iTHP MASTmPlECES OF GLASGOW, GOWANS & CRAY IT“ LONDON, BR-IMLEY JOHEoSMLCE L td From the Library of Frank Simpson Telegraphic Address t "GALERADA, LONDON/' Telephone No. 1117 , MAYFAIR. CLAUDE & TREVELYAN, Messrs. CLAUDE & TREVELYAN also invite the attention of anyone desiring Portraits painted in Miniature or Pastel, to the works of Mr. Edward Taylor, the acknowledged first Miniaturist of our time, and Mr. E. F. Wells, the clever painter of Portraits in Pastel. Attention is also directed to the work of Mr. Gregory Robinson, an exceptionally clever painter of Marine Pictures in Water Colour, and to the exception- ally fine Portraits of Horses by Mr. Lynwood Palmer. THE CARLTON GALLERY, PALL MALL PLACE, LONDON, S.W. PURCHASERS AND SELLERS OF FINE PICTURES BY THE BEST OLD MASTERS. Pictures and Engravings Cleaned and Restored. Valuations made for Probate or otherwise. Modem German Artists THE PLATES IN OUR NEW WORK NOW COMPLETED, One Hundred Masters of tli© Present Day In Coloured Reproductions REACH THE HIGH-WATER MARK OF EXCELLENCE IN COLOUR-PRINTING. They are published in Twenty Parts at Two Shillings net each, and the Publishers will be pleased to send a Specimen Copy of Part I., containing five Magnificent Plates, Post Free on receipt of P.O. for 2s. Price: Bound Complete in One Volume, Half Crushed Persian, Gilt Edges, 42s. Net. GO WANS & GRAY, Ltd., Glasgow. BRIMLEY JOHNSON & INCE, Ltd, 35 Leicester Square, London, W.C. “THE ANTIQUARY” (e. Booth-Jones/ ,N °cZ^Z:' s MANCHESTER, Is the most interesting Shop in Lancashire to all who wish to Buy or Sell GENUINE ANTIQUES. FREE TO CONNOISSEURS m Illustrated Catalogue. Goods Purchased unseen Returnable if Disapproved. Small Items sent on appro, to satisfactory applicants. 500 Ever-changing Pieces of Old China and Pottery always on hand CONNOISSEVR AMAGAZ INE - FOR- COLLECTORS , ItXOaTSATf'.D ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 18 s. M ONTHLY OneSMUlxv? POST T HE articles are written by acknowledged experts, and are illustrated by unique photographs and drawings of im- portant examples and collections from every part of the world The high standard of excellence by which the magazine has been distinguished during the three years of its publication is fully maintained, and when bound it forms a standard work of reference. The • • Connoisseur Create on aCf sufijecfs interesting to Cof&ctors anb persons of culture* If you have never purchased a copy, do so, and you will be struck at the lead that Great Britain has taken, at any rate, in the production of a really artistic, and at the same time, thoroughly instructive and interesting publication. la. Net. 12a. Per Annum, of all Booksellers. 1©s. Post Free for the United Kingdom. 17s. Post Free for Abroad. Publishers: ^ Carmelite House, E.C. Advertising & Editorial Offices: 95 Temple Chambers, E,C Peeket Anthoiogies No. no. mo. Compiled by ADAM L. GOWANS, M.A. 16th Thousand. 1.— THE HUNDRED BEST POEMS, (LYRICAL) m the English lan- guage. 5th Thousand. 2. — THE HUNDRED BEST POEMS (LYRiCAL) IN THE ENGLISH LAN- GUAGE. SECOND SERSES. Just Published. 