Back of Foldout Not Imaged THE MARBLE-WORKERS' MANUAL. DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF MARBLE-WORKERS, BUILDERS, AND OWNERS OF HOUSES. eONTAINlNa PRACTI3AIi INFORMATION RESPECTING MARBLES If general; THEIR CUTTING, WORKING, AND POLISHING; VENEERING OP MARBLE ; PAINTING UPON AND COLOR- ING OP MARBLE ; mosaics; COMPOSITION and use OP ARTIPIOIAL MARBLE, STUCCOS, CEMENTS: RLCEIPTS, SECRETS, ETC., ETC. Translated from the French, BY M. L. BOOTH. WITH AN APPENDIX CONCERNING AMERIOAJT MARBLES : V : vji I'iWfy-;^ up K u: ! ; : '*. ; •**. HENR Y . C./VRE Y BAIRD & OC, I I ilt)*.\C'All>t«JT &! aF.ET» .' I •! I *. • 18P5. PREFACE. The art of the Marble worker may be classed among those employments possessing the most interest and va- riety. It demands of its votary the knowledge of design, that of public and private monuments, and of the natural historj' of Marbles. It demands, also, taste and patience, without which the sculptor will be a bungler, instead of an artist. The cotemporary of civilization, his hand is found in the works of every centur}'. The more greatness has belonged to nations, the more occasions had the artist to celebrate it ; and if the monuments of Greece and Rome had not been pillaged by the invasions of the barbarians, their sculptures would have borne witness to the flour- ishing state of the arts upon those two principal points of the globe. Less ambitious at present, as great fortunes are rare, the artist must emplo}'^ himself upon the ordinary wants of pri vato life ; and if a few public monuments still demand his chisel, these are but exceptional, and in large cities. This is a misfortune, yet it is not without its compensations. These large fortunes, by their infinite subdivision, have given rise to that middle class, who, on their pan, take delight in what they call conveniences, and demand of the Marble worker chimney-pieces, tables, vases, tombs, and funereal monuments, panelmgs, pavements more or less iy FREFACE. decorated with stone and Marble, and even fountains, flag and curbstones, frontings for the outside of warehouses, and counters, slabs and fixtures for interiors. In this respect the Marble workers of our times differ from those who only devoted themselves to churches and palaces. It is, therefore, important to place within the reach of skillful workmen the information and models which they need, and which are here extracted from the best authorities, in order to encourage and stimulate good taste. The Manual of the Marble worker has been long de- manded. It has also been needed by those proprietors who themselves desire to superintend works for which they do not choose to employ an architect. They will And in this manual all the information necessary to in- struct them. We have probably invented notiiing, but we have endeavored to make the most complete possible analysis of the treatises upon ancient and modern Marble working, which until now have only been found in folios so costly and bulky, that it was very difficult to consult, and almost impossible to possess them. Our little volume, on the contrary, presenting a clear and precise text, and free from all the scientific phrases which perplex the subject, will be in the possession of every person who seeks information respecting the art of Marble working. It will be understood ; it will excite comparative ideas ; it will draw forth essays ; it will at- tract attention to this art ; and our object will be gained if it restores to the atetiers of the Marble workers some of the emulation which they seem to have lost. It is divided into five parts. The first treats of Marbles in general, of their qualities beau'ies, and defects. FBEFACE. V The second treats of the use, cutting, and polishing of the different Marbles which are in commerce. The third describes the processes designed to facilitate and perfect the labor of the workman. The fourth part is devoted to plated Marbles, stuccos, mosaic paintings, and terraces — the whole being ihe prac- tical experience of the most skillful Marble workers. The fifth part comprises new processes, secrets, recipes, an essay on the manufacture of toy marbles, and various otlier matters pertaining to the art. We have also endeavored to enlighten the workmen respecting their true interests, and to warn thein against the mistaken principles which sometimes mislead them, by pointing out the right course, and inspiring in them, as well as in us, that love of truth and commercial integ- rity, without which no industrial establishment will ever gain the confidence of the public or secure honorable protits. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGK. Alabaster 17 Appendix — Concerning American Marbles 243 Artificial Marble 153 " and Stuccus 119 Atelier of the Marble worker 116 Breccias, modern 30 Cement, universal 114 Cliimuey-piece in malachite 218 Chinese Paintings, unalterable 167 Coloring of Marbles 81 Coloring of Artificial Marbles 228 Crab, the 84 Crane, the 83 Defects of Marbles 32 Designs for the execution of works 215 Different varieties of Marbles 15 Figures in relief upon Marbles , 227 Granite 45 Imitations of Mai-bles 119 Imitations of Mosaics 205 Jack-screw, the 89 Jasi)er 40 VIU CONTENTS. PA«E. Lapis 16 Mastics 109 Mastics for cementing Marbles 112 Masons' Mastic for Cisterns, etc 113 Marbles in general 11 Marble, ancient method for painting 221 Marble, Artificial 153 Marble, Artificial, composition of 155 Marble, Artificial, coloring of 228 Marbles, coloring of. 31 Marbles, cleansing of 200 Marbles, cutting, working, and polishing of 50 Marbles, defects of 32 Marbles, different varieties of 15 Marbles, figures in relief upon 227 Marbles, imitations of 119 Marbles, modern 20 Marbles, machinery for raising 91 Marbles, machinery for sawing and molding 102 Marbles, machinery for sculpturing or reducing 104 Marbles, manner of working 55 Marbles, toy, manufacture of. 192 Marble working, ornamental 72 Marbles, painting upon 140 Marble, turned 229 Marble, veneering of i63 Marbles, workmanship of.. 33 Mosaics 62 Mosaics by absorption 202 Mosaics, imitations of 205 Ornamental Marble work "2 CONTENTS. ix PAGE. Porphyries 16 Porphyries and Granites 39 Pozzolana 212 Pumice stone ^ 213 Preface 3 Quartz 39 Recipes, various 201 Sculptor, the 72 Sculpture by Acids 75 Serpentine 16 Setting up of works 59 Slabs of Marble, composition of. 160 Slabs, casting of 161 Slabs, tannage of. 163 Stuccos 120 Stuccos and Artificial Marbles 119 Stuccos, moldings in 137 Stuccos, pictures in 228 Tackle, the 88 Terraces, Venetian 71 Terraces, preparation of area 173 Terraces, working of Marble for 178 Terraces, Venetian, less costly 188 Turned Marble 229 Universal Cement. 114 Veneering upon Marble 63 Veneering upon Wood and Stone 63 Vocabulary 232 Winch, the 8: Jtrst |3art. OF MAKBLES IN GENERAL. SECTION FIRST. Of THE FORMATION, QUALITIES, BEAUTIES, AND DEFECTa OF MARBLE. ^ 1. Marble, according to every analysis which has been made of it, is a calcareous stone of differ- ent degrees of hardness, of a fine grain, often colored, and always susceptible of polish. As among other calcareous stones, there are Marbles of the first, se- cond, and perhaps of the third formation. The old Marbles are not, like the new, composed of simple stony particles, reduced by the action of water into minate molecules ; they are formed, like other ancient stones, of fragments of stones still more ancient, and the most of them are mixed with shells and other marine productions. All are deposited in horizontal beds, or parallelly inclined, and differ only in colors from other calcareous stones ; for there are some stones which are almost as hard, as dense, and as fine grained as Marbles, to which, nevertheless, this name is not given, because they have no decided !2 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. color, or rather, no diversity of colors. These colors, although very deeply imprinted in certain Marbles, do not change their nature in other respects : they add nothing to their hardness or density, nor do they prevent their calcination and conversion into lime b}'' the same degree of heat as with other hard stones. Stones which are of a fine grain and susceptible of polish, form a link between the common stone and Marbles ; all are of the same nature, since all effer- vesce with acids, all break in granulated fragments, and all can be reduced to lime. I say all, because I speak only here of pure Mar- bles, that is, of those composed entirely of calcareous matter, with no admixture of clay, slate, lava, or other vitreous materials ; those which are largely mixed with these heterogeneous substances are not true Marbles, but demi stones, to be separately' con- sidered. § 2. The beds of old Marble were formed, like other calcareous beds, from the deposit of the sea, small quantities of stony substances, shells, gravel, pebbles, &c., being washed together and stratified. The local establishment of most of these beds of Mar- ble of ancient formation seems to have preceded that of other beds of calcareous stones, as they are almost always found beneath such beds, and, in a hill com- posed of twenty or thirty beds of stone, there are usually but two or three, often but one, of Marble; Uiese always lie beneath the others and near the clay OF MARBLES IN GENERAL. 13 wliicb forms the base of the hill, either resting upon it. or only separated from it by another bed -which seems to be the residuum of all the others, being made up of \Iarble, pyrites, and a large quantity of sparry crys- tallizations. Thus, by their situation beneath the other beds of calcareous earth, these old Marbles have received the colors and petrifying fluids which the water always collects in its passage through the vegetable earth and the beds of stone which intervene between this and the Marble beds. These first formations of Marble distinguished by several characteristics. Some bear the prints of finely marked shells; others, as the Lumachclla, or fire-marble, seem composed of small snail-shaped shells; others contain belemnites, (I) fragments of madrepores, (2) &c. These Marbles bearing the imprints of shells are less common than the Breccias, which contain fsw marine products, but are made up of pebbles and rounded flints, joined with a stony cement, forming angular fragments when bro- ken, whence this name. (3.) ^ 3. These Marbles of the first formation may be divided into two classes, the first comprising those 1. Belemnites — organic remains of extinct fossil bodies, with a straight, tapesing shell. 2. Madrepores. Fossil-coral of the class of Zoophytes, consisting of carbonate of lime with a slight mixture of membraneous animal .substance. 3. Breccia. From the French term "Breche," signifying notched or angular. 14 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. called Breccias, and the second, the Shell-marbles Both contain veins of spar, yet they are more fre- quent and more apparent in the shell-marbles, thai, in the Breccias. What the artisans call '■'■flaws'''' in blocks of calcareous earth, are also small veins of spar, and the stone often breaks in the direction of these flaws while working it with the mallet; yet sometimes this spar acquires so much solidity, especially when mixed with combinations of iron, as to offer as much resistance as the other material. § 4. The analysis of the substance of White Mar- ble, and the sparry grains wliich are perceived on breaking it, seem to demonstrate that it was formed by the distillation of water. It is also worthy of no- tice that, when worked, it yields equally to the mallet in every direction, whether cut horizontally or upright, while Marbles of the first formation can be worked horizontally with greater ease than in any other man- ner. These colors can be easily perceived in the quarries, or on the rough blocks. Their immersion in water draws out the colors, and gives them for the moment, as much lustre as the highest polish. § 5. There are but few Marbles, of much bulk at least, which are of a single color. Some fine black and white specimens are the only ones which can be quoted, and even these are often tinged with grey or brown. All others are of various colorsj. It may, indeed, be said that every shade of color is visible ir Marbles. We have red with its various shades, orange OF MARBLES IN GENERAL. J5 yellow and yellowish, green and greenish, blues, more or less decided, and violet. These last two colors are the most rare, yet they are seen in the Violet Breccia^ and in the Bleuturquin, a Marble obtained from Genoa and several other quarries, and particularly suited to furniture and chimney pieces. From the mingling of these colors result an infinitude of shades in the grey, dove, whitish, brown, and blackish Mar- bles. ^ 6. The natural brilliancy and intensity of the colors of Marble can be increased by art. For this end it is only necessary to heat them. The red will become more vivid, and the yellow will change into an orange or vermilion. The heat necessary to work this change is acquired by polishing them till hot, and the shades of color brought out in this simple man- ner are permanent, and remain unchanged by cold or time; they are durable because deeply imprinted, and the entire mass of Marble would receive this increase of colors by an intense heat. ^ 7. The ground, which is generally of a uniform col- or, should !:>e distinguished from those parts which are stained or veined, often with diflFerent colors ; these veins traverse the bottom, and are rarely intersected by others, they being of a later formation than the bottom, and only filling crevices caused by the waste of the first material. In the same manner, the stains are rarely traversed by other stains unless by a few threads of herborizaiions of a still later formation, 16 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. and it should be remarked that these stains termi- nate irregularly, with broken edges, while the veins are neither indented or broken, and are usually dis tinctly marked through their course. It often happens that portions differe-ntly colored, and diiferently marked with spots and veins, are found in the same quarries, and sometimes in the same block; yet in general, the marbles of a country resemble each other more strongly than those foreign to them. This peculiarity they have in common with other calcareous stones which are of the same texture and of different grains. ^ 8. There are some rough Marbles which are worked with difficulty, resisting the tools of the work- men, and often breaking into splinters. Some others of a softer nature crumble instead of splintering. Many others are filled with cavities ; some are tra- versed by numerous threads of a tender spar, and are called by the workmen Stringy Marbles. § 9. The Italian Marbles are very numerous, and are more celebrated than any European Marbles. That of Carrara, which is white, is taken from the coasts of Grenoa in blocks of an unlimited size. It has a crystalline grain, and is comparable in purity to the ancient Marble of Paros. The Marble of Saravezza, which is found in the same mountains as that of Carrara, is of a still finer grain ; a red and white Marble is also found there, with red and white spots distinctly marked; this Mar- OF MARBLES JN GENERAL. 17 ble resembles a Breccia, and is called Brocatello ; a blackish tint is also sometimes seen in it. Its quarry is almost as continuous as that of Carrara, and of all other white or colored crystalline Marbles found in Sienna, or in the Genoese territories ; all of these are found in large masses, in which no indication of shells is to be seen ; a few crevices are there, filled up by a crystallization of calcareous spar. No doubt all these Marbles are of second formation. The environs of Carrara also furnish two kinds of Green Marble ; one, incorrectly termed Egyptian Qreen^ is of a deep green, with white and flaxen grey spots ; the other, called Sea Green^ is of a clearer color, veined with white. h 10. The White Marble of Paros is the most re nowned of antique Marbles. The great artists of Greece employed it in those exquisite statues which we still admire, not only for the perfection of the workmanship, but also for their preservation during more than twenty centuries This Marble is found iu the isles of Paros, Naxos, and Tinos. Its grain is coarser than that of Carrara, and it is mixed with great quantity of small crystals of spar; these cause i to crumble easily while working, and it is also these which give it almost as great a degree of transpa- rency as alabaster, which it resembles in softness. §11. In Spain, as well as in Italy and Greece, there are hills, entire mountains even, of White Mar- ble. A kind is also found in the Pyrennes, on i\w 18 THE MARBLE WORKERS MANUAL. side of the Bayoune, which is similar to the Marble of Carrara, with the exception of the grain, which is coarser, and which gives it a strong resemblance to the white Parian Marble ; but it is softer than the last, and its white often takes a yellowish tinge. An- other Marble of greenish-brown, spotted with red, is also found in the same mountains. In the suburbs of Molina, a flesh-colored and white Marble is found, and about a quarter of a league from there, others, red, yellowish, and black, and grained like that of Carrara, but these quarries are quite scarce. § 12. The vasivhle ciiWed Antique Breccia seems a sort of calcareous pudding-stone, composed of large pieces distinctly rounded, some of which are white, blue and red, and others black. This variety of col- ors gives a beautiful appearance to this Marble. The Breccia of Aleppo is also composed of rounded pieces of a dove-color. The Breccia of Saravezzia presents rounded fragments of a very large size, the most of which are violet ; the others white or yellowish. All the calcareous puddingy-stones are varieties of Breccias, and no distinction would have been made between them, did they not usually difi'er in their ce- ment, which is softer, and unsusceptible of polish Only one more degree of petrifaction is needed to make them perfectly similar to the finest Breccias, as the cement of those pudding-stones composed of vit- reous flints needs but one shade of petrefaction to be converted into a material as hard as porphyry or jasper. Of ]?iffkui:nt VAUiiyriiiS of marbi^e. SECTION SECOND. DIFFER ENT VARIETIES OF MARBLE. Marble, according to most authorities, is an ex- tremely hard species of rock, bearing the name of the countr}^ in which are tlie quarries where it is obtained ; sometimes, also, of the mountains from whence it is taken ; as the Vosgean and Pyrenean Marbles. — Marble is antique or modern. The antique Marbles comprise those of which the quarries havo been exhausted, and which are only known to us through the works of the ancients. The modern Marbles aie those which we now use, and the quari ies of which are still in existence. It is generally used for casings or inlaying ; rarely in the block on account of its high price, unless for vases, statues, columns and other works of this kind. Many fine examples exist of interior and exterior decora- tion. Although the varieties of Marble are infinite, they are reduced to two species, the veined and the Brec- cian, the latter being simply a mass of small stones firmly knit together in such a manner that, when bro ken. they form angles, whence their name. 20 tii'j: marble workers' manual. OF THE ANTIQUE MARBLES. § 13. The antique Marble, the quarries of which were in Greece, and from which were the beautiful statues still existing in Italy, is absolutely unknown at present. In its stead we use that of Carrara. The Lapis is regarded as the finest of the antique Marbles. It is of a deep blue color, stained with a clearer sky blue, and intermixed with veins of gold. On account of its rarity, this was only used for inlay- ing ; several specimens of it in Mosaic may still be seen in slabs in castles. §14. Porphyry passes for the hardest of the an- tique Marbles, and, after the Lapis, one of the finest ; it was formerly brought from Numidia in Africa, for which reason it was called by the ancients the Numi dian Lapis. It is red, green, and grey. The red porphyry is very hard, of a deep red color, approach- ing wine lees, and studded with small white spots. It is very susceptible of polish. The largest specimen of it in France is the laver of king Dagobert. The finest is that of the deepest red, with the whitest and smallest spots. The green porphyry, which is much rarer, has the same hardness. It is mixed with small green spots and grey points. A few slabs and vases of it still exist. The grey porphyry is spotted with black, and is much softer. The Serpentine, thus called by the ancients from OF ALABASTER. 21 the resemblance of its color to that of the serpent, was formeriy obtained from the Egyptian quarries. This Marble possesses much of the hardness of porphyry. Its color is of a greenish brown, mixed with a few Bquare and round pale green spots and yellow veins. Its rarity caused it only to be used in Mosaic. OF ALABASTER. § 1 5. Alabaster is a species of Marble either white and transparent, or variegated with several colors, and is taken from the Alps and the Pyrenees. It is very soft when first taken from the quarry, but hardens much on exposure to the air. There are several va- rieties — the white, the variegated, the raontahuto, the violet, and the roquebrue. The white alabaster is used for vases, statues, and other objects of a medium size. The variegated is divided into three kinds : the Oriental, the Floral, and the Agate. There are two varieties of the Oriental ; the first in the form of an Agate, the second mixed with red, blue, yellow, and white veins. The Floral alabaster is of two kinds : one spotted with various colors resembling flowers, whence its name — the other, veined like the Agate cold and transparent. The Agate alabaster is similar to the Oriental, but has paler colors. The alabaster of Montahuto is very soft, yet harder than the German Agate, which it strongly resembles — The ground is brown, traversed by grey veins, some- what in the style of geographical charts. THE MARBLE WORKERS MANUAL, OF GRANITE. § 16. Granite, thus called because marked with small dots formed of several grains of condensed gravel, is very hard, and takes polish badly. It is evident that no other Marble was used by the ancients in large quantities, since most of the edifices of Rome, even to the dwellings of private citizens, were decorated with it. Doubtless this Marble was abundant, from the nu- merous shafts of columns which even now serve as boundaries in every quarter of the city. There are many varieties ; the Italian, the Egyptian, and that of Dauphiny — the green, and the violet. The Egyp- tian granite, known as the Thebalcum inarmor, and taken from the Desert of Thebaid, has a dirty white ground, mixed with small grey and greenish spots, and is almost as hard as porphyry. The granite of Dau- phiny, found on the banks of the Rhone, near the mouth of the Iser, is very ancient, as appears from some columns which are in Provence. The green granite is a kind of Serpentine, or antique green, mixed with little green and white spots; several col- umns of this kind of marble are to be seen at Rome. The violet granite, brought from the Egyptian quar- ries, is dotted with small spots of white and violet. — The most of the antique obelisks of Rome are of this Marble, such as that of Saint Peter of the Vat- OF ORANITE. 2o ican, Saint John of Latran, the People's Gate, and others. § 17. The Marble of Jasper is of a greenish color, with small red spots. There is another antique jas- per, which is black and white, with small spots. This is very rare. The green antique Marble is also very rare. Its color is a mixture of grass and dark green, with spots of different form and size. The black and white Marbles, the quarries of which are lost^ are made up of slabs of the purest white and the deepest black. The little antique Marble is of this last variety, but more covered with small veins, resembling the Bar- ban Qon Marble. §18. The Brocatello Marble was formerly found near Adrianople. Its color is a mixture of grey, red, light, yellow, and dove tints. The African Marble is spotted with reddish brown, mingled with veins of a dirty white and flesh color, with a few threads of a deep green. The black antique Marble was of two kinds ; one called marmor lucuUum, brought from Greece, was very soft. It was of this Marble that Marcus Scau- rus caused the columns, thirty-eight feet in height, with which his palace was decorated, to be sculp- tured. The yellow Marble has two varieties. One, called Sienna yellow, is of a yellowish dove color, witliout 24 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL veins, and very rare, and was only used for Mosaic work in panels ; the other, called golden, and yellow- er than the first, is that to which Pausanius gave the name of marmor croceuni, because of its saflVoii color. It was found near Macedonia. ^ 19. The Lumachella marble, thus called because it is a mixture of white, grey, and black spots, in the form of snail-shaped shells, is very rare, the qurir'-cs being lost. SECTION THIRD. OF MODERN MARBLES. ^20. The white Marble which is now taken from Carrara, near the shores of Genoa, is hard and very white, and is suitable for bas-reliefs and other works of sculpture. Blocks of any size can be obtained ; hard crystals arc also found there. That Marble of Carrara termed Virgin Marble is white, and is taken from the Pyrenees, on the side of Bayonne, It is finer grained than the last, glitters like a species of salt, and resembles the white antique Marble from which the Grecian statues were made, but is softer, not as fine, and is apt to grow yellow and to spot. This kind is used in sculpture. The modern black Marble is pure and spotless, like the antique, and is much harder. OF MODERN MARBLES. 25 The Dinan Marble, which is obtained near the city of that name, in the country of Liege, is very abun- dant, and of a pure and fine black. It is used for monuments, and especially for pavements. The Marble of Namur is also very abundant, and as black as that of Dinan, but not as perfect. It has a slight bluish tinge, and is traversed by a few grey- ish veins. In Holland a great trafl&c is made of its •.iles. The Marble of Thee, which is found in the country of Liege, is entirely black, soft, and easily worked, and is susceptible of a higher polish than those of Namur and Dinan, It is, therefore, especially suit- able for monumental use. The white-veined Marble whieh comes from Car- rara, is of a deep blue on a white ground, mixed with grey spots and small veins. This Marble is apt to spot and grow yellow ; it is used for pedestals and entablatures. The Marble of Margoire, which is brought from Milan, is very hard, and quite abundant. Its color is a blue ground, mixed with brown veins of the color of iron. A part of the dome of Milan is built of it. The black and white Marble which is taken from the abbey of LeflF, near Dinan, has a deep black ground with very white veins. The Barban^on Marble, found in the country of Hainaut, is black, veined with white and is abundant. 