice Fitz Gerald for 500 marks, 3042. , , to cause a provision to be made in the vale of Dublin for the chapters of the Holy Trinity and St. Patrick's, Dublin, 3053. , ,to commit to Conor O'Brien the land which he holds to farm of the K., 3054. , , to assign justices to the Arch- bishop of Armagh to determine pleas regarding his church, 3055. , , to be quit regarding the fortify- ing of castles, maintaining war, or pa- cifying Ireland, 3070. , , to cause partition of the Earl of Pembroke's lands to be made among his heirs, 3080. , , to compel payment of 300/. for the head of Carbri Huin Aleklin, 3093. , to pay money out of Irish treasure for the fortification of castles in France, 3099. , , grant to him of custody of the land and heirs of Theobald Pincerna, 3100,3101. , , of the ploughs and corn in Theo- • bald's lands, 3103. , , to cause the K.'s surgeon to have 10 librates of land in Ireland, 3105. 520 GENERAL INDEX. Fitz Geoffrey, John — cont. , , to deliver the lands of Agatha de Ferrers, 3110. , to inquire regarding an offer of 500/. made by 0. O'Brien for land in fee, 3114. ." , , to cause the Archbishop of Dublin to have deer out of the K.'s park of Clinker', 3123. , , 12,000 quarrells to be delivered to him by the constable of St. Briavells, 3133. , , to cause justice to be adminis- tered to Maurice Fitz Gerald, 3134. , , to cause an inquisition to be taken as to value of land in Kilmetom, 3151. , , the K. trusts in his prudence to remedy the irregularity in the election of the Bishop of Achonry, 3156. , to assess a toll on the K.'s cities, burghs, and vills in Ireland ; and with proceeds to repair the K.'s castles, 3159. , , to cause the K.'s demesne lands and manors in Ireland to be extended, 3161. , , to have 50/. for his expenditure regarding the K.'s army in Ulster and Desmond, 3163. , , not to permit Hospitallers or Templars to acquire houses in Irish cities without the K.'s licence, 3168. , , letters of protection for him, 3169. ., , , to take three bucks in the forest of Dean, England, 3173, 3175. , , to take an inquisition regarding the manor of Balimadun, 3186. , , , inquisition thereupon, ib. , , to deliver the manor of Obruy to Hugh, elect of Ossory, 3187. , , to distrain persons in Ireland to become knights, 3188. , , certificate directed to him in favour of John de Curcy, 3202. , Justiciary of Ireland, 2881, 3071, 3106, 3108, 3111, 3112. , Tangard, 2270. , Peter, 3203. Fitz Gerald, Maurice, 586, 598, 724, 793, 1458, 1757, 1769, 1975, 2266, 2383, 2780, 2908. , , fine for lands of Gerald, his father, in Ireland, 586, 598. , , , seisin of the lands of Gerald, his father, 702. , , Gerald, his father, 724, 793, 956. , , to have seisin of the land of Maynooth, 724. , , knighted, 793. , , to have his land of Gallos, ib. , , his heir, ib. , , seisin for him, 956. Fitz Gerald, Maurice — cont. , , his land of Rathmore, 1757, 1769. , , justiciary of Ireland, 1976. , , appointment of, as justiciary, 1977, 1978. , , form of oath administered to him, 1977. , , mandates, &c, to him as justi- ciary, 1976-2775. , , to have 500 marks a year while justiciary, 1979. , , to rectify the course of the Liffey, 1980. , , to aid in reforming the Cister- cian Order, 1992. , , the K.'s Irish castles to be de- livered to him, 2008, 2009. , , to take the castle of Milloc held by Richard de Burgh, 2044. , , to distrain the latter, ib. , , the land of Gren committed to him for his support, 2045. , , to proceed according to English statutes regarding matters in the Eccle- siastical Court in Ireland, 2069. , , to have out of the K's treasure what may be necessary to preserve the peace of Ireland, 2092. , , to give a competent aid for the inclosure of vills, 2094. , , not to permit two prisages of beer to be exacted in Dublin, 2095. , , summoned to confer with the K. regarding Ireland, 2112. , , safe conduct for him in proceed- ing to England, 2113, 2143. , , mandate that he come thither, 2114, 2143. , ., to permit the citizens of Water- ford to take customs to enclose their city, 2133. , • , peace between him and the K.'s Irish subjects, 2141. , , letters of safe conduct for him from Edmund Archbishop of Canter- bury, 2 148. , , to inquire as to losses of the Archbishop of Dublin by the war, 2153. ; , , to make with others a view of the treasurer's receipts and expenditure, 2157, 2161. , , to restore the rights of the church of Dungarvan, 2165. , , to have judgment of the K.'s court in Ireland touching certain tene- ments, 2168. , , 500/. for him as justiciary. 2180. , , grant of a market and fairs at his manors of Yohyll and Gren, 2182. , , an annuity of 50 marks for him, 2185. GENERAL INDEX. 521 Fitz Gerald, Maurice — co?it. , , to inquire what Irish knights were against the K. in the Earl of Pem- broke's war, 2190. , , to maintain the castles of Kylor- gelan, Holywood, and Connaught, 2228. , , to inquire what purprestures have been made against the K., 2231. , , to cause the writ De divisis faciendis to run in Ireland, 2232. , , to cause French merchants to be arrested in Ireland, 2241. , , to allow the men of Ireland to bring corn into England, 2242. , ....... to cause galleys to be constructed in Ireland, 2244, , , to send to the K. the galley given by Gilbert Earl of Pembroke, 224.5. , , letters from the K. to him, 2250. , , harsh in executing the K.'s mandates, ib. , , to obtain money out of fines of Eichard de Burgh and others, 2254. , , to let Irish demesne lands, ib. , , to diminish Castle fees, ib. , , letters from the K.to him, 2284. , , his affairs, 2317. , , the K.'s letters and mandate to him regarding the new constitutions of Merton, 2323. , , to send to the K. a transcript of K. John's grant of Okenauth, 2328. , , to attend to safe keeping of the K.'s forest, 2336. , , case sent by him to the K. re- garding coparceners, 2356. , , the K.'s present to him of a horse, 2360. , , mandate regarding ships touch- ing at Ross, 2361. , , letters from the K. to him re- specting castles in Connaught and an aid, 2366. , , to draft men in Connaught, ib. .... , , to proclaim changes regarding writs of course, 2379. , , commanded to come to England, 2384. , , not to summon the Abbey of Monasternenagh, 2387. , , to hold an assize of white and red wines in Ireland, 2389. , , to receive into the K.'s peace those who sided with Richard Earl of Pembroke, 2390. , , to take into the K.'s hand the temporalities of the see of Cashel, 2391. , , to cause Philip de Barry to be brought under judgment of the Exche- quer, 2396. , , the K. notifies to him the con- clusion of peace with the K. of Scots, 2407. Fitz Gerald, Maurice — cont. , , to permit Scotch merchants to trade in Ireland, 2407. , , letters from the K. to him re- specting the state of Ireland, the jus- ticiary's account, the K.'s going to Ireland, and an aid, &c, 2410. , , his petition about Thomond, 2410. , , to revive the writ touching boundaries, 2414. , , to protect the men of Chester, 2428. , , to respite all plaints at the assizes of Dublin against Walter de Lascy, 2429. , , mandate regarding bastards who die without issue, 2441. , ....... to cause Walter de Lacy to have allowances in his debt due to the K., 2452. , , gift of deer for him, 2486. , , to have 100/. gift from the K., and 100/. prest, 2489. , , custody of land of Robert de Mariscis, 2493. , to make provision for the K.'s going to Ireland, 2496. , to cause the feast of St. Thomas the Martyr to be celebrated in that saint's church, Dublin, 2497. , , custody of the castles and lands in Ireland of Gilbert, late Earl of Pem- broke, granted to him, 2524. , , to cause corn, hogs, and wine to be sent to England, 253L , , discharge to him for purchase money of lands, 2539. , , grant to him of free warren in demesne lands, 2550. , , his account to be audited, 2556. , , safe conduct for him in coming to confer with the K., 2557. , , to cause the Irish galleys to be sent well manned to the K., 2558. , , to be intentive to the Archbishop of York as governor of England, 2563. , , to send money and soldiers to the K., 2565, 2585. , , to send the K.'s galleys to France, 2566. , , to clear the pass of Cumsv, 2583. , to send money to the K., 2611 2612. , , to inquire whether dower as- signed to Margaret de Lascy, 2617. , , the K. approves of his account and discharges him, 2623. , , not to interfere if the Arch- bishop of Cashel should sue his suffra- gans regarding their spiritualities, 2640. , , his retinue to have 20 marks of the K.'s gift out of issues of vacant see of Canterbury, 2642. 522 GENERAL INDEX. Fitz Gerald, Maurice — co?U. , , custody for him of the land of Sir John le Poer, 2649. , ,what had been promised to him, ib. , to cause the lands of Richard de Burgh to be extended, 2652. , , inquisition taken thereupon, ib. , , to administer justice toEmeline, Countess of Ulster, 2663. , , renders homage to Walter Earl of Pembroke for his lands, 2666. , , all the booty which he devotes to maintain the K.'s army in Ireland to be restored to him, 2679. , , grant to him of free chase and warren, 2680. , , lands worth 88/. 8s. to be as- signed to him, 2689. , , to have deer of the K.'s gift, 2701. , , to cause proclamation to be made regarding weights and measures, 2713. , , all expenses in raising knights and soldiers for the K. to be allowed to him, 2715. , , to respite a plaint in the K.'s court, Dublin, 2724. , , to inquire as to lands of Walter de Rideleford, 2730. , , to provide wine, corn, and hogs, for the K.'s army in Wales, 2733. , , to certify what provisions and what force he can send for that army from Ireland, 2733. , , to hold conference with Irish magnates as to an aid, ib. , , to cause four wooden towers to be made, 2735. , , to cause four more to be made, 2736. , , to proceed to judgment in an assize, notwithstanding the threats of the Bishop of Cloyne, 2741. , , to take the cantred of Okonach into the K.'s hand and give seisin of it to Matilda de Mariscis, 2747. , , the K. will cause to be restored all the booty which Maurice shall take to his use in Ireland, 2750. , , to render justice to Stephen de Longespee and Emelina his wife, touching her dower, 2758. , , to give seisin of Castelblathac to Matilda de Mariscis, 2759. , , to raise money to purchase provisions for the K., 2768. , , to send to the K. four wooden towers, &c, 2775. , , surrendered office of justiciary, 2785. , , the K. remits his ire against him, 2952. , , , to give satisfaction for the slay- ing of Irishmen, ib. Fitz Gerald, Maurice — cont. , , the K. receives him into grace, releases his account as justiciary, and directs that he shall be tried concerning the K.'s lands held by him, 2962. , protection for Maurice gone on the K.'s service to Gascony, 2963. , , respite to him for 500 marks, 3042. , , terms for payment of this fine, 3116. , , to have justice in the K.'s court, Ireland, 3134. , , grant to him of free warren, 3137. , , to have 12 deer of the K.'s gift, 3144. , Maurice, justiciary of Ireland, 2491, 2523, 2533, 2539, 2673, 2674, 2703. , , formerly justiciary, 2782. Eitz Gerald, Maurice, 3061, 3071, 3104, 3106, 3108. Fitz Gerald, Warin, 403, 404 bis, 406, 407 ter, 428. , Henry, 403, 406, 407, 409. Fitz Gilbert, Duncan, 564, 907, 942. , , saving of lands to him, 942. Fitz Gilemichal, 116. Fitz Gillekeran, William, 3108. Fitz Godescall, Vanin, 77. Fitz Griffin, Matthew, 1443, 1457, 2236. , , to be retained on the K.'s service, 1457. , Sir Matthew, Knight, 1778. , , to remain in Ireland, ib. , , grant to him of a fair in his manor of Karrec, 2573. Fitz Hamon, Ursellus, a Jew of Hereford, England, 2079. Fitz Henry, Meyler, justiciary of Ireland, mandates, &c, to 86-388. , , appointed chief justiciary of Ireland, 133. , , his Irish bailiffs, 167. , , David his clerk, 184. , , the chapelry at his court, 273. , , formerly justiciary of Ireland, 398, 789. , ,to have allowances in his account, 887. Fitz Henry, Meyler, 122, 124, 127, 129, 132, 134, 136, 137, 157, 166 bis, 187, 195, 196, 199, 448, 689, 691, 697, 698, 725, 917, 973. , , Meyler, his son, 310, 314. , , his fees, 691. , , to answer to the Earl of Pem- broke for his service, 725. , Thomas, servant of the Treasury of London, 401. , William de Wotton, hostage for Nicholas de Verdun, 624. , William, 1156, 3203. GENERAL INDEX. 523 Fitz Herbert, Matthew, 497, 559, 1372, 1757. , , his prison at Chichester, Eng- land, 863. , Peter, 1289, 1372, 1518, 1757. , his charter, 1373. , Ralph, 417. Fitz Hubert, James, 34. Fitz Hugh [ ], 188. , John, 309, 409, 425, 447, 450, 500, 551, 634. , Reginald, his brother, 447. , Alexander, 448. , Richard, 1633, 1703, 1733, 1735, 1744, 1757, 1772, 1789, 1951, 1955, 1958, 1962, 1963, 2152, 2295, 2408, 2416. , William, 2270, 2728. , Amabilia, his wife, 2728. Fitz John, Daniel, 218, 1324. , William, of Harpetre, 484, 782, 795. , , seisin of bis land of Crumeline, 703, 782, 795. , , fine for lands in Ireland, 864. , , his castle, 1204. , John, of Hanwood, 871. , , his son and heir, ib. , Eve, his mother, ib. , Maurice, 1840. , , marriage of his heir, ib. , Jordan, merchant, 2826, 2987. Fitz Jordan, Robert, 247, 1328, 1361. , Christiana, his wife, 1328, 1361. , William, 2119. Fitz Joseph, Nicholas, 2276. Fitz Lambekin, John, 2454. Fitz Leo, Fitz Leon, John, 448, 450, 612, 666. , Nicholas, seneschal of Meath, 873, 1091, 1227. , Thomas, 1372, 2285, 2916. , , Hugh, his son, 1372. Fitz Leonard, Roger, 5. Fitz Mailgun, Mailgun, 2504. , , his charges against Gilbert Earl of Pembroke, ib. Fitz Martin, Robert, 339, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 348, 353, 354, 355. , , grant of 40 knights' fees to him, 339. Fitz Maschal, William, 673. , , his daughter, ib. Fitz Matthew, Herbert, seneschal of Gascony, 2321, 2621. , William, 1367, 1587. , , his son and heir, 1587. Fitz Maurice, G[erald], 101, 102, 195. , , his heir, 195. , Thomas, 93, 95, 403, 406, 448, 529. , , his wife, 529. , , his son and heir, ib. , , custody of his lands and heir, 583, 673. Fitz Maurice, Thomas — cont. , , his wife, fine that she may marry, 673. , Thomas, 1145, 1222 bis. , Maurice Fitz Thomas, a hostage, 617. , Gerald, 2573. , , the K.'s gift to him of 100/., 2593. , , to be quit of the aid assessed in Ireland, 2631. , , his freight to be acquitted, 2633. , , to have moneys of the K.'s gift, 2634, 2637, 2638. , William, 2903, 2959, 3151. , , his land and heirs in Ireland, 2903, 2959. , Henry, 2760. Fitz Milo, David, 2485. , , his gift to a convent of nuns, ib. , William, 3108. , Alan, 3203 bis. , Thomas, 3203. , Gerald, ib. Fitz Nicholas, Nicholas, 1420. , , Ralph, 1372, 1505, 1508, 1518, 1632, 1633 bis, 1675, 1744, 1757, 1772, 1812, 1829, 1846, 1887, 1909, 1962, 1969, 2033, 2034, 2152, 2177, 2269, 2295, 2574, 2877, 2881, 2948, 2971, 3106, 3137, 3164, 3174. , , the K.'s seneschal, 2090, 3110. , , seisin of lands of William Pi- pard, 1541. , custody of lands and heir of William Pipard, 1554, 1561. , , protection for him touching those lands, 1561. , , his bailiffs to have seisin of William Pipard's lands, 1580. , , William's daughter and heir to be sought out for him, ib. , , the services of Meath and Uriel granted to him to fortify a castle, 1632, 1806, 1885, 2090. , , the service of Meath granted to him for that purpose, 2040. , , received into the K.'s grace, 2401. , , his lands in Ireland restored to him, ib. , , Ralph, Fitz Ralph, his son, 2574, 2716, 2720. , , grant to him of the service of Meath and Uriel to fortify the castle of Dulameym, 2574. , , to remain in Ireland, 2720. , , to have an aid from his knights and free tenants to fortify his land of Uriel, 3143. Fitz Nigel, William, 3151. Fitz Norman, Ely as, 98, 213, 529. , , his son, 529. Fitz Odo, Edward, 2707, 2711. 524 GENERAL INDEX, Fitz Pagan, Robert, 76. , Roger, 1727. , Richard, ib. Fitz Peter, Godfrey, the K.'s justiciary, Eng- land, 117, 229, 336, 441, 442, 443. [See Essex, Godfrey Fitz Peter, Earl of.] , Simon, 290. , , his lands, ib. , Reginald, 3025. , Alice, his wife, ib. Fitz Philip, Maurice, 95, 101, 188, 344. , Elias, 116. , Henry, 344. , Eneas, ib. , Audoenus, ib. , John, 1633, 1693, 1694, 1696, 1703, 1772, 1789, 1955, 1958, 1963, 2033, 2034, 2233, 2269. , Walter, 2481. , Margaret, his wife, ib. , Richard, 3203. , William, ib. Fitz Prendregast, Gerald de, 1730. , .his lands, ib. Fitz Ralph, William, 37. , , the K.'s servant, 2564. Fitz Reinfrid, Fitz Renfrid, Gilbert, 4L2, 417, 501, 548. Fitz Resus, Philip, 1757, 1769. Fitz Richard, William, 24. , Robert, 142, 374. , Richard, his father, 142. , Adam, 697, 698. , Fitz Robert, John, 259. Fitz Richeric or Rigeric, Keneveg or Kene- wrek, 673, 830. , his father, 830. Fitz Ririth, Ririth, 1625. Fitz Ritick, Kenwerec, 1625, 1754. Fitz Robert, John Fitz Richard, 259. , Geoffrey, 103, 179, 226, 287. , Walter, 417. , William, 1555. , Juliana, his wife, ib. , Peter, 2273. , Gerald, 2462. , William de Blundestone, 3015, 3016. Fitz Roger, Roger, 117. , Robert, 197, 240, 263. , Adam, 412. , Michael, prisoner of Carrickfergus, 487. ., Michael, 546. , homage for the tenements of Roger, his father, in Dungeri, 546. , Richard, 1448.. , , disseised of his lands in Ulster, 1448. Fitz Roland, Fitz Rolland, Fitz Roillend, Alan, of Galloway, 463. Fitz Roland, Alan— cont ? > grant to him of forest, markets and fairs in Ireland, 463. > grant of lands in Ireland, to him, 564. » Thomas, of Galloway, brother of Alan, 474. , , grant to him of lands in Ulster, 474. See Galloway. Fitz Serlon, Robert, 461, 467. , , his land, 461. Fitz Sewin, Robert, 22. Fitz Simon, William, 401, 405, 407, 2973. , John, a hostage, 627. , Richard, 2973. Fitz Stephen, Ralph, 34. , William, his brother, 34. , Ralph, chamberlain, 50. , William, 45, 48, 53, 73, 80, 448. , Robert, 340. , J., hostage, 529. , W., hostage, ib. Fitz Thomas, John, 2285, 2353, 2680, 2716, 3083, 3089, 3106, 3146, 3153. , , grant to him of free chase and warren, 2680. , , grant to him for his portion of Decies, 3146, 3153 bis. Fitz Thurstam, Roger, 2970. Fitz Vivian, Ralph, 834. Fitz Walter, Robert, 294, 1213. , Theobald, 296. , William, 1660. Fitz Warrenne, Fitz Warin, Henry, 155. , Fulk, 336, 2049, 2393, 2680. , Richard, 2221. Fitz Warin, [ ]. 2673, 2674. Fitz Wido, William, of London, dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, 1752, 1762. , , grant to him for life of the K.'s manor of Esker, 1752, 1763. , , of land called Liscaillah, 1762. Fitz William, Lambekin, 96. , Alard, 197. , le Petit, Robert, 309. , Hacket, Peter, 259. , Ralph, 610. , John, fine, 673. , William, his father, ib. , Nicholas, a minor, 2060. , David Baron of Naas, 2169. , Maurice, his brother, 2169. , Reginald, 2207. , William, du Pont de l'Arche, 2321. , Edulph, 2970. , Matthew, 3203. Fitz Ysabell, William, 57. Flaimang, Robert, 134. Flamariis, Wilham de, 1788. , , clerk of the son of K. Henry, 2483. GENERAL INDEX. 525 Flanders, 42. , knights of, 403, 404, 407, 409. , the K.'s army of, 503. , Stephen of, on service of John the K.'s son in Ireland, 75, 111. , Godescall of, 78. , John of, 1272. , Robert of, 2447. Flemenc, Adelard le, knight, 403. Flemeng, Fleming, John le, burgess of Tris- terdermot [Castle Dermot], 2987. Fleming, Archembaud', 653. Flemeng, Baldwin le, 2716, 2724, 3147. , Robert le, 3179. Flemming,Walter le, burgess of Southamp- ton, England, 2298. Florent, William son of, of St. Omer, 850. Fodered [Fethard], castle of, 1950. Fold, Richard de, 2029. Foleville, William de, 1272. Foliot, Robert, 2454. Fontemel, Fontimel, cantred of, 93, 95. Fontenay, W. de, 1843. Ford, the Long, 355. Forest, the K.'s in Ireland, 100, 926 passim, 951. , , to be taken into the K.'s hand, 951. , , vill in, 926. Fornach', 190. Fornes [? Ferns], 1950. Fortibus, William de, 3080. , , Matilda, his wife, ib. Fossa Nova, Stephen de, cardinal, 651. , , the K. prays a loan of him, ib. Fosseth, 273. Fothered, the manor of, 2989. Four', 407. France, the king of, 201, 1459, 2565 bis, 2566. , , his death offers to the K. an opportunity of recovering his rights, 1459. France, merchants of, 2241. Franceis, Fraunceis, Henry le, 2037, 2163. , William le, 1782. , , Margaret, his wife, ib. , Hugh le, 2685. : , Alexander, 3186. Franciscan Friars of Castle Dermot, 2878. Franciscans, Dublin, 2004, 2338, 2415. , , writ for payment of money for repairs of their church and houses, 2004. , , gifts from the K. in aid of their building, ^33 8, 2415. , house of the, Waterford, 2797. , , the money given for tunics to be employed in repairing it, 2797. , Ireland, 2722, 2788. Franciscans — cont. , chapters of, not to elect to bishoprics without consent of their order, 2722. , minister of the, Provincial of Ireland, 3067. Frank, William, 2848. Franks, 136. , their lands in Ireland, 145. , arrival of, there, 175, 2399. Frascati, 38 ter. Fraxiniis, William de, 1682. , , Margaret, his wife, ib. Frederick, Emperor of the Romans, &c, 2286, 2325, 2365. Freehorn, John, 3108. Freenes, Frenes, William de, 1684, 2894. Free tenants, fines of, for the passage of Ire- land, 419. Fressingfeld, Richard de, 1750. Frigido Monte, Abbot de, France, 1490. , , safe conduct for him in Ireland, 1490. Frombaldeston, 1491. Fronzac, France, castle of, 3099. Frudeby, Henry de, 116. Frusinon, Frussyn, John de, clerk and envoy of the Pope, 2757. , , licence to him to cross over to Ireland, ib. , collector of a tenth for the Holy Land, 3115. , , protection for him, 3138. , , sent to Ireland touching the crusade, ib. , , any church of the K.'s gift in Ireland more valuable than his fee of 20 marks to be conferred on him, 3141. Fugitives and villeins, limitation of writs of, 236. Fumanes Ydoonmall', 649. Fumaneyr Idulcuchy, ib. Furnell, Ralph de, 404, 405. , Richard de, 403, 405, 407. Furness, monks of, England, 117. , , to purchase provisions in Ire- land, 494, 1560, 1995, 2065, 2839. , Abbot of, 1934. Futipo, Richard de, 402, 448. Fynche, William, 2363. , , his father, ib. G. G[ualo], legate of England, 723, 878, 991. G., Master, of Bristol, 272. , , of Ossory, 855. 526 GENERAL INDEX. G. and R., chamberlains of the Exchequer, England, 275, 295, 432, 442, 490. Gacelin, Geoffrey, 2599. Galles, 2055. Gallos, Galles, in Des [Decies], 793, 1680. Galloway [Galweia], Scotland, 982, 1370, 1532. , , the Bishop of, 2830. , licence to his men to purchase wines and necessaries in Ireland and convey them to Galloway, 2830. , Alan de, brother of Thomas, 427, 468, 474, 545, 936, 937, 942, 1371, 1372, 1937. , , his uncle, 427. , , knight sent, by him, ib. , , clerk sent by him, ib. , , his lands in Ireland, 427, 936, 937, S42. , , his men, 545. , , his merchandise, ib. , , his lands in England, 936. , , saving of his seisin, 1371, 1372. , Hamo de, 936. , Roland de, 1218. , , Alan, his son, ib. , , Alan's expedition into Ire- land, ib. , , his brother, the Earl of Athol, ib. , , their lands, 1218, 1219. , Thomas de, Earl of Athol [AthulP or Atholmensis], 468, 1001, 1126, 1127, 1219, 1334. , , grant of lands in Ireland to him, 565. j , grant to him of 100 marks, 1334. , Thomas de, 879, 1044, 1371, 1372, 1473. , custody of the castle of Antrum [Antrim], 567. , , to hold his lands in Ireland, 879. , , to deliver the castle of An- trim, 1044. f , was greatly impoverished by his expenditure on the K.'s war in Ireland, 1473. j , 100 marks a year granted to him, 1473. Gallows, the, near Dublin, 138. Gallys, manor of, 2422. Galweia. See Galloway. Gamasches, Gammages, William de, 407, 1888. Gannok, Ganno [Gannoc], Wales, 2906. , , the K.'s castle of, 2545, 2934, 2952. , , the chapel of the castle, 2790. , , the K.'s service at, 2777, 2784. Gar, Ralph, 3203. Garderoba, Peter de, 1475. Garderoba, Peter de — cont. , , to have three halfpence a day for custody of the door of the Exchequer, Dublin, 1475. Gardino, Richard de, 2288. Garfloun, the K.'s wood of, 2409. Garlet, Robert, balister, 1085, 1086. Garnenan, park of, 1641. Gascelin, Geoffrey, 3032. Gascony, France, 2565, 3021, 3022, 3023, 3031. , the issues of Ireland, granted to fortify it, 3021, 3022, 3023. Gaugy, Robert de, 407. , ; his 15 associates, ib. , Roger de, 918. Gaunt, Stephen de, 407. Gaynard, William, 2891. Geisil, Gessil, 101. , castle of, 195. Gelasius, Archbishop of Armagh, 38. Geneve, Peter de, 2662, 2680, 2714, 2740,2826, 2881, 2932, 2945, 2971. , , Matilda, his wife, 2662, 2714. , , their portion of the lands of Walter de Lasey to be assigned to them, 2699. , , grant to them of the issues of the lands forming her portion, 2710. , , grant to him of all the corn, ploughs, and stock in Walter de Lacy's land in Meath, 2712. , , grant to them of the issues of lands of Walter de Lacy in Meath, 2714. , , grant to him of the manor of Dilun, England, till her dower lands in England and Ireland shall revert to them, 2740. , , his fee of 100/., ib. , , fine made at Westminster be- tween them and Margery, who was the wife of Walter de Lascy regarding the dower of the latter in England and Ireland, 2756. , her dower, 2767. , , his debts on his own or Walter de Lacy's account to be respited, 2770. , , to have one-third of 50 marks a year granted to Walter de Lascy for the lands and castle of Drogheda, 2828. , , Peter to have out of the issues of Ireland 50 marks for two chargers which he had lost, 2832. , , the justiciary to inquire what debts are exacted from him at the Ex- chequer, Dublin, on account of Walter de Lacy, 2833. , , lands held by Ralph, son and heir of Nicholas le Pety t, to be restored to Peter as lord, 2945. , , protection for him in Ireland, 2974. , ,all the liberties which Walter de Lacy had to be observed regarding him, 2977. GENERAL INDEX. 527 Geneve, Peter de — cont. , ., [Matilda] his wife, one of Walter de Lacy's heirs, 2984. , , Ebulo de, 2867, 2947, 2972, 2990, 3003. , , Christiana, his wife, one of Walter de Rideleford's heirs, 2947, 2972. , , grant to them of a fair at Triste- dermot [Castle-Dermot], 2971. , , custody of Christiana, daughter and heir of Robert de Mariscis granted to him, 2976. , , 200 marks a year payable by him to the K. as issues of lands, 2987. Geoffrey, [ ]. , , seisin for him of land in Bali- bren, 1754. Geoffrey, Master, parson of Dungarvan, 364. , , the see of Limerick "granted" to him, 364. Gerard or Gerald, brother, monk of Mellifont, 335, 1500, 1501. , , royal assent to his election as Bishop of Dromore, 1500, 1501. Gernay, William de, 2037. Gernun, Gernon, Ralph, 403, 406, 407, 409, 2233. , , knights of, 407. , Roger, 273. , William, 1729, 2233, 2399, 2408, 2416, 2948, 3164, 3174. , Richard, his son and heir, 1729. Ghinewadam, abbey of, reduced to a grange of Dunbrody, 1993. Ghyrfehrah, 2550. Giffard, Osbert, 1554, 1776. .., , his executors, 1776. Gilleholm', 569. , John Deremot, his nephew and heir, 569. Gille Holemoc, 1787. .. , churches and tithes of land of, 1787. Gillekeran, vill, 2295. Gillemeston, 1467. Gille Michel, Gillemichelle, Richard, 1 14, 2210. , his daughter, 2210. , gift by her to the nuns at Hogges, near Dublin, ib. Gillingham, England, 410. Gilmeholmoc, Dermot, son of, 356. , Gilleholmoc, his father, ib. , Rotheric, his brother, ib. Gilmelash, 3174. Glannor', manor of, 2209. Glanville, Bartholomew de, 1. , Ranulph de, 26, 60, 64, 69, 70, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 80. Glapion, Guarinus [Warin] de. Seneschal of Normandy, 122. Glassechet, 127. Glastonbury, England, prior of, 604. Gleannoneolain, river, 136. Glenbathili, 132. Glencry [Glencree], the K.'s park of, 2671. , deer from Chester for, 2671. Glendalough [Glindelacensis, Glindelaghan'] , the Bishop of, 244. , William Bishop of, 272, 273, 327. , abbey of, 276, 475. see of, in the K.'s forest, united to that of Dublin, 892. , Thomas Abbot of, 132,475,1757,1769. , demesne of see of, 1757, 1769. , bishopric of, 475, 1788. , grant of, to see of Dublin, 1788. , forest of, 1317, 1359. Glenluce, Abbot of, Scotland, 1370, 1532. , Abbot and monks of, 943. Glenmolt, 1787. Glicunin, 127. Glimecloch, 1145. Glinarn [Glenarm], 907. Glindelechan'. See Glendalough. Glinmechan [Clonmethan] , 1787. , its church, ib. Glinnochere, in Dissya [Decies], 1946. Giinogre [Glinogra, co. Limerick], 1732. Gloucester, England, 8, 34, 45, 48, 53, 73, 80, 284, 422, 1563, 2086, 2502. , vill of, 8 bis, 19, 34, 73 ter, 77, 408, 522, 723, 1034, 1965, 2046, 2052. , sheriff of, 536, 1832, 2041, 2049. , land of Earl of, 67, 74. , the Earl of, prays murage for Kilkenny, with the K.'s reply, 732. , prays that that of Thomastown be re- voked, with the K.'s reply, ib. , Geoffrey Earl of, 1015. , the Earl of, 1110. , Gilbert Earl of, 1372, 1402, 1508, 1779, 1804. , his charter, 1373. , Henry III. crowned at St. Peter's church of, 723. , Walter of, merchant of Cork, 806. , the Abbot of, 2049. , Gilbert de, 3051. , on the K.'s service in Ireland, ib. Gloucester and Hertford, Richard de Clare, Earl of, 2877, 2940, 2955, 3017. , , to have all the pleas and liber- ties enjoyed by Walter late Earl of Pembroke, 2940, 2955. Glummore [Glinnmore], 2446. Glunelech, 1222. Glynnour, Godfrey de, 1812. Gnoilston, Gnoileston [Nealston, co. Meath], 2480 ter. God, Doveneldunus [Donald], 3160. , his wife and children, ib. Godarville, Walter de, the K.'s messenger to Ireland, 2502 bis, 2507 bis, 2508,2509, 2519, 2547, 2582, 2616, 2617, 2662, 2689, 2712, 2714, 2817. 