' :t?>> :U V 1 € T U E E 8 A I doinhe 3lil)fi|. WT K: s M I FIJ3, mi: SKA I iH WIU.IAM EA!{|. Oi' (RAVKX 1 Sirfr. ^'0 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/catalogueofpictu00crav_0 CATALOGUE OF THE PICTURES ©oralie Siifoij, ■WA. I a Ts: s h: I R, B, THE SEAT OF WILLIAM EARL OF CRAVEN. ISCC YEAR. 1150 1539 1547 1547 1556 1557 1581 1601 1622 1636 1697 1739 1764 POSSESSOES OF THE ABBEY AND ESTATES OF COMBE. Founded by the Cistercian Monks Destroyed by the Crown. (Henry the 8th) Descended to Edward 6th By grant to John, Earl of Warwick By attainder to the Crown. (Queen Mary) By rule to Robert Kelsway, Esq. By marriage of John Lord Harrington to Anne, the Daughter By marriage of Edward, Earl of Bedford, to their Daughter Lucy By purchase to Elizabeth Craven, widow of Sir William By descent to her second son By descent to his son William, who succeeded William, Earl Craven, in the Barony, 1697 By descent to his brother Fulwar By descent to his cousin William, son of John, and grandson of Sir William 4 1769 By descent to his nephew William, great-grandson of Sir William 1 791 By descent to liis son William, created Earl in 1801 1825 By descent to liis son William. N.B. — This property has leen in the possession of the Craven Family from 1616 to the present time, YEARS Tlie Cistercian Monks possessed Combe .... 389 The Crown .......... 8 The Earl of Warwick . . . . . . . . 9 The Cro wn .......... 1 ^Robert Kelsway , . . . . . 24 1 The same-<^ Lord Harrington ...... 20 L,The Earl of Bedford ...... 15 The Craven Family ........ Founded in 1150. The Lord Mayor of London had three sons and two daughters— William, created Earl of Craven; John, created Baron Craven; Thomas, died young ; Elizabeth, Baroness Powis, mother of the present Marquis of Powis. Mary, Baroness Ailesbury, mother of the present Earl of Coventry. NO, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CATALOGUE OE PICTURES AT COMBE ABBEY. Frederick the 5th, King of Bohemia, Elector ARTIST. Palatine. 1634 (7ft. + 4ft. ^ G. Hontlwrst King Charles 1st, aged 28. 1628. D. Mytens Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, daughter of James <- 1st, Electress Palatine. 1631. (7fh + 4ft. 9in.) G. Hontliorst Prince Maurice. (6ft. ll|in. + 4ft. 3|in. Vandyck Prince Rupert. (6ft. 11 ^in. + 4ft. 3|in. ditto St. Mark’s Place Venice. ..... Canaletti Charles 2nd, aged 18, ...... Dotson Grand Canal, Venice. ..... Canaletti Princess of Orange. ...... Vandyck The Duchess of Cleveland. .... jP. LtJy Still Life. ........ De Heem Eli instructing Samuel . ’ Renibrandt 6 ARTIST. 13 Prince Charles, aged 34. On the picture C.P., aged 14. 1644. ....... Peter Tyssens 14 Portrait of Queen Elizabeth. . F. Zucchero 15 Head of a Spaniard. Velasquez 16 The Princess of Orange, daughter of Charles 1st. Vandyck 17 Lady Boudergen. ^ . . . . F, Zucchero 18 Portrait of a Gentleman * Velasquez 19 Christian Euriso Duke of Brunswick. ^1620. il/. 