26 THE MARBLE WOUKERS' MANUAL. The shafts of the six composite columns of the canopjf of Vol de Grace are of this Marble. The Givet Marble is procured near Oharleinont, on the frontiers of the Luxembourg. It is black, veined with white, but more sparsely than that of Barban- out, he must take such as are ssnt to him ; and, instead oi" making his own choice in the quarry, he i? never sure of obtaining the finest, and often chances" to receive the most defective, for the simple reason that the finest blocks are often selected before thej are cut. Marble in slabs is almost always better sawed than that which is cut up in the workshops, because the tools of the large establishments are always better mounted, and better managed than those of the smaller ones ; and I call all Marble yards small ip comparison with the quarries, whatever may be theii private importance. § 63. It is not uncommon to see works in Marble yards which were not executed there ; they are sent there ready made, and even polished. It only remains to the artizans to double them, and to decorate them in the tastes of the purchasers ; and they are often spared even this trouble by the furnishers, who employ themselves in the decoration as well as the execu- tion of the most exquisite works. There is one great advantage in this ; the wholesale furnishers have greater facilities, a more extensive choice, and less expense, and if a piece breaks from a defect or acci- dent, it can be replaced by taking another from the block from which it was extracted; whereas, on tb^e 58 THE MARBLE WOllKEKs' MANUAL other hand, it would be necessary to order it at a great expense, and with an uncertainty of finding it, if the accident should happen in the Marble worker's shop. Whatever may be the article which is placed on the bench, whether console, mantel, or tablet, all are worked in the same manner; with the mallet for rough- hewing, the chisel and burin for boasting and finish- ing, the sand-stone for planishing, and the pumice-stone and cushion for polishing. § 64. Besides the tools of which we have spoken, the Marble worker has in his shop pieces of sand- stone, hone, and pumice-stone, prepared in the best manner to glaze smooth surfaces, to round and groove mouldings, to destroy marks, stains and roughness, and to prepare a brilliant polish which will draw out all the beauties of the Marble, without concealing any of its defects. When the piece is finished, and the flutings well grooved and uniform, the dust of baked clay, called rabat^ of which we have spoken before, is used. This dust should be well sifted, and rubbed over the Mar- ble, either with a piece of sandstone prepared for that purpose, or with a coarse linen cushion, which should be moistened from time to time. The workman sees the effect of his labor every mo- ment, when the marble is of a good quality ; but when otherwise, he can only obtain an imperfect pol- ish ; diflSculties occur ; soft parts drop off", mastics OF SETTING UP. 59 spring up, cracks become visible, and it is exceedingly vexatious when, after haying lost much time, and wearied several men, the Marble worker is compelled to reject the stubborn and defective piece. The more inferior the quality of the Marble, tho longer and more difficult is the labor. When it is good, the artisan soon completes his task ; he congratulates himself upon his work ; but a little time is needed to finish the work so well begun ; a few strokes of thy rabat and of pumice-stone, aud then the cushion, pow- dered with em.ery dust for the colored, and powder of tin for the white Marbles, or, which is still better substitute, as we said before, a piece of lead, by which a finer and more durable polish will be ob- tained. There are more expeditious methods which are employed in inferior workshops, but we shall say nothing of them, except that they are a discredit to the establishments which employ them. SECTION SECOND OF SETTING UP. ^ 65. The setting up of chimney-pieces, patterns, plinths, etc., is at the charge of the Marble worker, i.s well as the plaster and other materials necessary 60 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. to the consolidation of the work. This is the most delicate operation of his labor. There is little dan- ger of mistakes when he does this work himself, but it is quite a different thing when left to the care of masons. Often, through carelessness, they set up a Marble without making sure that it will not warp, that it will not crack, that it is not above or beneath the flooring, that it does or does not rest squarely upon the wall, that the table beneath will be perfectly fastened to the mortar, the mantel or the band, in such a manner that it will not unhinge. ^ 66. This precaution is particularly necessary in setting up white marbles, which are apt to sag in the middle, when they bear only on their ends. This sag- ging of perhaps the half or one-third of an inch in the course of the year, is exceedingly disagreeable and un- graceful, the clocks being no longer upright, and the vases and candelabras inclining to the side of the curva- ture. A little attention, however, will prevent all these inconveniences. There is yet another reason why the Marble worker should himself set up his mantels, his hearths, his moldings and patterns. For this work small claws are necessary to keep in place the different parts of the Marble. The mason often neglects these, and the action of fire or plaster causes a movement in the mantel or molding, which becomes so distorted as to shock the most unpracticed eye. The same thing is true respecting the setting up of OF SETTING UP. 61 plinths along the walls. This is considered of so much importance, that careful Marble workers always reserve this part of the labor to themselves, and in this they act wisely. For all this work, plaster should not be used, lest the Marble might be warped or broken by its expan- sion. ^ 67. The reasons which we have just given, ought to be sufficient to convince Marble workers how much their own interest demands the setting up of works by themselves: but a more important one still remains ; their responsibility. The proprietor, or builder, who employs a Marble worker, cares little as to what workman sets up the work, provided it is well done. When this is not the case, they are angry, and blame the Marble worker. They do not hesitate to accuse him of negligence, of incapacity, of deceit and unskill- fulness ; yet we see establishments decline, and fail even, against whom no serious charge has been made. T'he reason is obvious. As soon as the proprietor complains of the work, the Marble worker casts the blame upon the mason, and he in turn upon the Mar- ble worker, whose Marbles he declares to have been warped and defective ; and to settle the difficulty, be must appeal to the law. He prefers to be silent, to suffer the damage, but with the resolution of no longer employing one who had fulfilled his obligations so badly. This, perhaps, is somewhat rigorous, but it is the exercise of an incontestible right. 62 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. SECTION THIRD. OF MOSAIC WORK. § 68. The modern workers in Mosaic use, at present, the black Marble of Farran, of Labal, the deep black of Argueil, of Pouilly, and of St. Cyr, in the suburbs of Lyon. For blended tints, the ancient moaaists employed the Marbles of Florence, which are found near the Arno, and which, in general, are of an olive, dead-leaf color, umber and wood shades ; they also used differ- ently tinted flints, reddish violet, and brown. It must be admitted that in lapidary paintings, above all, in portraits, nothing can better render the mellowness and transparency of reflex in the shade which oil paintings give us, particularly when the bril- liancy is enhanced by the glow of the vitrified pastes. M. Belloni has profited by these resources so well in his Mosaic of the Car of Victory, that one must be forewarned, to know that it is a lapidary painting. The Mosaics of the ancients are less fine and less finished than those of the moderns, but they are dis- tinguished by a happy mixture of colors, a spirit and design which are wanting in the latter. They cut their Marbles in strips to form their cubes, and gave them the shape of dice. When prepared, they proba- bly placed each color in a compartment, separately as we now do. VENEERING UPON WOOD AND STONE. 63 The ancients, to collect their cubes, employed a mastic composed of lime, the dust of marble, and cur- dled milk or skimmed cheese, the sediment of which would form a line of the rich color given by the milk. M. Ritter, in his Collection of Swiss Antiquities, ob- serves that the cement of the cubes of an Avenchon Mosaic is composed of a paste of pulverized yellow stone and linseed oil. To this, litharge may also be added. When the mastic is very dry, rub it and polish it as usual, taking care to move the instrument or cush- ion evenly, so as not to injure the cubes, which are still soft, or the mastic, which has not yet acquired its full degree of solidity. The white Marbles, in particular, are softer than the others, and more apt to strike oflF. After a little time, warm the Mosaic a little to free it from all moisture, and then finish by rubbing the whole with a cushion of cotton or soft wool, slightly moistened with linseed oil. SECTION FOURTH. ON THE VENEERING OF MARBLE. VENEERING UPON WOOD AND STONE. § 69. The plating of silver, the veneering of costly woods upon common ones, and that of Marble upon 54 MARBLE workers' MANUAL. walls, might have naturally suggested the idea of tho veneering of Marble upon wood for pedestals of clocks, little articles of toilet furniture, or even for centre and all other ornamental tables. M. Mudesse claims to have found a certain method of effecting this object, without the obstacle which the constant warping of the wood opposes to the preserva- tion of the Marble, which is often broken by this ex- pansion. The purport of his ideas is as follows : During several years, the use of Marble upon stone has greatly increased, despite the inconvenience of the enormous weight of the articles manufactured of the plated Marble, which has also caused their transporta- tion to be very expensive. Marble workers have sought to obviate these diffi- culties as much as possiLle, for ornamental clocks in particular, by hollowing out the interior. But this method, by leaving only a slight thickness of stone, compromises the solidity of the plated articles, and exposes them to many risks in transportation. M. Mudesse has devoted much time to experiments in order to remove these obstacles, which have re- sulted in the discovery of a method by which veneer- ing upon wood may be substituted for that on stone. This new process, which is safe and solid in com- parison with the old, offers every Dossible advantage to dealers in Marble. The principal diflSculty has been in veneeriag tho VENEERING UPON WOOD AND STONE. 65 Marble firmly upon the wood without danger of its breaking. The removal of this difficulty would pro- cure the following advantages : Firstly. The lightness of the plated articles, and their consequeut facility for transportation, with the great reduction of price which would result in the di- minution of the weight. Secondly. The simplification of labor — as the wood could be easily hollowed out as much as deemed pro- per without danger of its breaking, which often hap- pens to the stone. Thirdly. The absence of the oxydation of the pieces of iron and steel composing the movement of a clock ; an oxydation which is inevitably produced by the dampness communicated to them by the stone, and which, when dry, shells off and scatters its dust in the pivots, which stops the working of the movement, and proves an incessant cause of repairs. " Thus," says M. Mudesse, " veneering upon wood is preferable, in every respect, to that on stone." M. Mudesse has also made many experiments in the plating of Marble upon different metals, but has found that none possessed the same advantages as wood, in respect to resistance, solidity, and lightness. The difficulty to be obviated was in the manner of veneering the Marble upon the wood. For this purpose, as Marble, particularly the black, would break by heating it in the usual manner, M. Mudesse places the slabs of Marble in a cauldron. 66 THE MARBLE \^ ORKERs' MANUAL. tightly closed, in which he lets them boil. He thei takes them from the cauldron, and after this prelimi- nary operation, he can, without risk, subject the Mar- ble to the heat of the fire to receive a mastic of tar. The wood having been first prepared in a similar man- ner, he presses the Marble, coated with the mastic, upon the wood, and a perfect cohesion is etfected. The mixture of glue with tar, is found an improve- ment in effecting this veneering. §70. We said above that M. Mudesse had unsuc- cessfully endeavored to plate Marble upon various metals : these possessing a smooth and polished sur- face, the substance which should fasten them to the Marble, could not incorporate itself with them inti- mately enough to join both and render them insepa- rable. To resolve this problem, it was necessary to inter- pose between the metal and the Marble a third body, which should force them to perfectly adhere; this he • effected by the use of sand paper The cases of ornamental clocks are hollow, for the movement of the pendulum and other works. This hollowing cannot be effected on stone without detri- ment to its solidity. But when wood is used, a frame is made of it, vary- ing in form to suit the taste of the artisan, and the exterior parts upon which the Marble is to be ve- neered. VENEERING UPON WOOD AND STONE. 67 The following process is that which is employ '3d in the plating of Marble upon zinc : Take a plate of zinc of about the tenth part of an inch in thickness; make a frame of this of the form of one of the parts which compose the case of the clock, or whatever other article may be wished ; upon this form glue the sand paper, leaving the rough side outermost, and upon this rough side apply the Marble, having first prepared it by heating in a water bath, and placing between the Marble and the sand paper a coating of mastic of tar. By this means, so perfect an adhesion between the Marble and the zinc is effected, that the Marble could be easier broken than removed. The application of Marble upon zinc can also bs ef- fected by grooving the metal in every direction with strokes of the file, but this plating is imperfect : the sand paper produces the best results. In case of need, coarse emery paper produces equal- ly as good effects. The cohesion of the Marble upon the metal by the interposition of powdered glass or emery by means of glue, is not as perfect; the paper adheres better to the metal. The inventor has given the preference to zinc over other metals, because it possesses both resistance and cheapness, and causes no other expense in the manu- facture than that of cutting up to form the model. Tin possesses neither the same resistance or the game cheapness ; sheet iron is dearer ; cast iron is too 68 THE MARBLE WORKERs' MANUAL. heavy ; copper is expensive ; while, by the application of Marble upon zinc, clocks or other articles can be manufactured and put in market at the same price as those veneered upon wood. Taught by experience, M. Mudesse has joined to the processes of which we have spoken other means of execution, which we shall mention. We have said that, in fastening the Marble to the metallic plating, the tar which is used in the applica- tion of Marble to stone will not be suflScient; for the metallic plate and the Marble do not possess suflBcient roughness to absorb and connect themselves with the glue so closely, but that a slight shock will disjoin and separate them. It was necessary, then, to find an intermediate mor- dant to effect the solid and inseparable adhesion of Marble to metals, and to replace the sand paper effec- tually. When, in making the case of a clock for Instance, it is desirable to apply Marble to a plate of zinc or any other metal, the parts must first be heated in a water bath, or over a furnace prepared for this purpose, and then, by means of a sieve, sprinkled with one of the following mordants : Crushed glass, grains of emery of all sizes, copper filings, castings of any metal, finely rasped lead, any kind of powdered stone, such as sandstone. Marble, granite, pumice-stone, etc., even caoutchouc can be aged. VENEEraNG UPON WOOD AND STONE. 69 When the sheet of metal and that of the Marble have thus received a suflBcient mordant, they are joined with a coating of tar, which fastens together the rough- ness of these two substances, and forms a solid and inseparable whole. The inventor, believing he had attained the highest degree of perfection in the application of his methods to the plating of Marble upon wood and metals, gives this abstract in a statement given to obtain a patent, in October, 1841. " In the substitution of wood and every species of metal for stone, upon which, formerly, the plating of Marble was made, this problem has been resolved : The production of perfect cohesion between two smooth surfaces. This difficulty did not exist in the plating of Mar- ble upon stone, because this being by nature grainy and spongy, it gave every facility to the clinging of the mastic, and the adhesion could be effected by the simple interposition of the mastic between the Marble and the stone. But the same result could not be obtained between two smooth surfaces, as between Marble and metal." •'•After numerous experiments to find a mastic, the grained composition of which might replace the rough- ness of the stone, I was convinced," says M. Mudesse, " that whatever might be the composition of this mastic, its sole interposition between the Marble and ihe metal could not produce an adhesion sufficient to 70 THE MARBLE WOKKEUS' MANUAL. resist the shocks and concussions attendant upon the transportation and working of these pieces. I finally succeeded in discovering a process, which consists in establishing an artificial mordant upon the plates of zinc, or other metal, and that of the Marble, and then causing the adhesion of these two surfaces thus rendered grainy, by the interposition of common mastic, or tar." The artificial mordant is fastened to the surfaces by means of paste, or other glue. Any web of linen, hemp, or cotton, can also be in- terposed between the Marble and the metal ; this web being covered with -grainy substances, or artificial mordants, applied by means of glue. These methods are not only applicable to the cases of clocks, but also to frame-works of every kind, and to all articles of ornament or luxury. ^71. It can be easily supposed that the above rules will apply to anything which is susceptible of being veneered with Marble, and M. Adin has used them for dressing-cases, work-boxes, and other articles. — The following statement was given by him on the twenty-second of March, 1842, of what he calls his invention : " The Marble is first sawed to the desired thick- ness, and to the form required for the dressing-case or the work box to which it is to be applied. When the pieces of Marble are thus sawed, the wood is pre- pared, (usually white wood, oak or fir) by cutting VENEERING UPON WOOD AND STONE. 71 it in the same nianner, but a very little smaller than the Marble which is to cover it. This wood is inter- lined with a shaving of beech wood, in order to pre- vent warping. This beech wood lining is only placed on the side which is to receive the plating of Marble , each piece of Marble is then applied to the corres- ponding piece of wood, and the adhesion is effected by lueans of glue or other mastic. When the Marble has thus been applied, the opposite side of the wood is thinly lined with rosewood or mahogany, in such a nianner that this lining forms the inside of the box or dressing-case, which is thus prepared for receiving the necessary divisions and compartments. The four parts are then dove-tailed together, and the top and bottom parts fastened flatwise on the four sides with glue or mastic. The box being thus finished, the outside is pumiced and polished, and any applications of gilding can be made. The chief point of this invention consists in the idea, realized by me for the first time, of the applica- tion of Marble to the manufacture of dressing-cases, work-boxes, and articles of this nature, which have previously been made only of wood, cardboard, and leather." There may be some little obscurity in this descrip- tion, but it will be perfectly understood by all read- ers who have any knowledge of the art, and they, probably, ara the only ones whose attention will be 72 OF MODERN MARBLES. attracted by it. This veneering is so much in use, and so valued, that we deem it unnecessary to enter into farther details respecting this new art, which is of so much importance, particularly in a commercial point of view. SECTION FIFTH OF ORNAMENTAL MARBLE WORK. OF THE SCULPTOR. When we speak of sculpture in connection with Marble working, it should be understood that this only has reference to the sculpture of ornaments, of which Marble is susceptible ; the sculptor, in this sense, might be called an ornamentor. This is a speciality, but it often happens that the Marble worker who performs these functions, takes the name of sculptor. "We shall not speak at much length respecting the sculpture of Marble ornaments. § 72, What we have said has been rather to point out proper models to Marble workers and proprietors, by which to form and develop their tastes, than to impel them to devote themselves to sculpture. It is necessary to understand sculpture sufficiently to appre- ciate, if not to execute it. Medallions, capitals, OF THE SCULPTOR. 73 fricaes, flowers, rose work, acanthus leaves, the claws of griflans, lions, dragons, and heads of different ani- mals, are nearly all which the ornamentor needs; and all these things are usually for chimney-pieces, or costly works which are purchased ready made, and are sculptured in the quarries, and are only ordered from the Marble yard to accord with some other ornament. This harmonizing depends as much on the Marble as upon the style of ornamenting. The price of sculptured works depends on the talent of the artist, the delicacy and complication of the or- naments, the material of which they are made ; for some Marbles are much more difficult to work than others ; and, most especially, on their scarcity or abundance at the time of their execution. All these circumstances afiect the price of sculpturing, and also the profits which the dealer can lawfully make. Ano- ther thing should also be taken into consideration, namely : the nature of the design given as a model. — An unusual design gives infinitely more trouble, and de- mands more time of the artist, than one which he is ac- customed to execute. There are also additional labors which should be taken into account, such as trials for the purpose of judging of the effect, transportation of parts of the work, the journeys of the workmen, the accidents which may happen, and the alterations which may be suggested by those giving the order. It often happens when the artist and purchaser have agreed upon a THE MARKLE M'Or. KERs' MANUAL. stipulated price, that they afterwards change the agree- ment which they had settled on. On the other hand, if there is a chance of augmenta- tion from the causes which we have just enumerated, there is also a risk of diminution, and even rejection, if the stipulated conditions are not precisely executed ; and though men in a position to order great works would rarely wish to profit by such subterfuges, it is prudent to take every precaution to protect one's self from the chance of complaint. There are also works which are so precious, by rea- son of the care and talent they demand, or by the name of the sculptor, that the same mantel, the same vase, or the same piece of marble executed by one aitist, would have ten times the value of another, sculptured in the same style by an unknown or medi- ocre genius. This difference in the value of ornaments applies also to the value of other works in Marble. It often happens that purchasers who cannot appreciate the difference, are astonished that of two mantels of the same Marble, one is worth ten and the other fifty dol- lars, or that of two vases of the same dimensions, one is valued at one hundred and fifty, while its equal ap- parently, is worth but fifteen dollars. ^ 73. In order to guard against deceiving one's self in valuations, whether in selling or in buying, it is necessary to take account of the labor, the material, and the perfection of the ornaments. It is impossible OF SCULPTURE BY ACIDS. 75 I o indicate probable prices, since the price of > >day might be changed in a month or a year. Some usages of commerce authorize the merchant to reckon, in his valuation, the time which the article remains in his workshop, but this is a bad system. These are the chances of commerce to which we must submit, at the risk of the loss of confidence, and, perhaps, of credit. SECTION SIXTH. OF SCULPTURE BY ACIDS. ^ 74. There are secrets in every art, springing from the reflections of men of genius and often from chance, which render easy the execution of works which would necessitate an exceedingly tedious amount of manual labor, without the certainty of accomplish- ing its end ; such are the fillets, the chords, and the rows of glittering beads which are imprinted on metals with a simple muUar, the guilloches which almost form themselves by the perfection of the tools which are used, as well as the beautiful carving upon softened ivory and expanded shell, and the admirable designs upon paper hangings. The sculpture of Marble v>ithout mallet, chisel, or burin, is still more wonderful, and not less easy of execution ; for this it is only necessary to know how to utilize acids. 76 THE MARBLE WORKERS MANUAL. Tables and chimney-pieces of white Mi»rble are sometimes seen decorated with very delicate sculptures, which seem to require an immense labor, and for which it seems impossible that chisels or other ordi- nary instruments, however delicate, could have been used. The workmen, jealous of their secrets, con- cealed them in order to increase the price of their work, by causing it to be supposed that much time and pains were necessary to execute these beautiful masterpieces, whereas they were made with the great- est facility. M. Dufay, having perceived that these works were too delicate to have been made with tools, soon dis- covered that they had recourse to acids, but experi- ments were necessary to specify them. Many acids caused the Marble to turn yellow, and were, there- fore, inapplicable. He also experimented upon several varnishes, until he discovered one which was easy to use, which dried readily, and was impenetrable to acids. Such is the course which one is always obliged to follow in the arts, in the simplest researches. The following is his process : Prepare a varnish by simply pulverizing Spanish sealing-wax, and dissolving it in spirits of wine. Trace on the white Marble, with a crayon, the de- sign which is to be formed n relief, and cover this delicately with a brush dipped in the varnish ; in less than two hours the varnish will be perfectly dry. — or SCULPTURE BY ACIDS. Prepare a dissolvent formed of equal parts of spirits of wine, spirits of salt, (hydrochloric acid,) and dis- tilled vinegar ; pour this solution upon the Marble, and it will dissolve those parts which are not covered by the varnish. When the acid has ceased to fer- ment, and, consequently, will no longer dissolve the Marble, pour it on anew, which continue until the ground is sufficiently grooved. It should be observed that, when there are delicate lines in the design which should not be grooved so deeply, they should at first be covered with varnish, to prevent the action of the acids upon them ; then, when the reliefs have been made, the Marble should be well washed, and the varnish removed from these delicate lines with the point of a pin; then pour on new acid, which will groove it as deeply as desired — ■ care being taken to remove it at the proper time. It is necessary to observe that, when the acid has acted upon the Marble, it corrodes beneath the varnish, and enlarges the lines in proportion to its depth ; care should therefore be taken to draw the lines in relief a little larger than it is desirable to leave them. When the work is completed, remove the varnish with spirits of wine, and, as the grounds will be very difficult to polish, they may be dotted with ordinary colors diluted with the varnish of gum lac. By col- oring these grounds, or the reliefs which have been thus engraved, a beautiful eifect will be produced, and one which, if the secret of this art should ever be lost, 78 THE MABBLE WORKERS' mANVAL. would cause them to be regarded in future ages a& chefs-d'auvre. § 75. M. Osmond, by a similar process, grooves not only Marble, but likewise copper and mother of pearl, and produces with facility effects which are seemingly dijfficult. For this purpose, he employs bitumen and acids. The Marble being grooved, he also fills up the cavi- ties in inlaid work with gold, silver, tin, sealing-wax, sulphur, crushed pearl shell reduced to powder, called lithoide, etc. ; every design executed in this manner, whatever may be its tenuity or delicacy, becomes in- delible and indestructible by air or by the action of time. Any design can thus be engraved in three or four hours to whatever depth is desired, upon an arti- cle which could not have been thus decorated in a month's time by the chisel. These designs can be made either in molding or in relief, without changing or injuring the Marble ; every sort of writing, however delicate it may be, can also be thus traced ; and the execution is very rapid, whe- ther in groovings inlaid with gold or silver, or in re- lief which can also be gilded or silvered. It is by these processes that Marble workers execute a large por- tion of their work in the decoration of monuments with ornaments; and nothing is more beautiful, or more analogous to the destination of a tomb, than these lapidary incrustations which Time cannot de- OF SCULPTURE BY ACIDS. 