3. — THE BOOK OF LOVE : one hundred of the best love-poewis IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Others in Preparation. Prices: Paper, 6d. Net. Cloth. Is Net. Leather, 2s. Net. Postage, 1 o, GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd., Glasgow. BRIMLEY JOHNSON & INCE, Ltd, 35 Leicester Square, London. W.C« Gowans’s Art Books, No. 3 The Masterpieces of Rembrandt CARSON & NlCOL, PRINTERS, GLASGOW. Portrait of Himself ( Buckingham Palace) F. Han/staengl, Photo . THE MASTERPIECES OF REMBRANDT Sixty reproductions of photographs from the original paintings by F. H anfstaengl , affording examples of the different characteristics of the Artist's work Glasgow: GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd. London : BRIMLEY JOHNSON & INCE, Ltd. 1905 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 'J'HE Publishers beg to express their thanks to Mr. Franz Hanfstaengl for the readiness with which he has per- mitted theni to make use of his valuable collection of photographs. Many lovers of Art will no doubt wish to possess larger copies of sojne of the pictures than those given in this little book , which are neces- sarily very small. The Publishers beg to refer such readers to pages 6j et seq., for particulars. 6 F. H anfstaengl, Photo. Portrait of Himself ( Art Gallery , Glasgow) Portrait of Himself as an Officer ( Royal Gallery , The Hague') F. Han/staengl , Photo. 8 Portrait of Himself F. Han/staengl, Photo, with a Casque (C asset Gallery ) 9 Portrait of Himself i with a Gorget ( Royal Gallery, Berlin ) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo . TO Portrait of Himself F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. ( Royal Gallery , Berlin) 3 Rembrandt’s Wife Saskia as a Young Girl ( Royal Gallery , Dresden) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. Saskia with a Red Carnation F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. ) (Royal Gallery, Dresden) 5 Saskia (Mrs. Joseph! s Collection , London ) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. Saskia {Royal Gallery , Berlin ) JR. Han/siaengL Photo. i7 Rembrandt and Saskia F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. ( Royal Gallery , Dresden ) IS Portrait of a Sister of the Artist (?) > (Liechtenstein Gallery , Vienna ) F. Han/staengl, Photo. F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. Rembrandt’s Mother ( Imperial Gallery , Vienna)' so Portrait of an Old Woman (Rembrandt’s Mother ?) ( The Hermitage , St. Petersburg') F. H anfstaengl, Photo. 21 Pastor Anslo and his Wife F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. ( R Si At SI 1 CZst 1 ) William Prince of Orange, F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. Afterwards William III. (Unfinished) (. Spencer Collection) 2 3 The Countess of Desmond ( Windsor Castle) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. 2 4 Elisabeth Bas {Royal Museum, Amsterdam) F. H anfstaengl, Photo. Willem Burggraeff ( Royal Gallery , Dresden ) jP. Hanfstaengl , Photo. John Sobieski, King of Poland (?) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. (The Hermitage , St. Petersburg') Portrait of Nikolaus Bruyningh (?) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. (C asset Gallery) l8 Portrait of an Old Woman {The Hermitage , St. Petersburg) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 29 The “Man with the F. Han/staengl, Photo. Copper-Coloured Nose” (Cassel Gallery) 3 ° Boy Singing ( Imperial Gallery , Vienna ) F. Iian/staengl , Photo. Portrait of a Man {Royal Gallery , Brussels) F. Han/staengl , Photo. 12 Portrait of a Lady ( Spencer Collection ) F. Han/staengl, Photo. 33 Portrait of a Young Man F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. with a Hat (Phe Hermitage , St. Petersburg) C Portrait of a Young Man ( Windsor Castle) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo . Portrait of a Young Man ( Dulwich Gallery ) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. 