528 GENERAL INDEX. Godarville, Walter de — cont. , , grant to him of custody of lands and castles of Walter de Lacy, 2507, 2508. , , to answer at the Exchequer Dublin for the issues of his bailiwick, 2582. , , the K.'s seneschal of Meath, 2618. , , to have 40 marks a year for custody of the castle of Trim, 2662. , , , to retain for the K.'s expedition all wines, hides, wool, cloth and iron at the fair of Trim, 2696. , , Margaret, his daughter and one of his heirs, 3032. Godfrey, Sir, Knight, 460. Gortedro Godelli, lands of, 2485. Gortnaren Ifedomair [Gortnaren in Fedamore co. Limerick], 136. Gos, John, 3203. Grane, land of, 355. Granginhava, 2138. Grant, Graund, William le, 1870, 1895 ter., 2035 bis, 2284, 2360, 2457,2521,2597, 2598. , , custody of vacant see of Ossory committed to him, 1895. , to have 40 marks of the K.'s gift, 2597. , , to have 21 marks for a horse, 2598. Gras, William le, 2144, , William le, jun., 1364, 1367. Grathelach, 2140. Gravenel, Thomas de, 1843. Gray, John de, 104, 3017. , Richard de, 1680, 1735, 1757,2408, 2472. Gray, Walter de, the K.'s chancellor, Eng- land, 328. Gray Abbey. See Jugo Dei, de. Greal Laochilonbegan, 136. Gregory IX., Pope, 1616, 1662, 1671, 1890. , , his bull directing election to church of Emly to be confirmed, 1524. , , the K. prays tbat he will ap- prove of the union of the sees of Waterford andLismore, 1616. , , forbids the Bishops of England and Ireland to promulgate sentences against the K.'s ministers, 1901. Gren', manor of, 614, 715, 962, 2045, 2182. Grenard', 407, 529. , castle of, 612. Grendon, England, manor of, 1596. Grendon, Andrew de, 1764. , Robert de, 2181, 3029, 3094, 3214. , , his land to be restored, 2139. Grennoch Oraely, [Cronog O'Reilly ], castle of William de Lascy, 1204. Grenoc [Greenogue], 164, 403 bis. Griffin, the sister of, 1203. Grinan, 138. Gros, Adam le [Grossus or Grassus], 448, 551. , , Michael, his son, and hostage, 549, 551. , , release of, 549. , Michael le, 1204, 1273. , Luke, his brother, 1204. Sir W. le, cousin of Earl of Pembroke, 1203. , William le, 3017. , to have seisin of his castle of Asfer- kerlon, 3017. Grumbald, Grimbaud, Gumbald, Peter, the K.'s clerk, 2457, 2458, 2459. , , sent to inspect the Irish Ex- chequer, 2457. , John, 2688, 2732. Grunesbi, Walter de, 30. Gualo, Cardinal, Papal Legate, 723, 725, 858. , crowns Henry III., 723. Gubaud, John, 3108. Gumbaud, John, 2680. Gundewin, Richai'd, 1420. Gurbetha, 2055. Gurnay, Gurney, Hugh de, 175, 2399. Gweskard', land of, 427. H. Habeitferlan, Habouferlon', 697, 698. Haghobren, Moriar de, 1636. , , offers to fortify a castle to the K.'s use in Thomond, 1636. Haia, Maud de, wife of William de Breouse. 408. Haket, the K.'s hostage for Walter de Lidiford, 605. , William, 833, 882, 2023. , Roger, 833. , Reginald, 883. Hales, Hale, Hall', Simon de, 1469, 1578, 1595,1614, 1615, 1731. , , his harness, 1469. , , protection for him on the K.'s service in Ireland, 1578. , , protection -for him in Ireland, 1595. , , justice in eyre, Ireland, 2487. Halfcnict, Daniel, 1322. Hamaz, William de, 529. , Roger, his son and heir, ib. Hammarz, Alice de, 673. , William, her late husband, ib. Hantlan [Hanlon], David, 3203 bis. Hantreford, Baldwin de, 649. GENERAL INDEX. 529 Hants, England, 55, 192, 424. , sheriff of, 39, 2048, 2053, 2058. , to set free ships seized for the passage of the K. to Ireland, 2058. Harang', Maurice, 2589. Haraud, Elias, 656. Hardel, William, 421, 449, 2871, 2876. , , keeper of the K.'s mint, 2926. Hardis, H., messenger of King of Connauaht, 980. Hare, William de la, 3203. - Harecurt, Harecourt, Haracort, Robert de, 138, 175, 2399. , Richard de, 174. , William de, 406, 454, 589, 590, 621, 1452. , , Seneschal, 407. Harewud, William de, 2333. , Henry, his brother, ib. , John, his brother, 2333, 2455. , Robert, 2333. Harfinan, castle of, 289. Harland, Humphrey de, 1272. Harpetre, William Fitz John of, 484. Hastings, Countess Augy de, 1120. , John de, 1776. , William de, ib. , Henry de, 2046. Hatebo, cantred of, 166. Hatfeld, G. de, 1924. Haverhulle, William de, the K.'s treasurer, England, 2534, 2535, 2694, 2702, 3189. , Roger de, clerk, 3193, 3213. , , appointment of him as keeper of the Exchange, Ireland, 3194. , , to have 40 marks for his main- tenance, 3192. , , when required by him, offenders against the Mint to be confined in prisons of vills, 3195. , , presented to church of Kynge- ston', 3196. , , appointed receiver of prisage in Ireland, 3213. , H. de, the K.'s treasurer, England, 3208. Havering, Otto de, the K.'s engineer, 765. , , to be entertained by the jus- ticiary, ib. , Robert, Otto's companion, ib. , England, park of, 2486. Hay, castle of, Wales, 408. Hay, Geoffrey de, 60. Haye, Robert de, 2000, 2082, 2304. William de la, chaplain, 2540, 2546. Hayncurt, William de, 529, , , his daughter, ib. Hedeskel', EdereskeP, land of, 699, 708. Henan, 1680. Henry King of England, 38 bis. Henry II., 85, 190, 849, 1042, 1603, 2399. 1. Henry III., coronation of, 723. Henry, the K.'s son, 2740. Henry, the K.'s surgeon, 3105. , , to be provided with 10 lib rates of land in Ireland, ib. Henry, the K.'s messenger, 1082. Henry, balister, 1594. Heort, Jordan, 2970. Heose, William, 999. Herdeberg, Hascoil de, 2539. Hereford in Wales, 7, 17, 44, 46, 146, 415. , vill of, 408, 2504. , sheriff of, 1177,2107. , castle of, 718. Hereford, Adam de, 166, 294, 298, 317, 329, 341, 448, 688, 692. , , his brothers, 166. , , marriage of his son and heir, 697, 698. , Thomas de, 329. , Henry de, fine for the fine of Avicia, his sister, 673. , Avicia de, fine for her father's land, ib. , Robert de, 1193. , Henry Earl of, 406, 408, 409. , England, the Bishop of, 2049. , Stephen de, 2236, 2411, 3142. , , pardon to him for 200 marks, 2239. Hereford and Essex, Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of, 1812, 2422, 2573. Herefordshire, coroners of, 2020. , justice in eyre of, ib. Herleberg, Roger de, 3, 26. Hermon', land of, 2760. Herts, England, 13, 23, 206. Heverbrict, 190. Heyghanacassel, 289. Hida [Hyde] , Roger de, on service in Ireland of Earl of Pembroke, 1597, 2129. , , protection for him, 1597. , , his lands and chattels, 2129. , , his lands in Leinster, 2136. Higham, England [Hekeham], 410. Hincheleder, castle of, 612. Hinckesty, Hineskefly, castle of, 592, 593. Hinneskesti, castle of, 187. Hobren, Muriardach [Murtagh O'Brien] 2603. , , his lands in Ireland, 2603. , , Alice, daughter of Richard de Burgh, to have her dower out of them, 2603. Hocassy, 2002. Hochenil, in the land of Limerick, 92. Hochtiernc, fee of, 87. Hogges, near Dublin, abbey of, 2210. Holme-Cultram, England, Abbot and monks of, 941 1052, 1347, 1626. L L 530 GENERAL INDEX. Holme-Cultram, England, abbot and monks of — cont. , , licence to them to purchase provisions in Ireland, 1626, 2859. , licence to the abbot of, to import corn and flour from Ireland, 2924. Holmpatrick, Prior of, 1800. Holy Cross, Abbot of the, 1533, 2061. , , respite of plaint against him, 2061. Holy Cross de Hosterlan', Abbot of, 2062. , , respite of plaint against him, 2062. , Abbot and monks of, protec- tion for them, 2063. Holy Tsle [Limerick], 146, 147, 165. Holy Land, the, 2533, 2609, 3088. , a tenth for, 3115. Holy Trinity, Dublin [Christ Church], the canons of, 121, 138. , , their granges, 121, 138. , , church of, 621, 1356. , , Prior and canons or convent of, 641, 1628, 1753,1803, 1820,2123,2178. , , , licence to them to elect an Archbishop, 1628, 1704. , , , whether entitled to have a boat on the Liffey, 641. , , moneys out of the K.'s manors and debts due to him to be deposited in the church of the, 656. , , Prior of, 1353, 1356, 1384, 1653, 1672, 3053. , , , grant of 20s. a year for his loss by the fortification of the castle of Dublin, 1353, 1384. , , , his land, 1356. , , , licence to divert a street, 1356, 1382. , , the prior's chamber, 1356, 1382. , , , money lost by him by fortification of castle of Dublin, 1672. , , , protection for him, 1743. , , , manor of Corcah com- mitted to them, 1753. , , , grant to the prior and canons of land in Dublin, 1803. , , , of lease of manor of Cor- telay, 1820. , , , the land of Corchan to- wards Bray leased to them, 2123. , , , licence to close up a street running near their church, 2178. , , the feast of St. Edward to be celebrated in the church, 2497. j , tapers to burn before the cross, 2692. , , chapter of, 2723, 2747. j j , a provision of 30 librates <>f land in the vale of Dublin to be made for it, 3053. ( , the Prior to send to the Arch- bishop of Dublin the Pope's letters regarding the Crusades, 3067. Holy Trinity, Dublin — cont. , , ,the letters to be deposited in the priory, 3067. , , , the K. grants them an exchange for the cantred and castle of Oconagh, 3108. , , , to give yearly to the Dean and Chapter of St. Patrick's, Dublin, a moiety of the issues of lands in Baliscadan, 3108. Holywood [de Sancto Bosco], 276, 407, 775. , castle of, 2228. , manor of, 2625. Homage, taking of, Ireland, 2916. Honningek, Toy sis of, 2383. Honorius III., Pope, 1459. , , commands a clerical aid in Ire land, 1459, 1464. Hope, William de, 529, 1328, 1361. Horefeld, land called [? Ireland], 1367. Horsendon, William de, 2818. Hose, Huese, Hoese, Hosatus, Hugh, 121, 134, 368, 402, 529, 568, 652, 673. , , his sons, 204. , , Walter, his father, 368. ,' , seisin of his lands in Ireland, 568. , , land of his gift, 652. , , Hugh, 1406 bis, 1452. , , his release, 1406 bis. , , his heirs, 1452. , Henry, 313. , Hubert, 453. , Walter, 1372. , , his nephew and heir, ib. , William, an Irishman, 1570. Hospitallers, knights, or Brothers of St. John of Jerusalem, Ireland, 123, 966, 1910 bis. , Prior of, 675, 676. , , fine for protection, 675. , , their mills at Dublin, 683. , , to have multure of mills on Liffey, 983. , , grant to them of an advowson, 1744, 1746. , of Kilmainham, 162, 2406. their court, 2406. not to acquire bouses in Irish cities, without the K.'s licence, 3168. , Prior of, of Waterford, seisin for him, 695. , England, 123. , London, 596. Hospitallers, 2997. Houkreuthenan, land of, 137. Household, the K.'s, 407, 3211. , Treasury of the K.'s, 2019. Housmantun, 2210. Huamerith, fee of, in Thomond, 93. Hubert, the chamberlain, 155. , Henry, 3151. GENERAL INDEX. 531 Ilubrim, fee of, 129. Huerba, 124. Huerthern', fee of, 97. Hugh, the clerk, 1204. Hugh, clerk of Richard de Burgh, 1637. , , presented to church of St. Mohod, of Louth, 1637. Huhene, cantred of, 87, 94, 96, 100, 103. Hulton. See Ulster. Humayl, 132, 1787. Humet, Richard de, constable [of Normandy] , 1694. Humurierdac, 124. Hundrennan, 366. Huntingdon, co., England, 12, 70. , the archdeacon of, 432, 449. Huntingefeld, William de, 411. , Roger de, clerk, 1814, 1841. , , his executors, 1841. , Thomas de, 1814, 1841. Hurl', Ralph de, 2080. Husat, Hugh, 309. , , Maurice, his son, 309. Huscal, Thomas, 1959. Huscarl, Roger, 1015 ter., 1065, 1066, 1067, 1271, 1272, 1295, 1320, 1400, 1523. , , to be called to the justiciary's councils, 1067. , , land for him, 1271, 1272, 1320. , , protection for him, 1331. Hyde, abbey of, England, 39. , Robert de, 2441. , Roger de, 2455. , John de la, 2653, 2709. Hythe, England, the barons of, 2054. I. Ibar, [Newry,] 2399 bis. Icarrig [in Carrig, co. Limerick], 136. Idulculchy, 649. Iglassain, 136. Ilfracombe, England, [Aufredyncomb, Affride- cumbe], 374, 2048, 2053, 2059. lllech, vill and chapel of, 2485. Imeleachdregingi, 136. Imsculin, 96. Incean, 2399 bis. Inestyock [Inistiogue] , 1787. Ingelbrict, of Dublin, guest of the Templars, 1645. , , his diouse outside St. Patrick's gate, 1645/ Ingeleis, William, carpenter, 500. Iniskereth', island in the sea, 649. Inislounagh or Ynis-Lughenught, Abbot of See Surrey o, de. InismataiP, island in the sea, 649. Inistioge, the Prior of, 1895 ter. , , custody of vacant see of Ossory committed to him, 1895. Innesflasferchi, 2810. Inseil, 2447. Insovenach, cantred of, 339. , port of, 348. Instioch [Inistioge]. 1895. Insula, port de, 912. , Brian de, 423, 426, 485, 504, 524, 548, 1015, 1969. , the constable de, 1872. ■ Inteberg', Philip de, constable of the castles of Limerick and Castle-Connell, 2629. , sheriff of Munster, 2661. , , to deliver to the justiciary the above castles, with the counties of Munster and Limerick, 2792. Intlevi, grange of, 136. Inverarma, 564, 942. Inverth, Invre [Inver], 907, 2771. Iocherye, land of, 2908. Ionaych-Cassel, loganach-Cassel, cantred in Munster, 838, 1268. Ireby, William de, the K.'s valet, 407. Irewe, land of, 626, 643, 706. Ireland, army of, 1-83, 2687. , , accounts of supplies for, 1-83. , passages to, 1-84. , conquest of, 38. , archbishops and bishops of, 38, 52, 133, 201, 237, 365, 1459, 1699, 1890, 1892, 1927. , kings, princes, and magnates of, 38, 136, 385. , people of, 38. , the countess of, 69, 70. , passage into, of the knights and at- tendants of John, the K.'s son, 72. , John the K.'s son in, 73. , marches of, 125, 508, 574, 1445, 1546, 1576. , recognizances and outlawries in, to issue out of the K.'s court, 126. , John, lord of, 127. , men of, 164, 2944. , grant of bishoprics and abbeys in, 165. , primacy of, 177. , money of, 188. , knights of, 236. , , an aid to be demanded from them, 810. , , to assist the K.in paying a debt to Prince Louis, 812. , the K.'s subjects of, 160, 166, 170, 198, 201, 228, 236, 349, 352, 435, 629, 640, 1443,2168,2174, 2257,2565,2974. , , within the see of Armagh, 178. L L 2 532 GENERAL INDEX. Ireland — cont. , the K.'s bailiffs of, 349, 350, 2451. , the kingdom of, 268, 291, 489 ter., 2836. , markets established there after the K.'s "passage into England, not to be held, 349. , money of, to be current throughout the kingdom, 352. , hawks from, 337, 434, 437, 440, 446, 455. , cost of a ship to carry crossbowmen into, 371. , mariners of the Welsh coast not to cross to, 374. , to be kept in peace, 375. , its state to be surveyed, 379. , the K. in, 407, 411, 425, 705. , , passage of, 411, 415, 419, 1839. , cost of supplies sent to, 411, 412, 416, 417, 419 bis, 422, 423. , preparing bridges for, and sending them to, 413. , supplies for the K. sent to, 416. , carriage of arms to, ib. , prisoners from, 416, 417, 501, 504, 524. , the K.'s money from 424. , cloth of, 425, 500. , force of knights, &c, to be brought from that country to Chester, 435. , the common council of the K.'s sub- jects of, 443, 444. , peace of the church in, 443, 444. , the magnates of, 448, 466, 723, 892, 1042, 1439, 1443 bis, 1917,2120, 2151, 2366, 2410 bis, 2414. , the K. thanks them for their service, 466. , ' , declaration of, regarding the Pope, 448. , , fealty to be taken from them, 723. , wool and hides, hogs, wheat, and oats from, 453, 523, 756. , the K.'s forest in, 478, 891, 892, 926, 3164. , officials of the forest, 892. , , servants of, ib. , , beasts of, ib. , , custody of, ib. , pilots and masters of vessels of, 479. and Wales, armies of, 488. , the K.'s mariners of, 502, , hides and wood belonging to the K. in, 709, 716, 729. , wool of, sold by Archbishop of Dublin, 712. , hides and wool of, to be delivered at Bristol, 799. Ireland — cont. , men of, with their ships off the Nor- man coast, to enter the K.'s service, 731. , the subjects of, shall enjoy the same liberties as English subjects, 723. , grant of English liberties to, 759. , , the barons of, to be intentiveto Arch- bishop of Dublin in promoting the im- provement of that country, 780. , aid and toll in cities, burghs, and demesnes of the K. in, 810. , kings of, an aid to be demanded from them, ib. , state of, 815, 870, 872, 926, 1000. , merchants of, 201, 829, 3124. , , their merchandise, 829. , debtors to the K. in, to be distrained, 845. , no magnates in, to give counsel, 884. , custody of, to be committed to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, 899. , marshalsea of, 910. , affairs of, 940. , rent of assize of, 949, 1001. , the K.'s land and castles in, 949, 1001, 1018, 1020, 1110, 2143. , the K.'s clerks in, 949. , constables to keep the K.'s castles in, 949. , demesne lands and escheats in, 950, 1001, 1021, 1046, 1070, 1286. , debtors to the K. in, to be distrained, 950. , merchants frequenting, complaint of, 971. , cities of, rendered hateful to mer- chants, ib. , keepers of castles in, 1001. , revenues of, ib. , the K.'s fortresses in, 1085. , the castles of, in the K.'s hand to be provisioned, 1087. , earls, barons, and knights of, 1069, 1U88. , , not to meet in tournaments, 1069, 1088. , ecclesiastical court in, 1130, 1149, 1166, 2741. , the K.'s citizens of, 1203. , issues of, 357, 944, 1861, 1863, 1943, 2012, 2482, 2545, 2548, 2832, 2915, 2922, 2923, 2965, 3021, 3022, 3023, 303i. , wheat bought by mayor of London of W. Earl Marshall in, 1285. , justices in eyre of, 833, 985, 2356, 2457, 2487, 2495, 2626, 2641, 3082, 3089. , , several in England, only one in Ireland, 985. , justice in eyre of the forest, 926. GENERAL INDEX. 533 Ireland — cont. , the earls and barons of, 201, 236, 260, 380, 443 bis, 444, 780, 1203 ter., 2365, 2956. , , their service in the war, 1203. , assizes in, 1324, 2641. , subsidy to be paid by churches of, to the K., 1348, 1349. , laws and customs of England to be observed in, 1390. , the K.'s court of, 230, 1426, 1467, 1782, 1889, 1902, 1928, 2168, 2229, 2230, 2309, 2323, 2437, 2476, 2595, 2676, 2758. , the pope commands he K.'s castles in, to be restored, 1375 , archbishops and bishops in, not to attempt anything prejudicial to the K. in regard to collations, 1416. , , service of, 1426, 1439, 1648. , English laws and customs in, 1430. , English laws to be observed in, 1458, 1679. , aid in, 999, 1459, 1612, 1755, 2410, 2444. , clergy of, 1459. , those holding lands in the marches of, to fortify them, 1546, 1576. , money ers of, 1660. , prelates and clergy of, 1549, 1612. , , easily moved, 1624. , abbots of, 1755. , the K.'s justices in, 352, 1149, 1763, 2451, 2471, 2595, 2596, 2836, 2862, 2916, 3006. , law and custom of, 505, 711, 826,901, 1081, 1307, 1763, 2064, 2333, 2542, 2600, 2603, 2617, 2698, 2952, 2962. , the K.'s sheriffs of, 1763. , grain not to be exported from, 1893. , the K.'s cities and burghs in, 1910. , no merchandise or victuals to be ex- ported from, to Wales, 1917. , , treasure of, 208, 231, 232, 264, 298, 321, 323, 421, 436, 449, 1780, 1781, 1808, 1823, 1856, 1861, 1913, 1939, 1943, 1965, 1968, 1969, 200-4, 2043 ter., 2092, 2094, 2156, 2203, 2256, 2297, 2336, 2337, 2366, 2384, 2394, 2402, 2403, 2404 bis, 2406, 2415, 2438, 2448, 2456, 2468, 2473, 2476, 2501, 2530, 2534, 2535, 2560, 2562, 2568, 2624, 2629, 2667, 2670, 2688, 2694, 2703, 2732, 2749, 2752, 2773, 2789, 2806, 2840, 2848,' 2849, 2852, 2855, 2856, 2871, 2883,' 2884, 2895, 2901, 2966, 2968, 2979, 2986, 2993, 2994, 3011, 3018, 3069, 3078, 3086, 3097, 3163, 3183, 3184, 3189,, 3190, 3201 bis, 3207, 3208, 3211. , the K.'s ports and coast of, 1969, 1970. , custody of Judaism in, 1969. , Jews in, 1969, 1970, 1976. Ireland — cont. , the K.'s exchange in, 1969, 1970, 1976. , prisage of wines in, 1969, 1970, 1976. , vacant sees in, 1969, 1970. , peace to be established in, 2032. , state of, 2039, 2410. , pleas in testamentary and matri- monial matters only to be held in the ecclesiastical court there, 2069. , no victuals to be conveyed from, to Wales, 2073. , the army summoned to, which re- mained in Wales, 2084, 2085, 2086. , malefactors in, 2229. , boundaries between vills in, 2232. , knights, &c, of, to have seisin of lands whereof they were disseised after pro- clamation of peace, 2238. , Ireland and England, to be common to each other, 2242. , men of, to trade for the profit of those lands, 2242. , galleys in Ireland, 2243. , the K. prays an aid from, 2365, 2410. , cities and burghs in, to be taxed, 2366, 2559. , the same laws to prevail in Ireland as in England, 2379. , arrival of Franks in, 2399. , A. abbess of all, 2483. , wine from, 2501. , all abbots, priors, &c, in, to assist the K. with an aid, 2559. , 20 bucks and 40 does to be taken thither to stock the K.'s park, 2580. , escheats of, 2602, 2605. , archbishops of, to give a subsidy to the K., 2622. , the justiciary and justices in eyre to inquire regarding treasure-trove in, 2626. , aid assessed in, 2631. , weights and measures in, 2713. , the burgesses to give their advice on the subject, 2713. , the K. wishes Ireland to share in his Welsh conquest, 2733. , judges in ecclesiastical court of, to be arrested and imprisoned for contempt, 2741. , archbishops, &c," of, at council of Lyons to preserve the K.'s rights, 2745. , provision merchants of, to come to the K.'s army, 2768. , corn, wines, and other supplies dearer in Ireland, than the K. believed, 2835. , directions for the government of, 2836. , to be ruled by the same laws as Eng- land, and all writs of common right to run there, 2850. 534 GENERAL INDEX. Ireland — conl. , justice, office of, in, 2886. , licence to the Earl of Winchester to freight ships with wine in, 2937. , particulars of liberties which the K. is prepared to grant to the barons of, 2956. , all the issues of, to be devoted for two years to the fortification of Gascony, 3021, 3022, 3023. , the K.'s waste lands in, 3052, 3059. , , whether it is better to settle and cultivate or let them to the men of Ire- land, 3061. , the cause of the crusades to be preached throughout, 3067. , appointment of escheator of, 3077, 3079. , boards from, 3090. , the baronage and magnates of, 3093. , old money of, 3095. , merchants of, did not bring, as they were wont to do, their wares to the fair on St. Giles's mount, Winchester, 3124. , cities, burghs, and vills of, to be taxed to repair the K.'s castles, 3159. , war in, 3160. , the mint in, 3170. , the K.'s exchange in, 3192, 3194, 3195. , common pleas, justices of, in, 3209. , not to proceed in a plaint, 3209. , John of, 3025. Irlandes eya [Ireland's Eye], island of, 1787. Ireland, justiciaries of. Sec Justiciaries. Ireland, passim. Ireland and England, laws of, ought to be the same, 1033. Irishmen not to be promoted in Cathedral churches in Ireland, 736, 739. bounds in lands inhabited by, 1081. , liberties regarding the death of, 1289. slain, nothing to be ordained regard- ing their death or chattels, 1602. slain in Anglesey on their return from Gannoc, inquisition thereupon, 2952. Irish, the, 146, 165, 1203, 1719,2334. ,the, banded together, 1443. robbers to be expelled from Ireland, 380. , the, who came with the Bishop of Norwich to the K.'s army, 403. hostages, 409. sea, ports and coasts of the, 1335, 1884. , perils on the, 1485. ships, masters of, directed to aid the Templars' great ship, 1350. merchants to trade in the Earl of Lin- coln's land, 1801. , the king of all the, 1840. , lands held by the, in Munster, 2607. , the, of Muskerry, 3203. Irish, the — cont. , lands held by them in Tiberneyum, 3203. , extent of their work, 3203. Isabella, the K.'s sister, 2251, 2365. , about to marry the Emperor of the Romans, ib. , Empress of the Romans and of Ger- many, 2325, 2410. , formerly Empress of Almaine, 2972. Iscardy, manor of, 1429. market and fair at, ib. Isinbecthig, 136. Island, the, 2361. Isle, Holy, 165. Isles, Reginald king of the. See Man and the Isles. J. James, Master, legate of Ireland, 978. , to be received with honor in Ireland, ib. J., the Pope's penitentiary, late Papal Legate of Ireland, 1026, 1037. Jarponilla, John de, 1843. Jerchull, Ralph de, 1940. Jeripunt [Jerpoint], Abbot and monks of, 1707. Jersey, John de, 3108, 3137/3164, 3174. Jerusalem, 648. Jesus, the staff of, 1787. Jews, justices for custody of the, 1291, 2079. John, the K.'s son, afterwards K. of England, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 tcr., 78, 79, 81 bis. ,Earl of Morton, 92, 101, 117, 118, 131, 136, 175, 241,356, 475, 939, 1259, 1282, 1283, 1352, 1376, 1437, 1787, 1788, 1789, 2061, 2399. John, K. of England, 85-722. , in Ireland, 401-409. , plays at Carlingford, 407 bis. , Henry his late father, 469, 572. , charter of, grant of his kingdoms, 489. , rolls of, 844, 845. , war between him and his barons, 930. , his seneschals or bailiffs, 935. , laws and customs established by him, Ireland, 1430, 2069. , his charter for the Archbishops of Dublin not Irishmen, 1451, 1460. , ordained by council of legal experts that English laws should be in force, in Ireland, 1458. GENERAL INDEX. 