79 stroy or even impair, until, after repeated wnettiDgs of his scythe. Do you wish to inlay with leaves of mother of pearl ? You no longer have need of the chisel to cut them ; you make the grooves upon the Marble, and, with the aid of the needle, in a few minutes they are cut and the designs executed, of whatever nature they may be. We might here repeat all that we said at the close of the article upon the veneering of Marble. There IS some analogy between these two processes, both of which tend to increase the use of Marble to a great extent. Without wishing to deprive any of the modern in- ventors of their deserts, we will conclude by quoting from a very interesting article found in the Diction- naire Encyclopedique^ published in 1 785. In vol- ume fourth, page 404, the following paragraph may be found : " Some have succeeded in sculpturing Marble in very delicate designs by the aid of an acidulous liquor, which is formed by a mixture of spirits of salts and of distilled vinegar. Before the corrosion of the acids, the parts to be preserved in relief are covered with a varnish of gum lac dissolved in spirits of wine, or simply of Spanish sealing-wax dissolved in the same acid. The acid does not affect the varnish." It would be diflScult to say more in fewer words. — What do inventors deserve, when proofs are thus 80 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. placed before their eyes that all their pretended dis- coveries, with the exception of natural philosophy and chemistry, which have made great progress, are but reproductions of what was formerly practiced ? In ar^ chit^cture, in joining, in locksmithry, in Marble working, in painting, in sculpture, in gilding, there is nothing valuable known to us, but what was used by the ancients, and even in the Renaissance. If we have, in respect to sciences, the right to call ourselves glorious, in relation to the arts, it is our duty to be uiodest. ^iv^ JPart. OF OPERATIONS TENDING TO FACILI TATE LABOR. SECTION FIRS'T MACHINES FOR. THE RAISING AND REMOVAL OF BLOCKS. If the workmen are to be believed, the old machines which they are in the habit of using, are, and will con- tinue to be, those best adapted to their wants. But as generations pass away, new ideas take root, and, ere long, the demand will be as great for new macliines as it now is for the old ones. There are some, however, that are so good that it would be difficult to replace them with better ; among these are the screw-jacks, the cranes for raising, and the carts, hand and wheel- barrows for transportation. § 76. Among the first rank in the raising of blocks we find the windlass, and its improvement, the crane, which are much used in the Marble qua.rries, but rarely for manufactured articles, unless needed to raise them, as in case of monuments or accessories to 82 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. buildings. They are seldom used in the Marble yards where they would occupy much room ; we shall therefore give but a brief notice of them ; indeed a detailed description would be unnecessary, as the windlass and crane are familiar to every one. ^ 77. It is well known that the windlass is composed of a cylindrical shaft, of a diameter proportionate to the use for which it is intended, which moves upon its axle by the aid of gudgeons inserted into fixed rests, sometimes in the form of an elongated X. and some- times mounted upon an inverted T, and wedged upon a sleeper of squared wood or upon strong joists. Some windlasses are moved by cranks, some by wheels, and others by levers. This may be called the primitive windlass. A cord or chain rolls upon it, and is firmly fixed in the shaft of the windlass, a hook being fastened to the other end, which is attached to the object to be raised. This has been improved upon, and made more port- able and solid, by the substitution of iron or brass for wood, and of gear instead of levers. For the movement of the windlass, different me- chanical apparatus is used, which is usually terminated by a wooden crank having an iron socket which crosses the wooden handle, to which it is fastened by a screw nut. This mechanism is more or less complicated, according to the weight which is to be raised, and the height to which it is necessary to raise it. The sim- plest apparatus consists of a wheel of a much greater THE CRANE. 83 diameter than the cylinder, mounted upon the same axle to which the force acting upon the circumference is directly applied. In this case, the conditions of equilibrium are those of a lever of which the arm of force would be the radius of the large wheel, and the arm of resistance the radius of the cylindrical shaft. The advantage of the power over the resistance can be augmented, by employing a set of windlasses joined together by cords passing around the wheel of one and the cylinder of the other. But instead of em- ploying cords, another method is often used, which makes no change in the conditions of equilibrium be- tween the power and the resistance ; namely, notched wheels which work into pinions representing the cylin- ders. The axles of these machmes may either be parallel to each other, or alternately parallel and perpendicu- lar, following the position of the teeth of the wheels; this method will considerably augment the force of the man, and will prevent many accidents j these, in- deed, are almost always occasioned by the unskillful- ness of one of the workmen employed ; the more the number is limited, the nearer is the approach to unity, and the less are the chances of misunderstanding, and consequently, of the accidents which are the frequent results of it. THE CRANE. ^ 78. This machine is constructed by the union of seve-al simple ones; the lever, 'the cord, the pulley 84 THE MARBLE WORKERS .MANUAL. and the windlass. The principal piece is a lever of from fifteen to twenty feet, according to the use for which it is intended. It is suspended near the middle on an axle or a vertical shaft, which revolves in a cir- cular movement about the point of support. At one end is a pulley or a cable, to which is attached the ar- ticle to he moved. The same cable is then carried back to the other extremity of the lever, and is com- municated to the windlass by which the machine is worked. The weight is not only raised at the pleas^ ure of the workman, but he can also change its posi- tion from one place to another, by the movement of the vertical shaft, around which the machinery re- volves. The crane is one of the most ancient vehicles known ; it is often improved upon by modifications of the windlass, which is moved sometimes by bars, some- times by gear, sometimes by horses, and sometimes by steam, according to the demands of the manufac- tories or quarries by which it is used to ensure the facility of removal of the manufactured articles.— There are many weights which can only be raised by the aid of cranes ; its principal use is in extracting, lifting, loading and exporting the blocks of Marble. THE CRAB. § 79 This is more in use among carpenters and ma- sons than among Marble workers, but it is often employed in the quarries, and we shall therefore speak briefly of it. THE CRAB. 85 There are two species ; the simple crab is composed of a triangle formed by joining pieces of wood, on the top of which a pulley is placed. The two sides, or arms, are crossed by the axle of a windlass at a cer- tain distance from the base of the triangle, or ground. When a weight is to be raised, the crab is placed in an inclined position, and fastened with ropes attached to the points of resistance. The rope by which the weight is to be raised, is then passed into the groove of the pulley, and rolls itself around the windlass in proportion as the load is raised. The double crab, which is employed in the lifting of heavy masses, is simply the union of two such sets as those of which we have just spoken. The crabs are propped against each other like the two uprights of a double ladder, when they are of equal force and height. In some cases it is more advantageous to have one shorter than the other; they are then joined at the top of the shortest in such a manner that the longest one projecting above, has the effect and sup- plies the want of the crane. In either case, the power of this machine is in direct proportion with the num- ber of arms wliich are used and the length of the lever, or the size of the notched wheels and the radius of the windlass. In heavy works of architecture, or of extraction of stone and Marble, the crab is often replaced by four similar posts, forming a perfect square, and running up to the top of the building. This frame is termi- 86 THE maryji!,:: workers' manual. nated by two joists, or two stop planks, between which a pulley turns, upon which a cord or chain continually mounts and descends, by means of a windlass placed upon the ground. This frame work has several props upon which men can be placed to guide the movement of the weight. By this means huge masses can be raised and placed as may be wished, almost without effort. THE WINCH. § 80. The winch is sin)ply a vertical windlass, hav- ing a shaft or a conical cylinder, around which a rope or cable rolls, to which the weight is attached which is to be moved to the desired point. It is not used in the workshops, but is an excellent means of ap- proaching the blocks worked, thus avoiding blows and wounds which are often given by the ordinary levers which are used in placing the polished pieces on rollers, or those to be polished in place, after being worked in the yard. ^ The vertical cylinder is surmounted by a head pierced with holes, in which bars are placed which cross it, and serve to put it in motion by the force of the arm. The winch varies in form and power, according to the use for which it is designed. There are small ones which, imbedded in the wall of the workshop, iu the face of the boards, greatly facilitate the fixing in place of large sized articles. THE WINCH. 87 They may also be used to bind together pieces which are to be joined with mastic, and to keep them in place in such a manner that they may be easily worked, and the welding consolidated. They may also serve as parallel vices, by means of two joists, placed horizontally or vertically, as may be wished. For this it is only necessary to lay down one of the stationary joists. They should both have holes in the two extremities, in which a strong cord is passed. One of the end pieces, in which is a ring, is drawn behind the movable joist by the aid of a pin which is passed in the eye of the cord ; the other end is fas- tened to the hook of the windlass. When the cylin- der is put in motion, the movable joist approaches the stationary one, and draws towards it the article, the pieces of which are to be pressed. This is a much better method than that of loading the welded pieces with weights to secure their cohesion, and possesses the great advantage of neither breaking or scaling them. We will suppose that a Marble worker wishes to make a vase of a large size ; it is to be composed of four, eight, or ten pieces, more or less, which are to be joined by the aid of cement, or mastic, incapable of sustaining the weight of each of these pieces; it is evident that the use of the winch, by drawing to itself tho two cords which surround the pieces of Marble, will permit him to work them in place, internally as well as externally, and to hoop them with iron with great precision, if this seems necessary. 83 rilE MARBLE AVORKERS' MANUAL. THE TACKLE. ^81. This machine, which is of prodigious force, but extreme simplicity, is sometimes used in the shops of Marble workers to raise or bring forward pieces of great weight. For this, it must be fixed to a solid post by a ring proportioned to the force of the hook of the tackle, which is usually composed of three or four pulleys in brass or copper, revolving upon the same axle. A movable tackle is usually joined to a stationary one, in such a manner that the same cord may pass in the grooves of all the pulleys. The power should equal the resistance. We find in market tackles, such as weighing machines or steel- yards, which are capable of raising six, ten, or twenty thousand pounds. They are often made to bear up still more. We sometimes hear inexperienced workmen boast of rai- sing blocks of twenty thousand pounds weight with a tackle of twelve ; but these are often the victims of accidents which they might have shunned, by not im- posing upon their machinery a service for which it was not constructed. The tackle, when joined with the windlass or winch, will be of the greatest utility in large establishments, as it unites force to precision of movement. Stationed near a machine for finishing large blocks, it greatly facilitates the moving of them to try whether they THE JACK SCRKW. 89 are properly placed ; it is also the means if sparing the strength of the workmen, and guarding them froui many accidents. THE JACK SCREW. § 82. The screw is an instrument which is well known in respect to its use, but which is often abused by not proportioning its force to the weight that is to be raised. Why are they constructed of different sizes ? Pre- cisely in order that the workmen may suit them to the uses in which they are to be employed. If they made better calculations as to the weight of the loads, less of these instruments would be broken. There are several kinds of screws. The simple screw jack is formed of a cap or strong box of oak, hooped with iron, in which a notched wheel moves up and down. On the top of this box is a hole, from which the head of the screw proceeds, which is turned with a pinion notched with teeth, to raise the weight which it is required to displace. This works admirably when the screw can be placed upon solid earth which will resist the pressure of the weight of the mass ; when the ground yields to this pressure, it is necessary to guard against accidents, to place the screw upon a paving-stone, or aflat or square piece of wood, capable of sustaining the resistance of the screw and the weight that is rais d. It is an admitted principle, that the power if this 90 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. macliine is to the resistance, as the radius of the pi^ ion is to that of the crank. The screw is furnished with two important agents : one is a kind of iron shoul- der in the form of a strong claw, by which the load is taken almost from the earth and elevated to a certain height ; the other is a catch which a bolt fixes after the screw, in order to stop the notched shaft in which it is placed when the weight is elevated to the point at which it rests, which is according to the height of the screw. This catch allows the workman to rest, and gives his assistant time to wedge up either the screw or the mass. When the mass is wedged, it can be easily taken, up again, either with the aid of the claw or the head of the screw. The second species of screw has several toothed wheels furnished with pinions, with the view of aug- menting the power of the screw ; this is called a com- pound screw. The third is the common screw, for firmly fastening trunks, bales, or packets for transportation. There is still another kind called nut screw, which is employed for the same, or analogous uses. It is very important, that whoever may use it should not employ it in works exceeding its power, for when its teeth are once broken, bent, or warped, it is re- paired with difficulty, and never possesses its original strength. NEW MACHINE FOR lAISING MA!IBLES. 91 SECTION SECOND. NEW MACHINE FOR RAISING MARBLES. ^ 83. In reviewing all the machines intended for raising and removing heavy weights, the most useful and most portable are found to be the screw, the crane, and the tackle. The screw is more portable than the crane, but is ineffectual in raising heavy blocks ; it can only separate them from the ground. The crane, on the contrary, can elevate them to any given height — this depending on the length and force of the rope, chain, or leather strap which rolls upon the windlass or wheel placed at the bottom of the crane, and the number of men who, being furnished with bars, put the machine in action. The tackle serves the same purpose as the crane, but with more facility and less workmen ; this can b,uch as statues, busts, etc., but, like the preceding, of greater or lesser dimensions than the original model ; that is to say, it enlarges or reduces them one-third, one-half, or three-quarters." M. Dutel, after giving a detailed description of hia machinery, conclades with the following important observation : " It is proper to say that the /raises of either of these machines can be replaced by tools of the same shape and size, but not cut out like the /raises^ and not tempered; so that they maybe used with dia- mond dust, in case that hard stones are to be worked." § 90. A third Parisian, M. Duperrey, also took out in 1846, a patent of invention for fifteen years for a machine for sculpturing, which he improved up- on sufficiently to take out a second patent on the twen- ty-eighth of May, 1847, in which the following obser- vations are found : " The original description, submitted with the claim for the patent, demonstrated that, by the aid of this new machine, one could obtain at pleasure sculptures in basso or alto-relievos, or even in guilloches, similar to those produced by the carving lathe. This ma- chine permits the sculpture of several pieces at the same time, either exactly copying the model or en- larging it; the proportions of course, being regulated in order to obtain the relative proportions of the dif- ferent parts of the articles which are to be repro- duced. 108 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. The original machine worked very well, but it did not produce enough articles at one time, which in- creased the cost of the copying too much. Further- more, I have perfected several details which permit me to modify the construction of the whole, with the view of causing the tools to work during the going in and out of the sliding puncheon. In the first machine, all the tools could only repro duce the same model, since they were all guided by a single key. In the new machine the improvement is, that each tool can work upon one piece and reproduce a specific model, which can also be done by all the tools of the machine ; still more, all the tools can work at the exe- cution of the same piece, and all can be directed, by a single key, to work upon one model. This new arrangement permits the manufacture, either of a great number of pieces at the same time after different models, or of a piece of large size in a very short time ; as all the tools which the machine possesses can assist in the execution of the piece." We will briefly add that this machine is com- posed — Firstly. Of two parallel slides, placed horizontally — one being designed to support the model to be copied, and the other, the material necessary for its reproduction. Secondly. Of a support in which the keys and the tools move ; this support is placed between the two OF MASTICS. 109 slides, and the upper part is rigged with keys which re- ceive all the movements of relief of the models placed above these keys, in order to communicate them to the tools which are mounted oa the lower part of this support. M. Duperrey concludes his exposition and the de- scription of his machine by this observation : Flutings for the feet of tables can also be made in the same manner, by placing the molding tools into the tool casings ; then, by making a line under the key, flutings can also be made of the desired form, and in a num- ber determined by the dividing plate which serves for the guillochage. These accounts are of a nature to interest amateur artists greatly, but they exceed the practical ideas of the Marble workers ; for which reason, we shall not extend our remarks upon this subject, to which we r^ust, however, direct their attention. SECTION SEVENTH. OF MASTICS. ^91. Mastics for" stopping up holes, leakages, or cracks in Marbles, must not be confounded with those which serve to cement them together, or to consolidate them perfectly ; these are used for veneering or pave- ments. The first is made with gum lac, colored, as 110 THE MARBLE WOfi-KERs' MANt AL. nearly as possible, to imitate the Marble upon which it is used. Sometimes the gum is mixed with Marble dust passed through a silken sieve ; in other cases little pieces are used, which are cut and adjusted in the hole or fissure to be repaired, and glued there with the gum mastic — the precaution being first taken to heat the Marble and the pieces, and to take measures for producing a perfect cohesion. The cementing mastics merit the attention of proprietors as well as workmen, because it is often on account of the use of those of inferior quality, that works in cemented pieces deteriorate and lose their value. § 92. In the first rank should be placed the thick mastic, composed of two parts wax, three of Bur- gundy pitch, and eight of resin ; melt this, and then throw it into spring water to solidify the paste, then roll it into sticks, and, in using it, melt only such a portion as is needed for your work ; this precaution will preserve its strength, as the remainder becomes more brittle by heating it anew. § 93. The Corbel mastic, which is used in the seams of the flagging of stairways and terraces, is easily com- pounded. Take six parts of the cement of good Burgundy tile without any other mixture, pass it through a silken sieve, add one part of pure white lead, and as much litharge, steep the whole in three parts of linseed oil and one of lard oil, and preserve it in cakes or rolls as the preceding. All the materials used should be OF MASTICS. 11 thoroughly dry, in order that they may perfectly mix with the oil which unites them. ^94. Fountain mastic is compounded of the rub- bish of stone ware or of Burgundy tile, amalgamated with thick mastic in such a manner as to form a paste proportioned to the use for which it is required ; this is one of the easiest to prepare. Mastic of filings is employed in the same uses as the preceding, as well as in places which are usually damp, or which constantly receive water, as curb-stones, flaggings of kitchens, bath-rooms and water-closets, and stone troughs composed of several pieces, either separate or clasped. This mastic, which is very good when properly used, is composed of a mixture of twenty-six and a half pounds of iron filings, or of iron and copper, such as are found among spur makers, but which must not be rusty, four and a half pounds of salt, and four garlics ; this is infused for twenty-four hours into three and a half pints of good vinegar and urine ; it is then poured ofi", and the thick paste which is found at the bottom of the vessel is the mastic, which should be immediately used. These mastics should be used upon materials which are perfectly dry, otherwise they «lo not incorporate well, roll up, and are repelled by the moisture. There- fore, in executing this kind of work, the precaution should be taken to choo&e dry weather, and to open the seams well wiiL a caA-ed, sha'-y instrument, finally polishing them with v'.w.l 112 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. Before laying' down tlie mastic, the dust must be removed from the seam by blowing into it with a com- mon bellows ; a long, straight, iron chafing dish, closed at the bottom, with the grate elevated about an inch to obtain a current of air, is then passed over the eeam ; this chafing dish is filled with burning char- coal, the caloric of which draws out the moisture from the stone or Marble. The slightest dust or the least dampness, hinders the adherence of every mastic; water infiltrates, and when it does not immediately afi"ect it, it will glide through after the least frost, after which it is impos- sible to remedy it. It is these infiltrations which cause so many proprietors to object to flaggings aud other works of this kind. ^ 95. The Dilh mastic is, undoubtedly, the best that is known, but its composition is yet a secret ; it is very costly, and its uniform color of a dirty white, renders it unsuitable for many works in Marble, for which reasons it is not much used by Marble workers. There are others which we do not strongly recom- mend, because we do not consider them sufl&ciently tested ; we shall point them Out, however, that they may be experimented on. MASTIC FOft CEMENTING MARBLES. ^ 96. The Mastic used by Marble workers for glu- ing and consolidating Marbles is of gum lac, colored. But this mastic, which is applied hot, only produces masons' mastic Foil CISTERN?, \ "0. 113 a strong cohesion when the Marble is .'"