20 Jacob Cats instructing the Prince of Eerabrandt ^ .V 21 A Young Man Playing the Jews Harp. . ” G. Zoust 22 A Man Playing the Violin . ditto 23 A Lady Playing the Guitar. . ditto 24 A Man Playing the Pipe. . . . . ditto 25 Bacchanalian Children Dancing. Vandych 26 Soldiers at Play. ...... Palamedes 27 William Earl of Craven. W.L. ^ . G, Honthorst 28 Henry Frederic Prince of Wales. Van Somer 29 James Stewart Duke of Richmond. Vandyck 30 Mrs. Turrinnian Porter. (1ft. 3in. + 1ft. F. Lely 31 Lady Shelly ^ C^v • ..... ditto 32 Anne Hyde Duchess of York. 1671. (2ft. lin. + 2ft. 9in.) M, Beale 33 The Duchess of York ^ .... P. Lely 34 Mrs. Lessley ^ ) . ditto 35 The Countess of Bedford. ^ ditto 36 The Countess of Northumberland. • ditto 37 Anne Hyde Duchess of York, ditto 7 NO. 38 Portrait of ) ..... ARTIST. P, Lely 39 The Marchioness of Hamilton *^ (^^.) ditto 40 Portrait of ..... ditto 41 Portrait of ..... ditto 42 Madame Zulstune ^ ^ * ditto 43 The Countess of Castlemaine ditto 44 Madame D’Arckell Stanton ^ • ditto 45 Lady Moreton. ^^7) • • • • • ditto 46 Madame De Ceslestina. .... ditto 47 Sophia la Princess Palatine ^ C^7) . ditto 48 Lucy Countess of Carlisle ^ ditto 49 The Countess of Peterborough .X • • ditto 60 The Countess of Suffolk. ditto 61 Lady Middleton. ^ 2^) ...... ditto 62 Portrait of ditto 63 Portrait of . H. Stone 54 Elizabeth Princess of Palatine, eldest daughter of the Queen of Bohemia. .... 55 Henrietta Princess Palatine, 3rd daughter 56 Sophia Princess Palatine, 4th daughter, on the back Madame Sophia Princess Electorate Palatine. ....... 57 Ruins. (Circular)^ ...... Bursman 58 Ann Princess Palatine. 59 Louise Princess Palatine. 60 Charlotte Princess Palatine. (Young) 61 Portrait of a Lady. H. Stoyie 8 ARTIST. . S. Verelst , Greuze . S, de Vos Wm, Calf , M. Garre . Ever din gen . C, Poelemhurg . Bursman NO. 62 Flowers, Insects, &c. ..... 63 A Toper. ...... 64 The Raising of Lazarus. 65 Interior of a Kitchen. .... 66 Landscape and Cattle. 67 Landscape. ...... 68 Diana and Nymphs Bathing. 69 Landscape, Ruins and Figures 70a Prince George of Saxony and 10 Portraits of the Reformers. .... Lucas Cranach or Kranach 1 Luther. 2 3 4 Melancton 5 71 Viscountess Folkestone .... 72 Interior of Antwerp Cathedral. . 73 Ruins, &c. ..... 74 Peter delivered from Prison. (1617) . 75 Dead Game. . . 76 King of Bohemia. ^ . . 77 Earl Craven on horseback. This sketch was made from the large picture of Earl Craven in Craven buildings, which was painted by Van Somer, but being decayed was entirely re- painted by E. Edwards. 1780. It has since perished. . . P. Neefs . Bursman H, V, Steenwyck . Griffier . G. Honthorst 9 NO. Sir Kenelem Digby. ^ .... ARTIST. 78 Vandyclc 79 The Lady Evelyn Craven ..... Warren 80 Charles Isfc and Henrietta Maria Vandych 81 The Lady Elizabeth Craven .... Warren 82 Christian 4th, King of Denmark. Born 1577, died 1648. ....... VandycJc 83 Queen of Bohemia ...... G, Honthorst 84 Christian 4th, King of Denmark. 1632. Van Dalem 85 Yandyck ........ By himself 86 Earl Craven ....... Riley 87 William Earl of Craven . Lawrence 88 William 1st Earl of Craven . . . . H. Stone 89 Sir William Craven, Lord Mayor of London, 1611. Died July 18th, 1618 ..... M, Garrards 90 The Earl of Craven, Died April 19th, 1681 i P. Lely 91 William Earl of Craven, W. L. . P. Louise 92 Portrait. 1640 ...... Honthorst 93 Sir William Craven of London X" v ditto 94 The Surrender of Calais. 1347 . P. LJ. Pine 95 William Lord Craven, 2nd Baron. Died Oct. 9th, 1711. Eldest son of Sir William Craven, K.G. ried to Elizabeth Skipwith .... Kneller 96 Lady Craven. Died May 16th, 1704. Daughter of H. Skipwith, Esq. ..... ditto 97 Lady to Sir William Craven of Combe Abbey Riley 98 Sir William Craven of Combe Abbey . ditto 10 NO. AETIST. 99 William Lord Craven ..... Riley 100 Fulwar Lord Craven. He died unmarried 1764 A. Soldi 101 Admiral Craven A Ship in the distance. 