535 John, K. of England — cont. , his charter touching the observance of English laws in Ireland, 1602. , Lord of Ireland, 2483, 2485. , his death, 723. John, late K. of England, 723, 725, 727, 730, 734, 740, 743 bis, 747, 754, 762, 764, 768, 769, 770, 775, 781, 782, 784, 790, 798, 809, 813, 816, 821, 830, 831, 834, 837, 838, 846, 849, 860, 861 bis, 869, 871, 879, 881, 882, 883, 884, 888, 892 bis, 904, 907,910, 914, 919, 926, 927, 930, 932, 935, 936, 937, 942, 952, 954, 959, 963, 979, 981, 988, 998, 1001, 1007, 1011, 1021, 1022, 1028, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1046 bis, 1058, 1071, 1080, 1112, 1125, 1129, 1148, 1161, 1169, 1174, 1182, 1184 bis, 1200, 1220, 1252, 1255, 1259, 1270, 1282, 1283, 1289.6m, 1300, 1313, 1317, 1318, 1330, 1358, 1359, 1371, 1372, 1376, 1395, 1400, 1407, 1430, 1437, 1447, 1448, 1452, 1453, 1471, 1480, 1502, 1508, 1567, 1575, 1600, 1603, 1611, 1664, 1677, 1703, 1719, 1741, 1747, 1748, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1764, 1767, 1775, 1776, 1777, 1787, 1790, 1794, 1803, 1804, 1805, 1810, 1812, 1813, 1817, 1825, 1835, 1839, 1844, 1846, 1852, 1868, 1873, 1912, 1918, 1919, 1945, 1958, 1989, 2023, 2062, 2095, 2100, 2205, 2230, 2231, 2235, 2259, 2347, 2350, 2353, 2363, 2399, 2499, 2643, 2760, 3054, 3108, 3114, 3202. John, Cardinal of St. Stephen, papal legate, 168. John, brother, monk of Worcester, the K.'s envoy to Ireland, 393. John, the chamberlain, 529. John, the priest, 1199. John, the clerk, 2894. John, Master, 39. Joscelin, Richard, 1193. Joseph, the doctor, 29. Joyner, William, 2256. Judgments and orders in England on cases and appeals from Ireland, 1112, 1458, 1679, 1842, 2356, 2413, 2437, 2441, 2608/2758, 2989, 3082, 3209. Jugo Dei, de [Gray Abbey] , Abbot and monks of. 1131. , Nicholas, Abbot of, 3150. Justiciary, the, of Ireland, 162, 292, 461, 465, 467, 469, 470, 471, 478, 480, 482, 487, 493, 495, 496, 498, 509, 562, 569, 570, 571, 572, 574, 581, 583, 585, 586, 591, 592, 593, 594, 596, 597, 598, 599, 601, 607, 618,619, 1195, 1198,1201, 1205, 1229, 1378, 1380, 1381, 2372, 2375, 2513, 3114, 3160. , writs of, 236. , his councils, 379, 1443, 1988. , his bailiwick, 680, 691, 692. , to send hogs, wheat, and oats to Eng- land, 756. , , to come to the K. to certify state of Ireland, 815. Justiciary, the, of Ireland — cont. , to bring with him as much money as possible, 815. , his eyre, 926. , to aid the King of Man in his defence against the King of Norway, 976. , his court, 1130, 1393, 1800. , his clerk to have 50 marks for repairs of houses of the castle of Limerick, 1514. , prest due by hie knights, 1999, 2432, 2472, 2479, 2980. , his messenger, 2035. , goshawks sent by him to the K., 2477. , to bring over money to the K., 2S70. Justiciary, the, of England, 123, 148, 161. , knights of, 406. Juvenis [Young], Matthew, 245. , John, 3186. K. Kadelac', mead near, 404. Kaerdif, John de, 2606. Kaev, Peter de, knight of Flanders, 403, 404, 409. , , his knights, 407. Kakaulis, castle of, 514. Kalke, 87. Kalleninigen, 1641. Kalmarkan, 2138. Kanning [Canning], Gerard de, 1618. Kanteman, Herman, 2058. Kanterdunestek, manor of, 2383. Karakitel [Carrigkettle, co. Limerick], 104. , castle of, 94. Kardif, John de, 2685. , his land and heir, ib. Karebri, 273. Karebry Wuh'trah, cantred of, 289. Karetto Thell',Karectohell [Carrigtohill] ,2170, 2183. Karlingeford. See Carlingford. Karlyun [Caerleon, Wales], 2951. Karmein, 1891. Karnanclonengunethe, 138. Karnekedach, 2232. Karrec [Carrick], manor of, 2573. Karrethnethen, 127. Kartere [Carter], Richard, 3203. Karverthi, 87. Kather [Cahir] , Prior of, 1222. Katherain, 139, 140. Katinton, William de, 448. Kaunremy, Eustace de, 407. 536 GENERAL INDEX. Kech, Martin, burgess of Tristerdermot [Castle-Dermot] , 2987. Keking, Alexander de, 328. Keldruma', 99. Kelgoban, 2683. Keling, Philip, 3179. Kelkalan, 2683. Kelkalma, 2447. Kelladren, 1787. Kellbelet, 132. Kelleglan, 164. Kellevachi, 132. Kellin, 273. Kellinery, 2683. Kellnamach', 132. Kells [Keneles', Kendles], 229, 403 bis, 404, 407. , the mead near, 403 bis, 404. , tithes of mills of, 1909. , the Abbot of, 2862. , pardon to him for six marks, 2862. , the Bishop of [Cenanensis] , 168. Kehnehenoc, 132. Kelpriokes, 2683. Kelredheri [Kilruddery] , 1149. Kernel, Robert, 116. Kemige, 100. Kemose, William de, seneschal of Leinster, 2818. Kenelarue, 112. Kenelmegan [co. Limerick], 136. Keneshal, 2015. Kenet, Nicholas de, 1775, 1777. Kenetewell, Roger de, 51. Keneton, England, manor of, 1793, 1826. Kenfach, Geoffrey de, fine for his son's libera- tion, 673. Kenhal, 1787. Kenilworth, priory of, England, 411. Kenlion, Keneleon [Cenel-Eoghain or Kinel- Owen], 468, 1048. , O., King of, 1001. Kennaght, Kennacht, Kenact, Kunnoch [Kee- naght, co. of Londonderry], 427, 564 bis, 565, 942. Kennennard, 2810. Kenros, 1680. Kensac, Adam de, 2436. Kensale [Kinsale], manor of, 1401. , market at, 1401. Kent, England, 56, 78, 84, 91, 150. , Sheriff of, 84, 678, 1813, 1916, 2048, 2050, 2053, 2058, 3188. Kentewell, Gilbert de, 1035. Kenfrwell, Suffolk, England, manor of, 2728. Kepach, 1680. Keret, Thomas, 403. Keriokery, land of, 572. Kerleon [Caerleon], Henry de, 867, 868. Kerry, Kery, 124, 697, 698, 2680. Kerry, 273. Kerry — cont. , land of, 2693. , claimed by the K. as an escheat, ib. Ketin', Arnold, 106. Kevelyon, Kenelyon [Kinel - Owen, Cenel Eoghain], 660. Kibnor, 1289. Kilbarroc [Kilbarrack] , 964. Kilbel, 1787. Kilberiz Balirese, 667. Kilbery [Kilberry], 822, 824, 865, 919. Kilbidan, church of, 1009. Kilcalgan, 2550. Kilcallan, 2661. Kilchel, 1787. Kilchochair, 2450. Kilcleeheen [de Kylkelclense] , Abbess and nuns of, 2483, 2485. , grant to them, 2483, 2485. Kilcopsentan, 316. , park and deer-leap at, ib. Kilcounan, 1680. Kilcullen, vill, 1950. Kildare, 2951, 3066. , the constable of, 1872. , vill and castle of, 1950. , war of, 2129, 2139, 2224, 2227. , the battle of, 2390. , the manor of, 2951, 3066. , county of, 2989. , castles in, ib. , castle of, ib. , Thomas of, an Irish merchant, 819. , Cornelius, Bishop of, 303. , the Bishop of, 1034 bis, 1051, 1430, 2410. , the see of, 1092, 1519. , Ralph, Bishop of, 1345. , assises touching the Bishop's land and fees, 1430. , Ralph, late Bishop of, 1994. , licence for chapter of St. Bridget of, to elect, ib. , royal assent to election of John de Taunton, canon of, as Bishop, 2051, 2075. , Ralph, his next predecessor, 2075. , knights and free tenants of see, ib. Kildela, see of [Killala], 1871. Kildelon, castle of, 1908. Kildeyn, 87. Kil Escoplantan, 1787. Kilescosather, church of, 355. Kilfan, 1035. Kilfeacle, William of, 3179. Kilfechre, in Ossory [Kilfeacle, Queen's co.], 1787. Kilfecle, Killefecle [Kilfeacle], Munster, 2607. , castle of, 187. , manor of, 2422, 2570, 2571. , demesne lands in, 2422. GENERAL INDEX. 537 Kilfekel, Prior of, 306. Kilgarvan, 1896. Kilgolgon, 2550. Kilgorvi, 2810. Kilgrellan, chapel of, 2485. Kilkenny, 401 bis. , knights at, 401. , murage of, 732. , sheriff of, 1660. .., , castle of, 1872. , its constable, ib. , church of, 2412. , manor of, 2780. , fair and market there, ib. , the Franciscans of, 2776, 2855. , to have of the K.'s Irish treasure to construct their buildings and discharge their debts, 2855. , Simon of, 2818. , William of, Archdeacon of Coventry, 3137, 3164, 3174. , presented to church of Dungarvan, 3191. , the Dean and chapter of, 984. , prebend in church of, 984, 986. , see of, 2412. Kilkillin, Kealkillin [Killkillane] , 136. Killaloe [Laoniensis, Laonia],see of, 721, 738, 1026, 1037, 1041, 1519. , , approval of promotion of John Travers as Bishop of, 738. , , church of, 772. , , H. Archbishop of Cashel, to have custody of, 772. , , the Bishop of, 1034, 2410. , , J. Bishop of, 1041. , , royal assent to election of Do- natus as Bishop of, 1908. , , to cause the feast of Edward the Confessor to be observed, 2725. , , D[onatus], Bishop of, 2640, 2760. , , Inquisition as to whether lands of Roscrea ought to belong to his see, 2760. , Cornelius O'Heny, formerly Bishop of, 2760. Killaloe, castle of, 1026, 1037, 1041. Killamlun, castle of, 529. , , money, rings, and gold found there, 529. Killecroth, 127. Killede, cantred of, 340. Killesantan, 565. Killinglas, 342. Killorzhie, 1680. Killotheran, Killokeran, 2880, 2942. , manor of, 3015. Kilmacchoze, vill, 469. Kilmacdalowey, 569. Kilmacduagh [Duacensis, Duocensis], see of, 1510. Kilmacduagh — cont. , Odo, late precentor of, 1510, 1511. , , royal assent to his election as Bishop, 1510, 1511. , Odo, Bishop of, 1737. , royal assent to the election of Gilbert, Archdeacon of Kilmacduagh as Bishop of, 2933. , chapter and canons of, 2933. Kilmacehe, 2200. Kilmaine [Kilman] , cantred of, in possession of the king of Connaught, 537. Kilmainham [Kilmenan, Kilmeinan], water of, 138. , land of, 138. , Prior and friars of hospital of, 974. , friars of, 1129. , William of, 1353, 1384, 1672. , John de, 2406. Kilmakech, 1396. Kilmehafoch, fords of [near Dublin], 138. KilmehaP, Kilmehallock [Kilmallock] , castle of, 289. , land of, 2386. Kilmehanock, land of, 1537, 1646. Kilmelach, ford of, 1145, 1222. Kilmeracaregan [near Dublin], 138. Kilmereske, 127. Kilmetom [Kilmoney, co of Cork], land of Abbot of Tracton, 3151. , , extent thereof, 3151. Kilmihanoc, Kylmenhallock [Kilmallock?], 1646, 2367. , seized by the Bishop of Limerick, 2367. , to be delivered to Geoffrey de Ma- riscis, 2367. Kilminen, 2200. Kilmohud, church of, 355. Kilmore, 1759. , castle of, 612, 1203, 1204. Kilmore [Tirbrunensis],Congal [Conoglattus] , Bishop of, 3046. , , his resignation, 3046. , licence to the Dean and chapter of, to elect, 3046, 3047. , , Patrick, their clerk, 3046. Kilnemen, or Kilnenien, vill, 469. Kilnenien, 1396. Kilpol, 273. Kilrecheri, 1166. Kilros, 1896. Kilsalthan, Kilselhan, 959, 979, 1169. Kilsanehan, land of, 346. Kilsantan, castle of, 427. , fees near, ib. Kilsilan [Kilsheelan], 2422. , manor of, 2607. Kiltevenan,Kiltenenan, Kiltanenach [Kiltinan], castle of, 601, 613. , manor of, 1091, 2230. , vill of 1125. 538 GENERAL INDEX. Kiltom', 341. Kinalethes, 2550. Kinelun' [Cenel-Eoghain, or Kind-Owen], 2716. King, the, son of the K. [i. e. } Henry son of Henry II.], 29. , letter of Pope Alexander [III.] to the K., 38 bis. , the K., when Earl, 130. , reserves to himself all Irish pleas touching the Crown, the Mint, and the Exchange, 133. King Henry [II.], the K.'s father, 138, 145, 147. , arrival of in Ireland, 175. K. the, in Ireland, 175, 411, 425. , plays at Carlingford, 407 bis. , his court in Ireland, 224, 926. , his Irish affairs, 237, 1584, 1941. , his cross-how men sent to Ireland, 312. , parchment taken with him into Ire- land, 400. , charter of agreement made between him and the Bishops of Ireland, 365. , his household, 407. , his ships, 416. , his robes from Ireland, dyeing them, 420. , his navy, 435. , his brother, 723. , sending him to Ireland, ib. , his liberties, rights, and dignities, 846, 1506. , , his servants or bowmen, feeding of, 849. , payment of his alms of 6d. a day, 918. , collations to churches not to be made without his assent, 969. , the court of, not above the K., 1112. , prays the Archbishop of Armagh not to impede the fortification of the K.'s castles, 1312. , Hugh de Lacy's castles to be restored to the K., 1371. , his war in Ireland, 1473. , in great want of money to carry on his affairs both in England and Ireland, 1473. , to be enabled to range through the cantred of the forest in Connaught, 1512. , Ralph de Trubleville not to be im- pleaded save before him or his Chief Justice in Ireland, 1538. , his army, 1581. , his cause regarding the see of Emly, 1610. , his wardrobe, England, 1739. , his land, Ireland, 1752. , his land in Obrun, 1757, 1769. , his land of Othec, 1757, 1769. K„ the — cont. , his land of Tachsagard, 1757, 1769. , his passage, 1780. , money to be retained to his use out of issues of see of Dublin, 1 783. , his treasure of Ireland. See Ireland, treasure of. , the bridge of Athlone to be completed out of, 2043. , his treasure, England, 490, 1979. , retains power to give licence to elect in certain sees, 1519. , prays a subsidy from the Cistercian order in Ireland, 1755. , plea of land before the K. [King's Bench] in Ireland, 1768. , his boat on the river at Dublin, 1787. , Walter de Lascy's debt to him, 1857. , complains to the Pope against the Bishops of Ireland, 1890. , wages war against Llewellyn, 1894. , letters of the Pope to him regarding excommunication of the K.'s officials, 1901. , his purchases at Dublin and in Irish fairs, 1969, 1976. , his escheats and wards in Ireland, 1969, 3186. , his bond for money taken out of a church during war, 1984. , knights to be at Gloucester prepared to go with the K. to Ireland, 2046. , his passage to Ireland, 2049, 2050, 2052, 2053, 2054, 2058, 2059. , all those who hold in capite, Sec. to cross over with the K. to Ireland, 2052. , changes his purpose of going to Ire- land, 2058. , his great gallery at Dublin, 2067. , his demesne lands in Ireland, 2071, 3161. , in county of Waterford, 576. , has convened the bishops and mag- nates to confer regarding Richard, Earl Marshall in Ireland, 2099. , the treasurer and chamberlain of Dublin to be intentive to the K. and not to Peter de Rivall, 2104. , defers taking steps regarding Ireland after the war of Richard Earl of Pem- broke, 2112. , the church of Dungarvan of his gift, 2165. , returns thanks to his subjects of Ire- land for their services in the war against Richard Earl of Pembroke, 2174. , retains royal dignities and office of justice in Connaught, 2218. , episcopal investitures there, 2219. , purprestures against him, 2231. , his letter to Maurice Fitz Gerald, 2250. GENERAL INDEX. 539 K., the — cont. , had sent to the court of Rome to prevent a legate coming to Ireland against his will, 2250. , his letter to Joan Q. of Scotland communicating the marriage of their sister Isabella, 2251. , silk apparel bought for the use of, 2256. , his going to Ireland, 2278, 2366, 2410. , his subjects in Ireland, 2284, 2286, 3158. , his bond to the citizens of Bordeaux for 640 marks, 2297. , his rents, profits and issues of Ire- land, 2336. , his castles in Ireland to be committed at a low rate, ib. , his affairs, 2358, 2438, 2519, 2522. , his horses, 2357, 2360. , prays an aid from Ireland, 2365, 2410. , notifies changes regarding writs of course, 2379. , cannot go to Ireland, 2438. , thanks the earls, barons, knights, &c. of Ireland for their aid, 2444. , grant by him to the abbey of Melli- font, 2447. , his treasure in the Tower of London, 2474. , its keepers, ib. , his intended arrival in Ireland, 2495, 2612, 2778. , his firm purpose to go to Ireland, 2496. , directs the feasts of St. Thomas and St. Edward to be celebrated in the castle chapel and the churches of Dub- lin, 2497. , his alienated lands in Ireland to be recovered, 2519. , a porpoise from Ireland to be sent to him, 2529. , his service, 2532. , letter of Thomas Bi«hop of Down to him, complaining of exactions of Wal- ter Earl of Ulster, 2551. , his crossing over, 2259, 2260. , his service in Gascony, 2578. , deer for his park in Ireland, 2580. , retains two -thirds of Walter de Lacy's goods and chattels in payment of his debts to the K., 2582. , agreements regarding lands made between him and Hugh de Lacy, Earl of Ulster, 2616. , neither will nor ought to subtract from the rights of the Archbishop of Armagh, 26 IS. , prays a subsidy from the clergy of Ireland, 2622. K., the — cont. , becomes surety for the dower of Alienor, his sister, in Ireland, 2654, 3155, 3157. , commands the work on the hall of the castle of Dublin to be stopped as he was in want of money, 2656. , his park of Glencry [Glencree], 2671. , notifies that the service of the earls, barons, and commonalty of Ireland in joining his expedition to Scotland shall not be made a precedent, 2679. , his expedition [to Scotland], 2687, 2696, 2709, 2720. , his two chapels in Ireland, 2707. , present of copes for them, ib. , prays Donald K. of Tirconnell to join his expedition, 2716. , prohibits Franciscan chapters in Ire- land from electing to bishoprics with- out consent of their order, 2722. , prays the Bishop of Killaloe to cause the feast of Edward the Confessor to be observed, 2725. , the Bishop of Waterford in like manner, 2726. , prays the justiciary, the magnates and his subjects of Ireland to join him in avenging the treachery of David son of Llewellyn, 2733. , the K.'s army in Wales, 2733, 2768. , wishes Ireland to share in his Welsh conquest, 2733. , Henry his son, 2740. , Irish Archbishops, &c. at Council of Lyons to preserve the K.'s rights, 2745. , acknowledges receipt from Earl Marshall of 200/. for dower of Alienor, his sister, 2761. , commands the men of Dublin, Water- ford, Drogheda, Limerick, Cork, and Carrickfergus to send him provisions with the merchants thereof, 2768. , his expedition to Wales, 2768, 2827. , commits Ireland and its lands and castles during pleasure to John Eitz Geoffrey, 2785. , what he owes for provisions, &c. from Ireland sent to him to Gannoc to be paid, 2795. , his seal of Ireland, 2824, 2836. , his letter to the Bishop of Ossory, treasurer of Ireland, thanking him for his services, &c, 2827. , takes on himself the debts of Fulk, of Newcastle, his cousin, 2863. , does not intend to usurp the land* of his subjects, 2869. , his household [in Ireland], 2897. , advances 300 marks for the Countess of Leicester's dower, 2911. , sends 20 serjeants-at-arms to Ireland, 2912. 540 GENERAL INDEX. K., the — cont. , forwards particulars of liberties to be granted to the Barons of Ireland, 2956. , has requested Maurice Fitz Gerald to cross over to Gascony on his ser- vice, and offers ships for this purpose, 2965. , capes, silken cloth, fringe of gold, wares, and jewels bought for his use, 2993. , the land and castle of Oconak to re- main to him, 3053. , requests counsel whether it is better to settle and cultivate the waste lands of Ireland, or let them, 3061. , assumes the cross, 3067. , his surgeon, 3105. , his passage to the Holy Land, 3115. , debts due to him by the Bishop of Ossory, 3120. , his appeal regarding the election to see of Limerick, 3125. , his demesne lands and manors in Ireland to be extended, and let to their tenants or others, 3161. , his army in Ulster and Desmond in a. r. 33, 3163. , borrows from Richard Earl of Corn- wall 2,000 marks to maintain the Mint in Ireland, 3170. his certificate in favour of John de Curcy, 3202. , commands that no force shall leave Ireland to invade the Isle of Man, 3206. , his power correlative in England and Ireland, 3209. , is bound to administer justice to each person, 3209. , his council, England, 851, 856, 878, 885, 923, 927, 934, 936, 949, 979, 985, 991, 1074, 1080, 1110, 1229. , , Ireland, 893, 1840, 2760. Kings and Princes of the Franks, 136. Kingeston, in Decies, the K.'s manor of, 2569, 2706. , , grant of a fair to be held there, 2569. , , the men of, to build on their holdings in security, 2706. Kinnelen' [Killeen] , land of, 2894. Kinton, Philip de, 1075. Kip, 244. Kirch', Walter de, Dean of St. Martin's, Eng- land, 2233. Kirkcudbright, Scotland, 545. Kirkcudbright, Erkyn of, 2380. Kirkeham, Walter de, 1451, 1454, 1460. , , the deanery of St. Mary of Shrewsbury, England, conferred [on him, 1454. , , the deanery of Penkridge, Eng- land, ditto, 1460. Kirkesantam, Kirkesantan, castle of, 564, 942. Ki villi, Roger de, 115. Knaresborough, England. See Cnarburc. Kneshal, manor of, 2016. Knight, expenses of one from Spain, 524. Knights Hospitallers. See Hospitallers. Knocflin, vill, 469. Knockaney. See Anye. Knoc, land of, in the honor of Lobber, 625. , castle of. See Castleknock. Knockgraffon. See Cnocgrafan. Kok, Robert de, 1839. Kokerel, Warin, the K.'s servant from Ire- land, 442. Korkenevefky, in Thomond, land of, 1666. Kulibidi, Culbudi [Cooleboy], 2447. Kulman, 1680. Kunnocth [Connaught] , Thomas de, 2690. Kylcol, 2205. Kyllen [Killeen], 2436. Kylmakeche, 1641. Kylmie', cantred in which vill of is situated, 353. Kylmon [Kilmoon], 1136. Kylorgelan, castle of, 2228. Kylrethelin, 2495, Kyme, Matilda de, 2949. Kymel'en, 2964. Kymlalmerath, 427. Kylros [Kilross], manor of, 2371. Kyrky, the castle of, 2908. L. L., minister of [ ], 1485. , letter to the Chancellor regarding land subtracted from his church, 1485. Labank, Labanc, Nicholas, 2705. , , his lands near Dublin, ib. , , his heir, ib. Lacher, Lather, 697, 698. Ladcathel, bailiwick of, 1468. Laghelachon', castle of, 612. Lagneia. See Leinster. Laguerre, David, 39. Lake, Walter de, 605. Lambeya [Lambay], island of, 1787. Lamialey, William de, 1694. Lancaster, England, 3, 26, 194, 248, 412, 501. , , honor of, 26. , , vill of, 81. Lancaster and Chester, bailiffs of, 853. Landon, John de, merchant, 1938. GENERAL INDEX. 541 Landringeharn, William de, 1787. Langedon, G. de, the K.'s servant, 2010. Langel' [Langley], Geoffrey or Godfrey de, justice of the forest, England, 2485, 2552, 2737, 3040, 3104. Langeley, Thomas de, 1336. Lanhamelach, Stephen de, taken in the castle of Carrickfergus, 483. Lanthony, England, 273. , , the Prior of, 390, 560, 987, 988, 1034, 1555, 1618, 1792, 1940, 1998, f 2037, 2163, 2439, 2717. , , licence to convey corn from Ireland, 2164, 2439. Laochilonbegan. See Greal. Lard, 1287. Larder, the K.'s, at Westminster, 2986. Lascelles, Sir Ivo de, Knight, 400. Lascy [Lacy], W. de. 90. , Walter de, his hostages, 204. , , simple protection for him, 372, 383. , , his men, 372. , their tenements, ib. , , submission of, 402. , , Hugh, his brother, ib. , , his charters, 541. , , his lands in England, ib. , , his lands in Ireland, 541, 542. , , his tenants, 544. , , deed of agreement between him and the K., 596. , , his land in Ireland, ib. , , his son, ib. , , his son or daughter, ib. , , his father, bailiff of Meath, ib. , , Gilbert his son, 632. , , his knights and free tenants, 628, 631, 632. , , restoration of his land, 628. , , his lands in Ireland, 631, 632. , , restoration of his ships taken into the K.'s hand, 638. , , his fine, 656. , , to have the fee which Adam de Hereford held of him, 692. , , his land of Meath, 693. , , agreements between the K. and him touching his lands in Ireland, 701. , , to have peace touching the fine for his lands in Ireland, 718. , , restoration of his castles of Nober, and Katouth [Nobber and Ratoath], 719. , , inquisition as to whether he held the land of Astlon, 747. , , to have seisin of lands of Richard del Tuyt when he shall have paid 200 marks, 748. , , lands and castles to be delivered to him, 791, 808. Lascy, Walter de — cont. , , service of his land, 884. , , seisin of ditto, 914. , , Sir W. de, 934. , , all pleas of land brought against him in Ireland to be respited, 938. , , his liberties, 952, 953. , , his lands and castles in Ireland, 1022. , , his liberties, ib. , , his attorney, 1027. , , agreement made between the K. and him touching his service, 1180. , , his men of Meath, ib. , , the Earl of Pembroke prays the K. to restore his land, 1228. , , Egidia, his daughter, 1268. , , respite of part of his firm, 1329. , , custody of castles in Ulster committed to him, 1371, 1385, 1386. , , Gilbert, his son and heir, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1386, 1443. , charter of, 1372. , , charter of Gilbert, 1374. , , his fine of 3000 marks with the K., 1414, 1474. , , service due by him to the K. in Ireland, 1439. , , lands in Ulster granted to him, 1448. , , the corn, &c. on his lands, 1476. , , mandate to him regarding Hugh de Lacy's lands and castles, 1498, 1499. , , to send to the K. one of his knights with power to deliver the castles, 1499. , 500 marks to be taken from him at each term for the residue of fines of 4000 and 3000 marks, 1575. , , his castle of Trim, and his land to be taken into the K.'s hand, ib. , , his debt to the K., 1622, 2359. , , licence to go to Ireland on his affairs, 1850. , , to render 200 marks a year for his debts to the K., 1857. > , not to be distrained for those debts, ib.) , , his bond for Irish wool, 1875. , , his manor of Britford, Wilts, ib. , , lands which Theobald Pincerna held of him, 1877. , , confirmation of gifts of lands, &c. in Ireland, made by him to friars of Mount Cresswell, 1909. > > all plaints against him to be respited, 1956, 2005, 2057. , , retained on the K.'s service, 2005. > > sent to Ireland on the K.'s ser- vice, 2079. 542 GENERAL INDEX. Lascy, Walter de — cont. , , arrears of 50 marks for the castle of Drogheda to be paid to him, 2261. , , his gift to the abbey of Beau- bec, 2295. , , his fine made with King John and the K. 2336. , , the K. requires succour from him, 2365. , , respite of all plaints against him at the assizes of Dublin, 2429. , his infirmity, ib. , , acknowledges as his heir, Walter son of Gilbert, his eldest son, 2451. , , to have allowances in his debt to the K., 2452. , , to have his allowances for the castle of Drogheda and castle Blathac, 2465. , , custody of his lands and castles granted to Walter de Godarville, 2507. , , writ of Fieri Facias against his corn, stock, and chattels, 2511. , , Margery or Margaret who was his wife, 2518, 2519, 2542, 2547, 2617. , , grant to her of rents of Walter's lands from his death, 2547. , , to have a third part of Walter's chattels, 2582. , , to have justice in a plaint, 2676. , , fine made at Westminster be- tween her, Philip de Geneve and Matilda, his wife, regarding Margery's dower in England and Ireland, 2756. , , Walter's heirs, 2519. , , called to warranty, 2676. , , his executors, 2519. , , his lands in Meath, 2662. , , Margaret de Verdun and Ma- tilda de Geneve, his heirs, 2662, 2699. , , their inheritance restored, 2676. , , Margaret, who was his wife, to have for her dower one-third of 50 marks which he received for the castle of Blathac and the vill of Drogheda, 2890. , , extent of his lands, 2984. , , his debts, 3009. , , Matilda de Lacy to have peace concerning them, ib. , , to have one-third of 50 marks which Walter de Lacy was wont to receive, 3060. , Walter de, 121,147, 199 bis, 201,205, 206, 209, 213, 214, 215, 224, 229, 235, 239, 240, 241, 247, 268, 315, 324, 325, 328 bis, 329, 330, 332, 336, 363, 376, 382, 383, 384, 402, 404, 408, 496, 535, 536, 612, 628, 631, 635, 656, 673, 682, 693, 743, 747, 808, 811, 822, 835, 884, 938, 949, 952, 953, 970, 987, 1001, 1022, 1023, 1031, 1038, 1097, 1110, Lascy, Walter de — cont. 1134, 1146, 1172, 1175, 1176, 1177, 1191, 1228, 1229, 1268, 1289, 1328 quinquies, 1329,1361, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1443 bis, 1491, 1498 bis, 1572, 1618, 1622, 1850, 1854, 1875, 1902, 1904, 1925, 1928, 1936, 2005, 2078, 2079, 2107, 2266, 2285, 2490, 2682, 2712, 2756. , Matilda de [see De Geneve], one of Walter's heirs, 3009, 3060, 3082. Lascy, Hugh de, 50, 53, 54, 2483. , Hugh de, deceased, 164. , Hugh de, 224, 227, 240, 241, 256. , Earl of Ulster, 263, 265, 266, 268, 280, 301, 329, 335, 408 bis, 550, 623, 663, 707, 719, 820, 945, 1012, 1110, 1126, 1174, 1175, 1177, 1179, 1186, 1187, 1189, 1200, 1203, 1227, 1228, 1291, 1317, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1374, 1407, 1408, 1463, 1474, 1491, 1505, 2112, 2114, 2117, 2266, 2285, 2384, 2408, 2447. , , his war, 1203, 1210, 1218, 1219, 1226, 1227?, 1245, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1266, 1273, 1274, 1289, 1308, 1321, 1355 bis, 1358, 1360, 1407, 1408, 1463, 1474, 1492, 1575, 1586, 1590, 1685, 1933, 1984, 2026, 2275, 2398. , , grant to him of Ulster, 260, 263. , , seizure of his land of Ulster, 550. , , Walter, his brother, ib. , , the K. long in his neighbour- hood, 550. , , his retinue, 1012. , , his land, 1073, 1110. , , his wife, 1073. , , Walter, his brother, ib. > , mandate to the latter for seisin to Hugh, ib. , , Gilbert, his brother, 1074. , , is plotting to invade Ireland, 1110. , , his raids, 1126. , , disturbs Ireland, 1174. , , his castles in Ulster, 1371, 1372. , , his land in Ulster, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1374, 1386. , , land of Walter de Lascy 's fee, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1386. , , Leceline, his wife, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1374, 1386. , , Walter, his son, 1372. , , Roger, his son, 1372 bis. , , restoration of his lands and castles in custody of Walter de Lacy, 1498. , , lands of his gift, 1505. , , constablewick of his land of Ulster, ib. , , his purchase, ib. , , grant to him of fairs at Kotour, Nobber, and Carlingford, 1544. GENERAL INDEX. 