•I'^o heatyd, which it is not always easy to do. No good cold mastic is known to Marble wOikerSjai and houses in which stucco was employed for peris- tyles, stairways, and banquet halls, were always em- bellished with paintings, columns, and vases, either /28 THE MARBLE WORKERS MANUAL. in concurrence with the stucco, or in the neighboring apartments. We have never seen anything more beautiful than the chateau de Mereville, on the beau- tiful estate of that name, in which M. de la Borde haa collected all the choicest productions of the arts. This hall was adorned with columns of white stucco, between which were panels of the same style, in which was hung four beautiful marine pieces of Vernet. One can easily imagine that, entering in such a room as the peristyle of the apartments, they would penetrate into saloons of the greatest magnificence. The use which has just been made of stuccos in the Palace of Foreign Affairs, on the banks of the Seine, also supports what we have just said. Thus stuccos are not enemies of Marble ; on the contrary, they in- crease the demand for it. It is not advisable the: to neglect them ; we should, on the contrary, encourage all essays tending to dimin- ish their price, and to render them popular. We will speak, then, of processes indicated in 1836, by a Mr. Burrows, an Englishman, who imported among us methods of manufacturing stuccos and ce- inents in hard stones. " In the first place," says he, " for a plaster cement, I take a certain quantity of this material, which I reduce to a fine powder by the means ordinarily used for the manufacture of plaster of Paris ; or else I take a certain quantity of casts of other articles which have been made of plaster of Paris, and reduce them OF STUCCOS. to 11 fine dust by the action of fire, or by pulverizing tliem with a pestle. " I then mix a solution of the following materials : Nine ounces of alkali (of the best American potash.) in six quarts of water ; this solution should be neu- tralized with some acid, sulphuric acid is the best for this purpose. The solutioti must be stirred up, add- ing the acid gradually until the effervescence ceases • then add nine gallons and a half of water, making about eleven gallons of water in the whole. If any other alkali is employed, the quantity of water should be varied in proportion to its force; the water thus saturated, should be mixed with a suflScient quantity of the powder to acquire a consistency, or a condition suitable to be used or molded, whether in slabs, bricks, or in any other forms, which are then left to dry, and afterward subjected in reverbatories, ovens, brass crucibles of the kind used in gas works, or by some other means, to a sufficient degree of heat to bring them entirely to a red heat. If these articles are not heated entirely red, the parts which are not suffi- ciently calcined will be softer and less durable than the cement which has attained a proper degree of cal- cination. • " The quantity of the solution necessary for the mix- ture is about half of that of the prepared powder. ^105. " Secondly, for a limestone or chalk cement, I take a quantity of limestone or chalk, which I crush, a ,d submit to the usual process for burning or calcin- 130 MARBLE WOIIKIUIS' MANUAL. iiig lime. If I use the last process, I then reduce the lime to powder, either by exposing it to air, or by diluting it with water in the ordinary manner, (the dissolution by air is the best,) and treat it with a solu- tion of alkali and sulphuric acid, as has been described for the mortar of Paris. "But as less water is necessary for the mixture, the solution should be proportionably stronger. I dis- solve nine ounces of alkali, of the best quality, in six quarts of water, to neutralize with the sulphuric acid in the manner explained for the Paris cement. I then add six and a half gallons of water, or perhaps a tri- fle more, and manipulate the solution to form slabs, which, when dry, I calcine in the manner described for the plaster cement. The solution necessary for the mixture is about a third part of that of the prepared lime. If the powder of plaster, chalk, or lime is used without being calcined, the calcination should be made in regard to the force of the liquid, and in proportion to the smallest quantity necessary to that object. " The solution of alkali without the addition of the acid, can be employed for the composition of a cement of the powder of plaster, provided that it is afterwards calcined, but such a cement will not be as good as those made according to the methods which have been described. " Cements of the powder of lime and chalk can also be made with a solution of acid ; namely, two ounces, Troy weight, of sulphuric acid, dissolved in six gal- OF STUCCOS. 131 loiiK of water, and tlien calcined as before ex;plained. JJut tlie cements made in this manner will not be as good us those made by the other methods indicated. The processes of incorporation and of calcination for these cements, ar/d for the cement of plaster with al- kali, are the same as those 'before explained." After having described the methods or processes for the composition of hard cements by a mixture of alkali and sulphuric acid with the powder of plaster, chalk or lime, and their subsequent calcination, by means of which the desired results with their advantageous qualities are obtained, Mr. Burrows adds: I shall now proceed to explain the manner of using them, and, as the cements made of the powder of caleiaed plaster, and those made of the powder of lime, ipos- sess dilFerent qualities, it will be necessary to establish a distinction between them. ^ 105. " I shall first speak of the cement made with the powder of plaster. " The bricks or slabs before described, having been first reduced to powder and passed through a sieve in the manner used for hard cements, should be mixed with sand or gravel, and as the cement should pro- duce no sensible heat while solidifying, it is desirable that the sand employed in the mixture should proceed from mineral or vegetable substances ; for this reason, well calcined or vitrified sands are the best .for this use, and for any mortar or stucco that can be mixed or applied in the same manner as the cements of lime 132 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. and other calcareous cements. As this plaster can be employed for coats of impression or other uses in which a slight absorption is desired, care should be taken not to put too much water in the mixture. It will generally be sufiicient to put in a fifth or sixth part of the quantity of the materials. But it must be observed that, in this case, the success will still de- pend much upon the nature of those of which it is made. The same rule will serve for the application of cement without sand, whether employed alone, or as a light coating upon a stucco with sand. " If a particular Marble is to be imitated, the paste should be applied to a very smooth surface. It is afterwards polished, and the colors can then be varied if they have not been amalgamated during the appli- cation." § 107. " I shall now describe the manner of using the cements made with the powder of lime and chalk. " These cements, when fresh, produce much licat in solidifying. There is, therefore, less danger of their after deterioration when they are mixed with common sand, which should be vitrified, or calcined, as has been already said. The chalks having been pulver- ized, should be mixed with sand and employed in the same manner as the calcareous cements. "From this, it is evident that the sands which have been described as being used in the application of my invention for stucco and other objects, can be mixed with the powdered plaster, lime, and chalk when the PEItFECTED CEMENTS. 133 acids and alkalies are added, and that they are then subjected, with the other ingredients, to the action of heat or calcination, in which case it will not be neces- eary to add any sand when using them ; and also that other alkalies or acids than those before mentioned can be employed, although, as none which I have ex- perimented upon have succeeded as well, I give them the preference." PERFECTED CEMENTS ^ 108. Madame Bex of Paris, not finding the pro- cesses of which we have just spoken sufficient, claims to have discovered a method of less limited application, and which can particularly be extended to guard against dampness. Ill pavements, flagging, and application upon the walls of ground floors, she has obtained, she says, the most successful results. This cement, which is as hard uud compact as Marble, thus possesses those qujilitics of impei Mieability termed waterproof. Stucco, on the contrary, being porous by the nature of its composition, is therefore easily accessible to damp- ness, which not only destroys its lustre but is a rapid cause of its deterioration. On this account it has not been employed for pavements and other uses before mentioned. In order to obviate these inconveniences, Madame Bex has sought to ally stucco, as well as all other ana' 134 THE MARBLE WOrKEIJs' MA^UAL. logous compositions, and even soft, and poi'ous stone, with bitumens and natural vegetable, mineral and other bituminous mastics; that is, to line, in some sort, the stucco with these bitumens in such a man- ner as to thus preserve it from all humidity. " When pavement or flooring is to be made, it is commenced by pouring the bitumen in molds of va- rious shapes and sizes; before it cools, fragments of bricks, tiles, stones of all kinds, and even of wood, iron, brass, copper, lead, zinc, or any other material, are thrown into it. " Before placing the stucco upon tlie bitumen, what is technically called a gopte is made upon the mate- rials which have been put in it; the stucco is then tampered upon a table, and glue water and the colors necessary to the Marble to be imitated, mixed in it. " The stucco being thus compounded, a cake of it is made upon the table; this cake is cut into slices of four-fifths of an inch in thickness, more or less. These slices are forcibly pressed into the mold in such a manner as to unite with the substances iucrusted in the bitumen as well as with the bitumen itself, after which the stucco is polished by passing sandstone over it with ^ Tiuirtin, (a brass plate mounted upon stone.) The pores which are found in it are then stopped, and it is rubbed again with pumi( e to smooth it. Stones for polishing co[per are us^ d in the commencement of the polishing, then clear stones, and it is finally finished with touchstones. PKRFECTED CEMENTS. 135 " Floorings may be made of a single piece, in couvL^es, or in squares as may be judged must proper. 'Applications of stuccos against walls are mad-c- by the same processes as those used for floorings or pave- ments. " This useful application will give a considerable increase to the use of stucco." ^ 109. It is doubtful whether this process of Ma- dame Bex will perfectly apply to the proper stiioco. The omission of indicating the quantity and quality of bitumen and other ingredients which she employs, will probably somewhat hinder the use of it by work- men. But the following recipe is simpler and easier, and is much used. Take the best plaster that can be pro- cured, crush it, bake it as much as possible, crush, sift, and temper it in a solution of Flander's glue in water, let it dry, polish it with pumice and tripoli stone, and add a lustre with soapsuds and oil. In the " Lime Burner's Manual," we have described several other processes for the composition of stuccos, analogous to those of which we have just spoken. Among other processes for coloring stuccos and giving them tlie appearance of Marbles, baked clay and metallic oxydes are used. These are the most solid. Oxyd of lead, ochre scorched and calcined, red ochre, and Roman vitriol baked in an oven, are also used. One can also employ the oxyde or carbonate of cop- 156 THE MARBLK WOTJKERP' MANUAL. j>er, powdered green enamel, drops of forges, powder- ed scales of iron, etc., etc. The artist who is to make the imitation, must calculate the effects of the mixtures and the quantities to mix in order to produce the col- ors which he wishes to obtain, without losing sight of the fact that these s'ubstances produce very different results by the action of heat. No book can point out the means of giving to the polishing of stuccos what is called a coujo de main. This must depend on the practice and the skill of the workman. The Marble worker who polishes well cal- careous stones, will also polish stuccos well. The rules for success are the same in both operations. — • Above all, it is important tr do nothing roughly, and to always keep the work perfectly clean with a sponge dipped in clear water. The cushion which is used should contain tripoli and chalk finely sifted, and when the surface is perfectly smooth, the lustre is given by rubbing it lightly with a piece of grey felt, sprinkled with finely powdered tripoli, and then, in the last place, with another piece of felt moistened only with oil. We cannot recommend too much care that, when a polishing operation is to be performed, the piece to be polished should be perfectly freed from all the humidity contained in itself or acquired from the atmosphere. ^110. When ihe stucco was used among the an- cients to form ornaments, it was worked, says Vitru- vius, in two ways, either with the boasting tools, or MOLDINGS JN STUCCO, 137 in the mold. When they wished to make, we sup Dose, a bas relief or large ornaments, the workman designed upon the coat of impression, with the point of the boasting tool, the outlines of the figures which he wished to represent, and then modeled them of the paste of the stucco as our modelers do with clay. — The material dried too quickly in the hand of the workman to permit of any alterations. Thus a great facility of execution was necessary to succeed in this work, which fact renders the beautiful compositions of this kind found at Herculaneum and Pompeii still more worthy of admiration. ^111. The second method was employed for small successive works, such as ornametits for cornices, fra- mings and ceilings. When the coat of impression was set in the necessary place, a mold was applied which left upon the fresh surface the desired imprint; the chipped edges were then adroitly raised, and the ornament remained simply and immovably fixed. The seams of the mold can be plainly observed in all parts ; besides, it would be difl&cult to imagine that these difi'ereut ornaments were first prepared, and that they applied them like the pieces of facings, oi bas reliefs ; the extreme tenuity of some of the de- tails would render this impossible. MOLDINGS IN STUCCO. ^112. When moldings are made in stucco, tliey can be jutted out with bores as in mason work, or if these 138 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL bores are small, they may be fitted to a wooden joint- ing plane. To give a polish to all the indented angu- lar parts, iu&tead of a cushion of linen or felt, a piece of willow coal, or even of common coal is used, still raoisteni^og it with a sponge. When a Marble veined with several colors is to be imitated, the different colors of the Marble are sepa- rately diluted in weak, warm glue ; pastes are made of each of these shades; they are then flattened down and placed one above another, putting those of the prevailing color of the Marble to be represented, in the greatest number. All of these little cakes are then turned upon the side and cut in slices, which are immediately spread upon the trowel, care being taken to direct this trowel, and consequently the colored materials, in the same direction as that of the Marble to be imitated. When the Breccias are copied, pieces of soft Marbles, such as white and colored alabasters, are incrusted; these Marbles being rubbed down and their apparent surfaces polished, present, by reason of their forms, the usual pebbles of the Breccias, In general, these coats of impression, which should be always at least one-fifth of an inch in thickness, demand much attention and particular pains; for in- stance, the colors for the surface should be properly arranged, the glue water should be always warm in order that the plaster may not set too quickly and that the rough cast above may be well prepared, etc. If Etruscan, or other figures are to be made upon MOLDINGS IN STUCCO. 139 any ground, a pounce is applied when the ground is partly polished ; then all the parts which are to re- ceive the incrustations are removed with small chisels, gouges, and other tools suitable for this purpose, and cavities thus formed of from one-fifth to one-eighth of an inch in thickness, according to the outlines desig- nated by the pounce. Small pots are prepared which are filled with the different colors necessary, and of which a paste is made with fine plaster in the palm of the hand, warm glue water being mixed with it; this paste is then introduced in the prepared cavities with a spatula or flexible knife and compactly pressed, the surface being t-moothed down as much as possible. If there are several tints, or fillets of light and dark shades, the two edges are scooped out anew in the de- sired crockets, and the light tints of the reflex and the darker ones forming the shade projected, are ap- plied in the same manner. All the colors suited to this work can be found in commerce. If, after the termination of the work, any parts ot it have not the desired shade, those requiring altera- tion are pierced again with the etching needle or chise'. and paste inserted of the shade which is wished, care being taken to make these punctures so deep that they will not be rubbed down, and, consequently, eff"acea by the polish and the lustre. Some stucco workers put no plaster in their stuecos, but compound them simply of one part of quick-lime and two parts of pulverized Marble ; others mix the 140 MARBLE workers' MANUAL. quick-lime, powder, and plaster together in equal quantities, and dilute the whole in a glue prepared as for painting upon Marble, but more transparent. In general, stuccos should be executed in works which are not exposed to dampness, and upon very dry rough-casts of mortar, or plaster, otherwise this humidity repels them, and produces black spots upon the surface of the stucco, or the saltpetre w'nich intro- duces itself cracks them and them to fall. SECTION THIRD OF THE PAINTING UPON, AND THE COLORING OF MARBLES. OF PAINTING UPON MARBLES. § 113. We may be able, by new processes, to facili- tate the painting or the coloring of Marbles, but we shall probably never surpass the effects which the an- cients obtained, by methods which are now unknown to us. Upon this point, our tastes differ widely from those of former times, and this is probably owing to the en- franchisement of the people. When the kings held immense numbers of slaves, they could easily under- Of PAIiNTlNG UPON MARBLES. 141 take those difficult and tedious works, which they could not have imposed upon freemen. The great aim of the slaves was to obey their masters and to satisfy them — the time they counted as little. The great aim of the workmen of the present day is, to provide for their own wants and those of their fami- lies j time is every thing to them, and the less of it tiiey employ in the execution of a work, the more they gain thereby. The painting of the ancients upon Marbles was exe- cuted by the same means as the mosaics, in which they employed cubes after having dipped them in colors. The following process is now in use, according tc M. Lisbonne : " Take a slab of Marble of dimensions analogous to the painting to be made. Commence by properly lay- ing out your design, and, when it is finished, use a sheet of vegetable paper for reversing the tracing ; but in order that it may be more clearly reproduced upon the Marble, rub the under part of this paper with red or black crayon ; then press upon the lines of the drawing as forcibly as possible with a spatula, and the Marble which is to represent the painting will thus receive a good impression You then, with a brush, surround this design with any wax in a fluid state, but which, when placed on the Marble, will soon solidify. This hinders the acids from spreading over the Marble and defacing it; it also preserves the natural color 142 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. and polish of those parts of the M'arble which bear no design. ^ 114. " Yet, although this process can be used f(ir Marbles which are polished in advance, experience has demonstrated that it is a much better plan to work upon Marbles which have only been rubbed with the pumice-stone, and to which the polish and lustre are not given until the painting has been entirely fin- ished. " The outline upon the Marble being surrounded with wax, as has just been explained, it is then neces- sary — in order to complete the cares demanded in this operation, and to give to the design, and, consequent- ly, to the painting, all the necessary distinctness — to rectify the interior ; that is, to free it from any wax which may have lodged there, and to cover over any parts, however small, which may need it. This wax would hinder the acid from taking effect, and would render the painting defective. ^ 115. "When these preliminary operations are fin- ished, the acid is poured over the whole surface of the design ; the more body required for the painting — that is, the greater the depth of the incrustation which receives it should be — the more acid should be poured on, at intervals calculated according to the ef- fect produced. " Though there is no general rule given for the depth of the incrustations, this depending upon taste or ca- or PAINTING UPON MARBLES. 143 price, tbey are usually of about the hundredtli part of an inch in depth. ^116. " In order to pour the acid conveniently upon the design, it should be placed in little cans, specially adapted to dropping it upon every place, whether large or small, which admits the dilFerent parts of the design. "When you have carefully poured over the surface of the design as much acid as is needed to obtain the incrustations, leaving it there for about three minutes in order to produce this effect, you then remove it in the following manner : " Place the slab of Marble over some vessel, and then, with a sponge filled with clear water, wash the im- prints which have received the acid. After this, you remove the wax which had been applied to both the interior and exterior, with a metallic blade, or, which is the better way, by placing the slab of Marble near the fire, which thus receiving a gentle heat, but strong enough to restore the wax to a fluid state, be- comes readily cleansed. " The Marble and the design being thus properly cleansed, the impression of the picture is formed, and you can then proceed to apply the composition, or the different colors suited to give, to the details as well as the whole, a greater or less brilliancy, or an appear- ance more or less striking, according to the subject to be represented. "This application of colors can be made either with 144 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL,. the clarified essence of turpentine, the oil of pinks, thick oil, or gummed water, and is executed with the different brushes and pencils ordinarily used by painters. ■ " When the colors have been tastefully distributed and artistically placed, place the slab of Marble in an ordinary dryer, so arranged as to receive but a tem- perate heat, but sufficient to properly dry the varied composition with which it has been ornamented ; wKen it has become sufficiently dry, give the picture several coats of varnish. " After applying the first coat of varnish, leave it to dry, in order that the second coat may penetrate it better, then give the second and third coats with the proper intervals. " When the leveling of the painting and Marble ia exact and complete, rub the picture with a cushion of wool or cotton wadding, covered with silk or any other smooth and soft tissue. The first rubbing should be forcible, but regular. It is then lightly rubbed over again several times. This operation, which lasts near- ly an hour, restores to the painting all the brilliancy which the pumice-stone had destroyed. " The processes for gilding or silvering the pictures, are analogous to those used in the painting itself. — This additional operation is commenced by forming in- crustations with the acid, which may either be made upon certain parts of tlie picture, or excavated in dif- ferent portions of the Marble. OF lAINTlNG UPON MARBLES, 145 These new incrustations permit the attainment of a subdued or burnished gilding, according to tLc sub- stances and processes employed. " In the first case, for a subdued gilding, fill the in- crustations with a paste composed of calcined white lead and thick oil ; then pass over the parts to be gilded or silvered a varnish, composed of gum lac and spirits of wine ; apply a coating of oil called mixture, composed of old oils and gum resin, dry it, as has been already explained, and when this coating has at- tained the proper degree of dryness, apply to it the gold or silver leaf, smooth down the metallic leaf upon the mixture, and give to the leaf the coats of varnish necessary to its preservation. " In the second case, for the burnished gilding, fill the incrustations which have been made upon the painting or Marble, with a red tincture known by the name of assiette d dorer, a paste composed of Spanish whiting and strong skin glue or glue for gilding wood. " Grive the incrustations three coats of this red tinc- ture, smooth these down properly, then simply moist- en that part of the painting which has been thus cov- ered, with water before applying to it the gold or sil- ver leaf; when this metallic leaf has also been leveled and dried, burnish it with a suitable stone, and give it several coats of varnish. " In respect to the nature and composition of the acid, colors, and varnish, the best acid is the nitric acid ft THE MARBLE WORKERS' MAN TAL. th^ ty-six degrees. The colors are those which are usually employed in painting upon wood or cauvas, and the varnish used is that of gum copal." Should we rejoice at, or regret such inventions ? — Are these really works of art, or methods of deceiving the public ? Experience mast answer these questions. The use w^hich may be made of these means of vary- ing the public enjoyments will soon determine their value. If these paintings are employed upon articles of furniture in common use, they will meet with great success, but wealthy people will always prefer the genuine beauties of Marble, and men of good taste will choose simple ornaments, delicate lines, and de- signs in harmony with the decorations of their apart- ments and the ornamental pieces hanging therein. ANOTHER PAINTING UPON MARBLE. ^1 17. Amateurs of mosaics have often been deceived, by showing them paintings imitating mosaic work so closely as to be mistaken for it when not carefully examined. This kind of painting may be made very useful in the ornamenting of certain edifices, stair- ways, peristyles, dining-rooms, baths, and temples for gardens. Marble workers may not often have occa- sion to employ themselves in works of this nature, but they prepare the Marbles on which these paintings are made, and, on this account, we think it advisable to give here the processes for which M. Ciceri, of ANOTHER. TAINTJNG UPO.N MARBLE. 147 Paris, took out a patent of invention for ten years, ii September, 1837. " These new processes," says he, " are designed to replace the use of oil, glue, or of wax, in all kinds of paintings executed upon stone. Marble, stucco, plaster wood, cartoons, and all porous substances in general. " The object is to facilitate the execution of orna- mental paintings, and to secure their preservation by remedying the inseparable inconvenience of the projec- tion formed upon the marble by the paintings in oil and glue, which will finally grow obscure, because they are not incorporated with the material upon which they are spread." § 118. " Before speaking of the different methods of execution upon Marble and other materials," say? M. Ciceri, "we will give here the principles of our invention, which consists in the idea of applying to porous substances in order to paint and ornament them, acids^ alkalies, alcohols, ethers, etc., containing simple or composite coloring matters in solution oi suspension. We will add that these matters, which can be used simply, or mixed with the substances per- forming the functions of a mordant, act in such a man- ner as to incorporate themselves with the body, the surface of which is painted ; and that this substance can afterwards be rubbed and polished without effect- ing the painting. It can also receive a coat of varnish which forms an imperceptible thickness upon the body thus painted. 148 THE MAUBLE WORKERs' xMANUAL. " To demoustrate better the novelty, advantages and nature of our process, we will give an example of its application. " Take a piece of Marble pumiced and softened, either upon its sawed front or a cut surface, and stopped up and coated as if for polishing or painting ; then take black ink (tannate of iron,) red ink, (Brazil wood,) rose ink, (cochineal,) and blue ink, (sulphate of indigo,) paint the marble with a common brush, dry it, and then polish it in the usual manner. " The polishing Ci-n be replaced by a varnish upon a sizing put on after "he painting, or by a coating of oil applied either colO or warm. " In both these metiKX^'s, these coatings of oil, sizing and varnish will deterioirte, as will every preparation of this kind when applied to Marble ; while the paint- ing executed by our process ^'ill always remain the same by reason of its iudeHbA-'w, and can never be destroyed since it is absorbed I) the Marble into the pores of which it has been iutrod. g^.X " This example will sufi&ce to sbcM- the conditions of preparation necessary to the coloi \ which we em- ploy, because, if, on one hand, it is r^cessary that their fluidity should be such as to enalk iHm to pen- etrate into the pores of the material; on .he other, it must not be so great as to allow them v 1 spread like a drop of oil falling upon a porous body ; iu which sase they would no longer be subject to the gPxdancc of the brush. COLOraNG BY ABSOnPTION 149 " These colors should have a suflficient degree of tenuity to prevent the occurrence of these inconve- niences ; these^ inks which we employ offer to us this normal condition. " It should also be observed that, the materials upon which this kind of painting is executed being more or less porous, the coloring substances should possess a degree of tenuity relative to the same degree of poro- sity." While leaving to M. Ciceri the entire responsibility of his statements, we cannot but applaud his experi- ments and the results obtained, and we recommend to Marble workers to endeavor to improve the art and to popularize the use of paintings upon Marble and stone. This may become a new branch of art which will be in great demand in our commerce with foreign coud tries, as well as for home consumption. COLORING BY ABSORPTION. § 1 19. The coloring of Marbles by the absorption of colors, which some inventors have recommended as a novelty, has long been successfully practised in Italy, and the following re8ults obtained. It has been discovered that the solution of nitrate of silver penetrates Marble, giving it a deep red color. That the solution of nitrate of gold produces a vio- let color, shading upon purple. That the solution of verdigris penetrates the Marble deeply, communicating to it a bright green color. 