1753 , . A. Soldi 102 Miss Craven as a Shepherdess .... M. Dahl 103 Mrs. Craven, wife to the Hon. John Craven, she was Miss Greene, of Wyken .... Verelst 104 The Hon. John Craven ..... ditto 105 William Lord Craven with a dog. 1709 . Cromashin 106 Sir Anthony Craven ..... Hanneman 107 Sir Thomas Craven ..... M. Dahl 108 Portrait ^ (^0 ••.... Honthorst 109 William Lord Craven. Died in 1739 . M, Dahl 110 Ann Tilney Lady Craven. Died Feb. 5th, 1729 ditto 111 John Lord Craven of Ryton, on horseback Mytens 112 Sir Robert Craven ...... Hanneman 113 Sir William Craven ..... H. Stone 114 Sir John Craven ...... ditto 115 The Hon. John Craven. Died Dec. 6th, 1726 Verelst 116 William Lord Craven ..... Riley 117 William Lord Craven ^ J. Jf. Wright 118 William and Fulwar Craven and William Greene, Esq., of Wyken ...... Knajpton 119 William and Fulwar Craven. 1702 R, Byng 120 Miss Greene, of Wyken, afterwards Mrs. Craven^?5f^ Hudson 121 Lady of Sir Thomas Craven . M. Dahl 122 James Earl of Berkeley ..... G. Kneller 11 Jfo. ARTIST. 123 William Lord Craven. (A whole length) 6th Baron, son of John Craven, Esq., by Mary, daughter of the Rev. M. Hicks, married May 18th, 1767, Lady Elizabeth Berkeley, daughter of A ugustus, 4th Earl of Berkeley ... T. Beach 124 Large Family Picture. Mrs. Medoby, Lady Sefton, Lord Craven, Miss Craven, Mr. B. Craven, Mr. St. John ..... ditto 125 Lady Craven, afterwards married to Christian Frederick Margrave, of Anspach and Bayreath, 126 1770 .... William Lord Craven with a Dog ditto . Kneller 127 J. Chnrchill, Esq. . T, Beach 128 John Craven, Esq. 1778 . ditto 129 Mr. Berkeley . (,? ) , . d/itto 130 Sir Edward Thomas ^ (/) ditto 131 Colonel Cox . ... Sir J, Reynolds 132 Lady Craven ...... . G. Jansen 133 Sir William Craven .... . Bohson 134 William Lord Craven .... . Riley 135 The Margravine of Anspach F. Cotes 136 Elizabeth Skipworth, afterwards Lady Craven Kneller 137 138 139 William Greene, Esq., of Wyken ^Lt7) . Mr. Greene ! / . Landscape ..... . Mom^ert 140 A Man playing on a Guitar . Zomt 141 Moses and the Burning Bush . Rubens KO. 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 12 Head of an Old Man ARTIST. A Boy’s Head. 1525 . . . . Holbein Landscape . . . . . Lucy Harrington. Married Edward Earl of Breughel Bedford. Daughter of John Lord Harrington Head of a Woman .... Honthorst A Girl’s Head. 1550 .... Charles the First on Horseback Holbein A Flemish Fair .... James Savery V anity f/O 3 J a, .... P, Morales Sloth ..... X. de P. Bassano A Flemish Fair . . . . Landscape ..... James Savery Prince of Orange . . . . G, Honthorst The Brazen Serpent .... Mary, Duchess of Richmond, daughter of George, After Rubens Duke of Buckingham. 1640. . After Vandych Landscape ..... Mompert Christ and St. John with a Lamb Rubens Landscape, Ruins, Figure, &c. ^ ILX A Battle ..... Palamedes Portraits of Lady Leicester and Lady Carlisle ^ (^i) Hanneman The Rialto at Venice .... Landscape, Figure, &c. Portraits of Sophia, daughter of the King of Bohemia, and her daughter Sophia Charlotte, Canaletti on the back of the picture . Fecit par Madame La P. Louise 13 ARTIST. P. Louise G. HontJiorst^’^ . P. Louise G, Llonthorst Wilaerts G. Hontliorst 166 The Princess of Orange ^ (^9) 167 Madame de Bergen. (Signed and dated 1649) . 168 The Queen of Bohemia ^ ' . 