36 Portrait or a Man {Imperial Gallery , Vienna ) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. Portrait of a Young Girl F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. (. Devonshire Collection , London ) 38 Portrait of a Lady (. Liechtenstein Gallery , Vienna) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo . 39 Portrait of a Man ( Liechtenstein Gallery , Vienna) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. 4 o Portrait of an Old Lady ( National Gallery , London) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. 4 * Portrait of a Man (. National Gallery, London) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. 4 7 Girl with Flowers ( The Hermitage , St. Petersburg) F. H anfstaengl , Photo . 43 Girl at a Window , F. Han/staengl, Photo. ( Dulwich Gallery) Portrait of a Rabbi (. Devonshire Collection , Chatsworth) F. H an/st aengl. Photo. 4 A Man in Armour (Art Gallery , Glasgow) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. 4 * Old Woman Reading Hanfstaengl, Photo. ( Earl of Pembroke' s Collection ) \ 47 The Bittern Hunter {Royal Gallery, Dresden ) F. Iianjstaengl, Photo. 8 49 The Anatomy Lesson F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. ( Royal Gallery, The Hague ) 5 ° The Syndics of the Cloth Merchants F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. ( Royal Museum, Amsterdam ) 5 ' The Jewish Bride F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. [Royal Museum , Amsterdam) 5 2 Diana and Endymion (. Liechtenstein Gallery , Vienna) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 53 lBRAham and the Three Angels F. Han/staengl, Photo. {The Hermitage , St. Petersburg ) iechten- ^lilFICE St. Petersburg) F. Hanfstaengl , Phoio. 55 The Wedding of Samson F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. {Royal Gallery , Dresden) mm 56 The Vision of Daniel F. Han/staengl , Photo. ( Royal Gallery , Berlin ) 57 The Adoration of the Shepherds F. Han/staengl , Photo. ( Pinakothek , Munich ) 58 Simeon in the Temple F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. {Royal Gallery , The Hague ) The Holy Family (Phe Hermitage , St. Petersburg) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. 6o The Holy Family ' ( Pinakothek, M unicJi) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. 6i The Raising of the Cross ( Pinakothek , Munich ) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo . 62 The Descent from the Cross (Pinakothek, Munich) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 6 3 Landscape F, Han/staengl, Photo. ( Royal Museum , Amsterdam) 64 F. Han/staengl , Photo. 65 A Complete List of Published Photographs of REMBRANDT’S PICTURES to he had of Mr . Franz Hanfstaengl , 1 6 Pall Mall East, London, S.W. SIZES and PRICES of PHOTOGRAPHS— F = Folio (io"x 8") Silver Print, i J 6 ; Carbon Print, 3/- R = Royal (i5"xi2") - ,, 6/- I = Imperial (21" x 16*) - ,, 12/- Facs = Facsimile (28" x 20I") - ,, 30/- E = Extra (34^" x 26") - ,, 50/- Average Dimensions are quoted. In ordering it is essential that both Gallery and Order Number are stated as •well as the Size. Title. Gallery. No. Size. 1 ^ fc r-f W -*3 iz; ^ < VI 1 § Oh £L| The Jewish Bride, Amsterdam 6 FBI Facs F The Night Watch, 7 F B I Facs E F The Syndics, .... „ 8 F B I Facs E F Elisabeth Jacobs Bas, - M 55 FBI Facs E F The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Deymann, - M 56 FBI F Portrait of a Woman, - 253 F B F Mythological Scene (Narcissus?), ,, 254 FB F Landscape, ♦. 267 F B F La Baigneuse, .... Do. (Six Coll.) V I Anne Weijmer, .... Jan Six (1664), .... V I E Antwerp V I E Portrait of a Lady, V I E A Young Fisherman, ... Y F Portrait of an Old Jew. ff V F Portrait of a Burgomaster, Berlin Y I E The Moneychangers, ... 