150 THE MARBLE WORKERS MANUAL. That tliose of dragon's blood and gatiiboge also pen- 3trate it; the first producing a beautiful red, and th^ other, a yellow color. That the absorptions may be complete in the above instances it is first necessary, the Marble being wel' polished, to dissolve the gums and resins in warm alcohol. All the dyes obtained by alcohol from Bra- zil and Campeachy wood and others, also penetrate the Marble deeply. It has also been discovered that the tincture of cochineal, prepared in this manner with the addition of a little alum, gives to the Marble a most beautiful scarlet color, penetrating nearly the eighth of an inch. This strongly resembles the African Marble. The artificial orpiraent, or sulphuret of arsenic, dissolve^ in ammonia, will communicate to the Mar- ble a yellow color in a few moments, which will grow more vivid by exposure to the air. To all the substances employed for this purpose we should add white wax, mixed with the coloring mat- ters and melted together. If verdigris is boiled in wax and the mixture laid upon the Marble with an instrument, and afterwards removed from the surface when cold, it will be found that the design has penetrated one-third of an inch, producing a fine emerald color. We shall enter into some details respecting the ex- ecution of this work. When several colors are to be used in succession without confounding them or affect- COLOR I \G BY ABSORPTION, 151 ing the clearness of the design, it is necessary to pro- ceed in the following manner. The tinctures obtained by the spirits of wine and oil of turpentine should be employed upon the Marble while it is hot, particularly when delicate designs arc executed ; but the dragons' blood and gamboge should be applied to the cold Marble ; for this they must be dissolved in alcohol, and the solution of gamboge first used. This, which is quite clear, grows turbid in a short time, and produces a yellow precipitate, which is used for obtaining a more vivid color; the parts sketched are then heated by passing a plate of red hot iron — or, which is better, a saucepan filled with burning coals — over the surface of the Marble, at the distance of three-fourths of an inch from it. It is then left to cool, after which the parts which the color has not penetrated are heated in the same manner. When the yellow coloring is finished, the solution of dragons' blood is applied in the same manner, and while the Marble is hot, the other vegetable tinctures that do not require a great heat in order to penetrate the Mar- ble, may also be applied. The design is finally com- pleted w ith the colors mixed with wax ; much care is necessary in the application of these, since the least degree of heat beyond the proper point will cause them to spread, for which reason they are less suitable for delicate designs. These colors should only be applied to the places 152 THE MARBLE WOKKERS' MANUAL. where they are designed to remain. Fresh water should be thrown on them from time to time during the operation. These colors do not impair that of the Marble, whicd should be well polished before subjecting it to these operations ; it is better to use but few colors. Two or three will generally be found suflBcient. We made the assertion at the beginning of this es- say, that this art of coloring Marble was not a new invention. Indeed, the ancients understood the incor- poration of colors into calcareous substances. Zosi- mus thus expresses himself on the subject: " The Marbles are polished to render them more susceptible to the reception and absorption of colors which are then applied. The operation is finished by placing a mordant upon these colors, which preserves the painting, and attaches it so closely to the Marble that both form a part of the same body." There is also found — First, in the Nouvelles Economiques, vol. xxx., p. 146, published in 1759, an extract from a paper read by the Count de Caylus, in the public session of the Royal Academy of Belles Lettres, on the twenty-fourth of April of the same year, which contains interesting details respecting A new method of incorporating colors mto Marble, and of fixing the sketch. Second, in the Journal Economigue, 1758, p. 169, A method for -penetrating the interior of Marble in or ARTIFICIAL m.\t;blk?. 153 $uch a manner as to be able to paint, upcn the surface things seeming to be within. Thanks to the progress of chemistry, we may be able to find means of simplifying, and, perhaps, of per- fecting this work, but we should not regard as an in- vention what is often merely an improvement. We can easily infer from all that we have said, that a Mar- ble worker who will study all that has been said upon Marble, and will occupy himself with the application of the processes described, will be able to imitate the finest Marbles, and to enrich this art, which has so long been neglected. SECTION FOURTH. OF ARTIFICIAL MARBLES. ^120. Should we commend the efi'orts which are made to give us counterfeit productions, or ought we to op- pose all such products as encouraging fraud, and in- juring honorable artists ? This is a delicate question when asked respecting jewelry, cloths, furniture, and many other articles. It also affects Marble working, for it is very evident that the artificial Marbles injure the Marble workers, as much as the manufacture of paste jewels injures the diamond merchants. Notwithstanding this, if the artificial Marble should 154 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. become a principal article of commerce, the Marbie workers would be better able than any speculators to manufacture Marble, and convert it iuto a branch of their art. For this reason, we deem it advisable to occupy some time with these artificial Marbles, the success of which is somewhat problematical. The Marble composed by man has long been known by the name of stucco. Will the artificial Marble be preferable to this ? This is doubtful. Will it be more valuable than the plated Marble ? Experience must demonstrate it. While waiting for the decision, we will examine the different methods which have been proposed in the course of a few years, and view their respective advantages. § 121. In 1823, the first patent of invention was taken out for fifteen years, by Madame Dutillet, for processes relating to the formation of artificial Marble, The following statement was made by her of the dis- covery which she claimed to have made : " The artificial Marble which is composed by the aid of calcareous substances, has all the ductility, pol- ish, frigidity, etc., of the natural Marble. " It can be used for basins, floorings of bath-rooms, vestibules, etc. ; in short, in all places which are ex- posed to drought or humidity. It can also be em- ployed in the construction of churches and other pub- lic buildings which dampness defaces, and frescoes can be applied to it with great facility, as the colors do not fade, and retain all their brilliancy." COMPOSITION OF ARTIFICIAL MARBLE. 155 COMPOSITION OF ARTIFICIAL MARBLE. ^ 122. "To one hundred and ten pounds avoirdu- pois of pulverized Marble which has been sifted, add thirty-nine pounds of crushed and sifted bricks, and twenty-two pounds of glass, also pounded and sifted. Add to this five times the quantity of hydraulic lime, and carefully stir it with water to form a paste sus- ceptible of being worked with the trowel." When a smooth layer has been applied to the sur- face to be coated, draw with a brush the veins and the color of the Marble which you wish to imitate. Then put one pound of Venice talc in a linen cloth, thus forming a packet, and sprinkle the surface that has just been coated and painted. After this gloss it, by rubbing it with the trowel, until the polish and frigidity shall be attained. " You can give to the paste the color which is to be communicated to the ground of the Marble. For this, add the color at the moment of mixing the paste, tak- ing care only to employ mineral colors. Vegetable colors must never be used. " A powder may be made of crushed porcelain, si- lex, sandstone, and other hard stones, or even with clay, (taking care to extract all vegetable matter.) which will amalgamate well with the composition of artificial Marble." Madame Dutillet seems to have been successful, as 156 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. she sold her patent, and the purchaser took out, in 1824, a patent of improvement, in which the follow- ing modifications are found : § 123. The materials employed, as has been said before, must be freed from all vegetable and animal matter which they may contain, that they may form an indestructible composition. After the substances have been pulverized, they are baked long enough to destroy any vegetable or animal parts, and this powder is mixed with thick lime, or hydraulic lime, according to the dampness or nitrifying of the localities. All the colors employed are also purified by fire. Before applying the material upon the stone, the surface of it should be washed with water, and scraped if necessary ; after which, any vegetable matter which may exist upon the stone is destroyed by the means of acids, applied with a brush of amianthus, or moun- tain flax. Ornaments, and even figures, may be painted by the aid of an economical process, consist- ing in the use of plates of copper, or of waxed car- toons, which are cut out to form the necessary holes. H'hen the coatings are finished, and the painting is applied to the Marble or the ornaments, it is polished in the ordinary manner. But, to obtain a greater brilliancy, a composition of the essence of turpentine and white wax melted by the fire, may be used. This composition is laid upon the surface with a brush, and then rubbed ^'ith a skin ; and in this way, the essence having consumed all foreign substances COMPOSITION OF ARTIFICIAL MARBLE. 157 which may have 1 >dged on the surface, the wax unites with the material by the action of the lime, and a most beautiful polish is attained. This new material can also be molded into all kinds of ornaments in relief, busts, statues, chimney-pieces, etc. § 124. The matter did not rest here. On the 28th of January, 1825, the patentees of Madame Datillet took out a new patent of addition, in which it is stated that calcareous matters, oyster shells, marl, and talc, should be calcined in a crucible or oven, and then re- duced to powder, to which is added an equal part of hydraulic lime, slaked by immersion or otherwise. — The whole should be passed through a silken sieve; and when the composition is to be molded, it should be tempered like plaster. The inventor adds that the polish is obtained by means of Venice talc, and that the coloring can also be laid on the paste. § 125. Another process was described in June, 1840, by M. Chenard, of Paris, for which he took out a pa- tent for five years. We will let him speak in his own behalf: 1. " I make a preparation, composed of good linseed oil reduced and the essence of turpentine, which I mix with litharge and umber when the oil is of an inferior quality. 2. " I spread this preparation upon the surface to be marbled, either with a brush or with a metal scraper. 158 THK MARBLE WOEKCRS' MANUAL. 3. " I then dry the article thus coated. 4. " I give it a second coat of the said preparation, and even a third if the body which I wish to Marble IS not sufficiently covered by the first and second ; a thing which may be easily known if the surface of the body can yet be seen in spite of the coatings already applied. The true ground of the Marble is placed upon these preparatory coatings, the color of which it is to be formed being mixed with it. 5. " I have a trough filled with water, and larger than the object to be marbled, on which T throw the color ground up with the varnish of linseed oil, weaker than that used in the preparation, to which the essence of turpentine and a little table oil is added. 6. " With the breath and a small stick, I arrange this thick substance upon the water in such a manner as to give to the foreign body which I afterwards dip in it, all the different shades, designs, and peculiari- ties which are found in nature. 7. " I then dip the foreign body, coated with the first preparation, and well dried, in the trough, and draw it forth again ornamented with veins and shades, naturally arranged, which the most skillful painter could not reproduce, since this is a simple elfect of nature, while his would be but an incorrect copy. 8. " I then give it a coat of fine varnish, or two if necessary — it being understood that it should be thor- oughly dried after each operation, before commencing the following one. C0MP0S1TI0>1 OF ARTIFrCIAL MAIIBLE. 159 9. " Finally, to obtain the sraootliness and appear- ance of genuine Marble, I give a polishing stroke to the whole, which neither impairs the brilliancy of the colors, or aifects the surface to which the composition has been applied." § 126. Three years later, M. Riotet made farther discoveries in this art. His idea was to veneer with artificial Marble as a substitute for ros.'wood, ma- hogany, and citron wood, both for the inside of boxes, dressing and night tables, and the top of various arti- cles of furniture ; besides which, he composed an arti- ficial mosaic, which he calls Parisian mosaic. He makes the following statement of a process which he claims to be both simple and economical : " Substitute for slabs of natural Marble, those of the artificial Marble, of equal solidity and somewhat less weight. Increase the beauty of the article manu- factured by the variety of colors which this artificial Marble may be made to assume, and, above all, by the application of a genuine mosaic, designed with all the art which is used in the composition of mosaics upon stone. This is the object which I have had in view, and which I have finally been permitted to attain. " The composition which I use for the manufacture of artificial Marble designed for veneering, and for the fabrication of the mosaic, is a mixture. The two sub- stances, when united, acquire a great solidity ; the gum arable diminishes the excessive draught of the gelatine during the drying process and the cabinet 160 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. work ; in a word, by the uuion of these two substances, a complete substitute for Marble is obtained in all its applications to veneering, and also to the fabrication of articles of furniture, dressing-cases, ornamental clocks, etc." COMPOSITION OF THE SLABS OF MARBLE. Weigh equal quantities of gum arabic and gelatine, hydrate each separately, only softening the gelatine enough to render it entirely flexible. Place the gum arabic entirely in solution in the smallest possible quantity of water; when it is dis- solved, strain it through a coarse cloth in order to separate all foreign substances. When both are thus prepared, melt the gelatine in a porcelain vessel placed in a water-bath, leave it to boil until a species of skin produced by the scum which the gelatine always contains is formed upon the sur- face of the liquid. During the boiling of the gelatine, prepare the dif- ferent colors which are to shade and to form the veins and coloring of the Marble. These colors should be fine, and ground in water ; those most used are silver leaf, white lead, chrome yel- low, carmine lake, English green, and all the colors which are generally found in commerce — the gum and gelatine receiving them all. These different colors are ground in water, and placed separately in vessels designed for this purpose. CASTING THE SLABS. 161 PREPARATION FOR CASTING THE SLABS. § 127. The slabs of Marble are cast upon a polished Marble of an inch and a half in thickness and about thirty-five inches square, which is placed upon a strong wooden frame resembling a table; care being taken to place this Marble upon a perfect level, so that the ma- terial in running, may be of an equal thickness. Spread a little suet over the Marble to prevent the adhesion of the material. The Marble being thus prepared, place a wooden frame of about one-third of an inch in thickness upon it, to receive and retain the material when it is cast. As regards the size of this frame, supposing that slabs of twenty-five inches square are wished, it will only be necessary to cast them twenty-one or two inches, for, in the succeeding operation of tanning, the slabs will expand three or four inches which will give them the desired size. As so slender a frame will not rest well upon the Marble, it should bo supported by thick wooden wedges, clasped with a cabinet maker's hand screw. CASTING. ^ 128. When a slab of Marble of four colors, yel- low, green, black and white, is to be made; after the gi4atine is boiled and the gum is well dissolved, take 162 THE MARBLE \V01:KERi' JMANUaL. a sufficient quantity of each of these colors to color a quart in the whole of the gum and gelatine used in the operation, place these separately in small' earthen pans, take the solution of gum, and pour an equal quantity in each of these pans in order to dilute the colors, (care being tak.en that every particle of color is diluted,) then take the gelatiue, which must be strained through a cloth to make it clear, and pour the same quantity into the pans in which the colors have been diluted with the gum. Stir the whole well with a brush, that the mass may be well mixed and the color uniformly distributed through the liquid, Icu it rest for a few moments in order to give the bubbles of air which have formed during the agitation, time to come to the surface; then remove those with a skimmer until the liquid is entirely free from them. This is very important in obtaining smooih slabs of Marble. When this has been done, pour these four diiferent colors into a vessel especially dc signed for this purpose, and which may be described as resem- bling four funnels joined together, the tulies resting against each other. It can be easily understood that, on leaving the orifice of each of these tubes, the colors mix and unite in spreading over the Marble, thus foruiing the rich and varied shades of the finest Marbles, lapis, por- phyry, etc. This may be done in a diiferent matmer when imi- tationij of ribbotted stones are wished. For this, pour TANNAGE OF THE SLABS OF MARBLE. iGo each of the colors separately upon the Marble, taking care to spread them in small pools over the whole sur- face ; thea, with a wooden spatula, form the ribboned shades which are wished, by lightly moving the mix- ture. In both these operations, the last in particular, it is impossible to prevent the formation of bubbles of air in the agitation. The best method of destroying them is, after the material has congealed, to take a fine wet sponge, and burst these bubbles by gently striking them, When this has been done, take a thin plate of sheet iron about twelve inches square, with the edges raised in such a manner as to hold burning coals ; pass this over the surface, as near to it as pos- sible without touching the material. This intense heat will melt the surface of the slab, and close the vacuum formed by the bubbles of air. TANNAGE OF THE SLABS OF MARBLE. § 129. The most important operation in the com- position of artificial Marbles is that of tannage, with* out which it would be impossible for the cabinet ma- ker to scrape and polish the material. It would be too malleable for any use. It is very evident that a soluble matter like the gelatine and gum would mc'Jt by the heat caused by the scraper and cling to it in particles, in which case instead of smoothing them, the tool would produce a ' contrary effect. 164 THE MARBLE WORKERS MANUAL. The result of this tannage is, to render the gum and gelatine insoluble, even in boiling water, and to trans- tor m it into a substance resembling horn. In this state, indeed, the material is scraped and polished in the same manner as horn. ^ 130. For this operation, a tank lined with lead of about twenty-seven inches in length, and fifty in breadth is required, as room is necessary to change the place of the slabs which are placed in it. This tank is designed for the reception of the liquid possessing the property of tanning. This liquid is composed of one part of the sulphate of alumina based on potash, and twenty parts of water. Pour this liquid into the tank, and place the slabs in it, leaving thera until their entire thickness is thoroughly penetrated by the liquid. To be sure of this, by cutting off a small corner it can be seen how far it has penetrated, that part which has absorbed the liquid will present a shining appearance, vrhile that which is not penetrated will be of a dull color. When the liquid has entirely penetrated the slabs, draw them from the tank, wash them in clear water and wipe them carefully ; then fix them on strong wooden frames by the aid of zery strong plaits of thread coated with glue. Glue a light cloth upon the frame m such a manner as to sustain the weight of the slabs during the drying process, and then expose them to FABRICATION OF MOSAICS, 165 the open air upon benches, leaving space enough be- tween them to permit the air to circulate freely. When the drying is complete, moisten the cloth and plaits that hold the slab in the frame, carefully, in order to avoid breaking the slabs. FABRICATION OF MOSAICS. § 131. This composition of gum and gelatine can not only be made to assume the form and appearance of Marble, but with small fillets of various colors, ornamental work, such as mosaic, may also be ob- tained. The different experiments which I have made con- vince me that one could, by my process, attain the perfection of the ancient mosaics; this would be of great importance to many of the arts, such as jewelry, bronze, and cabinet work in particular, in which noth- ing of the kind has ever been known. It is easy to imagine the effect which a mosaic of flowers or any other design would produce upon an article of furniture. Until the present time, mosaic work has kept many amateurs at a distance by its high price. By my pro- cess it can be easily used in various arts, since a dnni- nution of at least four-fifths of its price is procured. To make a boquet of flowers, or a rose, for instance, the design must first be executed in water colors by a skillful "artist. This design is then divided into b(|uares like the patterns for needle-work. By this IGG THE MAKBLE AVORKERs' MANUAL. means this rose will be divided into at least a tliou- sand little squares containing all the shades. Thes8 squares traced on the design show the number of fil- lets necessary to the formation of the rose, these be- ing shaded precisely like the design. By joining these square fillets together, the model will be exactly reproduced. For the fabrication' of these fillets, slabs of plain colors should be made by the process which I have just described for the Marble. 132. In executing a design, it is important to study carefully the shades of each flower. It is evi- dent that at least six shades are needed to form the rose ; namely, white, which forms the light, light rose, rose, deep rose, red, and dark red which gives the shade. Proceed in the same manner for all other flowers o? different colors. When the different colored slabs which are needed in the composition of the mosaic are dry, remove them from the frames in the manner which I have just described for the Marble. Soak them in the trough in pure water for about aquarterofan hour until they are flexible, then place the slab thus mois- tened between two blocks of wood so that the surface may be entirely covered, leave it thus for twelve hours in order to give the water time to penetrate it thor- oughly and then proceed to the cutting of the fillets. For this operation in which the fillets should all UNCHANGEABLE CIIIXESK PAINTINGS. 167 be of the same size, this regularity can only be ob- tained by a fillet-cutter, formed with precision. GLUEING OF THE FILLETS TO FORM THE DESIGN. § 133. When the design is to be formed by the col- lection of the fillets, the design which is divided into squares must be used. We will suppose this design to be divided in one direction in fifty lines, which are themselves crossed by fifty others, thus giving a total of two thousand five hundred fillets; these fillets should be glued in straight lines of fifty fillets each, calculating the shades which should compose them from the pattern, with the aid of a tool designed to keep the fillets in place while they are being glued. When the rows have been thus glued and carefully numbered, they should be placed upon each other, ac- cording to their numbers, in such a manner as to form a block, which should be surrounded with strong pa- per or thin wood in order that the fillets may not be unglued in cutting this block in slices. UNCHANGEABLE CHINESE PAINTINGS. § 131. These paintings are executed upon paper, and covered over with a very transparent and well tanned sheet of gum and gelatine, prepared by the same process as the slabs of artificial Marble. When the drying process is complete, scrape ono side of the sheet with a cabinet maker'.< scranor until 168 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. it is perfectly smooth. Then detach it from the frame and cut it in the shape and size of the articles which it is to cover. Use gum arable dissolved in water for the applica- tion of the designs ; spread a coating of it over the transparent sheet, lay on the design and glue it by means of a strong pressure under a press. One important precaution should be taken in order that the glue used by the cabinet maker in veneer- ing, may not penetrate through the paper; namely, to spread a coating of strong glue upon the side which is to be veneered, afterwards sprinkling it with well dried Bougival white by means of a silken sieve. This operation should be repeated twice at least; it is then left to dry, and afterwards inlaid in veneerings and cuttings. ^ 13,3. The provinces also endeavored in 1842, to produce artificial Marbles. M. Mondon, of Vienna, claimed to have found amateiial suitable for this pur- pose in the department of Charente. He calls it gypseous alabaster — a soft substance which must first be hardened in the following manner : Put the pieces to be worked in a furnace, placed upon sheets of zinc, which are formed in such a man- ner as to hold water. This furnace should be built so that the pieces may not come in contact with the fire; leave them for an hour exposed to the action of a heat not strong enough to bake them, for this substance bc- niggypseous, they would thus be redu^^cd to baked i il.