169 The King of Bohemia ^ 170 The Queen of Bohemia to Holland. (Signed and dated 1625) ^ (//S' j . 171 John Lord Craven, of Ry ton 172 Mrs. Boyle. (Signed and dated 1648)i^(^^H'^>o(jU^ . llonthorst 173 Elizabeth Princess Palatine, eldest daughter of ^LlLu\ the Elector Palatine, was born at Heidelberg, the 26th Dec. 1618, she became Abbess of Havurden and died in 1680. .... 174 Lady Middleton, daughter of Sir Thomas Whitmore 7^ . . . . J.M, Wright 175 Madame Lalg^^aaughter of Sir Thomas Whitmore tV .... ditto 176 John Lord Craven 9ir . . . . W, Hontliorst 177 The Countess of Solms. She was a favourite friend of the Queen of Bohemia. (Signed and dated 1632)^. .... G. Honthorst 178 Prince Edward, Count Palatine (44^4. - . Justus 179 Louise Princess Palatine . . . Fecit Pas. P. Louise 180 Madame Margaret de Plassan. (Signed and dated, 1647) ^ , . G. Honthorst 181 Princess Sophia Charlotte, Electress of Branden- berg, daughter to Sophia Duchess of Brunswick, Lunenburgh, and Hanover 14 NO. ARTTST. 182 George Lewis, who ascended the British throne under the title of George the 1st, in right of his mother, the Electress Sophia, who had been declared successor to the Crown by the Act of Settlement, passed on the 6th March, 1702 . G, Honihorst 183 Sophia Princess Palatine. (Signed and dated 1648) ditto 184 The Queen of Bohemia as Minerva. 1632. ^ ditto 185 Frederic Elector Palatine and King of Bohemia Justus 186 Louise Princess Palatine. Born in 1622, died in 1 709. (Date 1639) . . G. Honthorst 187 Plenrietta Maria Princess Palatine. Married to ' ^ Sigismund Prince of Transylvania. Died in 1651 { ditto 188 The Prince Boyal. (Signed.) . . * * ditto 189 Whole length portrait of the Queen of Bohemia, in a black dress. (Signed and dated 1642) ditto 190 Sophia Princess Palatine. She died at Hanover, 8th June, 1714. (Signed and dated 1650) ditto 191 Ann Princess Palatine .... ditto 192 Elizabeth Princess Palatine ^ ^ ditto 193 Charles Louis Prince Palatine ditto 194 Maurice Prince Palatine . ? . , . ditto 195 Henry Fredrick Prince Palatine. Drowned in the . . ^ . Fecit Pas P. Louise 196 Rupert Prince Palatine .... G. Honthorst 197 — Prince Palatine . Vt" ditto 198 Edward Prince Palatine . . » . . ditto 15 NO. 199 The Marriage of Ganna . 200 The Martyrdom of St. Paul 201 The Cracifixion .... 202 The Conversion of St. Paul 203 Prince of Orange when a hoy . 204 The Countess of Solms 205 Sea Piece .... 206 Interior .... 207 William and Lord Craven 208 William Earl of Craven . ^(X) 209 The Queen of Bohemia with a coronet ^ 210 Portrait of ^ 211 Sea Piece 212 William Earl Craven . . . . 21 3 King Charles the 2nd . . . . 214 Joseph Addison, the poet 215 Sir Peter Paul Rubens . . . . 216 Alexander Pope . . . . . 217 John Milton . . . , . 218 Benjamin Jonson . . . . 219 William Shakespeare , . . . 220 John Locke ..... 221 Interior of a Cathedral. (Dated 1620) . 222 Portrait of William Lord Craven, in armour. (A whole length) . . . . 223 Whole length portrait of Prince Rupert 224 Prince Rupert, Colonel Murray, and Colonel John Rupert . . . . . ARTIST. . Franck Dennis Calvert Franck ditto Mytens Hontliorst D. Teniers Hanneman T. Beach G. Honthorst G. Honthorst Dobson Vandych G, Honthorst P. Louise 16 No. 225 James Rutter, Duke of Ormond. Born in 1610, died 1688 ..... 226 Sidney Earl of Godolpliin. Died 1712 . 227 Charles the 2nd ..... 