11 FB F Susannah and the Elders, - t , 36 FBI Facs F Kembrandt’s Wife, Sassia, - 38 FBI Facs F Portrait of the Artist, - 45 F B F A Young Woman at a Window 50 FBI Facs F (Hendrickje Stoffels), - Samson threatening his Father- ## 124 FBI F in-law, ..... Portrait of a Babbi, ... ” 132 FBI F Portrait of the Artist, - 140 FBI F The Bape of Proserpine, 144 F B F Minerva, •p 207 F B F 66 Gallekt. No. Size. Potiphar’s Wife accusing Joseph before her Husband, Daniel’s Vision, .... Joseph’s Dream. .... The Wife of Tobias and the Goat, Moses destroying the Law Tablets. Jacob wrestling with the Angel, - The Old Man in the Red Cap, - Anslo and his Wife, - - - The Sermon of John the Baptist, The Man in the Helmet, Portrait of a Man, An Angel appearing to St. Joseph, Portrait of a Man, seated, with a Stick, Saskia van Uylenburgh as a bride, Portrait of an Unknown, Portrait of the Poet Jan Krul, - Portrait of Nicolas Bruyningh, • Jacob blessing Manasseh and Ephraim, .... Portrait of the Artist in a Helmet Portrait of Nicolas Bruyningh (Bust), The Quill-Outter (Lieven van Copenolf) .... The Architect, .... The Big Landscape, with the ruins on the Mountain, The Holy Family (Woodcutter Family) ■ A Young Woman (Bust), Portrait of the Artist, Winter Landscape, The Bald Headed Man, The Old Man with the Copper- coloured Nose, The Old Man with the Gold Chain , The Artist’s own Portrait (20-21 years old), - A Man in Armour (The Guard), Saskia with a Red Carnation, An Old Man with a Stick, The Artist and his Wife Saskia, - An Old Man with a Beard, - Samson’s Wedding, Saskia as a Young Girl, The Rape of Ganymede, The Burial of Christ, - Willem Burggraeff, The Man with the Bittern, - Manoak’s Offering, The Gold Weighers, A Young Warrior, The Man in the Pearled Hat, The Artist, with a Drawing Book, A Man in a Fur Cap, seated in an Armchair, - A Girl at a Window, - A Young Man, - A Young Man, - An Old Man, - Berlin. Brussels Buda-Pesth Cassel Dulwich Dublin Nat. Gal. 312 F R 313 F R 606 F 607 F 608 F 609 F 610 F R 723 F R I 753 F R 764 FBI 36 FRI V I V x 3 FRI Facs E 6 FRI Facs 10 FRI Facs 11 FRI Facs E 13 FRI Facs E 20 FRI 21 FRI 22 FRI 23 FRI 2* FRIE 25 FRI 26 FRI 27 FRI 53 F 54 FR 55 F R 56 FRI 183 F 184 F R 40 FRI 42 R 46 FRIE 50 FRI 71 R I 77 FRI 110 R I 111 R 112 FRI 273 R 274 R I 275 R 276 R 370 R 371 R 372 R 70 FRI 71 FR 1025 F 1023 F F Prints at 1/- 67 Title. Gallery. No. Size. | Permanent! j Prints at 1/-I Shepherds reposing at Night, Dublin Nat. Gal. 1022 F An Old .Man, .... Florence, Pitti 37 F Portrait of the Artist. - 52 F Portrait of the Artis 6, * Florence, Uflizi Y 1 Interior of a House (replica of “ Menage du Menuisier ” in the Louvre, Paris),- V F Landscape, V I The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, Frankfort, Stad! V I Margaretha Hendrikse van Bilderdyk, .... V I The Painter’s own Portrait Glasgow 29 F R A Man in Armour, 46 F R I The Anatomy Leason’of Prof. Tulp, Hague 1 F R I Facs E F Simeon in the Temple,- 111 FRI F Susannah in the Bath, - 112 FR I F The Artist when a Youth. - 113 F R F The Artist as an Officer, 114 FRI Facs F Portrait of a Man, V I Diana and Endymion, ... Liechtenstein 96 F R The Artist when a Youth, - 97 FRI Facs A Calm Sea, .... 