-is- UNCHANGEABLE CHINESE PAINTINGS, 169 ter and would have no solidity. When the material is well heated and freed from all humidity, the pieces should be sprinkled with tepid water in which a quanti- ty of alum, proportioned to the number of pieces, has been dissolved ; they may even be soaked in it for a moment. The tepid water which has not been absorbed by the material is then removed, and cold water is placed in them. By this means they attain such a degree of hard- ness, that the final polish can only be given after suc- cessively using the sand-stone, pumice-stone, and shave-grass ; care being taken to constantly sprinkle the piece, as it will otherwise be impossible to polish it ; lastly, a little white wax is spread upon a linen cloth, and, by rubbing with this, the finest white Mar- ble is obtained. The colored Marbles are made in the same manner, with the exception of the dissolution of the color wished for the Marble in the water which is used to harden it, using Campeacliy wood for the red, indigo for the blue and white Marble, etc. ^ 136. M. Buisson of Bordeaux, also took out a patent on the. 14th of December, 1842. He gives the following recipe. A block of eighty inches in length and twenty-five in width, should be placed in a sheet iron basin about three feet in deptii, and somewhat longer and broader than the block. Place this basin in a kiln heated to 170 THE MAKBLE WOEKERS' MANUAL. twenly-eiglit degrees, and maintain the same degree of heat for five hours. At the end of this time, fill the basin with boiling water in which a solution of two and one-fifth pounds of common alum in twelve quarts of water has first been poured. The basin should be kept filled with the same wa- ter for seventy-two hours, a gentle heat being main- tained in the kiln, in order that the block of Marble may become thoroughly impregnated, and acquire the hardness of Marble. The Cognac plaster produces statuary Marble of the greatest purity. The Rouen plaster produces the same, but with less whiteness. For Marbles of two and a half inches in thickness for fronts of buildings, mantels of chimney pieces, pavements, etc., the same process is used, but the plaster stones must first be sawed to the required di- mensions and placed in the basin at the distance of two inches apart, and baked for five hours in the kiln heated to the degree we have mentioned, aftei which, water prepared in the manner before described is poured upon them, and the whole is left undisturbed for twenty-four hours. ^ 137. In order to obtain different tints, the fol- lowing drugs are dissolved in the alum water. For black; four-fifths of a grain, Troy weight, of bulaque, three-tenths of a grain of verdigris, and as OF TERRACES. 171 much copperas, in twelve quarts of water and two and one-fifth pounds of alum, avoirdupois. For rose ; three and a half pints of the decoction of old Brazil wood, in twelve quarts of water, and two and one-fifth pounds of alum. For yellow; two and one-fifth pounds avoirdupois of woad or dyers' weed, in the above quantity of alum water. SECTION FIFTH. OF TERRACES. ^ 138. If Marble workers confined themselves to working upon Marble alone, we should deem it unne- cessary to give practical instructions concerning the construction of antique areas, or pavements of terraces. But they often have to execute works which properly belong to the province of stone cutters, in which they do not succeed, either for want of proper foundations on which to work, or because they have not good ma- terials, or for want of mastics solid enough to resist the inclemency of the seasons. It is therefore of the great- est importance, that they should be placed in posses- sion of information which may enable them to' over- come the obstacles with which they have to contend. 172 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. Vitruvius, after having spoken of the stuccos of his time and described their composition, said that they made use of similar methods to form areas upon ter- races iu courtyards and apartments. Before the com- position had dried, they incrusted small pieces of colored Marble in it to ornament it. Sometimes they only mixed crushed tile with the coating, which gave it the appearance of a kind of red granite, and also in- creased its solidity. This last composition was called opus signinum, from the city of Signia, celebrated for the excellence of its tiles. § 1S9. The art of constructing areas of the pave- ments of terraces, says M. Hericart de Thury, being now nearly lost or forgotten, it is very desirable to find some one sufficiently versed in the theory and practice of this art to draw up some elementary instruc- tions, designed to enlighten workmen in respect to the principles of the ancients in relation to the construc- tion of antique areas. ^140. M. Laudier, former chief of the engineering batallion, in his campaigns had closely studied the antique areas and the pavements of Venetian terraces, and has employed his leisure in preparing an elemen- tary treatise upon this subject. We shall extract from this whatever information may be useful to Marble workers, masons, and stone cutters. PREPARATIO-N OF THE AREA. 173 CHAPTER FIRST. PREPARATION OF THE AREA. OF THE FIRST COATING. ^ 141. Pavements and Venetian terraces are built in apartments, ground floors, over vaults, and apon frame work covered with boards, not only in covered places but also in the open air. In all cases the man- ner of constructing them is precisely the same; care must be taken, however, in laying the first coating upon a ground floor, that the plane surface should be dry and the earth well trod down and perfectly level. When this is done, the overseer of the work draws marks in the angles of the apartment, two inches from the ground, and then, with a rule, connects these marks by a thick, black line. This ground is then covered with the first coating, consisting of old plaster, work and bricks, which is spread over it smoothly and pressed down to the height of the black mark. This is then again compressed with the beetle, and is moist- ened with lime water during this operation by means of small brooms. To level this mass, the rule and level are used. 174 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. OF THE SECOND COATING. § 142. Another black line is drawn around the apartment, about three inches above the first. This line determines the thickness of the second coating, which is also composed of plaster work and old bricks, prepared in the following manner : the plaster work and bricks are first pounded together, and then mixed with lime and sand, thus forming a thick mortar. When a sufficient quantity of the niortar has been prepared, it is laid on the first coating to the thickness of three inches, this mass is then spread over the sur- face and harrowed with an iron rake, and is then smoothed with a lath, the level being used. It is then moistened with lime water and compressed again with the beetle; pounded with an iron rammer until the coating resembles a wall freshly plastered, and finally pressed down again with the beetle. When this sec- ond coating is nearly dry, the third, called the red coating, is applied. COMPOSITION OF THE RED COATING. ^ 143. For this purpose, old or new tiles are pound- ed, and then passed through a coarse sieve ; when a sufficient quantity has thus been prepared, it is put iri heaps, after first separating any pieces that may have mixed with it. To make the mixture, two heaps are formed, ono MANNKR OF APPLYING THE RED COATING. 175 containing two-thirds of the crushed bricks, and the other one-third of lime; these are thrown by alternato shovelfuUs into a third heap, thus amalgamating the bricks and lime; this dry mass is then turned over with an iron rake until it is thoroughly mixed. When this has been turned several times, it is sprin- kled with water, and then stirred again with the rake, until it has acquired the consistency of partially com- pact mortar ; which it will soon do if the tiles were well dried when mixed. MANNER OF APPLYING THE RED COATING. ^ 144. The mortar is spread over the surface in the manner before described. This coating should be fronj two to two and a half inches in thickness. If the second coating is found too dry to yield to the red mortar and to properly unite with it, the whole floor must be sprinkled, and when the surface is suffi- ciently moistened, the mortar is thrown on it in heaps, and then evenly spread over with the iron rake. In ordinary cases, the rule and level are applied to every part of the room, and the whole is carefully lev- eled. The whole thickness of the three coatings, par- ticularly in rooms upon the ground floor where damp- ness is to be feared, should be from seven to eight inches; it is a good plan to arrange little trenches by which the water can run off. "When the leveling is finished, the whole surface 176 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. should be consolidated and made perfectly smooth with the iron beetle. The leveling, in this part of the work, is made iu the following manner : When the red mass is spread out, a well planed lath, which should be as long as the width of the room, is laid upon the ground. Two workmen, each in the corner of the apartment, place this lath lengthwise, and then, by drawing it along, always keeping it on the same level, they remove the surface of Uie mortar, constantly applying the level in order to secure a per- fect leveling. The coating of mortar being thus perfectly leveled, it is beaten with the iron rammer and the beetle. The red mortar iu the corners of the room should be beat- en as soon as spread on, as it dries much sooner than that in the middle. OF THE FOURTH COATING . ^ 145. A white coating is spread over the red coat which is called lo stabilido or il bianco ; this coating is prepared in the following manner : A quantity of white or greyish marble is pounded into small fragments, or rather grains, which are then passed through a sieve of iron wire, fine enough to only permit the passage of that resembling coarse sand Two parts of this coarse sand is then mixed with one part lime, and the whole is amalgamated un- til it acquires the consistency of a stiff mortar, which is called by the workmen, il bianco. APPMCATION OF THE MARBLE MORTAR 177 OF THE APPLICATION OF THE MARBLE MORTAR. ^ 146. When a sufficient quantity of the Marble mortar has been prepared, it is placed in a trough and carried into the room in which the pavement is made, and then spread over the red coating in the following manner : A workman with a mason's trowel throws the mor- tar in small heaps in straight lines, about three inches apart ; a second workman then spreads them evenly over the whole surface of the floor with a round steel trowel. The thickness of this coating of Marble mortar should be from three to three and a half inches. Any color that may be wished may be given to this mortar, by using yellow, green, or any other colored Marble ; but white Marble is usually preferred, as the designs appear to better advantage on it, as well as the pieces of Marble. When the coating of white mortar begins to dry, the design should be lightly traced upon it ; after which the second part of the process begins, which consists in applyin^( the different colored Marbles lj«*v/'/ to ncvj^ne ''le design which has been traced. 178 THE MARBLE WoRKERS' MANUAL, CHAPTER SECOND. WORKING OF THE MARBLE. METHOD OF BREAKING THE MARBLE. § 147. While part of the workmen are employed ir. laying down the first, second, third, and fourth coat-, jugs, another workman sorts the different colors of Marble suitable to the design. Fragments of old, broken Marbles, which are no longer of use, will serve for this purpose. Indeed they are those best suited to this kind of work, since one side of them is polished. In respect to those used for the mortar, their form is indifferent, since they are only used after having been crushed. ' The different sorts of Marbles are broken witli a mallet into small pieces, the largest of which should not exceed two and a half or three inches in length and as many in width, and with no regularity of form ; these are then thrown in heaps according to their colors. These heaps are next passed through a large iron sieve, in order to separate the large and small pieces thus forming two distinct portions. OF THE APPr.tCATIOM OF l lIE MARBLE. 179 When all the outlines of the design have been traced on the floor, and the color of each of them has been decided, the workmen commence by making framings of small pieces of Marble of a suitable color, which they fit in the niass with as much regularity as possi- ble, taking care always to place their largest side on the line of the design, and the irregular sides within the framing. When these little pieces are properly placed, the workman presses them down with his thumb, continu- ing through the lines in this manner before proceeding to the inside of the framing, which does not demand the same regularity. OF THE APPLICATION OF THE MARBLE. ^ 148. For this process, the workman fills his apron pockets with pieces of the diflFerent colored Marbles needed in the design ; he then kneels, and, following the outline of the design, presses the small pieces of Marble with his thumb exactly side by side, in the partially softened mass which forms the fourth coating. The fran)ing of the design being formed with these pieces, which should be as nearly as possible of the same size, he proceeds to the inlaying of the centre ground, commonly called the mirror. When tlie mirror contains no design, he simply takes pieces of Marble of what should be the prevailing color ; or, what is better, he uses Marbles of different colors, which produces a beautiful efi"ect. (80 * THE MARBLE VVOllKERS' MANUAL. MANNER OF PAVING THE MIRROR. ^ 149. The pieces of the kind and color of Marbles which should prevail in the mirror should be larger than the others, and also as flat as possible ; the workman spreads them over the floor, leaviug them be arranged by chance, only taking care that they shall not be too close together. The mirror being covered, all those pieces should be laid flat which, in falling, took some other position, or turned their polished side downwards. To place them in this manner the workmen use several planks, upon which they kneel and thus advance, working di- rectly before them. These large fragments, flatly placed at a proper distance from each other, give the prevailing color to the mirror. After this, all the spaces between the large fragments are filled up with smaller pieces of difi"erent colored Marbles ; such as white, red, yellow black, reddish, greenish, etc., thus forming a mixture of colors beautifully shaded. To ascertain whether the colors produce a good ef- fect, the part which is finished is sprinkled with a broom dipped in water; this draws forth all the bril- liancy of the colors. The floor being paved in the manner described, the pressure by the stone cylinder next succeeds. USE OF HIE STONE .YLINDER. 181 USE OF THE STONE CYLINDER. § 150. Before using this cylinder, the whole floor should be well sprinkled with water, so that not only the white coating may be softened, but also the red mortar which is beneath it. This being done, the cylinder should be carefully placed, so as not to dis- arrange the small pieces of Marble, and first rolled over the edge of the mirror nearest the door. The work should always commence at this point, in order to avoid the effacing of the drawing in going in and out. The cylinder rolls forward and backward, and the place over which it passes should be well sprinkled frequently with water. The corners of the casements, and all places which cannot be reached with the cylinder, should be pressed with the beetle, and beaten down with the iron rammer. When the cylinder has been rolled long enough to force the small pieces of Marble deeply into the red coating, so that it can be perceived that the white mass begins to form a kind of coat, and that the whole is sufficiently incrusted, it is again pressed down with the beetle, and smootlied over with the iron rammer. USE OF THE SMALL POLISHER. ^151. The coating of Marble having been well rolled by the cylinder, pressed down and beaten, and 182 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. sunk to the red mass, leaving only the coat of white mortar visible upon the surface ; the workmen com- mence polishing in every direction with the small polisher. For the recesses of the windows and all other places in which the small polisher cannot be used, the work- man uses a piece of hone or coticular stone largo enough to be grasped with both hands, with which he polishes all the corners of the apartment, also filling up all interstices which may have formed. In proportion as the surface is polished, a workman supplied with a trowel, a hod filled with white Marble mortar, and various small pieces of Marbles, fills up the empty spaces, and sinks new pieces where they are wanting ; he then sprinkles the place, and passes the polisher over it. The Marble mortar which is forced out by the sprinkling and polishing, is in a liquid state ; this the workman removes with a steel trowel, forcibly scraping the part until nothing more remains on the surface. FORCING DOWN THE LARGE PIECES OF MARBLE. § 152. When the mirror is entirely inlaid with large pieces of Marble, some of which are found to rise above the others, or to be detached from them, they are forced down again with a quadrangular wooden prism, This prism is placed upon the piece of Marble, and the opposite side lightly struck, to sink it USE or THE LARGE POLISHER. 183 This coating of natural Marble being smoothed dowii f?ith the small polisher, leveled and worked with the steel trowel, and a slight degree of polish attained, the large polisher or large grindstone is then used. USE OF THE LARGE POLISHER. ^ 153. The large polisher consists of a grindstone of twenty inches in diameter, with a part of its cylin- drical form removed ; it then rests on a flat surface of about two inches, with which the instrument rest? upon the pavement ; this gives it more effect when set in motion. This grindstone, being very heavy, should be worked by two men, one holding the polisher very near the head, and the other the middle of the handle. During this operation the pavement is carefully pprinkled, and the empty spaces which may have formed are filled up with the Marble mortar. When a very large polisher is used, two men will not be sufficient to work it; a rope is then attached to the front of the grindstone, with which the third workman draws it towards him, while the other two shove it from their side. When the pavement is sufficiently smoothed by the action of the large polisher, (for the polish is not yet begun,) the work is again commenced in divisions not exceeding twelve superficial feet. Each of these must be worked in every direction for an hour and a half, after which a workman kneeling, with a piece of hone or 184 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL, coticular stone, placed flatly, passes over the part ■which has just been worked, rubbing it with a circular move- ment. The operation of polishing draws out upon the sur- face of the pavement a liquid matter, arising from the sprinkling and the diluted mortars. When the work- man has rubbed sufiiciently with the hone, he removes this liquid with the blade of the steel trowel, passing it circularly until the Marble appears to be already half polished. USE OF THE IRON RAMMER. ^ 154. The preceding work being finished, a workman takes an iron rammer, with which he gently beats the surface, in order that the pieces of Marbles may be forced still deeper into the white and red masses, which are softened by the frequent snrinkling, and unite themselves with the entire mass. In this operation, as in the preceding one, if any of the small stones have become deranged by the rubbing or pressing down, they should be replaced with the Marble mortar, and forced down with the wooden prism. The Marble coating of the mirror having been well polished the first time, as has bee?i said before, the same is repeated, using the small polisher for polishing the borders made of the small stones ; these are more easily worked than the middle, which requires the use of the large polisher, and more time. THIRD AND FOURTH POLISHING. 185 After a second working, a piece of hone is again used for removing the liquid mass drawn out by the polislni g, and the surface is scraped with the round trowel. As this mass has become very thin by fre- quent sprinklings and is no longer of use, it is re- moved in a bucket, and the pavement is finally beaten with the iron rammer. THIRD POLISHING. ^155. When the pavement is somewhat dry, it is polished again, as in the first and second polishing and the whole is worked anew with the large grind- stone. FOURTH POLISHING. ^ 156. The same process is repeated for the fourth time, always observing to polish the corners and bor- ders with the small, and the mirror with the large polisher. Not as much time, however, is required for this. The half of that demanded by the previous op- erations will be sufficient. This work being finished, the whole pavement is rubbed with wheat bran on a cushion of wool. When this has been sufficiently rubbed, it is swept with a horse hair brush, after which the borders are marked with a black crayon, in order that they may not be passed in applying the color. 186 THE MARBLE WORKERS MANUAL. PREPARATION OF COLORS AND THEIR USES. ^ 157. The red is simply diluted with water and then applied to the coating of red Marble. The yellow and green are prepared in the following manner : Bruise a quantit}" of juniper berries, and boil them in a few pints of water, then pour off the water from the residuum ; this water is used in grinding the green or yellow, which is mixed well with the white mass of the Marble. The colors thus prepared are laid on the green and yellow borders with a large brush, serving only to col- or those parts of the mortar visible between the seams of the pieces of Marble forming the last coating; this gives to these mortars the color of the Marbles which are encrusted with them. In a few days, the colors being well dried, the whole apartment is again cleansed with the bran and a woolen cushion. This final operation produces an apartment wholly paved with perfectly polished Mar- ble, and resembling a most beautiful mosaic. SUBSEQUENT OPERATION NECESSARY TO PRE- SERV'E AND PERFECT THE PAVEMENT. ^ 158, The entire mass having acquired a perfect dryness and solidity, which takes place in three months, another mortar of fine white Marble is pre- CPEUAXrON TO PRESERVE THE PAVE.MKNT. 187 pared, with which the whole pavement is again cov- ered. This mortar should not be too thick. It is spread with a steel trowel, and the cavities are filled up which have formed during the drying of the pave- nient. The superfluous mortar is then removed, and, after the whole is well dried, linseed oil is passed over the whole by means of woolen cushions, which produces a fine gloss, and increases the perfection of the work; this operation should be repeated every year. THE MARBLE WORKERS* MANUAf 188 CHAPTEK THIRD. LESS COSTLY VENITIAN PAVEMENTS. FIRST METHOD. § 159. We offer the following less costly method of constructing pavements, to those who do not wish to incur the expense of those executed in Marble The floor of the apartment is first prepared with the first, second, and third coatings, as has been de- scribed. Then, instead of spreading upon the red joating, which is the third, the coating of white mor- tar ; after having provided small round and flat peb- bles, or any other kinds of broken stones that may bo wished, they are spread at hazard over the whole sur- face of the red coating, taking care that they may be near enough each other. They are then rolled with the stone cylinder in the same manner as the Marble pavements, until the stones are forced down into the red coating so as not to ap- pear on the surface. When, after a few hours, the work commences to LESS EXPENSIVE METHOD. 189 dry, the lines are drawn, necessary to encircle the de- sign which is to be given to the following coating : This upper coating, which is laid on according to the design, is the same as that designated in the se- cond chapter, under the name of the mortar of white Marble, and consists of Marble, pounded and re- duced to sand and mixed with lime ; but with the dif- ference that this mass is not white like the first, but of the different colors which have been delineated on the design. These colored mortars are composed like the white mortars, of green, yellow, red and other marbles, reduced to a kind of coarse sand, and afterwards mix- ed with lime. They are spread with the steel trowel over the different divisions of the design, according to the colors to- be given them ; this coating is then pounded with the iron rammer and leveled with the trowel. This coating of colored mortar should be from an inch to an inch and a half in thickness. When the floor begins to dry, a coating of its re- spective color is spread over each division of the de- sign, after which it is cleansed and polished with a woolen cushion. At the end of a few months, the floor is again covered witli colored mortars, thinner than the first ; these are spread and carefully smooth- ed, after which linseed oil is passed over it, and it is polished with bran. !90 THE MARBLE WORKr.RS MANUAL. SECOND METHOD. § 160. In hotels, restaurants, warehouses, galleries, cellars, and all other places in which a dry and solid floor without ornament is required, the fourth coating of colored Marble is useless; it is sufficient to force down repeatedly the gravel or stone which has been used with the stone cylinder, afterwards consolidating and leveling it with the iron rammer. THIRD METHOD. §161. Ordinary pavements can also be made by taking common stones and pounding and reducing them to coarse sand, which is then mixed with lime and old plaster stuff. When this mass- is well mixed, and has acquired the consistency of a thick mortar, it is spread upon the third or red coating; .this layer should be from an inch and a half to two inches in thickness. It is then smoothed and leveled with the cylinder, and pounded with the iron rammer. A stony mass is thus formed, which is solid and impenetrable, and is not impaired by time or temperature. This pavement may be used in the open air, and upon frame-work as well as terraces, as it is perfectly impervious to water. In this complicated work, everything depends upon the manner in which the described operations are exe- o restored is always scratched more or less, and it is impossible to practice it in the excavated parts with- out breaking the delicate sculptures, or causing sad incongruities between the designs in relief and thofe which are sculptured. It is therefore very desirable to find a wash that may be substituted for this de- structive process. Several persons have described powders and waters, with which experiments have been made at the Luxembourg and other places, but none seem to be satisfactory. Alkalized water, pre- pared with potash, has also been proposed, as well as water dashed with hydrochloric acid. In respect to soiled articles, which Ifave not been tarnished by exposure to the open air; to restore their original color, it is sufficient to use the potash water, then to wash them in pure water, and finally, to finish them with the chlorureted water. Soap and water is often sufficient in such cases ; it is spread on with a brush, and introduced into the sculptured parts by a somewhat stiff pencil, I have heard a kind of varnish made of white wax hicfhly extolled as a preservative; this is laid on by means of heat, and is afterwards rubbed with a cushion; it is said that this varnish was used by the ancients, and that the preservation of their chefs d' ouvre may be attributed to this; but proof has never been given of the efficacy of this method, which seems, like the rest, to be difficult of application. 