543 — cont. , Hugh de, 1787. , Hugh de, constable, 1788. ., , safe conduct for him in coming to confer with the K. regarding Ire- land, 2113. ., , to give seisin to Gilbert Earl of Pembroke, of the castle of Cabry, 2175. ., , letters from the K. to him, 2285. ., , to come to England with the justiciary, 2384. ., , to cause Scotch merchandise to be restored, 2407. , , confirmation of his gift of churches in Ireland to the church of St. Andrew, Scotland, 2408. ., , A[melina] who was his wife, to be distrained to marry Stephen de Longespee, 2600. ,, , Emeline, who was his wife, to have 40 librates out of his lands in Ulster, 2615. , , his manor of Nobber to be taken into the K.'s hand, 2616. , , Emeline, Countess of Ulster, who was his wife, to have her dower, 2663. , Hugh, late Earl of Ulster, 2616, 2618, 2771, 2843. , William de, 529, 536, 791, 1184. ., , never to part with his land in Ireland, 536. ., to deliver to the justiciary the castles of Rath and Carlingford, 755. , , to satisfy the justiciary for damage done in taking them, 755. ., , the K.'s enemy, 1184, 1195, 1203 quater, 1204, 1272. ., , throws himself on the me r cy of the Irish, 1204. ., , his wife, 1203, 1204. , his brother, 1203, 1204. ,, , his brothers, 1227. ,, , his mother, 1203, 1204. ., , his castle of Grennoch Oraely, 1204. , William de, 1448, 1520, 1713, 1833. , , custodee of lands in Ulster, 1448. , , to have his fee, 1713. , Robert de, 134, 329, 525 ter., 596. , , his sons, 204. , , his lands and heirs, 525. , , his son, 596. , , fine for his land, 673. , Hugh, son of Robert, Irish hostage, 309. , Roger de, constable of Chester, 263, 294. Lascy — cont. , Gilbert de, 299, 480. , , his rents in Ireland, 480. , , Walter his brother, 299. , Gilbert de, 2519. , , his daughter, heir of Walter de Lacy, 2519. , John de, constable of Chester. See Lincoln, John Earl of. Lateran, the, 521 1199, 1375. Lathrachlami, 136. Lathran, land assigned by archbishop of Dub- lin in, 1758. Lathern', lands of, 427. Latimer, Richard le, 342. , David, his father, ib. , John le, 1926. Latin' [LattinJ, prebend of, 1592. Laundri, Robert, 2351. Laurence Archbishop of Dublin, 38, 56. Lavinton, England, 690. Laz, William de, 602. Lazhargalvan, 1680. Le . . . ., Richard de, 1812. Leasciarmocan, 136. Leasconmaig, 136. Leasswaribin, 136. Lechaune, Connac, 580. , , fine to have land in Cork, 580. Le de Leact Gerran, 2399. Lega, de la, Leges [Legh] , William, 7. , Hugh de, 328, 529, 2171, 2285, 2358, 2402, 2410. , , his land of Munster, 529. , , grant to him of a moiety of a burgage in the parish of St. Audeon's, Dublin, 2171. , , knight of Maurice Fitz Gerald, 2411. , , justice in eyre, Ireland, 2894, 2964. , Thomas de, 612. Lega, de, 101. , castle de, 195. Legal experts, 1112. Legate, the Papal, 168, 927, 1026, 1229, 1624, 2440. , , his letter to the K. regarding the new vill of Cashel, 1624. Legy, Henry de, 2760. Leia, Robert de, 1562. Leicester, England, 10, 32. , , sheriff of, 678. , Robert Earl of, 87, 147. , Simon de Montfort, Earl of, 2654, 2655, 2761, 2771, 3021, 3022, 3099. , , Alienor Countess of, his wife, the K.'s sister, 2654, 2655, 2761, 2911, 3013. GENERAL INDEX. Leicester, Simon de Montfort, Earl of — cont. , , to have the proceeds of lands of William de Valence, in Ireland, to fortify Gascony, 3020. , , to have for two years all the revenues of Ireland for that purpose, 3021, 3023. , , mandate to the earl to employ them in fortifications and castles, 3022. , , all issues of Ireland to be paid to him to fortify the K.'s castles and cities of Gascony, 3031. , , to have treasure of Ireland for that purpose, 3099. , , his wife's dower in Ireland, 3155, 3157. Leichemaclergin, 1680. Leighlin, see of, 778, 779, 1519. , , custody of, granted to Arch- bishop of Dublin, 778, 783. , , to his clerk, 779. , , the bishop of, 1430, 2410. , , assizes concerning his lands and fees, 1430. , chapter of, 1629. , , their election of a bishop null, 1629, 1630. , Richard, late Bishop of, 1629. , William Archdeacon of, elected as Bishop, 1629, 1630. , , royal assent to his election, 1629, 1630. , W[illiam] Bishop of, 2258. , , grant to him of vill and market in his vill of Welles, 2877. Leighlin [Lechelin], 1787. Leinster, 216, 660, 825, 2136, 2808, 2827, 2849, 2999,3001. , the barons of, 228, 315, 329. , the knights of, 315, 2762. , the force of, 1443. , the Earl of Pembroke's land of, 381, 725. , William Earl Marshall of, 794. , , the barons, knights, and free tenants of, not to give judgment in a plaint before the court of William Mar- shall, 1458. , a large supply of wine and corn in, 2827. , money to be collected in, for redemp- tion of the vows of Crusaders, 3088. , the Earl of Pembroke's knights and tenants in, 1872. , the seneschal of, 673, 873, 1874. , lands in, 1874. Leis,land of, 137. Lemberg, Duke of, 2251. Lench, Randulph de, 11, 20. Leominster, town of, England, 408. Le Preste, land of, Dublin, 1803. Le Ryn, four carucates, formerly belonging to MacGorman, 1772. Lessinton, John de, 3137, 3164. Letungsy, Letingsy, Leyntingsy, cantred,Mun- ster, 601, 613, 838. Leveland, Eustace de, Treasurer of Dublin or Ireland, 2012, 2017, 2043, 2047, 2073, 2089, 2092, 2104, 2122, 2125, 2126, 2159. , , to pay of the K.'s treasure for completing the bridge at Athlone, 2043. , , not to be intentive to Peter de Rivall, 2104. , ; , to deliver to Geoffrey de Tur- ville the rolls of the Exchequer, 2156. Lewan, Newcastle de, manor, 776. Lexinton, Lexintun, John de, 2475, 2550, 2771, 2780, 2877, 2 881, 2920, 2948. Leye, Henry de, 2970. Leyn [Lynn], England, 257. Leyntingsy. See Letungsy. Leys [Leix], new vill of, 1950. Liamin, 136. Liard, the K.'s horse, 2360. Libain, 2399. Liberty, ecclesiastical, 927. Lidiford, Walter de, 605. Liffey, the river [Avenesliz, Avenelyf, Avene- lith, Anna-Liffey] , 127 bis, 138 bis, 573 bis, 577,597, 854,974, 1129, 1299. , the K.'s portion of it, 573, 577, 597. , the citizens' portion, 573, 577, 597. , fishings of boats in, 573, 577, 597. , power to make a bridge over, 573, 577- 597. , sites of mills on it, 577. , its course to be rectified, 854, 1129, 1980. , to be enlarged and cleared, 974. , to be surveyed, 983. , weirs across, 1129, 1299. , mills on, 1129, 1299. Limerac. See Limerick. Limerun, Kilmacdalowey, land of, 569. Limerick, the city of, 97, 103, 146, 147, 165, 235, 271, 310, 314, 328, 408, 788, 812, 4 814, 835, 997, 1032, 1258, 1969, 1971, 2254, 2405, 3201 ter. , burgages within the walls of, 87, 94, 96, 97, 99, 103, 104. , walls of, 93, 94, 96, 99, 104. , bridge of, 97. , court of monks in, 136. , fair at, 226. , rent of assize of, 589. , mill of, ib. , fishery of, 589, 2254. , tithe of fishery and mills in, 1258. , church of, 1258. , bailiffs of, 1359, 1407, 1411. , farm of, 616, 1355, 1359, 1407, 1411, 1600. , the K.'s mills and fisheries at, 1812. , cathedral, church of, ib. GENERAL INDEX. 545 Limerick — cont. , assize of, 2138. , castle of, 788, 814, 1015, 1114, 1216, 1443, 1514, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1976, 2009. , tenants of, 1971. , inventory of the K.'s stores found in, 1227. , keepership of, 1288. , its constable to deliver it to the jus- ticiary, 2792. , the citizens of, 563, 579, 1355, 1573, 2405. , power to assign lands let to them by the K., 563. , money paid by them to maintain war with Hugh de Lascy, 1355. , ought more liberally to contribute money to inclose the city, 2405. , the mint at, 3201. , the men of, 1049, 1185, 1971, 2405. , grant to them of customs to inclose their city, 2405. , to cause one galley to be equipped, 2532. , to send provisions to the K., 2768. , the honor of, 146, 147, 148, 165, 169, 193, 249, 285, 308, 369, 389, 395. , tallage of, 369, 389, 395, 414. , land of, 92, 579. , the kingdom of, 289. , Mariadac, King of, 404. , serjeantry of, 318. , cantred of, 356, 713. , county of, 2792. , Reginald of, 104. Limerick, Brictius, Bishop of, 56. , the Bishop of, 57, 753. , protection for him, 753. , grant to Geoffrey, parson of Dungar- van, of the vacant see of, 364. {See Corrigenda.) , clergy of, 364. , Edmund Bishop of, 589, 616, 710, 713, 1056. , grant of an annuity to him, -589. , to have arrears of his annuity, 710. , land assigned to him in lieu of an annuity, 713. , Edmund, formerly Bishop of, 1812. , inspeximus of his charter granting the land of Omayl, 1812. , see of, 1090, 1519. , the Dean and chapter of, 1100. , office of Treasurer of, ib. , prebend appertaining thereto, ib. , Hubert Bishop of, 1262, 1277. , grant to, of market at Muntgaret [Mungrett], 1262. and Waterford, chapter of, 1337. , union of churches of, ib. , Hugh Bishop of, 1531. 1. Limerick, Hugh Bishop of— cont. , to have custody of see of Armagh, 1531. , the chapter of, 1812, 3087. , M [ ], Archdeacon of, 1812. , H[ ] Chancellor of, ib. , P[ ], Dean of, ib. , the Bishop of, 1890,2367, 2386,2410, 2464, 3203. , Hubert Bishop of, 2268, 2640. , prays the K. to regard the oppressions brought on the church of Limerick, 2267. , licence to the Dean and chapter of, to elect, 3087- , Thomas Dean of, ib. , Robert Archdeacon of, 3118. , royal assent to his election as Bishop of, ib. , the elect of, cited to appear in the church of Limerick before the Arch- bishop of Cashel, 3125. Limesy, Richard de, 5, 66. Lince [Inch?], vill of, 681. Lincoln, England, 19, 30, 1839. , Sheriff of, 678, 1923. , Alured de, 2, 28. , Josceus de, a Jew, 1291. , John de Lacy, Earl of, constable of Chester, 1829, 2269, 2321, 2402, 2408, 2416, 2468, 2473. , Margaret Countess of, 2928, 2949, 3066, 3080, 3136. , , W [alter], Earl of Pembroke, her late husband, 2928. , , her dower out of his lands, 2928, 2949, 2950, 2989, 3080. , , to restore 'the stock and ploughs of his heirs, 2950. , , the manor of Kildare assigned in dower to her, 2951. , Margaret, late Countess of Lincoln, 2988. , , the whole county of Kildare, the manor of Fothered, and lands in Aboy assigned to her, 2989. , , to have seisin of the castles of Carbery and Kildare, ib. , ,to have the same liberties in her dower lands as the Earl's heirs have in their lands, 2991. , , her service in Ireland, 3136. Lirva, water of, 355. Liscailau, Liscaillah, in Esker, 1731, 1762, 1763. Lisfoban, 366. Lislaan, Lisnaan, 1680, 2055. Lisloan, 127. Lisloe, land of, 276. Lismore, the castle of, 851. , vill of, ib. , port of, 1147. M M 546 GENERAL INDEX. Lismore — cont. , Christian Bishop of, papal legate, 38 bis. , the see of, 856, 858, 875, 878, 948, 1144, 1519, 1526, 1529, 1588. , Dean and chapter of, 856. , election null, ib. , Bedford, Robert de, Bishop of, 856, 858, 875, 878, 885, 948, 991. , David canon of, 856, 858, 878. , church of, part of see of Waterford, 878. , the Bishop of, 1104, 2410, 2719. , the K. approves election of Griffin Christopher as bishop, 1143. , royal assent to his election, 1144. , Griffin Christopher, elect of, 1258, 1307. , seisin of lands of the see, 1307. , Robert of Bedford, late bishop, ib. , Griffin, Master, Chancellor of, 1526. , , royal assent to his election as Bishop of Lismore, 1526, 1529. , , his first election quashed, 1526. , , hiselection not confirmed, 1588. , the see of, to be taken into the K.'s hand, ib. , Griffin Bishop of, 1896, 2640. , , to have seisin of Kilros, Kilgar- van, and Devenein, 1896. , , the K. approves of his grant of a pension in the church of Dungarvan, 1914. , , his ship to be delivered to him, 2098. , , his letter to the K. respecting ex- communication of Geoffrey de Mariscis and others, 2268. , , saving of a provision made for him after his resignation, 2841. , G[riffin], late Bishop of, 3033. , to be quit of amerciaments of 12| marks, ib. , the Dean and chapter of, 2842. , licence for them to elect a bishop, ib. , Christian de Chaumery, canon of, ib. , royal assent to the translation of A [lan], late Bishop of Cloyne, to the see of, 2938. the Bishop of, 3191. Lisnamanach, 2399. Lisnerguith, 273. Lissekylly, 836, 960. Lissenden, 2030. Listrothorach, Lisser [othorac] , 2422, 2607. Liuican [? Lucan], land of, 192. , land in, of Wyrrys Peche, 197. Livet, John, 2908. , Philip de, 116. , Gilbert de, 656. , Gilbert, citizen of Dublin, 1239. Llewellyn, the daughter of, 1203. Llewellyn, prince of North Wales, 830. , Prince of Abberfrau, 1 894, 1917, 1930. , late Prince of North Wales, 2733. , , David, his son, ib. Lober [Nobber], honor of, 625 bis, 704. Locard, Lochard', Jordan, 171, 346. , , Albert, his father, ib. Locgeir [Lough Gur, county Limerick], grange of, 136. , the island which belongs to the vill of, ib. Lochseveth, fair at, 229. Lochurse, the lake of, 2908. , islands in it, ib. Logan, William, 476. , Walter, his brother, taken in the castle of Carrickfergus, 476, 1001. Logh'da, 2618. Logheleugh', 996. Lognamanach, 175. Logseuethy, fee of, 693. , four cantreds in, assigned for site of castle of Athlone, 693. Lokhelen. See Yoghenact. Lokinton, Roger de, 3174. Lomaske, lake, [Lough Mask], 2908. , islands in it, ib. London, 77 bis, 115, 274, 1110. , gift of the city of for the army of Ireland, 47, 59, 61, 65, 68, 77. , liberty of city of, .2070. , the sheriffs of, 868. , the mayor of, 1285. , the mayor and men of the city of, 2926. , the citizens of, 47, 49, 57, 59, 61, 65, 68, 77. ' , the tower of, 430, 2473, 2474. , Irish treasure conveyed thither, 2473, 2474. , constable of, 2473. , Michael of, 212. , Maurice of, 329, 448, 1732, 2138, 2346. , Robert of, 407. , William of, 431. } the Bishop of, 43, 1745, 1773. , W. Bishop of, 263. , Eustace Bishop of, 1180. , Laurence of, clerk of Ralph de Nor- wich, 1592. - , , grant to him of prebend of Lattin, 1592. , Laurence of, the K.'s proctor, 1610. , William of, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, 1731. , , to hold the K.'s manor of Escar, ib. , Reginald of, the K.'s emissary at Rome, 2854. , to be provided with a benefice worth from 20 to 30 marks, ib. GENERAL INDEX. 547 London — cont. , William of, 3203. , John of, chaplain. See castle of Dublin, chapel of. and Middlesex, 16, 37, 43, 47, 49, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 68, 77, 421, 449. and Middlesex, sheriffs of, 16, 37, 43, 49, 59, 65. Long, William, 2410. , John, 2657. Longespee, Lungespee, Stephen de, the K.'s cousin, 2600, 2695, 2708, 2767, 2875, 2881, 2947. , A[meline] , who was the wife of Hugh de Lascy to be distrained to marry Stephen, 2600. , to be provided with 50 or 60 librates of land, 2695. , Emeline, Countess of Ulster, his wife, 2730, 2767, 2947. , , plaint in the K.'s court, Ireland, touching her dower, 2758. I , her dower to be surveyed, 2875. , grant to them of a fair at their manor of Tristeldermot [Castle-Dermot] , Ire- land, 2948. , an exchange for the manor of Triste- laurent to be made to them out of Richard de Burgh's lands, 3006. , the Pope grants licence to him to collect money in Leinster for the crusades, 3088. , proposes to cross over sumptuously to aid the Holy Land, ib. , William de, 2233, 2321. Long Ford, the, 355. Longo Campo, Henry de, 407. , Henry de, 2235. , , Henry, his father, 2235. Lorraine, Duke of, 2251. Loske [Lusk], castle, 514. Lother, castle of, 1026, 1037, 1041. Loug', 100. Lough Gur. See Locgeir. Louis, the Lord, eldest son of the king of France, 799, 800, 812, 965. , , money due by the K. to him, 815. Louth [Luvethe, Lovedhe], 176, 1013, 1637. , bounds of the K.'s land of, 1013. , city of, 221. , burgesses of, 997. , fair at, 1010. , the K.'s castle of, 196. , canons of, excommunicated for con- tumacy refuse to submit, 1481. , the men of, 1185. , honor of, 1621. , manor of, 2544. Loxhundy, castle of, 612. Lu, Ralph Pel de, 2771. < , , grant to him of the lands of Invre and Dumnal', ib. Lucy, Luscy William de, 2078, 3179. , , Amicia, who was his wife, 3179. , Philip de, ib. , Richard de, 19 bis, 37 bis, 40, 49. , Philip de, 306. , Master Stephen de, 1316, 1486, 1528, 1686. , , the land of Balyorgany com- mitted to him, 1316. , , the land of Balihogali committed to him, 1486. , , seisin for him of the land of Balliogaly, 1528. , Geoffrey de, 401 bis, 1260, 1285, 1680. , William de, 1289, 1293, 1782. Ludlow, England, 1289 , Walter de Lascy 's castle of, 1180. Lume, 241. Lund a, Lund, William de la, nephew of Henry de Trubleville, 2233, 2486, 2578, 2653, 2709. , , grant to him of the vill of Balia- madon, 2233. , , not to be impleaded touching his lands in Ireland, 2578. , Henry de, 2760. Lune, honor of, 1677. Lusk [Lusca, Luske], 1787. , manor of, 319. , honor of, 345. Luterell, Luterel, Godfrey or Geoffrey, 199, 207, 209, 213, 214, 237, 238, 240 bis, 401 bis, 403, 404, 406 bis, 407 bis, 409 ter., 431, 459, 538, 564, 565, 566, 578, 579, 604, 621, 629, 633, 644, 647, 649, 669, 672, 673, 821, 861, 881, 889. , , fine to have Cratelach', 580. , grant to him of the K.'s wood in Cratelerch, Thomond, 633. , , the K.'s bailiff, in Ireland, 768. , , his account, ib. , , his daughter and heir, 821, 889. , , inquisition as to lands given to him in Ireland, 861. , Robert, canon of Dublin and treasurer of St. Patrick's, 1651, 1652, 1655, 1656, 1661, 1665, 1691, 1717, 1773. , , assigned for custody of the Treasury, Dublin, 2122, 2125, 2126. , , deputy in Ireland of Ralph Bishop of Chichester, the K.'s Chan- cellor, 2254. , , to share in the K.'s councils and take an oath of secrecy, 2254. , , letters of presentation for him to the Archdeaconry of Armagh, 2419. , , the K.'s Chancellor of Ireland, 2796. , , to be intentive regarding the Chancery to the justiciary on his arri- val, and meanwhile to the Bishop of Ossory, ib. M M 2 548 GENERAL INDEX. Luttrell, Godfrey — cont. , , to deliver to the justiciary the K.'s Irish seal, 2824. Luton, Walter de, 2673, 2674, 2680. Lutre, Adam de, 2760. Luvein, Frank de, 37. Luvel, Walter, 411. , his mute, ib. Luyne, 2680. Lymede, honor of, 1272. Lymerhim, 356. Lynn, England, 1 2. Lyons, France, the Bishop of, 62. , council of, 2745. , Alan of, 3174. , , his lands in Ireland, ib. Lyssebon, William, 2970. , Anger, ib. M. M., justiciary of Ireland. See Meyler, Fitz Henry. M[ ], Geoffrey de, parson of Bathyme- gait, 2564. Mac Anegus, 2716. Macarbragh, Duncan, 1636. Mac Briun, Mac Bren, Murchod or Murcher- cath of Natherlach, [Aherlow, Tippe- rary], 2716, 2760. Mac Carthy, [Magarthy, Macarthi, Macardhy] , Derniot, King of Cork, 766. , , his wife, ib. , Dermot, 1001. , Cormaclethan [Cormac], de Desse- mon' [Desmond], 2716. Mac Carthy [ ], to be restored to the state from which he was removed, 2032. Maccherse, 132. Macharan, Kichard, a Welshman, 754. , , custody of his land in Ireland, 754. Machelli. See Tormet. Mac Chiteroc, an Irishman, 2336. , , demesnes held by him near Waterford, 2336. Mac Doncwhod, Loueth, 1001. Mac Gilemuri, 2716. Mac Hermekan, Richard, of Decies, ib. Machun, Andrew le, 407. Mackadmel, Donald, 2716. Mac Kartan, ib. Mac Laughlin. See Aleklin. Mac Mathaven, 2716. Mac Murrough, Murtough [Morchard], 39 bis. Mac O'Calmery, 2716. Macrobius, master canon of Lismore, 856, 858, 878. Madruchcan, 273. Magdorach, 136. Maghalin, 907. Magicatha, 132. Magio, de. See Monasternenagh. Magister, Henry, 3186. Magnahengi, 136. Magnates of the kingdom, 723, 1112. of Ireland. See Ireland. Magne, 2006. Magnus, William, 2513. Magorham', Maggurman, vill of, 493, 642. Magorman, [Mac Gorman], an Irishman, 1772. Mailgun, uncle of Llewellyn, prince of North Wales, 830. , inquisition to be taken by jury of Dublin as to whether he had seisin there, 830. Mailliard, Roger, 39. Mainehone, or Mainehoue, near Dungarvan, 2364. Mainioc, in Archemide, land of, 191. Mainwrench, Vincent, 1353, 1384, 1672. Mairno, Richard, 112. Maislisme, 2810. Makan [MacCann], 1660. Makelkellan, 136. Makeylly, county of Cork, 3137. Makeyn, Raymond, citizen of Bordeaux, 3019. Malebiss', Hugh, 407. Malefaunt, Henry, 3151. Malet, Mallet, Gilbert, Dapifer, 50. , William, 413, 617. Malleon, Malo Leone, Suaricus de, 533, 1687. ,. , his knight and men, 533. Malo Lacu, P. de, 2485. Malore, Anketil, 2680, 2920. Maltravers, Walter, 1787. Malveisin, Malus Vicinus, 406, 407. Man and the Isles, Reginald K. of, 428, 429, 502, 853, 898, 902, 944, 976, 1040, 1240, 1447. , , grant to him of a knight's fee in Ireland, 428. , , grant of wheat to, ib. , , his land, 502. , , safe conduct for him, 828. , , to have wine, wheat, and seisin of a knight's fee in Ireland, 898. , , protection for him, 902. , , to have his annual revenue of wheat and wine in Ireland, 1447. , Elarius [Oluf or Olive], King of, 2257, 2271, 2327, 2381. , , grant to him for his services, 2269, 2271. GENERAL INDEX. 549 Man and the Isles, Elavius, K. of— cont. , , his revenue of wine, wheat, and money to be delivered to him, 2327. , the isle of, 407, 2269, 2271, 3206. Mandaville, Mandeville, Maundeville, Earl William de, 50. , Robert de, 406, 1001, 1677, 1682, 1768. , Martin de, 1284, 1621. Mangonel, Elias, 3203. Mannevill', Robert de, fine for custody, 673. , Alan de, ib. Mansell, John, provost of Beverley, 2920, 2971 . Mantell, Robert, 13, 37. Manumrechan, 2810. Mara, Thomas de, 407. , Robert de, 401, 403, 405. , prisoner at Carrickfergus, 491. , Wygan de, 407. Marc., or Mar., Philip, 768, 821, 861, 881. , , seisin of lands for him, 889. Marches, casualties in the, 945. Mare, Hubert da la, 107. , Matthew de la, 2599, 2708. , , to have 10 marks for a horse, 2599. Mar'ecy, Thomas de, 407. Marenariorum, vill [Mariners town], 2295. Mares, John de, 1844. John, his brother, ib. Marevill', Elias de, 403. Marines, Alberic de, 407. Maris, John de, 407. Marisco, G. de, 672. Marisco, or Mariscis, Geoffrey or Godfrey de, 137, 139, 403, 406, 437, 448, 516. , Geoffrey de, nephew of John Arch- bishop of Dublin, 276. , , mandates, &c, to him as justi- ciary of Ireland, 537, 568, 583, 595. , , 564, 565, 566, 576, 577, 578, 579, 589, 604, 633, 1018, 1112, 1224, 1258, 1299, 1486, 1573, 1640, 2279, 2386, 2462, 2464, 2625,3008, 3121. , , Walter and Henry, his sons, 604. , , appointment as justiciary of Ireland, 608. , , mandates, &c. to, as justiciary, 609-1013 passim. , , Eva de Burmingeham, his wife, 817. , , to cause a record to be kept of a plaint, ib. , , to take into the K.'s hand all vacant sees and abbeys, 846. < , , to come to the K. in England, and commit the custody of Ireland to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, 899. , , respite for debts of the Exche- quer and Jews, 924. , , his sheriff, 935. , , agreement between the K. and him, 949. Marisco, Geoffrey de — cont. , , Walter his son, 949. , , Thomas his son, 949, 1017. , , the K. desires that he no longer preside over Ireland, 1001. , , surrenders the office of justi- ciary, 1015. , , quitclaim to him of all account touching his office, 1015. , , letters of protection for him, 1019. , , rolls of his time, 1045. , , formerly justiciary, 1015 ter., 1018, 1020, 1037, 1045, 2476. , , Eve his wife, 1112. , Geoffrey by no means favours Hugh de Lacy, 1203. , , the K. prays him to attend to the maintenance of peace in Ireland, 1224. , Geoffrey de, again justiciary of Ire- land, mandates, &c, to him, Nos. 1380 -1569 passim. , , appointment of, 1383. , , grant to him of 580/. a year for custody of Ireland, 1413. , , grants of fairs in his manors of Addare and Anya, 1415. , , loan of 200/. to him, 1420. , , to take venison while awaiting a favourable wind at Bristol, 1421. , , shall not account for his pre- vious bailiwick, 1422. , , his letter to the K. on arriving in Ireland, 1443. , , to take into the K. hand's all lands and escheats granted without the K.'s warrant, 1456. , plaint between him and Maurice Fitz Gerald, in court of William Marshall, 1458. , , to provide an exchange for Archbishop of Armagh for site of a castle at Armagh, 1482. , , not to give licence to elect without the K.'s assent, 1493. , , power to give licence to elect to certain sees, 1519. , , resigns his office, 1572. , ,',commanded to surrender castles, 1572. , , the K.'s tenants not to pay their rents to him, 1 572. , , farm of vill of Dublin not to be rendered to him, 1573. , , formerly justiciary of Ireland, 1572, 1646, 1666, 1838, 2626. , , William his son, 1640, 2119, 2168, 2267, 2268, 2300, 2367, 2386. , , Walter his son, 2119. , William Eitz Jordan, his nephew, ib. , , John Travers, his nephew, ib. , , Richard de Marisco, his nephew, ib. 550 GENERAL INDEX. Marisco, Geoffrey de — cont. , , Geoffrey's oppression of the church of Limerick, 2267. , , excommunicated, 2267, 2268. , , the K. remits his ire against him for siding with Richard Earl of Pembroke, 2280. , , to have seisin of his lands and castles, 2280. , , payment of his debt to the K. to be suspended, 2300, 2301. to be distrained in Ireland, 2445. , , outlawed, 2683. , to have seisin of his lands, ib. , , mandate for inquisition as to what lands he held of Christian Bishop of Emly before his outlawry, 2820. , , Matilda who was his wife, 2853. , Geoffrey de, 1975, 2119, 2168, 2228, 2462, 2476, 2683, 2853, 2861. , Richard de, 401, 403, 404, 406, 407 bis, 409. , , resident at the Exchequer, Eng- land, 443. , Richard de, the K.'s chancellor, Eng- land, 745. , , custody of the see of Armagh committed to him, ib. , Robert de, the justiciary's brother, 2493. , Robert de, 906. , , his death, 2645. , , Christiana, his daughter and heir, 2645, 2730. , , his lands, 2730. , Richard de, accomplice of William, 2652. , , not an accomplice, 2678. , , his land let to Henry le Bret, 2652.^ , , to be liberated, 2677, 2678. , , his land to be restored, 2678. , William de, 949, 1150, 1152, 1272, 1295, 1316, 1320, 1355, 1357, 1397, 1644, 1736, 2149, 2228, 2280, 2321, 2347, 2378, 2397, 2400, 2621, 2678, 2869, 2902. , , retained of the K.'s household, 1150, 1152. , , annuity for him, 1152. , , lands for him, 1272, 1640, 2464, 2621. , , grant of the vill of Baliscadan, 1320. , ....... protection for him while on the K.'s service in Ireland, 1435. , , held cantred of Occonath when taken in battle against the K., 1485. , , seisin for him of land in Balis- cadan, 1736. , , to be arrested for killing the justiciary's clerk, 2262. , , fine for his ransom, 2902. Marisco, William de — cont. , , Matilda, his wife, 2528, 2684, 2869, 2904. , , , to have seisin of lands which he had in free marriage, 2684. , , , Castelblathac given to her before marriage by Henry Arch- bishop of Dublin, 2759. , , , to have seisin of it, ib. , , , her lands, 2869. , , , came before the K., 2873. , , , returned to Ireland, 2904. , Robert, William's brother, 2397, 2867, 2970. , , custody of his land and heir, 2689, 2693, 2867. , , his lands, 2697, 2987. , , his wife one of the daughters and heirs of Walter de Ridelisford, 2970. , , held of the K. no land in the vale of Dublin, ib. , , Christiana, his daughter and heir, ib. , , Christiana de Mariscis, 2972. , , the justiciary to inquire regard- ing his tenements in Ossuris, 2976. , Robert de, William's cousin, 2400. , Jordan de, 2131, 2222, 2223, 2809. , , , William, his son and heir, 2222, 2223, 2279, 2400, 2407, 2809. , , , seisin for him of his father's lands, &c, 2223. , , , to have seisin of the manor of Orokeduffeny, 2809. , John de, 2134, 2197, 2199, 2430, 2678. , , seisin of his lands and castles, 2134, 2197. , , not an accomplice of William, 2430. , , marries Mabel, Richard de Burgh's granddaughter, 2584. , , to be delivered from prison of Chester, 2677. , , his land to be restored, 2678. , Gilbert de, 1867. , Roger de, 2321. Markade- balister, 1085, 1086. Marlborough, England, 409, 2883, 2884. , the K.'s works at, 3090. , John, 2210. Marmiun, Robert, 407, 1193. Maromton, Robert de, 2109. Marreys, Godfrey de, 351. Marsh, Small, near Waterford, 1488. Marshall, William, Earl of Pembroke, the elder, 94, 95, 96, 122, 186, 195, 211, 216, 229, 270, 281, 292, 313, 332, 336, 375, 376, 377, 378, 380, 381, 388, 565, 435, 443, 444, 448, 455, 458, 564, 408, 566, 576, 577, 578, 579, 644, 647, 650, 664, 684, 685, 686, 689, 691, 801, 816> 818, 823, 1477. GENERAL INDEX. 