98 FR The Artist’s Sister, Portrait of a Lady, ;; 99 100 F R FR Portrait of a Man. 101 FR Portrait of a Woman, - London N. G. 66 FR F The Woman taken in Adultery, - 99 225 F R F A Jewish Merchant, 226 FRI F A Woman Bathing, 227 FRI F A Rabbi, 228 FRI F Portrait of the Artist, - 229 FRI F Portrait of a Man, 230 FRI Portrait of a Man, 99 231 FRI F Portrait of an Old Lady, 232 FRI 1 F Portrait of the Artist, 233 FRI wacs E F Adoration of the Shepherds, 99 372 F R F Landscape with Figures, 373 F R F A Capucin Monk, - - 374 F R F Christ before Pilate, The Descent from the Cross, 99 375 F R F 483 F F An Old Lady, - »» 1015 F R F The Burgomaster, - - ! 1016 F R F Queen Artemisia receiving the j Ashes of her Husband, - - j Madrid. Prado V I E A Head of an Old Man, - - i Metz Museum V Price 12/- Portrait of a Lady, - - - Milan, Brera Munich V F R I The Holy Family, 123 FRI F The Elevation of the Cross, - j 124 F R F Abraham’s Offering, - - - j 233 FR F Portrait of the Artist, - - - j 330 F R F Adoration of the Shepherds, 333 F R F Burial of Christ, - - - j Ascension of Christ, - - - I 334 F R 335 F R The Descent from the Cross, 440 F R F The Archangel Raphael leaving Tobias, | Paris, Louvre V F I The Good Samaritan, - V F I St. Matthew the Evangelist, i V F I The Disciples at Emmaeus, - V F I The Philosopher in Meditation, - V F The Philosopher in Meditation, - V F Le Manage du Menuisier, - » V F 1 68 Title. Gallery. Venus and Cupid,- - Portrait of an old Man, Portrait of a, Man, Portrait of a Woman (Hendrickje Stoffels), The carcass of beef, - A woman bathing, The bather, Portrait of a Man, ... Portrait of the Artist (1653), Portrait of the Artist (1634), Portrait of the Artist (1637), Portrait of the Artist (1660), Abraham and the 3 ADgels - Abraham’s offering, ... Joseph’s Coat, .... Joseph accused by Potiphar’sWife, Return of the Prodigal Son,- The Holy Family, A man in disgrace, ... The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, - St. Peter denying Christ, - The Descent from the Cross, The incredulity of tot. Thomas, - Danae. ------ An Old Woman with a book (f length)(Rembrandt’smother ?) An Old Woman (65 years old) (Rembrandt’s mother ?)- An Old Woman (her hands hidden in her wide sleeves), (Bust), (Rembrandt’smother) The Oaligraphist ( Lieven WillemszonCopenol?) - Pallas Athene, - A Jew (80 years old), seated on a chair), The so-called Johann Ill.Sobieski, King of Poland, - A Young Lady holding some flowers, A Turk. An Old Warrior, - An Old Jew, A Young Woman trying on earrngs, An Old Man, A Young Woman with a Carna- tion, The Rabbi Manasseh-ben-Israel,- Portrait of a Man. Hannah teaching Samuel to read. Portrait of an Elderly Woman, - Portrait of an Elderly Man, Portrait of 'a Young Man, - A Young Girl with a broom. The Dutch Poet Jeremias Decker A Young Man w-th a hat (ovai, with date 1634), - An Old Woman, - A Young Woman in front of a looking glass, - Paris, Louvre St. Petersburg No. Size. Permanent Prints at 1/- V F I V F I V F V F I V F I V F I V F I V F I V F I V F I V F I V F I 269 FRI 270 F R I F 271 FRI F 272 F R 275 FRI F 274 FRI F 273 F R 276 F R F 277 F R 278 FRI F 279 F R 280 FRI F 281 FRI 282 FRI F 283 F R 285 FRI 286 F R 287 FRI F 288 F R I E F 289 FRI F 290 FRI 291 F 292 F R F 293 FR 294 FRI 295 FRI 296 FRI 297 F R 294 FRI 299 F R 300 FR 301 F R F 302 FRI 303 FR 304 F R 305 F R 306 F R Prints at 1/- 89 Title. Gallery. No. Size. | -/lIUSLNniJ A Young Jewess, - Reconciliation of David and St. Petersburg 307 FR Absalom, A Young Man with a hat (oval), - 308 F R 309 F R Jesus at the Well,- ... >» 310 F R Portrait of the Artist, - Vienna S3 R I F A Youth Singing ,, 54 El F Portrait of a Man, »» SS R I F Portrait of a Woman, - 56 R I F Rembrandt’s Mother, - t9 57 R I F Paul the Apostle, .... 