228 Mary Beatrix Eleanora D’Este, daughter of Alphonse Duke of Modena. Married to James 2nd, Nov. 21st, 1673. Died May 8th, 1718 James the Second ( W) James the First ARTIST. M. Dahl ditto 229 230 231 Anne of Denmark. Wife of James the First ditto 232 Portrait of . 233 George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury . (?. Honthorst 234 Lord Herbert Powis . . . Jf. Dahl 235 James Duke of York, afterwards James the 2nd. J. Rile 236 The Adoration of the Wise Men . . P, Veronese 237 Large Landscape. (Dated 1660) , . J, Lotin 238 Large Landscape . . . ditto 239 Large Landscape . . . ditto 240 David with the Head of Goliah . . G, Honthorst 241 Still Life, Pish, &c. . • . Vouch 242 Susannah and the Elders . . . Caravaggio 243 Lot and his Daughters . . . Parmagino 244 Landscape with the subject of Mercury & Argus Breemhurgh 245 Large Landscape. (Dated 1662) . . J, Lotin 246 Boy blowing a Fire Brand . . G, Honthorst 247 Holy Family .... After Raffael 248 Head of an Old Man . . . Caravaggio ditto Van Somer NO. 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 17 ARTIST. A Miser examining a Coin by Candlelight . J. More Large Landscape . Jan Looton Head of an Old Man . Caravaggio Fame Crowning Victory . Vander Vinne Still Life Vouch ANTE-ROOM TO THE GALLERY. Small Flower picture (j^ ) S. Varalst Landscape, Water and Ruins G. Jldema Small Flower picture ^ S. Varelst Landscape, Ruins, Waterfall, &c. G. Edema Holy Family .... Holy Family .... Sea Piece. Calm ^ . Brooking A Dutch Boor .... D, Teniers Landscape and Figure, Youth and Age Head of a Painter A. Caracci A Circular Landscape . • F. Brill Portrait of a Lady in a white Hood . Fourhus Erasmus .... Holbein St. Jerome .... Sir Anthony More By himself Lady with a Lamb J, Mabuse Herodias with the head of St. John the Baptist . A, Devis 18 NO. 272 Portrait of a Gentleman in a liat 273 Portrait of a Gentleman with a Sword 274 The Judgement of Paris 275 Head of a Satyr . 276 Adoration of the Maji-a-Pasticcio 277 Interior of a Church 278 Still Life 279 St Andrew 280 Head of Holbein . 281 Portrait of ^ (^7 . . . G, Ilonthorst 282 Portrait of a Clergyman 283 The Duke de la Melleraye. On the back— Charles de la Porte, Due de la Melleraye Pars et Marshall de Prance, Chevallier des Orders de AimsT. . H, Holbein n his hand ditto . G. Poelemburg . Caravaggio , D. Teniers . ; P, Neefs . Pe Heem H Vander Goes Roy. 1695 . . . . 284 The Marquis of Hamilton . 285 General Count Horn 286 287 288 Lady Catherine Howard 289 The Landgrave of Hesse Cassel 290 James Stewart Duke of Richmond. Died March 30th, 1655 SopL . t j f (4^ 291 Count Mirade . 292 Henry Duke of Gloucester. Born July, 1640, died in 1660 .... ? (3X) Justus Russell G, Honthorst Vandyeh G, Honthorst After Vandyeh M. Mireveldt M. Dahl 293 NO. 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 19 ARTIST. . M. Mireveldt F. Boll Fecit par P. Louise . G. Honthorst . ditto Portraib of ^ ^ OZ.) Sir Jolin Hepburn ^ f*)) . The Princess Royal ,0^ Anne Princess Palatine Sophia Princess Palatine. 1648 (^7) Louise Princess Palatine (on the hack) Fecitpas Madame La P. Louise Henrietta Princess Palatine . . G. Honthorst The Queen of Bohemia in black. (Dated 1650.) ditto King Charles the First 0^ Frederic Henry Prince of Orange. (Signed and dated 1623) .... James Duke of Monmouth. Born at Rotterdam in 1619 ^ (ySl) Portrait of . Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles the First 0" Justus The Duke de Bolonais. (Signed and dated 1626) M. Mireveldt'^ Portrait of Lord Craven ^ Bernard Duke of Weimar. A distinguished pupil of Gorton Adolphus. (Signed and dated 1630) 7*^ (jH) Prince Edward Count Palatine, Louis Duke of Bavaria, and R. G. Maurice. Ann de Gouraga of Mantua. Died 1663, leaving three daughters. (Signed and dated 1647) . . , G. Honthorst Lord John Craven . . ,11. Stone Duke Bernard . . . , M. Mireveldt Justus M. Mireveldt C, Jansen G. Honthorst M. Mireveldt NO. ARTIST. 313 Johannes Ernestus Dix Saxonie. (Name on the back) .... Vinarius 314 Sir Charles Morgan. (Signed and dated 1630) M. Mireveldt^ 315 General George Monk, Duke of Albemarle. Born ^ in 1608, died 1670 • . . Riley 316 Christian Duke of Brunswick . . M, Mireveldt 317 Sir Edward Cecil. Aged 59. Third son of the Earl of Exeter, he was Treasurer to the Queen of Bohemia in 1613, and was one of the Com- manders during the 35 year’s war in the Nether- lands. Died in 1638. (Signed and dated 1631) 318 Count Mansfelt. Born at Mecklin, 1586, died 1626 319 Portrait of ... 320 Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden. Born in 1595, died on the Plains of Lutzen, 1632 321 Sir Henry Vane, sen. (Signed and dated {^^t\diUo > t(m 322 Baron Teufel • • • ditto 323 Count Henri ^ . . G. Honthorst 324 Predricus Premolius Count Lavalli tWi M, Mireveldt 325 John Lord Craven. (Copied from an old inscrip- tion on the back) ^ ^ . 326 Prince of Denmark. (Signed and dated 1647) . M. Honthorst M 327 (^)^)) ^ 328 William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury . H. Stone 329 Portrait of it' (tOy) . • . M. Mireveldt 330 The Duke of Gloucester f . ^ . Fecit par P, Louise 331 Portrait of Gerrard Honthorst, the painter ditto ditto ^(ju ) ditto NO. ARTIST. 332 Portrait of . 333 Portrait of M. Mireveldt, painter 334 Lord Strafford 0l (yj . . After Vand^ck 335 Whole length portrait of Louise Princess Palatine in the dress of Abbess of Montruisson Fecit Par P. Louise 336 Portrait of . Lucretia de Saint Simon^ painter 337 338 Portrait of 339 Elizabeth Princess Palatine. (Signed and dated 1636) . . . G.Hontlwrst 340 Portrait in Armour. Second Earl of Kinnoul (Prom the picture by Vandyck, at the Grove) 341 The Countess Desabon, as a Shepherdess ’ ditto 342 Sir Christopher Clapham • 343 Portrait of . 344 Lady Clapham ^ • . 345 Amelia Countess of Solms . 346 347 Profile Portrait of the Queen of Bohemia. ^ 348 Whole Length of Charles the 12th, King of Sweden. . , . . . 349 Portrait in Armour. .... 350 Cardinal Mazarine 0 (./^ ) 351 MoBsr. Pagnani . . 'SSVo. ^ 352 William Earl of Craven’s Horse ^ X " ^ v Mytens 353 Whole Length of 354 Interior of a Larder. Voucik, NO. 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 22 ARTIST. Judith in the act of cutting off the head of Holo- fernese . . Sjpagnoleito Interior of a Blacksmith’s Shop. . The Binding of Moses. 1629. . . Barteus The Battle of J. Wyck The Queen of Bohemia as Yenus. (Signed and dated 1646.) . . G. Honthorst The Siege of Malta. . . Hugtenhurgh Nymphs, Satyrs, &c. . . G. Honthorst A Horse. . . J. Furnely Portrait of a Lady . Sir J, Reynolds David Playing on his Harp Portrait of Portrait of . . G. Honthorst Portrait of a Lady • Christ Bound . Dead Fowls, Fish, &c. . . Vouch Whole Length of a Knight in Armour with Horse John Lord Craven ^ , . W. Honthorst Portrait of a Lady with an Orange Flower in her Head. .... . . P, Louise Dead Ducks, &c. . . Vouch Portrait of a Gentleman in Armour. (Dated 1647) .... Justus The King of Bohemia in Golden Armour . W, Honthorst NO. ARTIST. 