551 Marshall, William, Earl of Pembroke, the elder — com. , , his bailiff, 281. , , land of his inheritance in Ire- land, 296. , , his son, 444. , , his knights, ib. , , two galleys to be sent to him, 554. , , shipping to come to his land of Ross, 646. , , his bailiffs to have two of the K.'s galleys for defence of his land, 650. , , the house of Ernye to be deli- vered to him, 688. , , the Earl's inheritance called the Salmon Leap, ib. b , , to have all his fees in the lands held by Meyler Fitz Henry, 689. , , guardian of the K. and king- dom, 725, 862. , , restoration to him of Meyler Eitz Henry's service for his land in Leinster, 725. , , ships freely to ply from his land, 725, 862. , , William, Earl of Pembroke, of Leinster, 794. , , letter of Philip King [of France to him, 802. , , his constable, 819. , , sued regarding his lay fee, 823. , William, formerly Earl of Pembroke, 2255, 2437. , William, 182, 210, 212, 309, 498, 673. , , protection for his chattels and lands in Ireland, 465. , , his lay fee in Leinster, 823, 825. , , his executors, 1477. Marshall, William, Earl of Pembroke, the younger, justiciary of Ireland, appoint- ment of, 1185. , , mandates, &c. to him as jus- ticiary, 1186-1371 passim. , , surrenders his office, 1380. , , to render an account of it, 1380. , , late justiciary, 1412, 1414, 1436, 1439, 1463, 2398. , William, Earl of Pembroke, the younger, 949 bis, 1015, 1030, 1154, 1180, 1193, 1194, 1197, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1218, 1219, 1220, 1224, 1228, 1231, 1285, 1287, 1293, 1323, 1345, 1372 bis, 1373, 1431, 1474, 1506, 1515, 1516, 1518, 1552, 1597, 1680, 1789, 1795, 1796, 1809, 1812, 1829, 1926. , , prorogation of term for his ships to touch at new Ross, 890. , William, Earl of Pembroke, of Wex- ford, 1061. , , letters from him to the K., 1202, 1203, 1228. Marshall, William, Earl of Pembroke, the younger — cont. , , peace concluded between him and Hugh de Lacy, 1218, 1219. , , recalled into England, 1224. , , grant to him of service of Ire : land for one year, 1269. , , charter of him and others, 1373. , , mandate to him to deliver the K.'s castles, 1418. , , to deliver lands, 1419. , , his bailiffs in Ireland, ib. , , letter from the K. to him, 1431. , , gives up his journey to St. Andrew's, and proceeds to Ireland, ib. , , service of Ireland granted to him to fortify a castle, 1439. , , service due by him to the K. in Ireland, ib. , , protection for him on his way to Ireland, 1440. , about to oppose the justiciary, 1443. , , the justiciary cannot obtain from his bailiffs delivery of the K.'s castles, ib. , , protection for his tenants and lands in Ireland, 1450. , , his court, 1458, 1679. , , plaint before it, 1458. , , the K.'s mandate to him re- garding the fine with Walter de Lascy, 1474. , , the demand against him to be respited, 1477. , , his liberties, 1506. , , pleas of land in Ireland against him to be respited, 1506. , , grant to him of the K.'s service in Ireland, 1515, 1516, 1521. , , licence for his ships to touch at Ross, 1552. , , grant to him of service of Ire- land to fortify a castle, 1809. , , of his service due to the K. for the same purpose, 1866. , , his death, 1872, 1876. , , custody of his castles and lands, 1872, 1876. , , lands in Leinster which Theo- bald Pincerna held in capite of him, 1874. , , his chattels to be delivered to his executors, 1879. , , the K.'s seisin of his Irish cas- tles and lands prevented, 1 884. , , Alienor Countess of Pembroke, his wife, the K.'s sister, to have her dower in Ireland, 1886. , Richard, his brother and heir, 1892. , , the K. holds the Earl's lands till Richard does his duty, ib. 552 GENERAL INDEX. Marshall, William, late Earl of Pembroke, 2255, 2761, 3165. , , his lands in Ireland, 2654, 2655. , , , in South Wales, 2655. , , his heirs, 3209. , , summoned to warranty before the K., ib. , Kichard, William Earl of Pembroke's brother and heir, 1892. , Richard Earl of Pembroke, 1950, 1969, 2041, 2087, 2099, 2129, 2130, 2132, 2144. , , a liegeman of the King of France, 1892. , , the K. takes his homage, 1905. , , names lands in Ireland for dower of Alienor, Countess of Pem- broke, the K.'s sister, 1 950. , ,to pay her 400/. a year in lieu of dower, 2041. , , his lands in England to be dis- trained for that dower, ib. , , his arrival in Ireland, 2099. , , his lands to be taken into the K.'s hand, 2111. , , no ransom to be taken for any knight found with him, ib. , his chattels to be seized for arrears of dower in Ireland to Alienor, Countess of Pembroke, 2115. , , his death, 2120. , , his war against the K. in Ire- land, 2121, 2131, 2134, 2136, 2139, 2140, 2151, 2153, 2174, 2175, 2181, 2186, 2187, 2190, 2194, 2197, 2199, 2201, 2202, 2211, 2212, 2217, 2219, 2222, 2223, 2224, 2227, 2236, 2238, 2239, 2240, 2253, 2254, 2255, 2270, 2279, 2290, 2308, 2343, 2345, 2346, 2352, 2362, 2378, 2390, 2418, 2420, 2536, 2977. , , custody of his castles in Ireland committed to Ralph Tyrel, 2128. , Richard late Earl of Pembroke, 2111, 2112, 2153, 2255, 2390. , Richard, 2357, 2360. , , mandates to him regarding the K.'s horses, 2357, 2360. , Gilbert, 2109. , , Earl of Pembroke, 2141, 2142, 2144, 2145, 2177, 2201, 2210, 2221, 2224, 2260, 2269, 2284, 2321, 2382, 2392, 2504. , , the K. remits his ire against him and restores his rights, 2120, 2151, 2175. , , the Earl gives two castles as surety, 2120, 2151. , , the K. wills that there be no fur- ther dissension between him and the magnates of Ireland, 2120. , , the K. receives him into grace, 2130, 2132. Marshall, Gilbert, Earl of Pembroke — cont. , , his lands and castles restored to him, 2132, 2175. , , grant of all the issues of, and all the corn on his lands, 2142. , , peace made by him and his brothers with the K.'s subjects in Ire- land, 2168. , , livery of his lands and castles, whereof Earl Richard was seised, 2175. , , 1000 marks granted to him for ransom of his men of Ireland, 2201. , , his corn to the value of 500/. to be sold, and the proceeds to be given to Alienor, Countess of Pembroke, 2204. , , 1000 marks granted to him, 2236. , , galleys given by him to the K., 2245. , , his ship called la Gundewyn', 2246. , , represents to the K. that his father and brothers were seised of the manor of Comyn, 2255. , , to have seisin of that vill, ib. , , makes a new form of peace, 2284. , , his deed undertaking to keep the peace, &c, 2321. , , ships from his land only to touch at Ross, 2361. , , impleads the Bishop of Ossory touching the manor of Dervagh, 2437. , , MailgunFitz Mailgun's charges against him, 2504. , , not to cross over to Ireland, ib. , Gilbert, late Earl of Pembroke, 2524. , , his constables and bailiffs to deliver his lands and castles to the jus- ticiary, 2525. , Walter, brother of Gilbert, 2109, 2130, 2177. , , grant to him that the lands and castles of Gilbert, his brother remain in the same state as they were in, 2527. , Walter Earl of Pembroke, 2654> 2666. , , the K. becomes surety for his paying the dower of Alienor, Countess of Pembroke, 2654. , Maurice Fitz Gerald renders homage to him, 2666. , , the allegiance of his tenants to remain to the K., their homage to the Earl, ib. , , order for certificate of his debts, 2729. , Walter, late Earl of Pembroke, 2737, 2798, 2807, 2808, 2827. , , inspeximus of his charter of grant, 2737. GENERAL INDEX. 553 Marshall, Walter, late Earl of Pembroke — cont. , , his lands in Ireland, 2811. , to be extended, 2813. , , his executors, 2818, 2918. , , his heirs, 2982, 2983, 2985, 2989, 2999, 3001, 3013, 3063, 3132, 3155, 3157. , , his executors, 2807, 2808,2858, 2918. , , fine by them, 2808. , , Christiana [de Geneve], one of his heirs 2807. , , his castles, 2857. , , his executors to have seisin of the Earl's wards, 2858. , , issues of his land in Ireland, 2876. , Margaret, who was his wife. See Lin- coln and Pembroke, Margaret Coun- tess of. , Anselm, brother of Walter, 2109, 2130, 2798. , , seisin of his lands for him, 2130. , , his chattels and stores to be restored to him, 2234. , , custody of his lands and castles, 2802. , Matilda, who was his wife, 2804. Marshall, the Earls, 2999. , , always wont to have the custodies of lands in Leinster, 2999, 3001. , John, 210, 216, 254, 339 bis, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348 bis, 354, 355, 356, 401, 404 bis, 532, 534, 537, 660, 876, 910, 913, 949, 1000, 1004, 1015, 1107, 1108 bis, 1118, 1205, 1289, 1324, 1572, 1677, 1949, 2177, 2369, 2427. , , grant to him of the marshalry of Ireland, 353. , , to have the liveries belonging to his marshalry, 532. , , his marshalry of Ireland, 660. , , annuity for him, 909. , , to substitute another for him- self in the marshalry of Ireland, 910. , , the K.'s emissary, 1062, 1063, 1083, 1084, 1086, 1087. , , to have a ship to cross over into Ireland, 1062, 1084. , , protection for him, 1065. , , hire of ships to the use of, 1077, 1563. ., , , grant to him of custody of Ulster Avith the K.'s castles, 1 140. , , protection for him, 1584, 1595, 1596. , William, his brother, 2369. , John, John's son, ib. , , grant to him that William may supply his place in the office of marshal, Ireland, ib. Marshall, John — cont. , , seisin of his lands and of a stone house called Tyringlas, 2427. , John, justice in eyre, Ireland, 2487. , Richard, the K.'s serjeant, 274. , Ralph, the K.'s messenger, 1931, 1950 bis. Martel, Eudo, constable of Sherborne, England, 553, 602. , Geoffrey, 1193. , David, 3151. Martelli, land of, near Dublin, 1787. Martin, Master, clerk of the Pope, 2670. , clerk, the Pope's messenger, 2746. , sends John Ruffus into Ireland to cause oppressions, ib. , not to extort money from religious men, ib. Martinast, William de, 2538. Mauclerc, or Mauclere, W alter, 40 1 , 439, 443 bis. , , protection for him, 441. Mauduit, W., 1518. Maulay, Maudlay, Peter de, 401, 517, 621, 2321. Maunsel, John, 2646, 2650, 2673, 2674, 3014. , Sir John, 2649. , John, provost of Beverley, 2881, 3106, 3108. , Hugh, 2847. , Walter, 3106. > > grant to him of the sergeancy of Munster, 3106. Mauntel, Mantell, Robert, 8, 23. Mauveisin, William, 50. , Peter, elect of Ossory, 855, 955. May, Roger, 1812. May. See Monasternenagh. Ma}dlonach, the castle of, 2792. , Adam Buse to deliver it, ib. Maynooth [Maynoth], land of, 724. Meath, 121, 144, 224, 660, 693, 970, 1203, 1210, 2772. , the K.'s service of, 1267, 2334. , , granted to fortify a castle, 1806, 1885, 2040. , the barons of, 157, 315, 329. , knights of, 315, 2762. , the K.'s bailiff of, 596. , the K.'s seneschal of, 873, 2618. a knight's fee in, given to Archbishop of Dublin, 1787. , venue of, 2699 bis. , castle of, 2699. , Walter de Lascy's land of, 382. , his knights and free tenants in, 628. , the men of, 1175. , New [Nova Media], market in, 757. , Richard of, 141, 272, 275. , Simon Bishop of, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348 757, 1034 bis. 554 GENERAL INDEX. Meath, Simon Bishop of — cont. , , elected to see of Armagh, 200. , , grant to him of market in New Meath, 757. , Ralph Archdeacon of, elected to see. of Armagh, 200. , Deodatus Bishop of, 1211. , , royal assent to his election, 1211, 1212. , royal assent to election of Ralph le Petit, as Bishop of, 1493, 1494. , see of, 1483, 1493, 1494, 1519, 1853, 1855, 1862. , chapter and clergy of, 1494. custody of it, 1853, 1855. , knights and free tenants, ib. , free and other tenants of, 1855. , royal assent to the election of Richard le Corner, clerk, as Bishop of, 1862. , the elect of, 1977. , Richard Bishop of, 2112, 2114, 2285, 2762, 2763. , , safe conduct for him in coming to confer with the K. in England, 2113. , the Bishop of, 2410, 2519. , , inquisition as to whether he seized Isabella de Beaufo in her castle, 2762. Meawy, 2462. Mecherye, land of, 2908. Melle [Mell , county Louth], 50, 2447. Mellent, Robert Count of, 138, 139. Melleto, Earl de, 404, 409. , , his knights, 407. Mellifont, abbey of, 50, 335, 947, 1500, 1501, 1735. , , grant to, 50. , , monks of, ib. , the Abbot and convent of, 645. , , confirmations of their lands to be upheld, ib. , , protection for them, ib. , the Abbot of, 947, 2276. , , his land in Mellifont, 947. , Abbot and monks of, 1244. , , protection for them, ib. , house of, 1245. , restitution to it, ib. , Abbot and monks of, 1550. , , grant to them of a fair at Callan [Cullen], 1550. , of a market at, 1735. , Abbot of, protection for him, 1533. , , fine made by the K. with, for 600 cows and 40 marks taken from them, 2398. , , grant and confirmation to them of their abbey and of granges and lands, 2447. Melok, manor of, 3006. Membile, Crilt . . ur Abbot of, 3150. Mercer, Gerard, of Waterford, 547. Mercer, Gerard, of Waterford — cont. , , Eve, his wife, 547. , , their ship, ib. , , their goods and chattels on board, ib. , , protection for them, ib. Merchants, complaint of, 1096. , Irish, 1105 , Irish, Welsh and English, 850. Merlegan, 127. Merton, the new constitutions of, 2323. Meset, Mesec, Mesek, Peter de, 448, 596, 673, 1313. , , Isabella who was his wife, fine, 673. , , fine for seisin of his land, 1313. Messager, John le, 2163. , Wyly le, 3186. Messengers, the K.'s, 651. Meyfern', land of, 3008. Meylac, the castle of, 2792. , William Croc to deliver it, ib. Mezhan, 1680. Michach, Matthew, 3151. , Patrick, ib. , Robert, 3203. Michael, Richard de St., 622. , , pardon of 30 marks to, ib. , , his land, ib. Miggelay, 2471. Milers, Richard de, of Blundeston, 2880. , Robert de, his heir, ib. , , to have seisin of land of Killo- theran, ib. Milford, Wales, 2053. Millers, William de, 1324. Milloc, Miloc [Meelick], castle of, in Con- naught, 2032, 2036, 2039, 2044, 2093. land of, 2908. Minaluwy, 1038. Minariis, Henry de, 606. Mint, the K.'s, 2887, 2888, 2926. , mandate to the keeper thereof to cause Geoffrey Bishop of Ossory to have out of its issues a silver chalice, 2790. , laws, dues and customs relating to 2887, 2888, 2926. , keeper of the, 2926. , account of the, of London and Can- terbury, 3095. , Richard Earl of Cornwall lends 2,000 marks to the K. to maintain it in Ire- land, 3170. , the, Ireland, 529, 1660, 3194. , keepers of, 529, 1660. , pleas and profits of, 1660. , ministers of, ib. , money ers of, 3194. , officers of, 3194, 3195. , offences against the, 3195. GENERAL INDEX. 555 Mint — cont. , , account of expenses incurred in the, 3201. , doorkeepers of, 3201. , keepers of the coffer with the K.'s treasure there, ib. Minton, Geoffrey de, against the K. at Car- rickfergus, 582. , , his lands in Ireland, ib. Miramont, France, castle of, 3099. Mittun, Ralph de, 994. Moahdeo, 175. Moenay, Alan de, 405. Moine, Richard le, 2802. Mointcaveny or Mointaveny, 1854, 1904. Molendinis, Thomas de, fine, 673. , J. de, his brother, ib. Molendino, Richard de, 2029. Molis, Nicholas de, 1633, 1675, 1680. Momeniach', cantred of, 311. Mommorgan, 2810. Monasteria, 403, 404, 406. Monasteriis, Hugh de, servant of the trea- surers, London, 401. Monasternenagh or Maigue, [Magio, de, or May], Abbot and monks of, 135. , abbey of, grant of lands, &c. to, 136. , abbots of, 1533, 1732, 2138, 2387, 2481. Money, rings, and gold found in the castle of Killamlun, 529. Money, coining of, 2888, 2926. Monks, the white, of St. Mary, 276. Monmouth, John de, 536, 1372, 1744, 2552, 2667. , , his charter, 1373. Monnay, Alan de, knight, going to Ireland with the K., 401. Montalt, Roger de, 2552. Montchensey, Warin de, 2771. Monte Forte, or Montfort, Simon de, 2321, 2408, 2416, 2422. Monte Revelli, William de, 2990. Mor, Robert le, 2029. Morchard [Murtough Mac Murough], 39 bis. More, Ralph de la, 1831. Morell, Peter, 24. Morgan, Henry, 1782. Morin, Ralph, 116. , Richard, 405, 407. Morning Star, the, river, co. Limerick. See Samir. Mort d' Ancestor, limitation of writ of, in Ireland, 236. , writs of, to run in Ireland from the same period as in England, 884. , limitation of writs of in Ireland, pro- posed to be the same as in England, 1042. Mortemar, Hugh de, 536, 1372, 1402. , , his charter, 1373. , Ralph de, 1945. Mortimer [Mortuo Mari] , Robert de, 2350. , Hugh, his son and heir, ib. , Roger de, one of Walter Earl of Pem- broke's heirs, 2949, 2950, 2985, 3080. , Matilda, his wife, 2949, 2950, 3080. , , to be reseised of his lands, 2985. Morton, John Earl of. See John. Morton, Brother Hugh de, 75. , Robert de, 1787. Moses, brother of Benedict, 49, 51. Moses, a Jew, 1291. Bona, who was his wife, ib. Moun, Reginald de, 2949, 3080. , , Isabel, his wife, 2949, 3080. , John de, 2949, 2951, 3066, 3080. , , Joan his wife, 2949, 2951, 3066, 3080. Moyamet, 2463. Moyhee, 241. Moyir [Moyhill], 2455. Moylupatirlele, 241. Moy Thelghy, 1680. Moyun, Reginald de, knight, 401. Muckamore [Mukemore] , Prior and convent of, 1252. , to possess certain churches, ib. Muingratan, grange, 50. Muingratam, 2447. Muinocon, 127. Muleton, Thomas de, 1335. , , licence to send his ship to Ire- land, ib. Mulinkerly, 273. Mullaichoys, Mullachois, 175, 2399. Multhalt, Robert de, 82. Mullingar. See Admolenger. Muncell, William de, knight, 401. Munchanesy, John de, 2929. , , his lands in Ireland, ib. Munclavery, 1393. Munfichet, Munntfichet, Alexander de, seisin, 798. , Robert de, 2486. , Richard de, ib. Mungumery, Fulk de, 2673, 2674. Munnger', 1708. Munster, 288, 408, 529, 601, 660, 814, 849, 1051, 1621, 2344, 2661. , William de Burgh's land and for- tresses in, 230. , the men of, 271. , the K.'s toll in, ib. , office of sheriff in, 601. , barons who hold of the K. in, 1048. , seneschalship of, 1114, 1216, 1288. , knights and free tenants of, 1114, 1216, 1288. , sheriff of, 2607. , county of, 2792. , sergeancy of, 3106. 556 GENERAL INDEX. Munster and Desmond, perambulation made I between, 789. Muntgaret [Mungrett], manor of, 1262. Muntigny, Ralph de, 1372. , , his eldest son, ib. Murdach, Ralph, 79. Muriadach, 529. Murileg', Adam, servant of the chapel, 406. Muroil, Richard de, 407. Muscegros, Robert de, 2399, 2416, 2422, 2483, 2485, 2550, 2552, 2881, 2920, 2921, 2948, 3126, 3137. , , grant to him of all the cantred of Traddery, 2920. , , the farm for his land in Tho- mond given to him for two years to fortify his castles, 3126. Muscry, Muskry, Muscherie [Muskerry] , 282, 340, 2680, 3203. , the Irish of, 3203. Muscry Omittone, cantred, 347. Muskeriequirt, Muscrioquirt [co. Tipperary], cantred of, 601, 838, 1268. Mutton, Sir Godfrey de, taken at Carrick- fergus, 575. N. Naas [Nassa, Nas], 401 bis. , fair at manor of, 1428. , land of, 1757, 1769. , William de, 89, 94, 104. , William, Baron of, 329, 962, 1443. , William Fitz William, Baron of, 448. , , Eve his wife, 962. , , Philip de Breouse, her late hus- band, 962. , the Baron of, 1551, 1757, 1769. , , his land, 1757, 1769. , , his heir, 1551. , , Matilda, who was his wife, ib. , , disseised of her dower, ib. , , Philip de Breouse, her first hus- band, ib. , D[avid] Baron of, 2672, 2673, 2674. , , the manor of Nobber rendered to him, 2672. , Baron of. See Fitz William. Naglochmib, grange of, 136. Nahava, grange of, 136. Nalle [Naul], 1527. Naptun, Adam de, 996. Nareth', 2641. Natherlach [Aherlow, co. Tipperary], 2716. Navan. See Novan. Nesse, Richard de, 2538. Netterville [Nuterville, Niuterville] , Luke de, Archdeacon of Armagh, 839. , , royal assent to his election as Archbishop of Armagh, 839, 894. , , John de, 2446. Nevein, Stephen de, 257. Nevill, Neville, Neoville, Joscelin de, 41. , , Hugh de, 229, 231, 259, 294, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 345, 347, 348, 362, 381, 453, 523, 557, 1025, 1230, 1323, 1505, 1633 bis. , Geoffrey de, 339, 340, 341, 576, 578, 579. , , chamberlain, 548, 684. , Ralph de, Dean of Lichfield, Eng- land, 858, 927, 945. , Roger de, 491. , John de, 2214. Newburgh, Robert de, Ostiary, 34. Newcastle, Fulkof, the K.'s cousin, 2645,2689, 2693, 2697, 2730, 2775, 2807, 2810, 2826, 2851, 2863, 2867, 2987, 2990, 2993. , , bound to deliver 20 sacks of wool in Ireland, 2826. , , burdened with debts, 2863. , , his lands, 2863, 3003. , , lands in his custody, 2987. , , Irish wool he had contracted to supply to merchants, 2987. Newcastle [county Meath], 2756. Newcastle, the K.'s manor of, 569, 998, 1982, 2254. , the K.'s demesne of, 1021. , demesne lands in the K.'s holding of, 3007. Newcastle de Leuan [Newcastle, county Dub- lin, near Lyons], the K.'s ,manor of, 1098, 1121, 1214, 1306, 1598, 1819. , repair of its houses, 1598. , endowment of its church, 1609. Neweton, in Fertelagh [Newtown-Fartullagh, county Westmeath], 1951. Newmarket, James de, 1918. Newnham, England, 9. ✓ Newtown [Nova Villa] , 2455. Nicholas, clerk, 401. , Henry de Ver's clerk, 401. , carpenter, 404, 406, 407, 409. , Bishop of Tusculum [Frascati], and Lord Legate, 490, 491. , , 1,000 marks paid to him of the farm of England and Ireland, 490. , Brother, Hospitaller, safe conduct for him, 676. , the miller, 3203. Nobber. See Lober. Nober, Nobere [Nobber, county Meath] , 1544. , castle of, 673, 719, 1172, 1289, 1372, 1373, 1386. , manor of, 2616, 2618. GENERAL INDEX. 557 Noble, John le, 2995. Noel, Thomas, 64. Nonant, Roger de, 75. Noreys, Norreis, Noreis, Thomas le, 116. , Robert le, 434. , William le, 1319, 1425. , , his house in Waterford, 1319, 1425. , Robert le, 2877, 3137, 3174. , Richard le, 2979. Norfolk and Suffolk, England, 1, 21, 51, 906, 2499. , Sheriff of, 678, 2048, 2053, 2058, 2499. , Roger le Bigod, Earl of, 263, 2295, 2780, 2927. , , son and heir of Matilda, late Countess Warenne, 2943. .... , , the K. takes his homage, ib. , , Earl Marshal of England, 2877, 2999. , , to have seisin of the vill and castle of Tulak, 2999, 3001 , 3002, 3004, 3005. Norman, Alan, 440. Normandy, France, 409, 1694, 2566. , , the K.'s service in, 201. Normanville, Ralph de, 678, 2538. Norragh, Geoffrey de, 2901. Nortfeld, William de, 2885. , , the archdeaconry of Uriel con- ferred on him, 2885. Northach, Norhach', Geoffrey de, 2236, 2716. , , pardon to him for 100 marks, 2239. Northampton, England, 22. Northampton, vill, England, burgesses of, 922. Northumberland, England, 27 bis, 69. Nortsend, William de, 2992. Norway, 2381. , the K. of, 976, 1179, 3206. , , his territory in the Isle of Man, 3206. Norwich, John Bishop of, 182, 185, 197, 220, 229, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 365, 373, 381, 382, 396, 421, 424, 428, 431, 434, 435, 444, 445, 455, 463, 466 bis, 468, 470, 529, 784. , , money paid to him for pay to Irish soldiers, 401, 403, 406. , , money to have galleys made at Antrim, 407. , , to keep soldiers in the castle of Rath, 407. , , delivers at Carrickfergus lands to Alan of Galloway, 427. , , letter of the K. to him in Ire- land regarding the K.'s affairs, 443. , , four cantreds in Ireland which belonged to him, 529. , , his other land, ib. Norwich, John Bishop of — cont. , , his castle of Sklon, 529. , , formerly justiciary of Ireland, 506, 507, 515, 529 bis, 569, 579, 581, 607, 629, 667, 669, 673, 677, 693, 695, 749, 822, 824, 919, 2205 bis, 2289, 2311. , Pandulph elect of, 652. , Papal legate, 856, 878, 948, 949, 991, 1004. , Thomas Bishop of, 1633, 2269. Norwich, Ralph de, clerk, 696, 723, 737, 761, 829, 867, 868, 911, 922, 965, 966, 972, 990, 993, 999, 1003, 1015 bis, 1016, 1589, 1591, 1592, 1593, 1650, 1692, 1699 bis, 1780, 1781, 1783, 1799, 1812, 1823, 1927. , , reward for his devotion, 762. , , the K.'s emissary to the jus- ticiary in Ireland, 929. , , issues of see of Emly granted to him, 1650, 1692. , , the office of the K.'s Chancery in Ireland committed to him, 2998. , , grant to him of 60 marks a year so long as he shall be on the K.'s ser- vice, 3000. , William of, 1725. , , house held by him of the K. in Waterford, 1725. Not, Hugh, 3186, 3203. , Roger, 1940, 3186. Nottingham, England, 79. , , Sheriff of, 678, 1805. Nottingham,' vill, England, 262, 436, 940, 2402, 2404. , , court at, 945. , , Richard of, 2781. Nottingham and Derby, England, 79. Nova Midia. See New Meath. Nova Villa, Ralph de, 892, 921. See Ne- ville. . Novan' [Navan], 673. Novel Disseisin, limitation of writ of, 236. Noyllac, Stephen de,2851, 2993. Nugent, Nogent, G. de, 134. , Hugh de, 673. Tiffany, who was his wife, fine to marry, &c, ib. , Haket de, 366, 1175, 1328, 1361. , , Gilbert, his brother, 366. , Philip de, 677, 1467, 1542, 1568, 1623, 1676, 1883. Nyaki, 354. 558 GENERAL INDEX. O. Obren, Muriard or Muriardac [Murtagh O'Brien], 629, 1001. , , grant to him of land in Tho- mond, 629. , , of four cantreds in Ireland, 669. , , fine for land in Thomond, 673. , Dunckan or Doncdhad Karbregh iumwi [Duncanhad Cairbrech O'Brien], 649, 1001. , , fee Avhich he held of the K., 649. Obride, 822, 824, 865, 2205 bis. O'Brien, O. of Tuadam [Thomond], 3114. , Matthew, his clerk, ib. , offers 500/. for grant in fee of land, ib. O'Brien, Murtagh. See Obren Muriardach. Obriun, Conehor [Conor O'Brien], son of Duncan Carbrach of Thomond, 2716, 3054. , , to hold the land which his father held by charter of K. John, 3054. Obrun, [Brownstown, co. Dublin], lands of, 1070, 1278, 1351, 1352. 1376, 1608, 1757, 1769. , extent of demesne land of, 1181. , vill of the K.'s demesne, 1461. Obruy, in the territory of Dublin, [PObrun, Brownstown] ,3187. Occaerwelle, Ocaruel, [O'Carroll], 175, 2399. Occasin, cantred of, 607, 2193. Occonath, Oconagh, Oconak [Conagh, near Bray, now old Connaught] . See Oko- nach. O'Chatan', 2716. O'Chenn, Core, of Fermoy, 2716. Ochilardich, 2608. Ochonyl', 2716. O'Colingham, John, holding himself forth as elect of Emly, 1610. O'Cohni, Finegole Ymene, 3203. Ocorrn' [O'Cormaic or Ui-Cormaic] , the castle of, 3126. O'Coscryg, Christian, 3113. Ocra, Walter de, envoy of the Emperor and Empress of the Romans, 2325. Octerath [Outragh], 2446. Odo, 19. Odorisias, Master, sent to Ireland on papal business, 1683. Odoth [Odogh], the constable of, 1872. Offaly, 166, 329. , land and castles of, 378, 388. O'Flenn [0'Lynn],K. of Turteri [Ui-Tuirtre, co. Antrim], 2716. O'Folan, Eos, of Decies, 2716. Oglassin, 586, 598. Ograde [O'Grady], 607. O'Hanlon, 2716. O'Heny, Cornelius, formerly Bishop of Kil- laloe, 2760. O'Hynery, 2716. Okadesy de Finegal, land of, 1787. Okarvill, Okaruill [O'Carroll], Hely, 2760. Okellyc, Macchulan [Mac Fhaelain O'Kelly], de Ochonyl, 2716. Okonach, Okenagh, Oconach [Conagh, near Bray, now Old Connaught] , cantred or land of, 621, 1485, 2747, 2805, 3053, 3108. , castle of, 2805, 3053, 3108. , vill of, 2347. Okonhoer, Fethelinyth [Fedhlim O'Conor], 2738. Okonyl, 2680. Ola Deus, or Dens, 2550. O'Laff'cy [O'Lafferty or O'Laverty], Oho- nethor [O'Conor] de Corrait [?Co- nact, Connaught] 2716. Old Connaught, near Bray. See Okonach. Old Westun, John, clerk, 2970. Olethan, 340. Oleron, the isle of, 2848. , the K.'s castles in, 2848. O'Lougan, Konewore [Conor], 3203. Oluvartheda, 273. Omail [near Dublin], 1757, 1769. Omayl, land of, near Limerick, 1812. , its villeins, ib. O'Neal, 468. O'nel, Odun [Aedh or Hugh O'Neill], King of the Irish, 1840. Onel [O'Neill], Brian, K. of Kineluu [Kinel- Owen], 2716. Ononaulin, Arth, King of Delvin, 1840. On Ruadnion I Carrig, 136. See Corrigenda and Notes. Orathat, 2680. O'Reilly [Orauly, Oraely, Oraly], an Irish- man, 1203, 1204. , cronogh, or castle of, 1203. O'Reilly, M [ ] , chief of Breffny, 1 840. O'Reilly, late King, 2716. , Felim, his son, ib. Orivall, Ralph de, 591. , , grant to him of land in Ire- land, ib. Orties, Herbert de, 440. Osbert, clerk of the chamber and chamber- lain of the K., 29. Osbert, Brother, of St. John's Hospital, Water- ford, 220. Osbert, Master, quarrier, 404, 406, 407, 409. Oseney, England, Abbot of, 2042. Osmund, provost of Gloucester, 8, 34. GENERAL INDEX. 559 Ossory, 166, 2583. , marches of, 2583. , [Ossuris], the cantred of, 2976. , Hugh Bishop of, 326. , Odo Dean of, 855. .