161 R F Portrait of the Artist, - *> 348 R I F PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. A Lady with a Fan, Portrait of the Artist, The Shipbuilder and His "Wife, - Noli me tangere, ... The Burgomaster Pancras and his Wife? (Rembrandt and his Wife Saskia), - The Adoration of the three Kings, Portrait of a Rabbi, Countess of Desmond, - A Young Man, .... St. Paul in Prison, ... A Man reading, - The Artist as a Young Man,- Head of an Old Man, ... Bust of a Young Woman, - The Burgomaster Six reading, - Abraham and the Angels, - Portrait of an Old Woman, - Portrait of an Old Man, Abraham’s blessing, ... Portrait of the Preacher J. C. Sylvius, - The Prodigal Son,- Portrait of a Rabbi, - The Artist’s Wife,- Portrait of an Old Man (en face with Biretta), - Portrait of a Young Girl, Portrait of a Man laughing, - Portrait of an Old Man, Portrait of a Man, Portrait of a Young Man, - David before Saul, ... An Old Woman, - A Man with a bare head and a black cloak, - A Young Girl at a window, - An Old Man, Isaac blessing Jacob, - Lightning, Portrait of a Man, ... The Wife of Jan Six, - Jan Six, ...... Portrait of Marten Looten, - The Artist’s Son Titus, H.M.’s at 76 FRI Buckingham Pal. 77 F R I 78 FRI 79 FR 80 FRI 81 FRI H.M.’s at Windsor 82 F R 60 F R 1 61 F R Andrbe Y F Besenval V I Andrassy V F Bonnat V F V .F V F Bourgeois V I Brownlow 1026 FR " 1027 FR 1028 FR Carstanjen V I Cook V I E Devonshire 49 FRI SO F ” 110 FRI 111 F R Double V F Burand-Ruel j V F ” V Y F I V I » V I V I 9f Y I 9t V I Farrer V I V F Fitzwiliiam 1020 F Henderson 1 V I 1 Holford | V I V I *» i V I 70 Title. Portrait of an Old Woman seated. The Man with the Sword, - Hagar andTsmael, Rembrandt’s Wife Saskia, - Rembrandt (about 60 years old),- Portrait of a Burgomaster, - An Old Man, Landscape, St, Peter amongst the Soldiers of the High Priest, - An Old Woman reading, Cornelia Pronk (1633b - The Husband of Cornelia Pronk (1632), Portrait of a Man, Hendrickje StoiTels, ... A carcass of beef hanging up, A Landscape with the Obelisk in the foreground and big trees in the background, The Standard Bearer, - Martin Daey (1634), Machteld van Doom, wife of the former, Portrait of a Man (? Professor Tulp), A Woman holding a fan, A Young Man, Portrait of a Man in a felt hat, holding a cloak in his right hand, Head of Christ, .... Christ, Rembrandt's Mother, - - - The Circumcision, - - - William of Orange, later William HI..- Portrait of a Woman, - Portrait of the Artist, - An Old Man (profile), - A Man laughing, - Head of a Young Man, - Diana bathing, .... Portrait of an Old Woman (with a rufi), ..... A River Landscape, Portrait of the Artist as a young 1 man, - La Femme k l'Eventail, The Salutation, - The Man with the Falcon, - Nicolas Berchem, - - - - The Wife of the former, The Duchess of Lorraine, - Portrait of a Woman, - - - Portrait of a Child, - Portrait of a Man,- ... Portrait of the Artist when younger, Portrait of Titus the son of the Artist, Portrait of a Man, The Good Samaritan, - - - ( Owhek. No. Size. S5 Sg S f Holford Ionides Joseph Neeld Northbrook V - V 1030 1021 1018 1024 78 79 I E I E FR F FR FR FR F Pein Pembroke Perrieie V 1019 V F F Pourtalez Rath V V V V I I I F Rothschild, G. de V V V I I E I ( Y I Sagan V V V I I 1 Sedelmeyer Spencer V V V 69 70 I I Price 10/6 F R F R 71 72 73 V V V V F R F R I F R F F F F Wantage Westminster FR I Yarboro’ Youssoupoff V V V V V V 1017 V V V F I E I I F I I E F R I F I 1031 F V I V I V I F Sketches, Unfinished and Doubtful Pictures have not been included in this List. Note.— Reproductions from Rembrandt’s etchings can be had at prices varying from 2/- to 12/-, according to subject. JETTY center library 3 3125 00715 8120 wfc . >