212 THE MAP.BLE WORKER 5' MANUAL. The water and hydrocbloric acid have been success- fully tried in the Place de la Concorde^ upon the statues and stone balustrades which ornament it, and the architect who superintended its use, considered it the most economical and expedient method known. The essential point in this operation is, to always use water which is perfectly clean, and in an abundant quantity. Showering by a garden pump, or a syringe with several holes, appears to me to be the best me- thod of removing the chlorureted water from all the places in which it may rest despite the washing with the brush. SECTION FIFTH OF POZZOLANA. § 182. Poezolana may be classed among the num- ber of natural cements which arc often needed by the Marble-worker, but which are rarely used on account of the difficulty of procuring them. This is a natural cement, formed by volcanic scorias and lavas. It was much used by the Ronians for aqueducts, reservoirs, and all works exposed to a constant moisture. Poz- zolana, when mixed with the requisite proportions of good lime, sets in the water, and forms a mortar so PUMICE STONE. 213 adhetiive and compactly united, that it can resist the action of the waves without suffering the least change. There are several varieties of pozzolaua, namely : First, The gravelly and compact, and the basaltic poz zolaua. The compact lava and basalt, reduced to small splinters or gravelly fragments, either by nature or by pulverization in the mills used by the Dutch for crushing a softer lava, known by the name of tras or Andernach stone, also furnishes an excellent pozzo- lana, which may be used either in or out of the water. Second. The porous pozzolana, formed by spongy lavas, which are crumbly, and reduced to powder or small irregular grains. This is the common pozzolana which abounds in the suburbs of Bayes, Pozzuoli, Na- ples, Rome, and in many parts of the Vivarais, etc. The ferruginous origin of these lavas having passed through different modifications, varieties in the colors of those volcanic earths have been produced ; there are red, black, reddish, grey, brown, violet, and other colors. All of these, when mixed with lime, possess the pro- perty of acquiring a great solidity in water. PUMICE STONE. § 183. This stone, so light, porous, and useful in almost all the arts, in Marble working most especially, is used for polishing, either in powder or in fragments • it removes the asperities, and prepares the material for receiving the last polish. •>I4 THE MARBLE \VORKEns' MANUAL, M. Daubenton was the first to observe and remark that the pumice stones were composed of particles of an almost perfect glass, and M. Dolomieu has also made many reliable observations respecting the origin and nature of this volcanic production ; he has ob- served in his Voyages, that the island of Lipari is the immense warehouse which furnishes pumice stones to all Europe, and that several mountains on tliis island are entirely composed of it; he also says that he has found isolated fragments in a white, mealy powder, which was itself but a pulverable pumice. The substance of these stones, particularly of the lighter ones, is in a state of /nY, closely resembling a perfect glass ; their texture is fibrous, their grain rough and dry, they look shining and silky, and ar^ much lighter than either the porous, or cellular lavas. This distinguished traveler points out four species uf pumice, which diff'er from each other in the closeness of the grain, the weight, the texture, and the arrange- ment of the pores. " The pumice stones," says he, appear to have flowed in the same manner as the lavas, forming like them, broad currents, which have been discovered, lying at different depths above each other, around the mountains of Lipari The heavier pumice stones occupy the lower part of the currents or masses, the lighter stones being above uhem ; the same is also true of the lavas, the lighter and more porous always oc- cupying the upper part." njFFEREiNT DESIGNS — EXECUTION OF M'ORKS. 2lS SECTION SIXTH. DIFFERENT DESIGNS AND CONDITIONS OF THE EXECUTION OF WORKS. § 1 84. The execution of funereal monuments, either in stone, marble, or in stone mixed with ornaments of marble, is one of the branches of this art which affords most employment to Marble workers. By visiting the various cemeteries, an idea can be formed of the diver- sity of the tastes, and of the intellectual or pecuniary abilities of those who erect them. One likes to fancy on seeing the expression of sorrow happily rendered, that these mourning monuments betoken less of the pride than of the sorrow of the survivors. TTie artists are strangers to the inscriptions which they engrave upon the marble. These being dictated by relatives and friends, they do not incur the responsibility of them; notwithstanding they have the right to give thei* opinion, and it would be rendering an important service to families to counsel them to make these as simple as possible. What we say respecting inscrip- tions will also apply to the monuments themselves When they are large and costly, they are often under the direction of an architect, and in this case, the Marble worker has only to follow the design that is given him. 2JG TliE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. When the family address themselves exclusively to the Marble worker, he makes his estimate, and when if. is accepted, contracts with the mason to determine the part of each in the stipulated price, or to fix the price of the mason, who stands in the same relation to the Marble worker as he, in the preceding hypothesis, stood in respect to the architect. As to the various forms of funereal monuments, although their general forms are similar, there are many shades of distinction which should be ob- served, in respect to good taste and social propriety; thus, the tomb of a woman or a young girl should not resemble that of a scholar, a warrior, a great artist, an orator, or a man of letters. There should always be some distinguishing point, though the form may be the same. Let us take, for example, a simple form ; this may be applicable to the whole world if no inscription is placed upon it. The grief which has erected it will admit no one in its confidence. The tomb will neither attract admiration or criticism from any. But if there is an inscription, an exterior ornament should harmonize with the idea it expresses ; some- times, a lily cut off near its bloom will mutely tell of a young girl ; sometimes, a wreath of falling roses will speak of a young female ; sometimes, a crown of laurel will remind us of the modest and lamented warrior ; sometimes, the page of a book, the image of lyre, indicate an author, a musician, etc. DIFFERENT DESIGNS EXECUTION OF WORKS. 217 When the monument is a large one, the ornaments are of a higher order; these demand the liand of the sculptor, and should consist of emblems suited to re- call the memory of the life of the dead. There are some tombs which only suit the pride of a rich heir. They have a sort of coquetry, which would be ridiculous on the tomb of an old man or a warrior. Others, on the contrary, by their magisterial grav- ity, by seulpture, or the execution of palms, a crown, a broken sword, or some other ornament, are suited to the station in society which the man filled during bis life. We shall limit our remarks respecting the construc- tion of costly monuments, as the direction of these works does not properly belong to Marble workers but to architects. All monuments, whether small o'- great, are generally modified copies of some few espe- cial styles, and these modifications may be infinitely reproduced and varied. Besides which, the beauty of the Marbles creates more real difference thau the di- versity of form. As to the price which these monuments should command, this depends entirely upon the name of the artist, the materials, and the style of the worli- manship, which also includes the ornaments, wnich often require more time than the work itself, Theie are head-stones,- tombs, monuments, and family sepulchres, for two hundred dollars; ttiey can 218 THE MARBLE WORKERs' MANUAL also be purchased for twenty thousand ; the time necessary for their execution differs as widely as the price. The best method of not deceiving one's self or being deceived is, to demand an estimate, arrange a plan and make no change in its execution without inserting a supplementary article in the contract. Besides, the Marble workers are willing to contract at the most reasonable prices. A reasonable profit belongs to them, and the interest of the purchaser, as well as that of the Marble worker, demands that they shall have this ; as to do his work well, the artijit should have the hope of being compensated for his labor. SECTION SEVENTH. CHIMNEY-PIECE IN MALACHITE. § 185. Although works executed in malachite do not properly belong to the art of the Marble worker, we wish to speak of a very remarkable work of this kind. This is a chimney-piece which is executed in what is termed the style of Louis Quatorze, and is truly admirable. It is five feet in height, and more than six and a CHIMNEY-riECE IM MALAOIIITK. 219 half feet in width. The frame supports three slopings at the base of a spherical cornice in the coin ; this cor- nice enters by the shaft and rounds towards the capital, and is terminated by a chimera supporting the upper cornice ; these chimeras, as well as the fantastical figure in the centre of the mantel, are surrounded with arabesques and garlands in ormolu. Upon each side of the hearth, a Venus is half reclining upon orna- ments, also in ormolu. The inside of the chimney- piece is of brass, and is also ornamented. This chim- ney-piece is valued at $7,500 ; this demonstrates suf- ficiently that the materials and ornaments which com- pose and decorate it are very costly. We shall now speak further of the malachite. The malachite, traces of which are found in copper mines, is a mineral of irregular formation, which is only found in small masses, and is extremely rare — It is only in Siberia that this carbonate of copper is found in blocks of greater or less size. Prince Demidoff possesses estates in Siberia upon which large blocks have been found within a few years. The extreme density of malachite, the fineness of its grain, and its hardness, render it susceptible of a very fine polish ; the wavy reflections which show from the ground, with the shade which it presents, give it a sort of green color, full of lustre and harmony. It is very difficult to work, and somewhat re- sembles those magnificent mosaics of the Vatican, which represent the admirable productions of Ra- tZO THE MARHLE WORKERS' MANUAL. phael and Michael Angelo ; we do not make this comparison without design, as it explains the high price of the works composed of this material. The museum of the mines, at St. Petersburg, con- tains a block weighing 317,592 pounds; this block was the most remarkable one known, previous to the discovery which was made in 1835, on the western side of the Ural Mountains, of a block weighing about 13,233 pounds. It is probably this, which haa beeu cut to form a magnificent portal, and a vase of the greatest beauty, the value of which is estimated at nearly $82,000. These chefs cfceuvre excite the ad- miration of scholars and artists, but they will never become popular. Malachite, in truth, can never be employed except for ornament, until some quarry easily worked shall have been discovered. But there is nothing to pre- vent the reproduction in fine Marble, or in porphyry, of the works which M. DemidofF has caused to be exe- cuted in malachite. It is with this view that we have described this magnificent chimney-piece, whose beau- tiful design is equally applicable to all other on amental chimney-pieces. ANCIENT PROCESS FOR PAINTING ON MARBLES. 22 1 SECTION EIGHTH. ANCIENT AND MODERN PROCESSES FOR PAINT1N(} OR COLORING MARBLES. ANCIENT PROCESS FOR PAINTING ON MARBLES § 186. We have already said and proved several times, that many of the new inventions are merely the reproductions of ancient methods, which have been abandoned for some unknown cause. We find a new proof of this in the Dictionnaire de V Industrie, pub- lished in 1785, and it is somewhat remarkable that, even at that period, this invention was not given as a new one. We make the following extract from page 408, vol. 4, of the Encyclopedie de Diderot, where the article may be found : " In order to prepare a liquor which will penetrate into the interior of Marble in such a manner that one can paint on the surface, designs which seem to be within the material, it is necessary to proceed in the following manner : " Take of aqua fortis and aqua regia, each two ounces, one ounce of salts of ammonia, two drachms of the best spirits of wine, as much gold as can be 222 TBE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. bought for a hundred pence, and two drachms of pure silver. When you are furnished with these materials and have calcined the silver, put it in a vial, and hav- ing poured upon it the two ounces of aqua fortis, leave it to evaporate; you will thus have a water which will at first give a blue color, and finally a black. Calcine the gold in the same manner, put it in the vial, and, pouring the aqua regia upon it, leave it to evaporate. Finally pour your spirits of wine upon the salts of ammonia, leaving it also to evaporate; you will thus have a golden colored water which will furnish different colors. " In this manner you can make many dyes of vari- ous colors, by the use of other metals. This being done, by the aid of the two others you can paint whatever you may wish upon the softest kind of white Marble, repeating the operation every day for some time by adding new liquor to the same figures; you will then find that the painting has penetrated the Marble in such a manner that, in cutting it in any manner you may please, it will always present the same figure on both sides." MODERN PROCESSES FOR DEEPLY COLORING MARBLES. § 1 87. We will not repeat here what we have al- ready said several times, particularly at the head of tlie preceding paragraph ; yet we find it curious and useful to compare the ancient methods with the mod- MODERN PROCESS FOR COLORING MARBLES. 22r ern ones, and we confine ourselves to the remark that the first have the advantage of experience. We may add that if they have been abandoned, it is because this experience has demonstrated their defects, and, consequently, that new inventions must be accepted cautiously, and with reserve. To succeed in the coloring of Marbles, the pieces of Marbles upon which the experiments are made should be well polished, and free from any spots oi veins. The harder the Marble, the better it supports the heat necessary to the operation ; on this aocouot alabaster and the common soft white Marble are not suitable for the purpose which we propose. Heat is always necessary, to open the pores of the Marble and thus to prepare it for the reception of colors, but it never should be heated to a red heat, as the fire then alters the contexture of the Marble, burns the colors, and destroys their beauty. Too slio'ht a degree of heat is as bad as oii^ too great, for in this case, though the Marble takes the color, it does not retain it well and is not penccrated deeply enough. There are some colors which it will even take when cold, but these never fix as .veil as when a proper degree of heat is employed. The proper degree of h'eat is that which, without reddening the Marble, is intense enough to cause the liquor which is on its surface to boil. The menstru- ums which are used to incorporate the colcn-s, should be varied according to the nature of the color em 224 THE MARBLE VOKKLRS MANUAL. ployed; a lixivium tiiade with the urine of the horse or dog, mixed with four parts of quick-lime and one of potash, is excellent for certain colors, the common ley of wood ashes is good for others ; for some, the spirits of wine is better, some others require oily liquors, or common white wine. The colors which succeed best with the different menstruums are the following: blue-stone dissolved in six times its quantity of spirits of wine or a uri- nous lixivium, and the color called litnus by the painters, dissolved in common lixivium of wood ; the e.^tract of saffron and the color made from the fruit >f the buck thorn, called sap green by the painters, ^)oth succeed very well when dissolved in urine or i[uick-lime, and tolerably in the spirits of wine. Vermilion, and the fine powder of cochineal, also dissolve well in the same liquids. Dragons' blood succeeds very well in the spirits of wine, which is also used for the dye of Campeachy wood. The root of the alkanet gives a very fine color, but the only menstruum suited to it is turpentine, as nei- ther the spirits of wine or any lixivium has the power to dissolve it. There is still another kind of dragons' blood, called drngon's blood in tears, which gives a beautiful color when mixed with urine alone. ^ 188. Besides these mixtures of colors and men MODERN PROCESS FOR COLORING MARBLES. 225 Mruums, certain colors can be put on dry and unmix- ed ; such as the purest dragons' blood for the red. the gamboge for the yellow, the green wax for a kind of green, the common sulphur, pitch and turpentine for a brown color. For all these experiments, the Marble must be con- siderably heated, and the dry colors then rubbed upon the block. Some of these colors, properly applied, remain im- movable, some are changed and finally effaced by others; thus, the red color produced by dragon's blood or the decoction of Campeachy wood, is entirely effaced by the oil of tartar, without the polish of the Marble receiving any injury. A beautiful golden color is produced in the follow- ing manner : Take equal quantities of the crude salts of ammonia, of vitriol, and of verdigris, the white vitriol is the best for this purpose ; grind these to- gether, and reduce them all to a very fine powder. All the shades of red and yellow may be given to the Marble with the solutions of dragons' blood and gamboge, by reducing these gums to powder and grind- ing them with spirits of wine in a glass mortar. But, when little is required, the best method is to mix one of these powders with spirits of wine in a sil- ver spoon, and hold it over a heated brasier ; this ex- tracts a fine color, and, by dipping a small brush in it, the finest veins may be made upon the cold Marble. 226 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANITAL. When this is afterwards heated over sand from the fire, or in a baker's oven, the coloring will be absorbed and will remain perfectly distinct upon the stone. It is very easy, by the same means, to give a ground of a red or a yellow color to Marble, leaving white veins upon it. This is done by covering the parts designed to re* tain their whiteness with white paint, or even with two or three folds of paper; either of these will pre- vent the penetration of the color in this part. All the shades of red may be given to Marble sim- ply with the aid of this gum. A weak coloring, ap- plied without the assistance of heat, will produce a pale flesh color, but the stronger the coloring is made the deeper will the color be ; to this the action of heat contributes much. By adding a little pitch to the coloring, a black shade, or all the varieties of dark red, can be given. The archil of the Canary Islands, a species of moss, simply diluted in water and applied when cold to the Marble, communicates to it a beautiful blue color, which is more precious, as this color is rarely found in Marbles; by putting on the coloring in proportion as it dries, it becomes very fine in less than twenty- four hours, and penetrates deeply. If the paste of archil is used, which is a prepara- tion of the plant with lime and fermented urine, the color obtained will be more of a violet than blue ; to obtain a perfect blue it must be diluted in lemon rrCTURKS IN STUCCO. 227 juice ; this acid will not injure the Marble, as it has been weakened by its action upon the archil. Large blue veins may thus be formed upon the cold, white Marble, which produces a beautiful effect, but as this color is apt to spread, it will not be pure or exact unless the colored parts are instantly touched with dragons' blood or gamboge, which checks it. It may also be checked with wax, either colored, if colored veins are required, or white, if they are to re- main white. This blue color, which penetrates the Marble more than an inch, also renders it softer; this, however, is but a slight objection, as it is absorbed in but few places, and also possesses sufficient solidity to last many years without suffering any material change. FIGURES IN RELIEF UPON MARBLE. ^ 189. A method has also been discovered for tra- cing figures in relief upon Marble with great facility. For this purpose, the desired figures are first traced upon the Marble with chalk, they are then covered with a coat of varnish, made of common Spanish sealing-wax, dissolved in spirits of wine ; after which a mixture of equal parts of acid of salts and distilled vinegar is poured upon the Marble, which corrodes the ground while the figures remain in relief as if engraved at the cost of much time and expense. 228 THr-: marble workers' manual. PICTURES IN STUCCO. § 190. We have already described the composition and working of stucco at the present day, but we find some things more perfect in the ancient methods than in the modern. The following extract was written in 1781. " There is still another method of working lu stuc- co which is superior to t,his, as by it pieces are so beautifully executed as to resemble the finest paint- ings. Landscapes are made of this stucco, and we have seen at one of the exhibitions of the Gallery, a flower picture of the greatest beauty, in which all the colors were shaded as if they had been laid on with a brush. Indeed the manner in which these pieces are executed may be regarded as a species of painting in stucco, as may be seen from the process. " The stucco, or artificial Marble, of which these beautiful works are made, is a composition of which plaster forms the entire base; the hardness that .may be given it, the difi'erent colors with which it may be mixed, and the polish of which it is susceptible, ren- ders it suitable to imitate, with almost perfect exact- ness, the most costly Marbles. COLORING OF ARTIFICIAL MARBLES. §191. This coloring, which is now given us as a novelty, was clearly described in some very ancient COLORING OF ARTIFICIAL MARBLES. 229 works, which were copied by the authors of the Ency- clopedia, published in 1780, in the following words : " When any Marble i-s to be imitated, soak the colors which are found in this Marble in warm glue water, in different small pots ; temper a little plaster with each of these colors, then make a cake of each color, a little larger than the hand, place all these cakes alternately upon each other, placing those of the prevailing color in the greatest number, or thicker. " Then turn these cakes, thus flatly arranged, upon the side; cut them and place thcni (inickly upon the core of the work, after\\ards flatten uig them down. " By this means, the fantastical design of the dif- ferent colors of the Marble can be perfectly repre- sented. " If the Marbles termed Breccias are to be imitated, mix in the composition of these cakes, when spread upon the core, different sized pieces of the plaster tempered with the color of the Breccia ; these pieces, when flattened down, form very good imitations of Breccias. " It should be observed that in all these operations, the glue water should be warm, without which the plaster will set too quickly, without giving time to work it." 230 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. SECTION NINTH TURNED MARBLE. ORNAMENTAL CLOCKS, CUPS, CANDLES I ICKS. ^ 192. Cylindrical articles, such as colmuns of clocks oliimney-pieces, cups, vases, candle'^ticks, basins, etc.. are made in the lathe by professional workincn ; and oven those vases resting upon square or octasonal pe- destals, may also be worked by the turner. This is also true of the torso columns of temples and churches. The turning-lathe is far more expeditious and surer than the chisel; it must be an extraordinary event to cause the failure of an article in the turner's hand; but this is not the case when it is worked with the mallet and chisel. There are many articles which cannot be executed with the chisel, such as delicate parts of some clocks, candelabras, and candlesticks which are partly in Mar- ble and partly in bioiizc. All the fine Marbles unite perfectly with green or gilded bronze. This is true respecting the pedestals of clocks, and the stems, more or less ornamented, which support vases and cups. It is not an uncommon thing to see workmen under- standing the art of the Marble worker, eagerly desire urnamf.xticd clocks, curs candlesticks. 231 to be able to turn the articles which they apply as or. naments to works which they execute in the atelier. This is expensive, owing to the room and the tools required; yet it would be very convenient, especially in the provinces, where it is not easy to find turners lapable of making the vases, urns, columns, and rose- vork which are needed. These workmen would have many advantages over Nhe ordinary turners, as they would understand the nature of Marble, the mode of polishing, and the man- ler of cementing the defective parts. It would be an excellent plan for a Marble yard to have a turning lathe for the use of those workmen who have a taste for the art of the turner. VOCABULARY A. A.LABASTER.— A species of white Marbtr,, very transpa- rent, and easily worked, which is especiallv used for chicks and mantel vases. There are several varieties of colored alabaster, besides a kind called agate, which is greenish, mixed with a clear bister. Antique Marble. — The beautiful white Marble taken from the ancient quarries of Greece, specimens of which still exist in superb statues and magnificent bas-reliefs. Alkanet. — A plant, a species of anchusa, the root of which affords a reddish purple dye. Archil.— A lichen, which grows on rocks in the Cana- ry and Cape de Verd Islands, and which yields a rich purple color. It is bruised between stones, and moisten- ed with strong spirits of wine mixed with quick-lime. — It first takes a purplish red color, and then turns to blue. In the first state it is called archd, in the second, litmus. Arris.— Edges formed by the meeting of two surfaces ; applied particularly to the edges of mouldings, and the raised edges which separate the flutings in a Doric col- umn. B. Blru TuRauiN. — Marble taken from the coasts of Ge- noa and several other quarries. It is of a deep blue upon a white ground, mixed with grey spots and large veins. Block of Marelk.— A piece, rough from the quarry. 234 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. Breccia — A species of Marble composed of a mass of small pebbles, closel}' cemented together in such a man- ner that, when broken, they form breches, or notches ; whence its name. Brocatelle. — A Marble of which the color is a mix- ture of grey, yellow, red, and dove shades. It is very costl}'^, and is scarcely ever used except for ornaments. Burin. — A steel blade, nearly square, and often squar- ed and sharpened at one end in the form of a grain of barley. Boasting Tool. — A kind of chisel with a handle, used by sculptors who work in stucco and plaster, to boast their works. Boastkd Marble. — That which is worked with the double etching needle, or chisel. The best are made of cast steel. C. Chkval de Terre. — The spaces filled with clay which arc sometimes discovered in the blocks of Marble, and which would spoil the finest works. These accidents tend to increase the price of Marble working, as they may result in great injury to the Marble worker Cement. — This is both natural and artificial ; the first is that which acts in the formation of the Marble, joining together the different parts ; the second is composed by the Marble workers for uniting and gluing the Marbles when worked, and for filling the cavities which are found in some stones and Marbles. Chisel in Marteline. — A tool of the Marble worker; it is steeled on one end and furnished with small points to shell off and boast the Marble. VOCABULARY. 