- W. chancellor of, ib. , Dean and chapter of, 855, 955, 1869. , G. envoy from, 855. , Hugh, formerly Bishop of, 855, 2437. , Peter Mauveisin, elect of, 855. , knights and free tenants of see of, ib. , Malveisin, Mauveisin, Peter Bishop elect of, 955. , , ineligible, not having been born in lawful wedlock, ib. , , election to see revoked, ib. , canons of, ib. , see or church of, 984, 1519, 1895, 2412. , Bishop of, 1034 bis, 1051/1430, 1699. , Peter Bishop of, 1035. , assizes concerning the Bishop's lands and fees, 1430. , chapter of, 1870, 2723. , licence to elect a Bishop, 1869, 1870. , Peter, late Bishop, 1870. , royal assent to election of William late Chancellor of Kilkenny as Bishop of, 1895. , , seisin of see for him, ib. , licence to Dean and chapter to elect a Bishop on resignation of William of Kilkenny, 1944. , royal assent to election of Walter de Brackley as Bishop of, 1953. , Walter Bishop of, 2021, 2022, 2028, 2043, 2184, 2221, 2285, 2392, 2437. , , his confirmation, 1952. , , to have his temporalities, 2172. , , Peter, his predecessor, ib. , , to have all the issues of the see when last vacant, 2220. , the Bishop of, 2382, 2410. , Walter impleaded touching the manor of Dervagh, 2437. , , his death, 2639, 2659. , temporalities to be taken into the K.'s hand, 2639. , the Dean and chapter of 2657, 2659, 2698, 3091. , licence for them to elect, 2657, 3091. , gift of a prebend owing to vacancy in see of, 2659. , Geoffrey de Turville, elect of, 2673, 2674, 2689, 2718, 2719, 2723. , , royal assent to his election as Bishop of, 2698. , seisin of the temporalities, 2698, 2723. , Geoffrey de, Bishop of, 2704, 2841. , , grant to him of fairs and markets in his manors, 2780. , , to have a silver chalice out of the issues of the Mint, 2790. Ossory, Geoffrey de — cont. , to have a ship at Bristol for his pas- sage to Ireland, 279] . , assigned in place of the Chancellor of Ireland, 2796. , letter from the K. to him thanking him for his services, &c, 2827. , to be allowed to cross over from Dover, 3064. , Geoffrey, late Bishop of, 3085. , his executors, 3085, 3120. See Tureville, Geoffrey de. , William of Kilkenny, canon of St. Canice, in diocese of, 3091. , John Long, canon of St. Canice, ib. , licence to elect, ib. , royal assent to election of Hugh Arch- deacon of Dublin, as Bishop of, 3122, 3130. , Hugh Bishop of, 3] 35, 3187. , protection for him, 3135. , appointed treasurer of Ireland, 3158. , the manor of Obruy committed to him, 3187. Ostmen, cantred of [Limerick], 146, 147, 165. Ostmen of Dublin, 641. Othec [near Dublin], the K.'s land of, 1757, 1769. Otho, Cardinal of St. Nicholas and legate, 2466. Othothel [O'Toole], 100. Owen, Oweyn, Roger, 1987, 3035, 3186 bis. , Aufrida, or Aufrica, his wife, 1987, 3035, 3186 bis. , her dower in the manor of Bally madun, 3035. Owyffelan, Duncan, 1272. Oxford, England, 15, 19, 41. , sheriff of, 1923. , vill of, England, 15, 19 quater, 949. Oxford, Hugh de Veer Earl of, 2771. Oyme, land of, England, 652. P. Page, Roger, 2481. Painel, Ralph, 1839. , Adam, his brother, 1839. Pale, the, Ireland, 1840. Palerna, Ralph de, 29. Palfreys, fine for, 1912. Palla, 2210. Palmarius [Palmer] , Roger, 588. Palmer, Philip, of Bristol, 28. , Edward, 2210. 560 GENERAL INDEX. Palmis, William de, knight of Simon de Hal, 1614. , protection for him, ib. Papal see, the, 2764. Parvus. See Petit, le. Pascey, Simon de, 3037. Passage of Ireland, 419. Passavant, Roger, balister, 1085, 1086. Passelewe, Robert, Archdeacon of Lewes, 2033, 2034, 2103, 2576, 2673, 2674, 2877, 2881, 2920, 3108. , Andrew, 3108. Passemore, the K.'s son's man, 74. Pateric, John, 1684. Pateshull, Simon de, 147, 220, 294, 330, 382, 403, 488. Patrick's church, Cashel, grant to, 649. Pavelli, Raginald de, 50. Pe, Warm, de Argentan, 1308. Peche, Pecchie, Richard de or del, 60 bis, 1787. , Wyrrys, or Werrick, 192, 197. Hamon, 1824. , , Gilbert, his father, ib. , Bartholomew, 1789, 1790,2881,2920. Peivre, Paulinus or Paulin, 2483, 2550, 2552, 2576, 2673, 2674, 2771, 2780, 2814, 2819, 2845, 2948, 3106. , formerly the K.'s seneschal, 3162. , seisin to be given to his executors of lands of which he held the custody, ib. Pellicranauh', 142. Pembroke, Wales, 40, 401, 408, 554. , port of, 423. , Isabella Countess of, 877, 880. , , seisin of her lands in Ireland, ib. , Alienor Countess of, the K.'s sister, 1886, 1950, 2041, 2181, 2459. , , vills for her dower in' Ireland, 1950. , the Countess of, 2435. , Alienor [Countess of] who was the wife of William Earl of Pembroke, 3165. , , , her dower out of his lands in Ireland, ib. See Leicester, Alienor Countess of. , William de Valence, Earl of, 3199. , Marshall, Earls of. See Marshall. Penkridge, England, 1075, 1659, 1771, 1932, 2000, 2082, 2731, 2800, 2860, 3094. , manor of, 368. , canons of, 1460. , church of, granted to Archbishops of Dublin not Irishmen, 1451. , Archbishop of Dublin to be put in possession of deanery of, ib. , deanery of, 1627. f , vacant by death of Henry Arch- bishop of Dublin, ib. , deanery and advowson of, 1794. Penris, John de, 280. Pentecost, the K.'s servant, 990, 992, 1003. Perambulators, bounds made by, in Ireland, 1033. f Percy, Richard de, 2225. Peregras, William, 591. Perepunt, Petrapunt, or Pierpoint, Thur- stan de, 1272, 1478, 1479, 1579, 2442, 2660, 3176. , to be retained on the K.'s or the justiciary's service, and placed in a castle, 1478, 1479. , to be provided for out of wards and escheats, 1579. grant of lands to him in Uriel, 1724, 1728. , to be provided with land in Ireland for his service, 3176. , Thomas de, 2843. , Margeiy, his wife, ib. , inquisition as to whether they were disseised by Hugh de Lacy, ib. , Stephen Fitz Thurstan de, 3177. , the K. takes his homage for lands of his father's gift, ib. Pershore, Persouer, Gervase of, 2811, 2871, 2876. Peter, master of hospital of St. John, Water- ford, 220. Petit, le [Parvus], William, 134, 144, 199, 209, 213, 214, 329, 330, 377, 402, 448, 529, 634. , his sons, 204. , his wife, 529. , licence to marry, ib. , her son hostage for R. de Feipo, ib. , Walter his hostage, 634. , Ralph le, 564, 565, 566, 576, 577, 578, 579, 589, 590, 634, 654, 1493 bis. , royal assent to his election as Bishop of Meath, 1493, 1494. , Nicholas, 1328, 1361, 1381, 1402, 1423, 1666, 1673, 1706, 1708, 1785, 1854 bis, 1900, 1904, 1936 bis, 1940, 1973, 1998, 2037, 2163, 2191, 2192, 2285, 2463, 2572, 2945. , Nicholas, grant to, of a market at his manor of DunBuyny [Dunboyne], 1389. , of a warren there, ib. , of a fair there, 1673. , of a fair at his manor of Admolinger, 330, 1381, 1673. , of free warren there, 1673. , not to be impleaded, 1785. , Ralph his son and heir, 2572, 2945. , to have seisin of his lands and castles in Ireland, 2572. , John, his uncle, ib. , Robert, his brother, 2191, 2192. Petrapunt. See Perepunt. Pevensey, bailiffs of, 2058. Peverell, Robert, 420. , , his account for dying the K.'s robes from Ireland, ib. Philip, King of France, letter of, to Earl of Pembroke, 802. GENERAL INDEX. 561 Philip, the clerk, 479, 2462. Pichard, William, 2040. j , his son and heir, ib. Picheford, Kalph de, seneschal of Ralph Fitz Nicholas, 1441, 1887, 2152. , , the K.'s Constable of Drogheda, 2208, 2247. , Ralph de, 2081, 2724. , William de, 2152, 2295. Pictavinus, a Jew, 1291. Pidekill', Robert de, 404. Pigace, Ralph, 421, 449. Pilardinton, Henry de, the K.'s servant, 2010. Pilardinton, Hugh de, 2650. Pincerna [le Butyller or Butler] , Hugh, 21, 41. , Herbert, 39. , Henry, 610. , , John, son and hostage of, 610, 672. , Theobald, 1043, 1705, 1757, 1769, 1834, 1874, 1926, 1962. , , his father, 1043. , his lands, 1757, 1769, 1800, 1874, 1962, 2975, 3103. , , his sister marries Gerard de Prendegast, 3203. , , Theobald, his son and heir, 2686. , , Margaret who was the wife of Theobald, 2958, 2996. , , her dower, ib. , , her fine to marry whom she pleases, 3041. , , custody of his land and heirs, 3100, 3101. , , gift of the ploughs and corn in his lands, 3103. , , See Walter, Theobald. Pinell, Master, miner, 404, 406, 409. Pinkeny, Elias de, 159. Pipard, Pippard, Gilbert, 8, 17, 62, 66, SI bis, 1788. , Peter, justiciary of Ireland, 116. , Roger, 110,404, 407 bis, 448, 564, 565, 566, 576, 577, 578, 579, 589, 590, 611, 627, 654, 1001. , seneschal of Ulster, 538. , , to deliver the K.'s castles, 611, 741. , , William, 1445,1541,1554, 1569, 1631, 1632, 1675, 1806, 1846, 2034. , , the lands of his tenants in the Marches to be fortified, 1445. , , his daughter and heir, 1541. , , custody of his lands and marriage of his heir, 1554. , , grant that his tenants may come to the K.'s peace, 1631. , , custody of his lands in Ireland and of his heir, 1675. , , his land and heir, 1806, 1846. , , grant of custody of his lands in Ireland and England, 2034. u Piro, William de, canon of St. Patrick's, 1652- Pleas of the crown, 576, 577. Plesseto, or Plessetis, John de, 272, 2399, 2408, 2416, 2422, 2475, 2483, 2485, 2552, 2573, 2771. , , William de, the K.'s chamber- lain, 2876, 2993. , presented to church of Carrick- fergus, 2879. Plumton, Lady Elena de, 2210. Poher, Poer, Poerh', William le, 41, 129, 132. , Robert le, 41, 1001, 1635, 1786. , John his son and heir, 1635, 1786. , seisin for him, 1786. , Reginald le, 111. , John le, 2285, 2646, 2847, 3014. .., his land and heir in Ireland, 2646. , Sir John le, 2649. , , custody of his lands, ib. , , his heir, 2649. , , his land in Ireland, 2847. , Robert his son and heir deceased, 3014. , [ ] his brother, heir of John, 3014. , , See Puher. Poitiers, France, Richard Archdeacon of, 29. Poitou, France, 231, 267, 444, 451, 503, 529, 2565, 2566. , K. John's last passage to, 642, 1220. , , prest of, 1776, 1779, 1804, 1867, 2433, 3215. , Alured de, 30. , W. Archdeacon of, 526. , Peter of, 2510. , Bartholomew his son, ib. , Henry of, 3164. Pollard, Robert, citizen of Dublin, 2004. Pomerey, Pomeray, Joscelin de, 75. , William le, 831. Pons Novus [Newbridge], 401. Pont', Ponte, burgesses de, 677. Ponte, vill de, 790. , Master Simon de, 243. , Ferrardi, half cantred de, 790. Pontibus, Reginald de, 514, 516. , seisin of his lands, &c. in Ireland, 514. Pope, the, 177, 178, 448, 839, 926, 927, 965, 991,1110, 1122, 1133, 1209, 1217, 1225, 1233, 1337, 1459, 1464, 1466, 1557, 1559, 1610, 1612, 1624, 1683, 1838, 2252, 2284, 2286, 2466, 2670, 2841, 2910, 3115. , annual tribute of 300 marks for Ire- land due to, 815, 2252. , his letters of excommunication against Hugh de Lascy, 1110. , cause transmitted to him by Arch- bishop of Dublin, 1149. the K. prays his holiness to consent to the union of the sees of Armagh and Clogher, 1559. N N 562 GENERAL INDEX. Pope, the — cord. , the K. bound to him in a large sum of money, 2365. , three years arrears of annual subsidy of 1,000 marks, 2670. , 1,000 marks due to, 2694. , his oppression of religious men and clerks, 2746. , intends to ordain to the see of Armagh, 2829. , raises G[ilbert] to see of Emly, 3026. theK. sends Florence elect of Armagh to him for confirmation, 3045. , grants many boons to promoters of the Crusades, 3067. , assigns the Archbishop of Dublin, and John de Erusinon for collection of a tenth for the Holy Land, 3115. Popes : , Alexander [III.], his three bulls or briefs, on the conquest of Ireland by Hen. II., 38. , Innocent III., the K. swears fealty to him, 489. bull of, commanding fealty to the K., 521. , Honorius [III.], 767, 1034, 1348, 1349. .,, , his letters in favour of G. Archbishop of Cashel, 767, 773. , bulls or briefs of, 1034, 1199, 1348, 1349, 1375. , directs a subsidy to be paid to the K. by the churches of Ireland, 1348, 1349. , Gregory [IX.], confirms excommuni- cation of Geoffrey de Mariscis and his son, 2268. , the K.'s letter to him respecting elec- tion of Archbishop of Tuam, 2315. /Innocent [IV.] , confirms all privileges granted by the papal see to the churches of England and Ireland, 2764. , commands the archbishops and bishops of Ireland to revoke their ordinance that no Englishman should be received as canon in their churches, 3084. Porcell [Purcell] , Walter, seneschal of Lein- ster, 873. Pormumoc or Pormunioc, [Portmarnock] , 127. Port, Adam de, 44, 46, 381. , , husband of William deBreouse's sister, 408. Portenuvel', name of galley, 401. Portes, Roger de, 1741. Portsmouth, England, 2558, 2576. , Irish ship taken at, 2576. Posculi, Polsculi, 2485 bis. Poulton, Stephen de, 1919. , , Robert his son and heir, ib. Poyahelin, 1787. Praeres, Robert de, 796,803, 1325, 1346, 1393. , Thpmas, his father, 796, 803, 1393. , custody of his land and heir, 1325. Pratell, Ingeram de, 337. Prebends not to be conferred without the K.'s authority, 1871. Prelates, earls and barons, meeting of, at Bristol, 723 Premonstratentian Order, canons of the, 1225. , , abbots of the, 2586. Prendigast, Prendregast [Prendergast] , Philip de. 329, 339 bis, 340, 342, 343, 344, 345, 347, 353, 354, 355, 356, 448, 556, 1001, 1436. , , David, his son and hostage, 556. ., Gerard or Gerald de, 1950 bis, 2234, 2266, 2285, 2716. , , inquisition as to his lands, 3203. , , marries sister of Theobald Pin- cerna or Butler, ib. , , ,his daughter by her, mar- ries John de Cogan, ib. , Gerard de, marries secondly daughter of Richard de Burgh, ib. , , his daughter by her, ib. , , lands held by Gerald in Wex- ford, 3204. , , , extent of them, ib. , William de, 2462, 3203. , Philip de, 3203. , David de, ib. , Maurice de, 3203 ter. , Elias de, 3203 bis. , Henry de, 3203. Prest of Ireland, 401, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 409,410. , , pardons, &c. for, 1741, 1747, 1748, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1764, 1767, 1775, 1776, 1777, 1779, 1791, 1802, 1804, 1805, 1813, 1817, 1824, 1825, 1827, 1835, 1837, 1839, 1843, 1844, 1846, 1867, 1868, 1873, 1888, 1912, 1916, 1918, 1919, 1922, 1945, 1948, 1959, 1999, 2023, 2077, 2091, 2100, 2225, 2235, 2320, 2330, 2350, [2363, 2433. , of Poitou. See Poitou. , Wales. See Wales. , Scotland. See Scotland. , Brittany, 2312. Prests, 1833, 2083, 2372, 2375, 2472, 2484, 2488, 2489. Prestbury, Ralph de, 404. Prisage, not to be taken from certain vessels, 1990, 1991. Privy seal, the K.'s, 684. Pruefoth, Alan, 2376. Pugneor, Puinneur, Puniur, Robert le, 699, 708, 1287. , Sir William le, knight, 700. , , an exchange to be made with him, ib. , William le, 2117. Puher, Puhier, Robert, 21, 58. , William le, 21, 75. , Roger, 83. Pumeray, Henry de la, 406. GENERAL INDEX. 563 Purcell, Purcel, William, the K.'s servant from Ireland, 442. , Hugh, justice, 2201, 2393, 2762, 2763, 2897. , , to be retained of the K.'s house- hold, 2897. Purprestures, 2231. , inquisition regarding, 1603, 1691. , mandate regarding them not to be executed, 1604. Putot, William de, sheriff of Gloucester, Eng- land, 1851 bis, 1856, 1965, 1968. Q. Quency, Eoger de, 1868. , , Saher or Saier, his father, 273, 1868. Queen, the, 2497, 2577. Queen's gold out of Irish fines, 368, 2577 . Queen Mother, the, 723. , sending her to Ireland, ib. R. Rabayn or Rabain, Elias de, 3041, 3164. Rachrun, Rathrun [? Rathlin], island of, 564, 942. Radeclive, William de, chaplain. See Castle of Dublin, chapel of. Rademan, Henry de, 417. Radguel [Rathkeale], demesne lands of, in the county of Limerick, 3164. Radhlee, Roger de, 1812. Rading, Richard de, the K.'s servant, gone to Ireland, 2913. , , protection for him, ib. Radkenny, Rathkenny, 1998, 2163. Radmoletric, 345. Radnor, castle of, Wales, 408. Radoger, 103. Radsalach, Raith'salach, [Rathsallagh] , 132, 1787. Raelega, Richard de, 40. Ragelan, Peter, 3151. Rahbochi, 2810. Raithmolan, Raitmolan [Rathmolyan, co. Meath], 50, 2447. Raleigh, Ralegh, Ralph de, 1554. , William de, 2321, 2399, 2416, 2422. Ralph Archdeacon of Stafford, 20, 31, 32. Ralph, treasurer of St. Hilary of Poitou, 50. Ralph, Sir, knight, 460. Ralph, the clerk, 1239. , Ellen, his wife, ib. Ralph, the miller, 3203. Ramsey, England, Abbot of, 2085. Ran don, Reindon, Reddon [Randoon, co. Roscommon], the K.'s castle of, 1969, 1970, 1972, 2009, 3159. , , masonry work on its ward to be suspended, 2043. , , Robert de Capella to deliver it, 2792. , vill of, 3159. Rapalach, 136. Rassan', 132. Rastel, Roger, sportsman, 76. Ratfornan, Ratfernan [Rathfarnham] , 100. , advowson of church of, 1242. Rath, 404. Rath', castle of, 407, 611, 741, 755, 1015, 1167, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1374, 1385, 1386. Rath [Rathfarnham ?] , castle of, near Dublin, 1202. Rath, Raz, Razo, 1467, 1542, 1568, 1623, 1889, 2029. , manor of, 1676. Rathcul [Rathcoole, co. Dublin], 1787. Rathechni, 127. Rathemer, 1222. Rathgole, Rathgale [Rathcool, co. Tippe- rary], 2149. , manor of, 2763. Rathlin, the island of, 427. Rathean, 136. Rather [? Kather, Cahir] , Prior of, seisin, 1145. Rathfay, castle of, 1204. Rathit, vill, 273. Rathlure [Radlurlensis] , the Bishop of, 2774. Rathmihhel [Rathmichael] , 1787. Rathmor [Rathmore], 1757, 1769. Rathomer', 1145. Rathsallagh. See Radsalach. Rathune, castle of, 1204. Ratkenny [Rathkenny], manor of, 1673. , market at, ib. , advowson of church of, 2037, 2163. Ratoure, Rathor, Ratouth, Ratour, Rathour, llotour [Ratoath], 164, 1544. , castle of, 719, 1172, 1204, 1289, 1372, 1373, 1374, 1386. Rattvire [Rathwire], 2681. Ratwer, 407. Raz. See Rath. Razhinakennardy, 1680. Re, abbey of, 2840. , damage done to it when the K. took the island of Re, 2840. Reading, England, the Abbot of, 365. Reboth, Walter, 600. Regina, who was the wife of Richard de Carr', ' 281. Reginald, the K.'s son's man, 74. , attorney for Robert Talbot, 643. N N 2 564 GENERAL INDEX. Regny, Rengny, John de, 401, 405, 407. , Thomas, 1223. Reilancarfin, 2485. Rendeuan, or Rendenan [now Hook Point, co. Wexford], 2872. Renger, Richard, Mayor of London, 1285. Renniuelain, 138. Reyinvill, Michael de, 2461. , , presented to a prebend in church of Cashel, 2461. Rensinem, land of, 467. Revez, Wihert de, 470. , , his land in Ireland, ib. Reym.ond, Reymund, Richard, 338. , William, 860. , to have the land of Colun in Dublin, 860. Ria, Pagan de, 28. Ricardefeld [Richardstown, co. Louth] , 2029 bis. Richard [L], uncle of Hen. III., 1042, 1603. Richard, an Irishman, 409, 410 ter., 418 bis. , his brother, 418. , the K.'s fowler, 34. , brother, canon of Lanthony the 1st, England, 1555. of London, clerk, 1572. , brother, monk of St. Augustine, Can- terbury, England, 2086. Ridal, Augustine de, 259. Ridel, Stephen, the K.'s Chancellor, 1787. Rideleff, Walter de, 448. Ridlesford, Rideleford, Radford, Rideford, Rudeford', Walter de, 143, 355, 469, 471, 478, 576, 577, 589, 590, 654, 679, 952, 953, 1001, 1022, 1036, 1079, 1109, 1204, 1394, 1396, 1402, 1443, 1641, 1757 bis, 1769 bis, 1950 bis, 1975, 1977, 2139, 2253, 2254, 2255, 2266, 2285, 2409 bis, 2418, 2603, 2807, 2808, 2810, 2918, 2987. , , his land in the vale of Dublin, 679, 1204. , , his park of Garnenan, 1641. , , to enjoy his lands in Ireland, ib. , , his demesne, 1757, 1769. , , to remain in Ireland on the K.'s service, 1778. , , the K. determines to do nothing regarding his affairs, 1852. , , his prison, 2139. , , to hold land on lease, 2200. , , to take from each knight im- prisoned 100s. and his harness for ransom, 2254. , , vill of Corny n occupied and re- tained by him, 2255. , , his lands in Leinster, 2807, 2808. , , a moiety of his manor to be taken into the K.'s hand, 2498. , , Emeline, countess of Uister, his daughter and heir, 2663. Ridlesford, Walter de — cont. , , to have seisin of the lands oi her inheritance, 2663. , , custody of his land and heir, 2689, 2693. , , his lands, 2697, 2947. , , inquisition as to his lands, 2730. , , grant to the K. of custody of a moiety of his lands in Leinster, 2808. , , Christiana de Geneve, one of his heirs, 2947. , extent of a moiety of his land in the vale of Dublin, 2970. , , the wife of Robert de Marie' [Mariscis] , one of his daughters and heirs, ib. , , Christiana de Mariscis, one of his heirs, 2972. , , respite for her, ib. , Richard de, 2253. Right, writs of, 236, 1568. , limitation of, 236. Ripariis, Richard de, 1015, 1787. Risot, 3203. , land held by him in Bellonar', ib. Risse, 1318. Rissebir', Herbert de, 144, 151. , Sibil, his wife, 151. Rival!, Ryvall, Peter de, 2000, 2082, 2156, 2162. , , grant to him for life of the office of Treasurer and Chamberlain of Ex- chequer of Ireland, &c, 1969, 1970 bis. , ....... grant to him for life of custody of cities and castles, 1971, 1972. , , grant for life of the office of Treasurer in England and Ireland, and of the wardrobe chamber and treasury of the K.'s household, 2019. , , power to act by deputy, ib. , , power to remove oificers of the wardrobe chamber and treasury of the household, ib. , custody of the K.'s castles, 1969, 1970. , , of Jews, 1969, 1970. , , vacant sees, 1969, 1970. , , of Limerick, Cork, and Dun- gar van, 1969. , , of Decies and Desmond, ib. , , of the K.'s escheats and wards, ib. , , to make the K.'s purchases, 1969, 1976. , , grant to him for life of the trea- sury of Irelaud, 1981. , , the manor of Newcastle com- mitted to him, 1982. , , captain of Poitou, 2019, 2033, 2034. , , the Treasurer and Chamberlain of Dublin not to be intentive to him but to the K., 2104. , , the justiciary not to be inten- tive to him, 2106. GENERAL INDEX. 565 Robert, the K.'s fowler, 34. , prior of St. Peter's.Convent, Bath, 220. , balister, 1594. Roche, de la, David, 1679, 2285. , Reymund, his elder son, 1679. , Gerald, his younger son, ib. , Reymund's daughters, ib. , Eustace de, justice, 2762, 2763. Roche. See Rupe, de. Rochefort, Rocheford, Rupe Forte, Thomas de, constable of Bristol, 208. , John de, 407, 18 17. , ,his son and heir, ib. , Godfrey de, 405. , David de, 2763. , Maurice de, ib. , , appeal as to his death, ib. ,Milo de, 2236, 2290. , , pardon to him for 200 marks, 2239. , Richard de, 2393. , Guy de, 2775, 2930, 3018. , Ebulo de, 3171. , , to have 100 marks of the K.'s gift, ib. Rochelle, la, France, 517, 1061. , , men of, not to take from mer- chants of Dublin any customs save those taken in time of King John, 1011. , , mayor and men of, not to dis- train men of the Earl of Pembroke, of Wexford, 1061. , , capture of, 1239. , , money from Ireland to fortify castle of, 2548. Rochelle [Rokel, Rupella], Richard de la, 2825, 2852. , ,20 marks to be paid to him of the K.'s gift to purchase a horse, 2825. , , to have a fee of 20/. in Ireland, 2852. , , 40 marks to be paid to him in compensation of his fee, 3081. «. , , to seize the temporalities of the Archbishop of Cashel, if the latter did not recall his error, 3125. , , his fee to be paid to him, 3205. , John de la, 2838. Rochester, England, Benedict Bishop of, 991. , Henry Bishop of, 2141, 2177. , the Bishop of, 1745, 1773. Rockere, William le, 1623, 1676, 1883. , , Granta,who was his wife, 2376. Roger, the K.'s fowler, 34. Roger, Friar, the K.'s almoner and emissary, 552. Roger, Brother, Templar, to set free ships of Dublin and Waterford, 661. , ,to estimate the damage suffered in the storm by those ships, 662. Roka, David de, 353. , Eustace de, ib. Rokerell, castle of, 516. Romans, Frederick, Emperor of, and King of Jerusalem and Sicily, 2251, 2286. , , letters from theK. to him, 2286. , , his clerk in Ireland, 2340. Rome, 178, 892. , church of, 489 ter., 2466. , its affairs, 2466. , council at court of, 715, 804, 1317, 1359. , court of, 291, 1026, 1041, 1137, 1237, 1330, 1358, 1359, 1600, 1654, 1765, 1766, 1890, 2250. Romney, England, barons of, 2054. Ropeley, Roppelai, Robert de, 264, 371. Ros, Robert de, Sheriff of Cumberland, 407 bis, 519. Roscrea [Roskere, Roscre, Roscret], castle of, 514, 1015, 1154, 1171, 1443, 1446, 2009, 2792. , , to be delivered to tbe justiciary, 1446. , Meyler de Bermingeham to deliver it, 2792. Roscrea, 2760. , inquisition as to lands of, ib. , custodee of, ib. Roscommon [Roscoinan'], cantred of, 630, 1989. Rosnarrighg', Rosmariug [Rosnaree, county Meath], 50, 2447. Ross [Ros], land of the Earl of Pembroke, 646. , ships to come there, ib. , wool of, 799. , port of, 890, 912. , ships not to come there, 1046, 1058. , licence for ships of the Earls Marshall to come there, 1552. , the constable of, 1872. , 2260, 2361, 2983. Rossal, Ralph de, taken at Carrickfergus, 543. , , Vivian, his brother, ib. Rosselither, cantred of, 343. Rothomago, de [of Rouen], Richer, 1308. Rouen, W. Archbishop of, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 104. Rous, Robert, 939. Rudipat, Adam, 111, 529, 619, 639, 667, 668, 822, 824, 919. , , his heir, 619. , , Rohesia, his daughter and heir, 529, 822, 824, 919. , , his hostage, 639. Ruedon', Agnes de, 3209. Ruffus, Jordan, 161. , , Mattbew, his brother, 161. , Robert, 73, 74, 1471, 1508, 1509, 1567, 1611, 1865, 3186. , Richard, 2380. 566 GENERAL INDEX. Ruffus — cont. , John, clerk, 2746. , , not to extort money from reli- gious men in Ireland, ib. Rughedon, "William de, 2140. Runnymead, England, 556. Rupe, Eustace de [Roche], constable of Dub- lin, 319, 339,341, 344, 345, 348, 354, 355, 356, 654. , David de, 339, 340, 341, 343, 348, 356, 448. Henry de, 498. , , his son, ib. , William de, clerk of Richard de Burgh, 1620. , , presented to the church of Chapelizod, 1620. , Sibilla de, 2110. , Robert de, 2481. , William de, 2608. , Tankard de, ib. , Alexander de, 3089, 3203. , , Blanche, who was his wife, 3089. , David de, 3093. , to be paid 300Z. for cutting off the head of Carbri Huin Aleklin, 3093. Rupibus, William de, seneschal of Anjou, 122. , Peter de, 196. , Roger de, the K.'s messenger to Ire- land, 456. Ruskath, church of, 2408. Russell, Robert, 406. , John, 455, 652, 653. , William, 2383. Ruta Midal [? Ruta Mic Uidilin, or Mic Ugilin, Antrim], 406. Rute Midad, an Irishman, 404. Rutland, England, 67. Ryban [Rheban], 1392. Rye, England, bailiffs of, 2058. s. • S [ ], Legate of Ireland, 56. Sabaud, Peter de, 2550, 2552, 2649. Sacfithenet, 246. Sackville, Saukeville, Jordan de, 404, 686, 775, 989. , , his castle, 404. , , to deliver their wines and chat- tels to the men of Dublin and Drogheda, 686. , , , seisin for him, 775. , , respite in fortifying his lands, 931, 989. , Bartholomew de, 2233. Saggart, county Dublin. See Tacksagard. Salcuarain, 136. Salisbury, William, Earl of, 122, 175, 220, 229, 240,241, 381,382,401 quater,403 quinquies, 404 quater, 407 bis, 408, 409, 428, 434, 460, 564, 565, 566, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 582, 589, 590, 596, 949, 1015, 1110, 1153, 1180, 2399. Salisbury, England, castle of, 309, 460. , , constable of, 543. , , men of, 460. , , Herbert Bishop of, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 104, 121, 124. , , Richard Bishop of, 1015, 1180, 1372, 1402, 1505, 1508, 1518. , the knights of the Bishop of, 403, 406. , fabric of the church of, 1196. Salmon Leap, the, of the Earl of Pembroke's inheritance, 688. Salop, England, 33, 206, 2081. , sheriff of, 1177, 1454. Salt grange in Occaerwelle's [O' Carroll's] land, 175. Salvage, Salvagius [Savage], Robin son of William, 259. ., Thomas le, 405. , Robert, 405, 407. , G., 424. Samford, Ralph de, 401. , Walter de, 2802. Samir, the [Morning Star, river, co. Limerick], 136. Samuel, taken prisoner at Carrickfergus, 485. Sancmesle, Sangmelle, Sangmedle, Walter, prisoner at Carrickfergus, 495, 553, 672, 957, 1204, 1313, 1467,2321, 2894, 2964. , , his castle, 1204. , Thomas, hostage for him, 553. , , inquisition finding that a con- cord in a plea regarding the land of Killene was made by him when non compos, 2894. , Godfrey, taken at Carrickfergus, 553, 602. , Thomas, his brother, 602. , William, 529, 1203. , lands of his father, 529. , Walter, ib. , , his lands, 529. , Robert, taken at Carrickfergus, 551. Sanctus Boscus. See Holywood. Sandwich, England, the barons of, 2054, 2397. , bailiffs of, 1192. , Henry de, 2048. , John de, ib. Sanford, Thomas de, 381. Santref [Santry], 127. Sarazein, Alexander Fitz William, 259. Sardelawe, Robert de, 2806. Sarmelisfeld, Nicholas de, 1883. , , Alice, his wife, ib. , , Margaret, he sister, ib. GENERAL INDEX. 