378 General Monk • 379 Queen of Bohemia . . W. Honthorst 380 Lady Thynne . . Hanneman 381 William Earl Craven . Fecit P. P, Louise 382 Princess Mary. . . P. Louise 383 384 The Duke of Albemarle Riley 385 The Archduke of Austria . 386 Prince Charles. This Original Picture of Prince Charles who commanded the unfortunate Army in Scotland in 1745, was painted by Humphries, to whom the Prince sat for it at Rome, in 1735. It was given by Lord Craven to his Mother . Humphries 387 The Archbishop of Austria. . . Mignard 388 389 Portrait of a Lady as Diana. ^) . . G. Honthorst 390 Arabella, married to General the Honorable Fredrick St. John, in 1793, and died in 1819 (Signed and dated 1776) . 391 Miss Craven with her Nurse. 1776. • 392 Portrait of Miss Turner 393 Head of a Satyr. 394 A White Dog. 395 Lady Craven of London. CiZ ^ 396 Portrait of Lady Carlisle. 397 Lord Craven. 398 Satyrs and Cupids T, Beach ditto . Sartorius , G. Honthorst After Vandych . After Poussin NO. 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 24 Portrait of a Lady AKTiST. Satyrs, Cupids, &c. Landscape, Vv^ith Duck Shooting, &c. . . After Poussin Landscape, Ruins, &c. . A. F. Diest Prince Palatine. (Signed and dated 1639.) . G, Hontliorst Portrait of a Lady in the time of Queen Elizabeth. V. Somer King of Bohemia. Portrait of Mrs. Mary Pemberton. A Shepherd and Shepherdess. Mireveldt Mary Queen of Scots. . Knapton Mrs. Green. . ditto Female with a Veil in her hand. . Scliidoni Flight of the Amazons after the Battle. S. Be Vos Georgina Carolina Lady Holland. After Vandyek Dutch Boors Regaling. . After Brower Portrait of a Lady. 0^ (/^). , Knapton A Large Interior, a Lady and Gentleman Playing, a Figure Dancing, &c. • A Shipping Piece. . BrooTdng The Portrait of Mr. Greene Knapton Portrait of a Lady. Fecit Par P, Louise Head. . . Giorgione William Earl of Craven in Armour . Va7\dyck Anne Dudley. Fecit Pas P. Louise Henry Earl of Holland. After Vandyek A Cupid Sleeping . . Sir P. Lely 25 NO. ARTIST. 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 Stork, Ducks, &c. (Dated 1637) George the 1st, when a Boy. Portrait of Tomachachi, Chief of the Five Nations Lord Leigh, aged 11. A Sea Fight. The Conversion of St. Paul. A Flemish Village. A Sea View. Portrait of Sir K. Digby. . Landscape and Figure. Sara V. E, Parsons ditto P. Galvart After Yandijch 433 Night. A Ship on Fire. 434 St. Peter delivered from Prison. 435 Mrs. Mary Pemberton. 436 Dutch Merry Making. 437 438 Landscape, Waterfall. 439 Venus and Satyr. 440 Mrs. Elizabeth Howard. 441 William Earl Craven. 442 A Dog running after a Moth. 1771.*^^^^^^) 443 444 Portrait of a Gentleman in his Robes. 445 A White Horse. 446 Diana discovering Calista. . 447 Diana and Actaeon 448 Portrait of a Lady 449 Battle. / i i) . Wilson . Breemburgh . Sir P. Lely . P. Louise Tlios, Sartorius ^ , jP. Louise . ditto S. de Vos . ditto J. Wych 26 NO. ARTIST. 450 Princess Elizabeth, afterwards Queen of Bohemia. Van Somer 451 Portrait of the Duchess of Cleveland. . Victor Vignon 452 Head of Cupid. . . . ditto 453 Dog belonging to the Duchess of Cleveland . ditto 454 Mrs. Elizabeth Howard 455 Portrait of William Earl of Craven, from Catesby Abbey, Northamptonshire . . . G. Honthorst 456 Portrait of a Lady . . , De Troy