235 Chisels. — Small steel tools which are used to aid the sledge hammer or mallet in working Marble or stone. — Every Marble worker has a collection of them. The finest are of oast steel. Compartment of Marble Pavements. — The symme- trical arrangement of blocks or tiles of different colored Marbles, or of Marbles and lias stone. Compass. — A hinged tool with two pointed branches, used in all the arts and trades for measuring Imes, and tracing discs, ovals and circles of all kinds upon wood, minerals or metals. There is a kind with a hinge and pencil case in one of its branches, but this is not gene- rally used by Marble workers. Compass of thk Fioure Eight. — This is to measure on one side, giving the measure on the other ; it is prin- cipally used in the turning lathe. Compass of Depth. — This compass is designed to find the depth of a diameter. The branches are bent, so that the article to be measured can pass between them. The best have the arc of a circle fixed at one branch and pass- ing through the other, under a thumb screw which fastens them open as long as may be wished. Callosities of Marble. — These defects are to Marble what knots are to wood. Crumbly Marble —That which, when worked, does not retain its sharp arris, but crumbles and falls oflf. D. Dog's tooth. A kind of puncheon used by Marble workers. Drill. A pointed instrument, used for boring holes. 236 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL, E. Emery dust. A species of powdered corundrum, taken from under the wheels upon which lapidaries polish stones. It is used by the Marble worker? for polishing Marble. F. Feld Spar. A vitreous substance, which is one of the essential constituents of granite, mica, and porph3'ry, and enters into the constitution of nearly all the volcanic rocks. Fraise. a tool used to enlarge the holes which are made in the Marble with a drill or common auger. It ia of a slightly conical form, and is grooved roughly to aid its effect upon the Marble. G. Gradine. a kind of puncheon used by the Marble worker. Granite. A verj' hard Marble, marked with small, condensed spots. The most common colors are grej'. greyish white, and flesh red ; some are green, violet etc. Gypsum. A calcareous matter, impregnated with too great a quantity of vitriolic acid to permit it to be aftected by any other acid. H. HououETTE. An etching needle, flat and steeled. Hooked tool. — A kind of sharp chisel which is wholly of steol, or of iron steeled on one end, wliich is half bent VOCABULARY. 237 in a hooked shape ; this chisel is used where the square chisel cannot penetrate and where the etching needle would not be sufficient. Hearths.— Pieces of Marble, from three to five feet in length, and from twenty to twenty-three inches in width, which are placed before chimney-pieces for ornament, and to preserve floorings and carpets from accidents from fire. They are both simple and composite. The simple ones are formed of a s ngle piece without ornaments ; the com- posite are those composed of several pieces of different Mar. bles, thus resembling a sort of mosaic. J. Jasper— Marble of a greenish color, mixed with small red spots. There is an antique jasper with small spots of black and white. A variety of quartz, penetrated with metallic particles. .Tasper Marble. — A Marble resembling the antique jasper. L. I^APis.— An antique Marble of a deep blue, spotted with a deeper blue, and intermixed with a few veins of gold.— It is one of the richest, but is very rare. Lixivium.— Lye ; chemical solutions ; extracts and washes. M. Mallet.— Wooden hammers, used for beating or driv- ing other tools employed in Marble working. The best 238 THE MARBLE WORKERS MANTjAL. have knobs of boxwood, alder, or horn beam. Those of iron are called sledge-hammers. Marble. — A hard, calcareous stone, somewhat transi)a rent, black or white, or veined and spotted with different colors. Marble: artificial. — A composition of gypsum, mixed with various colors in imitation of Marble. This compo- sition is hard and susceptible of polish, but is apt to scale off. Marble painting. — Painting which imitates ihe dif- ferent colors, veins, and peculiarities of Marbles. Makble workino. — This not only comprises the use of Marble, but also the art of sawing, cutting, and polish- ing it, and of restoring and repolishing it when it is old. Marble workeu.--A workman who hews, cuts, and polishes Marble. Martin. — A tool which is very essential to all ateliers. It is a brass plate glued to a stone, with a handle attached to facilitate its movement. An aperture of an inch and a half or two inches is made in the centre of this plate and its lining, through which sand and water is passed upon the Marble to polish it. There are several sizes, some of which may be worked by an apprentice, while some re- quire one or two workmen, according to the size of the piece to be polished and the weight of the martin. Mastic. — A composition of oil and different gummy substances. It is used to fill up the cavities in Marble, and to cement the pieces together after having been worked. There are mastics, also, especially for stone. Mica. — A mineral of the same nature as quartz and jasper, and capable of being cleaved into exceedingly thin plates ; one of the primitive glasses. VOCABULARY. 239 Madrepore. — A species of coral of tlie class of Zoo- phytes. The species usually branch like trees or shrubs. The surface is covered with small prominences, each con- taining a cell. Menstruum. — A solvent ; any fluid or subtilized sub- stance which dissolves a solid body. 0. Ormolu. — Brass, which by a chemical process is made to assume the appearance of being gilt. P. Palette or conscience. — A kind of drill plate, corr> posed of an iron plate perforated with several holes, in which the head of the drill is placed, and which is rested upon the breast of the workman to augment its force and diminish his labor. Drills fastened in a rod which is mounted upon a flattened knob, are sometimes substituted for this. Paros Marble. — An antique Marble which was quar- ried from an island of the Archipelago. It is white with a yellowish tint, and transparent. Paper stone. — A round, oval, or square piece of Mar- ble, to which a knob of Rfarble is attached ; used to keep paper in its place upon the desk. These are made from the cuttings of slabs and other articles of Marble. Pumice stone. — A substance which is frequently ejected from volcanoes ; supposed to be produced by the disen- gagement of gas, in which the lava is in a plastic state.— It is used for polishing Marbles, either powdered or )u pieces. •240 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANT'AL. Pt.aster stone. — A calcareous substance, wliicli is caV cinedj pulverized, and tempered with cold water to form coats of impression, and even stuccos. Puncheon. — One of the tools of the Marble worker; an iron instrument, with a sharp, steeled point. Polished Marble. — That which has been rubbed and glossed with a linen cushion, or with emery dust or pew- ter. There are two kinds of polish ; the common, wh'vh is given to simple articles ; the lustrous, which is given to articles requiring moi-e pains, such as costly chimney- pieces, Marble furniture, clocks, candtlabras, bas reliefs, hearths, vases, and other articles of the same nature. Porphyry. — The hardest of the antique Marbles, and the finest, after the Lapis. There are red, green, and grey porphyries. Pewter. — The ashes which results from the calcina- tion of tin. It is much used in the arts, and also by Marble workers in polishing their woi^ks. Pudding-stones. — All stones which are composed of fragments of other stones, united by a natural cement. — The Breccias are pudding-stones ; yet all pudding-stones are not Breccias, as some of them are not composed of calcareous matter. PozzoLANA. — Natural cement produced from the scoride of volcanic substances. Q- Quartz.— The first of the glasses ; the essential con- stituent of granite and porphyry. R. Rabat.— Marble workers give this name to the potter s VOCAUDLARY. 241 clay which has failed in baking, and which they use to smooth down the roughness of the Marble. ' Rabot. — A piece of hard wood, used in rubbing the Marble, and preparing it to receive the pohsh. Kasp.— A species of file, upon which the cutting prom inences are distinct, being raised by punching with a point, instead of cutting with a chisel. They are flat, half rounded, and round. Rough hewn Marble.— That which is cut up with the saw, or squared with the mallet. Round Nosed Chisel.— A tool used by the Marble worker for sinking the Marble, and leveling the cavities. Round File.- A kind of file, or round and pointed rasp, used by Marble workers. Rough Marble.— That which is yet iu the block. S. Saw, of the Marble Worker. — It is without teeth 5 with a different frame from common saws, and propor- tioned to the pieces to be cut up. The blade of this saw is large, and strong enough to saw the Marble slowly, with the aid of sand and water which the sawer pours into the cleft. There are also two kinds of hand saws, one of which is notched, and the other smooth. Scraper.— A toothed and steeled instrument, designed for sinking flutings ; also a tool used by stucco workers. Shave Grass.— A kind of rough aquatic plant, some- times called Dutch rush, or scouring rush. Sebilla.— A wooden bowl, designed to hold the sand and water used in sawing the Marble. Serpentine.— A calcareous stone or very hard Marble which takes a very fine polish ; it derives its name '"roic 242 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. the resemblance of its grains to the spots upon the skin of a serpent. Simple Compartment. — The plan of a pavement, com- posed of tiles of black and white Marble, or two other colors, arranged in squares or lozenges. Spar. — An earthy nlinerai that breaks with regular surfaces, and has some degree of lustre ; a crystallized earthy mineral of a shining lustre. Stucco. — An artificial stone, with which all kinds of Marbles may be imitated. In England this style of build- ing is very common, and many brick edifices are found covered with it, sometimes in a highly ornamental man- ner. In the United States it has been little used. T. Talc. — A kind of soft, unctuous stone ; one of the con- stituents of Marble. Terrases. — Defects in Marble which are remedied by filling them with Marble powder mixed with mastic of the same color; first cleaning out the hole, filled with a foreign substance which is neither clay. Marble or gra- nite. Trepan. — A tool used for boring and drilling Marbles and hard stones. It is rarely used since the invention of the wimble, which is much better suited to the purposes for which it was used. W. Wimble. — An instrument for boring holes, turned by a handle. Z. Zinc. — A metal brilliantly white, with a shade of blue, which is used, either in powder or in pieces, for polishing Marbles, most especially toy Marbles. APPENDIX CONCERNING AMERICAN MARBLES. To make this Manual complete for the use of Ameri- can Marble-workers, it only remains for us to givf some account of the Marbles of the United States. Our country is rich in Marbles, but it is only in the older States that quarries have been opened or worked to any great extent. The few explorations that have been made, however, leave no doubt that inexhaustible stores of the finest qualities are packed away within the mountains and in ledges that are easily accessible. The wise policy of most of our States has caused early geological surveys to be made, and it is through their medium that the discovery of new va- rieties and abundant supplies will doubtless be made quite as fast as there is a demand for them. But while none doubt the plentiful quantity of our native Marbles, there has been mucb skepticism as to their quality. We sent no specimens, good or bad, to the Great London Exhibition, and the world has been obliged to judge of our resources in this respect entirely by our buildings. Any bad impression that has gone forth is due not so much to the bad quality 244 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL of the material itself, as to the neglect of care on the part of builders and of those entrusted with the duty of selecting Marble for our public edifices. The ex- traordinary representations of interested parties have foisted many miserable specimens into use. The haste of contractors has put into buildings a good many very unworthy blocks from quarries that easily might have furnished plenty of unexceptionable ones. The elementary principle very often has been neglected — that regard should be had in laying up stones, that are to bear mucli pressure, to the original bedding of the stone. Hence blocks which, if placed different- ly, would have lasted for centuries, already, after standing at right angles to their natural position but a few years, are scaling off and crumbling on their surfaces. Then it would seem as if some who have chosen the materials for our marble fronts were color- blind. Certainly nothing can look more slovenly than some patchwork fronts we are obliged to endure the sight of— first a snowy white block, next a bluish one, then one of a creamy yellow, and then one so full of fissures that the dirt lodged in it gives an appearance of some very undesirable veined variety. A slight knowledge of the geological habits of Marble would have saved many public blunders and prevented many costly mistakes. The limestone ledges which rise in smooth bleached perpendicular walls, that give no hold to lichens, and are not discolored by the solution of any of their component parts, must furnish the Mar- APPENDIX. 245 bles that will bear the weather well. While those into which rivers have cut deep channels, or which stand- ing inland bear deep s:>ams across their face, or which have to be dug from under the original surface of the Garth, and over which much soil has accumulated, give in their very position the strongest evidence that they cannot long endure. As we have said, few of the States or territories have been thoroughly or even casually surveyed with reference to their wealth in building materials. Yet new as our country is, and busy as our geologists have been in indicating the enterprizes which would more immediately reward industry and capital, we have al- ready a long list of localities prolific in available Marbles. Maine abounds as no other State does in limestones. Some from the vicinity of Thomaston admit a fine polish. They are the blue, the clouded, the veined, and an elegant white dolomite for monuments. About Union and Machias some breccias are obtained. Vermont is the Marble State, and this material will prove one of its most fruitful sources of wealth. Fine white Marble, which can be obtained in large cakes, is found along the base of the Grreen Mountains, for fifty miles above and below Rutland. At West Rutland statuary Marble is quarried that is surpassed by none in the world Our own sculptors have availed them- selves of it to some extent, and some orders for it from Italian sculptors a^' Rome have been filled. It is 246 THE MARBLl WORKERS' MANUAL. said to be of a finer grain, to work more easily than the foreign, and not to crumble so badly under the chisel. At this same locality is a spotted grey Mar- ble, much used for mantels. A beautiful dark-colored article is got at Pittsford. From Shoreham and other points along Lake Champlain, black Marble is ob- tained. At our New York Crystal Palace Exhibition a shell Marble from Vermont, with bright red spots, attracted much attention — but it has not been worked. A serpentine recently discovered in Roxbury promises to replace the exhausted quarries of Europe. It very closely resembles the European verd antique, but where the latter has carbonate of lime, the former has carbonate of magnesia. According to Dr." Jackson, ours has a superior out-of-door durability, and longer resists decomposition from the atmosphere, from fire, and from acids. It offers no hold to moss. It cuts hard, but is sawn more easily. When polished it ia of a rich and beautiful green, veined with white and mottled. The quarries of this one State produce over a million dollars annually. Massachusetts abounds in limestones, free enough from fissure, and compact enough to admit a medium polish. Berkshire County is especially rich in such — so much so indeed that scarcely an effort has been made to obtain them elsewhere in the State. It was hoped that the bed in Stoneham, (Middlesex County,) would furnish even the rare variety used in statuary, and small specimens of it compare favorably with the APPENDIX. 247 (Jarrara. But it is so full of fissures that blocks can seldom be obtained. The best Berkshires are of a Biiowy white, free from magnesia, and for a primary Marble are elegant. Occasionally, however, they are clouded and frequently are grey. The North Adams Marble is white and pure, but a little too crystaline. That of New Ashford is of a finer grain. The New York City Hail was built of the West.Stockbridge Marble, and a part of the Boston State House is from the same locality. From Shefiield came the G-irard College pillars. The Lee Marble is just now most prominently before the public — it being the ma- terial employed in building the extension of the Capi- tol at Washington. At G-reat Barriugton is a beau- tiful clouded Marble, well adapted for mantels and jambs, but owing to its 40 per cent, of magnesia, is very liable to break. Prof. Hitchcock finds in this vicinity a flexible Marble — which, if properly wet, bends like a lath — a singular property, but not quite unknown abroad ; as several tables of elastic Marble were preserved and exhibited in the house of Prince Borghese, of Rome, as great curiosities. There is a beautiful serpentine found at Lynnfield, but it is too soft. Beds of steatite, hardened by quartz or serpen- tine, are common too in Massachusetts. Several houses with steatite fronts have lately been erected in New York and Brooklyn — all which were furnished, however, from Middlefield, Vt. This hardened stea- tite will very possibly come into common use hereafter 248 THE MARBLE U )RKERS' MANUAL, Rhode Island has some Marbles, but the quarries are little worked. Connecticut forty years ago furnished the rarest and most beautiful of verd antiques. For in-door work it was admirably fitted ; but exposed, as for grave-stones and monuments, it soon parted with its polish and grew dull. Though inexhaustible, the in- creasing expense of working it has caused it to be ne- glected. Of the abundance of Marble in New York, some idea may be gained when it is stated that the State geologists announce it as present in twenty -five coun- ties of the State. Mosi of the white variety is like that of Massachusetts^ — too highly granular and too slightly coherent to sustain heavy pressure or to en- dure our variable climate. In Clinton County, near Plattsburg, a jet black Marble is found. Columbia County produces a Do- lomite, which is much esteemed. Prof Hitchcock thinks that if worked it might yield as fair results as the beds of Egremont. Near Hudson, in Becraft't Mountain, a beautiful grey with a tint of red is found, which resembles the Peak of Derbyshire Marble. It has been worked a little. Dutchess produces a fine wliite like the Lee; and also a clouded Marble which is reported durable. Essex has a verd antique — a limestone through w-hich green serpentine is difi"used. i^mw/l7m County abounds in the wliite primitive. Jefferson and S,t. Lawrence, APPENDIX. 249 though very little explored, show some. In Lewis a dark serpentine, valuable for ornamental purposes, is found. The New York (Kingsbridge) limestone crumbles too easily for building purposes. Niagara has, near Lockport, a variegated, reddish-brown Mar- ble, which is full of organic remains, and is of great beauty. It has been used somewhat for interiors — Oneida has the Trenton limestone, which finishes black and also some greys. Onondaga has a grey criuoidal limestone, which affords a Marble scarcely excelled by any of the sort in the country for dura- bility, beauty, and the fineness of its polish. None of the several localities found in Orange County are worked. Putnam has both white and colored Mar- bles, and a serpentine that takes a good polish. Of the black Marble, rare in Europe, yet of which some old Spanish palaces were built, Mather says there is enough sound and free from cracks in Clinton Cuui.t}- to supply the world. Rockland has a dove-colnreti and a verd antique that takes a high polish. Ulster has, in the vicinity of Rondout and Kingston, several beds of a limestone which is susceptible of a higli pol- ish, that will some day turn out valuable black and dark colored Marbles. But the black Marbles of Glen Falls, Warren County, extensively in use for mantels, take an unrivalled polish. Though the supply is inexhaustible, this article grows more and more costly in the market, owing to the increased difficulty of getting it out. There are, however, two hundred 250 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. and seventy-five saws now running in the mills of that village. Warren, County possesses, too, some verd antique, some fine grey Marble, and some veined like the Egyptian; except that the veins are white and grey where the Egyptian is yellow. It is, perhaps, more difficult to work than the imported. Washing- ion County has a good clouded article. Westchester abounds in the Dolomite. Fair specimens may be seen in the New York Custom House, the Brooklyn Exchange, the front of Stewart's store, of the St. Nicholas Hotel, and of the store on the southwest cor- ner of Broadway and Warren streets in New York. Marbles of inferior importance are found (grey) in Albany, (black) in Schoharie, and in Otsego, Sara- toga, Seneca, and Wayne. Pennsylvania has many quarries. The Marble so much used in Philadelphia is from Chester County. Maryland produces a white from her " Alum Limestone;" and at the foot of the Blue Bidge and on the Potomac banks a beautiful pudding-stone pel ished specimens of which may be found in the pillars of the House of Bepresentatives at Washington. The colors are very striking. There is a good deal of Marble in Virginia, but it has been little quarried. Marble is found in Laurens and Spartanburg Dis iricts of South Carolina. Some quarries have been worked in Cherokee Co., Georgia. APPENDIX. 251 Beautiful varieties exist in Alabama, near the heads of the rivers, and particularly on the Cahawba and in Talladega County. Some of these are buff colored and filled with organic remains ; some are white and crystalline, and some black. In Coosa County fine statuary Marble is said to be found. From this lo- cality most of the tombstones and furniture Marble used in the Southern part of the State are brought. In Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois little pains have yet been taken to develope the mineral building ma- terials. Kentucky ^rod^nces an inferior Marble, which, though susceptible of a high polish, is too brittle for heavy use. Tennessee contains several beautiful varieties. A variegated one found near Nashville, lately brought to light, is likely to come into the New York market. Wisconsin, in its northern part, has Marbles whose prevailing color is light pink, traversed by veins of deep red. It has others of blue and dove color hand- somely veined ; but none of them are worked to any great extent. Veined and crystalline Marbles are found in Mis- souri. Arkansas is well supplied. Iowa is not desti- tute of the less valuable variety. Marble has been found in Marin County, and in some other parts of California. In several States which we have not named the native Marbles have been employed for b'liilding purposes, for tombstones, &c. ; but in our 252 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. list we have embraced the more important localities and the varieties best known. But notwithstanding the abundance of our home supply, very much of that used for interior ornamen- tation is imported. According to the Report of Secretary Guthrie, the value of the unmanufactured Marble of foreign production imported to this country during the year ending June, 1855, was $232,385. — From this item we have only to deduct $944, the palue of the foreign unmanufactured Marble exported by us during the same time, to discover just how great vas our consumption of the foreign Marbles. How much of our own Marble has gone abroad we cannot, say — the item not having been separately reported. This large importation of the article may be owing to three causes. For some purposes the foreign may be a better article, Or if not better, it is better known. Then there is still some prejudice, perhaps, in favor of an imported material, on the part of the uninformed, to which dealers must cater. But there is a stronger reason than all in the fact that the lower rates of wages abroad enable the imported article to be fur- nished far cheaper than that of equal excellence which lies at our very doors. Thus when the Italian statuary Marble was selling in New York at $2.50 to $3.00 per cubic foot, that from Rutland, Vt., cost $4.50. — It is, more than anything else, a question of expense, whether foreign or domestic Marbles shall be used. — We get none finer abroad than we have at ho'UG. Wo APPENDIX. 253 have no need to send to Carrara for the capitals to our columns, nor to Ireland for black Marble, if we can afford to buy the best. And when capital and the inventive arts are more directed to the business of geHing out and manufacturing Marble, it will doubtless seem as simple to send abroad for it as it would to imitate our fathers, and bring tomb-stones ready made from Wales, and brick from Holland. Our variable climate is very hard upon poor Mar- bles. Our hard rains and severe frosts are sure to search out their fissures and flaws, and from them be- gin their slow work of disintegration. Many Marbles, indeed, when properly polished, will answer for slabs to face or veneer brick houses with, which in the block would not answer at all. In a late number of Silliman's Jmrnal, Walter K. Johnson, Esq., details some suggestive observa- tions upon the ability of different building material^ to endure pressure, founded on experiments that have been recorded. Noticing that the Washington Monu- ment at Baltimore, which was begun only in 1815, already exhibited fractures across whole blocks in it, he directs his special attention to the "Alum Lime- stone" of which it is built,, and which is nearly allied to the Sing Sing Marble of which Grace Church in New York City is constructed. In conclusion, for purposes of comparison, he arranges the materials experimented on in the order of their relative value, as determined by their power to resist crushing — 254 THE MARBLE WORKERS' MANUAL. The " Alum Limestone" standing at 100 " Stockbridge Marble stood at 96 " Italian " " 135 " East Chester (N. Y.) " 171 " White Statuary " 199 " Its true position," he says, "in the scale of strength among building stones, as proved both by Dr. Page and Mr. Wyatt, is among the sandstones, not among granites, marbles, or compact limestones." Yet this is the material out of which the Washington National Monument is building, and of it, or of a still feebler Marble, as marked in the table, very many edifices have been erected, which their authors and architects flat- tered themselves were their endurine monuments. THE END, OF DiiaGtiGal and ^cien^ific Boo\^ PUBLISHED BY Henry Carey Baird & Co. INDUSTRIAL PUBLISHERS. BOOKSELLERS AND IMPORTERS. 810 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Any of tte Books comprised in this Catalogne will 1)6 sent by mail, ll postage, to any address in the world, at the publication prices. m- A Descriptive Catalogne, 90 pagesi 8vo., will be sent free and free of postage to any one in any part of the world, who will furnish his address. Where not otherwise stated, all of the Books in this Catalogne are bonid in muslin. AMATEUR MECHANICS' WORKSHOP: A treatise containing plain and concise directions for the manipulAf tion of Wood and Metals, including Casting, Forging, Brazing, Soldering and Carpentry. 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