567 Saufkeyvin, Sauikeymy, Stanskeivin, St. Kevin, demesne land of see of Dublin, 1757, 1769, 1787. , wood of, 1783, 1823. Sauser, Geoffrey le, 1596. Saut, France, castle of, 3102. Sauvage, Robert le, fine for his release, 665. Savage. See Salvage. Savonier, Adam le, 830. Say, Elias de, 144. , Henry de, 538. , Godfrey de, 1837. ... , William de, 2091. Scalariis, Brian de, 1287. Scaldebec, Waleran de, 28. Scalis, Robert de, 2344. Scardeburg, William de, balister, 1085, 1086. Schagan, Scogan [Cogan], Milo or Miles, 1363. Scivil, ford of, 136. Scleflunede, 241. Scotland, 408, 2321, 2397, 2408. , William K. of, 487. , the K. of, 1179. , Alexander K. of, 2716, 2720. , , makes peace with the K., 2716. , Joan Queen of, 1179, 2251. , , her letter to the K. respecting Hugh de Lascy's war, 1179. , , the K.'s letter to her respecting the marriage of their sister Isabella, 2251. , prest of, 1747, 1779, 1804, 1916. Scoville, Humphrey de, 413. Serin, church, 127. Scurlage, Richard, 3151. Seagainlag, ford of, 136. Seal, the K.'s Great, 684. Seal, the K.'s, of Ireland, 2824, 2836, 2998. See, the Apostolic, 1745, 1773. Sees, abbeys and priories, vacant, 846. Segrave, Stephen de, 949, 1015, 1554, 1675, 1735, 1744, 1757, 1772. , , justiciary of England, 1789, 1790, 1808, 1812, 1842, 1845, 1847, 1850, 1969, 2033, 2034, 2485. Seinbois, 139. Seintbois, 1393. Selkley, England, wood of, 1344. Selwood, England, forest of, 3104. Senebod, Senebald, manor of, 1306, 1429. , market and fair at, 1429. Senebothcarmina, church of, 2485. Senekil, 1757, 1769. , land of Archbishop of Dublin, 1757, 1769. Sergant, Robert, 97. Serjeants-at-arms sent to Ireland, 2912. , to have 12 c?. a day for their pay, ib. Serland, Serlaund, Cerland, Geoffrey or Godfrey de, constable of Carrickfergus, 430, 433, 440, 445, 687, 705, 961, 1077, 1371, 1372. , , an exchange to be provided for him, 687. , , to have an exchange elsewhere than in the K.'s demesne, 720. » , hire of ships for his use, 1077. , Ralph de, safe conduct to Ireland, 722. , William de, 538, 711, 760, 1110, 1111, 1113, 1115, 1124,1371, 1372. , , constable of Carrickfergus, 455, 458, 674. , , inquisition whether the church of Corgran' belongs to him, 711. , , to have 100/. a year for custody of the castle of Carrickfergus, 760. , , to have a ship at the K.'s ex- pense, 1115. , , seneschal of Ulster, 1124, 1126. Serle, Simon, 3179. Service, the K.'s, in Ireland, 744, 832, 836, 838, 871, 985, 1007, 1046, 1068, 1080, 1150, 1159, 1160, 1162, 1177, 1188, 1189, 1190, 1191, 1203, 1205, 1210, 1220, 1246, 1255, 1257, 1271, 1272, 1287, 1292, 1298, 1315, 1317, 1320, 1325, 1330, 1331, 1357, 1358, 1359, 1379, 1407, 1417, 1441, 1457, 1469, 1520, 1579, 1598, 1614, 1658, 1664, 1674, 1700, 1709, 1720, 1721, 1722, 1822, 1835, 1858, 2010, 2011, 2017, 2045, 2048, 2074, 2079, 2089, 2107, 2203, 2206, 2281, 2348, 2623, 2815, 2816, 2823, 2824, 2838, 2886, 3000, 3051, 3072, 3192. Seskenanisic, 2485. Seskincatry, 1680. Seskinculkeran, 2205. Sevekeworth, Ralph, preceptor of Templars in Ireland, 2102. Sextus, Scutifer, 251. Shannon, river, 93. Shardelawe, Robert de, justice in eyre, Ire- land, 2816, 3082. Shendon, Bernard de, 3203. Shenebuille, Shoneboil, Sheneyhal, 1284, 1621, 2272, 2310. Ships, hire of, going towards Ireland, 416. Ships and galleys, repairs of, 451. Shotend, Robert de, 3164. Shotinton, Brother Thomas de, Abbot de Valle Salutis, 3127. Siarnefeld', Sciarnefeld', Roger de, 244. , Hugh de, 244. Sibulatorum, vicus, Dublin, 2210. Sifrewast, William de, 1197. Sikelinghal', Robert de, treasurer of the New Temple, London, 3189. Simon [ ], 1677. Sklon, castle of, 529. Slane, Nicholas de, 1273, 1289. 568 GENERAL INDEX. Slefto, 1680. Sleftrun, ib. Slescho, Slefco, the K.'s forest of, Ireland, 3076, 3197. , , the keeper of, 3076. Sleverdach, Slevardagh [ Slieverdagh] , can- tred of, 601, 613, 838, 1268. Smirmun, 2450. Soldiers, Irish and Welsh, 2087. Sodor, S[imon], Bishop of, 2882. , to have at Dublin wine and wheat of the K.'s gift, 2882. Somerset, England, 42, 219, 864, 1918, 2307. , , sheriff of, 42, 1916, 2053, 2058, 2059. Somerset and Dorset, England, 2, 28, 58, 76, 250, 2312. Sounach, 1680. Southampton, 5, 29, 39, 1025, 2058. vill, England, 39, 424. , , the bailiffs of, to release citizens of Dublin, and men of Earl Marshall of Leinster, 794. , burgesses of, 3124. , sheriff of, 2058, 3124. South wark, Ralph de, master of Templars in Ireland, 2264. , , to be arrested, 2264. Spain, expenses of a knight from, 524. Spaldinton, Adam de, 2874. Spigurnell, Godfrey, servant of the chapel, 406. Sprot, Reyniund, 1796. St. Alban's, Henry of, 421. , W. de, 1871. St. Albin, Thomas de, 2583. St. Alloch, church of, Ireland, 85. St. Amand, Amauricus, Almoric, or Amory de, 1400, 1438, 1564, 1617, 1772, 1784, 1948, 2248, 2269, 2295, 2399, 2408, 2416, 2422, 2483. , , to have lands in Baliscadan, 1400. , , seisin of land in Baliscadan, 1564, 1617. , , grant to him of land called le Ryn, 1772. , , to convey corn from Ireland into England, 2248. , , to be quit for his life of services for his land of Fingal, 2282. , , Ralph, his son and heir, 2533, 2845. , , his lands in Ireland, 2533, 2845. , , pardon to him for two marks exacted out of his Irish land for scu- tage of Gascony, 2748. , grant of custody of Ralph's lands in Ireland and England, 2814, 2819. , , custody of his land and heir. 3162. St. Andrew's, R. Bishop of, 103, 124, 147. St. Audeon's, Dublin, 2210 Us. St. Augustine, Abbot of, Bristol, England, 818. , , gone to Ireland for Earl Mar- shall, ib. , , Martin, his chamberlain, ib. , prior and convent of, 829. St. Barri, vill of, near Waterford, 1488. St. Brandan de Monte, house of, 338. , , monks, lay brothers, and men of, 338. St. Briavell's, England, constable of, 3133, 3173, 3175. St. Bridget of Kildare, chapter of, 1994. , William, precentor of, ib. , church of, 1345. , advowson of, ib. St. Canice, church of, in diocese of Ossory, 3091. St. Clement's, near Dublin, anchorite of, 2210. St. David, 2485. St. Denis, Geoffrey de, 407. St. Edmund, Prior of, of Athassel, 1092, 1221. St. Eoth, church of, 190. St. Edward, Peter de, 409. St. Florence, Henry de, 1635. , , presented to church of St. Peter, Drogheda, 1637. St. George, monastery of, Dublin, 100. , Henry de, knight, 401. Ralph de, 405. , , messenger of William de Ser- land, constable of Carrickfergus, 455. St. German, William de, 2446. St. Giles's Mount, Winchester, 3124. , fair at, ib. St. James's, 1054. St. John, John de, 442, 620, 905, 955 bis, 966, 990, 999, 1000, 1003, 1006, 1008, 1015, 1021, 1046, 1080, 1812. , , an English clerk, 443. , , appointed to same office in Irish Exchequer as he previously held, 714. , , grant of manor to him, 776. , ,to be called to the K.'s councils, 893. , , to have all escheats iu Ireland, 899. , , Treasurer of Exchequer, Dub- lin, 776, 873, 899, 987 bis, 988, 1071, 1092, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1101, 1148, 1215. , , released from his office, 1122. , , elect of Ferns, 1121, 1122. See Ferns, John Bishop of. , Geoffrey de, 1100, 1215, 3077. , , collated to church of St. Nicho- las, Carrickfergus, 1215. , , appointed escheator in Ireland, 3077, 3079. GENERAL INDEX. 569 St. John — cont. , William de, 1372, 1518. , Richard de, chaplain of Hubert de Burgh, 1627, 1794. St. John the Evangelist, Chork [?Cork], Prior of, 2313. St. John, Down, Gilbert Abbot of, 3150. St. John the Baptist, Hospital of, without the gate of Dublin, 293. , , friars of, 293. , , Prior of, 305. St. John, Hospital of, Waterford, union with St. Peter's convent, Bath, 220. , , Prior and monks of, 1343. , , protection for them, ib. St. John's, Waterford, Prior of, 1996. St. John, Hospital, of Waterford and Cork, 1710. , , Prior and monks of, ib. St. Katherine of Waterford, Prior and canons of, 338. St. Kevin, vill of, 1351, 1354. , market at, 1351, 1354, 1355. See Saufkeyvin. St. Kevin's Church, Dublin, pasture extending to door of, 138. St. Laud, France, 1694. St. Laurence, de, 39. St. Lawrence, Cecilia wife of Robert de, 55. St. Leger, Giles de, 213, 406. , Godfrey de, 405. , Peter de, 2762, 2763, 2894. St. Lizier, William de, 191. St. Machan, 2485. St. Martin, James de, Archdeacon of Dublin, clerk of Richard de Burgh, 1914. . , Richard de, 2412. , Laurence de, 2704, 2846. , William de, 2704. , presented to Church of Culard, ib. , James de, seneschal of William de Valence, 2973, 3003, 3199. , bond by him to Sir William de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, 3199. St. Mary, Dublin, abbey of, 127, 130, 131, 459. , their church, 1266, 2026. , 200 1, taken out of it during the war, to be restored, 1408. , Abbot of, 1472. , Abbot and monks of, 1487. , protection for them, 131, 154, 1487, 1897. , 300 marks taken in their church to sustain the war against Hugh de Lascy, 2026. , the abbot and monks of, to have their boat on the Liffey, 2620. , , to have compensation for the K.'s mills erected near the castle of Dublin, 2941. , , to have as compensation lands worth 10 marks a year, 3007. St. Mary les Dames, Dublin, church of, 2692, 3058. , anchorite living in, 2692. St. Mary, church of, in the Abbey of Hogges, Dublin, 2210 bis. St. Mary de Monte, parish, Dublin, 2210. St. Mary de Osmaneby [of the Ostmen], church near Dublin, 138. St. Mary, church of, Dublin, 1984. , the white monks of, 276. , house of, Carrickfergus, 1225. , vale of, of Crokeden, Abbot and monks of, 118. , Drogheda, church and monks of, 175. St. Mary of Ferns, abbot and convent of, 3149. St. Mary of Grane, convent of, 355. St. Mary, abbey of Port of [Dunbrody, Dun- brothy], 1727, 1993. St. Mary of Mount Cresswell, friars of, Eng- land, 1909. , confirmation to them of lands, &c. in Ireland, 1909. St. Mary of Salisbury, England, preachers of new work of, 1053. St. Mary, Shrewsbury, church of, 734. , collations to prebends in, granted to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, 734. St. Maxent, William de, 403. St. Michael, Richard de, 673, 1272, 1294, 1342, 1392, 1757, 1769,2285. , his father, 673. , William de, 1272. Si. Mohod, Louth, church of, 1637. St. Nicholas, Dublin, church of, 2210. St. Nicholas, Carrickfergus, church of, 1215, 1225. St. Nicholas, Otho Cardinal of, Legate, 2466. St. Omer, William de, 403. St. Oswald, canons of, England, 7 1 . , Prior of, 1034. St. Patrick's, DubliD, church of, 138, 475, 1241, 1461, 1761, 1762. , , grant to its canons of the church of Crumelin [Crumlin], 566. , , William Dean of, 1484, 1731, 1752. , '. , letter to the K. regarding land farmed by Bartholomew de Camera, 1484. , , preachers of the fabric of, 1241. , alms for, ib. , , damage caused to church of, by K. John, 1461. , , surrender of its charter granting lands worth 20/. a year for that damage, ib. , , Dean and chapter of, 1652, 1704, 2698. , , elect, Luke Dean of St. Martin, London, as Archbishop of Dublin,1652. , , licence to them to elect an arch- bishop, 1704. 570 GENERAL INDEX. St. Patrick's, Dublin, church of — cont. , chapter of, 2723, 2747. , , B. of Cornwall, canon of, 3053. , , a provision of 30 librates of land in the vale of Dublin to be made for them, 3053. , , to receive yearly from the Prior and canons of the Holy Trinity, a moiety of the issues of lands in Balis- candan, 3108. St. Patrick's Gate, Dublin, 2210. St. Patrick, Isle of, Philip Prior of, and canon of the Holy Trinity Dublin, 1628, 1705. , W. its sub-prior, 1628. , Prior of, 1654. , Down, Robert Prior of, 3150. St. Paul's, London, 489. St. Peter, patrimony of, ib. , Drogheda, church of, 1637. , convent of, at Bath, England, union with Hospital of St. John, Waterford, 220. St. Saviour of Rendeuam or Rendenam, 2811. ,the custodian and chaplains of, ib. St. Sever, France, Abbot and monks of, 2619, 2624. ,the K.'s gift to them, 2619, 2624. St. Stephen in the Caelian Mount, -John Car- dinal of, Legate [of Ireland], 168. , formerly Legate of Ireland, 878. , unites sees of Waterford and Lismore, ib. St. Thomas, Dublin, abbey of, 189, 277, 1132. , archbishop of Dublin to have custody thereof, 746. , , Abbot of, 172, 189, 746, 1135, 1166, 1314, 1553, 2495. , , licence to Prior and canons of, to elect an abbot, 1132. , , Abbot and canons of, 1149, 1522. ,., , to be indemnified for the fosse thrown up around Dublin, 1314. , , canons of, 1525. , , grant to them, ib. , , the abbot requests the K. to lay the first stone of a new church, 1553. , , protection for him and his house, 1553. f , convent of, 1797. , , licence to elect an abbot, 1797. 9 , the Abbot and monks of, 2095. , , prisage of beer granted to them, 2095. , , the mayor and citizens of Dublin not to take customs from them, 2137. , , convent of, 2210. j ...«.., the saints feast, and that of St. Edward, to be celebrated in the church of, 2497. , , the Abbot of, to assist the K. with an aid, 2559. St. Thomas, Dublin — cont. > » plea of land between Abbot of, and Nicholas de Laffeud, 2635. , , the stone they had collected at Bristol for their church to be delivered to them, 3107. St. Thomas, the Martyr, shrine of, England, 733. St. Valery, Forminus de, 2777. St. Werburgh, Chester, Abbot of, 3128, 3183, 3184, 3190, 3207, 3212. Stachmuchan, near Tallaght, prebend of, 1790. Stachnach, 2528. Stadclod, 1787. Stafford, England, 6, 31, 54, 60, 368, 1075, 1153, 1340, 1562, 1932, 2082, 2478, 2592, 2800, 2919, 2981, 3094, 3214. , , sheriff of, 1451, 1923. , , villof, 31, 32. , , Ralph Archdeacon of, 20, 3b 32. , the Archdeacon of, 199 bis, 201, 205. , Henry Archdeacon of, 209, 213, 214, 215, 298, 432. , William de, 2149. , Walter de, chaplain, 2629. Stagdnanevin, 836. Staghegram, 836. Stagunnyng, Staguynild [Powerscourt] , vill of, 2177, 2179, 2209. Stakepol, John, 3203. , Philip, ib. Stanconi, Richard de, 2970. Stanford, Thomas de, the K.'s escheator, 3100. Stanton, Staunton, Robert de, 246. , Walter de, 406. , Adam de, 1715, 2266, 2285, 2348, 2349, 2716,2780, 2783. , Gerard de,3203. , Philip de, ib. Stapleton, Eudo de, taken prisoner at Carrick- fergus,486. Statgrum, 960. Stavele, Adam de, 406. Staunton, England, manor of, 2737. , , exchanged for 10 librates of land in Ireland, 2737. Steinton, Hugh de, 403, 405. Stephen, the clerk, 403, 404. , chaplain of the pope, 1683. , prior of St. John's, Waterford, 1996. , the chaplain, 3203. Stokes, Peter de, 220, 229, 240, 263, 294. Strange, Guy le, 33. , John, 734, 2374, 2478, 2501, 2800, 2860. , his bailifis of Shrewsbury, 734. , John, justiciary of Chester, 2529, 2535, 2537, 2592, 2667, 2671, 2677, 2678, 2701, 2731, 2732, 2754, 2919. Stratton, Hervey de, 6, 54, 60. , Henry de, 31. GENERAL INDEX. 571 Stratton — cont. , Koger de, knight of John Fitz Hugh, 409. Stratford, England, Abbot of, 2293, 2302. Striguil [Chepstow], castle of, 2120, 2151. Struthe, mead near the water called, 404. Stutebury, England, 79. Stuteville, Robert de,25. , Roger de, 27. , Nicholas de, 407, 1835. , Nicholas, his father, ib. , Robeit, his brother, ib. , William de, 1289, 1505, 1772. Sualcayn, 649. Subjects, the K.'s, of England, Ireland and Gascony, 1687. , to pay customs for their merchandise, 1687. , the K.'s English and Irish, 1060. Suen, constable, the K.'s servant from Ireland, 442. Suerd, Surdes [Swords], vill of, 1787. , grant of a fair at, 475. Suffolk, England, 1, 21, 51. , sheriff of, 2053, 2058. Sugis, Reginald de, 29. Sumbochol, 2485. Sumery, William de, 2763. , David de, ib. Surrey, England, sheriff of, 1793, 1826. Surreyo, de [Ynis-Lughenught or Inislounagh, county Tipperary], Abbot of, 1533. Sussex, England, 14,52, 165, 193, 249,369, 389, 834, 1024, 1076, 2918. , sheriff of, 1159, 2041, 2048, 2053, 2058. Sutorum, vicus, Dublin, 2210. Sutton, Robert de, 403, 405, 1813. , William de, chaplain, 2317. Suwell, Master Alexander de, 986. Swetun', Nicholas de, 2760. Sweyneshead, England, 2109. Swords. See Suerd. Syachmedth, fee of, 94. Sydeinne, Adam de, 2760. T. Taballgort, 136. Tachenohea, vill, 273. Tachony, vill, 469. Tachsquithin [Tascoffin] , manor of, 2780. Tacksagard, Thasagard [Tassagard or Saggart, county Dublin], 1757, 1769. ., , lands appurtenant to church of, 320. Talachot, cantred of, 468. Talemasch', Hugh, knight, going to Ireland with the K., 401. Talkony, 1641. Talleof, land of, 538. Talliard, Hugh, 39. Talebot, Talbot, William, 401, 404, 1757, 1951. , Reginald, 817, 1112, 1168. , Robert, 626, 643, 663, 888, 1263, 1294, 1321, 1342. , , his land of Irewe, 626, 643, 706. , , his land of Braceberg', Braken- berghe, 643, 663. , , his land in Ulster, 1263. , Thomas, against the K. in his castle of Carrickfergus, 707. , , his land of Brakenberg to be delivered to him, ib. , Adam, 3209. Tany, Peter de, 2372, 2432, 2472. Tarmefighan, Tarmenphyghyn [Termonfec- kin], 2450, 2460. Tascony, 1396. Tauliban, 2276. Taunton, John of, 1994. Tavelach [Tallaght], 1790. Tavernac, Richard de, 2029. Techmealloc, 100. Telachstelan, 127. Templars, Knights, Ireland, 163, 386, 966, 1645, 1910 bis, 2101. , protection for their chattels and hold- ings, 386. , Master of the, 1276, 1344,2157, 2161, 2264, 2689. , , licence to him to convey his wheat whither he will throughout Ire- land, 1276. , , inquisition as to whether he held pasture in the wood of Selkley, England, 1344. , , licence to them to have a free guest in every county and burgh of Ireland, 2101. , Ralph de Sevekeworth their preceptor in Ireland, 2102. , , to make with others a view of of [the treasurer's receipts and expen- diture, 2157, 2161. , Ralph de Southwark, Master of, 2264. , , to be arrested, ib. , Roger Walensis or le Waleis, Master of the, 2264, 2462, 2528, 2556, 2623, 2703, 3071. , protection for them, 2265. , knights of Waterford, 2658. , mills erected to their damage there to be prostrated, ib. , not to acquire houses in Irish cities without the K.'s licence, 3168. , Knights, 85. , grant to them of lands in England and Ireland, ib. , the Master of, 163. 572 GENERAL INDEX. Templars, Knights — cont. , grant to them of lands in England and Ireland, 1488. , to have 100 marks out of the issues of Ireland, 2915. , Knights, England, Master of the, 163, 2512, 2610, 2915. Temple, the New, London, 541, 2610, 2871, 2986, 3013, 3189. , chapel at, 2610. Terenure [Tirniwer, Thernouer, Tirenether, Tyrinwer], in the vale of Dublin, 680, 726, 998, 1080, 1668, 2416. Teste, Lambert, 28. Teutonieus, Walerand, 1872, 1876, 1880, 1884, 1892. , custody of William Earl of Pem- broke's lands and castles in Ireland delivered to him, 1872, 1876. Tewkesbury, England, abbots of, 217. , their lands in Ireland, ib. , Alan Abbot of, ib. , Walter Abbot of, ib. , the monks of, 276. , Abbot and monks of, 1147. Thabre, 1787. Thachewort, 100. Thakein, 1787. Thavelach [Tallaght] , ib. Theachkony, 2200. Theaclenni, 2447. Thebaut, Tebaut, John, 3203 ier. Thechelsi, 127. Theil, Robert de, 1787. Theslumni, 50. Thillalacha, 1787. Thirchein, the K.'s escheat land in, 1926. Thirneborhys, Tyrnabroys, 3109, 3174. Tholach, 1680. Thomas, Archdeacon of Cashel, 29 1 . , Brother, almoner, 404, 409. , a monk, of Dublin, 457. , Abbot of Glendalough, 475. , the chaplain, 3203. Thomastown [Tomaston'], 732, 1660. , murage of, 732. Thomond [Thodmond, Todmon, Tosmund, Tuadam], 93, 629, 669, 673, 1050, 1636, 1666, 2002, 2336, 2339, 2410, 2716, 2920, 3126. } the K.'s wood called Cratelerch' in, 633. t grant of vills in, to Patrick's church, Cashel, 649. the King of, an aid to be demanded from him, 810. , the King of, 1046. , D. [? Donnchadh], King of, grant, 1050. , the King of, 1755. , the K. to O. O'Brien of, respecting a grant of land, 3114. Thoskart, Twescart, 565, 942. Thoslan', Abbot and monks of, 2070. , protection for them, ib. Thouars, Viscount de, 965. Thuche, Roger de la, knight of Flanders, 409. Thurskem, Robert, 2970. Tibrach', castle of, 122. Tibrary, Tribrary, 621, 781. , vill of, 621. , advowson of, ib. , , grant of, to church of Holy Trinity, Dublin, ib. , knights of vill of, ib. Tikeull [Tickhill], Humphrey of, 99, 156, 160, 177. , H. [ ] deceased, elected to see of Armagh, 200. Tintern, Abbot of, 2284. Tiperacht, manor of [Tibberagny, county Kilkenny], 2607. Tiperari [Tipperary], manor of, 1397. Tirbegan, 1936. Tircahin, land of, 342. Tirel, See Tyrel. Tirieghrachbothe, Tirechbecrachbothe, can- tred in Connaught, 137, 153. Tirinuer, 297. Tirkehik, cantred of, beyond the Bann, 427. Tirketin', Tirkethin, 564, 942. Tirmane, cantred in Connaught, 153. Tirniwer, Thernouer. See Terenure. Tiwe, John de, 1064, 1066, 1068, 1128, 1162, 1213. , protection for him, 1065. Tiwe, Sir J. de, knight, 1226. , , his fidelity, ib. Tolekan [near Dublin], 138. , vill of, 2485. Tolls, the K.'s, 1711. Tomrach', 649. Toney, Thoney, Thoeny, Roger de, 190, 220, 229, 240, 330, 382. ToreF, Richard, messenger going to Ireland, 399. Tormet Machelli, vill, 100. Torpel, Roger de, 1814, 1860, 1924. , , his executors, 1860. Toschart', 564. Totemoye, 2232. Tracepurcel, John, 39. Tracton, abbey of. See Albo Tractu, de. Traddery [Tradere, Traderi], 106, 690, 2920. , the castle of, 3126. Trascy [Tracy] , Henry de, 949. Travers, Robert, approval of his promotion as Bishop of Killaloe, 738. , John, 1285, 2168, 2308, 2393, 2760. Treasurer, the K.'s of Ireland or Dublin, 1340, 2793, 2794, 2795, 2806, 2848, 2849, 2852, 2855, 2856, 2917. See Exchequer, Ireland, treasurer of. GENERAL INDEX. 573 Treasurer and Chamberlain of Exchequer, Dublin, 2891. See Exchequer, Ireland. , , the K.'s England, 2876. See Exchequer, England. Trenedin, Simon, 3203. Treys, Frank le, 2145. > , his lands, ib. Tribus Fontibus, Abbot de, France, 1490. , , safe conduct for him in Ireland, ib. Trichata, 2006. Trichtonthes, Trichtouthes, 241. Trim [Trum], 1202, 1203. , grant of the K.'s church of, to form a prebend in the church of St. Patrick's, Dublin, 475. , castle of, 612, 1176, 1180 bis, 1203 ter, 1205, 1231, 1289, 2662, 2817, 2984. , , hall, houses, and chambers in, 1176. , fortification of, 1474. , service belonging thereto, 2984. , fair of, 2696. Tristeldermot, Tristerdermot, Tristedermot [Castle Dermot], 355, 2971, 2987. , church of, 355. , fair at, 1394, 2971. , Franciscan friars of, the K.'s gift to them of 15 marks, 2878. Tristelaveran, Minister, 2607 bis. Tristelmochan, 2485. Trithweth, cantred of, 590, 1719. Troite, Robert, 27. Troyn, William, 529, 822. , his son, 529. Trubleville, Ralph de, 407, 1372, 1471, 1508, 1509, 1534, 1536, 1538, 1565, 1611, 1633, 1649, 1749, 1757, 1789, 1790, 1791, 1825, 1828, 1842, 1865, 1873, 1899, 1907, 1987, 2038, 2072, 2124, 2150. , the land of Balimadun com- mitted to him, 1471. , , granted to him, 1508, 1509. , , issues of that land committed to him, 1534. , , the land committed to him, ib. , , 1 00s. for livery thereof exacted from him by the sheriff of Dublin, 1536. , , not to be impleaded touching it, save before the K. or his chief justice in Ireland, 1538. , , protection for him, 1565. , , Henry, his heir, 1567. , grant of the manor of Balimag- don [Ballymaduu] , ib. , , surrenders it, 1611. , , the charter regarding it to be cancelled, ib. , , not to be aggrieved regarding it, 1907, 1929. , , to be quit of 20s. damages for disseisin of, 1828. Trubleville, Ralph de — cont. , , justice to be administered to him regarding it, 1842. , , his death, 1966. , , Luke de Drumar, his brother, 407, 1791, 1825. , Henry de, nephew and heir of Ralph, the K.'s Seneschal of Gascony, 1842, 1966, 1987, 2038, 2076, 2087, 2098, 2150, 2287, 2297, 2314, 2321, 2350, 2368, 2385, 2475, 2848. , William de Lunda, nephew of Henry, 2233. , Geoffrey de, treasurer of Dublin, 2519. , William de, 3010, 3111. , , 25 marcates of rent to be as- signed to him in the manor of Balimac- don, 3010. , , that manor committed to him, 3035. , , grant of it to him for life, 3112. , , his bailiwick in that manor, 3186. Trum, See Trim. Trunquod, Walter de Lacy's castle of, 2507. Trybary, 849. Tuadmonia. See Thomond. Tuam, Catholicus Archbishop of, 38. , the Archbishop of, while an exile, to be honourably entertained by Henry Archbishop of Dublin, 481. , T. Archbishop of, 823, 825. , the Archbishop of, 1459, 1466, 1549. , province of, 1464. , not to admit to cathedral churches till royal assent granted, 1455. , Felix late Archbishop of, 2296. , , his resignation, ib. , Dean and chapter of, 2296, 3028, 3044. , , licence for them to elect, 2296. , election of Marian, Dean of Tuam, as Archbishop, 2315. M[arian], Archbishop of, 2769, 2844. , the Dean and chapter pray licence to elect in room of Marian, deceased, 3028. , Christian canon of, their proctor, 3028, 3034. , the justiciary to give licence, 3034. , Florence chancellor of, elected as Archbishop, 3044. , royal assent to his election, 3045, 3075. , Florence] Archbishop of, 3131, 3156. Tuelacnacornari, Tuelatnacornari, 50, 2447. Tuite [Thwit, Twyd, Tuit, Tut], the land of, 174. , Richard de, 134, 174, 329, 402, 525, 529, 596, 748, 884, 964, 970, 1178, 1204, 1261, 1267, 1729, 1787. 574 GENERAL INDEX Tuite, Eichard de — cont. , , his lands and heir, 525. , , fine for his land, 673. , , his castles and lands, 748. , , to be delivered to Walter de Lascy, 791. , service of Walter de Lascy's land to fortify a castle for Richard de, 884. , , his land of Kilbarroc, 964. , Richard his son and heir, 1729. , Richard Fitz Richard de, a hostage delivered to Walter de Lascy, 635. , Hugh, son of Richard de, 309. , Hugh de, 596, 666. , , his danghter, 596. , , custody of his land and heir, 666. , , fine for marriage of his eldest daughter, 673. , , for marriage of his second daughter, ib. , , his heir, fine, ib. , John de, fine, ib. , Sir Matthew de, knight of Hugh de Lascy, 623. Matthew de, 719. , Roger de, brother of Richard, 529, 673, 987, 988, 1023, 1097, 1148. , , fine for his son's liberation, 673. , William de, 529, 673. , , knight of justiciary of Ireland, 1136. , , Ralph his brother, 673. , Richard de, 2173, 2177, 2266, 2285. , , to have an annuity for his land of Athlone, 2173, 2176. , R. de, 529. , H. de, ib. " Tulachbracci [Tullybracky co. Limerick], 136. Tulachmin, ib. Tula'coch, 112. Tulak, Tulac, vill of, 2999, 3001, 3002, 3004, 3005. , castle of, 2999, 3001, 3002, 3004, 3005. Tunderleg', Alexander de, 3109, 3174. , , grant to him of lands of Alan of Lyons in Ireland, 3174. Turbern', Amon, 2903, 2959. j , custody of William Fitz Mau- rice's lands granted to him, 2903. , , grant of his chattels and corn on the lands, 2907. Turberville, Gilbert de, 1193. , Robert de, 2669. , Robert de, seneschal of Walter late Earl of Pembroke's lands, 2798, 2801. , , to deliver to the justiciary all the earl's lands and castles in Ireland, 2798. Tureville, Thureville, Toreville, Trublevill e Turville, Geoffrey or Godfrey de, 99 9 1102, 1104, 1181, 1278, 1352, 136 9 2402. , , archdeacon of Dublin and chamberlain of the Exchequer, 1574, 1599, 1610, 1611, 1612, 1613, 1711, 1712, 1714, 1717, 1723, 1745, 1852, 1863 bis, 1896, 1950 bis, 1977, 2004, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2043, 2099, 2521, 2556. , , the office of chamberlain, Dub- lin, committed to him, 1410. , assignment of 20 marks a year for his maintenance, 1417. , , grant of an annuity for his maintenance on the K.'s service at Dublin, 1601. , , presented to church of Dun- garvan, 1574. , , to audit the account of Henry Archbishop of Dublin, 1607. , , clerk of Archbishop of Dublin, 848, 1070, 1072. , , to be compensated for land lost by fotification of castle of Dublin, 848. , , the K.'s messenger to Ireland, 1116. , , gift to him of the church of Culrad, 1369. , , of moiety of church of Antram [Antrim], 1369. , , William, his chaplain, 1853. , , to deliver the office of chamber- lain to Peter de Rivall, 1981. ( , , deputy of chancellor of Ireland, 1988, 2116. , , to be admitted to the justiciary's councils, 2044. , , to be admitted to chancery of Ireland, 2116. , , Treasurer of the Exchequer, Dublin, 2122, 2125, 2126, 2156, 2158, 2159, 2160, 2161,2162 bis, 2188, 2213, 2254 bis, 2266, 2274, 2275, 2277, 2299, 2322, 2336, 2337, 2338, 2342, 2343, 2344, 2362, 2394, 2398, 2403, 2404, 2409, 2415, 2438,2442, 2457 bis, 2458, 2470, 2488, 2506, 2511, 2521, 2522, 2535, 2556, 2561, 2568, 2579, 2586, 2587, 2593, 2594, 2598, 2599, 2604, 2612, 2618, 2619, 2623, 2629, 2630, 2632, 2633, 2634, 2637, 2638, 2667, 2670, 2688, 2691, 2705, 2711, 2714, 2728, 2752, 2773, 2784, 2824, 2831, 2836, 3000, 3011, 3198. , , the lands of Obrun committed to him, 2335. , , demesnes leased by him, 2336. , , the demesnes held by Mac Chiteroc, an Irishman, near Waterford, to be delivered to him, ib. , , to inquire regarding Walter the Emperor's clerk, 2340. , , to have seisin of the K.'s wood of Garfloun, 2409. GENERAL INDEX. 575 Tureville, Geoffrey de — conU , , to deliver Irish treasure to merchants, 2438. , , Richard, his chaplain, 2535. , , to deliver to the justiciary all the K.'s Irish treasure, 2562. , , to receive the Queen's gold out of Irish fines, 2577. , , the K. thanks him for his ser- vice, and commands him to cause glass windows for the castle chapel to be made, and the work on the hall to be finished, 2581. , , to pay 500 marks of the K.'s gift in aid of a chapel at the new Temple, London, 2610. , , to cause the work on the hall of the castle of Dublin to be stopped, 2656. , , to send money to the K. in England, ib. , , quit-claim to him of all receipts and expenditure of Irish treasure, 2703, 3071. , , to send all t e money he can to the K., 2718. , See Ossory, Geoffrey, Bishop of. , George de, 2404. , Robert, his brother, ib. Turnham, Robert de, 124, 127. Turon, Stephen de, 34. Turri, Stephen de, balister, 1594. Turteri [Ui-Tuirtre, co. Antrim], 2716. Tusculum [Frascati], Bishop of, and Lord Legate. See Nicholas Bishop of Tus- culum. Tut, R., 2716. Twerth', 565. Twescart, 565. Tybesop, Simon de, 2507. Tybract', manor of, 2422 bis. Tyet, messenger of Bishop of Norwich, 396. Tygi, 2399 his. Typerdely, 2462. Typermesan, castle of, 719. Tyrel, Tirel, Tirol, Henry, 88, 90, 2970. , , to have all the liberties of his serjeantry, 561. , Richard, 153, 196, 294, 345,515, 681, 844, 874, 1001, 1046, 1047, 1139. , , his son and hostage, 1139. , Walter, 328. , , his nephew, ib. , Simon, ib. , Hugh, 1103, 1253, 1778, 1950, 2285. , will give up his castle of Cnoc for the defence of Ireland, 1253. , to remain in Ireland, 1778. , , grant to him of a fair at his manor of Newtown-Fartullagh, 1951. ., Hugh, seneschal of Ulster, 2779. , , to maintain the castle of Car- rie kfergus, ib. Tyrel, Hugh— cont. , , to deliver the castle of Dro- gheda to the justiciary, 2792. , , Roger, bailiff of King John, 1621. , Richard, his brother and heir, ib. , Ralph, 1693, 1694, 1696, 1958, 1962, 1963, 2128. , , custody of castles of Richard Earl of Pembroke in Ireland committed to him, 2128. , Walter merchant of Kilkenny, 2324. , , wine purchased of him by the K., 2324. , Henry, 2892. , , his land and heir, ib. Tyringlas, stonehouse called, 2427. Tyrmany [Hy-Many], 2006. Tyryaglas, land of, 913. Tyrnabroys. See Thirneborhys. Tywe, John de, 1272, 1318, 1355, 1496. , , grant to him of land in Risse, 1318. , , to have seisin of his land, 1496. , Hugh de, 1272, 1674, 2961. , , his lands in Ireland to be re- stored to him, 2961. u. Ubride, 2416. Ubrim, Obrun, 1184, 1195. Uffeld, Donald, 223. Uggare, vill of, 1123. Uggressy, mill of, 355. Uhachath, fee of, in the port of Lismore, 1147. Ulecote, Philip de, 419, 464, 472, 483, 486, 528, 548. Ulhala, Roger de, 10. Ulster [Ultonia, Hulton], 240, 259, 428, 550, 660, 700, 820, 831, 871, 1048, 1200, 1203, 1263, 1297, 1371, 1372, 1448, 2925, 3163. , the K.'s bailiffs of, 2925. , the barons of, 225. , grant of the land of, to Hugh de Lascy, 260, 263. , province of, 427. , knights of, ib. , men of, ib. , Roger Pipard, seneschal of, 538, 564, 565, 566, 611, 1167. , bailiwick of, 611. , barons, knights, and free tenants of, 997. , the seneschalship of, 1124, 1158, 2779. , bailiwick of, 1140. 576 GENERAL INDEX. Ulster — cont. , , castles in, 1140, 1219. , knights and free tenants of, 1158, 1498. , constablewick of Hugh de Lascy's land of, 1505. , a knight's fee in, given to Archbishop of Dublin, 1787. , coming of the English into, 2551. , Hugh de Lascy's lands in, 2615. , county of, 2663. , to be retained in the K.'s hand, ib. t , the abbot and canons de la Deucros- sin, 2734. , mint in, 3201. Ulster, Emeline Countess of, who was the wife of Hugh de Lascy, 2663. Ul'unan, 354. Uncle, Adam, 2973. , William, ib. , Henry, 3203. Uriel, 611, 1540, 1724, 3143. , service of, 1806, 1885, 2334. Urric, Master, 406. V. Valence, France, William elect of, 2321, 2408, 2416, 2422. Valence, William de, the K.'s brother, 2900, 2928, 2929, 2930, 2973, 3140. , , Joan, his wife, sister of Walter, late Earl of Pembroke, 2900. , , to have seisin of John de Munt- chesny's lands in Ireland, ib. , , his lands to be stocked, 2905. , , the seneschal of his lands in Ireland, 2928. , , his portion of the inheritance of W [alter] , late Earl of Pembroke, 2928. , , to have out of the issues of Ireland 200 marks to deliver his land of Poitou, 2936. , , liberties for him in the co. of Wexford in right of his wife, 2983. , , all his lands in Ireland to be taken into the K.'s hand, 3020. , , money for him of the K.'s gift to stock his land in Ireland, 3097, 3098, 3178, 3180. , , pardon to him and his wife of their portion of 400/. a year due for dower to Alienor, the K.'s sister, 3165. , , pardon to him for 20/., 3181. , , Richard de Brackel' [Brack- ley], his seneschal in Ireland, ib. , Sir William de, Earl of Pembroke, 3199, 3204. Valoignes, Valeines, Alan de, 78. Valoignes — cont. > Hamo de, 91, 92, 120, 129, 132, 137, 362, 529, 641, 1787, 2352. , , his lands and castles in Ireland, 362, 529, 2647. , , his heir, 362. , , Hamo, his son and heir, 529, 592, 593. , , his father's lands in Irelaud, 592, 593. , Hamo de, formerly justiciary of Ire- land, 87, 93, 94, 96, 97, 99, 100, 104, 301, 335, 359. , , Irish account of, 150. Valle Salutis, de [Baltinglass], protection for Abbot and monks of, 908. , Abbot of, 1533, 3127. Vallibus, Robert de, 1193, 1246, 1385, 1468. , , to deliver castles to Walter de Lascy, 1385. , John de, 1750. , William de, 2949, 3132. , , Alienor, his wife, 2949. Vaudey [de valle Dei], monks of, Scotland, 982. Vavasor, Vavasur, Robert le, 332, 333, 336, 367, 370. , , Matilda, his daughter, who was the wife of Theobald Walter, 332, 336, 367. , William le, 71. Veel, Robert le, 2742. , , not to be made a knight, ib. Ver, Henry de, 401 bis, 403 quater., 404 ter., 406 ter., 407 bis. , Walter de, 405. , Roger, 407. Verd, Robert de, 1883. Verdun, Vered', Bertram de, 10, 32, 72, 81 bis, 82. , Bertram de, seneschal, 1788. , Nicholas de, 185, 251, 255, 267, 283, 307, 448, 624 bis, 727,. 790, 866, 873, 947, 996, 1013, 1210, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1374, 1386, 1402, 1467, 1542, 1568, 1581, 1623, 1676, 1690, 1718, 1821, 1829, 1830, 1883, 1889, 1902, 1935, 2024. , , Bertram, his father, 185, 251. , , his land in Ireland, 267, 1210. , , his passage to Poitou, 267. , , bounds of his lands in Dun dalk, 1013. , , grant to him of a market at his manor of Clunmore [Clonmore], 1387. , , , of a fair at his manor of Dundalk, ib. , , custody of Stephen de Say's land, 1398. , , scutage exacted from him, 1581. , , Bertram and William Eitz Henry de Wotton, his hostages, 624. , , retained on the K.'s service,! 690 GENERAL INDEX. 577 Verdun, Nicholas de— cont. , , respited regarding the fortifi- cation of his land, 1690. , , all plaints and pleas against him to he respited, 1718, 1821. , , grant of a fair and market, and of free warren, 1829. , , grant of a market and free warren, 1830. , , his executors, 1935. , , Rohesia, his daughter, 1923, 2024, 2029, 2276, 2334, 2446 bis. , , , fortifies a castle against the Irish, 2334. , , , to have the service of Meath and Uriel for this purpose, ib'. , , , the manor of Louth to be let to her, 2544. , , , respite regarding the settling of her land, 2567, 2588. , Rohesia de, deceased, 2864, 2868. , her lands and tenements, 2864, 2874. , , her executors, 2868. , , John, her son and heir, 2662, 2874. , , , Margaret, his wife, 2662. , , , their portion of the lands of Walter de Lascy, grandfather of Margaret, to he assigned to them, 2699. , , , to have one-third of 50 marks which Walter was wont to re- ceive, 3060. , , protection for John in Ireland, 3148. , Milo de, 2030. , Robert de, ib. Verly, Geoffrey de, 2540. Verneuil, Vernoil, Henry de, 1036, 1079, 1109. Vernon, Vernun, Drwe de, 403." , Drogo de, 409. , Eborard de, 405. Vescy, Eustace de, 403, 406. , William de, 69, 1827, 2949, 3066, 3080. , , Eustace, his father, 1827. , , Agnes, his wife, 2949,3066,3080. , their portion of the Earl of Pem- broke's lands in Ireland, 2949, 2951, 3066, 3080. Vilers, William de, 2526. Villagers [wikini], in Ireland, 429. Vincent, Brother, Cistercian monk, 1170. Vinea, Peter de, envoy of the Emperor of the Romans, 2251. Vineter, Peter le, 2993. Vipont, Robert de, 259, 262, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 347, 348, 354, 355. , John de, 2321. Viteworthe [Whitworth], Henry de, 3203. Vivo, a Jew, 49, 51. 1. Vivon, Hugh de, 1735, 2321, 2570, 2573, 2771, 2920. , Hugh de constable of Bristol, 2404. Voto, Abbot of St. Mary de, France, 2263. , protection in Ireland for him, ib. w. W[ ], Brother canon of St. Thomas, Dublin, 189. , Brother, of St. John's Hospital, Water- ford, 220. , treasurer, England, 258, 432. and R [ ] , chamberlains, England, 258, 278. , seneschal, 407. Wace, William, late dean, Bishop elect of Waterford, 1094, 1095. , late Bishop of, 1545. Walensis, Richard, 407. , Philip, 1555. , William, 1852, 1946, 1947, 2165. , Henry, 2418. , his land, ib. , Kencwrec, 2487. Waleram, 19. Waleran, Robert, 3174. Walerand, Richard, 2382, 2392. Wales, 392, 409, 451, 1694, 2073, 2084, 2085, 2108, 2120, 2151, 2175, 2321, 2777, 2783, 2808, 2827. , marches of, 69, 2724. , pilots and masters of vessels of, 479. and Ireland, armies of, 488. , prest of, 1873, 1916. Wallerand, Robert, 3106, 3108, 3137. Walleys, Waleis, Righerid le, 1059. , Kenewreth, his brother, ib. , Rotheric le, 1198. , Kenewrek, his brother, ib. , Nicholas le, 1315. , Walter le, 1767. t Roger le, to be admitted as Master of Templars in Ireland, 2264. Wallingford, England, honour of, 1332,2643. Waloch, church of St., 1488. Walter, Theobald, 109, 194, 248, 280, 288, 292, 332, 333, 336 bis, 367, 370, 514, 516. , , his free tenements in Ireland, 332, 336. , Matilda, who was his wife, 332, 333, 336, 367, 370. , , her dower, 332, 333, 336. , , his free tenements in Ireland and England, 367, 370. O O 578 GENERAL INDEX. Walter, Theobald— con t. , , his heir, 906. , '. , seisin for him, 995. , , Theobald, his father, 995. , father of Theobald Pincerna, 1043. , Theobald, 995, 1154/1171, 1220, 1379, 1443 ter. , , protection for him, 1379. , , cannot part with the custody of castles, 1443. , , commanded to deliver the castle of Roscrea, 1446. Walter or Fitz Walter, Theobald, deceased, 1787, 1845, 1847, 1849. , dower for Rohesia, who was his wife, 1845. , , his lands and heirs, 1847, 1849. , the clerk, 1556. , Brother. 2670. , executor of Hubert, late Earl of Kent, 2670. Walter, the Emperor's clerk, 2340. , inquiry regarding the cause of his going to Ireland, ib. Waltham, England, 2649. , the soke of, 2740. , Henry de, 29. , Simon de, 272. Wardon, Elias de, 2333. , John, his brother, ib. , Alexander, his brother, ib. Wardrobe, the K.'s, 1783, 1823, 2404, 2876, 2884, 2966, 2994, 3211. chamber, the, 2019. Warenne, Warrenne, Reginald de, 14, 36. , Earl Hamelin de, 50. , William Earl de, 382, 454, 834, 1372, 1569, 2134, 2197, 2199, 2269. , , his charter, 1373. War [ ? WareDne], W. Earl de, 2471. , the Earl de, 407, 409 bis. , , his knights, 406, 409. , the Countess de, one of the heirs of Walter, late Earl of Pembroke, 2889. , , to enjoy the liberties in her Irish lands, which he enjoyed, ib. , Matilda, late Countess de, 2927. , , her lands in Ireland, 2927,2943. , Roger le Bigod, Earl of Norfolk, her son and heir, 2943. Warham, William de, 3117. , , held prebend in church of Emly, 3117. Warin, of London, 114, 116. Warin, of Ireland, 155. Warr, Peter la, 829. Warwick, England, vill of, 19, 32. , John de Plessetis, Earl of, 2877, 2881, 2948, 3108. Warwick and Leicester, England, 10, 31, 72, 251, 283, 307, 1230. , Sheriff of, 1923. Waspail, Waspaill, Roger, 246, 448, 949, 1001, 1158, 1165, 1167, 1272, 1392, 1402, 3164. , Margaret, his wife, 246, 1392. , , her inheritance, 1392. , grant to him of seneschalship of Ulster, 1158. , , seneschal of Ulster, 1167. , , grant to him of free warren in his lands in the co. of Limerick, 3164. , Henry, protection for him, 1311. Waterford, city of, 28, 190, 401, 576 bis, 584, 661, 763, 890, 892, 912, 997, 1032, 1046, 1163, 1203, 1319, 1337, 1443, 1488 ter., 1725, 2336. vill near, called of St. Barri, 85. , small marsh near, ib. , mills in, 85, 1488. , fair at, 226. , prisage of wines in, 576. , custody of castle of, 584. , , no injury to come to city of, by shipping touching at Ross, 646. , space between river and wall in, to be given away, 763. vill of, reduced to want by vessels not unlading there, 968. , toll and customs there, 1046. , tenement near, 1324. , house in, 1425. , Caldebec, land without walls of, 1615. , assizes at, 1615. , no tenant of the K. in the city of, to transfer himself to land of Templars or Hospitallers, 1910. , Guildhall of, 1958. , provost of, ib. , Hospitallers in, ib. , Templars in, 1958, 2658. , mills erected to their damage there to be prostrated, 2658. t Ostmen of, protection for them, 2198. , prorogation of the term for taking customs in, 2355. two of the K.'s galleys to be delivered to seamen of, to trade with, 2691. ^, Franciscans of, 2776. , union between hospital of St. John at, and convent of St. Peter, Bath, 220. , friars and sisters of, 173. , hospital of, 219, 250. , friars of, 219. f Prior and canons of St. Katherine of, 338. , port of, 725, 912, 968, 2361. , ships freely to ply from, on paying customs, 725. , ships from Ireland and foreign lands to ply to, 1552. , ships to proceed thither, and not to touch at Ross, 2361. , the citizens of, 350, 580, 1573, 1910. GENERAL INDEX. 579 Waterford, citizens of — cont. , , fine for a charter of liberties, 580. , , grant to them of customs, 1163. , , grant to them of liberties and franchises, 1958. , , to have their city in fee-farm, and their liberties, 1961. , , supplicate the K. for customs to inclose their city, 2031. , , grant to them accordingly, 2133, 2613. , , propose to construct an edifice for the Dominicans, 2249. , , to attend to inclosing their city, 2336. , the men of, their complaint, 968. , ,not to be burdened with prisage, 968. , the men of, 1049, 1185, 1404. , , protection for their ships, 1404. , , grant to them of city of Water- ford, to hold in fee-farm, and of liber- ties and acquittances, 1960. , , to cause two galleys to be equipped, 2532. , , to be allowed what they advance for the K.'s expedition to Scotland, 2679. , , to purchase wheat for the ex- pedition, and retain ships, 2687. , , to send provisions to the K., 2768. , the county of, 571, 576, 580, 1060, 1462, 1502. , , inquisition as to purprestures in, 571. , , the K.'s demesne lands in, 571. , custody of, 576, 584, 1060, 1502. , , of castles in, 576, 584. , , escheats in, 576, 584. Waterford, Robert Bishop of, 124. , the clergy of, 233. , people of see of, ib. , David elect of, 237, 240 bis, 241. , , Bishop of, 273, 338 339, 340, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348. , the Bishop or bishopric of, 184, 233, 851, 1078, 1094, 1519, 1547. , , the bishop of, to have seisin of his vills and castles, 851. , Robert Bishop of, 852, 858, 878, 885, 886, 948, 991. , knights and free tenants of see of, 885. , Henry Archdeacon of, 1009. , William, Dean and canons of, 1078. , Thomas canon of, ib. , Roger, vice-archdeacon of, ib. , William Wace late dean of, elected as Bishop, 1094. , Dean and chapter of, 1251, 1254. Waterford — cont. , Walter chaplain of, 1251. , licence to elect an Englishman, 1251, 1254. , William Wace, late Bishop of, 1545. , the Dean and chapter of, ib. , licence to them to elect a Bishop, ib. , Thomas canon of, 1547. , Roger vice-archdeacon of, ib. , empowered to elect a Bishop, ib. W [alter] Bishop of, 1583, 1615, 1882. , , royal assent to his election, 1547, 1548. , , mandate for seisin on his render- ing fealty, 1547. , , protection for him, 1583. , seisin of the land of Caldebec, with- out, 1615. , , licence for Dean and chapter to elect, 1997. , , royal assent to election as bishop of Stephen late Prior of St. John's, 1996. , to cause the feast of Edward the Confessor to be observed, 2726. , Henry Archdeacon of, 3038. , , royal assent to his election as Bishop of, ib. , , licence for Dean and chapter to elect, 3172. , William canon of, ib. , and Limerick, chapters of, 1337. , , union of sees of, ib. and Lismore, union of sees of, 1616. Watevill, Hugh de, wife of, fine, 673. Watlington, England, manor of, 1332, .1359, 1489. , , let to Henry Archbishop of Dublin, 1359. Waueran, 833. Wauncy, Ralph de, 2877, 3164. Welaund, William de, 3015, 3016. Welbeck, England, Abbot of, 1805. , , respite for prest of Ireland, ib. Weldebof, Robert, taken at Carrickfergus, 522. Welles, fair at vill of, 2877. Welles, Robert de, 28. , Joscelin de, elect of Bath, 272, 294. Welleslegh, Welesley, Walleslegh, Waleram, or Walerand de, 1444, 2453, 2556, 2623, 3049. , to audit the justiciary's account, 2556. , justice in eyre at Cork, 2608. , justice in eyre, Ireland, 2894. Welsh coast, mariners of the, 374. Wengham, H. de, the K.'s escheator, 3100. Wenneval, William de, 1787, 1788. Werlegh, Hugh de, 2916. , , Hawise, his wife, ib. 580 GENERAL INDEX. Werston, Kobert de, 2446. Weston, Gilbert de, 625. , his land in the honor of* Lober, ib. Weston, Robert de, 2455. Wethemcire, manor, Munster, 2607. Wetheney [Abbington], the Abbot of, 3008. , to be discharged from payment of rent for the land of Meyfern', ib. Wevenall', William de, 407. Wexford, herrings at, 34. , burgesses of, 39 bis. , mills in, 85, 1488. , the constable of, 1872. , the county of, 1061, 3204. Wheland, William de, 2946. White, Alexander, 3151. Whithay, Robert, 2345. Whitland, Cisterican monks of, England, 242. Wiacremoy, 1787. Wich, John de, 2970. Wicklow (Wykinglo, Wykingelou), 273, 1757. , burgages of monks, at, 127. , cantred of, 2169. Wido, the clerk, 60. , Wallensis, 2. Wienevall, William de, dapifer, 2483. Wigorn. See Worcester. Wilde, Richard, 3203. Wildemershe, Richard de, 2589. Wilekin, messenger of Geoffrey LuterelF, 431. William, the clerk, 188. , , the tailor, 400. , Reginald, merchant, 712. son of Florent, of St. Omer, 850. , Brother, Cistercian monk, 1585. , , protection for him in Ireland, ib. , precentor of Kildare, 1994. Wilton, Richard de, 35. , William de, 2818. Wilts, England, 35, 493. Wimar, the chaplain, 1. Winceleys, William de, 2526. Winchelsea, England, 731. Winchester, England, 19, 29, 34, 39 ter., 375, 400, 2477, 3124. , Robert of, 116. , Saier, Earl of, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 348, 353, 354, 355, 356, 403, 407, 408, 428, 443, 556. , the Earl of, 406, 409, 2380. , Roger de Quincy, Earl of, 2424, 2573, 2771, 2937. , licence to him to freight two ships with wine in Ireland, 2937. , the see of, 29. , Peter Bishop of, 291, 381, 428, 430, 440, 463, 473, 475, 503, 621, 653, 725, 949, 1372, 1518, 1955, 1962, 1969, 2033, 2034. Winchester — cant. , the Bishop of, 457, 660, 680, 858, 878, 1034. , the knights of Bishop of, 403, 404. , Aymer, Bishop elect of, 3124. , Pierre and William, formerly Bishops of, 3124. Windsor, England, 309, 409, 446. , , the constable of, 1774. , , keepers of the K.'s works at, 3086. Wingeham, Wyngham, Henry de 2750, 2751. , , to confer with the Justiciary on the K.'s affairs, 2751. Wintelmolman, 354. Winterburn, John de, clerk, 401. , , taken at Carrickfergus, 528. Winton, Reginald de, 28. , Peter de, canon of St. Patrick's Dublin, 1761. , , protection for him, ib. Withil, Walerand de, 2886. , , grant to him of 25 marks, which he was wont to receive when in the office of justice, 2886. Wool, Irish, 1875. Woolwich, England, 241. Worcester, or Wigorn, England, 11, 20, 34, 723, 2084. , , the sheriff of, 2041. , , regal obsequies at Mary's church of, 723. , , the K.'s army at, 1120. , Philip of, 122, 169, 377, 379, 385, 577, 578, 579, 589, 590, 601, 613, 838, 896, 921, 1156. , , grant to him of 5 cantreds, 601. , , fine for seisin thereof, 670. , , William of. 614, 1145, 1222, 1268, 1402, 1427, 1643, 1832, 2230, 2476, 2668. , , grant of land to him, 1 125. , , respite for a debt of 200 marks, 1427. , , Philip, his uncle, 1125, 1268, 2230. , , to be summoned before the K.'s court to show by what warrant he holds lands, 2476. , , Ralph, his son and heir, 2668. , the K. takes homage for his lands in Ireland, 2668. , , William Bishop of, 652, 653, 1015. , , Benedict Bishop of, 1180. , the Bishop of, 1027, 2049. Wormingford, the keeper of honor of, 1959. Wrathelagh, 3209. Writs, the K.'s, 382. Writs of course, Ireland, changes regarding, 2379. GENERAL INDEX. 581 Wrokeshull, Wroxhill, Henry de, 3095. , , amount paid to him out of old money from Ireland, 3095. Wrotham, William de, 451. , , Archdeacon of Taunton, 527. , Eichard de, 2059. Wudeton, Wuditon, Robert de, 1467, 1556. , Richard de, 1556,2029. , John de, 2446. Wuh'trah. See Karebry. Wuldebuf, Weldebuef, Robert de, 699, 708. , , his land of Hedeskel, or Ede- reskeF, 699, 708. , , Robert, his servant, 699. Wuleward, Geoffrey de, 2815, 2824, 2892, 2893. , , to have a benefice of 100 marks, 2824. , to have 60 marks at Dublin Exche- quer, ib. , , the justiciary to commit the K.'s Irish seal to him, ib. , , custody of the Chancery of Ireland, ib. , , grant to him of money for exe- cuting the office, 2893. Wulvricheford, 907. Wuonbristi, 127. Wutton, Henry de, 2446. Wylekin, the castle of, 2908. Wyliton, Ralph de, 1421. , , the forest of his bailiwick, ib. Wylylee, Wylelee, Waleram de, justice in eyre, Ireland, 2837, 2964. Wysenach, 1904. Wyton, Robert de, 2480. Wyvon, Hugh de, 2948. Wlgareston [Ulverstone], England, 652. Y. Ybhartigiliban, 175. Ydoonmall, 649. Ynchean', 175. Yngeleis, William, carpenter, 425. Yoghenacht Lokhelen, 124. Yohyll [Youghal], manor of, 2182. Yonach, 2680. Yonaichcassel', Jonaichcassel', cantred, Mun- ster, 601, 613. York, England, 25, 27> 367, 370, 417, 423, 524, 1835, 1919. , , Sheriff of, 678, 2052. , , yffl of, 940. , , see of, 71. , Geoffrey Archbishop of, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 103, 104. , Walter Archbishop of, 2408, 2483, 2552, 2576, 2586, 2647, 2649. , Laurence, formerly archdeacon of, 2961. , the K.'s justices in eyre at, 2961. z. Zuche, Zuch, Roger de la, 1680. , Eudo la, 3189. , Alan la, justiciary of Chester, 3078, 3207. LIST OP JUSTICIARIES OF IRELAND MENTIONED IN THIS VOLUME. Hamo or Hamon de Valoignes. Meyler Fitz Henry. John Grey, Bishop of Norwich. Henry Archbishop of Dublin. Geoffrey de Marisco or Mariscis. Henry Archbishop of Dublin, 2nd time. William Earl of Pembroke. Geoffrey de Marisco or Mariscis, 2nd time. Richard de Burgh. Hubert de Burgh. Maurice Fitz Gerald. John Fitz Geoffrey. ALPHABETICAL LIST OP ABBEYS AND RELIGIOUS HOUSES. Ackidmacarth. Albo Tractu, de [Tracton]. Athassel. Athlone. Baltinglass. Bangor. Beaubec, Abbey of St. Mary and St. Lawrence of. Chork [? Cork], Priory of St. John the Evangelist of. Conall. Cummor. Deucross, abbot and canons de la, see Ulster. Dublin, Priory of the Hospital of. Dunbrothy [Dunbrody], Abbey of. Dundreinan. Fertakerach. Ghinewadam, Grange of Dunbrody. Glendalough. Hogges, Abbey of, near Dublin. Holy Cross of Hosterlan'. Holy Trinity, Dublin [Christchurch]. Jeripunt [Jerpoint], abbot and monks of. Jugo Dei, de [of God's yoke, Gray Abbey]. Kathir [Cahir]. Kilcleeheen, Abbey of St. Mary of. Kilfeacle [Kilfekel]. Kilmainham [Hospitallers]. Knights Hospitallers. Knights Templars. Magio, Blessed Mary de [Monasterne- nagh, or Maigue]. Mellifont. Membile. Muckamore. St. Brandan de Monte. St. George, Dublin. St. John, Hospital of, Waterford. St. John of Down. } St. Katherine of Waterford. St. Mary, Abbey of port of [Dun- brody]. St. Mary les Dames, of Dublin. St. Mary, near Dublin. St. Mary of Carrickfergus. St. Mary of Drogheda. St. Mary of Ferns. St. Mary of Grane. St. Mary of Vale of Crokeden. St. Mary, White Monks of. St. Patrick's of Down. St. Patrick, Priory of Isle of [Holm- patrick]. St. Saviour of Rendeuan or Rendenan. St. Thomas the Martyr, Dublin. Surreyo, de [Ynis Lughenught or Inis Lounagh, co. Tip], Thoslan'. Valle Salutis, de [Baltinglass]. Wetheney [Abbington]. GLOSSARY. Aid [Auxilium] ; a subsidy, or presta- tion due by a tenant to his lord. Aid of, or in Court, praying ; a pe- tition to call in help from another that hath interest in the cause. Ardores; [smelters]. Areste, cloth del ; [? of Arras]. Assart ; an offence against the forest laws by pulling up by the roots the woods that are cover for deer. Assise [Assisa] ; this word had va- rious significations in ancient re- cords : — (1) a jury; (2) a writ; (3) an ordinance ; (4) a court. Astrarius ; a tenant. [Luard's An- nates Monastici.] Attractus ; the power which the lord of a fee had of retaining men of another lordship, so that they could not be redemanded by their own lords. [Ducange.] Balisters ; cross-bow men. Battel, wager of ; trial by combat. Besants or Bezants ; these were ori- ginally gold coins struck at By- zantium by the Greek Emperors, of the value apparently of 25s. The white or silver bezant was worth 2s. in value. In the time of King John, however, we read of bezants valued at only Is. 9c?. See Madox, Hist. Excheq., II. p. 261. [Riley, Glossary to Liber Custumarum.~\ Betagii, Betaches ; laymen using glebe lands. [Cowel.] [Breteill', the same perhaps as] Brid- thol or Brudthol ; bridge toll, a toll exacted for passing over or under bridges, at a later period known as " pontage." [Riley, Glossary to Liber Custumarum.~] Burel ; a coarse grey or reddish wool- len cloth, formerly extensively manu- factured in Normandy, and still known in France as " bureau." [Ri- ley, Glossary to Liber Custumarnm.~] Cantred, a, in Ireland or Wales is what is called in England a hundred, supposed to contain a hundred vil- lages. Capite, tenure in; was to hold im- mediately of the King, the head of the Commonwealth. This with other ancient tenures was abolished by Stat. 12 Car. II. c. 24. Carriage [Carriagium] ; the liability of a vassal to supply cartage for his superior lord. [Riley, Glossary to Liber Custumarum7\ Carucate, or carve of land ; a plough land, declared in 19 Edw. II. to be 100 acres. So much land as may be tilled in a year and a day by one plough. Cog ; a sort of vessel or ship. Corody; a right of sustenance, or to receive certain allotments of victual and provision for one's maintenance. [Blackstone.] Crannock; an old measure of corn used in Ireland. Croci^e ; the croziers or pastoral staffs which bishops and abbots carried as the ensign of their office. Hence the word " crocium " and